'^.^^ m-^ \^^^ ^^°^ ^°-^^^ 'h. * "^^ « ^^0* A°^ O K ♦ 1 S* .<.^^ vv • » « o A° "^ ' • . 1 • ^ ^°^ ^°-^^. y ^*^ 40^ ,-1°^ ^^•nK. •. X3, 'o . I • A ^ .... 5^ '^_. A <^ *TTrV' .G* "^. '0.7* A <^ *?!«CT* .G^ "^ '<,.." A <, <«" ,-l<^x> ^-^ ^^^'!^^ .^^ \.''°.''\<^ ^<>'^^\g^ ''^^*'-..'\<^ V'^^^\g^^ *o^ •^0^ e, vP 5' i 0^ ^-^^^"^^ ^-./ °o r » 1- ^ V fy tiV'. > "■ ' "S!. -^^n? ■» o ^* 'h^ %> 'J ^°^ . 0^ ,.^L'* ''b ^ ,.^'.'« "^b ^oV ^^ ^oV ^*'' "^ a"^ - . ^^^^ „ ^ * A*' "Ov • '(t?)iif^ ♦ «^ "^ o v^eOO^* A*^ "^ • ^(6/^W)rSfr * «/ V- . «5<^ « » «.' SO<. . >6^ .HO*. o^ ^0rt^ty nf Amrrtran Wars Commanbtrg of tl^e Bistrirt of Columbia OFFICE OF THE RECORDER 532 SEVENTEENTH STREET Washington, D. C. October, 1910 OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR COMMANDER SENIOR VICE-COMMANDER JUNIOR VICE-COMMANDER RECORDER .... TREASURER .... REGISTRAR GENEALOGIST . HISTORIAN . . . . CHANCELLOR • . . . CHAPLAIN . . . . SURGEON . . ■. ENDING APRIL 30. 191 1: Lawrence Towxsexd George A. "Woodward H. P. Norton J. C. Hardie John H. Moore MiLo C. Summers Franklin C. Prindle Henry Graham Crocker John B. Castleman G. Freeland Peter Charles W. Richardson George L. Andrews m. \'. z. woodhull COUNCIL George Truesdell W. H. \\tlmer W". H. Brownson REPRESENTATIVES IN THE COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF Nelson A. Miles Levi P. Morton WooDRow Wilson MEMBERS Allen, Hon. Chas. Herbert . New York City Ames, Howard Emerson, Med. Dir.. U. S. N., Bremerton, Wash. Anderson, George S., Col., Gen. Staff U. S. A., Governors Island, N. Y. H. Andrews, George L., Brig.-Gen., U. S. A., Retd., Washington, D. C. Astor, John Jacob, Colonel, U. S. V., New York City Badger, Chas. J., Captain, U. S. N., Care Navy Department Bailey, William ^^^, LL.D. . Providence. R. I. Ball, R. T. M., Pay Director, U. S. N., Boston, Mass. Barr, Thomas F., Brig.-Gen., U. S. A., Retd., Newport, R. I. Barry, Thomas H.. Major-Gen., U. S. A., West Point, N. Y. Belknap, Reginald R., Lieut. -Com., U. S. N., Berlin, Germany Bellinger, John B., Col., Q. M. Dept., U. S. A., Manila, P. I. Bergland, Eric, Major, U. S. A., Retd., Baltimore, Md. Bertelotte, Daniel N., Med. Dir.. U. S. N., Washington, D. C. Beyer, Henry G., Medi cal Inspector, U. S. N., Washington. D. C. BixBY, William H., Brig.-Gen., U. S. A., Chief of Engineers, War Department Blunt, Stanhope E., Col., Ord. Dept., U. S. A., Springfield, Mass. Breckinridge, Joseph C, Maj.-Gen., U.S.A., Rtd., Annapolis, Md. Brownson, Willard H., Rear Adml., U.S.N., Rtd., Care Despatch Agent, London, England Bruff, Lawrence L.. Lt.-Col., Ord. Dept., U.S.A., Philadelphia. Pa. Buffington, Adelbert R., Brig.-Gen.. U. S. A., Retd Madison, N. J. BuRBANK, James B., Brig.-Gen., U. S. A., Retd., New York City Burr, Edward, Lt.-Col., Engineer Corps, U. S. A., War Department Bush-Brown, Henry Kirke, Esq., Washington, D. C. Capehart, Edward E., Comdr.. U. S. N., Navy Department Carter, Thomas F., Capt., U. S. N., Retd.. Munhall, Pa. Castleman, John B., General . Louisville, Ky. Church, Irving P., Civil Engineer, Ithaca, N. Y. Coffin, William H., Col., C. A. C, U. S. A., Fort Adams, R. I. CouDERT, Frederick R., LL.D.. New York City Craighill, William E., Lt.-Col., Corps of Engs., U. S. A Portland, Me. Crocker, Henry G., M.L., Department of State Davis, Edward, Brig.-Gen.. U. S. A., Retd.. Honolulu, H. T. Dempsey, Chas. A., Col., U. S. A., Retd., Richmond, Va. Dewey, George, Admiral of the V. S. N., Washington, D. C. Douglas, Hon. \\'illiam W. . Providence, R. I. DuTTON, Clarence E., Major, U. S. A.. Retd., Englewood, N. J. Edgerly, Winfield S., Brig.-Gen.. U. S. A.. Retd., New York City Evans, Robley D., Rear Admiral. U. S. N., Ret^ Washington, D. C. Ellicott, John M., Commander, L'. S. N., Portland, Oregon Eyerman, John, Esq Easton, Pa. Fallows, Samuel, D.D Chicago, III. FoLGER, William M., Rear Adml., U.S.N., Retd., Windsor, Vt. Frazer, Reah, Pay Director. U. S. N.. New York City GiLLis, Irwin V. G., Lt.-Com., V. S. N., Care Navy Department Greenough, George G.. Brig.-Gen., L'. S. A.. Retd., Charleston, S. C. Hamilton, William R., Col.. V. S. A.. St. Louis, Mo. Hardie, Joseph C, M.L. . . Washingion, D. C. Hatfield, James T., Ph.D. . . . Evanston, 111. Hill, Adams S., LL.D. . . . Cambridge, Mass. Hill, David J., LL.D. . . . Berlin, Germany Holden, Jonas H., Commander, L^. S. N., Care Navy Department Horn, Tierman N., Capt., Field Arty., U. S. A., Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Hornblower, William B., LL.D., New York City Hyde, Thomas, Esq. . . . Washington, D. C. Jarrett, Arthur R., Captain, M. R. C. Brooklyn, N. Y. Jayne, Joseph L., Commander, U. S. N., Care Navy Department Jenkins, Hon. James G. . . Milwaukee. Wis. Kenny, Albert S., Paymaster-Gen., U.S.N., Rtd., Washington, D. C. Kerr, John B., Brig.-Gen., U.S.A., Retd., Paris. France King, Charles, General, U. S. A., Retd., Late U. S. V., Milwaukee, Wis. Kimball, \\'illiam W., Rear Admiral, U. S. N.. Care Navy Department Knox, Thomas T., Col., U. S. A., Retd.. Hampton, Va. Langhorne^ George T., Capt., 11th Cav., U.S.A., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Lea, Overton, Esq Nashville, Tenn. JMcClurg, Walter A., U. S. N., Retd., Washington, D. C. McFarland, Walter M., Esq. . New York City McLean, Thomas C, Rear Adml., U.S.N., Retd., Care Navy Department Manderson, Charles T., Gen., U. S. V., Omaha, Neb. ri Marsh, Charles C, Commander, U. S. N., x"^ Care Navy Department T 1^ AIason^ Newton E., Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Washington, D. C. William A., Maj., 11th Cavalry, U.S.A., New London, Conn. , LSON A., Lieut. -Gen., \J. S. A., Retd., Washington, D. C. Mills, Albert L., Brig.-Gen., U. S. A., Atlanta, Ga. MiLLERj Hon. George P. . . Alilwaukee, Wis. Monfort, Elias R., Capt., U. S. V.. Cincinnati, Ohio Moore, John H., Commander, U. S. N., Retd., Washington, D. C. Morton, Hon. Levi P. . . . Rhinecliff, N. Y. Newgarden, George J., Major, U. S. A., Ketd., \\'ashington, D. C. Noble, Robert H., Major 1st Infy., U. S. A., Vancouver Bks., Wash. Norton, Charles S., Rear Adml, U.S.N., Retd., Westfield, N. J. Norton, Harold P., Commander, U. S. N., Navy Department Patch, Nathaniel J. K., Comdr., U.S.N., Retd., Boston, Mass. Pennington, A. C. M., Brig.-Gen., U.S.A., Retd., New York City Peter, Rev. George Freeland, Washington, D. C. Peters, George H., Commodore U.S.N. , Retd., Washington, D. C. PiLLSBURY, John E., Rear Admiral, U. S. N., Retd., Washington, D. C. Potts, Ramsay D., Brig.-Gen., U. S. A., Manila, P. L Powell, Joseph W., Esq. . . Philadelphia, Pa. Prindle, Franklin C, L^. S. N., Retd., Washington, D. C. Reichman, Carl, Major, 24th Infy., U. S. A., Army W'ar College Revell, Alexander H., Esq. . . Chicago, 111. Richardson, Charles, M.D., Washington, D. C. RixEY, Presley M., Surg.-Gen., U. S. N., Retd., ^^'ashington, D. C. Ross, Tenny, Capt., 3d Infy., U. S. A., Fort Leavenworth, Kan. RoTHROCK, Joseph T., M.D., West Chester, Pa. Rowan, Hamilton, Major, U. S. A., Retd., Concord, N. H. Sands, Joseph H., Rear Admiral, U. S. N,, Retd., Washington, D. C. Sargeant, Charles S., Major, U. S. V., Jamaica Plains, Mass. Schuyler, Walter S., Col., 5th Cavy., U. S. A., Honolulu, Hawaii ScoTT, Hugh L., Major 14th Cavalry, U. S. A., Princeton, N. J. SiMMs, R. Douglas, Col., U. S. V., Washington, D. C. Simpson, George W., Pay Inspector, U. S. N., Navy Department Smith, Hon. Edward C. . . . St. Albans, Vt. Smith, Edward F., Ph.D. . Philadelphia. Pa. Spooner, Hon. John Coit . . New York City St.andish, Myles, M.D. . . . Boston, Mass. Stanton, Oscar F., Rear Adml., U.S.N., Retd., New London, Conn. Stone, Raymond, Commander, U. S. N., Care Navy Department .Str.\uss, Joseph, Commander, U. S. N., Care Navy Department Summers, Milo C, Esq. . . Washington, D. C. Txi-GHMAN, Oswaldt'Esq. T . . Easton; Atii. Townsend, Lawrence, Esq.. Washington, D. C. Truesdell, George, Col., U. S. \"., Washington, D. C. \'an Dyke, Henry, D.D. . . Princeton, N. J. \*room, Hon. Garrett D. W. . Trenton, N. J. W.\inwright, Richard P., Rear Adm., U. S. N., Care Navy Department W-ALES, Philip G., Major, Medical Corps, Monterey, Cal. Waller, Littleton W. T., Col., V. S. M. C, Pekin, China Ward, Frederick K., Brig.-Gen., U. S. A., Fort Riley, Kan. Ward, Thomas, Brig.-Gen., U. S. A., Retd., Rochester. N. Y. Webb, Hon. William S. . . New York City Whitney, Henry H., Major, C. A. C, U. S. A., Fort Riley, Kans. Wilmer, William H., M.D., Washington, D. C. Wilson, Woodrow, LL.D. . . Princeton, N. J. Wood, Leonard, Maj.-Gen., U. S. A., War Department WooDHULL, Max\\ell, \^. Z., Brig.-Gcu., U. S. V.. Washington, D. C. W00DW.A.RD, George S., Brig.-Gen., V. S. A., Retd.. Washington, D. C Weyth, Marlborough, C, Lt.-Col., U.S.A., Retd . Washington, D. C. ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP IX THE SOCIETY Section 1. An applicant for membership in the Society must be a man not less than twenty-one }'ears of age. of good moral character and reputa- tion, who is : (c). A lineal descendant of an ancestor wlio served as a Governor. Lieutenant- or Deputy-Gov- ernor of any of the thirteen colonies. {b). A lineal descendant of a member of the Councils or Assemblies of any of the thirteen colonies. (c). A lineal descendant of a military or naval officer under authority of the colonies which after- wards formed the United States, from the settle- ment of Jamestown. Mav 13, 1607. to April 19. 1783. (rf). A military or naval officer who has served with honor as a commissioned officer of the United States in the Arm}-. Xa\y, Marine Corps or Revenue Cutter Service, in any war in which the United States has been or shall be engaged or a lineal descendant thereof. (e). A lineal descendant of a companion of the Societv of .American \\"ars. ARTICLE XII DUES The annual dues for resident companions sliall be three dollars, and for non-i^esident companions two dollars. Companions residing beyond the State boundaries or farther than fifty miles from head- quarters are deemed to be non-resident. All dues shall be due and payable upon the first day of January of each year. The membership fee shall be five dollars. The Recorder shall immediately notify all companions of the maturity of dues and any companion in arrears for ninety days after such notification may be suspended by the Board of Officers or Commandery, and after one year's arrears a companion is ipso facto suspended. .\ny companion who shall ha\e been suspended for a period of six months for non-pa\nnent of dues shall be dropped from the roll of membership. Any companion so dropped, may, upon payment of arrears, be reinstated by a majority vote of the Board of Officers and Commanderv. All communications should be addressed to the Recorder, Joseph Cuyler Hardie, 532 Seventeenth Street ^■^Vl ^^>slmlgtog ^. C. t-:^^', ° % ».»o^ )?' -^^ -^^ • , 0.0-0- '^^^ '■i'-^'- y \;<^^o'\c^o ^^ * ^" .^"'^♦^ ^.Biii^; .5.'^V ^wim: ^v-^. \^mm: .^-^'^^ v ^*..^:'X. /.v:^'"°o ./\-^:'/-e.. .//i-:^^"°o ,/\. 4 o^ <0 v*- V'^' ^^9^ *^^* J' % .' A •^0 ^^.^^ oV^^^a'^ "^^A' :i^^. '^r.^^ ^^^'. ^f^rS '^O' -^o^ r.O" t v-;^ .y >^ ^^.■y cV'^^^a- "^>.^-« :i^^. '^r.^ '^^^a'- '■^^,>'« 'or ^'^v.^^^ ^•t.-^ .^. ^ -.'^^^. .. ^ .^.^^,* /\ '^WWs J'X '• fi?.' ^ V '.-•' ^ °^ *-o' ,0- -^^ rr.-' .#' "oV" 0^ ^-^'."^^ ^^d* •^^^^ K^ /\. ^>^^^^^ /% -^^ /\ ^^^^ /% -^^ /% -: ^^^y^'"- y/S;'-^-^ ^°^:^^'> a//^<>^ /.C^^^'^o -^*^--"-. - '-^0^ .,•1°^ •^v^^' ■» o C^ ,/\.^;r,V . <» *vt;t' ,0' . o . , "<«. ■ • • ' .^" ..... "-^^ 1 H 1,1 r ii la'^^ J. 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