\ ^^ Virginia Historical Society. Nv ORGANIZATION OF THE ^irjginia 'historical ^ocietg; ' .>-<5J<^n/v-cO^ OFFICERS AND MEMBERS i LIST OF ITS PUBLICATIONS. Richmond, Va. Published uv the Virginia Historical Society, M D C C C L X X X I . \ Andrews, Baptist & Clemmitt, Printers, Richmond, Virginia. Virginia Historical Society. OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The organization of the Virginia Historical Society is as follows : President, Hon. ALEXANDER H. H. STtiART, Staunton, Va., First Vice President, CONWAY ROBINSON, Washington, D. C, Second Vice President, WM. W. CORCORAN, Washington, D. C, Third Vice President, WM. WIRT HENRY, Richmond, Va., Corresponding Secretary and Libr'n, ROBERT ALONZO BROCK, Richmond, Va., Recording Secretary, GEORGE A. BARKSDALE, Richmond, Va., Treasurer, ROBERT T. BROOKE, Riclimond, Va. ; who, in conjunction with the following named gentlemen, form the Executive Committee : Hon. BEVERLEY R. WELLFORI), Jr., Richmond, Va., HENRY COALTER CABELL, Richmond, Va., CHARLES G. BARNEY, M. D., Richmond, Va., Hon. ANTHONY M. KEILEY, Richmond, Va., ARCHER ANDERSON, A. M., Richmond, Va., WILLIAM P. PALMER, M. D., Richmond, Va., WILLIAM A. MAURY, LL. D., Washington, D. C, J. L. M. CURRY, D. D., LL. D., Richmond, Va., JOHN OTT, Richmond, Va., JOHN WARWICK DANIEL, Lynchburg, Va., Hon. JOHN L. MARYE, Jr., Fredericksburg, Va., EDWARD v. VALENTINE, Richmond, Va. MEMBERS HONORARY. *Alexandkk, Rev. Archibald, D. D., New Jersey. ^Alexander, Rev. James \V., D. D., New Jersey. "Akcher, Hon. William S., Virginia. Arnold, Hon. Isaac N., Chicago, 111. ^^Brockenbrough, John, M. D., \'irginia. *Bates, Hon. Edward, Missouri. ■"Brooke, Hon. Francis T., Virginia. *Bergen, Hon. Teunis G., New \"ork. Beresford-Hope, Right Hon. A. J., I'.ngland. ■•'Clav, Hon. Henrv, Kentucky. "■■Cabell, Hon. Joseph C, Virginia. *CoLES, Hon. Edw.\rd. *CocKE, Gen'l John H., Virginia. *Cabell, Hon. \Vm H., X'irginia. *Calhoun, Hon. John C, South Carolina. *Chester, Col. Joseph Lemuel, LL. D., D. C. L., England. Cabell, Nathaniel F~k.\ncis, A\'arminster, \'a. Eaton, Hon. John, Washington, I). C. Galt, Matthew W., Washington, D. C. *Graham, Hon. Willia.m A., Washington, D. C. *Gallatin, Hon. Albert, Pennsylvania. Hunter, Hon. Robert M. T., Virginia. Huguet-Latour, Chevalier L. A., Montreal, Canada. rHENRV, Professor Joseph. "•'Hr.MPHREVS, Gen'l A. A., Washington, 1). C. Howard, Joseph Jackson, LL. I)., England. Hall, Samiel Carter, F. S. A., England. ^Irving, Washington, New York. Jones, Rev. John Willi.vm, D. I)., Richmond, \'a. *JovNES, Thomas Robinso.n, Virginia. Jones, Col. Charles Colcock, Jr., LL. I)., Augusta, Ga. Johnston, Hon. John W., Abingdon, Va. JcjHNSTON, Gen'l Joseph Eggleston, Washington, D. C. *Johnson, Chapman, Richmond, Va. *Jones, Gen'l Walter, Washington, D. C. Those desisnatef! thus * are deceased. Virginia Historical Society. *Kenm:i)\, Hon. John Pkndleton, Manland. *Leic;ii, Hun. 15i;nja.mix Watkins, X'irginia. *Lek;h, Hon. \Vii.i,ia.m, \'irginia. *Laf'ayette, George Washinc.ton, France. *Lee, Gen'l Robert Edward, X'irginia. Lee, Prof. Richard Henry, Virginia. McGuFFEY, Prof. W.M. H., D. I)., LL. !)., Lniv. of \irginia. * Manly, Rev. Basil, D. D., Alabama. *Meade, Rt. Rev. \Villl\m, Mrginia. Martln, Charles W'vkhham, I'.ngland. *Mh.lkr, Hon. Sami'KL. *Mairv, Commodore Matthew F. ^Marshall, Chief lustice John, former President of tlie So- ciety. *Madison, James., President United States. *Mercer, Hon. Charles Fenton, Maryland. *Preston, Hon. William Camphell. *Prescott, William H., LL. D., Boston, Mass. *Plumer, Rev. William S., D. D., LL. D. *RuFFiN, Hon. Tho.m.\s. North Carolina. *Roi3ERTson, Hon. John, Virginia. Rogers, Rev. Charles, D. D., LL. D., England. Rogers, Wm. B., LL. D., Boston, Mass. *Smith, John Augustine, 1). 1)., LL. 1). *Scott, Gen'l Winfield. Sainsbury, W. Noel, England. *Short, Hon. William, Virginia. *Summers, Hon. George W., West \'irginia. Soutter, Hon. James C, New "S'ork City. *Tazewell, Hon. Littleton Waller, X'irginia. Thompson, Hon. Lucas P., Virginia. ,*Tyler, John, President United States. *TucKER, Hon. George, X'irginia. Toner, Joseph M., M. D., Washington, D. C. *Warrington, Commodore Lewis, U. S. N. *Watts, Gen'l Edward, \^irginia. Wentworth, Hon. John, Ciiicagx), III. Wallis, Hon. Severn Teackle, LL. 1)., P.altimore, .Md. Withers, Hon. Robert E., Wytheville, \'a. Winthrop, Hon. Robert C, LL. D., Brookline, Mass. Walker, Hon. Gilbert C, New York City. W^heatland, Henry, M. D., SaUin, Mass. *W ATKINS, Henry H, X'irginia. CORRESPONDING. *Balch, Hon. Thomas, Pennsylvania. Blacker, Rev. Bkaver H., M. A., luig^land. Brent, William, Virtjinia. Barlow, S. L. M., New York City. Bush, L. P., M. D., Wilmir.gton, Del. Bradlee, Rev. Caleb Davis, Boston, Mass. *Campbell, Charles, Virginia. Colburn, Jeremiah, A. M., Boston, Mass. Cary, Wilson Miles, Baltimore, Md. CuTTS, Gen'l R. D., Washington, D. C. Champlin, John D., Jr., New York City. Carrington, Gen'l Henry Bisbee, LL. D., U. S. Army. *Dabney, Prof. George E., A. M., Virginia. Davis, Hon. Thomas Gwvnn Cosby, St. Louis, Mo. Dean, John Ward, A. M., Boston, Mass. *Dalrymple, Rev. Edwin A., S. T. D., Baltimore, Md. Dawson, Henry B., Morrisania, N. Y. Draper, Hon. Lyman C, LL. I)., Madison, Wis. Egle, Wm. H., M. D., a. M., Harrisburg, Pa. *Fendall, Philip R., Washington, D. C. *Force, Gen'l Petkr. Washington, D. C. *Foote, Rev. W.M. H., D. D., Roniney, W. Va. *Greenhow, Robert, Washington, D. C. Green, Samuel Abbott, M. D., Boston, Mass. Gardner, Major Asa Bird, U. S. A. Gordon, John M., Baltimore, Md. GiLMAN, Marcus D., Montpelier, \'t. *Haven, Samuel Foster, LL. D., Salem, Mass. Hoyt, Col. Albert Harrison, A. M., Cincinnati, O. Hayden, Rev. Horace Edwin, Wilkesbarre, Pa. *Hawkes, Rev. Francis L., I). D., LL. D. Hart, Charles Henry, Philadelphia, Pa. HowisoN, Rev. Robert R., Virginia. Herbert, Dozier G., Galveston, Texas. Harzfield, Sigismund K., I'hiladel|)hia, Pa. *Lynch, Commodore Wm. F. Leigh, Lieut. Wm., U. S. Navy. VirQ'inia Historical Society Lewis, Proi". \\ A.. Winfield, \V. \'a. Lek, John W. ]M., Baltimore, .Md. LiDWiG, Herman E., New York City. Moore, Charles B., New York City. Moore, George H., LL. D., New York City. *McCabe, John Collins, D. D., X'irginia. Morris, J. Harnes. Pennsylvania. Morcjan, Prof. H. H., St. Louis, Mo. *M.\VER, Col. Brantz, Maryland. Mercer, Robert W., Doylestown, Pa. MoTT, Henry, Montreal, Canada. MoRSON, John, Virginia. Neill, Rev. E. D., B. A., Minneapolis, Minn. Nicholson, Col. John P., Philadelphia, Pa. Peyton, Col. John Lewis, Staunton, \'a. Peet, Rev. Stephen D., Clinton, \\is. Phillips, Jr., Henry, A. M., Ph. D., Philadelphia. Pa. Paine, Geo. Treat, Providence, R. I. Perry, Hon. Amos, Providence, R. I. Rich, C. *RuFFNEK, Rev. HENK^, 1). 1)., Lexington, \'a. * Robinson, Merritt RL, Virginia. Ranck, Prof. Geo. W., Lexington, Ky. Snow, John, Tuskaloosa, Ala. Stone, Rev. E. ]\L, D. D., Providence, R. I. Stevens, John Austin, New York City. .Snowden, Yates, Charleston, S. C. SciL\RK, Col. J. Thomas, Baltimore, Md. .Shrigley, James, Pennsylvania. Smith, Rev. Benjamin AL, D. 1).. \'irginia. .SL.Mc.iiri.K, Rev. Philip, I). 1)., Mitcliell's .Station, \ a. Slhmmer, Adam, Pennsylvania. "Thompson, Jf)HN Rei-rkn, Virginia. TiTfs, Rev. Anson, Jr., Weymouth, Mass. Wheeler, Col. John H., Washington, I). C. Williams, J. Fletcher, St. Paul, Minn. Whitehead, Wm. A., Newark, N. I. Walter, Joseph R., Wilmington, Del. *Wasiiini;ton, Prof. Hi;xry A., LL. D., X'irginia. *WiSE, Hon. Henry A., Virginia. Wright. \\'. H. K., l-\ R. H. S., Plyni..ulh, Ijigland. LIFE *Archer, Robert, M. D., Richmond, Va. Anderson, Gen'l Joseph R., Richmond, Va. Apperson, James L., Richmond, Va. Banister, Dr. Monro, Virginia. Barksdale, William I., Virginia. *Bruce, James C, Virginia. Bryan, Joseph, Richmond, Va. Barney, Dr. Charles Gorham, Richmond, Va. Barksdale, Randolph, M. D., Richmond, Va. Barksdale. Major George A., Richmond, Va. BuRWELL, Col. William P., Richmond, Va. Byrd, George H., New York City. BuRWELL, George H., Virginia. *Barret, William, Virginia. Bancroft, Hon. George, LL. I).. Washington, D. C. *Chittenden, W. B., Virginia. *CocKE, Gen'l John H., Virginia. "Cocke, Philip St. George, Virginia. *Cabell, Joseph C, Virginia. Conway, Moncure Daniel, London, Dngland. Corcoran, William W., Washington, D. C. Cowardin, James A., Richmond, Va. *Clark, Rev. John, Virginia. Claiborne, Major John H., Richmond, \'a. *Clark, William H., Virginia. Davenport, Isaac, Jr., Richmond, Va. Eyre, John, Virginia. Ellis, Col. Thomas Harding, Chicago, 111. Fry, Charles M., New York City. *Grigsby, Hon. Hugh Blair, LL. D., Virginia (Late Presi- dent of the Society.) *Giles, Thomas T., Virginia. Gwathmey, H. B., Virginia. HoLLiDAV, His Excellency Fred. \V. M., Gt)v. of Virginia. Hughes, Robert M., Norfolk, Va. *Lee, Charles Carter, Virginia. *Lamb, William W., Virginia. Lyons, 'Hon. Jamks, Richmond, \'a. lo Virginia Historical Society. Logan, Gen'l T. M., Richmond, \'a. Leiter, L. Z., Chicago, 111. Leigh, Chapman Johnson, New York City. Lee, Gen'l George Washington Cistis, Lexington, \'a. *Leslie, Robert, Virginia. Lawes, John Bennet, LL. D., V. R. S., F. C. S., Lngland. Mills, Charles S., M. D., Richmond, \'a. \L\LRV, Robert H., Richmond, Va. *Macfari.and, Hon. \\'ii.lia:\i Hamilton, \iiginia. .Minor, Trof. P)KN.ia:^iix B., .St. Louis, Mo. .\Iok(;an, J.'i.MKS L., Jr., New ^'ork City. Morg.an, liNiis .S., London, ICngland. ■■■MvERS, GiST.wis A., Richmond, \'a. *MoRSON, James M.. Richmond, \'a. *M.\soN, Hon. John \'., X'irginia. *McL\tosh, Anthony \X., \'irginia. .Mavo, Edward, Richmond, Va. Meredith, Hon. John A., Richmond, \'a. Meredith, John S., Richmond, \'a. McCance. Thomas \V., Richmond, \'a. *MoNCURE, Henrv \\'., Richmond, \'a. ■"'Maxwell, William, LL. D., Richmond, Va. (I'^ormerly Cor- responding .Secretary and Librarian of the .Society.) "••Osborne, Ch.vrles F., Virginia. Pi'RCELL, John, Richmond, Va. Price, Prof. Thos. Randolph, Jr., A. M.. I'niversity of \'a. ■■•■Ri\KS, Hon. William Cabell, LL. D., X'irginia. ( Formerly President of the Society.) Robinson, Conw.w, Washington, I). C. Robertson. Hon. Wvndham, Abingdon. \a. Salisbirv, Hon. Stephen, LL. I)., Worcester, Mass. (Presi- dent of tlie American Antiquarian Society, i .Stewart, I<>iin, Riclmjond, \'a. .Stewart, Daniel K., RichnH)nti, \'a. .Scorr, Wn.LiAM '!'., .Sniitlnille, \'a. Thomas, J A^^•;s, Jr., Riclnnond, \'a. TazewI'.i.l, John N., X'irginia. "Taylor, Georc;e, X'irginia. WooDHoiSE, James, Richmond, \'a. Walker, Daxtd N., Richmond. X'a. *\\'iCKHA.M, John, X'irgi -ia. \\'ii.LL\.MS, 'I'ho.mas C., Richmond, \'a. ANNUAL. Aldrich, Hon. P. F..M()kv, Worcester, Mass. AtkinsoxN, Thom.vs, Richmond, Va. Allen, Col. William, Owing's .Mills, .Md. Addison, E. B., Richmond, \a. Addison, John, Allison, J.vmes W., " " Archkk, Ja.mes W., " " Alfrieni), Tho.vlvs L., " Anderson, Col. Ch.vrles J., Riclmiond, \'a. Ale.xander, Rev. H. C, D. D., Hampden .Sydney Collei^e. \'a. Amorv, Hon. Thom.vs C, Boston, .Mass. Batch, Daniel, I'hiladelijhia, Ra. Balc.h, Edwin P., Blair, Lewis H., Richmond, \'a. Boykin, F. M., " " Booker, Lewis, " " Bispham, James L., Philadelphia, Pa. Bain, George M., Jr., Norfolk, Va. Berkeley, Col. Robert Beverley, Farmvilie, \a. Boehmer, Henry, Richmond, \'a. Baker, T. Roberts, " Branch, John P., Burwell, p. L., Cnmberland, Md. Blair, J.vmes H., Richmond, Va. Black, Harvey, M. D., Williamsburg, \'a. BouLWARE, AuBiN L., Ri-^hmond, \'a. Beirne, Richard F., " " Bauch, Charles, Barboi'r, Hon. Be.vjamin Johnsc^n, Barbours\ ille, \'a. Bocock, Hon. Thomas S., Lynchburg, Va. Blakev, Angus R., Charlottesville, Va. Broadhead, Hon. James ()., St. Louis, Mo. Blaine, Hon. James G., Washington, D. C. BoDEKER. Henry, Richmond, Va. Berry, Taylcjr, Amherst C. H., \'a. Barbolr, Hon. John S., Alexandria, \'a. Byrd, Col. William, Winchester, \'a. 12 Mrginia Historical Society. BiRWEi.i., Hon. W'M. IMcCrep:rv, New Orleans, La. Berry, Benj.vmin H., Jr., Richmond, \'a. Booker, Thomas, Bayard, Hon. Tho.mas F., Wilmington, Del. Baldwin, Hall F., Yonker.s, X. Y. Buford, Col. A. S., Richmond. \a. Blankenship. Rou't F... Brl'ce, T. Seddon, Brown, Alexander. Norwood, \'a. Bu.mgardner, Capt. Jamks, Jr., Staunton, \'a. BiRNETT. William A., Hovi), J. WiLLi.vAL Jkichanan, \'a. Blacki-cjrd, Prof. L. M., A. M., Ale.xandria, \'a. Hkna.nt, Capt. Hkrrert, Bkvce, Willi a.m, London, England. Cram:. Rcy. Oliyek, D. D., Morristown, N. ]. Clyde, William P., New York City. Coleman, Prof. Robert T.. M. I)., Richmond, \'a. Christian, Edward I)., Cabell, Prof. James L., ,\1. 1)., l.L. 1)., Cniversity of X'irtjinia. Crenshaw, Lewis D.,Jk., Richmond, \'a. Cardwell, Richard H., CoKK, Capt. John Archkk, Cannon, P^dward "S'., Claiborne, Herbert AicasTixK, Richmond, \'a. Clarke, Capt. Maxwell T., Cocke, Philip St. Georcje, Pouiiatan, C. H., \'a. Clarke, W. B., Boston, Mass. Chamberl.wnr, Capt. John Hampim:n, Richmond, \'a. Chalki.hy, ( ). H., CoRNicK. Samiel H., CoTTRELL, Samiel S.. " Claiborne, John H., M. I).. Petersburg, \'a. CoNK.\D, .Major Hol.mes, Winchester, \'a. CociiM.i,, Hon. k()Bi:KT .\., New Glasgow, \'a. CLl■:l•;.^L\XN, Tho.m.vs .M., Pliiladelphia, Pa. Carter, Prof Fk.xnklin, Williams College, Mass. Cakr, W.vttson, M. 1)., Chicago, 111. CARRiN(n()\, Wii.i.i.vM F., M. I)., Randolph, \a. Conner, Gen'l James. Charleston, S. «'. Cri'mi', Hon. Wn-LiAM W., Richmond. \'a. CoTTKELL, OkKIN L., Virginia Historical Society. 12"* [Omitted by the printer in arranging llie torni.j Brown, J. Thompson, Richmond, \'a. BiNFORD, Jri.IAN, BURGWYNN, C. p. E., " " Camden, Hon. John M., Parkersburg, W. Va. Cleborne, Christopher J., M. D., Surgeon U. S. N., Ports- mouth, N. H. Cocke, Charles Hartweix, Columbus, Miss. Christian, Thomas, Richmond, Va. Courtney, Major Alfred R., Richmond, Va. Cameron, A., Richmond, Va. Christian, Hon. George L., Richmond, Va. Cohen, Edward, Richmond, Va. Carrington, Richard Adams, St. Paul, Minn. Cunningham, Prof. Frank D., M. D., Richmond, Va. CuLLEN, J. S. DoRSEY, M. D., Richmond, Va. Clason, Augustus W., Goochland Co., Va. Clason, Augustus " " Cary, Col. John B., Richmond, Va. Cannon, Henry G., " " DooLEY, Major James H., Richmond, Va. DuPUY, Powhatan E., Dulaney, Col. Richard H., Upperville, Va. Dabney, Hon. William Pope, Powhatan C. H., Va. Dove, Samuel E., Richmond, Va. Davenport, Gideon A., Richmond, Va. Denham, Edward, New Bedford, Mass. Dexter, Julius, Cincinnati, O. Drewry, Major Augustus H., Westover, James River, Va. Daniel, Peter Vivian, Jr., Richmond, \'a. Davies, Prof Samuel D., " " Dunlop, Frank Deane, " " DeVere, Prof. M.\xiMiLiAN Schele, LL. D., Univ. of Va. Deane, Charles, LL. D., Cambridge. Mass. DiNNEEN, Capt. John H., Richmond, Va. Downey, Mark, " " DoswELL, J. T., Fredericksburg, Va. Dromgoole, Edward, South Gaston, N. C. Virgiiiia Historical Society. 13 Dahnev, Prof. Chakiks W'., I'll. 1)., Iniversity of North Car- olina, Raleigh. Davik. Pasc.vl, Petersburg, \ a. English, Prof. W. O., Richmond, \'a. ExAi.i., Hk.\k\, EwELU, Benjamin S., LL. D., V. R. H. S., President of William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va. EiJ-ETT, Captain Tazewell, Richmond, \'a. Eppes, Richard, M. I)., City Point, \'a. Ehkenkieli), C. L., Harrisburg, Pa. lup.ANK, (^'ol. |oHN p.. Warm .Springs, Batli County, \'a. i;\.\xs. Col. 'PiioM.xs |., Richmond, \'a. I"k\ , Cai»tain W. ( )., L'iiarlottesxille, \'a. l''oKCK, Mon. .Mas'mnc I'"., Cincinnati. < >. l'iT/iH(iii, Hon. I^inv.\Ki) 11., Richmond, \'a. P()Ks\ TH, {''kedkric CiRKc.dRW Portland, Maine. !• iTZCKK.M.i), Col. j. P., Farmville, Va. CjRAN, i.\.\iKS P., Richmond, \'a. ( ilLLL\AL M.\RSHALI. M., " " ( 'i| LH.V.M, Wm.LLVM II., " '■ CiK.M'i'Lix, |()H\ C, Paltimore, .Md. Cordon, Dovcl.vs IP, Baltimore, .Md. CfRi(.sii\, Hk.nrn Carri.vc.to.x, Charlotte C. fP, \'a. Cli;xn,\.\, Col. .M., Norfolk, \'a. Ci.\N'. Captain IOdw.xrd .S., .Atlanta, Ga. (iooDK, Hon. |oHX, Norfolk, \'a. CiHiSox, (iKoRC.K, JR., Richmond, \'a. ( iE( >R(;K, |. PiTElELli, Cirxii;R, Hon. Renl\mix 'P., .\ccomac C. H., \'a. C.ooDE, Prof ('.. Brow X. Smithsonian Institute. Washington. (iooDK, Col. Thonlvs v.. Buffalo Pithia .Springs. \'a. (i.\RiiKR, Major A. \\'., Richmond, \"a. Crv, Col. JoHX H., CoDDix. Wkllix(;tox, (i.\RRisox, Hon. ("iKoRCK T., Accomac C. IP, \'a. ( ioRDox, ( icn'l |onx B., Atlanta, Ca. (■.R.\ND\, C. WiLE\, Norfolk, \'a. ( '.R.\XD\ . .Xlhert H., " CixrKR. Pi;\vis, Richmond, \'a. (ioDDARD, Dkla.xo .\., Bostou, Mass. (iRKEX, Be.xxett W., M. D., Norfolk, \'a. ( ■. ARRi'.i'r, piiix W., I'.altimorc, Md. T^. J lrgi)iia Historical Society. ("lARKKTT. T. Markison. I5altinu>re, Md. IIairston, Pi;tkr \V., Saura Town, Stokes Co., N. C IIaxai.l, Captain Piiii.ii', Richmond, \a. Harrison, Col. Randoi-IMI, Cartersx ille, \'a. HrNTiiK, |(in\. 1r., Rirhnionil, \'a. UrciiKS. H(jn. Koi'.krt W., i.L. D., Norfolk, \'a. llooK, Captain Piiiui' 11. Alexandria, \"a. H.wv, (iivoRC.K PiTM.\N. Ricliniontl, \a. lIoRsi.KN, .Major loiiN D.. Arrin.i.iton, \'a. H()i.i..\i).\N , Col. Ai.K.x.XNDKR O., Kicliniond, \'a. H.vc'.NHR, lion. .\. !)., Washington, I). C. H.\sKKi.i., lion. .\. C., Columbia, S. C. Hri!.\Ri), l\L-\. I. K.. 1). n.. Winchester, \'a. lircK, Captain Lkuis N., I 111. I,, Major Cii.\RLi:s S., Washins^ton, I). C. 1 Ian wool), .\. W., Raleigh, N. C. •■ 1 1.\x.\i.i,, l\icii.\Ri) P)ART()X, ( iordonsx ilk-, \'a. Ill Dsox, W. A., .Stannton, \'a. H()oi>KR, CiKoRr.K J., Jr., Richmond, \'a. HiCRin-iRT, Col. .Xrthir. Alexandria, \'a. llrxri;R, |(Hix, .Sr.. Louisa C. H., \a. llorciiKiss, .M.'ijor Ikd., .Staunton, \'a. lion;, Ca|)t. |amks I'..\rr()X, Norfolk, \'a. 1 l.\.\iii. rox. His lOxcellency, (iow \\M. i"., 1 iagerstoun, .Md. Hixxiw i;i.i,, |.\Mi-;s 1''r()TIIINoh.\m, Cliarlcstoun, Ma^s. i ir(;ii.\KT, W. ( >., (".rand Rapids, Mich. ii.\x.\i.i., W'li.i i.\M Hknrv, Richmond, \'a. ls.\.\(S, W'l I.II.XM 1>R\.\X, 1ri;\, .Major Ruh.\ri), Irvixc;, Captain 1"r.\xk P.. I'arnniile, \'a. |.\CKS()X, Rc\ . II. .Mkiaii.i.k, I). 1)., Riclnnoiid, \a. |()Xi;s, |. R.WKXscRoi-'i', l.awrencev ille, \'.i. |()iixsT()N, 'rii<)M.\s, Henrico Counlv, \ a. |()iixs()X, Major W. |., Richmond, \'a. hnixsrox. Dr. ( ii;! ikoi-: I!i;xj., Richmond, \':i. |i;xKixs, l\ear .\dmiral i'lioKX rox .\., V . .S. .\'.. Wasiiington. hixi-;s, Rew Imix Wiii.i.wi, 1). 1).. Riclnnond, \'a. loiixsrox, \\.\i.ri;K N., lUichanan, \a. loii.NSTON, .\xi>Ri;\v. Richmond, \'a. K.XAiii:. Wii.i.i.wi, lialtimore, Md. Kkan, Major R. <'.. H., ],ynchhurg-, \'a. Ki:.\xi;, Rigiil Rev. loiix |.. Richmond, \'a. Viroiuia Historical Society Kk.mpkr, Prof. l)i;i.., M. A., Hainpden-Sydney Collfije, \';i. Lee, Richard lii.AXD, Kiclimund. \'a. Lee, Gen'l William Hk.nkv Fitzhi(;h, Fairfax Co., \'a. Lancaster, Komert A., Xew \'ork City. Lee, CiEORCK. Ricliniond, \'a. Lee, Captain Koiser r I^., West Point, \'a. Lancaster, |. ]., Xew ^■^)^k Ciiy. Lee, Cassus F., Jr., Ale.xandria, \'a. Lyons, Iamks, |r., Richmond, \'a. I,ori), Rc'w \\'illl\.m W'., 1). 1)., Cuoperstown, N. "S'. LlliRARN CoMl'.\N\ OF 1' 1 1 1 L A I )KLI'HI A (CiEORtlE MaIRICE AlJ- BOT, Librarian in chai'i^e), I'iiiladeiphia, Pa. Leake, Willia.m Josiah, Asliland, \'a. Lee, Gen'l Fit/.high, Richland, \'a. Leigh, Echert C., jr., Richmond, \'a. Love, Ja.mes M., iairfax C. H., \'a. LovELL, Col. JoHX T., I-Yont Royal, \"a. Lea, J. Tatnall, Pliiladelpiiia, Pa. Lav, Hon. John I^'itzhi(;h, Richmond, \'a. Lodge, HE^'R^• Cabot, ICast Nahant, Mass. Le.vvenworth, Major 1-'rederick P., Petersi)!!!!.^-, \'a. Lek;h, Ch.vi'Man Johnson, Xew \'ork City. Moses, AlI'"red, Ricimiond, \'a. MiLLHisER, Charles. Merrh.l, Prof. CiEOR(;E l'., Richmond. \'a. MiNFORD, Robert 15., Mavrv, Cen'l I^abnev H., " " -Marshall, (ien'l |. V. !>., Hampto:, \'a. .M.vkshall, Col. Ch.vrles, Haltimore, Md. McCaw, Prof. J.\mes ll., M. 1)., Richmond, \'a. Martin, T. S., .Scottsville, \'a. M.\sox, CiEORGE, Alexandria, \'a. McCabe, Captain W. Gordon, Petershurii', \'a. McGiire:, Prof. Hinter, M. D., Richmond, \'a. MvERS, Maj. Edmind T. D., Mavo, Peter H., " " Minor, Miss Lrc\ L.\M)on, Xew \'ork City. Melvin, H. P... M. I)., Halifax C. H., \a. Moore, Samiel Preston, M. 1)., I Late .Suru,eon General C. .S. A.) Richmond, \'a. -MiNNiGERODE, Rev. Ch.vrles, 1). IX, Richmond. \a. Man KK, loiiN F., 1 6 ]'irqi)iia I /is /on' en I Socir/v MosMV, J. Ai.k.\anui;k, Jr.. Ricliniond. \'a. -MoNTAciiK, John H., .Mc(iriKK, l-KANK II.. McCi'K, }I()ii. |(in\ 1 1.. .Staunton, \a. McCiK, Col, J. M.vKsii Ai.i., .Xfton, \'a. .Massik, KoiiKKT W ruii.Rs, .Massie's .Mill, \'a. Massik, Mrs. .Makia C, Massii:. I'.i..\.\i), Mii.i.KK, lion. J()ii.\ I-"., r. .S. .S., .M()ntt-rt\, L'al. .MoKTo.N, RoiiKK r C, Uichniond. \;i. Xkwton, X. f.. Nash, MaJ, I'>i:m. 1 1., \'K\\ r( )N. XlKC.IMlS, .\ I MM 1 1, I ion. JosKi'H, Jr., W,isiiin,i;t()n, 1 ). C. .\'ai>T'i.\, lion. Wii.ij.sM I',., kiil-c I'rairir, .M.>. .XoLTiNc, 1-;mii. ()., Riclniioml, \'a. Nk.m.k, .S. C"., .Ak-xandria, \ a. OuDUAN, Col. Ai.iiHKT, Wasli iii^ti ui, 1). C. I'KKKiNs, Col. (;i.;()R(;i.: W.. N\-\\ NOrk City. I'atton, Col. JMiiK .Minor, lk-nti\ o^lio, \'a. I'<»\\i-:rs, Roia-Ri W"., Rirlmiond, \'a. l'.\(ii-;, .Major .Ma.\.\, I'.randon. \'a. I'l'AToN, Major Crhkx, Cnivci-sily of X'ir.^inia. I'K'irrr, \\'ii i,i.\M |i., l'alin\ia, I'lnvanna Co., \a. I'i-,\i(i.\, Col. Hi:Nk\ i:., ll.iinilton, \'a. I'.WM-., (Wn'l \\'n,i.i.\M H., W'arrenlon, \a. I'oi.i.ARi), I )i-. TiKiMAs, Richmond. \',i. POINDK.NI i:r, ( ;ki 1. II.. Potts. Tik >m.\s, I'.VRKS, Col. .M ARSIl.M.L. Norfolk, \'a. I'r\(ir. (k-n'l RocKR .A., N(,-u XOrk Citv. i'i-;ri.;KKi.\, Rc-w josm .\. 1). 1),. Richmond, \'a. l*i(KK|.;i,i . /. W., I'.WM-,, Rk 1-. .M., W'arrenlon, \"a. Parsons, Col. II. C.. Natmal Hrid.ux-. \'a. I'KNDi.Kro.N. .\. R.. Winchfstfr, \a. l'.\(;i-;, .Major l,r:(;ii R.. Richmond, \a. l'.\i..Mr:R. Col. Wii.i.i.wi II., Richmond, \'a. Pa(;i;, Rk ii.xKi) Ch.w.mm; .Moori;, .M. D., New Xdrk Cil> Palmhk, (Ikorci-; .S., Ri<-hmond, \'a. PiN'CKNKW Cii.\Ki.i:s'Cori;s\\()R rii, Jr.. Charleston, S. C. I'liM.Mi's. .\. K., l-'rederickshnr--, \'a. Virginia Historical Socic/j'. 17 PizziM, Andrew, Jr., Ricliniuiid, \a. Powell, Rear Admiral L. M., U. S. N., \\'asliinj;toii, [). C. Pail, Col. Samufx B., Richmond, \"a. PuRCELL, James P., Quarle:s, West Richkso.n, Kichniond, \'a. Ragland, Major Rcjbert L., Hyco, Halifax Co., \'a. Ralston, Robert W., Chicago, 111. Ralston, Henry M., Robertson, Hon. W'uj.lv.m [., Charluttt-sxille, \'a. Rogers, Major John 1)., Richmond, \'a. Richardson, Robert K., " Richards, Bvchan, M. D., Sweet Hall, Va. Robinson, .Sir John BEVKRLK^■, Lt. (iow of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Richardson, Hon. David C, Riciimond, \'a. Rogers, Major J. Pendleton, Ranson, Thomas D., Staunton, Va. R.4NDOLPH, Joseph W., Richmond, \'a. Rovall, Major Willl\m L., New \'ork City. Rose, Arthur P., (ieneva, N. \'. Robins, Robert Patterson, M. ])., Philadelphia, Pa. Ryan, Joseph N., Staunton, Va. "■^Rtggs, George W., Washington, 1). C. Robert, Rev. Patrick G., St. Louis, Mo. Robinson, Captain Leigh, Washington, D. C. Robinson, Col. C. W., Aldershot, England. Schoolcraft, J. Lawrence, Richmond, Xn. Starke, Ashton, swineford, how.aku, Stringfellow, Maj. Chas. .S., " St. John, William P., New York City. SoLVYNS,'"^G., New York City. Smith, Hon. Th()m.\s, Warrenton, \'a. Seddon, Willia.m C, Richmond, \'a. Slaughter, Mercer, Alexandria, \'a. .Stiles, Maj. Rf)BERT, Richmond, Va. Stuart, William Alexander, .Saltville, \'a. Stern. Maj. Jo. Lane. Richmond, \"a. .Spotswood. Hon. Willl\m F., Petersburg, \'a. Shafer, Charles G., Richmond, Va. SiNTON, RiCHARD_^H., Sail P>ancisco, Ca'. .S.MiTH, Prof. Edward H., Richmond, Va. 4 1 8 Virginia Historical Society Stoit. Hu;i. John \V., Slauntoii, \'a. Saxds, Rev. Ai.EXANUKK Ha.miltox, KichiiiDiul, \'a. Stkakns, Franklin. Richmond, \'a. S.MiTH. Gen'l Francis H., M. A., LL. 1)., Lexington, \'a. .Skhuo.n", Tho.m.vs, New ^'ork City. .Srm.KTT, Pktkk ]>., .Staunton, \'a. .Stk\kkk, (ien'l W.m. .S., Adjt. (ien'l of .\. J., Trenton, N. |. Thaxton, (ii-;()K(;K I)., Richmond, \'a. Thom, Prof. \V. Tax I. OR, M. A., Hcjlhns Institute. \'a. Trigg, Co.nnai.i.v F., Abing^don, \'a. T.wi.oR, Kdw.vru B.. Richmond, \ a. 'Iavlok, Ei:)(;.\r D., TATrM, LrciKN !'>., I'axlok, J.VMKs R., Brooklyn, N. V. Talcott, Col. Tho.mas Man.n Randolph, Riclnnond, Va. Taylor, William (i.VRi.ANU, Richmond, \'a. I'kkdw.w, W'lLiiAM M., Jr., Chatham, \'a. Talhott, All.vn, Riclnnond, \'a. T.vlbott, Ch.\s. 1 1., " Vkitch, Wilkerforck, Chicago, 111. Valentine, Euward \'., Richmond. \a. Vale.ntine, M.v.n.n .S.\-rTKR\\HiTK, Richmond, Va. Valentink, Cra.willk (iRAV, Richmond, \'a. Vawtlr. Cai)tain Charles 1--., .Supt. of Miller .Manual Lal)or .School, F>atesville, \'a. W'atklns, Claihorne, Riclnnontl. \'a. Whitehe.M), Hon. John i>., .Norfolk, \'a. White, Prol". Ja.mhs J., A. .M., Lexington, \'a. W.\rren, Ce()R(;I'; W'., Richmond, \a. Wortha.m, Charles I'... Richmond, \a. Wise, Peter, Alexandria, \'a. WICKHA^L lion. John. .St. Louis, .Mo. Woods, C apt. Mkwjah, Charlottesville. \a. Winston, Frederick S., New NOrk City. Winston, (iERWxs .Storrs, Withers, Willlxm .M., M. 1)., Richmond, \a. Watkins, |oei. I!., Wherrv, Hknl C"., |k., Wi.\(;o. CiL\KLi;s F., " " W.vris, Hon. l.iu.n R., Portsmouth, \'a. WThte.J. a., M. D., Richmond, \a. Wise, Hon. (Ieorcje Doi'gl.vs, Richniontl, \'a. Virginia Historical Society. 19 Wallace, Col. John T., Wallaceton, \'a. Williams, Charles U., Richmond, \'a. Warwick, Maj. Peter Corrin, Richmond, \a. Wellford, Ckarles Edward, " \\'atermax, William Hexrv, New Bedford, IMass. WiLLLXMS, Adoli'h Dill, Richmond, Va. Willis. F^rancis T., M, I)., " " Wtnsor, JiTSTiN, Cambridge, Mass. W.\lke, Rear Admiral Henry, U. vS. N., Brooklyn, N. ^'. *WvNNE, Thomas Hicks, (Late Corresponding^ Secretary and Librarian of the Society), Richmond, Va. 'S'arbrough, a. R., Jr., Riclimond, \'a. Publications ok the Virginia Historical SOCTETV. yjl ^— I . CoLLKCTIOXS OF IHK \'lRC;iNlA HISTORICAL AND PHILO- SOPHICAL Society, vol. i, containing preface, giving an ac- count of the origin of tlie Society, its first meeting in 1831, constitution of tlie Society, an address delixered before the first annual meeting by Jonathan P. Gushing, A. M., President of Hampden-Sydney College; Memoirs of Indian Wars, by Col. John Stuart, of Greenbrier Co., Va. ; Record of Grace Sherwood's Trial for Witchcraft, in Princess Anne Co., \'a., in 1705; list of donations and a list of officers and mem- l)ers of the Society. i2mo., pp. 87. Richmond, 1833. 2. The \'ir(;inia Historical Recistkk, a journal issued ciuarterly during the years 1848-9, '50, 51. '52 and '53-— the six volumes averaging 235 pages each. [This magazine contains the proceedings of the annual meetings during the years named, together with much valuable original historical material, for the lirst time in print.] 3. An AccfH'NT OF Discoveries in the West until 1519, and of Vova(;es to and along the Atlantic Coast of North America from 1520 to 1573, by Conway Robinson, Chairman of the Executive Committee. 8\-o., cloth, pp. xv. and 491. Richmond, 1848. 4. An Address on the Life, &c., of Benjamin W.vtkins Leigh, bv William H. Macfarland. i2mo., pp. 12. Riclnnond, 1851. 5. The \'ik(;ixia Constitftion of 1776, an address by H. A. Washington. i2mo., pp. 50. Riclnnond, 184:. 6. The ViRciiNi.v Historical Rei-orter, vol. i, containing the proceedings of the seventh aimual meeting, and an address on the Virginia Convention of i829-'30, by Hugh Blair Grigsby, LL. D. i2mo., pp. 116. Richmond, 1854. 22 Virginia Historical Sociefy 7. li'.ii)., \()1. I, part 2, conlainin.i; procet-dini^s ol tlie eiiihth aiimial nieetiii.o;, and Observations on the History of \'ir.a:inia, an address delivered by Hon. R. M. T. Hnnter. i2ni().. \)\). 4S. Richmond, 1855. [This address was also pul)lislu(l without tlie proceedin.tfs.] 8. lull!., vol. I, part 3, containiui^ proceedin.i^s of tiie ninth annual meeting, and Sketches of the Political Issues and Con- troversies of the Revolution, an address by Prof. James P. Holcombe, of the I'nixersity of X'irtiinia. i2nio., jip. 63. Rich- mond, 1856. [This address was also ])ublishfcl without tiie |)roceedin.y:s.] iJ^^^g. hill)., vol. 2, part i, witii tlie iiroceedin.i^s of the tenth. eleventh and twelfth annual meetings, an address on the Vir- ginia Colony, by Prof. (ieo. Fred'k Holmes, of the llniversity of \'irginia, and a paper read before the Society by Hon. Wyndham Robertson, on the Date of the Marriage of Poca- iiontas. J2nio., pp. 87. Richmond, i860. 10. The Private Diaries of CiEorc-.e Washixc.ton, ed- ited by 'Benson J. Lossing. 8vo., cloth, pp. 247. Richmond, 1 861. 11. Letters OF Thomas Nelson, Jr. Richmond, \'a. 4to. 1874. II. PUHLFCATIONS IX CoNTEM I'LATloX, For Distribution to Present and Prospective Members. The collection of original manuscript historical material in the possession of the Society is important and extensive. The following may be specially referred to, the essential value of which in contribution to American history is palpal)le : 1. The Lkttkk Books of Go\-. Ai.exandkr .Spotswood, covering the term of his Colonial administration in X'irginia — 1710-1722 — a marked period in the development of the resour- ces and manufactures of the Colony, and of its progress. 2. The Kech)Kus of the Aministkation of Lieut. -(iov- EKNOR Robert 1)in\vil)D1e—i752-i757— covering the import- ant period of tiie French and Indian War. 1 These were re-" cently secured to the .Society by tiie Generosity of its \'ice President, W. W. Corcoran, Esc].) 3. The MiNiTES of the Thi-Beta-Kaim'A Societv, se- cretly organized by the students of William and Mary Col- lege, Virginia, December 5th, 1776. Its membership included the names of many of the mcjst prominent patriots of the Rev- olution. 4. The MiNiTES of the X'iroi.ma Branch of the Order of Cincinnati, organized by the surviving veterans of the American Revolution to perpetuate its memories. 5. The Records of tj^ie (iENERAE Coirt of the Colonv OF Virginia held at "James CrrTii: "— Ai)ril 4, 1670, to March 16, 1676. All future publications of tiie Society will be deli\ered to the life and contributing members free of expense to them. Life membership, ^50; contril)uting membership, annual dues, %^ — no entrance fee. Gifts of materials for history— manuscripls, diaries, auto- graph letters, old newspapers, almanacs, portraits, relics, etc., are solicited t)f the friends and well-wishers of \'irginia and the Societv. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I I 014 442 591 1 HoUinger pH S3 Mill Run F03.2193