»7S A STUDY IN United States History BASED ON ELEMENTS OF U. S. HISTORY BY H. 0/ SYMONDS (west point) SING SING, N. Y. 1891 Class ^j:2l Book ^r9f CopightN". / / COPSRIGHT DEPOStE A STUDY IN ?>)')-'Y^ United States History BASED ON ELEMENTS OF U. S. HISTORY / H. 0. SYMONDS (WEST POINT) 7 «■ SING SING, N. Y. 1891 Copyright, 181)0. by H. C. SYMONDS. Z\']'i '\\ Prc?s of J.J. Little & Co., Astor Place, New York. PKEFACE. This Study iu United States History is intended to suggest to the student in preparation every rea- sonable form, matter, or extent of questions that pertain to an examination in United States His- tory. A very large part of them can be directly answered from a study of my '^Elements of United States History/' but the General Review is formed from "topics," and requires more knowledge and reading than can be provided in an abstract of the subject. The means for such information as is there sug- gested are very generally accessible to all persons in this country. H. C. SYMONDS. i STUDY IN HISTORY, TABLES I. -III. 1 Name the Periods of United States History. 2 State the theories of Columbus. 3 How mauj voyages did Columbus make ? 4 Name the Spanish Explorers, 1499 to 1520. 5 " '' " '' 1521 to 1582. 6 Who discovered Florida ; South Carolina ? 7 *' '' Yucatan ; New Mexico ? 8 ''' *^ Oregon ; Mississippi River ? 9 When was St. Augustine founded ; Santa Fe ? 10 How did Columbus become Spanish ? TABLES IIL-V. 1 Who first explored Mexico ; Pacific Coast ? 2 '' " '' Pacific Ocean ? 3 '' " '' Coast of New England ? 4 Who next " '' " 5 Name the English explorers of 16th Century. 6 Give the dates of their voyages. 7 AVhat explorations made by Jacques Cartier ? 8 What settlements made by Huguenots ? 9 Name the French explorei's of 16th Century. 10 '' '' " " " 17th " 1 TABLES V.-VIII. 1 What settlements were made by the Dutch ? 2 When did Period of Exploration practically end ? 3 Give the dates of the several charters of Va. 4 Give the names of the successive Governors of Virginia. 5 When under a Written Constitution ; a Royal Province ? 6 What were the limits of the Virginia Colony ? 7 How Jong did the Dutch retain New York ? 8 Kame in order the Dutch Governors of N. Y. 9 Why and when did the English obtain N. Y. ? 10 When did New York become Royal Province ? TABLES IX. -XI. 1 Where and when were earlier settlements in Massachusetts ? 2 When and what unions of New England Colonies were made ? 3 What notable persecutions occurred in Mass. ? 4 When, where, under whom was N. H. settled ? 5 At what dates was N. H. annexed to Mass.? 6 How did Maine come into possession of Mass. ? 7 AVho was Governor Andros ; when and what his jurisdiction ? 8 What settlements were early made in Conn.? 9 What Indian war in Conn.; what the result ? 10 Give account of the Connecticut charter. TABLES XII.-XIV. 1 Give account of relations between Wm. Clay- ton and Cecil Calvert. 2 What Toleration Act ; its cause ; its effect ? 3 During what elates was Md. proprietary ; to whom ? 4 When, why, by whom was Providence settled ? 5 Name three earliest settlements in R. I. 6 When and how long did Swedes hold Del.? T After the Swedes, what was allegiance of Del.? 8 What were earliest attempts at settlement of North Carolina ? 9 From what places did the real settlers migrate? 10 What was Clarendon Co. ; Albemarle Co. ? TABLES XV.-XVII. 1 How did New Jersey pass from Dutch to English control ? "2 How did New Jersey pass under control of Wm. Penn ? 3 When did N. J. pass under control of N. Y.? 4 When and how was Carolina divided ? 5 What, where, when was Carteret colony ? 6 What, where, when was Yamassee war ? 7 What was meant by " The Territories" ? 8 What nationalities early settled Pennsylvania ? 9 What visits did Wm. Penn make to his colony? 10 What is meant by Mason and Dixon line ? TABLES XVIII. -XX. 1 Of what nationalities were the early colonists of Georgia ? 2 In what contests was Georgia early engaged ? 3 When did Georgia become Royal Province ? 4 Name the colonies settled under Proprietors. 5 '' '^ '' '^ '' Eoyal Charter. G Name the colonies settled under Voluntary Association. 7 Name the colonies not settled originally by English. 8 Name the colonies settled originally by English. 9 Name the States admitt-ed previous to war 1812-15. 10 State when each of these was settled. TABLES XXL -XXIII. 1 Give settlement of States admitted 1815-1830. 2 • ^' " " " 1850-1870. 3 What States have been admitted since 1870 ? 4 Who were the Pequods ; what did they do ? 5 ^' ^^ Wampanoags ; what did they do ? 6 What massacres in N. E. by French and In- dians ? 7 What caused the war ending with Treaty of Eyswick ? 8 Give ace. of war closed by Treaty of Utrecht. 9 Give account of war closed by Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. 10 Give ace. of war closed by battle of Maumee. TABLES XXII.-XXV. 1 How did the first of the French wars affect the Colonies ? 2 How did the second of the French wars affect the Colonies ? 3 How did the third of the French wars affect the Colonies ? 4 What was European cause of each respectively? 5 What Treaty closed each war respectively ? 6 When did French and Indian war close ; how ? 7 What were the general causes of French and Ind lan war r 8 What war followed close of Fr. and Ind. war ? 9 What did French and Indian war contribute to Eevolution ? 10 What did Government of Great Britain con- tribute to Revolution ? TABLES XXVI. -XXVIII. 1 Name and date battles of Fr. and Ind. war. 2 Give account of Braddock's defeat. 3 What were the Navigation Acts ? 4 What was the Stamp Act ? 5 What were Sons of Liberty ? 6 What, when, where was First Colonial Cong.? 7 '^ *« '' '' " Continental " 8 " " " " Second '' 9 What effect had these meetings on Eevolution? 10 What were Minute men ? TABLES XXVL-XXIX. 1 Give account of First Colonial Congress. 2 What military moyement occurred in April, 1775? 3 What military movement occurred in May, 1775 ? 4 What militarv movement occurred in June, 1775? 5 What military movement occurred in Fall of 1775 ? 6 What was done by Second Continental Cong.? 7 What was the Mecklenburg Proclamation ? 8 How was the Siege of Boston raised ? 9 What British forces joined for battle of Long Island ? 10 What became of American army after battle of Long Island ? TABLES XXVIII. -XXXI. 1 What were Articles of Confederation ; when promulgated ? 2 What were Tories ; Loyalists ? 3 What was Declaration of Independence ? 4 What was movement of Am. army in 1776 ? 5 What act of presumed treason occurred in 1776 ? 6 When and how did battle of Trenton occur ? 7 What raids occurred in 1777 ? 8 W^here were forts Miflin and Mercer ? 9 Where was Valley Forge ? 10 What was The Flag ; when adopted ? TABLES XXX. -XXXIII. 1 "When, under whom did British occupy R. I. ? 2 What was strength of the armies in 1777 ? 3 What political action occurred in 1777 ? 4 What were steps of Burgwne's invasion ? 5 When, with what result was battle Saratoga ? 6 When, with what result was battle Stillwater ? 7 What were the movements of General Clinton in 1777 ? 8 What foreign assistance came to American army in 1778 ? 9 What were the movements of Washington's army in 1778 ? 10 Where, when were the massacres of Wyoming, Cherry Valley ? TABLES XXXII-XXXV. 1 Give account of movement against Fort Schuyler in 1777. 2 "^What proposal by England to colonies in 1778? 3 Why did British evacuate Philadelphia in 1778? 4 Give the movements of the British and French fleets in 1779. 5 What battles and where fought in 1779 ? 6 What raids and where made in 1779 ? 7 Give ace. and surrender of Charleston in 1780. 8 Give account campaign in S. Carolina in 1780. 9 Locate Brier Creek, Sander's Creek, Stony Point. 10 What were Arnold's provocations to treason ? TABLES XXXV.-XXXVIII. 1 Giye account of Arnold's treason. 2 Give account of the mutiny growing in 1781. 3 What caused concentration of BritisJi at York- town ^ 4 What were the consequent movements of Washington ? 5 What was immediate result of siege of York- town ? 6 What was United States Navy in 1775 ? IV (( ii ii a {< a 17*^ ? 8 Give account of victory by Paul Jones. 9 Name and date the battles of 1775-76. 10 Name the battles in which Washington com- manded. TABLES XXXVI.-XL. 1 Name in order the battles fought by Greene's forces. 2 Date the surrender at Yorktown ; Treaty of Paris. , 3 Who was Ezek Hopkins ? W'hat his career ? 4 What were Privateers ? What their operations? 5 Name m order the battles of 1777-7S. 6 Name in order the battles in the South in 1779. 7 Give brief history of Articles of Confederation. 8 What purpose did they serve ? 9 WHiat defects did they possess ? How were they superseded ? 9 TABLES XXXVIII.-XLII. 1 Locate Bemis Heights ; Stono Ferry. 2 Name the battles m which Washington com- manded. 3 Name in order the battles of 1781. 4 What is a Fundamental Law ? 5 How was the Constitution advocated ? 6 How does the Constitution distribute govern- ment ? 7 What is the function of each Branch of Gov- ernment ? 8 Wherein is Congress amenable to State Legis- latures ? 9 What imperative duty is placed on Congress? 10 What privileges do Members of Congress en- TABLES XL.-XLIV. 1 When was Constitution adopted ? When rati- fied ? 2 How are functions of Government performed by its Branches ? 3 How is character of Constitution imposed on the States ? 4 How are Legislative powers distributed ? 5 What offices are forbidden to M. of C. ? 6 W^hat are the exclusive powers of H. of R. ? 7 What are the exclusive powers of the Senate ? 8 What is a '^pro tempore" President? His duties ? 9 What are the requisites for U. S. Senator ? 10 " '' '' " *•' M. of H. of R. ? 10 TABLES XLII.-XLVI. 1 What is required of each House of Congress ? 2 What privileges have Members of Congress ? 3 What relation has Chief Justice to the Senate? 4 What relation has Senate to officers of the United States G-overnment ? 5 What is required for passage of a bill ? 6 AYliat are the qualifications for President ? 7 What are the exclusive powei's of President ? How is Congress brought together 9 What are qualifications for Justice of Sup. Ct.? 10 Name the Courts organized under United States Goyernnient. TABLES XLIV.-XLVIII 1 How many members to House of Representa- tives ? 2 What has House of Representatives to do with choosing President ? 3 What functions of Government require action of two Branches ? 4 What functions of Government require action of three Branches ? 5 What functions of Government require action of one Branch ? 6 How may Amendments to Constitution be proposed ? ? How may Amendments to Constitution be effected ? 8 What Amendments grew out of War of Seces sion ? 9 What did such Amendments propose ? 10 Name in order the seats of U. S. Government. 11 TABLES XL VII. -L. 1 Give the purposes of first three Amendments. 2 '' '' '' "- second " 3 '' '' '' " third " 4 When, where, what is present seat of United States Government ? 5 What is law of succession to Presidency ? 6 What is a Veto ? How evaded ? 7 What is a Cabinet ? How was the first com- posed ? 8 What was done with Pubhc Debt of the Eev. ? 9 Where, how were political parties first formed? 10 How were foreign relations in Washington's Administration ? TABLES XLIX.-Lin. 1 What is Impeachment ? How tried ? 2 What is the peculiaritv when the President is tried ? 3 What financial measures adopted in Washing- ton's Administration ? 4 What were the foreign relations in J. Adams's Administration ? 5 What Treaty was made by United States in 1795 ; in 1800 ? 6 What were the transfers of La. from 1763 to 1803? 7 What and when was war with Tripoli ? 8 What was claimed in the ^' Eight of Search " ? 9 What was the Embargo Act ? 10 What was the Hartford Convention ? 12 TABLES LI.-LV. 1 What were ^' Alien and Sedition " laws ? 2 What was the " Burr Conspiracy " ? 3 What, when was action of Leopard and Chesa- peake ? 4 How was United States commerce affected by Napoleonic wars ? 5 Wliat, when was battle of Tippecanoe ? 6 Giye beginning and conclusion of war 1812-15. 7 What was the result of this war ? 8 Give beoinning and ending of war with Algiers. 9 What Treaty closed the war of 1812-15 ? 10 Name and date the engagements of 1813. TABLES LIII.-LVL 1 Give account of Creek and Seminole war. 2 Give three general causes for war 1812-15. 3 '^ " special " " " 4 What was the formal beginning and end of the war ? 5 Name and date the engagements of 1814. 6 Name and locate the naval actions of 1812. 7 When, where, under whom was battle of Chippewa ? 8 When, where, under whom was battle of Plattsburg ? 9 When, where, under whom was action of Fort McHenry ? 10 Give beginning and end of terms of first four Presidents of United States. 13 TABLES LV.-LVIII. 1 Give date, commanders, results of Chrystler's Field. 2 Give date, commanders, results of battle New Orleans. 3 Give place, commanders, vessels of naval ac- tions 1813. 4 Give place, commanders, vessels of naval ac- tions 1815. 5 Name the actions in which Am. fleets engaged. 6 Give account of acquisition of Fla. by U. S. 7 AYhen, by whom, relating to what was '^ Mon- roe Doctrine " ? 8 What peculiarities arose in Election of J. Q. Adams ? 9 What policy characterized his Administration ? 10 W^hat changes in party names arose at this time ? TABLES LVII.-LX. 1 Give account of origin and purpose of Missouri Compromise. 2 State the '' Monroe Doctrine." 3 Who were presidential candidates in 1824 ? 4 Name, with dates, Presidents, 1789-1837. 5 What troubles in beginning of Van Buren's Administration ? 6 What war occurred in Jackson^s Aclm. ? 7 Wliat was cause and fate of Nullification ? 8 What was the result of Cherokee war ? 9 What border troubles occurred in 1837 ? 10 What financial events occurred in Jackson's Administration ? 14 TABLES LIX.-LXII. 1 State the birthplaces of Presidents from 1829 to 1845. 2 What was Nullifleatioii, when, by whom pro- posed ? 3 When and where was Black Hawk war ? 4 When, where, how long.was Seminole war ? 5 Give ace. of W. H. Harrison's Administration. 6 How many presidential terms down to Har- rison ? 7 What, where, when was the Dorr insurrection ? 8 What was settled by election of Jas. K. Polk ? 9 What two great ^'troubles " of Tylers Adm. ? 10 What generals held chief command in Mex. ? TABLES LXI.-LXVL 1 What was meant bv anti-U. S. Bank Whig ? 2 '' '' " '^' anti-rent troubles ? 3 State the causes of Mexican war. 4 What were the three lines of operation ? 6 Who commanded on each line ? 6 Wliat part did John C. Fremont perform ? 7 What, when, by whom was Treaty Guadalupe ? 8 Give brief history of Texas as independent. 9 Name and date the battles on Taylor's line. 10 Name the battles in September, 1847. 15 TABLES LXIII.-LXVI. 1 What was '^disputed territory" ; what battles there ? 2 N'ame and date first engagement on each line. 3 Name the battles in which Scott commanded. 4 *^ '^ " " Santa Anna com- manded. 5 Name the several naval commanders in Mexi- can war. 6 Name the ports captured by navy in Mex. war. 7 What was first important event of Taylor's Administration ? 8 What was the political effect of this ? 9 '' " ** outcome of this effect? 10 What was meant by Fugitive Slave Law ? TABLES LXIV.-LXVIII. 1 Name in order the battles on Scott's line. 2 '^ " " " " Taylor's '' 3 What was the action of United States Navy in Mexican war? 4 What was the Omnibus Bill of Taylor's Adm. ? 5 When was the Omnibus Bill passed ? 6 Name and date Presidents from 1845 to 1857. 7 What were Filibuster Expeditions ; who com- manded ? 8 What Arctic Expeditions during Fillmore's Administration ? 9 What was Squatter Sovereignty ? 10 How were political parties divided in 1854 in 16 TABLES LXVII.-LXX. 1 What was the effect of the Compromise of 1850 ? 2 What distinguished foreigner visited United States 1852 ? 3 What was the Gadsden Purchase ? 4 Who originated Squatter Sovereignty ? Why? 5 What was political effect of Kans.-Neb. bill ? 6 What was the Mormon war ? How conducted? 7 When was Mormon war ? With what object ? 8 Ayhen,w^here,what were Personal Liberty bills? 9 Name in order, with dates, tirst seven Seceding States. 10 What was President Lincoln's declaration of liis 2Jurpose ? TABLES LXIX.-LXXIL 1 Enunciate the '*' Dred Scott " decision. When issued ? 2 Who was John Brown ? For what noted ? 3 Where was the seat of Government of Confed- erate States ? 4 When, where, how did War of Secession begin ? 5 What were earliest steps to check Secession ? 6 How did Agriculture promote Secession ? 7 *' '^ Commerce '^ " 8 '' '' Manufactures '' " 9 " '^ Politics 10 '' " Acquisition of Territory promote Se- cession ? 17 TABLES LXXI.-LXXIV. 1 What was meant by The Irrepressible Conflict ? 2 '' *' '^ *' Ad ti -slavery agitation ? 3 '' '' '' " Fugitive Slave Law ? 4 " '^ " '* Nullitication ? 5 What Acts of Congress in 1861 affected slaves? 6 What States seceded after Lincoln's inaugura- tion ? 7 State the three lines of Confederate defence. 8 AVhat was doiie in the three important Border States ? 9 What was done in the seaboard attack and defence ? TABLES LXXIV.-LXXVIL 1 Where, what were Camps of Instruction in War of Secession ? 2 What 6fo interest-bearing bonds issued by United States, 1861-65 ? 3 What other interest-bearing bonds issued by United States, 1861-65 ? 4 AVhat non-interest bearing-bonds issued by United States, 1861-65 ? 5 How and to what extent was External Rev- enue ? 6 How and to what extent was Internal Rev- enue ? 7 How was Internal Revenue collected? 8 Where were the Principal Army Depots in West ? 9 Name the Principal Army Depots in East. 10 << ** " *' "^ '^ Centre. 3 18 TABLES LXXVIII-LXXX. 1 Where was Ball's Bluff ? Who commanded ? 2 " was Rich Mountain ? '' 3 '' was Camp Jackson? " '' 4 '^ was Belmont? Who commanded? What result ? 5 Where was Hilton Head ? Who commanded ? 6 '^ '' Hatteras Inlet ? '' 7 '' '' Ship Island? 8 " '' Yorktown ? 9 Name, in order, tlie '' Seyen days" battles. 10 Name battles of 1862 following'^2d Bull Run. TABLES LXVin.-LXXXII 1 What were the imj^ortant Military events, April, 1861?^ 2 What joint army and navy expeditions sailed 1861? 3 Name, in order, the actions on ^*The Penin- sula," 1862. 4 What followed " Seven days " fight on part of Confederates ? 5 What followed " Seven days " fight on part of United States forces ? 6 Where, when, under whom, what results — Antietam ? 7 Where, when, under whom, what results — Fredericksburg ? 8 Name the battles and the Commanders in ^' The Valley," 1862. 9 Name the battles and the Commanders in Kentucky, 1862. 10 Name the Commanders, Army Potomac, 1862. 19 TABLES LXXXI.-LXXXIV. 1 Name the battles of Army of No. Va. in 1862. 2 How far did Bnell's forces penetrate the South ? 3 What forces joined in movement on Louis- ville ? 4 How did the Union commander meet this ? 5 Name in order battles on Tenn. R. in 1862. 6 " '' '' " along Miss. R. in 1862. 7 " " " " in New Mexico in " 8 Give date of . battles Ft. Donelson, Shiloh, Pea Ridge. 9 Give account of the action of Monitor and Herri mac. 10 Give acconnt of the actions ending in capture of N. 0. TABLES LXXXIL-LXXXVL 1 Who commanded in Ky. in 1862? Who in Mo.? 2 Name battles of ^62 fought under Gen. Grant. 3 Give account of expedition against Roanoke Island in 1862. 4 Date the battle of Chancellorsville, of Gettys- burg. 5 Name the actions of Army of Potomac in June, 1863. 6 Name the places in Md. and Pa. taken by Confed. 7 Name the Cavalry actions in July, 1SG3. 8 When, under whom was Mine Run fought ? 9 AVhen, where was Stone R. fought ? 10 When, where was Chickamauga fought ? 20 TABLES LXXXV.-LXXXVIII, 1 Give acct. tlie movements of EwelFs forces/63. 2 What actions by Army Potomac after Gettys- burg ? 3 When, under whom, battles Brown's Ferry, Wauhatche ? 4 When, under whom, battle Missionary Ridge ? 5 " ^^ ^' expedition to Cumberland Gap? 6 What Union armies united for Missionary Ridge ? 7 Name actions leading to investment of Vicks- burg. 8 Name actions following surrender of Vicks- burg. 9 What was done in So. Carolina in 1863 ? 10 " '' '^ " Louisiana '' *' TABLES LXXXVII.-XC. 1 Give account of siege of Vicksburg. 2 '' " " '' " Port Hudson. 3 W^hat was the prime result of these campaigns ? 4 W^hen, where, under whom was battle Wilder- ness fought ? 5 Name in four battles following battle of Wilderness. 6 When did Meade^'s army occupy Petersburg ? 7 Describe Kautz's raid preceding W^ilderness. 8 '' Hunter's '' following 9 What, when was first battle of Early's raid to Washington ? 10 Give date, commanders, result battle Opequan 21 TABLES LXXXIX.-XCII. 1 Describe Sheridan's raid following Wilderness. 2 When was Bermuda Hundreds besieged ? 3 Where was Ft. Stevens ? Who fought battle there ? 4 Name the actions in Hunter^s raid in 18G4. 5 Date beginning and end campaign against At- lanta. 6 Name the battles in which Sherman com- manded. 7 What was immediate result of capture of At- lanta ? 8 What were the battles of Hood's invasion of Tenn. ? 9 What raids were made in Miss, early in 1864 ? 10 '' '' '' " Mo. '' '' " TABLES LXXXIX.-XCIV. 1 G-ive account of the Mine Explosion. 2 Name five battles in Sheridan's Valley cam- paign. 3 When, where, under whom was siege of Al- toona ? 4 When, where, under whom was battle Prairie d'Ann ? 5 Under whom was battle Sabine Cross Roads ? 6 When, where, under whom was battle Olustee ? 7 When, where, under whom was battle Ft. Fisher ? 8 When, where was battle Monroe's Cross Roads ? 9 When, under whom was battle Averyboro ? 10 When, where was J. E. Johnston's army sur- rendered ? 22 TABLES XCIII.-XCVI. 1 Under whom was battle of Honey Hill ? 2 Name the actions of Sherman's army on march through South Carolina. 3 Name the actions of Sherman's army on march through North Carolina. 4 Name, in order, the actions preliminary to Five Forks. 5 Name the actions following Five Forks. 6 AVhat was immediate result of these actions ? 7 What were the dates of these actions ? 8 What is a Raid ? 9 '' " an Expedition ? 10 Name five most noted Confederate Raids. TABLES XCIV.-XCVin. 1 Give account of capture of Jefferson Davis. 2 Give places, dates of surrenders of armies in East. 3 Give places, dates of surrenders of armies in West. 4 Where did Stuart raid and to what army belong ? 5 Where did Averill raid ? 6 Where did Kilpatrick raid ? 7 Where did J. H. Wilson raid ? 8 Where did Wheeler raid and to what army belong ? 9 What were the general duties of the Navy in the war ? 10 What fleets operated in the West during the war ? TABLES XCVII.-C. 1 Give ace. Col. A. D. Streight's raid in 1863. 2 '' " Gen. B. H. Grierson's '' '' " 3 What fleets operated along Atlantic coast during war ? 4 What fleets operated along Gulf Mexico during war ? 5 At what points did Confederates attempt a navy ? 6 What were Confederate cruisers ; where fitted out? 7 Name five noted Confederate cruisers. 8 Name three results of War of Secession. 9 Name three other results of War of Secession. 10 What were the Amendments to the Constitu- tion ? TABLES C.-CIL 1 What has been the commercial effect of War of Secession ? 2 What has been the political effect of War of Secession ? 3 What has been the social effect of War of Seen. ? 4 '' '' '' '' financial '' " " 5 What was the U. S. Sanitary Commission ? 6 '' " '' '' Christian 7 Give ace. of the destruction of the Alabama. 8 What were the distributing points of Sanitary Commission ? 9 Name six U. S. military prisons, War of Seen. 10 " " Confederate " " " 24 V TABLES CII.-CV. 1 Where and what was Perote Castle ; Castle Thunder ? 2 Where and what was Dartmoor Prison ; Dry Tortng-as ? 3 What, when, by whom was Amnesty Procla- mation ? 4 What, Avhen, by whom was Eeconstruction Act? 5 GiYC durations of the Administrations, 1865- 1880. 6 Geneva Board of Arbitration ; when and why organized ? 7 Credit Mobilier, when and why organized ? 8 When and how was Reconstruction completed ? 9 Give account of Fishery Commission of 1878. 10 AYhen were Specie Payments resumed ? TABLES CIII.-CVII. 1 What was Tenure of Office act ; how violated ? 2 Name six important facts of Johnson's Adm. 3 What is meant by Bayonet Rule ? 4 What was the Exposition of 1876 ; why held ? 5 '^ ^' " Electoral Commission ; why formed ? 6 What was the Chinese Immigration bill ? 7 Garfield's Administration ; when begun, how ended ? 8 What was meant by Stalwarts ; by Half- breeds ? 9 What were Star Route Trials ; why instituted ? 10 How many Insurrections from 1640 to 1890 ? 25 TABLES CVII.-CX. 1 When, what were Bacon's rebellion; Anti- Eent war ? 2 When, what were Whiskey rebellion ; Draft Riots ? 3 When, what were Dorrs rebellion ; ]N" unifica- tion ? 4 What have been the general causes of Indian wars ? 5 When, where were Seminole war ; Apache war ? 6 When, where were Sioux war ; Modoc war ? 7 How has Territory of U. S. grown in South ? 8 " " " " " '' " West? 9 How has Territory of United States grown by purchase ? 10 Name three events of Cleveland's Adm. TABLES CIX.-CXII. 1 What parts cf United States have been ac- quired by conquest ? 2 Wbat parts of United States have been ac- quired bv annexation ? 3 What was the character of Cleveland's Adm. ? 4 Where, when was Hartford Convention ? 5 Enunciate the Monroe Doctrine ; when made ? 6 What was the Federalist Party ? 7 Who was Lord Sackville ; why censured ? 8 What was the Wilmot Proviso ? 9 '^ " '^ Crittenden Compromise ? 10 '' " '' Altoona Conference ? 26 TABLES CXIII.-CXV. 1 When, where was Washiugton's farewell to the army ? 2 Who invented the Cotton Gin ; what is it ? 3 '•' " " Steamboat; where; when? 4 " '' " Electric Telegraph ? 5 What was the Right of Petition ? 6 '' '' '' Gag Rule ? 7 *^ *^ '^ Expunging Resolution ? 8 Who were Millerites ; when did they flourish? 9 What are Anassthetics ; by whom discovered? 10 " ** Spirit Rappings; by whom invented? TABLES CXVI.-CXVIII. 1 What and when were the Astor Place Riots ? 2 " " '' was the Grinnell Expedition? 3 ** *^ *' was the first Vigilance Com- mittee ? 4 What and when was the Crystal Palace ? 5 What was the Great Panic of 1857 ? 6 '' " '' " " '' 1873? 7 When, where, how was Petroleum brought into use ? 8 Who were the noted Filibusters ; how used? 9 Date and locate three greatest fires in U. S. 10 When was first Pacific Railroad ; Telephone ; Elevated Railroad ? 27 REVIEW I.-VI 1 Name and date the Periods of Am. History. 2 NaQie, date, locate the first landing in x\merica by English, French, Spanish, Dutch, and by Swedes. ' 3 AYhat were the lines of exploration by the Spanish, the English, the French, respectively? 4 To whom, in what year, at what site was the honor of discovering Fla., N. M., K S., Del., K C? 5 Name six Spanish, four English, two French explorers of greatest distinction in 15th century. REVIEW VII.-XIV. 1 Date the several Charters granted in settle- ment of Virginia. 2 What was the general tendency of the several Charters ? 3 State the several changes occurring in Colo- nial Government of New York. 4 What was the general effect of Colonial settle- ments in New England ? 5 What was the characteristic trait of the set- tlers of New England ? 6 Name six leaders in Colonial settlement of New England. 7 Name and date the several New England Unions. 8 Name and date the several Indian wars in New England. 9 State the religious persecutions occurring in New England. 10 What was the general character of early set- tlers in the colonies from Maine to North Carolina? 28 REVIEW XIII. -XIX. 1 Name and date the possessions acquired by William Penn. 2 How were these possessions reduced to limits of Pennsylvania ? 3 What, when, to whom granted were the Caro- linas ? 4 By what nationalities were colonies south of Potomac settled ? 5 What colonial conflicts occurred south of Potomac ? 6 What was the general progress of Southern colonies ? 7 At what dates did colonies south of Potomac become Eoyal Provinces ? 8 At what dates did colonies north of Potomac become Eoyal Provinces ? 9 What colonies never became Eoyal Provinces ? 10 Name 13 original States in order of settle- ment. REVIEW XIX. -XXIV. 1 Give dates of settlements of 13 original States. 2 '' places " 3 " form of Government of each. 4 Where, when, by whom were first 5 admitted States settled ? 5 Name, in order, admitted States to 30th. 6 " " " " " from 30th. 7 State the year of admission of each. 8 " '' place of original settlement of each. 9 Name in order the Indian wars of 17th century. 10 " '' '' " " '' " 18th " 29 REVIEW XXII-XXXVII. 1 What was the cause of King William^s war ? 2 Where was the scene of it in the colonies ? 3 What was the cause of Queen Anne's war ? 4 What treaties closed the French wars ? 5 What was the cause and the result of French and Indian war ? 6 Locate the scenes of operations during French and Indian war. 7 Locate the scenes of operations during the Kevolution. 8 Name the commanders in Fr. and Ind. war. 9 ]N"ame the English commanders m Eev. 10 Name the separate U. S. commanders in Rev. REVIEW XXVII. -XXXIX. 1 State the operations in New England in Rev. 2 State the operations in Middle States in Rev. 3 State the successive operations in Southern States in Revolution. 4 What political movements initiated the Revo- lution ? 5 What coercive steps developed encounters ? 6 What patriotic organizations made resistance ? 7 What assistance did France render in the Rev. ? 8. W^hat assistance did our navy render in the Revolution ? 9 Name the most important battle in each year of Revolution. 10 Give account of sufferings and disaffections in the Army. 30 REVIEW XXXVIII.-XLVI. 1 Name the decisive victories by the United States in Revolution. 2 In what battles did Washinofton command ? 3 In what battles did Greene command ? 4 Name first, last, and turning battles of Eev. 5 State the circumstances leading to formation of Constitution. 6 State the Branches into which it divides Gov- ernment. 7 State the general functions of each Branch. 8 Which Branch exercises most power ? 9 Which Branch is the most independent ? 10 When will liberty be best assured to the people? REVIEW XL.-XLVIII. 1 State the exclusive powers of the Executive. 2 " '' " *' "' '' Senate. 3 '' " '' '' '' '' House of R. 4 '' '' '' '' '' '' Judiciary. 5 '* '' cases requiring action of Executive and Legislative. 6 State the cases requiring action of Executive and Judiciary. 7 State the cases requiring action of all three Branches. 8 State the cases requiring action of Legislative and Judiciary. 9 Name the Amendments made in interest of the People. 10 Name the Amendments made in interest of the States. 31 REVIEW XLVII.-LIL 1 State the Amendments growing out of war of Secession. 2 State the successive places in which Govern- ment has been held. 3 What is provision for filling vacancy in Presi- dency ? 4 How is the Veto of a bill to be considered ? 5 What rule regulates the trial of impeachments? 6 What is a Cabinet ; how was first composed ? 7 Designate the members composing present Cabinet. 8 State in order the important facts of Wash- ington's Administration. 9 State in order the important facts of J. Adams' Administration. 10 What was the state of Foreign Relations 1789-1801 ? REVIEW L.-LVI. 1 Give dates of admission of States, 1789-1816. 2 What were Federalists, Eepublicans, Trade Regulations ? 3 What were Alien and Sedition laws ; Right of Search ? 4 What were Orders in Council ; Milan Decree? 5 " '' Embargo Act ; Hartford Con ven.? 6 " '^ general causes of war of 1812-15 ? 7 What were special '' '*' '^ '' '' 8 Where was the war carried on ? 9 Name six most important land engagements. 10 " '' '* '' naval '' 32 REVIEW LV.-LX. 1 Give beginning, and results of War of 1812. 2 Where was Qaeenstown, North Point ? 3 Where was Lundy Lane, Chippev.a ? 4 What British ships fouglit the Constitution, Chesapeake ? 5 What U. S. ships fought the Pelican, the Macedonia ? 6 Give three features of Madison's Adm. 7 What is Protective Tariff ; when instituted ; by whom ? 8 What was the reaction from High Tariff ? 9 What was the financial sequence of the re- action ? 10 Name and date Presidents to Van Buren. REVIEW LX.-LXV. 1 What was Specie Circular ; Independent Treasury Act ? 2 What was Ashburton Treaty ? 3 Give account of Anti-rent War in New York. 4 By what, financially, have U. S. banks been succeeded ? 5 What influence began to dominate the Govt.? 6 What steps were taken to extend this influ- ence ? 7 How did this influence succeed in its efforts ? 8 How did the public sense at this time rebuke these efforts ? 9 What States grew out of Conquest of Mexico ? 10 Name first, last, and decisive battles of Mex- ican, war. 33 REVIEW LXIV.-LXIX. 1 What were the lines of operation against Mexico ? 2 What part did the Navy perform in the war? 3 What was Omnibus Bill ; what its ultimate effect ? 4 What was effect of checking extension of slavery ? 5 What was effect of suppressing filibustering ? 6 What has been since 1815 the chief dispute with Great Britain ? 7 State the principal facts of Pierce's Adm. 8 By what was public acquiescence in slavery extension shown ? 9 What disruption of parties in 1857-60 devel- oped opposition ? 10 What did this eventuate in in 1860 ? REVIEW LXVIII.-LXXIV. 1 What was Squatter Sovereignty ; Personal Liberty Bills ? 2 State five leading events of Pierce's Adm. 3 '' " '' " '' Buchanan's Adm. 4 Kame in order the States that '* Seceded." 5 State Lincoln's declaration to the South. 6 What was the purpose of seceding States ? 7 What was the purpose of the U. S. Govt. ? 8 AVhat was the general plan of the U. S. Govt. ? 9 " " '' " Confed. Govt.? 10 When did war begin ; when end ; what was result ? 34 REVIEW LXXIII.-LXXVIII. 1 What was done in the Border States in 1861 ? 2 Which were properly Border States ^' ^^ 3 What measures were adopted by Congress? 4 '' '' '' '' '' the" Execu- tive ? 5 What measures were adopted for the finances? 6 What external taxation was resorted to ? 7 '' internal 8 '' Depots of Supplies were established ? 9 What engagements occurred in the East in 1861 ? 10 What engagements occurred in the West in 1861 ? KEVIEW LXXVIII.-LXXXII. 1 Where was Big Bethel, Wilson Creek ? 2 Give account of Expedition against Hatteras Inlet. 3 What was Expedition against Hilton Head ? 4 '' " " '' Passes of Miss. R.? 5 Give account of McClellan^s Campaign to Fair Oaks. 6 Give account of McClellan's Campaign after Fair Oaks. 7 Give account of Events from Malvern Hill to Fredericksburg. 8 Give account of Events in Valley of Virginia in 1862. 9 Give account of the campaign in Kentucky to Chattanooga. 10 Give" account of Bragg's movement into Kentuckv in 1862. 35 REVIEW LXXXII.-LXXXVI. 1 Give account of the operations against Cum- berland Gap. 2 Give account of Campaign ending in Fort Douclson. 3 '• " ^' " from Donelson to Corinth. 4 " " " " west of Miss. River in 1862. 5 Who commanded at Richmond, Kv. ; Pitts- burg Landing ; luka ? 6 Give account of Capture of IsTcw Orleans in 1862. 7 " " " the invasion ending with Gettysburg. 8 " " " operations following Gettysburg. 9 " " " " " Stone River. 10 Give account of Morgan's raid in 1863. REVIEW LXXXVI.-XCL 1 Give account of Campaign ending in Mission- ary Ridge. 2 Give account of Campaign ending in Capture of Vicksburg. 3 Give account of operations ending with Port Hudson. 4 Give account of Campaign beginning with Wilderness. 5 Give account of Campaign from Petersburg to Richmond. 6 Give account of Campaign against Lvnchburg. 7 " " " Yalley Campaign in 1864. 8 " •'• '" Campaign against Atlanta. 9 Xame 5 Corps Commanders in Sherman's army. iO Name 5 Corps Commanders in Meade's army. 36 REVIEW XC.-XCV. 1 Who commanded at Monocacy, Opequan, Jones boro ? 2 In what year was fought Cedar Creek, Eesaca, Franklin? 3 Name the battles in Price's invasion of Mo. 4 Give ace. of Sherman's "March to the Sea." 5 Grive account of Red River Expedition. 6 What battles were fought in N^. C. in 1864 ? 7 '' " " " '' N. C. in 1865 ? 8 "' '' " '' " S. C. in 1865? 9 Date the surrenders of the Confederate armies. 10 Give account movement ending in Capture of JefE. Davis. REVIEW XCVL-C. 1 What is meant by a Raid in military opera- tions ? 2 Name the Confederate Generals conducting raids. 3 Name the Union Generals conducting raids. 4 '^ " Naval officers commanding fleets. 5 *^ '' Confederate war vessels afloat. 6 What is meant by blockading, convoying, policing ? 7 What attempts were made to build Confed- erate navy ? 8 What were the financial results of War of Secession ? 9 What were the political results of War of Secession ? 10 What were the social results of War of Secession ? 37 REVIEW C.-CIV. 1 What were the commercial effects of War of Secession ? 2 What were the effects upon the U. S. Consti- tution ? 3 What was the purpose and resources of XJ. S. San. Com. ? 4 " '' purpose and composition of Christian Com. ? 5 What political end did these hodies serve ? 6 What terrorizing means were used by Congress? 7 A¥hat provision was made for slaves set free by war ? 8 How were prisoners of war disposed of previous to ScCU. ? 9 Name the important political events of JohuSOU's Adm. 10 " " " financial events of Grant's Adm. REVIEW CIL-CVII. 1 Name and locate Union prisons during War of Secession. 2 Name and locate Confederate prisons during War of Secession. 3 Give account of the troubles between Pres. Johnson and Congress. 4 Give ace. of the Board of Arbitration in 1872. 5 What was Credit Mobilier ; Bayonet Rule ? 6 What was Electoral Commission ; how com- posed ? 7 Name five important events of Hayes's Adm. 8 Give account of Garfield's term as President. 9 Name the Insurrections of 16th Century within United States. 10 Name the Insurrections of 17th Century within United States. 38 REVIEW CVI.-CXI. 1 Give account of Arthur's term as President. 2 Wame tlie Insurrections from 1800 to 1850. 3 Name the important Indian wars from 1800 to 1850. 4 What have been the causes of Indian wars ? 5 " '' '' " results of '' Q " ^^ ^^ ^' benefits of " 7 What has been the growth of United States by Conquest ? 8 What has been the growth of United States by purchase ? 9 What was the distinctive feature of Cleveland's Administration ? 10 What were the ^^Resolutions of 1798"? REVIEW CVIII.-CXIL 1 What Indian wars occurred between 1850 and 1870? 2 What did U. S. include at close of Revolution ? 3 Give account of Hartford Convention. 4 What was Wilmot Proviso ; what was its object ? 5 What was Altoona Conference ; what was its object ? 6 What was the Samoan Affair ; how settled ? 7 Wliat was the Crittenden Compromise ; why noted ? 8 What was the Monroe Doctrine ? 9 What has been effect of Monroe Doctrine ? 10 What was general character of Cleveland's Administration ? 39 REVIEW CX.-CXV. 1 What fruit did ^'Resolutions of '98'' bear? 2 What was the offence of Lord Sackville ? 3 What great Seismic action in U. S. in 1811 ? 4 What attempts have been made to assassinate Presidents ? 5 AVhen, where, what was beginning of Tem- perance Cause ? 6 Name the great explorers of Rocky Mts. 7 Who was author of " Expunging Resolution," of Right of Petition ? 8 What were Second Adventists ; where most active ? 9 Who was Robert Fulton ; how noted ; when ? 10 When did Mormon Church originate ; where ? REVIEW CXV.-CXVIII. 1 What invention of Elias Howe made Sewing Machine useful ? 2 What was the history of the ^^ Peacemaker " ? 3 For what noted was Capt. A. S. Mackenzie ; Dr. Horace Wells ? 4 Who was Lt. DeHaven ; Dr. E. K. Kane ? 5 What does the spirit of '^ Vigilance Com- mittees " eventuate in ? 6 When have " World's Fairs " been held in U. S. ? 7 When, how, for what was Louis Kossuth honored by United States ? 8 Of what peculiar value to United States was discovery of Petroleum ? 9 When and where have great destructive fires occurred in United States ? 10 What was date of Proclamation of Emanci- pation ? 40 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of Virginia. 2 Forms of Govt, previous to Rev. 3 Administration of James K. Polk. 4 Causes of Revolution. 5 Effects of AVar of Secession. 1 Give date and special result of Third Charter. 2 What political factions in 1670 ? Who was governor ? 3 What was a Voluntary Association ? Give example. 4 Name the Colonies never Royal Provinces. 5 Who were Presidential Candidates in '44 ? What the issues ? 6 Name and locate two cities of same name noted in Mexican War. 7 What was Importation Act ? When adopted? 8 What was Prohibitory Act of 1750 ? 9 What were Writs of Assistance ? When issued ? 10 13th Amendment, when adopted ? When put in force ? 11 When, where was Virginia settled ? When did it become Royal Province ? 12 What Colonies were founded with a written charter ? 13 Whom did Polk succeed ? W^ho succeeded him ? 14 What was the " Shibboleth " of the Rev. ? 15 What political or military executions followed Secession ? 41 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of New York. 2 Causes of French and Indian War. 3 Outline of IT. S. Constitution. 4 Battles W. of Miss. River, War of Secession. 6 Sp. Discoveries, Explorers, Settlements. 1 What was immediate cause of French and Indian War ? 2 When was Andros governor of New York ? 3 W^hat localities were occupied hy the English and French in 1T52 ? 4 Give dates and names of 1st and 2d settlements in New York. 5 State the distinctive powers of the United States Senate. 6 State the distinctive power of House of Rep. 7 Locate Sabine Cross Roads ; Pea Ridge ; date of battles. 8 Locate Wilson Creek ; Belmont ; date of battles. 9 When, by whom discovered: California, Yu- catan ? 10 When, by whom discovered: Mexico, Florida? 11 State three notable events in Colonial history of New York. 12 French and Indian War lasted when ? 13 How is Presideut of United States chosen ? 14 Give year and Union Commander capture of Arkansas Post. 15 Give places and dates of discoveries by Co- lumbus. 42 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of Massachusetts. 2 Battles of Revolution in 1775-76-77. 3 Administration of James Monroe. 4 Causes of War of 1812-15. 5 History of Cont. Cong. ; Articles of Confed. 1 What tribes in King Philip's War ? When, where was final battle fought ? 2 When was Early Charter of Massachusetts adopted. What called ? 3 Name battles of 1776 and state the victors. 4 When, under whom was Bemis Heights fought ? 5 When, for how long was James Monroe Pres. ? 6 What States admitted during his Adm.? 7 What was Embargo Act ; by whom ordered ? 8 When was the War of 1812 formally declared? When ended ? 9 When were the Articles of Confederation agreed to ? W^hen ratified ? 10 Give date and place of First Continental Con- gress. Of second. 11 When did Massachusetts become Royal Prov- ince ? What colonies included ? 12 In what battles of 1775-76-77 did Washing- ton command ? 13 What important foreign events in Monroe's Administration ? 14 What was the '^ Shibboleth " in working up second war of Independence ? 15 What were Articles of Confederation ? When superseded ? 43 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Administration of James Buchanan. 2 Second War of Independence on land. 3 Xayal Operations, War of Secession. 4 Causes of Mexican War. 5 Secession Movement from 1850 to 1861. 1 Name the Presidential Candidates of 1860 and the parties. 2 State the most important event of the Adm. 3 Orders in Council and Milan Decree — which was cause, which effect ? 4 Who was General Hull ; why censured ; what was effect of his act ? 5 What was the '* Albemarle" ; its end, where and how effected ? 6 Who attacked Mobile ; how was it defended ; when surrendered ? 7 What was relation of Mexico to Texas ; its policy ; the result ? 8 How was Mexican War begun ; how ended ; what was first battle ? 9 When, by whom, and why was Fugitive Slave Act proposed ? 10 AYhen was Missouri Compromise effected ; when abrogated ? 11 W^hat were Buchanan's views on '^ Right of Secession " ? 12 Name, in order, the battles of War of 1812-15. 13 Give objects of four naval expeditions, '*61-65. 14 By whom was Annexation of Texas urged ? 15 State acts of the North toward Civil War. 44 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of Connecticut. 2 French discoveries, explorations, and settle- ments in America. 3 Administration of Harrison and Tyler. 4 Battles along Miss. E. on the E. , 1861-65. 5 Naval operations in War of 1812-15. 1 To whom was territory of Conn, granted? 2 How and when were tlie colonies united ? 3 When and where in America was first French settlement ; second ? 4 Name five most prominent French explorers in America. 5 What administrations from 1841 to 45 ? 6 AVhat were the most important measures of those years ? 7 Give date, cause, and date of cause of Sur- render of Port Hudson. 8 When, by whom was Fort Pillow taken first time ; second time ? 9 Name, in order. Sea fights of 1813 ; name victor of each. 10 Name, in order. Sea fights of 1814 ; name victor of each. 11 What was Charter Oak ; how celebrated ? 12 Who were Huguenots ; where settled in Am. ? 13 What dispute with Great Britain settled in Tyler's Adm. ? 14 Give dates and Commanders at Shiloh ; Pitts- burg Landing. 15 Give years and places of Flotilla engagements in 1812-15. 45 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of Maryland. 2 Operations from Louisville as a Base. 3 Administration of Franklin Pierce. 4 Battles of Revolution, 1778 to close. 5 Reconstruction Measures, 1865-1870. 1 When, by wliom Avas Maryland Toleration Act passed ? 2 When was first Protestant Assembly of Mary- land ; what was its action ? 3 When, where was battle of Murfreesboro fought ; how called ? 4 Name battles from Chattanooga to Atlanta. 5 When was President Pierce elected ; by whom opposed ? 6 When was Kansas-Nebraska bill passed ; by whose efforts ? 7 Name, in order of date, battles of 1778 and 1779. 8 In what battles of '78 and '79 did Washing- ton command ? 9 What was Civil Rights bill ; what is Fifteenth Amendment ? 10 Wh'dt was Cause of 14th and loth Amend's ? 11 Where, when, by whom was Maryland first settled ? 12 Name the successive Generals commanding from Louisville. 13 Who was Secretarv of War under Pierce ? 14 Wliere was War of Rev. carried on in 1778-79 ? 15 What was Amnesty Proclamation ; by whom issued ; its effect ? 46 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of Rhode Island. 2 '' '' Delaware. 3 Naval operations of Revolution. 4 Administration of Tavlor and Fillmore. 5 Battles in Va. and Md. in 1861-65. 1 Where and when was Rhode Island settled ; when wore Colonies united ? 2 When was the First Charter confirmed ; when the Second ? 3 Who projected settlement of Delaware ; when and where made ? 4 Date the control of Delaware by X. Y. ; by Pa. 5 What assistance was rendered by France in Revolution ? 6 What was the value of the Xaval forces in last battle ? 7 Give dates of Taylor's incumbency ; of Fill- more's. 8 State most important event of their Adminis- trations. 9 Name the noted battles in Virginia, 1861-65. 10 Name, in order, the generals commanding Union armies in Virginia. 11 What religious denomination largely settled Rhode Island ? 12 What early war did R. L experience ? 13 Who was Paul Jones ; wdiat and where his first victory ? 14 What was Omnibus Bill ; when enacted ? 15 When was Antietam fought ; under whom ? 47 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of North Carolina. 2 Operations along At. Coast in 18f)l-65. 3 List of Presidents ; dates, etc., etc. 4 Eng. Discoveries and Explorations in Am. 5 Rebellions and Insurrections within U. S. 1 When, where, how Avas first attempt at settling North Carolina ? 2 What was '' Grand Model "; by whom drawn ; when ? 3 Give battles in Maryland in 1861-65. 4 When, under whom were expeditions against Wilmington, 1861-65? 5 What Presidents served more than one term ? 6 How long is Presidential term ; when begin ? 7 What explorations were made by Smith ; Raleigh ; Cabots ? 8 Who discovered Coast of Maine ;' of Massa- chusetts ; of Labrador ? 9 What was cause of Shay's Rebellion ? 10 When was W^hiskey insurrecticm ; when Kan- sas ; Mormon ? 11 What had Lord Clarendon to do with settling North Carolina ? 12 Where was Fort Wagner ; when, by whom assaulted ? 13 What numbered President was Van Buren ; Lincoln ? 14 Give dates of explorations by the Cabots ; by Raleigh. 15 What was cause of Dorr's insurrection ; of John Brown's ? 48 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of New Jersey. 2 Account of Mexican War on Scott's line. 3 Treat}^ Commissions of Rev. ; of 1812-15 ; of Mexican War. 4 Territorial Development of United States. 5 Administration of Andrew Johnson. 1 In what was N. J. included ; when separated ? 2 How much, when, by whom was part of it purchased ? 3 Name the cities of Mexico taken on Scott's line. 4 Name the battles fought on Scott's line. 5 What was Tenure of Office bill ; for what designed ? 6 How was it violated ; what was the result ? 7 How did the peace of 1814 affect close of hos- tilities ? 8 Where, when were Treaties closing Revolu- tionary ; Mexican War ? 9 By what successive steps has territory of U. S. grown ? 10 What is its present area, population, extent ? 11 Who settled East New Jersey ; who West New Jersey ? 12 What expeditions besides Scott's and Taylor's in Mexican War ? 13 For what was President Johnson tried ; when ; who presided ? 14 Who were Commissioners for Mexican War ; for war 1812-15 ? 15 From whom has territory been got by U. S. ? 49 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of South Carolina. 2 Administration of James Madison. 3 Account of Mexican War on Taylor^s line. 4 Operations in Gulf States in 1801-65. 5 Indian wars in United States. 1 What nationalities settled South Carolina ? When did each ? 2 In what grant was it included ? What fatal- ity attended it ? 3 What war in Madison^s administration ? 4 AVhat its cause ? Where and when concluded? 5 When was Buena Vista fought ? Where ? 6 Name, in order, battles from Corpus Christi as a base. 7 Give dates, results, Commanders at Port Hud- son ; at Vicksburg. 8 Give year and Union Commanders at Olustee ; at Cane River. 9 Locate Fort Mimms. For wdiat noted ? 10 What important Indian wars in 1867 ? In 1872? 11 In what war were early settlers in South Caro- lina involved ? 12 Who preceded Madison ? Who succeeded ? 13 Battle of Buena Vista had what effect on Mexican War ? 14 When and how was ISTew Orleans captured in War of Secession ? 15 When and where was Black Hawk War? Seminole War ? 4 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of Pennsylvania. 2 Administration of John Q. Adams. 3 Agricultural staples of United States. 4 Battles of Revolution from 1780 to close. 5 French wars of William, Anne, George. 1 When, where,, by whom was settlement of Pennsylvania made ? 2 With what was it at times joined ? When separated ? 3 What was characteristic of presidential elec- tion, 1824 ? 4 What characteristics marked resulting admin- istration ? 5 State in order of domestic value five staples. 6 ^' '' '^ '* relative value for export. 7 What were movements of Cornwallis in 1781 ? 8 Name and locate last battle under General Greene ; General Gates. 9 State European cause, respectively, of three French wars. 10 State American localities of French w\irs. 11 State three very important events connected with Pannsylvania. 12 What distinctive policy characterized J. Q. Adams's Administration ? 13 What agricultural staple yields directly great- est revenue ? 14 What agricultural staple yields indirectly greatest revenue ? 15 Date the wars of King William, Queen Anne, King George. 51 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of Georgia. 2 " '' New Hampshire. 3 French and Indian War, campaign of 1754. 4 Battles from Atlanta to Jolmston's sur- render. 5 Administration of U. S. Grant. 1 What was original extent of Georgia ? When, to whom granted ? 2 What early causes of dissatisfaction ? How removed ? 3 When, where, under what grants was New Hampshire settled ? 4 At what dates was it under government of Massachusetts ? 5 What Ti'eaty closed French and Indian War ? What its terms ? 6 Where, under whom was closing battle of 1754 ? 7 Name the engagements of Sherman's army from Atlanta. 8 What were the movements of opposing Con- f(>derate forces ? 9 By what was the administration of Grant signalized ? "lO State the important political changes during it. 11 When did Geoi-gia become Eoyal Province ? 12 What Indian massacres in Colony of N. H. ? 13 Where was Fort Necessity ? What caused its erection? 14 What battles were fought in 1865 under Gen. Schofield ? 15 What was Credit Mobilier ? 53 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 History of settlement of Kentucky. 2 French and Indian War in 1755-56-57. '^ Account of Founding of N. W. States. 4 Administration of G-eorge Washington. 5 History of Settlement of Vermont. 'o" 1 Where, when, under whom was Kentucky first settled ? 2 To what had Kentucky belonged ; how long ; when separated ? 3 What were the principal military operations in 1756 ? 4 What expeditions in 1755 ; by whom led ; result of each ? 5 AVhat older States claimed Western territory ; why ? 6 When was Northwestern Territory acquired ; what States in it ? 7 When was Northwestern Territory organized; on what basis ? 8 What views of National Debt and French Al- liance in Washington's administration ? 9 When, where was Vermont settled ; by whom claimed ? 10 When was Vermont admitted ; on what basis ? 11 Whence the name, '^ Dark and Bloody Ground *' ? 12 Where was Fort Frontenac ; Wm. Henry ? 13 By whom was Northwest Territory settled ? li What was Whiskey Insurrection ; how ended ? 15 Give account of Vermont's part in Rev. 53 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 History of settlement of Ohio. 2 French and Indian War in 1758-1759. 3 Account of founding of S. Western States. 4 Administration of John Adams. 5 Acc't of Colonial Possessions of G't Britain. 1 When, where, under whom was Ohio settled ? 2 When, during whose administration was it admitted ? 3 Wiiat battles in 1758 and 1759 ; who com- manded ? 4 What noted historical event occurred 1759 ? 5 What present States did Southwestern Ter- ritory embrace before 1800 ? 6 Give, in order, the dates of admission of each, 7 What was most noted political event of J. Adams's Administration ? 8 What was most noted foreign event of J. Adams's Administration ? 9 Name the Colonial possessions of Great Brit- ain in AVestern Hemisphere. 10 Name the Colonial possessions cf Great Brit- ain in Eastern Hemisphere. 11 What was the character of early immigration to Ohio ? 12 What service did French and Indian War render to formation of United States ? 13 What Indian wars in Sonth western Territory 1800-1816? 14 AVith what country was Treaty made during Adams's Administration ? 15 Give the political autonomy of Canada. 54 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of Louisiana and Indiana. 2 Close of Fr. and Ind. War and its results. 3 History of Settlement of Tennessee. 4 Important raids in War of Secession. 5 Spanish andPortuguese Colonial Possessions^ 1 Where, when, by whom was La. settled ? 2 Where, when, by whom, under whom was Ind. settled ? 3 How did Treaty of 1763 affect Territory E. and W. of Miss. E. ? " 4 Between whom was it made; for what Euro- pean war ? 5 Where was Ft. Loudon ; how noted ; when built ? 6 To what did Tenn. belong ; when separated ; when admitted ? 7 When, where, why was Earlv's raid made ? 8 '' " '' '^ Sheridan's; Morgan's? 9 Where located, by whom owned — Manila ; Ceuta ? 10 Where located, by whom owned — Goa ; Fer- nando Po ? 11 With what notorious swindle was La. asso- ciated ? 12 What general largely contributed to result of Fr. and Ind. War ? 13 What was the County of Washington; w^hen organized ? 14 Give account of Grierson's raid. 15 What Spanish possessions in Africa ; what Portuguese ? 55 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Settlement of Mississippi and Illinois. 2 Administration of Abraham Lincoln. 3 Causes leading to Decl. of Independence. 4 Account of Military Prisons in U. S. 5 Indian wars of eighteenth century. 1 Where, when, by whom was Miss, first settled? 3 What Presidential Candidates in 18G0 ? Plat- form of each ? 4 Locate Ft. Lafayette. For what special pur- pose used ? 5 When was Lincoln inaugurated ? What did it inaugurate ? 6 Locate Johnston's Isd., Dry Tortugas, Libby, Andersonville. 7 What was Stamp Act ; JSTavigation Act ; Im- portation Act ? 8 State six specific causes of Decl. of Ind. 9 AVhat Indian war of U. S. in 18th century ? 10 Where did Gen. Harmer command ? Where Gen. Wayne ? 11 What explorer first visited Illinois ; when, by whom sent ? 12 What was tone of Lincoln's first message ; its effect on South ? 13 Who were Sons of Liberty; Minute Men; Com- mittee of Safety ? 14 Where and when were Jersey Prison Ships; Dartmoor Prison ? 15 When and where was Yamassee War ; Tusca- roni ; Miami ? 56 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 History of Settlement of Michigan. 2 " '' " '' Florida. 3 Administration of Martin Van Buren. 4 Fifteen leading Confederate Generals. 5 Account of System of Taxation in U. S. 1 When, wliere was Mich, settled ; from what carved out ? 2 When was it held by Gt. Britain ; how re- covered by XJ. S. ? 3 When was Fla. settled ; when and how ac- quired by U. S. ? 4 What European Powers have held Fla.; at what dates? 5 What was the financial condition in Van Buren's administration ? 6 What were the troubles in Van Buren's adm. ? 7 What Oonfed. commander killed ac Mill Spr. ; Shiloh ; Pea Ridge ? 8 What Confed. commander served at Gettys- burg, Antietam, Ft. Fisher ? 9 State the Sources of Internal Revenue by U. S, 10 '' " '^ '' External '' ''' '' 11 What sect controlled settlements in N. W. ? 12 What circumstances invited early explorations in Florida ? 13 What is meant by '' Suspension of Specie Pay- ments^' ? 14 For what was Gen. Beauregard most notori- ous ? Gen. Forrest ? 15 What, in taxation, denotes degeneration of the spirit that begat the Revolution ? 57 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 History of Settlement of Missouri. 2 ''..''. " " Arkansas. 3 Administration of Andrew Jackson. 4 Thirty leading U. S. Generals. 5 Various attempts at union in North Am. 1 What circumstances attended the admission of Mo.? 2 When and how was Mo. acquired by the U. S. ? 3 When was Ark. settled ; when admitted ? 4 From whom was Ark. acquired ; by whom settled ? 5 By whom and why was Tariff agitation made in Jackson's administration ? 6 What doctrine was developed by this agitation ? 7 What prominent U. S. generals served at Get- tysburg ; Ft. Fisher ? 8 Name U. S. commanders at Stone River, Per- ryville, Vicksburg. 9 Name the colonies forming Mass.; Conn. 10 Name the colonies united to form the United States. 11 When, where, under whom was Missouri set- tled ? 12 What was Nullification ; when, how devel- oped ? 13 What noted Indian massacre in Jackson's administration ? 14 Where was Gen. Lyon killed; Kearney; Sedgwick ? 15 What Colonial Unions were attempted in 1643, 1754, 1774 ? 58 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 History of settlement of Texas. 2 " '' '' " Iowa. 3 Administration of R. B. Hayes. 4 Account of Marine power of United States. 5 " " Selection of Seat of U. S. Govt. 1 Give names and dates of battles for Texan independence. 2 When did Texas acquire independence ; when admitted ? 3 When and where was Iowa settled by French ; by Americans ? 4 When was Iowa admitted ; from what organ- ized ? 5 State the important political features of Hayes's Administration. 6 State its important financial features. 7 What was earliest marine force of the U. S.? 8 When was the largest marine force of U. S. ? 9 Name the successive places where Congress met before 1789. 10 Name the successive places where Congress met after 1788. 11 What were the conditions of admission of Texas ? 12 What was meant by expression, '^Bayonet Rule"? 13 What is meant by '^ Resumption " ? 14 What is distinction between Marine and Com- mercial Marine ? 15 What is distinction between Capitol and Capital ? 59 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 History of settlement of Wisconsin. 2 '' " '' '' California. 3 Formation and Adoption of Constitution. 4 Inhabitants of the Earth ; Government ; Habits ; Religion. 5 Descriptive account of British Empire. 1 Under what sect was Wisconsin first settled ? 2 When was ic settled ; from what taken ; when admitted ? 3 How was California acquired; how was gold discovered ? 4 When and how was California organized as a State ? 5 What was the first Fundamental Law of United States ; the second ? 6 Who framed the Constitution ? 7 Name the kinds of government among men. 8 How are peoples classified as to Habits of Life ; as to Religion ? 9 What is meant by British Empire ? 10 Where is its Seat of Government ; what its Form ; what its Extent ? 11 What missionaries first penetrated AYisconsin and the Northwest ? 12 What LTnited States Commanders claimed the Conquest of California ? 13 AYhen was Constitution framed ; who pre- sided over the Convention ? 14 What are pastoral people ; republics ? 15 What is Great Britain ; what is highest title of the ruler ? 60 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 History of Settlement of Minnesota. 2 '' " . " " Oregon. 3 Eesolutions of 1798 and Monroe Doctrine. 4 List of Presidents ; dates ; place of birth. 5 Beginning and Ending of Wars with U. S. 1 Give dates of transfers of territory west of Mississippi River. 2 How and when was Oregon acquired ; when admitted ? 3 Who were Lewis and Clark ; what discoveries by them ? 4 Where and when was Minnesota first settled ; when admitted ? 5 W^hat is meant by Resolutions of '98 ? 6 What important effects have resulted from Monroe Doctrine ? 7 Give names and dates of Presidents having served four years. 8 Give names and dates of 7th, of 3d, of 13th Presidents. 9 Date the beginning of wars in which U. S. haS engaged. 10 Namethefinalbattlesof wars in which U. S. haS engaged. 11 Who was first white man visiting Minnesota ? 12 W^ho was first white man visiting Oregon ; when ; in what ? 13 What is the present enunciation of Resolu- tions of 1798 ? 14 Which of the Presidents signed the Declara- tion of Independence ? 15 With what foreign peoples has United States been at war ? 61 GENERAL REVIEW. * 1 History of settlement of Alabama. 2 '^ ■' " '' " Maine. 3 Administration of James Buchanan. 4 Compromises on SlaYer}^ 5 x\dministration of Thomas Jefferson. 1 How was Alabama acquired ? When admitted? 2 When and where was it settled? What were its limits ? 3 When, where, by whom was Maine settled ? 4 When made a State ? From what taken ? How acquired ? 5 Whom did Buchanan succeed ? By whom succeeded ? 6 What important political results of his adm. ? 7 At what dates were successive Compromises on slavery made ? 8 What political agitation called each forth ? 9 What w^ar during Jefferson's administration ? What its result ? 10 \Yhat important measures adopted by France and England ? 11 Under what grant, by whom was Alabama claimed ? 12 In what relation to Maine was Duke of Mon- mouth ? 13 What States were admitted during Buchanan^'s administration ? 14 What usual results of compromise attended those in slavery ? 15 What celebrated politico-social event in Jef- ferson's administration ? 63 • GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Formation and admission of Kans. and Neb. 2 '' '' . " " ^ev. and Col. 3 Colonial and Continental Congresses. 4 Keconstruction measures from 1861 to 1865. 5 Causes of Mexican War ; of the French Wars. 1 What were Emigrant Aid Societies ? By whom, for what created ? 2 When was Kansas organized ? When ad- mitted ? When Nebraska ? 3 How was Nevada acquired ? When admitted ? 4 '' '' Colorado '' 5 What Colonial Congresses met ; when ; where ? 6 What was Continental Congress ? Where did it sit ? 7 State, in order, the several measures toward Reconstruction. 8 Whence and during whose administrations did they occur ? 9 What was direct cause of Mexican War ? 10 What was European cause of each French War? 11 Out of what were Kans. and Neb. organized ? 12 What chronological event is connected with Colorado ? 13 What is distinction between Colonial and Continental Congress ? 14 What was Freedmen's Bureau ? When, why established ? 15 What was the remote cause of Mexican War ? 63 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Causes of War of 1812-15. 2 General causes of War of Secession, a Special '' '' '' " 4 Treaty Commissions of Eev., 1812-15 ; Mexican War. 5 Outline of U. S. Constitution. 1 State general causes of War of 1812-15. 2 3 4 5 6 cession. 7 Name and elate Treaties on United States wars previous to 1811. 8 Name and date Treaties on United States wars since 1811. 9 What is Habeas Corpus ? When may it be suspended ? 10 With whom lies power in United States of making war ; peace ? 11 What act of hostility began War of 1812-15 ? 12 '' " " '' " '' Secession? 13 Name three persons in North and in South specially promoting Secession, 14 Name the Treaty Commissioners for Kevolu- tionary ; 1812-15 ; Mexican War. 15 What is a Branch of United States Govern- ment ? A Department ? immediate three general causes of War of Secession, three other " '' '' " '' " three special '' '^ '^ '^ '' three other special causes of War of Se- 64 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Administration of Garfield and Arthur. 2 Cabinets from Washington to Monroe. 3 Financial movement to Tyler's Adm. 4 Commercial movement to Taylor's Adm. 5 Constitutional Amendments. 1 Name the most noted leaders of Stalwarts and of Half-breeds. 2 Give beginning and end of administration of Garfield ; of Arthur. 3 What is meant by Star Eoutes ; whence did trials result ? 4 Who were the members of the first Cabinet ? 5 AVho was Secretary of War during Madison's Administration ? 6 Who was Secretary of State during Jefferson's Administration ? 7 State the periods of inflation down to 1840. 8 " '' " ^^ financial stability to 1840. 9 State the periods of financial depression to 1840. 10 What was the growth of Commerce to 1850 ? 11 What was character of Commerce to 1850 ? 12 How was Commerce affected by War of 1812- 15? 13 What Amendments promoted the power of The People ? 14 What Amendments promoted the power of The States ? 15 What has been principal cause of Amend- ments ? 65 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Administration of Grover Cleveland. 2 Cabinets from J. Q. Adams to Pierce. 3 Financial movement since Tyler's Adm. 4 Commercial movement since Taylors Adm. 5 Migratory movements in United States. 1 What was most noteworthy political fact of Cleveland's Administration ? 2 What was most noteworthy financial fact of Cleveland's Administration ? 3 What was most noteworthy social fact of Cleveland's Administration ? 4 Who was Secretary of State under J. Q. Adams ; under Taylor ? 5 Who was Secretary of War under Polk ; under Pierce ? 6 Who was Secretary of Treasury under Van Buren ; under Pierce ? 7 What was financial policy of Tyler's Admin- istration ? 8 At what time did the counter policy set in ? 9 What is effect of war on finances ? 10 What was the condition of external commerce in Pierce's Administration ? 11 What was the condition of internal commerce in Hayes's Administration ? 12 What circumstances diverted attention from external to internal ? 13 Of what character was migration to Miss. R. ? 14 When and of what character was migration to west of Mississippi River ? 15 How has migration to new sections affected tl-C emigrants? 5 66 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 AdministTation of Benjamin Harrison. 2 Cabinets since Pierce's Admiuistration. 3 Original organization of United States. 4 Immigration to the United States. 5 Protection Tariff movement in U. S. 1 What have been the general characteristics of Harrison's Administration ? 2 What has been the financial policy of Har- rison's Administration ? 3 What has been the political effect of this policy ? 4*^ Who was Secretary of. Treasury under Lin- coln ; under Grant ? 5 Who was Secretary of War under Lincoln ; under Arthur ? 6 Who was Secretary of Interior under Lincoln ; under Hayes ? 7 What was original organization of U. S. Govt. ? 8 Who presided over the Congress ; who dom- inated it ? 9 Why was it abrogated ? 10 Immigrants to 1840 were chiefly from what countries ? 11 Immigrants from 1840 to 1870 were from what countries ? 12 Immigrants since 1870 have come from what countries ? 13 What people benefit by high tariff ? 14 What Parties have favored high tariff ? 15 What is the justification claimed for high tariff ? 67 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Admission of States to 1850. 2 Justices of U. S. Su})reme Court. 3 History of Political Parties, 1789-1850. 4 Signers of Declaration of Independence. 5 Vice-Presidents from 1789 to 1850. 1 What States were admitted in 17th Century ; in 1845 ; in 1850? 2 When were admitted Ohio ; Michigan ; Iowa ; Maine ? 3 In whose Administration were admitted Ken- tucky ; Illinois ; Alabama ? 4 Name, in order, the Chief Justices of Supreme Court to 1860. 5 Name, in order, the Chief Justices of Supreme Court since 1860. 6 Name the present Justices of the Supreme Court. 7 Name the successive great political parties of United States, 8 Give the dates of their respective dominations. 9 Give the causes of loss of political power. 10 What is the preamble to the Decl. of Ind. ? 11 Who presided over the Convention ? Name six chief actors. 12 Who of the members became Presidents ? 13 Name the Vice-Presidents to Washington ; to Jefferson. 14 Name the Vice-Presidents to Madison ; to Jackson. 15 What Vice-Presidents have been Presidents ? 68 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Admission of States since 1850. 2 Vice-Presidents of United States since 1850. 3 History of Political Parties since 1850. 4 History of Banking Policy of U. S. 5 Earnings and cost of living of people of United States. 1 What States were admitted between 1850 and 1865, inclusive ? 2 AV^bat States were admitted between 1866 and 1886, inclusive ? 3 What States were admitted since 1886 ? 4 Who was Vice-Pres. to Pierce ; to Lincoln ? 5 Who was Vice-President to Grant ; to Hayes ? 6 What are essentials to choice of a Vice-Pres. ? 7 What were the two great political parties, 1800 to 1845 ? 8 What were the two great political i^arties, 1845 to 1890 ? 9 What caused disintegration of the Whigs ; the Federalists ? 10 What and when was the Free Soil party ; the Greenback party ? 11 What political parties have generally favored State Banks ? 12 What political parties have favored U. S. B'ks ? lo What is effect of excessive issues ; of restricted issues ? 14 What are the earnings per head in New England ; in Northwestern States ? 15 What are the earnings per head in South; in Pacific States ? 69 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Internal improvements by Gov't, of TJ. S. 2 History of Postal Service in United States. 3 Growth of population in United States. 4 " " Manufactures in United States. 5 The Indians of U. S., East of Miss. River. 1 On what authority are internal improvements by United States ? 2 To what works do internal improvements extend ? 3 Under what supervision are they generally carried on ? 4 What have been succcssivc rates of letter postage ? 5 How is postal exchange with foreign countries effected ? 6 What are International Post Offices in U. S. ? 7 What was population of United States at first Census ; last Census ? 8 What is the percentage of increase in a decade? 9 At present rate of increase, population in 1950 will be ? 10 Name 10 raw materials most used in manu- factures. 11 What is the value of products of manufactures ? J 2 What is amount of capital invested in manuf. ? 13 What Indian tribes occupied New England ; when exterminated ? 14 What Indian tribes occupied Middle States ; when exterminated ? 15 What Indian tribes occupied Northwestern States ; when exterminated ? 70 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 The Indians of IT. S. west of Miss. R. 2 Development of Macliinery in U. S. 3 '' '' Railroads '' 4 Relations of Human to Machine power. 5 Histoiy of pioneer explorations in U. S. 1 What wars determined removal of Indians to West of Mississippi River ? 2 What tribes of Indians occupy IndianTerritory? 3 What sections are inhabited by Sioux, Apaches, Navajoes ? 4 What forms of Machinery prevailed previous to 1840 ? 5 How was the development directed between 1840 and 18G0 ? G Wliat great inventions since 1860 ? 7 What was mileage of railroads previous to 1860 in United States ? 8 What is present mileage of railroads in U. S. ? 9 What has been general effect of railroads ? 10 What is the number of human labor employed in United States ? 11 How many horse-power is employed on ma- chinery ? 12 How is horse- power estimated ? What are its sources ? 13 Name six most eminent pioneer explorers in United States. 14 Who early explored Oregon ; Rocky Moun- tains ; Columbia River ? 15 What part has the army enacted in Western explorations ? GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Development of Motive Power in TJ. S. 2 History of National Currency in U. S. 3 Sources of National Eevenue in U. S. 4 Purposes of National Expenditures. 5 Organization of Executive Branch of Govt. 1 What is a day's journey with oxen ; with horses ; with steam ? 2 How is steam applied as motive power ; how electricity ? 3 Name six distinct kinds of motive power. 4 What are the different kinds of national cur- rency ? 5 When was present system adopted ? Why desirable ? 6 What was its greatest volume ? What is its present volume ? 7 State six chief sources of revenue to United States Government. 8 What are exceptional and extraordinary sources ? 9 How is external revenue collected ; how internal ? 10 AVhat is the general method of expending public money ? 11 For what are funds disbursed by War Dept. ? 10 '< '^ ^' " '' ^^ Navy ** ■j^o (< a ic a a a LaW '' 11 Of what persons is Executive properly com- posed ? 15 How are the orders of the Executive put m force ? 72 . GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Organization of Treasury Department. 2 Lighthouse service of United States. 3 Growth of Labor Organizations in U. S. 4 History of Civil Service movement. 5 Functions, Duties, Obligations of Govt. «1 What are the general duties of the Treasury Department ? 2 What are the subordinate officers of Treasury Department ? 3 What Bureaus of Government are attached to Treasury Department ? 4 How is the United States divided for Light- house Service ? 5 What are the essentials to a serviceable Light- house ? 6 What are the chief auxiliaries as substitutes for Lighthouses ? 7 What were labor organizations previous to era of machinery ? 8 On what lines are they organized since era of machinery ? 9 What is their justification ; avowed purpose ? 10 What is meant by Civil Service ? 11 What were early requisites to Civil Service ? 12 What are present requisites to Civil Service ? 13 What is Government ; how manifested ; why needed ? 14 What are the instruments to enforce its power ? 15 What is its source in United States ; how is its power limited ? 73 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Organization of War Department. 2 Custom House Service of United States. 3 Growth of Consolidation of Capital iu U. S. 4 The Census. 5 Apportionment for U. S. Representatives. 1 Name the Bureaus of the War Department. 2 Kame the grades of Officers of the Army. 3 Name the Corps and the Departments of the Army. 4 What are the Departments of the Custom House Service ? 5 What are the duties of Insi^ectors ; Appraisers ; Surveyors ? 6 Where are the Custom Houses ; what are Public Stores ? 7 What is the old idea of Capital ; what is the modern ? " 8 How was the old idea manifested in promoting business ? 9 What circumstances have promoted the mod- ern idea ? 10 What does the Census include ; when taken ? 11 What was the primary purpose of Census ; why necessary ? 12 What will a Study of Census Reports reveal ? 13 How are Representatives apportioned among the States ? 14 How are Representatives apportioned within the States ? 15 How has the number of Representatives varied since 1789 ? 74 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Organization of State Department. 2 Growth of the Telegraph Service. 3 Growth of the Science of Hygiene. 4 Revenue Marine Service of United States. 5 Distribution of Agricultural Products. 1 What are the general duties of State Depart- ment ? 2 Of what officers does the personnel consist ? 3 What are the general duties of Consuls ; of Ministers ? 4 When, where, by whom was Telegraph intro- duced ? 5 To what use is the Telegraph now extended ? 6 How many miles in operation ; how many operators ? 7 What is Hygiene ; its antiquity; its value ? 8 How promoted by Quarantine ? What is Quar- antine ? 9 What are the general means of promoting Hygiene ? 10 To what department of Government belongs Revenue Marine Service ? 11 What are the general duties of Revenue Marine Service ? 12 How is it organized ; to what is it allied ? 13 What are the natural products of the colder climates ? 14 What are the natural products of the warmer climates ? 15 What agricultural products are generally distributed ? GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Organization of Navy Department. 2 *' *^ Department of Agriculture. 3 Growth of Urban Populations. 4 Sources of Wealth. 5 General relations of the Government to Indians. 1 Under what heads are the affairs of the Navy administered ? 2 What is the Composition of the Navy per- sonnel ? 3 What are the general duties of Navy on foreio-n stations ? 4 What is the general purpose of Department of Agriculture ? 5 What are its means of gaining information ? 6 What efforts does it make to promote infor- mation ? 7 What formerly was the purpose of Urban populations ? 8 What has latterly promoted their growth ? 9 When did the abnormal growth begin in U. S. ? 10 Name the three most general sources of wealth. 11 Which is most general, and what does it em- brace ? 12 Wherein is commerce a source of wealth ? 13 What was originally the characteristic of the Indian ? 14 What is the present view of his character ? 15 What steps has the Government taken in forming it ? 76 GENERAL REVIEW. 1 Organization of Interior Department. 2 Relation of tlie Army to settlement of U. S. 3 The Suffrage movement in U. S. 4 Organization of the Department of Justice. 5 The Centralization tendencies in U. S. 1 "What are the general matters controlled by Interior Department ? 2 Wherein is revenue derived through its opera- tions ? 3 With what class of inhabitants does it esj)ecially deal ? 4 How has the Army promoted settlement of the United States ? 5 How has its dealings with Indians assisted ? 6 Name the wars freeing East of Mississippi River from troubles. 7 What were general requirements for suffrage in Colonies ? 8 AYhat conditions were imposed generallv down to 1860 ? 9 What means are now used to restrict suffrage ? 10 What Officers of Government are under De- partment of Justice ? 11 With what classes of people do these largely deal ? 12 What the means of executing its orders ? 13 What is distinction of Centralization and Dif- fusion ? 14 What causes produce a tendency to Diff'usion ? 15 What causes produce a tendency to Centrali- zation ? I 0^' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 010 546 478 2