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Full names are given to the heads of families, followed by the christian name of their children. Individuals are consecutively numbered, some names appearing first as a child, and next as the head of a family. In the latter case, the number first given is marked by a plus "+" sign, and is repeated in a bracket, as a genealogical number in the following and proper generation. A star, denotes an addition to the record, which will appear in the supplement. To find the line of descent, look for the genealogical (or bracket) number which precedes the name desired, and the person thus found, if the head, or eldest of a family, will be immediately followed by the lineal descent by generations. If not a head, trace backwards the relation- ship, as a brother or sister, of the preceding persons until the head is reached. The lineage can also be traced either forwards or backwards, by using first an individual number, and next, a similar number in brackets, alternating from one to the other — or vice versa. Abbreviations in common use, and the following specials, are used in this work:— abt. A In nit. ae. Aged. bap. Baptized. adm. Admitted. 1). Born. bro. Brother. hi \V. Bel ween. inf. [nfancy. s. Son. ch. Child, Children or Church. in. Married. sis. Sister. (1. Died. mem. Member. num. Unmarried. dan. Daughter. res. Residence. w id. Widow. Tor further explanation see indexes. Introduction To write a perfect genealogy, is beyond the power and skill of man. As his thoughts turn toward the misty ages of the past in search of ancestral knowledge, he soon finds himself lik t a wanderer over a trackless desert, utterly lost upon the wide domain on which he has entered, and as a mirage fades away and disappears before his wondering vision, so does much sought for data, elude his most faith- ful research. Genealogy, may be compared to a chain, the links of which are composed of births, marriages and deaths, and as a faulty link endangers the strength and security of a chain, so a faulty record, impairs the reliability of this endless chain of life and death, and although the compiler of genealogical statistics desires to be accurate in every detail, he is more or less a victim of circumstance, dependent as he is upon the accuracy of numerous correspondents, who are more or less unintentionably liable to error. As all should be interested in the threefold phases of human experience, we deem it advisable to embody in a tangible form, a record of those families, who by con- sanguinity or affinity, are more nearly allied to us than are others. Only in this way, are we enabled to hand clown to posterity a succinct knowledge of our forefathers and fore- mothers. With this thought in mind, was this little work com- piled, and although it may be found very imperfect in many respects, our only apology is, — that we have done the best we could. The name 'EMMONS' is undoubtedly of English origin. Surnames having the same phonetic sound, and the appearance of being derivatives of the same root, yet being entirely different in their orthography, are a source of VI THE EMMONS FAMILY INTRODUCTION much trouble and uncertainty to the investigator of eenea- logical records in determining which out of the numerous catalogue thus encountered, should be classed as belonging to a particular family. Especially is this the case in tracing the genealogy of the Emmons' family in Old England. A few examples taken from church records and other sources in that country, will illustrate some of the numerous forms under which the name appears, viz: "Married at St. Albans' Abbey." " Emun Nicholas & Cicilia Fitch, wid., Jan. IS, 1559." "Baptized at Parieh Church of Thorington." "Emans Robert, sonne to George Emans & Dyonys his wife, Nov., 24, 1594; Emans William, sonne of George Emans & Dyonys his wife, May, 28, 1598; Emans Olyver, sonne of Geovge Emans & Dyonys his wife, June 18, 1600." "Emans Abraham, was enrolled as an 'Innocent under the Common- wealth of Ireland' when Charles II. succeeded Cromwell in 1656." "Emins John, church-warden, Fench Lane, Cornhill, London, had a servant buried at St. Michaels Jan., 5, 1612." "Emyn John, lost his wife Mary by the plague, Aug., 10, 1625." "Emens Susan, servant to Mr. Eemans in French Lane, was 1 juried Dec, 28. 1636." "Married at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Old Fish St., London." "Emmons Benjamin, smith; to Rose Ives, June 8, 1620." "At St. Peters, Cornhill, London." "Emins Robert & Mary Conclade, Oct., 6, 1642." "Buried at Christ Church, New Gate St., London." "Emmings John, March 3, 1673." "Married at St. Dunstan, Stepney." "Emmons Joshua, of Ratcliff, mariner, to Ann Grinnell, April 17,1707." "At St. Martins in the Field." "Emmins William & Elizabeth House, Aug., 19, 1717." "At St. James, Clerkenwell. " " Emmans John, son of William & Mary Emmans, born .Sept., 16, 173s." "At St. George's Chapel, May Fair." "Emmon Bridget, to Thomas Harris, Nov., 14, 1742." 'At St. George, Hanover Square, County Middlesex." "Emmens James & Frances Freeland Faithful, May 27, 1816." Some of the foregoing forms are duplicated in the United States as a distinct family name, but in general the THE EMMONS FAMILY INTRODUCTION vii difference in orthography is owing to the mistakes of those who had the making up of records, where the name was given orally to be transcribed, and in so doing, they were written in accordance with the phonetic sound rather than by the correct orthography. This will be observed in the making up of legal and other documents ; also in filling lists of names for any purpose, especially so, during the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries. In the lists of soldiers during the Revolutionary War, the name is spelled in nearly a dozen different ways. When written by our ancestors it was at first written EMONS, and later EMMONS the last form being now generally adhered to by the des- cendants of the original family. There are at least three separate and distinct branches of the Emmons family in the United States, which are supposed to be in no way related to each other. One of these families is of Dutch origin, the first men- tion of whom is found in the records of the "Suffolks County Deeds," in the person of Johannes Emans, a Notary of Boston from 1652, to 1656. Another branch of the same family, are the descen- dants of Andries Emans, who emigrated from Leiden, in the Netherlands, in the ship St. Jean Baptist, May 9, 1661, and settled in Gravesend, Long Island, where he with twelve others petitioned the authorities for lands on Staten Island. It is inferred that Andries the emigrant, although hailing from Leiden, was among those Englishmen who left their native land and emigrated to Holland to enjoy religious liberty, and to avoid persecution. His four sons were Jan, Jacobus, Andries, Jr., of Gravesend, and Hen- drick Emans of New Jersey. J. A. Emmans, great-grandson of Andries, Jr., was the first to use two M's in writting his name. Their descen- dants, many of whom now write their name Emmons, are found in Greater New York, and in the States of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. A number of the members of this line, are mentioned Vlll TIIR EMMONS FAMILY INTRODUCTION in the ' 'Early Germans" of New Jersey, and in the ' 'Official Register" of New Jersey, in the "War of the Revolution." Another line of the Emmons family, are descendants of William Emmons, who came from England about 1718, locating first in Taunton, Mass., removing thence to South Farms, near Litchfield, Conn., in 1733, where he died in 1763. He left three sons, viz: William, Woodruff and Arthur. William, Jr., had two sons; Woodruff had six, and Arthur had seven. Several of the descendants of this line were noted men ; among whom was the Rev. Frances Whitefield Emmons, A. M., who was born in Clarendon, Vt., February 24, 1802. He united with the Baptist Church, at Swanton, Vt., in 18 1 6, when fourteen years of age; entered the Baptist Literary and Theological Seminary, at Hamilton, N. Y., in 1821; graduating in 1824; entered Columbia College, Washington, D. C, where he remained two years; entered Brown University, Providence, R. I., graduating in 1828; taught school in Connecticut, Ohio and West Virginia, was associated in 1831-33, with Alexander Campbell, in revising the new version of the New Testament, comparing it thoroughly with the original Greek; was ordained a minister of the Church of Christ, (Disciples) and for many years was widely and favorably known as a writer on theological questions. His death occurred suddenly in Worcester, September 26, 1881, where he was attending the annual meeting of the Church of Christ, leaving a wife with whom he had lived to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day, and four daughters to mourn his loss,— his only son having died in infancy. Another noted man in this line, was Rear Admiral, George Foster Emmons, U. S. N., a native of Vermont, who was born in 181 1. He entered the U. S. navy as mid- shipman in 1828; became passed midshipman in 1831; was commissioned lieutenant in 1841; commander in 1856; captain in 1863; commodore in 1868; rear admiral in 1872, and was retired August 23, 1873. He was attached to THE EMMONS FAMILY INTRODUCTION IX Captain Wilke's South Sea exploring expedition of 1838-42 served on the western coast of Mexico and California, during the Mexican War; captured Cedar Keys, Fla., and Pass Christian, Miss., with twenty prizes in 1862; was fleet captain under Dahlgren off Charleston, in 1863; commanded a division of blockading vessels in the Gulf of Mexico in 1864-65, and raised the American flag over Alaska in 1868. He was the author of the "Navy of the United States" during the war of the Revolution, from 1775 to 1853, and other works. With the foregoing brief notice of two of the separate and apparently distinct Emmons' families in this country, we will turn our attention to the third, and the one in which we are more particularly interested, it being that of our ancestral lineage. When our forefathers took passage in the good ship Mayflower from Delft, on the sixth day of September, 1620, it was to seek a home in the wilds of America, where they could be free from religious persecution, and could worship God in accordance with the dictates of their own conscience. Yet in less than two decades from the time they landed on Plymouth Rock, the persecuted, had in turn become the persecutors. In 1637, what might have been deemed liberal ideas, but what were regarded by the dominant party as heretical delusions, had so far infected the popular mind in Massa- chusetts, and especially in Boston, as to alarm the authori- ties and churches in that province, and caused them serious distrust. Accordingly they convened a Synod of most of the ministers of the colony of Newtown, — since Cambridge, —on the 30th of August, 1637, which remained in session until the 22nd of September. During this session, they condemned eighty-two alarming errors, and at the Court, on the following November, a pretext was found, whereby three Deputies, and a number of the principal citizens, were first deprived of their arms, and banished from the settlement. Thus, in the name of religion, were these recreant X THE EMMONS FAMILY INTRODUCTION brethren sent forth into the wilderness, without arms, and subjected to the mercies of the hordes of savages by whom they were surrounded. In March previous to this decree, William Coddington, one of the banished Deputies, through the meditation of Roger Williams, had purchased of the Indian Chiefs, Canonicus and Meantonomi, the Island of Aquidneck, situate in Naragansett Bay, R. I. In March, 1638, followed by his associates, they re- moved from Massachusetts, and commenced a settlement on the north end of the island, called Pocasset, — since July 1st, 1639, called Portsmouth. On January 2d, 1638-9, a portion of them removed and established themselves at Newport, — the now famous fashionable summer resort. Among these were all the prominent officials, and although the number of settlers which removed from Portsmouth were less than those who remained, the removal was regarded as a removal of the seat of government. On October 8th, of the same year, a census was taken of such persons as were by general con- sent of the Company, admitted to be inhabitants of the Island called Aquidneck, "and have submitted themselves to the government that is, or shall be established according to the Word of God therein." The entry of this census upon the minutes of the Assembly, consisted of sixty-two names, written in two parallel columns headed thus: "Samuel Hutchinson." "Thomas Emons." This is without a doubt, the first time that the family name of Emons — or Emmons, as now spelled — appears upon any existing document, either public or private, in America. The following pages will contain a partial record of this branch of the Emmons family, beginning with their first ancestor, Thomas Emons of Newport, R. I., and in- cluding a genealogical and biographical history of many of his descendants, covering a period of nearly three hundred years, from 1639 to 1905. First Generation [1] THOMAS EMONS ' , cord wainer ,— or shoemaker- was in all probability born in England, but in what part, or at what date, remains a mystery. Whether he left England wealthy or poor ; a man of family or single ; whether he landed first, at the port of Boston, or some other, is not known. Yet the fact that he did not arrive in the good ship May- flower in 1620, is well established; therefore his descen- dants are saved from an inordinate self-esteem, and a feeling of superiority over their fellow mortals, who may be less fortunate in this respect than themselves. As has been already stated, we find him a resident of Newport, Rhode Island, in 1639. On March 12th, 1639-40, a convention of the two towns of Portsmouth and Newport, was held at the latter place, at which a new form of govern- ment for the whole island was established, and officers were elected under it. Thomas Emons, with seven others presented them- selves, and were admitted as "Freemen of this Body, fully to enjoy the privileges belonging thereto." To become a freeman, each person was legally required to be a respect- able member of some Congregational church. They were made freemen by the General Court of the colony, and also by quarterly courts of the counties. None but freemen could hold office, or vote for rulers. May 14th, 1634, the General Court ordered the following form of oath to be administered: — "I, A. R. being by God's providence an inhabitant and freeman with- in the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth, do freely acknowledge myself to be subject to the government thereof, and therefore do here swear by the great and dreadful name of the Everlasting God, that I will be true and faith- ful to the same, and will accordingly yield assistance and support thereunto, with my person and estate, as in equity I am bound; and I will also truly endeavor to maintain and preserve all the liberties and privileges thereof, submitting myself to the wholesome laws and orders made and established by the same. " "And further, that I will not plot nor practice anv evil against it, nor consent to any that shall do so, but will truly discover and reveal the same 2 TIIK EMMONS FAMILY FIRST GENERATION to lawful authority now here established for the speedy preventing thereof." "Moreover, 1 do solemnly bind myself in the sight of God, that when I shall be called to give my voice touching any such matter of the State, wherein freemen are to deal, I will give my vote and suffrage, as I shall judge in mine own conscience may best conduce and tend to the public weal of the body without respect of persons or favor of any man. So help me God in the Lord Jesus Christ." The next knowledge we have of him is when, "Thomas Hmins, was admitted to be an inhabitant of Boston, June 29th, 1648." From this time until his decease, he remained a resident of Boston. The following data, concerning him and his family, are taken from the public records of that city. In giving them, we shall follow as far as possible their chronological order, and shall endeavor to copy them verbatim, as regards orthography, &c. On a deed from John Marshall of Boston, to John Marrion of the same place, dated February 18, 1649, appears the names of Thomas Emons, and Martha Emons, his wife, as subscribing witnesses. "Thomas Emans, cordwainer, with wife Martha, were admitted to First Church, Boston, February 18th, 1651." " He was admitted a freeman there, May 26th, 1652." As shown in a deed of Thomas Yoe to Phillip Wharton, date of December 16th, 1653, Thomas Emans was a shoe- maker, and owned a house and lot in Conduit Street, Boston. In the bounding of some real estate March 30th, 1654, his name is spelled Emmins. His name appears upon the following deeds as a subscribing witness, viz: — George Mitchell &c, Oct. 21, 1654; Edward Baker &c, April 11th, 1655; Joseph Armitage &c, Feb. 28, 1656; and on an ad- ministrators deed of July 17, 1656. The following is a verbatim copy of his last Will and Testament made in February, 1661, N. S. : — "20, llmo, 1660. I, Thomas Emons of Boston in New England, cord- wainer, being sicke, make my last will (Debts to be paid.) "I giue unto my sonne, Obadia, sonne Samuell, daughter Hanna Crab & daughter Elizabeth Hincksman, 5s, pr peice, to be paid them by my Ex- ecutrix within a Considerable time after my Deceas (Declaring hereby that my Children Before named, have had of my Estate, before the Day of ye Date hereof their parts proportioned with other of my Children hereafter named. I "Into my sonne Benjamin 20 pounds, to be paid by my executrix at or before the end of Fine yeares after my Deceas, by the ualue thereof in good paye. THE EMMONS FAMILY FIRST GENERATION 3 "Unto my Gran-sonne Thomas Unions, sonne of Obadiah, 40s, to be paid him or to his use within three yeares after mv Deceas. "Unto my Gran-sonne Samuell Crab, 40s, to bee paid (as before.) "Unto my Kinswoman, Martha Winsor, 40s, to be paid her on the Day of her Marriage, or at her age of 21 which of them shall first happen. "Unto my wife Martha, my two Houses in Boston, that is to say, the House I now Dwell in & my House now in the tenure of John Andrews, Cooper; the said Houses & Land to haue & to dispose of as shee shall think good. "Unto my wife all the mouable goods within my now Dwelling house. My Wife Martha, 1 make executrix of this my last will." "In the presence of us John Bateman, William Pearse." "Thomas Emons." Mr. Emons was chosen sealer of Leather, April 4th, 1662. He died May 11th, 1664. His Will was probated June 17th, 1664. The inventory of his estate apprized by William English and Edmund Jaclon, amounted to the sum of 440 pounds, 5s.; debts due the deceased were 66 pounds, 6s. 4d. — "from ye deceased 45 pounds, 10s, 09d." Martha Emons, widow of Thomas Emons of Boston dictated her will, March 30th, 1666. Her will is number 433 on the Probate Index of Boston. The following copy of her Will is of interest, showing the quaint mode of spell- ing &c, of ye olden time. "30, lmo, 1666. I, Martha Emons of Boston, widow, being sieke & weake in body, but of prfect memory, make this my last will, Debts to be paid. "I give vnto my sonne Obadiah Emons all that my messuage tenemt. or dwelling house, with the land thereto belonging wherein he now dwelleth, being in Boston. "Vnto my sone Samuel Emons, my dwelling house wherein I now live wth the land thereto belonging, situate in Boston. "Vnto my sone Joseph Emons 20 pounds, to be paid him by my ex- ecutors at such times as the ourseers to this my will shal judge meet (that is to say) when he doth take such good courses as to live orderly, & to follow the Trade of a Cordwainer, & is clear of such debts as he now owes, by fol- lowing the imploy he now hath taken up. "Vnto my sone Benjamin Emons, Foure score pounds, to be paid him by my executors as followeth ; 60 pounds thereof in such pay as will prduce him lether & other things wch he may need. I will that the 20 pounds given my sone Benjamin by his fathers will, be paid to him in the moneth of June wch shall be in the year 1667, by my executors, & for the 60 pounds aforesaid to be paid vnto him 40 pounds by my sone Obadiah out of the value of the house I have hereby bequeathed him, & 20 pounds by my sone Samuel out of the value of the house I have bequeathed him, & 20 pounds by Obadiah, & 10 pounds by Samuel, to pay the said Benjamin in June 1668; the other 30 pounds to be paid in specie in the moneth of June thence next ensuing; the other 20 pounds to be paid my sone Benjamin to make up the sume of Fourscore pounds to be paid vnto him by the value thereof of my goods, 4 THE EMMONS FAMILY FIRST GENERATION viz: that Fether bed wch lie best liketli with the Holster & pillows; the new Courled; a paire of Blankets; hangings; the bedstead I now ly on; two paire of my best sheets; a paire of pillow beers; my Silver Beker & Silver Spoon, & of other of my goods, as pewter, Brasse & old bedding, to make up the value of 20 pounds, said goods to be paid him when he receives the legaeie of 20 pounds aforesaid, given him by the will of his father, or sooner if his occasions call for it, and the plate and bedding immedyately after my Decease. "Vnto my sone Samuel, my Cloth Gound to make him a sute, & to his wife my best cloth petticote. "Vnto my dau. Alice Emons, my Turkey moehaire coate & my finest paire of new pillow-beers. "Vnto my grandsone Thomas, 40s. "Vnto my Grand Dau. Martha Emons, my Gold ring & my siluer bod- kin ; to my grandsone Samuel my siluer wine cup & Dram cup. "Vnto my Grand dau. Mary, 20 pounds to be paid to her in pewter; to my grand dau. Elizabeth, 10 pounds to buy her a siluer spoon. "Vnto my grandsone Samuel Crab, 18 pounds to be paid him by my executors when he shall be 20 years of age. "Vnto my Kinswoman, Martha Winsor, 8 pounds to be paid vnto her at her age of 21, or day of her marriage, wch of them shall first be, & my hire Callimines gound, & my old Moehaire petticote, & a red taminy petticote, & a new cloth wastcoate wch lyeth in my chest, & a sute of my linning com- plete (except a white apron), & my bible & box. To Goodman Prat, of Charlestown, 10s. "Vnto my Kinswoman, Hannah Winsor, Two platters to be paid her at her marriage. "Vnto Goodwife Cop, & goodwife Goold, 10s, apeece; vnto my loving neighbors Goodwife Stanes & Goodwife Winsor, each of them a dressing of my best, after my dau. Alice hath take her choice. My will is, that my sone Samuel shall have the refuse of such implements in my house well he shall desire, paying for it as it is prized. "Vnto my sones Obadiah & Samuel, all my goods, Debts & estate not hereby bequethed, to be devided between them, whom I make joint executors of this my last will & testament. I intreat my loving friends Mr. John Wis- well & Mr. William English to be ourseers, whom I do hereby also impower that in case my executors be remisse in prforming this my last will, that then vpon such neglect, they shall have power over the before bequeathed dwelling houses to dispose of them for time, till my debts & legacies be paid, anything before expressed to the Contrary there of notwithstanding. " Vnto my before named friends Mr. Wiswell & Mr. English, 40s, a peece for theire paines. "I have here vnto set my hand & seale the second day ot Arpil, in the yeare above written. "In case my household goods & debts will not amount to pay my debts & legacies hereby ordered and bequeathed, then the same shall be made up & paid by my executors out of the value of the houses respectively hereby to them bequeathed, Obadyah paying two parts & Samuel one part thereof." "In the presence of us John Wiswall, William Inglish." "Martha Emons. The following codicil written upon the back of the Will was added October 1st, 1666, and was signed by her on the presence of the former witnesses to the Will. " A parcel of goods to the value of 20 pounds wch were my sone Hincks- man's being at my disposal, my will is, that if my sone Hincksman shall THE EMMONS FAMILY FIRST GENERATION 5 pay 20 pounds to my executors within some convenient time after my de- cease, he shall have the goods in kind, otherwise my executors to have them. "Vnto my sone Joseph Emons, 20 pounds more than is given in my will to be paid him 10 pounds at a time, vpon the - - of Mr. William Bren- ton, for his vse, whom I humbly desire to have a care ouer, & to see he walke as he ought to doe." An inventory of the estate of Martha Emons, taken by Edward Jaeklin and Richard Stanes, December 18th, 1666, shows an "Ain't of 417 pounds, 17s, " also mentions "A share in the Conduit 14 pounds; also debts of John Hincksman, &c." The Will was recorded on February 18th, 1667, as No. 433, in Book one, page 499, Registry of Probate, Boston. Obadiah and Samuel Emons deposed as executors, May 7th, 1667. Children: + 2. i. Obadiah, b + 3. ii. Hannah, + 4. iii. Samuel, 5. iv. Elizabeth, " ; m. John Hincksman, + G. v. Benjamin, " , 1645. [10 Nov. 1660. + 7. vi. Joseph, " 8 Mar. 1651. Second Generation [2] OBADIAH EMONS 2 (Thomas 1 ), cord-wainer, Boston, b. abt. 1635; m. abt. 1657, Alice - -, who d. abt. 1671-5; m. 2nd. Mary ; he d. subsequent to 1702. He first appears as a beneficiary of his father's will in 1660; also in the will of his mother Martha, in 1666. With his wife Alice, he executed a real estate mortgage Nov. 7, 1670, to secure the payment of twenty-five pounds, pay- ments to be made semi-annually for three years with "ye Just Damages." As a specimen of the manner in which legal documents were drawn three centuries ago, a portion of this mortgage is transcribed : — . "To all Christian People to whom these presents Shall Come, Obbadiah Emins of Boston, in ye County of Suffolk in New England, Cordwainer, And Alice his wife Sends Grieting:— "Know yee that ye sd. Obbadiah Emins & Alice his wife for and in Consideration of twenty hue pounds Currant money of New England to them in hand paide By Thomas Thacher of the sd. Boston, Clerk wherewith ye Sd Obbadiah Emins and Alice his wife Acknowledge themSelves nully & Truly Satisfied, Contented and Paide, And thereof and Eury part and par- cell thereof doe Exonerate, Accpiit and Assignes for ye Same for Euer By these presents, haue Absolutely Giuen, Granted, Bargained, Sould, Aliened, Enfeoffed and Confirmed unto the saide Tho. Thacher his Heires, Execu- tors Administrators, Or Assignes all that theire New Dwehnghous and yard Scituate in Boston, Neare the Draw Bridge wth all ye Pnuhges and Appur- tenances thereof Comeing unto them by Enhentance, Being Butted and Bounded wth the Street leading to ye Draw Bridge on ye South East wth ye Hous and Land of Sam'll Emins on ye South West, wth ye Store nous of Joshua Scottow on ye Norwest, and wth ye Hous and Land of John Nash on ye North East. etc. etc." Obadiah with several others signed a petition to the General Court of Mass., February 22, 1675, relative to the war then being carried on with the Indians under King Phillip. His wife Alice died about 1671-5, and he remarried, for he with his second wife Mary, executed a mortgage, January 21, 1675, to Mr. Bozoon Allen, to secure the pay- ment of SO pounds, S shillings and 2 pence, to be paid in one year. The mortgage was foreclosed by Mr. Allen, and the propertv was purchased Dec. 10, 1677, by John Bonner of THE EMMONS FAMILY SECOND GENERATION 7 Boston for 200 pounds. In this, or some other transac- tion, he felt himself aggrieved and petitioned the General Court of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay for relief, as shown by the following extract from the minutes of that body. "October 13, 1680: "In ansr to the peticon of Obadiah Emons, the Court judgeth it meete to refer the petitione to the County Court of Suffolke for reliefe, if he hath had any wrong, who have full power to act in all such cases." In 1692 an Act was passed: — "That henceforth no dwl Home, Shop, Warehouse, Barn, Stable or any other Housing of more than 8 feet in length or breadth & 7 feet in height, shall be erected and set up in Boston; but of stone or Brick, & covered with Slate or Tile, unless in particular cases where Necessity requires, being so judged & Signified in Writing under the Hands of the Justices & Select Men of the said Town or major Part of both. " A petition to repeal the above law was presented to the Court, June 11, 1697, and among other petitioners were the names of Obadiah and Benjamin Emons. Obadiah 's name appears in a list of the inhabitants of Boston in 1702. He died in 1705. Children: b. Boston. 8. i. Thomas, 7 Jan. 1659. 9. ii. Martha, 23 Oct. 1662. 10. iii. Elizabeth, 12 Jan. 1664. + 11. iv. Mary, 16 Jan. 1666. 12. v. Rebecca, 19 Apr. 1669. - + 13. vi. Samuel, 8 Nov. 1671. + 14. vii. Obadiah, 8 Nov. 1671. [3] HANNAH, (sister of Obadiah), b. probably at Newport, R. I., abt. 1637; m. by Gov. John Endicott; 1 Jan. 1658, to Henry Crab, of Boston. She was the beneficiary of her father Thomas Emons' will, to the amount of 5 shillings. As she is not mentioned in her mother's will, while her son Samuel was bequeathed the sum of IS pounds to be paid him when he was twenty years of age ; it is inferred that she died previous to 1666. Children: b. Boston. 15. i. Samuel, 23 Dec. 1659. Adm. freeman, 11 Nov. 1678. 16. ii. Hannah, 8 Apr. 1663. 8 THE EMMONS FAMILY SECOND GENERATION [4] SAMUEL, (bro. of Hannah), cordwainer, b. prob- ably at Newport, R. L, abt. 1639; in. 16 Aug. 1660, Mary, dan. of Robert Seott; d. Boston, 1685. Bv the will of his father he received five shillings; and by that of his mother, the dwelling house and land in Boston, which she occupied while living. His name- written Emmons — appears in a Boston tax list of 1674-5, in which he is assessed for ten houses. On May 18, 1674, Samuel and his wife Mary, executed a deed of one of their tenement houses to William Parsons of Boston, for the sum of 147 pounds, 10 shillings: "Situate in Conduit Street, near the draw-bridge, together with all and Singular, the Shops, Cellars, Chambers, Rooms, Entry-wayes, passages, yards, backsides, lights, Water courses, easements, profits, Comonages, comodities, and appurtenances whatsoever to the said messuage or tenement belonging, &c, &c." The above premises were bounded on the "North East by the house and Land of Obediah Emons." Samuel, with 128 other persons, petitioned the General Court on May 29, 1677, "that power might be granted to the Selectmen, to execute orders that the Handy-craftsmen might be protected in their trades." In the case of Samuel Emons, No. 1430 on file in Pro- bate Court, Boston, it appears that the deceased died inte- state, and that administration was granted on his estate on Oct. 27th, 1685, to Mary his relict. The administratrix filed an inventory and at the bottom is this endorsement, "and the estate being so unsettleable and consisting of household necessaries, the court settled the same upon the widow for her own necessary support and education of six children." Children: b. Boston. 17. i. Mary, 18 Nov. 1661. 18. ii. Samuel, 9 Nov. 1664; bap. 13 Nov. 1664. L9. iii. Obadiah, 19 Jan. 1666; bap. 3 Feb. 1666. 20. iv. Elizabeth, 11 Feb. 1667. + 21. v. Nathaniel, 9 Feb. 1669. + 22. vi. Hannah, 1 Mar. 1672. 23. vii. MehitablE, (i Feb. 1675. 24, \ iii. Kbe.nezer, is Apr. 1683. THE EMMONS FAMILY SECOND GENERATION 9 [6] BENJAMIN, (bro. of Samuel), cord-wainer, b. probably at Newport, R. I., abt. 1645; bap. Boston, 8 Mar. 1651; m. Jan. 1668, Mary - -, who died 12 Sept. 1690; m. 2nd. Elizabeth - -, who died in 1738; he died 1710. He held several offices in "ye towne of Boston," such as sealer of leather for the years 1678-9, 1695-6-8, and 1704; was Tithingman in 1681-5, and 94; Hogg-Reeve in 1683-4 and 1701-2. The town records for May 9, 1701, show "that the land of Benjamin Emons is layd out to him according to his grant the 28th of August 1679 & the post neer the corner of his house being removed, that boundary is stated to be two foot southwesterly from the Corner of his old house." On July 3d, of the same year, "that Benjamin Emons' petition for a Timber building is allowed upon Condition that he first either remove that part of his Cellar wall wch he hath Set on the Towns ground, or that he Oblige himself & his successors not to raise the Same higher than the Levell of the ground, and Also pay unto the Towne as a quit rent, the Sum of Six pence per year until he make it appear that the Same be removed." His Will No. 3,283 on file at Boston, bears date of the 8th, and 20th, day of March 1710, and was proved Dec. 19, 1710. Children: b. Boston. 25. i. Mary, 14 Oct. 166S;d. 23 June 1690. + 26. ii. Benjamin, 24 Jan. 1669. + 27. iii. Thomas, 4 Jan. 1671. + 28. iv. Rebecca, 23 Dec. 1673. 29. v. Joseph, 1675; d . inf. + 30. vi. Joseph, 1676. + 31. vii. JOSHl'A, . . abt. 1679. + 32. viii. Lydia, . . abt. 1685. 33. ix. Samuel, 28 July L687;d. inf. 34. x. Samuel, 14 Feb. 1689; d. young. by 2nd wife: 35. xi. Elizabeth, 8 Nov. 1693. + 36. xii. Mary, 25 Mar. 1695. + 37.xiii. Martha, 3 Mar. 1697. [7] JOSEPH, (bro. of Benjamin), cord-wainer, b. probably at Newport, R. I., abt. 1647; bap. Boston, 8 IO THE EMMONS FAMILY SECOND GENERATION March, 1651; was still serving his time as an "Indentured Apprentice" to Mr. William Brenton, as a cord-wainer or shoemaker, at the time of his mother's death in 1666. In our research, we have been unable to find any early records relating to him. A soldier of his name was enrolled as a private in Captain Lathrop's company November 9, 1675, to serve in the war against the Indian, King Phillip, which we believe to have been the subject of our sketch. We are inclined to think that he was married previous to the war. Otherwise we are unable to account for the origin of several persons named Emmons, who are incidentally mentioned in the records of Boston. They were either emigrants, or descendants of the emigrant, Thomas. If descendants of the latter, they must have been children of one or more of his four sons. As we have a very fair record of the families of Obadiah, Samuel and Benjamin, it seems to us as probable that some of them might have been the children of Joseph. We may be wrong in our supposition; but will take the responsibility of inserting the names of at least four of them as such ; also assert that the name of his first wife was Elizabeth. At sometime subsequent to the war, he settled in Hampton, N. H. When nearly fifty years of age, he m. 2nd, the 12th of June, 1694, the widow Mary W. Swaine. With several others, he petitioned the Selectmen, Dec. 3, 1709, for an order to raise a special tax to support a minister at Hampton Falls, and again the 13th of May, 1710, to set the boundary lines of the parish. Children: b. Boston. + 38. i. Thomas, + 39. ii. Jacob, 40. iii. Benjamin, 41. iv Rebecca, by 2nd wife: 42. v. Martha, b. 29 Mar. 1696. + 43. vi. Samuel, i < 12 Nov. 1700. VWkvV »*«rf*i ' Third Generation [11] MARY EMONS 3 , (Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 ), dau. of Obadiah and Alice Emons; b. Boston, 16 Jan., 1666; m. 6 March, 1694, Rev. Edward Drinker, as his 2d wife, his 1st wife Hannah Duffy, having d. 14 May, 1693. Rev. Drinker organized the First Baptist Church of Boston in 1665 and d. in 1700, a persecuted and prosecuted preacher of that denomination, both in Boston and Charles- town. [13] SAMUEL, (bro. of Mary), b. Boston, 8 Nov., 1671; was a twin of Obadiah Jr. We believe him to have been the Samuel Emons who resided in Cambridge, and migrated thence to Wethersfield, Conn., abt. 1691, where he m. abt. 1692, a dau. of Deacon Samuel Butler, and where at least two of his children were born. He settled in East Haddam, Conn., some few years later, where he with his wife were adm. to Ch. 5 Oct., 1705, and where he died at the advanced age of 96. Children : + 44. i. Samuel, b. + 45. ii. Jonathan, 1698; bap. 9 Apr. 1703. + 46. iii. Nathaniel, 1703 " 7 May 1704. + 47. iv. Mary, 1704 " 7 May 1704. + 48. v. Ebenezer, " 2 Feb. 1706. 49. vi. MehitablE, 1 1 19 Feb. 1709. [14] OBADIAH, (twin bro. of Samuel) b. Boston, 8 Nov., 1671; m. 7 Nov., 1699, Judith, dau. Richard Hub- bard, of Salisbury, Mass., b. 9 July, 1679. In a list of the inhabitants of the township of Southold, Suffolk County L,. I., taken Sept. 1698, we find the names of Thomas and 12 THE EMMONS FAMILY THIRD GENERATION Obadiah Emmons; but whether these persons represent the subject of this record, and his eldest brother, we know not. [21] NATHANIEL EMONS 3 , (Samuel 2 , Thomas 1 .) tailor, b. Boston, 9 Feb., 1669; bap. 13 Mar., 1669; m. 15 Sept., 1698, Mary Warmal; and was the fifth child of Samuel Emons and Mary Scott. For several years he was the proprietor of an Inn, located on the dock near the fish market in Boston. Like some inn-keepers of the present time, he did not live up to the demands of the law regarding the sale of spiritous liquors, and for this reason the following record was entered on the minutes of the town board. "July 5, 1715, Nathaniel Emons' Petition to Sell Strong drinck as Retaylers was disallowed by ye Sel. men." At the next annual meeting of the board, held July 24, 1716, he renewed his application, with the result that it was again disallowed. This decision of the select men was rescinded, and three days later; "July 27, 1716. Nathan '11 Emons, at ye Dock at Fish Market, his Petitions to Sell Strong drink at Innholder is allowby ye Sel. men." He died intestate, and the records (Probate No. 4,507) show the estate to have been insolvent, and no names of any heirs. Administration papers were granted to Mary Emons, his widow, Jan. 15th, 1721. On July 10th, 1722, she made application for a renewal of the license in her own name. The record states, "that Mary Emmans in the Room of her Husb'd was granted an Innholder 's license to Sell Strong Drink." Another record under date of Aug. 19, L730, states that "On the Petition of Mary Emmans, Tav- enor, to Remove & exercise her License where She lives Near Ann Street, approved and Reccommended." Children: b. Boston. 50. i. Nathaniel, b. 2 July 1699; (1. young. 51. ii. Mary, " 29 Oct. 1700; in. 25 June, 1719, E.Newcomb 52. iii. Hannah, 1 4 1702. i 53. iv. Nathaniel, Oct. 1703. 54. v. Jacob, i i bap. 14 Oct. 170"). THE EMMONS FAMILY THIRD GENERATION 13 [22] HANNAH, (sis. of Nathaniel) b. Boston, 1 Mar., 1672; m. 10 Feb., 1692, James Gouge of Wells. [24] EBENEZER, (bro. of Hannah) b. Boston, 18 April, 1683; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Humphrey Dearing, of Arundel, Me. He appears as a witness to a deed between Mr Allery and Mr. Dearing of Kittery, Jan. 5, 1712; also btw Mr Haley and Moore, 5th of March, 1718; also btw. Mr Jordan and Peppenll, 10 Oct., 1718; also as a witness and appraiser of the Will of Mr. William Larabee, 5 Apr., 1727, and 8 Aug., At a meeting of the military officers of Kittery, held Sept. 15 and 17, 1722, several houses were designated'to be placed in a state of defense against the Indians, and certan families were ordered to occupy the same. The house of Mr. Henry Barton was designated as number thirty-two, which, when port holes for firing muskets and other changes had been made, was occupied by five families, including that of Mr. Emons. 6 It is probable that Ebenezer was the ancestor of the numerous Emmons' families who settled in Wells, Kenne- bunk and other parts of the state of Maine. A Samuel Emons (who might have been his son) living seven miles from the church in Wells, being negligent in his regular attendance on the Sabbath, was indicted for the same in 17.'>7. It was in a deep gully near the house of Samuel Emons, that Sergt. Stephen Larrabee shot the noted Indian Chief! Aggawam, as he was removing a beaver from his trap. [26] BENJAMIN EMONS 3 , (Benjamin-, Thomas 1 .) trader; s. Benjamin and Mary; b. Boston, 24 Jan. 1669-70; m. by Rev. Samuel Willard, 10 Sept. 1694, Mary, dau. Capt.' Simon Amory of Boston; she d. 8 Oct. 1740, aged 67; m. 2nd, 6 Oct. 1741, Elizabeth (Bradford) Nowell, wid. of Thomas Nowell. I4 THE EMMONS FAMILY THIRD GENERATION He was the first " Emons" to write his name "Emmons." In 1698 he took dismission from the First Church, Boston, and was adm. to membership in the Old South Church 27 March of the same year. The parents oi his wife Mary, died when she was very young, and her Uncle Edward Drinker, the founder of the First Church had charge of her. She took her dismission from that church ami was adm. to the South Church, the 20th of Nov. 769, which membership she held at the time of her death in 1740. He held several offices in Boston; was first appointed Hogg-Reeve, in 1696-7; tithing-man, 1703-4 : and ^ 22; con- stabfe, 1704-5 and 1726; sealer of leather, 1708-9-13-14-15 and 1727; clerk of the market, 1712; scavenger, (Street 7? • • \ 171" 1191 9 ,1 s Ho use < he Co rner of Josiah Franklin's House in Said Street pro- ved Sey forthwith mTke good the Ground and pavement to the ^Satisfac- tion of the Select men and keep them in Repair from time to time At a meeting of the cemetery committee March 3, 1735 it was Voted. That BenSmin Emmons Shall have the Toombs Granted to be Built in the South Burying place, Numbered Seventy-One, as entered the 25th, Febru- ^His "Will" No. 10,153, on the files of the Probate THE EMMONS FAMILY THIRD GENERATION 1 5 Court, Boston, bears date of Dec. 29, 1741, and was proved August 17th, 1752. Children: by 1st wife. + 55. i. Benjamin, b. by 2nd wife. 56. ii. A Daughter, " 57. iii. A Daughter, " [27] THOMAS, (bro. of Benjamin) mariner; b. Boston, 4 Jan. 1671; m. 24 June, 1701, Mary Painter. He died intestate, and letters of administration were on the 25th of May, 1702, granted to Mary the widow of the deceased. In this case, which is No. 2,741 on the files, there is an in- ventory and account. The account shows that the widow must have remarried, as she is therein described as Mary Mansfield, — late Emmons. The account also shows the distribution of the estate; one half to Mary, former wife of the deceased, and there being no children or legal represen- tatives of any, the other half was ordered to be paid to the brothers and sisters of the deceased equally. [28] REBECCA, (sis. of Thomas) b. Boston, 23 Dec. 1673; was one of the residuary legatees of her father Benja- min; and is mentioned in his "Will" of 1710, as Rebecca Peerson, showing that she was the wife of a Mr. Pearson. [30] JOSEPH, (bro. of Rebecca) b. Boston, 1676; m. Elizabeth . Children: b. Boston. 58. i. Richard, b. 15 July 1705; d. 18 Sept. 1706. [31] JOSHUA, (bro. of Joseph) mariner; b. Boston, -, 1679; he died intestate; administration papers were 1 6 THE EMMONS FAMILY THIRD GENERATION granted April 22nd, 1718, to Benjamin Emmons of Boston, a brother of the deceased. The papers on file in the Probate Court, Boston, are No. 4,016; they do not give the name of the widow or children, if any; or the heirs-at-law. [32] LYDIA, (sis. of Joshua) b. Boston, - -, 1685; m. 17 Oct. 1706, Elisha Storey; and d. 27 July, 1713. [36] MARY, (sis. of Eydia) dau. of Benjamin, by his 2nd wife Elizabeth; b. Boston, 25 March, 1605; m. 25 June, 1710, Edmund Newcombe. [37] MARTHA, (sis. of Mary) b. Boston, 3 March, 1607; m. 12 April, 1717, William Young. [38] THOMAS EMONS 3 , (Joseph 2 , Thomas 1 .) cord- wainer; s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, b. abt. 1670. (See record (7) of Joseph). With his wife Mary he moved to Cambridge, abt. 1600. His "Will" No. 6,1 16, "on file at Boston, gives all his prop- erty to his two children. It speaks of his honored mother Elizabeth Emmons, and of his cousin Benjamin Emmons Jr. of Boston; also of his brother Benj. Emmons of Boston, cordwainer; also of his sister Rebecca Downes. His W r ill is dated May 21, 1731, and was proved June 14th, 1731. There is no mention therein of any wife, neither is there anything to show that the deceased left a widow. The executors' account was approved by 'Thomas Emmons and Hannah Champney, as the only heirs of Thomas Emmons." Children : • .">'.). i. Thomas. + (j(). ii. Hannah. THE EMMONS FAMILY THIRD GENERATION I 7 [39] JACOB, (bro. of Thomas), (see record (7) of Joseph). The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. vi, page 192, refers to Jacob Emmons, "as one of the Literati of New England, about 1700." Al- though he might have had a numerous family, we have been able to trace the birth of only one. Children : + 61. i. Jacob, b. 16 May 1701. [43] SAMUEL, (bro. of Jacob) s. of Joseph Emons, by his 2nd wife Mary W. Swaine; b. Hampton, N. H., 12 Nov. 1700. His name appears upon several petitions in the town papers of Hampton Falls, N. H. Viz:— For a new town to be formed from Kingstown, Sept. 11, 1730; a tavern to be licensed, Feb. 28, 1733; a new parish to be established, May 9, 1732; and again May 2, 1738, for the same purpose.' He is mentioned as one of the Grantees of the town of Rumney, N. H., by order of his Majesty, George the III March 19, 1767. Fourth Generation [44] Deacon, SAMUEL EMMONS 4 , (Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) b. probably in Wethersfield, Conn., abt. 1696; came to East Haddam, Conn., with his parents abt. 1700; m. 14 Sept. 1721, Ruth Cone; she was adm. to ch. at East Haddam, 22 Sept. 1723; he was adm. 11 July, 1731. No record of his death found. In October 1733, a new parish was formed in the eastern part of East Haddam, called Milling ton, and at a subsequent meeting of the parish the following record appears upon the minutes. "At a society meeting warned according to direction of ye law, to be holden on ye third day of December, Anno Domini, 1733, at ye mansion house of Jonathan Chapman, in ye town of Haddam, John Buckley was chosen moderator of said meeting, and James Cone was chosen Clerk, and sworn to a faithful discharge of his office by John Buckley, Justice of the peace; and Samuel Emmons, Samuel Olmsted and Matthias Fuller, were chosen society committee." Samuel Emmons and Daniel Gates were elected as the first deacons of the Millington Church, in October 1736; and Dea. Emmons as agent for the parish, petitioned the General Assembly in Oct. 1737; "That a tax of one penny an acre be assessed upon all unimproved lands within the said parish, in order to help settle and support a minister." Children : I 62. 63. + 64. + 65. 66. 67. 68. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. 69. \ iii. 70. ix. 71. x. Dorothy, Elizabeth, Ebenezer, Samuel, Makv, I (ANIEL, Infant, Jonathan, I [annah, Ruth, 16 vSept. 6 Mar. IS Sept. 20 Nov. (i Feb. 1722. 1724 1725 1727 1729 in. 1 Feb. 1750, Peter Spencer. bap. 19 Apr. 1730; d. unm. bap. 25 June 1732. " 30 June 1734. " 14 Mar. 1736. in. 18 Sep. 1700, Wm. Cowdry. m. Abner Chapman. THE EMMONS FAMILY FOURTH GENERATION 1 9 72. xi. Sybel, " ; bap. 6 June 1742. + 73. xii. Nathaniel, " 1 May 174,5. [45] JONATHAN, (bro. of Samuel) farmer; b. prob- ably at Wethersfield, Conn., in 1698; bap. Wethersfield, 9 April, 1703; adm. ch. East Haddam, 23 July, 1721; m. 2 Jan. 1723, Rachel Griswold; b. 1702; adm. ch. 11 July, 1731; d. 7 June, 1767. He d. 15 Feb. 1777, ae. 79. They were buried in the Cove Cemetery, East Haddam, Conn. Children : 74. i. Abigail, b. 28 July 1726. 75. ii. Rachel, i ( 13 Sept. 1729; m. Adonijah Robarde. 76. iii. Sarah, 1 ( 5 July 1732; " John Hersey. - 77. i\ r . Hannah, i I 17 Nov. 1734. + 78. v. Jonathan, " 5 Apr. 1737. + 79. vi. Joseph, i ( bap. 14 Oct. 1739. 80. vii. Lydia ( i 2 Aug. 1741. 81. viii. Benjamin, I I " 10 Mar. 1745. + 82. ix. Jeremiah, ( i " 14 Sept. 1748. [46] Maj. NATHANIEL, (bro. of Jonathan) b. East Haddam, Conn., in 1703; bap. 7 May, 1704;m. 21 Sept. 1729, Elizabeth Wells. He was Major of the Millington First (or North) company of Colonial Militia, Haddam in 1737 and 1738. Of his family, we find only two children. Children : 83. i. Elizabeth, b. 8 June 1732. 84. ii. Thomas, ; m. Huklah Cone. [47] MARY, (sis. of Nathaniel) b. E. Haddam, Conn., in 1704; bap. 7 May, 1704; m. 7 Dec. 1721, Jeremiah Gates. [48] EBENEZER, (bro. of Mary) bap. East Haddam, Conn., 2 Feb., 1706; m. Newport, R. I., 6 July, 1738, Sarah Tiffany. They were adm. to ch. there at the same time. 20 THE EMMONS FAMILY FOURTH GENERATION [53] NATHANIEL EMMONS 4 , (Nathaniel 3 , Samuel 2 Thomas 1 .) s. of Nathaniel Emons and Mary Warmal; b. Boston, Oct. L703; in. 1 Dee. 1731, Mary Brookes. He d. 19 May, 1740. We have a record of only one of his several children. Children : + 85. i. Samuel, b. 15 April 1733. [55] BENJAMIN EMMONS 4 , (Benj.\ Benj. 2 , Thos. ') veoman; s. of Benjamin Emmons and Mary Amory; b. Boston, m. at Dorchester, 7 Sept. 1781, by the Rev. Jona- than Bowman; Mary, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary Williams, b. 22 June, 1710; d. 19 Nov. 1736; m. 2nd, 19 Jan. 1741, Sarah Snoden; m. 3d, 17 Sept. 1772, Mrs. Sarah (Andrews) Williams, wid. of Zebadiah Williams; she d. 6 May, 1808; he d. 1 1 March, 1 776. His will No. 15,995, on file in Boston, bears date of October 10th, 1774; and was proved July 8, 1776. On a grave stone in the old burial ground at Dorchester, Mass., is the following inscription: "Here Lyes ye body of Mrs. Mary Emmons, wife to Mr. Benjamin Em- mons and Daugbter to Mr. Ebenezer and Mrs. Mary Williams. Sbe died ye 19 of Nov. 1736, in ye 27 yeare of her age." Children, by 1st wife: 86. i. Benjamin, b. 15 May 1733. + 87. ii. Thomas, " 1736. by 2nd wife. + 88. Hi. Joshua Snoden, " 5 Nov. 1742. [59] THOMAS EMMONS 4 , (Thomas 3 , Joseph 2 , Thom- as 1 .) b. Boston; m. 17 Nov. 1726, Hannah Cutter of Cam- bridge; b. 29 Dec. 1707, dau. of Gershom Cutter and Mehit- able Abbott. It is related of Mr. Cutter, that in 1747, he with his friend Francis Locke, travelled one Sunday from Cambridge to Newton to attend religious service; when Henry Gibbs THE EMMONS FAMILY FOURTH GENERATION 2 1 of Watertown, a justice of the peace, fined them thirty shillings each for breaking the Sabbath. Children : 89. i. Hannah, b. 30 March 1729. [60] HANNAH, (sis. of Thomas) b. Boston; m. at Cambridge, 22 Sept. 1746, Daniel Champney, Jr. [61] JACOB EMMONS *, (Jacob », Joseph*, Thomas 1 .) b. Boston, 16 May, 1701; adm. to eh. Brattle Square, Boston, 3d, Oct. 1725; m. 4 July, 1727, Mary Williams. He became a member of the Honorable and Ancient Artillery Company in 1788, and was 3d sergeant of the com- pany in 1 742. As per a list of the company made in 1 739-40, he was fined twelve pence per diem for non-appearance.' He was elected Clerk of the Market, Boston, March 10, 1740- Hogg- Reeve, 16 March, 1742; Constable, March 25,' 1745.' At a meeting of the Selectmen held May 28, 1744, it was Voted: "That Jacob Emmons be Prosecuted for receiving One Eliza- beth Wormwood into his House from Lynn & not informing thereof as the Law directs." On August 1st, 1744, it was voted: "That Jacob Emmons be prosecuted for receiving & entertaining Inmates contrary to Law." In 1773, Paddy's Alley running from Amos Street to Middle, (now North Centre street, between North and Hanover) was widened, and Jacob Emmons was rewarded thirty-five pounds for his loss of land and damages thereby. Children: b. Boston. 90. i. Mary, 1 j. April 1728; d. 26 June 1729. 91. ii. Mary, ' 25 July 1729; " 28 June 1730. + 92. iii. Nathaniel, ' 15 April 1731. + 93. iv. Jacob, ' 8 Nov. 1732. 94. v. Sarah, ' ' 26 Sept. 1734. 95. vi. Mary, ' 19 Oct. 1736. + 96. vii. John, ' 11 Oct. 1738. 97. viii. Hannah, ' 21 Nov. 1741. Fifth Generation [62] DOROTHY EMMONS 5 , (Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) The eldest child of Samuel Emmons and Ruth Cone; b. East Haddam, Conn., 16 Sept. 1722; bap. 22 Sept. 1723; m. 16 June, 1743, Enoch Arnold; b. East Haddam, 9 Sept. 1716, and d. Millington, 8 April, 1795; she d. East Haddam, 24 June, 1754. Their grand-son Jonathan Arnold Jr., m. 29 Dec. 1814, Maria Emmons, b. Cornwall, Conn., 1 April, 1794, who d. New Marlboro, Mass., 15 Feb. 1854. [64] EBENEZER, (bro. of Dorothy) b. East Haddam, Conn., 18 Sept. 1725; m. 4 April, 1754, Susannah Spencer; he d. 1809. It is said that they had a family of ten children. He was appointed Ensign of the fourth company of the 25th regiment of the Colonial militia at Hartford in 1765; trans- ferred to the 12th company, or train band in the 12th regi- ment of the Colony, in May 1766; was promoted to Lieut, in October, 1768. Children : + 98. i. Noadiah, b. March 1755. + 99. ii. Daniel S., " 9 Oct. 1757. 100. iii. Nathaniel, " 1759. + 101. iv. Samuel, " 1761. 102. v. Susannah, 1763. + 103. vi. EBENEZER, " 23 April 1766. 104. vii. Mary. [65] SAMUEL, (bro. of Ebenezer) doctor; b. East Haddam, Conn., 20 Nov., 1727, d. 7 Nov., 1807. Our knowledge of him is limited. We find the following record upon the minutes of a town meeting held at East Haddam, Dec. 7th, 1778, showing that he with several LIev. Nathaniel Emmons, D. D. Franklin, Mass. THE EMMONS FAMILY FIFTH GENERATION 23 others was "Chosen a Committee to provide Such Clothing for the Soldiers in Continental Service, as they are, or shall be enabled to, By Resolution of the Assembly, or of this Town. ' ' The grave stone erected to his memory in the cem- etery of Bashan Pond, bears the following inscription :- "Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Samuel Emmons who Died Nov. 7th, 1807, in ye 79th, year of his Age." " Altho' this body sleeps in Dust, Immortal days await the Just." [67] DANIEL, (bro. of Samuel) bap. East Haddam, Conn., 25 June, 1732; m. 2 April, 1761, Mary Cone, b. 1738. He was a private in Capt. Cone's Co., 12th Regt., Con- necticut, at the alarm for the relief of Fort William Henry. He served fifteen days ; from the 9th to the 24th day of August, 1757. [73] NATHANAEL, (bro. of Daniel) clergyman; youngest s. of Dea. Samuel Emmons and Ruth Cone; b. East Haddam, Conn., 1 May, 1745; m. at Braintree, Mass., 6 April, 1775, Deliverance French, who d. 22 June, 1778; m. 2d. 4 Nov., 1779, Martha Williams, dau. of Chester Williams of Hadley; she d. 2 Aug., 1829; m. 3d. Mrs. Abi- gail Mills, wid. of Rev. Edmund Mills, and dau. of Judah Moore; she d. Auburndale, 24 Oct., 1854, ae. 91. He d. 22 Sept. 1840, ae. 96. Rev. Nathanael Emmons, D. D., graduated at Yale College 1767, an A. M., at Dartmouth College 1786; with the degree of D. D., in 1798. He professed religion in 1 769, and commenced the study of theology with Rev. Nathan Strong of Coventry, Conn., and completed the usual course with Rev. John Smalley, D. D., of Berlin. He was licensed by the Hartford South Association, 3 Oct., 1769; ordained over the church in Franklin, Mass., 21 April, 1773, having been hired to supply the pulpit from the 14th of December preceeding. 24 THE EMMONS FAMILY FIFTH GENERATION Discouraged by the little apparent fruit of his labors, he twice asked a dismission, viz: January 1781, and May 1784, which were most wisely refused by his attached people. On May 13th, 1827, he was seized with faintness while in the middle of his sermon, and was carried to his house. He so far recovered as to finish his sermon on the following- Sabbath; but this was the last sermon he preached. The second Sabbath following,— May 27, 1827,— he sent a note resigning his pastoral office, and requested that a meeting be called immediately to provide for a supply of the pulpit. Though speedily recovering his former vigor, he would not recall his determination, meaning he said, "to retire while he had sense enough to do it." He died on the 23d day of September, 1840, in the 96th year of his age, and the 68th from the commencement of his ministry in Franklin. A granite pyramid, on a granite base, is raised to his memory in the center of Franklin Common, and bears this inscription: — N. EMMONS, D. D. Aged 96. Mr. G. Hall, in 'Homes of the Town of Sutton, Mass.' says : — "Dr. Emmons, was not a very large man, and wore his small clothes and three cornered hat, as long as he lived. "When President Jackson visited New England, he went to launton, and Dr Kmmons in company with the celebrated surgeon, Dr. Miller, went to see the President As they drove into the village, the boys saw his quaintly antique style, and thought he must be Gen. Jackson; so they followed him through the streets vociferously cheering him as President of the United Stiles'- at every cheer the crowd increased, and all supposed Jackson had arrived. They had mistaken an eminent divine for a great warrior." With all his distinction as a theologian, he was a per- fect child in many things; as shown in the following incidents given by Mr. Hall. "After he married his third wife,— Mrs. Mills,— some of her lady friends went from Sutton to visit her. His man was away at the time, so they asked the Dr. to harness their horse; he tried to do it, but did not know how to put on the bridle, so Mrs. Tennev had to do it herself. "IP- had an old horse that lie had owned lor several years; he drove it into Boston, and had it put up at a hotel stable; when he was ready to leave, he went t<> his carriage and ordered his horse harnessed to it, but the hostler had put the wrong number on his bridle, so he harnessed the wrong horse, and one varying much in color from his own, vet he never discovered the difference until a neighbor in Franklin asked him if he had been swapping horses" when he indignantly replied -'I never did such a thing in my life;' THE EMMONS FAMILY FIFTH GENERATION 25 'Well,' said the neighbor, 'that is m>t the one yon went away with at any rate.' 'It is the horse that I have owned for years.' 'No Sir,' said the neighbor. 'Well then ask Tom.' So the matter was referred to his man, who went immediately to Boston to swap horses for the learned doctor." (The author has in his possession a relic, which he prizes very highly; it being a two page autograph letter, of the Rev. Nathaniel Emmons, D. D. It was written at Franklin, December 20th, 1808; and addressed to the Rev. Aaron Hall, Keene; and forwarded by the hand of Deacon Kingsbury.) Children: by 1st wife. 105. i. Nathaniel, b. 14 April 1776; d. 7 vSept. 1778 106. ii. Diodate Johnson 23 June 1777; " 8 Sept. 177S by 2nd wife. + 107. iii. Martha, " 30 Sept. 1780. 108. iv. Deliverence, " 30 Dec. 1782; " 3 June 1813. + 109. v. Williams, " 2 May 1784. 110. vi. Sarah, " 10 Nov. 1785; " 3 Jan. 1823. + 111. vii. Erastus, " 5 Aug. 1787. + 112. viii. Mary, " 3 Dec. 1790. [78] JONATHAN EMMONS 5 , (Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 ) s. of Jonathan Emmons and Rachel Griswold; b. East Haddam, Conn. ; 5 April, 1737; bap. 1 May, 1737; adm. ch. 2 Aug. 1767; m. - -, 1758, - Williams, m. 2d Desire Harris. During the years from 1757 to 1760, several families removed from East Haddam, Conn., and settled some in Hartland, Litchfield Co.; some in Berkshire Co., Mass.; while others went to Vermont and the State of New York. Among those who thus removed, was Mr. Emmons, who settled near Hartford, Conn., afterwards residing at Bark- hamstead near Hartland, in the same state. In August 1767, they made their relatives at East Haddam a visit, and took the occasion to have their children — four in number — baptized in their old church home. Children : + 113. i. Oliver, b. 30 Aug. 1759. + 114. ii. Jonathan, " 31 Dec. 1761. + 115. iii. Sarah, " 10 Mar. 1763. + 116. iv. Mary Williams, 6 June 1765. + 117. v. Samuel, " 8 Jan. 1768. + 118. vi. Lydia, " 15 Nov. 1770. 26 THE EMMONS FAMILY FIFTH GENERATION [79] JOSEPH, (bro. of Jonathan) b. East Haddam, 1738; bap. 14 Oct. 1739; m. 6 Jan. 1763, Lois Gilbert, b. 1745; d. 7 Feb. 1801. He d. 21 April, 1810. At a town meeting held at East Haddam, 6 Dec. 1779, Joseph Emons with four others was chosen a committee " to provide for the Soldier's families for the year ensuing." At a meeting held 13 Nov. 1781, he and Captain Eliphalet Holmes were chosen " Purchasers and Receivers of Beef and Flour." Children : + 119. i. Anna, 1). 1763. 120 ii. Olive, " 1765; m. Elisha Peck, Nov. 1785 + 121. iii. Joseph Gilbert, " 1767. + 122. iv. Dyer, " 8 An S- 17 69. 123 v Asa, " 1775; m. Azalia Olmsted ;d. 1859 [82] JEREMIAH, (bro. of Joseph) physician; b. East Haddam, 1748; bap. 14 Sept. 1748; m. Lydia Ackley; d. 8 March, 1790. He removed from East Haddam to East Hartland, Conn., and was the first physician to settle in that town. He had ten children. [85] SAMUEL EMMONS 5 , (Nathaniel 4 , Nathiel 3 , Samuel 2 , Thomas 1 ) ropemaker; s. of Nathaniel Emmons and Mary Brookes; b. Boston, 15 April, 1733; m. 5 Nov. 1753, Rachel Love, b. Boston; he d. Nov. 1816. His dwelling-house in Boston was located on Round Lane; and his rope-walk on Milk Street. The latter having been destroyed by fire in 1779, he erected a new one on Pearl Street, which he sold to his son Samuel Jr. in 1793. During his latter years, he followed the occupation of a ship chandler. Children : + 124. i. Samuel, b. 1755. + 125. ii. Elizabeth, " ; bap. 1 Mar. 1767. 126. iii. Jonathan, " 1771; d. Feb. 1828. + 127. iv. Nancy, 128. v. Mary, THE EMMONS FAMILY FIFTH GENERATION 27 [87] THOMAS EMMONS 5 , (Benjamin 4 , Benj. 3 , Benj. 2 , Thomas 1 ) rope-maker; s. of Benjamin Emmons and Mary Williams; b. probably at Dorchester, Mass., in 1736. Our knowledge of Thomas is confined to the records as they appear on file No. 14,386, in the Probate Court, Boston. It there appears that Thomas Emmons late of Boston, rope- maker, died intestate, and administration was on Feb. 28th, 1769 granted to Mary Emmons, widow, who gave a bond with Benjamin Emmons, trader, and Joshua Emmons, tin plate worker, of Boston, sureties. In the account of the administratrix, appears the following item: "To allowance made the widow for bring- ing up four children, one of which was born after the death of her husband, and the eldest six years old at that time." A bond filed with the papers in this case, for the pay- ment of the proceeds of the partition of a piece of real estate, speaks of the widow of the deceased, as Mary, and the children, Benjamin, Thomas, 'Polly and Sally.' There are receipts attached to this bond, by which it appears that the mother Mary had died, and her interest was paid to the children, and these receipts are signed, one by Thomas Emmons, one by Sally Bean and Francis Bean, one by Mary E. Fuller, and one by Benjamin Emmons. Guardians were appointed for the children in 1779, the papers filed being No. 16,961 to No. 16,964, inclusive. Children : 129. i. Benjamin, b. 1762. 130. ii. Mary, " 1764; m. Ezra Fuller. 131. iii. Sally, " 1766; " Francis Bean. 132. iv. Thomas, " 1768. [88] JOSHUA SNODEN, (bro. of Thomas) tinner; s. of Benjamin Emmons by his second wife, Sarah Snoden; b. Boston, 5 Nov. 1742. He is mentioned in his father's Will, made in 1774; as was also his daughter Sarah. Children : 133. i. Sarah. 28 THE EMMONS FAMILY FIFTH GENERATION [92] NATHANIEL EMMONS 5 , (Jacob 4 , Jacob 3 , Jo- seph 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Jacob Emmons and Mary Williams; b. Boston, 15 April, 1731. His name appears on several pay rolls, for service in the 'War of the Revolution': viz: — As a private in Lieut. Col. Jabez Hatch Regt. Boston; with a detachment commanded by Maj. Andrew Symmes; was drafted to serve five weeks guarding stores at, and about Boston, under Maj. Gen. Heath by order of Council of May 12th, 1777; also in Capt. Elias Parkman's detachment, drafted to serve as guards; also on pay roll for the same duty, dated Boston, Oct. 5, 1778, for which he was engaged July 2, 1778, and dis- charged July 17, 1778. [93] JACOB, (bro. of Nathaniel) b. Boston, 12 Nov. 1732. Although his name appears in several transactions in Boston, we have been unable to trace his genealogy. We learn, as stated in the 'Boston Records', that "On March 1st, 1764, Information was given the Selectmen by Mr Jacob Emmons living in Paddy's Alley, that a Child of his was taken with the Small Pox. As he would not consent to its being removed, — being an Infant in the Cradle — a Flag was ordered to be put out, and Mr. Wales appointed a Guard for said House. On March 13, 1770: "The Petition of Mr. Jacob Emmons praying the Town would make him a grant of Money, for his Land taken from him by a new Street thro his Land in Paddy's Alley, Was read and a Committee ap- pointed to consider the Petition and Report. "Reported varbally: — That in their Opinion Mr. Emmons had not pursued the steps of the Law, in making his Petition, and that he have leave to withdraw the same." His petition was again presented May 7th, 1771, and accepted; but no allowance voted him, and after bringing it before the Selectmen at each annual meeting, until March 5, 1774; after considerable debate, "The Question was put: Whether the Town will sustain the Petition. Passed in the Negative", they declaring that the sum of five pounds paid him, and five pounds paid to Thomas Emmons at the time of the widening of the street was sufficient. Owing to the refusal of the town to pay what he thought to be a suitable compensation for his land, he on Aug. 25, 1772, began a suit against the workmen who THE EMMONS FAMILY FIFTH GENERATION 2 9 pulled down his outside chimnies, by order of the Select- men, in order to widen the street, which resulted in a non- suit. Jacob Emmons, Jr., was one of twelve Jurors who sat on the inquest of one Michael Johnson, who was murdered in the Boston massacre, by the soldiers of Kin? George III on March 5th, 1770. He served as a private in Capt. Stetson's company, of Maj. Edward Proctor's detachment of militia; was de- tached for service as guard in and about Boston, under Maj. Gen. Heath, Dec. 10, 1777, and was discharged March, 1 1778. [96] JOHN, (bro. of Jacob) b. Boston, 11 Oct. 1738; m. his wife Mary, abt. 1761. He with his brother Nathaniel,' attended the public school under Samuel Holyoke master, in 1753, to learn writing and arithmetic. He with others signed an enlistment agreement dated Boston 22d, July 1780, in which they engaged themselves to serve in the militia under Brig. Gen. John Fellows for the term of three months from the time of their arrival at the place of ren- dezvous. Children : + 134. i. John, b. 1763. 135. ii. Thomas, " 17(35. 136. iii. Richard, " 1767. + 137. iv. Jacob, " 26 Junel769. Sixth Generation [98] NOADIAH EMMONS 6 , (Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Ebenezer Emmons and Susannah Spencer; b. East Haddam, Conn., - March, 1755; m. 1 May, 1777, Elizabeth, dau. of Abner and Elizabeth Brainard; b. East Haddam, 16 Nov. 1758, d. 2 Feb. 1823; he d. 6 March, 1808. He enlisted at East Haddam, on the first call for troops, May 10th, 1775, as a private in Capt. Joseph Spencer's 1st Co., 2d Regt., and was discharged Dec. 17th, 1775; was en- rolled as a minute man in Capt. Eliphalet Holme's Co. of East Haddam, in May 1776; was appointed Captain of the 1st, or North Millington Company of Colonial Militia in 1777, and Major in 1780. Children: b. East Haddam, Conn. + 138. i. Ichabod, b. 18 March 1778. 28 May 1780. 20 Sept. 1782. 7 May 1785. 24 Feb. 1788. 26 Dec. 1791. 11 March 1794. 9 Jan. 1797. + 139. ii. Noadiah, + 140. iii. Brainard, + 141. iv. Henry, + 142. v. Susannah, + 143. vi. Augustine, + 144. vii. Jonathan L + 145. viii. David, [99] DANIEL SPENCER, (bro. of Noadiah) farmer; b. East Haddam, Conn., 9 Oct., 1757; m. , 1778, Luna Beebe, b. - - April, 1759, d. 28 Oct., 1851; he d. 21 Sept., 1841. He was a Sergeant under Col. Canfield at West Point in September 1781; drew a pension in Middlesex County, Conn., in 1832, and again in 1840. at the age of 83. He and his wife Luna, conveyed 150 acres of land THE EMMONS FAMILY SIXTH GENERATION 3 1 located in Partridgefield, Mass. (now Peru) to Joseph Goldthwaite, April 20th, 1793. They were buried in the cemetery at Bashan Pond, their grave stones bearing the following inscriptions: — Erected Luna to the memory of wife of Daniel S. Emmons Daniel Emmons who died Sept. 21, 1841. died AE. 84. Oct. 28, 1851, aged 92 yr's 6 M's. "T'was sad to lay thee in the ground, T'was sad to breathe the last adieu, "The fear of the Lord Each mourning heart received a wound prolongeth days." That freshly bled at final view." Children : 146. i. Elizabeth Sparrow, b. 1779; m. Isaac Starr. + 147. ii. John, " 1781. 148. in. Luna, " 1783; " Thomas W. Swan. [101] SAMUEL, (bro. of Daniel S.) b. East Haddam, Conn., abt. 1762. When but a lad, he in 1776 enlisted at East Haddam, and was taken prisoner by the British in September of the same year. His parents drew his wages from the government in May 1777. He drew a pension in Middlesex County, Conn., in 1832, and again in 1840. The only other records we have found of him or his family, are the epitaphs on his grave-stones erected in the cemetery at Bashan Pond; viz: — Major Mrs. Sarah Samuel Emmons wife of died Samuel Emmons July 2, 1850 aged 87 years. died Aug. 22, 1863. "His end was peace." . AE. 87. [103] EBENEZER, (bro. of Samuel) b. East Haddam, Conn., 23 April, 1766; m. abt. 1791, Mary, dau. of David Mack and Mary Talcott; b. Hebron, Conn., 17 Nov., 1774, d. 14 Sept., 1822; m. 2d. 28 Sept., 1824, Olivia Adams, of Mansfield, Conn., d. 5 Oct., 1849; he d. 20 Sept., 1835. 32 THE EMMONS FAMILY SIXTH GENERATION They lie side by side in the cemetery at Bashan Pond, East Haddam. Their epitaphs read as follows :— In memory of Ebenezer Emmons who died Sept. 20, 1835, aged 69 years. Olivia Relict of Ebenezer Emmons died Oct. 5, 1849, In the 75, y'r of her age. "Receive Oh Earth , his faded form, In thy cold bosom let it lie, Safe let it rest from every storm, Soon it must rise no more to die. " " Far from affliction, Toil and care, The happy soul has fled, Till breathless day, She'll slumber there, Among the silent dead." Children : + 149. i. Mary, + 150. ii. Amanda, + 151. Hi. Ebenezer, 152. iv. Justin, + 153. v. Harmony, + 154. vi. Harriet, 23 March 1793. 14 Jan. 1797. 16 May 18 May 1 Oct. 26 Nov. 1799. 1802; d. 11 Mar. 1806. 1807. 1812. [107] MARTHA EMMONS , (Nathaniel 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Rev. Nathaniel Emmons and Martha Williams; b. Franklin, Mass., 30 Sept., 1780; m. 28 July, 1814, Willard Gay, banker, Dedham, Mass. She d. 31 Dec., 1846. Children: b. Dedham, Mass. 155. i. NathanaEL Emmons, b. 10 June 1815; d. 5 April 1816. 156. ii. Boradill Mason, " 31 Jan. 1817; " 24 Sept. 1873; unm. 157. Hi. Martha Williams, " 5 Aug. 1818; " 22 April 1852;unm. + 158. iv. ErasTus Emmons, " 9 May 1820. [109] WILLIAMS, (bro. of Martha) Judge; b. Frank- lin, Mass., 2 May, 1784; m. 1st 24 May, 1813, Eleanor, dau. of Judge, Samuel S. Wilde; b. 15 June, 1704, d. 19 Nov., 1S21; m. 2d. 22 Sept., 1823, Lucy, dau. of Dr. Benjamin Vaughan; b. 2 May, 1783, d. 1860. He d. 8 Oct., 1855. Judge Emmons was graduated at Yale; studied law THE EMMONS FAMILY SIXTH GENERATION 33 with Judge Wilde in Hallowell, Me. ; began practice at Augus- ta, Me., in 1811; formed a co-partnership with Benjamin Whitwell, in 1812; was selectman of the town in 1817, and again in 1838; represented the district in the Legislature in the latter year; was Senator for Kennebec in 1834-5; ap- pointed Judge of Probate in 1841, succeeding Judge Fuller, and retained the office until 1843, having previously held the office of Register of Probate for eight years. He was a studious and well read lawyer; was of pleasing address, honorable and upright in practice; a worthy citizen, and a kind, considerate man, of pure unblemished character. Emmons Blaine, son of the late Hon. James G. Blaine, Secretary of State, was named for Hon. William Emmons. Children; by 1st wife. + 159. i. Delia, b. 8 March 1814. 160. ii. Eleanor B. Wilde, by 2d wife: 7 July 1815; d. 26 Feb. 1834. 161. iii. Lucy Maria, 13 Sept. 1824; unm.; res. Northboro, Mass. 162. iv. Martha Williams, " 11 May 1827; unm.; d. 2 Jan. 1884. 163. v. Nathaniel Williams," 10 June 1831; " 17 Oct. 1831. + 164. vi. Henry Vaughan, 3 Nov. 1832. 165. vii. Sarah Ellen, 25 May 1836; unm.; res. Northboro, Mass. [Ill] ERASTUS, (bro. of Williams) b. Franklin, Mass., 5 Aug., 1787; d. there 3 Jan., 1823. His funeral sermon was preached by his father, Dr. Emmons of Franklin, and as a sample of the Rev. Doctor's Theology, we quote from a clipping published in 'The Boston Transcript' under the heading "True to His Awful Creed." " Erastus Emmons was a fine young man, deservedly beloved by all who knew him. He had declined highly flattering and attractive offers to engage in business in Boston, feeling it his duty to remain in Franklin and care personally for the comfort of his aged parents in their declining years. But this dutiful and devoted son, good citizen and faithful friend, had never experienced religion, and thereby gained admission into the fold of the elect. He died after a brief illness, and Dr. Emmons, true to the dogma he had been preaching for so many years, held up the dreadful fate that he believed had become the portion of his impenitent son, as a warning to the young and 34 TH E EMMONS FAMILY SIXTH GENERATION thoughtless of his congregation. To quote a single sentence of this funeral discourse : "He has lived, blinded by sin, and wholly given over to the vanities of the world, and his voice, which once sounded pleasant in your ears, now calls in accents of woe from the dread abyss, for you to be wiser and better than he was, and to seize hold of life eternal." The sermon created a profound sensation even in those times when such preaching was common. Dr. Emmons' son-in-law and biographer, the Rev. Jacob Ide, D. D., says of it, that " it was preached with a sublime disinterestedness than that of a Roman father." [113] MARY, (sis Dec, 1790; m. 13 April, 30 June, 1880. Children: of Erastus )b. Franklin, Mass., 3 1815, Rev. Jacob Ide, D. D.; she d. 166. i. Isabella Tappan, b. 6 Feb. 1816 d 18. Nov. 1863. + 167. ii. Mary, ' 29 June 1817. 168. iii. Henry, ' 23 Oct. 1818 " 30 Jan. 1819. 169. iv. Erastus, ' 10 June 1820 " 20 Feb. 1821. 170. v. Nathaniel E., ' 28 Aug. 1821 " 29 July 1847. + 171. vi. Jacob Jr., ' 7 Aug. 1823 172. vii. Sarah Williams, ' 17 Aug. 1825 " 20 Jan. 1826. 173. viii. Alexis Wheaton, ' 10 Oct. 1826 "21 Dec. 1901; unm 174. ix. Charles W., ' 20 Jan. 1829 " 9 Aug. 1829. 175. X. George Hopkins, ' 10 May 1830 " 10 July 1831. 176. xi. George Homer, " 3 Feb. 1835 " 9 Aug. 1862. [11,3] OLIVER EMMONS 6 , (Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Jonathan Emmons and - - Williams; b. East Haddam, Conn., abt. 1758; bap. there 30 Aug., 1767; m. at Middle Haddam, by Rev. Benjamin Boardman, 26 Aug., 1781, Anna Brainard; m. 2d. at Stephentown, N. Y., Milo, dau. of John Frost; she was living in 1839 ; he d. 1826, and was buried near Alps, N. Y. He resided in Barkhamsted, Conn., removing to the state of New York abt. 1789. He leased 82 acres of land adjoining lands of his brother Jonathan in the town of Nassau, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., from Stephen Van Rensse- THE EMMONS FAMILY SIXTH GENERATION 35 laer, the lease bearing date of Dee. 9th, 1789. He served as a private in Maj. Woodbridge's company, 7th Regt. of Hartland, Conn., from May 26, 1777 to Jan. 8. 1778. Children : 177. i. Olive, b. 1783; m. John B. Adsit of Nassau, N. Y. 178. ii. Cynthia, " 1785; " Samuel Cook, of Nassau, N. Y. 179. iii. Mary, " 1787; " James Newton; m. 2nd Henry Spicer. [114] JONATHAN, (bro. of Oliver) farmer; b. Hart- ford, Conn., 31 Dec., 1761; m. Hartland, Conn., 4 April, 1782, Mary Brainard of Litchfield, N. Y., b. 2 Dec, 1758, d. Nassau, N. Y., 31 July, 1801 ; m. 2d. 26 June, 1803, Nancy Avery, b. Catskill, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1780, d. Lafayette, N. Y., 31 July, 1841; he d. Lafayette, 9 Dec, 1835. He went from Connecticut, to what is now Stephen- town, N. Y., about 1789 and settled on lands leased of Stephen Van Rensselaer. In 1795 he leased lands in the town of Nassau, which he purchased by deed dated Nov. 14, 1798. In the spring of 1804 he removed with his family to Brewerton, Onondaga Co., N. Y., settling on the south side of the Onondaga River — now Oneida — opposite the site of 'Old Fort Brewerton'. By a deed dated April 12, 1808, he purchased 500 acres on lot 9 town of Cicero, near Brewerton, and by deed of Jan. 15, 1814, he purchased 111 acres more; thus comprising the whole acreage of Military lot No. 9, with the exception of one acre in the northeast corner. A goodly portion of the first purchase has remained in his fam- ily, and is occupied by his descendants at the present time. In 1811 he removed to the town of Lafayette, — then a part of the town of Pompey — Onondaga county; where, by deed of Sept. 2, 1813, he purchased 50 acres on Military lot No. 89. Returning to Brewerton in 1813, he conducted a tavern ; also erected and operated a ferry across the river at the outlet of Oneida Lake, which he and his sons as his suc- cessors, continued to operate until the first bridge was erected in 1824. 36 THE EMMONS FAMILY SIXTH GENERATION In 1822 he returned to Lafayette, purchased an addi- tion to his first 50 acres, on which he continued to reside until his decease in 1835. His death was the result of a kick from a colt. In the cemetery just south of the village of Lafayette, at the apex of a very conspicuous elevation, there stands facing the rising sun, a marble slab, upon which is chiselled a weeping willow; beneath this, an urn; and underneath, the following inscription: — "To the memory of Jonathan Emmons. A Patriot of the Revolution, who after a long life of usefulness died in the triumph of faith Dec. 9, 1835, aged 74 Y'rs., leaving a large family and a disconsolate widow to mourn his loss. In him, the poor lost a Friend." His funeral was delayed until the fourth day after his decease, by reason of a heavy storm of snow, which fell to the depth of four feet; yet, fifteen of his seventeen surviving children were present at his grave. One of the absent ones was in Canada, the other in Pennsylvania. He was enrolled as a private in Capt. Elijah Chapman's Light Infantry, 5th Conn. Regt., in July 1780; was under Col. Phillip B. Bradley from July 1st, to Dec. 16th, 1780; also under Col. Benjamin H. Hutchin's Hartland company, 26th Regt., at West Point in the winter of 1780-81. Children : \min, b. 5 July 1783. 1793. + 180. i. Benjamin, b. 5 July 1783. 181. ii. Mary, " 22 April 1785; d. 26 Feb. f 182. iii. Brainard, " 25 April 1787. ! L83. iv. Isaac, " 17 July 1789. 1 184. v. Lydia, " 31 Aug. 1791. I 185. vi. Samuel, " 26 Feb. 1794. t INC.. vii. Eli, " 15 July 1796. I 1S7. viii. Mary, " 17 Feb. 1799. 1- 188. ix. Jonathan, " 30 June 1801. THE EMMONS FAMILY SIXTH GENERATION 37 d. unm. 1842. 30 June 1S36. Children: by 2d wife. 189. x. Sarah, b. 1 May 1804 + 190. xi. Amasa, " 6 May 1806 + 191. xii. Harriet, " 17 Jan. 1808 192. xiii. Charlotte, " 17 Jan. 1810 + 193. xiv. Martha Holmes, " 2 Jan. 1813 + 194. xv. William Avery, " 20 Mar. 1815 + 195. xvi. Emeline Samantha, " 22 Jan. 1819 + 196xvii. Nancy Ann, " 30 May 1821 + 197xviii TerrEssa Jane, " 26 June 1824 [115] SARAH, (sis. of Jonathan) b. near Hartland, Conn., 10 March, 1763; bap. East Haddam, 30 Aug., 1767; m. 16 April, 1783, at Hartland, Elijah Adams ; d. at Alps, N.Y. [116] MARY WILLIAMS, (sis. of Sarah) b. near Hartland, Conn., 6 June, 1765; bap. East Haddam, 30 Aug., 1767; m. at Hartland, 30 June, 1796, Aaron Brockway. [117] SAMUEL, (bro. of Mary W.) b. East Haddam, Conn., 8 Jan., 1768; bap. 23 Oct., 1768; m. 23 Jan., 1794, Prudence Harris of Barkhampsted, Conn.; m. 2d. Sarah (Tayler) Ackles, wid. of Robert Ackles of Pompey, N. Y. ; she d. 21 Dec, 1841; m. 3d. Mrs. Elizabeth Hodgeman; he d. Lafayette, N. Y., 27 June, 1845, and was buried in the cemetery near Loomis' mill, in Lafayette. Samuel settled in Barkhampsted, after his marriage at Hartland in 1794. He removed to the then town of Pom- pey, (now Lafayette), Onondaga County, N. Y., and pur- chased of Phillip Van Cortlandt, of Westchester, N. Y., by deed dated June 27, 1815, 66 acres of land, on Military Lot No. 73. Upon his old homestead there still stands a noble pear tree, which he transplanted nearly seventy years ago, that girts nearly three feet in circumference, and bears fruit each year. 38 THE EMMONS FAMILY SIXTH GENERATION Children: by 1st wife. + 198. i. James, b. 10 Feb. + 199. ii. Nancy, + 200. iii. Mary, + 201. iv. Oveil, + 202. v. Sumner, 203. vi. Truman, + 204. vii. Prudence, 1795. 21 Mar. 1798. 8 May 1800. 26 Mar. 1802. 6 Mar. 1804. 4 Mar. 1806; d. 12 Apr. 1836. 1111111. 15 Aug. 1808. [118] LYDIA, (sis. of Samuel) b. 15 Nov., 1770; m. at Hartland, Ct., 15 Nov., 1791, Simon Ackley, and resided at Barkhampsted, Conn. [119] ANNA EMMONS 6 , (Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Joseph Emmons and Lois Gilbert; b. East Haddam, Conn., , 1763; m. 14 April, 1793, Noadiah Gates, Jr. Children : 205. i. Anna, bap. 25 May 1800. East Haddam, Conn. 206. ii. Alfred, 207. iii. Hiram. 208. iv. Stepney. [121] JOSEPH GILBERT, (bro. of Anna) b. East Haddam, Conn., 1767; m. 17 Nov., 1791, Dorothy, dau. of Ozias Chapman; b. East Haddam, 28 Feb., 1795; he d. 1854. Children: b. East Haddam. in. iv. v. vi. + 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. vii. 216. viii. 217. ix. 218. x. + 219. xi. + 220. xii. i. Joseph Gilbert, ii. Dorothy F., Ozias Chapman, Florilla, Louisa P., Abigail, Henry W., Benjamin F., A Son, Laurena C, Alfred J., ( >liver F., b. 5 Oct. " 14 July " 16 Mar. " 3 Apr. " 20 July " 5 Mar. " 31 Aug. " 10 Apr. " 10 July " 1 Apr. " 16 May 1792 1794 1796 1798 1800 1802 1804 1808 1810 1812 1815 15 Sept. 1818 1882. 8 Jan. 1880. June 1888. 1893. 1875. 11 July 1811. 16 Sept 1817. THE EMMONS FAMILY SIXTH GENERATION 39 [122] DYAR, (bro. of Joseph G.) b. East Haddam, Conn., 8 Aug., 1769; m. 22 Dec, 1795, Phebe, dau. of James Ely and Catherine Hayes; b. Lynn, Conn., 30 Nov., 1775; d. Westchester, Conn., 10 Oct., 1863; he d. 15 April, 1843. Children: + 221. i. Augusta Matilda, b. 11 Jan. 1797. + 222. ii. Catherine Ely, ' 5 Dec. 1798. + 223. iii. Aaron Ely, ' 3 Dec. 1800. + 224. iv. Octavius, ' 20 Aug. 1802. + 225. v. Phebe Ely, ' 20 July 1804. + 226. vi. Nancy, ' 5 Dec. 1806 227. vii. James Ely, ' 2 Mar. 1809; drwd. 10 July 1819 228. viii. Prudence Hewitt, ' 16 May 1811; d. 30 Mar. 1812. + 229. ix. Edward Gilbert, ' 19 Aug. 1814. + 230. X. Dyar, ' 26 Nov. 181.5. + 231. xi. James Ely, ' 13 Sept. 1822. [124] SAMUEL EMMONS 6 , (Samuel 5 , Nathaniel 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Samuel 2 , Thomas 1 .) ropemaker; b. Boston, , 1755; m. 19 Jan. 1786, Hannah, dau. of Samuel Franklin, Jr., and Eunice Greenleaf ; b. 1757, d. , Dec, 1840; he d. — , July, 1836. His wife's grand-father, was a 1st cousin of Benjamin Franklin. Children: b. Boston. i. Samuel Franklin, ii. Catherine G., + 234. iii. Hannah, + 235. iv. Robert Love, + 236. v. Jonathan, + 237. vi. Nathaniel Henry, + 238. vii. Stephen, 232. 233. b. 12 Nov. 1786; d. bap. 22 June 1788; " " 28 Feb. 1790. " 19 Feb. 1792. " 9 Sept. 1793. " 12 May 1796. " 12 June 1799. July Feb. 1819. 1820. [125] ELIZABETH, (sis. of Samuel) b. Boston, Mass., bap. 1 March, 1767; m. 6 Sept., 1787, Isaac Bird, Jr. [127] NANCY, (sis. of Elizabeth) b. Boston, Mass., ; m. 12 March, 1807, Edward Rumney. 40 THE EMMONS FAMILY SIXTH GENERATION [134] JOHN EMMONS 6 , (John 5 , Jacob 4 , Jacob 3 , Joseph-, Thomas 1 .) s. of John Emmons and his wife Mary; b. Boston, Mass., in L763. He enlisted as a private in Lieut. William Bird's company, Col. Thayer's Suffolks count v Regt., the 19th of July, 1780, and was discharged Oct. loth, service three months and three days, including travel. This regiment was raised to reinforce the Con- tinental Army for three months, and was stationed at West Point. Ilis descriptive list was: Age 17; hight 5 ft., 7 in.; complexion light; residence Boston. He also served in Capt. Wise's company, receiving a bounty from Col. Edward Proctor, of the Boston Regt. [1371 JACOB, (bro. of John) baker; b. Boston, Mass., 26 June, 1769; m. -, 1793, Sarah, dau. of Edward Blake and Rebecca True; b. 9 Dec, 1771, d. Boston, - Oct., 1854; he d. Concord, N. H., - - 1832. He followed the occupation of a baker, and resided on Orange Street in Boston, from which he removed to Con- cord, N. H., continuing the same business tl iere unti death i. Children : 239. i. Sally, 1). 21 Feb. 1794. 240. ii. Edward, " 25 Mar. 1795; d. 10 Feb. 1798. 241 iii. Mary Blake, 26 Jan. 1797; " 3 Feb. 179S. • 242. iv. Edward Blake, " 26 June 1790. 243. v. Charles Blake, '■ 16 Oct. 1801; " 16 Nov. 1803. _' I 1 vi. John Lucas, " 26 Aug. 1803. 245. vii. Mary McClellan, " 16 Dec. 1804. 246. \ iii. Charles Parker, " 9 July 1807. Seventh Generation [138] ICHABOD EMMONS 7 , (Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) blacksmith; b. East Haddam, Conn., 18 March, 1778; m. 9 Dec, 1799, Mindwell, dau. of David Mack and Mary Talcott; b. Middle- field, Mass., 6 Sept., 1779; she d. 23 June, 1862; he d. Hins- dale, Mass., 26 April, 1839. Maj. Ichabod, s. of Noadiah Emmons and Elizabeth Brainard, was the eldest of a family of eight children. When a young man he went to Middlefield, Mass., to learn the trade of a blacksmith, where he became acquainted with Mindwell Mack, a daughter of David Mack, a prominent man of that town, which resulted in their marriage. After his marriage he returned to East Haddam, Conn., the place of his nativity, where he remained about two years, and again returning to Massachusetts, purchased a farm in Hinsdale, Berkshire county. This farm was located on the turnpike road from Boston to Albany, and being rather a poor one, he found it necessary to connect his trade of a blacksmith with that of farming, in order to support his wife and family of six children. It is said of him that he was an indefatigable worker, and could often be heard hammering at his forge through the long hours of the night, shoeing horses or fashioning farming implements for the surrounding country. In this connection the following incident is related, for the truth of which we should be unwilling to vouch. ' That one day thinking to make a plowshare, he heated and hammered the iron until it became too small for his pattern, so he thought it would make a horse-shoe; it soon became too small for that, but thought it would make a nail, and this too was spoiled, when a bright idea entered his brain, that it would make a first class fizzle, and striking it with his hammer, the sparks flew and the fizzle was made." In 1819 he erected a fine brick mansion on his farm, in which he lived until his death. This was for many years 42 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION the finest dwelling in town, and remained in possession of the family until 1901, when it passed out of their possession and was remodeled by the addition of a mansard roof and other modern improvements, and converted into a popular summer hotel, bearing the name of "Shady Villa." The Major was a man possessing a keen sense of humor, and was one of the best known wags of Western Massa- chusetts. While in the State Legislature where he repre- sented his town for several terms, he was noted for his short, crispv and witty sayings, and was a welcome guest at many social functions held in Boston during his legislative career. At one of its sessions he introduced a Bill entitled " An Act to Tax Ministers and Sheep." At another, when a change of Administration had taken place, he was accosted by a leading Democrat, who asked "why the Major's son Monroe, should be retained any longer as postmaster at Hinsdale?" replied; "because there is only one Democrat in the town, and he cannot write his own name." He went to see the laying of the corner-stone of Bunker Hill Monument, and previous to the ceremony, joined the Monumental Association, each member of which, received a parchment representation of the monument. Being very desirous of hearing Daniel Webster, who was to be the 'Speaker of the Day,' he wished to enter the enclosure sur- rounding the speaker's stand, to which only the ladies and officials were admitted. Rolling up his parchment to repre- sent an official scroll, he marched unconcernedly past the guard, who undoubtedly took him for an official, and secured a seat near the speaker. When the truck, drawn by four beautiful horses, approached, bringing the box in which wire the mementos to be placed in the stone, Maj. Emmons stepped forward, lifted the box from the truck, placed it in position, and stepped aside, leaving the Free Masons to carry out their programme. The title of Major was given him as an officer in one of the militia regiments of Berkshire county. Children : • 'J 17. i. Monroe, l>. 11 Feb. 1S00. 248. ii NOADIAH, " . r ) July 1S02. 249. ni. Eliza, " 11 May 1.S04. THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 43 + 250. iv. Laura Mack, " 3 July 1810. + 251. v. Emily, " 2 June 1815. + 252. vi. Mary, " 20 March 1823. *[139] NOADIAH, (bro. of Ichabod) ship-carpenter; b. East Haddam, Conn., 28 May, 1780; m. abt. 1803, Eliza- beth Brooks; he d. East Haddam, 29 Feb., 1840. He enlisted as a private at New London, Conn., June 8th, 1813, in the Connecticut militia, Captain William Palmer, war of 1812, and was discharged July 14, 1813. Children : *253. i. Frederick A., b. 1805. *254. ii. Sophia, + 255. Hi. Noadiah Franklin " 23 Feb. 1807. *[140] BRAINARD, (bro. of Noadiah) merchant; b. East Haddam, Conn., 20 Sept., 1782; m. , Sally, dau. of William Brainard and Lucy Day; b. Millington parish, East Haddam, 28 Jan., 1794. He settled in Hamilton, Madison Co., N. Y., where he died June , 1825. His wid. m. 1 May, 1827, Elisha Fuller, and d. 26 June, 1880. Children: See Supplement. *[141] HENRY, (bro. of Brainard) b. East Haddam, Conn., 7 May. 1785; m. 15 March, 1810, Mary Newton, and had seven children; he d. at Canajoharie, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1837. Children : *256. i. Elizabeth Lee, b. 31 July 1814. *257. ii. Nancy Maria, " 15 Apr. 1817. *258. iii. Lydia Minerva, " 12 May 1819. [142] SUSANNAH, (sis. of Henry) b. East Haddam, Conn., 24 Feb., 1788; m. 15 Dec, 1812, Isaac Crocker of 44 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION Colchester; settled in LeRoy, Genesee county, N. Y., where she d. 5 Jan., L862. Children: b. LeRoy, N. Y. '_'.">!». i. Jonathan- Lyman, b. 4 .Sept. 1814. [143] AUGUSTINE, (bro. of Susannah) farmer; b. East Haddam, Conn., 26 Dec, 1791; m. 28 May, 1820, Lovina Hall, b. East Haddam, 15 Aug., 1796, and d. 12 Oct., L882; he d. 19 Feb., 1844. He with his brother Noadiah, enlisted as privates at New London, Conn., June 8, 1813, under Captain William Palmer, in the war of 1812, and were discharged July, 14, IS 13. Children: 260. i. Mary Lovina, b. 26 June 1S25; d. 1S29. + 261. ii. Edwin Augustine, " 6 Aug. 1827. + 262. iii. David Brainard, " 24 May 1831. [144] JONATHAN LYMAN, (bro. of Augustine) soldier; b. East Haddam, Conn., 11 March, 1794; d. unm. At the age of eighteen, he enlisted in the regular army at Hartford, Conn., July 28th, 1812, under Commander Alexander Cummings, and was discharged March 16th, 1816. He re-enlisted, and when his term of service had expired, was stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, from whence he intended to start for the east, but waited a short time for the service of a comrade to expire, who was to accompany him home. They set out together for East Haddam, where the comrade arrived, but without Jonathan, and of whom he never gave any satisfactory account. This was the last knowledge any of his relatives had of him. [145] DAVID, (bro. of Jonathan) merchant; b. East Haddam, Conn., 9 Jan., 1797; d. unm. When a young man he came to LeRoy, N. Y., and made THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 45 his home with his sister Susannah, the wife of Isaac Crocker, and taught school for a time ; then engaged in the mercantile business, in which he was, at the time of his death. Sometime previous to 1830, while on his return from one of his excursions to the City of New York to purchase his usual semi-annual stock of goods, he was taken seriously ill, and was obliged to stop over at Utica, where he con- tinued to grow worse until he died. [147] JOHN EMMONS 7 , (Daniel 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Sam- uel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) sailor; s. of Daniel S. Emmons and Luna Beebe, b. East Haddam, Conn., 1781; m. 15 Aug., 1804, Mary Lord, who d. 29 Dec, 1849, ae. 62; he. d. 1 Dec, 1841, ae. 60. Children : 263. i. Luna Sophia, b. 1804; d. 18 Mar. 1888; unm. 264. ii. Canfield, " 1806; " unm. + 265. iii. William, " 1810. + 266. iv. Franklin, " 1813. [149] MARY EMMONS 7 , (Ebenezer 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Ebenezer Emmons and Mary Mack, b. Micldlefield, Mass., 23 March, 1793; m. 20 March, 1817, Justus Browning, b. Peru, Mass., 27 Dec, 1794. He d. 1 May, 1820; she d. 10 Sept., 1822. Children : + 267. i. Mary Smith, b. 14 Sept. 1818. [150] AMANDA, (sis. of Mary) b. Middlefield, Mass., 14 Jan., 1797; m. 14 May, 1818, Timothy Root of Middle- field, and d. 31 Dec, 1867. [151] EBENEZER, (bro. of Amanda) geologist; b. 46 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION Middlefield, Mass., 16 May, 1799; m. -, Maria Cone, b. 28 Dec, 1801. He d. 1 Oct., 1863. Prof. Emmons graduated at Williams College 1818; entered the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., and graduated in 1826; studied medicine at Berkshire Medical School, and settled as a practitioner in Chester, Mass. In 1S2S he removed to Williamstown and was appointed lecturer on chemistry in the college; was professor of mineralogy and geology therein, serving until his death; was appointed State Geologist for the second district of New York, by Gov. Marcy in 1836; appointed custodian of the collection made by the survey which he held from 1842 to 1848. In 1843 he began an investigation of the agricultural resources of the state, and published five reports (1846-54 treating of its agricultural products, climate, soils, geology and allied subjects. In 1848 he was appointed State geol- ogist of North Carolina, and published several works relat- ing to the geology and agricultural products of that state. Remaining in Carolina until after the breaking out of the war, he was not permitted to return to the northern states, and died there in 1863. His name is borne by one of the Adirondack peaks, and by the highest summit of East Mountain in the Berkshire hills. Children : 268. i. Amanda, b. m. Elias V. B. Conklin. 269. ii. Ebenezer, " " Olive Adams. 270. iii. Mary, " " Chauneey Watson. [153] HARMONY, (sis. of Ebenezer) b. Middlefield, Mass., 1 Oct., L807; m. 22 Nov., 1826, Samuel Hamilton, b. Chester, Mass., 30 March, 1799. [154] HARRIET, (sis. of Harmony) b. Middlefield, Mass., 26 Nov., 1812; m. 27 Sept., 1837, Hon. Sumner Uriah Church, of Middlefield, b. 17 Nov., 1810. (For their children, see 496 to 500). THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 47 [158] ERASTUS EMMONS GAY 7 , (Martha 6 , Nath- aniel 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) druggist; s. of Willard Gay and Martha Emmons; b. Dedham, Mass., 9 May, 1820; m. 6 Sept., 1847, Lydia Gorden White, b. Belfast, Me. He d. Burlington, Iowa, 1 Feb., 1897; she res. Denver, Colo. Children: b. Burlington, la. 271. i. Lucy Vaughan, b. 29 June 1849; d. 28 June 1850. + 272. ii. Mary Eleanor, " 17 Mar. 1851. 273. iii. Warren Emmons, " 1 Sept. 1854; " 8 Aug. 1855. 274. iv. Thomas Merrick, " 1 Sept. 1854; " 18 June 1863. + 275. v. Elizabeth Gordon, " 15 Sept. 1856. [159] DELIA EMMONS 7 , (Willams 6 , Nathaniel 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Hon, Williams Emmons and Eleanor Wilde; b. Augusta, Me., 8 March, 1814; m. 5 Sept., 1838, Rev. Benjamin Tappan, D. D. b. Augusta, Me., 25 June, 1815, d. 3 Dec., 1896; she d. 18 Sept., 1892. Mrs. Delia (Emmons) Tappan, was by intermarriage, of Royal descent, and could trace her pedigree from Edward III, King of England, down through seventeen generations, as follows: — 1st. "Edward III., b. 13 Nov. 1312; proclaimed King of England January 25th, 1327; m. January 24th, 1328, Blanche, dau. of Henry Plantegenet ; had 2nd. "John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster; had 3rd. "Lady De Beaufort, who m. secondly, Sir Ralph Nevill; had 4th. "Sir Edward Nevill, K. G., Baron, Bergavenny; had 5th. "Sir George Nevill, second Lord, Bergavenny; had 6th. "Sir George Nevill, third Lord, Bergavenny; had 7th. "Lady Mary Nevill, who m, Thomas Fiens, ninth Lord Dacre, who was executed in 1541 ; had 8th. "Lady Margaret Fiens, Baroness Dacre, who m. in 1604, Sampson Lennard, Esq, 11th Baron Dacre; had 9th. "Sir Henry Lennard, 12th Baron Dacre; had 10th. "Henry Lennard, Esq., had 11th. "Thomas Leonard, of Pontipool in Wales; had 12th. "James Leonard, of Taunton, Mass.; had _'77. ii. • 278. iii. 279. iv. • 280. v. 48 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION IMth. "Capt. fames Leonard, of Raynhew; b. 1677; d. 17<>4; had 14th. "Lydia Leonard, who in. Col. Thomas Cobb; had 15th. "Gen. David Cobb, M. I)., Lieut. Governor of Massachusetts; had 16th. "Eunice Cobb, who m. Judge .Samuel S. Wilde, of the Superior Court of Massachusetts; had 17th. ' Eleanor Wilde, who in. Judge William Emmons, 24 May, 1813; had 18th. "Delia Emmons, who m. Rev. Benjamin Tappan, 5 Sept., 1838." Dr. Tappan graduated at Bowdoin College in 1833; a Bangor Seminary in 1837; was pastor at Hampden, N. H., in L838; Charlestown, Mass., in 1848; and Norridgewock, Mr., in 1858. Children: 276. i. Ki.lkx Emmons, 1>. 6 Dec. 1839; d. 8 July 1895; unm. Henry Lyman, " 2 Dec. 1841. Elizabeth Winthrop, " 13 Aug. 1844. Williams Emmons, " 17 Feb. 1847. " 5 May 1S49. Delia, " 8 Dec. 1848. [164] Rev. HENRY VAUGHAN, (bro. of Delia) s. of Hon. Willams Kmmons and Lucy Vaughan; b. Augusta, Me., :; Nov., 1832; m. 6 Sept., 1865, Annie, dau. of Prof. George Shephard; b. Bangor, Me., 19 Nov., 1838. Res. Northboro, Mass. Dr. Kmmons graduated at Amherst College in 1854; at Bangor Theological Seminary in 1859; was Pastor at Pem- broke and Perry, Me., from Nov. 1859 to Nov. 1861; then took charge of a Christian Commission Station in Beaufort, S. C, and in Virginia with the U. S. Army in the field during the war of 1861-65; left Petersburg, Va., in March 1865; was installed Pastor of the Congregational Church at Lancaster, N. H., Sept. L865, continuing until Oct. 1874; removed to Hallowell, Me., where he engaged in Sunday School lesson work and occasional preaching, until Dec. 1884, when he returned to the ministry at Oxford, Me.; was Pastor at Brownfield, Me., from Jan. 1887 to May 1890; at Kittery Point, Me., until L902. Prom thence, he removed to North- boro, Mass., where he purchased a home in which, with his two maiden sisters, Lucy and Sarah, he now resides. Rev. Hkxhy Vaughan Emmons, D. D. NoRTHBORO, Mass. THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 49 The old homestead of their father, Judge Williams Emmons, was destroyed by fire in 1885. Children : 281. i. Williams, b. 17 July 1867; d. 19 July 1867. 282. ii. Lucy Vaughan, " 22 June 1870; a teacher, Boston. 283. iii. Elizabeth Fuller, " 12 May 1873; a teacher, Chicago. + 284. iv. Henry Manning, " 8 May 1876. 285. v. Mary Williams, " 10 Apr. 1878; a teacher, Northboro. [167] MARY IDE 7 , (Mary 6 , Nathaniel- 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Rev. Jacob Ide and Mary Emmons; b. 29 June, 1817; m. 29 March, 1837, Rev. Charles T. Torrey, b. Scituate, Mass., 21 Nov., 1813, d. 9 May, 1846; she d. 6 Nov., 1869. Children : + 286. i. Charles H., b. 1838. + 287. ii. Mary Emmons, " 29 Jan. 1S40. [171] Rev. JACOB IDE, Jr. (bro. of Mary) clergyman; b. Medway, Mass., 7 Aug., 1823; m. 24 March, 1859; Helen Maria Rogers, b. Mansfield, Mass., 6 April, 1835, d. 24 Feb., 1891; he d. 23 March, 1898. Children : + 288. i. John Emmoxs, b. 2 Aug. 1868. [180] BENJAMIN EMMONS 7 , (Jonathan 6 Jonathan 5 Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Jonathan Emmons and Mary Brainard; b. Nassau, N. Y., 5 July, L783; m. abt. 1804, Asenath, dau. of Amaziah Bailey and Asenath Mansfield, of Nassau; b. 23 May, 1785; she d. 9 Dec, 1830; m. 2d. Almira Bignall, b. 24 Oct., 1795, d. 4 June, 1842; m. 3d. Catharine Van Ziol; m. 4th. 3 Dec, 1855, Sarah Esther Avery, b. Kent, Eng., 24 Nov., 1827; he d. Harpersfield, O., 10 May, 1863. 50 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION He resided in Alps, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., for six years after his marriage in 1 804 ; removed to the town of Pompey (now Lafayette), Onondaga Co., N. Y., in 1810; moved to Brewerton, town of Cicero, in the same county in 1811; re- turned to Lafayette in 1814; and again returned to the town of Cicero, where he purchased by deed dated Dec. 13, 1820, one hundred acres of land located on lots No. 65-66 on which he erected and was proprietor of a log tavern. In 1823 he returned to Brewerton and kept the tavern there; also erected, and with his son Asa U. Emmons, conducted a general store from 1826 to 1830. During the winter of the latter year, his wife while on a visit to their former home in Alps, was taken sick and died there, by reason of which, he remained in Alps until after his second marriage, her death, and for a time after his third wedding. This, proving to be very uncongenial, they separated, and he returned to Brewerton, where he resided until after her death. In 1849 he began the erection of the "Fort Brewerton House," located near the site of "Old Fort Brewerton" in Oswego Co., N. Y. In 1850, he migrated to Antioch, 111., where he married his 4th wife, and from thence, removed to Harpersfield, Ohio, in 1857, where he died in 1863, aged 80. His widow d. 27 Jan., 1904, aged 76. Children: by 1st wife. + 289. i. Myron, b. 23 April 1805. + 290. ii. Asa Upham, " 8 June 1808. + 291. Hi. Orson, " 3 Feb. 1812. 292. iv. Alfred Brainard, " 21 Oct. 1814; disappeared in 1833. + 293. v. Henry, " 13 Nov. 1819. + 294. vi. Hiram, " 23 Oct. 1822. by 4th wife. 295. vii. Charles AlkrEo A.," 13 Jan. 1857; in. and divorced + 290. viii. Minnie Avkky M., " 12 June 1800. [181] BRAINARD, (bro. of Benjamin) farmer; b. Nassau, N. Y., 25 April, 1787; m. 1816, Christina Dilts, b. 16 Jan., 179S; she d. 20 March, 1824; m. 2d. 1826, Martha THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 5 1 Tyler, b. Syracuse, N. Y., 27 May, 1804, d. 8 Jan., 1893; he d. 8 July, 1862. Brainard, a youth of seventeen, accompanied his parents from Nassau to Brewerton, N. Y., in 1804, and assisted his father in various duties incident to the life of a pioneer. At the close of the war of 1812-15, he went to Canada, and there married his first wife — a German girl — and settled in the Niagara district, near Wellandsport, Welland county. After the death of his wife in 1824, he returned to Brewerton, and there married again. In 1828 he returned to his farm in Canada, where he resided until the Canada rebellion in 1838, when, rather than be conscripted, he rented his farm and removed to Meadsville, Crawford Co., Pa., where his daughter Mary had her home. Remaining here five years, he returned to Canada, and in March 1856, emigrated to Sandwich, 111., where in company with his son Theodore, they erected a brick hotel, which was called the ' Emmons House.' He made Sandwich his home until his decease in 1862, aged 75. It is said of him; "That he was a quiet man in all his ways, both in planning and executing, and was possessed with a quiet sense of humor." Children: by 1st wife. + 297. i. Mary Brainard, b. 8 July 1817. + 298. ii. William Darius, " 18 July 1819. 299. iii. Brainard, " 8 Nov. 1821; d. 20 Nov. 1851; unm. + 300. iv. Jonathan " 3 Mar. 1824. by 2d wife. 301. v. Marilda, " 29 July 1827; " 1 Aug. 1827. + 302. vi. Theodore, " 13 Oct. 1828. + 303. vii. Cynthia C, " 1 Jan. 1831. + 304. viii. Orinda J., " 26 Mar. 1833. + 305. ix. Amanda M., " 11 June 1836. 306. x. Wilson, " 18 Sept. 1838; " 3 Feb. 1839. + 307. xi. Juliette, " 6 Jan. 1840. + 308. xii. Anna E., " 6 July 1842. 309. xiii. Sarah Ann, " 3 Oct. 1844. + 310. xiv. Elmer E., " 18 Mar. 1850. S2 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION [183] ISAAC, (bro. of Brainard) farmer; b. Nassau, \. V., 17 July, L789; m. L810, Judy Loomis, b. Conn., 14 Julv, L790;d. 14 June, 1858;hed. Antioch, 111., 20 Jan., 1853. By deed of October 4, 1816, he purchased of his father, 50 acres of land on Military lot No. <), town of Cicero, county of Onondaga, X. Y. Later he purchased 50 acres more on lot No. L0, adjoining his first purchase. On this he erected a commodious log dwelling in which his children were born. In 1827 he purchased for $200 the site and erected the present 'upper hotel' in the village of Brewerton, N. Y. In a trade made with his father in 1829, he sold the hotel property for SI, 200, and after the death of his father in Is:;."), he bought it back of the heirs, and conducted it until L842, when he removed to Antioch, 111., where he died in 1853^ ae. 64. Children: b. Brewerton, N. Y. + 311. i. Almira, 1). 10 Oct. 1811. + 312. ii. Lucinda, " 11 Sept. 1813. + 313. iii. Sophronia, " 9 June 1816. + 314. iv. Chauncey B., " 11 Oct. 1819. 315. v. Ax-FRED Clark, " 21 Mar. 1822; whereabouts unknown. 316. vi. MELISSA M., " 25 Nov. 1827; unm.; res. Chicago. 317. vii. Adeline T., " 5 Dec. 1830; d. 13 Aug. 1832. 1 181] LYDIA, (sis. of Isaac) b. Nassau, N. Y., 31 Aug., L791; m. 1811, Gurdon Hoskins, farmer, b. 25 Oct., 1783, d. Brewerton, 3 July, 1844; she d. same place, 2 Dec, 1856. Mr. Hoskins after his marriage settled at Cicero, N. Y. Later he purchased of his father-in-law, a farm on lot No. 9, a little west of Brewerton, the deed of which bears date of Dee. 7. L822. Although it lias passed through many hands, since his decease in 1844, it still retains the name of the Hoskins' farm. Near its south-east corner is what is known as the Hoskins' cemetery, in which himself and wife, with many of the Emmons relatives are interred. Children: .;i- i < him. a, b. 26 Jan. L813. ih EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 53 + 319. ii. Brainard, b. 22 Mar. 1816 + 320. iii. CyrEnus P., " IS Feb. 1820 + 321. iv. Lvdia C, " 7 Oct. 1823 + 322. v. Noah D., " 25 Aug. 1826 + 323. vi. Mary M., " 30 Nov. 1831 324. vii. Jonathan M.," 11 Mar. 1834 + 325. viii. Olive R., " 9 May 1836 [185] SAMUEL, (bro. of Lydia) farmer; b. Nassau, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1794; m. 1 Jan., 1818, Hannah, dau. of Ebenezer Loomis; she d. 9 Dee., 1836; m. 2d. 22 Oct., 1837, Harriet, Auringer, b. Clifton Springs, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1818^ d. Brewerton, 19 June, 1892, aged 75; he d. Brewerton, 27 Dee., 1893, aged 99 years, 10 months and 1 day. When a lad of ten years, Samuel came with his father's family to Brewerton, N. Y. When he had passed his fifteenth year, he was apprenticed to Mr. David Frink— a Quaker— residing in Manlius, N. Y., to learn the trade of a tanner and currier. He worked at the trade until Novem- ber, 1812, when he joined a troop raised in Manlius for the defence of the frontier against the British, and proceeded with them to Sacket's Harbor, where he was stationed for three or four months. For this service he was granted a pension of eight dollars per month, from May 1878, until his decease. He then returned to his father's home in Christian Hollow, in the town of Lafayette, and labored on the farm until he married his first wife. By a deed of June 28, 1819, he purchased of his father 100 acres on lot No. 9, town of Cicero, about one mile south-west of Brewerton. Ten years later by deed of April 3, 1829, he added 47 acres to his former purchase. Upon this farm his children were born; on it his wife Hannah died; to it he brought his second wife; and here, after nearly one hundred years of active life he passed away. He retained his physical and mental faculties in a remarkable degree, up to his 98th year, and to him the author is indebted for much information concerning the history of his ancestry, and their descendants. 54 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION Children: by 1st wife. + 32<>. i. Cynthia M., b. 5 Sept. 1818. | 327. ii. Almeda, + 328. iii. LUCRETIA, + 329. iv. Franklin L., + 330. v. Hannah C, + 331. \i. Jonathan E., 16 Nov. 1820. 28 Apr. 1824. 24 Feb. 1827. 12 Aug. 1833. 7 May 1836. [186] ELI, (bro. of Samuel) trapper; b. Nassau, N. Y., 15 July, 1796; m. abt. 1820, Olive King, b. abt. 1800, d. 1840; he d. 13 Oct., 1837. He had SO acres of land lying on the south shore of the Oneida River, in the extreme north-west corner of the town of Cicero, which he bought of his father in 1825. He did not improve his land to any extent, but occupied his time in hunting, fishing and trapping. He claimed to have been the first inventor of the revolver pistol, a claim which appears to have been well substantiated, but by reason of his death shortly after, his claim was never pressed. He died intestate, leaving a widow and seven minor children. Children: b. Brewerton, N. Y. + 332. i. Charles, Ik 1823. + 333. ii. RosETTA, " 14 Aug. 1824. + 334. iii. Rhoda, " 4 Sept. 1826. i :«.-). iv. Sylvester, " 1828. + 336. v. Olive D., " 1830. + 337. vi. Asahel B., " 23 June 1832. 338. vii. ElEnora, " 8 Feb. is:5. r >. (187] MARY, (sis. of Eli) b. Nassau, N. Y., 17 Feb., 1799; m. ISIS, Joseph Evans, carpenter; b. Boston, Mass., 27 Dec, L780, d. 25 Jan., L859; she d. 2 June, 1882. She was always known as 'Aunt Polly.' Children : 339. i. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 1819. 340 ii. Esther, " 15 Mar. 1822. :;il iii. Ambrose, " M Oct. 1824. HI'-', iv. Harrison, " 3 Apr. 1834; d. 12 May 1836. THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 55 [188] JONATHAN, (bro. of Mary) b. Nassau, N. Y., 27 June, 1801; m. Abula, dau. of Ethel and Betsey Kinne; he d. Brewerton, N. Y., 10 Aug., 1840; his wife survived him and m. a Mr. Barnes of Chicago, 111. He was the youngest child of his father by his first wife. He was only one month old at her death, and was brought up by his mother's sister, who resided near Utica, N. Y. He married at Brewerton, but at what date is unknown. As shown by deeds, he was the owner of several parcels of land in and near Brewerton. He died without issue, and was buried in the Hoskin's cemetery at the latter place. [190] AMASA, (bro. of Jonathan) farmer; s. of Jona- than Emmons and his second wife, Nancy Avery; b. Brewer- ton, N. Y., 6 May, 1806; m. Lora Smith, of Tully, N. Y. He died Aug. 1875. As shown by deed of March 26, 1831, he purchased 51 acres on lot No. 9, near Brewerton, and sold the same Feb. 6, 1836. By deed of March 29, 1838, the interest of two brothers, and three sisters, in their father's estate was conveyed to him, and on Feb. 4, 1842, he secured his brother Brainard's share of the same. On Aug. 31, 1845, he Quit-claimed all of his estate to his brother William A.' Emmons, and soon after removed to Hillsdale, Mich., where he resided for a number of years, and then settled' in the vicinity of Fort Dodge, Iowa, where his wife Lora died, and he remarried. His wife, Lora Smith, was one of the first members at the organization of the 'Church of Christ' (Disciples) at Tully, N. Y., of which he was also a member. (We have been unable to get any trace of any of his descend- ants since his death.) Children: by 1st wife. 343. i. Elizabeth, b. 344. ii. Jerome, 345. iii. Avery, 346. iv. Roxanna, 347. v. Emina, 348. vi. Lucv, 349. vii. Emeline. 56 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION [191] HARRIET, (sis. of Amasa) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 17 fan., L808; m. 6 July, 1826, William Scammell, of La- fayette, X. Y., she (1. 23 April, L863; he d. 15 Jan., 1887. Children: b. Lafayette, N. Y. 350. i. Diantha C, b. 12 Dec. 1827; d. II Aug. 1872;unm. 351. ii. GaluTia Elon, " 4 June 1831; " 7 Oct. 1878; unm. 352. iii. Lucy Ann, " ; In Onon. Co. Home, demented + 35:5. iv. John FennER, " 14 Feb. 1848. [193] MARTHA HOLMES, (sis. of Harriet) b. La- fayette, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1813; m. 15 Jan., 1834, George Down, farmer; b. England, 15 May, 1808, d. Brewerton, N. Y., 8 March, 1852; she m. 2d. 11 April, 1875, James McKinley; he d. 1882; she d. 9 Aug., 1892. The following sketch was written by her grand-daughter Miss Belle L. Ladd:- " My grand-mother Martha's earlier years were passed in the quiet seclusion of her parent's home. Her education was fair as the limited privileges of that early day would permit. Many times in her girlhood days, would she ride unaccompanied, from her home in Lafayette to Brewerton, a distance of twenty-eight miles, on horse-back, to make her brothers a visit, the corduroy road for many a mile being bordered on either hand by the sombre shade of the primeval forest . That part of the way by her most dreaded, was that which leads from the Onondaga's Castle, through the swamp which at that time occupied what is now a large part of the City of Syracuse, to the village of Salina. "In 1834, she married George Down, a young English farmer, and settled down during the succeeding ten years, to the enjoyments of a quiet home, and the responsibilities of motherhood. They then purchased a farm on the north shore of the Oneida river, one mile west of Brewerton, where another son and daughter was born to them, and where the liist sad calamity came to mar their happiness, in the death of one of their twin daughters, in her eighteenth year, after a brief illness of five days with brain fever. In less than seven weeks after her death, the father joined her on the THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 57 other shore. The twin sister was also stricken with the same disease, and after lingering for three months, she too, was united with the others in a land where sickness and death are unknown. " The widow's cup of sorrow was not yet full ; for in the succeeding winter, she was called upon to part with her youngest child, the pet daughter of the family, only five years of age. "All the energy and business tact, hitherto lying dormant, was by the force of circumstances brought to the front, and by her methodical and energetic management, she not only raised her remaining children to be useful members of society, but accumulated for her and them a fair portion of this world's goods. "In 1875 she married James McKinley, an estimable gentleman of Cicero, N. Y., with whom she lived until his decease in 1882, when she returned to Brewerton, where she died August 9th, 1892, aged 79; retaining her mental faculties to the last. "Her funeral obsequies were held in the 'Church of Christ' at Brewerton, of which she had been a member for nearly forty years. She rests side by side with her departed loved ones, in Riverside Cemetery, by the shore of the beautiful Oneida." Children: bv 1st husband. 4-354. i. Calista Blexdexa, b. 18 Oct. 1836. 355. ii. Arabell , ' 30 Sept. 1839; d. 23 Jan. 1857. 356. iii. ISABELL, ' 30 Sept. 1839; " 23 Apr. 1857. + 357. iv. Angelia ' 16 Feb. 1842. + 358. v. George Albert, ' 24 Jan. 1845. + 359. vi. William Henry, ' 4 Jan. 1S48. 360. vii. KllEn Adell, i 1853; " 1858. [194] WILLIAM AVERY, (bro. of Martha H.) farmer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 20 March, 1815; m. 3 Jan., 1839, Esther Blendena Mason, b. Truxton, N. Y., 22 May, 1820; d. 15 March, 1896; he d. Manlius, N. Y., 4 March, 1882. The following sketch was furnished by his eldest 58 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION daughter, Mrs. Marion F. Clark, of Onondaga Valley, N. Y. •' William Avery Emmons, the fifteenth child of Jona- than Emmons, was born in the town of Cicero, county of Onondaga, N. Y., March 20, 1815. While a child, his parents removed to Lafayette, his mother carrying him on horseback over a corduroy road where Syracuse now stands. Here his childhood and young manhood was spent upon the farm of his father, and in attending the nearest school. "On January 3d, 1839, he married Esther Blendena Mason, daughter of Jesse and Esther Mason, of Truxton, Cortland county, who were among the sturdy old stock of settlers of this county. They resided on a farm near the Mason homestead, where three children were born to them. In about 1847 they moved into a house near the home of his father, and later into his father's homestead, where four children were born. In about 1850 his health failed and he rented the farm, living in Tully two years, where the young- est son was born. In 1859 he bought a place in Onondaga Valley for the purpose of educating his large family, which now consisted of two sons and five daughters, one girl having died in infancy. "They all received a good education at the Onondaga Academy, before scattering to the world's work. After some years, he bought a large farm among the beautiful Tully lakes, and removed thither, but again returned to the Valley, where for a number of years he carried on a garden farm, always driving to Syracuse on Sunday with his family to attend the Church of Christ, on East Onondaga Street. "After most of his children were married, he again bought a farm in Pompey, remaining until the last child was gone, when he and his wife removed to the village of Manlius, where he spent the last years of his active life. Here in March 4th, 18S2, he died,leaving his wife and seven children to mourn the loss of a wise and loving husband and father; one with whom no sacrifice was to great to make for the advancement of his children in education and religious privileges; one who had brought up his children in the 'nurture and admonition of the Lord.' In this he was nobly aided by the mother, who was a rare woman. 'Their children rise up and call them blessed'." THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 59 Children : + 361. i. Marion Fransalia, b. 11 Feb. 1841. + 362. ii. Elmer Jonathan, ' 9 Feb. 1843. + 363. iii. Amanda Jane, ' 6 Apr. 1845. + 364. iv. Flora Elcina, ' 9 Mar. 1S47. 365. v. Esther Ardeua, ' 15 Aug. 1848; d. 18 Jan. 1849 + 366. vi. Ellen Adelle, 1 June 1850. + 367. vii. Franklin Pierce, ' 25 May 1852. + 368. viii. Esther Estelle, ' 24 Nov. 1855. [195] EMELINE SAMANTHA, (sis. of William A.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 22 Jan., 1819; m. 22 Jan., 1840, Charles Nichols of Lafayette, N. Y., and d. 10 Feb., 1841. In the beautiful cemetery near the village of Lafayette, there stands a fine marble slab, upon which is represented a weeping willow tree; beneath it a monument with die and monolith; standing beside which, is the figure of a man with one hand to his eyes as if weeping. Beneath the whole, is the following inscription: — "Beneath this monument lies all that could die of EmelinE S. wife of Charles Nichols, and her infant. She died Feb. 10, 1841, aged 22 years & 20 days." "I stand among the dark gray stones No living thing is near, Beneath me are the mouldering bones Of her, I loved most dear." [196] NANCY ANN, (sis. of Emetine S.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 30 May, 1821; m. 23 Aug., 1843, Leonidas Z. Baker, merchant, b. Washington Co., N. Y., 24 Dec, 1817, d. Nov., 1871; she d. 30 May, 1889, at Bijou Hills, S. D., on her 68th birthday. 60 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION The following is copied from The History of Kane County, 111.: ' Leonidas 2. Baker, Aurora, 111., was born in Washing- ton Co., X. Y., December 24th, 1S17; when eight years old, his father disposed of his farm, and moved to Cortland County. Leonidas remained on the old homestead until I s I 1 ; he acquired a good common school education through his own efforts, and at seventeen years of age commenced teaching in the district school, and taught for seven years. In is 11 he started in the mercantile business, and was very successful; in 1843 he married Miss Nancy A. Emmons at Lafayette, Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; in the spring of 1844 he came to Illinois, starting on the 23d day of May and reach- in- Chicago on the 23d day of June. They located three miles west of Aurora, here he bought 160 acres; for twenty years he followed farming; the first were years of hardship and toil, but time brought him a competence. " Mr. Baker was never a politician, and never ran for office. He was a member of the Church of Christ, and a truly Christian man. In 1865 he went to Minnesota for his health; he returned in 1867, and became book-keeper for F. B. Rice, a hardware merchant. He continued in his employ for three and a half years. For many years he suffered with Hay Asthma, and in INTO was attacked with Typhoid Pneumonia, which resulted fatally, and after a short illness he was laid at rest in the beautiful cemetery of Spring Lake. Thus passed away a man whom all respected; six children were born, of whom two are living, the others dying in infancy." Children : + 3<>!). i. Alice Cornelia, b. 1 Oct. L853. 370. ii. Albert Leonidas, " 21 Feb. 1861. [197] TERRESSA JANE, (sis. of Nancy Ann) b. Lafayette, N. Y., 26 June, 1824; m. 9 Feb., 1S4S, Daniel B. Nichols, farmer; he d. Aurora, 111., 10 Nov., 1X55; m. 2d. 12 June, 1857, Dr. Henry Kirk Hoyt, from whom she separated in 1862; she resides at Lebo, Kansas. Mrs. Therressa Jane Emmons-Hoyt AND HER ThKEE GENERATIONS, J.EBO, KANSAS THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 6 1 Mrs. Hoyt was the youngest of her father's eighteen children, and the ninth by his second wife. Her father died when she was eleven years of age; she attended the public school and the academy at Lafayette; the death of her mother m 1841, obliged her to take upon herself the duties of a housekeeper for an aged and crippled relative, and the care of an afflicted sister, which she faithfully performed until her marriage in 1848. In the autumn of that year they removed to Illinois, and located on a farm near Aurora forty miles south-west of Chicago, where they resided seven years. Mr. Nichols having accumulated a competency retired from active labor, rented his farm and moved into the village of Aurora, where he erected for himself a new and beautiful residence, which he completed and occupied in June 1855. He was not destined to enjoy this home for only a short time, for on the 10th day of the following November, he died of typhoid fever. In 1857 the widow married Dr. Hoyt, a dentist, and the son of a Congregational minister of Vermont The Dr. being of a roving disposition, their life for a few years was very unsettled, until 1862 when they separated, and lor several years she has had no knowledge of him and believes him dead. In 1872 she went to live with her eldest daughter and in 1877 accompanied her to Kansas, settling near Lebo in the southern part of Osage county, where she still resides and in her 81st year still follows out her motto: "It is better to wear out than rust out." The following, penned by her own hand, was sent the author in answer to questions regarding her father's record as a soldier of the Revolution: .,„ „ Lebo, Oct. 12, 1902 "Mr. E. N. Emmons, My dear nephew: "I am surprised that a great grandson of my Father does not know that he was a revolutionary Soldier. I remember of his going to Pennsylvania to get witnesses to prove that he was a soldier. My mind's eye goes back to that day when pa sat in his gig and see just how he looked He drove a beautiful bay; she was ready to start and did not want to wait for an V zood- byes. & 62 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION •• I suppose he got whal he went after for he surely got a pension a year or two before he died; said he wish he hadn't, for it was more trouble than il was worth. "Father was only 16 when lie enlisted. I do not know what year of the war it was, but think he remained in the army until the close of the war. I believe Father was 5 feet 7 inches in height, black hair one black eve and one blue one. All the children have black eyes as far as I know. Father served in Colonel Hutchen's Connecticut militia; he served under Gen. Lafayette, and was introduced to him as one of his men in about the year L824 or 1826; he was at one time out of sight of land 3 months, etc.'' Children: by 1st husband. + 371. i. Althea Diantha, b. 16 Aug. 1850. + 372. ii. EUGENE Danforth, " 30 Sept. 1S52. by 2nd husband. + 373. iii. Mary Jane, " 12 Nov. 1859. [198] JAMES EMMONS 7 , (Samuel , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah-', Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Samuel Emmons and Prudence Harris; b. Barkhampsted, Conn., 10 Feb., 1795; m. 1816, Sarah Ackles, b. 1797, d. 1849; he d. 19 May, 1867. Children: b. Christian Hollow, N. Y. d. 20 Feb. 1845; unm. 374. i. James, b. 19 July 1817 + 375. ii. Marilda, " 30 June 1819 + 376. iii. William A., " 7 Aug. 1821 + 377. iv. Lewis, " 15 Apr. 1824 + 378. v. OrrEN, " 12 Nov. 1828 + 379. vi. Eliza, " 10 Oct. 1833 + 380. vii. Gideon, " 6 Apr. 1836 [ 199] NANCY, (sis. of James) b. Barkhampsted, Conn. 21 March, L798; m. abt. 1818, Henry Orton of Preble, N. Y. Children: 381. i. Warren, 1). ; d. unm. 382. ii. Margaret, b. ; " 1900; m. George Warn. ; iii. Samuel, " ; " 1900; unm. 384. iv. William, " ; " unm, THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 63 [200] MARY, (sis. of Nancy) b. Barkhampsted, Conn., 8 May, 1800; m. - -, Horton Ackles; d. , 1881. Children: + 385. i. Samuel, 386. ii. Milberry, + 387. iii. Ovil, 388. iv. Abigail, 389. v. Harvey, b. 20 May 1819. 1822; m. and d. without issue. " 31 Oct. 1827. 1830; d. 1842. 1833; " 1851. [201] OVEIL, (bro. of Mary) farmer; b. 26 March, 1802; m. abt. 1826, Polly Ackles of Lafayette, N. Y., b. 1805, and d. 20 April, 1853; he d. date unknown. His three living children are weak minded, and are under the guardianship of Mr. Ovil Ackles of Tully, N. Y. Children : unm; res. Tully Valley, N. Y. d. 10 Feb. 1849. unm. ; res. Tully Valley, N. Y. " ; res. Tully Valley, N.Y. d. 25 Oct. 1852. " 13 May 1845. 390. i. Esther, b. 11 Feb. 1828 391. ii. Katherine, " 29 Mar. 1832 392. iii. Joel, 1 1 393. iv. Helen, i i 394. v. Samuel, 1843 395. vi. Warren, 1844 [202] SUMNER, (bro. of Oveil) farmer; b. 6 March, 1804; m. abt. 1830, Margaret Tygret, b. Herkimer Co., N. Y., 14 Oct., 1812, d. Tully Valley, N. Y., 6 March, 1855; m. 2d. 1857, Mrs. Elvira (Herrick) Allen, wid. of Walter Allen; b. Augusta, Oneida Co., N. Y., abt. 1812, d. North Evans, N. Y., 23 July, 1897; he d. same place, 6 Sept., 1890. The following sketch was furnished by his son C. S. Emmons of North Evans, N. Y. "My father resided at Christian Hollow (now Tully Valley,) N. Y., until about 1828, when he went to Ohio and Michigan — then spoken of as the far west — in search of a home; not finding anything to suit, he returned to Chautau- qua Co., N. Y., and purchased a heavily timbered tract of wild land, and for two years was preparing a 'cage for the 64 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION bird.' He found his bird in the vicinity of New York Mills; returning after his marriage to his new home in the town of Arkwright. Ten children were born to them here. In 1855 his wife died, full of the Christian's faith; she being a zealous member of the M. E. Church. "After marrying his second wife in 1857, he sold the old homestead to his two eldest sons, and removed to Silver Creek in the same county, and bought a small farm on which he resided until the fall of 18G5 when he sold out and purchased a farm near Angola, where he lived five years; then sold again and settled on a farm at North Evans, Erie Co., N. Y., upon which he staid seven years, and then re- tired from active life, making his home with his son Charles at the latter place, until his death in 1890, and where his widow died in 1897." Children: by 1st wife, b. Arkwright, N. Y. 4 396. i. Esther C, b. 25 Oct. 1832. I 397. ii. Harrison, " 20 Jan. 1834. ■ 398. iii. William H., " 30 July 1835. I 399. iv. Mary, " 22 May 1S37. + 400. V. Elenora, " 8 June 1S39. I 401. vi. Margaret A. " 3 Feb. 1841. • 102. vii. James D., " 15 July 1843. • 103. viii. Charles S., " 27 Dec. 1846. I 404. ix. Agelia I,., " 2 Sept. 1848. 405. \. Terressa B., " Mi Oct. 1X52; (1 27 Dec. 1X55. [204] PRUDENCE, (sis. of Sumner) b. Lafayette, N. Y., 15 Aug., L808; m. 1826, James Ackles, cooper, b. Lafayette, 21 Aug., 1798, d. 25 Aug., 1872; she d. 15 Jan., 1854. (l. i in i ii . num. ; res. < )tisco, N. Y Chi idren : 106. i Charity, ). I 107. ii. ^Catherine, ' 108. iii. Chloe, ( 109. i\ De Forest, ' ; IK). v. Kliza, ' 24 Mar. L842 III. vi. LODUSKA, 7 June is 13 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 65 + 412. vii. Arvilla, b. 4 Apr. 1852. 413. viii. Lewis, " ; d. 1876; mini. + 414. ix. James, [209] JOSEPH GILBERT EMMONS, Jr. 7 , (Joseph G. 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) b. East Haddam, Conn., 5 Oct., 1792; d. Nov., 1879; was the eldest of twelve children born to J. G. Emmons Sen. and Dorothy Chapman. He enlisted at New London, June 8, 1813 as a private in the Connecticut Militia, in the war of 1812-14; served under the command of Captain William Palmer; was discharged July 14th, serving one month and six days. [219] ALFRED JULIUS, (bro. of Joseph G. Jr.) b. East Haddam, Conn., 16 May, 1815; m. 20 July, 1841, Lydia Ann Haile, of North Providence, R. I. He d. 1865. [220] OLIVER F. (bro. of Alfred J.) b. East Haddam, Conn., 15 Sept., 1818; m. 13 Sept., 1843, Ann Frances Potter, of Coventry, R. I. [221] AUGUSTA MATILDA EMMONS 7 , (Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Dyar Emmons and Phebe Ely; b. East Haddam, Conn., 11 Jan., 1797; m. 26 Feb., 1817, Jacob Buell Gardner; d. 4 June, 1865. Children : + 415. i. Prudence Matilda, b. 1817 + 416. ii. Emeline Freedom, " 31 Aug. 1819 417. iii. James, " 1821; d. 1829. + 418. iv. Rosetta J., " 1823 *419. v. Jacob Buell Jr., " 1826 + 420. vi. Sarah Ellex, " 1830 66 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION [222] CATHERINE ELY, (sis. of Augusta M.) b. 5 Dec, 1798; m. 7 Sept., 1820, Caleb Loomis, b. 1797; d. 1867; she d. 28 Dec., 1846. Children: 1). 1821 ; d. 1839. 1822. 1829. 1831 ; " 1835. 421. i. Louisa, + 422. ii. Joel, + 423. iii. Robert, 424. iv. Lyman, + 425. v. Lyman, 1836. [223] AARON ELY, (bro. of Catherine E.) tanner; b. East Haddam, Conn., 3 Dec., 1800; m. 26 Dec, 1825, Mary Newton Kellogg, b. Colchester, Conn., 11 Sept., 1805, d. 30 July, 1851; m. 2d, 29 March, 1853, Mrs. Eunice (Avery) Huntington, who d. 31 Dec, 1890, ae. 77; he d. 11 Aug., 1878- He was a resident of Westchester, town of Colchester, Conn.; was a prominent member of the Cong. Church; was Superintendent of Schools some thirty years; was a Repre- sentative from his town to the State Legislature, for several terms, and served as State Senator one term. Children: by 1st wife. ). 13 Apr. 1S27 ' 1 Feb. 1829 ' 21 Apr. 1831 4 Jan. L833 1 Dec. 1834 3 Feb. 1837 1 vSept. 1838 8 Dec. 1840 13 Apr. 1842 6 Apr. 1846 + 426. + 427. + 428. 429. 430. 131. .432. vii 433. viii *434. ix l. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Henry, Emily, Olive Elizabeth, Horace, Ellen, Julius, Caroline, Julii rs, Nelson, + 435. x. John, d. 22 July 1856; unm. " 18 Dec. 1852. " 16 Aug. 1837. " 27 July 1854. " 4 Dec. 1871; unm. [224] OCTAVIOUS, (bro. of Araon E.) farmer; b. 20 Aug., 1802; m. 19 Sept., 1827, Violetta, dau. of Jeremiah House and Ruth Perple; b. Glastonbury, Conn., 1809, d. 1 1 Sept., 1853; m. 2d. at East Haddam, Conn., 10 Feb., 1854, THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 67 Mrs. Elizabeth Ann (Marshall) Smith, wid. of Henry Smith, a sea captain, and dau. of William Marshall and Eliza Dillaby; b. East Haddam, 19 June, 1S20, d. 27 Jan., 1900; he d. 10 April, 1861. He was a farmer, School teacher, and Justice of the Peace, at East Haddam. Children: by 1st wife. + 436. i. Almira Melissa, b. 1827. + 437. ii. Nancy Jane, 1829. + 438. Hi. Albert Henry, 1831. 439. iv. Theressa Ann, 1833; d. 1834. + 440. v. Ellen Maria, 1835. + 441. vi. Olivia Minerva, 1840. + 442. vii. Josephine Rosilla, " by 2d wife. 1844. *443. viii. Marshall, 18 Feb. 1855. *444. ix. George Edward, 9 Sept. 1857. *445. x. Hattie Octavia, 20 July 1861. [225] PHOEBE ELY, (sis. of Octavious) b. 20 July, 1804; m. 27 Dec, 1825, John Cook Snow, b. 1804, d. 1844; m. 2d, 1847, Caleb Loomis, b. 1797, d. 1867; she d. 23 Feb., 1863. Children: by 1st husband. 446. i. Infant, b. 1826; d. 447. ii. John Franklin, 1826; " 1830 448. iii. William Henry, 1829. + 449. iv. John Bartlett, 1832. 450. v. Julia Ann, 1834; " 1837 + 451. vi. Romanzo Ebenezek " 1844. [226] NANCY, (sis. of Phoebe E.) b. 5 Dec, 1806; m. 9 June, 1831, Robert Chauncey Northam, farmer; b. West- chester, Conn., 9 June, 1807; she d. 6 Oct., 1877; he m. 2d, 13 April, 1878, Mrs. Maria S. White. 68 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION Children: + 452. i. Charlotte Matilda, 1). 5 Aug. 1832. 453. ii. Charles Harvey, " 18 Jan. 1834; d. 1838 + 454. iii. David Todd, " 20 June 183(3. 155. iv. Infant Son, " 13 Oct. 1838; " 13 Oct. 1838 156. v. Ann Elizabeth, " 7 Oct. 1839; " 1(5 Dec. 1860 • 157. vi. Nancy Louise, " 28 Jan. 1841. • 158. vii. Robert Chaunce - * 2d, " 13 July 1844. [229] EDWARD GILBERT, (bro. of Nancy) b. 19 Aug., 1814; m. 5 Sept., 1836, Harriet Gates, dau. of Stephen Chapman and Huldah Cone, of East Hampton, Conn.; he d. 21 Feb., 1898. Children : 1S42. 1S55. 459. i. George Washington, 1). 1840; 1-460. ii. Horace Chapman, " 6 July 1842. Mil. iii. Levi Raymond, i t 1844; *462. iv. Harriet Ely, " 1846. *463. v. John Leslie, i ( 1S49. [230] DYAR, (bro. of Edward G.) b. 26 Nov., 1815; m. 23 May, 1842, Laura Huntington Silliman, dau. of Eliphalet Silliman and Nancy Brainard Fuller; b. 1821; he d. 24 March, 1898. Children: 464. i. Walter Carlos, 165. ii. Royal Preston, Kili. iii. Julia Maria, 167. iv. Sarah Isadore, 168. v. Mary Ellen, 169. vi. William Brainard, 170. vii. Louisa, 171 . \ iii. Frank Thomas, b. 1844. 1846. 1848; d. 1853; " 1855. 1857. I860. L861; " 1875. ISSO. L864. [231] Dea. JAMES ELY, (bro. of Dyar, Jr.) farmer; 1). East Haddam, Conn., 13 Sept., 1822; m. 27 Nov., 1851, Caroline Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel Spencer and Cynthia Deacon James Ely Emmons Moodus, Conn. THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 69 Buckley; b. 16 Feb., 1830, d. 21 April, 1864; m. 2d 9 April, 1865, Phoebe Jane Miner, b. 1842, res. Moodus, Conn. Deacon Emmons is the last living representative of a family of eleven children; a life long resident of his native town; a member of the Baptist Church, for fifty years, having for more than twenty held the office of a deacon. He is a direct descendant, on his mother's side, of Richard Ely, one of the early settlers of Connecticut, who married in 1664, a sister of Colonel Fenwick, of whom the American Cyclopaedia treats as follows: — "George Fenwick, proprietor of part of Connecticut, died in 1657. He came to America in 1636 to take charge of the plantation of Saybrook, so called after Lords Say and Brook, who with others had in 1632 procured a patent for the territory from Robert, earl of Warwick. Returning to Eng- land, he came back again in 1639, and from that time, as one of the patentees and agent for the others, superintended and governed the settlement Say- brook till 1644, when he sold its jurisdiction and territory to the Connecticut colony. He afterward returned to England, where he became a colonel in the parliamentary army, and was appointed one of the judges of Charles I." Children: by 1st wife. + 472. i. Charles Edward, b. 17 Sept. 1852. 473. ii. Gertrude Elizabeth, " 29 Apr. 1856; d. 22 Apr. 1880. by 2d wife. + 474. iii. Pho3be Maria, " 7 June 1867. [234] HANNAH EMMONS 7 , (Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Nathaniel 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Samuel 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Samuel Emmons and Hannah Franklin; bap. Boston, Mass., 19 Feb., 1790; m. 1 Feb., 1816, Andrew Bradshaw, of Brook- lyn, N. Y.; d. 3 Aug., 1839. [235] ROBERT EOVE, (bro. of Hannah) farmer; b. Boston, Mass., 19 Feb., 1792. He enlisted at Burlington, Conn., March 4, 1813, as a private in the 25th Infantry, Regular Army, under Capt. Festus Cone; was made a corporal, July 30, 1816; a sergeant March 20, 1817; and his time having expried, was dis- 70 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION charged March 4, 1818. He was one of the charter members of the Mass. Horticultural Society' organized June 12, 1829. [236] JONATHAN, (bro. of Robert I,.) bap. Boston, 9 Sept., 17'.):!; m. Augusta De Wolfe; d. 1832. [237] NATHANIEL HENRY, (bro. of Jonathan) shipping merchant; b. Boston, Mass., 12 May, 1796; m. 12 Nov., 1828, Elizabeth Ware Wales, b. Boston, 9 Nov., 1809, (1. 14 July, 1X90; he d. 16 March, 1878. Mr. Emmons in company with George W. Wales, Thomas B. Wales and others, were large ship owners, and carried on an extensive trade with ports in North and South America, and in foreign countries. The following vessels were built for the company in and near Boston, viz: — In ISIS, the schooner Mary Ann, 76 tons; 1820, the Briggs Wave, 124 tons, and Oak, 150 tons; 1824, brigg Billow, 160 tons; 1S25, schooner Adams, 111 tons; L826, brigg Ocean, 173 tons; 1827, brigg Boston, 242 tons; 1829, brigg Constradt, 273 tons, this vessel made a voyage to Russia in L831, and in 1S32 sailed from Boston to New Orleans, from Matanzes to St. Petersburgh, and from Alexandria to Amsterdam; 1831, the bark Avon, 299 tons; L833, brigg Oak, 20S tons; and in 1836, the bark Verona, 238 tons. He was one of a eommittee appointed October 11th, IS27, to memorialize the Legislature of Mass., to remove the tax of one per cent on sales of merchandise sold at auction in Boston. Children: b. Boston. 1 175. i. Anne Wales, 1). 5 ( >d . 1829. 1 176. ii. Elizabeth Wales, " 5 Jan. 1832. • 177. iii. Robert Wales, " 20 Mar. 1 83 ! . • 178. iv. Nathaniel Henry, " 23 July 1835. • 179. v. Samuel Franklin, " 29 Mar. 1841. 180. vi. George Beale, " 30 Sept. 1845. 181. \ ii. Ak'I HUE 1 >REWSTER, " 17 Aug. 1850. THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION 7 1 [238] STEPHEN, (bro. of Nathaniel H.) merchant- b. Boston, Mass., 12 June, 1799; m. 3 Dec., 1830, Alice Silsbee of Salem, Mass. ; m. 2d Sarah T. Rogers of Portland Me.; he d. - 1872. His wife Alice was the dau. of Enoch Silsbee and Alice Needham, of Boston. [242] EDWARD BLAKE EMMONS", (Jacob «, John* Jacob •», Jacob*, Joseph a, Thomas 1 .) s. of Jacob Emmons and Sarah Blake; b. Concord, N. H., 29 June, 1799; m 17 June, 1826, Julia V. T., dau. of Dr. John T. Crane, of New York. Children : 482. i. Eliza Cromby, 483. ii. Sarah Josephine, 484. iii. Mary Blake, 485. iv. Julia, 486. v. Kate De Forest, 487. vi. Caroline, 488. vii. Ann Benning, 489. viii. Edward Blake, b. 29 Feb. 1828; m. Geo. W. O. Billings. 17 June 1829. 17 June 1829; 24 May 1832; 11 July 1834; 11 Aug. 1836. 14 Aug. 1838; d. 24 Aug. 1849. 14 Feb. 1845;" 14 Nov. 1845. Benj. Farrington. August W. Frenzel Peter A. J. Dunbar [244] JOHN LUCAS, (bro. of Edward B.) merchant- b. Concord, N. H., 26 Aug., 1803; m. 24 May, 1838, Caroline Draper Vose. Children : 490. i. John Frank, 491. ii. Caroline Vose, 492. iii. John Lucas, 493. iv. Mary Blake, 494. v. Helen Pickering, 495. vi. Henry Bowditch, b. 26 Apr. 1839. 7 Nov. 1840. 21 May 1844; d. 13 Nov. 1845. 18 Dec. 1846. 9 Dec. 1849. 6 Feb. 1853; " same day. [246] CHARLES PARKER, (bro. of John L.) b. 72 THE EMMONS FAMILY SEVENTH GENERATION Concord, N. H., 9 July, 1807; m. 21 March, 1841, Mary Blake, dau. of David Baker and Polly Howe; b. 27 Oct., 1804. No issue. Children, of Sumner U. Church and Harriet Emmons. "See [154]." 496. i. Sumner Ebenezer, b. 28 Aug. 1838; d. 19 Oct. 1838. + 497. ii. Caroline, " 4 Sept. 1839. 498. iii. Mary Emmons, " 2 Aug. 1843. + 499. iv. Harriet, " 2 Sept. 1846. 50C. v. Corinth Mack, " 15 Mar. 1850; " 29 Dec. 1856. Eighth Generation [247] MONROE EMMONS 8 , (Ichabod 7 , Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) mer- chant; s. of Maj. Ichabod Emmons and Mindwell Mack; b. Hinsdale, Mass., 11 Feb., 1800; m. 10 June, 1830, Seraph Hutchins, b. May, 1803, d. 21 Sept., 1836; m. 2d 22 May, 1833, Louise Wood, b. 29 Jan., 1813, d. 10 Feb., 1892; he d. Hinsdale, 8 Dec, 1865. Mr. Emmons received his education in Hinsdale and at Hopkins Academy, Mass.; was a dry-goods merchant, and Postmaster at Hinsdale for more than thirty years; was of a kind and lovable nature, a useful citizen, and highly re- spected by all. Children: by 2d wife. 501. i. Monroe, Jr., b. 14 July 1839; *502. ii. James Henry, 503. iii. Charles Richard, *504. iv. David Mack, 505. v. George Ichabod, *506. vi. Harris George, 507. vii. Mary Louisa, *508. viii. Emma Hannah, 10 Aug. 1842 22 Sept. 1844 1 May 1847 22 Mar. 1849 20 Apr. 1851 27 Nov. 1852 25 Sept. 1854 d. 25 July 1862. 4 Aug. 1857. 22 Sept. 1851. 30 Sept. 1865. [248] NOADIAH, (bro. of Monroe) farmer; b. Hins- dale, Mass., 5 July, 1802; m. 25 June, 1840, Susan Warren, b. Brimfield, Mass., 12 Aug., 1804; d. 30 Sept., 1877; m. 2d 2 April, 1878, Maria (Benson) Ball, b. Washington, Mass., 23 April, 1833; he d. 15 Feb., 1883. Children: by 1st wife. 509. i. Fitz Henry, b. 10 June 1841; 510. ii. Susan Elizabeth, " 28 Nov. 1842; 511. iii. Isabel Augusta, " 11 Oct. 1845; d. 4 Sept. 1842. " 27 Sept. 1844. " 19 Oct. 1864. 74 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION [249] ELIZA, (sis. of Noadiah) b. Hinsdale, Mass., 11 May, 1804; m. at Hinsdale, 30 Nov., 1826, John Cady, b. 21 An-., L802; she d. 14 June, 1882. Children : 512. i. Wallace, 1). 30 Aug. 1841; d. 5 June 1842. 513. ii. Eliza, " 4 Oct. 1846; " 28 Nov. 1857. [250] LAURA MACK, (sis. of Eliza) b. Hinsdale, Mass., 3 July, 1810; m. 30 Nov., 1833, Hon. Augustus C. Frissell, b. Peru, Mass., 9 April, 1806; he d. 14 Nov., 1851; she d. 18 Sept., 1898. Children: b. Peru, Mass. + 514. i. Eliza, b. 23 Sept. 1835. + 515. ii. Emily, " 2 May 1837. + 51G. iii. Seraph, " 20 Aug. 1840. + 517. iv. Susan, " 19 Feb. 1845. + 518. v. Solon E. ( " 25 May 1847. + 519. vi. Thomas Augustus, " 18 Oct. 1851. [251] EMILY, (sis. of Laura M.) b. Hinsdale, Mass., 2 June, 1815; m. 28 May, 1837, Hon. Lyman Payne, b. Hinsdale, 8 July, 1811; she d. 15 Feb., 1885. Children: .720. i. Monroe, 1). 23 July 1838; d. 6 Dee. 1840. 521. ii. Mary Emmons, " 10 Dec. 1844; " 29 Nov. 1858. + 522. iii. Lyman* Mack, . " 4 Feb. 1847. + 523. iv. Emily, " 11 Jan. 1851. [252] MARY, (sis. of Emily) b. Hinsdale, Mass., 20 March, L823; m. 24 Oct., 1844, James J. Warren of Hinsdale, a commission merchant, b. 23 March, 1822. Children: 524 i. Fanny Emmons, 1>. 21 June 1846. :»_'.".. ii. Ellen Eliza, " Oct. 1848. 526 iii. Mary Wheeler, " 31 Mar. 1854. 527. iv. John M., " 10 May 1857. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 75 [255] NOADIAH FRANKLIN EMMONS 8 , (Noa- diah 7 , Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) painter; s. of Noadiah Emmons and Elizabeth Brookes; b. East Hartford, Conn., 23 Feb., 1807; m. 13 Feb., 1832, Nancy Carpenter of Norwich, Conn., dau. of James and Elizabeth Carpenter; she d. 27 Aug., 1837; m. 2d 10 April, 1849, Amelia Seymour Goodman, b. 14 Sept., 1824. Children: by 1st wife. + 528. i. Edward Payson, b. 20 Nov. 1833. 529. ii. Adaune, " 15 May 1836; d. Defiance, O., 1838. by 2d wife. 530. iii. Alex. Franklin, " 4 Apr. 1850; Guilford, Conn. 531. iv. AdalinE E., " 13 July 1852. 532. v. Mary Sophia, " 8 Mar. 1860; d. infancy. 533. vi. Harriet Amelia, " 4 July 1861. [261] EDWIN AUGUSTINE EMMONS 8 , (Augus- tine 7 , Noadiah , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Augustine Emmons and Lovina Hall; b. East Haddam, Conn., 8 Aug., 1827; m. 25 Dec, 1855, Clarissa Maria Peck, b. 14 Dec, 1834, d. 17 Jan., 1896; he d. 9 April, 1895. He represented his town in the General Assembly at New Haven in 1869, and at Hartford in 1870-74 and 76; was active in church work, and a man of sterling qualities. Children: b. East Haddam, Conn. + 534. i. Frances Lovina, b. 17 Mar. 1860. 535. ii. Florence Sophia, " 5 Apr. 1867; unni. res. East Haddam. [262] DAVID BRAINARD, (bro. of Edwin A.) b. East Haddam, Conn., 20 May, 1831; m. 25 March, 1857, Lucena Pernella, dau. of James Eli Swan and Lydia Maria House; b. 1837, d. Dec. 1865; m. 2d 18 Sept., 1869, Emeline, 76 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION dau. of Jonathan Cone Williams and Mary Ann Skinner, b. 27 Oct., L845; he d. 17 Dec., 1898. Children: b. East Haddam, Conn. + 536. i. BELLE Williams, b. 23 Apr. 1871. [265] WILLIAM EMMONS 8 , (John 7 , Daniel 6 , Ebe- nezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 1 ', Thomas 1 .) stone- cutter; s. of John Emmons and Mary Lord; b. East Haddam, Conn., 1810; m. 1840, Lucretia Hill; m. 2d 1849, Delia, the step-sister of his first wife; he d. 1857. William with his sister Luna, and his brothers Canfield and Franklin, were adm. to Ch. bv baptism at East Haddam, 18 Aug., 1824. Children: by 1st wife. 537. i. Emily Hill, b. 2 Aug. 1847. by 2d wife. 538. ii. William Franklin, " 31 Oct. 1850. [266] FRANKLIN, (bro. of William) dentist; b. East Haddam, Conn., 1813; m. 7 Sept., 1840, Mary Elizabeth Beebe, of Colchester, Conn., b. 1823; d. Jan., 1897; he d. Sept. 1876. Children : 539. i. Nathaniel, b. Aug. 1842; d. South America, 1859. + 540. ii. Mary Elizabeth, " 19 Feb. 1849. [267] MARY SMITH BROWNING 8 , (Mary 7 , Ebe- nezer (i , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 8 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Justus Browning and Mary Emmons; b. 14 Sept., IMS; m. 2 May, 1843, Milton Smith, b. Middlefield, Mass., 27 Oct., 1817. Children : + 541. i. Justus Browning, b. 24 Dec. 1844. + 542. ii. Clarence Emmons, " 21 Nov. 1846. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 77 543. iii. Julia Louisa, b. 22 Dec. 1848 544. iv. Dwight, " 5 Feb. 1851 + 545. v. Wayland Frances, " 26 July 1853 + 546. vi. Alice Amanda, " 30 Jan. 1857 + 547. vii. Mary Emmons, " 26 Mar. 1859 + 548. viii. Fanny Root, " 26 Mar. 1859 d. 4 Jan. 1871. " 7 Sept. 1872. [272] MARY ELEANOR GAY 8 , (E. E. Gay 7 ,Martha 6 Nathaniel 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Erastus Emmons Gay and Lydia Gordon White; b. Burlington, Iowa, 17 March, 1851; m. 25 April, 1876, James Hammond Dorman, b. Swanton, Vt., 18 May, 1851, d. 3 May, 1882; she res. New York, N. Y. [275] ELIZABETH GORDON GAY, (sis. of Mary E.) b. Portland, Me., 15 Sept., 1856; m. 27 April, 1882, Raphael Moore Hosea; civil and mining engineer, b. Cincinnati, O. He is a graduate of 'The Institute of Technology', Boston. Res. Denver, Col. Chilrden: b. Burlington, la. 549. i. Raphael Gay, b. 15 June 1883. [277] HENRY LYMAN TAPPAN 8 , (Delia \ Wil- liams 6 , Nathaniel 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas l .) s. of Rev. Benjamin Tappan and Delia Emmons; b. Hamp- den, Me., 2 Dec, 1841; m. 9 Nov., 1864, Martha Whitney Skelton, b. Charlestown, Mass., 19 Aug., 1843; she d 28 July, 1881. He is the assistant paymaster of the Lockwood Com- pany, at Waterville, Me. Children: 550. i. Henry Winthrop, b. 25 May 1869; a journalist, unm. 551. ii. Helen, " 19 June 1871; d. 16 May 1873. + 552. iii. Pauline, " 4 Sept. 1873. ;S THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION [278] ELIZABETH WINTHROP TAPPAN, (sis. of Henry L.) b. Hampden, Me., 13 Aug., 1844; m. 19 Sept., 1871, Frederick George Sawtelle, physician; b. Norridge- wock, Me., 26 March, 1844. Res. Northampton, Mass. Children : 553. i. Jane Tappan, b. 23 Aug. 1872; d. 21 Dec. 1875. 554. ii. FREDERIC, " 5 Feb. 1875; " 30 Nov. 1875. 5.")."). iii. Margaret Elizabeth" (i Dee. 1882; at Pomfret, Conn. 556. i\. Amy Leslie, " 18 May 1887; at Pomfret, Conn. [280] DELIA TAPPAN, (sis. of Elizabeth W.) b. Charlestown, Mass., 8 Dec, 1848; m. 8 Sept., 1873, Franklin Josiah Sawtelle, architect; b. Norridgewock, Me., 19 Oct., 1846. Res. Providence, R. I. [284] HENRY MANNING EMMONS 8 , (Henry V. 7 , Williams , Nathaniel 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) physician; s. of Rev. Henry Vaughan Emmons and Annie Shephard ; b. Hallowell, Me., 8 May, 1876; m. 6 Aug., 1901, Emma Matilda Baht. Res. Jamaica Plains, Mass. Dr. Emmons received his diploma as an M. D. in June 1902. lie is the last male descendant of Rev. Nathanael Emmons, D. I)., of Franklin, Mass., bearing the name 'Emmons'. Children : 557. i. Elizabeth Manning, b. 30 Nov. 1902. [286] CHARLES H. TORREY 8 , (Mary Ide 7 , Mary , Nathaniel 5 , Samuel 1 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Rev. Charles T. Torrey and Mary Ide; b. Salem, Mass., 1838; was m. three times; his 1st wife was divorced; his 2d wife is buried at Cambridge; his 3d and last wife, res. in New York City, where he died in L897-98. He left no children. Mi ron Emmons and Family \\tmmii. III. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 79 [287] MARY EMMONS TORREY, (sis. of Charles H.) b. West Medway, Mass., 29 Jan., 1840; m. 25 Sept., 1865, Rev. Albert Bryant, b. Troy, N. H., 30 Jan., 1838; she d! 6 April, 1897; he m. 2d 4 July, 1898, Anna F. Burnham, b. Exeter, N. H., 26 Dec., 1858. Res. Egypt, Mass. Rev. Albert Bryant was a missionary in Turkey for three years, having been sent out by the A. B. C. F. M Society. He and his first wife sailed for Turkey immed- iately after their marriage, and two of their children were born while there. Children: by 1st wife. + 558. i. Seelye, b. 11 Dec. 1866. 559. ii. Bertha, 560. iii. Agnes, + 561. iv. Emmons, 562. v. Ethel Charlotte, 563. vi. Arthur Alexis, 564. vii. Edith Helen, 2 Mar. 1868; Marsovan, Turkey; unm. 14 Jan. 1870; d. 13 Nov. 1870. 10 July 1871. 29 Nov. 1874; " 22 June 1876. 10 Nov. 1877; teacher; unm. 23 June 1879; d. 15 Oct. 1898. [288] JOHN EMMONS IDE 8 , (Jacob Ide, Jr. ", Mary 6 , Nathaniel-, Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) law- yer; s. of Rev. Jacob Ide, Jr., and Helen Marie Rogers; b. Mansfield, Mass., 2 Aug., 1868; m. 4 Oct., 1893, Jesse Marion Nye, b. Franklin, Mass., 29 July, 1874. Res. Meredith, N.H. [289] MYRON EMMONS 8 , (Benjamin", Jonathan'-, Jonathan-, Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Benjamin Emmons and Mary Brainard; b. Nassau, N. Y., 23 April, 1805; m. 5 Jan., 1826, at Caughde- noy, N. Y., Artemissia, dau. of Myron Stevens and Nancy Shepard, b. Brewerton, N. Y., 6 Oct., 1805, d. Antioch, 111., 14 July, 1891 ; he d. same place, 5 July, 1893, age 88. Mr. Emmons came to Brewerton, N. Y., with his par- ents in the spring of 1810. In 1814 they removed to La- fayette, N. Y. Returning to Brewerton in 1821, he assisted 80 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION his father in the tavern there, and in running the ferry across the Oneida river, until the erection of the first bridge in 1824. After his marriage in 1826, he purchased by deed of June 24, 1827, the old 'Brewerton Stand' as it was then called in which he resided a year, and then erected a new tavern on the site of the present 'Washburn House'; this he sold to Mr. Wells Crumb, the first Post-master at Brewerton, and purchased 59 acres of Mr. David Maxwell, one mile south of the river, on which he resided six years, and sold it Nov. 27, 1835, to Wm. Sadler, and bought what is known as the John Waterbury farm, two miles south-west of Central Square, Oswego county. Shortly after, he sold this and entered the mercantile trade in Caughdenoy, where he con- tinued in business until he migrated to Antioch, 111., in 1842. He settled on a farm of 440 acres near that village, where he resided twenty-six years, when he moved into the village and entered into partnership with his eldest son, who was conducting a general store, which he continued until he retired from active life in 1887. For upwards of sixty years he was a faithful and de- voted Christian, and with his wife was a member of the Church of Christ at Antioch, serving for many years as an elder of the church, and preaching for the congregation whenever they were without a settled pastor. In a letter written January 5th, 1878, he writes of his conversion to Christianity as follows: — "In 1830 or 31 I attended a revival or protracted meeting of the Pres- byterians; became interested; was converted, sprinkled, and joined that denomination I walked with them in good faith until my first child was to be- baptized, then I began to ask questions on the subject of infant bap- tism nunc of which were satisfactorily answered. I could not understand it until a few years after, the sect which 'was everywhere spoken against came into our vicinity in the persons of Elders J. J. Moss A. Hayden Wilcox and others, teaching the Gospel in its primitive purity and simplicity. Alex- ander Campbell, the great modern reformer of Bethany W. Va. preached at Cicero four miles from Brewerton, where I then resided, and 1 went to hear him I heard, 1 believed, I obeyed the Lord's command, by being immersed into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I was buried by baptism in the waters of Oneida bake at South Bay, in the year 1834; and from thai time, have gone on my way rejoicing, nothing doubting. In the same letter as above, he tells of a trip taken by him overland to California in 1850. He says:- "On the 25th day of March, 1850, I left my home in Antioch, 111., and started on a trip of two thousand five hundred miles, traveling with a horse THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 8 1 team to California. I passed through the Great American Desert, and over the Rocky Mountains; the longest journey ever undertaken with a wagon drawn by horses in one direction through a country where for two thousand miles, there were no roads or settlements except those made by the traveler. "We went through without loss of either man or beast. We arrived at our destination the 15th of July. I gathered up about $500, in gold dust, and the last of November started for home. I came back by water around the Cape to New York, arriving home the 1st of February, 1851; was very glad to get home, also was glad that I went." Children: + 565. i. Helen Cordelia, b. 17 Nov. 1826. + 566. ii. Myra Isabelle, " 2 Aug. 1828. + 567. iii. Rockwell Dean, " 25 Oct. 1830. + 568. iv. Theodore Alvinsia, " 6 May 1834. + 569. v. William Harrison. " 3 Nov. 1840. [290] ASA UPHAM EMMONS, (bro. of Myron) mer- chant; b. Nassau, N. Y., 8 June, 1808; m. 24 Jan., 1828, Anna, dau. of Dr. Chester Smedley and Anna Landon; b. Litchfield, Conn., 28 Aug., 1808, d. Syracuse, N. Y., 12 Dec, 1895, age 87; he d. Brewerton, N. Y., 18 June, 1864, age 56. When about two years of age, he was brought by his parents from Rensselaer Co. to Brewerton, N. Y., and with the exception of about five years — while a lad — passed his life in that village. He assisted his father in running a ferry across the out- let at Brewerton until a bridge was erected in 1824, and then attended the toll-gate for a time. In 1829, in company with his father, he opened a store, which they conducted until 1834. He then followed fishing, hunting and trapping for several years, at which business he proved very suc- cessfull. In 1848 he again entered the mercantile trade in company with Mr. John B. Kathan, who sold out his in- terest in 1851 to Judge John L. Stevens, which continued until 1853, when the Judge retired from the firm and Mr. Emmons continued the business alone until 1855, when he sold out to Mr. G. R. Carter, who conducted it for three years and resold to him. In the fall of 1858 he took his two sons, — Edward N. and John W. — into partnership under 82 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION the firm name of A. U. Emmons & Sons, which continued until the summer of L863, when the eldest son bought out his brother and the firm became A. U. Emmons & Son, and as such, continued until the decease of the father in 1864. Mr. Emmons' education was limited, as the only facili- ties he had for attending school was that of one kept in a log house, by Deacon George Ramsay, who taught the first school in Brewerton. When a lad of ten or twelve he fell upon an axe injuring his left knee joint, from which he ever after walked with a slight limp, and by the aid of a cane. He was of a kind and sympathetic nature, and aboun- ded in benevolent deeds. In him the poor or the afflicted ever found a friend ready to help in their time of need. Although not a professed Christian, no person did more for the benefit of the churches in Brewerton than did he. In disposition he was always happy and jovial, and ever ready to engage in that which might afford fun or sport ; his motto as often expressed, being "laugh if you lose, and laugh if you win." In politics he belonged to the 'Old Whig' party, known as the 'Silver Grays', and was a great admirer of Henry Clay. When the two great parties were merged into the Democratic and Republican parties, he in a measure affiliated with the former. The following incident in his life we think worthy of being placed on record : — In the spring of 1826 he with several others were en- gaged in repairing the highway a short distance south of Brewerton, when Dr. Chester Smedley, accompanied by his wife and family of ten children passed by. They were entire strangers, and were on their way from Litchfield, Connecticut, to seek a new home in Oswego county. By questions asked and answered it was ascertained that the destination they sought was one mile north of the Oneida River. Among the Doctor's family were four very comely daughters and after the party had passed beyond hearing, Asa remarked to his companions that " that girl" — designat- ing the next to the eldest — "is my girl, and I am going to make her my wife." At this, his younger brother Orson, said, " if Ace marries THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 83 that girl, I will marry such a one" —designating another of the daughters. They both made their words good, for Asa married Anna Smedley, on January 24th, 1828, and Orson married her sister Rachel, four years later. Asa's wife, or Aunt Ann as she was latterly designated, was naturally of a quiet and peaceful disposition; industrious and economical; a lover of home; and a faithful and zealous Christian. For upwards of sixty years she was a member of the Church of Christ; ever abounding in church work; and her home was known far and near, as the 'preacher's home.' As a mother, "her children rise up and call her blessed". After the death of her husband in 1864, she made her home alternately with her only daughter, and her eldest son, and at the home of the latter, in Syracuse, N .Y., she fell asleep, on the 12th day of December, 1895, in her 88th year. A kind father; a loving Christian mother; side by side they rest, in the family plot in Riverside Cemetery, over- looking the blue waters of the beautiful Lake Oneida. Children: b. Brewerton, N. Y. + 570. i. Edward Neville, b. 24 Jan. 1833. + 571. ii. John Wesley, " 29 Aug. 1838. + 572. iii. Abigail Ann, " 5 June 1842. [291] ORSON EMMONS, (bro. of Asa U.) shoemaker; b. Lafayette, N. Y., 3 Feb., 1812; m. 14 Oct., 1832, Rachel, dau. of Dr. Chester Smedley and Clarissa Landon; b. Litch- field, Conn., 28 Jan., 1814, d. Brewerton, N. Y., 11 April, 1865; m. 2d 30 June, 1869, Mrs. Helen Waldron, wid. of Jesse Waldron; m. 3d 2 Aug., 1876, Mrs. Ellen (Putney) Wilcox, wid. of Albert Wilcox; he d. 14 April, 1899, age 87; his wid. m. 3d, Edward D. Smith of Cicero, N. Y. Soon after his birth his parents moved from Lafayette to Brewerton, remaining until 1815, when they returned to Lafayette, returning again to Brewerton in 1820, where he remained until his marriage in 1832. The following year they removed to Alps, Rensselaer county, N. Y., and pur- chased by deed of October 28, 1833, 89 acres of land upon 84 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION which he burned charcoal for the Troy market. In 1836 he returned to Brewerton and engaged in the manufacture of potash, and in boating. In 1846 he removed to Caughdenoy Oswego county, remaining until 1849; while there he, in connection with another party, erected the first hotel built in Caughdenoy; and was also engaged in potash making and as a merchant. In 1849 and 50 he with his father erected the first hotel, known as the 'Fort Brewerton House', near the site of the old fort at Brewerton. This hotel was burned in L865, and he sold his interest in the site to his brother Henry, and tended the toll gate and opened the draw for the Brewerton bridge for several years, occupying his spare time as a cobbler. He was an accomplished mu- sician with the snare drum, and his services were in much demand for excursions, picnics, &c. Children: by 1st wife. + 573. i. Morton Adelbert, b. 6 Nov. 1836. + 574. ii. Orson Landon, " 10 June 1845. 57.") . iii. Claretta Askxath, " 7 May 1848 ;d. 17 Aug. 1872; unm. + 576. iv. Osborn SmedlEy, " 3 Aug. 1850. [293] HENRY EMMONS, (bro. of Orson) inn-keeper; b. Cicero, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1819, m. 7 May, 1843, Sally Maria, dau. of Jason Simmons and Rebecca Upham; b. Alps, N. Y., 12 Feb., 1826, d. Brewerton, 12 Dec, 1895; he d. Brewerton, 18 Sept., 1900, age 81. His mother died when he was eleven years of age, and his father sent him to Brewerton to be cared for by his brother Asa U. Emmons with whom he resided from February 1831 to June 1835, when he returned to Alps and lived with his mother's relatives until his marriage with his cousin Sally M. Simmons in 1843. The seven or eight years following was spent in Alps, Troy and Brewerton, to the latter lie removed permanently December 9, 1851, and purchasing an interest in the new hotel erected by his father ;i!id brother Orson, became its proprietor, which he con- tinued until it was burned in L865. Buying his brother's interest, he proceeded to rebuild, and completed the present THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 85 'Fort Brewerton House' in 1867. He occupied it until after the death of his wife in 1895, when being in poor health and well advanced in years, he disposed of the property and took up his residence with his only daughter, expecting to be cared for by her. She lived only a short time after he came, and he was left a broken wreck, both physically and mentally, to the care of his nineteen year old grand-daughter, who faithfully discharged the onerous duty of caring for him in his senility, at a great sacrifice to her- self until his decease. Mr. Emmons held several minor positions during his life. He was appointed by Gov. John Young as highway inspector of Rensselaer county in 1847-8; was deputy sheriff of the same county in 1847-48 and 49; asst. door- keeper in the Assembly at Albany, session of 1849; boat inspector in Troy in 1850; and supervisor of the town of Hastings, Oswego Co., in 1858-9. Children : + 577. i. Ulyssa Asenath, b. 29 Nov. 1843. 578. ii. Alfred Henry, " 21 June 1850; d. 22 Aug. 1854. [294] HIRAM EMMONS, (bro. of Henry) mechanic; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 23 Oct., 1822; m. Palermo, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1843, Lucretia L. Bellows, b. Palermo, 27 June, 1827; he d. Adrian, Mich., 8 Dec, 1867; his wid. m. 2d 25 May, 1872, Amasa K. Huntley, farmer of Milburn, 111.; he d. 1896; she res. Waukeegan, 111. Children: by 1st husband. 579. i. Alonzo B., b 6 Oct. 1845; d. 6 Jan. 1846; Columbus, Pa. 580. ii. Alfred B., " 6 Oct. 1845; unm. ; res. Waukeegan, 111. + 581. iii. George W., " 9 Apr. 1848. + 582. iv. Helen G., " 18 Oct. 1851. + 583. v. Genevieve S., " 3 Feb. 1857. [296] MINNIE A. M. EMMONS, (half sis. of Hiram) dau. of Benjamin Emmons and Sarah Avery; b. Harpers- field, Ohio, 12 June, 1860; m. 20 March, 1875, John W. 86 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION Brainard, from whom she was divorced; res. Harpersfield, O. Children : 584. i. Benjamin Emmons, b. 27 June 1876. [297] MARY BRAINARD EMMONS 8 , (Brainard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Brainard Emmons and Christina Dilts; b. Niagara District, Can., 8 July, 1817; m. 7 July, 1836, Isaac Walker, farmer, and lumberman of Meadville, Craw- ford Co., Pa., b. 12 Oct., 1797, d. 26 July, 1876; she d. 2 April, 1883. Children: 585. i. Lodeska, b. 25 May 1839; d. 5 Feb. 1840. 586. ii. Clinton Emmons, " 6 Apr. 1843; " 21 Dec. 1843. + 587. iii. Martha Jane, " 18 Aug. 184S. 588. iv. Washington C, " 22 May 1852; " 15 Nov. 1882; unm. [298] WILLIAM DARIUS, (bro. of Mary B.) lumber- man; b. Wellandport, Canada, 18 July, 1819; m. Martha Jane Beckett, dau. of a Quaker in Canada; she d. 26 Oct., 1849; he d. near Abilene, Kan., in 1872. After the death of his wife, he spent ten years in Australia mining for gold. Children : + 589. i. Augusta, l>. Apr. 1847. + 590. ii. Darius, " 10 Oct. 1849. [300] JONATHAN, (bro. of William D.) b. Welland- port, Can., 3 March, 1824; m. Matilda Warner, by whom he had two children. After her death he married again and had one or more children. Of his descendants we can get no trace. He died in Southern Missouri. Children: 591 i. Uretta. 592. ii. Jonathan. 593. iii. Lucinda. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 87 [302] THEODORE, (half bro. of Jonathan) farmer; s. of Brainard Emmons and his 2d wife, Martha Tyler; b. Wellandport, Can., 13 Oct., 1828; m. 1856, Sarah Thomas, who d. at Sandwich, 111., without issue; he. d. same place, 9 June, 1859. [303] CYNTHIA CHRISTINA, (sis. of Theodore) b. Niagara District, Can., 7 Jan., 1831; m. 9 July, 1849, John Powell, farmer, b. Nottingham, Eng., 13 Oct., 1823, d. 31 Dec, 1896; she res. Sutherland, la. Children : + 594. i. Martha Jane. b. 19 Jan. 1851. + 595. ii. Theodore Wilson, " 11 Mar. 1854. + 596. iii. Ida Frances, " 4 May 1857. + 597. iv. Etta May, " 25 May 1864. [304] ORINDA J., (sis. of Cynthia C.) b. Welland- port, Can., 26 March, 1833; m. 16 April, 1850, Amos J. Thomas, farmer, b. Canada, 2 Sept., 1829. They were married at Wellandport, and resided there until the fall of 1855, then moved to Shelbina, Mo., living there till the spring of 1889, when they removed to Missoula, Montana, where they yet reside. Children : 598. i. Anna, b. 19 May 1851; d. 21 May 1851. 16 Aug. 1855; " 30 Aug. 1855. 4 Sept. 1856. 14 Feb. 1861 ; Sandwich, 111. 26 Sept. 1867. 8 Jan. 1871; Sandwich, 111. 599. ii. Jessie, + 600. iii. Viola, 601. iv. Orrie, + 602. v. Frank, 603. vi. A. Jesse, [305] AMANDA MATILDA, (sis. of Orinda J.) b. Wellandport, Can., 11 June, 1836; m. 18 Dec, 1853, James W. Thomas, merchant, b. North Pelham, Can., 9 Jan., 1830; res. Chicago, 111. She d. 29 March, 1862. 88 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION Children : + 601. i. Amos J., b. 24 Nov. 1854. 605. ii. Collard E., " 6 Apr. 1857; d. 13 Sept. 1881; unm. + 600. iii. William, " 19 May 1860. [307] JULIET, (sis. of Amanda M.) b. near Meadville, Penn., 6 Jan., 1840; m. 16 Oct., I860, Walter Seott, painter, b. Louisville, Ky., 8 Dec., 1834; she d. Aurora, 111., 3 April, 1867; he. res. Chicago, 111. Children : + 607. i. Ida May, b. 7 Mar. 1862. 608. ii. Elmer, " 2 Mar. 1864; killed by cars, 24 Aug. 1875. [308] ANN ELIZABETH, (sis. of Juliet) b. near Mead- ville, Penn., 6 July, 1842; m. 24 Dec, 1859, Cyrus F. Culver, farmer, b. Piano, 111., 26 June, 1837; res. Shelburn, Oregon. When very young, her parents returned from Mead- ville, Pa., to their farm at Wellandport, Can., removing thence to Sandwich, 111., in 1856; where at the age of seven- teen, she married Mr. Culver. From there they went to State Center, la., where he engaged in buying grain and live stock for the Chicago market; then to Brookfield, Mo., and ran a furniture store; next, to Dewitt, Mo., and erected a saw mill, in which he manufactured black walnut lumber for the market at St. Louis. To this he added a grist mill. Leaving there they tried several places in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Dakota, finally settling down on a farm near Shelburn, Ore., and are now running a large prune orchard. Children: 609. i. Franklin B., 1). 13 Mar. 1861 ; d. 20 Sept. 1863. • (ill). ii. Maggie Relle, " 18 Aug. 1863. • 611. iii. Charles B., " 11 Feb. 1866. 612. iv. Leroy, " 25 Apr. 1S70; " IS Aug. 1873. 613 v. Kttie May, " 19 Aug. 1S73; " 20 Dec. 1875. • 61 1. vi. Clarence B., " 21 Apr. 1S76. • 615. vii. Edna P., " 3 Mar. 1880. 616. viii. Jesse i... " 5 Oct. 1883. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 89 [310] ELMER E., (bro. of Ann E.) railroader; b. Wellandport, Can., 18 March, 1850; m. 14 July, 1874, Mary Wagner, b. Waterloo, N. Y., 8 Jan., 1853; res. Buena Vista, Oregon. Children : + 617. i. Rob Roy, b. 10 Oct. 1877. 618. ii. Jesse Lee, " 25 Jan. 1882; d. 24 Feb. 1882. 619. iii. Martha Iona, " 19 Feb. 1883; Grand Forks, Minn. [311] ALMIRA EMMONS 8 , (Isaac 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jona- than 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Isaac Emmons and Judy Loomis; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1811; m. 20 March, 1829, Frederick A. Davis, of Ogdensburg, N. Y.; she d. Geneva Lake, Wis., 10 July, 1860. Children : 620. i. Charles, b. 1831 ; Ogdensburg, N. Y. 621. ii. Louisa, " 1833; Black Lake, N. Y. 622. iii. Esther, " 1836; Black Lake, N. Y. [312] LUCINDA, (sis. of Almira) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1813; m. 22 Oct., 1841, David Wicks, clerk, b. Chenango Co., N. Y., 11 Nov., 1801, d. 19 Sept., 1852; m. 2d William Van Tassel, manufacturer of Schenectady, N. Y., d. 1895; she d. New Buffalo, Mich., 15 June, 1893. Children: 623. i. Orlando, b. 18 Dec. 1842; killed battle Perryville, 1862. + 624. ii. Marion V., " 27 Mar. 1846. [313] SOPHRONIA, (sis. of Lucinda) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 9 June, 1816; m. 9 June, 1838, Hiram Leach, of Cicero, N. Y. She res. Niles, Mich., but so advanced in years that no perfect record of her family could be obtained. It is said that they had seven children, of whom only three are known. 90 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION Children : 625. i. Henrietta, b. 1 Jan. 1840. 626. ii. Orlow, " 9 Nov. 1844; Cicero, N. Y. + 027. iii. Rosaltha, " 15 Mar. 1849, [314] CHAUNCEY BRAINARD, (bro. of Sophronia) lumberman, b. Brewerton, N. Y., 11 Oct., 1819; m. 10 March, 1841, Chloe Roxanna, dau. of Henry P. Wood and Harriet Moody; b. South Deerfield, Mass., 10 Oct., 1820, d. Brewer- ton, 23 Jan., 1897; he d. there, 6 June, 1882. The year after his marriage, he purchased of his father, by deed dated August 10, 1842, the old homestead, con- sisting of 50 acres on Military lot No. 9, town of Cicero; also by deed of September 21st of the same year, his father's hotel property known as the 'upper hotel' in the village of Brewerton. In 1850-52 he was a partner in the firm of Kathan Hoyt & Co., in stocking and managing a steam saw mill in Brewerton. In 1853 he removed to Antioch, 111., remaining for a short time, when he returned to Brewerton and purchased lands near there in the towns of Hastings and West Monroe, Oswego Co., upon which he resided until his death in 1882. While a citizen of Oswego county, he was largely engaged in the lumbering trade. Children : + 628. i. Leroy Albert, t i. Mar. 1842. I 629. ii. Warren Chauncey, ' 27 Oct. 1844. 630. iii. Delilah Phebe, 4 Nov. 1846; d. 1 Jan. 1853. + 631. iv. Kstella Chloe, ' 27 Apr. 1849. 632. v. Arvilla Lucy, 11 June 1852; " 24 Nov. 1871 ;unin + 633. vi. Frank Theodore, ' 2 Dec. 1854. • 634. vii. Arabell Ophelia, ' 20 Sept. 1800. + 035. viii. [SAAC BRAINARD, 27 July 1861. 1318] ORINDA HOSKINS 8 , (Lydia 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Gurdon Iloskins and Lydia Emmons; b. Cicero, N. Y., THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 9 1 26 Jan., 1813; m. 18 Nov., 1840, Gideon Adams, farmer, b. 8 March, 1808, d. 30 Oct., 1877; she d. 24 March, 1881. Children : 636. i. Gideon, b. 12 Apr. 1842; d. 22 Apr. 1842. 637. ii. Emmons, " 20 May 1843; " 9 July 1844. 638. iii. Theodore M., " 5 July 1847. 639. iv. Calvin. " 26 Apr. 1850. + 640. v. Gurdon H., "4 Sept. 1855. [319] BRAINARD HOSKINS, (bro. of Orinda) cooper b. Cicero, N. Y., 22 March, 1816; m. Catherine F. Ryan. He was drowned in the Mississippi River, near Dubuque, la., abt. 1876. Children : 641. i. Henry H., b. Aug. 1840; d. 29 Dec. 1840. 642. ii. Agnes, m. Mr. Radford ;" Nov. 1897. [320] CYRENUS P. HOSKINS, (bro. of Brainard) farmer; b. Cicero, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1820; m. abt. 1840, Sophia J., dau. of Phillip A. Bortle of Brewerton, N. Y. ; b. 1 Jan., 1820, d. 7 June, 1895; he d. Grandmarsh, Wis., 9 May, 1900, age 80. The following obituary written by Eld. J. H. McChes- ney, was clipped from one of the daily papers: — "Hoskins: At the residence of his son Milard, in the town of Chester, Cyrenus P. Hoskins, May 9th, 1900, about one o'clock P. M., after a so- journ on earth of 80 years, 2 months and 21 days, of old age and its growing infirmities. "Deceased was born in the State of New York, where he was married to Miss Sophia J. Bortles. " Early in the fifties he settled in what is now called the town of Lincoln, where most of his children were born. "Two of his sons served in the Union Army in the War of the Rebellion. The remains of his wife and two children rest in the burying ground in the above town, where his body was laid at rest by the side of his companion. He was widely known and favorably so, throughout our county, having held many offices and discharged his duty faithfully. The religious element in him was but small; critical in observation of things, yet always in search of truth, both theoretical and practical, which he claimed to have found in the man, Christ Jesus. 92 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION "He passed away in full immortality, with a childlike, loving heart towards God and man', bidding the world goodby with sincere desire for its progress, future peace and happiness. He requested that little should be said of himself, — but wherein this short memorial fails to do him justice, the remembrance of his friends will compensate." Children : b. 12 Apr. 1842. " 24 May 1844; d. 21 Mar. 1845;Brew- " 1 Jan. 1847. [erton. " 26 May 1848. " 26 Oct. 1852; " Feb. 1877. " 26 Dec. 1855. " 14 May 1857. [321] LYDIA CHELNISSE HOSKINS, (sis. of Cyre- nus P.) b. Cicero, N. Y., 7 Oct., 1822; m. 25 Oct., 1841, Eumenes Jennings, farmer; b. Rutland, N. Y., 6 July, 1819; res. Albert Lea, Minn. 643. i. Alson J., (ill. ii. Desalvo, + 645. iii. Marvin B., t 646. iv. Millard F. 647. v. Wales H., • tits. vi. Esther L-., + 649. \ ii. Homer A., C :hil dren : ! 650. i. Arthur Monroe, 1). 8 Dec. 1843. + 651. ii. Edgar O. 7 " 8 June 1849. ■ 652. iii. Dealton N. ( 5 June 1851. ■ 653. iv. Mary, " 3 Jan. 1854. + 654. v. George, " 3 Oct. 1856. + 655. \ i. Ella, " 25 Nov. 1858. 656. \ ii. William, " 10 Nov. 1863 ; carpenter ; res. California [322] NOAH D. HOSKINS, (bro. of Lydia C.) b. Cicero, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1826; m. Brewerton, N. Y., Margaret, dau. of Otis Walkup; she d. Buda, 111., and he married again; he removed to Colorado some twenty years ago. Children: by 1st wife. 657. i. A Daughter, 658. ii. Gurdon. 659. iii Kdward. [323] MARY M. HOSKINS, (sis. of Noah D.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 30 Nov., 1831; m. 4 July, 1857, George THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 93 Edwin Ramsay, rancher; b. Brewerton, 25 Jan., 1830, d. Calispell, Mont., 15 Jan., 1899; she d. there, 26 Nov., 1901. No issue. [325] OLIVE ROSINA HOSKINS, (sis. of Mary M.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 9 May, 1836; m. 20 June, 1878, Charles M. Ward, who d. 1895; she d. Mauston, Wis., 13 Jan., 1890. No issue. [326] CYNTHIA MARIA EMMONS 8 , (Samuel 7 , Jona- than 13 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) dau. of Samuel Emmons and Hannah Loomis;b. Brew- erton, N. Y., 5 Sept., 1818; m. 16 April, 1837, Abner Foster Auringer, farmer, b. Clifton Park, Saratoga Co., N. Y., 4 Jan., 1816, d. West Monroe, Oswego Co., N. Y., 24 June, 1895; she d. Plainville, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1901. Children: b. near Brewerton, N. Y. 660. i. Samuel Nathaniel, t ». 28 June 1838. + 661. ii. Hannah Elizabeth, ' 4 July 1841. + 662. iii. Maria Jane, 17 July 1844. + 663. iv. Franklin C, 26 Oct. 1846. + 664. v. Adeline L., 4 Oct. 1849. + 665. vi. George Henry, 24 June 1856. [327] ALMEDA, (sis. of Cynthia M.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1820; m. 16 March, 1846, Benjamin Calkins, farmer, b. 22 Feb., 1809, d. 7 March, 1876; she d. Stock- bridge, Wis., 14 Oct., 1885. Children : + 666. i. Frances, b. 2 May 1848. [328] LUCRETIA, (sis. of Almeda) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 28 April, 1824; m. 14 Oct., 1843, Alvin A. Shaw, 94 TH E EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION farmer, b. Herkimer Co., N. Y., 11 Aug., 1812, d. Stock- bridge, Wis., 14 March, 1SS2; she m. 2d 5 Jan., 1883, Nathan Stone, mason, d. Stockbridge, 15 June, 1884; she m. 3d., 30 Aug., 1886, Reuben Mindle, farmer, who d. Stockbridge, 30 Aug., 1891; she d. Verndale, Minn., 1 March, 1905, and was buried at Stockbridge, Wis. Children: by 1st husband. 667. i. Jerome A., 1). 24 Aug. 1844; d. 22 Dec. 1861 ; drowned. + 668. ii. Alfred A., " 14 July 1846. + 669. iii. Minnie A., " 25 Apr. 1852. 670. iv. Axgelia, " 31 Jan. 1853; " 10 Sept. 1862. [329] FRANKLIN LEONARD, (bro. of Lucretia) farmer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1827; m. 7 Oct., 1852, Achsah A., dau. of Jason Simmons and Rebecca Upham; b. Nassau, N. Y., 19 June, 1830; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. Emmons as a prominent Republican, has exercised a controlling influence over the political field of his native town of Cicero for many years, and through him, as much as any other, has it been classed as the banner town of repub- licanism in the county of Onondaga. Although he has never held a town office, his party has not been unmindful of his efforts in its behalf, and have conferred upon him such party gifts as he would accept. He was appointed Janitor of the Court House and Jail in 1861; a position which he held for eighteen years. Has also held the office of a Deputy Sheriff under Sheriffs Byron D. Benson, Jared C. Williams, Dewitt C. Toll, Win. Evans, David S. Cossitt, John J. Meldram, and Hector B. Johnson. He has several farms, and owns real estate in the City of Syracuse, N. Y., and in Washington, D. C. In appear- ance at the present time, he is as hale and hearty, as though he were only fifty, instead of seventy-seven years of age. Children : 671. i. Mary Jane b. 10 June 1855. (172. ii. Willis, " 4 Apr. 1862; d. 17 Feb. 1864. 673. iii. ULLIAN, " 22 Feb. 1870; " 19 Jan. L878. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 95 [330] HANNAH CAUSTA, (sis. of Franklin L.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1833; m. 4 Oct., 1851, George Terpenny, farmer, b. Herkimer, N. Y., 3 May, 1831; res. Bridgeport, N. Y. Children : + 674. i. Mary Amelia, + 675. ii. Clara Adelia, + 676. iii. Hattie Aurelia + 677. iv. Rose Adell, 678. v. Minnie Almeda, + 679. vi. Ruth Arletta, 13 Apr. 1853. 5 Nov. 1857. 24 Nov. 1858. 1 Apr. 1863. 5 June 1865; d. 26 Oct. 1877. 30 Nov. 1873. [331] JONATHAN EBENEZER, (bro. of Hannah C.) farmer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 7 May, 1836; m. 4 July, 1858, Eorancy Walters, b. Stoekbridge, N. Y. ; he d. Brewerton, 26 Sept., 1902; she res. Brewerton. Jonathan was born on a part of the 600 acres pur- chased by his grandfather prior to 1808, and continued to reside upon it until his decease in 1902, with the exception of the three years in the army. He enlisted at Brewerton Sept. 6, 1862, in Company H. 149th Regt. N. Y. Inf. Vol., under Capt. Robert E. Hopkins, and Henry A. Barnum, Colonel. He was with his regiment in all of the battles in which it was engaged, and accompanied it on the march from Chattenooga to Savannah. On the return, while scouting in North Carolina he was taken prisoner March 15th, 1865, and marched to Rich- mond, Va., and confined fourteen days in the notorious Libby prison. He was then sent to Parole Camp, Anna- polis and there discharged June 27, 1865. Children: b. Brewerton, N. Y. 680. i. Samuel, + 681. ii. Ada Adell, 682. iii. Johnson, 683. iv. Sarah, + 684. v. Franklin, + 685. vi. Spencer, 1859; d. 1860. 9 July 1860. 1863; " 1864. 1866; " 1873. 2 June 1867. 16 Aug. 1870. 96 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 686. vii. Rolla Henry, b. 25 Dec. 1874. + 687. viii . Bessie May, " 4 Mar. 1888. 688. ix. Bert Anson, " 14 June 1889. [332] CHARLES EMMONS 8 , (EH 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jona- than 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of EH Emmons and Olive King; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 1823; m. New Bridge, N. Y., Almira Watts; he d. in Wisconsin. [333] ROSETTA, (sis. of Charles) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1824; m. 17 Oct., 1854, Edward Patchen, who d. 1861; she m. 2d 1864, George W. Cross, farmer, b. St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 27 Sept., 1827, d. 1880; she res. Battle Creek, Mich. Children: by 1st husband. + 689. i. William E., b. 17 Sept. 1856. 690. ii. Lincoln S., " 1861; d. 2 Oct. 1884. by 2nd husband. + 691. iii. EffiE May, " 1865. + 692. iv. Ella, " 9 Nov. 1867. [334] RHODA, (sis of Rosetta) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1826; m. 7 May, 1843, Ambravelia Fancher, carpen- ter; b. Berne, N. Y., 1 July, 1820, d. Brewerton, 15 April, 1875; she res. St. Elmo, British Columbia. Children: 693. i. Eli Minard, b. 10 Feb. 1844; d. Oct. 1846. + 694. ii. Warren Wash inc. ton " 2 Jan. 1846. .,115. iii. Oscar, " 22 Jan. 1848; " 25 Jan. 1848. + 696. iv. Olive <>., " 3 July 1849. 697. v. Ffancis Lucas, " 15 Nov. 1851; " Dec. 1852. + 698. vi. Sylvester Ansel, " 4 Dec. 1852. + 699. vii. Elenora, " 26 Aug. 1855. + 700. viii. Charles Fremont, " 23 Mar. 1858. + 701. ix. Rosetta, " 14 Aug. 1860. + 702. x. Mary Ann, " 13 Mar. 1864. + 703. xi. Abigail, " 2 Feb. 1867. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 97 [335] SYLVESTER, (bro. of Rhoda) ship carpenter; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 1828; was lost at sea while on a whaling voyage in 1853; unm. [336] OLIVE DORLISKA, (sis. of Sylvester) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 6 Oct., 1830; m. 1848, Lewis M. Covert, as his second wife; after his death, she m. 2d. 16 June, 1857, as the second wife of Parker Webster; she d. 28 Aug., 1863. Her first husband, the Hon. Lewis M. Covert, was sent to the State Legislature of Michigan as a representative from Oakland County, in the early fifties. His first wife was Esther Jarvis, a Canadian by birth, by whom he had a son Samuel, born in Canada, who died in 1869; he died in 1856. Her second husband, Parker Webster, was a farmer, b. Rutland, Vt., 4 April, 1813; m. 5 Feb., 1837, Ann Cook, who d. 16 Dec, 1855, leaving four children, viz: — Nancy J., b. 1842; Orrin T., b. 1844; Winfield S., b. 1846, and Marion C. b. 1850. He m. 3d. 28 Sept., 1866, Maria Cook, who died 23 April, 1904. He d. 14 Aug., 1889. Children: by 1st husband. 704. i. Ansel Lewis, b. 1849; d. 1853. *705. ii. Esthtr Jane, " 5 Mar. 1850. *70B. iii. Mariette Elizabeth, " 9 May 1852. *707. iv. Ada Hannah Olive, " 18 Aug. 1855. by 2nd husband. *708. v. Daniel P., " 19 July 1858. 709. vi. Rosetta Ann, " 28 Feb. 1860; " 16 June 1878. [337] ASAHEL BRAINARD, (bro. of Olive D.) far- mer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 23 June, 1832; m. 6 Oct., 1857, Ann Eliza Jones, who d. 25 Oct., 1886; m. 2d. 22 Feb., 1887, Mrs. Lois Louisa Howe, d. 26 Sept., 1902; he res. Vernon, Mich. He enlisted August 14th, 1862, in Co. D. 22d Regt., 98 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION Mich. Inf. Vols. He served during the war and was dis- charged June 29, 1865. [338] ELENORA, (sis. of Ashael B.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1853; m. 5 March, 1855, Isaac Nelson, stone mason; b. Westmoreland, N. Y., 22 July, 1831; she d. 24 Feb., 1875; he res. Vernon, N. Y. Children : 1). 4 Feb. 1856. " 17 Mar. 1859. Mar. 1861. " 22 Jan. 1865. " 3 Apr. 1867. " 8 July 1869. " 15 Aug. 1871. " 24 Jan. 1875; res. Manistee, Mich. [339] MARY ANN EVANS 8 , (Mary 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Joseph Evans and Mary Emmons; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 9 Nov., 1819; m. 19 July, 1840, William Shields, farmer, b. Argyle, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1813, d. 12 Nov., 1879; she res. Hale's Corners, Wis. Children: b. Hale's Corners, Wis. + 718. i. Wiluam Henry, b. 22 Mar. 1842. + 710. i. Hannah, + 711. ii. Samtel Eli, + 712. iii. Ella E., + 713. iv. Cornelia, + 714. v. William, + 715. vi. George, + 716. vii. John, 717. viii. Robert, + 719. ii. Mary Jane, ' 28 Oct. 1844. 7_'0 iii. Sarah Ann, ' 23 Jan. 1849. ( 72 1 . iv. Charles Francis, ' 29 Mar. 1852. 722. V. Gertrude, 1854; d. 23 Jan. 1867. I 723. vi. Emma Louisa, ' 3 Oct. 1859. + 724. vii. Frank Krwin, ' 15 Oct. 1866. 725. viii .George A., ' 16 Apr. 1877 ; druggist, Mazomaine, Wis. [340] ESTHER EVANS, (sis. of Mary A.) b. Brewer- ton, N. Y., 15 March, 1822; m. 15 Jan., 1843, James Hunk- THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 99 ins, farmer, b. Danville, Vt., 7 Nov., 1815, d. 7 July, 1889; she d. 15 Oct., 1875. Children: b. Waukesha, Wis. + 726. i. Mary Hannah, b. 3 Nov. 1843. + 727. ii. James Harrison, " 15 July 1846. + 728. iii. Oscar Lorenzo, " 15 June 1855. + 729. iv. William Orson, " 15 Nov. 1860. [341] AMBROSE EVANS, (bro. of Esther) b. Brewer- ton, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1824; m. - - 1855, Caroline Phelps; res. Waukesha, Wis. Mr. Evans lost his left hand when quite a young lad. Children : + 730. i. Ida Florence, b. 25 Nov. 1856. [353] JOHNFENNERSCAMMELL 8 , (Harriet 7 , Jona- than 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) farmer; s. of William Seammell and Harriet Emmons; b. Lafayette, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1848; m. 29 Jan., 1874; Eliza, dau. of George Bishop and Mary Link; b. Bethersden, near Ashford, Eng., 14 Nov., 1852; he d. 11 Oct., 1881; she res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children : + 731. i. Hattie May, 1>. 10 May 1875. 732. ii. Earl Fenner, " 7 June 1880; d. 13 Mar. 1883. [354] CALISTA BLENDENA DOWN 8 , (Martha H.", Jonathan 6 , Jonathan"', Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah-, Thomas 1 .) dau. of George Down and Martha H. Emmons; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 18 Oct., 1836; m. 7 Dec, 1856, John Ladd, farmer, b. Trenton, N. Y., 4 March, 1831; he d. Brewerton, 28 Nov., 1902; she res. Brewerton. Children: b. Brewerton, N. Y. + 733. i. Belle Louisa, b. 29 Jan. 1858 + 734 . ii. George A., " 20 May 1863 + 735. iii. John Bruce, " 21 Feb. 1875, L.rfC. 1 IOO THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION [357] ANGELIA DOWN, (sis. of Calista B.) b. Brewer- ton, N. Y., 16 Feb., 1842; m. 4 July, I860, Albert L. Orman, farmer, s. of Robert Orman and Betsey E. Scouten; b. Brew- erton, 17 May, 1839; d. 7 Feb., 1902; she res. Brewerton. Children : + 736. i. Elton, b. 1 Aug. 1861. [358] GEORGE ALBERT DOWN, (bro. of Angelia) farmer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 24 Jan., 1845; m. 7 Feb., 1871, Angelia Catherine, dau. of Ebenezer Merritt and Eliza Hiller; b. Brewerton, 4 Sept., 1848; res. Brewerton, N. Y. Children: b. Brewerton, N. Y. + 737. i. Frank Ebenezer, b. 6 Jan. 1872. + 738. ii. Wilford F., " 15 Sept. 1874. *739. iii. Edgar Felding, " 31 Mar. 1879. [359] WILLIAM HENRY DOWN, (bro. of George A.) farmer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 4 Jan., 1848; m. 1 Jan., 1882, Hattie Jane, dau. of Francis H. Batchelder and Adeline Potter; b. Cicero, N. Y., 17 Feb., 1859; res. near Brewerton. Children: 740. i. Hazel Iva, b. 5 Oct. 1885; Beadle Co., S. Dak. 741. ii. Vivian Alita, " 16 May 1892; Turn water, Wash. [361] MARION FRANSALIA EMMONS 8 , (William A. 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of William A. Emmons and Esther B. Mason; b. Truxton, N. Y., 11 Feb., 1841; m. 1 May, 1861, Augustus R. Clark, farmer, b. South Onondaga, N. Y., 22 Jan., L833, d. 23 Dec, 1896; she res. East Onondaga, N. Y. Children: b. East Onondaga. • 712. i. Frank Elton, b. 4 May 1864. + 743. ii. Marion Isadore, " 27 July 1866. + 744. iii. Ernest Augustus, " 13 Apr. 1869. + 745. iv. Grace Emmons, " 4 Aug. 1872. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION IOI [362] ELMER JONATHAN, (bro. of Marion F.) book- keeper; b. Truxton, N. Y., 9 Feb., 1843; m. 15 Nov., 1876, Lillie Jane Hays, b. Savannah, O., 10 April, 1856; res. Denver, Col. Elmer's father having purchased the old homestead of his grandfather Jonathan in Lafayette, Onondaga Co., N. Y., it became his home from the age of three to sixteen. His education to this time was obtained at the old brown school house in the corner of Squire Hoyt's orchard a mile away. His father then removed to Onondaga Valley, that his children might attend the Academy at that place. At the age of nineteen, he with eighteen other young men of the Valley, enlisted in a company recruited mostly from students of the State Normal School at Albany, of which Consider H. Willett, a fellow student was 1st Sergt. Later, they were enrolled as Co. E. 44th Regt. N. Y. Inf. Vols., of Butterfield's Brigade, 5th Army Corps. The company joined the regiment shortly after the battle of Antietam, and near where it was fought. After being in the service seven months, while on the march to Fredericksburg, he was attacked with typhoid fever, which resulted in his discharge. He returned home, and during the next summer assisted his father on a farm in Preble. The following winter he was clerk in the store of Wra. Barrett in Preble. While here, through the influence of his intimate friend Jay D. Spaulding, he became a Republican, although his father was a Democrat ; but who afterward was a life long Republican. In the spring of 1865, with his friend Spaulding, he went to Ohio, and spent the summer at the oil fields. His friend was taken sick, and returning to Syracuse, N. Y., bought an interest in the firm of I. A. Thurber & Co., bakers and confectioners. He wrote Elmer, and engaged him as a book-keeper. He remained there nearly two years, when Spaulding sold out, and they both went west in search of land. They traveled on foot over a large portion of the southern part of Iowa, and finally purchased in the N. W. Township of Union Co., la. — now Spaulding township — thus becoming the first settlers in that treeless 102 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION township. Their ranche has been well improved and stocked to its fullest capacity. The railroad station of Spaulding, on a branch of the Burlington R. R., is at their door. Elmer was elected clerk of the Courts of Union county, and held the office eight years; residing at Afton the county seat. While here, he married his wife, a daughter of Dr. Thomas Hays, formerly of Savannah, Ohio. He removed to Ouray, Co., in 1889, where they owned some mining property, remaining a short time, and going to Denver, engaged in his present occupation as book-keeper for the Denver Fire Clay Co. Mr. Emmons in early life became a member of the Christian (Disciple) Church, to which all the members of his family belonged; is a thirty-third degree Mason; a charter member of Henry Keating Post, G. A. R., at Afton, la. ; a present member of Crocker Post, at Denver, Col. ; and is secretary and treasurer of the Altoona Mining Co., Denver, of which his friend Spaulding is president and manager. Children: b. Afton, la. + 746. i. BlEndena Elizabeth 1). 24 Oct. 1S77. in 747. ii. Blanche F., " 4 Dec. 1880. 748. iii. AdellE H., " 10 May 1883; d. 20 July 1883. [363] AMANDA JANE, (sis. of Elmer) b. Truxton, N. Y., 6 April, 1845; m. 3 Sept., 1870, Briant Oscar Stephen- son, of Nevinville, la.; she d. Corning, la., 19 May, 1894, and is interred in Walnut Grove Cemetery at that place. She became a member of the Christian Church at Tully, N. Y., when nine years of age, and later, of the Church of Christ at Syracuse, N. Y. In 1869 she removed to Adams Co., la., and joined the M. E. Church. She ever lived a devoted Christian life, and although a helpless in- valid for fifteen years previous to her decease, her faith never faltered, but sustained her to the end. Children: 1). Spaulding, la. 749. i. Marion EstellE, b. 10 Aug. L871. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION IO3 + 750. ii. Arthur Emmons, b. 3 Apr. 1874. + 751. iii. Walter Bryant, " 25 Mar. 1876. + 752. iv. Laura Esther, " 4 June 1878. [364] FLORA ELCINA, (sis. of Amanda J.) b. La- fayette, N. Y., 9 March, 1847; m. Onondaga Valley, N. Y., 7 July, 1868, Maj. George H. Roach, b. Schoharie Co., N. Y., 19 June, 1847. The following condensed extract, taken from a report made to the Adj. General of the Army, at Washington, D. C, by Maj. Roach, when home on a three months furlough from the Philippines, was dated at Fort McPherson, Ga., January 30, 1903: "Sir: — In compliance with your request, I have the honor to state, that I enlisted at the age of sixteen years in Co. F., 26th Regt., 111. Vet. Vols., and was enrolled on the 29th day of February, 1864, to serve three years or during the war. "I joined my regiment at Scottsboro, Ala., shortly after, and in time to accompany it on the opening of Sherman's Atlanta Campaign. Was present with my regiment in all the marches, skirmishes and battles, which finally resulted in the capture of Atlanta; was engaged in the action of Gris- woldville, the siege of Savannah, and capture of Fort McAllister. After the fall of Savannah, was ordered to Beaufort, S. C, and at Port Royal Ferry, until the commencement of the northward march through the Carolinas; was hotly engaged in the battle of Bentonville; was at the capture of Raleigh, and left there May 1st, for Washington, via Richmond. Participated in the grand review at Washington; was ordered to Louisville, Ky., where the regiment was mustered out July 29, 1865. "Was recommended by my Colonel for a brevet commission of 1st Lieutenant; was appointed October 1st, 1873, 2nd Lieut, in the 17th U. S. Infantry, on the request of Hon. George Williams, Atty. -General in Grant's second term, etc." He was with Gen. Custer's expedition in the Black Hills in July 1874; serving with his regiment in the Dakotas from 1873 to 1886, when he was transferred to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.; served in the Pine Ridge Indian campaign of 1890-91, with the Leavenworth Cavalry Squadron; was given command of a section of Hotchkiss mountain guns January 1st, 1891. In the Spanish-Cuban war, the Major's regiment (the 17th U. S. Inf.) was the second to reach Tampa. On the arrival of the ships on the coast of Cuba, he landed two companies at Baiquiri, early in the morning of June 23d, 104 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 1898, and was the first and only command to push his out- posts and sentinels forward, and report to Gen. Lawton as soon as he arrived on the ground. From this time on to El Caney, he was engaged in outpost duty and reconnais- sance. On June 30th he was under a running fire all the afternoon, leaving their killed and wounded where they fell. "Then came the long night march to San Juan Ridge; the storming of the enemies stronghold; the surrender; the waiting with death and suffering from the burning sun and fever." After his return from Santiago, he was ordered to join Gen. Bacon at Walker, Minn., for duty in connection with the Leach Lake Indian campaign. On the 9th of Jan- uary, 1899, he sailed on the transport Grant, with the 1st Battalion of the 17th Inf., the 4th Inf., and Gen. Lawton and staff, from New York for the Philippine Islands. There he was in several actions, among which were those of Santo Tomas Station, San Fernando, Paugasinjan, P. I., and at Conception, Northern Luzon. In 1901 he was placed on Laguna Bay, his district extending from Lumbang to Binagonan Trail with seven stations. In July 1902, he was relieved; ordered to move his Battalion to Manilla, and report to his regimental commander at Vancouver Bar- racks, Oregon. In the fall of 1908 he was commissioned as a Lieut. Colonel, and has been ordered to recruiting stations in different parts of the country. His family res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children : + 753. i. Leon L., b. 21 Jan. 1874. 754. ii. Lillian Virginia, " 6 Apr. 1876 ; Ft. A. Lincoln ;d. 1882. 755. iii. Edmund Malcolm, " 6 Dec. 1883; Ft. Sisseton, S. Dak. 756. iv. Elsie A. Lena, " 6 Apr. 1886; Ft. Totten, N. Dak.;d. [366] ELLEN ADELLE, (sis. of Flora E.) b. La- fayette, N. Y., 1 June, 1850; m. 22 Nov., 1872, Walter A. Beattie, real estate dealer, b. Pictou, Nova Scotia, 15 May, 1849; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children: 757. i. Frances Marion, b, 8 Apr. 1875. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION IO5 [367] FRANKLIN PIERCE, (bro. of Ellen A.) mer- chant; b. Tully, N. Y., 25 May, 1852; m. 14 Nov., 1859; res. Manlius, N. Y. He was educated at the Onondaga Academy; was em- ployed for two years as a clerk for Ormsbee & Co., of Syra- cuse; was employed as a telegraph operator by the D. L. & W. R. R. ; became a partner in the general store of Champlin & Emmons at Manlius, N. Y., in 1878, which firm was changed to Emmons & Bell, in 1881, and continued until 1891, since which time he has conducted the business alone. He was president of the village for two terms, and was trustee for three years; was appointed postmaster April 18, 1892, which position he still holds. He is a member of Military Lodge No. 93, F. & A. M., and is held in high esteem by his fellow townsmen. Children: b. Manlius, N. Y. 758. i. Marian Addie, 3. 20 Nov. 1880. 759. ii. Blendena Jane, ' 14 Sept. 1882. 760. iii. Frances Deetta, ' 4 June 1884. 761. iv. Minnie Virginia, ' 9 Mar. 1886. 762. v. Gladys Marion, ' 8 May 1888. [368] ESTHER ESTELLE, (sis. of Frank P.) b. La- fayette, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1855; m. 18 June, 1877, Donald E. Keith, of Fountain City, Wis, res. Seattle, Wash. [369] ALICE CORNELIA BAKER 8 , (Nancy A. 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Leonidas Z. Baker and Nancy A. Em- mons; b. Aurora, 111., 1 Oct., 1853; m. Aurora, 7 July, 1879, J. Gustave Haupt, superintendent of schools, b. Holstein, Germany, 12 Feb., 1855; res. Lake Charles, La. Children : 763. i. Bertha Violet, b. 14 Oct. 1883; Durant, la.; teacher. 764. ii. Vernon Baker, " 26 Jan. 1887; Bijou Hills, S. Dak. 765. iii. Winifred Hope, " 28 June 1891; Bijou Hills, S. Dak. 106 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION [370] ALBERT LEONIDAS BAKER, (bro. of Alice C.) publisher; b. Kane Co., 111., 21 Feb. 1861; m. 15 Feb., 1886, Maria T. Smith, b. Huron Co., Ohio, 19 July, 1862; res. Minneapolis, Minn. Children : 766. i. Albert L., b. 1 Oct. 1887 ;d. 14 Feb. 1889. 767. ii. Genevieve Joy, " 7 Sept. 1890; Dakota Co., Nebr. 768. iii. Sylvester Emmons," 31 Aug. 1892; Woodbury Co., la. [371] ALTHEA DIANTHA NICHOLS, 8 (Terressa J. 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Daniel B. Nichols and Terressa J. Emmons b. Aurora, 111., 16 Aug., 1850; m. 22 March, 1869, William A. Jones, mechanic, b. Floyd, N. Y., 22 March, 1847; res. Lebo, Kan. Mr. Jones with his Welsh parents came to Aurora, 111., in 1854. When sixteen years of age he began work as an apprentice with the C. B. & I. Co., machinists of that place, remaining with them fourteen years. In 1877 with his wife and three children, accompanied by her mother and half sister, he removed to Lebo, Kansas, locating on a farm of 160 acres, to which he has since added 240 acres more, and has now one of the finest farms in that part of the state. Children : + 769. i. Frank Kugene, 1). 14 Nov. 1870. + 770. ii. Jessie Terressa, " 27 Feb. 1872. 771. iii. Arthur LEROY, " 24 Oct. 1874 ;d. 15 Apr. 1898. + 772. iv. Leon Avery, " 18 July 1877. 773. v. Fred Llewellyn, " 14 July 1880; Arvonia, Kans. 774. vi. Hazel May, " 24 Feb. 1883; Arvonia, Kans. 775. vii. Gladys Beulah, " 16 Feb. 1889; Arvonia, Kans. [372] EUGENE DANFORTH NICHOLS, (bro. of Althea D.) b. Aurora, 111., 30 Sept., 1852; m. 24 July, 1872, Nellie Kresa Madden, b. Taunton, Mass., 8 April, 1851; res. Chicago, 111. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION IOJ Children : + 776. i. Mary Ellen, b. 21 Aug. 1876. 777. ii. Eugenia Teresa, " 18 Oct. 1878; Jackson, Mich. 778. iii. James Thomas, " 22 Oct. 1880; Michigan City, Ind. 779. iv. Edward Francis, " 18 Aug. 1883. Michigan City, Ind. 780. v. Elmer Daniel, " 21 July 1890; Decator, 111. [373] MARY JANE HOYT, (half sis. of Eugene D.) dau. of Dr. Henry K. Hoyt and Mrs. Terressa J. (Emmons) Nichols; b. Aurora, 111., 12 Nov., 1850; m. 1 Jan., 1879, D. F. Coon; she d. April, 1883. Children: 781. i. Grace Irene, b. Dec. 1879 ; Lyndon, Kans. [375] MARILDA EMMONS 8 , (James 7 , Samuel 6 , Jona- than 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of James Emmons and Sarah Ackles; b. Christian Hollow, (now Tully Valley), N. Y., 30 June, 1810; m. 1 Jan., 1851, William Haynes, farmer, b. 3 Sept., 1813, d. Cardiff, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1864; she res. Marathon, N. Y. Children : + 782. i. Era, b. 28 May 1860. [376] William A., (bro. of Marilda) farmer; b. Christian Hollow, N. Y., 7 Aug., 1821; m. 1 April, 1857, Ann Patten, b. Borodino, N. Y., 3 Jan., 1820, d. 2 Feb., 1860; m. 2d. 10 Jan., 1872, Susan Clements, b. Skaneateles, N. Y., 8 June, 1845; res. Borodino, N. Y. Children: by 1st wife, b. Borodino, N. Y. + 783. i. Fannie, b. 24 Feb. 1863. 784. ii. Frank, " 1 May 1865; d. 2 June 1868. by 2d wife, b. Borodino. 785. iii. William Clement, b. 6 Nov. 1S73; res. Borodino; unm. 786. iv. Jessie, " 2 Dec. 1S75; teacher ; unm. 108 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION [377] LEWIS, (bro. of William A.) farmer; b. Christian Hollow, N. Y., 15 April, 1824; m. 20 March, 1851, Mary Abbott, b. Lafayette, N. Y., 30 Aug., 1830; d. 14 April, 1885. Children: b. Borodino, N. Y. I 787. i. George, b. 27 June 1S52. + 7SS. ii. Milton, " 2 Oct. 1853. [378] ORREN, (bro. of Lewis) farmer; b. Christian Hollow, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1828; m. Feb., 1863, Ursula Loomis, b. 5 Dee., 1837, d. 8 May, 1887; he res. Christian Hollow, — now Tully Valley. [379] ELIZA, (sis. of Orren) b. Christian Hollow, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1833; m. - - July, 1854, Charles Everingham; she d. 1875 without issue. [380] GIDEON, (bro. of Eliza) b. Christian Hollow, N. Y., 6 April, 1836; res. Mottville, N. Y.; unm. Gideon enlisted at Lafayette, N. Y., September 1st, L864, in Co. C. 185th Regt. N. Y. S. Inf. Vols., under H. D. Carhart, Captain, and E. S. Jenney, Col. He was severley wounded in the left arm, and has drawn a pension of $18, since Dec. 1865. [385] SAMUEL ACKLES 8 , (Mary?, Samuel 6 , Jona- than 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Horton Ackles and Mary Emmons; b. Tully Valley, N. Y., 20 May, 1810; m. - -March, 1854, Matilda Spaulding, h. 7 April, 1S27, d. 15 Jan., 1864; m. 2d 4 Oct., 1865, Mary, dau. of Paul Harvey; b. Thornhill, N. Y., 29 April, 1835; he d. 2 Feb., 1901; she res. Thornhill, N. Y. Children: by 2d wife. • 789. i. Grace, b. 4 Mar. lcS(i,X. + 790. ii. William Harvey, " 22 Oct. 1S70. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION IO9 [387] OVIL ACKLES, (bro. of Samuel) farmer; b. Tully Valley, 31 Oct., 1827; m. 1843, Almira Davis; m. 2d, 1 Sept., 1864, Mary E. Cook, d. 8 May, 1873; m. 3d, 1881, Esther Cornue; res. Tully, N. Y. Children: by 1st wife, b. Spafford, N. Y. + 791. i. Mary, b. 10 Jan. 1848. + 792. ii. Robert, " 2 Jan. 1850. + 793. iii. Franklin, " 10 Jan. 1851. + 794. iv. George H., " 2 Apr. 1854. by 2d wife. + 795. v. Dora, " 20 June 1809. by 3d wife. 790. vi. Jennie, " July 1882; Lafayette, N. Y. 797. vii. Lena E., " July 1885; Lafayette, N. Y. [396] ESTHER C. EMMONS 8 , (Sumner", Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Sumner Emmons and Margaret Tygert; b. Arkwright, N. Y., 25 Oct., 1832; m. 12 Sept., 1851, Delos James Rider, farmer, b. Herkimer Co., N. Y., 27 Aug., 1824, d. 9 Oct., 1897; she d. 2 May, 1856. Children: + 79S. i. Naomi TherEssa, b. 22 Oct. 1853. [397] HARRISON, (bro. of Esther C.) farmer; b. Arkwright, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1834; m. abt. I860, Lucy And- rews; he d. Arkwright, July 1870, without issue. [398] WILLIAM HOLLISTER, (bro. of Harrison) merchant; b. Arkwright, N. Y., 30 July, 1836; m. 16 March, 1869, Amanda Wilson, b. Arkwright, 12 Feb., 1840, d. 12, Feb., 1877; m. 2d, 23 March, 1881, Mrs. Mary (Cooper) Hale, b. Laona, N. Y., 6 Jan., 1844, d. 9 Sept., 1893; m. 3d, 12 Aug., 1896, Hattie A. Kennedy, b. Wayne Co., Pa., 1857; res. Laona, N. Y. IIO THE EMMONS FAMILY Children: by 2d wife. + 799 EIGHTH GENERATION i. EssiE May b. 16 July 1875. by 3d wife. 800. ii. Cora Anna, " Jan. 1885; d. 20 Feb. 1892. 801. iii. Charles Sumner, " ; " 8 Aug. 1893. [399] MARY, (sis. of William H.) b. Arkwright, N. Y., 22 May, 1837; m. 9 July, 1855, Eaton Burnham, farmer, b. Arkwright, 1 Aug., 183G; res. Fredonia, N. Y. Children: b. Arkwright, N. Y. S02. i. TERRESSA, b. 28 May 185(3; 803. ii. Courtney, " 14 Nov. 1859; 804. iii. Jennie, + 805. iv. Nora, 18 Aug. 1 Aug. 1861 1871 22 Aug. 10 July 18 Jan. 1870. 1887; unm 1862. [400] ELENORA, (sis. of Mary) b. Arkwright, N. Y., 8 June, 1839; m. 16 April, 1863, Miner Welcome Carpenter, farmer, b. Kirtland, O., 20 Feb., 1837, d. 11 Jan., 1890; she res. Clermont, Iowa. Children: b. Pleasant Vallev, la. 1867. 1868; unm. ; res. Odessa, Wash. 1S70; unm. ; res. Clermont, la. 1871 ; unm. ; M. K. minister. 1874; d. June, 1876. 1876 ; unm. ; res. Clermont, la. 1878; unm. ; res. Clermont, la. + 806. i. Daniel Sumner, ). is July 807. ii. Miner Wilton, ' IS Sept SOS. iii. Helen Louise, ' 29 May 809. iv. John Lewis, ' 3 Feb. X10. v. Annie, ' 12 Aug. Nil. vi. Carlie, ' 16 Dee. 812. vii. Byron, ' 21 Feb. [401] MARGARET ANN, (sis. of Elenora) b. Ark- wright, N. Y., 3 Feb., 1841; m. 29 March, 1866, George Page, farmer, b. Charlotte, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1833; res. Fre- donia, N. Y. Children: b. Pomfret, N. Y. 813. i. Nettie Ma v, b. 22 Jan. 1867 ; unm.; res. Fredonia,N.Y 814. ii. Mary Grace, " 9 Jan. 1869. + 815. iii. Charles Harrison, " s Feb. 1871. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION I I I [402] JAMES D., (bro. of Margaret A.) b. Arkwright, N. Y., 15 July, 1843, d. April, 1865; unm. James enlisted at Charlotte, N. Y., August 31st, 1862, as a private in Co. F. 154th Regt. N. Y. S. Inf. Vols., Thomas Donnelly, Captain, and A. R. Rice, Colonel. He went directly to the front and participated in all the battles in which his regiment was engaged. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Gettysburg, July 3d, 1864, and was confined in Libby Prison at Richmond, where, after a confinement of nine months he died. He was promoted several times, and held the rank of 1st Lieut., when taken prisoner. [403] CHARLES SUMNER, (bro. of James D.) mer- chant; b. Arkwright, N. Y., 27 Dec, 1846; m. 22 March, 1870, Mary L. Burlin, b. Evans, N. Y., res. North Evans, N. Y. In early life Mr. Emmons followed various occupations; having been a tin peddler; clerk in a general store; laborer in the oil fields of Pennsylvania; dealer in nursery stock; and a farmer. The 14th day of October, 1876, he purchased the stock of a general store at North Evans, Erie Co., N. Y., and engaged in a mercantile career which he still continues. He was appointed postmaster at that place by Timothy O. Howe, P. M. General, January 13th, 1882, an office which he still holds, together with that of a Notary for Erie county. Children : + 816. i. Ella E., b. IS Feb. 1S75. [404] ANGELIA LABELL, (sis. of Charles S.) b. Arkwright, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1848; m. 16 Dec, 1866, Merritt Dean, sawyer, b. Erie Co., N. Y., 22 June, 1841, d. 1 March, 1880; m. 2d. 8 Nov., 1889, Hiram J. Jones, farmer, b. Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 24 Oct., 1835; res. Stott's City, Mo. I 1 2 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION Merritt Dean enlisted in Co. K. 116th Regt. N. Y. S. Ins. Vols. ; was with his regiment in all of its engagements with the enemy, and was mustered out at the close of the war, having served four years and six months. He was in the Pennsylvania oil boom in 1870-72; a farmer in Erie county from 1873 to 1875; a butcher in Elgin, Iowa, three years; removed to Phillips county, Kans., in 1878 and homesteaded government land, upon which he resided until his decease in 1880. Children: by 1st husband. + 817. i. Charles Francis, b. 2 Dec. 1867. + 818. ii. Delancy Devill, " 5 Dec. 1869. 819. iii. Harry, " 27 May 1875; d. 12 Feb. 1894. 820. iv. Dora, " 13 Jan. 1880. [407] KATHERINE ACKLES 8 , (Prudence 7 , Samuel 6 Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of James Ackles and Prudence Emmons; b. Otisco, N. Y., 1838; m. 1856, James Olmsted, farmer; she d. 18 Feb., 1899. Children : 821. i. Sara, 822. ii. Eliza Adelia, 823. iii. Jennie, S24. iv. Florence, unin. m. Elmer Merrill. " Thomas Hart. " Charles Richmond. [410] ELIZA ACKLES, (sis. of Katharine) b. La- fayette, N. Y., 24 March, 1842; m. 1861, Daniel Whipple; m. 2d, 24 July, 1864, Oliver S. Holland; m. 3d, 10 April, 1893, Richard Reynolds, d. 23 May, 1897; she res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children: by 1st husband. 825. i. Bruce, 1>. 1862; d. inf. + 826. ii. Jennie, " 23 Feb. 1863. [411] LODUSKA ACKLES, (sis. of Eliza) b. Otisco, N. Y., 7 June, 1842; m. 6 Oct., 1862, Lester Newman, car- THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION I 1 3 penter, b. Otisco, 21 Aug., 1S32, d. 5 Feb., 1892; she res. Otisco, N. Y. Children: b. Otisco, N. Y. 827. i. Nettie, b. 3 Sept. 1864; d. July 1871. 828. i. Harriet, " 23 Nov. 1866 ;unm.; res. Syracuse, N.Y. 829. iii. Hortox, " 5 Sept. 1870; unm. ; res. Otisco, N. Y. 830. iv. James, " 23 Aug. 1873; unm. ; res. Tully, N. Y. + 831. v. Lovilla, " 24 May 1870. [412] ARVILLA ACKLES, (sis. of Loduska) b. Otisco, N. Y., 4 April, 1S52; m. 8 Nov., 1881, Eugene Cornue, farmer; res. Preble, N. Y. Children: b. Preble, N. Y. 832. i. Ellen E., b. 8 Mar. 1883. 833. ii. Frank, " 18 Aug. 1886. 834. iii. Lida, " 17 Jan. 1889. 835. iv. Mary, " 17 Nov. 1891. [414] JAMES ACKLES, Jr., (bro. of Arvilla) farmer; b. Otisco, N. Y., 1856; m. Nora Long, of Pompey, N. Y., d. ; he res. Onondaga Hill, N. Y. Children : 836. i. Charles, b. 26 June 1888. [415] PRUDENCE MATILDA GARDNER 8 , (Augus- ta M. 7 , Dyer 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Jacob B. Gardner and Augusta M. Emmons; b. - -, 1817; m. - -, 1836, J. Nelson Sterry; she d. - -, 1847; he d. California, 1849. Children : 837. i. Nameless, b. 838. ii. James Nelson, 839. iii. Charles Augustus, " 840. iv. Nameless, 841. v. Eunice Matilda, 1837 d. 1837. 1839 " 28 Feb. 1880. 1842 1843 i < 1842. 1843. 1845 * i 1846. 114 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION [416] EMELINE FREEDOM GARDNER, (sis. of Prudence M.) b. 31 Aug., 1819; m. Nov. 1838, Timothy Augustus La Place, b. 4 May, 1816, d. 14 Nov., 1895; she d. 6 July, 1879. Children : 842. i. Ellen Augusta, t ). 10 Aug. 1844. 843. ii. Laura Atalanta, 1840; d. 844. iii. Abbie Elizabeth, ' 3 July 1847. *845. iv. Francis Augustus, ' ' 20 Aug. 1849. *846. v. Jonathan Lorenzo, ' ' 23 Sept. 1851. *847. vi. Robert Henry, ' 22 Jan. 1854. *848. vii. Harriet Miranda, ' ' 5 Dec. 1857. 1840. [418] ROSETTA J. GARDNER, (sis. of Emeline F.) b. - -, 1823; m. - -, 1848, Benjamin C. North- rop; she d. -, 1857 Children : 849. i. Nameless, 850. ii. William C, b. 1849; d. 1851. 1X50. [420] SARAH ELLEN GARDNER, (sis. of Rosetta J.) b. - -, 1830; m. - -, 1856, John H. Haskins. Children : 851. i. Mary Emmons, 852. ii. Rose M., N. r >:{. iii. Jennie A., b. 1S57. 1859. 1870. [ATI] JOELLOOMIS 8 , (Catherine E. 7 , Dyer 6 Joseph 5 Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Caleb Loomis and Catharine E. Emmons; b. , 1822; m. , 1861, Sarah B. Miller; she d. - -1881. Children : 854. i. Emma Isabelle, b. 855. ii. Richard Miller, 1863; d. L865. 1804. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 115 [423] ROBERT LOOMIS, (bro. of Joel) b. 1829 ; m. - -, 1850, Phebe A. Leonard ; she d. 1850; he d. Tennessee, 1864. [425] LYMAN LOOMIS, (bro. of Robert) b. 1836; m. - - 1862, Arlina Worthington. Children : 856. i. Catharine Eliza, 857. ii. Edward WillEy, 858. iii. Moxroe Camp, 1863. 1866. 1870. [426] HENRY EMMONS 8 , (Aaron E. 7 , Dyar 6 , Jos- eph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Aaron E. Emmons and Mary N. Kellogg; b. Colchester, Conn., 13 April, 1827; m. 5 May, 1856, Olive Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan Geer Page and Olive Hanks; b. Hebron, Conn., 18 April, 1833; he d. 6 Jan., 1883; she res. Boston, Mass. He was a member of the firm of Wales, Emmons & Co., wholesale dealers in rubber shoes, Boston, Mass. Children : 1). 12 June 1S57; d. 30 Sept. 1872. " 26 Oct. 1858. " 19 June I860. " 18 Aug. 1862. " 26 May 1864; " 19 Jan. 1867. " 24 Jan. 1870; 859. i. Rupus, *860. ii. Elizabeth, *861. iii. Caroline, *862. iv. Irwin, 863. v. Mary ( (live, *864. vi. Alfred Page, 865. \ ii. Ethel Hanks July 1896; unm. 28 Mar. 1892; unm. [427] EMILY, (sis. of Henry) b. Westchester, Conn., 1 Feb., 1829; m. -, 1852, Samuel Rogers Adams, b. - -, 1825; d. - -, 1862; she d. 4 April, 1853, without issue. [428] OLIVE ELIZABETH, (sis. of Emily) b. West- chester, Conn., 21 April, 1831; m. 24 Dec, 1850, William Il6 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION Phelps, b. Colchester, Conn., 22 Dec, 1812, d. 1865; she d. 9 May, 1855. Children ; *866. i. John Newton, b. 18 Nov. 1851. *867. ii. David, " 17 July 1853. [435] JOHN, (bro. of Olive E.) commercial traveler; b. 6 April, 1846; m. 10 June, 1873, Jennie, dau. of Jesse Griffin and Leah Williams; b. 11 Feb., 1850; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. John learned the tanner's trade at home with his father. Their tannery being burned about 1866, he entered the wholesale house of Wales Emmons & Co., Boston, jobbers in rubber boots and shoes, of which firm his elder brother Henry was a partner. This firm did a large and extensive business, until they were burned out in the " Big Boston Fire." A year or so after, John went to Dayton, Ohio, where he remained about twenty years, during which time he was engaged as a commercial traveler, selling boots and shoes, his route comprising Western Ohio and Eastern Indiana. He was with the jobbing house of Lytle & Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, thirteen years, when they failing, he engaged with a jobbing house in Columbus, Ohio, with whom he remained seven years. He then removed to Brooklyn, N. Y., where for a little more than two years, he has been doing special work for the Metropolitan Street Railroad Company. Children : son. i. Henry Dudley, b. 7 Mar. 1875; d. 10 Mar. 1875. 869. ii. Storks Ely, " 14 Aug. 1876; unm. [436] ALMIRA MELISSA EMMONS 8 , (Octavious 7 , Dyer' 1 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel :i , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Octavious Emmons and Violetta House ; b. - -, L827; m. 29 April, 1849, Sherman Bigelow Rogers, b. 19 Aug., 1819. She d. - 1902. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 11/ Children : 870. i. Herbert Sherman, b. 20 Jan. 1850; d. 30 Apr. 1851. *871. ii. George Henry, " 27 May 1852. *872. iii. Jane Ellen, " 20 July 1853. *873. iv. Elizabeth Almira, " 21 Jan. 1859. [437] NANCY JANE, (sis. of Almira M.) b. - 1829; m. 4 July, 1850, David Brainard Williams, of Col- chester, Conn., b. - -, 1821. Children : 874. i. Susan, b. 1858. 875. ii. Albert, " 1866. [438] ALBERT HENRY, (bro. of Nancy J.) b. - -, 1831; m. 1853, Nancy, dau. of George W. Holcomb and Martha Rodman; b. -, 1829. He was a soldier in the late war, and d. Andersonville prison, 16 July, 1863. Children : 876. i. Edgar Cypron, b. 1854. 877. ii. JEREMA Leolia, " 1856. 878. iii. Luther Henry, " 1859. [440] ELLEN MARIA, (sis. of Albert H.) b. - 1835; m. -, 1856, John Newton Mitchell, of Glaston- bury, Conn., b. - -, 1830. Children : 879. i. Mary Ida, b. 1857. 880. ii. John Alvin, " I860. 881. iii. Herbert Eugene, " 1872. 882. iv. Willie Roswell, " 1875. [441] OLIVIA MINERVA, (sis. of Ellen M.) b. - -, 1840; m. , 1856, Watson Welsey Clark, of Mt. Carmel, Conn., b. - -, 1832. Il8 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION Children: 553. i. Norman, b. 1859. 554. ii. Olive, " 1866. 885. iii. Frederick, " 1870. SS6. iv. William, " 1870. [442] JOSEPHINE ROSILLA, (sis. of Olivia M.) b. -, 1S44; m. - -, 1863, Luman West, b. - 1838. Children: 887. i. Josephine Bell, b. 1871. SSS. ii. Henry Luman, " 1872. [449] JOHN BARTLETT SNOW 8 , (Phebe 7 , Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of John C. Snow and Phebe E. Emmons; b. -, 1832; m. - -, 1862, Emma Martha Umberfield; he d. - -, 1871. Children : 889. i. William, b. 1863; d. 1864. [451] ROMANZO EB-ENEZER SNOW, (bro. of John E.) b. - -, 1844; m. - -, 1869, Lucy Hayward; he d. - -, 1875. Children : 890. i. Willaki) Romanzo, b. 2 J Apr. 1871; d. 12 Apr. 1891. [452] CHARLOTTE MATILDA NORTHAM 8 , (Nan- cy 7 , Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah-, Thomas 1 .) dau. of Robert C. Northam and Nancy Emmons; 1). Colchester, Conn., 5 Aug., 1832; m. 13 Aug., 1854, Cornel- ius Dan Doane, farmer; b. Essex, Conn., 26 March, 1821, d. II March, 1895; she res. Essex. Conn. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 119 Children: b. Essex, Conn. *891. i. Roscoe Cornelius, b. 19 Sept. 1857. *892. ii. Robert Chauncey, " 2 Nov. 1859. *893. iii. Ann Elizabeth, " 7 Dec. 1861. [454] DAVID TODD NORTHAM, (bro. of Charlotte M.) b. 20 June, 1836; m. 7 Feb., 1861, Sarah Ann Champlin, d. 16 Dee., 1901; he d. 12 Aug., 1897. Children : 894. ii George, b. 13 Nov. 1861; d. 28 Jan. 1862. [457] NANCY LOUISE NORTHAM, (sis. of David T.) b. Westchester, Conn., 28 Jan., 1841; m. 9 Aug., 1863 Henry Josiah Granger, merchant; b. Onondaga, N. Y., 16 Dec, 1835; she d. 24 Feb., 1870; he res. Springfield, Mass. Children : *895. i. Carrie Louise, b. 11 Aug. 1864. 896. ii. Lottie Ella, " 13 Jan. 1868; d. 2 Sept. 1869. 897. iii. Addie Mary, " 4 July 1869; " 14 Apr. 1870. [458] ROBERT CHAUNCEY NORTHAM, 2d, (bro. of Nancy L.) merchant; b. 12 July, 1844; m. 17 Sept., 1872, Estelle Fidelia Havens, b. Hartford, Conn., 28 Oct., 1850; he d. 7 May, 1881; she res. Mystic, Conn. Children : *898. i. Robert Chauncey, 3d, b. 15 Dec. 1873. [460] HORACE CHAPMAN EMMONS 8 , (Edward G. 7 , Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Edward G. Emmons and Harriet G. Chap- man; b. Glastonbury, Conn., 6 July, 1842; m. 25 Dec, 1872, Eva Cecil Strong. Children: b. Westchester, Conn. 899. i. Alice May, b. 10 Dec. 1874; d. infancy. 900. ii. Alice, " 10 Feb. 1876. 120 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION [465] ROYAL PRESTON EMMONS 8 , (Dyer 7 , Dyer 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Dyer Emmons, Jr., and Laura H. Silliman; b. Colchester, Conn.,- -, 1846; m. - -, 1867, Maria Greenwood. Children: 901. i. George, b. 1871. 902. ii. Minnie, " 1873. [47?] CHARLES EDWARD EMMONS 8 , (James E. 7 , Dyer 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of James E. Emmons and Caroline E. Spencer; b. Moodus, Conn., 17 Sept., 1852; m. 17 Sept., 1874, Rosetta, dau. of James Babcock and Eliza Davis; b. Stonington, Conn., , 1851. Children : 903. i. Julius Ely, b. 22 Oct. 1877. + 904. ii. Sarah Elizabeth, " 17 Sept. 1881. 90o. iii. Caroline, " Tan. 1889. [474] PHOEBE MARIA, (half sis. of Charles E.) dau. of James E. Emmons and Phoebe J. Miner; b. Moodus, Conn., 7 June, 1867; m. 31 Oct., 1888; Charles Herbert Rogers, Editor of the 'Connecticut Valley Advertiser'; res. Moodus, Conn. [The author is under great obligations to Mrs. Rogers, for her kind assistance in looking up the family records at East Haddam; without which, this work would never have been compiled.] Children: b. Moodus, Conn. 906. i. Ethel Gertrude, I). 2 Mar. 1893. 907. ii. Charles Ely, " 15 Sept. 1896. [475] ANNE WALES EMMONS 8 , (Nathaniel 7 , Sam. uel 6 , Samuel 5 , Nathaniel ', Nathaniel 3 , Samuel 2 , Thomas 1 .) THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 12 1 dau. of Nathaniel H. Emmons and Elizabeth W. Wales; b. Boston, Mass., 5 Oct., 1829; m. 12 Feb., 1850, Benjamin Brewester, b. Montreal, Can., 16 April, 1826; res. Boston, Mass. Children : + 918. i. Benjamin Emmons, b. 20 Feb. 1851. + 919. ii. Elizabeth Annie, " 4 July 1852. + 920. iii. John Frederick FlEmmich, " 2 June 1X54. + 921. iv. Frank, " 28 Nov. 1857. + 922. v. Paul Otis, " 5 Apr. 1860. + 923. vi. George Washington Wales, " 26 Mar. 1866. [476] ELIZABETH WALES, (sis. of Anne W.) b. Boston, 15 Jan., 1832; m. 10 Dec., 1855, John Fritz Flem- mich of Valparaiso, S. A. She d. 1 March, 1856. [477] ROBERT WALES, (bro. of Elizabeth W.) b. Boston, 20 March, 1834; m. 7 Oct., 1863, Mary Isabella Crow, b. St. Louis, Mo., 5 Feb., 1842; res. Leamington, Eng. Mr. Emmons joined the Independent Corps of Cadets, May 31st, 1861; was mustered into the United States service at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, May 26th, 1862; was mustered out July 2d, 1862; was recruited a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1868; was a merchant in Boston in 1862, from which business he re- tired later, and took up his residence in England. Children : + 924. i. Hamilton, b. 15 Aug. 1864. 925. ii. Elizabeth Wales, " 29 Dee. 1867; Boston; res. England. [478] NATHANIEL HENRY, (bro. of Robert W.) merchant; b. Boston, 23 July, 1835; m. 7 July, 1870, Eleanor Gassett Bacon, b. Boston, 2 March, 1849; d. 19 Dec, 1891; he res. Boston. 122 THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION Children : + 92G. i. Robert Wales, 2d., b. 25 Dec. 1S72. 927. ii. Ruth, " 12 Mar. 1874; d. 1876. 928. Hi. Eleanor Bacon, " 18 May 1876. 929. iv. Susan, " 9 Mar. 1878. + 930. v. William Bacon, " 21 Aug. 1879. 931. vi. Nathaniel Franklin, " 21 May 1883. 932. vii. Mary Ann Wales, " 11 Nov. 1886. [479] SAMUEL FRANKLIN, (bro. of Nathaniel H.) geologist; b. Boston, 29 March, 1841; m. 5 Aug., 1876, Weltha Anita Streves, b. Bridgeport, Me., d. 12 Feb., 1888; m. 2d, 14 Feb., 1889, Sophia Dallas Markoe, b. Washington, D. C, d. 19 June, 1896; m. 3d, 4 Aug., 1903, Mrs. Suzanne F. (Earle) Jones, wid. of Ogden Jones, Washington, D. C. Res. Washington, D. C. Professor Samuel F. Emmons graduated at Harvard College 1861, A. B. and A. M. Studied at the " Ecole Im- perial des Mines," Paris, 1862-1864, and at the " Bergaka- demie," Freiberg, Saxony Mining School 1864-1865. Geolo- gist of the U. S. Geological Exploration 40th parallel 1867- 1877. Conducted a cattle ranch in Wyoming 1877-1879. Geologist of U. S. Geological Survey 1879 to date. Is a member of the National Academy of Sciences; also of the Geological Society of America, of which he was president in 1896, and many other scientific societies. He is the author of several scientific publications. [480] GEORGE BEALE, (bro. of Samuel F.) cotton merchant; b. Boston, 20 Sept., 1845; m. 9 June, 1868, Martha Jane Davis, b. St. Louis Mo., 3 Aug., 1849, d. 6 Dec, 1888; m. 2d, 5 June, 1893, Marie Antoinette Dupont of St. Louis, b. New York City, 7 Aug., 1865; res. Boston. Children: + 933. i. Margaret Davis, b. 1 Apr. 1869. : 934. ii. Nathaniel Henry, " 12 May 1870. THE EMMONS FAMILY EIGHTH GENERATION 1 23 935. iii. George BealE, b. 4 Feb. 1872; d. 15 Sept. 1S72. 936. iv. Horatio Nelson, " 14 June 1873; unm.;b. St. Louis. 937. v. Arthur BealE, " 9 Sept. 1875 ;unm.;b. St. Louis. 938. vi. Elizabeth Wales, " 8 July 1879. by 2d wife. 939. vii. George Beale, " 5 Apr. 1894. 940. viii. Marie Dupont, " 23 July 1895; Brookline, Mass. [481] ARTHUR BREWSTER, (bro. of George B.) lawyer; b. Quincy, Mass., 17 Aug., 1850; m. 24 June, 1891, Julia Wainwright Parish, b. Paris, France, 11 Dec., 1856; res. Newport, R. I. Mr. Emmons received the degree of Ph. D. from the University of Leipsic, Germany, in 1874; graduated from Harvard Law School an LL. B. in 1877; was admitted to the Suffiolk County Bar, July 14th, 1879. Children : 941. i. Elizabeth Wales, b. 30 Nov. 1894; Newport, R. I. [497] CAROLINE CHURCH 8 , (Harriet 7 , Ebenezer 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Hon. Sumner U. Church and Harriet Emmons; b. Middle- field, Mass., 4 Sept., 1839; m. 30 Dec, 1863, Edwin McEl- wain, b. 5 Nov., 1833. Children : 942. i. Charles Church. b. 14 May 1872. 943. ii. Arthur Edwin, " 8 Feb. 1879. [499] HARRIET CHURCH, (sis. of Caroline) b. 2 Sept., 1846; m. 4 Nov., 1875, John W. Crane, b. 23 May, 1847. Children : 944. i. A vSon, b. 15 Apr. 1877; d. 18 Apr. 1877. Ninth Generation [514] ELIZA FRISSELL 9 , (Laura M. 8 , Ichabod 7 , Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) milliner; dau. of Hon. Augustus C. Frissell and Laura Mack Emmons; b. Peru, Mass., 23 Sept., 1835; m. 13 Feb., 1862, Henry Alvin Messenger, merchant; b. 16 June, 1830, d. 21 Jan., 1888; she res. Federalsburg, Md. Children : *945. i. Henry Burdett, b. 11 Mar. 1863. 946. ii. Jennie Eliza, " 22 Apr. 1864; d. 25 July 1865. 947. iii. Robert William, " 28 Feb. 1869. [515] EMILY FRISSELL, (sis. of Eliza) b. Peru, Mass., 7 May, 1837; m. 16 March, 1862, William Joy, b. 25 June, 1831; she d. 30 Sept., 1888. Children : 948. i. William Ashman, b. 21 Nov. 1872. [516] SERAPH FRISSELL, (sis. of Emily) physician; b. Peru, Mass., 20 Aug., 1840. Doctor Frissell is unmarried, and is a practitioner in Springfield, Mass. We are indebted to her for much valuable information regarding this branch of the family. [517] SUSAN FRISSELL, (sis. of Seraph) b. Peru, Mass., 19 Feb., 1845; m. 2 Sept., 1870, Charles E. White, Jr., b. 30 March, 1847; she d. 2 May, 1890. Children: 949. i. Madai.icne, b. 19 May 1871. 950. ii. Charles Euclid, " 24 Oct. 1877. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 25 *[518] SOLON E. FRISSELL, (bro. of Susan) police- man; b. Peru, Mass., 25 May, 1847; m. 25 May, 1875, Fannie Estella Boutwell, b. Montague, Mass., 27 June, 1850; res. Springfield, Mass. Children : *951. i. Fred Boutwell, b. 2 Sept. 1876. 952. ii. Marion Emmons, " 20 Sept. 1878; d. 3 Nov. 1878. [519] THOMAS AUGUSTUS FRISSELL, (bro. of Solon E.) merchant; b. Peru, Mass., 18 Oct., 1851; m. 9 June, 1878, Susie Hutchinson Bingham, b. 28 Dec, 1851; res. Hinsdale, Mass. [522] LYMAN MACK PAYNE 9 , (Emily 8 , Ichabod 7 , Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) s. of Hon. Lyman Payne and Emily Emmons, of Hins- dale, Mass., b. Brighton, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1847; m. 22 Oct., 1872, Helen Tuttle, b. Hinsdale, 27 Aug., 1845. [523] EMILY PAYNE, (sis. of Lyman M.) b. Brigh- ton, N. Y., 11 Jan., 1851; m. 7 Nov., 1872, Azariah Smith Storm, tea merchant, b. 5 June, 1847. Res. N. Y. City. Children : 953. i. Mary Payne, 1). 17 June 1873. 954. ii. Emily Lilpha, " 29 July 1874. 955. iii. Katie KittridgE, " 14 Aug. 1876. 956. iv. Lyman Payne, " 9 Nov. 1880; d. 13 May 1881. 957. v. Mack Payne, " 23 May 1888. [528] EDWARD PAYSON EMMONS 9 , (Noadiah F. 8 , Noadiah 7 , Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Noadiah F. Emmons and Elizabeth Cone; b. New Haven, Ohio, 20 Nov., 1833; m. 15 June, 1857, Charlotte Miller. 126 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [534] FRANCEvS LOVINA EMMONS 9 , (Edwin A. 8 , Augustine 7 , Noadiah , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Edwin A. Emmons and Clarissa M. Peck; b. East Haddam, Conn., 17 March, I860; m. 25 May, 1886, Norris Wheeler Rathburn, of East Had- dam, Conn. Children : 958. i. Edwin Norris, b. 17 Feb. 1SS7; d. 2 Sept. 1887. [536] BELLE WILLIAMS EMMONS 9 , (David B. 8 , Augustine 7 , Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of David Brainard Emmons and Emeline Williams; b. East Haddam, Conn., 23 April, 1871 ; m. 22 Oct., 1889, George McCall, of Lebanon, Conn.; res. Norwich, Conn. Children : 959. i. Adelaide Emmons, b. 9 July 1890; d. 14 Dec. 1898. 9G0. ii. George, " 26 June 1901. [540] MARY ELIZABETH EMMONS 9 , (Franklin 8 , John 7 , Daniel , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Franklin Emmons and Mary E. Beebe; b. Moodus, Conn., 19 Feb., 1849; m. 4 June, Capt. George Washington Bates, b. East Haddam, Conn., 1818, d. Delaware, O., March 1892; she res. New London, Conn. Captain Bates was formerly a captain of the steamer " Sunshine ", which plied between Hartford and Sag Harbor. Children: + 901. i. George Nathaniel, b. 23 Apr. 1877. [541 1 JUSTUS BROWNING SMITH 9 , (Mary S. Browning 8 , Mary 7 , Ebenezer 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Milton Smith and Mary S. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 27 Browning; great-grandson of Hon. Ebenezer Emmons; b. Middlefield, Mass., 24 Dec, 1844; m. 27 June, 1873, Ella Loveland, b. 10 July, 1845. [542] CLARENCE EMMONS SMITH, (bro. of Justus B.) merchant; b. Middlefield, Mass., 21 Nov., 1846; m. , Sept., 1883, Addie Eliza Fuller, b. 25 April, 1856. Children : 962. i. Carl Browning, b. 20 July 1884. [545] WAYLAND FRANCIS SMITH, (bro. of Clar- ence E.) b. Middlefield, Mass., 26 July, 1853; m. 18 Feb., 1875, Lillie C. Ingham, b. 17 Dec, 1854. Children : 963. i. Dwight Ingham, 1). 21 Aug. 1878. 964. ii. Effie LuElla, " 15 Sept. 1880. [546] ALICE AMANDA SMITH, (sis. of Wayland F.) b. 30 Jan., 1857; m. 30 May, 1882, Edwin Smith, b. Middle- field, Mass., 23 Oct., 1856. Children : 965. i. Mary Browning, 1). 3 July 1889; d. 6 Jan. 1890. [547] MARY EMMONS SMITH, (sis. of Alice A.) b. 26 March, 1859; m. 23 April, 1884, Arthur P. Combs, b. Middlefield, Mass., 12 Dec, 1859; she d. 21 June, 1887. Children : 966. i. Louis Eugene, b. 24 Aug. 1885. 967. ii. Winifred Emmons, " 3 June 1887. [548] FANNY ROOT SMITH, (twin sis. of Mary E.) b. 26 March, 1859; m. 23 April, 1884, Lyman Ebenezer Smith, b. 31 Aug., 1858. 128 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION *[552] PAULINE TAPPAN 9 , (H. L. Tappan 8 , Delia", Williams 6 , Nathaniel 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) dau. of Henry L. Tappan and Delia Emmons; b. Columbus, S. C, 4 Sept., 1873; m. 14 Oct., 1903, William Brown, lawyer, of Providence, R. I. [558] Rev. SEELYE BRYANT 9 , (Mary E. Torrey 8 , Mary Ide 7 , Mary 6 , Nathaniel 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 Thomas 1 .) eong. clergyman; s. of Rev. Albert Bryant and Mary Emmons; b. Sivas, Turkey, in Asia, 11 Dec, 1866; m. 12 May, 1891, Margaret Ferguson McLean, b. North Milton, P. E. Island, 15 July, 1869, d. 26 Feb., 1893; m. 2d, 26 Aug., 1897, Kate Wheeler Skeele, b. Kenosha, Wis., 12 Feb., 1866; res. Middlefield, Mass. Children: by 1st wife. 968. i. Agnes LEE, 1). 29 Dec. 1892; Lancaster, Mass. by 2d wife. 909. ii. Dorothy Emmons, " 2 Sept. 1898; Scituate, Mass. [561] EMMONS BRYANT, (bro. of Seelye) b. Everett, Mass., 10 July, 1871; m. 21 June, 1900, Dorothy Wilber- force Lyon, b. Erie, Pa., 17 Oct., ISO!). Mr. Bryant is treasurer of the By-Product Paper Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. [565] HELEN CORDELIA EMMONS 9 , (Myron 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Myron Emmons and Artemis- sia Stevens; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 17 Nov., 1826; m. 15 April, 1847, Charles Powell Stanford, teacher, b. Steuben Co., N. Y., 11 Feb., 1821, d. San Francisco, Cal., 25 Sept., 1897; she res. San Francisco, Cal. Children : + 970. i. Jane Ellen, b. 15 Feb. 1848. + 971. ii. Cali Frances, " 17 Sept. 1850. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 29 + 972. iii. Kate Helen, b. 21 Apr. 1854. + 973. iv. Myron Emmons, 974. v. Belle May, 975. vi. John Pagan, 976. vii. Hubert Howe, + 977. viii. George Grant, 28 Nov. 1855. 4 June 1858; unm. ; is a teacher. 30 May 1860; d. 10 July 1861. 19 Mar. 1S65; unm. ; lithographer. 27 Oct. 1868. [566] MYRA ISABELLE, (sis. of Helen C.) b. Brewer- ton, N. Y., 2 Aug., 1828; m. 9 April, 1845, John Buttrick Rice, carpenter; she d. Antioch, 111., 18 Jan., 1899. Children: b. Antioch, 111. + 978. i. Helen Marilla, b. 9 Jan. 1848. + 979. ii. Cora Artemissia, " 31 Oct. 1853. [567] ROCKWELL DEAN, (bro. of Myra I.) mer- chant; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 25 Oct., 1830; m. 16 Nov., 1859, Sarah M. Ham, b. 17 Feb., 1838; res. Antioch, 111. Children: b. Antioch, 111. + 980. i. Calli Frances S., b. 1 June 1863. + 981. ii. Artemissia, " 22 July 1870. 982. iii. Charles, " 10 Mar. 1872; d. 16 Jan. 1873. 983. iv. Alice, " 3 Aug. 1875; unm. *[568] THEODORE ALVINSIA, (bro. of Rockwell D.) blacksmith; b. town of Hastings, Oswego Co., N. Y., 6 May, 1834; m. 20 Oct., L857, Mary K. Willett, b. 20 July, 1832, d. 27 March, 1864; m. 2d, 22 Feb., 1865, Matilda P. Willett, sis. of his 1st wife; res. Antioch, 111. Children: by 1st wife. 12 Mar. 1863. 984. i. Edward, ). 6 Dec. 1858 + 985. ii. Edith, by 2d wife. ' 19 Dec. 1860. + 986. iii. Mary Belle, ' 31 Mar. 1866. + 987. iv. William Myron, ' 8 Mar. 1868. + 988. v. Fannie Blanche, ' -1 July 1870. 130 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION + 989. vi. Lottie A., b. 25 Sept. 1873. + 990. vii. Jennie Viola, " 3 Feb. 1876. + 991.viii. Florence Emma, " 15 May 1878. 992. ix. Benj. Franklin, " 4 Oct. 1881. [569] Dr. WILLIAM HARRISON, (bro. of Theodore A.) physician and druggist; b. Caughdenoy, N. Y., 3 Nov., 1X40; m. 23 April, 1870, Alice French, d. 2 Dec, 1874; m. 2d, 27 Feb., 1878, Mattie French, sis. of his 1st wife; res. Phoenix, Ariz. Children: by 1st wife. 993. i. Frank Theodore, 1). 30 Mar. 1871; d. 24 Jan. 1873. 994. ii. Guy Rockwell. " 3 Nov. 1874; " 29 Mar. 1880. [570] EDWARD NEVILLE EMMONS 9 , (Asa U. 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan ( '\ Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) merchant; s. of Asa U. Emmons and Anna Smedley; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 24 Jan., 1833; m. 24 Jan., 1855, Harriett Maria, dau. of John Clark and Harriet Leach; b. Cicero, N. Y., 8 Oct., 1835, d. Syracuse, N. Y., 17 March, 1900; he res. Syracuse, N. Y. His education was obtained at the district school in his native village. At the age of sixteen he entered his father's store as a clerk, remaining until his marriage in 1855. During the next three years he was engaged in teaching, book-keeping and as a postal clerk. In 1858 he with his younger brother, became partners with their father in a general store. In 1863, he purchased his brother's interest in the business, and continued with his father until the death of the latter June 18th, 1864. For thirty-one years thereafter he conducted the business in Brewerton, alone, finally closing it out, and removed to Syracuse, N. Y., October 5th, 1895; was an employee of the wholesale dry- goods house of Neal & Hyde, from July 1896 to March 1901. Failing health obliged him to retire from active business, and to lead thenceforth a more sedentary life. To occupy his mind and time, he began collecting data for this work Mrs. Harriett .Maria Clark-Emmons Syracuse, X. Y. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION I3I in the spring of 1902; in the fall of the same year, began writing a history of Brewerton, N. Y., wherein he had spent sixty-three years of a happy and contented life, and where his ancestors and their descendants had occupied for a century. In politics, he has always yoted the Republican ticket, and has held several minor offices in his party ; was elected a justice of the peace in 1864; served two terms as tax col- lector of his town; held the offices of clerk, trustee and president, of the village; a notary-public for twenty suc- cessive years; deputy postmaster ten years; and postmaster from March 16th, 1871, to January 25th, 1886. He is a member of the Christian Church, (Disciple) and was for upwards of thirty years the Sunday School super- intendent of the Church of Christ at Brewerton, also one of its Elders from 1874 to 1895. He became a member of Fort Brewerton Lodge, No. 256, F. & A. M., in 1860, and has held every office therein except Tyler; is also a member of the Masonic Veteran's Association, of Syracuse, N. Y. Children: b. Brewerton, N. Y.. d. 18 July 1864. " 20 Mar. 1867. + 995. i. Edward Wesley, 1). 11 Apr. 1856. + 996. ii. Willis Eugene, " 8 July 1857. 997. iii. Effie May. " 20 Dec. 1860; + 998. iv. Clarence Tucker, " 19 Mar. 1864. 999. v. Asa Clark, " 23 Jan. 1867; + 1000. vi. Charles Chadwick, " 19 Dec. 1870. + 1001. vii. WlLLARD NBA!., " 10 Mar. 1874. [571] JOHN WESLEY, (bro. of Edward N.) carpen- ter; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 29 Aug., 1838, m. 30 Jan., 1859, Georgiana, dau. of George Billings and Hannah Bailey; b. Syracuse, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1839, d. Brewerton, 25 Jan., 1901 ; he res. Brewerton. Mr. Emmons occupies the old homestead in which he was born, and has always made Brewerton his home; being the oldest resident of whom this can be said. Children: b. Brewerton, N. Y. + 1002. i. Alfred Bailey, b. 5 Dec. 1859. + 1003. ii. Albert Louis, " 6 Sept. 1865. 132 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [572] ABIGAIL ANN, (sis. of John W.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 5 June, 1842; m. 30 Jan., 1862, William Henry Merritt, cooper, s. of Merchant Merritt and Ann Down; b. Syracuse, N. Y., 8 Jan., 1838; res. Brockport, N. Y. Children : + 1004. i. Anna Belle, b. 30 Jan. 1863. + 1005. ii. Hattie May, " 2 June 1865. + 1006. iii. Asa Merchant, " 6 July 1875. + 1007. iv. BERT Edward, " 26 Mar. 1879. [573] MORTON ADELBERT EMMONS 9 , (Orson 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) railroader; s. of Orson Emmons and Rachel Smedley; b. town of Hastings, Oswego Co., N. Y., 6 Nov., 1836; m. 12 Oct., 1859, Elizabeth Jane, dau. of Levi Hamilton and Lucy Pierce; b. Hastings, 16 July, 1837; res. Brewerton, N. Y. With the exception of four years in Rensselaer Co., and nine years at Caughdenoy, Oswego Co., before he was six- teen years of age, Mr. Emmons has resided in or near Brewerton, all his days. He has been an employee of the Syracuse and Water- town branch of R. W. & O. Railroad, for nearly twenty years. For some years he has had charge of the railroad draw-bridge over the Oneida River at Brewerton, a duty he has discharged so well, that he is designated by the rail- road men as "Old Faithful." He and his wife became members of the Church of Christ at Brewerton in I860; and of which he has been a Deacon for nearly thirty years. Children: b. near Brewerton, N. Y. I L008. i. Jennie Alice, b. 18 May 1861. 2 Sept. 1862. + 100!). ii. Edwin Eugene, + 1010. iii. Mary Rachel, t 101 1. iv. Minnie Lill, + 1012. v. Clara Edith, 1013. vi. Bernice Lenora, 7 July 1867 13 Apr. 1S71 s on. 1873 25 Sept. 1880 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 33 [574] ORSON LANDON, (bro. of Morton A.) shoe- maker; b. Caughdenoy, N. Y., 10 June, 1845; m. 25 Dec., 1867, Susan Helen, dau. of George W. Rice and Sarah Jane Edner; she d. 24 Nov., 1896; he res. Natural Bridge, N. Y. [576] OSBORN SMEDLEY, (bro. of Orson L.) car- penter and boat-builder; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 3 Aug., 1850; m. 15 Nov., 1873, at Kenney, 111., Venus Adelle, dau. of John Nearing and Helen Jane Relyea; b. Liverpool, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1853; res Brewerton, N. Y. Children: b. near Brewerton, N. Y. 1014. i. Pearl Jane, b. 3 Nov. 1874; d. 11 June 1875. 1015. ii. John Orson, " 11 May 1876; " 3 Aug. 1879. 1016. iii. Nearing Landon, " 30 May 1883. 1017. iv. Orson John, " 3 Aug. 1886. 1018. v. Harry Morton, " 13 Nov. 1888. [577] ULYSSA ASENATH EMMONS 9 , (Henry «, Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Henry Emmons and Sally Maria Simmons; b. Alps, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., 29 Nov., 1843; m. , Ray Orman, carpenter; she d. Brewer- ton, N. Y., 11 Feb., 1899; he res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children: b. Brewerton, N. Y. + 1019. i. Lena Rebecca, b. 14 Aug. 1876. + 1020. ii. Rolla Cushing, " 4 Oct. 1879. 1021. iii. Roe Robert, " 7 Sept. 1881; unm. ; res. Syracuse. [581] GEORGE W. EMMONS 9 , (Hiram 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) carpenter; s. of Hiram Emmons and Lucretia Bellows; b. Caughdenoy, N. Y., 9 April, 1848; m. - -, 1880, Celia Dent of Blissfield, Mich., res. Waukegan, 111. 134 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION Children : 1022. i. PerlEy D., b. 18 Sept. 1881; Blissfield, Mich. 1023. ii. Florence V., " 28 Jan. 1897; Waukegan, 111. [583] HELEN G., (sis. of George W.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 18 Oct., 1851; m. 25 Nov., 1872, at Pikeville, Wis., John K. French, carpenter; she d. Kankekee, 111., 17 Oct., 1888; he res. Waukegan, 111. Children : + 1024. i. Minnie, b. 11 Oct. 1874. 1025. ii. Addie, " 16 Mar. 1877; Antioch, 111. ; res.Waukegan 1026. Hi. Helen G., " 27 Jan. 1884; Millburn, 111. [583] GENEVIEVE S., (sis. of Helen G.) b. Antioch, 111., 3 Feb., 1855; m. 22 Sept., 1883, Miner W. Smith, far- mer; res. Valley Centre, Kan. Children : 1027. i. William H., b. 2 May 1886. 102S. ii. James, " 11 Jan. 1890. *[584] BENJAMIN EMMONS BRAINARD 9 , (Min- nie 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of John W. Brainard and Minnie A. M. Emmons; b. 27 June, 1876; m. 28 Feb., 1898, Lillian Nash, of Unionville, O. ; res. Harpersfield, Ohio. [587] MARTHA JANE WALKER 9 , (Mary 8 , Brain- ard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Isaac Walker and Mary Brainard Emmons;b. Northville, 111., 18 Aug., 1848; m. 12 Dec, 1867, William II. Gunsel, farmer, b. Lynn, N. Y., 6 April, 1840; res. Albuquerque, New Mexico. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 35 Children : + 1029. i. Maynard, b. 5 Dec. 1869. 1030. ii. MyrtellE L., " 22 June 1872; unm. ; res. Albuquerqne. 1031. iii. IrminE Zenobia, " 12 June 1874; unm. ; physician, practicing *1032. iv. Bernard Willis, " 30 May 1881. [in Chambersburgh, Pa. [589] AUGUSTA EMMONS 9 , (William s , Brainard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of William Darius Emmons and Martha Jane Beckett; b. Canada, April 1847; m. 1st Thomas Thom- son; 2d, Louis Molander. Children: by 1st husband. 1033. i. Martha. by 2d husband. 1034. ii. Florence. 1035. iii. Mabel. [590] DARIUS, (bro. of Augusta) farmer; b. near Beckett Hills, Canada, 10 Oct., 1849; m. 24 Dec, 1874, Emma Spears, b. Shabbona, 111., 8 Jan., 1855; res. Earl- ville, 111. Darius was enrolled in Co. F. 141st Regt. 111. Vols., June 7, 1864; enlisted in Co. H. 150th Regt., March 2, 1865; was discharged 12 Sept., 1865. Children: b. Shabbona, 111. + 1036. i. Cloe V., b. Jan. 1877. + 1037. ii. Actah M., " 24 May 1879. + 1038. iii. Eva E., " 14 Aug. 1882. 1039. iv. Franklin R., " 3 Apr. 1889. 1040. v. Golden L., " 22 Dec. 1891. 1041. vi. Gladys M., " 26 Aug. 1898; East Paw Paw, 111. [594] MARTHA JANE POWELL 9 , (Cynthia C. 8 , Brainard", Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of John Powell and Cynthia C. Emmons; b. Wellandport, Can., 10 Jan., 1851; unm.; res. Sutherland, la. 136 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION Miss Powell was engaged as a teacher in the Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C, for several years, covering the period from 1876 to 1892. During this time, she assisted in forming missionary circles among the women of the colored churches, and through them several colored mis- sionaries were sent to Africa. One of her students, Mr. J. O. Hays, went as a mis- sionary to Liberia, and was supported there by the colored Baptists of North Carolina. Another was supported by the colored Methodists. One, a young woman student, was sent to the Congo Free States, by the Woman's Baptist Missionary Society (white) of the west. [595] THEODORE WILSON, (bro. of Martha) far- mer; b. Niagara District, Can., 11 March, 1854; m. 29 Oct., 1874, Frances Almeda Kennicutt; res. Sutherland, la. Children: b. Shabbona, 111. + 1042. i. Herman H., b. 30 July 1875. *1043. ii. Raymond Daniel, " 23 Oct. 1876. *1044. iii. Everett Oliver, " 25 Dec. 1877. 1045. iv. Theodore D., " 18 Nov. 1880. 1046. v. Zilla Eva, " 27 Feb. 1899; Sutherland, la. [590] IDA FRANCES, (sis. of Theodore W.) b. Sand- wich, 111., 4 May, 1857; m. 7 Feb., 1887, Henry Michael Hoefling, b. Germany, 1865, d. Seattle, Wash., 28 Oct., 1891 ; she res. Sutherland, la. Mrs. Hoefling has undergone amputation of one of her limbs just below the knee, resulting from an injury to her ankle, in the spring of 1898, caused by a nail in a defective sidewalk. (5971 ETTA MAY, (sis. of Ida F.) b. Shabbona, 111., 25 May, 1864; m. 30 March, 1882, Herbert T. Leyson, rail- road engineer, b. Shabbona, d. Eagle Grove, la., 19 June, L900; she res. Eagle Grove, la. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 37 Children : *1047. i. Maud May, b. 13 May 1885; Shabbona, 111. 1048. ii. Theodora Etta, " 18 Sept. 1892; Eagle Grove, la. 1049. iii. Albert, " 23 Feb. 1899; Eagle Grove, la. [600] VIOLA THOMAS 9 , (Orinda 8 , Brainard 7 , Jona- than 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) dau. of Amos J. Thomas and Orinda J. Emmons; b. Sandwich, 111., 4 Sept., 1856; m. 31 Dec., 1878, A. L. Mark- ley; res. Missoula, Mont. Children : 1050. i. Maud, b. 28 Sept. 1879; Sandwich, 111. 1051. ii. Mabel, " 14 Sept. 1881 ; Shelbina, Mo. 1052. iii. Jessie, " 9 Mar. 1883; Shelbina, Mo. [602] FRANK, (bro. of Viola) b. Sandwich, 111., 26 Sept., 1867; m. 20 April, 1892, Jennie Murchel; res. Misso- ula, Mont. [604] AMOS J. THOMAS 9 , (Amanda 8 , Brainard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) merchant; s. of James W. Thomas and Amanda Matilda Emmons; b. Gainesboro, Can., 24 Nov., 1854; m. 6 Oct., 1878, Kate E. Duffy, b. Milwaukee, Wis., 29 April, 1858; res. Chicago, 111. Children: b. Chicago. 1053. i. James William, b. 13 Apr. 1883; d. 9 July 1886. 1054. ii. Patrice Jesse, " 13 May 1891. [606] WILLIAM, (bro. of Amos J.) saloon keeper; b. Sandwich, 111., 19 May, 1860; m. 18 April, 1894, Amalia Mutsch, b. 18 June, 1874; res. Chicago, 111. 138 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [607] IDA MAY SCOTT 9 , (Juliet 8 , Brainard 7 , Jona- than 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) dau. of Walter Scott and Juliet Emmons; b. Sand- wich, 111., 7 March, 1862; m. 8 Sept., 1883, Henry Martin Cone, railroad conductor; b. West Paw Paw, 111., 5 March, 1854; res. Chicago, 111. Children : 1055. i. Florence Emma, b. 19 July 1884; Aurora, 111. 1056. ii. Ned Scott, " 4 Sept. 1894; Aurora, 111. 1057. iii. Pauline Harriet, " 1 Oct. 1897; Chicago, 111. [610] MAGGIE BELLE CULVER 9 , (Ann 8 , Brain- ard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Cyrus F. Culver and Ann Eliza- beth Emmons; b. Sandwich, 111., 18 Aug., 1863; m. 6 July, 1882, George Scott, farmer, b. Dunville, Ont., 25 May, 1856; res. Dallas, Ore. Children : 1058. i. Walter, b. 19 Aug. 1 883 d. 8 June 1890. 1059. ii. Edna Elizabeth, " 2 Apr. 1887; Gilby, N. Dak. 1060. iii. Nada Leone, " 26 Apr. 1891; Beuna Vista, Ore. 1061. iv. George Earl, " 27 Aug. 1893; Buena Vista, Ore. 1062. v. Raymond Moody, " 16 Oct. 1897; Buena Vista, Ore. 1063. vi. Vera, " 4 Oct. 1899 ; d. 17 Dec. 1899. [611] CHARLES BRAINARD, (bro. of Maggie B.) farmer; b. State Center, la., 11 Feb., 1866; m. 15 Sept., 1891, Lillie May Powell, b. Lewisville, Ore., 13 Oct., 1869; res. Fisher, Ore. Children: 1064. i. Norman Alin, 1065. ii. Roy Laurancb, 1066. iii. Edward Emmons, 12 June 1893; Buena Vista, Ore. 26 Jan. 1897 ; Buena Vista, ( )re. 23 June 1902 ; Shelburn, Ore. *[614] CLARENCE B., (bro. of Charles B.) mechanic; THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 39 b. Remington, Ind., 21 April, 1876; m. 15 Aug., 1000, Maud Hardwick, b. Umatilla, Ore., 14 Feb., 1884; res. Albany, Ore. Children : 1067. i. Hazel, b. 4 Aug. 1901; Albany, Ore. [615] EDNA P., (sis. of Clarence B.) b. Hudson, Wis., 3 March, 1880; m. 9 Sept., 1899, Preston W. Walton, pipe layer; res. Corvallis, Ore. [617] ROB ROY EMMONS 9 , (Elmer 8 , Brainard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Elmer E. Emmons and Mary Wagner; b. Sandwich, 111., 10 Oct., 1877; m. 12 May, 1902, Mary Emma Davison; res. Buena Vista, Ore. Children : 1068. i. Vivian Lee, b. 29 Aug. 1903; Buena Vista, Ore. [624] MARION V. WICKS 9 , (Lucinda 8 , Isaac 7 , Jona- than 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah-, Thom- as 1 .) dau. of David Wicks and Lucinda Emmons; b. Antioch, 111., 27 March, 1846; m. 25 Feb., 1863, Francis A. Bigelow, stationary engineer, b. Adrian, Mich., 24 Nov., 1841; res. Toledo, O. Children : + 1069. i. Ada Marion, b. 10 Jan. 1S64. + 1070. ii. Cora O., " 23 Jan. 1868. [625] HENRIETTA LEACH 9 , (Sophronia 8 , Isaac 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Hiram Leach and Sophronia Emmons; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1840; m. 1866, - - McCann; she d. 1870. Children : 1071. i. Adella, b. Wilkinson, Mich. 140 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [627] ROSALTHA A. LEACH, (sis. of Henrietta) b. Antioch, 111., 15 March, 1849; m. Charles E. Brown; she d. 15 July, 1871. Children : 1072. i. William, b. Muskegon, Mich. ; res. Chicago, 111. [628] LEROY ALBERT EMMONS 9 , (Chauncey 8 , Isaac 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) laborer; s. of Chauncey B. Emmons and Chloe R. Wood; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 6 March, 1842; m. 31 Jan., 1867, Mary E. Landers, who d. 25 Feb., 1868; m. 2d, 10 April, 1869, Madora A. Foster, b. 28 June, 1847, d. 16 Dec, 1888; he res. Brewerton, N. Y. Mr. Emmons enlisted at Brewerton, Sept. 3, 1862, in Co. H., 149th Regt. N. Y. S. Inf. Vols., Robert E. Hopkins, Captain, and H. A. Barnum, Colonel. He was with his regiment in nearly all of its engagements with the enemy, and in its march under Gen. Sherman, from Chattanooga to Savannah. At the battle of Chancellorville, a bullet clipped a piece from his left ear, missing the jugular vein by an eight of an inch. He was promoted a corporal, and was color bearer on the return march from Savannah to Raleigh, N. C. He was present at the final muster June 22nd, 1865. Children: by 2d wife. + 1073. i. Albert Leroy, b. 12 Oct. 1870. + 1074. ii. Mary Arvilla, " 10 June 1872. + 1075. iii. ClarETTa Adell, " 16 June 1874. + 1076. iv. Myrtle May, " 8 Aug. 1875. 1077. v. Linford Charles, " 16 Aug. 1877; Hastings, N. Y. ; unra. + 1078. vi. Rosa Belle, " 16 Oct. 1878. 1079. vii. Warren, " 30 June 1881; West Monroe, N. Y. + 1080. viii. Madora Sophia, " 28 May 1883. 1081. ix. Nathan B., " 17 Apr. 1885; Clare, Mich. [629] WARREN CHAUNCEY, (bro. of Leroy A.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 27 Oct., 1844; enlisted Sept. 9th, 1864, in THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 4 1 the 184th Regt. N. Y. S. Inf. Vols., at the age of 19; was promoted corporal; and while doing garrison duty on the James River, was attacked with typhoid fever and died in the field hospital at Harrison's Landing, Va., 30 Jan., 1865. *[631] ESTELLA CHLOE, (sis. of Warren C.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 27 April, 1849; m. 1 June, 1869, Frank C. Auringer, laborer, b. near Brewerton, 26 Oct., 1846; committed suicide 8 April, 1874. She has remarried, and res. Central Square, N. Y. [633] FRANK THEODORE, (bro. of Estella C.) dealer in wholesale fruits; b. Antioch, 111., 2 Dec, 1854; m. 1 Jan., 1877, Susie Carter, who d. 14 June, 1885; m. 2d, 24 Jan., 1894, Emma May, dau. of Walter and Lovina Sim- mons; b. Granby, N. Y., 26 Nov., 1871; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children: by 1st wife. + 1082. i. Gurnon Zavan, 1). 14 July 1880. [634] ARABELL OPHELIA, (sis. of Frank T.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 20 Sept., I860; m. 21 Sept., 1881, John Wesley Orman, laborer, b. Brewerton, 30 March, 1860; res. Central Square, N. Y. Children : 1083. i. Arvilla Chloe, b. 18 June 1882. 1084. ii. Arthur Thomas, " 30 Nov. 1884; Brewerton, N. Y. 1085. iii. Earl Robert, " 8 Dec. 1887; Brewerton, N. Y. 1086. iv. Lizzie F. Blanche, " 23 Sept. 1892; Brewerton, N. Y. 1087. v. Floyd John, " 11 Apr. 1900; Central Square, N. Y [635] ISAAC BRAINARD, (bro. of Arabell O.) far- mer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 27 July, 1861; m. 1 Jan., 1885, Carrie Irene Kinne, b. Brewerton, 13 Oct., 1862; she pro- cured a divorce, 2 Nov., 1901, and has remarried. 142 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [640] GURDON H. ADAMS 9 , (Orinda 8 , Lydia 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel' 5 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) merchant; s. of Gideon Adams and Orinda Hoskins; gr-s. of Gurdon and Lydia (Emmons) Hoskins; b. Verona, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1855; m. 17 May, 1885, Orma L. Croswhite, b. Missouri, 18 April, 1860; res. Kalispell, Mont. [645] MARVIN B. HOSKINS 9 , (Cyrenus 8 , Lydia 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Cyrenus P. Hoskins and Sophia I. Bortle; gr-s. of Gurdon and Lydia (Emmons) Hoskins; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1847; m. 19 July, 1865, Ella A. Sherman, b. Illinois, 7 Feb., 1852, d. 17 June, 1902. Marvin served three years in the Civil war. In the spring of 1881 he deserted his wife and three children, and has not been heard from since. Children : b. 4 Nov. 1866. 16 Sept. 1869 ; res. Princeton, Minn. " 3 Oct. 1X72; d. 22 July 1879. " 20 Aug. 1880; " 5 Sept 1881. [646] MILLARD F. HOSKINS, (bro. of Marvin B.) farmer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 26 May, 1848; m. 27 March, 1870, Martha A. Wilkinson, b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., res. Grandmarsh, Wis. Children: b. Adams Co., Wis. 1092. i. Edgar A., b. 24 Feb. 1871; d. 12 Mar. 1871. + 1093. ii. Lillian E., " 28 Feb. 1S72. + 109!. iii. Frederick E., " 7 June 1875. [648] ESTHER LYDIA HOSKINS, (sis. of Millard F.) b. Adams Co., Wis., 26 Dec, 1854; m. 25 April, 1878, Andrew Hansen Ebsen, farmer, b. Denmark, 21 Dec, 1852; she d. July, 1894; he res. Grandmarsh, Wis. loss. i. Fannie G., 1089. ii. Arthur \\\, 1090. iii. Charlotte, 1091. iv. Maude, THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 43 Children: b. Grandmarsh, Wis. 1095. i. Sophia, b. 13 Nov. 1881. 1096. ii. Milo Cyrenus, " 4 Feb. 1885. 1097. iii. Harry Andrew, " 24 Sept. 1891. [649] HOMER A. HOSKINS, (bro. of Esther L.) far- mer; b. Adams Co., Wis., 14 May, 1857; m. 3 Nov., 1884, Katie Davenport, b. Ionia Co., Mich., 25 Aug., 1864; res. Long Beach, Cal. Children : 1098. i. Leon U., b. 26 Sept. 1887; Saginaw Co., Mich. [650] ARTHUR MONROE JENNINGS 9 , (Lydia C. 8 , Lydia 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) harness maker; s. of Eumenes Jennings and Lydia C. Hoskins; gr-s. of Gurdon and Lydia (Em- mons) Hoskins; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 8 Dec., 1843; m. Oct., 1868, Mary McBroom, b. Dubuque, la., d. 12 Jan., 1870; m. 2d, 8 Aug., 1877, Sarah Robinson, b. Apple River, Wis., 4 Jan., 1853, d. - - Feb., 1896; m. 3d, 18 Aug., 1899, Mrs. Susan J. Chandler, b. Vermont, 3 July, 1843; res. Fitzgerald, Ga. Mr. Jennings enlisted Oct., 11th, 1861, in Co. C. 3d Regt. Minn. Inf. Vols. The regiment was captured at Murfreesboro, Tenn., July 13, 1862, by the Confederate General Forest. They were paroled, and sent to Benton Barracks, St. Louis, Mo. While there, the Indian out- break in Minnesota occured, and the regiment was sent against them. About the time the Indians were quieted the regiment was exchanged, and ordered to the front, where they took part in the siege of Vicksburg. After its surrender they were sent up the river to Helena, Ark., from whence they marched to Little Rock, then held by the Rebel General Price. After he was driven out they re- mained in Arkansas until Arthur was discharged. He re- enlisted Aug. 15, 1864, and was discharged Sept. 2, 1865. 144 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION A pension of $10.00 was granted him in 1898 for general disability. Children: by 2d wife. 1099. i. Arthur T., b. 25 Sept. 1878; d. Aug. 1879. + 1100. ii. Roy, " 25 Nov. 1879. 1101. iii. Myra, " 9 Mar. 1882; " 28 Sept. 1896. 1102. iv. Florence, " 9 May 1884; St. Edwards, Neb. L103. v. George, " 1 June 1886; Columbus, Neb. 1104. vi. Edith, " 21 Oct. 18S9; d. 19 Sept. 1890. 1105. vii. May, " 14 Feb. 1896; " 25 Sept. 1896. [651] EDGAR O. JENNINGS, (bro. of Arthur M.) farmer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 8 June, 1S49; m. - -, 1879, Mary G. Wadsworth; he d. 1889; she res. Albert Lea, Minn. Children: 1106. i. Guy, b. 15 Nov. 1877; Albert Lea, Minn. 1107. ii. NELUE, " 24 Aug. 1881, Tyler, Minn. 1108. iii. Elizabeth, " 21 July 1886; Tyler, Minn. [652] DEAL/TON N. JENNINGS, (bro. of Edgar O.) farmer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 5 June, 1851 ; m. 18 June, 1896, Jennie Augusta Land, b. Warners, N. Y., 10 Sept., 1864; res. St. Edwards, Neb. Children : 1109. i. Clarence Earl, b. 21 Mar. 1900; St. Edwards, Neb. [653] MARY JENNINGS, (sis. of Dealton N.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 3 Jan., 1854; m. -, 1879, Luther Locke; res. Tacoma, Wash. Children : 1110. i. Edith, b. 1881 ; Armstrong, Minn. 1111. ii. Walter, " 1885; Redfield, Dak. 1112. iii. Hazel, " 189,3; Tacoma, Wash. [654] GEORGE JENNINGS, (bro. of Mary) farmer; THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 45 b. Brewerton, N. Y., 3 Oct., 1856; m. 12 Feb., 1889, Neallie Baker, b. Palatine, 111., 16 May, 1867; res. Albert Lea, Minn. Children: b. Armstrong, Minn. 1113. i. Willard, b. 29 Oct. 1892. 1114. ii. Willis, " 29 Oct. 1892. 1115. iii. Gladys, " 2 June 1895. 1116. iv. Dewey, " 6 July 1898. [655] ELLA JENNINGS, (sis. of George) b. Antioch, 111., 25 Nov., 1858; m. 18 Sept., 1881, Samuel Judge, d. 25 Aug., 1886; m. 2d, IS Aug., 1889, Albert Braga; res. Albert Lea, Minn. Children: by 1st husband. 1117. i. Bessie, b. 28 Feb. 1885; Albert Lea, Minn. by 2d husband. 1118. ii. Clyde, " 13 Dec. 1893; Albert Lea, Minn. [661] HANNAH ELIZABETH AURINGER 9 , (Cyn- thia 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Abner Foster Auringer and Cynthia Maria Emmons; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 4 July, 1841; m. 1 Oct., 1865, William R. Nichols; m. 2d, 30 June, 1874, John A. Benedict, res. Constantia, N. Y. Children: by 1st husband. + 1119. i. Rosa Almina, b. 27 June 1866. by 2d husband. 1120. ii. Lewis Burton, " 22 Apr. 1877; West Monroe, N.Y. ; unm. + 1121. iii. Achsah Ella. " 14 Nov. 1879. [662] MARIA JANE AURINGER, (sis. of Hannah E.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 17 July, 1844; m. 16 Aug., 1863, Eli Stillman Reed, farmer, b. 14 April, 1842, d. 16 Jan., 1889; she res. Plainville, N. Y. 146 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION Children : \- 1 122. i. Clara AdellE, b. 1 Jan. 1866. 26 May 1868. 6 Feb. 1871. 9 July 1873. 20 Dec. 1876; 1 Mar. 1878. 25 Jan. 1880. 27 Mar. 1882. 1 Aug. 1885. + 1123. ii. Cora Belle, + 1124. iii. John Alvin, + 1125. i\. Mary Ann, 1126. v. Vinnie Armenta, I 1 127. vi. Lulu Almada, 1128. \ ii. Earl Ambrose, + 1129. viii. Armina R., 1130. ix. George Emery, d. 28 May 1888. [663] FRANKLIN C. AURINGER, (bro. of Maria J.) farmer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1S46; m. 1 June, 1869, Estella Chloe, dau. of C. B. Emmons and Chloe R. Wood; b. Brewerton, 27 April, 1849; he committed suicide by hanging, 8 April, 1874; she remarried. [664] ADELINE L. AURINGER, (sis. of Franklin C.) b. Brewerton (?), N.Y., 4 Oct., 1849 ;m. 4 Oct., 1868, William Bisbo. Children : + 1131. 1. Lily, b. 2 Oct. 1869. [665] GEORGE HENRY AURINGER, (bro. of Ade- line L.) farmer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 24 June, 1856; m. 14 Oct., 1877, Minnie Amelia Shaw; res. Hilbert, Wis. Children: + 1132. i. Lillie Lucretia, 1). 30 July 1878. + 1133. ii. Daisy BELLE, " 6 Apr. 1S83. 1134. iii. Edith Cynthia, " 28 Sept. 1886; Lamson, Minn. 1135. iv. Ai.dicn Foster, " 9 May 1891; Lamson, Minn. [666] FRANCES CALKINS 9 , (Almeda 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 47 Thomas 1 .) dau. of Benjamin Calkins and Almeda Emmons; b. English Prairie, 111., 2 May, 1848; m. 3 May, 1866, Augus- tus M. White, farmer, b. Stoneville, O., 10 April, 1846; d. Stockbridge, Wis., 1 Tune, 1882; she res. Stockbridge. Mr. White was a private in Co. B. 12th Regt. Wis. U. S. Inf., during the civil war. Children : + 1136. i. Gladys A., b. 3 Mar. 1867. 1137. ii. Flora A., + 1138. iii. May Belle, 1139. iv. Adelbert R. + 1140. v. Lewis B., 1141. vi. Gilbert E., 6 July 1868; d. 30 June 1871. 5 Apr. 1872. 27 Sept. 1873; " 1 Nov. 1873. 13 Nov. 1874. 11 Dee. 1881; " 7 Mar. 1885. [668] ALFRED A. SHAW 9 , (Lucretia 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Alvina A. Shaw and Lueretia Emmons; b. Antioch, 111., 14 July, 1846; m. 22 Feb., 1865, Emma A., dau. of James M. Hawkins; b. Waupun, Wis., 12 May, 1847; res. Verndale, Minn. When seventeen years of age, Mr. Shaw enlisted in Co. A. 21st Regt. Wis. Inf.; was with his regiment in all of its engagements while on its march from Chattanooga to the sea; was transferred to the 3d Wis. Vet. Vols., where he re- mained until the close of the war. He is a Notary and Collector in Verndale. Children : + 1142. i. Cora E., b. 28 Oct. 1866. + 1143. ii. James A., " 14 Feb. 1871. + 1144. iii. Nettie E., " 20 May 1876. 114.5. iv. Myrtle M., " 13 May 1884. [669] MINNIE AMELIA SHAW, (sis. of Alfred A.) b. Rising Sun, Wis., 25 April, 1852; m. 14 Oct., 1877, George Henry Auringer, farmer, b. Brewerton, N. Y., 24 June, 1856; res. Dassel, Minn. Children : See [665] 148 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [671] MARY JANE EMMONS 9 , (Franklin 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 10 June, 1855; m. S May, 1879, James Bennett Gould, b. Jamesville, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1855, d. Washington, D. C, 9 Dec., 1885; m. 2d, 9 Jan., 1893, George W. Marvin, farmer, b. Warners, N. Y., 17 Nov., 1843; res. upon the farm on which he was born. James B. Gould went from Jamesville to Syracuse, when he was fourteen years old; when eighteen, he entered the Sheriff's office as a book-keeper, where he remained several years; was appointed January 1st, 1883, to a clerk- ship in the Department of the Navy at Washington, where he served until his death in 1885. [674] MARY AMELIA TERPENNY, 9 (Hannah 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of George Terpenny and Hannah C. Emmons; b. Cicero, N. Y., 13 April, 1853; m. 13 Oct., 1869, Calvin McNeal, carpenter, b. Cicero, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1848; res. Oneida, N. Y. Children : 1146. i. Eddie Lewis, b. 11 June 1871; d. 4 June 1882. 1147. ii. Clara Adelia, " 12 Oct. 1876; " 12 June 1882. 1148. iii. Minnie Adell, " 9 Nov. 1879; Cicero, N. Y. 1149. i\. George Ernest, " 7 Mar. 1884; Dewitt, N. Y. [675] CLARA ADELIA TERPENNY, (sis. of Mary A.) b. Cicero, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1857; m. 14 March, 1877, Win- field Scott Crownhart, b. Ashford, Wis., 9 Feb., 1850; pro- prietor of the Ericsson House, Betterton, Md. Children: 1150. i. I.n.1.11; M.w, b. 10 Jan. 1878; Bridgeport, N. Y. L151. ii. Floyd Albert, " 16 Oct. 1879; Bridgeport, N.Y. 1152. iii. MINER SCOTT, " 7 Dec. 1886; Tra vers City, Mich. 1153. iv. IRENE Golden, " 27 July 1893; Betterton, Md. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 49 [676] HATTIE AURELIA TERPENNY, (sis. of Clara A.) b. Cicero, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1858; m. 24 July, 1873, Lurell G. Hayes, carpenter, b. Bridgeport, N. Y., 8 Nov., 1854; they separated in 1895; m. 2d, - - Sept. 1898, David Doxstader, farmer, res. Oneida, N. Y. Children: by 1st husband. + 1154. i. Zilspa, + 1155. ii. George, + 1156. iii. William, 1157. iv. Blanche B., 1158. v. Evelyn C, 1159. vi. Neville, 1160. vii. Augusta, b. 18 Apr. 1874 " 12 Apr. 1876 " 11 Jan. 1880 " 5 Apr. 1882 " 26 June 1884 " 11 Nov. 1887 " 8 Feb. 1S90 Bridgeport, N. Y. Bridgeport, N. V. Bridgeport, N. Y. Bridgeport, N. Y. Bridgeport, N. Y. Bridgeport, N. Y. Bridgeport, N. Y. [677] ROSE ADELL TERPENNY, (sis. of Hattie A.) b. Cicero, N. Y., 1 April, 1863; m. 11 May, 1881, Fred Coller, farmer, b. Lakeport, N. Y., 19 May, 1859; res. Bridgeport, N. Y. Children: b. Bridgeport, N. Y. ♦1161. i. Glen, b. 21 Oct. 1883. 1162. ii. Claude, " 31 Mar. 1886. [679] RUTH ARLETTA TERPENNY, (sis. of Rose A.) b. Bridgeport, N. Y., 30 Nov., 1873; m. 3 Sept., 1896, Harry Campbell, merchant; res. Canastota, N. Y. [681] ADA ADELL EMMONS 9 , (Jonathan 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Jonathan E. Emmons and Lorancy Walters; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 9 July, 1860; m. 14 June, 1878, Frank Weller, farmer; she d. 6 May, 1891. Children : + 1163. i. Anna Maria, b. 2 Dec. 1879. 1164. ii. Cakkie May, " 24 Dec. 1889; Euclid, X. Y. 150 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [684] FRANKLIN, (bro. of Ada A.) laborer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 2 June, 1867; m. 25 Dec., 1S9S, Nellie Thurston; res. Brewerton. [685] SPENCER, (bro. of Franklin) farmer; b. Brew- erton, N. Y., 16 Aug., 1870; m. 5 Sept., 1897, Mabel Rotnour, b. Syracuse, N. Y., 23 May, 1882; res. Bridgeport, N. Y. Children: 1165. i. Hattie May, 1). 12 Aug. 1900. [686] ROLLA HENRY, (bro. of Spencer) laborer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 25 Dec, 1874; m. - -, Madora Sophia, dau. of Leroy A. Emmons and Madora A. Foster; res. Brewerton, (?) N. Y. See [1080]. [687] BESSIE MAY, (sis. of Rolla H.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 4 March, 1888; m. - -, George Bisbo; res. West Monroe, N. Y. Children : 1166. i. Gladys, 1). 6 May 1900. [689] WILLIAM EMMONS PATCHEN 9 , (Rosetta 8 , Eli", Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Edward Patchen and Rosetta Emmons; b. Buffalo, N. Y., 17 Sept., 1856; m. - -, 1896, Eliza Landgon; res. La Valle, Wis. [691] EFFIE MAY CROSS, (half sis. of William E.) dau. of George W. Cross and Rosetta (Emmons) Patchen; b. Milwaukee, Wis., - -, 1865; m. 27 June, 1884, Frank Ballard; she d. 21 Dec, 1888. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 151 *[693] ELLA CROSS, (sis. of Effie M.) b. Milwaukee, Wis., 9 Nov., 1867; m. 16 Nov., 1887, J. Howard Reeve,' farmer; res. Watertown, S. D. Children: b. Ironton, Wis. *1167. i. Mabel, b. 27 June 1889. 1168. ii. Clarence, " 21 Mar. 1893. [694] WARREN WASHINGTON FANCHER 9 , (Rho- da 8 , Eli 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) laborer; s. of Ambravelia Fancher and Rhoda 0. Emmons; b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1846; m. 1 April, 1866, Mrs. Charity M. (Hopkins) Palmer- ton; res. Caughdenoy, N. Y. Mr. Fancher enlisted March 13th, 1865, in Co. E. 193d Regt. N. Y. S. Vols., and served to the end of the war. [696] OLIVE O. FANCHER, (sis. of Warren W.) b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 3 July, 1849; m. Dec, 1868, Andrew Rudler, butcher, b. 14 April, 1848; res. Wimbledon' N. Dak. Children: + 1169. i. Edith F., b. 10 Apr. 1869. 1170. ii. Charles W., " 30 Nov. 1872; d. 25 Oct. 1881. + 1171. Hi. Frances O., " 22 Sept. 1876. 1172. iv. Linnie I., " 3 Mar. 1882; " 30 Nov. 1899. 1173. v. Rosa, " 24 Dec. 1883; " 24 Nov. 1899. 1174. vi. Mabel I,., " 31 May 1888; " 20 Nov. 1899. [698] SYLVESTER ANSEL FANCHER, (bro. of Olive O.) carpenter; b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 4 Dec, 1852; m. Harriet Ann Mitchell, b. Hillsborough, Wis., 26 Feb., 1860; res. Petaluma, Cal. Children : 1175. i. Gladys Maud, b. 1 Oct. 1888; Odell, N. Dak. 1176. ii. Mark Erastus, " 3 Sept. 1896; Whounock, B. C. 1177. iii. Grace Amanda, " 11 Jan. 1898; Whounock, B. C. 152 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [099] ELENORA FANCHER, (sis. of Sylvester A.) dressmaker; b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 26 Aug., 1855; m. 16 Aug., 1875, Daniel C. Reed, farmer, b. Oneida Valley, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1850; res. Oneida Valley, N. Y. Children: b. Oneida Valley, N. Y. 1178. i. J. Huntley, b. 16 May 1876; musician, 16th Regt., U. S. Inf., Regular Army. 1179. ii. Maud L., " 30 May 1879; d. 3 Sept. 1882. 1180. iii. Edmund I.., " 13 Nov. 1883; mechanic, Rome, N. V. 1181. iv. Grover Cleveland," 23 Apr. 1886. [700] CHARLES FREMONT FANCHER, (bro. of Elenora) farmer; b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 23 March, 1853; m. 15 Jan., 1886, Annie Anderson, d. 5 March, 1893; he res. St. Elmo, B. C. Children : 1182. i. Lerov, b. 31 Aug. 1887; Valley City, N. Dak. [701] ROSETTA FANCHER, (sis. of Charles F.) b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 14 Aug., I860; m. 14 Aug., 1879, Wilbur A. Palmer; res. Vienna, N. Y. Children : 1183. i. Luman F., 1). 24 Apr. 1881; cl. 18 June 1899. 1184. ii. Vera M., " 1886;" 1887. 1185. iii. Bertha E., " 22 Sept. 1893. [702] MARY ANN FANCHER, (sis. of Rosetta) b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 13 March, 1864; m. 13 Jan., 1884, Fred E. Fiske; she d. 9 Feb., 1893; he res. Nicholville, N. Y. Children : 1186. i. Genevieve, b. 14 Sept. 1887. 1187. ii. Lucy, " 1889; d. 1891. [703] ABIGAIL FANCHER, (sis. of Mary A.) b. near THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 53 Brewerton, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1867; m. 26 March, 1889, Marvin Ritter, butcher, b. Wis., 9 Dec, 1870; res. St. Elmo, B. C. Children : 1188. i. Claude, b. 29 Jan. 1890; Daisy, N. Dak. 1189. ii. Myrtle, " 20 Feb. 1893; Daisy, N. Dak. 1190. iii. Arthur, " 20 Aug. 1896; Daisy, N. Dak. 1191. iv. Hazel, " 19 Mar. 1899; Staples, Minn. [710] HANNAH NELSON 9 , (Elenora 8 , Eli 7 , Jona- than 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) dau. of Isaac Nelson and Elenora Emmons; b. West- moreland, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1856; m. 24 March, 1879, Charles B. Grems; res. Vernon, N. Y. Children : + 1192. i. Gorden C, b. 7 Mar. 1880. 1193. ii. Dora E., " 21 Feb. 1897. [711] SAMUEL ELI NELSON, (bro. of Hannah) far- mer; b. Westmoreland, N. Y., 17 March, 1859; m. -, Oct., 1882, Jennie Kimble; res. Vernon, N. Y. Children: b. Westmoreland, N. Y. + 1194. i. Mabel, b. 18 Feb. 1884. 1195. ii. Lena, " 10 Jan. 1886. 1196. iii. Grace, " 6 Nov. 1888. 1197. iv. Arthur, " 8 Mar. 1890. 1198. v. Fred, " 22 Sept. 1893. 1199. vi. Wesley, " 8 Oct. 1894. 1200. vii. Roy, " 30 Dec. 1897. .1201. viii. Myrtle, " 25 Jan. 1900. 1202. ix. Ruth, " 20 June 1902. [712] ELLA E. NELSON, (sis. of Samuel E.) b. West- moreland, N. Y., March, 1861; m. 13 Nov., 1883, Alton C. Wilgus; res. Oriskany, N. Y. Children : 1203. i. OrrEn Leslie, b. 2 Sept. 18S6; Westmoreland, N. Y. 1204. ii. Elenora, " 3 June 1889; Westmoreland, N. Y. 1205. iii. Della Fern, " 24 Mar. 1892; Kirkland, N. Y. 154 TH E EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION *[713] CORNELIA NELSON, (sis. of Ella E.) b. Westmoreland, N. Y., 22 Jan., 1865; m. - -, 1884, James Murphy; res. Vernon, N. Y. Children : 1206. i. Thomas, b. 19 Aug. 1885. 1207. ii. Edward, 1208. iii. Frederick, 1209. iv. Frances, 1210. v. John, 1211. vi. William, 1212. vii. Ada C, 22 May 1888. 14 Apr. 1890. 7 Sept. 1892. 20 Jan. 1895. 18 Feb. 1897. 28 Dee. 1900. [714] WILLIAM NELSON, (bro. of Cornelia) farmer; b. Westmoreland, N. Y., 3 April, 1867; m. 1 Dec., 1887, Etta J. Smith; res. Vernon, N. Y. Children : 1213. i. Lester, b. 21 May 1890. [715] GEORGE NELSON, (bro. of William) farmer; b. Westmoreland, N. Y., 8 July, 1869; m. 24 Dec., 1890, Olive Evenson; res. Manistee, Mich. Children : 1214. i. Gordon Isaac, b. 28 July 1892. 1215. ii. Edward James, " 2 Feb. 1895. 121(1. iii. Ward Rayton, " 2 Feb. 1897; d. 25 Oct. 1899. [716] JOHN NELSON, (bro. of George) electrician; b. Westmoreland, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1871; m. 5 July, 1891, Ella Eldridge; res. Norwich, N. Y. Children : 1217. i. Harold C, b. 15 Apr. 1892. 1218. ii. Iv.\ Mkvtle, . " 8 Jan. 1894. 1219. iii. John LylE, " 26 Mar. 1897. [718] WILLIAM HENRY SHIELDS 9 , (Mary A. Evans 8 , Mary 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 55 Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of William Shields and Mary Ann Evans, gr-s. of Joseph Evans and Mary Emmons; b. Hale's Corners, Wis., 22 March, 1842; m. 17 April, 1867, Helen M. Higgins, b. Theresa, N. Y., 13 June, 1849; res. East Troy, Wis. Children : + 1220. i. Edwin William, b. 21 Mar. 1868. + 1221. ii. George Erwin, 1222. Hi. Guy, 1223. iv. Lottie E., + 1224. v. Alice May, 1225. vi. Harry, 9 Mar. 1870. 9 July 1872; painter, Burlington, Wis. 9 Apr. 1875; milliner, East Troy, Wis. 14 Apr. 1877. 13 Mar. 1879 ; carpenter, E. Troy, Wis. [719] MARY JANE SHIELDS, (sis. of William H.) b. Hale's Corners, Wis., 28 Oct., 1844; m. 6 Nov., 1863, Patrick Henry Smith, veterinary surgeon, b. Greenfield, Wis., - - March, 1841; she d. 29 July, 1869; he res. Hale's Corners, Wis. Children : + 1226. i. Calcina, b. 29 July 1864. + 1227. ii. Cora, " 7 Nov. 1866. [720] SARAH ANN SHIELDS, (sis. of Mary J.) b. Hale's Corners, Wis., 23 Jan., 1849; m. 17 Aug., 1869, George Hiram Daniels, engineer, b. Mich., 26 Dec, 1844; res. Fern wood, Wis. Children: b. Milwaukee, Wis. + 1228. i. Fraxkie Esther, b. 9 Aug. 1872. 1229. ii. William Alvah, " 13 Apr. 1875. [721] CHARLES FRANCIS SHIELDS, (bro. of Sarah A.) farmer; b. Hale's Corners, Wis., 29 March, 1852; m. 22 Nov., 1876, Terressa J. GofT, b. New Berlin, Wis., 22 Jan., 1855; res. Hale's Corners, Wis. 1 56 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION Children: b. Hale's Corners, Wis. 1230. i. George William, b. 1 Jan. L878. 1231. ii. Fred Vincent, [723] EMMA LOUISA SHIELDS, (sis. of Charles F.) 1). Hale's Corners, Wis., 3 Oct., 1859; m. Jacob Hicks, miller; res. Mazomaine, Wis. [724] FRANK ERWIN SHIELDS, (bro. of Emma L., book-keeper; b. Hale's Corners, Wis., 15 Oct., 1866; m. 28 March, 1895, Barbara Augusta Birkl, b. Greenfield, Wis., 19 Jan., 1873; res. Layton Park, Wis. Children : 1232. i. MargaraTE IsabELL, b. 7 Oct. 1S9S; Milwaukee, Wis. [726] MARY HANNAH HUNKINS 9 , (Esther Evans 8 ) Mary 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas l .) dau. of James Hunkins and Esther Evans, gr-dau. of Joseph Evans and Mary Emmons; b. Waukesha, Wis., 3 Nov., 1843; m. 27 Sept., 1864, Robert Martin, phy- sician and surgeon, b. Edinburgh, Scotland, 24 June, 1840; res. Milwaukee, Wis. (The author is indebted to Mrs. Dr. Martin for the records of Mrs. Mary (Emmons) Evans, and her descen- dants.) Children: b. Milwaukee, Wis. + 1233. i. Robert Edwin, b. 25 July 1865. 1231, ii. William Frank, " 7 Mar. 1867; d. 8 Sept. 1867. 12:55. iii. Mary Luella, " 15 Dec. 1869. [727] JAMES HARRISON HUNKINS, (bro. of Mary H.) commercial traveler, b. Waukesha, Wis., 15 July, 1846; m. 17 Sept., 1867, Mary Jane Foster, b. Vernon, Wis., (?) -, 1846; res. San Francisco, Cal. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 57 Mr. Hunkins — familiarly known as Harry Hunkins— was a private in the 48th Regt. Wis. Inf., in the civil war. His regiment was ordered west at the close of the war, to escort the U. S. Mails and travelers through the then hostile Indian country. [728] OSCAR LORENZO HUNKINS, (bro. of James H.) restaurant; b. Waukesha, Wis., 15 June, 1855; m. 31 Dec, 1886, Ada Belle Albrighton, b. Berlin, Wis., 11 Sept., 1863, d. 14 March, 1902; he res. Chicago, 111. He lost his left hand in a railway accident at Franklin Park, 111., Nov. 1901. Children : 1236. i. Bessie Ellen, 1237. ii. Irma Esther, 1238. iii. Ralph Emerson, b. 29 Sept. 1887; Chicago, 111. " 8 Apr. 1891; Milwaukee, Wis. •' 10 Feb. 1897; Chicago, 111. [729] WILLIAM ORSON HUNKINS, (bro. of Oscar L.) railroader; b. Waukesha, Wis., 15 Nov., 1860; m. 13 March, 1883, Ella Jones, b. New Castle on the Tyne, Eng- land, 2 Sept., 1859; res. Hollister, Cal. Children : 1239. i. Charles Franklin, 1240. ii. Harrison James, 1241 iii. LvlE Dorlan, 1242. iv. Gladys Valleau, 1243. v. Audrey Blythe, 1244. vi. Arthur Orson, 20 Dec. 1883; Watertown. Wis. 8 Jan. 1886; Milwaukee, Wis. 4 Dec. 1892; Moberly, Mo. 25 Sept. 1898; San Jose, Cal. 26 Nov. 1900; Los Gatos, Cal. 12 Mar. 1903; Hollister, Cal. [730] IDA FLORENCE EVANS 9 , (A. Evans 8 , Mary 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Ambrose Evans and Caroline Phelps, gr-dau. of Joseph Evans and Mary Emmons; b. New Ber- lin, Wis., 25 Nov., 1856; m. -, 1878, John Bloxam, 158 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION machinist; she d. 2 Jan., 1892, from an operation to remove a tumor. Children : 1245. i. Edwin, b. 1880; New Berlin, Wis. [731] HATTIE MAY SCAMMELL 9 , (J. F. Scammell*, Harriet 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of John F. Scammell and Eliza Bishop, gr-dau. of William Scammell and Harriet Emmons; b. Lafayette, N. Y., 10 May, 1875; m. 9 July, 1891, Willard Hamilton Kinne, dairyman, b. Jamesville, N. Y. ; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children : 1241). i. Willard Fenner, b. 14 May 1894; Syracuse, N. Y. [73.3] BELLE LOUISA LADD 9 , (Calista B. Down 8 , Martha 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) teacher; dau. of John Ladd and Calista B. Down, gr-dau. of George Down and Martha H. Emmons; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 29 Jan., 1858; unm., res. Brewerton, N. Y. Miss Ladd has been engaged for some years as a principal in graded schools, and as a correspondent for several publications. She is distinguished for her open and frank manner, and strict adherance to what she deems just and right. [734] GEORGE A. LADD, (bro. of Belle L.) farmer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 20 May, 1863; m. 13 April, 1892, Cora, dau. of Isaac N. Harter and Cornelia Crosby; b. Schuyler, N. Y., 28 June, I860; res. Parish, N. Y. Children : 1217. i. Phyllis Rena, b. 24 Apr. l,X93;Brewerton, N. Y. L248. ii. Isaac Harter, " 19 Oct. 1895; Parish, N. Y. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 59 [735] JOHN BRUCE LADD, (bro. of George A.) far- mer; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 21 Feb., 1875; m. 20 Jan., 1897, Margaret, dau. of Wellington House and Dorcas Burrows; b. Mallory, N. Y., 1 Nov., 1876; res. Brewerton, N. Y. Children : 1249. i. Dora, b. 17 Feb. 1898; Brewerton, N. Y. [736] ELTON ORMAN 9 , (Angelia Down 8 , Martha 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) butcher; s. of Albert L. Orman and Angelia Down, gr-s. of George Down and Martha H. Emmons; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 1 Aug., 1861; m. - — , Emma, dau. of John Beagle and Mary Weller; b. Cicero, N. Y., 22 March, 1862; res. Brewerton, N. Y. [737] FRANK EBENEZER DOWN 9 , (G. A. Down 8 , Martha 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) telegrapher; s. of G. A. Down and A. C. Merritt, gr-s. of George Down and Martha H. Emmons; b. Brewerton, (?)N. Y., 6 Jan., 1872; m. 7 Feb., 1893, Nettie M., dau. of Dewitt Lawson and Victoria Chadwick; res. Minoa, N. Y. Children : 1250. i. Earl Lawson, b. 11 Nov. 1893; Kirkville, N. Y. *[738] WILFORD FIELDING DOWN, (bro. of Frank E.) teacher; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1874; m. 27 Dec, 1899, Bertha Alice, dau. of Levi Landers and Sylvia M. Lord; b. West Monroe, N. Y., 15 Feb., 1874. Prof. Down is principal of school at Forestport, N. Y. Children : 1251. i. George Levi, b. 29 Sept. 1901; Brewerton, N. Y. [742] FRANK ELTON CLARK 9 , (Marion 8 , William 7 , l6o THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah-, Thomas 1 .) gardner and grocer; s. of A. R. Clark and Marion F. Emmons; b. East Onondaga, N. Y., 4 May, 1864; m. 21 Jan., 1892, Grace Searl, b. E. Onondaga, 23 Sept., 1870; res. East Onondaga, N. Y. Children: b. East Onondaga, N. Y. 1252. i. Marion Lemira, b. 12 Nov. 1892. 1253. ii. Mildred Searl, " 1 Mar. 1902. [743] MARION ISIDORE CLARK, (sis. of Frank E.) b. East Onondaga, N. Y., 27 July, 1866; m. 24 April, 1890, Elbert Ernest Conklin, manager, b. Jamesville, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1863; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children: b. Syracuse, N. Y. 1254. i. Matthew Emmons, b. 6 Mar. 1892. 1255. ii. Marguerite Isidore, " 1 Feb. 1893. 1256. iii. Elbert Ernest, " 9 May 1894. 1257. iv. Clark Augustus, " 21 July 1896. [744] ERNEST AUGUSTUS CLARK, (bro. of Marion I.) farmer; b. East Onondaga, N. Y., 13 April, 1869; m. 19 Nov., 1895, Hannah Sarah Knowles, b. Clay, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1870; res. E. Onondaga, N. Y. Children: b. E. Onondaga, N. Y. 1258. i. IslavERE RowEna, b. 19 Oct. 1896. 1259. ii. Robert Ernest, " 7 Aug. 1898. 1260. iii. Isidore Lucy, " 29 Jan. 1900. 1261. iv. Evelyn Flora, " 20 July 1901. 1262. v. Leonard George, " 23 Mar. 1903. 1263. vi. Maynard Louis, " 23 Mar. 1903. [745] GRACE EMMONS CLARK, (sis. of Ernest A.) b. East Onondaga, N. Y., 4 Aug., 1872; m. 1 Oct., 1891, Grant George Hitchings, farmer, b. Onondaga, N. Y.. 5 July, 1S63; res. South Onondaga, N. Y. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION l6l Children: b. South Onondaga, N. Y. 1264. i. Raymond Clark, b. 7 Sept. 1S92. 1265. ii. Harold Ramsdell," 18 Feb. 1894. 1266. Hi. Edna Mae, " 5 Sept. 1S96. 1267. iv. Warren Blovce, " 7 Sept. 1898. 1268. v. Malcolm Grant, " 4 Sept. 1901. [746] BLENDENA ELIZABETH EMMONS 9 , (El- mer 8 , William 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Elmer J. Emmons and Lillie J. Hays; b. Afton, la., 24 Oct., 1S77; m. 15 Sept., 1902, Wil- ford Willis DeBerard; res. Denver, Colo. [749] MARION ESTELLE STEPHENSON 9 , (Aman- da 8 , William", Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah-', Thomas 1 .) dau. of B. O. Stephenson and Amanda J. Emmons; b. Spaulding, la., 10 Aug., 1871; m. 30 Dec., 1891, Charles Edward Okey, banker, b. Nodaway, la., 25 May, 1869; res. Corning, la. [750] ARTHUR EMMONS STEPHENSON, (bro. of Marion E.) miller; b. Spaulding, la., 3 April, 1874; m. 30 Sept., 1896, Aneita Smith; res. Enid, O. T. Children : 1269. i. Adah Evelyn, b. 29 July 1897; Hennessey, O. T. 1270. ii. Walter, " 16 Mar. 1899; Medford, O. T. [751] WALTER BRIANT STEPHENSON, (bro. of Arthur E.) banker; b. Spaulding, la., 25 March, 1876; m. 3 Oct., 1901, Edith Juliet Roland, b. Corning, la., 20 April, 1880. He served in the Philippines during the Spanish- American War; res. Corning, la. Children : 1271. i. AonEs KatheRINE, b. 23 July 1902; Corning, la. 1 62 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [752] LAURA ESTHER STEPHENSON, (sis. of Walter B.) b. Spaulding, la., 4 June, 1878; m. 28 May, 1902, Claude Maxwell Stanley, lawyer, b. Indianola, la., 5 March, 1872; res. Corning, la. [753] LEON L. ROACH 9 , (Flora 8 , William 7 , Jona- than 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) soldier; s. of Maj. George H. Roach and Flora E. Em- mons; b. Manlius, N. Y., 21 Jan., 1874; m. Columbus, O., 27 Feb., 1899, May E. Wetzell, b. Grand Rapids, Mich. Lieut. Roach was appointed 2d lieutenant of the 19th U. S. Inf., in Ohio, April 10th, 1899; was sent to the Philip- pine Islands and for more than a year was actively engaged in fighting the insurgents in the island of Cebu ; was ordered thence to the island of Luzon; was promoted 1st Lieutenant; ordered home, and stationed at Fort McPherson, Ga. His young bride accompanied him to the Island of Cebu; remained a year, and returned to her mother's home in Tennessee, finally rejoining her husband at Fort Mc- Pherson. [757] FRANCES MARION BEATTIE 9 , (Ellen 8 , William 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Walter A. Beattie and Ellen A. Emmons; b. Syracuse, N. Y., 8 April, 1875; m. 24 Dec, 1900, Daniel W. Terry, a graduate of North Western Uni- versity; post-graduate of Yale; now Professor of Latin and Greek in Cazenovia Seminary. She was a member of the class of 90, Syracuse University; graduate of Neff School of Oratory and Music, of Philadelphia 1898; res. Cazenovia, N. Y. " *[769] FRANK EUGENE JONES 9 , (A. D. Nichols 8 , Terressa 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 1 ', Thomas'.) farmer; s. of William A. Jones and THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 63 Althca D. Nichols, gr-s. of D. B. Nichols and Terressa J. Emmons; b. Aurora, 111., 14 Nov., 1870; m. 26 Nov., 1002, Effie L. Hackett; res. near Independence, O. T. Mr. Jones is the Deputy Sheriff of Custer County, O. T. [770] JESSIE TERRESSA JONES, (sis. of Frank E.) b. Aurora, 111., 27 Feb., 1872; m. 25 May, 1892, Dr. Thomas Oscar Brown; res. Reading, Kans. Children: b. Arvonia, Kans. 1272. i. Franklin Austin, b. 16 Apr. 1893. 1273. ii. Mabel Althea, " 22 Aug. 1895. *[772] LEON AVERY JONES, (bro. of Jessie T.) teacher; b. Arvonia, Kans., 18 July, 1877; m. 8 May, 1901, Mary J. Smith; res. near Independence, Okla. T. Children : 1274. i. Ione May, b. 29 Jan. 1902; Independence, O. T. [776] MARY ELLEN NICHOLS 9 , (E. E. Nichols 8 , Terressa 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Eugene D. Nichols and Nellie T. Madden, gr-dau. of D. B. Nichols and Terressa J. Em- mons; b. Aurora, 111., 21 Aug., 1876; m. 5 Oct., 1898, Emilio Sarmiento Fernandez, cigar-maker; b. Spain, 3 July, 1878; m. 2d, 9 Feb., 1902, Henry Edwin Lawrie, switchman; b. Chicago, 111., 11 Jan., 1875; res. Chicago, 111. [782] ERA HAYNES 9 , (Marilda 8 , James 7 , Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) hotel-keeper; s. of William Haynes and Marilda Emmons; b. Cardiff, N. Y., 28 May, 1860; m. 1 Jan., 1880, Emma Bailey, b. 1859; res. Marathon, N. Y. 164 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [783] FANNIE EMMONS 9 , (William 8 , James 7 , Sam- uel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of William A. Emmons and Ann Patten; b. Borodino, N. Y., 24 Feb., 1863; m. 19 Oct., 1881, Mark Stanton, far- mer, b. Spafford, N. Y., 1 March, 1859; res. Zealand, N. Y. [787] GEORGE EMMONS 9 , (Lewis 8 , James 7 , Sam- uel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; b. Borodino, N. Y., 6 June, 1852; m. 18 March, 1874, Mary Grinnell, b. Borodino, 6 June, 1856; res. Onondaga Castle, N. Y. Children : + 1275. i. Flora, b. 6 Mar. 1875. 1276. ii. Bertha, " 28 Aug. 1884; Borodino, N. Y. 1277. iii. Alva, " 13 July 1886; Lafayette, N. Y. [788] MILTON, (bro. of George) farmer; b. Borodino, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1853; m. 1 Jan., 1880, Laura Stanton, b. Spafford, N. Y., 17 Sept., 1856; res. Borodino, N. Y. Children: b. Borodino, N. Y. 1278. i. Lana, b. 6 July 1883. 1279. ii. Ralph, " 15 Mar. 1890. [789] GRACE ACKLES 9 , (S. Ackles 8 , Mary 7 , Sam- uel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Samuel Ackles and Mary Harvey, gr-dau. of Horton Ackles and Mary Emmons; b. Thornhill, N. Y., 4 March, 1868; m. 16 June, 1892, Frank B. Mills, seedsman, b. Thorn- hill, N. Y., 3 Aug., 1866; res. Rosehill, N. Y. Children: b. Rosehill, N. Y. 1280. i. Frank B., 1). 5 Aug. 1897. 1281. ii. Harold A., " 28 Sept. 1899. *[790] WILLIAM HARVEY ACKLES, (bro. of Grace) THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 65 farmer; b. Thornhill, N. Y., 22 Oct., 1870; m. 23 Sept., 1896, Nettie N. Smith, b. Sennett, N. Y., 3 April, 1869; res. Thorn- hill, N. Y. Children : 1282. i. Hon S., b 4 Aug. 1901 ; Thornhill, N. Y. [791] MARYACKLES 9 , (O. Ackles 8 , Mary 7 , Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Ovil Ackles and Almira Davis, gr-dau. of H. Ackles and Mary Emmons; b. Spafford, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1848; m. 1868, Martin Strail, blacksmith, b. Tully, N. Y., 13 April, 1835; she d. Tully, 12 March, 1902; he res. Tully, N. Y. Children : + 1283. i. George, b. 13 Nov. 1869. + 1284. ii. Myra E., " 19 Mar. 1871. + 1285. iii. Ovid, " 31 May 1873. [792] ROBERT ACKLES, (bro. of Mary) farmer; b. Spafford, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1850; m. 13 March, 1870, Francelia Woolsey; res. Cardiff, N. Y. Children: b. Tully Valley, N. Y. + 1286. i. Irving, b. 27 Mar. 1S72. 12 June 1875. 3 July 1879. 30 Jan. 1883. 28 Sept. 1886. 1 Mar. 1891. + 1287. ii. Clara, 1288. iii. Graxt, 1289. iv. Harry, 1290. v. Frank, 1291. vi. .Sara, [793] FRANKLIN ACKLES, (bro. of Robert) sales- man; b. Spafford, N. Y., 10 Jan., 1851; m. 4 June, 1873, Flora Garfield; m. 2d, Olinda DeRiescz, of Peru, S. A., res. Nagnabo, Porto Rico. Children: by 1st wife. 1292. i. Horace. 1 66 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [794] GEORGE HARVEY ACKLES, (bro. of Frank- lin) farmer; b. Spafford, N. Y., 6 April, 1854; m. 7 April, 1874, Jennie Carr, b. Tully, N. Y., 19 Nov., 1853; d. 12 April, 1900; he res. Preble, N. Y. Children : + 1293. i. Mortimer A., b. 24 June 1876. + 1294. ii. HarlEy Jaman, " 28 July 1878. 1295. Hi. Ina May, " 25 June 1890; Preble, N. Y. [795] DORA ACKLES, (half sis. of George H.) dau. of Ovil Ackles and Mary E. Cook; b. Tully Valley, N. Y., 26 June, 1869; m. 11 July, 1887, Louis Riehlman, farmer, b. Otisco, N. Y., 31 Oct., 1862; res. Tully Valley, N. Y. Children: b. Tully Valley, N. Y. 1296. i. Lena J., b. 13 Apr. 1891; d. 17 May 1892. 1297. ii. Myra E., " 13 Apr. 1893. 1298. iii. Earl L., " 1 May 1898. [798] NAOMA THERESSA RIDER 9 , (Esther 8 , Sumner 7 , Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Delos J. Rider and Esther C. Emmons; b. Arkwright, N. Y., 22 Oct., 1853; m. 25 Sept., 1878, Charles Clinton Cole, surveyor, b. Arkwright, 11 Feb., 1849; res. Arkwright Center, N. Y. Children: b. Arkwright, N. Y. 1299. i. CollEctia DE Ette, b. 5 Mar. 1881. 1300. ii. Delos Milton, " 4 Apr. 1886. [799] ESSIE MAY EMMONS 9 , (William 8 , Sumner 7 , Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) dau. of William H. Emmons and Mary (Cooper) Hale; b. Elgin, la., 16 July, 1875; m. 6 June, 1900, Walter Wilson Crocker, merchant, b. Fredonia, N. Y., 7 May, 1876; res. Fredonia, N. Y. THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 167 [805] NORA BURNHAM 9 , (Mary 8 , Sumner 7 , Sam- uel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Eaton Burnham and Mary Emmons; b. Arkwright, N. Y., 1 Aug., 1871; m. 28 Nov., 1891, Wallace W. Wilson, farmer; res. Fredonia, (?) N. Y. [806] DANIEL SUMNER CARPENTER 9 , (Elnora 8 , Sumner 7 , Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Miner W. Carpenter and Elenora Emmons; b. Pleasant Valley, la., 18 July, 1867; m. 10 April, 1901, Carrie May Ferguson, b. Fort Atkinson, Wis., 11 Nov., 1865; res. Clermont, la. [814] MARY GRACE PAGE 9 , (Margaret 8 , Sumner 7 , Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) dau. of George Page and Margaret A. Emmons; b. Pomfret, N. Y., 9 Jan., 1869; m. 22 Feb., 1890, Nicholas Dietzen, farmer; res. Fredonia, N. Y. Children : 1301. i. Gretchen Louise, b. 9 Feb. 1S91; Laona, N. Y. 1302. ii. Cleveland Page, 1303. iii. George Donald, 1304. iv. Hugh Nicholas, 1305. v. Rachel Margaret, 1306. vi. Charles Emmons, 5 Nov. 1892; Pomfret, N. Y. 28 Dee. 1894; Cherry Creek, N. Y. 1 Nov. 1897; Pomfret, N. Y. 4 Apr. 1900; d. 13 Sept. 1901. 15 Apr. 1902. [815] CHARLES HARRISON PAGE, (bro. of Mary G.) machinist; b. Pomfret, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1871; m. 20 June, 1900, Clara Schuman; res. North Evans, N. Y. Children : 1307. i. Victor George, b. 11 May 1901; North Evans, N. Y. [816] ELLA E. EMMONS 9 , (Charles 8 , Sumner 7 Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thorn- l68 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION as 1 .) dau. of Charles S. Emmons and Mary L. Burlin; b. North Evans, N. Y., 18 Feb. 1875; m. 12 April, 1895, William Gray, clerk, who d. 21 Feb., 1S96; she res. North Evans, N. Y. Children: b. North Evans, N. Y. 1308. i. Vera, b. 11 Feb. 1896. [817] CHARLES FRANCIS DEAN 9 , (Agelia 8 , Sum- ner 7 , Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) stock dealer; s. of Merritt Dean and Agelia L. Emmons; b. Brant Center, N. Y., 2 Dec, 1867; m. 16 April, 1800, Kate Carroll, b. Ypsilanti, Mich., 30 Jan., 1872; res. Agra, Kans. Children : 1.309. i. Merritt, 1). 5 Feb. 1891; d. 12 Oct. 1891. 1310. ii. Roy Francis, " 20 Aug. 1892. 1311. iii. Charles Harry, " 18 Dee. 1894. 131_'. iv. Infant, " 28 Mar. 1897; " 5 Apr. 1897. 1313. v. Infant, " 21 July 1898; " 22 July 1898. 1314. vi. Joseph William, " 23 Oct. 1900. [818] DELANCY DEVILL DEAN, (bro. of Charles F.) farmer; b. Brant Center, N. Y., 5 Dec, 1869; m. 25 Oct., 1891, Olive M. Folson,b. Minn., 8 Nov., 1875; res. Agra, Kan. Children : 1315. i. Cora Belle, 1>. 18 Sept. 1892; Agra, Kans. 1310. ii. Charles Everitt, " 24 Aug. 1895; Dade Co., Mo. 1317. iii. Olma Frwin, " 11 Oct. 1898; Kirwin, Kans. L318. iv. Oka Ivh.x, " 3 Mar. 1901; Agra, Kans. [826] JENNIE WHIPPLE 9 , (Eliza Ackles 8 , Pru- dence 7 , Samuel' 5 , Jonathan"', Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Daniel Whipple and Eliza Ackles; gr-dau. of James Ackles and Prudence Emmons; b. Spafford, THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 69 N. Y., 23 Feb., 1863; m. 19 Sept., 1SS3, William Brennan, chair maker, d. 28 Dec., 1900; she res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children : 1319. i. Bessie, b. 24 Oct. 1884; Camden, X. V. 1320. ii. Mildred, " 27 Aug. 1891 ; Boonville, X. V. [831] LOVILLA NEUMAN 9 , (Loduska Ackles 8 , Prudence 7 , Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Lester Neuman and Loduska Ackles, gr-dau. of James Ackles and Prudence Emmons; b. Otisco, N. Y., 24 May, 1876; m. 27 May, 1898, John D. Hoffman, carpenter, b. Otisco, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1872; res. Syracuse, N. Y., Children : 1321. i. Genevieve, b. 2 Nov. 1900; Syracuse, X. Y. [918] BENJAMIN EMMONS BREWSTER 9 , (Annie 8 , Nathaniel 7 , Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Nathaniel 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Samuel 2 , Thomas 1 .) cattle breeder; s. of Benjamin Brewster and Annie Wales Emmons; b. Montreal, P. Q., 20 Feb., 1851; in. 22 June, 1898, Grace Barnard; res. Dedham, Mass. Graduated 1872, Mass. Institute of Technology in Mining, S. B. Children: b. Dedham, Mass. 1322. i. Harriet, b. 12 Feb. 1900. 1323. ii. Benjamin. " 23 Jan. 1904. [919] ELIZABETH ANNIE BREWSTER, (sis. of Benjamin E.) b. Montreal, P. Q., 4 July, 1852; m. 4 June, 1879, Francis Howe Davenport, M. D., res. Boston. Children: b. Boston, Mass. 1324. i. Henry, b. 1 Apr. 1882. 1325. ii. Brewster, " 6 Mar. 1886. 170 THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION [920] JOHN FREDERICK FLEMMICH BREWS- TER, (bro. of Elizabeth A.) real estate broker; b. Montreal, P. Q., 2 June, 1854; m. 13 Oct., 1891, Martha Comstock Hodges; res. Boston, Mass. Children: b. Boston. 1320. i. Annie Wales, b. 28 Dec. 1893. 1327. ii. Mary, " 26 Nov. 1897. [921] FRANK BREWSTER, (bro. of John F. F.) lawyer; b. Montreal, P. Q., 28 Nov., 1857; m. 24 Feb., 1903; Marie Francoeur Sharp, b. Boston, 1 Aug., 1866; res. Boston, Mass. Children: b. Boston. 1328. i. HELEN Sharp, b. 26 Dec. 1903. [922] PAUL OTIS BREWSTER, (bro. of Frank) cattle breeder; b. Montreal, P. Q., 5 April, 1860; m. 4 June, 1888, Jessie Dunigan Backwell; res. Cheyenne, Wyo. [923] GEORGE WASHINGTON WALES BREWS- TER, (bro. of Paul O.) physician; b. Boston, Mass., 26 March, 1866; m. 11 Nov., 1902, Ellen Mackensie Hodge; res. Boston. [924] HAMILTON EMMONS 9 , (Robert W. 8 , Nath- aniel H. 7 Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Nathaniel 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Samuel-, Thomas 1 .) s. of Robert Wales Emmons and Mary Isabelle Crow; b. Boston, Mass., 15 Aug., 1864; m. 1 June, 1893; res. Leamington, Eng. Children: b. Leamington, Eng. 1)529. i. Robert Van BurEn, b. 8 Nov. 1894. 1330. ii. Marion Van BurEn, " 8 Apr. 1900. [920] ROBERT WALES EMMONS, 2nd 9 , (Nath- THE EMMONS FAMILY NINTH GENERATION 1 7 1 aniel 8 , Nathaniel 7 , Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Nathaniel 4 , Nath- aniel 3 , Samuel 2 , Thomas 1 .) stock broker; s. of Nathaniel H. Emmons, 2nd and Eleanor G. Bacon; b. Boston, Mass., 25 Dec, 1872; m. 6 Feb., 1896, Helen Brooks, b. 30 Dec, 1875; res. Boston. Children : 1331. i. Robert Wales, 3d b. 11 July 1897. [930] WILLIAM BACON, (bro. of Robert W. 2nd) rancher; b. Falmuth, Mass., 21 Aug., 1879; m. 30 Aug., 1902, Harriet Balch; res. Laramie, Wyo. [933] MARGARET DAVIS EMMONS 9 , (George B. 8 , Nathaniel H. 7 , Samuel 6 , Samuel 5 , Nathaniel 4 , Nathaniel 3 , Samuel 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of George Beale Emmons and Martha Jane Davis; b. St. Louis, Mo., 1 April, 1869; m. 9 June, 1897, Rev. James Fry Bullitt, Episcopal clergyman, b. Philadelphia, Pa., 11 July, 1865; res. Westfield, Mass. Children : 1332. i. Martha Davis, b. 18 Feb. 1899; Parkersburg, Pa. 1333. ii. Margaret Emmons " 12 Dec. 1901; Clifton Heights, Pa. *[934] NATHANIEL HENRY, 2nd, (bro. of Margaret D.) mining engineer; b. St. Louis, Mo., 12 May, 1870; m. 12 April, 1899, Marion Shackford, b. Natick, Mass., 16 June, 1877; res. Ocotlan, State of Oaxaca, Mexico. Children : 1334. i. Elizabeth Franklin, b. 22 Jan. 1900; Parral, Mexico. 1335. ii. Martha Davis, " 23 June 1901; Parral, Mexico. 1336. iii. Dorothy Shackford, " 16 June 1903; Mexico City, Mex. Tenth Generation [961] GEORGE NATHANIEL BATES 10 , (Mary E. 9 , Franklin 8 , John 7 , Daniel 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dentist; s. of George W. Bates and Mary E. Emmons; b. Delaware, O., 23 April, 1877; m. 23 Oct., 1901, Mrs. Blanche (Lybrand) Sampsell, of the same place; res. New London, Conn. [970] JANE ELLEN STANFORD 10 , (Helen 9 , Myr- on 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Charles P. Stanford and Helen C. Emmons; b. Antioch, 111., 15 Feb., 1848; m. 15 Sept., 1874, Henry Harrison Meeker, book-keeper; res. Seattle, Wash. Children: b. San Francisco, Cal. 1337. i. Carobel, b. 31 Oct. 1879. [971] CALI FRANCES STANFORD, (sis. of Jane E.) b. Antioch, 111., 17 Sept., 1871, John Carvill Swett, farmer; res. San Francisco, Cal. Children: b. San Francisco. + 1338. i. Harry Emmons, b. IS May 1874. 1339. ii. Eva Stanford, " 9 Mar. 1878. [972] KATE HELEN STANFORD, (sis. of Cali F.) b. Eldorado Co., Cal., 21 April, 1854; m. 15 Feb., 1872, Alexander Brown; res. Walnut Grove, Cal. Children: 13... i. Lotta CORNELIA, b. 31 Dec. 1871; d. 12 Jan. 1872. + 1310. ii. John Stanford, " 14 Oct. 1873. + 1341. iii. Arthur Alexander" 6 July 1878 THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION 1 73 1342. iv. Frank Emmons, b. 1 Feb. 1883. 1343. v. Agnes Helen, " 27 Apr. 1884; Walnut Grove, Cal. 1344. vi. Alex. Robertson, " 2 Sept. 1889; Walnut Grove, Cal. [973] MYRON EMMONS STANFORD, (bro. of Kate H.) b. Sacramento, Cal., 28 Nov., 1855; m. 1 Sept., 1886, Eugenia Ballard Stone; he d. 10 April, 1902; she res. San Francisco, Cal. Children: b. San Francisco, Cal. 1345. i. Gladys, b. 20 Sept. 1889. 1346. ii. Dorothy, " 21 Oct. 1891. 1347. iii. Helen Mary, " 27 Dec. 1892. [977] GEORGE GRANT STANFORD, (bro. of Myron E.) dentist; b. San Francisco, Cal., 27 Oct., 1868; m. 6 Feb., 1901, Frieda Mersing. [978] HELEN MARIELA RICE 10 , (Myra 9 , Myron 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of John B. Rice and Myra I. Emmons; b. Antioch, 111., 9 Jan., 1848; m. 18 Feb., 1868, John J. Farrier, merchant; he d. 26 April, 1885; she res. Antioch, 111. [979] CORA ARTEMISSIA RICE, (sis. of Helen M.) b. Antioch, 111., 31 Oct., 1853; m. 20 Aug., 1870, Truman French, contractor and builder; res. Phoenix, Ariz. Children : 1348. i. Clarence, b. 6 June 1875. [980] CALXI FRANCES S. EMMONS 10 , (Rockwell 9 , Myron 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Rockwell D. Em- mons and Sarah M. Ham; b. Antioch, 111., 1 June, 1863; 174 TH] S kmmons family tenth generation m. 9 Dec, L886, vSolomon La Plant, mason; she d. 6 Dec, 1887. [981] ARTEMISSIA, (sis. of Calli F.) b. Antioch, 111., 22 July, 1870, m. 20 March, 1888, Lyman B. Grice, insurance agent; res. Antioch, 111. *[985] EDITH H. EMMONS 10 , (Theodore 9 , Myron 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Theodore A. Emmons and Mary K. Willett; b. Antioch, 111., 1!) Dec, I860; m. 1 Feb., 1888, Frank Hucker, b. 13 Sept., 1864; she d. 24 Nov., 1904; he res. Lake Villa, 111. Children : 1349. i. I.elia BELLE, b. 19 Apr. 1S90. 1350. ii. Majorie Edith, " 13 June 1895. [98(5] MARY BELLE, (half sis. of Edith) dau. of Theodore A. Emmons and Matilda P. Willett; b. Antioch, 111., 31 March, 1866; m. 4 July, 1887, Clarence Gilbert; he d. 19 April, 1S99; she res. Antioch, 111. Children : 1351. i. Samuel, b. 4 Feb. 1888. *[987] WILLIAM MYRON, (bro. of Mary B.) b. Antioch, 111., 8 March, 1868; m. 23 Aug., 1893, Blanche Stevens; res. Gray's Lake, 111. Children : 1352. i. Louisa, b. 19 Feb. 1895. 1353. ii. JENETTE, " 8 July 1896. 1354. iii. Lawrence, " 23 Sept. 1900. [988] FANNIE BLANCHE, (sis. of William M.) b. An Emmons Family — Taken in 1888 THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION 1 75 Antioch, 111., 4 July, 1870; m. 12 Oct., 1892, Frank Pittman; res. Antioch, 111. Children : 1355. i. Roy Frank, b. 1 Sept. 1893. [989] LOTTIE A., (sis. of Fannie B.) b. Antioch, 111., 25 Sept., 1893; m. 7 Oct., 1891, Thomas Holloman; res. Cobden, 111. Children : 1356. i. Florence, b. 28 Apr. 1893. *[990] JENNIE VIOLA, (sis. of Lottie A.) b. Antioch, 111., 3 Feb., 1876; m. 28 Feb., 1897, Alfred Efinger; res. Antioch, 111. Children : 1357. i. Mildred, b. 30 July 1898. [991] FLORENCE EMMA, (sis. of Jennie V.) b. Antioch, 111., 15 May, 1878; m. 7 May, 1902, William Earl Webb. [995] EDWARD WESLEY EMMONS 10 , (Edward 9 , Asa 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) merchant; s. of Edward N. Emmons and Harriett M. Clark; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 11 April, 1856; m. 24 Sept., 1879, Rosa Lee, dau. of William R. Bailey and Alida Spire, b. Brewerton, N. Y., 8 July, 1858; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children : 1358. i. Lula Alida, b. 12 May 1883; Syracuse, N. Y. 1359. ii. Edward Rawson, " 19 Oct. 1889; Elbridge, N. Y. 1360. iii. Arthur Neville, " 27 Dec. 1898; Syracuse, N. Y. [996] WILLIS EUGENE, (bro. of Edward W.) car- 1 76 THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION penter; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 8 July, 1857; m. 2 July, 1878, Minnie Lovina, dau. of George L. Kathan and Lovina A. Lewis; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 20 April, 1S5S; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children : + 1361. i. Hattie May, b. 8 July 1879. + 1362. ii. Florence Irene, " 3 Aug. 1885. 1363. iii. Lois Eugenia, " 21 Oct. 18S9; Syracuse, X. V. 1364. iv. Minnie Lovina, " 14 Sept. 1893; Syracuse, N. Y. [998] CLARENCE TUCKER, (bro. of Willis E.) tobacconist; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 19 March, 1864; m. 24 Jan., 1885, Mrs. Frances Sarah (Hammond) Garfield, dau. of Everett C. Hammond and Sarah E. Lockwood; b. Ogdens- burg, N. Y., 22 Aug., 1854, her first husband was John H. Garfield, who d. Naples, Italy, 24 July, 1884; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children: b. Syracuse, N. Y. 1365. i. Edward Neville, b. 29 Oct. 1888; d. 13 Jan. 1890. 1366. ii. Harry Garfield, " 22 Feb. 1892. [1000] CHARLES CHADWICK, (bro. of Clarence T.) silversmith and mechanic; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 19 Dec, 1870; m. 14 April, 1890, Frances Eva, dau. of Benjamin Worden and Nellie Conklin; b. Camillus, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1867; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children: b. Syracuse, N. Y. 1367. i. Ellen Adelaide, b. 22 Sept. 1895. [1001] WILLARD NEAL, (bro. of Charles C.) com- mercial traveler; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 10 March, 1874; m. 8 Nov., 1900; Mabelle, dau. of Henry S. Van Wormer and Jennie Loomis; b. Phoenix, N. Y., 1 April, 1876; res. Knox- ville, Penn. THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION 1 77 [1002] ALFRED BAILEY EMMONS 10 , (J. Wesley 9 , Asa 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) builder and contractor; s. of J. Wesley Emmons and Georgiana Billings; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 5 Dec, 1859; m. 17 May, 1888, Elizabeth, dau. of Phillip Schumann and Katherine Hirsch; b. Syracuse, N. Y., 30 July, I860; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children : 1368. i. Ethel May, b. 1 Dec. 1890; Syracuse, N. V. [1003] ALBERT LOUIS, (bro. of Alfred B.) dentist; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1865; m. 8 May, 1895, Florence Lillian, dau. of William Sanderson and Mary Hanlon; b. Syracuse, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1876; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children: b. Brewerton, N. Y. 1369. i. Mary Louisa, b. 16 July 1S96. 1370. ii. Georgiana, " 5 Aug. 1898. 1371. iii. Kathkyx Isabelle " 27 lune 1903. [1004] ANNA BELLE MERRITT 10 , (Abigail 9 , Asa 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan' 1 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas L) dau. of William H. Merritt and Abigail A. Emmons; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 30 Jan., 1863; m. 29 Nov., 1882, Fred H. Cooley, express messenger, b. Sweeden, N. Y., 18 Jan., 1860; res. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Children : 1372. i. Carl Merritt, b. 18 Nov. 1883; Brockport, N. Y. 1373. ii. Claude Robert, " 8 May 1886; Niagara Falls, N. V. 1374. iii. Leroy YYillard, " 2 Feb. 1895; Niagara Falls, X. V. [1005] HATTIE MAY MERRITT, (sis. of Anna B.) b. Brewerton, N. Y., 2 June, 1865; m. 7 March, 1891, William Daniel Wolfrom, painter; res. Spencerport, N. Y. 178 THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION [1006] ASA MERCHANT MERRITT, (bro. of Hattie M.) express agent; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 6 July, 1875; m. 24 Nov., 1898, Josie Edith Sizer; res. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Children : 1375. i. Cecil Edward, b. 30 June 1902; Rochester, N. Y. *[1007] BERT EDWARD MERRITT, (bro. of Asa M.) cooper; b. Brockport, N. Y., 26 March, 1879; m. 2 Feb., 1899, Anna Donnelly, res. Brockport, N. Y. Children : 1376. i. Wiluam Henry, b. 7 May 1900; Clarendon, N. Y. [1008] JENNIE ALICE EMMONS 10 , (Morton 9 , Or- son 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Morton A. Emmons and Elizabeth J. Hamilton; b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 18 May, 1861; m. 1 Jan., 1878, William Larkin, butcher; she d. Mansfield, Pa., 12 Feb., 1895. Children : 1377. i. Leon Stanley, b. 25 May 1879; d. 10 Aug. 1884. 1378. ii. John Clifton, " 11 Aug. 1881; life insurance agent. 1379. iii. Nellie Edna, " 19 June 1885. 1380. iv. Leclair, " 10 Mar. 1890; d. 5 Sept. 1895. 1381. v. Raymond Emmons, " 24 May 1892. [1009] EDWIN EUGENE, (bro. of Jennie A.) stair builder; b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1862, m. 22 July, 1891, Frances Louisa, dau. of Jonathan Henley and Louise Merwin; b. Phoenix, N. Y., 3 May, 1871; she d. 21 March, 1905; he res. Phoenix, N. Y. Children: b. Phoenix, N. Y. 1382. i. Merwin Hamilton^. 20 May 1892; d. 16 Mar. 1895. 1383. ii. Alfred Morton, " 10 Apr. 1895. 1384. iii. Howard Carlton, " 24 Oct. 1897. 13X5. iv. Ephraim Smedley, " 2 Sept. 1900. L386. v. Carrie May, " 13 May 1902. THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION 1 79 [1010] MARY RACHEL, (sis. of Edwin E.) fitter; b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 7 July, 1867; m. 15 Sept., 1903, Robert Henry Parry, book-keeper; s. of Henry D. H. Parry and Mrs. Betsey Jane (Marvin) Moshier; b. Van Buren, N. Y., 16 July, 1873; res. Syracuse, N. Y. [1011] MINNIE LUX, (sis. of Mary R.) b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 13 April, 1871; m. 21 March, 1890, Henry Hopkins; res. Brewerton, N. Y. Children : 1387. i. Leon Eldred, b. 8 Sept. 1892; Salina, N. Y. 1388. ii. Ruth M., " 18 July, 1897; Hastings, N. Y. 1389. iii. Emerson Leslie, " 31 Oct. 1901; Hastings, N. Y. [1012] CLARA EDITH, (sis. of Minnie L.) b. near Brewerton, N. Y., 8 Oct., 1873; m. 16 Jan., 1890, Frank A. Livingston, inn-keeper; b. 26 May, 1866; res. Plainville, N.Y. Children : 1390. i. Bessie Hazel, b. 2 Sept. 1892; Catfish, N. Y. 1391. ii. Infant (unnamed), " 16 Dec. 1897; d. 19 Dec. 1897. 1392. iii. Infant (unnamed), " 16 Dec. 1897; " 19 Dec. 1897. 1393. iv. James Emerson, " 13 Jan. 1901; " 4 Mar. 1901. [1019] LENA REBECCA ORMAN 10 , (Ulyssa 9 , Henry 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Ray Orman and Ulyssa A. Emmons; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1876; m. 5 June, 1901, Forrest Alender Walker, b. same place, 11 May, 1876; res. Syracuse, N. Y. [1020] ROLLA CUSHING ORMAN, (bro. of Lena R.) telegrapher; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 4 Oct., 1879; m. 21 Dec, 1901, Nellie Eliza Sumner. l8o THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION [1024] MINNIE FRENCH 10 , (Helen 9 , Hiram 8 , Ben- jamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of John K. French and Helen G. Emmons; b. Antioch, 111., 11 Oct., 1874; m. Theodore Evans, farmer; she d. 17 Feb., 1901. Children : 1394. i. Maud, b. 22 Feb. 1899; NewMilford, 111. [1039] MAYNARD GUNSEL ,0 , (Martha J. Walker 9 , Mary 8 , Brainard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) promoter; s. of William H. Gunsel and Martha J. Walker, gr-s. of Isaac Walker and Mary B. Emmons; b. Newark, 111., 5 Dec, 1869; m. 23 Sept., 1S97, Blanche May Clark; res. Tucson, Ariz. [1036] CHLOE V. EMMONS 10 , (Darius 9 , William 8 , Brainard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Darius Emmons and Emma Spears; b. Shabbona, 111., - Jan., 1877; m. 1 June, 1893, David Heath, farmer; res. West Pawpaw, 111. Children : 1395. i. Birdie B., b. 23 Nov. 1893; Rollo, 111. 1396. ii. Leona, " 16 Sept. 1895; Rollo, 111. 1397. Hi. Lizzie B., " 22 Mar. 1897; Rollo, 111. 1398. iv. Eugene L., " 1 Apr. 1899; South Pawpaw, 111. [10.37] ACTAH M., (sis. of Chloe V.) b. Shabbona, 111., 24 May, 1879; m. 23 Oct., 1895, Arthur L. Hapeman; res. Earlville, 111. Children: b. East Pawpaw, 111. 1399. i. Basil H., b. 14 Nov. 1S97. 1400. ii. Harold C, " 6 Aug. 1900. [1038] EVA E., (sis. of Actah M.) b. Shabbona, 111., THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION l8l 14 Aug., 1882; m. 13 April, 1902, Andrew S. Harger; res. Earlville, 111. [1042] HERMAN H. POWELL 10 , (T. W. Powell 9 , Cynthia 8 , Brainard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) carpenter; s. of Theodore W. Powell and Frances A. Kennicutt, gr-s. of John Powell and Cynthia C. Emmons; b. Shabbona, 111., 30 July, 1875, m. 8 Dec, 1896, Alice Elliott; res. Los Angeles, Cal. Children : 1401. i. Oliver, b. 19 Apr. 1S98; Sutherland, la. [1069] ADA MARION BIGELOW 10 , (M. V. Wicks 9 , Lucinda 8 , Isaac 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Francis A. Bigelow and Marion V. Wicks, gr-s. of David Wicks and Lucinda Emmons b. Berrien Co., Mich., 10 Jan., 1864; m. 4 Jan., 1888, J. D. Timmerman, Jr., res. Toledo, Ohio. Children: b. Toledo, O. 1402. i. John Bigelow, 1). 9 June 1891. 1403. ii. Francis Wicks, " 4 July 1896. [1073] ALBERT LEROY EMMONS 10 , (Leroy 9 , Chauncey 8 , Isaac 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Leroy A. Em- mons and Madora A. Foster; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 12 Oct., 1870; m. 2 July, 1894, Adelaide Campbell, b. Ontario, Can., 26 Aug., 1875; res. Leduc, Alberta, N. W. T. Children : 1404. i. Beatrice, b. 15 Aug. 1895; IsabellCo., Mich. 1405. ii. Hetty, " 28 Feb. 1898; IsabellCo., Mich. 1406. iii. Rosella, " 14 June 1902; Alberta, N. W. T. [1074] MARY ARVILLA, (sis. of Albert L.) b. West 1 82 THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION Monroe, N. Y., 10 June, 1872; m. 4 July, -, William Henry Bergey, farmer, b. Mich., 1S66; res. Harrison, Mich. Children 1407. i. Bessie May, 140S. ii. William Henry, 1409. iii. Leroy Irwin, 1410. iv. Jennie Bell, 1411. v. Ellen Arvilla, 1412. vi. Dora, x 1889; Loomis, Mich. 1892; Clare, Mich. 1895; Clare, Mich. 1897; Loomis, Mich. 1900; Harrison, Mich. 1902; Harrison, Mich. [1075] CLARETTA ADELL, (sis. of Mary A.) b. Central Square, N. Y., 16 June, 1X74; m. 5 Nov., 1892, John D. Denton, farmer, b. Canada, 15 April, 1867; res. Russell, Mich. Children: b. Russell, Mich. 1413. i. Edith Irene, b. 11 Apr. 1S95. 1414. ii. Floyd Homer, " IS Dec. 1898. 1415. iii. Otis Leroy, " 13 Jan. 1901. [1076] MYRTLE MAY, (sis. of Claret ta A.) b. Syra- cuse, N. Y., 8 Aug., 1875; m. 18 Aug., 1894, Charles Irwin Bucher, laborer, b. Clare, Mich., 20 April, L869;res. Glencoe, Oregon. Children : 1410. i. Milo Irwin, b. (i Nov. 1895; Clare, Mich. 1417. ii. Clarence Arthur, " 18 Mar. 1901 ; Glencoe, Ore. [1078] ROSA BELLE, (sis. of Myrtle M.) b. Clare, Mich., 1(5 Oct., 1878; m. 5 Oct., 1898, George Plummer; laborer; res. Brewerton, N. Y. Children: b. Brewerton, N. Y. IMS. i. Edgar Marshall, b. 21 Aug. 1899. 1119. ii. George Henry, " 17 Aug. 1901. [1080] MADORA SOPHIA, (sis. of Rosa B.) b. Clare, THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION 1 83 Mich., 28 May, 1883; m. - -, Rolla Henry Emmons, laborer; res. Brewerton, N. Y. [108?] GURNON ZAVAN EMMONS 10 , (Frank 9 , Chauncey 8 , Isaac 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 ,) book-keeper; s. of Frank T. Emmons and Susie Carter; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 14 July, 1880; m. 14 July, 1904, Florence Elizabeth, dau. of William Henry Telford and Elizabeth Van Alstine; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1885; res. Liverpool, N. Y. [1083] ARVILLA CHLOE ORMAN 10 , (Arabell 9 , Chauncey 8 , Isaac", Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of John W. Orman and Arabell O. Emmons; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 18 June, 1882; m. 11 Nov., 1900, Francis Coe, b. 17 March, 1875; res. Central Square, N. Y. Children : 1420. i. Gladys Aryilla, b. 17 Dec. 1901 ; Central Square, N. Y. [1088] FANNIE G. HOSKINS 10 , (M. B. Hoskins 9 , C. P. Hoskins 8 , Lydia 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Marvin B. Hoskins and Ella A. Sherman; gr-gr-dau. of Gurdon Hoskins and Lydia Emmons; b. Grandmarsh, Wis., 4 Nov., 1866; m. 4 Nov., 1883, George Bradford, carpenter; b. Indiana, 17 Aug., 1852; res. Princeton, Minn. Children : 1421. i. Maude M., b. 31 Aug. 1884; Hinckley, Minn. 1422. ii. Ray M., " 4 Dec. 1891; Mound, Minn. 1423. iii. Ella E., " 1 Mar. 1S94; Lidgewood, N. Dak. 1424. iv. Frank P., " 6 Apr. 1897; d. 25 Mar. 1898. 1425. v. Vernon E., " 18 Apr. 1899; " 27 Aug. 1899. 184 THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION [1093] LILLIAN E. HOSKINS 10 , (M. F. Hoskins 9 , C. P. Hoskins s , Lydia 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Millard F. Hoskins and Martha A. Wilkinson, gr-gr-dau. of Gurdon Hoskins and Lydia Emmons; b. Adams Co., Wis., 28 Feb., 1872; m. 25 Dec., 1895, William Zimbech, b. 1867; res. Grand- marsh, Wis. *[1094] FREDERICK E. HOSKINS, (bro. of Lillian E.) b. Adams Co., Wis., 7 June, 1875; m. 25 Dec., 1897, Ulva De Mott, b. 1876; res. Grandmarsh, Wis. [1100] ROY JENNINGS 10 , (A. M. Jennings 9 , L. C. Hoskins 8 , Lydia", Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Arthur M. Jennings and Sarah Robinson, gr-gr-s. of Gurdon Hoskins and Lydia Emmons; b. Columbus, Neb., 25 Nov., 1879; res. Fitz- gerald, Ga. Mr. Jennings enlisted August 1898, in the 1st Regt., Ga. Inf., was discharged from the 13th U. S. Inf., March 17, 1902, having served three years and seven months in the Spanish-American War, in Cuba and the Philippine Islands. [1119] ROSA ALMINA NICHOLS 10 , (H. E. Aurin- ger 9 , Cynthia 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of William R. Nichols and Hannah E. Auringer, gr-dau. of Abner F. Auringer and Cynthia M. Emmons; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 27 June, 1866; m. 2 Aug., 1855, Wright W. Mattison, farmer, b. Mexico, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1861; res. Altmar, N. Y. Children : + 142(i. i. Edith L., b. 2 June 1886 ; Parish, N. Y. 1427. ii. Viola D., " 3 Apr. 1891; d. 23 Jan. 1898. L428. iii. Hazel K., " 10 May 1895; Altmar, N. Y. THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION 1 85 1429. iv. Claude Otis, b. 20 Sept. 1S97; Altmar, N. Y. 1430. v. Goldie Eva, " 8 Feb. 1900; Parish, N. Y. 1431. vi. Gladys Ella, " 8 Feb. 1900; Parish, N. Y. [1121] ACHSAH ELLA BENEDICT, (half sis. of Rosa A.,) dau. of John A. Benedict and Mrs. Hannah E. (Auringer) Nichols; b. West Monroe, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1879 m. 20 Oct., 1899, Robert Leroy Crouse, farmer, b. Altmar, N. Y., 21 April, 1865; res. Altmar, N. Y. Children : 1432. i. Ella Louisa, b. 1 Feb. 1901 ; Altmar, N. Y. [1122] CLARA ADELLE REED 10 , (M. J. Auringer 9 , Cynthia 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Eli S. Reed and Maria J. Auringer, gr-dau. of Abner F. Auringer and Cynthia M. Emmons; b. Plainville, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1866; m. Elmer Dumas; she d. 8 Feb., 1888. Children : 1433. i. Ernest, b. 29 Nov. 1887; d. 10 Sept. 1888. [1123] CORA BELLE REED, (sis. of Clara A.) b. Delta, Mich., 26 May, 1868; m. 12 April, 1884, Lewis Duger, from whom she separated; m. 2d, David J. Buxton; res. Solvay, N. Y. Children: by 1st husband. 1434. i. Lewis Elmer, b. 1 Jan. 1886; Plainville, N. Y. [1124] JOHN ALVIN REED, (bro. of Cora B.) far- mer; b. Plainville, N. Y., 6 Feb., 1871; m. 20 Feb., 1895, Olive Maud Thomas, b. Bowen's Corners, N. Y., 14 July, 1873; res. Plainville, N. Y. Children: b. Plainville, N. Y. 1 135. i. Leon J., b. 2 Oct. 1895. 1430. ii. Etta May, " 25 Apr. 1901. 1 86 THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH CxENERATlON [1125] MARY ANN REED, (sis. of John A.) b. Plain- ville, N. Y., 9 July, 1873; m. 26 July, 1891, George Henry Dennison, b. Hannibal, N. Y., 23 Sept., 1S73; res. Solvay N. Y. Children : 1437. i. Reih Emmons, 1438. ii. Henry J., 1439. iii. Hazel V., 1440. iv. Clara Sophie, 13 June 1S92; Hannibal, \. V 24 July 1S97; Solvay, N. Y. 2 July 1898; Solvay, N. Y. 1 Sept. 1901; Amboy, N. V. [1127] LULU ALMEDA REED, (sis. of Mary A.) b. Plainville, N. Y., 1 March, 1878; m. 30 Oct., 1901, Joseph Utz, laborer; res. Syracuse, N. Y. [1129] ARMINA R. REED, (sis. of Lulu A.) b. Plainville, N. Y., 27 March, 1882; m. 31 Dec, 1900, Charles Howard Welch, farmer, b. 29 Nov., 1874; res. Plainville N Y Children : 1441. i. Howard Earl, b. 20 Oct. 1901; Plainville, N. Y. *[1131] LILY BISBO 1 ", (A. L. Auringer », Cynthia*, Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 ! Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of William Bisbo and Adeline L. Auringer, gr-dau. of A. F. Auringer and Cynthia M. Em- mons; b. Constantia, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1869; m. Frederick Hall- ady, b. 9 May, 1869; res. Constantia, N. Y. Children: Nellie, b. 2s Apr. Mary, " 30 Mar. Amanda, " 18 Dec. Franklin, " 16 Jan. Seymour, " 22 Nov. Katie, " 27 Nov. 1442. I I 13. llll. 1 11.",. 1440. 1447. 1. ii. iii. iv. v. \ i. L888 1891. 1S91. 1896. 1899. 1900. *[1132] LILLIE LUCRETIA AURINGER 10 , (G. H. THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION 1 87 Auringer 9 , Cynthia 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of George H. Auringer and Minnie A. Shaw, gr-dau. of A. F. Auringer and Cynthia M. Emmons; also gr-gr-dau. of A. A. Shaw and Lueretia Emmons; b. Stockbridge, Wis., 30 July, L878; m. 14 May, 1898, Albert Ritzke, farmer; res. Chilton, Wis. Children : 1448. i. Carrie Belle, b. 20 Sept. 1S99; Stockbridge, Wis. *[1133] DAISY BELLE AURINGER, (sis. of Lillie L.) b. Stockbridge, Wis., 6 April, 1883; m. 26 Aug., 1900. Peter Lewis Seartram, farmer; res. Lamson, Minn. Children: 1 I 19. i. George Lewis, b. 1 Feb. 1902; Lamson, Minn. [1 13(»1 GLADYS A. WHITE 10 , (F. Calkins , Almeda 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan"', Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Augustus M. White and Frances Calkins, gr-dau. of Benjamin Calkins and Almeda Emmons; b. Stockbridge, Wis., 3 March, 1867; m. 7 Aug., 1895, James B. Richardson, farmer, b. Canada, 6 July, 1852; res. Stockbridge, Wis. Children: 14.50. i. LanEITA May, b. 23 Oct. 1S9S; Elgin, 111. [1138] MAY BELLE WHITE, (sis. of Gladys A.) b. Clayton, Wis., 5 April, 1872; m. 23 April, 1889, John Brown, farmer, b. Stockbridge, Wis., 6 April, 1803; res. Graves- ville, Wis. Children: b. Gravesville, Wis. 1451. i. Vernon L., b. 14 Aug. 1890. 14-52. ii. Glenn A., " 24 Sept. 1895. 1453. iii. Edna May, " 25 Nov. 1901. 1 88 THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION [1140] LEWIS B. WHITE, (bro. of May B.) gardner; 1). Stockbridge, Wis., 13 Nov., 1874; m. 6 Sept., 1899, Lillian Coats, b. Elgin, 111., Nov., 1874; res. Lakeland, Fla. [1142] CORA E. SHAW 10 , (A. A. Shaw 9 , Lucretia 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Alfred A. Shaw and Emma A. Hawkins, gr-dau. of Alvin A. Shaw and Lucretia Emmons; b. Ladoga, Wis., 28 Oct., 1866; m. 9 May, 1887, Fred Junge, Jr., lumberman, b. Milwaukee, Wis., 3 Oct., 1856; res. Braddock, N. Dak. Children: 1454. i. Ethel Alice, b. 23 Feb. 1888; Leola, S. Dak. 1455. ii Stanley Henry, " 26 Jan. 1890; Leola, S. Dak. 1456. in. Gretchen, " 25 Jan. 1892; Verndale, Minn. 1457. iv. Esther, " 24 Oct. 1893; Leola, S. Dak. 1458. v Alfred, " 10 Sept. 1895; Leola, S. Dak. 1459. vi. Herman, " 7 July 1897; Leola, S. Dak. 1460. vii. Barbara E., " 5 Dee. 1899; d. 16 Sept. 1900. 1461. viii. Phrene, " 28 Aug. 1901; Braddock, N. Dak. [1143] JAMES A. SHAW, (bro. of Cora E.) farmer; b. 14 Feb., 1871; m. 1 May, 1900, Mae Bunker; res. Fon- dulac, Wis. [1144] NETTIE E. SHAW, (sis. of James A.) b. 20 May, 1876; m. 5 May, 1894, Ebenezer Stone, mason; res. Verndale, Minn. Children: b. Aldrich, Minn. 1462. i. Chauncey, b. 25 Sept. 1897; d. 21 Dec. 1899. 1463. ii. Rodney Durward, " 20 Mar. 1901. [1154] ZILSPA HAYES 10 , (H. A. Terpenny 9 , Han- nah 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION 1 89 Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Lurell G. Hayes and Hattie A. Terpenny, gr-dau. of George Terpenny and Hannah C. Emmons; b. Bridgeport, N. Y., 18 April, 1874; m. 9 Oct., 1895, Frank Simpson, silver plater; res. Oneida, N. Y. [1155] GEORGE HAYES, (bro. of Zilspa) railroad employee; b. Bridgeport, N. Y., 12 April, 1877; m. 22 Sept., 1897, Alice Draper, b. the same place, 6 Sept., 1875; res. Bridgeport, N. Y. Children: b. Bridgeport, N. Y. 1464. i. Francis Lurell, b. 4 Oct. 1898. 1465. ii. Georgia Lillian, " 25 Oct. 1899. 1466. iii. Alice Augusta, " 27 June 1901. 1467. iv. Genevieve Louise, " 20 Mar. 1903. [1156] WILLIAM HAYES, (bro. of George) printer; b. Bridgeport, N. Y., 11 Jan., 1880; m. 16 Oct., 1901, Lucy Mabelle Lyon, b. Winona, Minn., 13 Jan., 1880; res. Syra- cuse, N. Y. [1163] ANNA MARIA WELLER 10 , (Ada 9 , Jona- than 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Frank Weller and Ada A. Emmons; b. Wolcott, N. Y., 2 Dec, 1879; m. 17 Aug., 1899, George Wheeler, farmer; res. Euclid, N. Y. Children : 1468. i. Florence May, b. 12 June 1901 ; Sodus, N. Y. 1469. ii. Ada Dell, " 12 May 1902; Euclid, N. Y. [1169] EDITH FANCHER RUDLER 10 , (O. O. Fan- cher 9 , Rhoda 8 , Eli 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Andrew Rudler and Olive O. Fancher, gr-dau. of A. Fancher and Rhoda Em- mons; b. 10 April, 1869; m. Edward Winters, b. 8 July, 1860 190 THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION Chile Iren: 1470. i. LlLUE, 1471. ii. Lottie, 1472. iii. Elmer, 1473. iv. Charles, 1474. v. Nellie, 1 17.".. vi. Grace, 1476. vii. Levi, 1477. viii. Arthur, 16 Apr. 1889; d. 2 July 1891 7 Sept. 1S90; " 11 Oct. 1891 24 Oct. 1891. 1 July 1893. 27 Jan. 1896; " 2 vSept. 1896 28 Dec. 1896. 17 June 1899. 10 Oct. 1902. [1171] FRANCES O. RUDLER, (sis. of Edith F.) b. 22 Sept., 1876; m. James F. Gorthy, b. 15 Dec., 1861. Children : 1478. i. Clinton, I). 12 Apr. 1893. 1479. ii. Clarence, " 9 July 1895. 1480. iii. Mary <>., " 1 May 1900. 1481. iv. Ethel D., " 22 Oct. 1901. *[1192] GORDON C. GREMS 10 , (H. Nelson 9 , Ele- nora 8 , Eli 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah-, Thomas 1 .) electrician; s. of Charles B. Grems and Hannah Nelson, gr-s. of Isaac Nelson and Elenora Emmons; b. Western, N. Y., 7 March, 1880; m. 10 Jan., 1899, Anna Slicher; res. Utica, N. Y. Children : 14S2. i. Bradford C, . b. 16 Nov. 1900. [1194] MABEL, NELSON 10 , (S. E. Nelson 9 , Elenora 8 , Eli 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan"', Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 1 ', Thomas'.) dan. of Samuel E. Nelson and Jennie Kimble, gr-dau. of Isaac Nelson and Elenora Emmons; b. Westmore- land, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1884; m. 21 Oct., 1902, Lemuel Stein- burgh; res. Vernon, N. Y. [1220] EDWIN WILLIAM SHIELDS 10 , (W. H. Shields 9 , M. A. Evans 8 , Mary 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION 191 Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of William H. Shields and Helen M. Higgins, gr-gr-s. of Joseph Evans and Mary Emmons; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 21 March, 1S6S; m. 26 July, 1892, Emma Hass; res. Hilburn, Wis. Children: b. East Troy, Wis. 1483. i. Myrtle, b. 27 July 1894. 1484. ii. Lillian, " 2 Oct. 1896. 14S5. iii. Warren, " 14 Jan. 1S99. [1221] GEORGE ERWIN SHIELDS, (bro. of Edwin W.) farmer; b. East Troy, Wis., 9 March, 1870; m. 20 Nov., 1895, Eillie Atkinson; res. Troy, Wis. Children : 1486. i. Glen, b. 25 Aug. 1S96; East Troy, Wis. 1487. ii. MERLE, " 29 Jan. 1898; East Troy, Wis. 1488. iii. Gladys, " 25 Sept. 1900; East Troy, Wis. 14S9. iv. Wayne, " 29 May 1902; Troy, Wis. [1224] ALICE MAY SHIELDS, (sis. of George E.) b. Milwaukee, Wis., 14 April, 1877; m. 6 March, 1895, Alfred E. Randolph, policeman; res. Milwaukee, Wis. Children: b. Milwaukee, Wis. 1490. i. Ruth, 1,. 2 Dec. 1896. 1491. ii. Bulah, " 19 May 1902. [1226] CALCINA SMITH '", (M. J. Shields 9 , M. A. Evans 8 , Mary 7 , Jonathan", Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dan. of Patrick H. Smith and Mary J. Shields, gr-gr-dau. of Joseph Evans and Mary Emmons; b. Hale's Corners, Wis., 29 July, 1864; m. 11 Dec, 1883, Eli Henry Hicks, b. Beach, Can., 17 May, 1856; res. Phillips, Wis. Children: 1492. i. Charles Erwin, b. 17 Oct. 1884; Hale's Corners, Wis. 1493. ii. Berton Finch, " 14 Dec. 1886 1494. iii. Howard Pail, " 11 July 1S94 I Pile's Corners, Wis. Delevan, Wis. 192 THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION [1227] CORA SMITH, (sis. of Calcina) b. East Troy, Wis., 7 Nov., 1S66; m. 8 May, 1888, Robert Wolf, gardener, b. Milwaukee, Wis., 26 Aug., 1865; res. Milwaukee, Wis. Children: b. Milwaukee, Wis. 1495. i. Clarence Melvin, b. 6 May 1889. 1496. ii. Florence Gertrude, " 22 July 1893. 1497. iii. DELBERT Wesley, " 1 Jan. 1896. 1498. iv. Robert Clifford, " 16 Oct. 1901. [1228] FRANKIE ESTHER DANIELS 10 , (S. A. Shields 9 , M. A. Evans 8 , Mary 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of George H. Daniels and Sarah A. Shields, gr-gr-dau. of Joseph Evans and Mary Emmons; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 9 Aug., 1872; m. 20 March, 1895, Albert Henry Schroeder, grocer, b. Milwaukee, 29 Dec, 1865; res. Milwaukee, Wis. Children: b. Milwaukee, Wis. 1499. i. Howard Alvah, b. 13 Jan. 1896. 1500. ii. Grace Alma, " 28 Sept. 1899. [1233] ROBERT EDWIN MARTIN 10 , (M. H. Hunk- ins 9 , E. Evans 8 , Mary 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) physician and surgeon; s. of Dr. Robert Martin and Mary H. Hunkins; gr-gr-s. of Joseph Evans and Mary Emmons; b. Milwaukee, Wis., 25 July, 1865; m. 6 Dec, 1888, Rena Elizabeth Beach, b. Toledo, O., 6 Sept., 1866, d. 21 Oct., 1891 ; he res. Milwaukee, Wis. Children : 1501. i. Walter Beach, b. 25 Nov. 1889; Milwaukee, Wis. 1502. ii. Landon GrEig, " 19 Aug. 1891; Chicago, 111. [1275] FLORA EMMONS 10 , (George 9 , Lewis 8 , James 7 , Samuel. 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- THE EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION 1 93 diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of George Emmons and Mary Grinnell; b. Borodino, N. Y., 6 March, 1875; m. 30 March, 1899, Clarence Cramer, farmer; b. Onondaga, N. Y., 29 Nov., 1873; res. Jamesville, N. Y. [1283] GEORGE STRAIL 10 , (M. Ackles 9 , O. Ackles 8 , Mary", Samuel , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel' 5 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) railroader; s. of Martin Strail and Mary Ackles, gr-gr-s. of Horton Ackles and Mary Emmons; b. Tully Valley, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1869; m. 25 Jan., 1900, Maud French, b. Syracuse, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1872; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children : 1503. i. Carl, b. 16 Nov. 1900; Syracuse, N. Y. [1284] MYRA STRAIL, (sis. of George) b. Lafayette, N. Y., 19 March, 1871; m. 15 March, 1894, Henry Haynes, farmer; b. Tully, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1867; he res. Tully Valley, N. Y. She d. 7 Jan., 1905. Children : 1504. i. Robert Martin, b. 13 Apr. 1S96. [1285] OVID STRAIL, (bro. of Myra) farmer; b. Amber, N. Y., 31 May, 1873; m. -, Gertrude Camp, b. Tully, N. Y., 30 July, 1880; res. Tully, N. Y. Children : 1505. i. Horace Camp, b. 24 Aug. 1898. [1286] IRVING ACKLES 10 , (R. Ackles 9 , O. Ackles 8 , Mary 7 , Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Robert Ackles and Francelia Woolsey; gr-gr-s. of Horton Ackles and Mary Emmons; b. Tully Valley, N. Y., 27 March, 1872; m. 1 July, 1891, 194 TH E EMMONS FAMILY TENTH GENERATION Nettie Luke, b. Baldwinsville, N. Y., 7 June, 1871; res. Tully, N. Y. Children : 1506. i. Marshall, b. 6 Nov. 1892. [1287] CLARA ACKLES, (sis. of Irving) b. Tully Valley, N. Y., V2 June, 1875; m. -, Arthur Evering- ham; res. South Onondaga, N. Y. Children : L507. i. Robert, b. 29 Feb. 1895. 1508. ii. Helen, " 15 Oct. 1896. 1509. iii. [1293] MORTIMER A. ACKLES 10 , (G. H. Aekles 9 , O. Aekles 8 , Mary 7 , Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) printer and railway postal clerk; s. of George H. Aekles and Jennie Carr, gr-gr-s. of Horton Aekles and Mary Emmons; b. Amber, N. Y., 13 Jan., 1876; m. 24 June, 1897, Annie Mason, only dau. of David Colton and Mary Mason; res. Skaneateles, N. Y. [VXH] HARLEY JAMAN ACKLES, (bro. of Morti- mer A.) printer and farmer; b. Amber, N. Y., 28 July, 1878; m. 26 June, 11)01, Myra Charity Schell, b. Tully, N. Y., 25 April, 1882; res. Tully, N. Y. Children : 1510. i. Jennie Peters, b. 1 Apr. 1902 Eleventh Generation [1338] HARRY EMMONS SWETT 11 , (C. F. Stan- ford 10 , Helen 9 , Myron 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah-, Thomas 1 .) s. of John C. Swett and Cali F. Stanford; gr-s. of Charles P. Stanford and Helen C. Emmons; b. San Francisco, Cal., 18 May, 1874; m. 3 July, 1902, Nellie Hennessy; res. San Francisco, Cal. Children: 1511. i. Hubert Charles, 1). 17 Jan. 1905; San Francisco, Cal. [1340] JOHN STANFORD BROWN 1 1 , (A. Brown 10 , Helen 9 , Myron 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jona- than 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) book-keeper; s. of Alexander Brown and Kate H. Stanford, gr-s. of Charles P. Stanford and Helen C. Emmons; b. San Francisco, Cal., 14 Oct., 1S73; m. 2 Nov., 1S98, Florence May Bowie, b. Virginia City, Nev., 5 Dec, 1S73; res. Walnut Grove, Cal. Children : 1512. i. Stanford Bowie, b. 23 Nov. 1S99; San Francisco, Cal. [1341] ARTHUR ALEXANDER BROWN, (bro. of John S.) butcher; b. San Francisco, Cal., 6 July, 1S7S; m. 9 July, 1901, Amy Dye, b. Walnut Grove, Cal., 5 June, 1878; res. Walnut Grove, Cal. Children : 1513. i. Myron Montford, b. 23 Feb. 1904; Walnut Grove, Cal. [1361] HATTIE MAY EMMONS 11 , (Eugene 10 , Edward 9 , Asa 8 , Benjamin 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jona- than 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Willis Eugene Emmons and Minnie L. Kathan; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 8 196 THE EMMONS FAMILY ELEVENTH GENERATION July, 1879; m. 27 June, 1900, Charles Baldway Brehmer, telegrapher; b. Syracuse, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1876; res. Syra- cuse, N. Y. Children : 1514. i. b. [1362] FLORENCE IRENE, (sis. of Hattie M.) b. Syracuse, N. Y., 3 Aug., 1885; m. 26 Aug., 1903, Robert James Bloser, tool-maker; s. of Joseph Lewis Bloser and Hattie Arabelle Miller; b. East Syracuse, N. Y., 12 Dec, 1881; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Children : 1515. i. Dorothy Luella, b. 24 Feb. 1905; Syracuse, N. Y. [142(5] EDITH L. MATTISON 11 , (R. A. Nichols 10 , H. E. Auringer 9 , Cynthia 8 , Samuel", Jonathan '\ Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah-, Thomas 1 .) dau. of Wright W. Mattison and Rosa A. Nichols; gr-gr-dau. of Abner F. Auringer and Cynthia M. Emmons; b. Parish, N. Y., 2 June, 1880; m. 31 July, 1904, William R. Williams, of Pulaski, N. Y. Mrs. Florence Irene Emmons-Bloser and Daughter Dorothy Luella, Syracuse, X. V 11th and 12th (Iexeration Supplement [The following supplementary records were received too late to be inserted in their proper order. Numerals placed above a record, refer to the original number, (desig- nated by a star) and indicate an addition to the same. The consecutive numbers follow in uninterrupted order. Children of a particular family are numbered according to their birth. In all other respects, the same order is followed as in the preceeding pages.] SEVENTH GENERATION. [139] NOADIAH EMMONS, of East Haddam, Conn., m. Elizabeth Brooks: Children : + 1516. iv. Elizabeth Brainard, b. 26 Apr. 1S09. + 1517. v. Mary, -f- 151S. vi. Alexander H., [140] BRAINARD EMMONS, of Hamilton, N. Y., m. Sally Brainard : Children : + 1519. i. Sarah E. B., b. [141] HENRY EMMONS, of East Haddam, Conn., m. Mary Newton : Children : + 1520. iv. Harriet J., b. 19 Aug. 1824. + 1521. v. Fanny S., " 13 Dec. 1825. + 1522. vi. Mary C, " 11 Nov. 1831. + 1523. vii. Henrietta A., " 6 Aug. 1836. 198 THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT EIGHTH GENERATION. [253] FREDERICK A. EMMONS s , (Noadiah 7 , Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) painter s. of Noadiah Emmons and Elizabeth Brooks; b. East Haddam, Conn., - -, 1805; m. Le Roy, N. Y., Elizabeth Clark; he d. 27 Sept., 1855. Children : 1524. i. Franklin B., b. 1525. ii. Frederick H., 1526. iii. Gilbert, 1527. iv. Charles, [254] SOPHIA, (sis. of Frederick A.) b. East Haddam, Conn., -, 1807; m. Lyman Newbury, mechanic. Children : 152S. i. William E., b. 1529. ii. Augustus, 1530. iii. Thomas C, 1531. iv. Lyman P. Jr., [1516] ELIZABETH BRAINARD, (sis. of Sophia) b. East Haddam, Conn., 26 April, 1809; m. 10 Oct., 1832, William Montgomery Willey, of East Haddam; d. Hadlyme, Conn., 6 Jan., 1841. Children : 1532. i. Frederick E., 1). 1533. ii. Hiram, [1517] MARY, (sis. of Elizabeth) b. ; m. Mr. Roberts; they resided in New Britain, Conn. Children : L534. i. Mary E., b. 1535. ii. Ikena, 1536. iii. Adaline, 1537. iv. Sophia, 1538. v. Frederick, THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 1 99 [1518] ALEXANDER H., (bro. of Mary) b. abt. 1814; m. for his second wife, Elizabeth English; he d. Norwich, Conn., 22 Oct., 1884. Alexander was a noted portrait and landscape painter. The productions of his brush were much admired and sought after, and excelled in relief of design, harmony and adaptation of coloring. He traveled quite extensively in Europe in 1862-63, visiting the most noted "Salons of Art." His first studio was in Hartford, but in compliance with the urgent request of friends, who offered to erect a more suitable studio in Norwich, especially for his occupation, he removed to that city, and remained till his death. Children : 1539. i. Mary Axx, b. ; m. Edward Keeney, of W. Hartford. [1519] SARAH E. B. EMMONS 8 , (Brainard 7 , Noa- diah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Brainard Emmons and Sally Brainard, of Hamilton, N. Y. ; m. , Andrew Forbes: Children : 1540. i. Brainard, b. 1541. ii. BranaTh, 1542. iii. AuradElla, 1543. iv. Flora Anna, [256] ELIZABETH LEE EMMONS s , (Henry 7 , Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) teach- er; dau. of Henry Emmons and Mary Newton; b. East Haddam, Conn., 31 July, 1814; m. Le Roy, N. Y., 25 Feb., 1836, Darius Spring; d. 30 June, 1889; they resided West- field, N. Y. Children : 1544. i. AngiE, b. 15 Dec. 1S37. 1545. ii. Adaline, " 30 June 1839. 1546. iii. Helen, 1547. iv. Frances, 1548. v. Henry D., " 6 June 1850. 200 THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT [257] NANCY MARIA, (sis. of Elizabeth L.) b. East Had- dam, Conn., 15 April, L817; m. 1 June, 1844, William Blair; d. 2 May, 1858; res. Waukesha, Wis. Children : 1549. i. Frank C, b. 3 Aug. 1S50. 1550. ii. George, " 6 Oct. 1852. 1551. iii. William S., " 17 July 1855. [258] LYDIA MINERVA, (sis. of Nancy M.) b. 12 May, 1819; m. -, 1840, Hiram Hosmer; d. 3 Oct., 1890; res. Mumford, N. Y. Children : 1552. i. 1553. ii. 1554. iii. 1555. iv. [1520] HARRIET JANE, (sis. of Lydia M.) b. 19 Aug., 1824; m. 27 Oct., 1851, Chester Beach; res. Hart- man, Wis. Children : 1556. i. William H., b. 1557. ii. Henrietta 1558. iii. Chester P.. " 27 Nov. 13G2; d. 1 June 1890. [1521] FANNYS., (sis. of Harriet J.) b. 13 Dec, 1825; m. 8 Oct., 1851, William F. Garbutt; d. 11 July, 1892, with- out issue. [1522] MARY, C, (sis. of Fanny S.) b. 1 1 Nov., 1831; m. 8 Oct., 1851, Theopholis Martcll; res. Batavia, N. Y. Children : 1559. i. Ida, b. II Oct. 1S52; in. Win. Cox, Los Angeles, Cal. L560. ii. Minnie, " 6 Nov. 1857; d. 8 Dec. 1891; m. 1561. iii. Fanny, " Sept. 1867. 1562. iv. Bertha, " July 1809. THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 201 [1523] HENRIETTA A., (sis. of Mary C.) b. G Aug., L836; m. 23 June, 1860, William Blair; res. Waukesha, W r is. Children : 1503. i. IrEna, b. ; d. 1S63. 1564. ii. Henry E., 1565. Hi. Arthur J., " 6 Mar. 1870. [259] JONATHAN LYMAN CROCKER 8 , (Susannah 7 , Noa- diah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; only s. of Isaac Crocker and Susannah Emmons; b. Madison Co., N. Y., 4 Sept., 1814; m. 14 June, 1841 Tammy Mclntyre, b. Worcester Co., Mass., 26 Feb., 1819, d. 17 Aug., 1881; he d. Le Roy, N. Y., 11 Feb., 1899. Children : + 1566. i. Edgar Marcellus, b. 13 Apr. 1844 + 1567. ii. Henry Champion, " 8 Nov. 1853 [419] JACOB BUELL GARDNER, Jr. 8 , (Augusta 7 , Dyar°, Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Jacob B. Gardner, Sen., and Augusta M. Emmons; b. - -, 1826; m. 1850, Sarah Ouinn. He was supposed to have been lost in a gale off the Nantucket Shoals in 1852. [434] NELSON EMMONS, Sen. 8 , (Aaron E.\ Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) Chief of Probate; s. of Aaron E. Emmons and Mary N. Kellogg; b. Colchester, Conn., 13 April, 1843; m. 3 Nov., 1869, Jeannetta Bigelow Chamberlain, b. Boston, Mass., 29 May, 1848; res. Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Emmons' mother died when he was eight years of age, and he went to reside with an aunt in Columbia, Conn., remaining two years; when his father having remarried, he returned to his home, and remained until he was eighteen. 202 THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT He then enlisted in the army as a private in Co. A. 13th Regt. Inf. Vols., of Conn.; served nearly two years, and was discharged for disability July 1863. After regaining his health, he took a short course in a commercial business college, at Hartford, Conn., and engaged himself as an employee of a wholesale shoe house, Boston, Mass., where he served until his removal to Dayton, Ohio, in 1875. Here he engaged as a partner and traveling salesman in the shoe business until 1898. He was appointed Secretary of the Board of Health of Dayton, in 1899, and served until 1904, when he was made the Chief Probation Officer of Montgomery county, Ohio, a position which he still occupies. Children: 1568. i. Elva Jeannetta, b. 3 Sept. 1870; d. 18 Apr. 1901;unm. + 1569. ii. Susie Chamberlain" 22 Feb. 1872. + 1570. iii. Nelson, Jr., " 7 Feb. 1873. + 1571. iv. William Henry, " 31 Aug. 1877. 1572. v. Ruth Colburn, " 26 Dec. 1881; teacher, Dayton, (J. [443] MARSHALL EMMONS 8 , (Oetavious 7 , Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) merchant; s. of Octavious Emmons and Elizabeth A. Marshall; b. West- chester, Conn., 18 Feb., 1855; m. 7 May, 1878, Hattie Esther, dau. of Chester Anible Champlain and Sarah Ann Clark; b. Mansfield, Ohio, 16 March, 1857; res. East Had- dam, Conn. Mr. Emmons removed with his parents to East Haddam in I860, where his life has been passed. He attended the common school of the village, and on August 30th, 1869, began an apprenticeship in the mercantile business under the late Win. II. Goodspeed, and has remained with his successors to the present time. He was appointed Post- master by President Harrison in 1889 and served four years; was again appointed by President McKinley in 1898, and reappointed by President Roosevelt in 1902. He is Senior Warden of St. Stephens Episcopal Church; a Past Master THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 203 of Columbia Lodge No. 26 F. & A. M., and Past Grand of Middlesex Lodge, No. 3, I. O. O. F., all of East Haddam. [444] GEORGE EDWARD, (bro. of Marshall) electrician; b. Westchester, Conn., 9 Sept., 1857; m. 14 Oct., 1885, Helen G. Lewis, b. Farmington, Conn., 12 Sept., 185G; res. Schenectady, N. Y. Mr. Emmons' education was received in the common school. At the age of fourteen, he entered the employ of Wm. H. Goodspeed, who conducted a general country store at East Haddam, Conn. ; remained in his employ until 1880; then entered the employ of T. R. Pickering Co., Portland, Conn., manufacturers of governors for traction engines, as a book-keeper; remained one year, and entered the employ of the American Electric Co., New Britain, Conn., the pro- genitor of the Thomson-Houston Electric Co., one of the allied companies forming the General Electric Co. ; remained only a short time, when he accepted a position with North & Judd Mfg. Co., New Britain, manufacturers of saddlery hardware; remained in employ of this company until 1886, when he entered employ of Thomson-Houston Electric Co., Lynn, Mass. ; served the above company in various capaci- ties, and in 1893, after the consolidation with the Edison General Electric Co., to form the General Electric Co., was placed in charge of their Lynn plant. In 1895 he was transferred to the Schenectady plant, ' of which he was made Assistant Manager. In 1896 was promoted to Manager, which position he now holds. Children : 1573. i. George Lewis, b. IS Dec. 18S6; Lynn, Mass. 1574. ii. Edward Marshall, " 1 Oct. 1SS8; d. 16 Mar. 1895. 1575. iii. Lawrence Barton, " 3 May 1896; Saratoga, N. Y. [445] HATTIE OCTAVIA, (sis. of George E.) b. East Had- dam, Conn., 20 July, 1861; m. 14 Nov., 1894, Frank A. Hefflon, b. Deep River, Conn., 6 Nov., 1857. 204 THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT Mrs. Hefflon graduated at the State Normal, and pre- vious to her marriage, was a teacher for several years, teaching in East Haddam, Waterbury, and six years in Deep River. Her husband is the present Postmaster at Deep River, where they now reside. [462] HARRIET ELY EMMONS 8 , (Edward 7 , Dyar ( \ Jos- seph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dan. of Edward G. Emmons and Harriet Gates Chapman; b. - -, 1846; m. 25 Dec, 1872, Captain Keziah B. Strickland. Children: L576. i. Lulu, b. [463] JOHN LESLIE, (bro. of Harriet E.) b. - -, 1849; m. , Agnes . Children : 1577. i. 1578. ii. NINTH GENERATION. [1566] EDGAR MARCELLUS CROCKER 9 , (J. L. Crocker 8 , Susannah", Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Jonathan L Crocker and Tammy Mclntyre, gr-s. of Isaac Crocker and Susannah Emmons; b. Pavilion, N. Y., 13 April, 1844; m. 1 1 June, L867, Martha Shepard, b. Gates, N. Y., 12 March, 1845, (1. L2 Sept., 1873; m. 2d, 2. r > Nov., 1879, Jennie Camp- bell, b. Pavilion, 2 Jan., 1860, d. 22 June, 1882; in. 3d, 4 Feb., L890, Alice Bernice Russell, b. Pavilion, 11 June, 1802; res. Le Roy, N. Y. Children : by 1st wife. ! 1577. i. Helen Edith, b. 11 May L869. 1 L578. ii. Lyman McIntyre, " 2 Ocl 1870. THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 205 Children: by 2d wife. 1579. Hi. Charles H., b. 27 Sept. 1SS0; d. 4 Feb. 1881. by 3d wife. 1580. iv. Frank B., 1581. v. Herbert E., 1582. vi. Stanley M., 1583. vii. Ruth E., 1584. viii. DwighT J., 1585. ix. Clarence B., * 8 July 1890; Pavilion, N. Y. ' 3 Apr. 1892; Pavilion, N. Y. ' 9 Jan. 1895; Le Roy, N. Y. ' 17 Jan. 1896; Le Roy, N. Y. ' 22 Jan. 1900; Le Roy, N. Y. ' 10 May 1901; Le Roy, N. Y. [15(57] HENRY CHAMPION, (bro. of Edgar M.) book-keeper; b. Pavilion, N. Y., 8 Nov., 1853; m. 9 Sept., 1874, Emma Barber; d. 22 April, 1881, without issue. [1569] SUSIE CHAMBERLAIN EMMONS 9 , (Nel- son 8 , Aaron 7 , Dyar G , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Nelson Emmons and Jeannette B. Chamberlain; b. Dorchester, Mass., 22 Feb., 1872; m. 26 Oct., 1800, Howard Hinkley Beck; res. Hamilton, Ohio. Children: b. Hamilton, O. 1586. i. Mary Jeannette, b. 6 Feb. 1902. 1587. ii. Flva Emily, " 11 July 1904. [1570] NELSON, Jr., (bro. of Susie C.) manufacturer; b. Boston, Mass., 7 Feb., 1873; m. 31 Dec, 1901, Mary Louise Osborn; res. Dayton, Ohio. Children : 1588. i. Nelson, 3d., b. 15 Oct. 1903; Dayton, O. [1571] WILLIAM HENRY, (bro. of Nelson, Jr.) R. R. Adv. Agt.; b. Dayton, Ohio, 31 Aug., 1877; m. 8 June, 1004, Elma Parker; res. Denver, Colo. [502] JAMES HENRY EMMONS 9 , (Monroe 8 , Ichabod 7 , 206 THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) railroader; s. of Monroe Emmons and Louisa Wood; 1). Hinsdale, Mass., 10 Aug., 1842. James Henry has remained single, and occupies the old homestead in Hinsdale, in which he was born. [504] DAVID MACK, (bro. of James H.) dealer in real estate; b. Hinsdale, Mass., 1 May, 1847; m. 3 Feb., 18SS, Martha McOuade, b. Scotland, 1851, d. 25 June, 1890; m. 2d, 31 July, 1892, Jennie Kathrine Nathurst, b. Nash- ville, Tenn., 27 Sept., 1857; res. St. Paul, Minn. For several years Mr. Emmons was a merchant in his native town of Hinsdale, Mass.; he removed to Virginia City, Nev., and engaged in civil engineering and mining; later he settled in St. Paul, Minn., where he followed the business of a dealer in real estate, in which he has been reasonably successful. Children: by 2d wife. 1589. i. Roger Monroe, b. 11 Nov. 1S96; St. Paul, Minn. 1590. ii. Louise Ludlow, " 23 June 1898; St. Paul, Minn. [500] HARRIS GEORGE, (bro. of David M.) painter; b. Hinsdale, Mass., 20 April, 1851; m. 19 Sept., 1894, Jennie """Pease Raymond, b. Dalton, Mass., 1868, d. 8 Jan., 1895; he res. Hinsdale, Mass. Mr. Emmons has been a resident of his native town from his birth, and with his elder brother James Henry, has always occupied the homestead wherein they were born. This dwelling familiarly known as "The Emmons House", was erected by his father Monroe Emmons, about 1840, and is located on Maple street in the village of Hins- dale, P>erkshire county, Mass. It was probably one of the finest private residences in the town for those days, and to-day, with its lofty portico and fluted columns, has a certain stateliness of the olden The Emmons House, Hinsdale, Mass. THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 207 time, that our more modern dwellings have not. In this pleasant and beautiful home, his father lived until his death in 1S65; here his mother died in 1892, andjhere were all of his brothers and sisters born. [508] EMMA HANNAH, (sis. of Harris G.) b. Hinsdale, Mass., 25 Sept., 1854; m. 5 Oct., 1885, Edwin C. Beverly, farmer; b. Williamstown, Mass., 6 Aug., 1858; res. Williamstown Station, Mass. Children : 1591. i. Louise Mary, 1592. ii. Ralph Gardner, 1593. iii. Bertha Laura, 1594. iv. Monroe Edwin, 1595. v. Wendell Paul, 26 Jan. 188S 26 Aug. 1890 24 Nov. 1892 17 Dec. 1896 28 June 1898 Williamstown, Mass. Hinsdale, Mass. Hinsdale, Mass. Hinsdale, Mass. Hinsdale, Mass. [518] SOLON E. FRISSELL, of Springfield, Mass., m. Fannie Estella Boutwell: Children : 1596. iii. Florence Boutwell, b. 15 Sept. 1887; Springfield, Mass. [537] EMILY HILL EMMONS 9 , (William 8 , John 7 , Daniel , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of William Emmons and Lucretia Hill; b. East Haddam, Conn., 2 Aug., 1847; m. 8 Sept., 1875, George Washington McClellan, miner; b. Rock Island, 111., 17 June, 1853; res. Denver, Colo. Children: b. Georgetown, Colo. + 1597. i. Mary Ida, b. 24 Sept. 1877. 1598. ii. GEORGE ErskinE, " 11 Dee. 1878; res. Denver, Colo. [538] WILLIAM F., (half bro. of Emily H.) miner; s. of 208 THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT William Emmons and wife Delia - — , b. 31 Oct.. 1856, d. Georgetown, Colo., 20 Feb., 1905. The following, clipped from a Georgetown paper, is the only knowledge we have of him : "William F. Emmons died of pneumonia on Monday after an illness of four davs. He was 48 years of age, and had been a resident of Georgetown since L878, with the exception of a couple of years spent at Denver and Sterling. He followed the vocation of mining and milling, for the last two years, being employed in the Chamberlain-Dillingham sampling works. He was a musician of considerable ability and has been a member of bands and orchestras ever since his residence here. He was a man of reserved dis- position, but was endowed with traits that endeared him to all who became intimately acquainted with him, and they speak of him as the most honor- able of men. His only known relative is Mrs. George McClellan, who with Mr. McClellan and their son and daughter, attended the funeral. He was a prominent member of the order of Red Men, under whose auspices the funeral took place on Wednesday." [552] PAULINE TAPPAN, m. William Judson Brown, of Providence, R. I. Children : 1599. i. Frances Tappan, 1>. 12 Feb. 1905. [508] THEODORE A. EMMONS, of Antioch. 111., m. Matilda P. Willett, who d. 5 Dec, 1904. [584] BENJAMIN EMMONS BRAIN ARD, of Harpersfield, Ohio, m. Lillian Nash. Children : 1600. i. Harold Avery, 1>. 10 Sept. 1903; Harpersfield, O. [614] CLARENCE B. CULVER, of Albany, Ore., m. Maud I rardwick. Children: 1601. ii. Vera, b. 9 Oct. 1904; Albany, Ore. THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 2O0 [631] ESTELLA CHLOE EMMONS, wid. of Franklm C. Auringer; m. 2d, 24 April, 1882, James Depew, soldier; 1). 11 March, 1847, d. 1 May, 1885; m. 3d, 27 April, 1895, Elbert R. Dougherty, farmer; b. 5 Nov., 1833; res. West Monroe, N. Y. Mr Dougherty enlisted in the United States Navy in 1856, and served until April 11th, 1861; enlisted in the 1st New York Mounted Rifles, April 26th, 1861 ; was discharged March 26th, 1865. He participated in eighty-two different engagements while connected with the army, and when discharged, was acting as Captain of his company. [692] ELLA CROSS, m. J. Howard Reeve, of Watertown, S. Dak. Children : 1602. iii. FERN. b. 3 May 1903; near Henry, S. Dak. [705] ESTHER JANE COVERT 9 , (Olive 8 , Eli 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel *, Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) nurse- dau. of Hon. Lewis M. Covert and Olive Dorhska Emmons; b. near Pontiac, Mich., 5 March, 1850; m. 29 Dec, 1869, Francis Kimball, farmer; b. Middlebury, Ind., 6 Feb., 1845- he is holding a claim at Kenmare, N. Dak.; she res. Spencer, Iowa. Children : 1603 i IRENE Susan, b. 17 Dec. 1870; d. 11 Mar. 1873. K304 ii Thomas DeKay, " 1 Oct. 1876;" 31 Oct. 1877. 1605 iii. STELLA SpELMAN, " 19 Aug. 1880; teacher, Spencer, la. 1606. iv. Grace Edna, " 4 Apr. 1882; d. inf. [706] MARIETTA ELIZABETH COVERT, (sis. of Esther J ) b near Pontiac, Mich., 9 May, 1852; m. Edward Sheldon, 2IO THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT farmer; b. 28 Aug., 1838; she d. 1890; he res. North Newbury, Mich. Children : 1607. i. Grace, b. 2 Aug. 1873; d. ; she was a teacher. + 1608. ii. Norma, " 16 Oct. ls7. r >. [707] ADA HANNAH OLIVE COVERT, (sis. of Marietta E.) b. near Pontiac, Mich., 18 Aug., 1855; m. 4 Jan., 1873, Charles George Hunt; commercial traveler; b. Bloomfield, Mich., 19 Jan., 1852; res. Battle Creek, Mich. Children: b. Birmingham, Mich. + 1609. i. Lyra Ernestine, b. 19 Jan. 1S74. + 1610. ii. Harry Ralph, " 12 Apr. 1878. Kill. iii. Lena May, " 19 Jan. 1S82; student. 1012. iv. Winnie Pauline, " 21 Mar. 1884. 1613. v. Guy Marion, " 25 Apr. 1886. 1614. vi. Charles Glenn, " 21 Aug. 1888. [708] DANIEL P. WEBSTER, (half bro. of Ada H.) lawyer; s. of Parker Webster and Olive D. (Emmons) Covert; b. China Township, St. Clair Co., Mich., 19 July, 1858; m. 16 Nov., 1886, Franc Baird, b. China Township, 10 Aug., 1869; res. Marine City, Mich. Mr. Webster attended the district school until 1874, when he entered the high school in St. Clair City, Mich., graduating in 1877; entered the law office of William Baird in that city, and was admitted to the bar in 1880; began practice in St. Clair, continuing until August 19th, 189!), when he enlisted as 1st Sergt. m Co. M. 47th U. S. Inft. Vols., to serve in the Philippine Islands; was discharged for disability Nov. 20th, 1900; was in California two years; removed Dec. 1st, 1902, to Marine City, Mich., and resumed the practice of law under the firm name of Baird & Webster, Attorneys at Law. Children : Mil."). i. Parker Harold, b. 6 Oct 1887. THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 211 [713] CORNELIA NELSON, of Vernon, N. Y., m. James Murphy: Children : 1616. viii. Margaret, b. 11 Dec. 1904; Hecla, N. Y. [738] WILFORD FIELDING DOWN, of Forestport, N. Y., m. Bertha Alice Landers: Children : 1617. ii. Wilford Leclaike, b. 21 July 1903. [739] EDGAR FIELDING DOWN 9 , (George A. 8 , Martha 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) teacher; s. of George A. Down and Angelia C. Merritt; gr-s. of George Down and Martha H. Emmons; b. Brewerton, N. Y., 31 March, 1S79; m. 1 Sept., 1904, Anna Cordelia, dau. of John Dinsdale and Cordelia Hamblin; b. Lang,Ontario, Can., 1 April, 1882; he is the Principal of the High School, Avoca, N. Y. [758] MARIAN ADELLE EMMONS 9 , (Frank P. 8 , William A. 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Frank P. Emmons and Acldie Deett'a Johnson; b. Manlius, N. Y., 20 Nov., 1880; m. 23 Aug., 1904, William C. Sulvan, undertaker; res. Syracuse, N. Y. [769] FRANK EUGENE JONES, of Independence, Okla., m. Effie L. Hackett: Children : 1618. i. AlthEa Christine, b. 3 Dec. 1903; Independence, Okla. 2 12 THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT [772] LEON AVERY JONES, of Independence, Okla., m. Mary J. Smith: Children: b. Independence, Okla. 1619. ii. Leon Avery Jr., b. 19 July 1903. 1020. iii. Adeline, " 30 Oct. L904. [790] WILLIAM HARVEY ACKLES, of Thornhill, N. Y., in. Nettie N. Smith: Children : 1621. ii. Homer Harvey, b. 9 July 1904; Marietta, N. Y. [845] FRANCIS AUGUSTUS LA PLACE 9 , (E. F. Gardner 8 , Augusta M. 7 , Dyar G , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) carpenter; s. of Timothy A. La Place and Emeline F. Gardner; gr-s. of Jacob B. Gardner and Augusta M. Emmons; b. Essex, Conn., 26 Aug., 1849; m. 5 Nov., L879, Mary Emma Burnham, b. Hadlyme, Conn., res. Essex, Conn. Children : 1622. i. Carroee Burnham, b. 28 Sept. 1881; Essex, Conn. [840] JONATHAN LORENZO LA PLACE, (bro. of Francis) farmer; b. Essex, Conn., 23 Sept., 1851; m. Children: b. Essex, Conn. 162)5. i. Lerov, b. Oct. 1882. 22 Oct. 1S84. 22 Oct. 1884. 8 Nov. 1886. Mar. 1889. 17 Aug. 1891. 1624. ii. Bearn, 1625. iii. Beatrice, 1626. iv. Nelson, Hi27. v. Mary, [628. vi. Anne, [847] ROBERT HENRY LA PLACE, (bro. of Jonathan) THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 213 machinist; b. Essex, Conn., 28 Jan., 1854; m. 3 Jan., 1891, Ellen Maria Barnard, b. Auburn, Mass., 4 June, 1853; res. Worehester, Mass. [848] HARRIET MIRANDA LA PLACE, (sis. of Robert) b. Essex, Conn., 5 Dec., 1857; m. - -, Joseph Hayden Pratt. [860] ELIZABETH EMMONS 9 , (Henry 8 , Aaron 7 , Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Henry Emmons and Olive E. Page; b. Cambridge, Mass., 26 Oct., 1858; m. 26 Jan., 1887, Rev., Jared A. Ellsworth, d. 4 Nov., 1897; he res. Naugatuck, Conn. Children : 1629. i. Henry Emmons, b. 25 Jan. 1SS8; Hebron, Conn. 1630. ii. Jared Phelps, " 28 Apr. 1889; Naugatuck, Conn. 1631. iii. Oliver Edward, " 31 Aug. 1891; Naugatuck, Conn. 1632. iv. Eli Phelps, " 18 July 1894; Naugatuck, Conn. [861] CAROLINE, (sis. of Elizabeth) b. Cambridge, Mass., 19 June, 1860; m. 21 Oct., 1890, Paul Fenn, broker; b. New Haven, Conn., 6 Oct., 1858; res. New York, N. Y. Children : 1633. i. Dorothy, b. 22 July 1891 ; New York, N. Y. 1634. ii. Caroline Emmons, " 9 Feb. 1893; New York, N. Y. [862] IRWIN, (bro. of Caroline) merchant; b. Roxbury, Mass., 18 Aug., 1862; m. 19 Oct., 1893, Mary Florence Aiken Farrar, b. Montreal, Can., 9 March, 1871; res. Roxbury, Mass. Children: b. Roxbury, Mass. 1635. i. Farrar, b. 21 Aug. 1894. 1636. ii. Henry, " 1 Jan. 1896. 214 TH E EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT [864] ALFRED PAGE, (bro. of Irwin) railroader; b. Rox- bury, Mass., 19 Jan., 1867; m. 28 Oct., 1897, Helen Curtis Bradlee, b. Roxbury, 3 Aug., 1875; res. Brookline, Mass. [866] JOHN NEWTON PHELPS 9 , (Olive 8 , Aaron 7 , Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) far- mer; s. of William Phelps and Olive E. Emmons; b. Marl- borough, Conn., 18 Nov., 1851; m. 23 Nov., 1878, Mary Ellen Haskins, b. New London, Conn., 30 March, 1857; res. Westchester, Conn. Children : 1637. i. Mary Elizabeth, b. 11 Sept. 1879. 1638. ii. Eunice Gertrude, " 17 Mar. 1881. 1639. iii. William Newton, " 17 Dec. 1884. 1640. iv. John Nelson, " 3 Feb. 1889. 1641. v. Lucy Emmons, " 21 July 1891. [867] DAVID PHELPS, (bro. of John N.) clerk; b. Marl- borough, Conn., 17 July, 1853; m. - -, Lena Lee, of Moodus, Conn. res. Meriden, Conn. Children: 1642. i. 1643. ii. 1644. iii. [871] GEORGE HENRY ROGERS 9 , (Almira 8 , Octavious 7 , Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of Sherman B. Rogers and Almira M. Emmons; b. 27 May, 1852; m. 24 April, 1879, Helen Goodale; he d. 3 Oct., 1885; without issue. [872] JANE ELLEN ROGERS, (sis. of George N.) b. 20 July, 1853; m. 16 April, 1871, Leverett Brainard. THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 215 Children : 1645. i. William S., b. 30 June 1884. [873] ELIZABETH ALMIRA ROGERS, (sis. of Jane E.) b. 21 Jan., 1859; m. 23 May, 1883, Henry Valentine. Children : 1646. i. Helen, b. 22 Mar. 18S4; d. 9 Sept. 1884. 1647. ii. George, " 17 Apr. 1885; " 7 June 1885. 1648. iii. Wallace, " 9 June 1888. 1649. iv. Vera, " 22 Oct. 1895. [891] ROSCOE CORNELIUS DOANE 9 , (Charlotte 8 , Nancy 7 Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Cornelius D. Doane and Charlotte M. Northam, gr-s. of Robert C. Northam and Nancy Emmons; b. Essex, Conn., 19 Sept., 1857; m. 3 April, 1884, Mary E. Brock- way, b. Essex, Conn., 30 Nov., 1866; res. Essex, Conn. Children: b. Essex, Conn. 1650. i. Louise Northam, b. 31 July 1SS5. 1651. ii. Charles Northam " 9 Mar. 1888. 1652. iii. Mary Charlotte, " 22 July 1899. [892] ROBERT CHAUNCEY DOANE, (bro. of Roscoe C.) farmer; b. Essex, Conn., 2 Nov., 1859; m. 22 April, 1884, Madeline M. Miner, b. Lyme, Conn., 10 Dec, 1865; res. Centerbrook, Conn. Children : 1653. i. Iva J., b. 30 Jan. 1887. 1654. ii. Errol C, " 17 July 1890. 1655. Hi. Fenn, " 17 Oct. 1900; d. 16 Nov. 1901. [893] ANN ELIZABETH DOANE, (sis. of Robert C.) b. Essex, Conn., 7 Dec, 1861; m. 26 April, 1887, George Henry Meigs, merchant; res. New Haven, Conn. 2l6 THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT [895] CARRIE LOUISE GRANGER 9 , (Nancy L. s , Nancy 7 , Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Henry J. Granger and Nancy L. Northam, gr-dau. of Robert C. Northam and Nancy Emmons; b. Westches- ter, Conn., 11 Aug., 1864; m. 18 Nov., 1885, Frank Edward Campbell, farmer; b. Agawam, Mass., 13 June, 1S65; res. Agawam, Mass. Children: b. Agawam, Mass. 1656. i. Arthur Edward, b. 9 Mar. 1SSS; d. 26 Oct. 1888. 1657. ii. Bertha Louise, " 30 Dec. 1889. [898] ROBERT CHAUNCEY NORTHAM, 3d 9 , (Robert C. s , Nancy 7 , Dyar 6 , Joseph 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Oba- diah 2 , Thomas 1 .) merchant; s. of Robert C. Northam, 2d, and Estelle F. Havens, gr-s. of Robert C. Northam and Nancy Emmons; b Hartford, Conn., 15 Dec, 1873; m. 7 Oct., 1896, Elsie E. Dibble, b. South Windsor, Conn., 8 Nov., 1872; res. Mystic, Conn. Children : 165S. i. Robert ChauncEy, 4th., b. 13 Nov. L 897; Hartford, Conn. L659. ii. Ruth Theresa, " 27 Jan. 1904; Stonington, Conn. [934] NATHANIEL HENRY EMMONS, 2d, of Ocotlan, Mex., m. Marion Shackford : Children : 1660. iv. Nathaniel Henry, 3d., b. 22 Jan. 1905; Mexico City, Mex. TENTH GENERATION. [1.177] HELEN EDITH CROCKER 10 , (E. M. Crocker 9 , J. L. Crocker 8 , Susannah 7 , Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer\ Samuel 1 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Edgar THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 217 M. Crocker and Martha Shepard, gr-gr-dau. of Isaac Crocker and Susannah Emmons; b. Le Roy, N. Y., 11 May, 1869; m. 27 March, 1891, Duncan Daniel McEwen, farmer; b. Le Roy, N. Y., 4 Dec, 1864; res. Le Roy, N. Y. Children : 1661. i. Florence Louise, b. 23 Sept. 1891. 1662. ii. Daniel John, " 4 Apr. 1893. 1663. iii. Herbert Sloan, " 29 Sept. 1S96. 1664. iv. Peter Duncan, " 16 Jan. 1900. [1578] LYMAN McINTYRE CROCKER, (bro. of Helen E.) b. Le Roy, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1870; m. 14 Nov., 1896, Kate McLaughlin, b. Le Roy, N. Y., 25 July, 1870; res. Le Roy, N. Y. Children: b. Pavilion, N. Y. 1665. i. Martha Elizabeth b. 10 June 1896; d. 15 Sept. 1896. 1666. ii. Lyman George, " 30 May 1898. 1667. Hi. Allan Daniel, 1900. 1668. iv. John, " Dec. 1903. [1597] MARY IDA McCLELLAN 10 , (Emily H. 9 , William 8 , John 7 , Daniel , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of George W. McClellan and Emily H. Emmons; b. Georgetown, Colo., 24 Sept., 1877; m. 24 Dec, 1896, Sylvester Augustus Snyder, miner; b. Cleveland, Ohio, 1 Sept., 1869; res. Denver, Colo. [1608] NORMA SHELDON 10 , (M. E. Covert 9 , Olive 8 , EH 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Edward Sheldon and Marietta E Covert, gr-dau. of Lewis M. Covert and Olive D. Em- mons; b. 16 Oct., 1875; m. 1 Feb., 1903, R. D. Malloy; res. Logansport, Ind. Children : 1669. i. Madeline Frances b. 21 Nov. 1903; Pueblo, Colo. 2l8 THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT [1609] LYRA ERNESTINE HUNT 10 , (A. Covert 9 , Olive 8 , EH 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Charles G. Hunt and Ada H. O. Covert, gr.-dau. of Lewis M. Covert and Olive D. Emmons; b. Birmingham, Mich., 19 Jan., 1874; m. 16 July, 1901, William Aaron George, physician; b. Alma, Mich., 18 July, 1866; res. College, View, Neb. Doctor George is superintendent of the Nebraska San- itarium at College View. [1(510] HARRY RALPH HUNT, (bro. of Lyra E.) telegrapher; b. Birmingham, Mich., 12 April, 1878; enlisted October 1st, 1900, in troop H. 6th U. S. Cav. The following spring they were ordered to the Philippines, sailing on the transport ship Hancock. After a short stay at Manila, he was ordered to Taal on the island of Batangas, to take charge of a custom house, where he remained for sometime. Having been transferred from the calvary to the signal corps, he was ordered to Calapan, where he operated in the central telegraph office, until within three months of his discharge from the army. From there he was sent south to the island of Negros to close up an office. On his way thither, he was taken with a severe attack of the fever, and after an illness of five weeks duration, he was sent home to the States, and at the expiration of his term of service, was discharged, September 30th, 1903. He again took up his business of a telegraph operator, being at present en- gaged in St. Louis, Mo. [945] HENRY BURDETT MESSENGER 10 , (E. Frissell 9 , Laura 8 , Ichabod 7 , Noadiah , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah-, Thomas 1 .) miller and canner; s. of Henry A. Messenger and Eliza Frissell, gr-s. of Augustus C. Frissell and Laura M. Emmons; b. Peru, Mass., 11 March, 1863; m. THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 219 2 April, 1902, Nora May Stowell, b. Montgomery, Pa., 16 July, 1876; res. Federalsburg, Md. Children : 1670. i. Henry BurdETT, Jr., b. 8 July 1903; Federalsburg, Md. [951] FRED BOUTWELL FRISSELL 10 , (S. E. Frissell 9 , Laura 8 , Ichabod 7 , Noadiah 6 , Ebenezer 5 , Samuel 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) optician; s. of Solon E. Frissell and Fannie E. Boutwell, gr-s. of Augustus C. Frissell and Laura M. Emmons; b. West Springfield, Mass., 2 Sept., 1876; m. 25 May, 1904, Minnie Elizabeth Jervis, b. Rochester, N. Y., 24 Dec, 1873; res. Springfield, Mass. [985] EDITH EMMONS, of Lake Villa, 111., m. Frank Hucker. Children: 1671. iii. Lottie Irene, b. 6 July 1898; d. 11 Sept. 1899. 1672. iv. George Emmons, " 2 May 1902. [987] WILLIAM MYRON EMMONS, of Gray's Lake, 111., m. Blanche Stevens: Children: 1673. iv. Robert, b. 18 May 1902; Gray's Lake, 111. [990] JENNIE VIOLA EMMONS, of Antioch, 111., m. Alfred Efinger : Children : 1674. ii. Helen, b. 8 Oct. 1902. [1007] BERT EDWARD MERRITT, of Brockport, N. Y., m. Anna Donnelly: Children : 1675. ii. Ervin Edward, b. 19 Jan. 1905; Brockport, N. Y. 220 THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT [1032] BERNARD WILLIS GUNSEL 10 , (M. J. Walker 9 , Mary 8 , Brainard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Sam- uel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) s. of William H. Gunsel and Martha J. Walker, gr-s. of Isaac Walker and Mary B. Em- mons; b. 30 May, 1881; m. 17 Oct., 1904, Grace Forest Houghton, of Albuquerque, New Mexico; res. Roswell, N.M. [1043] RAYMOND DANIEL POWELL 10 , (T. W. Powell 9 , Cynthia 8 , Brainard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) farmer; s. of Theodore W. Powell and Frances A. Kennicutt, gr-s. of John Powell and Cynthia C. Emmons; b. Shabbona, 111., 23 Oct., 1876; m. 8 March, 1904, Emelia Rebecca Smith; res. Sutherland, Iowa. [1044] EVARETT OLIVER POWELL, (bro. of Raymond D.) farmer; b. Shabbona, 111., 25 Dec, 1877; m. 17 Aug., 1904, Christina Magdalina Soeth; res. Sutherland, Iowa. [1047] MAUD MAY LEYSON 10 , (E. M. Powell 9 , Cynthia 8 , Brainard 7 , Jonathan 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) dau. of Herbert T. Leyson and Etta May Powell, gr-dau. of John Powell and Cynthia C. Em- mons; b. Shabbona, 111., 13 May, 1885; m. 27 Oct., 1904, Harry Wells; res. Eagle Grove, Iowa. [1094] FREDERICK E. HOSKINS, of Grandmarsh, Wis., m. Ulva De Mott: Children : 1676. i. Violet V., I». 17 Oct. 1903; Newchester, Wis. THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT 22 1 [1131] LILY BISBO, of Constantia, N. Y., m. Frederick Hallady : Children: 1677. vii. Charles F., b. 19 Jan. 1904. [1132] LILLIE LUCRETIA AURINGER, of Chilton, Wis., m. Albert Ritzke: Children : 1678. ii. Flora Elizabeth, b. 13 Nov. 1904; Stockbridge, Wis. [1133] DAISY BELLE AURINGER, of Lamson, Minn., m. Peter Lewis Seartram: Children : 1679. ii. Howard Edward, b. 1 Nov. 1903; McLeod Co., Minn. [1161] GLENN EDGAR COLLAR 10 , (R. A. Terpenny 9 , Hannah 8 , Samuel 7 , Jonathan , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thomas 1 .) machinist; s. of Fred Collar and Rose A. Terpenny, gr-s. of George Terpenny and Hannah C. Emmons; b. Bridgeport, N. Y., 21 Oct., 1883; m. 24 March, 1904, Leah Ann Brown, b. Bridgeport, N. Y., 24 March, 1883; res. Syracuse, N. Y. [1167] MABEL REEVE 10 , (E. Cross 9 , Rosetta 8 , Eli 7 , Jona- than 6 , Jonathan 5 , Jonathan 4 , Samuel 3 , Obadiah 2 , Thom- as 1 .) dau. of J. Howard Reeve and Ella Cross, gr-dau. of George W. Cross and Rosetta Emmons; b. Ironton, Wis., 27 June, 1889; m. 1 June, 1904, Archibald Cooley, farmer; b. 1 July, 1880. 222 THE EMMONS FAMILY SUPPLEMENT [1192] GORDON C. GREMvS, of Utica, N. Y., m. AnnaSlicher: Children : 16S0. ii. Ethel May, b. 20 July 1904 ; Utica, N. V. Ind ex PART I— EMMONS' NAMES [Numerals placed before names, denote generation; those following, show the personal number of an individual. A + sign, is an indication that the name appears twice; first, in its parents' generation as a child; second, in the following generation, (in brackets) as a genealogical num- ber. Those inclosed by brackets, indicate that the name will appear under that bracketed number. Roman num- erals denote page only. Repetition of names are not otherwise indexed.] Emons. Emons. 2. Alice, [2] 3. Martho, 9 2. Benjamin, + 6 3. " + 37 3. + 26 3. Martha, 42 3. 40 2. Mary, [2] 3. Ebenezer, + 24 2. Si [6] 4. + 48 3. tl + 11 2. Elizabeth, 5 3. t l 17 2. [6] 3. i ( 25 2. [7] 3. f 4 + 36 3. 10 4. U + 47 3. 20 4. " 51 3. 35 3. Mehitable, 23 2. Hannah, + 3 4. i i 49 3. + 22 3. Nathaniel, + 21 4. 52 4. Maj., + 46 4. + 60 4. ( t 50 3. Jacob, + 39 4. " + 53 4. 54 2, Obadiah, + 2 4. + 61 3. 1 1 + 14 4. Jonathan, + 45 3. 1 1 19 2. Joseph, + 7 3. Rebecca, 12 3. 29 3. ( t + 28 3. + 30 3. t i 41 3. Joshua, + 31 4. Richard, 58 3. Lydia, + 32 3. Samuel, [24] 1. Martha, + 1 2. 1 i + 4 Xll THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART I Emons Emmons. 3. Samuel J + 13 9. Alonzo B., 579 3. 1 1 18 10. Alva, 1277 3. i i 33 7. Amanda, + 150 3. i i 34 8. " 268 3 t t + 43 8. " Jane, + 363 Thomas, X 8. M., + 305 i i X 7. Amasa, + 190 1. > i + 1 8. Ann Benning, 488 3. t » 8 6. Anna, + 119 3. 1 1 + 27 8. Anne E., + 308 3. " + 38 8. " Wales, + 475 4. i i + 59 9. 10. Arabell Ophelia, Artemissia, + 634 + 981 Kmmons. Arthur, viii 7. Aaron Ely, + 223 9. Beale, 937 5. Abigail , 74 s. " Brewster, + 481 7. " 214 11. " Neville, 1360 9. ( ( Ann, + 572 9. Arvilla Lucy, 632 10. Actah M., + 1037 6. Asa, 123 9. Ada Addle, + 681 10. Clark, 999 9. Adaline, 529 8. Upham, + 290 9. " E., 531 8. Asahel B., + 337 8. Adeline T., 317 9. Augusta, + 589 9. Adelle H., 748 7. Matilda, + 221 8. Agelia L., + 401 7. Augustine, + 143 8. Albert Henry, + 438 8. Avery, 345 10. t i Louis, + 1003 11. Beatrice, 1404 10. " Leroy. + 1073 9. Belle Williams, + 536 9. Alexan der Franklin, 530 Benjamin, vi 9. Alfred B., 580 4. " + 55 10. i t P>ailey, + 1002 5. t i 81 8. " Brainard, 292 5. " 86 s. i i Clark, 315 6. " 129 9. t i Henry, 578 7. i i + 180 7. " J-, + 219 7. " Franklin, 216 11. " Morton, 1383 10. it ' * 992 9. " Page, 864 9. Bert Anson, 688 0. Alice, 900 10. Bertha, 1276 10. " 983 10. Bernice Lenora, 1013 9. " May, NO!) 9. Bessie May, + 687 8. Aimed a, + 327 9. Blanche F., 747 8. Almira t + 311 9. Blendena Elizabeth, + 746 8. " Melissa, + 436 9. Jane, 759 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART I Xlll Emmons. Emmons. 7. Brainard, + 140 9. Delilah Phoebe, 630 7. i i + 182 6. Deliverance, IDS 8. " 299 6. Diodate Johnson, 106 10. Cali Frances, + 980 5. Dorothy, + 62 8. Canfield, 264 7. " ' F- 210 9. Caroline 861- 10. Shackford, 1336 9. " 905/ 6. Dyar, + 122 8. ( t 432. 7. i i + 230 8. < i 487 * 5. Ebenezer, Lieutenant., + 64 8. " Vose, 491 6. t ( + 103 11. Carrie May, 1386 7. " + 151 7. Catherine Ely, + 222 8. 4 ( 269 7. G., 233 9. Edgar Cypron, 876 8. Charles, + 332 10. Edith, + 985 10. 1 1 982 7. Edward, 240 8. " Alfred A., 295 10. ( i 984 7. " Blake, 243 7. " Blake, \ 2 1 'J 10. Chad wick, + 1000 8. " Blake, 489 8. Edward, + 472 7. " Gilbert, + 229 7. " Parker, + 246 9. Neville, + 570 9. ' ' Richard , 503 11. " Neville, 1365 8. " s., + 403 9. " Payson, + 528 9. Sumner, 801 11. Rawson, 1359 7. Charlotte, 192 10. " Wesley, + 995 8. Chauncey B., + 314 8. Edwin Augustine, + 261 10. Clara Edith, + 1012 10. " Eugene, + 1009 10. Clarence Tucker + 998 10. Effie May, 997 10. Claretta Adell + 1075 7. Eleanor B. W., Kill 9. Asenath, 575 9. Bacon, 928 10. Chloe V., + 1036 8. Elenora, + 338 9. Cora Anna, 800 8. " + 400 7. Cynthia, 178 7. Eli, + 186 8. " c, + 303 8. Eliza, + 249 8. " M., + 326 8. < i + 379 5. Daniel, + 67 8. Cromby, 482 6. " S., Sergt., + 99 5. Elizabeth, (53 9. Darius, + 590 5. *' 83 7. David, + 145 6. ( i + 125 8. " Brainard, + 262 8. tt 343 9. Mack, 504 9. i i 860 7. Delia, + 159 8. Fuller, 283 7. Royal pedigree, [159] 10. " Franklin, 1334 8. a [265] 8. Lee, 256 XIV THE EMMONS FAMII.Y INDEX PART I Emmons. Emmons. 9. Elizabeth Manning, 557 9. Frances Lovina, + 534 7. Sparrow, 146 Francis W., Rev., viii 9. Wales, 925 9. Frank, 784 9. Wales, 938 9. Theodore, + 633 9. Wales, 941 10. Theodore, 993 8. Wales, + 476 8. Thomas, 471 8. [{liner E., + 310 8. Franklin, + 266 8. Jonathan, + 362 9. t i + 684 9. Ella E., + 816 8. " L., + 329 8. Ellen, 430 8. Pierce, + 367 8. " Adelle, + 366 10. " R-, 1039 11. Adelaide, 1367 8. Frederick A., + 253 8. " Maria, + 440 9. Genevieve S., + 583 8. Emeline, 349 9. George, + 787 7. " s., + 195 9. " 901 8. Emily, + 251 8. Beale, + 4 SO 8. tt + 427 9. Beale, 935 9. Hill, 537 9. Beale, 939 8. Emina, 347 8. Edward, 444 9. Emma Hannah, 508 Foster, Rear Adm., viii 11. Ephriam v Smedley, 1385 9. Ichabod, 505 6. Erastus, 111 9. " W., + 581 9. Essie May, + 799 8. Washington, 459 9. Estella Chloe, + 631 11. Georgiana, 1370 9. tt tt [663] 8. Gertrude Elizabeth, 473 s. Esther, 390 8. Gideon, + 380 8. Ardelia, 365 10. Gladys M., 1041 8. " c, + 396 9. Marion, 762 8. " Estella, + 368 10. Golden L., 1040 9. Ethel Hanks, 865 10. Gurnon Zavan, + 1082 11. " May, 1368 10. Guy Rockwell, 994 10. Eva B., + 1038 9. Hamilton, + 924 9. Fannie, + 783 5. Hannah, 70 10. Blanche, + 988 5. " 77 9. Fit/ Henry, 509 5. tt 89 10. Flora, + 1275 5. I i 97 8. " Elcina, + 364 7. t t + 234 in. Florence Emma, + 99 1 8. " c, + 330 n. Irene, + 1362 7. Harmony + 153 9. Sophia, 515.-) 7. Harriet, + 154 10. " v., 1023 7. * t + 191 7. Florilla, 212 9. Amelia, 533 9. Frances Deetta, 760 8. " Ely, 462 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART I XV Emmons. Emmoms. 9. Harris George, 506 8. Jerome, 344 8. Harrison, 4-397 9. Jessie, 786 11. Harry Garfield, 1366 9. Jesse Lee, 618 10. Morton, 1018 8. Joel, 392 11. Hattie May, + 1361 5. John, + 96 10. May, 1165 6. " + 134 8. Oetavia, 445 7. < * 1 1 17 8. Helen, 393 8. " + 435 9. Cordelia, + 565 8. " Frank, 490 9. G., + 582 8. " Leslie, 163 8. Pickering, 494 7. " Lucas, + 244 7. Henry, + 141 8. " Lucas, 492 8. i i + 293 10. " Orson, 1015 8. t i + 426 9. ' ' Wesley, + 571 8. Bowditeh, 495 9. Johnson, 682 9. Dudley, 868 5. Jonathan, 69 8. Manning, + 284 5. " + 78 7. Vaughan, Rev., + 164 6. ( i + 114 7. " W., 215 6. 1 1 126 11. Hetty, 1405 7. ( ( + 188 8. Hiram, + 294 7. * t + 236 8. Horace, 429 8. " + 300 8. Chapman, + 460 9. 1 1 592 9. Horatio Nelson, 936 8. E., + 331 11. Howard Carlton, 1384 7. Lyman, + 144 7. Ichabod, + 138 5. Joseph, + 79 9. Irwin, 862 6. " Gilbert, + 121 7. Isaac, + 183 7. " Gilbert, + 209 9. " Brainard, + 635 8. Josephine Rosilla, + 442 9. Isabell Augusta, 511 Joshua, vi 5. Jacob, + 93 1 1 [87] 6. i t + 137 5. " Snoden, + 88 7. James, + 198 8. Julia Maria, 466 8. 374 8. " 485 8. " D., + 402 8. Juliette, + 307 7. " Ely, 227 8. Julius, 431 7. " Ely, + 231 8. t i 133 9. Henry, 502 9. " Ely, 903 11. Jenette, 1353 7. Justin, 152 10. Jennie Alice, + 1008 8. Kate DeForest, 486 10. Viola, + 970 8. Katherine, 391 9. Jerema Leolia, 877 11. Kathryn Isabelle, 1371 5. Jeremiah, + 82 10. Lana, 127S XVI THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART I Emmons. Emmons. 8. Laura .Mack, + 250 9. Martha Iona, 619 7. Laurena C, 2 IS 7. ' Williams, 162 1 1. Lawrence, 1354 5. Mary 66 9. Leroy Albert, + 028 5. ( i 90 8. Levi Raymond, 461 5. i i 91 8. Lewis, + 377 5. i I 95 9. Lillian, 673 6. t i 104 10. Linford Charles, 1077 6. " + 112 11. Lois Eugenia, 1363 6. i i 128 10. Lottie A., + 989 6. t i 130 8. Louisa, 470 7. ( i + 149 11. " 1352 7. i ( (Polly) 179 7. " P., 213 7. i i 181 8. Lucinda, + 312 7. " + 1S7 9. " 593 7. " + 200 S. Lucretia, + 328 8. I i + 252 8. Lucy, 348 8. i i 270 7. Maria, 161 8. " + 399 8. Vaughan, 2S 'J 9. i i Ann Wales, 932 11. Lula Alicia, 135S 10. " Arvilla, + 1074 7. Luna 148 10. i i Belle, + 986 8. Sophia, 263 7. i t Blake, 241 9. Luther Henry, S7S S. " Blake, 484 5. Lydia, 80 S. ( ( Blake, 493 6. 1 1 + 118 8. i i Brainard, + 297 7. « i + 184 9. i i Elizabeth, + 540 8. Minerva, 258 s. i t Ellen, 468 9. Madora Sophia, [6S6] 9. i t Jane, + 671 10. Sophia, + 1080 9. i i Louisa, 507 8. Margaret A., + 401 11. i ( Louisa, 1369 9. Davis, + 933 S. ( ( Lovina, 260 Maria, [62] 7. i ( MeClellan, 248 9. Sophia, 532 9. i i Olive, 863 9. Marie Dupont, 940 10. 1 1 Rachel, + 1010 8. Marilda, 301 9. i ( Sophia, 532 8. " + 375 0. i i Williams, + 116 9. Marian Addie, + 758 8. t ( Williams, 285 8. Lransalia, + 361 8. Melissa M., 316 10. Van lUiren, 1330 11. Merwin Hamilton, 1382 s. Marshall, 143 9. Milton, + 78S c». Martha, + 107 9. Minnie, 902 10. " Davis, 1335 8. it Avery M., + 296 7. Holmes, + 193 10. tt Lill, + 1011 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART I XV11 Emmons. Emmons. 11. Minnie Lovina, 1364 9. Orson Landon, 1 .".7 1 9. Virginia, 701 9. Osborn Smedley, + 576 8. Monroe, + 247 7. Oveil, + 201 9. " Jr., 501 7. Ozias Chapman, 211 9. Morton Adelbert, 573 10. Pearl Jane, 1014 9. Myra Isabella, + 566 10. Perley D., 1022 8. Myron, + 289 7. Phebe Ely, + 225 10. Myrtle May, + 1076 8. Maria, 1-171 6. Nancy + 127 7. Prudence, + 204 7. " + 199 7. Hewitt, 228 7. " + 226 5. Rachel, 75 7. Ann, + 196 10. Ralph, 1279 8. Jane, + 437 8. Rhoda, + 334 8. Maria, 257 6. Richard, 136 10. Nathan B., 1081 9. Rob Roy, + 617 5. Nathaniel Rev., + 73 7. Robert Love, Sergt., + 235 5. " + 92 10. Van Buren, 1329 6. i ( 100 8. Wales, 1 117 6. < ( 105 9. Wales, + 926 9. i i 539 10. Wales, 1331 9. Franklin, 931 9. Rockwell Dean, + 567 7. Henry, + 237 9. Rolla Henry, + 686 8. Henry, + 478 10. Henry, [180] 9. Henry, + 934 10. Rosa Belle, + 1078 7. Williams, 163 11. Rosella, 1406 10. Nearing Landon, 1016 8. Rosetta, + 333 8. Nelson, 434 8. Roxanna, 346 G. Noadiah, Maj., + 98 8. Royal Preston, + 465 7. i i + 139 9. Rufus, 859 8. ( i + 248 5. Ruth, 71 8. Franklin, + 255 9. a 927 7. Octavius, + 224 6. Sally, 131 6. Olive, 120 7. i t 239 7. " 177 4. Samuel, Dea., + 44 8. " D., + 336 5. 1 1 + 65 8. " Elizabeth, + 428 5. ( ( + 85 8. Olivia Minerva, + 441 6. it + 101 6. Oliver, + 113 6. 1 i + 117 7. " F., + 220 6. ( ( + 124 8. Orinda J., + 304 7 (i + 185 8. Orren, + 378 8 ( ( 394 8. Orson, + 291 9 i i 680 10. John, 1017 7 " Franklin, 232 XV 111 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART I Emmons. Emmons. 8. Samuel Franklin, + 479 5. Thomas, + 87 5. Sarah, 76 6. i I 132 5. 94 6. ( < 135 6. 110 7. Truman, 203 6. + 115 9. Ulyssa Asenath, + 577 6. 133 9. Uretta, 591 7. 189 10. Vivian Lee, 1068 9. 683 8. Walter Carlos, 464 8. ' Ann, 309 8. Warren, 395 9. Elizabeth, 904 10. ( i 1079 7. Ellen, 165 9. " Chauneey, + 629 8. Isadore, 467 10. Willard Neal, + 1001 8. Josephine, 483 William, ix 8. Sophia, + 254 8. " + 265 8. Sophronia, + 313 9. Franklin, 538 9. Spencer, + 685 8. " A., + 376 7. Stephen, + 238 7. Avery, + 194 9. Sorrs Ely, 869 9. Bacon, + 930 7. Sumner, + 202 8. Brainard, 469 9. Susan 929 9. Clement, 785 9. Elizabeth, 510 8. Darius, + 298 6. Susannah, 102 8. " H., + 398 7. ( * 142 9. Harrison, + 569 5. Sybyl, 72 " Jr., viii 8. Sylvester, + 335 10. Myron, + 987 8. Teressa B., 405 6. Williams, Hon., + 109 7. " Jane, + 197 8. i 1 281 8. Theressa Ann, 439 9. Willis, 672 8. Theodore, + 302 10. Eugene, + 996 9. Alvinsia, + 568 8. Wilson, 306 5. The >mas, 84 Woodruff, viii PART II— NAMES OTHER THAN EMMONS. Abbott. 8. Mary, Mehitable, Ackles. 8. Abigail, 8. Arvilla, 9. Charles, 8. Charity, ACKLES. [377] 8. Chloe, 408 [59] 10. Clara, + 1287 8. DeForest, 409 9. Dora, + 795 388 8. Eliza, + 410 h412 10. Frank, 1290 836 9. Franklin, + 793 406 9. George H., + 794 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II XIX ACKLES. 9. Grace, + 789 10. Grant, 1288 10. Harley Jaman, + 1294 8. Harvey, 389 10. Harry, 1289 10. Horace, 1292 7. Horton, [200] 10. Hoyt S., 1282 10. Ina May, 1295 10. Irving, + 1286 7. James, [204] 8. " + 414 9. Jennie, 796 11. " Peters, 1510 8. Katherine, + 407 9. Lena E., 797 8. Lewis, 413 8. Loduska, + 411 11. Marshall, 1506 9. Mary, + 791 8. Milberry, 386 10. Mortimer A., + 1293 8. Ovil, + 387 7. Polly, [201] Robert, [117] 9. " + 792 8. Samuel, + 385 10. Sara, 1291 7. Sarah, [198] 6. " (Taylor) [117] 9. William Harvey, + 790 AcklEy. 5. Lydia, [82] 6. Simon, [118] Adams. 9. Calvin, 639 6. Elijah, [115] 9. Emmons, 637 8. Gideon, [318] 9. " Jr., 636 9. Gurdon H., + 640 8. Olive, [151] Adams. 6. 8. 9. Olivia, Samuel Rogers, Theodore M., Adsit. [103] [427] 638 7. John B., Avery. [113] 6. 7. Nancy, Sarah Esther, Agawam. [114] [180] Indian Chief, [24] Albrighton. 9. Ada Belle, Allen. [728] 7. Bozoon, Elvira (Herrick) Walter, Amory. [2] [202] [202] 3. Mary, Simon, Capt., Anderson. [26] [26] 9. Annie, Andrews. [700] 8. John, Lucy, ArmitagE. [1] [397] Joseph, [1] Arnold. 5. Enoch, Jonathan, Jr., Atkinson. [62] [62] 10. Lillie, AURINGER. [1221] 8. 9. 10. 10. 10. Abner Foster. Adaline L., Alden Foster, Daisy Belle, Edith Cynthia, [326] + 664 1135 + 1133 1134 XX THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II AURINGER. 9. Frank C, [631] 9. Franklin C, + 663 9. George Henry, + 665 9. " Henry, [669] 9. Hannah Elizabeth, + 661 7. Harriet, [185] 10. Ljllie Lueretia, + 1132 9. Maria Jane, + 662 9. Samuel Nathaniel, Babcock, 660 James, [472] 8. Rosetta, Backwell. [472] 9. Jessie Dunigan, Bacon. [922] 8. Eleanor Gassett, [478] General, [364] Baht. 8. Emma Matilda, Bailey. [284] Amaziah, [180] 7. Asenath, [ISO] 9. Emma, [782] Hannah, [571] 10. Rosa Lee, [995] William R., [995] Baker. 8. Albert Leonidas, + 370 9. " L, 766 8. Alice Cornelia, + 369 David, [246] Edward, [1] 9. Genevieve Joy, 767 7. Leonidas Z., [196] 7. Mary Blake, [246] 9. Neallie, [654] 9. Sylvester Emmons Balch. 768 9. Harriet, [930] Ball. 8. Maria (Benson) [248] Ballard. 9. Frank, [691] Barnard. 9. Grace, [918] Barnes. Mr. [188] Barnum. Henry A., Col., [331] " A., Gen., [628] Barrett. William, [362] Barton. Henry, [24] Bateman. John, [1] Bates. 10. George Nathaniel, +961 9. " Washington, [540] BatchELDER. Francis H., [359] 8. Hattie Jane, [359] Beach. 10. Rena Elizabeth, [1233] Beagle. 9. Emma, [736] John, [736] Bean. 6. Francis, [87] Beattie. 9. Frances Marian, +757 8. Walter A., [366] Beckett. 8. Martha Jane, [298] BEEBE. 6. Luna, [99] THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II XXI BEEBE. BlSBO. 8. Mary Elizabeth, [260] 10. Lilly, + 1131 Bellows, 9. William, [664] 8. Lucretia L., [294] Bishop. Benedict. 8. Eliza, [353] 10. Achsah Ella, + 1121 George, [353] 9. John A., [661] Blaine. 10. Lewis Burton, 1120 Emmons, [109] Benson. James G., Hon., [109] Byron D., [329] Blake. BergEv. Edward, [137] 1 1 . Bessie May, 1407 6. Sarah, [137] 11. Dora, 1412 Bloser. 11. Ar villa Ellen, 1411 12. Dorothy Luella, 1515 11. Jennie Belle, 1410 Joseph Lewis, [1362] 1 1. Leroy Irwin, 1409 1 1. Robert James, [1362] 10. William Henry, [1074] Bloxam. 11. " Henry, 1408 10. Edwin, 1245 BlGELOW. 9. John, [730] 10. Ada Marion, + 1059 BOARDMAN. 10. Cora O., + 1070 9. Francis A., [624] Benjamin, Rev., Bonner. [113] BlGNALL. 7. Almira, [ISO] John, BortlE. [2] Billings. Phillip A., [320] George, [571] 8. Sophia J., [320] 7. " W. O., [242] 9. Georgianna, [571] BoutwELL. 9. Fannie Estella, [5 IS] Bingham. Bowie. 9. Susie Hutchinson, [519] [1340] 11. Florence May, Bird. Bowman. 6. Isaac, William, Lieut., [125] [134] Jonathan, Rev., Bradford. [55] BlRKL. 11. Ella E. ( 1423 9. Barbara Augusta, [724] 11. Frank P., 1424 BlSBO. 10. George, [1088] 9. George, [6S7] 11. Maude M., 1421 10. Gladys, 1166 11. Ray M., 1422 XX11 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Bradford. Brockway. 11. Vernon, E., Bradley. 1425 6. Aaron, Brooks. [116] Phillip B., Col., [114] 7. Elizabeth, [139] Bradshaw. Brookes. 7. Andrew, [234] 9. Helen, [926] Braga. 4. Mary, [53] 9. Albert, [055] Brown. 10. Clyde, 1118 10. Alexander, [972] 11. Robertson, 1344 Brainard. 11. Arthur Alexander, + 1341 Abner, [98] 9. Charles E., [627] 6. Annie, [113] 11. Edna May, 1453 9. Benjamin Emmons, + 584 11. Frank Emmons, 1342 6. Elizabeth, [98] 10. Franklin Austin, 1272 8. John W., [296] 11. Glenn A., 1452 6. Mary, [114] 11. Agnes Helen, 1343 7. Sally, [140] 10. John, [1138] William, [140] 11. John Stanford, + 1340 BrehmER. 11. Lottie Cornelia, 13. . 11. Charles Baldway, [1361] 10. Mabel Althea, 1273 12. Myron Montford, 1513 Brennan 12. Stanford Bowie, 1512 10. Bessie, 1319 9. Thomas Oscar, Dr., [770] 10. Mildred, 1320 11. Vernon L., 1451 9. William, [826] 10. William, 1072 BrEnton. 9. J-, [552] William, [7] Browning. Brewster. 7. Justus, [149] 10. Annie Wales, 1326 8. Mary Smith, + 267 8. Benjamin, [475] Bryant. 10. " 1323 9. Agnes, 560 9. Emmons, + 918 10. Lee, 968 9. Elizabeth Annie, + 919 8. Albert, Rev., [2S7] 9. Frank, + 921 9. Arthur Alexis, 563 9. George Washington, + 923 9. Bertha, 559 10. Harriet, 1322 10. Dorothy Emmons, 969 10. Helen Sharp, 1328 9. Edith Helen, 564 9. John Frederick F., + 920 9. Emmons, + 561 10. Mary, 1327 9. Ethel Charlotte, 562 9. Paul Otis, + 922 9. Seelye, Rev., + 558 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II XX111 BUCHER. 10. Charles Irwin, [1076] 11. Clarence Arthur, 1417 11. Milo Irwin, 1416 Buckley. Cynthia, [231] John, [44] Bullitt, 9. James Fry., Rev., [933] 10. Margaret Emmons, 1333 10. Martha Davis, 1332 Bunker. 10. Mae, [1143] BURLIN. 8. Mary L., [403] BURNHAM. 8. Anna F., [287] 9. Courtney, 803 8. Eaton, [399] 9. Jennie, 804 9. Nora, +805 9. Terressa, 802 Burrows. Dorcas, [735] BuTLEK. Samuel, Dea., [13] Buxton. 10. David J., [1123] Cadv. 9. Eliza, 513 8. John, [249] 9. Wallace, 512 Calkins. 8. Benjamin, [327] 9. Frances, +666 Camp. 10. Gertrude, [1285] Campbell. 10. Adelaide, [1073] Campbell. Alexander, Rev., viii Rev., [289] 9. Harry, Canfield, [679] Colonel, [99] CANONICl'S. Indian Chief, X Carhart. H. D., Capt., [380] Carpenter. 9. Annie, 810 7. Byron, 812 9. Carlie, 811 9. Daniel Sumner, + 806 Elizabeth, [255] 9. Helen Louisa, 808 James, [255] 9. John Lewis, 809 s. Miner Welcome, [400] 9. " Wilton 807 8. Nancy, Carr. [255] 9. Jennie, Carroll. [794] 9. Kate, Carter. [8171 George R., [290] 9. Susie, Chadwick. [633] Victoria, [737] Champlin. Champlin & Emmons, [367] 8. Sarah Ann, Champnev. [454] 4. Daniel, Jr., [60] 3. Hannah, Chandler. [38] 9. Susan J., [650] XXIV THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Chapman. G. Dorothy, Elijah, Capt.,. 7. Harriet Gates, Jonathan, Ozias, Stephen, Church. 8. Caroline, 8. Corinth Mack, 8. Harriet, 8. Mary Emmons, 8. Sumner Ebenezer, 7. Uriah, Hon., Clark. 8. Augustus R., 10. Blanche May, 9. Ernest Augustus, 10. Evelyn Flora, 9. Frank Elton, 9. Frederick, 9. Grace Emmons, 9. Harriet Maria, 10. Isidore Lucy, 10. Islavere Rowena, John, 10. Leonard George, 9. Marion Isadore, 10. Marion Lemira, 10. Maynard Louis, 10. Mildred Searle, 9. Norman, 9. Olive, 10. Robert Ernest, 8. Watson Wesley, 9. William, Clay. Henry, Hon. Clements. 8. Susan, [121] [114] [229] [44] [121] [229] + 497 500 + 499 498 496 [154] [361] [1029] + 744 1261 + 742 885 + 745 [570] 1260 1258 [26] [5701 1262 + 743 1252 1263 1253 883 884 1259 [441] 886 [290] [376] Coats. 10. Lillian, CODDINGTON. [1140] William, X Coe. 10. Francis, [1083] 11. Gladys Arvilla, Cole. 1420 9. Charles Clinton, [798] 10. Collectia DeEtte, 1299 10. Delos Milton, CollER. 1300 10. Claude, 1162 9. Fred, [677] 10. Glenn, Colton. 1161 10. Anne Mason, [1293] David, [1293] Combs. 9. Arthur P., [547] 10. Louis Eugene, 966 10. Winifred Emmons, ConcladE. 967 Mary, vi Cone. Captain, [67] Festus, Capt., [235] 10. Florence Emma, 1055 9. Henry Martin, [607] 5. Huldah, [46] [229] James, [44] 7. Maria, [151] 5. Mary, [67] 10. Ned vScott, 1056 10. Pauline Harriet, 1057 4. Ruth, CONKLIN. [44] 10. Clark Augustus, 1257 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II XXV 11. 11. CONKLIN. 9. Elbert Ernest, [743] 10. " Ernest, 1256 8. Elias V. B., [151] 10. Marguerite Isidore, 1255 10. Matthew Emmons, 1254 Nellie, [1000] Cook. Ann, [336] Maria, [336] 8. Mary E., [387] 7. Samuel, [113] COOLEV. Carl Merritt, 1372 Claude Robert, 1373 10. FredH., [1004] 11. Leroy Willard, 1374 Coon. D. F., [373] Grace Irene, 781 CornuE. Ellen E., 832 8. Esther, [387] 8. Eugene, [-112] 9. Frank, 833 9. Lida, 834 Mary, 835 Cossitt. David S., [329] Covert. Ada Hannah Olive, 707 Ansel Lewis, 704 9. Esther Jane, 705 8. Lewis M., Hon., [336] 9. Marietta Elizabeth, 706 Samuel, [336] Crab. Hannah, [1] 3. " 16 2. Henry, [3] Crab. 8. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. Samuel, [1] 3. Cramer. 15 10. Clarence, Crane. [1275] John T., Dr., [242] 8. John W., [499] 7. Julia V. T., Crocker. [242] General, [362] 7. Isaac, [142] 8. Jonathan Lyman, + 259 9. Walter Wilson, Crosby. [799] Cornelia, [734] Cross. 9. Eme May, + 691 9. Ella, + 692 8. George W., Croswhite. + 333 9. Orma L., CrousE. [640] 11. Ella Louisa, 1432 10. Robert Leroy, Crumb. [1121] Wells, [289] Crow. 8. Mary Isabelle, Crownhart. [477] 10. Floyd Albert, 1151 10. Irene Golden, 1153 10. Lillie May, 1 150 10. Miner Scott, 1152 9. Winrleld Scott, Culver. [675] 9. Charles B., + 611 9. Clarence B., + 614 XXVI THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Culver. 8. Cyrus F., [308] 9. Edna P., +615 10. Edward Emmons, 1000 9. Etta May, 613 9. Franklin B., 609 10. Hazel, 1067 9. Jesse L., 616 9. Leroy, 612 9. Maggie Belle, +610 10. Norman Alin, 1064 10. Roy Lawrence, 1065 Cummings. Alexander, Capt., [144] Custer. General, [304] Cutter. Gershom, [59] 4. Hannah, [59] Dahlgren. Admiral, ix Daniels. 10. Frankie Esther, +1228 9. George Hiram, [720] 10. William Alvah, 1229 Davenport. 10. Brewster, 1325 9. Francis Howe, [919] 10. Henry, 1324 9. Katie, [649] Davis. 8. Almira, [387] 9. Charles, 620 Eliza, [472] 9. Esther, 622 8. Frederick A., [311] 9. Louisa, 621 8. Martha Jane, [ISO] Davison. 9. Mary Emma, [617] Day. Lucy, [140] Dean. 10. Charles Everitt, 1316 9. Charles Francis, + 817 10. Charles Harry, 1311 10. Cora Belle, 1315 9. Delancy Devill, + 818 9. Dora, 820 9. Harry, 819 10. Joseph William, 1314 8. Merritt, [404] 10. " 1309 10. Olma Erwin, 1317 10. Ora Iven, 1318 10. Roy Francis, Dearing. 1310 3. Elizabeth, [24] Humphrey, [24] De Berard. 9. Wilford Willis, De Mott. [746] 10. Ulva, De Riescz. [1094] 9. Olinda, De Wolfe. [793] 7. Augusta, Dennison. [236] 11. Clara Sophia, 1440 10. George Henry, [1125] 11. Hazel V., 1439 11. Henry J., 1438 11. Reid Emmons, Dent. 1437 9. Celia, Denton. [581] 11. Edith Irene, 1413 11. Floyd Homer, 1414 10. John D., [1075] 11. Otis Leroy, 1415 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II XXVI 1 DlETZEN. 10. Charles Emmons, 1306 10. Cleveland Page, 1302 10. George Donald, 1303 10. Gretchen Louisa, 1301 10. Hugh Nicholas, 1304 9. Nicholas, [814] 10. Rachel Margaret, Dillary. 1305 Eliza, [224] DlLTS. 7. Christina, Doane. [181] 9. Ann Elizabeth, 893 8. Cornelius Dan, [452] 9. Robert Chauncey, 892 9. Roscoe Cornelius, Donnelly. 891 10. Anna, [1007] Thomas, Capt., [402] Dorman. 8. James Hammond, Down. [272] Ann, [572] 8. Angelia, + 357 8. Arabell, 355 8. Calista Blendena, + 354 10. Earl Lawson, 1250 9. Edgar Fielding, 739 8. Ellen Adell, 360 9. Frank Ebenezer, + 737 7. George, [193] 8. George Albert, + 358 10. George Levi, 1251 9. Hazel Iva, 740 8. Isabell, 356 3. Rebecca, [38] 9. Vivian Alita, 741 9. Wilford F., + 738 8. William Henry, DoxstadER. + 359 9. David, [676] Draper. 10. Alice, Drinker. [1155] 3. Edward, Rev., Duffy. [11] 9. Kate E., [604] Hannah, [11] DuGER. 10. Lewis, [1123] 11. Lewis Elmer, Dumas. 1434 10. Elmer, [1122] 11. Ernest, Dunbar. 1433 7. Peter A. J., Dupont. [242] 8. Marie Antoinette, Dye. [480] 11. Amy, EbsEn. [1341] 9. Andrew Hansen, [648] 10. Harry Andrew, 1097 10. Milo Cyrenus, 1096 10. Sophia, Edner. 1095 Sarah Jane, [574] EfingER. 10. Alfred, [990] 11. Mildred, EldridgE. 1357 9. Ella, Ely. [716] James, [122] 6. Phebe, [122] Richard, [231] Elliott. 10. Alice, Emans. [1042] Abraham, vi XXV111 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Emans. Engush. Andries, vii William, [1] Andries, Jr., vii Evans. Dyonys, vi George, vi 8. Ambrose, + 341 Hendrick, vii 8. Esther, + 340 Jacobus, vii 8. Harrison, 342 Jan, Johannes, vii 9. Ida Florence, + 730 vii 7. Joseph, [187] Olyver, vi 8. Mary Ann, + 339 Robert, vi 11. Maud, 1394 William, vi 10. Theodore, [1014] William, [329] EmENS. Susan, vi EVENSON. Emins. 9. Olive, [715] John, vi EVERINGHAM. Robert, vi 10. Arthur, [1287J Emmans. 8. Charles, [379] John, J. A., vi 11. Helen, [150S] vii 11. Robert, 1507 Mary, vi Fancher. William, vi 9. Abigail, + 703 Emmens. 8. Ambravelia, [334] James, vi 9. Charles Fremont, + 700 9. Elenora, + 699 Emmincs. 9. Eli Minard, 693 John, vi 9. Francis Lucas, 697 Emmins. 10. Gladys Maud, 1175 William, vi 10. Grace Amanda, 1177 Emmon. 10. Leroy, 11S2 10. Mark Erastus, 1176 Bridget, vi 9. Mary Ann, + 702 Emmons. 9. Olive 0., + 696 A. U. & Sons, [290] 9. Oscar, 695 Emmons & Bell, [367] 9. Rosetta, + 701 Km r.\. 9. Sylvester Ansel, + 698 9. Warren W., + 69-1 Nicholas, vi Emyn. Faithful. John, vi Frances Freeland, vi Endicott. Farrier. John, Gov., [3] 10. John J., [987] THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II XXIX Farrington. 7. Benjamin, [242] Fellows. John, Brig., Gen., [96] Fenwick. George, Col., [231] Ferguson. 9. Carrie May, [806] Fernandez. 9. Emilio Sarmiento, [776] FlSKE. 9. Fred E., [702] 10. Genevieve, 1186 10. Lucy, 1187 Fitch. Cicilia, Vi FlEmich. 8. John Fritz, [476] FOLSON. 9. Olive M., [818] Forest. General, [650] Foster. 9. Madora A., [628] 9. Mary Jane, [727] Franklin. Benjamin, [124] 6. Hannah, [124] Josiah, [26] Samuel, Jr., [124] French. 10. Addie, 1025 9. Alice, [569] 11. Clarence, 1348 5. Deliverance, [73] 10. Helen G., 1026 9. John K., [582] 9. Mattie, [569] 10. Maud, [1283] 10. Minnie, +1024 10. Truman, [979] FrEnzel. 7. August \Y., [242] Frink. David, [185] Frissell. 8. Augustus C, Hon., [250] 9. Eliza, +514 9. Emily, +515 10. Fred Boutwell, 951 10. Marion Emmons, 952 9. Seraph, Dr., +516 9. Solon E., +51S 9. Susan, +517 9. Thomas Augustus, +519 Frost. John, [H3] 6. Milo, [113] 9. 6. 8. 7. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9. 10. 7. 7. Fuller. Addie Eliza, Elisha, Ezra, Judge, Matthias, Nancy Brainard, Gardner. Emeline Freedom, Jacob Buell, Jacob Buell, Jr., James, Prudence Matilda, Gardner. Rosetta J., Sarah Ellen, Garfield. Flora, Frances Sarah (Hammond[ ( .»'.is] John H., [998] Gates. Alfred, 206 Anna, 205 [542] [140] [87] [109] [44] [230] + 416 [221] 419 417 + 415 + 418 [120 [793] XXX THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Gates. Granger. Daniel, [44] 9. Addie Mary, 897 7. Hiram, 207 9 Carrie Louise, 895 4. Jeremiali, [47] 8. Henry Josiah, [457] 6. Noadiah, Jr., [119] 9. Lottie Ella, 896 7. Stepney, 208 Grant. Gay. Ulysses S., Pres., [364] 7. Boradill Mason, 156 Gray. 8. Elizabeth Gordon, + 275 7. Erastus Emmons, + 158 10. Vera, 1308 8. Lucy Vaughan, 271 9. William, [816] 7. Martha Williams, 157 Greenleaf. 8. 7. Mary Eleanor, Nathaniel Emmons, + 272 155 Eunice, [124] 8. Thomas Merrick, 274 Greenwood. 8. Warren Emmons, 273 8. Maria, [465] 6. Willard, [107] GrEms. GlBBS. 11. Bradford C, 1482 Henry, [59] 9. Charles B., [710] Gilbert. 10. Dora, E., 1193 10. Clarence, [980] 10. Gordon C, + 1192 5. Lois, [79] Grice. 11. Samuel, Goff. 1351 10. Lyman B., Griffin. [981] 9. Terressa Jane, [721] 8. Jennie, [435] GoldthwaiTE. Jesse, [435] Joseph, [99] Grinnell. Goodman. Ann, vi 8. Amelia Seymour, GORTHY. [255] 9. Mary, Griswold. [787] 11. Clarence, 1479 4. Rachel, [45] 11. 11. 10. 11. Clinton, Ethel, D., James F., Mary ()., Gouge. 1478 1481 [1171] 1480 10. 10. 10. 10. GunsELL. Bernard Willis, Irmine Zenobia, Dr., Maynard, Myrtle L., 1032 1031 + 1029 1030 3. James, Gould. [22] 9. William H., Hackett. [587] n. James Bennett, [671] 9. Erne L., [769] THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II XXXI HAILLE. 7. Lydia Ann, Hale. 8. Mary (Cooper) Hall. Aaron, Rev., G., 7. Lovina, Hallady. 11. Amanda, 11. Franklin, 10. Frederick, 11. Katie, 11. Mary, 11. Nellie, 11. Seymour, Hamilton. 9. Elizabeth Jane, Levi, 7. Samuel, Ham. 9. Sarah M., Hammond. Everett C, Hanks. Olive Hanlon. Mary, HapEman. 10. Arthur L., 11. Basil H., 11. Harold C, Hardwick. 9. Maud, HargER. 10. Andrew S., Harris. 5. Desire, [219] [39S] [73] [73] [143] 1444 1445 [1131] 1447 1443 1442 1446 [573] [573] [1531 [567] [998] [426] [1003] [1037] 1399 1400 [614] [1038] [78] Harris. 6. Prudence, Thomas, Harter. 9. Cora, Isaac N., Harvey. 8. Mary, Paul, Haskins. 9. Jennie A., 8. John H., 9. Mary Emmons, 9. Rose M., Hass. 10. Emma, Hatch. Jabez, Lieut. Col., Haupt. 9. Bertha Violet, 8. J. Gustave, 9. Vernon Baker, 9. Winifred Hope, Havens. 8. Estelle Fidelia, Hawkins. 9. Emma A., James, HaydEn. A., Rev., Hayes. 11. Alice Augusta, 10. Augusta, 10. Blanche B., Catherine, 10. Evelyn C, 11. Francis Lurell, 11. Genevieve Louise, [117] vi [731] [734] [3S5] [385] 853 [420] 851 852 [1220] [92] 763 [369] 764 765 [458] [668] [668] [289] 1466 1160 1157 [122] 1158 1464 1467 XXX11 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Haves. 10. George, + 1155 11. Georgia Lillian, 1465 9. I.urell G., [676] 10. Neville, 1159 10. William, + 1156 10. Zilspa, Haynes. + 1154 9. Era, + 782 10. Henry, [1284] 11. Robert Martin, 1504 8. William, Hays. [375] J.o., [594] 8. Lillie Jane, [362] Thomas, Dr., [302] Hayward. 8. Lucy, Heath. [451] 11. Birdie B., 1395 10. David, [1036] 11. Eugene L., 1398 11. Leona, 1396 11. Lizzie B., 1397 Major General, [92] Henley. 10. Frances Louisa, [1009] Jonathan, [1009] Hennessv. 11. Nellie, Hicks. [1338] 11. Burton Finch, 1493 11. Charles Erwin, 1492 10. Eli Henry, [1226] 11. Howard Paul, 1491 9. Jacobs, HlGGINS. [723] 9. Helen M., Hill. [7 IS] 8. Lucretia, [265] HlLLER. Eliza, [358] HlNCKSMAN. Elizabeth, [1] John, [1] HlRSCH. Katherine, [1002] HlTCHINGS. 10. Edna Mae, 1266 9. Grant George, [715] 10. Harold Ramsdell, 1265 10. Malcolm Grant, 1268 10. Raymond Clark, 1264 10. Warren Bloyce, Hodge. 1267 9. Hllen Mackensie, Hodges. [923] 9. Martha Comstock, Hodgeman. [920] 6. Elizabeth, Hoefling. [117] 9. Henry Michael, Hoffman. [596] 10. Genevieve, 1321 9. John D., Hoecomb. [831] George W., [438] 8. Nancy, [438] Holmes. Kliphalet, Capt., [79] HolyokE. Samuel, [96] Holland. 8. Oliver S., HOLLOMAN. [410] 11. Florence, 1356 10. Thomas, [989] THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II XXX111 Hopkins. House. 11. Emerson Leslie, 1389 Lydia Maria, [202] 10. Henry, [1011] 9. Margaret, [735] 11. Leon Eldrid, 1387 7. Violetta, [224] Robert E., Capt., [331] Wellington, [735] Robert E., Capt., [628] Howe. 11. Ruth M., 1388 8. Lois Louisa, [337] HosEa. Polly, [246] 9. Raphael Gay, 549 Timothy O., P. M. Gen., [403] 8. Raphael Moore, [275] Hoyt. Hoskins. Esquire, [362] 9. Agnes, 642 7. Henry Kirk, Dr., [197] 9. Alson J., 643 8. Mary Jane, + 373 10. Arthur W., 1089 8. Brainard, + 319 Hubbard. 10. Charlotte, 1090 3. Judith, [14] 8. Cyrenus P., + 320 Richard, [14] 9. Desalvo, 644 HUCKER. 10. Edgar A., 1092 10. Frank, [985] 9. Edward, 659 11. Lelia Belle, 1349 9. Esther L., + 648 11. Marjorie Edith, 1350 10. Fannie G., + 1088 10. Frederick E., + 1094 Hunkins. 7. Gurdon, [184] 10. Arthur Orson, 1244 9. Gurdon, 658 10. Audrey Blythe, 1243 9. Henry H., 641 10. Bessie Ellen, 1236 9. Homer A., + 649 10. Charles Franklin, 1239 8. Jonathan M., 324 10. Gladys Valleau, 1242 10. Leon U., 1098 10. Harrison James, 1240 10. Lillian E., + 1093 10. Irma Esther, 8. James, L237 8. Lydia C, + 321 [340] 9. Marvin B.,. + 645 9. James Harrison, + 727 8. Mary M., + 323 10. Lyle Dorian, 1241 10. Maude, 1091 9. Mary Hannah, + 726 9. Millard F., + 646 9. Oscar Lorenzo, + 728 8. Noah D., + 322 10. Ralph Emerson, 1238 8. Olive R., + 325 9. William Orson, + 729 8. Orinda, + 318 9. Wales H., 647 Huntington. 7. Eunice (Avery) [223] House. Elizabeth, vi Huntley. Jeremiah, [224] Amasa K., [294] XXXIV THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II HuTCHINS. Benjamin, Col., 8. Seraph, Hutchinson. Samuel, Ide. 7. Alexis Wheaton, 7. Charles \Y., 7. Erastus, 7. George Hopkins, 7. George Homer, 7. Henry, '/. Isabella Tappan, 6. Jacob, Rev., 7. Jacob Jr., 8. John Emmons, 7. Mary, 7. Nathaniel E., 7. Sarah Williams, Ingham. 9. UllieC, Ives. Rose, Jacklin. Edward, Jackson. Andrew, Pres., Jaclon. Edmund, Jarvis. Esther, JENNEY. E. S., Col., Jennings. 9. Arthur Monroe, 10. Arthur T., 10. Clarence Earl, 9. Dealton M., 10. Dewey, [114] [247] x 173 174 169 175 176 168 166 [112] + 171 + 288 + 167 170 172 [545] vi [I] [73] [1] [336] [380] + 650 1099 1109 + 652 1116 8. 10 Jennings. 9. Edgar O., +651 10. Edith, 1104 10. Elizabeth, 1108 9. Ella, +655 Eumenes, [321] Jennings. Florence, 1102 9. George, +654 10. George, 1103 10. Gladys, 1115 10. Guy, 1106 9. Mary, +653 10. May, 1105 10. Myra, 1101 10. Nellie, 1107 10. Roy, +1100 10. Willard, 1113 9. William, 656 10. Willis, 1111 Johnson. 8. Addie Deetta, [367] Hector B., [329] Michael, [93] Jones. 8. Ann Eliza, [337] 9. Arthur Leroy, 771 9. Ella, [729] Frank Eugene, +769 Fred Llewellyn, 773 Gladys Beulah, 775 Hazel May, 774 Hiram J., [404] lone May, 1274 9. Jessie Terressa, + 770 9. Leon Avery, +772 Ogden, [479] 8. Suzanne F. (Earle) [479] S. William A., [371] Joy. 9. William, [515] 10. William Ashman, 948 9. 9. 9. 9. 8. 10. THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II XXXV Judge. 10. Bessie, 1117 9. Samuel, [655] JUNGE. 11. Alfred, 1458 11. Barbara E., 1460 11. Esther, 1457 11. Ethel Alice, 1454 10. Fred, Jr., [1142] 11. Gretehen, 1456 11. Herman, 1459 11. Phrene, 1461 11. Stanley Henry, 1455 Kathan. George L., [996] John B., [290] Kathan Hoyt & Co., [314] 10. Minnie Lovina, [996] Keating. Henry, [362] Keith. 8. Donald E., [368] Kellogg. 7. Mary Newton, [223] Kennedy. 8. Hattie A., [398] Kennicutt. 9. Frances Almeda, [595] Kimble. 9. Jennie, [711] King. 7. Olive, [186] Kingsbury. DEAcon, [73] KlNNE. 7. Abula, [188] Betsey, [188] 9. Carrie Irene, [635] KlNNE. Ethel, [188] 9. Willard Hamilton, [731] 10. Willard Fenner, 1246 Knowles. 9. Hannah Sarah, [744] Ladd. 9. Belle Louisa, +733 10. Dora, 1249 9. George A., +734 10. Isaac Harter, 1248 8. John, [354] 9. John Bruce, +735 10. Phyllis Rena, 1247 Land. 9. Jennie Augusta, [652] Landers. 9. Bertha Alice, [738] Levi, [738] 9. Mary E., [628] Landgon. 9. Eliza, [689] Landon. Anna, [290] Clarissa, [291] LaPLACE. 9. Abbie Elizabeth, S I 1 9. Ellen Augusta, 842 9. Francis Augustus, N45 9. Harriet Miranda, S4S 9. Jonathan Lorenzo, 846 9. Laura Atalanta, 843 9. Robert Henry, *17 8. Timothy Augustus, [416] LaPLANT. 10. Solomon, [980] LarabEE. Stephen, Sergt., [24] William, [24] XXXvi THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Larkin. Locke. 11. John Clifton, 1378 Francis, [59] 1 1 . Leelair, 13S0 10. Hazel, 1112 11. Leon Stanley, 1377 9. Luther, [653] 11. Nellie Edna, 1379 10. Walter, 1111 1 1 . Raymond Emmons, 1381 LOCKWOOD. 10. William, [1008] Sarah E., [998] Lathrop. Captain, [7] Long. 8. Nora, [414] Lawrie. 9. Henry Edwin, [776] Loomis. Lawson. 7. Caleb, [222] 7. Caleb, [225] Dewitt, [737] 9. Catherine Eliza, 856 9. Nettie M., [737] Ebenezer, [185] Lawton. 9. Edward Willey, 857 General, [364] 9. Emma Isabelle, 854 Leach. 7. Hannah, [185] Harriet, 9. Henriette, [570] + 625 Jennie, 8." Joel, [1001] + 422 8. Hiram, 9. Orlow, [313] 626 7. Judy, 8. Louisa, [183] 421 9. Rosaltha, + 627 8. Lyman, 424 8. Lyman, + 425 Leonard. 9. Monroe Camp, 858 8. Phebe A., [423] 9. Richard Miller, 855 Lewis. 8. Robert, + 423 Lovina A., [996] 8. Ursula, [378] Leyson. Lord. 10. Albert, 1049 7. Mary, [147] 9. Herbert T., [579] Sylvia M., [738] 10. Maud May, 1047 Love. 10. Theodora Etta, 1048 5. Rachel, [85] Link. Loveland. Mary, [353] 9. Ella, [541] Livingston. 1 1 . Bessie Hazel, 1390 Luke. 10. Frank A., [1012] 10. Nettie, [1286] 1 1. James Emerson, 1393 Lyon. Locke. 9. Dorothy Wilberforce, [561] 10. Edith, 1 1 10 10. Lucy Mabelle, [1156] THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II XXXV11 Lytle. Lytle & Co., Mack. David, David, 6. Mary, 7. Mindwell, Madden. 8. Nellie Teresa, Mansfield. Asenath, 3. Mary, Marcy. Governor, MarklEY. 9. A. L., 10. Jessie, 10. Mabel, 10. Maud, Markoe. 8. Sophia Dallas, Marrion. John, Marshall. 1. John, William, Martin. 11. Landon Greig, 10. Mary Luella, 9. Robert, Dr., 10. Robert Edwin, Dr., 11. Walter Beach, 10. William Frank, Marvin. 9. George W., Mason. Esther, 7. Esther Blendena, Mason. [43] Jesse, [194] Mary, [1293] [103] Mattison. [138] 11. Claude Otis, L429 [103] 11. Edith L., 1426 [138] 11. Gladys Ella, 1431 11. Goldie Eva, 1430 [372] 11. 11. Hazel E., Viola D., 1428 1427 [180] [27] 10. Wright W., Maxwell. David, [1119] [289] [151] 9. McBroom. Mary, [650] [600] 1052 1051 10. McCall. Adelaide Emmons, 959 9. George, [536] 1050 10. George, McCann. 960 [479] 10. 9. Adella, Mr., 1071 [625] [1] McChesney. J. H., Eld., [320] [1] McElwain. [224] 9. Arthur Edwin, 943 9. Charles Church, 942 1502 1235 8. Edwin, McKinley. [497] [726] 7. James, [193] 1233 McLean. 1501 1234 9. Margaret Ferguson, McNeal. [558] r n "ii 9. Calvin, [674] [6 a] 10. Clara Adelia, 1147 10. Eddie Lewis, 1146 [194] 10. George Ernest, 1149 [194] 10. Minnie Adell, 1148 XXXVlii THE EMMONS FAMILY- INDEX PART II Meantomi. Indian Chief, x Meeker. 11. Carobel, 1337 10. Henry Harrison, [970] Meldram. John J., [329] Merritt. S. Angelia Catherine, [358] 10. Anna Belle, +1004 10. Asa Merchant, + 1006 10. Bert Edward, +1007 11. Cecil Edward, 1375 Ebenezer, [358] 10. Hattie May, +1005 Merchant, [572] 9. William Henry, [572] 11. William Henry, 1370 Mersing. 10. Frieda, [977] Merwin. Louisa, [1009] Messenger. 9. Henry Alvin, [514] 10. Henry Burdett, 945 10. Jennie Eliza, 940 10. Robert William, 947 Miller. 9. Charlotte, [528] Doctor, [75] Hattie Arabella, [1302] 8. Sarah B., [422] Mills. 5 Abigail, [73] Edmund, Rev., [73] 9. Frank B., [789] 10. Frank B., Jr., 12N0 10. Harold A., 1281 Mindle. 8. Reuben, [328] Miner. 7. Phoebe Jane, [231] Mitchell. George, [1] 9. Harriet Ann, [098] 9. Herbert Eugene, 881 9. John Alvin, 880 8. John Newton, [440] 9. Mary Ida, 879 9. Willie Roswell, 882 MOLANDEK. 10. Florence, 1034 9. Louis, [589] 10. Mabel, 1035 Moody. Harriet, [314] Moore. Judah, [73] MOSHIER. Betsey Jane, (Marvin), [1010] Moss. Jasper J., Eld., [289] MURCHELL. 9. Jennie, [002] Murphy. 10. Ada C, 1212 10. Edward, 1207 10. Frances, 1209 10. Frederick, 1208 9. James, [713] 10. John, 1210 10. Thomas, 1200 10. William, 1211 MUTSCH. 9. Amalia, [000 Nash. John, [2] 9. Lillian, [584] THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II XXXIX Neal. Newman. Neal & Hyde, [570] 9. Lovilla, + 831 Nearing. 9. Nettie, 827 John, [576] Newton. 9. Venus Adelle, [576] 7. James, [113] Needham. 7. Mary, [141] Alice, [238] Nichols. Nelson. 8. Althea Diantha, + 371 10. Arthur, 1197 7. Charles, [195] 7. Daniel B., [197] 9. Cornelia, + 713 9. Edward Francis, L J 779 10. Edward James, 1215 9. Elmer Daniel, 780 9. Ella E., + 712 8. Eugene Danforth, + 372 10. Fred, 1198 9. Eugenia Teresa, 777 Nelson. 9. James Thomas, 778 9. George, + 715 9. Mary Ellen, + 776 10. Gordon Isaac, 1214 10. Rosa Almira, + 1119 10. Grace, 1196 9. William R., [661] 9. Hannah, + 710 North am. 10. Harold C, 1217 8. Ann Elizabeth, 456 8. Isaac, [338] 8. Charles Harvey, 453 10. Iva Myrtle, 1218 8. Charlotte Matilda, + 452 9. John, + 716 8. David Todd, + 454 10. 10. 10. John Lyle, Lena, Lester, 1219 1195 1213 9. 8. 7. George, Nancy Louise, Robert Chauncey, 894 + 457 [226] 10. Mabel, + 1194 8. Robert Chauncey, 2d, + 458 10. Myrtle, 1201 9. Robert Chauncey, 3d, 898 9. Robert, 717 10. Roy, 1200 Northrop. 10. Ruth, 1202 8. Benjamin C, [418] 9. Samuel Eli, + 711 9. William C, 850 10. Ward Ray ton, 1216 Nowell. 10. Wesley, 1199 3. Elizabeth, (Bradford) [26] 9. William, Newcombe. + 714 Thomas, Nye. [26] 3. Edmund, Newman. [36] 8. Jesse Marion, Okey. [288] 9. Harriet, 828 9. Charles Edward, [749] 9. Horton, 829 9. James, 830 Olmsted. 8. Lester, [411] 6. Azalia, [79] xl THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Olmsted. 9. Eliza Adelia, 822 9. Florence, 824 8. James, [407] 9. J ennie, 823 Samuel, [44] 9. Sarah, Orman. 821 8. Albert L., [357] 10. Arthur Thomas, 1084 10. Arvilla Chloe, + 1083 10. Earl Robert, 1085 9. Elton, + 730 10. Floyd John, 1087 9. John Wesley, [634] 10. Lena Rebecca, + 1019 10. Lizzie F. Blanche, 1086 9. Ray, [577] Robert, [357] 10. Roe Robert, 1021 10. Rolla dishing, Orton. + 1020 7. Henry, [199] 8. Margaret, 382 8. Samuel, 383 8. Warren, 381 8. William, Page. 384 9. Charles Harrison, + 815 8. George, [401] Jonathan Geer, [426] 9. Mary Grace, + 814 9. Nettie May, 813 8. Olive Elizabeth, [426] 10. Victor George, Paintek. 1307 3. Mary, Palmer. [27] 10. Bertha E., 1185 10. Luman F., 11 S3 10. Vera M., 1184 Palmer. 9. Wilbur A., [701] William, Capt., [139] Palmekton. 9. Charity M., Parish. [694] 8. Julia Wainwright, Parkman. [481] Elias, Capt., [92] Parky. Henry Darius H., [1010] 10. Robert Henry, Parsons. [1010] William, [4] Patchen. 8. Edward, [333] 9. Lincoln S., 690 9. William Emmons, Patten. + 689 8. Ann, Payne. [376] 9. Emily, + 523 8. Lyman, Hon., [251] 9. Lyman Mack, + 522 9. Mary Emmons, 52! 9. Monroe, PearsE. 520 William, [1] Pearson. 3. Rebecca, Peck. [28] 8. Clarissa Maria, [261] 6. Elisha, Perple. [79] Ruth, [224] Phelps. 8. Caroline, [341] THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II xli Phelps. 9. David, 867 9. John Newton, 866 8. William, [428] Phillip. Indian King, [7] Pierce. Lucy, [573] PlTTMAN. 10. Frank, [988] 11. Roy Frank, 1355 Plummer. 11. Edgar Marshall, 1418 10. George, [1078] 11. George Henry, 1419 Potter. Adeline, [359] 7. Ann Frances, [220] Powell. 9. Etta May, +597 10. Everett Oliver, 1044 10. Herman H., +1042 9. Ida Frances, +596 8. John, [303] 9. LillieMay, [611] 9. Martha Jane, +594 11. Oliver, 1401 10. Raymond Daniel, 1043 9. Theodore Wilson, +595 10. Theodore D., 1045 10. Zilla Eva, 1046 Price. General, [650] Proctor. Edward, Ma j., [93] Ramsay. George, Dea., [290] Ramsay. 8. George, Edwin, [323] Randolph. 10. Alfred E., 11. Bulah, 11. Ruth, Rathburn. 10. Edwin Norris, 9. Norris Wheeler, Reed. 10. Armina R., 10. Clara Addle, 10. Cora Belle, 9. Daniel C, 10. Earl Ambrose, 10. Edmund L., 9. Eli Stillman, 11. Etta May, 10. George Emery, 10. Grover Cleveland, 10. John Alvin, 10. J. Huntley, 11. Leon J., 10. Lulu Almeda, 10. Mary Ann, 10. Maud L., 10. Vinnie Armenta, Reeve. 10. Clarence, 9. J. Howard, 10. Mabel, RELYEA. Helen Jane, Reynolds. 8. Richard, Rice. A. G., Col., 10. Cora Artemissia, F. B., George W., 10. Helen Marilla, 9. John Buttrick, 9. Susan, Helen, [1224] 1491 1490 958 [534] r 1129 + 1122 + 1 123 [699] 1128 1180 [662] 1436 1130 1181 + 1124 1178 1435 + 1127 + 1125 1179 1126 1168 [692] 1167 [576] [410] [402] + 979 [196] [574] + 978 [566] [574] xlii THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Richardson. 10. James B., [1130] 11. Laneita May, Richuman. 1450 10. Earl L., 1298 10. Lena J., 1290 9. Louis, [795] 10. Myra E., Rider. 1297 8. Delos James, [390] 9. Naoma Therressa, RlTTER. + 798 10. Arthur, 1190 10. Claude, 1188 10. Hazel, 1191 9. Marvin, [703] 10. Myrtle, 1189 RlTZKE. 10. Albert, [1132] 11. Carrie Belle, Roach. 1448 9. Edmund Malcolm, 755 9. Elsie A. Lena, 756 8. George H., Maj., [364] 9. Leon L., Lieut., + 753 9. Lillian Virginia, Robinson. 754 9. Sarah, Rodman. [050] Martha, [438] Rogers. 9. Charles Ely, 907 8. Charles Herbert, [474] 9. Elizabeth Almira, 873 9. Ethel Gertrude, 906 9. George Henry, S71 7. Helen Maria, [171] 9. Herbert Sherman, 870 9. Jane Ellen, S72 7. Sarah T., [238] 8. Sherman Bigelow, [436] Roland. 9. Edith, Juliet [751] Root. 7. Timothy, [150] Rotnour. 9. Mabel, [685] RUDLER. 9. Andrew, [696] 10. Charles W., 1170 10. Edith F., +1169 10. Frances O., +1171 10. Linnie I., 1172 10. Mabel L., 1174 10. Rosa, 1173 Rumney. 6. Edward, [127] Ryan. 8. Catherine, [319] Sadler. William, [289] Sampseel. 10. Blanche (Lybrand) [961] Sanderson. 10. Florence Lillian, [1003] William, [1003] Sawtelle. 9. Amy Leslie, 556 8. Franklin Josiah, [280] 9. Frederic, 554 8. Frederick George, [278] 9. Jane Tappan, 553 9. Margaret Elizabeth, 555 Scammeel. 8. Diantha C, 350 9 Earl Fenner, 732 8. Galutia Elon, 351 9. Hattie May, +731 8. John Fenner, +353 8. Lucy Ann, 352 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II xllll SCAMMELL. Shaw. 7. William, [191] 9. Alfred A., + 668 Schell. 8. Alvin A., 9. Angelia, [328] 670 10. Myra Charity, [1294] 10. Cora E., + 1142 Schroeder. 10. James A., + 1143 10. Albert Henry, [1228] 9. Jerome A., 667 11. Grace Alma, 1500 9. Minnie A., + 669 11. Howard Alvah, 1499 9. Minnie Amelia, 10. Myrtle M., [665] 1115 Schuman. 10. Nettie E.. + 1144 9. Clara, [815] Shephard. 10. Elizabeth, [1002] Phillip, [1002] 7. Annie, George, Prof., [164] [164] Scott. Nancy, [289] 10. Edna Elizabeth, 1059 Sherman. 9. Klmer, 680 9. George, [610] 9. Ella, A., [645] 10. George Earl 1061 General, [628] 9. Ida May, + 607 Shields. 2. Mary, [4] 10. Alice May, + 1224 10. Nada Leone, 1060 9. Charles Francis, + 721 10. Raymond Moody, 1062 10. Edwin William, + 1220 Robert, [4] 9. Emma Louisa, + 723 10. Vera, 1063 9. Frank Erwin, + 724 8. Walter, [307] 10. Fred Vincent, 1231 10. Walter, 1058 9. George A., 725 SCOTTOW. 10. George Erwin, + 1221 Joshua, [2] 10. George William, 9. Gertrude, 1230 722 Scouten. 11. Gladys, 1488 Betsey E., [357] 11. Glenn, 1486 Searl. 10. Guy, 1222 9. Grace, [742] 10. Harry, 11. Lillian, 1225 1 1M Seartram. 10. Lottie E., 1223 11. George, Lewis, 1449 10. Margaret Isabell, 1232 10. Peter Lewis, [1133] 9. Mary Jane, + 719 Shackford. 11. Merle, 11. Myrtle, 1487 1483 9. Marion, [934] 9. Sarah Ann, + 720 Sharp. 11. Warren, 1485 9. Marie Francoeur, [921] 11. Wayne, 1489 xli V THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Shields. Smith. 8. William, [339] 10. Carl Browning, 962 9. William Henry, + 71S 9. Clarence Emmons, + 542 10. Cora, + 1227 SlLLIMAN. 9. Dwight, 544 Eliphalet, [230] 10. Dwight Ingham, 963 7. Laura Huntington, [230] Edward D., [291] SiLSBEE. 9. Edwin, [546] 7. Alice, [238] 10. Erne Luella, 964 Enoch, [238] 7. Elizabeth A. (Marshall) [224] Simmons. 9. 9. Etta J., Fanny Root, [714] + 548 8. Achsah A., [329] Henry, Capt., [224] 9. Emma May, [633] 10. James, 1028 Jason, [293] 9. Julia Louisa, 543 Lovina, [633] 9. Justus Browning, + 541 8. Sally Maria, [293] 7. Lora, [190] Walter, [633] 9. Lyman Ebenezer, [548] Simpson. 8. Maria T., [370] 10. Frank, [1154] 10. Mary Browning, 965 SlZER. 9. Mary Emmons, + 547 9. Mary J., [772] 10. Losie Edith, [1006] 8. Milton, [267] Skeele. 9. Miner W., [583] 9. Kate Wheeler, [558] 9. Nettie N., [790] Skeleton. 9. 9. Patrick Henry Wayland Francis, [719] + 545 8. Martha Whitney, Skinner. [277] 10. William H., Snoden. 1027 Mary Ann, [262] 4. Sarah, [55] Slicher. 10. Anna, [1192] Snow. SMALLEY. 8. John Bartlett, + 449 7. John Cook, [225] John, Rev. D. D., [73] 8. John Franklin, 447 Smedley. 8. Julia Ann. 450 8. Anna, [290] 8 Romanzo Ebenezer, + 451 Chester, Dr., [290] 9. Willard Romanzo, 890 8. Rachel, [291] 9. William, 889 Smith. 8. William Henry, 448 9 Alice Amanda, + 546 Spaulding. 9. Aneita, [750] Jay D., [362] 10. Calcina, + 1226 8. Matilda, [385] THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II xlv Spears. 9. Emma, Spencer. 7. Caroline Elizabeth, Daniel, Joseph, Capt., 5. Susannah, Spicer. 7. Henry, Spire Alida, Stanes. Richard, Stanford. 10. Belle May, 10. Cali Frances, 9. Charles Powell, 11. Dorothy, 10. George Grant, 11. Gladys, 11. Helen Mary, 10. Hubert Howe, 10. Jane Ellen, 10. John Pagan, 10. Kate Helen, 10. Myron Emmons, Stanley. 9. Claude Maxwell, Stanton. 9. Laura, 9. Mark, Star. 7. Isaac, Steinburgh. 10. Lemuel, Stephenson. 10. Adah Evelyn, 10. Agnes Katherine, 9. Arthur Emmons, Stephenson. [590] 8. Briant Oscar, [363] 9. Laura Esther, + 752 [231] [231] [98] 9. Marion Estelle, + 749 10. Walter, 1270 9. Walter Bryant, + 751 L J [64] STERRY. 9. Charles Augustus, 839 [113] 9. Eunice Matilda, 841 8. J. Nelson, [415] 9. James Nelson, 838 [995] Stetson. Captain, [93] [1] Stevens. 8. Artemissia, [289] 974 10. Blanche, [987] + 971 John L., Judge, [290] [565] Myron, [289] 1346 Stone. + 977 1345 1347 976 + 970 975 11. Chauncey, 1462 10. Ebenezer, [1144] 10. Eugenia Ballard, [973] 8. Nathan, [328] 11. Rodney Durward, 1463 + 972 Storey. + 973 3. Elisha, Storm. [32] [752] 9. Azariah Smith, [523] 10. Emily Lilpha, 954 [788] [783] 10. Katie Kittridge, 955 10. Lyman Payne, 956 10. Mack Payne, 957 10. Mary Payne, 953 [991 Strail. 11. Carl, 1503 [1194] 10. George, + 1283 11. Horace Camp, 1505 1269 9. Martin, [791] 1271 10. Myra E., + 1284 + 750 10. Ovid, + 1285 xlvi THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Streves. Terpenny. 8. Weltha Anita, [479] 9. Clara Adelia, + 675 Strong. 8. George, [330] 9. Hattie Aurelia, + 676 8. Eva Cecil, [460] 9. Mary Amelia, + 674 Nathan, Rev., [73] 9. Minnie Almeda, 678 Sumner. 9. Rose Adell, + 677 10 Nellie Eliza, [1020] 9. Ruth Arietta, + 679 SWAINE. Terry. 2. Mary W., Swan. [7] 9. Daniel W., Prof., Thatcher. [757] James Eli, [262] Thomas, [2] 8. Lucena Pernella, [262] Thayer. 7. Thomas W., SwETT. [99] Colonel, Thomas. [134] 11. Eva Stanford, 1339 9. A. Tesse, 603 11. Harry Emmons, 1338 8. J Amos J., [304] 12. Hubert Charles, 1511 9. Amos J., + 604 10. John Carvill, [971] 9. Anna, 598 Symmes. 9. Cllard E., 605 Andrew, Maj., [92] 9. Frank, + 602 8. lames W., [305] Talcott. 10. James William 1053 Mary, [103] 9. Jessie, 599 Mary, [138] 10. Olive Maud, [1124] Tappan. 9. Orrie, 601 10. Patrice Jessie, Sarah, 1054 7. 8. Benjamin, Rev., Delia, [1.59] + 280 8. [302] 8. 8. Elizabeth Winthrop, Ellen Emmons, + 278 276 9. 9 Viola, William, + 600 + 606 9. Helen, 551 Thomson. 8. Henry Lyman, + 277 10. Martha, 1033 9. Henry Winthrop, 550 9. Thomas, [589] 9. Pauline, + 552 S. Williams Emmons, Telford. 279 Thurber. I. A. & Co., [362] 10. Florence Elizabeth, [1082] Thurston. William Henry, [1082] 9. Nellie, [684] TennEy. Tiffany. Mrs., [73] 4. Sarah, [48] THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II xlvii TlMMERMAN. Vaughan. 11. Francis Wicks, 1403 Benjamin, Dr., [109] 10. J. D., Jr., [1069] 6. Lucy, [109] 11. John Bigelow, 1402 VosE. Toll. 7. Caroline Draper, [241] Dewitt C, [329] Wadsworth. Torrey. 9. Mary G., [651] 7. Charles T., Rev., [107] Wagner. 8. Charles H., + 286 8. Mary Emmons, True. + 287 8. Mary, Waldron. [310] Rebecca, [137] 8. Helen, Jesse, [291] [291] TuTTLE. Wales. 9. Helen, [522] 7. Elizabeth Ware, [237] Tygret. George W., [237] 7. Margaret, [202] Thomas B., [237] Tyler. Wales Emmons & Co., [426] 7. Martha, [181] Walker. UmbERFIELD. 9. Clinton Emmons, 586 8. Emma Martha, [449] 10. Forest Alexander, Isaac, [1019] [297] Upham. 9. Lodeska, 585 Rebecca, [293] 9. Martha Jane, + 587 Utz. 9. Washington C, 5SS 10. Joseph, [1127] Walkup. Van Alstine. S. Margaret, [322] Klizabeth, [1082] Otis, [322] Van Cortlandt. Walters. Phillip, [117] 8. Lorancy, [331] Van Rensselaer. Walton. Stephen, [113] 9. Preston W., [615] Van Tassel. Ward. 8. William, Van Wormer. [312] 8. Charles M., Warmal. [325] 10. Henry S., Mabelle, Van Ziol. [1001] [1001] 3. Mary, Warn. [21] 7. Catharine, [180] George, [199] xlviii THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II Warner. Wetzell 8. Matilda, Warren. [300] 9. May E., Wharton. [753] 9. Ellen Eliza 525 Phillip, [1] 9. Fanny Emmons, 524 Wheeler. 8. James J., [252] J J > 11. Ada Bell, 1469 9. John M., 527 9. 8. Mary Wheeler Susan, Waterbury. 526 [248] 11. 10. Florence May, George, White. 1468 [1163] 10. Adelbert R., 1139 John, [289] 9. Augustus M., [666] Watts. 9. Charles S., Jr., [517] 8. Almira, [332] 10. Charles Euclid, 950 10. Flora A., 1137 Watson. 10. Gilbert E., 1141 8. Chauncey, [151] 10. Gladys A., + 1136 Webb. 10. Lewis B., + 1140 10. William Earl, [991] 7. Lydia, Gorden, [158] 10. Madaline, 949 Webster. 7. Maria S., [226] 9. Daniel P., Marion C, 709 [336] 10. May Belle, + 1138 Nancy J., [336] Whipple. Orrin T., [336] 9. Bruce, 825 8. Parker, [336] 8. Daniel, [410] 9. Rosetta Ann, 70S 9. Jennie, + 826 Winfield S., [336] Whitwell. Welch. Benjamin, [109] 10. Charles Howard, [1129] Wicks. 11. Howard Earl, 1441 8. David, [312] Weller. 9. Marion V., + 624 10. Anna Maria, + 1163 9. Orlando, 623 10. Carrie May, 1164 Wilcox. 9. Frank, [681] Albert, [291] Mary, [736] Elder, [289] Wells. 8. Ellen (Putney) [291] 4. Elizabeth. [46] Wilde. West. 6. Eleanor, [109] 9. Henry Lutnan, 888 Samuel S., Judge, [109] 9. Josephine Bell, 887 WlLGUS. 8. Luman, [442] 9. Alton C, [712] THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART II xlix WlLGUS. Winters. 10. Delia Fern, 1205 11 . Elmer, 1472 10. Elenora, 1204 11 Grace, 1475 10. Orren Leslie, 1203 11. Levi, 1476 Wilkes. 11. Lillie, 1470 Captain, ix 11. Lottie, 1171 11. Nellie, 1474 Wilkinson. Wise. 9. Martha A., [646] Captain, [134] WlLLARD. WlSWELL. Samuel, Rev., [26] John, [1] WlLLETT. Wolf. Consider H., Sergt., [362] 11. Clarence Melvin, 1495 9. Mary K., [568] 11. Delbert Wesley, 1497 9. Matilda, [568] 11. Florence Gertrude, 1496 Williams. 10. Robert, [1227] 9. Albert, 875 11. Robert Clifford, 1498 Chester, [73] WOLFROM. 8. David Brainard, [473] 10. William Daniel, [1005] Ebenezer, [55] Wood. 8. Emeline, [262] 8. Chloe Roxanna, [314] George, Hon., [364] Henry P., [314] Jared C, [329] 8. Louisa, [247] Jonathan Cone, [262] Woodbridge. Leah, [435] Major, [113] 5. Martha, [73] Woolsey. 4. Mary, [55] 9. Francelia, [792] 4. Mary, [61] Roger, X Worden. 4. Sarah (Andrews) [55] Benjamin, [1000] 9. Susan, 874 10. Frances Eva, [1000] 11. William R., [1426] Wormwood. Zebadiah, [55] Elizabeth, [61] Wilson. Worthington. 8. Amanda, [398] 8. Arlina, [425] 9. Wallace W., [805] YoE. WlNSOR. Thomas, [1] Martha, [1] Young. Winters. John, Gov., [293] 11. Arthur, 1477 3. William, [37] 11. Charles, 1473 ZlMBECH. 10. Edward, [1169] 10. William, [1093] 1 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART III PART III— SUPPLEMENTARY NAMES. Repetition of names which are recorded in the preced- ing indexes, are designated in this, by a " star." AcklES. Blair. 10. Homer Harvey. 1621 9. Frank C, 1549 9. William Harvey, *[790 9. George, 1550 9. Henry E., 1564 AuringER. 9. Irena, 1563 10. Daisy Belle, *[1133] 8. William, 257 10. Lillie Lueretia, *[1132] 8. William, [1523] Baird. 9. William S., 1551 9. Franc, 708 BradlEE. William, 708 9. Helen Curtis, 864 & Webster, 708 Barber. Brockway. 9. Emma, Barnard. [1507] 9. Mary E., Brainard. 891 9. Ellen Marie, 847 9. Benjamin Emmons, *[584] 10. Harold Avery, 1600 Beach. 9. Leveret t, 872 8. Chester, [1520] 10. William S., 1645 9. Chester P., 1558 9. Henrietta, 1557 Brown. 9. William H., 1556 10. Frances Tappan, 1599 Beck. 10. Leah Ann, 1161 10. Elva Emily, 1587 Burnham. 9. Howard Hinkley, [1569] 9. Mary Emma, 845 10. Mary Jeannetta, 1586 Campbell. Beverly. 10. Arthur Edward, 1656 10. Bertha Laura, 1593 10. Bertha Louise, 1657 9. Edwin C, 508 9. Frank Edward, 895 10. Louise Mary, 1591 9. Jennie, [1566] 10. Monroe Edwin, 1594 Chamberlain. 10. 10. Ralph Gardner, Wendell Paul, 1592 1595 8. Jeannetta Bigelow, 434 _ BlSBO. Champlain. 10. Lilly, Blaik. *[1131] 8. Hattie Esther, Clark. 403 9. Arthur J., 1565 8. Elizabeth, 253 THE EMMONS F. \MILY INDEX PART III ll Collar. Doane. 10. Glenn Edgar, *1161 10. Charles Northarn, 1651 CoolEy. 10. Erroll C, 1654 - 10. Fenn, 1655 10. Archibald, 1167 10. Iva J., 1653 Covert. 10. Louise Nortliam, 1650 9. Ada Hannah Olive, *707 10. Mary Charlotte, 1652 9. Esther Jane, *705 . Robert Chauncey, *892 9. Marietta Elizabeth, Crocker. *706 9. Roscoe Cornelius, Dougherty. *891 11. Allen Daniel, 1667 9. Elbert R., [631] 10. Charles H., 1579 10. Clarence B., 1585 Down. 10. DwightJ., 1584 9. Edgar Fielding, *739 9. Edgar Marcellus, + 1586 9. Wilford Fielding, *[738] 10. Frank B., 1580 10. Wilford Leclaire, 1617 10. Helen Edith, + 1577 E FINGER. 9. Henry Champion, + 1567 11. Helen, 1674 10. Herbert E., 1581 11. 8. John, Jonathan Lyman, 1668 *259 10. Ellsworth. Eli Phelps, 1632 11. 10. 11. Lyman George, Lyman Mclntyre, Martha Elizabeth, 1666 + 1578 1665 10. 9. 10. Henry Emmons, Jared A., Rev., Jared Phelps, 1629 860 1630 10. Oliver Edward, 1631 10. Ruth E., 1583 10. Stanley M., 1582 Emmons. Cross 8. Alexander H., + 1518 ^^ IVv/ kJtJk 9. Alfred Page, *S64 9. Ella, *[692] 7. Brainard, *[140] Culver. 9. Caroline, *861 9. Clarence B., *[614] 9. Charles, 1527 10. Vera, 1601 9. David Mack, *504 DepEW. 10. Edith, *[985] 9. Edward Marshall, 1574 9. James, [631] 9. Elizabeth, *860 Dibble. 8. Elizabeth Brainard, + 1516 9. Elsie E., 898 8. Elizabeth Lee, *256 DlNSDALE. 9. Elva Jeannetta, 1568 9. Emily Hill, 537 9. Anna Cordelia, 739 9. Emma Hannah, *50S John, 739 9. Estelle Chloe, *[63 1] DoanE. 8. Fanny S., + 1521 9. Ann Elizabeth, *893 10. Farrar, 1635 Hi THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART III 9. Franklin B., 1524 8. Frederick A., *253 9. Frederick H., 1525 8. George Edward, *444 9. George Gilbert, 1573 9. Gilbert, 1526 8. Harriet Ely, *462 8. Harriet J., + 1520 9. Harris George, *506 8. Hattie Octavia, *445 8. Henrietta A., + 1523 7. Henry, *[141] 13. Henry, 1636 9. Irwin, *862 9. James Henry, *502 10. Jennie Viola, *990 8. John Leslie, *463 9. Lawrence Barton, 1575 10. Louise Ludlow, 1590 8. Lydia Minerva, *258 9. Marian Adelle, *758 8. Marshall, *443 8. Mary, + 1517 8. MaryC, + 1522 9. Mary Ann, 1539 8. Nancy Maria, *257 9. Nathaniel Henry, 2d *[934] 10. Nathaniel Henry, 3d 1660 8. Nelson, *434 9. Nelson, 2d + 1570 10. Nelson, 3d 1588 7. Noadiah, *[139] 11. Robert, 1673 10. Roger Monroe, 1589 9. Ruth Colburn, 1572 8. Sarah E. B., + 1519 8. Sophia, *254 9. Susie Chamberlain, + 1569 9. Theodore A., *[568] 9. William F., 538 9. William Henry, + 1571 10. William Myron, *[987] English. 8. Elizabeth, Farrar. [1518] 9. Mary Florence Aiken, Fenn. 862 10. Caroline Emmons, 1634 10. Dorothy, 1633 9. Paul, Forbes. 861 8. Andrew, [1519] 9. Auradella, 1542 9. Brainard, 1540 9. Branath, 1541 9. Flora Anna, FrissEEE. 1543 10. Fred Boutwell, *951 10. Florence Boutwell, 1596 9. Solon E., Garbutt. *[518] 8. William F., Gardner. [1521] 8. Jacob Buell, Jr., George. *419 10. William Aaron, Dr., GoodaeE. [1609] 9. Helen, Goodspeeo. 871 William H., 443 Granger. 9. Carrie Louise, GrEms. *895 11. Ethel May, 1680 10. Gordon C, Gunsel. *[1192] 10. Bernard Willis, Haeeauy. *1032 11. Charles F., 1677 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART III 1 111 Hamblin. Kimball. Cordelia, 739 10. Grace Edna, 1606 Harrison. 10. Irene Susan, 1603 President, 443 10. Stella Spellman, 1605 10 Thomas DeKay, 111(11 Haskins. La Place. 9. Mary Ellen, 866 10. Anne, 1628 Hefflon. 10. Beam, 1624 8. Frank A., 445 10. Beatrice, 1625 Hoskins. 10. Carroll Burnham, 1622 10. Frederick E., *[1094] 9. Francis Augustus, *845 L J 9. Harriet Miranda, *848 11. Violet V., 1676 9. Jonathan Lorenzo, *846 Hosmer. 10. Leroy, 1623 8. Hiram, 258 10. Mary, 1627 Houghton. 10. Nelson, 1626 10. Grace Forest, Hucker. 1032 9. Robert Henry, LEE. *847 9. Lena, 867 11. George Emmons, 1672 11. Lottie Irene, 1671 Lewis. 8. Helen G., 444 Hunt. Leyson. 9. Charles George, 707 10. Charles Glenn, 1614 10. Maud May, *1047 10. Guy Marion, 1613 Malloy. 10. Harry Ralph, + 1610 11. Madeline Frances, 1669 10. Lena May, 1611 10. R. D., [16081 10. Lyra Ernestine, + 1609 Martell. 10. Winnie Pauline 1612 9. Bertha, 1562 JERVIS. 9. Fanny, 1561 10. Minnie Elizabeth, 951 9. Ida, 1559 Jones. 9. Minnie, 1560 10. Adeline, 1620 8. Theopholis, [1522] 10. Althea Christine, 1618 Meigs. 9. Frank Eugene, *[769] 9. George Henry, 893 9. Leon Avery, *[772] Merritt. 10. Leon Avery, Jr., 1619 10. Bert Edward, *[1007] Keeney. 11. Ervin Edward, 1675 9. Edward, [1518] Messenger. Kimball. 10. Henry Burdett, *945 9. Francis, 705 11. Henry Burdett, Jr., 1670 Hv THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART III Miner. OSBORN. 9. Madeline M., McClellan. 892 9. Mary Louise, Parker. 9. George Washington, 537 9. Elma, 10. George Erskine, 1598 Phelps. 10. Mary Ida, + 1597 9. David, McEwEN. 10. Funice Gertrude, 11. Daniel John, 1662 10. John Nelson, 10. Duncan Daniel, [1577] 9. John Newton, 11. Florence Louise, 1661 10. Luvy Emmons, 11. Herbert Sloan, 1663 10. Mary Elizabeth, 11. Peter Duncan, McIntyrE. 1664 10. William Newton, Pickering. e Tammy, McKinlEY. 259 T. R. Co., Powell. President, 443 10. Everett Oliver, McLaughlin. 10. Raymond Daniel, 10. Kate, [1578] Pratt. McQuade. 9. Joseph Hayden, 9. Martha, 504 Quinn. Murphy. 8. Sarah, 10. Margaret, 1616 Raymond. NaThursT. 9. Jennie Pease, 9. Jennie Kathrine, 504 Reeve. Nelson. 10. Fern, 9. Cornelia, Newbury. *[713] 10. Mabel, RlTZKE. 9. Augustus, 1529 11. Flora Elizabeth, 8. Lyman, 254 Roberts. 9. Lyman, Jr., 1531 9. Adaline, 9. Thomas C, 1530 9. Frederick, 9. William E., 1528 9. Irena, North. 9. Mary E., & Judd Mfg. Co., 444 9. Mr., Sophia, NORTHAM. 9. Robert Chauncey, 3d *898 Rogers. 10. Robert Chauncey, 4th 1 658 9. Elizabeth Almira, 10. Ruth Theresa, 1 659 9. George Henry, [1570] [1571] *867 1638 1640 *866 1641 1637 1639 444 *1044 *1043 848 419 506 1602 *1107 1678 1536 1538 1535 1534 [1517] 1537 *873 *871 THE EMMONS FAMILY INDEX PART III lv Rogers. Stowell. 9. Jane Ellen, Roosevelt. *872 10. Nora May, Strickland. 945 President, 443 s. Keziah B., Capt., 162 Russell. 9. Lulu, 1576 9. Alice Berniee, [1566] SULVAN. Seartram. 9. William C, 758 11. Howard Edward, 1679 Tappan. Sheedon. 9. Pauline, *[552] 9. 10. 10. Edward, Grace Norma, Shepard. 706 1607 + 1608 Thomson. Houston Electric Co Valentine. i 1 l 9. Martha, [1566] 10. George, it; it 10. Smith. Emelia Rebecca, Snyder. 1043 10. 9. 10. 10. Helen, Henry, Vera, Wallace, 1646 s::; L649 Mils 10. 10. Sylvester Augustus, SOETH. Christina Magdalina, [1597] 1044 9. 10. Webster, Daniel P., Parker Howard, *708 II. 15 9. 9. 8. Spring. Adaline, Angie, Darius, 1545 1544 256 10. Wells. Harry, WlLLEV. 1047 9. Frances, 1547 9. Frederick E., L532 9. Helen, 1546 9. Hiram, 1533 9. Henry D., 1548 8. William Montgomery, [1516] H 88 78 1* '4+ ^ °yi S) ^ *°« ^** a, . v\ * * °^> " ° » ° ° A° x> J> *.•.' *°-v .V °^ °"° A ^>w, o. A. . * * > **°** x ^ $Mk- ***** - 7**m*p , > -or %*» fro *$>