diss Lf^'^^t) ^ STATE PROPERTY THIS BOOK To be delivered to Successor in Office or School STATE OF NEVADA THE SCHOOL CODE=1917 AS AMENDED Compiled and issued by Superintendent of Public Instruction April, 1917 i, n Printed at the State Printing Office, Carson City Joe Farnsworth, Superintendent 1917 m STATE SCHOOL OFFICERS, 1917 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION John Edwards Bray ..Carson City STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Emmet D. Boyle, Governor, President of the Board Carson City ., President of the University of Nevada Reno John Edvs^ards Bray, Superintendent Public Instruction, Secretary....Carson City REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA Hon. J. F. Abel (1917-1920) ...Winnemucca Hon. B. F. Curler (1917-1920) Elko Hon. John J. Sullivan (1915-1918) Reno Hon. James W. O'Brien (1915-1918) Sparks Mrs. Edna C. Baker (1917-1918) Sparks Mr. George H. Taylor, Secretary ; Reno Mr. Charles H. Gorman, Comptroller and Treasurer Reno VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA Robert Lewers Reno 0. of D. SEP 12 1917 INTRODUCTORY This compendium of school laws is made in compliance with the ^ statute which provides that the Superintendent of Public Instruction '^ "shall prepare pamphlet copies of the school laws and all amendments thereto, and shall transmit a copy thereof to each school trustee, school census marshal, and school teacher in the State." The great body of existing school laws was compiled and prepared under the direction of the Nevada Code Commission, presented to the Legislature of 1911, and enacted into law in one bill under the title "An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto," approved March 20, 1911. This is set out in chapters from 1 to 20, inclusive, containing 221 sections. These sections, with amend- ments thereto made by the Legislatures of 1913, 1915 and 1917 are fully set forth in this compilation, each amended section being properly noted. Following this are the laws not included in the general bill by the Code Commission, enacted at various times and not repealed. They are given as separate acts, reference being made to date and page of statutes. Some of these, as will be seen, were enacted by the Legislatures of 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1917. While the changes made in the school laws by the Legislatures of 1913, 1915 and 1917 are rather perfective than radical in character, they help to make the School Code, as a whole, a body of laws needing and merit- ing careful study on the part of every school officer and teacher. An effort has been made to have this a complete edition of the laws affecting the public schools and the school officials of Nevada. Special acts relating to bonding particular school districts or counties for the erection of school buildings have been omitted. But all have been indexed for ready finding in the general statutes of 1917. The index is arranged alphabetically, as a whole, by general titles, the same extending to the extreme left. Under most of the general titles are subtitles, slightly to the right in each case and also in alphabetical order. In a few instances there are divisions of the matter of the sub- titles, and these too are grouped in alphabetical order and slightly to the right of the subtitle under which they respectively belong. Atten- tion to these facts of arrangement will enable one readily to find any desired subject. Superintendent of Public Instruction. CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS AETICLE XI EDUCATION Superintendent, When Elected. — Term of Office. Section 1. The legislature shall encourage, by all suitable means, the promotion of intellectual, literary, scientific, mining, mechanical, agricultural, and moral improvements ; and also provide for the election by the people, at the general election, of a superintendent of public instruction, M^hose term of office shall be two years from the first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and until the election and qualification of his successor, and whose duties shall be prescribed by law. [Elected for four years in 1866 and thereafter. Stats. 1864^5, 413; Stats. 1911, 184.] System To Be Uniform. Sec. 2. The legislature shall provied for a uniform system of com- mon schools, by which a school shall be established and maintained in each school district for at least six months in everj^ year ; and any school district neglecting to establish and maintain such a school, or which shall allow instruction of a sectarian character therein, may be deprived of its proportion of the interest of the public school fund during such neglect or infraction; and the legislature may pass such laws as will tend to secure a general attendance of the children in each school dis- trict upon such public schools. Lands and Funds Pledged to Educational Purposes — Escheated Estates and Fines Pledged to Educational Purposes — Interest Only To Be Used — May Be Appropriated for State University. Sec. 3. All lands, including the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections in any township donated for the benefit of public schools in the act of the Thirty-eighth Congress, to enable the people of Nevada Territory to form a state government, the thirty thousand acres of public lands granted by an act of Congress, approved July second, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-two, for each senator and representative in Congress, and all proceeds of lands that have been or may hereafter be granted or appropriated by the United States to this state, and also the five hun- dred thousand acres of land granted to the new states under the act of Congress distributing the proceeds of the public lands among the several states of the Union, approved A. D. eighteen hundred and forty-one ; provided, that Congress make provision for or authorize such diversion to be made for the purpose herein contained ; all estates that may escheat to the state ; all of such per centum as may be granted by Congress on the sale of lands ; all fines collected under the penal laws of the state ; all property given or bequeathed to the state for educational purposes, and all proceeds derived from any or all of said sources, shall be, and the same hereby are, solemnly pledged for educational purposes, and shall not be transferred to any other funds for other uses ; and the 6 School Laws of Nevada interest thereon shall, from time to time, be apportioned among the sev- eral counties as the legislature may provide b.y law; and the legislature shall provide for the sale of floating land warrants to cover the aforesaid lands, and for the investment of all proceeds derived from the above- mentioned sources in United States bonds or the bonds of the state, or the bonds of other states of the Union, or the bonds of any count.y in the State of Nevada; or in loans at a rate of interest of not less than six per cent per annum, secured by mortgage on agricultural lands in this state of not less than three times the value of the amount" loaned, exclu- sive of perishable improvements, of unexceptional title and free from all encumbrances, said loans to be under such further restrictions and regulations as may be provided by law; provided, that the interest only of the aforesaid proceeds shall be used for educational purposes and an^^ surplus interest shall be added to the principal sum; and pro- vided further, that such portion of said interest as may be necessary may be appropriated for the support of the state university. As amended in 1916 hy the people. University. Sec. 4. The legislature shall provide for the establishment of a state university, which shall embrace departments for agriculture, mechanic arts, and mining, to be controlled by a board of regents, whose duties shall be prescribed by law. Normal Schools. Sec. 5. The legislature shall have poAver to establish normal schools, and such different grades of schools, from the primary department to the university, as in their discretion they may deem necessary, and all professors in said university, or teachers in said schools, of whatever grade, shall be required to take and subscribe to the oath as prescribed in article XV of this constitution. No professor or teacher who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall be entitled to receive any portion of the public moneys set apart for school purposes. Special Tax Provided for Educational Purposes. Sec. 6. The legislature shall provide a special tax, which shall not exceed two mills on the dollar of all taxable property in the state, in addition to the other means provided for the support and maintenance of said university and common schools. As amended — Sixth Amend- ment. Board of Eegents. Sec. 7. The governor, secretary of state, and superintendent of public instruction shall, for the first four years, and until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified, constitute a board of regents, to control and manage the affairs of the university and the funds of the same, under such regulations as may be provided by law. But the legislature shall, at its regular session next preceding the expiration of the term, of office of said board of regents, provide for the election of a new board of regents, and define their duties. Duties of Regents. Sec. 8. The board of regents shall, from the interest accruing from the first funds which come under their control, immediately organize School Laws of Nevada 7 and maintain the said mining department in such manner as to make it the most effective and useful ; provided, that all the proceeds of the pub- lic lands donated by act of Congress, approved July second, A. D. eigh- teen hundred and sixty-two, for a college for the benefit of agriculture, the mechanic arts, and including military tactics, shall be invested by the said board of regents in a separate fund, to be appropriated exclusively for the benefit of the first-named departments of the universit^^, as set forth in section four above and the legislature shall provide that, if through neglect or any other contingency, any portion of the fund so set apart shall be lost or misappropriated, the State of Nevada shall replace said amount so lost or misappropriated in said fund, so that the prin- cipal of said fund shall remain forever undiminished. Sectarianism Prohibited. Sec. 9. No sectarian instruction shall be imparted or tolerated in any school or university that may be established under this constitution. No Funds for Sectarian Purposes. Sec. 10. No public funds of any kind or character whatever, state, county, or municipal, shall be used for sectarian purposes. Added hy Second Amendment. ARTICLE XIII PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS Benevolent Institutions Fostered. Section 1. Institutions for the benefit of the insane, blind, and deaf and dumb, and such other benevolent institutions as the public good ma}'- require, shall be fostered and supported by the state, subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by law. State Prison — House of Refuge for Juvenile Offenders. Sec. 2. A state prison shall be established and maintained in such a manner as may be prescribed by law; and provision may be made by law for the establishment and maintenance of a house of refuge for juvenile offenders. Care of the Aged, Infirm, and Unfortunate. Sec. 3. The respective counties of the state shall provide, as may be prescribed by law, for those inhabitants who, by reason of age and infirmity, or misfortunes, may have claim upon the sympathy and the aid of society. ARTICLE XV eligibility to office Section 3. No person shall be eligible to any office who is not a qualified elector under this constitution. No person who, while a citizen of this state, has, since the adoption of this constitution, fought a duel with a deadly weapon, sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel with a deadly weapon, either within or beyond the boundaries of this state, or who has acted as second, or knowingly conveyed a challenge, or aided or assisted in any manner in fighting a duel, shall be allowed to hold any office of honor, profit, or trust ; or enjoy the right of suffrage under this constitution. The legislature shall provide by law for giving force and effect to the foregoing provisions of this section ; provided, that females 8 School Laws of Nevada over the age of twenty-one years, who have resided in this state one year, and in the county or district six months next preceding any election to fill either of said offices, or the making of such appointment, shall be eligible to the office of superintendent of public instruction, deputy superintendent of public instruction, school trustee, and notary public. As amended^ 1912. AETICLE II RIGHT OF SUFFRAGE Section 1. All citizens of the United States (not laboring under the disabilities named in this constitution) of the age of twenty-one years and upwards, who shall have actually, and not constructively, resided in the state six months, and in the district or county thirty days next pre- ceding any election, shall be entitled to vote for all officers that now or hereafter may be elected by the people, and upon all questions sub- mitted to the electors at such election; provided, that no person who has been or may be convicted of treason or felony in any state or terri- tory of the United States, unless restored to civil rights, and no idiot or insane person shall be entitled to the privilege of an elector. There shall be no denial of the elective franchise at any election on account of sex. As amended, 1914. SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA An Act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto. Approved March 20, 1911 Chapter 1 state board of education Of Whom to Consist. Section 1. The state board of education shall consist of the gover- nor, the superintendent of public instruction, and the president of the university. Officers of Board. Sec. 2. The governor shall be the president, and the superintendent of public instruction the secretary of the board. ^ Time of Meeting. Sec. 3. The board shall meet at the call of the secretary, but shall hold at least two meetings a year. Powers and Duties of Board. Sec. 4. The powers and duties of the board shall be as follows : 1. To prescribe and cause to be enforced the courses of study for the public schools, such courses to contain in the seventh and eighth grades, among other things, business forms and elementary bookkeeping or some features of industrial work ; and in the high-school grades, provision for full commercial work and industrial work suitable for boys and girls; provided, that schools of the first class may have modified courses of study, subject to the approval of the state board of education. 2. To adopt lists of books for district libraries ; provided, that boards of trustees in districts of the first class may make additional adoptions ; and provided further, that such books shall not contain or include stories in prose or poetry whose tendency would be to influence the minds of children in the formation of ideals not in harmony with truth and morality. 3. To revoke or suspend for immoral or unprofessional conduct, evi- dent unfitness for teaching, or persistent defiance of and refusal to obey the laws of the state, or the rules and regulations of the state board, or of the state superintendent defining and governing the duties of teachers, any state diploma or any state certificate. 4. To have done by the state printer any printing required by the state board, such as state courses of study, the proceedings of the teachers' institutes, blank forms, and such other matter as the state board may require ; provided, that text-books are not included in such courses of study. 5. To adopt and use in autheiltication of its acts an official seal. 6. To keep a record of its proceedings, which shall be published biennially in the report of the superintendent of public instruction. 7. To designate some monthly school journal as the official organ of 10 School Laws of Nevada the department of education. The publishers of such journal shall mail one cop.y of every number of such journal to the clerk of every school district in the state and shall file an affidavit with the superintendent of public instruction showing that such copies have been so mailed. The county treasurer of every county, before notifying the superintendent of public instruction of the county fund to be apportioned in the July apportionment, shall set aside an amount equal to one dollar for each and every school district of the county, and this fund shall be known as the school journal fund. The amount certified to the superintendent of public instruction for apportionment shall not include the school journal fund so set aside. The superintendent of public instruction shall draw his orders annually in favor of the publishers of such school journal for an amount ecpial to one dollar for each and every school district in each county to which the school journal has been sent in accordance with this section, to be paid out of the school journal fund, and the county auditor shall immediately^ draw his warrant in favor of the publishers of such journal for an amount equal to that named in aforesaid order, to be paid out of the school journal fund. As amended, Stats. 1913, 103 104. Chapter 2 superintendent op public instruction Election. Sec. 5. The superintendent of public instruction shall be elected ciuadrennially b,y the qualified electors of the state at the same time and in the same manner as the governor is elected, and shall hold office for the term of four years from the first Monday in January next after the election, and until his successor is elected and qualified. Duties of Said Officer — Visit Schools — Apportion School Funds — Report Bienni- ally — Rules — Teachers' Institutes — County Institutes — Meetings of State Board of Education — Nominate Deputies^Other Duties — Printing — Reports of Deputies — Forms, etc. — Deliver State Property. Sec. 6. The superintendent of public instruction shall have power and it shall be his duty : 1. To visit each county in the state at least once each year for the purpose of conducting institutes, visiting schools, consulting with school officers, and addressing public assemblies on subjects pertaining to the schools ; and the necessary traveling expenses incurred by the superin- tendent in performance of such duties, such traveling expenses to include the cost of transportation and board while absent from his place of residence, shall be allowed, audited, and paid out of the general fund, in the same manner as claims upon said fund are now allowed, audited, and paid ; provided, that the sum so expended in any one year shall not exceed one thousand dollars ; 2. To apportion the state distributive school fund ; 3. To apportion the county school fund of each county among its various districts ; 4. To report to the governor biennially, on or before the first day of December of the years preceding the regular session of the legislature. The governor shall transmit said report to the legislature ; and whenever it is ordered published the state printer shall deliver a suf- ficient number of copies to the superintendent who shall distribute the same among school officers of the state and of the United States. Said School Laws of Nevada 11 report shall contain a full statement of the condition of public instruc- tion in the state ; a statement of the condition and amount of all funds and property appropriated to the purpose of education ; the number and grade of schools in each county ; the number of children in each county between the ages of six and eighteen years of 'age; the number of sucli attending public schools; the number attending private schools; the number attending no schools ; the number under six years of age ; the number between eighteen and twenty-one years of age ; the amount of public school moneys apportioned to each county ; the amount of money raised by county taxation, district tax, subscription or otherwise, by any city, town, district, or county, for the support of schools therein ; the amount of money raised for building schoolhouses ; a statement of plans for the management and improvement of public schools ; and such other information relative to the educational interests of the state as he may think of importance ; 5. To prescribe suitable rules and regulations for making all reports and conducting all necessary proceedings under this act and to furnish suitable blank forms for the same ; to cause the same, with such instruc- tions as he shall deem necessary and proper for the organization and government of schools, to be transmitted to the local school officers, who shall be governed in accordance therewith. He shall prepare a con- venient form of school register for the purpose of securing accurate returns from the teachers of public schools, and shall furnish each school district in the state with such registers. He shall prepare pamphlet copies of the school law and all amendments thereto, and shall transmit a copy thereof to each school traistee, school census marshal, and school teacher in the state ; 6. To convene a state teachers' institute biennially in the even- numbered years in such place and at such time as he may deem advis- able. It shall be his further duty to convene five district teachers' institutes in the various sections of the state biennially in the odd- numbered years in such places and at such times as he may deem advisable. He shall engage such institute lecturers and teachers as he shall deem advisable, and shall preside over and regulate the exercises of all state and district institutes. No institute shall continue less than four nor more than ten days. The expenses ineurred in holding such institutes shall be paid out of the state general fund; provided, that the amount for the state institute shall not exceed five hundred dollars nor the amount of any one district institute two hundred and fifty dollars, and the state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrants for the same upon the order of the superintendent of public instruction. All teachers shall be required to attend the district institutes held in the supervision districts in which they may be teaching respectively, unless they shall be excused for good cause by the superintendent of public instruction, and without loss of salary for the time thus employed ; 7. To call, with the approval of the board of county commissioners, a county teachers 'institute in any county at such time and place as in his judgment will best subserve the educational interests of the county, and preside over and regulate the exercises of the same. The expenses of such institute shall be paid out of the county general fund of the county in which such institute is held; provided, that the board of county commissioners shall authorize such institute upon the applica- 12 School Laws of Nevada tion of the superintendent of public instruction ; and provided, that such expenses shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars. All teachers shall be required to attend any county institute held in the counties in which they shall be teaching respectively, unless excused for good cause by the superintendent of public instruction, and without loss of salary for the time thus employed ; 8. To call meetings of the state board of education in January and June of each year, and at such other times as he shall deem proper, or when two members of said board shall request a meeting ; 9. To perform such other duties relative to the public schools as may be prescribed by law ; 10. To have done at the state printing oilce any printing required in the performance of his duties ; 11. To require a written report from each deputy superintendent on the first day of October, the first day of January, the first day of April, and the first day of July of each school year. Such reports shall contain any information or facts that the superintendent of public instruction may require. 12. To arrange blank forms, including school registers, for teachers' contracts, and supply the same to school trustees and teachers ; 13. The superintendent of public instruction shall, at the expiration of his term of office, deliver to his successor all property and effects belonging to his office, and take a receipt for same. As amended, Stats. 1915^510. Chapter 3 deputy superintendents of public instruction Office of County Superintendent Abolished. Sec 7. The office of county superintendent of public schools either as a separate office or as an ex officio office shall be, and hereby is, abol- ished for all counties in this state on and after the thirty-first day of August, 1907 ; provided, that the ex officio county superintendent shall make the reports for the school year ending on the thirty-first day of August, 19Q7. Stats. 1907, 381. Educational Districts Established. Sec 8. Five educational supervision districts are hereby established as follows: District No. 1, comprising Elko County, District No. 2, comprising White Pine, Lander, Eureka Counties; District No. 3, comprising Humboldt and Churchill Counties; District No. 4, com- prising Washoe, Storey, Ormsby, Douglas, Lyon, and Mineral Counties ; District No. 5, comprising Lincoln, Nj^e, Clark, and Esmeralda Counties. Supervision Districts. Sec 9. The state board of education shall on or before the first Monday in May, 1911, and each fourth year thereafter, appoint one deputy superintendent of public instruction for each supervision dis- trict as herein provided for, and such appointee shall, at the time of his appointment and during his term of office be a hona -fide resident of the district for which he is appointed. Such appointee shall take office on the first Monday in September and shall serve for a period of four years, or until his successor shall have been appointed and shall have qualified. In case a vacancy shall occur in the office of deputy super- intendent of public instruction, the state board of education shall, in School Laws of Nevada 13 like manner, make an appointment for the unexpired, term. The deputy superintendents of public instruction shall devote their entire time to school supervision and shall not engage in any other work while holding this office. As amended, Stats. 1915, 510. Qualifications of Deputies. Sec. 10. Any person holding a teachers' certificate of high-school grade and who shall have had not less than forty-five months successful experience in teaching, at least twenty months of which shall have been in the State of Nevada, shall be eligible to appointment as deputy super- intendent of public instruction, and no others shall be eligible to such appointment. Duties of Deputies. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of each deputy superintendent to visit each school in his district at least twice a year, to examine the records and observe the work of each school carefully, to advise with teachers as to organization, management and teaching, to inspect school buildings, libraries and apparatus, to confer with trustees and county officers as to the condition and needs of their schools, to hold teachers' meetings, to assist at state, district and county institutes, and otherwise advance the educational interests of his district. The deputy superintendent of public instruction shall act as deputy examiner at teachers' examina- tions, as member of the board of educational examiners, and shall assist the state board of education in preparing courses of study. He shall attend the meetings of the state board of education to furnish informa- tion pertaining to the schools of his district when said board shall so order. Powers and Duties of Deputies. Sec. 12. "Within his supervision district each deputy superintendent shall have power, and it shall be his duty : 1. To file with the county auditor of each county a directory of all teachers who shall be entitled to draw salary from the state or the county funds, and to advise the county auditor from time to time of any changes or additions to such directory, and to file with the county auditor a directory of all qualified school trustees of each county. The county auditor shall not draw any warrant in favor of any teacher until he shall be officially informed by the deputy superintendent that such teacher is legally entitled to receive salary from the state or county school funds ; 2. To investigate any claim against any school fund whenever a writ- ten protest against the drawing of a warrant in payment of said claim against any school fund shall be filed with the county auditor. If, upon investigation, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall find that any claim against any school fund is illegal or unreasonably exces- sive, he shall notify the county auditor and the clerk of the board of trustees who drew the order for such illegal claim, stating the reasons in writing why such order is illegal or excessive, and the county auditor, if so notified, shall not draw his warrant in payment of such claim. If the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall find that any protested claim is legal and actually due the claimant, he shall authorize the county auditor to draw his warrant for such claim, and the county auditor shall immediately draw his warrant in payment of the claim: 14 School Laws of Nevada 3. To suspend the certificate of any teacher for a time not to exceed one year, who fails to attend any district or county institute unless excused for nonattendance by the deputy superintendent ; 4. To suspend the certificate of any teacher for any of the causes for which a certificate may be revoked by the state board of education ; 5. To inspect the record books and accounts of boards of trustees, and to authorize and enforce an efficient method of keeping the financial records and accounts of the school district ; 6. To inspect the school fund accounts of the county auditors of the several counties, and report the condition of the funds of any school dis- trict to the trustees thereof ; 7. To grade the schools in his supervision district, in the month of July of each year, designating which schools are high s'chools, and which are elementary schools, and to keep record of such gradation in his office ; 8. To appoint school trustees in all districts in which the, qualified voters failed to elect. Compensation of Deputies. Sec. 13. The compensation of each deputy superintendent of public instruction is hereby fixed at two thousand dollars per annum, and shall be paid out of the general fund of the state as the salaries of other state officers are paid. All claims for the traveling expenses, including the cost of transportation and cost of living, of each deputy superintendent of public instruction, while absent from their places of residence, together with necessary office expenses, shall be paid from the general fund of the state, whenever such claims shall be allowed by the state board of examiners ; provided, that not more than eight hundred dol- lars shall be paid from the general fund of the state in settlement of claims for such traveling expenses of any deputy superintendent of public instruction during any one year, and not more than $350 shall be paid from the general fund of the state in settlement of claims for such office expenses of any deputy superintendent of public instruction for any one year. Powers of Deputies. Sec. 14. The superintendent of public instruction shall confer upon the deputy superintendents such power and authority to act in his name as he shall deem proper; provided, such power and authority shall be in accordance with the laws of this state. Rules for Deputies. Sec. 15. The state board of education shall adopt such rules and regulations further defining the powers and duties of the deputy super- intendents of public instruction as shall, in its judgment, be needful to secure efiiciency and coordination ; provided, that such rules and regula- tions shall be in accordance with the laws of this state. Removal of Deputies. Sec. 16. The state board of education shall, upon the recommenda- tion of the superintendent of public instruction, have power to remove deputy superintendents of public instruction from office for evident unfitness or for conspicuous failure to perform the duties of said office. School Laws of Nevada 15 Chapter 4 teachers' certificates Certification of Teachers. Section 17. All . teachers ' certificates and life diplomas shall be granted by the state board of education, and said board shall grant only those classes and grades described in this act; provided, that deputy superintendents of public instruction may issue temporary certificates in accordance with the regulations of the board and on conditions here- inafter named; and provided further, that all teachers' certificates previously issued by legally constituted authorities shall remain valid for the time and under the conditions of the original issue unless revoked in accordance with law. In case of the renewal of any grammar-grade certificate now in force, an elementary certificate of the first grade shall be issued instead of said grammar-grade certificate. As amended, Stats. 1913, 156. Examinations, When Held, Sec. 18. Examinations for teachers' certificates shall be held in the several counties of this state semiannually, during the months of June and December of each year; provided, that the interest of the schools shall require such examinations. The state board of education shall give at least sixty days' notice of the time and places of holding the examinations ; provided, that the dates of holding the regular semi- annual examinations shall be uniform throughout the state and no examination shall continue for more than four daj^s. The state board of education shall make provision for such other examinations at such times and places as in its judgment the public interest may require. Deputy Examiners — Compensation. Sec. 19. All examinations for teachers' certificates shall be con- ducted by deputy examiners, who shall act under the authority of the state board of education. It shall be the duty of the deputy examiners to send all examination papers to the superintendent of public instruc- tion without grading them. The deputy superintendents of public instruction shall act as deputy examiners in such counties in their respec- tive districts as shall be designated by the superintendent of public instruction, and the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall appoint in addition a sufficient number of deputy examiners to provide for all the counties of the state ; provided, that there shall not be more than two such deputy examiners in any one county. Deputy examiners other than the deputy superintendents of public instruction shall receive a compensation of five dollars a day, to be paid as other claims out of the state general fund. The state board of education shall pre- scribe such rules and regulations governing examinations as may be needful to secure uniformity and justice. Regulations Regarding Questions. Sec. 20. The questions used for written work in teachers' examina- tions shall be prepared by the state board of education, and shall be uniform throughout the state. Such examination questions shall be forwarded to the various deputy examiners throughout the state by the superintendent of public instruction, so as to reach their destination immediately before the date set for the examination. Such questions 16 School Laws of Nevada shall be sent under the seal of the state board of education, the questions on each subject being under separate seal, and no questions shall be opened by any deputy examiner or other person until the day and the hour set for the use of such questions, and this time shall be plainly specified under each seal. Unlawful Use of Questions. Sec. 21. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale, or buy or offer to buy, or to distribute, or to have in his or her posses- sion, except as authorized by this act, any printed or written examina- tion questions prepared for any examination to be held for the purpose of testing- the qualifications of persons desiring to be admitted to the practice of any of the professions in this state in which it is required that such persons be examined as to their qualifications, or any printed or written examination questions prepared for teachers' examinations for certification of teachers in this state, or for any printed or written examination questions prepared of the final examination of students in any of the schools of this state prior to the time for holding such exam- ination. Penalty for Unlawful Use of Questions. Sec. 22. Any person selling or offering to sell, buying or offering to buy, distributing or having in his or her possession any such examina- tion questions contrary to section 21 of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of not less than $25 nor more than $100, or imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than six months ; provided, that the provisions of this act shall not be construed to prevent the proper officials or instructors whose duty it is to conduct the said examination referred to in section 21 of this act from having in their possession printed or written copies of such examination questions ; provided fur- ther, that the state printer shall have the care and custody of such exam- ination questions while they are in process of being printed. Grades of Certificates. Sec. 23. Teachers' certificates in this state shall be: 1. High school, authorizing the holder thereof to teach in any high school or elementary school in the state ; provided, that after Septem- ber 1, 1916, no one shall be entitled to teach the regular elementary school subjects unless he holds an elementary certificate ; 2. Elementary, authorizing the holder thereof to teach in any elemen- tary school in the state; provided, that no teacher shall be eligible to act as principal of an elementary school unless he or she holds an elementary certificate of the first grade ; 3. Special, authorizing the holder to teach such special branches of learning, and in such grades, as are named in the certificate ; 4. Temporary, authorizing the holder to teach such branches of learning, and in such grades and school districts, as are named in the certificate. As amended, Stats. 1915, 377. High-School Certificates on Examination. Sec. 24. The high-school certificate shall be valid for four years from the date of issuance and shall be issued on examination in the follow- School Laws of Nevada 17 ing subjects: (a) English grammar, spelling, arithmetic, geography, English literature, general history, history of the United States, civil government, current events, algebra, plane geometry, physics, and his- tory and methods of teaching; (b) Any one of the following foreign languages: Latin, French, German, Spanish; (c) and any three of the following additional subjects : Ehetoric, English history, solid geometry, physical geography, chemistry, botany, and zoology; provided, that no high-school certificate on examination shall be issued to any person whose general average is less than ninety per cent; and provided further, that such certificate shall not be issued to any person under twenty years of age. Credit may be allowed to applicants for any subject in the above list satisfactorily completed in a standard college, or to appli- cants holding a Nevada elementary certificate of first grade for a stand- ing of ninety or more made in any of the above subjects as shown on such elementary certificate and record thereof on file in the state super- intendent 's office. The high-school certificate may be renewed by the state board of education according to such rules and regulations as the board may prescribe. As amended, Stats. 1913, 156, 157. Elementary Certificate, First Grade, on Examination. Sec. 25. The elementary school certificate, first grade, shall be valid for three years from the date of issuance, and shall be issued upon examination in the following subjects : Spelling, reading, writing, English grammar, mental arithmetic, written arithmetic, physiology and hygiene, history of the United States, geography, general history, drawing, music, business forms, civics, current events, and theory and methods of teaching; provided, that such certificate shall not be issued on examination to any person whose general average is less than eighty- five per cent or whose grade is less than sixty-five per cent in any one subject. The elementary certificate, first grade, shall not be issued to any person under twenty years of age nor to any person who has had less than sixteen months of successful experience in teaching. Such certificate may be renewed by the state board of education according to such rules and regulations as the board may prescribe- Any person who shall at any regular examination make a grade of eighty-five per cent or more in any subject or subjects shall receive credit for such subject or subjects toward a first-grade elementary cer- tificate ; and the state board of education may allow credits for satis- factory work done by applicants for certificates on examination, in a standard summer school, in determining their per cent standing in any subject or subjects. As amended, Stats. 1913, 157. Elementary Certificate, Second Grade, on Examination. Sec. 26. The elementary certificate, second grade, shall be valid for two years from the date of issuance, and shall be issued upon exam- ination in all subjects required for the first-grade elementary certificate ; provided, that a second-grade elementary certificate shall not be issued to any person whose general average is less than seventy-five per cent or whose grade is less tha,n sixty per cent in any one subject ; and pro- vided further, that county normal elementary certificates of the second grade shall be issued to graduates of the county normal training school without examination therefor. In no case shall an elementary certificate of the second grade be renewed. As amended, Stats 1913, 157, 158. 18 School Laws of Nevada Elementary Certificate, Third G-rade. Sec. 27. The state board of education shall have power, after the regailar teachers ' examination in December, and before the next regular examination is held, to grant third-grade elementary certificates to applicants who took the December examination, and who are actively engaged in teaching in Nevada ; provided, that a third-grade elemen- tary certificate shall entitle the holder to teach in the school in which she was engaged as a teacher at the time of the December examination, and in no other school, for a period not longer than until the next regular examination of teachers ; provided further, that but one third- grade elementary certificate shall be granted to the same person. Life Diplomas. Sec. 28. The state board of education may grant a life diploma to any resident of the State of Nevada who shall present evidence of hav- ing taug^ht successfully and continuously for a period of sixty months, twenty-four of which shall have been in the State of Nevada ; provided, that in the discretion of the state board of education the exact contin- uity of teaching experience may be waived. Such life diploma may be granted to any resident of Nevada who shall have taught the required number of months and who shall hold a renewable Nevada certificate, or who shall hold a special certificate that has been the applicant's only license to teach for a period of at least sixty months previous to the application for such life diploma; provided, that when a teacher is a graduate of a standard normal college and has taught successfully and continuously in public schools outside the State of Nevada for a period of not less than fifty months such teacher may, in the discretion of the state board of education, be granted a life diploma after having success- fully taught in private schools in the State of Nevada for a period of not less than thirty months, and who shall have possessed, while teach- ing in such private schools, a legal Nevada certificate of renewable grade. A life diploma granted under this section shall be of the same grade and of the same name as the certificate held by the applicant at the time of the application for the life diploma, and shall entitle the holder thereof to teach in any school in the State of Nevada of the grade of the certificate upon which the life diploma was granted, or to teach those subjects in any school which the special certificate entitled the holder to teach at the time of the application for the life diploma. As amended, 1917, 175, 176. Different Certificates to Certain Graduates of Nevada State Normal College. Sec. 29. High-school certificates, good for five years, shall be issued to graduates of the Nevada State Normal School, advanced course. First-grade elementary certificates, good for five years, shall be issued to graduates of the Nevada State Normal School, elementary course. To the graduates of the Nevada State Normal School who hold high- school certificates, the state board of education shall grant a life diploma of high-school grade when said graduates shall have completed at least forty-five months of successful teaching in public schools. To all gradu- ates of the Nevada State Normal School who hold a grammar-school certificate, the state board of education shall grant a life diploma of the grammar grade when said graduates shall have completed at least forty-five months of successful instruction in public schools. School Laws of Nevada 19 Graduates of Other Institutions May Be Certificated. Sec. 30. Graduates of universities, colleges, and normal schools sup- ported by state appropriations, approved by the state board of educa- tion, shall be permitted to submit their credentials from such institu- tions, and to the extent that these credentials give evidence of scholar- ship and professional preparation they shall be accepted in lieu of examination ; provided, that no certificate of the elementary grade shall be granted upon any credentials not equivalent to a diploma of gradu- ation from the Nevada State Normal School; and provided further, that no high-school certificate shall be granted upon any credential not equivalent to a diploma of graduation from a science course or the liberal arts course of the University of Nevada, together with the required training in educational subjects. Life Certificates of Other States. Sec. 31. Any teacher holding a life certificate from another state shall be permitted to submit Buch certificate as evidence of his or her fitness for teaching, and if the state board of education shall be satisfied that the state which issued such certificate maintains a high professional standard, said board may issue a certificate for teaching in this state of such grade as it shall deem proper. Such credentials should be for- warded to the superintendent of public instruction, Carson City, Nevada. All Papers Graded by Board of Educational Examiners. Sec. 32. All examination papers for teachers' certificates shall be examined and graded under the authority of the state board of educa- tion by the board of educational examiners, which shall consist of at least one member of the state board of education, the deputy superin- tendents of public instruction, and such other persons, not to exceed three in number, as may be appointed by the superintendent of public instruction. The board of educational examiners shall certify the grade of each applicant in each subject to the state board of education. Persons appointed by the superintendent of public instruction as mem- bers of the board of educational examiners shall receive compensation at the rate of five dollars a day for the time actually employed in such service, to be paid out of the state general fund in the usual manner. Special Certificates. Sec. 33. The state board of education shall grant special certificates valid for teaching music, drawing, manual training, penmanship, com- mercial subjects, kindergarten work, or any specified foreign language, provided that it shall be satisfied that the applicant is qualified to teach such special subject. The board shall determine as to the fitness of the applicant by whatever method shall appear to be most appropriate. Such certificate shall be valid for two years. A special certificate shall entitle the holder to teach only the subject or subjects mentioned in the certificate. Temporary Certificates^ — Restriction. Sec. 34. The deputy superintendent of public instruction may, at his discretion, issue temporary certificates without examination; provided, that such certificate shall be issued upon request of the board of school trustees of a school district in this state, and that such certificate shall be valid only in the district from which the request is made, and such 20 School Lx\ws of Nevada certificate shall be valid only until the next teachers' examination held in the county in which such person shall be teaching. If any member of the board of school trustees making the above-mentioned request is a member of the family or a near relative of the applicant, the certificate shall not be granted. Not more than one temporary certificate shall be granted to any one person. Age Limit. Sec. 35. No certificate authorized by this act shall be issued to any person under eighteen years of age. Chapter 5 powers and duties of teachers Teachers Must Be Legally Employed. Sec. 36. No teacher shall be entitled to receive any portion of the public school moneys as compensation for services rendered unless such teacher shall have been legally employed by the board of trustees, nor unless such teacher shall have a certificate issued in accordance with law, in full force and effect at the time such service is rendered, nor unless such teacher shall have made a full and correct report, in the form and manner prescribed by law, to the superintendent of public instruction and to the board of school trustees. School Officer May Administer Oath. Sec. 37. The superintendent of public instruction and the deputy superintendents of public instruction are hereby authorized to adminis- ter the oath (or affirmation) to teachers and all other oaths (or affirma- tions) relating to public schools. Teachers to Take Official Oath — Form of Oath. Sec. 38. Each and every teacher employed in this state, whose com- pensation is payable out of the public funds, shall take and subscribe to the oath as prescribed by the fifteenth article of the state constitution before entering upon the discharge of the duties of such teacher. Such oath, when so taken and subscribed to, shall, if that of a teacher in the state university, be filed in the office of the board of regents, if of any other class of teachers, the same shall be filed in the office of the superin- tendent of public instruction. The oath is as follows : I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and government of the United States, and the constitution and government of the State of Nevada, against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any state convention or legislature to the contrary notwith- standing. And further that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties of teacher on which I am about to enter (if an oath), "so help me God"; (if an affirmation) "under the pains and penalties of per- jury." Sworn and subscribed to before me a.. - —.of the county of — - .....and State of Nevada, this day of , Anno Domini 191 School Laws of Nevada 21 Duties of Teachers Enumerated. Sec. 39. Every teacher in the public schools shall : 1. Upon opening school in any school district file with the deputy superintendent of public instruction, a Nevada teachers ' certificate enti- tling the holder to teach the school in the district in which he shall be hired, together with the oath of office, and any other report that the superintendent of public instruction shall require. The deputy superintendent shall acknowledge the receipt of each teacher's cer- tificate and shall make proper record of the same in his office. The teacher's certificate shall remain on file in the office of the deputy superintendent until the teacher's final report shall be received in his office ; 2. One week before closing the school, make a final report in the man- ner and on the blank forms prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction. The final report shall include all required statistics and information for the entire school year, notwithstanding any previous report for a part of the year. The teacher shall make estimates of the statistics and information of the last week in order to close the final report. Upon receipt of the teacher's final report, the deputy superin- tendent shall, if he approve such report, notify the clerk of the school district from which the report comes that the teacher's final report has been received, and the clerk of the board shall then draw the trustees' order in payment for the teacher's last month's salary. Any trustees' orders drawn in violation of the provisions of this act shall be illegal ; 3. Keep record of all scholars attending school in accordance with the registers prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction, and teachers shall make reports of such records at such times and to such persons as the superintendent of public instruction shall designate. All school registers shall be delivered to the board of trustees at the close of every school term ; 4. Enforce the state course of study, or the city course of study (as the case may be), the use of the legally authorized text-book, and the rules and regulations prescribed for teachers and schools ; 5. Hold pupils to a strict account for their conduct on the way to and from school, on the playground and during any intermission ; provided, however, that no school teacher or principal, or board of trustees, shall expel or suspend any pupil under the age of fourteen years for any cause without first securing the consent of the deputy superintendent of public instruction. Chapter 6 SCHOOL trustees Board of Trustees a Body Corporate. Sec. 40. The trustees of a school district shall constitute a board for such district, and such board is hereby created a body corporate. Property Held by Trustees as Corporation. Sec. 41. All property which is now vested in, or shall hereafter be transferred to the trustees of a district, for the use of schools in the dis- trict, shall be held by them as a corporation. Number of Trustees. Sec. 42. School districts having fifteen hundred or more school chil- 22 School Laws op Nevada dren as shown by the last preceding school census, shall have five trus- tees ; other districts shall have three trustees. Election of Trustees. Sec. 43. An election of school trustees shall be held in each school district of the state on the first Saturday in April, nineteen hundred and ten, and on the same day every two years thereafter. At such elections three trustees shall be elected in any district having- fifteen hundred or more school census children, as shown by the last preceding census, two for four years and one for two years ; and two trustees shall be elected in every other district, one for four years and one for two years. Number of Trustees, How Determined. Sec. 44. In any school district having for the first time fifteen hun- dred school census children, as determined after the election of trustees in any year, there shall be elected at the next ensuing school trustee election two trustees for four years and two trustees for two years, to bring such district to the five-trustee basis ; and in an^^ district falling below such number, as determined after a school trustee election, there shall be elected at the next ensuing trustee election one trustee for four years to bring such district to the three-trustee basis. Election Officers, How Appointed. Sec. 45. Three inspectors of election, and such other officers as may be necessary, shall be appointed by the school trustees in each district ; provided, that respecting all questions that come before said election boards, the inspectors only shall determine the same. If the trustees fail to appoint the election officers, or if they are not present at the time of opening the polls, the electors present may appoint them. All such officers shall serve without compensation ; provided, that in dis- tricts of the first class, the inspectors and a clerk of election may be allowed compensation not to exceed four dollars each for services at such election, said compensation to be paid from the district school funds. If two or more polling places are kept open in districts of the first class, three inspectors and one clerk shall be appointed for each polling place, and each such officer shall be allowed compensation not to exceed four dollars. Notice of Election To Be Posted — Hours of Election. Sec. 46. Not less than ten days before the election held under the provisions of this act, ,the' trustees in each district shall post notices in three public places in the district, which notices shall specify that there will be an election held at the schoolhouse in such district and the hours between which the polls will be kept open. In districts of the first class the polls shall be kept open between the hours specified by the board of trustees and in districts of the second class the polls shall be kept open between the hours of 1 o'clock p. m. and 5 o'clock p. m. If the trustees shall have failed to post notices as required by this section, then any three electors of the district may, within five days of the day of election, give notice of such election, which notices shall be sufficient for the election required by this act, and in such case no registration shall be necessary, but all the other provisions of this act shall be enforced ; School Laws of Nevada 23 provided, that in districts of the first class as many different polling- places may be kept open as there are school houses in the district, and the trustees may decide in what buildings the election shall be held ; but in such cases, the trustees must specify, in the election notice, the par- ticular building's in which polling places will be held. Qualification for Voting. Sec. 47. No person shall be allowed to vote at any school election unless he is a resident of the district and his name appears upon the official registry list of the voting precinct or precincts including the dis- trict for the last preceding general election ; provided, that any citizen of the United States who shall have resided in this state six months, and in the school district thirty days next preceding the day of election, and whose name is not upon the said official registry list, maj^ apply to the clerk of the board of school trustees, or to a person authorized by the trus- tees of the district to act as a registry agent, not more than eight nor less than five days prior to the day of election, to have his name registered. Registration Regulations — Form of Oath. Sec. 48. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the board. of school trus- tees, or the person appointed by the board of school trustees, as the case may be, to register any qualified voter of the school district who may apply to be registered under the provisions of the preceding section ; pro- vided, that if the person applying to be registered be unknown to the registry agent, or his qualifications for voting be unknown, he shall, before having his name registered, be required to subscribe to the follow- ing oath : ''You do solemnly swear that you are a citizen of the United States; that you are twenty-one years of age; that you will have resided in the state six months and in this school district thirty days next preceding the day of the school election." False swearing under the provisions of this section shall be deemed perjury and punished as now provided by law. List of Voters. Sec. 49. No person shall be entitled to vote under the provisions of this act except he be registered as herein provided. The board of school trustees shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, or obtain a list, certified or sworn to as being correct, of the names of all persons entitled to vote at the school election as herein provided, which said list shall be com- pleted at least three days prior to the day of election, and shall be under the charge of the clerk of the board of school trustees and subject to the inspection of any qualified voter in the district. Preparation of List of Voters — Compensation. Sec. 50. The board of school trustees in all districts having a voting population of fifty or more, are authorized to employ a competent person to prepare said list of qualified voters and to pay for the work out of the school fund of the district, in a manner as other claims against the dis- trict are allowed and paid, a reasonable sum, not Exceeding five cents a name for each qualified voter, providing that the total amount to be allowed shall not exceed fifty dollars. The list so prepared shall be sworn to by the person making the same as correct according to his best knowledge, information, and belief. 24 School Laws of Nevada List Delivered to Inspectors. Sec. 51. The list of qualified voters, as hereinbefore described, shall be delivered to the inspectors of election prior to the time of opening the polls on the day of election, and no person shall be entitled to vote at the election whose name is not on said list ; provided, that any person whose name is left off said list by mistake, design, accident, or otherwise, may have his name placed thereon by the inspectors of election upon satisfactory proofs being presented of his having previously been regis- tered in accordance with the provisions of this act. Voting Shall Be by Ballot. Sec. 52. The voting shall be by ballot, either written or printed, and when two or more trustees are to be elected for different terms, the ballot shall designate such term as "long term" and "short term," respectively. Ballots, Number of — What to Contain. Sec. 53. In all school districts having a voting population of one hundred or over, the board of school trustees shall have printed ballots of uniform size containing the names in alphabetical order of all persons candidates for the office of school trustee. There shall be twice as many ballots printed' as there are voters in the district, and no ballots other than those furnished by the board of school trustees shall be voted. How to Vote. Sec. 54. A person desiring to votfe shall, if his name be upon the registry list as herein provided, receive from the board of election or some member thereof, and from no other person, a ballot upon which he shall designate his choice for trustee or trustees to be elected in the dis- trict, by placing a cross thus : X, opposite and to the right of the name of the person for whom he intends to vote. Instructions as to Voting. Sec. 55. There shall be placed on the ballots, in addition to the names of the candidates, such information as the board of trustees may deem necessary to inform the voter how to mark his ballot, such as "Place a cross thus : X, opposite and to the right of the name of the candidate for whom you wish to vote," "vote for one," "vote for two," etc. Not Allowed at Polls — Misdemeanor. Sec. 56. No person, other than the board of election or a police officer in the discharge of his duty, shall be allowed within one hundred feet of the polls, except when actually engaged in voting or in going to or from the polls for the purpose of voting or of challenging the vote of another, and excepting all persons in attendance upon any school which may be in session in the building. No person shall show his ballot to another while marking it or after marking it so as to disclose for whom he has voted, but he shall, as soon as possible after marking it, fold it so that the marking will be on the inside and return it to the board of election to be counted. Wilful violation of any of the provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding fift}^ dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding twenty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Assistance in Marking Ballots, When Allowed. Sec. 57. No person shall receive assistance in marking his ballot unless physically unable to mark it and then only by permission of the board School Laws op Nevada 25 of election. A voter spoiling his ballot may procure another by deliver- ing the spoiled ballot to the board of election. Challenge — Illegal Voting Punished. Sec. 58. Any registered person offering to vote may be challenged by any elector of the district, and the judges of election must thereupon administer to the person challenged an oath in substance as follows : "You do swear that you are a citizen of the United States ; that you are twenty-one years of age ; that you have resided in the state six months, and in this school district thirty days next preceding this election, and that you have not voted before this day." If he takes the oath pre- scribed in this section his vote shall be received, otherwise his vote must be re.jected. Illegally voting under the provisions of this act shall be punished the same as the law now provides for punishing offenses of this character. Candidates to File Names with County Clerk. Sec. 59. In school districts having a voting population of one hun- dred (100) or over, candidates for the office of school trustee shall, not later than five days before the day of election, have their names filed with the county clerk of said county, with designation of the term of office for which they are candidates, and no names shall be placed upon the ballots unless filed within the time herein provided. Duty of Election Board on Completion of Count. Sec. 60. The board of election in districts of the first class shall keep a poU list and tally sheet, which, together with the registry list and all ballots cast, shall be delivered to the county clerk upon the count being completed, and such returns shall be kept as the law now provides for keeping returns of general elections ; but in districts of the second class, said poll list, tally sheet, registry list, and all ballots cast, upon the count being completed, shall be delivered to the deputy superintendent of public instruction and kept on file in his office. After the completion of the count at each polling place in districts of the first class using more than one polling place, the election board of each polling place shall meet at a place designated by the board of trustees and there sum- marize all votes cast in the district and make out the election certificates. Certificates of Election. Sec. 61. The election board shall issue certificates of election to those receiving the greatest number of votes cast in accordance with the pro- visions of this act, specifying the number of years for which each is elected ; and the election board shall immediately send by mail a copy of each election certificate to the deputy superintendent of public instruction. Terms of Office. Sec. 62. Trustees elected under this act shall take office on the first Monday in May following their election. Vacancies, How Filled. Sec. 63. On the fourth Saturday after the occurrence of any vacancy or vacancies in any board of school trustees, an election may be held to elect a trustee or trustees for the remainder of the unexpired term or terms. Such elections shall be conducted in accordance with the law 26 School Laws of Nevada now in effect for the election of public school trustees; provided, that the remaining members or member of the board may serve as a full board for the purpose of making all required preliminary arrangements for conducting said elections to fill said vacancies. Deputy to Fill Vacancies. Sec. 64. In case the voters fail to elect, or in case no election is held, as provided in the preceding section, the deputy superintendent shall fill all vacancies occurring in said board of trustees. Note — The Attorney-General has decided that this section does not apply to vacancies occasioned by neglect of voters to elect trustees at the regular school election in April of the even-numbered years. Such vacancies are subject to filling by the deputy superintendent on the first Monday in May thereafter. Meetings of Trustees — Duties of Clerk — Compensation. Sec. 65. It shall be the duty of the board of trustees, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, to meet on the first Monday in Maj^ following their election, or as soon as practicable thereafter, after taking the oath of office, at such place as may be most convenient in the district, and to organize by electing one of their number president of the board and another as clerk. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at the meetings of the board. It shall be the duty of the clerk to record the proceedings of the board in a book to be provided for the purpose, and all such proceedings when so recorded shall be signed by such clerk. Said book shall at all times be subject to the inspection of the deputy superintendent of public instruc- tion and of any taxpayer in the district. In districts having a school- census population of three hundred or more and not exceeding one thousand, the clerk of the board of trustees may receive such salary as said board may allow; provided, that such salary shall not exceed twenty-five dollars per month ; provided, that in districts having a school-census population of one thousand or more, the clerk of the board of trustees shall receive a salary not to exceed fifty dollars per month. As amended, Stats. 1917, 183. Majority Vote to Legalize Action. Sec. 66. No action of the board of school trustees in any school dis- trict shall be valid unless such action shall receive the approval of a majority of the members of such board at a regularly called meeting. The clerk of the board shall give notice of each meeting to each member of the board of school trustees, specifying the time, place and purpose of each meeting ; provided, that if all members of such board are present at such meeting the lack of such notification shall not invalidate its proceedings. In all school districts in which there are not less than three hundred school census children, as shown by the last preceding school census report, the board of school trustees shall hold a regular meeting at least once each month, at such time and place as it shall determine, and public notice of such meeting shall be given in one or more newspapers published in such district ; provided, that such notices can be published without cost to the district. The following portions of acts are inserted here, out of order, as they relate directly to matter in this chapter : School Laws op Nevada 27 An Act relating to elections. [Approved March 29, 1915] School Trustee Elections: Sec. 148. School trustees shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of chapter six of an act entitled "An act concerning public schools, and repeal- ing certain acts relating thereto," approved March 20, 1911. Stats. 1915, 463. An Act to amend section 9 of chapter 7 of "An act relating to elections and removals from, office," approved March 31, 1913. [Approved March 23, 1915] Right to Vote at School Election, How OMained. Sec. 9. No person shall be allowed to vote at any school election unless he or she is a resident of the district and his or her name appears upon the official registry list of the voting precinct or precincts including the district for the last preceding general election, or for the last preceding town or city election ; pro- vided, that any citizen of the United States who shall have resided in this state six months, and in the school district thirty days next preceding the day of elec- tion, and whose name is not upon the said official registry list, may apply to the clerk of the board of school trustees, or to a person authorized by the trustees of the district to act as registry agent, not more than ten nor less than five days prior to the day of election, to have his or her name registered. Stats. 1915, 308, 309. Powers and Duties of School Trustees, Sec. 67. School trustees shall have the power and it shall be their duty : To Buy or Sell Schoolhouses or Sites. 1. To buy or sell any schoolhouse or schoolhouse site directed to be bought or sold by a vote of the heads of families of the district ; pro- vided, that in districts in which there shall be fewer than ten such heads of families, no schoolhouse or schoolhouse site shall be sold -without the approval of the deputy superintendent of public instruction ; To Build, Purchase, Rent or Repair Schoolhouses, When — Plans To Be Approved by Deputy Superintendent. 2. To build, purchase, or rent schoolhouses when directed to do so by a vote of the heads of families, and to equip and supply the same with all things necessary for the successful operation of the schools of the dis- trict. The trustees, without such vote, shall make necessary repairs in any school buildings when the expense of such repairs will not exceed five hundred dollars; provided, that in districts of the first class the trustees may make all necessary repairs without a vote of the electors. No public schoolhouse shall be erected in any school district until the plan of the same has been submitted to and approved by the deputy superintendent of public instruction. The county auditor shall draw no warrant in payment of any bill for the erection of such new school- house until notified by the deputy superintendent of public instruction that the plans for the said new schoolhouse have received his approval ; [See section 194, as amended. Stats. 1913, 298.] Location IMay Be Changed, When. 3. To change the location of schools or schoolhouse sites; provided, that in districts in which there shall be fewer than ten heads of families, 28 • School Laws of Nevada no school or sclioolhouse site shall be changed without the approval of the deputy superintendent of public instruction ; Meetings of Heads of Families To Be Called, When and How, 4. To call meetings of the heads of families of the school district in order to secure by vote the authority to procure or sell schoolhouse sites, or to erect, purchase, sell, hire, or rent schoolhouses for the use of the district. Whenever the trustees shall decide to hold such meeting-, they shall give at least ten days ' notice by posting at least three notices of such meeting in three conspicuous places within the district. One of such notices shall be posted on the school grounds. The notices shall contain the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. The president of the board shall call such meeting to order and shall preside over the deliberations of the same. The clerk of the board shall keep a record of the proceedings of such meeting in a book kept especially for that purpose. In case of the absence of either the president or the clerk of the board at such meeting, the heads of families assembled shall proceed to elect a president pro tem and a temporary clerk. All ques- tions placed before the meeting shall be determined by ballot or by taking the "ayes" and "noes" as the meeting shall decide; [See section 194, as amended, Stats. 1913, 298.] Control of Property and Payment of Money. 5. To manage and control the school property within their districts, and pay all moneys collected by them, from any source whatever, for school purposes, into the county treasury, to be placed to the credit of the county fund of their district ; Privies To Be Built. 6. To cause to be erected at least two suitable and convenient privies for each of the schools under their charge, which shall be entirely sepa- rate each from the other, and have separate means of access and approaches thereto. In case of failure or neglect on the part of the trustees to provide privies in accordance with the provisions of this section, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall have power, and it shall be his duty to cause such privies to be built, and to pay for the same by drawing his order on the county auditor on the funds of the district, and the auditor shall draM^ his warrant upon the county treasurer in payment of the same ; To Prescribe and Enforce Rules and Transact Business. 7. To prescribe and enforce rules, not inconsistent with law or those prescribed by the state board of education, for their own government and government of schools, and to transact their business at regular or special meetings, called for such purpose, notice of which shall be given each member ; Buildings To Be Kept in Repair — Action of Deputy Superintendent When This is Not Done. 8. To keep the public school buildings in their charge in such repair as is necessary for the comfort and health of pupils and teachers, and in ease of neglect to do so, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to cause such needed repairs to be made, and to pay for the same by drawing his order upon the county auditor on the funds of the district, and the auditor shall draw a School Laws op Nevada 29 warrant upon the county treasurer in payment of the same ; provided^ that the cost of such repairs shall not exceed fifty dollars ; Custody of School District Property. 9. To have the custody and safe keeping of the district schoolhouses, their sites and appurtenances ; Insurance, 10. To insure the schoolhouses, furniture and school apparatus in some company authorized by law to transact business in the State of Nevada, and to comply with the conditions of the policy ; Employment of Teachers and Matters Properly Relating Thereto. 11. To employ legally qualified teachers, to determine the salary to be paid and the length of the term of school for which teachers shall be employed, embodying these conditions in a written contract to be signed by the president and the clerk of the board or by a majority of the trustees and the teacher, and a copy of the said contract properly written shall be delivered to each teacher at the opening of the term of school; provided, that the trustees shall not have the right to employ teachers for any term of service commencing after the time for which any member of the board of trustees was elected. The salaries of teachers shall be determined by the character of the service required. and in no district shall there be any discrimination in the matter of salary as against female teachers ; provided, that it shall be unlawful for the board of trustees of any school district to employ any teacher not legally qualified to teach all the grades of the school for which such teacher is engaged to teach ; Teachers To Be Paid by Order on County Auditor. 12. To pay toward the salaries of legally qualified teachers the public moneys apportioned to districts for such purpose, by giving them orders therefor on the county auditor; Minimum Term of School — Course To Be Pursued by Deputy Superintendent, Trustees, and County Commissioners when School Money Shall Be Insufficient for Completion of Such Term. 13. To provide at least six months of free school in the district under their charge. If at any time the deputj'^ superintendent of public instruction shall find that the state and county moneys to which any dis- trict is entitled are not sufficient for the completion of a term of school of at least six months during the current school year he shall immedi- ately certify that fact and information to the clerk of the board of the said district. Upon the receipt of such information, the clerk shall immediately notify the other members of the board, and they shall, as soon as possible thereafter, meet and levy a district tax upon the taxable property of such district sufficient to raise an amount of money which will insure the completion of at least six months of school in that school year. Immediately after the trustees shall have made the levy provided herein, the clerk of the board shall notify the county commissioners and the deputy superintendent of public instruction of its action. The said notice shall contain the statement of the amount of money to be raised by such district tax. The county commissioners shall ascertain the necessary percentage on the property of said district, as shown by the last assessment made thereof after equalization, to raise the amount of 30 School Laws of Nevada money voted, and they shall add it to the next county tax to be collected on the property aforesaid, and the same shall be paid into the county treasury and shall be added to and become a part of the county fund of that district, and shall be drawn in the same manner as other school moneys ; The tax provided herein shall be assessed, equalized, and collected in the same manner prescribed for assessing, equalizing, and collecting the taxes voted for furnishing additional school facilities in section 141 of this act ; If for any reason the trustees shall fail to provide the necessary funds to insure the completion of at least six months of school in any school year, when notified by the deputy superintendent of public instruction that such action is necessary on their part, as provided in this act, then the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall himself notify the county commissioners and the county auditor of the deficiency in funds for the district in question, and he shall make an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised, and the commissioners shall proceed to assess, equalize, and collect this amount as though the trustees them- selves had made the levy as provided in this act. Note— For the school year 1917-1918 all boards of school trustees are expected to provide as a minimum eight inonths of school in their respective districts, provision therefor having been made in the new school money apportionment act, which goes into effect for the January, 1918, apportionment. — State Superintendent. 14. To maintain at least eight months of school in the school district during each and every school year; provided, there is sufficient money to the credit of the district to pay the expense of maintaining the said eight months of school ; Term To Be at Least Eight Months, When — Deputy Superintendent to act if Trustees Do Not. Whenever there shall be sufficient money to the credit of any school district to pay the expenses of maintaining a school for eight months in any school year, and the trustees shall for any reason neglect to provide for the said eight months of school, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall take such steps as may be necessary to prolong and maintain the said school for at least eight months. He shall draw his order on the county auditor and the county auditor shall draw his war- rant on the county treasurer in payment of all expenses incurred in prolonging school as provided in this section ; Administration of Oaths. 15. To administer all oaths pertaining to teachers, census marshals, and school trustees, whether of the same school district or of any other school district in the State of Nevada ; provided, that in districts of the first class the city superintendent may administer the oath of office to teachers in their respective districts ; 16. This paragraph as originally enacted was later repealed by the Free Text-Book Act of 1911. — State Superintendent. Division of Schools Into Grades. 17. To divide the public schools within their district into kinder- garten, primary, grammar, and high-school departments, and to employ competent and legally qualified teachers for the instruction of the differ- ent departments whenever they shall deem such division into depart- ments necessary ; provided, that such division into departments shall be School Laws op Nevada 31 in accordance with the state coui*ses of study and all rules and regula- tions of the department of education ; and provided further, that there shall be means for all such departments, and if not, then the division shall be in the order in which they are herein named, excepting the kindergarten department, which shall not be considered as taking prece- dence over any other department ; and provided also, that the kinder- ■ garten department shall not be established in any school district having a school census population of less than one hundred ; May Expel Pupils or Exclude Children, When. 18. To suspend or expel from any public school within their district, with the advice of the teachers and deputy superintendent of public instruction, any pupil who will not submit to reasonable and ordinary rules of order and discipline therein, and to exclude from school all children under six years of age when the interests'of the school requires it to be done ; provided, however, that under no circumstances shall any school teacher or principal or board of trustees be authorized to expel any pupil under the age of fourteen years for any cause without first securing the consent of the deputy superintendent of public instruction ; Courses of Study and use of Prescribed Text-Books To Be Enforced. 19. To enforce in schools the courses of study and the use of text- books prescribed and adopted by the proper authority ; Transfer of Children and Funds. 20. The provisions heretofore in this clause of section 67 were virtu- ally repealed by "An Act to provide for the transfer of children from one school district to an adjoining school district in the same county and other matters properly related thereto." Approved March 24, 1913, Stats. 1913, 305. See in index '^ Transfer of pupils and school funds.'' — State Superintendent. Each Trustee to Visit Every School in the District, 21. To visit every school in their district at least once in each term, and examine carefully into its management, condition, and wants. This clause to apply to each and every member of the board of trustees ; School Supplies To Be Furnished. 22. To furnish writing and drawing paper, pens, inks, blackboard erasers, crayons, and lead and slate pencils, and other necessary supplies for the use of the schools, and charges therefor must be audited and paid as other claims against the county school fund of their districts are audited and paid ; [See "Free Text-Books," catalogued in index.] Reports To Be Made, When and to Whom. 23. To make an annual report, on or before the first day of July, to the deputy superintendent of public instruction, in the manner and form and on the blanks prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction ; 24. To enforce needful sanitary regulations, to make and enforce such rules for preventing the spread of contagious and infectious diseases as they may deem necessary, and to pay out of the public school funds any expenses incurred by them in enforcing such regulations and rules among indigent children. Schools To Be Maintained with Equal Rights and Privileges. Sec. 68. The boards of school trustees and county boards of educa- 32 School Laws of Nevada tion must maintain all the schools established by them for an equal length of time during the year and, as far as practicable, with equal rights and privileges; 2. When in any district it is necessary for the convenience of the residents of said district that the school therein should be maintained a part of the year in one portion of the district, and a part of the year in another portion of the district, the aggregate of the time the school has been maintained in the different portions of the district shall be con- sidered in estimating the time for which a school has been maintained in the district during the school year. Clerk to Issue Orders — Limitation, When. Sec. 69. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the board of school trustees in each district, sub.ject to the direction of said board, to draw all orders for the payment of the moneys belonging to his district, and such orders, when signed by the president and clerk of the board or by a majority of the board of trustees, shall be valid vouchers in the hands of the county auditor for warrants on the county treasurer, to be paid out of the funds belonging to such district ; provided, that in school dis- tricts having fewer than five trustees, no warrant for the payment of money for a new school building or for repairs or furniture in excess of five hundred dollars shall be issued unless the order shall be approved by the deputy superintendent of public instruction. Note — There is no legal authority for drawing an order in favor of the school board or of any member thereof except for services as clerk or census marshal, in certain districts. — State Superintendent. Itemized Statement of Bills — Penalty, When. S:^c. 70. All such orders shall be accompanied by an itemized state- ment of the purpose or purposes for which the order is issued, and such statement shall be kept on file in the office of the county auditor, sub.ject to inspection by the deputy superintendent of public instruc- tion, until ordere^d to be destroyed by the state board of education. No order for the payment of the money of any district shall be issued by the clerk of such district unless there shall be in the county treasury, credited to such district, a sum of money equal to the amount for which the order is issued, and available for the purpose of such order. If the clerk of the board of school trustees of any district shall draw any order for the payment of school moneys in violation of the laws of this state, the members of the board of school trustees of such district shall be jointly and severally liable for the amount of such order. Trustees to Have No Interest in Contracts. Sec 71. No trustee shall be pecuniarily interested in any contract made by the board of trustees of which he is a member. To Enforce Discipline. Sec. 72. The school trustees, principals and teachers are hereby given concurrent power with the peace officers for the protection of children in school and on the way to and from school, and for the enforcement of order and discipline among them. Trustees Vested with Necessary Powers. Sec. 73. The board of school trustees of the respective school dis- tricts of the State of Nevada are hereby given such reasonable and necessary powers, not conflicting with the constitution and laws of the State of Nevada, as may be requisite to attain the ends for which the School Laws of Nevada 33 public schools are established, and to promote the welfare of school children. Teachers, Powers of. Sec. 74. The school trustees may direct the principals and teachers employed by them to exercise such powers and authority in the schools as the trustees are invested with under this act. County Boards of Education Have Same Power as Trustees. Sec. 75. Under the provisions of this act, county boards of education in control of high schools shall have the same powers as are herein given to school trustees. Chapter 7 school districts One District Only in Town or City. Sec. 75a. Every village, town, or incorporated city of this state shall constitute but one school district ; and the public schools therein shall be under the supervision and control of the trustees thereof. Classes of School Districts — City Superintendent. Sec. 76. All school districts in Nevada are hereby divided into two classes. Districts employing ten or more regular grade teachers shall be known as districts of the first class, and districts employing less than ten teachers shall be known as districts of the second class. The board of school trustees of any district of the first class is hereby authorized to create the office of city superintendent of schools for such district, to define the powers and duties of such superintendent, to elect to said office any person entitled to teach in the high schools of this state, and to fix the salary; provided, that no city superintendent shall be elected for more than one year, unless said city superintendent shall have first served one year acceptably in the district, when said board of trustees is empowered to elect said superintendent for a term not to exceed four years ; provided, further, that said superintendent may be dismissed at any time for cause. New Districts, When — Changes in Boundaries. Sec. 77. The boards of county commissioners of the several counties of the state are hereby authorized and empowered to create new school districts from unorganized territory when there shall have been pre- sented to them from the parents or guardians of five school census chil- dren a certified petition which shall accuratel}'- describe the boundaries of the proposed district, such boundaries to conform, when practicable, with the lines of the government surveys, and the names and ages of all children residing in such proposed district at the date of such petition. The boards of county commissioners may create new districts from a portion or portions of one or more established districts upon the presentation of a similar petition signed by not less than three-fifths of the heads of families and taxpayers of the districts from which the proposed new district is to be taken. They may make changes in the boundaries of districts upon petition of three-fifths' of the heads of families and taxpayers of the district or districts to be affected by the change, or the}^ may make changes in said boundaries so as to place one or more families having school children, residing in a school district much nearer the schoolhouse of an adjoining district than that of their 3 34 School Laws of Nevada own, in the district most convenient for them to attend ; provided, that this may be done only on written petition of the family or families desiring such change and that said petition shall be accompanied by the recommendation of the deputy or district superintendent; and pro- vided further, that before decisive action in the premises by the board of county commissioners, due notice shall be given to the two school districts to be affected by the proposed change, that parents and others who may be opposed thereto can appear before the board of county commissioners at the next regular meeting thereof, or at a later desig- nated date, to show cause why the aforesaid petition should not be granted. New District Lapses, When. When a new school district is organized, school shall be commenced therein within one hundred twenty days from the date of action of the board of county commissioners creating such district, and if school shall not be commenced within such time within said district then such action shall become void and no such district shall exist. Size Limited. No district organized under this act shall exceed in size sixteen miles square. As amended, Stats. 1917, 389-390. But One School, When. Sec. 78. In any neighborhood or communitj^ containing not more than twenty school census children, in which a schoolhouse may be located so that the most distant school census child resides not to exceed three miles therefrom, but one school district shall be created or shall exist and, in any neighborhood or community in which more than one school district is now organized, not in conformity with this act, such districts shall be consolidated, and it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of the county in which said neighborhood or com- munity is located to organize the territory comprised in said districts into one school district. It shall be the duty of the county auditor and county treasurer to place the funds of the several districts to the credit of the newly organized district, and the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall appoint trustees for said district. In any such neighborhood or community no school district shall receive an appor- tionment from the school funds until consolidated as herein provided. The deputy superintendent of public instruction shall decide where the school shall be held, and if school is held in any other place in the dis- trict than that designated by the deputy superintendent of public instruction, the county auditor shall draw no warrants upon the funds of the district in payment of claims for the maintenance of said school. Restriction in Apportionment. Sec. 79. The county school fund shall not be apportioned to any school district unless there shall be at least five school census children residing therein as shown by the last preceding census report. The state school fund shall not be apportioned to any school district unless there shall be at least three school census children residing therein as shown by the last preceding census report. Certain Districts Not to Receive School Money, When — Division of District. Sec. 80. From and after September first, nineteen hundred and eleven, no school district, except when newly organized, in which there School Laws of Nevada 35 was not taught, by a legally qualified teacher^ a public school for a term of at least six school months of the school year ending the last day of June preceding, with at least three children of school age in actual attendance for eighty days, sixty days of which shall have been con- secutive, shall receive any portion of the public school moneys. When a new district is formed by the division of an old one, it shall be entitled to a just share of the school moneys to the credit of the old district after the payment of all outstanding debts at the time when a school was actually commenced in such new district ; and the superintendent of public instruction shall divide and apportion such remaining money according to the number of census children resident in each district, for which purpose he may order a census to be taken, the expenses of which shall be met as provided in section 133 of this act. Joint School District. Sec. 81. A joint school district may be formed of parts of two or more counties, provided a majority of the qualified voters in that part of each county, which it is proposed to include in such joint district shall petition for the creation of such joint district, such petition to contain a description of the boundaries of the proposed joint district. When such petition is presented to the board of county commissioners in each county in which any part of the territory of said proposed joint district is located, such boards shall, if they favor the establishment of a joint district, provide for such establishment, and the superintendent of public instruction shall appoint the members of the board of school trustees, who shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified according to law. State Superintendent to Apportion Funds, How. Sec. 82. The superintendent of public instruction shall apportion the county school fund to any such joint school district as follows: In apportioning sixty per cent of the county school fund of any county, he shall apportion to a joint school district the regular amount per census child residing in that county. In apportioning forty per cent of the county school fund of any county, he shall consider the teacher as belonging in part to each county, part of which lies in the joint school district, and the part belonging to any county will be in proportion to the number of school census children in that county. In apportioning thirty per cent of the state distributive school fund within any county, he shall apportion to a joint school district the regular amount per census child residing in that county. In apportioning seventy per cent of the state distributive school fund within any county, he shall consider the teacher as belonging in part to each county, part of which lies in the joint school district, and the part belonging to any county will be in proportion to the number of school census children in that county. Union School, How Established. Sec. 83. On the recommendation of the deputy superintendent of public instruction, the boards of school trustees of any contiguous school district in the same county or in adjoining counties may, in joint meeting of the two boards, unite the two districts and establish a union school to be supported out of the funds belonging to the respective districts. 36 School Laws op Nevada Joint Board to Govern — More than One School, When. Sec. 84. The school thus established shall be governed by a joint board, composed of the trustees of the combining districts; provided, that school may be maintained at more than one point in the union dis- trict thus formed, if found necessary or advisable; and provided further, that the classes and grades in the two districts shall be arranged with reference to the convenience of the children and the efficient and econom- ical management of the school. In case of a disagreement of the joint board as to the arrangement and distribution of the various classes and grades in the two districts, the deputy superintendent of public instruc- tion shall determine the same. Expenses Union District, How Paid. Sec. 85. A majority of the members of the joint board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Vouchers shall be made out on the separate district funds for the pro rata of monthly expenses, as agreed upon by the joint board, and these vouchers shall be signed by the president and clerk of the school board in the district on whose fund the vouchers are drawn. Union District Dissolved, When. Sec. 86. The union school, or district, herein provided for, may be dissolved in June of any year by mutual consent or action of the boards of school trustees in the districts interested, or by the unanimous action of the school board of either district; provided, that no indebtedness incurred by the joint board exists; and provided further, that in case of dissolution by action of only one of the two districts as herein prescribed, at least thirty days' notice of intention to dissolve shall have been given to the joint board. Numerically Weak Districts Enlarged or Consolidated, When. Sec. 87. The board of county commissioners in any county on the recommendation of the deputy superintendent of public instruction, and without formal petition, may enlarge the boundaries of any school dis- trict, wherein there may be uncertainty of maintaining the minimum requirement of five census children, sufficiently beyond the sixteen-mile- square limit to include five or more census school children actually residing, and not temporarily living, therein, or the board, upon the recommendation of the deputy superintendent, may consolidate two or more such districts or parts of districts into a single district. Property of Enlarged or Consolidated Districts. Sec. 88. In case of the consolidation of two or more districts as herein provided for, the property of the separate districts shall become the prop- erty of the district thus formed, and any money in the fund of a district consolidated with another shall, on notice given by the deputy superin- tendent of public instruction, be transferred by the county auditor and the county treasurer to the credit of the district so formed. Board for Enlarged or Consolidated District. Sec. 89. When a district is formed hy consolidation as herein pro- vided, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall appoint a board of school trustees therefor; he shall determine the points therein where instruction is to be given, and shall aid the trustees in making necessary provision for carrying out the purposes of this act. School Laws of Nevada 37 Emergency Fund Created. Sec. 90. At the time of the apportionment of money in the state dis- tributive school fund in January and July of each year, the superinten- dent of public instruction, before making such apportionment, shall set aside from said fund the sum of three thousand dollars, the same to con- stitute and be known as the emergency school fund ; and he shall at once notify the state controller and the state treasurer of his action. For Districts Formed After Eegular Apportionment. Sec. 91. The emergency school fund, or such portion thereof as the state board of education shall deem advisable, shall be used as herein- after provided for payment of a teacher's salary in any legally consti- tuted school district formed after the regular apportionment in January and July of any year and not consisting mainly or wholly of census chil- dren and territory theretofore included in an established school district. Note — The phrase "after the regular apportionment" is construed to mean at any time between two successive apportionments. — State Superintendent. Conditions Before Money Is Distributed. Sec. 92. Before any portion of the emergency school fund is dis- tributed to any school district that may be entitled thereto under the provisions of this act, the superintendent of public instruction shall cause a census to be taken and shall satisfy himself that a competent teacher has been employed and that a suitable building has been provided. Basia of Distribution. Sec. 93. The money in the emergency school fund, or such part thereof as may be necessary, shall be distributed to the various districts entitled thereto on the basis of teachers — one teacher to every fifty census children or fraction thereof; and not more than two hundred and fifty dollars shall be allowed for any one teacher.- The money thus distrib- uted shall be used only for the payment of salaries of teachers. The superintendent of public instruction shall submit to the state board of education lists of school districts entitled to money under the provisions of this act, and estimates of the amount of money necessary for each district. But One Apportionment to Any District from Emergency Fund. Sec. 94. No more than one apportionment shall be made to any one school district from the emergency school fund. But at the general apportionments thereafter such district shall be entitled to its share of the state distributive school fund and of the general school fund of the county in which the district is located, the census provided for in sec- tion 92 of this act serving as the basis of apportionment until the general school census is available therefor. State Board of Education to Approve. Sec. 95. Upon approval by the state board of education of the amounts to be distributed, the superintendent of public instruction shall draw his order on the state controller for the sum to be sent from the emergency school fund to any county, and the state controller shall thereupon draw his warrant on the state treasurer therefor, and the state treasurer shall pay over the money to the county treasurer, or any treasurer named. The superintendent of public instruction shall inform the county auditor and the county treasurer of any county to which money is thus sent, of the amount set aside for any school district or 38 School Laws of Nevada districts in that county; and such money shall be applied by the board or boards of school trustees thereof for the purpose named in this act, and disbursed in the manner prescribed by law. Residue to Revert. Sec. 96. Any money remaining in the emergency school fund on the thirtieth day of June and the thirty-first day of December of any year shall revert to the state distributive school fund. District Albolished, When — Proviso. Sec. 97. Upon notice from the deputy superintendent of public instruction that a district has fewer than three resident children in actual school attendance, the board of county commissioners shall abolish such school district; provided, hoivever, that where there are at least two resident children in actual school attendance, and there is sufficient funds to the credit of the district, or in its treasury, to meet the actual expense attendant on the continuation of the school, the district shall be continued and the school maintained so long as such funds so exist. As amended, Stats. 1917 , 391. Funds to Revert. Sec. 98. All moneys remaining to the credit of any school district which has been legally abolished, by action of the board of county com- missioners of the county in which the district is situated, shall revert to the county school fund of the said county. Property of Abolished District To Be Sold. Sec. 99. All property, real and personal, of any abolished school dis- trict shall revert to the county in which the said district is situated, and the board of county commissioners are hereby authorized to control and manage, rent or sell such reverted school property in the manner pre- scribed for the sale of county property; provided, that in case the said board of county commissioners shall find all of the real and personal property of any abolished district to be of a value less than one hundred dollars, the same may be sold without publication of notice and to the highest bidder for cash at private sale. Disposal of Proceeds. Sec. 100. All the moneys derived from the sale or rent of reverted school property shall be paid into the county school fund. Chapter 8 general pro^^sions Public Schools Defined. Sec. 101. Public schools within the meaning of this act shall include all elementary schools, and all district and county high schools. Elementary School Defined. Sec. 102. An elementary school within the meaning of this act shall be one in which no grade work above that included in the eighth grade according to the regularly adopted state course of study shall be given. High School Defined. A high school within the meaning of this act shall be a school in which subjects above the eighth grade according to the state course of study may be taught. School Laws of Nevada 39 School Year. Sec. 103. The public school year shall commence on the first day of July and shall end on the last day of June. School Month — Teacher Not to Forfeit Salary, When. Sec. 104. A school month shall consist of four weeks of five days each, and teachers shall be paid only for the time in which they are actually engaged in teaching; 'provided, that when an intermission of less than six days is ordered by the trustees no deduction of salary shall be made therefor; and provided further , that when on account of sickness or epidemic a longer intermission is ordered by the board of school trustees or by a duly constituted board of health, and such intermission or closing does not exceed thirty days at any one time, there shall no deduction or discontinuance of salary or salaries therefor. The term "teacher," as used in this act, shall be understood to mean teachers, principals and superintendents of the elementary and secondary schools of this state. As amended, Stats. 1917, 398, 399. Sectarian Literature Prohibited. Sec. 105. No books, tracts, or papers of a sectarian or denominational character shall be used or introduced in any schools established under the provisions of this act; nor shall any sectarian or denominational doctrines be taught therein; nor shall any school whatever receive any of the public school funds which has not been taught in accordance with the provisions of this section. School Property Exempt from Taxation. Sec. 106. All lots, buildings, or other school property, owned by any district, town, or city, and devoted to public school purposes, shall be, and the same are hereby, exempted from taxation and from sale on any execution or other writ or order in the nature of an execution. Hygiene To Be Taught. Sec. 107. Physiology and hygiene shall be taught in the public schools of this state, and especial attention shall be given to the effects of stimu- lants and narcotics upon the human system. Duties of Teachers as to Fish and G-ame, and Song-Birds. Sec. 108. It is hereby made the duty of each and every teacher in the public shools of this state to give oral instruction at least once a month to all children attending such schools, relative to the preservation of song- birds, fish, and game; and to explain to such children of suitable ages, at least twice each school year, the fish and game laws of the State of Nevada. Note — See "Fish and Game Laws, 1917," in separate pamphlet. Sec. 109. {Repealed, Stats. 1915, 18.'] Arbor Day Not Legal Holiday. Sec. 110. Arbor Day is hereby established in the State of Nevada, and shall be fixed each year by proclamation of the governor at least one month before the fixing of such date, and it shall be observed as a holiday by the public schools of this state ; provided, that nothing in this act shall be so construed as making this a legal holiday, so far as the courts and civil contracts are concerned. 40 School Laws of NevaDxV Arbor Day — Governor's Proclamation. Sec. 111. His excellency the governor is requested to make proclama- tion setting forth the provisions of the preceding section of this statute, and recommending that Arbor Day so established be observed by the people of the state in the planting of trees, shrubs, and vines, in the pro- motion of forest growth and culture, in the adornment of public and private grounds, places, and ways, and in such other efforts and under- takings as shall be in harmony with the character of the day so established. Holidays — Schools Closed. Sec. 112. No school shall be kept open on the first day of January, the thirtieth day of May, the fourth day of July, the first Monday of Sep- tember, Thanksgiving day, and the twenty-fifth day of December of each year, nor any day appointed by the president of the United States or the governor of this state for public fast, thanksgiving, or holiday. Semiholidays — Schools Open. i All schools shall be kept open and shall observe with appropriate exer- cises the twelfth day of February, the twenty-second day of February, Arbor Day, and the thirty-first day of October of each year, if such days occur on regular school days. Election Day — No School Shall Be Closed. No school shall be closed on the date of any primary or general election, except in cases of school elections, when the school building is needed as a polling place. The National Flag— Duty of Trustees and Deputy Superintendent. Sec. 113. Boards of school trustees in all school districts throughout the state shall provide for their respective schoolhouses a suitable flag of the United States, which shall be hoisted on the respective schoolhouses on all suitable occasions. The respective boards of trustees are hereby authorized and directed to cause said flags to be paid for out of any county school money in their respective school district funds not required for regular expenses. If the trustees in any school district fail or neglect to provide such flag, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall himself provide the school with a flag and shall install the same upon the schoolhouse, and shall pay the expenses incurred in such, action by drawing his order on the county auditor, and the county auditor shall draw his warrant on the county treasurer in payment of same. The State Flag. Sec. 114. The official flag of the State of Nevada is hereby created, to be designed of the following colors, with the following lettering and devices thereon, to wit: The body of the flag shall be of solid blue. On the blue field, and in the center thereof, shall be placed the great seal of the State of Nevada, as the same is designed and created by section 4402, Revised Laws, 1912; the design of said seal to be in scroll border, and the words "The Great Seal of the State of Nevada" to be omitted. Imme- diately above the seal shall be the word " Nevada," in silver-colored block Roman capital letters. Immediately below the seal, and in the- form of a scroll, shall be the words "All For Our Country," in gold-colored block Roman capital letters. Above the word "Nevada" there shall be placed a row of eighteen gold-colored stars, and below the words "All For Our Country" there shall be placed a row of eighteen silver-colored stars. i School Laws of Nevada 41 Each star shall have five points, and shall be placed with one point up. As enacted, Stats. 1915, 251,252. District Attorney to Advise Trustees. Sec. 115. The district attorneys of the several counties of Nevada must give, when required, and without fee, his opinion in writing to school trustees, on matters relating to the duties of their offices. Attorney-General Advisor of Deputy Superintendents. Sec. 116. The state attorney-general shall give, when required, and without fee, his opinion in writing to deputy superintendents of public instruction on matters relating to the duties of their offices. Teachers Exempt from Jury Duty, When. Sec. 117. Teachers actually engaged in teaching in the public schools of the state and members of the faculty of the state university shall be exempt from jury duty during the session of the public schools or uni- versity, but nothing in this act shall be construed as to excuse said teachers from liability to jury duty during a vacation. Classification of Funds, As Provided for in Stats. 1911. Sec. 118. On and after the fifteenth' day of September, nineteen hun- dred and eleven, the county auditors and the county treasurers of the several counties of the State of Nevada shall keep separate accounts in their books for the library fund, the county school fund, and the state school fund of each district within their respective counties, and in no case shall they keep any school fund account in such manner that its balance shall at any time include the amounts on hand in any two school funds. If on the said fifteenth day of September, nineteen hundred and eleven, the county auditor and the county treasurer in any county shall not have their respective school fund accounts arranged so that no school fund account shall show by its balance the amount on hand in any two or more school funds, the said county auditor and the county treasurer shall adjust their school fund accounts in the following manner: The county auditor shall determine the total amount of money in the county treasury to the credit of each school district on the said fifteenth day of September, nineteen hundred and eleven. He shall then deduct from the said total amount to the credit of each school district at the time mentioned, the amount of money which should be in the library fund of each of the said school districts on the fifteenth day of Septem- ber, nineteen bunded and eleven, and the amount so deducted shall constitute, for each school district, a separate fund which shall there- after be designated as the library fund for such school district, and the county auditor shall thereafter make such entries in the said library fund as will show, at all times, the apportionments made to that fund, and all amounts drawn from the said fund in payment of legal claims. If for any reason the auditor cannot tell the exact amount which should be in' the library fund of any school district on the date mentioned above, he shall deduct from the total amount to the credit of the school district an amount equal to the apportionment to the library fund of that dis- trict made in July, nineteen hundred and eleven, and the amount so deducted shall constitute, for such school district, a separate fund which shall thereafter be designated as the library fund as provided above. 42 School Laws of Nevada After the auditor has established the Hbrary fund for each school dis- trict, as described above, he shall deduct from the remainder of the total amount to the credit of each school district, the amount apportioned to the state school fund of that district in July, nineteen hundred and eleven, and the amount so deducted shall constitute the state school fund of that school district, and the auditor shall open a separate account in his books for the said state school fund, and he shall thereafter make such entries in the state school fund account as will show, at any time, the apportionments made to such state school fund, and all amounts drawn from the said fund in payment of teachers' salaries; provided, that only the salaries of teachers shall be paid from such fund. After establishing a library fund, and a state school fund, for each school district in the manner described above, the auditor shall establish a county school fund for each school district in the county by opening a separate account in his books and making proper entry therein of the amount left to the credit of each district after deducting from the said total amount the several amounts described above as constituting the library fund and the state school fund for each district, and the remainder left, when the said two amounts shall have been deducted from the total amount to the credit of each school district, shall constitute the county school fund of each school district, and the county auditor ^shall there- after make such entries in the county school fund account as will show, at all times, the apportionments made to that fund, and all amounts drawn from the said fund in payment of legal claims. After the county auditor in each county has established the library fund, the state school fund, and the county school fund for each school district in the manner described above, he shall certify the amounts in each of the said funds to the county treasurer, and the county treasurer shall immediately open a separate account in his books for each of the three funds mentioned above, and he shall, thereafter, make such entries in each of the said accounts as will show, at all times, the apportion- ments made to each .fund, and all amounts drawn from each fund in payment of legal claims. Penalty. Sec. 119. In case of failure or neglect on the part of the county auditor or the county treasurer of any county to comply with the pro- visions of the foregoing section, he shall forfeit for the benefit of the county school fund the sum of one hundred dollars from his official com- pensation, and it is hereby made the duty of the county commissioners, on notice from the deputy superintendent of public instruction of such failure or neglect on the part of any county auditor or county treasurer to comply with the provisions of the foregoing section, to deduct the said one hundred dollars from the compensation of the said negligent officer, and the commissioners shall place the said amount to the credit of the county school fund. Penalty for Nonfulfilment of Contract. Sec. 120. Should any teacher employed by a board of school trustees for a specified time, leave the school before the expiration of such time, without the consent of the trustees, in writing, said teacher shall be deemed guilty of unprofessional conduct, and the deputy superintendent of public instruction is authorized, upon receiving notice of such fact, to suspend the certificate of such teacher for the period of one year. School Laws of Nevada 43 Appeal, How Made. Sec. 121. From any decision made by a deputy superintendent affect- ing adversely the rights, powers, or duties of any teacher or school board as fixed by law, in any case in which no appeal is allowed to the board of education, an appeal may be taken to the superintendent of public instruction, and his decision in the premises shall be final. Chapter 9 CENSUS marshals Schools Classified for Census Purposes. Sec. 122. For the purpose of securing the school census each year in the State of Nevada, the school districts of the state are hereby classi- fied as follows: All school districts having thirty or more school census children at the last preceding school census shall be known as districts of the first class. All school districts having fewer than thirty census school children at the last preceding school census shall be known as districts of the second class. Teacher Ex Officio Census Marshal^ When. In all school districts of the second class as described in this section the regularly appointed and qualified teachers shall be ex officio school census marshals and shall serve without compensation for such services as census marshals; provided, that if there shall not be any regular teachers employed and engaged in teaching in any school district of the second class as described in this section on the first day of March of each year, then it shall be the duty of the trustees of such districts to appoint on the said first day of March of each year a competent person over twenty-one years of age as census marshal for the district in the same manner as provided herein for appointment of census marshals in school districts of the first class, and in case a census marshal is appointed in such school district of the second class because there is no teacher therein, then the said marshal shall be paid for the services in the same manner as marshals in the districts of the first class are paid. Women May Serve as Census Marshals. It shall be the duty of the board of trustees of each school district of the first class as described in this section to appoint a competent person over twenty-one years of age as school census marshal before the first day of March of each year, and to notify the deputy superintendent of public instruction of such appointment immediately after it is made. This section shall not be construed in such a way as to prevent the appointment of a member of the board of school trustees or of a woman as school census marshal. Deputy Superintendent Appoints Census Marshal, When. If the board of school trustees shall fail to appoint a school census marshal in any district of the first class as described in this section, or in any district of the second class when necessary, as provided in this section, before the fifteenth day of March of each year, the deputy super- intendent of public instruction shall appoint the census marshal for such school districts, such appointee to proceed in like manner as if appointed by the school trustees, and any appointment of census marshal made by the trustees subsequent to that time shall be void. As amended, Stats. 1913, 153, 15 U. 44 School Laws of Nevada Blanks for Marshal. Sec. 123. The superintendent of public instruction shall supply each school census marshal with printed instructions as to his duty and with all blank forms required for taking and reporting the census. Duties of School Census Marshal. Sec. 124. The board of trustees shall, designate to each census mar- shal the portion of the school district in which the said marshal shall take the census, and each census marshal shall be responsible for a cor- rect census in the territory to which he is appointed, and he shall return his census reports to the clerk of the board of trustees. The board of trustees shall, in case of two marshals in the same district, designate which marshal shall compile the final report for the deputy superinten- dent of public instruction and the board of trustees. Before the school census marshal shall enter upon the performance of his duties, he shall take and subscribe to the oath of office, and such oath shall be filed in the office of the deputy superintendent of public instruction. It shall be the duty of the school census marshals to take annually in the month of April a census of the resident children in the districts for which they shall be appointed, and to report the same to the deputy superintendent of public instruction. The term "resident children" as used in this section shall be defined in such a way as to include: ■ 1. Children residing with their parents or guardians in such district. 2. Children temporarily residing outside of said district for the pur- pose of attending institutions of learning or benevolent institutions, except those children who shall be residents of a state orphans' home, in which case the said residents of a state orphans' home shall be taken in the district in which the state orphans' home shall be located; p7-o- vided, that the parents of resident children of any district must have resided in the district on the first day of April; and provided further , that the resident children must themselves have been actual residents of the district immediately previous to such outside residence. The term " resident children" is further defined as to exclude : 1. Children temporarily visiting or in passing through said district. 2. Children who have never actually resided within the district, even though their parents or guardians shall reside within the district. 3. Children who are residing within the district for the purpose of attending institutions of learning or benevolent institutions, except the children of a state orphans' home, whose census shall be taken in the district in which the state orphans' home shall be located. 4. All children who may properly be included in the census of some other district. 5. Indian children who shall not have attended public school at least eighty days in the twelve months preceding the date of taking the census during the last preceding year. As amended, Stats. 1913, 15/^, 155. Census Marshal Must Visit Each Home. Sec. 125. The school census marshal shall visit each home, habita- tion, residence, domicile, or place of abode in his district and require the necessary information of parents or others competent to give accurate information, supplementing and correcting this by actual observation when necessary. The school census marshal shall have power to admin- ister the legal oath to parents, guardians, and other persons furnishing such information. School Laws of Nevada 45 What Report Shall Contain. Sec. 126. The reports of the school census marshals shall be made upon blank forms to be furnished by the superintendent of public instruc- tion, and shall show the following facts: 1. The full names of all children less than eighteen years of age and residing in the district on the first day of April, such names to be given by families under the name of the parents or guardian. 2. The year, month, and day on which each child was born, and the age in years, counting to the first day of April. 3. The sex and race of each child. 4. The place of birth of each child and of each parent. 5. The total number of children less than six years of age; the total number of children not less than six years of age nor over eighteen years of age. Only those children who are not less than six years of age nor more than eighteen years of age shall be considered as school census children. 6. Such other facts as the superintendent of public instruction may require. As amended, Stats. 1913, 155, 156. Special Report in General Election Years on Males Between Ages of 18 and 21. It shall be the duty of each person taking the school census during the year in which a general election is to be held, before receiving compensa- tion, to send to the county clerk by mail the name, age, and postoffice address of every male between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one years residing within his district. Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912, sec. 3981. . Districts in Two Counties. Sec. 127. In the case of districts lying partly in two or more coun- ties, the school census marshal shall report separately the children of each county. Clerk to Examine Marshal's Report. Sec. 128. Immediately after the school census marshal shall have completed the work of taking the census, he shall submit a report of the same, according to a form to be prescribed by the superintendent of pub- lic instruction, to the clerk of the board of school trustees, and if the clerk finds the report to be correct, according to the best of his knowl- edge, he shall approve the same and certify to its correctness, after which the census marshal shall transmit it to the deputy superintendent of public instruction with a sworn statement to the effect that reasonable diligence and care have been exercised and that, to the best of his knowl- edge, all parts of the report are correct. Dates for Completing Reports. Sec. 129. In the case of districts having a school census population of less than three hundred the report shall be sent to the deputy super- intendent of public instruction before the fifteenth day of May. In the case of districts having over three hundred census children the report shall be sent to the deputy superintendent of public instruction before the first day of June. Deputy Superintendents to Compare Reports of Marshals. Sec. 130. The deputy superintendent of public instruction shall com- pare the census reports submitted to him by the various school census marshals so far as he shall consider needful, and he shall strike from 46 School Laws of Nevada them the names of any children whose names are, according to his best knowledge, wrongly included in the reports, and it shall be his duty to correct all manifest errors in such reports. In all cases he shall make sufficient investigation to confirm him in his action before correcting any report. Special Census Marshal, When. Sec. 131. If at any time the deputy superintendent shall have reason to believe that a report contains errors which he is unable to correct, or if at any time the report of the school census marshal is not transmitted as provided by section 129 of this act, he may appoint a special school census marshal who shall retake the census as soon as practicable and not later than the thirtieth day of June, conforming otherwise to the rules governing the original census. Negligence of Marshal — Punishment. Sec. 132. If the school census marshal of any district neglects or refuses to make his report at the time and in the manner prescribed by law, or if he, with intention to defraud the state; or through failure to exercise reasonable care, include the names of children in violation of law, or if he report their names, ages, or number falsely, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine in any amount not less than five nor more than one hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than five nor more than thirty days, and it shall be the duty of the various district attorneys to cause the arrest and prosecution of such persons upon infor- mation furnished by the superintendent of public instruction, other school officers, or by other persons. County Pays Marshals in Census Districts of First Class. Sec. 133. Every bill for the compensation of a school census marshal shall be presented to the board of county commissioners of the county in which the district for which he shall have been appointed lies, and upon the order of said board shall be paid as other claims out of the general fund of the county. No bill for the compensation of any school census marshal shall be ordered paid unless the bill shall be accompanied by a statement from the deputy superintendent of public instruction to the effect that a satisfactory census report has been returned as provided by law. In any school district containing ten or less school census children the compensation for taking the school census shall not exceed eight dol- lars. In school districts having more than ten school census children there may be allowed not more than twenty-five cents additional for the name of each school census child above the said ten names; provided, that in districts in which there are less than three families having school census children, the compensation shall not exceed five dollars. Chapter 10 school funds State Permanent School Fund. Sec. 134. All moneys accruing to this state from the sale of lands here- tofore given or bequeathed, or that may hereafter be given or bequeathed, for public school purposes ; all fines collected under the penal laws of the state; two per cent of the gross proceeds of all toll roads and bridges, and all estates that may escheat to the state, shall be and the same are hereby School Laws of Nevada 47 solemnly pledged for educational purposes, and shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses, but shall constitute an irreducible and indivisible fund, to be known as the state permanent school fund, which shall be invested as provided in section 148 of this act. Ad Valorem State School Tax. Sec. 135. [Repealed Stats. Special Session 1912, iO.] State Distributive School Fund. Sec. 136. All moneys derived from interest on the state permanent school fund, together with all moneys derived from the state school tax, shall be placed in and constitute a fund to be known as the state dis- tributive school fund, and be apportioned semiannually among the several school districts of the state in the manner provided in this act for the apportionment of the state distributive school fund to the several school districts of the state. Use of State Distributive School Fund Restricted. Sec. 137. The school moneys distributed from the state distributive school fund shall not be used for any other purpose than the payment of qualified teachers under this act; and no portion of said fund shall, either directly or indirectly, be paid for the erection of schoolhouses, the use of schoolrooms, furniture, or any other contingent expenses of public schools. All Nonpublic School and Sectarian Use Prohibited, Sec. 138. No portion of the public school funds, nor of the moneys raised by the state tax, or specially appropriated for the support of public schools, shall be devoted to any other object or purpose; nor shall any portion of the public school funds, nor of money raised by state tax for the support of public schools, be in any way segregated, divided, or set apart for the use or benefit of any sectarian or secular society or association. County School Tax. Sec. 139. The board of county commissioners of each county shall, annually, at the time of levying other county taxes, levy a county school tax, not to exceed fifty cents on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property, which tax shall be added to the county tax and col- lected in the same manner, and paid into the county treasury as a special deposit, to be drawn in the same manner, as other public school moneys; and should said county commissioners fail or neglect to levy said tax as required, it shall be the duty of the county auditor to add such tax as the superintendent of public instruction may deem sufficient, not exceed- ing fifty cents on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property in the county, to the assessment roll, to be collected as specified in this section. As amended. Stats. 1915, 4.02. Special School Tax, When. Sec 140. When, in the judgment of the board of school trustees of any district, the school moneys to which such district shall be entitled for the coming school year will not be sufficient to maintain the school properly and for a sufficient number of months, said board shall have power to direct that a tax of not more than twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of such district shall be levied, and, upon notification by the clerk of the board of school trustees of such dis- trict that such action has been taken, the board of county commissioners 48 School Laws of Nevada shall levy and cause to be collected such tax upon the taxable property of such district. Popular Election to Decide Whether Tax Shall Be Levied, When — Tax Due, When — Tax Payable. Sec. 141. The board of trustees of any school district maj^ when in their judgment it is advisable, call an election and submit to the quali- fied electors of the district the question whether a tax shall be raised to furnish additional school facilities for said district, or to keep any school or schools in such district open for a longer period than the ordinary funds will allow or for building an additional schoolhouse or houses, or for any two or for all of these purposes. Such election shall be called by posting notices in three of the most public places in the district for twenty days, and also if there be a newspaper in the county by advertise- ment therein once a week for three weeks. Said notice shall contain time and place of holding an election, the amount of money proposed to be raised, and the purpose or purposes for which it is intended to be used. The trustees shall appoint three judges to conduct the election, and it shall be held in all other respects as nearly as practicable in con- formity with the general election law. At such election the ballot shall contain the words: "Tax — Yes," or "Tax — No." If a majority of the votes cast are "Tax — Yes," the officers of the election shall certify the fact to the county commissioners, together with a statement of the amount of money proposed to be raised, who shall ascertain the neces- sary percentage on the property of said district, as shown by the last assessment made thereof after equalization, to raise the amount of money voted, and shall add it to the next county tax to be collected on the prop- erty aforesaid ; and the same shall be paid into the county treasury as a special deposit in favor of said school district, to be drawn in the same manner as other school moneys; provided, if in any school district the school trustees shall certify to the county commissioners that the state and county money to which any district is entitled is not sufficient to keep school open in such district up to the date when state and county taxes shall become due, the tax provided for in this section shall be due and payable to the assessor of such county in'which the tax is levied immediately after he shall make the assessment and demand for payment of the tax; provided, the owner of the property shall, if he deem the assessment too high, have the privilege of submitting the assessment to the board of county commissioners, for equalization, within ten days after demand made for the payment of the tax, and the county commissioners, within five days after complaint made to them, shall meet and determine the correct valuation of the property assessed, and may change the same by adding to or deducting from the sum fixed either by the owner or assessor, and upon notice to the owner of the result of their equalization the tax shall be immediately payable to the assessor, and if not paid shall become delinquent; and all the taxes so assessed shall constitute a lien on the property charged therewith, from the date of the levy thereof by the county commissioners, or entry thereof on the assessment roll by the county auditor, until the same are paid, and thereafter if allowed to become delinquent shall be enforced in the same manner as provided by law for the collection of state and county taxes. If for any reason said tax is not added to the county tax by the county commissioners, the county auditor shall enter it upon the assessment roll to be charged School Laws of Nevada 49 against the property of that district, on application from the trustees of said district. County School Funds for Various Purposes, Including Transportation of Pupils. Sec. 142. The board of trustees, or board of education, of each city, town, and district, may use the moneys from the county school funds to purchase sites, build, or rent schoolhouses, to purchase libraries, and to pay teachers or contingent expenses as they may deem proper, or for transportation of pupils to and from school. State Permanent School Fund. Sec. 143. The state controller shall keep a separate and distinct account of the state permanent school fund, of the interest and income thereof, of such moneys as shall be raised by the state school tax, and of all moneys derived from special appropriations or otherwise for the sup- port of public schools. State Controller to Report School Securities. Sec. 144. The state controller shall, on or before the tenth day of April and the tenth day of October of each year, make to the state board of education a statement of the securities belonging to the state perma- nent school fund. He shall also, on or before the tenth day of January and the tenth day of July of each year, render to the superintendent of public instruction a statement of the moneys in the treasury subject to distribution to the several districts of the state, as provided in section 151 of this act. State Treasurer Custodian of School Securities. Sec. 145. The state treasurer shall be the legal custodian of all state and national securities in which the moneys of the state permanent school fund of the State of Nevada are or may hereafter be invested, and for their safe keeping he shall be liable on his official bond. It shall be the duty of the state treasurer to pay over all public school moneys received by him only on warrants of the state controller issued upon the orders of the superintendent of public instruction, under the seal of the board of education, in favor of county treasurers, or on orders of the state board of education, for purposes of investment, as provided in section 148 of this act, which orders, duly endorsed, shall be valid vouchers in the hands of the state controller for the disbursement of public school moneys. [See Stats. 1913, 252, 253; catalogued in index: "State Board of Investment," and " Investment of State Permanent School Fund."] County Treasurers to Receive State Moneys Semiannually. Sec. 146. All school moneys due each county in the state shall be paid over by the state treasurer to the county treasurers on the tenth day of January and the tenth day of July of each year or as soon thereafter as the county treasurer may apply for the same upon the warrant of the state controller drawn in conformity with the apportionment of the super- intendent of public instruction, as provided in section 151 of this act. State Treasurer to Turn Interest into State Distributive School Fund. Sec 147. When the interest on any securities belonging to the state permanent school fund is due, the state treasurer shall, upon the warrant of the state controller and in the presence of a majority of the members of the state board of education, cut off and pay the coupon on such securities, and place the money so paid into the state distributive school fund, and keep a correct account thereof in his books. 4 50 School Laws of Nevada Sec. 148. [Repealed, Stats. 1913, 252,253; catalogued in index: "State Board of Investment" and " Investment of State Permanent School Fund."] Duties of County Treasurer, Sec. 149. It shall be the duty of the county treasurer of each county: 1. To receive and hold as a special deposit all public school moneys, whether received by him from the state treasurer or raised by the county for the beneiit of the public schools, or from any other source, and to keep separate accounts thereof and of their disbursements ; 2. On the second Monday of June and on the second Monday of Decem- ber of each year to notify the superintendent of public instruction of the amount of money in the county school fund subject to distribution; 3. To pay over all public school moneys received by him only on warrants of the county auditor, issued upon orders of the boards of school trustees for their respective school districts. All orders issued by the said trustees shall be valid vouchers in the hands of county auditors for warrants drawn upon such orders; provided, that orders for the payment of money for new school buildings and for repairs or furniture amount- ing to over five hundred dollars must be approved by the superintendent of public instruction before such warrants are drawn; 4. On or before the tenth day of July, annually, to make full report to the superintendent of public instruction of the public school moneys received into the county treasury within the school year ending on the last day of June next previous thereto, with a particular statement of the disbursement of the said school moneys, and of any amount of said school moneys which may remain in his hands at the close of the school year, designating the part remaining in the state school fund and the part remaining in the county school fund ; and in case of failure or neglect of said county treasurer to make such report, he shall forfeit for the benefit of the county school fund the sum of one hundred dollars from his official compensation, and it is hereby made the duty of the county commissioners, on notice from the superintendent of public instruction of such failure or neglect on the part of any county treasurer, to deduct said one hundred dollars from his compensation and place said amount to the credit of the county school fund. No Fees for Handling School Moneys. Sec. 150. No tax collector or county treasurer shall receive any fees or compensation whatever for collecting, receiving, keeping, transport- ing, or disbursing any school moneys mentioned in the preceding sec- tions of this act. In case of a special school tax for any school district, as provided in sections 140 and 141 of this act, the board of county commissioners may allow a reasonable compensation for assessing and collecting if such taxes are assessed and collected independently and sepa- rate from the regular taxes, such compensation to be paid out of the special taxes thus collected. Apportionment of State Distributive School Fund — Law of 1917. Sec. 151. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruc- tion, immediately after the state controller shall have made his semi- annual report, as provided in section 144 of this act, to apportion to the several school districts in the state the moneys in the state distributive school fund, subject to apportionment at such time. He shall apportion the moneys of said fund among the several school districts of the state in the following manner: School Laws of Nevada 51 Methods of Apportioning State School Moneys on and After January, 1917. 1 . He must ascertain the number of teachers to which each school dis- trict is entitled by calculating one teacher for every thirty school census children or fractional part of thirty, equal to fifteen or more; provided, that a school having forty or more census children with an average attendance of twenty or more as shown by the report of such district for the last preceding school year shall be allowed an extra teacher. 2. He must apportion the state distributive school fund, subject to apportionment at the time, among the several school districts of the state in the following manner: (a) He shall apportion to each district in the state $150 for each teacher to which the district is entitled as provided in paragraph one of this section. (b) He must further apportion on a per capita basis from the state distributive school fund to each school district in the state $2.50 for every child between the ages of six and eighteen years in the school district, as shown by the last preceding school census. State School Reserve Fund — How Distributed. (c) He shall set aside from the state distributive school fund then remaining the sum of $20,000, to be known as the state school reserve fund. (d) He shall apportion among the several school districts of the state the balance of the state distributive school fund, after the said $20,000 has been set aside on a per capita basis in proportion to the number of school census children in each district to the total number of school census children in the state as shown by the last preceding school census. Relief for Certain Counties Having County High Schools — From State School Reserve Fund. 3. (a) Whenever any county has levied 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation of the county, of which at least 25 cents on the $100 is for elementary s'chool purposes, in counties where a separate levy is made for elementary schools and a separate levy for county high-school pur- poses, if such levy does not bring in an amount of money equal to that required by law of such county for all county school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon, the superintendent of public instruction must apportion to said county from the state school reserve fund a sum of money such that taken with the amount raised by the levy of 25 cents on the $100 by the county shall be sufficient to make the sum required by law of such county for county school purposes; provided, that in addition to such levy of 25 cents on the $100 the county has levied at least 15 cents on the $100 for county high-school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon. Relief for Certain Counties Not Having County High Schools — From State School Reserve Fund. (b) Whenever any county has levied 40 cents on the $100 of the assessed valuation of the county for combined elementary and high- school purposes in a county having no county high school, if such levy does not bring in an amount of money equal to that required by law of such county for county school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon, the superintendent of public instruction must apportion to such county from the state school reserve fund a sum of money such that taken with the amount raised by the levy of 40 cents on the 52 School Laws of Nevada assessed valuation by the county shall be sufficient to make the sum required by law of such county for county school purposes exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon. Special High-School Relief Apportionment, When. 4. (a) In addition to the apportionments already provided for in this act the superintendent of public instruction shall apportion from the school reserve fund to any county which shall have levied a county high- school tax, when this county high-school tax rate taken with the rate required of the county for elementary schools (any relief rate having been deducted) makes a rate in excess of 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation of such county, a special high-school relief apportionment equal in amount to that raised by the county by such tax in excess of 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation in the county, as specified above, for the county high-school fund. But in no case shall he apportion from the state school reserve fund at any semiannual apportionment an amount in excess of $12.50 per pupil as determined by the average monthly enrollment in such county high-school for the preceding school year. Special District Relief Apportionment, When — Limitation. (b) The superintendent of public instruction shall apportion to any district in the state which after receiving the regular state and county apportionment provided for above shall lack the necessary funds to maintain its school properly, a special district relief apportionment from the state school reserve fund whenever such district shall have levied (and there shall have been collected the first half of) a special district tax of not less than 15 cents on the $100 of assessed valuation of said district. If the county in which such district is located has levied a total tax for county school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon, amounting to 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation of such county, the state shall provide from said state school relief fund a sum of money equal to that raised by said district by such special tax ; but in no case shall he apportion at any semiannual apportionment more than $5 per census pupil for such relief apportionment to the dis- trict. In case the county levy for school purposes in the county in which said district is located is less than 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation for county school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and the interest thereon, the county shall provide one-half and the state one-half of such special relief apportionment to be made by the superintendent of public instruc- tion, and the total relief apportionment from the county and the state shall be equal to the sum raised by the special district tax on said district; but such combined relief frorh the county and the state shall not exceed at any semiannual apportionment $5 per census child in the district as determined by the last preceding school census. Restrictions in Apportionment for 1918 and 1919. 5. The provisions of this section for the semiannual apportionments in the calendar years 1918 and 1919 shall be carried out in the following manner : (a) The amount apportioned for each teacher in this section under subdivision 2 (a) shall be $137.50 instead of $150. (b) The amount apportioned on each child in this section under sub- division 2 (b) shall be $2 instead of $2.50. (c) Subdivision 4 (b) shall not apply to any district having more than 175 census children. As amended, Stats. 1917 , S3J/.-236. School Laws of Nevada 53 Apportionment of County School Fund. Sec. 152. The superintendent of public instruction shall immediately after he has apportioned the state distributive school fund, as provided in this act, proceed to apportion the county school fund of each county among its several school districts. He shall apportion the county school fund as follows : Basis of Apportionment. 1. He must ascertain the number of teachers to which each school district is entitled by calculating one teacher for every thirty school census children or fractional part of thirty equal to fifteen or more; provided, that a school having forty or more census children with an average atten- dance of twenty or more, as shown by the report of such district for the last preceding school year, shall be allowed an extra teacher. 2. He must apportion the county school fund, subject to apportionment at the time, among the several school districts of the different counties of the state in the following manner: Amount per Teacher. (a) He shall apportion to each district in the "several counties of the state $225 for each teacher to which the district is entitled as provided in paragraph one of this section. Amount per Capita. (b) He must further apportion on a per capita basis from the county school fund to each district 13 for every child between the ages of six and eighteen years in the school district, as shown by the last preceding school census. Further Per Capita Apportionment. (c) He shall apportion among the several school districts of the dif- ferent counties in the state the balance remaining in the county school funds of the several counties in the state, exclusive of a county school reserve fund in any county, after the apportionments have been made under (a) and (b), on a per capita basis in proportion to the number of school census children in each district to the total number of school census children in the county, as shown by the last preceding school census. Note — The "county school reserve fund" of any county designated in the last sentence of subdivision 4 (b), section 151 of this Act, and from which "special relief apportionment" is to be made, consists of one-half the aggregate of all the special district taxes levied for school maintenance purposes in such county. — State Superintendent. County Commissioners to Levy Sufficient School Tax. 3. It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of each county not later than the April meeting, 1917, so as to provide funds under this act for the school year 1917-1918, and annually thereafter, at the time of levying their county taxes, to levy a county school tax suffi- cient to provide the money required for the apportionments to be made under this act. And the provisions of this act shall become effective for the first semiannual apportionment in the year 1918, at the time provided in sections 1 and 2 of this act. Surplus Reserve Fund Moneys to Revert. 4. Anj^ money remaining in the state school reserve fund, and in any county school reserve fund on the 30th day of June and the 31st day of December of any year shall revert to the state distributive school fund and to the county school fund, respectively. As amended, Stats. 1917 , 236-237. 54 School Laws of Nevada Paragraphs Formerly Included in Section 152. The superintendent of public instruction shall, by means of a printed report, notify the county treasurer, the county auditor, and the clerk of each board of school trustees of such apportionment in detail ; Duty of County Treasurer and County Auditor in Connection with School Insur- ance Fund. 5. The county treasurer of every county, before notifying the superin- tendent of public instruction of the county school fund to be apportioned in the July apportionment for the year 1915, shall set aside an amount equal to one-half of one per cent of salaries paid to employees of each and every school district of the county during the two years beginning July 1, 1913, and ending June 30, 1915, and this fund shall be known as the "School Insurance Fund"; 6. In January, 1916, and semiannually thereafter, the county treasurer of every county shall, in like manner, set aside an amount equal to one- half of one per cent of salaries paid to employees of each and every school district of the county during the preceding six months, and credit the same to the school insurance fund ; 7. The amount certified to the superintendent of public instruction for apportionment shall not include the school insurance fund so set aside ; 8. The county auditor shall, during the month of Judy, 1915, and semiannually thereafter, draw his warrant in favor of the Nevada indus- trial commission for an amount equal to that named in the aforesaid order to be paid out of the school insurance fund. As amended, Stats. 1915, 386. Reversion of Surplus Funds — Duties of State Superintendent. Sec. 152%. On or before the tenth day of July of each school year the county auditor in each county shall report to the superintendent of public instruction the amount of moneys in the state and county funds to the credit of each school district in his county. The superintendent of public instruction shall, upon receipt of such report, deduct from the total amount of money to the credit of each of the school districts, all amounts over and above two hundred and fifty dollars for each teacher assigned to said district upon the basis of one teacher for every thirty census children or fraction thereof, as shown by the last preceding school census ; provided, that if the county auditor shall have his accounts so arranged that the state school fund account is entirely separate from the county school fund account, then he shall notify the superintendent of public instruction of the amount in each fund to the credit of each school district, and the superintendent of public instruction shall deduct from the state school fund all amounts in excess of one hun- dred and fifty dollars for each teacher assigned to such school district on the basis of one teacher to every thirty school census children or fraction thereof, as shown by the last preceding school census, and he shall also deduct from the county school fund all the amounts in excess of one hundred dollars for each teacher assigned to the district on the basis of one teacher for every thirty school census children or fraction thereof, as shown by the last preceding school census; provided further , thRi if the sum of the balances in the state school fund and the county school fund of any school district on the first day of July does not exceed two hun- dred and fifty dollars for each teacher assigned to the district on the basis of one teacher to each thirty census children or fraction thereof as School Laws of Nevada 55 shown by the last census, the superintendent of public instruction shall not make the deductions as provided in this section, and in no case shall the superintendent of public instruction deduct such amounts from the school funds of any district as will make the balance in the funds of the district less than two hundred and fifty dollars for each teacher assigned to the district upon the basis of one teacher to every thirty school census children or fraction thereof, as shown by the last preceding school census. The amounts deducted from the several school funds of each county as provided in the above paragraph shall be placed to the credit of the unapportioned county school fund of the county, and be apportioned with the said county fund. The superintendent of public instruction shall, at the time of making the deductions in accordance with this act, notify each county auditor and county treasurer of his action, and the county auditor and county treasurer shall make such entries in their accounts as will show that such deductions have been made; provided, tha,t this section shall not apply so as to remove from the funds of any school district any moneys derived from any source other than by apportionments from the state fund or the county fund. If the trustees of any school district shall certify to the superintendent of public instruction that a new building, or repairs on an old school building, are necessary to the district, and that the trustees have been authorized by vote of the district, if a vote is required, to build such new school building, or to make such needed repairs, or that the balance in the funds of the district is necessary for the maintenance of school in the district, and that the trustees have estimated that the cost of such new school building, needed repairs, or school maintenance is to be dollars, the superintendent of public instruction shall make whatever investigation he may deem best, and if he shall become satisfied that such new building or repairs are necessary in the district or that the balance of the funds in the district is necessary for the maintenance of school in the district, and that the amount estimated to be spent for such new building, repairs, or maintenance of school is a reasonable amount to be set aside for the purpose mentioned, he shall not make the deductions as provided in this section, but he shall make such deduc- tions as will leave the funds in the district an amount equal to the esti- mated amount to be spent for such new building, repairs, or maintenance of school, together with two hundred and fifty dollars for each teacher assigned to that district upon the basis of one teacher for every thirty census children or fraction thereof as shown by the last preceding school census. Chapter 11 district school libraries Method for Apportioning District School Library Fund. Sec. 153. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruc- tion in July of each year, after apportioning the public school moneys of each county among its respective districts, to set apart for each dis- trict out of the money thus appropriated to such district a sum of not less than three dollars nor more than five dollars for each teacher to which the district is entitled, calculating one teacher for every seventy- five census children or fraction thereof, and the further sum of not less than five cents nor more than ten cents for each census child as shown 56 School Laws of Nevada by the last school census, and the suras thus apportioned shall constitute for each district a library fund. Amount for Libraries, How Determined. Sec. 154. The amount of money to be set apart and apportioned, within the limits provided by the preceding section, shall be determined by the superintendent of public instruction. Books To Be Approved by Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 155. The moneys herein designated and apportioned shall be expended for the purchase of books, approved by the superintendent of public instruction for the public school librarj^ of each district, and for no other purpose and shall be paid out and expended as the other school funds of such district are now paid out. Trustees Directed to Purchase Library Books. Sec. 156. The board of school trustees of each district in this state is hereby authorized and directed to purchase books for public school libraries in accordance with the provisions of this act. Rules for Purchase of Books and for Libraries. Sec. 157. The superintendent of public instruction is hereby author- ized and directed to make such rules and regulations for the purchase of books provided for, and for the preservation and use thereof, as may be proper, provided such rules and regulations do not in any wise conflict with the laws of the state. Chapter 12 school text-books Text-Book Commission, How Composed. Sec. 158. As now and heretofore provided by law, there shall be a text-book commission, to consist of members of the state board of educa- tion and of four additional members appointed by the governor. The four members appointed on this commission by the governor during the month of January, 1911, shall hold office from the date of appointment to the first day of March, 1915. During the month of February, 1915, and during the month of February every four years thereafter, the governor shall appoint four members of said commission, who shall hold office for four years from and after the first day of March succeeding their appoint- ment, and who, with the members of the state board of education, shall constitute the state text-book commission. Such appointees shall be persons actively engaged in school work. They shall take the constitu- tional oath and have the same filed in the office of the secretary of state before entering upon the duties of their office. If any vacancy occur during the terms of such appointees, by death, resignation, or removal, the governor shall fill such vacancy by the appointment of some person eligible as provided above. Officers of Text-Book Commission — Meetings Public. Sec. 159. The governor shall be ex officio president and the superin- tendent of public instruction ex officio secretary of said text-book com- mission. The commission shall adopt rules of procedure in harmony with the provisions of this act. Four members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the tranasaction of business, but no action shall be taken by the commission unless a majority of the entire commission shall vote in favor thereof. All meetings of the commission shall be School Laws of Nevada 5'/ public, and the secretary shall keep a full and correct record of all pro- ceedings, which record shall be open to the inspection of the public. Vote on the adoption of all text-books shall be by roll-call and the sec- retary shall record the name and vote of each member. Method of Adopting Text-Books. Sec. 160. The state text-book commission shall hold its meetings to adopt text-books in the office of the superintendent of public instruction in Carson City on the third Tuesday in June, nineteen hundred and eleven, and on the third Tuesday in June every four years thereafter. The secretary at the request, or with the consent, of any three members of the board, may call special meetings of the text-book commission whenever there may be business to transact of such importance as to justify the call, stating definitely the purpose of the meeting. At the meeting held on the third Tuesday in June, nineteen hundred and eleven, and every four years thereafter on the third Tuesday in June, the com- mission shall adopt a uniform series of text-books for exclusive use as text-books in all the public schools of the state. If a contract for any text-book adopted at any regular meeting of the text-book commission shall expire, either through the failure of the publishers of said books to fulfil the conditions of the contract, or for any other reason, the text- book commission may adopt another book to take the place of the one on which the contract has lapsed, after notifying the text-book publishers as hereinafter provided for in cases of regular adoption. When regular adoptions are being made the commission may adjourn from day to day; provided, the session shall not continue beyond ten actual days. Meetings of Commission — List of Text-Books — Sealed Proposals — Contracts, Etc. Sec. 161. Immediately after the first meeting of the commission, and not later than the first day of April, 1911, and every four years thereafter, if the commission shall deem it advisable to make changes in the list of prescribed text-books, the secretary of the commission shall notify all publishers of text-books who shall have placed their names and postoffice addresses on file with the superintendent of public instruc- tion, to be kept on file in the office of said superintendent of public instruction, that the text-book commission will meet, as herein pro- vided, and will receive sealed proposals, up to twelve o'clock, noon, of the third Thursday of June, 1911, and up to twelve o'clock, noon, of said third Tuesday of June every four years thereafter, for supplying the State of Nevada with a series of text-books for use in all the public schools of the state, for a period of four years from and after the first day of September, 1911, and for like periods of four years from and after the first day of September every four years thereafter, in the follow- ing branches, viz: Reading, grammar, arithmetic, geography, history of the United States, physiology and hygiene, writing, spelling, drawing, music, and will also approve other books for supplemental use, as per- mitted in this act. Said sealed proposals shall be made in accordance with a form to be prescribed by the commission and shall be addressed to the superintendent of public instruction, Carson City, Nevada, and shall be endorsed "Sealed proposals for supplying text-books for use in the State of Nevada." Said proposals shall include a statement of the introductory price, the exchange price for new books in the hands of the dealers, the exchange price for second-hand books and the retail price at which publishers will agree to furnish each text-book to the school 58 School Laws of Nevada children of Nevada at one or more places in each county as shall be designated by the commission. Whenever any contract shall be termi- nated by reason of the failure of any contracting publisher to observe the terms of the contract, or when any contract shall cease to be in force and effect, the text-book commission shall notify publishers to this effect, in a manner hereinbefore prescribed, that adoptions will be made to fill out the unexpired term of such contract, and that sealed bids shall be filed with the superintendent of public instruction on or before a date to be determined by the commission, to be specified in the notification to publishers. [See section 4, paragraphs 1 and 2, of this code, as modified by Stats. 1913, 103, 104.] Geographies to Contain Special Matter for Nevada. Sec. 162. The publishers, contracting and agreeing to furnish books for use in the State of Nevada under the provisions of this act, shall cause to be prepared a special map and a special supplement descriptive of Nevada for the geography adopted by said commission. The map and special descriptive geography of Nevada shall be revised every four years by the publishers. They shall further agree to maintain the mechanical excellence of the books adopted by said commission, fully equal to the samples submitted, in binding, printing, quality of paper, and other essential features, and the books shall be of the latest revised edition. Commission to Adopt Text-Books. Sec. 163. It shall be the duty of said text-book commission to meet at the time and place mentioned in said notice and to open all sealed proposals in public, in the presence of a quorum of said commission, to select and adopt such text-books for use in the public schools, and to approve such supplemental books as in the opinion of the commission will best subserve the educational interests of the state; provided, hoiv- ever, that the text-book commission may, at its discretion, reject any and all proposals, if it be deemed by it to be to the interest of the state so to do, and call for new proposals, stating the time when such new proposals shall be opened, which time shall not be later than thirty days from the rejection of the previous proposals. Commission's Choice the Standard for Nevada — Supplemental Books Allowed. Sec. 164. The series of text-books so selected and approved by said text-book commission shall be certified to by the president and secre- tary, and said certificate, with a copy of the books named therein, shall be placed on file in the office of the superintendent of public instruction. Such certificate must contain a complete list of all books adopted and approved by said commission, giving introductory, exchange, and retail prices for which each text-book will be furnished, and the names of the publishers agreeing to furnish the same. The said books named in said certificate shall, for a period of four years, from and after the first day of September next following the date of such adoption, be used in all the public schools of the state to the exclusion of all others; provided, how- ever, that nothing in any part of this act shall be construed so as to pre- vent the purchase or use by the district of any supplemental or reference books for use in the schools of this state. Commission Shall Make Contracts. Sec. 165. The text-book commission shall have power to make such School Laws of Nevada d9 contracts for the purchase and use of text-books in the name of the state as it shall deeixi necessary for the interests of the public schools. Such contracts shall set forth the introductory, exchange, and retail price of each text-book, and such prices shall not be less favorable than the prices at which such books are sold in any other state. And the contracts shall also provide that the state or any school district may purchase its books direct from the publishers of the same. In case payment for said books is delayed more than sixty days after delivery thereof, the account shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the date of delivery until paid. As amended, Stats. 1915, 352. Contractors to Give Bondsi — Proviso. Sec. 166. All publishers contracting to furnish text-books adopted by the text-book commission shall be required to give bonds in an amount equal to one-half of the value of the books to be furnished during one school year, as estimated by the text-book commission, and such bonds shall be forfeited to the state distributive school fund, if such publishers fail to comply with the terms of the contract in any county of the state ; provided, however, that such books shall not be forfeited through the unauthorized action of text-book dealers in this state if such publisher shall, upon notification by the superintendent of public instruction, promptly correct any violation of contract prices on the part of any local dealer. Upon information furnished by the state text-book commission, the attorney-general shall bring action for the recovery of the amount of any such bond of any publisher who shall have failed to comply with the terms of any contract, and the full amount named in such bond shall be deemed to be fixed and liquidated damages for the breach of such contract. Contracts, When in Effect. Sec. 167. Such contract with the publishers of text-books shall not take effect until such publishers shall have filed with the secretary of state, their bond, with at least two sufficient sureties, or a bond from a bonding company authorized to do business in this state, to be approved by the governor, arid in such sum as shall be determined by the text- book commission. Contracts Void, When. Sec. 168. In case the publishers of any text-books adopted by the text-book commission shall not, on or before the fifteenth day of July next following such adoption, have filed with the secretary of state a bond as hereinbefore provided, or in case such publishers shall at any time thereafter fail to comply with the terms of such contract, and if within reasonable time, after due notice shall have been given by the superin- tendent of public instruction, they shall have failed to comply with the conditions of the contract in any respect, the adoption of such books shall become null and void. The text-books adopted by the said text-book commission under this act shall, upon the compliance of the publishers with the aforesaid conditions, continue in use for the period of four years after the first day of September next following the date of such adoption, to the exclusion of all other text-books. Price of Text-Books Promulgated. Sec. 169. Whenever the publishers of the books adopted under the provisions of this act shall have filed their bond as herein provided, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruction to cause all 60 School Laws of Nevada prices of text-books as guaranteed by the publishers to be printed and distributed among the superintendents and school trustees, and it shall be the duty of the school trustees in each district to cause such prices to be kept constantly posted in a conspicuous place in each schoolroom. Use of Authorized Books Compulsory — Penalty — Annual Report. Sec. 170. The text-books adopted by the text-book commission shall be used in every public school in the state in the grades for which they are adopted, and no other books shall be used as text-books in such grades; provided, hoivever, that this section shall not be interpreted in such a manner as to prohibit the use of supplemental books purchased by the district. Any school officer or teacher who shall violate the pro- visions of this act by requiring the pupils to use text-books other than those adopted by the text-book commission, or by permitting the use of such other books as texts, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. All superintendents and school officers are charged with the execution of this law, and the superintendent of public instruc- tion shall require the trustees of the several school districts, or the clerks thereof, to report annually as to the text-books used in their schools. Per Diem of Appointed Commissioners. Sec. 171. The members of the state text-book commission shall, with the exception of the governor, the superintendent of public instruction, and the president of the university, receive the sum of five dollars per diem for each day actually engaged in transacting the business of the commission, and actual traveling expenses. There is hereby appropri- ated the sum of five hundred dollars per year, or so much thereof as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, from the state gen- eral fund. Bills for such compensation shall be allowed and paid in the usual manner. The state text-book commission shall not be in session more than ten days in any one year. Penalty for Overcharge on Books. Sec. 172. Any person who shall sell or bargain to sell any of the reg- ularly adopted text-books for any amount more than the prices agreed upon by the several text-book publishers and the text-book commission, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars; provided, that any local dealer in the state may, when sending out such books by mail, include in the selling price the cost of the postage necessary to send such books by mail. Chapter 13 county high schools Note — See Bonding Act for County High Schools and Dormitories, Stats. 1917, 17-21. Catalogued in Index, under County High Schools : "Bonds for High Schools and Dormitories." — State Superintendent. County High Schools, When Established by Popular Vote. Sec. 173. .There may be established in any county in this state a high school ; provided, that at any general or special election held in said county after the passage of this act, a majority of all the votes cast at such elec- tion, upon the proposition to establish a high school, shall be in favor of establishing and maintaining such high school at the expense of said county. School Laws of Nevada 61 County Commissioners to Submit Question to Popular Vote — Ballots Sec. 174. The board of county commissioners at any general election to be held in any county after the passage of this act, upon the pres- entation of a petition signed by fifty or more qualified electors, tax- payers of said county, at any regular meeting of said board held not less than eight weeks before any general or special election, must make an order submitting the question of establishing, constructing, and maintain- ing a county high school to the qualified electors thereof. The board of county commissioners, upon the presentation of said petition may order a special election for said purpose. Said election shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by law for conducting elections, and the ballots at such election shall have printed thereon the words "For a county high school" and the words "Against a county high school." The votes cast for and against said county high school at any election therefor shall be counted and the returns thereof made and canvassed in the manner pro- vided for by law for counting, making returns, and canvassing the votes of a general election; provided, that the election officers appointed to conduct any special election held in accordance with this act, as required by law, shall perform all services required of them by law in holding and conducting such elections, without any fees or pay therefor. Location of School, How Determined — Form of Ballot. Sec. 175. If a majority of the votes cast on a proposition to establish a county high school shall be in the affirmative, it shall "be the duty of the board of county commissione'rs, within thirty days after canvassing said vote, to locate the high school in the place in said county where the said board shall deem most suitable and convenient for the purpose. If, after the county commissioners shall have located said high school, there shall be presented a certified petition bearing the signatures of at least one-fourth of the qualified voters of such county according to the last general election returns, said petition requesting a vote on the question of the location of the county high school and specifying a desired loca- tion, said board of county commissioners shall submit the question of such location to the voters of the county at the next general election, or a special election called for the purpose of voting upon the question of locating or changing the county high school ; provided, that in all cases where special elections have been called by the board of county commis- sioners of any county of this state previous to the passage of this act to submit the question of location of any county high school to the voters in any such county wherein two thousand or more voters were cast at the last general election, and wherein the assessed valuation of real and per- sonal property is six million dollars or more, the board of county com- missioners may, if said board deems it to the best interest of the people of such county, establish two county high schools; one at the place selected by the board of county commissioners and one at the place named in the petition presented to the said board of county commis- sioners praying for said special election in said county, and thereupon the said board may revoke the order calling said special election, and in such cases no special election shall be held. At any general or special election at which the location of any county high school is submitted to the voters of the county, the form of ballot shall be: Shall the County High School be located at__ ? Yes Shall the County High School be located at ? No 62 School Laws of Nevada In any other respects the provisions of the general election law shall be followed. If at any such election a majority of all voters who shall vote on the question of such location shall vote in favor of locating the county high school at the place designated in the petition, it shall be the duty of the county board of education to cause the high school to be located at such place, not later than the first day of the next following Septem- ber. While the vote on the question of changing the location of any county high school is pending, no contract for the purchase of grounds or for the erection of a building shall be made. When the location of the county high school has been finally determined, the board of county commissioners shall estimate the cost of purchasing suitable grounds, procuring plans and specifications, erecting a building, furnishing the same, fencing and ornamenting the grounds, and the cost of running said school for the following twelve months ; provided, that the estimate mentioned herein for purchasing suitable grounds, procuring plans and specifications, erecting a building, furnishing the same, and fencing and ornamenting the grounds shall not be made, if previous to the time when the commissioners are to make such estimate the legislature shall have authorized said county to issue bonds for such purpose. Tax Levy. Sec. 176. When such estimate shall have been made, the board of county commissioners shall thereupon immediately proceed to levy a special tax upon all the assessable property of the county, sufficient to raise the amount estimated. Said tax shall be computed, entered on the tax roll, and collected, and the amount so collected shall be deposited in the county treasury and be known and designated as the "County High School Fund," and shall be drawn from the treasury in the manner now provided bylaw for drawing money from the treasury by school trustees; provided, hoivever, that the tax levy for purchasing suitable grounds, pro- curing plans and specifications, erecting a building, and furnishing the same, fencing and ornamenting the grounds, may be deferred as long as a sufficient number of suitable rooms in a public school building can be secured for the purposes of such county high school at a reasonable rental. In case such levy be deferred until after the election of a county board of education, the levy shall be made by the board of county commissioners whenever so ordered by the county board of education, and the board of education shall be charged with the duty of purchasing grounds and erecting and furnishing such school building. Temporary County Board of Education. Sec. 177. The board of county commissioners shall act as a county board of education in the performance of the duties hereinbefore men- tioned and shall continue to perform the duties of the county board of education until a county board of education shall have been elected or appointed and qualified as hereinafter provided, and at such time the board of county commissioners shall transfer all property and control of said school to the county board of education, who shall hold the same in trust for the county. County Board of Education Elected. Sec. 178. At each general election there shall be elected a county board of education, to consist of three members, two of whom shall serve two years, and the other four years, and thereafter at each regular bien- School Laws of Nevada 63 nial election there shall be elected two members of said board, one of whom shall serve for two years and the other for four years. Each per- son elected as herein provided shall enter upon the duties of his office on, the first Monday in January next folloAving his election, and shall hold office until his successor is elected and qualified. If, at any time, a vacancy shall occur on said board, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruction to appoint a member for the unexpired term. Duties of Board. Sec. 179. It shall be the duty of the county board of education to furnish annually an estimate of the amount of money needed to pay all the necessary expenses of running said school ; to enforce the uniform high-school course of study adopted by the state board of education; to employ teachers holding Nevada state certificates of the high-school grade in full force and effect; to hire janitors and other employees, and dis- charge such employees when sufficient cause therefor shall exist; and to do any and all other things necessary to the proper conduct of the school. Tax Levy. Sec. 180. It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to include in their annual tax levy the amount estimated by the county board of education as needed to pay the expenses of conducting the county school; and such amount, when collected and paid into the county treasury, shall be known as the "County High-School Fund," and may be drawn therefrom for the purpose of defraying the expenses of conducting said county high school in the manner provided by law for drawing money from the county treasury by school trustees. Eligible Pupils. Sec. 181. All county high schools shall be open for the admission of graduates holding diplomas from the eighth grade of the elementary schools of the state; provided, that the examinations for the said diplomas shall have been given under the direction and authority of the state board of education; and to such other pupils as shall pass the examination for admission to the county high school, which examintion shall be con- ducted under the authority and direction of the state board of education. Principal May Supervise Other Schools. Sec. 182. Nothing in this act shall be construed so as to prevent the principal of the county high school from acting as principal of the gram- mar school of the district in which the county high school is located, if so desired by the trustees of said school district and the county board of education. County High Schools Under State Supervision. Sec. 183. The county high school shall be under the same general supervision and shall be subject to the same laws, rules, and regulations governing the other schools of the state school system. Dormitories and Dining-Halls Sec. 184. The county board of education is hereby empowered to pro- vide for the rental, purchase, or erection of a suitable dormitory or dor- mitories and dining-hall for high-school students, and to provide for the comfort, maintenance, and management of the same. The said dormi- tory or dormitories shall be considered part of the regular high-school equipment and organization. 64 School Laws of Nevada Chapter 14 normal training schools How 'Established. Sec. 185. Upon notification by the county board of education in the counties where a county high school is in operation, or of the board of trustees of the school district in which the county-seat is located, in counties not having an established county high school, that the sdid county board of education or board of trustees and the board of county commissioners of the county have decided by a majority vote of each of the said boards to establish a normal training school, and that there are at least five bona fide applicants for a normal training course in such school, the state board of education shall, subject to the provisions herein named, grant permission to establish and maintain a normal training school for the purpose of giving free instruction and training in the principles of education and methods of teaching to residents of this state; provided, that no such normal training school shall be established in any county having within its borders a state normal school or state university ; and, provided further, that but one such normal training school shall be established in any county. Training-School Board. Sec. 186. The state board of education shall constitute the normal training-school board . Duties of Training-School Board, Sec. 187. The duties of the normal training-school board shall be as follows : 1. To determine the qualifications for admission to the normal train- ing school; provided, that applicants who do not hold a diploma from an accredited high school or a teacher's certificate of at least the primary grade shall be required to pass an entrance examination. And said examination shall include all subjects taught in the high schools as pro- vided by the laws of this state; 2. To establish a course of study to be pursued for a period of not less than thirty-six weeks; 3. To grant certificates of graduation to such persons as finish the course adopted in such form as the normal training-school board shall prescribe. Graduates' Certificates Good for Three Years. Sec. 188. The certificate of graduation shall entitle the holder thereof to a county normal second-grade elementary certificate good for three years and entitling the holder to teach in the elementary schools of the state. As amended. Stats. 1913, 158. Provisions for Maintaining Schools. Sec 189. For the purpose of maintaining such normal training schools as are herein described, it is further provided: 1. That the county in which a normal training school shall be estab- lished shall provide rooms with heating and equipment satisfactory to the normal training-school board for the purposes of such school; 2. Upon certification of the state board of education that a normal training school has been established in any county, that the school has been properly equipped, and at least five bona fide students ai'e in actual attendance, and that a competent normal training teacher is employed, School Laws of NeVxVda 65 the state controller shall on the first day of October and the first day of February of each year set aside, from any money in the state general fund not otherwise appropriated, a sum designated by the state board of edu- cation not exceeding nine hundred dollars and not less than six hundred dollars, to be known as the normal training-school. salary fund for County, to be used in payment of the teacher's salary and to be drawn from the state treasury in the usual manner. Any money remaining in such fund on the thirty-first day of August of each year shall revert to the state general fund ; 3. In any county establishing a normal training school the normal training-school board shall, previous to the first day of September in each year, estimate the cost of maintaining the rooms and equipment of the normal training school for the ensiling year and certify the amount esti- mated to the board of county commissioners of said county; provided, such estimate shall not exceed the amount of five hundred dollars for any one year. Claims for equipment and maintenance shall be just and legal charges upon the general fund of said county; provided, that not more than the amount estimated shall be allowed for any one year. Normal Training-School Board Has Entire Management. Sec. 190. The normal training-school board is hereby given the power to make and put into effect any and all rules and regulations necessary to the proper conduct of any normal training school established under and by virtue of the provisions of this act. Chapter 15 school district bonds Bonds May Be Issued. Sec. 191. Any school district of the state, now existing or which may hereafter be created, is hereby authorized to borrow money for the pur- pose of erecting and furnishing a school building, or buildings, maintain- ing the same, purchasing ground on which to erect such building, or buildings, or for refunding floating or bonded indebtedness, whenever the board determine that it can be done to advantage of the district, or for any, all, or either of these purposes, by issuing the negotiable coupon bonds of the district in the manner by this act provided. As amended, Stats. 1913, 297, 298. Question of Issuing Bonds Submitted to Popular Vote. Sec. 192. When the board of trustees of any school district shall deem it necessary to incur an indebtedness authorized by this act by issuing the negotiable coupon bonds of the district, said board of trustees shall first determine the amount of such bonds to be issued, and a cer- tificate of such determination shall be made and entered in and upon the records of said district. Thereupon the board of school trustees shall, by resolution duly made and entered in and upon the records of said board, submit the question of contracting a bonded indebtedness for any of the purposes authorized by this act to a vote of the duly qualified electors of the district at the next general election of the school trustees, or at a special election which the school trustees are hereby authorized to call for such purpose. Election, How Conducted — Election Notice. Sec 193. The election provided in this act shall be called and held, 5 66 School Laws of Nevada and the vote canvassed and returned , in all respects as nearly as may be in accordance with the provisions of law now governing the election of school trustees ; provided, that if there is a newspaper published in the school district, the notice shall be published for at least once a week for two consecutive weeks, preceding said election. The election notice must contain : First — The time and place of holding such election. Second — The names of inspectors to conduct the same. Third — The hours during the day in which the polls will be open. Fourth — The amount and denomination of the bonds, the rate of interest and the number of years, not exceeding twenty, the bonds are to run. All persons voting on the question submitted at such election shall vote by separate ballots whereon is placed the words "For the Bonds" or "Against the Bonds." The ballots shall be deposited in a separate box provided bj^ the school trustees for that purpose. Bonds to Run No Longer than Twenty Years — Sale of Bonds To Be Published. Sec. 194. If upon the official determination of the result of such elec- tion it appear that a majority of all the votes cast is "for the bonds," the board of trustees shall, regardless of any of the provisions of subdivisions 2 and 4 of section 67 of the act hereby amended, and as soon as practi- cable, and for the purpose stated in the notice of election, issue the nego- tiable coupon bonds of the district in such form and denomination as the board of trustees may direct, said bonds to run for a period not to exceed twenty (20) years from the date of issue, and bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six (6) per centum per annum, payable semiannu- ally, both principal and interest payable at such place as the board of trustees shall direct; the said bonds not to be sold for less than their par value. And before said sale is made, notice of such proposed sale must be given by publication, in a newspaper, if there is a newspaper published in the district, for at least one week before said bonds are dis- posed of, inviting sealed bids to be made for said bonds, and said bonds are to be sold to the highest and best bidder for said bonds; the board, however, may reserve the right to reject any and all bids and sell the bonds at not less than their par value and at private sale, if they deem it for the best interests of the district; provided, if there is no newspaper published in said school district, the notice herein provided for shall be given by posting in three public places in said school district for at least ten days before said bonds are disposed of. As amended, Stats. 1913, 298. Bonds Signed — Seal. Sec. 195. All bonds issued under the provisions of this act shall be signed by the chairman of the board of trustees, attested by the clerk thereof, sealed with the district seal, and countersigned by the county treasurer ; and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be signed by the original or engraved facsimile signatures of said chairman, clerk, and treasurer. As amended. Stats. 1913, 298. Register of Bonds. Sec. 196. Before any district shall issue bonds under the provisions of this act, all such bonds shall, hy the county treasurer, be registered in a book kept for that purpose in his office, which registry shall show the school district, the amount, the time of payment, and rate of interest. School Laws of Nevada 67 and all such bonds shall bear the certificate of the county treasurer to the effect that they are issued and registered under the provisions of this act. After such registry, the county treasurer shall cause said bonds to be delivered to the purchasers of the same from the board of trustees, upon payment being made therefor. As amended, Stats. 1913, 298. Special Tax for Interest and Redemption of Bonds. Sec. 197. Whenever any school district shall issue any bonds under the provisions of this act, or shall have any bonds outstanding, it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of the county in which such district may be situated to levy and assess a special tax on all the taxable property of the district, includirtg the net proceeds of mines, in an amount sufficient to pay the interest accruing thereon promptly when and as the same becomes due according to the tenor and effect of said bonds, and the county treasurer shall collect the same as other taxes are collected, in cash only, keeping the same separate from other funds received by him, and shall cause said interest to be promptly paid at the place of payment specified in the bonds ; and if there shall be any sur- plus after paying said interest and the expenses of collecting such special tax, the treasurer shall, without delay, pass the same to the credit of such school district, and such funds so passed to the credit of the district shall be subject to the disposal of the board of trustees ; and in the calendar year following the year in which the bonds are issued, and annually thereafter, until the full payment of said bonds has been made, the board of county commissioners of the county in which said school dis- trict is situated shall levy and assess a special tax, and shall cause said special tax to be collected, on all the taxable property of the school dis- trict, including the net proceeds of mines, sufficient to raise annually a proportion of the principal amount of the said bonds equal to a sum pro- duced by taking the whole amount of said bonds outstanding and divid- ing it by the number of years said bonds then have to run, which amount shall be levied, assessed, and collected by the county treasurer in the same manner as the tax for the payment of the interest coupons, and when collected shall be known as the " School District Bond Sinking Fund" and shall be used only in the payment of such bonds. The sinking fund thus provided may be applied to the purchase and can- celation of the outstanding bonds of the district. At the maturity of such bonds (or prior to the maturity thereof as hereinafter in section 2 [sec. 197a] hereof provided) and at their place of payment, the county treasurer shall cause such bonds and accrued interest thereon to be paid, and duly cancel the same, and certify his action to the board of trustees of the school district; and the said county treasurer shall, if the tax for interest on the bonds for the first year after their date of issue is not col- lected in time for use in paying the interest coupons maturing during that year, pay the interest accruing on said bonds in said year out of the general county fund and return, as soon as the funds are realized from the taxes for interest on said bonds, and from said interest fund, the amount so borrowed from said general county fund. As amended. Stats. 1915,60,61. Redemption of School Bonds. Sec. 197a. In the event that there shall be in the hands of the county treasurer in such school district bond sinking fund, a sufficient sum to redeem one or more of such bonds, and to pay the accrued interest 68 School Laws of Nevada thereon, although before the maturity of such bonds and interest, he shall, if requested by the board of trustees of such school district so to do, post a notice in a conspicuous place in the main entrance to his office or the main entrance to the building in which his office may be situated, which notice shall state that the said county treasurer has on hand in the" School District Bond Sinking Fund" sufficient funds to redeem bonds of said issue, and that there is in the said bond interest fund sufficient funds to pay the accrued interest on such number of bonds, and that he will on a certain day and hour (which shall not be sooner than thirty days from the date of posting such notice) , at his office, receive proposals for the purchase of such number of bonds and paying the accrued interest thereon; upon the opening of said proposals the bid of the person offering the requsite number of bonds at the lowest rate shall be accepted hy such treasurer ; provided, that such offer to sell said bonds shall not involve a premium on the same of more than per cent; if the entire issue of such bonds are provided to mature serially at different times, the treasurer shall redeem such bond or bonds at the lowest regular premium which matures first. If the entire issue of such bonds is provided to mature at one time, among equal offers for the sale of said bonds at the same rate of premium, the treasurer shall redeem such bond or bonds presented bearing the lowest serial number. The said treasurer shall certify all his actions hereunder to the board of trustees of said school district as in section 197 of this act provided. Amendment, Stats. 1915, 61. Change in Boundary Not to Release Property from Taxes, Sec. 198. No change in the boundary lines of any school district shall release the taxable real property of the district from assessment and levy of the taxes to pay the interest and principal of such bonds, and if there shall be any change in the boundary of such school district so as to leave any portion of the taxable real property of the district which was sub- ject to taxation in the district at the time of the issue of such bonds, the assessment and levy of taxes for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds shall be made on such property as if it were still within the district, and if there shall be any change of the boundary lines of such school district so as to annex or include any taxable or real prop- erty, after the issue of such bonds, the real property so included or annexed shall thereafter be subject to the assessment and levy of a tax for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds. Taxes Constitute Lien on Property. Sec. 199. All taxes levied and assessed as in this act provided shall constitute a lien on the property charged therewith, from the date of the levy thereof by the county commissioners, or the entry thereof on the assessment roll of the county auditor, until the same are paid, and there- after, if allowed to become delinquent, shall be enforced in the same manner as is now provided by law for the collection of state and county taxes. And no additional allowance, fee, or compensation whatever shall be paid to any officer for carrying out the provisions of this act. Bonds for Various Purposes. Sec. 200. Any school district of the state is hereby authorized to bor- row money for the purpose of purchasing grounds, erecting buildings, and furnishing, equipping, and maintaining the same, for instruction in School Laws of Nevada 69 industrial training, manual training, domestic science, and agriculture, or for any one or all of these purposes, by issuing negotiable coupon bonds oflthe district. Under General Act. Sec. 201. Such bonds shall be determined upon, submitted to vote of the district interested, authorized, issued, and paid, in accordance with the provisions of sections 191 to 199, inclusive. Change in Districts Not to Release Responsibility for Bonds. Sec. 202. No change in the boundary lines of any school district that has been, or may hereafter be, bonded for school purposes shall operate to release any part of the property of such district, as existing prior to such change, from taxation for payment of the outstanding bonds issued prior thereto. Chapter 16 compulsory education Valid Excuses for Nonattendance. Sec 203. ■ Each parent, guardian, or other person in the State of Nevada, having control or charge of any child between the ages of eight and sixteen years, shall be required to send such child to a public school during the time in which a public school shall be in session in the school district in which said child resides ; but such attendance shall be excused : 1 . When satisfactory evidence is presented to the board of trustees of the school district in which such child resides, that the child's bodily or mental condition is such as to prevent or render inadvisable atten- dance at school, or application to study. A certificate from any reputable physician that the child is not able to attend school, or that its atten- dance is inadvisable, must be taken as satisfactory evidence by any such board ; 2. When the child has already completed the eight grades of the pre- scribed grammar-school course; 3. When satisfactory evidence is presented to»the board of trustees that the child is being taught in a private school, or by a private tutor, or at home, by any person capable of teaching in such branches as are usually taught in the primary and grammar schools of this state; 4. When satisfactory evidence is presented to the board of trustees that the child's labor is necessary for its own or its parent's support. 5. When the deputy superintendent shall determine that the child's residence is located at such distance from the public school as to render attendance impracticable or unsafe. Truancy Defined. Sec. 204. Any child shall be deemed a truant, in the meaning of this act, who shall have been absent from school, without valid excuse, more than three days ; and absence for any part of a day shall be considered as absence for that entire day. The teacher, attendance officer, or other person connected with the schools, shall send or deliver a written notice of such truancy to the parent, guardian, or other person, having control or charge of the child. After such notice has thus been furnished or sent to said parent, guardian, or other person, any child who is absent from school thereafter, within the school year, without valid excuse, one or more days or parts thereof, shall again be deemed a truant. Any child shall be declared an habitual truant who shall have been deemed a truant 70 School Laws of Nevada three or more times within the school year. Any child who has once been declared an habitual truant and who in a succeeding year is absent from school, without valid excuse, for one or more days or parts thereof, may again be declared an habitual truant. Punishment of Parent. Sec. 205. Any parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of any child, to whom notice has been given of truancy, as provided in section 204 of this act, and who fails to prevent the child's subsequent truancy within that school year, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be liable, for the first offense, to a fine of not more than ten dollars or imprisonment for not more than five days, and for each subsequent offense he shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten or more than fifty dollars, or to imprisonment for not less than five nor more than twenty-five days, or to both such fine and imprisonment. School Trustees to Make Investigation. Sec. 206. The board of trustees of any school district shall, on the complaint of any person, make a full and impartial investigation of all charges against parents or guardians or other persons having control or charge of any such child, for violation of any of the provisions of this act. If it shall appear upon such investigation that any such parent or guardian or other person has violated any of the provisions of this act, it is hereby made the duty of the clerk of such board of trustees to make and file in the proper court a criminal complaint against such parent, guardian, or other person, charging such violation, and to see that such charge is prosecuted by the proper authorities; provided, that in such school districts having an attendance officer, such officer shall, if so directed by the board of school trustees, make and file such complaint, and see that such charge is prosecuted by the proper authorities. Complaint Filahle hy State Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, School Trus- tee, or Any Taxpayer. Any taxpayer, or any school officer or deputy school officer in the State of Nevada shall be eligible to make and file in the proper court a criminal complaint against any parent, guardian, or other person who shall vio- late any of the provisions of law requiring the attendance of children in the public schools of the state. Trustees May Appoint and Remove Attendance Officer. Sec. 207. The board of trustees of any school district may appoint and remove at pleasure an attendance officer and shall fix the compen- sation therefor, and shall prescribe the duties of such officer, not incon- sistent with law, and make rules and regulations for the performance thereof. It shall be the duty of the attendance officer, or any peace officer, or any other school officer, to arrest during school hours, without a warrant, any child between the ages of eight and sixteen years, who has been reported to him by the teacher, the city superintendent, or other person connected with the schools, as an absentee from instruction upon which he is lawfully required to attend within the school district. Such arresting officer shall forthwith deliver the child so arrested to the teacher, parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of said child. Separate Rooms for Habitual Truants. Sec. 208. Boards of trustees are hereby authorized to set apart any School Laws of Nevada 71 school building or buildings or any room or rooms in any school build- ing or buildings for the establishment of special or ungraded schools, to provide for the instruction of habitual truants as defined in section two of this act, or for pupils who have been insubordinate or disorderly during attendance at school. Boards of trustees are also authorized to purchase sites and erect buildings for such purposes, in the same manner as other school sites and school buildings may be purchased and erected ; or boards of trustees may rent suitable property for special or ungraded rooms without being so directed by vote of the district. Teachers of such special or ungraded schools shall have the same qualifications as other teachers in the grades, and shall be paid from the same funds. Boards of trustees are hereby authorized to assign habitual truants and other pupils who have been insubordinate or disorderly during attendance at school to such special and ungraded schools for a period not to exceed the remainder of the school year. Such pupils, however, may be restored to their former room or grade when in the judgment of the board there has been sufficient improvement to warrant the belief that their example and influence will no longer be a detriment to the room to which they shall return. Persons Encouraging Truancy Punished. Sec. 209. Any person who induces or attempts to induce any child to be absent unlawfully from school, or who knowingly employs or har- bors while school is in session any child absent unlawfully from school, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment of not more than twenty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisoment. The attendance officer or any other school officer is hereby empowered to visit any place or establishment where minor children are employed to ascertain whether the provisions of this law are duly complied with, and may demand from all employers of such children a list of children employed, with their names and ages. Punishment for False Statements, Sec. 210. Any parent, guardian, or other person who makes a false statement concerning the age or school attendance of a child between the ages of eight and sixteen years who is under his control or charge, such false statement being made with intent to deceive under this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment of not more than twenty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Disposal of Fines. Sec. 211. All fines collected under the provisions of this act shall be paid into the permanent school fund of the state. Chapter 17 protection of school children Misdemeanor to Interfere with Pupils. Sec. 212. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person or persons to detain, beat, whip, or otherwise interfere with any pupil or pupils attend- ing any public school in the State of Nevada, on his, her, or their way to or from such school against the will of such pupil or pupils. 72 School Laws of Nevada Misdemeanor to Disturb School. Sec. 213. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person or persons to disturb the peace of any public school in the State of Nevada by using vile or indecent language, or by threatening or assaulting any pupil or teacher within the building or grounds of such school, and for the pur- pose of this act the ground of every public school in the State of Nevada shall extend to a distance of fifty yards in all directions from the school building. Penalty. Sec. 214. Any person or persons convicted of a misdemeanor under either of the foregoing sections of this act shall be subject to a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars or imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months, or to both such fine and imprisonment. Chapter 18 protection of school property Injure or Deface Property. Sec. 215. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person or persons to wilfully and maliciously injure, mark, or deface any church edifice, school- house or other building, public or private, its fixtures, books, or appur- tenances, or to commit any nuisance therein, or to purposely and maliciously commit any trespass upon the grounds attached thereto, or any fixtures placed thereon, or any enclosure or sidewalk about the same, or in any manner to maliciously and purposely interfere with or disturb those peaceably assembled within such building or buildings. Penalty. Sec. 216. Any person or persons convicted of a misdemeanor under the foregoing section of this act shall be subject to a fine, not exceeding two hundred dollars, or to imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months, or to both such fine and imprisonment. Chapter 19 location of houses of ill-fame No Disreputable House Within 400 Yards of School Buildings or Churches. Sec. 217. It shall be unlawful for any owner or agent of any owner or any other person, to keep any house of ill-fame, or to let or rent to any person whomsoever, for any length of time whatever, to be kept or used as a house of ill-fame, or resort for the purpose of prostitution, any house, room, or structure situated within four hundred yards of any schoolhouse or schoolroom used by any public or common school in the State of Nevada, or within four hundred yards of any church edifice, building, or structure erected and used for devotional services or religious worship in the State of Nevada. As artiended, Revised Laivs of Nevada, 1912, section 6510. Penalty. Sec. 218. Any person violating the provisions of section 217 of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than three hundred dol- lars, or to be imprisoned in the county jail not less than five nor more than sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discre- tion of the court. School Laws of NevaDxI . 73 Duties of Sheriff and District Attorney. Sec. 219. It shall be the duty of the district attorney and sheriff of each county in this state to see that the provisions of this act are strictly enforced and carried into effect, and upon neglect so to do they, or either of them, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and may be proceeded against as provided in sections 63 to 72, inclusive, of an act entitled "An act relating to elections," approved March 12, 1873. Chapter 20 Provisions Construed. Sec. 220. The provisions of this act, so far as they are substantially the same as those of existing statutes, shall be construed as a continua- tion thereof, and not as new enactments. Acts Repealed. Sec. 221. An act entitled: 1. An act to define the constitution, organization, powers, and duties of the state board of education and matters properly connected there- with, approved March 16, 1895; 2. An act to provide for the reorganization of the system of school supervision and maintenance, to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, and matters properly connected therewith, approved March 29, 1907; 3. An act to create a text-book commission and to authorize said com- mission to adopt a uniform series of text-books for the public schools of Nevada, and matters properly connected therewith, approved March 22, 1907; 4. An act providing for the date of election of school trustees, and mat- ters properly connected therewith, approved March 16, 1909; 5. An act to provide for the election of school trustees, and matters properly connected therewith, approved March 16, 1897; 6. An act to amplify the powers of boards of school trustees, approved March 20, 1901 ; 7. An act permitting the establishment of county high schools in the various counties of this state, and providing for the construction, maintenance, management, and supervision of the same, to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, and matters prop- erly connected therewith, approved March 24, 1909; 8. An act for the establishment of normal training schools, and for the maintenance and control of the same, approved March 20, 1909; 9. An act to provide for union school districts and matters properly connected therewith, approved March 3, 1909; 10. An act to authorize boards of county commissioners to enlarge the boundaries of certain school districts, or to consolidate two or more into one, and matters properly connected therewith, approved March 11, 1909; 11. An act to provide an emergency school fund for new school districts, prescribing its use and manner of disbursement, and other matters properly connected therewith, approved February 13, 1909; 12. An act to provide for the disposal of funds and property of abolished school districts, approved March 5, 1909; 74 School Laws of Nevada 13. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to enable the several school districts of the state to issue negotiable coupon bonds for the pur- pose of erecting and furnishing school buildings, or purchasing ground, or for refunding floating funded debts, and providing for the payment of the principal indebtedness thus authorized and the interest thereon," approved March 12, 1907, approved Febru- ary 8, 1908; 14. An act to enable school districts to issue negotiable coupon bonds for the purpose of erecting, furnishing, equipping, and maintaining buildings for industrial training, manual training, domestic science, and agriculture, or any one or all of these purposes, and providing for the payment of the principal indebtedness and the interest thereon, and other matters properly connected therewith, approved March 16,1909; 15. An act to protect the security of school bonds, approved March 13, 1909 ; 16. An act providing for compulsory education, and other matters prop- erly connected therewith, providing for penalties for the violation of any of the provisions thereof, and repealing any and all prior laws on the subject of compulsory education, approved March 20, 1909; 17. An act to secure protection to school children and to preserve the peace of public schools, and matters properly connected therewith, approved March 6, 1893; 18. An act to prevent malicious injury to church, school, and other buildings and property, and to protect persons from malicious annoyafice, and matters properly relating thereto, approved March 13, 1895; 19. An act to regulate houses of prostitution, dance-houses, and houses where beer, wine, or spirituous liquors are sold, approved Febru- ary 26, 1887; 20. An act to exempt teachers from jury duty, approved March 14, 1903; 21. An act to require school trustees to procure and hoist on public schoolhouses the United States flag, approved March 13, 1909; 22. An act adopting the design of the flag of the State of Nevada, approved February 25, 1905; 23. An act establishing Arbor Day, approved February 10, 1887; 24. An act to provide for the dissemination of knowledge in the public schools relative to the preservation of song-birds, fish and game, approved March 12, 1901; are hereby repealed, and all other acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. SCHOOL CODE SUPPLEMENT Containing school laws not included in the general bill prepared by the Code Commission of 1911, and independent acts of 19l"3, 1915, and 1917. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION CURATOR OF STATE MUSEUM An Act to abolish the office of state mineralogist, and to provide for the care and preservation of the state museum. Approved February 1, 1877 Office Abolished. Section 1. The office of state mineralogist of the State of Nevada is hereby abolished. Superintendent of Public Instruction To Be Curator of the Museum. Sec. 2. On and after the first day of January, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, the superintendent of public instruc- tion shall be ex officio curator of the state museum of mineralogical, geological, and other specimens. Duties of Curator. Sec. 3. The curator, when visiting the several school districts in this state, in his capacity as superintendent of public instruction, as is required by law, shall make inquiry so far as is practicable into the resources of the mines situated in the respective districts, and inspect the same ; collect specimens of ores, ascertain their value, catalogue, and place them in the museum, and prepare for publication in the appendix of his biennial report as superintendent of public instruction, a report as curator of the state museum, in detail, of his acts performed and information obtained under the provisions of this act. [The expenses incident to work as curator of the state museum, etc., having been cut out by the Legislature in repealing section 4, below, in 1895, the Superintendent of Public Instruction was unable to carry out the provisions of section 3 after March 16, 1895. The museum was turned over to the Nevada Historical Society by authority of law in April, 1915.] Sec. 4. [Repealed, Stats. 1895, 76.] state Board of Examiners to Allow Bills. Sec. 5. All claims for services rendered, as is provided in section four of this act, shall be allowed by the state board of examiners, and paid by the state treasurer out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated, on the warrant of the state controller. Note — The act repealing section 4 renders section 5 inoperative. Act Repealed. Sec. 6. An act entitled "An act to provide for establishing and main- taining a mining school, and to create the office of state mineralogist," approved March ninth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, is hereby repealed. Act Repealed. Sec. 7. An Act entitled "An act to create the office of state mineralo- gist and define the duties of such officer," approved March first, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, is hereby repealed. 76 School Laws of Nevada Act to Take Effect. Sec. 8. This act shall not take effect and be in force nntil on and after the first Monday in January, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. SALARY OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION An Act regulating the salaries of certain state officers of the State of Nevada. Approved March 22, 1913 Salaries of State Officers Fixed — To Take Effect in 1915. Section 1. From and after the first Monday in January, A. D. 1915, the following annual salaries shall be paid to the various state officers of this state, at the time and in the manner prescribed by law : To the governor, seven thousand ($7,000) dollars; to the secretary of state, thirty-six hundred ($3,600) dollars; to the state controller, thirty-six hundred ($3,600) dollars; to the state treasurer, thirty-six hundred ($3,600) dollars; to the lieutenant-governor, thirty-six hun- dred ($3,600) dollars; to the attorney-general, thirty-six hundred ($3,600) dollars; to the surveyor-general, thirty-six hundred ($3,600) dollars ; to the superintendent of public instruction, thirty-six ($3,600) dollars; to the clerk of the supreme court, three thousand ($3,000) dol- lars; to the superintendent of state printing, thirty-six hundred ($3,600) dollars ; to the inspector of mines, thirty-six hundred ($3,600) dollars. To Be Full Payment for All Services. Sec. 2. The foregoing sums shall be in full payment of all duties now or hereafter required of such officers, not only for the ordinary duties of such officers but for all other duties required of such officers in any manner whatever. Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. IRREDEEMABLE STATE SCHOOL BOND An Act to amend ''An Act to provide for the purchase for the henefit of the State School Fund, of the bonds of this State knotvn as the Territorial Bonds," approved March 8, A. D. 1877. Approved January 28, 1879 State Bonds for Benefit of State School Fund. Section 1. Section two of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : _ • _ Section 2. All money in the territorial interest and sinking fund, together with all securities now in said fund, and all money coming into said fund from other sources, and also all securities and money now in, or coming into, the state school fund, may be used for the purchase of the state bonds herein specified, on account and for the benefit of the state school fund, in the manner hereinafter set forth, under the direc- tion of a board of commissioners consisting of the governor, attorney- general, superintendent of public instruction, surveyor-general, state controller, and state treasurer. The governor shall be chairman, and the superintendent of public instruction secretary of said board. School Laws of Nevada 77 Conditions of Purchase. Sec. 2. Section three is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Section 3. The commissioners herein named are authorized to pur- chase the bonds herein specified, if they can purchase the whole issue (three hundred and eighty thousand dollars), and not otherwise, if such purchase can be made at such rate of premium as would guarantee to the purchaser four and one-half per cent per annum interest on the amount paid during the life of the bonds so purchased ; they are also authorized, in making such purchase, to exchange the United States and other bonds, now in the territorial interest and sinking fund, and also in the state school fund, for the bonds herein proposed to be pur- chased; provided, that in making such exchange, the value of such United States and other bonds shall be at least the value of such bonds, with the average premium added, as shown by the sales of such securi- ties in the market on the day of exchange, and in no case at less than par. The amount of securities placed at the disposal of said board of commissioners for the purpose herein specified is as follows : One hun- dred thousand dollars in United States bonds, and seventy-five thousand dollars in money now in the territorial interest and sinking fund, and three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in United States bonds and money in the state school fund, and no more. $380,000 Irredeemable State School Bond. Sec. 3. Section four of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : state Board of Education to Draw Order On State Controller for Interest. Section 4. Upon the purchase of the bonds herein mentioned, the board of commissioners shall surrender them to the state treasurer for cancelation, and a bond to the amount of three hundred and eighty thousand dollars, not redeemable or transferable, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum shall be issued to the state school fund of the State of Nevada. Said bond shall be signed by the governor and the state controller, countersigned by the state treasurer, and authenti- cated with the great seal of the state, and shall state in substance that the State of Nevada owes to its state school fund three hundred and eighty thousand dollars, the interest on which sum, at the rate of five per cent per annum she agrees to pay for all time for the benefit of the common schools of the state. Said bond shall be engrossed on parch- ment and deposited with the treasurer of the state. The interest on said bonds shall be paid semiannually, on the first days of January and July of each year, on the written order of the state board of education to the state controller, directing him to draw his warrant for the amount of such semiannual interest on the territorial interest fund herein created. All sums derived from the interest on said bonds shall go into the general school fund for the support of the common schools of the state, and for the regular and prompt payment of said interest the faith and credit of the state is hereby solemnly pledged. Tax Authorized. Sec. 5. Section five of this [said] act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Section 5. There shall be levied and collected for the fiscal year commencing January first, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and annually thereafter, an ad valorem tax of eight cents upon each one 78 School Laws of Nevada hundred dollars of all the taxable property in the state, including the tax upon the proceeds of the mines, which tax shall take the place and be in lieu of the tax heretofore levied for territorial interest and sinking fund purposes. - All sums derived from this tax shall go into the terri- torial interest fund, and shall be disposed of as provided for in this act. Alternate Provisions. Sec. 5. Section seven of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Section 7. In the event that the commissioners are unable to pur- chase the "Territorial Bonds" of the state under the terms of this act, the securities herein placed at their disposal for that purpose shall remain in their respective funds, and the resources of the territorial interest and sinking fund for the fifteenth and sixteenth fiscal years shall be : First, all money now in said fund, or that shall come into it from delinquent taxes and interest on the United States bonds now, or that may be placed in said fund ; and, second, all money from the tax herein levied for a territorial interest fund. Repeal. Sec. 6. Section eight of the act to which this act is amendatory is hereby repealed. CLERK FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION An Act to authorize the superintendent of puhlic instruction of Nevada to employ a stenographic clerk, and fixing of compensation. Approved March 7, 1905 Salary. Section 1. The state superintendent of public instruction is hereby authorized to employ a stenographic clerk, whose compensation shall be twelve hundred dollars per annum. As amended, Stats. 1907, 62. Duties of Controller and Treasurer. Sec. 2. The controller of state shall, at the end of each month, draw his warrant upon the state treasury in favor of such clerk for the amount of his compensation then- due, and the state treasurer shall pay the same out of any moneys not otherwise specially appropriated. In Effect. Sec. 3. This act to take effect immediately. TRANSFER OF MONEY IN COUNTY GENERAL FUND TO COUNTY FUND OF CERTAIN SCHOOL DISTRICTS An Act authorizing hoards of county commissioners to transfer certain funds to the county school fund of school districts or to levy a special county tax in certain cases and other matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 17, 1913 County Commissioners Authorized to Aid Certain School Districts — Proviso. Section 1. The board of county commissioners of any county in Nevada may by resolution adopted at any regular or special meeting transfer from the county general fund to the county school fund of any district in said county such sum of money as they shall deem necessary, School Laws of Nevada 79 additional to that now provided by law for such district ; provided, that such district shall have levied a special tax for the school year of at least twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars. County Commissioners May Aid Districts Desiring High-School Work — Provisos. Sec. 2. The board of county commissioners of any county, in their discretion, may aid a school district needing and desiring high-school work by transfer of money from the county high-school fund or the county general fund to the county school fund of such district ; or they may levy a special countj^ tax not exceeding ten cents on the hundred dollars for the benefit of said district ; provided, that in either the case of transfer of money or of levy of special tax as herein provided the fol- lowing precedent conditions shall in any year of proposed aid exist : 1. That there are ten or more pupils of high-school grade in such dis- trict that need high-school instruction and are desirous of having such instruction. 2. That the parents of such pupils, or a majority of them, find it impracticable to send them away for high-school training. 3. That the taxable property is so small that it is entirelj'^ insufficient to enable them to raise the money needed to provide and maintain needed high-school privileges. 4. That a special district tax of at least twenty-five cents on the hun- dred dollars has been levied. Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts in confiict herewith are hereby repealed. An Act to authorize the county commissioners in the several counties in this state to loan or transfer surplus money from, one fund to the ''^^^ • Approved February 9, 1881, 32 To Transfer Surplus Money — But Not From School Fund. Section 1. The county commissioners in the several counties in this state are hereby authorized and empowered to transfer any surplus money which may be in any of the county funds of the respective coun- ties (except the school fund) from one or more of said funds, to another or others, and transfer the same back to the fund or funds from which said surplus money was taken, at such times and in such manner as, in the judgment of said commissioners, the best interest of the county may require. As amended, Stats. 1887, 111. CERTAIN DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS TO BE SUPPORTED BY COUNTY An Act to authorize hoards of county comm,issioners to establish district high schools, and matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 24, 1909 [Act specially applies to Lyon County. See Lyon County Bonding Act for High Schools following this Act. Stats. 1917, 299-30^.'] District High Schools at County Expense, When, Section 1. Boards of county commissioners are hereby authorized to establish district high schools in school districts in accordance with the provisions hereinafter set forth in this act. Petition — What Petition Must Show. Sec. 2. Upon presentation of a petition signed by at least ten per 80 School Laws of Nevada cent of the voters of the county as shown at the last general election, the board of county commissioners of a county may authorize and establish a district high school at the point designated in the petition. The peti- tion must show : First — That there are at least seventy-five school census children in the school district for which the request is made that a district high school shall be established according to the last preceding census. Second — That there are at least five children therein of high-school grade between the ages of six and eighteen years. Third — That the school in such district is situated not less than twenty miles from a county high school located in the same county. Trustees to Provide Building — Proviso. Sec. 3. When such petition has been presented and acted upon favor- ably by the board of county commissioners, and such district high school is authorized, it shall be the duty of the board of trustees of such district, together with the state board of education, within thirty days there- after to estimate the cost of purchasing suitable grounds when necessary, erecting a building, and furnishing the same for the accommodation of the school ; provided, that the board of school trustees may construct additions to the public school building or buildings in the place where such school shall be located, or if rooms can be obtained in the public school buildings therefor, such rooms shall be given the preference. And all expenses incurred for carrying out the provisions of this section shall be sustained by the school district interested, in accordance with the provisions of section eighty of "An act to provide for a reorganization of the system of school supervision and maintenance, to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, and matters properly connected there- with," approved March 29, 1907. Tax Levy for High School. Sec. 4. When such high-school building shall have been erected and furnished, or rooms secured as provided in this act, by such school dis- trict, the entire cost and expense of maintenance and instruction for the high school shall be paid by a tax on all the property in the county in which the said district high school is situated, in the same manner as other claims against the county are allowed and paid. Annual Estimate. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the board of school trustees, together with the state board of education, to furnish annually an estimate of the amount of money needed to pay all the necessary expenses of conducting and maintaining such school ; to adopt and enforce the use of the neces- sary text -books required by the state board of education in such school ; to employ competent teachers, janitors, and other persons, and to dis- charge such teachers, janitors, and other persons, when sufficient cause therefor shall exist ; and to do any and all other things necessary to the proper conduct of such school. District High School Fund. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of the county within which such high school shall be situated, to include in their annual tax levy the amount estimated by the board of school trus- tees, together with said state board of education, as needed to pay the School Laws of Nevada 81 expenses of conducting such district high school ; and such amount when collected and paid into the county treasury shall be known as the "Dis- trict No High School Fund," and may be drawn therefrom for the purpose of defraying the expenses of conducting said district high school in the manner provided by law for payment of school claims. What Pupils Eligible. Sec. 7. Any district high school shall be open for the admission of graduates holding diplomas from the eighth grade of the elementary schools of the state ; provided, that the examinations for the said diplomas shall have been given under the direction and authority of the state board of education ; and to such other pupils as shall pass the examina- tions for admission to the district high school, which examination shall be conducted under the direction and authority of the state board of education. Principal May Supervise All Schools. Sec. 8. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the principal of the district high school from acting as principal of all the schools of the district in which the district high school is located if so desired by the trustees of said district high school and the state board of education. Subject to School Laws. Sec. 9. The district high school shall be under the same general supervision and shall be subject to the same laws, rules, and regulations as other schools of the state school system. Application of Act Restricted. Sec. 10. This act shall apply only to counties which at the last general election polled not more than nine hundred and sixty (960) votes, and which had more than three million six hundred thousand ($3,600,000) dollars of taxable property; and nothing in this act shall be so construed as to militate against, or in any wise annul or modify, provisions already made for any county high school now established, or that may hereafter be established in any county. Sec. 11. This act shall take effect upon its passage and approval. LYON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL BONDS AND HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICTS Chap. 164 — An Act authorizing and directing the hoard of county com- missioners of Lyon Comity, State of Nevada, to issue do7ids for the purpose of establishing, constructing and maintaining high schools in the said county of Lyon, State of Nevada,, and other matters properly relating thereto. Approved March 23, 1917 County Commissioners to Issue Bonds. Section 1. The board of county commissioners of Lyon County, State of Nevada, is hereby authorized and directed, under the provisions of this act, to issue bonds of said county bearing interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent per annum in a sum not exceeding thirty-six thousand ($36,000) dollars. Said bonds shall run for a period of twenty (20) years from and after the first day of July, 1917. 6 82 School Laws op Nevada Denominations of Bonds and Hedemption. Sec. 2. Said bonds shall be issued for the sum of not less than five hundred ($500) dollars each, payable in lawful money of the United States and payable to the bearer, and interest thereon shall be payable semiannually, and coupons for such installment of interest shall be attached to said bonds. Said bonds shall be numbered serially com- mencing with number one, and shall be retired in order of their issuance. At least two thousand ($2,000) dollars of said bonds shall be redeemed annually, commencing on the first day of July, 1919. The bonds and coupons herein provided for shall be signed by the chairman of the board of county commissioners and countersigned by the clerk of said board, and said clerk shall attach thereto the county seal. County Commissioners to Negotiate Sale of Bonds. Sec. 3. The said board of county commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to negotiate the sale of and sell said bonds at such times and in such amounts as may become necessary from time to time under the provisions of this act to carry out the purposes of the act. Said bonds shall be sold at not less than par. All moneys received from the sale of said bonds shall be paid to the county treasurer of said Lyon County and shall be by said treasurer kept in a fund hereby created to be known as The Lyon County High-School Building Fund, and money shall be paid out of said fund only in the manner required by law and for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this act. Money, How Expended. Sec. 4. The said high-school board of their respective districts is hereby authorized and directed, out of the moneys arising from the sale of said bonds, to use the sum of twelve thousand ($12,000) dollars thereof for establishing, constructing, equipping and furnishing a high- school building in Smith Valley, Lyon County, Nevada, and an equal amount of twelve thousand ($12,000) dollars for establishing, construct- ing, equipping and furnishing a high-school building at Dayton, Lyon County, Nevada ; and whenever it appears that the district of Fernley as hereinafter described shall have sufficient students to organize and be permitted to have a high school, under and by virtue of the laws of Nevada, an equal amount of twelve thousand ($12,000) dollars of the money arising out of the sale of such boi^ds shall be used for the estab- lishing, constructing, equipping and furnishing a high school at Fernley, Lyon County, Nevada ; any balance of moneys remaining in said fund, after the completion, equipment, furnishing, constructing and establishing of said high-school buildings, shall be turned over and covered into the proper fund provided for the running and maintaining of said respective high schools in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of law pertaining to the establishment, maintenance, and management of high schools in the various counties of this state, it being intended that each of the high schools provided for in this section shall be entitled to the sum of twelve thousand ($12,000) dollars for establishing, constructing, equipping and furnishing the respective high schools and be entitled to any difference between the actual cost thereof and the sum of twelve thousand ($12,000) dollars for maintenance. The county treasurer shall safely keep, in accordance with law, all moneys obtained from the sale of the bonds provided for under this act and School Laws of Nevada 83 shall be liable, upon his official bond, for the safe keeping thereof and for the faithful discharge of all official duties relating thereto. Note — As the high schools provided for in this act are a part of the public school system of the state, before any money is expended for buildings, the plans therefor must be submitted to and approved by the state department of education. — State Superintendent. High-School Board of Trustees to Select Site. Sec. 5. As soon as practicable after the passage and approval of this act, the respective boards of high-school trustees shall proceed to select an appropriate site for their respective high schools authorized and pro- vided in the preceding section, and the board of county commissioners of said county shall, with all expedient dispatch, proceed to the execution of the provisions and purposes of this act. Method of Payment of Principal and Interest. Sec. 6. For the purpose of providing for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon, as they become due, the board of county com- missioners is hereby authorized and directed, on or before the first Monday in April, 1917, and annually thereafter at the time of the making of the levy for taxes for state and county purposes, to levy and collect upon all taxable property of said Lyon County a tax in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bonds author- ized under the provisions of this act as the same shall become due and payable. Said taxes so levied shall be assessed and collected as other taxes are assessed and collected, and shall be paid into the county treasury and set apart as a fund which is hereby created to be known as the Smith Valley-Dayton-Fernley High School Bond Redemption and Interest Fund, and the moneys in said fund shall be paid out by the county treasurer in payment of principal and interest of said bonds as the same become due upon the presentation and surrender of said bonds and the coupons to the county treasurer at his office. The county treasurer shall be liable on his official bond for the safe keeping of all moneys in said fund and for the faithful discharge of the duties in rela- tion thereto. Interest on each and every bond shall cease on the day of maturity thereof. Transfer of Surplus Money. Any moneys remaining in said fund at the end of any year, after pay- ing the interest and bonds due for such year, shall remain in said fund and be applied to the payment of bonds and interest thereafter coming due, and all moneys remaining in the fund after the payment of all bonds and interest shall be transferred by the board of county commis- sioners to the general fund of the county. Creation of High-School Districts. Sec. 7. There are hereby created four county high-school districts in Lyon County, which shall be known as Yerington high-school district, No. 1 ; Dayton high-school district No. 2 ; Smith Valley high-school dis- trict No. 3 ; and Fernley high-school district. No. 4 ; provided, however, that the Fernley and Smith Valley high-school districts shall not be considered to be organized until it shall appear, under the laws of this state, that they have sufficient qualified students to organize, under the laws of this state, a high school, and until such time as it be so organized it shall be part and parcel of the Yerington high-school district No. 1. Division Into High-School Districts. Sec. 8. As soon as practicable after the passage of this act it shall 84 School Lx\ws of Nevada be the duty of the board of county commissioners, with the assistance of the district attorney and county assessor of said Lyon County, to divide said Lyon County into school districts as provided for in the preceding section, having due regard to the location of the various high schools, the population to be served and the equitable distribution of the taxable property of all kinds within the county. Said county com- missioners when such division is made shall, as accurately as possible, define the boundaries of each of said high-school districts, and shall file a certificate thereof with the county clerk of said county. Defining Yerington High-School District. Until such defining of boundaries by the board of county commission- ers, the Yerington high-school district shall embrace all territory within the following-named school districts : Yerington, Meissner, Wabuska, Smelter, Sanders, Plummer, Barrett, Mason, Perry, Railroad, Gallagher. Defining Dayton High-School District. Until such defining of boundaries by the board of county commis- sioners, the Dayton high-school district shall embrace all territory within the following-named school districts : Dayton, Silver City, Sutro, Churchill, Mound House. Defining Smith Valley High-School District. Until such defining of boundaries by the. board of county commis- sioners, the Smith Valley high-school district shall embrace all territory within the following-named school districts : Wellington, Smith, Artesia, Colony, Ludwig, Central. Selection and Election of High-School Board of Trustees. Sec. 9. On or before the first of April, 1917, it shall be the duty of the school trustees of the school districts within each of the high-school districts hereinbefore provided for by section 8 to meet and select three high-school members, who shall act as a high-school board for their respective districts, and they shall hold office until the next general school election. At each general school election there shall be elected in said county three district high-school board members for each of the high-school districts provided for in this act, two of whom shall serve two years and the other four years, and thereafter at each general school election there shall be elected two members of said high-school boards, one of whom shall serve for two years and the other for four years. Each person elected as provided herein shall be a resident of the high-school district for which he is elected to serve and shall enter upon the duties of his office on the first Monday next following his election and shall hold office until his successor is elected and qualified. In the event a vacancy shall occur, the same shall be filled by the state board of educa- tion. Duties of High-School Boards. Sec. 10. The high-school boards herein provided for shall have control of the fiscal policy of their respective high schools and high-school dis- tricts, they shall embrace uniform high-school courses of study as pro- vided or adopted by the state board of education or other lawful author- ity ; they shall employ all teachers, hire janitors and other employees and discharge the same when sufficient cause therefor exists ; and they shall do any and all things necessary for the proper conduct, mainte- nance and administration of their respective high schools. School Laws of Nevada 85 Budget To Be Prepared — County Commissioners Shall Make Levy — Funds, How Distributed. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the high-school board of each district between the first Monday of Jannarj^ and the first Monday of April of each year to prepare a budget of estimated expenses necessary for the maintenance of its school for the ensuing year; such budget shall be certified to by the high-school board and shall be filed with the county commissioners in season for the levy to be made therefor. It shall be the duty of the said, board of county commissioners to determine and fix for each high-school district the tax rate necessary in each for the ensu- ing year to produce the money required by the respective high-school budgets. Said tax rate shall be estimated upoii the total taxable property within the respective high-school districts? It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to include the same in their annual tax levy upon all taxable property situate within said districts, said high- school district to compose and include all the taxable property in the said Lyon County. The amount of taxes collected from each of the respective districts shall be paid into a separate fund in the county treasury and shall be designated: High-School Fund District No. 1, High-School Fund District No. 2, High-School Fund District No. 3, High-School Fund District No. 4, as the case may be, and may be drawn therefrom for the purpose of defraying the expenses of conducting and maintaining said county district high school for their respective districts in the manner now provided by law for drawing money from the county treasury by school trustees. Under General School Laws. Sec. 12. The respective high schools herein provided for shall be under the same general supervision and shall be subject to the same laws, rules, and regulations as govern other high schools in this state, and all provisions of law concerning such high schools except as they may conflict herewith are hereby adopted. Balances on July 1, 1918, How Distributed. Sec. 13. The moneys remaining to the credit of Lyon County High School No. 1 and to Lyon County High School No. 2 on July 1, 1918, after all current debts have been paid, shall be apportioned by the county commissioners among the district high schools then in existence in the ratio of the taxable property in each district, as officially reported to them, for the school year ending June 30, 1918 ; and they shall direct the county auditor and the county treasurer to enter the apportionments thus made to the credit of the respective high-school districts. Title Vested. Sec. 14. The title of all high-school property of the respective high- school districts provided in this act shall be vested in the respective high-school boards. When Different Sections Go Into Effect. Sec. 15. The first nine sections of this act shall go into effect on and after its approval by the governor ; and section 11 shall go into effect January 1, 1918 ; and the remaining sections on and after July 1, 1918. 86 School Laws of Nevada FREE TEXT-BOOKS FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS An Act to provide hooks, equipment, and materials free of charge to the pupils of the public schools and to provide for and encourage the economic use thereof, and fixing penalties for its infraction, and repealing an act in conflict herewith. Approved March 14, 1913 Trustees to Furnish All School Books and Supplies for Pupils. Section 1. The board of trustees of each school district shall pur- chase all new text and supplementary school books and school supplies to be used by the pupils of such district, and the cost of the same shall be a legal charge against the county school fund belonging to such district. Books Remain Property of School District. Sec. 2. All books purchased by the district board shall be held as property of the district, except as herein provided, and shall be loaned to the pupils of the school in said district while pursuing a course of study therein. Parents and Guardians Responsible for Books — Rules. Sec. 3. The parents and guardians of pupils shall be responsible for all books loaned to the children in their charge, and shall pay to the clerk of the board of trustees, or other person authorized by the board of trustees to receive the same, the full purchase price of every such book destroyed, lost, or so damaged as to make it unfit for use by other pupils succeeding to their classes. The board of trustees shall establish reason- able rules and regulations governing the care and custody of the said books, and for the payment of fines for injuries to the books. Other Equipment and Materials on Same Conditions. Sec. 4. Equipment and materials for use in manual training, indus- trial training, and teaching domestic science may be supplied to the pupils in the same manner out of the same fund and on the same terms and conditions as books; provided, that no private ownership can be acquired in such equipment or material unless sold in the manner pre- scribed by law, when such equipment or material shall be no longer used or required for the schools of the district. Teachers' Desk Books Property of District. Sec. 5. Authorized supplementary and desk books for the use of teachers shall be purchased under this act, and shall remain the prop- erty of the school district for which they were purchased, unless sold in accordance with the provisions of this act. Books May Be Sold. Sec. 6. Text-books and supplementary books may be sold for cash. School Trustees to Pay Money into County Treasury. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the board of trustees to turn over to the county treasurer, within thirty days after receiving the same, all moneys collected under the provisions of this act, and the same shall be credited to the county fund of the district from which it came. Violation of Act Misdemeanor — Penalty. Sec. 8. Every person violating the provisions of this act shall be School Laws of Nevada 87 guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than twenty dollars or imprisonment in the county jail not more than ten days, or both so fined and imprisoned. Former Act Repealed. Sec. 9. An act entitled "An act to provide books, equipment, and materials, and to encourage the economic use thereof by the pupils of the public schools, and fixing penalties for its infraction," approved March 22, 1909, is hereby repealed. In Effect, When. Sec. 10. This act shall go into effect on and after July 1, 1913. SCHOOL TRUSTEES MAY PAY MAINTENANCE EXPENSES WITH INTEREST-BEARING SCHOOL WARRANTS, IN EMERGENCIES Not Effective After February 1, 1919 An Act to authorize the issuance of interest-hearing school warrants in emergencies, to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, and other matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 23, 1911 Interest-Bearing School Warrants Issued, When. Section 1. Whenever the county school fund of any school district is exhausted and there is not available money to meet the necessary expenses involved in maintaining the public schools of the district, the board of trustees of such district may, by unanimous vote, by resolution setting forth the character of the emergency, authorize the clerk of the board to issue orders, for the payment of current bills of the schools of the district, to the county auditor, and said county auditor shall draw warrants for the same on the county treasurer in the usual manner. Such orders shall be in the hands of the county auditor valid vouchers for warrants so drawn. How Endorsed. Sec. 2. When such warrants are presented to the county treasurer he shall endorse thereon the date and "Not Paid for Want of Funds," and such warrants shall draw interest from date at the rate of seven per cent per annum. County Treasurer to Keep List of All Interest-Bearing School Warrants — Interest Ceases, When. Sec. 3. The county treasurer shall keep a list of all warrants so endorsed and shall pay them in the order of endorsement whenever there is sufficient money from any source in the funds upon which such war- rants are drawn. The interest on such warrants shall stop when the county treasurer shall give notice that he has funds with which to pay the same. As amended, Stats. 1913, 54, 55. Amount of Warrants Limited. Sec. 4. It shall not be lawful for the clerk of the board of trustees of such districts to draw orders on the county auditor in such amount that the total amount of such interest-bearing warrants of the district, out- standing and unpaid, shall exceed the total cost of maintaining the schools of the district for the current year, nor exceed one per cent of the total assessed valuation of the district. 88 School Laws of Nevada Procedure Before Issuing Interest-Bearing School Warrants — Special Tax. Sec. 5. Before the issuance of the first of such interest-bearing war- rants the clerk of the board of trustees shall submit to the county com- missioners of said county a copy of the resolution of the board of trustees authorizing the same, and said county commissioners shall levy and cause to be collected and paid into the county school fund of the district a special tax upon the taxable property of the school district sufficient to pay such warrants and interest due thereon within three years. As amended, Stats. 1913, 55. Note — Having complied with the law as to passing and submitting resolution, as required in sections 1 and 5 of this act, the school trustees may legally authorize the clerk to issue orders as needed from time to time to meet current bills, without waiting for the action of the county corrimissioners. This, however, should be done only in school districts having ample assessed valuation to meet readily the obligation incurred. — State Superintendent. Acts Repealed. Sec. 6. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This act shall take effect immediately upon passage and approval. Note — The whole of the foregoing act is repealed, to take effect February 1, 1920. — State Superintendent. ORPHANS' HOME CHILDREN TO ATTEND CARSON SCHOOLS An Act to provide educational facilities for the children in the state orphans' home and other matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 20, 1911 Orphans to Have Domestic and Manual Arts and Commercial Instruction. Section 1. The children residing at the state orphans' home shall be included in the school census of Carson City school district, and in con- sideration of this allowance and the further allowance of one thousand five hundred ($1,500) dollars paid annually out of the general fund of the state treasury, the children of the state orphans' home shall be entitled to attend and shall attend the Carson City public schools and to receive therein the full attention, protection, and instruction accorded to any other children, including the domestic and manual arts in the ele- mentary grades with the addition of commercial branches in the high school, all of which shall be of standard character approved by the state board of education. To this end the board of directors of the state orphans' home is hereby authorized to enter into such agreement with the board of trustees of Carson City school district, district No. 1, of Ormsby County, as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section and of this act ; provided, that if in any year the domestic and manual arts and the commercial branches as hereinbefore named are not furnished as required herein, then the money allowance to said Carson City school district shall be but one thousand ($1,000) dollars for such year ; and provided further, that the increased income of said school dis- trict as herein provided shall be full consideration for the privileges required in this act. As amended, Stats. 1913, 347. Orphans To Be Provided with Books and Other School Supplies. Sec. 2. The board of directors of the state orphans' home shall furnish the children of the home who are attending school all text-books, sup- plementary books, and necessary school supplies ; and they shall furnish a sufficient supply of proper library books for the use of said children ; School Laws of Nevada 89 providedjthat the above-mentioned books and supplies shall be purchased by said board and paid out of the orphans' home fund; and provided further, that in case the state law shall require districts to furnish books and school supplies free to all children attending the public schools, then Carson school district shall furnish the supplies called for in this section. As amended, Stats. 1913, 347. Money Paid School Trustees, How. Sec. 3. Each three months hereafter, beginning with the first day of December, 1911, and ending with the first day of June, 1912, and on the same dates each year thereafter, the board of school trustees of Carson City school district shall present a voucher against the state for one-third of the amount of money allowed in section one of this act. Upon approval of this claim by the board of directors of. the state orphans ' home and by the state board of examiners, the state controller shall draw his war- rant on the state treasurer in favor of the board of trustees of Carson City school district and the state treasurer shall pay the same to the order of said board of trustees, who shall deposit the money with the county treasurer of Ormsby County to the credit of Carson City school district ; and this money shall be used by said school trustees for the payment of teachers ' salaries in this district. Acts Repealed. Sec. 4. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. AMENDMENTS TO ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR STATE ORPHANS' HOME Dependent and Neglected Children Though Not Orphans May Be Received at Orphans' Home — Committed by District Judge. Sec. 12. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the board of directors, at their discretion, from receiving any child or children from its living resident parent, parents, guardian, or guardians, when com- mitted to the state orphans' home as hereinafter provided; provided, however, that the state orphans' home is hereby organized as a home for dependent and neglected children in addition to the other purposes for which the institution is established ; and the board of directors are authorized and required to receive such dependent and neglected chil- dren, or any other children, as may be committed to the care of said institution by any district court of the state. As amended. Stats. 1915, 390. Children Committed by District Judge or County Commissioners^ — County to Pay — All Children at Home Wards of State — Certain Children Barred. Sec. 13. Children admitted to the state orphans' home under the provisions of section 12 of this act, as amended, are hereby declared and adjudged to be wards of the state as fully as whole orphans ; provided, that no child shall be received by the board of directors unless committed by the district court of the county in which such child resides ; provided further, that if the district judge is absent from the county, or from any cause is unable to act when an application is made for the commitment of any dependent, neglected, or any other child to said orphans' home, the county commissioners are hereby authorized to commit such child to said orphans ' home ; but any such commitment by any board of county commissioners is subject to review by the district court of the county 90 School Laws of Nevada from which such child was committed; provided further, that the expenses, transportation, and maintenance of such children, when com- mitted to this institution by any district court or board of county com- missioners of the state, shall become a charge against the county from which such children are committed, such charge for maintenance to be a reasonable rate to be fixed from time to time by the board of directors of said orphans' home; provided, that the district attorney, in his discre- tion, may order the parent, parents, guardian, or guardians to reimburse the said county for the amount of the maintenance of such child or children in said orphans ' home as fixed by the board of directors thereof ; and provided further, that no child who is idiotic or who has any con- tagious disease shall be committed or received by the board of directors of said institution, but all children must be subjected to a mental and physical examination under the direction of said board of directors. As amended, Stats. 1915, 391. EDUCATION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB, AND THE BLIND An Act to provide for the education of the deaf and dumb, and the blind of the State of Nevada. Approved March 2, 1869 Section 1. The superintendent of public instruction is authorized to make arrangements with the directors of any institution for the deaf and dumb and tlie blind in the State of California, or in the State of Utah, for the admission, support, education, and care of the deaf and dumb and the blind of this state, and for that purpose is hereby empowered to make all needful contracts and agreements to carry out the provisions of this act. As amended, Stats. 1907, 371. Application, How Made — Superintendent of Public Instruction to Issue Cer- tificate. Sec. 2. Upon application under oath of a parent, relative, guardian or nearest friend of any deaf, dumb, or blind person, resident of this state, setting forth that by reason of deafness, dumbness, or blindness, such person is disqualified from being taught by the ordinary process of instruction or education, and that such parent, relative, guardian, or nearest friend is unable to pay for his or her support, education, and instruction in the aforesaid institutions, and file the same with the board of county commissioners of the proper county, and such board shall be satisfied of the truth thereof, and such board shall have made applica- tion to the superintendent of public instruction for that purpose, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruction to issue a certifi- cate to that effect, which certificate being produced shall be author- ity of the directors of any of the institutions aforesaid for receiving such deaf and dumb, or blind, person. As amended, Stats. 1907, 371. Sec. 3. [Obsolete.] Persons Entitled to Benefit of This Act — Adults Must be Residents for Five Years. Sec. 4. All deaf and dumb or blind persons that are not mentally or physically incapacitated to receive an education or instruction, that are free from offensive or contagious diseases, and are unable to pay for their support, education, and instruction in the aforesaid institutions, and whose parent, relative, guardian, or nearest friend is unable to pay School Laws of Nevada 91 for his or her support, education, and instruction in any of the afore- said institutions, shall be entitled to the benefits intended by this act, and it is hereby made the duty of the board of county commissioners of such county to make provisions, at the expense of the county, for carry- ing such person to the office of the superintendent of public instruction, who shall make necessary arrangements for carrying the person to any of the institutions of instruction before mentioned, at the expense of the state, payable out of the fund provided by this act. All deaf, dumb, or blind persons over the age of twenty-one years seeking admission into the aforesaid institutions shall, before making application under this act, have been actual bona fide residents of the State of Nevada for the period of five years preceding the date of making such application. As amended, Stats. 1907, 372. FEEBLE-MINDED OR MENTALLY UNDEVELOPED CHILDREN — CARE AND EDUCATION TO BE PROVIDED FOR An Act to provide for the care and education of feeble-minded children, and other matters properly connected therewith. Approved April 1, 1913 Support of Feeble-Minded Children Authorized. Section 1. The superintendent of public instruction is authorized to make arrangements with the director of any institution for the feeble- minded in California, or Utah, or other states for the admission, support, education, and care of feeble-minded children of this state ; and for that purpose is hereby empowered to make all needful contracts and agree- ments to carry out the provisions of this act. Superintendent of Public Instruction to Provide for Care of Such Children — Regarding Inmates of State Orphans' Home. Sec. 2. Upon the application under oath of a parent, relative, guar- dian, or nearest friend of any feeble-minded child, resident of this state, setting forth that by reason of deficient mental understanding, such child is disqualified from being taught by the ordinary process of instruction or education, and that such parent, guardian, relative, or nearest friend is unable to pay for his or her support, education, and instruction in any of the aforesaid institutions, and filing the same with the board of county commissioners of the proper county, and such board shall be satisfied of the truth thereof, and such board shall have made application to the superintendent of public instruction for that purpose, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruction to issue a certificate to that effect, which certificate, being produced, shall be the authority of any such institutions aforesaid for receiving any such feeble-minded child ; provided, that in case of any inmate of the state orphans' home being adjudged feeble-minded, the superintendent of public instruction is authorized to receive such child from the board of directors of said home and shall make provision for such child in the same manner as if received from a board of county commissioners. When Such Children May Be Placed in Proper Institution. Sec. 3. All children who are qualified to enter such institution as is named in section 1 of this act, that are free from offensive or contagious diseases, and are unable to pay for their support, education, and instruc- 92 School Laws of Nevada tion in any of the aforesaid institutions, and whose parent, relative, g'uardian, or nearest friend is unable to pay for his or her support, educa- tion, and instruction in any of the aforesaid institutions, shall be entitled to the benefits intended by this act, and it is hereby made the duty of the board of county commissioners of such county to make provision, at the expense of the county, for carrying such person to the office of the superintendent of public instruction, who shall make necessary arrange- ments for carrying the person to any of the institutions of instruction before mentioned, at the expense of the state, payable out of the fund provided by this act. Appropriation, $1,000. Sec. 4. There shall be set aside from the general fund of the state the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for carrying out the provisions of this act for the years nineteen hundred and thirteen and nineteen hun- dred and fourteen. CONTRIBUTORY DEPENDENCY AND DELINQUENCY An Act to define contributory dependency and contributory delinquency, and to make the same a misdemeanor, and to provide for the punish- ment of persons guilty thereof. Approved March 23, 1909 Section 1. Definition. Any person who shall by any act cause, encourage, or contribute to the dependency or delinquency of a child, as these terms with reference to children are defined by the statutes of this state, or who shall for any cause be responsible therefor, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon trial and conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not to exceed five hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. When the charge against any person under this act concerns the dependency of a child or children, the offense, for con- venience, may be termed "contributory dependency," and when it con- cerns the delinquency of a child or children, for convenience it may be termed "contributory delinquency." All offenses under the provisions of this act shall be prosecuted in the juvenile department of the district court of the county in which said offense may be committed. As amended, Stats. 1911, 382. Sec. 2. Suspension of Sentence. The court may suspend any sen- tence, stay or postpone the enforcement of execution, or release from custody any person found guilty in any case under this act upon such conditions as shall be imposed by the court in accordance with the pro- visions of this act. Sec. 3. Conditions of Suspended Sentence, (a) Such conditions may include the following : Any person found guilty under this act of con- tributory dependency may be required to furnish a good and sufficient bond to the people of the State of Nevada in such sum as the court shall determine, not exceeding one thousand dollars, conditioned for the payment of such amount as the court may order not exceeding twenty dollars per month for the support, care, and maintenance of the child to whose dependency such person has contributed ; such sum to be expended under the directions and orders of the court for the purposes mentioned. School Laws of Nevada 93 (b) The court may permit any child to remain in the custody of the person found guilty by this act of contributing to its dependency, under such suspended sentence, upon such conditions for the treatment and care of such child as may seem to the court to be for its best welfare, or as may be calculated to secure obedience to the law or to remove the cause of such dependency or neglect, and while such conditions are accepted and complied with by any such person, such sentence may remain suspended subject to be enforced upon the violation of any of the conditions imposed by the court; and such bond may be forfeited upon a failure to comply .with any such conditions, as well as upon the failure to pay any amount required for the maintenance of such child. Sec. 4. Conditions of Bond. As a part of the conditions of any such bond mentioned in section 3 hereof, it shall be understood that it shall not be necessary to bring a separate suit to recover the penalty of any such bond which has become forfeited, but the court may cause a citation or a summons to issue to the surety or sureties thereon, requiring that he or they appear at a time named by the court, which time shall be not less than ten or more than twenty days from the issue thereof and show cause, if any there be, why a judgment should not be entered for the penalty of such bond and execution issued for the amount thereof against the property of the surety or sureties thereon, as in civil cases, and upon failure to appear or failure to show any such sufficient cause, the court shall enter such judgment in behalf of the people of the State of Nevada, against the principal and such surety or sureties on such bond not to exceed the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) including the cost. Any moneys collected or paid upon any such execution or in any case upon any such bond, shall be turned over to the clerk of the court (Juvenile Department) of the county in which such bond is given, to be applied first to the payment of all court costs and then to the care or maintenance of the child or children for whose dependency such convic- tion was had, in such manner and upon such terras as the court may direct. If any such moneys so collected be unnecessary for the purposes last mentioned, it shall be turned over within one year to the treasurer of the county. Sec. 5. Violation of Conditions of Suspended Sentence. In the case of any person found guilty of contributory dependency or contributory delinquency where the court has suspended the execution of the sentence during the good behavior and satisfactory conduct of the defendant or upon any other terms or conditions which may have been imposed by the court, it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the court at any time during such suspended sentence or stay of execution that it ought to be enforced, the court may thereupon enforce the same, and any jail sentence thereunder shall commence from the date upon which such sentence is ordered. Sec. 6. Limitation of Sentence Ttvo Years. No sentence shall be sus- pended or final judgment or execution shall be stayed in the case of any person found guilty under this act, to exceed a period of two years. If at any time prior thereto it shall appear to the satisfaction of the court that such person has complied faithfully with the conditions of any sus- pended sentence, judgment, or execution, or is for any cause, in the opinion of the court, entitled to be released therefrom, the court may suspend such sentence indefinitely, in which case such person shall be finally released and discharged, as he shall be in any event at the end of 94 School Laws of Nevada two years from imposition of any such sentence ; pywided, that if any defendant be actually serving a jail sentence imposed under this act and enforced before the expiration of said two years in accordance with the provisions of this act, then in such case the defendant shall not be finally discharged until the expiration of any such sentence. Sec. 7. Officers to File Complaints. Probation officers having the pow- ers of sheriffs or police officers, as well as county prosecuting attorneys, shall have the right and be vested with all power necessary to file com- plaints against any person under this act and to prosecute any such case. In all such cases it shall be the duty of the county prosecuting officer representing the people to prepare any such complaints and prosecute any such cases for such probation officer when so requested by such officer or judge of the juvenile department of the district court; but nothing herein shall be construed to interfere with any county prosecutor representing the people prosecuting such cases under this or any other act as in other criminal cases. Sec. 8. (a) Construction. In order to find any person guilty of violat- ing this act it shall not be necessary to prove that the child has actually become dependent or delinquent, provided it appears from the evidence that through any act of neglect or omission of duty or by any improper act or conduct on the part of any such person the dependency or delin- quency of any child may have been caused or merely encouraged. 8. (b) This act shall always be liberally construed in favor of the state for the purpose of the protection of the child from neglect or omission of parental duty toward the child by the parents, as well as also to pro- tect the children of the state from the effects of the improper conduct, acts, or the bad example of any person or persons whomsoever, which may be calculated to cause, encourage, or contribute to the dependency or delinquency of the children, although such persons are in no way related to the child. 8. (c) Nothing in this act shall be construed to be in conflict with or to repeal or prevent proceedings under any act or statute of this state which may have otherwise defined any specific act of any person as a crime of any character, which act might also constitute contributory delinquency, or contributory dependency, or to prevent or interfere with proceedings under any such acts, nor shall it be construed to be incon- sistent with or to repeal any act providing for the support by parents or parent of their minor children, or any act providing for the punishment of cruelty to children, or the taking of indecent liberties with, or selling liquor, tobacco, or firearms to children, or permitting them in evil or dis- reputable places, and nothing in any such acts or similar acts shall be construed to be inconsistent with or to repeal this act or prevent pro- ceedings hereunder, but in all cases where there shall be more than one prosecution for the same offense, under whatever acts of the character herein described, the fact may be given in evidence to the judge of the court, and may be in the discretion of the court considered in mitigation of any sentence in any such cases. 8. (d) Invalidity of any portion of this act shall not affect the validity of any other portion thereof which can be given effect without such invalid part. School Laws of Nevada 95 DEPENDENT, NEGLECTED, OR DELINQUENT CHILDREN An Act relating to children who are now or who may hereafter become dependent, neglected or delinquent, to define these terms and to provide for the treatment, control, maintenance, protection, adop- tion, and guardianship of the persons of such child or children. Approved March 24, 1909 Section 1. This act shall be known as the "Juvenile Court Law" and shall apply only to children under the age of eighteen years not now or hereafter inmates of a state institution, except as otherwise herein pro- vided. For the purposes of this act the words " dependent child" and " neglected child" shall mean any child who, while under the age of eighteen years, for any reason is destitute, homeless, or abandoned; or dependent upon the public for support ; or has not proper parental care or guardianship ; or habitually begs or receives alms; or is found living in any house of ill-fame, or with any vicious or disreputable person, or has a home which by reason of neglect, cruelty, or depravity on the part of its parents, guardian, or any other person in whose care it may be, is an unfit place for such child, or who, while under the age of ten years, is found begging, peddling, or selling any article or articles, or singing or playing any musical instrument for gain, or giving any public entertainments upon the street, or accompanies or is used in the aid of any person so doing; or is incorrigible, or knowingly associates with thieves, vicious or immoral persons; or without just cause, and without the consent of the parents, guardian, or custodian absents itself from its home or place of abode, or is growing up in idleness or crime; or knowingly frequents or visits a house of ill-fame or ill-repute ; or knowingly frequents or visits any policy shop or place where any gambling device is operated, or patronizes, visits, or frequents any saloon or dram shop where intoxicating liquors are sold ; or patronizes any public poolroom where the game of billiards or pool is being carried on for pay or hire ; or who wanders about the streets in the night time without being on any lawful business or any lawful occupa- tion; or habitually wanders about any railroad yards or tracks, or jumps or attempts to jump onto any moving train; or enters any car or engine without lawful authority, or writes or uses vile, obscene, profane, or inde- cent language, or smokes cigarettes in any public place or about any schoolhouse ; or is guilty of indecent, immoral, or lascivious conduct ; any child committing any of these acts shall be deemed a delinquent child, and when proceeded against, such proceedings shall be on behalf of the state in the interest of the child and the state, with due regard for the rights and duties of parents and others, by petition to be filed by any reputable person, and to that end it shall be dealt with, protected, and cared for in the district court as a ward of the state in the manner here- inafter provided. The words "delinquent person" shall include any person under the age of eighteen years who violates any law of this state or any ordinance of any town, city, county, or city and county of this state, defining crime. A deposition of any child under this act or any evidence given in such cause shall not, in any civil, criminal, or other cause or proceeding whatever in any court, be lawful or proper evidence against such child for any purpose whatever, except in subsequent cases against the same child under this act ; nor shall the name of any such child in connec- 96 ' School Laws of Nevada tion with any proceedings under this act be published in any newspaper without a written order of the court. The word "child" or "children" may be held to mean one or more children, and the word "parent" or "parents" may be held to mean one or both parents, when consistent with the intent of this act. The word "association" shall include any association, institution, or corporation which includes in their purposes the care, or disposition of children, coming within the meaning of this act. As amended, Stats. 1911, 382. Sec. 2. Jurisdiction. The district courts of the several judicial dis- tricts in this state shall have original jurisdiction in all cases coming within the terms of this act. In all trials under this act, any person interested therein may demand a jury of six or twelve persons, or the judge of his own motion may order a jury of the same number to try the case. Sec. 3. Juvenile. Department. The findings of the* court shall be entered in a book or books to be kept for that purpose, and known as the "Juvenile Department," and the court may for convenience be called the ".Juvenile Department of the District Court." Sec. 4. Petition to the Court. Any reputable person, being a resident of the county, may file with the clerk of the court having jurisdicton of the matter, a petition in writing setting forth that a certain child, naming it, within his county, is either dependent, neglected, or delinquent as defined in section 1 hereof ; and that it is for the interest of the child and this state that the child be taken from its parent, parents, custodian or guardian and placed under the guardianship of some suitable person to be appointed by the court; and that the parent, parents, custodian, or guardian of such child, are unfit or improper guardians, or are unable or unwilling to care for, protect, train, educate, correct, control, or discipline such child, or that the parent, parents, guardian, or custodian consent that such child shall be taken from them. The petition shall also set forth either the name, or that the name is unknown to petitioner (a) of the person having the custody of such child ; and (b) of each of the parents or the surviving parent of a legitimate child ; or of the mother of an illegitimate child ; or (c) if it allege that both such parents are or such mother is dead, then of the guardian, if any, of such child ; or (d) if it allege that both such parents are or that such mother is dead and that no guardian of such child is known to petitioner. All persons so named in such petition shall be made defen- dants by name and shall be notified of such proceedings by summons if residents of this state in the same manner as is now or may hereafter be required in court proceedings by the laws of this state, except only as herein otherwise provided. All persons, if any, who or whose names are stated in the petition to be unknown to petitioner, shall be deemed and taken as defendants by the name or designation of "all whom it may concern." The petition shall be verified by affidavit, which affidavit shall be sufficient upon information and belief. Process shall be issued against all persons made parties by the designation of "all whom it may concern" by such description, and notice given by publication as is required in this act shall be sufficient to authorize the court to hear and determine the suit as though the parties had been sued by their proper names. Sec. 5. Summons. The summons shall require the person alleged to have the custody of the child to appear with the child at the time and . School Laws of Nevada 97 place stated in the summons, and shall also require all defendants to be and appear and answer the petition on the return day of the summons. The summons shall be made returnable at any time within twenty days after the date thereof and may be served by the sheriff, or by any duly appointed probation officer, even though such officer be the petitioner. The return of such summons with indorsement of service by the sheriff or by such probation officer in accordance herewith shall be sufficient proof thereof. Whenever it shall appear from the petition or from affidavit filed in the cause that any named defendant resides or hath gone out of the state, or on due inquiry cannot be found, or is concealed within the state or that his place of residence is unknown so that process cannot be served upon him, or whenever any person is made defendant under the name or designation of "all whom it may concern," the clerk shall cause publica- tion to be made once in some newspaper of general circulation published in his county, and if there be none published in his county, then in a newspaper published in the nearest place to his county in this state, which shall be substantially as follows: A, B, C, D, etc. (here giving the names of such named defendants, if any), and to "all to whom it may concern" (if there be any defendant under such designation) : Take notice that on the day of , A. D. 19__, a petition was filed by in the court of County to have a certain child named declared a (dependent or delinquent) and to take from you the custody and guardianship of said child (and if the petition prays for the appointment of a guardian with power to consent to adoption, add and to give said child out for adoption). Now, unless you appear within ten days after the date of this notice and show cause against such application, the petition shall be taken for confessed and a decree granted. Dated (the date of publication). , Clerk. And he shall also within ten days after the publication of such notice send a copy thereof by mail, addressed to such defendants whose place of residence is stated in the petition, and who shall not have been served with summons. Notice given by publications as is required by this act shall be the only publication notice required either in the case of resi- dents, nonresidents, or otherwise. The certificate of a clerk that he has sent such notice in pursuance of this section shall be evidence thereof. Every defendant who shall be duly summoned shall be held to appear and answer either in writing or orally in open court on return day of the summons, or, if such summons shall be served less than one day prior to th« return day, then on the following day. Every defendant who shall be notified by publication as herein provided shall be held to appear and answer either in writing or orally in open court within twenty days after the date, of the publication notice. 'The answer shall have no greater weight as evidence than the petition. In default of an answer at the time or times herein specified or at such further time as by order of court may be granted to a defendant, the petition may be taken as confessed. If the person having the custody or control of the child shall fail with- out reasonable cause to bring the child into court, he may be proceeded against as in case of contempt of court. In case the summons shall be 7 98 School Laws of Nevada returned and not served upon the person having the custody or control of such child or such person fails to obey the same and in any case when it shall be made to appear to the court by affidavit, which may be on information and belief that such summons will be ineffectual to secure the presence of the child, a warrant may be issued on the order of the court either against the parents or either of them, or guardian, or the person having the custody or control of the child or with whom the child may be or against the child itself to bring such person into court. On default of the custodian of the child or on his appearance or answer, or on the appearance in person of the child in court with or without the summons or other process and on the answer, default or appearance or written consent to the proceedings of the other defendants thereto, or as soon thereafter as may be, the court shall proceed to hear evidence. The court may, in any case when the child is not represented by any person, appoint some suitable person to act on behalf of the child. At any time after the filing of the petition and pending the final disposition of the case, the court may continue the hearing from time to time and may allow such child to remain in the possession of his custodian or in its own home subject to the friendly visitation of a probation officer or it may order such child to be placed in the custody of a probation officer of the court, or of any suitable person appointed by the court, or to be kept in some suitable place provided by the city or county authorities. Probation Oflacers — Duties of County Clerk. Sec. 6. The district courts in this state shall have authority to appoint any number of discreet persons of good moral character to serve as pro- bation officers during the pleasure of the court ; said probation officers shall receive no compensation from the county treasury except as herein provided. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the court, if practicable, to notify the said probation officer when any child is to be brought before the court; it shall be the duty of such probation officer to make investiga- tion of such case ; to be present in the court to represent the interests of the child when the case is heard; to furnish such court such information and assistance as the court or judge may require, and to take charge of any child before and after the trial as may be directed by the court. The number of probation officers to receive compensation from the county, named and designated by the district court, shall be as follows: Appointment and Number of Probation Officers. The judge of the district court in and for each county, or city and county, of the state, or the judges where there are more than one judge of the said court, may appoint probation officers, in the number and under the con- ditions as in this act provided, whenever such appointments shall be deemed necessary to care for the dependent and delinquent children of the county; proinded, such probation officers can be removed from office at any time by the said district judge, or judges. The salary of said probation officers shall be as follows: Salaries and. Expenses Limited. In counties having over fifteen thousand population, there may be one probation officer receiving a salary. An assistant probation officer may be appointed, in the discretion of the court, upon the request of the pro- bation officer. The salary of the probation officer shall be fixed by the court appointing him, in any sum not to exceed one hundred and fifty School Laws of Nevada 99 dollars per month ; and the salary of the assistant probation officer, where one is appointed, shall likewise be fixed by the court appointing him, in any sum not to exceed seventy-five dollars per month. The expenses of such probation officers for probation work shall not exceed seven hundred and fifty dollars per year. In counties having less than fifteen thousand population it shall be within the discretion of the district judge, or judges, of each of said coun- ties to determine as to the necessity of appointing a probation officer; provided, that in counties having eight thousand population and under fifteen thousand there shall be no more than one probation officer receiv- ing a salary, and such salary shall be fixed by the court appointing him, in any sum not to exceed one hundred and twenty-five dollars per month ; provided, further, that in counties of five thousand and under eight thousand there shall be no more than one probation officer receiving a salary, and such salary shall be fixed by the court appointing him, in any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars per month ; and provided further, that in counties of under five thousand there shall be no more than one proba- tion officer receiving a salary, and such salary shall be fixed by the court appointing him, in any sum not to exceed seventy-five dollars per month. District Judges May Authorize Salary and Expenses of Temporary Officer. All probation officers whose expenses are not herein provided shall be allowed such necessary incidental expenses as may be authorized by the judge or judges, of the district court of said county; provided, that the said probation officers can be appointed for any portion or part of a year as the said district judge or judges may determine, and can be paid for the time and periods said probation officer serves under such appointment. The salary and expenses of the probation officer shall be paid out of the county funds in the county treasury in monthly installments, in the same man- ner as other claims against the county. Governor and School Officials to Approve Appointment of Officer. Any district judge, or judges, appointing such probation officer to receive a salary or other compensation from the county provided for under this act, shall transmit such appointment to the district superintendent of schools of the district of which the county in which said appointment is made is a part, the state superintendent of public instruction, and the governor of this state, who shall constitute a board to investigate the competency of such person so appointed to act as probation officer, and it shall be the duty of a majority of said board to approve or disapprove of such appointee, within thirty days after the submission thereof by the said district court, and a failure to act thereon within such time shall constitute an approval of such appointment. If a majority of such board are of the opinion that such appointee does not possess the qualifications for a probation officer, they shall notify the court of their conclusions within thirty days of such appointinent to the respective members thereof, whereupon it shall be the duty of the district judge, or judges, to with- draw such appointment and appoint some one who shall receive the approval of said board. Probation Officers to Have Authority of Police Officers. Probation officers receiving a salary or other compensation from the county, provided for by this act, are hereby vested with all the power and authority of police or sheriffs to make arrests and perform any other duties 100 School Laws of Nevada ordinarily required by policemen and sheriffs which may be incident to their office or necessary or convenient to the performance of their duties; provided^ that other probation officers may be vested with like power and authority upon a written certificate from the district judge, or judges, that they are persons of discretion and good character, and that it is the desire of the court to vest them with all the power and authority con- ferred by law upon probation officers receiving compensation from the county. Appointments Filed with Clerk of Court. The appointment of probation officers and the approval thereof as to the qualifications of such officers by the board herein designated,, shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the court. Probation officers shall take an oath such as may be required of other county officers to perform their duties and file in the office of the district court. As amended, Stats. 1.917, 67-70. Probation Officer to File Eeport. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of each probation officer receiving a salary in his respective county, prior to the first day of January in each year, to file with the clerk of the court a report in writing of the num- ber and nature of the cases handled by him during the preceding year, together with such suggestions and comments as may be proper concern- ing probation work in his county, and the management of all societies, associations, and corporations, except state institutions, applying for or receiving any child under this act from the court of his respective county. Court May Decide Custody of Minor. If the court shall find any child under the age of eighteen years to be dependent or neglected within the meaning of this act, the court may allow such child to remain at its home subject to the friendly visitation of a proba:tion officer, or to report to the court or probation officer from its home or school at such times as the court may require. And if parent, parents, guardian or custodian consent thereto, or if the court shall further find that the parent, parents, guardian or custodian of such child are unfit or improper guardians or are unable or unwilling to care for, pro- tect, train, educate, correct or discipline such child, and that it is for the interest of such child and other people of this state that such child be taken from the custody of its parents, custodian or guardian, the court may make an order appointing as guardian of the person of such child, some reputable citizen of good moral character, and order such guardian to place such child in some suitable family, home or other suitable place which such guardian may provide for such child, or the court may enter an order committing such child to some suitable state institution, of this or any other state, organized for the care of dependent or neglected chil- dren, or to some training or industrial school or childrens' home-finding society of this or any other state, or to some association embracing in its objects the purpose of caring for or obtaining homes for neglected or dependent children, which association shall have been accredited as here- tofore provided. As amended, Stats. 1917, 70. Sec. 8. Guardianship. In every case where such child is committed to an institution, or association, the court shall appoint the president, secretary, or superintendent of such institution or association, guardian over the person of such child and shall order such guardian to place such School Laws of Nevada 101 child in such institution or with such association, whereof he is such officer, and to hold such child, care for, train, and educate it subject to the rules and laws that may be in force from time to time governing such institution or association. Sec. 9. Delinquent Children. If the court shall find any child under the age of eighteen years to be delinquent within the meaning of this act, the court may allow such child to remain at its own home subject to the friendly visitation of a probation officer, such child to report to the court or probation officer with such record of its conduct in its home or school as the court may require as often as may be required, and if the parents, parent, guardian, or custodian consent thereto, or if the court shall further find either that the parent, parents, guardian, or custodian are unfit or improper guardians or are unable or unwilling to care for, protect, educate, or discipline such child, and shall further find that the parent, parents, guardian, or custodian are unfit or improper guardians or are unable or unwilling to care for, protect, educate, or discipline such child, and shall further find that it is for the interest of such child and other people of this state that such child be taken from the custody of its parents, parent, custodian, or guardian, the court may appoint some proper person or pro- bation officer, guardian over the person of such child and permit it to remain at its home or order such guardian to cause such child to be placed in a suitable family home, or cause it to be boarded out in some suitable home, in case provision is made by voluntary contribution or otherwise for the payment of the board; or the court may commit such child to any institution incorporated under the laws of this or any other state to care for delinquent children, or to any institution that has been or may be provided by the state, county, city, town, or village suitable for the care of delinquent children including a detention home or school, or to some association that will receive it, embracing in its objects the care of neglected, dependent, or delinquent children and which has been duly accredited as hereinbefore provided. ' In every case where such child is committed to an institution or association, the court shall appoint the president, secretary, or superintendent of such institution or association, guardian over the person of such child, and shall order such guardian to place such child in such institution or with such association, whereof he is such officer, and to hold such child, care for, train, and educate it subject to the rules and laws that may be in force, from time to time governing such institution or association. As amended. Stats. 1911, 387. Sec. 10. The court may, in its discretion, in any case of a delinquent child, permit such child to be proceeded against in accordance with the laws that may be enforced in the state governing the commission of crimes or violation of city, village, or town ordinances; in such case the petition filed under this act shall be dismissed. Whenever any person over the age of eighteen years and under the age of twenty-one years is accused of felony, and the indictment or informa- tion has been filed in the district court of the county wherein the crime was committed, charging said person with the commission of said felony, the judge may, in his discretion, with the consent of the accused, or upon his request, arrest said proceeding at the time of the arraignment or at any time previous to the impanelment of the jury, except where the crime charged is a capital offense or an attempt to commit a capital offense, and may proceed to investigate the charge against the defendant, and all the facts and circumstances necessary to determine the proper disposition 102 School Laws of Nevada to be made of said person, and shall determine whether said person shall be dealt with as a delinquent under the provisions of this act. If the court is satisfied upon such investigation that said person should be declared a delinquent and should be dealt with under this act, it may make such order as herein provided for the disposition of delinquent children. If .such person thereafter proves not to be amen- able to the discipline of the school to which he may be committed, and the trustees thereof shall determine that said person should be com- mitted to a state penitentiary, such person should be returned to the custody of the sheriff of the county in which such crime was committed, and thereafter proceedings shall be had upon the indictment or infor- mation commencing at the point at which proceedings were arrested; and said person shall be tried for the offense alleged in the information, and if convicted shall be sent to the penitentiary for such time as the court may determine, or otherwise dealt with in accordance with the law for dealing with persons convicted of a felony. If no request is made by the defendant for proceedings under this statute, or if the defendant desires a trial by jury, or if the judge declines to consent to the application of the defendant for proceedings under this statute, said cause shall proceed in the ordinary manner up to the verdict of guilty or not guilty, as the case may be. If said person is convicted, the court may thereafter receive such evidence as may be offered, touching the question as to whether or not said person shall be dealt with as a delin- quent in the manner hereinbefore provided in the case of the application and consent of the accused before trial, and may make such order of probation or commitment to said state schools, and may from time to time modify said probation order, as is herein provided in the case of children adjudged delinquent. If such person during the period of his commitment to said state institution, proves to be incorrigible or not amenable to the discipline of such institution, and it shall be deemed advisable in the judgment of the trustees of such institution that said person be sent to the penitentiary, then said person shall be returned to the district court in which the verdict was rendered, for sentence, and thereupon the court shall pronounce judgment. As amended, Stats. 1911, 388. Sec. 11. The court may when the health or condition of any child found to be dependent, neglected, or delinquent, requires it, order the guardian to cause such child to be placed in a public hospital or institu- tion for treatment or special care, or in a private hospital or institution which will receive it for like purposes, without charge to the public authorities. Sec. 12. Guardianship, How Perfected. Any child found to be depen- dent or neglected or delinquent as defined in this act and awarded by the court to a guardian institution or association, shall be held by such guardian institution or association, as the case may be, by virtue of the order entered in such case, and the clerk of the court shall issue and cause to be delivered to such guardian or association a certified copy of such order of the court, which certified copy of such order shall be proof of such guardian institution or association in behalf of such child. The guardianship under this act shall continue until the court shall by further order otherwise direct, but not after such child shall have reached the age of twenty-one (21) years, but if the parent or parents or grandparent or grandparents of such dependent or neglected child are poor and cannot School Laws op Nevada 103 properly care for, maintain, ^nd properly educate such child, but are otherwise proper guardians and a person or persons of good reputation and morals, and shall covenant and agree that such child shall attend school regularly during all school days, when such child is of school age, or until such child shall have completed the eighth grade of the public grammar school, or school of like grades of studies, or have graduated in bookkeeping and commercial course, the court may enter an order finding such facts, and fixing the amount of money necessary to enable the parent or parents or grandparent or grandparents to properly care for and edu- cate such child, providing such amount shall not exceed the amount it would cost the county to have such child maintained and educated at any county or state home, or place provided for dependent or neglected children, in the State of Nevada, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the county board through its county agent, or otherwise, to pay to such parent or parents, or grandparent or grandparents, or blood aunt or blood uncle, the amount specified at such times as said order may designate for the care of such neglected or dependent child, until the further order of the court, and the court shall cease to sanction the payment of the speci- fied amount whenever it shall appear that such child is not receiving the benefit it should from the payment of said specified amount of money. Sec. 2. Any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of the said act as amended shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum of money not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500), or not less than sixty days (60) nor more than two hundred days (200) in the county jail, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. All laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act as amended are hereby repealed. This act shall become effective on the first day of the commencement of the ensuing term of the public school after its enactment and approval. As amended, Stats. 1913, 17 Jp. Note — The foregoing amended section 12, followed by "section 2" and "section 3" without either sequence or introduction and with a mixup of material of section 2 in section 3 as printed in the statutes of 1913, is one of the ever possible bungles in law making. This mixup in section 3 has been eliminated, but the relation of sections 2 and 3 to section 12, or their presence in the act at all, remains an open question. — State Superintendent. Sec. 13. The court may, from time to time, cite into court the guardian, institution or association to whose care any dependent, neglected or delin- quent child has been awarded, and require him or it to make a full, true, and perfect report as to his or its doings in behalf of such child ; and it shall be the duty of such guardian, institution, or association, within ten days after such citation, to make such report either in writing verified by affidavit, or verbally under oath in open court, or otherwise as the court shall direct j and upon the hearing of such report, with or without further evidence, the court may, if it sees fit, remove such guardian and appoint another in his stead, or take such child away from such institution or association and place it in another, or restore such child to the custody of its parents or former guardian or custodian. Sec. 14. Transfers from Justice and Police Magistrates. When in any county where a court is held as provided in section 2 of this act, any child under the age of eighteen years is arrested with or without warrant, such child may, instead of being taken before a justice of the peace or police magistrate, be taken directly before such court; or if the child is taken before the justice of the peace or police magistrate, such justice or magis- 104 School Laws of Nevada trate shall inquire into such case, and unless he be of the opinion that no sufficient foundation exists for the charge of dependency or delinquency, it shall be the duty of such justice of the peace or police magistrate to transfer the case to the district court, and the officer having the child in charge take the child before such court, and in any case the district court may proceed to hear and dispose of the case in the same manner as if the child had been brought before the court upon petition as herein provided. In any case the «ourt shall require notice to be given and investigation shall be made as in other cases under this act, and may adjourn the hear- ing from time to time for that purpose. As amended, Stats. 1911, 389. Sec. 15. Children Under Twelve Years Not To Be Committed to Jail. No court or magistrate shall commit a child under twelve years of age to a jail or police station, but if such child is unable to give bail it may, be committed to the care of the sheriff, police officer, or probation officer, who shall keep such child in some suitable place provided by the city or county outside of the enclosure of any jail or police station. When any child shall be sentenced to confinement in any institution to which adult convicts are sentenced, it shall be unlawful to confine such child within the same building with such adult convict, or to confine such child in the same yard or enclosure with such adult convicts, or to bring such child into any yard or building in which adult convicts may be present. In counties of over ten thousand population the county commissioners of each of said counties are authorized and required without unreasonable delay to provide, furnish, and maintain at public expense a building suit- able and adequate for the purpose of a detention home located at the county-seat of each of said counties, for the detention of the dependent and delinquent children and wherein all children within the. provisions of this act shall, when necessary, before or after trial, be detained, either for securing the attendance of such children at any hearing or trial or when under order of probation for the best interests of said child and of the state. Such detention home shall be under the supervision of a matron who with other necessary employees shall be appointed by the judge or judges of the district court on the nomination of the probation committee, and their salaries shall be fixed by the judge or judges of the district court of the county, and such employees shall hold their posi- tions during the pleasure of the judge or judges of their county. Such detention home shall be conducted as nearly like a home as possible, and shall not be deemed to be or treated as a penal institution. Whenever, in the discretion of the district judge or judges and proba- tion officer, it becomes necessary to provide a superintendent or other male attendant at such detention home, the district judge or judges shall make such appointment, which appointee shall be deputized as, and clothed with the authority of, a probation officer, and it shall be the duty of the county commissioners to provide for the payment of all sal- aries and expenses occasioned thereby. Any child within the provisions of this act, informed against or regard- ing which a petition has been filed, or for any purpose taken into custody, shall, at any time before it is tried and adjudged to be delinquent, be entitled, by any friend or parent offering sufficient surety, to give bond or other security for its appearance at any hearing or trial of such case as such right is given to persons informed against the crime; and the court may in any case, upon the request of said child, or parent repre- School Laws of Nevada 105 senting it, appoint counsel to appear on behalf of any such child, such counsel to receive no pay from the county. As amended, Stats. 1911, 389. Sec. 16. Agents of Juvenile Reformatories. It shall be the duty of the board of managers, trustees, or such authorities as may be vested by law with the control or management of any state institution now or hereafter established to which juvenile delinquents may be committed by the courts of this state, to maintain an agent of such institution, whose duty it shall be to examine the homes of children paroled from such institution, for the purpose of ascertaining and reporting to said institutions where they have suitable homes; to assist children paroled or discharged from such ' institutions in finding employment and to maintain a friendly super- vision over paroled inmates during the continuance of their parole ; such agent shall hold office subject to the pleasure of the board or other authority having charge of said institution, making the appointment, and shall receive such compensation as such board or authorities controlling such institution may determine out of any funds appropriated for such insti- tution which may be applicable thereto. Sec. 17. Incorporation of Association. No association whose objects embrace the caring for dependent, neglected, or delinquent children shall hereafter be incorporated in this state. Sec. 18. The State of Nevada shall be chargeable with and defray all expenses incurred for the support, maintenance, education, care, custody, and control of each and every child after its commitment under the terras and provisions of this act. Sec. 19. Order Relating to Adoption. Whenever the petition filed, as is provided in section 4 hereof, or a supplemental petition filed at any time after the appointment of the guardian, shall pray that the guardian appointed or to be appointed shall be authorized to consent to the legal adoption of the child, and the court upon the hearing shall find that it is to the best interests of such child that the guardian be given such authority, the court may, in its order appointing such guardian, empower him to appear in court where any proceedings for the adoption of such child may be pending, and to consent to such adoption ; and such con- sent shall be sufficient to authorize the court where the adoption proceed- ings are pending to enter a proper order or decree of adoption without further notice to or consent by the parents or relatives of such child; provided, hoiuever, that before entering such order the court shall find from the evidence that (1) the parents or surviving parent of a legitimate child or the mother of an illegitimate child, or if the child has no parents living, the guardian of the child, if any, or if there is no parent living and the child has no guardian or the guardian is not known to petitioner, then a known, near relative of the child, if any there be, consents to such order; or (2) that one parent consents and the other is unfit for any of the reasons hereinafter specified to have the child, or that both parents are or that the surviving parent or the mother of an illegitimate child is so unfit for such reasons — the grounds for unfitness being (a) depravity, (b) open and notorious adultery or fornication, (c) habitual drunkenness for the space of one year prior to the ffiing of petition, (d) extreme and repeated cruelty to the child, (e) abandonment of the child or (f)desertion of the child for more than six (6) months next preceding the filing of the petition, and (3) that such child, if of the age of fourteen years or over, consents to such order. Sec. 20. Foreign Corporations. No association which is incorporated 106 School Laws of Nevada under the laws of any other state than the State of Nevada shall place any child in any family home within the boundaries of the State of Nevada either with or without indenture or for adoption, unless said association shall have furnished the attorney -general with such guaranty as he may require that no child shall be brought into the State of Nevada by such society or its agents, having any contagious, or incurable disease, or having any deformity or being feeble minded, or of vicious character, and that said association shall promptly receive and remove from the state any child brought into the State of Nevada by its agent, which shall become a public charge witliin the period of five (5) years after being brought into the state. Any person who shall receive, to be placed in a home, or shall place in a home, any child in behalf of any associa- tion incorporated in any other state than the State of Nevada, which shall not have complied with the provisions of this act, shall be imprisoned in the county jail not more than thirty days, or fined no less than $5 or more than one hundred ($100) dollars, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 21. Religious Preference. The court in committing children shall place them as far as practicable in the care and custody of some indi- vidual holding the same religious belief as the parents of the said child, or with some association or institution which is controlled by persons of like religious faith of the parents of said child. Sec. 22. Officers of Courts. It shall be unlawful for any court clerk or other person to tax or collect, or for any county to pay any fees what- ever which may be permitted by any law to be taxed or collected for the benefit of any court officer or person for any case concerning any child coming within the provisions of this act for violating any law of this state unless such child shall be proceeded against under the provisions and in accordance with the purpose of this act, except in capital cases or where the courts shall direct a proceeding under the criminal code, as provided in section 10 of this act, or where a case has been instituted before a justice of the peace or police magistrate, who shall duly comply with the provisions of section 14 of this act. Sec. 23. Construction of Act. This act shall be liberally construed to the end that its purpose may be carried out, to wit, that the care, cus- tody, and discipline of the child shall approximate as nearly as may be that which should be given by its parents, and in all cases of dependency where it can be properly done, that the child shall be placed in an approved family home, and become a member of a home and family by legal adop- tion or otherwise, and in cases of delinquency, that, as far as possible, or practicable, any delinquent child shall be treated, not as a criminal, but as misdirected and misguided and needing aid, encouragement, and assistance, and if such child cannot be handled, properly cared for, and corrected in its own home, or with the assistance and help of the proba- tion ofiicers, then that it may be placed in a suitable institution where it may be helped and educated and equipped for industrial efficiency and useful citizenship. Sec. 24. Support of Children. If it shall appear, upon the hearing of the cause, that the parent, parents, or any person or persons named in such petition who are in law liable for the support of such child, are able to contribute to the support of such child, the court shall enter an order requiring such parent, parents, or other persons to pay to the guardian so appointed, or to the institution to which such child may be committed, School Laws of Nevada 107 or to the state, a reasonable sum from time to time for the support, maintenance, or education of such child, and the court may order such parent, parents, or other persons to give reasonable security for the pay- ment of such sum or sums, and, upon failure to pay, the court may enforce obedience to such order as for contempt of court. The court may, on application and on such notice as the court may direct from time to time, make such alterations in the allowance as may appear rea- sonable and proper. Sec. 25. Guardianship of Person. Nothing in this act shall be con- strued to give the guardian appointed under this act the guardianship of the estate of the child or to change the age of minority for any other purpose except the custody of the child. Sec. 26. Appeals. Cases under this act may be reviewed by appeal to the supreme court. Sec. 27. Contempt of Court. Any person who shall interfere with the direction or disposition of any child under any order of the court concerning any child made in pursuance of the provisions of this act, or with any probation or other officer of the court in carrying out the directions of the court under any such order, shall be held to be in con- tempt of court and subject to punishment as for contempt of court. Sec. 28. Validity of Acts. The invalidity of any portion of this act shall not affect the validity of any other portion thereof which can be given effect without such invalid part. Sec. 29. Up to and including July 1, 1913, the governor and the superintendent of public instruction of this state are hereby authorized and directed to make such contracts for and in behalf of this state, with the States of California, Oregon, Idaho, or Utah, for the care, mainte- nance, and training of juvenile delinquents of this state, in the indus- trial or training schools for juvenile delinquents of such States of Cali- fornia, Oregon, Idaho, or Utah, and upon such terms as the said governor and superintendent of public instruction may deem necessary for the proper care, maintenance ,and training of such delinquents. As amended, Stats. 1911, 391. FROM REVISED LAWS OF NEVADA, 1912 An Act concerning crimes and punisliments, and repealing certain acts relating thereto. Approved March 17, 1911 ; effective January 1, 1912 6502. Unlawful to Sell Tobacco to Minors — Penalty. Sec. 237. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons within this state to sell or give to any minor, under the age of twenty-one years, any cigarette or cigarettes, or any tobacco of any description, except that upon the written order of the parent or guardian of the minor, the per- son applied to may give or sell to the minor, for the use of the guardian or parent, tobacco or cigars ; said written request to be kept on file by the seller or giver of the article so sold or given away. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars and not less than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding six months nor less than fifty days, or both. The 108 School Laws of Nevada justice of the peace shall also tax as costs fifty dollars, in addition to the fine, which sum shall be paid to the informer. [Unlawful to sell or to give away cigarettes or cigarette papers to minors, sees. 3874, 3875, Revised Laws of 1912.] 6506. Selling LicLuor to Minors or Imbeciles, or Allowing Minors in Billiard Halls^ — Employing Minor as Barkeeper. Sec. 241. Every person who shall sell or give to any person under the age of twenty-one years, or to any one known to be an imbecile, any intoxicating drink or drinks, or who shall employ a minor as a bar- keeper, and every minor who shall falsely represent himself to be twenty-one years of age in order to obtain such intoxicating drink or drinks, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not less than fifty days, nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment; provided, that nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to parents of such minors and imbeciles, or guardians of their wards, or physicians. Every person owning or having in charge any saloon, or public hall, or public room, where one or more billiard tables or pool tables are kept for hire or for the purpose of charging persons who play thereon, or for the use of persons who may buy drinks, cigars, or tobacco in the building in which such table or tables are kept, who shall allow any minor under the age of twenty-one years to play billiards or pool, upon any such table, or to frequent the room where such table is kept, without the written consent of the parent or guardian of such minor, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 6610. Use of Firearms by Minors. Sec. 345. No minor under the age of fourteen years shall handle or have in his possession or under his control, except while accompanied by or under the immediate charge of his parent or guardian, any firearm of any kind for hunting or target practice or for other purposes. Every person violating any of the foregoing provisions, or aiding or knowingly permitting any such minor to violate the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. An Act prohibiting certain persons from reonaining in saloons, and fixing penalties for the violation thereof. Approved March 22, 1911, 314 6842. Minor Barred from Places Where Liquor Is Sold. Section 1. Any proprietor, keeper, or manager of a saloon, or resort where spirituous, malt, or fermented liquors or wines are sold, who shall knowingly allow or permit any person under the age of twenty-one years to remain therein, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100. [See subdivision 11 of section 6619 defining "Vagrancy."] An Act concerning the liabilities of proprietors and keepers of saloons and gambling houses. Approved March 19, 1897, 111 6843. Liable for Damages. Section 1. Any proprietor or keeper of a saloon, gambling house, School Laws of Nevada 109 or resort where liquors are sold, who shall sell or give to any minor any spirituous or malt liquors, or who shall permit any minor to engage in any game in his saloon, gambling house or resort where liquors are sold, or who shall permit any minor to lounge or remain therein, shall be liable to the parent or guardian of such minor in damages, which may be collected by a civil action in a sum not less than fifty nor more than one thousand dollars. DELINQUENT CHILDREN TO BE PROVIDED FOR— NEVADA HOME OF INDUSTRY ESTABLISHED An Act establishing a state institution for delinquent hoys, providing for the purchase of a site, erection of buildings, organizing the govern- ment of said school, and providing for the maintenance thereof, and creating a tax levy to raise funds for such purposes. Approved March 26, 1913 School Established. Section 1. There shall be established in the manner hereinafter pro- vided a state institution to be known as " The Nevada School of Indus- try." For Delinquent Boys — Permanent Board Authorized to Provide for Children of Either Sex. Sec. 2. Said school shall be designated and calculated to provide a suitable home for boys committed thereto under the laws of Nevada relating to the care of children who have been adjudged delinquent, and for the moral, industrial, and general education of such boys ; provided, that the permanent board of government hereinafter created shall be authorized to provide for the care of delinquent children of either sex properly committed thereto, either at this school, or by sending female delinquents to other institutions of a like kind for females, and are authorized to pay the expense of transportation and maintenance of children sent to such other institution out of the fund hereinafter created by this act. Governor to Appoint Commission — School in Elko. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the governor of Nevada, on or before the thirty-first day of March, 1913, to appoint two persons who, together with the governor, shall constitute a commission for the establishment of a school of industry at the town of Elko, Elko County, Nevada, upon a ten-acre site to be deeded to the state without charge ; conditioned upon the payment to the commission by the citizens of Elko of the sum of five thousand dollars to assist in the construction of suitable buildings for such home. Commission to Secure Plans for Buildings. Sec. 4. Upon the choice of such site having been made, it shall be the duty of such commission to advertise in such Nevada and other newspapers as to the commission shall seem best for the architectural designs and plans for such building or buildings as shall be deemed requisite by the commission for such school and for the carrying out of its purposes, and said commission shall include in such advertisement a brief description of the character, size, and cost limit of the building or buildings to be constructed ; said advertisement shall state that all 110 School Laws of Nevada designs, plans, and estimates for the cost of construction thereof shall be received by the commission. The commission shall have the power to reject any and all designs and plans submitted. Commission May Employ Architect, Sec. 5. The said commission shall, after passing on said designs, have power, in the event of no design having been accepted, to employ an architect of their choice to make under their direction a proper design with plans and specifications, all to be approved by the commission and at a cost also approved by them. The commission shall likewise have power to modify any accepted plans or designs as they see fit. Contracts To Be Let. Sec. 6. Immediately upon the acceptance or adoption of a design and plans and specifications, with their modifications, if any, the said commission shall, under the advice of the attorney-general, let a con- tract or contracts for the construction thereof, with suitable indemnity bond or bonds to be approved by a majority of the commission and by the state treasurer. Said commission shall have full power to prescribe the course of procedure to be by them adopted for the securing, sub- mission, and opening of bids, and awarding of contracts thereon, or said commission may, if in their judgment deemed best, negotiate for the construction by contract without competitive bidding thereon. Clerk To Be Appointed. Sec. 7. Said commission shall have authority to employ a clerk to keep its records and accounts, and to incur such expense as may be necessary for architectural advice, stenographic service, and any other incidental expense as shall be approved as necessary by the commission. All Expenditures Published. Sec. 8. All expenditures made by said commission in the performance of the duties in this act imposed, shall be audited by the state controller, and once every month said auditor shall publish in some newspaper of general circulation in Nevada, an abstract of expenditures to date, up to the time of the completion of said building or buildings. Governor and Four Appointees to Constitute Permanent Board — Superinten- dent — Salary. Sec. 9. The permanent board of government of said institution shall consist of the governor of Nevada and four persons to be appointed by him, and removable by a majority vote of the members of the board. The terms of office of such members, other than the governor, shall expire one each year, beginning January 1, 1915, and in the appoint- ments the times of expiration of the first appointees shall be designated in the respective appointments, and thereafter their terms of office shall be four years each. The members of said board shall serve without compensation, but necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties as members of said board shall be paid out of the appropriations made for the maintenance of said school, when approved by the board. They shall appoint a superintendent of the school, whose salary shall be not more than $2,400 per year, payable monthly, and who shall hold office during the pleasure of the board. The board of government is hereby authorized to accept gifts, and in order that the home herein provided for may be prepared as soon as pos- School Laws of Nevada 111 sible, to borrow money at a rate not to exceed 6 per cent, to be repaid from the fund created by this act. Bond of Superintendent, Sec. 10. The superintendent shall give such bond for the faithful performance of his duties as shall be prescribed from time to time by the board, and shall, subject to the regulations prescribed by the board, be invested with the custody of the lands, buildings, and other property belonging to the institution. He shall appoint, subject to the approval of the board, all teachers, officers, and employees who shall hold office dur- ing his pleasure. Education and Training of Inmates. Sec. 11. The board shall cause to be organized and maintained a department of instruction for the inmates of said school, with a course of study corresponding, so far as practicable, with the course of study in the state public schools and not higher than the high-school courses. They shall adopt a system of government embracing such rules and regu- lations as are necessary for the guidance of the teachers, officers, and employees, for the regulation of the hours of labor and study, for the preservation of order, for the enforcement of discipline, and for indus- trial training of the inmates. The ultimate purpose of all such instruc- tion, training, discipline, and industries shall be to qualify inmates for profitable and honorable employment and to enable them to lead useful lives after their release from the institution rather than to make said institution self-supporting. School Regulations and Rules. Sec. 12. The rules and regulations of said school and the conduct thereof by said board and said superintendent shall be in strict harmony with and obedience to the laws of the State of Nevada, and the judg- ments and orders of the district courts of the several judicial districts rendered and made in accordance with the laws of Nevada. Construction of this Act — Inmates May Receive Moderate Pay in Lieu of Cothing, Etc. Sec. 13. This act shall be construed in conformity with the intent as well as the expressed provisions thereof, and shall confer upon the board authority to do all those lawful acts which it deems necessary to promote the prosperity of the school, and the well-being and education of its inmates, including the organization of trade schools, purchase of materials for use therein, and the doing of all other things, not prohib- ited, which are required to carry out the purposes of this act. The board is further authorized to pay those committed to said school small weekly or monthly sums in lieu of clothing and other necessary articles, if, in its judgment, such a course would better promote discipline and training ; and for this purpose and also to meet small current and inci- dental expenses the said board is hereby authorized to place in the hands of the superintendent of this industrial school, through requisitions approved by the state board of examiners, and issued and paid by war- rants as provided herein, sums of money, not to exceed five hundred dollars at any one time ; provided, that the superintendent shall make a complete financial report each month to the board of trustees of all moneys handled by him. 112 School Laws of Nevada Courts to Commit Boys to Institution. Sec. 14. When the premises are ready for occupancy, the governor shall make due proclamation thereof. Thereafter it shall be lawful for the courts to commit to said institution those boys whom they shall have found to be delinquents as provided by law. Special State Tax of Two Cents. Sec. 15. For the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1913, and the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1914, an ad valorem tax of two cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property is hereby levied and directed to be collected, for the purposes of this act, upon all the taxable property in this state, including the net proceeds of mines and mining claims, except such property as is by law exempt from taxation, and all money derived from said taxes shall be paid into the treasury to the credit of the Nevada school of industry fund herebv created. PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPORT OF CHILDREN Chapter 131, Stats. 1915 Indigent Mothers to Receive County Help. Section 1. It shall be the duty of the county commissioners of each county in this state, and they are hereby empowered and authorized, to provide funds in an amount sufficient to meet the purposes and require- ments of the law, for the support of women whose husbands are dead or are inmates of a penal institution or an insane asylum, or who are aban- doned by their husbands, and such abandonment has continued for more than one year, or because of the total disability of their husbands, and who are unable to support their children, when such women are destitute or are dependent upon their own efforts for the maintenance of their children and are mothers of children under the age of fifteen years, and such mothers and children reside in such counties in the state. Allowance Limited. Sec. 2. The allowance to each of such mothers shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars per month when she has but one child under the age of fifteen years, and if she has more than one child under the age of fifteen years, it shall not exceed the sum of twenty -five dollars a month for the first child and fifteen dollars a month for each of the other children under the age of fifteen years, but in no case shall the entire allowance for mother and children be more than fifty-five dollars per month. As amended, Stats. 1917, 13. Allowance, Conditions Of. Sec. 3. Such allowance shall be made and fixed by the board of county commissioners for their respective counties upon the following conditions : First — The child or children for whose benefit the allowance is made must be living with the mother of such child or children. Second — "When by means of such allowance the mother will be able to maintain a home for her child or children. Third — The mother must, in the judgment of the board of county commissioners, be a proper person, morally, physically and mentally, for the bringing up of the children. School Laws of Nevada 113 Fourth — No person shall receive the benefit of this act who shall not have been a resident of the county in which such application is made for at least one year next before the making of such application for such allowance. When Child Reaches 15 Years of Age Allowance Ceases. Sec. 4. Whenever any child shall reach the age of fifteen years, any allowance made to the mother of such child, for the benefit of such child, shall cease. The board of county commissioners may, in their discre- tion, at any time before such child reaches the age of fifteen years, discontinue or modify the allowance to any mother or for any child. Fraud Punished. Sec. 5. Any person procuring fraudulently any allowance for a per- son not entitled thereto shall be deemed guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Order To Be Recorded. Sec. 6. In each case where an allowance is made to any woman under the provisions of this act, an order to that effect shall be entered upon the records of the board of county commissioners making such allowance. Proceedings to obtain the benefits of this act shall be instituted by the applicant for allowance by filing an application before the board of county commissioners, same being properly verified under oath. Appeal to District Court May Be Taken. Sec. 7. In each case where an allowance is made or refnsed to any mother under the provisions of this act by the board of county commis- sioners, an appeal may be taken to the district court from such decision, by the applicant or by any taxpaying citizen, and such appeal shall be subject to the rules of procedure as in the case of appeals from the justice court. Duties of District Attorney — No Fees. Sec. 8. The district attorney shall render all necessary assistance to applicants under this act, and shall appear in every such proceeding, and shall carefully investigate the merits of every application, to the end that this act may be fairly administered and no person granted relief here- under except those justly entitled thereto ; and no officer of the court or county officer shall receive any fees for services rendered in carrying out the provisions of this act. A certified copy of said order shall be filed with the county auditor of the county in which such child's mother is resident, and thereupon, and thereafter, and so long as such order remains in force and unmodified, it shall be the duty of the county auditor each month to draw on the general fund of the county in favor of the mother for the amount specified in such order, which warrant shall be by the auditor delivered to the mother upon her executing duplicate receipts therefor, one to be retained by the auditor, and the other to be filed by the clerk with the records in the proceeding relating to such child or children. It shall be the duty of the county treasurer, and he is hereby authorized and empowered, to pay such warrant out of the general funds of the county. Repeal. Sec. 9. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. ^___ 114 School Laws op Nevada EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDEEN PROHIBITED IN CERTAIN CASES- LIMITED IN OTHERS— PENALTIES An Act regulating the employment of children and providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of said act. Approved March 25, 1913 No Child Under 14 to Labor During School Hours. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to employ any child under fourteen (14) years of age in any business or service whatever during the hours in which the public schools of the district, in which the child resides, are in session. Child Under 16 Shall Never Work in Certain Callings. Sec. 2. No child under the age of sixteen (16) years shall be employed, permitted, or suffered to work in any capacity in, about, or in connection with the preparing of any composition in which dangerous or poisonous acids are used, manufacture of paints, colors, or white lead; dipping, drying, or packing matches; manufacture of goods for immoral purposes; nor in, about, or in connection with any mine, coal breaker, quarry, smelter, ore-reduction works, laundry, tobacco warehouses, cigar factory, or other factory where tobacco is manufactured or prepared, distillery, brewery or any other establishment where malt or alcoholic liquors are manufactured, packed, wrapped or bottled; nor in any other employ- ment declared by the state board of health to be dangerous to lives or limbs, or injurious to the health or morals of children under the age of sixteen (16) . State Board of Health to Decide as to Injurious Callings. Sec. 3. The state board of health may from time to time determine whether or not any particular trade, process of manufacture, or occupa- tion, or any particular method of carrying on such trade, process of manufacture, or occupation is sufficiently dangerous to the lives or limbs, or injurious to the health or morals, of minors under sixteen (16) years of age employed therein to justify their exclusion therefrom, and may prohibit their employment therein. Duties of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Inspector, or School Officer. Sec. 4. The state superintendent, or other authorized inspector or school attendance officer, shall make demand on an employer in or about whose place or establishment a child apparently under the age of four- teen (14) years is employed, or permitted or suffered to work, during the hours in which public schools of the district are in session ; that such employer shall either furnish him within ten (10) days satisfactory evi- dence that such child is in fact over fourteen (14) years of age, or shall cease to employ, or permit or suffer such child to work. Other Callings Where Child Under 16 Cannot Work. Sec. 5. No child under the age of sixteen (16) years shall be employed, permitted, or suffered to work in, about, or in connection with glass furnaces, smelters, or ore-reduction works, in the outside erection and repair of electric wires, in the running or management of elevators, lifts, or hoisting machines, in oiling hazardous or dangerous machinery in motion, at switch tending, gate tending, track repairing, as brakeman, fireman, engineer, motorman, conductor upon any railroads, in or about establishments where nitroglycerine, dynamite, dualin, guncotton, gun- School Laws of Nevada 115 powder, or other high or dangerous explosives are manufactured, com- pounded, or stored; nor in any other employment declared by the state board of health to be dangerous to the lives or limbs, or injurious to the health or morals of childeen under the age of sixteen (16) years. State Health Board to Decide What Are Injurious Callings. Sec. 6. The state board of heath may from time to time determine whether or not any particular trade, process of manufacture, or occupation, or any particular method of carrying on such trade, process of manufacture, or occupation is sufficiently injurious to the lives or limbs, or injurious to the health or morals, of the minor under the age of sixteen (16) j^ears, employed therein to justify their exclusion therefrom, and may prohibit their employment therein. Messengers Must Be Over 18 when Employed at Night Work. Sec. 7. In incorporated cities and towns no person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall be employed or permitted to work as a mes- senger for a telegraph or messenger company in the distribution, trans- mission, or delivery of goods or messages before 5 o'clock in the morning, or after 10 o'clock in the evening of any day. Eight Hours a Day's Work for Children — Exception. Sec. 8. No boy under the age of sixteen (16) years and no girl under the age of eighteen (18) years shall be employed or permitted or suffered to work at any gainful occupation, other than domestic service or work on a farm, more than forty-eight hours in any one week, nor more than eight hours in any one day. The presence of a child in any establish- ment during working hours shall be prima facie evidence of its employ- ment therein. Penalties for Violation of Act. Sec. 9. Whoever employs any child, and whoever, having under his control as parent, guardian, or otherwise, any child, permits or suffers any child to be employed or work in violation of any of the provisions of this act, shall for such offense be fined not less than five ($5) dollars nor more than two hundred ($200) dollars or to be imprisoned for not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Other Penalties. Sec. 10. Whoever continues to employ any child in violation of any of the provisions of this act, after being notified thereof by a school attendance officer, or other authorized officer, shall for every day there- after that such employment continues be fined not less than five ($5) dollars nor more than twenty ($20) dollars. From Revised Laws of 191S Mendicant, Immoral, Etc., Occupations. Sec. 6823. Every person who shall employ, or cause to be employed, exhibit, or have in his custody for exhibition or employment any minor actually or apparently under the age of eighteen years ; and every parent, relative, guardian, employer, or other person having the care, custody, or control of any such minor, who shall in any way procure or consent to the employment of such minor — 1. In begging, receiving alms, or in any mendicant occupation; or 116 School Laws of Nevada 2. In any indecent or immoral exhibition or practice; or 3. In any practice or exhibition dangerous or injurious to life, limb, health, or morals; or 4. As a messenger for delivering letters, telegrams, packages, or bundles to any house of prostitution or assignation — shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Age Limit. Sec. 6824. Every person who shall employ, and every parent, guardian, or other person having the care, custody, or control of such child, who shall permit to be employed, by another, any male child under the age of fourteen years or any female child under the age of sixteen years at any labor whatever, in or in connection with any store, shop, factory, mine, or any inside employment not connected with farm or housework, without a written permit thereto of a judge of the district court of the county wherein such child may live, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. BONDING COUNTIES FOR HIGH-SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND DORMITORIES Displaces Act of 1913 An Act to provide for bonding counties for building and equipping county high schools and dormitories or for either one of these pur- poses, and matters properly connected therewith. Approved February 16, 1917 Question of Bonds for High-School Equipment Submitted to Voters, When. Section 1. Whenever the county board of education in any county hav- ing a county high school shall certify to the board of county commission- ers of such county that a. new county high-school building or dormitory, or both of these are needed, or that it is necessary to enlarge one or more of the buildings in use, or to acquire a new building site or additional land for necessary school purposes or to purchase or acquire other neces- sary high-school equipment, and that the cost of the same is such that a bond issue for the purpose is advisable, and shall furnish the board of county commissioners with a definite statement of the amount of money needed therefor, said board of county commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to submit the question of bonding the county for the amount and purposes named to the voters of the county at the next general elec- tion; or said board may, in its discretion, order a special election if so requested by the county board of education. Notice of Election. Sec. 2. The board of county commissioners may make an order for the bond election provided for in this act at any regular meeting or at a special meeting held not less than eight weeks before any general or special election, which election shall be noticed, held and conducted, and returns thereof made as and in the manner now provided by law for holding elections in the several counties of the state. What Notice Must Contain. The election notice must contain : First — The time and places of holding such election. School Laws of Nevada 117 Second — The hours during the day in which the polls will be opened, which hours shall be the same as at general elections. Third — The amount of the bonds, the rate of interest, not exceeding six per centum, and the number of years, not exceeding twenty, the bonds are to run. Fourth — In what town or city the proposed new buildings or enlarge- ments are to be erected or where a new building site or additional land is to be acqiiired, or where the proposed equipment is to be placed and used . Fifth — The purpose or purposes for which the money realized from the sale of the bonds is to be used. Sixth — Such other facts as may be necessary to fully inform the voters of the nature and purposes of the pi'oposed bond issue. There shall be placed upon one line of the printed ballots for such elec- tion the words "For the bonds," and immediately below upon another line on the ballot, the words " Against the bonds." The method of indicating choice thereof shall be the usual method prescribed in this state. • Bond Issue Decided by Election. Sec. 3. If, upon the official determination of the result of such election, it shall appear that a majority of all the votes cast are " For the bonds" the board of county commissioners, as soon as practicable thereafter, shall issue the negotiable coupon bonds of the county in such form and denomi- nation as the county board of education may direct, but not in conflict with the election notice thereof, said bonds to run for a period not to exceed twenty (20) years from the date of issue and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six (6) per cent per annum, payable semiannually, both principal and interest payable at such place as the board of county com- missioners may direct. Before any of the bonds provided for in this act are sold, notice of the proposed sale must be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county for at least three weeks, inviting sealed bids to be made for said bonds, and the bonds shall be sold to the highest and best bidder, but in no event shall be sold for less than their par value. Particulars Regarding Bonds. Sec. 4. All bonds issued under the provisions of this act shall be signed by the chairman of the board of county commissioners, attested by its clerk, sealed with the seal of the county, and countersigned by the county treasurer; and each of the interest coupons attached to said bond shall be signed by the original or engraved facsimile signature of said chairman, clerk, and treasurer. Registration of Bonds — Fund Designated — Interest Limit. Sec. 5. Before any county shall sell any bonds under the provisions of this act, all such bonds shall be delivered to the treasurer of the county to be duly registered by him in a book kept for that purpose in his office, which shall show the amount, the place and time of payment, and the rate of interest ; and all such bonds shall bear the certificate of the county treasurer to the effect that they are issued and registered under the provisions of this act. After such registry the bonds shall be advertised for sale and sold by the county board of education for the purpose of raising funds for the objects designated in this act. All 118 School Laws of Nevada moneys derived from the sale of such bonds shall be paid to the county- treasurer, and the said treasurer is hereby required to receive and safely keep the same in a fund hereby created and known as the "County High- School Building Fund," and to pay out said moneys in the manner now provided by law for payments from the "County High-School Fund" and for the purposes provided for in this act. The county board of education is hereby authorized and directed to use the money derived from the sale of said bonds, or such portion thereof as they may deem necessary, for the construction or enlargement of the high-school building or dormitory, or both, as the case may be, and for the purchase of property for a build- ing site, agricultural gardens and other necessary school purposes; and any balance remaining in such fund after the accomplishment of the said purpose or purposes for which said bonds are issued shall be converted into and become apart of the "County High-School Fund." Said county board of education shall determine as to the character and location, within the town or city as advertised, of said building or improvements and the materials and plans to be used therefor; or of the building site, additional land or high-school equipment ; said board shall advertise for bids for the construction thereof and let the construction thereof by con- tract to the lowest responsible bidder, said board to have authority to reject any and all bids and to readvertise until a satisfactory bid is obtained. Should the holder of any bond or bonds issued under this act, for any cause whatever, fail to present the same to the county treasurer for payment when due, all interest thereon shall thereupon immediately cease. Special Tax for Interest and Redemption of Bonds — General Fund Used, When. Sec. 6. Whenever a county shall issue and sell any bonds under the provisions of this act, it shall be the duty of the board of county com- missioners to annually levy and assess a special tax on all the taxable property of such county, including the net proceeds of mines, in an amount sufficient to pay the interest accruing thereon promptly when and as same becomes due, according to the tenor and effect of said bonds, and the county treasurer shall collect the same as other taxes are collected, in cash only, keeping the same separate from other funds received by him, and shall cause said interest to always be promptly paid at the place of payment specified in the bonds ; if there be any surplus after paying said interest, the treasurer shall without delay pass the same to the credit of the county high-school fund, and such money so passed to the credit of said fund, shall be subject to the disposal of the county board of educa- tion; and annually thereafter, provided the board of county commission- ers so determine, until the full payment of such bonds has been made, the board of county commissioners shall levy and assess a special tax, and shall cause such special tax to be collected on all the taxable prop- erty of the county, including the net proceeds of mines, sufficient to raise annually a proportion of the principal of said bonds equal to a sum pro- duced by taking the whole amount of said bonds outstanding and dividing it by the number of years said bonds then have to run, which amount shall be levied and assessed as aforesaid, and shall be collected by the county treasurer in the same manner as the tax for the payment of the interest coupons, and when collected shall be known as the "County High-School Bond Sinking Fund" and shall be used only for the payment of said bonds which said county treasurer shall cause to be paid at the School Laws of Nevada 119 place of payment specified in such bonds. The sinking fund thus created may be applied to the purchase and cancelation of the outstanding bonds provided for in this act before the same become due. At the maturity of such bonds the county treasurer shall call in and pay them with the interest accrued thereon, and shall duly cancel each bond and certify his action to the board of county commissioners and county board of educa- tion. In the event the funds to pay interest are not collected in time to permit the payment of the interest on said bonds when the same shall become due, the county treasurer shall pay the amount due out of the general county fund and then reimburse said fund for the amount so borrowed from it when said interest funds are collected. Maximum Bonding Limits. Sec. 7. The maximum bonding limit of counties for county high- school purposes under the provisions of this act shall be as follows : 1. For counties having a total assessed valuation of two million five hundred thousand ($2,500,000) dollars or less, two and one-half per cent of such valuation. 2. For counties having an assessed valuation of over two million five hundred thousand ($2,500,000) and less than five million ($5,000,000) dollars of assessed valuation, two per cent of such valuation. 3. For counties having an assessed valuation of five million ($5,000,000) dollars and less than ten million ($10,000,000) dollars of assessed valua- tion, one and one-half per cent of such valuation. 4. For counties having ten million ($10,000,000) dollars or over of assessed valuation, one per cent of such valuation. Change in Lines of County Not to Release Property from Taxation. Sec. 8. No change in the boundary lines of any county shall release the taxable real property of the county from assessment and levy of the taxes to pay the interest and principal of such bonds, and if there shall be any change in the boundary of such county so as to leave out any por- tion of the taxable real property of the county which was subject to taxation in the county at the time of the issue of such bonds, the assess- ment and levy of taxes for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds shall be made on such property as if it were still within the county, and shall be collected in like manner, and if there shall be any change of the boundary lines of such county so as to annex or include any taxable or real property, after the issue of such bonds, the real prop- erty so included or annexed shall thereafter be subject to the assessment and levy of a tax for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds. Taxes a Lien on Property. Sec. 9. All taxes levied and assessed as in this act provided shall con- stitute a lien on the property charged therewith, from the date of the levy thereof by the county commissioners, or the entry thereof on the assess- ment roll of the county auditor, until the same are paid, and thereafter, if allowed to become delinquent, shall be enforced in the same manner as is now provided by law for the collection of state and county taxes. And no additional allowance, fee, or compensation whatever shall be paid to any officer for carrying out the provisions of this act. Bonds Declared Valid. Sec. 10. All bonds authorized or issued under the provisions of law 120 School Laws of Nevada existing prior to the passage of this act are hereby declared to be valid and the county board of education is hereby authorized to use the pro- ceeds derived from the sale thereof for any or all of the purposes herein- before mentioned. Sec. 11. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed . SECTIONS OF GENERAL ACTS IN REVISED LAWS OF NEVADA, 1912, APPLYING TO EDUCATIONAL FUNDS 1619. Escheated Estate Funds Paid to State for Educational Purposes. Sec. 5. Each executor, administrator, and public administrator, on final settlement of an estate and proper order of the court having juris- diction in the matter thereof, or before final settlement, upon the regular order of the court aforesaid, shall pay over all moneys of such estate to the lawful heirs, or legatees, or devisees thereof, and if there be none of either, then to the county treasurer, and the county treasurer shall pay the same to the state treasurer, and if the same escheat to the state, the state treasurer shall place the same in the fund devoted and pledged to educational purposes. 1625. Recovery Action by Heirs — If Not Sustained, Money Must Be Paid into Irreducible School Fund. Sec. 12. Anj- money paid into the state treasury under the provisions of this act, excepting from an escheated estate, may be recovered by the rightful heirs or legatees thereof in the following manner, viz: Such heir or heirs, legatee or legatees, may present their claim therefor to the district court which had jurisdiction of the final settlement of the estates to which such money belonged, and make proof of the validity of such claim, after notice given to the attorney-general of the state, to the satis- faction of such court, under such rules as it may prescribe. If satisfied on the hearing that such claimant or claimants are rightfully entitled to the same, the court shall enter a decree that such money be paid to him or them. Such decree shall then be certified to the state board of exam- iners, stating the amount thereby found to be due, and the said board shall allow the same, certify it to the controller, who shall draw his warrant therefor on the treasurer, and who shall pay the same; pro- vided, no proceedings shall be maintained under the provisions of this section of this act unless commenced within six years next after the final settlement of the estate to which they relate ; a7id provided further, that all costs of such proceeding shall be paid by the applicant or applicants. If not applied for within six years, as above provided, or if applied for and not obtained, such moneys shall then be placed in the irreducible school fund of this state. 6116. Estate of Intestate — Descent and Distribution — When to Escheat to the State for Support of Common Schools. Sec. 259. When any person having title to any estate, not otherwise limited by marriage contracts, shall die intestate as to such estate, it shall descend and be distributed subject to the payment of his or her debts in the following manner: Sixth — If the intestate shall have no husband nor wife nor kindred, the estate shall escheat to the state for the support of the common schools. [The first five paragraphs of this section have no bearing on educational funds. For all other sources of income for Irreducible Schopl Fund, see article 11, section 3 of Constitution of Nevada. Paragraph "sixth" above was not changed by Stats. 1917, 37-39.] School Laws of Nevada 121 moneys from various sources that go into public school FUNDS 3952. Fees for Official Commissions and All Fees of Office of Secretary of State to Go into Library Fund — One-half of Surplus Annually To Be Transferred to State Distributive School Fund. Section 7. Each and every officer of this state, civil and military, except commissioners of deeds and notaries public, shall, at the time of the issuance of the commission, and before entering upon the duties of his office, pay to the secretary of state the sum of five dollars, which, with all fees of whatever character, by the laws now in force, or which may hereafter be provided to be charged and collected in the office of the secretary of state, shall constitute a portion of the library fund ; and the secretary of state shall exhibit an accomit of, under oath, and pay to the state treasurer, at the end of each quarter, dating from the first day of January, all moneys collected under this act, and the same, together with such revenues as are hereinafter provided, shall be reserved, set apart, and appropriated, as a state library fund. On the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and seven, and annually thereafter, the state treasurer shall take from the said library fund all moneys in excess of the sum of five thousand dollars, if there be any surplus, and transfer one-half of such moneys to the general fund of the state treas- ury, and the other half to the general state school fund of the treasury. Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912, 3952. 2135. Certain Portions of Profits of Franchises to County School Fund. Sec. 7. Every applicant for a franchise for any of the purposes men- tioned in section 1 of this act shall, within ten days after such franchise is granted, file with the county recorder of such county an agreement properly executed by the grantee of such franchise, right, or privilege to pay annually on the first Monday of July of each year to the county treasurer of the county wherein such franchise, right, or privilege is to be exercised, for the benefit of the school fund of such county, two per cent of the net profits made by such grantee in the operation of any public utility for which such franchise is granted, and no power, function, right, or privilege shall be exercised until such agreement shall be filed. Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912, 2135. 2251. Animals — May Be Sold — Proceeds, How Disposed of — Common School Fund. Sec. 3. If at the expiration of thirty days thereafter, no such owner, owners, nor agent shall appear and legally reclaim such animal as afore- said, then it shall be the duty of the person having possession of it to deliver the same to the constable of the township in which the animal has been found and confined, whose duty it shall be, after three days notice of the intent, to make sale of the same to the highest cash bidder, and after paying all the necessary expenses incurred in the premises, then to pay the residue of the proceeds of such sales into the treasury of the county in which such sale shall have taken place, for the benefit of the common school fund; 'provided, however, that if the owner or owners of such prop- erty shall make claim to it at any time before such sale can legally be made, nothing in this act shall be construed to exempt such owner or owners from payment of all expenses incurred. Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912,2251. 122 School Laws of Nevada 2281. Money Paid, How Disposed of — County School Fund. Sec. 8. All moneys paid into the county treasury, under the pro- visions of this act as above provided, shall become a part and belong to the county school fund of the county in which the proceedings are had, and be drawn from the county treasury on proper warrant, and shall be exclusively appropriated to the county school fund, and for no other purpose. Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912, 2281. 3012. Transfer of Moneys from Road Fund to County School Fund, When To Be Made. Sec. 5. All moneys remaining in the road fund belonging to any road district at the end of every year, or belonging to any district that may be disorganized, as provided by this act, may, on petition of a majority of the taxpayers therein, be applied by the county commis- sioners to the building of any bridge or special improvement of any high- way in said district, or the county in which said district is situated, or upon such petition said moneys may be transferred to the school fund, and applied to the public school or schools of said district. Revised Laws' of Nevada, 1912, 3012. 3760. Fines to Go to Irreducible School Fund. Sec. 148. The full amount of all fines imposed and collected under, and for a violation of any, penal law of this state, shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the state permanent school fund, and costs shall in no case be deducted from the fine fixed by law, or imposed by the court. Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912, 3760. VIRGINIA CITY SCHOOL OF MINES An Actio amend an act entitled "An act creating a school of mines, to he located at Virginia City, Nevada," approved March 20, 1903. Approved March 20, 1911 School of Mines Created — Under Direction and Control of State Board of Educa- tion — Salary of Principal Fixed. Section 1 . Section one of said act is hereby amended so that the same shall read as follows: There is hereby created a school of mines, to be known as the Virginia City School of Mines, to be located at Virginia City, Storey County, Nevada, to be under the direction and control of the state board of edu- cation. The principal in charge of said school of mines shall receive a salary of two thousand dollars per annum, payable in twelve equal monthly installments on the first day of each and every month during the time this act and the provisions thereof shall remain in force and effect. State Board Authorized to Expend Money For. Sec. 2. The said state board of education are hereby authorized and empowered to expend for the support and maintenance of the Virginia City School of Mines for the years 1911 and 1912, in addition to the salary of the principal in charge of said school of mines, the sum of four hundred and twenty-five dollars ($425) . Note — This act includes the original act of 1903 and contains all the law now relating to the Virginia City School of Mines. School Laws of Nevada ' 123 TONOPAH SCHOOL OF MINES An Act creating a school of mines to he located at Tonopah, Nevada. Approved March 17, 1915, 190 Section 1. There is hereby created a school of mines, to be known as the Tonopah school of mines, to be located at Tonopah, Nye County, Nevada, to be under the direction and control of the board of regents of the University of Nevada. The principal in charge of said school of mines shall receive a salary of twenty-two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, payable in twelve equal monthly installments on the first day of each and every month during the time this act and the provisions thereof shall remain in force and effect. Sec. 2. The sojid board of regents of the University of Nevada is hereby authorized and empowered to expend for the support and maintenance of the Tonopah school of mines for the years 1915 and 1916, in addition to the salary of the principal in charge of said school of mines, the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars. An Act creating a school of mines to he located at Goldfleld, Nevada, and a school of mines to he located at Ely, Nevada. Approved March 20, 1917 Croldfield and Ely Schools of Mines Created — Salaries and Expenses. Section 1. There are hereby created two schools of mines, one to be known as the " Goldfield School of Mines," to be located at Goldfield, Esmeralda County, Nevada, and the other to be known as the "Ely School of Mines," to be located at Ely, White Pine County, Nevada; both of said schools to be under the direction and control of the board of regents of the University .of Nevada. The principal in charge of each of the said schools of mines shall receive a salary of twenty-four hundred dollars per annum, payable in twelve equal monthly installments, on the first day of each and every month during the time this act and the provisions thereof shall remain in force and effect. Sec. 2. The board of regents of the University of Nevada is hereby authorized and empowered to expend for the support and maintenance of the Goldfield School of Mines for the years 1917 and 1918, and for the Ely School of Mines for the years 1917 and 1918, in addition to the salaries of the principals in charge of said schools of mines, the sum of three thousand ($3,000) dollars for each of said schools. COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE An Act compelling the attendance of children at schools where tuition, lodging, food and clothing are furnished at the expense of the United States. Approved March 26, 1913 Compelling the Attendance of Pupils on Government Schools — Exception. Section 1 . That whenever the government of the United States erects, or causes to be erected and maintained, a school for general educational purposes, within the State of Nevada, and the expense of the tuition, lodging, food, and clothing of the pupils therein is borne by the United States, it shall be compulsory on the part of every parent, guardian, or other person in the State of Nevada, having control of a child or children 124 School Laws of Nevada between the ages of eight and eighteen years, eligible to attend said school, to send such child or children to said school for a period of nine months in each year, or during the entire annual term; provided, that in case the government of the United Stales does not make provision for the free transportation of said child from their homes to said school, then he, she, or they shall not be liable to the provisions of this act, unless they reside less than ten miles from such school. Principals or Superintendents of Said Schools to Give Personal Notice to Parents or Guardians. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the principals or superintendents of the school or schools mentioned in this act, before attempting to enforce the provisions of this act, hereinafter mentioned, to serve, or cause to be served, a demand for the attendance of certain children, naming or otherwise identifying them, and also designating the school to which their attendance is required, upon the parent, guardian, or other person having charge of such child or children as may be eligible to attend said school over which he has charge, and a copy of this act; and such parent, guardian, or other person having charge of said child or children shall have ten days to either deliver said child or children at said school, or to the accredited representative of said school if more than ten miles dis- tant from the residence of said child or children, or to furnish satisfac- tory proof that the bodily or mental condition of such child or children is such as to prevent his attendance or cause him or them to be ineligible for enrollment. Said Ofilesrs to Bring Suit for Collection of Fine. Sec. 3. If, at the expiration of ten days after such notice or demand, the parents, guardian, or other person having charge of said child or children shall have failed or refused to comply with this act, the_prin- cipal or superintendent shall cause a demand to be made upon such parent, guardian, or other person for the amount of the penalty herein- after provided; and if such parent, guardian, or other person shall neglect or refuse to pay the same within five days after making such demand, the superintendent or principal shall commence proceedings in the name of the state for the recovery of the fine hereinafter provided before any court having jurisdiction. Fine or Imprisonment, When. Sec. 4. Any parent or guardian, or other person having control or charge of any child or children, failing to comply with the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than twenty-five dol- lars ($25) , or imprisonment in the county jail not less than two days nor more than twenty-five days for the first offense; and for each subsequent offense said parent, guardian, or other person shall be liable to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) or more than fifty dollars ($50) or to imprisonment in the county jail not less than twenty-five days or more than fifty days; 'provided also, that to all fines imposed shall be added the cost of collection ; provided further, that proceedings may be begun at the expiration of three days de novo after each refusal of said parent, guardian, or other person to comply with the demand of said principal or superintendent. Fines Go to County School Fund. Sec. 5. All fines collected under the provisions of this act shall be paid School Laws of Nevada 125 into the county treasury, the same to be placed to the credit of the gen- eral school fund. Peace Officers to Assist in Enforcement. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of sheriffs, constables, policemen, town and city marshals in the state to take cognizance of this act and assist principals and superintendents of schools in carrying out its provisions. Punishment for Intimidation of Guardians — Proviso. Sec. 7. Any person or persons who shall directly or indirectly per- suade, advise, or intimidate in any manner the parent or guardian of any child or children coming under the provisions of this act from comply- ing with the demand of a principal or superintendent of a school who is endeavoring to carry out the provisions of this act shall be guilty of the same offense and shall be subject to the same fines and punishment as the parent or guardian; provided, that this section shall not apply to the attorney or legal adviser of any parent or guardian in giving advice in his legal capacity. Jurisdiction. Sec. 8. The court of any justice of the peace within the county where the child or children live may constitute a court of jurisdiction. Repeal. Sec. 9. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed . UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA An Act to fix the name of the state university of Nevada. Approved March 20, 1907 Section 1. The legal and corporate name of the state university shall be the University of Nevada. An Act relating to the state university and matters properly connected therewith. Approved February 7, 1887 Literary and Scientific Course at State University. Section 1. There shall be established in the state university of Nevada, a school for the instruction of teachers, in which shall be taught all the branches of instruction which are taught in the common schools of this state, together with the theory and practice of teaching, school law, botany, physiology, and geology. There shall also be taught in said university, chemistry, assaying, mineralogy, surveying, and geology, so far as they relate to the theory and practice of mining, agriculture, and the mechanic arts. There shall also be taught in the preparatory depart- ment of said university, typewriting, shorthand, telegraphy, bookkeeping, and commercial law, so far as they relate to the practical affairs of life. As amended, Stats. 1891,92. Number of Regents — How Elected — Terms of Office — Vacancies. Sec. 2. The board of regents of the state university shall consist of five members. At the general election held in 1918 there shall be elected three regents, one of whom shall hold office for the term of ten years, 126 School Laws of Nevada another for the term of eight years, and the third for the term of six years. At the general election held in 1920, there shall be elected two regents, one of whom shall hold office for the term of ten years and the other for the term of two years. Thereafter at each general election, there shall be elected one regent, who shall hold office for the term of ten years. The persons elected as regents under the provisions of this act, before entering upon the discharge of their duties of the office of regent, shall take and subscribe the official oath and file the same in the office of the secretary of state. In case of a vacancy in the board of regents the governor shall fill the same by the appointment of a qualified person to serve until the expiration of the term for which the regent, whose death, resignation, or removal, as the case may be, shall have caused the vacancy, was originally elected. The term of office of each regent shall begin on the first Monday in January next succeeding the date of his election. As amended, Stats. 1917, 352. Powers and Duties of Regents of University. Sec. 3. The powers and duties of the board of regents are as follows : First — To prescribe rules for their own government, and for the gov- ernment of the university. Second — To prescribe rules for the reports of officers and teachers of the university. Third — To prescribe the course of study, the time and standard of graduation and the commencement and duration of the terms, and the length of the vacations of the university. Fourth — To prescribe the text-books, and provide apparatus and furniture for the use of pupils. Fifth — To appoint a president of the University of Nevada, who shall have a degree from a college or university recognized as equal in rank to those having membership in the Association of American Universities, who has had at least five years of practical experience as an educator in a college or university of good standing, three years of which must have been during the five years immediately preceding the date of his appointment, who is familiar with the modern methods of imparting instruction in the United States, and who shall be endorsed as to moral character and qualifications as an educator by the president and faculty of three institutions of learning authorized by law to confer degrees. The word "faculty," as used in this section, shall be construed to mean any academic body of any college or university which shall include all department heads. A resolution adopted by any such faculty and signed by the president shall constitute a valid endorsement in the meaning of this act. Sixth — To prescribe the duties of the president, and fix his salary, and the salaries of all other teachers in the university. Seventh — To require the president, under their direction, to establish and maintain training or model schools, and require the pupils of the university to teach and instruct classes therein. Eighth — To control the expenditures of all moneys appropriated for the support and maintenance of the university, and all moneys received from any source whatsoever. Ninth — To keep open to public inspection an account of receipts and expenditures. School Laws of Nevada 127 Tenth — To annually report to the governor a statement of all their transactions, and of all other matters pertaining to the university. Eleventh — To transmit with such report a copy of the president's annual report. Twelfth — To revoke any diploma by them granted, on receiving satis- factory evidence that the holder thereof is addicted to drunkenness, is guilty of gross immorality, or is reputably dishonest in his or her deal- ings ; provided, that such person shall have at least thirty days' previous notice of such contemplated action, and shall, if he or she asks it, be heard in his or her own defense. As amended, Stats. 1917, 52-53. Chairman To Be Appointed. Sec. -1. The board of regents shall have the power to appoint a chair- man, who shall receive no compensation therefor, nor shall any member receive any compensation for his services except necessary expenses in attending meetings of the board. The board of regents may employ a clerk of said board, who shall receive a salary of twenty-five dollars per month, and who shall keep a full record of all proceedings of the bo'ard, which shall at all times be open to public inspection, and said clerk shall not be a teacher in said university. Sec. 5. The board must hold four regular meetings in each year, and may hold special meetings at the call of the chairman of the board. Sec. 6. The president of the university must make a detailed annual report to the board of regents, with a catalogue of pupils, and such other particulars as the board may require or he may think useful. Academic Degree — How Issued — State Normal School — State High-School Cer- tificates — Life Diploma — Grammar-Grade Diploma — Cause for Revocation — Diploma of Graduation. Sec. 7. Upon the recommendation of the president of the university, the board of regents shall issue to those who worthily complete the full course of study in the school of mines, or in the school of agriculture, or in the school of liberal arts, or in any equivalent course that may hereafter be prescribed, a diploma of graduation, conferring the proper academic degree, from the Nevada state university ; and no diploma bearing the distinctive title, " Nevada State University," shall be issued to any one who has not completed the full course of study as above set forth. Upon the recommendation of the president of the university, the board of regents shall issue to those who worthily complete the full four years' course of study prescribed in the Nevada state normal school, a department of the state university, a diploma of graduation, and said diploma shall bear the heading, "The Nevada State Normal School," and to all persons receiving this diploma, the state board of education shall issue a state high-school certificate of the first grade, good for five years. To the holders of the above state high-school certificates of the first grade, the state board of education shall grant a life diploma when said graduates of the Nevada state normal school shall have completed at least five years of successful instruction in the public schools of Nevada, or of any other state. Upon the recommendation of the president of the University, the board of regents shall issue to those who worthily complete the three years' course of study prescribed in the Nevada state normal school, a grammar-grade diploma of graduation, and said diploma shall bear the heading, "Nevada State Normal School 128 School Laws of Nevada Grammar-Grade Diploma," and to all persons receiving this grammar- grade diploma, the state board of education shall grant a grammar-grade state certificate good for five years. The board of regents may require said normal school graduates, before granting the diplomas herein pro- vided for, to sign the following obligation : " I hereby agree to report to the president of the university, by letter, at least twice a year for three years after my graduation, and once a year thereafter, so long as I con- tinue in the profession of teaching, and when I shall leave the profession I will report the fact to him with the cause therefor. A failure to make such reports may be considered sufficient cause for the revocation of my diploma." And further, it is hereby expressly provided that the gradu- ates of the Nevada state normal school for the year 1895 shall receive their diplomas and state certificates according to the act of March 19, 1891, hereby amended. Upon the recommendation of the president of the university the board of regents shall issue to those who worthily complete the full course of study in any other department of the univer- sity, not equivalent to a regular university course, a diploma of gradua- tion, but said diploma shall bear the name of the department from which it is issued, and in no case to bear the heading of the regular university diploma. As amended. Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912, 4645. Duty of President of University. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the president of the university, to instruct in the university, and, under the direction of the board of regents, to manage all matters connected with the institution, to employ assistant teachers and servants, purchase supplies, and make monthly statements to the board of regents of all receipts and expenditures, sup- ported by vouchers. No Discrimination. Sec. 9. There shall be no discrimination in the admission of pupils on account of sex, race, or color, but no person shall be admitted who is not of good moral character, and who has not arrived at the age of fifteen years, and passed such an examination as shall be prescribed by the board of regents, and no person under said age shall hereafter be taught in said institution. Sec. 10. Tuition shall be free. Sec. 11. The state superintendent of public instruction must visit the university at least every three months, inquire into its condition and management, and report to the board of regents quarter-yearly the con- dition of the institution, with such suggestions as he may deem proper. Duties of Board of Examiners. Sec. 12. All expenses incurred, of every name and nature, involving the payment of money by or under the direction of the board of regents of the university, shall be passed upon by the board of examiners as other accounts against the state, and be paid out of the moneys appro- priated for the university. Sec. 13. [Repealing certain laws and sections of laws regarding the university. See Stats. 1887, 45.] School Laws of Nevada 129 REPEAL OF ACT CREATING DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING EXPERIMENTATION AT UNIVERSITY Approved March 12, 1917 Section 1. The act entitled "An act to establish at the University of Nevada a public service department, known as the department of engi- neering experimentation, to provide ways and means for aiding settlers, farmers, and other persons in the development of the underground waters of the state by giving expert advice regarding the most probable location, the best method of developing the underground water systems by the testing of, and the recommendation of, the most efficient machin- ery and power for pumping, and providing an appropriation therefor," approved March 11, 1915, is hereby repealed. PUBLIC SERVICE DIVISION OF UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA An Act providing for the consolidation of the various piihlic service departments of the University of Nevada under the heading "Puhlic Service Division of the University of Nevada," and providing for a uniform method of administration and control, and for the making of rides and regidations wherehy the work of these departments may he most effective, and stating the departments coynprehended herein. Approved March 11, 1915, 115 Section 1. It is hereby provided that the several public service departments of the University of Nevada be consolidated into a "Public Service Division" of the University of Nevada. Sec. 2. The public service division of the University of Nevada shall consist of the following public service departments, which have been conducted heretofore by authority of statutes of the State of Nevada, enumerated as follows : 1. State analytical laboratory, provided for in sections 4660-4663, inclusive, of the Revised Laws of the State of Nevada, 1912 ; 2. State hygienic laboratory, provided for in sections 3941-3945, inclusive, of the Revised Laws of the State of Nevada, 1912 ; 3. Food and drug control, provided for in chapter 226, Session Laws of the State of Nevada, Twenty-sixth session, 1913 ; 4. Weights and measures, provided for in sections 4792-4823, inclu- sive, of the Revised Laws of the State of Nevada, 1912, as amended in chapter 228, Session Laws of the State of Nevada, Twenty-sixth session, 1913 ; 5. Agricultural extension, as provided for in the Session Laws of the State of Nevada, Twenty-seventh session, 1915 ; 6. State veterinary control service, as provided for in the Session Laws of the State of Nevada, Twenty-seventh session, 1915 ; 7. Agricultural experiment station, as provided for in sections 456- 464, inclusive, of the Revised Laws of the State of Nevada, 1912 ; 8. Engineering experimentation, as provided for in the Session Laws of the State of Nevada, Twenty-seventh session, 1915. Sec. 3. The board of regents of the University of Nevada, upon recommendation of the president, shall designate and appoint a qualified individual to conduct each of these various departments of the public 9 130 School Laws of Nevada service division, and shall grant him such assistants as they deem neces- sary, and the powers and duties of these individuals appointed as herein provided shall be as stated in the statutes establishing each of the several departments of the public service division ; provided, however, that in those instances wherein the statutes concerned impose upon the individual appointed as herein provided any police power, the appoint- ment shall receive the approval of the governor of the state. Sec. 4. All rules and regulations necessary for the proper adminis- tration and enforcement of the statutes establishing the departments comprehended in this public service division of the University of Nevada shall be made by the president and board of regents of the University of Nevada. Sec. 5. Wherever in any of these statutes establishing the depart- ments comprehended in the public service division of the University of Nevada any individual, official, or department of the university is men- tioned, there shall be substituted the words "President and Board of Regents of the University." Sec. 6. All other acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. This act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. STATE VETERINARY CONTROL SERVICE AT UNIVERSITY An Act to establish at the University of Nevada a state veterinary control service, defining its duties, and providing for the conduct of the same, and stating its relation to the state quarantine laws. Approved March 11, 1915, 113 Section 1. The president and board of regents of the University of Nevada are hereby instructed to establish at the University of Nevada a laboratory to be known as the state veterinary control service, for the diagnosis of infectious diseases among animals and the conduct of research into the nature, cause, and control of such diseases. Sec. 2. The regents of the university shall, from any moneys appro- priated therefor, purchase suitable equipment, apparatus, chemicals, and supplies for the maintenance of such veterinary control service at the university. Sec. 3. The regents of the university shall, upon the recommendation of the president, appoint a qualified veterinarian, a bacteriologist, to conduct and direct said control service and shall grant him such assis- tants as they deem necessary. The individual thus appointed shall be known as the state quarantine officer. Sec. 4. In addition to his duties comprehended under the terms of this act, he shall be the official adviser and executive officer for the enforcement of the provisions contained in chapters 279 and 280 of the Session Laws of the State of Nevada, Twenty-sixth session, 1913 ; pro- vided, however, that wherever in these acts the duties imposed upon such officer require the exercise of the police power of the state, he shall make his recommendation to the governor, who shall take such action there- under as he may deem wise. Sec. 5. The president and board of regents of the University of Nevada may make such rules and regulations for the conduct of the said veterinary control service and for the guidance of the state quarantine School Laws of Nevada 131 officer as they may deem wise for the proper conduct of the office of state quarantine officer, as herein provided. All moneys appropriated by the state provided for the expense of the enforcement of chapters 279 and 280 of the Session Laws of the State of Nevada, Twenty-sixth session, 1913, shall be expended with the approval of the president and board of regents of the University of Nevada. Sec. 6. All other acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. This act shall become immediately effective when passed and approved. STATE MUSEUM GIVEN TO NEVADA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY An Act in relation to the keeping and preservation of the state museum of mineralogical, geological, and other historical specimens. Approved March 15, 1915, 137 Whereas, The Nevada historical society, trustee for the state of Nevada, has for one of its main objects the collection of historical material for a state museum and historical library ; and Whereas, Said society is now provided with a brick building for the housing of said museum and library ; and Whereas, The state museum, including the Pioneer society collection and other historical materials, now housed in the office of superintendent of public instruction, and by act of February 1, 1877, placed in the custody of said superintendent of public instruction, cannot be given room in the new office in the capitol ; neither, by reason of other duties, has he time to act as curator of the same ; now, therefore, The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section 1. The state mineral cabinets and other cases, mineral and other specimens and historical books, pictures, and curios, which consti- tute the state museum in the office of superintendent of public instruc- tion are hereby transferred to the custody of the Nevada historical society, to be kept and preserved by said society for the benefit of the people of the state. Sec. 2. One hundred and twenty-five ($125) dollars are hereby appro- priated for the proper inventorying, packing, and moving of this col- lection from its present quarters to the building of the Nevada historical society. Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. ORES TO BE ANALYZED AT UNIVERSITY An Act supplemental to an act entitled "An act relating to the »tate university, and matters properly connected therewith," approve.d Felrtiary 7, 1887. Approved March 16. 1895 Relating to Chemical Analysis at State University. Section 1. It shall be the duty of the president of the state univer- sity, in addition to his other duties as fixed by law, to cause to be ana- 132 School Laws of Nevada lyzed by an assistant, teacher, or teachers, employed at the state university, any ores, mineral, soil, or water taken from within the boundaries of the State of Nevada, and sent by any citizen of said state for that purpose. Any citizen of the state may send any such sub- stances and have the same analyzed free of charge, and the result of the same returned to him by mail with as near as possible an explanation of their uses and value in market, and there shall be kept at the state univer- sity a book of record open for inspection, under such rules as may be made by the regents, of all mineral, ores, or other matters so sent, with the history of such mineral or other matters, stating the name of the person or persons from whom received, the district and county from which it came, and all other matters that may be beneficial touching the same. A duplicate of the sample analyzed, as far as practicable, shall be kept at the university, properly labeled, so as to correspond to the record, and properly preserved. Relating to Analysis in Duplicate. Sec. 2. If the same kind of matter for analysis is sent from the same place it shall not be necessary to analyze the same, but a duplicate of the analysis shall be sent by mail to the person desiring the same. Sec. 3. Samples for analysis shall be analyzed in the order received. Assays for Gold and Silver. Sec. 4. Sample assays for gold or silver shall be made, and when the value per ton exceeds five dollars in gold, the returns shall state the fact thus, "Test for gold." And when the value per ton exceeds five dollars in silver, the returns shall state the fact thus, "Test for silver." As amended, 8tats. 1897, 91. HONORARY BOARD OF VISITORS An Act creating the honorary hoard of visitors of the Nevada state university, and other matters relating thereto. Approved March 11, 1895 Board Created — Term of Office. Section 1. There is hereby created a board to be known as the honor- ary board of visitors of the Nevada state universitj^ Said board shall consist of one member from each county, and, in addition thereto, the chief justice of the supreme court shall be ex officio a member and chairman of said board. In the absence of the said chief justice the members of the board may elect one of their own number as temporary chairman. The term of office of the members of said board shall be two years from the date of their appointment, and until their successors are appointed. As amended. Stats. 1913, 158, 159. Governor to Appoint — Qualifications for Membership on Board. Sec. 2. The governor shall appoint and commission, within forty days after the passage of this act, from each county, one suitable and discreet person who is interested in higher education and who is an actual resi- dent of said county as a member of said board. Duties of Board. Sec. 3. It shall be the. duty of said board. of visitors to meet annually at the seat of the Nevada state university during commencement week, and inspect the grounds, buildings, and equipment of said university, School Laws of Nevada 133 and also to inquire into the actual state of the discipline, instruction, police administration, and other affairs or concerns of the university. The board of visitors shall report thereon to the governor within thirty days after each annual meeting, for the information of the people of the state and of the next succeeding legislature of the state, their action as such visitors, with their views and recommendations concerning the uni- versity, such as they shall deem wise and just and for the best interests of the university. Notice to Board. Sec. 4. The president of the university shall cause at least thirty days' notice to be given to the members of the honorary board of visitors of the time and place of their annual meeting. No Compensation. Sec. 5. No compensation shall be made to the members of said board of visitors for their services or for their traveling expenses, but the board of regents shall pay out of the university contingent fund their expenses for board and lodging while at the university. PUBLIC MONEYS DEDICATED An Act setting aside and appropriating certain moneys for the main- tenance and support of the University of Nevada, and defining the powers and duties of the hoard of regents and of the state controller in relation thereto. Approved March 26. 1913 Certain Public Moneys Dedicated Exclusively to Support of University. Section 1. The interest derived from the investment of all moneys arising from the sale of the 90,000 acres of land granted to the State of Nevada by act of Congress approved July 2, 1862, the interest derived from the investment of all moneys arising from the sale of the seventy- two sections of land granted to the State of Nevada by act of Congress approved July 4, 1866, for the establishment and maintenance of a uni- versity; all money paid as interest on deferred installments on purchase of lands named in this act which may be sold under contract as provided in section 9 of an act entitled " An act to provide for the selection and sale of lands," etc., approved March 4, 1871 ; and all money arising from the ad valorem tax on taxable property in the State of Nevada, includ- ing net proceeds of mines and mining claims, for university purposes, is hereby set aside and inviolably appropriated for the support and main- tenance of the University of Nevada, and shall be paid out for the pur- poses designated in the acts creating the several funds without further appropriation . Board of Regents Sole Trustees of Such Funds — State Board of Examiners to Pass on All Claims. Sec. 2. The board of regents of said university and agricultural and mechanical college, as provided in section 4 of article 11 of the consti- tution of Nevada, are the sole trustees to receive and disburse all funds of said university and agricultural and mechanical college for the pur- poses provided in section 1 of this act; provided, that all claims, before payment, of every name and nature involving the payment of money by or under the direction of the board of regents from the funds so set aside and appropriated, shall be passed upon by the board of examiners. 134 School Laws op Nevada state Controller to Report in Detail to Regents. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the state controller to record to the board of regents of said university and agricultural and mechanical col- lege, on or before the last day of each and every month, the detail of all income received for university purposes from whatsoever source. BOUNDARIES OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS An Act authorizing the county commissioners of the various counties to reestablish the boundaries of school districts and road districts in their respective counties. Approved March 24, 1913, 306 County Commissioners to Reestablish Boundaries of Indefinite Road or School Districts. Section 1. The county commissioners of any county in the state are hereby authorized to reestablish the boundaries of any school district or road district within the county whenever they shall deem the boundary of such school district or road district indistinct or indefinite as such boundary appears upon the records of the county commissioners. To Conform to United States Surveys. Sec. 2. Whenever the county commissioners shall reestablish the boundaries of school districts or road districts in accordance with this act, they shall make the new boundaries that they shall set forth for such school districts or road districts conform to the legal land surveys of the United States government so far as is possible. New Boundaries to Include Same Property as Old Districts — Proviso. Sec. 3. Whenever the county commissioners shall reestablish the boundaries of school districts or road districts in accordance with this act they shall arrange the new boundaries so that all properties and resi- dences that were in the school districts or road districts previous to the reestablishment of boundaries for such school districts or road districts under this act shall be within the new boundaries that the commissioners may establish under this act; provided, that whenever the heads of fami- lies and taxpayers of any school district shall present a petition signed by at least three-fifths of such heads of families and taxpayers to the county commissioners praying that the boundaries of such school district shall be determined in accordance with their petition, the county com- missioners shall, when reestablishing such boundaries, make the new boundaries conform as nearly as possible to the boundary described in the aforesaid petition. Commissioners to Use Discretion. Sec. 4. Whenever the county commissioners shall decide that the boundaries of any school district or road district are so indefinite upon the records of the county as to make it impossible to decide in which school district or road district certain properties or residences may be located, they shall proceed to establish the new boundaries for such school district or road district as they shall deem best and for the welfare of the county. School Laws of Nevada 135 No Property to Escape Taxation. Sec. 5. Nothing in this act shall be construed so as to release any property from taxation for any bond issue that the property shall have been subject to previous to any new establishment of boundaries of any school district in accordance with this act. Repeal. Sec. 6. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed . LAND-GRANT MONEYS TRANSFERRED TO UNIVERSITY FUNDS An Act authorizing the State of Nevada to transfer to the different funds of the University of Nevada certain hands and moneys, and author- izing the hoard of regents of the University of Nevada to ascertain the amount of bonds and m,oneys so to he transferred. Approved March 24, 1915, 327 Whereas, The United States of America donated to the State of Nevada certain public lands of the United States within the State of Nevada known as the "90, 000- Acre Grant," and "72-Section Grant," upon the condition that all moneys derived from the sale of said lands by the State of Nevada should be invested by the said State of Nevada in stocks of the United States or of the states, or some other safe stocks, in such a manner that such funds so invested would yield not less than five per centum per annum upon the amount so invested, and that the principal thereof should forever remain unimpaired ; and Whereas, The moneys so derived by the State of Nevada from the sale of said lands have not been so invested by said State of Nevada in stocks or bonds producing an income of five per centum, but have been invested in bonds producing an income of less than five per centum ; and Whereas, Said State of Nevada accepted said grants of public lands so made to it by the United States, and agreed to the said condition imposed upon the State of Nevada by the terms of said grants ; and Whereas, It is the desire of the State of Nevada that the contract so entered into between it and the United States be performed : The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly,, do enact as follotcs: Section 1. The board of regents of the University of Nevada is hereby directed, authorized, and empowered to examine and make an abstract of all records of the State of Nevada appertaining or in any wise relating to the sale of public lands of the United States donated to the State of Nevada under an act of Congress approved July 2, 1862, and under an act of Congress approved July 4, 1866, said lands being commonly known as the "90, 000- Acre Grant," and the "72-Section Grant," and to ascer- tain and determine the amount of money received by the State of Nevada from the sale of said public lands, the disposition of the same by invest- ment or otherwise, and the amount of interest or revenue received by the State of Nevada from the moneys so invested by it and to further ascer- tain and determine the difference, if any, between five per centum per 136 School Laws of Nevada annum on said principal sums so ascertained and the amount of interest received by the University of Nevada from the investments so made by the State of Nevada. Sec. 2. The state controller, state treasurer, surveyor-general, and all other officers of the State of Nevada, are hereby directed, authorized, and empowered to give to the board of regents of the University of Nevada, or their duly authorized agent, free and unlimited access to all the records, books, papers, and files of their respective offices, for the purpose of making said examination and abstract, and are further directed, author- ized, and empowered to assist said board of regents in making said examination and abstract. Sec. 3. When the principal sum derived by the State of Nevada from the sale of said public lands belonging to said "90, 000- Acre Grant" and the said " 72-Section Grant" shall have been ascertained by the board of regents as hereinbefore provided for, the State of Nevada is hereby directed, authorized, and empowered, by and through its proper officers or boards established or created by law, to transfer and deliver to the "University Fund, 90, 000- Acre Grant," and the "Univer- sity Fund, 72-Section Grant," bonds or other securities in the respective amounts of the principal sums derived from the sale of lands from said respective grants; said bonds or other securities so transferred to be such bonds or securities as produce a net income of five per centum per annum. Said bonds so to be transferred may be transferred from the state school fund. Sec. 4. Every officer of the State of Nevada, and every board created by any law of the State of Nevada, are hereby directed, authorized, and empowered to do each and every thing necessary or appropriate to carry into effect the intent and purpose of this act. EMERITUS POSITIONS AT UNIVERSITY An Act to empower the hoard of regents of the University of Nevada to establish emeritus positions, establishing the conditions and quali- fications of those who shall benefit thereunder. Approved March 24. 1915, 314 Section 1. The board of regents of the University of Nevada are hereby empowered to establish emeritus positions. When it shall be found that an employee of the university, who has served the university for at least fifteen years continuously, has, because of physical or men- tal disability, become unfit for further service, or such employee has left a widow with insufficient support, the board of regents may, upon recommendation of the president of the university and the approval of the governor of the state, place such individual or his widow upon the pay-roll of the university at a salary which shall not be more than one- half of the average salary received by the employee for the period of five years previous to the date of retirement. The regents of the uni- versity shall include in the estimates for maintenance a sum necessary to meet this expenditure. School Laws of Nevada 137 TRANSFER OF CHILDREN An Act to provide for the transfer of children from one school district to an adjoining school district in the same county, and other matters properly related thereto. Approved March 24. 1913, 305 Transfer of Pupils and School Funds — Proviso. Section 1. Any board of school trustees is authorized and empowered to make arrangements with the board of school trustees of an adjoining district in the same county for the attendance of children in either dis- trict that may be most convenient for such children whenever the parent or parents, guardian or guardians of such children shall present a written request therefor to the school board of the district in which such children reside, accompanied by a written permit from the school board of the district in which said children desire to attend. And whenever the two boards of trustees in interest shall agree upon the transfer of said children, and notice thereof shall be given to the superintendent of public instruc- tion by either of said school boards, said superintendent shall direct the county auditor and the county treasurer of the county in which such districts are situated to transfer from the funds of the district in which such children live to the credit of the funds of the district in which they are attending, the pro rata of state and county moneys apportioned to each child in the county for each of such children as shown by the last preceding semiannual apportionment; provided, that such moneys shall be transferred but twice each year, first about the middle of any year of attendance, and again at the close; and such transfer shall cover only those in attendance during the period for which the transfer of moneys is made. Superintendent of Public Instruction to Settle Disputes. Sec. 2. In case of disagreement as to the transfer of children as pro- vided for in section 1 of this act, the superintendent of public instruction shall, on request of the parties named in section 1 of this act, make due inquiry in the premises ; and if said officer is satisfied that the school board of the adjoining district is willing to receive such children and that such children ought to have the privilege of attending in said district, he may decide that they may so attend, and he shall direct the county auditor and the county treasurer to make the transfer of school moneys in the manner provided in section 1 of this act. Repeal. . Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. EXPENSES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS LIMITED An Act fixing the allowance for expenses of any state officer, com^mis- sioner, or other employee while traveling, or at destination, on official business. . , t, , i imr m '' Approved February 1, 1915, 19 Section 1. The maximum amount of expense money per day for personal uses, allowed to any individual officer or commissioner, or other employee of the state, while traveling, or at his destination, on official 138 School Laws of Nevada business for the State of Nevada, shall not exceed the sum of five dollars per day; provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to include the cost of seats or sleeping-berths in railway trains, railroad fare, stage fare, automobile hire or fare, team or horse hire, bus, or street-car fare, or transportation charges of any kind whatsover. Sec. 2. Paid vouchers for each item must accompany each expense account when presented to the board of examiners for approval. Sec. 3. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage and approval. APPORTIONMENT OF SENATORS AND ASSEMBLYMEN An Act reapportioning senators and assemhlymen of the several counties to legislature of the State of Nevada. Approved March 5, 1915, 73 Section 1 . The apportionment of senators and assemblymen in the several counties of this state shall be as follows: Churchill County, one senator and two assemblymen ; Clark County, one senator and two assemblymen; Douglas County, one senator and one assemblyman; Elko County, one senator and four assemblymen; Esmeralda County, one senator and three assemblymen ; Eureka County, one senator and one assemblyman; Humboldt County, one senator and three assemblymen; Lander County, one senator and one assemblyman ; Lincoln County, oue senator and one assemblyman; Lyon County, one senator and two assemblymen ; Mineral County, one senator and one assemblyman ; Nye County, one senator and four assemblymen; Ormsby County, one senator and one assemblyman; Storey County, one senator and one assemblyman; Washoe County, one senator and seven assemblymen; White Pine County, one senator and three assemblymen. Sec. 2. Nothing in this act shall be construed as to affect the term of office of senators and assemblymen now in office. Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repeal ed . CONSOLIDATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS An Act to provide for the consolidation of school districts, for the trans- portation of children to and from school, and other matters relating thereto. Approved February 26, 1915, 27 School Districts May Consolidate. Section 1 . Any two or more adjacent school districts may unite for the purpose of establishing a single consolidated district. Method of Consolidation. Sec 2. The process of uniting two or more school districts into a consolidated district shall be as follows: Upon receipt of a petition signed by a majority of the voters who are entitled to a vote at school elections", from each of the districts to be affected by the consolidation. School Laws of Nevada 139 the county commissioners of the county in which such districts are located shall cause a notice to be published for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation throughout the county, which notice shall state fully the names of the districts proposing to consolidate, the boundaries of the proposed consolidated district, and shall set forth a day and hour at the next regular meeting of the board of county com- missioners when the said board will canvass the signatures on each peti- tion and hear statements that any of the residents of any of the districts to be affected by the consolidation may wish to make either for or against the proposition of consolidation. At the time set forth in the notice the county commissioners shall proceed to canvass the signatures on each petition, and if a majority of said board are satisfied that the petitions presented represent the will of a majority of the voters of each of the districts affected, they shall unite such districts into a single consolidated district, shall designate the said district as Consolidated School District No , and shall designate a place at which the school trustees of the several districts united shall meet to hold an election. If three or more school districts are proposing to consolidate and a majority of the voters of any district are opposed to such consolidation, such district shall not be made a part of the consolidated district, but the county commissioners may consolidate such other districts as are affected by the consolidation without requiring new petitions. Trustees of Consolidated Districts, How Elected. Sec. 3 On the second Saturday after the consolidated district has been formed the trustees of the several districts which have consolidated shall meet at the place designated by the county commissioners as hereinbefore provided and shall elect by ballot three of their number to be trustees of the consolidated district, and such trustees shall hold office until the next regular election of school trustees as now provided by law. A certified statement of the result of said election, together with the oaths of office of the trustees elected, shall be filed with the superin- tendent of the supervision district in which the consolidated district is located. In case such election is not held, the superintendent shall appoint the trustees. Upon the election or appointment of the trustees of the consolidated district, the districts which have consolidated shall each be considered disorganized and the offices of trustees of each of the several districts as no longer existing. Contracts with Drivers of School Vehicles. Sec. 4. And provided further, that the trustees of consolidated school districts shall require contracts with persons whom shall be of reputable character elected as drivers of vehicles used to transport children to school at the expense of the district. Such contracts shall state the time of the arrival at and the departure from the schoolhouse each day, the time such person is to act as driver of such vehicle unless released by agree- ment, the compensation of the driver, and any other details that the trustees may designate. Before any driver of any school vehicle shall begin the duties of that position he shall furnish a bond of an amount equal to his total wages for the current term of school in which he shall be hired, which bond shall insure the faithful performance of his contract. Funds for Transportation of Children. Sec. 5. To obtain funds for such transportation, the trustees shall. 140 School Laws of Nevada each year, make an estimate of the amount of money necessary to main- tain such transportation for that year or for the next ensuing year or for both, and shall certify the amount to the county commissioners, who shall ascertain the necessary percentage on the property in said district as shown by the last assessment made thereof after equalization to raise the amount of money certified to and shall add it to the next county tax to be collected on the property aforesaid ; and the same shall be paid into the county treasury in favor of said district and be kept as a separate fund to be known as Consolidated School District No Transportation Fund, to be drawn only for purposes of transportation of school children to and from school, and in the same manner as is now provided by law for drawing other school moneys; provided, that if the trustees shall certify to the county commissioners that such money is necessary for immediate use, the tax provided for in this section shall be due and payable to the treasury of the county in the same manner as are all other taxes. Certain Children Provided with Transportation. Sec. 6. The trustees of any school district, other than a consolidated district, shall provide transportation to and from school for all children living one mile or more therefrom in the manner provided in sections four and five of this act, if at any regular or special election held in the district the proposition of providing transportation for pupils to and from schools shall have been submitted to the qualified voters of the district and a majority of the votes cast shall have favored such transportation. Public Moneys — How Apportioned to Consolidated Districts. Sec. 7. In apportioning county and state school moneys to a consoli- dated school district the superintendent of public instruction shall appor- tion such moneys in the following manner: First — He shall ascertain from former records of the state or the county in which such consolidated district is located the number of districts that united to form the consolidated district, and the exact number of census children in all of those districts at the time of the annual school census last preceding the date of the consolidation. The number of census children thus found shall constitute the basis upon which such consoli- dated district shall receive its share of sixty per cent of the county school fund, and thirty per cent of the state school fund at all apportionments of state and county school moneys until the next regular school census is taken. Thereafter at each apportionment such consolidated district shall receive its share of sixty per cent of the county school fund, and thirty per cent of the state school fund upon the basis of the actual number of census children in such district as shown by the last preceding school census. Second — In determining the number of teachers that the consolidated district is entitled to receive state and county moneys upon according to the law governing the apportionment of state and county school moneys to the several school districts of the state, the superintendent of public instruction shall determine the number of teachers that constituted the basis for apportioning state and county school moneys to each of the districts that united to form the consolidated district at the time of the apportionment of state and county school moneys last preceding the date of the consolidation. He shall determine the number of teachers that shall constitute the basis for apportioning state and county school moneys to any consolidated district by adding together the teachers thus found School Laws of Nevada 141 in the several districts that united -to form the consolidation district; provided, that if at any future time the number of children in the consoli- dated district shall become such as to allow a larger number of teachers for apportionment purposes, according to the law governing such matters in other school districts of the state, the superintendent of public instruc- tion shall apportion state and county school moneys to such consolidated district upon the actual number of teachers as determined by the general law of apportionment of state and county school moneys. Funds to Accrue to Consolidated District. Sec. 8. All state and county school funds remaining to the credit of school districts that have become disorganized by uniting to form a consolidated district shall accrue to and be placed to the credit of the consolidated district of which the disorganized districts form a part. Old Debts, How Disposed Of. Sec. 9. If any school district uniting to form a consolidated district shall have, at the time of its disorganization, a legally bonded indebted- ness, such indebtedness shall attach to and become a charge against the territory comprised in the consolidated district, and it shall be the duty of the county commissioners of the county in which such territory is located to cause annually to be levied upon the property, real and per- sonal, in such consolidated district, a tax sufficient to meet the interest and provide a sinking fund for the payment of such indebtedness. Property Accrues to New District. Sec. 10. The school property of the disorganized districts shall, upon the organization of the consolidated district, be and become the property of the said consolidated district, and the board of trustees of said district is hereby authorized to use said property in carrying out the school work of the consolidated district or to sell or dispose of it in the manner now provided by law for the disposition of school property and for the best interests of the said district. School Law to Govern. Sec. 11. In all matters relating to consolidated school districts, not provided for in the preceding sections of this act, the law relating to other school districts shall be in force where said laws are applicable. Certain Old Districts Entitled to Privileges of this Act. Sec. 11a. All school districts in the State of Nevada that shall have been transporting school children to the schoolhouse at the expense of the school district at the time of the passage of this act shall be entitled to all the privileges given in this act to consolidated school districts, and after the passage of this act such districts as were transporting children to a school at the expense of the district at the time of the passage of this act shall thereafter be designated as consolidated districts, and shall come under all the rules, laws, and regulations of this act. Repeal. Sec. 12. All acts and parts of acts in so far as they conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. 142 School Laws of Nevada AID FOR CERTAIN DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS An Act to authorize county commissioners in counties not having high schools, to. aid district high schools under certain conditions, and matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 9, 1915, 97 High-School Tax in Counties without Regular High School. Section 1. In any county in which no county high school is located, the county commissioners shall levy a county tax for high-school pur- poses of not less than ten (10) cents on the hundred ($100) dollars of assessed valuation of the county for the benefit of any district high school or schools that comply with the following conditions : 1. That the said high school or schools shall have standard courses in commercial work or manual arts or domestic arts, or standard courses in agriculture; 2. That the board of school trustees of the district or districts having high schools as described in paragraph 1 of these conditions shall each have levied a special district tax of not less than fifteen (15) cents on the hundred ($100) dollars of the assessed valuation; 3. That the board of school trustees of each district interested shall have passed a resolution opening their high school to all properly qualified students of the countj'. Amount Apportioned by State Superintendent. Sec. 2. In counties having more than one district high school affected by the provisions of this act, the amount raised by the county for high- school purposes, as provided in section 1 hereof, shall be apportioned by the state superintendent of public instruction at the time of each semi- annual apportionment of the state and county school moneys in January and July on the following basis: 1 . One-third of the amount in this fund reported by the county treas- urer, to the different high schools affected on the ratio of high-school enrollment according to the last preceding annual reports of the city superintendents, or of the principals of the schools affected; 2. One-third, on the comparative school census of the districts affected, according to the last preceding annual school census ; 3. One-third, on the comparative assessed valuation of the districts affected, according to the last preceding assessment. Sec. 3. The board of school trustees of any district availing itself of the benefits of this act is hereby empowered to provide for the rental, purchase, or erection of a suitable dormitory or dormitories and dining- hall for high-school students whose homes are outside of a district having ■ a high school in said county, and to provide for the comfort, maintenance, and tnanagement of the same. The said dormitory or dormitories shall be considered part of the regular high-school equipment and organization. Sec. 4. All acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. School Laws of Nevada 143 ESTABLISHMENT OF KINDERaARTENS An Act to provide for the establishment, equipment, and maintenance of kindergarten departments in the public schools. Approved March 13, 1915, 126 Section 1. The board of school trustees of every school district in this state may, upon petition of the parents or guardians of twenty-five or more children between the ages of four and six years, residing within such school district, establish, equip, and maintain a kindergarten or kinder- gartens. The board of school trustees of every school district in which a kindergarten is established under the provisions of this act shall, at least fifteen days before the month in which the board of county com- missioners is required by law to levy the taxes required for county pur- poses, submit to the board of county commissioners an estimate of funds necessary for the establishment, equipment, and maintenance of such a kindergarten or kindergartens in their districts; and, if sufficient funds for the same are not available in the school funds of such school district, the said board of county commissioners shall have power to direct that a special tax not to exceed twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars of assessed valuation of such district, shall be levied; and upon notification by the clerk of the board of trustees of such school district that such action has been taken, the board of county commissioners shall levy and cause to be collected such tax upon the taxable property of the district. The fund so levied shall be known as the kindergarten fund of school district (as the case may be), and shall be available for the equip- ment and maintenance of the kindergarten or kindergartens established under the provisions of this section, and the moneys drawn from such fund shall be paid out in the same manner as moneys from the state and county school funds for the maintenance of the elementary schools are drawn and paid out. If the average daily attendance in any kindergarten in any school district shall be ten or less for the school year, the govern- ing bodj^ for such school district shall, at the close of such school year, discontinue such kindergarten. In case a kindergarten shall be discon- tinued, as provided by this section, the property and funds of such kin- dergarten shall immediately revert to the elementary schools of the school district in which said kindergarten has been located. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect immediately upon its passage. UNION MANUAL-TRAINING SCHOOLS An Act to provide for the union of certain school districts for the purpose of securing instruction in manual training and domestic science, and matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 16, 1915, 175 Industrial School Union, How Formed. Section 1 . Any group of not to exceed six school districts in the state may form an industrial school union for the purpose of giving instruc- tion in manual training or domestic science, or both manual training and domestic science. Such industrial school union shall be organized in the following manner : Whenever each of the boards of trustees of any num- ber of school districts not exceeding six shall certify to the county com- missioners of any county that by a resolution passed at a regularly called 144 School Laws of Nevada meeting of such board it was ordered that the school district become a part of industrial school union, it shall be the duty of th^ county- commissioners to designate such districts as constituting the industrial school union. If the trustees of more than six such school districts shall certify to the commissioners that they desire to join such industrial school union, the county commissioners shall decide which six districts of those applying shall constitute the industrial school union. Directors of Said School Union. Sec. 2. Whenever any industrial school union shall be thus organized by the county commissioners, the board of trustees of each of the dis- tricts constituting such industrial school union shall elect one of its members to become a member of the board of directors of the industrial school union, and the board of directors thus constituted shall have power and it shall be their duty : 1. To meet at some place agreed upon by a majority of the board of directors on the second Saturday following the organization of the indus- trial school union by the county commissioners, at which meeting they shall elect a president and secretary of the board, and adopt such rules of procedure as they shall deem necessary. 2. To designate a time at which they will elect a teacher of manual training and domestic science for the industrial school union, and deter- mine the salary to be paid. 3. To determine the amount of money each district constituting the industrial school union shall raise and contribute toward the salary of the manual training and domestic science teacher. The amounts to be raised by such districts shall be proportional to the property valuations of the several districts constituting the industrial school union. 4. To certify to the county commissioners the amount of money to be raised by each of the districts constituting the industrial school union, and it shall be the duty of the county commissioners to levy and cause to be collected in each of the districts constituting the industrial school union a special tax sufficient to raise the amount of money determined by the board of directors as the necessary amount to be raised by such district. Such taxes shall be levied, equalized, and collected in the same manner as other school district taxes are levied, equalized, and collected, and the money thus paid to the county treasurer shall constitute the teachers' salary fund of industrial school union, and shall be used for no other purpose than for paying the salary of the manual train- ing and domestic science teacher of that industrial school union. 5. To make rules and regulations governing the schedule of time the manual training and domestic science teacher shall give to each district constituting the industrial school union. Trustees to Decide Regarding Subjects Taught. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the board of trustees of each of the dis- tricts constituting the industrial school union to decide whether manual training or domestic science, or both such subjects, shall be taught in such district, and to provide a suitable room in which the same shall be taught, and to equip such room with sufficient tools, apparatus, and material for the proper instruction in the -subject selected. Tools, etc., Must Be Provided. Sec. 4. If any district constituting the industrial school union shall School Laws of Nevada 145 fail to provide the necessary tools, apparatus, or material for the proper instruction in the subjects selected as provided in section 3 of this act, the board of directors shall authorize the manual training and domestic science teacher to purchase such necessary tools, apparatus, or material, and upon presentation of the bill for such supplies the board of directors shall order the county auditor to pay the same from the county school fund of the delinquent district, and the county auditor and the county treasurer shall pay such order in the same manner as other school orders are paid; provided, that no such purchases by the manual training and domestic science teacher shall exceed in value one hundred fifty dollars. Meetings of Directors — Proxies. Sec. 5. Meetings of the board of directors of the industrial school union shall be held at the call of the president, or a,t the request of any two members of the board. Such meetings shall be governed by the same rules governing other school boards of the state; provided, that a quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of not less than half of all the members of the board, except that the president and secretary may make legal orders for the salary of the teacher; and provided further , that members of the board of directors may vote by written proxy upon all questions except those involving teachers' contracts or change of schedule of the teacher. School Law to Govern. Sec. 6. The industrial school union shall be under the same laws, rules, and regulations as the public schools of the state in so far as such laws, rules, and regulations are not in conflict with the provisions of this act. Organization Undissolved for Two Years. Sec. 7. The organization of the industrial school union shall remain undissolved for a period of two years from the thirtieth of June following the organization of the industrial school union by the county commis- sioners. At the end of the aforesaid two-year period the county com- missioners shall renew the organization of the union upon receipt of the same kind of certified .statements as provided in section 1 of this act. Repeal. Sec. 8. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed . UNITED STATES FLAG FOR SCHOOLHOUSES An Act to amend section 3 of an act entitled "An act to require school trustees to procure and hoist on public schoolhouses the United States flag," approved March 13, 1909. Approved March 16, 1915, 180 Section 3. It is hereby made the duty of the deputy superintendent of public instruction of each school district in the State of Nevada to see that the provisions of this act are carried into effect, and each of said deputy superintendents of public instruction is hereby authorized and empowered to make such rules as may be necessary to enforce the pro- visions of this act. Stats. 1915, 180. Void. This amends an act repealed in 1911. See the General School Law, sec. 221, paragraph 21. The above act is not law, but it ought to be. State Superintendent. 10 146 School Laws of Nevada BRANCH COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS An Act to provide for the establishment of branch county high schools under certain conditions, in counties having a county high school, and other matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 17, 1915, 188 Couifty Commissioners May Establish. Section 1. The board of county commissioners of any county in the state having a county high school or schools may establish a branch county high school, and it shall be the duty of the county commissioners to do so whenever the county board of education of such county shall certify that the conditions named in section 2 of this act exist and are complied with. County Aid, How Secured. Sec. 2. Whenever a school district in a county having a county high school or county high schools is in need of and desires county aid for securing or maintaining full high-school instruction and privileges for its children, it may, through its board of trustees, petition the county commissioners to establish in the district a branch county high school. The petition shall set forth the following facts: 1. That said district has already in attendance in its high school twenty or more properly qualified high-school pupils and full high-school work is being done; 2. That the income of the district from county and state apportion- ments is insufficient for giving such pupils necessary high-school instruc- tion, and that its assessed valuation is too small for it to raise the needed funds from special district taxation ; 3. That the district is situated forty miles or more from the county high school, and the parents are unable to send their children to the county high school; 4. That the district is able to and will provide the necessary rooms or buildings for all the high-school work; 5. That the district asks for the establishment therein of a branch county high school under the management and the control of the county board of education. Under Control of County Board of Education. Sec. 3. Any branch county high school that may be established under the provisions of this act shall be under the full control and management of the county board of education, and it shall be governed in its powers and duties in reference to the said branch county high school by the provisions contained in the Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912, sections 3419, 3420, 3421, 3422, and 3423 (School Code, sections 179, 180, 181, 182, and 183) . Not to Conflict with Certain Act. Sec. 4. None of the provisions of this act shall in any wise impair or abrogate the provisions of "An act authorizing boards of county com- missioners to transfer certain funds to the county school fund of school districts, or to levy a special county tax in certain cases, and other matters properly connected therewith," as found in the Statutes of Nevada, 1913, pages 166 and 167 (School Code, 1913, pages 73 and 74). School Laws of Nevada 147 MINOR CONVICTS MAY BE PLACED IN SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY An Act concerning minor inmates of the Nevada state prison. Approved March 18, 1915, 224 Section 1 . The board of parole commissioners of this state is author- ized, in its discretion, to transfer to the Nevada school of industry any minor persons who are now, or hereafter may be, inmates of the Nevada state prison. UNIVERSITY REVOLVING FUND An Act to create a fund to he known as the '^ University Revolving Fund," and appropriating money therefor. Approved March 18, 1915, 225 Section 1. There is hereby appropriated from the money coming into the treasury of the State of Nevada, which by force of statute, tax, or otherwise, is intended for the support of the University of Nevada or any of its departments, the sum of $20,000, to be known as the "University Revolving Fund." Upon the written request of the board of regents of the University of Nevada, the controller of the State of Nevada is hereby directed and authorized to draw his warrant in favor of the board of regents of the University of Nevada for said sum of $20,000, and upon presentation of the same to the treasurer of the State of Nevada the said treasurer of the State of Nevada is hereby directed and authorized to pay said sum. of $20,000 to said board of regents. Sec. 2. Said "University Revolving Fund" shall be used by said board of regents for the purpose of paying the current expenses of maintaining and conducting the said university, and for no other purpose; and all bills or demands paid by said board of regents from said fund shall, after pay- ment thereof, be passed upon by the state board of examiners in the same manner as other claims against the State of Nevada, and when approved by said board of examiners the controller shall draw his warrant for the amount of such claim or claims, in favor of the university revolving fund, to be paid to the order of the board of regents. OFFICIAL OATH An Act prescril)ing the official oath of the State of Nevada, and repealing a certain act. Approved March 22, 1915, 275 Section 1. Members of the legislature, and all officers, executive, judicial, and ministerial, shall, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe to the following oath: I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, pro- tect, and defend the constitution and government of the United States, and the constitution and government of the State of Nevada, against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution, or law of any state notwithstanding, and that I will w«ll and faithfully perform all the duties of the office of_ .__, on which I am about to enter; (if an oath) so help me God; (if an affirmation) under the pains and penalties of perjury. 148 School Laws of Nevada Sec. 2. An act entitled "An act prescribing the official oath of the State of Nevada," approved January 16, 1865, is hereby repealed. RETIREMENT SALARIES FOR TEACHERS An Act to provide for the payment of retirement salaries to puhlic school teachers of this state, and all matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 23, 1915, 303 Section 1. There are hereby established two funds in the state treasury, to be known, respectively, as the public school teachers ' retire- ment salary fund and the public school teachers ' permanent fund. The public school teachers' permanent fund shall be made up of all moneys received from the following sources, or derived in the following manner : ( 1 ) All contributions made by teachers, as hereinafter provided ; (2) The income and interest derived from the investment of moneys contained in such fund ; (3) An ad valorem tax of three mills on the hundred dollars of all taxable property in the state ; and the board of county commissioners of the several counties shall, annually, at the same time other state taxes are levied, add this to the other taxes provided by law to be levied and collected, and it shall be annually collected at the same time and in the same manner as other state taxes are collected, and if, from any reason whatever, in any year said taxes are not levied as herein required, by the board of county commissioners, the county auditor shall enter them on the assessment roll as required by law for other taxes ; (4) All donations, legacies, gifts, and bequests which shall be made to such fund, and all the moneys which shall be obtained or contributed for the same purposes from other sources. Sec. 2. The public school teachers' retirement salary fund shall be made up of such moneys as shall be transferred from time to time under authority of this act from the public school teachers' permanent fund. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the state controller and of the state treasurer to make, when notified by the public school teachers' retire- ment salary fund board, or by the state superintendent of public instruction, under authority of this act, transfers of such amounts from the public school teachers ' permanent fund to the public school teachers ' retirement salary fund as will be sufficient to meet the -claims which may be legally drawn against said public school teachers' retirement salary fund. Sec. 4. There shall be deducted each school year, commencing Sep- tember, 1915, from the salary of every teacher subject to the burdens of this act, nine dollars, and every official whose duty it is to pay said teachers' salary shall make said deduction at such times of payment as shall be directed by the state board of education ; the amounts thus deducted shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the public school teachers' permanent fund, and shall constitute part thereof. Sec. 5. No person shall, except as hereinafter otherwise provided, be eligible to receive the benefits of this act who shall not have paid into said public school teachers' permanent fund an amount equal to nine School Laws of Nevada 149 dollars for each year of service up to and including thirty years ; pro- vided, however, that the difference between the amount actually paid by such teacher of thirty years' service and two hundred and seventy dollars, may be paid into said fund by such teacher at the time of retirement, with the same effect as if the full sum of two hundred and seventy dollars had been paid at the rate of nine dollars per year before retirement ; or the sum of twenty dollars per month may be withheld from such teachers ' retirement salary until the amount so withheld shall equal the difference between said sum of two hundred and seventy dol- lars and the amount theretofore paid into said permanent fund. Sec. 6. The state board of education shall constitute the public school teachers' retirement salary fund board. The president and sec- retary of the state board of education shall be the president and secre- tary, respectively, of said public school teachers ' retirement salary fund board. Sec. 7. The public school teachers' retirement salary fund board, subject to the provisions of this act, shall have power, and it shall be its duty: (1) To approve and allow retirement salaries of public school teachers entitled to the same under the provisions of this act ; (2) Through its president or other officer designated by it for that purpose, to audit all claims and demands for money expended or authorized to be expended by it, and certify all claims and demands against the public school teachers' permanent fund and the public school teachers ' retirement salary fund, including all retirement salary demands, to the state controller, who shall draw his warrant therefor upon the state treasurer, payable out of said fund; provided, that no demands shall be allowed except after resolution, duly passed at a meeting of the board by a majority of its members, which adoptions shall be attested by the secretary ; (3) To require the boards of education, school trustees, and other public authorities, and all officers having duties to perform in respect to the contributions by teachers to said permanent fund, to report to the board from time to time as to such matters pertaining to the pay- ment of such contributions as it may deem advisable ; (4) To invest the moneys in the permanent fund in securities and to collect the income therefrom and interest and dividends thereon; to deposit such securities with the state treasurer, and to make sale of such securities when, in its judgment, such sale will be advisable ; pro- vided, that none of the moneys in the public school teachers ' permanent fund shall be invested in any securities except such securities as those in which the funds of savings banks may be legally invested. The state controller is authorized to draw his warrant upon the public school teachers' permanent fund in payment of duly audited claims arising out of the investment of the moneys in said fund ; (5) To prescribe the duties of the secretary and other officers of the board ; (6) To conduct investigation in all matters relating to the operation of this act, and to subpena witnesses and compel their attendance to testify before it in respect to such matters. Sec. 8. Said public school teachers' retirement salary fund board shall meet at least once every three months, and at each quarterly meet- 150 School Laws of Nevada ing shall make a list of all persons entitled to payment out of the fund established by this act, and enter said list in a book to be kept by the board for that purpose, to be known as the "Public School Teachers' Retirement Salary Fund Record." Said list shall be certified as cor- rect by the president and secretary of the board, and shall always be open to public inspection. In the performance of the duties of the board, each member and the secretary thereof may administer oaths and affirmations to witnesses and others transacting business with the board. Sec. 9. The board shall make rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, which shall have the force and effect of law. Such rules and regulations shall : (1) Provide for the conduct and regulation of the meetings of the board and the operation of the business thereof ; (2) Provide for the enforcement and carrying into effect of the pro- visions of this act ; (3) Establish a system of accounts showing the condition of the pub- lic school teachers' permanent fund and the public school teachers' retirement salary fund, and receipts and disbursements for and on account of said funds ; (4) Prescribe the form of warrants, vouchers, receipts, reports, and accounts to be used in respect to said funds ; (5) Regulate the duties of boards of education, school trustees, and other school authorities, imposed upon them by this act, in respect to the contributions by teachers to the public school teachers' permanent fund, and the deduction of such contributions from the teachers' salaries. Sec. 10. In addition to the powers hereinabove enumerated said board shall make and enforce all necessary and proper rules and regu- lations for the method or methods of applying for and obtaining retire- ment salaries provided for in this act, and for the method or methods of determining the right of each applicant to such retirement salary ; provided, however, that in all cases legal proof of all necessary facts shall be required and kept on file. Sec. 11. The deputy superintendent of schools of each supervision district shall report to the superintendent of public instruction, before the fifteenth day of July of each year, the amount that will be required during the current fiscal year to pay the retirement salaries to be paid in each supervision district, and said superintendent of public instruc- tion shall determine from said reports the entire amount required to pay said retirement salaries during said current fiscal year. He shall report the amount required to make such payments to the public school teachers' retirement salary fund board, and thereupon said board shall notify the state controller and by resolution, duly adopted, shall direct him to make transfer of the needed amount from the public school teachers' permanent fund to the public school teachers' retirement salary fund. It shall be the duty of the state controller thereupon to make such transfer and to notify the state treasurer in order that he may make corresponding entry in the records of his office. When claims for payment of retirement salaries have been duly audited under the provisions of this act the controller shall draw his warrant therefor upon the said public school teachers ' retirement salary fund. School Laws of Nevada 151 Sec. 12. Every public school teacher who shall have complied with all the requirements of this act, and who shall have served as a legally qualiiied teacher in the public schools, or partly as such teacher and partly as superintendent or supervising executive or educational administrator, for at least thirty school years, at least fifteen of which shall have been in the public schools of this state, including the last ten years of service immediately preceding retirement, under a legal cer- tificate shall be entitled to retire ; or if physically or mentally inca- pacitated for the proper performance of the duties of teacher, may be compelled to retire by the board of education, school trustees, or other school authorities employing such teacher. Upon retirement, voluntary or involuntary, such teacher shall be entitled to receive, during life, an annual retirement salary of five hunderd dollars, payable in install- ments quarterly by warrant drawn as provided in section seven of this act ; provided, that application for such salary be made within two years after the last month of service or within two years after the approval of this act. Sec. 13. Any public school teacher who shall have complied with all the requirements of this act and who shall have served as a legally qualified teacher for at least fifteen years in the public schools of this state, and who shall have by reason of bodily or mental infirmity become physically or mentally incapacitated for further school service, under a legal certificate, shall be entitled to retire, or may, by the board of education, school trustees, or other school authorities employing such teacher, be compelled to retire. Upon retirement, voluntary or involun- tary, such teacher shall be entitled to receive during the period of such disability, an annual retirement salary, payable in installments quar- terly, which shall be the same fraction of the maximum retirement salary of five hundred dollars as said teacher's time of service is of thirty years ; provided, that application for such retirement salary shall be made within two years of the last month of service or within two years after the approval of this act. Sec. 14. In counting actual experience for the purposes of this act, the state board of education shall determine what constitutes a school year ; provided, that in no case shall leaves of absence amounting to school years, or half -school years, be counted as service. Sec. 15. This act shall be binding upon all such teachers employed in the public schools of this state at the time of the approval of this act, as shall, on or before October 1, 1915, sign and deliver to the super- intendent of public instruction and the deputy superintendent of schools of the supervision district in which said teachers are in service, a notification that said teachers agree to be bound by and to avail them- selves of the benefits of this act. Sec. 16. This act shall be binding upon all teachers elected or appointed to teach in the public schools of this state after the approval of this act, who, not being in the service of the public schools at the time of the approval of said act, were not competent to sign or deliver the notification specified in section fifteen. Sec. 17. If any teacher retired under the provisions of this act shall be reemployed in the public schools of this state, such teacher's retire- ment salary shall cease ; and if any teacher having qualified under section thirteen hereof returns to service in the public schools of the 152 School Laws of Nevada state and thereafter qualifies under the provisions of section twelve hereof, there shall be deducted from the retirement salary payable to such teacher under the provisions of section twelve hereof the amount of retirement salary theretofore actually received by such teacher under the provisions of section thirteen hereof, such amount to be so deducted in equal quarterly installments until the whole amount so received under said section thirteen shall have been deducted; provided, how- ever, that the amount of such deduction to be made quarterly shall not exceed thirtj^'-five dollars. Sec. 18. No one shall be permitted to draw from the state, directly or indirectly, more than one retirement salary. Nothing in this act shall be so construed, however, as to prevent local communities or bodies of teachers from supplementing the retirement of salary received from the state. HIGH-SCHOOL DORMITORIES IN ELKO COUNTY An Act authorizing the hoard of county commissioners of the county of Elko to issue honds to provide for the construction, equipment, and. furnishing of high-school dormitories in the towns of Elko and Wells, Elko County, Nevada, and providing for the ratification thereof, hy special or general election, before the issuance of any bonds, and authorizing the county board of^ education of said county to construct, equip, and furnish said building. Approved March 24, 1915, 344 Section 1. The board of county commissioners of Elko County is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to prepare and issue bonds of said county, said bonds to be issued on or before the first day of Janu- ary, 1917, for an amount not to exceed the sum of fifty-five thousand dollars, exclusive of interest, for the purpose of providirig funds for the construction and equipment of high-school dormitories in the towns of Elko and Wells, in Elko County, upon a site to be chosen by the county board of education. Sec. 2. Before issuing said bonds or incurring any indebtedness or commencing the construction of said dormitories, or either of them, the question of the issuance of said bonds shall be submitted to a vote of the electors of Elko County, either at the next general election or at a special election to be held as hereinafter provided. Sec. 3. Upon petition of 40 per cent of the qualified electors of Elko County (using the highest vote cast at the last general election for jus- tice of the supreme court) filed with the board of county commissioners of Elko County requesting the calling of a special election for the pur- pose of voting upon the issuance of said bonds, it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to call such special election and sub- mit to the electors of Elko County the question of the issuance of said bonds. Said special election and the call therefor shall be held not sooner than 40 nor later than 60 days after the filing of such petition, and there shall be printed upon the ballots at such special election the following : ( Yes For the erection of high-school dormitory at Elko j -j^^ i i Yes For the erection of high-school dormitory at Wells j -j^ School Laws of Nevada 153 If no special election be held, such question shall be submitted to the electors of Elko County at the next general election, and shall in like manner and form be printed upon the general election ballot. If a majority of the electors voting thereon at a special or general election vote yes, said board of county commissioners shall forthwith cause said bonds to be prepared and made ready for issuance. Said bonds shall be signed by the chairman of the board, countersigned by the county treasurer, and authenticated by the seal of the county; coupons for interest shall be attached to each bond so that the same may be removed without injury to the bond, and each of such coupons shall be consecu- tively numbered and signed by the chairman of the board and the county treasurer. Sec. 4. The clerk of the board of county commissioners shall keep a record of all' proceedings under the provisions of this act, showing the number and date of each bond, and to whom issued. Sec. 5. The board of county commissioners of Elko County is hereby authorized to negotiate the sale of said bonds, or such number thereof as they may deem necessary, by advertising for sealed proposals, or by private sales, as they tnay deem for the best interests of the county, and may reject any and all bids; provided, that no bonds shall be sold for less than par value ; and provided further, that all bonds shall be made for gold coin of the United States, and the interest thereon shall be pay- able in like gold coin. Sec. 6. Said bonds shall be each for the sum of five hundred dollars. They shall be numbered consecutively and the interest on the same shall not exceed six per cent per annum, payable annually, on the first Mon- day in July of each year, at the office of the county treasurer of said Elko County, and in no case shall said bonds run for a longer period than twenty years. Sec. 7. All moneys derived from the sale of said bonds shall be paid to the county treasurer of said county, and the said treasurer is hereby required to receive and safely keep the same in a fund hereby created and known as "The Elko County Dormitory Fund," and to pay out said moneys only in a manner now provided by law for the payment of the "County High School Fund," and for the purposes for which the same were received. Sec. 8. The county board of education of Elko County is hereby authorized and directed to use said moneys arising from the sale of said bonds, or such number thereof as they may deem necessary, for the con- struction, equipment, and furnishing of such dormitory or dormitories, and any balance remaining in said fund, after the completion, equip- ment, and furnishing of said building, shall be turned over and con- verted into the proper fund provided for running and maintaining said high school, in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of law pertaining to the establishment, maintenance, and management of high schools in the various counties of this state. Sec 9. Said county board of education shall determine as to the character of said building, the materials to be used therefor, and the plans therefor, and when such determination is made said board shall advertise for bids for the construction of said county high-school build- ing, and let the construction thereof by contract to the lowest and most responsible bidder. The laws in force governing contracts by boards of county commissioners are hereby made applicable to and the same shall 154 " School Laws of Nevada govern the action of the county board of education in carrying out the provisions of this act. All demands and bills contracted by said county board of education shall be paid in the manner now provided by law for paying claims against the "County High-School Fund"; provided, that no such bills shall be allowed until the plans for said high-school build- ing have been approved by the state superintendent of public instruction. Sec. 10. As soon as possible after the passage and approval of this act, or after this act shall become a law, the county board of education of Elko County shall proceed to select an appropriate site for said dor- mitory building in the towns of Elko and Wells in said county, and the county board of education of said county and the county commissioners of said county shall thereafter, with all expedient dispatch, proceed to the execution of the purposes of this act. Sec. 11. The county treasurer of said Elko County shall be liable on his official bond for the safe keeping of the moneys which shall come into his hands under the provisions of this act, and for the faithful discharge of all his duties in relation thereto. Sec. 12. For the purposes of creating a fund for the payment of the bonds authorized by this act, and the interest thereon, the board of county commissioners of said Elko County is hereby authorized and required to levy and collect annually a special tax on the assessment value of all property, both real and personal, subject to taxation, including proceeds of mines within the boundaries of said Elko County, until such bonds and the interest thereon shall have been fully paid, sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and to pay and retire, beginning with bond number one, and consecutively thereafter, five of said bonds annually, beginning with the first Monday in July, 1917, until all of said bonds have been redeemed and retired. Such tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are assessed and collected, and the proceeds thereof shall be kept by the county treasurer in a special fund to be known as the "Elko County Dormitory Fund." Sec. 13. It shall be obligatory on the said county and on its proper officers to pay in full the accrued interest on said bonds, beginning on the first day of July after the issuance of said bonds, and thereafter on the first day of July of each and every year, until all of said bonds shall have been redeemed and retired. Sec. 14. Whenever the bonds and interest provided for in this act shall have been fully paid, the tax authorized by the act shall cease, and all moneys remaining in said bond fund shall, by order of the board of county commissioners of said county, be transferred to the general fund. Sec. 15. Whenever the county treasurer shall redeem any of the bonds issued under the provisions of .this act, he shall cancel the same by writing across the face thereof "Paid," together with the date of such payment, sign his name thereto, and turn the same over to the county auditor, taking his receipt therefor, which receipt shall be filed with the clerk of the board of county commissioners, and the auditor shall credit the treasurer on his books for the amount so paid. Sec 16. Should the holder of said bonds, or any of them, for any cause whatever, fail to present said bonds to the said county treasurer for payment when they become due, all interest on such bonds shall thereafter immediately cease. Sec. 17. The faith of the State of Nevada is hereby pledged that this School Laws of Nevada 155 act shall not be repealed, nor the taxation thereby imposed be omitted, until all the bonds and coupons issued hereunder and by virtue hereof shall have been paid in full, as in this act specified. BIDS MUST BE ADVERTISED FOE, ON ALL CONTRACTS OVER $500 An Act requiring school trustees to advertise for hids on contracts for the erection of new school buildings, or for the repairing or adding to an old school building, whenever the cost of such work is to exceed five hundred dollars. Approved March 25, 1915, 375 Section 1. Whenever the trustees of any school distoict shall decide to erect any new school building that is to cost more than five hundred dollars or to repair or add to any old school building, which repair or addition is to cost more than five hundred dollars, or to purchase school furniture that is to cost more than five hundred dollars, they shall adver- tise for bids for the contract to erect the said new building, or to make the repairs or addition. Such advertising shall be done in the following manner: If a daily newspaper is published in the district, the adver- tisement for bids shall be published in such newspaper for ten succes- sive days previous to the opening of such bids. If there is only a weekly newspaper published in the district, the advertisement for bids shall be published in at least two weekly issues previous to the opening of such bids. If no newspaper is published in the district the trustees shall cause such advertisement to be published in some paper in the county for the same periods of time as those mentioned above in this section. Sec. 2. In all cases where more than five hundred dollars is to be expended upon the erection of any school building, or upon the repair or addition to any school building or upon the purchase of school fur- niture, the trustees shall award the contract for such work to the lowest and best bidder for the contract. Sec. 3. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. ALL TEACHERS MUST BE UNITED STATES CITIZENS An Act empowering the superintendent of public instruction, regents of the state university, and school trustees to dismiss certain employees and forbidding them to engage or employ in the educa- tional department in a professional manner any person other than a citizen of the United States, and prohibiting the state controller and county auditors from issuing any warrants to any person other than a citizen of the United States, and providing a penalty therefor. Approved March 26, 1915, 427 Section 1. From and after the passage of this act, the superin- tendent of public instruction, regents of the state university, and school trustees are hereby empowered and required to dismiss any teacher, instructor, instructress, professor, or president employed in the educa- tional department of this state who is not a citizen of the United States ; or who has not declared his or her intentions to become a citizen. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for the superintendent of public instruc- 156 School Laws of Nevada tion, regents of the state university, or school trustees to engage or hire any president, superintendent, teacher, instructor, instructress, or pro- fessor in any of the educational departments of this state who is not a citizen of the United States. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for the state controller or county auditors to issue any warrants to any teacher, instructor, instructress, professor, superintendent, or president in any of the educational depart- ments of this state who is not a citizen of the United States, or who has not complied with the provisions of section one of this act. Sec. 4. Any person who violates section three of this act, and upon conviction in any court of competent jurisdiction, his or her bondsmen shall be held in the penal sum of one thousand dollars for the first oflense, and for each and every subsequent offense they shall be held in the penal sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, to be paid into the treasury of the State of Nevada, or county treasury, as the case may be. Sec. 5. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. SAGEBRUSH THE STATE EMBLEM Senate and Assemhly Joint and Concurrent Resolution, adopting an emblem for the State of Nevada. Be it resolved hy the Senate, the Assemhly conciirring, That sagebrush [Artemisia tridenata or trifida) is hereby adopted as the state emblem of the State of Nevada. An Act to provide for civic and physical training and instruction in the high schools of Nevada, and matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 21, 1917 Civic and Physical Training Authorized in Schools. Section 1 . It is hereby made the duty of all school officers in control of public high schools in the State of Nevada to provide for courses of instruction designed to prepare the pupils for the duties of citizenship, both in time of peace and in time of war. Such instruction shall include : (1) Physical training designed to secure the health, vigor, and physical soundness of the pupil; (2) Instruction relative to the duties of citizens in the service of their country. It shall be the aim of such instruction to inculcate a love of country and a disposition to serve the country effec- tively and loyally. Special Teacher, When. Sec. 2. All boards of education or boards of school trustees of county or district high schools offering a four years high-school course are hereby empowered to employ teachers of physicial training who shall devote all or part of their time to physical instruction for both boys and girls. State Tax Authorized. Sec. 3. In order to assist in the payment of salaries of said physical training instructors, there shall be levied on the passage of this act an ad valorem tax of five mills on the hundred dollars of assessed valuation of all the taxable property of the state. School Laws of Nevada 157 Superintendent of Public Instruction to Apportion Money. Sec. 4. The state superintendent of public instruction, at the time of the a,pportioninent of other state school funds, shall apportion the funds derived from the levy as provided in section 3 of this act on the basis of the high-school enrollment of the preceding school year, as follows: Three hundred dollars for each one hundred pupils, or fraction thereof, enrolled in any high school partaking of the benefits of this act ; but no high school shall receive such apportionment unless a legally licensed teacher of physical training is employed therein. In Effect. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. An Act to provide for the consolidation of two one-teacher rural school districts adjoining each other, hut situated one in each of two adjoining counties. ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ,,^ ,9,, Commissioners of Adjoining Counties May Consolidate Certain Adjoining One- Teacher Schools. Section 1. The boards of county commissioners of any two adjoining counties in which there are two one-teacher rural school districts adjoin- ing each other, but situated one in each of said adjoining counties, in which the total number of school census children does not exceed forty, may by separate action unite the two schools and form a consolidated school district, on the recommendation of the state superintendent of public instruction, and without formal petition of the residents of said districts; provided, that the state superintendent before making such recommendation shall have been thereto requested by the parents repre- senting a majority of the school census children in the two districts, and shall have satisfied himself that the educational needs of the two dis- tricts would thereby be more efficiently promoted. Name of Said District, Sec. 2. The name of the district thus formed shall be consolidated school district No (blanks to be filled by the initial letters of the two counties, as "H. W.")- Joint Board of School Trustees. Sec. 3. Upon receiving notice from the county boards of commissioners that favorable action has been taken on the recommendation made, the state superintendent shall appoint a board of three trustees who shall serve until the first Monday in May following -the next regular school election. The persons thus appointed shall take the oath of office as soon as possible thereafter and organize as a board by electing one of their number as president and another as clerk. Under General School Consolidation Act. Sec. 4. The consolidated school district thus established and organized shall come under the benefits and privileges of the general school consoli- dation act, approved February 26, 1915; and its board of school trustees shall have all the powers and duties pertaining to school boards in all other school districts. 158 School LxVws of Nevada . ' An Act to promote efficiency in the public schools hy payment of trans- portation expenses of teachers to and from teachers' institutes. Approved March 14, 1917 Transportation of Teachers to State or District Institutes Paid from County School Fund — Provisos. Section 1. It shall be the duty of school boards whenever a teachers' institute is called for the county or supervision district in which their respective school districts are located to pay the actual necessary trans- portation expenses of any teacher or teachers under their charge to and from such institute or institutes out of the county school fund of their respective school districts, unless such teacher or teachers are excused for cause from attending such institute by legally authorized authority; pro- vided, that such attending covers the entire session of such institute or institutes ; and provided further, that such teacher or teachers shall avail themselves of the reduced rates granted by railroad arid stage companies. Sec. 2. School boards are authorized under the same conditions as named in section one of this act to pay a part or all of the transportation expenses of any teacher or teachers attending any state teachers' institute; provided, that such attending covers the entire session of such institute. This Act Supplementary. Sec. 3. The provisions of this act are to be construed as supplement- ing any other legal provisions now in force in reference to teachers' insti- tutes and as not in conflict with them. An Act to appropriate funds for use in case of emergencies affecting the public health and safety. Approved March 14, 1917 Preparing for Epidemics. Whereas, Dread diseases and afflictions, such as infantile paralysis and spinal meningitis, have suddenly appeared and become epidemic within recent years in the several states, to the great peril and injury of the public health; and Whereas, The State of Nevada may be similarly visited, despite care and precaution, and there is no adequate fund to provide against and care for such an emergency ; therefore : Emergency Fund, $10,000. Section 1. The sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) is hereby appropriated, from the general fund in the treasury of the State of Nevada not otherwise appropriated, as an emergency fund to be expended b}^. the state board of health, subject to the approval of the governor, when it appears to the state board of health and the governor that a great menace to the public health and safety exists and is beyond the control of the county, municipal or other local authorities. Regular Pajrments. Sec. 2. All claims incurred in carrying out the provisions of this act shall be paid in the same manner as other state claims are paid. School Laws of Nevada 159 An Act to provide for the estahlishm,ent of evening schools. Approved March 24, 1917 Evening Schools Authorized. Section 1 . The state superintendent of public instruction shall author- ize any local board of school trustees to establish evening schools in any school district whenever fifteen or more bona fide applicants residing therein shall petition him in writing for the same. Such schools shall be open to native and foreign-born youths and adults, and the courses of instruction therein given shall be approved by the state board of education. Board of Trustees to Employ Teachers. Sec. 2. The board of trustees in any district in which such evening school is held shall employ the necessary teachers therefor; and said board shall also provide suitable rooms with adequate lighting and heat- ing. Teachers employed in such evening schools must hold legal certifi- cates for corresponding work in the public day schools, or special evening-school certificates, which are hereby authorized, from the state board of education. Number of Teachers — Compensation— Proviso. Sec. 8. No more than one teacher shall be employed for each fifteen persons enrolled in any such evening school. At the end of each school month the board of trustees having charge thereof shall certify the month's enrollment and average nightly attendance to the state superin- tendent of public instruction. The State of Nevada shall pay said teachers at the rate of not more than one dollar per hour of actual teaching in said evening schools, or not more than forty dollars per month; provided, that when the average monthly attendance falls below ten students per teacher a sufficient number of teachers must be retired to maintain such an average. Appropriation, $10,000. Sec. 4. The sum of ten thousand dollars is hereby appropriated from the state school fund to carry out the provisions of this act ; and claims against said appropriation shall be paid as other claims against the state are paid, upon certificate by the state superintendent of public instruction. Indebtedness, How Paid. Sec. 5. On the written orders of a board of school trustees having established an evening school the county auditor shall issue warrants upon the county treasurer for the payment of just claims for equipment and maintenance, and for additional salary of teachers in amounts not to exceed those paid such teachers by the state, all of which claims are hereby made just and legal charges against the general fund of the county ; and the county treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same. MEDICAL EXAMINATION An Act requiring the examination of all school children to ascertain if tliey have defective eyesight or hearing, or diseased teeth, or if they are addicted to mouth hreathing. Approved March 24, 1917 Teachers to Examine Children for Defective Teeth or Mouth Breathing. Section 1 . It shall be the duty of all teachers engaged in teaching in the public schools of the state separately and carefully to test and 160 School Laws of Nevada examine every child under their jurisdiction to ascertain if such child is suffering from defective sight or hearing, or diseased teeth, or breathes through its mouth. If such test determines that any child has such defect, it shall be the duty of the teacher to notify, in writing, the parent of the child of such defect and explain to such parent the necessity of medical attendance for such child. State Board of Health to Prescribe Rules. Sec. 2. The state board of health shall prescribe rules for making such tests, and shall furnish to boards of education and boards of trus- tees of school districts rules of instruction, test-cards, blanks, and other useful appliances for carrying out the purposes of this act. Tests Made in First Month of School Year. Sec. 3. During the first month of each school year, after the opening of the school, teachers must make tests required by this act upon the children then in attendance at school; and thereafter, as children enter school during the year, such tests must be made immediately upon their entrance. Boards and Trustees to Enforce Act. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the boards of education and boards of trustees of the several school districts of the state to enforce the provi- sions of this act. Child Exempt, How. Sec. 5. Any child shall be exempt from the examination herein pro- vided upon written statement from his or her parents or guardian that they object to the same. An Act to facilitate the building of rural schoolhouses and to standardize them hy supplying plans and specifications to rural school hoards, and other matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 23. 1917 Duty of Board of Education. Section 1. It shall be a duty of the state board of education to have prepared plans and specifications for rural schoolhouses on standard lines of school architecture as to size, lighting, heating, ventilation, and general sanitation; and the trustees of rural schools needing new schoolhouses shall be supplied with such plans and specifications when the same are ready for distribution upon request of boards of school trustees. An Act to fix the state tax levy for the fiscal years 1917 and 1918 and to distribute the same to the proper funds. Approved March 20, 1917 Fixing State Tax Levy for 1917, and Apportionment Thereof. Section 1. For the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1917, an ad valorem tax of sixty-one and fifty-five one-hundredths cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property is hereby levied and directed to be collected for state purposes upon all taxable property in the state, include ing net proceeds of mines and mining claims, except such property as is by law exempt from taxation, which shall be apportioned, by the state School Laws of Nevada 161 controller among the various funds of the state as follows : General fund, thirty-three and seven-tenths cents; general school fund, seven and six- tenths cents; state loan interest and redemption fund, one and seven- tenths cents; territorial interest fund, two-tenths of one cent; university contingent fund, seven and three-tenths cents; contingent emergency bond interest and redemption fund, five-tenths of one cent; general appropriation bond interest and redemption fund, three-tenths of one cent; state highway fund, seven cents; rabies fund, two cents; agricul- tural building, University of Nevada, five-tenths of one cent; experiment farm. University of Nevada, twenty- five one-hundredths of one cent; new prison bond interest and redemption fund, five-tenths of one cent. Fixing State Tax Levy for 1918 — Apportionment. Sec. 2. Forthe fiscal year commencing January 1, 1918, an ad valorem tax of fifty-six and seventy-five one-hundredths cents on each one hun- dred dollars of taxable property is hereby levied and directed to be col- lected for state purposes upon all taxable property in the state, including net proceeds of mines and mining claims, except such property as is by law exempt from taxation, which shall be apportioned by the state con- troller among the various funds of the state as follows: General fund, twenty-six and one-tenth cents; general school fund, six and eight-tenths cents; state loan interest and redemption fund, one and five-tenths cents; territorial interest fund, one cent; university contingent fund, six and five-tenths cents; contingent emergency bond interest and redemption fund, one and two-tenths cents; general appropriation bond interest and redemption fund, four-tenths of one cent; state highway fund, ten cents; rabies fund, two cents; agricultural building. University of Nevada, five- tenths of one cent; experiment farm. University of Nevada, twenty-five one-hundredths of one cent; new prison bond interest and redemption fund, five-tenths of one cent. An Act to provide for extending the use of the state library. Approved March 24, 1917 Librarian to Prepare Author-and-Subject Catalogue. Section 1. The state librarian shall have prepared an author-and- subject catalogue, which shall contain every book in the miscellaneous department of the state library. It shall also contain all rules and regu- lations relating to said library, and shall be published in the state print- ing office in pamphlet form, the number of copies of said pamphlet to be designated by the state library commission. The cost of preparing and publishing this catalogue shall not exceed the sum of $2,500. A copy of this catalogue shall be sent to every school library in the State of Nevada, and to any resident of the state who may apply for same. Whenever any resident of the state, who is vouched for by any resident property taxpayer of the state (who shall be the surety hereafter men- tioned) outside his immediate family, shall apply for any book named in the catalogue, the librarian shall send said book to said party prepaid. Duties of Residents Borrowing Books. Sec. 2. The party borrowing the book shall, after retaining it for a period not to exceed four weeks, return same, prepaid, to the state library. Failure to return said book within the time specified shall subject the 11 162 School Laws of Nevada holder to a fine of ten cents per day for every day that the book is retained in excess of the time specified, and should such retention exceed a period of twenty days the state librarian shall declare all the privileges of such delinquent borrower under this act forfeited, and the fine shall be paid by the surety of the borrower, and should any book be damaged or lost the cost of the book or the damage thereto must be made good by the surety, who shall be held liable to the state. The state librarian may, at his discretion, send out books by insured mail or by express and require that they be returned in the same way. School Districts May Borrow Books. Sec. 3. In like manner any school district in the State of Nevada may, through application by the teacher thereof, or where a principal is employed, by the principal thereof, or a member of the board of trustees, borrow books, not to exceed in number twelve at any one time, and for a period not to exceed four weeks, except that no personal surety shall be required. In case of any penalty being incurred the same shall be a first claim against the library fund of such district until the same shall be paid in full. State Printer to Print Catalogue. Sec. 4. The state printer is hereby required to print the catalogue of the library and other matters pertaining thereto and such supplements to this catalogue from time to time as the state library commission may designate. Fines and Penalties, Where Deposited. Sec. 5. All fines and penalties provided for in this act shall be paid into the state library fund, and duly accredited thereto. Appropriation. Sec. 6. The state library commission shall draw upon the state library fund for all moneys needed to carry this law into effect and maintain the work incidental thereto, including printing the catalogue and supplements ; provided, that the amount so expended for the years 1917 and 1918 shall not exceed the sum of $2,500. An Act to create a state hoard of investments of the state permanent school fund, defining its powers and duties, and other matters properly connected therewith, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. . Approved March 24, 1917 State Board of Investments, Duties of. Section 1. There is hereby created the state board of investments, which will have charge of all investments of moneys and the sale of all securities of the state permanent school fund. Said board shall consist of the governor, the attorney-general, the superintendent of public instruc- tion, the president of the University of Nevada, and the state treasurer. The attorney-general shall be the legal adviser of said board. Duties of State Controller Regarding Securities. Sec. 2. It is hereby made the duty of the state controller, quarterly, to notify the state board of investments of the amount of money in the state permanent school fund ; and whenever there is a sufficient amount School Laws of Nevada 163 of money in said fund for investment, said board shall proceed to nego- tiate for the investment of the same in United States securities, in the bonds of this state, or of other states, or in bonds of any county of the State of Nevada, or in loans at a rate of interest of not less than six per cent per annum secured by mortgage on agricultural lands in this state of not less than three times the value of the amount loaned, exclusive of perishable improvements, of unexceptional title, and free from all incumbrances. Said state board of investments shall make due and dili- gent inquiry as to the financial standing and responsibility of the state or states, county or counties, person or persons, whose bonds or securities on agricultural lands in which it proposes to invest, and shall so require of the attorney-general his legal opinion in writing as to the validity of any act or acts of any state or county under which such bonds or securities are issued and authorized, and in which the said state board of investments contemplates investment; the attorney-general shall also be required to examine and pass upon and give his opinion in writing upon the title and the abstract of title of all agricultural land on which the state contemplates taking mortgages. State Board to Invest Securities, How, If the state board of investments be satisfied as to the financial stand- ing and responsibility of the state or states, county or counties, whose bonds or securities it proposes to purchase, or shall be satisfied of the financial standing and responsibility of the person or persons, corpora- tion or corporations, whose mortgages on agricultural land are offered to the state, and the attorney-general shall give his opinion in writing that the act or acts under which said bonds or securities are issued are valid and that the issues were duly and regularly made, or shall approve the abstract of title of the agricultural land proposed to be mortgaged, the board may approve such investment, and by a majority vote of the board shall order the state controller to draw his warrant in favor of the state treasurer for the amount to be invested, and the state controller shall thereupon draw his warrant as directed, and the state treasurer shall complete the purchase of the securities authorized by the board. Board to Keep Record. Sec. 3. The state board of investments shall keep a permanent record of all its meetings, in which record shall be recorded the aye and nay vote of the members of the board upon all questions presented to the board, and in which shall be kept all opinions of the attorney-general as required by the provisions of this act. Securities Converted into Cash, When. Sec. 4. The state board of investments is authorized in its discretion to convert any of the bonds or securities in which any part of the state permanent school fund is now or at any time hereafter may be invested into cash by selling the same in the open market to the highest bidder or bidders, the proceeds thereof to be placed by the state treasurer in the state permanent school fund to be reinvested as provided in section 2 of this act. Restrictions as Regards Counties. Sec. 5. No part of the state permanent school fund shall be invested in the bonds of any county whose entire bonded indebtedness for all pur- poses shall exceed ten per cent of its assessed valuation ; and the amount 164 School Laws of Nevada of bonds of any county purchased or invested in by the state board of investments shall not in the aggregate exceed four per cent of the assessed valuation of any county. The rate of interest on all such county bonds shall not be less than five per cent. Loans on Agricultural Lands. Sec. 6. Any person desiring to obtain a loan of the school funds on agricultural land shall make application in writing to the board and at the same time furnish to the board a full and complete abstract of title of the property offered as security for said loan. If the abstract be approved by the attorney-general and it shall appear that the person offering such mortgage has an exceptional title free from all incumbrances the state board of investments shall forthwith appoint an appraiser to view the land and improvements thereon, and make a report to the board of the value thereof. Borrower to Give Note to State of Nevada — Partial Payments. Sec. 7. If the abstract be approved by the attorney-general and the title be in accordance with the requireinents of the preceding section, and the written report of the appraiser or appraisers be satisfactory to the state board of investments said loan shall be made, and the person obtain- ing such loan shall execute a note payable to the State of Nevada for the permanent school fund for the amount thereof, and shall execute as security for the payment of such note a mortgage upon the lands to be given as security in form and manner to be approved by the attorney- general. Such mortgage shall be recorded as other mortgages of real property. Every such loan made upon a mortgage on agricultural land shall be payable in not to exceed ten years, and provision shall be made for partial payments annually or semiannually to the state treasurer, but no payments shall be made in an amount less than one hundred dollars and interest accruing. All payments of interest and payments upon principal shall be made semiannually on June 1 and December 1 of each year. Borrower to Pay Expense. Sec. 8. Any person desiring to obtain a loan upon agricultural land as provided in this act shall furnish the abstract herein provided for, and shall pay the cost of the appraiser or appraisers as may be incurred, not to exceed five dollars per day and expenses, of such appraiser or appraisers. Appropriation, $2,500. Sec. 9. For the purpose of carrying out the administration of this act the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars is hereby appropriated. Repeal. Sec. 10. All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. An Act appropriating tivo thousand dollars for the aid of the work of of the student loan fund of the Federation of Women's Clubs of the State of Nevada. Approved March 12, 1917 Assisting Student Loan Fund. Whereas, The women of the Federation of Women's Clubs of the State of Nevada, at their fifth annual convention at Goldfield, in October, founded the student loan fund ; and School Laws of Nevada 165 Whereas, Among other things, the purposes for which said fund is formed are : To aid and encourage deserving and needy girls and boys of the State of Nevada who are desirous of educating themselves to be self- supporting; the money is loaned without interest to be repaid in small sums as the borrowers are able to do so, thereby creating a revolving fund; it is available only to residents of Nevada; not more than four hundred ($400) dollars shall be loaned to any one student, and not more than two hundred ($200) dollars to any such student in any one school year; and Whereas, Said fund has already aided seventeen girls and boys, and the demands of said work are continually increasing, and it is without sufficient funds to properly provide for those seeking its help and to carry out the great objects and purposes for which it is organized ; now, there- fore. Appropriation, $2,000. Section 1. The sum of two thousand ($2,000) dollars is hereby appropriated from the general fund in the treasury of the State of Nevada, not otherwise appropriated , for the purpose of assisting the said student loan fund in carrying out the objects and purposes for which it was organized. To Be Paid to Miss Emma Vanderlieth. Sec. 2. Upon written request of Miss Emma Vanderlieth, chairman of the student loan fund of the Federation of Women's Clubs of Nevada, the controller of the State of Nevada is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant in favor of the student loan fund of the Federation of Women's Clubs of Nevada for the sum of two thousand ($2,000) dol- lars, and upon presentation of the same to the treasurer of the State of Nevada the said treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay said sum of two thousand ($2,000) dollars to the chairman of said student loan fund of the Federation of Women's Clubs of Nevada. Must Report Annually to G-overnor, Sec. 3. The chairman of the student loan fund of the Federation of Women's Clubs of Nevada shall make an annual report to the governor of the State of Nevada showing the disposition of said fund and trans- actions concerning the same. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION— AID FROM NATIONAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS An Act to accept the benefits of an act passed hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, to provide for the promotion of vocational education, approved February 23, 1917. Approved March 24, 1917 State Accepts Benefits of Act of Congress. Section 1 . That the State of Nevada does hereby accept the benefits of an act passed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled entitled " An act to provide for the promotion of vocational education ; to provide for cooperation with the states in the promotion of such education in agriculture and the trades and industries ; to provide for cooperation with the states in the prepara- tion of teachers of vocational subjects; and to appropriate money and 166 • School Laws of Nevada regulate its expenditure," approved February 23, 1917, and will observe and comply with all the requirements of said act. State Board of Education to Act. Sec. 2. That the state board of education is hereby designated as the state board for the purposes of the said act and is hereby given all necessary power to cooperate with the federal board of vocational education in the administration of the provisions of the act. State Treasurer Custodian. Sec. 3. That the state treasurer is hereby designated and appointed as custodian for vocational education and shall receive and provide for the proper custody and disbursement of moneys paid to the state from appropriations made by said act, and of moneys hereinafter appropriated by the state for this purpose. Appropriation for Two Years, $30,000. Sec. 4. That the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, as a vocational educational fund, to be available in the biennial period beginning July 1, 1917, for the preparation of teachers, supervisors, and directors of agricultural subjects and teachers of trade and industrial and home economics subjects; for the salary of teachers of trade and industrial and home economic subjects, and for the salary of teachers, supervisors, and directors of agricultural subjects, so as to receive the full benefit of the said act of Congress. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION— HOW AID IS PROVIDED FOR HIGH SCHOOLS An Act to provide for the administration of vocational education funds. Approved March 23, 1917 Appropriation, How Made. Section 1 . The state board of education, acting as a state vocational edu- cation board, shall appropriate money to local communities for the teaching of agriculture and of trades and industries and household economics sub- jects only on the basis of an equal contribution by each community for the purpose of such instruction organized under provisions acceptablefto the federal board of vocational education. School Laws of Nevada 167' SMITH-HUGHES VOCATIONAL EDUCATION ACT An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational education; to pro- vide for cooperation with the States in the promotion of such edu- cation in agricidture and the trades and industries ; to provide for cooperation with the States in the preparation of teachers of vocational subjects; and to appropriate money and regulate its expenditure. [Approved February 23, 1917] Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby annually appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, the sums provided in sections two, three, and four of this Act, to be paid to the respective States for the purpose of cooperating with the States in paying the salaries of teachers, super- visors, and directors of agricultural subjects, and teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects, and in the preparation of teachers of agricultural, trade, industrial, and home economics sub- jects; and the sum provided for in section seven for the use of the Federal Board for Vocational Education for the administration of this Act and for the purpose of making studies, investigations, and reports to aid in the organization and conduct of vocational education, which sums shall be expended as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. That for the purpose of cooperating with the States in paying the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricul- tural subjects there is hereby appropriated for the use of the States, subject to the provisions of this Act, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, the sum of $500,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen, the sum of $750,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nine- teen hundred and twenty, the sum of $1,000,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, the sum of $1,250,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hun- dred and twenty-two, the sum of $1,500,000 ; for the fiscal year end- ing June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-three, the sum of $1,750,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, the sum of $2,000,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, the sum of $2,500,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty- six, and annually thereafter, the sum of $3,000,000. Said sums shall be allotted to the States in the proportion which their rural population bears to the total rural population in the United States, not including outlying possessions, according to the last preceding United States census; provided, that the allotment of funds to any State shall be not less than a minimum of $5,000 for any fiscal year prior to and including the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-three, nor less than $10,000 for any fiscal year thereafter, and there is hereby appropriated the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, which shall be used for the purpose of providing the minimum allotment to the States provided for in this section : For the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, the sum of $48,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen, the sum of $34,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty, the sum of $24,000 ; for 168 School Laws of Nevada the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty- one, the sum of $18,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, the sum of $14,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-three, the sum of $11,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, the sum of $9,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, the sum of $34,000 ; and annually thereafter the sum of $27,000. Sec. 3. That for the purpose of cooperating with the States in paying the salaries of teachers of trade, home economics, and indus- trial subjects there is hereby appropriated for the use of the States, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eigh- teen, the sum of $500,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen, the sum of $750,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty, the sum of $1,000,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, the sum of $1,250,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, the sum of $1,500,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-three, the sum of $1,750,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, the sum of $2,000,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, the sum of $2,500,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-six, the sum of $3,000,000; and annually thereafter the sum of $3,000,000. Said sums shall be allotted to the States in the proportion which their urban population bears to the total urban population in the United States, not including outlying possessions, according to the last pre- ceding United States census; provided, that the allotment of funds to any State shall be not less than a minimum of $5,000 for any fiscal year prior to and including the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-three, nor less than $10,000 for any fiscal year thereafter, and there is hereby appropriated the following sums, or so much thereof as may be needed, which shall be used for the pur- pose of providing the minimum allotment to the States provided for in this section: For the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, the sum of $66,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen, the sum of $46,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty, the sum of $34,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, the sum of $28,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, the sum of $25,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty- three, the sum of $22,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, the sum of $19,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, the sum of $56,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hun- dred and twenty-six, and annually thereafter, the sum of $50,000. That not more than twenty per centum of the money appropriated under this Act for the payment of salaries of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects, for any year, shall be expended for the salaries of teachers of home economics subjects. Sec, 4. That for the purpose of cooperating with the States in pre- School Laws of Nevada 169 paring teachers, supervisors, and directors of agricultural subjects and teachers of trade and industrial and home economics subjects there is hereby appropriated for the use of the States for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, the sum. of $500,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hun- dred and nineteen, the sum of $700,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty, the sum of $900,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty- one, and annually thereafter, the sum of $1,000,000. Said sums shall be allotted to the States in the proportion which their population bears to the total population of the United States, not including outlying possessions, according to the last preceding United States census ; pro- vided, that the allotment of funds to any State shall be not less than a minimum of $5,000 for any fiscal year prior to and including the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen, nor less than $10,000 for any fiscal year thereafter. And there is hereby appropriated the following sums, or so much thereof as may be needed, which shall be used for the purpose of providing the minimum allot- ment provided for in this section : For the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, the sum of $46,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen, the sum of $32,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty, the sum of $24,000; for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, and annually there- after, the sum of $90,000. Sec. 5. That in order to secure the benefits of the appropriations provided for in sections two, three, and four of this Act, any State shall, through the legislative authority thereof, accept the provisions of this Act and designate or create a state board, consisting of not less than three members, and having all necessary power to cooperate, as herein provided, with the Federal Board for Vocational Education in the administration of the provisions of this Act. The State Board of Education, or other board having charge of the administration of public education in the State, or any state board having charge of the administration of any kind of vocational education in the State may, if the State so elect, be designated as the state board, for the purposes of this Act. In any State the Legislature of which does not meet in nineteen hundred and seventeen, if the Governor of that State, so far as he is authorized to do so, shall accept the provisions of this Act and desig- nate or create a state board of not less than three members to act in cooperation with the Federal Board for Vocational Education, the Federal board shall recognize such local board for the purposes of this Act until the Legislature of such State meets in due course and has been in session sixty days. Any State may accept the benefits of any one or more of the respec- tive funds herein appropriated, and it may defer the acceptance of the benefits of any one or more of such funds, and shall be required to meet only the conditions relative to the fund or funds the benefits of which it has accepted ; provided, that after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty, no State shall receive any appropriation for salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, until it shall have taken advantage of at least the minimum amount appro- 170 School Laws of Nevada priated for the training of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agri- cultural subjects, as provided for in this Act, and that after said date no State shall receive any appropriation for the salaries of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects until it shall have taken advantage of at least the minimum amount appropriated for the train- ing of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects, as provided for in this Act. Sec. 6. That a Federal Board for Vocational Education is hereby created, to consist of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, the United States Commissioner of Education, and three citizens of the United States to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. One of said three citizens shall be a representative of the manufac- turing and commercial interests, one a representative of the agricul- tural interests, and one a representative of labor. The board shall elect annually one of its members as chairman. In the first instance, one of the citizen members shall be appointed for one year, one for two years, and one for three years, and thereafter for three years each. The members of the board other than the members of the Cabinet and the United States Commissioner of Education shall receive a salary of $5,000 per annum. The board shall have power to cooperate with state boards in carry- ing out the provisions of this Act. It shall be the duty of the Federal Board for Vocational Education to make, or cause to have made, studies, investigations, and reports, with particular reference to their use in aiding the States in the establishment of vocational schools and classes and in giving instruction in agriculture, trades and industries, commerce and commercial pursuits, and home economics. Such studies, investigations, and reports shall include agriculture and agricultural processes and requirements upon agricultural workers ; trades, indus- tries, and apprenticeships, trade and industrial requirements upon industrial workers, and classification of industrial processes and pur- suits ; commerce and commercial pursuits and requirements upon com- mercial workers ; home management, domestic science, and the study of related facts and principles; and problems of administration of vocational schools and of courses of study and instruction in vocational subjects. When the board deems it advisable such studies, investigations, and reports concerning agriculture, for the purposes of agricultural educa- tion, may be made in cooperation with or through the Department of Agriculture; such studies, investigations, and reports concerning trades and industries, for the purposes of trade and industrial educa- tion, may be made in cooperation with or through the Department of Labor; such studies, investigations, and reports concerning commerce and commercial pursuits, for the purposes of commercial education, may be made in cooperation with or through the Department of Com- merce ; such studies, investigations, and reports concerning the admin- istration of vocational schools, courses of study and instruction in voca- tional subjects, may be made in cooperation with or through the Bureau of Education. The Commissioner of Education may make such recommendations to the board relative to the administration of this Act as he may from time to time deem advisable. It shall be the duty of the chairman of School Laws of Nevada 171 the board to carry out the rules, regulations, and decisions which the board may adopt. The Federal Board for Vocational Education shall have power to employ such assistants as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. Sec. 7. That there is hereby appropriated to the Federal Board for Vocational Education the sum of $200,000 annually, to be avail- able from and after the passage of this Act, for the purpose of making or cooperating in making the studies, investigations, and reports pro- vided for in section six of this Act, and for the purpose of paying the salaries of the officers, the assistants, and such office and other expenses as the board may deem necessary to the execution and admin- istration of this Act. Sec. 8. That in order to secure the benefits of the appropriation for any purpose specified in this Act, the state board shall prepare plans, showing the kinds of vocational education for which it is proposed that the appropriation shall be used ; the kinds of schools and equipment ; courses of study; methods of instruction; qualifications of teachers; and, in the case of agricultural subjects, the qualifications of super- visors or directors; plans for the training of teachers; and, in the case of agricultural subjects, plans for the supervision of agricultural education, as provided for in section ten. Such plans shall be sub- mitted by the state board to the Federal Board for Vocational Edu- cation, and if the Federal board finds the same to be in conformity with the provisions and purposes of this Act, the same shall be approved. The state board shall make an annual report to the Federal Board for Vocational Education, on or before September first of each year, on the work done in the State and the receipts and expenditures of money under the provisions of this Act. Sec. 9. That the appropriation for the salaries of teachers, super- visors, or directors of agricultural subjects and of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects shall be devoted exclusively to the payment of salaries of such teachers, supervisors, or directors having the minimum qualifications set up for the State by the state board, with the approval of the Federal Board for Vocational Edu- cation. The cost of instruction supplementary to the instruction in agricultural and in trade, home economics, and industrial subjects provided for in this Act, necessary to build a well-rounded course of training, shall be borne by the State and local communities, and no part of the cost thereof shall be borne out of the appropriations herein made. The moneys expended under the provisions of this Act, in cooperation with the States, for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, or for the salaries of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects, shall be conditioned that for each dollar of Federal money expended for such salaries the State or local community, or both, shall expend an equal amount for such salaries ; and that appropriations for the training of teachers of vocational subjects, as herein provided, shall be conditioned that such money be expended for maintenance of such training and that for each dollar of Federal money so expended for maintenance, the State or local community, or both, shall expend an equal amount for the maintenance of such training. Sec. 10. That any State may use the appropriation for agricultural purposes, or any part thereof allotted to it, under the provisions of this 172 School Laws of Nevada Act, for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, either for the salaries of teachers of such subjects in schools or classes or for the salaries of supervisors or directors of such subjects under a plan of supervision for the State to be set up by the state board, with the approval of the Federal Board for Vocational Educa- tion. That in order to receive the benefits of such appropriation for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural sub- jects the state board of any State shall provide in its plan for agri- cultural education that such education shall be that which is under public supervision or control; that the controlling purpose of such education shall be to fit for useful employment; that such education shall be of less than college grade and be designed to meet the needs of persons over fourteen years of age who have entered upon or who are preparing to enter upon the work of the farm or of the farm home ; that the State or local community, or both, shall provide the neces- sary plant and equipment determined upon by the state board, with the approval of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, as the minimum requirement for such education in schools and classes in the State; that the amount expended for the maintenance of such education in any school or class receiving the benefit of such appro- priation shall be not less annually than the amount fixed by the state board, with the approval of the Federal board as the minimum for such schools or classes in the State ; that such schools shall provide for directed or supervised practice in agriculture, either on a farm provided for by the school or other farm, for at least six months per year; that the teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural sub- jects shall have at least the minimum qualifications determined for the State by the state board, with the approval of the Federal Board for Vocational Education. Sec. 11. That in order to receive the benefits of the appropria- tion for the salaries of teachers of trade, home economics, and indus- trial subjects the state board of any State shall provide in its plan for trade, home economics, and industrial education that such edu- cation shall be given in schools or classes under public supervision or control; that the controlling purpose of such education shall be to fit for useful employment; that such education shall be of less than college grade and shall be designed to meet the needs of per- sons over fourteen years of age who are preparing for a trade or industrial pursuit or who have entered upon the work of a trade or industrial pursuit; that the State or local community, or both, shall provide the necessary plant and equipment determined upon by the state board, with the approval of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, as the minimum requirement in such State for education for any given trade or industrial pursuit; that the total amount expended for the maintenance of such education in any school or class receiving the benefit of such appropriation shall be not less annually than the amount fixed by the state board, with the approval of the Federal board, as the minimum for such schools or classes in the State ; that such schools or classes giving instruction to persons who have not entered upon employment shall require that at least half of the time of such instruction be given to practical work on a useful or productive basis, such instruction to extend over not less than nine months per year and not less than thirty hours per week; that at least one-third of School Laws of Nevada 173 the sum appropriated to any State for the salaries of teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects shall, if expended, be applied to part-time schools or classes for workers over fourteen years of age who have entered upon employment, and such subjects in a part-time school or class may mean any subject given to enlarge the civic or vocational intelligence of such workers over fourteen and less than eighteen years of age ; that such part-time schools or classes shall pro- vide for not less than one hundred and forty-four hours of classroom instruction per year; that evening industrial schools shall fix the age of sixteen years as a minimum entrance requirement and shall confine instruction to that which is supplemental to the daily employment; that the teachers of any trade or industrial subject in any State shall have at least the minimum qualifications for teachers of such subject determined upon for such State by the state board, with the approval of the Federal Board for Vocational Education; provided, that for cities and towns of less than twenty -five thousand population, according to the last preceding United States census, the state board, with the approval of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, may modify the conditions as to the length of course and hours of instruction per week for schools and classes giving instruction to those who have not entered upon employment, in order to meet the particular needs of such cities and towns. Sec. 12. That in order for any State to receive the benefits of the appropriation in this Act for the training of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, or of teachers of trade, industrial or home economics subjects, the state board -of such State shall provide in its plan for such training that the same shall be carried out under the supervision of the state board ; that such training shall be given in schools or classes under public supervision or control ; that such train- ing shall be given only to persons who have had adequate vocational experience or contact in the line of work for which they are preparing themselves as teachers, supervisors, or directors, or who are acquiring such experience or contact as a part of their training; and that the state board, with the approval of the Federal board, shall establish minimum requirements for such experience or contact for teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects and for teachers of trade, industrial, and home economics subjects ; that not more than sixty per centum nor less than twenty per centum of the money appro- priated under this Act for the training of teachers of vocational sub- jects to any State for any year shall be expended for any one of the following purposes : For the preparation of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, or the preparation of teachers of trade and industrial subjects, or the preparation of teachers of home economics subjects. Sec. 13. That in order to secure the benefits of the appropriations for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, or for the salaries of teachers of tradfe, home economics, and industrial subjects, or for the training of teachers as herein provided, any State shall, through the legislative authority thereof, appoint as custodian for said appropriations its State Treasurer, who shall receive and provide for the proper custody and disbursements of all money paid to the State from said appropriations. Sec. 14. That the Federal Board for Vocational Education shall 174 School Laws of Nevada annually ascertain whether the several States are using, or are pre- pared to use, the money received by them in accordance with the pro- visions of this Act. On or before the first day of January of each year the Federal Board for Vocational Education shall certify to the Sec- retary of the Treasury each State which has accepted the provisions of this Act and complied therewith, certifying the amounts which each State is entitled to receive under the provisions of this Act. Upon such certification the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay quarterly to the custodian for vocational education of each State the moneys to which it is entitled under the provisions of this Act. The moneys so received by the custodian for vocational education for any State shall be paid out on the requisition of the state board as reimbursement for expenditures already incurred to such schools as are approved by said state board and are entitled to receive such moneys under the provi- sions of this Act. Sec. 15. That whenever any portion of the fund annually allotted to any State has not been expended for the purpose provided for in this Act, a sum equal to such portion shall be deducted by the Federal board from the next succeeding annual allotment from such fund to such State. Sec. 16. That the Federal Board for Vocational Education may withhold the allotment of moneys to any State whenever it shall be determined that such moneys are not being expended for the purposes and under the conditions of this Act. If any allotment is withheld from any State, the state board of such State may appeal to the Congress of the United States, and if the Con- gress shall not direct such sum to be paid it shall be covered into the Treasury. Sec. 17. That if any portion of the moneys received by the custo- dian for vocational education of any State under this Act, for any given purpose named in this Act, shall, by any action or contingency, be diminished or lost, it shall be replaced by such State, and until so replaced no subsequent appropriation for such education shall be paid to such State. No portion of any moneys appropriated under this Act for the benefit of the States shall be applied, directly or indirectly, to the purchase, erection, preservation, or repair of any building or build- ings or equipment, or for the purchase or rental of lands, or for the support of any religious or privately owned or conducted school or college. Sec. 18. That the Federal Board for Vocational Education shall make an annual report to Congress, on or before December first, on the administration of this Act and shall include in such report the reports made by the state boards on the administration of this Act by each' State and the expenditures of the money allotted to each State. INDEX TO SCHOOL LAWS The index is arranged alphabetically, as a whole, by general titles, the same extending to the extreme left. Under most of the general titles are subtitles, slightly to the right in each case and also in alphabetical order. In a few instances there are divisions of the matter of the sub- titles, and these too are grouped in alphabetical order and slightly to the right of the subtitle under which they respectively belong. Atten- tion to these facts of arrangement will enable one readily to find any desired subject. In the following index p. stands for page or pages, s. for section, and small-cap p, for paragraph. Act construed, p. 73, s. 220. Acts repealed, p. 73-74, s. 221. Appeal. See Superintendent of PuMic Instruction. Apportionment of School Funds — County for school districts, p. 53-54. County for certain district high schools, p. 142. Conditions of apportionment, p. 142, s, 1, 2, 3. Emergency, p. 37-38. State, p. 50-52. See Funds, School, in this Index. Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, p. 138. Arbor Day — Governor's proclamation, p. 40, s. 111. Not legal holiday, p. 39, s. 110. Attorney-General — Legal adviser of deputy superintendents, p. 41, s. 116. Legal adviser of state board of investment. Stats. 1917, p. 400, s. 1. Legal adviser superintendent of public instruction. Rev. Laws, s. 4130. Member of state board of investment. Stats. 1917, p. 400, s. 1. Shall bring action for text-book commission, when, p. 59, s. 166. Bids must be advertised for all contracts over $500, p. 155. Birds, Fish and Game — Instruction as to, p. 39, s. 108. Board of Regents of State University. See Constitutional Provisions and Uni- versity of Nevada. Bonds, County High School. See County High School. Bonds, School District — Amount to be determined by board of school trustees, p. 65, s. 192. Election to be held for issuance, p. 65-69, s. 192-201. Election notice for must contain, p. 65, s. 193. Election for. how conducted, p. 65, s. 193. Issued for what purposes, p. 65, 68, s. 191, 200. Issuance of to be determined by voters of district, p. 65, s. 192. Maturity of limited to twenty years, p. 65, s. 193. Plans to be approved by deputy superintendent, p. 27, p. 2, s. 67. Redemption of, p. 67, s. 197a. Registration of, p. 66, s. 196. Sale of, p. 66, s. 194. Signing of, p. 66, s. 195. Sinking fund for payment of to be created, p. 67, s. 197. Security of not affected by changes in boundaries of district, p. 68, 69, s, 198, 202. Tax for to be levied by county commissioners, p. 67, s. 197. Tax levy for, lien on property, p. 68, s. 199. To be called in by county treasurer and paid at maturity, p. 67, s. 197. Branch county high schools, p. 146. 176 Index to School Laws Census Marshals, p. 43^6, s. 122-133. Appointed how and when, eligibility, p. 43. s. 122. Appointment of special, for regular census, p. 46, s. 131. Appointment of special, in new districts, p. 34, 35, 37, s. 80, 92. Blanks for, p. 44, s. 123. Classification of districts for, p. 43, s. 122. Compensation of — Amount (maximum) of, determined by statute, p. 46, s. 133. Bill not to be paid until deputy superintendent has approved report, p. 46, s. 133. Bill to be made out against county, p. 46, s. 133. Bill to be paid by county, p. 46, s. 133. No compensation, when. p. 43, s. 122. Duties of— Shall distinguish resident children from nonresident, p. 44, s. 124. Shall enumerate all resident children, p. 44, s. 124. Shall report to clerk of school board and deputy superintendent, p. 45, s. 128, 129. Shall take school census in the month of April, p. 44, s. 124. Shall visit each home and may administer oath, p. 44, s. 125. Repoi't of — 4 Penalty for negligence of or fraud in, p. 46, s. 132. To be certified to and transmitted to deputy superintendent, p. 45, s. 128. To be completed, p. 45, s. 129. To be examined and corrected by deputy superintendent, p. 45^6. s. 130. To be examined by clerk of school board, p. 45, s. 128. To be separately made for joint districts, p. 45, s. 127. To contain what, p. 45. s. 126. Shall report to county clerk in general election years certain facts, Rev. Laws. s. 3981. Special census marshal for regular census, p. 46, s. 131. Special census to be taken in new districts, p. 34, 37, s. 80, 92. Teacher ex officio census marshal, when, p. 43, s. 122. To serve without pay in districts of the second class, p. 43, s. 122. Child Labor Law — Boys under 16 years, hours per day, p. 115, s. 8. Children under 14 years, p. 114, s. 4. Children under 16 years, p. 114, s. 3. Forbidden callings for certain children, p. 114, 115, s. 2, 3, 5, 6. Girls under 18 years, hours per day, p. 115, s. 8. No child under 14 years to labor during school hours, p. 114, s. 1. Penalties for violation of, p. 115. s. 9. Persons under 18 years in incorporated cities and towns, p. 115, s. 7. State board of health to decide on injurious callings, p. 114, 115, s. 3, 6. Superintendent of public instruction to make demand, when, p. 114, s. 4. See Employment of Children, etc. Children must not be employed, when, p. 114—116. Children protected — See ProMUted Employments for Children in this Index. See Protection of Children in this Index. City Superintendent — Ofiice created for districts of first class, p. 33, s. 76. Powers and duties of, p. 30, p. 15, s. 67 ; p. 33, s. 74, 76. Qualifications of, p. 33, s. 76. Term of office of. p. 33, s. 76. To administer certain oaths, p. 30, p. 15. s. 67. Civic and Physical Training in High Schools, p. 156-157. Authorization and aim, p. 156, s. 1. Special teacher, when. p. 156, s. 2. State tax for. p. 156. s. 3. State Superintendent to apportion money, p. 157, s. 4. See Physical and Civic Training in this Index. Classification of funds. -See Funds, and County Auditor, and County Treasurer. Compulsory Attendance — Attendance in government schools, p. 123, s. 1. Fine or imprisonment, p. 124. s. 4. Fines to go to county school fund, p. 124. s. 5. Government school officers to give notice, p. 124, s. 2. Index to School Laws 177 Compulsory Attendance (Continued) . Jurisdiction, p. 125, s. 8. Peace officers to assist, p. 125, s. 6. Punishment for intimidation, p. 125, s. 7. Suit for collection of fine, p. 124, s. 3. Compulsory Education — Arrest of truant, p. 70, s. 207. Attendance officer may be appointed by school board, p. 70, s. 207. Attendance officer or school officer may investigate, p. 71, s. 209. Children between ages of 8 and 16 years must attend school, p. 69, s. 203. Excused from attendance, p. 69, s. 203. Child declared habitual truant, p. 69, s. 204. Child deemed truant, p. 69, s. 204. Fines collected, how disposed of, p. 71, s. 211. Habitual truants may be put in special schools, p. 70, s. 208. Punishment for encouraging truancy, p. 71, s. 209. Punishment for false statements concerning age, p. 71, s. 210. Punishment of parent of truant, p. 70, s. 205. School officer, peace officer, or attendance officer may arrest, p. 70, s. 207. School officer or taxpayer may file criminal complaint, p. 70, s. 206. School trustees authorized to provide specially for habitual truants, p. 70, s. 208. School trustees, clerk shall file complaint, p. 70, s. 206. School trustees may appoint and remove attendance officer, p. 70, s. 207. School trustees shall direct attendance officer to make complaint, p. 70, s. 206. School trustees to make investigation, p. 70, s. 206. See Contributory Dependency and Delinquency, and Dependent, Neglected or Delinquent Children. Truancy defined, p. 69, s. 204. Truancy, habitual, p. 69, s. 204. Consolidation of schools and transportation of pupils, p. 138-141. Constitutional Provisions — • Education to be encouraged, p. 5, s. 1. Irreducible school fund — Apportionment of interest on, p. 5, s. 2, 3. Escheated estates, appropriated to, p. 5, s. 3. Fines appropriated to, p. 5, s. 3. How created, p. 5. s. 3. Interest on only apportioned to schools, p. 6, s. 3. Interest on certain portions of may be used for university, p. 6, s. 8. Interest on, forfeited by school districts, p. 5, s. 2. Investment of, p. 5, s. 3. Lands (public) and funds dedicated to support of education, p. 5, s. 3. Land warrants considered as belonging to, p. 5, s. 3. Money and property of shall not be transferred, p. 5, s. 3. Legislature and education — Shall establish different grades of schools, p. 6, s. 5. Shall establish normal school, p. 6, s. 5. Shall establish state university, p. 6, s. 4. Shall provide special state school tax for university and common schools, p. 6, s. 6. Shall provide uniform school system, p. 5, s. 2. No funds for sectarian purposes, p. 7, s. 10. Normal school, p. 6, s. 5. Oath of office- College professors must take, p. 6, s. 5. Public school teachers must take, p. 6. s. 5. Penalty for district not maintaining school six months, when, p. 5, s. 2. Sectarian instruction prohibited, p. 7. s. 9. Six months of school to be maintained, p. 5, s. 2. State university established, p. 6. s. 4. University regents provided for, p. 6, s. 7. County Aid for School Districts — For elementary schools, p. 78, s. 1. For high schools, p. 79, s. 2. Prohibition on transfer of money from school ftmd to any other fund, special act, p. 79, s. 1. 12 178 Index to School Laws County Aid for District High Schools- How obtainerT in comities having no county high schools, p. 142. How obtained in other counties, p. 146. County Auditor- — Must not draw warrant for noncitizen as teacher or superintendent in any capacity, p. 156, s. 3. Penalty for, p. 156, s. 4. Shall add county school tax to assessment roll, p. 47, s. 139. Shall add special taxes to assessment roll, p. 29, p. 13. s. 67 ; p. 48, s. 141. Shall draw warrants on county treasurer for official organ of state board of education, p. 9. s. 4. Shall draw warrant on order of deputy superintendent, p. 28, p. 6, s. 67 ; p. 28, p. 8, s. 67 ; p. 30. p. 14, s. 67. Shall forfeit $100 from official compensation, p. 42, s. 119. Shall keep separate accounts with the different funds, p. 41, s. 118. How such accounts are to be started and kept, p. 41, 42, s. 118. Shall not draw warrant, p. 13. p. 1. 2. s. 12 ; p. 27. p. 2, s. 67 ; p. 32, 34, s. 69, 78. Shall receive no fees for handling school moneys, p. 50, s. 150. Shall report to superintendent of public instruction, p. 54, s. 152%. Shall transfer moneys when notified by deputy superintendent, p. 36, s. 88. County Boards of Education — Are vested with same powers as school trustees, p. 33, s. 75. County commissioners temporary board, p, 62, s. 177. Election of, p. 62, s. 178. Powers and duties of — To build dormitories in Elko County, p. 152-155. To certify as to buildings needed, p. 116, s. 1. To employ and discharge janitors, etc.. p. 63. s. 179. To employ teachers holding Nevada high-school certificates, p. 63. s. 179. To enforce state courses of study, p. 63. s. 179. To estimate money needed for new buildings, p. 116, s. 1. To furnish annual estimate, p. 63, s. 179. To pay salary and other expenses, p. 63, s. 180. To provide for dormitories and dining-hall, p. 63, s. 184. To take office, when, p. 62. s. 178. Term of office of. p. 62, s. 178. Vacancies in filled by appointment, p. 62. s. 178. Countv Commissioners — Prohibited from transferring money out of the school fund, special Act, p. 79, s. 1 (Stats. 1887, 111). Shall abolish school districts, p. 38, s. 97. Shall act as temporary county board of education, p. 62. s. 177. Shall act on applications of deaf, dumb, and blind, p. 90, s. 2; Rev. Laws, s. 1703. Shall act on application for feeble-minded, p. 91. s. 2. Shall appropriate money for county institute, p. 11. p. 7, s. 6. Shall change boundaries of school districts, p. 33, s. 77. Shall contfol. rent, etc., property of abolished school districts, p. 38, s. 99. Shall create joint school districts,, p. 35. s. 81. Shall create new school districts, p. 33, s. 77. Shall enlarge or consolidate school districts, p. 36, s. 87. Shall establish two county high schools, p. 61. s. 175. Shall join in action to establish county normal training schools, p. 64, s. 185. Shall levy county school tax. p. 47. s. 139. Shall levy special tax for payment of interest-bearing warrants, p. 88, s. 5. Shall locate county high school, p. 61. s. 175. Shall make annual levy for county high school, p. 63, s. 180. Shall make certain provisions for deaf, dumb, and blind, p. 90, s. 4; Rev. Laws. s. 1704. Shall make levy for high-school bonds and interest, p. 118, s. 6. Shall make lew for school district tax. when. p. 29, p. 13, s. 67; p. 47-48, s. 140. 141. Shall make levy for special bond tax. p. 67. s. 197. Shall make special tax levy for county high school, p. 62. s. 176. Shall not allow census marshal's bill, p. 46, s. 133. Shall not transfer school funds. Rev. Laws. s. 1540. Shall order election on request of county board of education, p. 116, s. 2. Index to School Laws 179 County Commissioners (Continued) . Shall provide certain funds for county normal training school, p. 65, p. 3, s. 189. Shall transfer money to school funds, when, p. 78, 79, s. 1, 2. Shall submit question of establishing county high school to voters, p. 61, s. 174. Shall support children sent to state orphans' home, p. 89, s. 13 ; Rev. Laws, s. 4099. County High Schools — Bonding for buildings and dormitories (Leg. 1917). p. 116-120. (Act of 1917 displaces that of 1913.) Interest limit, p. 117, s. 5. Limitations on, p. 119, s. 7. Time limit for redemption, p. 117, s. 3. See note under title ''County High Scliools," p. 60, chapter 13. Branch — See Branch County High Schools, p. 146. Control and management in hands of county boards of education, p. 60-63. County boards of education for — At first temporary, p. 62, s. 177. Election of, p. 62, s. 178. Vacancies in filled by state superintendent, p. 62, s. 178. County Commissioners — To estimate cost of gi'ounds, buildings, etc., p. 62, s. 175. To levy county tax for grounds, buildings, etc.. p. 62, s. 176. Dormitories and dining halls, p. 63, s. 184. See County Boards of Education. Bonding for, p. 116-120, s. 1-10. Election for building, p. 116-120. s. 2. Election to establish, p. 60, s. 173. Ballots for, to contain what, p. 61. s. 174. Officers to serve gratis, p. 61, s. 174. Petition for, p. 61, s. 174. Eligibility of pupils for, how determined, p. 63, s. 181. In case levy by county commissioners is deferred, p. 62, s. 176. Location of — Ballot for location to contain what, p. 61, s. 175. By election, when, p. 61, s. 175. By commissioners, p. 61, s. 175. Money for support of — To be drawn from county high-school fund, p. 63, s. 180. Principals of may supervise district schools, p. 63, s. 182. Pupils for, p. 63, s. 181. State board of education has charge of entrance requirements for, p. 63, s. 181. Tax levy for — Special, how made and when, p. 62. s. 176. To be made annually by county commissioners, p. 63, s. 180. To be made on estimate of the county board of education, p. 63, s. 180. Temporary board for, p. 62, s. 177. Under state supervision, p. 63. s. 183. County Normal Training Schools — Establishment of — Action by the county board of education and county commissioners required for, p. 64, s. 185. Action by state board of education necessary for, p. 64, s. 185, At least five bona fide applicants for instruction required for, p. 64, s. 185. County commissioners to provide certain funds for, p. 64, s. 189. Graduates to receive second-grade elementary certificate, p. 64, s. 188. Normal training school board is state board of education, p. 64, s. 186. Powers and duties of normal training school board — ■ To admit resident students on examination, p. 64, s. 187. To admit without examination certain resident students, p. 64, s. 187. To certify cost of maintenance to county commissioners, p. 64. s. 189. To certify to state controller establishment of normal training school, etc., p. 64. s. 189. To designate in notice to state controller the amount needed for salary of teacher, p. 64. s. 189. To determine the qualifications of students for admission, p. 64, s. 187. To employ competent teacher, p. 64, s. 189. To estimate cost of maintenance of school, p. 64, s. 189. To formulate a course of study, p. 64, s. 187. 180 Index to School Laws County Normal Training School {Continued) . Powers and duties of normal training school board {Continued) . To grant certificates of graduation, p. 64, s. 187. To make and put into effect necessary rules and regulations for management of school, p. 65, s. 190. Purpose of. p. 64, s. 185. Restrictions as to counties, p. 64, s. 185. Salary of teacher to be paid from general fund of state, in usual manner, p. 64, p. 2, s. 189. County money may be transferred to district school funds, when, p. 78-79, s. 1, 2. County Treasurer- — Duty as to interest on school bonds, p. 67. s. 197 ; p. 118, s. 6. Shall keep separate accounts with different funds, p. 41, s. 118. Shall receive and hold school moneys as special deposit, p. 50, s. 149. Shall transfer moneys when notified by deputy superintendent, p. 36, s. 88. To call in and pay district bonds at maturity, p. 67, s. 197. To forfeit $100 as penalty, p. 42, 50, s. 119, 149, p. 4. To notify superintendent of public instruction as to county school money, p. 50, s. 149. To pay over money only on warrants of county auditor, p. 50, s. 149. To receive no fees for handling school moneys, p. 50, s. 150. To refuse payment of claims, when, p. 50, s. 149. To repoi't to superintendent of public instruction, when, p. 50, s. 149. Crimes and punishments (as to unlawful sales to minors), p. 107-109. Damages on account of minors, p. 108. Deaf, Dumb and Blind — Application for support and education, how made, p. 90, s. 2. Appropriation for, Stats. 1917, p. 219, s. 11. Certificate of superintendent of public instruction necessary, p. 90, s. 2. Expenses of — Persons over 21 years of age, p. 90, s, 4. Portion of paid by county commissioners, p. 90, s. 4. Qualifications of for state aid, p. 90, s. 4. Support, education and care of in charge of superintendent public instruc- tion, p. 90, s. 1. Support of provided by state, p. 90, s. 4. Department of engineering service at university, p. 129. Delinquent Children. See Juvenile Delinquents. Dependent, Neglected, or Delinquent Children, Rev. Laws, s. 728-756 ; p. 95-107. Probation ofiicers — Appointed by district judges. Rev. Laws, s. 733. Appointment of requires concurrence of certain oflicers. Rev. Laws, s. 733. Appointment to be confirmed by governor, superintendent of public instruc- tion and deputy superintendent, when. Rev. Laws. s. 733. See also: Compulsory Education, p. 69-71. Contributory Dependency and Delinquency, p. 92-94. Nevada School of Industry, p. 109-112. Deputy Superintendents of Public Instruction — Appeal from, p. 43, s. 121. Appointment and term of office of, p. 12, s. 9. Attorney-general legal adviser of, p. 41, s. 116. Compensation of — Office expenses of, p. 14. s. 13. Salary of, p. 14, s. 13. Traveling expenses of, p. 14, s. 13. Duties of — To act as deputy examiner, p. 13, s. 11. To act as educational examiner, p. 13, s. 11. To advise with teachers, p. 13, s. 11. To assist at state, district, and county institutes, p. 13, s. 11. To assist state board of education in preparing courses of study, p. 13, s. 11. To attend meetings of state board of education, p. 13, s. 11. To confer with trustees and county officers, p. 13, s. 11. To devote entire time to supervision, p. 12, s. 9. To furnish state board of education information, p. 13, s. 11. To hold teachers' meetings, p. 13, s. 11. To inspect school buildings, libraries and apparatus, p. 13, s. 11. To make written report quarterly to state superintendent, p. 12, p. 11, s. 6. Index to School Laws 181 Deputy Superintendents of Public Instruction (Continued). To visit each school at least twice each year, p. 13, s. 11. Powers and duties of, p. 13-16, s. 12-21. May issue temporary certificates, when, p. 15, 19, s. 17, 34. May suspend teachers' certificates, when, p. 13, 14, 42. s. 12, 120. Shall cause district school levy to be made, when, p. 29, p. 13, s. 67. Shall cause needed repairs to be made to school buildings, when, p. 28, p. 8, s. 67. Shall cause privies to be built, when, p. 28, p. 6, s. 67. Shall certify certain facts to the school board clerks, p. 29, p. 13, s. 67. Shall designate place for school in certain consolidated districts, p. 34, s. 78. Shall designate places for holding school in consolidated districts, p. 36, s. 89. Shall see that school is maintained six months, p. 29, p. 13, s. 67. Shall see that school is maintained for eight months, when, p. 30, p. 14, s. 67. To act on appointment of probation officer by district judge, when. Rev. Laws, s. 733. To appoint census marshals, when, p. 43, s. 122. To appoint school trustees, when, p. 14, p. 8, s. 12 ; p. 26. 36, s. 64, 89. To appoint school trustees, in new districts, p. 26, s. 64. To appoint special census marshal, when, p. 46, s. 131. To approve transfer of school children, p. 31, p. 20, s. 67. See Transfer of Pupils and School Funds, p. 137, s. 1, 2. To determine suspension or expulsion of children, when, p. 31, p. 18, s. 67. To enforce method of school board accounts, p. 14, p. 5, s. 12. To examine, compare and revise census marshal's report, p. 45, s. 130. To file directory of teachers and school trustees with county auditor, p. 113, p. 1, s. 12. To grade the public schools, when, p. 14, p. 7, s. 12. To inspect record books and accounts of school boards, p. 14, p. 5, s. 12. To inspect school fund accounts of the county auditor and report thereon, p. 14, p. 6, s. 12. To investigate claim against any school fund, when, p. 13, p. 2, s. 12. To notify county commissioners of approval of census reports, p. 46, s. 133. To provide American flag, when, p. 40, s. 113. Qualifications of, p. 12, 13, s. 9, 10. Removal from office, when, p. 14, s. 16. Rules and regulations for, p. 14, s. 15. Salary, office and traveling expenses of. See Compensation of. Vacancy, how filled, p. 12, s. 9. District Attorney — Legal adviser of school boards, p. 41, s. 115. To cause arrest and prosecution in connection with the school census, when, p. 46. s. 132. To enforce law against houses of ill-fame, p. 73, s. 219. District High School (Dayton) — Supported by county, p. 79-81. See District High School Supported 'by County, p. 79-81. Divers school funds, p. 120-122. Domestic Arts for Rural Schools — May be secured by union of school districts, p. 143-145. Dormitories — See ''High-School Dormitories in Elko County," p. 152-155 ; "Bonding counties for high-school huildings and dormitories," p. 116-120; "Dormitories and dining-halls," p. 63, s. 184. Educational districts, five supervision, p. 12, s. 8. Elementary and high schools, p. 38, s. 102. Ely School of Mines — See Mining Schools in this Index, p. 123. Emergency School Fund, p. 37-38. See Funds, School, in this Index. Emeritus positions at university, p. 136. Employment of children prohibited in certain cases, p. 114-116. Escheated Estates — For state permanent school fund, p. 120, s. 5, 12, 259. Establishment of kindergartens, p. 143. Estray animals, proceeds of sale for county school fund. Rev. Laws, s. 2281. 13 182 Index to School Laws Evening Schools — Act establishing, p. 159. Appropriation for, p. 159, s. 4. Exemptions from jury duty, p. 41, s. 117. Exemptions of school property, p. 39, s. 106. Expense Limits of Public Officers — Not to exceed $5 per day, p. 137, s. 1. Paid vouchers for each item. p. 138, s. 2. Farm Mortgages — Investment of state permanent school fund therein, see State Board of Invest- ment in this index. Feeble-Minded Children — Appropriation for, p. 92, s. 4. How cared for, p. 91, 92, s. 1, 2, 3, 4. Fines, all to go into state permanent school fund. Rev. Laws, s. 3760. • Firearms, use by minors, p. 108. Fish and Game Laws. See separate pamphlet for. Teachers must give instructions in monthly, p. 39, s. 108. Flag, National, p. 40. s. 113. Deputy superintendent to enforce, when, p. 40. s. 113. For al'l schools, p. 40, s. 113. Flag of Nevada, p. 40, s. 114. Free Text-Book Act, p. 86, 87, s. 1-10. Books loaned to children, p. 86, s. 2. Books may be sold. p. 86, s. 6. Books property of district, p. 86, s. 2. Former act repealed, p. 86, s. 9. Parents and guardians responsible for, p. 86, s. 3. Teachers' desk books property of districts, p. 86, s. 5. Trustees to pay over money to county treasurer, p. 86. s. 7. Violation of act, penalty for, p. 86. s. 8. Funds apportioned on diA'ision of a district, p. 34. s. 80. See Funds, Sehool, in this index. Funds, School. See Divers School Funds. Apportionment of — For county (law of 1917), p. 53-54, s. 152. For emergenc.v, p. 37, s. 93. For state^Claw of 1917), p. 50-52, s. 151. In consolidated districts, p. 36, s. 88. In joint districts, p. 35, s. 82. Restriction as to county school, in certain districts, p. .34, s. 79. Restriction as to state school, in certain districts, p. 34, s. 79. See note on "County School Reserve Fund," p. 53. When district is divided, p. 34, s. 80. County — Countv treasurer to receive and pay out, p. 50. s. 149. Created, p. 50. s. 149. Estray animals, proceeds of sale to go into. Rev. Laws, s. 2281. Road funds may be applied to, when. Rev. Laws, s. 3012, To have 2 per cent of net profits from any county or municipal franchise. Rev. Laws. s. 2135. To receive fees from grazing. Rev. Laws, s. 3478. Unlawful stock, proceeds of sale of to go into. Rev. Laws, s, 2251. Use of, p. 49, s. 142. County high — Estimates for, p. 61. s. 175. Custodian of. p. 62, 63, s. 176, 180. Expenditures of. p. 63, s. 179. Tax lew for, p. 62, 64, s. 176, 189. Uses of. p. 62, 63. s. 176, 180. District library — ■ How apportioned, p. 55, s. 153. How determined, p. 56, s, 154. How expended, p. 56, s. 155. Emergency — Action creating, p. 37, s. 90. Amount of semiannually set aside, p. 37, s. 90. Index to School Laws 183 Funds, School (Coiitiinird). Emergency (Ckjiitiiinrd). Amount to district, \Yhen, p. 37, s. 93. Basis of distribution, p. 37, s. 93. But one apportionment, p. 37, s. 94. How used, p. 37, s. 91. See note, p. 37, s. 91. Transfer of to county treasurer, p. 37, s. 95. Unused balance to revert, p. 38, s. 96. Normal training school — ■ Set aside, p. 64, s. 189. Use of, p. 64, s. 189. Reversion not to apply to moneys derived from local sources, p. 54, s. 15214. Reversion of district school surplus, p. 54, s. 152%. Shall not be transferred. Rev. Laws, s. 1540. State distributive — County treasurer to receive and pay out, p. 50, s. 149. Created, p. 47. s. 136. How transferred to counties, p. 49, s. 146. Method of apportionment, p. 50, s. 151. Salary of superintendent of public instruction paid out of. Rev. Laws, s. 3758. To be used only for payment of teachers' salaries, p. 47, s. 137. To receive one-half surplus from state library fund. Rev. Laws, s. 3952. Toll roads, penalties on to go into. Rev. Laws, 8, 3758. State permanent — Created, Rev. Laws, s. 3-55. Custodian of securities for, p. 49, s. 145. Fines under compulsory education for, p. 71, s. 211. Investment of. Stats. 1913, p. 252-3. Investment of, p. 50, s. 148. Printing expenses of state land office to be paid out of state school fund, when, Rev. Laws, s. 4356-4359. Report on securities of state by state controller, p. 49, s. 144. Salaries authorized paid from — Deputy surveyor-general. Statutes 1915, p. 224. Stenographer in state land office. Rev. Laws, s. 4401. Surveyor-general, Rev. Laws, s. 4394. State controller to keep separate account of, p. 49, s. 143. Transfer of funds restricted to apportionments for children, p. 137, s. 1. Goldfield School of Mines- See Mining Schools in this index, p. 123. Governor of State — Member of state board of education, p. 9, s. 1. Member of state board of investment, Stats. 1913, p. 252, s. 1. Member of state text-book commission, p. 56, s. 158. President of state board of education, p. 9, s. 2. . President of text-book commission, p. 56, s. 159. To act on appointment of probation officer by district .ludge, when. Rev. Laws, s. 733. To act with superintendent of public instruction in making contracts for care of delinquents, when. Rev. Laws, s. 756. To appoint text-book commission, p. 56, s. 158. To appoint board of visitors for University of Nevada, p. 132, s. 2. To designate Arbor day by proclamation, p. 39, s. 110. To All A^acancies in state text-book commission, p. .56, s. 158. Grazing fees, 10 per cent of apportioned to county school fund. Rev. Laws, s. 3478. Health Inspection — See MecUcal or Physical Examination in this index. Health, Public- Dread diseases and epidemics, appropriation for protection from, p. 158. High School Districts, Special — See Lyon County High-School Bonds and High School Districts, p. 81-85. High-school dormitories, Elko County, p. 152-155. Holidays — Schools shall be kept open on, when, p. 40, s. 112. Shall not be kept open on, when, p. 40, s. 112. Home Help by Counties — For children of indigent mothers, p. 112-113. See Indigent Mothers. 184 Index to School Laws Hospital near schoolhouse unlawful. Rev. Laws, s. 6534. Houses of Ill-Fame — Must not be located where, p. 72, s. 217 ; Rev. Laws, s. 6510. Penalty on, p. 72, s. 218. Sheriff and district attorney to enforce penalty, p. 73, s. 219. Hygiene to be taught, p. 39, s. 107. Indigent Mothers- — • To receive county help, p. 112-113. Institutes — See Teachers' Institute in this index. Interest-Bearing School Warrants, p. 87-88. Act not in effect on and after February 1, 1919, Stats. 1917, p. 254, s. 14%. See note as to (School Code), p. 88, s. 5. Investment of permanent school fund in farm mortgages. See State Board of Investment in this index. Irredeemable State School Bond — Issuance authorized by Legislature of 1907, School Code, p. 76-78. Irreducible school fund. See Constitutional Provisions. State board of investment for. Stats. 1917. p. 399-402. School Code 1917, p. 162-164. Jury Duty — Teachers and college professors exempt from, when, p. 41, s. 117. Juvenile court law. See Dependent, Neglected, or Delinquent Children, p. 95-107. Juvenile Delinquents — Nevada school of industry for, p. 109-112, s. 1-15. Special state tax for, p. 112, s. 15. Kindergartens — Recognized as department of public schools, p. 30-.31, p. 17, s. 67. Specific provisions made for, p. 143. Land-grant moneys and university funds, p. 135-136. Legal Advisers of School Officers — Attorney-General, p. 41, s. 116. District Attorneys, p. 41, s. 115. Legislature and education. See Constitutional Provisions. Libraries, District School — Amount of money for, how determined, p. 55-56, s. 153, 154. Apportionment of money to, p. 55, s. 15.3. Books to be approved by superintendent of public instruction, p. 56, s. 155. Books for, to be purchased by, p. 56, s. 156. Money for, how expended, p. 56, s. 155. Rules and regulations for purchase of books, etc., p. 56, s. 157. Libraries, Free Public — Act to establish, Rev. Laws, s. 794, 3227-3231. Cities may establish, p. 61, s. 794. Claims against, how paid, s. 32.30. Commissioners to levy tax for, s. 3230. Free, rooms to be, s. 3231. Petition to establish, s. 3227. State board of education to appoint trustees, s. 3228. Tax levy for. limited, s. 3227. Trustees of, term, no compensation, s. 3228. Trustees, powers of, s. 3229. Library Books Loaned — See The State Library Loan Act in this index. Liens and Executions — School property exempt from, p. 39, s. 106. Life Diplomas or Certificates — Grades of, p. 18, s. 28. 29. Issued to whom, p. 18, s. 28. 29. Time required, p. 18, s. 28, 29. Special proviso, p. 18. s. 28. Loan of books from State Library, p. 161, 162. See The State Library Loan Act in this index. Lyon County High School Bonds and High- School Districts, p. 81-85. Manual Training and Domestic Arts for Rural Schools — May be secured by union of school districts, p. 143-145. Index to School Laws 185 Medical oi* Physical Examination — Act providing examination of school children, p. 159-160. Examination by teachers under rules of state board of health, p. 159-160, s. 1, 2. Exemptions, when, p. 160, s. 5. Military Information by Census- Males of certain ages to be listed by census marshal in general election years, Revised Laws. s. 3981. See Census Marshal in this index. Mining Schools — Ely School of Mines, p. 123. Goldfield School of Mines, p. 123. Tonopah School of Mines, p. 123. Virginia School of Mines, p. 122. " Minors must not be sold liquors, etc., or allowed in certain places, p. 107-109. Minor Convicts — May be placed in school of industry, p. 147. Misdemeanor to disturb school or interfere with school children. See Protection of School Children. Mothers' pensions and aid for dependent children, p. 112-113. Revised Laws, 728, 739. Nevada School of Industry — Courts to commit boys thereto, p. 112, s. 14. Established at Elko, p. 109, s. 3. Education and training of inmates, p. Ill, s. 11. Girls, how cared for, p. 109, s. 2. Managed by board appointed by Governor, p. 110, s. 9. Payments to students, p. Ill, s. 13. Superintendent, p. 110, and p. Ill, ss. 9, 10. 11, 12. Special state tax for support of, p. 112, s. 15. To provide for delinquent children, p. 109-112. Night Schools — See Evening Schools in this index. Normal school. See Constitutional Provisions, and University of Nevada. Oath of Office— ' Form for all officers, pp. 147-148. Form of for teachers and for college professors, p. 20, s. 38. Must be taken by every teacher (college professors being included), p. 20, s. 38. See Constitutional Provisions. Oath of office, when term of office begins, bond. Rev. Laws, s. 2786. Official Oath, form of, p. 147-148. To be taken by all officers, p. 147-148. Orphans' home. See State Orphans' Home. Penalty for teachers for nonfulfilment of contract, p. 42, s. 120. Pensions for teachers. See Retirement Salaries for Teachers, p. 148-152. Physical and Civic Training — Required in all four-year high schools, p. 156-157. See Civic and Physical Training in this index. Physiology and hygiene, p. 39, s. 107. President of University — Member of state board of education, p. 9, s. 1. Member of state board of investment. Stats. 1917, p. 400, s. 1. Member of state text-book commission, p. 56, s. 158. See University of Nevada. Principal of Schools — Has concurrent power with peace officers, when, p. 82, s. 72. May be vested with certain powers, when, p. 33, s. 74. Must hold certificate of highest grade taught, p. 29, p. 11, s. 67. See School Trustees. Teachers, and Teachers' Certificates. Prohibited employments for children, p. 114-116. Protection of Children — From improper occupations or practices, p. 115-116. From overwork and from work in certain occupations, p. 114-115. Written permit of District Judge, when, p. 116. Protection of School Children — Misdemeanor to disturb school, p. 72, s. 213. Misdemeanor to interfere with pupils, when, p. 71, s. 212. Penalty for interference or disturbance, p. 72, s. 214. 186 Index to School Laws Protection of School Property — Misdemeanor to injure or deface, p. 72, s. 215. Penalty, p. 72, s. 216. Property, school, in charge of school trustees. See School Trustees. Public Officers' Expense Accounts — See Expense Limits of Public Officers in this index. Public schools defined, p. 38, s. 101. Elementary schools, p. 38, s. 102. High schools, p. 38, s. 102. Records or documents, penalty for altering, defacing, forging or stealing. Rev. Laws, s. 2817. Reform School — See Nevada Scliool of Industry, p. 109-112. Regents. See Constitutional Provisions, and University of Nevada. Regents of University — Must not employ president, teachers, or professors who are noncitizens, p. 155, s. 2. Penalty, p. 156, s. 4. Resignation and vacancies. Rev. Laws, s. 2797-2799, 2801-2806, 2812. Retirement salaries for teachers, p. 148-152. Sagebrush — State emblem, p. 156. Salary provisos, p. 39, s. 104. School books, determined for elementary grades by text-book commission, p. 58, s. 163. See Text-Book Commission. School Consolidation — See Consolidation of Scliools and Transportation of Cliildren. School Districts — ■ Abolished, when. p. .38, s. 97. Proviso as to abolishment, p. 38, s. 97. Proviso as to continuance, p. 38, s. 97. Bonds of. See Bonds, School Districts. Boundaries of — Commissioners to reestablish, when, p. 134. s. 1. Commissioners to use judgment, p. 1.34, s. 4. How changed on general petition, p. 33, .34, s. 77. How changed on individual petition, p. .34, s. 77. New, to include same property as old district, p. 134, s. 3. No property to escape taxation, p. 135. s. 5. Petition of heads of families and taxpayers, p. 134, s. 3. To conform to U. S. surveys, p. 134, s. 2. Classes of, p. 33. s. 70. Consolidation of, p. 138, 141. Allowable to enlarge or consolidate in certain cases, p. 36, s. 87. Compulsory in certain cases, p. .34, s. 78. Disposition of funds and property of. p. 34, 36, s. 78, 88. Deputy superintendent to appoint first trustees for, p. .34, 36, s. 78, 89. To designate places for holding school in, p. 34, s. 78. To designate places to hold school, p. .36, s. 89. How accomplished, p. .36, s. 87. Property and funds of, how disposed of, p. 36, s. 88. Division of a district — How funds are divided, p. 34, s. 80. Each town, village or city to constitute one district, p. 33, s. 75a. Emergency fund for, when, p. 37, s. 90, 95. First class may have city superintendent, p. .33, s. 76. Joint school districts — • Apportionment of fmids for, p. 35. s. 82. Established, when and how, p. 35, s. 81. Expenses, how paid, p. 36, s. 85. Formed of parts of two counties, p. 35, s. 81. Superintendent of public instruction to appoint first trustees for, p. 35, s. 81. New districts — • But one district, when, p. 34, s. 78. By whom created, p. 33. s. 77. How created, p. 33, s. 77. Index to School Laws 187 School Districts iContimied). New districts (Continued) . How district may get iu line for regular apportionment of school funds, p. 37, s. 94. Petition for must be made, p. 33, s. 77. Petition for should show, p. 33, s. 77. Shall receive part of funds of old district, when, p. 34, s. 80. Size of limited, p. 33, s. 77. When school in must be begun, p. 33, s. 77. Union school — • How and when union may be dissolved, p. 36, s. 86. How established, p. 35, s. 83. How expenses are paid, p. 36, s. 85. How governed, p. 36, s. 84. How supported, p. 35, s. 83. In case of disagreement of joint board, p. 36, s. 84. What districts may unite, p. 35, s. 83. When presumed to be organized. Rev. Laws, s. 3322. When may be abolished, p. 38, s. 97. Funds of abolished district revert, p. 38, s. 98. Proceeds of, how disposed of, p. 38, s. 100. Property of abolished district, p. 38, s. 99. When school shall not receive public moneys, p. 34, s. SO. Penalty for presenting fraudulent claim, p. 32, s. 70. School funds, p. 37, 50-52, 53, 54. See Funds, School, in this index. Shall not be used to pay teachers, when, p. 20, s. 36. School libraries. See Libraries, District School. School month, p. 39, s. 104. Provisos, p. 39, s. 104. Schools not to be closed on election days, when, p. 40, s. 112. School property exempt from taxation or execution, p. 39, s. 106. School text-books. See Text-Book Commission. School Trustees — Body corporate, p. 21, s. 40. Bids must be advertised for all contracts over $500, p. 155. District attorney adviser of, p. 41, s. 115. Duties of clerk of, p. 26, s. 65. Shall accompany orders with itemized bills, p. 32, s. 70. Shall draw all orders on county auditor, when, p. 32, s. 69. Shall hold records sub,iect to inspection, p. 26, s. 65. Shall keep record of proceedings, p. 26, s. 65. Shall not issue order, when, p. 32, s. 70. Shall receive salary, when, p. 26, s. 65. Shall sign records, p. 26, s. 65. Election board — - To file papers, p. 25, s. 60. To issue certificate of election showing, p. 25, s. 61. To summarize vote, p. 25, s. 60. Election of, p. 22-25, s. 43-61. Ballots must specify long-term and short-term candidates, p. 24, s. 52. Ballots to be printed in certain districts, p. 24, s. 53. Candidates in certain districts to file name, etc., with county clerk, p. 25, s, 59. Challenge of voter at, allowed, p. 25, s. 58. Election officers, p. 22, s. 45. How to vote at, p. 24, s. 54 ; p. 25, s. 58. Illegal voting, penalty, p. 24—25, s. 56-58. Instructions as to voting to be on ballots, p. 24, s. 55. Judge of election not authorized to administer oath of office to school trustee. Rev. Laws (note), s. 3296. List to be delivered to inspectors, p. 24, s. 51. List of voters, p. 23, s. 49. Not allowed at polls, p. 24, s. 56. Notice to be posted, p. 22, s. 46. Pay for preparing list in certain districts, p. 23, s. 50. 188 Index to School Laws School Trustees (Continued) . Election of {Continued) . Penalty for showing ballot, p. 24, s. 56. Qualifications for voting, p. 23, s. 47. Registration regulations, p. 23, s. 48. Two or more polling places in districts of first class, p. 22, s. 45, 46. Voter may have assistance, when, p. 24, s. 57. Voting to be by ballot, p. 24, s. 52. What ballots shall be used, what they shall contain, etc., in certain districts, p. 24, s. 53. First meeting of new board, p. 26, s. 65. How board is organized, p. 26, s. 65. Majority vote of to legalize action, p. 26, s. 66. Members liable for illegal order drawn by clerk of board, p. 32, s. 70. Monthly meeting of, required in certain districts, p. 26, s. 66. No discrimination against female teachers, p. 29, p. 11, s. 67. Notice of board meeting necessary, p. 26, s. 66. Number of and how determined, p. 21, s. 42. Oflicers, president and clerk, p. 26, s. 65. Orders- Drawn on county auditor, p. 32, s. 69. Forbidden in certain cases, p. 32, s. 69. Itemized statement of bills with order, p. 32, s. 70. Penalty for presenting fraudulent claims, Rev. Stats, s. 6715. Powers and duties — May define powers and duties of city superintendent in schools of first class, p. 33, s. 76. May direct principals and teachers to exercise certain powers, p. 33, s. 74. Must advertise for bids, when, p. 155. Must maintain all schools equal length of time, p. 31, s. 68. Must not employ noncitizens as teachers, p. 155, s. 2. Must not pay teachers not holding legal certificate in full force and effect, p. 20, s. 36*. Shall not be pecuniarily interested in contracts made, p. 32, s. 71. Shall not erect school buildings without approval of plans, p. 27, p. 2, s. 67. Shall not make repairs without election, when, p. 27, p. 2, s. 67. To administer certain oaths, p. 30, p. 15, s. 67. To buy or sell property, when, p. 27, p. 1, s. 67. To build, purchase, rent or repair, p. 27, p. 2, s. 67. To call meetings of heads of families, p. 28. p. 4, s. 67. To cause ofiicial price-lists of text-books to be kept posted, p. 59, s. 169. To cause two suitable privies to be erected, p. 28, p. 6, s. 67. To change location of schools, p. 27, p. 3, s. 67. To divide schools into departments, p. 30, p. 17, s. 67. To employ legally qualified teachers, p. 29, p. 11, s. 67. Penalty, p. 155, s. 4. To employ teachers qualified for all grades, p. 29, p. 11, s. 67. To enter into written contracts with teachers, p. 29, p. 11, s. 67. To enforce order and discipline, p. 32, s. 72. To enforce sanitary regulations, p. 31, p. 24, s. 67. To enforce use of course of study and text-books, p. 31, p. 19, s. 67. To establish kindergarten department, p. 30, p. 17, s. 67. To furnish certain supplies for pupils and school, p. 31, p. 22, s. 67. To have custody of property, p. 29, p. 9, s. 67. To hold property for district, p. 21, s. 41. To insure schoolhouses, etc., p. 29, p. 10, s. 67. To keep buildings in repair, p. 28, p. 8, s. 67. To pay transportation of pupils, when, p. 49, s. 142, p. 140, s. 6. To maintain departments in certain order, p. 30, p. 17, s. 67. To maintain at least six months of school, p. 29, 30, p. 13, s. 67. To maintain school eight months, when, p. 30, p. 14, s. 67. To maintain school in different places in district, p. 31, 36, s. 68, 8. To arrange with other districts for transfer of children, p. 137, s. 1, 2. To make annual report, p. 31, p. 23, s. 67. To manage and control school property, p. 28, p. 5, s. 67. To notify county commissioners and deputy superintendent, p. 29, p. 13, s. 67. Index to School Laws 189 School Trustees (Continued) . Powers and duties (Continued) . To pay for children attending in another district, p. 137, s. 1, 2. To pay in all moneys collected, p. 28, p. 5, s. 67. To pay salaries of teachers, p. 29, p. 12, s. 67. To pay for transportation of pupils, when, p. 49, s. 142. To prescribe and enforce rules, p. 28, p. 7, s. 67. To provide desk text-books for teachers, p. 86, s. 5. To provide free text-books for district, p. 86, s. 1. To provide record-books for district, p. 31, p. 22, s. 67. To suspend or expel certain pupils from school, p. 31, p. 18, s. 67. To suspend or expel pupils under 14 years of age, when, p. 31, p. 18, s. 67. To visit schools, p. 31, p. 21, s. 67. Salary of clerk as provided in amendment of 1917 (School Code), p. 26, s. 65. Tei-ms of office begin, p. 25, s. 62. To be appointed by the deputy superintendent in new districts, p. 26, s. 64. Vacancies, when filled by appointment, p. 25, s. 63. When filled by election, p. 25, s. 63. Vested with necessary power, p. 32, s. 73. School Year, p. 39, s. 103. Sectarian literature and instruction prohibited, p. 39, s. 105. Senators and Assemblymen- See apportionment of senators and assemblymen in this index. Sheriff shall enforce laws against houses of ill-fame, p. 73, s. 219. Smith-Hughes vocational education act, p. 167, et seq. See Vocational Education in this index. State Board of Education — Constitute county normal training-school board, p. 64, s. 186. See County Normal-Traitmig School. How composed, p. 9, s. 1. Members of state board of investment, p. 162, s. 1. Members of state text-book commission, p. 56, s. 158. Officers of, p. 9, s. 2. Powers and duties of — Shall have direction and control of Virginia City School of Mines, p. 122, s. 1. Shall issue first-grade elementary certificates to graduates of Nevada State Normal School, p. 18, s. 29. See University of Nevada. Shall issue high-school certificates to graduates of Nevada State Normal School, p. 18, s. 29. See University of Nevada. To adopt courses of study and enforce use in schools, p. 9, p. 1, s. 4. To adopt books for district libraries, p. 9, p. 2, s. 4. To adopt seal, p. 9, p. 5, s. 4. To appoint deputy superintendents, p. 12, s. 9. To appoint public library trustees. Rev. Laws, s. 3228. To designate official organ, p. 9, 10, p. 7, s. 4. To examine and certificate teachers, p. 15-20, s. 17-35 ; p. 64, s. 188. To fix date of holding teachers' examinations, p. 15, s. 18. To have charge of county normal-training schools, p. 64, s. 186. To have printing done by state printer, p. 9, p. 4, s. 4. To keep record of proceedings, p. 9, p. 6, s. 4. To participate in control of district high schools, p. 80, 81, s. 3, 5, 6, 7. To remove deputy superintendents, p. 14, s. 16. To revoke or suspend teachers' certificates, p. 9, p. 3, s. 4. State Board of Investment Act — New act for investing moneys of state permanent school fund, p. 162, 164. Restrictions as to counties, p. 163. Selling securities of state permanent fund for reinvestment, p. 162, 163, s. 1, 4. Six per cent loans on farm lands, p. 162, 163, s. 2. State Controller — Must not draw warrant for noncitizen as superintendent, professor, or teacher in any capacity in university or public schools, p. 156, s. 3. Penalty for, p. 156, s. 4. To notify state board of investment quarterly, p. 162, s. 2. To render statement to superintendent of public instruction, p. 49, s. 144. To report on securities to state board of education, p. 49, s. 144. To report to university regents, p. 134, s. 3. 190 Index to School Laws state Controller (Continued) . To set aside money for salary of normal-training scliool teacher, when, p. 64, p. 2, s. 189. To flraw warrants on the state treasurer, p. 37, 49, s. 95, 145. State Emblem — Sagebrush, p. 156. State Library Loan Act — ■ Books to be loaned to residents of state and to school districts, p. 161, 162, s. 1, 2, 3. Appropriation for. p. 162, s. 6. Catalog of books to be made, p. 161, s. 1. State museum given to Nevada Historical Society, p. 131. State Orphans' Home — Board of directors to manage. Rev. Laws, s. 4089. Membership of board, s. 4090. Powers and duties of — Authorized to receive and manage gifts, etc.. s. 4104. To appoint superintendent and matron, s. 4090. To -dispose of gifts as donors direct, s. 4104. To employ all necessary help. s. 4090. To keep record of proceedings, s. 4090. To make by-laws for government of home. s. 4090. To make biennial report to legislature, s. 4090. Children mentally or physically deformed not admitted. Rev. Laws, s. 4095. Children in — Are wards of state. Rev. Laws, s. 4092. May be educated at Carson City schools, p. 88, s. 1. To be instructed in manual and domestic arts, p. 88, s. 1. To be taught commercial branches in high school, p. 88, s. 1. To be trained and educated for useful citizenship. Rev. taws, s. 4092. Dependent or neglected children admitted on order of district court, p. 89, s. 12, 13. Money paid to Carson school district for education of orphans, p. 88, 89, s. 1, 3. Nonorphan children, wards of state, p. 89, s. 13. Expenses, transportation and maintenance of, p. 89, s. 13. Salary of superintendent and matron of. Rev. Laws, s. 4090. Teachers in, to be certified by state. Rev. Laws, s. 4090. Text-books, etc., to be furnished by board of directors of home, p. 88, s. 2. What the children in shall be taught. Rev. Laws, s. 4094. State Superintendent. See Superintendent of Public Instruction. State Treasurer — Member of state board of investment, p. 162, s. 1. To be custodian of school securities, p. 49, s. 145. To cut off and pay coupons in presence of state board of education, p. 49, s. 147. To negotiate for investment of state school moneys, p. 163, s. 2. To pay over all public school monevs on warrant of state controller, p. 49, s. 145. To pay over state school moneys to county treasurers semiannually, p. 49, s. 146. State University. See Constitutional Provisions, and University of Nevada. State veterinary control service at university, p. 130, 131. Stimulants and narcotics, p. 39, s. 107. Student Loan Fund — Appropriation for, p. 165. s. 1. Payment to Miss Vanderlieth, p. 165, s. 2. Report required annually, p. 165, s. 3. Superintendent of Public Instruction- Appeal to superintendent of public instruction, when, p. 43, s. 121. Curator of state museum, p. 75, s. 2. Decision of superintendent of public instruction on, final, p. 43, s. 121. Director of state orphans' home. Rev. Laws, s. 4089. Duties as curator of state museum — To collect specimens of ores, catalog and place them in museum, p. 75, s. 3. To include report of museum in biennial report, p. 75, s. 3. To inquire as to mining resources and to inspect mines, p. 75, s. 3. Index to School Laws 191 Superintendent of Public Instruction {Continued). Elected quadrennially, p. 10, s. 5. Member of board of directors of state orphans' home. Rev. Laws, s. 4090. Member of the state board of investment, p. 162, s. 1. Member of state text-book commission, p. 56, s. 158. Office of state mineralogist abolished, p. 75, s. 1. Powers and duties of — ■ To act on appointment of probation officer by district judge, when. Rev. Laws, s. 733. To act with governor in making contracts for care of delinquents, when. Rev. Laws, s. 756. To address public assemblies, p. 10, p. 1, s. 6. To appoint census marshals in new districts, p. 34, 37, s. 80, 92. To appoint school trustees in joint districts, p. 35, s. 81. To apportion money from old districts to new, p. 34, s. 80. To apportion county school fund, p. 10, p. 3, s. 6. To apportion state distributive school fund, p. 10, p. 2, s. 6. To call county institutes, p. 11, p. 7, s. 6. To call meetings of state board of education, p. 12, p. 8, s. 6. To call meetings of state text-book commission, p. 57, s. 160. To conduct institute, p. 10, p. 1, s. 6. To confer additional authority on deputy superintendents, p. 14, s. 14. To consult with school officers, p. 10, p. 1, s. 6. To convene and preside over state and district institutes, p. 11, p. 7, s. 6. To decide appeals from teachers and school boards, p. 43, s. 121. To deliver to successor property and effects of office, p. 12, p. 13, s. 6. To determine county school tax. when, p. 47. s. 1.39. To determine amount of surplus district school funds to be reverted, p. 54, s. 1521/2- To determine amount apportioned library fund. p. 56, s. 154. To draw order on county auditor, p. 9, 10, p. 7, s. 4. To employ stenographic clerk, p. 78, s. 1, 2. To engage institute lecturers and teachers, p. 11, p. 6, s. 6. To enter into contracts for care of deaf, dumb, and blind, p. 90, s. 1. To enter into contracts for care of feeble-minded, p. 91, s. 1. To All vacancies on county boards of education, p. 62. s. 178. To have printing required done at state printing office, p. 12, p. 10, s. 6. To make arrangements for care of deaf, dumb, and blind, p. 90, s. 1. To make rules and regulations for school libraries and for purchase of books, p. 56. s. 157. To notify each county auditor, county treasurer, and each school-board clerk, when, p. 54, p. 4, s. 152. To notify each county auditor and treasurer of deduction of surplus school funds, p. 54, s.. 1521/2. To notify state controller and state treasurer as to emergency school fund. p. 37, s. 90. To prepare blank forms, including school registers and teachers' contracts, p. 12, p. 12, s. 6. To prepare pamphlet copies of school laws, p. 11, p. 5, s. 6. To prescribe rules and regulations for reports, p. 11, p. 5, s. 6. To promulgate prices of text-books, p. 59, s. 169. To report to governor biennially, p. 10, p. 4, s. 6. To require teachers to attend institutes, p. 11. p. 6, 7. s. 6. To require written reports from deputy superintendents quarterly, p. 12, p. 11, s. 6. To set apart money for district libraries, p. .55, s. 153. To set aside money for emergency school fund, p. 37, s. 90. To transfer school moneys in certain cases, p. 137. s. 1, 2. To transfer school children in certain cases, p. 137, s. 1, 2. To visit schools, etc., in each county of the state, p. 10. p. 1, s. 6. To visit state university quarterly and report to board of regents. Rev. Laws, s. 4649. Salary of, p. 76, s. 1. Salary of typist in office of. Rev. Laws, s. 4398. Secretary of state board of education, p. 9. s. 2. Secretary of state text-book commission, p. 56, s. 159. Traveling expenses to be paid, p. 10, p. 1, s. 6. 192 Index to School Laws Supervision districts, p. 12, s. 8. Surrender of records and property on expiration of term of office, Rev. Laws, s. 2819. Taxes — ■ Annual county, p. 47, s. 139. Annual county high school, p. 63, s. 180. School property exempt from, p. 39, s. 106. Special county high school, p. 62, s. 176. Special, determined by election, p. 48, s. 141. Special determined by school trustees or deputy superintendents, p. 29, p. 13, s. 67. Special, determined by school trustees, p. 47, s. 140. Special, district bond, p. 67, s. 197. Special, district for redemption of interest-bearing school warrants, p. 88, s. 5. State levy for physical and civic training, p. 156, s. 3. State school levy, p. 160. s. 1. Teachers — Certificates of may be suspended or revoked. 8ee Teachers'' Certificates. Contracts for — Form of to be prepared by superintendent of public instruction, p. 12, p. 12, s. 6. Penalty for violation of, p. 42, s. 120. To be signed by, p. 29, p. 11, s. 67. To contain agreement as to salary, etc., p. 29, 30, p. 11, 13, 14, s. 67. Entitled to transportation expenses in attending any teachers' institute, p. 158, s. 1, 2, 3. See Teachers' Institutes in this index. Must be U. S. citizens, p. 155-156. Penalty on officers and teachers, p. 156, s. 4. Trustees must dismiss, when, p. 155, s. 1. Unlawful for any official to employ, p. 155-156, s. 2, 3, 4. Must be legally employed, p. 20, s. 36. Must have certificate in full force and effect, p. 20, s. 36. Oath of office of — Before whom taken, p. 30, p. 15, s. 67. Form of, p. 20, s. 38. Must be filed, p. 21. s. 39. Powers and duties of — Shall attend institute, p. 11, p. 6, 7. s. 6 ; p. 14, p. 3, s. 12. Shall be legally employed, p. 20. s. 36. Shall enforce course of study, p. 21, p. 4, s. 39. Shall enforce rules and regulations, p. 21, p. 4, s. 39. Shall enforce use of authorized text-books, p. 21, p. 4, s. 39. Shall file legal certificates with deputy superintendent, p. 21, p. 1, s. 39. Shall file official oath and letter, p. 20, s. 38. See School Register. Shall fulfil contract under penalty, p. 42, s. 120. Shall give instruction as to effects of stimulants and narcotics, p. 39, s. 107. Shall give instruction in physiology and hygiene, p. 39, s. 107. Shall give oral instruction monthly as to birds, fish, and game, under penalty, p. 39, s. 108. Shall have Nevada certificate in force, p. 20, s. 36. Shall hold certificate for highest grade, p. 29, p. 11, s. 67. Shall keep complete record in school register, p. 21, p. 3, s. 39. Shall make final reports, p. 21, p. 2, s. 39. Shall make full and correct reports, p. 20, s. 36. Shall not suspend or expel any pupil under fourteen years of age, p. 21, p. 5, s. 39. Retirement salaries for, p. 148-152. Salary cannot be paid unless on legal list, p. 13, p. 1, s. 12. Salary proviso, p. 39, s. 104. Vested by school trustees with certain powers, p. 33, s. 74. Vested with power to protect children going to and from school, p. 32, s. 72. Index to School Laws 193 Teachers' Certificates — Age requirements, p. 16, 17, 20, s. 24, 25, 35. County normal elementary, p. 17, 64, s. 26, 188. Elementary third-grade — Entitles holder to teach, where, p. 18, s. 27. Issued at discretion of state board of education, p. 18, s. 27. Only one granted to same person, p. 18, s. 27. Time limit on, p. 18, s. 27. Experience required for, p. 17, s. 25. Examination questions for, p. 15, s. 20. How sent out, p. 15. s. 30. Penalty for unlawful use of, p. 16, s. 21, 22. Examinations for — When given, p. 15, s. 18. Who conducts, p. 15, s. 19. Who examines papers, p. 19. s. 32. Grades of, p. 16-19, s. 23-34. Granted by whom, p. 15, s. 17. How granted — On credentials, p. 16, 17. s. 24-27. On examinations, p. 18, 19, s. 29-31. Percentages required for — Certain credits allowed, when, p. 16, 17, s. 24, 25. First-grade, p. 17, s. 25. High-school, p. 16. s. 24. Hold-over credit, p. 17, s. 25. Life diploma, p. 18, s. 28, 29. Second-grade, p. 17, s. 26. Third-grade, p. 18, s. 27. Renewals of, p. 15, 16, 17, s. 17, 24, 25. Revocation and suspension of, p. 9, p. 3, s. 4. Special — For what granted, p. 19, s. 33. On what granted, p. 19, s. 33. Suspension of, p. 14. p. 3, 4, s. 12. Temporary- Applicant for must not be a near relative to any member of school board, p. 19, s. 34. But one can be granted to same person, p. 19, s. 34. Good in but one district, p. 19, s. 34. May be granted by deputy superintendent, p. 19, s. 34. Time limit of, p. 19, s. 34. Teachers' Contracts- Form to be prepared by superintendent of public instruction, p. 12, p. 12, s. 6. Penalty for violation of, p. 42, s. 120. To be signed by, p. 29, p. 11, s. 67. To contain agreement as to salary, p. 29, 30, p. 11, 13, 14, s. 67. Teachers' Institutes — Allowance for county institutes, p. 11, p. 7, s. 6. Allowance for state and district institutes, p. 11, p. 6, s. 6. Called by superintendent of public instruction, p. 11, p. 6, 7, s. 6. County commissioners may appropriate for, p. 11, p. 7, s. 6. Deputy superintendent to assist at. p. 13, s. 11. State controller shall draw warrants for, p. 11, p. 6, 7, s. 6. State, district, and county institutes, p. 11, p. 6, 7, s. 6. Teachers — Authorized and required to attend, p. 11, 12, p. 6, 7, s. 6. Entitled to salary while attending, p. 11, s. 6. Entitled to transportation expenses, when, p. 158, s. 1, 2. Penalty for nonattendance. p. 14, p. 3, s. 12. The State Library Loan Act — Appropriation, p. 162, s. 6. Books to be loaned to residents of the State and to school districts, p. 161-162, s. 1, 2, 3. Catalog of books in miscellaneous department of, to be made, p. 161, s. 1. 194 Index to School Laws Text-Book Commission — Appointment of, p. 56, s. 158. Appointee's eligibility, p. 56, s. 158. Contracts of to contain, p. 58, s. 165. Contracts of in effect, p. 59, s. 167. Contracts of, void, p. 59, s. 168. Meetings of, where and when held, p. 57, 58, s. 160, 161, 163. Meetings of to be public, p. 56, s. 159. Officers of, p. 56, s. 159. Overcharge for books by dealers, penalty for. p. 60, s. 172. Per diem and traveling expenses of appointed members of, p. 60, s. 172. Powers and duties of — To approve books for supplemental use, p. 57, s. 161. To adopt text-books, p. 57, s. 161. To exact penalty of publishers for violation o"^ coi -a p. 59, s. 166. To inform publishers as to changes 'a pr^^sc .-ed te. ,ks, p. 57, s. 161. To inform publishers as to proposals, contents thereof, etc., p. 57, s. 161. To make contracts, p. 58, s. 165. To make new adoptions, when, p. 57, 59, s. 161, 168. To notify publishers of termination of contract, p. 57, 59, s. 161, 168. Require bonds of publishers, p. 59, s. 166. To require publishers of geographies selected to incorporate special matter for Nevada, p. 58, s. 162. To vote on adoption of text-books by roll-call. p. 56, s. 159. Prices of text-books to be posted in every schoolroom, p. 59, s. 169. Prices of text-books to be promulgated, p. 59. s. 169. Supplemental books approved by, purchased by district and used, p. 58, 60, s. 164, 170. Text-books adopted to be used exclusively in all schools, p. 58, 60, s. 164, 170. Text-books adopted to be in use four years, p. 58, s. 164. Vacancy in, how filled, p. 56, s. 158. Tobacco, liquors, firearms, resorts — Unlawful as to minors, p. 107-109. Tonopah School of Mines — See Mining Schools in this index, p. 123. Toll roads, penalties to go into state distributive school fund. Rev. Laws, s. 3758. Tonopah School of Mines, p. 123. Transfers^ County funds may be transferred to school districts, p. 78, 79, s. 1, 2. School funds shall not be transferred. Rev. Laws, s. 1540. Transfer of Pupils and School Funds — 1. Made by mutual agreement of school boards, p. 137, s. 1. Money transferred by order of superintendent of public instruction, p. 137, s. 1. Proviso, p. 137. s. 1. 2. Dispute as to transfer — To be settled by superintendent of public instruction, p. 137, s. 2. Transportation of pupils, p. 49, s. 142. Truants and truancy. See Compulsory Education. Trustees. See School Trustees. Union manual-training schools, p. 143-145. Union of School Districts — For manual training and domestic arts. p. 143-145. See Manual Trai)ii)t(/ and Domestic Arts in this index. University of Nevada — Acts of Congress in aid of agricultural college. Rev. Laws. s. 4655. Affairs of, president to manage, p. 128, s. 8. Agricultural college established. Rev. Laws, s. 4656. Agricultural colleges and agricultural experiment station, act of Congress in aid of. Rev. Laws, s. 4655. Agricultural Experiment Station — Acceptance of federal aid. Rev. Laws, s. 460, 461, 464. Board of control, Rev.. Laws, s. 457—403. Federal act establishing. Rev. Laws, s. 4655. Funds, disposition of. Rev. Laws, s. 458, 462. Reports, publication of. Rev. Laws, s. 459, 463. iHJOiJ JJ.VV\ .- 195 University of Nevada (Continued) . Assistant teachers, president to employ, p. 128, s. 8. Board of Regents — Compensation, none, p. 127, s. 4. Election of, p. 125, s. 2. Expenses of, p. 127, s. 4. Number of, p. 125, s. 2. Record of proceedings open to public inspection, p. 127, s. 4. Reports to governor, p. 126, s. 3. Sole trustees of university funds, p. 126, s. 3. Term of office, p. 125, s. 2. Vacancy, governor to fill, p. 125, s. 2. Board of visitors — * Chief justice, chairman, p. 132, s. 1. Composed of, p., "")>;) .sr'b. > -^ Governor to appt,(,:.t:p. -132^j 1*1 2.', n To report to governor, p. 132, s. 3. Branches of learning required to be taught in, p. 125, s. 1. Color, no discrimination as to, p. 128, s. 9. Constitutional provisions — Departments of, Rev. Laws, s. 356. Controlled hov^% Rev. Laws, s. 359. Fund for support, restrictions, Rev. Laws, s. 355. 357. General provisions concerning. Rev. Laws, s. 356-362. Interest on school fund, apportionment. Rev. Laws, s. 355. Oath of professors and teachers in. Rev. Laws, s. 357. Regents, first board of. Rev. Laws, s. 359. Sectarian instruction prohibited. Rev. Laws, s. 361. Special tax for. Rev. Laws, s. 358. Students, residence not to gain or lose. Rev. Laws, s. 251. General laws relating to, p. 125-133. Honorary board of visitors. See Board of Visitors above. Irreducible university fund, land grant, sale of. Rev. Laws, s. 4653. Land grants accepted, Rev. Laws, s. 4659. Land grants, proceeds of. Rev. Laws, s. 4657. Land-grant moneys and emeritus positions, p. 135-136. Land-grant moneys transferred, p. 135, 136. Library, transfer of books to and from the state library, Rev. Laws, s. 3961. Mechanic arts, school of established in, p. 118, s. 1 ; Rev. Laws, s. 356. Mining school established in. p. 125, s. 1, Rev. Laws, s. 356. Nevada state normal school, p. 125, s. 1. Normal school graduates, teachers' certificates, p. 127, s. 7. Normal school graduates to report to president, p. 128, s. 7. Permanent establishment of, Rev. Laws, s. 4654. President — Normal graduates to report to, p. 128. s. 7. State board of education, member of, p. 9. s. 1. State board of investment, member of. Stats. 1917, p. 400, s. 1; Public moneys dedicated, p. 133, 134. Regents. 8ee Board of Regents. Reno, located at. Rev. Laws, s. 4652. Report, president to make annual, p. 127, s. 6. Report to governor, regents to make, p. 127. s. 3. Revolving fund. p. 147. Sex, no discrimination as to, p. 128, s. 9. Special departments and services, p. 130-133. State controller to report to regents, p. 134. State hygienic laboratory established at. Rev. Laws, s. 3941-3945. Students, no discriminations to be made, p. 128, s. 9. Superintendent of public instruction to report to regents, p. 128, s. 11. To visit, p. 128, s. 11. Tax levy for. Rev. Laws, s. 3617. Teachers' certificates for Nevada normal and university graduates, p. 127, s. 7 ; Rev. Laws. s. 3649. Teachers, school for instruction of, established in. Rev. Laws, s. 357. Tuition to be free, p. 128, s. 10. 196 Index to School Laws University of Nevada {Continued) . University established, Rev. Laws, s. 4656. Vacancy in regents, governor to fill, p. 125, s. 2. Unlawful stock, proceeds of sale of for county school fund. Rev. Laws, s. 2251. Vacancies in office. Rev. Laws, s. 2799. 8ee Resignations and Vacancies. Virginia School of Mines. See Mining Schools, p. 122. Vocational Education— Smith-Hughes Act, p. 167. Vocational Education — State Acts. p. 165-166. M'