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John Davenport and beg'an the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in ls47. He continued the practice of that profession until about fifteen years ago, when his health failing him, he quit that business, and turned his attention to the more healthful occupation of raising small fruits, etc. As a lawyer, Mr. Tane} T hill gained a reputation for his knowl- edge of the law, and for his oratorical abilities and fierv debates with colleagues. He was elected mayor of Barnesville in 1*74, serving one term, and held various other others <>l" the town and township at other times. He was an author of no small repute, and his pen was fluent whether dipped into history or story of fiction or description. He was a man of wonderful memory, and being a close student and a profound thinker, he was an authority upon many subjects, and had dates of public affairs, men and incidents of our country's history so firmly fixed in his mind that they were always at his command. During' his life he contributed largely to the press of Barnesville and Belmont county. His articles on local history extended through many numbers of the Enterprise, under the non deplume of "R. King Bennett," entitled "Historical Sketches,'* and have been re-pro- duced at different times. Among his other articles were "The Leatherwood God," which attracted much atten- tion, "Mary Grayson," "Joe Ransom," "The Old Walnut Table," and many other sketches, which were read with much interest. He has left quite a number of articles in manuscript. For several years before his death Mr. Taneyhill suffered much on account of impaired health, but his mind remained as firm as ever, and his love of writing continued to the very last, much of the past sum- mer being spent in that way. He died the 29th of No- vember, 1898, aged seventy-six years. HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE, OHIO. BARNESVILLE IN 1832. AMES BARNES, the founder of Barnesville, was fi born in Montgomery county, Maryland, and was a shoemaker by trade and belonged to the So- ciety of Friends. He came to Ohio early in the century and started at St. Clairsville a large country store like those of the times and entered two sections of land in Warren township — sections 15 and 21. There lived at St. Clairsville a tanner named James Round. He and Barnes got acquainted, and as Barnes intended to start a town on his lands in Warren township, he and Round soon made a contract that Round go to Barnesville, the in- tended town, and sink a tanyard. Round agreed to do so, if Barnes would donate two acres of ground in the town for a Methodist church and graveyard, which he promised to do. So Round moved to Barnesville in the summer of 1808 and settled his family in a little log cabin that stood at the southwest corner of Main and Chestnut 2 HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. streets, where the large brick clothiers building - of Will- iams brothers now stands and at once began to settle the tanyard. In 1811, Mr. Barnes had erected the large frame building", so long the residence of the Robert Hop- per family — lot No. 37. Barnes moved into that house in is li'. The town was laid out and platted on the 9th day of November, 1808. The surveyor was John Brown, then the county surveyor and deputy sheriff. He was a local M. E. preacher and grandfather of our townsman, Henry R. Brown. He afterwards went to Morgan county, where he died. The town was laid oft" in blocks of two acres each and lots one-fourth of an acre each. One acre fronted on Main street; the other one on what was called back streets. There were 12S lots in all, besides streets and alleys. The streets were sixty-six feet wide; alleys a rod. The entire plat covered about fifty acres of ground. The fifth block — that on the northeast corner of Main and Chestnut streets — was not put to sale, but was reserved by Barnes for the use of his own family. I came to Barnesville with my father's, family in June, L832, arriving" after night on the 19th day, which was a Sunday. We stopped over night at the John O. Parsons hotel. Awoke to a bright, sunny day made salubrious by a shower during the night. The first thing' I saw was a martin box perched above the town sign with martins flying about it. The next thing I saw was a long" row of salt barrels under the eave in front of James Barnes & Son's store. I propose to describe the town just as it then was, noting every house and vacant spot as they were in 1832. Beginning at the east end, lot No. 1 was then va- HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 3 cant; now the St. Clair residence stands on it. The next lot had on it a two-story log" building", then the residence of Thomas Jones. The rest of the lot w T as vacant and so was the next lot and also the east side of the next lot, No. 4. The balance of the lot had on it a little brick, so long" the residence of Dr. Kemp. The west side of the lot was vacant. The next w r as the residence of Nathan Riley with his cabinet-maker's shop. A two- story log" building" was on the next lot. I do not remem- ber who lived there. On the next lot was Isaac Kin- cade's chair factor} 7 . Then there w T as a vacancy w T hen we come to the family residence of William McLane, father of our townsmen, James V. and Robinson McLane. Then there was a little vacant spot. Then w T e ar- rived at the homestead of George Aduddell a blacksmith. John Francis, a blacksmith, and a brother-in-law of Aduddell, lived in the family; also his sister, Nancy Francis Aduddell. Francis had a shop in another part of the town. Nancy remained as a member of this family until she died. We now get to the small log* house, so long used by John Allen Scofield as a residence; then oc- cupied by one Nathan Dodd. Along the street westward on the street edge, were two small frame buildings used as tailor and shoemaker shops. The balance of the lot was vacant. On the next lot was the blacksmith shop of David Snyder. On the next lot was the residence of Hannah Lewis. She afterwards married John McCune, who put up the present larg"e frame building". Next came two or three small frame buildings rig'ht along the edge of the street westward. They w r ere places where shoemakers and tailors had their shops. The next lot was entirely vacant. We next come to the family resi- dence of Hon. John Davenport, a large brick building, 4 HISTORY OF BARNESVILLiE. now a part of Dr. Ely's drug" store building, then the fin- est building in the town. It had been a tavern-stand many years, kept by one Alexander. The rest of the lot was vacant then. On the next lot was a little one-story brick house, the residence of two sisters named Hilton. We next come to a burnt district where the dwellings of Robert Mills and Edward Thornburg had stood. On the next lot was a two-story log, the residence of John Mor- rison, a saddler. On the next lot was the residence of William Green, and the store room of Green & Hoyle. From the store room there projected a board sign with "Hoyle & Green" painted in flaming yellow letters. We next arrive at the residence of James Barnes, the pro- prietor of the town. It was composed of two houses, one brick, the other of hewn logs. In front was a va- cancy paled in. We next come to the tavern-stand of William G. Shankland, the east end of which was a tine two-story frame with a porch to each story; then the brick on the west side that was owned by Mrs. Myers, and which was burnt down in the great fire of 1H93. On the next lot was the residence of Vachel Barnes, son of James Barnes, and the store room of James Barnes & Sons. It is now the Bradfield block. We next come to the residence of Isaac Barnes, also a son of James Barnes. The east end of this lot was then vacant, ex- cept at the southeast corner, where there stood a great board coal house that dripped on to the sidewalk. The residence was a fine brick house, and is now the home of Mrs. Henry T. Barnes. The rest of this lot was vacant. On the next lot was the residence and store room of Benjamin H. Mackall, father of the late Col. Benjamin Mackall. Both buildings still stand. The east side of the next lot was vacant, then came the residence of Jos- HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. i) eph Gardiner, a two-story log" weather-board. On the west side was a little frame, the shoe shop of Joseph Gardi- ner. We next come to the cabinet shop of Archibald Cole, a wooden building that stood with its end to the street. Then came the family residence of Archibald Cole, which is still standing. On the next lot was the residence and shop of Caleb Hibbard, a silversmith, with the windows of the shop room hung full of all styles and sizes of watches, that did one good to look at. On the back lot of Mr. Hibbard's residence there was the. great tobacco barn of James Gibson, which was burnt down in 1S41. There was also on this back lot a one-story hewn log' house, right along Church street. It was built to tire tobacco in to qualify it for packing into hogsheads for shipment. It was also the property of James Gibson. On this lot west was a small, two-story brick. I do not recollect who lived in it. The next lot was vacant. The big brick now on it was put up in 1833, by James Gibson. It was for many years the residence of the late Benja- min Davenport, and is now owned and resided in by the family of Vinton Shipley. The late Dr. Painter Shoop, of Somerton, worked on that house as a stone mason. On the next lot was a little frame, the residence of John Harris. On the same lot there was then a one-story frame with a vacant place in front paled in. It was for a long time the residence of Crapper Laws, a hatter by trade. On the next lot on the east side there stood a small frame used afterwards by Mr. Laws as a hatters shop. On this lot was the residence of the late Colonel Benjamin Mackall. There was a large vacancy in front of the house fenced in. We next come to the two-story brick, then the residence of one Mosely. It is now the residence of John D. Talbott. The west side of this lot I) HISTORY OF BARNESVILX.E. was then vacant. We then come to a long, two-story frame house, the residence of John Harlan. Then we get to the residence of Uncle Zachariah Barnes, w T ho lived in it may years. It was built of the log's which constituted the M. E. Church house in Barnesville. On the back lot of Mr. Barnes' residence was the little old brick school house right on Church street. The east half of the next lot w r as vacant; the west half was the residence of Samuel B. Hilton. He w r as the grandfather of our townsman, William G. Hilton. Mr. Hilton was a man of great energy and made things hum about him while he lived. He died, — 1S44. The academy lot was then vacant. The academy w r as put up in 1839 and 1K40. The first session of school in it was in the winter of 1842-3, taught by Merrill and John- son. I attended that session. The front of the next^ two lots was vacant; on the back ends were two one- story log houses, then used as a jjottery, w r hich w r as run by Mosely and James Round. Round now lives at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He has visited Barnesville several times recently and is in good health, although eighty-five years old. On the next lot was a small frame and at its west end there was then a shed-roofed addition, all the resi- dence of one Barrett. On each of the next two lots there was a small frame house, but I do not recollect who occupied them. On the next lot where Dr. Will- iam's house now stands, was a two-story log house, but I don't remember who lived in it. On the next lot there was a two-story log house; don't know who lived in it. The east side of the next lot was vacant. On its w T est side was the residence of David Snyder, a black- smith. On the east side of the next lot was a small frame that stood with its end to the street, then the resi- HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. i dence of Rhoda Hayes, mother of Carter and Betsey, so familiar to our people. Then came the large frame house, then, and for so many years after, the residence of the Robert Hopper family. To the west side of this house there was a vacancy. Then we come to the resi- dence of Dr. Carolus Judkins, the first doctor in Barnes- ville; also his office. The next lot was then vacant. On the next was the residence of Abraham Claudy, a black- smith, and the grandfather of Samuel and Robert Piper, our townsmen. On the next lot were the residence and hatter's shop of Panther Laws — a two story log", weather- boarded. The shop was a small affair of frame. On the next lot was the blacksmith shop of John Bailey — a long", one story brick that stood with the end to the street. On the same lot was the large wagon-maker shop of James McLeish, with the floor inclined south- ward, and with two-thirds of the lot roofed all over. Here was exhibited the various kinds of implements made by Mr. McLeish. On the west side of this lot was the residence of Mr. McLeish — a narrow, two-story brick, with roof all inclined to the east. On the next lot was a two-story log, the residence of Thomas Shannon. Along the street on the same lot was a long, low frame — the old nail factory of James Riggs — then used by Thomas Shannon for a yellow tobacco packing house. On the east side of the next lot there was a small, two-story log house with a porch on all sides, the residence of Thomas D. Laws. He had a small grocery shop in the building. The west half was vacant. The large, brick drugstore room of G. E. Hilles was put up long afterwards by the Davenports. This brings us to the John A. Parsons hotel. It was a two-story log house, weather-boarded, with a stoop that 8 HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. projected over the sidewalk. The stoop extended tli3 whole length of the hotel. To the west there stood a frame with a shed roof. Here whiskey was sold by the quart. The old brick, now part of the Albert House, was built in 1833 by James Hare. The great brick building of the Albert House was part put up by the Mills brothers, William and Ezekiel, in 18.68 or 1869, and afterwards finished by Marx Albert. On the next lot west was a one-story brick, the residence of one Wooten, a tailor. The rest of the lot was vacant and fenced. The Gamenthaler block stands now where Wooten's residence stood then. We next come to the residence of William Moore — a two-story log" house. Whiskey was sold there then by the quart. On the next lot was a long two-story log" house weather- bo irded; then used as a tanner's shop by William G. Shankland, but run by Nathan S. Vallentine. We next come to the larg"e brick residence of James Gib- son and the storeroom of Davenport & Gibson, right where the Campbell Brothers* shoe store and the Rogers Brothers' hardware store now stand. We now come to the residence of Robert Mills, where Williams Brothers now do business. On the same lot along the edg'e of the street there were two small frame houses then used by shoemakers and tailors as shops. On the next lot was the then residence of James Round. On the next lot was a tremendous frame building, used as a bark house and also as a bark mill. On the south end of this lot was the tan house of the first tannery settled by Mr Round for James Barnes. It was owned in 1832 by Benjamin H. Mackall. It was turned into a tobacco packing" house. We next come to the residence and saddler shop of John Brown, father of our townsman, Henry R. HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. '.I Brown. The shop was a little frame, and there projected from it across the sidewalk a board sign with a saddle painted on it and "John Brown, Saddler,'* in great yel- low letters. The next lot was vacant. On the next lot was the residence of John Davenport — a two-story brick. This lot is now known as the Meek lot. On the next lot on the east side was a two-story log" house. This was the first tavern in Barnes ville, and was kept by one Henry Barnes, a shoemaker. The west half of this lot was vacant. This brings us to the residence of William Harper — a one-story frame that stood back from the street. The front part of this lot was vacant, but fenced in. Then came a vacancy, where now stands the Little brick house, so long the home of Mr. James Hare. On the next lot was the homestead and shop of William E. Moore, a shoemaker. The next lot was vacant. Then came the residence and shop of William Hill, a shoe- maker. It stood back from the street with a yard in front fenced in. The west half of this lot was vacant then. We next come to the residence of Capt. Joseph Farley, a tailor. The next lot was vacant. The next lot had on it a long double hewn log house, the then residence of one Waterhouse. We new go down southward along the east side of Chestnut street. There was a vacant place right below the Campbell store room. Then came the old "shot tower," a tall two-story log built by Davenport and Gib- son to dry ginseng in. The next lot south was vacant, as the residence and shop of one Broomhall had been burnt down. Broomhall was a tinner. We now come to the little one-story brick that stands yet below the resi- dence of the Stephen family. On the next lot south were the residence and cabinet shop of Samuel B. Kim- ball. Here the town stopped. Ill HISTORY OF BARNESVILL.E. Going to the west side of Chestnut street, right be- low Robert Mill's residence there was another tanyard. The next lot south was vacant, until we come to a little frame that stood with the end to the street. Then we come to the large blacksmith shoo of Aduddell & Fran- cis. At the corner of South and Chestnut streets was the residence of Edwin Nelson, a carpenter. His house was a one-story frame weather-board with split weather- boarding". It was the only house I ever saw so weather- boarded. The town stopped here. On the north end of the James Barnes & Sons store room lot, there was a small one-story brick built by that firm to dry ginseng in. There was no building on South street then, and on Church street only the residences of Kelion Hager and George 3diH.nl. the Methodist church, and little brick school house, and a small hewn log. The Hager house stood at the northeast corner of Church and Chestnut streets, and was built by the Masons and school directors jointly. But it proved unpleasant to both parties, so Mr. Hager bought it. It was a nice two- story brick. As part pay for the directors' interest, Mr. Hager put up the little old brick school house. There was a vacancy going north right back of the Hager house. Then came a little low, long brick, and there town stopped. Right east and against the Methodist church lot was the residence of George Mount. He lived there for a great many years. There were then two to four little frame houses standing where Reed's row now stands. They were the residences of the woolen factory employes. The old woolen factory also stood on mill lot in L832. At tin- northwest corner of mill lot was a little frame used by John McCune as a hatters shop. HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. I 1 There were in Barnesville in L832 just sixty-four houses used as dwelling's, and although there were many journeymen mechanics and laborers employed in the town, its population in L832 did not exceed four hun- dred all told. It then extended only as I have described. It is now spread over a full section of land — west half of section L5 and east half of section 21 — and has a popula- tion of not less than 4, 200. The town then was encircled by fields, except just east of the academy lot, where was a great woods. Right east of the Kelion Hag"er residence there was James Barnes" orchard. And right w T est of the Metho- dist burial ground there was the orchard of James Gib- son. Beyond the fields was all woods and they were full of all sorts of game. Main street in 1832 was called Market street, and Chestnut w T as called Marietta street. The names were changed when the town was incorporated. Barnesville was incorporated in 1834, and Isaac Barnes was elected mayor, and Lewis H. Green, clerk, for one year. I have now given a sketch of the buildings and lots of the town of Barnesville as it appeared in L832, To give the reader a better understanding of the different changes which time has made, the history of the town will be divided into three periods, the first period ex- tending from the year of the founding of the town — 1808 to L832, the second from 1832 to L852, and the third from L852 to the present— 1898. FIRST PERIOD FROM L808 TO L832. In L809, Mr. Barnes, the founder of the town, caused to be erected on lot No. L8, a frame store room and dwelling under one roof, and in 1810 opened a mercantile I_ HISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. establishment, under the supervision of William Philpot, the first in the village. Mr. Barnes and his family re- moved from St. Clairsville to Barnesville in L812. The first house occupied by him in the town was the front part of the late Robert Hopper residence on lot No. 42. Later he removed to lot No. 17, on which he resided un- til his death. In 1843, Mr. Barnes went to Baltimore and arranged to go into the tobacco commission busi- ness. As he was coming" home to prepare for final exit to Baltimore, he dropped dead in the mountains of Penn- sylvania, where he was buried. I do not remember what became of his family. Mr. Barnes had a very strong voice and in common conversation he could be heard several hundred feet away. Aunt Nancy, the wife of James Barnes, was for many years the time-keeper for the town. With a long", tin horn she blew the dinner call for the people. The}' dined at that time precisely at ll' o'clock by Aunt Nancy's dinner call. A time piece was thought not worth having that did not keep time with that call. She was a tall, thin built woman, while Mr. Barnes was a tall, broad-shouldered man, over six feet, big in pro- portion. He wore a full suit of the brown Quaker cloth, cut in the style with the notions of that sect. MECHANICAL AXI) OTHER INDUSTRIES. The first saddler was Robert Mills, who came to the town in L809 and opened his stiop on lot No. 15, and he carried on that business until his death in L867. The second saddler was John Brown, who conducted his trade witli success until about 1840, when he went into the grocery business. David Snyder was the first black- smith, and his shop stood on lot No. 11. He continued at that trade until he left the town in 1834. The second HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. L3 blacksmith was Georg'e Aduddell, who came to town in the year L815. His shop was on Chestnut street, a lit- tle north of the Heed corner. In this period John Bailey, George Dawson and John Francis, also blacksmiths, set- tled here. John Bailey carried on an extensive factory of three forges in a brick shop that stood on the west side of lot No. 45, and did so until L847, when he moved to Gallia county. Dawson was for awhile the partner of Snyder, and then became his successor. Francis was a partner of Aduddell. The first shoemaker was Rev. Avery West, grandfather of our townsman, Mr. Eli Moore. He came in 1811 and continued the trade for about twelve years, when he went to farming". During" the war of 1812, Joseph Gardiner came to this place and started a shoemaker's shop. In 1816 he bought a dwell- ing and shop on lot No. 23. Here he carried on his trade until his sons, Asbury and Wesley, became his success- ors in 1833. The "three Williams" — William Moore, William Hill, and William Parsons — were also shoemak- ers here in this period, all coming about the close of the war of 1812. Archibald Cole was the first cabinet maker, and he settled here during the war, and remained until his death. Kelion Hager, as a journeyman, worked with Cole. Cole's shop was on lot No. 24. Nathan Riley was the next. His shop stood on lot No. 5. He was the only undertaker in the tow r n up to 1845, and he was the maker of over a thousand coffins. Samuel Kim- ball was the next. His shop and residence were the houses at Jack Heed's corner. William Bloomfield was the first tinner in the town. Joel Judkins, Edward Thornburg, and Joseph Brown were the first hatters, all coining together and working together in a shop on lot No. 15. Panther Laws and John McCune were the next It HISTORY OP BARNESVILLE. hatters. Laws" shop stood on lot No. 45, and McCune's on the old mill lot on Chestnut street. The only silver- smith here in this period was Caleb Hibbard, whose shop was on lot No. 25. He was the grandfather of our townsman, Mr. Frank Hibbard. He left the town in LH33. A clock made by him upwards of sixty years ago is now in possession of Mr. Frank Hibbard, who prizes it highly as a family relic. It is an excellent time- keeper. The only tailors here during this period, of whom I have certain knowledge, were William Mitten and Joseph Farley. They came about l^l'O and remained until about L837, when Farley died and Mitten went to Indiana. JAMES RIGG'S NAIL FACTORY. In 1810 James Riggs, of Hagerstown, Maryland, came to Barnes ville and erected a long, wooden build- ing of one story as a wrought nail factory. The house was lengthwise the street, and stood where the Masonic hall now stands. It had three forges. It was a very lucrative business until the cut nail machine ran wrought nails out of the market, when Mr. Riggs sold out and bought a farm south of town on section 14. This farm adjoins Silas Smith's on the east. Mr. Riggs was a Methodist, but he despised negroes. Now at the Methodist church there worshipped one Lee Baler, a colored man, and he usually sat back towards the door. There was his seat when Mr. Riggs moved to Barnesville. Mr. Baler one Sunday went up a few seats further than was his wont. Mr. Riggs could not brook that act of Baler, so he arose, went to Baler, took him by the arm and put him out of the house. The members of the church were in high dudgeon at this conduct of HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 1 ."> Mr. Riggs, but he was a man not to be trilled with, so the incident soon lost its interest, as no one said any- thing to Mr. Ring's about his act. Mr. Riggs was the father of Mrs. Doctor Isaac Hoover, the mother of Mrs. Mary Bowman, of Barnesville, and Dr. Thomas Hoover, of Columbus, very excellent people all. Dr. Thomas Hoover is a physician of high repute in Columbus. OTHER INDUSTRIES. William Henderson started a spinning and liax wheel factory in 1812, and shortly after joined to that the making" of wooden bowls. The Hon. William Haw- kins, late of McConnellsville, learned the trade with Henderson. Mr. Hawkins was a local politician of great merit and represented Morgan county several times in the legislature. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1851. About the same time — 1812 — one Tegard began the manufacture of chairs of various pat- terns. The best among them was an old-fashioned "Windsor,** very substantial, if not elegant, and man} 7 of them are still in use- in this region. A pottery was erected near the end of the war by one Romaine, on the hill just back of the academy building. Here for many years were made the old red clay crocks, jugs, and jars, so much used by the people. It went down in 1833. During all this period, from L820, bricks were chiefly manufactured by the late William Piper. The Barnes- ville Steam Mill Company was incorporated in L814. It immediately erected a very large grist mill and woolen factory on the grounds now used for the planing mill of the Rogers brothers. The mill had two run of burrs, and the woolen factory had six carding machines, two spinning jennies, two pickers, one power and six hand 16 HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. Looms, dressers sufficient for the looms, fulling stocks and a press. The company soon failed, when James Barnes became sole owner. He ran the woolen factory until 1835, and the mill until his death. In 1815 James Barnes built a brick house on lot No. 20, in which to prepare ginseng' and snake root for shipment, and for a decade did a large business with these articles. About 1825 James McLeish, a Scotchman, erected a manufac- tory of wagons, plows, and farming implements in gen- eral on lot No. 46. He did an immense business. He was the inventor of a bar-shear plow, which met a long- felt want. He closed business about the beginning of the rebellion. MERCANTILE HOUSES. In 1810 James Barnes opened the first store in the vil- lage. "Store" is the right name for such an atiair. It contained dry goods, groceries, hardware, holloware, queensware, glassware, leather, salt, etc. About 1820, Barnes erected the brick house, so long the Bradtield residence and dry goods store room, and which was torn down in 1889 to give place to the present line brick- block erected by the Bradilelds. Here he removed his store which was continued until 1842, when the firm failed. The second merchant in the town was Hon. Thomas Shannon, who opened a store in the late Frasier House, in 1812. He soon, by depression of trade, became bank- rupt and returned to farming. William Coulson opera- ted a store here during the war, but failed. The fourth store was that of Myers and Young, who began business during the war and failed in 1819. Their store room stood where Mr. Warrick has his grocery, HISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. 17 on the corner lot owned 03^ Mrs. Henry T. Barnes. John Davenport, one of the notable men in the early history of Barnesville, arrived here in 1818, from Winchester, Va. In the spring of 1819, he opened a store in the late Frasier House, and in 1820 formed a partnership with John Gibson, another prominent citizen, and a large bus- iness was successfully conducted by them for many years. For a part of those years William Philpot was an additional partner. The greater part of the time their store was kept at the Campbell corner, lot No. 52. Mummy and Affleck operated a store from 1825 to 1828 at Mrs. H. T. Barnes' corner. This store had at- tached to it a department of drugs, medicines, paints and oils. In 1828 this establishment was purchased by Benjamin H. Mackall, who continued it until his death in 1835. In about the year 1826 Benjamin Hoyle and William Green opened a store in the east end of the old Frasier House, and continued the same during this period. In 1832 Hoyle retired and Green still continued the busi- ness at the old stand, until 1847, when he quit and went to live on his farm. The first grocery was kept by Thomas D. Laws, which he began in 1830 and aban- doned in 1832. Allen Green and his son, Lewis H. Green, began the mercantile business in the frame part of the Shankland hotel in 1831. They quit business in a few months. TOBACCO MERCHANTS. About the year 1824 Barnes, Davenport and Gibson began to handle leaf tobacco. For that purpose Barnes built a large barn where the Presbyterian church stands, and Davenport another where the city hall stands. Gib- son erected a ureat double barn with an intervening shed 18 HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. on the south of the Frank Hibbard lot. Thomas Shan- non, in 1827, began to handle leaf tobacco in the old nail factory of James Riggs, and continued to do so to the end of this period. Immense quantities of leaf tobacco were handled by these gentlemen to the great benefit and convenience of the people. CHURCHES. It was a part of the contract between Rev. James M. Round and Mr. Barnes, that Barnes, in addition to Round's salary, should also donate two acres of land, near the village, for the uses of the M. E. Church. In the summer of 1808, Bishop Francis Asbury, on an epis- copal tour, stopped with Round, preached a sermon and selected the two acres to be donated. The ground is that which comprises the old graveyard, and the lots on which the Disciples are erecting their new church. In 1810 a hewed log church was put up a little to the west of the old brick. It faced to the east, had two great chimneys at the west end, one at each corner, and built on the outside of the house; two great fireplaces on the inside, with the pulpit between. It had one door at the east end straight with the aisle between the two rows of seats. The women sat on the north side of the aisle and the men on the south side. This church house was built of seventeen great hewn logs donated by farmers. The room never had any ceiling or flooring overhead, so that the rafters and roofing remained in sight. The building was torn down in 1822, and the logs were used by Uncle Zachariah Barnes, the sexton, to build his house, where he lived the rest of his life. He died in 1863. Rev. James Round preached the first sermon in this church, and conducted the first funeral services HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 19 in the old g'raveyard — that of a boy named Daniel Davis —in 1808. He also performed the first marriage cere- mony in the village — that of Robert Mills and Miss Pa- tience Shaw. Mr. Round lived in Barnesville until L834, when he moved to Sarahsville, then in Morgan county, where he settled a tanyard and lived many years. In L852 I had a long conversation with Mr. Round. He was a small man, but well built, with dark complexion, dark eyes and hair; his hair was long and fell on his shoulders. He talked well. He died at Summerheld in L854. No one man did more for Methodism than this humble little tanner, as everybody can see by looking" at Barnesville and its vicinity. The membership of the Methodist Church increased so greatly that a larger place of worship became a neces- sity. So, in 1822, the old brick, which was torn down the past summer of 1898, to give place to the new Disci- ples' church, was erected. It was built by Charles Schur and Ezekiel Chapman of bricks moulded by the late William Piper. In its structure a fact should here be related. Right where the old church was put up there were two Indian mounds. These were found to be of pure clay and were made into bricks, and the old brick church and two or three other building's were built of those bricks. In the center of those mounds there were heaps of ashes and charcoal. The bricks of the old brick church were sand-made, the first ever made in Barnesville. This church was the preaching- place during the grandest epoch of Methodism in the town. Here as great men preached as ever illuminated that faith. Within its walls, eloquence, logic and learn- ing, unexcelled anywhere, were expended to save the sinner and to cheer on the saint. Among those rever- 10 HISTORY OF BARNESVIEEE. ends who there exerted their powers, greatest of all were Charles Waddell, orator without a rival, Edward Smith and Kinney, logicians of the hig'hest order, the Revs. James Drummond, Dy ton and Moffat, who blended the suave attractions of a Penelon with the convincing sweep of a Tillotson. These were the only church houses in the town during this period. HOTELS. The first tavern in Barnesville was kept by Henry Barnes, a nephew of James Barnes. The second was opened and run by one Israel, on lot 49, and occupied the very ground on which the large part of the Albert House now stands. The third was the Alexander House, with the sign of a "black horse." That house is a part of the Ely block, on the corner of Main and Arch streets. One Perrell was the next to start a tavern. He had a ship at full sail as his sign, but he failed to get a license and had to quit. John O. Parsons, the next in order, started the "Barnesville Hotel** in 1826, on lot 49. He continued the business to the end of this period. The "Mansion House," kept by William G. Shankland, was opened about the same time on lot 19. I could but mark the great difference between the signs of the two hotels. That of the Parson's house was a plain, unpretentious affair. The words "Barnesville Hotel" were painted in plain letters around the upper segment of a circle, while the words "John O. Parsons" were painted in same style of letters in the lower segment of a circle. The entire background was painted in white. That of the Shank- land hotel was the most flashy hotel sig'n I ever saw. The words "Mansion House" were in gold leaf right across the center of the sign, while the words "William HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 21 Gr. Shankland", also in gold leaf, were painted on a sepa- rate piece. The background was dark blue sand. On the to}) of the main sign was the inevitable martin box, built like a dwelling house, with gay paints of several colors spread over it. And the martins fluttered and chirped about in pleasant style. It may appear incredible, but it is a fact that nearly every dwelling house had a martin box, and the birds kept the streets dark by their shadows as they flew about. All the wagoners stopped at the Parsons hotel, while the bon-tons and upper tendoms stopped at the Shankland house. Both were excellent hotels, well kept, by perfect gentlemen. The John 0. Parsons hotel site needs a special mention. Where the Albert House stands, there stood the Parsons hotel, a two-story log house, weather-boarded. The great brick was built in L869, but the little brick was built for Parsons in 1833, by James Hare. Parsons sold out to John Reed. While Reed owned it, one John K. Norton ran the business. Reed sold it to Robert Mills, who conducted the business successfully for many years. At his death his sons ran it a year or two and then sold out to Marx Albert. While the Mills boys owned it, they began to erect the large brick, but it was not finished until Marx Albert did it. NOTABLE AND PROFESSION A L MEN. Dr. Carolus Judkins, the lirst physician in Barnes- ville. was born in North Carolina, practiced medicine in Virginia, and from there he came here in L810. He bought lot No. 41' and built a dwelling and office on the 22 HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. same. This place was his residence during the rest of his life. For over a fourth of a centun T he was the lead- ing physician in this part of the state. His practice for many years extended over an area of eight hundred square miles. He was one of the first two Abolitionists in the village. His death took place in 11 stood end to end and were only about three feet apart. The store room was on fire, and Mr. Hager and Hon. Thomas Shannon, at the risk of their lives, saved both buildings. Mr. Hager seemed to see at a glance whether a house on fire could be saved or not. I once saw a house on tire. It was owned by Levin McCroba as a resi- dence. It was the house which stands just west of Mr. Clarkson McKeever's residence. I was at my mother's on the east hill near the academy. The flames shot out great volumes of smoke and blaze that seemed to lick over the whole roof. I ran as fast as I could and got HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. _.> there just as Mr. Hager appeared on the scene. He yelled out, "'That house can be saved! This way, all of you men!" The men already gathered there had left the house to burn and were tearing" away a lot of little frames that stood close by. The men came on the in- stant. Mr. Hager showed them where to throw the water, and in a few minutes the fire was extinguished. Mr. Haider was a little dictatorial and when he thought he was right was fearless in the expression of his opinion, no matter who opposed it. He was a tall, wiry-built man, of dark complexion, with dark brown eyes, and he always walked with great rapidity. No man that ever lived in the town ruled with greater power than he and he kept it in a stir while he lived. He worked until a few weeks before his death, planting fruit trees, prun- ing others, and grafting fine fruit into inferior stems. He died in his 85th year, respected by everybody. ACCIDENTS AND FIRES. At the raising of the old mill, in 1815, one Vernon, the grandfather of James V. and Robinson McLane, was killed by the falling of a bent of timbers at its northeast corner. Soon after the old woolen factory was started, James R., a son of William G. Shankland, got caught in the belting and was instantly killed by being whirled over the drum. He was a grandson of James Barnes. Two disastrous fires occurred in town before 1832. The first took' place in May, 1826. The residence of Robert Mills and the hatter shop of Judkins & Thorn- burg and the residence of Thornburg were the buildings involved in the occurrence, and they were all consumed, except the residence of Thornburg, which was badly ll'i HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. scorched — the old. log building that stood just east of the old Frasier House. The second was the store room of John Gibson, which stood at the Campbell corner, lot No. 52. That fire took place in the summer of 1827. EDUCATION. Barnesville, very early in h^r career, gave earnest attention to the education of her children. Before the establishment of our common school system in 1825, sev- eral schools had been taught in the village. The first school in the town was taught in an old house that stood at the northwest corner of Arch and South streets. The next room occupied as a school room was one arranged for that purpose by Mr. Archibald Cole, on the lot now occupied by the residence of Miss Celia Boyd. Those schools were all what were called "subscription schools.'' Each person paid for his own children. In 1828 the Masons sold the lower story of their hall, which stood where the residence of Mrs. Dr. Mackall now stands, to the school directors. The first common school in the village was taught here by Judah Folke, in the years 1828-29. In 1829 the Masons desired to sell their hall, but as the school district owned the basement story, no purchaser could be found. Finally Mr. Kelion Hager prevailed upon the directors to also sell, he agreeing to give a lot and put up a school house in consideration of the low T er story of the Masonic Hall being deeded to him by the directors. He proceeded at once to erect on a part of the present school ground a brick building forty by twenty feet as a school house. Sl'XJOND PERIOD FROM 1832 TO 1852, Barnesville in the twentv vears between 1832 and HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 2t 1852 progressed slowly but steadily, and although at the end of that time she had not doubled in population, her material development had not been great, and many failures in business had taken place during" its passage, yet her lines of business had become more numerous and great accessions had been made in able business and professional gentlemen, while a splendid augmentation had been secured in educational institutions. So this may rightfully be called her intellectual period. In 1*33 Dr. Isaac Hoover located here in the midst of a terriftic scourge of scarlet fever, and at once bounded to great eminence in his profession, and he maintained that position until he left the town in 1868. Early in 1*34 the mercantile house of Hicks, Wooten & Co. failed. In the same year Bela Manahan and Francis E. Uncles became citizens here. Manahan opened a store at Heed's corner, and Uncles a large shoe-making shop on Main street. In the fall of 1834 the founder of the town extended its limits by an addition of territory. It included all of what is called "Calvert," and extended from Gardner street, at the same width with the origi nal plot, to the now residence of David Sheldon on West Hill; also the north side of Church street from the old brick M. E. Church to Chestnut street, and the west side of Chestnut from Church street to the John Morrow resi- dence, and the east side of Chestnut from Kelion Hager's lot to what is now Cherry street, and also the west side of Chestnut to where it is crossed by the B. & O. R. R. All the lots were quickly offered for sale and many of them sold. MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT. At the cud of the second period dwellings had been 28 EJISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. creeled upon nearly all the lots of Barnes* addition, with several on the north side of South street and the south side of Church street. During" this period a part of the old mill lot was laid off and sold, beginning at South street and ending wLh the William H. Folder property, forming a part of the east side of Chestnut street. On Main street, original plot, the following dwellings and business houses were erected in this period, generally in place of old structures: the frame on No. 1, the brick on No. 5, the frames on 9, Id, 11, a brick on 12, the west ex- tention of brick on 13, the frames on 17, 18, the east ex- tention of brick on 19, the frame on 25, the brick on 26, the frames on '!:», the frame on 60, the brick on 59, the frames on 58, 56, 55, 54, 51; a frame on 50— torn down by Gamenthaler, the old brick on li', the store room of Hilles on 48, the store room on 17, the brick and frame on 33, the frame on the west side of 42, the frames on 11, 40, 39, '17, 36, and the old academy building. MECHANICAL AND OTHER INDUSTRIES. For the better understanding of the changes of trades and the progress of business during this period, it would be well for the reader to keep in mind what the town was in the first period. In L833 Aduddell retired from business, and Francis continued at the old stand until 1840, when he removed to where Irwin Kinney now lives. He remained there for the rest of his life. In 1836 Dawson quit blacksmith- ing and William R. Moore became his successor at the old stand, but in a few years he removed to the south- west corner of South and Chestnut streets where he staid until he died. Elijah Weir for several years car- ried on a blacksmith shop on Chestnut street. John HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. _'.) Kelley, a blacksmith, in 1 s4 1 started a shop on lot No. 10, and continued it until L850, when he left for St. Clairsville, having been elected Treasurer in L849. Mr. Yearsley Jones, a cooper, started a general manufac- turing establishment for all kinds of tubs, churns, buckets, barrels, etc., at the northeast corner of Chest- nut and South streets in the year L837, and ran it for about ten years. It was never a success. His son who worked in his shop afterwards studied medicine and be- came quite an influential physician in Harrison and Bel- mont counties. He got up some fine patent medicines which took with the people and proved to be very good medicine fcr what it was intended. About the year L836 Richard Mahana opened a wagon-maker shop here and continued it until the end of his life. Isaac Perry about the year 1845 opened a shop for the making of wagons, plows, and farm utensils, and has continued the same to the present. Jesse Ball, a tailor, began busi- ness here about 1836. He remained at the business dur- ing life. William McK. Brown, Henry R. Brown, Fran- cis E. Adams, E. D. Barnes and David Gressinger, also tailors, carried on shops during this period. In 1837 Rev. John N. Hunt with his family settled here. For many years he operated a large tailor's establishment in the village, and at the same time did great service in spreading the gospel as interpreted by the Disciples. About the year 1836 Nathaniel Vollentine, as successor of William G. Shankland, opened a tinner's shop near Heed's corner. He afterwards transferred it to the old brick next below the Stephen's residence on Chestnut street, and which is now the residence of Mr. Frank Damsel. He remained there until 1843, when he sold to Perrv Nichols, who continued the business until ls47. 30 HISTORY OF BARNESYILLE. when he removed to Senecaville. In 1843 John Cole opened a tinner's shop on lot No. 24, and carried on the business for a g'ood many years. He was succeeded by his son Charles, who run that business until a few years ago, w T hen he went into the queensware trade. He sold out that business recently and is now employed as a traveling salesman for a large wholesale establishment. John Morrison, James Armstrong", Joseph Askew, and Eli Mooney, as saddle and harness makers, had shops here. About the year 1841 Mr. Stephen Wilson began that business here, and for many years, with a short in- terval at Cadiz, he continued here, and a little before the war of the rebellion removed to Summerfield. The same business was started by Nathan Patterson about the year 1< S 47, and was continued by him here until he entered upon the business of leather merchant. Crapper H. Laws carried on a hatter*s shop on lot No. 27, from about the year 1838 to the end of this period. The brothers, Asbury and Wesley Gardner, having succeeded to the business of their father, continued the shoemak- er's trade at the old stand, lot 23, until about 1841, when Asbury left the town and Wesley went into the grocery business. In 1845 William Reed came to Barnesville, and continued business here until his death. He began here as a shoemaker. He soon started an extensive boot and shoe manufactory, giving' work to many hands for many years. He then opened a shoe store, and soon added to that the business of tobacco merchant. He put up more dwelling' houses and business places than any other two citizens of the town. William T. Meek succeeded Kincade as chair-maker, and from about 1837 to 1851, with slight interruption, carried on that trade here. David Rilev carried on a cabinet maker's busi- HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 31 ness here from 1842 to 1852, when he went to California. In 1843 Hiram Hibbard began the same business here on lot No. 25, and continued it in connection with undertak- ing' — which he beg"an in 1S45 — to his death. During" this period William Stubbs, Holton and several other per- sons as shoemakers had shops here. The only silver- smiths here in this period were one David Allen, who carried on that business from 1^47 to 1851, at the little frame, which was moved to give place to the Gamen- thaler building", and Jesse White who had a shop on lot No. 39. From 1H41 1 to 1H50 Handel Vance carried on the wagon- making business here. OTHER INDUSTRIES. In 183G Thomas Moore, an old factory man, and George Dawson erected a woolen factory and ran it sev- eral years; then sold out to Daniel Williams. He in turn sold out to Jonathan Capstack, he to Barlow & Hogue, in whose hands it perished as a woolen factory. It is now the printing establishment of the Hanlon Brothers. In 1847 Francis E. Uncles and Edia Ramsey sunk a tan- yard at the corner of South street and Reed's row. It was continued until about the year 1854, when it was abandoned and the vats filled up. The first cigar factory here, and the only one in this period, was started in the winter of 1838-9, by Jesse Judkins, father of Dr. J. A. Judkins, and a cigar maker from Wheeling. It was carried on in a little frame building that stood lengthwise the street on Calvert Hill, on the lot now occupied by James McConnell. Judkins furnished the capital and the Wheeling man and his boys made the cigars. They made only the "com- mon," now called the "stogy"" cigar — all others then 32 HISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. were called Spanish. The Wheeling Common was made of much better tobacco, so their cigars could find no good market. The Wheeling" man slipped away, leaving Judkins in the lurch, and the factory went down. Kel- lion Hag'er, Jesse Judkins, Henry T. Barnes and Allen Barnes were tobacco merchants during this period. MERCANTILE AND OTHER LINES OF TRADE. Col. Benjamin Mackall became a partner of his father, with a half interest in the goods, in 1833. In L835, at the death of his father, he became sole owner. In L836 he sold a half interest to Thomas Shannon, and business was continued by them at the old stand, lot No. "22, until L840, when the Colonel retired. Shannon be- came sole owner. Joseph Fry and one Gilliland became partners, and the store continued until the death of Shannon in 1843. Fry, in 1843, removed his store to Campbell's corner, and there he ran a large business un- til 1846, when he overreached himself in leaf tobacco and failed. In 1837 the Davenports — John the father, Coulson and Benjamin, the sons, having built their brick store room on lot No. 4K — the Hilles room — withdrew from Gibson and opened a splendid assortment of goods at their new room. The Davenport Brothers continued this establishment, sometimes with partners, sometimes by themselves, until they quit business about 1865. Dove and Taneyhill boug'ht out Bela Manahan, and add- ing a new stock, opened a store at the Manahan room, now Heed's corner. They soon failed, then sold back to Manahan. In 1839, '40, '41 the brothers, William and Frederick Lamping, carried on the mercantile business at this place- William at the Campbell corner and Fred- HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 33 cricic at the Manahan room. William dealt in leaf to- bacco, and in 1840 suffered great loss by the burning of the double barn of John Gibson. He lost forty thousand pounds of tobacco without insurance. Happer & Hodgin opened a store on lot No. 41 in 1841. They conducted it successfully until they sold to R. E. Frasier about 1846. Frasier soon moved goods and building to lot No. 47, where he continued until he began his hotel. Jesse Cowg'ill was a partner of Hap- per & Hodgin a few years, and John White, Esq., for a year or two was a partner of R. E. Frasier. Happer & Hodgin handled leaf tobacco in a barn on South street, right back of their store. Colonel Benjamin Mackall resumed business in dry goods in 1843, and continued the same until he sold to Henry R. Brown in 1852. Mackall's place of business was the one that Shaffer, the baker, now owns. In 1841 the firm of Barnes & Sons failed. John Bradtield, then a young man, bought their goods and be- gan his career as a merchant. During" his business life, he carried on a large mercantile business, bought im- mense quantities of leaf tobacco and wool. He was one of the best business men in Eastern Ohio. He was suc- ceeded by his sons, Messrs. T. & J. Bradfield, who are excellent business men and conduct one of the finest es- tablishments in the state. Mr. Bradtield died in October, 1896. As the Campbell corner, the old Mackall store room and the late Frasier House were the other three leading business places during' the whole history of Barnes ville, they will be disposed of here. After Joseph Fry the fol- lowing firms and persons conducted business at the Campbell corner, in the order named: — Tipton & Hare, 34 HISTORY OF BARNESVIKLE. Menancler Mott, Isaac Hockheimer, James R. Hunt & Brother, Chaney & Hunt, and the Campbell Brothers, who are still there. After William Green retired from the Prasier House, there followed Noah Calhoun, with dry goods, and Henry F. Odell with drug's and groceries. The house then became a hotel — about 1853, with Bela Alexander as proprietor, then Isaac Deems, John Reed, and John H. Piper ran the hotel in the order named. Piper and Frasier exchanged property about the year 1858, and after that the house was run by R. E. Frasier & Son. After Fry left the old Mackall room, business was carried on at it by the following persons and firms and as named: Isaac Hockheimer, Tipton & Hare (drug store), Henry R. Brown, Thomas Chambers (groceries), Thomas Brock, William Brown (groceries), the Shonlield Brothers, Samuel Oppenheimer, Jacob Oppenheimer and Victorious, all clothiers. The first shoe store in town was opened by Nathan- iel Vollentine in 1834, in the brick below the Stephen's residence. To that line in 1845 he added dry goods and groceries, and entered upon the business of tobacco mer- chant. The collapse of that business in 1846 nearly made him bankrupt. Having become the owner of the Hill building, which was burnt down in the lire of 1895, he, in 1848, gave up the business of merchant and opened a hotel. He ran this hotel until he went west in 1854. This hotel and the Parsons and Shankland houses were all the public houses here during this period. The first drug store in the town was opened by Lewis H. Green, in 1835, at the little old brick next south of Stephen's residence on Chestnut street. In 1836 he transferred it to the frame part of the old Shank- Land hor.se, and the next year he removed it to St. BISTORY OP BARNESVILLE. 35 Clairsville. The next drug store was that of Jesse and N. Judkins, kept on lot No. 42. Dry goods were also kept by them in connection with the drugs. This busi- ness was started in 1842, and profitably run for several years. The next two drug" stores were those run by Mr. Mott and Dr. Win. H. Polger. Mott's was kept at the old Manahan room, Heed's corner, was beg'un in 1848, and continued for about twelve years. Dr. Folger's was in an old frame building on the site of what is Reed & Pisher*s saddlery store, and was begun in 1848, and was carried on until l. The grocery business was a failure here as a dis- tinct line of trade, until L835, although William George. Robert Claudy, John Hyatt, and several others made the effort. But in L835 William Poole opened a grocery on lot No. ~>4, and made it a success until his death three years after. About 1841 William H. Gardner and Wesley Gardner each opened a grocery. Wesley continued his un- til his death in 1H74. Everybody remembers Wes Gardner's grocery at the old stand on lot No. 23. William H. be- gan his where Poole carried on, but he soon made so much money, that he erected, in 1846, the McKeever and Kinney buildings, (which were destroyed by fire in L895) on lot No. 18, and soon launched out into the dry goods business, which he successfully carried on until about L855, when he went west. John Brown in 1843 opened a grocery, which he continued until his death. John Kid- wiler, Jesse Wier, E. D. Barnes and several others also had groceries during that time. CHURCHES. The Disciples in 1842 erected a nice little brick church on Calvert Hill, West South street. It would 30 HISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. seat about three hundred persons. The pulpit stood be- tween the two doors of entrance at the south end. Here, in the winter of 1848, Bishop John Purcell, of the Catho- lic church, preached a sermon. It was a night service and the house was crowded. His subject was "Chris- tian Forbearance," and he handled it only as a master can. It was one grand array of learning, gems of attrac- tive and elevated thoughts, with bursts of eloquence that brought the audience to tears, and the people went away saying that if that be Rome, then God bless Rome. This house was torn down in 1H57. The old brick of the Methodists and this church were the only places of wor- ship in the town during this period. HOUSES OF EDUCATION. In 1838, a small frame building, called the "Female Seminary," was erected on the lot at the southeast corner of Chestnut and Cherry streets. At this semi- nary several school sessions were taught, but from lack of patronage, it was sold in 1^47 to John Francis, who turned the same into a lumber room. In 1839-40, the academy on East hill—lot No. 33— was built. The first academic term therein was of four- teen weeks length and was beg'un in December, 1842, Merrill and Johnson, professors. It amounted to but little as a place of learning until John I. Thompson, in L853, became the leading professor, when it became somewhat noted. After the death of Thompson, it de- clined rapidly and was finally sold to Friendship Lodge F. A. M., and was used as a lodge room by that society, until 1890, when they erected a line building on Main street. The old academy since then has been occupied as a tenement house. Notwithstanding the failure of HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 6i the academy as a place of learning", still it is the Alma Mater of two United States District Judges, and many others who have lived successful lives. ACCIDENTS AND FIRES. A boy named Sills, who worked for Daniel Williams at his woolen factory, was killed in 1846. He got en- tangled in the belting" of the fulling stocks and was car- ried around the shaft several times. He died the same day. In L847 the residence of Dr. William H. Folger and the building adjoining", owned by John Delong", of Guern- sey county, were burnt up entirely. Those houses were on Calvert Hill, West Main street, south side. NOTABLE AND PROFESSIONAL MEN. William S. Taneyhill, the lirst lawyer, came to the town in the fall of 1835. He remained here until the spring of 1837, when he removed to Millersburg", Holmes county. About the year 1835 Dr. Nicholas Judkins, having finished his studies with his father, entered upon the practice of his profession here and had eminent success. In 1843 he abandoned the practice altogether. In 1836 Dr. John Walker, a Thomsonian physician, lo- cated at this place, residence and office on lot 6.0. At first he had a large practice, coming to him out of the practice of Dr. Charles Waddell, but it soon ran down and he left the town in 1843. Dr. Ephraim Williams located here in 1837 and began his career. With what success he spent his life every- body knows. In the winter of 1838-9, John Davenport, our second ;]H HISTORY OF BARNESVTLLE. Lawyer, with his family settled here. He was a great lawyer, and his learning" was almost boundless in variety. In character he was honorable and plain spoken and a polished gentleman of the "old school." With his socia- bility and power of talk, he controlled the people as with a charm. He died in L861, leaving" a greater mark on Barnesville than that made by any other citizen who has lived within her limits. Dr. John Stotler, a physician of the Thomsonian school, located here in 1845. He never had much prac- tice and left the town about 1855. Dr. John T. Mackall, who had studied with Dr. Hoover, began the practice of his profession in 1839. His worth as a man and his skill as a physician soon secured lor him a lucrative business, and it so continued while he lived. The doctor during" life was an ornament to tin- town and a blessing to the community. He died in 1<^7"), respected by everybody, and was succeeded by his son, Dr. B. H. Mackall. In this period nourished Dr. J. \Y. Warfield, who was one of our best physicians, and noted as a kind hearted man. He went into the army as a surgeon and died here afterwards. Dr. Wm. Hare was also about this time a well known physician. In the winter of 1845 Dr. Isaac Parker located here and soon had a g"ood practice. His health was never good and that fact, added to his natural disgust for his profession, made him abandon it in I860. He died about L868. In 1^41' a tall, awkward looking" boy, with larg"e head, curly sandy hair and prominent blue eyes, became an apprentice to John Kelley. He faithfully served out HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 39 his time, during" which lie ironed wagons and attended the Merrill and .Johnson term at the academy. After finishing his trade he studied law and then went to Ore- gon, where for over forty years he was a United States District Judge. That boy was the Hon. Matthew P. Deady. He resided at Portland until his death, which occurred several years ago. Mr. Deady was a judge of rare powers, and had a breadth and diversity of legal learning which was truly astonishing. Some of his decisions have had results as great as ever came out of those of any court. Rev. .John N. Hunt was the main-stay of the Disci- ples' Church at this place for years. He was the father of our townsmen, Messrs. Charles, Flick and Irwin Hunt, worthy sons of a noble father. He was a useful citizen and by his courtly manners did much to rub off the corn- ers of our pioneer roughness. DR. CHARLES WADDELL AM) BISHOP ANDREWS. In the year Is;;,") the Rev. Dr. Charles Waddell made his advent here as a local preacher and Thompsonian physician. As a preacher of Methodism he was an as- tonishment. As an orator he was the equal of Whitetield, and as a reasoner he was Websterian. When he struck a salient point of the walls of Satan, it was with the force and results of a spiritual earthquake. Not one stone was left upon another. He was the great grand- son of the "blind preacher.'" made immortal by Wirt in the "British Spy." As a physician he made some won- derful cures and took' the community by storm. Dr. Waddell was a tall, wiry-built man and wore his hair long. He never had his equal as an exhorter at Barnes- ville. 40 HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. In the same year came the Right Rev. Andrews, bishop of the M. E. Church. It was this bishop who "happened to hold*' a few slaves in the "rig'ht of his wife," and who from that fact was made the means of separation that in 1844 divided the M. E. Church into Church North and Church South. It was in fact the en- tering wedge to the War of the Rebellion, for, if that church had remained a unit, it would have been a strong" band to hold the states together. A QUEER CHARACTER — SAMMY W T IT,T.TAMS. A notable character of the town, and one that nour- ished about this period, w T as Sammy Williams, a colored man. He was an old slave and came to the town in the year 1847, with his wife and many children, and at once became a terror to the people of the towm. The officers were afraid of him, but finally he was arrested and had a trial, but as nothing w r as found ag"ainst him, he was re- leased. After that he started forth as a preacher, but failed at that, and for several years he lived quietly and peacefully. Then his wife died and his children one by one left him. Then, becoming tired of the monotony of his life, he launched forth as a stump speaker and an auctioneer. His speeches included the cream of the town g'ossip and his w T ares embraced everything from a broken crock to a wasted hand-bill. At first he attracted much attention, but the people got tired of Sammy and passed him without heed. The boys pelted him with stones. It mattered little to Sammy whether any one listened to him cr not, lie kept rig'ht on with his talk, ending each speech with the letters W. R. N. T. When he began his stump-speaking he said he was eighty-three years old, and from that time to his death, when he was HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 41 asked how old he was, he would answer, 'Must eighty- three." He grew older in spite of that, and one bitter cold night he was frozen so badly that he died in a few days. MERRY-GO-ROUND. The first merry-go-round that ever visited Barnesville came in the summer of 1835 and was planted near the north end of lot No. 15 — its south end is where the milli- nery store room of Mr. Hill is located. A very larg'e can- vas tent was erected to protect the furniture of the con- cern. They made perfectly level a x^lace on which they put a broad thin iron platform, with a hole at its center to receive the turning" post. The turning post was of wood and about fifteen inches in diameter and turned very glibly. There were four arms that projected out from the post, at the end of which was a neat wooden horse, saddled and bridled, and was gaily caparisoned. The motive power was by hand, holding to pins fixed in the arms. The horses were moved swiftly or slowly just as the riders wished. The concern remained in town about two weeks — making' money all the time — and went away several hundred dollars better off than when it came. THE FIRST BAND. The first band at Barnesville was formed in L836. William T. Meek was the leader and he is the only mem- ber now living. In 1^44 two other bands were formed — a Democratic band and a Whig band. The members of these bands are all dead, except William Hager, Isaac Shankland and R. H. Taney hill of the Whig, and Will- iam T. Meek and Ezekiel Mills of the Democratic. Will- 42 HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. iam W. Laws was the leader of the Whig", and William T. Meek was the leader of the Democratic. SIAMESE TWINS. In the summer of 1834 the Siamese Twins, Chang and Shem, gave two exhibitions of themselves in the then brick part of the Shankland Hotel. They were neatly built men of medium height, and were in good health and active. They could readily leap over fences and other obstacles and ascend stair-ways with agility. They wore black broadcloth coat and pants, white vests, and wore turbans for head-gear. They had darker complex- ions than the common Chinese. Their eyes and hair were black, their hair was worn long" and falling on the shoulders. They were connected by a strip made up of flesh and cartilage. They also sold a little pamphlet giving a history of their lives, and it sold well, a~~gTeat many copies of it were sold. They were very intelli- gent gentlemen and well behaved. A good joke was en- joyed by them hugely. By their appearance I should think they were about twenty-live years old. Afterwards, and after they had made a tour of Europe and the United States, and having" made a fortune, they settled in the State of North Carolina. There they married two sisters slightly tinged with African, and each raised a g'ood sized family. Chang died and Shem died about two hours after, but he died by shear nervous exhaustion brought on by Chang's sickness and death. Their de- scendants are scattered all over the Union. SUGAR-BEET CULTURE. James Gibson, a wealthy merchant of Barnesville, in 1838 tried the cultivation of the sugar-beet. He planted HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 13 all of the lot on which the now residence of P. W. Hib- bard stands, which was at that time vacant, making about three-fourths of an acre planted in beets. The plants grew well and large. Some nice sugar was ob- tained from them, but Mr. Gibson g'ave up the business after the first trial. SILK CULTURE. In the same year — 1838 — Mr. Gibson made an effort to manufacture silk. His cocoonery was in the house now used by the Campbell brothers as a room for their shoe store, southeast corner of Main and Chestnut streets. He had a good many worms and made some g'ood silk, but it all cost mere than it returned, so Mr. Gibson gave up the enterprise. I saw the worms and saw them roll up the cocoons. I also saw the workmen spin off the threads from the cocoons. The worm at full growth is about three inches long and of a dull lead color with a few bristles on it, and they are as big around as a caterpillar. The moth is about two inches from tip to tip of its wings. Mr. Gibson's effort at silk cul- ture caused almost a craze among* our people. Mulberry leaves had to be had and so the country far and near was planted down in mulberry orchards and the streets were decked with the white mulberry, so making' use and beauty help to ornament and shade the sidewalks. The trees on the streets have been destroyed long ago, but some old orchards are still to be seen. 1 N T E RESTING I T E M S . If Christmas was gay and festive, the 4th of July was extravagantly heroic. Cannon, guns and loaded anvils were fired, bonfires burned, liberty poles raised, decked 44 HISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. with flag's, speeches made and a carousal of hurrahs rent the air the live long day. There were then no other holi- days kept at Barnesville. For a great many years Pairview was in advance of Barnesville. She had two very fine stores kept there then, one by Mathew Scott and the other by the Rose- mans; to these our people went to buy their finery. Our mails were brought to us from there once a week, then twice a week. We did not have a daily mail until 1848. It was the upper tendom that went to Pairview, as it was then about as grand as Wheeling' to go to. She had the great National Road and that gave her that position. But when the railroad was built Pairview sank to insig"- nificance and Barnesville became to her as she had been to Barnesville. While we were g'etting' our mail from Pairview a change was made to Morristown, but it was only for a short time, as it did not suit our people, so de- livery was again had at Pairview. Pairview has held her own remarkably well, considering the adverse cir- cumstances with which she has had to encounter. LAST PERIOD — FROM 1852 TO THE PRESENT. MECHANICS. John Francis, Wm. R. Moore, Crosier & Ward, Wm. Cline, Crosier & Hall, Moore & Hall, Joseph Capstack, John McDonald, J. P. Cox, James Sproat, Frank Moore, George Hail, and John Seals have had or have black- smith shops here during this period. Emanuel Nace. Irwin Hunt, Thomas Bannister, Will- iam Nace, Nace & McGaw, E. S. Sargent, John Reed, John Scrivener, Homer Barnes, William Bowen, Mr. Reimenschneider, W. H. Brown and others have had or HISTOKY OF BARNESVILEE. l.~> have shoemakers' shops here during this period. Saddle and harness makers here during" this period, in addition to those already mentioned, were the late R. M. Gunning, Abe Kelley and S. S. Foreman. Those in the town at present are Eli Moone}^, Reed & Fisher, and T. S. Fowler & Co. Tinners of this period were one Burgess, Eli Ken- nard, Henley Palmar, William Janeway, George Jane- way, Carr & Outland, Spaulding, C. M. Cole and T. J. Carr. Those now are J. W. Doudna and Mr. Smith. MERCHANT TAILORS. As early as L843 Jesse Ball made the venture at the merchant tailoring business. He had poor success. The next in order of time was David Smeaton, who had great success. Then came the following persons and firms in succession as named: Coulson and Benjamin Daven- port, Hibbard & Morrow, Hibbard & Dent, Jonathan Thornberry, Nathan Bundy, W. H. Anderson, Washing- ton Thornberry, Frank Hunt and G. E. Hunt, the late Mr. O'Donnell, Worthington & Winiesdoffer, Mr. Wolfe and his son, Edward Wolfe. The firms who carry on the business at present are Williams Brothers, Robert Hunt, Paul Worthington, and Charles Hunt. OTHER INDUSTRIES. In 1853 William R. Moore erected a mill for the grinding of hominy on the lot at the southwest corner of South and Chestnut streets. He ran the mill until the War of the Rebellion called him to the army. Mr. Moore in is:>4 located a steam saw mill close to the place where the grist mill of S. C. Hilles & Brother now stands. He ran it several years and then sold it. After passing 46 HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. through several hands, the mill was bought by the Hilles Brothers, who operated it until about 1868, when it was abandoned and the frame work incorporated with their grist mill. In 1855-6 Jesse White erected the now Hilles grist mill, and after running" it a year or two sold out to the Hilles Brothers. These gentlemen ran it together until the death of S. C. Hilles. Since that time it has been operated by William Hilles and his sons, under the old firm name of S. C. Hilles & Brother. Many years ago a tanyard was sunk just south of the Rogers planing mill on Reed's row. It was run sev- eral years, then became the property of William Reed, who, with John Albrecht, ran it until 1890, when it was consumed by fire. A threshing" machine factory was built in 1858 by Henry Norris, at the southeast corner of South street and Reed's row, right where the old A. M. E. Church stood. Mr. Norris ran this factory until his death, about the year 1863. The first planing" mill in the town was that of Henry McCartney, and it occupied the east end of the old grist mill of James Barnes and was set up about 1867. It was was destroyed by fire with the old mill in 1870. The next planing" mill was that of Davis & Stanton, and was erected in 1868-9 on the north of lot No. 85. It was run a short time, then Stanton sold out to Davis. The Davis & Starbuck planing" mill having been erected, the machinery was removed to it. The mill of Davis & Starbuck was carried on successfully until it blew up July 17, 1878. After the destruction of that mill, Charles Kugler started a planing" mill, which he rati successfully many years. It is at the present time operated by the HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. \7 firm of Hague & Woodward. Hague & Thomas also ran a planing mill with their other business many years ago. In L880 Rogers Brothers erected their planing mill a lit- tle to the south of the Davis & Starbuck mill. To this they attached a saw mill, and are at present operating both mills. In 1881 Carter, Beardmore & Wisener built a large flouring mill on lots 08-4. It was run for a year or two by that firm, then became the propert} T of John Wisener. It next passed into the hands of Mr. Bonnell. On the 14th of February, 1894, this mill was entirely consumed by fire. It w T as replaced by another, the frame of which was built by Mr. Bonnell, but was finished by W. H. Bentley and E. E. McKeever. Mr. McKeever died in 1897, and Mr. Bentley in 1898. The mill then went into the hands of their widows, w T ho leased it toR. G. Hog'ue, who is running it at the present time. The first carriage factor} 7 in towm w T as built by the Frame Bros. & Loyd, at the southwest corner of Arch and Church streets, in 1872. In 187G it was connected with the coffin manufactory. The next was that of Charles Little in 1876. He carried on his business in the old building of the Frame Brothers, until the summer of 1896, when the building" w T as destroyed by fire. Mr. Lit- tle erected a new building" soon after this on Chestnut street, and is still in the business. FOUNDRIES. In 1862 Joseph Watt started a foundry on a very small scale, but it gradually grew into the extensive one of J. H. Watt & Co. In 1868 Lewis, McKeown & Crozier started a foundry at the southeast corner of South street and Broadway, in the old hominy mill of W. R. Moore. 48 HISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. This foundry was transferred to a new shop on lot No. 86. After changing hands several times, it became the property of Allen Alexander, who ran it some time longer and then he sold out to J. H. Watt & Bros., so this foundry became extinct. The Watt foundry was situated on Church street on the lots now occupied by the opera house of Eli Moore, and underwent many ad- ditions to size as the trade increased. The company began the manufacture of a patent self-oiling' car wheel, which necessitated the enlargement of the concern. So. in the years 1890-91, a large manufactory was erected in the northeast part of the town, and the company incor- porated under the name of The Watt Mining Car Wheel Company. RECENT INDUSTRIES. The Buckeye Novelty Works, situated on Laws ave- nue was established in 1890, and incorporated in 1891. All kinds of sign printing is done by this company. In 1891 Amos Barlow T and his son William became the owners of the once Frame Brothers old establish- ment, en a lot just back of Reed's Row, and at once fitted it up for the manufacture of berry boxes and peach baskets. It is still run by the same firm — Barlow & Son. The box factory of Elmer Hutchinson was started by Tobe Heizer. It was next operated by James Renner, then by the late Vinton Shiple}^, who ran it about a month. On March 1, 1892, it went into the hands of the Talbott brothers and H. Campbell, and finally, on Jan- uary 1. L895, into the possession of Mr. Hutchinson, who continues the business. Mr. Hutchinson was also a partner with the Talbott Brothers. HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. I'.l In 1893 a canning' factory was built in Barnesville, on South Chestnut street. At the first tomatoes were the only article put up. At present the factory puts out on the market all kinds of fruit-butters, ketchup, baked beans, mustard, and canned goods. In the summer of l s< .'7, the old woolen factory which was for many years owned and run by George Atkinson, was purchased by a company of our business men and incorporated under the name of The Bush Hosiery Manu- factory. New machinery was put in and operations at once beyan. The company employs a lar^e number of persons. LAUNDRIES. The laundry business in Barnesville was first started by one Harper, a young colored man. Rey Jeffrey ran a laundry in a building" back of his residence on South Broadway. The next was run by one Dickison in a building" on Church street. The place of business was finally located in the old building' that formerly had been the old church tabernacle, and which had been moved to a lot back of South Brcadw T ay The business then passed into the control of Amos Albert, who ran it suc- cessfully for a time, then sold out to the Heizer Broth- ers, who had it for a year or so, then it went back into A I bert's hands. E. F. Doudna became the next proprietor of the concern, and he ran it until April, L897. when the business passed into the possession of the present owners, the Futhey Brothers, who conducted the same at the old plant until the summer of L898, when they erected a brick' building on South Chestnut street, and moved the business to the new establishment. The Chinese laundry has also nourished in this 50 HISTORY OP BARNESVILLE. period of the town's history, the iirst one being 1 run here some ten or twelve years ago. Then after some time came Jim Long", who conducted that business here for two or three years. The present Chinese laundryman is Song" Sing". FURNITURE BUSINESS. The persons and firms that have had furniture stores here during this period were, Hiram Hibbard, who was the Iirst, Frank Hibbard, Harvey Colvig, O. Hunt, Loper & Colvig", Loper & Son, and Captain Shepherd. Hiram Hibbard ran the undertaking business in connection with his furniture. The present furniture firms are F. W. Hibbard, Harvey Colvig", and Emerson & Osier. These firms all run the undertaking" along with the other busi- ness. LEATHER BUSINESS. The leather business was begun here in 1859 by Nathan Patterson on lot No. 11. Patterson ran the busi- ness at great profit until 1<70, when he £.old out to Buchanan & Moore. The business next passed into the hands of Mr. Mocre, who ran it very successfully until a few years ago, when he sold out. SHOE STORES. The first shoe store of this period was that of How- ard & Rowles in 1856. Then in order came the following persons and firms: William Reed, William Sawhill, Mc- Ginuis & Sharp, T. A. Gratigny, Gratigny & Evans, one Madden, Mahlon T. Fawcett, Robert Happer, James Maring, Thomas Bannister, Gratigny & Judkins, J. A. Moore, Campbell Bros., Hobbs & Cassells, Miller & Cassells, and the late Jacob Heed. The persons and HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 3J firms engaged in the business at present are .J. W. Jud- kins, McVey & Cassells, Hobbs & Warrick, and the Campbell Brothers. WHOLESALE GROCERIES. The tirst distinct wholesale grocery here was started by David McCartney in the year 1854, in the old brick ware house now used by the Rogers Bros, in connection with their planing mill. He ran this .yrocery until the War of the Rebellion. The next was started in lsbs, by John Davis and H. Vance, at the southwest corner of Arch and Main streets. Vance sold out his interest to Francis Davis, and the goods moved to lot No. 47, and continued there under the name of F. Davis & Co. In 1870 J. M. Lewis & Co. succeeded and finally Mr. Lewis became sole owner. He ran it several years, but a de- pression of trade coming on he went out of the business. At present there is no wholesale grocery in the town. SILVERSMITHS. The principal silversmiths here in this period have been Robinson McLane, Burton, Rudolph Gamenthaler, John Stephens, Jr., B. Q. Quest, James Wells, and El- mer McKeever. The persons engag'ed in that business at the present time are Rudolph Gamenthaler and E. B. Stevenson. Mr. Stevenson was for a long time a part- ner with E. E. McKeever, when the business was run un- der the name of McKeever & Stevenson. MARBLE WORKS. This business since L8i>2 has been carried on by Jona- than Evans, Thomas Colpitts, Richard Cunard, Wall Evans, C, & J. Chase and the Colpitt Brothers. The only works of this kind in the town at the present is .)_ HISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. thai of Colpitis & Boswell, on South Chestnut street. PHOTO* IRAPHERS. The principal artists of this class have been (1. M. Aduddell, Handel Vance, William H. Barnes, raid Stew- art. The present photographers are W. H. Baker and Air. Barnes. HARDWARE. The first hardware store in the town was started in the year L865, by James Jetfery, a Canadian, in the old John Sunderland store room, where Irwin Hunt now lias his shoe shop. He removed to the room now occupied by the Rog'ers Brothers, en lot No. 52. He sold to Charles Lloyd, and he to T. & A. Rogers, who still con- tinue the business. The next effort at hardware was that by the firm of Wiley & Wright, in the Ely block, about 1870. They sold to John McCollin. When he quit the business, the stcck was sold to John McKeever & Son, who were succeeded by the present firm of I. D. & C. H. McKeever. The present stores of this kind are the two above named and that of J. W. Doudna. DRY coon;- MERCHANTS. Tlie dry goods merchants of this period have been as follows: Horkheimer &. Eisman, Joseph Eisman, Sun- derland S: Hogue, Eisman iV: Fred, Hager & Bentz, Henry R. Brown, .1. W. Prasier & Son, H. P. Odell, L. L. Fred, Hanlon & Hogue, S. B. & \l. H. Piper, Simon Hork- heimer, Patrick Lochary, Bailey & Barnes, J. R. Hunt & Bros., William A. Talbott, William Asbury, Win. H. De- ment, Taylor, Creighton, Wilson & Co., Brown & Mc- Keever, Mead, Hogue & Co., K. H. Piper, John Wisener, HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. r»3 T. T. Hanlon, McKeever & Son, Judkins & Talbott, Gus & Charles Talbott, Washington Thornberry, Chaney & Hunt, G. E. Hunt & Co., David Shepherd, Geo. E. Hunt, John Bradfield, Julia Judkins, Samuel Nace & Son. The present firms in that business are T. & J. Bradtield, J. S. Harrison, who succeeded Samuel Nace & Son., and G. E. Hunt. R. H. Piper carries on a retail notion store in his building at the corner of Main and Arch streets. DRUG STORES. The drug stores of this period were conducted by the following persons and firms: In 1854 Dr. James War- field bought out Henry P. Odell. Then Warfield sold to Dr. Carolus Judkins in 1856, who continued the busi- ness to his death. William T. Harlan then took charge of the business in the name of Harlan & Judkins, and he ran it for about ten years. At the end of the time the drugs passed to Thomas Judkins and then the goods were sold to Dr. G. S. Wellons and E. V. Shipley, who ran it for a few months, then they sold out to R. M. Gun- ning, who sold to Dr. A. Pullin, who ran the business un- til he left Barnesville. Dr. Wellons was for a long time in the drug store of Mr. Warfield, but was suc- ceeded by Mr. Eaton. He gave his attention to the practice of medicine until the year 1887, when he opened out a line of drugs in the Adams building" on Main street. He removed from there to his own room across the street, and continued the business until 1894, when he sold out entirely to I. R. Lane. Mr. Lane continued the trade at the old stand until January, 1895, when the en- tire stock was destroyed by fire. Peter Giffen had re- cently started a drug store here, and he and Mr. Lane had formed a partnership some time before the tire, but t)4 [IISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. had not yet moved their stock together. They then conducted the business in the room occupied by Mr. Gilfen, and continued it under the name of Giffen & Lane, when in a short time Lane sold out his share to Mr. Hornbrook, and the business continued under the name of Giffen & Hornbrook, until the present firm took pos- session. Mr. Giffen along with the drug" business carried on the manufacture of a tine grade of baking powder, which found a ready market. In the spring of L896 Dr. Wellons erected a new building" on the site of the one that was destroyed in the fire of L895, and opened out a new drug store, which he is at present running. After the old stock of drugs had passed to Thomas Judkins from Harlan, Harlan opened a new store at the old stand on lot 48, and is now owned b}^ Geo. E. Hilles. Mr. Warfield in 1858 opened another drug store, and shortly after Robert Hodgin became his partner. They sold out to Odell & Ball, who in turn sold to Ely & Plumly. When Plumly retired, Ely went to the corner where he now is. Dr. G. W. Githens opened a drug store here, and James Ferguson soon became his partner. They sold to Hoover, Williams & Eaton. Dr. Hoover sold his share to Dr. J. A. Judkins, when the firm be- came that of Williams, Eaton & Judkins. This firm sold out to Plumly & Ellison. Ellison sold his share to Plumly, and Plumly at the end of ten years sold out and retired from business. About the year 1*7:2, H. Griffin opened a drug store on Chestnut street, with Hamilton Eaton as its director, and in a short time Eaton bought Griffin's share, and continued the business until 1878, when he sold out the entire stock. A drug store was started by Frank Lyles on Arch street about the year 1865, and ran a year or two, when he sold out. The HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. o;i 1lrms that carry on the business at present arc G. E. Hilles, J. S. Ely & Co., Dr. G. S. Wellons, and Hornbrook, Son & ( !o. ( II IX A STORES. .lame; T. Moore carried on an extensive store of this kind since 1883, until the spring" of 1898, when he closed out the stock, enlarged his place of business and opened out a large department store. Charles Cole after quit- ing the tinner's trade, opened a china store on Central Alain street, which he ran quite a number of years, then quit the business. GROCERS. The leading grocers who did a retail business here during this period have been the Burroug'h Brothers, Lemoyne Mott, James Thompson, Handel Vance, Vance & Son, John W. Sunderland, William Brown, W. H. Kin- ney. James T. Moore, C. P. Dobbins, Thomas Goldsmith, Thomas Frasier, John W. Hingeley, E. T. Parker, David Sheldon, M. T. Fawcett, Jacob Heed, W. H. Hobbs. and several others. Those at the present time are T. J. Carr, Matthew McKeown, Fowler & Son, William Hil- ton, Leonard Hilton, J. W. Mackall, John Adams, W. H. Kinney, S. Pack, Dora Blakemore, U. Damsel & Son, E. C. Kinney. J. E. Gibson. Warrick Bros., Mr. Patter- son, S. Denoon, and F. Outland. TOBAi '( K ) MERCHANTS. Besides those already named the following persons and firms have handled leaf tobacco during this period: John Hance, J. R. Hunt & Bro., L. L. Fred ; Henry T. Barnes, Reed & Gardner, Howard & Green. Bailev & r ' HISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. Barnes, Gardner & Parker, Gardner & Fordyce, Benjamin Bailey, J. S. & A. B. Howard, and others. The present tobacco merchants are Thomas Bradiield, Howard & Reel Howard & Miller, Reed & Reed. CLOTHING STORES. The clothing" stores of this period have been Jacob Oppenheimer, Victorious, Rottenberg", Max Reinheimer, Isaac Andcrn, and others. The firms now are Williams Bros., J. J. Kirk. Paul Worthington, and R. L. Hunt. UNDERWRITERS. The principal underwriters of this period have been William Smith, Esq., Jonathan Scofielcl, Dr. Kemp, H. M. Hickock, Norris & Norris, Norris & Barnes, and I. H. Powers. William Smith lived here from about 1845 to L875, and was one of our most public spirited citizens. He commenced the culture of strawberries here, which has made Barnesville famous wherever the berries have been sold. During his life time Mr. Smith was promi- nent in all our local affairs. The principal underwriters at present are S. B. Piper, Jonathan Scofield, and Mr. Chappell. CIGAR SHOPS. The cig"ar shops were carried on by the following persons: Thaddeus Marsh started one in 1854, in the room now used by Shaffer for his bakery. He sold to Isaac Horkheimer and he to Joseph Eiseman; each of these persons ran a shop for a short time. Then came Samuel Nace, John West, George Callens, Fred Kies, Levi Eisenberg, Uriah Damsel, Joseph Dubois, Thomas Carr, William H. Kinney, Nan Reed, Charlie Batch. HISTORY OP BARNESVILLE. .u Jacob Heed. Abel Hobbs, the Graham Brothers, the Heed Bros., Charley Carr, Al Heed, Gratigny & Lyles, and others. The firms engaged in the business at present are the Bulger Bros., proprietors of The Big Four fac- tory, Heed Bros, The Ohio, run by J. E. Ward. A. C. Damsel. W. H. Barlow, Charles Hunt, and J. R. Carr. MILLINERS. The name of Moses Brown is well remembered by our older citizens. When he was asked what occupa- tion he followed, he would reply, "My wife is a milli- ner!*' He is said to have been the most stingy man that was even in the town. On one occasion, in the presence of a friend, he threw two "nubbins" into the pigpen, and exclaimed, "Now stuff yourselves!" Mrs. Brown was followed by Mrs. "Rebecca Hare, then came Miss Mattie Lowe, Miss Sade Leeke, Mrs. Annie Bailey, Nace & Pickering, A. F. Maltby, Mrs. J. E. Ritchie, W. A. Talbott. John Hill, Mrs. M. L. Barnes, Miss Ao-nes Du- bois, Mrs. Anna Sproat, and the Bee Hive, kept by a Mr. Haun. The milliner stores at present are John Hill, J. T. Moore, and G. E. Hunt. CREAMERY. Another important industry of the town is the Barnesville Creamery. This business was started by the farmers of the vicinity, in August 1895. The place of business is situated on Mulberry street, and all the management of the concern is in the hands of A. L. Fankhauser. Connected with the creamery is one of the most remarkable wells in the town. It is a drilled well of a depth of a little over fifty feet, and all through the very dry seasons of 1895 6, when nearly every water ;>.i HISTORY OP BARNESVIELE. supply in town had failed, or given a sign of failing*, this well continued to give all the immense amount of water required daily for the washing" of the butter, be- sides supplying water every evening for a large tank connected with the creamery. HOTELS. The hotels of this period in addition to those already mentioned, are as follows: the old "Bloomer'* on Arch street, built by Handel Vance about 1860, and run by him and others for many years. It was afterwards the residence of Joseph Renner, but is now occupied as a sa- loon by Bartley Mc Andrews. The "Henderson House," at the northeast corner of Main and Arch streets, is now the store room of R. H. Piper. The "Dement House" is now the McKeown block on Chestnut street. The St. John, also on Chestnut, was built in 1^7'2, by one Black, who kept it a few years, then sold to Michael Creighton, Sr., who enlarged it. Then Martin St. John conducted it as a hotel for three or four years. Then one Slevin, Williams, Dowdell, Williams (a lady), Miss A. Folger successively conducted this hotel. It finally passed into the hands of Jack Heed, who ran it successfully several years. Al Heed then tcck possession and ran the hotel until the past summer of 1898, when it was abandoned as a public house. In 1H0H-9 the brothers, William and Ezekiel Mills erected the two-story part of the now Albert House, but before that part was finished, by exchange with Marx Albert, the old Parsons hotel with the part just men- tioned, became the property of Albert. He soon finished the building and ran the hotel until his death. It then passed into the hands of his children who have conducted HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 59 the hotel ever since. The St. Charles hotel is now oc- cupied by Luther Stewart as a saloon, and is situated on Arch street. It was built by John Wisener for a busi- ness room, and was first run as a hotel by Wm. Williams. Moses Edgar ran a hotel for a number of years in the building on Mulberry street, just opposite the depot, Mr. Stone also ran this hotel some time, but in a year or two took possession cf the hotel on Arch street, which he is still running'. The hotels of the pres- ent time are the Albert House, the Central Hotel, and the Stone House. BARBERS. In 1857 Anthony Mabra kept a shop over Folger's drug store. He was an amusing colored man, and his rasping shave by the dim light of a single candle, can vividly be remembered. Kin Brown had a shop here. Before and during the war, Frank Fowdes, a colored gen- tlemen kept a shop in the basement of Vance's Bloomer House, the old Renner building on Arch street. He was very deliberate in his operations, but yet accumulated some money. At the breaking of the Confederate lines at Petersburg, "a likely boy," the protege and servant of Colonel Johnson, of A. P. Hill's corps, was captured. He had attended his master on all the campaigns from Yorktown to Petersburg, and was taken prisoner while on duty. He was sent west and landed at Barnesville. He became a pupil of Fowdes. This boy was Mr. John- son, who was for many years one of the best barbers in the town. He has been succeeded by his son. Ph. i lip Johnson, who, in partnership with Mr. Ellis, runs a shop on Main street, under the name of Johnson & Ellis. Joseph Wilson, another of our colored barbers, had the 60 HISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. honor many years ago of being" elected township trustee. Thomas Miller, John Shiveley, Stonebraker & Son, Wm. Mankin, Wm. Peterson, John McCourtney, and Wm. Lu- ellen are the persons and firms eng"ag"ed in the business at present. FIRES AND ACCIDENTS. In 1864 the M. E. parsonage and Wm. R. Moore's dwelling' and shop were burnt down. These building's stood at the southwest corner of South and Chestnut streets. The parsonage stood south of the Moore build- ings. In 1866 Wesley Browm, a hand at the Frasier House, and a son of Wm. McKendree Browm, was thrown from a horse and died in an hour or two. In May, 1870, the old Barnes mill was destroyed by tire, and in March, 1871, a two-story building owned by John Stencil, w T as burnt down. It stood on the north end of lot No. H5 Chestnut street. In the summer of 1872 the flouring mill of Kitkee & Schultz, which stood at the southeast corner of South and Chestnut streets, was consumed by lire, and Benjamin Middleton, an em- ploye, perished with the mill. On the 4th of July, 1876, Joseph Wilkie, a young man, and a son of Uriah Wilkie, was instantly killed by an improvised cannon, thoughtlessly loaded to be fired on Main street to do honor to the glorious Independence Day. On the 17th day of July, 1878, the large planing mill of Davis & Starbuck, was blown to atoms by the explo- sion of a boiler. It was one of the most terrific explo- sions that ever occurred anywhere. Three men were in- stantly killed — I. H. Burehard, Charles Etzler, Sr., and HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. lil James Padgett. William Heizer was mortally wounded and Lived but a short time. In the month of Febn ary, 1879, James Johnson, an employe of Hague & Co., on Arch street, became entan- gled in the belting" of the turning lathe, was carried around the shaft and so badlj hurt that lie died in a few hours. On the 14th of February, 1894, the mill owned by Mr. Bonriell, on the corner of Main and Gardner streets, was entirely destroyed by fire. This mill was the one built by Carter, Beardmore & Wisener. On the nig'ht of January L2, L895, one of the most disastrous tires that ever happened in the town, occurred, in which nearly a complete block of business houses on Main street was consumed. The origin of the fire is un- known, but was supposed to have originated in the Gun- ning" building. The night was bitter cold, and on this ac- count and the lateness of the hour, few people were about, and the lire had got pretty good headway before it was discovered, and before it could be g"ot under control, the following" buildings were entirely destroyed: J. W. Jud- kin's store room; the R. M. Gunning building, which was occupied in the upper story by the Enterprise office, the ground floor by Mr. Gunning's saddlery store, and Mr. AYard's cheap notion store; the building occupied by Patterson's grocery; Elmer McKeever's jewelry store: the next was Dr. G. S. Wellon's drug store building: then Kinney & Taylor's grocery store: the residence and milliner store of John Hill, and Mrs. Meyer's residence. The entire block has since been rebuilt, the old buildings being replaced by some very handsome business struct- ures. In the summer of L896, the city hall building, the [IISTORY OF BARNESVIELE carriage factory of Charles Little, a building owned by Joseph Hinton, on Arch street, and the residence of Mrs. Joanna Branmim, on Church street, were entirely con- sumed by fire. MEAT MARKETS. The meat markets in the town at the present time are kept by Scott Barnes, French Gibson, Jack Heed, Mr. Dallas, George Patterson. R. C. Hayes, and the Barnes Brothers. BAKERIES. The bakeries in Barnesville at present are those of Fred Mantz, Anthony Shaffer, the Hunkler Bros., Mrs. M. L. Barnes, and Mrs. Nelia Renner. PROFESSIONAL M EN. Physicians. — Besides the physicians already named, the following have practiced medicine here in this period: Dr. Joshua Way, Dr. E. Williams, Dr. G. S. Wel- Lons, Dr. J. A. Judkins, Dr. Ezra Beard, Dr. Thomas, Dr. Holmes, Dr. McCalvin, Dr. Kemp, Dr. B. Mackall, Dr. Trimmer, Dr. Ely, Dr. O'Brien, Dr. J. W. W T ellons, Dr. Crawford, and others. The present physicians are Dr. J. A. Judkins, Dr. G. S. Wellons, Dr. Ely, Dr. Will Judkins, Dr. Jas. Wellons, Dr. Fred Peregoy, Dr. Laws, and Dr. Sheppard. Dentists. The dentists of this period have been Milton Barnes, atone time Secretary of State, Dr. Mofrit. Dr. Baker, Dr. Henry Barnes, Dr. John Barnes, Dr. G. V. Riddile, Dr. Walton. Drs. Coburn & Ferguson, and HISTORY OP BARNESVILLE. 63 Dr. Moore. The dentists at present are Dr. Cobnrn, Dr. Riddile and Dr. Baker. Lawyers. -The lawyers have been R. H. Taneyhill, J. H. (oil ins. M. D. King", N. J. Manning-, Hezekiah Thomas. William Smith, Rudolph Rowans, Daniel Crawford, one Brown, Bernard St. Clair, J. W. Wal- ton, Nathan Barber, A. J. Buchanan, S. L. James, E. T. Petty. W. F. Smith, Thomas Emerson, J. A. Shep- herd, C. J. Howard, and W. R. Talbott. The lawyers at the present time are Petty & Crew, Georg'e Colpitts, and C. J. Howard. POSTMASTERS. The tirst postoffice in Barnesville was established in L810 and William Philpot was appointed postmaster. Mr. Philpot acted as postmaster for twenty years when lie resigned, and in 1830 Benjamin H. Mackall w T as ap- pointed. In 1835 Mr. Mackall died, and his son, Colonel B. Mackall succeeded him. In 1845 Colonel Mackall was elected to the Ohio Senate, and resigned the post- mastership, being succeeded by Joseph Pry. Mr. Fry was removed in 1849 and James R. Law T s appointed to the place. In 1851 he resigned and Edw T ard D. Barnes was appointed, in 1853 Mr. Barnes resigned and Colo- nel B. Mackall was again appointed postmaster, which he held until 1861, when he was removed and John H. Piper appointed in his place. In 1866 Mr. Piper was succeed by John W. Hays, who held the office until 1871. He was succeeded by J. M. Lewis, who was postmaster four years. Mr. Lewis did not conduct the affairs of the office but appointed deputies instead, the first being Benjamin Davenport, who served one year; then Samuel Piper was appointed, and he served as deputy under Mr. G-J EIISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. Lewis until 1875, wliui Mr. Lewis resigned and Air. Pi- per received the appointment, and was postmaster until the year L836, when he resigned the office and J. W. Hirgeley received the appointment in 1867. In 1891 W. H. Anderson was appointed, and was followed by Hamilton Eaton in 1895, who is the present postmas- ter. Mr. Philpot held the office for twenty years, Colo- nel B. Mackall for eighteen years, and Samuel Piper over eleven years. The Mackall family and its branches have held the postoffice for over one-fourth of the time since 1832, and all have made capital postmasters. We have always had most excellent postoffice keepers. LITERATURE. During the years of 1856-7, there was a little paper published in the town by the young lady students of Davenport & Adler's "Classical Institute," which was held in the old academy building. It was called "The Gleaner," was published weekly, and was printed at Zanesville, Ohio. The editress was changed every term. The name was finally changed to "The Literary Casket" and Miss M. L. Talbott, now Mrs. M. L. Walton, was made permanent editress. The editorials of this paper were of a high class. The first newspaper published in the town was by l'artleson& Son in L857. It was called the Intelligencer. After publishing two numbers, they sold to George Mc- Clelland. He ran it four years, when, for lack of sup- port, it was abandoned. In lKHiMr. McClelland started the Enterprise, and he ran the paper very successfully until his death, when the paper was sold to E. P. Lee, who, with the able assistance of his wife, has con- ducted the paper in such a manner that it has retained EIISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. (')." all of its old-time popularity. Some time about the year Mr. McClelland began the publication of The "Sat- urday News, along with the Enterprise. He ran this pa- per several years, when it was abandoned. In 1883 the Republican news);,-; per was started in Barnesville, by T. T. Hanlon & Sons. This paper was the first published in the town that was of a decided po- litical nature, and it became at once a success. W. V\ T . Hanlon was the editor, and conducted the paper sue- fully, until the year L897, when it was sold to ('. C. Carrol!, of St. Clairsville, a man who has had quite a gocd deal of experience in journalism, and is also a prominent political worker. He is ably assisted in the publication of the Republican by Mr. Harry Dement. In 1 s^'Jl? Emmet Buchanan started a job printing office in the McKeever block. Notwithstanding the fact that there were already two full-fledged newspapers in the town, Mr. Buchanan made the venture on the third, and taking W. T. Evans in as a partner, the Whetstone was started in 1894, and under the able management of these gentlemen the paper has become one of the best edited newspapers to be found anywhere. HANLON BROS. PAPER CO. The largest printing establishment in the town is that of Hanlon Bros. Paper Co. This business was first started by T. T. Hanlon, then the firm was changed to T. T. Hanlon & Sons, who ran it for several years, when Mr. Hanlon retired, and the business passed into the hands of his sons, Messrs. W. VY. and 0. O. Hanlon. During the past summer of 1898 the place of business was changed from the old location on Chestnut street to tin- old woolen factory building on Church street, which CO HISTORY OF BARNESVILEE. had been repaired and enlarged and fitted out with all the modern improvements for such an establishment. CHURCHES. — THE METHODISTS. At the beginning" of this period the membership of the Methodist Church had outgrown the little old brick, and a larger place of worship was found necessary. Ac- cordingly a site was purchased on the corner of Chestnut and Church streets, and on it in 1856 a commodious brick structure was erected. The building was two-story, the first story was composed of a large lecture room, and a vestibule with two small class rooms on either side. Two stairways on opposite sides of the vestibule led to the upper story, which was occupied by an audience room, a gallery and a vestibule. There were many revivals of religious feeling in this church. During the time that Rev. J. L. Binkley was pastor of the church, the mem- bership was increased to such an extent that a much larger place of worship had become a necessity, and there was much talk on the subject, but it was not until Dr. C. E. Manchester became pastor that anything defi- nite, was done towards the building of a new church. The project was then pushed rapidl}' forward, and the re- sult was that the Methodists in Barnesville now have one of the most beautiful and convenient church edifices to be found anywhere. It was desired to erect the new church on the old site on the corner of Chestnut and Church streets, but the lot was too small and no more ground adjoining could be bought. So the official board, hav- ing 1 a very liberal offer for the lot. concluded to sell, and give possession May 1, 1889. The new location se- lected was the corner of Church and Broadway. After giving possession of the ground sold, a temporary struc- EIISTOUY OF BARNESVILLE. Ii7 lure was erected on Church street. This was called the Tabernacle, and here for one whole year the congrega- tion worshiped. In the meantime the new building was being pushed to completion. The plan for the new church was made by R. 8. Bagley, of Cleveland, Ohio. The building contract was let to the late Christopher Murray, of Bellaire, and Mr. Bumgardner, of St. Clairs- ville. The total cost when completed was $25,955. The house was dedicated September, 28th, L890, and Bishop .1. W. Joyce officiated. The day was all that could have been desired, and an immense congregation gathered to witness the ceremonies. The choir sang as an opening piece, "The Heavens Are Telling," a selection from Hay- den's "Creation". Miss Grace Kelley (now Mrs. Wood Pickering, of Columbus), was organist. The members of the choir were Miss Gail Hibbard (Mrs. J. Harry Lewis. of Chicago), Miss Ella Plumly, Mrs. Will Lyles, Mrs. Lee Cunnard, Miss Carrie Baker (Mrs. Myron Cole, of Martin's Ferry), Mrs. W. W. Hanlon, Miss Ida Patterson. J. S. Howard, J. W. Hingeley, Myron E. Cole, J. L. Heizer, and A. R. Heizer.- Dr. Manchester read the L36th hymn, and after singing it, Bishop J. M. Thoburn, of In- dia, led in prayer. Drs. J. R. Mills and Ezra Hingeley read selections from the scriptures and hymn Mil' was sung. The sermon by Bishop Joyce then followed from the text "Every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God." The sermon tilled the highest expecta- tions of the audience. In the afternoon Bishop Thoburn preached. After this, subscription to meet the balance of the debt on the building was continued, and soon the whole amount of about $7,000 was raised. Then the house was solemnly dedicated to the worship of Al- mighty God, and another signal victory was inscribed (S HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. on the banner of Methodism in Barnesville. Rev. J. A. Hiatt is the present pastor. The iirst Sunday school opened in Barnesville was in the year 1827, and was held in the Archibald Cole school room, which occupied the lot on which is the resi- dence of Miss Celia Boyd. The books and lessons were the same as the "every-day" schools. This school was run a few months and then abandoned, on account of the disorderly conduct. The next Sunday school was or- ganized in 1828, and was established by a Rev. Alexan- der, a Presbyterian clergyman, whose business it was to organize such schools. It was held at the M. E. Church, but was non-sectarian. Hon. John Davenport was the first superintendent. From the organization of the school to the year 1835, it was under the patronag'e of the American Sunday School Union, but after that date it was brought under the control of the M. E. Sunday School Union. The most prosperous time in the early history of the M. E. Sunday School was when Benjamin Davenport was superintendent — in L837. He inaugurated many new ideas into the workings of the school, such as free distribution of Sunday School papers, "treats,'* en- tertainments, etc., and by this means the membership was more than doubled and a permanent interest in the school was established, which has continued without in- terruption to the present. The membership at the pres- ent time is upwards of five hundred persons, and is divided into the infant school and that of the older members. Miss Euphemia Crawford is the superintend- ent of the infant department, and she has served in the capacity as teacher of the infant school for twenty-seven years. She is very ably assisted in her work by Miss Adda Fowler. Mr. Thomas Rogers is the general su- HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 69 perintendent, and has under his charge an excellent corps of teachers. THE PRESBYTERIANS. Up to the year L840 there were but few Presbyterians in or about Barnesville, the only residents in the town being James McLeish and wife. But as time passed others moved in, and by the year L858, there was quite a number of families of that creed in the town and many others who leaned towards that faith. So, in the autumn of that year, Rev. John Hammer, of Baltimore, Md., made a religious visit to Barnesville. He held ser- vices here for about tw T o w T eeks, preaching in the base- ment of the M. E. Church and Warfield's Hall. Rev. Hammer advised the Presbyterian friends to form a so- ciety and build a meeting house. A committee was ap- pointed to attend to the arrangements, and at its first meeting it was resolved that if sixteen hundred dollars could be obtained by subscription, they w T ould at once make arrangements to build the church. In one day the whole amount was subscribed, and in a short time the lot, which was then occupied by the old tobacco packing house of James Barnes & Sons was purchased of Henry T. Barnes and the building of the new church was be- gun. The contractor was James Elerick. The church was completed and dedicated in the spring of L859. About twelve years ago the building was completely remodeled. New seats were put in, and the old win- dows were replaced by very handsome stained glass. A new bell was also purchased, and is one of the deepest sounding bells cast. Rev. Allan Krichbaum is the pas- tor. The first Sunday school connected with the Presby- 70 HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. terian Church was established in 1861, by William Saw- hill, a lay member. At the beginning" the school had a membership of twenty-five, and Mr. Sawhill was the su- perintendent. The membership has steadily increased, and now numbers between two hundred and fifty and two hundred and seventy-five members. The superin- tendent is Hon. C. J. Howard. THE DISCIPLES. The Disciples of this vicinity were organized into a society at the house of John Phillips, two miles north- east of Barnesville, about the year 1833. The meetings were held at Mr. Phillips' for several years, when they were transferred to the old stone school house, half a mile southwest of the Phillips residence. Here they continued to worship until the year 1842. In that year the Disciples held a meeting in Barnesville. They erected a large tent on a vacant lot on West Main street, just east of the present residence of Mrs. Barze. This tent held about five hundred persons. The meetings were held one week and were very interesting, and a large number was added to the membership of the church. In the same year, James Barnes, the proprietor of the town, presented the Disciples with a lot at [he west end of South street, north side, and here they erected the little brick church mentioned, in the preced- ing period. Here they continued to worship until 1857, when they bought the old Methodist church on Church street, which had recently been vacated by the Metho- dists. They refitted it and occupied it as a place of wor- ship, until the past summer of 1898, when more ground was purchased for a new church; on February 28 from John Hunt, and on May 1 from J. D. Talbott, and the HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 71 work of tearing down the old brick was at once begun. This old church which had been the scene of the conver- sion of many souls to God, and whose walls had re- sounded with the eloquence of many a noted divine, has given up its place to the handsome new build- ing which is in the course of erection. The congrega- tion is occupying- the old Republican office hall, on Chestnut street, until the completion of the new church. Rev. Grant E. Pike is pastor. The first Sunday school in connection with the Disci- ples Church was organized by Elder Martin about the year 1854, and was afterwards continued by Elder I. N. Hunt. The average attendance at present is between eighty and one hundred members. Miss Kate Kemp is the superintendent. THE FRIENDS' MEETING HOUSE. Previous to the year 1^74 the Friends who resided in Barnesville attended Stillwa.ter meeting one and a quar- ter miles east of town, but in that year a meeting for worship was allowed by the Stillwater monthly meet- ing to about twenty families then resident in the town. And in the spring of 1875 they erected a small two-ston" frame on the corner of South street and Lincoln avenue. Here meetings are held every Sunday and Thursday mornings. For a long time after the erection of this building a select school was held in it, but that has been abandoned a good many years. The attendance at this meeting house has decreased very much in the past few years on account of many families moving toother locali- ties. THE CATHOLICS. Before the year 1889 the Catholics of Barnesville and 72 HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. vicinity had no church in the town. Mass was held by them once a month at the residence of Mr. Michael Barrett on South Broadway, and the services were con- ducted by the priest, whose residence was in Batesville. The membership was small, but kept increasing', so that it was found necessary to erect a special place of wor- ship. A lot was purchased on the hill south of town and in the year 1889, a small frame building' was erected. Services were held at intervals here for one year, and on the 29th day of September, 1890, the church was dedi- cated. Bishop Watterson conducted the services and preached the dedication sermon. The sermon was grand and the attention of every one present who could get within hearing distance was held from the beginning to the end by the eloquence of the speaker. The church has now a membership of about thirty. There has never been a resident priest here. The church had been un- der the care of Rev. Montag, of the Temperanceville charge, and mass was held only at intervals, until the past year, when Rev. Montag" removed to another held of labor and Rev. Clarke was put in charge. Rev. Clarke holds mass every two weeks. Arrangements are being made to have the priest become a resident of the town, when the church will have mass every Sunday. Services for the children are held every Sunday after- noon. Mr. Charles Ellis is instructor. THE METHODIST PROTESTANTS. About the year 1890 a society of the M. P. Church was organized here and a building to worship in was built on South Broadway. Meetings were conducted there for about two years, when the society was dis- banded on the account of the lack of support. The HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 73 building is still standing", and is now the residence of Mr. Warrick. A. M. E. CHURCH. The African M. E. Church was organized in L863, with a membership of twenty-five persons. The old threshing machine factory of Henry Norris was bought by the society and fitted up as a place of worship. It is still standing on the corner of South street and Reed's Row, but the congregation had outgrown it, and in 1894, a new church was erected on West South street. It is a commodious structure, very conveniently arranged on the interior. It is surmounted by a belfry in which hangs the old bell which for so many years called the Methodists to worship at their church on the corner of Chestnut and Church streets. When G. E. Bradfield bought the old Methodist church and lot, he ij'ave this bell to the colored people, and the}" hung it in their church. It is said to be one of the finest toned bells ever cast. The membership of this church is about fifty per- sons. Rev. Morton is the present pastor. The A. M. E. Sunday School was first organized at Stillwater, and was moved to Barnesville in L865. Mr. William H. King was the first superintendent, and re- mained as such for thirty years. The number of mem- bers is sixty. Mr. B. O. McMichael is the present su- perintendent. THE SALVATION ARMY. In February, L886, the Salvation Army made its advent here, under the command of Captains Stroud and Lewis. Thev did good work, and in a short time had organized , t HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. what was called the 6th Ohio Corps, and the command was given to Capt. Lydia Fisher. It was not long until nearly one hundred persons had joined the new faith. Capt. Fisher remained in command until July of L886, when she withdrew from the work. After this the inter- est in the army began to weaken, and could only be re- vived at intervals. lc ran this way for two or three years when the Army was disbanded. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. - The first public school in Barnesville was taught by Judah Foulke during the years 1828-9, in the old Ma- sonic building", which stood on the corner of Chestnut and Church streets. In 1829 Mr. Kelion Hager erected a little brick school house on the present school lot, and the schools were transferred to this building". Mr. Enoch Thomas was the first teacher, and Samuel Hunt the second. The names of all the other teachers in this school that I can recall are: Richard Hattcn, Joseph Gar- retson. Jr., Nimrod .Johnson, Joseph Garretson, Sr,, Philip Gulick, Dr. Ashbaugh, John W. Harris. John Gil- liland, James R. Laws. Jesse Thomas, R. H. Taneyhill, Wm. Smith, Asa McCoy, I. H. Smith, I. G. Spear. School was held here until 1848, and from that time to 1857, public schools were taught by different teachers in divers rooms about the village. In 1851 all the scholars in the district were put under the supervision of Prof. John I. Thompson, assisted by William Smith, F^sq., Miss Mary Wheeler Mackall, and Mrs. Mary Hoops. (Mrs. Bines, of Philadelphia.) In 1854 the "Union School House*' was erected on the same lot as the "little brick." It origi- nally had five rooms, but an addition was built to the east end in 1867. In 1873 a small building which stood HISTORY OF BARNESVILLE. 7."> on a Lot which is now part of North Broadway near the M. E. Church, was purchased and used for the primary department. The following" persons were principals of the schools taught in this building: Janus II. Ferguson, C. W. Davenport, I. T. Wood, E. I). Whitlock, .1. A. Mc Ewen, W. H. ECennon, andJ. M. Yarnell. The number of pupils had increased to such an extent that ;i Larger building was found necessary. So, in March L879, the Union school house was torn down, more ground was purchased, and in that year the erection of the present school building was beg'un. It was finished in L880. This building is of brick a id i- thre : stories high. It is sur- mounted, by a clock-tower, which contains a clock and an immense bell. The number of rooms was thirteen originally, with a large hall called Lyceum Hall — on the third floor. As time passed more rooms were needed and a part of Lyceum Hall was made into rooms. The number has been increased to seventeen. The super- intendents who have had charge of the schools held in this building have been J. M. Yarnell, H. L. Peck, C. S. Richardson, Arthur. Powell, Joseph Rea, and E. M. VanCleve. Mr. VanCleve is the present superintendent, lie is assisted hy an excellent corps of teachers. The public schools of Barnesville have always been up with the best, :ind at present are conducted, in such a man- ner as to place the very I).- J opportunity for a good ('"in mon education within the reach of every child in the town. The late Miss Julia Leeke was a teacher in our pub- chools thirty-four years the Longest time that any one teacher served in the schools. The teacher who taught the next Longest time was Miss Wheeler Mackall, who served thirty years. Both were excellent teachers and much respected by their pupils. Miss Julia died in