PS AMONG THE HILLS f ( l^aiBRARY OF Congress Chap.. S^^UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.^ OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES In 1844. THE POET AMONG THE HILLS Oliver Wendell Holmes IN BERKSHIRE. His Berkshire Poems, some of them now first published, with Historic and Descriptive hicidents Concerning the Poems, the Poet, and his Literary Neighbors. His Poetic, Personal and Ancestral Relations to the County. Jf' E: A. SMITH. The memory of great men is the noblest inheritance of their country.' PITTSFIELD, MASS.: GEORGE BLATCHFORD 1895. |(iM 60800 Copyright, 1895, by J. E. A. SMITH. "Whatever strengthens our local attachments is favor- able both to individual and to national character. Our home, our birthplace, our native land, — think for a while what the virtues are which arise out of the feelings connected with these words. . . . Show me a man who cares no more for one place than another, and I will show you in that same person one who loves nothing but himself. Beware of those who are homeless by choice : you have no hold on a human being whose affec- tions are without a tap-root."— Southey : The Doctor. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Prologue. — Why and Because— Dr. Holmes' Berk- shire Poetry Characterized — Fable of a Socialist Community — What Pittsfield is Proud of — Berk- shire Scenery — A Haunt for Literary Lions — Melville and Hawthorne — Longfellow, the Old Clock on the Stairs, Roaring Brook and Kava- nagh, Charles Sumner and Fanny Kemble — Dr. Holmes and the Newspaper Press, . . 7 L Berkshire Jubilee Speech and Poem. — Sketch of the Jubilee — The Dinner — David Dudley Field's Journey of a Day — Catherine Sedg- wick's Chronicles — Dr. Holmes' Speech from a Table— His Poem of Welcome, . . .49 n. The Wendell Family. — Jacob Wendell's De- scent — Jacob Wendell in Boston — Connection with Old Boston Families — His Descendants — Holmes Genealogy — Phillips Genealogy — Wendell Phillips— Oliver Wendell in Pittsfield — Curious Incidents — Oliver Wendell Fierce for Moderation ; Friendship for Henry and Peter Van Schaack, . . . . . . 69 HL Dr. Holmes' Summer Villa, and Life in It. —The Villa— Letters to a Pittsfield Lady and Her Reminiscences — Letter to a School-Teacher —Blackberries and Other Berries — The Canoe Meadows— The Holmes Pine, ... 87 IV. A Vision of the Housatonic River. — Dr. Holmes' Love for the River — Remembered by the Classic Cam in England — River Loved by Many Men and Women of Letters — The Vision, 98 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE V. Young Ladies' Institute Poem.— Character of the Institute — John Quincy Adams Visits It — Graduating Exercises in 1849 — Speech by Ex- President John Tyler — Dr. Holmes' Speech and Poem, 106 VI. The Ploughman. — Genesis of the Berkshire Agricultural Society — Elkanah Watson — Major Thomas Melville — John Quincy Adams on Agri- cultural Oratory — The Picturesque First Cattle Show — How Women Used to Receive Their Premiums — About Ploughing Matches — Cattle Shows of 1849 an