TT I" INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS A.E. PICKARD ELEMENTARY INDUSTRIAL SERIES c=S=LI Class __/__J/^fN s Figure 49. Bill file. WOODWORK AT SCHOOL 5-3 Figure 50. Bracket. Directions: Saw out stock and plane to thickness. Lay out top, back and bracket, as shown. Cut to Une, using scroll saw. Glue and nail together. Sandpaper until smooth. 9 — Newspaper Holder Material: Pine, basswood or oak as follows: one piece ^ inch by 10 Ji inches by 14 inches; one piece % inch by 10^ inches by 10 inches; two pieces % inch by 2 inches by 10 inches; one piece % inch by 2 inches by 10 inches. Tools Used: Saw, plane, square, dividers, brace, bit, scroll saw, mark- ing gauge and chisel. Directions: Study drawing. Saw out stock and plane it to given di- mensions. Lay out back and saw two upper corners. Glue, nail together and sandpaper until smooth. 10 — Planing Exercise Material: Pine 9M inches by IJ^ inches by 1% inches. ^ ±. -^ /of- ^ ^- -10- ^_ f f Figure 51. Newspaper holder. 54 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS Figure 52. Planing exercise. Tools Used: Plane and saw. Directions: Plane and square a face. Test it with try-square. From this face square an edge. Next square one end with the squared face and edge. Cut to length and square end. Cut to width and square edge. Cut to thick- ness and square face. While the plane is necessary in making the objects listed above, it is not necessary to make up a planing exercise until more complicated projects are executed. If students do not get this exercise well the first time, it should be repeated, as they will need to be able to plane to the line in making the exercises that follow. 11 — Sawing Exercise Material: Pine 934 inches by 1^ inches by IJ^ inches. Tools Used: Plane and saw. Directions: Plane and square up the stock to 9 inches and 114 inches square. Study the drawing and make saw ,\ f\ Y\ ^,r_. 1^" L-ii"J i^-- I" •2* ^1"-^ - r- h-'i- n'4^ \2 — i_J Figure 53. Sawing exercise. WOODWORK AT SCHOOL 55 cuts as designated in the drawing, using the hacksaw. This exercise is also very necessary in order to do accurately the work that follows. Figure 54. Whisk broom holder I. 12— Whisk Broom Holder I Material: Basswood as follows: one piece 8 inches by 5 inches by 34 inch; one piece 5 inches by 5 inches by 34 inch; two pieces 5 inches by 134 inches by 34 inch. Tools Used: Saw, plane, brace, bit and hammer. Directions: Saw out the stock accordmg to directions. Lay out the back, front and sidepieces. Plane the back, front and sidepieces to the proper size. Then put the parts together. Bore the hole to hang the holder. This is a useful little article for the kitchen or bedroom. 56 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS 13— Whisk Broom Holder II Material: Basswood as follows: one piece 34 inch by 8 inches by 8 inches; two pieces M inch by 1^ inches by 73^ inches; three pieces 34 inch by 1 inch by 5^ inches. Tools Used: Saw, plane, hammer, bit and brace. Directions: Saw stock to given dimensions. Lay out bevel on back and plane. Place side- pieces upon back, following dimen- sions. Mark off where bevel of the back comes and cut to shape. Place three front pieces on in position; mark and cut to shape. Glue, nail and sandpaper un- Figure 55. Whisk broom holder II. j^jj SmOOth 14— Whisk Broom Holder III Material: Basswood as follows: one piece 34 inch by 5 inches by 9 inches; one piece 34 inch by 534 inches by 534 inches; two pieces 34 inch by 1% inches by 53^ inches. Tools Used: Saw, plane, marking gauge, chisel, dividers, hammer, scroll saw, brace, bit and square. Figure 56. Whisk broom holder III. WOODWORK AT SCHOOL 57 Directions: Saw out stock. Lay out back, front and sidepieces to given dimensions; then worlc out to lines, using scroll saw and chisel. 15— Salt Box Material: Basswood as follows: One piece 10 inches by 5 inches by J4 inch; one piece 5 inches by 5 inches by 34 inch; one piece 5 inches by 4% inches by 34 inch; two pieces 6 inches by 4 inches by 34 inch; one piece 4 inches by 5 inches by 34 inch. Tools Used: Saw, plane, hammer, brace and bit. Directions: Lay out the back, front, bottom and two sides. Plane these pieces to the proper size. Put the parts together, using hammer and small nails. Bore the hole. This is a very useful article for the kitchen. The salt will be handy and kept clean, if the cover of the box is closed. Figure 57. Salt box. 58 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS 16— Match Box I Material: Basswood as follows: one piece 3J^ inches by 33/2 inches by 34 inch; one piece 33^ inches by 2 inches by 34 inch; one piece 3 inches by 1^ inches by 34 inch; two pieces 8 inches by 3% inches by 34 inch. ^ /X .f i 3 1 - 02 j -' L •i- -f a 5 .>^ f i> Figure 58. Match box I. Tools Used: Plane, saw, hammer, knife, dividers, brace and bit. Directions: Saw out the stock to the proper size, fol- lowing the cut and directions given above. Lay out the parts, plane and whittle to the proper size and shape. Nail the pieces together and bore the hole. 17— Match Box II Material: Basswood as follows: one piece 34 inch by 334 inches by 734 inches; two pieces 34 inch by 33^ inches WOODWORK AT fiCHOOL 59 ^-p. c>. i ci: Figure 59. Match box II. I) y 6 ^ inches ; one piece 34 inch by 2^/i inches by 3^ inches; one piece 34 inch by 234 inches by 2^ inches; one piece 34 inch by 1 Yi inches by 334 inches; one piece 34 inch by 2% inches by 33^^ inches. Tools Used: Plane, saw, di- viders, screw driver, marking gauge, brace, bit and hammer. Directions: Plane back to size. Round off two top corners; lay out the two sides and cut them to shape. Plane covers to proper size and round off back edge. Plane two front pieces to size; plane bottom to size. Glue and nail back, sides, bottom and front pieces. Put cover on with two screws, as shown. 18— Toothbrush Holder Material: Basswood as follows: one piece IY2 inches by 2% inches by 34 inch; one piece 2Y^ inches hy V/i inches by Y^ inch. Tools Used: Saw, hammer, plane, brace and bit. Directions: Saw out the stock according to directions. Lay out the back and the holder. Plane the back and holder to the proper size. Lay out the chamfer, or bevel, on the back. Plane off the beveled edge to the Hne. Lay 60 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS ^ NQC V<^\\\ 2%- i^ rJi -2f 4-1 ih /4— Figure 60. Toothbrush holder. out the holes on the holder and bore them accurately with the brace and bit. Make the saw cuts. Study the draw- ing carefully. This is an article that should be in every home so that each member of the family can have a definite place for his toothbrush. Incidently, it may be that more brushes will be used, if the racks are made and taken home. 19— House Nail Box Material: Pine as follows: one piece Yi inch by 9 inches by 1 foot 2 inches; two pieces Yi inch by 2Yi inches by 1 foot 2 inches; two pieces Y2 inch by 2J^ inches by 8 inches; one piece ^4 inch by 5 inches by 1 foot 1 inch; one piece Yi inch by 2Y2 inches by 1 foot V/^ inches. Tools Used: Saw, plane, hammer, keyhole saw, dividers, brace and bit. Directions: Saw out stock. Plane to dimensions. Lay out the handle as dimensions call for. Cut to line, using WOODWORK AT SCHOOL 61 brace and bit and keyhole saw. Plane stock and cut for partitions. Nail on parts, as shown, and sandpaper until smooth. 20— Bird House M aterial: Basswood as fol- lows: two pieces Figure 61. House nail box. i-i • • i i 534 inches by 33^ inches by 34 inch; two pieces 4J^ inches by 4 inches sf ^f 6 H Figure 62. Bird house. 6'2 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS by 3^ inch; one piece ij/g inches by 3^ inches by 34 inch; two pieces 5}^ inches by 33^ inches by 34 inch. Tools Used: Saw, plane, hammer, brace and bit. Directions: Lay out end pieces and cut them to the proper size with the saw. Lay out roof boards and plane to size. Plane the post to size. Assemble the pieces and fasten together. Paint any color desired. Gray or green are probably best. Students should be encouraged to make bird houses and erect them in the home yards, as they will then become more interested in all common birds, seeing their beauty as well as usefulness. 21— Bread Board Material: Basswood or oak 12 inches by 6 inches by ^ inch. Tools Used: Plane, saw, dividers, wood file and sand- paper. Directions: Saw out the stock 12 inches by 6 inches by % inch. Square one face. Square one edge with the squared face. Square one end with the squared face and edge. Cut to proper length and square the end. Cut to proper width and square the edge. Cut to proper thickness .1 Figure 63. Bread board. WOODWORK AT SCHOOL 63 and square the face. Lay out curved ends with the dividers and cut with chisel. Lay out rounded bevel and work round with the plane. Smooth up the bevel with the wood file. Sandpaper the entire board until it is perfectly smooth. 22— Sleeve Board Material: Pine or basswood as follows: two pieces 22 inches by 4^ inches by ^ inch; two pieces S}4 inches by 4 inches by % inch. Tools Used: Saw, plane, chisel, wood file, sandpaper, brace and bit. Directions: Saw out the stock according to directions. Plane the bottom to the proper size and round the four corners. Lay out the top board and plane to the proper size and shape. Make dowel holes and put in the dowels. Put in bolts. Use wood file and sandpaper on all rough edges. Sandpaper the top until perfectly smooth. This is a very useful article in the home and not difficult to make, if the drawing and the directions are followed carefully. Figure 64. Sleeve board. 64 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS 23— Knife Box Material: Oak as follows: one piece 12^4 inches by 63^ inches by % inch; two pieces 8 inches by 5 inches by ^ inch; two pieces 12 inches by 3 inches by % inch. Tools Used: Plane, saw, hammer, cUviders, brace, bit and sandpaper. Directions: After studying the drawing, saw out the stock. Plane the bottom piece to the proper size. Lay Figure 65. Knife box. out the rounded bevel and plane. Lay out end pieces and cut them to shape. Cut the holes for handles in the end- pieces, using brace and bit. Cut sidepieces to proper size. Assemble and nail pieces together. Sandpaper the entire box until smooth. This is another very useful article. While it is called a knife box, knives, forks and spoons can be kept in it. WOODWORK AT SCHOOL 65 24 — Floor Broom Holder Material: Pine as follows: one piece 8 inches by 3 inches by % inch; one piece 53^2 inches by 23^ inches by % inch. Tools Used: Plane, saw, brace, bit, chisel, sandpaper and screw driver. Directions: Square up the bottom piece and the holder to size, following the drawing and the directions. Lay out the bevel on the bottom piece and plane the bevel. Lay out the holder and . cut to the proper '^ shape. Bore the hole for the holder. Make saw cuts. Assemble and fasten the pieces together with screws, as shown in the drawing. Sandpaper carefullj^ until smooth. This use- ful little article will be welcomed by any housekeeper. Unless there is a proper place for the broom, it is often short- Figure Floor broom holder. lived and usually in the way 25 — Knife, Fork and Spoon Tray Material: Oak as follows: two pieces 14^^ inches by 23/^ inches by % inch thick; three pieces 83^ inches by 23/8 inches by % inch; one piece 83^ inches by 33^ inches by % inch thick. Tools Used: Plane, saw, hammer, chisel, brace, bit and sandpaper. 6'6 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS ^^ i -lev. "^^ ^^ f I 1 -r- »oj>J- J P"-J ! ' r-*j^ Figure 69. Necktie rack. Directions: Plane the front and back pieces to the proper size, following the drawing. Lay out the ends and cut to proper shape. Nail the pieces together, and sand- paper carefully. Stain, using any desired color. The stain 68 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS may be put on by using a cloth and rubbing it into the wood. This handy article would make a useful Christmas present^ 28— Towel Roller Material: Pine as follows: one piece 21^ inches by 4^ inches by ^ inch; two pieces 3 inches by 2 inches by ^ inch; one piece 20 inches by 1^/2 inches by 13^2 inches. Tools Used: Plane, saw, chisel, screw driver, wood file, brace and bit. Directions: Saw out the stock. Plane and square up the back, the ends and the roller. Lay out the bevel on the back and plane it. Lay out the ends and cut to shape. Bore the holes in the ends for the roller. Plane the roller until it is round. Cut the tenons on the ends of the roller so they will fit the holes in the ends. Smooth the roller with the wood file. Fasten the end pieces to the back with screws, as shown in the drawing. Sandpaper all the pieces until they are smooth. Rub on the stain with a cloth. Put the roller in place. While the family towel is not sanitary, it is 2/^' n»co 7T~ to' \;i r -^w — 3 '[ ^ ♦ Figure 70. Towel roller. WOODWORK AT SCHOOL 69 i'i -IfM I Fof^ better to have it on a roller than merely hung up on a nail. A roll of paper toweling could be fastened on the roller instead of the common towel. 29— Milk Stool Material: Pine as follows: two pieces 10 inches by 9 inches by ^ inch; one piece 16 inches by 53^ inches by ^ inch; one piece 11 inches by 5}/2 inches by ^ inch. Tools Used: Saw, plane 15 H .- i and screw driver. Directions: Saw out the stock. Square up the top, the sidepieces and the bot- tom. Lay out the bevel on the top and plane it to the line. Lay out the ends and cut to the proper shape. Bring pieces together and fasten with screws. Sand- paper until smooth. As many of these stools can be used in any dairy barn as there are persons milking. Boxes, up-turned pails, and other temporary things are unhandy, and a stool can 1 : 1 Hi^ r^i^ -4^ Figure 71. Milk stool. be made with very little labor and expense. 30— Camp Stool Material: Oak as follows: four pieces 21 inches by 13^2 inches by % inch; four pieces 16^ inches by 1 inch by 1 inch. Tools Used: Plane, saw, wood file, sandpaper, brace and bit. 70 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS 13- Figure 72, Camp stool. Directions: Square up all pieces as given in the drawing. Bore holes in the sidepieces. Round up the crosspieces, usin g the plane. Bring the parts to- gether and fasten them securely. After sandpapering the stool it should be shellacked, using a brush or a cloth. A piece of canvas or common grain sack may be cut to the desired size and sewed around the crosspieces. A few camp stools on the porch or on the lawn will give enough extra com- fort to pay for the work of making them. Many boys plan an outing in the summer. These stools are collapsible and may be packed away with other camp utensils, or they may be made to come apart, the ''take down" kind, and carried in the knapsack. Or carry the canvas and make the stool. 31— Another Toothbrush Holder Material: Oak as follows: one piece 8 inches by 4M inches by 3^ inch; one piece 8 inches by l}/2 inches by IJ/^ inches. Tools Used: Saw, plane, dividers, bevel, sandpaper, brace and bit. Directions: Lay out the back and cut to the proper shape. Cut the holder to shape, using the drawing as the guide. Fasten the pieces together securely. Sandpaper until smooth and rub on a stain. As will be noticed, this is a more difficult model than Number 18 and more durable. WOODWORK AT SCHOOL 71 I CV I >$4^ fi" ^ [^<'T o J £k-l4^'^-^l 1" ■li^^ ^4— Hz' 4- ' ' J I 1 • III III 11 I r-i— 1 ■ -;^ 1 1 ; III III III III ^^^^ ^^ i * -IcsJ 1 roioo H^^ ^ u J^- Figure 73. Another toothbrush holder. Figure 74. Tub stand. 32— Tub Stand Material: Oak as follows: six pieces 22 inches by 23^2 inches by M inch; one piece 173/2 inches by 4 in- ches by ^ inch; ten pieces 163^ inches by 1 inch by 1 inch; one piece 16 inches by 5 inches by ^ inch ; two pieces 36 inches by 2}/2 inches by 54 inch. Tools Used : Saw, plane, brace and bit. 7'2 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR B07S Directions: Study the drawing carefully. Square up all the pieces and cut them to the proper size. Work each piece to shape. Plane the crosspieces until they are round. Make them smooth with the wood file and sandpaper. Fasten the pieces together firmly. Finish with a coat or two of shellac. This is one of the most useful things that could be made for the kitchen. The rack can be folded up and put away when not in use. There is room for two tubs, and the wringer is fastened to the top of the stand. While it is more difficult to make than the other exercises given, it is not at all impossible for the average boy. It would also make a good home project. CHAPTER V HOME PROJECTS IN WOODWORK The working drawings and directions for a few very useful home credit projects in woodwork are here given. They should suggest others. These projects have all been done by farm boys attending associated schools, and can be done by any bright, energetic young man. If there is not already a workshop at home, one should be provided. It should contain a bench sufficiently large for a man's convenience. Boxes or drawers, shelves and racks should be provided and arranged conveniently for holding tools. The following Hst of tools and equipment will be needed: Tools for Farm Shop 1 Bench 1 Set of chisels 1 Vise 6 Gouges, assorted sizes 1 Jointer plane, 22-inch 1 Ratchet brace, 12-inch sweep . 1 Jack plane, 14-inch 1 Set of general purpose wrenches 1 Block plane, 6-inch 2 Monkey wrenches — 1 large, 1 small 1 Ripsaw, 24-inch, 6 points 1 Glass cutter 1 Crosscut saw, 22-inch, 8 points 1 Drawknife, 10-inch 1 Keyhole saw 1 Mallet 1 Steel square, 2-foot 1 Spokeshave 1 Try-square, 8-inch 1 Marking gauge 1 Sliding bevel, 8-foot 2 Hand screw drivers— one 5-inch,one 10-inch 1 Claw hammer 1 Set of bits 1 Pair dividers, 8-inch 2 Countersinks — 1 for wood, 1 for iron 1 Plumb and level 1 Breast drill 1 Hand axe 1 Set of drills 1 — Workbench Material: Fir or pine as follows: one piece 3 inches by 12 inches by 5 feet 8 inches; four pieces 4 inches by 4 inches by 2 feet 3 inches; three pieces 2 inches by 4 inches by 4 feet 2 inches; two pieces 2 inches by 4 inches by 1 foot 6 inches; three pieces 2 inches by 4 inches by 1 foot 4 inches; one piece ^ inch by 12 inches by 4 feet 2 inches; one piece 73 74 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS ^ inch by 8 inches by 5 feet 8 inches; one piece % inch by 3 inches by 6 feet; two pieces 2 inches by 3 inches by 1 foot 8 inches; two pieces % inch by 3 inches by 8 inches. Tools Used: Saw, plane, hammer, monkey wrench, screw driver, square, brace and bit. Directions: Cut the legs to proper length and plane. Lay out housing for the 2 inches by 4 inches. Cut the side s^n -(^-O- '-'^'—^^ TL ■-r':f -THJ I ^'r 3^ ffr. ^' ^: Figure 75. Workbench. rails and end rails to length, fitting them into housing tightly. Bore holes through the center of each joint and bolt, using ^-inch bolts. Plane up the 2-inch by 4-inch by 1 foot 4-inch pieces, bolting them to the inside and top of legs. Plane front board to dimensions and screw to the legs. Nail the other 2-inch by 4-inch by 1 foot 4-inch pieces in place, as shown. Plane up the top to dimensions. Place the top in position, letting it extend out 1 inch over the front edge and 10 inches over the left end and fasten in place with screws. Plane up the %-inch by 8-inch by 5 feet 8-inch board to size and nail in place. Glue and screw HOME PROJECTS IN WOODWORK 75 t a C5i the two 2-mch endpieces in place. Glue and screw the ^-inch by 3-inch by 6-foot piece to the back of the top. Sandpaper until smooth and shellac. 2— Shop Nail Box Material: Pine as follows: one piece ^ inch by 10 inches by 1 foot 2 inches; two pieces % inch by 3^ inches by 1 foot 33^2 inches; two pieces ^ inch by 3^ inches by 10 inches; one piece ^ inch by 6 inches by 1 foot 2 inches ; one piece ^ inch by 3 inches by 1 foot V/s inches. Tools Used: Saw, plane, ham- mer, keyhole saw, dividers, brace and bit. Directions: Saw out stock. Plane to dimen- sions. Lay out the handle as dimensions call for. Cut to line, using brace and bit and keyhole saw. Plane stock and cut for partitions. Nail on parts as shown. Sandpaper until smooth. 3 — Shop Horse Material: Fir or pine as follows: one piece 2 inches by 4 inches by 3 feet; four pieces J4 inch by 4 inches by 2 feet; two pieces % inch by 5 inches by 7 inches. Tools Used: Saw, plane, hammer, marking gauge, brace, drill and screw driver. Figure 76. Shop nail box. 76 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS ^ T^ H\^^[i' Directions: Saw out the stock as dimen- sions call for. Bevel the four legs, as shown in the drawing. Plane the two endpieces to shape. Drill holes for screws and screw parts together, as drawing shows. Figure 77. Shop horse. 4— Fly Trap Material: Pine as follows: Two pieces % inch by 8 inches by 1 foot; three pieces 3^ inch by 1 inch by 2 feet; two pieces ^ inch by % inch by 2 feet ; three pieces % inch by 63^-^ inches by 6 inches; two pieces % inch by ^ inch by 2 feet; three pieces % inch by 13^ inches by 5 inches; two pieces 14 "^ch by 1 inch by Q}/2 inches; one piece ^ inch by 10 inches by 2 feet; two pieces % inch by 2 inches by 10 inches. Tools Used: Plane, crosscut saw, ripsaw, keyhole saw, marking gauge, square, hammer and dividers. Directions: Lay out two endpieces, as shown, and saw to hues. Get out two pieces ^ inch by ^ inch by 2 feet long, nailing to botton of the 2 ends, as shown in drawing. Cover this with fly screen leaving bottom open. Then nail in place the three brace pieces 3^ inch by 1 inch by 2 feet. Lay out your three ^-inch by 63^-inch by 6-inch pieces, as shown, and cut to shape. Make frame, using two ^-inch by ^^-inch by 2-feet pieces and three ^-inch by 13^-inch by 5-inch pieces. Nail together putting the 3^-inch by 1-inch by 63/^-inch cleat on each end. Then nail the triangular HOME PROJECTS IN WOODWORK 77 SIOeVllWCF B^lE BOf^Rb AHP dAITPANi Figure 78. Fly trap, adapted from Minnesota Agricultural College bulletin. shaped pieces in place, as shown in the drawing. Cover the two sides with screen, leaving bottom and top open. Get out the bottom piece. Screw two cleats on, as shown. Make two bait pans to dimensions and fasten them in place, as shown. Shellac or paint. 5 — Fireless Cooker Material: Oak or pine as follows: Two pieces ^ inch by 2 feet 11 inches by 1 foot 7 inches; two pieces ^ inch by 1 foot 6 inches by 1 foot 7 inches; two pieces ^4. inch by 1 foot 6 inches by 2 feet 93^2 inches; one piece % inch by 2 Figure 78a. Section view of fly trap. 78 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS L feet 1 1 inches by 1 foot 71^ inch- eight pieces es; Figure 79. Fireless cooker. Above, top view with cover removed. Below, sectional view of cover. J M inch by 4 inches by 1 foot 7 inches; two pieces % inch by 4 inches by 1 foot 8 inches; two pieces ^ inch by 23^ inch- es by 1 foot 8 inches; two ^ pieces ^ inch by IJ^ inches by 4 feet ; two pieces J^ inch by 4 inches by 2 feet 1 inch; two pieces 3^ inch by 2^ inches by 3 feet 1 inch; two pieces % inch by 13^ inches by 1 foot 9 inches; two 50-lb. lard pails or any other suitable can about the same size with a cover. Tools Used: Plane, crosscut saw, ripsaw, keyhole saw, two-foot square, brace, quarter-inch bit, screw driver, ham- mer and marking gauge. Directions: Glue up stock wide enough to make top, bottom, sidepieces, endpieces and the inside piece. Work out to given dimensions. Glue and nail sidepieces to ends. Fit in bottom. Glue and nail in place. Plane up the nar- Figure 79a. Tireless cooker. Sectional view on A-A, showing cover and packing. HOME PROJECTS IN WOODWORK 79 row strips to size for outside trimming. Glue and screw on from inside of box. Work out cover so it will fit flush with the outside edge of sidepieces and endpieces. Plane up l.V2-inch strips to fit around cover, mitering the corners. Glue and screw on. Fill box about 3 inches from bottom with suitable packing, such as ground cork, hay, wadded paper or wadding. Place lard cans so there will be about 3 inches of space all around. Fill this space with packing to within 2 inches of top of can. Saw out inside piece to fit over the two cans, setting it down about 1 inch from top. Glue and nail in place. Make cushion for inside of cover, as shown, making it plenty large enough so that it will press down on cans tightly. Sandpaper all parts that show and stain and varnish. 6 — Folding Ironing Table Material: Pine as follows: one piece 13^ inches by 1 foot 4 inches by 5 feet 6 inches. Oak as follows: two pieces ^ Figure 80. Folding ironing table. 80 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS inch by 2 inches by 4 feet; two pieces % inch by 2 inches by 2 feet 1 inch; two pieces ^ inch by 2 inches by 1 foot 8Ji inches; one piece ^ inch by 4 inches by 2 feet 3 inches; one piece 134 inches by 2}/^ inches by 1 foot 4 inches; one piece M inch by 13/2 inches by 1 foot 6 inches; one piece 1 inch by % inch by 1 foot 6 inches; one piece ^ inch by ^4 inch by 1 foot 23/2 inches; one piece % inch by ^ inch by 1 foot 53^2 inches; one piece ^ inch by ^ inch by 1 foot 43^2 inches; one piece ^ inch by ^ inch by 1 foot 1 inch. Tools Used: Saw, plane, dividers, hammer, chisel, brace, bit and screw driver. Directions: Saw out the stock for bottom pieces and plane to dimensions. Lay out holes, as shown, and bore, using J^-inch bit. Round off % inch at the edge of each end of the 134-inch by 23/2-inch by 1 foot 4-inch piece. Plane the corners of J^-inch by J^-inch pieces, making them eight- sided. Round off ends to fit J^-inch holes bored in the 2- inch strips. Lay out the 3€-inch by 4-inch by 2 feet 3-inch piece, as shown in the front support, cutting ^-inch tenon on the 4-inch end and cutting a mortise in the J^-inch by 3^-inch by 1 foot 6-inch piece. Lay out the top, as shown, and saw and plane to lines. Fit all eight-sided pieces in, as shown, nailing through the outside 2-inch pieces. Fasten the top with screws. 7— Clothes Bar Material: Oak as follows: sixteen pieces ^ inch by IJ^ inches by 2 feet 1 inch; four pieces ^ inch by 1% inches by foot 2 inches; two pieces % inch by 1^ inches by 2 feet; fifteen pieces ^ inch by ^ inch by 3 feet; one piece ^ inch by ^ inch by 2 feet 9 inches. Tools Used: Saw, plane, chisel, dividers, hammer, brace and bit. EO^IE PROJECTS IN ^VOOD^VORK 81 *s /**■ . ., m T \ :i I v: 1 ijj Figure 81. Clothes bar. Directions: Saw out stock, plane the sidepieces to size and bore holes. Round off the rungs \}/2 inches on each end. Plane corners, making them eight-sided. Put together, as shown, nailing through the outside pieces. Sandpaper. 8— Common Ladder Material: Fir or pine as follows: two pieces 1% inches by 2>}/2 inches by 14 feet ; thirteen pieces IJ^ inches by 13^2 inches by 2 feet 3 inches. Tools Used: Saw, plane, marking gauge, dividers, brace, bit and hammer. ^r- t=- « Figure 82. Common ladder. 82 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS Directions: Lay out sides to shape, as given, and bore holes. Work out rungs to shape and fit to sidepieces. 9 — Outside Stepladder Material: Oak as follows: two pieces ^ inch by 3 inches by 6 feet 4 inches; two pieces J^ inch by IJ/^ inches by 6 feet 3 inches; one piece 1 inch by 4 inches by 1 foot 7 inches; one piece 1 inch by 4 inches by 1 foot 3J^ inches; one piece 1 inch i^P~ Figure 83. Outside stepladder. by 4 inches by 1 foot 2}^ inches; one piece 1 inch by 4 inches by 1 foot 13^ inches; one piece 1 inch by 4 inches by 1 foot 1 inch; one piece ^ inch by 8 inches by 1 foot 8 inches; two pieces ^ inch by 1 inch by 1 foot 8 inches; 3 pieces 3^ inch by 2 inches by 11 inches; two pieces J^ inch by 13^ inches by 3 feet 10 inches; one piece J^ inch by 13/^ inches by 1 foot 8 inches; one piece 34 inch by 1}^ inches by 1 foot 1 inch. Iron as follows: 2 pieces 3^ inch by 4 inches by 6 inches; two pieces }/s inch by 1 inch by 6 inches. HOME PROJECTS IN WOODWORK 83 Tools Used: Plane, saw, hammer, brace, bit, drill, marking gauge, keyhole saw and monkey wrench. Directions: Saw out stock to dimensions and plane. Lay out two sidepieces for treads. House in 34 inch. Plane treads to size, as given. Cut the ends of the 6 feet 4-inch pieces on a 20 angle. Fasten the treads in place with screws. Bend the two pieces of 3^-inch by 4-inch by 6-inch iron to angle shown, driUing holes as shown. Bolt on to front string- ers, using 34-ii^ch bolts. Plane the two back strips to dimen- sions. Round off one end, as shown, fastening to top with bolts. Let these pieces rest on back of stringers. Plane up the ^^-inch strips, cut to dimensions and fasten on back. Get out stock for pail holder, as shown, fastening in place under the second tread, as shown, using bolts and J/g-inch by 1-inch by 6-inch iron strips, as shown. Drill two holes through the top of the angle-iron on each side. Bolt the top tread to it. Sandpaper until smooth and shellac. 10— Shoe Blacking Stand Material: Pine or oak as follows: four pieces 13^ inches by 13^ inches by 11^ inches; two pieces % inch by 5 inches by 1 foot 3^ inch; two pieces ^ inch by 5 inches by 83/^ inches; one piece ^ inch by 8 inches by 1 foot 1 inch; two pieces % inch by 6 inches by 1 foot 4 inches; one piece 3^ inch by 15^ inches by 10 inches; one piece 3^ inch by 1 inch by 73^ inches; one piece ^ inch by 23^ inches by 8 inches. Tools Used: Saw, plane, hammer, chisel, brace, bit, screw driver, marking gauge and dividers. Directions: Plane legs to dimensions. Lay out the mortises, as shown, and cut out J^ inch deep. Plane sides and ends to dimensions. Lay out and cut tenons. Plane bottom and fit in. Plane top. Fasten one half of the top to the sides and ends. Fasten other half with hinges. 84 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS Y /-^ — -H''0l^K t- — . -/-r— — =^H 1 1 1 1 'III •III III, ^ ill nil > li ^L-_-_v-"'-- _-.-T- -i— J _ *. 7" ^/f . __ _^ 1 1" .-I I -IN T / ■ ' -\ ^ f ' dJl t ia c l!>. ^ J cL r i u. ^ 1 •»• «' ' ~ Figure 89. Stock rack. 16 — Wagon Box Material: Yellow poplar or spruce as follows: two pieces 1 inch by 14 inches by 10 feet 6H inches; two pieces 1 inch by 14 inches by 3 feet; twelve pieces 1 inch by 2}4 inches by 1 foot 2 inches; one piece M inch by 7 inches by 2 feet 93^ inches; two pieces 1 inch by 3}4 inches by 2 feet 8 inches. Oak as follows: two pieces 2 inches by 4 inches by 3 feet 2 inches; two pieces 2 inches by 4 inches by 4 feet. Twelve pieces 1 inch by 4 inches 12 foot fir flooring. One set of wagon box irons. 88 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOY 8 M W -/o'—a" - /O - 6i T 'T HfV H^'h -3-2i- Figure 90. Wagon box. Tools Used: Saw, hammer, square, dividers, keyhole saw, wrench, brace, bit and screw driver. Directions: Cut the 2-inch by 4-inch oak to dimensions. Cut the flooring and nail to 2-inch by 4-inch oak. Rivet side irons to wagon box sides. Screw the cleats in place, as shown, then bolt them to the bottom. Cut end gates to dimensions. Screw cleats in place. Bolt the foot rest irons in place on the front of the end gate, bolting the foot rest to the same. Place the end gates in position, boring holes for end gate rods. Screw the 1-inch by 3H-inch by 2 feet 8-inch pieces in place and bolt the side brace irons on, as shown. Sandpaper and paint. 17— Farm Gate Farm gates are too often allowed to sag and become a nuisance. A simple rigid gate may be made as follows: Saw six four-inch pine boards of ordinary thickness the length of the opening between the posts. If the posts are not set, place them twelve feet apart, as a gate that wide HOME PROJECTS IN WOODWORK 89 Figure 91. Farm gate. is sometimes necessary. If the lumber is not already dressed, plane both surfaces and the edges. Using the same kind of lumber, saw two crosspieces for the ends, each four feet two inches long. Nail the six boards to these ends, keeping the top and bottom boards one inch from the ends of the crosspieces, as shown in the drawing. The spaces between the boards should be narrow at the bottom of the gate to prevent small animals from getting through. The drawing shows three inches for the first space, three and three fourths for the second, four and three fourths for the third, six for the fourth, and six and one half for the top space. These spaces should be accurately measured and marked before the boards are fastened. As soon as the boards are fastened lay a four-inch board diagonally across the gate from the lower hinge end to the upper other end. Mark and saw to fit. Nail to each board and clinch the nails. Using another four-inch piece of board, lay it so that one end is just even with the upper edge of the top board about three feet from the hinge end of the gate. Mark it to fit the diagonal brace. Saw and nail to the four boards and toenail to the diagonal. In a similar manner cut and fit a brace for the lower part of the gate at about seven and one half feet from the hinge end. Sometimes double bracing is desired and boards are fastened on each side of the gate. In this event it is best to use bolts 90 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR B0Y8 instead of nails, and a third hinge will be needed to support the extra weight. Use strong hinges. Give the gate two coats of good paint. 18 — Bracing Comer Posts It is sometimes said that the corner post is half the fence. Without a good corner post there can be no good fence. Notice any fence where the wire has sagged and you can usually trace the trouble to the corner. The strain has either pulled the post part way out or the post has not re- mained perpendicular. If barbed wire is allowed to sag in this manner, it becomes extremely dangerous to stock. A corner post should be larger and one or two feet longer than the ordinary post. The hole should be dug correspond- ingly deeper and large enough to have plenty of room for setting. If a wooden post is used, short pieces of plank may be securely nailed at right angles to each other near the bottom of the post to prevent the wire from pulling the posts up. The hole may be partly filled with rock and the spaces filled with earth tamped in solidly or, better still, with cement. After almost filling the hole with earth, more rock should be placed at the surface. At the bottom of the post and at the surface of the earth are the places of greatest strain. See that the post is set so that it is perpendicular. Bracing the post is the most important part of the pro- cess. Heavy poles may be used, or a four by four, if avail- able. Saw a notch in the corner post about ten inches from the top and another in the brace post about the same dis- tance from the bottom. Drive the brace firmly into these notches. In the same manner connect the corner post with the other post. The two fence posts nearest to the corner are used for brace posts. Using strong wire, brace the bot- tom of the corner post to the top of the two brace posts. HOME PROJECTS IN WOODWORK 91 being careful to draw the wire tight and fasten it securely. Such a corner post will not give trouble. Setting a corner post and bracing it may be demonstrated on the school grounds very easily, if it seems desirable. 19— Road Drag One of the most useful implements for road work is the King drag, or more commonly known as the ' 'split-log" drag. It bears the name of the man who first made known its utility. It is made from a ten or twelve-inch log split in two. The halves are faced the same way and fastened about three feet apart with wooden bars. A chain is at- tached in the direction of the smooth faces and the drag drawn at an angle that will cause the earth to be pushed toward the center of the road. The 'drag may now be pur- chased in an improved form, but it is a good exercise for farm boys to make one, and for a rural school, where there are boys old enough, to do the work. Suggest to the school board or to the officers of the farmers' club in the district that the school be allowed to keep the road in repair near the school for a distance of eighty rods or a half-mile, as seems best. Make a drag and ''borrow" a team from home, the older boys taking turns. The road should be dragged very soon after each rain while the soil is still moist. A mistake is often made in allowing the road to get too dry before the drag is put on. Other stu- dents can assist in various ways in keeping the piece of road in repair. If neigh- boring schools Figure 92. Spiit-iordrag. enter into a con- 92 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS test for the best piece of road, and disinterested judges are ap- pointed for the annual inspection, a great deal of interest can be maintained and much valuable knowledge learned about road work. If prizes are offered, still greater interest will prevail. Any group of ''live boys" in a school district can get such a contest started. To make the drag, get a log about ten inches in diameter and seven feet long. If there is a sawmill near, have the log sawed lengthwise. If not, split it carefully in two, and with a sharp ax or adz make the split surfaces smooth. From some hard and tough wood, such as maple or ironwood, make three crosspieces each three feet six inches long. With an ax or drawshave trim these down to two inches in diameter. With a two-inch auger bore a hole a few inches from one end of one piece of the log. Bore another hole two and a half feet from this one and another five feet from the first. These holes should be made at an angle of about thirty degrees. (See illustration.) In a similar manner bore holes in the other half of the log, keeping the angle in such a direction that the crosspieces will fit. Before fastening the pieces of the log together, arrange them so that the hole near the end of the front piece is at the left, and the one farthest from the end in the back piece at the left. Drive the pieces together and wedge the braces securely. Another brace, a two by four or something heavier, should be fastened near the end of the front piece to the end of the back piece near the other brace. This brace will strengthen the drag where the greatest strain occurs. If possible, get a piece of iron plate, and have four holes drilled in it at a blacksmith's. Place this plate on the bottom and cutting end of the front part of the drag. This plate will make the drag wear and cut better. It should be firmly fastened with countersink bolts. A chain about twelve feet long is fastened about HOME PROJECTS IN WOODWORK 93 the middle of the log at the right end of the drag and extends over the top of the log at the left end and is fastened to the round brace. The team is hitched to the chain at about three feet from the end at the right. If desired, a bottom may be made of boards fastened to the braces. If it seems impossible to construct a full sized drag and make use of it in road contests between schools as here sug- gested, much benefit can be derived from discussions and the making of miniature road drags, culverts and bridges as part of tbe knife work in manual training. CHAPTER VI HOME PROJECTS IN CEMENT AND IRON As wood and lumber have become scarcer it has been more and more necessary to substitute other materials for them. Metals, especially iron and steel, have been in use for a long time, but recently a mixture known as concrete has come into general use on the farm as well as elsewhere. Less than fifty years ago the first cement mill in the United States was built in Pennsylvania. Now the annual output is approximately one hundried million barrels, and is in- creasing rapidly. Cement is the basis of concrete. There are two kinds — the natural and the artificial. The former is found in the natural state, is burned, ground into a powder and put on the market. But little of this kind is now used. Portland cement, the best known artificial cement, has been so named, because it resembles a stone quarried near Portland, Eng- land. It is made by heating lime and clay in a special furnace. The principal ingredients of cement are siUca; lime, iron oxide and alumina. It may be purchased in paper sacks, cloth sacks and in bulk, but the common form is the cloth sack which contains ninety-four pounds net. A sack of cement is approximately one cubic foot. Four sacks make a barrel. Sacks may always be returned to dealers and ten cents credit obtained for each. Cement must not be allowed to get wet, or even damp, as mois- ture hardens it and renders it unfit for use. It should be stored in a dry place, and never allowed to lie on the ground. 94 HOME PROJECTS IX CEMEXT AXD IROX 95 CONCRETE WORK Concrete is made from a mixture of cement, sand, gravel and water. Great care must be taken in selecting and pre- paring this mixture. The sand must be sharp and free from all finer particles. If it contains clay, it should be washed and screened until only the coarse sand remains. Screening is very important, as the cement will then stick to the sand firmly and make a strong mixture. The gravel also should be coarse. A screen with a one fourth inch sieve is generally used for separating the sand from the gravel. That which passes through is sand and that which does not pass, is gravel. Gravel with a diameter of more than one and one half inches should not be used. Mixing the materials is a very important part of the process. A common mixture is that known as the 1:2:4, meaning one part by volume of cement, two parts of sand and four parts of gravel. Each batch of concrete should be some multiple of this proportion. Sand and gravel must not be used indiscriminately as taken from the pit. Crushed rock is still better than screened gravel and should be used where it can be obtained. Care must be used, however, not to use soft rock or shale that will be affected by the weather, as concrete can be no stronger than its weakest ingredient. The cement and sand should first be thoroughly mixed and then added to the coarse gravel or crushed rock. Mix all carefully before adding the water. Use only pure water and add to form a mortar just thin enough to run into molds. Green concrete is easily cracked and must be protected while curing. The quality of the product will be largely determined by the way it is cured. During the first two or three days, concrete must be kept wet and covered with burlap or some other suitable material. It should be 96 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS sprinkled for several days and should not be used for a long time. Uses of Concrete on the Farm Walks. Every farm home should have some concrete walks, if not more than a few feet leading to the doors. Some farmsteads have concrete walks leading from the house to the barn and other outbuildings. Where the labor can be done at home and the materials, except the cement, obtained on the farm, the cost is very little. The ground should be excavated to a depth of from eight to twelve inches, depending upon the climate, and a subfoundation of stone, gravel or cinders laid. The soil should be well packed before putting in the subfoundation. The latter is usually from four to six inches deep and should be drained, if necessary, to prevent water from standing in it, as water would freeze in cold weather and break the walk by upheaval. The subfoundation must be well tamped before laying the foundation. The foundation is usually three or four inches deep and may be mixed in the proportion of 1:3:6, if coarse sand or crushed rock is used. The concrete should be laid rather soft so that when it is being packed down, moisture may be seen on the top. A top-dressing, or wearing coat, of one half to one inch is made of cement mortar, one part of cement to two parts of sharp sand or fine screenings of crushed rock being used. This gives a smooth and hard wearing surface. The walk must be divided into sections by cutting en- tirely through with a trowel or other sharp instrument. These sections should not be larger than eighteen inches or two feet square to prevent cracking. A list of tools needed and specific directions for constructing the walk may be obtained from any bulletin on concrete. HOME PROJECTS IN CEMENT AND TRON 97 Basement Floors. A concrete basement or cellar floor has been found to be serviceable and economical. This kind of floor may be constructed in the same manner as the walks, excepting, perhaps, that greater care must be exerted to secure good drainage for the subfoundation. Division into small sections is not so necessary, four being* sufficient for an average room. It is well to slope the floor slightly toward one corner and drain from that corner. Stable Floors. If properly constructed, there is no good reason why horse stables, as well as cow barns, should not have concrete floors, which are economical and much more sanitary than wooden floors. Since a greater strength is required for this kind of floor, the foundation should be about six inches thick. A one-inch wearing surface will then be sufficient. Construct the same as for walks. A rough finish will prevent the animals from slipping. Fence Posts. As fence posts become more and more expensive there is an increasing demand for a substitute for the wooden post. Concrete posts may be made for eighteen or twenty cents each, not counting the labor, and if properly constructed will last indefinitely. For reinforcement, wire or small steel rods may be used. Sometimes old fence wire may be utilized with little or no extra expense. One piece of steel or wire in each corner of the post about an inch from the surface is the common method of reinforcement. Molds are made of wood in any desired size and shape. A tapering post is cheaper than a rectangular one, and just as useful in most cases. Posts are usually molded in a horizontal position, as that method is simpler than the verti- cal. The molds are made of dressed lumber, preferably one and one half inches thick. From one to a dozen molds may be used at the same time. They should be so con- structed that the ends may be let down and the boards 7-^ 98 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS between the posts released to take out the posts when dry enough. A bulletin on concrete from the state experiment station will give complete directions for making the molds, which lack of space prevents giving here. The mixture is usually of a 1:23^:5 proportion, although 1:2:4 and 1:3:6 mixtures are sometimes used. The greatest possible care must be exerted to get the proper grades of sand and gravel, as a small amount of earth or clay in the sand will make the post worthless. The concrete is run into the molds and smoothed off with a trowel. The posts must be handled very carefully while ''green" and should not be used for about three months after making. Concrete Blocks. Concrete or ''cement" building blocks are now quite common. Several different forms are made, but most of them are of hollow construction, not only to save material but also to provide a "dead air" space to make the temperature in the building more equable. These blocks are often made on the farm from homemade molds the desired shape and size for foundations and small build- ings. If large quantities are desired, it would be more economical for several persons to co-operate and purchase a machine for making the blocks. See a bulletin for com- plete directions. Other Uses. Concrete is also commonly used in the construction of hog troughs, drinking tanks, cesspools, cul- verts, etc. To construct some of these is beyond the ability of school boys. Hog troughs may easily be made of a 1:2:4 mixture poured into a homemade form the desired size and shape. The common V shape is easily made, but the bot- tom should be slightly rounded so that no food will remain and sour. Boys who have selected some of the concrete work for "home credit" tasks have been delighted with what they HOME PROJECTS IN CEMENT AND IRON 99 have learned about it. Some of the work suggested can be done at school. WHITEWASHING Every boy should know how to make and use whitewash. Outbuildings of all kinds can be kept sweet and clean by its use. Start with a small building, such as a chicken coop. Better results are obtained by using a brush than by a spray, although it requires more time. After the first application is thoroughly dry a second may be put on, if desired. The Government whitewash discussed in some of the Farmers' Bulletins is the best. It may be made as follows: Put two pecks of quickhme in a boiler or washtub. Cover the lime with hot water and put a lid on the boiler. Let stand until all the lime is slaked, then strain it. Dissolve one peck of common salt in hot water and add to the lime. Boil about three pounds of rice to a thin paste and add this to the mixture. Dissolve one pound of glue in a gallon of warm water. Put about half a pound of powdered Spanish whiting into the glue, and mix all thoroughly with the lime. Let stand a few days. This mixture makes a much more durable, presentable and sanitary whitewash than the ordi- nary forms and it is inexpensive. Reheat before using, if possible. For use in damp, interior places, omit the glue. Cow barns and stables may be much improved by applying whitewash at least once a year. IRON WORK Care of Forge. To build a fire, clean out the little pocket in the forge, known as the tweir. Place clean shavings in the tweir, putting coke over the shavings, and light the fire, giving it a slow draft. After the coke is burning put 100 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOTS on coal until the fire is built up quite high. Bank around with wet coal. Use the best '\smithy" coal obtainable. Keep the fire free from clinkers, shaking it down occasion- ally. Keep the clinker trap under the forge clean. Methods of Heating. Iron can be heated to a much greater degree without burning than steel. Steel should never be heated beyoQd a cherry red for ordinary work, such as drawing out or punching. Blacksmiths speak of heating iron to a red heat, white heat and a welding heat. Beginners should use the red heat at first to avoid burning. Tools for Blacksmith Shop Anvil, 75 or 100 pounds Blacksmith's leg vise Forge, 18 or 20-inch hearth Stock and set of dies Cold chisel Hardy 1 Straight lip tongs 1 Bolt tongs 1 Tin snips 1 Ball-peen hammer, 1-pound 1 Cross-peen hammer, 2-pound 1 Blowtorch 1 Soldering iron FORGING 1— Figure 8 Material: Mild steel or wrought iron, % inch round by 8 inches long. Tools Used: Hammer and tongs. Directions:' Heat the iron to required heat, bending it over horn of anvil. As this is a bending exercise, care should be taken to get the eyes as near alike as possible. Figure 93. Figure 8 bending exercise as it ap- pears when fin- ished. 2— Gate Hook Material: Mild steel or wrought iron, ^ inch round by 33/^ inches long. Tools Used: Hammer and tongs. Directions: Heat iron to bright red. Draw out to }4 inch square, as shown. Heat one end about 1 inch, placing edge on anvil and letting it extend from front edge of anvil HOME PROJECTS IN CEMENT AND IRON 101 3m^^ on the face about % inch. Then hammer down, mak- ing a shoulder. Round this end out to 'j/g inch. Bend to make eye, as shown, so that it fits into shoulder. Draw out other end round about 2 inches, making it slightly pointed, to shape over horn of anvil. Heat center of hook Figure 94. Gate hook. A-Round iron. B-A drawn out square. C-Finished hook. Bend Hold with two pairs of tongs, one on each side and about 1 inch apart. Then twist, making one complete turn. Straighten hook, using mallet and block. 3 — Making an Angle 1 ^^ Material: Figure 95. Making a right angle. A-Iron bar after heating and upsetting for bend- ing. B-Finished angle. Mild steel or wrought iron, 3^ inch by }/2 inch by 7 inches. Tools Used: Hammer and tongs. Directions: Heat the piece in the center about 1 inch and upset, either b}^ placing one end on anvil and hammering down on the other end or butting against anvil. Then reheat in center and bend either over edge of anvil or in vise. Then square up, keeping the stock to the same dimension. 4— Bent Hook Material: Mild steel or wrought iron, % inch round and 7 inches long. Tools Used: Hammer and tongs. Directions: Draw out one end slightly pointed, as in A. Bend the eye over the horn of anvil, as shown in B. Bend 102 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS hook over the horn of the anvil, care being taken to have the eye come straight with the center of hook, as shown in C. 5— Lap Weld This weld is the most used and it is also the easiest to make and the strongest, if properly done. The first thing to do in pre- paring this weld is to upset the end, which can be done by heating a short distance back from the end, then placing the hot end on the .- „ . Figure 96. Bent hook. A-Iron drawn out anvil while hammermg on and pointed. B-After completing the , , .1. J mi r ^y^- C-Completed hook. the other end. Then scarf off the ends, as shown in the drawings, having scarf side slightly convex. Scarf should never be concave, as it would form a pocket for scales, cinders and gas, making a poor weld. In welding, bring the iron to a welding or fusing heat, or, as some blacksmiths say, until it starts to flow. Always place the pieces to be welded so that they can be seen. One cannot weld with a dirty fire. Be sure that there are no clinkers or anything else to clog the fire. Do not get the iron too near the tweir or too close to the top, as the cold air will cause scales and you will be unable to make a good weld. Care should be taken that the iron is not burned, a good weld cannot be made with burned iron. Figure 97. Lap, or scarf, weld A-Stock upset and scarfed, B-Top view of A. HOME PROJECTS IX CEMEXT AND IRON 103 If, when you are heating for a weld, you see sparks, or, as some say, diamonds, going out of your fire, you will know that the iron is burning. The best thing to do is to take it out and cut off the burned part and scarf it over. Welding is one of the most difficult things to learn in forging and it takes a great deal of practice. It is a good plan for beginners to take short pieces, as shown in the drawing, and practice until they can make a good weld. If care is taken in upset- ting and scarfing, the stock will be considerably larger at the weld. This extra thickness you can forge down with a hammer. If the work is well done, it will be impossible to see the weld. 6 — Link, Ring and Washer ^ ^ ^ Material: Mild steei or wrought iron, ^^i inch round and 7 inches long. Tools Used: Hammer Figure 98. Link exercise. A-Stock show- ^ ing method of scarfing. B-Stock bent "niVft/'+i/^nc • TTrkcof hnih into link ready to weld. C-End view UlTeCtlOnS. Upsei DOtU showing scarfs in place. ^^^^ ^^^^ y^^^^^ StOCk iu tllC shape of a U, scarfing, as shown in the drawing; then bend the two ends so that the scarfs come together, as shown; heat to welding heat and weld on anvil. In making chains, two links are welded separately and linked to the third and the third then welded. In a similar manner make a ring and a washer. 7— Fagot Welded Hook Material: Mild steel or wrought iron, Vg inch round by 8 inches long. Tools Used: Hammer and tongs. Directions: Bend the e^^e in the center of the stock, as shown, bringing the two sides together and keeping them at 104 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS Figure 99. Fagot welded hook. A-Stock bent into shape for welding. B-Finished hook. even lengths. Place in the fire and bring to welding heat, starting the weld at the eye and working to the end. Draw out the stock to a ^- inch diameter, point off end, as shown, and bend over the horn of anvil, keeping the eye and the cen- ter of the hook on a line. In this way a very strong hook is made which can be used in a great many places where the bent hook would not stand. This is known as the fagot method of welding. 8— Split Forging I To make a hole 1 inch round in a flat bar that is only 1 inch wide, split the bar, as shown in A of the drawing, and punch a little hole at each end of the split to prevent further splitting. Then drive a punch in the split and form the hole by swelling out the end of the bar. This is one form of split forging. Figure 100. Split forging I. A-Stock split and end rounded. B-Completed product by this method. fl Figure 101. Split Forging II. A-Stock laid out. B-Stock cut out and worked to shape. 9— Split Forging II This is another kind of split forging that is very handy. Cut out shaded parts, as shown in A of the drawing, and work out to shape, as shown in B. A great variety of shapes can be made by using this method of work. HOME PROJECTS IN CEMENT AND IRON 105 B Figure 102. Split Forging III. A-Stock split aa directed in Split Forging I. B-Stock worked to shape. round the ends over edge of anvil; punch a small hole in the bottom of the jaw and cut out, as indi- cated by the dotted lines in B; then finish as shown in C. Bend the other end in the opposite direction. The two jaws should be of dif- ferent sizes. Do not harden. 10— Split Forging III This is also a kind of split forg- ing. If a +-shaped piece is wanted, split, as shown, and work out to required shape. The drawings show what is meant by this exercise. 11— S Wrench The S wrench is a form of split forging. To make one, tool steel should be used and the stock must vary to comply with size of wrench wanted. Place the bar edgewise over the anvil and work out the shoulders; next draw out the stock towards the center as shown in A; the Figure 103. S Wrench. A-Stock with shoulders worked out. B-Rounded, holes punched, ready for splitting. C-Jaw worked out and shaped. CHAPTER VII HOME CREDIT WORK IN AGRICULTTOE There is no richer field for the application of scientific principles than that of the home project work in agriculture. It should not be the aim of any school, not even the agri- cultural college, to turn out scientists only. Such training is useful only to the extent that it can be made practical. While it is desirable to encourage home projects in general and to give suitable credit in school for such work, it is absolutely necessary to correlate it with the school work in agriculture, if definite results are to be obtained. It is not so much a matter of the leadership of the school as it is of intel- ligent co-operation on the part of the home and the farm. If there is a farmers' club in the communitj^, that is the proper organization to become affiliated with the school for the promotion of this kind of work. If not, the school must get the interest of the farmers of the district. The home exercises given in this chapter should be discussed in school, but carried out at home. These projects will sug- gest others. SOIL STUDY All soils have been formed from the rock of the earth's crust, by the action of wind, water, heat and other agencies. Gravel, sand, silt and clay are kinds of soil classified accord- ing to the size of the soil particles. Animal and vegetable decaying matter in the soil is called humus. Humus con- tains much plant food. Mineral plant food is ''locked up" in the soil. Weathering and cultivation make this food available to the plant. A mixture of different kinds of soils 106 HOME CREDIT WORK IN AGRICULTURE 107 is called a loam. If a soil contains more sand than clay, it is a sandy loam. If more clay than sand is present, it is a clay loam. The fertile lands in the great corn belt are chiefly silt loams. Soil management, and consequently to a large degree farm management, must depend upon the character of the soil; hence, the value of an elementary study of soils. For a soil tube, make a box two inches square at the ends, inside measurement, and four feet long. Get glass cut to fit one side so as to have a glass front. Fasten the soil tube in a vertical position and fill it with soil from an average farm just as it is found and arranged in the ground, the subsoil below and the surface soil on top. The tube can be filled best from an excavation for a cellar or well, as 3^ou can then see each layer of soil. More than one sample should be obtained, if the soils of the farms in the district are uneven. In case it is not possible to make or procure a soil tube for the school, bring from each farm represented samples of top soil, of soil six inches below the surface, and one, two, three and four feet below the surface, and study these in class. What plants send roots deeper than four feet? What has the subsoil to do with moisture? Why are sandy soils called light soils? Weigh equal volumes of sand, loam and clay. Which is the heaviest? Measure water and pour it into the different kinds of soils and deter- mine which will hold the most water. What kind of soil makes the best subsoil? Why? Fill five lamp chimneys partly full of gravel, sand, loam, clay and leaf mold respec- tively, tying cloth over the bottom ends and submerging these ends about an inch. Water will rise by capillary action. In which does it rise most? Least? Put about an inch of dust on the top of the loam and note how high the moisture rises. How does the result show the value of a 108 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS dust mulch in cultivated crops? Your school can make a local soil survey that will be very valuable to the farmers of the community. MINIATURE FARM Many important problems in farm management may be shown in a miniature model farm. It is a general principle of rotation that grass should follow a grain crop, and a cul- tivated crop succeed a grass crop. In a simple three-year rotation these crops would follow in order every three years. In a four-year plan the hay land would be pastured the second year, before plowing up the sod for the cultivated crop. In a five-year rotation it is customary to have two grain crops in succession. An ideal arrangement is to divide the farm into as many equal fields as there are years in the system of rotation adopted. It can easily be shown that the shape of the field has a great deal to do with the number of rods of fence per acre required to enclose it. Although long fields require more fencing, they are more economical in plowing, seeding and harvesting than square fields. The location and size of the farmstead is an important item in farm management. The germination of seeds, differences in color and shape of the blades of different kinds of grain, rate of growth of each during twenty-four hours, the root systems, etc., are worth careful observation. All these and other important facts may be studied much better from the miniature farm than from books. A few weeks before school closes in the spring is the best time for this study. The facts can be observed also on farms in the vicinity at this time. Make a box three feet square and about three inches deep. Fill it with pulverized soil or with sawdust. If the latter is used, soak it well before packing it firmly into the box. In some ways sawdust is the better, as it will not get HOME CREDIT WORK IN AG RI CULT (J RE 109 JO Acres Grain 30 Acres Grain I 1 1 30 Acres Hay 50 Acres Pasture 1 1 1 Minor Re tar, en Picti Figure 104. Diagram of a farm showing location of crops for one year in a five- year rotation. Farm buildings and calf and hog lots — the minor rotation plots — are located in farmstead of ten acres. hard, and it retains moisture well. As the seed contains all the nourishment needed for two or three weeks' growth, it is unnecessary to use soil. For the fence, use toothpicks or splints and put one every inch around the outside of the ''farm," allowing them to stick up about an inch above the surface of the sawdust. Supposing your ''farm" represents 160 acres and you desire a five-year rotation, you can allow ten acres for the farmstead and thirty acres for each of the 110 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS Suggestive Rotations Three-Year Plan Year Field A Field B Field C 1916 1917 1918 Grain Cloyer Corn Clover Corn Grain Corn Grain Clover Four-Year Plan Year Field A Field B Field C Field D 1916 1917 1918 1919 Grain Meadow Pasture Corn Meadow Pasture Corn Grain Pasture Corn Grain Meadow Corn Grain Meadow Pasture Five- Year Plan Year Field A Field B Field C Field D Field E 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 Grain Grain Meadow Pasture Corn Grain Meadow Pasture Corn Grain Meadow Pasture Corn Grain Grain Pasture Corn Grain Grain Meadow Corn Grain Grain Meadow Pasture five fields. To fence these, mark off nine inches (represent- ing 40 rods) from the east line on the south side and place a dot on the edge of the box. Do the same on the north side, and run a toothpick fence between the dots parallel to the east line. Run a similar fence nine inches from and parallel to the south line. This plan will make a square ten-acre farmstead in the southeast corner and two thirty-acre fields, one on the east and on the south. Divide the remaining space into three equal fields, and you will have the ideal arrangement for a five-year rotation. Build a toothpick fence for a lane from the farmstead to the north field and your fencing will be complete. The accompanying diagram shows the plan. Sow grain in the two fields farthest north, timothy and clover in the two fields farthest south to repre- HOME CREDIT WORK IN AGRICULTURE 111 sent hay in one and pasture in the other, and corn in the east field. This arrangement of the fields will represent the farm as it would appear one year in five after the rotation had become established. In actual field conditions, of course, the timothy and clover are seeded down with the preceding grain crop. Small buildings may be made from colored paper and located on the farmstead. With toothpicks lay out fields for a five-year minor rotation plan within the farmstead for the hog and calf pastures. Plan a three and a four-year rotation farm. Bring a plan of your home farm and see if you can improve it by re- planning and establishing a system of rotation, if one is not already used. Try a model farm on a large plot at home next spring. GERMINATION TESTS Students should become thoroughly familiar with the common methods of seed testing for grains and grasses. From your references, find out how to use the ''rag doll" for corn testing, the ''soup plate" and other methods of testing grass and small grain seed, and test some of the seed to be used on the farm. Seed testing is good agricultural work for February and March. Make a seed corn tester as follows: Using box lumber or other available material, make a box twenty inches long, twenty inches wide and two inches deep, inside measurements. Mix sawdust with water until it is saturated and pack it firmly into the box. Cut a piece of cotton the size of the bottom of the box inside and mark it off into two-inch squares. This will make 100 squares, affording space to test 100 ears at once. Place the cotton cloth over the moist sawdust and take five kernels from the middle part of each ear and put them in the squares. Cover 112 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS . 1 " -i^ \. ^ _ _ Figure 105. Seed corn tester, show- ing squares. with another cloth or with a glass to hold the moisture. Keep the tester in a warm room of even temperature. Examine every twenty-four hours for five days and tabulate the results. When do the kernels begin to sprout? Does the root or top shoot start first? Are some sprouts more vigorous than others and what does this fact show? Dis- card all the ears that do not show 100% of strong germination, as only the latter kind of seed should be saved for planting. GARDEN WORK Select a rich piece of soil, well drained and free from weeds. The size will depend upon circumstances and may vary from a few square feet for the youngest boys and girls to a large tract for a commercial garden for the older ones. About thirty feet is a good length for a row but the garden may be as long or as wide as desired. The garden should be plowed early enough in the fall to check the growth of weeds and to bring buried weed seeds to the surface where ' they will germinate and be killed by frost. Fall plowing also disturbs the eggs or pupae of various kinds of insects and many of them are destroyed. A heavy coat of well rotted barnyard manure should be plowed under, and the soil harrowed a few times to conserve the moisture. As soon as it is dry in the spring, the soil should be thoroughly pulverized with a disk and harrowed until fine. Do as much of the labor with horses as possible. The garden should be planned during the winter and the seeds purchased in time to test them. Better still, save HOME CREDIT WORK IX AGRICULTURE 113 some of your own seed. The students of a school might well plan their gardens together as part of their agricultural work, exchanging varieties of home grown seed and thus saving the expense of purchasing. The testing should be done at school a few weeks before the seed is needed. Plats of each garden may be planned and drawn, and approved by parents and teacher. The plat should be drawn to scale and show what the garden is to contain and where each kind of seed is to be planted. Then follow the working drawing when the garden is being planted. Copies of the plat should be preserved at school and at home for reference. A few principles of gardening should be kept in mind. Plant the smallest vegetables, such as onions, carrots, beets, etc., in a part of the garden by themselves in rows about sixteen inches apart. The larger things, as corn and pota- toes, should be far enough apart to use a horse cultivator, unless the garden is very small. Space should be left and kept cultivated for plants that are to be transplanted, such as cabbage, tomatoes, cauliflower, celery, etc. These should be started earl}" in window boxes. If done at school, one box of each variety will be sufficient for the entire school. The school should have a hotbed made and cared for by the students. Borrow the storm sashes from the home, if neces- sary. In case the garden soil is dry when the seed is planted, it should be packed and made firm over the row. This packing will enable capillary action to bring the soil water to the surface. A dust mulch between the rows while the plants are growing will conserve the moisture. Do not al- low weeds in your garden. A weed is ''any plant out of place." Get some bulletins on gardening, keep records of your receipts and expenditures and exhibit your products at the school in the fall. 114 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR B078 WEED COLLECTION Weeds do millions of dollars' worth of damage annually, a large part of which could be saved, if the boys and girls learned to identify them in school and later practiced the proper methods of eradication on the farm. All weeds come under three general classes — annual, those that produce seed and die during one season; biennial, those that grow to maturity, produce seed and die the second season; and perennial, those that live on year after year and produce seed annually. Examples of annual weeds are pigeon grass, mustard, wild oat and Russian thistle; biennials are repre- sented by burdock and bull thistle; and some of the worst perennials are Canada thistle, quack grass, dandelion and yellow dock. Perennial weeds are particularly obnoxious, because many of them produce new plants from the roots as well as from the seed. Methods of eradication, or ways of getting rid of weeds, depend upon the class to which they belong. Annuals and biennials must be prevented from seeding, but prevention of seeding is not sufficient for the perennials, and some way of pulling or kilhng the roots must be devised. Rotation of crops is the best general method of destroying and preventing weeds, but spraying, smother- ing, pulling by hand and other methods are employed. Study bulletins and other references on weeds for further infor- mation. Make a herbarium. Use oak tag or other stiff paper and allow a page each, of about ten by fifteen inches, for about twenty-five weeds. With the aid of the references, the teacher and the farmers in the community, collect twenty- five of the worst weeds in your school district. Press them and mount in your herbarium. If possible, get leaves, flower or seed and a thin section of the root. Write a description of the weed, give the class to which it belongs and state how HOME CREDIT WORK IN AGRICULTURE 115 best to get rid of it. Make a case for a permanent exhibit for the schoolhouse as class work. Get twenty-five small "pill" bottles about two inches long at the drug store and after thoroughly drying the seed, fill each bottle with one kind of weed seed. Label each bottle and make a thin wooden case to hold the collection. Collecting weeds may be made an individual exercise as well as the basis for a general school collection. It is interesting to note the differ- ent kinds of seed dispersal, such as wind, water, animals, etc., and to classify a collection on this basis. After becoming familiar with the weed seeds, test samples of grains and grass seed for purity as part of your agricultural work. Use Farmers' Bulletin No. 428 and others from your own state for this work. INSECT COLLECTION Insects probably do more damage to the crops of the United States than weeds. Not all, however, are injurious. Some are very beneficial in destroying injurious insects. Figure 106. Hessian fly, showing larva, pupa and adult, or fly; greatly enlarged. 116 INDUSTRIAL WORE FOR BOYS Figure 107. Typical beetle, the asparagus beetle, showing (a) adult, (b) egg, (c) young larva, (d) full grown larva, (e) pupa; enlarged. (Chittenden.) Students should study each class of insects and learn how to exterminate the injurious kinds. These may be divided into biting insects and sucking insects. Biting insects can be poisoned. Sucking insects get their food from the juices of the plants and can be killed by stopping up their pores, or breathing spaces-. An insect breathes through openings in the sides of the abdomen, and hence cannot be drowned by putting its head under water. A soap or kero- sene emulsion is used as a spray to close the breathing pores. In general, the half-winged bugs are the sucking insects and the sheath- winged beetles are biting insects. The larvae, or '' worms, " of other insects, such as butterflies and Figure 108. Typical moth, the zebra cater- ,^^4.1^ ^ ^ ^C4- ^ ,^ pillar and moth. (Riley.) motlis, are often Very HOME CREDIT WORK IN AGRICULTURE 117 injurious. Some of these '^baby" insects should be collected and a breeding cage made from a small wooden box with wire sides. Place soil in the bottom and keep it moist. Cocoons should be gathered in the fall and kept in a warm place. In this way the Ufe history of insects may be studied at first hand. The information gained should be of great value later. A collection of adult insects should be made for the school by the students, and home credit given for individual collections. Make a box the desired size, for example, six- teen by twenty-four inches, and have a glass cover to pre- vent moths from destroying the mounted specimens. COLLECTION OF WOODS Make a panel of thin wood and mount on it the different kinds of wood found in the district. There should be cross and longitudinal sections of each kind. The cross-section is made by sawing off a block from a small tree or bush, making it one half inch thick. It should show the bark and rings of growth. The longitudinal section is made by split- ting a block about four inches long and planing one surface smooth to show the grain of the wood. The sections should be made as nearly uniform in size as possible. This exercise is a valuable one, as the average person is unfamiliar with many of the common kinds of woods. STUDY OF BIRDS AND RODENTS One of the most interesting projects for which home credit should be given is a study of the common birds. This, being outdoor work, affords abundance of healthful exercise. A notebook should be a constant companion and, with a kodak, the field work is still more interesting. Notes should be written in permanent form into a ''Birds That I Know" booklet. 118 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS Birds are classified as land, water, game and birds of prey. Some go south for the winter; others do not. Make a table of these migrations with dates in the spring and fall. Some birds are injurious, destroying grains, fruits, beneficial animals and other birds. Common ones are the English sparrow, the kingfisher and the crow. These should be destroyed. Other birds are highly beneficial and should be protected. Still others are prized for their songs and plum- age. Some of the beneficial birds are as follows: Robin, house wren, song sparrow, orchard oriole, bank swallow, barn swallow, blue jay, car- dinal, red- winged blackbird, red-headed woodpecker, kill- deer, quail, dove, screech owl, barn owl, buzzard, humming bird, cowbird and meadow lark. Nearly all these, as well as many others, can be observed Figure 109. Baltimore oriole. and studied in your Commun- ity. Birds feed chiefly upon insects and other injurious pests and hence should be pro- tected. State and national laws protect most of these birds, but you can help also. Bird houses to protect from cold and wet, crumbs thrown out when snow is on the ground and watching that cats and other animals do not molest the young birds just from the nest are some of the ways. While most birds are friends and should be protected, the rodents, or gnawing animals, are serious pests and should be exterminated. Their sharp, chisel-like teeth enable them to do much damage in orchard, garden and field. The common gray rabbit, or cotton-tail, by gnawing the bark and biting the shoots of fruit trees and shrubbery, probably does more damage in the winter than in summer. HOME CREDIT WORK IN AGRICULTURE 119 As their natural enemies hawks, owls, foxes, wolves, etc., become fewer, the rabbits must be more carefully guarded against. Trees and shrubs should be protected by guards of burlap, heavy paper, etc., or by repellent washes, such as lime-sulphur solution. Rabbits may be poisoned by soak- ing the buds of young shoots in strychnine. Poisoned fruits and vegetables may also be used. Traps will help. Gophers do much damage in gardens and grain fields. The mounds show the presence of pocket gophers. The striped gopher eats insects as well as vegetable food and is, to that extent, beneficial. Gophers may be trapped or poisoned. Field mice do great damage to grain and other crops. Much of the inj uries to orchard trees in winter can be traced to those animals. Since several litters are produced during the season, they soon become very numerous, unless war is declared. Mice, as well as rats, may be poisoned or trapped. Moles feed largely on insects, but frequently become a garden pest on account of the burrows and mounds. They may be trapped or poisoned. Woodchucks, or ground hogs, should be trapped or pois- oned where they become pests. Most boys know how to use the trap effectively. STUDY OF MACHINERY The parts of some of the common kinds of farm machin- ery can be obtained for class work, and probably some worn- out machines can be secured for permanent use. What cannot be studied in school can be done on a nearby farm by the class or as individual work at home. Among the imple- ments that should be studied, and all the important parts named, are the following: Wagon, buggy, manure spreader, harrow, disk, cultivator, plow, drill, mower, rake and grain harvester. From implement dealers secure catalogs and 120 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS repair lists for the machinery that is to be studied. Name all the important parts. After becoming familiar with the parts, take some machine apart, as a mower or a binder, and reassemble it. Some old machines should be kept in a shed at the school for this work. The tools needed are a few wrenches, a hammer, cold chisel, punch, screw driver and pliers. The parts for two common implements are here named. The common walking plow: Handles, beam, clevis, frog, heel, landside, wing, point, share, shin and moldboard. The grain binder: Bull wheel, grain wheel, axle, drive chain, crank shaft, countershaft, pitman, cutter bar, sickle, sec- tion, clips, dividers, platform canvas, elevator, reel, binder attachment, needle, packers, knotter, butter, twine box, tension, bundle carrier, levers, tongue and neck yoke. The parts for other machines may be learned from the lists of extras already suggested. STOCK AND GRAIN JUDGING Secure score cards free of charge from your experiment station and follow the directions there given for judging live stock. It is usually possible to get some stockman in the district to bring animals to the school for demonstration lessons in judging. This work should be supplemented by excursions to farms where well bred stock may be studied. Each student should fill out a score card for the most com- mon breeds of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep and poultry found in the district. If judging is not done at school, home credit should be given to students who do the work elsewhere. Score cards for grains may be obtained and judging done in a similar manner. APPLE TREE GRAFTING Save some apple seeds at home and in the fall plant them a few inches apart and about two inches deep in rows. The HOME CREDIT WORK IN AGRICULTURE 121 seedlings from these will grow during the next season and be ready to graft the following winter. Get scions from the last season's growth of the variety you desire to have the tree. Cut off the top of the seedlings near the ground and graft the scions into them. In larger nurseries, the seedhngs are dug in fall, stored and grafted indoors in winter, only pieces of roots being used. Get a bulletin on grafting and learn how to make grafting wax and how to cut and place the scion and the stock so that the growing layer of the one will come in contact with the growing layer of the other — the most important factor in grafting. The wax is to bind the wound made in the operation of grafting and pro- tect it from disease. Apple seeds do not reproduce the same variety of apple tree as that on which they were grown, but any kind of apple seed may be used for growing the stock. Sometimes wild seedlings are used for the stock, as the tree will then be hardy and any variety can be grafted on it. Old trees are often ''top-worked"; that is, limbs are cut off and other varieties are grafted on. In this way, several varieties may be grown on one tree. Grafting is an interest- ing and useful art and one easily acquired by practice. STRAWBERRY RAISING This is one of the most profitable of the fruit projects. The strawberry is a universal favorite and can be grown in every country. Most varieties originated from a South American species, and a few from the wild strawberry of the United States. The plant thrives best in a rich, warm, sandy loam. A northern slope is best, as it retards the bloom in spring where there is danger of frost.:^ The. plot of ground should be heavily fertilized and plowed in the fall. It should be disked and thoroughly worked in the spring, making the soil loose on top and compact below. For northern climates 122 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS spring planting is best, cultivating during the summer and allowing the runners to set during the fall before the cold weather. Fall planting is the usual method in the South where a crop is picked the next winter. One-year-old plants with white, fibrous roots are used for spring planting, and spring plants are used when they are planted in the fall. Old plants have dark roots and must be avoided for new beds. The plants should be set as soon as possible after they are taken from the ground. To prevent the roots from drying out they are often packed in a furrow. This operation is called ''heehng-in." If but a small bed is set out, the plants are best in hills where they can be hoed on all sides, but the matted rows should be used for larger patches so that they can be kept clean with horse cultivators. The runners should be trained with the rows so that dust and straw mulches may be kept between the rows. The latter is applied first as a winter protection for the plants and is removed in spring after all danger of frost is past. Diseases and insects that attack the plants and berries should be carefully studied and remedied. Rust on the leaves should be treated with Bordeaux mixture. On large fields, the leaves often are mowed and burned. Leaf roller may be destroyed by spraying with arsenate of lead. The best preventive of cutworms and white grubs is not to plant on sod. Cutworms may be killed by "planting" poisoned bait, but great care must be exerted to prevent chickens or ani- mals from getting it. White grubs cannot be reached by poisoning. When lack of vigor in plants indicates their presence, dig out and kill. The berries may be marketed fresh or canned, as may be more profitable in your community. Pint and quart boxes as well as the crates, for the fresh fruit, may be obtained in the "knock-down" and considerable saved, if HOME CREDIT WORK IN AGRICULTURE 123 you put them together yourself. Berries to be shipped should be picked slightly greener than those for canning. They should be sorted before boxing and only sound plump berries put into the crates. For information on canning straw- berries, see description of outfit and method given in "Canning as Club Work/' Chapter VIII. CHAPTER VIII CONTESTS AND CLUB WORK Garden and canning clubs have been organized in nearly every state in the Union. The Federal Government has as- sisted the movement by sending experts to various parts of the country, and state departments of agriculture have co- operated through their extension work. Mr. T: A. Erickson, state leader of boys' and girls' club work for Minnesota, gives five reasons why every school district should have one or more of these clubs. They are well worth considering. 1. To bring the school, home and farm into closer co- operation. 2. To encourage boys and girls to assist their mothers in having a good supply of vegetables and fruit for the table, thus helping to reduce the cost of living, and to teach boys and girls how to save what is often otherwise wasted. 3. To interest the boys and girls in gardening and in the best methods of growing the tomato and other standard vegetables. 4. To teach the best methods of canning what is not used fresh. 5. To provide a means by which boys and girls may earn some mone}^ and at the same time learn many valuable lessons. There are many fruits and vegetables that may be grown profitably by school boys in their home gardens. Tomatoes and strawberries are probably the most profitable, as there is always a ready market for these, and the surplus is easily canned. In fact, the tomato is popular on account of the canning that goes with that club work, as most of the prod- 124 CONTESTS AND CLUB WORK 125 uct is sold as canned goods. Many boys have entered the acre corn contests, and for that reason directions are given for doing that kind of club work. Sweet corn may be sub- stituted for the field corn, if preferred and part of the crop canned in the same manner as the tomatoes. In that case a full acre would not be required unless three or four boys formed a partnership and purchased a home canning outfit together. Garden peas have been grown and canned suc- cessfully by some of the clubs. Insects and weeds are deadly enemies of garden, field and orchard, and must be constant!}^ guarded against. Poor seed is also often responsible for small yields. It is necessary, therefore, that boys make a careful study of these pests and also learn how to test seeds for purity and germination, if they are to get the best results. Hence, these subjects are given as much consideration as space will permit. Consult bulletins and reference books for further information. ACRE-YIELD CORN PLOT If there is no acre-yield corn contest in your district, start one by growing an acre of corn yourself and getting as many of the other boys and girls of your school to enter as you can. Then affiliate with the extension division of your state experiment station. Select an acre from rich clover sod, if available, and, after applying a heavy coat of well rotted manure, plow it about six inches deep as early in the fall as possible. Disk and harrow often enough to kill the weeds during the fall and to conserve the moisture. Continue this harrowing in the spring several times before planting. As soon as danger of frost is past, plant only pure, ear-tested corn of the variety desired. Plant thick enough so that the plants can be thinned to four healthy stalks in a hill. Cultivate as often 126 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS as possible during the growing season, especially after each rain. Be careful to do shallow cultivation after the first few times, or the roots will be cut and the plants injured. Check-row the corn land three feet six inches each way. Get directions from your state experiment station or county agent for husking and weighing the yield, and enter the state contest, if there is one. It is always advisable to compete whether you secure any prizes or not, as you will learn the best methods of corn culture for your locality. There are almost unlimited possibilities in corn growing. You will not find it difficult to grow more to the acre than is grown by most of the farmers in your community. Try it, as hundreds of other boys have done. Keep careful records and find the profit as well as the cost of production. POTATO YIELD CONTEST If an acre is too much for a potato yield contest, try a half or a fourth of an acre. Prepare the ground in the same manner as suggested for the corn. Select large, pure seed of the desired variety, and if a planter is not available use great care in planting by hand. Study bulletins for infor- mation on potato culture. Keep records of the receipts and expenditures and ascertain the cost of production. Show a sample at the school exhibition in the fall. The following score card is adapted from one issued by the extension division of the Minnesota College of Agriculture: Score Card for Potatoes. I. YIELD— 25 POINTS. No. of Points Things to Consider Value of Points 1 2 3 4 5 1 Size of tubers 10 2 Number in a hill 10 3 Compactness in the hill 5 Total score 25 CONTESTS AND CLUB WORK 127 EXPLANATION OF POINTS. I. Yield: Can the sample be relied upon to produce a large yield even in spite of unfavorable conditions? 1. Size of Tubers. — Individual potatoes should be fairly large, indicating strength and constitution. 2. Number in a Hill. — Hills with only a few good-sized potatoes are undesirable, also hills with a large number of under-sized potatoes. 3. Compactness in the Hill. — Potatoes should be compact enough to gather easily and spread enough not to push out of the ground. II. SALABILITY— 25 POINTS. No. of Points Things to Consider Value of . Points ' 2 3 4 6 1 Soundness 10 2 Size 5 3 Shape 5 4 Skin 5 Total score 25 EXPLANATION OF POINTS. II. Salability. Are they what the market demands? Are they attractive in appearance? Will they bring a good price? 1. Soundness. — Potatoes should be free from scab, rot, sunburn and bruises: also from damage due to bad handling. They should not be hollow. 2. Size. — Potatoes should be large and of uniform size. 3. Shape. — Tubers should be similar in shape and free from deformities and irregularities. 4. Skin. — Skin should be firm, clean, bright and clear; uniform in color; a white skin, other things being equal, is preferable. III. CULINARY VALUE- -25 POINTS No. of Points Things to Consider Value of Points 1 2 3 4 5 1 Mealiness when boiled and baked 5 2 Color when cooked 5 3 Evenness in cooking 5 4 Flavor 5 5 Eyes 5 Total score 25 EXPLANATION OF POINTS. III. Culinary Value: 1. Mealiness, when Boiled and Baked. — Potatoes that are irdmature, large and coarse, or with a thin, papery skin, and also those grown in heavy, wet clay soils, are liable to be soggy. 2. Color when Cooked. — Potatoes should have uniform, white color through- out and should not turn yellow or dark upon standing. They should be free from brown or blackish spots, and from dark or reddish streaks, especially near the stem and under the eyes. 128 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS 3. Evenness in Cooking. — The different potatoes and parts of each potato should cook quickly and uniformly. Potatoes which are hard and watery when cooked, or those having hard, watery spots or with a tendency to be yellow, will cook unevenly. 4. Flavor. — Potatoes should have a sweet, pleasing taste. Sunburned, sprouted immature potatoes, or those which have been exposed to light, will have a bad flavor. 5. Eyes. — Deep or sunken eyes, and those protruding in clusters, are objec- tionable and cause a large loss in preparation for cooking. IV. TYPE AND PURITY- -25 POINTS No. of Points Things to Consider Value of Points 1 2 3 4 5 1 Trueness to type 15 2 Freedom from mixture 10 Total score 25 EXPLANATION OF POINTS. IV Type and Purity: 1. Trueness to Type. — Indicated by the uniformity in size, shape, color and characteristics of the tubers. 2. Freedom from Mixture. — A mixture of varieties is objectionable be- cause of difference in manner of growth, time of ripening and in keeping and storing qualities. SUMMARY OF POTATO SCORE. Points Considered Value of Points 1 2 3 4 5 I. Yield 25 II. Salability 25 III. Culinary value 25 IV. Type and purity 25 Final score 100 TOMATO CONTEST This has been one of the most popular and successful pro- jects in club work and, where conditions are favorable for tomato raising, it is strongly recommended. A century ago the tomato was rarely grown and then only as an ornamental plant. It was thought to be poisonous until its food value was discovered accidentally. The tomato is now one of the most valuable vegetable crops in the United States, and is extensively grown in almost every other country. No other fruit or vegetable is so much used for canning purposes. COXTEST."^ AND CLUB WORK 129 The young tomato plant is very tender and must not be transplanted until all danger of frost is past. In the north- ern states this time will be about the middle of May. The plants must, therefore, be started in window boxes or hotbeds, and transplanted to the garden. Start them about six weeks before they are to be set out in the open. There are a great many varieties of tomatoes, but the large, late kinds are best for canning. The plants should be set in rows at least four feet apart to allow plenty of room for horse culti- vation and for the development of the plant. The distance apart in the row will depend upon the variety, as space enough for growth is necessary. Tomatoes thrive best in a rich, sandy soil and require plenty of warm weather during a long growing season. They must be kept free from weeds and insects and should not only be cultivated often, but kept hoed close to the plant. As soon as the young fruit is formed, the plant should be well supported by staking and tying or part of the crop will be spoiled on the damp ground. When time to ripen, cut away the surplus branches to let the sun in and allow the nourishment that would feed the branches to go to the green tomatoes. Early varieties may often be marketed fresh in small baskets at handsome profits, but the individual or the club should own a home canning outfit and can the main crop. Write to the national and state departments of agriculture for bulle- tins and information pertaining to the culture and canning of the tomato. Farmer's Bulletin No. 521 is good for the latter. CANNING AS CLUB WORK Canning has become very popular among both boys and girls during the last few years, both as home projects and as club work. As home work, it is usually done by the girls, but as club work, it is important for both girls and boys. Fruits, 130 IXDLSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS vegetables and soups are canned and glass sealers and tin cans are used for containers. There is always a good de- mand for foods preserved in this way. The canning pro- jects supplement the fruit and vegetable gardening work and make all profitable. There are five general ways of canning food stuffs: the intermittent, or fractional-sterilization, method ; cold-water method; vacuum-seal method; hot-pack, or open-kettle, method; and the cold-pack method. The intermittent method is very effective, but requires three days to complete the process and is expensive in time and fuel. The cold-water method is used with sour food stuffs, such as gooseberries and rhubarb. The product is washed and sealed in cold water. In the vacuum-seal method a special can is required. It is successful, but has not yet come into general use. The hot-pack, or open-kettle, .method is still the common way of canning in most homes. The products are com- pletely cooked before packing in the cans and sealing. The method is a success for fruits, but is a failure for vege- tables, and it is always laborious. The cold-pack method is gradually displacing the hot- pack. It is the method generally recommended for the club work and home canning projects. By it, vegetables, as well as fruits, may be preserved. The equipment for canning by the cold-pack method need not be elaborate. While there are several kinds of commercial outfits on the market, their chief advantage over the homemade ones is their convenience. Homemade outfits may be constructed from washtubs, wash boilers, kettles, milk cans, pails, etc. Select an outfit that is deep enough for water to come one inch above the top of the tallest jar. This type of cooker is called a hot water bath outfit. COyTESTS AND CLUB WORK 131 It should be provided with handles, a false bottom and a tight cover. The false bottom is used to keep the containers off the bottom and thus allow water to come in contact with the cans or jars. A tinner can make a special false bottom, or one can be made at home by fastening thin boards to some cleats and submerging in the water. Wire handles may be fastened to the false bottom to Hft the entire lot of containers out when cooked, or the cans may be removed singly with tongs or other device. Figure 110. Growing vegetables for the canning contest. The various steps in cold-pack canning are, in order, as as follows: Select sound products; grade for ripeness, size and quality; wash clean; trim, if necessary; scald or iblanch to loosen the skin, reduce bulk and drive out objectionable acids; plunge into cold water immediately, or "cold dp," to separate the skin from the pulp, firm the texture, set the color and render packing easy; pack carefully and closely in glass jars or tin cans; add hot water for vegetables and hot water or hot syrup for fruits; place rubber and cover on jar 132 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS and partially seal, or cap and tip tin cans at once; cook, or "process," immediately and according to time-table, but do not begin to count time until the water in the cooker is boiling. Scalding is immersing for one or two minutes in boiling water or live steam. It is used mostly for tree fruits and tomatoes. Blanching is parboiling. The prod- uct is left in the boiling water for a longer period than is necessary for scalding. The time varies from one to fifteen minutes, according to the nature of the product. The time necessary to cook the products will depend upon the kind of food stuff to be canned and the altitude. Water boils at 21 2°F. at sea level, but the boiling point de- creases as the altitude increases. It takes longer, therefore, to cook the products at high altitudes. In general, the time should be increased at the rate of about 25 per cent for each increase of 4,000 feet in altitude. In general, the time re- quired in the hot water bath outfit for soft fruits, such as berries, peaches, etc., at an altitude of 500 feet, is about 16 minutes; for sour berry fruits, such as currants, gooseberries, etc., about 16 minutes; for hard fruits, such as apples, pears, etc., 20 minutes; for greens, such as spinach, Swiss chard, etc., blanch 15 or 20 minutes and sterilize 90 minutes; for roots and tubers, such as parsnips, sweet potatoes, etc., 90 minutes; for tomatoes, 22 minutes; for sweet corn, 180 minutes; for string beans and peas, 120 minutes; and for pumpkin and squash, 60 minutes. While overcooking makes the product look mushy, it is always better to overcook than to undercook, as in the latter case the food is likely to spoil. As soon as removed from the cooker, the glass containers should be tightly sealed, and placed bottom side up until cold. They should then be stored in a darkened place, as strong light fades the color. CONTESTS AND CLUB WORK 133 The person or club doing the canning should send to the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, for the N R series, "Co-operative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics," for complete recipes, tables, etc., neces- sary for a thorough understanding of the subject. It is suggested that, where club work is done at school or at home, a commercial canning outfit should be purchased. It could belong to the club or to the school. Many clubs have worked on the co-operative plan and sold enough canned products from the home gardens to bring large returns for the time and money invested. Special labels for club work can be obtained and should be used for the cans that are to be sold. The club brand is popular in many markets. POULTRY CONTEST A poultry contest may be made one of the most interest- ing of the club projects. Poultry raising is light work and is often regarded as being especially suitable and profitable for boys. Select the breed j^ou prefer and start with the best pure bred birds you can get. If j^ou cannot afford to buy hens, buy a setting of eggs. In any event, start slowh^ Figure 111. For pleasure and profit, pure bred poultry are preferable 134 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS until you get used to the business, for poultry raising will require more careful attention and management than almost any of the other club projects. If you like it and are suc- cessful, then launch out as extensively as you desire. You should purchase a good poultry book and study it carefully to supplement the school work and learn the science as well as the art. If by proper housing and feeding j^ou can make a hen produce fift}^ eggs during the winter when the average hen does not lay, the value of the extra eggs at that time will represent your skill in managing the flock. Or, if the yearly production of the flock can be increased from 10 to 25 per cent by eflficient management, which would not be a difficult matter with the average flock, it would mean the difference between a profit and a loss. Poultry raising is one of the important industries of the country, over twenty million eggs being produced annually. If you do not have a separate house for the flock, provide the best place that you can. Do not overcrowd. Fifty fowls are sufficient for one room of 300 square feet, floor space. Keep the floor, roosts and nests clean, and the poultry will be free from vermin. See that there is plenty of fresh air and they will not likely be sick. Feeding is the most difficult part of the whole business for the beginner. Study this phase until you understand what is meant by a balanced ration and work out one or more for your poultry. Do not overlook the grit and shells, green feeds and meat scraps during the winter months. Gather the eggs daily, keep them clean and grade them before marketing. As this topic is discussed in detail by the author in 'Industrial Booklets," a companion volume, it is not necessary to give more information here. The following ration from Cromwell's ''Agriculture and Life" was worked out by a young lady interested in poultry. CONTESTS AND CLUB WORK 135 It was the cheapest balanced ration she could find for 100 Plymouth Rock hens and is an excellent one: Balanced Ration for Laying Hens Feed Digestible Dry Matter Protein Carbohydrates Cost Wheat, 8 pounds Corn, 15 pounds 7.16 12.75 3.58 2.82 1.34 .70 1.01 .43 .87 .90 5.66 10.83 2.35 1.77 .47 $ .15 .15 Oats, 4 pounds Milk, 30 pounds Aleat scraps, 1 14 pounds .06 .06 .03 Standard for balanced ration 27.65 27 3.91 4 23.08 24 $ .45 The digestible dry matter and protein in this ration are very close to the standard for a balanced ration, while the carbohydrates are a little under. Try this on your hens and see if you can feed them for less than a half cent each a day. Work out other rations of your own and present them for class stud3^ When a hen is hatched from the shell, she has within her body the embryos of all the eggs she can ever lay. It is the business of the scientific poultry raiser to get the greatest number of these embryo eggs to develop and be laid during the first year of laying, as hens are seldom pro- fitable after the first year and should never be kept longer than two j^ears. Heredit}^ has a great deal to do with early laying and that is why it pays to raise pure bred stock. Proper feeding and housing, however, probably have more to do with rapid egg production than heredity. PIG CONTEST Among the most interesting projects of the club work is the pig contest. The county is frequently the unit of terri- tory for this project and both boys and girls enter the con- test. The object is to encourage the raising of pure bred stock and to teach the principles of stock raising. For 136 INDUSTRIAL WORE FOR BOYS information on conducting a pig contest consult the state experiment station or a county agent. In one county in wliich tlie work was conducted by the county agent, or agricultural director, the local bankers supplied the capital for the contest. The Duroc-Jersey breed was decided upon and pure bred stock distributed to the boys and girls in the contest. The hogs were sold to the contestants at cost, most of the latter giving their notes without interest until the close of the contest in the fall. Definite rules were followed for feeding, care, weighing, etc., and the Fourth of Juty was announced as the date for all contestants to take the brood sows and litters to the county seat for preliminary judging. A great deal of interest was shown by the people of the community at this time. The winners at the preliminary contest entered the final contest in the fall. The contest was so successful that the same set of business men offered to finance a similar contest for pure bred dairy cattle. SAVINGS BANKS One of the best plans to encourage thrift and to teach the value of saving is the one now adopted by many schools of affiliating the school with one or more banks and allowing students to make weekly deposits. The teacher acts as local cashier and deposits the money at the banks when convenient. One day a week is known as banking day at school and pupils may deposit any amount from one cent up. They are given stamps as certificates. These stamps are fur- nished free by the banks. One school of thirty students recently deposited more than $100 in four months, most of which would have been spent needlessly, had they not become interested in the savings bank movement. The garden and club work make it possible for all young persons CONTESTS AND CLUB WORK 137 to earn money for themselves and there is all the more need of learning to save. Many look upon ''pin" money as some- thing with which to buy chewing gum and candy, if not something more injurious. Increasing the earning capacity is very important, but unless one learns to spend less than is earned, there can be no saving. The following ten thrift maxims have been selected from an Oregon pamphlet on "Industrial Club Work." They are proverbs well worth considering. "Fortune helps them that help themselves." "Punctuality is the soul of business." "Who will not keep a penny shall never have many." "Plow deep while sluggards sleep, and you shall have corn to sell and keep." "Industry is fortune's right hand and frugality her left." "He is poor whose expenses exceed his income." "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." "He that will not stoop for a pin will never be worth a pound." "He that has but four, and spends five, has no need of a purse." "He that saves when he is young may spend when he is old." KEEPING ACCOUNTS As a supplement to the contest work and savings bank deposits, it is necessary to keep accounts. Not only is a knowledge of accounts advisable, but students should learn that no business can be done successfully without accounts. It is the unsystematic and unbusinesslike way in which most farming has been done that led to the belief that those who cannot do anything else can farm. Modern farming is a 138 IXDfST/nAL WORK FOR BOYS highly compHcated business and those who are capable of managing it as such will be most successful. Accounts should not be difficult to any boy who can do ordinar}^ sixth grade arithmetic. There are a few simple things that must be remembered and always followed. An account is the name under which certain transactions are arranged according to whether they have been ' 'received" or "parted with." When an account receives something, the transaction is put on the left side, or ''debited;" when it parts with something, the transaction is put on the right side of the account, or "credited." For example, in the acre- yield corn contest two accounts must be kept, one for "Corn" and one for "Cash." If you pay out cash for seed or labor or any other expense of raising the corn, you would credit "Cash," as that account parted with something. You would also debit "Corn," as that account received the same amount. In Hke manner you would debit "Corn" for the value of all the labor of preparing the ground, seeding, cul- tivating and harvesting, and you would credit the same account for all corn fed or sold from your acre. If you re- ceived cash for part or all of it, that amount would be debited to the "Cash" account. Have a record sheet to keep the number of hours of horse labor as well as of your own, as all labor must be paid for in determining the cost of produc- tion. From this the general principles of accounts, or book- keeping, can be seen. Usually, accounts are kept by the "double entry" method; that is, the same amount that is debited to one account is credited to another account as illustrated above. Much of what used to be kept in the Day Book and Journal is now posted directly to the Ledger account, and card systems have taken place of the books to a large extent. Special record sheets for labor, milk and egg records, etc., can be COXTESTS AXD CLUB WORK 139 secured free from the nearest state experiment station, and all you will need is a ledger or some ledger ruled sheets or cards which you can rule yourself. The school could have these cards made six by eight inches and ruled at a very small cost, if done by the thousand. The accounts here sug- gested are for the farm, but it should be remembered that the principles are the same for any business and, hence, they can be applied to the store or business office as well. A modern department store is a good example of the necessity of keeping accounts for each department instead of for only the business as a whole. The dry goods depart- ment may make money and the grocery department lose, or the drug department may show a profit while the meat department shows a loss at the end of the year. The general manager will then know that the grocery and meat depart- ments are a detriment to the business and the managers of these departments will be called in consultation. Better methods must be adopted and these departments made to show a profit or they will be discontinued. A farmer ma}^ keep enough records to know that his farm has been managed profitably rather than at a loss ; but, unless he keeps accounts for each department of his business, he does not know which ones have been most profitable. The hogs may produce a profit only to be ''eaten up" by the ''star boarders'' in the dairy herd, and the corn and hay may barely offset the loss on the wheat or other grain fields. Accounts for eacli of his "departments" will enable the farmer to send his poor cows to the butcher, to increase the live stock and crops that pay best and to improve the weak parts of his business or discontinue them altogether. It is the ability to keep such accounts and the foresight to see that it is worth while to do it that makes some farmers business men while others are not. 140 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS Every boy should supplement his school work in arith- metic and accounts by keeping the records of one or more departments of the farm or other business. These accounts should be checked up by the teacher and credit given when completed. Study the suggestive farm accounts here given and start some of your own as soon as you have done enough of the work in school to do it correctly. Remember that accuracy is the first requisite to success in account keeping, and neatness and rapidity come next. The inventory is the first step in farm accounts. What is known as a continued inventory is commonly kept as it contains space for the list of things on hand for more than one year. 'Some time between January 1 and April 1 is the best time to take ''stock" on the farm, as there is less produce to be listed then than at any other time of the year. It is not a busy season either and is, therefore, a good time to make out the annual statement. This statement is made from the accounts and inventory and shows the gain or loss on the year's business as well as the net present worth. The inventory is merely a list of the farm implements, live stock, produce on hand and any other items of value on the place. Sometimes a statement is combined with the in- ventory as shown in the suggestive inventory. The items shown in the inventory are ''Resources." Any notes to be paid or other obligations to be met are "Liabilities." Sub- tracting the liabilities from the resources will give the "Present Worth." The present worth is usually shown in the proprietor's account; but, if no accounts are kept, an inventory may be made to show this in a general way, and a farmer who can be pursuaded to keep an inventory will usually start the accounts later. In addition to the inventory the following accounts are suggested for the farm: Cash, Dairy or Live Stock, if the CONTESTS AND CLUB WORK 141 dairy is not of sufficient importance to have a separate account, Hogs, Corn, Small Grains and what personal ac- counts are necessary. We shall suppose that a personal account is kept with the Hinckley Implement Company. As already intimated, the feed and labor records should be kept on special cards for that purpose. The improvements, depreciation and machinery and implements accounts can all be shown in the inventory. Suggestive Inventories and Accounts CONTINUED INVENTORIES Items Remarks Apr. 1. 1916 Apr. 1, 1917 Apr. 1, 1918 Farm and Buildings.. 160 Acres . $12,000.00 $12,320.00 Market value Market value Market value Market value Market value Market value Market value Total Produce Market value Market value Market value \ . Brood Sows Corn (Seed) Corn (Feed) 30.00 120.00 110.00 30.00 125.00 215.00 25.00 40.00 135.00 120.00 36.00 135.00 250.00 27.00 743.00 Oats (Feed) Wheat (Seed) Wheat (Sale) Hay (Feed) 655.00 Horses 650.00 1,250.00 235.00 250.00 125.00 530.00 1,375.00 225.00 280.00 140.00 Cows and Calves Steers Hogs Sheep Total Stock General purpose Less 10% depreeiat'n 2,510.00 2,550.00 Poultry Mach. and Implemt's 65.00 625.00 25.00 125.00 75.00 562.50 27.50 187.17 Cash Subject to check .... Miscellaneous 840.00 852.17 Total Resources 16,005.00 16,465.17 Unpaid Labor 72.00 125.15 2,000.00 2.197.15 36.00 74.18 1.500.00 Personal Accounts. . . Bills Payable Unpaid Total Liabilities 1,610.18 $13,807.85 $14,854.99 142 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS CASH Date 4/6 Brought Forward 30 bu. wheat @ $1.10. 2 hogs @ $20 3 steers @ $65 2 calves @ $10 1 calf (Pure bred) 75 bu. wheat @ $1.03 Bal. on hand $125.00 33.00 40.00 195 00 20.00 75.00 77.25 Date 4/8 4/21 5/12 6/22 7/1 7/22 7/31 Brought Forward $ 5.25 4/24 5/11 5/28 6/10 7/20 100 gal. gasoline 100 ft. lumber Fence supplies allow. (3 mo.) . . Machinery repairs .... Balance on hand. . . . 11.00 6.50 68.75 90.00 13.65 370.10 $565.25 $565.25 7/31 .$370.10 HINCKLEY IMPLEMENT CO. Date 4/1 6/25 11/18 Brought Forward By check No 320. . By check No. 374 . . By check No. 463 . . $ 75.00 50.00 127.40 $252.40 Date 4/1 6/20 9/15 Brought Forward 1 manure spreader, 1 corn cultivator . . 1 gang plow $ 35.40 $120.00 32.00 65.00 $252.40 CORN Date Brought Forward Date Brought Forward 4/1 Val. 30 acres @ $75.. . $ 2250.00 10/1 Value land (same) .... $2,250.00 Int. on invest. @ 6% . 135.00 1.500 bu. corn @ $.60.. 900.00 Seed, 4 bu. @ $2.50.. . 10.00 Value corn fodder. . . . 60.00 Value manure 90.00 10/1 Labor and twine Depre. and int. mach. Incidentals Net Gain 315.00 15.00 4.75 390.25 $3,210.10 $3,210.00 SMALL GRAIN Date 4/1 9/1 Brought Forward Val. 60 acres @ $75. . Int. on invest. @ 6% Seed grain Val. manure Labor and twine . . . . Threshing Depre. and int. mach Incidentals Marketing Net Gain $4,500.00 270.00 75.00 180.00 188.00 75.00 20.00 5.25 15.00 197.75 $5,526.00 Date 9/1 Brought Forward Value land (same) . . . 1200 bu. oats @ $.40. . 540 bu. wheat @ $.90. Value of straw $4,500.00 480.00 486.00 60.00 $5,526.00 CONTESTS AND CLUB ^yORK 143 DAIRY Date 4/1 Brought Forward 20 cows @ $60 Int. on invest. ©6' Grain fed Roughage fed Pasturage Labor Cost of shelter Miscellaneous Net Gain $1,200.00 72.00 480.00 300.00 100.00 240.00 48.00 9.25 421.75 $2,871.00 Date 4/1 Brought Forward 18 cows @ $56 Sold 2 cows @ $48. . . . 15 calves @ $5 Skimmed milk for hogs 5400 lbs. butter fat @ $ .28 $1,008.00 96.00 75.00 180.00 1,512.00 $2,871.00 HOGS Date 4/1 Brought Forward 10 sows @ $25 Int. on invest. (S; 6' [ . Grain fed Other feed $ 250.00 15.00 540.00 320.00 80.00 24.00 396.00 Date 4/1 Brought Forward 10 sows at $22.50 80hogs,20,0001bs.@7c $ 225.00 1,400.00 Labor Cost of shelter Net Gain $1,625.00 $1,625.00 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBIT Finally, as the grand climax of your industrial work, plan to have at least one industrial exhibit each year at the school and invite all the people of the community. Get the farmers' club, the creamery directors and other organiza- tions, as well as the school board, interested enough to offer small prizes to encourage the work. If no prizes are offered, have the exhibit anyway. The best plan is to have two — one in the spring just before school is out, and the other in the fall just before cold weather. In the spring, the best work of the year at school may be shown, not only the indus- trial work, but arithmetic, writing, language, etc. A spell- ing contest will add interest. In the fall, a ''harvest home festival" may be given at which will be exhibited the work done by the students during the summer. This will include garden products, corn, tomatoes, canning and other contest work, as well as any other special ''home credit" projects. 144 INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BO\ii Premium List for Contest in Associated Schools PENMANSHIP 1. Best individual specimen of writing, including movement exercises, small letters, capitals, figures and words . . . .75 .50 .25 2. Best general display from all grades 75 .50 .25 GEOGRAPHY 1. Best relief map of Minnesota 75 .50 .25 2. Best relief map of any continent 75 .50 .25 3. Best drawn map of any kind, 75 .50 .25 LANGUAGE 1. Best booklet on any one of the following topics: Corn, Noxious Weeds, Vegetable Garden, Strawberries, Ap- ples, Poultry for Pleasure and Profit, Farm Animals, Bee Culture, Home Sanitation, The Typhoid Fly 75 .50 .25 2. Best general display from all grades 75 .50 .25 ARITHMETIC 1. Best general display from all grades 75 .50 .25 ELEMENTARY INDUSTRIAL WORK 1. Best woven mat, yarn or cloth 75 .50 .25 2. Best hammock , 75 .50 .25 3. Best napkin ring 75 .50 .25 4. Best raffia or reed mat 75 .50 .25 5. Best raffia or reed basket 75 .50 .25 6. Best yarn cap or bonnet 75 .50 .25 7. Best clay exhibit . . 75 .50 .25 8. Best general exhibit of industrial work 75 .50 .25 SEWING 1 . Best needlebook 50 .35 .25 2. Best outing flannel holder 50 .35 .25 3. Best gingham holder 50 .35 .25 4. Best sleevelets 50 .35 .25 5. Best cap 50 .35 .25 6. Best hemstitched towel 75 .50 .25 7. Best stockinet darning 75 .50 .25 8. Best buttonholes 75 .50 .25 9. Best gingham bag 75 .50 .25 10. Best sewing apron 75 .50 .25 11. Best hemmed patch 75 .50 .25 12. Best three-cornered darn 75 .50 .25 13. Best outing flannel nightgown 75 .50 .25 14. Best overhand patch 75 .50 .25 15. Best general exhibit of sewing Each article is to be made as directed in course of study MANUAL TRAINING 1. Best match scratcher 50 .35 .25 2. Best plant marker . 50 .35 .25 3. Best salt box 75 .50 .25 4. Best match box 75 • .50 .25 5. Best other article 75 .50 .25 6. Best composition on "Manual Training in the Rural School" 75 .50 .25 7. Best general exhibit in manual training 1.00 CONTESTS AND CLUB WORK 145 AGRICULTURE 1. Corn judging contest 75 .50 .25 2. Corn germinator with germinating corn ready to count. Must include report on test and opinion of seed by ex- hibitor 75 .50 .25 3. Long and short splice (both must be included) 75 .50 .25 4. Best general exhibit of rope work including knots and splices 75 .50 .25 5. Best noxious weed seed exhibit to be selected and de- termined by the school 75 .50 .25 6. Best general exhibit in agricultural work 1.00 The greatest need of the nation in the immediate future is a generation of young men who are physically and morally strong, alive to their opportunities, industrious, thrifty, im- pressed with the dignity of labor and trained with a practical education that will enable them to ''make good." 10— Plllllllllllllllillllllllll!llllll|l|||||||||itllilllll!|{|llllllllllllllllllll^ I Rural Education | I A. E. PICKARD I 1 AN AID TO PRODUCTIVE TEACHING | m FOR NORMAL CLASSES, READING CIR- i = CLES, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS and 1 m RURAL TEACHERS § M Adopted in Several States and Many Counties = M Industrial subjects are disputing place with academic = = even in the rural school. What shall be eliminated? What = M shall be taught? How? With what result? = 1 Rural Education Tells What to Teach 1 M Aside from the excellent arrangement of the program of M ^ academic subjects and the full treatment of methods for ^ p teaching the same, Rural Education presents practical plans M s for including the required industrial work, viz: agriculture, ^ p manual training and domestic science. In addition it fully = M discusses the outside activities which enlarge the scope of the p = school and the community life and form a vital part of real p ^ rural education. ^ M Rural Education Tells Hov*^ to Teach J M The co-ordination and arrangement of all these con- ^ = flicting courses is a problem which this book solves with M M satisfaction and success. Complete instruction is given for ^ ^ the carrying out of the plans suggested and for the teaching = ^ of each subject in detail. In the industrial subjects the actual M m work to be pursued is supplied. p p Rural Education Increases Teaching Efficiency M ^ The definite outlines and methods which have been M = thoroly tested and found to be most successful, together with ^ M the enlarged outlook and inspiration which come with a view M = of new and greater possibilities, tend to increase efficiency in p = the schoolroom and to direct and elevate all rural life. = M 12mo., 430 pages. Illustrated. Price, $1.00 net M. I WEBB PUBLISHING COMPANY, | = SAINT PAUL, MINN. = ;:i:iiiiiiiiiiiii[i!iiiiiiiiiii!i!i!iiiiiiiii!iiiiiii!iiii:iiiiiii:iiiu I INDUSTRIAL WORK f FOR GIRLS I I A. E. PICKARD I I AND P I MARIE C. HENEGREN I A COMPANION VOLUME TO 1 "INDUSTRIAL WORK FOR BOYS" m '"pHIS volume is in keeping with the rapid strides that are -■- being made by industrial education. It is an up-to-date text for teaching industrial work 'to girls in rural and graded schools. With the exception of its companion volume, no other book is better designed for training the hand as well as the head. :CONTENTS= Chapter F— Course and Equipment. Purpose of Industrial Work, Preliminary Industrial Work, Second and Third Division Work. Chapter II— General Industrial Work. School Exercises in Weav- ing, Paper Folding and Construction, Raffia and Rattan Work, Modeling. Chapter III— Sewing in the Rural School. Equipment, Classifica- tion of Stitches, School Exercises, Home Projects. Chapter IV— Principles of Home Science. Food Defined. Food Principles, Preservation of Food, Planning Menus, Purpose and Principles of Cooking, Bread Making, Cake Making, Pie Making, Salads, Beverages, Experiments. Chapter V—The Hot Lunch. Equipment, General Directions, Sauces and Thickening for Cream Soups, Suggestive Dishes, Recipes. Chapter VI — Industrial Club Work. Tomato Contest, Home Can- ning, Bread Baking Contest. Chapter VII— Home Credit Exercises. The Flower Garden, House Plants, Bird Study, Bed Making, Preparing a Meal, Laying the Table, Serving Meals, Clearing Dining Table and Washing Dishes, Fly Control, Planning the Home, Ventilation, Savings Banks, Home Accounts, Industrial Exhibit. The book contains 62 illustrations, many of which are of sewing stitches and exercises. It contains all the practical features of a modern industrial course for girls. 12mo., about ISO pages. Illustrated. Price, 40 cents net WEBB PUBLISHING COMPANY SAINT PAUL, MINN. llllllllllIII!IIIillIillI!IilllllillllIlllllI!llllM I INDUSTRIAL BOOKLETS i m A. E. PICKARD m = A BOOK ON BOOKLETS— TEACHING THE EXPRESSION = = AND ILLUSTRATION OF INDUSTRIAL SUBJECTS THRU W. ^ COMPOSITION AND ART ^ = Suitable for Grade Work in All Kinds of Schools ^ = This book on booklets contains a series of outlines on Agriculture, ^ = Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Home Economics, and other subjects. ^ = One topic — Poultry — is thoroly developed as an example of the way in = = which the work should be done. ^ ^ The making of the booklets is a part of the language work. The ^ ~ character of the subjects and the interest taken in their study vitalize ^ = the school life by supplying a wealth of pleasing material for discussion = = and composition. Different important results are secured by the use ^ = of these outlines. ^ s This investigational method of study is the most practical and = = pedagogical. _ = =: Topics of vital interest are impressed with their bearing on modern ^ ^ activities of general concern, and pupils, under proper direction, ac- ^ = quire the habit of orderly and effective expression. The general char- ^ ^ acter of the school work is elevated to a new plane. ^ = 12mo., 144 pages. Illustrated. Price 40 cents net = 1 Webb Publishing Co. Saint Paul, Minn. 1 I Rural School Lunch | i NELLIE WING FARNSWORTH 1 = DIRECTOR OF HOME ECONOMICS ^ = STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, VALLEY CITY, N. D. ^ 1 A TIMELY TREATMENT OF THIS TOPIC 1 m FULL OF PRACTICAL VALUE FOR TEACHERS ^ = As a help to convenience, comfort, health, vigor of mind, education = = and culture, this little booklet brings its offering in the hope and belief = = that it may have a part in securing better conditions for multitudes who = = need and deserve them. = ^ TOPICS TREATED BY THE AUTHOR ^ = Need of the School Lunch Advantages of the Lunch ^ = Necessary Equipment Teachers' Special Problems = = Methods of Maintenance Food Study ^ = Suitable Dishes Composition of Food Stuffs = ^ Management Recipes = = Full details are given for the installation and conduct of the rural = = school lunch. By means of the tables and directions a teacher can = = easily work out the whole problem of not only the one dish but of a = = whole meal and of child nutrition in general. The plans embody the = = extensive experience of the author. = = Price in paper covers, illustrated, 25 cents. s = Webb Publishing Co. 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