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WARDEN. r IIOMKRT I.. nF.XTER. GENEALOGY OF THE DEXTER FAMILY IN AMERICA Descendants of Thomas Dexter Together with the record of other allied families Compiled hy Williatn A. Warden Robert L. Dexter kVcrcester^ Alass. Mallapcisetl, Man. \ Worcester, Mass., U.S.A. 1905 "M .> -1\ 3 THE BLANCHARD PRESS, WORCESTER, MASS. PREFACE So iimeli interest has been manifested at the Dexter family reunions, in the history of the family ancestors, thai tlic an]]- pilers decided to secni'e sneh achlitional data as was possible to add to what they had on hand and to pn])lisli a Oenealo^y of the Dexter family, together with mention of other families con- nected by marriage. We do not expect this work is free from errors, bnt we have tried to have them as few as possible, and we would esteem it a favor if any of our readers will inform us of any cri-ors that may come to their notice. We would be very glad to receive any additions to family records for use when occasion may offei-. In compiling this woi'k we have made free use of public libi-a- ries, family Bibles, records of cities and towns, churches, anti- quarian and genealogical societies, together with extended cor- respondence with scores of individuals, and every other source of information within our reach ; and we wish at this time to thank all those who have contributed in anv wav to the success of this work. In arranging this record we have given each person a sei'ial number in Arabic figures, and the family nnmbci- in Roman numerals. The column of figures on the left margin of page is from beginning to end the general enumeration, and where they are followed by an asterisk [*| it shows that the record of family is found under that numbei'. By this plan, to trace out any particular one, you have only to take the number at the head of chapter or paragraph and turn back to same nnmbei' in the margin and you will there find the parentage, and the s;ime process continued will take you back to the first generations. Thomas Dexter OF SAUGUS AND LYNN Of the early life of Thomas Dexter, the first ancestor of this line of Dexters to arrive in this country, hut little is known. He came either with Mr. Endicott in 1629 or in the fleet with Governor Winthrop in 1630. He brouiiht wilh liini three of his children at least, and several sei-vants. hut as thfre is no record of his wife, it is presumed that slic died f)efoi'e they sailed from Euiiland. There is some reason to believe that they belonged in the neighborhood of Bristol, Enoland. "for in tlie years that followed he had considerable dealing with people who lived there. In 1640 he gave a mortgage of his SOO-acre farm at Lynn to Humphrey Hooke, alderman of Bristol. Eng. He had received a good education, and wrote a beautiful hand, as papers now in existence will show: was a man of great energy of character, public-spirited, and ever ready to con- tribute to the support of any enterprise he thought to be of interest to the colony ; always independent, and fearless in the expression of his opinions. Such were the leading traits; I)ut it must be admitted, says one writer, "that his energy of char- acter bordered on stubbornness and his independence of thought on indiscretion and self-will." In 1630, in the |)rime of life and with ample means, he set- tled on a fai'm of 800 acres in the town of Lynn. Mass. He had many servants, and was called "Farmer Dexter.". Tlic house was on the west side of the Saugus River, about where the iron works were afterward erected. In 1633 he built a bridge over the Saugus River and sti-etched a weir across it, and a little later built a mill uoiw bv. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. He was si-eatly interested in starting the iron works, which were the first to be l)uilt in this section of the country, getting the iron ore from the Cape. He interested English capital in the enterprise and became the general manager. Some years later, becoming convinced that the enterprise could not prove satisfactory, he withdrew. He became a freeman in 1631, but soon lost the honor, for he Avas disfranchised on the 4th of March, 1633. He had many quarrels and many vexatious lawsuits. In 1631 he had a quar- i-el with Captain Endicott (afterward Governor), in which the Salem magistrate struck Mr. Dexter, who had him complained of in court at Boston. Mr. Endicott said in his defense: "I hear I am much complained of by Goodman Dexter for striking him. Understanding since it is not lawful for a 'justice of the peace to strike, but if you had seen the manner of his carriage with such daring of me, with arms akimbo, it would have provoked a very patient man. He has given out that if I had a purse he would make me empty it, and if he cannot have justice here, he will do M^onders in England, and if he cannot prevail there, he will try it out with me here at blows. If it were lawful for me to try it out at blows and he a fit man for me to deal with, you would not hear me complain." The jury gave Mr. Dexter a verdict of £10. In 1633 the court ordered ]\Ir. Dexter to be set in the bilboes, disfranchised and fined £10 for speaking reproachful and sedi- tious words against the government here established. ]\Ir. Dexter, having been insulted by Samuel Hutchinson, met him one day on the road, "and jimiping from his horse bestowed about twenty blows on the head and shoulders of Hutchinson, to the no small danger or deray of his senses as well as sensi- bilities." These facts would indicate that INIr. Dexter was not a meek man. In 1637 he and nine others obtained from the Plymouth Colony court a grant of the township of Sandwich. He went there and built the first grist mill. He did not remain there long, howevei", foi- in 1638, he had 350 acres assigned to him as one of the inhabitants of Lynn. He remained in Lynn until 161:6. Al)out this time he ])urchased two farms in Barnstable, THE INDIAN CHIEF, POGNANUM (BLACK WILL), SELLING THE LAND OF NAHANT TO THOMAS DEXTER. 3 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. one ad.joiiiiiio the mill-stream and afterwards oecnpied by his son William, and the other farm on the northeastern declivity of ''Scorton Tlill." His dwelling' was sitnated on the north side of the old connty road, and commanded an extensive prospect of the conntry for miles aronnd. Here he lived a qnieter life, yet conld not keep entirely free from lawsnits, for in 1648 he had no less than six lawsnits in conrt. all decided in his favor. His ii'reatest lawsuit was with the inhaliitants of Lynn over the ownership of the land where Nahant no\\- is. This land ^Ir. Dexter bought of the Indian chief Pognannm, or "Black Will." paying- for the same a snit of good clothes. This he fenced in and used it to pasture his cows. The title to this was disputed by the other inhabitants (1657) who, if his claim was denied, would share in the division of th(^ land. The result was a defeat for him and his heii's. althcmgh they kept it in court over thirty-eight years. In 1657 Mr. Dexter took the (lath of fidelity. He was admitted freeman of Plymouth Colony on June 1. 165S. For the next eighteen years he lived a quiet, retired life on his farm. During the later years of his life he appears to have conveyed his mill and his large real estate in Sandwich to his son Thomas^, Jr.. and his West Barnstable farm to his son AVilliam. retaining his Scorton Hill farm and his personal estate for his own use. He sold this last mentioned farm in 167:^ to William Troope (Throope). He then removed to Bost(m. that he might spend the remainder of his days with his daughter, who was the wife of Captain Oliver. He died there in 1677, and was buried in the Oliver tomb in King's Chapel burying-ground. Taken all in all. he was one of the foremost men of his times. He had faults: and who has not^ No attempt has been made in this to veil them. He was not one to hide his light under a bushel, and in estimating his character we must inquire what he did. not what he might have done. Who did more than Thomas Dexter to promote the interest of the infant colony at Lynn, with th(> building of the weir, the bridge, the mill and the great iron works? Who did more at Sandwich and at Barnstable, where he built bridges, mills and roads. iin])rove- DEXTER ea:\iily genealoov. ments that the pii])lic took interest in? For these acts he is deserving- credit, and they will forever emliahn his memory. As to reliii'ious niattej's, he was a membei- of the I'ui'itaii Church, yet tolerant and libei'al in his views. Children : 2* i Thomas" Dexter, b. England; m. Elizabeth Vincent, 1(548. y 3" ii William" Dexter, h. England; ni. Sarah .Vincent, Ki-ll^. i" iii Mary" Dexter, b. England; ni. (1) John Frend, ni. (2) Captain James Oliver. 5^ iv Frances" Dextei-, 1>. England; m. "Richard Wcniddc. oi- | Woodee], Note. — Thomas Dexter and Edmund Freeman were both among the grant- ors of Sandwich, and lioth came from Lynn and were neighbors, and in the fifth generation the families were nnited. Samuel Dexter of TIardwick married Thankful Freeman, a descendant of Ednumd FrinMiian. Thomas- Dexter, son of Thonuis^ Dexter, was horji in England and came to this country with his father. In 1()47 he was chosen constable for the town of Sandwich. This ])roves that he nnist have l)e('n born before the family came to America, as he must have ])een ovei- twenty-four years of age when elected constable. In 1648 he k^pt the mill that his father built in 16-10. In 1655 he was conmiissioned Ensign of a company of militia, which office he held many years, and was known as "Ensign Dexter." He served upon the jury very often between 1652 and 1659, and was elected surveyor of highways and collector of taxes 1675. and the record says he was an inn-keeper 1680. He did not have the fondness for lawsuit'? that his father had, but he did inherit some of his father's ((uarrels about line fences, but these he settled by adjustment. In one case Avhen there was a dispute between the town of Sandwich and him, the matter was left to ]\Ir. Thomas Prence, Mi'. Thomas Hinckley and ]Mr. Constant Southwoi-th to settle. These men were among the most prominent men in the colonv. In 166:^ Mv. Thomas Hincklev. Mr. Constant Sonth- -j^Q DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Avortli and he Avere a eonnnittee to settle the houndary 'l)etween Sandwich and Plymouth. In 1655 he was, ac- cordina- to the usages of the times, entitled to the honor of heino- stvled "Mister," and in the latter part of his life, being a 'large land-owner, was styled "Gentleman." He appears to have been a worthy man, enterprising, useful, a o'ood neighbor and a good citizen. In addition to the land received from his father, he was granted 100 acres upland in Sandwich in 1667. He married Elizabeth Vincent, 8 Nov., 1648, and they had five children, all being alive except Thomas^ at the time of his death (which occurred 29 Dec, 1686), and are men- tioned in the division of his property, which was as fol- lows, viz. : , Ao-reement for division of property of late Ihomas- Dexrer, (ientleman, February 16. 1686-7, between Eliz- abeth Dexter, i;)aniel Allen of Swansea for his wife ^lary, Jonathan Hallett of Yarmouth for his wife Abigail, and John Dexter: "The widow to have one-third part of all the movable estate and chatties, the mill excepted, also to enjoy ve westerly end of the dwelling house, both cellar and "two lower rooms and chamber and garrett, for the rest of her life; but if she sees tit to rent her part she is to let her son John Dexter or his heirs have the refusal of it at same price othere would pay. She is also to have the corn, rye wheat, butter and meat she now possesses: and her son John is to cut and carry home for her suitable and suffi- cient firewood while she dwells in Sandwich, to winter and summer two cows for her and t(^ pay her £9 per annum while she lives. The son John to have the rest of estate both real and personal paying to his sister Elizabeth Dexter £55 (£5 down and balance in four years, but if she marries within three vears the £50 is to be paid within one year after her marriage). To Jonathan .Ilallet £50, one halt on next ^ylichaelmas day, the rest within three years from date of asreement. To Daniel Allen £16 on or before 16 Feb., 1688-89. John is to pay all debts and receive all debts due the estate." DEXTER EAMIEY GEXEAT.OCY. H [Elizabeth Dexter, Jr., ami .loiiatliaii llallett signed by marks. AVitnesses were Stephen Skiff, James Percival, "Wm. Bassett, Jnne, 1687.] Children. I)(»i-ii in Sandwich: 6* i Marr'' Dexter, 1.. 11 Au-., Iii4i»; in. li' Oct., I(i70, Daniel Allen of Swansea. 7 ii Elizabeth' Dexter, b. 21 Sept.. 1651; died young. 8 iii Thomas^ Dexter, b. 1653; died 1679. 9* iv John' Dexter, b. 1656; in. Mahitabel Hallett. 10 Nov.. 16S-J. 10 V Elizabeth' Dexter, b. 7 Apr., 1660. In 1714 her mother left her all her estate. 11* vi Abigail^ Dexter, b. 12 June, 1663; m. .lonatlian llallett, 3i) .lune, 1684. Note. — This record may be of interest to some: Account of settlement of dispute, September, 1647: "We whose names are here under written doe give our full and free consent that Thomas Dexter the younger shall have those two Islands of upland that lye in his mersh near John Freeman 's house. Witness our hands this 20 Sept., 1647, Edmund Freeman, Edward Dillingham, Wm. Wood, Gorg Knot, Thomas Dexter, Thomas Tupper. "I doe acknowledge myself freely willing hereunto. Thomas I'rcnce. " William- Dexter, son of Thomas^ Dexter, was l)orn in En• "^-'^ • T0I36V 16* V Thomas^ Dexter, b. July. 1665; m. (1) Mary Miller, 1695, (2) Sarah C. March, 1702; d. 31 July, 1744. No issue. 17* vi John^' Dexter, b. Aur., 1668; m. Sarah ; cl. 31 July, 1-44. '■ 18* vii Bettini;' tofjether considera- ble property for those times. He died 14 Jan., 1 710-17, aged 69; his wife died 12 Sept., 1715, aged 52, and they were both buried in the old burying-ground at Yarmouth. They had nine children, all born at Yarmouth: 40 i Mehitabel' Hallett, h. ; m. Echvard St urges, 25 Nov., 170;'.. 41 ii Ebenezer' Hallett, b. — — ; d. 1760; niarriod three times. 42 iii Thomas* Hallett. 1). 1691; d. 1772; married four times; no children. 43 iv Deacon Jonathan' Hallett, b. 169;!; d. 178:;; m. 1719, Desire Howes ; eleven children. 44 V David' Hallett, )). ; m. 1719, Mary, daughter of John An- nable; ten children. Removed to Hvannis, and was first to build there. 45 vi Abigail* Hallett, b. ; m. Hatsuld Freenian, IS Jan.. 1719. 46 vii * Hallett, b. , and lived to be over 100 years ol.l. 47 viii Elizabeth* Hallett, b. ; m. Paul Orowell. 21 Oct., 1714. 48 ix Timothy* Hallett, b. 1702; d. 1771. He was a farmer and had six children ; was married three times. 13 Stephen^ Dexter, son of William- [Thomas^l and Sarah [Vin- cent] Dexter, was born in Barnstable, ]\Iass., ]\lay. 1657. where he spent his whole life. He married Ann Saunders on 27 April, 1696, and they made their home on the farm which was originally his grandfather Thoma.s', at Dexter lane. West Barnstable. In 1703 he was the only one of the name left in Barnstable. He died in 1729, his will being probated 17 March, 1729-30. They had ten children: 49* i Mary* Dexter, b. 24 Aug., 1696; m. Samuel Chead, 5 March, 1717. 50 ii A son who died in infancy, 23 Dec, 1698. 51 iii Abigail* Dexter, b. 13 May, 1699. -tr' DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. •jO iv Content^ Dexter, b. 5 Feb., 1701; m. Eben Saimders, 1725. 53- V Aun^ Dexter, b. 3, March, 1703; m. John Williams, 1725. 54 vi Sarah* Dexter, b. 1 Juue, 1705. _ 55 vii Stephen* Dexter, b. 26 July, 1707; n,. Abigail Culbns, 1 , 36. Had his father's homestead. 56 viii Mercy* Dexter, b. 5 July, 1709. 57 ix Meriam* Dexter, b. 8 March, 1712. 58 X Cornelius* Dexter, b. 21 March, 1714; never married. XOTE.-C'ornelius and Molly lived in a two-story house on east side of Dexter lane, opposite the mill pond. H Philip^^ Dexter, so,, of Willianr [Thomas^ and Sarah [Vincent] Dexter was liorn at Barnstable, Mass., September, IGoO. He spent his earlv days in Barnstable, but at the time of his marriage to Alice Allen, he moved to Falmouth, where he spent the remainder of his life. He died 1741. aged 82. He was miller there many years. At one time he was com- plained of for' charging' too high. l)ut as he was the only miller, the people were dependent upon him. A committee was sent to consult with him. but the record does not reveal the result, but at a later period he was paid by the town £30 for his part of the mill and the laud that the pond covered, so it may be that the matter was settled in that way. In 1712 he and Thomas Bowerman were appointed to lay out land of the ''New Purchase" into lots, etc. He was select- man, and also town clerk. They had nine children: 59 i Joseph* Dexter, b. ; n,. 1756. He had pew number 10 in the new church at Falmouth. 60- ii Pliilip^ Dexter, b. ; ni. Tamer Chadwick, 19 Jan., 1752 61^ iii Jabez* Dexter, m. Mary Dexter, daughter of James^ Dexter of Koehester. 62 iv John* Dexter, b. ; <1- 1723. 63 V 64 vi 65 vii 66 viii 67 ix DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 17 15 James' Dexter, son of William- [Thomas^] and Sai-ah [Vincent] Dexter, was born in Barnstable, INIa.SvS., i\Iay, 1662. lie went to Rochester with his father, where he niai'ried Eliza- beth Tobey. They had three children boi-n in Rochester. In 1712, after the death of the father, ^lary, the daughter, being- a minor over 14, chose Jabez Dexter (a kins- man) for gnardiaii. and Deb m New England, Yeoman. ,lo n,ake and ordain this n,v last wdl and testa- "'pirst I oive mv soul to God that gave it. an.l my bon, on the west- erly side of Bamuel 's grants adjoining tn my liom(>stead with the one- third part of ye mills & appurtenances. Item: — My Will is that Daniel my son, shall have twenty acres of my granted lands and take it up where it siiall suit him best, and the same with one-third part of my mill and appurteiianc(>s to be to him and his heirs and assigns forever. Ifeni: — "i\Xy Will is that my son Setli siiall ha\t' my liomestead tiiat 1 now live on. and the same to be to him and his heirs and assigns forever, l)y the sd homestead 1 mean to contain what lands 1 have already laid out and recorded where I now li\e, with ye housing on the 'same, not to include the Mill course. Item: — ^y Will is that my son Constant shall have twenty acres out of my eighty acre grant, to be taken uj) as the grant will allow of, but not to interfere with any of his lirethren in laying out the same so as to deprive them of their choice and ye s^ twenty acres to l)e to him iiis heirs and assigns forever. Item: — My Will is that my daughter Sarah shall have out of my movable estate eighty pounds paid her out of my movalde estate by my executors over and above what I have already given her, ye same to be to her and her heirs forever. Item: — My Will is that my daughter Joanna shall have one-hundred pounds out of my movable estate paid her by my executors. Also my will is that my son Daniel shall have that forty acres of land which was my sd Wife's, his mother's. l)y a deed or conveyance from her Hond Father Arnold, the same to be to him his heirs and assigns forever. And my Will is that all his brothers and sisters sign him a Quit-Claim of all their rights thereunto as they shall come of lawful age, when desired, c*i that if any of them leave heirs, before they quit-claim, they are also obliged thereunto as they are to my son James, and upon their refusal, my Will is that thirty pounds worth of ye estate which I herein give to such as refuse shall be taken and given to my said son Daniel to be to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item: — My Will is that what salt-meadow I bought in Rochester afore- said which did belong to Ye Ancient Freeman called Frcemans rights to be divided among my two sons Benjamin And Josiali as also two lots of my Salt-Meadow at the Pine Islands so called in sd Rochester, shall be to my 22 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. sd two sous Benjannn aiKl Josiah and to their heirs forever: Aiul it is to be noted that all the lands before willed lyeth in Eochester aforesaid also my will is that my son Samuel shall have two lots of saU-ineadow at Pine Island to be to him and his heirs forever, and my son Ei^iraun wo lots at Pine Island to him and his heirs forever, also my sou Daniel t^o lots more at Pine Island to him and his heirs forever. , -^ , ■ lud I do hereby ordain and appoint my three sous Samuel and Ephraim & Seth ioint Executors of this my last Will and Testament, and my wil is that if there be any part of my movable estate left after ->' JUSt debt and funeral charges and charges of settling my estate are P^^^^ ^^^^ has her eighty pounds, and Joanna has her hundred pounds u her of a. numev shall then ,,ass of this province, that the Surplussage be equalh divided among my sons Samuel Ephraim & Daniel. Also mv wm that whatsoever other lands I have or do own, be ye same whatsoeve'r or wheresoever that I have not in this my Will given away shall be equally divided among all my sons to be to them and their heirs forever In testimony of this my last Will and' Testament I have hereunto set m. hand and seal the day and yeai- first written. Benjamin Dexter. [Seal] Signed, sealed, publisln.!, pronounced, and de.-laved by me the s^ Ben- jamin Dexter, as my last Will & Testament. In the presence of us John llannnond, Samuel Wiuslow, Rowi^ Hanunond. George (his X mark) Danford, Timothy Ruggles. 37 Thomas' Dexter, son of Jolnr [Thomas^ Thomas^] and Meliit- abel [Hallett] Dexter, born 26 Aug-., 1686: married Mercy Fish of Portsmouth, 28 April, 171()._ Was elected Repre- sentative in 1738. Was on jury in 1733. Children : 90 i MehitabeP Dexter, b. 15 March, 1710-11. 91 ii Zurier Dexter, b. 16 Dec, ITlii. 38 - Abigail Dexter, dau-hter of Jolnv' [Thomas^ Thomas^] and T^Idiitabel [Hallett] Dexter, born 26 ^lay. 1689. died b DEXTRR fa:mit.v' genkat^ogy. 23 Aug., 1725. IMavried in Portsmouth. R. 1., 10 Sept., 1713, Job Lawton, son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Tallniaii i Lawton of Portsmouth: In- was hoiai IHDl. Children : 92 i Thomas^ Lawton, b. 16 Jinio, 171-"). 9.3 ii Jol/' Lawton, b. 31 Oct., 1717. 94 iii Isaac" Lawton, b. 20 Jan., 1719-20. 95 iv ■ John' Lawton, b. 11 March, 1721-2; d. 174(i. 96 V George^ Lawton, b. 9 June, 1724. 39 John^ Dexter, son of John'^ [Thomas-, TlKHnas^ | and IMehitabel [Hallett] Dexter, was born 11 Sept.. 1092: mai-ried Mercy Manehester, 12 Dec.. 1717. They had seven children. ])orn in Portsmouth. P. I.: 97 i Thomas' Dexter, b. in Portsnioiitli, 24 July, 171S. 98 ii John' Dexter, b. in Portsmouth, 26 July, 1722. 99 iii Benjamin" Dexter, b. in Portsmouth, 23 Dec, 1724. 100 iv Abigail' Dexter, b. iu Portsmouth, 30 Nov., 1726. 101 V Stephen' Dexter, b. in Portsmouth, 9 April, 1728. 102 vi William' Dexter, b. in Portsmouth, 1 July, 1730. 103 vii Mary' Dexter, b. in Portsmouth, 16 Dec, 1734; m. Xoah Sprague, Jr., 28 Nov., 1756. 49 Mary< Dexter, daughter of Stephen^ [William-, Thomas^] and Ann [Saunders] Dexter, was liorn 24 Aug., 1696: married Samuel Cheard. Children : 104 i David' Cheard, b. before 1729. 105 ii Elizabeth' Cheard, b. before 1729. 04 DEXTER FAMILY GENE^U^OGY. 53 Ann^ Dexter, daiiohter of Stephen^ [William-, Thomas^] and Ann [Saunders] Dexter, was born 3 March, 1703; married John^ Williams before 1729. One child : 107 i Ann"' Williams, b. before 1729. 60 Philips Dexter, son of Philip^ [Willianr, Thomas^] and Alice [Allen] Dexter, was liorn in Falmouth; married Tamer Chadwick, 19 Jan., 1752. One child: 108 i Joseplv' Dexter, b. 22 March, 1753. 61 Jabez^ Dexter, son of Philip^ [William-, Thomas^] and Alice [Allen] Dexter, was born in Falmouth, :\Iass. ; married Mary Dexter, daughter of James^ Dexter. He was constable in 1738; was called yeoman; was on .jury 1753. 109 i Alice' Dexter, b. in Rochester, 9 Nov., 1715; <1. 1 Sept., 1746. 110 ii AbigaiP Dexter, 1). in Eochester, 6 Nov., 1717; m. Nathaniel Snow, 8 Sept., 1774. 111 iii William'' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 14 May, 1719. 112 iv Sarah"' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 19 Feb., 1720; d. 25 Aug., 1721. 113 V James' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 18 July, 1722; d. 11 June, 1723. 114* vi Seth^ Dexter, b. in Eochester, 17 Feb., 1723; m. Mary Kirby, 21 May, 1753. 115 vii Elizabeth"' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 15 June, 1725; m. Isaac Stephens, 26 Nov., 1747. 116* viii Jabez' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 11 May, 1728; m. Patience Ham- mond, 7 Nov., 1751. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 25 117 ix Thankful' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 20 March, 1729. 118 X Elnathan'^ Dexter, b. in Eochester, 17 June, 1782; m. Mercy Snow, 26 Feb., 1758; d. before Feb., 1750. 119 xi . Mary=^ Dexter, b. in Eochester, 20 May, 1734; d. 17(51. (See will.) Also mentioned in their will a daughter TTannnli wlio was living in 1759, and a son Jonathan, deceased. ^Vill of ^Nlary^ Dexter, the daughter of Jabez and Mary Dexter of Rochester, made January, 1761: alhnved June ITlil : Being sick with wasting sickness, etc., I give to my liclovccl brother, Jabez Dexter, all my right and title to the estate belonging to me in town of Eochester, or which I am lawful heir of, wherever tlie same may be, to be his and his heirs forever. I give to my brother Jabez my sidesaddle, wearing clothes and apparel, also a chest and a chest of drawers belonging to me. I appoint my brother Jabez my executor. Mary (her X mai'k) Dexter. Ephraim Dexter, "\ Benj. Bowls, '> Witnesses. Joshua Snow, ) Will of Jabez* and Mary Dexter of RtJcliester, Ma.s.s., made 27 Feb., 1759: 1st. We give our son William one shilling. 2nd. We give to our son Jabez all tlie land we are possessed of wliere he now dwelleth as it is laid out upon record. To him and his heirs forever. 3rd. We give our grandchild Elnathan. the child of our deceased son Jonathan, twenty acres of laml, in French meadow, to be set off to him by east and west lines at north end of honu'stead if he lives to the age of 21 years. 4th. We give to our daughter Mercy, the widow of oiu' deceased son Elnathan, the liberty and use of our southeast room during her widowhood, and liberty to cut firewood and a privilege of apples for her own use. 5th. We give to our daughter Mary the privilege of living in our north- easterly room so long as she shall remain single; also we give said daughter Mary one bed and bedding and other conveniences for housekeeping, and firewood cut and drawn to the door; also the improvement of half the little orchard. 6th. We give to our daughter Thankful £1 0. 7tli. We give to our three daughters, Hannah, Abigail and Elizabeth, one shilling each. iyp DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 8th We give to our son Soth our whole homestead excepting what is sot off as above; also our stock and outdoor movables, upon condition of his fulfilling the aforementioned articles, and supporting us. Ins parents, durin2' our natural li\es. -.^. t i i „„ i We give to our son Seth one-half lot of salt meadows at Pine Island, and also appoint him to be our executor. Feb. 27, 1759. Api>roved, 1773. _^ ^ ' Jabez Dexter. Mary Dexter. 72 Gershom^ Dexter, son of Jolnr [Willianr, Thomas^] and Sarah r 1 Dexter, was born 5 Jan., 1703. He married (1) Ruth Shrive of Portsmonth, R. L, 14 Jan.. 1738-9 : she was the danohter of John, Jr., and Mary (Soule) Shrive, and was born 20 July, 1715. He married (2) Mehitable Bolls, lio5. They had five children, born in Rochester : 120* i .loshua' Dexter, b. in Rochester, 24 May, 1756; m. Thankful Dexter, 30 Dec, 1782. 191 ii Deboralf' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 5 April, 1758. 122 iii Patience-^ Dexter, b. in Rochester, 15 March, 17bl^ 123* iv Philip^^ Dexter, b. in Rochester, 15 Jan., 1763; d. ^ov., 18,S_ , m. Patience Randall, 28 Dec, 1786. 104 V Elizabeth^ Dexter, b. in Rochester, 9 June, 1766. 78 Tohn^ Dexter, son of John^ [William^ Thomas^] and Sarah [ I Dexter, was born 16 Dec, 1727. He married Sarah Handy, 11 Dec, 1716. She died 15 Oct., 1809. They had ten children, born in Rochester: 10, i Hannah^ Dexter, b. 1 Feb., 1747 ; m. Nicholas Snow 8 Dec 1768. 126^ ii Johii^ Dexter, b. 16 Sept., 1719; n,. Rebecca Hillis, 9 March, 1777. 107 iii Elenoi- Dexter, b. 29 Oct., 1751. 128* iv Silas^' Dexter, b. 9 Oct., 1753; m. Elenor Bumpes, 25 Oct., 1- .h. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 27 129 V Saralv' Dexter, 1). 1:2 Jan., 175(5. 130 vi Euth^ Dexter, h. 22 Feb., 1758; no family. 131* vii David" Dexter, b. 17 June, 17(iii; d. It Sept., 1^54; m. Mary Bntler, 1 April, 1780. 132* viii Jonathan'^ Dexter, b. 7 Sejit., 1 7G2 ; d. 9 Nov., 1841; iii. (1) Hannah Church, (2) Dolly White, 1800. 133* ix Reuben' Dexter, b. 26 Jan., ]7()5; d. l] April, 184fi ; m. (1) Mary Tobey, (2) Anna Tobey, 1791. 134 X Nathan^ Dexter, b. 2 May, 17(57; d. 8 Fcl)., ls(i]; m. Kahama Hathaway, d. 22 May, 1805; one dau., P>etliiah" Dexter, b. 12 March, 1800; ni. .lolin Martin. 79 Noah' Dexter, son of B(^nj;uiiin'' |AYilliaiii-, 'riidinjis' | and Sarah [Arnold] Dexter, was boi-n 'ifi ^Nlareli. I(i!l7. lie iiiai-ried Epiphenv Hammett, and died 1755. leaving' |)i-operty to value of £800 to wife and children as f(»ll(>\vs: A eonnnittee comprising Joseph Barlow, Benj. Hammond, (leoro'e Barlow, Nathan Hannnond and Noah Sprague set off tlic wife dower, viz., eighteen acres, which was laid out to Xoali in 1744, also a wood lot of five acres, also two acres of saltmarsh, also the great I'oom in the low part of the dwelling, and that only with the liberty of a way out fi-oni the north dooi- west to the land first set off, and room to lay wood near north door and to draAv water at the well, resei'ving liberty to bake in the oven for such as may live in the cliaiiibcrs. The oldest son, Edward, had two-sixths of tlic i-emaiiulei- of the land, and all of the dwelling except that set oft' 1o the widow. He also purchased the share of Keuben. Benjamin had one-sixth of land set off to him and Jed idah and -Jane each had one-sixth to them. This was doiic July "JO. 175(). Children : 135* i Edward'' Dexter, b. in Rochester, 13 Sept., 17.''.0; ni. Annie , 1755; (2) Mary Babcock. ]3G ii Reuben^ Dexter, b. in Rochester, 11 July, 1732. 137*- iii Benjamin' Dexter, b. in Rochester, 25 Sept., 1734; m. Priscilla Benson, 19 Oct., 1756. 28 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. ,,s iv .T..aia»... Dexto,, b. in EoCestov, .5 Dec. 1733; ,„. SetU Hatha way of Dartmoutli, 176,. vv, V Jan# Dexter, b. hi Eoehester. ., .Tan.. 1.40. "'• 80 lames' Dexter, s„n o£ Be,tjami„= [WilUa,t,=. Tltomas'l ami S,m,_l, ^ [Arnold! Dexter, bovn 27 July, 1698 ; d'«l D^^ ^^'^ ^ ; „ ■ , .,Q nl-iv 17-23 Lois Sherman ot iVlaisnneiu. He married. 29 i\la>, n^-^. she wa.s born 1690; died 1780. They had five children, all horu in Roehestei. 11, lett his pToperty to wife, and after her decease to dansMer tra'h Tnd grandchildren, so ,t .v.ntUl seem tha, his so^ and other dan.hters mnst have died before ^J^J^ received some of his property from his (.landiathei Arnold's estate, as the following note will show: '720 Sarah Arnold, wife of Samuel; Saninel Arnold; .John Hammond and wife Mary; John Bonnie and wife Elizabeth; Benjamin Dexter and wife Sarah, re ea^ their right to forty acres of land and deed the same to Jame« Dexter singleman. for divers years of service foi Saiah Arnold. 1iis%Tandmother, since the death of her hnsband, T?pv Samuel Arnold." ^,^ He was fence viewer in 1740, 1748, 1744, 17o6 ; was on grand jnry 1742, 1762, and on .jnry 1/40. Children : 140 i Thomas^ Dexter, b. hi Rochester, 25 ^^pt-, 17|25^ 1 41 U Lois^> Dexter, b. in Ro.-hester, 31 Jan., 1 , - - , • 1 ^S , Cluu-eh, 27 Nov., 1746. One son, Charles Uuueh. -^ -r^;^;"r-rK::h:tr"3orf\7.^ ;::. ■: S;:^ n;: b. ■; Ro..hester, 12 Dec 17.2; ni. Stephen Perr., 20 Nov., 1755. AViU of James^ I^exter of Rochester. • .. T • ^^otiiiv.l of all the iirolits of my estate, I give to my beloved .ite, Lois, one-thud of all t 1 ^^ .^^ DEXTER FAMILY GKNKAI.()<;V. 29 Perry. Two-thirds to the male lieirs and one-third to the female iieirs of my said daughter, U> !>(> to tliem, their heirs and assigns forever. I also give to my said wife one good feather bed ami turnitnre, to be to her, her heirs forever. I give to my grandson, (Charles (')uireh, son of my daughtei-, Lois Church, deceased, to him. his heirs and assigns forever, that hit i<\' land I nwu lying near Seth Snow's in Rochester, laid out tn me in 174s. I ;ils(i gi\c to my grandson, Charles Chnrcli, £100, in lieu of what will cume 1o liim by heirship in his uncle's, .lames Dexter, deceased, estale, to be paid him by my executor on condition that said Church doth quit-claim his claim tci llu> aforesaid estate and give a deed of it to my grandsim, Thdmas I'erry. son of my daughter Sarah; l)ut if he refuse to deed said property, then 1 direct my executors to pay him £44 i;'>s. 4d. in eighteen months after my decease, this to be in lieu of the £100 alsn (Ui his refusal as aforesaid. My will is that my grandsciU, Thomas I'ei-ry, iuiv(> the sum of £4;') (is. paid In him on his arrival at age of -1. I give my son-in-law, Stephen Perry, the same, to be his, his heirs and assigns forever, that lot of land and orchard known as the "Old Orchard;" also I give him my negro m;in named Cezar ; the said Cezar lo do clmars fiu' my widow as needs and necessity require. I give to my grandson, James Perry, son of Sarah, the same to be his, his heirs and assigns forever, all the salt meadow 1 own at a place called Oceot in Rochester. T give to my daughter, Sarah Perry, the wife of Stephen Perry, all my estate, both i-eal and personal, whatsoever that T have not given away otherwise by this will, to be to her during her natural life, and .also the improvement thereon to her husband, Stephen Perry, during his life, er luitil his marriage with another woman, and after her (h^ath and his inter- marriage two-thirds, to be equally divided between the nude children that my daughter may have In' husband Perry, and one-third to the female children that she may have, to be theirs, their heirs forever. In case my daughter shall lose her husl)and and shall marry and have other children, my will is tlmt each child shall have £13 (5s. Sd., to be paid to them on their arrival at age 21 years by the children of my daughter by Perry, the male children paying two-thirds and the female ( hildreii paying one-third. I appoint Stephen Perry, my son-in-law. as my executor. Dated 31 Jan., 1774. James Dexter. | X | .Joseph Hammond. Seth Blackwell Tisdale Winslow. Property valued £13i)ti lOs. Id. Probated 1 Jan., 1776. oQ . DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 81 Benjamin^ Dexter, son of Benjanmr tWiUiamS Thomas^^^ Sarah [Arnold] Dexter, was born 4 March, 1.00; died 1^38. He married Hannah Barrow, 8 June, 1721 ; had six children, born in Eochester, Ma^s. He died 1738 leaving all young children and Ebenezer Barlow was appointed guardian ot the children. AVas one of petitioners to ha.ve part of town where they lived set off into a precinct in 1735. He was constable in 1735 and 1736 ; was one of jury m 1734. Children: 145* i Peleg^' Dexter, b'. 16 April, 172- m. Catherine Cosby, 14 Feb., 1743. , ,ox U6- ii Jonathan^' Dexter, b. 30 April, 1724; m. (1) Hanuah , (^) Philippa Vincent. ^ o 4. 147 iii Enoc-lr' Dexter, b. 6 March, 1726; m. Je.lidah Morse, . Sept., 1755. She died 1787. No children. 148* iv Ebenezer' Dexter, b. 6 Ang., 1728. 149* V Joseph^ Dexter, b. 27 Feb., 1731. 150 vi Isaac" Dexter, b. 19 July, 1734. 83 Josiah^ Dexter, son of Benjamin^ [ Willianr, Thomas^] and Sarah [Arnold] Dexter, was born 12 Nov., 1704; married Abigail Dexter 13 Nov., 1740, and had seven children. He was con- stable in 1743. He was a farmer and cordwainer in 1746. He recorded the following as the distinguishing mark for his cattle- "Slit in top of left ear; half penny cut out ot each side of same; crop cut off the top of right ear." The m- ventory of his estate in 1769 was, personal estate, £200; real estate, £240. Children : 151* i Benjamin' Dexter, b. 19 Dec, 1741; d; 15 Feb., 1790; m. Mary Hathaway, 29 Sept., 1774. 152 ii Philip' Dexter, b. 5 Jan., 1743. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY.' 31 153 iii PauP Dexter, b. 20 D.h-., 1745; d. 8 April, 171G. 154 iv Hannah^ Dexter, b. 26 Nov., 17-47. 155* V David' Dexter, b. 9 Nov., 1749; d. 30 Dec, 182(5; in. Sarah Alleu, Nov., 1779. 156 vi Alice" Dexter, b. 29 .July, 1751; d. 8 July, 1752. 157 vii Jonathan" Dexter, b. 20 Aug., 1753. 84 Constant^ Dexter, son of Benjamin^ [William-, Thomas'] and Sarah [Arnold] Dexter, was born 27 Nov., 1706; died 1756. He married Meribah Dilloway 1731, and had nine children, born in Rochester. He sold land to his brothers, Benjamin and Josiali, in 1733. Tie was on .inzy 1739. Children : 158 i Betty" Dexter, b. 19 March, 1733. 159 ii Meribah" Dexter, b. 16 Jan., 1735; m. 16 :\rarch, 1758, Joseph Child of Barnstable. 160 iii Drusilla" Dexter, b. 12 March, 1737. 161 iv Sarah" Dexter, b. 28 Jan., 1739. 162 v Nathan" Dexter, b. 8 Feb., 1741. 163* vi. Isaac" Dexter, b. 13 June, 1744. 164 vii Thomas" Dexter, b. 7 Marcli, 1745. 165 viii Stephen" Dexter, b. 3 Jan., 1747. 166* ix Gideon" Dexter, b. 29 .Inno, 175(1; m. ?*lary . Will of Constant Dextei- : In the name of God amen I Constant Dexter of Rocliester in Co of Plymouth in New England. Yeoman being enlisted in the expedition against Crown Point, seucible of the uncertainty of life Do make this my last Will & Testament. I desire to commit myself .& my family into the mercyfidl Hand of Almighty God, earnestly pray for his protection over us, his guidance of ns and his blessing upon us through the course of each of our lives that we may behave thro' our lives here that we may be all made pertakers of his eternal favors and merceys in the worhl to come thro' Jesus Christ our Lord. As touching my outward estate i do hereby give and bequeath the whole thereof of both real & personal estate to my beloved wife Meribah for her use & improvement so long as she shall be my widow Hereby granting to my 32 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY, sMi.l ^vife full power after my delfts are paid to divide the remainder of estate among mv children Betty, Meribah, Drusilla, Sarah, Nathan, Isaac, Thomas, Stephen & Gideon in such manner as she shall think l)est, but if my wife should be taken away without making any division or settlement of my estate among my children, my will is that my real estate be equally divided among my five sons and what remains of my moveable estate be equally divided among my daughters. I hereby make my Wife & my son Nathan my executors. Signed 9th of June 17.'j(). Constant Dexter. [X] Geo. Barlow, Israel Hamond Benj. Hammond, J - Witnesses. 85 Samuel^ Dexter, s..n of Ben.jauu.v' fWillianr, ThomasM and Sarah [Arnold] Dexter, was born in Rochester, Mass.. U Dee 1708 He spent liis eai-ly life in that place, and on 18 May! 1732, was married to Mary Clark by Rev. Timothy Rng-les. He remained there until after 1734, for two of his chiMren, Joseph and Samnel, were born there. He moved from there to Hardwick. and then in 1736 he was at Athol. where his son Ichabod was born; bnt he must have returned to Hardwick, for the records o-ive the births of the remain- ing children at Hardwick. While Samuel was not one of the first grantees of Athol, he was one of the very early settlers, coming there the bea-innino' of the second year. The five families that came the first year, September. 173.'). were Richard IMorton. Ephraim Smith, Samuel Morton, John Smeed and Joseph Lord. Those that came the second year, spring of 1736, were Aaron Smith, Samuel Dexter, Noah Morton, Robert Young, Robert IMarble, Nathaniel and Eleazer Graves and William, John, James and Robert Oliver. The Indians troubled the settlers so much that many of them left this locality for a more secure place, and it may be that Samuel removed to Hardwick and remained there from 1740 to 1753, but in the deeds of land which he sold in DEXTER PWMILY GENEALCKiV. 33^ 1743, 1745, 1753 and 1759, his residence is uivcii ;is PiKjuonu (AthoD. He AViis called husbandman, and inusl have been a man of considerable property for those times. In September, 1743. lie sold tifty acres of land on West Hill to Jason Babcock. (This is the IJabcock who was cap- tured by the Indians in 1746 and carried off to Canada, but Avho was afterwards redeemed and J'eturned to Athol.) In October, 1743. he sold house lot Xo. 7. AVest Hill, to Thomas Hunter. In 1744 he bought of Jason Babcock 1\vo lots in xVthol, beino- Xos. (i and 14. In ]\Iay, 1745, he sold thirty acres (lot X"o. (i3, second division) near river- to p]benezer Davis. In March, 1753, he sohl to his oldest son. Joseph (then of Ilardwick). two lots. Xos. 14 and 15. in Athol. In 1755 he sold lot 53. a ti-act of land on both sides of Tull>' Brook, t(^ Abi-aham Xutt. In 175!) he sold thi-ee ti'acts of land in Athol to his son. Ichabod Dexter. In 1775 was a member of tlu' ("onnnittee of Correspondence. Children: 167 i Joseph' Dexter, b. in Koche.ster. 2 May, 17.33. Was in Hard- v.iej^ 17.53; removed to Atliol 1761; was field dri\er 1762. 168' ii SamiieP Dexter, b. in Eochester, 13 Oct., 1734. 169* iii Jchabod' Dexter, b. in Athol ( ?j, 1736-7. 170" iv Jol/' Dexter, b. in Ilardwick, 8 March, 1740-1. 171* V Mary'' Dexter, b. in Hardwick, 11 .Inly, 1743; ni. Benjamin Morton. 172* vi Sarah'' Dexter, b. in Hardwick, S May, 1745; ni. Solomon .John- son, 28 Dec, 1762. 173* vii Benjamin' Dexter, b. in Hardwick, 17 Xov., 1747. 86 Ephraim^ Dexter, son of Benjamin-' [William-, Thomas^] and Sarah [Arnold] Dexter, was born in Rochester, 27 ^lay, 1711. He was a yeoman, and resided in Rochester. He married (1) JNIartha Clark in 1735. She died, and 25 Nov.. 1754, he married (2) Martha Waite. He died 1774. "Will i>robated 1775; sons to be executors. (St^e will.) oj. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Children, all l)y first wife: 174 i Ruth= Dexter, h. in Eo.-hester, 20 Dec, 1737; m. Hatch. 175 ii Alice^> Dexter, b. in Eo.-hoster, 28 March, 1740; d. 20 April, 1820. 176* iii Ephrainf Dexter, Jr., b. in Rochester, 31 Dec, 1741; d. April. 1823; ni. Kesiah"' Sober, 29 Dec, 1771. 177 iv AbigaiF Dexter, b. in Eochester, 16 March, 1745; m. Joseph Cannon, 24 Nov.. 1768. 178 V Lois^' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 5 Dec, 1748; ni. Timothy West, 27 Angnst, 1768. 179* vi CaleF Dexter, b. in Eochester, 13 April, 1751; d. 3 Oct., 1831. The ^vill of Ephraim Dexter (October 10. 177-i) : In the name of God Amen, I Ephraim Dexter of Eochester in the Connty of Plvmoi.th in the Province of Massachnsetts Bay in New England, yeoman, calling to mind the uncertainty of Life do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, and first of all I do freely resign my sonl to God u-ho gave it, and my body I commit to the dnst to be decently buried at the less me, I dispose of it in the manner following Tmpri^— To mv faithful and beloved wife Mai'tha I give and bequeath ,me third part of the im],rovement of all my real estate during her natura. life, also the use of one-third part of all my out-door personal estate during the said term. Also the use of an horse to ride when she pleases, and furthermore I give her all my household furniture as her own prop- erty to use and dispose of as she thinks proper.— Item-— To mv dutiful daughter. Euth Hatch, I give that piece of lane joining to Jabez Dexter, David Eandall, Solomon Young, Timothy West and Jonathan Sturtevant, also twenty acres upon tlie north part of my lot lying upon Perry's Swamp. Also one quarter part of a lot of Cedar Swamj. originally part of doty's share and which was left to me by my Hond Eather, all which I bequeath to my said daughter Euth, her lieirs and assigns forever, reserving to my wife the improvement of one-third as above-mentioned. It.Mu:— Bequeath to my dntifnll daughter AUice Meggs to her her heirs and assigns forever one-third part of the lot which I bought of Jonathan Burnell of Nantucket, to be taken on the north side of said lot, also ont^ quarter of the Cedar swamps above mentioned reserving to my wife ou^ third of the improvement as above in-ovided. Item:— I give and bequeath to my dutiful daughter Abigail Cannon, and to her heirs and assigns forever one-third part of the afore^d lot jxhich I bought of William Burnell to be taken off the Southerly side of said lot j.nning upon the mad wliich goes from IClieiu-zar ^leggs's to DEXTER I-\\MI1,V GENEALOGY. :{.") Mattapt Meeting House. Also one quarter jiait of the aljove-mcutioued cedar swamp excepting the improvement of a third as above. Item: — To my dutifull daughter, Lois West, I give and bequeath, the other third of the lot wliich I bought of Wm Burnell also the other quarter of the aforementioned cedar swamp, all which (excepting the reserve to my wife) I give to my said daughter to her heirs and assigns forever. Lastly: — To my two dutifull sons Ephraim and Caleb I give all the residue of my estate of whatever nature, to be equally divided between them, obliging them to pay equally my funeral charges & all other debts whicli T may owe at my decease, obliging them also to keep a good riding beast for my beloved wife for her to ride on when she thinks proper. Also I appoint my two sons Executors of this my last Will and revoking all others I do constitute this to be my last Will and Testament. In testi- mony of whicli I do hereunto set my liand and seal tliis tenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty four. Epiiraim Dexter. [Seal] In presence of — Ebenezar Cannon. Justice White. Isaiah Dexter. 89 Seth^ Dexter, son of Benjamin' [AYilliani-. Thomas^] and Sarah [Arnold] Dexter, "wa.s born 3 Oct.. 17LS. lie -was a clothier. He died 6 April, 1793, aged 75. lie married Eliz- abeth ; she was l)orn 1718 ; died 13 Oct., 1793. He was executor of his brother James' estate in 1775: iuv., £1396 10s. Id. He was one of the Committee on Correspond- ence before the AYar of Revolution. 1772-3. ''In 1777 he with two others were a committee to supply families of soldiers who are in the army."' He was a deacon. He was town clerk in 1750. 1751, 1752, 1753. 1755, 1756. (See will.) They had nine children: ' 180* i Seth" Dexter, b. 28 Dec, 17-13; m. Deborah Ilaskall. 181 ii Elizabeth^ Dexter, b. 5 June, 1745; m. Ebenezer Clark, Jr., 5 Jan., 1764. 182 iii Prince' Dexter, b. 12 June, 1747. Xot mentioned in father's Avill, 1791. 183* iv Elijah Dexter, b. 22 Feb., 1749. 36 DEXTER PWMll.Y (;EXKA1.()<:V ]S4 V l)avi,P D.-xtor. b. :10 Sept., 1751. Not mention.Ml in father's will, 17i)l. 185 vi Thomas^' Dexter, b. 22 Aus-, l'-5^^; •!• l"''^^- ISH Mi Joanna^ Dexter, b. 2.^ .luly. 1754; m. John Gibbs, ,h:, U ^ov.. 1S7 viii Conliaut^ Dexter, b. 12 Nov., 175H; .1. O.-t., 1785. No family. 188^> ix ThankfuP Dexter, b. 19 Aug., 1759; m. Zebulon Haskall. 3 Feb., 17S:i. I Seth Dexter of Rochester, Clothier, being of a.lvaueed age &e- - 1 To my beloved wife Elizabeth I give all my personal est. except only he Money & notes of hand that may be due at my decease, & so much of that Is n.av be necessary ^vith the in.provements of my R E for her comtor able suppoi-t & passage through life also I give her the use & nnprov. of all my reL Estate during her hfe except what I here in otherw.se ^^^^^^^'f- I give to mv son Seth Dexter n,y House ^- land that formerly Nvas o^.ned l,v Thomas Haskall or so nuu-h money as that will fetch is sold also \, half of nn- wearing apparell & n,y " Willard 's Body of Divinity i .ive to mv son Elijah Dexter my Corn Mill & Saw Mill with the usual part of the stVeam & dam together with all the lan.l 1 own on tl- easter y sicle of ndll strean, ^^ith half a lot of land 1 own at the head of the M 11 ;,ond-also the Salt meadow 1 own on Charles Neck also my Pew m the Leting house & excepting one half a lot of land I own below i^irlows to come into possession after his mothers decease-also I give to said Eliiah U, inv. wearing apparel all the above to be his, his heirs and assi^ns^. I oive'to'mv daugliter Elizabeth Clark lS£-together with one half of the moveable Estate that my Widow ^loth not dispose of & .s left at her '^T^ve to my dan doanna Cibbs 1S£ together with the othc-r half of the moveable estate that is not disposed ..f as abov.>— 1 oive to mv Grand children, sons of my ,lau-Thankful Haskall the one half "of mv hmnestead lands & buildings I own near the westerly side of Mill river', together with half the fulling null, the one half & the usual part of the Stream .^- dam & one half the lot of land I own below the Parlow's & at the head of the mdl pond-to be to them forever. I o-ive to mv son in law Zebulon Haskall the other half of my home- stea.r Lands, building & fulling mill &c-during his -^^nral life and af^r his decease to descend to my two grand children to be divided between them, if either of them decease under lawful age then to be to the surviving child to him or them their heirs and assigns. ni:xTi:K kamh.v of.xkat.ogv. . ,'57 The use >.V: iiii|ini\(inc'iit of all llic ahevo estate to be for tlie coiiifortaljle support & niaiiitcnaiK T ol' my Widow ijuriuir her Xatiual life <.V not to come into possession until after lier tleeease — I appoint my Sou Klijah Dexter & Zebulou llaskall Exr — 22 Nov 3 791 Approved 22 May 1793— 114 S.eth' Dexter, sou ol' .hihcz' | IMiilii)''. Willi;nn'. 'I'lioiiuis' : nud Mary [ | Dextci-. was Ijorii IT Fcl).. ]l'2-l lie uiaiTiod Mary Kir])y. 21 :\Iay, 1753. They had scvi-n chihlfiMi, honi in TJochcster : 189* i Jabez" Dexter, b. In Aug.. 17.')S; d. 11 ,lau., Isll; m. K'achel Eandall. 190* ii Elias" Dexter, b. ; d. 15 Dec. ISi'l ; m. :\rercy Sampson, 1 Dec., 179(i. 191* iii Elizabeth" Dexter, li. ; d. IS :\rarrh, 1S27; m. . 192* iv Elisha'' Dexter, b. April, 1 ; (i.l ; d. 11 .laii.. 1^;U; m. Hiuiiee Bowles. 193* v Sarah" Dexter, b. 2 Sept., 1 7ri.i ; d. S August. ^'<^^^A■. m. .losiah ^laconilier. 194 vi Mary" Dexter, b. ; ni. Charles Kllis. 195* vii Isaiah" Dexter, b. ;'.l Dec. 1 7.")2 ; ni. Mary Davis. 20 Oct., 1775. Jabez' Dexter, sou of .lal)e/.^ IPhilii*'. William-. 'Plioiiias' j aiul .Mai-y Dexter, was hoi'ii 11 .May, 172S; iiiari'ifd Patience Ilaminond, 7 Nov., 17.')1. One son : H)() i Rufus" Dexter, b. in Kocliester, ."> Sept., 1762. J 20 Joshua'^ Dexter, son of (iershoni^ [Johnl AVilliani-. Thomas^] and :\Iehital)el |Bolls| Dexter, was Imni 24 .May. 1756: niai-)-ied Thankful Dcxtei-. oO Dee.. 1782. 38 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Two eliildreu : 197 i AliiyaiV' Dexter, 1). in Rochester. 16 Nov., 178(5. 198 ii HaniKih'' Dexter. 1). in Rochester, 22 Jnne, 1789. 123 Philip-' Dexter, sou of Gershom* [John", Willianr, Thomas^l and Mehitabel [Bolls] Dexter, was born 15 Jan., 1763; died 18 Nov., 1832: married Patience Eandall, 28 Dec, 1786. Philip Avas a farmer and the record says he marked his cattle the same as his grandfather. John Dexter, did, viz.: "A slit in the end of the left ear and a half penny underside of the rio-ht ear." This was entered for record 7 Jan., 1794. ^fe' One child 199* i Betsey' Dexter. 1). in Rochester. 1788; d. 18fifi: m. Isaac Hatha- way. 126 John^ Dexter, son of J«>hn^ [Johnl AYillianr. Thomas^] and Sarah [Hardy] Dexter, was born 16 Sept., 1749. He married Rebecca Hiller on 9 ^March. 1777. They had six children, l)orn in Rochester, Mass.: 200 i Caleb" Dexter, b. 23 May, 1779; d. 2 Oct., 1831. No family. 201 ii Jonathan'-' Dexter, b. 1-t March, 1781; d. 4 March, 1860. No family. 202^ iii Charles'"' Dexter, b. .Inly, 1782; m. Hannah Snow, 3 March, 1808. 203 iv BethueP Dexter, b. 20 July, 1784; d. 13 Dec, 1855; m. Jane Blankenship, 24 July, 1807. No family. 204 v' Desire'"' Dexter, b. 9 Dec, 1780; d. 4 Sept., 1864; m. Ebenezer Bolls. 205 vi Zoath'^ Dexter, b. 15 July, 1795; d. 16 Jan., 1875; m. (1) Betsey ; (^1^) Alice Holmes, 24 Dec. 1846. No family. DEXTKK I'A.MIl.V GENEAT,OGY. 89 128 Silas' Dexter, son of .loliii' [Jolnr. William-, Thomas^] and Sarah [Handy] Dexter, was lioi'ti !> Oct.. ]~~)']: married Elenor Bnmpes, 25 Oct.. 1778. 206 i Oliver'' Dexter, b. li' Se[)t., 1779. 131 David' Dexter, son of .Tohn' |.lohn'''. AVilliain-'. 'i'lunnas^I and Sarah [Handy | Dexter, was l)()i'n 17 .lime. 17v\\. lS(i(i; m. Park, 2 May, isio. 210" iv John" Dexter, b. 1 March, 17ss; d. IS Feb.. 1S.5S. 211* V David" Dexter, b. 20 Aj-ril, 1790; d. (> Jan.. ISd. 212* vi Daniel" D.'xter. b. 30 May. 1792; .1. 30 May, 18G2; m. (1) Hadassah .b.ln.son, lS-_-4; (2) Koxalana Johnson, 24 Dec, 1829. 213* vii Silas" Dexter, b. (i Dec 1794; d. 7 April, ls50; m. (1) Irene Hall, 182(i; (2) Maria Taylor, 10 Jan., 1833. He was Rep- resentative in 1831-3. DEXTER FA:vrn,V GEXEALOGY. 4] 132 Jonathan' Dexter, son of .John' |.|(.liir. Williiiin-, Tli(»iiias'| and Sarah [Handy] Dexter, was horn 7 Sept., 17()2: died !) Xov.. 1841; mari'ied (1) Ilaniiali CIiuivli; (2) Dolly AVhite, 11 Nov., 1800. He had six diildivn l)y first wife and eiuht l)y second wife: 214 i Reuben'' Dexter, h. in Wardsli.nd. Vt., 9 ()et., 1788. 215 ii iraimali" Dexter, li. in W'nnlsl.oro. Yt.. 20 Nov.. 17!)(); d. 25 Oct., 18(1."); m. Wancn Wdod. 211) iii Kleanor" Dexter. 1.. In X,,v., 17i)4; .1. 14 April, 1 S(i7 : m. Lewis Lamb, 28 Dee., IS] 9. 217" iv Jonathan I\[.'' Dexter. 1). i'() Ajiril. 1 79S ; in. Harriet Morse. 218 V Sally'' Dexter. 219 vi Dolly" Dexter, b. ]79(i; ,1. isiKi. 220 vii Deborah" Dexter, b. 20 Sept., ISO] ; d. s (),-t.. 1828. 221* viii Oliver" Dexter, b. 11 Dee., 1S02; d. 5 A],ril. 1882; ni. Louisa Preston, 14 Sept., 1830. 222 ix .(oseph H.'' Dexter, b. 27 :\Iay, 1804; d. fi Nov.. 1 SOH. 223 x Silvia'' Dexter, b. 9 Aug., 1807; d. 23 Sept., IMii. 224 xi Sarah H.'^ Dexter, b. 23 May, 1809; m. Hiram liawley. 225* xii .lo.seph W.'' Dexter, b. 14 April, isll; m. Mary F. :\rorse, 11 Nov., 1834. 226* xiii Linns W." Dexter, b. 24 .May, isi.',; ni. Caroline Carii.^nter. 227 xiv Silvia" Dexter, b. 12 Oct.. ]s|4; d. In X,,v.. Is4(); ni. W. II. ^lansfield. 133 Reuben' Dexter, son of John^ fJohir', AVilliain-. Thomas^] and Sarah [Handy] Dexter. Avas liorn 2() Jan.. ITH."); died •'? April. 1846; mai'i'ied (Ij .Mary Tobey, 1787; {'2) Anna Tobey. 1791. SevcMi children. ;dl by second wife: 228 i Leonard" Dexter. 1). in Rodiester, 1 April. 1797: d. 2(i Sept., 18(i7. Xo children. 229* ii Anne" Dexter, b. 11 .Inly, 1799; d. 5 Dec., 1SG7; ni. Abner Hall, 4 Nov., 1819. 42 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 930 iii Nathan^Dexter, b. 2 July, 1801; d. 7 Oct.. 1826. Not mavried 231 iv Susannah P.« Dexter, b. 3 April, 1803 ; d. 24 Jan., 1888. Not married. 232* V Clarissa'-' Dexter, 1.. 25 May, 1805 ; d. 23 Marel., ISlw ; .n. Ld^Yard Buell, 31 July, 1834. 233^ vi Mary" Dexter, b. 4 Feb., 1808; d. 23 July, 1896; m. Nathan BarstoAV, 27 Dec, 1829. 234- vii Caroline" Dexter, b. 14 Mar.-h, 1814; d. 2 July, 1856; n>. Daniel Smith, 1 Jan., 1840. 135 Edward^' Dexter, son of Noah^ [BeiLJamitf-, Willianr, Thomas^] and Epiphenv [Clarkl Dexter, was born 13 Sept., 1730; died 1798; married (1) Annie „ 1755; (2) Mary Babeock. At deatli of father the land was divided between the bovs and the personal property among the girls. The son Edward was executor. He was tithing-man 179l\ Will of Edward Dexter : 16 Aug. 179o Tn the name of God amen I Edward Dexter of Eochester in the county of Plymouth veoman-Do make & ordain this my last ^vill & testament, my soul I ;.ommit to God. & niv body I ^vould have interred in a decent Christian manner & my .avrhly estate I would dispose of in the manner following— viz — ■ Whereas I am possessed of two pieces of land which are divided fron, each other by land belonging- to Kbenezer Cannon, it is my will that all ^vhich lies on the westerly side of said land of Ebenezer Cannon shall be the property of mv dutiful son Edward obliging him to pay all my just debts, funei-al charges, he having all debts due me and all my land, meadow &c lying on the east side of the land of said Ebenezer Cannon shall be the r)roi)ertv of mv dutiful son Samuel — \nd it is mv will, that all mv personal estate, be equally divided between my three daughters Eunice, Anna & Mary and I oblige Edward to provide for thein Sufficient house room during their Single Estate. I appoint Edward, my son. Sole Executor. I do hereunto set my hand & seal 16 day Aug 1795— Edward Dexter, [^eal] Nat Cowin Nathan Cannon Lot Perkins — Presented for I'robate 9 Nov., 179S DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 43 Two eliildreu by first wife and six by second wife: 235 i Xonh" Dexter, !>. in Kocliester, 17 Oct.. 1 7.1.1; ,1. I7(i(). •2?,G ii Anna" Dexter, b. in Roeliester, 2 Jan.. 17.18; d. 171S. 237* iii Edward" Dexter, b. in Rochester, V.i Nov., lim-. d. 1 S4.1. 238* iv Samuel" Dexter, b. in Rochester, 30 Sept., 1773. 239 V Eunice" Defter, b. in Rochester, 1768. 240 vi James" Dexter, b. in Rochester. 4 Oct.. 1771 ; d. before 1793. 241 vii Anna" Dexter, b. in Rochester, 10 Dec, 177S; m. David Austin. 242 viii Mary" Dexter, b. in Rochester, lo Dec., 1783; m. (Jidcon Dexter, 1804. 137 Benjamin^' Dexter, son of Xoah* [Benjamins William-. Thomas^] and Epipheny [Clark] Dexter, was born 25 Sept., 1734:; died 1804: nian-ied Priseilla Benson. 10 Oct.. IT^fi. Nine children, born in liochester: 243 i Experience" Dexter, b. 1.1 Feb., 17o7; ni. Setli Bnmj.. 244* ii Joseph" Dexter, b. 3 July, 17.19; m. Alary Luce, 1779. 245* iii Xoah" Dexter, b. 4 June, 1762;- d. 2.1 April, 1816; m. ^[ary Delano, 1788. 246 vi Thankful" Dexter, b. 21 Auf--., 1764; m. Savery Clifton of Roclipster. 247 V Epipheny" Dexter, b. 2.1 April, 17(i7; ni. Paul Haminond of Rochester. 248 vi Priseilla" Dexter, b. 14 Jan.. 1770; m. Israel Cowin of Rochester. 249 vii Jane" Dexter, b. 5 Jan., 1773; m. David Alendell of Rochester. 250 viii Susanna" Dexter, b. 26 Alay, 177.1; m. Perez Coomlts of :^[id- dleboro. 251* ix Benjamin" Dexter, b. 18 July, 1778; d. 14 Sept., 1846; m. Ruth Delano, 1 Jan., 1797. 144 Sarah' Dexter, dan.uhtei- of James* [Benjamin", William=, Thomas^] and Lois [Sherman] Dexter, ^vas born 12 Dec, 1732 : married Stephen Perry. 20 Nov.. 17.')5. Stephen and wife liad land o-iven them bv .lamest " 254 255 ,i DEXTER FAMILY (lENEALOGY. Six children, hnni in Kochcster. Mass. They had Umd left them by their lirandt'athcr James. 252 i .lames'-' Perry, 1). 22 Alarch, 175S. -Re.-eivo.l land from his grand- father. "53 ii Elizabeth" Perry, 1.. ?>\ -luly, 17(iO. iii Thomas" Perry, 1.. 3 ,huie, 1761. Eeeeived money from his grandfather, iv Louis (dan.)" Perry, b. 12 Oct., 1763. 256 V Lncy'' Perry, t). 25 F'eb., 1769. 257 vi Sarah" Perry, b. 3 April, 1771. 145 Peleg^' Dexter, son of Benjamin* [Benjamin\ William^ Th.nn^a.si] and Hannah [Barrow] Dexter, was horn 16 April, 1<22; married Catherine rushy, 19 Feb.. 1743. Three children, hoi-ii in Rochester: -58 i dohn" Dexter, b. 27 June, 1745; drowned 15 March. 1761, in X. S. 259 ii Elisha" Dexter, b.2n July,1747 ; drowned 15 March, 1761, m X. h. 260 iii desse" Dexter, b. IS May, 175(1; m. Widow X^iekerson. 146 Jonathan^' Dexter, son of Benjamin* [Benjamin% Willianr, Thomas^ and Hannah [Barrow] Dexter, was born 30 April, 1724; married (1) Hannah Vincent: (2) Philippa Vincent. One child : i Isaac" Dexter, b. at Dartm.n.th, Mass., 15 Oct., 1751; m. 3 July, 1776 Anna Poster, who was b. Chilmark, Mass., 29 June, 17o6, dau. of Edward and Mary Foster. Edward Foster went to Liverpool, X'. S., 17(iO »y '61, and was one of the original proprietors. 148 Ebenezer' Dexter, sen ..f Hen.jamin* [Benjamiir, Willianr, Thomas^] and Hannah [Harrow] Dexter, was born m 261 /i DEXTKK I•^\.\lll.^" CKXKALOGV. 4.") Kocliestci-. (i Ami;'.. ITl^S; iiuiiTicd Lydin livdcr isjiid to have been liis consiii), '27 Mat'cli, 117)7). lie was a i'annci-. Foui'teeii cliildi-cii. horn in I )ai'1 monl li. .M;iss. : 26l' i llaimali'' Dexter, li. 1.1 Se|it., 1 T.IO ; d. in Xeva Scotia, '24 Fe))., 17s.",; III. .lames Nirkei'soH, sou of l']l ii Bonjaiuin'' Dexter, h. '_';> March, 1 7.")S (Rochester); d. 17S7; in. Mary Harriiii^toii. Descendants Ii\(' in Hants Couiify. X. S. Son, Eiios l)extei-. •_'(5-l: iii Hebecca''' Dexter, li. l(i May, 17(i(i (IJochester) ; ni. 'Jii Dei-., 177(), Stephen Gardner. 265 iv Lydia"' Dexter, 1.. 2;; .lulv. 1 7()2 (T.iverpool, X. S.) ; d. 1S.lt: ni. Jesse Niclvci-son. 2(1(5 V ElLsha" Dexter, I). 2:5 .\|iril, 17iil ( Li\fri.(M,l, N. S.) ; d. I'.i May, 176.). 2(i7 vi Ebeuezer" Dexter, b. 20 -Inly. 17()(; ( Uverj/ool, X. S.) ; d. 18.3.1; m. Azubah Godfrey. 268 vii Katherine'' Dexter, b. 1769; m. Wilbani (iardner, 1 .Ian., 1 7S9. 269* viii Enoch" Dexter, b. 1771; d. \s:\] ; m. Sohmia I'indel, Ki Nov., 1794. 27(1 ix Samuel" Dexter, h. 177.'!; in. Ilaiinah (Hidfrey. 271 x Experience'' Dexter; in. (1) WdHaiii (liinUier; (2) liain])toii Stolves, 27 Anjiust, 1S(»(). 272 xi Ariedana" Dexter; in. Xatlianiid Glevelaiid. 27o xii Bertha'' Dexter; in. {1 ) John Furi^crs ; (2) .lose|ili Woods, 6 Sept., 1792. 274 xiii Esther'' Dexter; ni. Peter i'^rost, 22 Dec, 1796. 275 xiv lveul»(>n'' Dexter; died youno'. 149 Joseph"' Dexter, son of Benjaiinn' | Ticn.janiin'. Williaui-. Thomas^ I and Ilannali | P>ai'i-()\\ | Dexter, was lioi-n "JT I''et).. 1781; niai'i-ied Aznl)ali (Jodri-ey. Chikh-en. Iidfn in .Nova Scotia : 27() i Sou, 1), 16 Feb., 1 7(i2, 277 ii Eunice'' Dexter, li. 17 .Inly, 17(i.'>. 278 ili Rosana" Dexter, b. bl March, 1766. 279 iv Azubah" Dexter, b. ;5() April, 1768. 28(1 V .lediah'' Dexter, b. 19 .liiue, 179ii. For too much freedom of s}ieech he had to Hee to New Enghind. ^Q DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 151 Benjamin^' Dexter, son of Josiali* [Benjarain^ William^ Thomas^] and Abigail [Dexter] Dexter, was born 19 Dec, 1741 ; died 15 Feb., 1790 : married Mary Hathaway, 29 Sept., 1774. After the death of Ben.ia.min^ George B. Nye of Rochester Avas appointed guardian for the four young children, Han- nah, Benjamin, Josiah and Philip, they being under fourteen vears of age. Six children, born in Rochester: 281 i Sarah C." Dexter, h. 12 Aug.. 1780; d. 26 May, 1814. 282 iJ Abigail" Dexter, b. 4 Nov., 1777. 283 iii Hannah" Dexter, b. 28 June, 1779. 284 iv Josiah" Dexter, b. 14 Jvme, 1781. 285 V Benjamin" Dexter, b. 11 March, 1783. 286 vi Philip" Dexter, b. 20 Aug., 178.5. 155 David^' Dexter, son of Josiah* [Benjamin^ Williaur, Thomas^] and Abigail [Dexter] Dexter, was born 9 Nov., 1749 : died 22 Jan., 1827 ; married Sarah Allen, 5 Nov., 1779. He was a farmer, and the record says he marked his cattle with "two slits in the end of left ear." This is recorded 29 July, 1778. Seven children, born in Rochester: i 8arah C." Dexter, b. 12 Aug., 1780; d. 26 May, 1814. ii Jonathan" Dexter, b. 22 Feb., 1782; d. 27 Feb., 1841; m. Mary Studley, 17 March, 1805. 280 iii Mariah" Dexter, b. 23 Oct., 1784. No family. •^90 iv Mercy" Dexter, 24 March, 1788; d. G May, 1832. No family. 291^^ V E. Allen" Dexter, b. 13 Jan., 1792; m. (1) Cynthia Pitcher, 11 March, 1834; (2) Martha Mayhew. ■^qo vi David" Dexter, b. 26 Nov., 1794; d. 20 Nov., 1824. vii Benjamin" Dexter, b. 29 June, 1800; d. 24 Aug., 1827; m. Hannah Bro^vnell, 1826. No children. 287 288 -V'O DEXTER EA:\IILY GENEALOGY. 47 163 Isaac" Dexter, son of Consljint;' [Benjamhr. "Williain-. Tlioinas'] and Meribah [Dilloway] Dexter, was horn 1:1 Jnnc, 1744; died 1") D(>('., lcS()4: nian-ied Tvezia Winy. Nine eiiildi-en, l)oi'n in Wayne, Elaine: 294'- i (Deacon) Constant'' Doxtcr, b. 9 Ano-., 17()7; d. 2(i March, 1842; ra. Rebecca Billington. 295 ii Nathaniel" Dexter. 296'' iii Freeman" Dexter; (]. 7 Dec, 1840; ni. Polly Thurston. 297 iv (Rev.) Stephen'^ Dexter. 298 V Gideon" Dexter. 300* vi Isaac" Dexter, b. IS Feb., 1783; d. 21 Aug., 1864; ni. Sally Wiug, 1803. 301* vii (Deacon) Amasa" Dexter, born 6 July, 1786; d. 30 August, 1874; m. Martha Burgess, 28 Oct., 1807. 302 viii Mercy" Dexter. 303 ix Meribah" Dexter. 166 Gideon' Dexter, son of Constant^ [Benjamin', William-, Thomas^] and Meribah' [Dilloway] Dexter, was born 29 Jan., 1750; married ^NFary . Two children : ■ 304 i Joseph" Dexter, b. 12 July, 1774. 30.3 ii Gideon F." Dexter, b. 21 Oct., 1781. 168 Samuel' Dexter, son of SannteP [Benjamin"', William-. Thoma.s^] and ]\Iary [Clark] Dexter, was born in Rochester, 18 Oct., 1734. lie went with his parents to Hardwick and Athol. He married 25 Nov., 1759, at Hardwick, Thankfnl, daugh- ter of Deacon John Freeman. She was a descendant of 4S DEXTER fa:\iiia' genealogy. Elder William Brewster of " 'Mayflower" fame.* She died 20 May, 1811, a^ed (i!). \\v married (2) Sebbelah (Sibyl), widow of Samuel Thurston. 2B Sept., 1811: she died 18-49. ag'ed 100 years. They resided in Tlardwick near the Barre line. He was one of the "minutemen" who marched to Cambridge in ITTo. and in January, 177(). was Captain of a company sta- tioned at '"Roxbury Camp." Tie was afterwards involved politically in the Shays Rebellion. Imt was forgiven. He was a farmer, sold land in 1765 to Elisha Hedge, Jr., and to Ebenezer l^awrence the same year. He sold sixty-eight acres of land in Barre to his sons, Samnel and Jonathan, in 1811. He died 8 May, 1824, aged nearly 90 years. He had eleven childi-en. boi-n in Hardwick: 306* i Benjainin' Dexter, b. 17 Man'h, 17(ii); d. 17iH'; in. Anna :Mayi> ,.f Rutland, 10 Oct.. 17S4. 307* ii M:iry'' Dexter, b. 18 Jan., 1760; ni. .lulin (iorliani, :> .June, 1784. 308" iii Eleazar" Dexter, b. 5 July, 1765; m. (1) Abigail Dexter, 8 April, 1784; (2) Charity Williams, June, 1786. 309 iv Mercy" Dexter, b. 16 July, 1767; d. 14 March, 1774. 310 V Ichabod" Dexter, b. 23 April, 1770; d. 5 March, 1774. 311^ vi Saiiuiel'- Dexter, b. 9 May, 177;!; d. 1861; m. Sally Williams. 1796. 312 vii Seth'' Dexter, b. n March, 177.";. 313* viii Jedediah" Dexter, bapt. 26 Oct., 1777; d.l827; m. Abigail Eager; she was b. 1778. • 314 ix Susanna" Dexter, bapt. 26 Sept., 1779. 315 X Thomas" Dexter, l)ai)t. 19 May, 1782. 316* xi .lonatlum" Dexter, li. aliout 1786; d. 1856; m. Roxaiia Deau, 1812. *Edmund' Freeman of Lvnn, lt535, was one of the graators of Sandwich, 1637. He died in lti82 He had a wife Elizabeth. The.v had two sons, Edmund- and John-, These sons married daughters of Governor Prance and his wife Fear (Brewster) Prence. Fear Brewster was daughter of Elder \Villiam Brewster, who was one of the most important men that started with the Pilgrims. . ^ , ^ John= Freeman was Captain, 167.^. in King Philips War; was Major 1685; also dea- con of church ten years: deputy at General Court seven years; judge of Court of Com- mon Pleas after tlie union of Plymouth and Massachusetts, He was born m lb21; died in 1719. His widow died 2'.i Sept., 1711, aged 80. . ,..,^ v. , v,. f John^ Freeman was born in lt;,Tl and died in 1721. He married (1) Sarah, daughter ot William Mirrick. 1672; (2) Mercy, widow of Captain Elkanah Watson, of Plymouth. They had eleven children. «^ . . t-.i i, John^ Freeman was born in 1678. He married Mercy, daughter of Captain Elkanah. Watson, 1701. They had eleven children. John- Freeman was born 13 Aug., 1709. He marned Joanna Rickett of Plymouth, 1 -.30, He went to Rochester about 1723 and to Hardwick, where he died in 1804. His widow died 29 March. 1797, aged 87. ^ ,^ , u^ Thankful" Freeman was born in 17tl. She married Samuel Dexter as above. He died 20 May, 1811, age 69. DEXTKK FAMILY GENEALOGY. 49 169 Ichabod' Dexter, son of Samuel^ [l^cii.jaiuin'. William-, Thomas^] and Mary [Clark] Dexter; ^va.s horn in Athol. 24 June. 1737. He passed his early years in AUiol and IIai-d- \vick. He learned llic hlaeksniith ti'adc and accoi'diiiL; to tradition \vas in the 1^'i-eneh and Indian Wai-. and was at the • taking of old P^)rt Ticonderoga, ^vllen all the mrn in line on both sides of him Avere shot down, and his elothes \vere riddled with bullets, bnt none luippeued to draw blood. He and his brother Samuel were taken prisoners by the Indians, at one time, who started with them for Canada, but as they eamped one night the- brothers awoke and finding their captors were all asleep, they sent the whole company to the "happy hunting grounds" and started through the Avilder- ness for home. They found it almost impossible to travel through tlie woods or to (obtain food, and were obliged to kill and eat a dog which Avas with them. They finally reached home, bnt thoroughly used up and half starved. He was elected selectman of Athol in 170^'. aiul at the alarm at Lexington he led a company of ininutemcn from that town. He was afterward Caj)taiii of a company in the field. He moved to Ilardwick in 1780, and was selectman there in 1781- '82, 1785: elected Representative, 1782-1783. In 1752 the General Court granted 325 acres of land on the west line of Athol (Pequoig) to Rev. Benjamin Ruggles of ]Middleboro. Mass. This grant became in March, 1762, a part of Athol, but in 1783 was in the ])art set off to Orange. Ezekiel Wallingford is said to have located as early as 1747, and was not long afterward killed by the Indians. ^Ir. Dexter bought the right to Wallingford 's land and lived upon it many years. He afterwards returned to Ilardwick. He also bought a farm of fifty acres of Jason Babcock, which was set off with lot No. 7 on West Hill. He also owned a farm in Orange called the Battle Farm. He was an active {U'omoter of Shays' Rebellion in 178(), but afterward nuule his peace with tlu^ government. He was a man of al)ility and courage, as a rcH-oi'd of his career shows. 50 DEXTER FAMIT.Y GENEALOGY. He married Abigail , and had seven children. His wife was born 21 July, 1742, and died 7 April, 1797. He died of apoplexy 13 Fel>., 1797. His estate was administrated l»y liis sons. Claris and Benjamin. His brother Job was appointed onai-dian of T.ydia and Betty, minor children, they receiving' £400 each. He bought a pew in the meeting house at Athol of Moses Goddard foi- £10. in 17^9, although he was then living in Hai'dwick. Children : 317 i Clark" Dexter, b. ; ni. Alice Winshnv, the ilau. of Ezra'' and Eosamond (Spooner) Winslow and a descendant of TTezekiah\ ■ 1713; Ek'hard', 1685; Jolr, ; Kenelm\ Winslow. U5 Oet., 1796. They removed to Barnard. A^t. 318* ii Miriam'' Dexter, b. ; m. Asa Hedge. 31 May, 17S0. 3T9 iii Benjamin" Dexter, b. . 320* iv Lucy" Dexter, b. 6 July, 1762: d. 19 May, 1833; m. Moses Cheney, 4 July, 17Sli. 321 V Rhoda'' Dexter, b. 1769; d. 9 Aug., 1S4.3; m. Phineas Battle of Orange, 7 Nov., 1793. He was b. 1768, d. 1838. 322* vi Lydia''.Dexter, 1). ; m. Sherman Battle, 12 Aug., ISOO. 323 vii Betty'' Dexter, b. ; m. Abner Smith of Warwick. XoTE.— Eevohitionary record. See Massachusetts Eecord. Irlial)od Dexter of Athol, Mass. Captain of a company of minutemen, t:olonel Doolittle's regiment, which marched on alarm, 19 April, 1775; service five days. Also Captain in Col. Benjamin Euggles Woodbridge's (25th) regiment; list of officers recofnmeuded for commission by Committee of Sa'fety, dated Cambridge, 15 June, 1775; ordered by Congress, 21 June, 1775, to be delivered. Captain same regiment; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1/75; engaged April 24, 1775; service three months, fourteen days. Also Captain in Colonel Doolittle's regiment; list of officers of Massachusetts militia (year not given). 170 Job-' Dexter, son of Sanmel^ |Ben.iamin'\ Willianr, Thomas^] and Mary | Clark] Dexter, was ])oi-n in Hardwick, 8 March, 1740-1, and spent most of his life there. He married Mercy Ilinkley of Hardwick, 17 July, 1766. She was born 1744 and died 28 July, 1810; was the daughter of Thomas and DKXTKR FAMILY GENEAT.OGV. 51 Ruth [Merrick I lliukley. jind was pr()bal)ly a descendant of Governor Thomas Hinkley. He married (2) IMary Walker of Barre. pub. 1 Nov., 1811. She was born 1755 and died October, 1824, atjed (^0 years. Job was a fanner and I'esided aboni a mile and a half northerly from the Coumion. lie was Lieutenant in Captain Paige's company at Bennington, August, 1777; was a select- man fifteen years. ])etween 1780 and 1805. Tie died 10 .Inly 1827. Job had ten children, all by his iirst wife: 324* i John" Dexter, b. in Hardwiek, 3 Jan., 1769; d. 7 I^Iay, 1836; m. (1) Lucy Dennis, 1803; (2) Persis Gilbert, 1821. 325* ii Anna" Dexter, b. in Hardwiek, 22 July, 1770; d. 20 Marc-ii, 1804; m. Thiinias Wheeler, Jr., 3 June. 1790. 326^^ iii Ruth" Dexter, b. 20 March, 1773; d. 26 INtarch. 1847; in. David Allen, Jr., 27 April, 1794. 327* iv Ichabod" Dexter, b. in Hardwiek, 19 Dec, 177.1; d. IS.31 ; ni. (1) Sally Eager, 1803; (2) Alice Amidon, 1822. 328 V Mercy" Dexter, b. in Hardwiek, 28 April. 1777; d. 24 duly. 1801. 329 vi Joseph" Dexter, b. in Hardwiek, 1 March, 1779; m. Sopiiia Hunt, - 13 July, 1800. Moved to Westford, Vt. Two children died in inf. 1803. 330 vii Jonathan" Dexter, bap. 9 Sept., 1781. 331 viii Sally" Dexter, b. in Hardwiek, 16 Oct., 1783; d. 18 Jul v. 1811; . m. Dr. Elliot Beckworth, 9 Nov., 1806. 332 ix Zenas" Dexter, b. in Hardwiek. 26 dune, 1785. 333 X Ahna" Dext(>r. 1). iu Hardwiek, 27 May. 1787; d. 7 Oct., 1790. Revolutionary record of Job Dexter of Hardwiek: He vras commissioned 2nd Lieutenant by Council, 18 March, 1777; Lieuten- ant, Capt. Timothy Paige's company. Col. James Convers' regiment; engaged Aug. 21, 1777; discharged 21 Aug., 1777 — ten days. The company marched to Bennington on an ;darm. He was also in Capt. John Crawford's company. Col. Job Cushing's regiment; engaged Sept. 7, 1777; discharged 29 Nov., 1777. Service three months and three days, travel included. Also 2nd Lieutenant same company and regiment ; pay abstract for rations dated Scaresdeal, 30 Nov., 1777. He was also 1st Lieutenant same company and regiment; rations allowed Oct. 13, 1777; Dec. 9, 1777, services in northern department. He was also 1st Lieutenant, ('apt. Denison Robinson's (o) company, 4th Worcester County Regiment; list of officers of Massachusetts militia commissioncil 11 June, 1778. _-,•_) DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 171 Mary-' Dexter, daughter of SamueP [Ben.iamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] and Mary fClark] Dexter, was born in Hardwick. ^lass., 11 July, 1743, and died • She married Benja- min lylorton of Atliol, 28 Sept.. 1760. and went to that phice to live. Benjaanin was one of the first ehildi-en born in Athol, he being born very soon after the arrival of his parents, who went^ there in the fall of 1735. His parents came from Hatfield and l)uilt the first house and organized the first church. Benjamin's parents were Richard and Mary (Waite) Moi'ton.and Ik^ was a descendant on his father's side fi-om George ]Morton. boi-n in Austerfield, Yorkshire, Eng- land, 1585, Avho was tbc financial agent of Plymouth Colony and chartcivd the Mayflower for that memorable voyage which ended at Pymouth, 1620. He married Juliana Car- penter. 23 July 1612. and they came in the Ann in June, 1623. Mrs. IMorton's sister, Alice Carpenter, married (2) Gov. William Bradford, the second Governor of Plymouth Colony. Another sister, Agnes Carpenter, was the wife of Dr. Samuel Fuller, one of the passengers on the Mayflower, elder of church, one of the most valuable Pilgrims, and was the first physician that came to this country. Benjamin :\Iorton was a descendant on his mother's side of Sergeant Benjamin Waite, the hero of the Connecticut Valley (P^eb. 25, 1731). Children : 334 i Molly" Morton, h. ; ni. Solomon Johnson, Jr. (her cousin). 33.5 ii Benjamin" Morton, Jr., 1). ; m. Hannah Dexter (his cousin). 33(i iii Sarah" Morton, h. ; m. Cromwell Bullock. 337 jv Alargery" Morton, h. 17(U; m. (1) David Johnson (her cousin); (2) Sanuiel Town. 338-- V Jonathan" Morton, b. ; m. (1) Jennie Holt, 1796; (2) Esther Bennett, ISOO. 339 vi Submit' Morton, 1). ; m. Russell Barnes, 1798. DEXTER FAMII.V GENEALOGY. ,")'{ 340^ vii James'' Morton, b. ; iii. Jeruslia Forbush. 341 viii Lois® Morton, b. ; d. ISoO; never married. 342 ix Abraham" Aforton, b. ; m. Phelje . 172 Sarah' Dexter, daughtcn- of Samuel' [Bi'ii.jainiii-. William-, Thomas^] and ]\Iary [Clark] Dexter, was born in llardwick, IMasvS., 8 ]\Iay, 1745. She married Solomon Johnson, 28 Dec, 1762, and made their home at Orange, Mass. They were in same school district as Benjamin Dexter and Asa Lord. Solomon was probably son of Zebadiah and Esther John.son of Shrewsbury, ^Mass. They had nine children ; two of them married cousins, the children of Benjamin and ^Mary ^Nloi-ton : Esther" Jolinsoii, li. ; d. 1807; m. Joseph Lord. ii Solomon'' Johnson, Jr., m. Molly Morton (consin). iii Patty" Johnson; m. John King, 1791. David" Johnson; ni. Margery Morton (cousin). Jonathan" Johnson; ni. Betsey Kennedy, 1797; went to Vermont. Rally" Johnson, li. ; m. .Toshna Tucker of JIardwick. vii Polly" Johnson, b. ; m. Mr. Giles of Xew Salem. Jonah" Johnson, b. ; m. lady of Xew Salem. Daniel" Johnson, b. . 343* i 344 ii 345* iii 346 iv 347 \" 348* vi 349 vii 350 viii 351 ix 173 Benjamin'' Dexter, son of SamneP [Benjamin^ William', Thomas^] and jNfary [Clark] Dexter, was born in ITardwick. 17 Nov., 17-47, and remained there until he was eight years of age, when he was bound out to his brother, Tchabod Dexter of Athol. Avhere he remained until he was of age. He received for his services £13 6s. 8d. The year aftej' he became of age, 1769, he iiiai-ficd ITaiuiah Stone of Rutland. INFass.,* and went to ii^'e uihmi what is *Greg-ory' Stone came to America, 16.35, aged 45: settled in Watertown: removed to Cambridge: was deacon. He married Lydia Cooper. He died 30 Nov.. Itj7-': she died 24 June. 1674. Six children, all born in England. John- .Stone came over with his father: was one of the original proprietors of Sudbury, 1639: was large owner of land: was elder of church: town clerk, 165,5; removed .-,4 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. now called the "Jesse Worrick fai'in." The house is still standing. The next year he moved into the west end of the Riig-gles grant upon the location that is now occupied by the P^lihu Dexter aiul Sylvester Davis farms in Orange, Mass. "This Ruggles grant was made in 1752 to Rev. Benja- min Ruggles of INliddleboro, and consisted of 825 acres on the west line of Athol. l)ut in 1788 this was included in the part set oft* fi'om Athol to Orange." The first settlement on this ti'act was made by Jacob Hutchins, on the eastern part, but he sold to Abner Morton. Benjamin, the subject of this sketch, began a home upon the hill west in 1770, and Samuel Ruggles began a settlement in 177() on west side, and Lenuiel Ruggles settled near him in 1780; but in 1770, when Benjamin built, there was no house between his and the Counecticut River, nothing but a wilderness. lie spent the next forty years in settling, and they must have been years of hard labor, for the large cleared fields and great stone walls would indicate a vast amount of work, and he had only one son to share his labors, lie moved to Richmond, N. 11., in 1811, and bought the (iideon JNlanu place at Four Corners. This he sold in 1817 to Bassett & Ilarkness and moved onto the Deacon John C-ass farm, where he died in 1818. AVhen one looks at the extent of the old homestead of Benjamin, Sr., and realizes that with the help of only one son he was able to clear off this large tract of land and l)uild the walls that are now in evidence, he cannot fail to come to the conclusion that he was a man of untiring energy. to Cambridge, 16(5-J. He married Anna How, daughter of Elder How of VVatertown. He died 1683. Ten children. ^ ^. ^ ^., NathanieP Stone, born in Saxonville, married Sarah Wayt of Maiden. Eight chil- Jonathan' Stone, born 1690, married Abiel Bigelow. 11 Oct., 171(5. He died in 17-'3. Simeon^ Stone, born in 1722. married Hannah Kendall Jan., 174r>, in Southboro, Mass.; she was born in 172(i died in 1801. She was daughter of Eleazer^ Kendall and Hannah (Rowe) Kendall, granddaughter of Eleazer; and Ruth Kendall, and great granddaugh- ter of Francis' Kendall and Mary (Tidd) Kendall, who was one of the proprietors of Wobiirn, 1640. Simeon died in Rutland 12 May, 178.% Simeon'^ and wife moved from Framingham to Marlboro, where Hannah was born lo Jan., 1746, then to Rutland, where the other children were born: Daniel, 1748; David, 1749; Jonas, 17.M); Luev, 17.^4; Daniel. 1757; Susanna, 1760. He bought land hud out to Lieut. Simon Davis and set up a tannery, supposed to be the first in town, where he for several years carried on the tanning business. He bought and sold the farm afterward owned by his sou Jonas (originally granted to Samuel Sewell, Esq.). He was one of the minute men at the alarm, 177.5. DEXTKK FA .Mil A GENEALOGV. OO and that he iiuist liavc hccii ble&sed with ljcmxI health, for when he l)uilt the iirst liouse it was all a v;ist wilderness. Most of the cliildren married and settled witliiii a few iiiih's of the lioniestead. llannali. the eldest, however, some years latei- moved to New York Stat(\ and in a letter to licr parents she says the\- were on the road twelve days, hut found the i)lae.e Florence \. Y., a ni<'e |)la('e to live in. Benjamin was Selectman in Orange in 17!)l,1792and lli)-i, and again in 1808. He dealt in land extensively for tliose days: In 17Ti» he bought of Joseph Tiawi-ence of Athol 06 acres (part of the Ruggles orant) for £10(1. This is supposed to be a i)art of the homestead where tlie Dextei's now live in Orange. In 1775 he bought of Edw. Tlutehins of Athol anothei- tract which adjoined land he then owni'd. In 17S1 h(^ bought of Zadok llaywai-d (blacksmith! of Athol ;{7 acres situated on lioth sides of the i-oad which runs from the saw-mill to the county road and on the back side of West Brook, so-called. In 1784 he bought 12 acres of Susanna Taylor, on road leading from Kuggles' barn to West Hill. n<"ar land of Thomas Lord, bounded westerly by town line. In 17!>4 he bought a small piece of land of Aaron Lord. In 17!)1 he bought of Moses Goddard of Orange two lots of land, 66 acres in each, in Warwick. Xos. 2i) and 36 in fourth division. In 17!)0 he bought of Josiah Ford of Orange l-"} acre of land on road leading from county road to Metcalf's saw- mill. In 17!)2 he bought of Elijah Ball of Oi-ange, near Atwood's mills. Inl799he ))Ought of William and Pressen Lord a meadow- lot of 8 acres. In 1800 he bought of Ebenezer Webl) of Entland. Vt.. 20 acres of laud in Benson, Vt., for .^2000. In 1804 he b.)nght of Clai'k Stone of Wendell 100 acres^ of land in Somerset. Vt.. Xo. 2 lot in 2d survey. 56 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Ill 1804 he bought of Benjamin Morton 13 acres of land in Erving, ]\Iass. In 1805 he ])onght of Benjamin Goodnow of Somerset, Vt.. 100 acres of hind, being lot No. 3 in 2d snrvey. In 1805 he bought another tract from Benjamin JMorton, 10 acres, in Erving. In 1810 he bought of Benjamin INIiinn of Richmond, N. II., lot No. 8 in 6 range in Richmond. Upon this he lived from 1811 until 1817. In 1810 he ])t)iight land of Anna Hoar of Orange. In 1811 he bought 481,4 acres of land in Erving of Levi Gage for $430. In 1812 he bought 47 acres in southerly part of Orange of David Cleveland, and 20 acres in Richmond, N. H., of George and Esek Buffum for $250. In 1814 he bought 300 acres of land in Richmond, N. H., of Timothy Cole. In 1817 he bought 116 acres of land in Richmond of Deliverance Cole. In 1783 he sold Abner jMorton a part of the Ruggles tract. In 1785 he sold Thomas Lord of Athol 10 acres near the saw-mill, on west line of Athol. He sold in 1805, 50 acres of land in New Salem to Elkanah Hixson, and in 1816 he sold 50 acres of land in New Salem to B. Smith of that place for $400. In 1812 he sold to David Cleveland of Orange three lots in Orange, one containing the blacksmith shop, formerly owned by Levi Thurston, deceased : and these are only a part of the transfers recorded. In 1807 he sold to his only son, Benjamin, Jr., one-third of the re;d estate in Orange, except the house and land of the rooms on lower floor of my dAvelliiis' & one of tlie clianibers with a privilege in the cellar & a place to lay ^vood near the iiovise witli right to ajijiles in the orchard for . her o\^'n use and a sufficiency of firewood to keex)i& maintain one fire — these bequests to be to her during her natural life. I give to my son Elijali, seventy dollars & one half my -n-earing apparel — I give to my son Seth one half of my wearing api)arel. I also give him the use & im])rovement of my R. E. after his mother has done with it, that is to say of one half of it till my grandson John Gibbs Dexter arrives at the age of 21 — the other half din-ing his natural life but this is not to have any effect of the half of the Corn Mill given to Sophia or on the shoemakers shop — T give to my grandson John Gibbs Dexter one half of luy I'eal estate including lA of my Corn Mill with its appertances the same to l>e his; his heirs & assigns forever, he to come into the possession at the age of 21 y if my wife is not living at that time but if she is living he is to come into possess at her death. I also gi^•e to him my shoemakers sho|) lii; tools the same to be his forever — I give to my Grand son Prince Dexter the other half of my R. E. not absolutely given away in this will he to come into possession at the death of my Son Seth Dexter the same to be his, his heirs & assigns forever — My will is that after my wife's death my stock be ecpialiy divided between my two Grand sons & my dau. So[)hia — T app — Elijah Dexter my Ex-r — SigneS Elijah Dexter [SealJ Ten children; Elizabeth and Sarah were by lirsl wife: 385 i Elizabeth" Dexter, b. 11 May, IT?.-^. 386 ii Sarah" Dexter, b. 27 May, 177.1; d. 19 Nov., 1792; ne\er married. 387 iii Kezialf' Dexter, b. 5 July, 1780; d. 9 May,' 18(51; m. Belcher Athern. 388* iv Prince" Dexter, b. 19 Jan., 1782; d. 8 Dec, 1813; m. Arlothea Savery. 389 V Sophia" Dexter, b. IS March, 1784; d. 20 Oct., 1845; m. Joseph Gibbs, 1836. 390* vi Elijah" Dexter, b. 1 Sept., 1786; d. 10 Oct., 1851; m. (1) Clarissa Crocker, 1809; (2) Mary Morton, 1812; (3) Lydia Thompson, 1844. 391 vii Thankful" Dexter, b. 25 Sept., 1788; d. 9 Dec. 1848; m. Prince Burgess, 6 Nov., 1807. 02 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 392 viii Deborah" Dexter, b. 20 Jan., 1791; d. 8 Nov., 1813; single. 393* ix Seth'"' Dexter, b. 26 March, 1793; d. 16 Sept., 1832. 394 X Polly" Dexter, b. 8 Dec, 1795; d. 3 March, 1814. J88 Thankful'' Dexter, (laughter of Seth"* [Benjamin', AVilliam-, Thomas^] and Elizabeth [ ] Dexter, was l)orn 19 Aug-., 1759. She married Zebnlon Haskall, 3 Feb., 1782. Two eliildren : 395 i Seth'' Hasknll, b. 7 :Marcli, 1783. 396 ii David" Haiskall, b. 17 Sept., 1784. 189 Jabez'' Dexter, son of Seth^ [Jabez\ Philip^ William-, Thomas^] and .Mai-y [Kirby] Dexter, was born 10 Aug'., 1758. and died 14 .Jan., 1814. He married Eaehel Randall. Four children : 397 i Delilali' Dexter, b. ; <1. Sept., 1886; m. Corbett Chandler. 398 ii Lydia' Dexter. 399 iii Charles' Dexter. 400 iv Sarah" Dexter, b. 1810; d. 7 Aug., 1865; m. John Aiken. 190 Ellas'^ Dexter, son of Seth^ [Jabez^ Philip". Willianr. Thomas^] and j\laiy [Kirby] Dexter, was born , and died 15 Dee.. 1821. lie mari-icMl ^Merey Sampson 1 Dec, 1795. Five children : 401 i Lncy'' Dexter; m. William Cambridge. 402 ii Mary" Dexter; m. Harvey. 403 iii Isaiah' Dexter. 404 iv Edward Dean' Dexter; d. 8 Jan., 1833; m. :\Iary Dexter. 405 V LemneP Dexter. DEXTER F.\.^!ll.^ GKXEAI.OGV. C)'] \9\ Elizabeth'' Dexter, (];iiiL>]itci- of Sctlr" [J;il)t'z'. Pliilip'', AVilliniii-, Thomas^] and AFary [Kirhy] Dextei". was ])()i'ii , and died 1-") ^lat'ch. 1S27. Klic maffied Dcxlci-. Oneeliild: 406"^ i Raimipl B.' Dexter, h. in l^>ehester. 179(i: d. ?,() Sept., ISfiO; 111. Alibv Blackiner. 192 Elisha"' Dexter, son (if Srth' [Jabez\ Philij)', AVillianr'. Thomas' ] and ^laiy [Kii-by] Dexter, was born April. IKi"), and died 14 Jan., ISo-i. \l^' married Eunice Bowles. Dec. 1778; she died 81 Jan.. 1S83. aged 69 years. Eight ehildi'en. liorn at Rochester, ^lass. : 407 i Jane' Dexter, b. Jan., ]779; d. 10 Sept., 1848; ni. Kirby Beard. 408* ii Betsey Elizalteth' Dexter, b. :^lt :\[arcli. 1781; d. 9 Dec-., 18G5; m. Thomas ('. Ames, i^ Aug., 181:.'. 409 iii :\I;ny' Dexter, b. .1 Oet., 1784; d. 11 Sept., IS.TI ; m. Sylvaims Trip}). 410" i\- Klisha' Dexter. 1). 4 Dec, 1797; d. 17 Jan.. 1890; m. SaraTi MeTidall. 411 V. Setlr Dexter, b. :! .Inly. 1799; d. I'l) June. 1824. 412'- vi Harvey' Dexter, 1). H Dec, Isni; d. 4 .b-ui., IS.Ki; ni. (1) Lydia ("handler; (iM Hiddah Eandall. .\i.ril. 184S. 413' vii AUlen' Dexter, b. 2 July, 1SU4; d. 14 May, 1841; m. Merinda Frost. 414 viii Clarissa' Dexter, b. :10 June, 1807; in. Lewis Kandall. 195 Isaiah" Dexter. s(w of Seth'^ [Jabez\ PhiliiV", William-, Thomas^] and Mary [Kirby] Dexter, was born 31 Dec, 17.")L'. He married ^lary Davis, 29 Oct., 1775. 64 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Three children : 415 i Rebecca' Dexter; m. Charles Chaiuller. 416 ii Edith' Dexter; m. Washburn. 417 iii Lydia' Dexter; ni. Thomas Sherman. 199 Betsey'' Dexter, daughter of Philip'^ [Gershom\ John", William^ Thomas^], married Isaac Hatliaway. He was a farmer in ^Mattapoisett. Seven children : 418 i Isaac' Hathaway, b. 12 Feb., 1810; d. 5 May, ISGS ; m. Emily Haskius. 419 ii Philip D.' Hathaway, b. 27 Nov., 1815; d. 4 June, 1897; m. Desire Smith (Hiller). 420 iii Ebenezer R.' Hathaway, b. 30 June, 1819; d. 1-") Aug.. 1872; m. Elizabeth Bates. 421 iv Judah' Hathaway; unmarried. 422 V Nathaniel' Hathaway; unmarried. 423 vi Betsey' Hathaway; unmarried. 424 vii Patia A.' Hathaway; unmarried. 202 Charles'' Dexter, son of Jolm^ [John^ John'^, William-, Thomas^] and Rebecca [Hiller] Dexter, was born 6 July, 1782. He married Hannah or Thankful Snow, 3 March. 1808. Five children: 42.5 i Eebecca H.' Dexter. 426* ii John' Dexter, b. 29 Jan., 1810; d. 8 Sept., 1884; m. Mary S. Rogers. 18 Nov., 1883. 427-^^ iii James W.' Dexter, b. 21 Nov., 1814; d. 7 May, 1890; m. (1) Abigail Cannon, 6 June, 1835; (2) Mary Bui-bank, 1 Jan., 1870. • 42S iv David' Dexter, b. 10 Aug., 1818; d. 14 Feb., 1864; m. Corrella King. No family. 429 V Hannah J.' Dexter, b. 12 March, 1820; d. 26 Aug., 1S99; m. Barnabas Hiller, 26 April, 1865. No family. DEXTER EAMIIA' GEXEALOGV. (55 207 Charles'' Dexter, son of DavicF [John'. Jolm', William-, Tlioinas^] and Mary [Bntler] Dexter, was l)orn :i Oot., 178:1 and died 29 Sept., 1852. He iiiarric.l laicinda IJaseom, ."i Feb., 1812. Nine children : 430 i Mary' Doxtcr, 1>. in Wardsltoro, Vt., 13 Ajiril, ISl.l; dip,] n Feb., 1824. 431 ii Chester B.' Dexter, !>. 14 Sept., 1816; <1. in Troy, X. V.. IS92; m. (1) Sally White, 1842; (2) Irene H. Dexter, 1860. 432'' iii Avery J.' Dexter, b. 27 A])ril, 1818; ni. Mary D. Wiiite, 22 March, 1841. 433 iv Sophronia^ Dexter, b. 21 March, 1820; in. (1) Dexter Lamb, 1844; (2) Justus IT. Dix, 185(i ; d. in Troy, X. Y., 1892. 434 V Selina' Dexter, b. 9 March, 1822; d. IG .Tuly. 1S8(); m. Philo Chamberlain, 1848. 435 vi Charles' Dexter, Jr., b. i» June, 1S24; d. 14 June, 1879; ni. Ehelura Chapin, 1849. 436 vii Hadassah" Dexter, 1). 7 Sept., 1826; m. Dexter IT. Van Ostran(b 2 Sept., 1847; d. in Troy, N. Y., 1892. 437 viii Irene' Dexter, b. May, 1830; d. 2 May, 1872; m. Ellis Eawsou, 9 ]\rarch, 1847. 438 ix Allen Caleb' Dexter, b. 7 .Inly, 1832; m. Frances L. Horton, 1 Jan., 1861; d. in Troy, X. Y.. 1892. 209 Nathan'' Dexter, son of David' [John^ John', William-, Thomas^] and ]\lai'y [BntUn-i Dexter, was born . He married Park. Children : 438A i Urial' Dexter, b. 29 .March. 1811 ; d. 25 Dec, 1867. 438B ii James E.' Dexter, b. 6 Sept., 1817. 438C iii Melvin A.' Dexter, h. 14 March. 1820. (;(; DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 210 John" Dexter, son of DaYicF' [John*, John", William-, Thomas^] and Mary [Butler] Dexter, was horn 1 JMarch, 1788. and (lied 18 Fel).. 1858. He married (1) Dehorah F. Marsh, (2) Miranda Park, (3) Betsey Miner. Two children: 439 i Fayette' Dexter, 1j. in Dover, Vt., 2 Nov., 1816; d. 28 Sept.. 1845; m. Eliza L. Eeed, 5 Dec, 1844. 440 ■■ ii John Sidney' Dexter, b. in Dover, Vt., 3 May, 1821; m. (1) Abigail A. Eames, 24 March, 1842; (2) Julia A. Eames, 15 April, 1846; (3) Mrs. Betsey (Eames) Bates, 16 Jan., 1882. 211 David" Dexter, son of David"' [John''. John% William^ Thomas^J and :\rai'Y [Butler] Dexter, was born 20 April, 1790, and died 6 Jan., 1871. He married Chloe Hazeltine. 2 Feb.. 1815, at AVardsboro, Vt. She was a descendant of Edward Rawson. who was the Secretary of the ]\Iassachusetts Bay Colony. Edward Rawson 's grandmother was the sister to Edmund Vrindal, who became the renowned Archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Four children : 441 i Laban H.' Dexter, b. 7 March, 1816; ni. Ann W. Morse, 13 May, 1847. No children. 442 ii Laura" Dexter, b. 24 May, 1818; d. 16 Sept., 1889; m. Francis W. Jones, May, 1S37. 443 iii Eleanor M.' Dexter, b. 3 March, 1820; d. 31 Jan., 1833. 444* iv D. Gilbert" Dexter, b. 29 March, 1833; m. Ellen Simonds. (i Feb., 1856. 212 Daniel'' Dexter, son of David'' [Jolnl^ John", William-, Thomas^] and i\!ai-y [Butler] Dexter, was born 30 May, 1792, and DEXTER IW.MII.Y GENEALOGY. 67 died 30 May, 1862. lie married (1) Iladassah Johnson. 1824; (2) Roxalana Johnson, 24 Dec, 1829. Four children : 445 i Chandler' Dexter, b. 10 July, ISr.l ; d. 4 Au^.. 183;?. 446 ii Mair Dexter, b. 20 Feb., 1834; ni. Wales TLWillard. Nov.. 18.54. 447 iii Eleanor M.' Dexter, b. 31 May, 183(i; ni. Wells M. White '>8 Aug., 1860. • ' 448 iv Sara M.^ Dexter, b. .5 May, 1838; m. (1) William S. Knowlton, 13 Feb., 1867; (2) Howard M. Burke. 12 .Ian., 1SS7. 213 Silas" Dexter, .son of David'^ [John^, John-, William-. Thomas^] and :\lary [Butler^] Dexter, was born 6 Dec, 1794, and died 7 April, 1850. He married (1) Irene Hall, 1826; (2) Maria Taylor. 10 Jan.. 1838. He was Representative in 1831-2-3. Four children : 449 450 i Irene .H.' Dexter, b. in Wardsboro, Yt., 27 Sept., 1833; m. Chester B. Dexter, 26 Xov., 1860. ii Lueie A.^ Dexter, b. 31 April, 1836; d. 10 June, 1868; m. George Knight, 4 July, 1865. 451 iii Frank' Dexter, b. 6 March, 1838; d. 8 Dec, 1886. ' 452 iv Laura' Dexter, h. 8 June, 1841; ni. Darwin C. Blanciiard, 12 Jan.. 1869. 217 Jonathan Mills'' Dexter, son of Jonathan^ [John^ Johnl Wil- liam-. ThomasM and Hannah [Church] Dexter, was born at Wardsboro, Vt., 26 April, 1788, and died in Baltimore, IMd., 28 April, 1844. He obtained his education in his native town, but very early in life moved to Boston, :\Iass., where he started in business in a small way. He, however, soon developed a desire for mercantile pursuit, and soon went into the real estate business, which he found congenial (iS nEXTER FAMIIvY GENEAEOGY. JONATHAN MILLS DEXTER. to liis tastes, and he was quite succes«fiil from the start, lie opei'ated in Boston, Camhridge and Roxbury. He then turned liis attention to Lowell, and was a very larg-e owner of land there, at one time owning' the land where the City Hall. High School and most of the factories now stand. ]\rr. Dexter founded the town of Dracut. opposite the city of Lowell, and was insti'umental in having a bridge eonnect the two places. He also purchased 10,000 acres of land in ]\[aine. His operations in real estate extended over a considerable part of the country, and it was while he was at Baltimore, Md.. to close a large deal that he suddenly died. j\lr. Dexter took a great interest in young men, and wa,s instrumental in starting more than a score of them in busi- ness. In religion he was a strict Presbyterian. He died at the age of 4(), having amassed a large fortiuie for those limes and. what is better yet, gained the esteem of his fel- lowmen. DEXTER FAMILY UENEALOGY. 69 HARRIET S. (MORSE) DEXTER. WIFE OF JONATHAN M. Mr. Dexter mari'ied TIan'ict S. ]\Iorse. 28 Jan.. 1828. She was born in Xewfane, Vt., 27 Nov., 179(), and died in Boston, ]\rass., 10 Mny, 1811. Hari'iet Siverly Morse was the daiig-hter of Elienezer IMorse of Boylston, IMass. Her mother Avas Henrietta Morse of New York, born in 1767 and died in 1858. Her father was an architect and l)ni]der, and ])nilt the first mill at New- fane, Vt. In 1782 he left New York, where he was then living, bound for Halifax, N. S. He was engaged in the Department of Artifices in the service of King George III. He was granted a l)oniity of land by proclamation of the King. Her grandfather. Rev. Ebenezer IMorse of Boylston, was invited to settle over the new chnrch, and after some bargaining about salary he consented to do so. He was installed 26 Oct., 1748, six chnrches assisting. The meeting- honse at that time was not finished ; it had neither pnlpit, 70 DEXTER FAINIII.Y GENEiVLOGY. pews, doors nor even a permanent floor. It was completed the next year (1744). Individnals built their own pews where spaces were granted to them, as was customary, and this continued until 1761. Mr. Morse remained with the church twenty-five years, but when the disaffection of the Colonies arose he appeared as a Koya.list, and as the church people were patriotic, there was a difference between them, and he was dismissed 10 Nov., 1755. He remained in town, however, and took up the practice of medicine and also fitted students for college. Mr. Morse was born in Medfield, 2 March, 1718 ; graduated at Harvard College 1737 ; studied law Avdth John Chandler. He wa«s married to Persis, daughter of John Bush. She was a descendant of John Howe, who came from England and who was connected with Lord Charles How, Earl of Lancaster, in reign of Charles I. She was born ■; died 6 May, 1788. He died in 1802, aged 83 years. Nine children, l)()rn at Boston, Mass. : 453 i Samuel Adams' Dexter, b. 3 Feb., 1824; d. 17 Ajiril, 1856. 454* ii Frances Henrietta' Dexter, b. 26 June, 1825 ; m. James . P. Tolman, 1 Oct., 18 46. 454A iii Harriet Augusta" Dexter, b. 19 Sept., 1827; d. 20 Oct., 1828. 455* iv Augustus Charles" Dexter, b. 28 Aug., 1829; m. Alice Gilbert, 22 Oct., 1875. 456 V George Mills' Dexter, b. 28 Feb., 1832; d. 12 Aug., 1853. 456A vi Henry Montgomery' Dextor, b. 6 Nov., 1833; m. Eliza H. Mc- Connell, 25 Aug., 1863. 457* vii Harriet Siverly' Dexter, b. 6 Nov., 1835; d. 2 May, 1859; m. Charles Stephenson, 22 Dec, 1856. 458 viii William' Dexter, b. 1 April, 1839; d. 4 April, 1839. 459 ■ ix Helen A.' Dexter, b. 26 Oct., 1840; m. Charles Stephenson, 9 Jan., 1862. 221 Oliver'' Dexter, son of Jonathan^ [John^ Jolnr, William-, Thomas'] and Dolly [White] Dexter, was born 11 Dec, 1802, and died 5 April, 1882. He married Louisa Preston, 19 Sept., 1830. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 71 They had six childivn. hofii in Wni'dsboi-n, Vt. : 460 i Kmily' Dexter, b. L';i Oct.. ]88'2. 461 ii Cliarles" Dexter, h. 6 Sept., LS39 ; d. 17 Mardi, LSS9 ; in. Harriet Morse, 17 March, 1868. 462 iii Frances' Dexter, b. in Addison, Vt., 27 .April, 1837; m. Benjamin C. Haywood, 23 Sept., 1858. 463 iv Oliver' Dextei', b. 7 ,Tulj, 1840; m. Rosalia C. Larkin, 24 June, 1863. 464* V Horace' Dexter, b. 2.1 .Tnn., 1843; ni. Lora R. GritYin. 16 May, 1871. 465 vi Harriet' Dexter, li. (! :\[ay, 184(i; ni. Mills .1. Landou, 25 Feb., 1868. . 225 Joseph W." Dexter, son of Jonathan-^ [John\ Jolin', William', Thomas^] and Doily [White] Dexter, was boi-n 14 April, 1811. lie married IMary F. Morse, 11 Nov., 1884. They had six children : 466 i Josephine M.' Dexter, b. in Boston, 19 Oct., 1835; d. 2 Sept., 1854. 467 ii Linus G.'' Dexter, b. in Wardsboro, Vt., 29 Dec, 1839; d. 19 Sept., 1854. 468 iii E. Milton' Dexter, b. 28 July, 1842; m. E. Aline Osgood, 17 Jan., 1883. 469 iv Stella A.' Dexter, b. 8 Dec, 1845; m. T. G. Nash, 14 May, 1866. 470 V Ellen M.' Dexter, b. 5 July, 1848; d. 2 July, 1854. 471 vi Oharles D.' Dexter, b. 11 Oct., 1855; m. Eleanor C. Morse, 25 Juno, 1884. 226 Linus W.'' Dexter, son of Jonathan-^ [John*, John\ William^, Thomas^] and Dolly [White] Dexter, was born in Wards- boro, Vt., 24 May, 1813, and died Febrnary, 1899. He married Caroline Carpenter. Linns Dexter went to Philadelphia early in life and there laid the foundation for his fortune in the confectionery 72 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. and fancy baking- business. He afterwards extended the business to other large eastern cities. He was known as the inventor of the ' ' angel cake. ' ' He was fond of good horses, and years ag-o his stables in Philadelphia contained some of the finest animals in the country. He met with business reverses at one time, but set to work manfully and amassed a second fortune. Mr. Dexter had a tender heart for the ])()or and needy, but so modest and secret was he in his acts of charity that none but his closest friends knew of them. He was always honest and upright in his business, and was never kno\^^l to be harsh to the poor in his tenements or exacting to his debtors. He died at Vineland, N. J., aged S6, and left a fortune of $500,000, which he had willed to his wife. His wife died shortlv before he did. 229 Anna'' Dexter, daughter of Reul)eU' [John*, Johm', William^, Thomas'] and ^lary [Tobey] Dexter, was born 11 July. 1779, and died 5 Dec, 1867. She married Abner Hall, 4 Nov., 1819. ]\rr. Hall was a ship carpenter. Six childi'en, born in IMattapoisett : 472' i Laura A.' ITall. b. • ; d. 16 Nov., 1872; m. Capt. Josei^h R. Taber (wlialing captain). 473 ii Martha' Hall. 474 iii Lucy' Hall, b. 9 Sept., 1825; d. 2 Nov., 1880; m. Henry Taylor .(merchant in Mattapoisett). 475 iv Emily' Hall, b. 7 Aug., 18.30; d. 16 May, 1884; m. Wyatt Snow, 7 July, 1850. He was a carpenter. 476 V Abner' Hall. b. 13 A])ril, 1835;- d. 31 May, 1883; m. Lucinda Keith. 477 vi Nathan' Hall. 232 • Clarissa'' Dexter, daughter of Reuben^ [John*. John\ William-. Thomas^] and ]\lary [Tobey] Dexter, was born 25 INIay, DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 73 1805. and died 23 March, 1867. She married Edward Buell, 31 July, 1834. Mr. Buell was a ship-joiner and resided at IMattapoisett. Eio'lit children : 478 i MarrettcV Buell, b. Mattapoisett, 2 Mav, L82.i ; m. Francis Max- well, 26 Nov., 1865. 479 ii Edward Franklin' Buell, b. 6 Oct., 1828; d." 6 Jan., 1831. 480 iii Sarah Jane' Buell, b. 27 July, 1831; ni. John Meigs, 19 June 1853. 481 iv Edward W.' Buell, b. 13 Oct., 1834; d. 17 March, 1836. V Eliza L. B.' Buell, b. 17 April, 1837; d. 23 Nov., 1841. vi Eeuben D.' Buell, b. 25 May, 1841 ; d. 14 Jan., 1844. vii Laura J.' Buell, b. 14 April, 1845; d. 17 April, 1857. 485 viii Edward W.' Buell, Jr., b. 27 Aug., 1849; m. Helen Frances, 23 June, 1875. 233 Mary« Dexter, danuhter of Eeuben^ [.John^ Johu^ William-. Thomas^] and Mary [Tobey] Dexter, was born 4 Feb., 1808, and died 23 July, 1896. She married Nathan H. Barstow, 27 Dec, 1829. IMr. Barstow was a ship-builder in I\Iatta- poisett before 1861. lie also had saw-mill and box factory. Six children : • 482 483 484 486 487 488 489 490 491 i Helen' Barstow, b. 30 April, 1831; d. 23 Sept., 1855. ii Caroline' Barstow, b. 12 Nov., 1832; d. 19 Jan., 1854. iii Elizabeth Penn' Barstow, b. 10 Dec, 1S33; d. 22 March, 1854; m. Charles D. Hall, iv Mary Tobey' Barstow, b. 12 Nov., 1835; d. 9 July, 1838. y Mary Tobey' Barstow, 2d, b. Dec, 1838; d. 8 May, 1854. VI Nathan Hammond' Barstow, b. 6 July, 1842; d. 10 Sept., 1843. 234 Caroline^' Dexter, daughter of Reuben-^ [John^. John'^, AVilliam^, Thomas^] and I\lary [Tobey] Dexter, was born 14 :\rareh, 74 DEXTER PAMIIiY GENEALOGY. 1814, and died 2 July, 1856. She married Daniel Smith, 1 Jan., 1840. Six children : 492 i Caroline Dexter' Smitli. h. in Ne^v Bedford, 4 July, 1841; d. • 4 Nov., 1852. A9?, ii Mary Leonard' Sniitli, b. in New Bedford, 1.1 Feb., 184.3; d. 23 April, 1847. 494 iii Daniel Herbert' Smith, b. in New Bedford, 10 .Tan., 1845; m. Helen A. Lane, 26 May, 1869. 495 iv Leonard Dexter" Smith, b. in Eutland, 1 Nov., 1848; m. Emma J. Kinney, 5 Jnly, 1904. 496 V Mary Addie Adelia' Smith, b. in Kutland, 17 Nov., 1850; d. 21 June, 1854. 497 vi Carrie Barstow' Smith, b. in Rutland, 14 May, 1854; m. Goorffe S, Russell, 15 May, 1878. 237 Edward" Dexter, son of Edward^ [Noah\ Benjamin^, William^ Thomas^] and Mary [Babcock] Dexter, was born 13 Nov., 1766, and died 18 Sept., 1845. He married Biah Barlow. Six children : 498 i Mary' Dexter, b. ; m. James Eipner, 29 March, 1832. 499 ii Susan' Dexter, b. ISIO; d. 10 May, 1887; m. Edward Ripuer. 500" iii Allen' Dexter, b. 1807; d. 29 April, 1878; m. Phebe Heard, 24 April, 1842. 501'^ iv James' Dexter, b. 24 Nov., — ; d. 22 INIay, 1856; m. Hannah Mendall, 22 Aug., 1836. 502 V Wilson' Dexter, b. . No family. 503 vi Edward' Dexter, b. . No family. 238 Captain Samuel" Dexter, son of EdwarcP [Noah*, Benjamin^ Willianr, Thomas\) and Mary [Babcock] Dexter, was born 30 Sept., 1773, and died 30 Sept., 1856. He married Mercy Keen in 1800. Captain Dexter moved to Smithfield, N. Y., DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 75 about 1815 and bought a farm, which was always the family home. Twelve children : 504 i Sarah^ Dexter, b. in Eochester, 2 Oct., LS02 ; d. in infancy. 505 ii Perries' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 17 Sept., LS03 ; d. in infancy. 506* iii Sumner' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 23 March, 1805; d. 7 March, 1868; m. Deborah Edwards, 13 July, 1837. 507 iv Alary' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 4 April, 1807; d. 3 Feb., 1849; ni. (1) Cornelius Stewart, 1829; (2) Otis P. Granger, 1837. 508 V Jolm Albert' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 11 Feb., 1809; d. 20 N^^ 1863. 509^ vi Jane' Dextor, b. in Eochester, 4 May, 1811; d. 12 Nov., 1867; m. Frederick Ward. 510* vii Caroline' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 11 Nov., 1812; d. 7 April, 1870; m. Ona T\Tiite, 24 Dec, 1834. 511* viii James' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 21 Dec, 1814; d. 14 May, 1861; m. Pamelia Dexter, 20 Sept., 1849. 512* ix Samuel' Dexter, Jr., b. in Smithfield, N. Y., 17 Jan.. 1816; d. 28 Jan., 1888; m. Mary Coon, 8 Jan., 1841. 513 X Charlotte' Dexter, b. in Smithfield, N. Y., 28 Feb., 1818; d. 25 May, 1874. 514* xi Sarah M.' Dexter, b. in Smithfield, N. Y., 24 Dec, 1819; d. 26 May, 1894; m. James A. Parmelee, 13 Oct., 1842. He died 15 Nov., 1854, leaving three children. 515* xii David H.' Dexter, b. in Smitlifield, N. Y., 5 March, 1822; d. 25 March, 1863; m. Mary Dana, 1848. 244 Joseph'' Dexter, son of Benjamin-^ [Noah^ Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Priscilla [Benson] Dexter, was born 3 July, 1759. He married Mary Luce, 14 Oct., 1779. Seven children, born at Tisbury : 516* i Benjamin' Dexter.; m. Betsey Hilman, 1809. 517* ii Elisha' Dexter; m. Eliza Merry. 518 iii Charles' Dexter; m. Sally Baxter, 1808. 519* iv Ira' Dexter; m. Harriet Dunham. 520* v Joseph' Dexter; m. Charlotte Alorton. 521 vi Polly' Dexter; m. .John Baxter, 27 Jan., 1805. 522 vii Priscilla' Dexter; m. Bartlett Allen. 76 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 245 Noah'' Dexter, son of Benjamin^ [Noah*, Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Priscilla [Benson] Dexter, was born 4 Jnne, 1762, and died 25 April, 1816. He married Mary Delano, 27 Nov., 1788. Eleven children : 523 i Sophia^ Dexter, b. 12 Dec, 1790; d. 5 Sept., 1813; m. Caleb Handy. 524 ii Abner' Dexter, b. 1 Dec, 1792; d. 1826. 525 iii Plarper D.' Dexter, b. 17 Dec, 1794; d. July, 1821. 526 iv Polly' Dexter, b. 13 Feb., 1797; ni. Caleb Handy. 527 V Cynthia' Dexter, b. 29 Nov., 1799; d. 1882; m. Andrew Allen. 528 vi Lydia D.' Dexter, b. 6 July, 1802; d. 13 Apr., 1819. 529 vii Elizabeth' Dexter, b. 23 Jan., 1804; d. 8 Nov., 1819. 530* viii Eodolphus W.' Dexter, b. 15 April, 1806; d. 25 April, 1862; m. (1) Andria C. Fuller, 1833; (2) Mary H. Taber, 12 Dec, 1838. 531 ix Mary Ann' Dexter, b. 28 Sept., 1808; d. 13 Oct., 1808. 532 X Priscilla' Dexter, b. 3 June, 1810; d. 29 Nov., 1810. 533 xi Charlotte' Dexter, b. 17 Feb., 1812; m. Frederick Barden. 251 Benjamin'"' Dexter, son of Benjamin-' [Noah\ Benjamin^ Wil- liam-, ThomasVi and Priscilla [Benson] Dexter, was bora 18 July, 1778, and died 14 Sept., 1846. He married Ruth Delano, 1 Jan., 1797. Nine children : 534 i Priscilla' Dexter, b. in Rochester, 6 April, 1S07 ; d. 7 Oct., 1896; m. Hezekiah Coleman, 10 Feb., 1830. 535^ ii Lucy' Dexter, b. 5 March, 1809; m. Timothy Clifton, 6 Jan., 1833. 536 iii ,losiah' Dexter, b. 17 Sept., 1810; d. 8 Nov., 1890; m. Mary Wing, 8 Sept., 1841. 537 iv Mary A.' Dexter, b. 27 Sept., 1812; d. 30 Dec, 1890. 538* V Lydia' Dexter, b. 5 Feb., 1814; m. James Hammett, 8 Oct., 1836. ■ DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 77 539* vi Benjaniiu' Dexter, 1). 1 June, LS17; d. 17 Ajiril, 1879; ni. Eliza- beth Delano, 1 .luii.>, 1841. 540 vii Sylvia' Dexter, b. 30 May, 1819; m. Thomas Caswell. S Aug., 1843. 541* viii Eufus' Dexter, b. 7 Feb., 1S21; in. Elizabeth Washburn, 1 .June, 1848. .'542. ix Euth' Dexter, b. o March, 1823; d. 27 Jan., 1890; single. 261 Isaac" Dexter, son of Jonathan'^ [Benjamin'*, Benjamin-', Wil- lianr, Thomas^] and Hannah [Vincent] Dexter, was born at Dartmonth, Mass., 15 Oct., 1751, and died in 1848. He married Anna Foster of Chilmark, ^lass. He moved to Liverpool, Nova Scotia, where their chiklren were horn. Children: L .Tohu' Dexter, 1). 1.1 Feb., 1777; m. Waty Atkins, 27 Oct., 1802. Two children : 1. Catherine, b. 17 Sept., 1S03; m. Joseph Aniiis, 1823. 2. Mary, b. 25 June, 1805. TI. Azubah" Dexter, b. 1779; d. 1779. IIT. Annie' Dexter, b. (5 Aug.. 1781; d. 23 Sept., 1808; ni. Henry^ Paygent, 31 Aug., 1802. 1. Henry A.* Paygent, b. 25 Dec, 1803. 2. Cynthia^ Paygent. b. 19 Nov., 1805. 3. Mary Ann-" Paygent, b. 21 Jan., 1808. TV. Mary" Dexter, b. 25 June, 1784; d. 25 Dec, 1850; ni. Eev. William Paygent, 1 Jan., 1806. They had eleven children, born iu Antig- onish, Nova Scotia: 1. Elizabeth^ Paygent, b. 31 Dec, 1806; m. John Paygent, 1829. 2. John^ Paygent, b. 12 Nov., 1808 ; ni. Mary Ann Curry, 1835.^ 3. Mary Ann^ Paygent, b. 13 May, 1810; d. 1899; ni. Stephen Harvey, 1837. 4. William H.** Paygent, b. 6 Aug., 1812; drowned in 1820. 5. Jane- Paygent. b. 2 Jan., 1815; m. Simeon Kempton. 1834. 6. Lydia'* Paygent, b. 18 April, 1817; d. 1903; m. John W. Eaton, 1844. 7. Margaref* Paygent, b. 18 April, 1820; d. 1874; m. William E. Davison, 1843. 8. Caroline" Paygent, b. 13 Dec, 1822; d. 1899; m. Joel M. Paygent, 1846. 7S DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 9. Sarah" Payseii^ b. 13 Jan., 1825; cl. 1904; in. J. P. Chase, 1849. 10. William^ Paygent, b. 12 Aug., 1827; d. 1885; m. Eliza A. Harris, 1862. 11. Leniira** Paygent, b. 7 June, 1831; d. 1904; ni. Dr. Cox, 1856. V. Isaac' Dexter, b. 11 Feb., 1787; d. 1854; m. Mercy Freeman, 13 Dec, 1810. Two chihlrcn, born in Liverpool, N. S. : • ]. Letitia' Dexter, b. 2 Dec, 1811. 2. Ann'" Dexter, b. June, 1822; ni. Thomas Gould. VI. Lydia' Dexter, b. 15 Oct., 1789; m. (1) ('a])tain Benjamin Freeman, 1811; (2) Mathew Park. Y-IT. Azubah' Dexter, b. 9 Aug., 1792; d. 9 July, 1828; m. Whitman Free- man, 11 Jan., 1817. Five children, born in Milton, N. S. : 1. Eliza" Freeman, b. 8 Oct., 1818; d. 1820. 2. George W.* Freeman, b. 15 March, 1820. 3. p]liza Ann^ Freeman, b. 16 May, 1822. 4. Alfred' Freeman, b. 30 April, 1824; d. 13 Feb., 1846. 5. Mary A.^ Freeman, b. 7 A])ril, 1826; m. Charles M. Ford. VIII. Joseph' Dexter, b. 9 Marcli, 1795; in. Jerusha Herrington, 10 Dec, 1823. Five children, born in Brooklyn, N. S. : 1. Mary Eliza** Dexter; in. Edward McLeod. 2. (Hon.) I. Vincent* Dexter; m. Agnes Gould. Son, Isaac V." Dexter, m. .lanett Starrett. 3. Azubah* Dexter; in. Captain Edward McLeod. 4. (Capt.) Josepli H.* Dexter; m. McLeod. 5. Theresa" Dexter; m. Captain Jason Gardner. IX. Listha' Dexter, b. 179S; d. 1800. 267 Ebenezer'' Dexter, son of Ebenezer^ [Benjamin^ Benjamin^, Willianr, Thoma,s^] and Lydia [Ryder] Dexter, was born in Dartmouth, 20 .Inly, 1766. a!id died in 1885. He married Aznbah Godfrey. Children : I. Joseph' Dexter, b. ; lost at sea. II. .lohn' Dexter, b. ; lost at sea. III. Henry' Dexter, b. • ; m. Ann Smith. Had four children, William'', DanieP, IsraeP, Ellen". TV. Eoberts' Dexter. V. Ebenezer' Dexter. Hon. ISAAC VINCENT DEXTER, Liverpoool, Nova Scotia. ISAAC V. DEXTER, JB. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. /!) VI. Catherine' Dexter. VII. Godfrey' Dexter, b. ; m. Cynthia Gardner. Son, John A.' Dex- ter, b. in ISlova Scotia, 17 Sept., 1826; m. Kate Myra; had six children: Arth'ir^, EdwanP, William^, Kate", llcbecca' and Dnvid^, all born in Nova Scotia. 269 Enoch- Dexter, son of Ebenezer^ [Benjamin*, Benjamin", Wil- liam-, Thomas^] and Lydia [Eyder] Dexter, was born in 1771 at Dartmonth, and died in 1831. He married Salome Pindel, 9 Nov., 1794. One child : I. Smith' Dexter, b. 1817; d. 1889; m. Sophronia Gardner and had seven children, all born in Brooklyn, Nova Scotia: 1. Jedidah^ Dexter; m. Henry Gardner. 2. Eunice^ Dexter; m. Captain William Cook. 3. Barzillias* Dexter; m. Susan Gardner. 4. Azubah'* Dexter; m. Joseph Brown. 5. Cecilia^ Dexter; m. William Peach. ('). Willoughby' Dexter; m. Jessie Antony. 7. Mary* Dexter; m. Charles Peach. 270 Samuel'' Dexter, son of El)enezer' [Benjamin^, Benjamin'', William'-, Thomas^] and Lydia [Ryder] 'Dexter, was born in Dartmouth in 1778, and died 1831. He married Hannah Godfrey, 12 March, 1799. Ten children, all born in Brooklyn, N. S.: I. :\Ielinda" Dexter, b. ?.0 July, ISOO. II. Knoclr Dexter, b. S Feb., 1802; m. Hannah Bnrk, IS Jan., 1S27. Cbildren: William E." Dexter, :\ratildy" Dexter and .Tenislur Dexter, wbo married (ieo. ]\Iiddlemas. III. Susanna" Dexter, b. 10 March, 1S04; m. John Kempton, 20 Feb., 1823. IV. Warren" Dexter, b. II Marcli, 1805; n). Mary S. Kempton; d. 17 June, 1872. She was b. () March, 1801; d. 9 Nov., 1871. They had six children, all b. in Brooklyn, X. S. : 80 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1 Susannah^ Dt'xter, b. 7 Sei)t., 18.')2; m. Alexander Whartdii, 1.S54. 2 :Mary Eliza' Dexter, V). 31 May, 1836; in. Joseph I*.. Freeman, 1850. 3 Hannah- Dexter, 1). 4 July, 1838; m. Hezekiah H. Harris, 1865. 4 Sarah" Dexter, )>. 2U July, 1840; m. Ilenajah :Minerd, 1868. 5 Joseph' Dexter, 1). 19 April, 1843; d. 1849. 6 John Kcmi)ton' Dexter, b. 7 Dec, 1844; m. ]\Iartha Kenipton, 1872. They had seven children, b. in Milton, N. S. : 1 Mary Snow'' Dexter, 1). 18 May, 1873; ni. Wm. Snow, 1899. 2 Jessie M." Dexter, b. 15 :\rarch, 1875; m. James Mills, 1901. 3 Harvey X." Dexter, b. 4 .May, 1877; d. 18 April, 1882. 4 William S.'' Dexter, 1). 9 Nov., 1879; d. 9 Oct., 1898. 5 Clittbrd H." Dexter, b. 9 April, 1882. (i Warren J." Dexter, b. 28 Oct., 1883. 7 Harris II.-' Dexter, 1). 14 Sept., 1886. \'. Ebenezer' Dexter. \'l. Samuel" Dexter, m. Reliecca Gardner. VII. Nathaniel' Dexter, b. 1826; ni. Charlotte ( iardner. \'III. James" Dexter, unmarried. IX. Thomas" Dexter, died at sea. X. .roseph" Dexter, d. on shiplxiard. 288 Jonathan '^' Dexter, son of David'' [Josiah-*, Benjamin', William-, Thomas'] and Sarah [Allen] Dexter, was born 22 Feb., 17S2. He married Mary Stndley, 17 Mareli. ISO.'). Eio'ht children, five liorn in Kocliester, ^lass.: 543 i Elizabeth" Dexter, b. 10 Aug., 1807; d. 10 July, 1S15. 544 ii Thankful" Dexter, b. 19 June, 1S09; m. 17 Oct., 1810. 545 iii Sarah Allen' Dexter, li. 4 Jan., 1815; d. 18 Jan., 1815. 546* iv .Jonathan K." Dexter, )>. Rochester, 12 Feb., 1812; m. Clarinda Smith, 26 Nov., 1838. 547 V I'amelia" Dexter, 1). 26 Dec, 1815; d. 4 Dec, 1882; m. James Dexter, 20 Sept. , 1849. 548 vi Maria' Dexter, b. 10 July, ISIS; d. 25 .March, 1841; never m. 549 vii Samuel" Dexter, li. 22 .Jan., 1824; sintrle. 550 viii Sarah Abigail" Dexter, b. Falmouth, 15 Feli., 1S29; m. William Ivlwards. 291 E. Allen'' Dexter, s(.n of David' [Josiah^. Benjamin', William-', Thomas'] and Sarah [Allen] Dexter, was l)orn DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 81 13 Jan., 1792, and died 30 June, 1848. He married (1) Cynthia Pitcher, 1827; (2) Martha Mayhew, 11 March, 1834. Three children by first wife and two b}' second: 551 i David B." Dexter, b. 11 Dec, 1828; d. 10 Oct., 1829. 552 ii Allen M.' Dexter, b. 11 Dec, 1828; d. 28 Aug., 1830. 553 iii David' Dexter, b. 24 July, 1831; d. 25 April, 1832. 554* iv Martha M." Dexter, b. 12 July, 1836; m. Noah Hammond, 2 June, 1861. 555 V Stephen' Dexter, b. 10 Jan., 1839; no family. 294 Deacon Constant"' Dexter, son of Isaac" [Constant"^, Ben- jamin"'', William-, Thomas^] and Kezia [Wing] Dexter, was born 9 Aug., 1767, and died 26 March, 1812. He married Rebecca BilliHgton. Five children, born in Wayne: 556 i Mercy' Dexter, b. 20 Jan., 1796; m. Samuel Besse. 557 ii Lois' Dexter, b. 27 Feb., 1797; d. 13 April, 1883; m. Elisha Besse. 558 iii Elizabeth' Dexter, b. 7 Nov., 1798; d. 18 March, 1875; m. Seth Hammond. 559* iv John' Dexter, b. 23 June, 1800; d. Oct., 1887; m. Mary Shaw. 560 V Samuel' Dexter, b. 11 Aug., 1805; d. 3 Aug., 1857; m. Mary Bean. Freeman'' Dexter, son of Isaac ^ [Constant*, Benjamin^ William'-, Thomas'] and Kezia [Wing] Dexter, was born . He married Polly . • Fourteen children: 561 i Nathaniel' Dexter, b. 15 Aug., 1795. 562 ii Erwin' Dexter, b. 15 Jan., 1797. 563 iii Freeman' Dexter, b. 12 Dec, 1798. 564 iv Sumner' Dexter, b. 26 Oct., 1800. 565 V Amasa' Dexter, b. 18 Feb., 1803. 566 vi Mary' Dexter, b. 26 Oct., 1804. g2 DEXTER FAMITA' GENEALOGY. 567 vii Alonzo' Dexter, 1). 2 Nov., 1806. 568 viii Louisa' Dexter, b. 2 Nov., 1806. 569 ix Gideon' Dexter, h. 3 Oct., 1808. 570 X Ilannali' Dexter, h. 23 April, 1810. 571 xi Charles S." Dexter, 1). 27 Feb., 1812. 572 xii :\[eribah' Dexter, b. 13 May, 1814. 573 xiii Betsey" Dexter, 1). 20 Jan., 1816. 574* xiv Sti'phen T." Dexter, b. ll» April, 181S. 300 Isaac'' Dexter, son of Isaac'"' [Constant^, Benjamin'', William^, Thomas'] and Kezia [Wing] Dexter, was born 18 Feb., IIS-I ami died 21 Ang-., 1S6-1-. He married Sally Wing, 1808. Six children, born in Wayne: 575 i Anson' Dexter, b. IS Jan., 1807 ;°(1. 3 Dec, 1821. 576 ii Franc-is' Dexter, 1). 28 Nov., 1808; ni. Mary A. Boynton. 577 iii Robinson" Dexter, b. 13 May, 1810; m. (1) Betsey Bean; (2) :Matil(la Gould. 578 iv Sylvia' Dexter, b. 2!) Sept., 1816; d. 11 Sept., 1878. 579 V Sarah' Dexter, b. 30 Aug., 1818; d. 9 Aug., 1837. 580 vi Nancy' Dexter, b. 25 July, 1820; d. 2 May, 1843. 30J Deacon Amasa'- Dexter, son of Isaac' [Constant^, Benjamin'', William'-, Thomas'] and Kezia [Wing] Dexter, was born 6 Jnly, 1786, and died 80 Aug., 1874. He married Martha Burgess 28 Oct., 1807. Eight children, lx)rn in Wayne: i Alice S.' Dexter, b. 18 Aug., 1S08; d. 11 April, 1814. Lewis' Dexter, b. 8 April, 1810; d. 11 Fel)., 1889; m. (1) Mitatlah Norris, 1834; (2) Mary Dexter 10 Nov., 1859. iii Solon' Dexter, b. 11 Dec, 1813; d. 27 March, 1814. Kev. Henry V.' Dexter, b. 3 April, 1815; d. 22 July, 1884; n>. (1) Nancy C. Herrick, 1845; (2) :\Iary E. Boardman, 1851. Alice S.' Dexter, b. 11 Feb., 1818. Ihirriet N.' Dexter, b. 28 Sept., 1820; m. James B. Turner, 2 March, 1847. 581 i 582* ii 583 iii 584* iv 585 \" 586 vi DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 83 587* vii Edward G.' Dexter, b. 9 April, 1824; m. (1) Harriett R. Thomas, G Oct., 1851; (2) :Mary L. Lamson, 3 July, 18G4. 588 viii 3Iartha A.' Dexter, b. 5 Oct., 1830; in. Harvey A. Lowell, 15 June, 1856. 306 Benjamin'^ Dexter, son of Samuel'' [Samuel*, Benjamin^, William'-, Thomas^] and Thankful [Freeman] Dexter, was born 17 March, 1760, in Hardwiek, Mass., and died 16 Aug., 1792. He married Anna Mayo of Rutland, Mass., 10 Get., 1784. She was a descendant of Rev. John Mayo, first minister of North Church, Boston. Two children: 589 i JudalV, Dexter, b. 1788; d. 31 March, 1790. 590 ii John Freeman' Dexter, 1). ; removed to St. Albans, Vt. ; m. Comfort Haskall, 14 Jan., 1812. Child, Mary Melisse, b. 6 June, 1813. 307 Mary'^ Dexter, daughter of SamueP [Samuel*, Benjamin^, William'-, Thomas^] and Mary [Clark] Dexter, was born in Hardwiek, 18 Jan., 1763. She married John Gorham, son of Stephen and Sarah [Freeman (daughter of Deacon John)] Gorham, 3 June, 1784. He was boru in 1759 and died in Barre, 24 April, 1847. Five children: 591 i Thomas' Gorham, 1). 1784; d. 15 Dec, 1867, at Barre; m. Hannah Ulter, 12 Dec, 1811. 592* ii Susan' Gorham, b. ; m. Xathan Taylor; pub. 27 Nov., 1806. 593 iii John' Gorham, bapt. Feb., 1805. 594 iv Sally' Gorham, bapt. 24 March, 1805. 595 V De La Fayette' Gorham, 1)apt. 24 ^larch, 1805. 308 Elcazer'' Dexter, son of Samuel'* [Samuel^, Benjamin •■*, William'-, Thomas^] and Thankful [Freeman] Dexter, was 84 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. born in Hardwiek, Mass., o Jnly, 1765. He married (1) Abigail Dexter, 8 April, 1782; (2) Charity Williams, pub. 18 Jnne, 1786; she was born in 1768, and died 3 June, 1838, Rffe 70. He was a pensioner of the United States. He died in 1813. Eleven children, all by second wife: 5!K) i A))i,irail" Dexter, 1). 14 March, 1787; d. 5 July, 1860; ni. Martin Euggles, 27 Fel)., 1816. 597* ii Bethsheba' Carver Dexter, b. 22 Feb., 1789; d. 29 Sept., 1855; m Silas Newton, 2(1, 21 June, 1810. 598 iii Alma' Dexter, b. 1791; d. 26 Jan., 1803. 599 iv Arethusa" Dexter, 1). 1793; d. 18 Jan., 1803. 600* V Charity AVilliams' Dexter, b. 5 Aug., 1795; m. (uirdner Newton, pub. 17 Sept., 1827. 601* vi Joseph Dean' Dexter, b. 31 Aug., 1797; m. Oliver Gould, 15 Nov., 1818. 002 vii Seth' Dexter, 1). 1800; d. 2 Aug., 1803. 603 viii Willard' Dexter, b. 13 Sept. , 1802. 604* ix Arethusa' Dexter, b. 7 Jan., 1805; m. John Johnson, 5 Oct., 1828. 605 X Thankful Freeman' Dexter, l>apt. 1 Sept., 1811; m. Levi Stevens. 606 xi Eleazer' Dexter, 1). 7 July, 1813; was a famous musician and showman residing in Reading, Vt. 311 Samuel' Dexter, son of Samner [Samuel\ Benjaminl Wil- liam", Thomas^] and Thankful [Freeman] Dexter, was born 9 May, 1773, and died 24 March, 1861. He married Sally, daughter of Jacob Williams, 15 Dec, 1796; she was born at Middleboro, 1775. and died 1867, age 92. He was Ensign, 3800; Lieutenant," 1801; Captain, 1806 ; selectman, 1811, 1814, 1829. Three children: 607 i Benjamin' Dexter, 1). 6 July, 1798; d. 8 May, 1816. 608* ii Williams' Dexter, \>. 7 April, 1800; d. 1836; m. :Maria Knowlton, 3 June, 1828. 609* iii Alma' Dexter, b. 11 Nov., 1804; m. Joseph Newcomb, pub. 11 Feb., 1828; d. 1840. They had four minor children in 'l840 when the father died. John Bayinond was appointed guardian t. 1811; m. IMartha Wheeler. Two children. 343 Esther'^ Johnson, daughter of Sarah' [Sarauel', Benjamin', William", Thomas^ ] and Solomon Johnson, married Joseph Lord, 1786, son of Thomas^ [Joseph^ Joseph^ Thomas", Robert^] . She was born , and died . After her death her hnsband married Unity Rnggles, 1805. He was born 26 Oct., 1763, and died 11 Jnly, 1832, age 69. Unity died 10 Feb., 1810, age 59. Four children: 680 i Luther' Lord, b. 9 Dec, 1788. 681* ii Vashney' Lord, b. 19 May, 1791; d. 20 Sept., 1844; m. Sarah . 682 iii Esther^ Lord, b. 15 Aug., 1809. 683 iv Persia' Lord, b. 15 Aug., 1813; m. (1) Moses Dexter, 13 April, 1837 ; (2) Jennison. 345 Patty" Johnson, daughter of Sarah^ [Samuel^ Benjamin^ Wil- liam", Thomas^] Dexter, and Solomon Johnson, was born . She married John King. Two children: 684 i Joseph' King, born . 685 ii Luther' King, b. . Son, Collings H. King, b. 8 Sept., 1839. 348 Sally" Johnson, daughter of Saralf [Samuel', Benjamin^ Wil- liam^ Thomas^] and Solomon Johnson, was born . He married Joshua Tucker, son of R()l)ert and Martha Tucker of Hardwick, pub. 10 March, 1799. Robert and Martha came to Hardwick from Morton, Mass., in 1774. Robert died 1805 and Martha 1809. Joshua and Sally moved to New Salem. 92 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Three children: 686 i Ebenezer' Tucker, b. 1807; d. in Hardwick, 22 April, 1857. 687* ii Alfred' Tucker, b. ISOS; d. in Hardwick, 1866. 688 iii Joshua' Tucker, b. 181.'!; d. in Hardwick, 22 Nov., 1836. 352 Hannah*^ Dexter, daughter of Benjamin' [Samuel\ Benjamin^ William", Thomas^] and Hannah [Stone] Dexter, was born 5 Dec, 1770, and died 18 Sept., 1858. She married Ben- jamin Morton, Jr., 13 Oct., 1787. They moved to Florence, Oneida Co., N.Y., in 1806. They went with a team, and it took them eleven days to accomplish the journey. Benjamin bought a farm. In 1814 he moved to Camden, N. Y., and in a letter (1814) to his mother he says that his son Samuel is living on the farm at Florence ; that the daughter Eunice lives within a mile of him, and that Clara is at Black River, about 55 miles distant from Camden. Letters are now (1904) in existence written by Lucy in 1815 to her grand- parents. Nine children: 689 i SamueP Morton, b. 1796. 690 ii Eunice' Morton, m. Jonathan Stanhope, 3 May, 1807. G91 iii Sally' Morton. 692 iv Clara' Morton, b. 1785. 693 V Benjamin' Morton. 694 vi Mary' Morton, ni. William Eddy. 695 vii Hephzibah' Morton, m. Hosea Bullock. 696 viii Susan' INIorton, m. Lot Sexton. 697 ix Lucy' Morton, b. 1798; m. Grove R. Johnson. 354 • Benjamin'"' Dexter, son of Benjamiir' [Samuel^ Benjamin^ Wil- liam", Thomas^] and Hannah [Stone] Dexter, was born at Athol, in that part afterwards set off to Orange, 24 Nov., DEXTER FAMILY GENEAI>OGY. 9:) 1775. He Avas one of nine children, and the only boy (except one that died Avhen an infant) there was in the family. With the larpe amonnt of forest land that his father had to clear, his time mnst have been fnlly occupie'd. What schooling he had was at the district school No. 6. His father was a lariiv owner of real estate, and we tind that ho had some dealings in it, as in IMarch, 180)5, he sold a lot on Lyon ITill, so called, in Athol, of eight aci-es, near Captain Oliver's lionse. to Calvin Eaton, and at tlie same time and to the same person a farm of 113 acres on I^yon Hill ; this last he l)()nolit of Aln-aham Nut in 1797. In 1S07 he bonoht of his father a part of the (tid homestead and leased the balance of it. and from that time on he continned to make that his home. Fi-om 1819 to his death, the records show that he ciiiivcyed eighteen ])ieces of property. He and his l)rot]ier- in-law, John Davis, were the execntors of his father's will. His mother, wlio survived his fathei' numy years, made her home with him. He and two of his sisters joined the IMeth- odist class that was held iii the vicinity. I)n1 after a few yeai-s he joined the Baptist Church. He was married four times: his tii'st wife was Hephzil)ah Ballai-d of Athol, mar- i-ied April, 1798; she was born 25 April. 1779, and died 28 Dec, 1798. They had no children. He married (2) Anna Barrett of Ashley, N. H., on 11 Oct.. 1800; she Avas born 3 Jnly, 1782, and died 18 Aug., 1803. They had one child. His third wife was Betsey lA^gg, daughter of David and Hannah Legg of Milford and Orange (see Legg family). She was born 21 May, 1780, and married 27 Nov., 1803, and died 29 Jnly, 1818. They had seven children. His fourth Avife Avas Frances Tnttle, the daughter of Jedediah and Lncia (Smith) Tnttle of Winchendon, IMass. (see Tuttle family). She Avas born 9 March. 1788, and married 10 Dec, 1818, and died 13 Aug., 1861. They had four children. Benjamin died 18 Sept.. IS.IS. age 83 yeai'S. Twelve children : G98 i Hephzibah' Dexter, 1>. li-l Dee., ISO-J ; d. 127 .liiiie, 1S4(J ; m. Edward T^.allard in ]S41 ; he died 9 Feb., 3847, age 63. No cliildreii. !)4 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 099 ii Stephen' Bextcr, b. in Orange, 25 Sept., 1804; d. 29 May, 1832. 700 ■ iii Anna' Dexter, b. in Orange, 31 March, 180(i; d. 1849; m. Job Fry, 1834; he d. 1868. 701''" iv Aniasa' Dexter, b. in Orange, S' Dec, 1808; d. 1883; m. Eoauna Allen; she died 2 June, 1861, age 50. 702-- V Moses' Dexter, b. in Orange, 26 -Jan., 1811; d. 22 Dec, 1846; m. Persis Lord, 13 April, 1837. 703-- vi David' Dexter, b. in Orange, 10 April, 1813; d. 9 Aug., 1880; m. Maria Hubbard of Boylston, 1835. 704-- vii Aaron' Dexter, b. in Orange, 12 July, 1815; d. 1896; ni. Hester McLean. She was b. 1819; d. 1888. 705 viii Joseph' Clark Dextor, b. in Orange, 21 May, 1818; d. 30 Aug., 1820. 706" ix Simeon' Dexter, b. in Orange, 30 Aug., 1822; d. 1898; m. Maria L. Hardy, b. 1828. 707" X Betsey' Dexter, b. in Orange, 30 May, 1825 ; m. Luther Ramsey. 708* xi Samuel Stillman' Dexter, b. in Orange, 4 Mareli, 1829; d. 27 Nov., 1899; m. Maria C. Dewey. 709" xii George W.' Dexter, b. in Orange, 6 April, 1831; m. F. A. Fry, 27 May, 1856. [Copy of an Old Letter.] MoNCKTON, 30th of lltli mo., 1806. Eespected Friends B. & H. D. these lines are to inform that 1 enjoy my belth better than heretofore. My famcly are all in usel helth ; also our aged parents and connections are favoured with the same blesing and I hope that these will find you and yours enjoying good helth; I often tliink of you and your lonely situation as to the ojijiertunity of friend, i'oni[)any, with earnest desires for your preservation in the truth. Dear Friends, I being acquainted Avith straits temptations and truely many \vays even the winding & twineings of over it all and I oftenest find it by retireing inward, by getting still and cjuiet as to the anctions desires and willings and runings of my own mind fealing low and luunbic wiling to become as it ware a fool in the eyse of the worldly wise for the sake of that that givs peas to the mind and causeth to rejoice in hope; ya by thus waiting upon the Lord for connsil Ave feel onr iner man to be strengthened he that waiteth upon the Lord shall renew his strength also she that waiteth upon the Lord shall renew her strength. I hope T may not say to much but fealing a wish for your eternel welfare thought there mite be no harm in ]iening a few lines byway of encouragement wishing that Ave may all hold out to the end in DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 95 well doing for it is the end that crowns all, therefore it is my ardent desire that we may all follow <-lie lamb wheresoever he leafletli. So conclude for this ycmr well wishing friend, my wife jornes me in kind Love to you all, we also desire to be remembered to all enquireing friends. , Samuel Knowels. please to write to ns often as way makes. William Legg of IMeudon and Milford was p(M-ha])s brother of John of ^Nlendon, who Avas one of Selectmen in 1738-1743. A¥illiam lived in that part of Mendon that was set off in 1780 and formed the town of IMilford. He was one of the relief expedition that marched to Fort William Henry, Au^nst, 1757. He was in Capt. Phinehas Lovitt's company. He resided on Silver Hill Street and his descendants for three ^fenerations occnpied the same fann. He married (1) Han- nah Nelson, danshter of Gershoni and Abigail (Ellithorpe) Nelson. She was boi'n in Rowley. 14 Oct., 1714, and died 3 Jnly, 1755. He married (2) Elizabeth Tenney, 18 Jan., 1759 (no children by second wife). He*had seven children, two daughters and five sons. All the sons were in the service during the Revolutionary War and all wovo in thoir cousin, Ca])t. Gershom Nelson's, company. Five children : ■ -^ 1 Gershom Legg, private, b. 1736; m. ^Nlary Underwood in 1757. 2 Levi Legg, private, b. 1744; m. (1) Mary Beal, 17(57; (2) Keziah Ballard, 1795. 3. David Legg, corporal, b. ; m. Hannah Dewing, 11 March, 1779. 4 William Legg, private, 1). ; m. Hephziliah Corbett, 4 June, 1779. 5 Nathaniel Legg, private, b. ; m. Abigail White, 21 Nov., 1771. William and David moved to Orange, Mass., sometime in 1780 or 1781 ; and David, who married Hannah Dewipg, had Betsey, who was born 21 May, 1780, and married Benjamin Dexter (was his third wife), 27 Nov., 1803. She died 29 July, 1818. (See No. 354.) Revolutionary Rfcord. — David Legg of ]\Iendon, with ra[)t. Gershom Nelson's company, marched on alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cambridge and Roxbury ; service nine days. Also Gapt. Samuel Warren's company. Col. Joseph Reed's 20th Regiment, muster dated 1 Aug.. 1775. Enlisted 27 90 DEXTER FAMIIA' GENEALOGY. Ajiril. l"".!; s('r\i(f tliicc iiiniitlis, twcKo days. Also company returns (lalt'il il() Sc^it., 1 77."). John^ Tuttle cniiu' over in the " I'lanter" in 1635. He was free- iiuiti in Ii)swich, KV-V.) : Representative, 1644; died in Ki.lG, ;iii(l was l)()rii |)f()ha1)ly 1596. Four children came over with liiiii. and there were six nioi'e l)()rn here: SiliKiir Tiittle, in. 8arah Coggswell of Jpswicli. Cliarlcs'' Tuttle, m. Ann Burnham. Charles' Tuttle, 1). 1708; ni. Ann Jewett. Four children. Jcdediah' Tuttle, b. 114 Nov., 17.");'>; d. 178:}; m. Lucia Smith of Leom- inster, Mass. Her mother was a "Rogers" and a descendant of ''.Idhii l\oj;ers the iiinrtyv. '' Hi' was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. l-'rauces" Tuttle, b. in Wincheudon ; m. Beujauiin Dexter. (See No. 'A~)4.) LUCY DEXTER DAVLS. Wife of John Davis. 355 Lucy'' Dexter, daiiuhter ot 1 5('ii.)ainiir"' | SaniueP, Benjamin-', William-. Thomas^ | and Hannah | Stone] Dexter, was horn 24 Dee., 1777, and died in Oran.ue, 21 Aug., 1865, age ncarlx SS Ncars. She married 21 Aug., 1806, John Davis, DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. \)i the son of Caplain -loliii niul Joaiuia tllixj Davi.s of Jfoyal- ston. ]\rass. lie and his father l)oth served in the Revolu- tionaiy War, alllionuh John was nol Iheii 17 years of age. She was liis second wife, he having a family of five chil- dren at the time. Tliey moved to OratiLic and went to keep- ing house ill what is now called Ihc "Sylvester Davis" house and which is shown in cut. In ISIT) they bought the farm of her father, BcMijamin Dcxlcr, and i1 was their ^ V Till-; OLD HOMESTEAD. home as long as 1h(\v livt^d: thei-e all their children were horn. At the death of her husband in 184(5, the farm was willed to her youngest son, Sylvester, upon condition that he support his mother, and she continued to enjoy a liome there until her (k'ath in 1865. She was a (puet. unassumiug lady, and carried out the ideas of the "Sect of Friends,'' of which she was a member. The records of the old Meth- odist class give her as a member in 1817. She received a pension from 184<) until Ikm- death, on account of \\\e s(M-viee f)8 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. liec Inisbaiid gaYe during tlie IJoYolutionai'y War. Her lius- l)aiid Avas a man of more than ordinary standing in the eom- niunity in Avhieh he lived, and was called npon to administer the estates of deceased persons; was selectman of Orange, 1785-86-87 and 1819-20-21. They had six children. Of the eleven children that John Davis had, all bnt one lived to old age, and all died in the same order in which they were horn, which is a singular fact in so large a family. The yonngest and last child died hnt a few months ago. Eevolutionary Record of John Davis (Vol. TV, page 505, Massachusetts Revolution). — John Davis of Eoyalston, Mass., in list of meu mustered by Thomas Newhall, muster master for Worcester County, to serve at Rhode Island until Jan. 1, 1780; Capt. Woodbury's company, Col. Grout's regiment, mustered July 6, 1779; engaged for town of Royalston ; also private Capt. Thomas Fisk's company, Col. Nathan Tyler's regiment, enlisted June 28, 1779; service to Dec. 1, 1779; five months, three days at Rhode Island. Also same company and regiment pay-roll for December, 1779. Discharged Dec. J 7. 1779; service twenty-two days at Rliode Island. Also same company and regiment pay-roll for December, allowing one month and five days for service in Rhode Island. Will of John Davis (probated 29 April, 1846) : Sylvester Davis, Executor, bond .$1500. 1st. Left his Avife all tlie ]»ersonal property, valued at $152, and a com- fortable support as long as she remains a Avidow. If she marries, then she is to have $50 per year during her life. 2nd. Loranna, w'lfo of Aseph Merriam ; Melinda, wife of Joel Johnson ; Mary, Avife of Josiah HoAve; Joanna, Avife of Steplien Howard; Nareissa, Avife of John Warden; Lucy Ann Barber (widoAv), and my sons Dexter, Norris and Daniel, have all had advancements paid them. ?n-(]. I give to my son, Sylvester Davis, all my real estate, consisting of the home farm, etc., A'alued at $1250, })rovided he provide for the support of his mother. I,, Six children : ■710" i Dexter' Davis, b. in Orange, 11 Nov., 1807; d. in Corning, N. Y., .^jjj 1857; m. Hmily Holden, 27 Nov., 1828. 7-llJ ii Norris" Davis, b. in Orange, 17 Oct., 1810; d. in Corning, N. Y., 1 July, 1872; m. (1) Lucy Ann Howard, .'^.0 Oct., 1831; (2) ]\Irs. Lucy Hill, 12 March, 1857. i712>"' iii Narcissa' Davis, b. in Orange, 30 Nov., 1812; d. in Worcester, ■)-.i7M', Mass.. 14 Oct., 1891; m. .lolm Wnrden. 1837. .^1 -rito DEXTER FAMILY GENE.VLOGY. 99 713* iv Daniel' Davis, b. in Orange, 21 Jan., ISK); d. in ('aton, N. Y., 20 March, 11»00; ni. Rutii Bates, 1S44. 714* V Lucy Ann" Davis, h. in Orange, 21 Dec, ISIS; d. in Worcester, INIass., 4 May, IfHX); ni. Reuel Barber, 10 June, 1S40. 715* vi Sylvester' Davis, b. in Orange, SSept., 1S22; d. in Orange, Mass., 21 April, 10()4; ni. Katlierine Johnson. Copy of the deed of land known as Sylvester Davis homestead : Benjamin Dexter of Richmond, X. H., Yeoman, to John Davis of Orange, Yeoman. Dated May 1, 1 Sir,. A tract of land situate and lying in Orange, ^Tass., lying in three pieces. The first piece l)onnded as follows, viz. : Beginning at the south- west corner of said tract on the east side of the road, which is the north- west corner of J. Lord's land; thence running easterly on the north line of said Lord's land, about 100 rods; thence north on tlie west line of P. Lord's land; thence easterly on the north line of P. Lord's land to the road; then northwesterly on said road to the In-idge below Wheeler's Mills; thence westerly on the south line of said Wheeler's land to Asa Lord's; thence westerly on the south line of said Lord's land to the first named road ; thence southerly on the east side of said road to the place of l)eginning. Said tract contains by estimation 100 acres. The second tract is a wood lot and liounded as follows, viz. : Beginning on the west side of the road at the northeast corner of Benjamin Dexter' s land; then running westerly by the south side of said Dexter' s land, 4S rods, to a heap of stones; thence southerly on the east line of B. Dexter' s land to the Hastings farm (so called) ; thence easterly on the north line of Hastings farm to road; then northerly on said road to place of beginning. Said tract contains by estimation oO acres. The third piece is meadow land, bounded on the north by Asa Lord's land; east by Benjamin Adams' land; south and west on David Legg's land, containing S acres. Benjamin Dexter. Witness: Nancy Perry. Joseph Metcalf, J. P. Recorded ',^ June, 1822. 356 Phebe'' Dexter, daughter of Benjamin^ [SamueP, Benjamin^, William-, Thomas^] and Hannah [Stone] Dexter, was born 11 Feb., 1780, and died 13 Oct., 1857. She married (1) Levi Thurston, 17 July, 1803. He was first to introduce the manufacture of scythes in Orange, in 1803. He died 30 May, 1807. She married (2) Fordyce Ball, 1810. tOfC. JQQ DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. She had four children by first husband and six by second husband : 716* i Phebe' Thurston, b. 20 April, 1804; d. 1875; m. (1) Willard Walker; (2) Israel Lamb. 717* ii Priseilla' Thurston, b. 20 April, 1804; d.l884; m.Eichard French, 23 Nov., 1824. 718* iii Harriet' Thurston, b. 11 Jan., 1806; d. 22 May, 1869; m. John Cheney, 26 Feb., 1826. 719* iv Susan' Thurston, b. 5 Jan., 1808; m. Ira Whitney, 1829. 720* V Levi Tliurston' Ball, b. 1811. 721* vi Elijah' Ball, b. 1813. 722* vii Hyderlah' Ball, b. ISlfi; d. 1873. 723* viii Joseph' Ball, b. 28 May, 1817; m. Esther Preble, 1821; (2) Cornelia M. Wiley, 1832. 724* ix Joanna' Ball, b. 1820; m. Houghton Hall. 725* X Lucinda Maria' Ball; was at school at Wilbraham and South Orange in 1841; worked in Boston in 1844; m. S. F. Somers. 357 ^ Betsey'' Dexter, daughter of Benjamin^ [Samuel*, Benjamin^ AVilliara-, Thomas^] and Hannah [Stone] Dexter, was born 6 July, 1782, and died 21 Dec, 1864. She married Zaccheus« Wheeler in 1803. He was a wheelwi'ig-ht by trade, and was son of Zaccheus» and Silence (Leland) Wheeler. (See Wheeler family.) Betsey and Zaccheus both went to the IMethodist class meeting in 1817, and for several years. She received from her father, by will, forty acres on north side of turn- pike road adjoining the homestead farm, one-third of a twenty-acre meadow and about 500 acres of land in Peru, Vt. Seven children, born in Orange: 726* i Wilson' Wheeler, b. 5 Oct., 1804; m. Catherine H. Warden. 727* ii Betsey' Wheeler, b. 21 Jan., 1807; m. Simon Brown Poland. 728* iii John Wesley' Wheeler, b. 5 Aug., 1811; m. Nancy Foster of Grafton. X 729 iv Benjamin Dexter' Wheeler, b. 22 July, 1814; m. Eliza A. Allen, Cincinnati, Ohio. 730 v Warren' Wheeler, b. 13 Aug., 1816; d. 10 March, 1821. « * c t t It*. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY, 101 731* vi Eliza Ann' Wheeler, b. 4 Oct., 1820; m. Samuel Morse. 732* vii George Warren' Wheeler, b. 19 Oct., 1826; m. Miriam F. Tit- comb of Bangor, Me., September, 1853. She was born 5 Sept., 1835. BETSEY (DEXTER) WHEELER. George' Wheeler was born in England, came to this country and settled at Concord, Mass., before 1640. He died there in 1687. Descendants of eighth generation live on same place. He married Katharine ; they had eight children, four born in England: 1. William- Wheeler, b. in England; m. Hannah Bass, 30 Oct., 1659; d. 1683. 2. Thomas- Wheeler, b. in England; m. Hannah Harwood, 1657; d. 1687. 3. Euth= Wheeler, b. in England; m. Samuel Hartwell, 1665; d. 1713. 102 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 4. Elizabeth^ Wheeler, b. in England; m. Francis Fletcher, 1656; d. 1704. 5. Hannah^ Wheeler ; no record. 6. Sarah- Wheeler; b. in Concord, Mass., 1640; m. Francis Dudley, 1665; d. 1713. *7. John= Wheeler, b. in Concord, Mass., 19 March, 1643; ni. Sarah Larkin ; d. 1713. 8. Alary- Wheeler, b. in Concord, Mass., 6 Sept., 1645; m. Eliphalet Fox; d. 1678. John^ Wheeler [George^] was born in Concord, Mass., 19 March, 1643, and died 27 Sept., 1713. He married Sarah Larkin. Nine children, born in Concord, Mass.: 1. SamneP AVheeler, b. 6 July, 1664; m. Mary Hosmer. 2. Sarah" Wlieeler, b. ■ ; ni. John Miriam. 3. Edward' Wheeler, b. 17 July, 1669; m. Sarah Miriam. 4. Joanna^' Wheeler, b. 21 Dec, 1671. 5. Mary= Wheeler, b. 16 Sept., 1673; m. Jacob Wood. 6. Lydia' Wheeler, b. 27 Oct., 1675; m. (1) Timothy Wheeler; (2) Nathaniel Stow. 7. Esther' Wheeler, b. 1 Dec, 1678; m. Samuel Prescott. *8. Ebenezer' Wheeler, b. 3 June, 1682; m. Mary Minott. 9. ThankfuP Wheeler, b. 3 June, 1682 ; m. Jones Prescott. Ebenezer' Wheeler [John-, George'] was born 3 June, 1682. He married Mary Minott, daughter of James and Eebecca (Wheeler) Minott, 26 Dec, 1706. ' • Six children, born in Concord, Mass. : 1. Eebekah^ WHieeler, b. 2 Sept., 1712. 2. Mary* Wheeler, b. 8 May, 1714. *3. Ebenezer* Wheeler, b. 6 Jan., 1715-16. 4. Timothy* ^Vlieeler, b. 21 Feb., 1716-17. 5. Sarah-" Wheeler, b. 24 ,Tuly, 1720. 6. James^ Wheeler, b. 7 April, 1722. Ebenezer* Wheeler [Ebenezer', John", George'] was born 6 Jan., 1715-16, and died 24 Feb., 1801. He married (1) Rachel Wood of Upton, she dying 27 April, 1751; (2) Lois Corbet, who died 29 Ma.rch, 1753; (3) Mrs. Priscilla Haywood, 5 Sept., 1753; she was born 27 Aug., 1726. He had eight children by first wife, one by second wife and eight by third: DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 103 1. Ebenezer^ Wheeler, b. 13 April, 17-tl; d. young. 2. Ebenezer' Wheeler, b. ; d. 24 Oct., 1759. 3. Jonathan' Wheeler, b. 2 April, 1743; m. (1) Anna Kand; (2) Mary Rawson. 4. EacheP Wheeler, b. 14 Jan., 1745; m. Timothy Winter. *5. Zaccheus' Wheeler, b. 30 Sept., 1749. 6. Susanna'' Wheeler, b. 4 Oct., 1746; d. young. 7. Susanna^ Wheeler, b. ; m. John Thurston. 8. Mary' Wheeler, b. 20 March, 1751. 9. Nathan' Wheeler, b. 6 April, 1752. 10. Ephraim' Wheeler, b. 7 June, 1754; m. Hannah Goodell. 11. Priscilla' Wlieeler, b. 1 Jime, 1755; m. Lewis Thurston. 12. James' Wheeler, b. 22 Dec, 1756; ni. Vashti Bigelow. 13. Rebecca' Wheeler, b. 24 Aug., 1758 ; m. James Dexter. 14. Sally' Wheeler, b. 5 Nov., 1760; m. Ithames Smith. - 15. Esther' Wheeler, b. 4 May, 1762. 16. Ebenezer' Wheeler, b. 15 Oct., 1764; m. Susanna Ruggles. 17. Anna' Wheeler, b. 30 Aug., 1767; m. John C. Pratt. Zaccheus' Wheeler [Ebenezer^, Ebenezer^ John=, George'] was born 30 Sept., 1749. He married Silence Leland, daughter of Thomas Leiand and granddaughter of James Leland of Grafton. She was born in Sutton in 1751, and died in Athol in 1829^ .They_eame to Athol in February, 1790, from Grafton, and settled on the north bank of Tully Brook near where Pine Dale is now situated. A log cabin was built for their home, a large tract of laud was purchased, and a grist-mill was erected upon the bank of the brook. The children had to go to school through the forest, finding their way by means of blazes on the tree-trunks. They had eleven children, eight born in Grafton and three in Athol: ' 1. Emerald" Wheeler, b. 1773; m. Mary Lombard. Was a merchant in New York. 2. Zaccheus" Wheeler, b. 1775; d. in Sutton, 1778. 3. Thomas S.'^ Wheeler, b. 1776; m. Martha Rice; d. in New Orleans, 1832. *4. Zaccheus" Wheeler, b. 1779; m. Betsey Dexter; d. in Orange, 1859. 5. Silence" Wheeler, b. 1781; m. Jesse Snow; d. in Greenwich, 1803. 6. Margaret" Wheeler, b. 1784; m. Ephraim Goodell; d. in Athol, 1803. 7. Sina" Wheeler, b. 1786; m. Nathan Whitney, Pittsfield, Ohio. 8. Rachel" Wheeler, b. 1788; m. Clement Bryant, Athol. 9. Jonathan" Wheeler, b. 1792; m. Hannah Davis, Athol. 10. Mercy" Wheeler, b. 1795; d. 1813. 11. Anna" Wheeler, b. 1797; m. Sullivan Raymond of Royalston. (For Zaccheus" Wheeler and Betsey Dexter, see page 100.) 104 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 361 Martha" Dexter, daughter of Ephraim^ [Ephraini'', Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Kesiah [Sober] Dexter, was born 28 Sept., 1772, and died 29 Jan., 1852. She married Prince Snow in 1794. Fourteen children, born in Rochester, Mass. : 733 i James' Snow, b. 19 Dec, 1794; d. 18 May, 1849; m. Hannah W. Sherman, 24 Sept., 1820. 734 ii Nancy' Snow, b. 19 Dec, 1794; m. Nathan Boodry. 735 iii Betsey' Snow, b. 15 May, 1796; m. Nathaniel Hiller. 736 iv Prince' Snow, b. 30 Jan., 1798; m. Caroline Foster. 737 V Luke' Snow, b. 5 Feb., 1799. 738 vi Stephen' Snow, b. 9 March, 1801; d. 6 March, 188-5; m. Eunice Cannon. 739 vii Harvey' Snow, b. 7 March, 1803; d. 8 May, 1868; m. Betsey Jenney. 740 viii Avery' Snow, b. 12 April, 1805; d. 30 July, 1880; never married. 741 ix Eaehel' Snow, b. 17 May, 1807; d. 27 Sept., 1836; m. Wyatt Snow. 742 X Kesiah' Snow, b. 5 July, 1809; d. 17 Dec, 1903; m. Prince Hiller. 743 xi Martin' Snow, b. 8 April, 1811; d. 29 Oct., 1862; m. Ivory Snow. 744 xii Dulcina' Snow, b. 1 March, 1813; d. 24 Jan., 1904; m. William Fuller. 745 xiii Jane' Snow, b. 9 Aug., 1815 ; m. William Hammond. 746 xiv William' Snow, b. 7 April, 1821; d. 12 March, 1887; m. Eebecca Bolles. 362 Anna^ Dexter, daughter of Ephraim^ [Ephraim^, Benjamin^, William-, Thomas^] and Kesiah [Sober] Dexter, was born 6 Jan., 1774, and died 8 Aug., 1860. She married Captain James Snow, 20 Dec, 1795. Six children, born in Rochester, Mass. : 747 i Levi' Snow, b. 23 May, 1799; d. 9 June, 1880; m. Mary Meiggs, 19 Aug., 1824. 748 li Dennis' Snow, b. 5 Aug., 1801; d. 15 April, 1841. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 10.") 749 iii Martin' Snow, b. 1 Aug., 1803 rd. 26 Aug., 1883. 750 iv Julian' Snow, b. 23 April, 1806; d. 2 Nov., 1864; m. John Brown. 751 V Adaliue' Snow, b. 22 July, 1809; d. 23 Feb., 1873; m. Ezra Burbank. 752 vi James' Winslow, b. 4 Sept., 1813; d. 1836; lost at sea. • 363 Kesiah*' Dexter, daiiohter of Ephraim^ [Ephraim*, Benjamin^ AVillianr, Thomas^] and Kesiah [Sober] Dexter, was born 5 Oct., 1775, and died 2 Jan., 1835. She married Ebenezer Holmes in 1805. Six children : 753 i Alice' Holmes, b. 20 June, 1806; d. 1 March, 1888; m. Zoath Dexter. 754 ii Mary' Holmes, b. 20 June, 1808. 755 iii Kesiah' Holmes, b. 9 Jan., 1810; m. Loring Dexter, 29 Nov., 1827. 756 iv Hannah' Holmes, b. 13 April, 1812; d. 29 July, 1893; m. Larnet Hall. 757 V Ebenezer' Holmes, b. 17 Jan., 1816. 758 vi Susan H.' Holmes, b. 20 May, 1822; d. 15 July, 1889; m. Geo. H. Kelley. 364 Luke^ Dexter, son of Ephraim^ [Ephraim*, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Kesiah [Sober] Dexter, was born 16 Nov., 1777, and died 9 Nov., 1856. He married Joanna Pierce, September, 1802. He was a canlker by trade, also a farmer, and lived on part of the old Benjamin Dexter farm and in the house that stood on the spot where the first Dexter house was built in Rochester. Seven children, born in Rochester, IMass. : 759* i Loring' Dexter, b. 1 April, 1804; d. 5 Oct., 1882; m. (1) Keziah Holmes, 29 Nov., 1827; (2) Achsah Dexter, 28 Sept., 1836. 760* ii Gilmore' Dexter, b. 7 Aug., 1807; d. 13 April, 1877; m. Lucy A. Wing. 106 DEXTER FAMILY GENE.VLOGY. 7G1 iii William' Dexter, b. 2 Oct., 1809; d. 13 Aug., 1850; m. Emily M. Preble, 28 June, 1849. 762 iv Florilla P.' Dexter, b. 3 Nov., 1805; d. 24 April, 1877; m. Luther Bowman. 763 V Sophrona P.' Dexter, b. 9 May, 1813; d. 1833; m. William Delano, 1832. 764* vi Christina' Dexter, b. 27 March, 1815; d. 8 Feb., 1900; m. Seth Cowan, 16 Feb., 1834. 765* vii Lorenzo D.' Dexter, b. 17 Nov., 1818; d. 16 June, 1853; m. Lurana Braley, 4 Aug., 1846. THE OLD DEXTKH HOUSE. This house was erected previous to 1800, and stands upon the probable site of the first house erected by William Dexter about 1679, it being' in about the centre of the tract of land owned by him. This farm was about three-fourths of a mile square, having a brook running- through it, upon the bank of which in olden times stood a saw-mill and a grist-mill, which were run by the Dexters. There are now three houses built by Dexters standing wdtliin the borders of this original tract, all of them over a hundred years old and all occupied for the most of the time by Dexters. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 107 365 Ephraim*' Dexter, son of Ephraim^ [Ephraim\ Benjamin^ Wil- liam2, Thomas^] and Kesiali [Sober] Dexter, was born 28 April, 1779, and died 27 Jnne, 1862. He married (1) Achsah Snow, U Sept., 1802; (2) Rachel Snow, 27 April, 1806. He was a cooper by trade, and dnring the last of his life he owned and occnpied half of the house that stood upon the site of the original Dexter homestead, the other half being owned by his brother Luke. EPHRAIM DEXTER AND WIFE RACHEL. One child by first wife and eight by second, all born in Falmouth, IMass. : 766 i Thomas' Dexter, b. 14 Aug., 1803; d. 16 Sept., 182-4; no family. 767 ii Achsah' Dexter, b. 19 June, 1807; d. 8 Aug., 1884; m. Loring Dexter, 28 Sept., 183G. 768 iii Hannah S.' Dexter, b. 16 July, 1809; d. 2.5 Aug., 1891; m. John Dexter, 2d, 12 March, 1839. 769* iv Leonard S." Dexter, b. 26 Jan., 1811 ; d. 18 May, 1853. 108 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 770* V Calvin' Dexter, b. 9 Nov., 1812; d. 25 March, 1867. 771 vi Sumner' Dexter, b. 23 June, 1815; d. 9 Sept., 1899; m. Emily (Preble) Dexter. One child, Maria L. Dexter, b. 1861; d. 1874. Removed to Marion, and was a painter by trade. 772* vii Harriet' Dexter, b. 13 Dec, 1817; d. 6 April, 1901; m. (1) Daniel Kendrick, 9 July, 1839; (2) William A. Barlow, 27 April, 1884. 773* viii Lewis' Dexter, b. 16 Oct., 1820; m. Martha Eobbins. 774* ix Ainsworth' Dexter, b. 27 Jan., 1823; m. Phebe C. Coffin, 15 June, 1847. 366 Gideon'' Dexter, son of Epliraim^ [Ephraim*, Benjamin^, Wil- liam^, Thomas^] and Kesiah [Sober] Dexter, was born 7 April, 1781, and died 31 Jan., 1827. He married Mary Dexter, 15 Oct., 1804. He was a caulker by trade. At his death his wdfe had her thirds of the estate set off by court, 2 Nov., 1831. From a clipping from a New Bedford paper of 1827 : On January 31, 1827, the sloop Betsey of Wareham came into Mat- tapoisett Harbor and hauled in as near the shore as was practicable on account of the ice; soon after she was seen to be drifting toward the bay and several persons from the shore went to her assistance. About 7 o 'clock in the evening they lost the small skiff overboard and Mr. Gideon Dexter and Mr. Caleb Dexter, Jr., of Mattapoisett, took a boat and went to recover the skiff. The wind being strong at north and the weather extremely cold, they w^ere unable to return to the sloop, which was run ashore, and the persons on board landed with difficulty, wet and much exhausted. The next morning, the men and boats not having returned, search was made and the skiff was found on Goat Island, about half a mile distant, and the body of Caleb Dexter was found lying on the marsh frozen. The other boat drifted out of the bay and was picked up near East Chop, off Holmes Hole, with the body of Gideon Dexter, which was also frozen. His hands were much lacerated and the oar battered to pieces, from which it appears he exerted himself to return until exhausted. Mr. Gideon Dexter was 46 years old, and left wife and nine children. Mr. Caleb Dexter, Jr., was 34 years of age, and left a wife and an aged father and mother to lament their loss. Nine children, born in Rochester, Mass. : 775* i Warren' Dexter, b. 30 Oct., 1805 ; d. 11 Feb., 1880. 776* ii Samuel' Dexter, b. 16 Nov., 1807; d. 6 Sept., 1885. 778* iv 779* V 780* vi 781* vii 782 viii DEXTER FAMIIA- GENEALOGY. 109 777* iii Lurana' Dexter, b. 3 Sept., 1809; d. 25 June, 1891; m. Ivory Snow, 26 July, 1829. Ephraim' Dexter, b. 1 Oct., 1811^ d. 10 Sept., 1893. Calvin^ Dexter, b. 25 Sept., 1813 ; d. 2 May, 1886. John" Dexter, b. 13 Feb., 1816 ; d. 26 July, 1880. Gideon' Dexter, b. 21 May, 1818; d. 24 Oct., 1883. Joseph^ Dexter, b. 20 Feb., 1820; d. 28 March, 1875; m. Eliza- beth L. Hiller, 19 Nov., 1854. Went two voyages whaling in early life; was house carpenter by trade, and later in life farmed it and also teamed. 783 ix Euf us' Dexter, b. 19 May, 1823 ; d. 5 Oct., 1853. Made one voyage whaling, and died in Taimton Asylum. 367 Thomas'^ Dexter, son of Epliraim^ [Ephraim'*, Benjamin^, Wil- liam-, Thomas^] and Kesiah [Sober] Dexter, was bom 9 March, 1783, and died 22 Feb., 1871. He married (1) Han- nah Luce, 15 Nov.. 1814: (2) Lydia C. Swift, 18 March, 1850. He was a caulker and worked at the business many years. He died at ]\Iattapoisett. Eight children, born in Rochester: 784 i Albert G.' Dexter, b. 1 Sept., 1823; d. 24 Oct., 1899; single. 785* ii Thomas' Dexter, b. 7 April, 1S26; m. (1) Mary Lucy, 1859; (2) Amy Lucy, 1874. 786 iii Jane' Dexter, b. 25 April, 1820; d. Oct., 1851; m. Gideon Dexter. 787* iv Benjamin F.' Dexter, b. 30 Jan., 1828, 788* V Alexander' Dexter, b. 12 May, 1831. 789* vi Jason L.' Dexter, b. 17 June, 1835. 790 vii Hannah S.' Dexter, b. 24 July, 1833 ; d. 30 March, 1835. 791* viii Henry A.' Dexter, b. 7 Oct., 1840; d. 19 May, 1894. 368 Jane'^ Dexter, daughter of Ephraim^ [Ephraim^ Benjamin', William-, Thomas^] and Kesiah [Sober] Dexter, was born in 1785, and died 21 Nov., 1875. She married James Cathell, 10 June, 1810. 110 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Eleven children, born in Rochester, Mass. 792 i 793 ii 794 iii 795 iv 796 V 797 vi 798 vii 799 viii 800 ix 801 X 802 xi Henry Nelson' Cathell, b. 27 Dec, 1811; d. 23 Sept., 1814. Jane Tobey' Cathell, b. 27 Dec, 1811; d. 4 Oct., 1812. Caleb Strong' Cathell, b. 3 Feb., 1813; d. 31 March, 1813. Sally' Cathell, b. 25 May, 1814. Betsey' Cathell, b. 17 .Jan., 1816; d. 14 Oct., 1817. Jane' Cathell, b. 23 March, 1817. Susan S.' Clathell, b. 2 Aug., 1819. Hannah D.' Cathell, b. 31 May, 1822. Betsey W.' Clathell, b. 2 Dec, 1824. Fanny W.' Cathell, b. 3 April, 1826. Phebe B.' Cathell, b. 27 March, 1830. ALDEN DEXTER. 369 Alden" Dexter, son of Ephraim^ [Ephraim*, Benjamin^ Wil- liam-, Thomas^] and Kesiah [Sober] Dexter, was born 4 Jnly, 1788, and died 8 Oct., 1869. He married (1) Lucy Barrows, 1810: (2) Polly Crowell, 19 Sept., 1862. He was a caulker and in later years was a farmer. D'EXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. • HI Twelve children, born in Rochester: 803* i Frcemau' Dexter, b. 1 Aug., 1812; d. 23 Sept., 1864. 80i* ii Stillnian' Dexter, b. 11 Dec, 1813; d. 10 Sept., 1847. 805* iii Heury N' Dexter, b. 5 Aug., 1815; d. 15 March, 1856; m. Cynthia Nye, 5 July, 1839. 806 iv Lucy Alden' Dexter, b. 24 April, 1817; d. 8 Aug., 1817. 807* V Sarah A.' Dexter, b. 22 Jan., 1818; d. 20 Dec, 1855; m. (1) William Bates; (2) Joseph Candids. 808* vi Eliza A.' Dexter, b. 3 Dec, 1822; d. 30 Nov., 1878; m. Eussell Meritheus. 809* vii Weston A.' Dexter, b. 1 Nov., 1824; d. 8 July, 1897; m. Mary E. Kelley, 1 Sept., 1860. 810 viii Lucy' Dexter, b. 1 Nov., 1826; d. 1 Oct., 1831. 811 ix Alpheus' Dexter, b. 25 Feb., 1827; d. 23 April, 1828. 812 X George' Dexter, b. 1 July, 1829: d. 23 Sept., 1830. 813* xi Emma A.' Dexter, b. 25 July, 1832; m. Daniel Payne, 15 Oct., 1850. 814 xii Clara H.' Dexter, b. 17 June, 1835; m. Caleb Dexter, 9 May,* 1853. 370 Polly*' Dexter, daughter of Ephraim^ [Ephraim^ Benjamin^ "William^ Thomas^] and Kesiah [Sober] Dexter, was born 25 Feb., 1700, and died 12 March, 1874. She married Larnet Hall, 1 May, 1811. Seven children, born in Rochester, IMass. : 815 i Martin' Hall, b. 14 Aug., 1812; d. 3 Oct., 1891; m. Arethusa Southworth. 816 ii Larnet' Hall, b. 27 Feb., 1814; d. 27 Sept., 1884; m. Hannah Holmes. 817 iii Eveline' Hall, b. 1 Oct., 1815; d. 5 Nov., 1815. 818 iv Arethusa' Hall, b. 7 Feb., 1816; d. 12 Jan., 1817. 819 v Mary' Hall, b. 15 March, 1818. 820 vi Charles' Hall, b. 7 Nov., 1817; d. 3 Feb., 1883; m. Lidora C. Cowan, 4 Oct., 1856. 821 vii Amaline' Hall, b. 25 July, 1824. 823 ii 824 iii 825 iv 826 V *827 vi 828 vii 829 viii 112 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 374 Rebekah*' Dexter, daughter of Caleb^ [Ephraim^, Benjamin^, Willianr, Thomas^] and Hannah [Hatch] Dexter, was born 9 July, 1790, and died 29 Aug., 1867. She married Stephen Nye in 1808. Eight children i 822 i William W.' Nye, b. 22 May, 1810; m. (1) Sarah Wyett; (2) Belinda Dunbar. Stephen^ Nye, Jr., b. 12 Feb., 1812; m. Mercy Eoimsvell. Kebekah' Nye, b. 15 Oct., 1815. Mary A.' Nye, b. 18 Oct., 1817; m. Elias Merithew. Cynthia^ Nye, b. 12 March, 1821; d. 24 June, 1897; m. (1) Henry N. Dexter, 5 July, 1839; (2) Gideon Dexter, 12 Dec, 1857. Louisa' Nye, b. 22 June, 1823; m. Charles Eandall. vii Henry G.' Nye, b. 21 July, 1826. viii Henry W.' Nye, b. 16 July, 1831. 375 Caleb*^ Dexter, son of Caleb^ [Ephraim*, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Hannah [Hatch] Dexter, was born 23 Jan., 1794, and died 30 Jan., 1827. He married Lydia Hiller, 19 June, 1821. He was frozen to death while out in an open boat during a storm, 30 Jan., 1827. One child : 830* i Caleb' Dexter, b. in Eochester, 12 May, 1827; ni. Clara H. Dexter, 9 May, 1853. 376 David'' Dexter, son of Setli"' [Sotli', Benjamin", Willianr, Thomas^] and Deborah [Haskall] Dexter, was born 17 May, 1770, and died 29 June, 1838. He married Mary Pitkins of East Hartford, 22 Dec, 179G. She was born 30 Jan., 17G9, and died 2^) Nov., 1818. They resided at Amherst, Mass. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. ii;} Eight (diildren : i James Pitkin" Dexter, b. S S('})t., 17!>7. ii David^ Dextvr, h. lo April, IT'.m. iii Mary" Dexter, b. 17 Oct., ISOO; m. IJaipli C-iapp, 1S2S. iv Abigail Church" Dexter. 1). 2-") A]>ril, isoi'; d. Aug., 1S():!; m. Erastus Clark of Grauby, Conn., li! .\|)ril, 1S.V). V Horace^ Dexter, b. 2!) Dec, bso;',; d. isii:l; m. . vi Lucretia' Dexter, b. lo June, ISO"); d. I'li.Vug., is74;ui. William Clark of South Ha.Uey, "Shiss., ."> .bin., 1S4:'.. 837* vii Edward' Dexter, b. IS Feb., 1S07. 838* viii AVilham" Dexter, b. i:'. Sept., iSO'J. s:u 8P,L' s:v.\ 8.'U 835* 836* SETH DEXTER. 379 Seth'' Dexter, sou of Seth"' [Seth\ Benjamin", William', Thomas'] and Deborah [Haskall] Dexter, was ])()rn 22 Dec, 1776, and died 81 Mandi, 1S41. He married Sylvia Gaykn-d 5 May, 1808. She was daughter of Eleazer and Elizal)eth Gaylord of Pinemeadow, and born 8 Sept., 1787. 114 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Two t'liildreii: 839* i Harriet Clark' Dexter, b. Windsor Locks, Conn., 5 April, ISO'.); d. 2() Feb., 184(5; m. Edwin A. Douglas, 6 Feb., 1834. 840* ii Charles HaskalF Dexter, h. AVindsor Locks, Conn., 19 Sept., LSIO; d. 2!) Aug., 18(5!); m. Lydia Pierson, 1!) Sept., 1838. 383 William" Dexter, son of Seth' [Seth', Benjamin', William', Thomas^] and Deborah [Haskall] Dexter, was born 28 Feb., 1786, at Windsor Locks, Conn., and died in 1841. He married Sally Mallory of Winsted, Conn. They removed to Illinois. s ix children: 841 Sarah Ann" Dexter. 842 ii AVilliam' Dexter. 843 iii p]lizabeth" Dexter. 844 iv Harriet' Dexter. 845 V Salome' Dexter. 846 vi John' Dexter. 388 Prince'' Dexter, son of Elijah' [Seth*, Benjamin^ William", Thomas^] and Martha [Clark] Dexter, was born 19 Jan., 1782, and 2 Dec, 1813. He married Arlothea Savery, 15 May, 1806. Four children, born in Rochester: 847 i T'rial Sherman" Dexter, b. 31 Aug., 1807; d. 26 Nov., 1808. 848* ii Mary Hynkley" Dexter, b. 2 April, 1809; d. 31 May, 1842; m. WiUiam C. Haskell, 10 Dec, 1828. 849* iii John Gibl)s" Dexter, b. 11 :\rarch, 1811; d. 3 Jan., 1834; m. Eleanor F. Richardson, 5 April, 1831. 850 iv Sarah" Dexter, b. 3 March, 1813; d. 11 Jan., 1885; m. Albert Allen, 14 April, 18:J6. 390 Elijah'' Dexter, son of Elijah' [Seth', Benjamin', William', Thomas'] and Martha [Clark] Dexter, was born 1 Sept., DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 115 178G, and died 10 Oct., 18r)l. He luamed (1) Clarissa Crocker, 28 March, 1809; (2) Mary Mortou, 8 Dec, 1812; (3) Lydia Thompson, 28 May, 1824. One child by first wife and fonr hy second : 851 i Elijah C." Dexter, b. 9 Sept., 1810. 852 ii Nathaniel M." Dexter, b. 28 Sept., 1814; d. 18 Sept., 1838. 853 iii Elijah" Dexter, b. 31 Aug., 1810; d. 1 Sept., ISKi. 854 iv David B. " Dexter, b. 18 Oct., 1817; d. 18 Oct., 1817. 855* V Henry M.' Dexter, b. 1:5 Aug., 1821; d. 1:5 Nov., 1890; m. Emeline Palmer, 19 Nov., 1S44. 393 Seth« Dexter, son of Elijah' [Seth', Benjamin'', Willianr, Thomas^] and Martha [Clark] Dexter, was born 26 March, 1793, and died 16 Sept., 1832. He married Arlothea [Savery] Dexter, 5 March. 1817. Three children, born in Rochester, Mass.: 856 i Prince" Dexter, b. 28 Jan., 1818; unmarried. 857 ii Martha C." Dexter, b. UJan., 1822. 858 iii Sophia E." Dexter, b. 4 March, 1828. 406 Samuel B.' Dexter, son of Elizabeth'^ [Seth', Jabez^ Philip^ William^, Thomas^] and Dexter, was born in 1796, and died 30 Sept., 1860. He married Abby Blackmore. He was brought up on a farm and followed the occupation of farm- ing all his life. His home was at Mattapoisett, ]\Iass. Five children, born in Rochester : 859 i Joseph B.*' Dexter, b. 27 Nov., 1820 ;'(1. 1854; m. Elizabeth Per- rington, 1 Jan., 1854. 860 ii William B.« Dexter, b. 18 Aug., 1822; d. 1 Oct., 1865. 861 iii Lydia^ Dexter, b. 20 Feb., 1824; d. 21 April, 1873; m. Albert Sherman, 1 June, 1865. 862* iv Stephen' Dexter, b. 10 Aug., 1826; d. 1865; m. Eliza A. Nick- erson. 863 V Betsey R." Dexter, b. 23 April, 1830 ; d. 13 March, 1865. 116 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 408 Elizabeth" Dexter, daughter of Elisha'^ [Seth^ Jabez'', Philip^, William-, Tboinas^] and Eunice [Bowles] Dexter, was born 29 Mareb, 1793. and died November, 1865. Sbe married Thomas C. Ames, 2 Aug., 1812. Six cbildren, born at Rocbester, Mass. : 864 i Thomas C." Ames, Jr., b. 29 April, 1813; d. 22 Jan., 1835; not married. 865 ii Mary T."* Ames, b. 20 May, 1815; d. 31 March, 1888; m. Caleb T. Jenney, 25 Nov., 1832, 866 iii Jane L.^ Ames, b. 7 Feb., 1819 ; d. 23 April, 1899 ; m. Stephen A. Tripp, 20 Oct., 1840. 867 iv Elizabeth H.« Ames, b. 7 Aug., 1822 ; d. 22 May, 1832. 868 V Daniel H.^ Ames, b. 10 May, 1824; d. 2 May, 1872; m. Lydia Luce. 869 vi Lorino- T.s Ames, b. 11 Feb., 1834; not married. 410 Elisha" Dexter, son of Elisba^ [Seth^ Jabez\ Philips William- Thomas^] and Eunice [BoM-les] Dexter, was born 4 Feb., 1797, and died 17 Jan., 1890. He married Sarah IMendall. He was a mill owner at JMattapoisett ; his business was getting out boxboards for New York and Philadelphia market. Ten children : 870* i Mary A. R.^ Dexter, b. 8 Feb., 1824; m. Nathaniel Parker. 26 Oct., 1842. 871 ii Lydia^ Dexter, b. 26 Oct., 1825. 872 iii Martha M.^ Dexter, b. 23 Sept., 1828; m. Nathan Smith, 15 Oct., 1861. 873 iv Charles Frederick^ Dexter, b. 2 Feb., 1831; m. Mary Morton, 24 Oct., 1862. 874* V Elisha L.^ Dexter, b. 22 March. 1834; d. 4 Feb., 1876; m. Harriet W. LeBaron, 4 Sept., 1866. 875* vi Albert M.« Dexter, b. 12 Aug., 1837; d. 25 July, 1899; m. Annie E. Hathaway, 24 Oct., 1871. 876* vii George H.** Dexter, b. 29 March, 1840; m. Mary F. Wood, 24 Oct., 1871. . DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 117 877 viii Myra Jane" Dexter, b. i:4 Feb., 1842. 878 ix Sarah W.* Dexter, b. 1 Nov., 1844; cT. 2G July. 184.5. 879 x Sarah S." Dexter, b. 14 May, 1848; ni. Daniel W. Xash, 28 Nov., 1887. 4J2 Harvey" Dexter, son of Elislia'' [Setli% Jabez'', Philip^ William^ Thomas^] and Eunice [Bowles] Dexter, was l)orn 3 Dec, 1801, and died 4 Jan.. 1856. He married (1) Lydia Chan- dler; (2) Hnldah Randall, April, 1848. Six children ; five by first wife : 880* i Ezra H.^ Dexter, b. in Rochester, 20 March, 182(5; m. Sarah Men- dall, 23 Dec, 1849. 881 ii C. Henry" Dexter, b. 8 June, 1828 ; was nuirdered in California in 1852. 882 iii John C Dexter, b. 1 March, 1832; d. 21 Sept., 1902; m. (1) Anna Pearce, 2 Jan., 1852; (2) Martha J. Hocking, Dec, 1864. 883* iv Andre-sv" Dexter, b. 27 Aug., 1834; m. Elizabeth A. Moseby, 16 May, 1867. 884 V Frances E." Dexter, b. 28 Jan., 1837; d. in Navy, 29 April, 1863. By second wife : 88.5 vi William R." Dexter, b. 24 Feb., 1850. 413 Alden" Dexter, son of Elisha*' [Seth'\ Jabez\ Philip\ William^, Thomas^] and Ennice [Bowles] Dexter, was born 2 July, 1804, and died 14 IMay, 1841. He married iMerinda Frost. Six children, born in "Watertown, Mass. : 886 i Alden** Dexter, b. o Jnne. 1829 ; d. 8 Oct., 1849. 887 ii George' Dexter, b. 12 Nov., 1830; no family. 888 iii Benjamin* Dexter, b. 3 Oct., 1832; m. Serena T, Norton, 14 Nov., 1870. 889* iv Ennice" Dexter, b. 26 Oct., 1835; m. (1) Abram Tinkham; (2) Charles Dillingham, 1882. 118 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 890* V Joseph' Dexter, b. 10 Dec, 1837; d. 9 Dec, 1886; ni. Sopliia H. Tinkhani, 27 June, 1867. 891 vi Thomas D." Dexter, b. 23 Jan., 1842; m. Emma F. Kelley, 2 July, 1868. Was in carriage jaainting business in New Bedford many years; afterwards moved to Mattapoisett, wliere he continued in same business. Was selectman. One daughter, Emma L." Dexter, h. 29 April, 1870. 426 John' Dexter, son of Charles'' [John% John^, John'', William-, Thomas^] and Hannah [Snow] Dexter, was born 29 Jan., 1810, and died 8 Sept., 1884. He married Mary S. Rogers, 18 Nov., 1833. Three children : 892* i Moores E.'^ Dexter, b. 20 July, 1835; d. 9 Jan., 1866; m. Mary A. Purington, 27 Nov., 1856. 893 ii Elizabeth' Dexter, b. 5 Sept., 1837; m. Orsamus Winston, 27 Nov., 1856. 894 iii Mary J.« Dexter, b. 4 Jan., 1848 ; m. Herbert D. Colson, 7 Dec, 1875. 427 James W.' Dexter, son of Charles'' [John^, John*, John^, Wil- liam-, Thomas^] and Hannah [Snow] Dexter, was born 21 Nov., 1814, and died 7 May, 1890. He married (1) Abigail Cannon. 6 June, 1835: (2) Mary J. Burbank, 1 Jan., 1870. Five children : 895 i William A." Dexter, b. in Rochester, 12 Jan., 1837; d. 4 Aug., 1864. 896* ii Charles' Dexter, b. in Rochester, 19 Nov., 1837; d. 27 Dec, 1876; m. Lydia A. Edwards, 10 Nov., 1864. 897* iii James A.' Dexter, b. 13 Aug., 1841 ; m. Flavilla Lake. 898 iv William C Dexter, b. 17 Jan., 1846. 899 V Martha C Dexter, b. 7 Jan., 1848; d. 10 June, 1849. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 119 431 Chester B." Dexter, son of Charles'^ [David% John^ John^, Wil- liam^, Thomas^] and Lucinda [Bascom] Dexter, was born 14 Sept., 1816, and died 20 July, 1900. He married (1) Sally White, Sept., 1842 ; (2) Irene H. Dexter, 26 Nov., 1860. Nine children, born at Wardsboro, Vt., and Troy, N. T. : 900 i Ellen L.^ Dexter, b. 10 Oct., 1843; d. 10 July, 1885; m. Maurice McManus. 901 ii Edwin C* Dexter, b. 20 March, 184.5.. 902 iii Lucius T.« Dexter, b. 14 Nov., 1847; d. 15 April, 1868. 903 iv Katie* Dexter. 904 V Katie S." Dexter, b. 4 Oct., 1850; d. 19—, 905 vi Moses C." Dexter, b. 7 April, 1854. 906* vii Silas B.^ Dexter, b. 14 Feb., 1857; d. 1890; m. Sadie Bennett, 23 March. 907 viii Walter W.« Dexter, b. 20 May, 1861. 908 ix Alice M.« Dexter, b. 22 Nov., 1867; m. Charles F. Cluett. 432 Avery J.^ Dexter, son of Charles^ [David% John^ John^ Wil- liam^, Thomas^] and Lncinda [Baseom] Dexter, was born 27 April, 1818, at Wardsboro, Vt. In early life he resided for a few years at Dover, and for a short time with his brother in Albany, bnt with these exceptions he has alM'ays made his home at W^ardsboro. He was of a retiring" dispo- sition, always avoiding notoriety, yet his kindly sympathies and his magnetic presence attracted all classes toward him, and his intuitive judgment, seldom wrong, caiLsed his ad\4ce and counsel to be extensively sought. He was not ambi- tious. That he came to be the leading man in the affairs of the town was something that he could not well avoid; it came to him naturally. For the last thirty years of his life he could have been elected to any office in the gift of the town that he would accept. He was a justice of the peace for thirty-nine years; one of the Selectmen for twenty- two years, and town clerk for thirty years. He repre- l-JO DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. sented the town in tlic Letiislatiire in 1858, 1859, 1864, 1865, 1878, 1886. In his official business he was untlinching in maintaining what he deemed to be right, which he did in such a manner and with such skill in the use of Avords that even the adverse party was generally satisfied. He married 22 March, 184^, :\Iary D. White. He died at Wardsboro, Vt., 18 April, 1893. AVERY J. DEXTER. Nine children, born in Wardsboro 909 i Ambrose Avoiy^ Dexter, b. .2 Feb., 1842; d. 10 June, 1851. 910* ii Charles Delivan' Dexter, b. 22 Nov., 1843 ; in. Eosa L. Knowlton, 25 Dec, 1870. 911* iii Gertrude Isabella** Dexter, b. 26 July, 1845; m. :\Iar.sliall O. Howe, 15 Aug., 1866. 912 iv Frederic Homer* Dexter, b. 5 Aug., 1847. 913 V Ozro Lafayette' Dexter, b. 20 July, 1850; d. 4 Sept., 1852. 914* vi Mary Ambrosia' Dexter, b. 1 Sept., 1853; m. Brownson Mat- tison, 19 March, 1873. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 121 FRED H. DEXTER. 915 vii Lizzie Lina' Dexter, b. 20 Feb., 1857 ; d. 7 Oct., 1862. 916* viii Luna Jeunie- Dexter, b. 28 March, 1860; m. David Smith, 19 .June, 1880. 917 ix Effie Etta' Dexter, b. 10 May, 1864. 435 Charles^ Dexter, Jr., son of Charles'' [Davids John'', John^ William-, Thomas^] and Lucinda [Bascom] Dexter, was born 9 June, 1824. He married Pliilma Cliapin, 30 June, 1850. Five children : 018 1 Charles E.' Dexter, b. 1851; died. 919 ii Charles E.' Dexter, b. 19 July, 1853; died. 920 iii Laura* Dexter, b. 16 April, 1856; m. Abitha Davidson. 921 iv Eugene Avery* Dexter, b. 19 Oct., 1860. 922 V Chester Bascom* Dexter, b. 23 May, 1865; m. Ella Wheeler, 22 Jan., 1889. 122 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 438A Urial" Dexter, son of Nathan" [David% John*, John', William^ Thomas^'] and S. [Park] Dexter, was born 29 March, 1811, and died 25 Dec, 1867. He married Lucinda Dix, 7 Oct., 1836. Children : i Andrew J." Dexter, b. 19 May, 1839 ; d. 26 July, 1886. ii John Henrys Dexter, b. 17 Oct., 184.5; d. 15 Aug., 1847. iii Melvin Adam^ Dexter, b. 26 Aug., 1852; d. 10 Oct., 1882. iv John Henry' Dexter, b. 26 June, 1849; d. 18 Aug., 1889. V Adin UriaP Dexter, b. 9 March, 1843; d. 4 Oct., 1864. 438B James R." Dexter, son of Nathan" [David% John'', John^, Wil- liam-, Thomas^] ajid S. [Park] Dexter, was born 6 Sept., 1817. He married Dorothea BlakieV Children : i Mary* Dexter, ii Warren P.** Dexter. • 438C Melvin A.^ Dexter, son of Nathan" [David^ John^ John^ Wil- liam^, ThonicOs^] and S. [Park] Dexter, was born 14 March, 1820, and died 28 Jan., 1851. He married Maiy Qiiinn. Children : i Jennie* Dexter, b. 7 Dec, 1844; m. Arthur Egge. ii George* Dexter, b. 26 Dec, 1848. iii Kate* Dexter, b. 24 Oct., 1846; m. George W. Shelmirn, 26 Nov., 1871. 440 John S.' Dexter, son of John" [David', John^ John^ William^ Thomas^] and Deborah F. [Marsh] Dexter, was born 3 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 123 May, 1821, and died at Chicopee, Mass., 3 INIay, 1903. He married (1) Abi^rail A. Eames, 24 March, 1842; (2) Julia A. Eames, 15 April, 1846; (3) Mrs. Betsey (Eames) Bates, 19 Jan., 1882. Children : 923 i Abbie A.** Dexter, b. iu Dover, Vt., IS Oct., 1846; d. 10 Aug., 1876. 924 ii Clara M.^ Dexter, b. 17 July, 1848: d. 22 June, 1878; m. William P. Walsh, June, 1871. 925 iii Fayette M.' Dexter, b. 3 Dec. 1849; d. 14 Aug., 1850. 926* iv George S.* Dexter, b. in Newfane, Vt., 7 July, 1851; m. Mary Hyde, 13 May, 1883. 927 V John A.* Dexter, b. 30 June, 1853 ; d. 10 Jan., 1855. 928 vi Lizzie A.' Dexter, b. in Dover, Vt., 11 Jiuie, 1855; d. 3 May, 1879; m. Edwin McCrillis, May, 1878. 444 Daniel Gilbert' Dexter, son of David^ [David\ John^ John^ ■William^, Thomas^] and Chloe [Hazelton] Dexter, was born in Dover, Vt., 29 March, 1833. He spent his early life on his father's farm, and was educated in the common schools of his town and in the Brattleboro, Vt., Academy, where he was preparing- for college. He did not enter col- lege, however, but turned his attention to mercantile pur- suits in his native town and became a partner before he was of age. He married, 6 Feb., 1856, ]\Iiss Ellen Simonds. She was bom in Peru, Vt., 5 Sept., 1832. After some years they moved to Cambridge, Mass., and he became financial partner in a large wholesale boot and shoe business in Boston. This fii-m was successful and he retired with a fair fortune. He was founder of the Cambridge Tribune, Avhich was a success from the start. The Tribune Company occupied a three-story building for printing opposite Harvard Col- lege Library. This business he sold out in 1885, and moved to Los Angeles, Cal.. where he remained six years. 124 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. He then moved to San Francisco, Cal., Avhere he has since resided. For many years he and his son, David H. Dex- ter, edited and published a financial and business paper, "Equity," at San Francisco. He is now President of the California Bible Society, and has been connected with the press for many years, and conti-ibuted to many of the m DANIEL GILBERT DEXTER. leading publications of the day. He was known all over Vermont as a writer of prose and poetry and a contributor to many of the most prominent journals. "While living in Cambridge he held prominent places in several of the most eminent literary organizations there. He was a member of the Board of Aldermen of that city and at one time Presi- dent of the Y. M. C. A. DEXTER PAMIIiY GENE^VLOGY. 125 Two eliildi'cu : 929* i Florence Belle'' Dexter, b. 12 Aug., 1S57; m. Prof. Charles H. Wiswell. 930* ii David Hazeltiue"* Dexter, b. 6 July, 187.5; m. Mabel Helen White. 454 Frances Henrietta" Dexter, danghter of Jonathan M.® [Jona- than", John^ Julin'. Willianr, Thomas^] and Harriet S. [IMorse] Dexter, was born at Boston, 26 June, 1825. She FRANCES HENRIETTA (DEXTER) TOLMAN. was married 1 Oct., 1846. by Kev. Dr. Jenks, to James P. Tohnan. He was born in Rochester, N. H., 16 Jnly, 1821. They lived in Boston until 1865, Avhen they moved to Phil- adelphia, where they remained until 1890, when they removed to Washincton, D. C. 12G DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Two children : 931 932* i James SewalP Tolman, b. in Bostou, 8 Nov., 1847; d. at Boston, 11 July, 1848. ii Edward Mills" Tohiiaii, h. in Boston, 22 April, 1850; d. in Washington, D. C, 28 May, 1903; m. Caroline G. Frishmuth at Philadelphia, 21 July, 1875, by Eev. Robert D. Harper. AUGUSTUS C. DEXTER. Son of Jonathan M. Dexter. 455 Augustus Charles' Dexter, son of Jonathan M.^ [Jonathan^, John*, John^, M^illiani-, Thomas^] and Harriet S. [Morse] Dexter, was born at Boston, 28 Aug., 1829. He married at New York, 22 Oct., 1875, Alice Gilbert. He is now resid- ing at Flushine:, L. I., while his business, hardware com- mission house, is in New York citv. No children. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 127 457 Harriet Siverly" Dexter, daughter of Jonathan M.^ [Jonathan^ John^ John^ Willianr, Thomas^ and Harriet S. [Morse] Dexter, Avas born at Boston, Mass., 6 Nov., 1835, and died 2 INIay, 1859. She was married to Charles Stephenson, 22 Dec., 1856, by Kev. Calvin Lincoln. Mr. Stephenson mar- ried for his second wife, Helen Augusta Dexter, sister of his first wife. One child : 933 i Charles Henry* Stephenson, b. at Hingham, Mass., 8 Jan., 1859; d. 5 June, 1859. 459 Helen Augusta' Dexter, daughter of Jonathan M.*' [Jonathan-^ Jolin^ John^ William^, Thomas^] and Harriet S. [Morse] Dexter, was born at Boston, ]\Iass., 26 Oct., 1840. She was married to Charles Stephenson, 9 Jan., 1862, by Rev. Calvin Lincoln. One son, born at Hingham, ]\Iass. : 934 i Charles Henry* Stephenson, b. 27 Feb., 1863; ni. 24 Jan., 1896, by Rev. Samuel B. Stewart, Aclaline E. Tapley, daughter of Henry F. Tapley. Three children, born at, Lynn: 1. Preston Tapley' Stephenson, b. 6 Nov., 1897. 2. Ruth" Stephenson, b. 6 July, 1900. 3. Henry Dexter' Stephenson, b. 3 Sept., 1901. 464 Horace' Dexter, son of Oliver^ [Jonathan^ Jolm^ John^ Wil- liam^, Thomas^] and Louisa [Preston] Dexter, married Lora R. Griffin, 16 :\Iay, 1871. 128 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY, Three children : 935 i Effie Eosa' Dexter, b. 13 Feb., 1872. 936 ii Mabel Augusta'* Dexter, b. 14 Juue, 1878; d. 18 Oct., 1883. 937 iii Frances Louisa* Dexter, b. 20 Aug., 1881. 500 Allen' Dexter, son of Edward" [Edward% Noah^, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Biah [Barlow] Dexter, was born in 1807, and died 29 April, 1878. He married Phebe Heard, 24 April, 1842. She was born 3 Sept., 1820, and died 19 . April, 1897. Eight children : 938 i William F.' Dexter, b. 1 May, 1844; cl. 1862. 939* ii Mary A.^ Dexter, b. 15 Feb., 1846; cl. 1875; m. Edward Ellis Howard, June, 1870. 940* iii Chfirles E.** Dexter, b. 16 June, 1848; m. Elizabeth A. Gifford, 29 Sept., 1870. He was a carpenter. 941* iv Martha J. W.* Dexter, b. 16 June, 1848; m. Charles Heury Andrews, IS June, 1868. 942 V James A.* Dexter, b. 20 May, 1847. He was a farmer. 943 vi John A." Dexter, b. 16 Sept., 1852 ; d. 1853. 944 vii John A.* Dexter, b. 18 Feb., 1855; d. 1880. 945 viii George W.^ Dexter, b. 1 Feb., 1857. He was a box maker. 501 James" Dexter, son of Edward" [Edward% Noah^, Benjamin^, William-, Thomas^] and Biah [Barlow] Dexter, was born 24 Nov., , and died 22 INIay, 1856. He married Hannah Mendall, 22 Ang., 1836. Seven children : 946 i Levi'' Dexter, b. 24 Nov., 1840; m. Eoseley Nickerson. One son, Milton L.= Dexter, b. 10 March, 1878. 947 ii William H. H.« Dexter, b. 24 June, 1841; d. 13 ,Tan., 1891. 948 iii Alniira M." Dexter, b. Nov., 1842; m. George Carlton. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 120 949 iv Elisha M.» Dexter. 950 V Sarah J.* Dexter, li. 19 March, 1851; d. 24 March, 1851 951 vi Mary A.^ Dexter, b. 11 April, 1854; m. Allen Eyder, 6 Feb., 1871- 952 vii Seth P.^ Dexter; d. 24 Mar, 1857. 506 Sumner' Dexter, son of SamueP [EdAvard% Noah'*, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Mercy [Keene] Dexter, was born 23 March, 1805. He married Deborah Edwards, 13 July, 1837. Four children : 953 i John A.' Dexter, b. ; d. 1896; single. 954 ii Mary P.' Dexter, b. 17 April, 1845; d. 27 March, 1870. 955* iii Samuel E.* Dexter, b. 7 March, 1850; m. Maggie A. Headman, 3 March, 1890. 956 iv Deborah E." Dexter, b. 8 May, 1854; died yonng. 509 Jane'' Dexter, daug'hter of Captain SamueP [Edward", Noah"*. Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Mercy [Keene] Dexter, was born 4 May, 1811, and died 12 Nov., 1867. She mar- ried Frederick B. Ward, 19 Feb., 1835. Six children : Sarah C.^ Ward; ni. Orren V. Matteson. Jennie M.* Ward ; m. George Thomj)son. Carrie* Ward; m. David Eowe. Hattie^ Ward; m. Lewis Ver Yalen. Helen' Ward; m. Col. William Gavett. Martha' Ward, m. Van Deering. 510 Caroline" Dexter, dau^'hter of Captain Samuel'' [Edward'. Noah"*, Benjamin^, William-, Thomas^] and Me,rcy [Keene] 957 i 958 ii 959 iii 960 iv 961 V 962 vi 130 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Dexter, Avas born 11 Nov., 1812, and died 7 April, 1870. She married Ona White, 23 Dec, 1835. Ten children : Mary^ White, b. ; d. 1865; m. Orren Matteson. Haven L.* White, b. ; m. Melinda Clark. Wyman'* White, b. ; unmarried. John Albert* White, b. ; m. Delia Brewer. Lucetta* White, b. ; unmarried. Jane* White, b. ; m. Wellington Ensign. Sarah* White, b. ; single. Sherwood* White, b. ; d. aged 9 years. Amy* Wliite, b. . 963 964 965 iii 966 iv 967 V 968 vi 969 vii 970 viii 971 ix 972 X Lansing* Wliite, b. 5U Jamas'^ Dexter, son of SamneP [Edward^ Noah"*, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Mercy [Keene] Dexter, Avas born 21 Dec, 1814, and died 14 May, 1861. He married Pa- melia Dexter, 20 Sept., 1849. Four children : 973 i James C* Dexter, b. 29 Oct., 1850; m. Elizalieth Nye. 974 ii Sarah M.* Dexter, b. 30 Sept., 1856; m. Charles C. Nealey, 3 Aug., 1884. 975 iii Martha* Dexter, b. . 976* iv Mary M.* Dexter, b. 30 March, 1853; m. Eben Franklin Hoskins, 9 May, 1871. He was born 17 Oct., 1846. 5\2 Samuel' Dexter, Jr., son of SamueP [Edward^ Noah*, Benja- min% William-. Thomas^] and Mercy [Keene] Dexter, was born 17 Jan., 1816. He married Mary Coon, 8 Jan., 1841. Three children : 977 i George S.* Dexter, b. . 978 ii Gerret S.* Dexter, b. . 979 iii Edna* Dexter, b. . DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 131 514 Sarah M." Dexter, daughter of Captain SamiieP [Edward^ Noali^, Benjamiir, William", Thomas^] and Mercy [Keene] X)exter, was boru 24 Dec., 1819, and died 26 May, 1894. She married James Parmelee, 13 Oct., 1842. He died on 15 Nov., 1854, at Smithfield, N. Y. Thus early in life she was left a widow with three small children to support. Under these tryina: circumstances she was equal to every emergency and developed that fortitude and heroism very few possess. She was industrious and prudent, but no one ever went away hungry from her door. AugTist, 1870, came another affliction, when she lost her only son, then just grown to manhood. Above all this she arose and with patient, tender hands bestowed every attention possible upon the living, and all remember mth gratitude "Aunt Sarah," as she was called. She died 26 May. 1894. She left two daughters. 'G^ Children : 980 i Mercy Elizabeth' Pai-melee, b. 10 Jan., 1844; m. Austin N. Hecox, 8 March, 1865. 981 ii Charlotte Jane' Parmelee, b. 14 Aug., 1846; m. Charles E. Maynard, 8 Oct., 1867. 982 iii Dwight Dexter' Parmelee, b. 11 .Tune. 1851; d. 30 Aug., 1870. 515 David H.' Dexter, son of SamueP [Edward^ Noah'*, Benjamin^^ William^, Thomas^] and Mercy [Keene] Dexter, was born 5 March. 1822. and died 25 March, 1863. He married Mary J. Dana, 1 Jan., 1848. Two children : 983 i Francis C. L.' Dexter. 984 ii Addle M.' Dexter. ^^2 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 516 Benjamin' Dexter, son of Joseph^ [Benjainin% Noah*, Benja- niin% AYilliani-, Thomas^] and IMary [Luce] Dexter, was born . He married Betsey Hilman in 1809. Seven children : 985 i Dennis' Dexter, b. in Tisbnry, Mass., 1811; d. 1889; m. Mary Lnee. 986* ii George' Dexter, b. ; m. Caroline Luce. 987* iii Eodolphiis W.' Dexter, b. 29 April, 1816; d. 10 Sept., 1886; m. Irene Clifford, 1838. 988 iv Sophia' Dexter, b. • ; m. Joseph Daggett. 989 V Mary' Dexter, b. ; m. Clifford Dunham. 990 vi Ann' Dexter, b. ; m. Thubeal Dunham. 991 vii Elizabeth' Dexter, b. . 517 Elisha' Dexter, son of Joseph^ [Benjamin", NoahS Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^l and :\Iary [Lnee] Dexter, was born , and died 6 April, 1870. He married Eliza Merry. One child : 992 i Benjamin' Dexter, b. in Tisbury, Mass., 3 April, 1830. 519 Ira'^ Dexter, son of Joseph^^ [Benjamin^ Noah\ Benjamin^ Wil- liam% Thomas^] and IMaiy [Lnee] Dexter, was born in 1791. and died in 185:1 He. married Harriet Dnnham. Seven children, born in Tisbnry: 993 i Ira' Dexter, Jr., b. 1827 ; d. 1827. 994 ii Harriett' Dexter, b. 1829; m. Thomas C. Harding, 18.52. 99.5 iii Emily B.' Dexter, b. 1834; m. .roso]>h B. Parker, 1874. 996 iv Charles' Dexter, b. 1838. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 133 997 V Abbie' Dexter, b. 1840; d. 1859; m. Eilwanl M. Craudell, 1855. 998 vi Ira* Dexter, b. 1842; d. 1884; m. Phebe A. Eimnells. 999 vii SamueF Dexter, b. 1844. 520 Joseph" Dexter, son of Joseph'' [Benjamin% Xoah\ Benjamin^ . William^ Thomas^] and ]\Iary [Luce] Dexter, was born . He married Charlotte Norton. Two children : 1000* i Joseph' Dexter, b. ; in. Lucy Xortou. 1001* ii Hiram' Dexter, b. 6 May, 1813; d. 2 April, 1SS7; m. Love Lambert. 10 Sept., 1838. 530 Rodolphus W." Dexter, son of Noah'' [Benjamin\ Noah^ Benja- min% William-, Thomas^] and :\Iary [Delano] Dexter, was born 15 April, 1806. and died 25 April. 1862. He married (1) Andria C. Fuller, 10 Dec, 1833; (2) Mary H. Taber, 12 Dee., 1838; she died at Dorchester, aged 88. Two children : 1002* i Caroline H.' Dexter, b. in Fairhaven, 23 Feb., 1836; m. Henry D. Pope, 3 Feb., 1864. 1003* ii Franklin B.' Dexter, b. in Fairhaven, 11 Sept., 1842; m. Theodosia M. Wheeler, 8 July, 1880. 535 Lucy' Dexter, daughter of Benjamin" [Benjamin^ Noah\ Ben- jamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Ruth [Delano] Dexter, was bom 5 March, 1809, and died 12 Nov., 1871. She married Timothy Clifton, 6 Jan., 1833. Ten children : 1004 i Sarah M.' Clifton, 17 Aug., 1834; d. 5 May, 1895; m. Albert M. Parlow, 29 Nov., 1860. 134 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1005 ii Jnlia M.* Clifton, b. 20 July, 1835; d. 16 Dec, 1839. 1006 iii Benjamin D.^ Clifton, b. 22 April, 1837; d. 11 Dec, 1862. He was killed at the battle of Fredericksburg. 1007 iv Obed D." Clifton, 1). 29 Dec, 1838 ; m. Mary E. Savery, 30 Dee. 1886. 1008 V Verona D.** Clifton, b. 22 Feb., 1841. 1009 vi Julia M." Clifton, b. 20 Oct., 1843; m. Henry C. Hazzard, 20 Nov., 1872. 1010 vii Martha W.** Clifton, b. 6 Jan., 1846; ni. Bertrand A. Cones, 25 March, 1869. 1011 viii Priscilla C Clifton, b. 24 July, 1848. 1012 ix Timothy A.' Clifton, b. 6 Aprii, 1851; d. 25 Feb., 1873. 1013 X Edwin E.' Clifton, b. 11 Aug., 1854; m. Lizzie L. Savery, 20 Sept., 1894. 538 Lydia^ Dexter, daughter of Benjamin*' [Benjamin^ Noah^ Ben- jamin', William-, Thomas^] and Ruth [Delano] Dexter, was born 5 Feb., 1815, and died in Dorchester, 13 March, 1899. She married James Hammett, 8 Oct., 1836. Five children, born in New Bedford: 1014 i James Edward' Hammett, b. 4 July, 1840 ; d. 8 May, 1845. 1015 ii James Edward' Hammett, b. 12 April, 1846; d. 6 Feb., 1900; never married. 1016 iii William Frederick' Hammett, b. 3 Aug., 1848; m. Emma F. Hartshorn, 8 Oct., 1885. 1017 iv Herbert' Hammett, b. 19 Nov., 1850; d. 3 Feb., 1859. 1018 V Mary Anna' Hammett, b. 19 Oct., 1858; d. 28 March, 1885; never married. 539 Benjamin'^ Dexter, son of Benjamin^ [Benjamin^ Noah\ Benja- min^ William-, Thomas^] and Rnth [Delano] Dexter, was born 1 Jnne, 1817, and died 17 April, 1879. He married Elizabeth P. Delano, 1 Jnne, 1841. Five children : 1019* i Josiah A.' Dexter, b. 20 Nov., 1842; m. Susan G. Durfee, 7 Sept., 1870. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 135 1020* ii Abbie M.' Dexter, b. 28 Sept., 1844; m. Samuel E. Hicks, 23 June, 1873. 1021 iii Caroline E.** Dexter, b. 29 July, 1847. 1022* iv Benjamin F.^ Dexter, b. 26 Feb., 18.50; d. 2 Dec, 1901; ni. Olive Kinney, 8 March, 1880. 1023 V Ella L.-' Dexter, b. 31 Oct., 1857. 541 Rufus^ Dexter, son of Benjamin^ [Benjamin^ Noah^ Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Kutli [Delano] Dexter, was born 7 Feb., 1821, and died 29 July, 1866. He married Elizabeth L. Washbnrn, Jnne, 1848. Two children: 1024 i Kufus N.^ Dexter, b. 31 Oct., 1851 ; d. 8 Sept., 1869. 1025* ii Seth L. M.* Dexter, b. 28 March, 1854; m. Elizabeth Jenney, 3 March, 1877. 546 Jonathan K.' Dexter, son of Jonathan" [David% Josiah^ Benja- min^ William^, Thomas^] and IMary [Studley] Dexter, was born 12 Feb., 1812. He married Clarinda Smith, 26 Nov., 1838. Three children, born in Eochester: 1026* 1 Horace' Dexter, b. 15 Sept., 1839; m. Ann E. Lyman, 25 Feb., 1869. 1027* ii Mary* Dexter, b. 17 June, 1844; m. .Tames Landers, 5 Sept., 1861. 1028 iii George* Dexter, b. . 554 Martha M." Dexter, danghter of E. Allen" [David^, Josiah^ Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Dexter, was born 12 July, 1836. She married Noah Hammond, 2 June, 1861. 136 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Two children, born at INIattapoisett : 1029* i Allen Dexter- Hammond, b. 1 June, 1871; m. Eliza Lenora Sliaw, 19 Sept., 1894. 1030 ii Clara Liu'inda* Hammond, b. 23 Dec, 1872; m. Lemuel LeBai-on Dexter, 2(i .Tuly, 1899. 559 John^ Dexter, son of Constant'' [Isaac^ Constant^ Benjamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] and Rebecca [Billington] Dexter, wa^ born 23 June, 1800. He married ^lary B. Shaw. Eight children, born in Wayne, Maine : 1031 i John S.^ Dexter, b. 12 Feb., 1827; m. Susan J. Smith, 15 Feb., 1857. 1032 ii Mary J." Dexter, b. 15 Dec, 1828; m. S. B. Norris. 1033* iii Henry C Dexter, b. 21 April, 1831; m. Ellen E. Carll, 17 Dec, 1 864. 1034 iv Edwin S.^ Dexter, b. 6 Oct., 1833; m. Annie Richardson. 1035 V Alanson* Dexter, b. 14 July, 183G; d. 4 Dec, 1836. 1036 vi Annie D.** Dexter, b. 2 Jan., 1838; m. Joel T. Phelps, 14 Sept., 1856. 1037 vii .lairus A.'* Dexter, b. 11 Aug., 1841; d. 22 Aug., 1864. 1038 viii Samuel W.'* Dexter, b. 6 Oet., 1846; d. 28 Nov., 1866. 574 Stephen T.' Dexter, son of Freeman^ [Isaac^, Constant^ Benja- min^ William', Thomas^] and Polly Dexter, was born 19 April, 1818. He married Betsey R. Dexter, 26 April, 1843. Three children : 1039 i Arianah F." Dexter, b. East Boston, 28 Dec, 1845; m. Eugene F. Margot, 12 Oct., 1886. 1040 ii Roamy M."* Dexter, b. in Wayne, Me., 16 Oct., 1849; m. Cloves N. Bacon, 3 Sept., 1873. 1041 iii Alston S.' Dexter, b. in East Boston, 15 July, 1856. DEXTER FAMILY GENE.VLOGY. 137 582 Lewis" Dexter, son of Amasa* [Isaacs Constant^ Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and IMartha [Bni-gess] Dexter, was born 8 April, 1810, and died 11 Feb., 1889. He married (1) Malatiah Norris, 7 Nov., 1834; (2) Mary Dexter, 10 Nov., 1859. Four children by first wife, born in Wayne, Maine : 1042 i Henry A.' Dexter, b. 7 Sept., 1836; m. Eni>lirata Foss, 8 Jan., 1859. 1043 ii Aurelia A." Dexter, b. 29 Jan., 1839; m. Frank L. Morse, 16 Jnly, 1859. 1044 iii Sarah A.^ Dexter, b. 25 May, 1841; d. 17 Aug., 1878; m. Captain A. Everts, 25 Jan., 1864. 1045 iv Deborah O." Dexter, b. -28 June, 1843; d. 21 Oc-t., 1854. 584 Rev. Henry Vaughn' Dexter, D.D., son of Amasa*' [Isaac^ Con- stant*, Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Martha [Burgess] Dexter, was born 3 April, 1815. He was a g-raduate of Waterville College (now Colby), and for many years a trustee of that institution, and was a pastor of leading churches in Maine and ]\Iassachusetts. He married (1) Nancy C. Herrick, 1 Sept., 1845, and after her decease he married (2) Mary Edna Boardman, 20 Jan., 1851. She was a descendant of the Newburyport Boardmans and Tappans. He died at Templeton, Mass., 23 July, 1884. Six children : 1046 i Frances E.^ Dexter, b. in Calais, Me., 26 Oct., 1851 ; d. 26 Sept., 1854. 1047 ii Mary E.-' Dexter, b. in Calais, Me., 30 July, 1853; m. Capt. Fordyce B. Perkins, 7 May, 1873. 1048 iii Henry B.* Dexter, b. in Augusta, Me., 7 Jan., 1855; ni. Lizzie A. Wincote, 31 Jan., 1889. ■^2S DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1049* iv George T.** Dexter, b. in Augusta, Me., 25 Jan., 1860 ; ra. Nellie J. Greenwood, 14 April, 1880. 1050 ^ V Elwell v." Dexter, b. in Calais, Me., 6 Nov., 1863. 1051* 'Vi Edwin Grant" Dexter, b. in Calais, Me., 21 July, 1868. 587 Edward G,^ Dexter, son of Amasa« [Isaac% Constant^ Benja- min^ William-, Thomas^] and Martha [Burgess] Dexter, was born 9 April, 1824. He married (1) Harriett K Thomas, 6 Oct., 1851; (2) Mary L. Lamson, 3 July, 1864. Children : 1052 i Anna M.' Dexter, b. 31 Aug., 1852 ; m. Abner Wing. 1053 ii Stella G.' Dexter, b. 24 March, 1853; m. Frank Marston. 592 Susan^ Gorham, daughter of Mary« [SamueP, SamueP, Benja- min^ Willianr, Thomas^] and John Gorham, was born in Barre, . She married Nathan Taylor, son of Capt. Seth and i\Tehitable Taylor. He was born in 1782, and died 11 May, 1815, aged 32. His father died in 1811, aged 66, and his mother in 1832, aged 91 yeare. They had five children : 1054 i Mehitable* Taylor, b. . 1055 ii Fanny' Taylor, b. . 1056 iii Levina* Taylor, b. 1057 iv John Gorham" Taylor, b. 1812; d. at Springfield, 1866. 1058 V Nathan" Taylor, b. 1815; m. Lucy S. Haven of Barre, 7 Dec, 1853. 597 Bethsheba" Dexter, daughter of Eleazer" [SamueP, Samuel\ Benjamin-% Willianr, Thomas^] and Charity [Williams] Dexter, was born 22 Feb., 1789, and died in 1855. She DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 139 married Silas'' Newton, son of LemiieP (Silas'*, Josiah^ Moses^ Riehard^l and Chloe (Hitchcock) Newton, 21 June, 1811. Six children wei'e born to this family : 10.59 i Elvira Augusta" Newton, b. 1812. 1060 ii Stephen Dexter" Xewton, bapt. 14 April, 1S14; d. 12 Sept., 1837. 1061 iii Benjamin D." Netwon, b. 1816; d. 7 Nov., 1837. 1062 iv Susanna Freeman" Newton. baj)t. Oct., 1819; m. Calvin H. Bassett, Dec, 1854. 1063 V Elvira A." Newton, bapt. 12 May, 1822; m. James Griffin of Ware, 12 Dec, 1848. 1064 vi Stephen E." Newton, b. 1826. 600 Charity. W." Dexter, daughter of Eleazer*' [SamueF, SamueP. Benjamin', William-, Thomas^] and Charity [Williams] Dexter, was born 5 Aug'., 1795. She married Gardner^ New- ton, son of Silas' (Timothy*, Josiah^, ]\Ioses-, Richard^] and Naomi Washburn, pub. 17 Sept.. 1827. He was boi-n 9 Oct., 1789. and died 23 March. 1864. Three children : Luke" Newton, b. 12 Sept., 1829; d. 3 Sept., 1858. John" Newton, b. 28 March, 1833; d. 5 March, 1866. Charles" Newton, b. 28 March, 1837; d. 9 April, 1862; m. Mary D. Sturtevant, 14 March, 1861. At death of her hus- band she married (2) John S. Kelmer, pub. 5 Oct., 1863. 601 Joseph Dean^ Dexter, son of Eleazer*' [SamueP, Samuel*, Ben- jamin", William-, Thomas^] and Charity [Williams] Dex- ter, was born 31 Aug., 1797. He married Olive Gould, 15 Nov., 1818. He lost an arm and his eyesight by an acci- dent, but was a successful showman, and secured a comfort- able maintenance for his familv. 1065 i 1066 ii 1067 iii IJ^O DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Four children: 1068* i Joseph Deau' Dexter, Jr., bapt. IS June, 1820; in. Almeda Anderson, 8 March, 1846. 1069 ii Alma* Dexter, bapt. 14 Aug., 1821 ; d. 4 Feb., 1823. 1070 iii William Alfred' Dexter, bapt. 25 Sept., 1823. 1071* iv Nancy M.' Dexter, b. 1825; m. (1) Henry B. Gould, 6 May, 1847; (2) Joseph C. Page (b. 1819), 2 Nov., 1865. 604 Arethusa' Dexter, daug'hter of Eleazer" [SamneP, SamueP, Ben- jamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] and Charity [Williams] Dexter, was born in 1805, and died 6 April, 1862. She married John'' Johnson, son of John^' (Zebadialr, Zebadiah^) John- son, and Mary ( ) Johnson, 5 Oct., 1828. He was born in 1805, and died 2 I\ray, 1876. One child: 1072 i William** Johnson, b. ; m. Eunice C. Sturtevant, 18 Aug., 1880. 608 Williams' Dexter, son of SamneP [SamueP, SamneP, Benja- min^ William^, Thomas^] and Sally [Williams] Dexter, was born 9 April, 1800, and died 12 May, 1836. He mar- ried Maria, daughter of Israel Knowlton, 3 June, 1828, and resided in Cambridge, Mass. Two children: 1073 i Samuel W.* Dexter, b. Feb., 1828; d. 18 Aug., 1830. 1074 ii Lucy M.' Dexter, b. ; m. James B. Wiggin. Kesided in Cambridge. 609 Alma^ Dexter, daughter of SamueP [SamueP, SamueP, Benja- min^ William^, Thomas^] and Sally [Williams] Dexter, DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 141 was born in Ilardwick in 1804, and died 21 Sept., 1840. She mai-ried Joseph^ Neweomb of Ilardwick, pub. 11 Feb., 1828. He was the .son of Joseph^ (Annas-, Joseph^) and Abigail Abbott Neweomb, and was born in Hardwiek 16 Dee., 1800. His father was a) clothier and farmer, born in Norton in 1762 and removed to Hardwiek in 1791, where he remained nntii his death in 1823. After their marriage they lived upon the farm and brought np a family of four children : 1075 i Alma Maria'* Neweomb, b. 29 March, 1830 ; m. Stophon P. Hill- man, 4 Dec, 1851. 1076 ii John Joseph* Neweomb, b. 29 Jan., 1832; m. Cordelia Gould, pub. 13 March, 1857. They had no children. He was town assessor seven years, from 1871 to 1878. 1077 iii Sarah W." Neweomb, b. 15 Oct., 1834; m. Charles S. Clark, 14 Dec, 1856. 1078 iv Samuel Williams'' Neweomb, b. 9 Oct., 1836; m. .Tulia Ann Dennis, 23 April, 1863. Two children: William Adonijah" Neweomb, b. 6 March, 1865 ; .Julia Alma" Neweomb, b. 25 April, 1869. 612 Mary" Dexter, daughter of Jedediah'' [SamueF\ SamueP. Ben- jamin^, Willianr, Thomas^] and Abigail [Eager] Dexter, was born in 1805. She married ^lilton Peck, a blacksmith of Hubbardston, Mass., 20 Oct., 1823. He was born in 1800 and died in 1855. They made their home in Hardwiek after 1838, and lived near the Barre line. After her hus- band's decease in 1855, she married a Mr. Clark and moved to South Abington, where she died 4 Feb., 1881, aged 75. Eight children : " 1079 i Mary' Peck, b. about 1824; m. Ebenezer P. Staples of Taunton, 11 Nov., 1845. She was his second wife, his first wife being- Luthera G. Dexter daughter of Jedediah" (Samuel'. Samuel'. Benjamin", W^illianr, Thomas^). 1080 ii Jane" Peck, b. 1827; m. Francis Legate, 2 June, 1847. 142 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1081 iii S. E. Willarcr Peck, b. 1832; in. Almena Austin of Hubbards- ton, 30 April, 1862, Cliildreu: Walter Lewis" Peck, b. 14 May, 1878, and others. 1082 iv Sarah B.» Peck, b. 1834; ni. Benjamin O. Gardner, 7 Dee., 1853. 1083 V Luthera M.' Peek, b. 1840; d. 1858; unmarried. 1084 vi William C Peck, b. 1842; m. Hannah Atwood, 11 March, 1862. Children: 1. Nellie Emily^ b. 22 Aug., 1866. 2. ■ Mattie L.," b. 6 Nov., 1870. 1085 vii Susan Ann' Peck, b. 3 Nov., 1847; d. 31 July, 1848. 1086 viii Samuel Dexter* Peck, b. ■ ; m. Sarah . Children: 1. Willie Dexter" Peck, b. 18 Nov., 1861. 2. One son", b. 16 April, 1866. 6J9 Cassandra' Dexter, daughter of Jonathan^ [SamueP, Samuel*, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] Dexter, was born 1 Sept., 1813, and died 29 May, 1880. She married Lemuel F. Tay- lor, who came from Buckland to Hubbardston, April, 1836. Two children: 1087* i Caroline Angelia* Taylor, b. 1 March, 1841; in. Darius Parsons of Sutton, 24 Nov., 1877. 1088 ii Sarah Arabella* Taylor, b. 27 June, 1856. 626 Luther Cheney,'^ son of Lucy*' [Icliabod^ Samuel*, Benjamin^ William", Thomas^] Dexter and Moses Cheney, was bom in Oranoe, IMass., 9 May, 1788, and died 2 Dec, 1848. He married Sabra Allen of Mendon. She was born 28 Dec, 1788, and died 3 June, 1885. Six children : 1089 i Henry* Cheney, b. 14 Oct., 1808; d. 22 Feb., 1885; m. (1) Isabelle Cayle; (2) Eliza Cayle. 1090 ii Allen* Cheney, b. 8 Aug., 1811; m. Susan Cayle. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 143 1091 iii Julia Maria* Cheney, b. 5 Dec, 1814; d. 26 Aug., 1816. 1092 iv Luther Norman* Cheney, b. 5 Oct., 1818; m. (1) Elizabeth Danforth; (2) Harriet Lyman. 1093 V Lucien West* Cheney, b. Oct., 1822. 1094 vi Edwin Thayer* Cheney, b. 2 Dee., 1828. 634 • Rhoda B." Cheney, dan filter of Lucy*^ [Ichabod^ Samuel^ Ben- jamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Moses Cheney, was born 27 Sept., 1806. She married Adams French, Jr., who was born 24 June, 1802, and died 26 Aug., 1854. She married (2) Cheney Lewis, 14 Jan., 1861. He was born in 1798. Four children : 1095* i Adams* French, 3d, b. 1828; m. Abby E. Kellogg, 25 Jan., 1849. 1096* ii Mary A.* French, b. 1829; m. Franklin L. Waters, 22 April, 1850. 1097* iii Lysander* French, b. 1839; m. Julia A. Hunt, 1 May, 1855. 1098* iv Moses C* French, b. 1842; m. Kate E. Bishop, 5 Jan., 1842. 645 Foster B.^ Dexter, son of John*' [Job^ Samuel'*, Benjamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] and Lucy [Dennis] Dexter, was born 19 July, 1806, and died 3 March, 1865. He married Phebe P . One child : 1099* i William N.* Dexter, b. 15 Aug., 1843; m. (1) Frances .New- land, Aug., 1870; (2) Mary J. Dooley, 7 April, 1887; (3) Lillia Adell Field, 22 Dec, 1897. She was born 18 April, 1857. 655 William Augustus^ Wheeler, son of Anna" [Job% SamueP, Ben- jamin^ Willia,m% Thomas^] Dexter, and Thomas Wheeler, Jr., was born in Hardwick, 31 March, 1798. He married Almira Warner Allen, daughter of Moses Allen of Hard- -j^^ DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. wick. -She was born 20 Feb., 1803, and died 28 Feb., 1867. He died in 1873. He learned the trade of blaclvsmith and was one of the oldest iron founders in the State, having begmn in 1812 at "Old Furnace Village," Hardwick, named for the furnace established there by his father. From Hardwick he went to Brookfield. In 1823 he moved to Worcester, Mass., w^here he" established a foundry. In 1825 he was associated with some of the leading men of Worcester in a foundry at Brookfield, where all kinds of castings were made, the doors of the Court House in Worcester being of his manufacture. He returned to Worcester in 1830 and continued at the old stand for over forty years. He designed the first boring machine in Worcester. In 1838 he got out patterns for cooking-stoves. In 1842 he invented a furnace for heating buildings. In 1838 he added to his business the manufacture of brass castings. In 1852 his son, Charles A. Wheeler, became associated with him, continuing until his death in 1867. Mr. Wheeler filled many official positions from Worces- ter's earliest history. He was one of the Worcester Aque- duct Company in 1845. In 1848 he l^ecame the contractor for building the Worcester & Nashua Railroad, an enter- prise which his untiring energy and skill enabled him to carry through amid many discouragements. He was one of the "original founders of the Worcester IMechanics Asso- ciation in 1841, and was its first President. He was very influential in the building of the beautiful I^Ieehanics Hall. He was a man of indomitable will and strictest integrity, and of very clear .judgment and generous disposition. He was a mem\)er of the Second Church (Unitarian) of Wor- cester. In politics he was first a Whig and then a Repub- lican. He and his wife and their deceased children are buried in the family lot in Rural Cemetery, Worcester. Children : 1100 ■ i Charles Augustus' Wheelor, 1). 27 Jan., 1826. 1101* ii William Piske' Wheeler, b. 24 .Tune, 1830. 1103 iv llOi^ V 1105 vi 1106 vii 1107 viii 1108 ix DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 145 1102 iii Anna Maria'* Wheeler, b. ll' Sept., 1S3l'; in. William React, 13 Nov., 1856. Josejihine'* Wheeler, b. 12 Nov., 1834; <1. 15 Dec, 1834. Moses Allen'* Wheeler, b. 19 Aug., 1838. Eliza Jane" Wheeler, b. 19 Dec, 1841 ; d. 11 Dec, 1871. Sarah Frances*^ W'heeler, b. 10 April, 1844; m. Frederick W. Jenkins of Barre, Mass., 8 June, 1871. Thomas' Wheeler, b. 19 July, 1847. Franklin'^ Wheeler, b. 19 July, 1847; d. 31 July, 1887. 664 Zenas Hinkley' Dexter, son of Ichabod'^ [Job\ Samuel^ Benja- min^, William-, Thomas^] and Sally [Eager] Dexter, was born 9 IMay, 1806, and died 11 Oct., 1851, aged 46 years. He married (1) Sarah F. Penniman, 19 ]May, 1831; she died 9 May, 1837: (2) Lncinda Wood, 28 Aug., 1837. In his will he gives his wife, Liicinda Dexter, all the furniture that belonged to her at marriage, and six hundred dollars. To his daughter. Harriet Jane Dexter, all the articles of furniture that belonged to her mother, Sarah F. Dexter, at the time of her marriage, and one hundred dol- lars. To his sons, Zenas H. and George F.. all the real estate and personal property remaining. Estate valued at $3400. William ]\Iixter. executor; John Raymond, guar- dian of children. Children : 1109 i Zenas H.* Dexter, b. 14 April, 1832. 1110 ii George TurrelP Dexter, b. 20 June. 1833. 1111 iii Harriet Jane' Dexter, b. 1836; m. Pliny Fisk Chandler, 5 March, 1853; died 5 April, 1866. 666 Edward' Dexter, son of Ichabod*^ fJob^ SamueP, Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Sally [Eager] Dexter, was born 3 Nov., 1811, and died 24 Dec. 1862. He married Louise Powers, 6 June, 1842. He was a farmer and lived in Hard- wick, Mass. 14(i DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Children : 1112 i Charles E." Dexter, b. 23 Aug., lS-13; d. in Springfield, 29 July, 1872. 1113 ii Frederick'* Dexter, b. 26 May, 1845 ; d. July, 1854. 1114 iii Albert H." Dexter, b. 27 Aug., 1847 ; m. . 1115 iv Clai-a Lunetta,^ Dexter, b. 4 April, 1851. 1116 V Willie H.^ Dexter, b. . 668 Hannah^ Dexter, dangliter of Ichabod" [Job^ SamiTeP, Benja- niin^ William-, Thomas^] and Alice [Amidon] Dexter, was born . She married Lysander Powers of Hardwick, I\Iarch, 1842. Children : 1117 i Joel Lysander" Powers, b. 17 Nov., 1843; m. Jennie E. Knight. 1118 ii Frank' Po^A•ers, b. 19 Sept., 1846; m. Anna K. Garney of Marblehead, 6 Nov., 1872. She died 11 Sept., 1873, aged 30. 1119 iii Elmer D.* Powers, b. 12 Dec, 1853; m. Anna W. Conant of Barre, 29 June, 1875. 679 Alexander" Morton, son of James'' [Mary^ Samuel^ Benjamin^ William^ Thomas^] and Chloe [Forbnsh] Morton, was born in 1811. He married Martha Wheeler. Children : 1120 i Lois' Morton, b. 1842; ni. M. D. Clark. 1121* ii George L.' Morton, b. 1846; m. ■ . Three children. 681 Vashney' Lord, son of Esther*' [Sarah^ SamueP. Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] Dexter and Joseph Lord, Avas born 19 ]\Iav, 1791. He married Sarah . 1122 1123 ii 1124 iii 1125 iv DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 147 Children : Lausinda R.'* Lord, b. 26 July, 1826. Vashney* Lord, b. 20 Aug., 1828. Luther* Lord, b. 1 Nov., 1830. Joseph G.' Lord, b. 7 Nov., 1838. 687 Alfred' Tucker, son of Sally« [Sarah^ SamneP, Benjamm^ Wil- liam-, Thomas^] Dexter and Joshua Tucker, was born in 1808, and died 26 April, 1866. He married (1) Mary ; she was born in 1810. and died 21 Jnne. 1838: (2^ -. Children : 1126 i Wilcote Tucker, b. 1835; d. 1858. 1127 ii Addison* Tucker, b. 11 Oct., 1845, 689 Samuel" Morton, son of Hannah'^ [Benjamin^ SamueP, Benja- min'^, William-. Thomas^] Dexter and Benjamin^ INIorton, Jr., was born in 1796. He married . Children : 1128 i Harrison* Morton, b. 1813; m. . Son, William Morton. 1129* ii Shatley* Morton, b. 1815. 1130* iii Benjamin* Morton, b. . 1131* iv Almon* Morton, b. 1S20. 1132 V Louisa* Morton, b. 1822; never married. 1133 vi Betsey* Morton, b. 1827; m. Winfield Baker. 1134 vii Dexter* Morton, b. 1829; m. . Son, William Morton. 1135 viii Mary* Morton, b. 1831; m. John Johee. 1136 ix Sylvester* Morton, b. 1832; m. . Son, Frank Morton. 700 Anna' Dexter, daughter of Benjamin^ [Benjamin^ Samuel*, Benjamin^. William-. Thomas^] and Betsey [Legg] Dexter, 148 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. was born 31 March, 1806, and died 30 Sept., 1849. She married, 24 Jnne, 1834, Job Fry, the son of Job and Pen- nald (Drake) Fry. He was born in 1802, and married for his first wife, Florella Chirk, who was born 27 Dec, 1806, and died 7 Ang., 1833. He then married xVnna Dexter, 24 June, 1834. She died 30 Sept., 1849. He then married Luthervia (Eobinson) Burt of Ware, 15 April, 1851. He died in 1868. He had U\o children by first wife, and four by second wife : 1137 i F. Arvilla*^ Fry, b. 25 April, 1831; d. 9 April, 1901; m. George W. Dexter, 27 May, 1856. 1138 ii Ellen S.-' Fry. b. 29 July, 1833; in. diaries 0. Patterson, 3 Sept., 1854. Now lives in Florida. 1139 iii Elizabeth Ann* Fry, b. 28 Feb., 1835; d. in f'aliforuia, 19 Nov., 1903; m. John Sampson in 18(5(i. 1140 iv Job Warren*' Fry, b. 30 Aug., 1837; d. 5 July, 1S38. 1141 V Martha Jane' Fry, 1). 14 Aug., 1840 i, d. 5 Nov., 1851. 1142 vi George Dexter' Fry, 1). 14 Nov., 1842; d. 27 Aug., 1844. 701 Amasa" Dexter, son of Benjamin* [Benjamin^ Samuel\ Benja- min^ William-, Thomas^] and Betsey [hegg] Dexter, was born 3 Dec, 1808, at Orange, where he spent the early years of his life. He married 21 Feb., 1833, Roanna Allen of Joy, Me., and they went to keeping house in the old home- stead. They remained there until after their second child was born, Avhen they moved to Wendell, where they remained about twenty years, and there his other children were born. While there he worked in a mill. Upon his return they settled upon the old farm, living in the house built by George W. Dexter, and there they died, she in January, 1866, and he in October, 1883. He made several transfers of property between 1837 and 1866. bnt devoted his later years to farming. They had eight children : DEXTER FA:Mn.\ (iENEALOGY. 149 1143* i Triistuni DiirelP Dexter, h. in Orange, 7 July, 1834; d. by acci- dent at Clinton, 4 ]May, 1904; m. Mary Susan Calligan in 1862. She was born 8 Sept., 1840. 1144* ii Benjamin Allen* Dexter, b. i'.") Oct., 1S3(5; ni. T.anra O. Webb, 4 April, 1860. 1145 iii Edward S.' Dexter, Ik 22 Jan., l.s;58; d. 19 Dec., 1S40, 1146 iv Lney H." Dexter, b. 10 Dec., 1840; d. 27 July, 1841. 1147* V Eliliu Osgood Clark** Dexter, b. 12 Aug., 1842; m. M:\vy Jane Miner, 1867. 1148* vi Heijhzibah" Dexter, b. 24 .Inn., 184."); in. Henry Davis P>arber, 1867. 1149* vii Hoyt'* Dexter, 1). 20 Aug., 1S47; in. Anna M. Scott, 20 Sept., 1876. 1150* viii Anna' Dexter, 1). 13 Aug., IS.lO; d. 7 Jan., 1904; ni. (1) B. F. Miner, 1870; (2) Charles Stevens, 1884. 702 Moses" Dexter, son of Benjamin*' [Benjamin', SamueP, Benja- min% "William-, Thoma.s^] and Betsey [Le- Association for a number of years. Children : 1170* i George Edward" Dextor, b. fG Dec, 1857; m. Minnie Emmelin Graves, 24 Oct., 1878. ](;q dexter family genealogy. 1171 ii Arthur Fry* Dexter, b. 10 March, 1863; d. 14 Aug., 1864. 1172^ iii Herliert Eugene' Dexter, b. 9 Feb., 1865 ; m. Ina M. Dow, 27 Nov., 1884. 1173 iv Flora Ella* Dexter, b. 27 Jan., 1867 ; d. 2.5 March, 1868. 1174* V Mary Lizzie* Dexter, b. 19 Nov., 1869; m. Israel Newtou, 19 Oct., 1892. Child, Grace May Newton, b. 7 July, 1893. 1175 vi Lucia Frjiuccs* Dexter, b. 4 March, 1S71. 710 Dexter" Davis, son of Lney« [Benjamin^ SanmeP, Benjamiir. William-, Thomas^] Dexter and John« Davis, was born at Orange, Mass., 11 Nov., 1807, and died in 1857. He spent his early years on his father's farm and went to the district school. He married Emily Holden, a native of Orange, 27 Nov., 1828, and they bought a part of the farm from his father and made their home there until 1841. lie carried on a general store in the village in company with Otis Brooks, and at the same time farmed it to some extent. In 1811 he sold out his store and took as part pay- ment 14,000 pails, and these he shipped to New York and went there to dispose of them. He afterwards traveled through the State in search of a place to start the business of manufacturing woodenware. He finally located upon a tract near Corning, N. Y., and there he and his brothers, Daniel and Norris, went into l)usines.s. They built a mill and put men into the woods to cut the timber from which to make pails. At first they shipped these to New York by canal. After some years he sold out to his brother and moved his family into the village, where he and his son opened a grocery store. He was a man of good judgment and was held in high esteem by his neighbors. He was trial justice for several years and also held other offices. He was a IMethodist and held the office of class leader. He was a member of the Free Masons, and at his death in 1857 was buried with IMasonic honors. His widow married for her second husband Rev. iNIr. Smith of Corning, N. Y. She died 10 Nov., 1889, aged SI vears 9 months 12 days. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. IGl Three children : 1176* i Nelson Dexter'* Davis, b. in Orange, 20 Sept., 1829. ■1177 ii Elizabeth Emily" Davis, b. 30 Aug., 1831; m. Wellington Stewart of Corning, N. Y., in June, 1853; she died 26 Feb., 1855, leaving a girl baby 13 days old. 1. Elizabeth Davis'' Stewart, b. 13 Feb., 1855; never mai-- ried ; resided with her uncle Lynval in Corning. 1178 iii Lynval Amos'* Davis, b. in Orange, 15 Nov., 1834; m. Kate Bache, 1 Sept., 1865. No family. Mr. Davis was a soldier in the Civil War, and after the war settled in the oil regions in Pennsylvania, and remained there until 1890, when they retm-ned to Corning, and have resided there since. He is a carpenter by occupation. 7\\ Norris'^ Davis, son of Lucy*' [Benjamin^ SamneP, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] Dexter and John^ Davis, was born at Orange, 17 Oct., 1810, and died 1 Jnly, 1872. He married (1). Lucy Ann Howard, 30 Oct., 1831. She was born 31 July, 1811, and died 8 April, 1856. They had four chil- dren. He married (2) Mrs. Lucy Hill, 12 March, 1857. They had three children. His father, Jolui Davis, deeded him land in Athol in 1832. He also bought a tract of land in 1845 of L. P. Whit- ney, 100 acres. He bought a tract in Orange of John Davis ' in 1842. He bought a shed and the land it stood upon, near the Baptist Church in Athol, in 1838, and about this time moved into the red house east of the house of his father. In 1843 he moved to western New York and carried on the pail business Avith his brothers, Dexter and Daniel. He sold out his interest to his brother Daniel and went into the man- ufacture of cheese quite extensively. Children : * 1179* i Erastus Andrew* Davis, b. in Orange, 25 Nov., 1832. 1180 ii Philetns A.^ Davis, b. 31 May, 1835; d. 24 Feb., 1836. 1181* iii Cynthia Ann^ Davis, b. in Orange, 4 July, 1837. 1182 iv Josephine Augusta^ Davis, b. in Orange, 13 Jan., 1841; m. Andrew J. Garton, Oct., 1864; child b. 4 July, 1865; mother and child d. 23 July, 1865. 162 DEXTER FAMII.Y GENExVLOGY. 1183 • V Willie E.' Davis, b. 10 March, 1858; d. 7 March, 1861. 1184 vi George E.« Davis, b. 14 May, 1859. 1185 vii Cassie D.* Davis, b. 13 March, 1861 ; d. 25 May, 1862. 712 Narcissa' Davis, daughter of Lucy'' [Benjamin^ SamueP, Ben- jamill^ William'", Thomas'] Dexter and John« Davis, was born at Orange, ]\Iass., 30 Nov., 1812. She married John Warden of Worcester, Mass., in 1837. NARCISSA (DAVIS) WARDEN. She lived at home until her marriage, going to school in District No. G. At lier marriage she moved to Worcester and lived in the Wai'den homestead (see cut). In 1841 she and her husband moved to Norwich, Ct., but only stayed there a year. After their return they built a new house east of the old homestead (see cut). and this was their home until her death in 1891. After the decease of her husband in 1865, she continued to reside on Park Street, making a home for her children (her daughter, Abbie L. Carpenter, occupying a tenement DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 163 •iHJ!!,..nill!|!l(lli lllfM- J. WARDEN RESIDENCE. JOHN WARDEN. (Taken 1846.) ]^(34 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. in the house). She was an active member of the Methodist Church as long as health permitted. The last years of her life were years of ill health and suffering, which she bore with Christian fortitude. Her husband, John Warden, son of SamueP and Tamasin (Harrington) Warden, was born in Worcester, 13 Feb., 1814, and received his education in the public schools. He learned the business of a merchant tailor and for many WARDEN HUMKSTKAU. years carried on the business on Main Street. He was extensively engaged in real estate transactions. He was a prominent member of the Park Street Methodist Church and was instrumental in buying the land and building that church He died in 1865. Children : 1186* i Abbie Louise" Warden, b. 7 Jan., 3 840; ni. Charles Hudson Carpenter. DEXTER FAMHiY GENEALOGY. 165 1187* ii John Davis** Warden, b. 3 Doc, 1844; m. Sarah L. Nichols. 1188* iii William Albert^ Warden, b. 2 March, 1852; m. Ella M. Durfee. 7J3 DanieF Davis, son of Lucy*' [Benjamin^ Samuel^ Benjamin', William^, Thomas^] Dexter and John^ Davis, was born in Orange, Mass., 21 Jan., 1816, and died at Caton, N. Y.. 20 DANIEL DAVIS. March, 1900. He married Kuth Bates, daughter of Frank and Mary Bates of Phillipston, Mass. He spent his early days on the farm where he was born, but went South in 1838 and remained five years. In the early forties he went with his brothers, Norris and Dexter, into the centre of New York State and bought a large tract of land and built a pail manufactory, and for many years manufactured pails, which were shipped to New York IGG DEXTER FAMILY GENExVLOGY. market by canal. The business was very successful. Daniel afterwards bought the land from his brothers and for many years was a successful farmer, owning' lots Nos. 1 and 24 in Caton township. In 1844 he went to Worcester and was nuirried at the home of his sister, Narcissa Warden, to Miss Ruth Bates. RUTH, WIFE OF DANIEL DAVIS. Daniel was a man of quiet manner, of excellent judgment, and was honored by his townsmen by election to office many times. lie was for sixteen years, prior to 1880, trial justice. He was highly respected wherever he was known and lived a long and useful life. He died 20 March, 1900, aged 84 years 2 months. His wddow and three children survive him. Children : 1189* i Edwin F.' Davis, b. 28 May, 1846; m. Jennie M. Dow, 1870. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 167 HOMESTEAD OF DANIEL DAVIS. 1190* 1191* ii Lucy E.* Davis, b. 20 May, 1850; m. (1) John C. White, 20 Feb., 1870; (2) Harvey Wood, 6 Feb., 1878. iii Mary E.* Davis, b. 11 Nov., 1852; m. Frank IL Dow, 15 Sept., 1875. 714 Lucy Ann' Davis, daughter of Lucy*^ [Benjamin^ SamueH, Ben- jamin^, William", Thomas^] Dexter and Joliii'^ Davis of Orange, was born 21 Dec., 1818, and died 4 May, 1900. She married Reuel Barber of AVorcester, 10 June, 1840. He died 3 April, 1843, at the age of 32 years. She continued to live in Worcester, making a home for her son until his mar- riage, when she made her home Avith them until her death, 4 May, 1900. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church from 1839 until her death. i\[r. Reuel Barber was a carpenter by trade and was building the house on Park Street for his brother-in-law, John Warden, when he was talcen with his last sickness. He was a very earnest Christian gentleman and was a class leader in the Methodist Church at time of his death. 168 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. One child: 1192* i Henry Davis'* Barber, b. 13 Oct., 1841 ; m. Hephzibah Dexter, 10 .Time, 1867. (See vrnder Hephzibah Dexter, No. 1148.) 715 Sylvester^ Davis, son of Lucy*' [Benjamin^ SamueP, Benjamin^ William", Thomas^] Dexter and John'' Davis, was born in Orange, 8 Sept., 1822, and died 21 April, 1904. He married 18 SYLVESTER DAVIS. Jan. , 1844, Catherine Underwood Johnson of Barre, Mass. She M^as born 24 Oct., 1821, and died 9 Sept., 1893. She was the daughter of Perry and Catherine (Underwood) John- son of Barre. Sylvester was educated in the schools of the village, going to the school in District No. 6 ; he also went one year to Wil- braham Academy. He taught school one year at Somers, Conn. He first engaged in business in the general store of Dexter Davis and Otis Brooks; then went to Worcester DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 169 with the intention of learning the carpenter's trade of his brother-in-law, Reuel Barber, but Mr. Barber dying about this time, he returned to the farm, where he spent the remainder of his days. In 1843 he bought twenty- five acres of land from his father on the road from Asa Lord's to Moses Dexter 's, and at the death of his father, in 1846, he came into possession of the home farm; his mother making her home with him during the remainder of her life. He was of an inventive and mechanical turn of mind, and there were many things about his home and in the homes of his friends to remind one of the fact. He was a thrifty and enterpris- ing man and accumulated considerable property. Mr. Davis died 21 April, 1904, after a long illness, and was buried in the family lot at North Orange, and was survived by four daughters. Children : 1193* i Georgianna^ Davis, b. 2 June, 1846. 1194* ii Alfradiua" Davis, b. 6 Oct., 1849. 1195* ill Harriet* Davis, b. 16 Jan., 1851. 1196* iv Jennie E.« Davis, b. 14 March, 1854. 7J6 Phebe" Thurston, daughter of Phebe*' [Benjamin^ Samuel*, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] Dexter and Levi Thurston, was bom 20 April, 1804, and died 13 Aug., 1875. She married (1) Willard Walker of Royalston; (2) Israel Lamb of Phillipston, 1836. Children : 1197* i Sabrina' Walker, b. 10 March, 1829. 1198* ii Delina* Walker, b. 31 Jan., 1831. 1199* iii Harriet" Walker, b. 30 Dec, 1833. 1200 iv Frances M.' Lamb, b. 2 July, 1837; d. 19 Feb., 1859; m. George O. Richardson of Royalston. Mass. : he was born 16 Nov., 1836, and died 30 May, 1874 170 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY, 717 Priscilla" Thurston, daughter of Pliebe« [Benjamin^ Samuel^ Benjamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] Dexter and Levi Thurston, was born 20 April, 1804. She married Richard French, 23 Sept., 1824. He was born 23 Nov., 1800, and died 29 Sept., 1884. He was son of Adams and A/.ubah French and was a wheelwright by trade. Children : 1201 i Levi F.* French, b. 9 April, 1825; never married. Moved to California in 1849 and died there. 1202* ii Abijah' French, b. 22 Nov., 1829. 1203 iii Priscilla E.' French, b. 7 Oct., 1831; unmarried. 1204 iv Augusta' French, b. 21 Oct., 1835; d. at Worcester, 1871; m. Horace L. Jones, son of John C. Jones of Wilbraham; he vras born in 1841. No children. 1205 V Arvilla'^ French, b. 21 Oct., 1835; d. 1838. 1206* vi Maria* French, b. 15 Dec, 1839. 1207* vii Charles H.'^ French, b. 9 Nov., 1846. 718 Harriet' Thurston, daughter of Phebe^ [Benjamin^ Samuel*, Benjamin^ Willia.m^, Thomas^] Dexter and Levi Thurston, was born 6 Jan., 1806, and died 22 May, 1869. She mar- ried John Cheney of Orange. He was born 26 Feb., 1802, and died . Children : 1208 i Julia Ann** Cheney, b. 20 July, 1827; d. 2 Sept., 1834. 1209 ii John Humphrey' Cheney, b. 16 Aug., 1831; m. Elmira Howard, 1856. 1210 iii Laura Ann' Cheney, b. 3 March, 1836; m. James Swift, 1855. 1211 iv Nathan Parmenter' Cheney, b. 23 Aug., 1838; m. Caroline Wheeler. 719 Susan^ Thurston, daughter of Phebe*' [Ben,iamin% Samuel^ Benjamin''. William-, Thomas^] Dexter and Levi Thurston, DEXTER FAMILY GENEi\1.0GY. 171 was born in Orano'c, 8 Jan., 1808. She married Ira Whit- ney of Athol. lie was born 30 July, 1807. Children : 1212* i George W.» Whitney, b. 3 May, 1833. 1213* ii Nathan H.« Whitney, b. 9 Feb., 1835. 1214* iii Levi 1." Whitney, b. in Athol, 1 Nov., 1836. 1215 iv Parish H." Whitney, b. 5 Sept., 1838; m. Victoria Bronson, 1 June, 1863. One child: Zelin M." Whitney, b. 1865. 1216* V Mira M.« Whitney, b. 19 June, 1842. 1217 vi Susan H.-" Whitney, b. 15 April, 1844; ni. John Dalton of Tabor, Iowa, 1874. 1218 vii Lydia S." Whitney, b. 18 Nov., 1845; ni. Orrin C. Havok, 29' Oct., 1869. 1219 viii Ira H." Whitney, b. 14 July, 1849; m. Lizzie A. Eogers, 1873. She was b. 1853. 720 Levi Thurston^ Ball, son of Phebe*' [Ben.^anlin^ Samuel*, Ben- ,jamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] Dexter and Fordyce Ball, was born in 1811. He married Almira Adams. Four children: 1220 i Phebe Ann" Ball; died young. 1221 ii Maria Almira^ Ball; m. Louis C. Ells. 1222* iii John Levi« Ball; b. . 1223* iv Joseph Elijah'' Ball, b. . 721 Elijah^ Ball, son of Phebe« [Benjamin^ SamueP, Benjamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] Dexter and Fordyce Ball, was born in 1813. He married Sarah Clark. . Two children : 1224 - i Mary Frances' Ball, b. 1 Dec, 1843 ; m. George E. Whittum, One child: Bertha Hastings" Whittmn. 1225 ii George Elijah* Ball; m. (1) Hattie Eeese (one child, Pauline Sarah" Ball); (2) Fanny J. Eaton. 272 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 722 Hyder Alley' Ball, son of Phebe'' [Ben3amin^ SamueP, Benja- min^ Willianr, Thomas^] Dexter and Fordyce Ball, was born in 1815. He married Frances E. W. Johnson. Four children : 1226* i Albert H.* Ball, b. . 1227 ii Lucy Maria' Ball, b. ; m. Sanford L. Nestell. Two chil- dren: James Nestell, Frances Nestell. 1228 iii Louis Caleb' Ball, b. ; m. (1) Lucy ; (2) Bertha Kay. One child: Eay Ball. 1229 iv Frank William' Ball, b. ; m. Nellie Carmen. Three children: Harry Ball, Jay Ball, Floyd Ball. 723 Joseph Gilbert" Ball, son of Phebe^ [Benjamin^ Samuel*, Ben- jamin^ William^, Thomas^] Dexter and Fordyce Ball, was born in Orange, 28 May, 1817. He married (1) Esther Preble, who Avas born in Anson, Me., 24 June, 1821, and died 22 Oct., 1856 ; two children, born in Boston. He mar- ried (2) Cornelia M. Wiley, born in AVeston, 18 March, 1832; six children. Children : 1230 i Esther Elizabeth' Ball, b. in Boston, 6 Sept., 1849; m. Even E. McPherson. One child: Eoss McPherson. 1231 ii Joseph Appleton' Ball, b. in Boston, 15 Nov., 1853; m. Annie B. McPherson. Three children: Joseph Norman Ball, Edith Preble Ball, Bertha Buckner Ball. 1232 iii James Henry' Ball, b. in Boston, 22 Nov., 1858; m. (1) Stella Judson (one son, Herbert James Ball) ; (2) Minnie Lincoln. 1233 iv Harry Perkins' Ball, b. in Boston, 18 Nov., 1861; m. Esther A. Dow. One child: Constance Lincoln Ball. 1234 V Elijah' Ball, b. in Boston, 14 Sept., 1863; on. Clara A. Peter- son. One child: Eobert Elijah Ball. 1235 vi Aaron Lawrence' Ball, b. in Cambridge, 12 Nov., 1866; m. Lillie C. Mark. Two children: Mary Adaline Ball, Euth Ball. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 173 1236 vii Benjamin Franklin" Ball, b. in Cambridge, 14 Oct., 1869; d. 13 June, 1874. 1237 viii Samuel Wiley* Ball, b. 10 Feb., 1876. 724 Joanna" Ball, daughter of Pliebe'' [Benjamin^ Samuel^, Benja- min^ William^, Thomas^] Dexter and Fordyce Ball, was born 20 May, 1820, at Orange, Mass. She married Houghton Hall, at Orange, 26 July, 1849. She died 13 Aug., 1862. She lived at home in her earlier years, but was working in Boston in 1844. Children : 1238 i Willard Houghton^ Hall, b. in Troy, N. Y., 7 May, 1850; d. 12 July, 18.51. 1239* ii Sarah Elizabeth^ Hall, b. in Troy, N. Y., 6 May, 1852. 1240 iii George Chandler^ Hall, b. in Troy, N. Y., 22 May, 1855; d. in Hardwick, 14 Jan., 1860. 1241 iv Josephine Augusta" Hall, b. in Hardwick, 20 Nov., 1858; d. in Hardwick, 29 Sept., 1860. 1242 V Jeunie Louisa^ Hall, b. in Hardwick, 30 July, 1861; d. 6 Feb., 1862. 726 Wilson^ Wheeler, son of Betsey*' [Benjamin^ SamueP, Benja- min^ William-, Thomas^] Dexter and Zaccheus Wheeler, was born at Orange, Mass., 5 Oct., 1804, and died in 1887. He was educated in the village where he was born, remain- ing there until he was of age. He then went to Worces- ter, where he worked at his trade as carpenter, and there met Miss Catherine Holmes Warden, and in 1830 they were married and removed to Orange, where they remained until their decease, except a short time when they lived in Winchendon, where their daughter Sarah was born. At one time they lived in the west part of the to^vn near the Warwick line, while he superintended the building of the 174 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. bridge at Wendell Depot. While here, Eliza and Evelena were born. They built a house on East Main Street, and here the other children were born. In the later years of his life he lived on the farm where John W. Wheeler's sum- WILSON WHEELER. mer home now is. His wife died 2 Aug., 1876, aged 71 years. He was a man of affairs and was often called upon to administer estates of deceased persons. He held the office of deputy sheriff of Franklin County from 1852 to 1867. He died at Orange, 26 Dec, 1887, aged 83 years 2 months. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 175 Children : 1243 i Catherine Elizabeth'* Wheeler, b. in Orange, 6 Feb., 1831; m. George P. Clark (widower), 26 Sept., 1860. He died 28 Jan., 1893. They had no children. She now lives in Winchendon. 1244* ii John Wilson'* Wheeler, b. 20 Xov., 1832. CATHERINE (WARDEN) WHEELER. 1245* iii 1246* iv 1247 V 1248* vi 1249* vii 1250* viii 1251 ix Sarah Warden** Wheeler, b. 23 Nov., 1834. Erastiis Otis^ Wheeler, b. 27 Oct., 1836. Emily Davis'' Wheeler, b. 26 Sept., 1838; d. 24 Dec, 1887, Francis Dexter** Wheeler, b. 28 June, 1840. Eliza Ann'* Wheeler, b. 16 June, 1842. Evelena Jane** Wheeler, b. 20 Aug., 1843. Nancy Maria' Wheeler, b. 3 Jan., 1845; d. 28 Aug., 1848. 176 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 727 Betsey^ Wheeler, daughter of Betsey^ [Benjamin^ Samuel^ Benjamin", Williairr, Thomas^] Dexter and Zaceheus Wheeler, was born at Orange, Mass., 21 Jan., 1807, and died at Millbury, Mass., 2 Dec, 1883. She married Simon Brown Poland of Winchendon, Mass., 28 Feb., 1829. MRS. S. B. POLAND (BETSEY W.). Simon Brown Poland, son of William Poland and Betsey (Brown) Poland, w^as born at Winchendon, Mass., on the first day of June, 1802. He was the youngest of eleven children. He was brought up on his father's farm and attended the district school, as w^as the custom in those days, acquiring the usual edu- cation of a farmer boy of that period. At an early age he learned the carpenter's trade, in which he engaged while not otherwise occupied on his father's farm. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 177 He married, 28 Feb., 1829, and soon after acquired a farm of his own at Winchendon, Mass. Here all of his ten children were born. In the fall of 1854 he removed with his family to j\Iill- bury, Mass., where he acquired another farm. One of his aims in moving to Millbury was to secure a better educa- tion for his children. SIMON B. POLAND. In 1865 he sold his farm at Millbury and i-eturned with his family to Winchendon, where he continued to reside until 1870. Ill that year he again removed his family to Millbury, where he remained until his death, 20 Feb., 1873. While a resident both of Millbury and Winchendon, he served at different times as Prudential Committee of the school district, and also as a member of the Board of Over- seers of the Poor. Throughout his life he was universally beloved as well as respected hy all who knew him. He was distinpiiished 1253* ii 1254* iii 1255* iv 1256* V 1257* vi 1258* vii 1259* viii 1260* ix 1261* X 178 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. for his sturdy industry, his high civic integrity and his ineoriniptible honesty. He was buried in the Riverside Cemetery in Winchendon, Mass. Children : 1252 i Wheeler' Poland, b. 1 Oct., 1830; m. Lucy E. Newton, 6 April, 1854; she was born in Eoyalston, 12 June, 1828, and died 14 Aug., 1904. No children. Sarah Maria* Poland, b. 1 July, 1832. iii Mary Elizabetli* Poland, b. 3 Feb., 1834. Charles Townsend' Poland, b. 11 Feb., 1836. Julia Augusta* Poland, b. 16 Nov., 1838. Ellen Gracia* Poland, b. 24 Nov., 1840. Emma Olive* Poland, b. 7 Oct., 1842. Martin L.* Poland, b. 24 Aug., 1845. Stella E.* Poland, b. 8 Aug., 1848. Addison B.* Poland, b. 26 March, 1851. Samuel Poland (perhaps the son of John, who was killed in 1677) was in Ipswich as early as 1690, for he took part in the expedition to Canada in 1690, for which he afterwards received a grant of land in Ipswich, Canada (Winchendon). He was allowed to keep his horses on the com- mon, 1697; was freeman, 1707; was grantee of tovm of Winchendon, 1737, but did not move there; was killed by falling from a tree in 1747. In 1712 he and James Poland were signers to a petition for a separate pre- cinct, and he was on the committee to build the new church. He had at least two sons, Joseph and Nathaniel, for in 1761 they sold his right in the land at Winchendon to Charles Tuttle. Joseph Poland, son of above Sanxiel, was born in 1702 or 1703 at Ipswich, and died in 1798. He married Elizabeth . They must have had two sons, William and Samuel, for they bought the farm at Winchendon together in 1786, Samuel in 1806 selling his half to William. William Poland, son of Joseph, was bom in Ipswich, 6 April, 1757, and removed to Winchendon in 1788. He married Betsey Brown in 1762, and they had eleven children, Simon Brown Poland being the youngest. 728 Rev. John Wesley' Wheeler, son of Betsey^ [Benjamin^ Samuel^ Benjamin', William-, Thomas^] Dexter and Zac- cheus Wheeler, was born in 1811. He married Nancy Foster of Grafton. He was a Methodist minister. One child : 1262 i Nancy N.* Wheeler, b. 1838. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 179 73J Eliza Ann' Wheeler, daughter of Betsey^ [Benjamin^ Samuel*, Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] Dexter and Zaccheus Wheeler, was born at Orange, Mass., 4 Oct., 1820, and died at Worcester, 17 Dec, 1896. She married Samuel Morse of Royalston, Mass. He was born at Royalston, 23 July, 1816, and died at Worcester, 30 Oct., 1876. He was a carpenter and builder by trade and followed that occupation in Roy- alston, Winchendon and Worcester. Children : 1263 i Everett Larue* Morse, b. at Royalston, Jan., 1844; d. 28 Feb., 1844. 1264 ii Everett Augustus* Morse, b. in Eoyalston, 10 June, 1845 ; m. at Worcester, 14 Oct., 1876, Josie Maria Paine, daughter of Francis and Nancy Paine of South Franklin, Mass. They now reside at Worcester, and have no children. 1265 iii Sarah Jane* Morse, b. in Winchendon, Mass., 17 March, 1847; m. Thomas Edward Noyes of Worcester, son of Thomas and Mary (Stone) Noyes of Holliston, Mass., 1 Jan., 1870. They now reside at Rutland, Mass., and have no children. 1266* iv Maria Angela* Morse, b. in Winchendon, Mass., 16 Sept., 1850. 1267* V Elnora* Morse, b. in Worcester, 26 Oct., 1855. 1268* vi Emma Elizabeth* Morse, b. in Worcester, 13 Dec, 1858. 1269* vii Charles S.* Morse, b. at Worcester, 15 Sept., 1861; m. (1) Ella B. Osborn (one child, Florence Gertrude Morse, b. 26 Feb., 1891); m. (2) Charlotte A. Townsend. 1270 viii Alice Bertha* Morse, b. in Worcester, 4 July, 1868; un- married. Resides at Richmond, Ind. 732 George Warren' Wheeler, son of Betsey^ [Benjamin^ Samuel*, Benjamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] Dexter and Zaccheus Wheeler, was born at Orange, 19 Oct., 1826. He married Miriam Fales Titcomb of Bangor, Me., 9 Sept., 1853. She was born 5 Sept., 1834, at Bangor, Me. In early life Mr. Wheeler was in the hotel business in Cincinnati. He purchased Island No. 24 in the Mississippi 180 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. River, and farmed it; he also cut off the wood. He also had a large number of government horses under his con- trol. Owing to the island being washed away by the action of the river, he moved to Missouri, where he sold off most of his stock and engaged in- the grocery business for a time. Later he went into the hotel business and has been engaged in it the rest of his active business life. Children : 1271 i Charles Alexander^ Wheeler, b. in Cincinnati, Ohio, 24 Dec, 1858; m. Gertrude Bailey Whipple, 1 Jan., 1902. 1272 ii Eugenia Fales' Wheeler, b. 30 Dec, 1860; d. 22 Aug., 1890; m. George W. Smith, 18 Oct., 1877. Two children: Edith E. Smith, b. 6 May, 1880; Lillien E. Smith, b. 21 Jan., 1882. 1273 iii Susan Grace^ Wheeler, b. on Island No. 24, Mississippi Eiver, 18 Sept., 1863. Now resides at Worcester. 759 Loring'^ Dexter, son of Luke" [Ephraim^, Ephraim"*, Benjamin^, William", Thomas^] and Joanna [Pierce] Dexter, was born 1 April, 1804, and died 5 Oct., 1882. He married (1) Achsah Dexter, 29 Nov., 1827 : five children, born in Fair- " haven, Mass.; (2) Keziah Holmes, 28 Sept., 188fi : two chil- dren, born in Fairhaven, Mass. Children : 1274* i Achsah L.'' Dexter, b. 12 May, 1838; d. 5 Sept., 1902. 1275 ii Joanna P.' Dexter, b. 27 Jan., 1840; d. 6 Nov., 1903. 1276 iii Clement B." Dexter, b. 29 July, 1842; m. Annie Lee, 1 June, 1881. Two children : Clara A. Dexter, born and died in 1882; Grace E. Dexter, b. in Chicago, 8 May, 1885. 1277 iv Mary D. T.^ Dexter, b. 3 Nov., 1844; m. Horace L. Wood, 21 May, 1867. One child: Lewis S. Wood, b. 1868; d. 1882. 1278 V Abiel P. U." Dexter, b. 30 Aug., 1846; m. Minerva Fountain, 30 Jan., 1871. 1279* vi Keziah L.« Dexter, b. 16 Sept., 1828; d. 16 Aug., 1902. 1280* vii Obadiah D.* Dexter, b. 12 March, 1832; d. 12 Aug., 1871. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 181 760 Gilmore'^ Dexter, son of Luke'' [Ephraim^, Ephraini^, Benja- min^ William-, Thomas^] and Joanna [Pierce] Dexter, was born 7 Ang., 1807, and died 13 April, 1877. He married (1) Lucy A. Wing, 22 Dec, 1828; (2) Mary Andrews. He was a caulker by trade, and in later life lived on his farm and supplied the market with vegetables. Four children, born in Eochester, Mass. : 1281 i James F.» Dexter, b. 5 April, 1830; d. 1850. 1282 ii William P.^ Dexter, b. 14 Jan., 1832; d. Jvme, 1897; m. Eliz- abeth Bennett, 2 Nov., 1853. He was a caiUker by trade and spent most of his life in New York, returning to New Bed- ford a few years before his death. 1283 iii Luke* Dexter, b. May, 1833; m. Nancy Durfee, 1853. Two children: Ada M. Dexter, b. 1855, d. 1892; James F. Dex- ter, b. • — — . 1284 iv Sarah F.^ Dexter, b. 11 April, 1841; m. (1) Charles H. W. Jenney, 29 Sept., 1857; (2) Albert Shaw. 764 Christina R.' Dexter, daughter of Luke^ [Ephraim\ Ephraim^ Benjamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] and Joanna [Pierce] Dex- ter, was born 27 March, 1815, and died 8 Feb., 1900. She married Seth Cowen, 16 Feb., 1834. Fourteen children, all born in Rochester, ]\Iass. : 1285 i Sophronia D." Cowen, b. 26 Jan., 1835; d. 23 Oct., 1874; m. Joshua L. Macomber, 15 May, 1853. 1286 ii Lydia P.' Cowen, b. 22 Sept., 1836; d. 2 Feb., 1837. 1287 iii Deborah D. L.* Cowen, b. 25 May, 1838; d. 29 April, 1847. 1288 iv Lidora S.'* Cowen, b. 20 April, 1840; m. Charles Hall, 4 Oct., 1856. 1289 V Lydia P.' Cowen, b. 29 Oct., 1841 ; m. Darius Wescott, 27 Jan., 1858. 1290 vi Seth L.« Cowen, b. 11 Sept., 1843; m. Elvira B. Abbott, 22 Jan., 1864. 1291 vii Mary W.** Cowen, b. 2 Nov., 1846; m. Orris P. Huntley, 17 March, 1867. 182 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1292 viii William P.« Cowen, b. 18 July, 1848; d. 17 Aug., 1853. 1293 ix Joshua M.* Coweu, b. 23 March, 1851; m. Kittie Compton, 19 Feb., 1897. 1294 X James F.* Cowen, b. 20 Jan., 1853; m. Sarah Aired, 3 March, 1883. 1295 xi Lorenzo* Cowen, b. 9 Dec, 1854; d. 11 Dec, 1854. 1296 xii Charles' Cowen, b. 5 Sept., 1856; d. 2 Nov., 1856. 1297 xiii Abner' Cowen, b. 7 Nov., 1858; d. 19 July, 1861. 1298 xiv George* Cowen, b. 7 Feb., 1861; d. 20 Sept., 1861. 765 Lorenzo D.^ Dexter, son of Luke*^ fEphraim^ Ephraim^ Ben- jamm^ William-, Thomas^]' and Joanna C. [Pierce] Dex- ter, was born 17 Nov., 1828, and died 16 June, 1853. She married Lurana K. Braley, 4 Aug., 1846. Two children, born in New Bedford, Mass. : 1299 i Addie L.* Dexter, b. 9 Jan., 1852; m. Caleb Babcock, 25 Sept., 1878. 1300 ii Joan C Dexter, b. ; m. Paul Hathaway, 7 Dec, 1869. 769 Captain Leonard SJ Dexter, son of Ephraim^ [Ephraim^ Ephraim^ Benjamin^ William'-, Thomas^] and Rachel [Snow] Dexter, was born 26 Jan., 1811, and died 18 May, 1853. . He married Sarah Childs, 30 June, 1837. He was a captain of whaling vessels and made many successful voyages. He died while at sea. Two children, born in Falmouth : 1301 i Edward T.* Dexter, b. 15 March, 1840; d. 2 Oct., 1868. Went to sea with his father and was with him when he died. 1302 ii Henry M.* Dexter, b. 19 Jan., 1844. 770 Calvin'^ Dexter, son of Ephraim^ [Ephraim^ Ephraim^ Benja- min^ William^, Thomas^] and Rachel [Snow] Dexter, was 1304 ii 1305 iii 1306 iv 1307 V DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 183 born 9 Nov., 1812, and died 25 March, 1867. He married Eunice K. Southworth, 25 Aug., 1853. He was a whaling captain and conniianded several vessels in the whale fish- ery. He was successful, and when he retired he made his home in South Dartmouth, Mass. Children, born in Dartmouth, Mass. : 1303 i Elizabeth W.^ Dexter, b. 25 Dec, 1854; m. Ward W. Hart, 26 Oct., 1875. One child: Edward Dexter Hart, b. 3 Nov., 1876. Mr. Hart runs express between Boston and Woburn. Edward S." Dexter, b. 23 June, 1859; d. 9 Aug., 1879. Calvin S." Dexter, b. 23 June, 1859; d. 25 Sept., 1860. Eachel S." Dexter, b. 21 March, 1861; d. 3 Oct., 1879. Calvin H.« Dexter, b. 27 Feb., 1862; d. 26 Oct., 1882. 772 Lewis' Dexter, son of Ephraim" [Ephraim^ Ephraim^, Benja- min% William^, Thomas^] and Rachel [Snow] Dexter, was born 16 Oct., 1820. He married Martha Robbins. He was a house carpenter and worked in New Bedford many years, and for several years during the last of his life he resided in New York. Children, born in New Bedford, Mass. : 1308 i Mary E.^ Dexter, b. 5 Aug., 1844; m. Isaac S. Lanigave, 7 Dec, 1868. 1309 ii Albertina E.' Dexter, 1 Jan., 1852; m. Charles Smith, 20 April, 1869. 1310 iii Eunica' Dexter, b. 31 July, 1854; m. Charles E. Eolston, 2 July, 1876. 1311 iv Lewis L." Dexter, b. 10 June, 1855. 1312 v Gideon L." Dexter, b. 31 May, 1858 ; m. Susan Forbes, 22 Feb., 1881. One son: William, b. Nov., 1884. 1313* vi William H.^ Dexter, b. 4 Oct., 1860; m. Mary P. White, 14 April, 1880. 1314 vii Charles E.* Dexter, b. 18 Aug., 1862; m. Mamie Copeman, 1883. Two children: Elizabeth A. Dexter, b. 3 Jan., 1884; George E. Dexter, b. June, 1886. 1315 viii Albion E.^ Dexter, b. 24 July, 1864. 134 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 773 Ainsworth^ Dexter, son of Ephraim*^ [Ephraim^ Ephraim^ Belljamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Rachel [Snow] Dexter, was born 27 Jan., 1823. He married Pliebe C. Coffin, 15 June, 1847. He was a house carpenter, also worked several years at building cars. He was a member of the firm of Euggles & Dexter. Children, born in New Bedford : 1316 i Eliza C.^ Dexter, b. 24 June, 1848; m. Edward R. Lawrence, 19 Oct., 1873. One child: Cornelia Ainsworth Lawrence, b. 17 Oct., 1880. 1317 . ii Howard N.* Dexter, b. 24 Aug., 1850 ; m. Sarah J. Eaton, 5 Aug., 1873. One child: Sarah H. Dexter, b. 7 June, 1874. Foreman in cutting department in a large shoe factory in New Bedford. 1318 iii Arthur A.« Dexter, b. 16 Feb., 1867; m. Grace Gardner, 24 Dec, 1890. No children. 1319 iv Carrie A.^ Dexter, b. 9 Nov., 1868; d. 12 Nov., 1903. 774 . . ' Harriet' Dexter, daughter of Ephraim*^ [Ephraim% Ephraim*, Benjamin^ AVilliam', Thomas^] and Rachel [Snow] Dexter, was born 13 Dec, 1817, and died 6 April, 1901. She mar- ried (1) Daniel H. Kendrick, 9 July, 1839. He died 23 Oct., 1879. Married (2) William A. Barlow, 27 April, 1884. Children, born in Sandwich, Mass. : 1320* i Henry H.« Kendrick, b. 13 Oct., 1840; d. 12 Oct., 1884. 1321* ii Rachel S." Kendrick, b. 9 April, 1843. 1322 iii • Daniel H." Kendrick, Jr., b. 5 Jan., 1846; m. (1) Adeliza Boyden Lambert, 23 May, 1869; (2) Sarah Biu't Eames, 27 July, 1877. One child: Beulah B. Kendrick, b. 27 Aug., 1885. 1323* iv Harriet L.» Kendrick, b. 18 May, 1851 ; d. 26 Oct., 1886. 1324* V Horace L.« Kendrick, b. 27 Dec, 1853. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 185 775 Warren" Dexter, son of Gideon'' [Epliraim^, Ephraim^, Ben- jamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Maiy Dexter, was born 30 Oct., 1805, and died 11 Feb., 1880. He married Sophia Nye, 3 May, 1830. He was a ship carpenter by trade, and went one season to Florida after live oak timber. In later life he was a farmer. Two children, born in Rochester : 1325 i Henry W.^ Dexter, b. 4 Oct., 1833. 1326 ii Melintha C.« Dexter, b. 31 July, 1836; d. 23 May, 1889; m. Nathaniel P. Hiller, 27 Nov., 18.54. Two children: Sophia W. Hiller, b. 19 Jan., 18.5.5 (married Charles B. Pierce, 13 April, 1878); Esther E. Hiller, b. 10 July, 1856; m. in 1876. 776 Samuel" Dexter, son of Gideon'' [Ephraim^, Ephraim^, Ben- jamin^ William-, Thomas^] and IVIary Dexter, was born 16 Nov., 1807, and died Sept., 1885. He married Lydia Dexter. He was a caulker, also carried on a small farm, which was a part of the original Dexter land. Two children, born in Rochester, ]\Iass. : 1327* i Ephraini A.« Dexter, b. 3 Jan., 1834. 1328* ii SamueP Dexter, Jr., b. 28 Nov., 1835. 777 Lurana^ Dexter, daughter of Gideon'' [Ephraim^, Ephraim^, Ben,iamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Mary Dexter, was born Sept., 1809, and died 25 June, 1891. She married Ivory Snow, 2d, 26 July, 1829. Children : 1329 i James M." Snow, b. Mattapoisett, 1831; d, 24 May, 1878; m. Louisa M. Perkins, 19 Oct., 1851. -.ng DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. . 1330 ii Sumner D." Snow, b. 1833; d. 12 Sept., 1880; m. L. Amanda Davenport, 4 Jan., 1864. 1331 hi Mary D.« Snow, b. 1836; m. Burbank S. Goodspeed, 5 Oct., 1856. 1332 iv Lydia H." Snow, b. 1840; m. Hiram H. Goodspeed, 20 Jan., 1333 V Sarali' A.« Snow, b. 1842; m. George W. Edwards, 27 Oct., 1861. 1334 vi Rufus A.« Snow, b. 1845; m. Nettie Goodspeed, 3 May, 1868. 1335 vii George Albert^ Snow, b. 1850; d. 6 Aug., 1851. 778 Ephraim^ Dexter, son of Gideon^ [F.phraim^ Ephraim^ Ben- .iarain^ WilliamS Thomas'^] and Mary Dexter, was born 1 Oct.', 1811. He married Laura A. Snow, daughter of James 'and Hannah (Sherman) Snow, 29 Feb., 1843. He learned the caulker's trade. He went two voyages whaling, and was once shipwrecked. In later years he carried on the farm which was a part of the original Dexter land. Four children, born in Rochester : i Oscar F.« Dexter, b. 6 April, 1845; d. 12 Sept., 1846. 1336 1337* ii Sarah A.^ Dexter, b. 21 Dec, 1847, 1338 1339 iii Philander E.« Dexter, b. 6 Nov., 1849; d. 24 Nov., I860, iv Phebe A.^ Dexter, b. 11 May, 1856; d. 26 July, I860. 779 Calvin^ Dexter, son of Gideon" [Ephraim^ EphraimS Ben- jamin^ William", Thomas^] and Mary Dexter, was born 25 Sept., 1813, and died 2 May, 1886. He married Cath- erine Caswell, 18 May, 1848. He was a ship carpenter, work- ing at this trade many years. He went South for live oak timber for ship building. He was also engaged in coast- ing trade for several years. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. .187 CALViN UEXTEK. One child: 1340* i William C.'* Dexter, b. in Eochester, 30 June, 1851; m. Mary J. Faunce, 14 Nov., 1877. 780 John^ Dexter, 2d, son of Crideon*' [Ephraira^ Ephraim^ Ben- jamin^ William-, Thomas^] and ]\Iary Dexter, was born 13 Feb., 1816, and died 26 July, 1880. He married Han- nah S. Dexter, 12 March, 1839. He learned the trade of a caulker and worked at it many years. He spent one winter in the South getting live oak timlier for ship building. He owned a part of the original tract of Benjamin Dexter land, being that part where the first mill stood. Three children, born in Rochester: 1341* i John S.' Dexter, b. 3 March, 1843. 1342* ii Eobert L." Dexter, b. 9 Feb., 1847; m. Kate M. Luce, 1 Sept.,. 1872. No children, 1343* iii James L.« Dexter, b. 11 Nov., 1850. 188 . DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. HANNAH S. DEXTEK. Wife of John Dexter. 781 Gideon' Dexter, son of Gideon« [Epliraim% EphraimS Ben- jamin% Willianr, Thomas^] and IMary Dexter, was born 24 May, 1818, and died 24 Oct., 1883. He married (1) Jane C. Dexter, 11 April, 1842; (2) Cyntliia (Nye) Dex- ter, 12 Dec., 1857. He was a ship carpenter, and in later years worked in the teaming business and canned on a small farm. Three children, born in Rochester, Mass.; two by first wife and one by second: 1344 i Ellen A.* Dexter, b. 20 May, 1845; d. 23 Jan., 1846. 1345 ii Willie H." Dexter, b. 9 June, 1849; d. 16 Sept., 1849. 1346* iii Ellen W.' Dexter, b. 11 Nov., 1859; m. Joseph Hiller, 17 Nov., 1880. Two children: Nellie M. Hiller, b. 5 April, 1882, m. Charles P. Nye, 24 Dec, 190:^; Carrie Edna Hiller, b. 18 Nov., 1885, ni. William D. Campbell, 3 Sept., 1904. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 189 785 Thomas' Dexter, son of Thomas^ [Ephraim^ Ephraim*, Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Hannah [Luce] Dex- ter, was born 7 April, 1826, and died 6 Aug., 1898, at New York. He married (1) Mary Lucy, 30 Nov., 1858 (she died 5 Oct., 1872) ; five children, born in Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar- ried (2) Amy Lucy, 1 Feb., 1874; one child, born in Brook- l}Ti, N. Y. Was a pilot in New York Harbor. Children : 1347 . i Mary A.^* Dexter, b. 1 Feb., 1860 ; d. 13 July, 1860. 1348 ii Linda ^Y.^ Dexter, b. Feb., 1861; m. C. W. Cory, 1883. 1349 iii Isabella F.' Dexter, b. 1864; m. George F. Bentley, 1886. 13.50 iv Lillian L.* Dexter, b. 1868. 1351 V Thomas A." Dexter, b. 1870. 1352 vi Frank H.^ Dexter, b. 1875. 787 Benjamin F." Dexter, son of Thomas'^ [Ephraim% Ephraim^ Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Hannah [Luce] Dex- ter, was born 80 Jan., 1828. He married (1) Sarah Hil- ler, 2 Nov., 1851: (2) Mary Josephine Kelley, 5 Sept., 1893. He was a ship-builder and worked at it many years in Mattapoisett and elsewhere. He made one trip South for live oak timber. Two children, liy first ^vife, born in Rochester: 1353 i Hannah J.'^ Dexter, b. 10 Sept., 1S56; m. Asa R. Swift, 1 Xov., 1883. 1354 ii Elwood W.' Dexter, b. in Mattapoisett, 24 May, 1858; m. Hat- tie S. Lettenmayer, 24 July, 1888. He is a house carpenter and resides in East Mattapoisett, Mass. Two children: Elwood W. Dexter, Jr., b. 6 April, 1889; d. 1902; Harold S. Dexter, b. 9 Sept., 1890. 788 Alexander' Dexter, son of Thomas^ [Ephraim^, Ephraim*, Benjamin\ William^, Thomas^] and Hannah [Luce] Dex- ]^90 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. ter, was born 12 May, 1831. He married Betsey R. Nye, 28 July, 1856. He was a New York Harbor and Sandy Hook pilot for many yeai-s. Later in life he came to Mat- tapoisett to live. Children : 1355 i Myra C* Dexter, b. iu Mattapoisett, 30 May, 1860; m. Samuel A. Earle, 15 April, 1877. 1356 ii Albert IJ Dexter, b. in Fall Eiver, 31 Jan., 1862. 1357 iii Carrie R." Dexter, b. Mattapoisett, 15 Aug., 1864. 1358 iv Amy L.* Dexter, b. in Fall River, 12 .July, 1867. 1359 V Alexander' Dexter, b. in Brooklyn, 22 Dec, 1870. 1360 vi Bessie N.** Dexter, b. 8 Oct., 1874; m. Abner Harlow. 1361 vii Kate F.' Dexter, b. 28 April, 1877; m. Nathan S. Menrlall. 1362 viii Richard* Dexter, b. 29 Jan., 1880. 789 Jason 1.J Dexter, son of Thomas^ [Ephraim% EphraimS Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Hannah [Luce] Dex- ter, was born 17 Jime, 1835. He married Lizzie Luce, 21 June, 1857. He was born at Mattapoisett, but has been for the last forty years a resident -of Edgartown, Mass. He has occupied the position of deputy sheriff of Martha's Vine- yard and chief of police of Cottage City for many years, and is well and favorably known to summer visitors at Cot- tage City as well as his neighbors. Four children, born in Edgartown: 1363 i Lizzie A." Dexter, b. April, 1858; m. Lieut. W. A. Failing, 3 Nov., 1879. One child: Louise T. Failing, b. 7 Aug., 1883. 1364 ii Thomas A.^ Dexter, b. 31 Aug., 1859; m. Gertrude L. Ripley, 15 April, 1885. Two children: Walstein Dexter, b. Aug., 1886; . Carlton Dexter, b. 5 Jan., 1889. Mr. Dexter is now a member of State Police. 1365 iii Clarence C* Dexter, b. 24 Oct., 1865; m. Flla L. Mayhue, 27 Nov., 1902. One child: Elsie F." Dexter, b. 6 Jan., 1904. 1366 iv Frank M." Dexter, b. 29 March, 1867; m. Kate A. Parlin, 25 Oct., 1892. One child: Elizabeth P. Dexter, b. 1 Jan., 1894. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 191 791 Henry A." Dexter, son of Thomas" [Ephraim", Ephraim^, Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Hannah [Luce] Dex- ter, was born at Mattapoisett, 7 Oct., 1840. lie went to the public schools for a few years, but at the age of four- teen made his first voyage whaling in the barque Sarah, Captain Handy, sailing from ^lattapoisett. He made seven voyages in all. In 1863 he went to California wdth John Dexter Bolles, and returned in 1865. In 1866 he was married to Priscilla J. Jenney of Marion. They made their home at the old homestead in Mattapoisett, but in 1872 they moved with their family to Fall River. For a .short time he was night watchman at the Stafford Mill. He was appointed on the police force for night duty, but was soon transferred to the day force. He served two years as captain of the night force. In 1879 Mr. Dexter applied for a position on the Massa- chusetts District Police force as a factory inspector and criminal officer, and was appointed by Gov. Thomas Tal- bot for three years. In 1882 he was reappointed by Gov. John D. Long for three years. In 1883 he was removed by Gov. B. F. Butler for political reasons, but was again appointed by Gov. George D. Robinson in 1884; by Gov. Oliver Ames in 1887; by Gov. J. Q. A. Brackett in 1890; by Gov. William E. Russell in 1893. In 1885 there was a murder committed in Wareham, by a man by the name of Samuel Besse, on an egg peddler by the name of Lawton, from Westport. Mr. Dexter was detailed to investigate the case and was the means of con- victing Besse of the crime, for which he was hanged in Ply- mouth jail. As a man and officer he was well liked and made many friends. He passed out of this life in the town of his birth, in 1894, at the age of 54 years. Six children : 1367 i Susan J.* Dexter, b. 9 Feb., 1867. 1368 ii Benjamin F.* Dexter, b. 6 Dec, 1871; ni. E. Gertrude Monks, 16 Aug., 1892. 192 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1369 iii Henry A." Dexter, Jr., b. 22 March, 1876; m. Minerva E. Wakem, 11 Nov., 1897. One son: Milton I., b. 29 May, 1898. 1370 iv Charles T.'* Dexter, b. 22 Feb., 1879; d. 16 July, 1882. 1371 V Lewis^ Dexter, b. 22 Feb., 1882; d. 23 July, 1882. 1372 vi Lawrence'' Dexter, Ij. 2 Marcli, 1885. 803 Freeman^ Dexter, son of Alden'' [Ephraim^, Ephraim^ Ben- jamin^ William'-, Thomas^] and Lucy [Barrows] Dexter, was born 1 Aug., 1812, and died 23 Sept., 1864. He mar- ried Isabella Gordon, 28 Oct., 1838. He was an expert painter and grainer. Five children, born in New Bedford: 1373 i George F.* Dexter, b. 5 June, 1839 ; d. 27 Sept., 1842. 1374 ii Isabella F.^ Dexter, b. 30 May, 1841; d. 2 Oct., 1842. 1375* iii William A.' Dexter, b. 14 Aug., 1843; d. 30 Nov., 1899. 1376 iv Helen G.^ Dexter, b. 3 June, 1846; d. 2 May, 1848. 1377 V Walter F." Dexter, b. 5 April, 1849; m. Lucy £. Gifford, 26 Sept., 1872. One child: Walter G. Dexter, b. in New Bed- ford, 1 July, 1873. 804 Captain Stillman^ Dexter, son of Alden*' [Epliraim^ Ephraim^ Benjamin^ William% Thomas^] and Lucy [Barrows] Dex- ter, was born 11 Dec, 1813, and died 10 Sept., 1847. He married Eunice Ilitcbmond, Dec, 1841. He was a captain of whaling vessels for many years. Children : 1378* i Lucy A." Dexter, b. in Mattapoisett, 13 Dec, 1842. 1379* ii Euphemia F.* Dexter, b. 6 March, 1845. 805 Captain Henry N."^ Dexter, son of Alden'' [Ephraim^ Ephraim^ Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Lucy [Barrows] Dex- ter, was born 5 July, 1815, and died 15 March, 1856. He DEXTER PAMmY GENEALOGY. 193 married Cynthia Nye, 5 July, 1839. He was captain of vessels employed in the whaling- business. One child : 1380 i Henrietta' Dexter. 807 Sarah A." Dexter, daughter of Alden*' [Ephraim^, Ephraim^, Ben- jamin', William-, Thomas^] and Lucy [Barrows] Dexter, w^as born 22 June, 1818, and died 20 Dec, 1855. She mar- ried (1) William Bates; (2) Joseph Candido; he died 20 Dec, 1891. Children : , . : 1381 i Sarah W.« Bates, b. . 1382 ii Emma M.- Candido, b. in Mattapoisett, 19 May, 1850; m. William F. Hiller, 9 March, 1871. He is a famer and they live in Lairdville, N. Y. 138S' iii Thomas' Candido, b. 27 April, 1853. 1384 iv Amelia' Candido, b. 27 April, 1853; m. Henry A. Lindsley, 1877. 808 Eliza A.' Dexter, daughter of Alden*^ [Ephrainr', Ephraim^ Ben- jamin^, William-, Thomas^] and Lucy [Barrows] Dexter, was born 3 Dec, 1822, and died 30 Nov., 1878. She mar- ried Eussell Merithew. He was a sailor and spent most of his life on whaling voyages. He was captain on one of the voyages. Children : 1385 i Joseph EusselF Merithew. b. in Mattapoisett, 3 Feb., 1849; d. 8 March, 1863. 1386 ii Henry' Merithew, b. in Mattapoisett, 16 Dec, 1856; m. Mattie R. Gillette, 25 June, 1882. 1387 iii Edgar S.' Merithew, b. in Mattapoisett, 4 Jan., 1860; m. J. Etta James, 12 Sept., 1889. jg^ DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 809 Weston A.^ Dexter, son of Alden« [EphraimS EphraimS Ben- jamin^ William^, Tliomas^l and Lucy [Barrows] Dexter, was bom 1 Nov., 1824, and died 8 July, 1897. He married Mary E. Kelley, 1 Sept., 1860. Three children were born in Mattapoisett, and one in New Bedford. He was a painter. He fell from a ladder and was crippled for many years. Four children: 1388 i Minnie A.^ Dexter, b. 29 Nov., 18G0; cL 17 Oct., 1867. 1389 ii Emma E. C.« Dexter, b. in New Bedford, 16 July, 1864; d. 1 Oct., 1865. 1390 iii Alice W.^ Dexter, b. in Mattapoisett, 22 Sept., 1868. 1391 iv Henry K.' Dexter, b. 31 March, 1871. 813 Emma A.^ Dexter, daughter of Alden« [Ephraim^ EphraimS Benjamin^ WilliamS Thomas^] and Lucy [Barrows] Dex- ter, was bom 25 July, 1832. She married Daniel Payne, 15 Oct., 1850. Children : 1392 i Susan H.^ Payne, b. 18 July, 1851; d. 1898; m. George A. Nye. 1393 ii Clara E.' Payne, b. 20 Feb., 1853'; m. Charles S. Calhoon, 1876. He is a baker and they live in New Bedford. 1394 iii Isabella F.« Payne, b. 6 April, 1856; m. Charles F. Smith. He is on the police force of New Bedford. 1395 iv Mary E.^ Payne, b. 8 Sept., 1858; d. 16 Aug., I860. 1396 V Charles E.^ Payne, b. 12 Dec, 1861; m. Clara B. Bartol, 29 Jan., 1884. 830 Caleb^ Dexter, son of Caleb« [Cale¥, EphraimS Benjamin^ Wil- liamS Thomas^] and Lydia [Hiller] Dexter, was born 12 May, 1827. He married Clara H. Dexter, 9 May, 1853. Their children were born in Rochester. He was a carpen- ter by trade. He w^ent to California in 1849, sailing in the DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 195 bark"Osear,"CaptainDornie, with seventy others attracted by the report of gold mining. They had a very narrow escape in a hurricane soon after starting, the vessel being blown upon her beams' end, but finally righted and they proceeded on their way. He stayed in California about two years. / CALEB DEXTER. Children : 1397 1398 1399 1400 i DeKa M.-' Dexter, b. 10 Jau., 1856; in. John S. Dexter, 22 Nov., 1873. ii Arthur N." Dexter, b. in Mattapoisett, 3 Oct., 1857; m. Eliza- beth Morse. Children: Frank Eussell Dexter, b. 22 March, 1890; Alice Rider Dexter, b. 25 Nov., 1891; Ralph C. Dex- • ter, b. 5 Nov., 1894. iii Ellen T.« Dexter, b. 17 Sept., 1861; d. 8 Jan., 1880. iv Frederick L.' Dexter, b. 19 June, 1865; m. Lucy L. Lobdell, 4 Jime, 1896. He is highway surveyor and kept stable. Son: Frederick L., Jr., b. 3 June, 1897. 2^9 Q DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1401 V Jolin C.« Dexter, h. 6 March, 1868; m. Florence G. Dexter, 24 Nov., 1904. 1402 vi Lucy B.* Dexter, b. 20 Nov., 1870. 835 Horace' Dexter, son of David« [Seth^ Seth^ Benjamin^ Wil- liam^, ThomasM and I\Iary [Pitkin] Dexter, was born 29 Dec, 1803, and died 1863. He married Eunice C. Bolt- ^YOod, of Amherst, 4 Oct., 1827. She was born 14 Aug., 1809. One child : 1403 i Irene B.« Dexter, b. 6 Dec, 1830; d. 1888; m. H. G. Tryon of Willoughby, N. Y., in 1850. 836 Lucretia' Dexter, daughter of David« [Seth^ Seth^, Benjamin^ AVillianr, Thoraasi] ^nd Mary [Pitkin] Dexter, was born 15 June, 1805, and died 26 Aug., 1874. She married Wil- liam Clark of South Hadley, Mass., 5 Jan., 1848. He died at Tacoma, Wash., 1889. Two children : 1404* i David Dexter^ Clark, b. 1844. 1405 ii Mercy Smith* Clark, b. 12 Sept., 1847. 837 Edward" Dexter, son of David« [Seth^ Seth*, Benjamin^, Wil- liam-, Thomas^] and IMary [Pitkin] Dexter, was born 18 Feb., 1807, and died 23 Nov., 1874. He married (1) Mary A. Parsons of Ludlow, 5 Dec, 1833, and resided at Broad Brook, Conn. ; (2) Charlotte Noble, 1870. She died in 1876. Children : 1406 i Charlotte Maria'^ Dexter, 1). 1830; m. Frederick E. Bissell. 1407 ii George Parsons'* Dexter, b. 1839; d. 1859. 1407A iii Mary Ellen* Dexter, b. ; m. Charles S. Clapp, 27 Nov., 1872. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 197 838 William" Dexter, son of David''' [Seth^ Seth\ Benjamin^, Wil- liam-, Thomas^] and Mary [Pitkin] Dexter, was born 13 Sept., 1809. He married Fanny T. Herrington of Stock- bridge, N. Y., 6 May, 1815. Children : 1408 i Florence A." Dexter, b. 26 Jan., 1846. 1409 ii Clarence W." Dexter, b. 23 April, 1848. 1410 iii Charles H.** Dexter, b. 1 July, 1850. HARRIET DEXTER DOUGLAS. 839 Harriet Clark^ Dexter, daughter of Seth« [Seth^, Seth^ Benja- min^, William^ Thomas^] and Sylvia [Gaylord] Dexter, was born 5 April, 1809, at Windsor Locks, Conn., and died 26 Feb., 1846. She married Edwin A. Douglas, 6 Feb., 1834. He was born 1804, at IManch Chunk, Pa. 198 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Five children 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1 ii iii iv V Edwin Dexter' Douglas, b. 1835; d. 1837. Harriet* Douglas, b. ; m. Dean. Ellen** Douglas, b. ; m. Moses Lyman. Isabelle* Douglas, b. — — ; m. Craigg. Charles' Edwin Douglas, b. 1846; d. 1860. CHARLES HASKELL DEXTER. 840 Charles H.^ Dexter, son of Seth*^ [Setli^, SetliS Benjamin^ Wil- liam^, Thomas^] and Sylvia [Gay lord] Dexter, was born 19 Sept., 1810, and died 29 Aug., 1869. He married Lydia Pierson, 19 Sept., 1838. She was the daughter of Dr. Wil- liam S. Pierson of Windsor Locks, Conn., and was born 16 Jan., 1819, at Windsor, Conn. She died 19 May, 1888. He began life in 1836 as a manufacturer of wrapping paper. In 1847 he built a large mill at Windsor Locks, and in 1855, he became president of the Connecticut River Co., and was DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY, 199 very successful. He became the central figure in all the best activities of the town and was by far the most influen- tial person therein. He had a remarkably fine presence and a winning address, with a commanding form. Children : 1416* i Julia S.* Dexter, b. at Windsor Locks, Conn., 4 Nov., 1839. 1417* ii Annie P." Dexter, b. 5 May, 1842. 1418* iii Edwin D.' Dexter, b. 24 Oct., 1847; d. 26 Jan., 1886. 848 Mary Hynkley' Dexter, daughter of Prince" [Elijah^ SethS Benjamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] and Arlothea [Savery] Dex- ter, was born 2 April, 1809, and died 31 May, 1842. She married William C. Haskell, 10 Dec, 1828. Two children : 1419 i William Prince^ Haskell, b. 2 March, 1831. 1420 ii Mary M." Haskell, b. 8 Nov., 1837. 849 John G.^ Dexter, son of Prince'' [Elijah^ Seth^ Benjamin^, Wil- liam^, Thomas^] and Arlothea [Savery] Dexter, was born 11 March, 1811, and died 3 Jan., 1834. He married Eleanor F. Richardson, 5 April, 1831. Two children : 1420A i Eliza Bigelow' Dexter, b. 15 Feb., 1832; d. 13 Jan., 1900; m. C. Henry Haskell. 1422* ii John Gibbs' Dexter, b. 28 Feb., 1834; ni. (1) Catherine T. B. Euggles, 4 April, 1859; (2) Ellen M. Baldwin, 16 Dec, 1903. 855 Rev. Henry Martyn^ Dexter, son Elijah" [Elijah^ Seth^ Ben- jamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Mary [Morton] Dexter, was born 13 Aug., 1821, at Plympton, Plymouth County, Mass., and died 13 Nov., 1890, at Boston, Mass. He grad- 200 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. nated from Yale College in 1840, and from Andover Theo- logical Seminary in 1844. He married Emeline Palmer, 19 Nov., 1844, entering the Congregationalist ministry that year as pastor at Manchester, N. H., where he remained until 1849. He then went to Pine Street (later Berkeley Street), Boston, where he remained until 1867. From 1851 he edited the ' ' Congregationalist, ' ' and from 1858 the ' ' Con- gregationalist Quarterly." He preached in Dorchester, Mass., from 1869 to 1871, and was lecturer at Andover from 1877 to 1880. He wrote many books for publication. He made a deep study of the ' ' Pilgrims, ' ' and published many papers on the subject. He received the degrees of D.D. from Iowa College in 1865, and LL.D. from Yale in 1890. He was a member of the American Antiquarian Society since 1869, of the Massachusetts Historical Society since 1868, and the American Historical Society since 1884. He died in 1890. Children : . ' ' 1421* i Henry Morton' Dexter, b. 12 July, 1846. 1421A ii Winfrec? Dexter, b. 1 .July, 1849; d. 2 July, 1849. 1423 iii Lizzie C* Dexter, b. 20 Aug., 1851; d. 31 Dec, 1861. 1424 iv Mary P.^ Dexter, b. 21 Nov., 1856; d. 29 Oct., 1861. 862 Stephen' Dexter, son of Samuel B.^ [Elisha«, Seth^ Jabez*, Philip^ Willianr, Thomas^] and Abby [Blackmore] Dex- ter, was born 10 Aug., 1826, and died 13 June, 1865. He married Eliza A. Nickerson, 12 Aug., 1851. He was a farmer and lived in ]\Iattapoisett. Children : 1425 i Abbie A." Dexter, b. 6 July, 1853 ; m. Charles H. G. Jenney, 25 Feb., 1873. Children: (1) Hattie A. Jenney, b. 22 Dee., 1875; (2) Nellie B. Jenney, b. 21 July, 1880. 1426 ii Edwin F." Dexter, b. 20 Jan., 1858; m. Maria T. Coleman, 25 Jan., 1887. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY, 201 1427 iii George W." Dexter, b. 27 Feb., 1860; m. Cora Baxter, June, 1888. Son: Eobert E. Dexter, b. 6 March, 1889. 1428 iv Stephen E.^ Dexter, b. 19 Jan., 186&; ni. Susan H. Clark, 22 Dec, 1888. 1429 V Frederick C." Dexter, b. 7 Feb., 186.5; d. 26 Sept., 1897. 870 Mary Ann' Dexter, daus'hter of Elisha' [Elisha", Seth^ Jabez^ Philip", William^, Thomas^] and Sarah [Mendall] Dexter, was born 8 Feb., 1824. She married Nathaniel Parker, 26 Oct., 1842. He was a ship carpenter and lived in Matta- poisett. Children : 1430 i Caroline A." Parker, b. in Mattapoisett, 28 Sept., 1843; m. Heman Copeland, 12 April, 1866. 1431 ii Emma A.'' Parker, b. in Mattapoisett, 15 Oct., 1845; m. C. Herbert Porter, 5 Nov., 1884. 1432 iii Eliza J." Parker, b. 29 Nov., 1849; m. Frank B. Brightman, 12 April, 1880. 1433 iv Son, b. and d. Dec, 1852. 1434 V Mary A.» Parker, b. 10 Sept., 1857; m. Silas Taber, 6 Oct., 1881. 874 Elisha L.s Dexter, son of Elisha" [Elisha«, Seth\ Jabez\ Philip^ "William-, Thomas^] and Sarah []\Iendall] Dexter, was born 22 March, 1834, and died 4 Feb., 1876. He married Har- riet W. LeBaron, 4 Sept., 1866. He was a sa\\yer and for many years was engaged in sawing boxboard, etc. He was quite successful. One child: 1435 i Lemuel LeBaron' Dexter, b. in Mattapoisett, 22 Dec, 1872; m. Clara L. Hammond, 26 July, 1899. He was a lawyer prac- ticing law in New Bedford; is a member of School Board of Mattapoisett, also a trustee of Public Library, and was one of the committee having in charge the erection of a new library building. 202 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 875 Albert M.^ Dexter, son of Elisha^ [Elisha«, Seth^, Jabez*, Philip^ William^, Thomas^] and Sarah [Mendall] Dexter, was born 12 Aug., 1837, and died 25 July, 1899; He married Annie E. Hathaway, 24 Oct., 1871. He was a machinist and in- vented a machine for sawing logs, which was used very suc- cessfully. His place of business was Mattapoisett. Two children : 1436 i Albert Morton" Dexter, b. in Mattapoisett, 24 March, 1878. 1437 ii Evans K." Dexter, b. in Mattapoisett, 2o May, 1890. 876 George H.' Dexter, son of Elisha^ [Elisha«, Seth^ JabezS Philip^ William^, Thomas^] and Sarah [Mendall] Dexter, was born 29 March, 1840. He married Mary F. Wood, 24 Oct., 1871. Two children: 1438 i Lena B.' Dexter, b. 16 Sept., 1872. 1439 ii Gertrude W." Dexter, b. 21 June, 1879. 880 Ezra H.s Dexter, sou of Harvey^ [Elisha^ Seth^ Jabez*, Philip^ William^, Thomas^] and Lydia [Chandler] Dexter, was bom 20 March, 1826. He married Sarah Mendall, 23 Dec, 1849. He was a cabinet-maker, but later ran an express between Chelsea and Boston. His children were born in New Bed- ford. Five children : 1440 i Arthur H.' Dexter, 11 Oct., 18-50 ; m. Mary E. Harvey, 29 May, • - 1877. Son: Carl W. Dexter, b. at Boston, 30 Sept., 1888. 1441 ii Sydney C Dexter, b. 2 Nov., 1851; ni. Maiy A. Holmes, 14 March, 1880. Two children: Louise G. Dexter, b. 5 Sept., 1884; Emma J. Dexter, b. 3 April, 1888. 1442 iii Lydia S." Dexter, b. 17 Oct., 1853; d. 4 Nov., 1854. 1442A iv Georgie Etta" Dexter, b. 29 April, 1857; m. James S. nar- rower, 16 June, 1890. Son: Paul Dexter Harrower, b. 18 Jan., 1893. 1443 V Emily F.' Dexter, b. 14 July, 1863; d. 7 April, 1878. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 205 883 Andrew'* Dexter, son of Harvey'^ [Elislia^, Seth^, Jabez*, Philip^, William-, Thomas^] and Lydia [Chandler] Dexter, was bom 27 Aug., 1834. He married Elizabeth A. Moseby, 16 May, 1867. One child : 1444 i Marion" Dexter, b. at Cincinnati, 2 Nov., 1873. 889 Eunice^ Dexter, danghter of Alden" [Elisha*', Seth^, Jabez^, Philip^ William^, Thomas^] and Merinda [Frost] Dexter, was born 26 Oct., 1835. She married (1) Abram Tinkham, 16 July, 1858; he died 5 July, 1879; (2) Charles H. Dil- lingham, 15 April, 1882. They had six children, bort at IMattapoisett : 1445 i Clark" Tinkham, b. July, 1859; d. 6 Feb., 1862. 1446 ii Ella J." Tinkham, b. Aug., 1860; d. 6 Feb., 1862. 1447 iii Charles H." Tinkham, b. 4 Feb., 1862; m. (1) Eunice M. Ean- dall, 20 Jan., 1886; (2) Euth L. Sherman, 24 April, 1901. 1448 iv Thomas C." Tinkham, b. 5 Jan., 1864; m. Deborah J. Howard. 1449 V Ida M." Tinkham, b. 1 June, 1867; m. Benjamin A. Eandall, 14 Feb., 1891. 1450 vi Mary L." Tinkham, b. 6 April, 1869. 890 Joseph^ Dexter, son of Alden^ [Elisha«, Setli% Jabez*, Philip^, William-, Thomas^] and Merinda [Frost] Dexter, was born 10 Dec, 1837, and died 9 Dec, 1886. He married Sophia H. Tinkham, 27 June, 1867. Eleven children : 1451 i Emma S." Dexter, b. 8 Dec, 1864; m. Henry Smalley, Oct.,. 1890. 1452* ii Alden D." Dexter, b. 7 July, 1868. 1453* iii William H." Dexter, b. 26 Jan., 1871. 1454 iv Charles T." Dexter, b. 10 Aug., 1872. 1455* V Alice M.» Dexter, b. 13 June, 1874. 1456 vi Arthur H." Dexter, b. 13 Aug., 1876. 1457 vii Lydia H." Dexter, b. 13 May, 1878. 204 .DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1458 viii Ernest L.^" Dexter, b. 21 March, 1880; d. 19 Aug., 1882. 1459 ix Herbert B.^ Dexter, b. 26 July, 1882. 1460 X Adelaide S." Dexter, b. 8 Dec., 1884. 1461 xi Joseph T.' Dexter, b. 11 Feb., 1887. 892 Moores R.^ Dexter, son of Johii^ [Charles^ Jolln^ John*, Jolm^ William^, Thomas^] and Mary L. [Rogers] Dexter, was bom 20 July, 1835, and died 9 Jan., 1866. He married Mary A. Purrington, 27 Nov., 1856. Two children : 1462 i John L.** Dexter, b. in Mattapoisett, 4 April, 1859; m. Emma L. Scroggs, 20 July, 1887. He now resides at Detroit, Mich., and is a wholesale dealer in flour, salt, hay and straw. He was President of the National Hay Association in 1903 and 1904, and is now on the Board of Directors. 1463 ii Lizzie W." Dexter, b. 28 Nov., 1857; d. 12 May, 1858. 896 Charles^ Dexter, son of James W.'' [Charles^ John^ JolmS John^ William^, Thomas^] and Abigail H. [Cannon] Dex- ter, was born 19 Nov., 1837, and died 27 Dec., 1876. Two children: 1464 i David W.« Dexter, b. 11 Sept., 1866 ; d. 9 Oct., 1883. 1465 ii Abby C" Dexter, b. 19 Oct., 1868 ; d. 28 Aug., 1884. . 897 James A.^ Dexter, son of James W.'^ [Charles^, John^ John^ John^ William^, Thomas^] and Abigail [Cannon] Dexter, wa^ born 13 Aug., 1841, at Rochester, Mass. He married Flavilla Lake, 29 Dec, 1874. He was a painter in Marion, Mass., and has the care of summer cottages. Two children : 1466 i Susan A." Dexter, b. 13 Jan., 1882; m. Bismark Ladner, 16 Oct., 1901. Children: Ralph Dexter Ladner, b. 2 July, 1902; Wel- lington Ladner, b. 17 Sept., 1903; d. 12 Dec, 1903; Hender- son Lake Ladner, b. 30 Aug., 1904. 1467 ii Charles W.» Dexter, b. 14 March, 1888. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 205 906 ■ '■ ■ Silas B.^ Dexter, son of Chester B.'^ [Charles^, David^ John^ John^ William-, Thomas^] and Sally [White] Dexter, was born 17 Feb., 1857, and died 23 March, 1890. He married Sadie Bennett, 12 March, 1883. Three children : 1468 i John C.'' Dexter, b. 28 April, 1884. " 1469 ii Lucius C." Dexter, b. 28 April, 1884. 1470 iii Sally Etta" Dexter, b. 16 March, 1886. CHARLES DELI VAN DEXTER. 910 Charles Delivan' Dexter, son of Avery G.^ [Charles", David% Jolm^ Jolnr, AVillianr, Thomas^] and Mary D. [White] Dexter, was born 22 Nov., 1843. He married Rosa L. Knowlton, 25 Dec, 1870. 206 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Three cliildren : 1471 i Carrie Mabel" Dexter, b. in Wardsboro, Vt., 30 April, 1878; m. Martin L. Johnson, 29 Aug., 1903. 1472 ii James Ambrose' Dexter, b. 9 June, 1881. 1473 iii Charles Knowlton' Dexter, b. 25 June, 1887. 9\\ Gertrude I.' Dexter, daughter of Avery J.'' [Charles^ David^ John*, John% Willianr, Thomas^] and Mary D. [White] Dexter, was born 26 July, 1845. She married Marshall 0. Howe, 15 Aug., 1866. Five children : 1474 i Marshall Avery' Howe, b. 6 .June, 1867. 1475 ii Herman Alline" Howe, b. 1 Jan., 1869; m. Delia C. Landfear, 26 Nov., 1903. 1476 iii Arthur Otis' Howe, b. 7 March, 1871. 1477 iv Carlton Dexter" Howe, b. 30 July, 1874. 1478 V Clifton Durant" Howe, b. 30 July, 1874. 914 Mary Ambrosia^ Dexter, daughter of Avery J.^ [Charles^ David^ Johns JohnS William^, Thomas^] and Mary D. [White] Dexter, was born 1 Sept., 1853. She married Brownson Mattison, 19 March, 1873. Four children : 1479 i Fred. Brownson" Mattison, b. 17 May, 1874. 1480 ii "Winnie Cornelia" Mattison, b. 10 Aug., 1876; m. Bixby. 1481 iii Kate Dexter" Mattison, b. 10 Jan., 1879. 1482 iv Eosa Mary" Mattison, b. 28 Feb., 1881. 9J6 . Luna Jennie^ Dexter, daughter of Avery J.^ [Charles^ David^ John*, Johns William^, Thomas^] and Mary D. [White] Dexter, was born 28 March, 1860. She married David Smith, 19 June, 1880. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 207 Four children : 1483 i Archie David"' Smith, b. 19 April, 1881. 1484 ii Lizzie MabeP Smith, b. 17 Sept., 1882; m. Bacon. 1485 iii Daisy Dexter" Smith, b. 15 Aug., 1884; m. Fitzpatrick. 1486 iv Mary Esther" Smith, b. 2 March, 1892. 926 George S.^ D-exter, son of John S.^ [John'', David^ John"*, John^, William^, Thomas^] and Julia A. [Eames] Dexter, was born 7 July, 1851. He married Mary E. Hyde, 13 May, 1883. Two children : 1487 i Perley Hyde" Dexter, b. in Chicopee Falls, Mass., 9 Nov., 1884. 1488 ii .Jessie" Dexter, b. 16 Jan., 1888. 929 Florence Belle« Dexter, daughter of D. Gilbert^ [David^ David^ John^ John^, William^^ Thomas^] and Ellen [Simonds] Dex- ter, was born at Wilmington, Vt., 12 Aug., 1857. She married Prof. Charles H. Wiswell, 1 Jan., 1880. They now reside at Lexington, Mass. Three children : 1489 i Kittie" Wiswell, b. 1880. 1490 ii Margie" Wiswell, b. 1882. 1491 iii Charles Dexter" Wiswell, b. 1885. 930 David Hazeltine^ Dexter, son of D. Gilbert^ [David^ David^ John"*, John% William^, Thomas^] and Ellen [Simonds] Dex- ter, was born at Cambridge, 6 July, 1875. He married Mabel Helen White, 14 Sept., 1898. They now reside in San Francisco, Cal. One child: 1492 i Oakley White" Dexter, b. 16 July, 1899. 208 DEXTER FAMILY GEl^ALOGY. 932 Edward Mills'" Tolman, son of Frances H.'' [Jonathan M.®, Jona- than^, Jolm^, John^, William-, Thomas^ Dexter] and James P. Tolman, was bom at Boston, 22 April, 1850. He spent his early life in Boston, moving to Philadelphia, Pa., in 1865, with his parents. He married Caroline G. Frishmuth, 21 July, 1875, Rev. Robert D. Harper of Philadelphia per- EDWARD MILLS TOLMAN. forming the ceremony. They continued to reside in Phila- delphia, he being in company with his father in the laundry business. In 1890 they removed to Washington and went into the laundry business. He died 28 May, 1903. 1493 They had two children, born in Philadelphia': i Frances Henrietta'' Tolman, b. 2 April, 1876; m. Alfred Barker, 6 March, 1905, at San Francisco, Cal. DEXTER FAMILY GENEiVLOGY. 209 » 1494 ii Edith Helen'' Tolnian, b. 16 May, 1877; m. Frederick W. Mc- Kenzie, 18 March, 1903, by Rev. Donald C. McLeod. Children: Albert Edward McKenzie, b. 25 Jan., 1904; Donald McKenzie, b. 27 Sept., 1905. • . , . 939 Mary Ann- Dexter, daughter of Alleu' [Edward^ Edvvard^ NoahS Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Phebe [Howard] Dexter, was born 15 Feb., 1846, and died 29 Jan., 1875. She married Edward Ellis Howard, June, 1870. One child: 1495 i Charles H.^" Howard, b. May, 1871. 940 Charles E.- Dexter, son of Allen' [Edward^ Edward^ Noah\ Benjamin,^ William-, Thomas^] and Phebe [Howard] Dex- ter, was born 16 June, 1848. He married Eliza])(4h A. Gif- ford, 26 Sept., 1870, They had five children : 1496 i Anuie Allen" Dexter, b. 13 May, 1871 ; m. Harry F. Snow, Oct.. 1888. One child: Irving Cushman Snow, b. June, 1889. Arthur S." Dexter, b. 26 Sept., 1876; d. 7 April, 1896. Mary Wilson^ Dexter, b. 15 April, 1880; d. 11 March, 1881. George W. S.^ Dexter, b. 14 July, 1886. Gertrude Wilson" Dexter, b. 8 Aug., 1892. 94J Martha J. W." Dexter, daughter of Allen^ [EdwaixP. Edward^ Noah\ Ben.iamin% William-, Thomas^] and Phebe [Howard] Dexter, was born 16 Jan., 1848. She married Charles H. Andrews, 18 June, 1868 ; he was born 1 IMav, 1848. and died 7 April, 1878. They had five children : 1501 1 William Francis" Andrews, b. 24 Jan., 1869. 1502 ii Carrie Dean" Andrews, b. 28 April, 1871 ; m. Arenand LeCroix, 10 Nov., 1892. 1497 ii 1498 iii 1499 iv 1500 V 2]^Q DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1503 iii Bertha May" Andrews, b. 29 Jan., 1873. 1504 iv John Dexter" Andrews, b. 26 April, 1875; ni. Laura Dona Hoyt, 29 May, 1900. 1505 V Sara Lizzie* Andrews, b. 17 March, 1878. 955 Samuel E.« Dexter, son of Sumner^ [SamueP, Edward^ Noah*, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Deborah [Edwards] Dexter, was born 7 March, 1850. He married Maggie A. Headman, 3 March, 1890. He was an iron moulder by occupation. They had two children: - 1506 i Georgianna" Dexter, b. 16 Sept., 1894. 1507 ii John Albert" Dexter, b. 19 April, 1900. 974 Sarah M.^ Dexter, daughter of James^ [SamueP, EdwardS Noah*, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Pamelia Dex- ter, was born 30 Sept., 1856. She married (1) ; (2) Charles C. Nealey, 3 Aug., 1884. She had one child by first husband and three by second husband : i David A." Dexter, b. March, 1876 ; ni. Frances Maddox. Three children: Doris A. Dexter, b. 6 July, 1899; Euth F. Dexter, b. 5 Feb., 1902 ; David A. Dexter, Jr., b. 6 Sept., 1904. ii Clarence" Nealey, b. 19 Feb., 1891. 1510 iii Mildred" Nealey, b. 20 Dec, 1895. 1511 iv Mabel" Nealey, b. 29 April, 1897. 1508 1509 976 Mary M.« Dexter, daughter of James^ [SamueP, Edward^ Noah*, Ben.iamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Pamelia Dex- ter, wks born 30 March, 1853. She married Eben Franklin Ha'skins, 9 May, 1871; he was born 17 Oct., 1846. He was a stone mason, and resided in New Bedford, Mass. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 211 They had two children, born in New Bedford : 1512 i Bertha L.' Haskins, b. 6 Jan., 1872; m. Andrew F. Mitchell 6 Aug., 1889. 1513 ii Euth A." Haskins, b. 16 Feb., 1873; m. Oscar Ashley, 28 June, 1888. 985 Dennis^ Dexter, son of Benjamin" [Joseph^, Benjamin^, Noah*, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Betsey [Hilman] Dex- ter, was born 1811, and died 12 Nov., 1884. He marrie'a Mary D. Luce. They had eight children : - - 1514 i Benjamin" Dexter, b. ; d. 18 Jan., 1889; m. (1) Almira E. Luce, 21 July, 1857; one child, Arthur, b. 1858, d. 1870; (2) Sarah Hinckley; one child, Bertha, b. 1872. 1515* ii Sarah J.' Dexter, b. 19 July, 1832. 1516 iii Dennis" Dexter, b. 1839; d. 1899. 1517* iv Sophia' Dexter, b. 1838; d. Aug. 27, 1891. 1518 V Henry G." Dexter, b. 1844; d. 19 Oct., 1891; m. Ida Norton. Two children: Etta and Mary. 1519 vi Addie E." Dexter, b. 4 Dec, 1847; m. George F. Armsby, 10 Feb., 1891. 1520* vii George H." Dexter, b. 31 Oct., 1849. 1521 viii Mary L." Dexter, b. 22 April, 1853; d. 1875; m. William H. Channing. 986 George^ Dexter, son of Benjamin^ [Joseph", Benjamin^ Noah*, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Betsey [Hilman] Dex- ter, was born . He married Caroline Luce. One child : 1522 i Eliza" Dexter, b. ; m. (1) Eev. S. A. Thomas; (2) W. W. Douglass. 987 • Rodolphus W." Dexter, son of Benjamin^ [Joseph^ Benjamin^ Noali^ Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Betsey [Hilman] 2]^2 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Dexter, was born 29 April, 1816, and died 10 Sept., 1886. He married Irene Clifford, 31 May, 1838. They had two children : 1523 i Abbie" Dexter, b. in Tisbwy, Mass., 8 April, 1839; m. Col. C. S. Buckley, 8 May, 1867. 1524 ii Eodolphns W.^ Dexter, Jr., b. 4 Sept., 1843; d. in Stockton, Cal., 30 April, 1897. 1000 Joseph'^ Dexter, son of Joseph" [ Joseph^, Ben.iamin^ Noah\ Ben- jamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] and Charlotte [Norton] Dex- ter, was born . He married Lucy Norton. They had two children: 1525 i Lydia J." Dexter, b. ; m. Oran Look, 18 Nov., 1869. 1526 ii Adrianna" Dexter, b. . JOOl Hiram'' Dexter, son of Joseph^ [ Joseph^, Benjamin^ Noah\ Ben- jamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Charlotte [Norton] Dex- ter, was born 6 May, 1813, and died 2 April, 1887. He married Love Lambert. They had three children : 1527 i Cordelia L." Dexter, b. in Tisbury, 22 March, 1838; d. 5 Nov., 1859. 1528* ii .Tonathan** Dexter, b. 23 Jan., 1843. 1529 iii Charlotte A." Dexter, b. 18 Feb., 1852; d. 4 Oct., 1871. 1003 Franklin Bowditch^ Dexter, son of Rodolphns W.^ [Noah«, Ben- .iamin^ Noah^ Ben.iamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] and Mary H. [Taber] Dexter, was born 11 Sei^t., 1812. He graduated from Yale in 1861 and was a tutor from 1864 to 1867. In 1869 he became secretary of corporations of Yale Univer- sity, which office he held till 1899. From 1877 to 1888 he DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 213 was professor of American history at Yale College, and lias been assistant librarian of Yale Univei*sitj^ since 1869. He is the author of " Bios:raphical Sketches of Yale (li-ad- uates, " and of many other works. He is now secretary of foreign correspondence for the American Antiquarian So- ciety. He married Theodosia M. Wheeler in 1880. They have one child : 1530 i Dorothea M." Dexter, b. iu New Haven, 20 July, 1888. 1019 Josiah A.^ Dexter, son of Benjamin" [Benjamin", Benjamin^, Noah*, Benjamin^ William'-, Thomas^] and Elizabeth P. [Delano] Dexter, was horn 20 Nov., 1842. He married Susan G. Durfee, 7 Sept., 1870. They had three children : 1531 i Lillian A." Dexter, b. 29 Aug., 1871. 15S'2 ii Edith Delano" Dexter, b. 4 Nov., 1873. 1533 iii Marion H." Dexter, b. 9 May, 1884. 1020 Abbie M.^ Dexter, daughter of Benjamin" [Benjamin", Benja- min^, Noah*, Benjamin^ William-. Thomas^] and Elizabeth P. [Delano] Dexter, was born 28 Sept., 1844. She married Edward E. Hicks, 23 June, 1873. Mrs. Hicks went on a voyage with her husband soon after their mai-riage. They sailed from New Bedford on Ihe hark "Mermaid," August, 1873, for a cruise in the Indian Ocean after whales. I quote her letter: "We had good weather and very little sickness. Thursday, Oct. 16, Flores was in sight. Captain Hicks went ashore in the morning and returned to the ship for dinner. At two o'clock we both went ashore. To walk upon the ground after rolling about for six weeks was enjoy- ment. We spent the afternoon on shore. We sighted Fayal Wednesday, Oct. 22, and went in about twelve o'clock noon 214 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. of the 23rd. We left Fayal at eight the morning of the 25th. We then criiised in the Atlantic and took a great many whales. Having rounded the Cape of Good Hope with rather cold, windy weather, we sailed north into the Indian Ocean. Madagascar was sighted the 26th of March, 1874. Here the weather grew warmer and calmer. The 18th of May, we went into Mahi, Seychelle Islands. It is a beautiful island, with a fine climate. There are cocoanut groves, and wild cinnamon and cloves. Bananas are raised there and the vanilla bean cultivated. We were all glad to leave the vessel after being confined to it for nearly five months. We hired a house, and with the help of a few na- tive servants lived comfortably. Captain Hicks took the ship out June 2, though I lived there until Aug. 29, when we left for a cruise on the coast of Arabia, where we were sail- ing on summer seas all the time. It was calm, warm and de- lightful living. The 22nd of July, 1875, we spent the day on the island of Johanna, which is one of the Comoro Islands. "We returned to New Bedford with a full cargo of oil, about the 16th of March, 1876, having had good luck, good weather and a pleasant voyage. ' ' Captain Hicks made other voyages, being accompanied in 1881 by his wife and two children. One of the voyages proved unsuccessful and unpleasant, as bad weather prevailed. They returned home in July, 1883. They had six children : 15S4 i Elizabeth D." Hicks, b. on Seychelle Islands, Indian Ocean, 22 July, 1874. Is now a teacher in public schools at New Bed- ford. 1535 ii Edward H.» Hicks, b. in Marion, 26 May, 1876. Is now re- porter for New Bedford Mercury. 1536 iii Louise E." Hicks, b. in New Bedford, 21 Sept., 1878. Is public school teacher in New Bedford. 1537 iv Florence K." Hicks, b. in Fayal, Western Islands, 4 July, 1882 ; d. in Eutland, Mass., 21 Oct., 1904. 1538 V Alexander" Hicks, b. in New Bedford, 24 April, 1884. At School of Technology in Boston in 1905. 1538A vi Belle B.' Hicks, b. in New Bedford, 6 Feb., 1886. At school at Wellesley College. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY, 215 J 022 Benjamin F.^ Dexter, son of Roiijaniin' [Benjamin^ Benjamin^ Noah^, Benjamin% AVilliam-, Thomas^] and Elizabeth P. [Delano] Dexter, was born 26 Feb., 1850, and died 2 Dec, 1901. He married Olive Kinney, 8 March, 1880. They had three children : 1539 i Benjamin D.» Dexter, b. 26 Oct., 1880; d. 14 Nov., 1890. 1540 ii Ella F." Dexter, b. 23 Oct., 1882. 1541 iii Arthur Delano" Dexter, b. 31 Dec, 1887; cl. 28 Jan., 1901. 1025 Seth L. M,^ Dexter, son of Rufus' [Benjamin®? Benjamin^ Noah^, Benjamin^, AVilliam-, Thoniasi^] and Elizabeth L. [Washburn] Dexter, was born 3 March, 1854. He married Elizabeth Jenney, 3 Nov., 1878. They had three children : 1542 i Bessie L." Dexter, b. in Eiver Falls, Wis., 19 Oct., 1880. 1543 ii Lawrence L." Dexter, b. in Eiver Falls, Wis., 19 June, 1882. 1544 iii Eobert W." Dexter, b. in Marion, Mass., 7 July, 1886. i026 Horace* Dexter, son of Jonathan K." [Jonathan*^, David% Josiah*, Benjamin^, Willianr, Thomas^] and Clarinda [Smith] Dexter, was bom 15 Sept., 1839. He married Ann E. Lyman, 25 Feb., 1869. They had four children : 1545 i Horace Lyman" Dexter, b. 30 May, 1870. 1546 ii James Smith'' Dexter, b. 20 Aug., 1872. 1547 iii Agnes May'-* Dexter, b. 6 Sept., 1875. 1548 iv Grace EtheP Dexter, b. 27 Sept., 1878. J027 Mary* Dexter, daughter of Jonathan K." [Jonathau", David^ Josiah^ Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Clarinda 216 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. [Smith] Dexter, was born 17 June, 1844. She married James Landers, 5 Sept., 1861. They had three children : 1549 i Mary" Landers, b. in New Bedford, 1 Dec, 1862; m. Charles Cox, Jan., 1889. 1550 ii Katie^" Landers, b. in New Bedford, 20 Dec, 1868 ; m. Henry L. Miller, 4 Sept., 1897. 1551 iii John F.^ Landers, b. in Fairhaven, 2 Oct., 1872; m. Etta Leonard, 14 Dec, 1893. 1029 Allen D.^ Hammond, son of* Martha M.' [Allen'', David^ Josiah*, Benjamin', William-, Thomas^] Dexter and Noah Ham- mond, was born 1 June, 1871. He married Eliza Lenora Shaw, 19 Sept., 1894. They had two children, born in Brockton : 1552 i- Allen Dexter" Hammond, b. Feb., 1897, 1555 ii Dorothy" Hammond, b. 3 April, 1904. 1033 Henry C.*^ Dexter, son of John'^ [Constant^ Isaac^, Constant^ Benjamin^, William-, Thomas^] and Mary B. [Shaw] Dex- ter, was born at Wayne, Me., 21 April, 1831. He married Ellen E. Carll, 17 Dec, 1864. They had three children, bom at Auburn, Me. : 1554 i Clifton C." Dexter, b. 27 April, 1866.. 1555 ii Alice B." Dexter, b. 26 Dec, 1869. 1556 iii Elbert H." Dexter, b. 12 Oct., 1874. 1049 George T.^ Dexter, son of Rev. Henry V.'' [Amasa®, Isaac^ Con- stant\ Benjamin^, William-, Thomas^] and Mary E. [Board- man] Dexter, was born at Augusta, Me., 25 Jan., 1860. He married Nellie J. Greenwood, 14 April, 1879 ; she died 8 Nov., 1900. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. •_M7 GEORGE T. DEXTER. Two children 1557 i Frederick Greenwoof? Dexter, b. 11 Aug., 1881. 1558 ii Leon Boaxdman" Dexter, b. 4 June, 1893. 218 ' DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. The following' from an insurance journal shows Mr. Dex- ter 's standing: ■ "Within recent years a new force has entered the agency business of 'life insurance in the person of George T. Dexter, superintendent of domestic agencies of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. He is not only a neAv force, but he represents individual character- istics which distinguish him from other men who have won great fame in the manaf^ement of large agency corps. The handling of agents, especially under the modern tendency to bring them into closer touch with the home office, recpiires talents of a peculiar order, not always of the same kind, be- cause different men manage by different methods. Mr. Dexter is certainly not a copy or a duplicate, in any sense of the word, of others who exert a controlling power in the great field of life insurance. "Mr. Dexter is the son of a Baptist clergyman. Plis boy- hood was passed in INTaine, where he acquired his early edu- cation. At the age of eighteen he became imbued with a boyish ambition for the sea and enlisted as a sailor on a vessel trading in the Orient, by way of Cape Horn. He spent two years before the mast, sharing the trials and hard- ships of a common seaman, bunking in the forecastle and partaking of the seaman's homely fare. None of his ship- mates suspected that the master of the vessel was Dexter 's brother-in-law. "The physical training and moral discipline secured in this school had much to do in developing the streng:th of char- acter shoMTi in ]\Ir. Dexter 's later life. After giving up the sea he acted as connnercial traveler for a short time, but becoming interested in life insurance, was induced to act as solicitor for the United States Life at Keene, N. H. ' ' He was a success in this business from the very start, so successful, in fact, that he was soon made general agent of the company at Worcester, Mass. He occupied this position one year, and then accepted a call to a larg:er field, as super- intendent of agencies for E. W. Peet, the Mutual Life's j<&.' DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 219 manag:er at St. Paul. He supervised the company's work in Minnesota and Iowa. His success in this department was conspicuous, and in a few years he was promoted to super- vise the fieldmen in the Mutual Life's great OhiiO a^jency of L. C. Lawton & Co. "His work in this field attracted the particular attention of the home office. He was entrusted with the execution of several missions of -supreme importance, requirin Samuel*, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Olive [Gould] Dexter, was born 18 June, 1820. He married Almeda An- derson, 8 March, 1846. She was born 1826, daughter of Timothy and Betsey Anderson. They had one child : 1562 i Joseph Franklin" Dexter, b. 18 July, 1847. 107J Nancy M.^ Dexter, daughter of Joseph Dean'' [Eleazer^, Sam- ueP, Samuel*, Benjamin^, William', Thomas^] and Olive [Gould] Dexter, was born 1825. She married (1) Henry B. Gould, son of Haffield and Lydia Gould, 6 May, 1847; (2) Joseph C. Page, 2 Nov., 1865. She had one child by first husband and two by second husband : 1563 i Ella Maria" Gould, b. 9 Sept., 1851. 1564 ii Joseph C." Page, Jr., b. . 1565 iii Estella Freese" Page, b. . 1087 Caroline Angelia^ Taylor, daughter of Cassandra'' [Jonathan*, SamueP, Samuel*, Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] Dexter and Lemuel F. Taylor, was born 1 March, 1841. She mar- ried Darius Parsons of Sutton, 24 Nov., 1877, at Hubbard- ston. They had one child : 1566 i George Taylor" Parsons, b. 4 May, 1879. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 223 1095 Adams^ French, Jr., son of Rhoda^ [Lucy'', Icliabod^ SamueP, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^ Dexter] and Adams French, was born 1828. He married Abby E. Kellogg, 25 Jan., 1849. She was born 1830, daughter of John and Clarinda Kellogg. He was a pail maker. They had one child : 1567 i Elvirus Franklin' French, b. 30 Jan., 1850; d. . 1096 Mary A.^ French, daughter of Rhoda^ [Lucy^ Ichabod^ Sam- ue\\ Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^ Dexter] and Adams French, was born . She married Franklin L. Waters, 22 April, 1850. He was born 1829, son of John, Jr., and Olive Waters of Champlain, N. Y. He was a pail-maker. They had one child : 1568 i Albert" Waters, b. ; ni. Ada Morrell, about 1892. No children. 1097 Lysander^ French, son of Rhoda^ [Lucy«, Ichabod,^ Samuel*, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] Dexter and Adams French, was born at Orange in 1839. He married Julia Hunt. Four children : 1569 i Waldo" French, b. ; ni. Minnie Ford. Three children. 1570 ii Cora" French, b. 1858; m. Frank Cheney, IG Sept., 1880; farmer, of Sanford, Me.; son of Horace B. and Susan A. Cheney, was born in 1857. Two children. 1571 iii Frank" French, b. . 1572 iv J. Margaret" French, b. 1865; m. Ellsworth E. Howe of Graf- ton, Mass., 17 Nov., 1886; he was born in 1861 at Princeton. Two children. 224 DEXTER FAMILY GENE^VLOGY. 1098 Moses C.^ French, son of Rhoda' [LucyS Ichabod^, Samuel*, Benjamin^ William-, Thomas\l Dexter and Adams French, was born in 1842. He married Kate E. Bishop. Was a fur- niture dealer. Two children : 1573 i Minnie May" French, b. 27 Mareli, 1868; d. 7 April, 1869. 1574 ii Clara Eleanor" French, b. 6 Oct., 1870. 1099 William N." Dexter, son of Foster D-'' [John," Job^ SamueP, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Phebe P. [ ] Dexter, was born 15 Aug., 1843. He married (1) Frances Newland, Aug., 1870; (2) Mary J. Dooley, 7 April, 1887 (she died 14 March, 1897) ; (3) Lillian Adell Field, 22 Dec, .1897 (she was born 18 April, 1857). He is now living in New Salem, Mass. Two children : 1575 i . lona F." Dexter, b. 2 Dec, 1888. 1576* ii Mabel A." Dexter (adopted), b. 8 March, 1869; m. George Carpenter of Orange. 1100 Charles Augustus^ Wheeler, son of William A.'^ [Anna^ Job^, Samuel*, Benjamin^, William-, Thomas^] Dexter and Almira [Allen] Wheeler, was born 27 Jan., 1826. He married Mary Eliza Douglas, 1 Jan., 1851, and died 18 Sept., 1867. He was educated in the public schools of Worcester and at Williston Seminary at Easthampton, Mass. After an ap- prenticeship with his father he was admitted into partner- ship. He held several official positions in Worcester until failing health obliged him to retire from offi.ce and from active business. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 225 Three children : 1577 i William Stephen" Wheeler, b. 19 Oct., 1855; d. 28 April, 1856. 1578 ii Annie Douglas" Wheeler, b. 15 Oct., 1861; d. 10 Sept., 1862. 1579 iii Charles Douglas" Wheeler, b. 9 Nov., 1865. UOl William Fiske' Wheeler, son of William A.^ [Anna«, JobS Sam- uel^ Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] Dexter and Almira [Allen] Wheeler, was born 24 June, 1830. He married Ada- line Barry Yonng-, 13 Sept., 1854. He was educated at Harvard University, 1852, and went to Europe soon after his graduation. A weakness of his eyes obliged him to aban- don the profession of medicine, which he had intended to pursue. Having a taste for agriculture, he purchased a farm and conducted a school for boys in connection there- with, until the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, when he enlisted and was chosen captain of a company in the 51st Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers. After the war his health failed and he gave up active business. Four children : Frank Allen" Wheeler, b. 29 Sept., 1859. Chai-les Sprague" Wheeler, b. 7 Jan., 1863 ; d. 24 Nov., 1865. Ada Maria" Wlieeler, b. 14 Nov., 1865. Thomas" Wheeler, b. 14 Sept., 1868. no4 Moses Allen^ Wheeler, son of William A.'' [Anna", Jo¥, Samuel*, Benjamin^, William^ Thomas^] Dexter and Al- mira [Allen] Wheeler, was born in Worcester, 19 Aug., 1838. He married Helen Marion Erwin, 18 Jan., 1865, and died 28 Nov., 1884. He was educated in the public schools of Worcester, and was in the office of his father until his failing health induced him to engage in farming on an estate in the outskirts of Worcester, where he resided until his death. He was a Republican in politics. 1580 1581 ii 1582 iii 1583 iv 226 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Five children : 1584 i Moses Allen" Wheeler, b. 18 March, 1866. Superintendent of Elevator Co., and resides at 3 Forbes Street, Worcester. 1585 ii Harriet Erwin" Wheeler, b. 18 July, 1867. Teacher in public schools, and resides at 3 Forbes St., Worcester. 1586 iii Fanny" Wheeler, b. 26 Aug., 1869. 1587 iv Helen Eliza' Wheeler, b. 27 June, 1872. Eesides at 3 Forbes Street, Worcester. 1588 V Marion Barnai-d' Wheeler, b. 4 Feb., 1877. 1121 George L.- Morton, son of Alexander^ [James", Mary^, Samuel*, Benjamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] Dexter and Martha [Wheeler] ^lorton, was boi-n in 184(1. He married . Three children : 1589 i Edna' Morton, b. ; m. Amasa Smith. 1590 ii Moses" Morton, b. . 1591 iii Proctor" Morton, b. - — — ; m. — ■ — . Three children: Charles Morton, Dexter Morton, Helen Morton. 1129 Shatley- Morton, son of SamueF [Hannah*^, Benjamin^, SamueP, Benjanliu^ William-, Thomas^] Dexter and Morton, was born in 1815. He married . Four children : 1592 i Uriah" Morton, b. . 1593 ii Lewis" Morton, b. . 1594 iii Chai-les" Morton, b. . 1595 iv William" Morton, b. . 1130 Benjamin^ Morton, son of SamueP [Hannah^ Benjamin^ SamneP, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] Dexter and Morton, was l)orn in 1818. He married . DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 227 Two children : 1596 i Almon' Morton, b. . 1597 ii Millard^ Morton, b. . U3I Almon' Morton, son of Samuel' [Hannah^ Benjamin^ Samuel*, Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^] Dexter and Morton, was born in 1820. He married . Two children: 1598 i Edgar'-' Morton, b. . 1599 ii Willard' Morton, b. . 1143 Trustum DurelP Dexter, son of Amasa'' [Benjamin®, Benja- min°, SamueP, Ben.iamin^ William-, Thomas^] and Roanna [Allen] Dexter, was born 7 July, 1834, at Orange, ]\Iass. He married IVIary Susan Calligan, 9 Nov., 1862. She was bom 8 Sept., 1840, and died He was in the U. S. Army during' the Rebellion (loth Mass. Reg.). He was killed by accident J\Iay 4, 1904 (falling from a building). He was a large owner of real estate in Clinton, Mass. They adopted a girl, but she died many years ago. 1144 Benjamin Allen^ Dexter, son of Amasa^ [Benjamin^, Benjamin^, Samuel^ Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Roanna [Allen] Dexter, was born 25 Oct., 1836. He married Laura O. Webb, 4 April, 1860, at Black River, N. Y. She was bom 25 March, 1842, and died 7 Jan., 1897, at Black River, New York. He died 22 Jan., 1906. Three children : 1600 i Freddy B." Dexter, b. 16 May, 1861; d. 28 Sept., 1861, at Black Elver, N. Y. 1601* ii Frank Albert' Dexter, b. in Entland, 26 Nov., 1863. 1602 iii Herbert Artlnir" Dexter, b. 4 Oct., 1870. 228 DEXTER FAMILY GENEAJLOGY. 1 147 Elihu Osgood Clark'' Dexter, son of Amasa^ [Benjamin^, Benja- niiir', SanuieP, Benjamin^, William-, Thomas^] and Eoanna [Allen] Dexter, was born in Orange, Mass., 12 Aug., 1842. He married Jane Miner, 1 Jan., 1867. She was a daughter of Benjamin Randall nnd IMary Elmira (Clark) ]\Iiner, and was born in Colerain, 22 June, 1842. He was a farmer and lived on part of the old homestead, moving the old house to the north part of the estate and making their home there. He owned a large amount of land in Orange. Two children : 1603* i Myia R.'' Dexter, b. 2 June, 1871; d. 27 April, 1904; m. George W. Holton, 1892. 1604 • ii Herbert C." Dexter, b. 14 March, 1876; m. Ava Leona Sargent, 25 Dec, 1901. Now living on a farm in South Orange, Mass. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 229 U48 Hephzibah^ Dexter, dauphter of Amasa^ [Benjamin'', Benja- min^ SamueP, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas'] and Roanna [Allen] Dexter, was born 24 June, 1845, at Wendell, Mass. She went to school at Wendell, Mass., and afterwards at Orang:e, Mass. She moved to Worcester in 1865, where she was married to Henry Davis Barber of Worcester, Mass., in 1867. She has always been active in church work, being a member of the Methodist Chnrch. She has been for many years one of the visitors and directors of the Old Ladies' Home in Worcester. One child : 1605 i Harry ReueP Barber, b. 6 Sept., 1872; m. Harriette Heloise Hufifman, 19 Sept., 1900, at New Castle, Ohio. He is a grad- uate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and is now district manager of Telephone Company at St. Louis. They have one . daughter, Heloise. U49 Hoyt^ Dexter, son of Amasa'' [Benjamin^, Benjamin^, SamueP, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas'] and Roanna [Allen] Dex- ter, was born at Wendell, Mass., 20 Aug., 1847. He mar- ried Anrea Scott of Black River, N. Y., 20 Sept., 1876. Two children : 1606 i Leta" Dexter, b. in Colerain, Mass., . 1607 ii Nina" Dexter, b. in Colerain, Mass., . nso Anna^ D-exter, daughter of Amasa'^ [Benjamin^ Benjamin^, Samuel*, Benjamin^ William^ Thomas^] and Roanna [Allen] Dexter, was born 13 Aug., 1850, and died 7 Jan., 1904. She married (1) B. F. Miner, 1870. He was the son of Benjamin Randall and Mary Elmira (Clark) Miner. She married (2) Charles Stevens, 1884. 230 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. One child by first husband: 1608 i David EarP Miner, b. 10 Aug., 1871; m. Alice Kimball, 28 Oct., 1893. U5\ Joseph Lord'* Dexter, son of Moses'' [Benjamin®, Benjamin^, SamueP, Benjamin^, William-, Thomas^] and Persis [Lord] Dextei", was born in Orange, Mass., 7 Jan., 1839. His early JOSEPH L. DEXTER. life was spent in his native town on the farm at home, and learning the carpenter's trade of Deacon Howe. He was married to Sarah Jane Wood, 7 Oct., 1858, and they have had four children, Frank Edward, Fred Abbott, Mabel L. and Louise. He removed to Athol, Mass., about 1864 or '65, and for over thirty years was the leading builder and con- tractor of that town, and some of Athol's finest residences are the work of his hand and brain, and it has been said of him that he never erected a poor building. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 231 He was a Republican in politics and intelligently inter- ested in public affairs. He was a member of Tuily Lodge of Odd Fellows. His health had not been good the last few years of his life, and he had retired from active work. His death was caused by drowning 28 Feb., 1902, and the only cause that can be given is a genei'al despondency over his ill health. He leaves a good name, and the sad circum- stance of his departure from this life casts no reflections on his character or spirit. Four children : 1609* i Frank E.» Dexter, b. 25 Dec, 1859; m. Cora H. Lee, 15 Aug., 1883. 1610* ii Fred. A.» Dexter, b. 17 Oct., 1862; m. Flora L. Putnam, 26 Oct., 1884. 1611* iii Mabel L.'' Dexter, b. 3 June, 1865; m. Arthur A. Prentiss. 1612 iv Nettie L.» Dexter, b. 13 Jan., 1869; d. 8 Aug., 1869. Everett Augustus'^ Dexter, eldest child of David"^ [Benjamin®, Benjamin^, Samuel^ Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Maria ["Hubbard] Dexter, was born 3 Aug., 1836, in Orange, Mass., and was a small child when his parents settled at Black River. He attended the public school of that village, and his father planned to send him to college. The son. how- ever, preferred a business career, and was permitted to begin at an early age to work in the chair factory of his father. He worked his way through all departments of the work and was master of every detail. He became partner with his father in 1864, and succeeded to the sole ownership in 1880. Soon after this he admitted his brother, David Erwin Dex- ter, to partnership, and the business was conducted under the name of David Dexter 's Sons. On account of failing health Everett Dexter went to Colorado in 1889, and remained there three years. Returning to Black River, he passed away at his home there, 12 March, 1893. A man of domestic tastes, Mr. Dexter preferred his home to the market place, and he shunned public office, though a 232 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. public-spirited citizen, and was widely respected as a thor- oughly upright man. He was a believer in the principles of the Republican party, and sustained them with his in- fluence at all times. He was a regular attendant of the local / S/r^^/t ^2< ^^AcyC^yr^ church, in whicli he was a trustee, and was a member of Watertown Lodge, No. 49, Free and Accepted Masons. A sound and incorruptible business man, he never lost the respect and esteem of his contemporaries. Mr. Dexter was DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 233 married to Miss Martha Oakes, Oct. 8, 1864, who was bom May 18, 1840, at Antwerp, Jefferson County, a daughter of George and Martha ( Green )Choate Oakes. The last named was a descendant of Robert and Sarah Choate, whose son, John Choate, was a pioneer settler of New England. The only child of Everett A. and Martha (Oakes) Dexter is Carolyn Martha, who was born in Bhiek Hiver. She is a graduate of tlie Watertown High School, and of the Oswego Normal School. She is now a kindergarten teacher in New York, residing with her mother in Jamaica, Long Island. The esteem in which Mr. Dexter was held in the commun- ity is shown by the following extracts from an obituary published in the Watertown Times, and the resolutions adopted by his Masonic lodge, namely: "In 1839, when about three years of age, the subject of this sketch came with his parents from Massachusetts to Black River, which he has seen grow from a small hamlet to a thriving manufacturing town. To this growth and to all that tended to the improve- ment of the village and its inhabitants, Mr. Dexter was al- ways ready to extend both moral and financial aid. " . . . ^' Among the scores of employees in the factory, many of whom had Marked there a score of yeare, Mr. Dexter was uniformly loved and respected." "A kind husband and father, a considerate employer, an upright business man and a public-spirited citizen, Mr. Dex- ter 's death will be more widely felt than that of any other resident of the village who has passed away. ' ' "Whereas, our earthly lodge has thus lost one who was dear to us, as a true and worthy friend, a.ssociate and . brother, and the grand lodge above has gained another bright, immortal soul, therefore be it, "Resolved, that our lodge be draped in the usual mourn- ing, that a page in this book of minutes be set apart to per- petuate his name and memory, that these preambles and resolutions be published in the Daily Times, and that a copy thereof be transmitted to the sorrowing relatives, and that while we mourn for one whom we dearly loved, and tender to the bereaved ones our deep and sincere sympathy 234 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. in this hour of their affliction, we humbly, devoutly and reverently bow to the inevitable laws of our Supreme Grand Master above, who doeth all things well. ' ' One child : 1613 i Carrie M." Dexter, b. 20 July, 1877. U56 David Erwin'' Dexter, son of David' [Benjamin^, Benjamin^, SamueP, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Maria [Hub- bard] Dexter, was born 8 Feb., 1849, at Black River, N. Y. He married INTary D. Pierce, 10 May, 1870. She was born 30 Sept., 1849. 1157 Henry Clay' Dexter, eldest son of Simeon'' [Benjamin^, Benja- min^ Samuel*, Benjamin^, William-, Thomas^] and Maria [Hardy] Dexter was born 4 May, 1858, in Black River, N.Y., and received most of his education in the Watertown public schools, and at Potsdam Normal School. In 1882 he entered the employ of Poor, Dexter & Co., chair manufactur- ers at Black River. His brother Charles was a partner in this business, and the share of the management, on account of Charles' failing health, soon evolved on him. On March 4, 1884, he became a partner in the firm, and a year later, he and Charles bought out the other partners, Christopher Poor and Charles Wolf, and at once joined with the owners of a factory and water power on the north side of the river, D. Hubbard Scott and Byron N. Scott, and immediately moved their ANoodworking department into this shop. After one year, the Dexter l)rothers bought out the other two and continued tli(^ business of chair-making alone, under the name of Dexter & Co. After the death of Charles, the name was made H. C. Dexter Chair Co., under which title it was incorporated in 1890. On the 24th of November, 1894, the sho]i, which stood on the present site of the Union School building, was desti'oyed by fire. A new building DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 235 was erected on the north side of the river, and this was burned Feb. 17, 1900. It was immediately rebuilt on a larger scale than before, and is now the scene of busy activ- ity. A small part of the product is exported, but the larger portion is sent to the large cities, such as New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Pittsburg. Mr. Dexter is ah active member of the Methodist Church,. HENKY C. DEXTER. having long been Chairman, of the Board of Stewards and President of the Trustees. He has always fostered the public school system, and has had a large intinence in the improve- ment of the schools of his native village. Soon after his election as school trustee in 1892, he began an agitation of the plan of consolidation of school districts, on opposite sides of the river and in separate towns, and this was brought about in 189:3. This was a stepping-stone toward the incorporation of the village, lying in two separate to^vnSy 236 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY, and larg-ely through the influence of Mr. Dexter this was consummated. Believing that his business holds the most important demand upon his time, he avoids public office, but has served as water commissioner of the village. He is a successful business man and a well-wisher toward all the world. Mr. Dexter was married 21 Jan., 1885, to Clara L. Tis- dale, daughter of Rev. William and Eunice Louise (More- house) Tisdale, the latter now deceased. Mr. Tisdale is a member of the Central New York Methodist Conference, and has been stationed at various points in this section, according to the system of his church. He is of an old Canadian family, and one of his brothers has been many years a mem- ber of the Dominion Parliament, having formerly been a member of the Governor-General's Cabinet. Mrs. Tisdale was a daughter of Somers ]\Iorehouse, of Mexico, Oswego County, New York. The children of Henry C. and Clara L. Dexter are : 1614 i Fanny Eunice' Dexter, b. 10 June, 1887. 1615 ii William Charles' Dexter, b. 18 March, 1891. 1616 iii Dorothy May" Dexter, b. 11 Sept., 1895; d. 28 April, 1896. 1617 iv Marion Louise" Dexter, b. 26 March, 1902. 1158 Charles Phineas^ Dexter, second son of Simeon'' [Benjamin®, Benjamin^, SamueP, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Maria [Hardy] Dexter, was born 2 Sept., 1860, at Black River, and graduated from the Watertown High School in 1878. Pie taught school two years in Rutland and Leray, and in 1881 joined Charles Wolf in the purchase of the in- terest of David K. Dexter in the chair manufacturing busi- ness of Poor & Dexter. The business was then continued under the title of Poor, Dexter & Co., and Charles P. Dex- ter continued to be an owner, under various titles, until his death, 3 jNlay, ^886. As above related, he became joint owner with his elder brother of the entire plant in 1884. He DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 237 possessed a rare capacity for business, and instituted systems of business management which are still in use by his success- ors. Like his father, he liad a strong grasp of details, and would have attained a high position in the business world, without doubt, had his life continued to the allotted time. His close ai)i)lieation to ])usiii('ss uiulcniiiiicd his health, and he began to shift some of liis cares to his hi'other by 1883. During the summer of the followiuu' \('ai" he remained in a CHAKLES p. DEXTER. sanitarium at Dansville, X. Y.. and in the autumn went to San Antonio, Texas. After remaining- there a year, he went to the highest altitude on the Southei-n l^acific Railroad, at San Gorvonio. Cal., whei'c his life jtasscd out on the date above named. lie became a member of the ^lethodist Church early in life, and while in Texas affiliated with the Methodist Church South. He was small of stature, but great in soul and mind, and had a most cheerful disposi- tion. Though he must have felt that death was near during 238 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. his last years, he never complained and kept up a happy frame of mind. Fond of anecdote, he was a capital story- teller, and aided much in the cheer of any society in which he was placed. His death was a loss to the business com- munity and to the life of his native place, both social and material. The following- tribute was written by Professor W. K. Wickes, former principal of Watertown High School, and at present principal of the Syracuse (N. Y.) High School: ' ' Charles Dexter, or ' Charlie, ' as he was familiarly called^ was an interesting study to students of human nature. The wi'iter kncAv him — knew him well — at that period of his life when his character was most rapidly forming and his mind was most active. Rarely are the 'elements' which go to make up a 'man' mixed in such strange proportions as in him ; never have they better blended to form a manly character. No over-zealous critics, alert to find flaws in poor human nature, could truthfully tax this young man with the possession and exercise of a mean trait of character. On the contrary, friend and foe — if foe, indeed, he had — would acknowledge the existence in him, and that, too, in the most marked degree and unalloyed kind, of the best, most at- tractive traits of human nature. I know not how better to define his character than by saying that he was a young man of generous uprightness. And that, it seems to me, means much. For it implies that while he was good, he was not selfishly so, as some good men have, alas, been known to be. It means, moreover, that the generasity which was so char- acteristic of him was not simply the benevolent impulse of an unjudging heart, but was dominated and controlled by such thoughtful action of the mind as insured the morality and uprightness of that generosity. Indeed, the traits of this young man's mind were in a very true and real sense insepar- able from those of his heart. How clear, keen and right judg- ing the operations of his mind were ! Who that ever saw and heard him in the fervor of debate will not say 'true' to this? And when the question was one in which both his feelings and his powers were interested, how admirable his argument ; DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 239 and how perfectly niii(|ue his manner of illustration and ex- pression. "But this generous heart and clear mind were lodged in a slight physical frame-work, which early gave way to the fell power of disease. He died far from home and friends, and yet had so endeared himself to strangers that they tenderly prof- ferred to him all aid in their power. It was little, however, that they could do. Yet, there can be no doiiht that he was 'sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust,' and so realized, though far from home, the truth of that beautiful old saying, 'The way to heaven is the same out of all places.' '' PWNNY S. DEXTEK. U59 Fanny Sarah' Dexter, daughter of Simon^ [Benjamin^ Benja- min^ SamueP, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas' ] and Maria [Hardy] Dexter, was born at Black River, N. Y., 4 Oct., 240 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1862, and died at Black River, 12 Feb., 1885. Her early life she spent at Black River, attending the local schools. In 1870, when her people moved to Watertown, she went with them and entered the city schools and graduated from the High School in 1881. After a year's rest she at- tended the Mount Holyoke Seminaiy one year. The remain- der of her life she spent with her parents at Black River. 1162 Orrin B.- Ramsey, son of Betsey'^ [Benjamin^, Benjamin^, SamueP, Benjamin^, William^ Thomas^] Dexter and Luther Ramsey of Orange, was born 24 May, 1848, and married Sarah E. Booth, 28 Nov., 1868. Four children : 1618 i Mary Augusta' Eamsey, b. 12 Nov., 1869. 1619 ii Lillian Jane" Ramsey, b. 28 Aug., 1871. 1620 iii Orrin Walter' Eamsey, b. 1 Nov., 1876. 1621 iv Maud Evelyn" Eamsey, b. 6 Sept., 1887. 1164 Horace Hartwell- Ramsey, son of Betsey' [Benjamin^, Benja- min% SamueP, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] Dexter and Luther Ramsey, was bom 25 June, 1857. He married Lil- lian Clark, 29 Feb., 1880, daughter of William S. and Pallas E. (Woodard) Clark. She was born 30 Sept., 1859. He was for a long time connected with his father in the under- taking business, and since his father's decease he has car- ried on the business alone. Four children : 1622 i Camilla Euth' Eamsey, b. 20 Jan., 1884. 1623 ii Geneva Isadore' Eamsey, b. 22 May, 1887. 1624 iii Allan Clark' Eamsey, b. 24 March, 1890. 1625 iv Marion Olive' Eamsey, b. 3 June,* 1892. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 241 HERMAN DEXTEK. \165 Herman Francis' Dexter, son of Samuel Stillman^ [Benjamin^ Benjamin'', Samuel^ Benjamin^ William', Thomas'] and Maria C. [DeAvey] Dexter, was born at Orange, Mass., 13 Oct., 1858. He was educated in the public schools of that town, graduating from the high school in 1877. In 1878 he went to San P>aneisco, CaL, and entered the employ of Dewey & Co., publishers of the Mining and Sci- entific Press, and the Pacific Eural Press, where in time he became cashier and office manager, a position which 242 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. he has held continuously for many years. He is also secre- tary and one of the directors of the Dewey Publishing Co., a corporation organized in 1891, to succeed the firm of Dewey & Co. He was married in San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 7th, 1884, to Ella B. Browning, a native of that city, and daughter of Jacob and Zeruah Browning. He now (1905) resides in Alameda, Cal., a suburb of San Francisco, to which place he removed in 1889. In religion he is a Congregationalist, being a member of the First Congregational Church of Al- ameda, Cal. He has served continuously on the Board of Trustees of that church since 1891, and has been superin- tendent of the Sunday school during most of the same time. Children : 1626 i Euey* Dexter, b. in San Francisco, Cal., 26 June, 1887. 1627 ii Browning Dewey' Dexter, b. in San Francisco, Cal., 13 Dec, 1888. 1628 iii Philip Lee» Dexter, b. in Alameda, Cal., 22 Feb., 1896. 1629 iv Harold' Dexter, b. in Alameda, Cal., 9 Sept., 1897. 1166 Caroline Mary« Dexter, daughter of Samuel Stillman^ [Benja- min«, Benjamin^ SamueP, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Maria [Dewey] Dexter, was bom 5 Sept., 1860. She married Martin W. Mayo. Two children: 16S0 i Ella Caroline' Mayo, b. Sept., 1886. 1631 ii Helen' Mayo, b. Nov., 1887; d. 1888. 1167 Edward Mansfield' Dexter, son of Samuel Stillman' [Benja- min«, Benjamin^ SamueP, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and Maria C. [Dewey] Dexter, was bom at Orange, Mass., DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 243 2 Oct., 1864. He was educated in the public schools, and graduated from the high school as valedictorian of the class of 1882. For a time he assisted his father in his work as a civil engineer. The succeeding two and one half years were passed in the employ of the New Home Sewing Machine Co. He was a carpet salesman in the dry goods store of M. E. Cowan for a year. In 1885 he went to Black River, N. Y., where for thirteen years he wa^ manager bookkeeper for the H. C. Dexter Chair Co. In politics he is a loyal Re- publican, and at the time of the election of President McKin- ley to his first term of office, was President of the Republi- can Club. After the village of Black River Avas incorpora- ted, he was elected village clerk, which office he held for several years. He married N. Gertrude Boyce, 18 July, 1888, at Orange, Mass. She was the daughter of Alaric and Amanda (Whitney) Boyce. He moved in 1897 to Hartford, Conn., to take charge of the office of E. G. Whittelsey & Co., a wholesale house dealing in flour, butter, cheese, etc. He is now living in Hartford. He and his family are active members of the Fourth Con- gregational Church. He is much interested in its work, having been a deacon, and is now a trustee and first vice- president of its large chorus choir. He is faithful to every obligation. That he has the entire confidence and high es- teem of his employers is evidenced by the tnisted positions he has so long held. One child : 1632 i Eaymond Henry-' Dexter, b. at Black River, N. Y., 28 March, 1892. « Maurice Lynde« Dexter, son of Samuel Stillman" [Benjamin^, Benjamin^ SamueP, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^] and Maria [Dewey] Dexter, was bom -3 May, 1869, at Orange, Mass. On that morning the ground was covered with two or three inches of snow. Under the parlor window of the 244 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. house iu which the subject of this sketch was born, there was a flower bed bordered with dwarf fleur-de-lis in bloom. The line of blue flowers and green-leaf points lay on the snow like a rift of sky in a summer cloud. In his boyhood Mr. Dexter attended the graded and high schools of Orange, and assisted his father in his farm work, lumbering and civil engineering. During these early years, he acquired a practical knowledge in these lines of business 'which was of much use in later life. After leaving school, he was employed for a time in the factory of the New Home Sewing Machine Co. He then engaged in business for himself as a farmer and milk dealer, also carrying on trade in wood and lumber. Mr. Dexter is in religion a Congregationalist, and in poli- tics a Republican. He also belongs to the society of Odd Fellows and has held the office of Treasurer of the local lodge for several years. He married Martha Stella Foskett in 1888. She was the daughter of a prosperous farmer. Four children born in Orange have come to bless the home, one of whom has passed on to the heavenly home, and so the snow storms and spring blossoms of life are mingling all the way. . Four children : •- 1633 i Albert Maurice' Dexter, b. 6 June, 1889. 1634 ii Gladys Maria" Dexter, b. 12 Feb., 1891. 1635 iii Eolancl Foskett" Dexter, b. 18 May, 1893; d. in Orange, 4 Aug., 189.5. 1636 iv Bernard Leon" Dexter, h. 31 Oct., 1896. U70 George Edward^ Dexter, son of George W.^ [Benjamin^, Benja- min», SannieP, Benjamin', Willianr, Thomas^] and F. Ar- villa [Fry] Dexter, was l)nrn 26 Dec, 1857. He married Minnie Emmelin Graves, 24 Oct., 1878. She was born at Orange, 25 March, 1860. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 245 ;#l "'i^- -i • ■ ■;> X V GEORGE E. DEXTER. Three children 1637 1638 1639 i Arthur Job" Dexter, b. 24 Jan., 1880; m. Annie Stewart, 14 Oct., 1900. Three children: Margaret, b. 16 Sept., 1901; Marion, b. 16 Sci>t., 1001; Davis, b. 28 Nov., 1903. 11 George Augustus'' Dexter, b. 20 Jan., 1882. iil Lyna" Dexter, b. 19 Nov., 1887. 1172 Herbert Eugene'^ Dexter, son of Geortie W.'' [Benjamin*, Ben- ,iamin^ Samnel\ Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^ and F. Ar- villa [Fry] Dexter, was born Feb., b'^fif). He married Tiia M. Dow, 27 Nov., 1884. 1640 One child: i Edna May'' Dexter, 1). .') April, 1886; m. G. Harry .Tolmson, 31 Oct., 1903. One son: Ealj^h Edward .Johnson, b. 4 .Tune, 1904. 246 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1174 Mary Lizzie^ Dexter, daughter of George W.^ [Benjamin^ Ben- jamin^ SamueP, Benjamin^ William^, Thomas^] and F. Ar- villa [Fry] Dexter, was born 19 Nov., 1869. She married Israel Newton, 19 Oct., 1892. She was secretary of the Dex- ter Family Reunion Association. One child : . . 1641 i Grace May' Newton, b. 7 July, 1893. 1176 Nelson Dexter« Davis, son of Dexter^ [Lucy«, Benjamin^ Sam- uel*, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^ Dexter] and Emily [Holden] Davis, was born 20 Sept., 1829, at Orange, Mass. He married (1) Adelaide M. Wescott, 26 Oct., 1852. She was born 27 Sept., 1835, and died 23 Jan., 1863. He mar- ried (2) Julia E. Baker, 11 Feb., 1864. She was born 31 . March, 1837, the daughter of Bennet and Abigail (Miller) Baker. He came to Caton with his father in 1842, who located at the place called ' ' Pail Factory place, ' ' in 1847. He went into the gTOcery business with his father, and continued until 1852, when he bought the farm of sixty-five acres where he now lives and where he was married. He added to it until now it contains two hundred and thirty-three acres. He follows general farming and makes a specialty of breeding horses. He belonged to the Methodist Church, and was chiefly responsible for the building of the new church in 1866. He has held several town offices. Four children by first wife, two by second wife : 1642 i Horace D.'' Davis, b. 7 Jan., 1854; m. 18 April, 1875, Mar- garet Eoe, dau. of Daniel B. and Margaret (Frauderhoff) Eoe. 1643* ii Henry L." Davis, b. 20 Ang., 1856; d. 1900; m. Phebe M. White, 18 Jan., 1877; she died in 1901. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 247 1644 iii Charles H." Davis, b. 4 Nov., 1858; a. 21 Aug., 1896. 1645 iv Edgar M." Davis, b. 24 Nov., 1860. Is a dentist in Waverley. 1646 V Louis B." Davis, b. 8 Oct., 186G; d. 7 Oct., 1867. 1647* vi Emma A." Davis, b. 8 June, 1868. U79 Erastus Andrew^ Davis, son of Norris'^ [Lucy^, Benjamin", Sam- uel'*, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^ Dexter] and Lucy Ann [Howard] Davis, was born 25 Nov., 1832. He married Mary T. Harrison, daughter of Jessie Harrison. Six children : 1648 i Cornelius H.^ Davis, b. 26 July, 18.57; m. Emma T. Sliowatter, 1880. Four children. 1649 ii Mary Addie' Davis, b. 16 Nov., 1861 ; d. 11 April, 1870. 1650 iii Jennie Mary" Davis, b. 19 Dec, 1863; d. 10 Ajjril, 1870. 1651 iv Nelson Non-is'' Davis, b. 11 Aug., 1866; m. Margaret M. Hud- son, 1889. Five children. 1652 V Willie" Davis, b. 6 Dec, 1870; d. 15 Dec, 1870. 1653 vi Wilber W.» Davis, b. 26 March, 1872; m. Clara A. Southard, 1893. One child. nsi Cynthia Ann^ Davis, daup^hter of Norris'^ [Lucy^, Benjamin^, Samuel*, Benjamin^, William^, Thomas^ Dexter] and Lucy Ann [Howard] Davis, was born 4 July, 1837. She married Edward French, 4 July, 1860. Six children : 1654 i Charles B." French, b. 30 June, 1862. 1655 ii Melvin L.» French, b. 17 Oct., 1863. 1656 iii Clarence C." French, b. 4 March, 1866. 1657 iv Josephine A." French, 4 March, 1868. 1658 V Marcus" French, b. 16 Sept., 1871. 1659 vi Ida M." French, 16 March, 1875. 248 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. ABBIE LOUISE (WARDEN) CARPENTER. 1186 Abbie Louise^ Warden, daughter of Narcissa^ [Ll^cy^ Benja- min^ SamueP, Benjaniiir\ Willianr, Thomas^ Dexter] and John Warden, was born 7 Jan., 1840, at Worcester, Mass. She received her education in the public schools of that city, residing' at home until 10 Oct., 1860, when she married Charles Hudson Carpenter. He was the son of Seba and Melinda Carpenter of Douglas. He was born 4 Oct., 1839. ' He came to Worcester when a boy and received his edu- cation in the public schools. He entered the employment of Henry 0. Clark, in the fancy dry goods business. Later the business was conducted by Martin Stowe. He then entered the dry goods store of Josiah H. Clarke, where he remained a clerk until he entered the firm in 1882. In 1896 he with two others succeeded J. H. Clarke Co. under the firm name of Johnson, Carpenter & Co. He early identified himself with the Methodist Church on Park Street, and when Grace Church was formed in 1870, he became one of the first Official Board of that church. He served DEXTER FxVMILY GENEALOGY. 249 CHARLES H. CARPENTER, continuously froiii then until ISD!) as steward or trustee. He has been Iiouoi-imI by nearly every office within the gift of the church and Sunday-school. He was one of the origi- nal members of the Y. M. C. A. He is alife member of Wor- cester County ]\Iechanics Association, a member of ^Tonta- cute Lodge of Free and Accepted ]\Tasons, also a member of the Worcester Board of Trade. He is a Republican in politics. They had one daughter, ]\Iinniola Louisa^ Carpen- ter, born 6 July, 1865; d. 15 June, 1884. In 1890 they adopted a girl, and named her Lillian Gertrude Carpenter; she was Inn-n 17 Nov., 1886. and died 1904. Mrs. Carpenter also took an active part in Grace Church, having held the office of President of the Ladies' Social Cir- cle, District Secretary of the Missionary Society, President of the Foreign Missionary Society of that church. Children : 1660 i Minniola Louisa" Carpenter, b. 6 .Tuly, ISfio; d. 15 June, 1884. 1661 ii Lillian Gertrude" Carpenter (adopfed), b. 17 Nov., 1886; d. 1904. 250 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. MINNIOLA L. CARPENTER. 1865—1884. LILLIAN G. CARPENTER. 1886—1904. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 251 JOHN D. WARDEN (Taken in 1^80.) U87 John Davis^ Warden, son of Narcissa'' [Lucy*', Benjamin^, Sam- ueP, Benjamin^ William', Thomas^ Dexter] and John War- den, was born 3 Dee., 1844, at Worcester. He was educated in the public schools, and learned the machinist's trade. From 1867 to 1870 he was instructor in the Worcester Poly- technic Institute. From 1871-72 he was in the employ of the company that built the bio- bridge at St. Louis. IMo. From 1873-76 he was in the freestone business in Fall River, Mass., and 1877-84 in the crockery business witli his brother in Worcester, Mass. In 1886 he returned to Fall River, where he remained many years, and acquired con- siderable real estate. He was a mechanical expert, and worked out several inventions. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and a Republican in politics. He married Sarah L. Nichols, 26 ]\Iareh. 1874. She wa.s the daughter of Lafavette Nichols of Fall River. Two children : 1662* i Frederick Albert' Warden, b. 24 April, 1875; m. Emma B.Gerry, 4 Nov., 1896. 1663 ii Abbie Nichols' Warden, b. 24 Feb., 1878. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. W. A. WARDEN. W^Z William A.' Warden, yoimgest son of Narcissa^ [Lllcy^ Benja- minS Samuel^ Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^ Dexter] Davis and John Warden, was born 2 March, 1852, at Worcester, Mass., and was edncated in the public schools of his native city. He left school, however, at the age of 16, and learned the cabinet-maker's trade. In 1872, at the age of • 20, he went into the lousiness of manufacturing i)icture frames, in company with George Nolen. This partnership lasted until 1877, when in company with his brother, John D. Warden, he opened a wholesale and retail crockery and glass- ware establishment under the firm name of Warden Bros. This business was sold out in 1884, when he went into the real estate business with Willis F. Phelps, the firm name being Warden & Phelps. This business was more congenial to his taste. The firm had under their control several large estates, in addition to doing a regular brokerage business, and in 1889 they added to their business the buying and developing large tracts of suburban property. In this they DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 253 ELLA M. (DURFEE) WARDEN. were quite successful, aud some of the beautiful suburbs of Worcester owe their origin to this firuL Scores of beautiful houses have been built by this firm, and sold to people desir- ing suburlian homes. Mr. Warden was often consulted in regard to value of real estate, and has acted as expert witness in many real estate cases in court. His services were often secured in apprais- ing property for probate purposes, and in settling estates. He has acted as conveyancer in a great many cases. He held commission as justice of the peace, and notary public, under Governors Robinson, Ames, Brackett, Russell, Greenhalge, Woleott, Crane, Bates and Douglas. In politics he was always a Republican, and took an active interest in all such matters. He was a member of the ward and city connnittee of that party foi- many years, and was inspector of election several terms. He was interested in the no-license campaign, and was treasurer of both city and county committees. His interest in i)olitics led him to attend as a visitor the great national conventions of the Republican ])arty at Chicago, in 18SS, and at Minneapolis, 254 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY, in 1892. He joined the Sunday-school of the Park Street M. E. Church in 1857, and when that church was sold in 1870, he went with the rest to Trinity M. E. Church, and became Secretary and assistant superintendent of the Sunday- school. He joined the church in 1877, and was an active member of all the young people's societies. He was Presi- dent of the Literary Society, a member of the Official Board of the church for many years, holding office as steward and trustee. He was on the Finance Committee, assistant treas- urer, member of the Pulpit Supply and Church Repair Com- mittee. In 1896, when the church was repaired and redeco- rated, he was chairman of the Decorating Committee. He also had charge of extensive repairs of church in 1905. He twice represented his church at the Lay Electoral Confer- ence, and in 1900 was elected a reserve delegate to the Gen- eral Conference of the M. E. Church, held at Chicago, 111. He attended the conference, but was not seated, as his prin- cipal was in attendance. He was Secretaiy for several years of the Worcester M. E. City Mission and Church Extension Society. He was Secretary of the Twentieth Century Thank- Offering commissions from 1899-1901, under whose auspices the church debt of Trinity Church was raised, and was a member of the committee that arranged for the celebration of that event. When the religious census of the city of Wor- cester was taken in 1903, he was a member of the Executive Committee and formulated the 'plan which was adopted in dividing the city into districts, and in tabiTlating the returns, whereby the record of 112,000 people was gathered in five hours. He was connected with the Knights of Pythias and Knights of Malta, a member of Montacute Lodge of Free Masons, Eureka Chapter, Hiram Council, and Worcester County Commandery of Knights Templars. For four years be was Secretary of the Masonic Mutual Relief Association of Central Massachusetts. He was a director of the Young Men's Christian Association. Mr. Warden spent a large part of his winters for many years in traveling in the South and California, and in visiting all parts of our country and Canada. He was interested in DEXTER FAMILY GENEAI^OGY. 255 W. VINCENT WARDEN. 1883—1894. genealogical research, and has compiled the records of several families. He married Ella Maria Durfee, April 1876. She was the daughter of Benjamin and Betsey C. Durfee, of Fall Elver. She was bom 23 April, 1854, at Fall River. Four children : 1664* i Florence Durfee" Warden, b. 30 Dec, 1876; m. Miles W. Tabor, 16 June, 1903. 1665 ii William Vincent" Warden, b. 2 Nov., 1883; d. at Victoria, B. C, 12 May, 1894; buried at Worcester, Mass. 1666 iii Charles Franklin" Warden, b. 11 Dec, 1886. 1667 iv John Emerson" Warden, b.. 25 Sept., 1897. 256 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. CHARLES FRANKLIN WARDEN. V A * ^-. ^m. \! ^ i ^^^^^k j^^ .\i ^hH^ Hl^k mm Hri ■*■ ■i ,^«lv J. EMERSON WARDEN. DEXTER FAMILY (iKXKALOGY, 257 S'. y. X o;,>^ DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1189 Edwin F ^ Davis, son of DanieF [Lucy«, Benjamin% SamueP, Benjamin^ William-, Thomas^ Dexter] and Kutli [Bates] Davis, was born 28 May, 1846. He married Jennie M. Dow of Corning in 1870. About the time he became of age, he spent some time in Massachusetts, and then was in the mill- ing business in Pennsylvania for one or two years. He also followed the carpenter's trade about ten years, in Fall Brook shops He then followed photography about three years at Corning, N. Y., and at that time had the telephone exchange in his ^allerv. bv which he became interested in electricity. He was afterwards with the Edison Electric Co. during the New Orleans Exposition and continued with them for several years, after which he went with the Westinghouse Co He worked for them about three years contracting and establishing plants all over the country. He put in the elec- trical plant for the three state prisons in New York, and has since had charge of them. Two children : 1668 i Maud .\lfredine" Davis, b. 13 Dec, 1875; ni. Philip Whitlock, 17 Oct., 1900. Oue son: Kiclaard Alfred Whitlock, b. 22 Oct., 1901. 1669 ii Ruth J." Davis, b. 31 Dec, 1882. .1190 Lucy E.^ Davis, dauuhtcr .>f DanirF fLucy«, Benjamin^ Sam- nelS Ben.iamin^ WiUianr, Thomas^ Dexter] and Ruth [Bates] Davis, was born 20 ^lay, 1850, at Caton, N. Y. She married (1) John C White, 20 Feb., 1870; he died 7 Oct., 1872 ; (2) Harvey Wood, 6 Feb., 1878 ; he died 23 Oct., 1898. She then went back to the home of her parents and assisted them caring foi- her father in his last sickness, and after his decease, taking care of her mother during her long illness. DKXTEK FAMILY GKXKAI >t HI V. •2r>u LUCY E. (DAVIS) WOOD. One child by first husljaiid: 1670* i Effie Davis'' White, b. 10 Dec, 1870. 1191 Mary E.^ Davis, daiig'hter of Daniel' ILuey'', Benjamin^, Sam- ueP, Benjamin^ William-, Thomas' Dexter] and Ruth [Bates] Davis, was ])oi'n 11 Xov.. 1852. She married Frank TT. Dow, 15 Sept., 1875. They lived on their farm neai- the Davis homestead at Caton, X. Y. Mr. Dcnv takes an active interest in the work of the (li-anue. Two ehildix^n : 1671 i Harry S." Dow, b. 9 Awg., 1878. 1671A ii Jessie Kuth" Dow, b. 13 May, 1885. 2G0 DEXTKR FAMILY GENEALOGY. U92 Henry D.^ Barber, son of Lncy A.' [Lucy^ Benjamin^ Samuel^ Benjamin% William-, Thomas^ Dexter] and Reuel Barber, was born 13 Oct., 1841, at AVorcester, Mass. He Avas edu- cated at the public schools of the city and at Wilbraham Academy. He was employed in the office of the Register of Deeds at the Court House. In 1861 he enlisted as a private HENRY 1). BARBER. in the 31st Regiment, ]\Iassachusetts Volunteers, and was mustered out of service as a First Lieutenant at IMobile, Al- abama, in September, 1865. During a portion of his ser- vice, he was on the staff of Brevet IMajor General Thomas J. Lucas of Indiana. ]\Ir. Barber was for many years treasurer of the ]Maynard- Gough Co., printers, of Worcester, ]\Iass. He was a member of Grace ^I. E. Church, and afterwards transferred his mem- bership to Trinity M. E. Church. He was a class leader and DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. iMil Sunday-school snperinteiKlcnt in both Grace and Trinity chnrches. He was many years a teacher in the Sunday- school, and at one lime was I'resident of the Y. M. C. A. of Worcester. He married He[)hzil)ah'' Dexter, 10 June, 1867. She- was the daughter of Aniasa^ Dexter of Orange. One child : 1672 i Harry EeueP Barber, b. (J Sept., 1872. 1193 Georgianna' Davis, dauL-htei- of Sylvester" [Luey"'. Benjamin^ SamueH, Benjamin^ AVillijim-. Gliomas' Dexter] and Cath- erine [Johnson] Davis, was l)()i-n 2 -lune, 1846. She married Albert Rice of Barre. lie was a slioe manufacturer. Two children : ' ' 1673 i Marion D." Eice, b. ; m. (1) .Julian Clevelaud; (2) George Pratt. Two chililrcn: Willie, Florence. 1674 li .Tnhn Sylvester" Eice, b. ; ni. Kva . 1194 Alfradina"" Davis, danuliter of Sylveslei-' [Lucy''. P>en.)aniin^', SaniueP, Benjamin-', "William-, Thomas^ Dexter] and Cath- erine [Johnson] Davis, was boi-n (i Oct., 1849. at Orange, where she spent her early ehiUlhood. She taught school at Orange and Hubbardston, in Massachusetts, and at Caton in Xew York. She married .lames Cray, and moved with him to California, where they settled upon a hii-iic ranch near Hollister, Santa Clara Co. Three children : 1675 i ^ Bobert'' Gray. b. 2 .Ian.. 1^79. 1676 ii Catherine" Gray, b. K) March. 1SS3. 1677 iii Alfraitina" Grav. 1). 6 Nov.. l*5S(i. 262 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Harriet Elizabeth' Davis, dauglitei" of Sylvester' iLncy«, Ben- .iainiif', Sauiuel\ Benjamin', William^, Thomas^ Dexter] and Catherine [Johnson] Davis, was born 16 Jan., 1851. Her early life was spent on a farm at Orange, Mass. She mar- ried Joseph Sargent, 9 IMay. 1871. He was a marble worker, carrying on a nionnmental business in Barre, afterwards in Gardner, IMass. Three ebildreii : 1678 i William Pliilbrick" Sargent, b. 21 Nov., 1872; m. Jennie Frances Andrews, 13 Ang., 1897. Two children: Marguerite E. Sargent, b. 27 Dec, 1898; Francis William Sargent, b. 20 Jan., 1902. 1679 ii Sylvester Davis" Sargent, b. 10 July, 1876. 1681 iii Catherine Elizabetlr' Sargent, b. 2.1 April, 1880; ni. Arthur Francis O 'Mally, Aug., 1902. 1196 Jennie Etta' Davis, daughtei- of Sylvester' [Lncy^ Beniamin^ SamneP, Benjamin-', William-. Thomas^ Dexter] and Cath- erine [Johnson] Davis, was l)()rii 14 IMarch, 1854. She mar- ried Edward Everett Washbui'ii. 14 :\Tai"eh. 1872. She lived on a farm nntil her marriage, when they moved to Orange, where ber husband was connected witb the stove bnsiness. One child : 1682 i Water Hxcrctt" Wiislihurn. b. 2.') .b-ni., 1 S83. 1197 Sabrina' Walker, daiightci- of Bbebe' | Phebe'', Benjamin''. Sam- neb, Benjamin'. William-. Tlutmas' Dexter] and Willard Walker, was l)orn 10 .March. 182!). Slie married Amos ^I. Lamb of Worcester in 1850. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 263 Five children : 1683 i Henry Willaid" Liimb, 1). 30 :krarch, 1852. 1684 ii Phebe Duella" Lamb, b. at Eoyalston. 1685 iii Edgar' Lamb, b. Oraiifje. 1686 iv Edward" Lamb, b. . 1687 V Walter" Lamli, b. K'oyalston. 1198 Delina'^ Walker, (hiu.uhter of i'lichc' | I'hehi'''. Ijeujainiii'. Saiii- uel^ Benjaniiti'. Williani-. 'i'lioinas' Dexter] ami AVillard Walker, was ])()rii ;U Jan.. 18:51. She married .M. M. Lamb. Ei. He married Mary .laiic Chase of Athol, ]\lass. He died in 1884. 2G4 DEXTER FxVMILY GENEALOGY. Three ehilclnMi : 1698 i Adaline B." Frenc-li, 1). l2() Dec, 1852; d. 1 Aug., 1854. 1699 ii Etta Lois" French, b. 3 6 June, 1858; d. 19 Sept., 1859. 1700 iii Bertha Belle" French, b. 3 Ano.. 1866; d. 20 Oct., 1882. 1206 Maria*^ French, dniiditer of Priscilla' [Phebe^ Benjamin^ Sam- neP, Be^.iamin^ William-, Thomas^ Dexter] and Richard French, was liorn 15 Dec, 1889. She married Orin Trow Lane, 1 April, 1861. ITe was the son of Daniel W. Lane of Hardwiek. Five children : 1701 i Lizzie Minnette" Lane, b. 1862; d. 1863. 1702 ii May Ann' Lane, b. 1865; d. 1885. 1703 iii Carrie Angnsta" Lane, b. 1871; m. Rowland. Three chil- dren. 1704 iv Charles Elliott" Lane, b. 1875. 1705 V Bertha Ahna" Lane, b. 1879. 1207 Charles H.* French, son of Pi-iseilhv [Phebe^ Benjamin^ Sam- neP, Ben.iamin^ AAHlliam^ Thomas^ Dexter] and Richard French, was horn at Ora'nire, Nov.. 1846. He married (1) Carrie :\I. TTaskall, 1 Jan., 1868: she was the adopted dano-hter of INT. Haskall of Ncav Salem. She Avas born 1 Jan., 1847, and died 28 Oct., 1872. He married (2) Ellen Elizabeth Cheney, 11 Jan., 1878; she was the daughter of Damon and Elizabeth Cheney of "Warwick ; she Avas born in 1857. One child by first wife, five by second Avife : 1706 i Angle 3\r.'' French, b. 1871; m. Horace E. Xewell, 15 March, 1890. Tfe died suddenly at Clinton. Me., Nov., 1893. One sou: Horace Edgar Newell, b. March, 1894. She m. (2) 'Fred Nichols. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 2Go 1707 ii Alice" Freneli, b. 27 Xov., 1S7S; in. Ednmnd :srayo, D.D.S., June, 1903. 1708 iii Belle" French, b. 188S'. 1709 iv Eichard C." French, b. 1888. 1710 V Lambert R." French, b. 1889; d. 1891. 1711 vi Dorothy" French, b. 1896. \2\2 George W.*^ Whitney, son of S^nsaiv [Phebe'"'. l^'iijainin', Sani- neP, Benjaniiir. AYilliam-. Tlioiiias^ Dextor] [Tlmrston] and Ira Whitney, was l)oi'n 8 .May, 18:^:^, at Orany'e. ^Mass. He married Al)nrh Kin?. 18.">7. Five children : 1712 i Eva C." Whitney, b. in Pittsfield. Ohio, 6 Dec, 1860. 1713 ii Allison G.'' Wliitney, b. ; e''. P)enjau^in^ SamueP, Benjamin^ William-. 'I'homas' Dexter] ['IMiurston] and Ira Whitney, Avas. ])orn 1 Xow. 1S8(>. Tie nuii'i'ied ^Nlary W. Whitnev. 2(;(; DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Three children : 17'20 i Francis G." Whitney, b. ; il. in infancy. 1721 ii Charles W." Whitney, b. in Oberlin Ohio. 1722 iii Florence" Wliitney, b. in Oberlin, Oh.io, 31 May, 1872. 1216 Mira M.^ Whitney, daughter of Snsaiv | Phebe^ BenjaminS Sannicl^ l^eiijaiuin \ William-. M^honias^ Dexter] [Thurston] and Ira Whitnry. was born I'J .June 1842. She married Henry West, 18(!4 ; he was born Aug., 1842. rr lu'ee children 1723 i Cliarles S." West, b. 29 May, 1865. 1724 ii Louis T." West, h. in Oberlin, Ohio, 17 March, 1867. 1725 iii Hattie A." West. b. in Oberlin, Ohio, 25 Feb., 1870. 1222 John Levi' Ball, son of Levi Thurston' [Phebe^ Ben.iamin^ Sam- uel\ Ben.jandn-', William-. Thomas^ Dexter] Ball and Al- mira [Adams] Ball, was born . He married Eudora Fowle. Two children : 1726 i .lohn Alfred'' Ball. b. . 1727 ii Eudora Adaline" Ball, b. . 1223 Joseph Elijah^ Ball, son of Levi Thurston^ [Phebe^ Ben.iarain-\ Samuel^ Benjamin''. Willianr. Thomas^ Dexter] Ball and .Mmira Ball, was born ISIL ITe married Blanch A. Cook. Two chiklren : 1728 i Laura Alniira'' Ball, )>. . 1729 ii Kalph Aljihonso" Ball, b. . DEXTKl^ l•\\.MII.^ (il-:XEAl,0(iN . 267 1226 Albert H.^ Ball, son of ll\,lri' Alley" | IMl."l.("^ B.Mijiiiiiiii'. Rani- uel', Bcnjaiiiin ■. William-. Tlioinas' Drxlcr l>all and Frances E. AV. | .lolitison | Ball, was Ixifii . I Ic married Alice PI Hill. Four cliildi-eii : 1780 i Fay Hill" Rail. 1>. ; m. Bortlia Grij^os. 1731 ii Ida May'' IJall, li. ; in. .laiucs S. (!rit!in. Oiio t-hikl: George Truman Griffin. 17S'2 iii Aley Haydoir' {'.all. Ii. . 1783 iv Ruliy .li)sr'|iliiiic'' Ttall. li. . 1239 Sarah Elizabeth'' Hall, dauulitei" of -loanua' i l*hebe^ Benjamin"'. SanuieP. Benjamin''. William-, 'riiomas' Dexter] and Ilonji'h- ton TTall, was born G May, 1S.')2, at Tmy. \. '\'.. and died 17 April. 1897. at llai'dwick. She niai'i-ied AJtVed C. King of llardwick-, 1 ()('t., 1S7-"). at ( li'eeiiwich X'illaLic .Mass. Five children : 1734 i .Iciliii Il(iujilit(in'' Kin;^, li. in llaidwirk, '.) .Inly. 1S74; ni. R Jan., 1903, :\rrs. tlattic .1. h'ollins nC Sacn. .Me. (^ii(> smi : Charles Ileriiian Kini;-. U. 23 dan., I!)n4. Tlicy icsidc at (Jreenwicli Village. Mass. 173;" ii Arthur Willard" Kin.-', h. in (In'iMiwii-h, :\Iass., 2 Oct., IS'^0. He lives in Woi'cester. 1736 iii Waltei- Austin" King. Ii. in ( in-cnw i(4i, .Mass., In S('])t., 1SS2; ui. 10 dune, 1!lo:i, Winifrecl \\'. Ciay of New Mraintree, ^fass. One son: Austin Wiliiain Kiny, li. ;>1 Nfarrdi, 1904. They live in Sprinoficdd, Mass. 1787 iv Sarah ?*raber Kiny. h. in Cnvnwiih, Mass., 31 Mandi, 1SS4. 1738 V Louis Kart' iNiny, li. in (lreen\\i(4i, Mass., 9 dime. lSS(i. Xow resides in I'oston, Mass. 268 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. JOHN W. WHEELER. 1244 John Wilson^ Wheeler, son of Wilson^ [BetseyS Benjamln^ Saninel\ Benjamin ■•. William-, l^homasi Dexter] and Cath- arine IT. [Warden] Wheeler, of Oi'ange, was born at Orange, 20 Nov., 1832. His early edneational advantages were limited to thos(^ afforded l)y the eonnnon schools, which were ,,,,,.,1 about two months in the winter and kept by men poorly paid and often poorly (inalified for their work, and by a few terms at Mr. B. AV. Fay's school. Bnt he made good use of his opi)ortnnities. and became well fitted for the large school DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 269 of practical affairs in which he li;is Inkcii conspicuous i-auk.' Much of his cariy life was passed as a fai-iiicr and carpenter and, thoud. lie woi'lced uncoiui)lainiii.uly, but with the determination t(» change his vocation at the earliest prac- tical moment. In 1855 he entered tlie <>rocery store of Joseph Baldwin of Fitchburti, where he worked for $125 a year and board. His eniiueut business ability, which has shown itself in later years, began to show itself in his new oc- cupation, and he rapidly rose in the a|)preci;it ion of his em- ployer, lie stayed here one year, and al1houi;h offered more salary, he returned to his native town aiul entei'ed the general store of Daniel Pomeroy, where he I'emained three years. In 185!) he succeeded Mr. Pomei-oy in the l)usiness, which he conducted through the next three years as sole proprietor. During this time, although the financial results had not been large, he had succeeded in establishing a i-epu- tation as a l)usiness man of aliility ami integrity, and with the financial assistauce of D. E. Cheney aiuI M. K. Carpen- ter, he was enabled to ])nrchase' the grocery stoi'e of A, J. Clark. These gentlemen loaned him $2,000 on his own se- curity. He entered" upon his new venture with that detei"- mination wdiich has since been so clearly shown in his busi- ness enterprises, and conducted it with mark(>d success until 1867, when he became a member of the fii-m of A. l'\ John- son & Co., who had recently starterl, in a small wa.w the uum- ufacture of sewing- machines in Orangt>. This new iMiter- prise on a wider plan at once afforded him a full sco]>e foi- his marvelous energy and ahility, and thei'c was ikhhI of all his resources. Ilis cool and careful judgment was a most necessary adjunct at thatcxperimcMital stage of the sewing machine business. The product was small, and the trouble about patents was constantly claiming attention, and it re- quired the finest skill and judgment to successfully cari-y the business through this trying ])eriod. The style of nuichine was several times changed ami tlnall\- the tirm itself was changed to a corporation, bearing- the name Cold ]\Iedal Sew- ing- Machine Co., and Mr. AYheeler became secretary and (0 DEXTER FAMIEY GENEAT>OGY. H C fa c o Q C DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. J < 1 treasurer. Tl coiiliiiiu'd iiiidci- lliis iii;ina>ieiii('iit until 1SS2. when its name was clianued to .\e\v ITonie SeAvin;^' Machine Co.. and Mr. Wheelei- became the Vice-president and Treas- urer : in 1898 was eU^eted President as well as Treasurer, and from the beiiiiniing- he has been the timincial man- ager of the entire industry, whether fii-m or coi-poi'ation. When the business started they employed about forty men. The business has i-apidly increased until now the establish- ment employs in the niadiinc and needle de|);ir1 iiient abdul seven hiuidred and tifty people, and the daily capacity amounts to nearly five hnndi'(M:l maeliines and lifty thousand needles. This institution .justly ranks amon.ii' the leading and representative industries of western Massachusetts. ^Ir. AVlieeler has not only been the active head and manager of this large corporation, the duties and details of which are very exacting, but he has also found time to interest himself in every movement tending to advance the interests of Orange. lie is President of the Orange National Bank; Leavitt iMachine Co. : Boston ^Mutual Life Insurance Co. ; Oregon Securities Co., liead otfice in New York; a director of the Athol & Orange Street Kail road, and trustee in the Orange Savings Bank. Mr. AVheeler married Almira E. Johnson, 9 Oct., 1856; she was the daughter of Daniel and Almira (Porter) Johnson of Xortli (Grange. ^Ir. Wheeler is a social and genial man prominently iden- tified with the ^lasonic fraternity. He was one of the found- ers of the Orange Lodge, was its first Secretary, and after- wards its Treasurer. He is a meml)er of Crescent Txoyal Arch Chapter, and for several years its Treasurer, and he is also a member of the Orange Connnandery of Knights Tem- plars. Politically, Mi-. Wheeler is a Republican, and has ever taken an earnest and active interest in the success of his party. He has held various positions, always dischai-ging his duties with honor to himself and satisfaction to his fellow towns- men. He was town clei-k of (Grange from 18(il to 18G7. Li 1864 he was appointed a justice of the i>eace by Governor Andrew. He was selectman in 1866. In 1876 he repiv- sented the First Franklin District in the Legislature, serv- 272 DEXTER P\\MII.V GENEALOGY. :2 X o I1KXTKK [•■\.\III,\' (iKXKALOGV. L'T-'I ing Upon the Finance Coniniillcc. In I'^SS. he was a clele- ^•ate from the Elcvcnili District lo I tic National IJcpublican Convention at ('tiicauo wliidi iKHinnati'd llai'i'ison and Mor- ton, lie was altciaiati' dclcLiali' to the National JicpuMi- can Convention in 1I)I)4 which noininated Roosevelt and Fairbanks, and at tiic election the same year was elected li\ a lar^e luajoi'ily as a incnilier of the (io\crnor's Coniicil for l!)()."), and the followini; year was re-elected to the same hun- orahle position. ]\lr. Wlieeler also tali'omptn(^ss. that nevei- faile(l to meet evei-y tinancial ol)liua1ion. howe\cr trivial or however lai-ge: to his remarkal)le personal attention to details and to a prohity and courage, tempered wit h caution, which ha\e made him sa- gacious and successful in a i-emai'kahle dcLiree. ('aulioiisand shrewd, a business man of the hi^liest inlcLii-ity and sieiial ability, rich in ex]>erieuce. lariie ]ieai'te'. 17.S0 i :\rarioii \J Wlicclcr. 1). .".l :May, l$.-)7; m. (1) John B. Welch: (2) Everett Swan. 1740 ii Clara Jane" Wlieeier. I.. *^ .Tune. 1S60; <1. .-^l .\us'.. tSfiO. 1741 iii Eosa A.'' Wheeler. 1). 14 Oct.. lS!(il: d. l>!(in. Peroy G. Wheeler. Perh'v .1. Wliccl.T. 274 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1245 Sarah Warden^ Wheeler, daughter of Wilson' lBetsey^ Benja- min^ SamueP, Bcnjamiir, William-, Thomas^ Dexter] and Catherine H. [W^arden] Wlieeler, was l)()rn 23 Nov., 1834. She married Charles Barber of Orange. 10 Feb., 1858. He was a wheelwright. He was born 12 Jnne, 1834, and died 28 July, 1899. Four children : 1742* i Charles Herbert'' Barber, b. S May, 1860. 174.3 ii Ernest Timothy" Barber, b. 22 March, 1865; d. 14 May, 1869. 1744 iii .Tames Arthur^ Barber, b. 1 May, 1870; d. 1895; m. Margaret E. Jones of New Eockland, Can. 1745 iv Alice Jane" Barber, b. 1 May, 1870; m. Herbert Kent of Eochester, Yt. Two children: Minnie Barber Kent, b. 2 Aprif, ]S.S9; Vera Alice Kent, b. 9 Nov., 1893. 1246 Erastus Otis' Wheeler, son of Wilson' [Betsey^ Benjamin^ SanmeH. Benjamin^ Willianr, Thomas^ D»-xter] and Cath- erine IT. ]AYard('ii] Wheeler, was boi'ii 27 Oct., 1836. ■ Five children : , 1746 i Clara Alma" Wiieeler, b. 19 Jan., 1862. 1747 ii Abbie Gertrude" Wheeler, b. in Northfield, 8 May, 1864; m. 5 Sept., 1884, Walter P. Maynard of Keene, N. H. Five children. 1748 iii Arthur Otis" Wheeler, b. in Northfield, IS Nov., 1866; m. 23 .Jan., 1889, Mftry Ella Doyle. Two children. 1749 iv Hattie Warden" Wheeler, b. 27 July, 1872; m. William Leon Chamljerlain of Farley, INIass., 1 June, 1892. One child. 1750 V Herbert Wilson" Wheeler, b. 27 July, 1872; m. Ellen Bertha Leonard of Greenfield, 1 March, 1898. Two children. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 21') 1248 Frances Dexter- Wheeler, daiiulitfi- of Wilson' | Betsey''. Ik^ija- miir'j SaniiieP. Benjainiii'. AVilliaiii-. TlioDias' Dexter | and Catherine H. [Warden] Wheeler, was boi-n 28 -huie. 1840. She married Augustus Fry at Orange. 28 June, I860; he was born in Jaffrey, N. II.. 12 Nov.. 18;}(j. He is in the em- ploy of the New Home Sinvitig .Machine Co. Two children : , " . . j^ 1751 i George Wilsoiv' Fry, li. nt .Merideu, Ct., l!l :\Iarcli, 1S63; m. Ida Sophia Hastings of Soutii Deerfield, 2?; Sept., 1885. One son: Winthrop Hastings Fry. b. G July. ISSC. 1752 ii Lizzie Adeline" Fry. b. at Orange. 10 'S\n\\ 1S74; ni. Frank L. Waters of Orange, 11 A>ig.. 1S97. Two cliildren: Roderick Fry Waters, b. l.' :\1;i,v, liinl; Kcnnrtli Horatio Waters, b. 20 Aug., 1902. 1 249 Eliza Ann^ Wheeler, daughter of Wilson" [Betsey^ Benjamin^ Samiiel\ Benjamin''- William-. Thomas^ Dexter] ami Cath- erine H. [Warden] AYlieeler. was born at Oratmc Ki June, 1842. She married Otis .]. Stoekwell. 7 .luly. 1808. He was horn in Athol, 26 Se]:)t., 1844. and was the son of Sylves- ter and Polly (Fay) Stockwell of Athol. His father was in the sash and blind business in Athol for yeai's. until he lost his shop by fire. He then did all the ti^aiiiiti'.^- I'oi- the shops in the lower village for many years, lie died in 18f)(). His grandfather was Josiah Stockwell, who was l»oi-n in PJiillips- ton, INIass., near Prospect bill. He was one of the old-time stage proprietors, and ran the stage line from Worcester, ]Mass.. to Winchester. X. H. Cenej-y Twiehell commenced his career as a stage driver, in the employ of ]\[r. Stockwell. Otis J. was a clei*l\ foi- two years jn the store of S. E. Fay. and for five years in tlie dry goods and clothing store of Thorp & Sloan. He then wtMit into business for himself in a store ui)on Main Street. His wife also cai'i'ied on the mil.- 276 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. linery biisiiu'ss on Main Street. They ])ui'ehjise(l llic proper- ty where the stoi'c was located in 18(Ji). They now live near the Athol line in Orange, and Mr. Stoelcwell has ciiai'iic of the park which is located near ])y. They belong to the ]\Iethodist Chnrch. Mv. Stockwell being a trustee of the local church. Five children : 175.S i Fred (J.'' 8toc-kwell, 1>. at Athol. 16 May, 1869; m. Emnia E. Xewtoii, 26 April, 1895. Two children: Alton V. Stoekwell, 1). -2-2 .hme, 1896; Doris E. Stockwell, ]>. . 1754 ii Harry L." Stockwell, b. at Athol, 9 :\Iarch. 187:2; m. Maggie B. Sweeney, L'8 Aug., 189.5. 17.55 iii Maria A." Stockwell, \k at Atliol. 4 Eel)., 1874. 1756 iv Ethel ('.'' Stockwell. b. at Athol, 5 Feb., 1879. 1757 V Chellis \V." Stockwell. b. at Athol. 7 .lulv. 1886. 1250 Evelena Jane' Wheeler, daughter of Wilson' | Betsey^ Benja^ niin's SannieP, Benjamin^ AYilliain-, Thomas^ Dexter] and Catherine H. [Warden] Wheeler, was ])orn 20 Aug.. 1848. She uiai-ried C^harles IT. Barton. 18 Oct., 1865. Three childi'eii. two of whom tlicd in infancy: 1758 i Alice :\r.'' Barton, b. li' Mairli. 1S(;7; ni. W. W. Whitney, 22 Oct., bSS9. Six children: Lena I'.arton Whitney, b. 4 Sept., 1890; Bertha Whitney, b. 'M) Doc, 1891; Alice W. Whitney, b. 19 March, 189:i; Helen L. Whitnry, b. 13 Sept., 1895; Marion E. Whitney, b. .'U Dec. liKid; Charles Willis Whitney, b. 8 Nov., 1902. 1253 Sarah Maria' Poland, daughlri' of Betsey' | Betsey'', Benjamin''. Sannicl'. Benjamin''. AYilliam-. Thomas^ Dexter] and Simon B. Poland, was l)ofn 1 -Inly. 1882. at Wincheudon, jMass., and died 17 .Ma)'('h. 187!'. She mari'ied .\nson (i. Liver- DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 277 more, 2 April, 1857. ^Ir.. Livci-iiiorc mai-i-icd (2) Elizabeth B. Taft. 2r)Fel).. ISSO; she \v;is Ihh-h 20 .M.in-li. 1.S4:-}. Two children : 1759 i Charles Anson" Li\crni(irc, li. 17 Aiiril, T>."S ; i). L' Marcli, LS83. 17x1i'r| and Simon Poland, was liorii :! I^'cli.. IS'.'A, al WiuclH'ndim. Mass. She married ('hai'lcs 1*. Sti-cctei", of P'ilzwilliaiii. .\. II. 24 Nov.. 1863; hr \vasl)<)rii 11 duly, 18:5(i, and died al .Millhury, :\ra.ss.. 25 dan.. 1898. Two (diildi-iMi : 1761 i Kditli IJ.'' Strcrlcr. h. ,i1 Winch. Mnldii, l'lI .Ian., 1S(;7; ni. Gustav Allii'ii Ncndcck, 1 1' "Xnv., iSDi^; he was W. in \i'\v York city, 1 .March. lS(i(;. 17(i2 ii Lilla May'' Strui'tor, h. at Windicudon, ;!1 .May, IStiO. 1255 Charles Townsend' Poland, son of lit'tsey" | Betsey". I>en.iaiinn\ SannieP, IJenjamin'' William-'. Tlioiiias' Dexterj and Simon Poland, was l)oi-n 11 l^'eh.. lS:!t). at Wincliendon. .Mass. He married Eliza B. Mee, IT dune. 18()(l; she was horn in Kiil;- land. 18 Jan., ISlH. and di.'d 10 May, 1!I04. Six ehildren : 17(33 i Elmer E." Poland, \>. at Millliury. -JO X„v., ISfil. 1764 ii Carrie M." Poland, h. ai lloldcii, IS .inly. l^iVA; tn. K.lward F. Peters, 20 Sc|it., Iss.",. 'r\vo chil Wesleyan I'niversity, .Middletown. ('oini.. con- ferred upon him the dei;rei' of .Master of .\rts; and in lSf)(), Xew York T'ni\'ersity the degive of Doctor of IMiilosophy. Ml-. Poland married Fannie j^lizaheth hMagg in lS7-'):she was the daughter ol' ('aptain Algernon S. l-'laug of W'ilhra- ham, ^lass. Two sur\i\iug children were horn of this mar- riage: Eth(d Fdizahelh, hoi'ii 14 .June, ISSM, and Hdwin Flagg, liorn 7 -Inne, 1S!)(I. II is fii-st wife having dietl 1" June. 181)0, .Mr. Poland was married a second lime. 2() June, 282 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY, 1895, to Mary Bishop Dennis, daughter of Rev. M. J. Den- nis of Dayton. Ohio. Two ehiklrcn by first wife, tlu'ee by second wife: 1782 i Ethel Elizabeth" Poland, li. 14 .Tune, 1888. 1783 ii Edwin Flagg" Poland, h. 7 June, 1890. 1784 iii Margaret Evangeline" Poland, b. 19 Sept., 1898. 1785 iv Mary Dennis" Poland, b. 22 May, 1900. 1786 V Addison Brown'' Poland, b. .1 Nov., 1902. 1266 Maria Angela' Morse, daughter of Eliza Ann^ [Betsey^ Benja- min% i^anuieP. Ben.iamin"\ William-, Thomas^ Dexter] and Samuel INIorse. was born 16 Sept., 1850, at Winchendon, ]\Iass. She married Jacob Edward AA^atson, 13 Jan., 1881, at AVoi-cester ; he was the son of W. W. and Julia A. Watson of Princeton, INIass. He died at Worcester, 18 Oct., 1896. Four childi-en : 1787 i Stella Wheeler' Watson, b. 27 March, 18S4. 1788 ii Edward Payson" Watson, b. 30 Aug., 188(3. 1789 iii Ernest Jacob'' Watson, b. 2 April, 1891. 1790 iv Cliestcr Eeroy'' Watsmi, b. 20 EeV)., 1893. 1267 Elnora' Morse, daughter of Eliza Ann" [Betsey^ Benjamiir'. Samuel*. Benjamin^ AVilliam-. Thomas^ Dexter] and Samuel IMorse. was liorn 26 Oct.. 1855. at Worcester. She married Elmer AVinheld Harrington, 2S ]\Iay. 1885; he was the son of Oharlcs A. and Lucy (Goulding) Harring-fou of Worcestei'. They reside at AVorcester. Three children : 1791 i Helen Lucy'' Harrington, b. 16 Sept.. 1890; d. 25 July, 1S91. 1792 ii diaries Albert'' Harrington, b. 26 Dec. 1893. 179:! iii (ieorge Elmer' Harrington. 1). 22 Oct.. 1896. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 2S;{ 1268 Emma Elizabeth* Morse, (lan<-;liter of Eliza Aim' [Betsey^. Ben- jamin''. SaiiuicP. Benjamin'. William-. 'I'liomas' Dexter] and Samuel .Morse, was liorn IM Dec. iS.'jS. ;il WoreestiM'. She married (1) .lohii Iv l*i(M-ce. Ill .Inly. 1S7S; he was 1lie son of J. E. K. and A. E. I'ieive of Worcester. lie died 20 Sept.. 1S7!). a1 Woreester. l(^avin>i' one eliild. lie iiinri-icd (2) AVilliam T. Ilarritiuton. 17 Auu.. ISSO. at Woreestei-: he Avas th(^ son of Lediiai'd and Eli/.ahelh I larrinnlon. They reside at Woreestei-. Five ehildren : 1794 i Florence EliziV Pieree, b. S -hiii.. ls7;t; .1. In Nov., 1884. 1795 ii Fred AViUiaiii" Harrington, li. 10 :\l:ircli. 188-_'; d. I Feli.. ISS.l. 179(i iii George T.eonard'' Harrington, 1). ^■2 Sept., 1SS4; d. ?.0 Jan., 188.:5. 1797 iv Everett Saniiiel' Harrington, li. IS Ai.ril, lS8(i. 1798 V Elmer WinfiehP Harrington. 1.. -^(1 .Inly. 1S89. 1274 Achsah L." Dexter, daughter of Lorini:' [r.iike'\ Ephraim^ Ephraim\ IJiMijamin'. AVilliam-. Thomas'! and .\ehsah De.x- ter, was horn in Fairhaveii, 12 .May. 1S:{S. and died •'> Sei^t., 1902. She married -lohii Thaeher. 7 Sept.. IS.')!;. She was the eldest of five ehildren. Her mother heim; an invalid, many of the household eares were performed by her. AVhen she married John Thaeher of Soiilh Datimoiith. IMass., they made their lioiiie at (ieiieva. 111.. I'et iirniiii:' ai:ain to the Hast after several \-ears. Since 1SS.'5 she has resided in Pawtneket. \l. I. Mrs. Thaeher took a very itromineiit • part in reli«:ions matters. liaviiiL;- heeii interested in all the departments of ehiireh work. She was for many years a most hiohly resi)eeted memher and earnest worker of the Park Plaee Conore.oational Clnireli. She taught a larue class of vouno- ladies in Snnday-seliool. The Tarsus Mission, eonneeted with the elinrcli. was organized by her. I nder •JS4 I)i:xtl:r FA:\nLY genealogy. ACHSAll L. THACHE:K. lu'V cjiiv for I'ouilfcii years, iiiaiiy cliiUlicii liave become m- t.M'cstcd ill mission work. T\\v aim of this mission was to ediiealc yonnii- Armenian men for the work of Christ. One of these yonnu' men came to this country and liraduated with lionor at both the Theolopical and :\Iedical colU^oes in Penn- sylvania, a livinii' tril)nte to the nKMiioiy of her through whose elToi-ls he was raised to a useful life. :\Irs. Thacher was a woman ^really l)eloved and respected throughout the eily in whieh she lived, llei- work was am.»no- the lowly. ;iii(i this woi-l(l is better because she lived. Her death oc- curred T) Sept., 1!)ee., 1858; in. I^illian F. Jollie, :? .lulv, 1888. Two rhiMiiMi: Klizabeth Dexter Tliaclicr, li. -Jl S.'iit., 1889; RaynKiiid L. 'riia.-licr. h. 17 .Tune, isill. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. -Js;) 1279 Kesiah L.^ Dexter, d.-iULililcr of Ijoi-iti^" 1 Ijiikc'', M|)lir;iiiii''. K{)hrMiiii*, l)("iij;iiiiiir', \Villi;iiii-. 'I'lioiiuis'l jiiid Kesiah [Holmes] Dcxlcr. was horn Ih Sc|)t.. 1S"J.'^. Slic luai-ricd Seth AldeiL .'r.. iT) Now. 1S47 : he was t he son of Scih AhliMi. and a des('cii(hiiit in t he scxciith LiiMicral ion I'rom John .\hlcn of tlu' " .Maytlowci'. '" lie always look a pi-oniinrnl pai-l in the affaifs of his 1own. 'I'hcy moved onto the fai-ni whei'e several ucnei'ations (d' Ahlens had li\'ed. and they were blessed Avith health, and lived Ioiil: eiioniih to eeiehi'ate theii- ji'olden wetldiiiL;'. .Mrs. Alden was of a \'ei'y lively disposi- tion, and it was said that no danLihtei' (d' hers evei' made a more handsome hriih' than she di. 2.S Oft., ]S(iL 1825 ii John A.' Beckeniiaii, Jr.. h. 20 Feb., 1S73. 1826 iii William H." Beckeniiaii, 1). 7 July, 1S79. Tliree c-Iiildren: Frances Snow Beckernian, b. IS July. 1902; Louis Evelyn Beckennan, b. 11 Oct., 1903; .1. 29 May. 1904; .lolm William Beckermau, b. 13 Oct., 1904. 1323 Hattie L.* Kendrick, danghter of tiarriet' [Ei)ln-aim''. F4)hraim^ Ephraim-*. Benjamin", William^, Thomas^ Dexter] and Dan- iel H. Kendrick, was born 18 :\ray. 1851. and died 26 Oct., 1886. She married Levi L. Phinney, 12 .Xov., 1871. Three children : 1827 i Ada L.'' Pliiuney, b. 24 Auk'.. 1^74; in. Alton Collins, 11 April, 1900. One cliild: Euth 11. Collins, b. 29 June. 1904. 1828 ii "Roland S.» Phinney, b. 18 Dec. 1878. 1829 iii Austin D.° Phinney, b. 22 Aug-., 1886. 1324 Horace L.' Kendrick, son of llariiet" [ Ephiaini", Ephrainr', Ephraim\ Ben.^amin^ William^, Thomas^ Dexter] and Dan- iel H. Kendrick, was born 27 Dec, 1853. at Sandwich, ^Nlass. He married (U Rnth M. Wilder. 25 \)iH^.. 1878: (2) Eliza Tolman Wihl.'r. 4 Dec, 181)4. He was employed in a shoe •JSS DEXTER FAMILY GENEAI>OGY. l'aet()f\- wiuMi m yoiui^ iiiiiii. lie is now a traveling- sales- man foi- a grocery ln)use. His home is in Brockton. Two cliildreii : 1830 i Etlitli .MJ' Ken. hick. Ii. K Oct., Is7'.t; m. .I.ilin S. Tilton. One child: Euth \V. Tiltdi;. 1). I'i Nov.. 1904. 1831 ii Davi.l L.^' Kcudiick, 1.. 1:2 July. 1881. EPHRAIM A. DICXTEK. 1327 Ephraim A.' Dexter, son of SamneF [Gideon^ Ephrainv\ Ki)litaiiii\ Benjamin-'. William-. Tiiomas'] and Lydia De.\- ter, was horn '■] -Ian.. IS:'A. lie married Betsey O. Snow. 21 Sept., I860; she was the danghter of Harvey and Betsey (ejeiniey ) Sjiow. He learned the eanlker's trade, and made three trips sonth for livt^ oak timber for ship bnilding. He is now ;i farmei'. lie has been a selectman and road com- missionei'. and is now insix^ctor of cattle and meat. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY, -JS!) Five children : 1832 i Annie L.'" Dt-xter, I), at Mattapoisett, 20 Oct., 18G1. 1833^ ii Bessie J.'' Doxtcr, 1.. at ^fattapoisctt, 11 March, ISGG. isr>4 iii Mamie F." Dexter, 1>. 2.S Aiifr., 1872; ni. William Gushing. Two children: Vivian ('. ('ns-liing, b. 8 Nov., 189.3; FJIswnrth S. Cnshin^-. \>. 4 I'eli., 1900. 1835' iv Amy A.'' Dexter, 1). 2() .lune, 1874. 1836 V Izah A." Dexter, I.. ;".o April, 1880; m. Edford G. Seeley, 29 March, 1900. One <'liil(l: Ivlford A. Seeley, b. l."; Oct.. 1901. J328 SamueT Dexter, Jr., son oi" Sjuniirr [(iidt'on'', Kpliraiin'. Ei)hra- im\ Benjamin-^ William-, Thomas^] and Lydia Dexter, was ])orn 28 Nov., 1835. He married Lydia (\ TTiller. 7 Sept.. 1865; she was the daughter of Seth and Almira [Lewis] Hiller. He learned the trade of ateaulkei-. He is now a farmer, and raises siiuill fruits fof lite mai-ket. Seven children : , • 1837 i Herbert W." Dexter, b. at Mattajioisett, 3 Sept., 186G. 1S3S ii Myra.G." Dexter, b. 27 :\Iarch, 18(58; m. Stej.heii S. Hathaway. 6 Dec, 1896. One child: Elmer B. Hathaway. 1). 25 Dec, 1897. 1839 iii Martha A." Dexter, b. 14 Oct., 1869. ■ 1840 iv Edgar D." Dexter, b. H Nov.. Is72. Is bnat-bnilder by trade. 1841 v Freeman G." Dexter, 1). 4 .Inly, 1874. 1842 vi Azubah G." Dexter, b. 4 Nov., 1876. 1843 vii Virtue R.^' Dexter, b. .•;! .luly. Is79. 1337 Sarah A.'^ Dexter, daniihter of Ephraim' [riidcon*^. Ephraim^ P]phraim^ Benjamin". William-. Thomas^] and Laura [Snow] Dexter, was born 21 Dec 1847. at Rochester. She was educated in the public schools. She mari-ied Na- thaniel C. liansom. 27 .hnic. 1S()9: he was the son of James R. and Eunice Hansom. Aftei- finisliinjj- his schooliny' in town, he Avent whalino- in 1 he bark "Barnstable." Captain 290 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Bronson comniandin«\ which sailed from Nt^w Bedford in 1860. After three seasons to the Arctic Ocean, he returned to New Bedford in 1864:. He soon sailed from Plymouth in the schooner "Profit,'" Captain Bartlett, on a cod-fishing trip to the Grand Banks. Keturning in September, he went to school at ^liddleboro for a few months. In February, 1865, he sailed from Boston for New Orleans in the bark "Commerce," Captain Eobinson, and was in the harbor at :\Iobih^ wh(^n the city surrendered. Returning to Boston, he sailed in October on a whaling voyage with Captain Hamilton. After serving three seasons, he came home and was married. He then sailed as third mate on the bark "John Wells." Captain Dean, in 1869, for the Arctic Ocean. The second season the ice closed in upon them while near Point Barrow^ and they abandoned the ship and took to the boats and went about eighty miles toward P>ehring Straits before finding clear water and other vessels. There were about thirty ves- sels in the fleet and all but seven were abandoned. He went to Honolulu, and from there took the steamer "Moses Taylor" for San Francisco, and from Calif oi-nia came across overland to his home. His next and last voyage in the Arctic Ocean was on the bark "Illinois," Captain Fraser, and he went as Ix.nt-header. He took vessel at San Francisco, going and returning from there overland. He then gave up the sea. and devoted himself to market gardening. Fonr children : 1S44 i T.aiira E.-' Eaiisoiii, 1>. 16 Auy.. lS7r>. Graduate of Smith Col- lege and taught school several years. Married Darius Frink, .5 Oct., 1899, and removed to Ne^\'ington, K H. One child: Harold R. Frink. h. S July. 1902. 1845 ii Eunice K." Ransom, h. 24 Feb.. 1875. Graduate from town school, went to Tabor Academy, also Bridgewater Xormal School, and is now teaching at Newingtou. N". H. 1846 iii Clarence B." Eansom. h. 16 Dec, 1876. Went to Boston and is clerk with Harrisdu Bros. 1S47 iv Everett S.'' Ransom. I>. 22 Aug.. 1879. Ts engineer on steam- ers on the Atlantic coast, also made one voyage to California and Sandwich Islands. DEXTER FAMILY GEXEALOGV. 291 1340 William C.^ Dexter, son of Calvin" [Oideoii''. Ki>lw;iiin\ Ephra- im\ Benjamin', AVilliam-. Tlioinas'] aiul Cathoi-ine [Cas- well] Dexter, was horn oO .Iiiik'. IS.")!. He itiarficd ^fary J. Faunee, 14 Nov., 1887. He was educated in the ])iil)lie schools, and aftenvards learned the cabiiiet-makei"'s ti-a(l(\ l)u1 after serving- his time, he went into business in the iieneral merchandise line. He also has a large tract cultivated with cranberries. ^..■- ! Four childi-eii : 1848 i Lnella P." Dexter, b. 19 Auo-., 1879; d. (i May. 1881. 1849 ii Eliza ('.'' Dexter, b. 13 Sept., 1881; ni. Un.^h R. MeHugh, 3 June, 1901. 1850 iii Harriet N.'' Dexter, b. 27 July. lSS(i; ni. Linus S. Elclridge, 7 Aug., 1902. One son: William D. Eklriilge, b. 14 Sept., 1903. 1851 iv Ethel M.' Dexter, b. 9 Sept., 1893. 1341 John S.' Dexter, son of .Jolnr [Cideon''. E|)ln"iiiir\ Hpln-aim^, Ben.jamin% William-, Thomas^] and Hannah L. Dexter, was horn 3 Mai'ch. 1813. He married (1) ]Mary A. Johnson, 7 Jan., 1870: (2) Delia ^l. Dexter. 22 Nov., 1873. He early learned the trade of house cai'penti-y, and worked at it in Tihode Island for many yi'ai's. He then re- turned to his native town, and for the last twenty-live years has carried on the hnilding and hunhcr hnsiness. Three ehildr.Mi : 1852 i Charles S.' Dexter, b. at Mattapoisett, 7 Jan.. 1872; ni. Mary E. Wathey, 18 Jan.. 1893. Tie is a machinist by trade and is in business at Attlel)oro, ^lass.. inaking tools for the manufac- ture of jewelry. They had one child, born and died in May. 1896. 292 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. WALTER C. DEXTER. 185S' ii Walter C." Dexter, b. 80 May, 1S7S. At the age of 12 he en- tered the Friends' School at Providence, R. I. After gradu- ating from there he attended Ihe Business College at Fall River, Mass., and tlien spent a year at the Textile School in New Bedford. He now resides at Mattapoisett. 18.54 iii Ernest W." Dexter, b. 1(5 May, 1887. MILL-DAM NEAR PICO BEACH. Site of tii-.st mill owned by Benjamin ' Dexter, which has always been in De.xter family. DEXTER FA.MII.V GENEALOGY. 293 ROBERT L. DEXTER. 1342 Robert L."- Dexter, son of -lohiE [Gideoll^ Ei)hi-aim% Ephra- iiu-*. Beiijaniin'. AVilliaiii-, Tliomas^ | and llainiali S. Dex- ttM', was boni !) Frl)., 1847. He iiiaii'icd Kate M. Liiee, 1 Sept., 1872. He was boi'ii a1 .Malt apoisett. and ii'ei'ivrd his cduealion in the schools of lliat town. He learned tlic trade of cabinet- niakinji', which he has i'ollowed many years. He also worked at honse carpcnti'y. He is now living- on pai't of llie original Dexter farm, and divides liis time l)etw(M'ii dcvelopiDj:- a snnnncr i-esoit ;iiid cabinet-makinL;'. lie was at one time a meml)er of tlic School ConnniUec. He l)ccainc interested in the geneak)^y of the De.xter fai'nily. ;iiid for eighteen years has been collect iiiu' data ab(»u1 the faiiiil\'. and iiuich of the materia] in this hook was collected by him. He has no family. 294 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. KATE; M. DEXTER. 1343 James L.' Dexter, sou of .lolui' 1 (iidtMni''. Ephraim\ Ephraiin^ Benjamiir'. William-, Thomas^] and iraiinah S. Dexter, was born . He niari-ied :\Iary S. ({ray. 6 Oct., 1884. He learned the 1rade of a eabinet-niakcr. and later worked at lionse carpentry. Tic now lives at Mattapoisett. in the house where his father lived before him. For a few years he was in the milk business, but is now interested with his two brothel's in sunniier cottas^cs a1 Pieo Beach, which are occupied by sunniier tenants. Three children : 18.55 i Florence 0." Dexter, 1). 2-5 A no-.. ISS."; in. John C. Dexter. 24 Nov., 1904. One clukl : Doris Leonaril Dexter, b. 10 Oct., 190.-). 1856 ii Lillian ('." Dexter, \>. 25 A])ril, 1893. 1857 iii- riiostcr S.'' Dexter, li. 19 Nov.. 1895; d. 5 Auo-., 1S9G. • DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 295 1375 William A." Dexter, son of Fi'eeniaii' [Aldoii", Ephraim'', Ephra- iiii', Benjamin', W^illiani-. Thomas^] and Isabella ] Gor- don] Dexter, was horn 14 An'u., lS4:i at Xew Bedford, and died 30 Nov., 1890/ He married Hannah IT. Nye. For ten years he was in the employ of llie Fiflli Avenue Safe De- posit & Tfust Co. Seven ehildreii. boi'n in XeAV licdford: 1858 i Anna I.'' Dexter, b. 31 :\rar<'li. ISi;?. 1859 ii Williaiii H.-' Dexter, h. 8 Dec, 18()8; m. Margaret ■ . 18G0 iii Thomas N." Dexter, 1). 1.3 8ei)t., 1870; m. Kate :\rulvey. One chiJd: Viola Dexter, li. 3 Ajiril, J 894. 1861 iv Helen C./' Dexter, h. iM Xu'j;.. 187-J; iii. .lolm I'. Ncuus, 1 Jan., 1891. One ehikl : Ethel Xegvis, b. 10 Nov., 1891. 1862 V Gertrude" Dexter, b. 28 Fel).. 1877; d. 15 Oct., 1878, 18li3 vi (ienrge E." Dexter, b. l(j Jan., b879. 1864 vii Charles T." Dexter, b. 8 March, 1884; d. 9 Aj.ril, 1884. 1378 Lucy A.^ Dexter, dau«i'hter of Stillman" [Alden''. Ephraim^. p]phi'aim\ Benjamin''. William-. Tlioiiias^ | and Eunice [Ilitchmond] Dexter, was born 13 Dec, 1842. She married Gideon B. Barlow, Jr., July, 1863. Thr(n> ehildrc^n, born in ^rattni)ois(>tt : 1865 i Edward Albert" Barlow, b. IS ,luly, 1864; ni. Eninia ^[orse. 25 April, 1889. 1866 ii Minnie Alice" Barlow, b. 6 Oct., 1871; ni. .b,hn Diniii. 19 Xov., 1891. 1867 iii Herbert Aldeu" Barluw, b. 9 Oct... 1875. 1379 Euphemia F." Dexter, danghtei- of Stilhnan" [Alden''. Kphi'aim^ Ei)hraim\ Benjamin". AVilliaiu-. Tliomas'] and Eunice [Ilitchmondl Dexter, was hoi'ii (i .Mareli, 184."), She mar- ried (1) William Gifford, 18(53; (2) Charles li. Hammond, 290 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1871. ]\li'. ITanimond was the son of Thomas P. Hammond. For many years he was engaged in whaling trips, sailing from Marion, ^lattapoisett and New Bedford. He has been in nearly all parts of the maritime world, and good Inek has always attended him. In the fall of 18(i2. while on the l^ark "Ocean Kover, " the vessel with Sf)!) barrels of sperm oil was (•ai)tnred and burned off Western Islands, by Captain Semmer of the privateer "Alabama." All hands were pnt into the ship's boats and left to shift for themselves. They hmded on one of the AVestern Islands, and later reached Fayal, from which jilace they were sent to Boston liy the American consul. The OAvners and crew were after- wards remunerated for their loss, out of the $15,000,000 awarded the United States, under the Treaty of Washington. During his last voyage, he was first officer of the bark "Hunter," of New Bedford, sailing in the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, and making a complete voyage around the world. He is now o('('U])ied in farming at Ilammondtown, J\latta- poisctt. One eliild by first husband, five l)y second husband: 1868 i Lizzie C Gifforcl, b. 27 April, 1864; iii. Gideon Shurtleff, 25 Dec, 1882. 1869 ii Epliremia D." Hanniiond, b. 27 Jan., 187.'^; ni. Byron P. Dunn, Dec, 1890. 1870 iii Sarah A." Hammond, b. 9 May, 1875; m. Francis G. Allen, 31 Oct., 1899. 1871 iv Maria M." Hammond, b. 31 Dec, 1877. 1872 V Carrie E.'' Hammond, b. 1 Aug., 1880; d. 17 Feb., 1881. 1873 vi ('Jiarles S.'' Trammond, b. 29 .Tune, 18S.S'; killed by locomotive, 26 Aug., 190.1. 1404 David Dexter^ Clark, son of Lucretia' [Davids Seth". Seth*, Ben,^amin^ William-, TJiomas^] Dexter, and William Clark, was born 1844. He married Xellie Huntington, 1875: she was born 25 Aug., 1853. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Four children : 1874 i William Dextor' cfark, h. 1870. ' 1875 ii Eali)h HiTntington" Clark, h. 14 June, ISSl. 1876 iii Irving'' Clark, b. 22 Fob., 1SS4; d. 1SS4. 1877 iv Alfred Henry" Clark, 1). 17 Sept., 1SS8. JULIA S. (DEXTER) COFFIN. 1416 Julia Sargeant' Dexter, dnn-litor of Charles TL' fSeth«, Seth% Seth\ Reiijamiiv', William-. Thoiuas^J and Lydia [Piersou] Dexter, was born 4 Nov., 1880, at Windsor Locks, Conn. She married (1) Thomas ITaskall, 20 D(>('.. 1860: he was born 11 Feb., 1827, and died 18(;:l She Diarried (2) Her- bert R. Coffin, 4 Dee., 18(i(5: W Avas l)()i'n Any-., 1840, at Rindge, N. H., and died 9 July, 1!)()1, at Windsor Locks, Conn. 2!)S DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 1878 i 1879 ii 1880 iii 1881 iv 1882 One child l)v first husband, four hv second husband: Tlioinasine" Haskall, 1). at Wiiidsftr Locks, 9 Nov., 1862. Arthur Dexter' Coffin, b. 25 April, 1868; m. Cora Drake, 11 April, 1894. Two clnldren: Dexter Drake Coffin, b. 12 Sept., 1896; d. 1896; Dexter Drake Coffin, 2d, b. 8 April, 1898. Clarence Harlan' Coffin, b. 27 Sept., 1869; d. 9 .Inly, 1875. Herbert Raymond' Coffin, .Tr., b. 15 Jan., 1871; m. Jeau G. Warbarton, 26 June, 1895. Three children: Douglas Pierson Coffin, 1). 10 May, 1897; Charles Sumner Coffin, b. 4 Dec, 1898; Herbert Raymond Coffin, b. 20 April, 1900. Grace P." Coffin, b. at Windsor Locks, 2 Dec, 1873; m. Charles Henrv Coolev. Jr.. of Hartford. Ct.. 3 June, 19nr>. '■■'^i*^, ANNIE PIERSON (DEXTER) ALLEN. 1417 Annie Pierson' Dexter, (hmuhler of C^harles H." [Seth^, Seth^ Seth\ Benjamin". AVilliaiir'. Thomas^ | and Lydia [Pierson] Dexter, was ])orn 5 iNFay, 1842, at Windsor Locks, Conn. She married Bennett Rowhmd xVlleiL 18 March, 1863; he was born 17 May, 1838, at Enfield, and died 11 Oct., 1896, at Hartford, Conn. DEXTER FA M 1 1 . \ GEN EA 1 AlGY. 299 One child : 1883 i Charles Dexter' Allen. 1). :it Wiu.lsfir Loeks, S May, 1S<35; m. Frances Louise ('lark. ", Xov., 1891). ^i^ EDWIN DOUGLAS DEXTER. J4I8 Edwin D.^ Dexter, son of Charles TI." [Seth«. Seth% Setli^ Ben- jamin". William-, Thomas^] and T^ydia [Pierson] Dexter, was horn 24 Oct.. 1847. and died L>ii .Ian.. 188G. lie niar- ried Jnlia B. llayden, 15 April, I8(i8. Two children : 1884 1885 i Florence" Dexter, li. at Windsor Locks. Ct.. LI Jan.. 1S69; ni. Col. William Spaul.lint,' of Xasliua. N. II.. '29 :\[ay. 1S80. Two children: Dexter E. Spauldinu:, ],. T.i Oct., 1S90: Sylvi:t S|.auld- ins, b. 9 June, 1894. ii Aunic'' Dexter, b. April, 1871; d. 24 Aug., 187:2. ;;()() DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. I42I Rev. Henry Morton^ Dexter, sou oi' Kev. Henry ^lartyii' [Eli- jah*^, Elijah\ Setli^ Benjamin\ William^, Thomas^] and Emeline [Palmer] Dexter, was born 12 July, 1846, at Man- chester, N. II. He married Emily L. Sanford of Taiuiton, ]\lass., 9 June, 1881. lie graduated from Yale in 1867, with the M. A. degree, and from Andover in 1870. lie was Secretary and Treasurer of the National Council of Congre- gationalist Churches of America, which erected the me- morial bronze tablet to John Robinson, in Leyden, Holland, and dedicated it July 24, 1891. He is a member of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society, also the Boston Society of May- flower Descendants, being eighth in descent from Degory Priest, one of the signers of the compact with the Leyden Co. He was a delegate to the firet International Conneil of Con- gregationalists, held at London in 1S!)1. and also at the second council held at Boston in 18f)i). He Avas formerly editor and proinietoi- of the "Congregationalist," and was the author of the "Stoi-y of tli(^ Pilufims in America." in 1894. Two children : 1886 i Marjory :\r()i'tinr' Dexter. 1>. 14 Sept.. 1882. 1887 ii :\rary" Dpxter, li. i:; An-.. 1 SSC. H22 John G.^ Dexter, son of Jolm (J.' [Prince'\ Elijah'', Seth\ Ben- .iamin'. AVilliam-. Thomas'] and Eleanor F. [Richardson] ^ Dexter, was horn 27 Feb., 18:U. He married (1) Cath- erine T. B. Kuggles, 4 April, 1859; (2j Ellen M. Baldwin, 16 Dec, 190;}. Seven children by fii-st wife, born in Rochester, Mass.: 1888 i Anhn W'.' Dexter, 1.. I'l Oet., ]S(i(3; m. M. S. Sf-hilling, 3 Jan., 1894. Four cliildreii: .Tohii H. Dexter, b. 1 Oct., 1895; Louis T?. Dexter, 1). i' Dec, ls97; Drank C. Dexter, b. 25 March, 1S99; Ibirt)l(l A. Dexter, b. 22 Feb., 1902. 1889 ii l'i:uik Cibbs^' Dexter, b. 14 .[iily, 1868; d. 9 June, 1896. DEXTKI^ I'A.M1I.\' CxENEALOGV :!()1 1S90 iii Eleanor KMcliantsou" JJexter, 1». Js Oct.. IMJ!); m. William L. R. Gilford, (i June, 1888. Two children: Catherine Gififord, \). 1889; d. at ('ainl)ridHe. 191):',; lluinplirey A. Gilford, b. 1890. 1891 iv Harriet Maria=' Dexter, h. 'Ji' .Ian., 1S71; d. 8 Oct., 1871. 1892 V Lucy Rugsjles'' I)(>xter, h. 9 Feb., 1872; in. .Tames P. Porter, 25 July, 1894. One son: Lle^Yellyn E. Porter, b. 18 Oct., 1901. 1893 vi Charles Rugs' Dexter. 1). ;',n May, 1S77; ni. .b)sephine M. Bnell. 30 March, 189S. 1894 vii :\[ary Stanford'' Dexter, b. IG .inly. 1S79; ni. ^Sanlllel Usher. 2d, of Cambridge, Mass., 9 Sept., 190.'). Tliey now reside at Somerville. ALDEN DAVIS DEXTEK. 1452 Alden Davis' Dexter, son of .loscplC [Alden', Elisha''. Setli^ JabezS Philiir. AVillianr'. 'riioiiias^l and Sophia IT. fTiuk- hai^i] Dexter, was l)()fii 7 .Inly. 18G8, at INIattapoisett. Mass. He married IMinnie Ftances Swift. 26 Nov.. ISiXi. at Taun- ton. Mass. She was hurn 2'\ St'|)t.. 187."). at Brockton. lie is a market man. and lives in Xi'w Bcdtord. One child : 1895 i Bernice Alden"' Dexter, b. at Taunton, ?i[ass.. 19 Sept!, 1897. ;3()2 DEXTER FA.MILY GP]NEAL()(iY MINTNIE FRANCES DEXTER. BERNICE ALDEN DEXTER. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. :{(i:! 1453 William H.' Dexter, son oT .)()Sfi)h'' lAldcii'. Klisha®, Seth', Jabez^ Philip^ AVilliaiir, Thomas^ and Sophia IT. -[Tink- ham] Dexter, was horn 20 -Jan.. ISTl. lie married Annie E. Doreher, 27 Sept., 1891. Three eliildri'ii. born in Matta]>oisett : 1896 i Charles T.'" Do.xter. h. 19 ^0]>\., 1S9S. 1897 ii Herman W.'" Dexter, b. 24 Oct.. 1900. 1898 iii Margaret'" Dexter, b. 1904. 1455 Alice M.-' Dexter, danuhter of Joseph*' [Alden^ Elisha^ Sethi Jabez\ Philip''. William^, Thomas^] and Sophia H. [Tink- ham] Dexter, was boi-n 13 Jnne, 1874. She married (1) Jeremiah L. Pvandall, 17 Jnly, 1891; (2) Webster Kinney, 20 July, 1897. Two ehildren l)y second hnsbaiid. boi-ii at ^Mattapoisett : 1900 i Webster HaroliT" Kinney, b. 27 Sept., 1901. 1901 ii Alden L.'" Kiniiev, b. 10 .Tan., 1904. J5J5 Sarah Johnson-' Dexter, daui;htcr of Dcnni.s' [Benjamin^ Joseph^ Benjamins Xoah\ licnjaniiir'', AYilliam-, Thoma.s^] and ^lary [Lnce] Dexter, was born 19 Jnly. 1832, and died 15 Nov., 1874. She married Francis Slilhnaii liichardson of AYinehester. Seven ehildren : 1902 i Henrietta Evelyn'" Ricbaj-ilson. b. 12 March, 1S.14; ni. Charles E. Corey, 8 ,Tuno, 187.5. Three children: William, :Nrabel and Preston. 190.3 ii Amelia Frances'" Richardson, b. 185."); d. 1890. ;5()4 DEXTER P\\.MILY GENEALOGY. 1904 iii Augustus'" Richardsini, li. L'(5 Aug., 1857; m. Martha Ellen Hooper, 23 Feb., 18S2. Eiglit childreu : Luella A., Alice J., Bertha F., Laura J., Artliur S., Augusta, Henry, Walter. liKi.-; iv Grandville Dexter"' Kicliardsou, li. 9 Oct., 1859; ni. Ella Cutter, Sept., 1888. One daughter: Persis Richardson, b. 28 Dec, 1889. llMio V Frances Stillman'" Richardson, b. ; in. Alvin Gendersou, 3 April, 1887. 1907 vi Annie Josephine'" Richardson, b. 26 July, 1866; m. Albert F. Ireland, 16 April, 1895. Two children: Helen Gertrude Ireland, 1j. 7 Nov., 1897;. Harold Stone Ireland, b. 1 Feb., 1899. 1908 vii Frederick riifford'" Richardson, b. 10 Feb., 1874; in. Elsie J. Glenn, 27 June, 1905. 1517 Sophia" Dexter, daiiohter of Dennis^ [Benjamin", Joseph^ Ben- jamin'', Noall^ Benjamin^ William-. Thomas^] and I\Iary [Luce] Dexter, was born 1838, and died 27 Auu.. 1891. She married Joseph TJoberson. Aniinst. 18.")4. Six children : 1909 i Josephine"' Roberson, I). . 1910 ii ^Yilliam"> Roberson, b. • . 1911 iii Edward'" Roberson, b. . 1912 iv fieorge'" Rolierson, 1). 1913 V .lessie'" Roberson, b. — 1914 vi Chester'" Roberson, b. 1520 George Hillman'' Dexter, son of Dennis- [Benjamin'. Joseph^ Benjaniiir', .\oah\ Benjamins William-, Thomas^] and , was born 31 Oct.. 1840. He married (1) Alice McDonald, 30 .July. 187;-): (2) Amelia A. Haynes, 17 Sept., 1886. IMr. Dexter makes a specialty of the hen business, and has taken a great many pi'izes with his '' Dexter 's Black Minorcas. " DKXTKR FAMII.N' (;i ;m:.\I ,()GY. 30;") V GEORGE HILLMAN DEXTER. Two children l)y first wife. (Uic child l)y second: \\)]r, i Sarali .lohnson'" Dt'xtcr. li. 1.") April. lS7(i: ni. Sainucl II. Brooks, 1899. Tlut'c <-liil(lrfii : Drxtcr M. Brooks, b. H May. 1900; Charlotte L. Brooks, li. ."'. Xo\.. 19i)l ; Enth IT. Brooks, b. 19 Jan.. 1903. 1916 ii William Herbert'" Dexter, b. 1^9 Oet., ISSO. 1917 iii Alice May'" Dexter, b. 19 Sept., 1888. 1528 Jonathan L.' Dexter, son (d' llir;iiii" jdoscith'. .Tosi'pli'', Benja- nuir'. Xo;dd, Tjcnjamiir'. William . ThomasVl and Love [Laml)ert| Dexter, was horn "J:! -Ian.. 1843. He married I\rarv L. Senverns. 7 .Ian.. h^T-') : siie died 4 April. ^'MM\ ;5()G DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Five children, l)c)rii in J^rookliiie, IMass. : 1918 i LiK-y Amelia'" Dexter. 1.. 25 Aujj., 1S76; in. George H. Hutchin- son, June, 1900. 1919 ii Mary Love"' Dexter, b. ■'5 Aug., 1878. 1920 iii Miriam^" Dexter, b. 1 Jan., ]881. 1921 iv Delia Carrie" Dexter, b. 17 June, 1883. 1922 V Frank Seavems'" Dexter, b. 4 Nov., 1891. 1576 Mabel A.^ Dexter, ;ul()i)ted daughter of William N.^^ [Foster D.', John^ Jolv'. S.-nnnel'. Benjamin^ Willianr, Thomas^] Dex- ter, was born 8 March, 18G9. She married George E. Car- penter, 19 Oct., 1890; he was 1)orn 15 :\Iay, 1872. Four children. 1x)rn in Orange, Mass. : 1923 i Clara E.'" Car])ei)ter, b. 9 Nov., 1891. 1924 ii Bessie B.'" Carpenter, b. 16 May, 1897. 1925 iii Ella E."' Carpenter, 1>. r, June, 1899. 1926 iv Robert Eanios"' Carpenter, b. 31 Aug., 1904. 1601 Frank Albert'' Dexter, son of Benjamin AHen^ [Amasa'^, Benja- min'\ Ben.jamiiv', SamueP, Benjamin^ William^, ThomasV] and Lanra [AVebb] Dexter, was born 26 Nov., 1863, at Rut- land, lie married Virginia Hartwell, 1885. Three children : 1927 i V(>ra L.'" Dexter, b. . 1928 ii Frances"' Dexter, 1). . 1929 iii Lorna'" Dexter, b. . DEXTKR FA.MIIA' GENEALOGY. 301 J 603 Myra R.' Dexter, (l;iui:lilci- of Kliliu (). ('./ f Aniasa". I>iMi.jaiiiin'', Beii.jamiir'', Sainiicl', Bciijainiii '. Williaiir, Timiiias' ] and -Fatic |Miii('i'| Dcxlcf. was Ixuii Ll .Imie. 1S71. and died -1 April. 1!)04. Siic mafri.'d Ccof-^v W. Ilojtdii ,.|' Fort Ed- ward. X. Y.. in ISIlL'. Tlicy lived al NVineliester. Three diildren : 1930 i Dwight Dexter'" llolton, b. 4 Oct., 1S96. 1931 ii Charles Gilford'" Holtoii, 1.. 12 Oct., 1897. 1932 iii Carrie Louise'" lidltnii. Ii. l'7 Dec, 1902. lU.WK E. DEXXEK. 1609 Frank E.' Dexter, son of .losejdi L.'^ [Moses', Ben.ianiin'^, Ben- jamin'*, SanineP, Beiijainiir''. AVilliam^ 'l'lioma.s^] and Sarah J. [Wood] Dexicr. was horn 2-") Dee., IS.")!!. He nian-ied Cora Tl. Lee. !•') An-.. 188:}; she died lo An-.. 1888. 308 DEXTEK FAMILY (iENEALOGY. ROBERT L. DEXTER. Two eliildreii : 1933 i Edith L;'" Dexter, 1). -20 Dec, 1SS3. 1934 ii Eobert L.'" Dexter, li. K; .Xy.rW. 1SS7. 1610 Fred Abbott'' Dexter, sdii of Jose])!! \j^ | Moses'. IJciijiiiiiin''. ■Beiijainiir''. Sjiinucl^ BciiJ.-iiniir'. AVilliaiu-, Thomas' | and Sarah J. | Wood | Dexter, was boi'ii 17 Oct.. 18G2, at (Jranye, INlass., in wliat is known as tlic Alhee honse on East ]\Iain Street, lie jiassed Iwo yeai-s of his litV in tiie hons(^ he was born in. when his parents remove*! lo .Vthol. His edneation was obtained in the juildie schools of that town, l)ut he left when only half thiousih Ihe hiuh school, to eiiler upon a bttsiness career, hcin^- a1 thai lime 14 years of age. lie spent three and onediall" yeai's as ch'i'k in an Athol cloth- ni:xTKi{ l■'A.Mll.^■ (ii:M:.\i.o(iv .'Kill \ '^ i^ FRED A. DEXTER. iii>i' stdi-c. wlicn lit' acc('|)t(Ml a position as manai^vr of tlio Oraii.iio Clolliiii--! ( 'ompaiiy. .Ian. 1. 1882, Ix'iiiii- Uumi in his 19tli year, lie iiiaiiauctl the store fof tlircc years, whrii he was lakfii iiilo i)ai'liicrsliip, and lias siiico 1)i-«mi one of llic |ir(tpi-u tors as well as iiiaiiauvr. lie is one ol the foundcis. atwl has always h<'hl tlic olVicc of 'I'lvasnrcr of the Leavitt MacliiiK- ( "ank. and is a nieniher of Ihe l!(:ard of Trnstets of hot h the Oranue Sav- ings Bank and the Orans^v Co-operative l>aiik. He was Treasurer of the l-'irst I'niversalist Society of Oran.u'e for ten years, a'ld held the .tflice of Se<-retary of the (Iran.ee Board of Trade for live yeai-s. He is an OiUl Fellow and a ?»rasoii. lie married Fh)ra L. I'ntnani. I'li Feb.. 18S4. 310 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. BAYARD P. DEXTER. One cllild: 1935 i Bayanl Putnam'" Dexter, b. 14 A]iiil. JS85. He graduated from the Phillips Exeter Academy in the class of 1905 and entered Cornell University at Ithaca, X. Y., the same year, and is taking the mechanical enoiiieering course. 1611 Mabel L.' Dexter, dauyhler of .losepli L." | Closes', Beujaniin^ Benjamin'. SanmeP, Benjamin", William-, Thomas^] and Persis [Lord] Dexter, was born :i June, 1865. She mar- ried Artlnir A. Prentiss. Two children : 1936 i Pauline Moore'" Prentiss, h. 1891. 1937 ii Alton'" Prentiss, b. 1897. 1643 Henry L.^ Davis, son of Nelson 1).' | Dexter", Liiey'^, Benjamin-', SamneP. Benjamin\ William-, Thomas^ Dexter] and Ade- laide ^r. [AVeseott] Davis, was horti 20 Ano-., 1856, at Caton. DEXTER FAMILY GKNKAl.OGY. lie mari-ied Pli<>l)c M. AVhite. IS .l;iii.. ISTT. TTc was a car- penter l)y liadc. He (lied 7 An-.. l!H)ii. She di.'d in Col- (.i-ado. Dec. 11)01. Two cliildfcii : 1938 i Willinin'" Davis. 1>. is;^: kill.'.l l,y .-ars. Mardi, 1896. 1939 ii Ailrliiic'" l)a\ is. li. I May. Iss-J; iii. William ('liurrli of Culurado Springs, Hi \u^.. I'.Hil. Our .lauulii''''. I'. !•' I*'eb., 1904. 1647 Emma A.'' Davis, daimhlci- o\' Nelson D.' | Dexter. I>ucy''. I|cii- jaiiiin''. Saniuel\ Px-njaiiiiti ■. AVilliani-. Thomas^ Dexter | and -Inlia K. fP.akeiJ| Davis, was horn S dune, 1868, at Caton. X. Y. She married John C. IJoe. 1 Mareh. 1888: he was the son of Daniel 15. and .Mai'uarrl ( Frandei-liotl* ) TJoe. They reside on a farm at (*a1on. Six ehildi-en : 1940 i Floreiu-e'" Eoe, b. Nov., 1888; d. R.'i>t.. 1895. 1941 ii Stanley N.'" ^iov, b. 23 Sept., 1S9U. 1942 iii Harry'" Eoe, b. April, 189.'). 1943 IV Earl"' Koe, b. Marcii. 1897. 1944 V Grace"' Eoe, b. IS Dec. 19(il. 194.") vi riiarles Lawrence'" Rue. 1). 21) Do-., 1903. 1662 Frederick Albert" Warden, son of -iolni D."- | Xareis.sa". [.ncy'', 15,>njamiir'. Samnd'. I'x'n.iamin . William-. Thomas' Dexter] and Sarah IXieliols] Warden, was boi'n 24 April. 1S7.'). in Fall Iviver, i\lass. He was educated in the i)ul)lic schools of Fall Kiver. and innnediately after leaving school, entered the employ of L. Xiehols & Co.. fnrnitnre dealers. Tie mar- i-ied Kmma li. (IcrrA'. 4 Xov.. ISilti. a1 Fall l^iver. Two ehildren : •194(; i 'Mary Louise" Wanlrn. li. 17 .Oct., JS97._ 1947 ii Earl Frederic'" Warden, b. 20 Dec, 1899. 812 DEXTER FA.AIILY GENEALOGY, ^^^s...-^# FLORENCE D, (WARDEN) TABOI MILES W. TABOR. DEXTKK FA.MILV CKN KALOGY. :;]:; 1664 Florence D.' Warden, dauiilifri- .if Williiini .\/ j Xiircissa', l.iicy'', I'xMi.jainiir'. Saiinu'l\ Bcii.jainiii '. Williain-', Thomas' Dt'xtoi'l and Klla .M. IDiii'iVel AVaidcii. was honi :!ii Dec, 1876. at Woi'ccstci', Mass. She mairiccl Miles Warden Taboi-. Id.luiie. 1!M):!. ill Wnreeslei-. Mass. One child: 194S i Frnnklin War.len'" Tnbor, b. 17 .\ray, IDOo. MRS KKFIK C'AKU. 1670 Effie D.-' White, (hiui^htoi- of Lney V.^ [Daiii."!'. Lucy'\ Ben- jamin'. Snmuel'. IJenjainin : William-. Thomas' Dexter] and .John ('. Wliite. was horn 10 Dec. lS7t», at Cornini:'. X. V. She mari'i.d Charles A. Can-. ^\. D.. 7 .May. 1801. Dr. Can- is a Avell-knoWn |)hysieian. and in a(hlilii>n 1o a ivuuhir prac- tiee. lie is a speeialist in the li'ealmeiit of Ihe eye, throat and nose, lie was for several yeai's health officer of the 314 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. DR. CHARLES A. CARR. HAROLD W. CARR. DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 315 township of Corniiii;'. and a niciiilici- nF the Board of Alder- men of the city of Coi-iniii;'. One child : 1949 i llanild W.'" (air, li. at ('uniing. N. V.. 1^4 .Iiiiu'. LS9l'. 1742 Charles Herbert" Barber, son oT Sai-ali \V.' [AVilsoir, lietsey^ Benjamin^ SanuieP, I^xMijamin'. William-, Thomas' Dexter] and Charles W. Barber, was horn S ?\larch, 1860. lie mar- ried Eliza Tjueelia AValker of (ireeiiwieli, ^Niass.. 1) Now. 1883. Seven children : 1950 i Carrie May'" Barber, h. 15 l\Iay. 1S.S4. 1951 ii Oscar Herbert"' Barber, 1>. 7 Di'c, 1S85. 195-J iii Arthur Wilson"' Barber, b. IG Feb., 1887. 195,3 iv Mattie T.ueelia'" ]}arl>er, 1>. 1 .Inly, 1889. 1954 V Ang-ie Eosetta'" Barber, b. 11 Im-I... I'^Ol. 1955 vi Laura Isabella"' Barber, b. 1 1 -Inly. 1^9:!. 195(3 vii Alta Estella"' Barber, b. bs .luuc, 189(;. 1833 Bessie J." Dexter, dau.uhter of Ephraim A.^ jSaiuner. Cideon''. Ephraiiu'. Ephraim^ Ben.iaminl AVilliam'-, 'riiomas' i and Betsey O. [Snow] Dexter, was horn 11 March. 18r)f). Slie ■ married Captain Francis A. Bowman, 6 July, 18S(i. lie was the son of Captain Euther and Hannah (Tliller t liowman. He Avas a sea captain, and made many voyao-es betwet'ii ports on the United States Coast, also between the Enited States and Enji'land. He was once wrecked on the coast of Ireland. He made one Avhalin^' trip, sailing' in the bark "Commodore INIorris. " In 187() he took eonniiand of the sehooner "^lai-ysville,'" whieli was carryim: lumber between the Bay of Fundy and Boston. In ISSi! he canu^ home, and was made pilot for Bu/.zaids l>ay and vicinity. He is now em- ployed by 11. E. Converse as eoiumander of his steam and sailiiii;' yachts. One ehiUl: 1957 i Edna ¥."' Bowiiian, b. at :\IattaiKusett, 17 Sept., Is91. ;n() DEXTER FAJIIIA" GENEALOGY. 1835 Amy A.'-' Dexter, cljiuiilitrr of Eplifiiiiii A."^ ISaiiiucr. (iidcoii'', Ei)hr;iiiir'. Ephraim^, Benjaniiir', AVilliani-, Tluuiwis'l and Betsey (). | Snov, ] Dextei", was lioni LMi -lune. 1S74. She ii.an-ied William 11. IlaiiiiiioiKl. '■'> .Xdv.. 1S!)8. 'I'liri^i' children : 19.58 i Kltou F.'" Haiiiniond. li. ;it .M.-ittajioisett, 4 Feb., 1896. 19.19 ii Ivirlc D.'" Hfirniii(in<1, h. at Alarioii, 24 Aug., 1897. 1960 iii Alice ('.'" Hammond, b. at Mattapoisett, 22 Nov., 1899. CHARLES DEXTER ALLEN. 1883 Charles Dexter' Allen, son of Anni(^ P.' |('hai-l<'s 11.'. Sclli''. S('tli\ Sclh'. iMMijainiii'. AYilliaiu-. Thomas' Dexter | and l>.Mnif11 \l. Allen, was horn S May. 1865. at AA^'indsor Ijoeks, Conn, lie nian-icd Frances Lonisc Clark of llai-tford. Conn., o Nov.. IS'.MI. DEXTEK IW.MIIA' GENE.\I/)GV. ;;17 1961 i Sylvia Mary'" Allen, I.. ;i1 Wiii.lsor Locks. 10 ^ray, ISOii. 1962 ii T.ouiso Piersou"' Allm. \>. ;it Wiiidsdr Lucks. Id Oct.. 1 S9.''. ; d. 1.5 April, 1S97. 1963 iii ^[ariaii'" Allon. I.. ;it 1 l;ntf.,nl. ''L. In \\:uv\\. 1896. 1964 iv Barbara'" Ailcn, 1i. at Hartford, Ct.. 1 Sc|,i.. liitil. Jonathan Dexter, tlu^ fii-st of tliis line ;i]>!)c;ii'c(l ;it Mansfield. Ct., in the oarl\' times, hul who'c lie was Iku'ii and ■wIkhh In* married has not been ascertained. Thi' Sjat'ter (ienealouy states that his son. Daniel, hoi-n ITtio. niarried lioxa Slai'tcr. Daniel Dexter, son of .jonatlian. was horn 11 Scpi.. ITti'); dird 27 Sept.. 1S4S: married Koxa' Shifter. danLilitei- of Sjiiiniel' [Sann;el-, John']. She was horn "_".' Xow. ITiiT; died IT :\rareh. 1842. Children : i Asaliel Dexter, li. at Mansfield, Ct., 1788; m. Susan Austin, 27 Sept., 181S. Tie was ('a]itain of Paris Furnace Company, 140th X. Y. KeyiiiKMit, ill War of is 12, ;nid was in active service six months, ('hildrcn. horn in I'aris. X. Y. : 1. Susan Dexter, h. .l Fel).. is-jd; d. 1.", March. 1880. 2. Lovira, Dexter, b. 24 Oct., IS-Jl. 3. Emily Dexter. 1.. .1 .\j,ril, 1824; d. 18 .Inly. 1882. 4. Charles Dexter. I), lo I'eh.. 1829; m. Almira L. llam- nu'tt, 14 ]\lay. Is.'l. ;nid they had one child, Charles Albert D.'Xter. b. ar ('lay\ille. X. V.. 24 June, 18.37. ii Tryi)hosa Dexter, b. at Mansfield, ('1.. 1792; d. 1810. iii Daniel Dexter, \>. isou; d. 1822. iv Chester Dexter, b. -l Oct., 1 SO I ; m. Ann Williams. Three daujjhters. V. Sanuiel I'reeman Dexter, b. L! .\uo-., 1806; m. (1) Caroline Eisley, (2) Melviua C, Daily, (.'?) Deborah Soper, Children: 1. Dani.4 Dexter, b. a1 Covinoton. X'. V.. 2;i Dec. 18.32; d. 27 Jan.. ls.').l. 2. Lucy -Ann Dexter, b. at Auliurn. X. Y .. 24 Sept.. 1834. 3. llenrv Daniel Dexter, b. Is;i7. ;nS DEXTER FAMILY GENEAl.()(n'. 4. Kininct D.'xtfM-, li. 1 L' T)e(^. 1S47; .1. 17 March. 186(5. 5. Jane Dexter, 1.. LI N,,v.. LS49; d. 19 Feb., 1855. (5. Freeman Dick Dexter, 1>. at Paris. X. Y., Ki July, 1852; ni. Susanna A. Sniitli. iin April. LS74. Henry Daniel Dexter, son of l^aimid Fi-ccinaii [Daniel. Jona- than] and Deborah fSoper] Dexter, was horn 24: March, 1837. He niariied Sarah iM. Bontly of Paris, X. Y.. 30 :\raroh, 1S.17. Nine cliildi en : i William Daniel. 1>. 25 March. LS5S ; .1. 6 July, 190;!; m. Kate Dailey, 30 June, lS9(i. ii Emma Nettie, b. L3 Au;j., LS59; m. George Smith, 12 Nov., 1880. Two children: Robert Earl Smith, b. 15 Nov., 1883; Eeba :\[. Smith, b. 11 OcL. 1888. iii Charles Henry, b. 19 Sept., 1863; m. Kate Brower, 6 Aug., 1884. Three children: Delta V., b. 1 Mun-h, 1886; m. Edward New- house. 23 June, 1905; Liblne L., b. 11 July, 1890; Jessie M., b. 14 Feb., 1896; d. 21 June, 1896. iv .leunie Louisa, b. S' Aug., 18(55; m. William H. ^rcCann. 31 June, 1893. V Delta Elnora, 1). 28 Aug., 1868; d. 26 Dec, 1874. • vi Colont-l Wallace, b. 13 May, 1870; <1. 25 Dec., 1874. vii Horace Fred, b. 31 Jan., 1872; d. 26 Dee., 1874. viii Walter Vincent, b. 12 A]n-il. 1S74; d. 12 April. 1874. ix Eobert Emmet, b. 5 July, 1877; d. 10 Sept., 1877. Freeman D. Dexter, son of Sanmel Fi-eenian [Daniel, Jona- than] and Deborah [Soper] Dexter, was born 16 July, 1852, at Paris, X. Y. He lived npon his father's farm until he was 14 y(^ars of a^ie. In lS()(i he went to live with a farmer in West Winfield, where he i-emained three years, when he stai'ted in l)nsiness, repairing- oi'u'ans and other mu- sical insttnments, and later he l)uilt some mnsieal instrn- ments. In Augnst'. ISDT. he took ont a ])atent in the United States and Canada, on a two-mannal I'eed organ, which was an im])i'ovement in tone over those in connnon use. He eon- titnuid tnninu' and is activelv engaged in that business at DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. :]]!) FREEMAN D. DEXTER. the present time. He has tiuied nearly seventeen tliousand instruments. He moved to Earlville. X. Y., in 1901. lie married Susan A. Smith, :30 Api-il, 1874. • Five ehihlren : i Inez May Dexter, h. ;! IV)).. ISSO; d. 9 Aug.. 1888. ii Henry Daniel Dexter, Ik 11 Nov., ISSti; d. ]A Aug., 1887. iii Clara Belle Dexter, h. 7 :\r-ir.h, 1888. iv Mabel Ellen Dexter, h. 10 .Jan., 1891'. V Otto Freeman Dexter, b. ;U) May, 189.J. INDEX. Abbott, Elvira B., 181 Abernathy, Conant, 60 Adams, Almira, 171 Benjamin, 99 Aiken, John, 62 Alden, Adeline Lewis, 285 Charles Edward, 285 Clara, 285 Eudora Frances, 285 Emma Tobey, 285 Francis LeBaron, 285 George Lincoln, 285 John, 2S5 Lucia Enssell, 285 Seth, 285 - Seth Frank, 285 Susan Maria, 285. Aldrich, Addison S., 278 Lyman P., 278 Samuel T., 278 Allen, Albert* 114 Alice, 12-16 Almira Warner, 143 Andrew, 76 Anna, 88-89 Annie P., 316 Annie Pierson, 298 Anson F., 88 Barbara, 317 Bartlett, 75 Bennit E., 316 Bennit Rowland, 298 Charles Dexter, 299-316 Clarissa, 89 Daniel, 10-11-13 David, 51-88 Ebenezer, 13 Eluthera, 89 Eliza A., 100 Elizabeth, 13 Francis G., 296 Frederick, 88-89 John, 13 Joseph, 13 Louise Pierson, 3 ! 7 Lydia, 88 Marian, 317 AllcMi, Mary, lO-l;} - Moses, 88-143 Eoanna, 94-148 Sabra, 86-142 Sarah, 13-31-46 Sarah B., 89 Samuel, 13 Sylvia Mary, 317 Thomas, 13 Willard, 88-89 Aired, Sarah, 182 Ames, Daniel IL, 116 Elizabeth H., 116 Governor, 253 Jane L., 116 Loring T., 116 Mary T., 116 Oliver, 191 Thomas C, 63-116 Amidon, Alice, 51-89 Anderson Almeda, 140-222 Betsey, 222 Timothy, 222 Andre, Major, 40 Andrew, Governor, 271 Andrews, Bertha May, 210 Carrie Dean, 209 Charles H., 209 Charles ITenry, 128 Jennie Frances, 262 John Dexter, 210 Mary, 181 President, 220 Sarali Lizzie, 210 William Francis, 209 . Annable, John, 15 Mary, 15 An II is, Joseph, 77 Antony, Jessie, 79 . Armsbv, George F., 211 Arnold, John, 20 Sarah, 12-19-28 Samuel, 11-18-19-20-21 Ashley, Oscar, 211 Athern. Belcher, 61 Keziah, 60 Atkins, Waty, 77 322 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Atwood, 55 Hannah, 142 Austin, Almeuii, 142 David, 43 Susan, 317 Babcock, Caleb, 182 Jason, 33-49 Mary, 27-42 Bacon, Cloves N., 136 Mr., 207 Baker, Abigail, 246 Beunet, 246 Julia E., 246 President, 220 Winfiekl, 147 Balch, Kate, 161 Baldwin, Ellen M., 199-300 Joseph, 269 Ballard, Edward, 93 Hephzibah, 58-93 Keziah, 95 Ball, Aaron Laurence, 172 Albert H., 172-267 Aley Hayden, 267 Almira, 266 Benjamin Franklin, 173 Bertha Buckner, 172 Constance Lincoln, 172 Elijah, 55-100-171-172 Edith Preble, 172 Eudora Adaline, 266 Esther, Elizabeth, 172 Fav Hill, 267 Floyd, 172 Fordyce, 58-99-171-172-173 Frances E. W., 267 Frank William, 172 George Elijah, 171 Harry, 172 Harry Perkins, 172 Herbert James, 172 Hyder Alley, 172 Hyderlah, 100 Ida May, 267 James Henry, 172 Jay, 172 Joanna, 100, 173 John Alfred, 266 John Levi, 171-266 Joseph, 100 Joseph Appleton, 172 Joseph Elijah, 171-266 Joseph Gilbert, 172 Ball, Joseph Noruuiii, 172 Laura Almira, 266 Levi Thurston, 171 Louis Caleb, 172 Lucinda M., 100 Lucy Maria, 172 Mary Adaline, 172 Maria Almira, 171 Mary Frances, 171 Phebe, 57-58 Phebe Ann, 171 Pauline Sarah, 171 Ealph Alphonso, 266 Eay, 172 Eobert Elijah, 172 Ruliy Josephine, 267 Rutii, 172 Samuel Wiley, 173 Bangs, Elijah, 90 Barl)er, Alice Jane, 274 Alta Estella, 315 Angle Rosetta, 315 Arthur Wilson, 315 Carrie May, 315 Charles, 274 Charles Herbert, 274-315 Charles W., 315 Ernest Timothy, 274 Harry Eeuel, 229-261 Henry D., 260 Henry Davis, 149-168-229 Heloise, 229 James Arthur, 274 Jerijah, 60 Laura Isabella, 315 Lucy A., 260 Lucy Ann, 98 Mattie Lucelia, 315 Oscar Herbert, 315 Eeuel, 99 Eeuel, 167-169-260 Sarah W., 315 Harden, Frederick, 76 Barlow, Biah, 74 Ebenezer, 30 Edward Albert, 295 George, 27-32 Gideon B., 295 . Herbert Alden, 295 Joseph, 27 Minnie Alice, 295 Moses, 12-17-19 William, 108 Barnes, Eussell, 52 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 323 Barrett, Anna, 58-93 Barrows, Hannah, 30 John, 20 Lucy, 110 Barstow, Caroline, 73 Elizabeth Penn, 73 Helen, 73 Mary Tobey, 73 Nathan, 42-73 Nathan Hammond, 73 Bartlett, Captain, 290 G. S. M., 286 Bartol, Clara B., 194 Barton, Alice M., 276 Charles H., 276 Bascom, Lucinda, 40-65 Bass, Hannah, 101 Bassett, 54 Calvin H., 139 William, 11 Bates, Betsey, 123 Betsey Eames, 66 Elizabeth, 64 Frank, 165 George E., 286 Governor, 253 Katherine Lee, 220 Mary, 165 Euth, 99-165-166 Sarah W., 193 William, 11-193 Battle, Clarissa, 87 Elizabeth, 87 Esther, 87 Ichabod Dexter, 87 Lourinda, 87 Lj'dia, 87 Mary C, 87 Phineas, 50 Phiuehas P., 87 Ehoda, 87 Sherman, 50 Baxter, Cora, 201 John, 75 Sally, 75 Beal, Mary, 95 Bean, Betsey, 82 Mary, 81 Beard, Kirby, 63 Beckerman, Frances Snow, 287 John A., 287 John William, 287 Louis Evelyn, 287 Sarah L., 287 Beckerman, William H., 287 Bennett Sadie, 119-204 Elizabeth, 181 Benson, Priscilla, 27-43 Bently, George F., 189 Sarah M., 318 Besse, Anthony, 14 Elisha, 81 Samuel, 81-191 Bessej^ C. E., 220 Bigelow, Aliiel, 54 Vishti, 103 Billinghani, Eebecca, 47-81 Bishop, Kate E., 143-224 Bissell, Frederick E., 196 Blackmore, Abbie, 63-115 Blackwell, Seth, 29 Blanehard, Dai-win, 67 Blankeiiship, James, 38 Blakic, Dorothea, 122 Boardman, Mary E., 82 Mary Edna, 137 Boodry, Nathan, 104 Bolles, John Dexter, 191 Eebecca, 104 Bolls, Ebenezer, 38 Mehitable, 18 Booth, Sarah E., 240 Boltwood, Eunice C, 196 Bourne, Elizabeth, 28 John, 28 Bowerman, Thomas, 16 Bowles, Benjamin, 25 Eunice, 37-63 Bowman, Edna F., 315 Francis A., 315 Hannah, 315 Luther, 106-315 Boynton, Mary A., 82 Boyce, Alaric, 243 Amanda, 243. N. Gertrude, 243 Bracket, George, 253 Brackett, J. Q. A., 191 Bradford, W. M., 11 George William, 52 Braley, Lurana, 106 Lurana K., 182 Brewer, Delia, 1 30 Brewster, Fear, 48 William, 48 Brightman, Frank B., 201 Bronson, Victoria, 171 Brooks, Charlotte L., 305 324 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Brooks, Dexter M., 3U5 Otis, 160-168 Euth H., 305 Samuel H., 305 Brower, Kate, 318 Brown, Betsy, 178 Joseph, 79. John, 105 Brownell, Hannah, 46 Browning, Ella B., 242 Ella S., 158 Jacob, 242 Zuriah, 242 Bryant, Clement, 103 Buckley, C. S., 212 Buel, Edward, 42-73 Edward W., 73 Eliza L. B., 73 Laura J., 73 Marietta, 73 Keuben D., 73 Sar-ah Jane, 73 Buffum, Esek, 56-57 George, 56-57 Cromwell, 52 Hosea, 92 Bump, Seth, 43 Bumpes, Elenor, 2(3-39 Burbauk, Ezra, 105 Mary, 64 Mary J., 64 Burge, Joseph, 14 Burgess, Betsey, 60 Martha, 47-82 Prince, 61 Burk, Hannali, 79 Howard M., 67 Burnel], Jonathan, 34 William, 34-35 Burnett, Esther, 90 Burnliam, Ann, 96 Bush, John, 70 Persis, 70 Burt, Luthervia, 148 Butler, B. F., 191 Mary, 27-39-40 Rebecca, 40 Thomas, 40 Calhoon, Charles S., 194 Calligan, Mary Susan, 149-227 Cambridge, William, 62 . Campbell, William D., 188 Candido, Amelia, 193 Caadidd, iMiiuia, li'o Joseph, 111-193 Thomas, 193 Cannon, Abigail, 34-64-118 Ebenezer, 35-42 Joseph, 34 Nathan, 42 Carlton, George, 128 Carll, Ellen E., 136-216 Carmen, Nellie, 172 Carpenter, Abbie L., 162 Abbie Louise, 249-250 Agnes, 52 Alice, 62 Bessie B., 306 Caroline, 11-41 Charles H., 164 Charles Hudson, 248-249 Clara E., 306 Ella E., 306 George R., 306 Juliana, 52 Lillian Gertrude, 249-250 Melinda, 248 Minniola Louisa, 249 R. E., 269 Robert Eames, 306 Seba, 248 Carr, Charles A., 313-314 Effie D., 313 Harold W., 314-315 Carry Mary Ann, 77 Cass, John, 54 Caswell Catherine, 186 Thomas, 77 Cathell, Betsey W., 110 Caleb Strong, 110 Fanny W., 110 Hannah D., 110 Henry Nelson, 110 James, 59-109 Jane, 110 Jane Tobey, 110 Phebe B., 110 Sally, 110 Susan S., 110 Cayle, Isabelle, 142 Susan, 142 Chadwiek, Tamez, 24 Chaffee, Caroline, 285 Chamberlain, Philo, 65 W^illiam H., 211 William Leon, 274 Chandler, Charles, 64 DEXTER PxVMILY GENEALOGY. 325 Chandler, Corbett, (52 Francis S., 286 John, 70 Lydia, 63-117 Pliny Fisk, 145 Channiug, William H., 211 Chapiri, Philma, 121 Rhelura, 65 Chase, J. P., 78 Mary Jane, 263 Chead, David, 23 Elizabeth, 23 Samuel, 15-23 Cheney, Abigail, 86 Allen, 142 D. E., 269 Damon, -264 Ebenezer, 86 Edward Turner, 87 Edwin Thayer, 143 Elizabeth, 264 Ellen Elizabeth, 264 Frank, 223 Horace B., 223 Hannah, 86 Henry, 142 John, 87-100-170 John Humphrey, 170 Julia Ann, 170 Julia Maria, 143 Lucien West, 143 Lucy, 86 Luther, 142 Luther Norman, 143 Milla, 86 Moses, 50-86-142-143 Nathaniel, 86 Nathan Farmenter, 170 Rhoda B., 143 Rhoda Battle, 87 Ruth, 86 Samuel, 86 Susan A., 223 Child, Joseph, 31 Choate, John, 233 Robert, 233 Sarah, 233 Church, Charles, 28-29 Hannah, 27-40-41 Lois, 29 Richard, 28 William, 311 Clapp, Charles S., 196 Ralph. 113 Clark, Mr., 141 Alfred Henry, 297 Charles S., 141 David Dexter, 196-296 Erastus, 113 Ebenezer, 35 Elizabeth, 36 Frances Louise. 299-316 Florella, 148 George P., 175 Irving, 297 Lillian, 156-240 Lucretia, 296 Martha, 33-60 Mary, 32 Melinda, 130 Mercy Smith, 196 Pallas E., 240 Ralph Huntington, 297 Sarah, 171 Susan H., 201 William, 113-196-296 William Dexter, 297 William S., 240 Clarke, Henry O., 248 Josiah H., 248 Cleveland, Florence, 261 David, 56 Nathaniel, 45 .Julian, 261 W^illie, 261 Clifford, Irene, 132-212 Clifton, Benjamin D., 134 Edwin E., 134 Julia M., 134 Martha W., 134 Obed 1)., 134 Priscilla C, 134 Sarah M., 133 Savery, 43 Timothy, 133 Timothy A., 134 Cluett, Charles F., 119 Coffin, Arthur Dexter, 298 Charles Sumner, 298 Clarence Harlan, 298 Dexter Drake, 298 Douglass Pierson, 298 Grace P., 298 Herbert R., 297 Herbert Raymond, 298 .Julia S., 297 Phebc C, 108-184 Coggswell, Sarah, 96 32G DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Cole, Timothy, 56 Coleman, Ilezekiali, 76 Maria T., 200 Collins, Abigail, 16 Alton, 287 Euth H., 287 Colson, Herbert D., 118 Coman, Kathoriue, 220 Compton, Kittie, 182 Converse, H. E., 315 James, 51 Conant, Anna W., 148 Cones, Bertrand A., 134 Cook, Blanch A., 266 William, 79 Cooley, Charles Henry, 298 Coombs, Perez, 43 Coon, Mary, 75-130 Cooper, Lydia, 53 Copeland, 201 Copeman, 183 Corbet, Lois, 102 Corning, John, 19 Cory, C. M., 189 Charles E., 303 Mabel, 303 Preston, 303 William, 303 Cosby, Catherine, 30-44 Cowan, Abner, 182 Charles, 182 Deborah D. L., 181 George, 182 James F., 182 Joshua, M., 182 M. E., 243 Mary W., 181 Lidora C, 3 Lidora S., 181 Lorenzo, 182 Lydia P., 181 Seth, 106-181 Seth L., 181 Sophronia D., 181 William P., 182 Cowin, Israel, 43 Nat, 42 Cox, Doctor, 78 Charles, 216 Craigg, 198 Crane, Governor, 253 Crandall, Edward, 133 Crawford, John, 51 Crocker, Clarissa, 61-63-115 Crowell, Paul, 15 Crowell, Polly, 110 Gushing, Ellsworth S., 289 Vivian C, 289 William, 289 Cutter, Ella, 304 Daifern, John, 13 Daggett, Joseph, 132 Daily, Melvina C, 317 Dalton, John, 171 Dana, Mary, 75 Mary J., 131 Danford, George, 22 Dant'orth, Elizabeth, 143 Daniels, Jennie M., 279 Davenport, Amanda, 186 Davidson, Abitha, 121 William E., 77 Davis, Adelaide M., 310 Adeline, 311 Alfradina, 169-261 Cassie D., 162 Catherine, 261-262 Charles H., 247 Cornelius H., 247 Cynthia Ann 161-247 Daniel, 98-99-161-165-166-258-259 Dexter, 98-160-161-165-168-246 Ebenezer, 33 Edwin F., 166 Edgar M., 247 Edwin F., 258 Elizabeth Emily, 161 Emily, 246 Emma A., 247-311 Erastus Andrew, 161-247 Georgianua, 169-261 George E., 162 Hannah, 103 Harriet, 169 Harriet Elizabeth, 262 Henry L., 246-310 Horace D., 246 Jennie E., 169 Jennie Etta, 262 Joanna, 96 John, 57-58-93-96-97-98-99-160- 162-165-167-168 Joseph Augustus, 161 Julia E., 311 Louis B., 247 Lucy, 57-160 Lucy Ann, 999-167-247 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 827 Davis, Lucy Dexter, 96 Lucy E., 167-258 Lynval A., 161 Mary, 37-63 Mary Addie, 247 Mary E., 167-259 Maud Alfredine, 258 Narcissa, 98-162 Nelsou D., 310-311 Nelson Dexter, 161-246 Nelson Norris, 247 Norris, 98-161-165-247 Philetus A., 161 Euth, 166-258-259 Euth J., 258 Simon, 54 Sylvester, 54-57-99-158-168-261- '262 Wilber W., 247 Willie, 247 Willie E., 162 William, 311 Day, Eufus, 88 Dean, 198 Captain, 290 Eoxana, 48-85 Delano, Elizabeth, 77 Elizabeth P., 134 Mary, 43-76 Euth, 43-76 William, 106 Dennis, Adonjah, 87 Eunice, 87 Julia Ann, 141 Lucy, 51-87 M. J., 282 Mary Bishoi), 282 Samuel, 87 Dewey, Maria C, 94-156 Dewing, Hannah, 95 Dexter, Aaron, 94-153-154 Abbie, 133-212 Abbie A., 123-200 Abbie C, 204 Abbie M., 135-213 Abiel P. E., 180 Abigail, 11-14-15-22-23-24-30-34- 38-46-48-84-141 Abigail Church, 113 Abigail H., 204 ' Abner, 76 Achsah, 105-107-180-283 Achsah L., 180-283 Ada M., 181 Dexter, Addie E.. -'11 Addie L., 182 Addie M., 131 Adelaide S., 204 Adin Urial, 122 Adrianna, 212 Agnes Mary, 215 Ainsworth, 108-184 Alanson, 136 Albertina E., 183 Albert G., 109 Albert H., 146 Albert L., 190 Albert M., 116-202 Albert Maurice, 244 Albert Morton, 202 Albion E., 183-286 Alden, 59-63-110-117-192-193- 194-203 Alden D., 203 Alden Davis, 301 Alexander, 109-189-190 Alice, 24-31-34-59-146 ^ Alice B., 216 Alice M., 119-203-303 Alice May, 305 Alice Eider, 195 Alice S., 82 Alice W., 194 Allen, 74-80-128-209 Allen Caleb, 65 Allen M., 81 Alma, 51-84-140 Almira.M., 128 Alonzo, 82 Alpheus, 111 Alston S., 136 Ama A.. 289-316- Ama L., 190 Amasa, 47-81-82-94-137-138-148- 227-228-229-261 Ambrose, 120 Andrew, 117-203 Andrew J., 122 Ann, 16-24-72-78-132-143 Anna, 42-43-51-59-88-94-104-147- 148-149-229 Anna L, 295 Anna M., 138-156 Anna Wheeler, 88 Anne, 41 Annie, 77-299 Annie D., 136 Annie L., 289 328 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Dexter, Annie P., 199 Annie Pierson, 298 Anson, 82 Arethusa, 84-140 Arianah F., 136 Ariedana, 45 Arthur, 79-211 Arthur A., 184 Arthur Delano, 215 Arthur Fry, 160 Arthur H.," 202-203 Arthur Job, 245 Arthur S., 209 Arthur N., 195 Arlothea, 115-199 Asahel, 317 Augustus C, 126 Augustus Charles, 70 Aurelia A., 137 Avery G., 205-206 Avery J., 40-65-119 Azubah, 45-60-77-78-79 Azubah C, 289 Barzillias. 79 Bayard Putnam, 310 Benjamin, 17-19-20-21-22-23-27- 31-33-43-45-46-48-53-54-55-56-57- 58-75-76-77-83-85-92-95-96-97-99- 100-105-117-132-133 - 134 - 135- 147-148-149-151-153-156 - 158- • 187-191-211-213-215-292 Benjamin Allen, 149-227-306 Benjamin D., 11-12-215 Benjamin F., 109-135-189-215 Bernice Alden, 301-302 Bernard Leon, 244 Bertha, 45, 211 ' Bessie J., 289-315 Bessie N., 190 Bessie L., 215 Bethial. 27-38 Bethsheba, 138 Bethsheba Carver, 84 Betsey, 38-58-64-82-94-95-100-103- 147-148-149-151-153-156-173-176- 178-179-211-240 Betsey Elizabeth, 63 Betsey O., 315-316 Betsey R., 115-136 Betty, 31-32-50 Biah, 128 Browning Dewey, 242 C. Henrv, 117 Caleb, 34-35-38-59-108-111-112-194 Dexter, Calvin, 108-109-1S2-186-187- 291 Calvin H., 183 Calvin S., 183 Carlton, 190 Caroline, 42-73-75-129 Caroline E., 135 Caroline H., 133 Caroline Martha, 233-234 Caroline Mary, 158-242 Carrie A., 184 Carrie J., 286 Carrie Mabel, 206 Carrie R., 190 Cassandra, 85-142 Catherine, 77-79-291 Cecilia, 79 Charity, 138-139-140 Charity W., 139 Charity Williams, 84 Chairles, 38-40-62-64-&5-71-75- 118-119-121-132-153-204-234-317 Charles Albert, 317 Charles Delivan, 120-205 Charles E., 121-128-146-183-209 Charles Frederick, 116 Charles H., 197-198-297-298-299 Charles Haskall, 114 Charles Henry, 318 Charles Knowlton, 206 Charles L., 71 Charles Phineas, 155-156-236-237 238 Charles Rugg, 301 Charles S., 82-291 Charles T., 192-203-295-303 Charles W., 204 Chandler, 67 Charlotte, 75-76-212 Charlotte Maria, 196 Chester, 317 Chester B., 64-67-119-205 Chester Bascom, 121 Chester S., 294 Chloe, 123 Christina, 106 Christina R., 181 Clara A., 180 Clara Belle B., 19 Clara H., 111-112-194 Clara L., 236 Clara Lunetta, 146 Clara M., 123 Clarence C, 190 DEXTER PA^[ILY GENEALOGY. 329 Dexter, Clareiue W'., l'.»7 Clarinda, 215 Clarissa, 42-72 Clark, 50 Clement E., 180 Clifford H., 80 Clifton C, 216 Colonel Wallace, 318 Constant, 17-19-21-31-36-47-81-130 Content, 16 Cora L., 286 Cordelia, 212 - Cornelius, 16 Crighton, 85 Cynthia, 76 D.- Gilbert, 66-207 Daniel, 20-21-22-40-06-78-123-124- 153-317 David, 27-31-36-39-40-46-59-64-65- 60-07-79-80-81-94-112-113 - 123- 151-153-154-190-231-234 David A., 210 David B., 81-115 David Erwin, 153-231-234 David H., 75-124-125-131 David Hazeltine, 207 David W., 204 Davis, 59-245 Deborah, 17-26-41-60-62-112-113- 114-210-318 Deborah E., 129 Deborah F., 122 Deborah O., 137 Delia Carrie, 306 Delia M., 195-291 Delilah, 62 Delta Elnora, 318 Delta v., 318 Dennis, 132-211-303-304 Desite, 38 Dewey & Co., 241-242 Dinali, 18-19 Dolly, 41-70-71 Doris A., 210 Doris Leonard, 294 Dorothy M., 213 Dorothy May, 236 Drusilla, 31-32 Dwight Hodge, 222 E. Allen, 46-135 E. Milton, 71 Ebenezer, 30-44-45-59-78-79-80 Ebenezer H., 286 Edgar D., 289 Dexter, Edith, M Edith Delano, 213 Edith L., 308 Hdna, 130 Edna May, 245 Edward, 12-27-42-43-74-79-90- 113-128-145-196 Edward Dean, 62 Edward G., 83-138 Edward Mansfield, 158-242 Edward S., 149-183 Edward T., 182 Edwin C, 119 Edwin Douglas, 299 Edwin Grant, 138-220-221 Edwin D., 199 Edwin F., 200 Edwin S., 136 Effie Etta, 121 Effie Rosa, 128 Elbert H., 216 Eleanor, 41-48 Eleanor F., 300 Eleanor M., 66-67 Eleanor Richardson, 301 Eleazer, 83-84-138-139-140 Elenor, 26 Elias, 37-62 Elihu, 54 Elihu O. C, 307 Elihu Osgood Clark, 149-228 Elijah, 35-36-37-60-01-114-115-199 Elijah C, 115 Elisha, 37-44-45-63-75-116-117- 132-201-202 Elisha L.,- 116-201 Elisha M., 129 Eliza, 211 Eliza A., 111-193 Eliza Bigelow, 199 Elizn C, 184-291 Elizabeth, 10-11-14-17-24-25-3.5- 36-37-59-60-61-62-63-76-80 - 81- 114-115-110-118-132 Elizabeth A., 183 Elizabeth J., 286 Elizalieth L., 215 Elizabeth P., 190-213-215 Elizabeth W., 183 Ella, 211 Ella F., 215 Ella L.. 135 Ellen. 78-207 Ellen A.. 188 330 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Dexter, Ellen L., 11 !i Elleu M., 71 Ellen T., 195 Ellen W., 188 Elliot Beckwith, 85 Elsie F., 190 Elnathan, 25 Elwell v., 138 Elwood W., 189 Epliraim, 19-21-22-25-33-34-35- 58-59-104-105-107-109-110 - 111- 182-183-184-186-289 Ephraim A., 185-288-315-316 Epipheny, 43 Emeline," 300 Emma A., 111-194 Emma J., 202 Emma L., 118 Emma Nettie, 318 Emma S., 203 Emma E. C, 194 Emily, 71-317 Emily, 108 Emily B., 132 Emily F., 202 Emmet, 318 Enoch, 30-45-79 Enos, 45 Ernest L., 204 Ernest W., 292 Erwin, 81 Esther, 45 Ethel M., 291 Eunice, 42-43-45-79-116-] 17-183- 203-295 Eugene Avery, 121 Euphemia F., 192-295 Evans K., 202 Everett Augustus, 152-153-231- 232-233 Experience, 43-45 Ezra H., 117-202 F. Arvilla, 244-245-246 Fanny Beckwith, 88 Fanny Eunice, 236 Fanny S., 239 Fanny Sarah, 155-156 Fayette, 66-123 Flora Ella, 160 Florence, 299 Florence A., 197 Florence Belle, 125-207 Florence G., 196-294 Florilla P., 106 Dexter, Fortunatus, IS Foster B., 143 Foster D., 24 Foster Dennis, 88 Frances, 9-13-71-153-156-158 Francis, 82 Frances E., 117-137 Frances Henrietta, 70-125 Frances Louisa, 128 Francis C. L., 131 Frank, 67 Frank Albert, 227-306 Frank E., 307 Frank Edward, 230-231 Frank G., 300 Frank Gibbs, 300 Frank H., 189 Frank M., 190 Frank Russell, 195 Frank Seaverns, 306 Franklin B., 133 Franklin Bowditch, 212 Franklin Greenwood, 216 Fred Abbott, 230-231-308-309 Freddy B., 227 Frederick, 146 Frederick C, 201 Frederick Homer, 120-121 Frederick L., 195 Freeman, 47-81-111-136-192-295 Freeman C, 289 Freeman D., 318-319 Freeman Dick, 318 Garret S., 130 George, lll-H:f-122-132"l35->ll - George A., 286 George Augustus, 245 George E., 183-295 George Edward, 159-244 George F., 145-192 George H., 116-202-211 George Hillnian, 304 George Mills, 70 George Parsons, 196 George S., 123-130-207 George T., 138-216-217-218-219 George Turrell, 145 George W., 94-128-148-201-244- 245-246 George W. S,, 209 George Washington, 158 Georgie Etta, 202 Georgianna, 210 Gershom, 18-26 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 831 Dexter, Gertrude, I'ii-") Gertrude I., 206 Gertrude Isabella, 120 Gertrude W., 202 Gertrude Wilson, 215 Gideon, 31-32-43-47-59-82-108- 109-112-185-186-1S7-188 Gideon F., 47 Gideon L., 183 Gilmore, 105-181 Gladys Maria, 244 Godfrey, 79 Grace E., 180 Grace Ethel, 215 H. C, 243 Hadassah, 65 Harold, 242-300 Harold S., 189 Harper D., 76 Harvey, 63-202-203 Harvey K., 80 Harriet, 71-108-114-132-184 Harriet Augusta, 70 Harriet Clark, 114-197 Harriet Jane, 90 Harriet Maria, 301 Harriet N., 82-291 Harriet S., 125-126-127 Harriet Siverly, 70 Harris H., 80 " Harvev, 117 Hannah. 18-19-25-31-38-40-41-45- 46-52-57-58-67-77-80-82-90 - 92- 96-99-100-112-118-146-189 - 190- 191 Hannah J., 64-189 Harriet Jane, 145 Hannah L., 291 Hannah S., 107-1 09-187-188-293- 294 Helen A., 70 Helen Augusta. 127 Helen G., 192-295 Henrietta, 193 Henrv, 78 Henrv A., 109-137-191-192 Henry B., 137-204 Henrv C., 136-216 Henrv Clav, 155-156-234-235-236 HenrV Daniel, 317-318-319 Henrv G., 211 Henry K., 194 Henrv M., 115-182 Henrv Martvn, 199-300 Dexter, Henry MontL'^tuiuM y, (0 Henry Morton, 200-300" Henry N., 111-112-192 Henry V., 82-216-220 Henry Vaughn, 137-222 Henry Walker. 88 Henry W., 1S5 Ilephzibah, 93-149-168-229-261 Herbert Arthur, 227 Herbert C, 228 Herbert Eugene, 160-245 Herbert W., 289 Herman Francis, 158-241 Herman W., 303 Hiram, 133-212-305 Horace, 71-85-ss-l LI- 1 27-135- 196-215 Horace Fred, 318 Horace Lyman, 215 Horace N., 184 Hoyt, 149-229 Ichabod, 32-33-48-49-50-51-53- 86-87-89-145-146 Inez May, 319 lona F., 224 Ira, 75-132-133 Irene, 65 Irene B., 196 Irene, 65-67-119 Isaac, 30-31-32-44-47-77-78-81-82 Isaac v., 78 Isaiah, 35-37-62-63 Israel, 78 Izah A., 289 Jabez, 16-17-24-25-26-34-37-62 Jairus A., 136 James. 11-12-16-17-19-20-21-24^8- 29-35-74-75-80-103-128-129-210 James A., 118-128-204 James Ambrose, 206 James F., 181 James L., 187-294 James Pitkin, 113 James E., 65-122 James Smith, 210 James W., 64-118-204 Jane, 27-28-43-59-63-75-85-109- 129-307-318 Jane C, 130-188 Jason L., 109-190 Jean, 28 Jediah, 45 Jedidah, 27-28-48-79-85-141 Jennie, 122 332 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Dexter, Jennie H., I'Sfi Jennie Louisa, 318 Jerusha, 79 Jesse, 44 Jessie, 207 Jessie M., 80-318 Joan C, 182 Joanna, 19-20-21-22-36-60-180- 181-182 Joanna P., 180 Job, 33-50-51-87-88-89 John, 10-11-12-14-16-17-18-19-23- 26-38-40-44-51-64-66-77-78 - 81- 87-107-109-114-118 - 122 - 136- 143-187-204-216-291-293-294 John A., 79-123-128-129 John Albert, 75-210 John Bangs, 90 John Bernard, 158 John C, 117-196-205-294 John Freeman, 83 John G., 199-300 John Gibbs, 61-114-199 John Henry, 122 John Kempton, 80 John L., 204 John R., 300 John S., 122-136-187-195-207-291 John Sidney, 66 John W., 300 Jonathan, 25-27-30-31-38-40-41- 44-46-48-51-67-70-71-77-80 - 85- 135-142-212-317 Jonathan K., 80-135-215 Jonathan L., 305 Jonathan M., 41-125-126-127 Jonathan Mills, 67-68-69 Joseph, 16-24-30-32-33-43-45-51- 75-78-80-132-133-203-212 - 301- 303 Joseph B., 115 Joseph Clark, 94 Joseph Dean, 84-139-140-222 Joseph Franklin, 222 Joseph H., 41-78 Joseph L., 149-307-308-310 Joseph Lord, 230 Joseph T., 204 Joseph W., 41-71 Josephine M., 71 Joshua, 26-37-76 Josiah, 19-20-21-22-30-31-46 Josiah A., 134-213 Julia A., 207 Dexter, Julia S., 199 Julia Sargent, 297 Judah, 83 Kate, 79-122 Kate F., 190 Katherine, 45 Katie, 119 Katie S., 119 Kesiah, 59-104-105-107-109-110- 111-285 Kesiah L., 285 Kezia, 81-82 Keziah, 61 Keziah L., 180 Laban H., 66 Laura, 66-67-121-289-306 Lawrence, 192 Leander A., 286 Leonard, 41 Leonard S., 107-182 Lemuel, 62 Lemuel LeBaron, 136-201 Lena B., 202 Letta, 229 Letitia, 78 Levi, 128 Lewis, 82-108-137-183-192-286 Libbie L., 318 Lillian C., 294 Lillian L., 189 Linda W., 189 Linus G., 71 Linus W., 41-71-72 Listha, 78 • Lizzie A., 123-190 Lizzie 0., 200 Lizzie Lina, 121 Lizzie W., 204 Lois, 28-34-81 Louisa, 82-127 Louis E., 300 Louise G., 202 Lorenzo D., 106-182 Loring, 105-107-180-283-285 Lorna, 306 Lovira, 317 Love, 305 Lucia Frances, 160 Lucie A., 67 Lucius C, 205 Lucius T., 119 Lucinda, 119-121-145 Lucretia, 113-196 DEXTER FAMILY GENE.U^OGY. 883 Dexter, Luella P., 291 Luthera G., 141 Luthcra Gorham, 85 Lurana, 109-185 Lucy, 50-57-58-62-76-86-96-111- 133-142-143-161-162-165 - 167- 168-192-193-194 Lucy A., 192-295 Lucy Ann, 317 Lucy Alden, 111 Lucy Amelia, 306 Lucy B., 196 Lucy H., 149 Lucy M., 140 Lucy Ruggles, 301 Luke, 59-105-180-181-182 Luna Jennie, 121-206 Lydia, 45-50-62-64-76-78-79-87- 115-134-185-194-202-203 - 288- 289-297-298 Lydia D., 76 Lydia S., 202 Lyna, 245 Mabel, 286 Mabel A., 224-306 Mabel Augusta, 120 Mabel Ellen, 319 Mabel L., 230-231 Mamie F., 289 Maria, 80-156-231-234-236-239 Maria C, 241-242-243 Maria L., 108 Mariah, 46 Marion, 203-236-245 Marion H., 213 Marjory Morton, 300 Martha, 34-58-59-104-114-115- 130-137-138-233 Martha A., 83-289 Martha C, 115-118 Martha J., 286 Martha J. W., 128 Martha M., 81-116-135 Mary, 11-12-13-15-16-17-18-19- 23-24-25-26-33-37-40-42-43 - 49- 52-53-62-63-65-66-67-72-73 - 74- 75-77-79-81-82-83-84-89-90 - 108- 113-122-132-133-135 - 137 - 141- 185-186-187-188-196-199 - 211- 215-300-303-304 Marv A., 76-128-129-189 Mary A. E., 116 Mary Ambrosia, 120-206 Mary Ann, 76-201-209 Dexter, Mary B., 216 Mary D., 7, 180 Mary D., 9-205-206 Mary E., 22-137-183-216 Mary E. €., 286 Mary Eliza, 78-80 Mary Ellen, 196 Mary H., 212 Mary Hynkley, 114-199 Mary J., 118-136-286 Mary L., 204-211 Mary Lizzie, 160-246 Mary Love, 306 Mary M., 130-210 Mary Melisse, 83 Mary P., 129-200 Mary Stanford, 301 Mary Snow, 80 Mary Wilson, 209 Margaret, 245-303 Matildy, 79 Maurice, 158-243-244 Mehitabel, 22 Mercy, 16-25-46-47-48-51-57-58- 81-88-89-129-130-131 Mercy Hinkley, 88 Mcli-nda, 79 Melintha C, 185 Melvin A., 65-122 Melviu Adam, 122 Meriam, 16 Merinda, 203 Meribah, 31-32-47-203 Milton I., 192 Milton L., 128 Minnie A., 194 Minnie Frances, 302 Miriam, 50-80-306 Moores, R., 118-204 Moses, 91-94-119-149-151-169-230 Myra C, 190-289 Myra Jane, 117 Mvra R., 228-307 Nancy, 60-82 Xancy M., 140-222 Nathan, 27-31-32-40-42-65-122 Nathaniel, 47-60-80-81-115 Nettie Louise, 230-231 Nina, 229 Noah, 19-20-27-43-76-133 Oakley White, 207 01)adiah, 286 Obadiah D., 180-285-286 Olive, 39-41 334 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Dexter, Oliver, S'9-41-70-71-127 Oliver F., 186 Otto Freeman, 319 Ozra Lafayette, 120 Pamelia, 75-80-130-210 Patience, 26 Paul, 31 Peleg, 30-44 ■ Perley Hyde, 207 Perries, 75 Persis, 203-310 Phebe, 58-99-169-170-171-172- 173-209 Phebe A., 186 Phebe P., 224 Philander E., 186 Philena, 90 Philip, 11-12-16-24-26-30-38-46-64 Philip Lee, 242 Polly, 59-62-75-76-111-136 Prince, &5-61-114-115-199 Priscilla, 43-75-76 Eachel, 107-182-183-184 Eachel S., 183 Ealph C, 195 Eavmond Henry, 149 Eebecca, 45-64-79-136 Eebecca H., 64 Eebekah, 59-112 Eemember, 149 Eeuben, 27-40-41-45-72-73 Ehoda, 50 Eichard, 190 Eoama, 136-227-228-229 Eobert A. P., 285 Eobert E., 201 Eobert Emmet, 318 Eobert L., 187-293-308 Eobert W., 215 Eoberts, 78 Eobinson, 82 Eodolphiis W., 76-132-133-211-212 Eoland Foskett, 244 Eosana, 45 Eose, 17-18-19 Euey, 242 Eufus, 37-77-109-135-215 Eufus N., 135 Euth, 27-34-40-51-77-89-90-133- 134-135 Euth F., 210 Sally, 51-58-90-140-145-205 Sally Beckwith, 85 Sally Etta, 205 Dexter, Salome, 114 Samuel, 9-19-21-22-32-33-42-43- 45-47-48-49-50-52-53-74 - 75 - 79- 80-81-83-84-85-108 - 129 - 130- 131-133-140-185-288-289 Samuel Adams, 70 Samuel B., 63-85-115-200 Samuel E., 129-210 Samuel Freeman, 317-318 Samuel Stillman, 94-156-157-241- 242-243 Samuel W., 136-140 Sarah, 16-18-21-22-24-27-28-31- 32-33-37-43-53-61-62-75-80 - 82- 114-201-202 Sarah A., 111-137-184-186-193- 289 Sarah Abigail, 80 Sarah Allen, 80 Sarah Ann, 114 Sarah C, 46 Sarah F., 145-181 Sarah H., 41 Sarah J., 129-307-308-211 Sarah Johnson, 303-305 Sarah M., 67-75-130-131-210 Sarah S., 117 Sarah W., 117 Selina, 65 Seth, 19-20-21-22-24-26-35-36- 37-48-59-60-61-62 - 63 - 84 - 112 113-114-115-197-198 Seth L. M., 135-215 Seth P., 129 Silas, 26-39-40 Silvia, 41 Silas B., 119-205 Simeon, 58-94-153-154-155-234- 236-239 Smith, 79 Solon, 82 Sophia, 60-61-76-132-304 Sophia E., 115 Sophia H., 301-303 Sophia, 211 Sophronia, 65 Sophronia P., 106 Stella A., 71 Stella G., 138 Stephen, 11-12-15-16-23-31-32- 47-81-94-115-200 Stephen E., 201 Stephen T., 82-136 Stillman, 111-192-295 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 335 Dexter, Susan, 74-317 Susau A., 204 Susan J., 191 Susanna, 43-48-58-79-80 Susannah P., 42 Sumner, 21-75-81-108-129 Sydney C, 202 Sylvia", 77-82-197-19S Thankful, 26-28-36-37-43-60-61- 62-80-83-84-85 Theresa, 78 Thirza, 85 Thomas, 8-9-10-11-12-14-17-18- 22-23-28-31-32-36-48-59 - 80 - 84. 107-109-189-190-191 Thomas A., 189-190 Thomas D., 5-6-7-8-9-10-11-15-118 Thomas N., 295 Trustum Durell, 149-227 Tryphosa, 317 Urial, 65-122 Urial Sherman, 114 Vera L., 306 Vincent, 78 Viola, 295 Virtue E., 289 Walstein, 190 Walter C, 292 Walter F., 192 Walter G., 192 Walter Vincent, 318 Walter W., 119 Warren, 79-108-114-185 Warren J., 80 Warren P., 122 Weston A., 111-194 Willard, 84 William, 11-12-17-23-24-25-60- 70-78-79-106-113-114-140 - 183 . 197 William A., 118-192-295 William Alfred, 140 William B., 115 William C, 118-187-291 William Charles, 236 William D., 8-9 William Daniel, 318 William E., 79 William ¥., 128 ^ William H., l^-]>S^20^^6-295- 303 William Herbert, 305 -^ William N., 143-306-224 Dexter. William I'., isl William K., 117 William S., 80 William W., 59 Williams, 84 Willie II., 146-188 Willoughby, 79 Wilson, 74 Winfred, 200 Zenas, 51 Zenas 11., 145 Zonas riinkley, 90 Zoath, 38-105 Z Uriel, 22 Dillingham, Charles, 117 Charles H., 203 Edward, 11 Dilloway, Merebah, 31 Dix, Justus H., 65 Lucinda, 122 Dooley, Mary J., 143-224 Doolittle, Colonel, 50 Doruie Captain, 195 Dorcher, Annie E., 303 Douglas, Charles Erwin, 198 Edward A., 197 Edwin A., 114 Edwin Dexter, 198 Ellen, 198 Governor, 253 Harriet, 198 Harriet Dexter, 197 Isabella, 198 Mary Kliza, 224 W. W., 211 Dow, Esther A., 172 Frank II., 167-259 Harry S., 259 Ina M., 245 Jennie M., 166-258 Jessie Euth, 259 Doyle, Mary Ella, 274 Drake, Cora, 298 Drew, Ella A., 278 Dudley, Francis, 102 Dunliar, Belinda, 112 Dunham, Cliftord, 132 Harriet, 75-132 Thubeal, 132 Dunn, Byron P., 296 John, 295 Durfee, Benjamin, 255 Ella M., 165 Ella Maria, 255 336 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Durfee, Nanc-y, 181 Susan G., 134-213 Eager, Abigail, 48-85 Sally, 51-89 Eaton, Calvin, 93 Fanny J., 171 Eames, Abigail A., 66-123 Julia A., 66-123 Sarah Burt, 184 Earle, Samuel A., 190 Eaton, John W., 77 Sarah J., 184 Eddy W., 92 Edwards, Deborah, 75-129 George W., 186 Lydia A., 118 William, 80 Egge, Arthur, 122 Eldridge, Linus E., 291 William D., 291 Ely, Eiehard T., 222 Ellis, Charles, 37 Endicott, 5-6 Ensign, Welling, 130 Erwin, Helen Marion, 225 Everts, A., 137 Failing, Louise T., 190 William A., 190 Faunce, Mary J., 187-291 Fay, B. W., "268 James P., 90 Job, 158 S. E., 275 Field, Lillian Adell, 143-224 Fish, Mercy, 14-22 Fisk, Thomas, 98 Fitzpatriek, Mr., 207 Flagg, Algernon S., 281 Fanny Elizabeth, 281 Fletcher, Francis, 102 Foley, Kate, 279 Forbush, Jerusha, 53 Forbes, Susan, 183 Ford, Charles M., 78 Minnie, 223 Josiah, 55 Foss, Euphrata, 137 Foskett, Martha Stella, 1.58-244 Foster, Anna, 44-77 Caroline, 104 Edward, 44 Nancy, 100-178 Fountain, Minerva, 180 Fowle, Eudora, 266 Fox, Eliphalet, 102 Frances, Helen, 73 Frazer, Captain, 290 Freeman, Alfred, 78 Benjamin, 78 Edmund, 9-11-48 Eliza, 78 Eliza Ann, 78 Elizabeth, 48 George W., 78 Hatsuld, 15 .John, 11-47-48 Mary A., 78 Mercy, 78 Thankful, 9-47-48 Whitman, 78 French, Abijah, 170-263 Adaline B., 264 Adams, 87-143-170-223-224 Alice, 265 Angle M., 264 Arville, 170 Augusta, 170 Azubah, 170 Belle, 265 Bertha Belle, 264 Charles B., 247 Charles H., 170-264 Clara Eleanor, 224 Clarence C, 247 Cora, 223 Dorothy, 265 Edward, 247 Elvirus Franklin, 223 Etta Lois, 264 Frank, 223 Ida M.. 247 Joseph A., 247 J. Margaret, 223 Lambert R., 265 Levi F., 170 Lysander, 143-223 Marcus, 247 Maria, 170-264 Mary A., 143-223 Melvin L., 247 Minnie May, 224 Moses C, 143-224 Priseilla, 263-264 Priseilla E., 170 Rhoda, 223-224 Richard, 100-170-263-264 Richard C, 265 Waldo, 223 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 337 Frend, John, 9-12 Frink, Davis, 290 Harold R., 290 Frishmuth, Caroline G., 126-208 Frost, Merinda, 63-117 Peter, 45 Fry, Augustus, 275 George Dexter, 148 George Wilson, 274 Elizabeth Ann, 148 Ellen S., 148 F. A., 94 F. Arvilla, 148 Flora Arvilla, 158 Job, 94-148 Job Warren, 148 Lizzie Adeline, 274 Martha Jane, 148 Peunald, 148 Winthrop Hastings, 274 Fuller, Andria C, 76-133 Samuel, 52 William, 104 Furbush, Jerusha, 90 Eosanna, 91 Furgers, John, 45 Gage, Levi, 56 Gardner, Benjamin 0., 142 Charlotte, 80 Cynthia, 79 Grace, 184 Henry, 79 Jason, 78 Rebecca, 80 Susan, 79 Sophronia, 79 Stephen, 45 William, 45 Garney, Anna K, 146 Garton, Andrew J.. 161 Gates, Benjamin, 60 Gavett, William, 129 Gaylord, Eleazer, 113 Elizabeth, 113 Sylvia, 60-113 Genderson, Alvin, 304 Gerry, Emma B., 251-311 Gibbs, Joanna, 36 John, 36 Joseph, 61 Gifford, Catherine, 301 Elizabeth A., 128-209 Humphrey A.. 301 Lizzie C, 296 22 GifFord, Lucy E., 192 William, 295 William L. R., 301 Gilbert, Alice, 70-126 Persis, 51-87 Giles, Mr., 53 Gillette, Mattie R., 193 Glenn, Elsie J., 304 Goddard, Mosps, 50-55 Godfrey, Azubah, 45-78 Hannah, 45-79 Goodell, Ephraim, 103 Hannah, 103 Goodnow, Benjamin, 56 Goodspeed, Burbank S., 186 Hiram H., 186 Nettie, 186 Gould, Agnes, 78 Alfred H., 279 Charles A., 279 Cordelia, 141 Ella Maria, 222 Haffield, 222 Harry W., 279 Henry B.. 140-222 Lydia, 222 Matilda, 82 Olive, 84-139 Thomas, 78 Viola Ethelyn, 279 Willard C, 279 Gordon, Isabella, 192 Gorham, De LaFayette, 83 Mary, 138 John, 48-83-138 Sally, 83 Sarah, 83 . Stephen, 83 ' ' Susan, 83-138 Thomas, 83 Granger, Otis P., 75 Graves, Eleazer, 32 Minnie Emmelin, 159-244 Nathaniel, 32 Gray, Alfradina, 261 Catherine, 261 James, 261 Mary S., 294 Robert, 261 Winifred W., 267 Greaton, Colonel, 40 Greenhalge, Governor, 253 Greenwood, Nellie J., 138-216 Griffin, George Freeman, 267 James, 139 338 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Griffin, James S., 267 ,Lora R., 71 Griggs, Bertha, 267 Hall, Abner, 72 Amalin, 111 Arethusa, 111 Charles, 111-181 Charles D., 73 Emily, 72 Eveline, 111 George Chandler, 173 Houghton, 100-173-267 Irene, 40-67 Jennie Louisa, 173 Joanna, 267 Josephine Augusta, 173 Larnet, 59-105-111 Laura A., 72 Lucy, 72 Martha, 72 Martin, 111 Mary, 111 Nathan, 72 Sarah Elizabeth, 173-267 Willard Houghton, 173 Hallett, Abigail, 10-15 Andrew, 14 Annie, 14 David, 15 Ebenezer, 15 Elizabeth, 15 John, 14 Jonathan, 10-11-14-15 . Mehitable, 11-14-15 Thomas, 15 Timothy, 15 Hamilton, Captain, 290 Hammett, Almira L., 317 Epipheny, 27 Herbert, 134 James, 76-134 James Edward, L34 Mary Ann, 134 William Frederick, bU Hammond, Alice C, 316 Allen D., 216 Allen Dexter, 136-216 Benjamin, 27-32 Carrie E., 296 Charles B., 295-296 Charles S., 296 Clara L., 201 ■ Clara Lueinda, 136 Dorothy, 216 Earle D., 316 Hammond, Elton, 316 Ephremia D., 296 Israel, 32 John, 18-19-22 Joseph, 29 Patience, 24-37 Paul, 43 Maria M., 296 Martha M., 216 Mary, 28 Noah, 81-135-216 Nathan, 27 Rowld, 22 Sarah A., 296 Seth, 81 Thomas P., 296 William, 104-316 Handy, Captain, 191 Caleb, 76 Sarah, lS-26 Harding, Thomas C, 132 Hardy, Maria L., 94 Phineas, 155 Maria, 155 Sarah, 155 Harlow, Abner, 190 Harkness, 54 Harper, Robert D., 126-208 Harrington, Charles A., 282 Charles Albert, 282 Elizabeth, 283 Elmer Winfield, 282-283 Everett Samuel, 283 Fred. William, 283 George Elmer, 282 George Leonard, 283 Helen Lucy, 282 Jerusha, 78 Leonard, 283 Lucy, 282 William T., 283 Harris, Eliza A., 78 Harrison Bros., 290 Jessie, 247 Mary T., 247 narrower, Paul Dexter, 202 James S., 202 Hart, Edward Dexter. 183 Ward W., 183 Hartshorn, Emma F., 134 Hartwell, Samuel, 101 Virginia, 306 Harvey, Mary E., 202 Stephen, 77 Harwood, Hannah, 101 Haskall, Carrie M., 264 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 339 Haskall, Comfort, S3 David, 62 Deliorah, 35 M., 264 Setb, 62 Thomas, 297 Thomasine, 298 Zebulon, 36-37-62 Haskell, C. Henry, 199 Deborah, 59 Mary M., 199 Thankful, 36 Thomas, 36 William C, 114-199 William Prince, 199 Haskins, Bertha L., 211 Eben Franklin, 210 Emily, 64 Eiith, 211 Hastings, 99 Hatch, Hannah, 59 Ruth, 34 Hathaway, Annie E., 116-202 Betsey, 64 Ebenezer R., 64 Elmer B., 289 Isaac, 64 Judah, 64 Mary, 30-46 Nathaniel, 64 Patia A., 64 Paul, 182 PhiUp D., 64 Rahania, 27 Seth, 28 Stephen S.. 289 Hawley, Hiram, 41 Hayden, Julia B., 299 Haynes, Amelia A., 304 Hayward, Zadok, 55 Haywood, Benjamin C, 71 Priscilla, 102 Havok, Orrin C, 171 Haven, Lucy S., 138 Hazeltine, Chloe, 66 Hazzard, Henrv C, 134 Headman, Maggie A., 129-210 Heard, Phebe, 74-128 Hecox, Austin N., 131 Hedge, Asa, 50-86 Deliverance, 86 Elisha, 48-86 John, 86 Solomon, 86 Herrick, Nancy C, 137 Herrington, Fanny T., 197 Hicks, Alexander, 214 Hicks, Belle B., 214 Edward E., 213-214 Edward H., 214 Elizabeth D., 214 Florence K., 214 Louise E., 214 Samuel E., 134 Hill, Alice E., 267 Lucy, 98-161 Hiller, Almira, 289 Barnabas, 64 Carrie Edna, 188 Desire Smith, 64 Esther E., 185 Elisabeth L., 109 Nathaniel, 104 Nathaniel P., 185 Joseph, 188 Lvdia, 59-112 Lydia C, 289 Nellie M., 188 Prince, 104 Rebecca, 38 Sarah, 189 Seth, 289 Sophia W., 185 William F., 193 Hillman, Stephen P., 141 Hilman, Betsey, 75-132 Samuel, 17 Hilton, Hattie, 279 Hillis, Rebecca, 26 Hinckley, Abigail, 150 Sarah, 211 Thomas, 9-11-150 Hinkler, Mercv, 50 Ruth", 51 Thomas, 50-51 Hitchmond, Eunice, 192 Hixson, Elkanah, 56 Hoadley, Luther, 60 Hoar, Anna, 56 Hockin, Martha J., 117 Hodge, Allie Martin, 227 Holden, David, 86 Emily, 98-160 Holbrook, Enos, 57 Holmes, Alice, 38-105 Ebenezer, 59-105 Hannah. 105-111 Kesiah, 105-180 Mary, 105 Marv A., 202 Susan H., 105 Holt, Jennie, 52-90 Holton, Carrie Louise. 307 Charles Gilford, 307 340 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Holton, Dwight Dexter, 307 George W., 228-307 Hooke, Humphrey, 5 Hooper, Martha Ellen, 304 Hopkins, Giles, 1-4 Horton, Francis L., 65 Hoskins, Eben Franklin, 130 Hosmer, Mary, 102 How, Anna, 54 Elder, 54 Howard, Charles H., 209 Deborah J., 203 Edgar Ephraim, 156 Edward Ellis, 128-209 Elmira, 170 Joanna, 98 Lucy Ann, 98-161 Stephen, 98 Howe, Arthur Otis, 206 Carlton Dexter, 206 Carlton Durant, 206 Charles, 70 Desire, 15 Elsworth E., 223 Ella Maria, 279 Herman Alline, 206 John, 70 Josiah, 98 Marshall Avery, 206 Marshall E., 206 Marshall O., 120 Mary, 98 Hovt, Laura Dona, 210 Hubbard, Daniel, 151 Maria, 151 Susan, 151 Hudson, Margaret, 247 Huffman, Harriette Heloise, 229 Hunt, Julia A., 143 Samuel, 17 Sophia, 51 Hunter, Thomas, 33 Huntington, Nellie, 296 Huntley, Orris P., 181 Hutchins, Edw., 55 Jacob, 54 Hutchinson, George H., 306 Samuel,' 6 Hyde, Mary, 123 Mary E., 207 President, 220 Ireland, Albert F., 304 Harold Stone, 304 Helen Gertrude, 304 Jackson, Andrew, 157 • James, Etta, 193 William, 220 Janney, Charles H. G., 200 Hattie A., 200 Nellie B., 200 Jenks, Dr., 125 Jenkins, Catherine, 145 Frederick W., 145 Jenney, Betsey, 104 Caleb, 116 Charles H. W., 181 Elizabeth, 215 Priscilla J, 191 Jennison, Catharine, 149 Nathaniel, 149 Eeuben, 149 W. R., 149 Jewett, Ann, 96 Johnson, A. F., 269 Almira, 271 ' Almira E., 271 Catherine, 168 Catherine, Underwood, 168 Daniel, 53-86-271 David, 52-53 Esther, 53-91-150 Francis W., 66 Frances E. W., 172 G. Harry, 245 Grove E., 92 Hadassah, 40-67 Joel, 98 John, 84-140 Jonah, 53 Jonathan, 53 Katherine, 99 Martha, 86 Martin L., 206 Mary, 87-140 Mary A., 291 Melinda, 98 Patty, 53-91 Perry, 168 Polly, 53 Ealph Edward, 245 Eoxalana, 40-67 Sally, 53-91 Sarah, 91 Solomon, 33-52-53-91 William, 140 Zebadiah, 53 Jollie, Lillian F., 284 Jones, Horace L., 170 John C, 170 Keen, Mercy, 74 Keith, Mercy, 72 Kelley, Emma F., 118 George H., 105 Marv E., 111-194 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 341 Kelley, Maiy Josephine, 189 Kellogg, Abby E., 143-223 Clarinda, 223 John, -223 John S., 139 Kempton, Mary S., 79 John, 79 Simeon, 77 Kendall, Daniel, 54 David, 54 Eleazer, 54 Frances, 54 Hannah, 54 Lucy, 54 Mary, 54 Jonas, 54 Ruth, 54 Susanna, 54 Kendrick, Beulah B., 184 Daniel, 107 Daniel H., 184-286-287 Edith M., 288 Henry H., 184-286 Harriet, 286-287 Harriet L., 184-287 Horace L., 184-287 LaForest W., 286 Rachel S., 184-287 Vernon H., 286 Kenny, Captain, 40 Kennedy, Betsev, 53 Kent, Daniel, 90 Herbert, 274 Minnie Barber, 274 Vera Alice, 274 Kenyon, Arthiu- F., 285 Kimball, Alice, 230 Bessie M., 278 King, Aburh, 265 Alfred C, 267 Arthur Willard, 267 ' Austin W., 267 Charles Herman, 267 Collings H., 91 Corrella, 64 Herman, 267 John, 53-91 John Houghton, 267 Joseph, 91 Louis Earl, 267 Luther, 91 Sarah Mabel, 267 Walter Austin, 267 Kinney, Alden L., 303 Emma J., 74 Olive, 134-215 Webster, 303 Kinney, \\'cl)ster Harold, 303 Kirby, Mary, 24-37 Knight, George, 67 Jennie E., 146 Knot, Gorg, 11 Knowles, Samuel, 95 Knowlton, Rosa L., 120-205 Maria, 140 Israel, 140 William S., 67 Ladner, Bismark, 204 Henderson Lake, 204 Ralph Dexter, 204 Wellington, 204 Lake, Flavilla, 204 Lamb, Amos M., 262 Bronson P., 263 Dexter, 65 Edgar, 263 Edward, 263 Flora D., 263 Frances M., 169 Hattie S., 263 Henry Willard, 263 Howard P., 263 Israel, 100-169 John M., 263 Lewis, 41 Lillie Bell, 263 M. M., 263 Mary B., 263 Phebe Duella, 263 Walter, 263 William Judson, 263 Lambert, Adeliza Boyden, 184 Love, 133-212 Lawson, Mary L., 83-138 Landers, James, 135-216 John F., 216 Katie, 216 Mary, 216 Landfear, Delia C, 206 Landon, Mills J., 71 Lane, Carrie Augusta, 264 • Charles Elliott, 264 Daniel W., 264 Helen A., 73 Lizzie Minnette, 264 Mary Ann, 264 Orin Trow, 264 Lanigave, Isaac S., 183 Lano, Bertha Alma, 264 Larkin. Rosalie C, 71 Sarah, 102 Lawton, George, 23 Isaac, 23 Job, 14-23 342 DEXTEit FAMILY GENEALOGY. Lawton. John, 23 L. C, 219 Thomas, 23 Lawrence, Cornelia Ainsworth, 184 Edward K., 184 Ebenezer, 48 Joseph, 55 Lake, Flavilla, 118 LeBaron, Harriet, 116 Harriet W., 201 LeCroix, Arenand, 209 Lee, Annie, 180 Cora H., 231-307 Captain, 40 Legate, Francis, 141 Legg, Betsey, 58-93-95 David, 93-95 Gershom, 95 Hannah, 93 John, 95 Levi, 95 William, 95 Leland, Silence, 103 Thomas, 103 James, 103 Leonard, Etta, 216 Ellen Bertha, 274 Lettenmayer, Hattie 8., 189 Lewis, Cheney, 87-143 . Lindsley, Henry A., 193 Lincoln, Calvin, 127 Minnie, 172 Livermore, Anson G., 276-277 Charles Anson, 277 Ida Maria, 277 Lobdell, Lncy L., Lombard, Mary, 103 Long, John D., 191 Lord, Aaron, 55 Asa, 53-99-169 Esther, 91-146 J 99 Joseph, 32-53-146-149-150-151 Joseph G., 147 Lausinda E., 147 Luther, 91-147 P., 99 Persis, 91-94 Pressen, 55 Robert, 194 Thomas, 55-56-149-150 Unity W., 149 Vashney, 91-146-147 William, 55 Lowell, Harvey A., 83 Lovetts, Phinehas, 95 Luce, Almira E., 211 Luce, Amy, 189 Caroline, 132-211 Hannah, 109 Kate M., 187-293-294 Lydia, 116 Mary, 75-132-189 Mary D., 211 Lucy, Amy, 109 Mary, 109 Lyman, Ann E., 135-215 Harriet, 143 Moses, 198 Macumber, Josiah, 37 Josiah J., 181 Maddox, Frances, 210 Mallory, Sally, 114 Manchester, Mercy, 14-23 Mann, Benjamin, 54-56. Mansfield, W. H., 41 Marble, Robert, 32 Sarah C, 12-17 Margot, Eugene F., 136 Mark, Lillie C, 172 Maston, John, 27 Marsh, Deborah, 66 Marshall, Colonel, 39 Marston, Frank, 138 Mattison, Brownson, 120-206 Fred Brownson, 206 Kate Dexter, 206 Orren V., 129-130 Rosa Mary, 206 Winnie Cornelia, 206 Maxwell, Frances, 73 Maylme, Ella L., 190 Martha, 46-81 Maynard, Charles E., 131 Walter P., 274 Mayo, Anna, 48-83 Edmund, 265 Ella Caroline, 242 Helen, 242 John, 83 Martin W., 158-242 McDonald, Alice, 304 McCann, William H., 318 McConnell, Eliza H., 70 McCrellis, Edward, 123 McHugh, Hugh R., 291 McKenzie, Albert Edward, 209 Donald, 209 Frederick W,, 209 McKinley, President, 243 McLeod," Donald C, 209 Edward, 78 McLean, Hester, 94-153 _ McPherson, Annie B., 172 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 343 McPherson, Even E., 172 Maurice, 119 Eoss, 172 Mee, Eliza B., 277 Meggs, Allice, 34 Ebenezer, 84 Meiggs, Mary, 104 John, 73 Mellany, Sally, 60 David, 43 Mendall, Hannah, 74-128 Nathan S., 190 Sarah, 63-116-117-202 Merithew, Edgar S., 193 Elias, 112 Heury, 193 Joseph Eussell, 193 Eussell, 111-193 Merriam, Loranna, 98 Merrick, W., 48 Merrv Eliza, 75-132 Metcalf, 55 Joseph, 99 Middlemas, George, 79 Miller, Mary, 12-17 Henry L., 216 Miner, 'B. F., 149-229 Benjamin Eandall, 228-229 Betsev, 66 David Earl, 230 Jane, 228 Mary Elmira, 228-229 Mary J., 149 Mirriam, Aseph, 98 Miriam, John, 102 Sarah, 102 Minott, Mary, 102 Mirrick, Sarah, 48 Mitchell, Andrew F., 211 Mixter, William, 145 Monks, E. Gertrude, 191 Morehouse, Somers, 236 Morse, Alice Bertha, 179 Ann W., 66 Charles S., 179 Ebenezer, 69-70 Eleanor ('., 71 Eliza Ann, 282-283 Elnora, 179 Emma, 295 Emma Elizabeth, 179-283 Everett Augustus, 179 Everett Larue, 179 Florence G.. 179 Frank L., 137 Harriet, 41-71 Harriet S., 69 ]\Iorse, Henrietta, 69 Jedediah, 30 Maria Angela, 179-282 Mary F., 41-71 Samuel, 101-179-282-283 Sarah .lane, 179 Morton, Abner, 54-56 Abraham, 53 Alexander, 91-146-226 Almon, 147-227 Andrew, 90 Benjamin, 33-52-53-56-58-90-92 147-226 Betsey, 91-147 Charles, 226 Charles H., 285 Charlotte, 75 Chester, 91 Chloe, 90-146 Clara, 92 Dexter, 147-226 Edna, 226 Edgar, 227 Eunice, 92 Frank, 147 George, 52 George L., 146-226 Hannah, 55-56-57-58-147 Harrison, 147 Helen, 226 Hephzibah, 92 Hiram, 90 .Tames, 53-90-91-146 Jane, 90 Jonathan, 52-90 'Levns, 226 Louisa, 147 Lois. 53-146 Lucy, 92 Margery, 52-53 Martha', 226 Mary, 52-53-(31-92-115-116-147 Millard, 227 Mollv, 52-53 • Moses, 226 Noah, 32 Proctor, 226 . Eichard, 32-52 Sallv, 92 Samuel, 32-92-147-226-227 Sarah, 52 Shatlev, 147-226 Submit, 52 Susan, 92 Sylvester, 147 Uriah, 226 Willard, 227 344 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Morton, William, 147-226 Moseby, Elizabeth A., 117-203 Moulton & Herrick, 155 Mulvey, Kate, 295 Mumford, John, 20 Myra, Kate, 79 Nash, Daniel W., 117 Nealey, Charles C, 130-210 Clarence, 210 Mabel, 210 Negus, Ethel, 295 John P., 295 Nelson, Abigail, 95 Ethelyn L., 278 Gershom, 95 Hannah, 95 Nendeek, Gustav Albert, 277 Nestell, Frances, 172 James, 172 Sanford L., 172 Newcomb, Abigail, 141 Alma Maria, 141 Julia Alma, 141 John Joseph, 141 Joseph, 84-141 Sarah W., 141 Samuel William, 141 William Adonijah, 141 Newell, Horace E., 264 Horace Edgar, 264 Newhall, Thomas, 98 Newhouse, Edward, 318 Newland, Frances, 143-224 Newton, Benjamin D., 139 Chloe, 139 Charles, 139 Elvira N., 139 Gardner, 84-139 Grace May, 160-246 Israel, 160-246 John, 139 Lemuel, 139 Lucy E., 178 Luke, 139 Naomi, 139 Silas, 84-139 Stephen E., 139 Stephen Dexter, 139 Susanna Freeman, 139 Nichols, Fred, 264 L., 311 Lafayette, 251 Sarah L., 165-251 Nickerson, Eldad, 45 Eliza A., 115-200 James, 45 Jesse, 45 Nickerson, Mai-y, 45 Widow, 44 Noble, Charlotte, 196 Nolen, George, 252 Norris Malatiah, 82-137 S. B., 136 Norton, Charlotte, 133 Ida, 211 Lucy, 133-212 Serena T., 117 Noyes, Mary, 179 Thomas, 179 Thomas Edward, 179 Nutt, Abraham, 33 Nye, Betsey E., 190 Charles P., 188 Cynthia, 111-112-193 Elizabeth, 130 George A., 194 George B., 46 Hannah H., 295 Hannah G., 112 Henry W., 112 Louisa, 112 Mary A., 112 Rebecca, 112 Sophia, 185 Stephen, 59-112 William W., 112 Oakes, George, 233 Martha, 233 Oliver, Ann, 12 J., 8-9-12-93 James, 32 John, 32 Robert, 32 Thomas, 12 William, 32 O'Mally, Arthur Francis, 232 Osborn', Ella B., 179 Osgood, E. Aline, 71 Page, Estella Freese, 222 Joseph C, 140-222 Captain, 51 Timothv, 88 Mary, 88 Paine, Francis, 179 Josie Maria, 179 Nancy, 179 Palmer, Emeline, 115-200 Parker, Eliza J., 201 Emma A., 201 Joseph B., 132 Mary A., 201 Nathaniel, 116 Parmenter, Nathan, 86 Parmelee, Charlotte Jane, 131 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 345 Parmelee, Dwight Dexter, 131 James, 131 James A., 75 Mercy Elizabeth, 131 Park, Mathew, 78 Miranda, 66 Parker, Caroline A., 201 Nathaniel, 201 Parlin, Kate A., 190 Parlow, Albert M., 133 Parsons, Darius, 142-222 George Taylor, 222 Mary A., 196 Patterson, Charles C, 148 Paul, C. J., 286 Paygent, Cynthia, 77 Caroline, 77 Elizabeth, 77 Henry, 77 Henry A., 77 Jane," 77 John, 77 Joel M., 77 Lemira, 78 Lydia, 77 Margar-et, 77 Mary Ann, 77 Sarah, 78 William, 77-78 William H., 77 Payne, Charles E., 194 Clara E., 194 Daniel, 111-194 Isabella F., 194 Mary E., 194 Susan H., 194 Peach, Charles, 79 William, 79 Pearee, Anna, 117 Peck, Jane, 141 Luthera M., 142 Mattie L., 142 Mary, 141 Mary A., 85 Milton, 141 Nellie Emily, 142 S. E. Willard, 142 Samuel Dexter, 142 Sarah B., 142 Susan Ann, 142 Walter Lewis, 142 William C, 142 Willie, 142 Peet, E. W... 218 Percival, James, 11 Penniman. Sarah, 90 Sarah F., 149 Perkins, Fordyce B., 137 Lot, 42 Louisa M., 185 Perrington, Elizabeth, 115 Perry, Elizabeth, 44 Louis, 44 James, 29-44 Lucy, 44 Nancy, 99 Sarah, 44 Stephen, 28-29 Thomas, 29-44 Peters, Edward F., 277 Clara A., 172 Irving Lewis, 277 Mabel Bessie, 277 Phelps, Joel, 136 WiUis F., 252 Phinney, Ada L.. 287 Austin D., 287 Levi L., 287 Eoland S., 287 Pierce, A. E., 283 Charles B., 185 ■ Florence Eliza, 283 J. E. E., 283 Joanna, 105 John E., 283 Mary D., 234 Piersoii, Lydia, 114-198 William S., 198 Pilkins, Mary, 112 Polly, 59 Pindel, Salome, 45-79 Pitcher, Cynthia, 46-81 Poland, Addison B., 178 Addison Brown, 280-281-282 Arthur A., 278 Betsey, 176-276-277-278-270-280 Carrie M., 277 Charles Townsend, 178-277 Edith M., 277 Edwin Flagg, 281-282 Ellen Graeia, 178 Elmer E., 277 Emma Olive, 178 Ethel Elizabeth, 281-282 James, 178 Jeanette A., 277 John, 178 Joseph, 178 Julia Augusta, 178 Margaret Evangeline, 282 Martin L., 178-279 Mary Dennis, 282 Mary Elizabeth, 277 Nathaniel, 178 346 DEXTER PA'MILY GENEALOGY. Poland, Norm:m L., 279' Eufus G., 279 Samuel, 178 Sarah Maria, 178-276 Simon B., 177-178-276-277-278- 279-280 Simon Brown, 100-176 Stella E., 178-279 Walter A., 278 Wheeler, 178 William, 176-178 Pomeroy, Daniel, 269 Poor, Christopher, 234 Pope, Henry D., 133 Porter, C. Herbert, 201 James P., 301 Llewellyn E., 301 Powers, Elmer D., 146 Erank, 146 Joel Lj'sander, 146 Louisa, 90-145 Lvsancler, 146 Pratt, George, 261 John C, 103 Preble, Emily M., 106 Prentiss, Alton, 310 Arthur A., 231-310 Pauline Moore, 310 Pognanum, 7-8 Prence, Fear, 48 Governor, 48 Thomas, 9-11 Preble, Esther, 100-172 Preston, Louisa, 41-70 Preseott, Jones, 102 Samuel 102 Priest, Degory, 300 Purrington, Mary A., 118-204 Putnam, Flora L., 231-309 Susanna, 57 Quinn, Mary, 122 Eamsey, Augusta A., 156 Allan Clark, 240 Camilla Euth, 240 Geneva Isadore, 240 Horace Hartwell, 156-240 Lillian Jane, 240 Luther, 94-156-240 Marion Olive, 240 Maud Evelyn, 240 Mary Augusta, 240 Orrin B., 156-240 Orrin Walter, 240 Rand, Alice, 149 Anna. 103 Randnll, Benjamin A., 203 Randall, Charles, 112 David, 34 Eunice M., 203 Huldah, 63-117 Jeremiah L., 303 Lewis, 63 Patience, 26 Rachel, 37-62 Ransom, Clarence B., 290 Eunice, 289 Eunice E., 290 Everett S., 290 James B., 289 Laura E., 290 ■Nathaniel C, 289 Rawson, Edward, 66 Ellis, 65 Mary, 103 Ray, Bertha, 172 Raymond, John, 84-145 Mercy Ann, 286 Sullivan, 103 Reed, Eliza L., 66 Joseph, 95 William, 145 Reese, Hattie, 171 Rice, Albert. 261 Alvah J., 278 Florence A., 278 Floyd A., 278 L-ving A., 278 John Sylvester, 261 Marion D.. 261 Martha, 103 Mary Ann, 86 Eiehardson, Alice, 304 Amelia Frances, 303 Annie, 136 Annie Josephine, 304 Arthur S.. 304 Augusta, 304 Augustus, 304 Bertha F., 304 Eleanor F., 304 Francis Stillman, 303 Frederick Clifford, 304 George O., 169 Grandville Dexter, 304 Henrietta Evelyn, S'03 Henry, 304 Luella A., 304 Laura J., 304 Persis, 304 Walter, 304 Eickett, Joanna, 48 Ripley. Gertrude, 190 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 347 Hipncr, Edward, 74 James, 74 Risley, Caroline, S17 Robbins, Martha, 108-183 Roberson, Chester, 304 Edward, 304 George, 304 Jessie, 304 Joseph, 304 Josephine, 304 William, 304 Robinson, George D., 191 Captain, 290 Governor, 253 Denison, 51 John, 300 ~Roe, Charles Lawrence, 311 Daniel B., 246-311 Earle, 311 Florence, 311 Grace, 311 Harrv, 311 Margaret, 246-311 John C, 311 Stanley N., 311 Rogers, Mary S., 64-118 John, 96 Lizzie A., 171 UoUins, Hattie J., 267 Rounsvell, Mercy, 112 Rowe, David, 129 Royee, Nellie Gertrude, 158 Huggios, 184 Benjamin, 49-54 Catherine T. B., 199-300 Lemuel. 54 Martin, 84 Samuel, 54 Susanna, 103 Timothy, 22-32 Unity W., 150 Runnells, Phebe A., 133 Hussell, George S., 74 Governor, 253 William E., 191 Ryder, Allen, 129 Lydia, 45 Sampson, Mercy, 37-62 John, 148 Sanford, Emily L., 200 Sargent, Ara Leona, 228 Catherine Elizabeth, 262 Francis WilKam, 262 Joseph, 262 Sargent, Marguerite, 262 Sylvester Davis, 262 William Philbrick, 262 Saunders, Ann, 12-15 Eben, 16 Savery, Arlothea, 61-114 Lizzie L., 134 Mary E., 134 Schilling, M. S., 300 Scott, Anna M., 149 Aurea, 229 Byron N., 234 D. Hubbard, 234 Nelson, 152 Scroggs, Emma L., 204 Seaverns, Mary L., 305 Seelev, Edford A., 289 Edford C, 289 Semmer, Captain, 296 Sewell, Samuel, 54 Sexton, Lot, 92 Shaw, Albert, 181 Eliza Lenora, 136-216 Mary, 81 Mary B.. 136 Sheldon, M. Louisa, 149 Shelmira, George W., 122 Sherman, Albert, 115 Hannah W., 104 Lois, 28 Mary, 17 Ruth L., 203 Thomas, 64 William, 17-18 Showatter, Emma T., 247 Shrive, Ruth, 26 Shurtleff, Gideon, 296 Sibley, Eunice, 87 Simonds, Ellen, 66-123 Skiff. Stephen, 11 Slafter, John, 317 Roxa, 317 Samuel, 317 Sloan, Thorp &, 275 Slocum, President, 220 Smalley, Henry, 203 Smeed, John, 32 Smith, Rev. Mr., 60 Aaron, 32 Abner, 50 Amos K, 88 Ann, 78 Archie David, 207 B., 56 Caroline Dexter, 74 Carrie Barstow, 74 348 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Smith, Charles, 183 Charles F., 194 Clarinda, 80-135 Daisy Dexter, 207 Daniel, 74 Daniel Herbert, 74 David, 120-206 Edith E., 180 Ephraim, 32 George, 318 George W., 180 Ithames, 103 Leonard Dexter, 74 Lillian E., 180 Lizzie Mabel, 207 Lucia, 96 Mary Addie, 74 Mary Esther, 207 Mary Leonard, 74 Nathan, 186 Eeba M., 318 Robert Earl, 318 Susan A., 319 Susan J., 136 Susanna A., 318 Snell, Josephine M., 301 Snow, Achsah, 107 Adaline, 105 Avery, 104 Betsey, 104-288 Betsey D., 288 Dennis, 104 Dulcina, 104 George A., 106 Hannah, 38-64-186 Harry F., 209 Harvey, 104-288 Irving, 209 Ivory, 104-109-185 James, 59-104 James M., 185 James Winslow, 105 Jane, 104 Jennes, 186 Jesse, 103 Joshua, 25 Julian, 105 Kesiah Snow, 104 Laura A., 186 Levi, 104 Luke, 104 Lydia H., 186 Martin, 104-105 Mary D., 186 Mercy, 25 Nancy, 104 Snow, Nicholas, 26 Prince, 59-104 Eaehel, 104-107 Rufus A., 186 Sarah A., 186 Seth, 29 Stephen, 104 Sumner D., 186 Thankful, 64 William, 104 Wyatt, 72-104 Sober, Kesiah, 34-58 Soper, Deborah, 317 Southworth, Arethusa, 111 Constant, 9 Eunice K., 183 Southard, Clara A., 247 Spaulding, Dexter E., 299 Sylvia, 299 William, 299 Spooner, Amaziah, 89 Sprague, Noah, 27 Noah, Jr., 23 Stamford, Alonzo, 91 Staples, Ebenezer P., 85-141 Susanna, 85 Starrett, Janett, 78 Stearns, George S., 263 Minnie E. L., 263 Nellie Etta, 263 Stephens, Isaac, 24 Stephenson, Charles, 70-127 Charles Henry, 127 Henry Dexter, 127 Preston Tapley, 127 Euth, 127 Stevens, Charles, 149-229 Levi, 84 Steward, James, 18 Stewart, Annie, 245 Cornelius, 75 Elizabeth Davis, 161 Rev. Samuel B., 127 Wellington, 161 Stockwell, Alton V., 276 Chellis W., 276 Doris E., 276 Ethel C, 276 Fred O., 276 Harry L., 276 Josiah, 276 Maria A., 276 Otis J., 275-276 Polly, 275 Sylvester, 275 Stokes, Hampton, 45 \ DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 34& Stone, Clark, 55 Gregory, 53 Hannah, 53 John, 53 Jonathan, 54 Joseph, 84 Nathaniel, 54 Simeon, 54 Martin, 248 Streeter, Charles P., 277 Edith E., 277 Lilla May, 277 Stndley, Mary, 46-80 Stnrges, Edward, 15 Sturtevant, Eunice C, 140 Jonathan, S'4 Mary D., 139 Summers, S. F., 100 Swan, Everett, 273 Sweeney, Maggie B., 276 Swift, *Asa E^, 189 James, 170 Minnie Frances, 301 Lydia C, 109 Thacher, Achsah L., 284 Elizabeth Dexter, 284 John, 283 Lemuel F., 85 Eaymond L., 284 Eoiand C, 284 Thompson, George, 129 Harriet E., 83-138 Lydia, 61-115 Marcus M., 287 S. A., 211 Thurston, Harriet, 57-87-100-170 John, 103 Levi, 56-58-99-100-169-170-266 Lewis, 103 Phebe, 57-100-169 Polly, 47 Priscilla, 57-100-170 Samuel, 48 Sibyl, 48 Susan, 100-170 Susanna, 57 Tilton, John S., 288 Euth W., 288 Tinkham, Abrahain, 203 Abram, 117 Ella J., 203 Charles H., 203 Clark, 203 Ida M., 203 Mary L., 20S' Sophia H., 118-203 Tinkhani, Thomas C, 203 Taber, Josej.h B., 72 Mary H., 76-133 Silas, 201 Tabor, Florence D. VV., 312 Franklin Warden, 313 Miles W., 255-312 Miles Warden, 313 Taft, Elizabeth B., 277 Talbot, Thomas, 191 Ta])ley, Adaline E., 127 Henry F., 127 Taylor, Caroline Angelia, 142-222^ Cassandra, 222 Fanny, 138 Henry, 72 John Gorham, 138 Lemuel F., 142-222 Levina, 138 Maria, 40-67 Mehitable, 138 Nathan, 83-138 Sarah Arabella, 142 Seth. 138 Susanna, 55 Tenney, Elizabeth, 95 Tinney, Zenas D., 90 Tisdale, Clara Louise, 156 Eunice Louise, 236 William, 236 Titcomb, Miriam F., 101 Miriam Fales, 179 Tobey, Anna, 41 Elizabeth, 12-17 Mary, 27-41 Todd, W. D., 220 Tolman, Edith Helen, 209 Edward Alills, 126-208 Frances H., 208 Frances Henrietta, 208 James P., 70-125-208 James Sewall. 126 Town, Samuel, 52 Townsend, Charlotte A., 179 Tripp, Stephen A., 116 Sylvanus, 63 Troope, William, 8 Tryon, H. G., 196 Tucker, Addison, 147 Alfred, 92-147 Ebenezer, 92 Henrietta, 265 Joshua, 53-91-147 Martha, 91 Eobert, 91-92 Sally, 147 350 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. Tucker. Wilcott, 147 Tuppor, Thomas, 11 Turner, Captain, 39 James B., 82 Tuttle, Charles, 96-178 Frances, .58-93-96 Jedediah, 93-96 John, 96 Lucia, 93 Simon, 96 Twichell, Generv, 27.5 Tyler, Nathan, "98 Ulter, Hannah, 83 Underwood, Henry, 40 Mary, 95 Usher, Samuel, SOI Van Ostrand, Dexter H., 65 Ver Valen, Lewis, 129 Vincent, Elizabeth, 9-10 Hannah, 44 Philippa, 44 Sarah, 9-12 Vrindal, Edmund, 66 Waite, Benjamin, 52 Martha, 33 Mary, 149 Wakem, ^Minerva E., 192 "Walbert, Frances, 285 Walker, Delina, 169-263 Eliza Lucelia, 315 Harriet, 169-263 Phebe, 262-263 Sabrina, 169-262 Willard, 169-262-263 Wallingford, Ezekiel, 49 Warbarton, Jean G., 298 Ward, Carrie, 129 Frederick, 75 Frederick B., 129 Hattie, 129 Helen, 129 Jennie M., 129 Martha, 129 Sarah C, 129 Warden, Abbie L., 164 Abbie Louise, 248 Abbie Nichols, 251 Catherine H., 100 Charles Franklin, 255-256 Earl Frederick, 311 Ella M., 253-313 Florence D., 313 Florence Durfee, 255 Frederick Albert, Sll John, 98-162-163-164-167-248-251- 252 Warden, .Tohn D., 311 John Davis, 165-251-252 John Emerson, 255-256 Marv Louise, 311 Narcissa, 98-162-166-248-251-252 Samuel, 164 Sarah, 311 Tamasin, 164 William A., 252-253-254-313 William Albert, 165 William Vincent, 255 Washburn, Edward Everett, 262 Elizabeth, 77 Elizabeth L., 135 Walter Everett, 262 Wathey, Mary E., 291 Waters, Albert. 223 Frank L., 143-223 Franklin L., 223 John J., 223 Kenneth Horatio, 274 Olive, 22S' Eoderick Fry, 274 Waton, Elkanah, 48 Watson, Edward Payson, 282 Ernest Jacob, 282 Chester Leroy, 282 Jacob, Edward, 282 Julia A., 282 Mercy, 48 Stella Wheeler, 282 W. W., 282 Wayt, Sarah, 54 Webb, Ebenezer, 55 Laura O., 149-227 Weisenhaven, Amelia, 286 Welch. John B., 273 Welsh, William P., 123 Weseott, Adelaide M., 246 Darius, 181 West, Charles S., 266 Delina B., 286 Hattie A., 266 Henry, 266 Lois, 35 Louis T., 266 Timothy, 34 Wheeler, 99 Abbie Gertrude, 274 Ada Maria, 225 Almira, 224-225 Anna, 163 Anna Maria, 145 Annie Douglas, 225 Arthur Otis, 274 Benjamin Dexter, 100 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 851 Wheeler, Betsey, 57-58-100-176 Caxoline, 170 Catherine Elizabeth, 175 Catherine H., 2(38-274-275-276 Catherine Holmes, 173-175 Clara Alma, 274 Clara Jane, 273 Charles, 88 Charles A., 144 Charles Alexander, 180 Charles Avigustus, 224 Charles Douglas, 225 Charles Sprague, 225 Daniel, 88-89 Ebenezer, 102-103 Edward, 102 Ella, 121 Eliza A., 101-174-175 Eliza Ann, 179-275 Eliza Jane, 145 Elizabeth, 102 Emerald, 103 Emily Davis, 175 Ephraim, 103 Erastus Otis, 175-274 Esther, 102-103 Eugenia Fales, 180 Evelena J., 174-175 Evelena Jane, 276 Fanny, 226 Frances Dexter, 175-275 Frank Allen, 225 Franklin, 145 George, 88-101 Geroge W., 171 George Warren, 101-179 Hannah, 102 Harriet Erwin, 226 Hattie Warden, 274 Helen Eliza, 226 Herbert Wilson, 274 James, 102-103 Joanna, 102 John, 85-89-102 John W., 174-175-257-268-269-270- 271-272-273 John Wesley, 100-178 Jonathan, 103 Josephine, 145 Lvdia, 102 Lydia S., 171 Margaret, 103 Marion L., 273 Marion Bernard, 226 Martha, 91-146 Mai-y, 102-103 Wlu'fler, -Mercy, 103 Mira, 171 Moses Allen, 145-225-226 Nathan, 103 Nathan H., 171 Nancy Maria, 175 Nancy N., 178 Percy G., 273 Perley J., 273 Priscilla, 103 Rachel, 103 Rebecca, 102, 103 Rosa A., 273 Ruth, 101 Sally, 88-103 Samuel, 102 Sarah, 102 Sarah Frances, 145 Sarah W., 173-175 Sarah Warden, 274 Silence, 100-103' Sina, 103 Susan Grace, 180 Susanna, 103 Thankful, 102 Theodosia M., 133 Thomas, 51-88-101-143-145-225 Thomas S., 103 Timothy, 102 Warren, 100 William, 101 William A., 224-225 William Augustus, 88-99-143-144 William Fiske, 144-225 William Stephen, 225 Wilson, 100-173-174-268-274-275- 276 Zaccheus, 58-100-103-173-176-178- 179 Whipple, Gertrude Bailey, 180 White, Abigail, 95 Alice W., 276 Allison G., 265 Amy, 130 Dolly, 41 Effie D., 313 Effie Davis, 259 Haven L., ISO Jane, 130 John Albert, 130 John C, 164-258-313 Justice, 35 Lancing, 130 Lucetta, IS'O Lucy E.. 313 Mabel Helen, 125-207 352 DEXTER FAMILY GENEAIiOGY. White, Mary, 130 Mary D., 65-120 Mary P., 183 Ona, 75-130 Phebe M., 246-311 Sherwood, ISO • Sally, 65-119 Sarah, 130 Wells M., 67 Wyman, 130 Whiteridge, Thomas, 60 Wliitlock, Philip, 258 Kichard Alfred, 258 Whitnev, Alice G., 265 Alice" W., 276 Bertha, 276 Charles W., 266 Chai-les Willis, 276 Eddie S., 265 Eva C, 265 Frances G., 266 Fi-ank, 265 Florence, 266 George W., 265 Helen L., 276 Ira, 100-171-265-266 Ira H., 171 L. P., 161 Lena, 276 Levi J., 265 Levi L., 171 Mamie G., 265 Marion E., 276 Mary W., 265 Maud E., 265 Mira M., 266 Nathan, 103-265 Parish H., 171 Sullivan, 265 Susan, 265-266 Susan H., 171 W. W., 276 Willie, 265 Zelin M., 171 Whittaker, William, 58 Whittelsey, E. G., 243 Whittum, Bertha Hastings, 171 George E., 171 Wicks, Lillian J., 286 Wickes, W. K., 238 Wiggin, James B., 140 Wiley, Cornelia M., 100-172 Wilder, Eliza Tolman, 287 Euth M., 287 Willard, Wales H., 67 Williams, Ann, 24-317 Williams, Charity, 48-84 Jacob, 84 John, 16-24 Eoger, 285 Sally, 48-84 Wilson, President, 220 Wincote, Lizzie A., 137 Wing, Abner, 138 Mary, 76 Kezia A., 181 Sallie, 82 Sally, 47 Winston, Orsamus, 118 Winter, Timothy, 103 Winthrop, Governor, 5 Winslow, Alice, 50 David L., 88 Hezekiah, 50 Edward, 19 Ezra, 50 James, 18 Job, 50 Kenelen, 11-50 Keziah, 60 Eichard, 50 Eosamond, 50 Samuel, 22 Tisdale, 29 Wiswell, Charles Dexter, 207 Charles H., 125-207 Kittie, 207 Margie, 207 Wolf, Chaiies, 234-236 Woleott, Governor, 253 Wood, Colonel, 40 Everett S., 279 Ernest W., 279 Harvey, 167-258 Herbert P., 279 Horace L., 180 Jacob, 102 Lucinda, 90-145 Mary F., 116 Sarah J., 149 Sarah Jane. 2S'0 Lewis S., 180 Lucy E., 259 Mary F., 202 Eachel, 102 Silas G., 278 Warren, 41 William, 11 Woodbridge, Benjamin E., 50 Woodbury, Captain, 98 Woode, Ann, 13 Annie, 13 DEXTER FAMILY GENEALOGY. 353 Woode, Elizabeth, 13 Martha, 13 Mary, 13 Eichard, 9-13 Samuel, 13 Sarah, 13 Woode, Thomas, 13 Joseph, 45 Jesse, 54 Wyett, Sarah, 112 Yoiino;, Adaline Barry, 225 Robert, 32 N^^ "^^O^ K^^^- -rVJ^l- /^^^ .^^ ••^^ ..\,^-*' .^""^ \% ■^^ y -rp .^^ *.>^ .- c^^ .s= 4 o ''- ^' N^ ^>^^^^\ ^.Z' :;^ A V * r-i" tP ^^ « (/> '\^ - i O' V' ' <■ / ^■^ <-. 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