^ ^ J-'. m^WWx^^'y^/jM^^A'
Julliv;e or PeBuiyivaa,
Catalogue CoDipiled »nd Sale
Conducted by
At the Art Auction Rooiss oi
1 1 12 Walnut St., PhiUcicipln». P».
Catalogue No. 944 Part I
Chief Justice of Pennsylvania
with few exceptions, all that are mentioned in Baker's
" Engraved Portraits of Washington," and as
many more, unknown to Baker,
THURSDAY, JANUARY i8, 1906, at 2.30 and 8 o'clock p.m., and
FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1906, at 10.30 o'clock a.m.
On Exhibition Three Days Previous to Sale.
Order of Sale :
First Sitting, Lots i to 350.
Second Sitting, Lots 351 to 725.
Third Sitting, Lots 726 to end.
Catalogue compiled and Sale At the Book Auction Rooms of
conducted by DAVIS & HARVEY,
STAN. V. HENK.ELS mi Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
ET 2lt
Bids will be executed by the Auctioneers without extra charge.
Bids are always so much per piece, unless otherwise stated in catalogue.
Terms of Sale — Cash.
All purchases must be settled for and removed on day immediately
following the sale.
This catalogue embraces the first portion of the collection of engraved
portraits of Gen. George Washington gathered by the Hon. Jas. T. Mitchell,
Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, and includes only the portraits described by,
or such as vi^ould have been described by, the late Mr. Wm. S. Baker in his
work on the Engraved Portraits of Washington. When I say would have
been, I mean that many in this collection are so rare that Mr. Baker had
not the good fortune, in his researches, to come across them, otherwise they
would have been included in his book.
After mature consideration, I decided to fall back and build on the old
foundation, that is, to describe the portraits by the e.xcellent rule laid down
by Mr. Baker in his admirable work, which is best understood by col-
lectors, being aware that those who are possessed of the exclusive Grolier
Club book can readily identify the portraits mentioned in that book by the
Baker numbers herein given. It wiD be well to state, whilst mentioning the
Grolier Club book, that that publication owes much of its excellence and
completeness to the courtesy of Justice Mitchell in allowing Mr. Hart the
use of his collection in compiling the same, as many of the rarer items men-
tioned in it are the only impressions known, and are in this collection. In
describing the portraits, we have tried to follow the various forms of letters
used in the titles of the prints, which will explain the lack of uniformity in
lettering of the titles in this catalogue.
I think it wiU be -conceded that there is not such another collection as
this in existence. Herein are described no less than eleven hundred and
fifty separate portraits, and allowing two hundred for duplicates (as to state
only), it will be perceived that it outnumbers Baker two to one, or, in other
words, contains as many not in, as are in Baker, the great majority of them
being of the most extreme rarity.
The rule for collecting in any line is generosity, which was religiously
observed by Chief Justice Mitchell; he cared not how much the sellers pro-
fit, so long as the price was within reason, consequently in many instances
the Chief Justice had the fiirst choice given him by the owners, which invariably
ended in a purchase, and this is the reason this collection is so peculiarly
rich in the rarer portraits.
I shall call attention to only a few items in the sale. First, a portrait of
Washington published in a Belfast magazine called " The Microscope,'' which
came from General Washington's library, and is unique. The portrait on
the title-page of a piece of music called " The Battle 0} Trenton," and
which also belonged to General Washington, and is unique. The portrait of
Washington in Armor, which we believe to be the only one known. There is
also in the collection quite a number of other portraits which enjoy the same
distinction. A beautiful portrait, cabinet size, painted in oil by the cele-
brated enamel painter Wm. Birch, of which a fairly creditable facsimile is
seen on the cover of the catalogue, and the model of the Sharpless portrait,
made in wax by Titian Peale, the son of Chas. Willson Peale; this is really
an extraordinary work of art, beautifully executed. It would be folly for
one to attempt to describe in these remarks, those of the engraved portraits
worthy of mention, — they are too numerous.
The second portion of this collection, a catalogue of which is in prepa-
ration, will embrace an extraordinary number of colored and plain litho-
graphs, many of great rarity and artistic merit. We say artistic merit, for
it is not until such a collection as this comes under one's observation that
we are taught to what a degree of excellence this art has been carried. There
is also an unique collection of the various issues of the paper money bearing
the portrait of Washington, many of them the work of our early American
engravers, including the celebrated Doolittle; with these we might include
proofs of the various issues of the revenue and postage stamps, also proofs
of the various banknote vignettes, and, last but not least, quite a number
of contemporary portraits of Washington engraved on wood, including the
one which a distinguished authority attributes to Paul Revere.
It has been my good fortune to have pass through my hands much (more
than that of any living man) material which belonged to, or related to General
Washington. A knowledge gained from this source is the reason why these
great collections are placed in my hands for disposal; probably greater
things are expected of me. Feeling the responsibilitj-, I have placed be-
fore my patrons this catalogue, hoping that my efforts will be appreciated,
and with a consciousness that I have done my best.
Stan. V. Henkels.
C. W. Peale Type """^f
" " not known to Baker _ " ----- 1-7
Alexander Campbell Tvoe '" "" ~" ' ■^
" (( ii ~ ~7 I^— IS
„ ^ „. "°' known to Baker . rr-rft
Eugene Du Simitiere Type i °
„, ^ , _ not known to Baker ,-_,o
Wm. Dunlap Type _ _ '7 '°
Joseph Wright Type ------------IIII,^!'"] "'"" q-
" not known to Baker ^'
Robert Edge Pine Type '_'_" '_"_ " ^'"^*
, " '.' " " not known to Baker _ -,^-Jt
Jean Antoine Houdon Type _ "' * I
„", ^ " " not known to Baker I^Z-Ir
James Peale Type ^?^^*
" not known to Bakerl' "_"! "_ 28-29
Madame de Brehan Type _ _ """ ^^
Christian Gulager Type __ I."."" " ^^
Edward Savage Type -I"^""^I"II ^^I^°
^,'' " " not known to Baker _ l^~l^.
John Trumbull Type /" 33-34
" not known to Baker. " i~^
Archibald Robertson Type _ _ "" _ 30-4o
Giuseppe Ceracchi Type . ." "' '*°
Williams Type _. . "I 40-41
Robert Field Type I,!"" !'"_" '_'_""_ *^
Walter Robertson Type I """^ "" ""~ " ^i
„ " , ^ , " " not known to Baker ^'~'l^
Samuel Folwell Type _ _ _ *J
" not known to Baker. _ _ " "^^
Adolph Ulric WertmuUer Type _ _ " " T"] 43-^4
Gilbert Stuart Type ' ^_^" """" "I " '^i
„ ", " " not known to Bakerl". Ill tt^r.
Rembrandt Peale Type 7^9
William Birch Type 99-ioo
James Sharpless Type miimilllim"r"r"'n loo-ioi
" not known to Baker ,
Saint-Memin Type 102-103
" not known to Baker '°^
Silhouettes _._ . 103-105
" not known to Baker I" _I '_'_ '°'''
Memorial Designs _ _ " '°5
^. . . not known to Baker ,„„ „,
Fictitious Portraits _ _ 109-111
not known to Baker r'^"^
Statuary . 116-120
" not known to Baker l._ "_ II ^^° "'
Appendix to Baker " ^ I""I "" "" '^'
Miscellaneous _ ~ "" ^^'
Oil Portrait of Washington'by'Wm.'Birch"" I 122-129
Peale's Model of the Sharpless Bust I '"'
Portrait of Washington on Porcelain _ ~I I '^°
Books with Portraits of Washington ' ^^°
Grolier Club Catalogue .___II I 130-131
Buttons from Washington's Coat".I_"III" "I ^^^
Washington plate '" '3'
Described According to Baker
i) I. His Excell: G; WASHINGTON Esq: Late Commander in Chief
in uniform, head to right. Oval, with border in a rectangle; title in
the border. Mezzoiinto.
Height 7 5-16 inches; width 5 11-16 inches.
Painted & Engrav'd by C. W. Peale 1787. Baker No. i.
Excessively rare.
^ Second state, in beautiful condition, &ne impression in red See facsimile.
!• 2. Gen. Washington. Full bust in uniform, head to left, the right hand,
gloved, thrust in the breast. Circle, with border, upon a pyramidal
base, in a rectangle engraved to represent stonework. Line.
Height 5 13-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches.
Wm Angus Sc. Published Sep''- 2J, 178 j, by J. Fielding Pater Noster
Row. Baker No. j.
P' 3. G. WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, in the uniform of a colonel
in the Virginia service, head to left. Mixed.
Height 4 13-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
Painted by A. Dickinson. Engraved by J. C. Buttre. Baker No. 4.
On large paper.
\^ 4. WASINGTON Gen^ralissime des Etats Unis de L'Amerique.
Full bust in uniform, full face. Oval, with border in an ornamented
rectangle. In the oval to the left a tree, the branches of which spread
over and behind the head, the title in a ruled tablet beneath the oval.
Height 13 8-16 inches; width lo inches.
Dessind par Bounieu d'apres un Tableau fourni par M. le Marquis
de la Fayette. Grave par Chevillet. " Galerie des hommes lUustres
^ vivans," before the publisher's address. Baker No. 6. Rare.
o'^s. THE SAME. With variation in title: " WASHINGTON Gene'ralissime
des Americains, Liberateur des Etats-Unis Contemporain en Ami du
General Lafayette," and without the ruled lines on tablet.
6. THE SAME. With the same title as lot No. 5, but with the publisher's
(jO address " chez Porlier Graveur Editeur, Rue des Cinq Diamans. N? 8,"
■V and without the inscription, " Galerie des hommes lUustres," at top.
It will be noticed that in the first state of these three prints, Lot No. 4, the name is spelled " Wasington."
% \^ 7. General Washington. Bust in uniform, full face. Oval. Line,
Height 3 11-16 inches; widlh 3 inches.
T. Cook del et sculp. Baker No. 7. Very rare.
Although the title docs not agree with Baker, nor the size exactly, it is, however, the same print,
the difference being in the wording of the title; inlaid, publisher's address cut ofif.
form, head to right. Oval. Line.
Height 2 j3-i6 laches; width a 5-16 inches.
J. De Mare, From a miniature on ivory presented by Washington to
his niece Harriet, and now belonging to her daughter's family (copy-
right 1851). Baker No. 8.
y^^\ GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. Born Feb. 22, 1732, in
' Westmoreland County, Virginia, and Died Dec. 14, 1799, at Mount
Vernon. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height II 4-16 inches; width q inches.
R. Peale Pinx, D. Edwin, Sc. Baker No. g. Fielding No. 2oy.
Fine and brilliant impression. See reduced facsimile. Very rare.
Baker says: " From the lettering of this plate, it is usually considered to have been executed from
the first portrait by Rembrandt Peale. painted at the age of seventeen. But this, we think, is an error,
and if the engraving is a close rendering of its original, incline to the opinion that the lettering is incor-
-0 rect, and that it is really after one of Charles Willson Peale's later portraits."
.^l ^' 10. GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left.
Stipple, printed in colors.
Height 13 inches; width lo 3-16 inches.
R. Peale Pinxt, D. Edwin Sculpt. Printed in colors by H. Charles.
Published by H. S. Tanner, Philadelphia. Baker No. lo. Fielding
No. 2oy B. Very rare.
A superb impression, printed in colors and of excessive rarity. The preceding print with the addition
of a border, which is included in the measurement.
j^O.ooii. THE SAME. Plain impression, with a small shot-hole in the coat
and stained in lower corner. Fielding No. 207 B.
.S0'j2. G. WASHINGTON. 1772, .Et 40. Three-quarter length, in the uni-
form of a colonel in the Virginia service. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 5 4-i6inches;width38-i6inche5.
C. W. Peale. J. B. Forrest. Original in possession of G. W. P.
Custis, Esq. New York, G. P. Putnam cf Co. Baker No. 11.
India proof.
SfAOMiZ- GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length in military costume, lean-
ing upon a field-piece to the left, a riding-switch in his right hand; the
left, in which is his hat, rests upon a horse fore-shortened at the right.
In the e.xtreme distance to left upon a hill, a large building with cupola.
Height 19 13-16 inches; width 14 inches.
Peel pinxit Philadelphia, Stothard deUnt- Londini. J. Brown Excudit,
V. Green fecit, Mezzotinto Engraver to the King of Great Britain and
the Elector Palatine. From an Original Picture in the possession oj
Mr. Brown: Published by him April 22d 1785, and Sold at No. 10, George
Yard, Lombard Street, London. Baker No. 12. Brilliant, opeti letter
proof. Extremely rare.
Baker says: "Different trom any other full-length executed by Peale, and although ascribed to
him by the lettering of the plate, and as having been painted at Philadelphia, its authenticity is ex-
tremely doubtful."
:) E N E R A L c l: o rg e w a .s i ! 1 n c; 1' O N
liornf^AT^ /7"^'^ 'ftW&tfnffniarT^' 'Cvyn/y K/-y<*Mu^ cuff' f ht^ I iifr^f /7.'>.^ at Mc**^ iVm""
if/,iyi4. BUST IN UNIFORM, full face. Oval of a single line. (The
Etching of the Print of St. Aubin, Baker No. 31.)
Height 4 8-16 inches', width 4 inches.
Haider Sculp. Baker No. ij.
(Essai sur la Physiognomonie par Jean Gaspard Lavater, Imprime
k La Haye 1781-86.)
/• 40. THE SAME. Without bor,'2 5" 51. GEORGE WASHINGTON Commander in Chief of the Amer-
ican Army. Bust, in uniform, full face. Oval, with border upon a
base (in a rectangle) upon which is the inscription. . Line.
Height 5 11-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
Engraved for the Universal Magazine. Printed for J. Hinton, at the
King's Arms, in Paternoster Row. Baker No. 4J. Inlaid to quarto.
"^ii'.OO 52. His Excellency Gen Washington. Bust in uniform, head to right.
Oval with a scroll border resting on a base in a rectangle; the title in
the base. Etched.
Height 2 15-16 inches; width 3 a-16 inches.
Probably unique. The only copy T ever saw; it is the work of a rude
contemporary artist. Unjortiinately there is a hole between the eyes.
Printed in red. Not in Baker.
g tj'i?.'^ "53. GEN!' WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Vignette in
oval with two line border. Stipple.
(Oval) Height 3 5-16 inches; width a 11-16 inches.
Very rare. Similar to Lot Xo. 28 (Baker -No. 25), but an entirely
different plate. Not in Baker.
•5,4,-6' 54. BUST IN UNIFORM, head to left. Oval of a single line. Etching.
Height 4 7-16 inches; width 4 1-16 inches.
Very rare. Similar to Baker N^o. ij. but jrom an entirely different
plate. Engraved jor the English edition oj Lavatcr's Physiognomy. N'ol
in Baker.
/,0i 54 a. BUST IN UNIFORM, head to left. Vignette. Etching,
Height 4 1-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Similar to Baker No. 13, without border, and an entirely different
plate. From the French edition of Lavater. Paris 1807. Not in
head to left. Oval with a border in a rectangle, resting on a base, the
title in the upper portion of the border; on the same sheet a portrait of
"LADY WASHINGTON." Bust, head to left. Line.
Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches.
E.xcessively rare; the only other copy was in the Carson Sale (Lot
66), hut differing in ineasurement. This copy has been rudely colored.
Not in Baker. The work is evidently that oj an early American artist.
The margin has been clipped from this copy without cutting into the
print, so the measurement is correct; this and the Carson copy are the
two referred to by Mr Chas H. Hart.
CJ.OO.O''56. Gener.'M Washington. Full length in uniform, standing to the right
in front of a tent; in his left hand a roll displaying sheets inscribed
"Declaration of Independence," "Treaty of Alliance," etc.; his right
hand, gloved, is thrust into the waistcoat; beneath his feet various torn
documents, marked "Protection to Rebels," "Conciliatory Bills," etc.,
etc. ; in the rear a negro servant with a horse, and in the e.xtreme right
distance on lower ground, an encampment. Line.
Height 12 12-16 inches; width 9 15-16 inches.
Contemporaneously Engraved and Colored by hand. The only copy
I ever saw. A copy of Baker No. 21, hut in the reverse. It is evidently
the work oj an American artist. Not in Baker.
^>S 57. GEORGE W.\SHINGTON. Bust, with white neckerchief, head to
left. Vignette. Etching.
Height 6 inches; width 4 14-16 inches.
5. /. Ferris jecit d'apres Peak. S. J. Ferris, Del. &" Sculp. Pub-
lished March 1882, by John Wanatnaker Philadelphia. India Proof.
Not in Baker.
,^0 58- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Commandant en Chef des Armies
Amdricain^s N6 en Virginie en 1733. Bust in uniform, head to left.
Oval. Aquatint.
Height 4 H-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches.
(Engra\-ed by Gosselin.) A modern reproduction on thick paper.
Folio. Printed in Brown.
\tOC 59- ^^^ SAME. On thin paper, folio.
jj^,^,-^6o. HALF LENGTH IN UNIFORM, nearly full face, the left hand
resting upon a sword-hilt; to the left an American flag, and in the
e.xtreme left distance a fortress and soldiers, to the right a field-piece.
Height 17 12-16 inches; width 14 14-16 inches.
Engraved by Josey. Artist's Proof on India Paper. jVo. 7, oj a
very limited number published. Not in Baker.
SSO,^^(>i. His E.xcel^y George Washington, Esq^ Commander in Chief of
the Armies, of the United States, of America. Bust in uniform,
nearly full face. Oval, with a border, in a rectangle, resting upon a
small pedestal upon which is inscribed "Temperance, Prudence, Forti-
tude, Justice"; emblems of war on either side in the lower corners;
over the oval and in the upper corners, olive leaves. Line.
Height II 7-16 inches; width g 1-16 inches.
J. Norman Sc. A portion of the title cut off on the lower margin.
Of excessive rarity. The only copy I have ever seen, probably unique.
The impression is weak, evidently from a poor plate. It is the reverse
oj Baker No. 26.
^£0 62. BUST IN UNIFORM. Oval, with outline border. The heading to a
sheet entitled " A Circular Letter from his E.xcellency George Washington,
Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America,
addressed to the Governors of the several States, on his resigning the
Command of the Army, and retiring from public Business." Process.
Height I 15-16 inches; width i 10-16 inches.
( ^Ot^^dT,. His E.xcellency Gen'. Washington. Bust, head nearly full face. Oval
with a border, in the upper portion of which is the title, in ornamented
oblong rectangle; beneath the oval at either side figures of fame blow-
ing a trumpet, and beyond and above them flags and war implements;
on the right an oval pendant with the arms of Penns3'lvania, and in the
left a similar oval with a shield upon which is a rattlesnake; over the
center oval scrollwork, and festoons of olive leaves extending over the
outer ovals. Etching.
Height 2 g-i6 inches; width 5 1-16 inches.
(Engraved by Norman & Bedwell) from a plate inscribed " Phil-
adelphia Almanack for the year of our Lord 1780. Engraved Printed
and Sold by Norman and Bedwell, in Front Street between Arch and
Market Street." The only other copies known are one owned by Mr.
Havemeyer, of New York, and the other was sold by me last spring;
both of them were complete. This is the heading to the sheet only.
Not in Baker.
'f. ^0 64. Colonel George Washington of the First Virginia Regiment, 1755-
1759. Bust in uniform and cocked hat, head to left. Mezzotinto.
Height 13 inches; width g 6-16 inches.
Engraved by Max Rosenthal. From a painting by Charles Willson
Peale. Done at Mount \'ernon, 1772. Presented to the Historical
Society of Pennsylvania by M"". Charles S. Ogdcn. Published hy Dodd
Mead &° Co., New York, May I, iSg^;. Fifty sets printed in four states
for subscribers: viz., Artist's remarque proof, signed; India proof;
lettered impression; and a defaced plate impression.
Sold as a lot.
S/2''06s. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform and cocked hat, head
to left. Mezzotinto.
Height 9 11-16 inches; width 8 inches.
C. W. Peale, Pin.x 1778. Max Rosenthal, Sc. 1895. From a painting
purchased by John Xeagle at the sale of Peale's Museum, now in the
possession of the State Normal School, at West Chester, Pa. Phila-
delphia, Nov. 25"', iSqj. Published by \V>». J. Campbell. The edition 0}
this plate is limited to jj sets in lour stales 0} the plate: viz., i. Unlettered
signed prooj. 2. An impression colored by the engraver. 3, An impression
with the descriptive title. 4, An impression jrom the dejaced plate.
Sold as a lot. This set is No. i.
• (>( 66. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed; on India paper. Damaged, relic
of the fire at the Hazeltine Building, Philad.
fh (■■" 67. Washington at Princeton and the Death of Mercer. Full length figure
in uniform on the field of battle. Right arm extended holding a sword;
left arm resting on hip; in the background the figures of General Mer-
cer Iving on the ground wounded and two officers about rendering him
assistance, the one holding an American flag in his right hand; in the
left distance a battle in progress. Etching.
Height 8 15-16 inches; w-idth 5 11-16 inches.
Etched by Albert Rosenthal, 189S. From the painting by C. W.
Peale, 17S4, made to the order of the Trustees of the College of New
Jersev, now in Nassau Hall, Princeton, N. J. Twenty sets in four
states of this plate printed and subscribed for, etc. : viz.. Artist's remarque
proof, signed, colored by the artist; artist's remarque proof, signed;
lettered impression; and defaced plate impression.
Sold as a lot. This set is No. i.
9 70. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head slightly to left.
^' Oval. Etching.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches.
Etched by Albert Rosenthal. From the Miniature by Charles Willson
Peale, 1785, in the possession of the Long Island Historical Society.
Pri7itcd by E. Opitz, Philadelphia, April 10, iSgj. "Twenty copies in
four states of this plate printed and subscribed for," etc.: viz., Artist's
remarque proof signed ; artist's remarque proof signed, in colors ; lettered
impression; and defaced plate impression.
Will be sold as a lot. This is set No. 2.
I Ti" 71. THE SAME. A unique set of trial proofs, showing the progress of
the etching from the commencement to the finish. 7 pieces.
72. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to right. Oval.
Height 5 4-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches.
Etched by Ma.x Rosenthal, Philadelphia, 1890, from a painting by
C. W. Peale. From the original portrait painted by Charles Willson
Peale, during the sittings of the convention at Philadelphia in 1787,
now owned by Mr. Joseph Harrison, Philadelphia. In two states:
India proof, signed; and lettered impression.
Sold as a lot.
^^- 73. BUST IN UNIFORM, head to right. Oval in an ornamented
^ ■ border resembling a frame, resting upon a base, upon which is the
inscription, "Pencil Sketch of General Washington — from Hfe taken by
Chas. Willson Peale 1787." Etching.
Height 5 14-16 inches; width 4 5-16 inches.
Etched by Albert Rosenthal, 1898, from the original in the posses-
sion of the Historical Society of Penna. Twenty-five sets, in four states
of the plate, printed and subscribed for, etc.: viz., Artist's proof, signed;
impression on old paper; lettered impression; and defaced plate im-
Sold as a tot. This is set No. i.
I Q 74. Le GENERAL WASHINGTON Commendant en Chef des Aemees
Americ.-vines ne en Virginie en 1733. Bust in uniform, head to right.
Oval, with a border in a rectangle, resting upon a tablet, in which is
a representation of the surrender at Yorktown; inscribed "Journee
memorable du 19 Octobre 1781, a York en Virginie." Title within the
border. Litie.
Height 7 11-16 inches; width 5 7-16 inches.
Similar to Baker No. 14. Modem plate.
75. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to left. Oval, with border
3.-0'' representing a miniature frame. Etching.
Height 2 15-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches.
After a Miniature of same size by C. W. Peale (etched by Ferris).
India proof.
76. GENL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with
a border. Mezzotinto.
Height 5 inches; width 4 7-16 inches.
Pnhd i^th July 1284 by Whitworth &= Yates, Birmingham.
Similar to Baker No. 42. EWdently a modern impression from an old unpublished plate.
.JO 77. THE SAME. In greenish tint.
pC 78- BUST IN UNIFORM, head to right. Oval. On a sheet entitled
3"' "North America including the United States and their Boundaries,
Agreeable to the Peace of 1783." The portrait on the left of the title,
which is in the lower right corner; to the right of the title is a similar
portrait of Dr. Franklin. Beneath the oval, laurel branches, flags, and
war implements. Stipple.
Height 11-16 inch; widtii 9-16 inch.
Woodman & Mutlow sculp. From "The Polite Traveller. Being
a Modern View of the Thirteen United States of America." London,
Printed for John Fielding. No date. Very rare. Not in Baker or
Carson. Published June i^t 1783, by J. Fielding, N". 2j Paternoster
r 'ft,of' 79. His Excellency George Washington Esq? Three-quarter length, in
J uniform, nearly full face with ribband; right hand resting on a walking-
stick at the hip, the arm uncouthly bowed at elbow; the left hand thrust
into the waistcoat; a dress-sword hangs at the left side; a watch-fob
partly visible on the right side; to the left a tree upon which hangs a
drum and sticks, the limb extending over the head; in the lower right
distance a river and island, with flames issuing from the mainland be-
yond. Mezzotinto.
Height II 14-16 inches; width o 10-16 inches.
One oj three known copies. Undoubtedly the Print Engraved by, and
referred to by, Chas Willson Peak in his Ms. note-book oj ly/S as begun
Oct 16, finished and printed Nov i^th ^ i^th, and which was advertised
in the Pennsylvania Packet Nov. 21, 1778, as on Sale by John Dunlap.
It is the rarest oj the Peale Portraits, and is a discovery oj a very recent
date. See reduced jacsimile. Not in Baker or Carson.
_ cD 80. LADY WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, head slightly to right;
■^^ resting on the right hand, the arm supported by Consul table to the left,
over which is an open window exhibiting a view of a river and buildings;
to the right two stone pillars. Mezzotinto.
Height II i2-i6 inches; width g 12-16 inches.
This is undoubtedly a companion print to the preceding Portrait.
Engraved by Charles Willson Peak; and intended to be sold with it. Only
three copies oj it are known. These two portraits, as jar as is known,
are the only ones with the engraved title, the other two known copies
having the title supplied with a pen. The pair jorm one oj the remarka-
ble jeatures oj this great collection. Not in Baker or Carson. See re-
duced jacsimile.
fiC 81. DE GENERAAL WASCHINGTON. Bust to right, head to left, in
uniform. Circular medallion with a border, in the upper part of which is
the title, in the upper part of a plate in the corners of which are circular
medallions with portraits of "John Adams," " De Generaal Gates,"
"Henry Laurens," and "Benjamin Franklin"; beneath the portrait of
Washington is festoon work, from which are suspended tablets bearing the
names of the thirteen States, six on either side and one in the centre;
between the tablets an American flag with tliirteen Stars, and a wreath
of olive leaves around six bars upon which are thirteen stars ; in the lower
portion a base upon which is inscribed " mdcclxxxiu. " ; beneath the
print on the margin the following: "Ter Gedachtenis, van het Onafhan-
gelijk Verklaaren der 13 Americaansche Provintien, Door de Engel-
I- lVASH!Nr,TOr^r ]■
schen," and on the upper margin, "In de Mercurius October, 1783,
2'?' Stuk, Pag. 162." Etching.
Height 5 15-16 inches; width s inches.
B; Mourik Escudit: Not in Baker. Very rare.
, „ (5 082. George Washington Esq^ General and Commander in Chief
/ !i of the Continental Army in America. Full figure in uniform and
cocked hat, full face, on horseback, advancing to the right; a drawn
sword in the right hand is held across the body; a battle in the right
distance. Mezzotinio.
Height 12 9-16 inches; width 9 13-16 inches.
Done from the Original. Drawn from the Life by Alex"! Campbell
of Williamsburgh in Virginia. Published as the Act directs g Seftr- 1775,
by C. Shepherd. Baker No. 46. Very rare. See reduced jacsimile.
This is the print, an impression of which Joseph Reed presented to Mrs. Washington, and referred
to by Washington, in his letter to Reed, dated Cambridge, 31st January, 1776. "Mrs. Washington
desires I will thank you for the picture sent her. Mr. Campbell, whom I never saw to my knowledge,
has made a very formidable figure of the commander-in-chief, giving him a sufficient portion of terror
in his countenance."
(583. George Washington Esq^ General and Comander in Chief of
jiO' the Continental Army in America. Full figure, in uniform
and cocked hat, head to left, on horseback, advancing to the right, a
drawn sword in the right hand; in the background, on the horizon, the
upper portion of a large fortification extends across the print. Inclosed
by a narrow square border. Line.
Height 7 inches; width 5 9-16 inches.
Nach dem Leben gezeichnet von Alexander Champbele von Williams-
burg in Virginien. /. E. Nilson jec. et excud. I. S. Negges. Baker No.
47. Extremely rare.
Brilliant impression; differs from B.aker and Carson in the address of the publisher.
84. George Washington Esql Americanischer Generalissimus. Three-
-.0 " quarter length in uniform and cocked hat, head to left; a drawn sword in
^ the left hand extends across the body. Oval, with a border only partly
showing at sides, in a rectangle; resting on a base, in which is the title.
Height 6 1-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
(Engraved by Raspe) From Geschichte der Kriege in und ausser
Europa, Niirnberg 1776 - 1779. (20 Parts in 5 Vols. This portrait
from part 9) Very rare. Baker No. 48. Not in Carson.
85. George Washington, Esq": General and Commander in
-0 Chief of the Continental Army in America. Three-quarter length
rM ' in uniform and cocked hat, the right hand pointing to a battle in the left
distance, the left hand on his hip; the head is turned to the right, the
body to the left. Mezzotinto.
Height 12 13-16 inches; width g 1-16 inches.
Done from an Original. Drawn from the Life by Alexr Campbell,
of Williamsburgh in Virginia. Published as the Act directs, g Sept. 1775,
by C. Shepherd, London. Baker No. 4g.
The difference in the measurement is caused by this copy being trimmed on sides.
I, f: 86. George Washington, Esq^ General and Commander in Chief
'^^' of the Continental Army in America; Three-quarter length in
uniform, fully described in preceding print. Mezzotinto.
Height 13 ij-i6 inches; width o 5-16 inches.
Done from an Original Drawn from the Life by Alex^ Campbell , of
Williamsburgh in Virginia. loh. Martin Will excud. Aug. Vind.
Published as the Act directs g. Sept. 1775, by C. Shepherd, London. Very,
Although Baker mentions this as a later state of the preceding plate, u-tth variations, still the differenc*
is so distinct that we are oj opinion that it is from an entirely different plate. Not in Carson.
87. George Washington, Esq' General and Commander in Chief of
,- r^O"^ the Continental Army in America. Three-quarter length in uniform
1 and cocked hat, fully described in print No. 85. Mezzotinto.
Height la ia-i6 inches; width o 4-16 inches.
Done from an Original Drawn from the Life by Alex^ Campbell of
Williamsburgh in \'irginia; loh. Martin Will excud. Aug. \'ind. Pub-
lished as the Act directs, g Sept. 1775, by C. Shepherd, London. Very
This resembles somewhat a later impression of the preceding plate, although there are distinct
variations which lead one to think that it is a different plate.
88. George Washington, Esquier General et Comandeur en Chef
nS"'''° d'Arm^e des XIII Provinces unies en Amerique. Full bust in uni-
form and cocked hat, head three-quarters to right. Oval, in a rectangle.
Height 7 13-16 inches; width 6 2-16 inches.
peint par .\le.\ander Campbell a Williamsbourg en Virginie. Se vend
a Londres Chez Thorn. Hart. Baker Xo. 'jo. Very rare.
89. Georg Washington, Esq^ Commandirender General en Chef der
lt'^ ^ Provinzialarmee in Nordamerika. Full bust in uniform and cocked
hat, body to left, head three-quarters to right. Oval, with border rest-
ing upon a base. The title on a tablet in the base. Line.
Height 6 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
T. C. G. Fritzsch Sc. Baker No. jj. Very rare.
90. Gen"- George Washington. Full bust in uniform, head to right.
3,,S^ ' Oval, w^ith square border upon a base, in a rectangle engraved to rep-
resent stonework. A wreath tied by a ribbon extends from the top of
the border down each side. Title in the base. Line.
Height 5 S-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches.
Baker No. 54.
Fine impression with full margin.
gi. Gen'- George Washington. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Oval,
with square border upon a base in a rectangle engraved to represent
] A.' '' stonework. A wreath tied by a ribbon extends from the top of the bor-
der down each side. Title in the base. Line.
Height 5 i3-i6 inches; width 3 7-16 inches.
Liebe sc. Baker No. 55. Very rare.
92. General Washington. Bust in uniform and cocked hat, head thrce-
r quarters to left. Oval, with border engraved to represent stonework.
\ .'^^ Line.
Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 0-16 inches.
Engraved for Murray's History of the American War. Printed for
T. Robson, Newcastle upon Tyne. Baker No. 56.
93. GEORGE Washington Eq^"- G£n£ral en Chef de l'Arm^e Anglo-
) ■ '' '^ Full bust in uniform and cocked hat, head to right, a drawn sword partly
visible on the left. Oval, with border in a rectangle, resting on a base
ornamented with war emblems, etc. The title in the base. Line.
Height 6 6-i6 inches; width 4 8-16 inches.
A Paris chez Esnaiits et Rapilly, rue S'. Jacques, d. la Ville de Coutances,
A. P. D. R. Baker No. 58. Rare.
Fine brilliant impression. Proof before the number.
94. THE SAME. Modern impression.
95. G. Washington. Georg. Washington. Three-quarter length in uniform
Q and cocked hat, body to left, head to right, right arm extended with
I Ly 0' gloved hand pointing to a battle to the left. Title in a tablet. Line.
Height 3 S-16 inches', width i 14^16 inches.
Extremely Rare. Not in Carson or Baker.
96. GEORGE WASHINGTON, Esq^ General and Commander in Chief
of the Continental Army in America. Full figure in uniform and cocked
^.(j-'- hat, full face, on horseback, advancing to right, with drawn sword in
^ right hand; the horse is prancing; in the right and back distance on
lower ground a battle in progress; a tree on the extreme left. Line.
Height 6 15-16 inches; width 5 7-16 inches.
Nach dem Leben gezeichnet von Ale.xander Champbell von Wiliams-
burg in Virginien. loh. Martin Will exc. A. V. Gestochen 1778. The
only copy which has come under my observation. Not in Baker or
Carson. See facsimile.
97. GEORGE WASHINGTON EQER General en Chef de I'Armee Anglo-
Ameriquaine nomme Dictateur par les Congres en Fevrier 1777. Full
-_0^ bust in uniform and cocked hat, head to left, a drawn sword partly VIS-
'S-" ible on' the left. Oval with a border, resting on a base in a rectangle,
a ribbon tied in a bow over oval; the title on a tablet in the base.
Height 6 4-16 inches; width 4 5-16 inches.
E.xlremely rare. Not in Baker or Carson.
98. WASHINGTON, AND LIBERTY. Full bust in uniform and cocked
hat, head to right. Circular in a border, surrounded by a snake with
its tail in its mouth, around which is twisted a long flowing ribbon, upon
which are the names of the thirteen original States, the ribbon being
tied to the upper part of the border; underneath is a view of Philadel-
phia, and a tablet inscribed "Best Virginia Tobacco." Line.
Height 5 3-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
A modem impression from an old plate. Up to the present time, an origin.'U impression of the
plate has not been discovered; even this impression is very rare.
99. His E.xcellency George Washington Esq^ Commander in Chief of
, Q the American Armies The Protector of his Country, The Supporter
of Liberty, And the Benefactor of Mankind. May his name never
be forgotten. Full figure in uniform and cocked hat, full face, on horse-
back advancing to left, a drawn sword in the right hand extended over
the head of the horse; in the extreme left and middle distance an en-
campment; the horse is prancing. Circular, with a border in which
is the title and outside border of laurel leaves. Etching.
Diameter ii 6-16 inches.
Excessively rare, from the hand of a crude artist. Not in Carson.
This is an original impression, not one of those which have emanated
from the Miller Mill, whose copper was not large enough, and about J
inch of leaf border is missing at the top. It is a clever imitation, and
can be distinguished from this genuine impression by the above men-
tioned discrepancy.
100. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Circular
«v.^ medallion, suspended by a ring, over a base in a rectangle. The title
in the base. Line.
Height 5 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
Dessine d'apres Nature par Du Simitier a Philadelphie. Grav^ par
Adam. Baker No. 6j.
loi. His Excellency Gener.^l Washington, Commander in Chief of the
.0 Forces of the united States of North America &c. Full bust in urn-
s' form, head in profile to right. Oval with a border, in a rectangle re-
sembling stonework. Mixed.
Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
B. B. E PiiM May 15 1783 by R. Wilkinson N". 58 Cornhill, Lon-
don. Baker No. 6$. India prooj, juU margiti.
Q 102. G. Washington. Bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Oval in a
\\0' narrow border. Stipple.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches.
A. W. KufiEner sc. 1793. Baker No. 66. Very rare. Inlaid to
103. G. Washington. Bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Circular
1^^ medallion, suspended by a ring, over a base in a rectangle (the title
^" in the base). Etched.
Height 4 15-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches.
Drawn from the life by Du Simitier in Philadelphia. Engraved by
B. L. Prevost at Paris. Baker No. 67.
Fine early impression on heavy paper.
<' 104. THE SAME. On thin paper, before the title in the base. Spurious.
• ^ This imitation can be readily detected {rom the original, as the lines on the border are very heavy,
as also in the stonework in the rectangle. In the original they are very light.
105. General Washington. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. Oval
ji,,'> with a narrow border. Stipple.
Height 2 14-16 inches; width 2 7-16 inches.
B. Reading Sculpt. Drawn from the Life by Du Simetiere in Phil-
adelphia. Baker No. 68. Address of publisher cut oflf. Inlaid to
I [j io6. G. WASHINGTON. Nt en Virginie ann£e 1733. Commendant
, EN Chefdes Armies et President du Congr^s d'Amerique. Full
bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Oval. Stipple.
Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
F. Bonneville deli. Ruotte sculp. Paris rue S'. Jacques No. 1Q5.
Baker No. 6g.
^C 107. THE SAME. Variation in the printer's address. " Se Irouve Rue du
J. ' Theatre Francais No 4. Full margin." An earlier state of the plate.
108. Geni- Washington. Bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Oval,
^ ^ with border upon a base in a rectangle. Festoon work over oval.
Height 5 9-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Published Jany. ji I/S4 by John Walker from an Original Paint-
ing. Baker No. jo. Rare.
Q 109. Washington. Bust in uniform, head in profile to right. Vignette.
■% • Line.
Height 2 2-16 inches; width i 9-16 inches.
From " Revolutions-Almanach von 1797. Gottingen bey Johann
Christian Dieterich," with the book complete with all the other inter-
esting illustrations and Portraits, in the Original Printed Wrappers
uncut. E.vcessively rare. Baker No. ji. Not in Carson.
<0 no. THE SAME. Portrait of Washington only, inlaid to quarto. Very
^ ' rare.
,c III. Georg Washington. Full bust in uniform, head in profile to right.
aO' Circular medallion upon a base, in a rectangle; title in the base.
Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 inches.
Excessively rare. The only copy which has come under my obser-
vation. Baker No. 72. Not in Carson. See jacsimile.
112. General Washington. Bust in uniform, head in profile to right. On
, .'> the same plate with portraits of "General Gates, Dr. Frankhn,
3 Presid. Laurens, & Paul Jones." Vignette. Etching.
Height I 4-16 inches; width 15-16 inch.
Graver af C. G. Lundgren. Excessively rare. Not in Baker or
Carson. From "Historia Om Forenta Amerikas Sjelfstandiget och
Frihetskrig mot England, Forfattad af M. C. Sprengel, Professor i
Historien, Orebro, Dryckt hos N. M. Lindh 1810"; accompanied also
with an engraving, from the same work, of the people of Boston burning
the "Stamp Act" paper. Not in Carson or Baker.
113. General Washington. Bust in uniform, head in profile to right, on a
(jO sheet with portrait of Genl. Gates &c.; fully described in preceding
) print- Vignette. ' Line.
Height I 4-16 inches; width 15-16 inches.
D. Berger Sculp. 1784. [Designed by Chodowiecki.] Excessively
rare. Not in Baker or Carson. From "Historisch genealogischer
Calendar, oder Jahrbuch der merkwurdigsten neuen Welt Begeben-
heiten fur 1780. Leipzig." Inlaid to quarto.
114. General Washington. Bust in uniform, head in profile to right, on a
sheet with Portrait of General Gates, &c.; fully described in Lot
No. 112. Line.
Height I 4-16 inches: width 15-16 inch.
Snach sc. E.xcessively rare. Not in Carson or Baker. The only
copy which has come under my observation.
The above three lots fomi a remarkable collection of this grouping; all are close copies of each other,
and to the casual observer would appear to be from the same plate; but they arc all by diflfereul en-
115. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Circular
/> medallion, suspended by a ring, resting on a base in a rectangle. The
1 inscription in the base. Mezzotinto.
Height 5 inches; width 3 11-16 inches.
Drawn from the life by Du Simitiere. Engraved by William Sartain.
In four states: Artist's proof signed; India proof ; Plain impression, and
impression from defaced plate. 4 pieces. Limited to 100 impressions.
Sold as a lot.
116. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform. Head three-
0*^ quarters to right. Mezzotinto.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
From the original picture in Pastel Painted from life by William Dun-
lap, and now (1868) in the po.ssession of Dr. Samuel C. Ellis New York.
Elias Dexter $64 Broadway New York. Baker No. j^. India prooj
hejore letters.
117. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. The title
0*^ on ribbon beneath the bust. Oval. Etched.
\ Height 2 g-16 inches; width i 15-16 inches.
J. Wright Pinx'. & f. Baker No. J4. Not in Carson. This is the
original etching by Joseph Wright, from a drawing, made in Trinity .
Chapel N Y. in 1790. It was printed on a small card, and is
e.xtremely rare.
119. George Washington. President of the United States of AMERICA.
^ t Bust in uniform, head in profile to right. Oval with a narrow border.
i^^ " Stipple.
Height 2 14-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches.
J. Chapman Sculpsit. Engrav'd from an Original Drawing taken
at New York in 1791. London, Published March ig"' j^gj by R.
Wilkinson N'". ^S. Cornhill. Inlaid to quarto. Baker No. jj. Not
in Carson. Extremely rare. See facsimile.
form, head in profile to right. Oval.
^* Height 2 5-16 inches; width i 13-16 inches.
O form, head in profile to right. Oval. Etched.
"Massa. Mag." Very rare. Baker No. 77.
From the March Number, :7Qt, of the Massachusetts Magazine.
T//^^/'^ yfa^/u/i^^f??^.
.^■MM M.I C.^
^Q 121. BUST IN UNIFORM. In profile to right. Oval. Lithograph.
• ' ■ Height 3 14-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches.
On the back of this print, in eighteen irregular lines, is the following
autograph facsimile: "The GODLike Washington died 14th Deer
1799. All AMERICA in tears. The within is the best likeness I have
seen. The hair is of his own head. This will increase its value with
time. It is my earnest Request this may be preserved to succeeding
Generations. The hair was presented to me by Maj'' Billings Con.
Army. E. Watson, Certificate. This may certify that the within
hair was Enclosed by Gen' Washington in a Letter to me dated New-
burgh June '83, as his own hair. Jany i, iSoo. Andr Bilhngs."
Baker No. 79.
This drawing is a close copy of the etching by Wright, and it is probable that the above inscription
and cerliticate raay have been written on the back of the impression from which it was made.
gO 122. GENERAL WASHINGTON Late President of the American
MO' Congress. Three-quarter length, in uniform, head nearly in profile,
the body three-quarters to left. The right hand rests upon a sword-hilt,
held from the body and perpendicular therewith, a chapeau in the
left. In the distance to the left, a Battle. Mezzotinto.
Height 17 8-16 inches; width 13 10-16 inches.
Painted by R. Wright of Philadelphia. P. Dawe sculpt. London
Published by D. Gaily N" 263 High Holborn Jany S"' 1801. Baker
No. 80. Extremely Rare.
Fine copy of one of the rarest of the Wright type; with good margin. See reduced facsimile.
qO 123. THE SAME. Printed in colors, in antique frame with black mar-
■5 gin on glass ; sUghtly wormeaten on the lower left-hand corner, but
otherwise a beautiful clean impression. Excessively rare in this state.
124. Gen. GEORGE WASHINGTON Commander in chief of the
C "^ Arjoes of the United States. Born Feb: 11'.'' 1732 O. S. Died
•-* December 14'.'' 1799. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. Over the
head an eagle with laurel wreath. Stipple.
Height 3 4-16 inches; width i 5-16 inches.
A. Doohttle Sculp. Baker No. 8i. Extremely rare.
Engraved for the funeral discourse on the death of Washington delivered by Benj. Trumbttll, D.D.,
at North Haven, Dec. 29, 1799; published New Haven, 1800. A copy of the etching by Wright.
125. G. Washington President of the UNITED STATES. Bust in
uniform, head in profile to left. Oval with a border, on an ornamented
title-page to "The Battle of Prague, a Favorite Senate for the Piano
Forte, with accompaniments." Etched.
Height 4 5-16 inches; width 3 15-16 inches.
Boston, Printed & Sold by Graupner N° 6. Franklin S^ Baker
No. 82. Not in Carson. A fine copy of this e.xcessively rare por-
trait, with all the music. Baker only saw one impression, and this
is the second impression which has come under my obser\'ation, and
the only one with the music. See reduced facsimile.
. 126. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, three-quarters
to right, head in profile. Oval. Stipple.
Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
Drawn by J. Wright. Engraved by W. Evans. Title cut off, and
Mounted. Baker No. 8j. Extremely rare. From a Broadside Edition
of the Farewell Address. Published by T. Bensley Printer, Bolt Court,
Fleet Street, London.
127. FULL BUST IN UNIFORM. Three-quarters to right, head in pro-
y file. Ruled background. Etched.
Height 2 13-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches.
From Morrison's Stranger's Guide to the City of Washington 1842.
Baker No. 85.
128. GENER.AL WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, three-quarters to
1,0 left, head in profile. Oval. Stipple.
Height 3 4-16 inches', width a 8-16 inches.
Parson's Genuine Edition of Hume's England [1795]. Address of
pubhsher cut off. Inlaid. Baker No. 86.
rO 129. THE SAME. Later impression. "Cormack Vol. 111, to face page
16." Inlaid.
130. THE S.^ME. With the name of the engraver. "Engraved by J.
b^ White." Published by J. Robins &= C". Albion Press. Loudon. Ex-
'>- tremely rare in this state.
A beautiful impression, and no doubt one of the first issue, before it was used in the Edition
of Hutne's England, as. unlike all other impressions I have seen, the plate shows no wear.
131. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, iu profile to
\-^ right Oval, Line.
Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches.
T. HoUoway, Sculp. "Literary Magazine." Published as the Act
directs i Aug. 1792, by C. Foster, Poultry. Baker N^o. 8j. Rare.
qO 132. THE SAME. Inlaid to quarto.
fji33. General Washington. Full bust in uniform, in profile to right. Oval.
\s,^ Line.
Height 5 i(?-i6 inches; width 2 13-16 inches.
Baker No. 88.
134. Gener.^l Washington. Full bust in uniform, in profile to left.
0* Oval, Stipple.
Height 5 10-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches.
For the American Universal Magazine. (Philadelphia, Feb'y, 1797.)
Baker No. 89.
135. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform. In profile to
,, .0^ right. Oval. Line.
y Height 2 1-16 inches; width i S-i6 inches.
From an orig' Draw? George Murray .sculp'. " Pocket Magazine."
Published by Harrison d^" Co- Ocf- i, 1795. Baker No. 91.
136. THE SAME. Name of book and publisher's address cut off. In-
laid to quarto.
137. George Washington. Bust and head in profile to right. \'ignette.
[^.^^ ^ ^ Mixed.
Height 1 14-16 inches; width i 3-16 inches.
Elias Dexter ^64 Broadway. India proof before the three lines
forming a square. Baker No. 92.
^^ 138. WASHINGTON. Full bust, in uniform. Head to right. Mezzotinto.
i Height 5 inches; width 4 2-16 inches.
(Engraved by J. A. O'Neill. From an original contemporary Pic-
ture in the possession of William Menzies, Esq.) Private Plate.
Baker No. gj. Proof before all letters.
C'' 139. THE SAME. Lettered impression, with blue stamp.
^' . ■
140. Washington. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. Oval. Stipple.
\' Heights 11-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches.
H. Roosing Sculpt Rotterdam. A. Loosjes Pz. Execudt- 1793.
Baker No. 94. Rare.
f 141. G. Washington as he appeared while reviewing the Continental
■i-*^ Army on Boston Common 1776. Bust in uniform, in profile to right.
Oval medalhon, in the centre of a rectangle ruled with waved lines and
inclosed by a border. Stipple.
Height 5 13-16 inches; width 5 inches.
Drawn by N. Fullerton. Engraved by G. G. Smith. Entered ac-
cording to Act oj Congress, in the year 1851, by Charles Fox, in the
Clerk's Office oj the District Court 0} Massachusetts. Baker No. g6.
^ 142. THE SAME. Oval in a fancy border (without the rectangle). A
^ later state of the plate.
Height 5 2-16 inches; width 4 5-16 inches.
India proof.
143. THE SAME. Proof before letters on India paper.
144. G. WASHINGTON. Born Virginia Febry nth 1732. General of
C.^ the American Armies 1775. Resign'd 1783. President of the United
> States 1789. Full bust in uniform, in profile to left. Title on a ribbon
on the arm. Circle. Stipple.
Diameter 3 9-16 inches.
T. Manh^ Printed in a brownish tint. This is the original im-
pression oj Baker No. gj. Mr. Baker mentions having seen only one
impression, which must have lacked the engraver's name, as he does
not mention it. This is the only copy I ever saw. It is in the original
old contemporary jrame, water-stained and pasted down to the backboard;
otherwise in first-rate condition. It is indeed one oj the collection's
greatest treasures. See reproduction.
(A^ 144J. THE SAME. A modern impression from the plate, after the title
had been removed from the arm. Printed in brown.
,-(j I44f. THE SAME. Printed in black.
t^ 145- G- WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, in profile to left; the title on
*i^^' a ribbon beneath the bust. The Heading to an Engraved sheet entitled
"The Battle of Trenton, A Sonata. For the Piano-Forte. Dedicated
to General Washington." Printed in a large hollow oval, over which
is the bust of Washington, with the figure of Fame in the act of crowning
him with laurel leaves; on either side of the bust and protruding from
back of oval are six flags on spears; to the left is the Goddess of Liberty,
helmeted, and holding a spear in the left hand with a Liberty cap on
it; on the ground are dismounted cannon, cannon-balls, a drum, etc.
Bust, height i 15-16 inches; width 1 2-16 inches.
Whole sheet, height ii 8-16 inches; width 8 inches.
New York Printed &" Sold by James Hewitt at bis Musical Reposi-
tory N". iji William Street. B. Carr, Philadelphia c^ J. Carr,
Baltimore — Price los. Not in Baker or Carson, and at the present
writing the only copy known.
This I consider to be the gem of this great collection; it is doubly interesting from the fact
that the identical piece of music, with engraved title, is bound up in a volume of piano music, and
at one time belonged to Genl. Washington, who presented it to his adopted daughter, Eleanor Parke
CusUs, "NcUy Custis." I discovered this relic in the early fall of iSgo. whilst on a visit to Col. H. L.
D. Lewis, at Audley. Clarke Co., N'irginia, who was residing in his ancestral home, built by Genl.
Washington and presented to "N'elly Custis" at the time of her marriage to La^vrence Lewis, Wash-
ington's favorite nephew, and son of his sister "Betty," who had married Fielding Lewis. In December
of the same year (iSgo) I sold numerous relics of Genl. Washington for Colonel Lewis, and this
was purchased by Chief Justice Mitchell at that sale. A description can be seen of it by referring
to that catalogue, Lotu78. Theinde.\ to the mu.sic on the fly-leaf is in the handwriting of Lawrence
Lewis, the husband of Nelly Custis, and who was, with Bushrod Washington, one of the executors of
the General's estate.
See reduced facsimile. The portrait is a copy of the Wright etching.
5^0146, George Washington President of the United States of America
^ Q^i ' The Protector of his Country, and the supporter of the rights of Man-
■^ KIND*. Full bust in uniform, in profile to left, surrounded by a border
composed of five circles; in the second circle at the bottom the indica-
tion of a tablet with inscription, erased by the engraver; on the fourth
circle the title. Beneath the bust a flowing ribbon, upon which is
"Born 11'.'' Feb. 1732"; around the larger circle containing the portrait
are 14 smaller circles, with borders, interlocked, with the e.xception of
the top one. They contain in the following order: running to the right
the arms of the United States and the thirteen States, viz., (i) Arms of
the United States. Total of Inhabitants 3,919,023. (2) New Hamp-
shire 2 Senators, 4 Representatives, 141,885 Inhabitants. (3) Massa-
chusetts 2 Senat., 15 Repr., 378,785 Inhabitants, (on inserted inner
border Maine 96,540 Inhabitants (4) Rhode-Island, 2 Senat., 2 Repr.,
68,825 Inhabitants. (5) Connecticut 2 Senat., 7 Repr., 237,946 Inhab-
itants. (6) New York 2 Senat., 11 Repr., 340,120 Inhabitants. (7)
New Jersey, 2 Senat,, 5 Repr., 184,139 Inhabitants. (8) Pennsyl-
vania 2 Senat., 14 Repr., 434,373 Inhabitants. (9) Delaware 2 Senat.,
I Repr., 59,094 Inhabitants. (10) Maryland, 2 Senat., 9 Repr., 319,728
Inhabitants. (11) Virginia, 2 Senat., 23 Repr., 747,610 Inhabitants (on
inserted inner border) Kentucky, 73,677 Inhabitants. (12) North Caro-
lina, 2 Senat., 11 Repr., 393,751 Inhabitants. (13) South Carolina, 2
Senat., 6 Repr., 240,000 Inhabitants. (14) Georgia 2 Senat., 2 Repr.,
82,548 Inhabitants. Flourishes in script at each of the four corners con-
taining the following inscription: "The United States were first declar'd
Free and Independent, July 4'.'^ 1776"; "The Present Constitution
was form'd by the Grand Convention held at Philadelphia. Sep'. 17'.''
1787"; "The number of Inhabitants in the several States are accord-
ing to the returns made to the Secretary of State in the year 1791";
"The number of Senators and Representatives is what the Constitution
alloweth each State at Congress." Near the bottom, to right, "Ver-
mont 85,000 Inhabitants 2 Senat., 2 Repr." Near the bottom, to
left, "S. W. Territory, 30,000. N. W. Territory 5,000 Inhabitants."
A general title beneath the whole, as follows: A DISPL.AY of the
UNITED STATES of AMERICA. To the Patrons of Arts and
Sciences, in all parts of the world, this Plate is most respectfully
Dedicated b_v their most obedient humble Servant Amos Doolittle.
New Haven Oct"! ist 1791.
Circle with portrait, diameter 9 6-16 inches.
Whole plate, height 17 1-16 inches; width 16 10-16 inches.
Printed & Sold by A. DooHttle New Haven where Engraving &
Roling Press Printing is performed.
Excessively rare. The only copy I ever saw, and probably unique. Another portrait of Washing-
ton ( probably the one he engraved looking to the right) has been erased by the engraver from this plate,
and the present portrait inserted. This impression has been partially colored, and somewhat damaged.
{/j 147. George Washington. President of the UNITED STATES, &c.,
fully described in the preceding print, but with an entirely re-engraved
portrait of Washington (full bust in uniform, head in profile to left)
and with the following variations: on the border of the circle contain-
ing the arms of Massachusetts the number of inhabitants changed to
"873.200"; on an inserted inner border in the circle containing the
arms of North Carolina, "Tennessee, 2 Senat. 2 Repr., 6,700 Inhabi-
tants"; the arms of Vermont are added, under the statistics of the
State in the lower right, and in the general title the date changed to
"March 1'' 1796."
A variation of the preceding plate. Partially colored, and stained. Of these portraits by Doo-
little, there are only seven in existence, no two bearing the same portrait, and with variations in
other parts of the plate; consequently these two are unique so far as we know, and are identically
the ones from which Hart took his description.
{^t> 148- GENrl- WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, in profile to left.
\y Oval with a border. Stipple.
Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches.
Extremely rare.
^^ 149. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head in profile to left, the
^\ ' title on a flowing ribbon beneath the bust. Cut oval, and pasted on
a sheet of Music, entitled " New Yankee Doodle, Sung with great
Applaus at the Theatre by Mt Hodgkinson." 2 pages quarto.
Height I 15-16 inches; width i 7-16 inches.
Excessively rare. Unknown to Baker, and the only impression I ever saw- It is a copy of the
Wright etching. The Pubhsher's address reads, "New York Printed &; Sold at J. Hewitt's Musical
Repository N? 131 W'iJliam Street. Sold also by B. Carr, Philadelphia & J. Carr, Baltimore."
^0 150- WASHINGTON. His Path be Ours. Bust in profile to left. Oval.
♦/^i ' Etching.
' Height 2 4-16 inches; width i 13-16 inches.
A. Toddis, Sculp. Extremely rare.
From "The Text-Book of the Washington Benevolent Society, containing a Biographical sketch
and Character of George Washington," &c., &c., "Published at Concord 1812," with the book.
-0 151. Washington. Bust in uniform, head in profile to right. Oval with
\ ' one line border. Etching.
Height 2 12-16 inches; width 2 1-16 inches.
A Modern production, after the Wright portrait, on old paper.
Q 152. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to right.
\-^ Vignette. Etching.
Height s 8-16 inches; width 4 8-16 inches.
Joseph Wright Pinxit Phila 1784. Albert Rosenthal, Phila, 1888
Aqua Fortis. From the original painting in the possession of the
Powel Family Newport, R. I. Itidia proof.
/2,C 153. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed.
^^ 154. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. The title
[S' on a ribbon beneath the bust. Oval. Stipple.
Height 2 8-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches.
J. Wright Pin.x. & Ft Hollyer Engr-
Artist's proof, signed. No. 4 of 50 India proofs signed by J. O. Wright & Co. A reproduction
of Baker No. 74.
155. THE SAME. Reproduction of Baker No. 74. Process Print.
156. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, in profile to right; the title
^' on a ribbon beneath the bust. Ovai. Photogravure.
Height 2 9-16 inches; width i 15-16 inches.
Photogravure of a print by Collyer after an Etching by Joseph Wright
1790. Copy of Baker No. 76. Proof before letters.
157. THE SAME. Lettered impression.
^, 158. WASHINGTON. Half length in uniform, head three-quarters to left;
. J the right hand rests upon a walking-stick. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 5 8-16 inches; width 4 inches.
H. B. Hall. From the original Picture from life by Robert Edge Pine
taken in 1785. (In the possession of J. Carson Brevoort, Esq., Brooklyn,
N. Y.) Engraved for Irving's Washington. Baker No. g8.
159. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. The engraver's own copy.
^, 160. G. Washington. Bust in uniform. Head three-quarters to left. Oval,
'yi in a frame adorned with laurel leaves, resting upon a base in a rect-
angle. At the top of the frame, "E Pluribus Unum," and beneath
it an open scroll containing facsimile autographs of the signers; the
background, an American flag, &c. Stipple.
Height 8 g-i6 inches; width 6 4-16 inches.
Painted by A. Chappel. Engraved by G. R. Hall. From the original
portrait by Pine in the possession of J. Carson Brevoort Esqr- (Copy-
right 1856.) Baker No. gg.
,r^\6i. THE SAME. Second state of the plate after the shading had been
removed from back of the head.
. 162. THE SAME. An impression from the retouched and altered plate.
"Copyright 1879 by Henry J. Johnson."
163. Half length in uniform, head to left, the right hand, gloved, resting
on a cane. Mixed.
Height 6 10-16 inches; width 4 11-16 inches.
(Engraved by Chas. P. Hall.) No. i of 25 Proofs on Japan paper.
Not in Carson.
*i,^ 164. THE SAME. No. i of 50 Proofs on India paper. Signed by the
I" Artist.
165. Half length in uniform, head three-quarters to left; right hand, gloved,
^ ^ rests on a cane. Colored photogravure.
Height 16 14-16 inches; width 13 3-16 inches.
From the original picture by Robert Edge Pine. Copyright igo2, by
Henry T. Coates &= Co. Paris, Published by Godejroy Mayer No.
75, Rue Pigalle.
' 166. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Vignette. Line.
^"^ Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
From Houdon's Bust. Engraved by A. B. Durand, 1833. Baker
No. 100. Inlaid to quarto.
r\) 167. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Vignette.
••^ Stipple.
Height 4 9-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches.
From Houdon's Bust. Title-page to "Life of George Washington,
by Washington Irving, vol. 3. New York, G. P. Putnam, No. 506
Broadway, 1859." Baker No. loi. Inlaid to quarto.
liC 168. THE SAME. Different state.
•>l 169. THE SAME. Different state, without the lettering of the title-page.
170. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to left, in a rectangle. En-
U , S ^ graved by a roulette.
Height 2 12-16 inches; width i 15-16 inches.
W^m. Hamlin Sc. at 91 years. From Howdan's Bust. Richmond,
Va. Baker No. 102. The difference in measurement caused by
k 171. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right, in a rectangle.
• • Stipple.
Height 5 inches; width 4 inches.
Drawn by J. Wood from Houdon's Bust. Engraved by Leney.
Published by Joseph Delaplaine Chestnut S'- Philad"- 1814. Baker
No. loj.
,|J(0 172. THE S.'^ME. Variation in the type of the title. Inlaid to quarto.
(•K 173. THE SAME. Variation in title and publisher, "P. Price Printer."
♦ Inlaid to quarto.
I (jO 174. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters; inlaid to quarto.
Head in profile to left. Oval medallion, suspended by
ruled rectangle.
Height 10 10-16 inches; width 9 2-16 inches.
Ormsby's Pentography. Baker No. 104.
ro 176. GEO. WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform, standing upon a
pedestal. Head in profile to left; the right hand rests upon the folds
60^75- Washington.
\ ' a ring, in a
of a military cloak thrown over the ends of a bundle of fasces, and the
left upon a walking-stick. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 6 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
From the statue by Houdon in the Capitol, Richmond, Va. Da-
guerreotyped from the Statue. Geo. Parker. Baker No. 105.
^C 177. WA.SHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Vignette. Stipple.
* Height 2 i2-i6 inches; width i 11-16 inches.
From Houdon's bust. Engraved by G. F. Storm. Baker No. loy.
Inlaid to quarto.
178. G. WASHINGTON. Head in profile to left, the hair flowing and tied
(',''' by a ribbon. Circular medallion; title on left. Line.
V' , '
Diameter 2 15-16 inches.
Dessine et Grave d'apres Houdon par Alexandre Tardieu.
"Pour sauver son pays du pouvoir arbitraire,
Washington combattit en guerrier valeureu-x:
Mais il acquit bien plus qu'une gloire vulgaire;
II fut homme d'Etat, humain et vertueux.
Par J. Castera."
Depose d la Bihliotheque Nationale le g Vendemiaire An g. A Paris
chez Ale.x. Tardieu Gr. de la Marine Rue de I'Universite No. 2g6, an
Depot National de Machines. Baker No. loS.
Fine impression. Full margin. Very rare.
f\) 179. THE SAME. Before the verses. Very rare in this state.
180. PROFILE HEAD AND BUST, to right. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 6 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
' Engraved to imitate a crayon drawing. Baker No. log. Xery rare.
181. HEAD IN PROFILE, to right. Circular medallion upon a base,
v^ inscribed "Born Feb. 22 A. D. 1732 — Died Dec. 14, 1799"; a figure of
Liberty on the right, the U. S. shield on the left; the centre of a circle
ornamented with views at Mount Vernon. Line.
Diameter 2 1-16 inches.
Designed by H. Billings. Engraved by the American Bank Note Co.
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1859 by H. Barnes
in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.
Baker No. no. India proof.
f 182. THE SAME. In round frame made from wood grown at Mount
. a"^ Vernon. Published Nov. 4, 1859.
^a 183. GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Cir-
Vii' cular. Stipple.
Diameter 2 8-16 inches.
Excessively rare.
184. G. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to left. Circular medal-
.C'^ lion. supple.
Diamcier 2 6-16 inches.
Nach Tardieu von Senn.
Similar to Baker No. ic8. Very rare.
(jO 185. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to left, with title
^ ' • on either side of bust. Circular medallion. Aquatmt.
Diameter 3 8-16 inches.
C. C. Wright D. & F. Rare.
^ 186. GEORGIO WASHINGTON. Svpremo Dvci Exercitvvm Adser-
^ TORI LiBERTATis. CoMiTiA AMERICANA. Profile head and bust to
right. Circular medallion in a ruled rectangle. Line.
Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches.
W. L. Ormsby Sc. From Life of George Washington in Latin prose
by Fra^. Glass,' A. M. 1836.
187. GEORGIO WASHINGTON Svpremo Dvci Exercitvvm Adsertori
LiBERTATis, CoMiTiA AMERICANA. Profile head and bust, to right.
Circular medallion.
Diameter 2 10-16 inches.
Machine engraving. Title page of "The National Portrait Gallery,"
1834. Inlaid to quarto.
1^0 189. George Washington. Profile head and bust, to right. Vignette.
' Stipple.
Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
d'apres la buste de Houdon. Similar to Baker No. loo.
->;; 190. GEORGIO WASHINGTON Svpremo Dvci Exercitvvm Adsertori
LiBERTATis, CoMiTiA AMERICANA. Profile head and bust, to right.
Circular medallion. The front of a medal; underneath the reverse,
and on either side the Washington arms. Outline.
Diameter 2 13-16 inches.
Medaille d'honneur offerte a George Washington par le Congres.
, (j 191. GEORGIO WASHINGTON. Svpremo Dvci Exercitvvm Adser-
' TORI LiBERTATis, CoMiTiA AMERICANA. Profile head and bust, to
right. Circular medallion. The front of a medal; to the left the re-
verse. Line.
Diameter 2 13-16 inches.
Copy of a Gold Medal presented to General Washington by Congress
on the Evacuation of Boston.
\ 192. GEORGIO WASHINGTON Svpremo Dvci Exercitwm Adsertori
I-ibertatis, Comitia Americana. Profile head and bust, to right.
Circular medallion. The front of a medal; underneath the reverse;
on either side the Washington arms.
Diameter 2 13-16 inches.
Copy of a Gold Medal presented to General Washington by Congress
on the Evacuation of Boston, i. Arms oj the Washington Family
obtained from the Herald's College London. 2, Copy oj General Wash-
ington's seal.
\ [) 193. Full bust, head to left. At left of bust two books. Landscape
background. Oval.
Height 6 inches; width 4 6-16 inches.
Engraved by machine.
* \0 194. THE SAME. Square, before the plate was finished and cut oval.
head and bust to right. Circular medallion. The front of a medal,
to the right the reverse. Etching.
Diameter a 13-16 inches.
Jules Jaequemart delin'. & Sculp'. India proof.
5*^ 196. WASHINGTON. Bust in profile to left, in a rectangle. Engraved by a
Height 2 1 1- 16 inches; width 2 inches.
Wm. Hamlin Sc JE 91. From Houdon's Bust. Similar to Baker
No. 102, but a dififerent plate. Rare.
.2)5" 197. Bust in profile to right. Oval with a border. Engraved by a Machine.
Height 3 ti-i6 inches; width 2 11-16 inches.
Cut oval from a larger sheet.
■ /O 198. THE SAME.
-/« 199. THE SAME.
^.e.,5-200. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in profile to right. Circular
Medallion with a border ornamented with oak leaves, in a rectangle,
resting on a base, in which is the title; over the medallion an American
eagle with spreading wings, and flags. Engraved by a machine.
Height 21 9-16 inches; width 14 13-16 inches.
Engraved by the Achille Collas Machine. The only copy I ever saw,
and a very beautiful piece of work ; very rare.
2,^^ 201. BUST IN PROFILE to left. Oval. The centre of a large sheet of
banknote vignettes, including three other portraits of Washington,
numerous portraits of American and Foreign Statesmen, Fancy Figures,
&c. Line.
Oval, height 7 S-16 inches; width 5 13-16 inches.
Whole sheet, height 34 12-16 inches; width 25 10-16 inches.
Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson, Bank Note Engravers, New-
York. Very rare.
^5" 202. The American Eagle Guarding the Spirit of Washington. The head
of Washington in a shadow to the left of an eagle perched on some
rocks. Circular, in a ruled rectangle, with star in each corner.
Height 9 inches; \vidth 7 12-16 inches.
Thom. Rogers. Dedicated to the Mount Vernon Association By
the Cosmopolitan Art Association.
/■O 203. THE SAME. Before the rectangle.
©»7J' 204. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head nearly in profile to right.
Vignette. Line.
Height 3 6-16 inches; mdth 3 inches.
Engd- by H. B. Hall, N. Y. 1865. J. Peale Pin.x 1788. (Private
Plate.) Baker No. iii. India proof.
( ,1^ 205- THE SAME. Inlaid to quarto.
^■^j^ 2o6. Half length in unifornn, head three-quarters to right,
the right hand on sword-hilt. In the rear to left, a tent partly visible,
and in the right background an attendant with a horse. Mezzotinto.
Height 8 4-16 inches; width 6 4-16 inches.
Engraved by J. Sartain after the Original Painting From Life by
James Peale. Baker No. 112.
Proof before the letters from a private plate of a portrait of Washington painted in 1778, belonging
to Mr. Lenox of New York. The portrait represents Washington in a military costume of that period.
g.i'O 207." GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head in profile to left.
Height 4 S-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches.
Etched by Albert Rosenthal 1899 from the Water-color by James
Peale, drawn from life, Philadelphia 1795, in the possession of Charles
Henry Hart, Esq., Phila. Twenty-five sets in four states printed and
subscribed for: Artist's proof, signed; proof; lettered impression; and
defaced plate. 4 pieces.
Sold as lot.
).).&" 208. THE SAME. An unique set of seven trial proofs, showing the progress
of the etching from the commencement to the completion.
3,0i00^°9- GEORGE WASHINGTON Nt en Virginie le ii F^vrier 1732.
Profile, head to left, laureated. Circular medallion in the upper part
of a rectangle. The title in a tablet. Stipple.
Height s 12-16 inches; width 4 inches.
Grave d'apres le Camee peint par Madame de Brehan a Newyork
en 1789. Dirige par P. F. Tardieu. Grave par Roger. Baker No.
Brilliant impression. Inlaid to quarto. Rare.
S.i'o 210. THE SAME. With good margin.
1,00211. G. Washington. Profile, head to right, laureated. Vignette. Line.
Height 2 8-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches.
"The President's compliments accompany the enclosed to Mrs.
Morris." Engraved and printed at the Bureau Engraving and Printing.
This profile of Washington is engraved from the original now in pos-
session of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, which was presented to Mrs. Morris
by Genl Washington, accompanied by a note of which the above text
is a true and exact facsimile. Baker No. 114. India proof.
1,00 312. THE SAME. India proof, before the inscription.
I.oc 212.' GEORGE WASHINGTON. Head and bust, three-quarters to right.
Oval in rectangle. Line.
Height 4 10-16 indies; width 3 13-16 inches.
Engd- by Wm. E. Marshall from a Portrait by Gulligher belonging
to E. Belknap Esq. Baker No. iiy.
Sl^yO 214. THE SAME. First and second trial proofs, signed with the initials
of the engraver.
SC^i^' 215. George Washington, Esq" President of the United States
OF America. Full bust in uniform, the order of the Cincinnati on the
left breast; head three-quarters to right. Oval, in a rectangle.
Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches.
Painted & Engraved by E. Savage From the Original Picture
Painted in 1790 for the Philosophical Chamber, at the University of
Cambridge, in Massachusetts. Pub! is lied Feby 7, 7792 by E. Savage,
N". 29 Charles Street, Middx- Hospital. Baker No. 116.
A superb impression, with full margin. Very rare. S.;e reduced facsimile.
I^.ft5 2i6. GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, the
order of the Cincinnati on the left breast; head three-quarters to the
right. Oval, in a rectangle. Stipple.
Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches.
Painted & Engraved by E. Savage. Baker No. iij.
\ i^(),(/i 211 . George Washington Esq": President of the United St.\tes of
America. Nearly full length, sitting, legs crossed, at a table to the
right, upon which is a hat with a large rosette; head three-quarters to
right. A large chart upon the table is held by the right hand; the left
arm rests upon it, the hand hanging over in front; the background is
formed by a curtain, which, drawn at the right, reveals the sky and
the lower portion of a pillar. Mczzotinto.
Height j8 inches; width 14 inches.
E. Savage pin.x. et sculp. From the Original Portrait Painted at
the request of the Corporation of the University of Cambridge in Massa-
chusetts. Published June 25, /79J by E. Savage N". 54 Neuman
Street. Baker lYo. 118.
This is a most brilliant and beautiful impression of this rare print, with a good wide margin.
In.M 218. GEORGE WASHINGTON President of the United States
of America. Nearly full length, sitting, legs crossed, at a table to
the right. (Same description as the preceding print.) Mezzotinto.
Height 18 inches; width 13 14-16 inches.
From the original Portrait Painted at the request of the Corporation
of the University of Cambridge in Massachusetts. Baker No. iig.
From the Chaloner Smith Collection.
This is a different Plate from the preceding one. although very similar. It is not so well executed,
and slight differences are risible throughtout. the most marked, perhaps, being the Rosette on the
hat, which is entirely different. It is supposed to be by Savage. It is exceedingly scarce. Baier
only saw two impressions. This is a beautiful brilliant impression. The margins are cut. off at sides,
but it is the finest impression I ever saw.
II 0ift:'2i9. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. George Washington his Lady and
her two Grandchildren by the name of Custis: La Famille de Washing-
ton, George Washington Son Epouse et Ses deu.x petits Enfants du
Nom de Custis. Full figure in military costume, seated to the left of
the print. His right arm rests on the shoulder of the boy, who is stand-
V 1-: o R c; !•: H',\ smsoToy . E s (f.
Fr(^*ii{' iJif riiiud S(,tlcs ! A s s At JX r s K T T •; .
■'•>, ./ /^A' ;/;;/■/ /a /:' .f^vute, A''ip cAui,!!- Jir,W, JMd'' //f//^,t/^r/
ing, while the left is upon a chart extended on a table, to a part of
which Mrs. Washington points with a fan. Slipple.
Height i8 6-i6 inches; width 24 6-16 inches.
Painted and Engrav'd by E. Savage. Philadelphia. Publish' d
March lo'b lygS, by E. Savage &= Rob'- Wilkinson N'. 58 Cornhill
London. Baker No. 120. Fielding, page 46.
Beautiful brilliant impression, with fine wide margin. .\ finer copy would be hard to find, as tins
this is perfectly free from spots.
gVi'C' 220. W.\SHINGTON. Bust in uniform. Head three-quarters to right.
\''ignette. Line.
Height 3 2-16 inches; width 3 3-i6 inches.
Marckl. Del. Bertonnier Sculp'- Publie par Pourrat F. a Paris.
Baker No. 121. Proof before all letters, with full margin. \'ery
rare in this state.
.'7^ 221. THE SAME. Lettered impression.
• 4c^222. THE SAME. Variation in publisher's address.
/ .5"c223. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, the order of the Cincinnati
on the left breast; head three-quarters to right. Vignette.
Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Engd- by J- C. Buttre N. Y. After a Painting by Edward Savage
in 1790. Baker No. 122. India proof.
,75 224. THE SAME. India paper proof, without the date.
^l.oo 225. Geo Washington Esq^ Ob'- Decb""- 14th 1799 .E 68. Nearly full length,
sitting at a table to the left, crossed legs; head three-quarters to the
left. Mezzotinto.
Height 7 5-16 inches; width 5 g-i6 inches.
E. Savage pinxet. Win- Hamlin sculp. Providence. Baker No. 124.
Copy in the reverse of the mezzotinto by Savage. Baker No. ii8. Original impression. Very
\tiO 226. THE SAME. Modern impression.
/1, 00227. Gen^ George Washington. Bust in uniform, head three-quarters
to right. Oval. Slipple.
Height 3 14-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches.
E. Savage, Pinxt- Wm- HamHn, Sc'- Provid. " Farnsworth's Edi-
tion." Baker No. 126. Inlaid to quarto. Very rare.
I, IS 228. GenI- George Washington. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters
to right. Oval surrounded by rays; the title in a scroll beneath
the bust. Stipple.
Height 10-16 inch; width 7-16 inch.
W™ Hamlin, Sculpt- Baker No. 12^. Original impression.
;,J^ 229. THE SAME. Modern impression.
(7 g. 230. Gen'. Geo. Washington. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to
left; the order of the Cincinnati on the right breast. Oval, in a rect-
angle. Stipple.
Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 inches.
W. Harrison Junr- Sculpt. Baker No. 128. Very rare.
vffi 5"' ^^ 231- George Washington, President of the United States of Amer-
ica. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right; the order of
the Cincinnati on the left breast. Oval, in a rectangle. Stipple.
Height 4 inches; width 3 inches.
Engraved by S. Hill. Baker No. i2g. Rare.
Brilliant impression, inlaid to quarto.
\l,oO 232. George Washington, Esq""- Full bust in uniform, head three-quar-
ters to right; the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. Oval.
Height 4 14-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches.
Houston, Sc. Philada. Published jor Tho^- Condie Bookseller.
Baker No. ijo. Brilliant impression. Inlaid to quarto. Rare.
^i.ii" 233. FULL BUST IN UNIFORM, head three-quarters to left. Oval.
Height 4 9-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
Savage pinx. O'Neill Sc. Published by Elias Dc.xtcr, ^46 Broadway,
N. Y. Engraved jor the Washingtoniana. Baker No. iji.
India proof.
I '7^" 234. THE SAME. India proof before the "Engraved for the Washington-
^i,- 235. George Washington. President of the United States. Full
bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left; the order of the Cincinnati
on the right breast. Oval. Stipple and Aquatint.
Height 4 14-16 inches; width 3 ia-16 inches.
Savage Pinxt- RoUinson Set- Baker No. ij2. Rare.
In this Print the head is stipple; lapels of coat, waistcoat, collar, neckerchief, and background
are in aquatint; the coat is line over stipple.
2isi"' ^3^- THE SAME. Different state of the plate, which shows much wear,
and, unlike the preceding print, the background is line over stipple;
and the other parts are stipple, which in 235 are aquatint. E.xces-
sively rare. Inlaid to quarto.
3,, 237. [The Washington Family]. GE° WASH'' PARKE CUSTIS, GEN"-
WASHINGTON, WILLIAM LEE. Copy of the print by Savage,
Baker No. izo. Mezzotinto.
Height 16 4-16 inches; width 23 12-16 inches.
Painted by Edward Savage. Engraved by J. Sartain. Baker No.
ijj. Before the title.
^, 50 238. George Washington, President of the United States of A.mer-
ICA. Nearly full length, sitting at a table to the right, with crossed
legs. Line.
Height 4 13-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
I. Scoles, del et sculp. Publish'd by Smith, Reed, and Wayland.
Baker No. 134.
'K cc 239- G. Washington. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to the
left. Oval. Stipple.
Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
Savage pinx. Tanner, sc. "Engraved for the Washingtoniana."
With double title. Margin cut off into title. Baker No. ijj.
i^'KoMa-^ Wk.sMi'NaTo^ Esq?
r^^^/TT^ ^yac>
^\,oO 240. THE SAME. Fine impression before the " Engraved for the Washing-
toniana," with full margin. Very rare in this state.
l5i°*24i. George Washington Esq? President of the United States or
America. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right; the
order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. Oval. Stipple.
Height 5 inches; width 3 15-16 inches.
From the Original Picture painted by Savage in 1790. Baker No.
136. Brilhant impression. Very rare in this state. Printed in brown.
See facsimile.
^^,^■^242. THE SAME. Printed in colors.
This is the only copy known in this State. The colors are as brilliant as on the day of publication.
*. 60 *43- George Washington. President of the United States of Amer-
ica. Bust in uniform, body shghtly to left, head drawn in rather an
awkward manner, three-quarters to right. Oval.
Height 4 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
from an Original Miniature in the Possession of Benjamin Smith
of Philadelphia. London. Published by D. Rymer. Book &= Print
Seller lo. Broad Court, Long Acre. Baker No. i^j. Extremely rare.
r^^O 244. GIORGIO WASHIxMGTON. Bust in uniform, head three-quarters
to right. Circular. Stipple.
Diameter 2 4-16 inches.
Minatelli s Pubblicato in Venezia a spese di Catterin Minatelli e
Comp. Very rare.
'^1 " 245. FULL BUST, head three-quarters to right, curtain in the background.
Height 10 inches; width 8 3-16 inches.
(Engraved by S. Arlent Edwards from an engraving by Edward
Savage) Artist's remarque proof, signed. A close copy with varia-
tions of Baker No. ii8.
i" 247. WASHINGTON FAMILY. Washington Parke Custis, George
Washington, Eleanor Parke Custis, Martha Washington, William Lee
(copy of the Print by Savage, Baker No. 120). Mezzotinto.
Height iS inches; width 24 14-16 inches.
(Engraved by Jno Sartain) Published by Thos Kelly, 346 Third
Avenue, between 22^. and 23"? St. N . Y .
similar to Baker No. 133.
\,1"^ 248. THE SAME.
Height 16 3-16 inches; length 23 11-16 inches.
Painted by Edward Savage. Engraved by J. Sartain.
Similar to Baker No. 133.
,if a*" 249. GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON and his FAMILY. Fully de-
scribed in print, Lot 247. Mixed.
Height 5 inches; width 7 6-16 inches.
Engraved for the " Eclectic" by Geo. E. Ferine. N. Y.
y^ ^%€ 250. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Full figure in uniform, sitting at
a table to right, the left hand lying on a map spread out on the table;
Lady Washington is sitting to the right of the table, holding an end of
the Map with the left hand. Mixed.
Height 4 14-16 inches; width 6 7-16 inches.
lUman & Son's Sc. Engraved for this Magazine.
t.'^'^tOC 251. BUST IN UNIFORM, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a
rectangle, with a companion portrait of Martha Washington on the
same plate. Mezzotinto.
Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 inches.
(Engraved by S. Arlent Edwards.) Artist's proof, signed.
Only 7 impressions were taken from the plate, then the head of Washington was changed to the
Stuart type. This is No. 1.
/, 5 i)~ 252. G. Washington. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left.
Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Trumbull. Bannister Baker No. ij8. Not in Carson.
This copy differs from Baker's description, as it has not the"T" before Bannister, and has " Trum-
bull," which Baker does not mention.
Sj*"^-^ 253. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, a cloak, around the left shoul-
der, head to left. Line.
Height 8 6-16 inches; width 6 6-16 inches.
Dessine par Couder. Grave par A. Blanchard. " Dedie k S. E. le
General Jackson, President des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, Par son tres-
respecteux admirateur, le Typographe N. Bettoni." Baker No. ijg.
India proof.
^i^C 254. THE SAME. Fine proof before the publisher's address.
.&( 255. WASHINGTON in 1775. Half length in uniform, head to left. Vig-
Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
Burt. Baker No. 140. First state; Baker only saw the second
• IC 256. THE SAME. Without the "in 1775." Second state.
iU,OC'2S7- General Washington. Full length in uniform, head to left; a field-
' glass in the e.xtended right hand, the left on a sword-hilt at his side.
In the rear, a soldier with a horse, and in the extreme background
the representation of a battle (Trenton). At his feet a dismounted
cannon. Stipple.
Height 3$ 6-16 inches; width 17 7-16 inches.
Painted by John Trumbull Esqr- Engraved by T. Cheesman.
London. Published by A. C. De Poggi A^"- gi, New Bond Street, June
lygd. Baker No. 141. Fine impression.
q <3~oo2S8- THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters, with the address of
the pubhsher scratched in, " lo"' 7795 by A. C. De Poggi A^eu' Bond
S'- London."
This superb brilliant proof, with wide margin, is no doubt one of, if not the earliest impression
known; it will be perceived that the date is 1705, a year earlier than the regular impressions. Accom-
panied with A. L. S. of Trumbull to Poggi in reference to the title of the print.
^/CiC'^l^. THE SAME. With variation in tlie address of the publisher. "Lon-
don Published by A. C. De Poggi, N"- gi, New Bond Street."
/ ^1 260. THE SAME. With variation in the address of the publisher, "Lon-
don, Published Aug', i. 1796, by A. C. de Poggi, No gi. New Bond
Street." Beautiful mellow briUiant impression.
^^. 261. G*'- WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Vignette.
Height 3 11-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
Couche fils sc. Baker No. 142.
, f^, 262. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform. (Fully described in the
print by Cheesman, No. 257.) Stipple.
Height s 2-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches.
Engraved by A. Daggett from the original Painting by Colonel
Trumbull. Published by Nathan Whiting New Haven Con. Baker
No. 143.
,%0 263. THE SAME. Inscribed "Washington at Trenton, N. J. January
2d 1777. This Print is copied from a painting deposited by the artist
(the aid of Washington) in the Trumbull Gallery at New Haven Conn.
Washington is represented viewing the enemy just after the conflict
at the Creek bridge. Every part of his dress, the trappings of his
horse, &c., were drawn from the original objects."
ri-l-C 264. THE SAME. Without the facsimile signature of Washington.
_ 2t 265. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Half length in uniform, head to left.
Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Eng. by A. B. Durand from the full length Portrait by Col. Trumbull
belonging to Yale College. Entered according to the Act of Congress
in the year 1834 by James Herring, in the clerks office of the District
Court of the Southern District of New York. Baker No. 144. Large
5'/ ^'^ 266. THE SAME. Without the copyright notice. India proof on large
paper; from the Longacre Collection.
^(. 267. THE SAME. With arabesque border.
'^ J < 268. THE SAME. Without Durand's name, " New York G. P. Putnam
^' & Co.," on India paper.
SC 269. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to left. Vignette. Line.
Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Geoffroy Sc. Piihlie par Fume, Paris. Baker No. 145.
H.CC 270. GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to
left; circular medallion, heading to an imperial folio sheet, containing
"The Declaration of Independence," surrounded by fifteen other
medallions, two of which contain portraits of John Adams and Thomas
Jefferson, and the others, the coats of arms of the thirteen original
States. Stipple.
Diameter of medallion 3 5-16 inches.
size of whole plate, height 26 1-16 inches; width 19 2-16 inches.
Gimber sc. Trumbull pin.x'- Published by Phelps &= Ensign y\
Bowery N. Y. Mounted on muslin. Baker No. 146. Rare.
f ^10,66 271. General Washington. Full length in uniform, standing upon a
rocky eminence near a river. The right hand, holding a hat, rests
upon his sword-hilt, while the left, in which is a scroll, the arm across
the body, is pointing to a fortification upon the opposite bank. In
the bend of the river, in the rear, shipping enveloped in smoke, and to
the right a negro servant with a horse, browsing, his fore-parts only
visible. In the lower margin an Indian holding a shield bearing the
Washington arms. Mezzotinlo.
Height 22 14-16 inches', width 16 inches.
Painted by J. Trumbull Esqr- of Connecticut 1780. Engraved by
V. Green, Mezzotinto Engraver to his Majesty and to the Elector
Palatine. Engraved from the Original Picture in the Possession of
M. De Neufville. of Amsterdam. Published by appointmt. of M. De
Neufville Janrj'- 15th lySi, by V. Green, N. 29, Newman Street, O.Nford
Street, London. Baker No. 147. Very rare.
Choice brilliant impression. See facsimile.
(,,^C 272. G. Washington. Bust in uniform, head to left. \'ignette, in a back-
ground ruled to a rectangle. Etched.
Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Etch'd by Alice Hall, Aged i8, New York 1866. India proof. Baker
No. J48. Not in Carson. Very scarce.
h 00 273- G. Washington. Bust in uniform, head to left. Vignette. Line.
Height 4 inches; width 4 4-16 inches.
(Engraved by H. B. Hall, Morrisania, N. Y., from the original by
Col. Trumbull.) Private plate. Baker No. I4g. India prooj.
) I *3 C 274. G. Washington. Full length in uniform, head to left. (Fully de-
scribed in the print by Cheesman, No. 257.) \ignette. Line.
Height 10 inches; width 9 2-16 inches.
Engraved and Printed by Illman & Sons. " On the great occasion
of our Presidential Election, to all lovers of Freedom and Independence,
is presented this portrait, "The Father of our Country,' from an ac-
knowledged and much admired painting by Col. J. Trumbull." Baker
No. ijo.
/, ^ &" 275. THE SAME. Colored by hand.
f76 276. THE SAME. "The Ledger Carriers' Annual Greeting to their sub-
scribers. New Year, 1S56. Present this Portrait of 'The Father of Our
//^ tJQ 277. G. Washington. Full length in uniform, standing upon an eminence
near a river. Inclosed with a border, the title in a tablet on the lower
Height 7 inches; width 4 9-16 inches.
J. Trumbull Pinx. Ja- le Roy Sculp. Baker No. i§i.
Brilliant impression, full margin. Verj- rare with the border. .\ copy in the reverse of the print
by V. Green. Baker No. 147.
5". o<5 278. THE SAME. Without the border, inlaid to quarto.
S<6£)279- George Washington, Le H£ros Lib£r.\teur de sa Patrie, n£ en
1732, mort a la fin de 1799. Full figure in uniform, standing upon
a rock near a river; the right arm is across the body, a chapeau in the
left hand. To the left a palm tree. Line.
Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 inches.
Maria Misa sculp. Baker No. 152. Rare.
A variatioa of the print by V. Green, Baker No. 147. Inlaid to quarto.
2xC)C 280. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform; in the extended right hand
a field-glass, the left on a sword-hilt at his side. In the left distance
a soldier with a horse; a palm tree on the right. Vignette. Mixed
Height 6 3-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches.
Guemied del E Monnin Sc. Baker No. i^j. Very rare.
Only one impression of this had come under the notice of Baker.
l-r"0 281. G. Washington. Half length in uniform, head to left. Stipple.
' Height 4 inches; width 3 2-16 inches.
Eng. by Read from the full length Portrait by Col. Trumbull belong-
ing to Yale College. George Willis, Great Piazza, Covent Garden.
Baker No. 154. Inlaid to quarto.
■^ Qj 282. THE SAME. Variation, with the omission of the engraver's name
' and publisher's address.
,i~6 283. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform. (Fully de-
scribed in the print by T. Cheesman, Baker No. 141.) Line.
Height 6 11-16 inches; width 4 g-r6 inches.
Engraved by John Rogers, from the Picture by Col. Trumbull.
New York, Virtue. Emmins if Co. Inlaid to quarto. Baker No.
755. Not in Carson.
^M-O 284. THE SAME. Without the publisher's address. Inlaid to quarto.
,(:> 285. Gen'^ Washington. Bust, full face. Oval. Line.
Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches.
(Published according to the Act of Parliament Ma}' the lo'h 1783
by J. K. Sherwin &c.) Baker No. ij6. Reprint.
l.VS"28sa. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform. (Fully de-
scribed in the print by T. Cheesman, Baker No. 141, but in the Re-
verse.) Line.
Height 7 inches; width 4 8-16 inches.
Engraved by W. E. Tucker, from an original Painting. Baker No.
757. Not in Carson.
\t.o?86. GEN. WASHINGTON (on the Battle Field at Trenton). Full
length in uniform. (Fully described, in the print by Cheesman, Baker
141.) Mezzolinto.
Height 24 13-16 inches; width 178-16 inches.
Engraved by W. Warner from the original picture by Col. John
Trumbull in possession of Yale College N. Haven. Published by
Wright &f Groves, Phila. Entered according to Act of Congress in
the Year 1845 by John Dainty in the clerk's office of the District court
in the Eastern district of Pennsylvania. Baker No. i$8.
n. Of 287. THE SAME. Variation in name of publisher, "Published by J.
Dainty & Flagg & Co. Philada."
l";f^288. THE SAME. Variation in name of publisher, "Published by William
Smith 706 South Third St- Philadelphia, & by J. Turgis 78 Duane
S'- New York," and with the copyright.
0'*^* 289. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval. Etched.
Height 3 4-16 inches; width a 1&-16 inches.
Baker No. 159.
Baker described this as " head to leit." which he admitted was a mistake.
'jf^'''29o. His Excellency George Washington. Commander in Chief of the
American Armies, Marshal of France &c. Full length in uniform,
standing, an open scroll in his right hand, inscribed " Freedom estab-
lished by Valour and Perseverance"; the left arm is across the body;
beneath his feet, flags and two scrolls, marked " Stamp Act" and " Bos-
ton Post Bill," and near by two books labelled "Acts of Par." and
"Brit. Stat."; in the air a figure of Fame with trumpet, advancing to
the left, in the act of crowning him with a laurel wreath. Line.
Height 6 8-16 inches; width 4 7-16 inches.
Baker No. i6o. Extremely rare. See reduced facsimile.
The 6gure in this is the same as in the print by Valentine Green, Baker No. 147, the accessories
Taried as above described.
'Z*t>0'-^ 291. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, nearly full face,
bod}- turned to left, in a square with a border. Mezzotinto.
Height 13 10-16 inches; width 10 inches.
Painted by J. Trumbull Esq^ of Connecticut. Engraved by V.
Green, Mezzotinto Engraver to his Majesty and to the Elector Pala-
tine. Published June ^. 1783 by V. Green N°. 29, Ne'wman Street,
O.xjord Street, and sold by J. Brydon, Printseller, N". 7, Charing Cross,
Excessively rare. The second one that has come under my observation. Beautiful impression
from the Chaioner Smith Collection. See reduced facsimile. It was from this identical impression
that S. Arlent Edwards made his beautiful copy.
4,1 292. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, nearly full face,
body turned to left, in a square with a border. Mezzotinto.
Height 9 inches; width 7 inches.
Painted by J. Trumbull Esq, Connecticut. Engraved by S. Arlent
Edwards, after Y. Green. Published i8gy by J. P. Satin, Printseller,
80, Nassau St. Neu' York.
A copy oj the preceding prim.
f-J" 5"*^ 293. THE SAME. One of 30 artist's proofs, signed.
^i!r<^294. THE SAME. Proof from the uncleaned plate. Unique in this state.
3, 00.295. THE SAME. Touched trial proof.
■^i 60 296. W.\SHINGTON. Full length in uniform, head to left, right arm
resting upon a browsing horse; the left hand,|holding a chapeau, resting
upon the hip. \"iew of West Point in the distance. Mezzotinto.
Height 9 14-16 inches; width 7 inches.
[From a painting by J. Trumbull in the City Hall, New York, en-
graved for Jos. P. Sabin by S. Arlent Edwards.] Copmghted 1899
by J. P. Sabin, New York. .\rtist's proof, signed.
/ 5i, 06297. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed. Printed in colors.
7/eycr/lAe y^97i&frca7i ffr?7?ieJ-^4ia2zf/ia/ (■/ ly'ra??^^ /?•
^' ..■■,.■//:„ 7 .K~/.,y/ ^',./ / '',^„,.:;„..- ^2f~~ iy^'a^— jK,-,./— i<£,-.
C»ENERAL Washington
/.•.V^v^^'. <^ 1"'.^-,./^/*/^
\q,l)l> 298. FULL LENGTH IN UNIFORM, head to left, the right hand resting
upon a walking-stick, the left resting upon a dress sword, a brows-
ing horse in the back distance. Mezzotinto.
Height 20 inches; width 12 14-16 inches.
(From a Painting by Jno Trumbull. Engraved by Max Rosenthal)
Copyright by Max Rosenthal 1903. Artist's proof, signed, with re-
marque portraits of painter and engraver. No. i of fifty proofs. Not
in Carson.
^"j.oOagg. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed, with remarque portraits of painter
and engraver. One of fifteen printed in colors.
2.1,6 0^00. THE SAME. An unique set of six trial proofs showing the process
of the engraving from the commencement to the finish.
'^i> 301. G. Washington. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Oval.
Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Col Jno Trumbull. (Engraved by the Anastatic process.) New
York. G. P. Putnam &f Co. India proof.
^0 302. G. Washington. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Mezzotinto.
Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches.
Mezzotinto by Wm. Sartain, 1891, after Couder for Sons of the Revo-
"' ^ 303- G. Washington. Half length in uniform, head to left. Mezzotinto.
Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Published by J. C. Buttre Co. N. Y. India proof.
, 3l (i 304- FULL BUST IN UNIFORM, head to left. Mezzotinto.
Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
(Painted by Jno Trumbull. Engraved by J. C. Buttre.) " Only
copy taken off & Plate never finished. Bought of Mr Buttre 1895."
The memorandum is in the hand WTiting of Mr. Probst, President
and Manager of the J. C. Buttre Engraving Co. of New York.
v • 5- S' 305. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left.
Vignette. Stipple.
Height 4 inches; width 4 inches.
Eng'? by H. B. Hall & Sons from the Painting by Trumbull. India
\\ dO 306. THE SAME. Without the name of the painter. India proof.
• >V 307. Washington. Bust in uniform, head to left. Circular medaUion,
together with portraits of Rochambeau, Lafayette, and Steuben; on
the ticket for the banquet of " Chamber of Commerce of the State of
New York"; at the Centennial celebration of the Victory at York-
town, No. 5, 1881. Line.
Diameter i 6-16 inches.
^O 308. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to left. Oval
with fancy border on a sheet with 29 portraits of European rulers, &c.
2 pages foUo. Stipple.
Height 2 inches; width i 9-16 inches.
Designed and Drawn by F. N Sainsbury. London, 1851. Engraved
for the Description of the Great Historical Collections of Manuscripts,
Books, Prints, Medals, Coins, and Works of Art. Not in Carson.
; ' t) D 309. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval. (On the
■^^ same sheet with portrait of Martha Washington.) Etched.
Height 5 ii-i6 inches; width a 13-16 inches.
Etched by Albert Rosenthal, from the Paintings by John Trumbull
in the National Museum, Washington, D. C. Copyright igoo Albert
Rosenthal. "Twenty-live sets in four states of the plate printed and
subscribed for": Japan proof, colored and signed; Japan proof, un-
colored and signed; lettered impression, Japan paper; lettered impres-
sion on Japan paper, with list of subscribers; and impression from
defaced plate.
The set contains a signed proof uncolored. not with the regular sets published.
•2.>0C 310. THE SAME. Trial proofs (6 Washington, 6 Martha Washington).
12 pieces.
?)i'5^3ii- G. Washington 1796. Bust, three-quarters to right. Oval.
Height 2 14-16 inches; width a 3-16 inches.
F. Bolt, f 1796. Baker No. i6i. Rare.
t ,'1-312. George Washington. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval.
■^ ' Stipple.
Height 3 8-i6 inches; width 2 14-16 inches.
From the original Miniature on Ivory, Painted from life by Archd
Robertson, in Philadelphia, in December 1791. Elias Dexter, §64
Broadway, New York, 1866. Baker No. 162. India proof.
if 313- Geo. W.^shongton. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval, with
border upon a pedestal, in a rectangle, a large scroll in front, to the
right a sword and scales, and to the left a Liberty cap and oak branches.
Over the oval a tablet with the title. Line.
Height 7 inches; width 4 inches.
Grainger sculpt. Baker N'o. i6j.
(TO 314. Geo. Washington. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval.
' Line.
Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches.
W. Grainger Sculp' Baker No. 164. Inlaid to quarto.
r) ^ 3^5- George W.\shington. Bust, head three-quarters to right.
'' Stipple.
Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches.
nach Frey gest v. Krethlow. Zwickau, h. d. Geh. Schumann, iSiS.
Baker iVo. i6j. Full margin.
r"0 316. THE SAME. With smaller margin.
.X^" 317. W.\SHINGTON. Bust in profile to left, head filletted. Vignette.
" Stipple.
Height 3 6-16 inches; width 3 inches.
H. B. Hall. From the Bust by G. Ceracchi, taken from life (now
in possession of Gouverneur Kemble Esq. Cold Spring). Engraved
for Irving's Washington. Baker No. 166. India Proof. On large
(IQ 318. THE SAME. Without "Engraved for Irving's Washington," but
• with Publisher's address, " G. P. Putnam's Sons." India Proof.
■J' pretty impression. See Plate.
(5, 0<'327. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States.
Full bust in uniform, with black neckerchief, head to right. Oval,
with narrow scroll border. Above the oval, a star with ravs, and
beneath an eagle with outspread wings in cloud, with a long ribbon in
his beak, the ends over his wings, inscribed "E Pluribus Unum." At
each side, flags and palm branches reaching to the top, the whole
inclosed with two slight lines. Stipple.
Height 4 cr-i6 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
Robertson Pin.xt. Walker Execudit. Baker No. ijo. Very rare.
The oval or centre of the plate only.
r\S 32S. GENERAL WASHINGTON. President of the United States
' OF America. Bust in uniform, with black neckerchief, head slightly
to right. In the lower margin a figure of Liberty seated upon an
eagle, bearing a shield (the Washington arms), and at her feet a cornu-
copia; to the right a liberty cap upon an upright sword. Oval in a
rectangle. Platinotype.
Height 10 inches; width S 2-16 inches-
J. J. Barralet del. H. Houston sculpt. Baker No. iji.
The only known copy of this print is in the possession of the Pennsylvatiia .\cademy of Fine Arts.
This platinotype by C. S. Bradford, copyright iSqS. It has always been rare, the .Academy being
very chary of letting copies go out.
\\ bt 329. G. Washington President of the United States. Full bust in
uniform, with black neckerchief, head to right. Oval. Stipple.
Height 3 13-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches.
Rollinson sculp'. Publish'd by I. Reid New York 1796. Baker
No. 172.
4 c 330. THE SAME. Inlaid to quarto.
\^i 06331- Gen't Washington. Full bust in uniform, head and bust three-
quarters to left. Oval, with border in a rectangle; beneath the oval,
on a stone tablet resting on a base, a representation of a review, en-
titled, " Gen'. Washington takes command of the American Army at
Cambridge July 3'? i77S"; over the tablet flags and implements of
war. Line.
Height 6 8-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches.
Viiii iiir yuviiosvi^ry.
•5|ftt&„'v •;>,..*%>>.%. %, m .^
U^9U/a/ MljJ/^AW/^A
Tyur/ /•/ '^ DecenU>f- ^JQO ^^aed 6>SJ mrr
Tisdale Sc. Engrav'd for C. Smith N-York. Baker No. ijj.
Very rare.
^0'^ 332- General George Washington. Full bust in uniform, with black
neckerchief, head to right. Oval, with narrow scroll border.
Height 4 4-i6 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
(Dublin University Magazine.) Baker No. 1^4. Very rare.
'^OOt 333- General Washington. Died 14th December 1799. Aged 68 years.
Full bust in uniform with black neckerchief, head three-quarters to
right. Oval in a narrow scroll border; over the oval a sword and
field-glass in diverging rays, over which is the inscription "For the
Microscope"; on either side flags, and beneath a liberty cap on a
spear and bunch of arrows, over which flows a ribbon upon which is
inscribed "E Pluribus Unum." Line and stipple.
Height 5 5-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches.
This unique portrait may well be considered one of the gems of the collection. The engraving is
a very clever piece of workmanship, and it is a pity the artist did not attach his name to it. It
was discovered by me in a short and incomplete fije of a magazine entitled " The Microscope
or Minute Observer," for the years I7o!»-i8oo. among a collection of relics and papers inherited by
Lawrence Washington, through his father, John Augustine Washington, from Genl. Washington's
estate. I had sold for Lawrence Washington, some time past (1876), the books he had inherited
from Genl. Washington, and at a sale in April, 1891, disposed of the balance of his relics, tliis being
among them. The magazine begins with Vol, I, No. IV, August, 1797, and ends with No. VIII,
and includes the indei (j pages) to the eight numbers. Vol. 11 begins with No. I, January, 1800,
and ends with No. IV, April, 1800. Some leaves at the end of this volume, containing the continuation
of Franklin's autobiography, are missing. No. 11 of this volume contains a "Sir iking Likeness of
the late General George Washington, with the dress and armorial appendage, as President, when
he delivered his farewell oration in Congress to the United States of .America." Of course, this num-
ber was published after the great man's death, but as he was an original subscriber to the magazine,
the publishers continued sending it to the family. It is therefore doubly interesting from tlie fact
that the early part actually belonged to Washington, and the latter part, whilst not personally his,
had been subscribed for by him. With the number containing the portrait is a beautifully written
biographical sketch.
Up to the present time it has held its own as unique, no other copy having turned up. This fact
is astonishing, as all the libraries of Europe have been searched time and again for it. It was pub-
lished at Belfast, by Joseph Smyth, at the Public Printing Office, High street.
See facsimile of portrait.
Wood engraving.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
S. Folwell Pinx'. Baker, page log.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 S-16 inches.
India ink drawing.
£ 33(>- FULL BUST IN PROFILE TO LEFT. Vignette. Wood engraving.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
•3,'*.!; Si"!- George Washington. Prasident der vereinigten Staat. 59 Jahr alt
1 79 1. Full bust in profile to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 2 io-r6 inches; width i 12-16 inches.
Excessively rare. N'ot in Carson. Portion oj title cut off on the
_ 'SO 338- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Vig-
nette. Stipple.
Height 4 8-16 inches; width 4 inches.
Engraved by J. C. Buttre (from the Portrait by Wertmuller). Baker
No. ij§. On large paper.
ii«Mt 339. G. Washington. Bust, head to right. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 5 S-16 inches; width 5 inches.
A. Wertmuller, S. Pt. Phila. 1795. H. B. Hall. Baker No. 176.
India Proof before the Title. The engraver's own copy.
, b 340. THE SAME. Trial proof, before facsimile signature.
7. 5" 341. THE SAME. Lettered impression.
.tiS" 342. Washington. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Line.
Height 4 14-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches.
From the original painting by Stuart, taken from life, in possession
of the Boston Athenaeum. Engraved by Joseph Andrews. Presen-
tation copy from the Engraver. Baker No. lyj.
,^'i 343- THE SAME.
R(0'--343i. THE SAME. India proof before all letters. On e.xtra large and
heavy paper. Very rare in this state.
\t S^ 344. General Washington. Bust, head to left. Oval. Line.
Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches.
Engraved by J. Baker. Baker No. lyS. Inlaid to quarto.
^0 345. G. Washington. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Line.
Height 3 inches; width 2 10-16 inches.
Engd by V. Balch from a Painting by G. Stuart. From "The
Presidents of the United States," by Edward Williams, New York,
1849. O'^s ys3-r earlier than that mentioned by Baker. Baker No.
•j_ <^ 346. THE SAME. Inlaid to quarto.
5 ^- 347- WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to left. On the left
• ' breast the order of the Cincinnati. Vignette. Line.
Height 3 12-16 indies; width 4 inches.
Ballin del. et sculp. Publie par Dujoiir, Mulat et Boulanger, Imp.
Gilquin el Diipain, r. de la Calandre, ig, Paris. Baker No. i8o.
,'i)0 348. THE SAME.
y , 60 349- BUST, head to right. Oval. Line.
Height 3-16 inch; width 3-16 inch.
(Bank Note Co.) Baker No. i8i. India Proof.
This is the smallest engraved Portrait of Washington.
\S^ 350. THE S.AME. On a glazed card.
^^0 351- G. Washington. Full bust, head to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 5 8-16 inches; width 4 8-16 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by G. J. Bather, Jr. Baker No.
182. India Proof, on large paper.
, / 352- G. Washington. Full bust to right, head turned to left. Line.
Height 4 9-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches.
Dalla Libera. I. W. Baumann sc'. Mchn Printed and published
by G. G. Lange at Darmstadt. Baker No. i8j.
, f /J 3 S3- THE SAME. Without the pubHsher's address.
3.7 (T 354- THE SAME. Proof before the title. Rare in this state.
, ^iSS- WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right, inclosed by two shght lines
surmounted by a Globe over which is an Eagle, beneath a star emitting
rays; at the sides and bottom, beautifully engraved wreaths, flags, etc.
Height 2 4-16 inches; width i 11-16 inches.
Bertonnier sculpt, " Galerie Napoleon" Bernard, Editeiir, Galerie
Vivienne, N". 49. Baker No. 184. First state.
. ^5 356. THE SAME. With different border, without the facsimile signature,
and with different publisher's address, " Danlos, Editeur, Qnai Mala-
quais, I, Paris."
• ^'<^357- G. Washington. Head to the right. Oval, with ruled background.
Height 5 14-16 inches; width 5 1-16 inches.
Engraved e.xpressly for Graham's Magazine from the original Paint-
ing by G. Stuart by E. S. Best at J. M. Butler's establishment 84 Chest-
nut St. Baker No. 185.
.^^358. THE SAME. Before the address.
Ovi'359- G. Washington. Head to the right. Oval, with ruled background.
Height 2 15-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches.
(Godey's Ladys Book.) Baker No. i86.
.(^Q 360. G. Washington. Full bust, head to right. Line.
Height 4 15-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
Stuart Pins'. C. Burt sc. Baker No. 187.
361. THE SAME. India proof, before the title.
1^362. G.Washington. Full bust, head to left. Vignette. Mezzotinto.
Height s inches; width 4 4-16 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by J. C. Buttre. "Engraved ex-
pressly for this work." Printed by J. C. Entire N. Y. Baker No. i88.
. • 363. G. Washington. Bust, head to left. Oval. Mixed.
Height 6 7-16 inches', width s 4-16 inches.
G. Stuart. J. C. Buttre. Baker No. i8g. India proof on large
364. THE SAME. Proof before all letters.
•if 365. G. Washington. Bust, head to left. (Tea Pot Portrait.) Vignette.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
G. Stuart, J. C. Buttre. Baker No. igo.
|, 15 366. GEORGE WASHINGTON, First President of the United
States. Full bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle. In the angles
representations of scenes at Trenton, Princeton, Valley Forge, and
Yorktown. Mixed.
Each, height 13 8-16 inches; width 10 2-16 inches.
Engraved and Published by J . C. Buttre 48 Franklin St. New York.
Border designed by W. Momberger. Painted by G. Stuart. Entered
according to Act oj Congress AD 1866, by J. C. Buttre, in the Clerk's
Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. Baker
No. igi.
|.Cr367. THE SAME. Variation in Title and with the address " PukHshed
by the National Chromo Co. Philadelphia, Pa." in place of the address
of J. C. Buttre.
\,ff-368. BUST, HEAD TO LEFT. The Upper Portrait on an ornamented
sheet entitled "The Presidents of the United States," containing portraits
of Washington, John Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, John Quincy
Adams, and Andrew Jackson, in borders resembling picture-frames
suspended on a wall. In the centre a Statue of the Goddess of Liberty,
in an archway resembling a Frame over the top of which is an Eagle
with shield and Flags, underneath a Table upon which is a Vase, Ink-
stand, and Pen; to the right and left of table, a vase. Line.
Height 2 3-16 inches; width 2 inches.
Whole plate, height 10 4-16 inches; width 8 4-16 inches.
Designed by Robert W. Weir. Engraved by J. W. Casilear. From
original and accurate portraits. Painted & Engraved expressly for the
New York Mirror. Entered according to Act of Congress in year iSj4
by Geo. P. Morris in the clerk's office of the District Court of the Southern
District of New York. Baker No. igz. India Proof.
\X 369. General Washington. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval.
Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
J. Chapman sc. Published as the Act directs Mar. i, 1800. Colored.
Baker No. igj. Very rare.
H ^ 370. THE SAME. Without Engraver's name and copyright, but with
"Engraved for the Encyclopjedia Londinensis, 1828."
371. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length, standing. The " Lans-
downe Portrait," fully described in the picture by James Heath, Baker
No. 250. Line.
Height 19 12-16 inches; width 13 inches.
Painted by Gilbert Stuart, 1797. Engraved by John Chorley,
Boston. Printed by Pendleton, Boston. Baker No. ig4. Fine Im-
pression. Rare.
\ 0iO037i a. THE SAME. Without the address of "Pendleton" and "Printed
by Isaac Gary" substituted.
2, 6"(J 372. THE SAME. Variation in address, "Printed by" (erased) and "Pub-
lished bv W. Peirre, Teller &= Sold by T. Cotrel gy Fulton St. New
York." '
'^A 373- G. WASHINGTON, who departed this Life, Decf 14, 1799, Aged
(58. Bust, head to left. Circle, in a rectangle engraved to represent
stonevifork. The title beneath the circle. Stipple.
Height 2 10-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches.
T. Clarke sc. Sold by W. Spotsivood. Baker No. igs. Rare.
This is an original impression, not the Millerized facsimile.
(^0 374- WASHINGTON (george). Full bust, head to right. Line.
Height 2 4-16 inches; mdth i 12-16 inches.
M''.'' Coigneto sc. " Iconographie instructive" on a sheet with a
biographical sketch.
*>0 375' THE SAME. Without the engraver's name.
•5.' 376. THE SAME. The portrait printed without the text and with a border
of two lines, and facsimile signature, but without the engraver's name.
' I a . 377. THE SAME. Portrait only. Proof before all letters on India paper.
\,'5,6378- GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. (Lansdowne.)
Height 5 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. i
Stuart pin. Dall' Acqua ine: Baker No. igj.
.2: 379. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length, head to left. The "Lans-
downe Portrait." Fully described in the print by Heath, Baker No.
250. Line.
Height 4 1-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches.
Davenport, sculp. London Published by Thomas Tegg &= Son
Cheapside i'.' Dec\ iSjj. Baker No. igS.
^ : 380. THE SAME. "London, Published by Thomas Tegg, N". 73 Cheap-
side I'.' Deer i8j8."
,?,5 381. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. (Lansdowne.) Vignette. Etched.
Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches.
Vernier, del. Lemaitre, dir. Delaistre, sc. Baker No. igg.
2 •'2^382. THE SAME. Proof before letters. Rare in this state.
U.-^ 383. WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, sitting, head to left, a dress-
sword on the left forearm. To the left a table upon which is an ink-
stand, pen, and upright book; the back of an armchair partly visible
to the right, and the background formed by a recess with pillar. Oval,
with border in a rectangle. Ornamented corners. Mezzotinto.
Height la 9-16 inches; 9 13-16 inches.
Painted by Stuart. Engraved by Doney. Published by Rice &"
Alien, Comer oj Burdick 6-" Water S'? Kalamazoo, Mich. Entered
according to Act of Congress in the year 1863 by Thomas Doney in
the clerks office of the District Court of Illinois. Baker A'o. 201-.
\, 1^ 384. BUST, head to right. Mezzotinto.
Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches.
Baker No. 202.
This plate was never lettered. It was engraved by Doney.
2 4.i>d38s. WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, head to left, the right hand
on an upright book upon a table. The left upon the hilt of a dress
sword held perpendicular. The back of an armchair partly visible
to the right and the background formed by a recess, with pillars on
each side. Mezzotinto.
Height 13 i2-i6 inches; width lo 12-16 inches.
Engraved by T. Doney. Entered according to Act oj Congress A. D.
i86y, by Wm. Pale, in the clerks office oj the District Court jor the Southern
District oj N'eii' York. Baker A^o. 20j.
^.0^386. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust head to right. Oval. Stipple.
Height 4 inches; width 3 7-16 inches.
A. Doolittle Sc. "Connecticut ^lagazine." Baker No. 204. Ex-
tremely rare.
From " the Connecticut Magazine or Gentleman's and Lady's Monthly Museum." published at
Bridgeporl. commencing Januar>', iSoi, and ending \nlh the June number. This is the second impres-
sion which has come under ray observation, the other hanng a different title, " The Saviour of his
Country." This impression is considerably stained.
iY 387. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. (Lansdowne.)
Height 5 inches; width 3 11-16 inches.
Stuart, pin.x'. Dupreel, Sc. Baker No. 205.
. » ^388. THE SAME. Before the title in the tablet.
,,1^^389. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Line.
Height 4 9-16 inches; width 3 ii-i6 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by A. B. Durand. From the
original picture in the possession of the Athenieum, Boston. Printed
by R. Neale. India Prooj. Baker No. 206.
S 0OZ9°- THE SAME. India proof, with the artist's name, " G C. Stuart
P^ A. B. Durand sc," traced with the point; full margin. This is
the earliest state. Baker calls this one of the best engraved portraits
of Washington.
j 391. Washington. Full bust, head to left. Oval with Arabesque border;
' beneath, the representation of a battle, "Trenton." Stipple.
Height S S-16 inches; width 5 12-16 inches.
Stuart. Edwards. London: George Virtue. Baker No. 207.
,( 392. THE SAME. Without the Publisher's address
_ , 393. THE SAME. With different border.
2iOO 394- George Washington Esq^ Bom Feb7 22, 1732. took the command
of the American Army 1775. elected President of the United States
April 3o'!> 1789, resign'd 1796. Died Dec^ 14 1799. Full bust,
head to left. Oval. Stipple.
Height 5 11-16 inches; width 4 8-16 inches.
Engraved from an Original Picture by D. Edwin: Published by
I. Scales New York. Modern impression. Fielding igy a. 39S. THE SAME. Printed in red.
I ■J, 5-0 396- Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple.
Height 4 14-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches.
D. Edwin, Fecit. Philadelphia. Published J any i" iSoo by A.
Dickins. Baker No. 2og. Fielding No. ig8.
-3,2^' 396 «• THE SAME. Accompanied with a copy of the book. "The
Washingtoniana Lancaster 1802." 8X° Sheep.
1.-2 ', 397- THE SAME. On bluish paper, without the address of the publisher.
Fielding ig8 b.
Cf,;^0^9^- THE SAME. The Heading to an Imperial foho sheet entitled "The
Constitution of the United States, arranged and Epitomized." Pub-
lished by Robert Desilver, No. no Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Very
rare in this state.
2 , '^ ^ 399. Geo Washington. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches.
Edwin sculp. Baker No. 210. Hildebiirn's i'.' slate. Fielding No.
p 400. THE SAME. Hildeburn2.
401. THE SAME. Hildeburn3.
^; 402. THE SAME. Hildeburn4. ist state.
403. THE SAME. Hildeburn 4. 2d state.
V, 404- THE SAME. Hildeburn 5.
7^405. THE SAME. Hildeburn 5a.
, 3«4o6. THE SAME. Modern impression.
J.. 407. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Ornamental border.
Height 8 6-16 inches; width s 5-16 inches.
Philad-' Published by M. A. Milliette, 320 Chestnut St. Baker No.
.^S 408. THE SAME. With different address, "Philada Published by Joseph
an r- 409. George Washington General and Commander in chief of the
American Revolutionary Army and first President of the
United States. Full bust, head to right. Oval.
Height 4 inches; width 3 5-16 inches.
Edwin sc. Baker No. 212. Fielding No. 206.
From an Essay on the Life of George Washington by Aaron Bancroft, Worcester, 1807.
■%,0C 410. Washington A Nations Joy. Full bust, head to left. Oval.
Height 2 13-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches.
Edwin sc. Baker No. 2ij. Fielding 20 j. Beautijid impression.
Inlaid to quarto. Rare.
From The Life of General Washington, by John Kingston. Baltimore, 1813.
5. 'J. ^fi 411. BUST, head to left. Oval, above it a star and the words "Centenary-
Anniversary," beneath "Feb. 22, 1832" and "We Perpetuate the
Fine Arts."
Height 2 8-16 inches; width i 13-16 inches.
" Printed during the Procession by the Association of Copper-plate
Printers." Pub. by R. H Hobson 14^ dies'. St. Baker No. 214.
Fielding No. 20J a. Very rare.
Baker says: " This appears to be the preceding plate reduced." In this he is wrong, as they differ
very materially in ways, the most noticeable being the lower part of the lacework on the shirt
front. "The Procession referred to, took place in Philadelphia, to commemorate the Centennial
Anniversary of Washington's Birthday." 1832.
^ '> 412. THE SAME. Without the star, on a silk Badge.
'^^Q 413. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left.
"Take him for all in all,
We ne'er shall look upon his like again."
Vignette. Stipple.
Height 2 3-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches.
Edwin sc. Baker No. 21 j. Fielding No. 204. Rare.
From A Collection of .\merican Epitaphs by Rev. Timothy Alden, New York, 1814.
3^1 iic'4i4. His E.xcellency George Washington LieuT Gen'- of the Armies
OF THE United States of America. Three-quarter length in uni-
form, sitting, the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast; a sword
lies in the right forearm, and a chart in the hand, the left hand resting
upon that portion of it which is upon a table. A curtain drawn up at
the right, reveals an encampment in the distance. In the lower mar-
gin, an eagle displayed, with shield and motto, "E Pluribus Unum."
Height II 3-16 inches; widths 10-16 inches.
F. Bartoli Pin.x*. D. Edwin Sc. "Respectfully Dedicated to the
Lovers of their Country and Firm Supporters of its Constitution."
Published by D. Kennedy 228 Market S'. Philad'i Baker No. 216.
■ Fielding No. 2og.
Brilliant Impression with fine wide margin, and a very rare state, from the fact of it having the
Publisher's address, which is found on but few copies, and which was not on the copy from which
Baker got his description.
|0i6"f 415. THE SAME. Without the publisher's address. Stained on margin.
^"'i>04i6. WASHINGTON SACRED TO MEMORY. Three-quarter length
in uniform, seated. The same as the preceding plate, with the addition
of a border 11-16 inch in width, the title in a tablet in the upper part.
Beneath the portrait and let into the border a funeral urn, supported
by two female figures, and surrounded by war emblems. Upon the
top of the urn a sword and field-glass crossed, and on a medallion, in
three hnes, "O. B. Dec. 14, 1799, ^t 68." Stipple.
Height II 3-i6inches; widths 10-16 inches.
F. Bartoli pinx^. D. Edwin Sc. Revised by I. J. Barralet. Pub-
lished by D. Kennedy 228 Market S'. I'hilad". Baker No. 2iy. See
reduced facsimile. Very rare.
The only pcrccplible difference between this and the preceding print is the cuff on the right arm,
which is not so wide, and in the sword, whicli reveals a portion of the blade between the hilt and the
cuff, licautiful brilliant impression, with wide margin.
2.,ti0 4i7- Washington. Bust, head to left. Oval medallion, the upper one of
a group of four in an ornamented Vignette. The others contain the
portraits of Adams, Jefferson, and MadLson. Stipple.
Height 2 inches; width i 8-i6 inches.
D. Edwin. G. Murray. (Title, Washington, Adams, Jefferson,
Madison.) Baker No. 218. Fine impression.
■2-0O 418- THE SAME. With the addition of Portrait of Jas Monroe.
-5.7 If 419. THE SAME. With the addition of Portraits of Monroe and J. Q.
Adams. Fine impression, on large and thick paper.
^,1 419 a. THE SAME. On small paper.
I V '^0/^20. General George Washington. Bust, head to right. Line.
Height 2 10-16 inches; width 2 inches.
Painted by Stuart. Engraved by William Ensom. London PM
for the Proprietor, September 1822. Baker No. 2ig.
From Walmsley'a Physiognomical Portraits, 1824. India proof, with wide margin.
(^C/'42i. THE SAME. Without Painter's or Engraver's name, and different
' lettering on title.
17 QQ422. Bust, head to left. Oval, with border, surrounded by diverging rays.
Height 5 8-16 inches; width 5 inches.
G. Stuart pinx'. G. Fairman sculp'. Baker No. 220.
Choice Proof on heavy Paper. Very rare in this state.
i^j;<9423. THE SAME. Proof on India Paper.
Zi.,'iSA2^. THE SAME. The Heading to an Imperial folio .sheet entitled "Wash-
ington's Farewell Address to the People of the United States."
iTQ 425. THE SAME. Cut from the Farewell address.
^^^7426. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette.
Height 5 6-16 inches; width 4 J2-16 inches.
Drawn by B. Trott from Stuart's Picture. Engraved &= Published
by G. Fairman. Baker No. 221.
First state. Brilliant impression on large paper.
, 2-r 427. THE SAME. "Fairman & Childs Sc'. " 2d state.
One of the later impressions.
_ 'I '^- 428. THE SAME. " Fairman & Childs Sd " Pub. by S. C. Atkinson
Philadelphia. 3d state.
. is 429. THE SAME. " Fairman & Childs Sd " and without Publisher's ad-
dress. 4th state.
.i i 430. THE SAME. With different Title and without Publisher's address,
and variety in address of engraver, "Fairman"; evidently a much later
Z.if* 43° a- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. (Lans-
do\Yne.) Line.
Height 7 7-i6 inches; width 6 i-i6 inches.
Engraved by Fenner, Sears & C° from a Painting by Stuart. London
Piihlished May 2, i8ji, by R Ackermann, g6 Strand, for the Proprietors
oj Hinton's History oj America, 2 Vols, ^to Plates. Baker iVo. 222.
Proof before all letters, on large paper.
:i,irO 431. THE SAME. Open letter, on India paper.
\,to 432. THE SAME. Variety in address of PubUsher, " Rest, Fenner, Sears &
Co S3, Paternoster Row & Thomas Wardle, Philadelphia & Isaac
Taylor Hinton." On India paper.
A 6 433- THE SAME. Reduced to a full bust and put into an oval, with
ornamental border, and variety in Title and address. " George Wash-
ington From the original Painting by Stuart. J. & F. Tallis. London
Edinbiu-gh & Dviblin."
,1 (^ 434. THE SAME.. With variety in address, "John Tallis & Company
London. New York."
.1 435- THE SAME. Title as preceding Print, but with different address.
"The London Printing and Publishing Company."
S.kS 436. THE SAME. Without die Border, or Publisher's address.
g^ 437. GEORGIUS WASHINGTON. Bust to right, head to left. Line.
Height 6 15-16 inches; width 5 a-16 inches.
G. Longhi dis. G. G. Felsing inc. Verlag und Eigenthum von
Louis Roaa in Leipzig. Baker Xo. 22j. Choice open letter proof,
Jul I niargin.
9,,0C 43^- THE SAME. Brilliant Proof before Letters, full margin.
^^ 439. THE SAME. With different publisher's address, "A Paris chez
' ' Te^'^sari et Cie Rue des Cloitre Notrc-Dame No 4."
4^-, 5-0 440. BUST TO LEFT. Vignette. Etched.
Height 9 inches; width 7 4-16 inches.
(S. J. Ferris.) Baker No. 224. Artist's Proof on India Paper.
g^^A.cA 441. George W.\shington Esq? Half length, head to left, background
formed bv a curtain drawn up to the left, revealing a pillar.
Height 1 1 4-16 inches; width 99-16 inches.
Painted by C. G. Stuart. Engraved by James Fisher. From the
Original Picture in the possession of J. Seb° De Franca Esq"! of Devon-
shire Square, London. London Publish' d by P. Fische .April 10"}
iSoi. Baker No. 22^. E.xtremely rare.
A Brilliant impression; it has been trimmed dose at top and sides, which accounts for the difference
in measurement. It is the second and best copy I ever saw. See reduced facsimile.
QQ 442- George Washington, First President of the United States of
' America.. Full bust, head to left. Line.
Height s 8-16 inches; width 4 inches.
Stuart Pin.x' Fittler Sculp' Engraved by James Fittler A. R. A.
from the original Picture painted by G. Stuart in the possession of the
Most Noble the Marquis of Lansdown. London, Published as the
r --are*?" ,
George waswiaVgton eso"-
Act directs May ij, 1804, by Richard Phillips, N". 7/ S'. Paul's Church,
Yard. Baker No. 226.
From the Life of Geo. Washington by John Marshall, London, 1804.
^Q 443. THE SAME. Different state, without the name of the Artists, and
address of the Publisher. Large Paper.
ll^oo 444- G. Washington. Half length, head to left. Stipple.
Height 4 S-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
Engraved by S. Freeman from a painting by Stuart. A. Fullarton &=
C". London cf Edinburgh. Baker No. zzy. Rare, especially so with
the address of the publisher.
(0,60 445- His Excellency George Washington LieuT Gen^ of the Armies
OF the United States of America. Three-quarter length in uni-
form, seated. In the lower margin, an Eagle displayed with shield
and motto "E Pluribus Unum." (More fully described in the Print
by Edwin, Lot No. 421.) Stipple.
Height II 2-16 inches; width 8 1 2-16 inches.
F. Bartoli Pinx J. Galland sculp. " Dedicated to Commodore
John Barr\- and the OfBcers of the Navy and Army of North America,
by Ferrai & Dupin Baltimore." Baker No. 228.
Similar to the Print by Edwin, Lot 421. A fine Brilliant impression, with full margin, and ex-,
ceedingly scarce with the name " Ferrai & Dupin Baltimore."
11,00446. THE SAME. Beautifully Printed on Satin. Excessively rare in this
|5,o«447. THE SAME. Without the name of "Ferrai & Dupin," but with
the name, "John McElwee."
^t> 448. George Washington. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
Geoffroy, d'apres le tableau de Stuart. Baker No. 22g. Large
^^,o''449. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length, standing. The "Tea-pot
Portrait." Fully described in the Print by Hills, Baker No. 252.
Mezzotinlo .
Height 24 5-16 inches; width i6 p-i6 inches.
G. Stuart Pinx'. S. H. Gimber, Sculp. Baker No. 230. Not in
Carson. Fine impression. Very rare. Mounted on Muslin.
. C3O 450. FULL BUST IN UNIFORM, head to right. The upper one of a
group of Portraits in ovals, on an oblong quarto sheet, of Washington,
Adams, Jefferson, & Madison; with a draped background. Over
the Washington is a Star containing thirteen lesser ones, and above it
the words "American Star." Stipple.
Height 3 15-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches.
Whole Plate, Height 8 9-16 inches; width 10 7-16 inches.
N. York Design'd, Engrav'd & Publish'd by Tho^ Gimbrede
Jan? 30'.'' 181 2. Printed by And^' Maverick. Copy Right secured.
Baker No. 2ji. Scarce.
The Portrait of Adams, damaged.
^0 451- GENV GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 3 7-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches.
Stuart p'. Gimbrede sc. "Engraved for the Biography of American
Heroes." Published by John Low New York Baker No. 232. Scarce.
Baker's measurement is wrong.
THE SAME. Without the address of Publisher.
FULL BUST, head to left. Oval. Mezzotinto.
Height 9 4-16 inches', width 7 12-16 inches.
Portrait of Washington painted from Life by Stuart. Engraved by
Ed. Girardet, Imprime &= Public par Goupil g' C'f Paris — London —
New- York. Baker No. 233. Full margin. ,
/j^.tTO 454. THE SAME. Beautifully Colored.
^.o« 455- George Washington. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 7 3-16 inches; width 6 2-16 inches.
Drawn by B. Trott, Engraved by C. Gobrecht. Baker No. 235.
Brilliant Impression.
From Rees' Cydopsdia, Philadelphia. 1821.
,<^r456. THE SAME. Colored bv hand, with the address "W"? Smith 706
South 3^ S'. Philad? "
c OC'457. General Washington, President of the United St.\tes. Born
February 22°.'' 1732, Died December 14'.'' 1799. Full length, stand-
ing. The "Lansdowne Portrait." Fully described in the print by
James Heath, Baker No. 250. Stipple.
Height 19 14-16 inches; width 13 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart, 1797, Engraved by C. Goodman and R. Piggot.
Published by W. H. Morgan, N". 114 Chestnut Street Philad". Baker
No. 2j6.
vO 45S. FULL BUST, head to left (Lansdowne). Mi.xed.
Height 6 7-16 inches; width 4 11-16 inches.
From the full length Portrait painted by Gilbert Stuart in 1796, in the
possession of M^^ Pierrepont of Brooklyn Heights. Baker No. 2J7.
India proof.
, \ ' 459. THE SAME. Later impression, without the authority as above.
, c 460. HEAD TO LEFT. Vignette, with background ruled to a rectangle.
Height 6 2-16 inches; width 4 11-16 inches.
G. Stuart. H. B. Hall. From the Original Picture in the Boston
Athenaeum, taken from life in 1795. Engraved for Irving's Life of
Washington. G. P. Puinam &= C". N. York. Baker No. 238.
,1 C 461. THE SAME. Cut close to print.
, f^ 462. THE SAME. After the plate was cut down.
i-r 463. FULL BUST, head to left. Vignette. Line.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 S-16 inches.
Eng^ by H. B. Hall from the original Painting by Stuart. Baker
No. 2JQ.
^<^ 464. \^■ASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
Eng^ by H. B. Hall, after a Picture by Stuart. Baker No. 240.
Inlaid to quarto.
■,, DO 465- G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Etched.
Height 4 laches; width 3 8-16 inches.
Etchd by H. B. Hall from a Picture by Stuart. Published by H. B.
Hall &» Sons, 13 Barclay St. N. Y. Baker No. 241.
,'; 5^ 466. THE SAME. Before the publisher's address.
1,00 4^7- THE SAME. India proof before letters on large paper.
H. B. Hall's own proof copy.
,^0468. THE SAME. India proof before letters, on large paper.
« ^^ 469. THE SAME. Trial proof from H. B. Hall's own collection on large
' paper.
,^£,(,470. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval, with border in a
rectangle. Stipple.
Height 12 5-16 inches; width 9 8-16 inches.
Engraved by H. B. Hall and G. E. Perine. Painted by GObert
Stuart. Published by Geo. E. Perine, lo Courtland St. New York.
Baker No. 24J.
,1'^" 471. THE SAME. Later state, "Engraved by H. B. Hall's Sons New
^^ 472. BUST, head to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height s inches; width 4 inches.
From the Original Picture in the Boston Athenseum taken from life
in 1795. Baker No. 244.
l.S'473- WASHINGTON. Head to left. Vignette with background ruled to
' a rectangle. Etched.
Height 6 6-16 inches; width 4 14-16 inches.
Etched by Alice Hall, aged i8, 1866. Baker No. 245. India
Prooj. Rare.
H. B. Hall's copy.
5,i;,M74. WASHINGTON. FuU length, standing. The "Tea-Pot Portrait."
Fully described in the print by J. H. Hill, Baker No. 252. Mezzotinto.
Height 24 inches; width i6 8-16 inches.
G. Stuart Pinx'. Eng. by J. Halpin. From the Original Picture in
the State House at Hartford, Connecticut. Presented to the Subscribers
of the Anglo American. New York Published by E. L. Garvin &»
Co. 6. Ann St. Baker No. 246.
l.OcAlS- THE SAME. Variation in the Authority, "Painted by G. Stuart and
Engraved by Jordan &l Halpin," and without the presentation address;
and evidently an earlier impression than the one described by Baker.
476. THE SAME. "G. Stuart Pin.x', Eng. by J. Halpin, New York.
^•O" Published By Albert Miller, 18 Liberty S'. Printed by A. Miller."
Stained in the lower margin, and with a slight scratch in the upper
^y^^ 477. WASHINGTON. Aetatis 68. Bust, head to left. Oval, square at
■ the bottom, underneath which is the title. Stipple.
Height 2 13-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches.
G. Stuart pin'. C. P. Harrison scuK Baker No. 247. Xol in
Carson. E.\tremely rare. Mr. Hart in compiling the Grolier Club
book, had only seen two copies, only one of which was genuine. This
is the genuine one from which he took his description.
/^iCOi-jS. BUST IN UNIFORM, head to left, the order of the Cincinnati on the
right breast. Circle, surrounded by a wreath containing the names of
twenty-three States, with diverging rays; a Pen and a Sword crossed
at the top. Stipple.
Diameter 13-16 inch.
G. Stewart Pinx. " Respectfully Dedicated to the Cincinnati Soci-
ety." Design'd Engrav'd, Printed and PubUshed by C. P. Harrison,
Feb'y 22^ Printed in Red. Baker Xo. 24S. Very rare.
^- jr(£, 479. lORGE \V.\SHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Line.
Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 S-16 inches.
Painted by Stewart. Engraved by Hatch. Baker Xo. 24Q.
Only one impression had come tinder the notice of Mr. Baker.
;2// 0^480. Gener.\i, W.^shington. Full length, standing, head to left. The
right arm is e.xtended as if speaking, and a dress sword in the left hand
is held by his side. To the left, a table pardy covered with a cloth,
upon which is an inkstand and books; beneath the table are also
some books; to the right, a little in the rear, an arm-chair, and in the
background two rows of pillars, between which is a curtain partly
drawn up. Line.
Height to 13-16 inches; width 13 inches.
Painted by Gabriel Stuart, 1797. Engraved by James Heath, His-
torical Engraver to his Majesty, and to his Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales, from the original Picture in the collection of the Marquis of
Lansdown. Published Feb^ /, 1800. by Ja'. Heath, X". 42, X'eu.-man
Street. Mes.^f Boydells. Cheapside. d^" J. P. Thompson, Great Xew-
port Street, London. Copy Rights Secured in the United States, accord-
ing to Law. Baker Xo. 2/0. Beautiful impression with wide margin.
It^ oo 481- THE SAME. \'ery good impression, but not so brilUant as the pre-
5^/6^482. THE SAME. Brilliant open letter proof, with artist's names scratched
in with the point, and without the authority, and variety in address,
''Published JanT i, 1800. by J- Heath, N? 42 Newman Street, &
Mess^* Robinsons, Pater-noster Row." Xery rare in this state and
which Hart considers the first.
*>. ^^ (■ 483. THE SAME. Poor impression, with portrait of Nap>oleon pasted in
the upper left-hand comer.
i..~i- S 484. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left (Lansdowne).
Oval. Stipple.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 inches.
Engrav'd by J. Heath from the Original Picture by Stewart. Pub-
lish'd Oct^ 16, 1807, by Cadell & Davies, Strand, London. Baker
Xo. 2JI. Inlaid to quarto.
From Ramsay's life of Washington. London. 1S07.
/d, 0-5 485. WASHINGTON. Full length, standing, the right hand resting by
the fingers upon a table to the left, partly covered with a cloth, upon
which is an inkstand and books; beneath the table are also some
books; in the left hand a dress-sword held at the side; the coat is drawn
together by a single upper button; in the rear, to the right, an arm-
chair; in the background two rows of pillars, between which is a cur-
tain partly drawn up.
Height 20 4-16 inches; width 14 1-16 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by J. H. Hill. Baker No. 2^2.
Known as the " Tea-Pot Portrait." from the position of the arms. The figure is fuller and turned
more to the left than in the " Lansdowne." and is much better drawn. — Baker.
jO 486. FULL LENGTH. The "Lansdowne" Portrait. In the centre of a
sheet surrounded with scroll-work and Si.x Circular MedaUion Portraits
of Jno. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, J. Q. Adams, and Jack-
son. Line.
Height 2 7-16 inches; width i o~i6 inches.
J. H. Hills Sc. Baker No. 253. Inlaid to quarto.
,10 487. THE SAME. With two extra portraits, "HarrLson & Van Buren."
$ 488. THE SAME. With four e.xtra portraits, " Harrison, Van Buren,
Polk and Tyler."
, / T 489. General Washington. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Litie.
Height 4 inches; width 3 5-16 inches.
Stewart. Hinchliff. Baker No. 2J4. Inlaid to quarto.
,i'<3 490- GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple.
Height 2 inches; width i S-i6 inches.
Holl sculp. Baker No. 2jj. Inlaid to quarto.
On a sheet with a printed Biographical Sketch.
{< oc 491. George Washington First President of the United States of
America. Full bust, head to left (Lansdowne). Stipple.
Height 5 1-16 inches; width 3 15-16 inches.
G. Stuart Pin.\t. W. Holl Sculp. Published by Edu'i Baines, Leeds,
Nov. I, 1821. Baker No. 2^6. Rare.
^^CC 492. Geo. Washington. Full bust, head to left. In a frame draped and
resting upon a base, with Army and Navy emblems at the sides. At
the top, a bust of Minerva (helmeted) between the figures of a soldier
and sailor. Stipple.
Height 6 12-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches.
' Painted by C. G. Stuart, Engraved by W. Holl. London Published
by Thomas Kelly ly Paternoster Row April i8jo. Baker No. 25J.
y.xc 493- THE SAME. With the names of Artists, Pubhsher's address and
date, but without the border. India Proof, deckle edges. Very rare
in this stale.
, ^0 494- THE SAME. Without the Artists' names, but with the address of
Publisher without date.
495. THE SAME. Without the artist's name or publisher's address.
Printed in brown.
y , 5 0496. George Washington. Full bust, head to right. Line.
Height 9 3-16 inches; width 7 13-16 inches.
Engraved by T. Holloway from a Picture painted by M": Stuart
in 1795 in the possession of Samuel Vaughn, Esq"! Published as the
acl directs by T. Holloway and the other Proprietors A'ov': 2, 1796.
Baker No. 258. Magnificent Brilliant Impression.
The earliest engraving of Stuart's first portrait of Washington, known from its ownership as the
" N'aughan Portrait."
I, "I : 497- W.\SHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 5 inches; width 4 inches.
Engraved by W. Humphreys. From a Picture by Gilbert Stuart in
the possession of T. B. Barclay, Esq"! of Liverpool. Under the Super-
intendence of the Society for the DitTusion of Useful Knowledge, Lon-
don. Published by Charles Knight, Ludgate Street. Baker No. 2$g.
Large paper.
49S. THE SAME. Variety in Publisher's address, " Published by Wm S.
Orr &-' C". London."
499. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 2 6-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches.
Drawn by Hoppner Meyer from the Painting by G. Stuart. Engraved
by T. lUman. Entered according to act oj Congress in the District
Court, N. Y. Baker No. 260.
. I '.J 500. THE SAME. Second state, without the address or artist's name.
)~1 (. 5°^' George Washington. Full length. The "Tea Pot Portrait." Fully
described in the print by J. H. Hill, Lot 485.
Height 25 6-16 inches; width 16 12-16 inches.
Copied by permission from a painting by Stuart in the State House.
Hartford Conn. Engraved is° Published by Illman & Pilbrow, New
York. Baker No. 261. Not in Carson.
jH ^ 502. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left; in the lower margin, a
figure of Liberty seated, with Eagle and Shield. Line.
Height 8 14-16 inches; width 7 6-16 inches.
Painted by Stewart, — Engra\ed by Illman & Pilbrow. Baker No.
262. Rare. Stained.
t,C 503. GEORGE WASHLNGTON. Full length. The "Tea Pot Portrait."
Fully described in the print by J. H. Hill Lot No. 485. Line.
Height 6 inches; mdth 4 inches.
Stewart Pinx'. Eng^ by Illman & Co. Baker No. 263.
.. 504. BUST, head to left. Oval with narrow scroll border. Heading to an
imperial folio sheet entitled, "The Declaration of Independence and
Portraits of the Presidents." • Stipple.
Height 3 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
Whole engra\ing, height 18 12-16 inches; width 14 8-16 inches.
Engraved & Printed by Illman bf Sons, 6oj Arch St., Philad". Baker
No. 264.
\.'i ^; 505- THE SAME. Stained.
\ >Ci 506. GEN. WASHINGTON. One of the few who have been great without
being criminal, was a native of Virginia, born 1731, took command of
the American Army at Boston 1775, resigned his commission 1783, was
inaugurated President of the United States 1789; and again 1793, and
died 1799. Full bust, head to left (Lansdowne). Li7ie.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 inches.
Stuart Pinx'. S. S. Jocelyn Sculp'. Baker No. 26 j.
From Goodrich's History of the United States. Boston 1828.
I • 06 507. THE SAME. Earlier state before the Biographical sketch.
_ 7- S~ 508. George Washington. Bust, head to right. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 3 inches; width 2 inches.
D. C. Johnston Sc. Baker No. 266.
Bancroft's Life of Washington, Boston, 1826.
a,, C 509. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, left hand holding the bridle
and resting upon the saddle of a horse to the right, fore-shortened.
In his right hand, by his side, a large chapeau. In the left distance,
shipping, smoke, &c. Line.
Height 23 8-16 inches; width 15 13-16 inches.
Painted by Gilbert Stuart Engraved by T. Kelly. From a copy
by M. A. Swett taken from the Original Picture by Stuart in Fa-
neuil Hall, Boston. "Scene — Dorchester Heights, March 17'.'' 1776."
Entered according to the Act of Congress in the year 1836 by L.
P. Clover in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern
District of New York. Published by the Franklin Printing Com-
pany, D. H. Craig, Agent, Boston. Baker No. 267.
\4,0C^^°- THE SAME. With the printer's name, "Printed by W. V. Coles."
- , 511. THE SAME. Without the inscription in reference to the Scene, and
without the name of " D H Craig Agent."
.no 512. G. Washington. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 4 9-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
Painted by Stuart; Engraved by T. Kelly. Published by Samuel
Walker, Harlem Place, Washington Street, Boston. Baker No. 268.
.1<:^5i3. THE SAME. Without the Publisher's address. Inlaid to quarto.
>H 514. THE SAME. Without the publisher's address. On large paper.
il^ ,-, 515. GenV George Washington. Half length, head to left. Mezzotinto.
Height 16 inches; width 13 12-16 inches.
Engraved from the original Picture. Painted by Gilbert Stewart
Esq^ Now in the possession of Paul Beck Esq^ "This print is re-
spectfully Dedicated to the Citizens of the United States by T. W.
Freeman." Freeman E.xcudit, Printed and Published by T. W. Free-
man, Philadelphia i^' Sept. i8ij. Baker No. 269. Very rare.
A very'good copy of this very r-ire print- It differs from that described by Baiter. The difference
is in the head, and particularly the tie of the hair at back of nedc, and in the coat and left sleeve. It
also lacks the name of the engraver.
5 /)Q,t(5'i(>- THE SAME, printed in colors.
Excessively rare. The only copy I ever saw printed in colors. It is a Beautiful impression
with fine wide margin, and mounted on heavy paper.
Z, 00517. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Tea Pot Portrait."
Fully described in the print by Hill, Baker iVo. 252. Arched top, the
centre of a folio sheet entitled ''The Presidents of the United States,"
and surrounded by nine oval medallions, containing portraits of John
Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John
Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin \'an Buren, William Henry
Harrison, and John Tyler. Line.
Height 6 12-16 inches; \vidlh 4 14-16 inches.
Whole engraWng, height 16 14-16 inches; width 12 12-16 inches.
G. Stuart Del. Designed by C. H. H. Billings. Engraved by D.
Kimberley. Published by Charles A. Wakefield, No. §6 Cornhill,
Boston. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1842, by Charles
A. Wakefield in the Clerks Office 0} the District Court of the District of
Massachusetts. Baker No. 2'/o.
\ r^ 518. THE SAME. The Portrait of Washington only, after the plate was
made oval with a fancy border.
, . „ 519. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right (Lansdowne).
' ' <^ ° Line.
Height 3 inches, width 2 8~i6 inches.
Eng^ by Kirkwood & Son. Baker No. 2ji.
C ^5I. THE S.ANIE. With cop>Tight. Publisher's address. -Published
Xcnemher i ,//« 1862, by Ticknor and Fields, Jjj Washington St. Bos-
ton, CopyriglU secured."
H \itKfr stafp'
H^r 552. THE SAME. Open letter proof, without publisher's address, but
with copyright.
yf 553. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. (Lansdowne.)
Height s inches; width 3 14-16 inches.
Nach dem Gemalde im Capitol, Mayer sculpsit. Eigenthum &"
Verlag des Bibl. Instituts in Hildbiirghausen. Baker No. 288.
_•>,,, SS4. THE SAME. Without the "George" in title, and with "Aiis der
Kiinstanst des Bibliogr. Instit. in Hildbghsn."
'- . 555- THE SAME. Inlaid to quarto.
^^ 556. WASHINGTON. Full bust to left, head to right. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 8-i6 inches
Stahlstich von Carl Mayer. Stuttgart J. Scheible's Buchhandlung.
Driick V. Carl Mayer, Nbg. Baker No. 28g. Rare.
557. THE SAME. Without the publisher's address.
(558. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Liiie.
Height 3 2-t6 inches; width 2 12-16 inches.
McCarty Sculpsit. Baker No. 2go.
' 559. THE SAME. With the facsimile signature.
.^ ^ 560. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval, in a
ruled rectangle. Stipple.
Height Q 6-16 inches; width 7 12-16 inches.
Eng^ & Printed by John C. McRae N. Y. Engraved expressly
for Demorest's Monthly Magazine. Baker No'. 2gi. Not in Carson.
The chfference in the measurement is accounted for by the fact that the vignette was cut down
and made oval, in a rectangle, for publication in Demorest's Magazine.
^.- 561. THE SAME.
^^0562. THE SAME. Publisher's address cut off.
^^ 563. WASHINGTON. FuU length. The "Lansdowne Portrait." Fully
• " described in the print by James Heath, Baker No. 2jo. Line.
Height 5 5-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches.
Engraved by J. H. Nesmith. Published by Hezekiah Howe and
Durrie &= Peck, New Haven Conn. Baker No. 2gj.
. ' u
564. THE SAME, re-worked plates, inlaid to quarto.
) (, ttiS^S- Geo. Washington Esq? L.\te President of the United States
OF America. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 8 14-16 inches; width 7 7-16 inches.
C. G. Stuart pin.x'. W Nutter sculp'. From an original Picture in
the Possession of I. Seb™ De Franca Esq^ of Devonshire Place to
whom this Plate is Dedicated by his obUged humble Serv'. Rob'. Cribb.
London, Published JaiP: 15, I7g8, by R. Cribb, Holborn. Baker No.
2g4. Very rare.
Magnificent brilliant proof, before the title or publisher's address, with wide margin; a iincr
copy could not be found. See reduced jacsimile.
"7 C- : 566. THE SAME, a Superb Brilliant impression. Printed in colors, with
full margin, as Bright and Clear as the day of issue. Probably the
handsomest copy in existence. Extremely rare in this condition.
t> L '- 567. THE S.'VME. Lettered Impression.
>i. '/_^^68. George W.\shixton Esq? Late President of the United States
^ ' OF America. FuD bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple.
Height 5 2-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches.
C. G. Stuart pinx'. W. Nutter, sculp'. London, published by R.
Cribb, Jany. ij, 1799. Baker \o. 2g^. Excessively rare.
Choice brilliant impression, with fine wide margin. Neither Baker nor Hart notice the spellins
" Washinton." See facsimile, full size.
,(C 569. WASHINGTON. Half lengdi, head to left (Lansdowne). Line.
Height 7 7-16 inches; width 6 2-i6 inches.
W. L. Ormsby Sc. Boston, Published by S. Walker. Baker No.
^ ■■ 570. THE SAME. Open letter proof. Variation in pubUsher's address,
'Baltimore. Published by Rob' Reid."
, 571. THE SAME. Without engraver's name or publisher's address, but
with "Painted by G. Stewart" and "Frontispiece Vol i."
"2.0 572- THE SAME. Open letter proof, without pubUsher's address.
' 1 573- THE SA^IE. In a floral border, in the lower portion of which is a
vignette of a Military Re\iew, and without name of artist or publisher.
, I c 574- ANOTHER COPY. Same as Lot 573.
^ee 575- ^^'-"^SHINGTON. FuU length. The "Lansdowne Portrait," fuUy
described in print by James Heath. Baker No. 2^0. Line.
Height 20 2-16 inches; width 13 inches.
Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Eng'd on Steel by W. L. Ormsby X. Y.
Published by 11'. L. Ormsby ii6 Fulton Street N. V. Baker No. 2gj.
Chcuce Brilliant impression.
,4""( 576. THE SAAIE, later impression.
'^ ■^'" 577- THE SAME. "Presented to the subscribers oj the Family Circle &>"
' '^ Parlor Annual who pay Two Dollars jor Two Years subscription. J.
G. Reed Publisher 140 Fuiton St. N. Y."
' S,ocS7&. PATRL^ PATER. Bust, head to left. Oval. On left of oval,
"Born Feb. 22d, 1732"; on the right, "Died Dec. 14th 1799." The
Centre to an Imperial foUo sheet entitled " In Honor of George Wash-
ington, the simple ^lajest}" of whose Character, Too Subhme for Elab-
orate Eulogy, like the Lineaments of his Extraordinary Countenance
will never cease to be Familiar to \'irtuous Humanity until Time shall
Close his Records, and the Heavens shall pass away as a Scroll."
. Line.
Height of o\"al. 5 4-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches.
Height of whole sheet, 21 4-16 inches; width :s 4-16 inches.
Painted by G. C. Stuart. Eng. by J. W. Paradise. Composed &
Designed by Isaac F. Bragg Engraved by Theo. Durand (Cop\Tight
1835) Baker No. 298. Not in Carson. Excessively rare in this state.
i;eokc^e 10.^1112^' ton- e^9
( x^
^a/^. 'y/Y:/.^^y// K///^e -^//^^^^^^^^iW.?^^
i'-ro 579- Geo. Washington. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple.
Height 2 inches; width i 10-16 inches.
Peabody sc. Baker No. 2gg.
, , .^^, 580. THE SAME. Without the Engraver's name. Probably First State
of the Plate.
;^_-is-58i. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Border resembling a picture-
frame suspended by a ring. Stipple.
Height 5 2-16 inches', width 4 6-16 inches.
Engraved by M':' Pekenino, Philadelphia, 1822. From an original
Portrait by G. Stewart. Baker No. joo.
1, i'V 582. THE SAME. Different state. (Light background.)
Sotne authorities treat this as a different Plate. I think not, but believe it to be the first State.
"2.^0 5^3- WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Lansdowne Portrait," fully
described in the print by James Heath. Baker No. 2§o. Line.
Height 20 inches', width 13 inches.
Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Engraved by O. Pelton. Published by
Gurdon Bill, Springfield, Mass. Baker No. joi.
17 ^ 584. THE SAME. Different state of the plate. " Painted by Gilbert Stuart
1797. Given with the American Publisher."
I .kT 585. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval.
Height 8 4-16 inches; \ridth 6 3-16 inches.
After Stuart. Eng'? by Geo. E. Perine. Published by Moore &'
C°. HI Nassau S'. New York. Baker No. J02. Not in Carson.
Full margin.
.\ 586. THE SAME. Inlaid.
,"* O 587. WASHINGTON. Full bust to left, head to right. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 3 9-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
Engraved by Geo. E. Perine, N. York. Baker No. joj. India
paper proof. Large paper.
i i i."588. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Inclosed by a square border of
lathe-work, with a star in each corner. In the upper margin an eagle
displayed, with the U. S. shield and motto "E Pluribus Unum." In
the lower margin a flag (upon which is the title) rolled about a staff.
Height 2 13-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches.
Perkins & Heath. Patent Hardened Steel Plate. Baker No. J04.
Very rare.
■i^ j•'(^589. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. (Lansdowne)
Oval. Stipple.
Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 ic>-i6 inches.
Stuart del ad viv. L. Portman sc. A Loosjes Pz exc 1805. Baker
No. J06. Rare.
jj 590. BUST, head to left. Vignette. Over the head the figure of Fame
' with a trumpet and laurel wreath, and the words "Pro Patria";
beneath the bust, "Washington Benevolent Society." Stipple.
Height a 10-16 inches; width i 10-16 inches.
A. Reed sc. E. W. Con. From "Washington's Farewell Address
to^the People of the United States." Springtield Mass. Printed by
Thomas Dickman, For the Washington Benevolent Society 1812.
Baker No. joS. Not in Carson. ^largin cut down and Mounted
on Silk. Very rare. First State, not seen by Baker.
!, 'i 591- THE S-A-ME, a later impression, and probably the same as that from
which Baker took his description. [Biographical Memoirs of the
Illustrious Gen. George Washington, Late President of the United
States of America, &:c Barnard \"t 1S13]. Baker's measurement is
■2.,'j^592. G. Washington. Full length. The "Lansdowne Portrait." Fully
described in the print by James Heath. Baker No. 2^0. Mezzotinto.
Height 19 14-16 inches; width 13 4-16 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved bv J. R. Rice. Published by Pohlig
b" Rice. Philadelphia. Printed by I'Uman Bros. 617 Arch St. Philad".
Baker No. jog.
b, 593- THE SAME. India paper proof, be/ore the address 0} the publisher.
(, 594. G. Washington. Full length. The " Lansdowne Portrait." Mezzotinto.
Height II 3-16 inches; width 7 1&-16 inches.
Engraved by E. A. Rice. Smith &-" Holden Publishers, 82 West
Baltimore St. Baltimore, Md. Baker No. jio.
j;^,'^OS95- THE SAME. India proof before all letters.
, '\ J' 596. General Washington. Full bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple.
Height 4 inches; width 3 S-16 inches.
Engraved by \\'. Ridley, from an Original Picture in the Possession
of Sam'. Vaughan, Esq^ "European Magazine." Published by J.
Sctcell, J2 Cornhill. April if' iSoo. Baker No. jii. The name of
the Magazine cut off. Inlaid.
'j_ 4 597. THE SAME. Later impression, with the name "Vaughan" erased.
Q. <^0 598- G. Washington. Full length, standing, head to left, right hand on
an upright book upon a table to the left. The left hand upon the hilt
of a dress sword, the point on the ground. The background formed by
an alcove and pillars, and in the rear, to the right, an armchair.
Height 26 6-16 inches; width 19 10-16 inches.
P. F. Rothermel, pinx', .\. H. Ritchie Sc. Published by William
Pate, 5S &-■ 60 Fulton St. Neu- York: Boston, L. A. Elliot c^ C.
[Copyright 1852] Baker No. 312.
\ 6. 05-' Co.
PiMishcrs, 66 Xth. 4th St. Philadelphia. Entered according to the Act
of Congress in the year iS6j, by Bradley 0 636. GEORGE WASHINGTON L.L.D. [1790] Bust, head to left.
Oval. Stipple.
Height 3 S-16 inches; width 3 inches.
G. Stuart. R. Soper. Published by J. C Biittre, N. Y. Baker
No. 555. India prooj.
q, 00637. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. (Lans-
downe.) Stipple.
Height 3 S-16 inches; width 3 inches.
Engraved by G. Stodart. Rare. Published by J. Mason, 14 City
Road &= 66 Paternoster Rou\ Baker No. jj6.
M o 63S. BUST, head to left, on a pedestal partly hidden by an open scroll in-
scribed "Constitution of the United States." A U. S. shield in front
of pedestal. Aquatint.
Height o inches; width 6 S-i6 inches.
Baker No. 337. Very rare.
Engraved by Wm. Strickland. Fine and brilliant impression.
4- 0,00 639. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval in a rectangle. The
title in a tablet beneath the oval.
Height 3 3-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
Tanner Sc. Engraved for the Rev^ M. L. Weems. Baker No. 338.
From "A Historj' of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits of
General George Washington. Faithfully taken from Authentic Docu-
ments, and now in a second edition improved. Respectfully offered
to the perusal of his countrymen, and also, all others who wish to see
human nature in its most finished form. By the Rev. ]M. L. Weems
of Lodge No. 50, Dumfries. Philadelphia, Re-printed by John Brown,
No. 83 Chestnut Street, for the author. [Entered according to Law]."
With a very good copy of the book; excessively rare.
^,«c 640. G^ Washington. Bust, head to right. Oval in a rectangle.
Height 3 3-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
Baker No. 339.
Engraved by Benj. Tanner. 641. G. Washington. Bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple.
Height 4 S-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
B. Tanner Sc. Baker No. 340. Very rare.
Beautiful impression; inlaid to quarto.
q C- 60642. George Washington. First President of the United States, and
late Lieutenant Geneilal of the American .Armies. Died at Mount
X'ernon 11^ Dec^ 1799, Aged 68 Years. Full bust in uniform, head
to right, the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. Oval with
border of a single line. Stipple.
Height 5 9-16 inches; width 4 9-16 inches.
W. H. (B. Tanner sc). Baltimore, Published by G. Smith. £.vc«-
sively rare. Baker No. 341. Not in Carson. See reduced facsimile.
.\ remarkably fine copy of this rare print in the third state, with wide margin.
,-> 643. George Washington. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
Painted bv G. Stuart. Eno;^ bv J- Thomson. Baker No. 342.
George liTASHiNGTO^.
'^/// fp////^
a^^/^/e Z,lEi7'T£;A^Jl2Vr GE^IVjEJMAL o/'tAe^
't'T^tS/V/'Y^ /f
)ied at Mounl Vepnon 14'? Dee,' ITSg.Aged 68"\ears.
Dtr/fimore /hi/ishtd iy CSnti/b
U 644. THE SAME. With the Painter's name in the center beneath the bust,
and without Engraver's name. On India paper.
',% r 645. THE SAME. With a narrow border around the square. On India
'/ ^ 646. THE SAME. Without either Artist's name, and with only facsimile
^"( ,00647. George Washington. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple.
Height 8 13-16 inches; width 6 13-16 inches.
Painted by G. Stewart. Engraved by C. Tiebout. Published by C.
Tiebout N". 28 Gold Street New York January S'* 1800. Baker No.
343- Very rare.
Magnificent Brilliant Impression, with full margin; Cornelius Tiebout was the first American
Engraver to attain any excellence in his art. This print is a good example of his abilities. — Baker.
^, ca 648. George Washington. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple.
Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches.
G. Stewart Del. C Tiebout Sculp. Baker No. J44. Very rare.
From Rev. L'zal Ogden's Discourse on Death of Genl. Washington. Newark iSoo.
^,4^649. GEN. GEO. WASHINGTON. First President of the United
States. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple.
Height 8-16 inch; width 6-16 inch.
R. TiUer Sc. Copy Right Secured. Baker iYo. J4§. Very rare.
Before the wreath with rays.
i,*c 650. THE SAME. Oval surrounded by a x\Teath with diverging rays on the
upper left-hand corner of an envelope. Excessively rare ifi this state.
. c~ 651. GENER.\L WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. (Lansdowne.)
' "^ Line.
Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by S. Topham. Baker No. 346.
Address of Publisher cut ofi.
'^,; J, 652. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto.
Height 15 14-16 inches; width 13 2-16 inches.
Engraved by Samuel Walmsley after the original painting taken
from life by Gilbert Stuart. Baker No. 347.
Brilliant impression, with full margin.
Z.^'O 653. GEORGE WASHINGTON. FuU bust, head to left. Oval.
Height 8 2-16 inches; widtii 6 3-16 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart. Eng^ by A. B. Walter. Published by John
Dainty. 31 S. 6'* Si'. Philadelphia. Baker No. 348.
i-^6 654. THE SAME. With address of different publisher, "/. C. McCurdy."
I2. Cib ^55" HALF LENGTH, head to left, a scroll in the right hand, the arm
resting upon the muzzle of a cannon; a sword in the left hand.
Vignette. Etched.
Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
G. Longhi gez. A Weger sc. Lpzg. Verlag von Carl B Lorck in
Leipzig. Baker N'o. 34g.
^ 656. G. Washington. Half length, head to left. Mezzotinto.
Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 5-16 inches.
Engraved by T. B. Welch from a Portrait by G. Stuart. Printed
by A . E. Lent e-" Co Baker No. jjo.
■?.00<^S7- WASHINGTON. Head to left. Vignette, with background ruled to
a rectangle. Stipple.
Height 22 14-16 inches; width 18 inches.
Engraved by Thomas B. Welch (by Permission) From the only
Original Portrait by Gilbert Stuart in the Athenaeum Boston. Published
by Geo. W. Cfiilds, Philadelphia. (Copyright iSj2.) Baker iVo. 35/.
Open letter proof.
5". 658. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. Signed by the En-
graver, Thos. B. Welch.
'0-'^'^6s9. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Inaugurated President 1789. Vignette.
Height 2 4-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches.
A. Willard. Baker .Yo. 552.
Title page to Goodrich's Histon- of the United States. Hartford, 1823.
&.OO 660. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular medallion, heading to
an imperial folio sheet, containing "The Declaration of Independence,"
surrounded by fifteen smaller medallions, two of which contain busts
of Adams and Jefferson, the others coats of arms of the thirteen original
States. Line.
Diameter 3 6-16 inches.
Whole plate, height 25 13-16 inches; width 19 6-16 inches.
Engraved by Wm. Woodruff. Philad^. Published Fehy 2d^ iSig, by
William Woodruff. Baker Xo. jjj.
Full margin.
•ii»0 661. THE S.AME. Time-stained.
^ • 0^ 662. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular medallion, heading to
an imperial folio sheet, containing "The Declaration of Independence."
Fully described in the Print by Wm Woodruff, Lot No. 660. Stipple.
Diameter 3 5-16 inches.
Whole plate, height 25 g-i6 inches; width iS 10-16 inches.
.\n entirely different plate from the two preceding numbers. Very rare. Not in Baker or Carson.
i.-^S 663. W.\SHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular medalUon, heading to
an imperial foho sheet containing '"The Declaration of Independence."
Fully described in Print by Wm Woodruff, Lot No. 660. Lithograph.
Diameter 3 4-16 inches.
Whole plate, height 24 11-16 inches; width iS 14-16 inches.
Lith., Decomberousse, a Lyon. Very rare.
S< DC 664. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular medaUion, heading to
an imperial folio sheet containing "The Declaration of Independence"
surrounded by fifteen smaller medallions, two of which contain busts
of Adams and Jefferson, the others, coats of arms of the thirteen original
States, the whole surrounded with a black border with white stars.
Diameter 3 6-16 inches.
\Miole plate, length 26 inches; width 10 4-16 inches.
Lith. de H. Brunei et C'.^ a Lyon. On satin. Very rare.
The work on these two lithographs is so dose to the original engraved by Wra. WoodrufE, Baker No.
353, and exhibits such beautiful specimens of that art, that we have not considered it amiss to place
them with the copper and steel engravings.
hi I 6*<'665. BUST, head to left. Oval, with border resting upon a base, on a folio
sheet, surrounded by allegorical figures of Historj-, Libert)-, Immortality,
Justice, and America; in the lower margin an urn and over it an eagle
with a laurel wreath. Mezzotinto,
Height 8 8-i6 inches; width 7 inches.
Whole plate, height 20 14-16 inches; width 18 8-16 inches.
Wooley Pinxit et sculpsit. David Longworth Direxit. "This print
from the original Picture in the Possession of Long^vorth and Wheeler,
Is by them Dedicated to the ^Memory of His Excellency Geo. Washington,
Esq^ " Published at the Shakespeare Gallery No ii Park, N. York.
Baker No. J54. Extremely rare.
This impression has been contemporaneously colored by hand, that is, the portion siurounding the
Portrait, but the Portrait is uncolored; damaged on side.
2i .T 6 666. THE SAME. An impression from the plate after the border, figures,
etc., had been removed.
,ClL S" 667. BUST, head to left. Oval, with border. Line.
Height 4 inches; width 3 8-16.
Trott Del^ Wright Engraver N. Y. Baker No. jj6.
From " The Book of the Constitution, by Edwin Williams, Xew York 1833."
:iOo»t§^^- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length, the "Lansdowne Portrait,"
fully described in the print by "James Heath," Baker N^o, 2^0.
Height 26 io-i6 inches; width 20 6-16 inches.
This print, although differing somewhat in the measurements from that described by Baker, is no
doubt an impression from the same plate, and although no Engraver's name appears on it. it is, how-
ever, the work of Edward Savage, as another impression of the plate appears in this catalogue under
No. 696 which bears the Engraver's name. Mr. Baker never saw an impression with the Artist's
name, and as the workmanship is not up to the standard of Savage's, he was led to say: "It appears
to be the work of an English artist of no particular merit." It was engraved about 1800. Extremely
rare. Baker iVo. 358. Noi in Carson.
^ 0,o(^6g. WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Lansdowne Portrait." Stipple.
Height 8 i-i6 inches; width 5 12-16 inches.
Baker No. j^g. Excessively rare.
Mr. Baker saw only one copy of this rare print. The drawing is very crude, making Washington a-
man of short stature with a large head. The Engra\-ing is about of the same character as the drawing .
i 00,ec^7°- BUST, head to right. Oval, resting upon books labelled "Order, Law,
Religion"; to the left, a lion, with fore-feet on a scroll entitled "Answer
to Addresses"; on the right, an eagle, head and neck only visible, upon
another scroll marked "Last Legacy"; at the top of the oval, a
laurel wreath with diverging rays; to the right, in same plate (oblong
quarto), an oval of like size, upon some books, containing the portrait
of Jefferson facing to the left; the books are labelled "Sophism, Tom
Paine, Voltaire," etc., with a rattlesnake and crocodile in place of the
lion and eagle, and over the oval a candlestick with a smoking candle in
place of the laurel wreath; in the lower margin, the quotation from
Shakespeare, "Look on this Picture, and on this," etc., etc. Etched.
Height 5 inches; width 4 inches.
New York 1807. E.xtremely rare. Baker No. j6o. Not in Carson.
See reduced jacsimile.
A political print and very well executed; no doubt by a foreign artist, as we know no American
engraver of the time equal to handling the point with such freedom. Only one complete impression
has been under our notice, the portrait of Washington in all other cases being found cut apart from
the Jefferson. — Baker.
^S.05671. G. WASHINGTON. Born Feb. 11'.'' (O.S.) 1732. Died Dec^ i4".'>
1799. Lhie.
Height 8 10-16 inches; width 7 7-16 inches.
(Published at Rawle's Republican Book Store, Philadelphia.) Baker
No. 362. Very rare.
A remarkably fine impression mth a good margin, but lacking the publisher's address.
' \>t>o 672. Geo. Washington. Bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple.
Height 2 io-i6inches; width 2 inches.
Deare's Edition. Dedicated to the Washington Benevolent Societies
in New Jersey. Publish' d i:' Sold by Lewis Deare X Brunswick N
Jersey. Baker No. j6j. Rare.
"U^ • ■ 673. THE SAME. Cut oval and attached to a double foho sheet of music
entitled "The Favorite New Federal Song, adapted to the President's
March. Written by Joseph Hopkinson, Esq., and Sung by Mr. Fo.x."
Set to music. Beneath the portrait is the inscription, "Behold the Chief
who now Commands."
This is the earliest known issue of " Hail Columbia" with muscial notes. Mr. Gilbert Fox, who
enjoyed the distinction of being the first to sing it, was a schoolmate of the author and was to receive
a benefit at the theatre in Philadelphia (170S); very few boxes ha\-ing been sold, he appealed to Hopkin-
son to wTite him a patriotic song, adapted to the tune of the " President's March" (then the popular
air), feeling that this would bring him a full house. The author promised to try and help his friend,
and the result was "Hail Columbia." The theatre was crowded to excess and so continued night
after night for the rest of the season, the song being encored and repeated many times each night, the
audience joining in the chorus. This is the only copy we have ever seen with the portrait, and diligent
research leads us to think that it is unique in this particiilar.
\ ^1 CSC674. Genl George W^ashington. Full bust, head to right, in the left distance
an encampment distinctly seen. Oval. Stipple.
Height 3 6-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches.
Baker No. 364. Rare.
From Weems' Life of Washington. Philadelphia, 1S23.
a. '1-^675. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular. Stipple.
Diameter 3 10-16 inches.
Pub. by P. Price J'. Philad". Baker No. 365.
From Thomas' New American Biographical Dictionary. Philadelphia, 1S29.
'^ C 676. ANOTHER COPY. Cut circular.
, J. t, 677. BUST, head to right. Oval. Line.
Height I 14-16 inches; width \ 9-16 inches.
Baker No. 366.
Title page of " The Book of the .\rmy of the United States" by Jno. Frost. New York. 1S45.
::, . ^ ij 678. GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Born February 22°;! 1732.
Appointed Commander in Chief of the American .\rmy June 15'.'' 1775.
Elected first President of the United States, March 4'.'' 1789. Died
14^'' Dec. 1799. Three-quarter length, sitting, head to left; in the
right hand a book, and a dress-sword lies in the left forearm. Stipple.
Height 13 13-16 inches; width ii inches.
Engraved from a copy after Stewart. Baker No. 567. Not in
Baker's description of this print is wrong.
IsTO 679. THE S.\ME. Later State, with only the title "Washington" and the
name of "Halpin" added as engraver.
g I j,-^ 68o. BUST, head to right. Oval. Line.
Height 2 inches; mdth i 10-16 inches.
Baker No. 368.
Title page of A Pictorial History of the Wars of the United States, by John L. Denison, i860.
^04-;^68i. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Late President of the United States
of America. Half length, head to left. Oval, with border in a rectangle.
Height 1 1 inches; width g inches.
{London. Published March 2i\' 1801 by Haines &= Son, No. jg
Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane) Baker No. ^dg. Not in Carson.
The on]y copy I ever saw, and only one impression had come under the obsen'ation of Mr. Baker.
The print has been cut down, which accounts for the difference in measurement.
1.^9 682. GEORGE WASHINGTON, First President of the United
States of America. Bust, head to left. In the background an
open bookcase, with a window to the right. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 2 14-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
Engraved from an original Picture in the possession of the Marquis
of Lansdown. London, William Darton, j8, Holborn Hill, i. mo. 28,
1824. Baker No. jyo. Rare.
^^^0(>%2,- George Washington, First President of the United States of
America. Full bust, head to right. (Lansdowne.) Vignette. Stipple.
Height 3 8-16 laches; width 3 inches.
Published by G. Snieeton, S'. Martin's Church Yard. Baker No. 3JI.
^C 6S4. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Border with lions'
heads in each corner. Stipple.
Height 3 inches; width 2 7-16 inches.
Published March ij, 1824 by George Smeeton, j Old Bailey. Baker
No. jy2.
^^0 685. THE SAME. Before the address of the publisher.
.( o 686. General Washington. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 5 6-16 inches; width 4 11-16 inches.
London, Published by RicM Evans, ij Paternoster Row. Baker No.
tl0,oo68j. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. The background ruled per-
pendicular, and the corners rounded. Line.
Height 4 inches; width 3 inches.
Caspar y Roig Editores, Madrid. Baker No. 374. E.xireinely rare.
The second copy which has come under my observation.
( 00^(^88. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ? Late President of the United
States of America. Full length, standing, right hand upon a scroll
upon a table to the left, inscribed "Declaration of Independence." To
the right, an armchair, and in the background a curtain, drawn up at
the left, shows some pillars and the open sky. Mezzotinto, colored.
Height 18 8-16 inches; width 13 12-16 inches.
(Engraved from an Original Drawing by Savage. Published by /. Le
Petit, Latimer House, Hammersmith near London.) Baker No. ^y^.
E.xcessively rare.
Only one impression had come under the notice of Baker, and that nnthout the puhlisher's address,
which had probably been cut off, as well as portions of the margin; which would account for this copy
not quite agreeing in size. It has the Stuart head, and the general characteristics of the figure and
accessories resemble the " Tea Pot Portrait." L"nfor(tmately this lacks the title and margin, but it is
a ver>' fine impression and has been ctjlored contemporaneously,
> -J.. D 06S9. G. Washington. Half length, head to left. Upper corners rounded.
Height 5 4-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches.
Baker Xo. j^6.
Sjg.aC'^Qo. Washington. Bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple.
Height 3 10-16 inches; width a ti-i6 inches.
Baker Xo. j^8. Very rare. Fine copy with wide margin.
Baker's own list has 378 unchecked and its place in his collection in
the Historical Society of Pennsylvania vacant, while this print is Xo, 528
in his ^Is. supplement. Measured from outer line, 3 S-16 inches X
2 10-16 inches, and described as from "George Washington, Chemnitz
in der Jacobaerschen Buchhandlung 1S04." Hart savs it mav be Baker
No. 3 78.
l.t^C 691. THE SAME. Inlaid to quarto.
GILBERT STUART TYPE NOT IN BAKER.<592. GENERAL WASHINGTON. FuU length, standing, head to left,
the right arm e.xtended as if speaking; a dress-sword in the left hand is
held to the side; to the left a table parti}- covered with a cloth, upon
which is an inkstand and books; to the right, a little in the rear, an arm-
chair, and in the background t^vo rows of pillars, between which is a
curtain partly drawn aside. "The Lansdowne Portrait." Meszotinto.
Height 24 16-15 inches; width i6 S-i6 inches.
From the Original Picture in Philadelphia. Published July i^ 1801,
by Atkins i^ Xightingale, X". 100 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Xot
in Baker or Carson.
.\ Beautiful impression of this excessively rare print. Mounted on stretcher.
I •■/ 0.iJj693- THE SAME. Without the authority. Brilliant impression. See
reduced facsimile.
, -^ ^- ^ _ 694. THE SAME. Magnipcent Brilliant Proof before all letters. Printed
in colors, with full margin.
Excessively rare, if not imique in this state. The only impression in Proof I ever saw.
t-f- 2/^01695. THE S.AME. Printed in colors, with the address of publisher, but
title and authority cut off. Beautiful rich impression.
The above four prints form one of the remarkable features of this collection. I venture to say that
they cannot be equalled by any other. The print is so scarce that it is only within the last few years
that it has been known to collectors; and Justice Mitchell being one of the most liberal collectors
in this country, he most naturally had the first choice, whenever any unknown ponrait was discovered,
an opportunity which he in\-ariably 3%-ailed himself of to enrich his collection, and which will Recount
for so many states of this rare and beautiful print being in his collection.
I n ^- * ^ 696. George W.xshixgtox, Full length, standing, head to left, fully
described in the Print Lot No. 692. Mezzotinto.
Hdght 26 5-16 inches; width ao inches.
E. Savage Execu'. Full margin. Xot in Baker. E.vcessiveJy rare.
G E y E i^A I? Was m I >r g t o i^
This is no doubt Baker Ko. 358, although not exactly agreeing with the measuremeots, which may
be accounted for by the print which Balser saw being cut down, as he does not give any notice of the
engraver. Under Lot 668 in the catalogue is a copy of this same print in proof slate. Hart mentions
having seen a copy with the date 1801.
I 0,0^^91- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length, standing, head to left.
Lansdowne Portrait. Fully described in print Lot 692. Mixed.
Height 21 7-16 inches; width 13 8-16 inches.
Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Engraved by G. Petit. Portrait of
Washington by Gilbert Stuart for Wm Constable, and now owned by
Henry E. Pierrepont of Brooklyn. Berlin, Verlag von Manzi, Joyant
(3° C". Printed c^ Published by Manzi, Joyant cf C". Publishers, Suc-
cessors to Goitpil &= C". Paris &° London. New York, Published by
Manzi, Joyant cf C". Printed in Paris — Copyright igoo by Manzi,
Joyant cf C°. Colored.
) 1^^.698. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed, on India paper, with the Wash-
ington Arms in the lower margin.
^/(;(7 699. General Washington. Full length, standing, head to left. Lans-
downe Portrait. Fully desc;ribed in print Lot 692. Line.
Height 19 12-16 inches; width 13 inches.
Painted by Gabriel Stuart 1797. Engraved by James Heath Histor-
ical Engraver to his Majesty, and to his Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales, from the original Picture in the possession of the Marquis of
Better known as the " fake Heath portrait." Heath did not engrave it, but it is a very clever imita-
tion of that celebrated print, and much more rare.
%,\'0l°°- G.WASHINGTON. Full length, standing, head to left. "The Lans-
downe Portrait." Fully described in Print Lot 692.
Height 20 3-16 inches; width 13 5-16 inches.
Engraved and Published by C. Tiebout, N". 83 Chestnut S'. Phila'^ iSoi.
Probably the same print as described by Baker No. 377.
Oi^S" 701- THE SAME. Engraver's name and address erased; "Philad. Pub.
by M. Carey, N". ii8 Market S'. " substituted.
>, 702. THE SAME. With "Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by C. Tiebout"
"Published by Wm Smith, 702 S. 3rd. St. Philad.''
-;., 703. THE SAME. Without the address of "Wm Smith" as publisher.
-,... 704. Full length, standing, head to left. "The Lansdowne Portrait."
Fully described in print Lot 692. Etching.
Height II 8-16 inches; width 7 8-16 inches.
W. H. W Bicknell sc. A rtisl's prooj, signed.
i~ Q 705. WASHINGTON. Full length, standing, head to left. "The Lans-
> downe Portrait." Fully described in Print Lot 692. Line.
Height 5 3-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
Stuart Pinx Nesmith Sc. Not in Baker.
,> C 706. WASHINGTON. Full length, standing, head to left. "The Lans-
downe Portrait." Fully described in Print Lot 692. Line.
Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 2-16 inches.
Not in Baker. Rare.
, 1 «r 707. THE SAME.
,a^ 708. WASHINGTON. Full length, standing, head to left. "The Lans-
downe Portrait." Fully described in Print Lot 692. Line.
Height 4 7-16 inches; width 2 15-16 inches.
Not in Baker. Rare.
> 709. FULL LENGTH, head to left. "The Lansdowne Portrait." Sur-
rounded with thirteen circular medallions, containing the Arms of the
thirteen States; over the portrait a figure of the Goddess of Liberty.
Height 3 inches; width i 11-16 inches.
Drawn & Eng. by J. H. Adams , N. Y. Rare. Not in Baker.
710. GENER.\L WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. "The Lansdowne
' ^ ■ '^ ^ Portrait." Line.
Height 9 10-16 inches; width 7 10-16 inches.
From G. Stuart's painting. Open letter proof. Not in Baker or
I j .'' 711. G. Washington. Full length, standing, head to left. "The Tea Pot
Portrait." Mezzotinto.
Height s 14-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches.
G. Stuart Del. J. Sartain Sc. "Father I cannot tell a lie." Not in
Baker or Carson.
Has the facsimile signature from a " Spring forgery."
\ , Q Q 712- Washington. Full length, standing, head to left. "The Tea Pot
Portrait." Mezzotinto.
Height 6 9-16 inches; width 4 15-16 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by J. Sartain. "The Lancaster
Weekly Inquirer's New Year's Offering for 1864." Not in Baker or
.Oo7i3- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, head to left.
"The Tea Pot Portrait." Mezzotinto.
Height 179-16 inches; width 13 15-16 inches.
Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Engraved by William Sartain. Pub-
lished by William Sartain 728 Sansom St. Philadelphia (Copyright
1882). Open letter proof.
'6^ OO 714- WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular medallion, the title in
the upper portion, suspended in front of a grouping of flags, guns, and
other implements of war. One of a series of vignettes surrounding a
title-page of "An Illustrated Atlas, Geographical, Statistical and His-
torical of the United States, and the Adjacent Countries By T. G.
Bradford, Boston." ' Stipple.
Diameter i 12-16 inches.
Eng"? by Jas. Archer. Not in Baker or Carson.
CH.OC 715. BUST, head to right. Circular medallion, with a border, supported on
a monument by Uvo figures, one being Liberty, holding an American
flag, with her feet upon a dragon; the whole encircled with a series of
tablets bearing the arms of the different States ; the background formed
by the shadow of an eagle with outstretched wings, with olive branches
and arrows in the claws; o\er the whole, a scroll with the words " Legion
of Union"; beneath the portrait two scrolls with "E Pluribus Unum"
and "Washington." Line.
Diameter 2 inches.
(Engraved by C. Burt) India proof. Not in Baker or Carson.
/g , 716. THE SAME. India proof, before the scroll at the top.
(oiOo7^7- BUST, head to right. Circular medallion. The heading to a folio
sheet entitled "The Mason's Adieu." Line.
Diameter i 3-16 inches.
T. C. Fielding Del. R. S. Jones Sc. India proof. Not in Baker
or Carson.
^/-y; 718. BUST, head to right. Circular medallion with a border of stars and
^ loops, in the center of a heart-shaped design, ornamented with birds
and flowers, entitled "The Heart of Beauty." Stipple.
Diameter i g-i6 inches.
Coprighted Oct 8, 1884. Published by Jacob F. Landis. Harris-
burg, Pa.
,^'6 719- WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Circular medallion, with
ornamented border. Stipple.
Diameter 3 inches.
Engraved for the lid of a snuff-bo.^. Very rare. Not in Baker.
So 720. THE SAME. Cut circular, and inlaid to quarto.
Cq 721. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Circular medallion with
ornamented border. Stipple.
Diameter 2 10-16 inches.
Similar to the preceding lot, but a different plate. Very rare.
• oC 722- WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular medallion with a
border; on the right side of a map entitled "United States"; on the
left a hke portrait of "Franklin." Stipple.
Diameter i 2-16 inches.
The Illustrations by J. Marchant & Engraved by J. Rogers; The
Map Drawn & Engraved by J. Rapkin.
dS 723- BUST, head to left. Circular, with Arabesque Border. Line.
Diameter 2 15-16 inches.
Not in Baker. Rare.
, S'O 724. FULL LENGTH, standing, head to left. "The Lansdowne Portrait."
Vignette. The heading to a blank commission of the State of Ten-
nessee. Line.
Height 2 2-16 inches; width i 3-16 inches.
1 . 00 725- W.A.SHINGTON. Full length, standing on the lawn at Mount Vernon,
head to left, a walking-stick in the right hand, a view of the mansion at
Mount Vernon in the left distance. Stipple.
Height 24 3-16 inches; width 17 inches.
Painted by T. Hicks. N. A. Engraved by H. Wright Smith. Not
in Baker.
ff .726. FULL LENGTH, in Masonic regalia; advancing to the front of a
room in a Masonic temple leading two little orphans by the hand, at
the head of a long line of orphan children; on either side, standing,
numerous Masonic characters of all nations, including General La-
fayette. Stipple.
Height 15 6-16 inches; length 20 7-16 inches.
Stothard del* Kearny Scul^. ''To the Grand Lodges of the United
States. This Print representing the Distinguishing Characteristic of
Masonry, Charity bestowed on proper objects is respectfully dedicated."
Published by F. Kearny &" J. How, Philad'^ Copy-righl secured ac-
cording to Act oj Congress, Philad". Sep. iSjo.
Fine impression of this very rare print.
I "3, 00 727- THE SAME. After DeWitt Clinton's and Dr. Franklin's portraits had
been substituted for two of the Masonic characters, on the right, and
with the addition of the names of the principal characters portrayed,
and without the publisher's address or copyright.
■^<^ 728. G. Washington, Como Mason. Full length, standing, dressed as a
Fast Grand Master, head to left, the hand resting on a book upon a
table to the left, etc. " Mixed.
Height 5 3-16 inches; fl-idth 3 9-16 inches.
India proof. Not in Baker.
,2.*j ^29. THE SAME. Without the "Como Mason." Plain impression.
'4 ' C C 73°- Washington. Full length in uniform, standing, head to right; the
right hand, holding a chapeau, rests on a drawn sword; the left hand
resting on the hip. Vignette One of a group of officers, the others
being " Knox, De Lauzun, La Fayette, Cornwallis"; on a sheet entitled
"Surrender of Lord Cornwallis." Etched.
Height of whole sheet q 14-16 inches; width 13 8-16 inches.
Very rare. N^ot in Baker or Carson.
Cf c 731- FULL LENGTH, standing, head to left; the right hand holding a
scroll, the left resting on a sword; an encampment in the left distance.
( Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
Sartain sc. N^ot in Baker.
^.Qq732. FULL LENGTH, standing, head to left; "The Lansdowne Por-
trait"; in a square, mounted on a base, and surrounded with roses;
over the top an eagle with outspread wings and diverging rays; on
the base is inscribed "Joseph Cake, no. North Second Street,
Philadelphia." Vignette. Line.
Height 4 14-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches.
Drawn & Engraved by R. Teller Jr Very rare. Not in Baker.
uniform, standing on the upper part of a stairway leading to a throne
upon which is seated a female figure with scroll in left hand, to the
right of which is a pedestal upon which incense is burning; in the
left distance the building at Mount Vernon; in the lower right-hand
corner an eagle with shield and cornucopia. Line.
Height 6 inches; width 3 i2-i6 inches.
Barralet Invt & Direxit. Lawson sculp. From "Washington's
Monuments of Patriotism Philadelphia iSio." Not in Baker.
I Oct^ 734- FULL LENGTH in uniform, with military cloak thrown over the
shoulders, head to right; the figure cut from a larger picture. Line.
Height 8 2-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
M-C 735- WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left, in a border resembling a
frame oval at top, at the bottom of a large sheet containing in the center
Washington's Farewell Address, surrounded by scenes in his Hfe.
Height 3 6-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches.
Whole sheet, height ij inches; width 11 ii-i6 inches.
Engraved b- Published by J. C. Butlre, 48 Franklin St. N. Y. Border
drawn by W. Momberger. Lettering by W" Kemble. Not in Baker.
Scarce. This plate did not sell well, and after a few impressions were
struck off, the Portrait was cut from the Bottom and used for other
io.OO 736- G. Washington. Bust, head to .left. Vignette. Mezzoiinto.
Height i8 inches; width 15 inches.
Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Engraved by J. R. Rice. Copright by
Bradley & Company, 1876. Bradlev d- Company Publishers, 66
North Fourth St. Philadelphia, W. W. Bostwick &= Co, 777 &= 779
West Fourth St. Cincinnati, Ohio.
S.Cq ^^^- ^^^^ '^^'S'T, head to left. Vignette. Etching.
Height :3 2-16 inches; width 9 inches.
(After Gilbert Stuart Etched by James Fagan) Artist's remarque
proof, signed, on parchment.
^,0C 738- THE SAME. Artist's remarque proof, signed, on India paper.
^■\SC ^^^' ^' Washington. Bust, head to left. Etching.
Height 10 13-16 inches; width 8 14-16 inches.
Stephen J. Ferris. Artist's remarque proof, signed. No. 7 oj a
limited edition.
I 740. FULL BUST, head to right. Mezzotinto.
Height 17 13-16 inches; width 12 14-16 inches.
Gilbert Stuart. Max Rosenthal. Artist's proof, signed, with Wash-
ington's Arms, and other insignia as remarque. No. i oj 50 Proofs.
^.00 741. BUST, head to left. Mezzotinto.
Height 13 14-16 inches; width lo 15-16 inches.
S. Arlent Edwards. Copyrighted 1895 and Published by Wm. Clausen
&= Co. 47 W. 28th St. N. Y. City. Artist's proof, signed.
I '7,^6 742- THE SAME. Printed in colors, artist's proof, signed, with facsimile
of Washington's signature as remarque.
Printed in colors at one printing without retouching. No. 1 1 of 12 proofs in colors only.
\ LiC 743- THE SAME. Printed in colors. Artist's proof, signed.
Printed in colors at one printing without retouching. No. 2 of 12 proofs.
/?ro-744- G. Washington. Bust, head to left. "The Athena;um Portrait."
Height 14 13-16 inches; width 11 6-16 inches.
Jacques Reich, Aq for'. Artist's proof, signed.
f..(jc 745- BUST, head to right. "The Athenaum Portrait."
Height II 8-i6inches; width 9 12-16 inches.
(Etched by T. Johnson) Artist's proof, signed.
One of three trial proofs taken from the plate. The Artist not being satisfied with the head
nad It ground on, and re-engraved it.
14.0 746. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed.
The finished state, after the re-cngraved head.
3 . 5" C) 747- FULL BUST, head to left. Etching.
Height 12 13-16 inches; width 9 12-16 inches.
(Etched by Jas. Fagan) Artist's remarque proof, signed.
C.i 74^- THE SAME. Remarque proof.
g, .. . 749. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Oval in a
rectangle. Etching.
Height 25 inches; width ai 3-16 inches.
Henri Lefort Delineavit & Sculpsit 1880. Imprimie a Salmon —
750. FULL BUST, head to right. Oval in a rectangle. Etching.
Height 14 inches; width 12 5-16 inches.
(Etched by T. Johnson igoo). Artist's proof, signed.
j-C;' 751. THE SAAIE. Artist's remarque proof, signed. No. 38 of 250 proofs
signed by J. O. Wright & Co.
' S. 60752. G. WASHINGTON, ESQR Full bust in uniform, head to right.
Oval with a border in which is the title printed in reverse. Stipple.
Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches.
E.xcessively rare. Engraved to transfer to a Pitcher. Not in Baker
or Carson.
It is e\idently the work of an English .\rtist, as the portrait is the same as those we find on the
Staffordshire Pitchers, made to commemorate Washington. This is the only impression 1 ever
Q 0,6OT55- BUST, head to left. Oval medallion on a monument. On a sheet
with the following title, which fully explains the print: '"In the Centre
is the Goddess of Liberty sitting on the Globe supporting on her knee
with one Hand the Portrait of James Madison, President of the United
States, with the other is pointing him out as the Favorite of the People.
Round her head are the eighteen Stars to represent the different States.
On the Monument is the Portrait of the late General GEORGE WASH-
INGTON. The eyes of the Goddess are tLxed thereon in remem-
brance of past services. The rav-s of glory from the eighteen Stars
strike their splendid beams on each Portrait. The emblems of Mon-
archy are under the foot of the Goddess. At the foot of the Monu-
ment is the Genius of Peace, presenting the Ohve Branch to the Por-
trait of Gen. Washington. The Genius of Gratitude is crowning
him with Laurels. The Background is distinguished by the Rays of
Glon,-, shining on a Vessel at a distance, to denote the protection of
Commerce. The Supporters to the Work are No i Brittania, No 2
Neptune, No 3 Fame, No 4 Abundance." Circle in a rectangle.
Height 15 inches; width 17 S-16 inches.
Excessively rare. Not in Baker or Carson.
( •!5"7S4- BUST, head to right. Oval, on a sheet of banknote vignettes, con-
taining similar Portraits of Jefferson, Lafayette, Robt. Morris, W.
Penn, Andrew Jackson, Jno. Q. Adams, Chas. Carroll, Dewitt CUnton,
&c. Line.
Height 13-16 inch: width n-i6 inch.
Whole sheet, height 16 4-16 inches; width 13 15-16 inches.
Fairman, Draper, Underwood & Co 1830. India paper proof.
Very scarce.
/ 6"L.755- BUST, head to right. Oval, on a sheet of banknote vignettes contain-
ing similar Portraits of B. Franklin, Sir Walter Raleigh, &c., &c. Line.
Height 13-13 inch; width ii-j6 inch.
Whole sheet, height 15 11-16 inches; width 12 ii-i6inches.
Fairman, Draper, Under«-ood & C° "This specimen of work to
prevent Forgeries is respectfully submitted to the Banking Institutions
of the United States, Philadelphia 1824." India proof.
-5, ^^ 756. THE SAME. India proof.
,ijyS7- ^UST, head to right. Oval with a border, the heading to a foHo sheet.
"Diploma awarded by the American Institute, to Wakefield Earth
Closet Co. for a Commode. Exhibition of 1874." On either side of
the portrait of Washington is a similar one of Franklin & Dewitt Clin-
ton; the center of the print is the shape of a shield, surrounded with
grapevine and vignettes of the various industries of the country-.
„ . , Line.
Height I 11-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches.
Whole sheet, height 20 11-16 inches; width 18 inches.
American Bank Note Co. New York.
/ 4 ,Oo758. FULL BUST, head to left. Oval with a border ornamented with
scrollwork, in the lower right-hand corner of a folio colored map en-
titled "Map of the United States." Stipple.
Height J 14-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches.
Engraved by W" Chapin, N. York. Published by H. Phelps
New York, 1833. Very rare. Not in Baker or Carson.
■ i.STO 759- FULL BUST, head to left. Oval surrounded with war implements
and laurel branches, the centre to a folio sheet entitled "In Memory of
the Illustrious Champion of Libertv General George Washington
First President of the United States of America." Stipple.
Height 3 S-16 inches; width 2 15-16 inches.
Whole sheet, height 19 5-16 inches; width 15 q-i6 inches.
(Copyright 1855) a part of the cop}-right notice erased. Not in
1. 00 760. FULL BUST, head to left. Oval surrounded with war implements and
laurel branches, the center to a folio sheet entitled "In Memory of the
Illustrious Champion of Liberty General George Washington, First
President of the United States of America Februarv 22, 1862"; 'in the
upper corners are Portraits of Lincoln and McClellan; in the lower
corners two five-pointed stars, with the followinc; inscription in the
centre: "Glory to our Army and Navy"; "In ]VIemory of the Down-
fall of the Rebellion"; in the points of the stars "Com. Foote, F'
Henry; Gen. Burnside, Roanoke; Gen. Thomas, Mill Springs; Gen.
Sherman, Savannah; Genl Grant, F'. Donaldson." Stipple.
Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches.
Whole sheet, height 16 S-16 inches; width 13 5-i6 inches.
Cha= Magnus, 12 Franfort St. N. Y. The same Portrait as in the
Preceding Print. Not in Baker.
I , ^~(j 761. FULL BUST, head to left. Oval. The center of a folio sheet entitled
"In Memory of the Illustrious Champion of Liberty General Georo-e
Washington, First President of the United States of America. Inau-
gurated April 30th 1789. Died Dec. 17* 1799/' and with the names
of Generals and Statesmen of the Revolution in flourishes surrounding
the portrait. In the upper portion of the sheet an open Testament
with the Masonic Compass and Square; beneath it a scroll entitled
"The Declaration of Independence." In the lower part a scroll en-
titled "Constitution of the United States," &c. Stipple.
Height 3 7-16 inches; width 3 inches.
Whole sheet, height 17 10-16 inches; width 15 11-16 inches.
Engraved by Sherman & Smith X Y. Copxtight 1853 by Pratt,
Rice and Tilden &c. Rare. Not in Baker. The Same Portrait as
in Lot 759, but without the same surroundings.
M 0\ 762. FULL BUST, head to left. Oval (the bust and ova! made by flour-
ishes). The Centre to a foho sheet entitled "Sacred to the Memory
of the Illustrious Champion of Liberty General George \\'ashington,
First President of the United States of .\merica." Around the bust
is inscribed "Bom Februarv' 22°"' 1732 Died December 14''' 1799."
Height 5 S-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches.
Whole sheet, height 17 10-16 inches; width 13 5-16 inches.
Engraved by R. Lowe X. York. Designed and Executed entirely
with the Pen by S. Green. (Cop}Tight 1838) Very rare. Not in
Baker. First state of plate ; was used afterwards as a Reward of Merit.
•2-' 5" 7^3- THE SAME. Without the name of the engraver or designer, but
with "John Donle\y, Intaglio-Chromographic and Electrographic
Engraver ' ' substituted .
2- S" 764. THE SAME.
i-f ,. - 765. BUST, head to left. Oval with a border; on an imperial folio sheet
entitled " Eulogium Sacred to the Memon.- of the Illustrious George
Washington, Columbias Great and Successful Son, Honored be his
Xame. Washington was the Father of his Countn.-; Sacred to the
Memory of the Illustrious Champion of Libertv", General George
Washington, First President of the United States of America." Be-
neath the portrait a vignette of the Capitol at Washington, and beneath
it a "Family Register" in the form of an open scroll; on either side
of the oval, scrolls with the following: "Bom Feb. 22 1732" "Died
Dec. 13. 1799," &c. Line.
Height 3 13-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
Whole sheet, height 27 11-16 inches; width 21 14-16 inches.
Engraved by McLees X'ew York. Xot in Baker.
ij", £5 766. GEORGE WASHIXGTOX, first in war, first in peace, and first in the
hearts of his Countr\-men. Bom in Westmoreland County \irginia,
Februarv- 22, 1732. Died at Mount Vemon, Virginia, December
14, 1799. Bust, head to right. Oval, resting on a base in a rectangle,
the title in the base, the inscription over the oval; the upper portrait
on an imperial foUo sheet; w-ith an engraving representing an arch,
upon which are portraits of Statesmen of the Revolution, the arms of
the various States, and in the centre "The Declaration of Independ-
ence"; the whole entided "Centennial Memorial of American Inde-
pendence." Line.
Height 3 7-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches
Whole sheet, height 20 9-16 inches; width 24 5-ifi inches.
American Bank Note Company New York and Boston. (Copyright
^"6* 7^7- Genl George Washington. Bust, head to right. Line.
Height 2 inches; width i 12-16 inches.
From "The Life of George Washington by S. G. Arnold. New
York 1842," with title-page. Nol in Baker.
-5. {f 768. Geo Washington. Full bust, head to right. Stipple.
Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 15-16 inches.
Not in Baker.
C i'iD7^9- Geo. Washington. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 3 7-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches.
Engraved for the Washington Benevolent Society. From " Wash-
ington's Farewell Address, Troy 1812," with the book complete, i2mo,
half bound. Very rare. A^ot in Baker.
Very lilce Baiter No. 276. and the .\. Reed and Gimbrede Prints.
I- J I 770. Geo Washington. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 3 7-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches.
A. Reed, sc. E. W. Con. Engraved for the Washington Benevo-
lent Society. From "Washington's Farewell Address Hartford 1813."
Not in Baker. Rare.
q,Q^ 771. GEO. WASHINGTON. President of the United States. Full bust,
" head to left. Stipple.
Height 3 6-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches.
Stewart del'. T. A. Dean, sculp'. London, Published, Nov'', i, i8ji,
by John Brooks., Oxford Street: Not in Baker.
tZ.i.'" 77^- ^- Washington. Full bust, head to left. Vignette in a background
ruled to a rectangle. Line.
Height 5 3-16 inches; width 3 15-16 inches.
Stuart. Girsch: D. Appleton cf C". India proof, on large paper.
Not in Baker.
•s c- 773. THE SAME. Plain impression, without publisher's address.
'X'OO 774. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 4 S-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart A. L. Dick, sc. Published, by Mack., Andrus,
&= Woodruff, Ithaca, N. Y. Not in Baker. Very rare.
' "^ ^ 775- G. Washington. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 4 ri-i6inches; width 3 11-16 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by A. B. Walter, Phila. Not in
.g-Q 776- WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Line.
Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
From the original Painting by Stuart in the Old Hall of Represen-
tatives in the Capitol at Washington. (Copyright by Robert & Charles
Metzerott, Washington 1859). Presumably engraved by Robt Met-
zerott. Not in Baker. Inlaid to quarto.
Go 7' 7- ^^^ SAME. Not inlaid.
<5-J) 778. THE S.\ME. Later impression, with the addition of "The Neale
* Co. Washn. D. C."
i.t-d 779- WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Line.
Height 4 8-i'6 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Publ. at the Music Depot of W. G. Metzerott.
A later state of the preceding lot.
"^,^0 780. Geo. Washington. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 3 7-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches.
T. Gimbrede Sd Rare. Not in Baker.
.5 781 G. Washington. Full bust, head to left. Line.
Height 4 1 1-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches.
Published by J. C. Biittre Co. India proof.
■2.1 782. G. Washington. Nearly full length, sitting, head to left, the right
hand supporting a book on a table; a dress-sword rests in the left
forearm; a curtain drawn aside in the rear reveals a pillar to the left.
Height 7 3-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches.
From the original painting by Chappel in the possession of the
publishers. Johnson, Fry b' Co. Publishers New York (Copyright
1878) India prooj before letters, on large paper.
,PJ6~ 783. THE SAME. Plain impression.
< . C O 784. BUST, head to left. "The Athenaeum Portrait." Etching.
Height 5 7-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches.
Etched by Jacques Reich. Artist's remarque proof, signed. No. 3
of 7 Artist's Proofs (Copyright 1902 by Lea Bros. Philada)
."^ O 785. GEN. WASHINGTON. One of the few who have been great
without being criminal was a native of Virginia, born 1731, took com-
mand of the American army at Boston 1775, resigned his command
1783, was inaugurated President of the United States 1789, and again
1793, and died 1799. Full bust, head to left. Line.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches.
Possibly a later state of the print by Jocelyn, Baker No. 265.
.S~0 786. G. WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left, the upper portion
of the background shaded to resemble a curtain. Stipple.
Height 4 11-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches.
."io 787- THE SAME. Later state of the plate.
.^ O 788. G. WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. Stipple.
Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 2-16 inches.
This is evidently the first state of Lot 786. Very rare.
/:7 c 789. George Washington. Full bust, head to left. Stipple.
Height 3 7-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches.
Resembles much the work of Gimbrede. Not in Baker.
t,-^ 790. GEO. WASHINGTON. Born Feb. 22, 1732, In. March 4, 1789,
Obt. Dec 14, 1799 .-E 68. Full bust, head to left. Line.
Height 3 3-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches.
Not in Baker.
\ , I b 791- George Washington. President of the U. S. from 1789 to 1797. Bust,
head to left, with a border of scrollwork, surmounted with an eagle.
Height I 6-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches.
From American History and Biography, N York 1838. Not in
^2. C 792. The Spirit of Washington Inspires us. Full bust, head to left.
' Stipple.
Height 2 2-16 inches; width i 10-16 inches.
Not in Baker.
I , b"0 793- GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Bust to right, head to left. Line.
Height 7 inches; width 5 2-16 inches.
Francesco Petrocini incise. Not in Baker. Rare.
I 7 794. GEORGIUS WASHINGTON. Bust to right, head to left. Line.
Height 7 inches; width 5 2-16 inches.
G. Longhi. dis G. G. Felsing inc. Verlag tind Eigenlhum von Louis
Rocca in Leipzig. The same as Baker No. 223, but with different
Pubhsher's address.
'tS,tol9S- BUST to right, head to left. Colored aquatint.
Height 6 14-16 inches; width 5 inches.
G. GaUina s. Aquatint printed in colors. The Longhi portrait.
Very rare. Not in Baker.
i^ 796. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle,
resting on a base, on which is the title. On the same sheet with a
similar portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Line.
Height 3 14-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches.
.1 S 797- WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval in a background ruled
to a square. Stipple.
Height 4 T2-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Eng<* by Geo. E Perine N. York. Not in Baker.
Kqo79^' ^- Washington. Full bust, head to left. Oval in an Arabesque bor-
der, surmounted with an eagle and flags. In the lower portion a vig-
nette of Washington crossing the Delaware. Stipple.
Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 inches.
Painted by G. Stuart. Designed and Engraved by W. T. Bather.
Copyrighted, John C. Yorston cf Co i8g6. India proof.
\ .1 799- BUST, head to left. Oval in a rectangle. Line.
Height 2 4-16 inches; width 1 11-16 inches.
Cha5 B. Hall, New York. India proof on large paper. Only loo
proofs printed.
. () C 8oo- BUST, head to right. Oval in a rectangle. Line.
Height 2 3-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches.
Beneath the oval is the following: "Office 195 Broadway New York."
"^t D ^'- George Washington. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with a
companion portrait of Martha Washington.
J/r:so/jn/o in colors.
Height 5 indies: width 3 14-16 inches.
-After the Painting by G. Stuart and E. Savage Engraved in pure
Mezzotinto by S. Arlent Edwards. Artist's proof, signed.
^.'j$^8o2. BUST, head to left. 0\-al in a fancy border of scrollwork; over the
oval an eagle with outspread wings, and oak leaves e.xtending down
each side; beneath, a scroll and a shield with stars and stripes. Four
impressions on one sheet. Line.
Height « 6-i6 inches; width i i-i:i :-:!:;->
Proofs before the tide.
.■?3^ 803. THE S-\ME with the title. "George Washington. Bom Feb. 22nd
1732, Died Dec. i^^ I799-"
\. a t 804. BUST, head to right. Oval, with a floral border, on a sheet with a
companion portrait of Martha Washington and a Mgnette of a Boy's
and Girl's head. Line.
Height 1 10-16 inches; width i 6-i6 iiKhes.
From Heath's Infallible Counterfeit Detector. Boston X. D. With
the book, containing other beautiful banknote ngnettes. Not in Baker.
9f-CC 805. BUST, head to right. Circular. Stipple.
Diameter 4-16 inch.
The setting of a Mourning Ring, surrounded with Pearls. Beauti-
fully executed for such a verv- small portrait, and excessively rare.
Not in Baker or Carson.
4- ,Si) 806. BUST, head to left. Oblong oval. The centre of a folio sheet entitled
"Sacred to the Memory- of George Washington. Bom Feb. 22, 1732.
Died Dec. 13. 1799. The American Hero and Statesman." Orna-
mented with flotirishes. Stipple.
Height 11-16 inch; width 14-16 inch.
Designed and Engraved by Joseph Perkins; Portrait Eng4 by J.
B. Longacre. Ptihiished by Rand and Perkins, No. 24 South &* S'.
Philadelphia. Rare. \ot in Baker.
I 'i.OO 807. THE S.\ME. Proof before the engraver's name or Publishers ad-
g. 808. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left, "The Lansdowne Portrait."
Oval in an ornamented rectangle, with title in a tablet at bottom of
oval. Line.
And w.ASHiXGTOX. Bom Feb-T the 22nd 1732. Died. Detf 14^
1799. Full bust, head to left: curtain and pillar in the background.
""The Lansdowne Portrait.'' 0\ral in a rectangle, the tide in a tablet
at bottom of o\'aI. Line.
On a sheet containing Portraits of '"Miss Kelly." "H Sontag,"
"Mad^ M. Garcia." '"Miss Rock." "Mrs Barnes." "Robl Fulton."
'"Henn- Clay." and \-ignette of Penn's Treat}- with the Indians and
Fair Mount Philadelphia.
Hei^t 3 6-16 iiKhes: width i i?-i6 inches.
Excessively rare. Engra\-ed for ornamenting snuflf-boses. Xot in
Baker. (Engraved by J. Yeager.)
Thx Sam-.
(j,OC 809. WASHINGTON. Born February the 22nd 1722. Died Dec": 14'.''
1800. Full bust, head to left. "The Lansdowne Portrait." Oval,
with the title in a tablet at the bottom of oval. Line.
Height 2 inches; width i 9-16 inches.
Cut oval, similar to the second described portrait in Lot 808. Very
rare. (Engraved by J. Yeager.) Not in Baker.
6S<5o8io. GEORGE WASHINGTON. The Saviour of his Country.- Full
bust, head to right. Oval with border. Stipple.
Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 1 1-16 inches.
A. Doolittle sc. Published by Shelton & Kensett.
Very similar to the portrait Doolittle engraved lor the Connecticut Magazine, Baker No. 204.
Some authorities think it is the same plate worked over, but the variations are of such a character
that we are of opinion that it is an entirely different plate. Baker never saw it. and it is the first which
has come under my observanon. Excessixely rare. Se€ facsimile.
l(,i5C?8ii. BUST, head to right. Oval with a border, in a background ruled
to a rectangle. Stipple.
Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 7-16 inches.
B. Tanner sc Published by J. Or/nrod 41 Chestnut Street. Not in
Baker. Rare.
,5 1 00^12. BUST, head to right. Oval with a border, in a background ruled to
a rectangle. Stipple.
Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 7-16 inches.
Probably by B. Tanner, but an entirely different plate from Lot
811. Not in Baker. From "The Life of George Washington, by
M. L. Weems. Seventh Edition Philadelphia 1808."
•^,e 813. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, seated, head to
right, a dress-sword on left forearm. Oval, in a heavily embossed
border. Mezzotinto.
Height 7 13-16 inches; width 6 inches.
Painted by G. C. Stuart Engraved by T. Doney. Printed by
Powell & Co. Not in Baker. Only copy known in this first state.
jrf C 814. THE SAME. Without the embossed border, title, or engraver's name.
.^0 815. Washington. Bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple.
Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches.
L. Rados inc. Not in Baker. Very rare.
•«5 ', 816. G. Washington. Bust, head to right. Oval. Line.
Height I 10-16 inches; width i 5-16 inches.
Banknote vignette. " Compliments of Adams & Jones 39-45 Oliver
Street, Boston."
• * - 817. G. Washington. Bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple.
Height 2 15-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
(Engraved by J. C. Perine) /. N. Allan 85 Liberty St. N. Y. Not
in Baker.
* ^ J 818. Pater Patrias. Full bust, head to right. Oval, etched in an ornamented
machine-engraved border resembling a frame; beneath the oval a
flowing ribbon upon which is the motto "Pater -Patriae"; over the
oval, an eagle and American shield on a rock, and on either side olive
Ova], height 5 1-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches.
Eng. by A. Hoen & Co. "This Print is respectfully dedicated by
the Carriers of the Baltimore Sun to their Patrons." Not in Baker.
ii Od 819. BUST, head to left. Oval with a border in a wreath of oak leaves,
surrounded with 2S stars, the whole in the midst of diverging rays;
around the border the following: "First in war, first in peace, and
first in the hearts of his countrymen." _ Line.
Height 6 2-16 inches; ^dth 5 4-16 inches.
Cut ovaj. The only impression known, and the one described by Hart.
'2>.6"0 820. GEORGE WASHINGTON. FuU bust, head to left. Oval.
Height S 4-16 inches; width 6 3-16 inches.
Published by Moore |829. Washington, i 732-1 799, Fondateur de I'lndependance Americaine,
Premier President de la Republique des Etats-Unis. Full bust, head
to left. Oval, on the same sheet with a similar portrait of Lafayette.
Height 2 inches; width i 11-16 inches.
^1^^ 830. G. Washington. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple.
Height 2 7-16 inches; width 2 1-16 inches.
W. T. Bather Sc. Artist's proof, signed. " No 4 of 25 Signed Proofs.
J. O. Wright & Co."
/ 5*2)831. George Washington, Esq^ The Friend of Man. Full bust, head to
left. Oval, with one line border. Stipple.
Height 3 14-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches.
Gobrecht, sculp. From "The Constitution of the United States.
Gettysburg 1811." Not in Baker. Very rare.
S""«<^t332- G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval with narrow border.
^ Height 2 15-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches.
Stuart, del et viv P. H. L. v. d. Meulin sc. Title-page to " Het
Leven van George Washington, Haarlem 1838." Not in Baker. Rare.
i.*zC833- BUST, head to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height I 10-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches.
Cut oval. A very prettily engraved portrait, though in poor condition. I never saw another im-
pression. Not in Baiier.
.5~5 834. BUST, head to right. Oval medallion, on the breast of an eagle, to
the right of which is a full-length figure of Justice, the whole in a larger
oval, with a border, in a rectangle with ornamented corners. Line.
Height 1 14-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches.
Banknote vignette. India proof. Rare.
'^> 60 ^^5" ^U^"^' ^^^^ ^° "g'^'- Oval. Etching.
Height 3 inches; width 2 4-16 inches.
R. A Peticolas pinx'. 1796. Henri Leforte aq. f. India proof.
,5 5^ 836. BUST, head to right. Oval in a rectangle with ornamented corners.
Height 2 6-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
Banknote vignette, on glazed paper.
SU^.O-0837- WASHINGTON, LAF.WETTE. Bust, head to right. Oval medallion,
with a companion portrait of Lafayette. Oval on a shield-shaped back-
ground in a circle with border, underneath which is scrollwork, and
a flowing ribbon in which is the title. Line.
Height 12-16 inch; width 10-16 inch.
The Centre part of a Vignette on title-page of "Ladies' & Gentle-
men's Cabinet of E.xtracts, Boston. Published by J. Teal." Not in
Baker or Carson. Rare.
i^i 40838. BUST, head to left. Oval medallion resting on the bow of a canoe
in which is seated the figure of Hope, holding in the right hand an
oval medallion with the portrait of Franklin. On the side of the
canoe "J. B. Longacre Engraver." Vignette. Stipple.
Height I i2-:6 inches; length 2 8-16 inches
Longacre's business card, engraved by himself. Very rare.
ST) 839. FULL BUST, head to right. Oval medallion with ornamented bor-
der resting on two columns, between two views entitled " Washingtons
Denkmal" and "Das Grabmal Washingtons." Stipple.
Height I 7-i6 inches; width 1 2-16 inches.
(Leipzig d. Engl. Kunst. Anstalt. A. H. Payne, sc).
Q. ^7^840. BUST, head to right. Oval in a border of olive leaves; to the left
figure of Justice, to the right figure of Fame; in the background, build-'
ings on fire.
Height 4 6-16 inches; width 7 0-16 inches.
On India paper. Beautifully engraved. The heading to a policy issued by the Washington In-
surance Co. of New York. 1S23. A'o/ in Baker.
' 3«. O 841. BUST, head to left, in wreath of olive leaves, on a pedestal. To the
left the figure of Liberty holding a flag which floats over the bust;
to the right an eagle resting on a shield; on the base of the pedestal
a representation of Washington resigning his commission. \'ignette.
Height 5 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
Engraved by J. C. Buttre.
1 '0^842. BUST in uniform, head to left. Oval suspended over a monument
by ribbons held in the claws of an eagle with outspread wings, in the
midst of diverging rays; on either side of oval the full-length figures
of Liberty and Hope; beneath the oval an olive wreath; on the monu-
ment a tablet upon which is inscribed "J. B. Dumoutet, jun. Gold-
smith, Jeweller, Hair Worker &:c. Corner of Chestnut & Second Streets
Philadelphia, Cyphers, Devices, Enamelling, and all branches con-
nected with the above Departments, done on the lowest terms, and
sold either Wholesale or Retail." Line.
Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
Not in Baker. Very rare.
'^(^ 843. BUST, head to left. Oval with a border in which is inscribed "Belle,
Pace, Animisque Suorum Princeps"; over the oval a five-pointed
star emitting rays, with the letters W. L. S., a wreath, and a scroll
inscribed with Greek characters; flags protruding from the back on
either side; beneath the oval a book, sword, scroll, etc. Line.
Height I 6-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches.
Not in Baker.
• s>C ^-t-^- BUST, head to right. Oval with a border, on a shield over which
hangs a ribbon with the words, " Fabrica Britannica"; on either side
of the centre shield two others, one of Great Britain, to the left of
which is a lion, and the other of the United States, to the right of which
is an eagle; the whole in ornamented scrollwork. Vignette. Line.
Height 3 2-16 inches; width 6 2-16 inches.
Not in Baker.
(^6^84$. FULL BUST, head to left. Oval, on the same sheet with a similar
portrait of Martha Washington. Mezzotinto.
Height 4 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
(Engraved bv G. W. H. Ritchie.) .\rtist's remarque proof, signed.
"No. 4 of 20 Signed Proofs. J. O. Wright & Co."
^.00846. THE SAME, with the addition of a border; unmounted proof on
India paper.
1,1^ 847- BUST, head to left. Circular; one of sixteen medallions, the others
containing a portrait of Jefferson, Arms of the United States and the
Thirteen States, surrounding the "Declaration of Independence July
4, 1776." Line.
Diameter 6-16 inch.
Engraved by C. Toppan Phil'' July 4 1840. On a glazed card.
4 o 848. THE SAME. On plate paper.
840. THE SAME. On small glazed card, discolored.
850. THE SAME. On a corner of an envelope, with business address of
• ^ <. -^v L Germon, Photographer, N? 168 Chestnut St. S. W. Cor. of 7th."
T'Ot^^S'- Washington. Bust, head to right. Oval with a border, to the right
of a similar portrait of Lafayette, encircled with olive and palm leaves;
beneath the oval an eagle perched upon a globe, to the left of which
is a mounted cannon and flag. Vignette. Line.
Height I 1-16 inches; width 15-16 inch.
P. E. Hamm Sc. The Business card of " Aaron Freeland. 50 Mar-
ket Street, Philadelphia, Elastic Water Proof." Excessively rare.
Not in Baker.
\9,Vt)852. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. One of three oval medallions
on a monument, the others containing portraits of Louis XVT and Frank-
lin; on the top of the monument a crowing cock perched upon a globe
ornamented with fieur de lis; on the base the following inscription:
" L'Amerique et les Mers, 6 Louis! Vous reconnoissen' pour leur
LiberateuV; to the right of monument an Indian woman holding
a lance upon which is a liberty cap, standing near two palm trees,
upon one of which is a scroll with the inscription: "En M'Elevant
je M'Embellis"; to the left of monument an anchor resting on some
rocks, and in the distance a ship; the whole in a circular medallion
the heading to a folio sheet entitled " Independance des Etats-Unis,"
with twenty-eight lines of script in double columns.
Aquatint, printed in colors.
Diameter 5 6-16 inches.
Duplessis Berteaux del. L. Roger Sculp. 1786. A Paris chez
Blin, Imprimeur en Taille Douce, Place Maubert, N? 17 vis-a-vis
la rue des 3 Portes, A. P. D. R.
H 853. Washington. Bust, head to left. The upper one of three oval medal-
lions, draped; the others containing portraits of Gen. Greene and Dr.
Franklin. Stipple.
Height I 15-16 inches; width i 9-16 inches.
Willard sc.
01^854. BUST, head to right. One of five oval medallions on the base of a
monument, the others being Thos. Jefferson, Benj. Franklin, Andrew
Jackson, and J. Q. Adams; on the top of the monument a figure of
a female with a dove perched upon her upraised hand, to the left of
which is a bee-hive, and above this, in clouds, a flowing ribbon, upon
which is "The American Arts only want encouragement"; on the
upper portion of monument a tablet upon which is
" Our antient Bird still unchang'd remain.
And base Deceivers Counterfeit in vain,
For quick the Public must the difference prove,
Between the Imposter and the Genuine Dove."
On the monument between and beneath the portraits '"Amies, Mont-
gomen,- C? near Philadelphia." \'ignette. Line.
Height Q 4-16 inches; width 7 13-16 inches.
Drawn by T. Underwood. Engraved by J. W. Steel. "Hot
Pressed."' \'er}- rare. Xot in Baker.
1 oUO 855. BUST, head to left. One of fourteen circular medallions, the others
containing the arms of the States; encircUng "The unanimous Decla-
ration of the Thirteen United States of America." Line.
Diameter 6-16 inch.
Copyright 1836 by H. L. Bridgham, Boston.
. 2-C 856. ANOTHER COPY, inlaid.
\ 'OC 857. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. Vignette in oval of one
Une, on a sheet with nine other portraits, including Sir Walter Scott,
C. Vemet, H. Vemet, &c., ficc. Line.
Height I 11-16 inches, width i 5-16 inches.
Dessine et Grave par Montaut.
Q Q 858. Washingtox. Bust, head to right. \'ignette, one of twent}- por-
' traits on one sheet including Lafayette, Franklin, Adams, Jefferson,
Madison, &:c. Stipple.
Height 12-16 inch; width 13-16 inch.
O. Pelton sc.
R 6 859. Washington. Bust, head to left. Oval, the centre of a group of five
portraits, the others being Marshall, Franklin, La Fayette, and De \\ltt
Clinton. Line.
Height 1 4-16 inches; width i inch.
"Patrons of the Masonic Art."
( » ) C 860. BUST, head to left. Oval in diverging rays ; the upper one of eight por-
traits, all of ^\"ashington, — two of the Houdon Bust, Washington at
Dorchester Heights, Lansdowne Portrait, &c., — on a sheet entided
"Memorials of Washington." Line.
Height I 6-16 inches; width 1 2-16 inches.
. 5"^' 861. BUST, head to left. Oval; one of eleven portraits and fancy heads
on one sheet, including Napoleon. Lafayette, Jackson, Clay, &c.
Height ij— 16 inch; width 0-16 inch.
'T *f862. Ritratto di Washigton. Bust to right, head to left. Vignette, on the
same sheet with portrait of Franklin, "Ritratto di Franklin."
Height 4 4-:6 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
"America. Vol. II, Tav: 38. Tav: 37." Colored by hand. Ver>-
rare. Not in Baker.
% -^ S863. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. \'ignette. Stipple.
Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches-
Ver}' raxe.
,'S'O 864. Washington. Full bust, head to right. Vignette in a square border
of three Unes. Stipple.
Height I 15-16 inches; width i 12-16 inches.
4ft 865. THE SAME, inlaid to quarto.
•^ JJ 866. G. Washington. Bust, head to right. Vignette, in a shaded back-
ground with a border rounded at upper corners. Line.
Height 3 inches; width 2 7-16 inches.
W. Banks & Son. Edin^ Beautifully engraved. Rare.
^ i 867. Washington. Bust, head to right. One of five vignette portraits,
on a background ruled to a square with one line border, the other
portraits being Thos. Warton, Wolfe, Walcot, and West. Line.
Height 3 3-16 nches; width a 2-16 inches.
Lizars so. Rare.
''*0 868. G. Washington. Entered November 4, A.D. 1752, A. L. 5752. Passed,
March 3, A. D. 1753. A. L. 5753. Raised, August 4, A. D. 1753,
A. L. 5753. Full bust, head to right. Vignette. Mixed.
Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Engraved by Samuel Sartain. India
"i, 0^869. THE SAME.
<],oo^7°- GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Bust to right, head to left. Vignette
in clouds. Line.
Height 3 14-16 inches; width 3 ic>-i6 inches
Gandini inc.
i, jj" 871. G. Washington. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 4 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
Painted by Stuart. Engraved by lUman Bro's.
. 7 872. FULL BUST, head to left. Vignette. Mezzotinlo.
Height 4 10-16 inches; width 4 inches.
G. Stuart. J. Sartain.
,S~D 873. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Vignette. Line.
Height 3 10-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
r.^o 874. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Vignette. Line.
Height 3 9-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
Simonetti inc. "Stati Uniti." Rare.
LSD 875- WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Vignette. Outline.
Height 3 13-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
G. Marmocchi dis. M. Mighxacca inc. No 43. Rare.
\,oo 876. BUST, head to left. Vignette. Line.
Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches.
(Engraved by Charles Schlicht.) Proof.
i-y, 877. THE SAME. With address of "Continental Bank Note Co. New
• ^ ^ York."
I, (y^ 878. BUST, head to left. Oval medallion, between a seated female and a
cupid, surrounded with flowers; beneath the portrait a tablet partly
covered with draper}-. Vignette. Line.
Height 2 4-16 inches; width 2 7-16 inches.
Wilson, Boston. (Drj'-gcods Tag.)
\ , b"^' S79. G. Washington. Full bust, head to left. Vignette. Line.
Height 2 15-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
Engt by A. Koellner. Sinclair Lithog. Rare.
,-xS 880. FULL BUST, head to left. "The Lansdowne Portrait." Vignette.
Height 6 12-16 inches; width 5 13-16 inches.
Unfinished plate, condemned by Ormsby. the engraver.
881. G. WASHINGTON. FuU bust, head to left. "The Lansdowne
Portrait." Vignette. Line.
Height 5 S-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches.
J. C. Buttre Co. India proof,
.'i C 882. G. Washington. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 4 S-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches.
Painted by Stuart. Engraved by lUman Brothers. Taken from
Ufe in 1794.
. i S 883. G. WASfflNGTON. FuU bust, head to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
1850. Rare.
I- «><^' 884. GEN. WASfflNGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette.
Height 2 2-16 inches; width i 15-16 inches.
Pub. by C. Bohn. $68 Penna. Av. Washington, D. C.
^ O 885. G. Washington. Bust, head to left. Vignette in a ruled background
in the shape of an American shield, surrounded with the inscription
"In Youth true, in Manhood brave, in Age wise, in :Memor\- Immor-
tal. Legend by Bishop Simpson." Line.
Height 2 4-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches.
L. F. Brown Del. J. Bannister sc. Published by Broun c^ Ban-
nister N. Y. (Copyright 1876)
^C 886. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Vignette.
Height 4 1-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches.
Probably by Gimbrede. Colored by hand.
■y^ 8S7. Geo. Washixgtox. Full bust, head to right. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 12—16 inches.
'^' ^^888. FULL BUST, head to left. Oval in a rectangle, with olive wreath
and leaves draped over oval. Stipple.
Height I 9-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches.
Probably engraved by Edwin.
'j i S80. G. Washington. Full bust, head to right. Oval in a rectangle.
Heigii^ 2-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches.
, / 890. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle.
Height 7 2-16 inches; width 5 14-16 inches.
From the original portrait by Stuart in the Boston Athenaeum. Mar-
tin, Johnson c^ Company, Publishers, New York.
,( C) 891. FULL BUST, head to left. Mezzotinto.
Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches.
,»Xj 902. BUST, head to left. Oval medallion on a tablet resting on the ground
between the figures of Liberty and Minerva; to the left a fortress and
cannon; to the right the body of a tyrant upon which Minerva has
her foot, and a scroll with the motto '"Sic semper T)Tannis." Vignette.
Height 2 6-16 indies; width 4 S-16 inches.
Rawdon, Hatch & SmilHd.
,^t(u 903. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Born Febr 22?^ 1732. Inaugurated
President March 4''' 1789. Retired March 4^"^ 1797. Died Dec^ 14th
1799. Full bust, head to left. Oval with a border in which is the
title. Line.
Height 5 S-16 inches; width 4 7-16 inches.
(A Dick sc). Rare.
1,0c 9°4- ^^^ Father and the Saviour of our Countr>-. FuU length, standing
to the right of a table partly covered with a cloth, upon which the right
hand is resting on an upright book; to the right a full-length por-
trait of Abraham Lincoln. Oval. Mezzoti/ito.
Height 8 9-16 inches; width 6 9-16 inches.
Engraved by John McGoffin. PiMished hy J. C. McCurdy e' Co.
Philadelphia. '
,1 O 905. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval with a
border in which is the title; the upper left of four medallion portraits
around a centre medallion of the capitol at Washington; the other
portraits are of Lincoln, Jackson, and Johnson. Stipple.
Height 1 14-16 inches; width i 7-16 inches.
Engd by J. C. Buttre, N Y Engraved e.\-pressly for Abbott's Lives
of the Presidents.
:x S 906. BUST, head to right. Oval with a border; the upper portrait of eight
medallions, surrounding a portrait of Washington after Houdon, in
the centre. The other portraits are of Harrison, Marshall, Clay, Web-
ster, Clinton, Fulton, & Frelinghuysen. Line.
Height I 3-16 inches; width 15-16 inch.
Engraved by Danforth, Underwood & Co. "Boston Miscellany
of Literature and Fashion."
KX> 907- FULL BUST, head to left. Oval, the centre of nine medallions con-
taining the portraits of his Generals, entitled "Heroes of the Revolu-
tionary War." Stipple.
Height I 13-16 inches; width 1 8-16 inches.
Rice Sculp't Phila.
-J C" 908. BUST, head to left. Oval; one of four medallions, the others contain-
ing portraits of Washington after Trumbull, C. W. Peale, and Houdon.
Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches.
Engd by H. B. HaU & Sons, 13 Barclay St. N Y.
(I C|- 909. BUSTS, head to left and right, on the Cards of Imitation for the looth
Anniversary of the Inauguration of Washington; the Ceremonies on
the Completion of the Washington Monument, 1S85; the Unveihng
of the Statue of \\'ashington by the Chamber of Commerce of New
York. ' 3 pieces.
-> C 910. BUST, head to left. Oval, on the Ticket of the "Wliig Young Men"s
■ " Ball," Musical Fund Hall, Philadelphia, Feb'y 22, 1850. Line.
Height I 1-16 inches; width 15-16 inch.
IS-OO 9^^- Washington. Bust, head to left. Vignette. The centre one of five
portraits on one plate in a border, the others being Bonaparte, Ale.xander,
Peter I, and Charles XII. Etching.
Height I 2-16 inches; width i inch.
G. E. King, sc. F. df R. Lockwood, 154, Broadway New York. In
a copy of "A Catechism of Universal History &c by C. Irving, LLD,
New York 1826." i2mo, half roan. Not in Baker. Very rare.
\.(o^ 912. 12 Portraits of Washington, after Stuart. All different.
\ 'f09i3- 19 Portraits of Washington, after Stuart. All different.
*^ 0^^4- Washington, Patrias Pater. Full bust, head three-quarters to right.
Oval with a border surrounded by an oak wreath in a rectangle, the
whole imitating stonework; a cloak or mantle hangs over the front
of the oval, with a colossal antique head as a keystone. The title be-
neath the oval. Lithograph.
Height 19 3-16 inches; width is 6-16 inches.
From the Original Portrait Painted by Rembrandt Peale. Drawn
on Stone by Rembrandt Peale. Copyright secured 182/. Pendleton's
Lithography, Boston. Baker No. jyg. Very rare.
A magnificent proof on India paper of this beautiful specimen of the lithographic art. The only
copy known in this state.
^,«^9iS. Washington. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval.
Height 22 14-16 inches; width 19 inches.
Rembrandt Peale. P. S. Duval & Co Phil^ A very early impres-
sion with the title, artist's and publisher's name on the lower portion
of the portrait. Very rare in this state. Baker No. j8o.
Retouched with crayon by the artist.
5,^^916. THE SAME. The title and artist's and publisher's names on mar-
gin, and with " Drawn by Rembrandt Peale from his Original Portrait.
Copy-Right secured 1856. Retouched in crayon by the Artist." This
shows decided variations from the above.
\iOD 917- THE SAME. Retouched in oil colors by the artist. Cut oval.
Slightly damaged.
• ^i> 918. BUST, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 4 3-16 inches; width 4 inches.
Rembrandt Peale. H. B. Hall. New York, G. P. Putnam. Baker
No. j8i. India proof.
.Lm1;'9I9. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette.
Height 4 3~i6 inches; width 4 inches.
Eng4 by H. B. Hall N. Y. 1865, after a Painting by Rembrandt
Peale. Baker No. 382.
"^,0^920. THE SAME. Proof before all letters, on large paper.
ROCHAMBEAU. Full figure in uniform on horseback. Vignette.
Height 3 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
Rembrandt Peale p.xt. R. Metzeroth sc. Baker No. j8j.
This is a \ignette on the title-page of a book entitled "The National Pictxire Galler>' in the Ro-
tunda of the Capitol" (Cop\Tight i860); contains also eight other full-page engranngs by Metze-
roth. illustrating the Discovery of .\merica and the early histon- of the United States, in three of which
the portrait of Washington appears. The book is complete, with a key to each print.
Cf, 6 r 922. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval,
with border surrounded by an oak wreath in a rectangle, the whole
engraved to represent stonework. A cloak or mantle hangs over the
front of the oval, with a colossal antique head as a keystone. Beneath
the oval the words "Patrise Pater." Mezzotinto.
Height 19 inches; width 15 2-16 inches.
Rembrandt Peale pinx' Adam B. Walter sculp'. Published by C.
N. Robinson .V? 248 Chestnut St. Piiilad" Baker A'O. 384.
A close copy of the Lithograph Xo. 914.
1 '5,./)d9^3- THE SAME. With the addition of " Goupil & Co. Paris & London"
as pubHshers. Printed in colors, and with the address of N. Robinson
immediately beneath the portrait.
, I ' (^ 924. THE SAME. With the inscription, "Engraved from the original paint-
ing of Washington from life by Rembrandt Peale. Respectfully Dedi-
cated to the People of the United States." Creased in the Middle.
'Si.S'DP^s. THE SAME, with the addition of "Published by Hugh A. McCann,
gzo Chestnut Philad"!"
■i.0©926. GEO: WASHINGTON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right.
Oval, with narrow border, on the upper part of a rectangle. An eagle
with laurel \\Teath rests upon the top of the oval, and around the sides
and base are flags, laurel branches, and war emblems. Over the eagle
a circlet of ten stars. The title on a tablet in the rectangle. Stipple.
Height 6 6-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches.
Edwin, sc. Baker jVo. j8j. Fielding No. ig6.
From the American Artillerist's Companion, by Louis De Tousard. Philadelphia, iSog.
•4.06927. FULL BUST, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line.
Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 inches.
Engd by H. B. Hall, N. Y. from an Original Miniature by W?' Birch
in the Possession of Cha! G. Barney, Esq^ Baker A'o. j86. India
paper proof.
Private plate. Only one hundred and twenty-five impressions taken, and the plate destroyed.
L- f: 928. GEORGE W.\SHINGTON. Ne a Bridges-Creek, le 22 Fevrier 1732,
Mort le 14 Decembre 1799. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval,
in a border, in the upper part of a rectangle; above a tablet in which
is the title.
Height 5 11-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches.
A Paris, chez Menard b' Desenne, Rue Git-le-Coeur N" 8. Baker
No. 388.
\, 00 9^9- THE SAME. Choice proof. The title only "Washington" in open
letters, the tablet without lines. Rare in this state.
^^,t>^^°' GEORGE WASHINGTON, Late President of the United States
OF America. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, the left hand
thrust in the breast. Oval, with border resembling a picture-frame,
leaning against some rocks in a landscape, and surrounded bv flags and
war emblems. In the background, the rays of a setting sun. The
heading to a foUo sheet containing a Biographical Sketch. Stipple.
Height 4 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
Whole plate, height 8 7-16 inches; length 11 14-16 inches.
Painted by W Birch, Esq. of Carolina. Engraved bv P Roberts.
"This Plate is Humbly Dedicated to the Friends of the above Gentle-
man by their most Obedient Humble Ser\''. P. Roberts." London.
Published as the Act directs April lo, 1800, by P. Roberts at Mr. Hol-
lands, 50 Oxford Street. Baker No. 389. Very rare in this state.
V *l.-Co93^- THE SAME, without the Biographical Sketch and with different
address of publisher, "Pub'^ by R. Pollard, Spa Fields, London."
i.Cf,Co932. HIS EXCELy GEN"- GEO^ WASHINGTON. Full bust, head
three-quarters to right. The centre of an ornamental rectangle. Above,
the sun dispersing clouds; beneath, a female figure with right hand on a
bundle of fasces and a child holding a pole surmounted with a liberty
cap- Line.
Height 7 3-16 inches; width 5 10-16 inches.
Engraved by I. G. Walker. From a Picture By W. Birch. 1796
Painted from Life in the Office of His Excellency The General,
by the request of I. G. \'an Staphorst Esq^ of Amsterdam, in whose
possession the original Portrait now is. "To I. G. \'an Staphorst
Esq' the particular Friend of the General, This Print is with permis-
sion most respectfully Inscribed, by His Obliged & Obed' Servant,
I. G. Walker." Published as the Act directs June 21, 1800 by M'
Bowyer, Historic Gallery Pall Mall, M'. R Wilkinson N". 58 Cornhill,
Mr Brewer the corner oj Newgate Street 6- /. G. Walker Church Lane.
Hammersmith. Copyright secured by Law in the United States oj
America. Baker No. jgo. Rare.
Iol 949 is a dose copy of Lot 948, with the \-ariations as
1,00 95°- WASHINGTON. Profile bust in uniform to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 inches.
From the St. Memin Crayon in possession of J- Carson Brevoort Esq.
Eng"^ by H. B. Hall & Sons, New York. India proof.
I TV 951- ^- Washington. Bust in uniform in profile to left. \'ignette.
' ^ Stipple.
Height 3 inches; width i 13-16 inches.
The last portrait from life, 1798, age 66. Eng<^ by Hollyer. after
S'. ^Memin. Artist's proof on India paper, signed. No. 4 of lifty India
proofs signed by J. O. Wright & Co.
952. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform in profile to left. Oval in
a rectangle. Stipple.
Height 5 14-16 inches; width 4 9-16 inches.
(Engraved by Charles B. Hall)
l,T 953. THE S.\iIE. Artist's proof on India paper, signed. No. 2 of ten
signed artist's proofs.
954. THE SAME. No. 2 of twenty autograph proofs.
, . 955. WASHINGTON. Bust in profile to right, with laureated head. Oval
with border of ohve leaves in a rectangle. Mezzotinto.
Height 5 14-16 inches; width 4 13-16 inches.
Engraved by Max Rosenthal from the Engraving by St. Memin in
the St Memin collection owned by Hampton L. Carson Esq Phila,
Border designed by the Engraver. Copmght by Max Rosenthal.
Only 25 sets in four states printed and subscribed for, \-iz., artist's
proof, signed; India proof with artist's address; India proof with
hst of subscribers; impression from defaced plate, and proof of the
remarque portrait of Washington. Sold as one lot.
1 , 956. THE SAME. Trial proof with the remarque.
- 957. THE SAME. First trial proof.
ij 958. THE S.\ME. Trial proof of the remarque portrait of Washington
' only.
-n,- 959- WASHINGTON. Bust in profile to left, laureated head. Oval, in
' / " a rectangle, ornamented with oak leaves on the corners. Mezzotinto.
Height 6 2-16 inches; width 4 iz-i6 inches.
\.6 C
Engraved by Max Rosenthal from the original Drawing by St Memin
in the Carson Collection— Border Designed by the Engraver. Copy-
right by Max Rosenthal, Phila, 1902.
Only 25 sets in four states printed and subscribed for, viz., artist's
proof, signed; India proof with artist's address; India proof with
hst of subscribers; and impression from defaced plate. Sold as one
ll^^a 960. PROFILE head to left, in uniform. Vignette. Etching.
Height 4 6^16 inches: width 2 13-16 inches.
(Etched by Albert Rosenthal after the original by St Memin) Ar-
tist's proof, signed, with portrait of St. Memin as remarque.
5",S"0 961. THE SAME. Artist's remarque proof, signed, on Japan paper.
^i/,., 962. BUST, profile to left. Vignette.
Height 3 14-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches.
From the original (cut with scissors) by Miss De Hart, Elizabethtown,
N. J., 1783. Presented by Mrs Washington to Mrs Duer, Daughter
of Lord Stirling. Baker, page i86.
^.00 963. GENERAL WASHINGTON. President of the United States.
Bust in uniform, profile to left. Vignette.
Height 2 10-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches.
From the Profile taken in 1791 ^tat 59. Published by J Easlon,
Salisbury, 1796. Baker No. jq8.
From Wansey's Excursion to the United States in the Summer of 1794. Salisbury 1796.
/.'74' 964- THE SAME, with variation in title, "Gen Washington Esq^," and
with slight variation in the portrait, but with same date.
, /£, 965. THE SAME. The Furlong Facsimile.
Cf^.oc 966. BUST IN UNIFORM, profile to right. Surrounded by an oval bor-
der, Grecian pattern, at the top a ribbon tied into a bow; the border
printed in brown. Stipple.
Height 4 inches; width 3 2-16 inches.
Under the bust, "50*." Baker No. jgg.
Extremely rare. Baker only saw one copy. This is a remarkably fine impression with a wide
, 26" 967- GEO. WASHINGTON. Bust and head in profile to left. Vignette.
Height 2 8-16 inches; width 2 inches.
^968. Al^/IERICA lamenting her Loss at the Tomb of General Washing-
^ff -^ TON. Intended as a tribute of respect paid to departed Merit and
Virtue, in the remembrance of that illustrious Hero and most .Amiable
man who Died Dert 14, 1799. Profile bust in uniform, to right. Oval
medaUion, upon the shaft of a monument, surmounted by a funeral
urn; over the medallion a wreath, and beneath " G. Washington."
Upon a tablet the following inscription:
"Born ii'.i' Feb? O. S. 1732
Com! Cont'. .\rmy 1775
Pres' Fed. Convention 17S7
Pres" United States 17S9
Declined Election 1796
Com! Fed'. Army 1798."
.\rnerica represented by a female figure leaning weeping upon the
base of the monument, to the right. On either side cypress and willow
trees, and in the immediate foreground an eagle with bowed head.
The shaft of the monument in rays of light descending from the heavens.
Height II 12-16 inches: width 7 6-16 inches.
Diesigned, Engraved & Published by Aikin & Harrison Jun!,
Philad? Jan>" 20* 1800. Baker Xo. 400.
Only two impressions had come under the notice of Mr. Baker. The profile resembles the Sharp-
ies? Portrait.
gC 969. THE SAME. The head of Washington worked over and made to
^ resemble somewhat the profile by Wright. This is undoubtedly the
worked o^er plate, as it shows considerable wear, in comparison to the
preceding print. This is the only copy with the Wright portrait I
ever saw.
970. FULL FIGURE, IX UNIFORM, standing upon a pedestal, head
\(j' to right, a baton in the e.xtended right hand, tiie left resting lightly
upon the sword-hilt at his side. The coat is buttoned with the order
of the Cincinnati on the left ; on the left of the figure, a bundle of fasces
against the trunk of a tree, upon a branch of which is a cocked hat.
In the background, and to the right and left, representations of \arious
battles. L^pon the pedestal, engraved to represent marble, "First in
war First in Peace and First in the Hearts of his countr}-." (Head
after Stuart.) Stipple.
Height 23 4-16 inches; width i8 12-16 inches.
. Design'd Engrav'd & Publish'd by John Eckstein Philad^ " To
the Honorable the Society of the Cincinnati this Monument of
Gen'. George Washington. Is ven.- respectfully inscribed by the Artist."
Copyright secured according to Law. Baker Xo. 401. Extremely rare.
^ 971. APOTHEOSIS OF WASHINGTON'. Full figure seated on clouds,
„ ■ cherubs hovering over the head, one in the act of crowning him vcith
j-^ a laurel wreath. Beneath, to the right, a \-iew of the ^Mansion at ^Mount
X'ernon. Stipple.
Height 20 14-16 inches', width 14 10-16 inches.
Painted by R. Peale. Eng'd by Edwin. Published by G. Kennedy,
X'! izg Chestnut St. corner of 4'!' Philadelphia. Baker Xo. 402.
Fielding Xo. 208. Very rare.
Fine original impression with full margin.
972. P.ATER PATRii. Bust in Uniform, head three-quarters to right. Oval
medaUion, upon the shaft of a monument p\Tamidal in shape, sur-
mounted with a funeral urn. The medallion is supported by Minena,
and Fame holds over it bv her left hand a laurel wreath which en-
circles the title, held to her mouth a trumpet, from which hangs a
banner inscribed "Trextox, Prixcetox, ]Moxmouth, Yorktow'n."
In a tablet upon the base, to which the Genius of America is pointing
with averted head, the inscription in seven lines : " Sacred to the
Memor)- of the truly Illustrious George Washixgton, Renowned in
War, Great in the Senate, and possessed of even- Qualification to ren-
der him worthy the Title of a GREAT and GOOD MAN " Upon
the phnth, "Born Feb. 22, 1732, Ob, Dec. 14, 1799." In the right
foreground a soldier, wearing a conical shaped hat, is expressing grief,
his gun upon the ground. Two cherubs at the top of the shaft are
draping the monument with laurel, a part of which hangs down over
the left side of the medallion. The genii of War, Libertv, and Truth,
with emblems, surround the shaft. (Head after Savage.)
Line and stipple.
Height 13 2-i6 inches; width 8 14-16 inches.
Painted by John Coles Jun. Eng^ by E. G. 'Gridlev. (Boston,
July 28, 1800.) Baker No. 403. See Reduced jacsimile. Extremely
if.ov 973- Gen. George Washington departed this life Dec^ i4"> 1799. /E 67.
And the tears of a Nation watered his grave. Full bust in uniform,
head to right. Oval, with border, in the lower part of an imperial
folio sheet entitled "Eulogium Sacred to the Memorv' of the Illustrious
George Washington Columbia's great and Successful Son. Honored
be his Name"; in the upper half of the border the words "Sacred to
the memor\' of the brave"; in the lower half, eighteen stars. The
oval rests on a base, upon which are the words:
"Washington's no more, by silence grief's express'd.
Lo! here he lies, his works proclaim the rest."
A medallion upon the base contains the title, etc., in eight lines. The
center of the sheet containing verses in script, etc., and with facsimile
signature of Washington. Stipple.
Height 4 12-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches.
Engraved by P. Maverick. Newark N. Jersev. In medallions on
either lower corner, "Designed written and Published" "by Benjamin
O. Tyler, Professor oj Penmanship New York 1815"; on the lower
margin, "Penmanship in all the Ancient and Modern hands Taught
on an improved System (entirely his own) by Benjamin Owen Tyler,
at N° 126 Broadway opposite City Hall, N. York." Baker No. 404.
^* 5" 974- THE SAME as Lot 973, but with variety in the publisher's advertise-
ment, it being in much smaller italics in this copy.
li-,00 975- THE SAME. With variety in date, "1817," and facsimile of Wash-
ington's signature.
ll.ffC 976. In Memory of Gen' George Washington and his Lady. Busts of
Washington and Mrs. Washington, facing each other, upon a large
funeral urn on a pedestal, placed in a landscape beneath a weeping
willow. Washington, in uniform, head three-quarters to right. In
the background a view of the Mansion House and out-buildings at
Mount Vernon. Three figures, two of whom are females (are vveep-
ing), one advancing to the left. (The head resembles Savage.)
Height II 5-16 inches; width 16 8-16 inches.
(S. Seymour Fecit.) Philad". Jan. i, 1S04. Published by J. Savage
according to Law. Baker A'o. 40J.
Evidently a more recent impression than the one described bj- Baker.
^^ 977. CoiiMEMOR.\Tiox OF W.\SHiXGTOX. Full figure surrounded by clouds
«-■ rising from a tomb, supported by Time and Immortality, the latter
pointing upwards. To the left, figures of Faith. Hope, and Charity.
In the foreground to the right, an Indian with bowed head, and to the
left Liberty with war emblems at her feet. On the tomb the inscrip-
tion, "SACRED to the Memon- of WASHINGTON. Ob. 14 Dec.
A. D. 1799. .Et. 68." I. J. Barralet Fecit. Stipple.
Height 24 inches; width iS 6-16 inches.
Drawn and Engraved by J. J. Baralet. Baker Xo. 406. Later im-
pression than the one described by Baker.
978. GEO. WASHIXGTOX. Full figure in uniform, upon a pedestal, in
1,0 the middle distance of a design in the form of an arch ^\-ith obelisks
> on either side, upon which is inscribed "liberty," ''ixdepexdenxe."
In the right hand, an open scroll inscribed " Friends and Fellow citi-
zens"; the left, upon a sword at his side. Army and na\'\- emblems
on each side of pedestal, upon which is the title. Over the statue on
the top of the arch an eagle with outspread wings with a flowing ribbon
in its beak, upon which is the motto "E Pluribus U.vfii"; under-
neath the eagle sixteen tablets upon which are inscribed the names
of si.xteen States. In the immediate foreground, in front of the statue,
a large funeral urn upon a pedestal, on which in a tablet are the words
"s.\CRED TO p.\TRiOTiSM." In the background a view of Bowling
Green, New York.
Height 34 inches; width 8 inches.
Designed and Drawn by Chas. Bu.xton. M. D. Tiebout sculp.
New York. Published by C. Smith, I/qS. Baker Xo. 40J. (The
head is after Stuart.)
Excessively rare. The only impression I ever saw with the publishers' address. Baker only
saw one impression, and from his measurements it must have been considerably cut down.
ij 979. THE SAME. Process Print, in reduced facsimile on satin.
980. BUST, head to right, on an oval medallion (i 8-16 X i 2-16 inches),
^ , * '' upon a p\Tamid in the middle distance, over which is a figure of Fame
■^ with a trumpet. In the immediate foreground an urn, beneath which
the words, "Bom FebT ii'.'" O. S Died Decern^ 14''' i799-" On
the right a figure of Justice, and on the left Columbia weeping. Palm
trees on either side. On the lower margin, " Lived respected and
Fear'd, Died Lamented and rever'd." Line and Stipple, Colored.
Height 10 8-16 inches; width g 10-16 inches.
Columbia lamenting the loss of her Son While fame is directed by Justice to spread.
Who redeem'd her from Slavery and Liberty won. The sad tiding's afar that Washington's dead.
Philadelphia, Publish'd by Peniber Cr-' Luzarder, 1800. Baker Xo.
408. Xot in Carson. The head is after Stuart. Only one impres-
sion had come under the observation of Baker.
981. THE SAME, with a different portrait of Washington in the medal-
qO lion, somewhat similar to the Wright T\-pe. Unknown to Baker,
p ''" Not in Carson, and the only copy I ever saw. It is an earlier state of
the preceding print.
C^TSi^OM fupported by LIBERTY.
^cn/e/i/d/io Cm. Wa/htn^cn, a. Cade e/Latfj Ur I'MaCdahm^ Ame/uan. fndependcrur
■ .■'.., -I. f. Xf -y^r,*^ t^ ff^Kf />^/-'-e
£,£,982. WISDOM, supported by LIBERTY, Presenting a Code of Laws
for Establishing American Independence. Large oval in a rectangle.
Washington is represented in uniform, seated in an arm-chair on a
. throne-like elevation holding in his hands a scroll presented to him
by Wisdom, represented in a full-length figure standing, to the right;
in the centre, between Washington and Wisdom, a full-length figure
of Liberty, holding a liberty cap on a pole; in the backgrpund a cur-
tain, drawn aside, reveals the rays of a rising sun. Mezzotinlo.
Height 12 10-16 inches; width 9 14-16 inches.
Piiblish'd Nov. 5, 1801. by I. Hinlon, 44 Wells Sir'. Oxjord Sir',
cf P. Stampa, 74, Leather Lane, Holborn. E.xtremely rare; only two
impressions have come under my observation, one being rudely colored.
This is a fine clear impression with a fair margin. See reduced facsimile.
983. G. Washington. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left.
lOO-OC Oval medallion suspended on a column to the right, upon which six
other medalHons containing portraits, "Sr W. Raleigh, Columbus,
Americanus, Dr. Franklin, T. Jefferson, &: J. Adams," of which only
portions of some are visible; in the centre of the print is a; full-length
figure of America, to the left of which are two little Indian boys, one
with a bow and the other with a tomahawk in his hand; in the clouds
an American flag; the whole in a large oval in a rectangle; the title,
"An EiiTBLEM of America." Mezzotinlo.
Height 12 4-16 inches; width 9 12-16 inches.
Published 4'f' Sept' ijgS, by John Fairburn, 116 Minories, London.
Colored by hand. Not in Baker or Carson, and the only copy I ever saw.
984. GEO^ WASHINGTON. Head and bust in profile to left. Oval
MO-^^ with a border, on a monument (the title in the upper portion of the
border and an erased title in the lower part), over which is a tree; to
the left of the monument the full-length figure of America, holding a
flag in her left hand, the right pointing to the ocean in the distance,
upon which two ships under full sail going in opposite directions are
visible; to the left, near her feet, a negro child, seated, reading; in the
extreme left the full-length figure of Europe, standing near a terrestrial
globe with her left hand resting thereon. Beneath the portrait of
Washington, on a tablet, "Born Feb': 11 1732, Died Dec"! 13, 1799";
and from back of the medallion, over the tablet, to the ground a snake
is crawhng. Mezzotinlo.
Height 9 4-16 inches; width 13 ic^-i6 inches.
London, Pub'' Oct'. 6, 1804 by P. Gaily, N" 7 Beauchamp Strf. Brooks
Mark'. "Europe" "America." Not in Baker or Carson, and the
only copy I ever saw. It was afterwards cut into an oval, retaining
that portion relating to America and Washington only.
985. FULL LENGTH, in uniform, nearly full face, the right hand pressed
IK A. DO to the breast, standing in front of a horse held by a soldier, upon ele-
' vated ground, in front of which is a low monument decorated with
laurel wreaths and palm leaves; to the right a horse foreshortened, a
Soldier holding a flag in front of a tent, and in the distance war vessels;
to the left two females, one holding a cornucopreia, and the other an
olive branch, and in the distance a wheat field, harvested; in the lower
right a mounted cannon and flags. Over the figure of Washington,
the figure of Fame, holding a scroll in one hand upon which is inscribed
"Their breasts with grateful ardour burn, And social jovs with social
rites return"; and in the other hand a laurel wreath, in the act of
crowning him. In the clouds an eye emitting rays of light.
Height 8 8-16 inches; width 11 n-i6 inches.
Not in Baker or Carson. The only copy I ever saw; probably
unique. Printed in brown.
986. BUST, head to right, on a pedestal, in the front of which is the full-
""'•^ length figure of a young man; to the right the figure of Time, seated;
to the left a female seated, suckling a child, with her left arm resting
on the shoulder of a young girl, whilst an invalid boy reclines on her
knee. Vignette. ' Line.
Height 14 2-16 inches; width 20 8-16 inches.
(Drawn by Thos Sully 1813) A certificate of Membership in the
Washington Benevolent Society of Pennsylvania. Very rare. Not
in Carson or Baker.
^ 9S7. AMERICA GUIDED BY WISDOM. On the foreground Minerva,
^ • " the goddess of wisdom, is pointing to a shield supported by the Genius
of America, bearing the arms of the United States, with the motto
"Union and Independence," by which the countn,- enjoys the pros-
perity signified by the horn of plenty at the feet of America. The
second ground is occupied by a triumphal arch with an equestrian
statue of Washington placed in front, indicating the progress of the
liberal arts. On the third ground, Congress is represented by the figure
of Mercury, with one foot resting on bales of American manufactures,
pointing out the advantages of encouraging and protecting Navigation
(signified by an armed vessel, under sail), to Ceres, who is seated with
implements of agriculture near her. The Bee Hive is emblematic of
industry, and the female spinning at the cottage door shows the first
and most useful of domestic manufactures. Line.
Height 15 4-16 inches; width 20 2-16 inches.
Drawn by John J. Barralett. Engraved by B. Tanner. "An Allegor-
ical representation of the United States, denoting their Independence
and prosperity."
1 . 15 <^ 988. THE SAME, with variation in engraver's name, " Engraved by Tanner,
Vallance, Kearney & Co."
j.O^ TRIOTISM TO THE TEMPLE of FAME; Time driving back a
group of figures, who are eagerly pressing forward. The three char-
acteristic figures are personified by Frederic late King of Prussia,
WiUiam late Earl of Chatham, and G. Washington, P. A. C.
Height 6 inches; width 3 14-16 inches.
^ 990. FULL LENGTH IN UNIFORM, in a representation of History
^•'5 conducting Patriotism, Fortitude and Wisdom to the Temple of Fame,
personified b}- Generals Washington, Greene, and Hamilton.
Height 5 4-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches.
Tisdale del. Scoles sculp. Printed by Reynolds.
From Fraser's Compendium of the History of All Nations. New York 1807.
nK6r> WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval medaUion with border
^3 ' of ohve leaves. On the side of a monument over which hangs a weep-
mg willow; underneath the oval the inscription, " G. Washinaton"-
on the base of the monument, "There is Rest in Heaven"; to the left
of the monument are three figures, one of hope, the other two weep-
mg. The whole enclosed in a circle with an ornamented border in
a rectangle engraved to represent stonework; beneath the circle a
tablet on which is the inscription. Stipple.
Height 8 4-16 inches; width 8 inches.
T. Clarke, Sculp' 1801. Boston. Rare.
. 992. Anierica trampling on oppression. Represented bv the full figure of
^~_0 5 Liberty standing under an arch, supported by t\vo columns; on the
one to the right a circular medallion, containing a portrait of
GEN"- GEORGE WASHINGTON, bust and head in profile to left
'^T^l'J?P,?jl^'^' °''^'' '^'^'''^ ^""^ ^^g*: °" the left a hke portrait of
Height 4 S-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches.
From "A History of North America, bv Rev Mr Cooper. London
1789"; with title-page. Rare.
993- A copy of the above print with variations by "Wightman sc." Line.
Height s 7-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
From "The History of North America bv the Rev Mr Cooper
Lansmgburgh 1795." Rare.
uniform, on horseback, with military cloak and chapeau with cockade,
advancing to the right, a field-glass drawn fully out, in the right hand;
the horse is richly caparisoned, the holster covered with a large rosette'
upon which is the letter W; the background is formed from heavy
masses of rock, and through an opening to the left, soldiers are ad-
vancing; to the right, a view of the river, with the troops crossintr in
boats. Etcled.
Height IS inches; nidth 12 io-i6 inches
(I. Baker) Entered according to act of Congress by H. Phelps in
the office of the Clerk of the Dist. Ct. of the U. S. for the Southern
Dis' of N. Y. Colored by hand. This impression has not the en-
graver's name, as is the case with the few known. The print is so
rare that Baker only saw one impression. Baker No. 4og. Not in
iTo CO ^^^' WASHINGTON (Crossing the Delaware). Full figure in uniform
and chapeau, on horseback advancing to the right, an extended field-
glass in his right hand. In the rear to the right the river, and troops
crossing and preparing to cross. Without sky or inclosing hnes.
Height 13 8-16 inches; width 12 inches.
Published by Humphrey Phelps, 336 Bowery fr' 757 Broadway N.
York, Aug'.' V.' 1833. Baker No. 410. Extremely rare. Colored.
qq 996. The Washington Family. Full length in uniform and chapeau, stand-
'' ing upon a portico at the head of a tlight of steps, taking leave of Mrs.
Washington preparatory to a ride, a riding-whip in the left hand, the
right hand extended towards i\Irs. Washington, who stands about the
centre of the print. A negro groom is waiting with a saddle-horse,
at the e.xtreme right. Three young people, a boy and two girls, one of
whom is seated, are at the left. To the right the view of a distant
landscape. Mezzotinto:
Height 17 14-16 inches', width 24 inches.
Painted by J. Paul Jun"^ Philadelphia. Engraved by E Bell London.
Published December V' 1800, by Atkins and Nightingale X" i^j Lea-
denhall Street London is" N". jj North Front Street, Philadelphia.
Baker No. 411. E.xtremely rare.
Fine brilliant impression of this very rare print, w-ith good margin.
997. General Washington. Bust in uniform and chapeau, head three-
quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 4 inches; width 3 inches.
Published as the Act directs jor I. Sumner of Co Shakespeare Press,
Wigan. Baker No. 412. From the "Emigrant Directorv, London
998. General Washington Bust in uniform and chapeau, head three-
quarters to right. Vignette. Stipple.
Height 3 14-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches.
The same as the preceding head, only in the reverse. Baker, note
to No. 412. Rare.
The impression is cut oval, from the center of a quarto sheet containing portraits of Locke.
Newton, Pope, &c.
__ . 999. G. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, seated at a table upon
j t» • which is a military cloak; head to right; a sword rests against the chair
and a letter is held in the right hand. Line.
Height 21 10-16 inches; width 16 6-16 inches.
(Painted by C. Schussele. Engraved by Edward S. Best. Pub-
lished by John M. Butler 242 Chestnut Street. Philad" Entered ac-
cording to act oj Congress, in the year iS§g, by John M. Butler, in the
clerks office of the District Court of the United States in and for the East-
ern District of Pennsylvania.) Choice Proof before letters on India
paper. Baker No. 41 j.
This print is known as " Washington and the Duche Letter, Valley Forge 1777 "
I flC) 1000. THE SAME. First trial proof of the head of Washington only,
worked up by the engraver.
looi. WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform (overcoat) on horseback,
I 2.1 advancing to the front, head in profile to right, a chapeau in the e.x-
' ' tended right hand, the left on the breast, as if receiving a salute.
Height 5 2-16 inches; width 4 inches.
J. L. Brown sc. {Parisj Cadarl dr^ Luce Editeurs, Imprimeurs, Rue
N'^c des Mathurins 58.) Baker No. 414.
India Proof, before the publishers' address.
1002. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform and chapeau, head
] . (? three-quarters to right. Oval. Stipple.
Height 3 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
R. K. Porter Delin. J. Chapman sculpt Engraved for Mackenzie
& Dent's Select Biography. Baker No. 41 j.
/.yt 1003. THE SAME. With variation in address, "London Published May i
1797, by H. D. Symonds Pater-nosier Row." Printed in brown.
l' OF TRENTON. Full figure in uniform on horseback, advancing to
the right, a drawn sword in extended right hand; his hat, resting on
the forearm, is held by the left hand. Litie.
Height 23 12-16 inches; width 17 10-16 inches.
John Faed R. S. A. Wm. Holl. " Published Exclusively for Sub-
scribers by the National Art Association oj New York i86^" Entered
according to act oj Congress in the year i86§ by the National Art Asso-
ciation in the Clerks Office oj the District Court oj the United States jor
the Southern District oj New York. Baker No. 416. Second state.
Baker says of this print : *'An admirable Engraving of an admirable picture. The horse, which
is exceedingly well drawn, is said to have been painted by R. Ansdell, the composition of the picture
being by Faed. Head after Stuart."
\n.ot 1005. THE SAME. Choice proof. First state.
^,oD 1006. THE SAME. Third state.
jjO 1007. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, standing, head to left, a
' field-glass in the right hand; to the left a mounted cannon, and to
the right, partly in the rear, a horse led by a soldier; in the distance
to the left, on the opposite bank of a river, a fortification. Line.
Height 25 inches; width 20 12-16 inches.
Painted by Cogniet, 1836. Engraved by Laugier, 1839. The head
from the original painting by G. Stuart, in the Athenaeum of Boston.
Baker No. 417. India proof.
.. ^„ 1008. His E.xcellency George Washington Esq^ Captain General of all
THE American Forces. Full length in uniform and cocked hat,
a baton in the extended right hand, while the left rests upon the muz-
zle of a cannon. Head nearly in profile to left. In the left distance
a commander's marquee and tents. Line.
Height 6 10-16 inches; width 4 inches.
Baker No. 418.
From "An Impartial History of the War in America &c'* London & Carlisle 1780.
P f, loog. THE SAME. "After the sky, tents, and marquee were removed."
The above quotation is from Baker, but he was entirely mistaken in the premises, as the plate
is from the "Hibernian Magazine," published in Dublin, 1776, and the "Impartial History" did
not appear until four years later. It is, however, an entirely different plate, one of extreme rarity.
loio. His Ex'=y George Washington Esq^ Captain General of all the Ameri-
^ " ' can Forces. Full length in uniform and cocked hat, a field-glass
in the extended right hand, and resting by the left upon the muzzle
of a large cannon. Line.
Height 6 inches; width 3 14-16 inches.
J. Norman sc. Baker No. 419. Very rare.
From An "Impartial History of the War in America." Boston 1781-82.
loii. WASHINGTON AS A MASON. Full length, standing in Masonic
' regalia, the right hand on an upright book (upon a table) labelled
"Ancient Masonic Constitution"; the left holds a mallet upon a ped-
estal. Oval. Mezzotinto.
Height 8 3-16 inches; width 6 3-16 inches.
From a Photograph. Eng'J by Geo. E. Ferine. Published by Moore
b° C°. Ill Nassau Si. New York. Baker No. 420.
j_b 10I2. THE SAME. After the engraver's name was removed, and with
a different publisher.
1013. GEORG WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform and chapeau,
(^.f on horseback advancing to the left, a drawn sword in e.xtended right
hand, a palm tree in the background to the left, and some negroes
and low buildings on the right. The landscape southern in char-
acter. Line.
Height 5 14-6 inches: width 4 inches.
H. Pinhas, sc. Baker jVo. 421. Very rare.
, ^ 1014. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust, head nearly in profile to right.
C • *^ Line.
Height 3 S-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches.
R. Scott sc. Baker No. 42J. Rare.
1015. WASHINGTON AS A MASON. Full length, standing in Masonic
,^^ regaUa, the right hand on an upright book (upon a table) labelled
"Ancient Masonic Constitutions"; the left holds a mallet upon a
pedestal. Oval. Mezzotinio.
Height 8 2-16 indies; width 6 3-16 inches.
Engd by A. B. Walter. Published by John Dainty 13 S. 6th St
Philadelphia. Baker No. 423.
gO 1016. THE S>Iore, which appears in Guillim's Heraldr)- as
stated by Baker; a copy of this portrait accompanies that of \\ash-
1019. GEORGE WASHINGTON. President of the United States of
J-'' America. Full figure in civil dress, head to left, a medallion on his
breast, suspended by a ribbon around his neck. In the right hand
a cocked hat; the left, by the side, holds a dress-sword in an awkward
manner. Inclosed by a narrow border, in which at the top is a roll
crossed by a pen, inscribed "Revolution"; no background. Line.
Height 6 9-16 inches; width 4 5-16 inches.
Published by H. D. Symonds, June i8, ijgd. From Baxter's
History of England, London 1796. Baker No. 42 j. Very rare.
Baker's supposition (p. 193) that this may have been intended as a caricature is unfounded.
The Author is not unfriendly to Washington, or to the Colonists or their cause, rather disposed to
be friendly, and this portrait is in the same style as others illustrating the book, including Lord \V.
RusseU, .Algernon Sydney, .'\lderman Beckford, "The patriotic Lord Mayor of London,"
Franklin,- and Paine.
1,00 1020. Geqe Washington Esq« Commander in Chief of the Forces & late
President of the United States of America. Full bust in uniform
in profile to left. Oval with one line border. Line.
Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches.
London. Published by C. Cawthorn, British Library, ij2 Strand,
ji June ijgg. Rare.
\oO 102 1. Geo: Washington. Full bust in uniform in profile to right. Oval
with one line border. Stipple.
Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches.
Engraved for the Ladies Mag.
M.fO 1022. George Washington Esq"! Bust, head nearly in profile to left. Oval.
Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches.
Published by G. Kearsley, Fleet St. May i, 1800. Baker No. 430.
From the British Magazine, Vol. I, Jany to July 1800. .\ sketch of the Life of the Late General
Washington, by John Corry.
^ij 1023. THE SAME, with the addition on the title, "Let laurels drench'd in
pure Parnassian dews. Reward his memory dear to every muse."
Published by J. Cory Nov^. i¥ 1802. Very rare.
From the Life of George Washington, by John Corry, London N. D., with title page.
1024. GEORGE WASHINGTON, Late President of the United States of
' • can Independence." Oval in a rectangle. Stipple.
Height 6 1-16 inches; width 4 14-16 inches.
Painted by G. Hodson at New York. Engraved by Charles B.
Hall from an Engra%-ing by P. Dawe. In four states as published; viz.,
Etching Proof; Unmounted Japan paper proof, signed; Japanese
VeDum proof with full lettering; and India Proof. 4 pieces. Sold
as a lot.
1029. Gexer.\x W.\shixgtox l.\te president of the united states.
Full bust and head in profile to left, in uniform. Oval, with a bor-
\i< der, cut off at sides, top, and bottom, and extended at corners to a
rectangle, the title in the lower part of oval. Mezzotinto.
Height 6 6-16 inches; width s inches.
Published Feby. 6. 1801 by John Fairburn, 146, Minories, London.
Colored by hand. Not in Baker or Carson. The only copy I ever
saw. A brilliant impression with a good margin.
1030. The companion to the above: Gen-er.\l Buox.\p.\rte, first consul
OF the FRENCH REPUBLIC. Full bust, head slightly to right. Oval,
Jl 6 with a border cut off at sides, top, and bottom, and e.xtended at cor-
ners to a rectangle, the title in the lower part of oval. Mezzotinto.
Height 6 6-16 inches; width s inches.
Published Fehy 6. 1801. by John Fairburn, 146 Minories, Ijjndon.
A companion print to the Washington, and no doubt engraved and
published to sell with it. It is certainly an interesting pair, and one
of the many gems in this extraordinarj- collection.
1 03 1. George W'ashington. General en Chef der Vereinigten American-
^n ischen Colonien. Bust in uniform and cocked hat, head to right.
Oval with an ornamental border, resting on a base, in a rectangle,
resembling stonework. Over the oval and extending down each side,
ohve branches; the title in a tablet beneath the oval. Line.
Height 8 15-16 inches; width 6 3-16 inches.
J. G. Schmidt Sculpsit. Berlin. Printed in red. Of the great-
est ranty. Not in Baker or Carson, and the only impression I ever
saw. The portrait resembles very much the Chas. Willson Peale
type. See reduced jacsimile.
^^ 1032. BUST in profile to right. Oval in a rectangle, a bunch of ribbons,
tied, over the oval; in the upper corners the initials "W." "G."
Height 8 13-16 inches; width 7 7-16 inches.
Joh. H. Lips del. & fee. From a rare edition of Lavater's Phys-
iognomy. Not in Baker or Carson, and the only impression which
has come under my observation.
1033. G. WASHINGTON in his last Illness attended by Doc':^ Craik and
3 3 . :■ Brown. Depicting Washington lying a bed, with the fuU length
figure of a man standing in the foreground, leaning over, with one
hand on the General's pulse and the other holding a watch; the figure
of another man in the left background; in the front, to the left, a table,
upon which are bottles of medicine; back of the table a weeping
female is sitting, which is intended to represent Martha Washington"
m the upper part of the print a curtain with an American shield,
surrounded with stars. Line and stipple.
Height g 12-16 inches; width 9 5-i6 inches.
Americans behold and shed a grateful Tear. And now is departing to the realms above,
For^ man who has gained yo"! freedom most dear Where he may ei-er rest in lasting peace and love,
Contemporaneously colored by hand. Ven,' rare. Not in Baker.
(jO-OD IN AMERICA. Head in profile to left. Circular medallion with
a border, resting on a base, in a rectangle, the title in the border;
extending upwards on either side of the medallion are olive branches
and flags, on the base is inscribed:
"Washington reunit par un rare assemblage,
Les talens du Guerrier et les vertus du Sage — Voltaire."
Height 4 10-16 mcbes; width 3 9-16 inches.
Dessine et grave par Testard d'apres le Medaille frappee a Lon-
dres par le parti des Opposants. A Paris cites Testard rue des Cor-
deliers audessus de I'Egodt. Very rare. Not in Baker. Fine im-
pression, inlaid to quarto.
^'^ I03S- THE SAME. A later impression.
1036. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Etching.
I ifi t9 ff Height 2 4-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches.
R. 1829 (Engraved by Rosmasler) From "The Works of Cooper,
American, Vol. xxi.x. Notions of the Americans, Vol i, Zwickaii
1829," with title-page. Very rare. Not in Baker.
1037. WASHINGTON. Head to left. Circular medallion with a border,
j . {fc in which is the title, beneath an engraving of a "Perpetual Calendar "'
over which is an oval medallion with an engraving representing com-
merce; on either side of the portrait are festooned flags, the whole
on a baclcground representing an American flag, printed in colors.
Diameter 10-16 inch.
Very rare. Xot hi Baker. The head resembles the Houdon type.
Q 1038. FULL LENGTH, standing in a field, the right arm resting on a
la' plough, the left resting on some rocks to the right. Oval medallion
with a border, over which is an eagle and American shield, the whole
in the centre of a vignette representing the farming induslrv of the
country. Litie.
Height 1 15-16 inches; width i 7-10 inches.
Published &-" Sold by Ralph Rawdon, Engraver, Albany. Price
$J0 per 100. The vignette at the bottom; a Testimonial of the Society
for promoting Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures.
. 1039. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust and head in profile to left.
.5 Ekhed.
Height 5 4-10 inches; width 5 ii-io inches.
From an original Pen and Ink sketch in the possession of Presi-
dent Ewall of William and Marj- College, Va. Supposed to have
been drawn at the General's table bv B. H. Latrobe. India proof.
(Engraved by H. B. Hall & Sons.)'
1040. WASHINGTON. Full length, head in profile to right. Stipple,
the balance of the figure in outline, with outline representation of
\arious parts of his clothing. Colored.
Height 10 inches; width 3 1^-16 inches.
Kellogg & Bulkeley, Hartford Conn. (Copyright iS6o) .\ pat-
tern for penwiper. Rare.
1041. THE SAME. Portrait onlv. before the outlines of the clothing were
.'i" added.
1042. Washington. Bust on a pedestal, full face. \'ignette. Etching.
*t.^ Height 4 5-16 inches; width 3 inches.
From the Christ Church Bust.
1043. FULL LENGTH in uniform, standing, the left arm resting on a
^ horse, foreshortened, to the right, a chapeau in the hand; the right
l^" hand, holding a whip, rests on the hip; in the left distance a cannon.
Circular, with a border, over which is an eagle, flags, &c. The head-
ing to a certificate of membership in the Fire Company of the \'illage
of Williamsburgh. Stipple.
Diameter 6 6-16 inches.
Drawn by W. Wade Eng'? by T. Pollock. Xot in Baker or
Carson. Rare.
1044. FULL FIGURE in uniform, on horseback, advancing to the front,
the right hand extended, holding a sword, as if receinng a salute.
3. i^ Similar to the Engra\ing by HoU. Vignette. Elching.
Height 10 4-10 inches; width 7 14-16 inches.
Etched by Jas. Fagan. .\rtist"s remarque proof, signed.
1,0 V 1045. GEN"- WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform, on horseback,
advancing to the front, fully described in the preceding print; on a
squared plate arched at the top and enclosed in a border ornamented
with a vine. Line.
Height 3 12-J6 inches; widlh 2 12-ib inches.
• ^^ standing, head to left, both hands pointing towards a table to the
left, a scroll in the right hand. Stipple.
Height s 12-16 inches; width 4 6-16 inches.
H. L. Stephens. Augustus Robin. N. Y.
1047. BUST IN UNIFORM, head to left. (From the Portrait in the
.3d Print by Holl.) Baker No. 416. Oval. Line.
Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches.
Kendall Bank Note Co., 285 B'dway N. Y. India proof on large
1048. WASHINGTON AT VALLEY FORGE. Full length in uniform,
^ seated at a table. Fully described in the print bv Best, Baker No.
413- ' Line.
Height 8 4-16 inches; width 6 9-16 inches.
(Engraved by S. A. Schoff.) American Bank Note Co., N. Y. & .
Boston. On the calendar for 1898 of the New England Mutual Life
Insurance Co.
. // 1049. ANOTHER COPY.
,VC ^°50- FULL LENGTH, seated in an arm chair in front of a table, listen-
ing to Robert Burns, the poet, recite from his poems. Etching.
Height 5 12-16 inches; width 4 1-16 inches.
Etched by Ma.x Ro.senthal. India proof before all letters. The
only proof taken from the plate.
. yC 1051. THE SAME. Proof before letters.
j.SrO i°52- WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right; one of si.x oval medallions
on a Monument, at the foot of which is an old man, seated; the other
portraits are Columbus, Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, and Lafayette.
Height 12-16 inch; width 7-16 inch.
O. Pelton sc.
j.lJP 1053- G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left; one of fourteen oval medal-
lions on a monument, at the base of which the figure of America is
seated, holding a portrait of Dewitt Clinton; over the whole the figure
of Fame with a trumpet. Stipple.
Height ii-i6inch; width 10-16 inch.
Engraved from a drawing by John L. Morton, by Stephen H.
^ 1054. BUST, head to left. Oval medallion, supported on a monument
.S'O by the figure of Fame; at the base, two female figures representing
Literature and the Fine Arts, &c. Line.
Height 10-16 inch; width 8-16 inch.
Des'? by G. Fairman. Kearny sculpt.
^ loss. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head in profile to right.
£.^ Oval, enclosed in a crescent-shaped border, with the representation
of a ship, stars, &c., in a rectangle. The title in the upper margin;
in the lower margin the following:
"Love righteousness, ye that be judges of
the earth: think of the Lord with a good
heart, and in simplicity of heart seek him."
Height I 15-16 inches; width 2 inches.
A very rare old contemporary wood engranng.
1056. BUST, profile to left, in uniform. Oval held upon a base by a female
^J)^ figure to left, in front of and partially concealing the portrait; on the
V^ "g'^t a female figure of Justice holding the sword and the scales,
leaning upon the portrait with her right arm and wearing an apron
decorated with compass and square; on the left a figure of Minerva,
helmeted; above a cherub holding a liberty cap; in the distance a
pyramid, and on the extreme right a portion of a globe is visible, and
an open book, inscribed "Vide Aude Tace. G"; beneath the print
the following lines:
"When FREEDOM first her glorious Dav had won,
She smiled on WASHINGTON, her darling son.
Mild JUSTICE claims him as his virtues rise,
And LOVE and HONOR, still attend the Prize";
Height I 15-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches.
Whole plate, height 6 ii-i6 inches; width 4 3-16 inches.
(Engraved by R. Clayton.) From the Sentimental & Masonic
Magazine. From January to June 1793, Inclusive. Vol \T. Dublin,
with the Volume Complete, bound in half mor. Excessively rare.
^^ 1057. GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Seated figure, profile to right.
• Line.
Height II 5-16 inches; width 9 13-16 inches.
(Ant. Canova, inv. e scolpi. G TagnoU dis. Aug. Bertini inc.
"Alia grande Nazione degU Stati Uniti di America.") Baker, page
202. Prooj before all letters.
1058. GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Seated figure, facing to left. Line.
Height 10 15-16 inches; width 11 inches.
(Ant Canova inv. e scolpi. G. Tagnoli disegno. Dom. Marchetti
incise. "Alia grande Nazione degli Stati Uniti di America.") Baker,
page 202. Proof before all letters.
^ 1059. WASHINGTON. Seated figure, facing to right. Outline.
Height 4 15-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches.
Antonio Canova Sculpt. Engraved by Henry Moses. Published
by Septimus Prowett, 26g, Strand. India Proof. Baker, page 202.
^ 1060. Equestrian. The Washington Monument, Richmond, Va. Vig-
.■^^ nette. Line.
Height s 10-16 inches; width 4 10-16 inches.
Thomas Crawford, sculptor. G. R. Hall. Bakery page 202.
,70 io6o(2. THE SAME. India proof.
_ •2. S" io6i. Equestrian. Statue of Washington. Mixed.
Height 5 10-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
By H. K. Brown. Engraved by G. R. Hall. Baker, page 202.
z-S lobia. THE SAME. India proof.
L}Q 1062. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Standing figure. Stipple.
Height 12 4-16 inches; width 4 8-16 inches.
By F. Chantry. Engraved by J. Thomson. Baker, page 202.
, 2. b" 1063. GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Seated figure, head to left.
Height II inches; width q 7-16 inches.
Ant. Canova inv. e sculpi. Luigi Rados incise, Statua in marmo
alquanto maggiore del naturale, destinata ad esser posta nella Sala
del Senato di Carolina in America.
. 2 iT 1064- Full length figure, standing. Stipple. '
Height 4 3-16 inches; width i 6-16 inches.
India proof before letters.
, j 1065. Canova's Statue of Washington. Seated figure, head to right.
Height 5 10-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches.
H. Adlard sculp'.
^ 1/ C 1066. Statue of Washington erected by the State Society of the Cincinnati,
in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. Large colored photograph with
the menu of the dinner on the occasion of the unveiling, and list of
the invited guests.
. li V 1067. Statues of General Washington. Engraved, g pieces.
j^- 1068. Statue of Genl. Washington. Woodcuts and Process Prints. 17
1069. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Profile, head to right, laureated. Cir-
UO.OO '^"^^'' "^^'^^'^'°'^ suspended by a ring and ribbon, the title in the upper
part of the border. Aquatint.
Diameter 3 6-16 inches.
(Gravd d'apres le Camee, print par M°!^ la Marquise de Breant,
par A. F. Sergent 1790). The margin cut octagonal around the
circle, and inlaid to quarto.
Fine impression. This print is so rare that Baker had to take his description from a photograph,
an onginal impression never having come under his notice.
. «i Full figure in uniform, on horseback, advancing to right, a field-
glass in the extended right hand pointing to two soldiers to the left;
to ihe right a cannon partly \Tsible, and the breastworks at \alley
Forge. " Line.
Hdght 10 6-16 incfacs; width 12 13-16 iDcbes.
F. O. C. Dariey. R Hinshelwood. Entered according to act oj
Congress A D iS^ 30 }-ears of age. (^Returned from the hunt with the spoils of the
chase.) Mixed.
Htisrht iS 13-16 inches; width n 6-16 inches-
Drawn by A Henning. Engra\-ed by H. B. Hall. .V«f IV*.
Published and Engraved under the Superintendence of Ihe Artist Asso-
ciation. Broudu-ay, and Pall Mall London.
r-0 1077. WASHINGTON .\ND HIS MOTHER. Full figure in uniform
. ^ seated to left of a table, com-ersing with his mother, who is sealed
to the right. Mi.ved.
Height 15 inches; length 31 S-16 inches.
Painted bv Henrv Brueckner. Engra\-ed bv John C. McRae.
PMished bxJohn C. McRae .V. I".
Full length in uniform, with chapeau in right hand, a sword resting
on the forearm, the left hand resting on the back of an arm-chair, to
the right of Mrs. Custis seated at a window; two children playing on
the floor. Mixed.
Height 17 2-16 inches; length 21 12-16 inches.
Painted by J. W. Ehninger Engraved by G. R. Hall. '-From
the Original Painted E.xpressly for this Engraving." Published by
William Fate, 58 cs^ 60 Fulton Si. N. Y. Boston. L. A. Elliot &= Co.
.-J) 1079. THE PRAYER AT VALLEY FORGE. Full length in uniform
'' and cloak, kneeling in the open ; to the right a horse, camp-fire, soldiers,
etc.; in the rear to the left the old mill at Valley Forge. Mixed.
Height 15 4-16 inches; length 21 8-16 inches.
Painted by H. Brueckner Eng^ by John C. McRae. Published
by John C. McRae loo Liberty S'. New York.
1080. WASHINGTON AND HIS GENERALS. Full figure in uniform,
1 , b'O ^''^ chapeau in left hand. The right resting on a sword, in the
centre of a room near a table, with the other generals grouped around
him. Mi.xed.
Height 23 14-16 inches; width 35 13-16 inches.
Drawn and Engraved by A H Ritchie. New York, Published by
A. H Ritchie &° Co 442 Broadway. With Key.
j.C: 1081. THE SAME. Variation in publisher's address, New York. Pub-
lished by Emil Seitz.
April, 1789, in the old City Hall, New York. Full length, in civilian's
dress, the right hand pointing to a scroll on a table to left, the left
hand holding a dress-sword, etc. Mixed.
Height 18 2-16 inches; length 25 inches.
Painted by T. H. Matteson. Engraved on steel by H. S. Sadd.
"From the Original Picture Painted E.xpressly for this Engraving."
Published by William Pale 58 0= 60 Fulton St. N. Y.
^yi" 1083. THE SAME, variation in publisher's address, "Published by John
Neal, 56 Carmine Street: New York. (Copyright 1849)." Damaged.
/- 1^ Full figure in uniform, kneeling at the feet of his mother, who is seated
in a chair to the left. Mezzotinto.
Height 26 14-16 inches; width 21 9-16 inches.
Painted by W H Powell. Engraved by Henry Cousins. " George
Washington having been unanimously elected President of the United
States, before assuming the Chief Magistracy, visited Fredericksburgh
to bid an affectionate farewell to his mother. "You will see me no
more,' she said, 'my great age, and the disease that is rapidly ap- '
proaching my vitals, warns me, that I shall not be long in this world.
I trust in God, I am somewhat prepared for a better. But go, George,
fulfil the high destinies which Heaven appears to assign you; go, my
son, and may that Heaven's and your mother's blessing be with you
always." New York Published Jayty i" 1864 by William Schaus 749
f. 1085. The British surrendering their Arms to Gen. Wash-
>" ington after their defeat at York Town in Virginia October 1781.
Full length in uniform with chapeau in right hand resting upon a
sword, the point upon the ground; the left hand resting on the hip;
to the left a horse saddled, held by a negro, and group of American
officers; in the center Generals Knox, De Lauzun, Nelson, Lafayette;
to the right, Lord Cornwallis, surrounded by his officers, in the act
of handing his sword to Washington. In the extreme right a repre-
sentation of the downfall of Royalty, etc. Line.
Height 21 8-16 inches; length 32 13-16 inches.
Drawn by John Francis Renault. Engraved by Tanner, Vallance,
Kearney & Co. and W™ Allen. "To the Defenders of American
Independence, this print is most respectfully inscribed by their fellow-
citizen J° F".^ Renault, assistant Secretary to the Count de Grasse,
and Engineer to the French Army at the Siege of York." Entered
according to Act of Congress, the 28"! day 0} January 18 ig.
1 1 1 Life of Washington," page 441, vol. iv. Published by G. P. Putnam.
Full length, standing in a batteau being rowed from a wharf, upon
which the generals of the revolution are congregated. Mixed.
Height 17 12-16 inches; length 24 inches.
F. O. C. Darley, Fecit. Geo. R. Hall, Sculp. "Engraved by
permission from the original Drawing In the collection of the late
Washington Irving Esq." Printed by W. Pate. (Cop)Tight i860.)
^ 1087. WASHINGTON AND HIS FAMILY. Full length in uniform,
!■ ^ seated to the right of a table, the right arm resting on map thereon;
Martha Washington seated to the left with left arm resting on the
map; in the middle distance, "Nelly Custis," and to the right G. W.
P. Custis and the negro servant, Wm Lee. Mezzotinto.
Height 17 10-16 inches; width 24 10-16 inches.
Original Painting by G. Schussele. Engraved by W? Sartain,
Phila. (Copyright 1864)
|(}t) 1088. THE SAME. .Artist's proof, signed.
. 1089. W'ASHINGTON AND HIS FAMILY. Fully described in the
']» preceding print. Mezzotinto.
Height 13 S-16 inches; width ig 4-16 inches.
Original Painting by G. . Schussele. Engraved by W"" Sartain
Phila (Copyright 1865) Published by Bradley &= Co 66 N: Fourth
St Philadelphia.
•1 ^ 1090. THE SAME. Open letter proof on India paper.
^5i 1 09 1. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed.
1092. WASHINGTON FAMILY. Full length, seated to the right of a
table, upon which is a map, sword and chapeau; around him are
congregated Martha Washington and the two Custis children; a
terrestrial globe on the floor in the lower right. Mezzotinto.
Height 13 9-16 inches; width 9 12-16 inches.
Painted by F. B. Schell. Engraved by A. B. Walter. Published
by John Dainty 75 5. 6th Philadelphia.
c"r 1093. THE SAME, after the plate was cut oval.
_(;0 1094. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette, stipple,
on the margin of a print entitled "The representation of Peter Fran-
cisco's gaUant action with nine of Tarleton's Cavalry in sight of a
Troop of Four Hundred men." Stipple.
Height 1 4-16 inches; width i inch.
Whole plate, height 20 2-16 inches; width 27 4-16 inches.
Designed by Warrell. Drawn by Barralett. Engraved by D.
Edwin. Reprint.
L,C '- 1095- Triumph of Patriotism. Washington Entering New York. 25th
November 1783. Mixed.
Height 22 14-16 inches; width 35 7-16 inches.
Drawn by F. O. C. Darley. Engraved by A H Ritchie. "To
Washington Irving. This print commemorative of the crowning
event of the struggle for American Independence, Is by permission
Respectfullv Dedicated bv the Publishers Ritchie & Co (Copv-
right 1858)"
, ^j 1096. The Provision Train. Representing Washington on horseback sur-
* rounded by his officers, standing under a tree, and pointing to a pro-
vision train drawing near on the right. Mixed.
Height 18 15-16 inches; width 31 5-16 inches.
(Entered according to Act of Congress 1877 by M. Knoedler & Co)
Prooj before the title.
1097. Die Helden der Revolution. Representing Washington and his Gen-
erals (De Kalb, Steuben, Pulaski, Kosciusko, Lafayette, and Muhl-
enberg) at Valley Forge. Mixed.
Height 18 12-16 inches; width 24 15-16 inches.
Gest von F. Girsch N. Y. "Pramie zum achten Bande der New
Yorker Criminal Zeitung." Printed by H Peters N. Y.
■ I p i 1098. THE SAME. Without the presentation.
1099. Last moments of Washington. Representing Washington lying on
•^' a bed, to the right, in the rear of which are two male figures; to the
left, at the foot of the bed, ^Martha Washington is seated wringing her
hands; Wm Lee, the servant, standing to the left. Mezzotinto.
Height 18 inches; width 27 6-16 inches.
Proof before all letters.
!,-/&" 1 100. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left; beneath the bust an eagle,
' with shield and oak and laurel branches, in a border rounded at the
comers. Woven in silk.
Height 7 S-16 inches; width 5 6-16 inches.
Carquihlet. te.^ Allardet del. (The Stuart Portrait.) Beauti-
fully executed.
3 li iioi. THE SAME, with a dark background.
, ,- 1 102. Bust and head in profile to left. Circular medaUion. Engraved by
' ' a roulette. The centre of a large folio sheet of banknote Vignettes.
Diameter 3 7-16 inches.
Fairman, Draper, Underwood & Co., 1830. India proof. Rare.
J^ 1103. Full bust, head to right. Oval with a border in a rectangle. Line.
Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches.
H. Bone Pin.x. J. A Wilcox sc. India proof before the title on
large paper. (Engraved for Fiske's American Revolution.)
1 104. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Half length in uniform and chapeau,
C,^ head to left. Mezzolinto.
Height 5 13-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches.
Engraved by Max Rosenthal, from a photograph in the possession
of Charles Henry Hart, Esq., of the painting owned by Professor
Vassely of Vienna, signed "John Fersworth 1789." No. i of twenty-
five copies in four states, published and subscribed for; viz., Artist's
proof, signed; open letter proof on India paper; India proof with
subscriber's name; and defaced impression.
,^ 1 105. GEORGE W.\SHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, full face. Oval.
^ .^ Etching.
Height 2 15-16 inches; width 2 1-16 inches.
A. R. SC. From the Miniature by John Ramage 1789 in the pos-
session of Mrs. Moses Beach. Philadelphia May 2jth i8gj. Printed
by E. Opitz. No. 2 of twenty copies in eight states, published and
subscribed for; viz., lettered impression; artist's proof, signed and
colored; proof with remarque of the same portrait in black; the
same with remarque in red; artist's proof, colored, and signed with
remarque in red; impression from defaced plate; artist's proof, signed
and colored of the remarque; the same plain; sold as a lot.
1 106. THE S.\ME. Eleven trial proofs, showing the progress of the etch-
ing from the commencement to its finish.
1107. FULL BUST, head to left. Oval medallion suspended by a ring
in a rectangle. Woodcut.
Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches.
(From an Original portrait on ivory painted for Mrs. Washington
by John Ramage in October 1789.) Unmounted India proof.
1 108. BUST IN UNIFORM, head to right. Vignette. On a sheet with
\ ,0 twelve other portraits, of Lafayette, Mercer, Warren, Franklin, &c.
Height 2 inches; width i 11-16 inches.
Evidently a Key to some historical Print of the latter part of the
i8th centur\-. rery rare.
1 109. Washington, Eletto Generalissimo Congresso di Filadelfia. Full
■2,S* length, standing in the centre of a room, his right hand resting on a
table, the left extended and pointing upwards. Line.
Height 5 6-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches.
Brazzini inv. C. Verico inc. Very rare.
,2>'' vious to the Battle of Trenton Dec^ 25A 1776. Full figure in uni-
form on horseback, in the act of raising his hat from his head, stand-
ing on the banks of a river to the right surrounded by his officers;
to the left soldiers embarking. Line.
Height 8 9-16 inches; «idth 11 11-16 inches.
Painted bv T. Sully. Engraved by J. N. Gimbrede.
2_i^- nil. THE SAME. "The Annual Greeting of the Carriers of the
Phil? Inquirer To their Patrons for 1861."
1112. Reddition de IWrmee du Lord Cornwallis. Full length in uniform,
)• on the field at Yorktown, in the act of receiving the sword of Corn-
wallis. Line.
Height 4 15-16 inches; width 6 12-16 inches.
Dessine par P. C Marillier. Suntach Dire.xit.
1 1 13. Siege de York-Town. Full-length figure of Washington in uniform
, 3 ^ and cocked hat, standing, surrounded by his Officers, before a Tent
consulting a Military Map, on the field at York-Town. Line.
Height 9 3-16 inches; width 10 14-16 inches.
Peint par Couder. Grave par I. M Fontaine.
1 1 14. Capitulation de Cornwallis, Washington Rochambeau; Lafayette —
,5*0 19 Septembre 1781. Full-length figure of Washington in uniform,
in company with his officers, standing in front of a tent to the right,
in the act of receiving the sword of Cornwallis. Line.
Height 7 9-16 inches; width 12 5-16 inches.
Martinet del Delignon sculp.
1 1 15. The British Surrendering their arms to Gen. Washington after their
defeat at Yorktown, Virginia, October 1781. Full-length figure of •
Washington in uniform, standing to the right, surrounded by his
officers, in the act of receiving the sword from Cornwallis. Line.
Height 4 14-16 inches; width 7 8-16 inches.
Drawn by J. F. Renault. Eng^ by S H. Gimber.
^"^C 1 1 16. The Surrender of Cornwallis. Full-length figure of Washington,
standing before a tent in the field at Yorktown, his right hand grasp-
ing that of Cornwallis, who is presenting him his sword. Line.
Height 4 4-16 inches; width 6 14-16 inches.
Designed by J. L. Morton Engraved by G. B. Ellis.
iQ 1 1 17. Washington. Full figure kneeling, praying, at Valley Forge. Line.
Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches.
J. Kyle. W. G. Armstrong.
. ] d 1 1 18. THE SAME. In a border resembling a frame.
^i^Q iiig. Washington. Full figure in civilian dress, the right hand raised in
the act of taking the oath of office, in the open before the Town Hall,
New York, &c. Line.
Height 5 9-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.
A curious German conception of the Inauguration of Wasiiington.
■ 2. i 1120. G. WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform on horseback, advanc-
ing to the front; receiving a military salute. Vignette. Line.
Height 4 12-16 inches; width 4 1-16 inches.
),^^ II2I. Victory at Trenton. Washington on horseback meeting the wounded
Col. Rahl, after the battle. Stipple.
Height 5 4-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches.
Colored by hand.
rt 1122. Washington's reception on the Bridge at Trenton in 1789, on his way
to be Inaugurated ist Pres' of the U. S. Line.
Height 4 14-16 inches; width 7 5-16 inches.
Engraved by T Kelley. India proof. (Designed for the Columbian
Magazine by J. L. Alorton)
j r 1123. Inauguration of President Washington. Full length, standing, his
right hand on a testament, in the act of taking the oath of office.
Height 4 5-16 inches; width 3 inches.
1 1 24. Washington rassegna il Capitanato generale. Full length, advanc-
ing to the right, in a room, with his commission as general in his hand,
in the act of resigning it. Line.
Height 7 5-16 inches; width 4 13-16 inches.
Brazzini inv C. Verico inc. Curious.
11' 1125. George Washington and the Spy Harvey Birch. Line.
Height s 1-16 inches; width 7 2-16 inches.
Designed by T. H Matteson. Engraved by Charles Burt N. Y.
India proof.
1 1 26. FULL LENGTH IN UNIFORM, standing in front of a prancing
horse. Vignette. Line.
Height I 10-16 inches; width i S-16 inches.
Ellis. On the title-page of "The American Gentleman, Philadel-
phia 1839."
1 1 27. Washington rassegna al presidente del congresso il supremo patere.
Vignette. Line.
Height 3 15-16 inches; width 4 7-16 inches.
Focosi dis Gaet, Bonatti inc. The title-page to "Botta's Storia
della Guerra dell 'Independenza degli Stati Uniti d'America, ^Milano.
1844." A very curious conception of Washington resigning his com-
1 1 28. The Siege of New York. Full figure of Washington, standing before
a tent with his officers, consulting a military map. Vignette. Line.
Height 3 7-x6 inches; width 3 10-16 inches.
Title-page of " The Life of General Washington. Vol. II. Lon-
don 1852." The title should be the Siege of Yorktown.
■f 1129. Washington Crossing the River Delaware. Full figure in uniform
"^ on horseback, &c. Oval in a floral border, resting on a base, the
title in the base. Line.
Height 3 7-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches.
Engraved by J. Yeager. The title-page to Atlas of Marshall's
Life of Washington.
1130. Passage de la Delaw-are. Full-length figure of Washington in uniform,
on horseback, &c. Vignette. Line.
Height 1 10-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches.
T. Sully pinxt. Title-page to "Vie de Washington."
T^ i"" 1131- Crossing the Delaware. Full-length figure of Washington in uniform,
"• on horseback, &c. Vignette. Line.
Height I 7-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches.
T. Sully pin.xt The title-page of "The Life of Washington.
American Sunday School Union Philadelphia."
y, irf ^^^^- ^^^ashington. Bust on a monument, beneath a weeping-willow tree;
surrounded with allegorical figures, one in the act of placing a wreath
on his head. Vignette. 2-j«e.
Height 2 13-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches.
De Marchi dis Delia Rocca inc 1829. The title-page to "Botta's
Storia della guerra dell independenza degli Stati Uniti d' America
y, i-c ^Ui- Washington. Bust, laureated head, on a pillar ornamented with war
implements, &c., to the right; a similar pOlar to the left, with a bust
of Franklin, at the base of which are aUegorical figures, one on horse-
back, &c. n^g
Height 6 15-16 inches; width 3 15-16 inches.
^^ Niele del Stich u Druck durch Carl Mayer Nbg. Title-page to
" Befreiungskampf der nordamerikanischen Staaten von Dr Heinrich
,^~£) "34- Scenes from Washington's Life. 7o pieces.
t^HO ^^ZS- Portrait of Washington. Process Prints. Good lot. 28 pieces.
,^r. "36- Portraits of Washington. g pieces.
j , m- "37- GENERAL WASHINGTON. A rock beaten by the sea, the outUne
of which is so drawn as to make a profile portrait of Washington,
facing to left; the heading to a folio sheet with a beautifully composed
biography of Washington. Line.
Height 4 11-16 inches; width lo 10-16 inches.
G. Murray Sc. London Printed by W. S. Blake. Philadelphia
Reprinted by J. Ma.xii'ell 1811.
One of the most beautiful biographies ever written of Geo. Washington.
2. , 6*5 1 138. THE S.-VME, with the Biography in Script. London, Published by
W. S. Blake, 16 Change Ally, Friday June 27, 1800.
1 139. Gen'. George Washington. Full bust, head to right. Beautifully
painted in oil colors by W™ Birch, the celebrated enamel painter, to
whom Washington gave a sitting for his portrait. On panel, in gilt
Height 9 4-16 inches; width 7 4-:6 inches.
c This painting is beautifully e.xecuted, about one-quarter life-size, and bears every characteristic
of Birch s best work. The masterly handhng of the brush, the peculiar and pleasing coloring of
the background, and the truthful rendition of the features, preclude the possibility of any doubt
being cast as to its onginality. See reduced facsimile on cover of this catalogue
^ 1 140. An original model in high rehef, in composition, on a round brass plate,
>^ of the head of Genl. Geo. Washington, profile to right, by Titian R.
Peale, after the painting by Sharpiess; together with another brass
plate containing a wTeath of oak leaves in high relief.
Diameter of plate, 10 inches.
Height of portrait, 8 4-16 inches; \vidth 6 2-16 inches.
This unique and beautifully executed portrait, by Titian R. Peale. the son of Charles Wjllsoa
Peale, is accompanied by a letter from the artist, stating that he made the model from an original
portrait painted by Sharpiess in 1796, and owned by George Washington Parke Custis, Washing-
ton's adopted son, who resided at Arlington, D. C. (where Peale executed the model). Mr. Custis
expressed himself as much pleased with the artist's work. The letter contains a sketch by PeaJe
of this model and is addressed to Franklin Peale, Director of the U. S. Mint, at Philada.
\ If -^ 1141. Geo Washington. Full bust, head to right, after the painting by Wm.
Birch. Beautifully engraved and transferred to porcelain. Circular
with a broad gold border, in circular frame. Executed the early part
of the last century. Excessively rare.
I,' 1 142. Geo Washington. Bust, head to left. Stipple, colored, in circular
»'' gilt frame.
1 1 43. THE SAME. In gilt frame.
1 144. Facsimile of the Ramage Portrait of Washington. Printed in gold on
cX^ ^ black margin, in gilt frame.
1145. G. Washington. Born Feby 22 1732. Died Dec 14. 1799. Full
\,S' bust, head to right. Oval in a rectangle. Wood engraving. Frontis-
piece to "Introduction to the .American Orator by Increase Cooke,
New Haven 18 12," with the book complete. Very rare.
1 146. G. Washington. Bust, head to right. Oval in a rectangle. Wood
2,,^^ Engraving. Frontispiece to "The History of the American Revolu-
tion, in Scripture Style. Frederick County, Md, 1823," with the book
complete. Excessively rare. The portrait is a horrid conception of
the General.
1 147. BUST, head to right. Oval inside of a wreath. The Frontispiece
1-0^' to "Die Lebensbeschreibung und merkwurdige Handlungen von
Georg Waschington, Friederickstade 1809," with the book complete.
Very rare. The portrait is after Peale.
1 148. Washington. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Wood engraving. The
j 1 1^ Frontispiece to "Washington's Farewell .Address, Newburyport 181 2,"
with the book complete. The portrait is after Stuart. The engrav-
ing resembles the work of Anderson. Rare.
.■y. 1 149. BUST IN UNIFORM, head to left. (After Stuart.)— Vignette. Line.
' " The frontispiece to "George Washington, His Boyhood and Man-
hood, by Wm. M. Thayer, London, 1890," with the book complete.
i,,f- 1150. Johnston, Elizabeth. B. Original Portraits of Washington, including
Statues, Monuments, and Medals. Illustrated with Portraits from
the Original Paintings. Quarto. Boston, 1882.
1 2/- 1151- Baxter, Katharine S. A Godchild of Washington, a Picture of the
,- Past. Profusely Illustrated. Quarto. London, N. D.
ZO-GC 1152. GroUer Club. — Catalogue of the Engraved Portraits of Washington,
by Charles Henry Hart (illustrated with reproductions of the rarer
Portraits). Royal 4to, white back, Blue boards, uncut. The Grolier
Club of the City of New York, 1904.
Edition of 425 copies printed on American hand-made paper.
2^,^C ^^53- 2 Beautifully Engraved Pearl Buttons from a coat worn by Genl.
These buttons were purchased by Chief Justice Mitchell, at a Sale conducted by me o( Wash-
ington's Relics. Dec. 11, 1890, the sale being made by H. L. D. Lewis, Administrator, to close
the Estate of Mrs. Lawrence Lewis, " Nelly Custis," Washington's .Adopted Daughter, and are
accompanied with a Certificate of their genuineness signed by H. L. D. Lewis.
^.^.i" 1154- The China Plate, gotten up by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania,
to commemorate the Sesqui-Centennial Celebration of Washington's
Initiation as a Freemason. It is decorated in blue, after the pattern
of the Cincinnati China and has the Washington Arms in the center.
1 155. Two Bronze Medals of Washington, Issued by the Grand Lodge of
jtHO' Penna. to commemorate the Sesqui-Centennial Celebration of Wash-
ington's Initiation as a Freemason.
Chief Justice of Pennsylvania
Lithographs, Woodcuts, Bank Note Vignettes,
and Banic Notes
MAY 3, 1906
Catalogue Compiled and Sale At the Book Auction Rooms of
conducted by DAVIS & HARVEY,
STAN. V. HENKELS 1 1 12 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Catalogue No. 944 Part II
GcnH Geo. Washington
chief Justice of Pennsylvania
The largest collection of Lithographic Portraits, a remarkable
collection of Bank Note Vignettes, and Bank Notes
bearing the Portrait of Washington, and
many rare Woodcut Portraits
an unique collection of proofs of all the issues up to 1873 OF
At 10.30 and 2.30 o'clock
Catalogue compiled and Sale At the Book Auction Rooms of
conducted by DAVIS & HARVEY,
STAN. V. HENKELS Ills Walnut St., PhUadelphia, Pa.
Bids will be executed by the Auctioneers without extra charge.
Bids are always so much per piece, unless otherwise stated in catalogue.
Terms of Sale — Cash.
All purchases must be settled for and removed on day immediately
following the sale.
pKcss or
This catalogue embraces the final portion of the great collection of por-
traits of Washington gathered by Chief Justice Mitchell of the Supreme Court
of Pennsylvania.
It is probable that no one ever collected so extensively the portraits of one
man, as Chief Justice Mitchell has that of Washington, and whilst the cata-
logue of the first part embraced the portraits in line, stipple, mezzotinto, and
etching, this embraces the portraits engraved on stone and wood, and the
beautiful vignettes to be found on the various issues of the paper money
and bonds of the various States and companies incorporated within the
United States. In going over the collection one cannot help but be im-
pressed with the great beauty and importance of the portraits engraved on .
stone enumerated herein. Many of them exhibit the highest grade of art,
and vie in an artistic sense with the finest productions of the engravers on
metal. Why the collecting of portraits by the lithographic art should not
be more generally in vogue is surprising, as they embrace all the elements,
scarcity and beauty which make collecting attractive, and it is to be hoped
that this sale will offer sufficient inducement for others to follow in the
path laid out by Chief Justice Mitchell.
As to the banknote vignettes, those gotten up by the Federal Gov-
ernment and by private banknote engraving companies, we wish to say
that this collection is a very remarkable one, many of them bearing the names
of the engravers; and when we take into consideration that no engravers
were employed in this Une except those of the highest class, it must natur-
ally be that the engraved work thereon represents the highest degree of
excellence and illustrates in the most beautiful manner, the progress of the
art in this country from the time of Amos Doolittle to the Bureau of En-
graving at Washington; herein are beautiful specimens of notes issued by the
various State banks during the periods of our wildcat currency, the vignettes
used on our various national bank notes, and postage, revenue and de-
partmental stamps, and the various bonds bearing portraits of Washington
issued by corporations. It is true that Mr. Baker in his admirable work on
the engraved portraits of Washington mentions several of these, and the
wonder is that those who have sought to improve on his work have totally
ignored them. But this will not be always. The time will come, and that
shortly, when a collection of these banknotes and vignettes will be sought
after by collectors. Even now their acquisition is not an easy task, as many
are of extreme rarity; and an interesting fact connected with many herein
described is that they show to what straits our Southern brethren were put
for the want of paper for their notes, as they were obliged to print them on
the backs of unused State banknotes.
There are also in this collection quite a number of rare almanacs con-
temporary wath Washington, bearing his portrait, from wood blocks, includ-
ing one which a distinguished contemporary attributes to Paul Revere.
Stan. V. Henkels.
Half length, seated at a table, upon which the right hand is resting on
a sheet of paper, curtain and pillars in the background. C. de Gumoene,
Haller a Berne. Size 6 13-16 X 4 12-16.
.do 2. Full bust. A. N. {A. Neu'sam). From Childs &• Inn-
mann's LilM Press 1832. Proof, full margin. Size 5 7-16 X 4 8-16.
Beautifully engraved. Newsam's best work.
.^^3- THE SAME. Different state, fuU margin.
. J~^ 4- WASHINGTON. FuU bust. Drawn fe' Prinled by Childs b- Inman,
Pu¥. by Peahody &» C. New York &' Childs &= Inman, Philadelphia.
Size 5 7-16 X 48-16.
Engraved by A. Newsam. Later state of Lot No. 2.
//tC 5- WASHINGTON. Full bust. (Longhi head.) Gallerie beruhmter Man-
ner N". 5, Frankfurt a.M. in der lith. Anstall v. F. C. Vogel. Size 3 14-16
X 3 4-16.
//t!' 6. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Half length, seated at a table, upon
which the right hand is resting, on a sheet of paper, a sword resting in
the left arm, curtain drawn aside in the background.
Lith. of D. W. Kellogg &> Co., Hartford, Conn. Size 12 11-16 X
10 ir-i6.
. J ^ 7. ANOTHER COPY, stained.
STATES. Fully described in Lot No. 6. Colored. Lith. of D. W.
Kellogg q:' Co. Hartford, Conn. Size 11 7-16 X 10 12-16.
Damaged on margin.
. ^^ 9- WASHINGTON. FuUy described in Lot No. 6. Pub. by Thos. S.
Husted b' C., %-j Nassau St., N. Y. Lith. of Lewis b' Brown 272
Pearl St. N. Y. Colored. Size ir 12-16 X 8 9-16.
UNITED STATES. Fully described in Lot No. 6. Colored. Size
11 8-16 X 9 11-16.
UNITED STATES. Fully described in Lot No. 6. Printed &= Publ 12. GEORGE WASHINGTON. FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE
UNITED STATES. Puh. by N. Currier 2 Spruce S' N. Y. Colored.
Size II 6-16 X 9.
.-^r^ '3
UNITED STATES. FuUy described in Lot No. 6. New York. Pub.
by N. Currier, 182 Nassau Sf Size 11 1-16 X 8 12-16.
•; 14. WASHINGTON. Fully described in Lot No. 6. Size 11 4-16 X 9 4-16.
< '^ UNITED STATES. FuUy described in Lot No. 6. Lilh. b' Pub. by
N. Currier 2 Spruce St. N. Y. Size 1 1 2-16 X 8 8-16.
UNITED STATES. Born Feby 22'', 1732— Inaugurated April 3otli
1789 — Retired March 4tli 1797. — Died Dec. ii* 1799. Fullv described
in Lot No. 6. 5. B. b' E. C. Kellogg &= Co. 144 Fulton St. N. Y. &>
136 Main St. Hartford Conn. D. Needham, 223 Main St. Buffalo.
Colored. Size 11 3-16 X 8 8-16.
^^^ 17. Full bust, life-size, black background. Colored. Size
28 2-16 X 21 14-16.
/ /J 18. Full bust, life-size. Oval in a rectangle. Colored. Size
28 X 21 12-16.
V-j ig. Full bust, life-size, black background. Colored. Size
V 27 i2-i6 X 20.
^^ 20. Full bust, life-size, black background. Tinted. Size
/ ^ 21 6-16 X 166-16.
J^^ 21. Full bust, life-size, dark background. Size 22 X 17 4-16.
^C 22. Full bust, life-size. Lansdowne portrait. Colored. Size
28 X 21 10-16.
/ 23. Full bust, life-size. Colored. Size 28 X 22.
^ -^ 24. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, life-size. Process print.
/ /." 25. Bust. Nerw York, Edward Aronson, 41 Union Square.
'^ Size 8 8-16 X 74-16.
Title page to Washington's March, by Rud. Aronson, 1876.
/z," 26. WASHINGTON. Full bust (Longhi head) in a border of olive leaves
' ^ and medalUons. Imp. Litho. de M^He Formentin, rue S' .\ndre des
Arcs, Berturd et Delaruer, N. D. d Victoi 16. — A Paris, chez Decruean,
aine, N. S! Soverin, 14. Size 8X6 8-16.
^^ 27. G. WASHINGTON Full bust, in fancy scroll border, surrounded
' with a rebus. Lith. and Pub. by M. Henneberger N". 199 Division
S'. N.Y. Sizes X 5.
/ 28. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust. Lith. of W" Endicott cf C. N. Y.
• ^^ Size 4 4-16 X 4-
A beautiful specimen of the lithographic art; on a certificate of the
National Washington Monument. Only few impressions taken, when
the stone cracked. Very rare.
^ d 29. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust. G. &= W. Endicott N. Y. Size
4 12-16 X 4 4-16.
jj.y) 30. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust. On stone bv A. Newsam. P. S.
■ ' Duval, Lith. Phil'i Size 4 8-16 X 3 4-16.
-/ 31. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust. G. b' W. Endicott N. Y. C. G.
fj ^ Crehen. Size 4X4.
On a certificate of a contribution to the Washington Monument.
/ 7 ^32- Bust. A. E. Francis. Artist's proof, signed. Size 5 X
/ Full bust. G. Stuart Pinx' Lith. oj Endicott &- Swett. Published by
Endicott 6- Swett, Graphic-Hall, Balto. 183 1. Size 8X8.
Beautifully executed.
^ ^ ^ 34. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust. G. &-. W. Endicott N. Y. Size
44-16 X 4 12-16.
On invitation to National Birth-night Ball, under the special patronage
of Mrs. Polk, Mrs. Madison, Mrs. Adams, and Mrs. Hamilton. 1848.
Very rare.
/A^ 35. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust. Thayer &- Co.'. Lith. Boston.—
* Boston Published by Oliver Ditson, 135 Washington St. Size 7 8-16 X 6.
. <^i<' ^^- WASHINGTON. Full bust; beneath the bust a vignette of Lafayette
placing a crown of olives on Washington's tomb. Maiirin Sc.—Chez
I'Editeur rue Richer N". 13. Size 9 X 9.
, ^/"S?- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust. From Stuart's Celebrated Faint-
ing in the Boston Athenccum. J. H. Bu fjord's Sons Boston. (Copyright
1863) Size 15 X 12 8-16.
^ ^ 38. G. WASHINGTON. Bust. (AthenEum portrait.) J. E. Baker.
' Issued from Bufford's Print Publishing House 318 Washington St. Bos-
ton. (Copyright 1854) Size 15 X n 8-16.
//^ 39. WASHINGTON. Full bust, nearly life-size. Lith. &- Pub. by N.
' Currier 152 Nassau St. N. Y. Colored. Size 15 X n.
^^ 40. G. WASHINGTON. Bust. Athenaeum portrait. Boston, Lith. cr' Pub.
' by J. H. Bufford, jij Wash'!'S'. {Copyright 1863) Size 15 X 12.
j/y, 41. WASHINGTON. Bust. Imp. F"" Delarue, Paris, —Jiilien (Copy-
'^"^ right I&S4-) Size 23 X 18 8-16.
/. / {f 42. Bust, tinted background. Size 128-16 X 11 14-16.
.^^^ 43- G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, tinted background. By D'Avignon
after Stuart's pictures in the Boston Athenaeum. Published by Elliot &=
White, 322 Washington St. Boston, i860. Size 12 8-16 X 11.
,/^ 44- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, life-size. Lithy of M. H.
Traubel &= Co. 46J Walnut St. Philada. Engraved exclusively for and
dedicated to the Members of J. W. Smith's Joint Stock Enterprise and
Peoples Excelsior Association. Size 19 8-16 X 18.
j_^ 45- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, hfe-size. Lith. of Schuahel
>-^ &» Finkeldey N". 218 Walnut Str. Philadelphia. Size 19 X 178-16.
A "Y/ 46. Bust (colossal). Athenaeum portrait engraved on wood.
' Rea Sc. Proof. Size 19 X 15 4-16.
<7 /) 47. WASHINGTON. Full bust, life-size. Painlei from life by Stuart.
'/ Drau-n on Stone by M. Fanoli . (New York Published by Goiipil,
Vibert iST' Co. 2Sg Broadway) Colored. Size 18 8-16 X 168-16.
48. WASHINGTON. Full bust, life-size. Lajosse. Paris. Bulla jreres
et Jouv Editeur. — Berlin, F"? Ebner 196 Friedrichsslrasse. — London.
E. Gambart b= Co. 25 Berners Street, O.v/ Sl.—Xai' York. Emil Seitz,
413 Broadway. Size 25 X 18 8-16.
49. WASHINGTON. Full bust, life-size. Imp. F'^ Delarue, Paris—
{Copyright iSsa) Colored. Size 25 8-16 X 18 8-16.
^^ 50. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, life-size. Fanoli litho. {essai
*^ d'artiste). Calqui sur le portrait original de G. Washington e.xistant a
Washington, all' illustris' Sig. M''^ Filippi alia Panzani, viend, d.
ajjetuoso rispetto de Michelo Fanoli Paregia 1839. Very fine. Size
18 X 15. Presentation copy by the artist.
51. WASHINGTON. Full bust, life-size. Verlag v Carl Gluck in Berlin.
Size 20 S-i6 X 18.
52. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, life-size. Fabrorius 1863. Published
bv L. Prang &^ Co. 159 Wash"^ St. Boston. Copied from Stuart's cele-
brated painting. Size 19 8-16 X 18 8-16.
^ ^ sheet. Pub. by Currier 6» Ives, N. Y. Colored. Size 5 12-16 X 4 8-16.
y Y'' 54. W.\SHINGTON. Bust, head to right, in a group of portraits, the others
'^ bein.^ Inc. Adams, Thos. Jefferson, Jas. Madison, Jas. Monroe and
Jno. Q. Adams. Lith. de Langlum6 rue de I'Abbaye, N. A. Very rare.
Size I 13-16 X 1 9-16.
(^ ^ STATES. Oval in a border resembling a frame. On Stone by A Xeu--
sam. P. S. Duval, Lith. Phil". Published by U. S. Williams, N. E.
corner oj Market &= 7"' St. (Copi,Tight 1S46). Size 104-16 X 8 12-16.
2 12-16.
(f 57-
Full bust. India proof. Very fine. Cut oval. Size
X 10.
7 fy 58- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust. Oval in a rectangle; beneath
"'^ the bust an eagle ^^•ith outspread \^-ings perched on a crossed sword and
gun, shield, flags, etc. Published by H Hallett &" Co. Portland Maine.
Copyright H. Hallett b" Co. 1S80. Chromo-lithograph. Size
13 11-16 X 10.
A 59. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform. Oval with a border
Jj' ornamented with oak leaves ; in the centre of a circle formed by star-shaped
ra_\-s ; beneath the oval two cornucopceias crossed. \'ery rare. Size
i^ 6-16 in diameter.
^~0 60. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, with companion portrait of Martha
' Washington. Engraved and Published by Jno. C. M<^Rae. Printed in
two colors on perforated board. Size 10 9-16 X 9 4-16.
Colored engraving; a pretty pair.
^^ 61. GEO. WASHINGTON. FuU bust, Ufe-size. The First President of
the U. S. 1789-1797. Colored. Size 22 5-16 X 18 1-16.
62. THE SAME. Plain. W. Smith 33 So. 6th St. Phila.
I ^ A ^^' WASHINGTON. Circular, in a border of fancy scroll work, in which
1 1 J^ ^ is a tablet with the title, and two medallions with the following: "Born
the 22nd of February 1732," "Died the 14th of December 1798"; at
the top an eagle supporting the goddess of plenty, and at the bottom a
view of Mount Vernon. Designed and Executed with a Pen by J. P.
Hortiz, M. W. Published and Engraved by Van der Haeghen. Lith.
St. Louis, Mo. {Copyright 18^1) Very rare. Diameter 9 15-16.
The portrait is engraved in one continuous circular line.
64. G. WASHINGTON. Bust. Athenaeum portrait. Gilbo a' Co. New
York. Process. India proof . Size 15 5-16 X 11 8-16.
65. WASHINGTON. Full bust, colossal size. From Stuart's painting.
Colored. Size 21 4-16 X 17 8-16.
66. Full bust. Athenaeum portrait. Life-size. Published and-
Copyright 1893 ^J ^- ^^- Ebon cf Co. Boston. Process. India proof
vrith remarque portrait of Stuart. Size 18 X 14 12-16.
67. Full bust. Athenaeum portrait, colossal size. Copyright
1894 by W. H. Gilbo, New York. India proof with remarque, signed
by the publisher. Process. Size 22 X 17 1-8.
Full bust. Chromo-lithograph. Size 16 X 13 2-16.
Full bust. Chromo-lithograph. Size 17 X 13 12-16.
Full bust. Chromo-hthograph. Size 17 3-16 X 13 12-16.
Full bust. Chromo-hthograph. Size 17 X 14.
Full bust, colossal size. Chromo-lithograph. Size 21 X
.J C 68.
//O 71-
16 II-I6.
FuU bust in an oval containing the Declaration of Inde-
'/ " pendence in script, the portrait formed by shading of the letters; the oval
surrounded with circular medallions containing the arms of the States;
over the oval an eagle with outspread wings and shield. Designed and,
written by W. H. Pratt, Davenport Iowa. Lith. and Print by A. Hage-
boech, Davenport, Iowa. Size 13 5-16 X 10 4-16.
,/{f 74- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, Ufe-size; at the bottom of
oval olive branches. V.Quarie Co. Lith. Phila". Size 15 5-16 X 12 7-16.
./cj' 75- WASHINGTON. Full bust, life-size. Published by W" Smith 702
So. Third St. Phil'^ Colored. Size 17 12-16 X 14 11-16.
^ J 76. Full bust. Process. Size 16 14-16 X 13 14-16.
X.ij' 77- WASHINGTON. Oval in a fancy border. Published by WP Smith,
' 702 So. Third St. Phil". Size 15 2-16 X 12 4-16.
/ 78- WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, left hand holding a dress-
sword resting on the hip, the right hand resting on a table. C. G.
Crehen. Printed by Nagel &= W eingaeriner. N. Y. New York — Pub-
lished by Goupil, Vibert b^ Co. 289 Broadway. Fine and rare. Size
178-16 X 138-16.
I/-O 79- Full bust. Square. Chromo-lithograph. Copyright 1896
' by J. Plooverb" Son. Size 20 2-16 X 164-16.
/, ^~0 80. G. WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, head to left, the right hand
/ holding a scroll and resting on a table to left; curtain drawn aside on
the upper left reveals the sky. Square. Process. India proof with
Washington shield as remarque. Size 19 8-16 X 15 9-16.
y^" 81. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust. Ben Linjoot Lith. 1862. Cut
• •^*"' close to oval. Size 15 2-16 X 10 7-16.
82. PATRIA PATER. Full bust. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base
upon which is the title. Chromo-lithograph. Size 10 X 8.
8^. WASHINGTON. Bust, in a border of gold resembling a frame. Dev-
ereux &" Co. Artists &= Publishers, Philadelphia. Size 1 1 8-16 X 9.
84. WASHINGTON. Full bust, in a border of gold and green resembling
a frame. Copied from the original picture by Gilbert Stuart in possession
of the Boston .\thenaeum, and printed in oil colors. Size 11 7-16 X 9.
85. Tribute to the Mount Vernon Fund. Full bust, in a border
of gold resembling a frame. Copied from the original picture by Gilbert
Stuart in the possession of Boston Athena;ura. Size 11 7-16 X 8 15-16.
86. WASHINGTON. Full bust. From Stuart's Painting Pub. by Cald-
well &" Co. 145 Nassau Street New York. Lith. oj Crow, Thomas c^" Co.
37 Park Row N. Y. Size 23 6-16 X 18.
'•^ ^ 87. THE SAME.
X' >^^88. — PATER PATRT-E. In the centre of a sheet entitled
"1776-1S76. This Historical National Masterpiece of Art Represents
in one grand Tableau in Allegorical Design the entire History of the
Great Republic." Composed and Executed with the Pen jor Jas. Meyer,
Jr., N. Y. by Projr. L. Luthy oj Switzerland. Copyright 1S76. James
Meyer Jr. Publisher c^ Proprietor 87 Broad St. N. Y. Colored. Diam-
eter, 2S-16; size of whole sheet 26 X 204-16.
— — — — Full bust. Duplex Process. Published by Mi^Laughlm
Bros. 874 Broadway New York. Size 21 X 16 13-16.
y ^/7 90. PATRIA PATER. Full bust. The centre of a folio
/ ' '^ sheet commemorative of the New York Crystal Palace Exhibition.
Thurwanger: — Chillas Lith: 50 South t,'.'^ St. Phila. Copyright 1853.
Chromo-lithograph. Size 7 13-16 X 6 6-16. Rare.
• ,^<;^ 91- WASHINGTON. Full bust. From Stuart's painting. Lith. 0} Sarony,
Major &= Knapp, 449 Broadway N. Y. Size 23 12-16 X 18 6-16.
I 92. ■ Bust. Circular medallion, enclosed in stars on a blue
/ ' field, over portraits of Franklin Pierce and Wm. R. King; the whole on
a sheet representing a flag, entitled "Grand National Democratic Ban-
ner." Lilh. Of Pub. by N. Currier, 152 Nassau St. Cor. oj Spruce
N. Y. Copyright 1852. Size 12X8 8-16.
A~7^ 93. Full bust. Edward Kaiser lith. Size 4 4-16 X 3 14-16-
' J La 94- WASHINGTON. Full bust to left. Paris Chez Chaillon rue S! Honore
/f-V JVo 140. Lith. de Lemercier, rue du Four. S. G. N". 55. Size 4 7-16 X
4 12-16.
/A* 95. WASHINGTON. Full bust. Em. Baerentzen &= C". Lith. Inst.
r'^ Gallerie til Beckers historie. Size 3 10-16 X 3 6-16.
96. Full bust. Colored. Size 9 4-16 X 8 6-16. Rare.
/ A 97. WASHINGTON. Full bust. (The Longhi portrait.) H. Grevedon
'' 1856. CM otte. Size 10 4-16 X 10 8-16.
/ A 98. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust. N. Y. Pub. by Currier &= Ives
'' ^ 152 Nassau Street. Colored. Size 11 8-16 X 8 8-16.
/ /^ 99. WASHINGTON. Full bust. New York. Published by Currier &=
'' ^ Ives, 152 Nassau St. Size 11 12-16 X 8.
,/ ^ 100. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust. Pub'd by Currier &= Ives, 152
Nassau St. N. Y. Tinted. Size 11 12-16 X 8 4-16.
J^ loi. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust. New York. Pub. by Currier &= Ives
1^2 NassanSt. Size 15 12-16 X 12 12-16.
Ji/^ 102. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust. Colored. Size 11 10-16 X 9 8-16.
quarter length. Size 12 X 8 12-16.
) j/"'i04. Bust. On a stone resembling a monument, resting be-
^ neath which is a tablet inscribed "A Generous Nation's grateful tears
are thine, Even unborn ages shall thy worth commend. And never-
fading laurels deck thy shrine. Born Feb. 22, 1732. Died Dec. 14,
1799"; over the tablet flags and laurel branches; at the base a sword
and shield; over the portrait an eagle with outspread wings. Lith.
G. Gninewald, Bethlehem P"? Very rare. Size 14 4-16 X n 8-16.
105. Full bust (colossal). Size 24 4-16 X 20.
106. WASHINGTON. Full bust (colossal). N. Currier's Lith. New
York. Colored. Size 23 4-16 X 16 4-16.
107. WASHINGTON. Half length, over oak and laurel branches, on a
gold background. Size 17 10-16 X 13 7-16.
108. G.WASHINGTON. Full bust. Life-size. Size 16 12-16 X 13 12-16.
, Jf6 109. Full bust (colossal). Size 28 X 22. Colored. Black
^ ^ no. GEORGE W.\SHINGTON. Full bust. Copyright 189s h the
* Taber Art Co. Process. Size 17 X 14.
J jO III. M.WASHINGTON. Bust. Boston. Lith.b' Pub. by J.H.Bufjord, 2,1^
•^ ^ Wask'^S! Size 14 8-16 X II 14-16.
I ^w 112. Full length, advancing to the front, an open scroll in the
right hand, the left holding and resting on a dress-sword; a curtain drawn
aside in the background reveals an encampment. Lith. by K. Weber &=
Co. Baltimore. Size 4 13-16 X 3 3-16.
113. Fully described in the preceding print. Lith. by K. Weber
&" Co. Balto. Size 4 13-16 X 3 3-16.
,JL\S ^^4- Fully described in print No. 112. Lith. by K. Weber b'
Co. Balto. Size 4 13-16 X 3 3-16.
2^^" i^S- Fully described in print No. 112. Lith. A. Hoen &" Co.
' *^ Bait. Size 4 12-16 X 3 3-16.
-AJthough the four above prints are very similar, still they are all from
different stones.
4-y^ 116. WASHINGTON (1793) Full length, standing. "Lansdowne Por-
• trait." Lith. G. Chariel, Bordeau.x Publie par Chateriet, imprimetir
a Blaye. Size 7 4-16 X 4 14-16.
/ 117. MEMORIES OF G. WASHINGTON. Full length, standing. "The
' * Lansdowne portrait." The centre of a sheet surrounded with 18 scenes
in Washington's life. India proof. Very rare. Size 9 2-16 X 6 15-16.
standing. "Lansdowne Portrait." Lith. &• Pub. by N. Currier 152
Nassau St. Cor. oj Spruce, N. V. Colored. Size 11 14-16 X 87-16.
scribed in Print No. 118. Kellogg b" Thayer 114 Fulton St. N. Y.
D. Needlmm 223 Main St. Buffalo. E. B. &» E. C. Kellogg 136 Main
St. Hartjord, Conti. Colored. Size 11 15-16 X 8 8-16.
scribed in print No. 118. E. B. b' E. C. Kellogg 245 Main St. Hartford
Conn. Geo. Whiting 87 Fulton St. New York. Colored. Size
II 12-16 X 8 7-16.
scribed in Print No. n8. Lith. &=■ Pub. by N. Currier, 2 Spruce St..
N.Y. Colored. Size 12 X 8 8-16.
scribed in Print No. 118. Lith. &= Pub. by J. Baillie 118 Nassau St.
N.Y. Size 12 X 86-16.
scribed in Print No. 118. Lith. 6- Piih. hy N. Currier 2 Spruce St.
N.Y. Size 12 X 88-16.
scnbed in Print No. 118. Kellogg &= Comstock 150 Fulton St. New
York &= 116 Main St. Hartford Conn. Ensign &- Thayer 12 E.xchange
S'. Buffalo. Colored. Size 12X8 8-16.
/ 125. WASHINGTON. Full length, standing. "Lansdowne Portrait."
I **' V Stuart Ptn.xt. Lttli. of D. W. Kellogg 6- Co. Published by D. W. Kel-
logg &= Co. Hartford, Conn. Size 14 10-16 X 9 9-16.
^ -126. Full length, standing. "Lansdowne Portrait." Chromo-
I •^^ lithograph. Size 17 1-16 X 13 1-16.
^^ 127. WASHINGTON. Full length, standing. "Lansdowne Portrait."
• Size 17 9-16 X 12 14-16.
Fine specimen of lithography.
/, 6 "^- ^"^^^ length, standing. The "Lansdowne Portrait." In
/ the center of a sheet, surrounded with the Declaration of Independence
m script, in a border of grape-vine branches. The Original of this was
Designed and E.xecuted entirely with a pen by Oilman R. Russell. Pub-
lished by Wr- H. Fisk, Manchester N. H. (Copyright 1856) Size
24 12-16 X 19 6-16.
/, 129. THE SAME. With the addition of a portrait of Thos. JeflFerson at
the bottom, and the inscription "The Great Centennial Memorial,"
and with a different border of grape-vine branches. Copyrighted by
Gilman R. Russell, 1866. Size 25 X 17 3-16.
length in uniform, standing on the field of battle, to the left of a horse
attended by a soldier; spy-glass in the right hand; in the left distance
shipping. Process. Size 22 15-16 X 168-16.
131- Full length in uniform, with left arm resting on a horse
foreshortened to the right; a chapeau in the right hand. Colored.
Size 18 13-16 X 13 9-16.
132. WASHINGTON. The Patriot, The Statesman, and the Warrior.
Full length, seated, head to right; the left arm resting ort a table upon
which is a paper, inkstand, etc. ; a pen in the right hand. Lith. ^^ Pub.
by Sarony &= Major, 33 Nassau, near Fulton, St. N. York. Colored.
Size II 12-16 X 8 7-16.
COUNTRY. Full length in uniform, on horseback, head to right;
in the act of raising his hat. Colored. Size 11 3-16 X 7 4-16.
• COUNTRY. Fully described in Print No. 133. Lithographed a^
Published by J. BaillieS]"t S'. near ^'^ Avenue, N. Y. Colored. Size
II 3-16 X 74-16.
\' " COUNTRY. Fully described in Print No. 133. Colored. Size
II 3-16 X 7 4-16.
• '■' COUNTRY. Fully described in Print No. 133. Kellogg cf Thayer
144 Fidlon St. N. Y. D. Necdham 223 Main St. Buffalo. E. B. &=
E. C. Kellogg 136 Main St. Hartford, Conn. Colored. Size 1 1 3-16 X
7 4-16.
•^ '^ COUNTRY. Fully described in Print No. 133. Lith. b' Pub. by
N. Currier 2 Spruce S'. N. Y. Colored. Size 11 4-16 X 7 4-16.
t*^ ^ COUNTRY. Fully described in Print No. 133. Lith. &■ Pub. by
N. Currier 23 Spruce St. N. Y. Colored. Size 11 3-16 X 7 3-16.
COUNTRY. Fully described in Print No. 133. Zz7/j" 6- Ptib^ by
J.Baillie. Colored. Size 11 4-i6^X 7 3-16.
' COUNTRY. Full length in uniform, on horseback, head to left; in
the act of receiving a salute. Published by Currier a= Ives, 152 Nassau
St. New York. Colored. Size 11 i-i6 X 6 10-16.
COUNTRY. Full length in uniform, on horseback, advancing to the
left, a chapeau in the right hand. New York Published by Currier &=
Ives. 152 Nassau St. Size 14 14-16 X 12.
142. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, seated on a
prancing horse, facing to left, head to right, a chapeau in the right
hand. Lith. &= Pub. by J. L. Magee. iV? 48 Passyunk Road. Philad'^
Colored. Size 16 7-16 X 104-16.
/ ^~C 143- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, on horseback,
advancing to the right, receiving a salute; the centre of an imperial
folio sheet, surrounded with allegorical figures; over the top crossed
American flags, upon which an eagle is perched, and back of which is
a view of the State House; at the bottom, a view of the Signing of the
Declaration of Independence; inscribed "In Commemoration of the
Hundredth Anniversary of American Independence." Copyright 1876
by Wittemann Brothers, 184 William Street. New York. Improvement
Copyright 1877, by the Presbyterian, Philadelphia Pa. Colored. Size
305-16 X 183-16.
/ 2^ J 144. THE SAME. Without the "Improvement CopjTight."
5 ^ 145. WASHINGTON AS A MASON. Full length, standing on a plat-
• form, in Masonic regalia, between two columns, hands raised. Copy-
right by Currier &-' Ives, 1868. Size 11 14-16 X 8 6-16.
/, / ^ 146. Full length in Masonic regalia, a mallet in the left hand,
the right hand e.xtended toward a table on the left, a chair to the right.
Slrobridge c^ Co. Lith. Cin. O. J. Hale Powers or-' Co. Fraternity Pub-
lishers Cincinnati O. Colored. Size 17 X 12 13-16.
/ 147- WASHINGTON AS A FREEMASON. Full length, standing, in
Masonic regalia, standing beneath a Masonic arch, a scroll in the left
hand and a trowel in the right; on either side of the arch medallion
portraits of Lafayette and Jackson, and four tablets with emblematic
designs. Strobridge cr= Gerlach Lilh. Cincinnati. O. (Copyright 1866)
Size 22 1-16 X 18 8-16.
£>-^ 148. WASHINGTON AS A FREEMASON. Full length, in Masonic
• ^ regalia, standing beneath a Masonic arch, the left hand holding a mallet,
resting on a scroll on a pillar to the right, a trowel in the right hand ;
in the upper corner medallion portraits of Lafayette and Jackson;
emblematic scenes on the border. /. H. Powers &- Co. Fraternity
Publishers Cin. O. Strobridge c^ Co. Lith. Cincinnati O. Colored.
{Copyright 1870) Size 20 X 16 5-16.
Q, /) 149- Full length in Masonic regalia, standing on a platform,
' ^ head to right, hands elevated; table to right, etc. Chromo-lithograph.
Size 21 15-16 X 15 15-16.
// C ^5°- Full length in Masonic regalia, mallet in the left hand,
the right extended towards a table to the left; a chair to the right.
Similar to the "Lansdowne Portrait." Chromo-lithograph. Size
34 14-16 X 24 g-i6.
An e.xcellent piece of chromo-lithography. The above portraits of
Washington in Masonic regalia are all more or less rare.
/, V>0 ^5^' ^^ length, in uniform, standing to the right of a prancing
horse, held by a soldier, a drawn sword in the right hand, the left
hand elevated above the head. A. Hoen. del. Lilh. by A. Hoen &=
C". Baltimore. Size 24 4-16 X 174-16.
Contributors' Certificate to the National Washington Monument,
and a beautiful example of the Ihhographic art. Rare.
To be erected in the city of Washington; with view of the proposed
monument and vignette portrait of Washington on the title. Contrib-
utors' certificate. Design by Rob't Mills, Archt. LitM by A. Hoen
&fC->. Bait". Size 19 X 14 11-16.
No. II P. O. S. OF A. Located at Harrisburg, Pa. The title in
the centre of a folio sheet, headed with nationaf emblems, and bust
portrait of Washington, bordered with scenes in Washington's life,
statues of Liberty and Justice, and Trumbull's "Signing the Declaration
of Independence." The Duval Steam Lith. Co. Phila. A. H . Bosch.
Lith. Size 20 7-16 X 16 3-16.
,^C ^54- WASHINGTON AND HIS CABINET. George Washington, Gen'l
Henry Knox, Sec'y of War, Alexander Hamilton, Sec'y of the Treasury,
Thomas Jefferson, Sec'y of State, Edmund Randolph, Attorney-General^
seated at a table. New York. Published by Currier &= Ives, 125
Nassau St. Vignette. Size 9 4-16 X 13 6-16.
Folio sheet with medallion portrait of Washington in the centre, over
two medallion portraits of Franklin and Fulton, the whole surrounded
with scenes in the life of a mechanic. Strobridge &" Co., Lilh. Cin. O.
J. Hale Powers c' Co. Fraternity Publishers, Cincinncti, O. {Copy-
right 1870) Colored. Size 21 4-16 X 16 10-16.
the surrender of Cornwalhs, wTitten immediately after the event, headed
with vignette portraits of Washington, Lafayette, and Steuben. Photo.
Engraved by Bachrach e^" Bro., Balto. Size 19 11-16 X 9 2-16.
' YORK STATE :MILITIA. Certificate of membership, headed with
vignette bust portrait of Gen'l Montgomerv-, the whole enclosed in a
colored border, on which is a bust portrait of Washington in uniform.
/. F. Badeaii Sc. N. Y. T. S. Murphy. Printer 15 Elizabeth St. N. Y.
Wood Engraving. Size 16 8-16 X 16 10-16.
American shield in which is printed the Union oath, surrounded wth
eagle and flags; at the bottom of the shield a circular medallion bust
portrait of Washington. Colored. Lith. by A. Hoen &" Co. Size
15 2-16 X II 5-16.
Folio sheet with bust portrait of Washington, Franklin, Lafayette,
Napoleon, and Lavater, skulls, etc. Size 10 4-16 X 13 10-16.
160. ADVERTISING CARD OF W. H. REASE, Lithographic Artist No.
17. S? Fifth Street Philadelphia. With medallion portrait of Wash-
ington and Franklin. Size 6 4-16 X 7 4-16.
fancy border, in which are medallion portraits of Washington, Jetterson,
and Adams, and the arms of the thirteen States. Carlisle, Penn. —
Printed and Published by Moser a^ Peters — 1826. Size 23 13-16 X 18.
\'er\- rare, and a good specimen of the wood-engra\-ing of interior
Pennsylvania. Damaged on the margin.
162. GRAND N.\TIONAL, WTHG BANNER. With medaUion portrait
of Winfield Scott and Wm. A. Graham, bordered with two small medal-
lion portraits of Washington and Clay. Lith. &= Pub. by X. Currier
152 N'assau St. Cor. of Spruce N. Y. {Copyright 1852) Size
12 2-16 X 8 2-16.
163. GEMS OF ART. Washington, Lincoln, two oval bust portraits on
the same sheet, with emblematic border. /. H. Bujjord G' Sons, Lith.
Boston Mass. Size6 S-16 X 8 10-16.
164. \T\'E LA REPUBLIQUE. An offering from the United States to
the National Republic of France. Full-length portrait of Washington
and Lafayette, with clasped hands, in a sunburst from which protrude
the flags of America and France. Colored. Lith. oj Sarony i^ Major
117 Fulton St. {Copyright 1848) Size 10 4-16 X 7 8-16.
border of grape-vine and vignettes, in the upper portion of which are
medallion portraits of Washington, Frankhn, and DeWitt Clinton.
American Bank Note Co. New York. Size 21X17 14-16.
AMERICAINE, etc. Three-quarter length in uniform, a cloak thrown
over left shoulder, head to right. Peint d'apres nature par G. Stuart
Lithographie par Alophe. Dessine par S. E. Diibourjal, painter in New
York. Size 9X8 10-16. Tinted.
■ J-^ 165 B. THE SAME. Plain.
^ J 165 C. Full length in uniform, arm resting on a foreshortened horse to the
' right. On perforated board. Charles Magnus, New York, Publisher
of a Thousand Variety oj Crochet and Embroidery Patterns. Size 20 X
13 12-16.
/— ^ 165 D. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform; fuUv described in pre-
'*' ceding print. Lith. by G. &= W. Endicolt, N. York jor the Washington
National Monument Society. Gilbert Stuart Pinxt. Size 23 4-16 X
15 10-16.
- 165 E. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, the left arm resting on
a horse foreshortened to the right, a chapeau held in the right hand.
Painted by G. Stuart, Lith. by E. Weber 6^ C. Baltimore. Contributor's
certificate to the National Washington Monument. Size 23 8-16 X
16 4-16.
This in many respects is the finest piece of lithography done in America.
^ ^ J'^^S F- THE SAME. India paper proof. Very rare in this state.
1/ O Full length in uniform; fully described in Print Lot No. 165 E. Pub-
lished by Currier b' Ives, 125 Nassau St. New York. Colored. Size
II 14-16 X 8 12-16.
,J~Z> ^^S H. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform; fully described in Print
Lot No. 165 E. Lith. &= Pub. by N. Currier 152 Nassau, Cor. Spruce
St. N. Y. Colored. Size 12X8 7-16.
^^^ 165 I. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, fuUy described in Print
• No. 165 E. Lith. &= Pub. by N. Currier 2 Spruce S'. N. Y. Colored.
Size 12 X 8 8-16.
^^ 165 J. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, with four lines of quota-
• tion beneath title; fully described in print Lot No. 165 E. Lith. &=
Pub. by N. Currier 152 Nassau St. Cor. of Spruce N. Y. Colored.
Size II 7-16 X 8 10-16.
Ay^ 165 K. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform; fully described in Print
' Lot No. 165 E. Lith. &= Pub. by N. Currier, 2 Spruce St. N. Y.
Colored Size 12 6-16 X 9 2-16.
/-V 165 L. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform; fullv described in Lot
• '^ No. 165 E. Lith. & Pub. by J. Baillie 176 Nassau St. N. Y. Colored.
Size II 14-16 X 8 7-16.
, ^ Full length in uniform; fully described in Print Lot No. 165 e. Pub-
lished by James Baillie, 87'* S'. near 3"' Avenue, N. Y. Colored. Size
II 8-16 X 8 10-16.
/-vj 165 N. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, the right hand resting
• on a rock to the left, a groom leading a horse in the water to the right.
Lith. &= Pub. by N. Currier, 152 Nassau St. Cor. 0} Spruce N. Y.
Colored. Size 12 2-16 X 8 12-16.
y/>l 165 o. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, the right hand resting on
' a horse, foreshortened, to the left, a chapeau in the left hand. LitM
&' Pub'^ by J. Baillie 118 Nassau S'. N. Y. and by J . Sowles New Bed-
ford, Mass. Colored. Size 12 6-16 X 9.
^ v~ 165 P. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Vignette. Drawn on Stone
^ ' 0~0 by Rembrandt Peale. Lith. oj Pendleton, q Wall St. From the Original
Portrait Painted by Rembrandt Peale. (Colossal.) Size 16 X 14 8-16.
Fine copy of this e.xcessively rare portrait, of which only a few impres-
sions were taken. Dunlap says in his "Arts of Design" that after a
few impressions were taken one of the workmen carelessly rubbed the
portrait from the stone. It is one of the handsomest specimens of the
art of this country.
166. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Lith. oj P. Haas, Washing-
ton City. Size 7 12-16 X 6 S-16.
»/d 167. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. Plumbeotyped. Size
4 11-16 X 3 8-16.
^ .. 168. Full bust in uniform, head to right. Painted by Rem-
' ^ brandt Peale, after the Sharpless Portrait. Photograph. Size 16 6-16
X 13 7-16.
/ / A 169. Bust in uniform, head to left. Oval in a rectangle repre-
'' senting stonework. Photogravure. India proof. Size 12 8-16 X
9 io-i6.
^ / C '7°- '^^^ SAME. Process print.
y 171. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval. R. Peale. Helio-
fCp O type. Copyright 1S76 James R. Osgood df Co. Size 13 9-16 X 11 4-16.
/ ^ 172. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left, the centre of
^ ' a sheet entitled, our twenty-two Presidents, with portraits of each.
Presented by the Publishers oj the Family Herald and Weekly Star,
Montreal. {Copyright 1884.) Size 25 12-16 X 18.
A y, /j 173. Full bust, head to left. (Colossal.) Vignette. P. Kra-
mer. Size 21 8-16 X 184-16.
j2.V'"i74- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length in uniform, as
Colonel of the Virginia Regiment. Oval in a fancy border. Lith.
in Colors by L. N. Rosenthal Phil". (After C. W. Peale.) Size
7 4-16 X 6 10-16.
3 1 (ht) ^75- ■^"^' hv&\. in uniform, head to left. After a painting by C. W. Peale.
Beautifully colored by hand. Oval. Size 9 4-16 X 7 12-16.
2 i^^ ^"i^- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform on the field of
^ ' battle, head to right. {Mainz bei Joseph Scholz.) Colored. Size
13 14-16 X 10 3-16. Very rare.
2, <} 177- Bust in uniform, head to left. Oval in an ornamented
' border. "Pride of Territory. Manufactured by Greaner & Winnie
Richmond, Va." The Major &^ Knapp Mj'g &= Lith. Co. 71 Broadway,
N. Y. Size 12 4-16 X 6 4-16.
/, / ^ 178. G. W'ASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to right. Oval.
Puhl. by J. Childs, N". 152, late 84 S'f' y.'' St. Phil''. Colored. Size
II 6-16 X 9 5-16.
A 179. Bust in uniform, head to left. (Colossal.) C. Schiiessele. Size
25 8-16 X 20 10-16.
, ^ V ^^°- WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, standing to the left of a
horse, foreshortened; cannon in the lower left. Pub. at C. Currier
33 Spruce St. N. Y. Size 11 13-16 X 8 5-16.
P'^ 181. G. WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length in uniform, cloak thrown
« ^ over left shoulder, head to right. N'eui York, Published by Currier &^
Ives, 1^2 Nassau St. Colored. Size 12 4-16 X 9 12-16.
182. WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length in uniform, cloak thrown over
left shoulder, head to right. Verlag von F. Paterno in Wien. Druck von
Jos. Stoujs, Lith. V. Rud Hoffman. Size 9 8-16 X 9 4-16.
•' 183. LE GENERAL WASINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to right.
Vignette. Lith'. de Ducarme. Public par Blaisot, Galerie Universelle.
Size 5X5 8-16.
184. Full length in uniform, head to left, field-glass in the right hand, standing
in front of a prancing horse held by a grenadier. Photogravure. Re-
marque proof, with portrait of Lafayette and Rail as remarque. Col-
ored. From the Original Picture by Col. John Trumbull. Published
by H. Fiqitet 24 Place Dauphine, Paris. Size 16 8-16 X 12 3-16.
: 1861. Size 19 6-16
X 26.
^^ 223. (THE WASHINGTON FAMILY.) Fully described in Print No. 207.
Colored lithograph. Size 16 2-16 X 23 8-16.
/ ^ 224. (THE WASHINGTON FAMILY.) FuUy described in Print No. 207.
''^ E. Savage Pin.vit. P. S. Duval lith. Steam Press. E.xecuted and pub-
lished by E. H off y N". 20 South y.^ Street, Philad'^ February 1850. Size
18 4-16 X 23 10-16.
/ ^ 225. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Fully described in Print No. 207.
Savage Pinx! Hoffy execud'. Published by A. Hojfy, Philadelphia
1858. Size 18 3-16 X 24 10-16.
/, ^"0 226. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Fully described in print No. 207.
Savage pin.xit. Hojfy fecit. Published by A. Hojfy b' Sold at the store
of Edward Christman N". 702 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. India proof.
Size 20 4-16 X 26 8-16.
A fine example of Hofify's best work and a close copy of the original.
^"fi 227. (THE WASHINGTON FAMILY.) Fully described in Print No. 207.
' (Savage Pinxit. Hojfy sculp.) Proof before letters. Size 19 6-16
X 25.
/-/) 228. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. George Washington, his Lady and
» *^ her two Grandchildren bv the name of Custis. Fullv described in Print
No. 207. On Stone by Hojfy. P. S. Duval, Lith. Phil". Published by J.
MiddlctonJ'. N'l 2i'N'!' S'i.xth S'. Philadelphia. Size 15 10-16 X 19.
I J^{} 229. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Fully described in Print No. 207.
Fine proof before the title. Size 16 4-16 X 23 12-16.
^ 230. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. George Washington, his Lady, and
' her two Grandchildren by the name of Custis. On Stone by W. Hutz,
Lehman &-" Duval, Litliv Philadelphia. Colored. Size 18 2-16 X
24 14-16.
/ ^ 231. WASHINGTON FAMILY. Full figure seated to the left in print, a
,U? t^ book in the right hand, the left hand resting on a map on a table to
right, Martha Washington leaning on the back of the arm-chair, a boy-
standing to the right with his hand resting on a globe, &c., &c. Pxih-
lished by H. Schill b' Co. 62 Division Sf N. Y. {Copyright 1869) Size
17 8-16 X 24 3-16.
/-T; 232. WASHINGTON FAMILY. Grandson, Washington, Granddaughter,
' Lady Washington. Fully described in Print No. 207, with the omis-
sion of Wm. Lee and a stand and vase of flowers instead. Kellogg c^
Comstock 150 Fulton St. New York &= 136 Main St. Hartford, Conn.
Ensign e" Thayer, 12 E.xchange St. Buffalo. Colored. Size 8 2-16 X
12 3-16.
//^ 233. THE SAME. Variation in publisher's address.
. -. 234. WASHINGTON FAMILY. FuUy described in print No. 232, but
2. «y different stone. Litho and Published by D. W. Kellogg ^f Co. no Main
Street Hartford, Conn. Size 8 14-16 X 13.
J~7/ 235- WASHINGTON FAMILY. Washington, his Lady, and two grand-
• children by the name of Custis. Fully described in Print No. 207, with
the omission of Wm. Lee, the servant. Colored. Size 8 8-16 X
12 14-16.
//^^ 236. WASHINGTON FAMILY. Fully described in preceding print.
* Litho. b' Pub. by N. Currier 2. Spruce S'. N.Y. Colored. Size 8 4-16
X 12 11-16.
^ ff 237. ANOTHER COPY.
' ^^ 238. WASHINGTON FAMILY. Fully described in print No. 235. Lith.
' &= Pub. by N. Currier, 152 Nassau St. Cor. of Spruce N. Y. Colored.
Size 8 2-16 X 12 8-16.
.3 c
239. WASHINGTON FAMILY. Fully described in print No. 235. Lith.
&» Pu¥. by James Baillie, 88 S! near 3^ Avenue, N. Y. Colored.
Size 8 4-16 X 12 8-16.
240. WASHINGTON FAMILY. FuUy described in print No. 235. Lith.
&= Pub. by N. Baillie 88 Sf near 3^ Ave., N. York. Colored. Size
8 3-16 X 12 9-16.
241. WASHINGTON FAMILY. George Washington, his Lady and two
grandchildren by the name of Custis. Full figure in uniform seated to the
right of the print, the left arm resting on the shoulder of the boy, the
right resting on an open map on the table, to which Lady Washington is
pointing with her fan. Drawn on Stone by J. Briggs. Sold 6g Barclay
St. Colored. Size 10 3-16 X 15.
242. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Washington, George Washington,
Parke Custis, Eleanor, Lady Washington. Full figure seated to the
left of the print, the left hand resting on a book upon a table, to the right
of which Lady Washington is seated, &c. Lith of Currier &= Ives 152
Nassau St., New York. (Copyright i86i) Size 8 1-16 X 12 6-16.
243. WASHINGTON FAMILY. George Washington, his Lady and two
grandchildren by the name of Custis. Full figure seated to the left of
print; fully described in print No. 207. Lithog.ofH. R. Robinson 52
CourtlandtSt. N. Y. Size 8 14-16 X 13 12-16.
244. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Full figure seated to the left of print,
the left hand resting on an open scroll on a table, to which Lady Wash-
ington is pointing with her fan, &c. New York, Published by Currier
b" Ives 12^ Nassau St. Size 8 8-16 X 12 4-16.
245. WASHINGTON'S OPENNESS AS BOY. (The Cherry Tree Inci-
dent.) Copyright by C. Ki'j6. Size 8 13-16X12 5-16.
248. WASHINGTON AND LADY. Published by Thos. H. Hiistcd &= C.
97 Nassau St. N. Y. Lith. of Lewis &» Brown 272 Pearl St., N'. Y.
Colored. Size8Xi2 11-16.
PHILADELPHIA AUGUST 3"^, 1777. Published by Currier &= Ives,
125 A^assau St. New York. (Copyright 1876) Size 8 10-16 X
12 13-16.
250. "P.^TH OF GLORY." Full figure in uniform, full face, on horse-
back advancing to the front. "First Study for the 'Path of Glory' from
the painting by C. Alexander, representing Geo. Washington while
riding near his headquarters at Staten Island." Proof photogravure,
signed by the painter. Size 10 2-16 X 7 14-16.
251. 1779-1783. Commander-in-chief, Aide-de-camp, Line Officer, &c.
Full-length figure in uniform on horseback, surrounded by his officers.
Lith. by G. H. Buck &■ Co., N. Y. Published by B. M.' Whitlock, 99
Fourth Ave., N. Y. Chromo-lithograph. Size 13 1-16 X n 12-16.
252. WASHINGTON AT MOUNT VERNON, 1787. "Agriculture
is the most healthy, the most useful, and the most noble employment
of man." — Washington. Pub. by N. Currier 152 Nassau St. Cor. of
Spruce, N.Y. Colored. Size 8 X 12 5-16. Shghtly damaged.
253. THE SPIRIT OF THE UNION. Full-length figure in uniform and
mihtary cloak, in clouds, over which is a view of the Capitol, and in the
lower corners the tomb at Mount Vernon and Washington's residence.
Pub'f by Currier b' Ives, I $2 Nassau St., N. Y. Colored. Size 11 4-16
X 8 8-16.
254. THE SPIRIT OF THE UNION. Fully described in the preceding
print. (Copyright i860 by E. Deckhaux) Colored. Size 11 X 8 12-16.
255. THE SPIRIT OF THE UNION. Fully described in print No. 253.
Cameron &= 'Walsh, N. Y. H. W. Hewet, Publisher Edward Deck-
haux, "Artists Emporum," 709 Broadway, N. Y. Colored. Size
II X 8 15-16.
^0 2s6. DEATH OF WASHINGTON. Dec. 14, A. D. 1799. Lilh. b- Puh.
» by N. Currier 2 Spruce St. N. Y. {Copyright 1841) Colored. Size
8 8-16 X 12 14-16.
d/) 257- DEATH OF WASHINGTON. Dec. 14, A. D. 1799. Published by
P^ James BailheiT 'I' S'. near y. Co. no Main Street, Hartford, Conn.
Size 9 9-16 X 13 9-16.
j^^ 262. DEATH OF WASHINGTON. Dec. 14, A. D. 1799. Litk &- Pub. by
I N. Currier, 2 Spruce S! N. Y. Colored. Size 8 5-16 X 12 13-16.
J-^ 263. DEATH OF WASHINGTON. Dec. 14, A. D. 1799. Lith. df Pub. by
' N. Currier, 2 Spruce Sf N. Y. Different stone from the preceding.
Colored. Size 84-16 X 12 13-16.
^ J'{) 264. DEATH OF WASHINGTON. Dec. 14, A. D. 1799. Lith. ^ Pub.
by N. Currier, 2 Spruce Sf N. Y. {Copyright 1846) Different stone
from either of the two preceding prints. Colored. Size 8 4-16 X 12 12-16.
j/^ 265. DEATH OF WASHINGTON. With title in three languages. Paris.
> V'. Turgis editeur rue Serpente, 10. New York, Leonard S'. 99. Lith de
Turgis r. Serpente, 10, a Paris. Casse Frhres a SI Gaudens. Size
7 7-16 X II 3-16.
IDENT OF THE U. S. Pub. at ^^ Spruce S' N. Y. Colored. Size
8 2-16 X 12 6-16.
This and the succeeding 10 prints of Washington's Reception on the
Bridge at Trenton are all from different stones.
Thayer, 144 Fulton S! N. Y. E. B. b' E. C. Kellogg, 136 Main St.
Hartford, Conn. D. Needham, 223 Main St. Buffalo. Colored Size
8 i-i6 X 12 6-16.
STATES. Kellogg (Sr= Thayer, 144 Fulton St. N. Y. E. B. &= E. C.
Kellogg, 136 Main St. Hartford, Conn. D. Needham, 223 Maui St
Buffalo. Colored. Size8Xi2.
STATES IN 1789. Lith. oj E. B. d-" E. C. Kellogg, 87 Fiillon St. New
Y'ork. ^T, Main St. Hartjord, Conn. Colored. Size 8 2-16 X 12 4-16.
THE UNITED STATES. Published by Currier &= Ives, 115 Nassau
S! New York {Copyright i&Sg) Colored. Size 9 X 12 6-16.
DENT OF THE UNITED STATES. {Copyright 1848) Colored.
Size II 14-16 X 8 9-16.
OF THE UNITED STATES. Litho. &-' Pub. by N. Currier, 2 Spruce
St. N. Y. {Copyright 1845) Colored. Size 11 15-16 X 810-16.
OF THE UNITED STATES. Lith. &= Pub. by N. Currier, 2 Spruce
St. N. Y. {Copyright 1845) Colored. Size 12 X 8 12-16.
OF THE UNITED STATES. Lith. fe' Pub. by N. Currier, 2 Spruce
Si.N.Y. Copyright i84S- Colored. Size 12 X 8 12-16.
OF THE UNITED STATES. Lith. O' Pub. by N. Currier, 23 Spruce
St. N. Y. {Copyright 1845) Colored. Size 12X8 12-16.
IDT OF THE U. S. The heading to "Carriers address of the Ameri-
can Patriot, 1846." Pub. at 33 Spruce St. N. Y. Isaac J. Oliver,
Printer, corner oj Ann and Nassau Streets. Size 8 4-16 X 12 6-16.
'^ YORK, DEC? 4, 1783. Lilh. &= Pub. by N. Currier, 152 Nassau St.
cor. oj Spruce N. Y. {Copyright, 1848) Colored. Size 8 7-16 X
12 4-16.
d 278. ANOTHER COPY. Differently colored.
' STS., NEW YORK, DEC. 4, 1783. Published by Currier &' Ives, 125
Nassau St. New York. {Copyright 1S76.) Size 9 14-16 X 12 4-16.
»v I
_ S' t 280. THE SAME. Colored.
^ ^ 281. THE SAME. Colored.
^ ^ "(:5 282. WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE. Full figure in
uniform and chapeau on horseback advancing to the right, a field-glass
in the e.xtended right hand. Lith. of D. W. Kellogg &= Co. Hartjord, Ct.
Size 12 12-16 X II 12-16. Very rare.
^J~0 283. THE SAME. Colored. Damaged.
' uniform and chapeau on horseback advancing to the right, a field-glass
in the right hand. N. Currier's Lith., N. Y. Pub. by N. Currier, 2
Spruce St., N.Y. Colored. Size 10 8-16 X 9 4-16.
&= Pub. by N. Currier, ^t, Spruce St. N. Y. Partly colored. Size
8 2-16 X 12 4-16.
Lith. 6- Pub. by N. Currier, 2 Spruce St. N. Y. Partly colored. Size
8 11-16 X 12 7-16.
Published by Currier &' Ives, 152 Nassau S! New York. Colored.
Size 8 2-16 X 12 2-16.
TON. Published by Currier &= Ives, 125 Nassait S! New York. Col-
ored. Size 8 15-16 X 12 8-16.
289. ANOTHER COPY. Plain.
Smith, 756 5. 4'/' S'. Philad'; From an Original Painting. Respect-
jully Dedicated to the People 0} the United States. {Copyright 1866)
Size 17 X 24 4-16.
graph. Size 14 14-16 X 20.
, S^ 292. GEN'L WASHINGTON AT PRAYER. Published by J. Baillie,
8f'' St. near y' Avenue, N. Y. Colored. Size 11 7-16X8.
293. WASHINGTON AT PRAYER. Kellogg 6- Comstock, 87 Fullon St.,
New York, &= 25 Elm St. Hartford, Conn. Ensign, Thayer &= C". 127
Main S'. Buffalo. Colored. Size 11 6-16 X 8 4-16.
294. WASHINGTON. Full-length figure kneeling at a table praying; on
either side of the title a verse of poetry. Painted by John Lan'dis. Size
14 4-16 X 12 2-16. Very rare.
295. WASHINGTON AT VALLEY FORGE, DEC? 1777-8. Lith. 6-
Pub. by N. Currier, 152 Nassau St. cor. of Spruce, N. Y. Colored.
Size II 6-16 X 8 8-16.
.4' a
2. j" 296. WASHINGTON AT VALLEY FORGE. Blanckmeister &= Hohljeld,
• Publishers, N". 338 Pearl Street New York, Lith. oj F. Heppenheimer,
22 N. William St. N. Y. {Copyright 18^^) Size 17 6-16X24 12-16.
Painted by Lambert Sachs. On Stone by P. Kramer, Lith. oj P. S. Duval
b-'' Co. Phil". Handsomely colored. Size 18 3-16 X 15 6-16.
o y.^ 298. WASHINGTON AT PRINCETON, JANUARY 3? 1777. Lith. &=
^1 s? O Pj^j jjy jy Currier, 2 Spruce St. N. Y. Colored. Size 8 6-16 X
12 14-16.
t V^299. (WASHINGTON AT PRINCETON) Drawn by C. Ens. India
' ' ^^'^ proof before the inscription. Size 11X15 2-16.
y, 6 3°°" WASHINGTON AT PRINCETON, JAN? 7,^° 1777. Painted by
' ' Bruckner. D. M'. Lellan, Litho. 26 Spruce St. N. Y. Blanckmeister b"
Hohljeld, Publishers. Copyright 1853. Size 17 8-16 X 25.
• " LEY FORGE ON CHRISTMAS DAY 1777. Breuker 6- Kessler,
7'/' b' Chestnut Sts. Phil". Size 10 2-16 X 15 8-16.
Painted and Drawn by A . Gibert. Lith. 6^ Publ. by P. Haas, Wash. City.
(Copyright 1843)
•"^ ^ Published by Jos. L. Gofj, No. 31 S'!' Sixth St. Philadelphia. From an
origittal in the possession of the Publishers. Size 17 14-16 X 24 11-16.
^-0 304. (WASHINGTON AT VALLEY FORGE) F. Gabrylewitz. H. C.
» Bispham. Chromo-lithograph. Size 26 12-16 X 35 8-16.
^'^ V OCT. 19™ 1781. PuUished by Currier bf Ives, 125 Nassau St. New
York. {Copyright 1876) Size 8 12-16 X 12 9-16.
/ ' ^a OCT. 19" 1781, BY WHICH OVER 7000 BRITISH AND HES-
SIANS BECAME PRISONERS. Lith. &- Pub. by J. Baillie , 118
Nassau St. N. York. Colored. Size 8 8-16 X 11 14-16.
1781. Lith. 6^ Pub. by N. Currier, 2 Spruce St. N. Y. {Copyright
1845) Size II 14-16X8 8-16. Colored.
309. WASHINGTON AT YORKTOWN. Photogravure. Published by
A. W. Elsoti &" Co. Boston. Copyright 1848. India proof with por-
trait of Washington as remarque. Size 18 X 26 4-16.
'^ A SOLDIER, AND A CHRISTIAN. Painted by Stearns. Lith.
by Regnier, imp Lemercier, Paris. {Copyright 1854) Handsomely
colored. 4 pieces. Size 17 5-16X23 S-16.
The complete set of four; very rare, and all beautiful examples of the
lithographic art.
Publ. by John Smith, 710 Sansom St. Philada. Printed by G. Spohni.
Size 17 15-16 X 23 10-16.
7 2^7^312- LADY WASHINGTON'S RECEPTION DAY. Etching. Early
^-» /^" trial proof, with key. Size 20 ?-i6 X 3 5 6-16.
I proof, with key. Size 20 3-16 X 35
1784. Comp. &= drawn by Ch. P. Thorley. (Copyright 1868) Size
17 12-16 X 24 3-16.
MOUNT VERNON, JULY 20^= 1784. Size 17 10-16 X 24 11-16.
315. WASHINGTON'S LAST BIRTHDAY. Nelly Custis' Wedding
February 22nd^ I ygg. Painted by H. A. Ogden. Goupilgravure. Copy-
right 1899. Colored. Size 20 2-16 X 15 15-16.
316. WASHINGTON AND HIS GENERALS. Chromo-Iithograph. Size
/, 24 ii-i6 X 36.
Chromo-Iithograph. Size 23 11-16X36.
lithograph. Size 25 12-16X36 9-16.
1783. From an Original Drawing by Alfonso Bigot. Published by
John Smith, 804 Market S'. Phil'i Chromo-Lith. by T. Sinclair, Phila.
Size 17 8-16 X 24.
/ y Y'S^o- APOTHEOSIS OF WASHINGTON. With 18 hnes of script as title.
/' ''^ Painted by Samuel Moore. Lithograph by H. Weishaupt. Size 23 X
17 10-16. Rare.
321. THE SAME. Colored. Very rare.
/-^ 322. THE MARRIAGE OF WASHINGTON. Published by Fischer,
Carpenter &=■ Gusthal, 44 East Broadway N. Y. Size 17 7-16 X
23 14-16.
^.3. WASHINGTON'S DREAM. Ciirrier cf Ives, N. Y. {Copy-
^ right xin) Colored. Size 20 10-16X15 12-16.
,^7^ 324- THE SAME. Plain impression.
' graph. Size 21 13-16 X 29 12-16.
as it appeared on the Pedestal in the State House Rotunda, at Raleigh,
North Carolina. /. Weisman dr' Lentze pinx'. Drawn on Stone by A.
Newsam. P. S. Duval, Lith. Phil'^ "A beautiful light falling from
the Dome window, upon the slab of marble, illuminates the whole Statue.
Lafayette is represented viewing this masterly representation of his
beloved General." Size 23 10-16X203-16. Very rare.
J 327. YORKTOWN. Painted by Laselett J. Pott. Photogravure. Artist's
'^ ' proof, signed. Size 25X16 2-16.
J~^ 328. MASONIC MEMORIAL. Full-length figure in Masonic dress, in a
' grouping of numerous other Masons. Ch. Inger del. Lith. Duval,
Williams &= Duval, Phil". {Copyright i860) Size 15 2-16 X
21 3-16.
* ^ Published by Thos. Kelly, 267 3''' Avenue, New York, Geo. Spohni.
Size 18 6-16 X 25 3-16.
Photo-Lith. Joseph Laing, 25 Fulton Street N. Y. Size 11 4-16 X
16 15-16.
LADY. (Copy of Baker No. 405.) Drawn on Stone by A. Hoffy Artist
Lithographer, 41 Chestnut S'. Phil'^ P. S. Duval, Lithographer, Philad".
Published by T. O'Sullivan, Philad? 1840. Size 11 6-16 X 16 8-16.
332. Landscape with Monument, upon which is inscribed (partly
printed and partly written) "To the Memory of George Washington,
The Father of his Country," etc., with three figures standing to the right;
view of the residence at Mount Vernon in the distance. Colored. Size
10 11-16 X 13 10-16.
, / ^ 333. THE SHADE AND TOMB OF WASHINGTON. Published by Cur-
rier &= Ives, 125 Nassau St. New York. Colored. Size 8 8-16 X
12 9-16.
,w7 ^ UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS. With portraits of Washing-
ton, Fulton, and Frankhn in clouds under an arch. Published by Bro.
W".' Patton, S. E. Cor. 3''' &= Dock St. Phila. Colored. Size 16 3-16
X II 11-16.
, ^
CITY OF NEW YORK. Designed by Thos. G. Crawford 6- F. Cather-
wood. On Stone by G. Thomas. {Copyright 1S45) Size 16 4-16 X
i^ 6-16.
336. THE WASHINGTON ME^NIORIAL. From a Monumental Design
by \\'ilham Ross Wallace, Esq. Engraved on Wood and Printed in
Colors by J. W. Orr, New York. Size 20 9-16 X 14 2-16.
,^ 337- WASHINGTON. Crawford Scolpi. L. Camia Lith. Rome 1844. Lit.
Battistelli. India proof . Size 11 11-16 X 5 4-16.
XJ" 338. ARMS of WASHINGTON. T. W. Gwilt Mapleson Fecit. A. Bigot,
Del. Lith. &- Published by T. Sinclair, iV° 311 Chestnut St., Philad".
Printed in gold and colors. Size 14 2-16 X u 5-16.
scape with two females, one holding a medallion portrait of Washington.
J. G. Bruff del. Lith. of E. Weber &■' C". , Balto. Size 5 10-16 X 8.
Oj' 340. GEORGE W.ASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. "Lansdowne
Portrait." Chromo-lithograph. Size 23 9-16 X iS 5-16.
JC 341.
, JTO 342.
jj^ 343
^ JD 345
/ 347'
GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left, the center of a
large sheet entitled "The Father of our Country and the Heroes of 1776,"
with eight other portraits and three scenes from Washington's life. Col-
ored electrotype. Size 19 X 15 4-16.
the New York Life Insurance Co. Colored lithograph. Size 17 12-16
X 24. 2 copies.
graphs. 8 pieces.
PORTRAITS OF WASHINGTON. Colored Lithographs. 13 pieces.
" " " Lot process prints.
" " " Colored posters. 6 pieces.
" " " Lithographs. 10 pieces.
" " " Busts. Process prints. 14 pieces.
" " " Full length. Process prints.
6 pieces.
350. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, head to right, leaning against
a horse, a paper in the right hand, upon which is inscribed "victory to
ours, Paul Jones"; the left hand rests on the hip. Enclosed in an oval
with border of stars, the inscription in the upper part of the oval; the
whole on a background of red and white stripes, with the American shield
at top and bottom. Size 22 3-16 X 16 12-16.
Printed in colors on muslin. Very rare.
351. Full bust in uniform, head to right; a dress-sword rests in the left arm;
over the head a ribbon inscribed " E Pluribus Unum." Oval surmounted
with an eagle and four American flags; the whole on a background of
flowers. Size of oval 8 2-16 X 6 4-16.
Printed in colors on chintz. Rare.
zy, 6HJ
y -y. 352. Bust, head to left, on the same piece with the portrait of Benj. Harrison.
» Zf (/ With ovals enclosed with olive branches, over which is an eagle with two
American flags. Size 12 X 8 4-16.
Printed in colors on muslin.
353. Full length in uniform, head to right, the left foot raised and resting on
elevated ground to the right of a female figure holding a medallion upon
which is the portrait of Laurens and Adams; to the right of Washington
is a monument upon which the figure of Liberty is seated and before which
the figure of America is kneeling and supporting three medallions con-
taining portraits of Washington, Franklin, Huntington, and others; on
the base of the monument is inscribed, "America presenting at the altar
of Liberty medalhons of her illustrious sons"; to the right of the monu-
ment is a female figure burning incense; in the center at the top the figure
of Fame blowing a trumpet and in the act of crowning Washington with
an olive wreath. Size 42 8-16 X 29 8-16.
Printed in red on chintz with a background of emblematic figures.
Made in the latter part of the eighteenth century.
^ /-- f^, 354- Full length in uniform and cocked hat, a sword in the right hand, the
>: J / ""v jgff j^j^jjfj holding the reins and driving two leopards hitched to a chariot,
upon which is seated the tigure of America supporting on her lap a medal-
lion upon which is inscribed, "American Independence 1776." The
whole being the lower vignette on a large print, the upper one representing
the full-length figure of Benjamin Frankhn, with a fur hat, standing
alongside of the Goddess of Liberty and both advancing towards the
figure of Minerva and holding a scroll over their heads entitled "Where
Liberty Dwells there is my Country"; to the left the temple of Fame,
from which the figure of Fame is flying with two trumpets, beneath two
cherubs holding a globe. Size 40 8-16 X 30.
Printed in red on chintz. Made in the latter part of the eighteenth cen-
tury. Very rare.
— 354 A. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette in a background
ruled to a rectangle. "Columbian Exebition Chicago 1893." Size
23 8-16 X 18.
S. faithful reproduction of the celebrated portrait by Stuart. Beauti-
fully machine embroidered on ribbed silk.
/' 3X
j> >o
23 pieces
5 pieces
Colored Lithographs.
1 2 pieces
11 ((
10 pieces
25 pieces
73 pieces.
All folio size, being reproductions from the portraits by various art^
20 pieces.
397. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, in profile to left. The notice
issued by the Grolier Club of an Exhibition of Washington Portraits,
Jan., 1904, being the facsimile from the title of a piece of music entitled
"The Battle of Trenton."
of beautiful chromo-lithographs issued in book form by Allen & Ginther,
Richmond, Virginia.
Full bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle, representing stonework.
F. Haas, Lithography. Size 3 10-16 X 2 15-16.
400. Full length in uniform, advancing to the front, the left hand supporting a
sword resting on the ground; in left distance an encampment. Houdon.
Lith. by E. Weber &= Co. Baltimore. Size 4 13-16 X 3 3-16.
401. Full length, fully described in the preceding print. (Lithograph.) Size
4 12-16 X 3 1-16.
402. Full length, fully described in Print No. 400. (Lithograph.) Size
4 12-16 X 3 i-i6.
403. Full length, fully described in Print No. 400. Lith. by E. Hoen &= Co.
Bait. Size 4 12-16 X 3 3-16.
The above fotir prints, although very similar, are all from different
J, (J 404. THE SAME. 2 copies.
/"V) 405. BAKER, WM. S. The History of a Rare Washington Print, with a
' facsimileof the Portrait. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1888.
Privately printed.
y '^r'^°^■ SOCIETY OF ICONOPHILES.— Portrait of Washington and a
6t » ^"'^^ View of the Evacuation of New York by the British, Nov. 25, 1783. The
Portrait Drawn and Engraved by Francis S. King, with text. New York,
One of 125 copies printed on imperial Japan paper.
J ff 407. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Vignette. Rembrandt
Peak Pinx'. Lith. oj P. Haas, Washington City. Size 6 6-16 X
5 8-16.
^/ ff 408. Bust, head to left. Oval. Photogravure from the Athenaeum Portrait.
India proof. Size 7X5 1-16.
t2 409. Bust, head to left. Photogravure from the Boston Athenaeum Portrait.
^ ^ ^ Size 12 15-16 X 9 14-16.
,J ^ 410. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to right. Vignette.
N. Neraudau. A. Layard, Editeur, 78 Bd. S'. Michel. Paris. H'.'
Lefevre Imp' 25 R. Grange aux Belles, Paris. Size 9 8-16 X 7 10-16.
//a 4h- first IN WAR, FIRST in peace, AND first in the HEARTS
/Y^ty OF HIS COUNTRYMEN. Full bust, head to left. Oval, surrounded
with war implements, with the title partly on two scrolls. The heading
to a long sheet on which are numerous views in the city of Washington.
Stipple. Colored. Published by Chai Magnus, 12 Frankfort St. New
York. Size 3 8-16X3.
J 6
412. GEORG WASHINGTON. Nordamerikas erster Burger und Feldherr
geborn am 23":° Februar 1733, gestorben am 14. September 1799. Full
bust to right, head to left. Oval. (Longhi Type.) lithogr. v. A.
Rimeiisberg Ritter, v. Radtnansdorj, Lithogr Inslitiit in Wien. Size 6 6-16
X 5 4-16.
Cut oval, with title pasted on the back. Somebody has taken a great
deal of trouble to spoil a fine and rare portrait.
413. Bust, head in profile to left. Vignette, enclosed in a wreath of laurel,
surrounded with flags, implements of war, etc. (Houdon's Bust.) Col-
ored lithograph. /. H. Bujjord's Lith., Boston. Size 3 5-16 X 2 8-16.
Title-page of "Music of the Union," 1861.
414. THE SAME. Uncolored.
^ J 4^5" ^'^ bust, head to left. Oval, surrounded with olive branches. (Stuart
type.) Lith. oj Sarony &= Major, 449 Broadway, N. Y. Size 7 2-16 X
6 4-16.
Title to a piece of music. "The Last Words of Washington," 1862.
416. Bust, head to left, after Stuart. On the same sheet with a vignette por-
trait of Bishop Wm. White and a view of the landing of the Puritans.
Thayer &= Co^. Lith., Boston. (Copyright 1844.) Size 3 2-16 X 2.
On the title to a piece of music, "The Puritan's Mistake."
417. Bust, head to right. Oval. On a sheet with a portrait of Henry Clay
and view of the Washington Monument. Thayer o" Co.'. Lith., Boston.
Size 2 3-16 X I 14-16.
Title-page to a piece of music entitled "The American Marseillaise."
(Copyright 1844.)
OF WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, FEB'Y 22, 1832. Full bust,
head to left. Octagon-shaped. Size i 12-16 X i 4-16.
479. SILK B.ADGE. "Tribute of Respect Manufactured at the Grand Civic
Procession, Feb'y 22, 1832. Presented to Gen'l Lafayette, By the Hat-
ters of the City and County of Philada." With portrait of Washington.
Bust, head to left. Oval in a border surrounded with oak leaves, a laurel
wreath and crossed sword and pen over the top. On the same piece of
silk with another badge. "Presented to Charles Carroll of CarroUton."
Engravedby J.&rW.W.Warr. Size i 2-16 X i. Very rare.
420. SILK BADGE. "Centennial. Born Feb. 22, 1732. Died Dec. 14,
1799." Bust, head to left. Oval medallion on the side of a monument,
surmounted with urn and flowers, with diverging rays. Published by R.
Morgan, 2"] g Market St. Size 13-16 X 11-16.
/» 3 6 421. THE SAME. On paper.
/' 3c 422. THE SAME. On silk, without the rays or publisher's address.
") jj 423. THE SAME. On paper. 2 copies.
424- SILK BADGE. "Pro Patria Washington Benevolent Society, Florida,
County of Montgomery." Full bust, head to left. Over the bust the
figiu-e of Fame with a trumpet and wreath. Vignette. Size 2 14-16 X
I 6-16. Very rare.
Very similar to Baker No. 308.
425. SILK BADGE. Similar to the preceding, but a different plate. Very
;l. jo
4j I /J ifiti. BADGE. On paper. "Centenary Anniversary, Feb. 22, 1732. Wash-
/- ' ington, First in War, First in Peace, and First in the hearts of his Country-
men." Full bust, head to left. Over the bust the figure of Fame with
a trumpet and laurel wreath. Vignette. Stipple. Size 2 12-16 X
I 8-16.
Similar to the two preceding portraits, but from a different plate. Very
/» '6~0 4^7- SILK BADGE. "Lafayette. A grateful welcome to the friend of our
^ illustrious Washington." Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval in a
laurel wreath, to the right of a similar portrait of Lafayette; over both a
cupid with a trumpet and wreath. Line. R. G. Harrison. Size 15-16
X 13-16. Very rare.
/ Jp^ 428. THE SAME. On paper.
429. SILK BADGE. "Tiller's Lafayette Badge. Liberty, Equality and
Public Order." Full bust, head to left. Oval in a laurel wTeath, to the
left of a similar portrait of Lafayette; over both an eagle flpng with a
ribbon in its beak, upon which is inscribed "Lafayette Washington";
beneath a flag and farm implements. Copy Right secured by Act of Con-
gress Sep'. 3,1824. Tiller sc. Size 15-16 X 9-16.
Vp 430. THE SAME. On paper. •
This appears in Poems by Moses Guest, Cincinnati, 1824.
LIAMS'S BADGE. Full bust, head to left. Oval with a border.
Beneath the oval war implements; over the oval rays and clouds. Line.
Size I 2-16 X 15-16.
432. SILK BADGE. "The looth Anniversary, Washington & Liberty.
\ ^ Fst). 22, 1832." Bust, head to left. Oval in an American shield, be-
neath a scroll with a portion of the title, and a compass and square; over
the shield a rising sun and rays. Size 12-16 X 11-16.
433. THE SAME. Without the compass and square.
jr—jy 434- SILK BADGE. With portraits of Washington, Wm. Penn, Dan'l
Webster, Wm. H. Harrison, view of Perry's victory on Lake Erie, and
arms of the United States. Rare.
435. SILK BADGE. "Welcome Kossuth." Full bust, head to left.
Square, beneath which is an oval portrait of Kossuth. Eng^. cs' sold by
E. P.Whaites, 1 CourlSt. Size i 5-16X1 1-16.
436. SILK BADGE. "Whig celebration November 22"? 1837. Glorious
Triumph of just principles, the Spirit of '76 Revived in 1837." Full bust,
head to left. Square. Edward P. Wkaites, No. 2 Courtlandl St. Size
I 6-i6 X I 1-16.
437. SILK BADGE. " Centennial Anniversary of the Birthday of Washing-
ton. The Tobacconists of Philadelphia 1832." Bust on a pedestal, head
to left, on a monument, upon which an Indian and a tobacco planter are
leaning weeping; on the monument is inscribed "The Father of his
Country. Born Feb. 22<1 1732. Died Dec. 14th 1799." Tiller sc.
/-* ^ >" 438. SILK BADGE. "In Commemoration of the Death of Lafayette.
^ / /*- •J Though Dead yet Lives. The Friend of Washington. Born Sep. 6,
1757. Died May 20, 1834." Bust, head to left. Oval to the right of a
similar portrait of Lafayette, surrounded with war implements; over the
whole a flying eagle with a ribbon in its beak, upon which is "Vive La
Liberie." Size 14-16 X 12-16.
439. SILK BADGE. "Washington Monument. Height 600 feet. 4th
July 1848." Bust, head to right. Oval, beneath a view of the Wash-
ington Monument. /. V. N. Throop sc. Size 13-16 X 11-16.
>— /«-^ 440. SILK BADGE. "Native American July 4th 1844 6Sth Anniversary of
^ ' American Independence." Bust, head to left. Circular medallion with
a border in which is inscribed "First in War, First in Peace, and First in
the Hearts of his Countrymen"; the medaUion held in the beak of an
eagle holding in its talons a ribbon upon which is "Firm-united let us be,
Rallying round our Liberty"; beneath a star enclosing medallions with
the names of the States, etc. Designed, Engrav'd Of Publish'd by R. M.
Gaw, N°. 23 Merchant S'. Philada. Diameter i inch.
441. SILK BADGE. "Centennial Celebration, Washington, 1832." Bust,
head to left. Oval in a circular frame of roses, etc., with vignettes of
ships, conch-shell, eagle, etc. Size 12-16 X 10-16.
J 'y j^ 441 A. THE SAME. Without the vignettes of the ships.
442. SILK BADGE. "Washington Association." Full bust in uniform.
/jf (^ Oval in diverging rays, over which is a crossed sword and pen, beneath
' * olive branches, and a scroll upon which is "First in War, first in Peace
and first in the hearts of his Countrymen." Size 10-16 X 8-16. Very
The St. Memin portrait, probably engraved by Kneass.
/w .^ 443. SILK BADGE. " Caritates Auspicis, Washington Benevolent Society."
> J^ \i Bust on a pedestal, on a monument, upon which is a figure of Charity
and several other figures.
y, 444. THE SAME.
W «7 y- 445- SILK BADGE. "Young American Club N? i." Bust, head to left.
/T' /«/ Circular medallion, with a border in which is inscribed "Beware of Foreign
Influence"; the medallion suspended from the beak of an eagle holding
in its talons a ribbon upon which is " Union. The Union must and
shall be preserved"; beneath the whole a many-pointed star, in which are
many smaller stars. H. M. Gaw &= Son, Engr^ Diameter i inch.
y 446. SILK BADGE. "American Republican Association, New Market
Ward." Full length, the "Lansdowne portrait," to the right of a vignette
of a sailor holding a flag; at the top an eagle with a ribbon in its beak,
inscribed, "we will govern ourselves"; at the bottom a portrait of Queen
Victoria. Size 2 3-16 X i 6-16.
i-T ^'d '*'*^' ^^^^ BADGE. "Native American Association." Full bust, head to
' ' *^ left. Oval, surrounded with diverging rays; over the top a crossed sword
and pen; beneath and e.xtending up the sides, olive branches and the
motto "Beware of Foreign Influence." Size i 3-16 X 11-16.
2 / d? '^■*^' ^•'^^^ BADGE. "Our Country and Our Flag. Native Americans "
^ , '^ Full bust, head to left. Oval, oak leaves and wheat e.xtending up
the sides; over the oval an American sailor and eagle, beneath which is
"Beware of Foreign Influence." Size i 6-16 X i 2-16.
y- 449. SILK BADGE. "Native American Association." Full bust, head to
left. Oval in diverging rays, over which is a crossed sword and pen
crossed ohve branches e.xtending up the sides, and the motto "Beware
of Foreign Influence." Size i 2-16 X 14-16.
/ ^ J 4SO- SILK BADGE. Bust, head to left. Circular medallion with border in
^ which IS inscribed "Washington Born Febr 22, 1732. Died Dec"- 1799"-
over the medallion an eagle with olive branches and arrows in its talons'
Diameter i 14-16.
, Cd C 451- BADGE ON PAPER. The same as the preceding, but with different
inscription around the portrait : "Beware of Foreign Influence," "Native
American Republican Association of North Mulberry Ward." '
J^O ^5'- TT^^c^.^-'^H^^ ^O^YM IN COLORS. "1776 1876. Centennial
* U.S.A. The Father of our Country George Washington." Full bust
head to right. Vignette. Size 2 6-16 X 2. '
f/j 453- SILK BADGE WOVEN IN COLORS. "In commemoration of the
»/ *^ Centennial of American Independence." Full bust, head to left. Oval
over which is a scroll upon which is "These United Colonies are and of a
right ought to be Free and Independent States"; and from the bottom of
oval hang 13 pendants containing the names of the States Size
2 7-16 X 2 1-16.
,^"0 454- SILK BADGE WOVEN IN COLORS. "Centennial 1776-1876
Philadelphia, U. S. A. George Washington," etc. Full bust, head to
right. Vignette. Size i 14-16 X i 9-16.
J>Q 455- SILK BADGE WOVEN IN COLORS-" The Father of his Country "
' '^ Full bust, head to left. Vignette. Size 2 4-16 X i 15-16.
, f'O 4S6. SILK BADGE WOVEN IN COLORS. " The Father of our Country
General George Washington. The First in Peace, The First in War'
The First in the Hearts of his Countrymen." Full bust in uniform head
to left. Size 2X1 10-16. '
457- SILK BADGE WOVEN IN COLORS. "Philadelphia International
E.xhibition. Centennial— Independence— United States." Full bust
head to left. Vignette. With view of the Main E.xhibition Building etc'
Size 2 3-16 X I 4-16.
.^<5 458- SILK BADGE. "Native American." Full bust, head to left. Oval
' in a rectangle, beneath the figure of Liberty. Size i 9-16 X i 3-16.
Z//y 459- SILK BADGES. Sons of the American Revolution, ii6th Anniversary
of the Battle of Trenton, and New Jersey Sons of the American Revolu-
tion, Feby. 22, 1892. , pjg^g3_
460. BADGES. On paper with portraits of Washington. Modern. 5 pieces.
»/j''46i. BADGES ON PAPER. Reprints. 3 pieces.
• ^ EXPOSITION, CHICAGO, 1893. Full bust, head to right; beneath
the bust, crossed flags. Size 2 14-16 X 2 2-16.
1^ WASHINGTON. Painted on a palette. "Souvenir of the World's
Columbian Exposition 1893." Painted by E. Sober, Bruxelles.
to left. After Stuart. Square. Stipple. Size 2 2-16 X i 9-16.
/J'" 465- THE SAME. On an envelope.
/—T) 466. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Square. Line. India proof.
« ^ Size 2 X I 11-16.
467. THE SAME. India proof, on large paper.
" 468. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Square. Line. India proof.
Size I 3-16 X I.
y " 469. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Square in a border resembling a
' frame. Line. India proof. Size i 2-16 X i.
Engraved by Bald, Adams & Co., New York, 1857.
,>2- C^ 470. Full bust, head to left. After Stuart. Square. Line. Size 15-16
X 12-16.
^fi 471. Half length, seated, head to left. Square, in a fancy border. After Stu-
art. Line. India proof. Size i 5-16 X i 2-16.
%/ C 472- Half length, head to left. After Stuart. Square in a fancy border.
Line. Size i 8-16 X i 5-16.
,/ Cf 473- THE SAME.
J J) 474. Full bust, head to left. After Stuart. Line. Proof on large paper.
«/ ^ Size I 5-16 X I 1-16.
/a 475. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Square. Line. First State, on
' ^ an Envelope. Size 14-16 X 13-16.
fj >. 476. THE SAME. Second State, with fancy border. Engraved for the
I ^ ^ Jewel or Token of Friendship 1843.
J 9/7 477- THE SAME. Third State, on the Ticket for Washington's Birth Day
/' "^ ^ Ball, by the Military of N. York 1842. Teubner sc.
5 /- 478. Full bust, head to left. After Stuart. Square. Line. On India paper.
f^^ Size 14-16 X 12-16.
■y (" 479- Full bust in uniform, head to left. Square, oval at top. After Trum-
t ^'^ bull. India proof. Size ii-i 6 X 10-16.
* - 480. SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS. Vignette on engraved ticket of
•■^ ^ invitation, at the Centennial Celebration of the Surrender of Cornwallis,
Oct. 19, 1881.
fst 481. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval, olive and
oak branches e.xtending up both sides. After Stuart. Line. Bureau
Engraving and Printing. India proof on large paper. Size 2X1 10-16.
^ ^ 482. ANOTHER COPY. India proof on large paper.
/ d 483. Full bust, head to left. After Stuart. Oval. Line. Proof. Size
' I 11-16 X I 4-16.
y" A 484- Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval. Line. India proof.
Size I 13-16 X I 8-16.
^/ 485. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Line. Dan]orlh,Wrightb' Co.
New York &= Philad'f India proof, on large paper. Size i 3-16 X
Ji J 486. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval with narrow border. Line.
' Proof. Size i 10-16 X i 7-16.
, / ^ 487. INAUGURATED APRIL 30, 1789. Full bust, head to right. Oval,
with narrow border in which is the inscription; flags and oUve branches
extending upwards on either side. After Stuart. Line. India proof,
on large paper. Size 2 2-16 X i 13-16.
488. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval.
Line. Size i 11-16 X i 7-16.
489. Full bust, head to left. After Stuart. Oval, in border of olive leaves and
scrollwork. Line. Toppan, Carpenter &= Co. New York, Phil'f &'
Boston. India proof, on large paper. Size i 6-16 X i 2-16.
490. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval between two female fig-
ures representing commerce and agriculture. Line. India proof. Size
I 5-16 X I 2-16.
,>2- J 491- Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval in a rectangle. Line.
India proof on large paper. Size: 6-16 X i 4-16.
^~2? 492. Bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval. Line. India proof on
• large paper. Size 10-16 X 8-16.
^"^ 493- Bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval. Line. India proof. Size
• 10-16 X 9-16.
/^ 494- Bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval. Line. Size 11-16 X 9-16.
/ {} 495- Bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval. Line. Size 13-16 X 11-16.
2 ('-'496. Bust, head to left. After Stuart. Oval. Line. India proof. Size
•"^*' 14-16 X ii-i6.
, <^^ 497- Bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval. Line. (Engraved by Chas.
Sihlecht) Artist's proof, signed, on large paper. Size 10-16 X 8-16.
One of 25 signed proofs.
// (J? 498- Bust in uniform, head to left. After Trumbull. Oval. Line. (En-
graved by Girsch.) Size 12-16 X 9-16.
1/^ 499- Bust, head to left. After Stuart. Oval. Line. Size 12-16 X 11-16.
y /; 500- Bust, head in profile to left. After Houdon. Oval. Line. Draper,
*/ ^ Welsh &f Co. Phila. India proof . Size 15-16 X 12-16.
Z—fj 501. Bust, head in profile to left. After Houdon. Circular medallion, be-
• '^ tween the figure of Liberty and a Continental soldier, an eagle perched
on the top. Bald, Cousland b' Co. Neu: York &> Philada. Line. In-
dia proof on large paper. Diameter i inch.
J /) 502. Full bust, head to left, in the act of crowning the head of Lincoln with a
' ' laurel wreath; angels in the upper left. Oval. Line. Size i 11-16 X
I 7-16.
/ j/m 503. Full, head to left. After Stuart. Oval. On the same sheet with
/» ff-v ^ companion portrait of Martha Washington, the heading to an engraved
biographical sketch, with fancy border, on glazed card. Portraits
Eng'f by G. F. Storm. Border, &=? hy T. Pollock. {Copyright 1838)
Line. Size i 10-16 X i 4-16.
^""{f 504. Bust, head to left. After Stuart. Oval medalUon hanging on a palm
tree, back of which is the figure of Fame with a trumpet. Line. India
proof. Size i 14-16 X i 4-16.
505. THE SAME. On a sheet with a similar portrait resting on a monu-
ment, to the left of which is a figure of Justice. Vignette. Line.
Size I 12-16 X I 8-16.
506. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval enclosed in a wreath, to
the right of a companion portrait of Martha Washington. Line
American Bank NoteCo. New York. Size i 8-16 X i 3-16.
>//^ 507- Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval enclosed in a wreath, t'o
the right of a companion portrait of Martha Washington. Line. Size
I 7-16 X I 3-16.
^ff 508. Bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval medallion resting on the breast
* of an eagle, to the right of which is the figure of Justice. Line. (En-
graved by A. B. Durand.) Size 3-16 X 2-16. This also appears on the
banknote of the New Jersey State Bank at Morris.
2. O 5°9- Bust, head to left. Oval. On ticket for Dedication of Washington
Monument, Feb'y 21, 1885. (Ceremonies at Base of Monument and
Gallery of House of Representatives.) 2 pieces.
^ g 510. Bust, head to left. On ticket for ceremonies in commemoration of the
t ^ Inauguration of the First President of the United States, Dec. 11, 1889,
with the programme. 2 pieces.
J iL A S-"^' -^"'^ ^v&l, head to left. Oval. On invitation to the ceremonies in com-
r ' *r' O memoration of the Inauguration of Geo. Washington, Dec. 4, 1889.
2 copies.
/ . 512. Full bust, head to left. Oval. On invitation to the ceremonies on the
'W ^ completion of the Washington Monument, June 14, 1885. On plain and
glazed cardboard. 2 pieces.
mC » V§ MOUNT PARK, MAY 15, 1897, by the State Society of the Cincinnati
of Penna. The various tickets of admission, programmes, etc., on the
occasion, one of which bears the portrait of Washington, etc. Lot.
I J. 514. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Vignette. Line. Proof.
' ^ ^ Size I 8-16 X I 6-16.
515. WASHINGTON AT TRENTON. Full length on horseback, riding
to the right, amidst his oflScers. Vignette. Line. India proof and
trial proof of the same. Size i 6-16 X 3. 2 pieces.
516. Bust, head in profile to right. After Houdon. Line. Vignette. India
proof. Size i 6-16 X 13-16.
_ 517. Full length in uniform, head to right, left hand extended. Vignette.
Line, on large paper. Size 2 8-16 X i 4-16. 2 copies.
^ 518. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, head to left,
right hand resting on a table, scroll in the left. Vignette. Bureau En-
graving and Printing. Line. India proof. On large paper. Size
2X1 12-16.
2 ( 519. THE ALTAR OF LIBERTY. Bust, head in profile to right. After
"^ Houdon. On the side of an altar upon which incense is burning; to the
right, the figure of Liberty. Vignette. Line. Bureau Engraving and
Printing. India proof, on large paper. Size i 12-16 X 3 4-16.
J J'
520. APOTHEOSIS OF WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. After
Houdon. On a monument upon which is inscribed "Patria Gloria,"
surrounded with figures emblematic of American progress. Vignette.
Line. American Batik Note Co. India proof, on large paper. Size
1 12-16 X 3 8-16.
/' > ^ 521. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval. On Policy of the Insur-
' ance Company of the Valley of Virginia, i860. Line. Draper, Welsh
b'Co.Phila. Size i 13-16 X i 8-16.
"2^ 522. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Square on a bond of the Repub-
t^^ lie of Nicaragua, 1856. Lith. oj B. F. Butler, San Francisco. Size 14-16
X 12-16.
523. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Square. On the $6 and $7
notes of the People's Bank of Paterson, being two of a sheet of five notes.
Line. Casilear, Durand, Burton, &= Edmonds, N. York. Proofs.
Size 13-16 X 12-16.
y ( 524. Bust, head in profile to left. After Houdon. On a Subscription Cer-
"^ tificate of the Washington National Monument Society. Lith. by E.
Weber & Co. Baltimore. Size i 7-16 X i 3-16.
y ^ 525. Full bust, head to left. After Stuart. Square. Line. Six portraits on
three 25-cent and 50-cent notes of the Pennsylvania Savings Bank, 183-.
Line. Size 15-16 X 14-16.
526. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval. Line. On certificate
of stock, The Bank of the Commonwealth, Virginia, 1858. Bald, Cous-
land&fCo. Philad'f and New York. Size 2X1 9-16.
,/ ^ 527. Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval. Line. On certificate
of stock the Kentucky Coal Mining Company. Draper, Welsh a' Co.
Philada. Size i 6-16 X i.
,/ 528. Full bust, head to left. After Stuart. Oval in a fancy border. Line.
On certificate of stock in the Huntingdon & Broad Top Mountain Rail-
road Company. Chandler, PhiM Size i 3-16 X i.
2, /) 529- Full bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval, with a fancy border.
"^ Line. On certificate of stock of the First National Bank of Mount Car-
roll, lUinois. Size 2X1 10-16.
J ( ' 530. Full bust, head to left. After Stuart. Oval with a border. Line. On
\ certificate of stock in the Western Bank of Baltimore. Line. India
proof. Size 12-16 X 11-16.
J tj" 531- Full bust, head to left. After Stuart. Oval. Line. And similar por-
' trait of Franklin and full-length portrait of Penn on certificate of
stock in the Commonwealth Insurance Co. of Penna. J. M. Butler, 84
Chestnut St. Philad". India proof. Size i 2-16 X i.
,A~// 532. Bust, head to left. Circular medallion, in a broad machine-ruled border,
• on a sheet with various other banknote vignettes. Line. W . L. Ormsby,
New York. Proof. Diameter 12-16.
533. Full length, the "Lansdowne Portrait." Vignette and bust portrait of
Lafayette, on a certificate of stock in the Lafayette Bank of Cincinnati.
Line. Draper, Toppan, Longacre &= Co. Phil". &= N. Y. Proof. Size
2 1-16 X I 5-16.
534. Full length, the "Lansdowne Portrait." Vignette. Line. On certifi-
cate of stock in the Piscataqua Bank, N. H. Proof. Size 2 2-16 X
I S-16.
535. Bust, head to right. After Stuart. Oval. Line. On promissory note
of the Marble Manufacturing Co. of the City of New York. A. B.b' C.
Duraiid&r' Wright. Size 13-16 X 11-16.
536. Full bust, head to left. After Stuart. Oval on bill of exchange. Eng'f
by Woodcock (^ Harvey, Brooklyn. On India paper. Size i 4-16 X
537. Bust, head to left. Oval. Line. On card of A. Nye & Co., Falmouth,
Mass., 1863. L. Prang &= Co. Engr^. Size i 8-16 X i 4-16.
538. Full length in uniform, on horseback, sword in the extended right hand.
Vignette. Line. On Testimony of Approbation. Size i 12-16 X
I 6-16.
539. Bust, head to left. After Stuart. Oval, on the breast of an eagle, to the
right of which is a female seated. On the $20 and $100 notes of Bank of
Augusta. Rawden, Wright if Hatch, Neu< York. Size 3-16 X 2-16.
This is a full sheet, containing the $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes, on the
back of which are printed nine pieces of fractional currency issued by the
Bank of Augusta, including 5-cent, lo-cent, 25-cent, 50-cent, and 75-
cent notes. Dated Jan. i, 1863.
540. Bust, head to left. Oval with a border, and similar portraits of Penn and
Franklin. Line. "Society for the Encouragement of Faithful Domes-
tics." Clmi Toppan ds' Co., PhiM Size 13-16 X 11-16.
541. Bust, head to left. .-Ifter Stuart. Oval. Line. "Washington Manu-
facturing Co., Gloucester, New Jersey." Size I 3-16 X I.
542. SHEET OF BANKNOTE VIGNETTES. Containing portrait of
Washington, half length, head to left. After Stuart, square. Full
length in uniform, standing to the left of a horse, square, etc. Line.
New England Bank Note Co. Boston, Mass. India proof.
543- SHEET OF BANKNOTE VIGNETTES. Containing portrait of
Washington, head to right. Oval. Washington Crossing the Delaware,
Battle of Bunker's Hill, Signing the Declaration of Independence, etc.
Line. New England Bank Note Co., Boston, Mass. India proof.
•) ^-^545- BANKNOTE VIGNETTES. Portrait of Washington on various ad-
/, t CP ^ vertising cards. i^ pieces.
2,, 6> ^ 546. PORTRAITS OF WASHINGTON. Banknote vignettes. 13 pieces.
J, ^ J 547- " " " '• " 33 pieces.
/ V^ 548. " " " " " 16 pieces.
T- / O REVENUE STAMPS. All with Washington portrait after Stuart, head
to left. Containing the $1 (3), $1.30 (2), $1.50 (2), $1.60, $7.90, $5, Sio;
Conveyance, $10, $5, $1, 50c. (2 varieties); Entry of Goods, 50c.; Lease,
Soc; Life Insurance, $1 (2 varieties), 25c., 50c. ; Mortgage, soc, $1, $5,
$10; Protest, 2SC.; Manifest, $1, $5; Probate of WiUs, $5, $1, 50c.;
Original Process, soc. ; Passage Ticket, 50c., $1 ; Insurance, 2sc. (2 varie-
ties); Bond, 2SC.; Certificate, 2sc.; Foreign Exchange, $1, 30c.; Inland
Exchange, $1, 40c., 30c.; Charter Party, $5, $10 (2 varieties). Printed
in various colors. 4^ pieces.
o/' '' NAL REVENUE STAMPS. All with Washington's portrait, after
Stuart, large head; viz., Probate of Wills, $20 (2 varieties), $2; Mortgage,
$25 (2 varieties), $2 (2 varieties), $15 (2 varieties); Inland Exchange,
$2.50, $3.50 (2 varieties); Conveyance, $20, $2; Manifest, $3; Charier
Party, $3; Internal Revenue, $50 (2 varieties). Printed in various
colors. 18 pieces.
'-T' / (/ NAL REVENUE STAMPS. All with Washington's portrait after
Stuart, large head to right; viz., $50, $25, $20, $3.50, $3, $2.50, $2, 70c.,
60c., 50c. (2 varieties), 40c., 30c., 25c. Printed in various colors.
14 pieces.
""• ^ NAL REVENUE STAMPS. Various denominations; viz., ic. (5 varie-
ties); 2C. (5 varieties); 3c. (5 varieties); 4c. (5 varieties); 5c. (7 varieties);
6c._ (3 varieties); loc. (7 varieties); 15c. (4 varieties); 20c. (3 varieties).
Printed in various colors. 4^ pieces.
the portrait of Washington. Various issues and denominations : loc. (7) ;
5c.(2); 4c.; 3c.; 2c. (6); ic. (11). All unused, some with gum, and in-
cluding a few duplicates. 28 pieces.
• Hydrometer." With portrait of Washington. Series of 1889. Very
2 J' 5S6- UNITED STATES CUSTOMS. Imported tobacco stamp, with por-
' trait of Washington. Series of 1869. Rare.
^ (^ ^ 557. REVENUE STAMPS. With portraits of Washington; viz., One Eight
Barrel of Beer (4) ; Dr. McLane's Celebrated Liver Pills ic. (2); Sixty
Pounds Tobacco, $12, etc., etc. 12 pieces.
^ yS t i^'^ collection; viz.. Issue of 1847, 5c. and loc; Issue of 1851, Carriers' and
ic; Issue of 1883-1885, ic, 2c., 4c., sc, 6c., loc, and Special loc;
General Issue, 1851, ic, 3c., 5c., loc, 12c., 24c., 30c., and 90c.; General
Issue, 1861, IC, 2c., 3c., sc, IOC, 12c., 15c., 24c., 30c., and 90c.; General
Issue, 1869, IC, 2c., 3c., 6c., IOC, 12c., 15c., 24c., 30c., and 90c.; General
Issue, 1870, IC, 2c (2), 3c, sc, 6c, 7c, loc, 12c, isc, 24c., 30c., and
90c.; Agricultural Department, 1873, ic, 2C., 3c., 6c., loc, 12c., 15c., 24c.,
30c.; Executive Department, 1873, ic, 2c., 3c., 6c., and loc (2 varieties
of each); Interior Department, 1873, ic, 2C, 3c., 6c, loc, 12c., isc,
24c., 30c., and 90c.; Department of Justice, 1873, ic., 2c., 3c., 6c., loc,
I2c., ISC, 24c., 30c., and 90c.; Navy Department, 1873, i^., 2C., 3c., 6c.,
7c., IOC, I2C., ISC, 24c., 30c., and 90c. (2 varieties of each); Post OflSce
Department, 1873, ^c., 2C, 3c., 6c., loc, 12c., 150., 24c., 30c., and 90c.;
Department of State, 1873, ic., 2c., 3c., 6c., 7c., loc, 12c., 15c., 24c., 30c.,
and 90c; Department of State, 1873, $2, $5, $10, and $20; Treasury
Department, 1873, ic, 2C., 3c., 6c., 7c., loc, 12c., 15c., 24c., 30c., and
90c.; War Department, 1873, ic, 2c., 3c., 6c, 7c., loc, 12c., isc, 24c.,
30c., 90c.; Postage Due, 1879, ic, 2C., 3c., 5c., loc, 30c., and 50c.;
Newspapers and Periodicals, 1865, 5c. (2), loc, and 2sc. (2) ; Newspapers
and Periodicals, 1874, ic, 2c., 3c. (2), 4c., 6c., 8c., 9c., and loc, 12c.,
24c, 36c, 48c,_6oc., 72c., 84c, 96c, li, $3, $6, $9, $12, $24, $36, $48, and
$60; making, in all, 198 pieces, all neatly mounted and classitied in an
A remarkable collection, and one of extreme interest and beauty. It is
doubtful if it could be duplicated. Many of the stamps contain portraits
of Washington, Lincoln, Jackson, Franklin, and other statesmen. It is a
complete set of proofs of all U. S. adhesive postage stamps from 1847 to
1879 inclusive, including 177 varieties.
559. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head in profile to right. Circular,
with title in the upper part. Engraved and Printed by Amos DooUttle,
New Haven 1803. On $5-note of the W^ashington Bank, Westerly,
Rhode Island.
Excessively rare. The only copy I ever saw.
^ ^- 560. Bust, head to left. After Stuart. Circular medallion (in red) in border
■^ "^ engraved with a roulette. W. B. Ormsby, New York. On $5-note of the.
Potomac River Bank, 1855.
This note contains five impressions of the portrait on the back. Very
^ A s^i- Full l-'ust, head to left. After Stuart. Oval. Engraved by S. Hatty,
Philad'^. On $i-note of the Bank of North America, 1826. Rare.
587. Full bust. On $5-note. "Washington Co., Maryland, O. N. & T. O.
Richmond, Antietam, & Victory," etc. Doty &» Mcparlan, 123 Wf St.,
N. Y. 3 pieces.
Interesting mementos of the Civil War.
588. Full bust. On $5-note. The E.\-change Bank, Brunswick, Ga., 1842.
Draper, Toppan &° Co., New York 6^ Phila.
2. 5^9' ^^ bust. On $2-note of Bank of Augusta, Ga. Unsigned. Draper,
Toppan &= Co., New York &f Phila. 2 copies.
Sgo. Full bust. On $io-note of The Mississippi & Alabama Rail Road Co ,
1838. Draper, Toppan, Longacre &= Co., Phil". &= N. Y.
^ 591. Full bust. On $2o-note. The Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of
Memphis, 1854. Draper, Toppan, Longacre b' Co., Phil": &= N . Y.
_ 592. Bust. On $2o-note of the Bank of Saline, Michigan, 1858. Draper,
Toppan, Longacre &^ Co., Phil". 6^ A''. F.
Al) 593- Bust. On $ioo-note of the Northampton Bank, Penna., 1841. Draper,
' Underwood, Bald &» Spencer.
594. Bust, with portraits of Hamilton & Jay. On $3-note of the Bank of
"^ Macon, Ga., 1851. Diirand, Perkins if Co., New York.
595. Bust. On $3-note of Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, of Steubenville,
Ohio, 1839. A. B.&°C. Durand, Wright &= Co.
596. Bust. On $i-note of State Bank at Morris, New Jersey. A. B. fe^ C.
"^ Durand, Wright a" Co. Unsigned.
, 597- Full bust, with portrait of Franklin. On $4-note of the Bank of
Augusta, Ga., on the back of which is printed the 25-cent, so-cent, and
lo-cent note of the Bank, 1863 issue. A. B. C. Durand, Wright b'
2 pieces.
., 598. Full bust, with portrait of Patrick Henry. On $io-note of Bank of
Augusta, Ga. A. B.C. Durand, Wright d^ Co. Unsigned.
, 599. Bust. On S3-note of the Hoboken Banking and Grazing Company
1829. A.B.crC. Durand, Wright &-' Co. "
J^ ' 600. Bust_, with portrait of Franklin. On $5-note of the Bank of the Valley in
•• ^ Virginia, 1846. Fairman, Draper, Underwood &= Co.
^J~V " 601. Bust, with portraits of Penn, Lafayette, and Frankhn. On $s-note of
The Elkton Bank of Maryland. Fairman, Draper, Underwood &= Co.
X Co., Philad'^ &=
N. York. 3 copies.
J- ^ 710. Full bust on various banknotes engraved by Rawdon, Wright, Hatch &-'
1^ A Co., New York. 4 pieces.
711. Bust and full length on various banknotes. Engravers unknown.
16 pieces.
712. Bust on various banknotes by different engravers. 9 pieces.
I (f C 713- Bust, full length and on horseback, on various banknotes. Engravers
/' / unknown. 15 pieces.
//I 714. Lot banknotes, etc., including the loc. (green) postage currency notes,
^ uncirculated.
715. Full bust, head to left. Oval in a fancy border. The heading to a double
elephant folio sheet entitled "The Declaration of Independence." Ack-
erman Lilh. 379 Broadway, New York. {Copyright 1851)
NOV. 25™, 1783. Printed in Oil Colors by P. S. Duval, Philadela.
Published by William Smith, 702 South Third Street, Phila. {Copy-
right i860) Size 29 2-16 X 52.
■,S^ 717. THE SAME. Uncolored.
XS" 718. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette (colossal). Kurz &=
Allison Art Studio, Chicago. Size 30 X 23.
719. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Chromo-lithograph. Size 25 12-16
X 36 8-16.
r j" 720. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Chromo-Uthograph. Size 26 2-16
'^ X37-
721. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Chromo-lithograph. Size 2512-16
X 36 8-16.
722. GEO. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval over a view of
the tomb at Mount Vernon. George F. Cram, Chicago, Ills. Colored
lithograph, 2 copies, one varnished. Size 23 3-16 X 19.
2 f 723. WASHINGTON ON HORSEBACK, entitled "Reading of the Declar-
ation of Independence before the army in New York July gth, 1776."
Colored Uthograph. Size 27X31 14-16.
1789-1797. Bust, head to left,oval on a sheet entitled, "The Centennial
of Washington's Inauguration"; on a sheet with smaller portraits of the
Presidents down to Benjamin Harrison. Published by A. Midler &= Co.,
21 to 27 New-Chambers St. Colored Lithograph. Size 19 8-16 X
17 8-16.
. 1 111 il I : I II I
a atT 783 38T