E 695 .C59 Copy 1 LltJKHKY Uh UUNUKbbb 013 903 230 5 AJUNUKbbl dassJL65JL Book >C L 5 y PRESENTED BY [No. 5.] ISSUED BY The Central Committee of Republicans and Independents. Room 28, Palmer House, Chicago. Franklin MacVeagh, Edwin Burritt Smith, Wm, T. Baker, Chairman. Secretary. Treasurer. ADDRESS or ey. James Freeman Clarke, AT TKEMOXT TEMPLE, OCTOBER 1, 1884. AND THE BETTER OF RET. ROBERT COLLYER, D.D. Dear : You want to know what I think of the beech made in Boston the other evening by my friend ames Freeman Clarke, and I will answer you frankly. I iiink he was right. His speech, to my mind, was wise, lanfuL, and true, and just what we should expect from ne who has always made the mere politician give place to •ie patriot when the need came, and has stood in the van- [tiard as a leader in every true reform. Dr. Clarke has a ngular aptitude for this sort of work; the courage also c his deep convictions, and the faith which holds on until aose come up he has left behind him. I remember more Ijian one instance in the twenty-five years I have known [id loved him in which he has led a forlorn hope in the pod city of which he is now perhaps the most eminent ; tizen, to find in a few years the old comrades were stand- i g with him again, shoulder to shoulder, who had hung \ ick puzzled and perplexed by the stand he had taken on ••me burning question of the time. This is not a forlorn hope he is leading now; still I ptice the same trouble in talking with Boston men and ; ading their letters, and look for exactly the same indorse- 2 ADDRESS OF REV. JAS. FREEMAN" CLARKE. ment of my old friend's speech and action when this woe- ful war is over we are conducting, for the first time in our history, with the Chinese arm of "stink-pots/' and as far as I know, I am what Coleridge calls "an inveterate hoper." I hope in no long time to see every honest and fair-minded man of Dr. Clarke's mind touching the can- didate he should vote for, no matter to which party he may belong, or who is elected in November. You are at perfect liberty to print this note if you think it is worth any other man's reading, and however widely we may differ in our opinion of the candidates now before our people, you must believe in my absolute loyalty to this great and free Republic, as I do in yours. Indeed yours, Robert Collyer. ADDRESS. Friends, — We meet here as Republicans, and as Inde- pendent Republicans. Once, to be a Republican meant to be independent; it meant to follow principle rather than party, and to refuse our votes to any man whom we deemed unfit for an office, no matter how popular he might be, or what influences he might combine in his support. But now, unfortunately, men may be Repub- licans, and not thus independent; and, therefore, we must add this qualifying term, in order to define our position. We mean, then, to say that we belong to that class of Republicans who in 1876, in 1880, and in this very year 1884, opposed the nomination of Mr. Blaine, throwing the vote and influence of Massachusetts against him in three national conventions. Returning from the convention which met in Cincinnati in 1876, I heard some delegates from Pennsylvania who had voted for Mr. Blaine com- plaining that the moral influence of Massachusetts had at that time prevented his nomination. "For," said they, << when the convention saw the Massachusetts delegation passing by an eminent citizen of a neighboring State in New England and voting for Mr. Bristow, of Kentucky, they said, ' There must be something morally wrong about ADDKESS OF EEV. JAS. FREEMAN" CLARKE. 6 Mr. Blaine/" And I recollect that, in our State conven- tion at Worcester in 1880, Mr. Boutwell, who is now an ardent advocate of Mr. Blaine's election, was so sure of the repugnance felt to him by Massachusetts, that his strong- est argument to induce us to favor the renomination of General Grant was this — that, it Grant did not receive the nomination, it would certainly be captured by Blaine. And Blaine himself felt so deeply this opposition that he uttered some bitter words in the senate against the char- acter and history of Massachusetts — so bitter that our senator, Mr. Hoar, felt called on to reply with consid- erable severity. We also stand where the Republicans of Massachusetts stood in the convention at Worcester, when General Butler — then seeking a Republican nom- ination — moved that a delegate had no right to sit in that convention who had said that, if Butler were nom- inated, he would not vote for him. Massachusetts Repub- licans then decided that they and their delegates were just as free after the convention as they were before, and always had a right to bolt a bad nomination. Indeed, these argu- ments were so stringent that they seem even to have con- vinced and converted Butler himself to our view; for now, having been a delegate to the Democratic convention at Chicago, he has bolted its nomination, and is running on his own ticket. Finally, we stand where the Republicans of Massachu- setts stood in 1875, when they passed the following reso- lution, reported by H. L. Dawes, our Massachusetts senator. It is in the platform of 'the Republican State convention of 1875, of which H. L. Dawes was chairman of the committee on resolutions: — "It is therefore declared by the Republicans of Massa- chusetts that they will support no man for official position whose character is not an absolute guarantee of fidelity to every public trust; and they invoke the condemnation of the ballot box upon any candidate for office who failc this test, whatever be his party name or association 4 ADDRESS OF KEY. JAS. FREEMAN" CLARKE. Where the Eepublicans of Massachusetts stood in 1876, in 1880, and in the present year, we stand to-day. We cannot see why a man who was opposed by Massachusetts as unfit to be a candidate for the Presidency then, should be regarded as fit to be elected to the Presidency now. What, then, are our objections to Mr. Blaine? They fall into two classes, — his course in congress, which showed that he did not understand the duties of a legislator: and his course since, in Garfield's cabinet, which proved him unfit for the duties of an executive office. I have been ac- cused of having a personal hostility or pique against Mr. Blaine. Far from it. My personal intercourse with him, though slight, has been pleasant. I regard him as an able, agreeable, and polished gentleman. My objections to him are wholly on public grounds. I have carefully studied the Congressional Record of the investigation made in 1876, and the so-called Mulligan letters. I think that, whatever else may be implied and suggested by them, this at least is certain: That Mr. Blaine, during the time that he was a member of congress and Speaker of the House, was earnestly engaged in buying and selling the stocks of railroads, — accumulating wealth and deriving special ad- vantages from these roads on account of his official position and influence; that on one occasion he urged again and again that he should receive pecuniary favors, because as Speaker of the House he had helped a railroad by his decision; that these railroads from which he sought and obtained such advantages were those which were receiving help by acts of congressional legislation. It is not necessary to v go into details. I only say what is plain on the face of these transactions: that Mr. Blaine was using his public position and influence to accumulate a fortune; that he was receiv- ing great pecuniary advantages from moneyed corporations, which could only be accounted for by his possessing that political position and official influence. Now, we have seen as honest a man as ever went from Massachusetts to Washington censured by congress for doing what was not ADDRESS OF REV. JAS. FREEMAN CLARKE. 5 a tenth part as bad as what Mr. Blaine evidently did. He was censured for mixing up his private business with his public duties. And yet his motive was the public service, — to gain help in carrying through a great national enter- prise; and, more than all, he practiced no disguise, but, like a man of truth, told the whole story when called upon, though while he told it, reputations were dropping around him like soldiers in battle. Here comes the misery of it! Mr. Blaine concealed the truth, denied the facts, and falsified the record. That is the bitterness of it. Oh! if he had only come forward manfully in that investigation, and said: "Yes, I admit that I did what I ought not. I see now that it was wrong. I wish I had not done it. But, at all events, I will not deny the facts." If he had done that, I believe we should all of us have forgiven him. I, for one, would vote for him for the Presidency. With these documents before us, the Congressional Record and the Mulligan letters,— documents the authen- ticity of which is not denied, — we are sorrowfully brought to the conclusion that the present candidate of the Repub- lican party is an unfit, discreditable, and unsafe person to be President of this nation. He is unfit, because he has used public office and position for private gain and per- sonal emolument; discreditable, because he has disguised and concealed those transactions by constant duplicity; and unsafe, because, during his brief term of office in an executive department, he has interfered without justice or reason in the affairs of other republics, and prostituted in the service of private interests the power confided in him for public ends. No doubt, he has upright and honorable men among his supporters, — some who, like Mr. Hoar, support him eagerly,— some who, like Mr. Roosevelt, sup- port him languidly, and others, like Mr. Edmunds, who maintain their place in their party, but cannot make up their mind to say a single word in his defense. It was certainly an event without a parallel in the history of politics, when the presiding officer of a meeting called to b ADDRESS OF KEV. JAS. FREEMAN CLARKE. confirm the nomination of a Presidential candidate did not allude to him at all in the course of his whole speech. It was like what Tacitus says of the absence of the statues Brutus and Oassius from the funeral of Junia, — "they were all the more conspicuous because they were not there/' But the pity of it is that the former leaders of the Republican party have now become the followers. The leaders now are those who skillfully combine politics and personal gain, men who belong to rings, men who sneer at civil service reform, as one of Mr. Blaine's chief wire- pullers has lately done, as "namby-pamby politics, cant, and babyism." The real leaders of the party now are such as we scarcely care to name. The only policy which Mr. Blaine seems earnestly to have adopted is that of keeping the tariff as high as possible, so as to satisfy at once the manu- facturers of New England and New York, the iron masters of Pennsylvania, and the wool-growers of Ohio. The only policy of which he is the exponent is to continue to compel the people to pay in taxes $100,000,000 more than is needed for the expenses of the nation, and then to dis- tribute it among the States. It seems to me that nothing could be more dangerous than four years of an adminis- tration like this. One pretty sure result would be the destruction of the Republican party. Four years of Blaine's administration would bury it in a dishonored grave. Indeed, Mr. Chairman, I think that the only hope for the Republican party itself is the defeat of Blaine. Going out of power for awhile, it would recover something of its former quality, and return to its better traditions. We do not cease to be Republicans because we vote for once by the side of our opponents. When the best Repub- licans of Buffalo united with the Democrats in choosing Cleveland their mayor, they did not cease to be Repub- licans. When the Republicans of the State of New York united with the Democrats in electing Cleveland their governor by one hundred and ninety thousand majority, they did not cease to be Republicans. Nor should -we ADDRESS OF REV. JAS. FREEMAN" CLARKE. 7 cease to be Eepublicans if we joined the better class of Democrats in electing Cleveland to the Presidency. We should only show that we prefer our country to party, and the safety of the nation to the temporary triumph of so- called Eepublicanism. Those who are so carried away by party spirit and the influence of a name that they think the party which supports Mr. Blaine is the same with that which elected Abraham Lincoln, because both are called Eepublicans, show that they are cheated by words and mistake appearance for reality. Such loyalty to party is disloyalty to the country; and to those who act thus we may apply the poet's words, and say, — "Their honor rooted in dishonor stands, And faith unfaithful makes them falsely true." I»well remember how, years ago, when Daniel Webster made his famous 7th of March speech, the leaders of his party in Boston seemed for a time struck dumb with aston- ishment, anger, and grief. But soon the power of parYy reasserted itself, and before long a meeting was held in which these same men thanked him for what he had said. The same power of party shows itself again to-day. With scarce an exception, the leading Eepublican public men in this State have opposed Blaine until he was nominated; with scarce an exception, they have since come round to excuse, to defend, to admire, and finally to put him by the side of Washington and Lincoln. Does not this remind us of our copybook lines, — " First endure, next pity, then embrace"? Some of my friends cannot bear the idea of a Democratic success, because the Democrats were so bad forty years ago. To such an argument what statute of limitations can be applied? The Democrats to-day are not those who began the war twenty-three years ago, not those who defended slavery before that time. Let us follow Mr. Hale's good advice, and "look forward, not backward." Let us remember that "new occasions teach new duties," and not attempt, as Lowell says, to open the portals of the 8 ADDRESS OF KEY. JAS. FREEMAN CLARKE. future with the blood-rusted key of the past. Mr. Chair- man, when a citizen of a vast nation like this is to perform the serious duty of voting for its chief magistrate, he should first ask: "What is a President most needed for at the present time? What are the most imminent dangers which he must avert by the power of his magistracy, the principal evils of the hour which he must subdue by the influence of his authority? And who is the mau^he best fitted for this work?" To me, Mr. Chairman, the chief evils which endanger our nation and public life to-day seem those so forcibly described by our Massachusetts senator, Mr. Hoar, many years ago. They have not diminished since that time. We have since then seen the robberies of the public treasury by whisky rings and Star-route rings, which the government has found itself unable to punish. Strange that Mr. Hoar, who brings this terrible indictment against the national honor, should accuse President Eliot of teaching our youth to be ashamed of their own history. Both President Eliot and Senator Hoar do the State service when they plainly point out these public crimes and public dangers. Each is seeking to teach the young men how to help to make better history. "My own public life," said Mr. Hoar, in May, 1876, "has been a very brief and insignificant one, extending little beyond the duration of a single term of senatorial office; but, in that brief period, I have seen live judges of a high court of the United States driven from office by threats of impeachment for corruption or maladministra- tion. I have heard the taunt from friendliest lips that, when the United States presented herself in the East to take part with the civilized world in generous competition in the arts of life, the only products of her institutions in which she surpassed all others beyond question was her corruption. I have seen in the State in the Union fore- most in power and wealth four judges of her courts impeached for corruption, and the political administra- tion of her chief city become a disgrace and by-word ADDRESS OF REV. JAS. FREEMAN" CLARKE. 9 throughout the world. I have seen the chairman of the committee on military affairs in the House, now a distin- guished member of this court, rise in his place and demand the expulsion of four of his associates for making sale of their official privilege of selecting the youths to be educated at our great military school. When the greatest railroad of the world, binding together the continent, and uniting the two great seas which wash our shores, was finished, I have seen our national triumph and exultation turned to bitterness and shame by the unanimous reports of three committees of Congress — two of the House and one here — that every step of that mighty enterprise had been taken in fraud. I have heard, in higher places the shameless doctrine avowed by men grown old in public office that the true way by which power should be gained in the republic is to bribe the peo- ple with the offices created for their service, and the true end for which it should be used, when gained, is the promotion of selfish ambition and the gratification of per- sonal revenge. I have heard that suspicion haunts the footsteps of the trusted companions of the President. "These things have passed into history. The Hallam, or the Tacitus, or the Sismondi, or the Macaulay who writes the annals of our time will record them with his inexorable pen. And now, when a high cabinet officer, the constitutional adviser of the executive, flees from office before charges of corruption, shall the historian add that the Senate treated the demand of the people for its judg- ment of condemnation as a farce, and laid down its high functions before the sophistries and jeers of the criminal lawyer? Shall he speculate about the petty political cal- culations as to the effect on one party or the other which induced his judges to connive at the escape of the great public criminal? Or, on the other hand, shall he close the chapter by narrating how these things are detected, re- formed, and punished by constitutional processes which the wisdom of our fathers devised for us, and the virtue 10 ADDRESS OF REV. JAS. FREEMAN" CLARKE. and purity of the people found their vindication in the justice of the Senate?" This is the great evil which threatens the virtue of the community. It is the mad desire for great fortunes which causes the defalcations taking place every day, — of presi- dents and cashiers of banks, of town and city treasurers, of trustees holding the estates of widows and orphans, and forces them to finish lives begun in usefulness in exile, death and dishonor. The rings and lobbies which infest the halls of Congress and dictate legislation, make those halls the places round which the infection mostly rages; and, to check it, we need, most of all, a man as President honest and firm, belonging to the older type of magistrates, who has the courage to defy bad men in his own party and to check assaults on the treasury when mado by his own friends. And such a man we have in Grover Cleveland. First, as mayor of Buffalo, he delivered the city from the plunderers who were laying it waste, and received the cor- dial thanks of the best 'men of both parties. Next, as Governor of New York, he has supported, as my friend Dorman B. Eaton and others assure me, every measure tending to protect the people from official plunderers. Because he has plucked the prey from the jaws of the wicked, the baser elements of his party have combined with bitter hatred against him. This itself is a proof that he is the man needed now to execute justice on a still higher platform. For he had, evidently, only to concede a little, to give way a little, to make a few promises to these Democratic leaders, bribe them with a few offices, to have their support, as he now has their determined and unconcealed and inveterate hostility. "But what," it will be said, "shall we support an im- moral and depraved man for President, — a man whose life is stained with debauchery and vice?" No. No such man shall ever have my vote; for, no matter what his other qualities might be, he never could fulfill his public duties right. A depraved man could never have the moral ADDRESS OF REV. J AS. FREEMAN CLARKE. 11 strength to resist evil. But I do not believe Cleveland to be such a man, and I will give my reasons for this convic- tion. First. — If he were so, why did the best citizens of Buffalo, who knew him well, support and elect him tri- umphantly for the office of mayor? Why was not this charge made against him then by those who knew him? Why did such an eminent man as Sherman S. Rogers lead the Republican party to his side? And why were these charges not brought forward, when he was candidate for Governor? The apparent reason is that there were people enough in Buffalo and New York who knew that such charges were false, and only when his candidacy extends to states where he is not known are the accusations made against him. Second. — These charges originated in one Buffalo news- paper, of which hundreds of thousands of copies have been circulated, which accused him of "beastly drunken- ness," "habitual immorality with women/' of being found in a drunken fight in a saloon, of seduction, and of being a notorious libertine. Thereupon, Rev. Dr. Twining, one of the editors of the New York Independent, was sent to Buffalo to investigate the facts. This is his report: "There remain the worst and damning charges of gen- eral libertinism and drunkenness. I say distinctly, after abundant inquiry, they are false. They are, I believe, the product of the imagination of the stews. Every attempt to trace them led back into the merest gossip of saloons and brothels. On the other hand, my inquiry of the noblest Christian men in this city, especially in the legal profession, men above all reproach, men who will vote for him, and men who will vote and speak against him for political reasons, men who know Cleveland most intimately, who have been his partners in business or his nearest neighbors, men who know him by day and by night, bring the unanimous reply that it is utterly impossible that such reports can be true. He is a man of true and kind heart, 12 ADDKESS OF REV. JAS. FREEMAK CLARKE. frank and open, so intensely devoted to his business duties that it is impossible that he should be a debauchee. He has the heartiest respect of the best families in the city, who only regret that he keeps himself so much out of the society to which he would be welcome. There are some severe prejudices against Mr. Cleveland in Buffalo. They have their chief seat in the saloons, against whose tyranny his election to the mayoralty was the protest of all good citizens of both parties. They have not forgiven him for their defeat. From the best sources of information, I received testimony of the strongest character that Mr. Cleveland is a born ruler of men, of the greatest inde- pendence and honesty of character, a man who believes in reform to the bottom of his soul, and has the independence to carry it out, and a man on whom the responsibilities of office have rested with a serious and solemn weight. The men are very few who could have received such testimoni- als to their efficiency and conscientiousness and independ- ence in public duties as I heard given to Mr. Cleveland from the most influential and trustworthy citizens of Buf- falo. Third. — A committee of sixteen Buffalo gentlemen were appointed to search this matter to the bottom, and this is the substance of their report: "We have, therefore, through a committee appointed from our number for that purpose, carefully and deliber- ately made such an investigation; and we have taken every available means to ascertain the precise facts in each case. The general charges of drunkenness and gross immorality which are made against Governor Cleveland are absolutely false. His reputation for morality has been good. There is no foundation for any statement to the contrary. He was sought out and nominated for the mayoralty against his will, and was supported for that position by the larger portion of the educated, intelligent and moral citizens of Buffalo without regard to politics, and on purely personal grounds. We are able to speak from personal knowledge, ADDRESS OF REV. JAS. FREEMAN" CLARKE. 13 as his acquaintances of long standing, and to say that his general private life has been that of a quiet, orderly, self- respecting, and always highly respected citizen. Since he assumed his present office, his visits to Buffalo have been few and of short duration. It is susceptible of absolute proof, and has been proved to us, that upon no one of these visits has anything occurred to justify the statements which have been made by his detractors. The charge that he has recently taken part in a drunken and licentious de- bauch in Buffalo, on the occasion of such a visit, is en- tirely false." Fourth. — One of the signers of this paper, Josiah G. Munro, is a gentleman whom I know well. I wrote to him personally, and received the following answer, which I will read to you : Buffalo, N. Y., September 6, 1884. Rev. James Freeman Clarke, Magnolia, Mass. : My Dear Sir, — I beg to acknowledge your valued letter of the 5th. During the ten years I have lived in Buffalo, Mr. Cleveland has been my own trusted legal adviser as well as that of the Boston corporation whose interests I represent. 1 have never seen anything in Mr. Cleveland which would lead me to think he was a licentious man or one who would associate with dissolute or abandoned characters. His associates, whom I know, are men of high standing in the community, — most of them of the highest standing. He would be welcomed into my own household, and I do not think anything has kept him out of Buffalo society but his own modesty and retiring habits. It is im- possible to answer a general accusation except in a general way. Wherever our committee could find a specific charge, they followed it to the source and absolutely disproved it. I agree in thinking that this failure to substantiate specific charges is good proof that the general charge is false. The whole tone of Mr. Cleveland's daily life and conver- sation, as I have seen it in private life, is so high, his faith- fulness in the discharge of duty is so marked, and the 14 ADDRESS OF REV. JAS. FREEMAN" CLARKE. controlling principal of his public life is so grand and yet so simple that it would be impossible for me to believe he was either a profligate or licentious man, unless the charge was supported by strong and convincing proofs. Believe me, sir, very truly yours, Josiah G. Mukro. Fifth. — A few days since, I met at Saratoga Dr. Put- nam, of Brooklyn, New York, who told me that he had within a few weeks been at the seaside with an eminent and well-known citizen of Buffalo, Mr. E. Carlton Sprague, who told him he had known Cleveland intimately for many years, and that, though he was a Republican him- self /and should probably vote the Republican ticket, yet that, " if any one was not prevented by political reasons from voting for Cleveland, he need not be prevented by moral reasons." Sixth. — I recently visited Governor Cleveland in Al- bany, and spent an hour with him alone in his private room. He talked with simplicity and freedom, with a manner which carried conviction of his truthfulness. He did not pretend that he had not done wrong, he did not wish me to think of him as better than he was; but he thought he had a right to say that, since he had been in public office, and for the last eight or ten years, no man could truthfully accuse of having done anything to dis- grace himself or to offend his friends. From what he said, I was satisfied that no one had suffered more than himself from his past errors, and I was convinced that he had left them behind. But I gathered this, not from any formal confession or profession, but from the depth of con- viction with which he spoke. The one sin which he committed, and which neither he nor his friends disguise or excuse, is that he lived, some ten years ago, with a widow as his wife, without being mar- ried' to her. This was an offense which no one will defend; but he has greviously suffered for it, and shown his repent- ance in the truest way, by a change of life, and by doing good and useful work "meet for repentance." I agree with my old friend, Bishop Huntington, of New York, that Cleveland, having risen above these past errors and left them behind him, is not, if we follow the principles of the gospel of Christ, to be prevented from rising to any height of usefulness. He has shown his repentance in a true way, by doing works meet for repentance. It is only ADDRESS OF REV. J AS. FREEMAN CLARKE. 15 a hard and narrow bigotry which would condemn a man forever for a past ill deed. " But," you may say, " will you reward a man with the presidency who has committed this offense against social morals?" No; public office is not a reward, but a duty. If we make him, or any other man, our president, it is because he is well fitted for the work of a president. He was not rewarded by the people of Buffalo for this offense {though they knew it perfectly), when they made him mayor. They took him because they needed him to do a work; and he did it honorably and well. The people of the State did not reward him when he was chosen gov- ernor. He was taken because he was the right man in the right place. If elected President, it will not be as a reward of merit, but as selected to do the work because he has the power. If the nation needs him for that work, he must not be excused from doing it because of any sin committed in the past. This great people have a right to the best service they can find, anywhere, and in any man. The difference between Mr. Blaine and Cleveland as can- didates is not merely that the offenses of one belong to private life, and of the other to public affairs, though that distinction is important, but chiefly this: that the offense of Mr. Cleveland is not disguised nor excused nor de- fended, but that of Mr. Blaine is denied or excused or defended. The great harm to morality does not come so much from the wrong action as from its being defended, palliated and called right. This great injury to the pub- lic morals is now being done by Mr. Blaine's advocates. They are putting evil for good and good for evil, darkness for light and light for darkness, bitter for sweet and sweet°for bitter.^ No young man, who has seen what an awful burden Governor Cleveland has had to carry in conse- quence of this one offense, can possibly be tempted by his example to any like iniquity. But, when a man who has devoted himself to making money out of office is defended for doing so by our best men, when asked to be paid for doing justice in a high judicial position is treated as a mere accident, when asking a man to perjure himself by writing a letter prepared for him full of falsehoods is con- sidered as something not worth speaking of, then the morals of society are being cankered at their heart. Oh, it grieves me to see how men, whom I have honored, and honor still, can allow themselves to be thus misled by the spirit of party ! It is the saddest fact in the story of our 16 ADDRESS OF REV. JAS. FREEMAN CLARKE. time; and I say, " Oh for an hour of Charles Sumner, or for one burning speech from John Andrew! " "One blast upon his bugle horn ' Were worth a thousand men . " But the " knights are dust, and their good swords rust." Instead of the upright soul of Sumner, we have a bronze statue of him in the Public Garden, probably erected by the help of the Eepublicans who assisted in re- moving him from his place as chairman of the committee on foreign affairs to please General Grant, or who passed a vote of censure on him in the Massachusetts Legislature because they thought it would be popular. Instead of John Andrew, I am glad to say that we have a son who inherits his father's spirit, and will not become a slave of party in order to go to Congress. And I see around me young men full of the energy and hope of youth who will yet redeem the Republican party, and set it in a better way. I saw its rise, and I may live to see its fall; but, if it falls, something better will take its place. For this Independent movement has come to stay. Some of the Republican orators who have come from a distance to instruct us have been disposed to jeer at this Independent movement as a very trifling affair. So, I remember, men jeered at the humble beginnings of the Liberty party, and the Free Soil party, and at the whole anti-slavery movement. They laughed and made merry as that great storm was coming up the sky, as the people did in the days of Noah, and knew nothing till the flood came and swept them all away. Gentlemen, if you will, permit me to close this serious speech with a light anecdote. I remember my friend, the late James T. Fields, once told me he ©\ras crossing the Common one night, when a partially inebriated man stopped him, and pointing to the sky, said, " Why does not that rocket come down?" "Rocket!" said Fields: "that's not a rocket, that's a star P' "Oh! I beg your pardon," said the other: " I am a stranger in these parts." Those who think the Independent movement is only a rocket, and that it is about to fall, are, I think, strangers in these parts. They do not know the motives nor the men nor the spirit nor the power of this movement. It has come to work, and it has come to stay. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 903 230 5 • '^EMAN CLAEKE. vc, .Sumner$ L1BKHKY Uh UJNUKLbb 013 903 230 5