5 445 .844 >py 1 Designs and Arrangements IN Flowers. v_ T HIS CATALOGUE is issued as an aid in choosing AND ORDERING FLOWERS. WHILE ADAPTABLE FOR LOCAL TRADE AND CUSTOMERS, IT ALSO INCLUDES ALL NEEDED INFORMATION FOR OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS. In lending their beautiful influence to lighten grief, the use of flowers becomes largely a matter of sentiment, their value appealing to our senses through the fitness of the forms employed, the perfect beauty and freshness of the flowers, and proper arrangement. Our established reliability and experience in the exacting cut flower trade, gives assurance of an ability to meet all demands in the filling of any orders, even on short notice. It is con- ceded that we excel the arrangements of flowers suited to special uses, while we offer also, and practice, that experienced judgment on details that leads to a proper finish of every order. The necessity of entrusting orders for fine flowers and designs only to florists of known taste and ability, is evident. We are "leaders" in arrangfements of flowers, and though competitors may imitate, they do not in any strict sense, follow us. Flowers in any form can be packed so they will travel perfectly by express, at any season of the year. We do this, and make no additional charge for packing. Unless able to decide specifically what is wanted when ordering flowers, an idea may be given of their intended use ; and by leaving the selection to us, we are almost sure to give satis- factory returns. We continually attend to many details of floral decorations thus entrusted in our hands. Out-of-town flower buyers should remember that an established business, as ours, is in every way much better prepared to meet the wants of all purchasers than can be done by florists in small towns, who do only a small business. 2)ceion6 an^ Bnanocmcnt6 A CATALOGUE: ISSUED BY in Jflowei6. K ^^/ ' ■' \ * / --.iSJ£«.zA^,^J-:^ti •"• »'• '• Flowers in any form can be packed so they will travel perfectly by express, at any season of the year. We do this, and make no additional charge for packing. This Catalogue illustrates sixty-one arrangements of floral effects for funeral occasions, listed in many sizes, with prices. All necessary ordering details are given complete. The pictures are from photographic reproductions of actually made-up de- signs in fresh flowers, so the character of the flowers employed is accurately shown, also the important essential of the true ap- pearance of finished work. In flowers intended to serve as a balm to the bereaved at the last sad earthly rites of those dear to us, set forms that are complicated in character or design should be avoided. The subjects here shown include only arrangements that are graceful in style and shape, and sensible of expression and sentiment. The code words preceding each size of design leads to correct ordering by telegraph or telephone at lowest cost. See special directions on using the same, on the next page. Copyrighted igoi, by Dan'l B. Long, Publisher, See N. B. note about substituting, etc., on 3o cover page. Buffalo, N. Y. SCCIVE9 902 1T«» (0/ Loose Cut Flowers for Funerals and Other Occasions. In sucli quality as we supply, these are popular with flower buyers, as they give best possible results. If undecided about select- ing, an idea may be given of the special manner in which the flowers are to be used, and their cost, and the selection left to us. In such cases we are sure to please. Prices of loose flowers go by count mostly, varving somewhat with the season. They are dearest during the midwinter holiday season ( Dec. 15th to Jan. loth ). The following staple kinds are in daily supply in their seasons. April 10 October inclusi\e. Price per doz. |l.OO to |;i.25 1. 00 to 1.25 1. 00 to 1.25 ROSES .. Bridesmaids, and other pink sorts, . Perles, cream white Meteor, fine red : Brides, white, .... American Beauty. To special advance orders only Assorted Roses, our selection, good grades, Assorted Roses, our selection, choice, . CARNATIONS .. While, red, pink, etc., in variety, Assorted, in choicest qualities, Nov. to .April (except holidays He lidavs. also Easter. Dec. 20 to Jan. s- Price per doz. Price per doz. 51.50 to $2.50 fe-oo to J3.50 1.25 to 1.75 2.50 to 3.00 1.50 to 2.00 2.50 to 3.00 . Apply for prices. 1. 00 to 1.50 2.00 to 2.50 1.75 to 3.00 3.00 to 4.00 •35 to .50 .60 to 1. 00 .50 to .75 1. 00 to 1.50 •75 to I. 00 1. 00 to 1.50 •25 to .35 •35 to .50 Violets, double, best quality and fresh; Dec. to Jan., 75c. per bunch of 25 : holidays. Si. 00 per bunch of 25 ; Feb., March, ami .\pril, 35c. and 50c. per bunch of 25. Lily of the Valley Sprays, 75c. to |i.oo per doz. Bermuda Lily and Caila Lilies ; season Jan. to May, inclusive ; 23c. each, I2.50 1(1 53.00 per doz. Daffodils, double yeliow; Narcissus, white and yellow ; Feb. to May; 75c. to 51.00 per doz. Roman Hyacinths, u hite ; Nov. to May ; 75c. to Ji.oo per doz. Tulips and Hyacinths, in assorted colors; season Feb. to !\ra\' inclusive; 75c. to 5i-oo per doz. Chrysanthemums ; season Oct. to Dec. ; selected, 51.00. 52.00. 52.30. and 53.00 per doz. Specimens, 25c. to 50c. each. Smilax Strings, 4 to 6 feet long, 35c. to sor. Maidenhair, and other fine ferns, 50c. to 75c. per doz. Hardy Ferns, 20c. to 40c. per doz. Asparagus. Sprays, 15c. to 25c. Strings, 50c. to 51.00. USE OF THE LISTED CODE WORDS IN ORDERING BY TELEGRAPH. For making such plain to us, and reducing cost of telegraph or tele- phone orders for funeral designs, use of the code words given with the sizes of the arrangements in this Catalogue is recommended. In telegraphing, each figure is charged the same as a word, so the latter should be used to the fullest extent possible. The word "express" is not needed in a telegram, being understood. Excepting for business on the same day, the day of week should be used instead of "to-morrow," etc. If desired that flowers be sent on a certain train, the leaving time from this town should be given. For leaving time after the hour, as for a train leaving at 5.10 or 5.30 etc., merely the word "five" will suffice. Words also define the even dollar prices as listed. An example, showing a use of the code words may be thus : If desired, on a Monday, that an order be sent on a train leaving here at 2.30 p. m. on the next day (Tuesday), and calling for a Standing Wreath in 21 inch size, the choicest, at price of $14.00, and an elaborate Crescent encircling Lyre on stand, in 30 inch size, at f2S.oo, the following words (as explained) would answer. " Wall'' (for the wreath design in size de- sired). ' fourteen " (meaning price of S14.00 on same). " Ultra " (for the Crescent and Lyre design and size), " twenty-eight" (meaning price of $2S.oo on same), and the words " two afternoon "(giving afternoon leaving time of train), and " Tuesday" (the day on which the order is to be sent). Completed, this part of the telegram would read thus : "Wall fourteen. Ultra twenty-eight, two afternoon Tuesday," and only eight words making the message perfectly clear. Adapted code words for further ^VH^ra/ directions to us on orders, fol- low on 3d cover page in " How to order," etc. The iMv'iCKS hhkk oiven include Local DiiLivERv, ok Packinc; fok Express. AN UP-TO-DATE ABILITY SECOND TO NONE IN THIS BUSINESS IS CLAIMED BY US. No. 63. Crescent arranged Wreath of Choice Flowers with Ribbon Tie. THE TRADE OF BUYERS WHO WANT SOMETHING NEW IS SOLICITED AT ALL TIMES. DJAnieter Measure. Cu'Ip word, Pric'P. Wager. Sizes, IS in. and up. inmi SlO.fJO to $20.00. No. I. Wreath of Assorted Flowers. Diameter \Ie,-isure. Code word. Size. Price. Wade 12 ill. $ 2.00 to S 3.0U Wafer 14 " 3.50 to 5.00 Wage K; " 5.00 to 6.00 Waft IS " 7.00 to 9.00 Wash 21 ■' KJ.tJOto 12.00 Way 24 • 15.00 to 20.00 No. 3. Standing Wreath, Slanted on Base. Diameter Measure of Wreatli. ('ode word. Size. Price. Waif 15 in. $ 5.00 to S 7.50 Wand 18 " S.OO to 10.00 Wall 21 ■' 11.00 to 14.00 Warm 24 " 10.00 to 20.00 No. 4. Standing Broken Crescent Wreath. Diameter Measure of Wreath. Code word. Size. Price. Walk • 16 in. $ 6.00 to 8.00 Wave 18 " 8.00 to 10.00 Wake 21 " 11.00 to 14.00 No. 2. Crescent Wreath. Diameter Measure Code word. Size. Price. Weed 14 in. S 3.00 to $ 4.00 West 16 " 5.00 to 6.00 Weave IS " 7.00 to 9.00 Welt 21 ■' 10.00 to 12.00 Weal 24 " 14.(10 to 18.00 No. 21. Wreath of Ivy and Roses, loosely arranged. Diameter Measure. * 'ode word. Size. Price. Weak 14 in. S 4.00 to $ 5.00 Wet 16 " 5.00 to 6.00 Weary 18" 7.00 Ic. 9.011 Wedge -21 " 10.0(1 Id 12.00 Wealth 21" 13.00 (n 15.00 Went 30 " 16.00 to 20.00 No. 30. Wreath of all Roses. Diameter Measure. Codeword. Size. Price. Waste 14 in. $ 5.00 to 6.00 Warp 16 " 6.00 to 8.00 Wane 18" 9.(10 to 12.00 Watch 21 " 12.11(1 t(i 15.00 Waive 24" 15.00 to 20.0(1 Wait 30 " 25.00 to 30.00 No. 29. Loosely Arranged Wreath of Carnations. Diameter Measure. Code word. Size. Price. Whack 18 in. $ 6.00 to $ S.OO Wheel 21 " S.OO to 10.00 Whence 24 " 1(1.00 to 12.00 Whelp 27 " 14.00 to 1(5.00 No. 24. Wreath of Galax or Ivy Leaves, ■with cluster of Flowers. Diameter Measure. Code word. Size. Price. Whiff 18 in. $ 5.00 to $ 6.00 Whirl 21 " 6.00 to 8.00 Whip 24 " 8.00 to 10.00 A T times, flowers in order- ed kinds or arrangements arc uncertain of supply; hence early ordering is always an advantage, while it costs no more. No. 61. Wreath of Marguerite Daisies. Diameter Pleasure. <'orteword. Size. Wharf 10 ill. Whist 'JD " Whole 24 '■ Free. $ 7.00 to $ s.on 9.00 to 10.00 12 110 to 14.00 No. 42. Wreath, Solid Style and Decorated. Diameter Mea snre. Code word. Size. Price. Wire 21 ill. .'$12.00 to $14.00 Wince 24 " 1.5.00 to SIS.OO Wide 27 •• 20.00 to 24.00 Wind 311 " 2.5.00 to 30.00 "VYTHEN code words arc used in ordering, accurate spelling of same is essential to the avoidance of errors. 'X'HE pictures here shown are photographic repro- ductions of work actually made up in fresh flowers ; hence, accurate and true, and not overdrawn in any way. No. 79. Wreath of Cycas Leave with Roses. rode word. Style. Price. V7idlh Using .siJKill leaves $10,110 to'. 12' Will ITsing med- ium leaves 20.00 to 2, Measurements as given, refer to finished sizes. No. 89. Standing: Cross of Assorted Flowers. Height Measure. Code word . Size. Price. Cage 15 in. * (i.f)O to S S.OO Cake IS ■• S.OOto 10.00 Catch 21 ■■ 11.0111,, l.S.OO Cabin ■_M ■■ 1 1.00 lo 17.00 Cafe 27 ■■ l.S.OO to 22,00 Calm :{() " 22.00 to 2(i.00 No. S5. Cross of Assorted Flowers. Length Alenfitire. Coile worfi. Size. Price Calf 12iii. % 2.00 to $ 8.00 Caulk 14 " H.OO 1,1 5.00 Call 10 •' .'•,.00 lo (> 00 Came l,s •■ 7.00 lo 8 00 Camp 21 ■• S.OO lo 10.00 Case 21 ■■ 1200 to 14.00 Cant 2S " 1.5 00 lo 17 00 Cause ;{2 •■ l.SOO to 20.00 Carp m •' 20.00 to 25.00 Cask 42 " 25- UU to 30.00 Artistic and original arrange- ments a leading speciality. No. 90. Standing Ivy Cross, Garlanded. Length ^lensiire. C(),le wor,l. Size. Price. Camel 21 in. .? S.OO to SIO.OO Caper 24 " 12.00 to 15.00 Canoe ?,\) ■■ 10.00 to 20 00 Candy HI ■■ 25.00 to :?o.oo Note carefully the ordering directions given, also the N. B. note about substituting etc. ^^B^>^ ^ I^^^H f No. 92. Flat Cross of Ivy or Galax leaves with Cluster of Flowers. Leiii^tb Xlt^a^nre Code word. Size. I'rice. Caller IS in $ 3.00 to S 4 00 Cameo 21 " 4 00 to .")0|| Canal 24 " 5 00 to 7 00 Caprice 27 " 7.00 to 9 00 Carbon 3U •■ 10.00 to 13 00 No. 106. Cross, Solid Style and Decorated. Length lUensum. Code word. Calico Cauldron Canter Cancel Cajole Size. 22 in. 2o ■■ 2.8 " 32 " 36 " Price. $10.00 to S12.00 12 00 to 15.00 IG.OO to 20 00 21.00 to 24 00 25.00 to 30 00 Carefully notice about use c the listed code words in order ing by telegraph. No. 97. Casket Cross. Length Measure. Code word. Size. Price. Calyx 22 in. $ 7 00 to $10 00 Candid 2.5 " 10.00 to 14.00 Camphor 2,S '■ 14 00 to 18 00 Captain 32 " IS.OO to 22.00 Carat 30 •• 24.00 to 28.00 Cannon 40 •• 30.00 to 35.00 The varying prices named depend on choiceness of arrangement and of the flowers used. In midwinter, too, flowers of all kinds are high priced, and the highest named pricesjprevail. No. t26. Slanting Standing Cross of Ivy. Hei^^ht .McHsnrr. Code word. Size, Price. Canvai 'M) in SHII.OO to S35.()() Carol 3() " 25.00 to 30.00 Carmine 12 " ;52.00 to 38 00 Carpet 48 " 40.00 to 50.00 (yOde word. .Size. Carry 36 in. Casket 42 Cater 4,S " Price. S30.00 to $35.0(1 40.00 to 50.00 50.00 to 00.00 No. 129. Large, foil made. Standing Slanted Cross. Very Choice and Elaborate. Height A/easnre. Code word. Size. Price. Chalice 42 in. -WS.OO to $.50.00 Chamber 48 " 55.00 to 00 00 Challenge 54 " 05.00 to 70.00 Chancel 00 " 75.00 to 80.00 Flowers, in their use, appeal to our finest sentiments, and simplicity of arrangement gives the most pleasing results. Forms that are intricate of design or character, should be avoided, especially in set pieces. lis. 'Tiif^ \ ' ^■'^ V ■ - MtU No. J 55. Flat Tied Bunch c Lilies with Ribbon. No. 138. Flat Bunch of Flowers with Ribbon Tie. size varies with number of Bioums ti.(k' word. Size. I'riou. Peep 24 in. $16.00 to $18.00 Peck 28 '• 19.00 to 22.00 T7RRORS made in orders for flowers can- not be corrected in a manner satisfactory to customers. The reliable florist earnestly aims to avoid such, and constantly guards against their occurrence. ^r% .-t- No. 210. Script Lettered Pillow, with Lyre at back. Length Measure of Pillow, Code word. Size. Pasha 20 in. Paddle 22 " Pagan 24 " Palace 28 " I'riee. $1.5.00 to $17.00 IS.OOto 20.00 22.00 to 2.5.00 27.00 to 30.00 "VVTE conduct the flower trade, not as it too often is done, but in the perfected ways in which it can and should be done. No. 228. Slanting Panel of Ivy, Easel Mounted, with Lyre. width A/e;istire ol' Panel. ('ode word. Pizr. Price Pantry 21 in. $12.00 to $15.00 Paper 24 •• 11). 00 to 20.00 Parcel 27 " 20.00 to 25.00 Pardon 30 ■• 25.00 to 30.00 ^.^^ \Y/E posess the "know-how that goes with fine ai rangement of flowers, an that "know-how" is practice by us. No. 225, Standing Panel of Ferns, etc., with Roses. Height ^f ensure of Panel. No. 237. Standing Panel, Eas Mounted, Solid Style, Choice Decorated, Height Measure (if Panel. Code wor2.00 to 21.00 25.00 Matter :?<) " 25.00 to HO.OO No. 289. Solid Heart of Flowers. No. 265. Dove on Basket. Height Measure. < '.de word. Size. Meadow S in. Measure to " Medal 12 " Mellow 15 " Price. $2.00 to $3.00 3.00 to 4.00 4.00 to 5.00 0.00 to 8.00 Measure, spreBd of basket. Code word. Size. Price. Member 16 in. $ 5.00 to $ 6.00 Mental 20 " 7.00 to 9.00 Merely 24 " 10.00 to 14.00 Baskets alone in same sizes furnished at $2.00 less than above prices. No. 266. Standing Broken Wreath and Sickle. //e;A'/jt kleasure. Code word. Size. Mention IS in. Merry 21 " Merit 24 ■' Metal 28 " Price. $ S.OO to $10.00 11.00 to 14.00 15.00 to IS. 00 20.00 to 24.00 No, 217. Flat Sheaf, Roses, etc., with Ribbon Tie. Sheaves, IS inches tuns and upwards. Code woril. Style. Price. Mend Medium, $4.00 to $ 5.00 Mesh Large. 5.00 to 7.00 Mewl Special. S.OO to 10.00 No. 292, Flat Shield. Lenf^^th Measure. C(^de word- Size. Method loin Mica IS " Middle 21 " Mighty 24 " Price. J 7.00 to-t S.OO S.OOI0 10.0(1 10.00 to 12.00 12.00 to" 115.00 No. 305. Open Book or Bible, set in Arch, A/easure, length of base. Code word. Size. Price. Umbel 33 in. $18.00 to S22.()0 Union 42 " 2.5.00 to 30,00 No. 3 J 4. Broken Column with Dove, Height measure ofColumo, • 'ode word. Size. Price. Unborn 22 in. $14.00 to $17.00 Uncoil 26 " 18.00 to 21.00 Under 30 " 23.00 to 26.00 Unfair 30" 30.00 to 35.00 No, 338. Army Knapsack, Lettered, Made in regulation size, about 20 ini-lies in length. Price. $12.00 to $20.0(1 No. 329, G. A. R. Bad^e Desigfn. Length J\/easurc.