cj i 825 117 Copy J s\^#Jt& .■■■■ Ural ■ '■' ■■-i-'.iVf-' ■ ■ HP Mill I^MDS ■ k3B£ Mr I Mm :*»jrw ■ ■MB Sale of The Collection of RARE ( sfS M E 1) A L S of the late P INDEX. Cents (United States) ... Half Cents (U. S.) Dollars (tl. S.) Half Dollars (U. S.) Quarter Dollars (TL S.) Dimes (U. S.) Half Dimes (U. S.) American Gold Proof Sets (U. S.) Uncirculated U. S. Silver ... $5. Bechtler Piece Colonial and Continental Coins Medals Ancient and Foreign Gold Fractional Currency (U. S.) . CATALOGUE OF THE FORTY-THIRD PUBLIC SALE MAGNIFICENT RARE COIN COLLECTION OF THE LATE PETER MOUGEY, ESQR, OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. To be sold without reserve at the Collectors' Club 14 East Twenty -third Street, New York City, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 1 st, 2nd and 3rd, 1910, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon Daniel R. Kennedy Auctioneer. The Coins will be on exhibition at the Club on the days of the Sale only, between 9.30 a. ra. and 1 p. m. Only the coins (or one day's sale will be exhibited at a time. Catalogued by THOMAS L. ELDER, NumismatLt Member, American Numismatic Society, Fellow, Royal Numismatic Society. Great Britain, Member, British Numismastic Society, etc. Thirty-two East Twenty-third St., New York City Telephone 5899 Gramercy. Registered Cable Address : "Ranfurly, New York" Z" V ORDER OF SALE. ON SEPTEMBEE 1st, Lots from Nos. 1 to 417 inclusive will be sold. ON SEPTEMBER 2nd, Lots from Nos. 418 to 993 inclusive will be sold. ON SEPTEMBER 3rd, Lots from No. 994 to the end of the catalogue will be sold. This Catalogue Copyrighted, By Thomas L. Elder, 1910. ©CLA.271227 FOREWORD The late Peter Mougey, Esqr., may be said to have been a numismatic seer. The perfect preservation of practically every one of his coins proves that when, many years ago, he pur- chased the pieces, he looked far into the future. He prized only those coins which were beautifully preserved, only the ones which turn out to be the most valuable today. For this reason alone, Mr. Mougey must be regarded as one of the wisest, if not, indeed, the most far-sighted American numisma- tist of his day. His coins came from notable sales, including the Mickley, Winsor, Bushnell, Parmelee, Frothingham, Cleneay, Maris, and others. In gold coins this collection is especially rich. Included are choice lines of early Eagles, Half Eagles, Quarter Eagles, Three and One Dollar Gold Pieces, Gold Proof Sets, as well as the unique $5. Bechtler Piece reading "Butherford County", but lacking "150 Gr.", (which distinguishes the next rarest variety, sold in my James B. Wilson Sale to Mr.Granberg for $785.00), also fine Ancient and Modern Foreign Gold. Noteworthy are the following: — Eagles: 1795, 1796, 1797 (four stars before the bust), 1798, over 1797, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1803, 1804, and later. Half Eagles: 1795, 1796, 1797 (15 and 16 stars), 1798, 1799, 1800, 1802, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1818, 1819 (last record $650.), 1821, 1823, 1825, 1826, 1829 (excessively rare!), 1831, 1833, 1834 (with motto), 1834 (Crosslet 4 — without motto), etc. Quarter Eagles: 1796 (stars on obverse), 1797 (six stars be- IMPORTANT NOTICE! Note that your bids must be made at SO MUCH FOR EACH PIECB. The bid sheet will be found at end of this catalogue. SIZES OF COINS AND MEDALS ill this Catalogue given in Millimetres til 41 |?i 1 1 1 ! i u j 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 j i r u | n i 1 1 n n | i u u n u p » : ? p i u » t n m u * ; p i u i i » u u i u j u u j i 1 1 1 10 ao ao 40 a> «o •» ' eo ©o * s Abt. — About. D. — Pence. Dlf.— Different. F. — Fine. Fa. — Fair. O. — Good. (.Millimetres) ABBREVIATIONS : L.— Left. Lib. — Liberty. Obv. — Obverse. Oct. — Octagonal. R. — Right. Rev. — Reverse. voo Unc. — Uncirculated. V. — Very. Var. — Variety. Var. — Varieties. W. M. — White Metal. U. S. Mints are Designated as Follows: C. — Charlotte. C. C. — Carson City. D. — Dahlonega. O. — New Orleans. S. — San Francisco. Without Letter — Philadelphh CONDITIONS OF SALE. This is a bona-fide public sale, for prompt ca«h settlement, and irrespon- sible persons who are not sure whether they can pay for what they bid on, are asked not to bid. The cataloguer has taken special pains to describe each lot accurately. Errors will be corrected, but he reserves the sole right to de- eide upon any claims. These are the only conditions under which bids will be received. Coins and medals are sold at so much per PIECE, and no lot will be sep- arated. The auctioneer will accept any bid up to 50c, then 5c. up to $2.50, when 10c. advance must be bid, up to $10.00, when no advance under 25 cents will be accepted. If there are 5 pieces in a lot and you wish to pay $5.00 for the entire lot, then bid $1.00. lot, then bid $1.00. Auction sales are strictly for cash. Parties unknown to me and bidding for the first time, must give bank or other reliable reference, or their bids will not be executed. Forward your bids as early as possible, as thousands of bids have to be entered. Do not make ridiculously low bids, such as 10c. and 15c. on foreign silver coins worth several times over as bullion. Write your bids plainly, with a pen if practicable. Where the number of pieces in a lot is not given after the description, there is but one piece in the lot. Be sure you bid on the lot you wish to buy. All coins, etc., are genuine unless otherwise described. My charge for executing bids will be 5 per cent. No charge made for bidding except for lots actually purchased. Remit by money order or New York draft. We will send a printed list of the prices realized for the three days' sale, for $1.50, cash to be sent in advance. If any further information is required as to valuation of lots, or how to bid, please write the cataloguer, Thomas L. Elder. Catalogue of the 43rd Sale. LAEGE UNITED STATES CENTS. The Finest Collection Ever Offered. 1793. "Liberty Cap" variety. Crosby's 12-L. Perfectly centered, even impression, sharp, uncirculated, and partly red. From the Cleaney Sale, Lot No. 1800. Mr. Mougey journeyed from Cincinnati to Philadelphia for the sole pur- pose of securing this prize, which is the finest known speci- men of this variety, and as such its actual value is practical- ly unlimited. Plate. 1793. "Chain America' ' variety. Crosby's 4-C. The one with period after the word "Liberty". Nearly uncirculat- ed, a light olive. Excessively rare in this condition. Plate. 1793. "Chain America". Without period after "Liberty". Crosby's 1-A. Excepting for slightest rubbing on highest points of hair an uncirculated specimen, perfectly struck and a sharp impression. Excessively rare. Plate. 1793. "Wreath variety", with "vine and bars". Crosby's 7-F. Barring slight rubbing on highest points of hair an uncirculated, strongly struck piece of medium olive color. Very rare. Plate. 1793. "Wreath variety", with "vine and bars". Crosby's 9-G. Perfectly centered, sharp, uncirculated. An even olive color. The finest known! A prize. From the Leslie collec- tion. Excessively rare. Plate. 1794. New type, "Liberty head with cap". Hays 17. Un- circulated, with slight traces of original color. A light ol- ive. From the Winsor sale, lot 829. Excessively rare ia such condition. Plate. 1794. Hays 18. Uncirculated, strong impression. A beau- tiful even light olive color. Very rare. Plate. 8 U. S. CENTS 8 1794. Hays 23. Slightest rubbing on fore-hair. About uncirculated, a light brown. Bare. Plate. 9 1794. Hays 32. The "Fallen 4" variety. Sharp, evenly milled impression, dark olive, about uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 10 1794. Hays 34. "The Young Head". Evenly struck, strong impression. Uncirculated, steel color. Very rare. Plate. 11 1794. Hays 54. Strong impression, uncirculated, partly red. Extremely rare so fine. Plate. 12 1795. Thick planchet, lettered edge. Variety in which the figure 5 in the date is merged in the bust. Fraction figures are even. Uncirculated, perfectly centered, with traces of original red on the reverse. Excessively rare. Plate. 13 1795. Thick planchet, lettered edge. Same variety as last. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. 14 1795. Thick planchet, lettered edge. Same variety. A few slight nicks. Very fine. Bare. Plate. 15 1795. Thin planchet with plain edge. l ' One Cent " high in the wreath, which, has ten berries; top of figure 5 in date touches bust. Slight dent at edge over "Liberty", other- wise uncirculated, a light olive. From the Parmelee collec- tion. Bare. Plate. 16 1795. Thin planchet, "One Cent" high, as last. From the same die as last. A perfectly centered uncirculated gem. One of the finest known, if not the finest. A medium olive color. Excessively rare. Plate. 17 1795. Thin planchet, "One cent" in center of the wreath. The figure 5 in date just touches bust, the wreath has seven berries. Obverse struck slightly off planchet center. Un- circulated, a dark olive. Very rare. Plate. 18 1795. Thick planchet, plain edge, "One Cent" in center of wreath. Uncirculated, a medium olive. V. rare. Plate. 19 1795. Plain edge. The reverse same as 1796, with ten ber- ries. Uncirculated, slight proof surface. A medium olive color. Excessively rare. Plate. 20 1795. "Jefferson head". Nearly fine. Very rare. Plate. U. S. CENTS 9 1796. " Liberty Cap". Gilbert's B. Ten berries to wreath. Uncirculated, a light brown, with traces of original redness, Excessively rare. Plate. 1796. "Liberty Cap". Gilbert's J, with uneven date and figure 6 distant from the bust. The reverse same as last. Very fine, a dark olive. Plate. 1796. "Liberty cap". Gilbert's K. Evenly spaced date, figure 6 touching bust. Eeverse has 8 berries in wreath. Ex- tremely fine. Bare. Plate. 1796. "Fillet'. Gilbert's No. 5. Cracked die variety, with break through "ty" of "Liberty". Eev. has 14 berries; "One Cent" high in wreath. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1796. "Fillet". Gilbert's No. 15. In the date, figure 1 touches the hair, the figure 6 is merged in bust, die crack near date. Twelve berries in wreath. Uncirculated, a light brown, with traces of original red. From the Cleneay sale, lot No. 1808. Very choice even impression. V. rare. Plate. 1796. "Fillet". Gilbert's No. 15. Same as last. Uncircu- lated, a light brown. Very rare. Leslie Collection. Plate. 1796. "Fillet". Gilbert's No. 15, as last. Sharp, beautiful impression. Ad even light olive color. Uncirculated, a prize. Very rare. Disney Collection. Plate. 1797. Stemless wreath. Die break behind head. Ten ber- ries in wreath. Uncirculated, with traces of original red on reverse. The finest known of this variety. Excessively rare. Plate. 1797. With stems to wreath. "S" in "States" directly over opening at top of the wreath, milled border, and wide- ly spaced date. Perfectly centered and sharp. A light ol- ive. Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 1797. The same variety as last. Perfectly milled, bold im- pression. Splendid light brown color. One of the finest, if not the best, known. Extremety rare. Plate. 1797. The same variety. Uncirculated, sharp, a light brown. Very rare. Plate. 1797. The same variety. Evenly centered, bold impression. A dark olive. About uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 10 V. S. CENTS 33 1797. Closer date than last, "S" .in "States" to right of opening at top of wreath; six berries in each branch. Sharp proof, partly red. Excessively rare so choice. Plate. 34 1798. Small wide date, the figure 9 poorly designed, milling broad. Reverse has ten berries in wreath, fraction bar is short, and figures small. Obverse has several slight spots. Uncirculated, a light brown. Shorthouse collection. Rare state. Plate. 35 1798. Same variety as last. Uncirculated, a dark olive. Rare. Plate. 36 1798. Large, close date, broad milling. Ten berries in wreath, long fraction bar, small 1/100, "S" in "States" to right of opening at top of wreath. Uncirculated, black. From the Cleneay sale, lot 1815. Rare variety. Plate. 37 1798. Small, widely spaced date, slight die break at rim in front, of face, "E" in "States" too large, and slightly to left of opening in wreath, short fraction bar, and small 1/100, slight die-break to left of fraction. Uncirculated, iridescent steel color. Rare preservation. Plate. 38 1798. Minute milling, figure 8 in date too high and too large. Small berries in wreath, "f" in "of" weak, small 1/100. Uncirculated, a dark olive. Rare preservation. Plate. 39 1798. Small, wide date, figure 8 too small, and figure 9 too low. Uncirculated, a light brown. Rare preservation. Plate. 40 1798. Narrow milling, figure 8 in date close to bust. Die- break on reverse extends from fraction through wreath and "e" of "United" to border. Uncirculated, a dark olive. Rare. Plate. 41 1799. Perfect date. Date unusually bold. Entire piece is well centered, all parts strongly struck up and uniform. Very fine. A dark olive. Excessively rare. The finest 1799 I have ever offered for sale. Plate. 42 18001 With first in date over 9. Superb even, strongly struck example of a beautiful light brown color. Uncircu- lated. Perfection. A $100 coin. 43 1800. Perfect date. From a different die, the fraction bar is longer. About uncirculated. A golden olive color. Very rare. From the Cleneay sale, lot No. 1817. Plate. J3. S. CENTS 11 44 1800. Obverse die broken through date, the left field and through word " Liberty". Short fraction bar on reverse. Uncirculated, sharp, fine impression, a reddish olive color. Extremely rare. Plate. 45 1801. The figure Is' in date have no points. The fraction on reverse unevenly spaced, the fraction bar is short. Per- fect die variety. Uncirculated, evenly struck piece, a light uniform olive color. Very rare. Plate. 46 1801. Perfect date, the same variety. Sharp, evenly milled and perfectly struck. The piece has several minute nicks. Uncirculated, a light olive. Very rare. Plate. 47 1801. Same, perfect die, with 1/100 on reverse. Extremely fine, a dark olive. Plate. 48 1802. The figure 1 in date blunt and distant from hair; 1/100 on reverse high up, and small. Superb, sharp, even impression, of a light olive color. ( 'leneay Sale, Lot. No. 1819. Perfect in every particular. Very rare. Plate. 49 1802. The figure 1 in date is blunt, and touches the bair; the fraction bar on reverse is shorter than on last and the stems are shorter. Strong, evenly struck, a steel color. Very choice and rare. Plate. 50 1802. Large, close date, the figure 1 blunt and distant from the hair. The wreath has 9 berries, while the two preceding lots have 10. The fraction bar is medium short, the right stem points to right arm of A, 1/100 is small. Choice, sharp, even impression, of a uniform dark olive color. A gem of the highest order. Plate. 51 1802. Nine berries in wreath, fraction on reverse widely separated, letter "S" in "States" to right of opening at top of wreath, stems are distant from wreath. Magnificent even, sharp piece of a dark olive color. Plate. 52 1802. Ten berries in wreath; small 1/100, wreath stems close to leaves. Similar to lot 49. Very fine. Lustrous ol- ive color. Eare. Plate. 53 1803. The figure 3 in date is short and broad, and just touches the bust, the die is broken along point of bust to rim; 1/100 is small, the fraction bar medium short. Mag- 12 U. S. CENTS nificent, sharp, even impression, every hair-line struck bold- ly up. Uncirculated, almost bright red. Excessively rare thus. Plate. 54 1803. Different die from last, in this the figure 3 in date is longer and does not touch bust, the obverse and reverse dies both perfect; fraction bar is very short, the stems distant from leaves. Splendid even impression, a golden light olive. Uncirculated. Disney Collection. Very rare. Plate. 55 1803. Small 1/100. Same variety as lot 53. Uncirculated, sharp, a beautiful iridescent steel color. Very rare. Plate. 56 1803. Small, compact date, large 1/100, fraction bar very short, wreath stem ends close to leaves, slight reddish stain spot before point of bust, otherwise uncirculated, a light ol- ive. Very rare state. 57 1803. Large, unevenly spaced date, figure 3 too long and does not touch bust; small 1/100, stem ends close to leaves. Superb, even, sharp impression, the piece of uniform light olive color. A gem fit for any collection and could not be surpassed. Plate. 58 1803. Similar to lot 56, with large 1/100. Slight traces of die break in left obverse field extending down and through 1 in date. Sharp, perfect impression, of even dark olive col- or. Very rare state. Plate. 59 1803. The rare 1/100 over 1/000 variety, with "tuft" under chin. Unique uncirculated, light olive condition, sharply struck. The finest 1803 cent in all probability and as such valuable. Cost $65, and is worth more. Plate. 60 1804. Perfect die. Choice, even impression. Nearly uncir- culated, a medium olive color. Excessively rare. Valued at $100. Plate. 61 1804. Die broken on obverse only. Strong, evenly struck piece. Extremely fine, olive and steel color. From the Par- melee Collection. Excessively rare. Plate. 62 1804. "Bestrike". Uncirculated, bright red. Plate. 63 1805. Blunt 1 in date. Short fraction bar, "E" in "States" to right of opening at top of wreath, berries large. Bold* even impression. Uncirculated, partly red. Extremely rare in this preservation. Plate. U. S. CENTS 13 64 1805. Blunt 1, same variety as last. Small stain spot on re- verse. Even, choice impression. A handsome light brown color. Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 65 1805. Blunt 1, from different die, berries are smaller, and letter ' * S ' ' in " States ' ' directly over opening at top of wrth. One or two trifling nicks on reverse. Fine, even impression. Uncirculated, a dark olive. Very rare. Plate. 66 1806. Choice, sharp example, evenly centered. One or two slight edge nicks. Uncirculated, an even, dark olive. Ex- tremely rare so fine. Plate. 61 1806. Same die. Evenly struck cent of a medium olive col- or. A gem, uncirculated. Extremely rare. Plate. 68 1807. Small perfect date, small 1/100. The "Comet" vari- ety, with break behind head. Uncirculated, a light brown. Extremely rare state. Valued at $100. Plate. 69 1807. Small, perfect date, large 1/100. Magnificently struck piece, perfectly centered, bold impression. Uncirculated, partly red. Excessively rare. In this condition $125.00 would not be too much for it. May be the finest extant. It cost $100. Plate. 70 1807. Small perfect date, large 1/100. Same variety as last. Several slight spots on obverse. Evenly centered example of light olive color. Uncirculated. Extremely fine. Plate. 71 1807, over large 6. Bold impression. Uncirculated, a me- dium olive. Extremely rare, "Cannot be improved". This is the variety which sold in my sale recently for $106. Ex- cessively rare. Plate. 72 1807, over large 6. Same variety. Strong impression. A medium olive. From the Cleneay sale, lot No. 1828. About uncirculated. Very rare. 73 1808. Thirteen stars. New bust type. Bold impression, stars, date, etc., evenly struck up. Barring one or two slight nicks, uncirculated, a reddish olive. Cleneay Sale, lot No. 1830. " Value $65". Extremely rare preservation. Plate. 74 1808. Thirteen stars. Beautiful even impression. Uncircu- lated, a light brown. Extremely rare preservation. From the Warner Sale. Plate. 14 U . S. CENTS 75 1808. So-called "12 stars" variety, the first of the thirteer stars being weakly outlined. Choice, evenly struck cent, oi exquisite medium olive color. Uncirculated, one of the fin- est known. Very rare. Plate. 76 1809. The "Comet' 7 variety, with break behind head. Splen- did evenly struck piece of an exquisite pale steel color. Un- circulated, as such excessively rare. The finest 1809 I have ever offered and I have had others that were unc. Plate. 77 1809. Rare, beautiful strong impression, both obverse and reverse perfectly centered. Uncirculated, a light olive. Ex- cessively rare. Plate. 78 1810. Perfect date. Choice, evenly struck piece. Slightest nick before neck. Uncirculated, a medium olive color. Very rare. Plate. 79 1810. Over date. Splendid, bold even impression, perfect- ly centered. Uncirculated, a medium olive, with traces of original red. "The finest known !" Excessively rare. Plate. 80 1810, over date. Same variety. Bold impression. Small nick near edge on reverse, otherwise uncirculated, a dark olive. Bare. Plate. 81 1811. Perfect date. Strong, even impression, all stars well struck up. A beautiful piece with perfectly centered obv. and reverse, so hard to get in this variety. Uncirculated, steel color. Excessively rare. Cleneay sale, lot 1833. Plate. 82 1811. Over-date. Bold, evenly struck cent, slightest nick on edge back of first star. Uncirculated, a medium olive. Excessively rare. Disney Collection. Plate. 83 1812. Small date. Strongly struck up stars, date, etc. A choice, steel colored piece. Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 84 1812. Small date, from same die. Bold impression, and well centered. Uncirculated, a medium olive. Very rare in this condition. Plate. 85 1812. Large date. Strong even striking of the entire piece. Uncirculated, a dark olive. Very rare so fine. Plate. 86 1812. Large date. Another beautifully struck example, similar to last in quality and color. Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. U. S. CENTS 15 37 1813. Splendid bold impression. Uncirculated, a light ol- ive, with slightest tracing of original redness on the obv. A cent remarkable as to color and condition, and one of the best known. Extremely rare. Cleneay Sale, Lot No. 1835. Plate. 38 1813. From the same die. Bold impression. Uncirculated, a dark olive. Very rare. Plate. B9 1813. From a different die than preceding. The figure 3 is smaller. On the reverse, the letter "S" in " States" is tO; the left of berry immediately in center at top of wreath. Un- circulated, a steel color. Very rare. Plate. 90 1814. Plain 4, without crosslet. Remarkably bold impres- sion and perfectly centered. Uncirculated, with traces of red, turning to a beautiful steel color. A gem! Very rare., Disney Collection. "The finest known". Plate. 91 1814. Plain 4, without crosslet. Same variety as last. Equal- ly bold and choice impression, about as desirable as last.. Plate. 92 1814. The 4 with crosslet. Magnificent bold impression, ev- ery star full. Uncirculated, a light olive. Cfteneay Sale, Lot No. 1838. Very rare. Plate. 93 1814. Crosslet 4, same variety. Perfectly centered, bold impression. Uncirculated, a reddish olive. Very rare and handsome. Plate. 94 1814. Crosslet 4. Choice, steel colored cent. Uncirculated*. Bushnell Sale. Very rare. Plate. 95 1814. Crosslet 4. Same variety as preceding. Strong im- pression. Brilliant black colored specimen. Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 96 1816. (None coined 1815). Perfect die. Coronet points m front of 6th star. Uncirculated, nearly bright red. Rare state. Haines Sale. Plate. 97 1816. Perfect die. Different die from last, coronet points directly to 6th star, * ' S ' ' in ' ' States ' ' directly over berry at top of wreath. Uncirculated. Cleneay Sale, Lot No. 183% Plate. 98 1816. Broken die. Uncirculated, a light olive. Randal! Sale. 16 U. S. CENTS 99 1816. Broken die. Uncirculated, with traces of redness. Handsome. Plate. 100 1816. Perfect die. Uncirculated, red. Scarce condition. Same variety as No. 96. Plate. 101 1817. Thirteen stars. "Tuft" variety, close date. Beau- tiful steel colored cent. Uncirculated. Rare. Plate. 102 1817. Thirteen stars. Open date, 18 17. Beautiful even, sharp impression. Uncirculated, a light olive. Plate. 103 1817. Thirteen stars. Same variety. Uncirculated, reddish steel color. 104 1817. Thirteen stars. Same variety. One or two slight pin point nicks. Uncirculated, sharp, with some proof sur- face. 105 1817. Thirteen stars. Wide, evenly spaced date. Beauti- ful impression, with sharp stars. Uncirculated, with traces of redness. A light brown. Rare. Plate. 106 1817. Thirteen stars. Same variety as last. Splendid spec- imen, well centered and boldly struck. A lustrous olive and steel color. One of the finest known. Plate. 107 1817. Thirteen stars, date, 1 8 17. Slightest nick before nose. Uncirculated, steel color. Rare. Plate. 108 1817. Thirteen stars. Close, evenly spaced date. Sharply struck impression and evenly centered. Uncirculated, a light olive. A gem. Plate. 109 1817. Thirteen stars. Wide, evenly spaced date. Strong impression. Uncirculated, a reddish steel color. Very choice. Plate. 110 1817. Thirteen stars. Wide, uneven date, 1 8 17. Coro- net points between 5th and 6th stars. Uncirculated, bright red. Rare. Plate. 111 1817. Fifteen stars. Date and every star boldly and even- ly struck up. A light olive color. Very rare state. Uncir- culated. Plate. 1.12 1817. Fifteen stars. Strong impression. Uncirculated, a medium olive. Rare. Plate. 113 1817. Fifteen stars. Boldly struck cent. Uncirculated, a reddish olive. Rare. Plate. U. S. CENTS 17 114 1818. Perfect die. Coronet points below 6th star, date ev- en. Uncirculated, red. A beauty! Eare. Plate. 115 1818. Perfect die, coronet points directly to 6th star, last 8 in date too high. Uncirculated, sharp and perfectly cen- tered. Eare. Plate. 116 1818. Perfect date. Same as last. Uncirculated, a light olive. A handsome cent. Plate. 117 1818. Broken die. Uncirculated, red. Plate. 118 1819. Small date. Exquisite iridescent proof. One of the finest known. Very rare. Plate. 119 1819. Small date. Bright red proof. Very rare. Plate. 120 1819. Small date. Uncirculated, a light olive. Scarce. 121 1819, over '18. Proof, light olive color. Very rare. Plate. 122 1819. Large, perfect date, die slightly broken through stars. Uncirculated, a reddish olive color. 123 1819. Large over date. Slight nick on cheek. Uncirculat- ed, a dark olive. 124 1820. Perfect die, small 2. Uncirculated, partly red. Eare. 125 1820. Small 2, die slightly broken. Uncirculated, bright red. 126 1820. Same variety. Bright red. 2 pes. 127 1820. Same variety. Uncirculated, one bright red. 2 pes. 128 1820. Same variety. Uncirculated. 4 pes. 129 1820. Perfect die, small, even date. Coronet points direct- ly to 6th star. Uncirculated, nearly bright red. Eare. Plate. 130 1820. Perfect die. Small even date, but from different die r coronet pointing just above 6th star. Uncirculated, a light olive. Brown Sale. Cost $14.50. Very rare. Plate. 131 1820. Struck over 1819, the in date too large; coronet points directly to 6th star. Uncirculated. A beautiful gold- en olive. One of the best known. Froth ingham Collection. Plate. 132 1820, over '19. Very small date, the figure in date small- re than last piece, while coronet points below 6th star. A beautiful piece, perfectly struck. Uncirculated, red, turn- ing to steel. Very rare. Plate. 18 U. S. CENTS 133 1821. Magnificent iridescent steel colored proof, perfectly centered and boldly struck np in every particular. The finest known 1821! " Plate. 134 1821. Iridescent, steel colored proof, with some redness. Extremely rare in such preservation. Plate. 135 1821. Splendid, boldly struck cent, with proof surface. Un- circulated, a uniform light olive color. A gem. Very rare. Plate. 136 1822. Beautiful golden and iridescent proof. Perfection. Could not be excelled. Excessively rare. Plate. 137 1822. Nicely centered and uncirculated. A light olive. Cost $15. Very rare. Plate. 138 1823. Perfect date. Splendid uncirculated, sharply struck up, perfectly centered specimen, a medium olive color. Ex- cessively rare, indeed this may be the finest! Plate. 139 1823. Eestrike. Proof, with practically no trace of the us- ual die break. Very rare. Plate. 140 1823. Eestrike. With practically no trace of the die break. Uncirculated, a light olive. Pare. Plate. 141 1824. Wide, perfect date. Uncirculated, a light olive. Ex- tremely rare in this state. Plate. 142 1824. Close, perfect date. A gem in every particular. Uncirculated, partly red and turning to steel. Plate. 143 1824. Compact perfect date, as last. In superb uncirculat- ed condition, nicely centered. Reddish olive color. Very rare. Plate. 144 1824. Small, compact date, as last. Beautifully struck and perfectly centered on obverse and reverse. Magnificent un- circulated light olive specimen, with traces of original red- ness. Plate. 145 1824. Compact, perfect date. A very rare specimen. Un- circulated, light olive piece, Plate. 146 1825. Diadem points to 6th star, lower curl to left of 5. Uncirculated, splendid piece of a steel color. Very rare. Valued at $25. Plate. 147 1825. Same variety as last. Uncirculated, beautiful gold- en olive color. Very rare. Cost $10. Plate. U. S. CENTS 1$ 148 1825. Diadem points below 6th star. Small spot near edge of reverse. Iridescent reddish proof. Extremely rare. Valued at $50. From the Parmelee Collection. Plate. 149 1825. Diadem points just below 6th star. Bed proof. Ex- cessively rare. May be finest example. Plate. 149a 1825. The same variety. Bright red. Uncirculated, with proof surface. Very rare. 150 1826. Wide, divided date. Splendid perfect, bold impres- sion. Uncirculated, partly red. Extremely rare in this state. Plate. 151 1826. Close date. Magnificent, perfect specimen. Uncir- culated, a bluish steel color. Verv rare. Winsor Sale. Plate. 152 1826. Same variety as last. Die slightly broken at rim.. Uncirculated, bold, choice impression. Very rare. A dark olive color. Plate. 153 1827, large 7, curl between 2 and 7 in date, diadem points just below 6th star. A splendid brilliant iridescent steel colored proof. The finest known 1827 cent! Plate. 154 1827. Diadem points below 6th star, curl directly over fig- ure 7 in date, heavy dash under "Cent", last "S" in " States' ' badly formed. Magnificent, bold, perfect im- pression. Iridescent steel colored proof with broad mill- ing. Extremely rare. Plate. 155 1827. Same variety as last. Sharp, evenly struck speci- men. A lustrous light olive. Very rare. Plate. 156 1827. Diadem points just below 6th star, light dash under "Cent", and reverse and obverse dies both perfect. Choice example, perfectly struck. Uncirculated, a reddish olive ? with traces of original red. Eare. Plate. 157 1828. Small date. Beautiful specimen, uncirculated, a golden olive. Very rare state. Cost $21. Plate. 158 1828. Small date. One or two minute nicks on cheek. Un- circulated, a reddish color. Very rare. Valued at $35.00- Plate. 20 U. S. CENTS 159 1828. Large, close date, with curl between 2 and 8; thick, short dash under word ' ' Cent ' \ " S ' ' in " States ? ' between two berries at top of wreath. Splendid cent of a light olive color. Plate. 160 1828. Large, wide date, curl over last figure 8; "S" in ' < States ' ' directly above letter " N ' ' in " One ' '. Beautiful specimen, a dark lustrous olive color. Plate. 161 1829. Large letters. Broad, deep milling. Bronzed proof. A beauty. Very rare. Plate. 162 1829. Same variety. Uncirculated, a lustrous medium ol- ive. Rare. Plate. 163 1830. With inner line. Large date. Iridescent and red proof. Almost unique in this state. Plate. 164 1830. Same variety. Uncirculated, a light olive. Plate. 165 1830. Same variety. Slightly spotted on obverse. Uncir- culated. A medium olive. Scarce. 166 1830. Same variety. Beautiful specimen. Uncirculated, with iridescent steel colored proof surface. A gem. Plate. 167 1830. Without inner line, broken die. Extremely fine, a light olive. 168 1831. Small letters on reverse. A brilliant red proof. The finest known. Plate. 169 1831. Large letters on reverse. Beautiful steel colored iri- descent proof. Excessively rare and valuable. Plate. 170 1831. Large letters, same variety as last. Magnificent un- circulated specimen, bright red turning to steel, the obv. with proof surface. Bare. Plate. 171 1832. Large letters on reverse. Splendid, even impression, bright red, uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 172 1832. Small, even date, large letters; diadem points below 6th star, first star distant from the bust, lower curl between 3 and 2 in date. Uncirculated, steel color. Rare. Plate. 173 1832. Small letters on reverse and small elate. First star close to bust and diadem points directly to 6th star, curl just over 2 in date, and die is broken through stars. Un- circulated, light olive. Bare. Plate. U. S. CENTS 21 1833. Large letters. Die broken through stars and on re- verse. Lustrous uncirculated, turning to steel. Magnifi- cent piece. Plate. 1833. Same variety. Uncirculated, sharp, light olive turn- ing to steel. Plate. 1833. The same variety. Uncirculated, sharp impression, with traces of original redness, a beautiful golden olive. Scarce. Plate. 1833. Small letters on reverse. Splendid cent, uncirculat- ed, a light uniform olive color. Very rare. Plate. 1834. Large, uneven, close date, small stars; curl just above figure 4 in date; the figure 3 too low; diadem points directly to 6th star. Brilliant red proof. The finest known. Plate. 1834. Large, compact, even date, small stars, diadem points below 6th star. Brilliant iridescent, steel colored proof. One of the very finest known. Excessively rare. Plate. 1834. Small, wide date. Large stars, die broken through stars. A beautiful golden colored, uncirculated cent. Rare. Plate. 1834. The same variety as last. Uncirculated, a light ol- ive, with traces of original red. Rare state. 1834. The same variety. Splendid uncirculated piece, of reddisb olive color. Scarce. Plate. 1834. Large, uneven compact date, small stars and small letters on reverse. Uncirculated, a light olive. Rare. Plate. 1834. Stars, date and letters on reverse large. Uncircula- ted, sharp, a beautiful reddish olive color. Rarely found so perfect. Plate. 1835. Small date, pointed diadem, like 1836. Uncirculat- ed, the obverse is bright red, the reverse a beautiful irides- cent steel color. Very rare state. Plate. 1835. The same variety. Uncirculated, a reddish olive col- or. 1835. Head of 1834, with small, curved date, blunt diadem. Beautiful piece. Uncirculated, a lustrous light olive. Plate., 22 U. S. CENTS 188 1835. Large date and large planchet, die broken through stars. Uncirculated, a lustrous olive. Very rare. Plate. 189 1835. Blunt diadem. Large date and stars. Uncirculat- ed, a light olive. Scarce. 190 1835. Large head and date, blunt diadem, large stars. Un- circulated, traces of original redness. Very choice. Eare. Plate. 191 1835. Large date and large stars, broken die. Fine; very rare. 192 1836. Perfect die. Iridescent, partly red, proof. Very rare. Plate. 193 1836. Perfect die. Uncirculated, a beautiful even original golden red. Very rare. Plate. 194 1836. Broken die. Uncirculated, a light olive. Scarce. Plate. 195 1836. Broken die. Uncirculated, dark olive. 196 1837. Beaded hair-string. Perfect die. Uncirculated, red. Plate. 197 1837. Beaded hair-string. Uncirculated, steel color, semi- proof. A beauty. Eare. Plate. 198 1837. Beaded hair-string. Uncirculated, a medium olive, sharp. 199 1837. Plain hair-string. A brilliant red proof. The finest known. Excessively rare. Plate. 200 1837. Plain hair-string. Uncirculated, red. Plate. 201 1837. Plain hair-tring. Uncirculated, a golden olive. Plate. 202 1837. Plain hair-cord. Uncirculated, sharp, a medium ol- ive. 203 1838. Bright red, with proof surface. Eare. Plate. 204 1838. Uncirculated, sharp, nearly bright red. Eev. is stained. Cogan sale, 1885. Plate. 205 1838. Uncirculated, sharp, iridescent color. Scarce state. 206 1838. Uncirculated, dark olive. Plate. 207 1838. Uncirculated, a reddish olive. 208 1839. Head of 1838. Slight nick. Variety without curl on forehead. Light nick on obv. Unc, reddish olive. Plate. U. S. CENTS 23 209 1839, head of '40. Uncirculated, partly red. Very rare state. Plate. 210 1839, head '40. Uncirculated, a dark, even olive. Eare. Plate. 211 1839. Silly head, break in die across head. Uncirculated, with traces of original color. Very rare. Plate. 212 1839. Silly head. Same variety. Uncirculated, dark ol- ive. Eare. 213 1839. Booby head. Uncirculated, proof surface, a light brown. Extremely rare so perfect. Finest known! Plate. 213a 1839. Booby head. Uncirculated, partly red. Eare state. Plate. 214 1839. Booby head. Two stain spots near edge. Uncircu- lated, a reddish olive. Eare. Plate. 215 1840. Large date. Uncirculated, bright red. Very rare. Plate. 216 1840. Large date. Uncirculated, medium olive, with traces of redness. Eare. Plate. 217 1840. Large date. Uncirculated, a uniform dark olive. Eare. 218 1840. Small date. Golden proof. Extremely rare. Plate. 219 1840. Small date. Uncirculated, reddish olive. Choice. Plate. 220 1841. Brilliant red proof. Very rare. Plate. 221 1841. Proof, mostly red. Very rare. Plate. 222 1841. Steel colored proof. Very rare. Plate. 223 1842. Large date. Uncirculated, partly red. Eare state. Plate. 224 1842. Large date. Uncirculated, medium olive, sharp. 225 1842. Small date. Brilliant red proof. Extremely rare. Parmelee Sale! Cost $33.00! Plate. 226 1842. Small date. Brilliant iridescent, steel colored proof. Very rare. Plate. 227 1843, rev. of '42. Brilliant red proof. Very rare. Plate. 228 1843, rev. of '42. Uncirculated, partly red. Very rare. Plate. 229 1843. Eev. of '42. Uncirculated, a dark olive. Eare. 230 1843. rare. 231 1843. rare. 232 1843. Rare. 233 1843. 234 1843. 235 1844. 236 1844. 237 1844. 24 U. S. CENTS Obv. of '42, rev. of '44. Dull reddish proof. Very Ralston Sale. Plate. Obv. of '42, rev. '44. Uncirculated, partly red. Very Plate. Obv. & rev. of '44. Uncirculated, medium olive. Plate. Obv. & rev. of '44. Uncirculated, dark olive. Rare. Obv. & rev. '44. Ex. fine. Brilliant golden proof. Extremely rare. Plate. Bright red proof. Very rare. Plate. Uncirculated, iridescent color, may have been proof originally. 238 1845. Red proof. Extremely rare. Plate. 238a 1845. Uncirculated, dull proof surface. Rare. 239 1845. Uncirculated, nearly bright red. Rare state. Plate. 240 1845. Uncirculated, dark olive, proof surface. Some might rate it as proof. Plate. 241 1846. Short figure 6, Avith the curious jumbled date. Un- circulated, nearly bright red. May be finest known. Very rare so perfect. Plate. 242 1846. Small 6, the figure 1 in date double cut, other fig- ures perfect. Nearly bright red. Very rare. Plate. 243 1846. Small 6, "18" in date double cut. Uncirculated, a dark olive; rare so fine. 244 1846. Small 6, perfect date. Brilliant proof, partly red; Extremely rare. Plate. 245 1846. Tallest date. Reddish, steel colored proof, with very sharp rim. Excessively rare. Plate. 246 1846. Tall date. Uncirculated, medium olive. 247 1847. Perfect date. Bright red proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 248 1847. Perfect date. Golden colored proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 249 1847. Date touches the bust. Uncirculated, a medium ol- ive. Rare. 250 1847. Date does not touch bust. Slightest nick behind head. Uncirculated, partly red; rare. U. S. CENTS 25 251 1848. Small date, smal] stars. Only one other known. From the Parmelee Sale. Very good. Plate. 1848. Proof, partlv red. Excessively rare. 1848. Dull proof. Very rare. 1848. Beautiful bronzed proof. Very rare. Plate. 1849. Proof, mostly red. Excessively rare. Plate. 1849. Red proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 1849. Beautiful, sharp, medium olive cent, almost proof. Very rare. 1850. Red proof, iridescent, turning to steel. Extremely rare. Plate. 1850. Brilliant uncirculated, proof surface. A gem piece.. 1851. Bright, uncirculated. 1851. Red, uncirculated. Plate. 1852. Red proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 1852. Iridescent steel colored proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 1853. Proof surface, reddish iridescent color. Rare. 1853. Uncirculated, reddish, iridescent surface. 1854. Date touches bust. Red proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 1854. Uncirculated, partly red. Different die. 1855. Upright 5s. Uncirculated, bright red. Scarce. 1855. Upright 5s. Uncirculated, partly red. 1855. Slanting 5s. Red proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 1855. Slanting 5s. Brilliant Unc, rare. Gem. 1855. Slanting 5s. Unc, sharp, reddish olive. 1856. Slanting 5. Iridescent proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 274 1856. Slanting 5. Brilliant red proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 275 1856. Slanting 5. Dull, reddish proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 276 1856. Straight 5. Uncirculated, sharp, a gem. 277 1856. Slanting 5. Bright red, choice. 278 1857. Large date. Uncirculated, sharp, traces of red. Rare. 279 1857. Large date. Uncirculated, partly red. Scarce. ^6 U. S. CENTS 280 1857. Large date. An uncirculated, red cent, which has been lacquered. 281 1857. Small date, partly red proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 282 Washington Cents. 1783. Large togated bust. Silver proof. Bare. Plate. :283 1791. Military bust to left, name. Rev. Small eagle, date. Edge lettered. Uncirculated, proof surface. Rare. Plate. 284 1791. The same variety as last. Uncirculated. Maris Collection. 285 1791. Similar obverse. Large eagle. Uncirculated. Rare. Mickley Collection. Plate. 286 1791. Same variety as last. Uncirculated, rare. HALF CENTS. Finest Collection Ever Offered. 287 1793. Liberty head to left with pole and cap. Crosby's 1-B. Uncirculated, sharp, a light brown. Very rare. Plate. 288 1794. Different Liberty head, facing to right, with pole and cap. A scarce variety with large head of Liberty and date distant from the bust and widely spaced. The wreath has seven distinct berries. Two slight edge dents, other- wise uncirculated, an even brown color. Very rare. Plate. '289 1795. Thick planchet with lettered edge. Uncirculated, a light brown. Excessively rare and in this state should bring $100 ! May be finest known. Plate. 290 1795. Thin planchet, perfect date, die break across reverse. Fine to very fine, but slight attempted puncture above "Liberty". 291 1796. Without pole. Very good. Excessively rare. 292 1797. Plain edge, with wide, small date, distant from the bust, and broad milling. Uncirculated, a medium olive. Excessively rare so choice. Plate. 293 1800 (None coined 1798-1799). New fillet head of Liberty, without pole and cap. Uncirculated, partly red. Very rare so choice. Plate. U. S. HALF CENTS 27 1802. over 1800. (None coined in 1801). Uncirculated, partly red. Unique in this condition! Plate. 1803. Uncirculated, nearly bright red. Excessively rare in this state. Cleneay Sale, Lot No. 1947. Plate. 1804. Plain 4, and wreath without stems. Uncirculated, partly red. Eare state. Plate. 1804. Crosslet 4, with steins. Uncirculated, a golden color. Eare state. Plate. 1804. Crosslet 4, without stems. Uncirculated, a light brown. Eare state. Plate. 1804. Crosslet 4, with "spiked" chin and "protruding tongue". Uncirculated, a dark olive. Eare state. 1805. Stemless. Uncirculated, with traces of redness. Eare state. Plate. 1806. Stems. Uncirculated. Bright red. Plate. 1807. Stems. Uncirculated with traces of original redness. Very rare state. Cleneay Sale, Lot No. 1956. Plate. 1808. over 7. Uncirculated. Beautiful light brown. Ex- cessively rare in this condition. Plate. 1809. New bust type of "Liberty". The so-called, over 1808. Uncirculated, a light olive. Eare. Plate. 1809. Perfect date. Uncirculated, a light brown. 1810. Uncirculated, a golden color. Very rare state. Plate. 1811. Apparently a restrike. Uncirculated, a light olive. Extremely rare. Frossard's 38th Sale. Plate. 1825. (None coined 1812-24). Uncirculated, sharp, partly red. Scarce. 1826. Uncirculated, partly red. Eare state. 1828. (None coined in 1827). Twelve stars. Uncirculat- ed, sharp ; rare. 1828. Thirteen stars. Uncirculated, bright red; scarce. 1829. Uncirculated, partly red; rare state. Plate. 1829. Uncirculated, sharp. Beautiful steel color. Eare. Plate. 1831. (None coined in 1830). Original. Proof. Excess- ively rare. Plate. 28 U. S. HALF CENTS 315 1832. Bright uncirculated, with proof surface. Very rare state. Plate. 316 1832. Steel colored proof. Only one known in this state. Plate. 317 1833. Brilliant red proof. Very rare state. Haseitine Sale. Plate. 318 1833. Uncirculated, sharp, light brown. 319 1834. Proof. Bare state. 320 1835. Red proof. Rare state. 321 1835. Uncirculated, steel color. 322 1836. Steel colored proof original. Excessively rare. Plate. 323 1840. (None coined 1837-39). Iridescent proof restrike. Extremely rare. Plate. 324 1841. Original red proof. Extremely rare. Plate. 325 1842. Red proof restrike. Extremely rare. May be the rarest half cent. Plate. 326 1843. Brilliant red proof original. Excessively rare. Plate. 327 1844. Iridescent proof restrike. Excessively rare. Plate. 328 1845. Iridescent proof restrike. Excessively rare, some say the rarest half cent. Plate. 329 1846. Red proof restrike. Excessively rare. Plate. 330 1847. Red proof restrike. Excessively rare. Plate. 331 1848. Red proof restrike. Excessively rare. Plate. 332 1849. Small date. Iridescent proof original. Excessively rare. Plate. 333 1849. Large date. Uncirculated, golden color. 334 1850. Uncirculated, steel color. 335 1851. Red proof. Very rare. Cleneay Sale, Lot No. 1985. Plate. 336 1852. Iridescent proof restrike. Very rare. Plate. 337 1851, '53. Uncirculated, first red. 2 pes. 338 1854. Uncirculated, red. 339 1855. Proof, the obverse bright red. Very rare. Plate. 340 1856. Red proof . Rare state. Plate. 341 1857. Dull red proof. Rare. Plate. UNITED STATES FRACTIONAL CURRENCY. Crisp, unless stated to be otherwise. First Issue. 25c, plain edges, without A.B.N.Co. Rare. — 25c, without A.B.N.C0. — 5, 10, 25 and 50c, with A.B.N.Co. 4 pes. — Another set as last. 4 pes. — Another set, as last. 4 pes. — Another set, as last. 4 pes. — 5c notes, same variety. Mostly crisp. 10 pes. — 10c notes (3), 25c (1). V. F. and Une. 4 pes. — 5, 10, 25, 50c. Perforated edges, without A. B. N. Co, Very rare. 4 pes. — Another set as last. About perfect. Rare. 4 pes. Second Issue. 5, 10, 25 and 50c, Washington in gilt ring. Plain paper. 4 pes. — 25c notes, with light and dark rings. Ex. F. and new. 2 pes. — 5, 10, 25 and 50c. Plain paper. 4 pes. — 5c Notes (4), 10c notes (3), plain paper. V. F. &Unc. 7 pes. — 25c, plain paper (4), 50c (1). 5 pes. — 10c (2), 25c, fibre paper (1). Crisp and very good. 3 pes. — 50c Split fibre paper, light and dark rings. Rare. 2 pes. — 50c Fibre paper, dark ring. Ex. fine. Third Issue. 3c Washington, light and dark curtains. 2 pes. — 3c Washington, light and dark curtains. 2 pes. — 3c Washington, light curtain. 4 pes. — 3c Washington, light curtains. V. G. 3 pes. — 5c Clark. Red back and green backs. 2 pes. — 5c Clark, green back, V. G. (1). Crisp (3). 4 pes. — 10c Washington, red back and green backs. 2 pes. — 1.0c Washington, red back, autogr. sigs. Colby & Spin- ner. Rare. 80 U. S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY 368 — 10c Washington, green back. 4 pes. 369 — 25c Fessenden. Eed back; scarce. 370 — 25c Fessenden, green back, plain paper. 7 pes. 371 — 50c Spinner, green backs. Two varieties. 2 pes. 372 — 50c Spinner. Two varieties. 2 pes. 373 — 50c Spinner, 50s at ends. 2 pes. 374 — 50c Spinner, red back, engraved signature. Eare. 375 — 50c Spinner, red back, autographic signatures of John Allison and Spinner. Very rare. 376 — 50c Spinner, red back, autographic signatures Colby & Spinner. Fine; rare. 377 — 50c Justice. Heavy fibre paper, gilt letters on reverse, green back. Eare. 378 — Two more, as last. Eare. 2 pes. 379 — 50c Justice, as last. Ex. Fine. 380 — 50c Justice, red back, autographic signatures of Colby & Spinner. Eare. 381 — 50c Justice, red back, engraved signatures. Eare. 382 Another, as last. Eare. 383 — 50c Justice, green back, plain paper. Crisp. 384 — 50c Justice, green back. 4 pes. 385 Fourth Issue. 10c Liberty, including "Alleson". 2 pes. 386 — 10c Liberty. Three varieties. 3 pes. 387 — 10c Liberty. Plain and blue ends. 2 pes. 388 — 15c Columbia. Small seal, blue end fibre paper; large seal plain paper. Eare. 2 pes. 389 — 15c Columbia. Another set as last. 2 pes. 390 Various 15c Columbia notes, crisp (7), fair (1). 8 pes. 391 — 25c Washington, large seal, white paper, small seal blue fibre paper. 2 pes. 392 — 25c Washington, small seals, blue ends (3), large seals, white paper (4). 7 pes. 393 — 50c Stanton. 394 — - As last. 5 pes. 395 — 50c Lincoln. Plain and fibre paper. 2 pes. 396 — 50c Lincoln, plain paper (1), fibre (2). 3 pes. U. S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY 31 397 Fifth Issue. 10c Meredith, green seal, red seal, long and short keys. 3 pes. 398 — Another set, as last. 3 pes. 399 — 10c Meredith, green seals (3), red seal, long keys (9), short keys (7). 19 pes. 400 — 25c Walker. 401 — 25c Walker, as last. 5 pes. 402 — 25c Walker. 17 pes. 403 — 50c Dexter. 404 — 50c Crawford. 405 — 50c Crawford. 5 pes. 406 — 50c Crawford. Mostly crisp. 10 pes. 407 — 50c Crawford. 13 pes. 408 — 50c Dexter. 5 pes. U. S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY PATTERNS & SPECIMENS; In most cases printed on C. S. A. Watermarked Paper. Each note has margin of about a quarter of an inch, each stamped "Specimen". Fronts and backs separate. 409 First Issue. 5, 10, 25 and 50c. 4 pes. 410 Second Issue. 5, 10, 25 and 50c. 4 pes. 411 Third Issue. 3c, dark curtain. Bare. 412 — 5c Clark, red and green backs, 1 front only. 1 lot. 413 — 10c "Washington, red and green backs. Autographic, signature of Spinner only. Very rare. 1 lot. 414 — 25c Fessenden. Two colors of backs. 1 lot. 415 — 50c Spinner, red back, autographic signatures of Col- by & Spinner. 416 — 50c Justice, two fronts, one with autographic signa- tures of Colby & Spinner, green back. 1 lot. 417 — 15c Grant & Sherman, red back, autographic signa^ tures of John Allison and Spinner. Very rare. END OF FIRST SESSION. Second Day's Sale UNITED STATES SILVER. Half Dollars Issued at the Philadelphia Mint. The Finest Collection Ever Offered. 418 1794. Undraped bust of Liberty to right. Small eagl< standing- to the left. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 419 1795. Star cuts curl, die break to right of date. V. good. 420 1795. Die-break from edge of bust downward between fig- ures 9 and 5 to rim, star just touches curl. Very good. A, rare variety. 421 1795. Lowest curl almost touches star. Eagles wing on left terminates exactly between I and T on reverse. Sharp impression with broad milling. Uncirculated. Very rare. Parmelee Sale, Not No. 704. Plate. 422 1795. Star cuts through lowest curl to left, left wing cuts through letter T, two leaves below each wing. Bright mint state. Excessively rare. Chapman Sale, May, 1885. Plate. 423 1796. Sixteen stars. Fillet head of Liberty to left. Sharp, beautiful impression with broad milling, every hair-line, star and letter boldly up. Uncirculated, considerable orig- inal color and with a proof obverse. "No other known in this condition". Plate. 424 1796. .Fifteen stars. Beautiful, sharp proof. The finest known. Plate. 425 1797. Very good. Very rare. Plate. 426 1801 (None coined 1798-1800). New type with large her- aldic eagle on reverse. Two slight nicks behind head, oth- erwise about uncirculated. Extremely rare so line. Plate. 427 1802. About uncirculated. A remarkable specimen with much original color, (hie of the finest known. Parrnelee Collection. Plate. 428 1803. Large stars on reverse. Uncirculated, sharp. Rare state. 429 1805. Perfect date. Uncirculated, sharp, traces of original color. Rare state. U. S. HALF DOLLARS 33 430 1805, over 4. Haseltine's variety No. 1 with 4 berries in olive branch. It is almost impossible to get the coin. in this perfect state, uncirculated, with nearly full brightness. Plate. i 431 1806. Pointed 6 with broken die and wide date. In bright uncirculated state. 432 1806. Wide date with pointed 6, die perfect, last star close to bust. Bright uncirculated. 433 1806. Pointed 6 with double-break through stars, stars do not touch bust, berry over center of figure A. Uncirculat- ed, bright proof surface. 434 1806. Pointed 6, wide date with slightest trace of obverse break. In mint state. 435 1806. Pointed 6, large 8 in date, stars not close to bust. Proof. Rare state. Plate. 436 1806. Blunt 6, wide date, die break through first star and on reverse. Mint state. Rare. Plate. 437 1807. Fillet head to right, wide date, small figure 7, too high. Uncirculated, sharp. Plate. 438 1807. Longer figure 7, die broken through stars. Uncircu- lated, bright. 439 1807. New bust type, head to left. Small stars, 50 and (J far apart. Mint state. Very rare. Plate. 440 1808, over 7. Uncirculated, mostly bright. Rare. Plate. 441 1808. The last 8 too high, 50 and C close. Mint state. Plate. 442 1808. Perfect, even date, obv. die break, 50 and C wide. Mint state. Rare. 443 1809. Figure 9 too high, last star distant from bust. Mint state. 444 1809. Low 9, last star very close to bust, 50 and C. close. Mint state. 445 1809. 50 and C. wide apart. Magnificent sharp uncirculat- ed specimen. 446 1810. Last star just touches hair, obv. die break. Proof surface, choice. 447 1810. Last star does not touch bust, perfect die. Sharp, uncirculated. Si U. S. HALF DOLLARS 448 1811. Wide, large date, wide 50 C. Uncirculated, bright. 449 1811. Small wide date, close 50 C, reverse die break. Sharp, uncirculated, bright. Rare. 450 1811, punctuated date. Uncirculated: scarce. 451 1812. Square base 2. Sharp, uncirculated, bright. 452 1813. Wide 50 C. Uncirculated. 453 1813. Close 50 c. Sharp, mint state. 454 1814. Perfect die. Sharp, uncirculated. 455 1814. Part of reverse lettering incuse on obverse. Uncir- culated. 456 1814. Slight die breaks on both sides. Wide 50c. Mint state. 457 1814, over '13, die broken through date, close 50c. Uncir- culated. Rare. 458 1815. Slightest nick to left of eagle, slightly discolored, otherwise uncirculated. Very rare state. Plate. 459 1817 (None coined 1816). Plain, close date. Una. bright. 460 1817. Wide date, curl between 1 and 7, tall C. Mint state. 461 1817. Wide date, curl over 7, short C. Mint state. 462 1817. Long 7, obv. die breaks. Ex. Fine. 463 1817, over '13. Uncirculated. Scarce. 464 1818. Wide date, over '17, small 8s. Proof; rare. 465 1818, over '17, large 8s. Mint state. Rare. 466 1818. Perfect die, date spaced: 1 81. Proof; rare. 467 1818. Close, even date. Mint state. 468 1818, overdate, date unevenly spaced and figure 8 small. Proof; rare. 469 1819. Wide date, wide 50e. Proof; rare. 470 1819. Wide date, closer 50c. Mint state. 471 1819, over '18, small 9. Uncirculated; rare. 472 1820. Small date, figure 2 too small, 50 C. not close. Mint state. 473 1820. Medium large date, figure 2 larger, with stem. Proof. Rare state. 474 1820. Close date, figure 2 too large, wide 50c. Proof; very rare. 475 1820. Large, wide date, close 50c. Mint state. 476 1820. Large, open date, 2 without stem. Mint state. U. S. HALF DOLLARS 35 477 1820. Small, wide date, small 0. Proof surface. Beauty I 478 1820. Large, close date, with ill-formed 2 and small 0. Un- circulated. 479 1820, over '19. Proof surface; rare. 480 1821. 50 C. close; arrow distant from A, which is imper- fect. Brilliant proof; rare. Plate. 481 1821. First star distant from bust, arrow close to A, which is perfectly formed, 50c close. Iridescent proof; rare. 482 1821. First and last stars close to bust, wide 50c. Mint state. 483 1821. Short in 50 C. Uncirculated. 484 1822. Star distant from cap, wide 50 C, arrow and A apart. Bright proof; rare. Plate. 485 1822. Stars closer to bust and cap, arrow and A close. Proof, slightly scratched. Rare. 486 1822. Star almost touches cap. Reverse die-break. Sharp, mint state. Gem! 487 1822. Square-based 2s, 50 C. close. Proof; rare. 488 1823. Perfect date, large 50 C. Brilliant proof. Rare. Plate. 489 1823. Broken die, large C in 50 C. Bright proof ; rare. 490 1823. Imperfectly formed 3, obv. die broken, small C in 50 C. Proof; rare. 491 1823. Badly formed 3, large C in 50 C, arrows close to A. Proof; rare. 492 1824. Evenly spaced date, arrow and A apart. Proof sur- face. Gem! 493 1824. Unevenly spaced date, 50 C. wide, arrow and A close. Uncirculated. 495 1824, over several dates. Ex. fine, some lustre; rare. 496 1825. 50 C. close. Proof surface. Gem! 497 1825. Wide 50 C. Mint state. 498 1826. Uneven date, figure 6 too high, star close to cap. Proof; rare. 499 1826. Even date, star apart from cap. Proof obverse; rare. 500 1826. Wide, uneven date, stars distant from bust and cap, wide 50 C. Uncirculated. 501 1826. Square 2, die break on rev. Bright uncirculated. state. 503 1827. rare. 504 1827. 505 1827. 506 1828. 507 1828. 508 1828. sharp. 508a 1828. 36 U. S. HALF DOLLARS Wide date and distant from bust, wide 50 C. Mint With "parted lips", struck over 1826. Mint state; Close 50 C. Proof; rare. Small, close date, wide 50 C. Proof; rare. Large date, round base 2, arrow and A close. Unc. Large 8s, round base 2, arrow and A apart. Unc. Large 8s, straight base 2, arrow and A close. Unc, Very rare. Cost $9. Plate. Even date, square-base 2. Arrow and A apart. Brill, proof; rare. 509 1828. Small, even date, stars close to bust; 50 C. close, ar- row touches A. Unc. 510 1828. Small, even date, square base 2, 50 C. close, arrow and A apart. Ex. Fine. 511 1828. Small 2, large 8s. Uncirculated, sharp. Brown sale ($4.50). 512 1829. Small 5 in 50 C, round base 2. Unc. 513 1829. Die altered from 1827, large 5 in 50 C, and close. 514 1829. Large 5 in 50 C. Mint state. 515 1829. Close date, large 5 in 50 c. Proof; rare. 516 1830. Small in date. Proof; rare. 517 1830. Large in date. Uncirculated. 518 1831. Wide date, last figure 1 too high. Brilliant proof. Extremely rare. Cost $28 in Brown Sale. Plate. 519 1831. Wider, even date. Mint state. 520 1831. Wide, even date. Proof; rare. 521 1832. Even date, small letters, A and arrow apart. Brill- iant proof. Very rare. Plate. 522 1832. Uneven date, small letters, A and arrow close. Proof; rare. 523 1833. 50 and C. close. Proof; rare. 524 1833. Wide 50 C. Mint state. 525 1834. Large date and letters. Proof; rare. 526 1834. Large date, small 50c and letters. Mint state. 527 1834. Large date with long, slender figures, stars distant from bust, large letters. Proof; rare. U. S. HALF DOLLARS 37 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 1834. state. 1834. 1834. 1835. 1835. 1836. 1836. 1836. Plate. 1837. 1837. 1838. 1838. rare. 1838. rare. 1839. 1839. new. 1839. 1840. 1840. 1840. 1841. 1841. 1842. 1842. 1843. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846, Plate 1846. 1846. 1847. 1847. Large date with broader figures, large letters. Mint Small date, small letters and 50 C. Proof surface. Small uneven date, small letters. Mint state. 50 C. close. Mint state. Wide 50 C. Mint state. Lettered edge. Uncirculated. Gem. Lettered edge, narrow milling. Proof; rare. New, milled edge. Proof surface. Extremely rare. Small planch et. Uncirculated. Large flan, mint state. Uncirculated, bright. Liberty head. Rev. standing eagle. Proof. Very Liberty head to left. Rev. flying eagle. Proof. Very Old type with Liberty head, and milled edge. Unc. New type, Liberty seated, with drapery to knee. As Without drapery to knee. Unc. Rare. Small eagle and letters. Proof. Very rare. Plate. Same type. Uncirculated, proof surface. Large eagle and letters. Mint state. Broken die. Proof. Rare. Uncirculated, bright; rare. Large date. Proof surface ; rare. Small date. Bright uncirculated. Proof. Very rare. Plate. Uncirculated. Scarce. Ex. Fine, proof surface. Uncirculated, proof surface, over an inverted 6. Uncirculated, bright. Very rare, Short 6. Uncirculated; scarce. Tall 6. Uncirculated; scarce. Brilliant proof. Very rare. Plate. Uncirculated. 38 U. S. HALF DOLLARS 560 1848. The figure 1 double cut. Uncirculated; scarce. 561 1849. Uncirculated, bright. 562 1850. Proof, or proof surface. Scarce. 563 1851. Uncirculated, bright. Bushnell Sale. Rare. 564 1852. Uncirculated, a little tarnished. Very rare. Plate. 565 1853. Arrows. Proof, or proof surface. Choice. Scarce condition. 566 1854. Uncirculated. 567 1855. Uncirculated. 568 1856. Uncirculated, scarce. 569 1857. Uncirculated. HALF DOLLARS OF THE BRANCH MINTS. New Orleans Half Dollars. Bust type with over date. Mint state, proof sur- Mint mark over F. Unc. Mintmark between L and F. Uncirculated Mintmark directly over F. Proof; rare. Different die. Mintmark farther to right. Unc. Small date, letters and eagle. Proof surface; rare. Large date, eagle and letters. Mint state. Mint state. Bright, uncirculated. Large 0. LTncirculated, proof surface. Rare state. Small 0. Proof; rare. Low 6, drapery nearly to knee, small 0. Mint state, proof surface. Extremely rare, only one or two known. Plate. 583 1846. Low 6, without drapery to knee, large 0. Proof surface; rare. 584 1847. Proof. Very rare, the distant from eagle. 585 1847. Uncirculated. 0. closer. 586 1848. Bright, uncirculated. 587 1849 0. Bright uncirculated. 571 1839. face. 572 1840. 573 1840. 574 1841. 575 1841. 576 1842. 577 1842. 578 1843. 579 1844. 580 1845. 581 1845. 582 1846. U. S. HALF DOLLARS 3t> 1850. Bright uncirculated, above F. 1850. Proof surface; O farther to right. 1851. Uncirculated, bright. Bare. 1852. Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 1853. with rays. Ex. Fine; scarce. : 1854. The close. Uncirculated, bright. 1854. The distant. Bright. 1855. Uncirculated, bright. 1856. Uncirculated, scarce. 1857. Uncirculated, proof surface. Very rare. 1858. Bright, uncirculated. Scarce. 1859. O very close. Bright Unc, scarce. 1859. The more distant. Bright Unc, scarce. 1860. Bright uncirculated; rare. 1861. Uncirculated, bright; scarce. 1892. Brilliant proof surface. 1893. Brilliant proof surface. 1894. Brilliant proof. Very rare. 1896. Brilliant uncirculated. 1897. Bright uncirculated. San Francisco Half Dollars. 1855. Large 8. Liberty seated. Very fair. Very rare. 1856. Large S. Very fine. Very rare. 1857. Large S. Very good; rare. 1857. Small S. Very good ; rare. 1858. Small S. Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 1858. Larger, short S. Fine. Eare. 1858. Larger, longer S. Ex. Fine to Unc. Eare. 1859. Large S. Uncirculated, bright. Very rare. Plate. 1859. Small S. Good. Very rare. 1860. Large S. Bright uncirculated. Very rare, 1860. Small S. Very fine; rare. 1861. Large, short S, touching branch. Unc; rare. 1861, Large, tall S, not touching branch. Uncirculated: rare. 621 1861. 622 1862. 623 1862. 624 1863. 625 1864. 626 1864. rare. 627 1864. Unc, 628 1864. 629 1865. 630 1866. 40 U. S. HALF DOLLARS Small S. Ex. Fine; rare. Large S. Uncirculated. Rare, choice. Small S. Uncirculated; rare. Small S. Uncirculated, rare state. Large S, touching branch. Ex. F. ; rare. Large S, distant from branch. Ex. F., some lustre; Small S, date distant from base; mint-mark broken, rare. Ex. F. to Unc, date close to base. Rare. Small S. recirculated; rare. Small S, old type, without "In God We Trust". Un- circulated, bright. The finest known! Cost $25, worth dou- ble. 631 1866. Small S, close to arrow feather, with motto "In God We Trust". Uncirculated, bright. Rare. 632 1866. Small S, close, but to right of arrow feathers. Ex. Fine; scarce. Small S, distant from branch. Uncirculated; rare. Small, broad S. Uncirculated; rare. Small, narrow S. Uncirculated; rare. Small S. Uncirculated; rare. Small S. Ex. F. to Unc; scarce. Small S. Brilliant Unc, proof surface; rare. Uncirculated; rare. The S. distant from branch. Bright, Unc; rare. With arrows. Very fine; scarce. Small S. Unc; bright. Larger S. Unc. ; scarce. Rare variety with S down between F and D. Unc Small S, close to branch. Brilliant; scarce. S. distant from branch. Uncirculated. Close S, over F. Uncirculated. Close S, farther to left. Uncirculated. S. very small, and distant from sprig. Unc. S. close to sprig. Uncirculated. 7. S. close, but farther to left. Bright, Unc 633 1866. 634 1867. 635 1867. 636 1868. 637 1869. 638 1870. 639 1871. 640 1872. 641 1873. 642 1874. 643 1874. 644 1875. 645 1875. 646 1876. 647 1876. 648 1876. 649 1877. 650 1877. 651 1877. U. S. HALF DOLLARS 41 1878. S. Uncirculated, proof surface. A gem. Excess- ively rare. But one or two others known. Plate. 1892. Uncirculated. 1893. Bright, uncirculated. 1894. Proof surface; rare state. 1895. Bright, uncirculated. 1896. Uncirculated, bright. 1897. Proof surface. Carson City Half Dollars. 1870. Liberty seated type. Very good; rare. 1871. Good; scarce. 1872. Very good ; scarce. 1873. With arrows. Ex. fine; lustre. Very rare. Most sales do not have it. 1873. Without arrows. Uncirculated. Excessively rare. None of the great recent sales contained this piece. Finest known! Plate. 1874. Uncirculated; rare. 1875. Uncirculated; rare. 1876. Very small C.C. Proof surface. 1876. Larger C.C. Proof surface. 1877. C.C. close to branch. Unc. 1877. C.C. distant from branch. Unc. 1878. Uncirculated. Finest known. The Stiekney, Smith and other great sales did not have it. Plate. UNITED STATES QUARTER DOLLARS. Philadelphia Quarters. 1796. Fillet head of Liberty. Small eagle. Magnificent impression with broad milling, sharp perfect proof. Very rare. Plate. x*«* 1804. Heraldic eagle. (None coined 1797-1803). Very fine. Haseltine's 72d Sale. Very rare. Plate. 1805. Perfect date. Extremely fine, slightly burnished in right field. Bare state. Plate. 42 U. S. QUARTER DOLLARS 674 1806, over '5. Slight scratch behind head. Uncirculated. Rare state. This is the variety which sold in proof condi- tion for $165! Plate. 675 1806. Perfect date. Uncirculated, splendid specimen, in nearly bright uncirculated state. Plate. 676 1807. Bright uncirculated, with all of original color. A gem. Extremely rare. Cogan Sale. Plate. 677 1815. (None coined 1808-14) . New bust type to left. Bright uncirculated, full original lustre. Plate. 678 1818. (None coined 1816- '17). Wide date, perfect 25 C, broad milling. Brilliant proof. Very rare. Plate. 679 1818. Wide date. Period after 2 in 25. Sharp, uncirculat- ed. 680 1818. Wide date, first 1 short and thick and close to bust. Sharp, uncirculated. 681 1818. Closer date, die broken through 2 on reverse. Un- circulated. 682 1818. Close date, end of scroll terminates in center of A, perfect die. Uncirculated. 683 1819. Large close date, two periods after 25 C. Uncircu- lated; rare. 684 1819. Large, wide date. One period after 25 C. Proof surface; rare. 685 1820. Small date. Uncirculated, proof surface; rare. €86 1821. Uncirculated, proof surface; rare specimen. 687 1822. Rev. 25 over 50! Brilliant proof . Excessively rare, and not in any recent sale. Plate. 688 1822. Perfect die. Uncirculated; rare. 689 1824, over '23. Uncirculated, with proof surface. Excess- ively rare thus, may be finest known! Plate. 690 1825, over '35. With dot under ear. Uncirculated, proof surface. A gem! 691 1825, over '22. Break to arrow-points. Uncirculated, sharp. 692 1825, over '23. Without dot under ear and perfect die. Un- circulated, sharp. 693 1828 (None coined in 1826) Scroll terminates under right part of E and right arm of M. Proof; rare. U. S. QUARTER DOLLARS 43 1831 (None coined 1829-30). New type of Liberty with draped bust to left. Large, uneven date, large letters. Bril- liant proof! Very rare. Finest known! Plate. 1831. Small, compact, even date, small letters. Bright un- circulated. 1832. Small arrow-points on reverse. Proof. Rare. 1832. Large arrow-points extending to milling. Slight nicks. Uncirculated. 1833. With period after 25 C. Brilliant proof; rare. Plate. 1833. Without period after 25 C. Proof surface. Beauty. Rare. 1834. With period after 25 C. Brilliant proof. Rare. Plate. 1834. Without period after 25 C. Proof; rare. 1835. No period after 25 C. Brilliant proof; rare. Cost $11. Plate. 1835. Small, close date, obv. die-break, period after 25 C. Uncirculated, sharp. 1835. Large, wide date, period after 25 C. Proof; rare. 1836. High 6, small 5c, slender heads to arrows. Unc. 1836. Even date, thicker heads to arrows, larger 5c. Mint state. 1837. Thick heads to arrows. Uncirculated. 1838. Uncirculated, bright. 1838. New type with Liberty seated. Uncirculated; rare state. 1839. Extremely fine; scarce. 1840. Drapery elbow to knee. Mint lustre. Scarce. 1841. Uncirculated, bright. Scarce. 1842. Large date. Proof surface; rare state. 1843. Proof surface; scarce. 1844. Uncirculated, bright. 1845. Bright uncirculated; scarce condition. 1846. Proof surface. Scarce state. 1847. Proof. Very rare. 1847. Date closer to bust. Proof surface. Scarce. 1848. Curiously double outlined date. Bright mint state; rare. 721 1849. 722 1849. 723 1850. 724 1851. 725 1852. 726 1853. rare. 727 1853. 728 1854, 729 1856, U. S. QUARTER DOLLARS Proof ; very rare. Uncirculated. Uncirculated. Uncirculated, bright* rare. Uncirculated; rare. Without arrow points and rays. Uncirculated. Very Plate. With arrows, etc. Uncirculated. '55. Uncirculated, latter spotted. 2 pes. '57. Uncirculated. 2 pes. New Orleans Quarters. 730 1840. Liberty seated. With and without drapery. Uncir- culated. 2 pes. 731 1841. Uncirculated; scarce. 732 1842. Two placings of mintmark. Unc. 2 pes. 733 1843. Uncirculated, bright; scarce. 734 1844. Uncirculated, bright; rare. 735 1847 (None coined 1845-46). Uncirculated; rare. 736 1849 (None coined in 1848). Bright uncirculated; rare. 737 1850. Bright Unc; rare. 738 1851. Uncirculated; very rare. 739 1852. Uncirculated; very rare. 740 1853. With arrows. Uncirculated, proof surface. Excess- ively rare so choice. Plate. 741 1854. Very fine; rare. 742 1855. Nearly fine ; rare. 743 1856. Uncirculated, bright; scarce. 744 1857, '58. Uncirculated. 2 pes. 745 1859. Uncirculated; scarce. 746 1860. Bright uncirculated, scarce. 747 1891, '92 (New type, Liberty head) (None issued 1861-90). Proof surface. 2 pes. 748 1893, 1894. Proof surface, brilliant. 2 pes. 749 1895,1896,1897. Bright Unc. 3 pes. U. S. QUARTER DOLLARS 44 San Francisco Quarters. 750 1855. Liberty seated. Very good. Very rare 751 1856. Good. Very rare. 752 1857. Extremely fine. Very rare. 753 1858. Good; rare. 754 1859. Very good. Very rare. 755 1860. Scratches on rev. ; Fine ; rare. 756 1861. Good; rare. 757 1862. Uncirculated. Very rare. 758 1864. About fine; rare. 759 1865. Fine; rare. 760 1866. Uncirculated. Very rare. 761 1867. Very good; rare. 762 1868. Uncirculated; rare. 763 1869. Uncirculated; rare. 764 1871 (None coined in 1870). Uncirculated; rare. 765 1872. Uncirculated, bright; scarce. 766 1873. Bright, uncirculated; scarce. 767 1874. Proof surface. 768 1875, 1876. Uncirculated. 2 pes. 769 1877, 1878. Bright Unc. 2 pes. 770 1888 (None coined 1879-87). Brilliant uncirculated. 771 1891 (None coined 1889-90). Brilliant. 772 1892. New type of Liberty head; '93. Unc., bright. 2 pes. 773 1894, '95. Bright, uncirculated. 2 pes. 774 1896,1897. Bright, Unc. 2 pes. 775 Twenty Cents. 1875. Uncirculated. Carson City Quarters. 1870. Liberty seated. Extremely fine. 1872. Very good; rare. 1873. Arrows. Uncirculated. Very rare. 1875 (None coined in 1874). Ex. fine; lustre. 1876. Two placings of mintmark. Unc. 2 pes. 1877. Varieties of mintmark. Bright. 2 pes. 1878. Two varieties of mintmark. Unc. Bare. 2 pes. Twenty Cents, 1875. Uncirculated. Rare state. UNITED STATES DIMES. Philadelphia Mint Dimes. The Finest Collection Ever Offered. 784 1796. Fillet head of Liberty and small eagle. Perfect die. Proof. Cleneay Sale. Extremely rare. Plate. 785 1796. Broken die variety, figure 6 touches bust. Extreme- ly fine; rare. Plate. 786 1797. Sixteen stars. A little tarnished, but practically un- circulated. Very rare. Plate. 787 1798. Very good. Rare. 788 1800 (None coined in 1799). Heraldic eagle. Scratch be- hind head. A little tarnished. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 789 1801. Uncirculated, some original lustre remains. Ex- tremely rare. Plate. 789a 1802. Very good. Second rarest dime. Very rare. 789b 1803. Close date, small 3. Fine. Very rare. 789c 1803. Wide date, large straight 3. Strong, even impres- sion. Very fine. Very rare state. Plate. 789d 1804. Very good. Barest Dime. Plate. 790 1805. Very fine, a little tarnished. 791 1805. Magnificent uncirculated piece. Winsor Sale. Ex- tremely rare thus. Plate. 792 1807 (None coined 1806). Splendid uncirculated specimen, a little tarnished. Plate. 793 1809 (None coined 1808). New bust type. Extremely fine, tarnished. Rare state. Plate. Choice, uncirculated. Very rare state. Plate. Large date. Uncirculated; lustre; scarce. Small date. Uncirculated, a little tarnished; scarce. Large, straight date. Uncirculated; scarce. Large, uneven date. Uncirculated, a little tarnish- 794 1811. 795 1814. 796 1814. 797 1820. 798 1820. ed. U. S. DIMES 47 1820. Small date. Last star near curl. Uncirculated. 1820. Small date. Last star closer to curl. Unc; scarce. 1821. Large date. Sharp, beautiful specimen. Unc. 1821. Small date. Uncirculated, proof surface. Very rare. Plate. 1823, over '22. Uncirculated, sharp; scarce. 1824, over '22. Unc, sharp, proof surface. Very rare. Plate. 1825, Arrow close to " America". Proof. Very rare. Plate. 1825. Arrow distant from " America". Proof surface. Very rare. 1827 (None coined in 1826). Magnificent, sharp impres- sion, arrow point apart from "America". Proof surface. Rare. 1827. Very low figure 7, arrow point touches "A". Un- circulated. 1828. Large date. Uncirculated, a little tarnished. Very rare. Plate. 1828. Small date. Proof; rare state. Small obverse spot. 1829. Arrow-point close to "A". Proof surface, choice. 1829. Arrow-point not close to "A". Proof surface, rare. 1830. Wide date. Uncirculated, sharp. 1830. Close date. Uncirculated. 1831. Star close to diadem, arrow distant from A. Proof surface. 1831. Star distant from diadem, arrow-point touches A. Mint state. 1832. Uncirculated, bright. 1833. Extremely fine. 1834. Period after 25 C. Proof ; rare. 1835. Bright proof ; rare. 1836. Perfect die. Mint lustre. 1837. Arrow close to A. Mint state. 48 U. S. DIMES 823 1837. Small arrows, distant from A. Unc. 824 1837. Small date. New type, Liberty seated. Perf. die. Uncirculated. 825 1837. Small date, broken die. Unc. 826 1837. Large date; proof surface. 827 1838. New type with stars. Broken die. Unc. 828 1839. Proof; rare. 829 1840. With and without drapery. Unc. 2 pes. 830 1841. Uncirculated; rare. 831 1842. Small date; '43. Unc. 2 pes. 832 1843. Bright proof. Very rare. 833 1844, '45, low 5. Unc. 2 pes. 834 1845. Higher 5. Unc. 835 1846. Proof surface. Extremely rare. 836 1847. Unc. 837 1848. Nick on obv.; proof surface; rare. 838 1849. Proof surface; iridescent; rare. 839 1851, '52. Unc. 2 pes. 840 1853. Without arrows. Uncirculated. 841 1854, '55. Arrow-heads at date. Unc. 2 pes. 842 1856. Large and small dates. Unc. 2 pes. 843 1857. Iridescent proof; rare. New Orleans Dimes. 844 1838. Liberty seated. No stars. Bright mint state. Bare. 845 1839. With stars. Unc, sharp. 846 1840. Without drapery. Unc, tarnished. 847 1841. Drapery. Uncirculated; rare. 848 1842. Small date. Uncirculated. Bare. 849 1843, '45. Good. 2 pes. 850 1845. Proof surface; a gem. 851 1849. Ex. Fine to Unc Bare. 852 1850. Mint state; scarce. 853 1851, '53. V. good; rare. 2 pes. 854 1852. Proof surface; gem. 855 1854. Proof surface; beauty. 856 1856. Mint state; rare. 857 1857. Large and small O. Unc. 2 pes. XL S. DIMES 49 858 1858, '59. Unc; scarce. 2 pes. 859 1860. Very good. Very rare, even in this condition. 860 1891, 1892 (New type), to '97, inc. Unc. 7 pes. San Francisco Dimes. 861 1856 and '58. Liberty seated. Abt. Fine; rare. 2 pes 862 1859. Good; rare. 863 1860. With stars. Uncirculated; gem. Very rare. 864 1861. Very good ; rare. 865 1862. Very good; rare. 866 1863. Uncirculated. Very rare. 867 1864. Uncirculated. Very rare. 868 1865. Very fine; rare. 869 1866. Fine, the S weak. Rare. 870 1867. Uncirculated; rare. 871 1868, '69. Uncirculated; rare. 2 pes. 872 1870, 71, '72, '73, (arrows). Unc. 4 pes. 873 1874 to '77, incl. Unc. 4 pes. 874 1884 to 1890, incl., except '85. Unc. 6 pes. 875 1893 to '97, inclusive, except '94. Unc. 6 pes. Carson City Dimes. 876 1871, '73. Liberty seated. Unc. and V. G. 2 pes. 877 1874, '75. Very fine and Unc. 2 pes. 878 1876, '77, '78. Uncirculated; scarce. 3 pes. UNITED STATES HALF DIMES. The Finest Collection Ever Offered. 879 Half Disme. Head of Martha Washington (?) to left. "Lib. Par. of Science & Industry, 1792". Eagle flying to left "Uni. States of America. Half Disme". Practically un- circulated. One of the finest known. Plate. Note: — It is stated that this and the Disme were struck from George Washington's silver plate. 50 U. S. HALF DIMES 880 1794. Half Dimes. (None struck in 1793). Undraped head of Liberty to right. Standing eagle. Perfect die. Splen- did proof specimen. The finest known! Plate. 881 1795. Obverse die slightly broken before fore-head and through figure 7 in date; berry opposite D in "United". Uncirculated, sharp. Beautiful! Plate. 882 1795. Another with different 5 in date, and without berry opposite D of "United''. Magnificent uncirculated speci- men, much proof surface. Plate. 883 1795. Another with same obverse as Xo. 881, but reverse differs, and has no berry opposite D. Extremely fine; scarce. 884 1796. Perfect die. New fillet head of Liberty. Splendid proof specimen. Excessively rare. Plate. 885 1797. Sixteen stars. Sharp, uncirculated, with prooflike surface. Excessively rare. One of the finest known. Plate. 886 1797. Fifteen stars. Uncirculated, with nearly full mint lustre. Excessively rare. One of the finest examples. Plate. 887 1800 (None coined 1798-1799). The perfect die variety. Magnificent, sharp, specimen with broad milling. Proof, or proof surface. One of the finest known. Cost $20 and worth much more in this perfect state. Plate. 888 1801. Uncirculated, part of head not strongly struck, as usual. May be the finest known. Excessively rare. Cost $40. Plate! 889 1802. One or two very slight old scratches near left obv. rim. Very fine. One of the finest known of this great rar- ity. An uncirculated example of this coin sold in my James B. Wilson sale for $715. This should easily bring $500 or $600. Plate. 889a 1803. Large 8. Nearly uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 889b 1805 (None coined 1804). Sharp impression, practically uncirculated. Equals the Wilson specimen which sold in my sale for $37.00. Ex. Rare. Plate. 890 1829. New type with draped bust of Liberty to left. De- fiant eagle. Wide 5 C. Proof. 891 1830. Proof. U. S. HALF DIMES 51 892 1831. Wide 5 C. Uncirculated. 893 1832. Wide and close 5 0. Uncirculated. 2 pes. 894 1833. Crooked and straight dates. Unc. 2 pes. 895 1834. Wide 5 C. Uncirculated, brilliant. 896 1834. Large date, close 5 C. Unc. 897 1834, '35. Unc, choice. 2 pes. 898 1836. Large antf small dates. Unc, sharp. 2 pes. 899 1837. Bust and new type with Liberty seated. Mint state, 2 pes. 900 1838, 1839. Stars Mint state. 2 pes. 901 1840. With and without drapery, straight and curved shields. Mint state. 2 pes. 902 1841, '42. Unc, scarce. 2 pes. 903 1843, '45. Uncirculated, scarce. 2 pes. 904 1844. Uncirculated, proof surface; rare. 905 1846. Uncirculated. A gem. Ex. Eare. Plate. 906 1847, 1848, small date. Unc, sharp; rare. 2 pes. 907 1848, large date, fine, '49. Unc. 2 pes. 908 1850, '51, '52. Unc 3 pes. 909 1853, without arrows, V. F.; with arrows, Unc. 2 pes. 910 1854. Uncirculated. 911 1855. Proof. Rare. 912 1856, to '59, incl. Unc 4 pes. New Orleans Half Dimes. 913 1838. Liberty seated; no stars. Uncirculated, a little tar- nished. Very rare. 914 1839. Different variety, with stars. Uncirculated; scarce. 915 1840, and '41. Ex. F. and Unc. 2 pes. 916 1842. Fine. Reverse scratched a little. Very rare. 917 1844 (None coined 1843). Very good; rare. 918 1848 (None coined 1845-47). Extremely fine. Very rare so fine. 919 1849. Good; rare. 920 1850. Mint state; rare. 921 1851. Uncirculated; sharp; rare. 52 U. S. HALF DIMES 922 1852. Very fine; rare. Tarnished. 923 1853. Uncirculated; 1854. Very good; rare. 2 pea. 924 1855. Uncirculated. Very rare. 925 1856. Uncirculated; scarce, 926 1858. Uncirculated, bright; scarce. 927 1858,1859. Bright, uncirculated; rare. 2 pes. 928 1860. Uncirculated; scarce. San Francisco Half Dimes. 929 1863. Liberty seated. Fine; rare. 930 1864. Uncirculated; rare. 931 1865. Uncirculated; rare. 932 1866. Uncirculated. Extremely rare in this condition. 933 1867. Uncirculated, sharp; very rare. 934 1868. Uncirculated, bright. Very rare. 935 1869. Uncirculated; rare. 936 1871 (None coined 1870). S inside wreath. Unc; rare. 937 1872. Sin wreath. Unc; rare. 938 1872, S outside wreath. Unc; rare. 939 1873. Uncirculated, bright; rare. SILVER DOLLARS. The Rarest Collection Ever Offered. Philadelphia Mint Dollars. 940 1794. Head of Liberty undraDed. Standing eagle. About fine. Extremely rare, Plate. 941 1795. Similar head, lower curl far from stars, head in cen- ter of planchet; two leaves under each wing, the wreath has 13 berries, is heavy, the stems long, tip of eagle's wing touches B. Slightest nick below bust and very slight abrasion on fore-hair. Uncirculated. Rare. Plate. U. S. DOLLARS 58 942 1795. Similar head. Curl touches star. Wreath has 19 berries and is light, three leaves under each wing. Sharp impression, nearly uncirculated. Rare state. Plate. 943 1795. New type with fillet head; smaller eagle on reverse. First star just touches hair. Type with bust in left of field. Wreath has seven berries. Uncirculated, sharp, with much original color. Very rare state. Plate. 944 1795. Same type with bust in center of field. Stars distant from i i Liberty ' ' and hair. Reverse has six berries in wrth. Perfect die. About uncirculated. Rare. 945 1795. Same die as last, but breaks on the reverse. Plan- chet marks across obverse. Nearly uncirculated. 946 1796. Small date and stars. Reverse has eight berries in wreath, and very large letters. Sharp, about uncirculated. Rare. Plate. 947 1796. Large date and stars. Seven berries, and die-break on reverse. Fine ; scarce. 948 1797. Six stars before bust. Small, wide date. Eight ber- ries on reverse ; a curious die-break through F makes word "of" look to be "oe". Uncirculated, mint lustre. Ex- tremely rare specimen. Plate. 949 1797. Seven stars before bust; large, close date. Small letters in legend. About uncirculated. Rare. 950 1798. Thirteen stars and heraldic eagle. Uneven date with pointed 9 and high 8. Uncirculated, sharp, a gem. Plate. 951 1798. Fifteen stars and small eagle. Very good; rare. 952 1798. Thirteen stars and small eagle. Die-break on rev. Very fine; rare. Plate. 953 1799. Six stars before bust, large pointed 9s leaning to the left. Reverse has long die-break through legend. Perfect- ly centered gem. Sharp, uncirculated. Plate. 954 1799. Same type, but die unbroken on reverse, although some traces of a break on obverse. Uncirculated. 955 1799. Similar. Imperfect "IT" on reverse, and no berries in branch. Abt. Unc. 956 1799 over '98, the stars very close together. Uncirculated, partly bright. Very rare state. Plate. 54 U. S. DOLLARS 957 1799. Five stars before bust. Die break across field and bust. Practically uncirculated. Very rare state. 958 1799. Five stars before bust. The perfect die. Excepting one or two very slight nicks, uncirculated. The finest of- fered for some time. Very rare. Plate. 959 1800. Perfect date; star distant from L. About uncircu- lated, with considerable original lustre. Bare state. 960 1801. Perfect die with straight tip to Is' in date, last star close to bust. Proof original. Finest known. Plate. 961 1801. Curved tip to Is in date and stars distant from bust. Eestrike. Brilliant proof. Excessively rare. Cleneay Sale. Plate. 962 1802. Large, even date with small curl to 2. Eestrike. Brilliant proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 963 1802. Perfect date with large curl to top of 2, star close to Y. Uncirculated, the reverse has full lustre, obverse part- ly bright. Eare state. Plate. 964 1802, over '01. Uncirculated, bright mint lustre. Ex- tremely rare. Anthon Sale. Plate. 965 1803. Small, even date, the top of 3 almost touches bust. Eestrike. Brilliant proof. Excessively rare. Plate. 966 1803. Uneven date, the 3 too low. Very fine. 968 1836. Gobrecht 's pattern with Liberty seated. Plain field with his name on the base and date below. Eev. Large eagle flying to the left. Stars in field, " United States of America. One Dollar. ' ' Edge plain. Brilliant proof. Eare. Plate. 969 1836. Same obverse type as last. The reverse has no stars infields. Almost unique. Only about three known! Brill- iant proof. Plate. 970 1836. Same obverse, but with Gobrecht 's name in the field. Eeverse of 1838. Without stars in the field. Only two or three known, and has not been offered at auction, so far as I can learn. Plate. 971 1838 (None coined in 1837). Gobrecht 's design. Liberty seated. Eev. has no stars in the field. Extremely rare. Proof. Plate. U. S. DOLLARS 55 1839. Same obverse and reverse as last. The edge milled. Bright proof. Extremely rare. I hold the record for this coin, $71, in one of my recent sales. 1839. Same obverse and reverse as last, but the edge is plain! Brilliant, glittering proof. Only two known! Plate. 1840. New type. Liberty seated. Standing eagle on re- verse. Edge milled. Proof, or proof surface. Scarce. 1841. Uncirculated, mint lustre, only slight evidences of tarnish. 1842. Uncirculated, proof surface, with full lustre. Choice. 1843. Very fine. 1844. Proof, or proof surface. Scarce date. 1845. Uncirculated, partly iridescent. 1846. Uncirculated, partly bright, with some proof sur- face. 1847. Proof. Extremely rare. Plate. 1847. Extremely fine. 1848. Proof. Very rare. Plate. 1849. Proof surface. Rare state. 1850. Proof. Very rare. Plate. 1851. Proof. Extremely rare. Plate. 1852. Proof. Extremely rare. Plate. 1853. Uncirculated, proof surface. Rare. 1854. Proof. Very rare. Plate. 1855. Proof. Extremely rare. Plate. 1856. Proof. Very rare. Plate. 1857. Proof. Very rare. 1858. Proof. Very rare. Plate. END OF SECOND SESSION. Third Day's Sale VARIOUS MINT MARK DOLLARS, ETC. 994 1859 O. Liberty seated. Uncirculated, proof surface. 995 1859 S. Very good; rare. 996 1860 0. Uncirculated. 997 1870 C.C. Fine; scarce. 998 1872 S. One or two small scratches, otherwise fine. Very rare and seldom offered. 999 1873 C.C. Trade. Uncirculated; rare. 1000 1874 S. Trade. Uncirculated. 1001 1875 S. Trade. Uncirculated. 1002 1877 S. Trade. Uncirculated. 1003 1878 S. Trade. Uncirculated. 1004 1879 0. Uncirculated. 1005 18910. Uncirculated. 1006 1892 0. Uncirculated. 1007 Half Dollars. 1863. Proof. 1008 1867, '68. Proofs. 2 pes. 1009 1869, 70. Proofs. 2 pes. 1010 1871, 73 (arrows). Proofs. 2 pes. 1011 Quarters. 1867, '69. Proofs. 2 pes. 1012 1869, 71. Proofs. 2 pes. 1013 Dimes. 1865, '66. Proofs; rare. 2 pes. 1014 1866, '68, '69. Proofs; scarce. 3 pes. 1015 Half Dimes. 1862, '66, '67, '68, '69. Proofs. Scarce. 5 pes. 1016 1868, 1869, 1873. Proofs; scarce. 3 pes. 1017 Three Cents Silver. 1867. Proof. 1018 1871. Proof; scarce. 1019 Five Cents Nickel 1867. With rays. Proof; rare. 1020 1867 (no rays), 73 (2), Proofs; '83 (Centless; Unc.). 4 pes. 1020a Three Cents Nickel. 1868 (3), '69, 72, 73 (2). Proofs; scarce. 7 pes. 1020b Two Cents, etc. 1868. 70, 72. Proofs. 3 pes. 1020c Cents. 1867, 71, 72, 73 (2). Proofs. 5 pes. AMERICAN GOLD. Eagles. 1795. Bust of Liberty to right, draped, with cap. Rev. Standing eagle. Top of 5 touches bust, and star distant from cap; eagle's wing just touches R. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 1796. Same types. Uncirculated, perfectly centered, mint lustre, a gem. Rare. Plate. 1797. Four stars facing bust; reverse has small standing eagle as above. Die cracked, as usual, below last star to right. Piece has one or two small dents, otherwise very fine. Very rare. Plate. 1798. over '97. Four stars before bust; heraldic eagle. Fine. Very rare. Plate. 1799. Five stars before bust. Uncirculated. Rare so fine. Plate. 1799. Fine. 1800. Extremely fine, proof surface. Very rare state. Plate. 1028 1801. About uncirculated Plate. 1029 1801. About uncirculated. 1030 1803 (None struck in 1802). Very fine; rare. Plate. 1031 1804. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 1032 1840 (None struck 1805-37). New head of Liberty to left, standing eagle. 1033 1841. Extremely fine, considerable of original lustre; scarce. 1034 1842 O. About fine. 1035 1844 O. Extremely fine, considerable mint lustre. Scarce. 1036 1850 O. Scarce. Fine. 1037 1854 O. Very good; scarce. 1038 1857. About fine; rare. Not in the Wilson Bale. Coinage small. 1039 1858 0. Fine; rare. Not in the Wilson Sale. 1040 1860 O. About fine. Rare and coinage small. 1041 1861. Very good. 58 AMERICAN GOLD 1042 1868. Very good; rare; coinage limited. 1043 1874. Extremely line. 1044 1888 0. About uncirculated; mint lustre; rare. 1045 1892 0. Fine; scarce. Half Eagles. 1046 1795. Draped bust of Liberty to right, with cap. Small standing eagle. Figure 5 in date merged into bust, point of star just touches bust. Slight nick behind head and to left of eagle. Very fine. In great demand and price has advanced. Plate. 1047 1796, over '95. Similar types. Slight nick before nose, otherwise uncirculated with proof surface. Rare. Plate. 1048 1797. Perfect date, with sixteen stars. Slight nick before 5th star, otherwise very fine. Extremely rare and seldom offered. Plate. 3049 1797. The fifteen stars variety. Die broken across rev. and through "i" in "United". Very fine and extremely rare. The Wilson Sale did not have it. Plate. 1050 1798. Thirteen stars. Large, wide date, the top of 8 touch- ing the bust. Heraldic eagle; die break near rim on rev. Uncirculated, proof surface. A gem. Rare. Plate. 1051 1798. Small, close date with broken die. Obv. has one or two minute scratches^ otherwise about proof state. Rare. Plate. 1052 1799. Perfect date. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 1053 1800. Uncirculated, mint lustre. Plate. 1054 1802 (None coined in 1801). Struck over 1801 die. Ex- tremely fine, proof surface, Plate. 1055 1804. Uncirculated, proof surface. A gem. Plate. 1056 1805. Wide date. Uncirculated. Plate. 1057 1805. Close date. Uncirculated. Plate. 1058 1806. Knobbed 6, six stars before bust. Very fine. Plate. 1059 1807. New bust type to left. Extremely fine, some lustre. Plate. AMERICAN GOLD 5£ 1060 1808. Perfect date. Extremely fine, some lustre. Plate. 061 1808, over 7. Nearly fine; rare. 062 1809. Very fine; scarce. Plate. 063 1810. Small date. Extremely fine. Plate. 1064 1810. Large date. Very fine. Plate. [1065 1811. Large 5, distant from D on reverse. Practically uncirculated, mint lustre. Scarce. Plate. 1812. Small 5, distant from D. Uncirculated. Plate. 1813. New type with large head of Liberty to left. Un- circulated; lustre. Scarce so choice. Plate. 1814. About uncirculated; rare. Plate. 1818 (None struck in 1816-17). Uncirculated; rare. Plate. 1819. Uncirculated. Excessively rare. Only 9 known. Last record for this date $650! Plate. 1071 1821. About uncirculated, with some original lustre. Ex- cessively rare. Plate. 1072 1823. Semi-proof. A gem of high order. Very rare thus. Plate. 1825. Overdate. Fine. Excessively rare. Plate. 1826. Slight hair-like scratch on obverse, otherwise un- circulated, with considerable original lustre. Very rare. Plate. 1075 1829. Large date, large legend. Slightest scratch before mouth, otherwise an uncirculated piece with some origi- nal lustre. Only five or six known, and one of the very rarest of United States gold coins. Plate. 1075a 1831. Excepting for one or two slight obverse nicks, very fine. Eare. Plate. 1076 1833. Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 1077 1834. With Motto. Uncirculated, mint lustre. A gem. Very rare. Plate. 1078 1834. No motto. Curl between 3 and 4 in date, arrow point distant from A in "America". Brilliant proof. Rare state. Plate. 1079 1834. No motto. Crosslet 4. Very fine. Only 2 are known! Plate. 1080 1834. No motto. Curl just over 4 in date; arrow-point touches A. Uncirculated, mint lustre. $0 AMERICAN GOLD 1081 1835. Uncirculated. 1082 1836. On reverse D is slightly to right of end of branch. About uncirculated. 1083 1836. Different die; on reverse D is slightly to left of end of branch. Uncirculated. 1084 1837. Very fine. 1085 1838 D. Extremely fine. Scarce. 1086 1838. Ex. F. to Uncirculated. 1087 1839. Uncirculated, bright; scarce so choice. Plate. 1088 1839 D. Nick before fact. Fine; scarce. 1089 1840. New type, with Liberty head, and standing eagle. Extremely fine. 1090 1840 C. Very fine; scarce. 1091 1841. Uncirculated. Beauty! Scarce. 1092 1841 G. With broad rim. Very fine; rare state. 1093 1842. Small date. Uncirculated. 1094 1842 I). Fine; scarce. 1095 1843. Uncirculated, mint lustre. Very rare state. 1096 1843. Mint lustre. Very rare state. 1097 1843 C. Very good. 1098 1843 0. Uncirculated, proof surface. Very rare, espec- ially in this condition. 1099 1844 D. About fine; scarce. 1100 1845. About fine. 1101 1846. Small date, with very short 6. Good; rare. 1102 1846. Large date with medium short 6. Very fine ; scarce* 1103 1847. Uncirculated, choice. 1104 1848. Fine. 1105 1848 C. Very good. 1106 1849 D. Very fine and scarce. 1107 1850 D. Very good. 1108 1851 D. Very good. 1109 1852 C. Fine; scarce. 1110 1853 D. Very good. 1111 1857 D. About fine. 1112 1857 S. Very good. 1113 1858 D. Very good. 1114 1858 S. About fine. AMERICAN GOLD $1 1859 D. Uncirculated; rare state. 1859 C. About fine. 1860 D. Very fine, rare; coinage small. 1860 C. Uncirculated; scarce state. 1118a 1860 C. Fine and rare; coinage small. 1119 1866 S. Very good. 1870 S. Fine. Very rare; coinage small. 1871 C.C. Good; scarce. 1873 S. Very good; scarce. 1874. Nearly fine. Very rare. Entire coinage only 3,5081 1876 C.C. Fine. Very rare; coinage small. 1877 S. Very good. 1877 C.C. Verv good. Coinage only 8,680. 1878 C.C. Good; scarce. Three Dollars. 1854. Head of Liberty to left in Indian head-dress. Rev. Value in wreath. Uncirculated. Scarce state. 1856. Uncirculated. 1858. Nearly uncirculated. Very rare. 1860. Brilliant proof. Very rare state. Plate. 1861. Bright proof. Very rare state. Plate. 1867. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 1868. Uncirculated. Rare state. Plate. 1869. Uncirculated, brilliant. Very rare. Plate. 1871. Uncirculated. Very rare state. Plate. 1873. Brilliant proof. Excessively rare. Entire coinage only 25 pieces! I hold the record for this piece, made in my sale of Nov. 12, 1909— $112.00. Plate. 1874. Brilliant proof. Extremely rare. Plate. 1874. Uncirculated, mint lustre ; scarce so fine. 1878. Bright mint state. 1880. Brilliant proof. Very rare. Entire coinage only 1,036 pieces! Plate. 1881. Brilliant proof. Very rare. Only 550 pieces were struck this year. Plate. 1885. Extremely fine. Only 910 pieces coined! Plate. 62 AMERICAN GOLD Quarter Eagles. 1144 1796. Bust of Liberty to right, with cap. Heraldic eag- le. Planchet marks across the obverse rim, otherwise a brilliant uncirculated specimen with proof surface. Very rare. Plate. 1145 1797. Six stars before head and seven behind it. Obverse die slightly broken through field. Extremely fine, with proof surface. Excessively rare. Plate. 1146 1798. Seven stars before and six behind head. Slight nick over date. Extremely tine; very rare. Plate. 1147 1802 (None coined 1799-1801). Slight nick in left field. Very fine, with proof surface. Rare. Plate. 1148 1804. Very good. Rare. 1149 1805. Six stars before head, seven behind it. Uncircu- lated. A gem. Rare. Plate. 1150 1807. Uncirculated. Beauty. Rare. Plate. 1151 1821. New type with large head to left. Standing eagle. About uncirculated, proof surface. Very rare. Plate. 1152 1824, over '21. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1153 1825. Uncirculated, proof surface. Very rare. Plate. 1154 1827. About uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. Proof. Beauty. Very rare. Plate. 1156 1830. Uncirculated, proof surface. Rare. Plate. 1155 1829. Same designs, but border of beads within rim. 1157 1831. Uncirculated, proof surface. Rare. Plate. 1158 1832. Uncirculated, proof surface. Rare. Plate. 1159 1833. Small initial scratched over eagle's head on rev. r otherwise extremely fine; rare. 1160 1834. With the Motto! Excessively rare. Uncirculated, with nearly full proof surface. Plate. 1161 1834. New type with bust of Liberty to left. Standing eagle. No Motto. Extremely fine, proof surface. 1162 1835. Brilliant proof. Beautiful specimen. Plate. 1163 1835. Uncirculated. 1164 1836. Arrow points to right foot of A. Ex. fine. 1165 1836. Arrow points to middle of A. Very good. 1166 1836. Arrow points to left foot of A. Fine. AMERICAN GOLD 6$ 1837. Very fine. 1838. Uncirculated. Choice. 1839. Nick behind head. V. Fine. 1839 0. The mark over date. Fine. 1842 0. New head of Liberty, and standing eagle. Per- fect die. Fine; scarce. 1842 0. Broken die on reverse. Abt. Fine. 1842 D. Very rare. Coinage only about 4,000. Nearly fine. 1843. Large date. Fine. 1843 D. Small date. Fraction dash close to D. V. good. 1843 D. Small date. Fraction dash farther from D. Fine. 1843 0. Small date, perfect die. Fine. 1843 0. Small date. Reverse die broken. Abt. Fine. 1845. Fine. 1845 D. Fine and rare. 1846 0. Double cut date. Fine. 1846 D. Very good; rare. 1847 C. Very fine; rare. 1847 0. Fine. 1848 C. Very good; rare. 1848 D. Nearly fine; rare. 1849 C. Fine; rare; coinage small. 1849 D. Very good; rare. 1850. Very good. 1850 C. Very srood; rare. 1851. Very fine. 1851 0. Fine. 1852. Very fine. 1852 0. Fine. 1853. Very fine. 1854. Very fine. 1854 0. Fine. 1855. Very fine. 1856. Ex. fine. 1857. Uncirculated, bright. 1857 O. Ex. fine; scarce. 1858 C. Very good. Very rare; coinage small. 64 AMERICAN GOLD 1203 1859. Uncirculated. 1204 1861. Uncirculated. 1205 1862. About fine. 1206 1865 S. Very good; rare. 1207 1869. Uncirculated, bright; very rare. Coinage only 4,345! 1208 1870. Very fair; date good; loop removed. Very rare. 1209 1871. Proof, nearly perfect. Very rare. 1210 1873. Very fine. 1211 1875 S. Fine; rare. 1212 1876. About fine. Very rare. 1213 1876 S. Fine; rare; coinage small. 1214 1877. Fine. Very rare; entire coinage only 1,652! 1215 1877 S. Fine. 1216 1878 S, the S over 1 in %. Fine. 1217 1878 S. The S over fraction bar. Fine. 1218 1878 S. The S to right of fraction. Fine. 1219 1878. Uncirculated, bright. 1220 1879. Uncirculated. 1221 1881. Uncirculated, proof surface. Very rare. Entire coinage only 680! pieces. Sufficiently rare to bring $25. 1222 1904. Glittering proof . Rare. 1223 1907. Uncirculated, bright. Dollars, Etc. 1224 1849. Open wreath. Uncirculated; scarce. J 225 1849. Open wreath. Uncirculated. 1226 1849. Close wreath. Uncirculated; scarce. 1227 1851. Uncirculated. 1228 1851. Ex. fine. 1229 1851. Ex. fine. 1230 1852. Uncirculated. 1231 1853. Ex. fine. 1232 1853. Uncirculated. 1233 1854. Uncirculated. 1234 1857 C. Ex. F. to uncirculated. Very rare. 1235 1859. Proof. Very rare. AMERICAN GOLD 65 1860. Brilliant proof. Extremely rare. 1861. Brilliant proof. Extremely rare. 1861. Uncirculated. 1862. Brilliant proof. Very rare. 1866. Brilliant proof. Excessively rare and seldom offer- ed in any condition. 1873. Uncirculated, bright. 1879. Uncirculated, proof surface; scarce. California Gold. 1871. Half Dollar. Eound. Lib. head, 13 stars, L. under bust, "Half Dollar Cal." in wreath. Proof; rare. 1244 1871. Half Dollar. Oct. Lib. head, 8 st. "% Dollar 1871" in wreath. Unc. 1245 1871. Quarter. Eound. Lib. head, 13 st. "% Dollar Cal." Proof. 1246 1871. Quarter. Oct. Lib. head, 13 stars, L. under bust. "% Dollar Cal." Unc. Scarce. U. S. Gold Proof Sets. 1247 1882. $3 and $1 only, the $3 has spot on reverse. Very rare and coinage very small. Two coins, sold as one lot. 1248 1883. $20 (Only 40 Coined!), $3 (Only 940 coined), $2% (1,960 coined), $1 (10,840 coined). An excessively rare set, which, judging from actual rarity of the pieces, should bring $100.00. Four pieces, one lot. 1249 1884. $20 (71 coined!), $5, $3 (1,106 coined), $2% (1,993 coined), $1. Very rare, brilliant set. Five pieces, sold as one lot. 1250 1885. $5, $3 (910 coined, only a few of these proofs), $2%, $1. Very rare partial set. Four pieces by the lot. 1251 1886. $5, $3 (1,142 struck), $2y 2 (4,088 struck), $1 (6.016 struck). Eare set of four pieces. 1252 1887. $5, $3 (6,160 struck), $2y 2 (6,282 coined), $1 (8,543 struck). Scarce partial set of four pieces. 1253 1888. $5, $3 (5,291 struck), $2y 2 , $1. Eare set. Four pieces, as a lot. 1254 1889. $5, $3 (2,429 struck), $2%, $1. Eare lot of four. 66 AMERICAN GOLD 1255 1890. $10, $5 and $2%. Brilliant. Rare set. 3 pes. 1256 1891. $10, $5 and $2%. Eare set of three. 1257 1892. $10, $5 and $2% (Only 2,521 struck!). Very rare. Three, sold as one. 1258 1893. $10, $5 and |2%. Brilliant. Rare lot of three. 1259 1894. $10, $5 and $2% (4,122 struck). Rare lot of three. 1260 1895. $10, $5 and $2% (6,119 struck, only a few were proofs). Rare set of three. 1261 1896. $10, $5, $2%. Brilliant; rare. Three pieces, one lot. 1262 1897. $10, $5 and $2%-. Brilliant, rare set of three. 1263 1898. $10, $5 and $2y 2 . Brilliant; rare set of three. 1264 1899. $10, $5 and $2%. Brilliant. Scarce lot. 1265 1900. $10, $5 and $2%. Brilliant lot of three. 1266 1901. $10, $5 and $2%. Brilliant, scarce lot. 1267 1902. $10, $5 and $2%. Brilliant, scarce lot. 1268 1903. $10, $5 and $2%. Brilliant lot of three. 1269 1906. $5and$2y 2 . Brilliant ; scarce lot of two. UNITED STATES PROOF SETS. 1270 1842. Dollar (proof surface), Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Small Date Cent, and Half Cent (Original). This set may be unique! Seven pieces, sold as one set. 1271 1843. Dollar (is uncirculated), Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Cent (Obv. and rev. of 1842), Half Cent (Original!) Excessively rare, only three or four sets known. Seven pieces sold as one set. 1272 1846. Dollar (is perfect date, proof surface), Half, Quar- ter, Dime, Half Dime, Two, One Cent Pieces, Tall and Short Sixes in Date, Half Cent (Restrike). Exceedingly rare. Eight pieces, sold as one set. 1273 1847. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Cent, Half Cent (Restrike). Excessively rare. Winsor Sale. Seven pieces, sold as one set. 1274 1848. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Half Cent (Original!). Excessively rare. Seven pieces, sold as one lot. U. S. PROOF SETS 67 1275 1850. Dollar (chafed), Half, Quarter (Uncirculated), Dime, Half Dime (uncirculated), Three Cents (Liberty cap), Cent, Half Cent (Uncirculated). Bare set of eight, sold as one. 1276 1852. Dollar, Half, Dime, Half Dime, Cent. Incomplete. Extremely rare. Five pieces sold as one set. 1277 1853. Dollar, Half (Arrows and rays), Quarter, Dime, Half Dime (Unc), Three Cents, Cent, Half Cent (Uncir- culated). Rare set of eight pieces, sold as one. 1278 1854. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Half Dime, Three Cents, Cent, Half Cent. Extremely rare. Eight pieces sold as a set. 1279 1855. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Three Cents, Cents (Two varieties, one with large flying eagle), Half Cent. Extremely rare set of nine pieces, sold as one. Aulick Collection. 1280 1856. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Three Cents, Cents (Two varieties) one the Copper Nickel with Flying Eagle), Half Cent. Extremely rare and choice set of nine pieces, sold as one. 1281 1857. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Three Cents, Cents (Small date and regular flying eagle), Half Cent. Rare set of eight pieces. 1282 1858. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Three Cents. Very rare set of six pieces, sold as one. 1282a 1859. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Dimes (two varieties, in- cluding the excessively rare one with reverse of 1860), Half Dime, Three Cents and Cent. Very scarce set. 1283 1860. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Three Cents and Cent. Scarce. Seven as one set. 1284 1861. Same denominations as last. One set. Rare. 1285 1862. Same denominations as last. Scarce. 1286 1863. Same denominations as last. 1 set. 1287 1864. Same set as last with two cents (different) and two* cent piece added. Rare. 9 pes. 1828 1865. Same denominations as last. Rare. One set. 68 U. S. PROOF SETS 1289 1866. Same denominations as last, with two varieties of nickels and three cents nickel added. Eleven pieces, sold as one. Bare and choice. 1290 1867. Same denominations as last, two varieties of Nick- els, one with Rays. Eleven pieces, as one. 1291 1868. Same denominations as last, (one Nickel). Scarce. Ten pieces, sold as one. 1292 1869. Same denominations as last. Scarce. Ten pieces, one lot. 1293 1870. Same denominations as last. Ten pieces, one lot. 1294 1871. Same denominations as last. 1 Lot. 1295 1872. Same denominations as last. Very scarce. Ten pieces, one lot. 1296 1873. Old style, without arrow-points to silver. The three and two cent pieces are very rare. Ten pieces, sold as one. 1297 1873. The set with Trade Dollar. Silver has arrows. Sev- en pieces, sold as one. Includes rare two and three cent pieces. 1298 1874. Set with trade dollar, etc. Complete. Seven pieces, as one. 1299 1875. Same denominations, with 20c piece added. Eare. Eight pieces, sold as one. 1300 1876. The same denominations and pieces. 1 lot. 1301 1877. Same denominations. Earest of the later sets. 8 pieces, sold as one. 1302 1878. Trade and eight feathered dollars, in all ten pieces. 1303 1879. With both dollars. Set of eight pieces. Hot. 1304 1880. With both dollars, as last. Eight pieces. 1305 1881. Same set as last. 1306 1882. Same set as last. 1307 1883. Same set as last with two nickels added. 10 pea Sold as one lot. 1308 1884. Set with standard dollar. Seven pieces. 1309 1885. Same set. 1310 1886. Same set. 1311 1887. Same set. U. S. PROOF SETS 69 1312 1888. Same set. 1313 1889. Same set. 1314 1890. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Dime, Nickel, lc. 6 pes One set. 1315 1891. The same set. 1316 1892. The same set. 1317 1893. The same set. 1318 1894. The same set. 1319 1895. The same set, the dollar rare. 1320 1896. The same set. 1321 1897. The same set. 1322 1898. The same set. 1323 1899. The same set. 1324 1900. The same set. 1325 1901. The same set. 1326 1903. The same set. 1327 1904. The same set, the dollar rare ; last year. 1328 1905. Half, Quarter, Dime, Nickel, Cent. Complete. 1329 1906. Same as last. : Partial Sets of Uncirculated U, , S. Silver. 1330 1840. Half, Quarter, Dime and Half Dime. Rare. 4 1331 1841. Same denominations. Rare. 4 pes. 1332 1842. Half Dollar, Dime, Half Dime. Rare. 3 pes. 1333 1843. Half, Quarter, Dime and Half Dime. Rare. 4 1334 1844. Same denominations. Rare. 4 pes. 1335 1845. Same denominations. Rare. 4 pes. 1336 1847. Same denominations. Rare. 4 pes. 1337 1848. Same denominations. Rare. 4 pes. 1338 1849. Same denominations. Rare. 4 pes. 1339 1850. Same denominations. Rare. 4 pes. 1340 1851. Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Three Cents ver. Rare. 5 pes. 1341 1852. Same denominations. Rare. 5 pes. 1342 1853. Same denominations. Rare. 5 pes. 1343 1854. Same denominations. Rare. 5 pes. 1344 1855. Same denominations. Rare. 5 pes. pes. pes. Si!- Eare. 5 pes. Rare. 5 pes. Scarce. 5 pes. Scarce. 5 pes. Scarce. 5 pes. Scarce. 5 pes. 5 pes. [alf Dime. Sea 70 UNCIRCULATED U. S. SILVER 1345 1856. Same denominations. 1346 1857. Same denominations. 1347 1858. Same denominations. 1348 1859. Same denominations. 1349 1860. Same denominations. 1350 1861. Same denominations. 1351 1862. Same denominations. 1352 1863. Half, Quarter, Dime ; Half Dime. Scarce. 4 pes. 1353 1864. Same denominations. Rare. 4 pes. 1354 1865. Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Three Cents, Sil- ver (latter proof). Rare. 5 pes. 1355 1866. Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime. Rare. 4 pes. 1356 1867. Same denominations as last. Rare. 4 pes. 1357 1868. Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Three Cents, Sil- ver. Rare. 5 pes. 1358 1869. Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime. Scarce. 4 pes. 1359 1870. Same denominations. Scarce. 4 pes. 1360 1871. Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Three Cents Sil- ver. Scarce. 5 pes. 1361 1872. Same denominations as last. Scarce. 5 pes. 1362 1873. Half, Quarter, Dime, Half Dime. Scarce. 4 pes. 1363 1874. Half, Quarter, Dime. 3 pes. 1364 1875. Half, Quarter, Twenty Cents, Dime. Rare. 4 pes. 1365 1876. Half, Quarter, Twenty Cents, Dime. Scarce. 4 pes. 1366 1877. Half, Quarter, Dime. 3 pes. 1367 1878. As last. 3 pes. 1368 1879. As last. 3 pes. 1369 1880. As last. 3 pes. 1370 1881. As last. 3 pes. 1371 1882, As last. 3 pes. 1372 1883. As last. 3 pes. 1373 1884. As last. 3 pes. 1374 1885. As last. 3 pes. 1375 1886. As last (2 dimes). 4 pes. 1376 1888. Half, Quarter, Dime. 3 pes. 1377 1889. As last. 3 pes. 1378 1890. As last. 3 pes. 1379 1898. 1380 1899. 1381 1900. 1382 1901. 1383 1902. 1384 1903. 1385 1904. pes. 1386 1898. 1387 1899. 1388 1900. 1389 1901. 1390 1902. 1391 1903. 1392 1904. 3 pes, UNCIRCULATED U. S. SILVER 71 Uncirculated Silver Coins of the Branch Mints. San Francisco. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Dime. Scarce. 4 pes. Same denominations. Scarce. 4 pes. Same denominations. Scarce. 4 pes. Same denominations. 4 pes. Same denominations. Scarce. 4 pes. Some denominations. Eare. 4 pes. Dollar, Half, Dime (No quarters coined). Rare. 3 New Orleans. Dollar, Half, Quarter, Dime. Scarce. 4 pes. Same denominations. Scarce. 4 pes. Same denominations. 4 pes. Same denominations. 4 pes. Same denominations. Scarce. 4 pes. Same denominations. Scarce. 4 pes. Dollar, Half, Quarter (No dimes coined). Scarce. UNIQUE $5. BECHTLER PIECE. (1831). Obverse: ".C. Bechtler. Assayer. Rutherford County. *".. Reverse: "North Carolina Gold, 5 Dollars. 20 Carats *". The distinctive feature of this unique piece is that it has not "150 Gr" under "20 Carats", as on lot 1175 of my James B. Wilson Sale, which piece sold for $785 to Mr. Granberg. Mr. Hidden, the well-known au- thority on these coins, suspected the existence of such a piece, states that Bechtler had a good sense of propor- tion, and the line "150 Gr." makes the reverse design clearly lop-sided. Being unique this coin is worth just as much as any private gold coin that ever was sold. See Plate. VERY RARE COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS. ETC. 1394 1652. Massachusetts. Oak Tree Shilling. "New Eng- land. An. Dom. 1652 XII. ' ' Rev. An Oak Tree. < ' In Mas- athusets." Crosby's 1 b D. Very rare, especially in this perfect state. Rare variety. Plate. 1395 1652. Massachusetts. Oak Tree Shilling. Similar types with bushy tree. Crosby's 6 b, Rev. El. Rare. Fine. Plate. 1396 1652. Massachusetts. Pine Tree Shilling. Tall, narrow tree. Crosby's 4, Rev. C. Uncirculated. Wonderfully perfect. Large planchet. Plate. 1397 1652. Massachusetts. Pine Tree Shilling, with fine bushy tree. Crosby's 21, Rev. L. Small planchet. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1398 1652. Massachusetts. Pine Tree Three Pence. Similar types, III under the date. Crosby's 2- A. Uncirculated. May be finest known. Extremely rare. Plate. 1399 New York Cent. 1786. Military bust to right of George Washington. "Non Vi Virtu t e" Vici. " Rev. "Neo-Ebo- racensis, 1786." Liberty seated holding a staff in her right hand, and scales in extended left hand. Broad ser- ratures around the obverse and reverse. Unusually well centered and good impression of this very rare coin. May be termed fine. Record $300 in my sale of the Grschwend Collection, June 15th and 16th, 1908. See Crosby's Plate VIII, No. 4. Plate. 1400 1785. Confederatio Cent. Indian standing beside an al- tar on which a small Liberty cap; his right hand holds an arrow, his left a bow and rests on the altar, a quiver full of arrows on his back; his right foot rests on a crown. "Inimica Tyrannis. Americana." Rev. A cluster of 13 small stars within a glory of sixteen groups of fine rays; "Confederatio. 1785." Crosby's Plate VII, No. 12. Very good. Not over four known! This is Dr. Hall's original specimen, and may have come originally from the Bush- nell Collection. This variety sold for $800 in the Stickney Sale! Plate. COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 73 1776. "Libertas Americana." Bronze Medal. Beautiful head of Liberty by Dupre, with pole and cap. "Libertas Americana." In exergue. "4 Juil. 1776." Rev. France (Pallas) defending the infant America from the attack- ing Lion. One or two slight scratches. Very fine; rare. 1741. Admiral Vernon Medal in bronze. Bust of Duke of Argyle standing. "The Generouse: Duke: of: Argyle", etc. Rev. The devil leading Sir Robert Walpole by a rope into the open mouth of a dragon. "Make: Room: For: SIR: ROBERT", etc. Uncirculated. Exceptional spec- imen. Very rare. Betts No. 247, page 116. (1840-65). "Sommer Hands 20 Shillings" piece. Re- strike from original die-model. Obv. a hog facing left, above him "X X"; border: "Sommer Hands." Rev. A full rigged ship with three sails and four flags. A very well executed piece, authorship unknown. There were five struck in gold, one of which I understand cost $2,000 and rests in the collection of one of our leading universi- ties. Silver. Only 15 struck, and die is broken and use- less. 1^04 The same as last, in dull bronze. Only 25 struck! 1405 The same as last, but struck in brass. Only 25 struck 1 Medals of Benjamin Franklin. Bronze oval plaque. Very early bust to right in fur cap and with hair streaming over back and neck. Size 60x48. This piece came recently from Europe, from a large col- lection of old bronze plaques. Extremely rare. Old uniface medal struck in brass. Splendid bust to left. "Benjamin Franklin Ne A Boston Le 17 Janvier 1706". Below the bust: "Mort a Philadelphie An 1790." Border floreated. Size 45. This is an old piece and very rare. From same collection as last. 74 COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1408 1786. Bronze medal by Dupre. Fine bust to left. "Benj. Franklin Natus Boston XVII Jan. M D CCVL" Eev. In heavy wreath: "Eripuet Coelo Fulmen Sceptrum Que Tyrannis". Extremely fine. Size 45. Original. Betts No. 620. 1408a As last. Struck in steel. Very fine. Unique. 1409 Bronze of Franklin and Montyon. Their busts to left, by Barre. Rev.: "Leg Souscripteurs Associes Pour Propa- ger L'Histoire Des Bienfaiteurs De L'Humanite 1833." Size 41. Very fine old original. 1410 Civil War Cent in Silver. Bust of Franklin to left. Brim- low 's card. Rev. ' ' Good for one glass of soda. ' ' Uncirc- ulated. Excessively rare in this metal. Medals and Tokens of Abraham Lincoln. 1411 Large bronze medal. Bust to left by Franky Magniadas. "Dedie Par La Democratic Francaise A Lincoln Presi- dent Deux Fois Elu Des Etats Unis." Rev. Allegoricd scene. An angel stands at left of a monument, her right hand resting on an anchor, her left holding a wreath; t»> the right two male negroes, the one holding a gun, the other a branch extended in left hand, his right holding a book. The monument inscribed: "Lincoln H'Honnetc >: Homme L'Esclavage Retablit L 'Union Sauva La Repub- lique Sans Voiler La Statue De La Liberte II Fut Assass- ine Le 14 Avril 1865"; below the monument: "Franky Magniadas" (small), and " Liberte-Egalite-Fraternite ' ' ; above the monument the American eagle standing with extended wings, on a scroll reading "E. Pluribus Unum." Size 82. About as new. May be first offered here. Ex- tremely rare. MISCELLANEOUS MEDALS 75 1860. Eare piece in silver. Bust to right in civilian clothes. "Abni. Lincoln Kep. Candidate for President 1860 ' \ Eev. Within corn wreath in center surrounded by stars: "Free Homes for Free Men"; around the border, "Protection to American Industry". Edge plain. Size 26. Extremely fine and excessively rare in this metal. It comes usually in brass. (1860). Eare campaign badge in brown rubber. Head in high relief to left. "Abraham Lincoln. Born Feb. 12, 1809." Eev. Within a wreath, a two rail fence, before it a rail and Lincoln's ax; above it, "Protection to Honest Industry." Size 26. Extremely rare, first I have cata- logued. Very fine. Has ring, as issued. 1860. Thick white metal medal. Civilian bust to right, name, date. Eev. "Freedom National. Slavery Section- al"; also brass token with bust, the reverse showing Lin- coln splitting rails. Very fine. 2 pes. Undated foreign Lincoln medal (contemporaneous). Bust front face, name and stars. Eev. Liberty reclining before Capitol; above her, "Amerika , \ Holed at top, probably issued so. Proof. Size 38. Very rare. (1860). White metal medal. Civilian bust to right. "Ab- raham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the U. S." Eev. view of the "Eesidence of Abraham Lincoln." Proof. Size 35. Very rare. 1864. Eare bronze medal. Bust to left in civilian clothes. "Abraham Lincoln, President of the U. S. 1864." Eev. Eagle standing on a shield, four flags surrounding it; above these, "Eepublican Candidate for President of the United States." Size 27. Ex. Fine. 1864. Eare war token or cent. Bust to left. "The right man in the right place." Eev., in wreath, "Freedom." Copper nickel and thick. The rarity of this piece has not been appreciated. Fine. 1865. Memorial token in white metal. Naked bust to right by Key. Below this: "President 1861-65." Eev. "Shall be then, Thenceforward, and Forever Free." 1 ' Emancipation. ■ ' Proof. First 1 have seen or offered. 76 MISCELLANEOUS MEDALS 1420 1865. Memorial token in bronze by Miller. Bust to left, name, date; "The great statesman & Beloved President. 7 ' Eev. "His memory is enshrined in every loyal heart.' ' Bare overstrike. Bronze. Abont fine. First I have of- fered in this metal. 1421 1860. Brass token. Bust to left. "For President Abra- ham Lincoln of 111." Eev. view of the white-house. "Pres- ident's House." Holed as issued. Very fine and rare. 1421a 1864. Lincoln brass medal by Key. Bust to left. "Lin- coln & Johnson, Union Candidates." Eev. Star in center with bust of Washington. ■ ' Freedom to all men. Union. ' r Size 32. Unc. Eare. 1421b 1860. Scarce brass medal. Bust. Name. Eev. "Eepub- lican Candidate." "No More Slave Territory." Proof. Size 30. 1421c Small bronze medal. Bust to right and name, 1864. Eev. Cannons and flags, beneath, "1864." Ex. Fine. Eare. 1421d Eare Bolen bronze Lincoln medal. Bust to right, name. Eev. "With malice toward none, with Charity for All." Size 25. Fine. 1421e 1864. Bronze medal. Small bust to right, name and 1864. Eev. "Born Feb. 12, 1809. Assassinated April 14th, 1865." Apparently Bolen 's work. Fine. Thick and very rare. Size 20. 1421f Large bronze medal. Bust right, by Ellis. Eev. An In- dian plowing. Scalping scene. As new. Size 62. 1422 1865. Eare silver token. Bust to right on plain field, and without his name. Eev. In a wreath, "Inaug. Second Term March 4, 1865," in five lines. Attempted puncture at top of obverse. Very good. 1423 Naked bust to right on plain field. Eev. blank. Struck over a copper nickel cent of 1857-8. V. Fine. Unique. 1423a Gold medal. Large, naked bust to right. Eev. Large bust to left of Garfield. Size 25. Brilliant proof. 1424 1909. Brass medal to right, name, date of birth. Eev. "Lincoln Centennial Medal", etc. Issued by Boston American. Size 32. Very scarce. MISCELLANEOUS MEDALS 77 1909. Brenner's beautiful round bronze with bust to right, similar to that seen on the present U. S. Cent. Rev. An eagle standing on a rock facing a turbulent sea, in a storm; before the rock: "Preserve, Protect, Defend." As new. Only 100 struck. Sold for $10. 1909. Large bronze medal. Bust front face, by J.E.Roine. "Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1909." "By his high courage, his statesmanship, and his supreme qualities," etc. Never offered for public sale, although two or three were sold for $10 apiece. Size 110 MM. As new. 1909. Memorial medal. Naked bust to right, name. Rev. View of Lincoln 's cabin. l ' Cabin in which Abraham Lin- coln was born February 12, 1809." Silver. Thick, size 32. Only 10 struck in silver. The same, in bronze. Only 25 struck. Rare. The same, but with gilt, bronze and other heads in relief, the body of aluminum. Very choice. 6 pes. 1910. Dollar sized gold token. Beautiful bust to left by a prominent European artist. "Abraham Lincoln, 1910." Rev. "A. Token. To. The. Emancipator, and Martyr." As new. 18 karat. Weighs 1% dwts. Only 50 struck and scarce. Various Medals. 1782. Dutch Peace Medal of the Revolutionary War. Hol- land standing holding hat-crowned lance, arrows and cad- uceus. "Netherlands declares America Free." Rev. A group of bales and barrels, and boat with American and Dutch flags. "The Universal Desire." Fine. Betts 607. Very rare and formerly sold for $25 or more. 1782. Holland Receives John Adams as Envoy medal. Obv. Holland and America standing, hands clasped. ' ' Lib- era Solemni". Rev. A landscape with a high rock at the left, at the base of which lies a unicorn, who has broken his horn against the precipice. "Tyrannis Virtute Re- pulsa", etc. Very good and very rare. Has very high auction records. Betts 603. 78 MISCELLANEOUS MEDALS 1433 Washington bronze, by Bacon. Bnst to right with long y curly hair. "Georgius Washington. " Eev. "Natus Vir- giniae In America Foederata An. M. DCC. XXXII. Obiit An. M. DCC. RCIX." Struck in 1819. Very fine ; rare. 1434 The curious and rare Manly medal in bronze. Repulsive bust to left with queue. "Geo. Washington, Born Vir- ginia, Feb. 11, 1732." Rev. "General of the American Armies 1775, Resigned 1783, President of the United States, 1789", in 10 lines. Fine. Size 50. This is an old original. 1435 1789. Lafayette. Original bronze with youthful bust to left, with name, date of birth. Rev. Record of his achieve- ments. Size 41. This is over 100 years old. Very fine. 1436 William Penn bronze by Rogat. Bust with hat to left, "Guillelmus Penn." Rev. "Natus Lond An.", etc. Se- ries Numismatica, 1844. Extremely fine, scarce. 1437 Daniel Webster bronze by Wright. Large bust to right, name. Rev. Globe on pedestal, "Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable." Heavy. Size 75. Uncirculated. 1438 Zachary Taylor bronze by Wright. Bust right, name. Rev. "General Zachary Taylor Born in Orange County, Va., November 2, 1784. Entered the U. S. Army," etc. Very fine old medal. Size 78. 1439 1848. Zachary Taylor. Heavy bronze by Wright. Res- olution of Congress. May 9, 1846, for battle of Buena Vis- ta. View of battle scene. Size 90. Very fine. 1440 Louis XVIII bronze by Andrieu. Bust, name, titles. Rev. France and America standing. "Gallia et America Foed- erati." Commercial treaty medal. Handsome. Size 50. Dated 1822. 1441 France. Caque's large silver medal to Chas. II of France. Bust crowned to left. Name, title. Rev. Record of his achievements in 22 lines. Size 50. Very fine. Rare. 1442 Handsome French bronze medals of noted men of France and Belgium, Mortier, Piercot, Burgomaster of Liege, Archbishop Mechlin, Rouppe. Mostly large and very fine * work. 4 pes. MISCELLANEOUS MEDALS 79 1443 J. F. Ducis bronze by Gatteaux. Beautiful work. Size 40. V. F. 1444 J. Paul Rubens bronze, by Simon. Bust in high relief. Dates of birth and death. Size 45. V. F. Rare. 1445 Handsome bronze medal of the French Republic. 1848. Head of France in lion's skin, modeled after the tetra- drachm of Alexander the Great, by Gayrard. Rev. Liber- ty, Equality and Fraternite standing. Size 50. V. F. 1446 France. Philip the Good, by Jonvenel. Bust. Rev. rec- ord of his achievements. Size 45. Fine. 1447 1840. Antwerp bronze to Paul Rubens. View of statue. Very heavy. Size 68. Very fine. 1448 1877. Large memorial bronze to Rubens. 200th anniver- sary of his birth. Size 72. V. Fine. 1449 Voltaire bronze by Wachter. Bust to right with flowing hair, name and date of birth. Rev. tablet, on which arms, masks, globe, etc. Date 1770. Size 58. Holed at top to suspend. Very fine and rare. 1450 Beautiful medal in bronze, by Barre, depicting History, Philosophy and Poesy. Obv. three females. Rev. three columns with names of historians, philosophers and poets. Very elaborate piece. Size 68. Ex. Fine. 1451 1841. Brussels Exposition beautiful award bronze. Size 64. V. F. Rare. 1452 1825. Bronze by Gatteaux to Peter Delanneau. Beautiful work. Bust, etc. Size 50. 1453 1852. Rembrandt celebration. View of monument with his figure. Amsterdam. Size 50. Ex. F. Beautiful. 1454 1874. Brussels Humanitarian Congress. Unusual medal with 16 shields and escalloped edges. Beautiful. Size 65. Ex. Fine. 1455 Medal to ten great Frenchmen. Duvivier, Varin, Valdor, etc. With their busts in circles. Size 70. Fine; rare. 1456 1849. Holland. Exposition medal of splendid artistic work. Shield supporting two cupids who h^M a crown. Size 55. As new. $0 MISCELLANEOUS MEDALS 1457 Belgian Numismatic Society. Artistic bronze medal. Arms and ornamentation after old style. Beautiful. Size 55. V. Fine. 1458 1793. J. J. Rosseau. Thick bronze medal with bust, by unknown artist. Rev. view of his tomb, dates of birth and death. Rare. Size 35. Very fine. 1459 1892. World's Fair bronze. Bust of Columbus within circle, surrounded by three vessels. Medal of the "Com- mittee of One Hundred Citizens of New York." Scarce J in bronze. As new. Size 57. 1460 Set of medals of the Presidents of the United States, Washington to James Buchanan. Their busts and view of their residences. White metal proofs. Rare. Size 35. 15 pes. 1461 Very rare set of bronze medals to the Presidents. Wash- ington to James Buchanan. Struck during Phila. Cen- tennial in Belgium, designed by Brichaut. Proofs, size 30. Very rare. 16 pes. 1462 1876. Silver medal with Liberty Bell and view of Inde- pendence Hall. Size 37. Unc. Scarce in this metal. 1463 Andrew Jackson. Rare old pewter medal. Bust, name. "Old Hickory, Took the Responsibility." Record of his achievements, etc. Size 33. Proof. 1464 George Washington. Bronze. Bust. Rev. "The hero of American Independence, died 1799." Rare. Uncircula- ted. Size 35. 1465 Washington. Before Boston bronze (small), and view of Headquarters at Tappan. Pine tree, etc., also similar of Stephen Grirard with bust. Unc. 3 pes. 1466 Bombardment of Fort Sumter. Bronze, and medal show- ing Monitor and Merrimac fighting. Copper. Uncircu- lated. 2 pes. 1467 1891. Swiss Colony of California. Silver medal by Kun- er. Arms of Calif. Shield. Centennial, with original silk ribbon and pin, a bear walking. Very rare and fine. MISCELLANEOUS MEDALS 81 1861. Jefferson Davis brass token. Davis on scaffold. " Death to Traitors." Fine. 1857. Financial Panic Token. A pig suspended. "Nev- er keep a paper dollar", etc. Rev. The pig with snout in purse j "In Your Pocket Till Tomorrow." Brass proof; scarce. Hon. Justice Baby. Bronze with bust. Arms of the Nu- mismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal. Size 60. As new. Amerigo Vespucci silver plaque, or medal. (Square- shaped). Bust of the discoverer holding compass before a globe. Different bust holding a map. By Brenner. Size 75x60. Published at $8 by the American Numismatic So- ciety, to members only. As new. Wyon's silver medal on Coronation of Wm. IV and Ade- laide. Busts. Size 32. Ex. Fine. Fenian Baid Silver War Medal. Victoria's bust, bar dat- ed 1870. Edge: "Pte. J. Coupland, 52nd Bn." Fine and very scarce. Duvivier's "Washington before Boston Medal.' ' Naked bust. Bev. Scene before Boston. Original. Size 66. Fine. The same, but a restrike in bronze. Ex. Fine. Washington Masonic Medals with ribbons. 1893 Centen- nial at Washington, D. C, View of Capitol. Size 50. Bronze and white metal gilded. V. Fine. 2 pes. Lauer's (Nurnburg) Washington medal in pure nickel. Bust to right. "Georgio Washington. ' 9 Bev. a heavy wreath. Ex. Fine and very rare. This is an old medal. Size 30. Various medals with bust of George Washington, all from different dies or different types. Several are scarce. White metal, bronze and brass. Average very good. Some are fine. 25 pes. Washington bronze. Bust to left. "George Washington, First President", etc. Bev. States named on chain of 13 links, inside of chain a radiate head, Centenn. of Inaugu- ration. Size 52. 82 MISCELLANEOUS MEDALS 1479a 1898. Admiral Dewey. Bare silver medal. Bust three- quarters in high relief, in uniform. Field blank. Eev. within laurel wreath: "Dewey Manila MDCCCXCVUT ' \ Thick, size 44 MM. Very fine. I have never catalogued it before. 1479b* Zebulon Pike (1779-1813). Explorer for whom Pike's Peak was named. Bust. View of peak. Fine; rare in this metal. 1480 England. Doncaster Kacing Club medal. Jockeys in race. "Established 1800." View of the "New betting Eooms, Doncaster." Size 35. Fine. Very rare. 1481 Sporting medals. Indian head, 1860, etc. View of Geo. M. Patchen and Flora Temple, famous race-horses. Brass proofs. Rare. 2 pes. 1482 Napoleon I. Large brass satirical medal. Napoleon pic- tured as a cockroach! holding scepter and crown and his bug-legs in a pair of military boots; he wears the cocked hat. Rev. "Arretez Done CV Hanneton!" Size 45. Ex- tremely rare and unusual. Very fine. 1482a 1770. George Whitfield. Bronze medal. Bust front face, name. Rev.: "An Israelite Indeed. A True Soldier of Jesus Christ ' ', etc. Size 36. Good. Rare. Betts No.526. 1482b 1870. Assay Medals of the U. S. Justice standing. Thick bronze, also (very rare) in aluminum. Proofs. 2 pes. 1482c 1870. Same types as last, struck in aluminum. Proof; rare. 1482d 1881. Bust of the President to left. Coining press, jus- tice and Liberty. Silver proof. Very rare. 1482e As last, but bronze. Rare. PROPERTY OF R. W. Colonial and Continental Coins. (1682). New Jersey. St. Patrick Half Penny. St. Pat- rick. Harp. Star before head. Good; rare. (1682). New Jersey. St. Patrick farthing. "Quiescat Plebs." Fine. 1722. Rosa Americana 2 pence. Uncrowned Rose, " Utile Dulci." Very good; scarce. 1722. Rose Americana penny. Uncrowned rose. Same variety. About fine. 1766. Pitt token. Bust, "No stamps/ ' Ship. Fine. 1767. French Colonies. Son countermarked R. F. Very fine. 1767. French Colonies. Son, connterstamped. Not same die as last. Very good. London. Elephant Half-pence with obverse of Carolina Elephant half -penny. "God Preserve London." Slight edge defect. Very fine. 1789. New York. Mott, Jeweler, token. A clock. Eagle. Thin planchet. Extremely fine. Scarce. The earliest American store-card! 1795. New York Cent of Talbot, Allum & Lee. V. Fine. Kentucky Half Penny. Scroll. Pyramid of stars. Large, thin planchet with plain edge. Nearly Unc, sharp. Nova Constellatio. Pointed rays, large blocked letters U. S. Abont fine. 1783. Nova Constellatio. Small XL S* and planchet, rays pointed. About fine. As last. Very good. 1785. Nova Constellatio. Script U. S., small date, rays pointed. Fine. 1785. Similar but date larger, planchet smaller. Nearly fine. 1785. Large date and pointed rays. Fine. 1787. Nova Eborac (New York) Cent. Liberty seated to right. Very good. 84 COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL COINS 1501 1787. Fugio Cent. States United. Unc. 1502 1791. Washington Cent. The large eagle reverse. Urn- circulated. Bare. 1503 1787. Massachusetts. Half Cent. Wide date. Crosby's No. 10. Fine. 1504 1788. Massachusetts. Half Cent. Crosby's No. 15. V. F. 1505 1787. Connecticut. Cent. Scarce "Et Lib Inde" varie- ty. V. G. 1505a 1785. Connecticut Cent. Large head to right. 1506 1786. The "baby head" cent. Badly struck, as usual, very fair; rare. 1507 Penn'a. "Bungtown" or half pence. Bust of Alfred. Eev. "Briton's Glory". Hibernia with harp. Fine and scarce. 1508 Penn'a. "Louis The Sixteenth" Half Pence. Harp. "Music Charms." Very fine; scarce. 1509 Penn'a. Half -penny. Bust of Shakespeare. Harp. "North Wales." Fine; dark. 1510 Penn'a, Half-penny. " Tvrcvpellerivs. " Head. "His- paniola." About fine; rare. 1511 1795. Washington Liberty and Security half-penny. A rarity with plain edge. Very good. United States Cents. 1512 1794. Hays 17. Fine, a medium brown. 1513 1796. Liberty cap. Gilbert's A. Very fine. Bare. 1514 1796. Same variety. Very fine. Rare. 1515 1801. Has a lot of die-breaks before face. Fine to V. F. Very rare variety. 1516 1803. Small fraction. Die-breaks on reverse near "States." Very fine. Olive color. 1517 1812. Small date. Fine to V. F. Dark steel color. 1518 1814. Crosslet 4. Extremely fine, sharp. A dark olive. 1519 1817. Thirteen stars, close together, wide date. About uncirculated. Bare variety. 1520 1824. Widest date, broken die. V. Good. U. S. CENTS 8* 1521 1836. Broken die. Ex. fine; choice. 1522 1838. Ex. fine, red brown. 1523 1847. Ex. Fine, brown. 1524 1847. About Unc, reddish color. 1525 1848. Ex. fine; brown. 1526 1848, '53. V. F. and Unc. 2 pes. 1527 1853, '54, '56 (2 var.). Ex. F. (1), Unc. (2). 3 pes. 1528 1854. Cent with Liberty head and blank obverse field. Eev. Value in wreath, " United States of America''. Pur- ple proof. 1529 Half Cent. 1802. Very good; date is fine. Rare so good. AMERICAN GOLD. 1530 1907. $20. St. Gaudens. First type with wire edge. Un- circulated. Records of $37.50 in my own sales. 1531 1907. $10. St. Gauden's design with Indian head. The rare variety with sharp "wire edge", and no rim. Pe- riods before and after "Ten Dollars." Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 1532 1854. $20. Private Gold. Kellogg & Co. Fine. 1533 $1. Bechtler. "Rutherf: 28 G." variety. Fine; rare. ANCIENT AND VARIOUS FOREIGN GOLD COINS. 1534 (B. C. 336). Macedon. Alexander III. Stater. Pallas. Victory standing holding wreath. Monogram TR in left field. Very fine. 1535 (A. D. 14). Rome. Tiberius. Aureus. Bust. Livia. Type of Tribute Penny. Very fine. 1536 Byzantine Solidus (Concave) of Michael VII. Bust. Christ. Very fine. Rare. 1537 England. Charles I. XX Shillings. Bust. Arms Mint mark a bell! Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1538 James I. Twenty Shillings. Bust to left. Arms. Mint mark a 'lis. Fine. Scarce. $6 MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN GOLD 1539 1776. George III. Guinea. Bust. Crowned square shield. The figure 1 in date a "j". About uncirculated. Beautiful state. 1540 1785. Geo. III. Guinea, same type, but figure 1 in date a regular "1". About uncirculated. Unusually choice. 1541 1788. Geo. III. "Spade" Guinea. Slight scratch before nose. Fine. In great demand. 1542 1829. George IV. Sovereign. Uncirculated. 1543 1793. Geo. in. "Spade" half guinea. Fine. Much scarcer than the guinea. 1544 1898. South African Republic. 1 Pound. Bust of Krug- er. Arms of the Boers. Single shaft. Unc, bright. 1544a (1515). France. Francis I. Ecu de Soleil. Obv. "Fran- ciscvs Dei Gracia. Franc. Bex." Crowned arms. Rev. inscription. Cross with fleur de lis, etc. Fine; rare. 1544b (XII Cent.). Genoa. Conrad. Ducat size. Obv. "Con- radvs Rex. Romanorvm". Cross. Rev. inscription; the door of Genoa in circle of 8 lobes. Very fine ; rare. 1545 Carinthia. Ducat. Bust of Charles, Archduke. Arms. Very fine. 1546 Salzburg. Leopold. Ducat. St. Rupert. Arms. Uncir- culated. 1547 1838. Lombardy- Venice. 1V 2 Ducat. Bust of Ferd. I. Arms. Fine. Uncommon denomination. 1547a (1700). Nuremburg. Square % Ducat. Lamb. Plain field. Arms. Uncirculated. 1547b (1700). Nuremburg. Similar, but obv. field has " GFN. " under lamb. Ex. fine. 1548 (1700). Nuremburg. Square y 8 Ducat. Lamb, flag. Arms. Uncirculated. 1549 (1700). Nuremburg. Square 1/16 Ducat. Similar to last. Uncirculated. 1550 Peru. 1898. Beautiful new type of 5 Pesos. Indian head to right. "Verdad I Justicia". 1 Libra. Arms. About mint state. MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN GOLD 87 HL551 1907. 2% Pesos, or % Libra. Same tvpes. Uncircula- ted. 1552 1907. One Peso. Similar types. Uncirculated. 1553 Japan. Square shaped base gold pieces. Itzbu size. Fine. 3 pes. Foreign Silver Coins. 1554 Abyssinia. Dollar. Menelik. First type. Very good. Scarce. 1555 Annam. Sychee Ingot, weight 12 dwts. Fine. 1556 Baroda. Kupee. Bust of the Gaekwar. Sword, etc. Fine. 1557 1823. Balearic Islands. Arms, etc. in incuse circles. Good; rare. 1558 1834. Cuba. 8 Reals. Arms of Ferd. VII counterstamp- ed on Peru 8 Reals. Good. 1559 Coquimbo. Siege Peso. Star and value incuse on blank field. Rev. plain. Fine; scarce. 3560 1865. Copiapo, Chile. Siege Peso. Value, etc. incuse. 1560a 1883. Hawaii. Eight Dollar. Bust of Kalakua as on the dime. * ' Hapawalu ' \ Border: "Ua Mau Ke Ea Ka Aina I Ka Pono Eighth Dol." Edge milled. Extremely rare pattern, well executed. Proof. 1560b 1884. Bolivia. Rare silver pattern set. Boliviana. 50, 20, 10 and 5 C. Arms. Value. Very rare. 5 pes. Rev. date incuse on plain field. Very fine; scarce. 1561 England. Patterns. Geo. IV. Half Sovereign. Struck in silver! Rose, shamrock and thistle. Plain edge proof. Rare. 1562 1826. Geo. IV. 6 pence. Plain edge proof. Rare. 1563 1826. Geo. IV. 6 pence. Bust. Garter shield. Milled edge. Uncirculated. 1564 1829. Geo. IV. "Lion" six-pence. Dull proof; rare. . gg MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN SILVER 1565 1824. Geo. IV. Garter shield shilling. Uncirculated. 1566 1889. Victoria. Maunday set 1, 2, 3, 4d. Proofs. 4 pes. 1567 1890. Victoria. Maunday set as last. Proofs. 4 pes. 1568 1891. Victoria. Maunday set as last. Proofs. 4 pes. 1569 1892. Victoria. Maunday set as last. Proofs. 4 pes. 1570 1893. Victoria. Maunday set. New type with veiled head. Proofs. 4 pes. 1571 1898. Victoria. Maunday set as last. Uncirculated. 4 pes. 1572 1902. Edward VII. Head to right. 1, 2, 3 and 4d Maun- day. Uncirculated. 4 pes. 1573 1904. Edward VII. Similar set. Uncirculated. 4 pes. 1574 1905. Edward VII. Similar set. Uncirculated. 4 pes. 1575 1906. Edward VII. Proof set as last. 4 pes. 1576 1893. German East Africa. Double rupee or dollar. Fine. 1577 1901. German Empire. Souvenir 5 Marks. Busts of Fredk. I and William II. Arms. Very fine. 1578 1808. Holland. Louis Napoleon. Crown of 50 Stivers. Naked head to right. Crowned arms. MM. a fly. Fine. 1579 1910. Mexico. The new type Peso with Mexico riding to left, holding beacon. Uncirculated. 1580 (1321). Morocco. Dollar. Fine. 1581 1894. New Guinea. Scarce 5 Marks. Bird of paradise. Value. Very fine. j 582 1826. Peru. Lima Proclamation 4 Eeals of Simon Boli- var. Open book. Fine. 1583 (L'an 10). Subalpine Gaul. Two figures standing. Val- ue. V. Good. 1584 (1492). Spain. Ferdinand and Isabella 4 Eeals. Arrows. Arms. Very good. 1585 1600. Saxony. Vicariats thaler. Fredk. mounted. At- tempted puncture, otherwise fine. 1586 1693. Saxony. Klippe, or square-shaped thaler, Mono- gram. Arms. Very fine. 1587 1910. Saxony. New souvenir 3 Marks piece with two busts William Ernest-Fedora. Arms. Uncirculated, bright. Artistic. MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN SILVER 89 1766. Venice. Republic. Female head to right. Eev. Lion of St. Marks. "Aloysii Mocenigo Duce 1766". Crown. Fine; rare. 1603. Zeelandia. Half crown. Ship, "Imper at or Maris" etc. Arms. "Emergo Lvctor"; also 6 stivers. 'Ita Re- linquenda" etc.; Siam. Elephant, pagodas. Half tical. Fine. 3 pes. Foreign Silver Medals. 1882. Brescia (Italy). Thick medal to General Arnaldo. Victory standing to right writing on a shield. "Victoria Bresciana". Rev. "Monumento Ad Arnaldo Inaugurate 14 Agosto 1882." Size 45x6 MM. Weight 3% ozs. Fine;, rare. (1462). Venice. Christopher Moro. Obv. bust to left. Cristoforvs Mavro. Dvx. Adorned bust and head, with the mitre of the doge to left. Rev. City of Venice armed seated facing; below, A. N. Border: "Venetia Magna". Prosperity of Venice. Silver. Size 40. Original and very rare. Germany. (XVIII Cent.). Joined head of a man and a woman, adorned with branches of ivy, " Vergangenheit^ Gegenwart, Zuranft", etc. Rev. The sun radiating above three zodiacal signs. Medal of an Astronomical Society. Size 36. Very fine and rare. Germany. (XIX Cent,). Religious medal showing Christ discussing with the Pharisees concerning the tribute mon- ey. "Furchte Gott Time Recht Scheue Neimand": Ren- der to God the things of God and to Caesar the things of Caesar. Christ is said to have referred to the Trib- ute penny of Tiberius. Extremely fine. Size 35. By Loos, noted die-sinker. 1714. Baden. Medal on the Peace of Rastadt. Louis^ Marquis of Baden, and Francisca Sibylla (Avg) Gover- ness. Portraits in medallions, arms. Rev. Palace. Fine workmanship. Very fine. Size 35. 90 MISCELLANEOUS MEDALS 1595 Netherlands. (XVII Cent.). Handsome marriage medal. A young woman seated, with Cupid and storks, holding a flaming heart. Long Dutch inscription. Eev. Queen seat- ed, near a peacock, holding a crown and a sceptre with a wedding ring, * ' Ik Kroon Oprechte Lief d Altoos Met My- nen Trouring Eindeloos." Extremely fine, and in high relief. Artistic. Very rare. Size 65. 1596 1700. Denmark. Frederick IV. Heavy medal with bust to right, with flowing hair, name, titles, etc. Eev. Scep- tres and crown on an altar, below the Jewish name of the Jehovah; below the altar, "Dunct. XV. Apr. M. D. GL" Border: "Qui Dedit Proteget." Size 46. Fine; rare. 1597 1766. Denmark. Frederick V. Heavy medal with naked bust to right within a circle made of a serpent with tail in its mouth. Name, titles, etc. Eev. The royal family before a temple. "Vetat Mori." Struck on the death of the king. Size 55. Very fine and rare. 1598 1907, Sweden. Beautiful souvenir medal to King Oscar II and Sofia. Their busts jugata, names. Eev. Swedish arms, "Minne Af Guldbrollopet". Issued by the Swedish Numismatic Society. Size 40. As new and scarce here. 1599 1859. Napoleon III. French war medal with loop. Bust. Italian campaign. Incuse: "71 Adam". About fine. 1600 1863. Napoleon III. War medal with loop. Expedition to Mexico. Very fine. 1601 1848. Eevolution. Silver medal with loop. Bust of France to right. "Mention Honorable 23, 24, 25 et 26 Juin, 1848' \ Ex. Fine; rare. 1602 1848. France. Seven small medals, satirical and other- wise, of the Eevolution, three in silver, one reading: "La- fayette Veteran de la Liberte 1789-1830". Very fine. 7 pes. 1603 France. Louis XV. Lot of French silver jetons. Mostly Fine. 7 pes. 1604 1736. England. Caroline standing between shields, globes, and trophies. "Both hands fiill'd for Britain.' ' In exerg: "George reigning". Eev. Carolina watering plants. ' ' Growing arts adorn Empire ' \ In exerg : ' ' Car- oline Protecting, 1736". Fine. Size 40. MISCELLANEOUS MEDALS 91 Abyssinia. Victoria war medal. Bust in star, letters be- tween points. Within circle: "1571 C. McManus A. H Corps. ' ' Fine. Without pin. 1885. Canada. Silver War medal. Victoria. "North- west 1885 Canada". With ribbon and Saskatchewan bar. Edge : " S 'dt A Moussette 65 Bat. ' ' Slight edge nick, fine otherwise and very rare. Old marriage medal. Man and woman kissing, seated on chair before a table, covered with wreath: "Af Himlen Lignes. Den. Som. Elsker. Aerligen." Eev. Two doves under two trees joined by chain and lock. "For Gud det gior Leg ey. Ophor. ,, Size 50. Fine, heavy and rare. France. Commemorative medal. Busts of Louis XVI and Empress. Eev. The empress nursing a child. "Felicitas Publica." By Gatteaux. Fine and scarce. Size 35. The Very Rev. Father Mathew. Silver medal by Davis, Birmingham. Bust three quarters, name. Rev. on wrth.: i ' The apostle of Temperance ' '. Within wreath : " He reas- oned of righteousness, temperance and judgment to come." Acts Chas. 24. V. 25. Very fine. Rare. Size 45. 1885. Cuba. Theatrical medal. Incuse view of "Teatro La Caridad. ,? Rev. "A Marta Abreu De Estevez Los Vil- la Clarenos Residentes en Sagua." etc. Testimonial. Size 44. Good. Rare. 1872. Cuba. Matanzas. Inauguration of the Aqueduct of Burriel. Neptune seated. Arms and long inscription. Size 40. Heavy. Rare. 1862. Cuba. Cardenas. Erection of statue to Columbus. View of statue, and long inscription. Oval. Length 40. About fine and rare. 1873-74. Spain. W^ar medal, Alfonso XII with pin and bar (Carthagena) for campaign against Carlists. Bust. "Valor Disciplina Lealtad." Very fine. Rare. Cuba. Havana. Masonic silver medal. Obv. map of world and starry globe, pillars. "R. Log: Cosmopolita N: 14: Or: De: La: Hab: 5366.' ' Rev. Trowel, mallet, gage and spade. Very rare. Size 25. Very fine. 92 MiSCHLLANEOUS 1615 Cuba. Havana. Heavy silver badge with ring of the "Beal Sociedad Economica De La Habana, 1792." Arms of the Society in oval. Rev. crowned arms of Cuba in ov- al. Very line and rare. Size 65x45. Sheets of U. S. Fractional Currency. 1616 First Issue. 50c Washing-ton, plain edges, without A. B. N. Co. Plate 26. Block of sixteen bills. As new. Very rare. 1 Lot. 1617 — Another sheet, as last. Sixteen notes. 1 Lot. 1618 — Another sheet, as last, but Plate 5. 1 Lot. 1619 — 25c Jefferson. With A. B. N. Co. as last. Block of sixteen notes. Plate 25. Perfect. 1 Lot. 1620 — Another block of sixteen notes, 25c, as last. Plate 5. Crisp. 1 Lot. 1621 — Another block of sixteen notes, 25c, as last. Crisp. Plate 25. 1 Lot. 1622 — 10c Washington, with A. B. N. Co. as last. Block of 20 notes. Plate 5. Crisp. 1 Lot. 1623 — Another block of twenty 10c notes, as last. Plate 8. 1 Lot. 1624 — Another block of twenty 10c notes. Crisp. Plate 27. lLot. 1625 — 5c Jefferson, with A. B. N. Co. Block of 20 crisp notes. Plate 8. 1 Lot. 1626 U. S. Fractional Currency Shield, framed under glass. In- cludes the rare 15c Grant & Sherman notes, one signed by Colby & Spinner, 5, 10, 25 and 50c, red backs, including autographic signatures, etc. The notes are in splendid clean condition, and the shield is one of the best I have ever met with. This shield has a recent record of $23.00 at auction. (FINIS) PLAIN AND PLATE CATALOGUES. The PLAIN Catalogues are sent free on application only. The PLATE CATALOGUES will contain about 40 magnifi- cent Photographic Plates, and will be something unique in the umismatic line, because each catalogue will become in the uture a work of reference on the subject of United States Coins, pecially Gold, Dollars, Half Dollars, Quarters, Dimes, Half Dimes, Cents and Half Cents. Of THE CENTS— the greatest collection ever offered for sale — there will be twenty plates alone. Each coin in the cata- logue is shown with remarkable clearness, the minutest varieties (being clearly distinguishable usually without a stfass. This catalogue contains many more plates than have ever peen prepared for an American sale catalogue. A certificate as io their excellence is given when it is stated that they have been >repared by Mr. Edgar H. Adams, an expert numismatist and photographer. In the preparation of these plates Mr. Elder has been put to So large an expense that even if the entire number of 50 cata- tagues be sold at the price asked, viz.: Five Dollars for a Plate Catalogue, (Or Six Dollars with a printed list of prices realized), his ex- pense will not nearly be covered. Plate catalogues should be ordered at once, to insure your securing a copy. Plate Catalogues sent prepaid on receipt of the above prices. Printed list of prices realized for the three days' sale, $1.50. MEMORANDUM. MEMORANDUM ^% PLATE I w A warn. ; &$$&& WT^ : PLATE II set r M€ l mmfx 'JW^ ■^-X^ : K: i^ ^.u^ PLATE III WjfM^ ML. Mfi Kp^ *£M 35*1?:? j^e- PLATE IV ISKV* if t WfS-ZSAR PLATE V m wf< fail © m m& PLATE VII JtATE V/II ®1 <^ *1 ^Ss^ PLATE XI m &. * PLATE XII ]** &\ X^D iss IGO If 81 PLATE XUI SJ5% ®jfi %w& © ^ifs? ifSSS. a WL®$ PLATE XIV »%l g|| 1*131 PLATE XV 3*>.--*^ 2U r #> :JIOw 21a PLATE XVI I* * *§:#- ^ss PLATE XVII V - ** * ♦ . * mm PLATE' XVIII ■P EnKsMs PLATE XIX £*- Mr ^V! ^Sls to* Mg ■ ■ ■Ci ^ $ ^JL PLATE XX (*ii\ m. "> PLATE XXX -i'iiJT' 0M '& B&-V7 m .*- E XXXII afcg %M%K*\ XV^-' ^..f-isiH-v.m-'* I*;. 41 *%p PLATE XXXIII P!%u ^Sliil l M * ;>;. 2> * ijni JTE3ES PLATE XXXIV i *' 283S!<- - 18^1 ^1 18S© 1848 i&f# PLATE XXXV 1854? 2Kb' ©9^ s&*8£! .0.4; 18&& PLATE XXXVI rJ^ Pjf-ffiB ^ [ Jl DOLLARS Mi. I « 53 I860 ,i!aK ' S »:*?■. 3^ i DOLLARS J .1861 v tEs ,-SEs PLATE XXXVII! fe": ^1 m.? 'f^Pi rm Wmm f SQP»\^ k..„ J #- PLATE XXXIX "i $ MP "^^^^H^ & K£ ii W*JL* ^T± !5W "s'm'o^ ,*8fc*' mm * PLATE XL m J 82% W%M Mm ^i83»_ ^aifea PLATE XL! $'*] ! Kl5iS^ W?a* HH 1 1 ■ W M 3bss ^■©4sk "Tstjo, JgiF mm PLATE XLII One copy del. to Cat. Div. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IIIIIIUIIJU, 022 008 939 3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 022 008 939 3