•^^ lV '>^, •r^m ^^. V ' » - °-^ o^ i' V .*^ .'•<■. '.I-. '^"^^ <^^ .^^• • ■ ' ' aV*^ ^^..^' :0^"'.'_^:' 7 * . , • aO o > -"•f. o. ,^°'^<^.. ■i' .•> .^^^ .•i°<. y-y-i-. X " - - » O ■^c ^< ./> V » ' • "» c» » ^«^ .^*'' "^ % .^C' .f\ •J' .*'% .% ■■>^ ^^^ % ^<. ,A^ .'V ' '-^ ^ ^'^ '^^ "-^/-o^ '^o ''-^An^ A* -"•■• A-' » >»^'-» »* V C' ^O -«i. .V ^0 c""'* ^O 4 , ^. r,^ .0- O > ^v "v V • ' • °- Cv o > ill • -^ . I- %v^ o . y -IJ O < . . i • A ,0 -*: •1 o ^ V ' - \^ v*^ ..„ % *"^^\^ ^°-^<^. U .v^ v-^^ .*^ %. /\ .^^ ^O. V ■0^ s o -I o ;>-*' "oV" ^^^^ ^O O > s "b v-^- 55! 1 "<"'S * - .5>^"vO. ' j:-. ^ ( "^^ •r '..<' V^. -I o t*. /:.?^^^^X vV . -^ o ^ » ■ • ' > •I O ■^ .If- iX-- REMOVAL CERTIFICATES ■ 7 R H In I N E P A R T 1^ E R S M II T H L Y 1.1 E E T I H G DUTCHESS COUHTY N E V/ YORK Youns, Ell jail Yoimg and children, Robert, '.'ary, Ellas, "Elizabefn Anna. Phebe and Hannan. Fron NineparCners to Oblon^, 20 of 10m, TOl. Stratton, Clark Lucretia Stratton and daughter Eunice Clark, from Nlnepartners to Smithfield, /^2 of 10m, 1781. Lewis, Abigail Lewis, from ohappariua to Ninepartners 11 of 10m, 1781. Thorn, Martha Thorn, wife of V/illiam, from Oblong to Ninepartners, 19 of Im, 1780. Keese, John Keese, Jr., ? 16 of 9ra, 1781. Exmlcer, Anna Bunker and husband and 5 children, Lydia, Anna, Obediah, Frederick and Timothy, from Nantucket to Ninepartners 27 of 11m, 1780. -2- Macoraber, John '.lacomTDer, from Acoaxet. (Coakset ? ), to Nine partners, 17 of llm, 1781. KacomLer, Philip Llacomber and wife Susanna and children.Sd^h, Gardner, Larnahas, Abraham and Hannah, from Dartmouth to Ninepartners, 15 of 10m, 1781. Macomber, Hannah tlacomber, wife of John, from Coakset, Dartmouth, to Nine-oartners , 17 of 11m, 1781. Brown, Nathaniel Brown. Jr., ( Clear of Marriage engagement), from Nineioartners to Easthassack, 18 of 4m, 1782. Gardner, Hannah Ga:^dner, (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), from Oblong to Ninepartners, 19 of 12m, 1781. Hull, Tiddeman Hull, from Ninepartners to Smithfield, 24 of Im, 1782. Haight, Elizabeth Hai^ht, Concern to visit to New Sncland from Ninepartners, 15 of 5m, 1761. Cornstalk, William Cornstalk, from Saratoga to Nine- partners, lu of Im, 1782. Olapp, Sophia Clapp, from Purchase to Ninepartners, 10 of Im, 1782. -3- Allen, Martha Allen and daughters Liarv and "Isbel", ( wife'and dauc^hters of Johnathan Allen), from tlinepartners to DartTAOuth, 17 of l?.rn, 1781. Bunker, Francis Eunker and. wife Unice and child Susannah, from N^'ne^artnets to Ohlong, 20 of 3m, 1^82. Rogers, Eebecca Rogers, wife of Wing Rogers, from Ninepartners to Saratoga, 20 of 3m, 1782. Allen, John Allen, son of Johnathan, (Clear of Marriage engagement), from Dartmouth to Ninepartners, 17 of 12m, 1781. Davis, Jemima Davis, ( Clear of i.'arriage engage- ment), from ilinepartners to Oblong, 19 of 6m, 1782. Gardner, Lydia Gardner, ( Clear of i.iarriage engage- ment), from Ninepartners to Ohlonc;" 17 of 7m, 1782. Swain, Lydia Sv/ain, wife of Elhertus Swain, from Ninepartners to Nantucket, 14 of 8m, 1782. Allen. li illiam Allen, son of Fhil^'p, (dec'd.), (Clear of Ivlarriage engagement), from Ninepartners to Dartmouth, 14 of 8m, 1782. t -' _/!_ Sutton, Phebe Sutton, wife of Daniel, from N^'nepariners to Purchase , 14 of 8m, 1782. Havlland, Silas HavUand, ( Clear of IJarrlage en- gagement), fron Acoakset in Dartmouth, to Ninepartners, 18 of 3ra, 1780. Clark 3 tr at ton. Stephen Clark, a lad son of oeth Clark, (deo'd.), from Ninepartners to Smith field, 18 of 9ni 1782. P.emoved to reside with Stepfather Philip Stratton. Haight, Mary "aight ("daughter of Thomas Haight of Thomas Haight"), from Ninepartners to Ohlong, 18 of 9ni, 1782. Bernards, Mary Bernards, from Nantucket to Nine- partners . 28 of 10m, 1782. Palmer , Benjamin Palmer, son of Gilbert, (a youth), from NineiDartners to Easthussack and Saratoga, '18 of 12m, 1782. Palmer, Hoag, Palmer , Gilbert Palmer, a lad to live with Abner Hoag, from Ninepartners to Oblong, 18 o! 12ra, 1782. Llary Palmer, wife of Gilbert, and daughter Sarah, from Ninepartners to Easthussack, 18 of 12m, 1782. -5- Hampton, Samuel Hampton, from Ninepartners to Rahway and Plainfielcl, 15 of Im, 1783. Goleman. Nafhaniel Goleman, from Ninepartners to Nantucket, 15 of Im, 1783. Gavin, Elizabeth Gavin, wife of Johnathan, from Ninepartners to Otlone, 19 of 2m, 17fe3. Kinyon, Benjamin Kinyon, Jr., and youngest son Ohristopher , from Ninepartners to Easthussack, 19 and 20 of 3m, 1783. Griffen, Jonathan Griffen, wife Llary and 2 children, Garshora and Hannah, from Ninepartners to Sasthussack, 19 and 20 of 3m, 1783. Kinyon, Lydia Kinyon and hushand Benjamin and children Sarah and Mary, from Nine- partners to SasthussacK:, 19 and 20 of 3m, 1783. Edey, "Henerv" Edey and children, Gilljert, CTiarles, Silva, Freehorn and lydia, from Acoakset in Dartraouth to Nine- partners, 16 of 11m, 1782. Valentine, William Valentine, (Clear of Carriage en- gagement), from Westbury to Nine- partners, 26 of 2m, 1783. -6- Kinyon, Benjamin Kinjfon, from Ninepartners to ? 16 and 1? of 4m, 1783. YThite, Amey VThite, wife of Andrew, and daughters, from Ninepartners to Easthoussack, 16 and 17 of 4m 1783. (Daucliter's names, Phebe, Elizabeth anS L'.ary) Coleman, Deborah Coleman, wife of Jethjsue Coleman, Jr., from Ninepartners to Greek, 14 of 5n, 1783. Kinyon, Abigail Kinyon and husband Lenjamin, from Ninepartners to Grick, 14 of 5m, 1783. Sov.'le , James Sovde and v;ife Jemir.ia and children, Levina and Deborah, from Ninepartners to Saratoga, 14 of 5m, 1783. Coleman, Anna Goleman. wife of John, and daughter Llargaret, from Ninepartners to Smithfield, 18 of 6m, 1783. Yail, Samuel Vail, a lad, from Ninepartners to Purchase, 18 of 6m, 1783. 1 Sisson, Jr., (Clear of Llarriage engagement), from Dartmouth to Nine- Sisson, Samue partners, 15 of 3m, 1783. -7- Palmer , Reaten Palmer and wife IJartha and children, Lydia, Galet, Philip and Hannah, from Niner)artnets t( Saratoga, 18 of 6m, lV83. Deuel, Philip Deuel and wife Elii^aheth, from Ninepartners to Ohlong, 18 of 6m, 1783, Palmer, Tyler Palmer and wife Rachel and children, Joel, Rosanna, Rachel, Joseph, El-^'za- heth, Enoch, Lydia and Tyler, from Ninepartners to Greek, 18 of 6ra, 1763. Coleman, John Goleraan's Sons, >Valter, John and Mathaniel, from Ninepartnera to Smithfield, 18 of 6ra, 1783. Sisson, Nathaniel Sisson and wife Grace, and daughter Content, from Nine-oartners to Saratoga, 16 of 7m, 17831 Hoag, Ahner Hoag and wife Lydia and children, Dehorah, Hiram, Sihel, Elihu Solomon and Rachel, from Ninepartners to New Britten, 12 of 9m, 1782. Deuel, Content Deuel and hushand, from Ohlong to Ninepartners, 14 of 7m, 1783. Comstock, Williari Gomstock with his family, not mentioned, from Ninepartners to Hopewell, Virginia, 20 of 8m, 1783. -8- Anthony, Benjamin Anthony, from Creek to Nine- partners, IC of ?m, 1703. Spooner, ? Spooner, ( Clear of llarriage engagement, from Ninepartners to Nantucket, 20 of 8m, 1783. White, Andrew V/hite and sons, Peter, Joshuaip Reuhen, 'iVilliam, Nehimiah and Benjamin, from Ninepartners to Saratoga, 16 of 7m, 1783. Paddock, Mary Paddock, wife of David, from Creek to Ninepartners, 21 of 3m, 1783. Potter, Nathaniel Potter, son of Ahner, from Acoakset to Ninepartners, 19 of 7m, 1783. Hoag, Hanjnah Hp_ag, daughter of Enoch, (Clear of LlarriaRe'engapement) , from Ohlong to'Nlnepartners, 15 of 9m, 1783. Jenk-'ns, Mehitahel Jenkins, visited from Nine- partners to Earwickrii 17 of 9m, 1783. Barna, Sarah Barna visited from Nine-nartners to Nantucket, 17 of 9m, 1*783. Beegle, Jeremiah Beetle and 2 sons. Thomas and Jeremiah, from Greek to Ninepartners, 18 of 7m, 1783. -9- Beegle, Miriam Beegle, wife of Jeremiah, and 3 daughters, iiarv, Liartha and Kez-^ah, from Greek to Ninepartners. 20 of 6m, 1783. Eddv, Nathan Eddy, (Clear of it^arriage engage- ment), from Acoakset to Ninepartners 18 of 10m, 1783. Frost, Haight, Hannah Frost, wife of Zophar, to Greek from Ninepartners, 17 of l.Pm, 1783, Lydia Haight, wife of Stephen, and 2 daughters- Hannah and Rebeooa, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 17 of 12m, 1783. Wood, Ann V/ood, (Clear of Llarriae^e engagement) from Acoakset to Ninepartners 15 of 11m, 1783. Mosher, Joanna? Mosher, wife of Ephraim, Dartmouth to Ninepartners. 11m, 1783. from 17 of Moors , Coffin, Rohert Lloors, a lad to live with his Stepfather, V/iHiam Coffin, to Saratoga from Nine-oartners, 14 of Im, 1784. Bunker, Tristram Bunker and family, from Nantucket to Ninepartners, 30 of 10m, 1783. _0_ HBor.- ,roo, ■"r ' t: X. , -10- Halght, Samuel ^iai^ht a lad. son of Stephen Haight, 10 Saraiopa from Nine- partners, 10 of E$, 1784. Haight, Eady, David Haight, to Greek from Ninepartners, 18 0? 2m, 1784. Henry Eadj and children, Silvia, (Clear " of Llarriage engagement), Charles, Patience, Freehom and Lydia, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 17 of 3m, 17g4. Young, Hannah You-ng, wife of Elijah Young, to Ohlong'irom Ninepartners, 17 of 3m, 1784. Moors, Alexander Moors; a lad. apprentice to David Bunker, to Ohlong from Nine- partners, 17 of Sm, 1784. Barnard , Valentine Barnard and children, Reuhen, Stephen and Hiram, to Greek from Nine>Dartners , 14 of 4m, 1784. Barnard , Anna Barnard, wife of Valentine, and daughters, Kepzihah and Anna, to Creek from Ninepartners, 14 of 4m, 1784. Coffin, Uryal Coffin, a lad, to Greek from Nine- partners, 14 of 4m, 1784. -11- Bunker , Anna Eunker, wife of Tristram, and fan:ily, Lydia, Anna and Abigail, to Creek from Ninepartners, 19 of 5Tn, 1784. Bunker, Tristram Bunker and 3 sons, Obediah, Frederic and Timothv to Greek from Ninepartners, 19 of 5m, 1784. Kees, Stephen Kees and son John, to Greek from Ninepartners, 19 of 6m, 1784. Mosher, Sarah Llosher, 7/ife of Phnip Llosher, to Greek from Ninepartners, 19 of 5ro, 1784. Kees, Ptuth Kees, and hushand, with daughter Elizabeth, to Greek from Ninepartners, 19 of 5m, 1784. Palmer, Anna Palmer, (Glear of Carriage engage- ment), to Greek from N^ne-oartners, 19 of 5m, 1784. Wood, Ann Y/ood. (Clear of Llarriage engagement) to Kcoakset, New England, from Nine- partners, 19 of 5m, 1784. Mahbott, Ruth Llabbott, wife of Samuel, from Hew York to Ninepartners, 7 of Im, 1784. Barton, Phebe Barton, wife of Solomon, from Purchase to Ninepartners, 8 of 4m, 1784. -li- -12- Russell, Huldah Russell, wife of Tristram, from Pemliroke to Ninepattners , 11 of Sm, 1784. lining, Hannah ''Ving, (Clear of Llarriage en^age- * ment), from Otlong to Ninepartners, 17 of 5ra, 1784. Eddy, Nathan ^ddy, (Clear of i»^arriafee engage- ment), to Saratoga from Mneparl^ners, 16 of 6m, 1784. Wing, "Judah" 7/ing. wife of V/illiam, and daughter Sarah, to Saratoga from Ninenartners, 16 of 6m, 1784. Haight, Gilhert S, Halght and sons, Rohert, Israel and Nathaniel, to Saratoga from Nine- partners, 16 of 6m, 1784. Peckham, Jerusha Peckhaiu and her father, (Clear of Llarriage engagement, to Creek from Nine partners, '"16 of 6m, 1784. Coffin, Elab Coffin and wife iJary and daughter Phehe - to Creek from Nina-oar tners , 14 of 7m, 1784. Haif^ht, Sarah Haight, wife of Gilhert S. Haight and daughters, Elisabeth. (Clear of ilarriage engagement), and Charitj'-. to oar^^toga from Ninepartners, l4 of 7m. 1784. ,e- -13- Jenk^ns, Joseph Jenk-'ns. Jr. , (Clear of Liar ri age ^engagement) to Greek from Nine- partners, 14 of 7n, 1784. Gwin, Elizabeth Gwin, (Clear of Llarria^e en- gagement), to Otlonjr from Bme- partners, 14 of 7m, ^1784. Scott, Jot Soott, visit to Uxtriige from Nine- partners, 18 of 9m, 1764. Palmer, Elizateth Falm.er (and Mother), (clear of Marriage engagement) to Creek from Ninepartners , 18 of 8m, 1784. Titus, Stephen Titus and v/ife Fhehe and daughter Sarah, from Westhun/ to Ninepartners, 30 of 6m, 1784. Merritt, Ichatod Llerritt and wife Sarah and 3 children, Joseph, Dehorah and Llary, froi; Oblong to Ninepartners, 14 oi 6m, 1784. Barker, Shove Barker, apprentice, from Swansey to Ninepartners, S of 5m, 1784. Lounshery, Lucretia Lcunstery and children, Elizabeth, (Clear of LlarriaFe engagement ) , John, Deborah, Tamer, Kannah ,"LIary and Sarah, from Purchase io Ninepartners, 12 of 8m, 1784. -14- Gardner, Hannal] Gardner, 'i^aughter of Seth, (Clear of Marriage engagement^, to Fev/ York from Ninepartners, 15 of 9m, 1784. Hoag, Hannah Hogg, daughter of Enoch Hoag, Clear of Carriage engagement), to Ohlont? from Ninepartners, 15 of 9m, 1784. Smith, Dorothy Smith widow, _and daughter Eliza- beth, (clear of I^arriage engagement ) to live with her son; irorr. Ohlong to Ninepartners, 16 of 8m, 1784. PivSh, Joshua Pish and family, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 25 of 11m, 1784. Pish, Phehe Pish, wife of Joshua, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 15 of 12m, 1784. Wing, Hannah Wing, (Clear of i^larria^e enga£;e- m.entj, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 15 of 12.m, 1784. Hulin, Honnour Rulin, (Clear of carriage engage- ment), to Creek from Ninepartners, 15 of 12ra, 1784. Goggeshsll, Abigail Coggeshall, (Clear of Ivlarn'age en- gagement), to Oblong from Ninepartners, l5^of 12m; 1784. -15^ Gardner, Lydia Gardner. (Clear of Marriage en- gagenent), to Creek from Nine- partners, 19 of Im, 1785. Birdsell, Elizabeth Birdsell, wife of Benjamin, from Oblonp to Ninerartners, IS of 12m, 1784. Peak, William Peak and wife Jeane and 2 small sons, Nathan and Seth, from Otlong to Ninepartners, 13 of 12m, 1784. Birdsell, Jeane Birdsell, from Clrlcng to Nine- partners, 13 cf 12 m, 1784. Mabbet, Joseph Matbet, to Oblong from. Ninepartners, 29 of Im, 1783. Mabbet, Joseph Mabbet, fror.' Oblong to Ninepartners, 14 of 2m, 1785. Hallock, Elijah Hallock, (Clear of Marriage en|ege- m.ent), from Creek to Ninepartners, 17 of 12m, 1784. Eddy , Merisy Eddy, wife of Nathan, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 24 of 2m, 1785. Hallock, Foster Hallock, a lad, from Creek to Ninepartners, 23 of 10m, 17£4. -16- Hoag, John Hoag, wife llargaret and 4 children, Edward, Amy, I.-arv and Lvdia. from Creek to Kineparlners, SI of Im, 1785. Loimsl?ury , Michael Lounsbury and vson John, has removed from Purchase to Ninepartners, 13 of Ira, 1785. Ivlacoraher, Garner lilacomher, (Clear of karriac;e engage- ment), ahout to remove from Acoaxet"^ to Ninepartners, 15 of 5m, 1786. Haight, David Kaight, ahout to remove from Creek to Ninepartners, 21 of Im, 1785. Betts, Aaron Betts, desired certificate from Creek to Ninepartners, 18 of Sm, 1785. Eddy, Gilbert Eddy has removed with his father to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 20 of 4m, 1785. Gardner, . Archelus Gardner, a lad, son of Seth has removed to New York from Nine- partners, £0 of 4m, 1785. Gardner, Ruth Gardner, daughter of Seth, has re- moved to New'York from Ninepartners 20 of 4m, 1785. Jenk-'ns, Francis Jenkins and v;ife Fhehe and children, iip'riam, Johnathan, Ahishai , lydia and David, to Creek from Ninepartners, 20 of 4m, 1785. -ei -17- Grlffen, BartholoTiiew Griff en and son Oliver, intend to remove to Furc^'sse from Ninepartners , 18 of 5iii, 1785. C-T f f ord , Haight, Humphrey Gifford has reiroved froni CreeV to Ninepartners, 19 of 2m, 1785. Gilhert i^aight and sons has removed from 3aratoD;a to Ninepartners, fRohert, Nathaniel ana Israel;. 24 of 2m, 1785. Llosher, Eliacam L'osher, (Clear of Marriage engage- ment), ahout to remove from'^Dartmouth to Ninepartners, 21 of 3m, 1785. Haight, Sar^h Haight, wife of Gilbert, and daughter Charity, from Saratoga to Ninepartners, 21 of 4m, 1785."^ Macomher, Hannah rlacomher ,^wi fe of Joshua, has removed to Saratoga from. Ninepartners, 18 of 5m, 1786. Griff en. Miriam Gri f f en ahout to remove with family to Purchase frc'i Nine^^artners, 18 of" 5m, 1785. Howl and, Elizabeth Hov/land, vdfe of Samuel, from Oblong to Ninepartners, 18 or 4m, 1785. Gardner Seth Gardner has removed to Nev/ Yorl' from. Ninepartners, 15 of 6m, 1785. -18- Allen, llargaret Allen, wife of John Allen, to Greek from Tlinepartners, 15 oi 6ni, 1785. Case, Jot Case has removed from Ohlonp to II5ne- partners, 16 of 5m, 1785. Allen, Martha Allen, wife of Johnatham Allien and 2 daughters, Llary, (Clear of Marriage engagement), and Issabel; to Creek from Ninepartners , 15 of 6m, 1785. Allen, John Allen, E»nd son Atrahara, has removed to Creek from Ninepartners, 20 of 9m, 1785. Eowne , Mathew Bowne and wife Elizateth and 3 children, Richard, Eohert and nilliam, from New York to N^'nepartners, 6 of 7m, 1785. Delong, Sarah I^elong, v/ife of Lawrence, to East Koosick from Ninepartners, 25 of 8m, 1765. Baker, Prances Baker, Jr., (Clear of Carriage engagement), irom Creek to Nine- partners, 19 of 11m, 1785. Cutler, Amy Cutler, wife of Stephen Cutler, from Chlong to Ninepartners, 14 of 11m, 1785, _1Q_ aiey. Atigail Alley, wife of Feter Alley. from Greek to N5nepartners , 1$ of 8m, 1785. Baker, Susatinsh Baker and son Ezra, (Clear of Llarriage engagement), irom Acoakset , to Ninepartners, 18 of 6m, 1785. Thompson, Daniel Thompson and 7 sons, David, Elisha, Ezekiel, Daniel, Jo3iah, Nathan and Caler, has removed from Greek, New klarlhoro to Ninepartners, 16 of 9m, 1785. Thompson, llary Thompson, wife of Daniel, from Greek to Ninepartners, 22 of 7m, 1785. Hallock, Ruth Hallock and huahand, from Greek to Ninepartners, 21 of 5m, 1784. Swain, Susanna Swain, (Clear of Latriage engage- ment), has removed from Nantucket to Ninepartners, 26 of 9m, 1785. Underhill, Ahigail Underhill, wife of Job Underbill, to ChaiDnaoua from Ninepartners, 23 of Sm, 1786. Coffin, Elial Coffin, about to remove to Greek from Ninepartners, 18 of 2m, 1766, ::>---0l -2G- Mosher. Eliakirn Llosher, Jciear of I.:arrlage en- gagement), atout to remove to Creek from Ninepartners, 23 of 2in, 1786. Haight, Elizatetl] Ila5?ht, d.auE-hter of Gilbert, fClear of Liarriage engagement/, has removed fron Saratoga to Nine- partners, 20 of Im, 1785. Austin, Nathaniel Austin, about to remove to Berwick from Ninepartners^ 21 of Im, 1786. Hussev, Huldah Hussey, about to marry Nathaniel Austin, about to remove to Berwick from Ninepartners, 21 of Im, 1786. Jenkins, Joseph Jenkins Jr., (Clear of Llarriage engagement), has remioved to Creek from Ninepartners, 18 of 2m, 1786. Kipp, John Kipp, son of Jesse, (Deo'd.), has removed from Chappaqua to Nine- partners, 20 of 4m, 1786. Merritt Sarah Merritt wife of Abraham, has removed from Oblong to Ninepartners, 13 of 3m, 1786. Underbill, Isaac Underbill, son of Abraham, about to remove from Chanfaoua to Ninepartners. 12 of 5m, 1786. ' ^ -21- Coffin, llary Coffin, wife of Elial, and daughter Eunioe, "has removed from GreeV to Ninepartners, 18 of 2m, 1786. Rov/tottom, Hichard RowTDottoni, (Clear of carriage engagement), atout to remove from. Greei^ to Ninepartners, 15 of 6m, 1786. Palmer , Sars-h Falmer, daughter of Gilhert, has removed from'SaratQga to Ninepartners, 20 of 7m, 1786. Mahbett, Johnathan Mahbett. has removed to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 18 of ICm, 1786. Mott, Phebe Mott, daughter of John; (Clear of Marriage engagement), has removed to V'estbury from Ninepartners, 18 of 10m, 1786. Carpenter. Lydia Carpenter, wife of Zeno, about to remove to Creek from Ninepartners, 18 of 10m, 1786. Vai 1 , Jospph VaTl, a^-orentice, has removed to New York from Ninepartners, 23 of 11m, 1786. Clapp , James Clapp, son of Joseph, has removed to Creek from Ninepartners, 23 of 11m, 1786. -12- ■njii;q'3ii j.'iTO^ tocT^oH r^isV S9/nB« -22- Lester, Bethiah Lester, wife of Enoch, "has removed from Creek to I'linepart- ners, 21 of Vm, 1786. Peak, Jean Peak, wife of iTilliam Peak, and daughter Elizabeth, aloout fo remove to Greek from N^!nepartners, 20 of 12m, 1786. Peak, William Peak and sons Nathan and Seth, ahout to remove to Greek from Nine-partners, 23 of 11m, 1786. Irish, Martha Irish, widow, (Clear of Carriage engagement), has removed to Ohlong from Ninepartners, 18 of 12m, 1786 Gifford, Humphrey Gifford, has removed to Creek from Ninepartners, 17 of Im, 1787. Weeks, Margaret V/eeks, wife of Refine, has removed to V/estbury from Ninepart- ners, 17 of Im, 1787. Thompson, Daniel Thompson's children with their parents, have removed to Saratoga from Niner>artsers , 8 of 2m, 1787;- Dav^d, Elisha, Ezekiel, Daniel, Josiah, Nathan and Caleb. Keese, Elizabeth Keese, wife of John, from Greek to Ninepartners, 22 of 9m, 1786. Mattett, Johnathan Mabbett about to remove flrom Saratoga to Ninepartners, 16 of Im, 1787. Allen, Philir Allen and son Elisha, has removed to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 14 of 3m, 17g7. Haigbt, Jesse Haight, a lad, has removed to Greek from Ninepartners, 18 of 4m, 1787 Hallcck, Isaac Hallock, requested certificate to Creek from Ninepartners, 18 of 5m, 1787 Hallock, Ruth Hallock and little daughter Eunice, about to remove to Greek from Nine- partners, 18 of 5m, 1787. Wlllets, James Willets and wife Johannah and son Jacob, about to remove to Chap^aqua from Ninepartners, IS of 4m, 1787. Gifford, Hannah Gifford, wife of Humphrey, requested certificate to Greek from Ninepartners, 20 of 6m, 1787. Folger, Joseph Folger, has removed to Nantucket from Ninepartners, 20 of 6m, 1787. Baker, Martha Baker and husband, has removed to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 20 of 6m, 1787. -24- Rowbottora, Lockwood , Swain, Sheffield, Susannah Rowbottom and husband Pochard about to remove from Oblong to * Ninepartners, 14 of 5m, 1787. Walter Loclcwood, (Clear of i.Iarriage en- gagement y about to remove from Creek to Ninepartners, 19 of 5m, 1787. Susanna Swain (Clear of Llarriage engage- m.entj, about to remove from NantucVe to Ninepartners, 23 of 6m, 1787. Vet Nathan Sheffield, a lad, about to remove from Creek, 18 of 8m, 1787. Hallock. Dean, Butts, Jilisha Hallock, (Clear of Liarriape en- gagement), about to remove ^o Greek from Ninepartners, 17 of 10m, 1787. Sarah Dean, wife of *feremiah, has removed to Greek from Niner>artners. 17 of 10m, 1787. Hannah I3utts^,_ wife of John, and daughters Lydia, Lary and Hannah, about to remove to Creek from Ninepartners. 19 of 12m, 1787. Butts, John Butts, Jr., about to remove to Creek from Ninepartners. 3 9 of 12m, 1787. -25- Allen, Wait A-llen, v^ife of Philip Allen, and daughter Eliaateth, has removed to Saratosa from. Kinepartners, 22 of 11m, 1787. Bunker, Bedell, Gardner , Tail, Holrnes, Holmes, Dinah Bunker, v;ife of Timothy, requested certificate to Creek from Nmepart- ners, 20 of 2m, 1788. Miriam Bedell, wife of Jeremiah, ahout to remove to Greek from Nmepartners , with daughters. Llary Martha, Keziah and Caty, 20 of 2m, 1788. Ruth Gardiner has removed from New York to Kinepartners, 5 of l^m, ifbf. Samuel Vail, (Clear of Llarria-e engage- ment), has removed from Smawalk to Ninepartners, 14 of 9m, l^'b/. Nicholas Holmes and 2 sons Johnathan and Nicholas, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 19 of 3m, 1786. from Y.'esthury Willets, Samuel V?i lie ts, apprentice fro™ i:est ' to Ninepartners, 30 of Im, ivbb. Fhehe Holmes, wife of Nicholas, and daughters Jemimah and Elizaheth, about to remove to Saratoga from Ninepartners, IS of Sm, 178b. --ze- Palmer , Aaron Palmer, a Toufh, has removed to Creek from iT^nepartners. 16 of 4m, 1788. Gardner, Ezra Gardner, (to Crum Elbow), has removed to Greek from Ninepartners, 16 of 4m, 1788. Hulsin?, Susannah Hulsing, widow, (Clear of marriage engagement], has removed to Hudson from^Ninepartners, 16 of 4m, 1788. White, Ruliff Villi te, has removed to Easthoosuck from Ninepartners, 16 of 4m, 1788. JacackjT, Sarah Jacacloc, wife of Beniamin, and daughters, Miriam. Lydia, Phehe, Anna, Delaly and t sons, Joseph and Beniamin, has removed to Cr reek from Ninepartners, 16 of 4m, 1788. Jacaclcx , Marj? Jacaclor, daughter of Benjamin. (Clear of Larriare engagem.ent) , to Greek from Ninepartners, 16 of 5m, 1788. Gardner, Lyclia Gardner, wife of Ezra, has rem.oved to Greek from Ninepartners, 16 of 5m, 1788. Bedell, Jeremiah Bedell and sons, Thom.as, Jeremiah and Henry, has removed to Creek from Ninepartners, 18 of 6m, 1788. "Ov^*™ I^^acomber, Hannah Llacomter, wife of John, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 18 of 6111, 1788. Yincent, Sarah Vincent, wife of Levy, to Greek fron Ninepartners, 18 of 6m, 1788. Hoag, Tahitha Hoag, ?/ife of Ahrara, has removed to GreeK from Nine-partners, 16 of 7m, 1788. Smith, Dorothy Smith snd daughter Elizeheth, has removed to Obi one from Nine- partners, 16 of 7m, 1788. Barton, Phehe Barton, wife of Solomon, and 2 young children, Aaron and Hoses, has removed to Purchase from Nine- partners, 16 of 7m, 1788. Rodman , Mary Rodman, widow of Joseph, (Clear of ivlarriage engagement) "late of Nevfc.ort, from Portsmouth, Rhode Island to Nine- partners, 29 of 4m, 1788. Macomher, John Liacomher, has removed to Saratora from Ninepartrers, 17 of 9m, 1758. Mo she r , Nathaniel Uosher, (Clear of Marriage enga£;ement) , has removed from^Dart- mouth to Ninepartners, 21 of 4m, 1768. _rji. ,_T -28- Llattett, Jeraiir.a L'sbbett, wife of JosepTi, from Otlonc to Ninepartners, 17 of 11m, 1788. Bishop, HannBh Bishop. (Clear of Marriage en- gagement), has removed to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 14 of Im, 1789. Barnard, Latham. Macy Barnard, a lad, has rem.oved to Nantucket from Ninei^artners, 17 of 12m, 1788. Holmes, Samuel Holmes and son Gllhert, (to Lionkton), to Saratoga from Nine- partners, 18 of 2m, 1789. Holmes, Hannah Holmes, wife ofnSamtel, about to remove to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 18 of 2m, 1789. Hoag, Ahner Hoa^ and family* Children. Hiram, Sehel, Elihu, Solomon and Rachel, about to remove to Creek from Nine- partners, 18 of 2m, 1789. Hoag, John Hoag, 2nd., and wife Llargaret and children, Edward, Amy. Tiary, Lydia, Levi and Paul. About fo remove to Creek from Ninepartners, 18 of 2m, 1789. Smith, Dorothy Smith, widow, (Clear of Ilarria^e engagement) ana daughter Eli^.abeth, have "removed to Oblong from Nine- partners, 18 of 3m, 1789. Barnard , Sarah, Benjamin, Zacheus anS Thomas to Nantucket from Ninepartners, 22 of 5m, 1789. Mosher, Hannah Llosher, wife of Thomas, and daughters, Ruth, Phehe and Haw ^ have removed to Greek from Ninepart- ners, 22 of 5m, 1789. "iThite, John ^Vhite reouests certificate to Greefe from Ninepartners, 22 of 5m, 1789. Coffin, Eliab Coffin, to Hudson, removed to Creek 22 of 5m, 1789. Coffin, Mary Coffin, wife of Eliab,. and little daughters Eunice and iiary, ah out to remove to Greek from Ninepartners, 22 of 5m, 1789. Jenkins, Joseph Jenkins and wife Ruth, has removed to Greek from Ninepartners. 22 of 5m, 1789. ' > Jenkins, Joseph Jenk'ns, Jr., at Hudson, (Clear of Marriage engagement), to Greek fror. Ninepartners, 22 of 5m, 1789. Jenk-ns, Phehe Jenkins, daughter of Joseph (Clear of i-Iarriage engagement) to Greek from Ninepartners, 22 of 5m, 1789. -so- Case, Jot Case, about to remove to Oblonc:^ from Ninepartners, 15 of 4m, 1789. Carpenter, Ivlary Carpenter, daughter of Pliete-wldow, from Amawalk to Ninepartners, 12 of 12m, 1788. Butts. Iilary Eutts, wife of Gershora Butts, has removed to Creek from NineiDartners, 22 of 5m, 1789. Moslier, Thom.as t'osher and sons Joshua and William, to Creek from Ninepartners, 17 of 6m, 1789. Bowne , Elizabeth Bowne, wife of I*lathew, and children, Richard, Robert, William and Sidney, to New York and Flushing from Ninepartners, 17 of 6m, 1789. TfVhite, Edith y/hite, wife of John, has removed to Creek from Ninepartners, 17 of 6m, 1789. Barton, David Barton, son of Solomon, has removed to Ferrisburg, to Saratoga, fron Ninepartners, 17 of 6m, 1789. Finkham, Samuel Pinkham, son of Richard, (Clear of HarriBHe engagement), has removed to Nantucket from Ninei'-artners, 17 of 6m, 1789. -31- Eussell, Elizatefh Eussell, daughter of Eeniamin, (Clear of "!arr^'aD;e en'^'aaemeiit], removed from Dartmouth to Nine-part- ners, 19 of Im, 1769. Hoag, Jolinathan Hoag, Jr., and 2 sons, Thonas an'5 George, to rhilipstovm from 5k, l9 of 6m, 1789. Creel Hoag, I'ia.ry Hoag, v/ife of Jolinathan, Jr., and daughters Elizabeth, Syche and Pheoe, fro'n Greek to NTner)artner3, 22 of 5m. 1789. Hallook, Llary Hallock, wife of Joshua, and It tie dau.Thter Ahigail, to Creek from Ninepartners, 15 of 7m, 1789. Gardner, Ruth Gardner, daughter of Seth. (Clear of Llarria^e engagement), to New York and Plushinr from Ninepartners, 15 of 7m, 1789: Swift, Abraham Snift and wife Johaima, and children, Lemuel, Zehulon, Deborah, Robert and Berian, from Longpla^n for Sandwich, 5 of 6m, 1789. Rowland , Haight, Prince Hov/l^nd, has removed from Oblong to Ninepartners, 15 of 6m, 1789. lilary Ha-ight, xvife of Daniel, from Oblong to Ninepartners, 15 of 6ra, 1789. -32- Reynolds, S15 5:a"befh Reynolds, wife of Amos, to Saratoga froii Ninepartners , 20 of Im, 1790. Hallook, Joshua Hallock has removed to Greek from Ninepartners, 20 of Im, 1790. Llarshall, Susannah Marshall, v/ife of Zaccheus, to Greek from Ninepartners, 25 of 2ra, 1790. Wing, Hannah Wing has removed from Danhy to Ninepartners, 18 of 6m, 1789. Borland, John Borland and wife Elizabeth, and daughter. (Clear of Llarria^e en- gagement), and children, Gilbert, lioseph Lleriheth, Thomas and Eliza- beth; from Oblong to Ninepartners, IS of lira, 1789. Gardner, Hannah Gardner, widow, has removed from Long Plain to Ninepartners, 4 of 12m, 1789. Holmes, Phebe Holmes, daughter of Nicholas Holmes, (Clear of I.Iarriage enpagem.ent) , to Saratot^p from Ninepartners, 14 of 4m, 1790. -33- Jacota, Sarah Jacobs, wife of Ben j aim* n, and ohUdren, riiriam, (Clear of Llarriage enc'apement) , Lydla, Plie"be, Anne"^ l^elelaTi , Joseph and Bem'arn'n; from Greek to Hinepart- ners, 16 of 4m, 1790. Holmes , Stephen HoIpips, has remoYcd to Greek from Nlnepartners , 16 of 6Tn, 1790. Coffin, ) llacomher,) Judith Oof fin. resides with her sister, Dehorah Llacomher; to Acoaksett from Ninepartners , 16 of 6ra, 1790. Brisgs, Peasley, Macomher, Elizaheth Briggs wife of Anthony, from Ohlor.g to Ninepartners, 12 of 6Tn, 1790. Ehenezer Peaslev from Ohlong to Nine- partners, 14 of 6ra, 1790. Pardon Macomher. to Acoacksett from Nine- ■ partners, 14 of 7m, 1790. Jacahx , Mary Jacahx, wife of David, requests cert-'fncate to Creek from Ninepart- ners, i4 of 7m, 1790. Talcott, Joser^h Talcott, from Creek to Ninepartners, ""21 of 5m, 1790. Talcott, Satah Talcott, w." f e of Joseph, from Creek to Ninepartners, 21 of om, 1790. -34- Bulls Hannali Bulls ^ wife of John, aijd daughters Lydia, Iviar\% Hannali and «Jane, Yrom Creek to Mnepartners, 16 of 7m, 1790. Wing, Hannah Wing, v;idow, (Clear of Llarriare engagement), io Saratoga from N^'ne- partners, 26 of 8ra, 1790. Gardner, Ruth Gardner, daughter of 3eth, (Clear of Marriage engagement), to Greek froTi Ninepartners, ??6 of 8m, 1790. Macoraber, Deborah Llacomher, wife of Pardon, and 2 little daughters, Judith and Susanna- to Acookset from Ninepart- ners, 15 of 9m, 1790. Soule, Hannah ooule , daughter of James, (dec'd.), from Danhy to Ninepartners , 17 of 6m, 1790. Lister, Mary Lister, daurhter of i.'urrji' Lister from Creek ^o Ninepartners, 17 of 9m, 1790. Allen, John Allen and wife iiiargaret and 2 sons, Abraham ancl Jonathan; from Creek to Ninepartners, 22 of 10m, 1790. Austin, John Austin, (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), from Dover to Ninepartners, 20 of 11m, 1790. •s f" :'-; T -35- Talcott, Hannah Taloott (Clear of LIarriac;e engagement), from Creek to Nine- partners, 19 of llm, 1790. Llacy, Mary Macy. (Clear of Marriage engage- ment), to Creek from Ihnepartners , 16 of 3m, 1791. Macy , Abigail Llacy, v;idoY/, (Clear of Llarriage engagement) to Creek from Nine- partners, Ic of 3m, 1791. VaU, Bhoda Vail and husband, and 2 daughters, Mary and Esther, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 16 of 3m, 1791. Keese, Elizabeth Keese, wife of John Keese, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 16 of 3m, 17^1. Shearman, Williain Shearman, from Obion? to Nine- partners, 14 of 2m, 1791. kacy , John Macy and sons, Thom.as, Benjamin and Robert, to Creek irom Nine- partners, SO of 4m, 1791. VaU, Willia-n Vail and son Joseph, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 20 of 4m, 1791. lacy. Isaiah I.Iacy, (Clear of Liarriage engage- ment), to Creek from Ninepartners, 20 of 5m, 1791/ -36- Macy, Befhiah Llaoy, w5 f e of John Llacy, and children, Dehorah, (Clear of i.iarriage engagement), Rachel Abigail, Llary and Phehe* to Greek from Ninepartners , SO of 5m, 1791. Willet, Samuel V/illet (Clear of Llarriage en- gagement), to Westhurv from'^Nine- partners, 20 of 5m, 1791. Hoxsey, Dorcas Hoxsey, wife of Lodowick Hoxsey, to Cornwell from Nine^:artners, 20 of 5m, 1791. Marling, Daniel Llarlin?, to Shar>T)anua from Nine- partners, 20 of 5m, 1791. Marling, Christina Ilarlin.?. wife of Daniel, and little dauptiter Catherine, to Shappaqua from Ninepartners, 20 of 6m, 1791. Hoag, Sarah Hoa^, wife of Kenry Tloap, upon marriage removed to Cree^lc from Nine- partners, 20 of 5m, 1791. Tripp, Sarah Tripp, v/ife of Israel and little dau.qncer Anna, to Creek from Nine- partners, 20 of 5m, 1791. Hoxsie, Lodowick HoxsTe, to Gornv/all from Nine- partners, §0 of 5m, 1791. -37- Brown, Haight, Liargaret Brown, v/lfe of Valent-'ne Brovra., informs that her daughter Llartha, a girl of ahout 8 years age, has l^one to live with ner Uncle Jonathan Haight; from Danhv to Ninepartners, 16 of iP.m, 1790. *' Austin, John Austin, (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), to Oblon~ from Ninepartners, 15 of 6m, 1791.^ V/ilson, Richard Wilson, to Obi one from Ninepart- ners, 15 of 6m, 1791, Y/ilson, Tripp, Brown, Llary V/ilson, wife of Richard, and little daughter Anna; to Ohlong from Nine- partners, 15 of 6m, 1791. Israel Tripp and son Jonathan, to Creek from Ninepartners, 15 of 6m, 1791. Desire Brown and husband, from Saratoga to Ninepartners, 22 of 2m, 1791. Macomber, Keziah i.Iacoraber, wife of Barnabas, from Oblong to Ninepartners, 16 of 5m, 1791. Hoag, Abraham Hoag and wife Tabitha, and son Asa, from Creek to Ninepartners, 22 of 4m, 1791. -, -r r -38- Brown, Justus Bro^m and son Leniaim'n, from Saratoga to Ninepariners, ?A of 2Tn. 17^1. Betts, Aaron Betts and 2 sons. Piatt and Daniel, to Creek rrom Ninepartners, 20 of §m, 1791. Gase, Job Gase, from Otlong to Nlnenartners, 18 of 10m, 1790. Betts, Sarah Betts, wife of Aaron, and daughter Anna, io Greek from Nmepartners, 20 o! 8m, 1791. Jacobs , Sarah Jacobs, wife of Benjamin, and daughters Lydia, Phebe, Anna and Delea- to Greek from Ninepartners , 20 of'Sm, 1791. Motts, Lamb, Coleraan, Zebulon Motts, to Saratoga from Nine- partners, 14 of 9m, 1791. Abit^ail Lamb, to Saratoga from Ninepart- "^ ners, 1^ of Im, 17^4. Samuel Oolemaji, a lad, to Creek from Ninepartners, 14 of 9m, 1791. Y/hite, Hannah, wife of John V/hite, from Greek to Ninepartners, 16 of 9m, 1791. -39- YThite; Joshua White (Clear of -^rrla^e en- gagement), from Saratoga to Nine- partners, 80 of 9m, 17^1. Chase, Llary Chase, daughter of Joseph, (Clear of Marriage engagement), from Saratoga to Ninepartners, 23 of 9m, 1791, and to Ohlong, 18 of Im, 179^. Young, Hannah Young, wife of Robert, and daughter JudithT from Oblong to Ninepartners, 2S of ^m, 1791. Young, Robert Young, from Obi one to Ninepartners, 82 of 8m, 1791. Brovm, Llartha Brown, daughter of Coleman Brown, to Saratoga jfrom Nine--oartners. 14 of 12m, 1791. Dodge, Esther Dodge, from Shappaqua to Nine- partners, 10 of 4m, 1792. Rider, Thomas Rider with Jonathan Sheldon, from SheMon, Dartmouth to Minenartners, 18 of 4m. 1791. Ricketson, i«Iary Ricketson, viife of Rowland, to Oblong from Ninepartners, 14 of 3m, 1792, V/hite, John '/Vhite and wife Hannah, to ClinakUls from Ninepartners, 14 of 3m, 1792. -40- Christy, John Christie and wife Ann, from Greek to Ninepartners, 16 of Sm, 1792. Haiglit, Jesse Haight (Clear of Llarriage en- gageraenf), frorn Gornwall to Nine- partners, 18 of Vm, 1792. Y.'hite, John '.Thite, Jr., and wife Edith, from Greek to Ninepartners, 22 of 8m, 1792. Hoag, Susanna Hoag, wife of John Eoa^, to Exeter, Pa,, from Ninepartners, 19 of 9m, 1792. Haight, Nathaniel Haight, (Clear of Marriage engagement), to I-Iarlboro from Ninepartners, 19 of 9ra, 1792. Post, Richard Post, to New York from Nine- partners, 16 of Im, 1793. TJnderhill, Joel Underhill and wife Ahigail and 3 children, Hannah, Thomas and Llary; from Chap-paqua to Ninepartners, 15 of 6m, 1792. Barton, Peter Barton and wife Esther and children. Edward, Daniel, Petor, Mary, Esther and Rose; to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 16 of Im, 1793. . ... 3i -41- VThite, John Vrhite, Jr., and wife Edith, and little son Seneca; to Saratoga from Ninepartners , 16 of Im, 1793. Oshom, Ruth Osborn, daughter of Amos, from A.lhany to Ninepartners, 17 of i:^m, 1792. Eutts, John Butts from Greek to Ninepartners , 21 of 9m, 1792. Cornell, William Cornell, Jr., and wife Esther and children, Solomon, Charity' . Sarah and Joel, from Purchase to Winepartners, 13 of 9m, 1792. Merritt, Phehe Llerritt, wife of Nehemiah and 2 daughters, "arj^ and Buth; to Queenshury from. Ninepartners, 20 of 3m, 1793. Macomher, Philip L!acom"her and wife Susanna, and daughters Hannah and r.ary; lo Saratoga from Ninepartners, 17 of 4m, 17^3. Myher, Philip I.>her and wife Ruhanry, and children, Isaac, i.'.artha, Ahiga^l, Elizaheth, I.Iary, Sarah and Ruth- to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 17 of 4m, 17^3. '1 I n V " -42- 7/hite, DeTDorah V/hite, wife of Joahua.fto Danhy) to Saratoga from N^nepartners, 17 of 4Tn, 17S3. Topi TIP, Miriam Topinj?, wife of John, to Oblong from Ninepartnets, 17 of 4Tn, 1793. Macomber, Keziah MacomlDer, wife of Lamabas to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 17 of 4m, 17^3. Crandal , Coffin, Samuel Crandal, (to Olinalcill), to Creek from Ninepartners, 17 of om, 1793. Judith Coffin, a mi.ior, (Clear of Marriage engat^eqjent) , to live with her brother and sister; from. Acoaxet to Ninepartners, 15 of 9m, 1792. Clark, Mary Clark wife of Philip, from Oblong to Ninepartners, 16 of 11m, 1792. Merritt, Hannah Merritt, wife of Isaac Merritt and little daughters Jane and Sarah; to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 19 of 6m, 1793. Youngs , Hannah Youngs, wife of Tlobert and daur;hter Judith, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 17 of "^m, 1793. -43- Comstock, Ruth Gomstock, v/ife of Llafnew from Otlon^ to Ninepartners , 17 of 6m, 1^93. Pinkham, Samuel Pinkham, (Clear of Llarriage en- gagement), to Nantucket from Nine- partners, 7 of 5m, 1793. Rowland , Han nah Howland, wife of Jonathan, and children, Phehe , Llary, Lydia and Isaac, to Saratoga from Ninepart- ners, 12 of 8m, 1793. l^ite. Joshua Viliite, to Saratoga from Nine- partners, 22 of 8m, 1793. Cornell, William Cornell and wife Esther, and children, Solom.on, Jo-el ana Aaron; Charity and Sarah; to Cornwall from Ninepartners, 22 of 8m, 1793. Merritt, Phehe Llerritt, wife of Nehem^'ah to Ohlong from Ninepartners, 22 of 8ra, 1^93. Merritt, Mary Llerritt, daughter of Nehemiah. to Ohlons- from Ninei^artners , cZ of 8m, 1793. Merritt, Jacob Llerritt (Clear of Llarriage en- gaeenent), to Saratoga from Nine- wtners, 16 of 10m, ^1793. J"£C j:^ -44- Losson, llary Losson, wife of Daniel, and little daughter Charlotte, to Nantuoket from Ninepartners, 22 of 8m, 1793. Comstock, ilathev/ Comstock, from Creek to Ninepart- ners, 21 of 6m, 1793. Tripp, John Tripp and wife Hannah, and children John and Anthony, from Ohlonp to Ninepartners, 12 of 8ra, 17937 Olapp, Mary Glap-c, wife of Joseph, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 20 of 11m, 1793. Haight, Fiary Eai^^ht, daughter of Thomas; (Clear of narriage'engaireraent) from Greek to Ninepartners, ^19 of 4m, 1793. Law ton, David Lawton and wife Hannah and children, Ruth Elizaheth, Seth, Ahner, Jacob, Ann, Anthony and Hannah; from Newport to Ninepartners 24 of ^, 1793. King, James 2in^, (Clear of Liarria^e engage- ment), from Jericho to Nmepartnc-rs, 15 of 8m, 1793. Titus, ' Jane Titus, wife of Gilhert, from Otlong to Ninepartners, 14 of 10m., 1793. Young, Rohert Young, to Saratoga from Ninepart- ners, iS of Im, 17^. -45- Macomlner , B. llaconber, (to New Galway) to Sar.-^to^a from Nlnepartners, 19 of 2m, 1794;^ Palmer, Gilbert Palmer, to Saratoga from Nine- partners, 19 of 3m, 1794. Hallock, Hallook, Post, Shelden, Arnold , Peter Hallock, to Saratoga from Nine- partners, 19 of 3m, 1794. ilary Hallock, wife of Peter, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 19 of 3m, 1794';' Henry Post, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 14 of 5m, 1794. Jonathan Shelden to Hudson from Nine- partners, 15 of 7m, 1794. Joseph Arnold and T;ife Elizabeth, and children- James and Elizabeth (Glear oi Llarriage engagement] younger children:- Cavid, Nathaniel, Azanah. Illary and Phebe ; from Oblong to Ninepartners, 14 of 4m, 1794. Arnold, Sarah Arnold, daughter of Joseph, from Oblong to Ninepartners, 1? of 5m, 1794. Glapp, Deborah Glapp, wife of Willi a:i, from Greek to Ninepartners, 16 of 5m, 1794. Xjf -I" ,8i£ii;i'ir Tw t -^ -46- Howland , Daniel Eowland, to G'ha^"'"aqua from Ninepartners, 20 of 8m, 1794. Sails, Moses Sails and daughters, Fhete and Martha, (Clear'of Llarriage engage- ment), and children. James. Henry, George, Thomas and Lioses, to Saratoga from Ninepartners, 20 of 8m, 1794. Borland , Ahigail Borland, wife of Enoch, from Ohlons to KineT?artners, 14 of 7m, 1794. Tahor , Martha Tabor wife of uTlliam, from Ohlon? io Ninepartners, 14 of 7ra, 1794. Haight , Phehe Haight, wife of Jonathan, from Ghar^aoua to Ninepartners, 13 of 6m, ^1754. Haight, Elizabeth Haight, has concern to visit frorr. Ninepartners, 17 of 9m, 1794. Tr^sh, Martha Irish, (Clear of Iviarriage en- gagement), to Troy from Ninepart- Sers, 17 of 9m, 1^94. Narrinion, Deborah Narrinion, to Hudson from Nine- partners, 19 of 11m, 1794. -47- Merritt, Marjr Merritt, (Gle.^r of I'arria/^e engagement), frora OlDlong to Ninepartners, 18 of 10m., 1794. Peters, Anna Peters, v/i f e of Milliar, to Greek from Ninepartners, 19 of 5m, 1794. Hoag, Martha Hoag, widow, from Creek to Nine- partners, 18 of 7m, 1794. Peters, William Peters, to Greek from Ninepart- ners, 4 of Im, 1795. Merritt, PTiete Ivierritt, from Saratoga to Nine- partners, 16 of 5m. 1795, also daughters Llary, and Ruth (Clear of Carriage engagement), Mitchell, Joseph Llitohell and wife Lydia, and 3 chilAren, William, Hannah and David; to Hudson from Ninenartners , 18 of 2m, 1795. Rejrnolds , Augusta Reynolds and hushand, and daughter Mary, to Hudson from Nine]:artners , 18 of 2m, 1795. Reynolds, Nehemiah Reynolds and 2 sons, Nehemiah and Peniam-'n, to Hudson from Nine- partners, 18 of 2m, 1795. Anthony, Benjamin Anthony, to Cornwall from Nine- partners, 18 of 3m, 1795. -48- Post Israel Post and wife iT^io'^a, and 2 little children, Simon and ^?illet, to baratoga from Nineioartners IS of Sm, 1795. ' ^ Drake , ) Rider, 1 Carpenter,) Ear ton, John Drake and wife Catherine, children Sarah Meriha, Hannah and ".'illiam- ' also Thomas Rider, a prentice- also Llary Carpenter (Clear o! Llarriage engagement)! to Greek from Iiinepartners, 18 of Sm, 1795. Eosanna Eartori and hushand Joseph, to Hudson from Ninepartners, l8 of 3m. 1796. Brown, Oshorn James Brovm and wife Eli;^aheth, and 2 sons, Nathpn and John, to Creek from Ninepartners, 15 of 4m, 3 795. Ruth Ostorn, to Oblong from Ninepartners, 18 of 2ra, 1795. ^ Crom.well William GroTsvell and wife Anna, to Saratoga from Ninepartners. 20 of 5m, 17^5. Hoag, llary Hoag, daughter of Sarah Eoag-Yv'id( [Clear of Marriage engagenu from Creek to Ninepartners 12m, 1794. ag-wiciow; snt), , 19 of -4-9- Holmes Samuel Holmes and ?/ife Eannali, and infant Gilliert, from Sarstofa to Ninepartners, 15 of Im, 1795. Swain, Susanna Sv/ain. (Clear of Marriage en- ^agament;, to NantuoVet fror N-'ne- partners, 17 of 6m, 179S. Ororawell, Wiljiam Cromwell an ai?prentice, from Hudson to Nine partners. 23 of Im, 3 794. Lane, David Lane, an apprentice, from Hudson to Ninepartners, 23 of Im, 1794. Clement , Charles Glem.ert and wife Sarah, and son Henry, (Clear of I/.arria?e enlarge- ment; and children, JoKnathan^ Samuel, Sarah, kmy , Joanna and Charles; to Jer^Gho from Ninerartners , 20 of 9m, 1794. Sherman , Sherman, James Sherman, from OhlonF to Ninepartners, 16 of Sm, 1795. Hannah Sherman, wife of James, from Oblong tO'i^'inepartners, 16 of Sm, 1795. Yalentlne, P^£o3' "Valentine, (Clear of Llarria^e en- gagement), to V/esthury from Nme- partnets, 17 of 6m, ]'^95. vrffe.L -50- Gardner, David Gardner, (Clear of Marriage enga^^e- ment), to Saratof^a from flinepartriers . 19 of 8m, 1795. Glapp, James Clapp and wife Fhebe, to Greek from Ninepartners, witi: cln'ldren, Jaoot, Sarati , Thomas, lyicholas, Hannah and James, 17 of 4m, 1795. Barker, Sarah Barker, daughter of David Barker, (Clear of ilarriage engagement) to Ohlonp from Nine»artne»», 16 of 9m, 1795. \?hite, Edward T^Tiite, to Ohlong from Ninepartners, 16 of 9m, 1795. Irish. William Irish, to Danby from Ninepartners, 16 of 9m, 1795. Jacacks, Anne Jacacks, with her brother, from Creek to Nine Partners, 20 of Sm, 1795. White, Joshua T.liite and v/ife Deborah and little son Michael, from Danby to Nine Partners 7 of 5m, 1795. Thorn, Phebe Thorn and husband, from Greek to Nine Partners, 17 of 7m, 1795. Mosher, Joseph I\!osher and wife Pet tie (?}, from Nine partners to Hudson, 16 o| 9m, 1795. -'.1. l7lntr1ni'1iMni ; ■" h . , I to M«w Yorlfi' 14 (if Mnn. JVVJ.. "To Inform wft r^r1^1vfl(l m nfrrillMnMU for John .Miil.fln/ liMfii hrir"! rhinllv Crodi Hull ^n ()\6 Kn/'lftnd , -hitrt I'.; (.'{' :i,m IV'.'ij" '•lienoiiiiiuindl hi Uium Mn-I l.liAft* n)indren" "Am Iim IftCt IMh MOf. Jofin tn miMft ill ynur 01 (,y mh hi .Mil,1n« wUli Iiolior't Bownft we, rwo. ..-,.,,,) JMi,' to your OMrft" .?:o. ^Hifxl, 14 of )um, IV'.'f-. noTd», Amon Roj/noldn in yniir nnrfi, from NirtopHrt- nern i.o :inr vfiiir »i'lo; M M lOiii , I vol.. illllMen nlf 1 , .lii'H l.>i , ,lhmt)H nr\(\ IImDimiiI*- I . I?i i.rn^rH tu Cornv/»)l I , li> w, . .,, , V ... Trfidv/flll Jttmew Trwdwnll, rrv)i.| .l^r^!]'lO t.n f'. K' of lOrn, JV','!.. IK r il , Mo ad , ZHoVieuM WhMd, from Or*..^k M, tl. to Nine VfirUM-rn, 10 of ]]m, 17%. AunUn, Nuthunlftl AiinUri «nd w1 fft '•T. ! Idr'^ri , 'H 1 VMn""' , '■ ['•lUlMiilfil • T' •1 r-i-^f, ICi/ii fllnr iurit\(rti Lo l»iinhv. )t/ of ' 3t: 3'. -55 Gardner, Silvenus Gardner and wife Anne and G"hildren, ilary,_ Hannali, Sarah, Elijah and Eenjam^'n; daughters, (Clear of ilarriage engagement], irom Nine Partners to'^IIudson, 16 of 3ra, 1796. Clement, Henry Clement. (Clear of '..Carriage en- ^aeeTnent 1 , from Nine Partners to We^ York, 20 of 4ra, 1796. Fead, Zacheus Head, from Creek I.:. I.i. to Nine Partners, EO of 11m, 1795. "Entered tv;ice" Saneis, Elizateth Sands, (Clear of L'arriage en- racement), from. Nine Partners to Cornwall, 16 of 5m, 1796. Cl^^rk, Jonathan Clark has planed his son Allen as apprentice, from Nine Partners to Greet- M. M. , 18 of 5m, 1796. Foaty Moses Hoar to New Britain; from Nine Partners, to Hudson, 18 of 6m, 1796. Foat^, Moses Hoap, (Clear of Llarriage engagement) from^Dover to Nine Partners, 20 of 2m, 1796. Glapp, James Clapp anr] wife Pliebe with oliilaren at Grumel/ho, Jacob, oarah, Thomas, Nicholas, Ilarmah and James; from Ni"ne Partners to Creelr, 18 of 5m, 1796. Dean , Isaac Dean and v/ife Ilannph, from Cornwall to Nine Partners, 25 of 4m, 1796. Hoxsie LadoY/ick Iioxsie and wife Dorcas, from Cornwall to Nine Partners, 25 of 4m, 1796. Dorian (3 Jonathan Dorland , (Clear of Marriage en- fragement), from Nine Partners to East on, 20 of 7m, 1796. Smi th , Hannah Smith, daughter of Thomas Smith, (Clear of Ilarriage engagement), from Dartmouth to Nine rartrers, 16 of 5m, 1796. Jones, Richard Jones and wife Euth , from. Creek to Nine Partners, 20 of 5m, 1796. Eaight, Phehe Haight, widow of Stephen, (Clear of L'arriage en^ac^enent) from Nine Partners to Creetc, 17 of 8m, 1796. Gardner. Silvanus Gardner, Jr., to New Britain, (Clear of Carriage engagement) from Nine Partners to Hud6sn, 15 of 6m, 1796. ■B^^'r-^ ,.'3i> -f^ -54- Kacomlier, Gardner IJacorjiber, from Nine Partners to Saratoga, 19 of IGra, 1796. Lane, David Lane, (a-»^pr6ntice) returned to Hudson, (Clear of Liar ri--^ re en- ragement). from Nine Partners to Huason, 16 of 3m, 1796. Palr.er, Esther Palmer, daughter of Edward, with ■oarents to Peru; from Nine Partners to Danhy, 14 of 12m, 1796. Irish, lifeirtha Ir^sh, to reside with her daughter at Grum. Elhow; from Nine Partners to Creek, 19 of. 10m, 1796. Hoxsie, Joseph Hoxsie, remot?ed to Galway, (Olear of I.Iarriage engagem.ent) from Nine Partners, to Saratoga, 18 of lm,1797. Post, Richard Post, from Nine Partners to Saratoga, 18 of Im, 1797. Palmer, David Palmer__j^ a lad. with hip father Edward i^alner to Peru; from Nine Partners to Danhy, 18 of Ira, 1797. I.Iosher, Rhoda Mosher, daughter of Phil^'p to New Gallowajr, (Clear of Llarria-e engagement)", from. Garatoca to Nine Partners, 15 of 2m, 1797T ■■-a- -55- Allen, Gideon Allen. (Clear of ram'a°;e en- gapemeni), frorr I^'ne Partners to Creek, 16 of Im, 1797. Cornel, Elisha Cornel. (Clear of liarriage en- gagement), froni Creek to N^'ne Partners, 16 of 12m, 1796. Osbom, Stephen and Saral? Cstorn; "have placed their little laughter Saran with a friend "belonging to your LI. M, from Ohlonfr to Nine Partners, 13 of 2m, 1797. Erov.m, Alexander IBrown, (Clear of LIarrT»ge en- rae^ement), frorji Shappaoua to Nine Partners, 10 of Sm, 1797. Coleman. Elihu Coleman and wife Elizabeth with 4 children, Sarnahas, David, Elit.aheth and Judith; from Nine Partnets to Creek, 19 of 4m, 1797. P-ichm.ond, Rachel Richmond, wife of 3irus Richmond, from. Hudson to Nine Partners, 24 of 2m, 1797. Capstock, Sarah Capstock, (Clear of llarriage eno;age- ment), from New York to N^ne Partners 1 of Sm. 1797. -56- Jacacks , Anne Jacscks, minor daup^hter of EeniaTnin Jacacks, removed wYth her father from Nine Partners to Hudson. 19 of 4m, 1797. Green, Leah Green. w5 f e of Zebulon, with hushand to Gatskills- fro^n Nine Partners to Hudson, 17 of 5m, 1797. Lake , Brownell Lake and wife Llary, and daurhter Mary and son Prownell- from Ni'ri Partners to Hudson, 17 of 5m, 1797. Titus, Phehe Titus, widow, (Clear of Marriape engagement) and two sons, Henry'and Stephen, from Nine Partners to Jericho, Long Island, 14 of 6m, 1797. Coleman, Nathan Coleman, (Clear of L^arriap-e enpaee- ment), from Nine Partners to Greekf 14 of 6m, 1797. Young, Phebe Young, from Cornwall to Nine Partners 22 of 5m, 1797. Derbyshire Phebe I^byshire, wife of Jam>es, from Nine Partners to Saratoga, 16 of 8m, 1797. Mosher, Richard Llosher^s wife Phebe, from Creek to Nine Partners, 16 of 6m, 1797. Irish. "Gate" Irish, widowm from Oblong to Nine Partners, 12 of 6m, 1797. i . . X. Ei chraan , Cyrus RicTnran and two little sons David and oilve-ster, ffom Hudson to Nine Partners, 27 of 4m, 1797. Rowland , Solomon Hov/land, at Crum EIIdow "is a member", from Nine Partners to Creek, 2C of 9m, 1797. Stevenson, Phete Stevenson, wife of Timothy living at New nilford, frorr- Nine rartneri to Ctlon?, 20 of 9m, 1797. tjones. Euth, wife of Eicliard Jones, from Nine Partners to Jerico, 20 of 9m, 1797. Harriott, Charity Llarriott, v/ife of Jonathan, with her husband, from Nine Partners to Greek, 15 of 11m, 1797. Barton, Caleb Parton, Jr., from Nine Partners to Creefc, 20 of 12m, 1797. Titus, Hannah Titus, wife of James, from Nine Partners, to Saratoga, 20 of 12m, 1797. Wilbur, Joseph TJilbiir and wife Llary, and daughter Fhebe, from Nine Partners to Easton, 18 of 4m, 1798. Wing, Abner Wing, from Oblong to Nine f artners , 12' 0^ 2m, 1798. -58- Baldwin, Almy Ealdwin, from Hudson to Nine Partners, 26 of 10m, 1797. Wakeman, Unice V/akeman. (Clear of L'arriape en- eagernent), from Otlong to iline I^artners, 14 of 8in, 1797. Hoap, Moses Hoa.e, from Nine Partners to OWong, 16 of 5in, 1798. Hows, Phete Hows, wife of Reuben Hows from Oblong to Nine Partners, lb of 4m. 1798. I«!ott, Abigail, wife of John Llott and 4 children, Gideon, John, Lvdia, and Ablc^ail, (Giaeon and Lydia, Clear of Llarriage engagement), from Greek to Nine ParWrs, 22 of 9m, 1797. Sisson, Lemuel Sisson, wife Deborah, and daughter Sarah, (Clear of Llarriage engagement) from '"est Port "for Acoaxet" to Nine Partners, 14 of 4m, 1798. Sisson, Job Sisson and wife Ruth and chi'ldren Abigail. Deborah and Ruth; (Abigail, Clear oi Llarriape ene;agement) , ("with their father Lemuel"), from Westport "for Acoaxet" to Nine Partners 14 of 4m, 1798. -59- Shepard, Brlce Shepard, (Clear of Llam'spe engagement), fro?n Cartmoutn to Nine Partners, 16 of 4in, 1798. Barton, Joseph Barton, from Nine Partners to Hudson, EC of 6m, 1798. Coleman, Pau]. Coleman, from Nine Partners to Hudson, 20 of 6m, 1798. Haight, Atigail Eaight, wife of Samuel from Nine Partners to Creek, 20 of 6m, 1798. Mosher, Phebe Hosher, wife of Richard, from Nine Partners to Greek, 20 of 6m, 1798. Weeks, George Weeks, (Clear of Marriage engage- ment), from V/esfbur3(, Long TslanH to Nine Partners, 16 of 5m, 1798. Titus, Richard Titus and wife Al)igail, and children, Dehorah, Fhehe, George, Ahi^ail, Jemima and 1.11 ri am (Clear of narr^ape engagement), from V.'estburv ^o Nine^Fartners, 16 of 5m, 1798. Pinkham, Llhny Finkham, "recommend him", from Nine Partners to New York, 18 of 7m, 1798. Oi 2' u -60- Kosl^er, Thomas Llosher, wife Hannah and 8 children, Joshua, Futh, Phehe, Vnlliarn, I'ary, Dehorah, Hannah and Henry; from Creel-- to Nine Partners, 20 of 7m, 1798. Palmer, Aaron Palmer and wife L'.argaret, and minor children, Peter and Johnt from Creek to Nine Partners, ^O of 7m, 1798. Brown, Howgel Brovv-n, from Nine Partners to Easton, 14 of 11m, 1798. Taylor, Richard Tavlor and two sons, Pi chard and "Spavold"?; frorn Hull, England to Nine Partners, 23 of 3m, 1798. Mott, John Mott, from Creek to Nine Partners, 19 of lOm, 1798. Thome , Dorcas Thome, with her hustand, from Purchase to Nine Partners, 10 of Im, 1799. Barton ) Howl and , ) Esther Barton, daughter of Peter, ( minor), io live with her Grand- from. father, oamuel Hov,'land, Saratoga to Nine Partners, 22 of 8m, 1798. Powel , Gate Powe] , "recommend her", from N-^ne Partners to Greek, 20 of 2m, 1799. •_■ J "or^. B -61- Barton, David Barton, (Glear of I.larrlage engagement), from Danby to Nine Partners, 11 of Im, 17^9. Gronkhite, Philadelphia Gronkhite and hushand, from Greek to Nine Partners, 21 of 12m, 1798. tlitchel], Thomas Llitchell and wife Elizaheth frora Nine Partners to Greek, lU of 4ra, 1799. Tripp, Betsy Tripp, to reside at Gallwny. (Glear of Marriage engagemenO , from Nine Partners to Saratoga, 20 of Sm, 1799. Palmer. Simeon Palmer and wife Rehakah, removed to New Galv/ay, from Nine Partners to Saratoga, 20 of Sm, 1799. Vfaters, Mary 'i7aters, to reside at Upper Canada , (Clear of Llarriage engagement), irora Cornwall to Nine Partners, 25of 2ra, 1799. Brov/i , Mosher, Phebe Erovm and hushand, from Cornwall to Nine Partners, 19 of 11m, 1789 ? Thomas llosher and wife Hannah and children, Glear of Harriap'e enp'aeement) , Joshua, Ruth, Phete, nilliaraV Tiary, Dehorah, Hannah and Henry. Prom Nine Partners to Greek, 14 of 8m, 1799. -62- Baldwin, J Coleman, j Lydia Ealdv/ir, lives with Charles Coleman, "is a raemher", from Nine Partners to Creek, 14 of 8m, 1799. Palmer, Dehorah Palmer, wife of Samuel, from Nine Partners to Gornwell, 14 of 8m, 1799. Jones, Richard Jones, from Nine Partners to Jerico, 19 of 12m, 1799. Noxon , James Noxon, removed to Adolphus Town, Up-oer Canada; from Ohlone' to Nine Partners, 18 of 3m, ^1799. Huhbs , Rol;ert Euhhs and wife Jane, chiDdren, Pan jami n , Rohe r t , Llary , Jerai ma , Haveland, Adam and Amos "they "being voung". From ".iiesthury to Nine Partners, 15 of 5m, 1799. Chase, ) Clark, ) Sarah Chase, a m^nor, daughter of Joseph, to reside v/ith her hrother-in-law, Philip Clark. Prom Saratora to Nine Partners, 19 of 6m, 1799. Edgworth, John Edgworth, (Clear of i.Iarriage engafre- m.ent), from Cornv;all to Nine Partners, 24 of 6m, 1799. Titus, Hannah THus, (a minor), with her Llother, from Nine Partners to Jerico, 16 of Im, 1800. -63- Deuel, G Sw afford, ] wift, ) Sarah -i^euel, (a m"nor), daughter of Jonathan, from IT-ine Partners to Ohlong, 16 of Im, 1800. "Elizaheth Gifford hath with her hushand's consent, TDlaced their little daughter Slizaheth' to live with their "brother Abraham Swift, during her minority" Prom ilew Bedford to Iline Partners", 17 of 12ra, 1799. Mahbett, Jonathan Llatihett and wife Deborah, children, Llartha Sgrah, John, James, Isaac, Seneca and Hi rami, all under a^e. Prom Inline Partners to Saratoga, 20 of 3m. 1800. Kerby, Patience Kerb\% (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), from Nine Partners to Danoy, 20 of 3m, 1800. Jone s , Johnn^ones and wife Lliriam- children, Elizabeth, Maria and iSioda. Prom Nine Partners to Saratoga, 20 of 3m, 1800. Kerby, Mary Kerbx^, [Clear of Carriage engage- ment"), irom Nine Partners to Danby, 20 of 3m, 1800. Pinkham, Timothy pinkham removed to New Britain, With wife xhebe and little daughter r.:ary. From Nine Partners to Hudsen, 20 of 3m, 1800. -•^ -64- Sleoper, Mary, wife of ITehenn'ah oleoper, removed to Oteeo. Froi?. Nine Partners to Coeymaiis, 17 of 4m, 1800. Osbom, Sara"h Osbom, daughter of Stephen, returned to her parents, irom F^ne Partners to Ohlorg, 17 of 4m, 180C. Potter, Nathaniel Potter, from Nine Partners to Saratoga, 15 of 5m, 1800. Shearman, James Shearm.an, removed to Queenshury, and wife Hannah; children, Joserh and r.atilda. Prom Nine Partners . to Eaton, 15 of 5m, 1800. Mahhett, L'ary Mahbett, wife of Israel, from Nine Partners to Easton, 15 of 5m, 1800. I.Iore , Allen Llnre , (Clear of Llarriage engage- m.ent), from Nine Partners to"Oswe?o, 15 of 5m, 1800. WinF, Miriam Wing, wife of John, from Nine Partners to Oblong, 19 of 6m, 1800. Rowland, Hannah Rowland, v/ife of Joseph, from Nine Partners to East on', 19 of 6m, 1800. Van Cott, Elizabeth Van Cott, removed to Bethpase, (Clear of Marriage engagement)', ?rom. Nine Partners to Jer^co"^ 19 of 6m, 1800. -dI fw -65- Everin^liam, Unity EveringhaiTi, (Clear of l!arriage engagement), from New York to" Nine Partners, 5 of 6m, 1800. HUl, Sarah RUl, livinp at AdolT^-hus Town, "is a memter", from Cblong to Nine Partners, 17 of 3m, 1800. Carpenter, Ivlary Carpenter, (Ole^V of Marriage en- gagement), from Creek to Nine rartners, 17 of Im, 1800. Bishop, Abigail Bishop, from Nine Partners to Danby, 17 of 7m, 1800. tiarshall, Hannah Llarshall and husband David Marshall, from Nine Partners to Easton, 17 of 7m, 1800. Allen, Philin Allen and wife Elizabeth from Nine Partners to Oswego, 17 of 7m, 1800. Allen, John A . Allen, (Clear of Llarriage en- gagement) from Nine Partners to Easton, 17 of 7m, 1800. Tripp, James Tripu and wife Elizabeth, and son Daniel, from Sha'o-'iac'ua to Nine Partners, IS of cm, 1800. CI Deborah Clapp wife of i7illiam, to Upper Canada; from Oswego to Nine Partners, 20 of &11, 1800. -66- Titus, Richard Titus, 3rd., acce--ted, from Nine Partners to Osv/ego, 18 of 12m, ICCO. noag , Charles Hoap. accepted, from Nine Partners to Greek, 15 of Im, 1801. ^Tuttle, Hannah Tuttle, (Clear of Marriage engage- ment), from Oornwall to Nine Partners, 25 of 4m, 1796 . Killer, Nathan Killer and wife AhiPail daughter Prisoilla, (Clear of Harria^e engage- ment), fron Oblong to Nine Partners, 13 of 10m, 1800. Wool ley. Eve Woolley, widow, and 3 children, (Clear of Liar ri age enp;aperaent) , Elizaheth. Ilarparet and Phebe. Fron Nine Partners to Cornwall, 19 of 2m, 1601. Baker , Tamer Baker, (Clear of I.Iarriage engage- ment), from AmawalV to Nine Partners, 16 of 6m, 1798. Baker , Tamer Baker, (Clear of I.Iatriage en^^age- ment), from Nine Partners to ..esthurv, 19 of 2m, 180i. Gifford, Lucy Grifford, wife of Abraham, and son Jose-oh, from New Bedford to Nine Partners, 16 of 9m, 1800. -67- PSiodes, Asa Rhodes and wife Ohristnan, and childreti, Joanna, Nathan, Ilanr.ah and I^Iary, frcn East Iloosic'k: to nine Fartners, 1 of Im, 1801. Fowler, Gilbert Fowler and wife Ahlgail, and children, Anne, T.'oolsey, Han-na"^, v/ Abigail an'^ Dav^'d, all manors, from Purchase to Nine Partners, 8 of Ira, 1801 Mead, Zacheus Head and v/ife Llary, removed to Duanesburg, from N'ne Partners to Goe^nnans , 16 of 4m, 180/.. Brovm, Alexander Brown and wife Fhebe , from Nine Partners to Ooeimians, IS of 4m, 1801. (jifford, Abraham Gifford and wife Lucv and little son Joseph, removed to New Erittain. From Nine Partners to Ku-^son, 16 of 4ra, 1801. Llerritt, Joseph Merritt and wife Ginthv and ''children, Augustus, Abraham, Joseph, From Nine f 5m, 1801. Sarsh, Isaac snd Gynthy. Partners to Saratoga, 21 o Palmer, Amos Palmer and wife Mary removed to Fen- elaerville, and chTidren, L^err^tt and 3arah; frcn Nine Partners to Ooe-'.Tnans, 21 of 5m, 1801. -68- Merritt, Deborah Merritt with her brother at Newt ovni (Clear of Tiarrlace en- gagement), from N?ne Partners to Saratoga, 21 of 5m, 1801. Eoag, Abraham Hoa^ and wife Tabitha, removed to Pittstwon, and 5 children, Asa, Phebe Clement, John and Inna; from Fine Partners to Easton. 21 of 5m. 1801. Taylor, Richard Taylor and two sons, Pichard and ":Dparold", minors, from Nine Partners to Danby, 18 of 6m, 1801, Carpenter, Sarah Carpenter, (Clear of Llarriage en- gagement), from Obion? to '^f^ne i^artn ers, 16 of 3m, igOl. Havlland, Eleazer HaYlland and wife Abigail, and daughters, Carolina and Pr^scilla; from Oblong to Nine Partners. 13 of 4m, 180l. Hay d on , Amnion Hayd.on, (Clear of Carriage engage- ment), from Nine Partners to Cornwall, 16 of 7m, 1801. Haydon, Palmer, Elijah Ilavdon, from Nine Partners to ■ Cornwall, 16 of 7m, 1801. Rebecca Palm.er. wife of Gineon, from Saratoc^a to Nine Partners, 20 of 5m, 18dl. •-69- Palmer, Simeon Palmer, fron Saratoga to Wire Partners, 20 of 5m, 1^01. Dean, Saraln Dean, wife of Joseph, from Nine Partners to Oswego, 20 of 8m, 1801. pancoast, Thomasin Pancoast, "she is clear", from. Flushing to Nine Partners, 4 of 6m, 1801. Y/eeks, George Weeks (Clear of Llarriage engac;e- ment), irom Nine Partners'^to West- bury, 17 of 9m, 1801. Yarney , Jedediah Vamey, (Clear of T-Iarriage en- gagement), from Dover tb Nine Partners, ?A of 9m, 1801. Haight, Martha Haight, (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), from. Nine Partners to Saratoc^a, 17 of 12m, 1801. Levina ^"'ay, wife of Jonas V/ay, .from Nine Partners to Hudson, 18 of 2m, 1802. Carpenter, Sarah Carpenter, (Clear of Carriage en- £ra?ement) from Nine Partners to Smawalk, 18 of 2ra, 1802. Pinkham, Phehe Pinkham and 3 daughters, Hannah, Marv and Eliza- from Hudson to Nine Partners, 26 of Im, 1802. -70- Shepherd, Brice Hhepherd, from Nine Partners to Darttiouth, 18 of 2m, 1802. Carman , Tamer Carman, wifh "her liusliand, from Wine Partners to Easton, 15 of 4m, 1802. Thorn, Sarah Thorn, '.vlfe of Joseph, from Nine Partners to Creek, 20 of 5m, 1802. William.s, John Williams and 3 sons. John, Hezekiah and Thom.as, from Hudson to Nine Partners, 23 of 3ra, 1802. Jacooks , Delila Jacocks, (Clear of ..iarriage € "apem.ent), irom Coeymans to Nir Partners, 25 of 3m, 1802. en- ne Allen, Philip Allen and wife Elizabeth and li'otle son Isaac, from OsweFO to Nine Partners, 17 of 3ra, 1802. Hoag, Benjamin Hoa,^'s son L'atthew Hoa^, from Ohlong to Nine Partners, lb of 11m, 1801. -aimer, Aged friend Reahen Palmer, (Clear of Carriage enga£rement) , from. Nine Partners to Goeymans, l7 of 6m, 1802. Palmer, Sim.eon Palmer and wife Rebecca, from Nine Partners to Coeymans, 15 of 7m, 1802. -71- Palmer, Gaius Palmer, (Clear of Llarriage en- gagement), frora Fine Partners to Ooeymans, 15 of 7m, 1802. Palmer, Nehemiah Palmer. (Clear of Marriage engagement), irom Nine Partners to Coe^rmans, 15 of 7m, 1802. Pancoast, Hannah Fancoast from Rew York to Nine- partners, ^ of 6m, 1802. Haight , Sam.uel Ilaight, from Ninepartners to Creek, 16 of 9m, 1802. Bennett,) Drake , ) Joseph Bennett apprentice with John Drake from Ninepartners to Greek, 21 of 10m, 1802. Allen, John A. Allen, from Ninepartners to Easton, tl of lOra, 1802. Akin, , Sarah Akin,, widow (Clear of Liarria^e encafrenent) , from Ninepartners to Ohlong, 21 of lOm, 180^. Brov.ii, Alexander Brown and wife Phehe, frora Cornwall to Ninepartners, 22 of 7m, 1802. wmg, William r?ing is reinstated, from N^'ne- partners to Goe^Tnans, 16 of 12m, 1802. ,,nHA ,aHk .^ -72- Wlliiamvg, Jane V/lllTaras, wife of John '/.'illTams, and 2 daughters, I^Iary and Eliza- "hefn; from Hudson to Nlnepartners, 23 o! llm, 1802. Kallett, Esthe r Hallett, (Clear of luarriage en- gagement), from New York to Nine- partners, 4 of 9m, 1800: returned to New York, 17 of 2m, 1803. Rowland, Timothy Howland and wife Slizaheth, and 2 little daughters, Delia and Cornelia; from Nlnepartners to Greek, 20 of Im, 1803. Talli];ian, Jedediah Tallm.an and wife Llarg;aret and children, Stephen, Ellzaoeth, Sarah, iVilllam and ^nne • from Nlnepartners to Ooeiniians, 7 of 3ra, 1803. Coffin, Salmon Coffin and wife Anne and 2 children .,larv and William; from Nlnepartners to Sudson, 17 of 3m, 1803. Bedell, Lottie Pedell is reinstated; from Nlnepart- ners to Adolphus Toy.Ti, Upper Can^^da; ( no date) Barton, Solomon Barton, from Nlnepartners to Ferris- hure, Vermont, 19 of 5m, 1803. ,^>- f..- c. nT'niAo -73- E owl and, Soloman Howland and wife Panna and children, Daniel, Fhebe, Content, Fortius, Gati, Kuth and Fanna; from Greek to Nlnepartners, 21 of Im, 1803. Cornell, Elisha Cornell is reinstated, from Nine- partners to Greek, 16 oi 6ra, 1803. Vail, Abigail Yail, wife of Je.coli T. VaU, wi fn her husband, from Ninepartners to Stanford, 16 of 6ra, 1803. Palmer, Llartha Palmer, wife of David, with her husband, from Nine partners to Stanford, 16 of era, 1803. Holmes, Martha Holmes, wife of Samuel, from Stanford to Nineparthers, 21 of 5m. 1803. Cornell, Walter Cornell and wife Euth, from Nine- partners to Goeymans, 25 of 7m, 1803; returned, 27 of lOra, 1803. Mosher, Elizabeth I.Iosher, restored to merabersh^'p, from Ninepartners to Oswepo, 18 of 8m. 1803. Grimshaw, Margaret Grimshaw and children, Sarah, Hannah, Tabitha, Jane and "i-iargaret; from Yorkshire, Enp^land, to New York, 7 of Im, 1803. ,v;i -74- Oarpenter , Elizabeth Carpenter, (Clear of Marriage engagement), from Ninepartners to Amawalk, 17 of 11m, 1853. Erintnall, Hath Brintnall is re^nv^tated, from N^'ne- partners to East on, 17 of 11m, 1803. Barker. Francis Barker, reinstated, from Ninepart- ners to Eastnn, 15 of Sm, 1804. Mosher , Hannah Llosher, widow, from M^'nepartners to Gallov/a;^ 15 of 3m, 1804. Barton, Llary Barton, wife of Robert, with her husband, from Cornwall to Ninepartners, 28 of 7m, 1803. Barton, Oynthe and Peter Barton, two of Peter Barton's children, from Galvvay to Ninepartners, 22 of 2m, 1804. McDonald, James McDonald, (Clear of Marriage BHgage- ment), from Ninepartners to Ooeymans, 19 of 4m, 1804. Bennett, Sarah Bennett, daughter of Prince Bennett, (Clear oi Marriage engagement), from Ninepartners to Goeym.ans, 19 oi 4m, 1804. -75- Hhoads, Asa Rhoads and wife Ohristina, and oliildren, Nathan, Hannah, I'.ary and Asa; from Ninepartners to' East Iloosick, 19 of 4m, 1804. Mott, John Mott and wife Jane, and children, Sarah, (Clear of Marriage encase- ment), Samuel, Deborah, John^ Jane, Anna, Permelia and Permanus; from Ninepartmers to Ooeymans, 17 of 5m, 1864. Coffin, Shuhal Coffin and wife Mary and children, Judith, Hepzibah and CJaleh, (Clear of I.Iarriap;e en^^agement) , from Nine partners to ITudson, 17 of 5m, 1804. Bennett, Prince i'ennett and wife Phebe and children. Stephen, (Clear of ilarriage engagement) Phebe William, David and Abigail; from Ninepartners to Goemans, 17 of 5m, 1804. Ilaviland, Jacob Ilaviland and wife Roba and children, Sarah and w'ayman; from Obion? to Ninepartners, 16 of 4m, 1804t Palmer, Esther Palmer, widow, from Nine Partners to Goemans, 21 of 6m, 1804. Edgworth, John Edgv^forth and wife Ruth and little laughter Eliza- from Oswego to Nine- partners, 16 of 6m, 1804. ■iuu^ \J OJ -76- Barton Rotert Barton and v/ife Llary and little daughter Liarv A.nn: from Ninepart- ners to Eastbn, 19 of 7m, 1804. Huff, William Huff and wife Mary and children Sarah and Isaac, from N^'nepartners to Greek, 21 of 6m, 1804. Mcloons ? Sarah Mcloons reinstated, from Ninepart- ners to Easton, 16 of 8m, 1804'. Barton, Merritt, Rose, dauehter of Peter Barton, from Galway to Ninepartners, 23 of 5m, 1804. Phehe tlerritt, widow, from Ninepartners to Easton, 15 of 11m, 1804. Eaight, Bersheha Haight, reinstated, from Nine- partners to Adolphus town. Upper Canada, 15 of lira, 1804. Shotwell, Lydia Shotwell, (Clear of Marriage en- sragement], from Rahwav, New Jersey ^0 Ninepartners, 19 o"f 7m, 1804. Chandler, Phebe Chandler, (Clear of Llarriage en- gagement), from New Bedford to Nine- partners, 16 of 10m, 1804. Mosher, Martha llosher, (clear of marriage engage- ment), from Creek to Ninepartners, 17 of 8m, 1804. I.H. w J -77- Erown, Alexander Brown and wife Phete , from Ninepartners to New York, 17 of Ira, 1805. Baldwin, Amy Baldwin, from Ninepartners to Hudson, 17 of Im, 1805. Tallman , Jonathan Tallman and wife Prudence and children, Dehorah, (Clear of ]l>IarriaD;e engagement Brittan, Jedediah, Phehe, Prtid.ence and Jonathan; from Winepartners to Ooemans, 21 of Em, 1805. Hart, Ph ilip Hart, Jr., (Clear of iiiarriage engagement), trom Ninepartners to Easton, 21 of 2m, 1805. Frost , Isaac Frost, (Clear of Marriage engape- ment), from Wegfburv to Nlnepar^- ners, 15 of 8m, 1804. Heydon, Rhodes, Elijah Heydon, from Cornwall to Ninepart- ners, 27 of 9m, 1804. Joanna "Rhodes, daughter of Asa, (a m'nor), fro^n Wine partners to CreeK, 21 of 3ra, 1805. \7hite. 7/illiam IThite, Jr., and wife Joanna and children, Leonard and Judah (Clear of Llarriage engagement); Solon, L!ary. Llargaret^ nilliam Sidney, Ehen and'Abiah"; from Ninepartners to Greek, 21 of 3m, 1805. fnrTBOl. -78- Jacacks , Dell la Jacacl'3. (Clear of Marriage en^a^ement) from Ninepartners to Stanford, 18 of 4m, 1805. Tupp, James Tupp, f Clear of Llarria^e engage- ment), irora N?nepartners to Shappanua, 16 of 5m, 1805. Palmer, Elizabeth Palmer, wife of Etenezer, re- invStated, from Ninepartners to AdolpTiustovm, 20 of 6m, 1805. Weaver, Lydia Weaver, (Clear of Marriage engage- ment), from Softth Kingston M. Ei. at Piichmond to Ninepartners, 30 of 4m, 1804. Collins, Anna Collins, wife of Gifford Collins, from South Kingston LI. I.'i. at Richmond to Ninepartners, SO of 4m, 1804. Mo she r. Joshua Llosher and wife Sarah and child Henry, from Stanford to Ninepartners, 18 of 5m, 1605. Everingham, Waweman , "Ennity"Everingham, (Clear of Llarr-iage en- gagem6nt)7 from Ninepartners to Upper Springfield, 15 of 8m, 1805. Eunice Waweman, (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), from N^'nepartners to Ohlong, 15 of 8m, 1805. -79- Edgworth, John Edgworth and wife Ruth and 2 little daughters, Eliza and Llelissa- from N5nepartners to Oswego, 17 of 10m, 1805t Mosher, Hannah Mosher and her children, (all minors), Ruth, Phebe IVllliam, Llar^^, Dehorah. Hannah. Henry and Sarah; from Stanford ro Ninepartners , 20 of 7ip, 1805. Ward, Rhoda ^A'ard, reinstated, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 19 of 12m, 1805. Wintringham, Thomas Wintrincham, (Clear of Llarria^e engagement), irom Ninepartners to New York, 15 of 8m, 18D5. Frost, Isaac Frost, (Clear of Marriage engage- ment), from N^'ne-nartners to V/estbury, 19 of 12m, 1805.' Tripp, Abigail Tripp, wife of John Trip]?, from Shappaqua to Ninepartners, 10 of 5ra, 18(55. Carpenter, Ruth Carpenter, (Clear of I,!arria^e en- faperaent), from amawalk to Ninepart- ners, IS of 7m, 1805. Borland, Jonathan Dorland, reinstated, from Nine- nartners to Osv/eco, 16 of Im, 1806. ,.'.V,- 10 \.jX , oftel'xoC -80- Ohallender, Phe'ce Ohallender. (Clear of Llarriage en- gagement) from Ninepartners to Hew Bedford, 20 of 2m, 1806. Bunker, Jemima Bunker, (Olear of I,!arria£e en.pa^e- ment), from ile?' York to Nlnepartners , 1 of Im, 1806. BroLvn , Phelie Bro-vvn, (Clear of Llarriage engac;e- ment), from QueensTrurv to N-^ne-oart- ners, 28 of llm, 1806". Haviland, Prince Haviland, (Clear of llarriage en- gagement), from Oblonp to Ninepart- ners, 17 of 3m, 1806.^ Ohuroh , Samuel Church, from Galway to Nine-oartners, 19 of 2m, 1806. Tahor, Martha Tahor and children, with her hushand; George, S3^hel Phehe, A.hif^ail and Jonathan Akin: from Ninepartners to Ohlong, IS of 6m, 1806. Bull Joseph EftlT, reinstated, from Nine"oartHers to Osv/ego, 15 of 5m, 1806. Tripp, Abigail Trinp, wife of John, with her hushanri', from Ninepartners to Shapaqua, 19 of 6ra, 1806. -■ J ^r'Cj io GJ] ,0 -81- Allen, John Allen, Jr., and ^/ife Eun^'ce and little son Isaac; fron N-ine-'iart- ners to Easton, HO of lln, 1806. Wilson, T'he'be 'Tilson, reinstated, from Nine-' partners to Pelham, 20 of 11m, 1806. Garhart, 'J7illiam Garhart , (Clear of Marriage en- gagement), from Purchase to Nine- partners, 1? of 5m, 1806. Haight, James Haieht, (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), from Greek to Ninepartners, 2E of 8m, 1806. Marriott, Richari llarriott and wife Elizabeth and little daughter Susanna and son Thomas, from Hudson to Ninepartners, 22 of "^m, 1806. Knapp, Ehenezer Knapp and wife Eum'ce and son John, fron. Galwav to Ninepartners, 20 oi 11m, 1805." Eood, LevTCV Eood, v/ith her hushand. from Galway ^0 Ninepartners, 18 of itm, 1805. Liabhett, Jemim.a I'ahhett wifK (Clear of Llarriage engae'emenw, from Ninepartners to Dartmouth, 20 of 11m, 1806. -r4 -.-r.-.^, r r-- -.."- ;:,-' ?r,.. ++, -62- Eussay, Sylvanus Hussay, reinstated, fro' ITinepartners to Farraington, (C-enesee), 18 of lEm, 1806. Hoag, Philip rioag and wife Fhete, and children, Peter, Ahel, I'ary, John, Jehu and Phehe; from Stanford to Ninepartners, 19 of 7m, 1806. Bowman , Henry Bovn-ian and r-ife Sarfh ^'nd children, all minors), Francis, Foger, L'artha, Mary and Rebecca- from. Hudson to Ninepartners, ?6 of 8m, 1806. Howard , Lucy Howard with her hushand from Ohlong to Ninep-^rt^crs, 13 of lOm, 1806. Sherman, llary Sherman with her hushand, from Ohlons to Ninepartners, 13 of 10m., 1806. Eowland , John Howland and S sons, Seneca, (Clear of narr^ac;e engagement) Abraham and Ira, Onors: from Oblong to Ninepartners, 15 of 9m, 180^. Green, Zophar 5reen and wife irhehe and children, '/(illiam. pTe.nnah, Phehe, Amy, and Israel, jail clear of marriage en- F'apem.ent), from Ninepartrers to t*prll-oro, 15 of In, 1807. -83- Ra^ght, Jacol^ Haight and wife Caty, from Ninepartners to Farrmngton, 19 of Pm, 1807. Haight, Sarah Haight, daughter of noloiT'on. (Clear of Marriage engagement), iron Ninepartners to i-jtanford, 19 of Sm, ]807. Borland, Sarah Borland, wife of T^'mothy, with her hushand and little daughter Eliza; from Ninei-firtners to Duaneshurg, 19 ol' Sm, 1807. Baldwin, Almy Baldwin, Jr., Minor, from Ilinepart- ners to Easton, 19 of :>, 1807. Talloot, Joseph Tallcot and wife Sarah and minor children, E^ chard, Daniel, Hannah and. Ehehe, removed, to Scipio: from Ninepartners to Farminrton, 21 of 5m, 1807. Slater, James Slater and \Ti f e llary and 2 little sons, Seneca and Thomas; from Nine- partners to Duaneshurg, 21 of 5m, 1807. Garhart, Joshua Garhart and wife Phehe and chil'lren, Richard, Jordan, Eachel, Eli/aheth, John, Phehe, Anne and i.lary; all minors; from Purchase to Nine-cartr.ers, 12 of 3m, 1807. -84- Hart, Richard Hart and v«'5fe Lo^'s, from otanford to Ninepartners , 17 of la, 1807. Fowler, Giltert and Atigail Fowler and children all manors, 7'oolsey, Cavid, P.ichara, Anna, Hannah. Ahigail and Fhehe* from Ninepariners to Purchase, 18 of 6m, 1807. Oshorn, Jemirna Oshorn, wife of Paul, with hushand, from Nlne-oartners to Oblong, 18 of em, 1807. Haviland, Jacoh Haviland and wife Khohe , and little children, Sarah, Daniel and Eliza- heth; from Ninepartners to Ohlont?, 18 ot 6m, ]807. Haight, Hannah Eaipht daughter of Samuel, (a minor;, from Creek to Winepartners, 26 of 5m, 1807. • Haieht, Joshua Haight (Clear of Uarria^e engage- ment )'^ from Wine-oartners to Fami- Ington, 18 of 6m,' 1807. Shotwell, Lydia Shotwell, (Clear of I'arripge en- frsgement), from Ninepartners to **Rahway", 16 of 7m, 1807. Haight, Isaac Haieht and wife Lois, and 2 little chilS!ren, Ahrah^m and Jonathan, from Ninepartners to Farmington, 20 of 8m, 1807. -85- HaigTit, Samuel Kaight and wife Anne and son Thomas, fror" Greek to Ninepart- ners, 19 of om, 1807. Carpenter, Buth Carpenter, (Clear of Llarriage en- par^enent ) , iron Ninepartners to Amawalk, 17 of 9rr., 1807. Eaviland, Prinoe HavUanrl (Clear of ;:arriage engagement), frori Ninepartners to CMonp, 21 of Im, 1808. Capstark, Sarah Oapstark, (Clear of Llarr^'age en- gagement;, from Nire>:iartP6rs to New York; 18 of ?.m, 1808. Wright, Israel Wrifht. (Clear of Llarriage en- gagement), from Ninepartners to Saratoga, 18 of 2m, 1808. Ketcham, Sarah Ketchan (Clear of Llarriage en- e-agement), from Ninepan-ners to Easton, 17 of 3m, 1808. ])pon Jonathan Dean, reinstaterl from Nine- partners to Soipio, $1 of 4m, 1808. Hoag, ) Rose Hoa?, fon^erly I^arten, fron Nine- Barten,] partners to Creek, 21 of 4ra, 1808. Holmes Arlelly Holmes, wife of Jonathan, with hushand, from Ninepartners to Monkton, 21 of 4m, 1808. W5ng, Sarah '."irsp', v.'ife of Ahner w^ th "Hup Vend, and little daughter lydia, from rfinepartners to Duanesburp, 21 of 4m, 1808. Gardner , Sarah Gardner, wife of Isaac, from ITine- partners to East on, 21 of 4m, 1808. Wtohell, Bichard Llitchell (Clear of Llarria^e en- gagement), from Ninepartrers to Duaneshurg, 19 of 5m, 1808. Haight, James Ha5c;ht (Clear of Carriage engage- m.ent], irom. Ninepartners to Duanes- hurg, 19 of 5m, 1808. Mosher, W ill! am Losher, (Clear of carriage en^^age- m.ent), from KineiDartners to^'Scit^io, 19 of 5m, 1808. ^ Mosher, Hannah Llosher, widow, and children, Dehorah, Sarah and Henry, m.inors, from Nlnepartners to Scipio, IS of 5m, 1808. Butt, Hannah Butt, wife of John, and children. Jane, (Clear of [.larriage engagement), Gershom and Pavid, sons, minors; from Iline-oartners to Adolphustown, 19 of 5m, 1808. Bunker, Jemima Bunker, (Clear of I'arr^age ent^age- ment), from Ninepartners to Eas^on, 21 of 7m, 1808. -87- Titus, Samuel Titus, from Ninepartners to Jericho; 16 of 6m, 1808. Merritt, Richard I-ierritt and wife Elizaheth and children Susanna and Thomas; from Winepariners to Stanford. 18 of 8m, 1808. I.iosher, Ahigail Llosher, wife of Beniamin. from Ninepartners to Stanford. 29 of 9m, 1808. i!7intringham, Piuth Wintringham, with her hus "bard, from I^inepartners to New York, 17 of 11m, 1608. Willian^s, Hezekiah V.'illiams, (Clear of I,:arria?e ehpagement , ) from Ninepartners'to Easton, 17 of 11m, 1808. Mosher, Joshua Mosher and wife Sarah and their two little sons, Henr^' =i.nd Thomas and Hannah ''.losher, a minor; from Ninepartners to Duaneshuro-, 20 of 10m, 1808. Duncan, Hannah Duncan, reinstated, from N-inerart- ners to Ooeymans, 16 of 2m, ie0§. Palmer, David Palmer, reinstated, from Nine-nartrers to 3oeym,ans, 20 of 4m, 1809. ' r^ r.^4 .•^M.f;: , i;tr'iT9: -88- Ir/hite, Phete Vtln'te, wife of David, v/Hh huctand, from Nmepartrers to Goe-'/nPns, 18 of 5m, 1809. Goars, Catherine Goars, {Clear of IJarriage engage- ment), from Nine-partners to Saratoga, 15 of 6m, 1809. Harriott, Ann Marriott, v/ife of Samuel, from Nine- partners to Hudson, 16 of 11m, 1809. Bowman, Iilartha and I.Iary Eov/ii\an, (m-'nors), from Ninepartners to New Yor^, 21 of lEm,1609. Pusey, GalelD Fusey, (Clear of I.Iarriare enga?6ment) , from Nine-'jartriers to New^York^ 18 of Im, 1810 ' Kosher, Martha Llosher, daughter of Philip, (5Jlear of I.Iarriare engagement), from Nine- partners to Ruuson, 15 of ?.m, 1810. om'th, David Smith and wife i<-ary, removed to Otego; from N-ine-Qartners to Butternuts, 19 of 4m, ^1810. Thorn, Y/illiar.-^ Thorn and wife ^.iaria and infant son Edwin, from Niner^artners to Oswego, 19 of 4m, 1810. ' Shearman, Lydia 3heam\an, with hushand, removed to Hamilton; from Ninepartners to Butter- nuts, 21 of 6m, 1810. .oo »\. WJX , ai >;•,:■;. : IdtlJ I--; o:t B- *i iJ i-.L %J w -89- Hyatt, Amy Hyatt, with her hu^hend, from Mine- partners to Stanford, 17 of Sra, 1810, Hoag, Mathew K. Hoag, to reside with his father, from Winepartners to Oblong. 17 of 5m, 181C. Titus, Richard Titus Jr., and wife Elizabeth, removed io Fenselaerville, with children, William. Llary, nuth and Fhilener, (liinorsj. from Ninenartners to Coem.ans, 21 of 6m, 1810. ' Collins, Anna Collins, wife of Gifford Collins and 4 children, Llaribah, Lydia, Powland and Synthia; from. Ninepartners to Hudson, 21 of 6m, 1810. Clement, Jonathan Clement and wife Deborah, and little son Charles, removed to Oak Hill, from Nine^oarrners to Coemans, 19 of 7m, 1810. Frost, Rachel Frost 1 Frost, wife of Henry Frost, removec to Bristol; from NineTiartners to ^armington, 16 of 6m, ^1810. Shearman, Mary Shearman, wife of John Shearman, v.ith husband, from Ninepartners to Oblong, 20 of 9m, 1810. Mosher, Ruth and I.Iary I.Iosher, sisters, (Clear of ivlarria^^e engagement) from Ninepart- ners to Scipio, 20 of 12m, 1810. -90- Willets, Clear of Llarr^ac'e en- Jacob Willetg (C gagement) from Ninepartriers to Oswego, 17 of Im, 181]. Plan, EutTi Plan, here at Board t rig School, returns to her parents; from rifne- partners to Symons Greek, Pasauo- lauk Co., North Oarolina, 25 of 2m, 1811. Allen Stephen Allen and wife oarah. from Fine- partners to New York, 20 of 6m, 1811. Butt Aaron Butt and wife Llary, from Nin6T>art- ners to Oswego, 16 of 5m, 1811'. Barton, - Caleb Barton, removed to Kinderhook, frop Ninepartrers to Hudson, 19 of ] 2m, 1811, Smi th , Hannah Smith, removed to Oak Hill, (Clear of Marriage engagement), from Ivine- partners to Coem.ans, 19 of Sm, 1812. Mahbett, Ruth Llabbett, (Clear of Carriage eng.-'ge- ment), removed to Pine Plains;"from Ninepartners to Stanford. 19 of 3m, l812. Pinkham, Elizabeth pinkhaqi, (a IJinor), with her li'other; removed to Pleasant Valley; from Ninepartners to Oswefeo: 19 of 3m, 1812. -91- HaigTit, Leoriar!^ Ilai^lit, fClear of Carriage en- gagement), ironi Nine-oar tnera to Ooemans, ?1 of 5m, ifelS. Woolley, Pontius V.'oolley, (Glear of Marriage en- gagement )" from Ninerartners to Sreek, 16 of 7m, 181^. Titus George Titus and wife Jeminta and P. children, Rioliard and Llary, from Ninepartners to Oswego; lb of 7m, 1812, wloore , Lindley L'urray Iloore, (Clear of Marriage en«;ageraent; from Ninepartners to Eamvay and Flainfipld, 6 of 8m, 1612. Willets, Wooley, James Willets and wife Joanna and children, all minors, '«7illiam, Ilenrv, Ste-ohen, Hannah, John, Samuel and t'ary* from Ninepertners to Csv.ego, 7 of 9m, 1812 Margaret Wooley, (Glear of I.Iarriace engage- m.ent), from. Nine'oartners tc Crpebr. 15 of 10m, 1812. Woolev, Marv nooley.wife of Joseph, from Ninepartnef^s " to Creek, 19 of 11m, 1812. Bovraan , Kenry Bowman and wife oarah, and m^'nor daughter Pelecca; from Ninepartners to Oswego, 18 of 3m, 1613. Rohins, Elizabeth Robins, wife of Daniel, from Nine- partners to iVestbury, 15 of 4m, 1813. -92- Kaight, Samuel Ilaight and wife Anna, and 2 m-i'nor children, Thowas and I*Iary, from Ninepartners to Osv/efo, (no date) Titus, Richard Tnus and wife Al:)igail and daughters Dehorah and Pheoe, (Clear of Harriape enfragerjent) , from ITire- •oartners ^o Ohlonp', 15 of Vra, 1813. Thomas, Amy Thomas, wife of Liordecai. from Nine- partners to Stanford, 16 of 9m, 1813. Akins, Sarah Akins, (Clear of L'larrlage engage- ment), from Ninepartners'^to Goemans, 18 of 11m, 1813. Bristol, William Philander Bristol and luisena Fristol. (i.Iipors,) from Ninepartners to Greek, ?1 of 4m, 1814. Ferris, Llary Ferris, widov/, (Clear of Llarriape enpagement), from Ninepartners ^o Ohlong, 21 of 4m, 1814. Sutton, Liary M. Sutton, wife of Samuel Sutton, from Ninepartners to Shaqra qua, 19 of 5m, 1814. Haight, Stephen Haight and wife Phehe and 2 miror children, Charles and Allen- from Ninepartners to llarltoro, 1? of 5n,1814 -93- Haight, Jonatliar. Haight, ?nd., (Clear of Marriage engagement) from MiTie-n?rtners to L'arlDoro, 19 0? Sm, iei4. Al]en, Philip Allen and wife Elizabeth, and Eminor children, Jonathan and Jacoh; from Ninepartners to Oswego, 19 of 5m, 1814. Barton, Ginthia Barton (Clear of Marriage engagement ), from Ninerjartners to Greek, 21 oJ . 1 >.'m li t lie • 'Ci I )f 7m, 18l4. K^"ng, Phinehas L. Kin|, (Clear of L'^rriage engap'ementj, from N-'nepartners to Stanford; 21 of 7m, 1814. Howl and , Humphrey Howland, from Ninepartners to Ohlong, 18 of 8m, 1814. Wing, Hannah wing, wife of James, and 3 minor children, Thomas, Ann Maria and Milliair- from N^ne-'-artners to Stanford, l5 of 9m., 1814. Arnold, Judith Arnold, wife of Ephraim, from Mine-oartners to <7e3t Hartford. 17of 11m, 1G14. Yai 1 , Olive Yail, wife of Jacoh, from Nine- partners to Stanford, 20 of 4m, 1815. Ui ,JL -94- White Feter ?fhite and wife Vhele and 2 minor cTn'ldren, Sarah Ann and T/illiain L. from Nine-oar tners to 0"bloncr, 20 of 4in, 18l5. Shepard, Patience Shepard, (Clear of Liarriage engagement) from Nincr^rtners to Saratoga, 18 of 5m, 1815. Hoag, Abigail Koag, wife of Feter, from Nine- partners to Troy, 18 of 5m, 1815. Wee'ks, Galeli '.Yeeks, from Nine-nartners to Amawalk, 15 of ^m, 1815. ^ Prior, Eacliel Prior, wife of James, with her hushand, from ITinepartners to 'Test- bury, 15 of 6m, 1815. Lee, John Lee, from Ninepartners to Oswepo, 20 of 7m, 1815. Titus, Abigail Titus, (Clear of Carriage engage- ment), from Ninepartners to Obion?, 20 of 7m, 1815. Vfilliams, John Vnlliams and sons John and Thom.as. (Ill clear of Llarriage engarenent), irom Ninepartners to Tr4y'^ SO of 7m, 1815. Williams, Mary Vnlliams, (Clear of llarriage engage- m.ent), from Ninepartners to Troy," 20 of 7m, 1815. -95- Wing, Lyl^a '.Ving, daughter of James, (Clear of marriage engapenent), from Tlinepartners to ot«Tifora, 17 of 8ni, lei 5. Ivlerritt, Gharitv r.erritt, wife of Jonathan, and cnildren, Henry, V.^r^-^ret , Volliarr., Llary, Jonn, Eli^.abetH and Thomas; from ITineyiartners to Greek, 21 of 9m, 1815. TfVi 11 i ams , El 5 /.abe th Wi 1 1 i ams , daugh t e r of John , fGlear of I'arrT age engagement) , from ITinepartners to Troy, 16 of 11m, 1815. Stringham, Elisabeth Stringham, 7/ife of Stephen, from ITinepartners to Greek, IB of 4m, 1816. Pinkham, Llary Pinkham (Clear of Llarriare eng?i.re- ment), iron Ninepartners to Os^e^'o, 18 of 4m, 1816. Bowman,) Henry Bov/man and wife Sarah and little Abbott,) Crandaughter, :.:ary Abbott. Their children are. Francis. Llary, Rebecca and Ann Abbott, v/idow; (All members clear of 'Carriage en- ragement), from Nine-Partners to Oomvyall, 18 of 4n, 1816. Sands, Sarah and Martha Sands, (L>*nors), frnrn ITlnepartners to -larlboro, l6 of 5m, 1816. -96- Tliom, 7/illiam Thorn and w? f e I.:aria and ? t7.inor children, Sdv/in P.: Jane; from Fine-oar tners to Osv/epo, 20 of 6m/ 1816. Mitchel, Een§am-n B. I^'tc^ell and v/i f e Lucretia and 2 little children, Elizaheth and Hannah; from Ninepartrers to Deruyter, 17 of 10m, 1616. Treadwell, James Treadv/ell and v/ife Eunice, and daughter Lydia, (Clear of I.Iarriage engagement j from ry^'ner)artners to RenSelaerville, 20 of Pm, 1817. Carhart, Joshua Garhflrt and Fhehe his wife, and children, Richard, Jordan 71i?a- heth, Fhel;e and Llary, (All clear of llarriage enFaFenent), from Fine- partners ^0 Greelf, p.Q of ^m, 1817. Underhill, Isaac Underhill and wife Kehecca and 2 minor children, Jacob J. and Eliza- beth; from FineiDartners to GreeV. 19 of 6m, 1817.' Griffen,] Abigail Griffen and minor daughter Susan Mott, ) I.lott, from Wine-^artrers to New York, 17 of 7m, ^1817. Carpenter, Thomias Carpenter and wife Hannah and 2 minor children, Ethan and ".Villi am, From Ninenartners to Cornwall, 19 of 6m, 1G17. -97- ;:nnl3y(?) Detorah 11. Qinty (?) , (Quinlir) , and liusl)and, Quintiy, from Ninepartners to Iv^ew YorV, 17 of 7ra, 1817. Plunt, Oatherine Hunt, (Clear of L'arriage enc^^ge- ment), from Ilinepartners to OreeK," 18 of 9ra, 1817. Burtis, Tliomas Burtis anrl wife Nancy and children, Eli^ateth, Llahpl?, Oaty Ann, Gary anfl George, (Minors), from Ilinepart- ners to Osv.ego, 18 of 9m, 1817. Arnold, Nathaniel Arnold, from Ninepartners to Greek, 16 of 10m, 1817. Grimshaw, John Grimshaw -and wife Llarparet and tha. ehe , daughters Sarah, Hannah, Tatit Janes. Targaret , Hachel and Ph..,., (the 4 eldest, clear of Llarriage en- ^apement), frorp Ninepartners to l^lymouth, IS of 9in, 1817. Clement, Charles Clement, (Clear of I.!arriage en- gagement), from Nine'oartners to New York, 20 of 11m, 1817. y/inslov.', Miriam Winslow. wife of Samuel, from Nine- nartners to Farm^'np-ton, SO of lln,1817. Ilaight, Hannah Haight, (Clear of L'arriage engage- ment)''' from N-inenartners to Greek, 19 of Sm, 1818' ■ -98- Jaoacks, Gulielria and Llary Jacacks, (Clear of Llarriage engapemBnt) from Nine- partners to Oswego, 16 of 4tii, 1818. Dickenson, CTiarlotte Dickenson, (Clear of Carriage engagement), from Ninepartners to Cormvall, 16 of 7m, lelS. Totey, Hariot Tol)ey (Clear of Llarria.^e engage- ment), from N^nepartners ^o Easton, 16 of 7m, 1818. Ilowland, Umphrey Holland, from I^'nepartners to ■ Stanford, 17 of 9m, l5l8. Haight, Zetulon Eaight, in Fo'keepsie, (Clear of Marriage engagement), from Nine- partners to Oswego, 17 of 9m, 1818. rnite, William K. V/hite (Clear of Llarriage en- gagement) TO Po'keer^sie* from N^ne- partners to Oswego, l7 of 9m, 1818. King, Annatella Kin^, (Clear of Marriage en- gagement;, from Nine>?8rtners to V;est>,ury, 17 of 12m, ^1818. Upton, Sarah Upton and husband, from Ninepart- ners to East Hoosack, 15 of 4m, 1819. Allen, Gate Allen wife of Abraham, with hushand, from Ninepartners to Oswepo, 15 of 4m, 1819. _Q0_ Haviland, Underhill Timotliy Haviland and wife Rachel, from Nmepartners to O'blong, 15 of 4m, 1819. Henry ^. Un:5erhni (Clear of Marriage engapenent) - from tTinepartners to Greerr, 20 of 5m, 1819. Titus, Barton Susannah Titus reinstated, from N:ne- partners to Eenselearville , 17 of fem, 1819. David Barton and wife i.Iary, and 6 m-'nor children, Liary A.r.n, oarah, John, Rohert, Isaac and David; from Nine- partners to Norwich, 17 of 6m, 1819. Mitchell, Jethro Mitchell, (Clesr of lig.m'a^e en- £;agement), from W^'nepartners^'to Wew York, 19 of 8m, 1819. Rowland, Asenath Rowland, (Clear of Llarriage ea- rarement). from Ninepartners^'to Mwav, 19 of 8m, 1819. Barton, King, Peter Barton, from. Ninepartners to Stanford, ?1 of 10m, 1819. Ann King, (Clear of Marriage engagement), from N^'nep.p.rtners to wev.' York, 17 of 2m, 1820. Allen, Charles T. Allen, from iTinepartnprs to 'rarlhoro, 16 of Sm, 18^0. -100- Ha5sht, Stephen Haight from N^'nepartners to Ollonp, le of 5m, 18^0. Borland , Anna Dorland , wife of Jose^Jh^ tro'n Nine- partners to Scip^o, 16 of 5m, 1820. Gooch , Thomas Gooch and wife Sophia, from Uine- partners to Hudson, 18 of 5tn, 1820, Devine Daniel Devine and wife I.'ary and 4 chil- dren, A];inaj_ yjizarp Isap.c and Jane, •tners to aren, H^na Mizarp jsap.( (liinors), from IT-'neparti Oswer^o, 18 of 5m, 1B20. Kellev, Elizaheth Kelley with hushand, from IHne- par tners to Oswego, 18 of 5m, 1820. .'or den. ^Haisht, Peter S. V'orden, from I^inepartners to V-^7:^y, 15 0^ 6n, 1820. (Clear of Marriage engagement) Thom.as Ha^pht, a minor, from Wlnepartners to Creek, 21 of 9m, 1820. Hammond , Phehe Ham.mond, wife of Stephen, from Ninepartners to Greek, 16 of 11m, 1820. Haight, Anna Haight, and her minor daughter Anna Haight, (Clear of Marriage enc;agement) , from Ninepartners- to Greek, 21 of 12m, 1820. Sod en. Eenjam^.n Soden, (Clear of Llarr^'age engage- ment), from Nine -oar tners to Butternuts, 15 of 3m, 1821. ' -101- T>iorn, Jacob 113 orn, removed to Hirde Park. (Clear of Ham* age enoagern.enr) , ifom Ilinepartners to tJreek, 19 of ira, 1821. Sands Phe"be Sands, wi fh husband, from Nine- partners to Greek, 17 of 5m, 1821, Yamev, Alma Yarney, (a minor), from IT^'ne part- ners to Obi one, 1"^ oi" 5m, 1821. Lawton, Anthony? Lawtnn, and wife lyd^'a, and son George, a minor- from Ninenartners to Osivero, ?5 of 6m, 1821/ McGoord, Lucy I'cOoord and family (Clear of Llarriape engagement), Kary I'bebe, John, ^ane , Emjna, Isaac and Tripp; from Ninepartners to Hudson, 19 of 7m, 1821. Rickets on, Shadrack Picketson, (Clear of iiarria^e enp'apement ) , irom Ninepartners to Osv/ego, 19 of 7m, 1821. l^ristoll,) Smith, ) Arlotta Bristol, to live at Stephen Smiths* from Ninepartners'' to Greek, 16 of 8m, 1821. Merritt, Eliza Merritt with husband, from Nine- partners to New York, 15 of lira, 1821. A_,l -102- Porl-ina A.?ardj from Nine-Dartners to Otlong, 15 of llm, 1821. Arnold, Levi A.rnold and w5fe Lydia; fheir daughter Lydia H. and son Thomas "R.. both clear of Llarn'age enc'ac^ement , from IHne-rartners to OsvJeHo, 21 of 2m, 182^. Stephens, Arthur Stephens and wife Polly, and minor daughter Rancv, from K^ne- partners ^o Chatham", 18 of 7ra,1822, P.ushmore , Anna Hushmore. (Clear of I.Iarrlage en- casement), from. Flnepartners to Ms on, 20 of 6m, 1822. Earl, Waldo Earl, f Clear of I arr'!a';:e en^a^e- ment), irom Mine par tbeirs to omith- field, 17 of 10m, 1822. Treadwell, Hannah Treadwell, (Clear of L^arria-e en- s-agement), from Ninepartners Xo P.enselaer^nie, 19 o^ 12ra, 1822. Mitchel William Mitchell and wife r.Iary, from Ninepartners to Oswe^jo, 16 of lm,1823, er, Mary Llosher, (Vvifow), from Ninepartners to OhlonF, 20 of 2m, 1823. 4103) Llitchell, Oliver Mitchell from ^^'ne>■^artTlFrs to Deruyter, 20 of 2m, 1823. Thorn, Stephen Thorn, from Ninepartners to Scipio, 15 of 5m, 1B23. Griffen, llaria Griff en, w5fe of Bartholomew, from Niney^artnera to viueenshury, 15 of 5m, 1823. Potter, Dency Potter, (w5dow), (Clear of ■•arriagf engagement), from. Winepartners to Oswego, 19 of 6m, 1823. Merritt, kvjia Herri tt, wife of Nehem'ah Llerritt, from Nlnepartners to Plains, 17 of 7m, 1823. Rood, Jonathan Rood and family, removed to Braceville, wife Clarissa and 4 minor child.rp'", Tevina, Lucina, Tthamar and Emnorri-); from NineT)art- ners to Salem, Ohio, 18 of 9m, 1823. Comstoo'k, Joh S. Gom.stook, (Clear of i^arriage en- eagem.ent), from Ninepartners to Wew York, 18 of 9m, 1823. Hammond, Isaac Hammond and v/ife Lois, and daughter Susan, (Clear of ilarriage enpagem.ent; from Ninepartners to Stanford, 18 of 9m, 1823. -105- Haight, Silas R. Ilaight, from Ninepartnera to Oawe^o, 17 of 6m, 1824. ComstooV, Andrew ComstooV. (Clear nf Mam* are enf'af^ement j , from Ninciartners to^rtiilRdelphia, 17 of em, 18?/^. Knight, John Knight, JClear of Llarriage en- rafrement), from N^'ne partners to ScTpio, 17 of 6m, IB^. Leicester, Thomas Leicester, (Clear nf Llarriage engagement), from Ilinepartners to New YorV, 1/5 of 7m, 18?4. Sherri^'ood , Joseph Sherwood, from Minepartners to t:arlhoro, In ^^ 7m, 1824. Varney, Phebe Yarreyrl aught er of Jedediah (a minor) from Ninepartners to Oblong, 19 of 8m, 1824. Barton, Henry Earton. (Clear of L'arriage en- gagement )# from N~nepartners to Stanford, 21 of 10m, 1824. Howes, Reuben Howes and Fhebe, nnd daughter Lydia P.. (Clear of Llarriage en- ragement], from ITinepartners to (Jreek, 18 of 11m, 18^. Burtis, Gershom Burtis, from Ninepartners to Hudson, 20 of Im, 1825. ,^o -106- Cooley, Ebenezer Oooley and Anne, an^ 7 minor chilflren, James E. , Priscilla, Lucian, Eliza'heth, Catherine, Daniel and John; irom Ninepartnera to Tarltoro, 17 of 3m, IPPJ). Slsson, Jacoh Sisson and I^Iary, from Nine-oartners to Stanford, El of 7m, 1625'. Haiglit, Daniel Haight (Clear of liarriage en- '^agementj, from Nin^partners to Oswego, 18 of 8m, 18.^5. Tripp, Gilbert F. Tripn, (Clear of Marriage engagement* irom Ninepartners to Shappaqua, 18 of Bin, 1825. Dorland, Samuel G. Dorland, from Ninepartners to Os^/eco, 20 of 10m, 1R25. Eclfert, Jacob I. Eckert and Abigail, and 5 children, Ann and iilenor L.. (both clear of I.-arria'^e engagement), Cornelia B. , Ca'^herine'C. end Olive Jane; from Ninepartners to Creek, 18 of 5m, 1826. Horton, David Horton and Deborah I.I. , and 2 minor children, I.'artha Ann and Llary, from Ninepartners to Plains, 15 of 6m, 1826. -107- Gitscn, Israel Gitison and children 3tep"hen T., Anna and Jacot, (Li-inors), from Ninepartners to Goemans, Vo of 6m, 1826. ITnderliill,] Sarah H. Underhm, wife of Andrew, Upton, ) and her son Isaac K. Uptcn, a minor; fron'. Ninepartners to Oswego, 15 of 6m, 1826. Pinkham, Sibny Pinkham and Sarah, and children, 4.nna, Zehulon and Daniel, fro'-i Nine-Partners to Scip^'o, 19 of 10m, '1826. Griff en, Sarah Griff en. wife of James, removed to Providence, Luzerne (5o., Penna. from Nine-oartners to Shrouashuri?, Penna., 1^ of Im, 1827. Tripp, Daniel Tripr, from Ninepartners to Shappaciua, 15 of 2m, 1827. Allen, Else Allen, wife of Jacoh Allen, from Ninepartners to Nev; York, 19 of 7m. 1827. Burling, Esther 3. Purling, with husband, from Ninenartners to Purchase, l9 of 7m, 1027. Thorn, Jacob Thorn, (Clear of Llarriage engage- ment), from Ninepartners to Scipio, 18 of ICm, 1827. -108- Keese, Ilary D. Keese, with Tnusband from Nine- partrera to Peru, 15 of 11m, ]B27. Haviland, Tenta Ilavilard, [Clear of l^arria^e er- frapement), irom Mir.e-natrners to ^ev- York, ^."- nf 12m,^18.?7. Palamounta^'n, Bennett Palamountain, from Ijine'^artrers to Mew York, 17 of Ira, lG2fe. Palamountain, Mar p'aretpalamoun tain, from Minet^artners to Oswego, 17 of In, 1820. ' Howiiind , Phebe Fowl and , (Glc-pr of Tarrigge en^are- ment), from Minefartners to ^mawolk, 21 of 2m, 1828. Haviland, Daniel Hav^lancl , from IT-'nepartrers to Oblong, 20 of 3m, 1828. Sisson, Yifilllam 3isson, from Minepartners to r.norr-'=>nro 1 7 of Ar- IP^P- ^c>vnland, prince Haviland and v/ife I.Iary and 5 riin,or cliildren. Smaline, A-nna", Justus, Edwin and Frisc-'lla, from. Nine ■•partners to '^,nvnvrpl1 ^ 17 nf Irr ^ 1 P^V . " Deuel, Abner Deuel and Garah 0. and infant son Stenhen: from Niner)artners to ltanfor(5., 17 of 4m'; 182^. -109- Hoag, Lydia Hoag, from Nine partners to Stanford, 17 of 4m. 1828. Wilber, John Wilber, from Ninepartners to Creek, 17 of 7m, 1828. Haight, Enoch Ealght and Lucena, from Nine- partners to Farmington, 17 of 7m, 1828. Griffen, Eliza Ann Griffen, (Clear of Marriage engagement), from Ninepartners to Creek, 16 of 4m, 1829. Dodge, Esther Dodge, wife of Jeremiah Dodge, from Ninepartners to Oswceo, 21 of 5m, 1829. Haight, Titus Haight, from Ninepartners to Scipio, 16 of 7m, 1829. Willetts, James 7/illetfcs and Joanna and 4 children, Hannah, John. Samuel and l!ary, (All clear oi liar ri age engagement), from Ninepartners to Creek, 17 of 12m, 1829. Sands, Anna 6. Sands, v/ith her husband, from Ninepartners to New York, 17 of 12m, 1829. Smith, Elizabeth D. Smith, from Ninep&rtners to Creek, 18 of 3m, 1830. -eoi- .8201 ,ni^ 10 VI /oiolaeio oi 8i3n;tiBg3nrH »tioi1 .tad Liu ndo'^ ,'i3JIf,\ .aS3I ,mV -to VI ,:l33iO lO VI ,/io;tanriinBl o;t a-i3a;tT3g .3231 ,aiV ■.. noil , , Jci3/n33e3n9 ,^^bL ,m^ lo dl ,^9310 oi ,3gi;o3 fffiraDial. lo al rv? ,9«boQ I9rf;ta2 ^sgl^oQ ,o?,9W8D oi Bi^ajiBqBarn laoil .erv3I ,.Ti5 lo 12 o;t 8i9a;tT£a9r[rIl cioi^ .dtf^rBH euirT ^iff^fsH .6281 ,niV lo dl ,orqio2 t^ bafi sniiBOv, Jbns 8i.t9J.Irii samsl. .SjJ'allrT/ ,nffOj .i^iiftnBli , 09131 r.io g^B: i„ . io "iB9io LLA) ,^is'l ons Ow 3*i9fiJ-iBq9nrIl moi\ , ( ;tfl9ni93B239 .esai ,jnsi !o vi ,^39io faoTx .bcBuaijd 19(1 clitrv ,3':nBo .S £miA ,8bflB8 lo VI ,:!l-roY \79''l oi 8 r9ri:fiBcr9afIl .9281 \m2I f 8i9nl"i«q-9nfJl r.ioii .ijimc ,3 iiadssria ,rfiim8 .)S8I ,mh lo 31 ,::99tO -110- Jennings, Daniel Jennings and Susan and S minor children, Charlotte, Alexander and James, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 17 of 6m, 1830. Lawton, Thorn, Woolsey, Davi 3 , Abner Lawton, from Ninepartners to Scipio, 17 of 6m, 1830. Obadiah Thorn, from Ninepartners to Scipio, 15 of 7m, 1830. Hariet E. Woolsey from Ninepartners to Farmington, 20 of Im, 1831. Joanna Davis, from Ninepartners to Creek, 17 of 2m, 1831. Robins, Elizabeth f.obins, and 4 minor children, Jeremiah Daniel, William and Eannah, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 17 of 12m, 1831. Walters, Stephen Walters and Sarah, from Ninepart- ners to Plains, 19 of 6m, 1831. Brooks, Sarah Brooks^ from Ninepartners to New York, lb of 6m, 1831. Haviland, Isaac E. Haviland, from Ninepartners to iVesttur}^, 15 of 9m, 1831. ^JLL-' /-rr* ^^ _•■. lOdrrn Z bz& ns3y«J dub a^nhinal. Lb&nsil ,83nrn:i9i* .uS3X ,'T' '^•- ''I .o^qroc ,ao:twBl , ciofTl' .I08I ,nil lo 02 .ao^^almz'i ,X3aLoor!i oi 8i3nji3q-9nfM nioil .aivaC snasol, .IS3I ,GlS lo VI ,y[99T0 , 2 rVBU neiolrdo 'i: ' '^ has ,eiifdo.* fi;^3cfB::HS oi si-entiBTanil'I ;aoii ,iiBnnBH .1531 ,iiSI 10 VI ,oa9.v80 ,3flido.l CBCf 311 r.. rao-xi ds-iBu ens ai9;t Ib.. n9rfq9i8 . Ij^-ll ^'2Z 10 ?l ,aarBli 0:^ 3i9n 819;Hb.. ',79'1 o:t s-:'5'::tit3cr9iiHi ■noil ,83fooicI dsiBB .1531 ,.-ad lo dl ,>IioY .aicoia .iSSI ,ra9 10 dl ,i(;"i-jj3;t8 3.'' -111- Garmo, Brownell, Elias D. Ganno, and Ehoda, and children John, Mary, Anna, Hannah, Eufus, Peter, Jane and Eliza- from Nine- partners to Oswego, 16 of 9m, 1831. Mary Ann Brovmell, ivith hustand, from Ninepartners to Troy, 20 of 10m, 1831. Mitchell, Barney , Benjamin Mitchell and Emma, and her aeed mother Huldah Barney, and 3 chilaren Jane, Eliza and Phelbe; from Ninepart- ners to Oswego, 19 of 4m, 1832. Haight , Walter Haight. from Ninepartners to Oswgo, 21 of 6m, 1832. Haight, William L. Haight. from Ninepartners to Scipio, 21 of 6m, 1832. Thorn, Esther Thorn, wife of John, from Nine- partners to Collins, 19 of 7m, 1632. Griff en. Patience Griff en, and her daughter Naome, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 20 of 9m, 1832. Kingshury, Ahby Sally Kingsbury, with her husband, from Ninepartners to Saleci, Ohio; 16 of 5m, 1833. Haight, Jacob T. Haight and Sally, from Ninepart- ners to Farmington, 21 of 11m, 1833, -lil- ^onaaO moil , 5asiGJjrf ifJiw ,Il9flwo Ilsflwoid nak ■^islu ^Ilsnwoid 80301 li )^a zsd bns ,B.^n!l baa LL^doil'.i afsfiCfl^cC . . ,;n^ 'io ^I ,033.V80 o:t ai9n )i eisa^iBganr/l noil .itcfsfBil TSiljsT? .Ssai ,n3 ^0 IS ,03W80 .^dgfBH .SS3I ,rad !o 12 ,orgfo8 ,;rtf3fBH ■.3L ,aV "ic 2i ,8nrIIoO o^ e-idaii&q .xnodT to OS ,o:;9.veO oi BidniiBqsaVA /aoil .SS3I .135- .naninO ,l)C[Bde^'a J:w , ■-.I {;i-i3>. ;orrfO , .. .. -._ o;* p.^. -- ..:'l raoil .Z^L ■,ai(] lo 31 .Vinu8gilf3 3nrK ao-il ,iLLbZ has id^--&^ .T doosL >jx ,mll lo IS ,no;Jgiir/iinB'i oi eian ,;r£f3rBH -112- Culver, Peter Culver and wife ?, from. Ninepartners to Farmineton, 21 of 11m, 1633. Stephenson, Pbebe Underbill, wife of Stepbenson from Ninepartners to Farmineton. 17 of 4m, 1834. Hammond , [saac Hammond at Pennyan. from Nine- partners to Farmingion, 16 of 10m, 1834. Butts, Ferris, Reuben Butts, from Ninepartners to Butternuts, 16 of 10m, 1834. Cbristopber Ferris in Buffalo, from Ninepartners to Hamburg, 17 of 9m, 1835. Lapbam , Hull, Pbebe Lapbam, from Ninepartners to Peru, 19 of 11m, 1835. Wager Hull, Jr.. and Kesiab, and 4 minor cbilaren. James, William, Mary and Edward; from Ninepartners to Marlboro, 21 of 4m, 1835. Clark, William Clark and Anna and minor daugbtera Mary S., from Ninepartners to Famington, 21 of Im, 183b. ILL- vJDl .J-iil ,:niL \o .IQVliiO :^ lo ?I ,^o^^^ri[q^;^5 •9nr^l Tio-x^ , '^^ ""■ =*■'''. is baornisB. obbbI lo 31 ,n. oi 8i9a:?ijsq , bnofflSBH .^31 .irrOl xo oX ^aiuin^^jiisd , ei ;txja .(iS3I ,fne gr-r- ^ .eeai .mix 1:0 5X .x;-i3l ,.1IBrfjBj. ,iiie'iI"'W' ,89fflBl. ,.i3TbX'^rfa lonhTi .IXxfH .5o3X ,inl 10 XS ^noi^a'rn-iBi oi .riiBlO -113- Haight, Zebulon Kaight and Ann, and 5 minor children, Amy, Silas G., Alfred, Charlotte Ann and Fiariah; from Ninepartners to Oswego, 18 of 2m, 1836. Pratt, Mosher, Pinkham, Upton, Mary Pratt, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 17 of 3m, 1636. Caleb Mosher and Mary, and 2 children Anna and Caniel, from Ninepartners to Scipio, 17 of 3m, 1836. Miriam Pinkham, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 17 of 3m, 1836. Amy Upton, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 19 of 2m, 1836. Newel , ] Benedict, Pratt, Haight. Havi land , Clarissa Newel, fromerly Benedict, with her husband, from Ninepartners to Stanford, 19 of 5m, 1836. Jacob Pratt, from Ninepartners to Easton. 21 of 7m, 1836. Charles Haight and Elizabeth and minor son Jacob Haviland; from Ninepart- ners to Creek, 15 of 12m, 183b. Allen, Sarah Allen, from Ninepartners to Shapaqua, 15 of 12m, 1836. -^LL- ,b9i^IA ,.^ esircl .'^aA ,a9ifcIirfo oi Q"i3iiiiso-3nrl(l moil: ^vtwBtS xibH ,j;t8i:I .3831 ;.Ti5 ^0 VI ,o-^9-7bO asiblrrfo S baa ,v;is;^ bos ladao'i if9lB0 .isffeolu ei3njiBq3iiF4 /noil 'larrrB-i boB BnnA .dt:3I ,inS lo VI .orqro3 o;^ .dSa: ,.ttS lo ^^I ,c^ ,O39V7b0 o;t sianjiBq-aiifK moil .no;tcrLj -^inA ,no;tou .6881 .inS 10 SI dii^ ,,torb9n3d; Tliamoil .IswsH 683riBlO ( ^Isv/sH oj eT9niTSj3nrIi eiot:! 'oob ' ' ' ..it orb an 9 1 .3231 ,c;^ lo 21 ,: ..... . ^ .3881 ,mf lo 12 lon'ra bciB iiddBsiiZ bas MgrsH esIisdO ^idgrsH -i ' .1 jbrrsIcYBH JoobL hob ,fcrLBlfvB:i o;^ e'laaiiaqenVA raoil .n^rr/ ,-fBiBG ,c9lli .3881 ,m5l lo til ,Bijr -114- Haight, Haight, Ferriss, Hull, • Mott Haight, from Ninepartners to Scipio, 16 of 3m, 1837. John S. Haight, from Ninepartners to Scipio, ? of 9m, 1837. Zebulon Perrias, at Buffalo, from Nine- partners to Hamburg, 1 of Im, 1838. Abel A. Hull and wife Almira Ann, and minor childxiH Thomas B. , from Ninepartners to Amawalk, 15 of 3m, 1838. Underbill, Elizabeth Underbill, from Ninepartners to Plains, 20 of 9m, 1838. Lapham, Titus, Anna D. Lapham, from Ninepartners to New York, 18 of 10m, 1838. Ann Titus, with her husband, from Nine- partners to Oswego, 21 of 3m, 1839. Tweedy, Mary Tweedy, wife of Daniel, from Nine- partners to Stanford, 21 of 2m, 1839. Sutton, Carloine, wife of George Sutton, from Ninepartners to Deruyter, 16 of 5m, 1839. Strongatharm, Catherine Strongatharm, wife of Peter, from Ninepartners to Westbury, 1 of 7m, 1839. -KI- o;t 3ion;t'iB:-3nHl moi^ .itrf^rBrl .u mfol. .^rfHifiH moil ,.T 8Br.TocfT «ix.cIrrfo TOffr.Ti "to gI ,i''IswBniA o;t aianiiSG-anfll .8831 ^.-no .8o3i ,.Tf? 10 OS ,2ni£li oJ o;t Btenit-iBcraafll .tiotI ..tusffcrsl .J BimA jiEsdqBj .888l\iiiOI lo SI .jfiojT U5\i -9£i:!l moil ,£asJ5.u!f larf diivi ^'au:i'£ rmA ,sxj;trT 'cII moil ,l9"xu.. ..0 ^'ihi ,^;.c-39A'i y.ibM ,-^.b39wT ',fnS 1:0 IS ,bio3:r[B;t2 0^ ais-iitiBq .oil .nooiiju 331093 xo alrw ,9flroIiB0 .noJJuo lo 61 ,i9^/ui9(I o;^ ez^aitS'idaVA ,n:V lo I ,\r-fi:jj;te9'(i 0;^ ei3ntiB(pnf7i -116- Eolmes, Patience Holmes, from Ninepartners to Saratoga, 18 of 7m, 1B39. Wines, John and Jane Wines and 3 minor chil- dren, Gilbert, Mward and Robert, from Nlnepartners to Osweco. 15 of 4ra, 1841. Adams , Eustatia Adams, with husband, from Ninepartbers to Cherry Street, Philadelphia, 18 of 11m, 1841. Allen, Phebe Allen, from Ninepartners to Scipio, 16 of 12m, 1841. Sutton, Charles and Phebe Sutton, his wife from Ninepartners to Alexandria, D. C, 19 of 5m, 1842. Allen, Jacob H. and Anne Allen and minor daughter Elizabeth, from Ninepart- ners to Scipio, 20 of 10m, 1842. Halstead, Stephen Ealsttad and wife Emeline and son Isaac H., from Ninepartners to Creek, 17 of 11m, 1842. Ye Oman s. Eliza Yeomans, from Ninepartners to Eenselaerville, 15 of 6m, 1843. -cill- or , -Ifrfo lon'ria o bos aaart. ^rrsl. fins nrfol. ^eanr f I.- . moil .L^L ,3iLL lo 81 ,BrrfTl9b6ira-. .^^.va. , .II lo 81 ,0'^r^oL lonrni baa a^lL-. annA bne ,H 3oob1 ^n^lLA .2avJl ,.:vX lo jS ^O^TrOG Oj baB arrilsni alhir fens bsiialBlI a'id:i9iZ ^bs^isLBE Od eisnJiBqaniU moil ,.H osBel noe .Smi ,ma lo VI ,3f93-rC oi 8i9jT^-- -''noil ,p ■ " -.' B-fxc^ .siLsaosY -116- Wood, Charles iVood and wife Sarah S. and 2 daughters Fhebe and Elma, and 2 minor sons, Asah and Henry- from Ninepartners to New York, 20 of 7m. 1843. Merritt, Daniel Merritt and wife Mary, and 7 minor children, Titus Ann liaria, Fhebe, Henry, Elizabeth, Franklin and Nehemian: from Ninepartners to Scipio, 18 of 8m, 1843. Minard , Isaac Minard, from Ninepartners to Flains, 15 of 2m, 1844. Barlow, Maria Barlow, wife of James, from Nine- partners to New York, 17 of 10m. 1844. Haight, Alexander Haight, from Ninepartners to Alexandria, 19 of 12m, 1844. Emeigh, Palmer, Sutton, Adam Emeigh and wife Ann, from Ninepart- ners to Jericho, 19 of 12m, 1844. Peter and James Palmer, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 19 of 12m, 1844. Alfred Sutton and wife Mary, and son William Henry, from Ninepartners to Alexandria, 19 of 2m, 1846. "This was returned". -bLL- ^ vne •■. ' slf-.v has, be-' '^[iBrfO ,f)oo'" S has .Bffio.. -^ 9dddi ai3. jioii '/insH rn-'i iffie.i ,8fl0d lonha .8^1 ^n'j io 61 .orql-oc oj' sioriJii o:f aij'jjiBcrsnrll moil ^^frf^rsH i^hasi^Ll ,;tiisrsH csij*. ^a^iauLi .J^3I .aSI io 91 ,039.780 oi noe has ,rrJB" •ali'Jr £nB no:t;tjj8 bditlA 0^ sianitTBganr.i .noil .-rins" * 'IhV ,co;f JuS -117- Sweet, Haight, Compton, Tabor, Haviland, Hammon , Mitchell. Sands , Jeremiah Sweet, from Ninepartners to Queenstury, 15 of 4m, 1847. Emmor K. Haight from Ninepartners to Coeymans, l4 of 5m, 1848. Caroline S. Gompton. wife of Henry, with husband, from Ninepartners. to Stanford, 19 of 10m, 1848. Stephen Tabor, from Ninepartners to Flushing, 18 of 7ra, 1850. William C. Haviland and wife Phebe Jane, from Ninepartners to Little Falls. Maryland, 15 of 5m, 1851. John Hammon, from Ninepartners to Hamburg ?, no date Arthur Mitchell, from Ninepartners to Dayton, 20 of 5m, 1852. Mary E. Sands, wife of Isaac- from Nine- parthers to New York, 17 of 6m, 1852. (Not sent on account of her husband disowned). Sands, Mary R. Sands, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 17 of 11m, 1853. --va- )i e'i -;a: -lisLj -mi - u j'll , i : xvu 3^1013*191. o;t 3TBn;t"i6g9flrU moil .locffiT aarfq9;^C .0331 .nV \o 31 .suMauIT ,;t99-ffC oj 8tE)fi:t'isa-3nH4 moil .^rfgrBH .IS TO/nina .^fcf-^'? .TodfiT .L^SL ,rtid 'io gI ,bii.^. -^ . Bi*i2 on ,? 31-- .2ci3I ,fne io CS .iio:f^sa eaVA /aoil •osbbT to slrw ,■ ,h vi&A .abnBi- i9if lo ;t(iJjooo£ n^ itnae ioH) ,Sa3[ .Sd3JC ,,TiII ^c VI ,0^^...... -118- Mitchell, Jethro Mitchell, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 19 of Im, 1854. Hallock, Valentine Hallock and wife Henrietta and 2 minor children. Anna and Edward, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 19 of Im, 1854. Merritt, Philip n. Merritt, from Ninepartners to New York, 16 of 2m, 1854. Hill, Susan Hill, wife of John E. Hill, from Ninepartners to Scipio, 19 of Im, 1854. Boise, Hannah Eoise. wife of Jay Boise, from Ninepartners to Friendsville, 19 of Im, 1854. Haight, Charles Haight and wife Elizabeth, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 20 oi 4m, 1854. Haight, Jacob Eaviland Haight, from Ninepartners Haviland, to Oswego, 19 of Im, 1854. Keese, Caroline M. Kease, with her husband, from Ninepartners to New York, 1 of 5m, 1854. Tabor, Thomas Tabor, from Ninepartners to Westbury, 16 of 8m, 1855. -aii- o;t 819:- irVi moil , ^ ' 0- •" 'Oil ,^:frii9l^ .n Tflrtfi ,;t;trTi9u . . . , . io dl ^AioX vit 2ioil ,IIrH .H nio'u lo aliw , II rii .iseuc ^LL'rE 1 ,.TiI lo 61 ,orqfoo oi ai^nitijs-^^anr'l .1 ,98r:i n?', lo alrw .98*^02 ' ,9ero-2 ^j ':.i ,3ix'-Y8i>n9rl''I C+ B-n-^- -f moil .rfuaiflsil'. 9lr^ bnB jtf§'.?:I esIisdO ,:JD:3ffiii ,31:^ 10 J2 ,039-v8;) oj E"3n:^i oil .bascfeuri larf if;frw .aaadA .^a aa/Io'iaij ,9839a I,m5 lo I ,-^iOi W9K o:t eisflitiBqsnril Jitsgu 0^ si?a:tiBg93rn moil .lodsT BBcioifT ^iocTbT .^^QL ,a3 lo bL -119- Haight, Sarah G., wife of Jacob Haight. and daughter Mary Jane, from Ninepart- ners to Duaneaburg, 17 of 4in, 1856. Carpenter, Jane W,, wife of Eranklin T. Carpenter, from Ninepartmers to New York, 18 of 2m, 1858. Haviland, Ebenezer I. Haviland, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 18 of Sm, 1858. Haight, Henry G. ^^aight, from Ninepartners to Duanesburg, 18 of 3m, 1858. Campbell, Sarah 3. Cam-nbell. wife of Cornelius, from Ninepartners to Stanford, 19 of 5m, 1859. Germond, Hellen Germond, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 17 of 11m, 1859. Tabor, Samuel I. Tabor, from Ninepartners to West bury, 15 of 3m, 1860. Merritt, William T. Merritt and Hannah, and Eodman, a minor, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 20 of 12m, 1860. Merritt, Mary R. Merritt, with parents, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 20 of 12m, I860. -^.LL- ^JtfgrsH 31 ,'AioT ^»" o" "^ to alfw , .i: aasu w 160 30? I'i moil .8c8I ./nS '10 , 13- fraqisO '.8g3I ,eci lo 81 ,o^9'.7eC oi oi a*i9f[jisg9ar^i /noil ^Jrivsii .^ ^jinaH .8(i3I ,mS 10 31 ,ni-ijd89n5JjC: ,;td3iBH -EjJrlsxnoO lo elrw ,Il35''-raB0 .2 ffi^ SI ,fc'.colnfi;tc. ot aianjiBJDfliH raoil .edBI ,.TiC lo 1BC , II 3\7 ,;t;tfii9".i .H {iiBi, iD o;f 8i3ii:tiBcT9ai*l :'Vi]I ,:fnn9M -120- Willets, Phete iU Willets, with husband, from Ninepartners to New York, 12 of 4m, 1861. Gerow, Isaac H. Gerow, from Ninepartners to Oblong, 20 of 4iii, 1855. Huntington, Eunice Huntington, from Ninepartners to New York, 20 of 7m, 1865. Haviland, Susan A. Haviland. from Ninepartners to Oswego, 22 of 9m, 1855. Sisson, Cornell, ) Mitchell, ) William Sisson and wife Hannah, from Ninepartners to Oswego, lb of 10m, 1866. Anna Cornell, fomerlv Mitchell, from Ninepartners to Creek, 17 of Im, 1867. Willets, Mary Willets, from Ninepartners to Hudson, 17 of Im, 1867. Walter, Haviland, Anna M. Haviland, wife of Elwood Walter, from Ninepartners to New York, 18 of 4m, 1867. Conklin, Emily S., wife of Walter T. Conklin. from Ninepartners to Oswego, 19 of 12m, 1867. -OSI- "io SI .y.i'j^ v.gU ci 8T3njTfic j.ii::. . . [ ,13:^ 'io OS .3ffoicf0 .uool ,;jV Io OS ,ih:oI wall oJ ..... , ' S ,f^;: 3-780 oi ■jot^ ^ifsniTBH 3lr^ 'ens nop^r" "^-rrf ,nG38r8 lO bl ,0^9 -.30 o;t a'roci. X lo - ,. - ^•- <-■ J :. wOUJlE , , .^. --...0 J I-u _ , ^u srmii , " " 'ioU o;t 2i3aii3q3nf'i ..oil .aisLLz': {is,.. .eifallrV .Vy3I .'.il lo VI .froa£i;]i I3;ri£ "to alr-v , >■ smiA .VdSI'.ci.^ lo 81 ( ,"I3jlBn $1 ,0?,S>7B.' Oj 81011 moil ' r ^ A • I « JX ,iiiv->X a.y -121- Sands , Phebe Sands, removed to Pough keeps! e, from Ninepartners to Oswego. 20 of 8m, 1868. Merritt, Richard P. Merritt, from Ninepartners to New York, 21 of 10m, 1869, Merritt, William Howard Merritt, from Ninepart- ners to Richiand, Penna., 21 of 10m, 1869. Gardner, Sarah Elizabeth Gardner, wife of Nathaniel, from Ninepartners to New York, 17 of 10m, 1872. Thompson, George H. Thompson and wife Caroline S,, from Ninepartners to Osweeo, 1 of 4m. 1873. ^ Quinby, Quinby, Brown, John J. Quinby, returned, from Nine- partners to Oswego, 17 of 5m, 1873. Deborah H, Quinby, from Ninepartners to Oswego, 17 of 4m, 1873. Samuel Prown, and wife pLachel H., and minor Grandson, Samuel Brown, Jr., froDi Ninepartners to New York. 20 of 11m, 1873. -ISI- 1 r • t - -- oi S'l^niiSiOL. .. .QdSL'.iuQ 10 OS ''-' Q 8i9njTBg9jif'I moil -i;trTi9M .1 biBiforH -i^^triia:! .2381 ,niOI lo IS ,>'ioI wsl-! oi 1:0 "IS ,.Brm9l ,5fLsidor"i oi Biea .9581 ,raOI on-IoTsG 9lhv bc^ aoac7:odT ... ^^'ioa-i-^ ^nosqfaodT ,o';.3.L^ o;t 81 30 J iBa anin i:joTl ,,c ;2V8I .in^ lo I -9ari'i fiToii ,I^9m:ij«9i .-{JnfJJp .1. adol ^^dnru.l SV8I ,fli5 lo VI ,og9W80 OJ aia.iitTBq o;t si9n;tiB----"' tctI .vclej^ , •to- 5'- ,7ai:ijj^ ,nT^ iO *. i ,c. -cns ,.H IgrfoBU 9lr.v bnB ,rfWoi2 IgjjrcBS ,nroT3 , .lu ,fl-v70T2 IsjjmBc , noe buBii) lonfm ,5]*xor •s-gJI Oo B'LviiJtLy3ii'''A laoii •-■^••^ r 'r- r r ^n "s^ -122- Merritt, DeGarmo, Sutton, Hal lock, Eaviland, Carpenter, Daniel T. Merritt, from Ninepartners to New York, 19 of llm, 1885. Esther DeGarmo. from Ninepartners to Oswego, 16 of 10m, 1890. Melissa Sutton, from Ninepartners to New lork, 16 of 7m, 1891. Yalentine K. Hallock, and wife Henrietta B. , from Ninepartners to Westbury, 15 of 10m, 1891. Justus C. Haviland, and wife Elizabeth, from Ninepartners to PlainfiFld. 17 of 12m, 1893. Franklin T. Carpenter, and wife Jane W. , from Ninepartners to New York. 21 of 2m, 1897. -2SI- ai^rJiBadaiVi moil .it^^His!^ .i' la'rfB'I .iifii9.^ .0831 ,nill lo "21 .>r-ioY W9'^ oi .1981, 51^1 ;c 51 ,v;iiJ(f:te3 u-' ,viioY wall o;t aiDnr -1- Abbott, Adams, Agard, Akin, Alcins, Allen, Alley, Anthony, Arnolci, Austin, Eaker, Ealdwi}!, Earker, Earlow, Barna, Barnard, Earnards, Barney, Barten, Earton. Bedell, Beeglft, Benedict, Bennett, Eetts, Birdsell, Bishop, Eovme, Bowman, Briggs, Brintnall, Bristol, Erietoll, Brooks, Browj-i, 95 115 102 71 92 3-l£- 56-65 90-93 107-1 19 8-47 45-93 20-34 23-25-34 -70- 71 -SI -98-99- 13-115 Bro'/rnen , Bull, Bulla, Bunker, Burling, Burt is, Butt, Butts. -97-102 -37-51 18-19 58-62 13-50 116 8 28-29 4-10 111 85 11-27- 57-59- 74-76- 105 25-26 8-9 113 71-74 16-38 15 28-65 15-30 82-88- 33 74 92 101 110 2-37-3 55-60- 77-30- -23-66 -77-83 -74 Campbell, Cap stark, Capstock, Carhart, C arman , Carpenter, Case, Chal lender, Chandl.er, 30-4C-48?S_;i:^ 60-61-72^1^^^,^^;;^ 90-93-99ciapp/ -72 -7( 91-95 Clark, Clenent, Coffin, Cogge shall, Coleman, Collins, Corapton, CoKstock. Conklin, Cooley, Cornel. 8-39-48 Cornel , ..-e7-,lcrandal, •'•'^■'- Cromv/ei:i , 111 30 34 1-3-9-11-25- 80-86 107 97-105 86-90 24-30-41-104- 119 85 55 81-83-96 70 21-30-48-65- 68- 69- 74- 79. 85-96-119-122 18-30-38 80 76 39-62 40 80 2-21-44-45-50- 53-65 - 4-42-52-62-112 49-52-59-07 9-1C-12-19-21 29-33-42-72-75 14 5-6-7-38-55- 56-59-62 73-89 117 2-7-43-44- 103-105 120 106 55 41-43-73-120 42 48-49 .ao"JL o r r r.-3_lno0 t • r c -'• r r -. '■*■- _:>" ~ *•? ,XXBi"utni-<:^v -2- Cronkhdte, 61 Gifford, 17-22-23-63- Culver, 112 66-67 Cutler, 18 Goars, Gooch, 88 100 Eavis, 3-llC Green, 56-82 Dean, 24-53- 69- -85 Griff en, 5-17-96-103- BeGarmo, 122 107-lC9-li:i Delong, 18 Grimsliaw, 75-97 Derbyshire, 5 6 Gwin, 13 r>euel, 7-63-108 nevine, 100 Dickenson, 98 Kaight, 2-4-9-10-12-16 Dodge, 39-109 17-20-23-51-37 Dorland, 32-46-55. -79- 40-44-46-53-69' 83-100-106 69-71-76-81-83 Drake , 48-71 84-85-86-91-92 Duncan, 87 93-97-98-100- 105-106-109-111 llS-n 4-116- Eady, 10 117-118-119 Earl, 102 Hallett, 72 Eckert, 106 Hallock, 15-19-23-24-31 Eddy, 9-12-15-16 ■* 32-45-118-122 Edey, 5 Harnrrton, 117 Edgworth, 62-75-79 Hammond, 100-103-104- Emigh, 116 * 112 Everineham, 65-78 Hal stead, Hampton, 115 5 Ferris, 92-112 Hart, • 77-84 Eerrlss, 114 Kaviland, 4-68-75-80-84 Fish, 14-104 85-99-108-110 Folger, 23 117-119-120- FoY/ler, 67-84 122 Frost, 9-77-79-89 Hay dor., 68-77 Hill, 65-118 Gardner, 2-3-14-15-16-17 Hiller, 66 25-26-31- -32-34 Hoag, 4-7-6-14-16- 50-52-53- -86-121 27-26-31-35- ?t Garmo, 111 37-40-47-48- Gavin, 5 52-58-66-68- Gennond, 119 70-82-85-89- Gerow, 120 94-1C9 Gibson, 107 Holmes, 25-28-32-33 49-73-85-115 I- ■.~;10I s.r W .1_ GUI r»a r_<; r«g ■5 t ■■ r '_ ■ ^.^I-f^C r r r IITDEX -3- Horton, Kowes, Hov/land, Hows, Hoxsey, Hoxaie, Kubbs, Huff, Hulin, Hyn , Ilulslng, Hunt, Huntington, Hue say, Hussey, Hyatt, Irish, Jacali>:, Jacacke, Jacq.kx, Jacobs, Jacocks, Jenkins, Jennings, Jones, Kees, Keeae, Kelley, Kerby, KetchaiB, King, Kingsbury, Kinyon, Kipp. Knapp, Knight, 106 105 17-31-43-46-57 60- 34- 73- 72- S?! 93-98-99-108 58 35 35-53-54 62 76 14 2-112-114 26 97 120 32 20 89 22-46-50-54-56 33 50-56-78-98 26 33-38 70 8-13-16-20-29 110 53-57-62-63 Lake, Lantb, Lane, Iiaphfurn, Lawton, Lee, Leicester, Lester, Lewis, Lister, Lockv.'ood, Losson, Lounsbery, i:abbet(t,) Mabbott, Maconiber, Hacy, Karl inc, Marriott, I'arslial] , ircCoord, McDonald, licloons, I'ead, Uerrltt, 11 1-22- 35-1 .08- • 118 100 63 Mianrd, 85 latchel 44-93 -98- .99 111 5-6 Fioore, 20 Moore, 81 More, 105 Mo slier. 56 38 49-54 112-114 44-101-110 94 105 22 1 34 24 44 13-16 15-21-23-28-63- 64-81-90 11 2-16-17-27-33 34-3 7-41-42- 45-54 35-36 35 57-81-88 32-65 101 74 76 51-52-67 13-20-41-42-43 47-67-68-76-57 95-101-105-116 118-119-121-122 116 47-61-86-96-99 102-103-111- 117-118-120 10-91 9 64 9-11-17-20-27 29-30- )S0-54-56 59-60-61-75-74 76-78-79-86-87 88-89-102-113 .rtn: I ■ 4-^-05 -dS r : -hd-0'' r t ^• ,::atzl -, r r oO--':-'?-'^'- -5« 001 ,l9r{ec' « ^ IHI3SX -4. Ilott, 21-60- 75- 96 Ricketson, 39-101 1:0 tt 9, 38-58 Rider, 39-48 liyher, 41 Robins, Rodrian, Rogers, 91-110 27 3 llarrinion. 46 Rood, 81-103 Newel , 11? Rowbottom, 21-24 IToxon, 62 Rushr.'iore, Russell, 102 12-31-51 Osborn, 41-48- ■55- 64- 84-lOfJ I Sails, Sands, 46 52-95-101-109 Padcioclc, 8 117-121 Palamounta in, 108 Scott, 1? Palmer, 4-7-11 -13 :-21 Shearman, 35-64-88-89 26-45- •54- ■60 Sheffield, 24 61-62- .67- •68- Sheldon, 39-45 69-70- •71- .73-75 Shepard, 59-94 78-87- ■11 e ) Shepherd, 70 Pane oast. 69-71 Sherman, 49-82 Peak, 15-22 Sherv/ood, 105 Peasley, 33 Shot well. 76 Peckhain, 12 Sisson, 6-7-58-106- Peters, 47 108-120 Pinkhsm, 30-43- .59- 63-69 Slater, 83 90-95- ■10 -J '-11 3 Sleoper, 64 Plan, 90 Smith, 14-27-28-53-88 Post, 40-45- ■ 48- 54 90-101-109 Potter, 8-64-103 So den, 100 Pov/el, 60 Soule, 34 Pratt, 113 So^vle, 6 Prior, 94 Spooner, ^ 8 Pusey, 88 Stephenson, Stevenson, 112 57 Quinhy, 97-121 Stephens, * Stratton, 102 1-4 Reynolds, 32-47- ■ K^l. Strirghajn, 9B Rhoa.ds, 75 Strongartham, 114 Rhodes, 66-77 Swain, 3-19-24-49 Rtchnan, 57 Sweet, Swift, 117 31-63 Ricljiiond, 55 Sutton, 4-02-114-115- 116-122 'j.r.i-_ SOX r r "-r.rr -■I la-r- i^Tprx -5- Tabov, 46-80-117- ^.'/aterfl. 61 118-119 Wawer lar. , 78 Talcott, 33-55-83 Way, 69 Tallr-an, 72-77 Weaver, 78 Taylor, 60-68 V7eeV.s, 22-59-69-94 Thomas, 92 V-Oiite, 6-8-26-29-30- Thompson, 19-22-121 38-39-40-41-42 Thorn, 1-50-70-88- 43-50-77-88-94 96-101-103-107 98-104 110-111 Vv ilhur , 57-1C9 Thome, 60 \7illet(s). 23-25-36-90- Titue, 13-44-56-57-59 91-120 62-66-87-89-91 WillettB, 109 9'X-94-99-n4 V/illiams, 70-72-67-94-95 Tobey, 98 V/ilson, 37-81 Toping, 42 Wines, 115 Treadwell, 96-102 T/ing, 12-14-32-34-57 Tre dwell, 51 64-71-86-93-95 Tresket, 104 '.Yin slew. 97 Tripp, 35-37-44-61- Wintrir-ghaija, 51-79-87 65-79-80- Wood, 9-11-116 106-107 W'ooley, 91 Tupp, 78 V/oolley, 66-91 Tuttle, 66 Woolaey, 110 Tweedy, 114 Worden, 100 V/right, 85 UnderhiD 1 , 19-20-40-96- 09-10 7-114 Yeomans, 115 Upton, 98-107-11? Young, 1-10-39-44-56 Young: fi. 42 Vail , 6-21-25-35 75-93 Valentine, 5-49 Van Cott, 64 Varney, 69-101-105 Vincent, 27 Walceman, 58 V/alter, 120 Valters, 110 Wai-d, 79 r-^ ^0- )e- :.\j =^ V- ■=, r ' ■ .'■>r!'jor{r r-,-^-'; ,£ioeIi -- r-i ^9J.J■iU ■;i.r.-VaI-J:JV.' '' ^ — ''^ — , lioV .;> r r -^ . -^ *. r .■ ■^0' 4 <^>. .*" - o O. • o , ' ^°-n*.. '. '^-. « ^ /'^/^^.% %% ^.^ -J,-^* /V' / v--^-'*o' \'-'^^-- ^b , ^ t> " o ^ -Cs.^ ^H°^ V ■^7 o iV^ .«> o V '% **^-\. 'b^ •<. . . • .A. -' """^..cf t- .-'\ V , o " • . ^ ' k" "^ a'*' -. ,^* '^'..^ s> .«^ A °o ^-^* .i;^-*' ^-^^ o " a ^ m ' ','. ''.V :■ |Uii LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 223 084 7 ^ ''.!p::j:^^'''' ^ ;';)r IBiiUiL liiiillii ■ii.i^jj