I»« •TX 7*5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. -^7^1^ @]^ap*-— - ©up^rigy !f a. Shelf ....H^-SS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ♦CUOlJt)*ClTY' ■♦ « » ooki ook. lid Democrat Steam Print, Leadville, Colorado. -^^^ ^1:11 r/; T^ A: @ /./:?. ^ >6/. J^i^^ ;%^ //?... /V- *: LEADVILLE, COLORADO; Herald Democrat Steam Book and ^ob Printing House. I 889. ^Pk^e face "Of making many books there is no end," said a wise man; but probably he had good cooks. There is a "place" for all things as well as a "time," and every hungry man knows the place for a good dinner. If the shortest road to man's heart is by way of his stomach, then the projectors of this little volume think they have struck it rich. So, like all other authors, we have written to meet a "long felt want." There are cook-books and cook-books, but who ever saw a cook-book for " Cloud City"? It is a well-established fact that in a high altitude the science culinary has its local and peculiar laws. It is commonly held that a different proportion of ingredients is necessary, as well as a different Jength of time. It is even claimed by some that more fuel is required here than in a lower altitude. Be this as it may, it is well established that the husband, who has recently brought his wife from the East, is not in healthy employment when he reminds her of the superior ([uality of his mother's cooking. He must wait until she has learned the new conditions in her new world. Without a scientific explanation of why the boiling point is reached at lower temperature here than at lower altitude, or whether this one fact accounts for the necessity of different proportions of ingredients in cookery, the Ladies of the Congregational Church gracefully bow themselves before the public with a genuine blessing to every family. Poor cooking is responsible for much of the wretched health of women and children, and much of the drinking habit among men. If, by gathering together in this little volume the wisest experience, wrought out in the peculiar conditions of this lofty altitude, we are able to bring peace and happiness to the home, our ambition shall have been amply satisfied. Ladies Congre(;ational Church. A'^''>l">>»I«yOO S. N. DWIGHT, President. M. H. WILLIAMS, Vice-President. J. N. WALLING, Casiiier. T. H. LEE, Ass't Casiiier. -ij-^*— >t ^^^.^:^C^^i>^„. ^.^ ^^.. Tie Aiiericai Miial Bat --^-^ ^r> liERDVlliliE, COliO. Capital, $100,000. Dlt^ECTOI^S: M. H. Williams, T. G. Roberts, H. S. Dickerman, S. T. KosTiTCH, Daniel Sayer, George P. Copeland, Chas. A. Seymour, Sam. Mayer, George E. Taylor, J. N. Walling, S. N. DWIGHT. • ♦ ^?>>>>>>>>>>>%>>>>:»:»'»>>%>%%'«i,^^ FfllRBANK'S^SOflPS. WHITE 8TRR, 100 Bars, - 75 50 " - 37 25 " - 181 MRSCOT, 100 " - 75 CLRIRETTE, 100 " - 75 FRIRY, Large, 100 " - 66 " Small, 100 •• - 37. 75 Pounds, GOLD DUST POWDER, 24 Pack'os, 72 The above Soaps are skillfully manufac- tured from the very best material, and are not excelled in quality by any in the world. Yours truly, N. K. Fairbank & Co., Faetonies : St. Uouis and Chicago. The above goods are carried In stock and can be obtained from BREAD, YEAST, GEMS, ETC. HOP YEAST. Boil four large potatoes, and at the same time stee]) a fourth package of hops in sufficient water to cover them. Mash the potatoes through a colander, strain over them four cups of the hop water ; add one cup sugar, tablespoon salt ; thicken with flour to the consistency of batter cakes. Add one-half cup yeast, and leave it uncovered in a jar to rise. Use one-half a cup of this for four loaves of bread. — Mrs. Werner. GRAHAM GEMS. One pint graham flour, one pint flour, one-half cup sugar, one pint sour milk, little salt, and small teaspoon soda. — Mrs. W. H. Nash. MUFFINS. One cup sweet milk, two eggs well beaten, one small teaspoon salt, two large teaspoons baking powder, flour for stiff batter. Drop in hot muffin pans. — Mrs. J. M. Raymond. GRAHAM GEMS. One cup sour milk, tablespoon of molasses, pinch of salt, half teaspoon soda, graham flour. — Mrs. Hugh Parry. BOSTON BROWN BREAD. Two cups sour milk, one cup sweet milk, one-half cup mo- lasses, two cups Indian meal, two cups graham flour, one teaspoon salt, one teaspoon soda. Steam five hours. Bake one-half hour in a slow oven. — Mrs. J. M. Raymond. BROWN BREAD. Four cups milk, three cups Indian meal, one cup graham flour, one cup flour, one cup molasses, one egg, teaspoon soda dissolved in a little boiling water, one teaspoon salt. Steam five or six hours. Bake half an hour. (This rule requires a five-pound lard pail to steam). — Mrs. W. H. Nash. BREAD, YEAST, GEMS, ETC. GRAHAM GEMS. Two cups graham meal, two cups flour, three cups sour milk, two large spoons sugar. Salt. Soda according to condition of the milk. — Mrs. C. H. Bailey. GRIDDLE CAKES. One cup sour milk, one cup sweet milk, two eggs, half tea- spoon soda^ one small teaspoon baking powder. Mix with flour. — Mrs. Guilbault. POTATO BREAD. Six good-sized potatoes, boiled and well mashed ; one pint or more of the water in which they were boiled, one cup of yeast for the sponge. Set the sponge in a warm place over night. In the morning, when kneading the bread add a little salt, little sugar, lard the size of an egg, and sufficient luke-warm water to make six loaves of bread. — Mrs. Hugh Parry. GRIDDLE CAKES. One cup stale bread crumbs soaked in two cups of water, three cups flour, one yeast cake to start. Let it rise over night; in the morning add two eggs and one-half teaspoon soda, and milk to form a thin batter. The batter left can be used succes- sive mornings, the same as buckwheats. RUSK. One pint milk and one pint sugar; warm slightly, add one- half cup yeast, raisins and some flour. Let set over night, and in the morning add salt, three beaten eggs, one heaping cup melted butter and more flour. Let it rise, then make into rolls and when light bake. — Mrs. O. H. Simons. BISCUIT. One cup sweet milk, two teaspoons baking powder sifted in flour, one small teaspoon salt, lard size of a walnut, moulded with flour. Mould well. — Mrs. J. M. Raymond. BREAD, YEAST, GEMS, ETC. BROWN BREAD. One quart corn meal, one pint flour, one cup molasses, one cup yeast, one teaspoon soda, one tablespoon salt, four cups cold water. Mix well the meal, flour and salt, make a hole in the middle, put in the molasses, yeast and soda, stir it well, then add the water a cupful at a time. Steam six or seven hours, bake two hours. — Mrs. C. H. Bailey. JOHNNY CAKE. Two coffee cups meal, one and one-half coffee cups flour, two eggs, one teaspoon soda, sour milk. Stir well. — Mrs. H. D. LeOxMard. &ji!ji!H«=<^ |eHN ReWLAND ^ 60,, stationers anil Booksellers, Intlsts rHaterials, purveyors ^upplies, tfolc! rens, ypera (glasses, Qeaal Dlanl?s. J-BYEF^Y FACILITY POI^*^ tl-£^iy Ai.\ ^*^ In the (Tlost Approved (TlanneP. CORNER HARRISON Ml BND FOURTH 8T„ Leadville, Colorado. PIES. 17 CREAM PIE. Whip one quart of stiff cream, add sugar and vanilla to your taste. Line pie-plates with crust, and prick with a fork before baking. When cool, fill with the whipped cream. — Mrs. Pax- ton. LEMON PIE, Grate the rind of one lemon, add one tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water, one teacup boiling water, one whole egg and the yolks of two. Take the whites of two eggs for the meringue, and brown in the oven. — Mrs. Hugh Parry. SWEET POTATO PIE. Boil or bake sufficient sweet potatoes to make a pint of pulp when rubbed through a colander ; add a pint of milk, a small cup of sugar, a little salt, yolks of two eggs, one teaspoon lemon extract. Bake in a shallow pan lined with rich crust. When done, beat the w'hites with a little powdered sugar for top, and brown in the oven. — Mrs. Hugh Parry. ILEMON PIE. The juice and grated rind of one lemon, one tablespoon cornstarch, one teacup sugar, two eggs (reserving the white of one), one cup boiling water. Mix all together and cook, stirring constantly until it thickens; pour it in the crust and bake. Beat the white with three spoons sugar and spread on top; return to the oven and brown lightly. — Mrs. McKenzie. CREAM PIE. One pint of milk put in a steamer ; let it come to aboil; then add half a cup of sugar, two tablespoons cornstarch and yolks of two eggs well beaten together. Flavor with lemon. When cool, have crust baked ready for filling. Beat the whites of the eggs, spread on top and brown in the oven. — Mrs. Hugh Parry. 1 8 PIES. ENGLISH APPLE PIE. Small piece of butter in pan, add apple sauce, then cover with crust and bake; add apple and crust and bake again, and so on until pan is filled. Serve with hot sauce. — Mrs. Paxton. CREAM PIE. One cup sugar, one ^gg, one-fourth cup butter, one-half cup sweet milk, two cups flour, one teaspoon soda, one-half teaspoon of essence of bitter almonds. This makes two cakes, baked in round shallow tins. CREAM FOR FILLING. One scant pint milk, one cup sugar, yolks of two eggs, one- half cup flour. Flavor with vanilla. Boil the milk, add flour moistened smoothly with cold milk, then sugar and eggs ; let it boil to the consistency of cream. Use the whites of the eggs with two tablespoons sugar for the meringue. Cut open the warm cakes, put cream between and meringue on top. Brown the two pies in the oven. — Mrs, Hugh Parry. i^'C^'-' ■ ♦ ^ A ^C ♦ WHITE CAKE. Whites of eight eggs well beaten, one and a third cups sugar, one scant half cup butter, three cups sifted flour, one cup sweet niilk, one-half teaspoon baking powder mixed in the flour. Mix butter and sugar, then stir in gradually milk and flour, sifting the flour in, then the whites of eggs. Flavor with lemon. — Mrs. J. B. Henslee. GINGER COOKIES. Two cups molasses, one cup sugar, one cup water, one large cup butter, one tablespoon soda, one tablespoon ginger, little cinnamon. Flour enough to roll. — Mrs. Wm. Pemberthy, CHEAP CREAM CAKE. One cup sugar, one cup sweet milk, two cups flour, one egg, one tablespoon butter, one teaspoon baking powder. Flavor to taste. Bake in layers. FILLING. One egg, one-half cup sugar, one-fourth cup flour mixed with a little cold milk, and stirred into one cup boiling milk. Boil until thick enough. Flavor. — Miss Cora Paddock. TEA CAKE. One cup sugar, one tablespoon butter, two eggs well beaten, one cup sweet milk, one and a half teaspoons baking powder. Flour enough for pretty thick batter. One teaspoon lemon or vanilla extract. Bake in kot gem pans. — Miss F. L. Ray- mond. io CAKE. GINGERBREAD. One cup molasses, one egg, butter size of an egg, three cups of flour, one-fourth teaspoon cloves, one-half teaspoon ginger and one of soda. Beat molasses, egg, butter and part of flour together; pour a cup of boiling water on soda, add it to mixture, then remainder of flour, beating thoroughly. — Mrs. O. H. Simons COOKIES. One cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup sweet cream. Melt the sugar and pour over the butter. Stir while it melts. After it is cold, cream it and stir in the sweet cream ; after putting in the cream and mixing thoroughly, add an even teaspoon of soda. Beat three eggs, yolks and whites together, and put in, but do not mix until you have added some flour. Mix them as soft as possible, taking them up from the table with a knife. The less flour the better. Use extra C sugar; you cannot use granu- lated sugar. — Mrs. S. J. Hanna. ANGEL FOOD. The whites of eleven eggs beaten to a stiff froth, a tumbler and a half each of flour and pulverized sugar. Sift the sugar and flour twice, adding a teaspoon of cream tartar, and a little salt. Stir lightly, flavor to taste. Bake twenty-five minutes. Do not grease the pan. — Mrs. C. E. Dodge. CHEAP SPONGE CAKE. One-half large teacup sugar, one teacup flour, three eggs, two tablespoons milk, one heaping teaspoon baking powder, one teaspoon essence of lemon. Stir all well together. — Mrs. H. D. Leonard, JENNIE'S SUGAR CAKES. Three cups sugar, two of butter, three eggs well beaten, one teaspoon soda. Flour sufficient to roll out. — Mrs. A. J. Lamp- shire. CAKE. 21 NUT CAKE. Six eggs, one large cup of sugar, one-half cup butter, one- half cup sweet milk, one pound of English walnuts rolled fine, one tablespoon of baking powder, and flour to thicken. Flavor with extract of strawberry, and bake in a flat pan. COOKED FROSTING. The whites of three eggs beaten stiff, and one cup of granu- lated sugar. Put sugar in a pan and cover with water, let it cook until it will hair from the end of a fork. Stir the beaten eggs with this until perfectly cold ; it will then be thick enough to spread on cake. — Mrs. W. L. Scott. COOKIES. Two cups sugar, three-fourths cup butter, one and a half cups sour milk, one teaspoon soda. Flavor with nutmeg. Flour enough to roll softly. Sprinkle sugar on top, cut and bake. — Mrs. p. B. Turnbull. CHEAP FRUIT CAKE. Three eggs, two-thirds cup brown sugar, fill up the cup with molasses, half cup butter, half cup sour milk, three cups sifted flour, one teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves and soda, half teaspoon nutmeg. Add currants and raisins. — Mrs. H. D, Leonard. LEMON FILLING FOR CAKE. The juice of two lemons, two eggs, piece of butter the size of a hickory nut, coffee-cup of sugar. Beat all together and boil until it thickens, stirring carefully. This is enough for four layers. — Mrs. C. E. Dodge. COOKIES. One cup light brown sugar, one-half cup butter, one egg, two tablespoons sweet milk, and two teaspoons of baking powder. Add flower enough to roll thin. Bake in a quick oven. — Mrs. John Alfred. 2 2 CAKE. MARBLE CAKE. For the white cake : One cup butter, three cups white sugar, five even cups flour, one-half cup sweet milk, one-half teaspoon of soda, whites of eight eggs. Flavor with lemon. For the dark cake : One cup butter, two cups of brown sugar, one cup of molasses, one cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda, four cups of flour, yolks of eight eggs and one whole egg, spices of all kinds. Put in pans first a layer of dark, then a layer of white, and so on, finishing with a dark layer. — Mrs. Wm. Morris. FRUIT CAKE. One pound of flour, one of brown sugar, three-fourths pound butter, twelve eggs, one and a half pounds raisins, one and one- half pounds currants, one-half pound citron, one-half pound almonds, one-half pound figs, one-half pint sour milk, one level teaspoon soda, two teaspoons each of allspice, cloves and cinna- mon, one teaspoon mace. — Mrs. C. A. Frear. WHITE CAKE. One cup pulverized sugar, and one-half cup white butter beaten to a cream, one-half cup milk, one and two-thirds cups flour, one-fourth cup cornstarch, whites of nine eggs beaten to a froth, one teaspoon of baking powder and lemon extract. — Mrs. G. B. Harker. DOUGHNUTS. One coffee-cup granulated sugar, one-fourth coffee-cup butter, one coffee-cup milk, four eggs, two tablespoons water, two tea- spoons baking powder, one teaspoon salt, one nutmeg. Cream the sugar and butter as for cake, add the eggs, well beaten, then milk, water, salt and nutmeg ; next flour enough to make stiff for handling. Do not roll out all at once, but keep adding a little fresh every time, and roll half an inch thick. Add baking powder with the flour and have your lard just right. In about an hour after cooking, roll in powdered sugar. Keep well covered in an earthen jar. — Mrs. Guilbault. CAKE. 23 JELLY ROLL. Two teacups of coffee sugar, two teacups of sifted flour, two heaj)ing teaspoons baking powder ; into this break six good -sized eggs and beat all well together. Turn into square tins and bake in a quick oven to a light brown. When done, turn out on a moulding board, and spread with jelly. Roll carefully, and wrap each roll in a clean napkin. Can be used for table at once. — Mrs. Hugh Parry. LEMON CAKE. One cup sugar, one-half cup butter beaten to a cream ; then add the yolks and whites of five eggs, beaten separately. Grate the rind of one lemon, add the juice of same, and three-fourths cup sweet milk. Dissolve one-half teaspoon of soda and stir all together. Do not mix too stiff. Bake in a moderate oven. — Mrs. F. M. Mahn. PRINCE OF WALES CAKE. White Part. — One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, whites of three eggs, two cups flour, one-half cup sweet milk, one tea- spoon baking powder. Dark Part. — One cup brown sugar, one-half cup butter, yolks of three eggs, one-half cup sweet milk, two cups flour, one cup seeded raisins, tablespoon cinnamon, little nutmeg, one tea- spoon baking powder. Bake in jelly tins, two white and two dark. Cooked icing to be put between the layers. One and a half cups sugar, whites of two eggs ; dissolve the sugar in water and boil until it hairs on the end of the spoon ; beat the eggs to a stiff froth, and stir it in the hot syrup, and beat until cold. — Mrs. p. B. Turnbull. DROP GINGER CAKES. One quart flour, half pint milk, half pint molasses, two teaspoons soda, two teaspoons ginger, butter size of an egg. Drop with spoon on tins. — Mrs. H. D. Leonard, 2 4 CAKE. MARBLE CHOCOLATE CAKE. Light Part. — One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, whites three eggs, one cup milk, one teaspoon baking powder, about two cups flour. Dark Part — One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, yolks three eggs, one cup milk, three-fourths cup grated chocolate, moistened with boiling water, one teaspoon baking powder, about two cups flour. Flavor with vanilla. Put alternate spoon fulls of the batter in a round deep pan with a stem, and bake until done. — Mrs. p. B. Turnbull. GINGERBREAD. One cup brown sugar, one cup New Orleans molasses, one cup shortening, three eggs, one cup sour milk, teaspoon soda, pinch of salt, tablespoon ginger, little cinnamon. To be eaten as a dessert with cream. — Mrs. Guilbault. GOLD CAKE. Two heaping cups flour, yolks of four eggs, one cup sugar, one and a half cups butter, one and a half cups sweet milk, one and a half teaspoons soda, one teaspoon cream tartar. Flavor to taste. — Mrs. M. L. Clark. CORNSTARCH CAKE. Whites of three^eggs, one and a half cups cornstarch, one and a half cups milk, one cup pulverized sugar, one and a half cups butter, one and a half teaspoons cream tartar, one-fourth teaspoon soda. Flavor wnth lemon. — Mrs. M. L. Clark. WHITE CAKE. One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, two cups flour, whites of seven eggs, and a scant teaspoonj^baking powder. Cream the l)utter and sugar, and add gradually the well-beaten whites, with a half teacup of sweet milk. Flour and extract to taste. Bake in a moderate oven, well covered, until light. — Mrs. Cooper. GEO. O. KEELER ••^^SPECIAL AGENT C=^" Epital]le4ife*Assiiraice4ociety, OK NEW YORK. Largest M lost Lilieral Life Insirance Co. in tlie World' Office: 104 WEST FOURTH ST., LEADVILLE, COLO. Also, DEALER IN MINES AND MINING STOCK. Have Broker in New York and St. Louis. W|V[. H. Hash, QTTeRNEY AT bAW, Rooms 5, 7 and 10, Emmet Block, IiEflDVlLiliE, COIiO. Me, Grilles k Co. ■WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIESi MEATS. Ki^h. and Game, Ri^uiTS, Huts, Vegetables «^^ Produce. I<;BBP in STOGI^ a LcAI^GB flSSOI^TMBNT OP iMPOI^fPBD AND DOMBSTIG JVTOCHA Rfit) JAVA COFFEE, fllMD PVHH SPICES. — ^OOnVLE j^l * < ♦ CREAMED OYSTERS. One quart of oysters, one and a half cups cream, one heaping tablespoon cornstarch. Salt and pepper to taste. Let the cream come to a boil, mix the cornstarch in a little milk and stir into the cream , add pepper and salt. Let the oysters come to a boil in their own liquor, and skim carefully. Drain nff the li(|uor, and turn the ovsters into the cream. — Mrs. H. D. Leonard. CREAMED CELERY. Cut in inch pieces and cover with milk, to which, when boil- ing, add salt and a small piece of butter. Serve hot. DICED TURNIPS. Pare, slice, cut in dice an inch square; boil until nearly done in as little water as possible. To one quart of turnips, add one tablespoon sugar, and salt to taste ; when boiled quite dry, add two or three spoons of cream and a beaten egg. — Mrs. A. J. Lampshire. CHOPPED PICKLE. One peck of green tomatoes, one pint green peppers, two quarts green cucumbers, four bunches celery and one ounce celery seed, one ounce mustard seed, five cents worth of tumeric in a bag, one large cup brown sugar, two heads of cabbage, one- fourth pound horse-radish. Sprinkle salt over cabbage and tomatoes, and let drain over night ; rinse with water in the morning. Put seeds and tumeric in vinegar and boil, pour over the ingredients while hot. 42 MISCELLANEOUS. EGG OMELETTE. Ten eggs, one large coffee-cup milk, a little salt. Beat the eggs very light, add the milk and salt. Pour into a hot skillet in which a large tablespoon of butter has been melted. When partly cooked, remove from fire and bake in oven until firm. Place a hot platter on top of omelette, invert quickly, and serve at once. CHILI SAUCE. Fifty large, ripe tomatoes, six green peppers, six red peppers, eight onions and six garlics, eight tablespoons salt, eight table- spoons sugar, twelve cups vinegar, celery, cloves, cinnamon and allspice to taste. Chop peppers and onions very fine. Peel and chop the tomatoes. Boil two hours ; stir while boiling. WATERMELON SWEET PICKLE. Pare and cut the rind into thin pieces and place in a porce- lain-lined kettle; to about five pounds of fruit, add two tea- spoons salt, with sufficient water to cover, and boil until tender enough to pierce with a silver fork. Drain well, then take one quart of vinegar, two pounds sugar, and pour over the fruit. Scald the syrup and pour over the fruit for eight successive days, the ninth day add one ounce each stick cinnamon, whole cloves and allspice. Scald all together and seal up. Nicer if left to stand two or three months. — Mrs. L. A. Grover. DRESSING FOR MEATS AND POULTRY. ESPECIALLY FOR TURKEYS. One-half loaf baker's bread dried and soaked in cold water; squeeze the bread well with the hands until all the water is out. Smother a small onion in a large piece of butter, but do not brown it; add this to the bread, also one pound chopped veal, one-half pound tender pork, grated half nutmeg, pepper, salt, chopped parsley, three eggs, beating the whites to a froth and adding last. — Mrs. Werner. MISCELLANEOUS. 43 VEAL LOAF. Three-fourths pound raw veal, one-fourth pound raw salt-pork, three eggs, nine crackers, three teaspoons salt, one and a half teaspoons pepper, parsley. Chop very fine, and 'bake one hour. When cold, slice thin. — Mrs. W. H. Nash. GERMAN PICKLES. One bushel large, yellow cucumbers; peel, cut up lengthwise and remove seeds ; sprinkle with salt and let stand twelve hours. Strain and thoroughly dry with a cloth ; cover with cold vinegar and let stand for two weeks ; pour off vinegar, dry cucumbers, put in a jar with a teacup of mustard seeds and spices. Boil sufficient vinegar to cover and pour over them warm. — Mrs. Werner. ESCALLOPED OYSTERS. Sprinkle a buttered dish with cracker crumbs, then put in a layer of oysters, some bits of butter, a little pepper and salt, and so on until the dish is full, leaving crumbs and butter on top. Pour over the top a little milk. Bake until of a light brown. TO BLANCH ALMONDS. Shell the nuts and pour boiling water over them; let them stand a minute, then throw them into cold water ; rub between the hands and the dark skin will come off. BOILED FISH. One mountain trout or white fish, clean and wash well, sprinkle salt on the inside and out and let it stand over night; in the morning put into salt boiling water, boiling fifteen or twenty minutes. Lay on a platter sprinkled with chopped parsley and serve at once with hot potatoes boiled in salt water. For gravy, a large piece of butter melted but not boiled ; pour the butter slowly into a tureen, leaving the salt in the dish. Add chopped parsley. — Mrs. Werner. 44 MISCELLANEOUS. SPICED CURRANTS. Stem three pints of ripe currants. Make a syrup of three parts of sugar to one of strong vinegar. Add currants, boil for a few minutes, stirring constantly to prevent burning. Spice with cinnamon and cloves. — Mrs. H. C. Dimick. FISH CHOWDER. Try out small pieces of salt pork in a kettle. Cut up a medium-sized fish, slice thin four or five potatoes ; add these to the salt pork in alternate layers; cover with boiling water and cook until soft. Season to taste, add an onion if liked, one large pint milk, and piece of butter. Let boil. Add a few Boston crackers (split) just before serving. GRAPE PRESERVES. Wash the grapes, weigh, having equal weight of sugar and grapes ; then pulp the grapes, put the pulp in a kettle and boil twenty-five minutes. Rub through a sieve ; return this to the kettle, add the sugar, and boil thirty minutes, then put in the skms and boil ten minutes. — Miss R. H. Nash. DUMPLINGS. One pint flour, one cup milk, one egg, a large teaspoon baking powder, little salt. Make the batter soft, so as to drop in with a spoon. Cook about ten minutes. Be sure to have the soup boiling when you drop them in. Serve at once. — Mrs. W. H. Nash. SAUER KRAUT WITH OYSTERS. Drain the oysters. Mix some flour with part of the liquor, put the rest of the liquor on the stove, let come to a boil ; add oysters and flour and let come to a boil again ; add pepper and salt and piece of butter. Then fill dish with layer of sauer kraut and layer of oysters alternately. Serve at once. — Mrs. Werner. MISCELLANEOUS. 45 SWEET PICKLE. Take seven pounds of fruit, three pounds sugar, one quart vinegar, one-half ounce each mace, cinnamon and cloves, and scald all together. Take out the fruit and boil the syrup down and pour over; repeat this for three days. COLD TOMATO CATSUP. One-half peck tomatoes, three pints of good vinegar, three- fourths cup salt, three-fourths cup ground mustard seed, three peppers, handful celery seed, one tablespoon grated horse-radish. Mix well and bottle tight. SPICED BEEF. Chop one pound raw beefsteak and a piece of suet or pork the size of an Qgg. Add one-half pint bread crumbs or crack- ers, two eggs, six tablespoons cream or milk, a small piece of butter. Season with savory, marjoram, salt and pepper. Mix and make in a roll with flour enough to keep together. Bake. When cold slice thin. PREPARED FISH. Boil until quite soft three pounds of fish ; pick in small pieces and lay upon a flat dish. Season with pepper and salt, add a small piece of butter. Turn upon the well-beaten yolks of four eggs a pint of scalding milk, and pour it over the fish. Beat to a stiff froth the whites and spread over the surface. Bake half an hour. — Mrs. W. H. Nash. TOMATO TOAST. Run a quart of stewed ripe tomatoes through a colander, place in a porcelain kettle, season with butter, pepper, salt and sugar to taste. Cut thin slices of bread, brown on both sides, place on a platter, and when ready to serve, add a pint of sweet cream to the tomatoes and pour over the toast. — Mrs. A. J. Lampshire. 46 MISCELLANEOUS. CRANBERRY JELLY. Cover cranberries with water and cook until soft ; mash through a colander. To one pint of juice add one pound of sugar. Return to stove and boil one-half hour. Pour the hot liquid in moulds to cool. — Miss R. H. Nash. HOT MUSH BREAD FOR DINNER. Scald a pint of corn meal until of the consistency of mush ; when cooked, cool with sour or buttermilk until about as thick as batter cake dough; then add one-half teaspoon each of salt and soda, two eggs, and a teaspoon of butter. Beat well and bake quickly. To be served in the dish in which it is baked, and helped with a spoon. — Mrs. Cooper. FOAM SAUCE. One cup sugar, one egg ; beat well together, add four table- spoons boiling milk. Flavor with vanilla. — Mrs. W. H. Nash. ''^""'""'mm^ '^ Bj]M -^->^^*<- \ MOLASSES CANDY. Two cups New Orleans molasses, one cup sugar, one table- spoon vinegar, a piece of butter the size of a walnut. Boil twenty-five minutes, stirring constantly. Either pull it or pour out thin on pans. — Miss F. L. Raymond. PEANUT CANDY. One pound of granulated sugar put in an iron spider; stir until free from lumps. Crush a quart of peanuts very fine and add just before takiitg from the stove. — Mrs. C. E. Dodge. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. One large cup sugar, one-half cup molasses, one half cup milk, butter the size of an egg, one teaspoon cornstarch, one- fourth pound chocolate. — Miss R. H. Nash. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. One cup milk, two cups molasses, one cup sugar, one and a half cakes chocolate, small piece of butter. Grate the chocolate and stir it into the milk when boiling, then stir in gradually the other ingredients. Try it as you would molasses candy, and when done and cooled a little, cut in squares half an inch. 48 CANDIES. FRENCH CREAM CANDY. (uncooked.) Mix whites of two eggs and their bulk in water in a large bowl ; beat very well, add a dessert spoon vanilla and about two pounds "XXX" confectioners' sugar (finest grade of powdered sugar), well sifted ; beat well, and the paste is ready. Take half a pound of dates, remove stones, put in a piece of the candy paste and roll each one in granulated sugar. For Fig Candy, split half a pound of figs, place a layer of the dough on a board (first sprinkle well with powdered sugar to prevent its adhering), then a layer of figs, again a layer of dough, and cut in squares. Nuts of any kind may be made up into candy by using the meats for the foundation or inside of little balls of paste, and then roll in coarse sugar; set each kind out in a cool place to harden. For Chocolate Creams roll any number of balls size of small marbles from the dough, and when they are hardened, dip with a fork into some Baker's chocolate melted on the.stove. Be careful not to allow it to boil ; better to melt it in a little cup placed in a pan of hot water on the stove. Or make a caramel of three- fourths pint sugar, one-third pint milk, two tablespoons butter, and one square chocolate. Boil twenty minutes and add one teaspoon^^ vanilla. Remove from fire, place in a pan of hot water, and dip in the little balls. Cocoanut Candy may be made by rolling out another portion of the dough on the floured board, sprinkle with cocoanut, roll a few times with the roller, and cut into squares. A mixture of cocoanut and nuts chopped fine makes a delicious candy. For English Walnut Candy split the walnuts, shape some of the dough into round flat balls, place a half of the nut on each and press firmly. Use hickory-nut meats for Hickory-Nut Candy. ^Ho^SEHOLiD* f4n4TS..^ •.• To clean the silver spoons and forks in everyday use, rub them with a damp cloth dipped in baking soda, then polish them with a small piece of chamois skin. •.• Rub salt on the inside of your coffee pot when washing it, and it will remove the coffee and egg very quickly. Be sure to rinse it thoroughly before using it again. '. • Old lamp burners should be boiled often in strong saleratus water. Let them boil for an hour, polish them, and they will be as good as new, and will not trouble you by causing a smoky -.' Brooms become very brittle in this dry atmosphere ; dip- ping them in hot suds every week will toughen them, so they will last much longer. * * * •.•Cut old boot tops into pieces the right size, cover with calico, and you have a holder that will not heat the hand. JAVELLE WATER. TO BLEACH AND REMOVE STAINS. Four pounds sal-soda, one pound chloride of lime, one gallon water. Heat the sal soda in a vessel over the fire, add the water boiling. Boil ten minutes. Add the chloride of lime, having first reduced it to powder. When cold, bottle and cork the mixture. Rinse well after using. CLEANING FLUID. Sulphuric ether, one drachm; chloroform, one drachm; alcohol, two drachms; deodorized benzine, two pints; oil of wintergreen, two drachms. Nice for cleaning kid gloves, grease spots, etc. COPYRIGHT APPLIED FOR. All Rights Reserved. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lililllllliililllliilllilllllllilliilllilll 010 230 530 9 #