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BUTLEE, OF MASSACHUSETTS, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, JANUAEY 7, 1874, WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1874. ' 2- ^f/-^ SPEECH OF ON. BENJAMIN F. BUTLEE. The House having under consideration the Civil-Rights bill — Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts, said : Mr. Speaker, I recognize f uHy the importance of tlie bill now before the House, as well to the legisla- tion of the country as to the great interests of political science, and the spread of just ideas of the equality of men in all nations of the earth. No graver subject, I agree with the gentleman fi"om [Georgia, [Mr. Stephens,] can occupy the attention of any legislative body. I 'lace around them these safeguards. That is why we are here. If it was not for this Ave should not have wasted anytime in debate — ''fruitless" or other- wise. Again, we are told that if we do pass this bill we shall break up the common-school system of the South. I assume this is ijitended as a threat. If so, to that I answer, as Na]>oleon did, " France never nego- tiates under a threat." I regret the argument, if it was one, was put forward in that form. *' Break up the common-school system of the South !" Why, sir, until we sent the carpet-baggers down there you had not in fact a common-school system in the South. [Laughter. ] Mr. MILLS. I would call the attention of the gentleman from Massachusetts [Mr. Butler] to the fact that Texas had the tinest com- mon-school svstem in the United States. Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. What State? Mr. MILLS. Texas ; and more lands appropriated to it than any other State, and educated every indigent child in the State long before a carpet-bagger cam^ into it. Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. I have a report o]i that sul)ject, which I had intended to read to the House. Mr. MILLS. What report is it ? Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. Hold a moment and you will hear it. I at tirst read from the North Carolina Common-School Journal, published in 1856, and from the third annual report of the superin- tendent of common schools of North Carolina : COMMON SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES. There are State systems of common schools in the States of INIaiue, New Hamp- shire, Vermont. Massachusetts, Ehocle Ishuul, Connecticut, ISTew York, Pennsyl- vania, Kew^ Jersey, Delaivare, North Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, Kentucky, Missouri — And there it stops, so far as the Southern States are concerned. Where was the " finest school system" of Texas then ? The report goes on : There are also imperfect systems, iutenderl Aostly for the poor, in Yirainia, Ten- nessee, and South Carolina ; and in various counties in Virginia this system is doiu<>- good. =. J » That is, they had pjiuper schools, where nobody could go unless he went as a pauper — as a matter of charity — and few took advantage of that. There is a system in Arkansas that seems to be very imperfect, and is attended by very few children. In Mississippi there is no uniform svstem of common schools ; hut in each county there is a reservation of public lands devoted to the cause of general education. Georgia has a small school fund, from which donations are made for the poor, &c. * That is the system >hich' I find, from southern authority, was iu vogue iu the Southern States before the war. There were no common schools to which every boy and girl who was of age for scholarship could with honor go, freely and without price. Of a school system 7 the pet of tlie people and tlie pride and boast of the State, a^^ in the North, nothing -was known in the Sonth. Indeed, if yon reilect for a moment yon will see that snch a school system for all was then impossible. Because of yonr large estates, you did not live within two miles of each other, and you could hardly get two small children together within a reasonable distance to make a school. [Laughter.] Now, then, for Texas. Texas, the gentleman says, appropriated large bodies of lands for educational purposes. Let me read from a report which bears this title : ^' First Annual Report of the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction for the State of Texas." When do you suppose it is dated? In 1871, long after the " carpet-baggers" had gone among you and taken control of your affairs. [Laughter.] Now, let us see what became of this immense fund. I ask the Clerk to read the passage I have marked.- The Clerk read as follows : This fund, that in 1861 amounted to $2,592,533.14, became during tlie -v^ar the prey of the enemies of the national Goveiument, and every availalde poition of It was used by them, in ^^olation of all law, for furthering their treas(mablc purjioses. One million two hundred and eighty-five thousaiul three hundred and twenty- seven dollars and five cents of available funds were, from time to time, during tin' existence of the rebellion, withdrawn from the school fund and expended, most of it under the direction of the militaiy board. Part of this fund accrued from sales of school lands, the balance was cash in the treasury, accrued interest and nego- tiable bonds and coupons. The amount (i<320,367.13) given in Statement H, as part of the permanent school fund, is the interest and principal paid in by railroad com- panies during and at the close of the rebellion in State -warrants "that had been issued during the war or at its close, and represented so much money that had been applied to unlawful piu'poses by the rebellious State government. Mr. MILLS. I now call the attention of the distinguished gentle- man from Massachusetts to the incorrectness of the assertion he made that there was no such thing as common schools in any of the Sonth- ern^States until the " carpet-baggers" took possession of those States. The report just read shows what I intended to state to the gentle- man — that out of the sales of a poii;ion of her territory many years ago Texas set apart two of the live million dollars paid to her, and devoted the amount to common schools, or to school piu-poses if the gentleman likes the term l)etter. The interest on that amount and a portion of the revenue derived from taxation were set apart for the education of her children. Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. I cannot yield my time to the gentleman further. The difficulty is that the gentleman does not know what a system of common schools for a State is. Mr. MILLS. Not such as vou advocate. Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. There was a very large fund de- voted to schools in many of those States, but it was used only for education in the higher institutions of learning, (U' for ''indigent scholars." There was no system under which all children could go to common schools supported at the public expense. There was a large fund; but, as shown by the report of the Commissioner of Education, (which I have here but have not time to read, a report made before the war,) this fund existed on paper only, and not as an operative fact. The gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. Beck] told ns how generous a provision had been made by the State of Kentucky for the school fund ; and he threatened the repeal of that provision in case we should pass this l)ill. I have in my hand the laws of the State of Kentucky, and I read from an act passed in 1866 : Section 1. That all the taxes hereafter to be collected from negi'oes and mulat- toes in this Commonwealth shall be set apart and constitute a separate fund for their use and T)enefit, one-half, if necessary, to go to the support of their paui>ers, and the remainder for the education of their children. 8 \ How generous ! What uoTjle geuerosity ! [Langliter. ] You collect from the poorest class in your State a capitation tax, and then say that one-half of the money so raised shall go to their paupers, and the other half to educate their children. That is all. I read fiu'ther from the same act : Sec. 7. The auditor shall apportion each year the revenue from the fimd realized under this act for the henetit of said paiipers among the several counties of the State, according to the number of said paupers in each county, as shown by the re- ports of the several county coiu'ts, but uo part of said fund — That is the other half of it — shall not be otherwise drawn than pursuant to this act in aid of common schools fur negroes and mulattoes. Now you say that if we pass this bill you will take away that fund. Certainly, then, you will not tax the negro, will you ? Let us have that understood. If you take away all use from them of the fund raised by their taxation, do not continiTe to tax them. The poorest class of its citizens are taxed to support their own paupers and educate their own children ; and that is a Kentucky idea of a common-school system ! I am not to be moved by threats because the negroes are beyond your reach, if you choose to go into any unfriendly legislation against them. You are dependent upon them for the cultivation of your soil, for the labor in all departments of your industries, for the making of your States habitable. If you legislate against them, they will leave you to the i)0verty and disgrace consequent upon lazy, disgraceful pov- erty. [Laughter and applause.] Therefore I would, in all sincerity and kindness, advise no retaliatory or antagonistic legislation to the negro. But there are reasons why I think this question of mixed schools should be very carefully considered. The negroes, children as well as parents, have never, till the last few years, had any opportunity for education. It is to them the greatest boon on earth. It is to them the manna from heaven. They seek it as eagerly as did the Israelites seek the good gift of God which fed them from the clouds. Therefore, in negro schools which I established as military com- mander during the war I found that while I had plenty of school-boys with "shining morning faces," there were none "creeping unwill- ingly to school." They sprang to the school as to a feast; their advancement and acquirements were wonderful. And I shall move to recommit this l)ill, among other reasons, because I want time to consider whether upon the whole it is just to the negro children to put them into mixed schools, where, being in the same classes with the white chilldren, they may be kejit back by their Avhite confreres^ and not get on in learning as fast as they otherwise would. [Laugh- ter.] I do not think there will be any difference in the races in the next generation. There may l)e unwilling colored school-boys then as there are unwilling white school-boys now in my own State. I do not mean that white boys in Kentucky are different from white boys in Massa- chusetts. In Massachusetts we have truant-commissioners, who go round to see that our children go to school, because the schools are an every-day task to them — but for the colored child there is no need of any commissioner, and for this generation there never will be. And, therefore, I am (juite content to consider this question in the light of what on the Avholeis best for the Avhite and the colored child before the matter is again before the House. I come now, sir, with your leave, to deal with what is the only argu- ment whicli has been introduced here, the argument to jircjudice 9 Tlie learned gentleman fi-om Georgia [Mr. Stephexs] agrees with me - that every colored man now has all the rights which this bill gives him, bnt insists it is the States' duty to enforce them. But because of prejudice the States will not enforce them. What then ? To show how deep that prejudice is in the South, and that it is not shared by the North, I call the attention of the House that there has yet, in these two days of fruitless debate, been no man fi-om the North who calls himself a democrat who has risen to opj)ose this bill or make a speech against its provisions. If I am wrong in this, point him out. It shows that the North have all come to a conclusion on this subject — we on this side of the House actively, they on that side of the House passively — that these are rights guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen, and that every citizen of the United States should have the means by which to enforce them. Mr. DeWITT. Mr. Speaker, as a northeru'democrat, I, for one, repudiate the inference which the gentleman chooses to di'aw from my silence in this debate. Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. Who is next? [Laughter and applause.] Now, Mr. Speaker, if these are rights, again let me ask, why should they not be given to all citizens of the United States, if we have the constitutional power so to dof If the States give them and execute -^ them, then there will be no longer any need for this statute. It will " not be enforced and will do no harm. Where a State Avill do its duty, — there this statute will be inoperative. Where the State does not do its duty in this behalf, then the flag of the United States, and the 130 wer of the United States, and the judiciary of the United States,.— should protect the|citizens against all unfriendly State legislation, or "•against the Avant of legislation. And I have the authority of the gentleman from Virginia [Mr. Harris] for saying ''that no State has legislated on the subject." And it is because of the very prejudice which has prevented such ^ legislation that I claim the passage of the bill. Is it a j)rejudice at all? Was there any objection in the South to consorting with the negro as a slave? O, no; your children and your servants' children played together ; your cldldren sucked' the same mother with your servants' childi'en; had the same nurse; and, unless tradition speaks falsely, sometimes had the same father. [Laughter and applause.] Would you not ride in tirst-class cars with your negroes in the olden ■ time ? What negro servant, accompanying its mistress or master, and administering to his or her health, was ever denied a first-class pas- sage in a fii'st-class car in the South before the war ? What negro girl, being the nurse or servant of a lady, was not allowed to sit by that lady and her child in a lirst-class car ? W^hat negro servant, accompanying a lady or a gentleman, was ever denied admittance to a lirst-class hotel ? My friend from Tennessee, conlirming this, told us that in the olden time the master and his slave always used to worship) together in the same chm^ches, but that now there are sep- arate churches, and the negroes prefer to Avorship by themselves. These are facts before the Avar? You talk about yom- prejudices against social equality ! I put this question to the ininds and con- sciences of CA'ery man of you. Who is the highest in the social scale, a slave or a freeman ? You once associated with the slaA-e in CA'ery relation of life. He has now become a freeman, and now you cannot associate with him; he has got up in tlie scale, and you cannot stomach him. Why is this? It is because he claims that as a right which 10 you accorded him always freclj' as a boon. It is because the laws of your land, the Constitution of your country, gave all men equal rights in accordance with the fiat of .God Almighty which has made soine of them your equal in all things, and therefore he is no longer to be associated with or tolerated! This is not a prejudice against the negro or any jiersonal objection to him — it is a political idea only. I had, sir, to deal with this question early in the war, and I cannot better explain the operations of this kind of prejudice than by stat- ing the exact fact which happened on board one of the boats upon Chesapeake Bay, between Baltimore and Fortress Monroe. A mem- ber of the Christian Commission went North after two school-teach- ers, and brought back two ladies, one of whom had some colored blood in her veins, but so much more white that it took a connoisseur to fijid the color. The women bought first-class tickets, and took their state-room, sat down at the table, and paid for their supper. A Vir- ginian,'who was on board, being able to know a negro, from long use, whenever he saw one, smoked out the fact that one of them, a lady in dress, a lady in culture, a lady in manners, had some negro blood in her veins, and he complained to the clerk of the boat that ho could not eat at the table in the saloon with her, and the clerk ordered her forward among the deck-hands and servants. The ladv and her companion, frightened, ran to their state-room, and locked themselves in. The Virginian insisted on her l)eing taken out of that. But a provost messenger on board was roused to his duty, and insisted that all that should be stopped. Next morning complaint was made to me as commanding general, and I sent for the clerk — an inoftensive old gentleman, who looked as if he would not harm' anybody. I said, " What is all this ? " He said, " I was only carrying out the rules of my boat." I said, " Do you not recognize the fact the war has made a difference in these things?" He answered, "Not in the rules of our boat." I asked, "What were the rules of your boat l)efore the war? Could not a colored nurse go with the children of her mis- tress, and occupy a state-room with them ? " " Yes, sir." " Could she come to the tnble with them f " " Yes, sir." " Which do you think, Mr. Clerk, is the highest in the social scale, a freeman or a slave ? " " O, a freeman. General, of course." " Very well, Mr. Clerk ; I think I can make a rule for your boat now that will be easy of enforce- ment. Do not go away and say that the commanding general says that the negro is as good as a white man. I am not going to say an}' such thing. But hereafter let this be your rule : Let no free person ever be deprived of any privileges on your boat that were ever accorded to a slave x>erson. Do this, and there will be no trouble hereafter." And there was none. That tells the whole story and covers the whole argument of preju- dice. It is not a prejudice, gentlemen. You make a mistake. A preju- dice is where you do not like the thing itself. We in the North had somewhat of this prejudice against the colored. You of the South had none. From the rarity, tliey were offensive to us. But we are getting used to the negro, and are getting free from our former mode of feeling and speaking on the subject. That was a prejudice. But you had not any such feeling of dislike or offensiveness at the South. Now I am getting over that feeling and you are getting it. And it is a l)olitical idea you are getting and not a prejudice at all. [Laughter.] Now, sir, you will allow me to state how I got over my prejudices. I think the House got over theirs after the exhibition we had yester- day. I think no man will get up here and say he speaks only to white 11 mcu again. He must at first show himself worthy hefore he cau speak to some colored men in this House after what occiuTecl yesterday. [Applause.] I got over my prejudices from the exhihition of like high qualities • in the negro, hut in a different mamier from that in which, I have no doubt, many a prejudice was removed against the negro in the House yesterday. In Louisiana, in 1862, when our arms were meeting with disasters before Richmond, I was in command of the city of New Or- leans with a very few troops, and those daily diminishing by the diseases incident to the climate, with a larger numl)er oi confederate soldiers paroled in the city than I had troops. I called upon my Gov- ernment for re-enforcements, and they could not give me any, and I therefore called upon the colored men to enlist in defense of their country. I brought together the officers of two colored regiments that had been raised by the confederates for the defense of the city against us — but which disbanded when we came there because they would not fight against us, and staid at home when their white comrades ran away — and I said, " How soon can you enlist me one thousand men?" "In ten days, General," they answered; and when the thou- sand men Avere brought together in a large hall, I saw such a body of recruits as I never saw before. Why, sir, every one of them had on a clean shirt, a thing not often got in a body of a thousand recruits. [Laughter.] I put colored officers in command of them, and I organ- ized them. But we all had our prejudice against them. I was told they would not fight. I raised another regiment, and by the time I got them organized, before I could test their fighting qualities in the field, the exigencies of the service required that I should be relieved from the command of that department. I came into command again in Virginia in 1863. I there organized twenty-five regiments, with some that were sent to me, and disciplined them. Still all my brother officers of the Regular Army said my col- ored soldiers would not fight ; and. I felt it was necessary that they should fight to show that their race were capable of the duties of citi- zens ; for one of the highest duties of citizens is to defend their own liberties and their countiy's flag and honor. On the 29tli of September, 1864, I was ordered by the Commanding General of the armies to cross the James River at two points and attack ack the enemy's line of works; one in the center of their line. Fort Harrison, the other a strong work guardiug their left flank at New Market Heights ; and there are men on this floor who will remember that day, I doubt not, as I do myself. I gave the center of the line to the white troo2:)s, the Eighteenth Corps, under General Ord, and they attacked one very strong work and carried it gallantly. I went myself with the colored troops to attack the enemy at New Market Heights; which was the key to the enemy's flank on the north side of James River. That work was a redoubt built on the top of a hill of some con- siderable elevation ; then running down into a marsh ; in that marsli was a brook ; then rising again to a plain which gently rolled away toward the river. On that plain, when the flash of dawn was break- ing, I placed a column of three thousand colored troops, in close column by division, right in fi-ont, with guns at "right shoulder shift." I said, "That work must be taken by the weight of your column; no shot must be fired;" and to prevent their firing I had the caps taken from the nipples of their guns. Then I said, "Your cry, when you charge, will be, ' Remember Fort Pillow !' " and as the sun rose up in the heavens the order was given, "Forward," and they marched forward, steadily as if on ])arade — went down the hill, across the marsh, and as 12 they got iuto the brook they came Avithin range of the enemy's fire, which vigorously opened upon them. They broke a little as they forded the brook, and the column wavered. O, it was a moment of in- tensest anxiety, but they fonned again, as they reached the firm ground, marching steadily on with closed ranks under the enemy's fire, until the head of the column reached the first line of abatis, some one hun- dred and fifty yards from the enemy's Avork. Then the ax-men ran to the front to cut away the heavy obstructions of defense, while one thousand men of the enemy, with their artillery concentrated, poured from the redoubt a heavy fire ui)on the head of the column hardly wider than the Clerk's desk. The ax-men Avent down under that murderous fire ; other strong hands grasp the axes in their stead, and the abatis is cut away. Again, at double-quick, the column goes forward to within fifty yards of the fort, to meet there another line of abatis. The columnhalts, and there a very fire of hell is pouring upon them. The abatis re- sists and holds ; the head of the column seems literally to melt aAvay under the rain of shot and shell ; the flags of the leading regiments go down, but a brave black hand seizes the colors ; they are up again and wave their starry light over the storm of battle; again the ax- men fall, but strong hands and willing hearts seize the heavy, sharp- ened trees and drag them away, and the column rushes forward, and with a shout which now rings in my ear, go over that redoubt like a flash, and the enemy never stop running for four miles. [Applause on the fioor and in the galleries.] It became my painful duty, sir, to follow in the track of that charg- ing column, and there, in a space not wider than the Clerk's desk and thi'ee hundred yards long, lay the dead bodies of five hundred and forty-three of my colored comrades, fallen in defense of their country, who had offered up their lives to uphold its flag and its honor as a willing sacrifice ; and as I rode along among them, guiding my horse this way and that way lest he should profane with his hoofs what seemed to me the sacred dead, and as I looked on their bronzed faces upturned in the shiinng sun to heaven as if in mute appeal against the wrongs of the country for which they had given their lives, and whose flag had only been to them a flag of stripes on which no star of glory had ever shone for them — feeling I had wronged them in the past and believing what was the future of my country to them — among my dead comrades there I swore to myself a solemn oath, ''May my right hand forget its cunning and my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I ever fail to defend the lights of these men who have given their blood for me and my country this day and for their race forever ;" and, God helping me, I will keep th at oath. [ Great applause on the floor and in the galleries.] From that hour all prejudice was gone, and an old-time States-right democrat became a lover of the negro race ; and as long as their rights are not equal to the rights of other men luider this Government I am wit^i them against .all comers, and when their rights are assured, as other men's rights are held sacred, then, I trust, we shall have what we sought to have, a united country North aiul South, white and black, under one glorious flag, for which we ami our fathers have fought with an equal and not to be distinguished valor. [Aj^plause.] Now, Mr. Speaker, these men have fought for their country ; one of their representatives has spoken, as few can speak on this floor, for his race; they have shown themselves our equals in battle; as citizens they are kind, quiet, temperate, laborious; they have shown that they know liow to exercise the right of suffrage which we have given to them, for they always vote right; they vote the rei)ublican ticket. pD 1.0.4 10 O and all the powers of deatli and hell cannot persuade them to do otherwise. [Lauohter. ] They show that they knew better than their masters did, for they always knew how to be loyal. They have in- dustry, they have temperance, they have all the good qualities of citizens, they have bravery, they have culture, they have power, they have eloquence. And who shall say that they shall not have what the Constitution gives them — equal rights? [Continued applause.] The SPEAKER. There has been too much tendency exhibited here of late to applaud the remarks of speakers. The rules require that upon any manifestation of applause in the galleries they shall be cleared. o ■s>*- LEAg'l2 O \ .<^ ° " ° -» -v^ <^/i'o <> ^ ^^. J ^K ^ o V n -/■ ^^. ^.^.. A "<^ ^ 'v.'!^ '=^4^ //'/ ' s ^^_ o L; .^JIV^$§^' v '^Z. ,.\ c ^l-' N \- S V ./'V;^ '»' c- ^t;yj^; ^V^^ ^ <.' .^^ v<. .'^ \ O -^ xA\,y , ■.V A >- ■^^ > ^. V %• •^^^ sV" 4.. "o V . f ■^ "• ^^^ 3,. ^^. ""^ . ,' -^ It . ' ^ ^o ^^^i^^^-^* ^0 » / 1 .0' V ' f.*-'; V ^. /-^^\ ■' <^^ . ? " G ^ O .0 rr ^> ^ ^ ,-1 c ■^^^^^.^ qO ^ » / 1 - ^ :^ xl^^A*^ ,G ^ "<^ 1'^ * o "5) \^ ^y '^> ".-^ A ^ ^ V \" "^ ^- I y ^G> "o^ ^.V.T'\<% ;"> f o 0^ :^ 0^ . 'M o^' .^"^ V V 1 ' o ^^ A. .%A.^(?/V.' '-^^ A A.' o 2 ^ S" ^-/. c ,^ O N O V.' -J^^ rC' V .^ \ ^ o.-V^^^J \j-' v^ ,^^ O N O