Class LJ D9 & I Book / 9 /v 3 PRESENTED 1SY ALUMNI DIRECTORY THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I9 r 3 THE UNIVEESITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Agwtta THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON AND EDINBURGH THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA TOKYO, OSAKA, KYOTO KARL W. HIERSEMANN LEIPZIG THE BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY NEW YOEK Alumni Directory THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO l 9 l 3 Compiled by the Alumni Council THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS \ V>V" Published December 19 13 ma M 8 ISI4 Composed and Printed By The University oi Chicago Press Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introductory vii-xiv The Alumni Council vii Directory of Local Alumni Clubs vii History of the University ix How to Use the Directory xiv Alumni Directory 1-406 Honorary Degrees 1 Doctors of Philosophy 3 Doctors of Law 37 Bachelors of Law 45 Bachelors of Divinity 47 Bachelors of Theology 63 Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science ... 65 Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education . 95 Statistical Tables 239 Geographical Index 245 Alphabetical Index 337 THE ALUMNI COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Chairman, Agnes Wayman Secretary, Frank W. Dignan Treasurer, Rudolph E. Schreiber DELEGATES TO THE COUNCIL From the College Alumni Association, Agnes Wayman and Frank W. Dignan. From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Theodore C. Burgess and Herbert E. Slaught. From the Divinity Alumni Association, Charles R. Henderson and Fred Merrifield. From the Law School Association, Charles W. Paltzer and Rudolph E. Schreiber. From the Chicago Alumni Club, Alvin Kramer. From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Mrs. Irvin McDowell. From the University, James R. Angell. The Council meets regularly in the months of October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, and June. All communications intended for the Council should be addressed to the Alumni Council Sec- retary, Ellis Hall, the University, or Telephone Midway 800. DIRECTORY OF LOCAL ALUMNI CLUBS All Alumni and former students of the University are eligible to membership in the local clubs. The Chicago Alumni Club, Alvin Kramer, 6109 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. The Chicago Alumnae Club, Florence G. Fanning, 3336 Park Ave., Chicago. The Eastern Alumni Club, John Mills, 15 Dey St., New York, N.Y. The Minnesota Alumni Club, Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., 186 W. Third St., St. Paul, Minn. The Rocky Mountain Alumni Club, H. D. Warner, 924 Eighteenth St., Denver, Colo. The Northwest Alumni Club, Milo J. Loveless, 607 Oriental Blk., Seattle, Wash. The Utah Alumni Club, E. C. Lackner,- University Club, Salt Lake City, Utah. The Philippine Alumni Club, Manila, P.I. vii viii Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago The Northern Ohio Alumni Club, John W. Perrin, Case Library, Cleve- land, Ohio. The Washington (D.C.) Alumni Club, Arthur Minnick, Patent Office, Washington, D.C. The Philadelphia Alumni Club, Edwin D. Solenberger, 419 S. Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. The Rock Island Alumni Club, George G. Perrin, M.W.A. Bld'g, Rock Island, 111. The Rockford Alumni Club, Dudley W. Day, Ashton Bld'g, Rockford, 111. The Pittsburgh Alumni Club, Waldo P. Breeden, 418 Berger Bld'g, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Milwaukee Alumni Club, Marian Shorey, Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee, Wis. The Japan Alumni Club, Sakae Shioya, Higher Normal School, Tokyo. The Oregon Alumni Club, Mrs. Pearl Hunter Weber, Tillamook, Ore. The Kansas City Alumni Club, Mrs. Inghram D. Hook, Kansas City, Mo. The Sioux City Alumni Club, Carrie Brown, 124 Floyd Ave., Sioux City, la. The Springfield Alumni Club, Harvey Solenberger, 507 Ferguson Bld'g, Springfield, 111. The Des Moines Alumni Club, Florence E. Richardson, Drake Univer- sity, Des Moines, la. The Anaconda Alumni Club, George E. Nunn, Anaconda, Mont. The Indianapolis Alumni Club, Grace L. Clapp, 5432 University Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. The Southern Ohio Alumni Club, Alonzo W. Fortune, Walnut Hills, Cincinnnati, Ohio. The Harvard Club of Chicago Alumni, Calvin O. Smith, 51 Hastings, Cambridge, Mass. The Mount Holyoke Club of Chicago Alumni, Helen M. Searles, South Hadley, Mass. The Elgin Alumni Club, Jessie I. Solomon, 320 Chicago St., Elgin, 111. The Buffalo Alumni Club, James R. Work, 139 Hoyt St., Buffalo, N.Y. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO [Reprinted from the Annual Register for 1912-13.] The first University of Chicago closed its work in 1886. Within a few months thereafter Mr. John D. Rockefeller took into consideration the found- ing of a new institution of learning in that city. In the fall of 1888 he con- ferred with Professor William R. Harper in regard to it, and finally entered into communication on the subject with Rev. F. T. Gates, Secretary of the American Baptist Education Society. In December, 1888, Mr. Gates brought the matter before the Board of the Society, which approved the effort to estab- lish a well-equipped institution in Chicago, and instructed the Secretary to use every means in his power to originate and encourage such a movement. Being also encouraged by Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Gates henceforth gave himself, with untiring devotion, to the work of founding the University of Chicago. At the annual meeting of the Education Society, held in Boston in May, 1889, the Society formally resolved "to take immediate steps toward the found- ing of a well-equipped college in the City of Chicago." To make it possible to carry out this purpose, Mr. Rockefeller at once made a subscription of $600,000 toward an endowment fund, conditioned on the pledging of $400,000 before June 1, 1890. Immediately following the action in Boston, and the announcement of Mr. Rockefeller's subscription, early in June, 1889, a meeting was held in Chicago, and a College Committee of thirty-six was appointed to co-operate with the Society in the effort to meet the conditions proposed. This committee appointed Rev. T. W. Goodspeed to assist Mr. Gates in raising the $400,000 required. They accomplished the work, and in addition secured from Mr. Marshall Field, of Chicago, a block and a half of ground, valued at $125,000, as a site for the new institution. Two and a half additional blocks were afterward purchased for $282,500, thus providing a site of four blocks, or about twenty-four acres. The streets running through this tract were vacated by the City Council, making the University's land one unbroken piece, two blocks long and two blocks wide. In 1898, by the munificence of Mr. Rockefeller and Mr. Field, two more blocks were added to the campus, at a cost of $335,000. Later between seven and eight additional blocks were added to these six. The land lies between the two great south parks of Chicago — Washington and Jackson — and fronts south on the Midway Plaisance, which is itself a park connecting the other two. The annual meeting of the Education Society in June, 1890, was held in Chicago, and the Board of the Society adopted articles of incorporation and a charter for the new institution. On September 10 of the same year the Univer- sity was incorporated with the following Trustees: E. Nelson Blake, first presi- dent of the board, Edward Goodman, Hermann H. Kohlsaat, George C. Walker, William R. Harper, Andrew MacLeish, Martin A. Ryerson, Henry A. Rust, Alonzo K. Parker, Joseph M. Bailey, Charles C. Bowen, Charles L. Hutchinson, Frederick A. Smith, George A. Pillsbury, Ferdinand W. Peck, Daniel L. Shorey, Francis E. Hinckley, John W. Midgley, Eli B. Felsenthal, Elmer L. Corthell, Charles W. Needham. x Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago The incorporators named in the charter were John D. Rockefeller, E. Nelson Blake, Marshal) Field, Fred TV Gates, Francis E. Hinckley, and Thomas W. Goodspeed. The name of the corporation in law is "The University op Chicago." In recognition of the peculiar relation of Mr. Rockefeller to the institution, the Board of Trustees has enacted that on the seal, letter heads, and all official publications of the University the title shall read: "The University of Chicago, founded by John D. Rockefeller." At the first meeting of the Board after its incorporation in September, 1890, Professor William Rainey Harper, of Yale University, was elected Presi- dent; and he entered on the duties of his office July 1, 1891. Before Professor Harper accepted the presidency, the scope of the institution had been greatly enlarged. Professor Harper felt that it should be in fact, as well as in name, a university, and Mr. Rockefeller, agreeing with this view, in September, 1890, added one million dollars to his former subscription. In accordance with the terms of this second subscription, the Baptist Union Theological Seminary was removed from Morgan Park to the University site, as the Divinity School of the University, an Academy of the University was established at Morgan Park, and $100,000 of the amount of the subscription was devoted to the erection of divinity dormitories on the grounds of the University. On July 11, 1891, the executors and trustees of the estate of William B. Ogden designated to the University 70 per cent of that portion of the estate devoted by will to benevolent purposes. It is expected that more than half a million dollars will be realized from this designation for "The Ogden (Graduate) School of Science of the University of Chicago." The University began the erection of its first buildings on November 26, 1891. The doors of the University were opened to students and the work of instruction began October 1, 1892. The only buildings then ready for occu- pancy were Cobb Lecture Hall and the Graduate and Divinity dormitories. In February, 1892, Mr. Rockefeller made an additional donation to the University of "one thousand 5 per cent bonds of the par value of one million dollars," for the further endowment of instruction. About the same time Mr. S. A. Kent, of Chicago, undertook to provide a fully equipped laboratory of chemistry for the University. This building, the Kent Chemical Laboratory, costing the donor $235,000, was presented to the University on January 1, 1894. In March, 1892, Mr. Marshall Field subscribed $100,000 toward a building and equipment fund, conditioned on the raising of $1,000,000 in ninety days, his own gift and Mr. Kent's donation being included in that fund. The entire sum was raised within the specified time. This amount was made up for the most part of large sums designated for particular buildings. In addition to the gifts of Mr. Kent and Mr. Field, the following large subscriptions were made for build- ings: Silas B. Cobb, $165,000; Martin A. Ryerson, $200,000; George C. Walker, $130,000; Mrs. N. S. Foster, $60,000; Mrs. Henrietta Snell, $50,000; Mrs. Mary Beecher, $50,000; Mrs. Elizabeth G. Kelly, $50,000. In 1899 and 1900, Mrs. E. G. Kelly made an additional contribution of $72,000 for the erection of Green Hall, a dormitory for women, as a memorial of her parents. In January, 1900, Mrs. N. S. Foster made a new contribution of $20,000, for the enlargement of Nancy Foster Hall. Historical Sketch of the University xi In June, 1892, Mr. Martin A. Ryerson was made president of the Board of Trustees and has continued in that position ever since. In December, 1892, Mr. Rockefeller made a fourth subscription of "one thousand thousand-dollar 5 per cent bonds," as an additional endowment. Up to this time very little provision had been made for the general equipment of the University. The need of a large fund for this purpose becoming imperative, Martin A. Ryerson, in February, 1893, announced to the Board that he would give $100,000 toward such a fund, on condition that $400,000 more were raised. This was done during the ensuing fourteen months. The Ryerson Physical Laboratory was erected in 1893-94. The Haskell Oriental Museum was erected in 1895-96, Mrs. Caroline E. Haskell having given $100,000 for that purpose. The Astronomical Observatory of the University was built in 1896-97 at Lake Geneva, Wis., and is called The Yerkes Observatory after the donor of the funds. Charles Hitchcock Hall was erected in 1901-2, Mrs. Hitchcock having given $200,000 for this and other purposes. The University was enabled to erect the Tower Group through the liberality of Charles L. Hutchinson, Treasurer of the University from its inception, John J. Mitchell, Leon Mandel, John D. Rockefeller, Harold F. McCormick, and through the interest of the executors of the Joseph Reynolds estate. The buildings composing it were erected in 1902-3. The Frank Dickinson Bartlett Gymnasium was built at the same time, it being made possible through large gifts from Mr. A. C. Bartlett. In the spring of 1902 the Board of Trustees determined on the organiza- tion of a Law School, and the work of instruction began in October, 1902, the Law Building being erected in 1903-4. On January 10, 1906, the University suffered an incalculable loss in the death of President William Rainey Harper, who had served through fourteen and a half years. On the death of President Harper, Harry Pratt Judson was appointed Acting President of the University, and on February 20, 1907, he was elected President. Following President Harper's death a fund of nearly $900,000 was con- tributed by twenty-two hundred subscribers for the building of the William Rainey Harper Memorial Library. Ground was broken for the Library January 10, 1910, four years from the date of President Harper's death. The building was dedicated at the June Convocation, 1912. In 1912-13 Martin A. Ryerson built an addition to the Ryerson Physical Laboratory at a cost of $200,000. At the Convocations held on August 30, 1912, and on June 10, 1913, President Judson announced gifts aggregating $550,000 by Mr. Julius Rosenwald and Mr. LaVerne Noyes, to be used for the erection of new buildings, the contribution of the latter, $300,000, for a social center and gymnasium for women. By the bequest of Mrs. Elizabeth G. Kelly provision has been made for the erection of a Classics building, to cost about $250,000. During the year 1913, the grandstands and the fence around the Athletic Field were completed at a cost of more than $200,000. These facilities greatly strengthened the Division of Physical Culture and Athletics, which, under the xii Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago supervision of Professor A. A. Stagg, has had an important and honorable part in the history of the University. December 14, 1895, Miss Helen Culver, of Chicago, presented to the Uni- versity property valued at $1,000,000, "the whole gift to be devoted to the increase and spread of knowledge within the field of the biological sciences." At the Convocation held March 19, 1901, the President announced that the Chicago Institute, founded by Mrs. Emmons Blaine, was to become a School of the University, to be known as the University of Chicago School of Education; that the South Side Academy was to become one of the secondary schools of the University, and that this school and the Chicago Manual Training School would be connected with the University School of Education, the two com- bined preparatory schools to be named the University High School. The build- ings of this School occupy the block fronting south on the Midway Plaisance between Kimbark and Kenwood avenues. By the assistance of Mrs. Blaine University College was established in 1898 for the benefit of teachers and others unable to attend the University. Instruction has been given in the central part of the city. The enrolment for 1912-13 was 941. With the beginning of the academic year 1901-2 the University instituted instruction in the first two years of a Medical Course. A Medical Faculty was appointed, and the Freshman and Sophomore classes of Rush Medical College were transferred to the University. As is well known, Mr. John D. Rockefeller has been the principal contributor to the funds of the University. About $8,000,000 have been contributed by others. Up to January 1, 1906, Mr. Rockefeller had given to the University about $15,000,000. Since that date, during the administration of President Judson, his contributions have aggregated nearly $20,000,000, or a total of almost $35,000,000. This total includes what Mr. Rockefeller designated his "final" gift, namely $10,000,000, made December 13, 1910, now being paid in ten equal annual instalments, beginning January 1, 1911. The sum of at least $1,500,000, of this final gift is "to be used for the erection and furnishing of a University Chapel," the remainder, as far as practicable, for endowment. The purpose of Mr. Rockefeller, in making this great gift, was to establish, on per- manent foundations, the University as now organized. In his letter of gift he wrote: "The founding and support of new departments, or the development of the varied and alluring fields of applied science, including medicine, I leave to the wisdom of the trustees, as funds may be furnished for these purposes by other friends of the University." President Harry Pratt Judson, in his address at the service on October 8, 1913, commemorating the opening of the University twenty-one years ago, made the following striking comparisons: "The faculty at that time numbered about one hundred; at present it numbers about four hundred. Since that date the number of students who have matriculated, thus having had courses at some time in the University, is 49,941. The total number of students enrolled during the year opening the first of October, 1892, was 742. The number enrolled dur- ing the year closing June 30, 1913, was 6,802. The number of those who have received degrees from the University since its opening is 7,050. The grounds belonging to the University in 1892 comprised about twenty-five acres. The Historical Sketch of the University xm present campus, including the Midway frontage on both sides, from Cottage Grove Avenue to Dorchester Avenue, is nearly one hundred acres. The buildings in use on the grounds twenty-one years ago included Cobb Hall and the three dormitories adjoining that building on the south. The University has now about forty buildings. The total of gifts paid in at the opening amounted to $925,813 . 08. The total of gifts paid in at this time amounts to $35,086,836 . 45. In addition to that sums pledged and payable within a short time in the future amount to $7,495,000 The most vital assets of the University, how- ever, are not found in millions of endowment, in great buildings, or in extensive acreage of land, but consist rather in the students, the alumni, the men and women who are doing university work. Character and intellectual attainments cannot be purchased by money, and are the finest fruitage of all the work which the University has done or will do." The annual enrolment of students has been as follows: 1892-3 742 1893-4 920 1894-5 1,347 1895-6 1,815 1896-7 1,880 1897-8 2,307 1898-9 2,959 1899-1900 3,183 1900-1 3,520 1901-2 4,450 1902-3 4,463 1903-4 4,580 1904-5 4,598 1905-6 5,079 1906-7 5,070 1907-8 5,109 1908-9 5,659 1909-10 6,007 1910-11 6,355 1911-12 6.506 1912-13 6,802 HOW TO USE THE DIRECTORY When no city is named the address of the alumnus is Chicago. To find the names of alumni by cities and states consult the Geographical Index. The degrees enumerated in this Directory are those conferred prior to July 1, 1913. Complete information is given only with the highest degree. The University year runs from July 1 to July 1. Graduates in the Summer Quarter will find themselves classified under the numer- als of the following year, except in the case of Doctors of Philosophy. Alumnae who have married since graduation will be found recorded under the name which appears on their diploma. This is followed by the married name. In the alphabetical index both names are entered. The degree of Bachelor of Education is no longer given for work in the School of Education. The Degree of Bachelor of Theology was given from 1888 to 1892 by the Baptist Union Theological Seminary. Convenience in reference has governed the arrangement of infor- mation. Doctors of Philosophy are classified under their depart- ments, the year of graduation being subsidiary to the major subject. Elsewhere the arrangement is by year throughout. DEGREES CONFERRED BY THE FORMER UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO AND THE BAPTIST UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY On February 2, 1891, the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago, by formal vote, confirmed the Bachelor degrees conferred by the former insti- tution, and by this action adopted its graduates as alumni of the University of Chicago. No action was taken concerning degrees conferred by the former University other than Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, and Science. On July 13, 1891, the Baptist Union Theological Seminary became the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, and by formal action of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago, approved by the Board of Trustees of the Seminary, the graduates of the Seminary were made alumni of the University of Chicago. ALUMNI DIRECTORY HONORARY DEGREES [The title is that held when the degree was conferred. The address is that of the present.] DOCTORS OF DIVINITY 1901 * William Newton Clarke, Professor of Christian Theology, Colgate Univer- sity, Hamilton, N.Y. Died January 14, 1912. *Marcus Dods, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, New College, Edinburgh, Scotland. Died April 26, 1909. 1911 John Clifford, President of the Baptist World Alliance. 25 Sunderland Terrace, Westbourne Park W., London, England. DOCTORS OF LAWS 1898 *William McKinley, President of the United States. Died September 14, 1901. 1901 Elisha Benjamin Andrews, Chancellor of the University of Nebraska. 1848 Prospect St., Lincoln, Neb. Jules Martin Cambon, Ambassador of France to the United States. London, England. Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, Professor of Greek, Johns Hopkins Univer- sity. 1002 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. William Watson Goodwin, Professor emeritus of Greek Literature, Harvard University. 5 Follen St., Cambridge, Mass. George Lyman Kittredge, Professor of English, Harvard University. 8 Hilliard St., Cambridge, Mass. Edward Charles Pickering, Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. *Jacob Henry van't Hoff, Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Died March 2, 1911. Charles Doolittle Walcott, Director of the United States Geological Survey. The Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Edmund Beecher Wilson, Professor of Zoology, Columbia University, New York, N.Y. 1903 Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University, New York, N.Y. Jean-Adrien-Antoine-Jules Jusserand, Ambassador of France to the United States, Washington, D.C. Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States. Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, L.I., N.Y. Charles Richard Van Hise, President of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 1 2 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1904 Joseph Henry Beale, Jr., Professor of Law, Harvard University. 29 Chauncy St., Cambridge, Mass. Berthold Delbriick, Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, University of Jena, Jena, Germany. Paul Ehrlich, Director, Royal Prussian Institute for Experimental Therapy, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Wilhelm Herrmann, Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany. Joseph Kohler, Professor of Law, University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Eduard Meyer, Professor of Ancient History, University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Ettore Pais, Professor of History, University of Naples, Naples, Italy. Via d. Ripetta 102, Rome, Italy. *Herman von Speck-Sternburg, Ambassador of Germany to the United States. Died August 23, 1908. Charlemagne Tower, Ambassador of the United States to Germany. 228 S. 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hugo de Vries, Professor of Botany, University of Amsterdam, Amster- dam, Holland. 1907 James Bryce, Ambassador of Great Britain to the United States. Hindleap, Forest Row, Sussex, England. Theobald Smith, Professor of Comparative Pathology, Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass. 1908 Walther Johann Wever, Imperial German Consul-General at Chicago. Naples, Italy. 1911 Count Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff, Ambassador of Germany to the United States, Washington, D.C. Frederick Taylor Gates, Chairman, The General Education Board. 26 Broadway, New York, N.Y. George Edgar Vincent, President of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 1913 Jonkheer John Loudon, Netherlands Minister to the United States and Mexico. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, Netherlands. DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY CLASSIFIED BY MAJOR SUBJECTS I. DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY 1895 Edward Scribner Ames, A.B., Drake, '89. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 5722 Kimbark Ave. 1896 Simon Fraser MacLennan, A.B., Toronto, '93. Prof., Oberlin Coll., Oberlin, Ohio. 1898 Addison Webster Moore, A.B., De Pauw, '90. Prof., U. of C; 5744 Blackstone Ave. Arthur Kenyon Rogers, A.B., Colby, '91. Prof., U. of Mo., Columbia, Mo. Amy Eliza Tanner, A.B., Michigan, '93. Writer, Clark U., Worcester, Mass. 1899 Daniel P. MacMillan, A.B., Acadia, '95. Director, Dep't of Child-Study, Pub. Schs., 806 Tribune Bld'g. 1900 Harry Heath Bawden, A.B., Denison, '93. Contributing Editor, Little Farms, San Ysidro, Cal. William Franklin Moncreiff, A.B., Nashville, '89; Ph.M., Chicago, '99. Prof., Hume-Fogg H.S.; 824 19th Ave. S., Nashville, Tenn. Henry Waldgrave Stuart, Ph.B., California, '93. Prof., Leland Stanford Junior U., Stanford University, Cal. 1901 Myron Lucius Ashley, Ph.B., Northwestern, '94; A.M., Harvard, '00. Prof., Chicago Nor. Sch.; 7113 Normal Blv'd. Willard Clarke Gore, Ph.B., Nebraska, '94. Ass't Prof., Sch. of Ed., U. of C; 5329 Greenwood Ave. 1904 Elizabeth Kemper Adams, A.B., Vassar, '93. Prof., Smith Coll., North- ampton, Mass. Irving King, A.B., Earlham, '96. Prof., State U. of la., Iowa City, la. Irving Elgar Miller, A.B., Rochester, '94; A.M., Chicago, '03. Prof.. State Teachers Coll., Greeley, Colo. 1906 Edgar Francis Riley, A.B., Baker, '00. Prof., State Nor. Sch., Emporia, Kan. William Kelly Wright, A.B., Chicago, '99. Instr., U. of Wis., Madison, Wis. 1907 Matilde Castro, A.B., Chicago, '00. Director, Thorne Model Sch., Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa.; (h) 3172 Cambridge Ave., Chicago. 1908 Anna Louise Strong, A.B., Oberlin, '05; A.M., Chicago, '07. Nat'l Child Welfare Exhibition Comm., 200 5th Ave., New York, N.Y. 1909 Dagny Gunhilda Sunne, A.B., Minnesota, '01; A.M., '05. Prof., Oxford Coll., Oxford, Ohio. Ernest Lynn Talbert, A.B., Chicago, '01. Instr., Univ. Coll., U. of C; 5628 Ellis Ave. 1910 Frederick Goodrich Henke, A.B., Charles City Coll., '97; A.M., North- western, '08. 1145 Chemeketa St., Salem, Ore. 3 4 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1910 Ella Harrison Stokes, S.B., Ohio Wesleyan, '99; A.M., '01. Prof., Perm Coll.; 631 N. A St., Oskaloosa, la. 1911 Elijah Jordan, A.B., Indiana, '07; A.M., Cornell, '08. Ass't. Prof., Cornell U., Ithaca, N.Y. 1912 Homer Blosser Reed, A.B., Indiana, '09; A.M., '09. Teacher, 742 S. Jefferson St., Huntington, Ind. Benjamin Whitman Van Riper, A.B., Allegheny, '05; Ph.D., Boston, '08. Ass't Prof., Boston U.; 688 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Charles Edgar Witter, A.B., Northwestern, '97; A.M., Washington, '04. Pr in., Bryan Hill Sch.; 6141 Berlin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 1913 John Forsyth Crawford, A.B., Princeton, '95; A.M., '97; D.B., McCormick, '10. Prof., Beloit Coll.; 726 Milwaukee Road, Beloit, Wis. Julia Jessie Taft, A.B., Drake, '04; Ph.B., Chicago, '05. Ass't Supt., Reformatory for Women, Bedford Hills, N.Y. Total in Department I, 28. I A. DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY 1900 Helen Bradford Thompson (Mrs. Paul G. Woolley), Ph.B., Chicago, '97. Director, Child Labor Div., Pub. Sch. Bureau of Research; 343 Bryant Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1903 Kate Gordon, Ph. B., Chicago, '00. Assoc. Prof., Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. John Broadus Watson, A.M., Furman, '99. Prof., Johns Hopkins U., Baltimore, Md. 1904 Jessie Blount Allen (Mrs. Werrett W. Charters), A.B., Washington, '99; A.M., '01. 215 S. Garth Ave., Columbia, Mo. 1905 Harvey Carr, S.B., Colorado, '01. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 5522 Kimbark Ave. 1907 June Etta Downey, A.B., Wyoming, '95; A.M., Chicago, '98. Prof., U. of Wyo., Laramie, Wyo. Grace Maxwell Fernald, A.B., Mt. Holyoke, '03. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Los Angeles, Cal. Joseph Peterson, S.B., Chicago, '06. Prof., U. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1908 Walter Van Dyke Bingham, A.B., Beloit, '01; A.M., Harvard, '07. Ass't Prof., Dartmouth Coll., Hanover, N.H. Florence Ella Richardson, A.B., Nebraska, '02. Prof., Drake U., Des Moines, la. Clarence Stone Yoakum, S.B., Campbell, '02. Adjunct Prof., U. of Tex., Austin, Tex. 1909 Harvey Andrew Peterson, A.B., Chicago, '97; A.M., Harvard, '00. Prof., State Nor. U., Normal, 111. Arthur Howard Sutherland, A.B., Grand Island, '99. Instr., U. of 111., Urbana, 111. 1910 Henry Foster Adams, Ph.B., Wesleyan U., 05. Doctors of Philosophy 5 1910 Mabel Ruth Fernald, A.B., Mount Holyoke, '06. Instr., Teachers Coll.; 5465 Greenwood Ave. Mary Holmes Stevens Hayes (Mrs. Joseph W.), A.B., Wisconsin, '04. Research Work, 1418 E. 57th St. Clara Jean Weidensall, A.B., Vassar, '03. Director of Laboratory, N.Y. State Reformatory for Women, Bedford Hills, N.Y. 1911 Jasper Converse Barnes, A.B., Marietta, '90; A.M., '93; Ph.D., Wooster, '00. Prof., Maryville Coll., Maryville, Tenn. Ethel Mary Chamberlain (Mrs. Gail Q. Porter), A.B., Lombard, '06. 89 Migeon Ave., Torrington, Conn. Joseph Wanton Hayes, A.B., Amherst, '03. Instr., U. of C; 1418 E. 57th St. 1912 Walter Samuel Hunter, A.B., Texas, '10. Instr., IT. of Tex., Austin, Tex. Carl Leo Rahn, Ph.B., Chicago, '07. Instr., U. of Minn.; 2109 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Stella Burnham Vincent, S.B., Chicago, '07. 2509 6th Ave., Moline, 111. 1913 Fleming Allen Clay Perrin, Ph.B., Chicago, '10. Instr., U. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa.; (h) LaHarpe, 111. Total in Department IA, 24. IB. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1898 Ernest Carroll Moore, A.B., Ohio Normal, '92. Prof., U. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. 1900 William Arthur Clark, A.B., Nat'l Normal U., '85; A.M., Harvard, '99. Prof., State Nor. Sch., Kirksville, Mo. Ella Flagg Young (Mrs. William L.), Supt. of Schs., Tribune Bld'g; Hotel LaSalle. 1901 Samuel Bower Sinclair, A.M., Toronto, '93. Head, Sch. for Teachers, Macdonald Coll., Quebec, Que. 1902 Katharine Elizabeth Dopp, Ph.B., Michigan, '93. Lecturer, U. of C; 5624 Ellis Ave. 1904 Werrett Wallace Charters, A.B., McMaster, '98; Ph.M., Chicago, '03. Prof., Sch. of Ed., U. of Mo., Columbia, Mo. John T. McManis, A.B., Leland Stanford Junior, '97. Prof., Chicago Nor. Sch. 1906 Albert Allison Farley, Ph.B., Beloit, '95; Ph.M., Chicago, '04. Prof., Nor. Sch.; 282 New York Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. Daniel Ambrose Tear, Ph.B., Southwest Kansas, '90. Prin., Gladstone Sch.; 5232 Greenwood Ave. 1909 Lilla Estelle Appleton, Ph.B., Oberlin, '90; Ph.M., Chicago, '04; S.M., '05. Lecturer, Kindergarten Tr. Sch., Grand Rapids, Mich. Joseph Kinmont Hart, A.B., Franklin, '00. Teacher, U. of Wash.; 5220 Brooklyn Ave., Seattle, Wash. 1911 John Addison Clement, A.B., McPherson, '02; A.M., Kansas, '10. Pres., McPherson Coll., McPherson, Kan. Total in Department IB, 12. 6 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago II. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 1894 John Cummings, A.B., Harvard, '91. Bureau of Census, Washington, D.C. 1897 Henry Rand Hatfield, A.B., Northwestern, '92. Prof., U. of Cal.; 2633 Le Conte Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Simon James McLean, A.B., Toronto, '94; LL.B., '95; A.M., Columbia, '96. Board of Railway Commissioners, Canada, Ottawa, Ont. George Gerard Tunell, S.B., Minnesota, '92. Comm'r, A. T. & S. F. Ry., 1012 Railway Exch. Bld'g. 1898 Herbert Joseph Davenport, Ph.B., South Dakota, '95. Prof., U. of Mo., Columbia, Mo. Henry Parker Willis, A.B., Chicago, '94. Assoc. Editor, New York Journal of Commerce, New York, N.Y. 1899 Harry Alvin Millis, A.B., Iowa College, '93. Prof., U. of Kan., Law- rence, Kan. Wesley Clair Mitchell, A.B., Chicago, '96. Prof., U. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. 1900 Katherine Bement Davis, A.B., Vassar, '92. Supt., State Reformatory for Women, Bedford Hills, N.Y. Worthy Putnam Sterns, A.B., Nebraska, '95; A.M., '97. Special Exam- iner, Bureau of Corporations; 1833 Lamont St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 1901 *Robert Samuel Padan, A.B., Marietta, '94. Died September, 1906. 1903 Charles Criswell Arbuthnot, S.B., Geneva, '99. Prof., Western Reserve U.; 1728 E. 116th Place, Cleveland, Ohio. Stephen Butler Leacock, A.B., Toronto, '91. Prof., McGill U., Montreal, Ont. 1904 Murray Shipley Wildman, Ph.B., Earlham, '93. Prof., Leland Stanford Junior U., Stanford University, Cal. 1905 Edith Abbott, A.B., Nebraska, '01. Assoc. Director, Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 116 S. Michigan Ave. Earl Dean Howard, Ph.B., Chicago, '02; Ph.M., '03. Ass't Prof., North- western U., Evanston, 111. Robert Franklin Hoxie, Ph.B., Chicago, '93. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 6021 Woodlawn Ave. Albert Newton Merritt, A.B., Leland Stanford Junior, '01; A.M., Chicago, '04. Sec'y, Wholesale Grocers' Exch., 1517 Masonic Temple. 1907 Donald Elliot Bridgman, A.B., Hamline, '03; LL.B., Harvard, '10. Lawyer, 906 Metropolitan Life Bld'g, Minneapolis, Minn. 1908 Eugene Bryan Patton, A.B., Washington, '04; A.M., Chicago, '08. Statistics Expert, State Dep't of Labor, Albany, N.Y. Oscar Douglas Skelton, A.M., Oberlin, '99. Prof., Queen's U., Kingston, Ont. William Walker Swanson, A.M., Queen's, '05. Ass't Prof., Queen's U., Kingston, Ont. Anna Prichitt Youngman, Ph.B., Chicago, '05. Instr., Wellesley Coll., Wellesley, Mass.; (h) 1217 S. 2d St., Louisville, Ky. Doctors of Philosophy 7 1909 George Asbury Stephens, A.B., Baker, '99; A.M., Chicago, '07. Ass't Prof., U. of Neb., Lincoln, Neb. 1910 Edgar Hutchinson Johnson, S.B., Emory, '91; S.M., Chicago, '00. Prof., Emory Coll., Oxford, Ga. 1912 Isaac Lippincott, A.B., Harvard, '02; A.M., Washington, '08. Teacher, Smith Acad.; 5944 Cabanne Place, St. Louis, Mo. Total in Department II, 26. III. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE 1897 Lawrence Boyd Evans, Ph.B., Michigan, '94. Prof., Tufts Coll., Tufts College, Mass. 1898 Ethel Glover Hatfield (Mrs. Henry R.), A.B., Wellesley, '90. 2633 Le Conte Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Annie Lucy Dolman Inskeep (Mrs. Lorenzo D.), L.B., California, '93; L.M., '96. Acting Prof., Mills Coll.; 2050 E. 30th St., Oakland, Cal. 1899 Samuel Chiles Mitchell, A.M., Georgia, '88. Pres., Medical Coll., Rich- mond, Va. 1901 Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge, A.B., Wellesley, '88; Ph.M., Chicago, '97; J.D., '04. Ass't Dean of Women, U. of C. 1902 Jeremiah Simlon Young, A.B., Kansas Coll., '90; A.M., Michigan, '98. Prof., U. of Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. 1905 Walter Fairleigh Dodd, A.B., Florida, '98. Ass't Prof., U. of 111.; 804 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. 1907 Ira Calvert Hamilton, A.B., Indiana, '00. Instr., Colgate U., Hamilton, N.Y. Augustus Raymond Hatton, Ph.B., Franklin, '98. Prof., Western Reserve U., Cleveland, Ohio. 1908 Samuel MacClintock, Ph.B., Chicago, '96. Ed. Director and Sec'y, La Salle Extension U.; 5546 University Ave. Susan Wade Peabody, S.B., Wellesley, '86. 5515 Woodlawn Ave. Total in Department III, 11. IV. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 1895 John William Perrin, Ph.B., Illinois Wesleyan, '87; A.M., Wabash, '89. Librarian, Case Library, Cleveland, Ohio. James Westfall Thompson, A.B., Rutgers, '92. Prof., U. of C. 5427 Greenwood Ave. 1896 *George Pierce Garrison, L.B., Edinburgh, '81. Died July 3, 1910. 1897 James Fosdick Baldwin, A.B., Denison, '93. Prof., Vassar Coll., Pough- keepsie, N.Y. Charles Truman Wyckoff, A.B., Knox, '84; A.M., '87. Dean of Bradley Poly. Inst.; 216 S. Glenwood Ave., Peoria, 111. 1898 Ernest Alanson Balch, A.B., Kalamazoo, '88; A.M., Michigan, '89. Prof., Kalamazoo Coll., Kalamazoo, Mich. James Walter Fertig., A.B., Nashville, '90. Prof., State Nor. Sch., Murfreesboro, Tenn. 8 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1898 Cora Louise Scofield, A.B., Vassar, '90. Research Work, 115 Park St., Newton, Mass. 1899 William Rullkoetter, A.B., Chicago, '93. Prof., Drury Coll., Springfield, Mo. Henry Lawrence Schoolcraft, A.B., Marietta, '93. Real Est., 606 S. Michigan Ave. 1900 Frank George Franklin, L.B., Cornell, '87. Prof., Albany College, Albany, Ore. Walter Flavius McCaleb, L.B., Texas, '96; A.M., '97. Pres., West Texas Bank and Trust Co., San Antonio, Tex. Edwin Erie Sparks, A.B., Ohio State, '84. Pres., Pa. State Coll., State College, Pa. 1901 Norman Dwight Harris, Ph.B., Yale, '92. Prof., Northwestern U.; 1134 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111. Paul Frederick Peck, A.B., Iowa College, '97. Prof., Iowa Coll., Grinnell, la. George Clarke Sellery, A.B., Toronto, '97. Prof., U. of Wis., Madison, Wis. John Olaf Sethre, A.B., Minnesota, '93. Instr. in H.S., Carlisle, Minn. 1902 Ralph Charles Henry Catterall, A.B., Harvard, '92. Prof., Cornell U., Ithaca, N.Y. Regina Katharine Crandall, A.B., Smith, '90. Teacher, Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Elmer Cummings Griffith, A.B., Beloit, '95; A.M., '98. Prof., William Jewell Coll., Liberty, Mo. Edgar Holmes McNeal, A.B., Chicago, '97. Ass't Prof., Ohio State U., Columbus, Ohio. 1904 Frances Gardner Davenport, A.B., Radcliffe, '94; A.M., '96. Ass't in Dep't of Historical Research, Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C. William Ray Manning, A.B., Baker, '99. Adjunct Prof., U. of Tex., Austin, Tex. Charles Oscar Paullin, B.S.S., Catholic U. of America, '98. Dep't of Historical Research, Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C. 1906 Julian Pleasant Bretz, A.B., William Jewell, '99. Prof., Cornell U., Ithaca, N.Y. Marcus Wilson Jernegan, A.B., Brown, '96; A.M., '98. Ass't Prof., U. of C. 5447 Greenwood Ave. Edward Benjamin Krehbiel, A.B., Kansas, '02. Prof., Leland Stanford Junior U., Stanford University, Cal. 1907 Henry Smith, A.B., Illinois, '02; A.M., Chicago, '03. Prof., Goshen Coll., Goshen, Ind. Walter Robinson Smith, Ph.B., Missouri Valley Coll., '99; Ph.M., '01. Prof., State Nor. Coll., Emporia, Kan. 1908 George Lane Melton, S.B., Kansas State Agric, '93; Ph.B., Chicago, '02. El Centro, Cal. Milo Milton Quaife, Ph.B., Grinnell, '03; A.M., Missouri, '05. Prof., Lewis Inst. Doctors of Philosophy 9 1910 David Richard Moore, A.B., Toronto, '02. Prof., Oberlin Coll., Oberlin, Ohio. Schuyler Baldwin Terry, A.B., Chicago, '05. Bonds; 5427 University Ave. 1911 James Garfield Randall, A.B., Butler, '03; A.B., Chicago, '04; A.M., '04. Prof., Roanoke Coll., Salem, Va. Elmer Author Riley, A.B., Baker, '05. Prof., Ohio Wesleyan U., Dela- ware, Ohio. 1912 Dice Robins Anderson, A.B., Randolph- Macon, '00; A.M., '01. Prof., Richmond Coll.; 208 N. Allen Ave., Richmond, Va. 1913 Judson Fiske Lee, A.B., Des Moines, '04; A.M., Iowa, '05. Ass't Prof., Lewis Inst. Heinrich Herman Maurer, A.B., Wisconsin, '07; A.M., '09. Total in Department IV, 38. V. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY OF ART 1905 Caroline Louise Ransom, A.B., Mt. Holyoke, '96; A.M., Chicago, '00. Ass't Curator, Metropolitan Museum, New York, N.Y. Total in Department V, 1. VI. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY 1895 Jerome Hall Raymond, A.B., Northwestern, '92; A.M., '93. Lecturer, 724 Washington St., Evanston, 111. Frederic William Sanders, A.B., U. of City of N.Y., '83. Prin., H.S., Lincoln, Neb. 1896 William Isaac Thomas, A.B., Texas, '84. Prof., U. of C; 6132 Kimbark Ave. George Edgar Vincent, A.B., Yale, '85; LL.D., Chicago, '12. Pres., U. of Minn.; 1005 5th St. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. 1897 David Prescott Barrows,'A.B., Pomona, '94. Prof., U. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Hannah Belle Clark (Mrs. Ambrose V. Powell), A.B., Smith, '87. 5227 Blackstone Ave. Merton Leland Miller, A.B., Colby, '90. Chief, Division of Ethnology, Bureau of Sci., Manila, P.I. Paul Monroe, S.B., Franklin, '90. Prof., Teachers Coll., Columbia U., New York, N.Y. 1898 Ira Woods Howerth, A.B., Harvard, '93; A.M., Chicago, '94. Prof., U. of Cal.; 2401 Prospect St., Berkeley, Cal. 1899 Charles Abram Ellwood, Ph.B., Cornell, '96. Prof., U. of Mo.; 407 College Ave., Columbia, Mo. William Clark Gordon, A.B., Yale, '88; D.B., '91; A.M., '99. Clergy- man, 89 Grove St., Auburndale, Mass. 1900 Jacob Dorsey Forrest, A.B., Hiram, '92. Gen. Mg'r, Citizens Gas Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Annie Marion MacLean, A.B., Arcadia, '93; Ph.M., Chicago, '97. Prof.. Adelphi Coll., Brooklyn, N.Y. 10 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1901 Charles Joseph Bushnell, Ph.B., Chicago, '98. Pres., Pacific U., Forest Grove, Ore. John Morris Gillette, A.B., Park, '92. Prof., U. of N.D., Grand Forks, N.D. 1902 Edward Cary Hayes, A.B., Bates, '87. Prof., U. of 111., Urbana, 111. 1903 Amy Hewes, A.B., Womans Coll. of Baltimore, '97. Prof., Mt. Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass. 1904 Romazo Colfax Adams, Ph.B., Michigan, '97; Ph.M., '98. Prof., U. of Nev., Reno, Nev. Thomas James Riley, A.B., Baker, '00. Gen. Sec'y, Bureau of Charities, 69 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1905 Herbert Easton Fleming, Ph.B., Chicago, '02. Editor, Civil Service News, 166 W. Washington St. 1906 Eben Mumford, A.B., Buchtel, '96. State Leader of Farm Management, Field Studies and Demonstrations, East Lansing, Mich. Mabel Carter Rhoades, Ph.B., Syracuse, '98; Ph.M., '03. Prof., Wells Coll., Aurora, N.Y.; (h) 406 Walnut Place, Syracuse, N.Y. Erville Bartlett Woods, A.B., Beloit, '01. Ass't Prof., Dartmouth Coll., Hanover, N.H. 1907 Gustavus Walker Dyer, A.B., Randolph-Macon, '91. Prof., Vanderbilt U., Nashville, Tenn. Howard Woodhead, A.B., Chicago, '00. Director, Dep't of Mun. Adminis- tration, Chicago Sch. of Civics and Philanthropy; 6459 Greenwood Ave. 1908 Cecil Clare North, A.B., Nebraska, '02; D.B., Chicago, '06. Prof., De Pauw U., Greencastle, Ind. 1910 Luther Lee Bernard, A.B., Missouri, '07. Prof., U. of Fla.; 1908 W. University Ave., Gainesville, Fla. Frances Fenton (Mrs. Luther L. Bernard), A.B., Vassar, '02. 1908 W. University Ave., Gainesville, Fla. Hector Macpherson, A.B., Queen's U., '03; S.M., Chicago, '09. Prof., Ore. Agri. Coll., Corvallis, Ore. 1911 Emory Stephen Bogardus, A.B., Northwestern, '08; A.M., '09. Assoc. Prof., U. of S. Cal.; 1205 W. 37th St., Los Angeles, Cal. 1912 Julius Temple House, A.B., Doane, '88; A.M., '07. Prof., State Nor. Sch., Wayne, Neb. 1913 Ernest Watson Burgess, A.B., Kingfisher, '08. Prof., Toledo U., Toledo, Ohio. Edwin Hardin Sutherland, A.B., Grand Island, '04. Prof., William Jewell Coll., Liberty, Mo. Total in Department VI, 33. VIA. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSEHOLD ADMINISTRATION 1906 Edna Daisy Day, S.B., Michigan, '96; S.M., '97. Prof., U. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. Total in Department VIA, 1. Doctors of Philosophy 11 VII. DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVE RELIGION 1894 Edmund Buckley, A.B., Michigan, '94. Conductor of Tourist Parties; Kramer, Ind. 1899 Elizabeth Laetitia Moon (Mrs. Henry S. Conard), A.B., Smith, '94. Instr., Grinnell Coll., Grinnell, la. 1904 Andrew Peter Fors, A.B., Augustana, '87; D.B., '89; A.M., '94. Clergy- man, 6206 Peoria St. Total in Department VII, 3. VIII. DEPARTMENT OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES [See also Department XLI, Old Testament Literature] 1893 Eiji Asada, D.B., Northwestern, '91. Prof., Tokyo Sch. of For. Lan- guages, Tokyo, Japan. 1895 George Ricker Berry, A.B., Colby, '85. Prof., Theol. Sem., Colgate U., Hamilton, N.Y. Lincoln Hulley, A.B., Bucknell, '88; Litt.D., Stetson, '06. Pres., John B. Stetson U., De Land, Fla. Dean Augustus Walker, A.B.,Yale,'84; D.B., '89; A.M., '90. Clergyman, Auburndale, Mass. 1897 James Henry Stevenson, A.B., McGill, '89; B.D., Wesleyan Theol. Sem., '91. Prof., Vanderbilt U., Nashville, Tenn. 1898 Phil Castor Baird, A.B., Amity, '91; A.M., '98; D.B., Xenia Theol. Sem., '94. Clergyman, 1011 N. Robinson St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Fulton Johnson Coffin, A.B., Dalhousie, '87. Hayden Evan Jones, A.B., Richmond, '90. Prof., Morgan Park Acad., Morgan Park, 111. 1899 Joseph Kahn Arnold, S.B., Pennsylvania, '94. Sec'y, Art Wall Paper Mills, 2414 W. 21st St. William Nelson Mebane, D.B., Chicago, '96. Clergyman, Dublin, Va. 1901 Clifton Daggett Gray, A.B., Harvard, '97; A.M., '98; D.B., 'Chicago, '00. Assoc. Editor, The Standard; 5751 Dorchester Ave. Frederick Thomas Kelly, S.B., Wisconsin, '91. Ass't Prof., U. of Wis.; 1212 W. Johnson St., Madison, Wis. 1902 Preston Pishon Bruce, A.B., Cornell College, '93. County Supt. of Schs., Oacoma, S.D. Oscar Tunstal Morgan, A.B., Drake, '88; A.M., '90. Clergyman, Myrtle Creek, Ore. 1905 Allen Howard Godbey, A.M., Morrisville, '83. Clergyman, 2111 McCaus- land Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Olaf Alfred Toffteen, A.B., Higher State College (Sweden), '85. Pres., Scandia Acad., 3358 Broadway. 1907 Charles Ellsworth Home, A.B., Waynesburg, '97. Prof., Westminster Coll., Westminster, Colo. Daniel David Luckenbill, A.B., Pennsylvania, '03. Instr., U. of C; 122 S. Divinity Hall. 12 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1907 Robert James George McKnight, A.B., Geneva, '96; D.B., Princeton, '00. Clergyman, Wilkinsburg, Pa. 1908 Rowland Hector Mode, A.B., Toronto, '98; A.M., '99; D.B., McMaster, '02. Prof., Brandon Coll., Brandon, Man. 1909 Rebecca Corwin, Ph.B., Chicago, '00; M.A., Mt. Holyoke Coll., '94. Prof., Meth. Tr. Sch. for Christian Workers; 422 6th Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Ivan Lee Holt, A.B., Vanderbilt, '04. Clergyman, Cape Girardeau, Mo. George Alfred Peckham, A.B., Buchtel, '75. Prof., Hiram Coll., Hiram, Ohio. 1912 Leroy Waterman, A.B., Hillsdale, '98; D.B., '00. Teacher, 519 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. Total in Department VIII, 24. IX. DEPARTMENT OF BIBLICAL AND PATRISTIC GREEK [See also Department XLII, New Testament Literature] 1903 Irving Francis Wood, A.B., Hamilton, '85; D.B., Yale, '92. Prof., Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass. 1904 Benjamin Willard Robinson, A.B., Chicago, '02. Prof., Chicago Theol. Sem., 20 N. Ashland Blv'd. 1906 Frederick Owen Norton, A.B., Transylvania, '93; A.M., '95. Prof., Drake U., Des Moines, la. Effie Freeman Thompson, Ph.B., Boston, '91. 127 Pearl St., Kingston, N.Y. 1908 Charles Bray Williams, A.B., Wake Forest, '91; A.M., Chicago, '08. Prof., Southwestern Baptist Theol. Sem., Seminary Hill, Ft. Worth, Tex. Total in Department IX, 5. X. DEPARTMENT OF SANSKRIT AND INDO-EUROPEAN COMPAR- ATIVE PHILOLOGY 1896 Frank Hamilton Fowler, A.B., Lombard, '90. Prof., U. of Utah; 641 6th Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. *Henry Farrar Linscott, A.B., Bowdoin, '92. Died December 30, 1902. 1898 Helen McGaffey Searles, A.M., Lake Forest, '94. Prof., Mt. Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass. 1900 Mary Belle Harris, A.B., Bucknell, '94; A.M., '95. Instr., Bryn Mawr Sch., Baltimore, Md. John Jacob Meyer, A.B., Cancordia, '91. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 5623 Drexel Ave. 1901 Edgar Howard Sturtevant, A.B., Indiana, '98. Instr., Columbia U., New York, NY.; (h) Sterling Place, Edgewater, N.J. 1904 William Cyrus Gunnerson, A.B., Indiana, '98; A.M., '99. Prin., Dozier Sch.; 1392 Blackstone Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Ivy Kellerman (Mrs. Edwin C. Reed), A.B., Ohio State, '98; A.M., Cornell, '99. Editor, Amerika Esperantisto, Washington, D.C. Doctors of Philosophy 13 1907 Gen-ichiro Yoshioka, Ph.B., Northwestern, '02. Prof., Waseda U., Tokyo, Japan. 1911 Carlos Everett Conant, A.B., Lawrence, '92; A.M., '99. Instr., U. of Chattanooga; 207 Lindsay St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Total in Department X, 10. XI. DEPARTMENT OF GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 1895 Wilmer Cave France (Mrs. Wright), A.B., Cambridge (England), '92. Assoc. Prof., Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. William Arthur Heidel, A.B., Central Wesleyan, '88; A.M., '91. Prof., Wesleyan U; 41 Lawn Ave., Middletown, Conn. 1897 *Charles William Seidenadel, A.B., Karlsruhe Gymn., '77. Died August 10, 1913. 1898 Theodore Chalon Burgess, A.B., Hamilton, '83. Director, Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria, 111. 1900 *Herbert Morse Burchard, A.B., Colgate, '91. Died August 21, 1911. George Norlin, A.B., Hastings, '95. Prof., U. of Colo., Boulder, Colo. George Washington Paschal, A.B., Wake Forest, '92. Prof., Wake Forest Coll., Wake Forest, N.C. 1901 Clara Elizabeth Millerd, A.B., Grinnell, '93; A.M., '94. Prof., Grinnell Coll., Grinnell, la. William Bishop Owen, A.B., Denison, '87. Prin., Chicago Nor. Sch. ; 370 N. Normal Parkway. 1903 Geneva Misener, A.M., Queen's, '99. Ass't Prof., U. of Alberta, Edmon- ton, Alberta. 1904 Robert Johnson Bonner, A.B., Toronto, '90. Prof., U. of C; 5412 Wood- lawn Ave. Roy Castor Flickinger, A.B., Northwestern, '99; A.M., '01. Assoc. Prof., Northwestern U; 1930 Orrington Ave., Evanston, 111. David Moore Robinson, A.B., Chicago, '98. Prof., Johns Hopkins U., Baltimore, Md. LaRue Van Hook, A.B., Michigan, '99. Assoc. Prof., Columbia U., New York, N.Y. 1905 Frank Winans Dignan, A.B., Chicago, '97. Publication Dept., U. of C. Press. 1906 Kelley Rees, A.B., Stanford, '02. Prof., Reed Coll., Portland, Ore. 1907 Anne Bates Hersman, A.B., Missouri, '07. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 5401 Woodlawn Ave. 1908 Frederick Leroy Hutson, A.B., Denison, '96. Ass't Prof., Princeton U., Princeton, N.J.; (h) R.R. 2., Coraopolis, Pa. 1910 Arthur Leslie Keith, A.B., Nebraska, '98; A.M., '08. Prof., Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn. 1911 Hazel Louise Brown, A.B., Chicago, '06; A.M., '07. 2915 Warren Ave. George Miller Calhoun, A.B., Chicago, '07. Instr., U. of Tex., Austin, Tex. Frank Egleston Robbins, A.B., Wesleyan, '06; A.M., '07; Instr., U. of Mich.; 1227 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. 14 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1912 Ethel Ella Beers, A.B., Chicago, '97. Teacher, Medill H.S.; 3414 S. Paulina St. Robert Alexander MacLean, A.B., Queen's, '03. Financial Agent, 42 Merchant's Bank, Winnipeg, Man. 1913 John Leonard Hancock, A.B., Chicago, '05. Ass't Prof., Colgate U., Hamilton, N.Y. John Emory Hollingsworth, A.B., Penn., '02; A.M., '03. Teacher; Ack- worth, la. Roger Miller Jones, A.B., Denison, '05. Faculty Exch., U. of C. Robert Christian Kissling, Prof., Toledo U., Toledo, Ohio. Total in Department XI, 28. XII. DEPARTMENT OF LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 1898 Fred B. R. Hellems, A.B., Toronto, '93. Dean, Coll. of Lib. Arts, U. of Colo., Boulder, Colo. Esther Boise Van Deman, A.B., Michigan, '91; A.M., '92. Research Assoc, of Carnegie Institution, Piazza Esquilino 12, Rome, Italy. Arthur Tappan Walker, A.B., Coll. of the City of New York, '87. Prof., U. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. 1900 Edward Ambrose Bechtel, A.B., Johns Hopkins, '88. Prof., Tulane U. of La., New Orleans, La. John Jacob Schlicher, A.B., Wisconsin, '92. Prof., State Nor. Sch.; 1811 N. 8th St., Terre Haute, Ind. Thomas Kay Sidey, A.B., Toronto, '91. Assoc. Prof., U. of Wash., Seattle, Wash. 1901 Thomas Louis Comparette, A.B., Michigan, '93. U.S. Mint, Philadelphia, Pa. Frederick William Shipley, A.B., Toronto, '01. Prof., Washington U., St. Louis, Mo. William Frank Tibbetts, A.B., Bates, '88. Instr., Erasmus HaU H.S., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1902 George Crawford Swearingen, A.B., Emory, '88; A.M., Vanderbilt, '92. State Mg'r, Phoenix Mut. Life Ins. Co., Jackson, Miss. 1903 Tenney Frank, A.B., Kansas, '98. Prof., Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1904 Warren Stone Gordis, A.B., Rochester, '88; A.M., '91. Acting Prof., U. of N.C., Chapel Hill, N.C. 1905 *Bernard Camillus Bondurant, Hampden-Sidney, '91. Died August 19, 1909. Mary Jackson Kennedy, A.B., Chicago, '04. Instr., Constantinople Coll., Constantinople, Turkey. Mary Bradford Peaks, A.B., Chicago, '00. Instr., Vassar Coll., Pough- keepsie, N.Y. 1906 Harold Lucius Axtell, A.B., Chicago, '98; A.M., '00. Prof., U. of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. Norman Wentworth DeWitt, A.B., Toronto, '99. Prof., Victoria Coll., U. of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. Doctors of Philosophy 15 1907 Draper Talman Schoonover, A.B., Washburn, '99. Prof., Marietta Coll., Marietta, Ohio. 1908 Evan Taylor Sage, A.B., Nebraska, '02; A.M., Chicago, '05. Prof., U. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. Berthold Louis Ullman, A.B., Chicago, '03. Prof., U. of Pittsburgh; 3138 Avalon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1909 John Strayer Mcintosh, A.B., Cornell, '99. Prof., Upper la. U., Fayette, la. 1911 Judson Allen Tolman, Jr., A.B., Chicago, '01; A.M., '04. Prof., Sim- mons Coll., Abilene, Tex. 1912 James Burnette Eskridge, A.B., Kentucky State, '90; Ph.D., Cumber- land, '97; A.M., Chicago, '03. Pres., Oklahoma Coll. for Women, Chickasha, Okla. Mason DeWitt Gray, A.B., Rochester, '97; A.M., '99. Teacher, East H.S.; 180 Hampden Road, Rochester, N.Y. Total in Department XII, 24. XIII. DEPARTMENT OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES 1894 *Rene de Poyen-Bellisle, L.B., France, '90. Died April 23, 1900. 1896 Theodore Lee Neff, Ph.B., De Pauw, '83. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 1361 E. 56th St. 1897 Wilson Drane Crabb, A.M., Georgetown, '99. Lawyer, 41 Kenyon Bld'g, Louisville, Ky. 1898 Contessa Lisi Cecilia Cipriani, Ph.B., Chicago, '96; Ph.M., 97. Social Work, 46 Via San Basilio, Rome, Italy. 1899 Andre Beziat de Bordes, A.B., Lycee de Montauban, '86. Prof., New- comb Coll., Tulane U. of La., New Orleans, La. 1900 Frederick Ernest Beckmann, A.B., Chicago, '97. Instr., Broadway H.S., Seattle, Wash. Isabelle Bronk, Ph.B., Illinois Wesleyan, '93. Prof., Swarthmore Coll., Swarthmore, Pa. 1903 Florence Nightingale Jones, A.B., Oberlin, '83. Proprietor, Summer Hotel, 2218 Washington Blv'd. 1905 George Fitch McKibben, A.B., Denison, '75; D.B., Chicago, '81. Prof., Denison U., Granville, Ohio. 1906 Milton Alexander Buchanan, A.B., Toronto, '01. Assoc. Prof., U. of Toronto; 34 Chicora Ave., Toronto, Ont. George Tyler Northrup, A.B., Williams, '97. Lecturer, U. of Toronto; 211 Cottingham St., Toronto, Ont. 1909 Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa, A.B., Colorado, '02. Ass't Prof., Leland Stanford Junior U., Stanford University, Cal. Ralph Emerson House, L.B., Missouri, '00. Instr., U. of C. 1911 Henry Raymond Brush, A.B., Western Reserve, '98. Prof., U. of N.D., Grand Forks, N.D. Charles Federick Ward, A.B., Toronto, '04. Total in Department XIII, 15. 16 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago XIV. DEPARTMENT GERMANIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES 1895 Francis Asbury Wood, A.B., Northwestern, '80. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 5407 Greenwood Ave. 1897 Philip Schuyler Allen, A.B., Williams, '91. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 1508 E. 61st St. Jessie Louise Jones, A.B., Doane, '84. Prof., Lewis Inst.; 2818 Wash- ington Blv'd. *Paul Oskar Kern, A.B., Konigliches Real-Gym., '77. Died September 4, 1908. 1899 Johannes Benoni Eduard Jonas, A.B., Wisconsin, '94. Ass't Prof., Brown U.; 7 Barnes St., Providence, R.I. Ora Philander Seward, A.B., Chicago, '81. Farmer, Mattawan, Mich. 1900 Hermann Benjamin Almstedt, A.B., Missouri, '95. Prof., U. of Mo., Columbia, Mo. Otto Heller, A.B., Bruxer Communalobergymnasium, '92. Prof., Wash- ington U., St. Louis, Mo. 1901 Max Batt, Ph.B., Chicago, '98. Prof., N.D. Agric. Coll., Fargo, N.D. Carl Edgar Eggert, Ph.B., Iowa State, '86. Ass't Prof., U. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Frederick Otto Schub, A.B., Bucknell, '94. Private Teacher, Sanders- ville, Ga. 1902 George Abraham Mulfinger, A.B., Northwestern, '85; B.D., Garrett, '87. Prof., Allegheny Coll., Meadville, Pa. 1903 Henrietta Katherine Becker (Mrs. Camillo von Klenze), A.B., Chicago, '00. Brown U., Providence, R.I. 1905 Adolf Carl von Noe, A.B., Chicago, 01. Ass't Prof., U. of C.J 6037 Woodlawn Ave. 1906 Charles Goettsch, A.B., Chicago, '01. Ass't Prof., U. of C. 1907 Chester Nathan Gould, A.B., Minnesota, '96; A.M., '00. Ass't Prof., U. of C. Edward John Williamson, A.B., Queen's, '98; A.M., '00. Prof., Hobart Coll., Geneva, N.Y. 1908 Hans Ernst Gronow, Ph.B., Chicago, '05. Instr., U. of C. Jacob Harold Heinzelmann, A.B., Illinois, '02. Prof., U. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. Marion Lee Taylor, A.B., Wellesley, '95. Prof., Lake Erie Coll., Paines- ville, Ohio. 1909 Leonard Bloomfield, A.B., Harvard, '06. Instr., U. of 111., Urbana, 111. Peter A. Claassen, A.B., U. of Kansas, '96. Prof., Central U. of Ky., Danville, Ky. Samuel Kroesch, A.B., Missouri, '01. Prof., Whitman Coll., Walla Walla, Wash. Louise Mallinckrodt Kueffner, A.B., Washington U., '93. Instr., Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Walter Raleigh Myers, Ph.B., Northwestern, '03. Assoc. Prof., Miami U, Oxford, Ohio. 1910 Willis Arden Chamberlin, A.B., Denison, '90; A.M., '94. Prof., Denison U., Granville, Ohio. Doctors of Philosophy 17 1910 Alfred Isaac Roehm, A.B., A.M., Indiana, '06. Instr., State Nor. Sch.; 56 Liberty St., Oshkosh, Wis. 1911 George Pulten Jackson, Ph.B., Chicago, '04. Instr., Northwestern U.; 1411 Elmwood Ave., Evanston, 111. Armin Hajman Roller, A.B., Western Reserve, '05; A.M., '06. Instr., U. of 111.; 1117 S. Williamson St., Champaign, 111. William Ferdinand Luebke, A.B., Wisconsin, '04. Ass't Prof., U. of la., Iowa City, la. Paul Herman Phillipson, A.M., Western Reserve, '01. Instr., U. of C; 5825 Drexel Ave. 1912 Frank Adolph Bernstorff, A.B., Missouri, '02. Instr., Northwestern U., Evanston, 111. Charles Boyle Campbell, Ph.B., De Pauw, '00. Ass't Prof., U. of Pitts- burgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1913 Francis Waldemar Kracher, A.B., Central Wesleyan, '05; D.B., Wesleyan Theological, '06; A.M., Northwestern, '08. Instr., U. of la.; 405 N. Linn St., Iowa City, la. Total in Department XIV, 34. XV. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 1894 Edwin Herbert Lewis, A.B., Alfred, '87. Prof., Lewis Inst. 1895 Frederic Ives Carpenter, A.B., Harvard, '85. Real Est.; 5533 Woodlawn Ave. Myra Reynolds, A.B., Vassar, '80. Prof., U. of C. Oscar Lovell Triggs, A.B., Minnesota, '95. Orchardist, R. 5., Santa Rosa, Cal. 1897 Mary Bowen (Mrs. W. H. Brainerd), Ph.B., Grinnell, '93. Upland Road, Wellesley, Mass. Alice Edwards Pratt, Ph.B., California, '81; Ph.M., Chicago, '93. Prof., State Nor. Sch., San Diego, Cal. 1898 Eleanor Prescott Hammond, Certificate, Oxford (England), '94. 1357 E. 57th St. 1899 Martha Edith Rickert, A.B., Vassar, '91. Writer, 1154 E. 56th St. Malcolm William Wallace, A.B., Toronto, '96. Prof., U. of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. 1903 Orie Latham Hatcher, A.B., Vassar, '88. Assoc. Prof., Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa.; (h) Careby Hall, Fork Union, Va. John Robertson Macarthur, A.B., Manitoba, '92. Dean, N.M. Coll. of A. and M., State College, N.M. George Linnaeus Marsh, A.B., Iowa Coll., '92; A.M., Chicago, '99. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 179 Faculty Exchange. 1904 Charles Henry Gray, L.B., Michigan, '95; L.M., '96. Ass't Prof., U. of Kan.; 1000 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kan. 1905 Reginald Harvey Griffith, A.M., Furman, '02. Adjunct Prof., U. of Tex.; 1928 San Antonio St., Austin, Tex. George Fullmer Reynolds, Ph.B., Lawrence, '98. Prof., U. of Mont., Missoula, Mont. 18 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1905 George Coffin Taylor, A.B., South Carolina, '97. Lawyer, Columbia, S.C. 1906 Abbie Mary Lyon Sharman (Mrs. Henry B.), A.B., Wooster, '94. 22 Boylston Ct., River Ave., Winnipeg, Man. 1907 James Finch Royster, A.B., Wake Forest, '00. Prof., U. of N.C., Chapel Hill, N.C. 1909 Frank Clyde Brown, A.B., Washington, '93; A.M., Chicago, '03. Prof., Trinity Coll., Durham, N.C. *David Lee Maulsby, A.B., Tufts, '87. Died August 15, 1910. 1910 Edward Payson Morton, A.B., Harvard, '92; A.M., '93. Consulting Editor, 6331 Ellis Ave. Matthew Lyle Spencer, A.B., Kentucky Wesleyan, '03; A.M., North- western, '05. Prof., Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis. 1911 Charles Read Baskervill, A.B., Vanderbilt, '96; A.M., '98. Ass't Prof., U. of C. Herbert Wynford Hill, L.B., California, '00; Ph.M., Chicago, '04. Prof., U. of Nev., Reno, Nev. % Walter Kay Smart, Ph.B., Chicago, '02. Prof., Armour Inst.; 1122 E. 54th Place. 1912 Thornton Shirley Graves, A.B., Texas Christian, '06; Ph.B., Chicago, '07. Instr., TJ. of Wash., Seattle, Wash.; (h) McKinney, Tex. Annette Brown Hopkins, A.B., Goucher, '01. Instr., Goucher Coll., Station E, Baltimore, Md. James Root Hulbert, A.B., Chicago, '07. Thomas Albert Knott, A.B., Northwestern, '02. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 6040 Ingleside Ave. Guy Andrew Thompson, A.B., Illinois, '98; A.B., Harvard, '00; A.M., '01. Prof., U. of Me., Orono, Me. 1913 William Frank Bryan, Ph.B., North Carolina, '00; A.M., '08. Instr., Northwestern U., Evanston, 111. George Raleigh Coffman, A.B., Drake, '03; A.M., Harvard, '09. Teacher, 847 E. 56th St. Carson Samuel Duncan, A.B., Wabash, '01; A.M., '02; A.M., Columbia, '05. Prof., State U., Columbus, Ohio. Total in Department XV, 33. XVII. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 1896 Leonard Eugene Dickson, S.B., Texas, '93; A.M., '94. Prof., U. of C; 5535 University Ave. John Irwin Hutchinson, A.B., Bates, '89. Prof., Cornell U., Ithaca, N.Y. 1898 Herbert Ellsworth Slaught, A.B., Colgate, '83; Sc.D., '11. Prof., U. of C; 5548 Kenwood Ave. 1899 John Anthony Miller, A.B., Indiana, '90. Prof., Swarthmore Coll., Swarthmore, Pa. 1900 Gilbert Ames Bliss, S.B., Chicago, '97; S.M., '99. Prof., U. of C; 5413 Woodlawn Ave. George Lincoln Brown, S.B., Missouri, '92; S.M., '93. Prof., State Coll., Brookings, S.D. Doctors of Philosophy 19 1900 William Gillespie, A.B., Toronto, '93. Prof., Princeton U., Princeton, N.J. Derrick Norman Lehmer, A.B., Nebraska, '93; A.M., '96. Assoc. Prof., U. of Cal.; 2736 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal. John Hector McDonald, A.B., Toronto, '96. Ass't Prof., U. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Ernest Brown Skinner, A.B., Ohio, '88. Assoc. Prof., U. of Wis.; 210 Lathrop St., Madison, Wis. 1901 William Findlay, A.B., McMaster, '96. Prof., McMaster U.; 153 Westminster Ave., Toronto, Ont. Thomas Milton Putnam, S.B., California, '97; S.M., '99. Ass't Prof., U. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. 1903 Oswald Veblen, A.B., Iowa, '98. Prof., Princeton U., Princeton, N.J. 1904 William Henry Bussey, A.B., Northwestern, '00; A.M., Harvard, '02. Prof., U. of Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. Herbert Edwin Jordan, A.B., McMaster, '00; A.M., '01. Teacher, 1600 Kentucky St., Lawrence, Kan. Arthur Whipple Smith, S.B., Chicago, '98; S.M., '01. Assoc. Prof., Colgate U., Hamilton, N.Y. 1905 Thomas Emery McKinney, A.B., Marietta, '87. Prof., U. of S.D.; 222 N. University St., Vermilion, S.D. Robert Lee Moore, S.B., Texas, '01. Instr., U. of Pa.; 5936 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 1906 William Raymond Longley, A.B., Butler, '02; S.B., Chicago, '03; S.M., '05. Ass't Prof., Sheffield Sci. Sch., Yale U., New Haven, Conn. Arthur Ranum, A.B., Minnesota, '92; S.B., '03. Ass't Prof., Cornell U., Ithaca, N.Y. Anthony Lispenard Underhill, S.B., Chicago, '00. Ass't Prof., U. of Minn.; 615 6th St. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Buzz M. Walker, S.B., Miss. Agric. and Mech., '83. Prof., Miss. Agric. and Mech. Coll., Agricultural College, Miss. 1907 George David Birkhoff, A.B., Harvard, '05. Ass't Prof., Harvard U.; 44 Shepard St., Cambridge, Mass. Robert Lacey Borger, A.B., Florida Agric, '93; A.M., Chicago, '05. Associate, U. of 111., 1105 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. Louis Ingold, A.B., Missouri, '01; A.M., '02. Ass't Prof., U. of Mo., Columbia, Mo. Nels Johann Lennes, S.B., Chicago, '98; S.M., '04. Instr., U. of Mont., Missoula, Mont. Frederick William Owens, S.B., Kansas, '02. Instr., Cornell U., Ithaca, N.Y. Norman Richard Wilson, A.B., Toronto, '99; A.M., '01. Prof., Wesley Coll., U. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. 1908 Mary Emily Sinclair, A.B., Oberlin, '00; A.M., Chicago, '03. Ass't Prof., Oberlin Coll., Oberlin, Ohio. 1909 Thomas Buck, S.B., Maine, '01. Instr., U. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Arnold Dresden, S.M., Amsterdam, 03; S.M., Chicago, '06. Ass't Prof., U. of Wis.; 1120 W. Johnson St., Madison, Wis. 20 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1909 Harris Franklin MacNeish, S.B., Chicago, '02; S.M., '04. Instr., Yale U.; (h) 352 Temple St., New Haven, Conn. 1910 Richard Philip Baker, B. Sc, London, '87. Ass't Prof., U. of la.; 929 Kirkwood Ave., Iowa City, la. William Hunt Bates, A.B., Vanderbilt, '94; A.M., Chicago, '03. Assoc. Prof., Purdue U.; 306 Russell St., West La Fayette, Ind. Theophil Henry Hildebrandt, A.B., Illinois, '05; S.M., Chicago, '07. Instr., U. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Egbert J. Miles, A.B., Indiana, '99. Instr., Yale U.; 115 Brownell St., New Haven, Conn. Anna Johnson Pell (Mrs. Alexander), A.B., South Dakota, '03; A.M., Radcliffe, '05. Instr., Mt. Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass.; (h) 3427 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Arthur Dunn Pitcher, A.B., Kansas, '06; A.M., '07. Ass't Prof., Dart- mouth Coll., Hanover, N.H. Marion Ballantyne White, Ph.B., Michigan, '93; A.B., Wisconsin, '06. Ass't Prof., U. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. 1911 Lloyd Lyne Dines, A.B., Northwestern, '06; A.M., '07. Instr., Columbia U.; 530 W. 123d St., New York, N.Y. Theodore Lindquist, A.B., Lombard, '97; S.M., Northwestern, '99. Prof., Lombard Coll.; 756 N. Kellogg St., Galesburg, 111. Ralph Eugene Root, S.B., Morningside, '05; S.M., Iowa, '09. Instr., U. of Mo., Columbia, Mo. Albert Harris Wilson, S.B., Vanderbilt, '92; S.M., '93. Assoc. Prof., Haverford Coll., Haverford, Pa. 1912 Edward Wilson Chittenden, A.B., Missouri, '09; A.M., '10. Instr., U. of 111.; 508 E. John St., Champaign, 111. Charles Albert Fischer, A.B., Wheaton, '05; A.M., Illinois, '10. Instr., Columbia U.; 530 W. 123d St., New York, N.Y. Charles Thompson Sullivan, A.B., Dalhousie, '06; S.M., '09. Ass't Prof., McGill U., Montreal, Que. 1913 Mildred Leonora Sanderson, A.B., Mt. Holyoke, '10; S.M., Chicago, '11. Instr., U. of Wis., Madison, Wis. Total in Department XVII, 47. XVIII. DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 1900 Forest Ray Moulton, A.B., Albion, '94. Prof., U. of C; 6241 Woodlawn Ave. 1903 William Albert Hamilton, A.B., Indiana, '96; A.M., '99. Prof., Beloit Coll.; 805 Church St., Beloit, Wis. 1904 Arthur Constant Lunn, A.B., Lawrence, '98; A.M., Chicago, '00. Ass't Prof., U. ot C; 5543 Drexel Ave. 1905 Delonza Tate Wilson, A.B., North Carolina. Assoc. Prof., Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. 1906 Frank Loxley Griffin, S.B., Chicago, '03; S.M., '04. Prof., Reed Coll., Portland, Ore. Doctors of Philosophy 21 1908 William Duncan MacMillan, A.B., Fort Worth, '98; A.M., Chicago, '06. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 5407 Woodlawn Ave. 1909 Herbert Earle Buchanan, A.B., Arkansas, '92; A.M., Chicago, '04. Prof., U. of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn. 1911 Daniel Buchanan, A.B., McMaster, '06; A.M., '08. Ass't Prof., Queen's U., Kingston, Ont. 1912 Curvin Henry Gingrich, A.B., Dickinson, '03; A.M., '05. Prof., Carleton Coll.; Northfield, Minn. 1913 Oliver Justin Lee, A.B., Minnesota, '07; S.M., Chicago, '12. Astronomer, Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wis. Total in Department XVIII, 10. XIX. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 1897 Gordon Ferrie Hull, A.B., Toronto, '92. Prof., Dartmouth Coll., Han- over, N.H. Isabelle Stone, A.B., Wellesley, '90; S.M., Chicago, '96. Prin., Sch. for Am. Girls, 5 Via Toscano, Rome, Italy. 1898 Edwin Sheldon Johonnott, Jr., S.B., Rose Poly. Inst., '93. Prof., Rose Poly. Inst., Terre Haute, Ind. 1899 Henry Gordon Gale, A.B., Chicago, '96. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 5646 Kimbark Ave. 1900 Robert Francis Earhart, S.B., Northwestern, '93. Assoc. Prof., Ohio State U., Columbus, Ohio. 1901 Fritz Reichmann, C. E., Texas, '96; S.M., '97. State Sup't of Weights and Measures, 69 N. Pine Ave., Albany, N.Y. 1902 Frank Baldwin Jewett, A.B., Throop Poly. Inst., '98. Ass't Chief Eng'r, Western Elec. Co., New York, N.Y.; (h) Wyoming, N.J. 1904 Thomas Eaton Doubt, S.B., Nebraska Wesleyan, '92; A.M., Nebraska, '96. Assoc. Prof., Armour Inst, of Tech.; 5402 Drexel Ave. Thomas Carlyle Hebb, A.B., Dalhousie, '00; A.M., '01. Prof., State Nor. Sch., Marquette, Mich. Fannie Cornelia Frisbie (Mrs. Frank B. Jewett), A.B., Rockford, '99. Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, N.J. 1905 Frederic Lendall Bishop, S.B., Mass. Inst, of Tech., '98. Prof., U. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. Glenn Moody Hobbs, L.B., Illinois, '92. Sec'y, Am. Sch. of Correspond- ence; 6023 Rosalie Ave. Carleton John Lynde, A.B., Toronto, '95. Prof., Macdonald Coll., Macdonald College P.O., Que. 1906 William Richards Blair, S.B., Chicago, '04. Director, Mt. Weather Observatory, Bluemont, Va. Lawrence Emery Gurney, A.B., Colby, "99. Prof., U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. 1907 Oliver Charles Clifford, A.B., Oberlin, '93. Ass't Prof., Armour Inst. of Tech.; 6020 Kenwood Ave. George Winchester, S.B., Chicago, '04. Prof., Washington and Jeffer- son Coll., Washington, Pa. 22 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1909 William Ross Ham, A.B., Bates, '01. Prof., Pa. State Coll.; 522 W. College Ave., State College, Pa. Charles Albert Proctor, A.B., Dartmouth, '00. Ass't Prof., Dartmouth Coll., Hanover, N.H. Newland Farnsworth Smith, Ph.B., Northwestern, '92. Prof., Central U. of Ky., Danville, Ky. 1910 Louis Begeman, S.B., Michigan, '89; S.M., '97. Prof., State Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, la. Ansel Alphonso Knowlton, A.B., Bates, '98; A.M., Northwestern, '03. Assoc. Prof., U. of Utah., Salt Lake City, Utah. John Matthias Kuehne, S.B., Texas, '99; S.M., '01. Adjunct Prof., U. of Tex.; 716 W. 23d St., Austin, Tex. 1911 Harold De Forest Arnold, Ph.B., Wesleyan, '06; S.M., '07. Edwin Sherwood Bishop, L.B., Wisconsin, '03; A.M., '05. Instr., Sch. of Ed., U. of C; 5109 Greenwood Ave. J. Harry Clo, S.B., State Coll. of Kentucky, '04; S.M., '05. Assoc. Prof., Tulane U. of La.; 904 Lowerline St., New Orleans, La. Harvey Fletcher, S.B., Brigham Young, '07. Prof., Brigham Young U., Provo City, Utah. James Remus Wright, S.B., Westminster, '05. Instr., U. of Philippines, Manila, P.I. 1912 Harvey Brace Lemon, A.B., Chicago, '06; S.M., '11. Instr., U. of C; 1220 E. 54th St. Howard Wilson Moody, A.B., Cornell Coll., '02. Instr., Lafayette Coll.; 329 Bushkill St., Easton, Pa. 1913 Edward James Moore, A.B., Oberlin, '03; A.M., '06. Assoc. Prof., Oberlin Coll.; 226 Woodland Ave., Oberlin, Ohio. Total in Department XIX, 31. XX. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 1894 A. H. Bernhard, A.B., Johns Hopkins, '89. Prof., State Nor. Sch., La Crosse, Wis. Warren Rufus Smith, A.B., Bowdoin, '90. Prof., Lewis Inst., Chicago; 509 Fairoaks Ave., Oak Park, 111. 1896 Bernhard Conrad Hesse, Ph.B., Michigan, '89. Consulting Chemist, 90 William St., New York, N.Y. Samuel Ellis Swartz, A.B., Denison, '79. Prof., Fairmount Coll., Wichita, Kan. 1897 James Bert Garner, S.B., Wabash, '93. Prof., Wabash Coll., Crawfords- ville, Ind. Lander William Jones, A.B., Williams, '92. Prof., U. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1898 Frank Burnett Dains, Ph.B., Wesleyan, '90; S.M., '91. Assoc. Prof., U. of Kan.; 1224 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kan. Otto K. O. Folin, S.B., Minnesota, '92. Prof., Harvard Med. Sch.; 133 Buckminster Road, Brookline, Mass. Doctors of Philosophy 23 1898 Elizabeth Jeffreys, Ph.B., Oberlin, '95. Prof., Prichett Coll., Glasgow, Mo. Herbert Newby McCoy, S.B., Purdue, '92. Prof., U. of C; 6030 Ken- wood Ave. 1899 John Charles Hessler, A.B., Chicago, '96. Prof., James Millikin U.; 1398 W. Macon St., Decatur, 111. William McPherson, S.B., Ohio, '87; Sc.D., '95. Prof., Ohio State U., Columbus, Ohio. James Harvey Ransom, S.B., Wabash, '90; S.M., '93. Prof., Purdue U., La Fayette, Ind. 1900 Henry Chalmers Biddle, A.B., Monmouth, '94. Ass't Prof., U. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. 1901 Ralph Harper McKee, A.B., Wooster, '95. Prof., U. of Me., Orono, Me. 1902 Solomon Farley Acree, S.B., Texas, '94; A.M., '97. Assoc. Prof., Johns Hopkins U.; 2002 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Wallace Appleton Beatty, A.B., Kentucky, '96. Eugene Paul Schoch, C.E., Texas, '94; A.M., '96. Prof., U. of Tex., Austin, Tex. Edwin Emery Slosson, S.B., Kansas, '90. Ed., The Independent, 119 W. 40th St., New York, N.Y. 1903 Henry Taber Upson, A.B., De Pauw, '95. Pres. and Treas., Pease Oil Co., 76 Young Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. 1904 Maxwell Adams, A.B., Leland Stanford Junior, '95; A.M., '96. Prof., U. of Nev., Reno, Nev. Raymond Foss Bacon, S.B., De Pauw, '99. Assoc. Director, Mellon Inst., U. of Pittsburgh; 4904 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pa. William McAfee Bruce, A.B., Central, '96. Eastern Ark. Demonstration Farm, Blackton, Ark. Nellie Esther Goldthwaite, S.B., Michigan, '94. Ass't Prof., U. of 111., Urbana, 111. Oswin William Willcox, S.B., Texas, '01. Ass't Chem., U.S. Smokeless Powder Works, Dover, N.J. 1905 William Lloyd Evans, S.B., Ohio, '92; S.M., '96. Prof., Ohio State U., 815 Champion Ave., Columbus, Ohio. William McCracken, A.B., Michigan, '86. Prof., State Nor. Sch., Marquette, Mich. Hermann Irving Schlesinger, S.B., Chicago, '03. Ass't Prof., U. of C.J 1335 E. 52d St. 1906 Roy Hutchinson Brownlee, A.B., Monmouth, '98. Prof., U. of Pitts- burgh; 200 N. Dithridge St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Charles Macdonald Carson, A.B., Toronto, '98. Prof., Mich. Coll. of Mines, Houghton, Mich. Henry Max Goettsch, S.B., Iowa, '99; S.M., '00. Ass't Prof., U. of Cincinnati; 145 W. University Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Willis Stose Hilpert, S.B., Chicago, '03. Chemist, Amer. Medical Assoc; 543 E. 34th St. James Wright Lawrie, S.B., Chicago, '04. Gen. Mg'r, German-Am. Chemical Works; 722 Frederick Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 24 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1906 Andrew Friedley McLeod, A.B., Chicago, '04. Ass't Prof., Beloit Coll.; 719 Harrison Ave., Beloit, Wis. 1907 Edith Ethel Barnard, S.B., Chicago, '04; S.M., '06. Instr., U. of C; 410 W. 62d St. Katharine Blunt, A.B., Vassar, '98. Ass't Prof., Sch. of Ed., U. of C. Willey Denis, A.B., Tulane, '99; A.M., '02. Harvard Med. Sch., Boston, Mass. Robert Anderson Hall, A.B., Chicago, '06. Assoc. Prof., U. of Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. Louis Allen Higley, S.B., Chicago, '00. Prof., Westminster Coll., Fulton, Mo. William Horace Ross, S.B., Dalhousie, '03; S.M., '04. Research Chemist, Bureau of Soils, Washington, D.C. Louis Agassiz Test, B.M.E., Purdue, '94. Ass't Prof., Sch. of Mines of U. of Mo., Rolla, Mo. 1908 George Cromwell Ashman, S.B., Wabash, '95; S.M., Chicago, '05. Prof., Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria, 111. 1909 Ernest Anderson, S.B., Texas, '03; S.M., '04. Chemist, Mass. Agric. Coll., Amherst, Mass. William Welden Hickman, A.B., Monmouth, '06. Prof., Assiut Coll., Assiut, Egypt. Winford Lee Lewis, A.B., Leland Stanford Junior, '02. Ass't Prof., Northwestern U.; 1827 Wesley Ave., Evanston, 111. Peter Powell Peterson, S.B., Brigham Young, '05. Prof., U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Lemuel Charles Raiford, Ph.B., Brown, '00; A.M., '04. Instr., U. of C. Herman Augustus Spoehr, S.B., Chicago, '06. Chemist, Carnegie Insti- tution, Desert Laboratory, Tucson, Ariz. 1910 Emma Perry Carr, S.B., Chicago, '05. Prof., Mount Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass.; (h) Coshocton, Ohio. Elbert Edwin Chandler, A.B., William Jewell Coll., '91; LL.B., Michigan, '93. Prof., Occidental Coll.; 5311 Monte Vista, Los Angeles, Cal. Ira Harris Derby, S.B., Harvard, '99. Ass't Prof., U. of Minn.; 2157 Commonwealth Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Stewart Joseph Lloyd, A.B., Toronto, '04; S.M., McGill, '06. Prof., State IT. of Ala., University P.O., Ala. Alan Wilfred Cranbrook Menzies, S.B., Edinburgh (Scotland), '97; A.M., '98. Prof., Oberlin Coll.; 136 Woodland Ave., Oberlin, Ohio. John Colin Moore, S.B., Vanderbilt, '98. Teacher, Lake H.S.; 858 E. 65th St. William Cabfer Moore, S.B., Nashville, '03. Instr., Columbia U., New York, NY. Fred Wilbert Upson, S.B., Nebraska, '07; A.M., '08. Instr., U. of C; 6022 Kenwood Ave. 1911 Thomas Bruce Freas, A.B., Stanford, '96. Ass't Prof., Columbia U.; 130 Claremont Ave., New York, N.Y. John Foote Norton, S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, '06. Instr., Mass. Inst, of Tech., Boston, Mass.; Auburndale, Mass. Doctors of Philosophy 25 1911 Harlan Leo Trumbull, A.B., U. of Washington, '07; A.M., '08. Instr., U. of Wash.; 4135 Brooklyn Ave., Seattle, Wash. LeRoy Samuel Weatherby, A.B., Kansas, '06; A.M., '08. Assoc. Prof., U. of Southern Cal.; 644 W. 36th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Franklin Lorenzo West, S.B., Utah Agricultural, '04. Prof., Utah Agric. Coll., Logan, Utah. 1912 Paul David Potter, A.B., Wisconsin, '08; A.M., '10. Chief Chemist, Sprague, Warner & Co., 600 W. Erie St. Charles Herman Viol, S.B., Purdue, '07. Research Director, Standard Chemical Co., Box 22, Oakland Sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1913 George Oliver Curme, Jr., S.B., Northwestern, '09. 629 Colfax St., Evanston, 111. Total in Department XX, 64. XXI. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 1895 Charles Henry Gordon, S.B., Albion, '86; S.M., '90. Prof., U. of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn. Henry Barnard Kummel, A.B., Beloit, '89; A.M., Harvard, '92. State Geologist, State House, Trenton, N.J. 1897 Harry Foster Bain, S.B., Moore's Hill, '94. Editor, Mining and Scientific Press, 420 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. 1900 Thomas Cramer Hopkins, S.B., De Pauw, '87; S.M., '90. Prof., Syra- cuse U., Syracuse, N.Y. William Newton Logan, A.B.; A.M., Kansas, '96. Prof., Agricultural College, Miss. 1901 Nevin M. Fenneman, A.B., Heidelberg, '83. Prof., U. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1902 Fred Harvey Hall Calhoun, S.B., Chicago, '98. Prof., Clemson Coll., Clemson, S.C. *William George Tight, S.B., Denison, '86. Died January 15, 1910. Frank Alonzo Wilder, A.B., Oberlin, '92. Pres., Southern Gypsum Co., North Holston, Va. 1903 William Clinton Alden, A.B., Cornell College, '93; A.M., Chicago, '98. Geologist, U.S.G.S.; 124 Bryant St. N.W., Washington, D.C. Wallace Walter Atwood, S.B., Chicago, '97. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 5450 Ridgewood Court. 1904 William Harvey Emmons, A.B., Central, '97. Prof., U. of Minn.; 217 The Leamington, Minneapolis, Minn. 1905 Alfred Reginald Schultz, S.B., Wisconsin, '00. Geologist, U.S.G.S., 3034 Newark St., Cleveland Park, Washington, D.C. 1907 Stephen Reid Capps, Jr., A.B., Chicago, '03. Geologist, U.S.G.S.; 2518 17th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. Rollin Thomas Chamberlin, S.B., Chicago, '03. Instr., U. of C; Hyde Park Hotel. 1909 Edison Sunderland Bastin, A.B., Michigan, '02; S.M., Chicago, '03. Geologist, U.S.G.S., Washington, D.C. 26 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1909 Elwood S. Moore, A.B., Toronto, '04; A.M., '07. Prof., Pa. State Coll., State College, Pa. Clinton Raymond Stauffer, S.B., Ohio State, '03; A.M., '06. Assoc. Prof., Western Reserve U.; 1799 E. 87th St., Cleveland, Ohio. 1910 Allen David Hole, S.B., Earlham, '97; A.M., '01. Prof., Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind. John Littlefield Tilton, A.B., Wesleyan, '85; A.M., '88; A.M., Harvard, '95. Prof., Simpson Coll., Indianola, la. Joseph Bertram Umpleby, A.B., U. of Washington, '08; S.M., Chicago, '09. Geologist, U.S.G.S., Washington, D.C. 1911 Arthur Carleton Trowbridge, S.B., Chicago, '07. Prof., U. of la., Iowa City, la. 1912 Harold Caswell Cooke, A.B., Toronto, '07; A.M., '08. Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. 1913 Albert Dudley Brokaw, S.B., Chicago, '08. Instr., U. of C; 5731 Ken- wood Ave. Total in Department XXI, 24. XXL4. DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY 1907 Frederick Valentine Emerson, A.B., Colgate, '98. Instr., U. of Mo., Columbia, Mo. Total in Department XXI A, 1. XXII. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 1894 Herbert Parlin Johnson, A.B., Harvard, '89. Assoc. Prof., St. Louis U., St. Louis, Mo. Frank Rattray Lillie, A.B., Toronto, '91. Prof., U. of C; 5801 Kenwood Ave. 1895 Albert Chauncey Eycleshymer, S.B., Michigan, '93. Prof., St. Louis U., St. Louis, Mo. William Albert Locy, S.B., Michigan, '81; S.M., '84; Sc.D., '06. Prof., Northwestern U.; 1823 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. 1896 Howard Stidham Brode, S.B., Chicago, '96. Prof., Whitman Coll. Walla Walla, Wash. Cornelia Maria Clapp, Ph.B., Syracuse, '89. Prof., Mt. Holyoke'Coll., South Hadley, Mass. Agnes Mary Claypole (Mrs. Robert O. Moody), Ph.B., Buchtel, '92; S.M., Cornell, '94. 2826 Garber St., Berkeley, Cal. Albert Davis Mead, A.B., Middlebury, '80. Prof., Brown U., Providence, R.I. 1897 Charles Lawrence Bristol, S.B., Coll. of City of N.Y., '83; FS.M., '88. Prof. U. of City of N.Y., University Heights, New York, N.Y. Samuel Jackson Holmes, S.B., California, '93; S.M., '94. Assoc. Prof., U. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. John P. Munson, S.B., Wisconsin, '87. Prof., State Nor. Sch., Ellens- burg, Wash. Doctors of Philosophy 27 1899 Emily Ray Gregory, A.B., Wellesley, '85; A.M., Pennsylvania, '96. # Dr. Herman B. Allyn, 501 S. 42d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Aaron Louis Treadwell, S.B., Wesleyan, '88; S.M., '90. Prof., Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 1900 Michael Frederic Guyer, S.B., Chicago, '94; S.M., Nebraska, '96. Prof., U. of Wis.; 138 Prospect Ave., Madison, Wis. 1901 Elliot Rowland Downing, S.B., Albion, '89. Ass't Prof., Sch. of Ed., U. of C; 9317 S. Robey St. Wilhelmine Marie Enteman (Mrs. Francis B. Key), S.B., Wisconsin, '94. State Research Worker in Eugenics, Lancaster, Mass. Ralph Stayner Lillie, A.B., Toronto, '96. Ass't Prof., U. of Pa.; 4243 Sansom, St., Philadelphia, Pa. Virgil Everett McCaskell, A.B., Ohio Wesleyan, '93; A.M., '94. Pres. of State Nor. Sch., Superior, Wis. John McClellan Prather, A.B., Harvard, '94; A.M., '95. Teacher, Soldan H.S.; 4152 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 1902 Eugene Howard Harper, A.B., Oberlin, '90. Ass't Prof., Northwestern U.; 1420 Maple Ave., Evanston, 111. 1903 Bennett Mills Allen, Ph.B., De Pauw, '98. Prof., U. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. William J. Moenkhaus, A.B., Indiana, '94. Prof., Ind. U., Bloomington, Ind. 1904 Charles Dwight Marsh, A.B., Amherst, 77. Physiologist, U.S. Dept. of Agri.; 1882 Monroe St. N.W., Washington, D.C. John William Scott, A.B., Missouri, '96. Ass't Prof., U. of Wyo., Laramie, Wyo. Charles Zeleny, S.B., Minnesota, '98. Assoc. Prof., U. of 111.; 1103 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1905 Lynds Jones. Assoc. Prof., Oberlin Coll., Oberlin, Ohio. Horatio Hackett Newman, A.B., McMaster, '96. Assoc. Prof., U. of C. 1906 James Francis Abbott, A.B., Leland Stanford Junior, '99; A,M., '04. Prof., Washington U., St. Louis, Mo. 1907 Frank Eugene Lutz, A.B., Haverford, '00; A.M., Chicago, '02. Ass't Curator, Am. Museum of Nat. Hist., New York, N.Y. Oscar Riddle, A.B., Indiana, '02. Research Associate, Carnegie Insti- tution of Washington; 1357 E. 53d St. Victor Ernest Shelford, S.B., Chicago, '03. Instr., U. of C; 5557 Uni- versity Ave. Charles Henry Turner, S.B., Cincinnati, '91. Instr., Sumner H.S., St. Louis, Mo. 1908 Charles Christopher Adams, S.B., Illinois Wesleyan, '93. Associate U. of 111., Urbana, 111. Mary Blount, S.B., Michigan, '95. Teacher, Chicago Nor. Coll.; 5742 Kenwood Ave. Wallace Craig, S.B., Illinois, '98; S.M., '01. Prof., U. of Me., Orono, Me. John Thomas Patterson, S.B., Wooster, '03. Adjunct Prof., U. of Tex., Austin, Tex. 28 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1908 Katashi Takahashi, Rigakushi, Imp. IT. of Tokyo, '01. Prof., First Nat'l Coll., Tokyo, Japan. George Washington Tannreuther, A.B., Manchester, '00; A.M., Antioch, '01. Instr., U. of Mo., Columbia, Mo. 1909 Marion Lydia Shorey, Ph.B., Brown, '04; A.M., '06. Prof., Milwaukee- Downer Coll.; 678 Franklin Place, Milwaukee, Wis. Harry Lewis Wieman, A.B., Cincinnati, '05; A.M., '06. Ass't Prof., U. of Cincinnati; 4540 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1910 George William Bartelmez, S.B., New York U., '06. Instr., U. of C; 1115 E. 54th Place. 1911 Robert Kirkland Nabours, Ed.B., Chicago, '05. Prof., State Agric. Coll., Manhattan, Kan. 1912 Warder Clyde Allee, S.B., Earlham, '08; S.M., Chicago, '11. Teacher, Thompson Biological Laboratory, Williams Coll., Williamstown, Mass. Harriett May.Allyn, A.B., Mt. Holyoke, '05; S.M., Chicago, '10. Instr., Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; (h) 264 Jefferson Ave., New London, Conn. 1913 Joseph Kumber Breitenbecher, A.B., Miami, '10. Woods Hole, Mass. Neil Stanley Dungay, A.B., Minnesota, '04. Prof., Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn. Total in Department XXII, 46. XXIII. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY 1906 Emil Goetsch, S.B., Chicago, '03; M.D., Johns Hopkins, '08. Resident Surgeon, Brigham Hospital, Harvard Med. Sch., Boston, Mass. John Sundwall, Ph.B., Central Utah, '01; S.B., Chicago,'05; M.D., Johns Hopkins, '11. Prof., U. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. 1907 Edwin Garvey Kirk, S.B., Chicago, '02; M.D., Rush, '09. Ass't Path- ologist, Michael Reese Hospital; 834 E. 56th St. 1908 Ralph Edward Sheldon, A.B., Cornell, '04; A.M., '05. Assoc. Prof., Medical Dep't, U. of Pittsburgh; 4181 Centre Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1911 Paul Stilwell McKibben, S.B., Denison, '06. Instr., U. of C; 5731 Kenwood Ave. 1912 Edmund Vincent Cowdry, A.B., Toronto, '09. Teacher, Med. Sch., Johns Hopkins U., Baltimore, Md. Total in Department XXIII, 6. XXIV. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 1896 Elizabeth Cooke, S.B., Michigan, '93. Assistant, Med. Coll., Cornell U.; 214 E. 26th St., New York, N.Y. Samuel Steen Maxwell, S.B., Amity, '86. Assoc. Prof., U. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. 1897 Elias Potter Lyon, S.B., Hillsdale, '91. Dean of Med. Sch., St. Louis U., St. Louis, Mo. Meannette Cora Welch, A.B., Wellesley, '89. Died December, 1906. Doctors of Philosophy 29 1898 William Douwes Zoethut, A.B., Hope, '93. Prof., Bennett Med. Coll.; Wilmette, 111. 1899 *Wesley Walker Norman, S.B., Indiana, '85. Died June, 1899. 1900 Walter Eugene Garrey, S.B., Lawrence, '94; M.D., Rush, '09. Assoc. Prof., Washington U.; 1806 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. 1901 Anne Moore, A.B., Vassar, '96; A.M., '97. Social Worker, 204£ W. 13th St., New York, N.Y. 1902 *Arthur White Greeley, A.B., Leland Stanford Junior, '98. Died March, 1904. Charles Hugh Neilson, S.B., Ohio Wesleyan, '99. Ass't Prof., U. of St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. Ralph Waldo Webster, Ph.B., Chicago, '95; M.D., Rush, '98. Physician, 8 N. State St. 1905 Orville Harry Brown, A.B., Kansas, '01; M.D., St. Louis, '05. Physician, Humboldt Bld'g, St. Louis, Mo. Russell Burton Opitz, S.B., Chicago, '98; S.M., '03. Assoc. Prof., Columbia U.; 437 W. 59th St., New York, N.Y. 1906 Hugh McGuigan, A.B., So. Dakota Agric. Coll., '98; M.D., Rush, '08. Prof., Northwestern U. Med. Sch.; 2431 S. Dearborn St. 1907 Charles Claude Guthrie, S.B., Woodlawn Inst., '97; M.D., Missouri, '01. Prof., U. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. Frank Henry Pike, A.B., Indiana, '03. Prof., Columbia U.; 437 W. 59th St., New York, N.Y. 1908 Wales Harrison Packard, S.B., Olivet, '94. Prof., Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria, 111. 1909 Francis Christian Becht, S.B., Chicago, '07. Teacher, Northwestern U. Med. Sch.; 5507 Drexel Ave. Herbert Horace Bunzell, S.B., Chicago, '06. Bureau of Plant Industry, Dept. of Agric; 3443 14th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. James Richard Greer, S.B., Chicago, '07; M.D., Rush, '12. Ass't, Rush Med. Coll.; 122 S. Michigan Ave. Walter Joseph Meek, A.B., Kansas, '02. Ass't Prof., U. of Wis.; 2015 Chadbourne Ave., Madison, Wis. 1911 Clyde Brooks, A.B., Missouri, '05. Ass't Prof., Med. Sch., U. of Pitts- burgh; 821 Ridge Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Arno Benedict Luckhardt, S.B., Chicago, '06; S.M., '09. Instr., U. of C; 1423 E. 62dSt. 1912 Frederick Conrad Koch, S.B., Illinois, '99; S.M., '00. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 5743 Maryland Ave. Shiro Tashiro, S.B., Chicago, '09. 46 Physiology Bld'g, U. of C. 1913 Arthur Lawrie Tatum, S.B., Penn Coll., '05; S.M., Iowa, '07. Physiology Bld'g, U. of C. Total in Department XXIV, 26. XXV. DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY 1899 Irving Hardesty, A.B., Wake Forest, '92. Prof., Tulane U. of La., New Orleans, La. 30 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1902 Shinkishi Hatai, A.B., Northwestern Coll., Sendai, Japan. Assoc, Wistar Inst, of Anat. and Biol., Philadelphia, Pa. 1903 *Charles Emerson Ingbert, A.B., North Dakota, '95. Died March, 1909. 1905 Stephen Walter Ransom, S.B., Chicago, '02; S.M., '03. Prof., North- western U. Med. Sch.; 1511 E. 66th St. 1910 Charles Brookover, B.Ped., Ohio U., '94; S.M., '98. Prof., Med. Dep't, U. of Ark.; Old State House, Little Rock, Ark. Total in Department XXV, 5. XXVI. DEPARTMENT OF PALEONTOLOGY 1896 Ermine Cowles Case, A.B., Kansas, '93; S.M., Cornell, '95. Prof., U. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1905 Edwin Bayer Branson, A.B., Kansas, '03. Prof., U. of Mo.; 308 Hicks Ave., Columbia, Mo. 1908 Roy Lee Moodie, A.B., Kansas, '05. Ass't Prof., U. of Kan.; 1845 Learnard Ave., Lawrence, Kan. Total in Department XXVI, 3. XXVII. BOTANY 1897 Charles Joseph Chamberlain, A.B., Oberlin, '88; A.M., '94. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 6130 Greenwood Ave. 1898 William L. Bray, A.B., Indiana, '93; A.M., Lake Forest, '94. Prof., Syracuse U., Syracuse, N.Y. Otis William Caldwell, S.B., Franklin, '95. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 5524 Kimbark Ave. Henry Chandler Cowles, A.B., Oberlin, '93. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 5524 Kimbark Ave. William Dayton Merrell, A.B., Rochester, '91. Prof., U. of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. 1899 Nels Lawrence T. Nelson, S.B., Carleton, '91. Prof., Presbyterian Coll. of S.C.; Clinton, S.C. Robert Wilson Smith, A.B., McMaster, '95. Prof., McMaster U., Toronto, Ont. 1900 John Gaylord Coulter, A.B., Lake Forest, '95. Prof., State Nor. Sch., Normal, 111. Frank Lincoln Stevens, L.B., Hobart, '91. Prof., U. of Porto Rico, Mayagiiez, P.R. 1901 Anstruther Abercrombie Lawson, S.B., California, '97. Prof., U. of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. Burton Edward Livingston, S.B., Michigan, '98. Prof., Johns Hopkins U.; 2753 Maryland Ave., Baltimore, Md. Florence May Lyon (Mrs. Strong V. Norton), S.B., Chicago, '98. Valhalla-in-Aqueduct Road, Akron, Ohio. James Bertram Overton, Ph.B., Michigan, '91. Assoc. Prof., U. of Wis.; 512 Wisconsin Ave., Madison, Wis. Doctors of Philosophy 31 1902 Theodore Christian Frye, S.B., Illinois, '94. Prof., U. of Wash., Seattle, Wash. 1903 John Frederick Garber, A.B., Illinois, '97. Teacher, Yeatman H.S., St. Louis, Mo. George Mellinger Holferty, S.B., Wisconsin, '93. Instr., Central H.S., St. Louis, Mo. Harry Nichols Whitford, S.B., Kansas, '90. Forester, Canadian Comm. of Conservation, Victoria, B.C. 1904 Mintin Asbury Chrysler, A.B., Toronto, '94. Prof., U. of Me., Orono, Me. Clifton Durant Howe, A.B., Vermont, '98; S.M., '01. Lecturer, U. of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. William Jesse Goad Land, S.B., Chicago, '03. Ass't Prof., U. of C.J 5642 Ellis Ave. William Burnet McCallum, B.S.A., Toronto, '94. George Harrison Shull, S.B., Antioch Coll., '01. Botanical Investigator, Sta. for Exper. Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y. Laetitia Morris Snow, A.B., Woman's Coll., of Baltimore, '95. Assoc. Prof., Wellesley Coll., Wellesley, Mass. Robert Bradford Wylie, S.B., Upper Iowa, '97. Prof., U of la.; 903 Torra Ave., Iowa City, la. 1905 Heinrich Hasselbring, S.B., Cornell, '99. Physiologist, Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. Dep't of Agri., Washington, D.C. Etoile Bessie Simons, A.B., Kansas, '95. Employment Bureau, Harvey System, A.T. & S.F. Ry.; 7539 Colfax Ave. 1906 William Crocker, A.B., Illinois, '02; A.M., '03. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 6126 Ellis Ave. Hemming Gerhard Jensen, A.B., Cornell, '99. Prof., Northwestern U. Sch. of Pharmacy; 6619 Ellis Ave. Frances Grace Smith, A.M., Smith, '93. Assoc. Prof., Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass. 1907 Lula Pace, S.B., U. of Kansas, '02; S.M., Chicago, '03. Ass't Prof., Baylor U., Waco, Tex. Reinhardt Thiessen, S.B., Chicago, '03. Ass't Chemist, Bureau of Mines; 1155 Portland St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Shigeo Yamanouchi, S.M., Teachers Coll. Tokyo (Japan), '98. Instr., U. of C; (h) 27 Otsuka-Nakamachi, Koishi Kawa, Tokyo, Japan. 1908 Leonas Lancelot Burlingame, A.B., Chicago, '06. Ass't Prof., Leland Stanford Junior U., Stanford University, Cal. Reginald Ruggles Gates, A.B., Mt. Allison, '03; A.M., '04. Lecturer, St. Thomas' Hospital, Royal Coll. of Science; 14 Well Walk, Hamp- stead Heath, London N.W., Eng. LeRoy Harris Harvey, S.B., Maine, '01; S.M., '05. Prof., State Nor. Sch.; 204 Monroe St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Wanda May Pfeiffer, S.B., Chicago, '05. Assistant, U. of C; 1361 E. 56th St. Charles Houston Shattuck, S.B., Chicago, '04. Prof., U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. 32 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1908 Alma Gracey Stokey, A.B., Oberlin, '05. Assoc. Prof., Mt. Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass. 1909 Sister Helen Angela Dorety, A.B., College of St. Elizabeth, '04; S.M., Chicago, '07. Prof., College of St. Elizabeth, Morristown, N.J. Nielsine Johanna Kildahl, A.B., South Dakota, '98; A.M., '10. Business, 5742 Maryland Ave., Chicago; (h) Maza, N.D. Edith Minot Twiss, A.B., Ohio, '95; S.M., Chicago, '07. Prof., Wash- burne Coll., Topeka, Kan. 1910 Charles Orval Appleman, Ph.B., Dickinson, '03. Research, Agric. Experiment Sta., College Park, Md. Grace Miriam Charles, A.B., Oberlin, '00; A.M., Chicago, '05. Instr., U. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan.; (h) 150 N. Cuyler Ave., Oak Park, 111. Mary Sophie Young, A.B., Wellesley, '95; S.M., Chicago, '07. Instr., U. of Tex., Austin, Tex.; (h) Hastings, Neb. 1911 Grace Lucretia Clapp, A.B., Smith, '05; A.M., '07. Teacher, M. Tr. H.S., Indianapolis, Ind.; (h) Windsor Locks, Conn. William Skinner Cooper, S.B., Alma, '06. Research, 1390 Bryant St., Palo Alto, Cal. Sophia Hennion Eckerson, A.M., Smith, 07. Ass't, U. of C.J 5640 Kimbark Ave. Anna Morse Starr, A.B., Oberlin, '06; A.M., '07. Instr., Mt. Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass. 1912 Melvin Amos Brannon, A.B., Wabash, '89; A.M., '92. Teacher, U. of N.D.; 207 Chestnut St., Grand Forks, N.D. Laura Campbell Gano, S.B., Chicago, '98; S.M., Cornell, '06. Farmer, R.R. 3, Richmond, Ind. Stella Mary Hague, A.B., Indiana, '93; S.M., Chicago, '05. Instr., U. of 111., 805 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana, 111. Ansel Francis Hemenway, A.B., Oregon, '02; A.M., '04; A.M., Harvard, '08. Prof., Transylvania U., Lexington, Ky.; (h) Springfield, Ore. Lester Whyland Sharp, S.B., Alma, '08. Teacher, 613 State St., Alma, Mich. Total in Department XXVII, 53. XXVIII. DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGY 1900 *Howell Ernlyn Davies, A.B., Kansas, '97. Died August 31, 1909. 1903 Mary Hefferan, A.B., Wellesley, '96; A.M., '98. Bacteriologist, 442 Fountain St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Harry Gideon Wells, Ph.B., Yale, '95; A.M., Lake Forest, '98; M.D., Rush, '98. Prof., U. of C; 6025 Kimbark Ave. 1905 David John Davis, S.B., Wisconsin, '98. Pathologist, St. Luke's Hospital; 1536 E. 66th Place. 1907 Paul Gustav Heinemann, S.B., Chicago, '05. Instr., U. of C; 5756 Kenwood Ave.' Gustav Ferdinand Ruediger, S.B., Wisconsin, '00; S.M., '07. Prof., U. of N.D., Grand Forks, N.D. Doctors of Philosophy 33 1908 Robert Earle Buchanan, S.B., Iowa State, '04; S.M., '06. Prof., State Agric. Coll., Ames, la. Liborio Gomez y Pineda, A.B., San Juan de Lateran, '03; S.M., Chicago, '07. Physician, Bureau of Science, Manila; Calumpit, Bulacan, P.I. ♦Herbert Marcus Goodman, S.B., Chicago, '05; S.M., '07. Died August 19, 1910. 1910 Benjamin Franklin Davis, A.B., Wisconsin, '07. Physician, People's Gas Bld'g. Thomas Haigh Glenn, A.B., Utah, '01. Student, Northwestern U. Med. Sch.; 2431 S. Dearborn St. 1911 Harry John Corper, S.B., Chicago, '07. Physician, 935 Hyde Park Blv'd. Eugene Franklin McCampbell, S.B., Chicago, '07. Prof., Ohio State U.. Columbus, Ohio. 1912 Ernest Edward Irons, S.B., Chicago, '00. Physician, Peoples Gas Bld'g. Russell Morse Wilder, S.B., Chicago, '08. Physician, 122 S. Michigan Ave. 1913 Aaron Arkin, S.B., Chicago, '09. Prof., Med. Sch., U. of W.Va., Morgan- town, W.Va. George Lester Kite, M.D., Virginia, '05; S.B., Chicago, '08. Teacher, Hood, Va. Total in Department XXVIII, 17. XLI. DEPARTMENT OF OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE AND INTERPRETATION [See also Department VIII, Semitic Languages and Literatures] 1896 Herbert Lockwood Willett, A.B., Bethany, '86. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 5515 Kimbark Ave. 1899 John Merlin Powis Smith, A.B., Des Moines, '93. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 5707 Kenwood Ave. 1900 Alois Barta, Union Theological, '95; A.M., Chicago, '97. Prof., Dubuque German Coll., Dubuque, la. 1902 Emanuel Schmidt, D.B., Chicago, '98. Pres., Adelphi Coll., Seattle, Wash. 1903 Franklin Pierce Ramsay, A.B., Davidson, '79. Clergyman, 3407 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. 1904 William Caldwell, A.M., Southwest Presbyterian, '88. Clergyman, 605 W. 5th St., Ft. Worth, Tex. 1905 John Rothwell Slater, A.B., Harvard, '94; D.B., Chicago, '98. Prof., U. of Rochester; 21 Thayer St., Rochester, N.Y. 1912 Caroline May Breyfogle, A.B., Chicago, '96. Prof., Ohio State U.; 16 E. 14th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Isaac George Matthews, A.B., McMaster, '97; A.M., '98; Th.B., '04, Prof., McMaster U., Toronto, Ont. Total in Department XLI, 9. 34 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago XLII. DEPARTMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE AND INTERPRETATION [See also Department IX, Biblical and Patristic Greek] 1896 Clyde Weber Votaw, A.B., Amherst, '88. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 5515 Woodlawn Ave. 1898 Edgar Johnson Goodspeed, A.B., Denison, '90; D.B., Chicago, '97. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 5706 Woodlawn Ave. 1900 Henry Martyn Herrick, A.B., Amherst, '84. Clergyman, Stockton, 111. Gerald Dirk Heuver, A.B., Lake Forest, '87. Clergyman, 611 S. Bend St., Galena, 111. 1901 Allan Hoben, A.B., New Brunswick, '95. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 5738 Blackstone Ave. 1903 Alphonzo Augustus Hobson, A.B., Columbia, '99. Clergyman, 131 Crescent St., Waltham, Mass. 1904 John William Bailey, A.B., Franklin, '98; D.B., Chicago, '02. Clergy- man, Pella, la. 1905 Hamilton Ford Allen, A.B., Williams, '88; D.B., McCormick, '97. Prof., Washington and Jefferson Coll., Washington, Pa. 1906 William Duncan Ferguson, A.B., Oberlin, '97. Prof., Albany Coll., Albany, Ore. Henry Burton Sharman, S.B., Toronto, '91. Winnipeg, Man. 1907 Frank Grant Lewis, A.B., Brown, '93; A.M., Chicago, '06. Librarian, Crozer Theol. Sem., Chester, Pa. Henry Barton Robison, A.B., Kentucky, '93. Prof., Christian U., Canton, Mo. Calvin Klopp Staudt, A.B., Franklin and Marshall, '00. Clergyman, 409 S. Division Lane, Tacoma, Wash. 1909 John Cowper Granbery, A.B., Randolph-Macon, '96; D.B., Vanderbilt, '99; A.M., Chicago, '08. Ass't Prof., Southwestern U., Georgetown, Tex. 1910 Harris Lachlan MacNeill, A.B., McMaster, '94. Prof., Brandon Coll., Brandon, Man. 1911 Alonzo Rosecrans Stark, A.B., Franklin, '90; A.M., '93. Clergyman, 10226 Kempton Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 1912 Ernest William Parsons, A.B., McMaster, '99; D.B., '02; A.M., '03. Teacher, Pacific Theological Seminary, Berkeley, Cal. Dean Rockwell Wickes, Ph.B., Chicago, '05; A.M., Yale, '08; D.B., '09. Teacher, Tung Chow Coll., Peking, China; (h) 2068 W. 30th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Total in Department XLII, 18. XLIV. DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY 1896 *Eliphalet Allison Read, A.B., Acadia, '01. Died September 19, 1900. 1899 Carl Delos Case, A.B., Colgate, '91; D.B., Chicago, '98. Clergyman, 965 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY. Doctors of Philosophy 35 1900 George Cross, A.B., Toronto, '88; A.M., McMaster, '96. Prof., Rochester Theol. Sem., Rochester, N.Y. Mullien Avery Herrick, S.B., La Grange, '92; D.B., Chicago, '97. Died January 2, 1908. Loran David Osborn, A.B., Michigan, '91. Prof., U. of Colo., Boulder, Colo. Arthur Maxson Smith, A.B., Pomona, '94; A.M., Chicago, '99. Prof., Pomona Coll., Claremont, Cal. Hiram Van Kirk, A.B., Hiram, '92. 1903 Wilfred Currier Keirstead, A.B., New Brunswick, '98; A.M., '00. Prof., U. of N.B., Fredericton, N.B. William Ross Schoemaker, S.B., Ohio State Agric. Coll., '89; D.B., Chicago, '99. Clergyman, Manistique, Mich. 1904 Arthur Erastus Holt, A.B., Colorado College, '98. Clergyman, 700 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan, Kan. 1909 Herbert Francis Evans, A.B., Leland Stanford Junior, '02; D.B., Chicago, '07. Editorial Writer, 14 1st St., Highland Park, 111. Douglas Clyde Macintosh, A.B., McMaster, '03. Ass't Prof., Div. Sch., Yale U.; 613 Yale Sta., New Haven, Conn. 71912 Charles Manford Sharpe, A.B., Kansas, '97; A.M., '99. Ass't Prof., Disciples' Divinity House, Room 128, U. of C. Total in Department XLIV, 13. XLV. DEPARTMENT OF CHURCH HISTORY 1894 Theodore Gerald Soares, A.B., Minnesota, '91; A.M., '92; D.B., Chicago, '97. Prof., U. of C; 5541 University Ave. 1897 Winfred Ernest Garrison, A.B., Yale, '94; D.B., Chicago, '97. Pres., N.M. Coll. of Agric. and Mech. Arts, State College, N.M. 1899 Warren Palmer Behan, A.B., Chicago, '94; D.B., '97. Clergyman, Morgan Park, 111. 1900 Wallace St. John, A.B., Denison, '93; D.B., Chicago, '98. Prof., Rangoon Theol. Sem., Rangoon, Burma. 1902 Errett Gates, A.B., Chicago, '99; D.B., '00. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 5616 Kenwood Ave. 1905 William Henry Allison, A.B., Harvard, '93. Prof., Theol. Sem., Colgate U., Hamilton, N.Y. 1906 Rolvix Harlan, A.B., Columbia, '99; D.B., Chicago, '03. Dean, Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kan. Total in Department XLV, 7. XLVI. DEPARTMENT OF PRACTICAL THEOLOGY 1911 Arthur Jackson Hall, A.B., Richmond, '98; A.M., '99; D.B., Crozer Theological Seminary, '03; Th.M., '06. Pres., Coker Coll., Harts- ville, S.C. 36 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1912 Henry Burke Robins, A.B., William Jewell, '02; A.M., '06; D.B., Rochester Theol. Sem., '05; A.M., Chicago, '11. Prof., Rochester Theol. Sem., Rochester, NY. 1913 Katsuji Kato, A.B., Kalamazoo, '09; A.M., Chicago, '10; D.B., '11. 3219 Groveland Ave. Total in Department XLVI, 3. XLVII. DEPARTMENT OF PRACTICAL SOCIOLOGY 1903 Frank Graves Cressey, A.B., Brown, '91; D.B., Chicago, '98. Prin., Los Angeles Acad.; 900 Beacon St., Los Angeles, Cal. 1905 Richard Roy Perkins, A.B., Brown, '99. Sec'y, Y.M.C.A.; 373 E. 49th St. N., Portland, Ore. Albert Judson Steelman, A.B., Colgate, '80; A.M., '93; D.B., Chicago, '05. Clergyman, 4529 Brooklyn Ave., Seattle, Wash. 1911 Samuel Nicholas Reep, A.B., Drake, '03; A.M., Northwestern Coll., '06. Ass't Prof., U. of Minn.; 627 S.E. Oak St., Minneapolis, Minn. 1913 Norman Joseph Ware, A.B., McMaster, '08; D.B., Chicago, '11. c /o Dominion Express Co., London, Ont. Total in Department XLVII, 5. Total in all departments 738 Number deceased 18 Total living Doctors 720 DOCTORS OF LAW [Doctors of Law are lawyers unless otherwise described] 1903 Joseph Chalmers Ewing, A.B., '01. 27 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Greeley, Colo. Alden Rhodes Hicks. Prosecuting Attorney, Twin Falls, Idaho. Alfred Livingston. 729 Stock Exch. Bld'g. Ralph Curtiss Manning, A.B., '00. Real Est., Warrenville, 111. Rowland Thumm Rogers, Ph.B., '01. Bonds and Mortgages, 501 Harris Trust Bld'g. Leo Schoenbrun, A.B., '00. Manufacturing Tailor, 844 W. Adams St. 1904 Joseph Walter Bingham, A.B., '02. Prof., Law Sch., Leland Stanford Junior U., Stanford University, Cal. William George Bopp, Ph.B. 139 N. Clark St. Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge, Ph.M., '97; Ph.D., '01. See Doctors of Philosophy. Charles Vernoy Clark, Ph.B., '03. 1356 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g. Alexander John Gladstone Dowie, A.B., '00. Clergyman, 3801 Lake Park Ave. Albert Bertram Garcelon, Ph.B., '02. North Lovell, Me. William Reynolds Jayne, A.B., '02. 612 W. 2d St., Muscatine, la. Roy Dee Keehn, Ph.B., '02. 1151 Otis Bld'g. Albert Edward Lake. 1009 New York Life Bld'g. Curtiss Rockwell Manning, A.B., '01. Tod Bld'g, Great Falls, Mont. 1905 Walter Edward Collins. State Savings Bank, Butte, Mont. Frederic Arthur Fischel, Ph.B., '03. 120, 105 W. Monroe St. Aaron Clyde Harford, Ph.B., '04. 35 N. Dearborn St. Joseph Horace Johnson, Ph.B., '04. fo C.R.I. & P. Ry., 614 Des Moines Life Bld'g, Des Moines, la. Leo Klein, Ph.B., '02. 1907 City Hall Square Bld'g. Leon Patteson Lewis, Ph.B., '02. 1406 Inter-Southern Bld'g, Louisville, Ky. Ota Patty Lightfoot, A.B., '03. 19 S. LaSalle St. Harry James Lurie, Ph.B., '04. 69 W. Washington St. Henry Holmes Parker, Ph.B., '03. Robinson, 111. Henry Ellis Sampson, Ph.B., '04. 407 Manhattan Bld'g, Des Moines, la. James Milton Sheldon, Ph.B., '03. Ill W. Monroe St. Forest Garfield Smith, Ph.B., '02. 312 Hartford Bld'g. Claud Paul Tallmadge. 137 S. LaSalle St. Maurice Wallbrunn. Merchant, 327 S. Clark St. 37 38 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1908 Hubert Valodin Barbour. 1101 Ford Bld'g, Detroit, Mich. Herbert Winfield Brackney. 707 Security Bank Bld'g, Sioux City, la Henry Porter Chandler. 30 N. LaSalle St. Arthur Alvin Cocke, A.M., '05. Praetorian Bld'g, Dallas, Tex. Joseph Wallace Fellheimer, Ph.B., '04. Merchant, Macomb, 111. Floyd Everett Harper, Ph.B., '04. 405 Delaware St., Leavenworth, Kan. *Frank William Henicksman. Died September 24, 1911. Samuel Dillon Hirschl, S.B., '05. Solicitor of Patents, 612 Rector Bld'g. Alfred Richard Grigg Kent, Ph.B. Peabody, Kan. Victor Sherwood Kutchin, Ph.B., '04. Montana Bld'g, Missoula, Mont. Henry Lampl, A.B., '04. 602 Schweiter Bld'g, Wichita, Kan. Harry Clayton Leemon, A.B., '02. 9206 Commercial Ave. Walter Archibald Lybrand, Ph.B., '02. 608 Terminal Bld'g, Oklahoma City, Okla. Oliver LeRoy McCaskill, Ph.B., '01. 1609, 69 W. Washington St. George McHenry, A.B., '04. Banker, Denison, la. Delbert William Meier, Ph.B. Monona, la. John Carlyle Moore. Red Deer, Alberta. Porter Heath Morgan. 421 Am. Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Oklahoma City, Okla. William Andrew Murphy, Ph.B., '05. 1900 Collins St., Joliet, 111. David Falk Rosenthal, Ph.B., '04. 76 W. Monroe St. Crawford Ross, Ph. B., '04. Ass't Corporation Counsel, City Hall. Rudolph Ernst Schreiber, Ph.B., '04. 1140 Otis Bld'g. William Henry Symmes, Ph.B., '04. 600 Washington Blv'd. John Frederick Tobin. 322 Judge Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. George Earl Walter, Ph.B., '04. Canton, 111. 1907 Arthur Griffin Abbott. 1321, 30 N. LaSalle St. Leslie James Ayer. Prof., U. of Mont., Missoula, Mont. William Harris Laird Bell. 35 N. Dearborn St. Claude Albert Bennett. County Judge, Ft. Pierre, S.D. James Bronson Blake. 102 Wisconsin St., Milwaukee, Wis. Curtis Ashley Bynum. Asheville, N.C. Robert More Gibboney, Ph.B., '05. 215 Masonic Temple, Rockford, 111. Arnold Bennett Hall. Ass't Prof., U. of Wis. ; 408 N. Henry St., Madison, Wis. Roy H. Hunter. Farwell Trust Bld'g. Harold LeClair Ickes, A.B., '97. 1304 Rector Bld'g. William Hayden Jackson, A.B., '99. Real Est., 5726 Kenwood Ave. Victor Ernest Keyes. 212 Opera House Block, Greeley, Colo. William Wesley Kirkpatrick. 301 Stewart Bld'g, Houston, Tex. Joseph Louis Lewinsohn, Ph.B., '05. Prof., Law Sch., U. of N.D., Grand Forks, N.D. Eugene Tullius Lippincott, Ph.B., '06. Lima, Ohio. William McGinley. 204 Citizens Bank Bld'g, Decatur, 111. James McKeag. 734 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g. Henry Hiram Morey. 205 Citizens Title and Trust Bld'g, Decatur, 111. Doctors of Law 39 George Gulliver Perrin, Ph.B., '08. Modern Woodman Bld'g, Rock Island, 111. John Jeffery Radford, Ph.B., '05. Treas., Cement Products Co., Sac City, la. George Sass, Ph.B., '06. 508 Commercial Nat'l Bank Bld'g. Milliman White Sweet. First Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Wausau, Wis. Andrew Garl Thompson. 419 Henry Bld'g, Portland, Ore. Chester Girfield Vernier, Ph.B., '04. Prof., Law Sch., U. of 111.; 1002 W. Nevada St., Urbana, 111. Charles Julian Webb, Ph.B., '06. Kettle Falls, Wash. Charles Henry Wilber, Ph.B., '05. Sec'y, Mercantile Agency, 1512 Ashland Block. Lyman Perl Wilson. Prof., Law Sch., U. of Idaho; 650 A St., Moscow, Idaho. John Stephen Wright, Ph.B., '06. 1215 Commerce Bld'g, Kansas City, Mo. *Willard Walter Wynekoop, Ph.B., '04. Died February, 1910. Clarence Garfield Yoran. Manchester, la. 1908 Frederick Rogers Baird, Ph.B., '06. fe Parlin & Orendorff Co., Canton, 111. Evans Paul Barnes. 317 Idaho Bld'g, Boise, Idaho. George W. Black. 1116 Jefferson Bld'g, Peoria, 111. Louis Paul Brown. Real Est., 637 W. 36th St., Des Moines, la. Charles Arthur Bruce, Ph.B., '06. Pres., Metal Stampings Corp., Streator, 111. Kitto Stanley Carlisle. 615 Am. Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Oklahoma City, Okla. Virgil A. Crum. Chamber of Commerce Bld'g, Portland, Ore. Robert McNair Davis. Sweet Springs, Mo. James Dwight Dickerson. A.B., '06. 5 N. LaSalle St. Paul Hunter Dodge, Ph.B., '06. Prof., Washburn Law Sch., Topeka, Kan. Edgar Noble Durfee. Junior Prof., Law Sch., U. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Albert Blaine Enoch, Ph.B., '07. 1030 LaSalle St. Station. Thurlow Gault Essington. 223 E. Main St., Streator, 111. John Edwin Foster, A.B., '05. 1102 Schiller Bld'g. Hugo Morris Friend, Ph.B., '06. 826 Stock Exch. Bld'g. Robert Llewellyn Henry, Jr., Ph.B., '02. Dean, Law Sch., U. of N.D., Univer- sity, N.D. John Lama Hopkins. 1407 Marquette Bld'g. Edward Hawkins Hulser. 365 Sonna Bld'g, Boise, Idaho. Charles Andrews Huston, A.B., '02. Prof., Law Sch., Leland Stanford Junior U., Stanford University, CaL; 1048 Ramona St., Palo Alto, Cal. Albrecht Robert Carl Kipp. 822 Law Bld'g, Indianapolis, Ind. William Henry Leary. 601 Newhouse Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. John Irving Liver. 38 S. Dearborn St. Irvin I. Livingston. 38 S. Dearborn St. Perry J. Long, Ph.B., '07. Broker, 200 N. Market St., Canton, Ohio. Sidney Lyon. 1410 Harris Trust Bld'g. William John Matthews. 1230 Old Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Spokane, Wash. Yoshitaro Nakamura. Teacher, 909 1st Ave., Seattle, Wash.; (h) Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Fred Myrine Outhouse. 1207, 135 Adams St. Vail Eugene Purdy, Ph.B., '06. 608 Metropolitan Block, Sioux City, la. 40 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Oscar John Putting. Marine Bank Bld'g, Springfield, 111. Horace Garner Reed, Ph.B., '06. e /o Bruce, Lawrence, Ross & Block, Manila, P.I. Corinne Lelia Rice, Ph.B., '99. 1518 Ashland Block. Channing Lovell Sentz. 832 Marquette Bld'g. Royal Charles Sercomb. 814 The Rookery. James Wiggins Simonton. 979 Rand McNally Bld'g. Daniel R. Slauson. Real Est., Box 93, Pueblo, Colo. Perry Curtis Stroud. First Nat'l Bank Bld'g, St. Johns, Ore. Dudley Kezer Woodward, Jr. Austin, Tex. 1909 Ezra L. Baker. 325 Citizens Bank Bld'g, Aberdeen, S.D. Ralph Stanley Bauer, Instr., Law Sch., John B. Stetson U., De Land, Fla.; (h) 508 West Green St., Champaign, 111. Charles Nickerson Cadwell, Ph.B., '06. Cadwell, 111. James Hanson Christensen, Ph.B., '08. 742 E. 62d St. George Bernard Cohen, Ph.B., '07. 1010 Association Bld'g. Miles Collins. 37 Davenport Savings Bank Bld'g, Davenport, la. Eyer Absalom Cornelius. 502 Hyde Bld'g, Spokane, Wash. Henry Frank Driemeyer. 24 N. Main St., East St. Louis, 111. David Samson Eisendrath, Ph.B., '08. 110 S. Dearborn St. George Owen Fairweather, S.B., '07. 1204, 134 S. LaSalle St. Rufus Clarence Fulbright. Union Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Houston, Tex. William James Galbraith, Jr. Tucson, Ariz. George Puffer Gallaher. Rockford Trust Bld'g, Rockford, 111. Thomas Edward Gill. 517 Ashton Bld'g, Rockford, 111. Harold Frederick Hecker. 709 Title Guaranty Bld'g, St. Louis, Mo. James Vincent Hickey, Ph.B., '06. 105 S. LaSalle St. Jose Ward Hoover, Ph.B., '08. 1410 City Hall Square Bld'g. Albert Lafayette Hopkins, A.B., '05. 925, 108 S. La Salle St. Earl DeWitt Hostetter, Ph.B., '07. 1145 The Rookery. Albert Balch Houghton, Ph.B., '07. 418 Germania Bld'g, Milwaukee, Wis. Herman Gerlach James. Prof., U. of Tex.; 2620 Rio Grande St., Austin, Tex. Victor Henry Kulp, Ph.B., '05. Prof., Law Sch., U. of Okla., Norman, Okla. Milan Ellsworth McCulloch. Humeston, la. Verne Adrian McGeorge, S.B., '03. Ass't City Attorney, City Hall, Sacra- mento, Cal. Max Michael Muenich, Ph.B., '08. 1220 Commerce Bld'g, Kansas City, Mo. Paul Maurice O'Donnell, A.B., '08. 1218 New York Life Bld'g. Charles Walter Paltzer, Ph.B., '06. 112 W. Adams St. Norman Hathaway Pritchard. 659 The Rookery. James Garfield Raley. 1055 Empire Bld'g, Seattle, Wash. Charles P. Schwartz, Ph.B., '08. 700 Commercial Nat'l Bank Bld'g. William Riley Skeen. First Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Ogden, Utah. Irving J. Solomon, Ph.B., '07. 76 W. Monroe St. Charles Henry Speck, Ph.B., '08. Credit Mg'r, Herschel Mfg. Co., Peoria, 111. Doctors of Law 41 Luther David Swanstrom. 231 N. State St. Nathaniel Landon Taylor. Granger, Tex. Guy Van Schaick. 9 S. LaSalle St. Abraham Lincoln Weber, Ph.B., '08. 1410 Harris Trust Bld'g. Jesse Hunter Williamson. 709 Harris Trust Bld'g. Leo Falk Wormser, Ph.B., '05. 1400 Fort Dearborn Bld'g. George L. Yaple, Jr., Ph.B., '07. Fort Wayne, Ind. 1910 Dean Scott Benton, Ph.B., '09. Surety Bld'g, Muskogee, Okla. Frank Samuel Bevan, Ph.B., '08. Atlanta, 111. Willard Brooks, Ph.B., '08. 203 S. Dearborn St.' Gustav Adolph Buhrow. Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Murray Dubois Carmichael. West Palm Beach, Fla. John Walter Coleberd. City Attorney, South San Francisco, Cal. John Chauncey DeWolfe, Ph.B., '09. 1601, 10 S. LaSalle St. Verne Dallas Dusenbery. Roundup, Mont. George Reinhard Faust, Ph.B., '08. 903 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g. Edward George Felsenthal, A.B., '08. 69 W. Washington St. Howard Edward Flanagan. 302, 215 Dearborn St. Walter Dalton Freyburger. Am. Radiator Co., 816 S. Michigan Ave. Fleming Dillard Hedges. 912 New York Life Bld'g. Roy Raymond Helm. Metropolis, 111. Marcus Andrew Hirschl, Ph.B. Rector Bld'g. Leo Weil Hoffman, Ph.B., '08. 29 S. LaSalle St. Charles Ray Holton. 1217, 110 S. Dearborn St. Heber Peart Hostetter, Ph.B., '09. Mt. Carroll, 111. William Kixmiller, Ph.B., '09. 1720 Harris Irust Bld'g. James Albert Knowlton. Illinois Traction Co., Peoria, 111. Urban Augustin La very. Harris Trust Bld'g; Hull House. Ernest Arthur Linderholm. 1034 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g. George Nelson McDaniels. Cabot, Vt. George Thomas McDermott, Ph.B., '08. 501 New England Bld'g, Topeka, Kan. George David Mcllrath. Arthur Evan Mitchell. Mechanics Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Knoxville, Tenn. Robert Rollins Mix, Ph.B., '08. 35 N. Dearborn St. Claude Othello Netherton. 112 W. Adams St. John Carlisle Pryor. 300 Shugart Block, Council Bluffs, la. George Rossman. 631 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore. Theodore Rubovits, Ph.B., '09. 724 W. Monroe St. Ferdinand John Henry Schnack. Box 104, Honolulu, T.H. Morton Claude Seeley. Earl Jonas Smith. 1709 Harris Trust Bld'g. Leo Spitz, Ph.B., '08. 1326 Tribune Bld'g. Ray Morris Stroud. 1 W. Main St., Madison, Wis. Charles Strull, Ph.B., '09. 531 S. 1st St., Louisville, Ky. Glen Myers Waters, S.B., '09. Miller, S.D. Leonard Bloomfield Zeisler. 6 N. Clark St. 42 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1911 Grant Cozzens Armstrong, Ph.B. 200 Sterry Block, Pontiac, 111. Roy Hood Beeler. Empire Bld'g, Knoxville, Tenn. Oscar Blumenthal, Ph.B., '09. 1206 Rector Bld'g. Albert Ernest Bowen. Commercial Block, Logan, Utah. Samuel Gray Carney. 2715 Michigan Ave. Howard Austin Coulson, Ph.B., '09. Malta, Ohio. George Thrasher Crossland. 401 E. Ohio St. Vernon Frieze. Cunningham Bld'g, Joplin, Mo. Alice Greenacre, A.B., '08. 32 W. Washington St. Robert R. Hamilton. Union Bld'g, San Diego, Cal. Harry Winfred Harriman, Ph.B., '09. 609 Caswell Block, Milwaukee, Wis. Elias Heckman Henderson, Ph.B., '08. Union Trust & Savings Bank, Tribune Bld'g. Harry Bryant Hershey. Taylorville, 111. Charles Frederick Lauer, A.B., '10. 6446 Yale Ave. Ellis Peter Legler. 1014 U.B. Bld'g, Dayton, Ohio. Charles Leviton, Ph.B., '09. 1212 Fort Dearborn Bld'g. DeWitt Brewster Lightner, A.B., '09. Birmingham, Ala. Pan Hui Lo, A.M. Commissioner of Foreign Affairs for Kwang-tung Province, Canton, China. Albert Weede McCullough. 3 Albany Co., Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Laramie, Wyo. Horace Wilson McDavid. 501 Millikin Bld'g, Decatur, 111. Allen Parker McFarland, Ph.B. 110 W. Main St., Danville, 111. Arthur Cooper McGill. 203 Commercial Block, Sioux City, la. William Roy Peacock, S.B., '09. 900, 108 S. LaSalle St. Harland Claire Robbins, Ph.B., '10. 703 Security Bld'g, Cedar Rapids, la. Richard Clarence Samsel. 2715 Michigan Ave. Charles Ralph Stafford. First Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Muscatine, la. Tilden Hendricks Stearns. Jay H. Stockman. 1311 Walker Bank Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. Frank Eckle Taylor. New Market, Tenn. Harry Hylas Wheaton, Ph.B. Supervising Investigator, State Dep't of Labor, 704 D. S. Morgan Bld'g, Buffalo, N.Y. Auvergne Williams. 1524 Exchange Bld'g, Memphis, Tenn. 1912 John Worth Allen. 5 N. LaSalle St. Clarence Arthur Bales, A.B., '09. Jefferson City, Tenn. Alfred Beck, Ph. B., '11. Otis Bld'g; 4713 Forrestville Ave. Wilber L. Buchanan. 616 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g. Tsung Hua Chow. Thuchow, Chekiang, China. Leonard John Curtis. Frankfort, Ind. Charles Miller Davis. 401 Star Bld'g, Terre Haute, Ind. Burton Frederick Delana. Banker, Boise, Idaho. John Jolly Ellis. 1207 Union Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Houston, Tex. Carl Louis Valentine Excelsen, A.B., '10. 1703, 22 W. Monroe St. Olive James Fergeson. 528 Southern Trust Bld'g, Little Rock, Ark. Doctors of Law 43 Leon Fonnesbeck. Harris Bld'g, Logan, Utah. Dwight Phelps Green. Fulton, 111. Paul Bethard Heflin, Ph.B., '10. 223 E. Main St., Streator, 111. John Wilbur Hicks. Florence, S.C. John William Hilding. Fourth Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Grand Rapids, Mich. Andrew William Johnson. 505 Plymouth Bld'g, Minneapolis, Minn. Gustavus Augustus Kramer. 405 Citizens Title & Trust Bld'g, Decatur, 111. Carl Hamann Lambach, Ph.B., '09. 513 New Putnam Bld'g, Davenport, la. David Levinson, Ph.B. 810, 69 W. Washington St. Harold Ferguson Lindley, Ph.B., '11. 722 Harris Trust Bld'g. Maurice Franklin Lord. 1304 Rector Bld'g. William Patterson MacCracken, Ph.B., '09. 209 S. LaSalle St. Jewett DeWitt Matthews. Moscow, Idaho. Edwin Bloch Mayer. 1038 Stock Exch. Bld'g. Albert F. Mecklenburger. 1610, 105 W. Monroe St. McKeen Fitch Morrow. Boise, Idaho. Robert Milligan Mountcastle. Fort Gibson, Okla. Daniel Webster Mumaw. 604 Mahoning Bank Bld'g, Youngstown, Ohio. Frank E. Northrop. 303 City Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Council Bluffs, la. Christian Markey Ozias. Alexandria, Ohio. Robert Hastings Palmer. Downey, Idaho. Cola George Parker, Ph.B., '11. 502 Chamber of Commerce Bld'g. Joseph Clarke Picken. 209 Crocker Bld'g, Des Moines, la. Walter Lyndon Pope. 711 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Lincoln, Neb. John Franklin Reilly. 214 Wells Fargo Bld'g, Portland, Ore. Arthur William Richter, A.B., '06. Prof., Law Sch., Marquette U., Milwaukee, Wis. Nathaniel Rubinkam, Jr., Ph.B., '10. 1007 Stock Exch. Bld'g; 6112 Jackson Park Ave. LeRoy Duane Sargent. Home Insurance Bld'g. Deloss Perkins Shull, Ph.B., '11. Sioux City, la. Horace Sloan. Jonesboro, Ark. Ingram Maclin Stainback. Holmes, Stanley & Olson, Honolulu, T.H. Walter Peter Steffen, Ph.B., '10. Ass't U.S. District Attorney, Federal Bld'g. Carl Blinn Stiger. Toledo, la. Perry Dakin Trimble, Ph.B., '11. 626 Woodland Park. Oscar William Worthwine, Ph.B., '10. 109 East Bonnock, Boise, Idaho. 1913 John Emil Anderson, Ph.B., '10. 1010, 19 S. LaSalle St. Ralph Waldo Bates. Springfield, Neb. Herbert Bebb. 1652 W. 102d St. Fred Stanley Benson, Ph.B., '12. Houston, Tex. Wallace John Black. Washburn, 111. Thomas Lester Blakemore. Van Buren, Ark. Eugene Roland Cohn, Ph.B., '12. 5440 Prairie Ave. Hsi Ytin Feng. Assoc. Justice, Supreme Court of the Province Cheli, China. Isaac Edward Ferguson, Ph.B., '10. Farmer, Powell, Wyo. 44 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Robert William Flack, Ph.B., '11. -901 S. Fountain St., Springfield, Ohio. Jacob Logan Fox, Ph.B., '11. 1640 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g; 2440 Haddon Ave. Jerome New Frank, Ph.B., '12. 823 Chamber of Commerce Bld'g. Earl Quincy Gray, S.B., '11. Higgins, Tex. Roy Milton Harmon, Ph.B., '11. 825 Milwaukee Ave. Paul Vincent Harper, A.B., '08. 5 N. LaSalle St. Silas Adelbert Harris. Phares Gross Hess. William Elwyn Jones. 5729 Kenwood Ave. Harry Glenn Kinsley. Kutcher Bld'g, Sheridan, Wyo. Moses Levitan, Ph.B., '11. 1522 S. Sawyer Ave. Harry Arthur McCauley, Ph.B. 2148 W. Monroe St. Lew McDonald, Ph.B., '12. Cherokee, la. George Baldwin McKibbin. 913 Fort Dearborn Bld'g. Harry Markheim, Ph.B., '11. 1400 Fort Dearborn Bld'g. James Arthur Miller, S.B., '11. 923 E. 60th St. Lloyd Vesper Minear. Springfield, Ohio. Moe Alexander Natanson, Ph.B., '12. 6147 University Ave. Joseph Kerlin Ryan. Delphi, Ind. Merrill Isaac Schnebly, A.B., '11. 1005 Jefferson Bld'g, Peoria, 111. John Clinton Searle. 229 W. Pearl St., Geneseo, 111. Edward August Seegers, Ph.B., '11. Central Trust Co., Chicago; La Grange, HI. Michael David Smith. Elizabethton, Tenn, Nathan Tatarsky (Tarrson), Ph.B., '12. 3507 Douglas Blv'd. Jacob Allen Walker, Ph.B., '12. Alexander City, Ala. William Drube Wolleson. 5825 Maryland Ave. Weightstill Arno Woods. 1007 Stock Exch. Bld'g; 5729 Kenwood Ave. Robert Cushman Woolsey. 287 N. Academy St., Galesburg, 111. BACHELORS OF LAW [Bachelors of Law are lawyers unless otherwise described] 1903 Earle Hampton Fleming. 216 N. 3d St., Muskogee, Okla. 1904 John Robert Cochran. 700, 72 W. Adams St. WiUiam Mort Keeley. Washington, la. Ralph Clarence Putnam. Mercantile Block, Aurora, 111. 1905 Floyd Elwood Brower. Sycamore, 111. Edward Reed Ferriss. fo N. W. Halsey & Co., The Rookery. William Corbett Healion. Okmulgee, Okla. Stephen L. Richards. 1015 Kearns Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1906 Clyde Coniah Colwell. 72 W. Adams St. Charles Edward Gallup. Clark Saxe Jennison. 308 S. Spring Ave., La Grange, 111. William Frederick Keller. Mf'r, 1325 Quincy St. N.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Henry W. Lackey. 521 Ashland Block. Dennis Michael Malloy. 814 The Rookery. Horace Greeley Nebeker. Logan, Utah. 1907 Elias Conway Ashton. Templeton Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. Garfield S. Canright. Ass't City Attorney, City Hall, Milwaukee, Wis. Burchard Blaine Ferenbaugh. Buckeye City, Ohio. David Durward Madden. 617 Ashton Bld'g, Rockford, 111. Edgar Donald Maple. 709 Terre Haute Trust Bld'g, Terre Haute, Ind. 1908 Allen Carter. Bountiful, Utah. Gasper Edwards. Oklahoma City, Okla. John Barry Hayes. Rochelle, 111. 1909 Walter Edward Anderson. 1604 S. 16th St., Clarinda, la. John Louis Brown. First Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Murray, Utah. L. C. Lindemann. Powers Lake, N.D. James Pinckney Pope. Boise, Idaho. Frank Hayes Swenson. Maricopa, Ariz. Walter Edward Woolf. Lantry, S.D. 45 46 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1910 Ernest W. Clark. 35 S. Dearborn St. Melvin Charles Harris. Logan, Utah. Robert Lund Judd. 810-14 Mclntyre Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. David Alfred Skeen. 712 Walker Bank Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. Roy Davis Thatcher. Commercial Block, Logan, Utah. 1911 Edward Joshua Clark. 825 Yeon Bld'g, Portland, Ore. Fred Ephraim Lindley. 531 Union Bld'g, San Diego, Cal. Sidney Loewenstein. 40 N. Dearborn St. Albert Eugene Mahon. Court Reporter, 205 Court House, Birmingham, Ala. Robert Sidney Milner. Belle Plaine, la. Edgar John Phillips. 1400, 69 W. Washington St. Ortha Logan Plunkett. Robinson, 111. Preston Doremus Richards. Ass't Solicitor, Dep't of State, Washington, D.C. William Bridges Thayer. 46th St. and Warwick Blv'd, Kansas City, Mo. 1912 Fannie Adele Bivans. 417 Millikin Bld'g, Decatur, 111. Walter Harmon Chambers. 1217 Westminster Bld'g. Donald Joseph De Wolfe. 1109 Fort Dearborn Bld'g. Eugene Felsenthal Kline. 1621 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111. Fred Augustus Krusemark. Frankfort, 111. Thomas Leo O'Hern. 919 Jefferson Bld'g, Peoria, 111. Elmer Jacob Schnackenberg. 9206 Commercial Ave. 1913 Ashby Douglas Boyle. 515 McCormick Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. Joseph Ephraim Evans. 968 24th St., Ogden, Utah. Edwin Ruthven Miles. 223 Salisbury-Earl Bld'g, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Hurum LeRoy Mulliner. 508 Mclntyre Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. Jesse Pomeroy Rich. Paris, Bear Lake Co., Idaho. LeRoy Bowen Young. Brigham City, Utah. BACHELORS OF DIVINITY [Bachelors of Divinity are clergymen unless otherwise indicated 1869 Theodore Hyatt. Thomas George McLean. Kane, Pa. *Henry Barzillai Waterman. Died January 14, 1903. 1870 *George Matthew Adams. Died May 8, 1907. *Edson Sewell Bastin, S.B., '67. Died April 6, 1897. John Gordon, D.D., '81 (Hon.). Prof., Temple U.; 3714 N. 18th St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Edmund Warne Hicks. 129 N. Kildare Ave. John J. Howard. Grant's Pass, Ore. Robert Elder Leslie, Jr., A.B., '69. 734 Hawthorne Ave., Grant's Pass, Ore. Alfred Roberts. Belton, Tex. Jabez Thomas Sunderland, A.B., '67. 22 W. Hancock Ave., Detroit, Mich. James Hervey Wilderman. Edwardsville, 111. 1871 Loren T. Bush, A.B., '68. Second Baptist Ch., Jackson Blv'd and Lincoln St. Edward Kingsford Chandler. Ottawa, Kan. Washington Chester. Henry Bethel Davis. Centralia, 111. *John Charles Freeman. Richard Garton. 612 St. Paul Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Charles Albert Hobbs. Michigan City, Ind. *Edward Augustus Stone. Died December 1, 1907. Elbert Ozial Taylor, A.B., '68. 95 Colberg Ave., Boston, Mass. *Joseph Lindley Murray Young. Died July, 1899. 1872 George Angell Cressey. 2304 Morgan Ave., Morgan Park, 111. *John Alexis Edgren. Died January 27, 1908. Rees Price Evans. Olathe, Kan. Norman Fox Hoyt. Middletown, Cal. *Benjamin F. Hutchinson. Died 1889. ♦Andrew Lafayette Jordan, A.B., '71. Died October 6, 1912. *David Towner Richards. Died April 17, 1911. Edward Payson Savage, A.B., '68. 21 Nourse St., St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, Minn. * Jabez Snashall. Carlton E. Taylor, A.B., '70. 1205 12th St. Rock Island, 111. 47 48 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1873 Alexander Blackburn. Belmont, Mass. *Daniel Hill Drake. Died February 23, 1908. *Edward Ellis. William Wallace Everts, A.B., '67. lmmanuel Baptist Ch., Roxbury, Mass. *Welcome Leander Farnum. Died November 19, 1900. Charles Albert Hayden. Santa Cruz, Cal. Charles Richmond Henderson, A.B., '70.; D.D., '84 (Hon.). Prof., U. of C; 5736 Blackstone Ave. George W. Nead, A.B., '70. Norwood, Mass. *Thomas Tillinghast Potter. Elbert Henry Sawyer. Minco, Okla. Catlett Conway Smith, A.B., '70. Dean, Divinity Sch., Baptist Coll.; 25 S. Ashby St., Atlanta, Ga. Frederick Miner Smith. 406 Walnut St., Pekin, 111. Robert R. Williams, D.D., '82 (Hon.). Redlands, Cal. 1874 James McCowen Coon, A.B., '69. Editor, 436 W. 66th St. Herman H. Depperman. Bushnell, 111. Edward Armstrong Ince. Reed City, Mich. Charles Melancthon Jones. Ass't Libr., U. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Roger Preston Stephenson. 2329 Bannock St., Denver, Colo. 1875 *Albert Arnold Bennett. Died October 12, 1909. *Norman Carr. Died July 4, 1913. * William Fenton. James Goodman, A.B., '62. Assistant, lmmanuel Baptist Ch.; 2545 Indiana Ave. John Thomas Green. 605 E. Walnut St., Robinson, 111. Columbus Horatio Hall, A.B., '72. Prof, (retired), Franklin Coll., Franklin, lnd. *Andrew August Linne. Henry Clay Mabie, A.B., '68. Lecturer, 55 Earl's Court Road, Kensington, W., London, England. Malcolm Wood. Grand Island, Neb. Nathan Eusebius Wood, A.B., '72. Arlington, Mass. 1876 *Edward Payson Bartlett. Died December, 1910. Charles Harding DeWolfe. Santa Ana, Cal. David Cummings Herrell. Holley, N.Y. John Louington Jackson, A.B., '72. Bloomington, 111. *Thomas Hoff Rittenhouse. John Hubbard Sampson, A.B., '73. Starkey, Va, Benjamin Robert Womack. Russellville, Ark. Bachelors of Divinity 49 1877 Spencer Gavitt Adams. 1421 13th St., Sacramento, Cal. *Samuel Douglas Badger. Orson Porter Bestor. Retired. R.R. 9, Kalamazoo, Mich. *John Danforth Burr. Reune Runyon Coon, A.B., '74. Grand Island, Neb. ♦Thomas Edward Egbert, A.B., '74. Charles Henry Day Fisher, A.B., '74. Missionary, Yokohama, Japan. Edmund Godwin. Retired. R.R. 1, Santa Rosa, Cal. Levi Herbert Holt, A.B., '74. Fin. Sec'y, Ottawa XL; 624 Cedar St., Ottawa, Kan. ♦Edward Olson, A.B., '73. Died November 30,>1889. George Peter Peterson. Jamestown, Kan. ♦Granville Corey Shirk. Died April 20, 1901. George Sutherland, A.B., '74. Pres. Emeritus, Grand Island Coll., Grand Island, Neb. Francis M. Williams. Retired. 2253 Calumet Ave. 1878 *John Barr, A.B., '76. Died February 10, 1913. James Judson Burtch. Fire Ins., 7141 Champlain Ave. Edward Knowles Cressey. 107 W. 48th St., New York, NY. Lewis Cass Morehouse. Athabasca Landing, Alberta. Benjamin Franklin Patt, A.B., '78. 201 E. Court St., Ottumwa, la. Herbert Lee Stetson. Pres., Kalamazoo Coll., Kalamazoo, Mich. Alfred C. Watts, A.B., '73. Hilliard, Fla. 1879 George Berkeley Davis. Wallaceburg, Ont. Hector Cornelius Leland, A.B., '84. Perry, la. ♦Freeman Elden Morgan. Harmon Ausburn Nixon. Granville, Ohio. Isaiah Wolfe Read. Leland, Miss. Jacob Schutz. Upper Alton, 111. Jonathan Staley, A.B., '75. Fin. Ag't Children's Home Soc. of Wis., Room 407, Y.M.C.A. Bld'g, Milwaukee, Wis. Kittredge Wheeler. 3974 Ingraham St., Los Angeles, Cal. Romulus Adolphus Windes, Ph.B., '78. Real Est., Tempe, Ariz. 1880 Anderson William Clark. 418 Park View, Los Angeles, Cal. John Riley Edwards. Cutting, Kan. ♦William Griffith Evans. Died November 1, 1906. ♦Clement Hall. Died July 30, 1902. John Quincy Adams Henry. 822 Berendo St., Los Angeles, Cal. Charles Henry Hobart. 2001 L St., Sacramento, Cal. ♦Nelson Peter Jensen. Charles Alexander McManis. 50 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Moseph Mountain, A.B., 73. Died May 11, 1911. Rinaldo Lawson Olds, A.B., '76. Dexter, Me. *Alfred Stoddard Orcutt. Robert Charles Ray, A.B., '82. East Providence, R.I. *Eugene Gunnison Sage. Died February 8, 1912. Francis Marion Smith, A.B., '77. 1308 Harrison Ave., Des Moines, la. Judson Benjamin Thomas. 600 N. Pine Ave. John Weaver Weddell. First Baptist Ch., Dover, Del. *Israel Wilkinson. William Leonard Wolfe. Chicago. 1881 James Loring Cheney. Hebron, Ohio. John Wesley Conley. 1525 N St., Fresno, Cal. John Henry Higby. 126 E. Lemon St., Lancaster, Pa. George Fitch McKibben, Ph.D., '05. -See Doctors of Philosophy. Gulian Lansing Morrill. Minneapolis, Minn. *Roswell Curtis Mosher. Died May 9, 1906. Marion Daniel Shutter. Ch. of the Redeemer, Minneapolis, Minn. George Henry Starring. Lead, S.D. 1882 Elisha Anderson, Ph.B., '79. Evangelist, 3630 Dodier St., St. Louis, Mo. Charles Warren Barber. Plainwell, Mich. George Campbell. Kaying, China. * William H. Carmichael, A.B., '79. Elbert Chute. Missionary, Palmur, Janumpet Po, Deccan, South India; (h) Ceres, Cal. Charles Ege, A.B., '78. Rock Island, 111. Harvey Bartlett Foskett. 308 Y.M.C.A., Portland, Ore. David Willey Hulburt. Gen. Supt., Wis. Bap. State Conv., Wauwatosa, Wis. Oliver Brown Kinney. Mahopac Falls, N.Y. James L. Matthews. Banning, Cal. Evan Bradley Meredith, A.B., '79. Olathe, Kan. Clarence Newton Patterson, A.B., '79. Supt. of Agents, Union Central Life Ins. Co., McKnight Bld'g; 227 8th Ave., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Marshall Horton Pettit. 607 Ellis St., Ypsilanti, Mich. Ira Maurice Price. Prof., U. of C; 6043 Ellis Ave. *David Kempton Rayl. *Jirah Dean Russell, A.B., '79. Died 1884. Eben Charles Sage. Ass't Sec'y, Gen. Ed. B'd, 17 Battery Place, New York, N.Y. *Benjamin Franklin Simpson. *Douglas Haszard Simpson. *William James Watson, A.B., '79. Died December 10, 1912. Samuel James Winegar, A.B., '79. Investments, 108 S. LaSalle St. Bachelors of Divinity 51 1883 Cyrus Benjamin Allen, Jr., A.B., 78. 516 Alden St., Missoula, Mont. *John Frank Baker. Joseph Webb Brigham. 103 Ocean St., Dorchester Center, Boston, Mass. Edward Hammond Brooks. Los Angeles, Cal. Truman Gaylord Brownson. Fall River, Mass. David Batcbelder Cheney, A.B., '80. Superior, Wis. Solomon Trumbol Clanton. Prof., Selma U., Selma, Ala. Caleb Rand Bill Dodge. Wallingford, Vt. Orrin Ottman Fletcher, A.B., ; 83. Prof., Furman U., Greenville, S.C. *George Stephen Goodspeed. Died February 17, 1905. Frederic James Gurney. Ass't Recorder, U. of C; 6337 Evans Ave. Richard Lenox Halsey. 2429 Grove St., Berkeley, Cal. Fletcher Edward Hudson. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Mohn Calvin Johnson, A.B., '80. Died 1890. Alfred Crenshaw Kelly. Supt., Industrial Sch., Irvington, 111.; (h) 6519 Minerva Ave., Chicago. Emanuel Northup. Dean, McMinnville Coll., McMinnville, Ore. Oliver Willis Van Osdel. 1318 Sigsbee St. S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1884 Arthur Crawley Chute. Prof., Acadia Coll., Wolfville, N.S. David Dack. Mecheche, Alberta. James Stantial Forward, A.B., '78. Berlin, Wis. Henry Edgar Fuller, A.B., '78. Sanborn, Wis. * James Eugene Hamilton. Charles Kendall Harrington. Missionary, 44 Nisakata, Koishikawa, Tokyo, Japan. Hugh David Morwood. Editor, Bee, Benson, 111. Henry Dodge Osgood. Real Est., Marseilles, 111. Lewie Dumont Pettit. 501 S. Franklin St., Greenville, Mich. Henry William Powell. 360 Lafayette St., Ionia, Mich. Aaron W. Snider. Dexter, Miss. Lee Walton Terry, A.B., '81. 702 S. Fife St., Tacoma, Wash. Alfred Mundy Wilson. U. of 111., Urbana, 111. 1885 Joseph Birdsall Banker. Nathan Everett Chapman, A.B., '85. Agric. Coll., U. of Minn.; 2316 Pierce Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Luther L. Cloyd. Tacoma, Wash. William Milton Corkery, A.B., '83. 210 N. Alma St., Caro, Mich. Clark Eugene Crandall. Business, Milton, Wis. Charles H. Irving. 275 E. 19th St., Oakland, Cal. Francis Percival Stewart Lamb. Moline, 111. Penn Edward Moore. Missionary, Kampur P.O., Kampur, Assam, India. Edward Ritchie Pope. Supt. of Missions, Evanston Bld'g, Minneapolis, Minn. *Samuel Bond Randall, A.B., '81. Died February 20, 1904. 52 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Dio Pease Sheldon. Lebbens James Shoemaker. Clarion, Pa. Bunyan Spencer. Oakland, Cal. John W. Tanner. Free water, Ore. Levi Daniel Temple, A.B., '83. Horticulturist, Upland, Cal. 1886 Frank C. Bingham. Farmer, Adair, Okla. *William Arthur Broadhurst. Died May 9, 1910. Isaiah Wallace Corey. 315 Church St., Kenosha, Wis. Frederick Eugene Dickinson. Cherrydale, Kan. *Charles William Eede. Died May 5, 1913. George Henry Gamble. Rochester, Minn. James Henry Garnett. Los Angeles, Cal. Frederick George Harrington. Prof., Okanagan Coll., West Summerland, B.C. Daniel Robert MacGregor. Marion, Ind. *Arthur Kyahny Myattway. Died 1909. *Delevan D. Odell. Died 1902. Carey Joseph Pope. Lincoln, Neb. Charles Roger Sargent, A.B., '84. Columbus, Ohio. 1887 Caldore J. Banks. 178 W. F St., Colton, Cal. Christian August Broholm. Albert Lea, Minn. T. Vassar Caulkins. Gowanda, N.Y. James Jefferson Crosby. Milwaukee, Wis. Edward Rufus Curry. Boulder, Colo. Charles Lewis Fisher. Clergyman and Editor, 13 Morton St., Mobile, Ala. John E. Gregory. St. Johns, Mich. * Arthur William Jordan. William Parker McKee. Dean, Frances Shimer School, Mt. Carroll, 111. *Eugene Kincaid Maryatt. John Oliver. 809 1st Ave. S., St. Cloud, Minn. Morton Parsons. 729 N. 72d St., Seattle, Wash. Silas Eber Price. Pres., Ottawa U., Ottawa, Kan. Job Hart Scott. Missionary, Rokumantai Cho, Tennoji, Osaka, Japan. Fred Ricker Swartwout, A.B., '84. Royal Oak, Mich. ♦Richard Jachin Temple. Died October 22, 1902. 1888 Frederick Lincoln Anderson, A.B., '82. Prof., Newton Theological Inst., Newton Center, Mass. Asa Howard Ballard. 509 Meeker St., Fort Morgan, Colo. George Maitland Daniels. Retired. Eagle Rock, Cal. Jasper Newton Field. Pres., U. of Redlands; University Hill, Redlands, Cal. George Frederick Holt. Riverside, Cal. Edward Fletcher Jorden. Pres., Sioux Falls Coll., Sioux Falls, S.D. William J. McCollom. Hedrick, la. Bachelors of Divinity 53 Frank Charles Marshall. R.R. 3, Watertown, N.Y. William Bleeker Matteson. Sec'y, Baptist Ministers Home Society, Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Eli Packer. Chicago. *Hans Christian Alfred Sampson. James Elliott Thomas. Dayton, Ohio. Emil Tribolet. Missionary, 2214 Ebuda St., Morgan Park, 111. Thore Olsen Wold. Summit, S.D. 1889 Horatio Seymour Cooper. Samuel Edward Davies. Aurora, Ind. Hugh George Fraser. Sec'y of Stewardship, Kan. Bap. Conv., 404 Sycamore St., Ottawa, Kan. Fred Porter Haggard. Home Sec'y, A.B.F.M.S., Ford Bld'g, Boston, Mass. William Arbuckle Nelson. Marble Rock, la. Peter Peterson. Hallock, Minn. Gerald Ray Richards. Alliance, Ohio. * Victor Charles Rocho. Rodri M. Roderick. Real Est., 65 Homer Ave. E., Cleveland, Ohio. William Emil Schliemann. Los Angeles, Cal. Thomas Elmer Schoemaker. Rancher, Los Molinos, Cal. Richmond Alexander Smith. Country Ch. Sec'y, Cedar Falls, la. John Stafford. Corona, Cal. Walter Milliken Walker. 708 Jefferson Ave., Scranton, Pa. 1890 Thomas Anderson. Dillon, Mont. Axel Valdemar Dahl. Ipswich, S.D. John E. R. Folsom. Field Sec'y, New Jersey State Conv., 2 States Ave., Atlantic City, N.J. Alvan Cavala Halphide, A.B., '93. Physician, Bear Lake,*Pa. Thomas Howland. Roberts, Idaho. *Marion Milford Lewis. Emery Orison Lovett. Garden Grove, la. Henry George Mellick. Lawrencetown, N.S. George Edmond Morphy. 419 D St., Salida, Colo. John William Neyman. Bedford, la. Wilhelm August Peterson. 6413 St. Lawrence Ave. Herman Joseph Powell. Orange Grower, Upland, Cal. ♦Frederick A. Remley. John George Schliemann. Hennessey. Okla. Enos Larkin Scruggs. 803 S. 2d St., Monmouth, 111. Herbert Henry Smith. 429 Center St., Woodstock, 111. 1891 ♦Robert Corwin Bryant. Died May 17, 1900. George Lewis Conley. Birmingham, Mich. James Harvey Davis. Boulder, Colo. 54 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago William Durgin Fuller. U.S. Weather Bureau, Los Angeles, Cal. Clayton Grinnell. 1108 15th St., Altoona, Pa. John Canaid Hughes. Exeter, England. Perry Wilson Longfellow. 123 Walter St., Albuquerque, N.M. Rasmus Peter Olsen. Editor, Solvzade 105, Copenhagen, Denmark. William Bishop Owen, Ph.D., '02. See Doctors of Philosophy. S. Waite Phelps. Green Bay, Wis. George Frederick Reinking. Treas.. la. State Bap. Conv., 1124 University Ave., Des Moines, la. Oliver Benton Sarber. Supt., Baptist City Missions, 32 N. Chester Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Stanislas John Shoomkoff. Missionary, Sofia, Bulgaria. Lee Rue Thomas. Willeford, Fla. Craig S. Thorns. Vermilion, S.D. Crawford Page Wilson. Campells, N.B. George Lade Wittet. Missionary, 123 Linwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. 1892 Clarence Baumes Antisdel. Missionary, Kengtung, Southern Shan States, Burma. *Thomas Winfield Booth. Died September 9, 1900. Alfred Ernest Chandler. Sibley, la. *William John Cowell. Delno Chauncey Henshaw. Hartford, Mich. Frank Erwin Peterson. Sec'y, A.B.H.M.S., 407 Evanston Bld'g, Minneapolis, Minn. Lester Charles Randolph. Milton, Wis. Fred Smith Retan. Gen'l Ag't, Home Life Ins. Co., 301 Tremont Bld'g, Boston, Mass. *Elmer Kendall Reynolds. Walter Levi Riley. First Baptist Ch., Austin, Minn. Robert Bruce Smith. Parkersburg, W.Va. William Edmond Story. Dixon, Cal. Henry Topping. Missionary, Monokia, Japan. Sanford Romanzo Walker. 1600 Vine St., Los Angeles, Cal. George R. Wood. 1103 Post St., Ottawa, 111. 1893 William Lewis Blanchard. Barrington, 111. Charles William Brinstad. Sec'y, N. Cal. Bap. Conv., 15 Eucalyptus Road Berkeley, Cal. Willard De Lur Burdick. Farina, 111. James Wallace Cabeen. Honey Creek, Wis. James Washington Falls. Arco, Idaho. Joseph Haddon Girdwood. Edwin Milton Griffin. 1520 13th St., Des Moines, la. Charles Asa Hemenway. First Baptist Ch., Elkhorn, Wis. George Perry Holcomb. 1567 Pearl St., Denver, Colo. Bachelors of Divinity 55 Frank Kurtz. Madira, South India; (h) 508 Douglas Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. Allan McEwen. WillarJ Cary MacNaul. Northwestern Coll., Naperville, 111. John Freeman Mills. Decatur, 111. Theodore Julian Van Home. Dodge Center, Minn. 1894 Matthew Gay Allison. 712 State St., Madison, Wis. James William Ashby. Evangelist, England. David Burdett Coon. 198 N. Washington Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. *George Home. Eric Johan Nordlander. Eugene Claremont Sanderson. Pres., Eugene Bible U., Eugene, Ore. Charles Rollin Shatts. Brewster, Wash. John Albert Ward. Real Est., Box 318, Marshfield, Ore. Wallace Edward Wight. 309 Ingleside Terrace, Kalamazoo, Mich. 1895 Henry Alfred Fisk. Supt. of People's Place, 712 Greenwich St., San Francisco, Cal. John Elijah Ford. George Lord. Monrovia, Cal. James Franklin Sanders, A.M., '99. Keokuk, la. 1896 *George Braker. William Nelson Mebane, Ph.D., '99. See Doctors of Philosophy. 1897 Warren Palmer Behan, A.B., '94; Ph.D., '99. See Doctors of Philosophy. Rudolph Michael Binder. Prof., New York U., Washington Square, New York, N.Y. Edwin Howard Borden. Teacher, Central City Coll., Macon, Ga. Walter Gustavus Carlson. William Everett Chalmers. Gen. Sec'y, B.Y.P.U.A., 1701 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Daniel Israel Coon. Washington, la. Robert Bailey Davidson. 1011 Grant Ave., Rockford, 111. Lawrence Dykstra. Holland, Mich. Winfred Ernest Garrison, Ph.D., '97. See Doctors of Philosophy. Theodore Arthur Gessler. Sales Mg'r, 30 Church St., New York, N.Y. Alfred Ebenezer Goodman. El Monto, Cal. Edgar Johnson Goodspeed, Ph.D., '98. See Doctors of Philosophy. Mullien Avery Herrick, Ph.D., '00. Died January 2, 1908. Ralph Waller Hobbs. 410 Warren St., Mankato, Minn. Francis Chester R. Jackson. 935 Forthcamp Ave., Fresno, Cal. Edwin Bruce Kinney. Dist. Sec'y, A.B.H.M.S., Box 88, Topeka, Kan. Elisah Moore Lake. Lansing, Mich. 56 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Charles Augustus Lemon. Ludington, Mich. Arba John Marsh. 124 Goff St., Auburn, Me. Charles Henry Murray. Osteopathic Physician, Douglas Ave., Elgin, 111. William George Oram. 123 N. Williams St., Dayton, Ohio. Bower Reynolds Patrick. Chaplain, U.S.N., Navy Dep't, Washington, D.C. John Thomas Proctor. Teacher, 26 Range Road, Shanghai, China. Harry Edward Purinton. 1372 Franklin St., Denver, Colo. Ralph Rensselaer Snow. Attorney, 1024 Engineers Bld'g, Cleveland, Ohio. Theodore Gerald Soares, Ph.D., '94. See Doctors of Philosophy. Joel Franklin Wood. Andrews, Tex. George Clarence Wright. First Baptist Ch.; 1226 Chapala St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Andrew Robert Elmer Wyant. Physician, 7106 Princeton Ave. 1898 Frederick William Bateson. Olympia, Wash. George Alexander Campbell. 212 S. Maple Ave., Hannibal, Mo. Carl Delos Case, Ph.D., '99. See Doctors of Philosophy. Clarence Edward Clough. Coal and Grain, 47 Green St., Lebanon, N.H. Jerry Tinder Crawford. Sec'y, Kan. Bap. Conv., 1419 Main St., Parsons, Kan. Frank Graves Cressey, Ph.D., '03. See Doctors of Philosophy. Franklin Davenport Elmer. 266 Mill St., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Charlotte Comstock Gray, A.M., '00; A.B., '97. Pres., The Seminary, Holli- daysburg, Pa. Hugh Henry Hurley. 405 E. Vine St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Joseph Jenkins. Macomb, 111. Emil Martin Martinson. 535 E. Arch St., Marquette, Mich. Edwin Welton Mecum. 622 Oregon Ave., Sawtelle, Cal. William Oeschger, A.B., '95. Chancellor, Cotner U., Bethany, Neb. William Pleasants Osgood, Ph.B., '95. Kennewick, Wash. *David Phillips. Orlo Josiah Price. 420 N. Capital Ave., N. Lansing, Mich. James Josiah Reeve. Waco, Tex. Samuel Rowland Robinson. Grinnell, la. Wallace St. John, Ph.D., '00. See Doctors of Philosophy. Emanuel Schmidt, Ph.D., '02. See Doctors of Philosophy. John Rothwell Slater, Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Elmer Tilson Stevens. Sioux City, la. Robert Van Meigs. 608 E. 10th St., Muscatine, la. Richard Miner Vaughan. Prof., Newton Theol. Inst., Newton Center, Mass. *Frank William Woods, A.B., '95. Died May 15, 1900. 1899 John Gallup Briggs, Jr. Owatonna, Minn. George Elston Burlingame. 924 Guerrero St., San Francisco, Cal. Perry Sylvester Calvin. Galeton, Pa. Henry Thomas Colestock. Prof., Bucknell U., Lewisburg, Pa. Simon Sylvester Hageman. ' Abilene, Kan. Bachelors of Divinity 57 Henry Ward Hoover, 1324 Dawson St., Toledo, Ohio. John Franklin Hunter, A.B., '95. Fairmont, N.D. Julian Philip Mathew Johnson, A.B., '00. 1002 Rogers Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Jesse Cassander Rhodes. First Baptist Ch., Georgetown, Tex. Franklyn Cole Sherman, A.B., '95. St. Paul's Episcopal Ch., Akron, Ohio. William Ross Shoemaker, Ph.D., '04. See Doctors of Philosophy. Henry Messick Shouse. Berea, Ky. George Edmund Traver Stevenson, Chaplain, U.S. Naval Home, Philadel- phia, Pa. William Albigense Waldo, Th.B., '92. Paterson, N.J. Emanuel Sprankle Young. Pres., Bible Correspondence Inst., 1420 Fulton St., Canton, Ohio. 1900 Frank Leonard Anderson. Supt., Baptist Exec. Council,; 2429 Monticello Ave., Morgan Park, 111. John Lewis Beyl. Pres., Central Coll., Pella, la. Carl George Brelos. Tarkio, Mo. John Chandler. Jeffersonville, 111. Christopher Bush Coleman. Prof., Butler Coll.; 33 Downing St., Indianapolis, lnd. Friend Taylor Dye. Marietta, Okla. Clarence Mason Gallup. 149 Princeton Ave., Providence, R.I. Errett Gates, A.B., '99; Ph.D., '02. See Doctors of Philosophy. Clifton Daggett Gray, Ph.D., '01. See Doctors of Philosophy. Richard Beauchamp Marshall. Stockman, Union City, Tenn. Theron Winfred Mortimer. Contractor, Boulder, Colo. William Wallace Reed, Willett, N.C. Luther Parker Russell, A.B., '00. Alameda, Cal. *Clarence Sydney Spaulding. Died January 23, 1901. Louis Peter Valentine. 864 Madison St., Santa Clara, Cal. Julian Emmett Yates. Chaplain, U.S.A., Fort Hancock, N.J. Charles Reed Zahniser. 1632 Missouri St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1901 Jacob Nelson Anderson. Missionary, Harvey, 111. Henry Lawrence Atkinson. Christian Ch., Geneva, Ohio. Frederick Almon Beyl. Anaconda, Mont. William Bode. Grundy Center, la. Isaac Allen Corbett. Hillsboro, N.B. Henry Coe Culbertson. Pres., Coll. of Emporia, Emporia, Kan. Louis Thomas Foreman, A.B., '99. 2900 W. Chicago Ave. William Harvey Fuller. Coloma, Mich. Prescott Silas Heald. 114 Hebbard St., Joliet, 111. Edward Charles Kunkle. First Baptist Ch., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Fred Merrifield, A.B., '98. Instr., Divinity Sch., U. of C; 5626 Kimbark Ave. Henry Clay Miller. Aurora, 111. Johan Rocen. Adelphia Coll., Seattle, Wash. Harry Augustus Stoughton. 518 N. 58th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. 58 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Clarence Russell Williams. Lecturer, 29 W. Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Howard Brown Woolston. Sociologist, 431 W. 121st St., New York, N.Y. Richard Robert Wright, Jr., A.M., '05. Editor, 5111 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa. 1902 John William Bailey, Ph.D., '04. See Doctors of Philosophy. John Franklin Boeye. 415 N. 27th St., Lincoln, Neb. Jay Schuyler Brown. High Shoals, Ga. John Emmett Calvin. 362 Norton St., Elmira, N.Y. Charles D. Eldridge. Pittsburg, Kan. John Paris Givens. Simmonsville, Va. Joseph Chalmers Hazen. First Baptist Ch., Janesville, Wis. Austin Hunter. North Park Christian Ch., Indianapolis, Ind. Frank Leonard Jewett. Instr., U. of Tex., Austin, Tex. Everett Joseph Parsons, A.B., '99. 6502 Laflin St. Frederick Francis Parsons. 679 77th Ave., West Allis, Wis. Alfred William Place, Ph.B., '03. Waseda U., Tokyo, Japan. Claire Luther Waite. Cent. Christian Ch., 9th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Albert Sherwood Wilson. Libr., State Coll. of Wash., Pullman, Wash. Howard Foster Wright. Clergyman and Physician, 1625 Rampart St., El Paso, Tex. Peter Clark Wright. 1808 N. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1903 Eudorus Neander Bell. Malvern, Ark. Irwin Hoch DeLong. Roy D. Echlin. Riverside Ave., Sioux City, la. William Joseph Eyles. Tampico, 111. Rolvix Harlan, Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Philosophy. Walter Scott Hayden, Jr. Joseph Emerson Hicks. 898 Pine St., Danville, Va. Lewis Richard Hotaling. Tuscola, 111. William Henry Jones, A.B., '00. Oshkosh, Wis. William Irving Kelsey. Prof., Penn Coll., Oskaloosa, la. John August Kjellin. Emporia, Kan. Charles Franklin McMann. Corydon, la. Everett Lincoln Meservey, A.B., '99; A.M., '05. St. Charles, 111. John Peter Myers. Shelbyville, Ind. George Taylor Nesmith. Ottawa, 111. Richard Edward Sayles. 7 Berkshire Apts., Duluth, Minn. Edwin Simpson. 31 Toledo St., Adrian, Mich. George Louis Loring White, A.B., '98; A.M., '04. Supt., Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 308 Y.M.C.A. Bld'g, Portland, Ore. Charles Francis Yoder, A.B., '99. Missionary, Buenos Aires, Argentina, S.A. 1904 Andrew Freeman Anderson. Chicago. Julian Foster Blodgett. Rapid City, S.D. Bachelors of Divinity 59 Leslie Moulthrop Burwell. 158 17th St., Pacific Grove, Cal. Andrew Lynn Clinkinbeard. Ladonia, Tex. James Ware Durham. First Baptist Ch., Roanoke, Va. Charles Reid Eastman. Vallejo, Cal. Frederic Tower Galpin. 4343 Schenley Farms Terrace, Pittsburgh, Pa. William Henry Garfield. 232 South St., Baraboo, Wis. Chester Harris Howe. 39 Franklin St., Framingham, Mass. Birney Stillmon Hudson. First Baptist Ch., Atlantic City, N.J. Rochester Williams Irwin. Washburn, 111. Eugene Forester Judson. Phillipsburg, Kan. Thomas Harvey Kuhn. Frankfort, Ind. John M. Linden. 707 W. Johnson St., Madison, Wis. Harry Eugene Luck. Cleburne, Tex. *Henry Menke. Archibald Ellsworth Minard. Prof., Agric. Coll., Fargo, N.D. Seymour Ellsworth Moon. Congo Evangelical Tr. Inst., Kimpesi, Matadi, Congo Beige, Africa. Albert Eugene Patch, A.B., '01. 13 E. San Luis St., Salinas, Cal. Tellef Christian Pedersen. Osco, Neb. Grant Emmon Pike. Lisbon, Ohio. James Allan Price. Anner, Miss. Joseph William Priest, A.B., '03, Alma, Mich. Arthur Francis Purkiss. First Baptist Ch., Elgin, 111. Herbert Finley Rudd. Missionary, Suifu, China; (h) 5558 University Ave., Chicago. Perry James Stackhouse. First Baptist Ch., Amherst, N.S. 1905 John Edward Ayscue. La Crosse, Wis. Alva Jennings Brasted. Chaplain, U.S.A.; War Dep't, Washington, D.C. Harry Foster Burns. Oshkosh, Wis. John Ray Ewers. 6002 Alder St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Alonzo Willard Fortune. Teacher, 624 Elsemere Park, Lexington, Ky. John Charles Garth. 127 Pine St., Fort Bragg, Cal. Edwin William Gray. Box 242, Glen Ellyn, 111. Quirof Harlan. Navy Dep't; 707 Shepherd St. N.W., Washington, D.C. John Wellington Hoag. 1 Everitt St., New Haven, Conn. Francis Williard Kennedy. Prof., Heidelberg U., Tiffin, Ohio. George MacDougall, A.B., '98. 4728 N. 40th St., Omaha, Neb. Clyde McGee. 1755 W. 103d St. Elmer Henry Myers. 856 Burr St., St. Paul, Minn. Elim Arthur Eugene Palmquist, A.B., '00. 149 Upland Road, Cambridge, Mass. William Theodore Paullin, Jr. 412 W. Livingston St., Pontiac, 111. Amos Henry Shattuck. Tremonton, Utah. Albert Judson Steelman, Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Charles Harrison Storms. Textbook Writer, Box 1035, Manila, P.I. James Lee Webster. Rancher, Wenatchee, Wash. 60 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Wilburn Edgar Woodruff. Evangelist, Cottonwood, Ariz. Julius Christian Zeller, A.B., '05. Pres., U. of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash. 1906 Frank Kaufman Baker. Ossian, Ind. Wade Crawford Barclay. Ed. Dir., B'd of S.S. of M.E. Ch., Guenther Bld'g. Nathaniel Carter Daniell, A.B., '05. Watertown, Wis. Charles Button Elliott, A.B., '03. 1025 Mallory Ave., Portland, Ore. Everett Benson Killips, A.B., '03. West Allis, Wis. Cecil Clare North, Ph.D., '08. See Doctors of Philosophy. Naotaro Otsuka. Prof., Seigakuin Theol. Seminary; 718 Gotenyama, Kita- Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan. Niels John Peterson, A.B., '04. Hampton, la. Norman Hay Robertson. 308 N. 3d St., Watseka, 111. Benjamin Edward Robison, A.B., '04. Missionary, Am. Baptist Missions, Ningpo, China. Robert Routledge. Pres., Baptist Home Mission Society Coll., El Cristo, Cuba. Thomas Andrew Sherbondy. 4810 Delmar Blv'd, St. Louis, Mo. David Edward Thomas. 151 Bevier Place, Aurora, 111. John Ralph Voris. Laramie, Wyo. George Everett Young. Grace Episcopal Ch., Pontiac, 111. 1907 Frederick Charles Aldinger. 9 Savoy Court, Lansing, Mich. Ambrose Moody Bailey, A.B., '04. Peru, Ind. William Henry Beynon. People's Independent Ch., Freeport, 111. Alton Ezra Bigelow. Missionary, Iloilo, Panay, P.I. Lee Roy Bobbitt. Huron, S.D. Robert Thornwell Coit. Missionary, Soonchun, South Chulla, Korea. Herbert Francis Evans, Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. Joseph Franklin Findley. Fort Collins, Colo. Walter Irving Fowle, A.B., '03. 107 W. 10th St., Grand Island, Neb. Edward Atwood Henry. Libr., Fac. Exch. 217, U. of C; (h) Canandaigua, N.Y. Guy Israel Hoover, A.M., '08. 115 Washington St., Tipton, Ind. Sylvester Jones. Missionary, Gibara, Cuba. George Dilling Kuns. Oskaloosa, Kan. James Pleasant McCabe, Jr. Martinsville, Va. Roy Wilson Merrifield, A.B., '03. Chaplain, Ind. Reformatory, Jeffersonville, Ind. Virgil Vivian Phelps, Ph.B., '02; Ph.M., '04. Pres., Yellowstone Coll., Himes, Picturesque, Wyo. William Frederic Rothenburger. 4518 Franklin Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Walter Leroy Runyan. Libr., Divinity Sch., U. of C; 5742 Maryland Ave. William Edmund Ward Seller. Carman, Manitoba. *Warren John Smith, A.B., '05. George Benjamin Stewart. 167 Salem Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Walter Donat Ward. Cent. Christian Ch., Newark, Ohio. Wayland Delano Wilcox, Ph.B., '06. Pres., R'y Motor Car Co., Bedford Bld'g. Bachelors of Divinity 61 1908 Floyd Irving Beckwith, S.B., '06. Tabernacle Baptist Ch.; 3305 W. Adams St, George William Fogg. Deadwood, S.D. Herbert Medbourn Garn. Prof., Christian U., Canton, Mo. Andrew Pettigrew Garrett. Cairo, 111. Arthur Henry Hirsch. Prof., Ursinus Coll., Collegeville, Pa. Orrin Roe Jenks. Pres., Aurora Coll., Aurora, 111. Robert Lincoln Kelley. 431 Huron St., Pierre, S.D. James McGee. 1031 5th Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. Leonard Loumino Mann. Ipswich, S.D. William John Peacock. Baptist Ch., Mt. Carroll, 111. Albert Clarence Saxton. 1619 Woolsey St., Portland, Ore. Lacy Parks Schooling. Moberly, Mo. Alpheus Welby Tandy. Hamburg, la. Charles Ray Wolford. 209 S. Washington St., Owosso, Mich. 1909 Joseph Manson Artman. Prof., Y.M.C.A. Tr. Sch.; 5637 Sangamon St. Roy Henry Barrett. 601 Washington St., Burlington, la. Claude Edward Boyer. 1655 S. Central Park Ave. George Washington Cheesman. Ottawa, 111. Carlos Millson Dinsmore. Anderson, Ind. David Matthias Gordon Hand. Moscow, Idaho. Komataro Katataye, A.B., '09. Education, Tozan, Gakuin Nagasaki, Japan. Warren Hastings MacLeod. Woodstock, Ont. Arthur Eli Myer, Ph.B., '09. Box 154, Peru, Neb. Eugene Neubauer, A.B., '04. Wenona Ave. and Ohio St., Bay City (W.S.), Mich. Mark Frank Sanborn, A.B. '06. Berwyn, 111. Jay Lorenzo Taber. Prin., H.S., Mitchell, la. Addie Grace Wardle. Pres., Cincinnati Missionary Tr. Sch.; 1029 Wesley Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. William Rufus Yard. Delavan, Wis. 1910 Eli Jacob Arnot. Clarence Elmer Campbell. Taylorville, HI. Richard White Gentry. Teacher, 5518 Kimbark Ave. Bruce Edmund Jackson. Bismarck, N.D. Edwin Herbert Lyle, A.M., '09. Keyport, N.J. John Bradford Pengelly, A.M., '09. 5627 Michigan Ave. Albert James Saunders, A.M., '13. Crystal Lake, 111.; (h) Narrogin, West Australia. Daniel Monroe Simmons. 827 28th St., Newport News, Va. Leslie Ernest Sunderland. Supt., Episcopal City Mission; 9908 Somerset Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. George Oliver Van Noy. Centralia, Mo. Philip George Van Zandt., A.B., '07. 350 Forest Ave., Fond du Lac, Wis. 62 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Duncan James Welsh. Kelowna, B.C. William Drummond Whan, A.M., '09. Greeley, Colo. 1911 Egbert LeRoy Dakin, A.M., '11. 666 E. 50th Place. John Lyle Donovan, Jr., Ph.B., '11. Yuma, Ariz. Nelson Alexander Harkness. Student, U. of C; (h) Sarnia, Ont. Herbert Waldo Hines. 294 Washington St., Melrose, Mass. Katsuji Kato, A.M., '10.; Ph.D., '13. See Doctors of Philosophy. John Hector Palmer. 46 Thorndike St., Palmer, Mass. Norman Joseph Ware, Ph.D., '13. See Doctors of Philosophy. 1912 Ernest Neville Armstrong. Missionary, fo Am. Bap. For. Mission Soc, Rangoon, Burma. Emerson Otho Bradshaw, Ph.B., '10; A.M., '12. Dixon, 111. George Wishart Carter. Evangelist, fc Dr. McLean, Grant's Pass, Ore. John Frederic Catlin, A.M., '11. 508 Kellogg Ave., Ames, la. Guy Carlton Crippen, Ph.B., '07; A.M., '12. First Baptist Ch., Flint, Mich. Frank Otis Erb, A.M., '10. Free St. Baptist Ch., Portland, Me. Adrian Augustus Holtz, Ph.M., '11. Student, 133 South Divinity, U. of C; (h) 559 3d Ave., Troy, N.Y. Clarence Worthington Kemper, A.M., '11. Wyoming, Ohio. Edward Marsh McConoughey. 4441 N. Kirby Ave. John Henry McLean, A.M., '09. Port Huron, Mich. John Wesley Stockwell, Ph.B., '08. '4304 Frankfort Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Clarence Ashton Wood, Ph.B., '11. Lawyer, 79 N. Allen St., Albany, N.Y. 1913 Daniel James Blocker, A. B., 10; A.M., 12. Prof ., Stetson University, De Land, Fla. Horace Mann Buckley. Prin., Elgin Acad., Elgin, 111. Orvis Fairlee Jordan. Clergyman and Editor, 831 Washington St., Evanston, 111. George Ethelbert Lockhart, A.M. Beloit, Wis. Alfred Raymond Morgan, A.M. First Baptist Ch., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Theoron Torrance Phelps, A.B., '06. Leroy Hahn Stafford. North Lima, Ohio. Albert Ellis Webster. Charity Worker, 6900 Blackstone Ave. BACHELORS OF THEOLOGY [Bachelors of Theology are clergymen unless otherwise indicated] 1888 David Dillard Haggard. Phillipsburg, Kan. Edward McClain. Monticello, 111. Edward M. Stephenson. Camp Hill, Pa. 1889 David Quincy Barry. Port Huron, Mich. Charles Fleming Brownlee. Tumwater, Wash. Thomas Byard Collins. 826 Greenwich St., New York, N.Y. *Benjamin Franklin Duncan. Carl August Johnson. Ellis Martin Jones. Carbondale, 111. Daniel Hoyt Leland. Rock Island, 111. Emil Lindstrom. Mortimer Allen Packer. Long Beach, Cal. Samuel Alden Perrine. Newark, N.J. Edward Fayette Perry. Palisades, Colo. Louis Ulysses Warner. Sedan, Kan. Louis Minturn Waterman. Dallas, Tex. 1890 Robert W. Bell. Sycamore, 111. Fred Coburn Crouse. Chicago. F. Nelson Glover. 1891 John Russel Baldwin. Laurium, Mich. *John William Crooks. William Kent Lane. Lawton, Mich. William Andrew McComb. Clinton, Miss. Francis Joseph Samis. Marion J.Sigler. Derby, la. 1892 William Cyrus Andrus. Woods, N.D. Martin Waldemar Buck. Burlington, N.C. *James Orlando Dean. Charles Frederick Lusk. Stella, Neb. Duncan Stewart McGlashan. Chicago Lawn, 111. *Kingman Knott Morrill. Died November, 1913. William Burton Stubbert. Lodi, Wis. William Albergince Waldo, D.B., '99. See Bachelors of Divinity. William Marcus Young. Kengtung, Burma. 63 64 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1893 Fred Berry. Supt., Missions., Neb. Bapt. State Convention, Lincoln, Neb. Leslie Bower. Donald Hugh McGillivray. Macomb, 111. William Pearce. Ansel Howard Post. Mary Kimbrough Stoner. Walter William Theobald. 1894 Frank Prince Bixon. James Blake. Frederick George Davies. Spokane, Wash. John Waterman Elliot. Thomas Silas Evans. Wiliko Grablechoff. Benjamin F. Martin. 7024 N. Paulina St. John Henry Stewart. Horace Jonathan Wheeler. Chrisman, 111. 1895 Hiram Howard Allen. Henry Havelock Berry. Robert Carroll. Houston, Tex. Joseph Croft Dent. 1535 N. Leavitt St. John Victor Fradenburg. Clarence Herman Lockwood. George Claude Mason. Charles Wirt Robinson. John Gabriel Speicher. Thomas John Tiblett. 1896 Frank Almerian Case. Council Bluffs, la. Robert Gray. Ernest Alfred Schlamann. Thora Maria Thompson. Charles Frank Vreeland. Kalamazoo, Mich. 1897 Elmer Ellsworth Hatch. Tony Louis Ketman. 107 S. Wabash Ave. Edwin Stanton Stucker. Ottawa, Kan. John Samuelson. 1902 Stephen Byron Dexter. Los Angeles, Cal. MASTERS OF ARTS, PHILOSOPHY, AND SCIENCE 1893 Clifford Webster Barnes, A.M. Capitalist, 10 S. La Salle St. Elkanah Hulley, A.M. Pres., Broadus Inst., Philippi, W.Va. Alice Edwards Pratt, Ph.M.; Ph.D., '97. See Doctors of Philosophy. Madeleine Wallin (Mrs. George C. Sikes), Ph.M. 311 N. Central Ave. 1894 William Laird Archibald, A.M. Prin., Acadia Acad.; P.O. Box 196, Wolfville, N.S. David Clarence Atkinson, Ph.M. Lawyer, Hammond, Ind. Henry Dickie, A.M. Clergyman, 30 Raleigh St., Chatham, Ont. Marcus Stults Farr, A.M. Preceptor, Princeton U.; 12 Maple St., Princeton, N.J. Ira Woods Howerth, A.M.; Ph.D., '98. See Doctors of Philosophy. Eloise Mayham Hulley (Mrs. Lincoln Hulley), A.M. De Land, Fla. *Luther Apelles Johnson, A.M. Died July 10, 1900. Agnes M. Lathe, A.M. Henry Barrett Learned, A.M. Educator, 50 Cold Spring St., New Haven, Conn. George Cushing Sikes, Ph.M. Journalist, Daily News; 311 N. Central Ave. Charles Sproull Thompson, A.M. Comm. Agent, I.C.R.R., 617 Metropolitan Life Bld'g, Minneapolis, Minn. 1895 *Lulu Celeste Daniels (Mrs. J. David Thompson), A.M. Died June, 1913. Ernest Green Dodge, A.M. Ruby, N.Y. John Benjamin Dorman, Ph.M. Supt. of Schools, Clinton, Mo. Frank Morton Erickson, A.M. Prof., Ripon Coll.; 529 Woodside Ave., Ripon, Wis. Elwood Chappelle Perisho, S.M. Prof., U. of S.D., Vermilion, S.D. Vernon Purinton Squires, A.M. Prof, of U. of N.D., Grand Forks, N.D. Florence Mercy Walker, Ph.B., '94; Ph.M. Teacher, Austin H.S.; 5748 W. Lake St. Ada Zarbell, A.M. Teacher, Wendell Phillips H.S.; 4132 Ellis Ave. 1896 Edith Minerva Brace, S.M., 48 Courtland St., Rochester, N.Y. Chauncey Peter Colgrove, A.M. Prof., State Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, la. John Birdsey Curtis, A.M.; A.B., '95. Supervisor, Schools for Blind, Pub. Schs.; 7443 Kimbark Ave. Laura Churchill Grant (Mrs. Otto Folin), A.M. 133 Buckminster Road, Brookline, Mass. William Fletcher Harding, Ph.M. Teacher, H.S.; 650 24th St., Ogden, Utah 65 66 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Meir Jaffa, A.M. Teacher, Wilkins, S.C. William Clark Logan, A.M. Ass't Editor, Cumberland Presbyterian; 805 Cottage Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Caroline Shaw Maddocks, A.M. Journalist; fo Chicago Tribune. Maude Lavenia Radford (Mrs. Joseph P. Warrens), Ph.M. ; Ph.B., '94. Author, 1634 E. 53d St. Ida May Schottenfels, Ph.M. Prof., Hamline U., St. Paul, Minn.; (h) 447 E. 49th St., Chicago. Carolina Elizabeth Silliman (Mrs. Archibald T. Erickson), Ph.M. R.R. 10, Franksville. Wis. Henry Levy Stern, A.M. Lawyer, 38 S. Dearborn St. Isabelle Stone, S.M.; Ph.D., '97. See Doctors of Philosophy. Mary Mathews Sturgis, S.M. Eugenics Field Worker, Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y. *Laura Willard (Mrs. M. H. Taft), S.M. Died May 12, 1906. 1897 Alois Barta, A.M.; Ph.D., '00. See Doctors of Philosophy. Harriet Gertrude Blaine, A.M. Teacher, Wheaton Coll., Wheaton, 111. Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge, Ph.M.; J.D., '04; Ph.D., '01. See Doctors of Philosophy. Trescott Fox Chaplin, A.M. Lawyer, 1711 Third Nat'l Bank Bld'g, St. Louis, Mo. Lisi Cecilia Cipriani, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '96; Ph.D., '98. See Doctors of Phi- losophy. *Faith Benita Clark, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '96. Died November 9, 1900. MableEarle, A.M.; A.B., '96. 3830 Charles St., Omaha, Neb. Marietta J. Edmand (Mrs. Frederick P. Noble), A.M.; A.B., '97. 1846 E. 9th St., Spokane, Wash. Edward Brind Escott, S.M. Instr., U. of Mich., 1825 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Elmer Daniel Grant, A.M. Ass't Prof., Mich. Coll. of Mines; 124 Hubbell Ave., Houghton, Mich. John Churchill Hammond, S.M. Ass't Astronomer, U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C. James Norris Hart, S.M. Dean, U. of Me., Orono, Me. William Bashford Huff, A.M. Prof., Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Annie Marion MacLean, Ph.M.; Ph.D., '00. See Doctors of Philosophy. Robert Edouard Moritz, Ph.M. Prof., U. of Wash., Seattle, Wash. *Charles O. Parish, A.M. Died January, 1900. Cora Maud Porterfield, A.M.; A.B., '96. Teacher, Lindenwood Coll., St. Charles, Mo. John Hugh Reynolds, A.M. Prof., U. of Ark., Fayetteville, Ark. Marion Clyde Wier, A.M. Instr., U. of Mich., 933 Forest Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.; (h) Bunker Hill, 111. Eugenia Winston (Mrs. Charles F. Weller), A.M. Social Worker, 9206 Metro- politan Bld'g, New York, N.Y. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 67 1898 Henry Magee Adkinson, A.M.; A.B., '97. Mine Mg'r, Telluride, Colo. William Clinton Alden, A.M.; Ph.D., '03. See Doctors of Philosophy. Cecil von Bachelle, S.M.; S.B., '97. Physician, 32 N. State St. Nellie Elizabeth Bancroft, A.M. Teacher, 690 Baker St., Detroit, Mich. Louella Chapin, S.M. Teacher, 5418 Kimbark Ave. Edgar Ezekiel DeCou, S.M. Prof., U. of Ore., 1135 Mill St., Eugene, Ore. June Etta Downey, A.M.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. Henrietta Isman Goodrich (Mrs. Bernard J. Rothwell), S.M. "Sunny slope/' North Hill, Needham, Mass. Lolabel House (Mrs. Robert A. Hall), A.M. 5885A Von Versen Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Elizabeth Sarah Jones, Ph.M. Teacher, 1801 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Florence La Tourette (Mrs. Carl S. Milliken), A.M.; A.B. 960 New York Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Thomas Ovid Mabry, S.M. Planter, Verona, Miss. Rose MacNeal, Ph.M. Teacher, Indianapolis, Ind. Harriet Stone, S.M.; S.B., '96. Teacher, 5 Via Toscana, Rome, Italy; (h) 3352 Indiana Ave. Dora Wells, A.M. Teacher, Flower H.S.; 5738 Kenwood Ave. 1899 Bertha Imogene Bishop, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '98. Prof., Shurtleff Coll.; 419 Henry St., Alton, 111. Gilbert Ames Bliss, S.M.; S.B., '97; Ph.D., '00. See Doctors of Philosophy. Laura Stanley Dickey- (Mrs. Eugene B. Howell), S.M. 926 Maryland Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. * William Henry Glascock, Ph.M. Died December, 1901. Alta Annette Harmon, A.M. Teacher, Iron Mountain, Mich. William H. Harris, A.M. Mg'r, Mfrs'. Life Ins. Co., Yokohama, Japan. Fred Allison Howe, Ph.M. Prof., State Nor. Sch., Los Angeles, Cal. Hester Donaldson Jenkins, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '98. Prof., Colo. Coll., Colorado Springs, Colo.; (h) 80 Washington St., Oshkosh, Wis. George Linnaeus Marsh, A.M.; Ph.D., '03. See Doctors of Philosophy. William Franklin Moncreiff, Sr., Ph.M.; Ph.D., '00. See Doctors of Philosophy. Frank Wellborn Pickel, S.M. Prof., U. of Ark. ; 808 W. Maple St., Fayetteville, Ark. Lucia Holliday Ray (Mrs. George A. Ferguson), Ph.M. Lake Forest, 111. James Franklin Sanders, A.M.; D.B., '95. See Bachelors of Divinity. Arthur Maxson Smith, A.M.; Ph.D., '00. See Doctors of Philosophy. Eugene Morrow Violette, A.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Kirksville. Mo. 1900 Frances Holmes Abbot, A.M. Teacher, 431 William St., East Orange, N.J. Walter Sydney Adams, A.M. Astronomer, Carnegie Inst., Pasadena, Cal. Harold Lucius Axtell , A . M . ; A . B . , 98 ; Ph . D . , 06 . See Doctors of Philosophy . John Walter Beardslee, Jr., A.M. Prof., Hope Coll., Holland Mich, lames Dowse Bradwell, Ph.M. Lawyer, Atlanta, Ga. 68 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Edmund Kemper Broadus, A.M. Prof. U. of Alberta, Strathcona, Alberta. Lee Byrne, A.M. Prin., H.S.; 251 St. Joseph St., Mobile, Ala. Emma Kirkland Clark, A.M. Teacher, Girls' H.S. ; 248A Monroe St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Henry Richmond Corbett, Ph.M. Ins. Exch. Bld'g, Chicago; Kenilworth, 111. Eva Comstock Durbin, Ph.M. Teacher, Englewood H.S.; 422 Englewood Ave. Nevin Melancthon Fenneman, A.M.; Ph.D., '01. See Doctors of Philosophy. James Davis Garner, A.M. Ass't Prof., Agric. and Mech. Coll.; College Station, Tex. Charlotte Comstock Gray (Mrs. Stephen R.), A.M.; A.B., '97; D.B., '98. See Bachelors of Divinity. Warren Coleman Hawthorne, S.M. Prof., Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago; 143 16th Ave., Maywood, 111. Robert Lee Hughes, A.M.; A.B., '95. Prin., Nettelhorst Sch., 1345 Thorndale Ave. Frederick Leigh Hunt, A.M. Teacher, Culver Military Acad., Culver, Ind. *Dora Johnson, A.M. Died 1912. Edgar Hutchinson Johnson, S.M.; Ph.D., '10. See Doctors of Philosophy. Robert Lincoln Kelly, Ph.M. Pres., Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind. James William Kyle, A.M. Prof., U. of Redlands, Redlands, Cal. Frank Alexander LaMotte, S.M. Instr., U. of 111.; 605 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign, 111. Arthur Constant Lunn, A.M.; Ph.D., '04. See Doctors of Philosophy. Martha Belle Matheny, A.M. Teacher, Tuley H.S.; 1437 Estes Ave. Edwin Maxey, Ph.M. Prof., U. of Neb., Lincoln, Neb. Morton Adolph Mergentheim, A.M.; A.B., '99. Lawyer, 38 S. Dearborn St. Ruthella Bernard Mory (Mrs. Arthur B. Bibbins), Ph.M. Historian, 2600 Maryland Ave., Baltimore, Md. Sidney Carleton Newson, A.M. Caroline Louise Ransom, A.M.; Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Elizabeth Marguerite Strauchon (Mrs. Joseph W. B. Stewart), Ph.M.; Ph.B., '99. St. Peter's House, 100 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Emily Churchill Thompson (Mrs. F. H. Sheets), A.M.; A.B., '97. 1930 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111. Anna Lavinia Van Benschoten, S.M. Prof., Wells Coll., Aurora, N.Y. George Henry Waid, A.M. Clergyman, Detroit, Mich. Jonathan Edwards Webb, A.M.; A.B., '99. Private Sec'y, Kentfield, Cal. 1901 Nellie Mason Auten, A.M. Princeville, 111. Ernest Rudolph Breslich, A.M. Instr., Univ. H.S. ; 7100 Rhodes Ave. Jesse Franklin Brumbaugh, A.M. Prof., U. of S.D., Vermilion, S.D. May Estelle Cook, A.M. 306 N. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, 111. Samuel Nathaniel Deinard, A.M. Clergyman, 1933 Humboldt Ave. S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Mary LeGrand Didlake, S.M. Assistant, Ky. Agric. Experiment Sta., 481 E. Main St., Lexington, Ky. Marjorie Lucille Fitch, A.M. Teacher, H.S.; 4341 N. Keeler Ave. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 69 James Wilford Garner, Ph.M. Prof., U. of 111., Urbana, 111. Clarence Lee Holtzrnan, S.M. Teacher, Waller H.S.; 2129 Greenleaf Ave. Samuel Adams Lynch, A.M. Prof., State Teachers Coll.; 421 W. 24th St., Cedar Falls, la. Bruce McCully, A.M. Prof., Wash. State Coll., Pullman, Wash. Samuel Denis Magers, S.M. Teacher, State Nor. Coll.; 347 A E. Hewitt Ave., Marquette, Mich. Joseph Frederick Nelson, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Savannah, Ga. "Clinton Samuel Osborn, A.M. Died 1904. Haywood Jefferson Pearce, A.M. Pres., Brenau Coll., Gainesville, Ga. Edward Prokosch, A.M. lnstr., U. of Wis., Madison, Wis. Benjamin Harrison Scudder, Ph.M. Supt. of Schs., Glendale, Ariz. Arthur Whipple Smith, S.M.; S.B., ; 98; Ph.D., '04. See Doctors of Philosophy. Walter Robinson Smith, Ph.M.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. Helen Mary Taylor (Mrs. William Ross Schoemaker), S.M. Manistique, Mich. *Adella Nelson Todd (Mrs. Andrew C), S.M. Died January 17, 1913. Enos Hikoichi Yoshizaki, A.M. Prof., Kwansei Gakuin, Kobe, Japan. 1902 Sarah Field Barrow,' Ph.M.; Ph.B., '00. Teacher, 864 Clarkson St., Denver, Colo. William Otis Beal, S.M. Instr., U. of Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. George Henry Brunson, A.M. Prof., Mississippi Coll., Agricultural College, Miss. Lucius Hatfield Bugbee, A.M. Clergyman, 100 Washington St., Maiden, Mass. *Grace Darling, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '97. Died February 16, 1913. Mary Helena Dey, A.M. Teacher, 216 Hope St., Providence, R.I. William Watkins Frost, A.M. Prof., State Nor. Sch.; 339 Clark St., Mankato, Minn. George Henry Garrey, S.M.; S.B., '01. Chief Geologist, American Smelting & Refining Co., 165 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Francis Gevrier Guittard, A.M.; A.B., '01. Prof., Baylor U.; 1401 S. 7th St., Waco, Tex. Mosiah Hall, Ph.M. Assoc. Prof., U. of Utah; 252 Douglas Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. George Wilson Hoke, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '01. Prof., Miami U., Oxford, Ohio. James Fleming Hosic, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '01. Prof., Chicago Nor. Sch.; 10423 Seeley Ave. Frank Eugene Lutz, A.M.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. Mary Law McCJintock, Ph.M. Prin., Sch. for Girls, Box G, 4 Arlington St., Boston, Mass. Mary Elizabeth Mathews, S.M.; S.B., '01. Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, Ohio. Elizabeth Moore, Ph.M. Ass't Prof., Iowa State Coll., Ames, la. George Edmund Myers, A.M. Prin., State Nor. Sch., Pittsburgh, Kan. Mary Annie Pace, Ph.M. Editor, 714 W. 179th St., New York, N.Y. Harry G. Paul, A.M. Ass't Prof., U. of 111, Urbana, 111. Charles Henry Scherf, S.M. Teacher, Elizabeth, N.J. 70 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago George Hiram Swift, A.M. Clergyman, 3725 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Carl Dean Thompson, A.M. Clergyman, Denver, Colo. Bertha Thormeyer, Ph.M. Teacher, M. Tr. H.S.; 93 Butler Ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. Homer Jeptha Webster, Ph.M. Teacher, Alliance, Ohio. ♦Frederick William Wood, A.M. Died May 13, 1902. Leslie Henry Wood, A.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch.; 939 Walwood Place, Kalamazoo, Mich. Philip Graeme Wrightson, S.M.; S.B., '01. 1st Lieut., U.S.A.; Prof., U. of Wis.; 405 S. Warren St. Madison, Wis. Georgia Louise Yocum (Mrs. William T. Gary), S.M.; S.B., '01. 413 Fort King Ave., Ocala, Fla. 1903 Anna Cecilia Anderson,' A.M.; A.B., '01. 5854 Rosalie Ave. *Ellen Bessey Atwater, A.M. Died March 4, 1910. Joseph Louis Baer, S.M.; S.B., '02. Physician, 104 S. Michigan Ave. Margaret Baker, S.M.; S.B., "99. Teacher, Bowen H.S.; 7650 Bond Ave. Edson Sunderland Bastin, S.M.; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. William Hunt Bates, A.M.; Ph.D., '10. See Doctors of Philosophy. Frank Clyde Brown, A.M.; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. Jesse Manning Burlew, S.M. Physician, Santa Ana, Cal. Werrett Wallace Charters, Ph.M.; Ph.D., '04. See Doctors of Philosophy. Emily Elisabeth Dobbin, S.M.; S.B., '02. Teacher, Mech. Arts H.S., St. Paul, Minn. James Burnette Eskridge, A.M.; Ph.D., '12. See Doctors of Philosophy. Burton Lee French, Ph.M. Lawyer, Moscow, Idaho. Fred Goodrich Frink, S.M. Prof., U. of Ore., Eugene, Ore. William Steen Gaud, A.M.; A.B., '93. Teacher, Exeter, N.H. Myrtle Ignitian Gibson (Mrs. J. A. Mansfield), Ph.M. Editor, 1050 15th Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Thacher Howland Guild, A.M. Associate, U. of 111., Urbana, 111. Harrison Hale, S.M. Prof., Drury Coll., Springfield, Mo. Earl Dean Howard, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '02; Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Catherine Alma James, A.M. Teacher, 2002 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. John Samuel Kenyon, A.M. 5533 Kimbark Ave. Sidney Klein, S.M.; S.B., '02. Physician, 2528 Prairie Ave. Jane Seymour Klink, Ph.M. fc George Klink, 2008 Lyon St., San Francisco, Cal. ■ Edward Bryant Landis, A.M. Clergyman, Danvers, 111. Ruth Winifred Lane, A.M. Teacher, 34 Milbourne Ave., Detroit, Mich. Helen McCrackin, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Hamilton, Mont.; St. Ignatius, Mont. George Benjamin Mangold, A.M. Director, Sch. of Soc. Econ., 1827 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Ludwig Johannes Marienburger, A.M. 107 Elm St. Robert Lincoln Marquis, S.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Canyon, Tex. William Kennon Matthews, A.M. Missionary, Kwausei Gakuin, Kobe, Japan. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 71 Irving Elgar Miller, A.M.; Ph.D., '04. See Doctors of Philosophy. John Allen Moore, A.M. 5702 Drexel Ave. Russell Burton Opitz, S.M.; S.B., '98; Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Lula Pace, S.M.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. David Derrick Peele, A.M. Prof., Columbia Coll., Columbia, S.C. Stephen Walter Ransom, S.M.; S.B., '02; Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Alice Virginia Robbins, Ph.M. Prof., State Nor. Sch.; 507 S. Second St., Mankato, Minn. George Senn, S.M. Physician, De Pere, Wis. Sakae Shioya, Ph.M. Teacher, Higher Nor. Sch., Koishikawa, Tokyo, Japan. Mary Emily Sinclair, AM.; Ph.D., 'OS. See Doctors of Philosophy. Henry Smith, A.M.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. Maudie Lorena Stone, S.M.; S.B., '97. Teacher, M. Tr. H.S.; 525 5th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. William Benjamin Thomas, A.M. Prof., Jamestown Coll., Jamestown, N.D. Edwin Elbert Thompson, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '01. Real Est., Law Bld'g, Indian- apolis, lnd. James Primrose Whyte, A.M. ; A.B., '96. Mg'r, Swift & Co., 741 Raleigh Ave. ; Norfolk, Va. Carl Lyman Willis, A.M. Ass't Prof., U. of Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. Alice Winston, A.M.; A.B., '98. Instr., U. of Kan., 1620 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kan. Monroe Nathan Work, A.M.; Ph.B., '02. Prof., Tuskegee Inst., Tuskegee, Ala. 1904 Carlos Eben Allen, A.M. Registrar, State Nor. Sch., Carbondale, 111. Jesse Anderson, A.M. 5745 Drexel Ave. Lilla Estelle Appleton, Ph.M.; S.M., '05; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philoso- phy. Joanna Baker, A.M. Prof., Simpson Coll., lndianola, la. Mary Elizabeth Baldwin, Ph.M.; Ph.B. Translator, 819 E. 39th St. Laura Estelle Watson Benedict, A.M.; A.B., '00. Student, Columbia U.; 457 W. 120th St., New York, N.Y. . Charles Lorton Best, S.M. Physician, 95 Stephenson St., Freeport, 111. William Shelton Bixler, Ph.M. Registrar, State Nor. Sch., Emporia, Kan.; (h) Owensville, lnd. Thomas Athae Bonser, S.M. Teacher, H.S., E. 1427 Providence Ave., Spokane, Wash. Herbert Earle Buchanan, A.M.; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. Peter Cook, A.M. Clergyman, 3017 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Elbert Admerl Cummings, A.M. Teacher, H.S.; 2970 Grove St., Denver, Colo. Albert Allison Farley, Ph.M.; Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Philosophy. Daniel Johnson Fleming, S.M. Prof., Forman Christian Coll., Lahore, India. Delia Gandy, Ph.M. Teacher, Poly. H.S.; 1537 Elm Ave., Long Beach, Cal. Mary Virginia Garner, Ph.M. Teacher, Kwausei Gakuin, Kobe, Japan. Edith Edna Glatfelter, S.M. Teacher, Soldan H.S.; 3615 Lafayette St., St. Louis, Mo. 72 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Frank Loxley Griffin, S.M.; S.B., '03; Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Philosophy. Theodosia Hamilton Hadley, Ph.M. Teacher, 77 Rink Ap't, Indianapolis, Ind. David Connolly Hall, S.M. Physician, U. of Wash., Seattle, Wash. Walter Wile Hamburger, S.M.; S.B. Physician, 104 S. Michigan Ave. John Bascom Hamilton, A.M. Prof., U. of Tenn., Knoxville Tenn; (h) Edmonton, Ky. Evelyn Shewell Hayden (Mrs. Thomas C. Hebb), S.M.; S.B., '02. 1026 N. Front St., Marquette, Mich. Robert Wilhelm Hegner, S.M. ; S.B., '03. Ass't Prof., U. of Mich.; 1430 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Herbert Wynford Hill, Ph.M.; Ph.D., '11. See Doctors of Philosophy. Georgia Etherton Hopper, Ph.M. Teacher, la. State Coll., Ames, la. *Charles William Jones, Ph.M. * Walter Scott King, Ph.M. Johannes Gottfried H. Lampadius, A.M. Teacher, Central Y.M.C.A.; 36 W. 73d St. Nels Johann Lennes, S.M.; S.B., '98; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. Nellie Augusta Lovering (Mrs. James F. Hosic), Ph.M.; S.B., '02. 10423 Seeley Ave. John Fulton Maclear, A.M.; A.B., '03. Teacher, Marshall H.S.; 6450 Ellis Ave. Harris Franklin MacNeish, S.M.; S.B., '02; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Phi- losophy. Albert Newton Merritt, A.M.; Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Philosophy. William Miedema, A.M. Clergyman, Elsinore, Cal. Thomas Johnson Morris, A.M. Adv., 1316 Tribune Bld'g. Achsa Snow Parker, A.M. Instr., State Nor. Sch., Greeley, Colo. Marion Virginia Peirce, A.M. Prof., Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la. Virgil Vivian Phelps, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '02; D.B., '07. See Bachelors of Divinity. Jane Marie Louise Pirscher, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '03. Dean of Women, Ottawa U.; 930 Cedar St., Ottawa, Kan. William Emilius Praeger, S.M. Prof., Kalamazoo Coll., Kalamazoo, Mich. James Garfield Randall, A.M.; A.B.; Ph.D., '11. See Doctors of Philosophy. Edward Sargent, A.M. Prin., H.S., New Castle, Pa. Harry Fletcher Scott, A.M. Teacher, Univ. H.S.; 6107 Kenwood Ave. John Giffin Thompson, A.M. Instr., IT. of Wis., Madison, Wis. Ernest Alger ^Thronbill, A.M. Dean, Telluride Assoc, 140 Main St., Boise, Idaho. Judson Allen Tolman, Jr., A.M.; A.B., '01; Ph.D., '11. See Doctors of Phi- losophy. George Louis Loring White, A.M.; A.B., '98; D.B., '03. See Bachelors of Divinity. Thomas Matheson Wilson, S.M. Teacher, 684 W. Adams St. Gertrude Hulbert jWylie (Mrs.), A.M. Prof., Whitman Coll., Walla Walla, Wash. 1905 Lilla Estelle Appleton, S.M.; Ph.M., '04; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Phi- losophy. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 73 Clara Latimer Bacon, A.M. Assoc. Prof., Goucher Coll., 2316 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. George Alexander Barker, S.M.; S.B., '04. Teacher, H.S., Colorado Springs, Colo.; (h) Normal, 111. Ellen Coalter Bates, Ph.M. 3522 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Angeline A. Bergey, A.M.; A.B., '01. Teacher, Waller H.S.; 946 N. La Salle St. George Herbert Betts, Ph.M. Prof., Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la. Robert Lacy Borger, A.M.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. Thomas Harris Boughton, S.M.; S.B., '03. Prof., U. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. Sheppard Butler, A.M. Sunday Editor, Chicago Record-Herald. Joseph Stuart Caldwell, A.M. Prof., Ala. Poly. Inst., Auburn, Ala. Ida Eleanor Carothers (Mrs. Ralph A. Merriam), S.M.; S.B., '04. 1515 Forest Ave., Wilmette, 111. Grace Miriam Charles, A.M.; Ph.D., '10. See Doctors of Philosophy. Arthur Alvin Cocke, A.M.; J.D., '06. See Doctors of Law. Benjamin Franklin Condray, Ph.M. Prof., Miss. Agric. and Mech. Coll., Agricultural College, Miss. Arthur Wesley Crane, A.M. Teacher, Nicola, la. Winifred Gardner Crowell, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '02. Teacher, Rockford, Coll., Rockford, 111.; (h) Barrington, N.S. Henri Charles-Edouard David, A.M.; A.B., '02. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 5469 Dorchester Ave. Stella Mary Hague, S.M.; Ph.D., '12. See Doctors of Philosophy. Harriet Louise Hughes (Mrs. Charles D. Dallas), S.M.; Ed.B., '06. 5126 University Ave. Albert Lincoln Jones, Ph.M. Instr., State Nor. Sch., Madison, S.D. Ernest Evans Jones, S.M. Chemist, Matthiessen & Hegler Zinc Co., 608 Joliet St., LaSalle, 111. William Raymond Longley, S.M.; S.B., '03; Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Philosophy. ♦Robert Lindsay McGhie, A.M. Died June 22, 1913. William Arch McKeever, Ph.M. Prof., Kansas State Agric. Coll., Manhattan, Kan. Everett Lincoln Meservey, A.M.; A.B., '99; D.B., '03. See Bachelors of Divinity. Florence Irene Morrison, A.M.; A.B., '02. 701 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Annie Sophie Morse, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '00. Newbury, Vt. Isaac Franklin Neff, S.M. Prof., Drake U.; 2801 Brattleboro Ave., Des Moines, la. Thomas Newlin, Ph.M. Pres., Whittier Coll., Whittier, Cal. Louis Clark Plant, Ph.M. Prof., Mich. Agric. Coll., East Lansing, Mich. Milton Chase Potter, Ph.M. Supt. of Schs., 482 Ashland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Mary Ellen Robb, Ph.M. Teacher, H.S., Bellingham, Wash.; (h) Evansville, Wis. Stewart Ralph Roberts, S.M.; S.B. Prof., Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Atlanta, Ga. 74 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Annie Ross, Ph.M. Teacher, H.S., Flushing, N.Y. Evan Taylor Sage, A.M.; Ph.D., '08. See Doctors of Philosophy. Vivian Blanche Small, A.M. Pres., Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, Ohio. Isabel Seymour Smith, S.M. Prof., Illinois Coll.; 216 Caldwell St., Jackson- ville, 111. Myra Louise Spaulding, A.M.; A.B., '01. Teacher, Lutherville, Md. Henry Gerald Steans, A.M. Frank Fletcher Stephens, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '04. Ass't Prof., U. of Mo.; 1216 Hudson Ave., Columbia, Mo. Banks John Wildman, A.M.; A.B., '98. Special Representative, Portage Rubber Co., 63 Grand Ave., Akron, Ohio. Mae Kroenig Woldt, S.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Richard Robert Wright, Jr., A.M.; D.B., '01. See Bachelors of Divinity. Ephraim Jacob Zook, A.M. Instr., Goshen Coll., Goshen, Ind. 1906 James Mace Andress, Ph.M. Prof., State Nor. Sch.; 37 Circuit Ave.; Wor- cester, Mass. George Cromwell Ashman, S.M. ; Ph.D., '08. See Doctors of Philosophy. Edith Ethel Barnard, S.M.; S.B., '03; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. William Joseph Bradley, A.M.; A.B., '05. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Valdosta, Ga. Mary Palmierre Brookfield (Mrs. Timothy Lowthian), Ph.M.; S.B., '02. Unionville, Mich. Alfred Jackson Bunts, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '05; Ed.B., '06. Supt. of Schs., Hico, Tex. Robert Fry Clark, A.M. Assoc. Prof., Colgate U., Hamilton, N.Y. Ethan Allen Cross, Ph.M. Prof., State Teachers Coll.; 818 19th St., Greeley, Colo. John Nicholas Davis, A.M. Supt. of Schs., 800 Grand Ave., Menominee, Mich. Dudley Watson Day, S.M.; S.B., '04. Physician, 503 Trust Bld'g, Rockford, 111. Arnold Dresden, S.M.; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. Otto Frederick Dubach, Ph.M. Teacher, H.S., Colorado Springs, Colo. Agnes LaFoy Fay (Mrs. Arthur I. Morgan), S.M.; S.B., '05. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 5610 Dorchester Ave. Alfred William Garner, Ph.M. Summit, Miss. LeRoy Bethuel Greenfield, Ph.M. Prof., Henry Kendall Coll., Tulsa, Okla. Adaline Wight Harding (Mrs. Clive C. Whittaker), Ph.M. 1557 N. Hillside Ave., Wichita, Kan. John Wesley Henninger, Ph.M. Teacher, Macomb, 111. Carrie Putnam Herndon (Mrs.), Ph.M.; Ph.B., '01. Prof., Miami U., Oxford, Ohio; (h) 5739 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Jacob Wilhelm Heyd, Ph.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch.; 917 E. Normal Ave., Kirksville, Mo. Julius William Kuhne, A.M. Instr., Northwestern U.; 2019 Maple Ave., Evanston, 111. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 75 Lillian Vitalique Lambert, Ph.M.; S.B., '95. Teacher, State Teachers Coll.; 2222 Iowa St., Cedar Falls, la. Frank Grant Lewis, A.M.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. Maria Rose Logan, Ph.M. Teacher, Seattle Seminary, Seattle, Wash. Laura Anna MacDonald, A.M. Teacher, Wayland Acad., Beaver Dam, Wis. Charles Foster McElroy, A.M. Sec'y, 1215 E. 52d St., Chicago; (h) 6613 Clinton Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Margaret McLaughlin, A.M. Teacher, Harris Teachers Coll.; 3733 Delmar St., St. Louis, Mo. Anna McLaury, Ph.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Fredonia, N.Y. John McLearie, A.M. Prof., State Sch. of Mines, Rapid City, S.D. William Duncan MacMillan, A.M.; Ph.D., '08. See Doctors of Philosophy. James Dysart Magee, A.M. Instr., U. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Edward Alanson Miller, A.M. Prof., Oberlin Coll., Oberlin, Ohio. Agnes Dora Mulkey, A.M. Teacher, Lincoln H.S.; Box 27, Univ. Sta., Seattle, Wash. Andrew Peter Peterson, A.M. Mg'r, Lone Elm Mine, Carthage, Mo.; (h) 217 Almond St., Moscow, Ind. Edward Palmer Pillans, A.M. Jean Baird Pond (Mrs. Frank W. Wentworth), A.M. 2634 Ellsworth St., Berkeley, Cal. Nathan Tanner Porter, Ph.M. Banker, Centerville, Utah. Chessley Justin Posey, S.M. Dep't of Geol., U. of Wis.; 131 Lathrop St., Madison, Wis. Ethel Claire Randall, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '04. 5222 Cornell Ave. James Reid Robertson, A.M. 2190 Van Buren St. Lillian Gonzalez Robinson, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '03. Prof., Ohio U., Athens, Ohio. Mary L. Robinson, Ph.M. Gen. Sec'y, Y.W.C.A., 27 E. 2d St. S., Salt Lake City, Utah; (h) Sumner, 111. Henry Alford Ruger, A.M. Ass't Prof., Teachers Coll., Columbia U.; 854 W. 181st St., New York, N.Y. Laura Louisa Runyon, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '98. Ass't Prof., State Nor. Sch.; 136 E. Market St., Warrensburg, Mo. Etta Louise Ruser, A.M. Teacher, H.S.; 628 Ripley St., Davenport, la. Arthur Richard Schweitzer, S.M.; Ph.B., '00. Research Work, 452 Oakdale Ave. Wilfred Hobson Sherk, A.M. Teacher, LaFayette H.S.; 367 W. Delavan Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Rayna Simons (Mrs. M. Wallbrunn), A.M.; A.B., '04. 1537 W. Congress St. Paul Van Cleef, S.M.; S.B., '05. Mf'g, 7711 Woodlawn Ave. Anna Theresa Wallace (Mrs. V. A. Wallace), Ph.M. 407 Waverley St., Palo Alto, Cal. David Cassius Warren, A.M. Director of Physics, Baylor U.; 1725 S. 8th St., Waco, Tex. Eugene Alonzo Wilson, A.M. Supt. of Schs., 6720 34th St. Berwyn, 111. William Hugh Wood, A.M.; A.B., '05. V. Pres., State Nor. Sch., Alva, Okla. Arthur Heath Woodworth, A.M. Instr., Williams and Vashti Coll., Aledo, 111.; 6014 Kimbark Ave. Frances Anna Yeomans, Ph.M. Teacher, H.S.; Chewelah, Wash. 76 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1907 Jessie Andrews, Ph.M. Instr., U. of Tex., 1104 Colorado St., Austin, Tex. Raymond Binford, S.M. Prof., Guilford Coll., Guilford Coll., N.C. *Ruth Bleekman, A.M. Died June, 1908. Warren Scott Boyce, A.M. Student, Columbia U., New York, N.Y.; (h) Selwin, N.C. Christine Frederica Bronson, Ph.M. Teacher, 113 Varnum Ave., Lowell, Mass. Carrie Brown, A.M. Teacher, H.S.; 124 Floyd Ave., Sioux City, la. Hazel Louise Brown, A.M.; A.B., '06; Ph.D., '11. See Doctors of Philosophy. John Newman Brown, A.M. Prof., Emory and Henry Coll., Emory, Va. Peter Franklin Brown, A.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch.; 453 Hill St., Athens, Ga. Margaret Lansdell Brunson, A.M. Teacher, Hampton Sch., Sumter, S.C. Elza Allen Crooks, A.M. Clergyman, La Junta, Colo. David MacLeod Davidson, S.M. Teacher, McKinley H.S.; 2127 Jackson Blv'd. Sister Helen Angela Dorety, S.M.; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. George William Dowrie, A.M. Instr., U. of 111.; 608 W. California St., Urbana, 111. Flora Morey Edwards, Ph.M. Teacher, H.S., Chicago Heights, 111.; (h) Clinton, Wis. Harvey William Elam, Ph.M. Public Official, Xenia, Ohio. James Anderson Fitzgerald, A.M. Instr., Carnegie Inst., Pittsburgh, Pa.; (h) 1436 6th Ave., Huntington, W.Va. Ella Maria Freeman, A.M. Instr., Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Mary Celia Fulton, S.M. Ed. Sec'y, Y.W.C.A., 1411 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Vernette Lois Gibbons, S.M. Prof., Huguenot Coll., Wellington, Cape Colony, South Africa. Roy Gittinger, A.M. Prof., U. of Okla.; 321 W. Symmes St., Norman, Okla. Liborio Gomez y Pineda, S.M.; Ph.D., '08. See Doctors of Philosophy. *Herbert Marcus Goodman, S.M.; S.B., '05; Ph.D., '08. Died August 19, 1910. Susan Allen Green, A.M. Instr., Maryville Coll., Maryville, Tenn.; (h) 26 Avon St., Wakefield, Mass. Elizabeth Asenath Hall, Ph.M. 2682 N. Hermitage Ave. Ralph Bernard Henley, Ph.M. Supt. of Schs., Libertyville, 111.; (h) Moores- ville, Ind. , Theophil Henry Hildebrandt, S.M.; Ph.D., '10. See Doctors of Philosophy. Noah Calvin Hirschy, A.M. Pres., Redfield Coll., Redfield, S.D. Louis Allen Hopkins, S.M. 5550 Drexel Ave. William Jasper Howell, A.M. Katharine Jacobson, Ph.M. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 5411 Dorchester Ave. Mary Lucile Kringel, A.M. Teacher, 811 Olive St., Atlantic, la. *Clyde Park Lamar, Ph.M. Geraldine Lermit, Ph.M. 5036 Harper Ave. William Vernon Lovitt, Ph.M. Instr., Purdue U., La Fayette, Ind. Frederick William Luehring, Ph.M. Ass't Prof., Alumni Gymnasium, Prince- ton U., Princeton, N.J. Jessie May Lyons, A.M. 5756 Dorchester Ave. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 77 Susannah Jane McMurphy, Ph.M. Teacher, 825 S. Steele St., Tacoma, Wash. Kunisaburo Nakagawa, A.M. 26 Wakamiya-cho, Ushigome, Tokyo, Japan. Marie Baker Nickell, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '01. Teacher, Milwaukee-Downer Coll., Milwaukee, Wis.; 405 Lake St., Waukesha, Wis. Valerie Deborah Ohrenstein, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '04. Chemist, Mariner & Hoskins, 111 W. Monroe St. Herbert Giles Ozanne, A.M. Clergyman, White, S.D. Sarah Luella Patterson, A.M.; A.B., '04. Libr. Ass't, U. of C; 5726 Dor- chester Ave. Zella Isabel Perkins (Mrs. Anfin Egdahl), S.M. Menomonie, Wis. Isabel Alberta Peterson, S.M. East Side Inn, Rockford, 111. Samuel Eugene Rasor, S.M. Assoc. Prof., Ohio State U., Columbus, Ohio. Toru Sato, Ph.M. Instr., Waseda U., Tokyo, Japan. Dora Anna Scribner, A.M. Prof., Fisk U., Nashville, Tenn.; (h) Ocean Park, Me. Henry Sims, A.M. Supt. of Schs., Stephenville, Tex.; Comanche, Tex. George Asbury Stephens, A.M.; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. Anna Louise Strong, A.M.; Ph.D., '08. See Doctors of Philosophy. Howard Frank Taylor, A.M. Teacher, Shortridge H.S.; 5455 Lowell Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Edith Minot Twiss, S.M. ; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. Edmund Daugherty Watkins, S.M. 6517 Ellis Ave. Mary Evelyn Wells, S.M. Instr., Mt. Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass.; (h) 27 Salem St., Naugatuck, Conn. Pelagius Williams, A.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Lock Box 147, Emporia, Kan. Mary Sophie Young, S.M. ; Ph.D., '10. See Doctors of Philosophy. 1908 Lura Hazel Anderson (Mrs. Chester G. Vernier), S.M. 1002 W. Nevada St., Urbana, 111. Olive Orton Anderson (Mrs. Elwood O.), Ph.M. Oakland, la. Lorley Ada Ashleman, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '05. Teacher, Central H.S.; 89 Hancock St. W., Detroit, Mich. Frances Myrtis Banta, Ph.M. Teacher, McKinley M. Tr. H.S., Washington, D.C.; (h) Conklin, N.Y. Mary Paulding Barnett, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Hamilton, Mont. Harry Baxter Benninghoff, A.M.; Ed.B., '06. Teacher, Waseda U.; 91 Benten Cho, Ushigome, Tokyo, Japan. Bessie Boies, A.M. Exec. Dep't, Nat'l B'd, Y.W.C.A., 11J W. 84th St., New York, N.Y.; (h) Hudson, Mich. Joshua Gregory Boomhour, A.M. Teacher, Meredith Coll., Raleigh, N.C. Benjamin Braude, S.M.; S.B., '06. Physician, 827 Ashland Blv'd. Sister Teresa Regina Byrne, A.M. Teacher, Coll. of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, N.J. R D Calkins, S.M.; S.B., '03. Teacher, Central State Nor. Sch., 705 Normal Ave., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Harry Milton Clem, S.M. Teacher, Marshall H.S., Chicago; (h) Monroeville, Ind. 78 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Guy Roger Clements, A.M. Instr., U. of Wis.; 15 S. Bassett St., Madison, Wis. John Alvin Dean, A.M.; A.B., '05. Business, 1501 Jones St., Sioux City, la. Sarah Lucinda Doubt, S.M. R.R. 2, Havelock, Neb. Frank Moses Dryzer, A.M. Instr., U. of Wis., Madison, Wis. William David Endres, A.M. Clergyman, 15415 Lexington Ave., Harvey, 111. Albert Wesley Evans, S.M.; S.B., '05. Prin., Newberry Sch.; 5468 Ellis Ave. Annie Laurie Renshaw Frazeur (Mrs.), A.M.; A.B., '02. Teacher, Senn H.S.; 555 Barry Ave. Amanda Eddy Geigley, S.M. Teacher, Phillips H.S.; 5707 Drexel Ave. James Marcus Gordon, A.M. Professor, Trinity U., Waxahachie, Tex. John Cowper Granbery, A.M.; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. Charlotte Augusta Clara Haass, A.M. Teacher, Montesano, Wash.; (h) 1310 N. Hillside, Wichita, Kan. Ernest Guy Ham, A.M. Prin., H.S., Randolph, Vt. Robert Houston Hamilton, A.M. Port Lavaca, Tex. Rachel Agnes Harris, Ph.M. Ass't Libr., U. of C; (h) Manlius, N.Y. Samuel Glenn Harrod, A.M. Prof., Eureka Coll., Eureka, III; Avon, 111. Guy Israel Hoover, A.M.; D.B., '07. See Bachelors of Divinity. Hedwig Pauline Hotz, Ph.M. Teacher, 24 Meinunste, Fiieich V., Switzerland. William Talmadge Hughes, S.M. Physician, 224 S. Scoville Ave., Oak Park, 111. Ralph Rollin Kennan, A.M. ; A.B., '07. Clergyman, 319 W. Front St., Wheaton, 111. Lilla McDonald Ketcham, A.M. Teacher, 4212 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. Louis Knox, S.M. Prof., S.C. Military Acad., Charleston, S.C. William Stockton Lockhart, A.M. Clergyman, Central Christian Ch., Houston, Tex. Jean Edith MacKellar, Ph.M. Mary Meek, Ph.M. Teacher, Aberdeen Nor. Sch., Aberdeen, S.D.; (h) 420 S. 12th St., Newcastle, Ind. Adele Byrdene Mehl, A.M. Teacher, Burlingame, Kan. Genevieve Melody, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '03. Prin., Park Manor Sch.; 6006 Vin- cennes Ave. Dudley Howe Miles, A.M. Instr., Columbia U.; 1120 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N.Y. Eda Belle Nichol, A.M. Teacher, H.S., 1802 N. C St., Elwood, Ind.; (h) Indiana, Pa. Sarah Teresa Patterson, S.M. ; S.B., '07. Teacher, Lake H.S.; 1445 Glenlake Ave. Eugene Bryan Patton, A.M.; Ph.D., '08. See Doctors of Philosophy. Vincent Collins Poor, S.M. Instr., U. of Mich.; 1018 Church St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Agnes Blanche Powell, A.M.; A.B., '03. Teacher, Central H.S., Kalamazoo, Mich.; (h) 611 W. Mansion St., Marshall, Mich. Albert Frederic Probst, Ph.M.; Ph.B.; Ed.B., '07. Instr., Central Y.M.C.A.; 5815 Maryland Ave. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 79 Mae Veronica Pruner, A.M. Teacher, McKinley H.S.; 6139 Kimbark Ave. Ruth Read Randall, Ph.M. 1850 Broadway, Fort Wayne, Ind. Jose Ignacio del Rosario y Valdezco, S.M. Chemist, 530 P. Gomez, Manila, P.I. * Jessie Reid Rowat, Ph.M. Yetta Scheftel, A.M. Social Work, 272 W. 12th St. Jenny Helen Snow, S.M.; S.B., '06; Ed.B., '05. Teacher, Nor Sch.; 6453 Iowa St., Oak Park, 111. John Elbert Stout, Ph.M. 1115 E. 62d St. Norma Lippincott Swan, Ph.M. Navesink, N.J. Harry LeRoy Taylor, A.M. Clergyman, Trinity Mem. Ch., Erie, Pa. Bertha Mary Terrill, A.M. Prof., U. of Vt., Burlington, Vt.J Morrisville, Vt. David Duke Todd, S.M. Physician, Calumet Hotel, Calumet, Mich. John Vander Meulen, A.M. Clergyman, Reformed Ch., Grand Haven, Mich. Anna Roberta Van Meter, S.M. Ass't Prof., U. of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio. Lena Vaughan, S.M.; S.B., '03. Prof., Miss. Industrial Inst., Columbus, Miss.; (h) Liberty, Mo. Grace Margaret Vincent, A.M.; A.B., '06. Teacher, H.S., Xenia, Ohio. Bennett Taylor Waites, Ph.M. Clergyman, Birmingham Coll., Birmingham, Ala. Ada Louise Weckel, S.M. Teacher, H.S., Oak Park, 111.; 2505 7th St., Moline, 111. Charles Bray Williams, A.M.; Ph.D., 'OS. See Doctors of Philosophy. Dudley Weldon Woodard, S.M.; S.B., '07. Instr., Tuskegee Inst., Tuskegee, Ala.; (h) 912 29th St., Galveston, Tex. Lebbeus Woods, Ph.M. Supt. of Schs., Lamoille, 111. Cl909 ) Dwight L. Akers, Ph.M.; Ph.B. Ass't Civic Sec'y, City Club of Chicago, 6410 St. Lawrence Ave. Benjamin Spafford Barnes, S.M.; S.B., '06. Physician, 1415 W. Congress St. Albert Francis Bassford, A.M. Clergyman, Corvallis, Ore. Frank Leslie Black, A.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Emporia, Kan. Amasa Archibald Bullock, S.M. Head of Dep't, U. of Nanking, Nanking, China. Archibald Mowbray Burnham, A.M. Assoc. Prof., Ohio State U., Columbus, Ohio. Lillian Gertrude Carter, Ph.M. Teacher, H.S., Vincennes, Ind. David Gamble Chase, Ph.M.; Ph.B. Teacher, H.S., Birmingham, Ala.; (h) Booneville, Miss. Myrtle Clapp, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '07. Teacher, Greenville, Ohio. Helen Marr Collins, S.M.; S.B., '05; Ed.B., '09. Teacher, Sch of Ed., U. of C; 1515 N. 3d St., Springfield, 111. Charles McClain Correll, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '08. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., May- ville, N.D., Claudia Evangeline Crumpton, A.M. Teacher, Ala. Girls' Tech. Inst., Monte- vallo, Ala.; Evergreen, Ala. Irville Fay Davidson, A.M. Teacher, St. Stephens Coll., Annandale, N.Y. 80 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Charles Elijah Decker, A.M. Allegheny Coll., Meadville, Pa. Lucy Catherine Driscoll, A.M.; A.B., '08. Ass't to Director, Art Inst.; 6034 Ingleside Ave. Chloe May Foster, S.M. Teacher, Lake View H.S., Chicago; (h) 323 S. Grant St., Bloomington, Ind. Pearl Franklin, A.M. Teacher, Schurz H.S.; Vincennes Hotel, Chicago; (h) Huntington, Ind. Meyer Gaba, S.M.; S.B., '07. Grad. Student, 10 N. Hall, U. of C; 3522 Armitage Ave. James Alfred Garrett, A.M. Clergyman, Leesburg, Va. Robert Meade Ginnings, S.M. Teacher, State Nor Sch.; 314 N. Ward St., Macomb, 111. Harriet Eudora Glazier, A.M. Prof., Western Coll. for Women, Oxford, Ohio; (h) Lisbon, N.H. Cora Emeline Gray, S.M.; S.B., '06. Instr., U. of 111.; 805 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana, 111; (h) West Palm Beach, Fla. William Hamilton Hannum, A. M. Missionary, Vengurle, India. Cleo Carson Hearon, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '03. Teacher, State Coll. for Women, Columbus, Miss. John J. Heeren, A.M. Missionary, Chancellor, S.D. Mary Vincent Hillmann, A.M. Teacher, Coll. of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, N.J. Herbert Solon Hollopeter, A.M. Instr., Southwestern U., Georgetown, Tex. Leland Burks Holt (Mrs. Ivan L.), A.M. Cape Girardeau, Mo. Alice Maude Huestis, Ph.M. Prof., Coll. for Women, Columbia, S.C.; (h) Greencastle, Ind. LeRoy Freeman Jackson, Ph.M. Ass't Prof., Wash. State Coll., Pullman, Wash. Herman Patrick Johnson, Ph.M. Prof., U. of Miss., University, Miss. Robert Joseph Kerner, A.M.; A.B., '08. Assistant, Harvard U.; 46 A Conant Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Richard John Kiefer, A.M. Supt. of Schools, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Herbert Kimmel, Ph.M. Teacher, 5714 Kimbark Ave. Richmond Henry Kirtland, A.M. Teacher, State Nor. Coll.; 787 Lancaster St., Albany, N.Y. Ruby Lee Lamb, A.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch.; Trenton Junction, N.J. Susan Madeleine Lough, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '07. Teacher, H.S., Durango, Colo. Rella Mirian Low (Mrs. John M. Bridgham), A.M. 1205 Aetna St., Burlington, la. Arno Benedict Luckhardt, S.M.; S.B., '06; Ph.D., '11. See Doctors of Phi- losophy. Edwin Herbert Lyle, A.M.; D.B., '09. See Bachelors of Divinity. Jennie Roxa McAllister, A.M. Teacher, Parker H.S.; 6116 Greenwood Ave. Edna May McCleery (Mrs. Jesse E. Hyde), S.M. 208 Albert St., Kingston, Ont. John Henry McLean, A.M.; D.B., '12. See Bachelors of Divinity. Hector Macpherson, S.M.; Ph.D., '10. See Doctors of Philosophy. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 81 Murrey Kerr Martin, A.M. Teacher, 6117 Kenwood Ave. George J. Miller, S.M.; S.B. '08. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Mankato, Minn.; (h) 6159 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Walter Piety Morgan, Ph.M. Pres., State Nor Sch., Macomb, 111.; 5458 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Anna Evelyn Newman, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '08. Gen'l Sec'y, The Studio Club of New York, 35 E. 62d St., New York, N.Y. Gustavus Swift Paine, Ph.M.; Ph.B. Ass't Prof., U. of Nev.; 303 I.O.O.F. Bld'g, Reno, Nev. John Bradford Pengelly, A.M.; D.B., '10. See Bachelors of Divinity. Laura Helen Margaret Peterson, A.M., Teacher, 1158 Jackson Ave., Wichita, Kan. Nellie Virginia Powell, Ph.M. Adjunct Prof., Randolph-Macon Woman's Coll. Lynchburg, Va.; College Park, Va. Mariana Vivencio del Rosario, S.M. Ass't Prof., U. of Philippines, Manila, P.I. John Gaston Ryan, S.M.; S.B., '08. Physician, New Sharon, la. Florence Aurelia St. Clair, A.M. Teacher, Coon Rapids, la.; Hampton, la. Rose Josephine Seitz, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '08. Teacher, Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria, 111.; (h) 1000 E. 55th St., Chicago. Clara Gertrude Seymour, A.M.; A.B., '07. Editorial Work, 105 E. 22d St., New York, N.Y.; (h) 6037 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. William Odell Shepard, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '08. Prof., U. of Southern Cal., Los Angeles, Cal. Margaret Southwick, Ph.M. Teacher, H.S., La Grange, 111.; (h) 646 Church St., Stevens Point, Wis. Ottis Bedney Sperlin, Ph.M. Teacher, H.S.; 1401 S. Adams St., Tacoma, Wash. Bertram Garfield Swaney, A.M. Clergyman, 5602 S. Paulina St. Charles Henry Taylor, S.M.; S.B., '07. Teacher. Carrie Liggett Thomas (Mrs. James W. Cox), A.M. Abingdon, 111. *Yohei Tsunekawa, A.M. Died September 5, 1910. Joseph Bertram Umpleby, S.M.; Ph.D., '10. See Doctors of Philosophy. William Claude Vogt, A.M. Teacher, 424 W. 60th St. Walter Owen Webber, A.M. Prof., Defiance Coll., Defiance, Ohio. Maurie Elizabeth Wendel, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '08. Elmont, Kan. Jessie Shafer Wenner, A.M. Prof., Hood Coll., Frederick, Md.; (h) Lovett- ville, Va. William Drummond Whan, A.M.; D.B., '10. See Bachelors of Divinity. Robert Ramapatam Williams, S.M.; S.B., '08. Commercial Chemist, Philip- pine Mfg. Co., Manila, P.I. Lester MacLean Wilson, A.M. Teacher, Univ. Club, Madison, Wis.; Richland Center, Wis. Bertha Helen Wise, Ph.M. Teacher, Cincinnati Mission Tr. Sch.; 1029 Wesley Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tsing Nyuh Woo, Ph.M. Educator, Y.M.C.A., Shanghai, China. Carter Godwin Woodson, A.M.; A.B., '08. 82 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 1910 Grace Abbott, Ph.M. Director, Immigrants' League, Hull House. Harriett May Allyn, S.M.; Ph.D., '12. See Doctors of Philosophy. Ray Palmer Baker, Ph.M. Prof., Okanagan Coll., Summerland, B.C. Harry Huntington Barnum, A.M. Fellow, Princeton U.; Edwards Hall, Princeton, N.J. Samuel Jacob Brandenburg, Ph.M. Libr., Miami U., Oxford, Ohio. Alice Freda Braunlich, A.M.; A.B., '08. Fellow, U. of C; (h) 1040 W. 4th St., Davenport, la. Lawrence Palmer Briggs, Ph.M. Seattle, Wash. Leslie Milton Burrage, Ph.M. Instr., Pa. State Coll.; 243 S. Pugh St., State College, Pa. Don Franklin Cameron, A.M. Physician, St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago; (h) Hamilton, Ind. Walter Clemens Campbell, Ph.M. Supt; of Schs., Niles, Ohio. Robert Emmet Cavanaugh, A.M, Supt. of Schs., Salem, Ind. Edgar Kincaid Chapman, S.M. Prof., Wabash Coll., Crawfordsville, Ind. Claribel Corinne Chappell, A.M. Teacher, 1915 H St., Bellingham, Wash. John Samuel Collier, S.M. Teacher, 910 E. 57th St. Charles Wallace Collins, A.M.; Ph.B., '08. Lawyer, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Thomas Henry Cornish, A.M. Clergyman, 306 N. Mason Ave. Frances Eunice Davis (Mrs. John W. Beardslee, Jr.), A.M. Holland, Mich. Mary Dopp, S.M. Teacher, Parker H.S.; 5709 Rosalie Ave. Frank Otis Erb, A.M.; D.B., '12. See Bachelors of Divinity. Christian Alford Fjeldstad, S.M.; S.B., '09. Physician, 401£ 3d St., Red Wing, Minn. Homer L. Gleckler, Ph.M. Clergyman, 7031 Carpenter St. Else Glokke, Ph.M. Teacher, Univ. H.S.; 1373 E. 57th St. Orel Samuel Groner, S.M. Prof., Ottawa U., Ottawa, Kan. Mary Boggs Gude, Ph.M.; Ph.B. Adjunct Prof., Scott Coll., Decatur, Ga.; The Rosslyn, Atlanta, Ga. Grace Elvina Hadley (Mrs. Thomas H. Billings), A.M. Wesley Coll., Winni- peg, Man. Julia Clark Hallam (Mrs. Joseph W.), A.M. Sioux City, la. Augusta Thekla Hasslock, S.M. Teacher, H.S., Marshall, Tex.; (h) 1020 3d Ave. S., Nashville, Tenn. Laura Fowler Hayes, Ph.M. Teacher, Normal, 111.; 6451 Minerva Ave., Chicago. Raymond Francis Holden, S.M. Teacher, St. Louis H.S., St. Louis, Mo. Roscoe Myrl Ihrig, Ph.M. Teacher, Franklin Sch., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Warren Ingold, S.M. Prin., H.S., Kahoka, Mo. Harry Newton Irwin, A.M. Teacher, 508 Helen Ave., Detroit, Mich. Frederick B. Isely, S.M. Prof., Central Coll., Fayette, Mo. Clara Jacobson, S.M.; S.B., '09. Physician, Cook Co. Hospital; 5600 Ken- wood Ave. George Ray Johnson, Ph.M. Prin., Des Peres Sch.; 734 Dover Place, St. Louis, Mo. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 83 Joseph Oliver Johnson, Ph.M. Clergyman, Cedar Falls, la. Anna Susan Jones, A.M. Teacher, Central H.S.; 235 LaFayette Ave. N.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. William Henry Kadesch, Ph.M. Teacher, Paulding, Ohio. Katsuji Kato, A.M.; D.B., '11; Ph.D., '13. See Doctors of Philosophy. Sister Mary Joseph Kelly, S.M.; S.B., '09. Teacher, Coll. of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minn. Harriet Louise Kidder, A.M. Legislative Reference Library, Madison, Wis. Don Clyde Kite, A.M. Clergyman, 423 Green Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. Anna Marie Klingenhagen, Ph.M. Dean of Women, U. of la., Iowa City, la. Eloise Knowles, A.M. Instr., U. of Mont., Missoula, Mont. Harris Learner Latham, A.M. Prof., Southwestern Coll., Winfield, Kan. Robert Bryan McCord, A.M. Supt., Children's Home Soc, 401 Foote and Davies Bld'g, Atlanta, Ga. Marion Ross McDaniel, A.M. Ass't Prin., H.S., Oak Park, 111. Julius Flake McDonald, A.M. Prof., Simmons Coll., Abilene, Tex. Sister Antonia McHugh, Ph.M.; Ph.B. '09; Ed.B., '09. Teacher, Coll. of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minn. Robert Edwin McKay/ A-M.; A.B., '06. Teacher, Austin Coll., Sherman, Tex.; (h) Port Gibson, Miss. Florence Leland Manning, S.M.; S.B., '09. Teacher, Kewanee, 111.; 3416 Palmer St., Chicago. Alice Sarah Martin,, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '07. Teacher, 6029 Ellis Ave. Thomas Canady Middleton, A.M.; A.B., '08. Clergyman, 72 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. Stella Webster Morgan, Ph.M. Associate, U. of C; 4809 Lake Park Ave. Eddison Mosiman, A.M. Pres., Freeman Coll., Freeman, S.D.; (h) Middle- town, Ohio. Arnold Mulder, A.M. Editor, Sentinel, Holland, Mich. Harold William Nichols, S.M. Teacher, Armour Inst.; 5465 Greenwood Ave. Kathryn Kepner Oellig, A.M. Teacher, Greencastle, Pa. Clarence Ohlendorf, S.M.; S.B., '09. Teacher, 322 Stewart Ave., Park Ridge, 111. Claude Orear, A.M. Prin. of Private Sch., Stuttgart, Ark. Archibald Paterson, A.M. Teacher, Englewood H.S.; 6947 Princeton Ave. Otto Edward Peterson, Ph.M. 5535 Kenwood Ave. Claude Anderson Phillips, A.M. Dean, State Nor. Sch., Warrensburg, Mo. Ethel Preston, A.M.; A.B., '08. Teacher, 2320 Indiana Ave. Mary Burnham Putnam, Ph.M. Ass't Prof., State Nor. Coll., Ypsilanti, Mich. Georgia Rosalie Reneau, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '09. Grad. Student, U. of C; 6024 Ellis Ave. Frances Reubelt, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '07. Teacher, Intermont Coll., Bristol, Va.; (h) Checotah, Okla. Blanche Edna Riggs, A.M.; Ph.B., '07. Prin. Central Coll., Conway, Ark.; (h) Castalia, la. Arthur Hampton Robertson, Ph.M. Supt. of Schs., Paw Paw, Mich. Jessie Adams Roulston, Ph.M. Teacher, Austin, Minn. Guy Walter Sarvis, A.M. Prof., U. of Nanking, Nanking, China. 84 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Ella Satterthwait, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '08. Library Work, U. of C; 5552 Uni- versity Ave. Emma Schrader, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '08. Louis Martin Sears, A.M.; A.B., '06. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 5610 Dor- chester Ave. Claude Joseph Shirk, S.M. Teacher, Ottawa U., Ottawa, Kan. Herbert Royl Smith, A.M. Teacher, Lake View H.S., Chicago; 145 W. Park Ave., Highland Park, 111. Roy Smith, Ph.M. Teacher, Kobe Higher Coram, Sch., Kwausei, Gakuin, Kobe, Japan. Everett Beech Spraker, S.M. 652 E. 57th St. Otho Bowman Staples, A.M. Teacher, Homer, La.; Ruston, La. Robert Howard Stevens, S.M. Instr., U. of 111., Urbana, 111. Elizabeth Anna Stone (Mrs. John P. Senning), Ph.M.; Ph.B., '08. 132 S. Main St., Middletown, Conn. Sanford Leland Stoner, S.M.; S.B., '04. Supt. of Schs., 206 W. 7th St., Lead- ville, Colo. Claude Stelle Tingley, S.M.; S.B., '07. Instr., John B. Stetson U., DeLand, Fla. Mary Catherine Tinney, A.M. 258 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. Mary Treudley, A.M. Teacher, 24 W. Mulberry St., Athens, Ohio. Stephen Sargent Visher, S.M.; S.B., '09. Ass't Prof., U. of S.D., Vermilion, S.D. Seth Stetson Walker, S.M.; S.B., '08. Assistant, Experiment Sta., Gainesville, Fla. LeRoy Branch White, A.M. ; A.B., '04. Real Est., 206 Peck Bld'g, Kalamazoo, Mich. 1911 Claude Collier Alexander, A.M. Prin., H.S.; 204 Washington St., Hibbing, Minn. Warder Clyde Allee, S.M.; Ph.D., '12. See Doctors of Philosophy. George Delwin Allen, S.M. Teacher, Wesleyan XL, Mitchell, S.D.; (h) 803 Oakwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. John Charles Anderson, A.M. Teacher, 1135 S. Marshfield Ave. Winfred McKenzie Atwood, S.M. Grad. Student, U. of C; 1159 E. 62d St. Onias Barber Baldwin, A.M. Prof., McPherson Coll., McPherson, Kan. Josephine Harding Batchelder, A.M. Teacher, Wellesley Coll., Wellesley, Mass.; Holliston, Mass. Lucia von Lueck Becker, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '09. Research Work, 124 Superior St., Wauseon, Ohio. Christine Bednar, S.M. Ass't to Prin., Parker H.S.; 5454 University Ave. Caroline Bengston, Ph.M. Fort Collins, Colo. John Alfred Benton, A.M. Clergyman, Lockport, 111. Floyd Erwin Bernard, A.M.; Ph.B., '08. Clergyman, 2018 N. Kimball Ave. Wilfred George Binnewies, A.M. Teacher, 1602 Holyoke Ave., Wichita, Kan.; (h) Brookings, S.D. Josephine Horton Bowden, A.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch.; 208 S. 4th St., Mankato, Minn. John Solon Bridges, A.M. Clergyman, Atlanta, 111. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 85 Lou Etta Brosius (Mrs. Hugh J. Eldridge), Ph.M.; Ph.B., '04. Teacher, Buck- hannon, W.Va.; (h) Gallatin, Mo. Siegel A. Buckborough, S.M. Teacher, H.S.; 720 Clark St., Evanston, 111. Jeanne Arwilda Buckmaster, A.M. Teacher, Evanston, Wyo.; (h) Charleston, 111. Grace Lydia Bushee, A.M. 250 County St., Attleboro, Mass. Ralph Emerson Carter, A.M. Ass't Prof., U. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan.; (h) Columbus, Ind. John Frederick Catlin, A.M.; D.B., '12. See Bachelors of Divinity. Emma Christianson, S.M. Teacher, U. of S.D., Vermilion, S.D. Lorena Maude Church, A.M. Instr., Rockford Coll.; 429 Hinckley Ave.. Rockford, 111. Charles Henry Clevenger, S.M. Instr., State Agric. Coll., Manhattan, Kan. Alexander Royal Coburn, A.M. Supt. of Schs., Chillicothe, Mo. Horace Greeley Colpitts, A.M. Teacher, 5742 Maryland Ave. Harrison Charles Crumpacker, Ph.M. Supt. of Schs., Sedro-Woolley, Wash. Frank Lorenzo Cummings, A.M.; A.B., '05. Prin., H.S., 917 N. 21st St., South Omaha, Neb.; (h) Elk Point, S.D. Herman Girvin Cuthbert, A.M. Teacher, Nor. Sch.; 304 N. Broad St., -Newark, N.J. Egbert Leroy Dakin, A.M.; D.B., '11. See Bachelors of Divinity. Jesse Samuel Dancey, A.M. Clergyman, Fairbury, 111. Robert Norman Daniel, Ph.M. Assoc. Prof., Furman U., Greenville, S.C. Samuel Arthur Derieux, A.M. c /o W. T. Derieux, Greenville, S.C. Hermann Deutsch, S.M.; S.B., '10. Grad. Student, U. of C; (h) Cincinnati, Ohio. Aaron Phinius Drucker, A.M. Social Worker, 5460 University Ave. Raymond Du Had way, A.M. Teacher, Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Narendra Nath Dutt, S.M. Brahmssamaj, Calcutta, India. Sidney Harris Easton, S.M.; S.B., '10. Physician, Cook Co. Hospital, Chi- cago; 218 Fredonia Ave., Peoria, 111. Rachel Caroline Eaton (Mrs.), A.M. Teacher, 1206 Main St., Columbus, Miss. Walter Crosby Eells, A.M. Prof., Whitworth Coll.; 4919 N. 43d St., Tacoma, Wash. Walter Clifton Erwin, Ph.M. Law Student, Cumberland U., Lebanon, Tenn.; (h) Wellston, Okla. Charles William Finley, S.M.; S.B., '10. Teacher, Humboldt, 111. Katherine Elisabeth Forster, A.M.; Ph.B., '08. Teacher, 720 N. 20th Ave., Boise, Idaho. Daniel Freeman, Ph.M. Prof., Fargo Coll., Fargo, N.D. Thomas Cyrus Galloway, Jr., S.M. Physician, Cook Co. Hospital, Chicago; (h) Wesier, Idaho. Mortimer Stanfield Gardner, Ph.M. Lyman Keith Gould, S.M.; S.B., '11. Physician, Cook Co. Hospital, Chicago; (h) Rochester, Ind. Clarence Truman Gray, A.M. Instr., U. of Tex., 3202 West Ave., Austin, Tex.; (h) Spencer, Ind. Wilmer Lee Hall, A.M. Teacher, Ashland, Va. 86 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Herbert French Hancox, A.M.; A.B., '10. Teacher, Lewis Inst.; 1035 N. Long Ave.- Eric West Hardy, A.M. Teacher, Fork Union, Va.; (h) Johnston, S.C. Martha Frances Hargis, A.M. Teacher, 5741 Drexel Ave. Heiji Hishinuma, A.M. Prof., Hiroshima Nor. Coll., Tappocho, Hiroshima, Japan. Adrian Augustus Holtz, Ph.M.; D.B., '12. See Bachelors of Divinity. Helen Sard Hughes, A.M.; Ph.B., '10; Ed. B., '10. Instr., Wellesley Coll., Wellesley, Mass. Elizabeth Campbell Hullihen, A.M. Teacher, Stuart Hall, Staunton, Va. Arthur William Hummel, A.M.; A.B., '09. Teacher, Kobe Higher Comm. Sch., Kwausei Gakuin. Kobe, Japan; (h) Nashville, 111. Bertha Hussey, A.M. Assoc. Prof., Kalamazoo Coll., Kalamazoo, Mich.; (h) Upper Alton, 111. Clarence Durward Johns, A.M. Grad. Student, U. of C. ; (h) West Raleigh, N.C. Rachel Johnson, A.M.; A.B., '00. Teacher, Lordsburg Coll., Lordsburg, Cal. John Frederick Kelly, S.M.; S.B., '06. Teacher, H.S.; 917 N. Marsalie, Dallas, Tex. Clarence Worthington Kemper, A.M.; D.B., '12. See Bachelors of Divinity. Lola May Kidwell, A.M. Teacher, Eiwa Jo Gakko, Fukuoka, Japan. Sophie Georgia Kodjbanoff, A.M. Teacher, American Sch., Monastic, Mace- donia. Manuel Larkin, Ph.M. Harvey Brace Lemon, S.M.; A.B., '06; Ph.D., '12. See Doctors of Phi- losophy. Ida Florence Leydig, Ph.M. Teacher, 2008 Normal St., Cedar Falls, la. Oscar Clifford Lloyd, Ph.M. Clergyman, Calico Rock, Ark. Pan Hui Lo, A.M.; J.D., '11. See Doctors of Law. Clarence Columbus Long, A.M. Clergyman, 5925 Cote Brilliante, St. Louis, Mo. Martha Pierce McGavock, A.M.; Ph.B., '02. Teacher, U. Sch. for Girls, Chicago; (h) Max Meadows, Va. John Francis McKie, S.M. Surgeon, Huron Hospital Assoc, Huron, S.D.; (h) Northboro, la. Albert Zachariah Mann, A.M. Clergyman, Lawrence, Ind. Arthur Lyman Marsh, A.M. Prof., U. of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash. Lena Boyce Mathes (Mrs. G. M.), A.M.; Ph.B. Teacher, 6026 Ellis Ave. Eugene Duette Merriman, Ph.M. Supt. of Schs., Belvidere, 111. Ava Bertha Milam, A.M.; Ph.B., '10. Ass't Prof., Ore. Agric. Coll., Corvallis, Ore.; (h) Macon, Mo. Owen Jones Neighbours, Ph.M. Prin., H.S., Wabash, Ind. Arthur Freeman Newcomb, A.M. Clergyman, Amery, Wis. Stuart Grayson Noble, A.M. Head Master, Millsaps Prep. Sch., Jackson, Miss. Joseph Antonius Nyberg, S.M.; S.B., '10. Instr., U. of Wis., Madison, Wis.; (h) 3108 5th Ave., Chicago. Rena May Odell, A.M. Teacher, H.S., 2409 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind.; (h) Morrison, 111. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 87 William Henry Olds, Jr., S.M.; S.B., '10. Physician, New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Conn.; (h) 2815 Boone Ave., Spokane. Wash. Alma Luise Olson, Ph.M. Literary Work, The Dial, 733 Fine Arts Bld'g; Hull House. William Abbott Owens, A.M.; S.B. Teacher, 1730 E. 5th St., Duluth, Minn. Harry Houston Peckham, A.M. Instr., N.C. Coll.* of Agri., West Raleigh, N.C. John Reinder Pelsma, Ph.M. Prof., Southwestern U., Georgetown. Tex. Loren Clifford Petry, S.M. Student, 5731 Kenwood Ave., Chicago; (h) New Paris, Ohio. *Sister Carmela Phelan, A.M. Died February 12, 1913. William Alexander Rae, A.M. Instr., Washington U., St. Louis, Mo.; (h) Brooklin, Ont. Ida Christina Reid, Ph.M. Instr., U. of Ariz., Tucson, Ariz. Estella Rhinehart, S.M. Teacher, Ishpeming, Mich.; (h) Polo, 111. James Haller Risley, Ph.M. Supt. of Schs., Owensboro, Ky. Irwin Magnus Ristine, A.M. Employment Mg'r, Sears, Roebuck & Co. of Texas; 233 N. Ewing Ave., Dallas. Tex. Henry Burke Robins, A.M.; Ph.D., '12. See Doctors of Philosophy. James Thomas Rooks, A.M.; A.B., '07. Physician, 6047 Drexel Ave. Mildred Leonora Sanderson, S.M.; Ph.D., '13. See Doctors of Philosophy. William Jay Schoene, S.M. Entomologist, Blacksburg, Va. Harriet Sewall (Mrs. E. E. Dodd), S.M. 424 E. Center St., Springfield, Mo. John Henry Shantz, A.M.; Ph.B., '10. Teacher, 10656 S. State St. Lena Beerman Shepherd (Mrs. M. M.). Ph.M.; Ph.B., '10. 106 Lincoln Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. James Blaine Shouse, A.M. Instr., Grand Island Coll., Grand Island, Neb. Clarence Mitchell Smith, A.M. Teacher, H.S.; 418 W. Mulberry St., Spring- field, Ohio. Lemuel Fish Smith, S.M. Teacher, Kalamazoo Coll.; 1131 Jefferson Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. Charles Vernon Stansell, A.M. Teacher, Ga. Sch. of Technology, Atlanta, Ga.; (h) Greenville, S.C. Charles Calvin Steck, S.M. Ass't Prof., N.H. Coll., Durham, N.H.; (h) Naper- ville, 111. Nellie Alice Stephenson, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Kalispell, Mont.; (h) 1156 Garfield Ave., Detroit, Mich. Kazuyoshi Tajima, A.M. Army, 91 Ikedamachi, Nakaku, Nagaya City, Japan. Chung Hsuan Tang, A.M. Director of Schs., Province Kwang-tung, China. Alva Wilmot Taylor, Ph.M. Prof., Bible Coll.; 201 Hicks Ave., Columbia, Mo. Leland Rutherford Thompson, S.M. Ass't Prin., H.S., Berlin, Wis. Anna Belle Tourner, A.M.; Ph.B., '10. Missionary, Casilla 123, Callao, Peru; (h) Bloomington, Ind. Albert Augustus Trever, A.M. Prof., Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis. Marguerite Griffith Tyler, S.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., 717 9th Ave., Lewiston, Idaho; (h) Owensboro, Ky. Francesco Ventresca, Ph.M.; Ph.B., '10. Ass't Prof., Wash. State Coll., Pullman, Wash. 88 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Albert T. Vollwiler, A.M. Teacher, Hibbing, Minn.; (h) Shandon, Ohio. Hanor A. Webb, S.M. Teacher, State Nor Sch., Memphis, Tenn.; 309 Wil- burn St., Nashville, Tenn. Mary Emily Woodbridge, S.M. Teacher, 845 E. 56th St. Mabel Elizabeth Wren, Ph.M. Teacher, Kincaid, Kan. Margaret Christine Young (Mrs. J. Dunraven Young), S.M. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 4752 Vincennes Ave. 1912 Lincoln Keeney Adkins, S.M.; S.B., '10. Teacher, Coal Creek, Tenn. Margaretha Ascher, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Saginaw, Mich. John Vincent Balch, A.M.; Ph.B., '09. Teacher, 2346 Ebuda St., Morgan Park, 111.; (h) R.R. 8, Kalamazoo, Mich. William John Bauduit, S.M.; S.B., '09. Teacher, Howard U., Washington, D.C.; (h) 6432 Champlain Ave., Chicago. Herman Henry Beneke, A.M. Teacher, H.S., 341 W. Macon St., Decatur, 111.; (h) West Alexandria, Ohio. Gonrado Benitez, A.M.; Ph.B., '11. Instr., U. of the Philippines, Manila, P.I. Daniel James Blocker, A.M.; A.B., '10; D.B., '13. See Bachelors of Divinity. Emerson Otho Bradshaw, A.M.; Ph.B., '10; D.B., '12. See Bachelors of Divinity. Renton Kirkwood Brodie, S.M.; S.B., '11. Instr., Ore. Agric. Coll., Corvallis, Ore. Jean M. Brown, A.M.; Ph.B. Teacher, Cedar City, Utah. Victor William Bruder, A.M. Student, U. of C; 5558 Drexel Ave.; (h) 3927 Sheridan Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Robert Peyton Calvert, S.M. Ass't Prof., U. of Okla., Norman, Okla. Frank Milton Chapman, A.M. Supt. of Schs., Pleasanton, Kan. Elsie Getzendanner Clark, A.M. Missionary, Foochow, China; (h) 2227 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Carey Herbert Conley, A.M. Assoc. Prof., Wesleyan IT., Middletown, Conn. Guy Carlton Crippen, A.M.; Ph.B., '07; D.B., '12. See Bachelors of Divinity. Elizabeth Caroline Crosby, S.M. Teacher, Petersburgh, Mich. Edward Porter Davis, A.M. Assoc. Prof., Howard U., Washington, D.C. Emil Olof Deere, S.M. Prof., Bethany Coll., Lindsborg, Kan. Diradour Avedis Dikijian, A.M.; Ph.B. Mg'r, Armenian Colonial Assoc; 5403 Broadway. Walter Francis Doughty, A.M. Supt. of Schs., Marlin, Tex. Fred Miller Drennan, S.M.; S.B., '10. Physician, Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago; (h) Rathdrum, Idaho. Florence Eckert, A.M. Teacher, Geneva, 111. ; (h) Mendota, 111. Mary Olive Eddy, A.M. Teacher, State Nor Sch., Clarion, Pa.; (h) Perrys- ville, Ohio. Finis King Farr, A.M. Prof., Lane Seminary, 5 Lane Seminary Place, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Erne Pyle Fisher (Mrs. J. C), A.M. Missionary, Bombay Conference, India; (h) Haviland, Kan. Eda Delphine Flagg, A.M.; Ph.B., '07. Teacher, H.S., Devils Lake, N.D.; (h) Grantsburg, Wis. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 89 Harley Ellsworth French, S.M. Dean of Med. Sell., U. of N.D., Grand Forks, N.D. George Damon Fuller, S.M. Ass't Prof., U. of C.; 5640 Kimbark Ave. William Herman Geiger, A.M. Supt. of Schs., Caldwell, Ohio. Wesley Marsh Gewehr, A.M.; Ph.B., Teacher, Baker U., Baldwin, Kan.; (h) 4807 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Archie Richard Gilpin, S.M. Three Oaks, Mich. Oswald Joseph Grainger, A.M. Missionary, Mungeli, C.P., India. James Frederick Groves, S.M. lnstr., Sch of Ed., U. of C; (h) McLeansboro, 111. Charles Kelly Guild, A.M. Law Student, Winnipeg, Man.; Kemnay, Man. Juliet Hammond, A.M. 24 Union Ave., Litchfield, 111. Warren Howard Hartman, A.M. Teacher, Belle Plaine, la. Laura Hatch, S.M. Grad. Student, 1210 Astor St. Charles Leonard von Hess, S.M.; S.B., '11. Instr., Northwestern U. Med. Sch., 2431 S. Dearborn St., Chicago; (h) New Ulm, Minn. Charles Arthur Jaquith, A.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch.; 650 N. Cary St., Baltimore, Md. Alice Palmer Kasson, A.M. Teacher, 5806 Blackstone Ave. Mathilde Louise Koch, S.M. ; S.B.,'10. Research Assistant; Foster Hall, U. of C. Gillie Aldah Larew, A.M. Adjunct Prof., Randolph-Macon Woman's Coll., Lynchburg, Va. Oliver Justin Lee, S.M.; Ph.D., '13. See Doctors of Philosophy. Paul Nicholas Leech, S.M. Research Assistant, U. of C; 1221 E. 57th St. Maude Blanche Linkenhoker, A.M.; A.B., '11. Teacher, Kingfisher, Okla.; (h) Sullivan, Ind. Gertrude Longenecker, A.M.; Ph.B., '12. Teacher, State Nor. Sch.; 1340 7th St., San Diego, Cal. Henry Thompson Louthan, A.M.; A.B., '09. Prof., Mercer U., Macon, Ga.; (h) Williamsburg, Va. James Ross McCain, A.M. Prin., Darlington Sch., Rome, Ga. Howard Harper McKee, S.M. ; S.B., '11. Geologist, Mt. Carroll, 111. Essie Viola Mearl McKie, S.M. Northboro, la. John William MacLennan, A.M. Teacher, Smith Acad.; 5658 Cabanne Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Wade McNutt, S.M. ; S.B., '11. Teacher, 227 E. Park Ave., Highland Park, 111.; Oconee, 111. Emma Ivalena Markham, A.M. Teacher, Lamar, Colo. Loyal Maximillian Martin, S.M.; S.B., '11. Physician, 1011 Oakley Blv'd. Vella Vernelle Martin, A.M. Charities Comm., Capitol Bld'g, Springfield, 111. Philip Frederick Matzinger, A.M.; A.B., '96. Clergyman, 1956 W. 94th St. John Wedgwood Merrill, A.M. Clergyman, 9026 Houston Ave. Mary Alice Miller, A.M.; A.B., '11. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Warrensburg, Mo.; Holden, Mo. William Christopher Mongold, A.M. Prin., H.S., Winnebago, 111.; (h) R.R. 4, Ringwood, Okla. Cornelia Ainsworth Montgomery, A.M. Dean of Women, Stephens Coll., Columbia, Mo.; (h) 6056 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. 90 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Edward Munden, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Waxahachie, Tex. Harry James Mustard, S.M.; S.B., '11. Physician, Montesano, Wash. Arthur Elmer Myers, A.M. Prin., H.S., Townsend, Mont.; (h) R.R. 1, Paola, Kan. Nelle Nesbitt, A.M. Lecturer, State B'd of Agri., Columbia, Mo. Ruth Newberry, A.M.; Ph.B., '11. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Jean Newcomer, A.M. Petersburg, 111. Katharine Norcross, S.M. Teacher, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Hermann Obenhaus, A.M. Prof., Chicago Theological Seminary; 625 Cuyler Ave., Oak Park, 111. Wesley Bohlander Oldt, A.M. Clergyman, Thomson, 111. Marianne Grey Otty, A.M. Prin., Pub. Sch., Gagetown, N.B. Archibald Dean Polley, S.M.; S.B., '09. Teacher, Alamo, Mich. George Milton Potter, A.M. Pres., Shurtleff Coll.; 3021 Leverett Ave., Alton, 111. May Pyle, A.M. Teacher, Huron, S.D. Samuel Quigley, A.M. Ass't Prof., U. of Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. Walter Robert Rathke, A.M.; A.B., '07. Teacher, 1340 Wilmot St., Ann Arbor, Mich. William Claude Reavis, A.M.; Ph.B., '09. Prin., Pope Sch.; 1425 Blackstone Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Henry Thomas Reed, A.M. Pres., Marvin Coll., Fredericktown, Mo.; (h) Greenville, Ky. Edith Adelaide Roberts, S.M. Instr., Mt. Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass.; (h) Dover, N.H. Roswell Wesley Rogers. A.M. Pres., John Tarleton Coll., Stephen ville, Tex. Hannah Fair Sallee, A.M. Missionary, Beeville, Tex. Charles Winston Saunders, S.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Jacksonville, Ala.; (h) Hickman, Ky. William John Saunders, S.M. Lecturer, Queen's U., Kingston, Ont. Calvin Joshua Schmitt, A.M. Supt. of Schs., Eldora, la. Ernest Lyman Scott, S.M. Instr., U. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. Earl Edward Sherff, S.M. Teacher, Curtis H.S.; 6543 Drexel Ave. May Biggar Smith, A.M. Teacher, 1512 Euclid Ave., Chicago Heights, 111.; 5514 Fulton St., Chicago. Walter Marion Smith, A.M. Teacher, Memphis, Tenn. William Smith, A.M. Missionary, Impur, Assam, India. Ole Olufson Stoland, S.M. Ass't Prof., IT. of C; 5727 Kimbark Ave. Rose Casteel Talbott, A.M. Instr., Wellesley Coll., College Hall, Wellesley, Mass.; (h) 218 N. Glenwood Ave., Springfield, 111. Catherine Torrance, A.M.; A.B., '99. Adjunct Prof., Agnes Scott Coll., Decatur, Ga. Benjamin Henry Truman, A.M. Clergyman, Goodland, Ind. Florence Alice Tyley, A.M.; A.B., '09. Teacher, 6463 Kenwood Ave. David Archibald Ward, A.M. Supt. of Schs., Mannington, W.Va. Elizabeth Luella Ware (Mrs.), A.M.; Ph.B., '04. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Albion, Idaho; (h) Eaton, Ohio. Samuel Roy Weaver, A.M. Journalist, 3 Harvard Ave., Toronto, Ont. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 91 Guy Yandall Williams, S.M. Assoc. Prof., U. of Okla., Norman, Okla. Isabel Juanita Wolfe, A.M. Teacher, Hastings, Neb.; 1727 J St., Lincoln, Neb. Walter Albert Young, A.M. Prin., Acad., Haviland, Kan.; Wellsford, Kan. 1913 Harold Lee Alden, S.M. Williams Bay, Wis. Elizabeth Whitemore Baker, A.M. Teacher, H.S.; 109 S. Denver St., Dallas, Tex. Orvie Eustace Baker, A.M. Emery Winfield Balduf, A.M. Teacher, Northfield, Minn. Jacob Frank Balzer, A.M. Instr., Bethel Coll., Newton, Kan. Eleanor Hamilton Bartlett, A.M. Orleans, Cape Cod, Mass. Lewis Henry Beall, A.M. Prof., Parsons Coll., Fairfield, la. Gertrude May Beldon, A.M. Teacher, Tekoa, Wash.; (h) Crothersville, lnd. Ida Albertina Bengtson, S.M. Kelly Hall, U. of C. John Leonard Benson, A.M. Clergyman, South Hall, U. of C. Miriam Amelia Besley, A.M.; Ph.B., '12. Teacher, 4515 Greenwood Ave. Howard Dwight Billman, A.M. Teacher, Crown Point, lnd. William Bennett Bizzell, A.M. Pres., Coll. of Industrial Arts, Denton, Tex. Lois Bertha Borland, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Fort Wayne, lnd. William Frederick Brinkman, S.M. Med. Student, 1552 W. 12th St., Chicago; (h) Rolfe, la. Charles Franklin Brown, A.M. Teacher, R.R. 2, Ionia, Mich. Sudie Buck, A.M. Teacher, Stephenville, Tex. Glenn Vernon Burroughs, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Boise, Idaho; (h) lone, Ore. Bertha May Carter, A.M. Teacher, 3040 W. 14th St., Cleveland, Ohio; Brecksville, Ohio. Florence Jeannette Chaney, A.M.; Ph.B., '08. Missionary, Presbyterian Society, Nanking, China. William Franklin Clarke, A.M. Director of Model Sch., State Nor. Sch. Minot, N.D. Margaret Louise Coskery, A.M. Teacher, 1407 Center St., Des Moines, la. Clara Nadene Crawford, A.M.; Ph.B., '12. Teacher, H.S., Maryville, Mo.; Clarksdale, Mo. Horace Milton Cunningham, A.M.; Ph.B., '11. Prof., Hastings Coll., 1213 N. Walnut St., Hastings, Neb. Alice Bertha Curtis, A.M. Suffrage Organizer, 5833 Kenwood Ave. Alice Irene Davenport, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Box 1736, Globe, Ariz.; (h) Chad- ron, Neb. William Fenn DeMoss, A.M.; Ph.B., '12. Prin., H.S., Decorah, la. Otto Frederick Diersen, A.M. Clergyman, Crete, 111. Evangeline Downey, A.M. Teacher, Laramie, Wyo. J. Edward Erickson, A.M. Instr., U. of N.D., Grand Forks, N.D.; (h) Moor- head, Minn. Bessie S. Fair, A.M. Teacher, 601 W. 12th St., Trenton, Mo. Margaret Elizabeth Farrell, S.M. Teacher, The Chelsea, W. 23d St., New York, NY. Katharin Flowers, A.M. Teacher, 317 Oak St., Columbus, Ohio. 92 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Henry Albert Foster, A.M. Teacher, Maxwell, Tenn. Margaret Elizabeth Froning, A.M. Teacher, Frederick, Kan. Rebecca Baxter Gilkeson, A.M.; Ph.B., '04. Teacher, Galloway Coll., Searcy Ark. ; (h) Mint Spring, Va. Frank Gilliland, A.M. Teacher, 6608 Kenwood Ave. Donald Tillinghast Grey, A.M.; Ph.B., '11. Clergyman, 329 Lake St., Evans- ton, 111. Jasper Ole Hassler, S.M. Teacher, Englewood H.S.; 6110 Ingleside Ave. Rachel Emilie Hoffstadt, S.M. Teacher, Marshall Coll., Huntington, W.Va.; (h) Madison, Ind. Watson Raymond Hough, A.M. Supt. of Schs., Oakland City, Ind. Anna Maud Hulse, A.M. Teacher, Mankato, Kan. Edmund Charles Humphrey, S.M. Ass't., School of Ed., U. of C. Edwin May Hursh, A.M. Missionary, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Clifton Naftzger Hurst, A.M. Clergyman, Laurel, Mont. Alfred Proctor James, A.M. Traveling Agent, 2301 Prairie Ave.; 5643 Drexel Ave. Anne Elizabeth Jenkins, A.M. Teacher, The Principia, Principia Park, St. Louis, Mo.; (h) 1361 Kenwood Park Place, Chicago. Clarence Edward Johnson, A.M.; Ph.B., '12. Teacher, Union, S.C. Sigurjon Johnson, AM.; Ph.B., '12. Clergyman, 729 Sherbrooke St., Winni- peg, Man. Inez Fannie Kelso, A.M. Teacher, Alexandria, S.D. Emma Corin King, A.M.; Ph.B., '12. Teacher, Baylor Coll., Belton, Tex.; McKinney, Tex. John Harrison Kolb, A.M. Berlin, Wis. Gleason Chandler Lake, S.M. 200 S. Ashland Blv'd. William Christopher Laube, A.M. Clergyman, 315 Grace St., Dubuque, la. Charles Homer Law, A.M. Clergyman, Salesville, Ohio. Mary Helen Lee, A.M. Teacher, Cincinnati Miss. Tr. Sch., 1029 Wesley Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; (h) Mt. Vernon, la. Mary Katherine Leonard, A.M. Teacher, 217 Boyce St., Urbana, Ohio. Flora Elizabeth LeStourgeon, A.M. Teacher, Farmville, Va. Anna Hartwell Lewis, A.M.; Ph.B., '11. Teacher, 212 N. William St., Golds- boro, N.C. Walter Glen Lewis, S.M. Teacher, Butternut, Mich. George Ethelbert Lockhart, A.M.; D.B. See Bachelors of Divinity. Blanche Grosbec Loveridge, A.M.; Ph.B., '03. 733 N. Sheridan Road, Waukegan, 111. Irving Goff McCann, A.M. Clergyman, 5718 S. Green St. Georgia Pearl McElroy, A.M.; Ph.B., '12. Sec'y, Y.W.C.A., Milwaukee, Wis.; (h) Niantic, 111. Martin Josiah McHenry, S.M. Teacher, 414 Clifton St., Conway, Ark. Jean Gilbert MacKinnon, A.M. 14 Shawnee Bld'g, Topeka, Kan. Franklin Chambers McLean, S.M.; S.B., '08. Prof., Med. Dep't, U. of Ore., Portland, Ore. Robert Hugh McWilliams, A.M. Teacher, Washington, Kan. Millard S. Markle, S.M. Ass't Prof., Earlham Coll., Earlham, Ind. Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science 93 Myrta Eleanor Mercill, S.M. Teacher, 525 Highland Ave., Meadville, Pa. Melvin Clarence Merrill, S.M. Research Ass't, Mo. Botanic Garden, St. Louis, Mo.; (h) Richmond, Utah. Dorothy Milford (Mrs. Paul H. Davis), A.M. 1429 E. 66th St. Bertha Alice Miller, A.M. Teacher, 310 W. Washington St., Paris, 111. Alfred Raymond Morgan, A.M.; D.B., '13. See Bachelors of Divinity. Wallace Carl Murphy, A.M. Teacher, U. of Ark., Fayetteville, Ark. Margery May Oliver, A.M. Teacher, Onawa, la. Ruth Anna Peirce, A.M.; Ph.B., '12. Teacher, 604 N. Cross St., Robinson, 111.; (h) 212 Linwood Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Paul Helie Perigord, A.M. Prof., St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Emma Feild Pope, A.M.; A.B., '13. Teacher, Foster Hall, U. of C; (h) 207 High St., Petersburg, Va. Edwin Booth Powers, S.M. Prof., Trinity U., Waxahachie, Tex. Stuart Alfred Queen, A.M. Prof., Lincoln Memorial U., Cumberland Gap, Tenn. Jacob Quiring, A.M.; A.B. Teacher, Kufsteines Strasse 6, II, Berlin, Schoene- berg, Ger. Julia Davenport Randall, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Granite City, 111.; (h) West Mystic, Conn. Samuel Watson Reaves, A.M. Prof., U. of Okla.; 407 Boyd St., Norman, Okla. Elijah Laytham Rees, A.M. Ass't Prof., State U. of Ky.; 726 E. Main St., Lexington, Ky. Albert James Saunders, A.M.; D.B., '10. See Bachelors of Divinity. Gertrude Ruth Schottenfels, A.M.; Ph.B., '11. Teacher, Sherman House, Boise, Idaho; (h) 5249 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Samuel Disraeli Schwartz, A.M.; Ph.B., '12. Social Worker, 1423 W. 18th St. Hallie Gretchen Scotten, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Lebanon, lnd.; 4916 E. Wash- ington St., Indianapolis, lnd. Silas McDenny Sewell, S.M. Teacher, Fort Worth, Tex. Guy Wheeler Shallies, A.M.; A.B., '03. Teacher, State Nor. Sch.; 82 Court St., Plattsburg, N.Y. William Arthur Shelton, A.M. Teacher, LaSalle Extension U.; 6146 Green- wood Ave. John Henry Smale, A.M.; A.B., '04; Ed. B., '05. Teacher, Lewis Inst.; 2042 W. Monroe St. Lewis Wilbur Smith, A.M. Prin., H.S.; 72 155th St., Harvey, 111. Ralph Edward Souers, A.M. 321 E. Columbus Ave., Bellefontaine, Ohio. Mignonette Spilman, A.M. Teacher, McPherson, Kan. George Cooper Staley, A.M.; A.B., '06. Teacher, Parker H.S., Chicago; (h) Waycross, Ga. Helen Florence Stephenson, A.M. Teacher, 1331 Harrison Ave., Des Moines, la. Alice Mertz Stevens (Mrs.), A.M.; Ph.B., '11. Teacher, 5714 Blackstone Ave., Chicago; (h) Burnetts Creek, lnd. Harland Uriah Stevens, S.M. Director, Coll. of Platte, Diamanti, Entre Rios, Argentina, S.A. 94 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Alan Edgeworth Stewart, S.M. 136 Bedford Road, Toronto, Ont. Steven Sandford Stockwell, A.M. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Marquette, Mich. Marguerite Swawite, A.M.; Ph. B., '11. 4957 Vincennes Ave. Alice Post Tabor, A.M. Teacher, Pub. Schs., New York, N.Y.; Charlotte Sta., Rochester, N.Y. Jitsutaro Takatani, A.M. Tokyo, Japan. Clyde Ray Terry, A.M. Clergyman, Williamsport, Ohio. Oscar Adolf Tingelstad, A.M. Teacher, Luther Coll., Decorah, la. Florence Trotter, A.M. Teacher, H.S., Emporia, Kan.; (h) Olathe, Kan. William Sherman Turner, A.M. Teacher, Walnut Cove, N.C. Anna Elizabeth Valentine, A.M. Teacher, 224 Scioto St., Urbana, Ohio. William Crook Vernon, A.M., Teacher, State Nor. Sch., San Marcos, Tex. Helen Margaret Walker, A.M.; Ph.B., '02. Teacher, Harvard Sch. for Boys, 5624 Ellis Ave., Chicago; (h) 325 S. Weadock Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Kathryn Annette Weber (Mrs. Thomas J. Lovell), A.M.; Ph.B., '11. Teacher, Parker H.S.; 6143 Ellis Ave. John Buchanan Williams, A.M.; Ph.B., '12. Am. Radiator Co.; 4814 Van Buren St. Mary Emma Woodbury, A.M.; Ph.B., '07. Prof., Va. Intermont Coll., Bristol, Va.; (h) 824 2d St., Louisville, Ky. Carrie Wright, A.M. Social Worker, 562 Oakwood Blv'd. Hurley Thomas Wyatt, S.M. Teacher, Fayetteville, Tenn. Jacob Fredrich Zimmerman, A.M.; Ph.B. Teacher, Bristol, S.D. (f^^ BACHELORS OF ARTS, PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE, AND EDUCATION 1861 Thomas Worcester Hyde, A.B. Died November, 1899. *Charles Trufant Scammon, A.B. 1862 James Goodman, A.B.; D.B., '75. See Bachelors of Divinity. John Saxton Mabie, A.B. Clergyman (retired), Colton, Cal. George Washington Thomas, A.B. Capitalist, 602 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g. 1863 *Nicholas John Aylsworth, A.B. Died June, 1907. ♦Temple S. Hoyne, S.B. Died 1899. 1864 ♦Joseph F. Barfield, S.B. Died 1881. James Andrew Mets, A.B. Mg'r, N.Y. Home for Homeless Boys; (h) Somerville, N.J. 1865 ♦Edward H. Beebe, A.B. Charles Linnaeus Hostetter, S.B. Attorney, Mt. Carroll, 111. ♦Louis C. Jones, A.B. ♦Stillman Ellison Massey, A.B. Died April 3, 1904. William L. Pierce, A.B. Real Est., 713 40 N. Dearborn St. Joshua Pike, A.B. Supt., H.S., Jerseyville, 111. ♦James H. Roe, A.B. Died 1900. ♦Joseph Rowley, A.B. Died November 30, 1900. ♦John Rutherford, A.B. 1866 Alonzo Abernethy, A.B. Educator (retired), 1706 Arlington Ave., Des Moines, la. Alfred Bosworth, S.B. Banker, Elgin, 111. William W. Faris, S.B. Clergyman, Miami, Fla. Henry C. First, S.B. Clergyman (retired), 1031 21st St., Rock Island, 111. William Oliver Hammers, S.B. Real Est., Eunice, La. ♦Charles M. Hull, S.B. Died 1868. ♦Charles Parker, S.B. Died 1890. Frederick Augustus Smith, S.B. Judge, Circuit Court, 155 N. Clark St. 1867 ♦Mulford C. Armstrong, A.B. Died 1867. ♦Edson S. Bastin, S.B.; D.B. Died April 6, 1897. Christopher Carrothers, A.B. Missionary (retired), Port Stanley, Wash. 95 96 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago William Wallace Everts, A.B.; D.B., '73. See Bachelors of Divinity. Henry W. Martin, A.B. Real Est., 110 Dearborn St. Oscar George May, S.B. Clergyman (retired), 2231 Cedar St., Berkeley, Cal. Robert Edward Neighbor, A.B. Clergyman, 5031 Ashland Ave., Indianapolis, lnd. *Joseph Morris Rea, S.B. Died August, 1895. Jabez Thomas Sunderland, A.B.; D.B., '70. See Bachelors of Divinity. William Thomson, A.B. Attorney, 302 Dwight Bld'g, Kansas City, Mo. 1868 *Samuel Baker, Jr., A.B. *Byron Bradbury Blake, A.B. Died 1907. LorenT. Bush, A.B. ; D.B., '71. See Bachelors of Divinity. *Digby Bell Butler, A.B. Died September 16, 1913. *Henry Farnsworth Frink, A.B. Died 1910. *Henry Alansin Gardner, A.B. Died February 5, 1911. Abram Bowman Hostetter, A.B. Farmer, 1810 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. George Henry Hurlbut, A.B. Exporter, Shoreham, L.I., N.Y. Elon Nelson Lee, S.B. Webster City, la. Henry Clay Mabie, A.B.; D.B., '75. See Bachelors of Divinity. *Charles Edward McQueen, A.B. Died 1874. Joel Ambrose Miner, A.B. Publisher, 908 Moy St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Charles Emil Richard Mueller, A.B. Teacher of Music, 262 E. Ohio St. William Eggleston Parsons, A.B. Ferdinand Wythe Peck, A.B. Capitalist, 817 Monadnock Bld'g. Joseph Philip Philips, A.B. Clergyman, 1118 Somona Ave., Santa Rosa, Cal. Edward Payson Savage, A.B. ; D.B., '72. See Bachelors of Divinity. Elbert Ozial Taylor, A.B. ; D.B., '71. See Bachelors of Divinity. John Fisher Wilson, A.B. Board of Trade, 2019 Michigan Ave. 1869 *WiUiam Eugene Bosworth, S.B. Died October 30, 1903. James McCowen Coon, A.B.; D.B., '74. See Bachelors of Divinity. Alonzo Delos Foster, A.B. Merchant, 186 Washington St. *Albert H. Hawkins, S.B. Adrian C. Honore, A.B. Real Est., 122 S. Michigan Ave. *William Brantley Keen, Jr., A.B. Died July 18, 1907. Frank J. Kline, A.B. Civil Eng'r, Crookston, Minn. Robert Elder Leslie, Jr., A.B. ; D.B., '70. See Bachelors of Divinity. Charles S. Moss, A.B. Clergyman, 1315 E. 15th Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Theron Brown Pray, A.B. Traveling Salesman, Ashland, Wis. *J. Frank Rumsey, S.B. Died 1909. Robert Dickinson Sheppard, A.B. Houston, Tex. Charles A. Stearns, A.B. Tel. Operator, Encimitas, Cal. Edward F. Stearns, A.B. Prin., H.S., Union Ave. and 47th Place; (h) 1106 E. 44th St. George Bronson Woodworth, A.B. Civil Eng'r, CM. & St.P. R'y, 1368 Fuller- ton Ave. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 97 1870 ♦Chester A. Babcock, A.B. Died August, 1899. Cyrus A. Barker, A.B. Lumberman (retired), 5703 Blackstone Ave. William Rochester Breckenridge, S.B. Grain Shipper, Kankakee, 111. Delavan Dewolf, A.B. Cor. Sec'y, N.J. Bap. Conv., 825 Broad St., Newark, N.J. John Julius Halsey, A.B. Prof., Lake Forest U., Lake Forest, 111. *Hezmer C. Hastings, S.B. Charles Richmond Henderson, A.B. ; D.B., '73; D.D., '84 (Hon.). See Bachelors of Divinity. ♦Herman K. Hopps, A.B. Died 1873. *Mahlon O. Jones, A.B. Died June, 1900. *Carryl C. Merriam, A.B. George W. Nead, A.B.; D.B., '73. See Bachelors of Divinity. James W. Riddle, A.B. Clergyman, Valley Forge, Pa. Catlett Conway Smith, A.B.; D.B., '73. See Bachelors of Divinity. ♦Charles S. Sweet, A.B. Died June 6, 1912. Carleton E. Taylor, A.B.; D.B., '72. See Bachelors of Divinity. Francis Edward Weston, A.B. Pres., Iron and Coal Co., 1111 Harrison Bld'g, Philadelphia, Pa. 1871 ♦Charles Rollin Calkins, A.B. Died May 3, 1906. Ellis S. Chesbrough, A.B. Attorney (retired), 69 E. Division St. William J. Herrick, S.B. Attorney, 72 W. Adams St. ♦Andrew Lafayette Jordan, A.B., D.B.; '72. Died October 6, 1912. Frederic Perry Powers, A.B. Editorial Writer, 917 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. Edwin Hartley Pratt, A.B. Physician and Surgeon, 32 N. State St. Clinton A. Snowden, A.B. Journalist, Tacoma, Wash. ♦Alfred B. Tucker, A.B. Died 1873. ♦Frank R. Webb, A.B. Wilson Whitney, A.B. Clergyman, Martinsville, Ind. 1872 Clarence Albert Beverly, A.B. Physician, 209 Garrison St., St. Louis, Mo. Alice Robinson Boise (Mrs. Nathan E. Wood), A.B. Arlington, Mass. ♦Hervy Wistar Booth, A.B. Died January 6, 1910. ♦Orrin Bennar Clark, A.B. Died May 14, 1894. Lewis Samuel Cole, A.B. Physician, Glenview, 111. John Milton Daniel, A.B. Clergyman, Tuscola, 111. ♦Jay Gifford Davidson, S.B. Henry Franklin Gilbert, A.B. Clergyman, 42 McKinley Ave., Freeport, 111. Columbus Horatio Hall, A.B.; D.B., '75. See Bachelors of Divinity. William Winchester Hall, A.B.; LL.B., '73. Attorney, 2006 5th Ave., New York, N.Y. John Louington Jackson, A.B.; D.B., '76. See Bachelors of Divinity. ♦Genio M. Lambertson, A.B. Died June 17, 1902. 98 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Frank Howard Levering, S.B. Missionary, 39 Oxford St., Secunderabad, Deccan, India. Alfred Bennett Price, A.B. Farmer, Cassopolis, Mich. Edward F. Smith, A.B. James Paul Thorns, A.B. Clergyman, 640 N. Hoyne Ave. *Eugene B. Wight, A.B. * James K. Wilson, S.B. Died 1901.. Nathan Eusebius Wood, A.B.; D.B., '75. See Bachelors of Divinity. *Charles D. Wyman, A.B. Died November, 1907. 1873 Byron Leonard Aldrich, A.B. Clergyman, 904J Tacoma Ave., Tacoma, Wash. Uriah Milton Chaille, A.B. Business, 80 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. *Harmon Torrence Clendening, A.B. Died July 5, 1912. Cornelius William Gregory, A.B. Clergyman. *George Collins Ingham, A.B. Died 1891. *Edgar Levi Jayne, S.B. Died July 20, 1910. *James Bowers Johnston, A.B. James H. McDonald, S.B. Physician and Surgeon, 13248 Ontario Ave. ♦Joseph Mountain, A.B.; D.B., '80. Died May 11, 1911. Jacob Newman, A.B. Attorney, 823 Chamber of Commerce Bld'g. *Edward Olson, A.B.; D.B., '77. Died 1889. *David Greenleaf Perrine, A.B. Died 1890. John Hubbard Sampson, A.B.; D.B., '76. See Bachelors of Divinity. Alfred C. Watts, A.B.; D.B., '78. See Bachelors of Divinity. Oliver Clinton Weller, A.B. Clergyman. Newton Calvin Wheeler, A.B. Attorney, 501 Union Bank Bld'g. 1874 Gilbert Ellis Bailey, A.B. Prof., U. of Southern Cal., Box 261, R.R. 4 Los Angeles, Cal. Reune Runyan Coon, A.B. ; D.B., '77. See Bachelors of Divinity. ♦Thomas Edward Egbert, A.B.; D.B., '77. Died 1891. Charles Henry Day Fisher, A.B.; D.B., '77. See Bachelors of Divinity. Levi Herbert Holt, A.B.; D.B., '77. See Bachelors of Divinity. *Robert M. Ireland, A.B. Charles T. Otis, A.B. Real Est., 619 Monadnock Bld'g. George Sutherland, A.B. ; D.B., '77. See Bachelors of Divinity. Theodore Newell Treat, S.B. Attorney, Springfield, S.D. Frank James Wilcox, A.B. Rancher, Naches, Wash. 1875 B. Boganau, A.B. Physician, Rangoon, Burma. *Reuben Gresham Bush, A.B. Died February 2, 1912. Herbert Alonzo Howe, A.B. Director of Chamberlin Observatory, U. of Denver, University Park, Denver, Colo. Arthur Hugunin, S.B. Manufacturer, Racine, Wis. ♦Charles Wheeler Nicholes, A.B. Died July 3, 1898. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 99 Sidney Solomon Niles, S.B. Real Est., Oak Park, 111. John Ridlon, A.B. Physician and Surgeon, 7 W. Madison St. Jonathan Staley, A.B.; D.B., 79. See Bachelors of Divinity. *Lyman Murray Trumbull, A.B. Died 1885. Richard Bentley Twiss, A.B. Attorney, 501 25 N. Dearborn St. 1876 Cyrus Cornelius Adams, A.B. Geographer, Am. Geographical Soc, Broadwa^ and 156th St., New York, N.Y. *John Barr, A.B.; D.B., '78. Died February 10, 1913. Henry Increase Bosworth, Ph.B. V.-Pres., First Nat'l Bank, Elgin, 111. *Ogden Levi Emery, Ph.B. Albert Judson Fisher, A.B. Real Est., 219 W. 72d St. *William Dwight Gardner, A.B. Lily Gray, A.B. Libr., Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Wash. William Granger Hastings, A.B. Supreme Court Comm'r, Dean of Coll. of Law, U. of Neb., Sta. A, Lincoln, Neb. Samuel Carpenter Johnston, A.B. Attorney, Knoxville, la. Harley Bradford Mitchell, A.B. Publisher, 431 S. Dearborn St. Rinaldo Lawson Olds, A.B. ; D.B., '80. See Bachelors of Divinity. ♦William Wait Osgood, Ph.B. John Edwin Rhodes, A.B. Physician, Peoples Gas Co. Bld'g. "Charles Judson Roney, S.B. Died 1909. William Rufus Roney, A.B. Pres., Securities and Construction Co. of America, 15 William St., New York, N.Y. 1877 Perry Edward Baird, A.B. Attorney, Chadron, Neb. Luther George Bass, A.B. Physician, 11206 Michigan Ave. William Wallace Cole, Jr., A.B. Physician, Encampment, Wyo. Charles Ray Dean, Ph.B. Attorney, 807 Colorado Bldg, Washington, D.C Marvin Bradley Harrison, A.B. Clergyman, Scribner, Neb. Nathaniel Kingston Honore, A.B. 841 Lincoln Parkway. Arthur D. Hopps, S.B. Farmer, Lamoille, 111. James Langland, A.B. Editor, Daily News Almanac, 15 N. 5th Ave. *Fowler Edgar Lansing, A.B. George Marshall McConaughy, Ph.B. Real Est., 261 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Francis Marion Smith, A.B. ; D.B., '80. See Bachelors of Divinity. Jessie Fremont Waite (Mrs. George H. Wright), Ph.B. Carroll Springs Sani- tarium, Box 56, Forest Glen, Md. 1878 Cyrus Benjamin Allen, Jr., A.B.; D.B., '83. See Bachelors of Divinity. Willis Lyman Black, S.B. Pres., First Nat'l Bank, Elgin, 111. Henry Thomas Duffield, S.B. Physician, Pittsfield, 111. Charles Ege, A.B.; D.B., '82. See Bachelors of Divinity. Eli Benjamin Felsenthal, A.B. Attorney, 69 W. Washington St. 100 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago James Stantial Forward, A.B.; D.B., '84. See Bachelors of Divinity. Henry Edgar Fuller, A.B.; D.B., '84. See Bachelors of Divinity. Frank Ambrose Helmer, A.B. Attorney, 1217 Westminster Bld'g. Benjamin Franklin Patt, A. B.; D.B., '78. See Bachelors of Divinity. William Riley Raymond, A.B. Adjuster, James B. Clow & Sons; 3304 Vernon Ave. John Davis Seaton Riggs, A.B. Denver, Colo. *Thomas Conant Roney, A.B. Died 1899. *Nathaniel Joel Rowell, S.B. James Summers, A.B. Salesman, 207^ Pine St., Portland, Ore. John Riley Windes, A.B. Attorney, Ina, Term. Romulus Adolphus Windes, Ph.B.; D.B., '79. See Bachelors of Divinity. 1879 William Harvey Adams, Ph.B. Clergyman, Enterprise, Fla. Elisha Anderson, Ph.B.; D.B., '82. See Bachelors of Divinity. *William Henry Carmichael, A.B.; D.B., '82. Homer Joseph Carr, Ph.B. Journalist, Gary Tribune. Gary, Ind. Jesse Fremont Church, Ph.B. Pres., Gas & Electric Co., Willimantic, Conn. Frederick Samuel Comstock, Ph.B. Sec'y, Eastern Cuba Plantation Co.; 5839 Kenmore Ave. *Anna Mary Coon (Anna Coon- John son), Ph.B. Died 1891. *John Jackson Coon, Ph.B. Died March 31, 1901. Edward Benjamin Esher, A.B. Attorney, 84 LaSalle St. Florence Holbrook, A.B. Prin., Forrestville Sch.; 562 Oakwood Blv'd. *Carrie Elvira Howe (Mrs. Carrie Howe Allen), A.B. Evan Bradley Meredith, A.B. ; D.B., '82. See Bachelors of Divinity. * William Henry Miles, Ph.B. Charles Freeman Morey, A.B. Attorney, Hastings, Neb. Horace Greeley Parkins, Ph.B. Attorney, 112 Dearborn St. Clarence Newton Patterson, A.B.; D.B., '82. See Bachelors of Divinity. *Jirah Dean Russell, A.B.; D.B., '82. Died 1884. *Homer H. Swaney, A.B. Died January 9, 1904. *William James Watson, A.B.; D.B., '82. Died December 10, 1912. Samuel James Winegar, A.B. ; D.B., '82. See Bachelors of Divinity. 1880 *William Henry Alsip, A.B. Died January 13, 1901. John Irvine Anderson, A.B. Merchant, 620 Broadway, New York, N.Y. *Frederick Howe Babcock, S.B. Alfred Eugene Barr, A.B. Attorney, 115 S. La Salle St. Oscar Stanard Bass, Ph.B. Farmer, Maiden, 111. *Franklin Beard, S.B. David Batchelder Cheney, A.B. ; D.B., '83. See Bachelors of Divinity. Ernest Wilson Clement, A.B. Teacher, e /o First Higher Sch., Tokyo, Japan. Charles Herbert Forward, A.B. Attorney, 159 Main St., Oshkosh, Wis. Julia Hawley (Mrs. Julia H. Coon), S.B. 280 Wisconsin Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 101 Willia Hawley, A.B. Employment Director, Central Y.M.C.A.; 11 Bond St., Brooklyn, N.Y. ♦Frederick W. C. Hayes, A.B. Died 1898. *John Herron, A.B. Died 1912. *John Calvin Johnson, A.B.; D.B., '83. Died 1890. Finley McNaughton Johnston, Ph.B. Attorney, McConnellsburg, Pa. James Patterson Lindsay, A.B. Attorney, 269 Payne Ave., North Tonawanda, N.Y. Samuel McClay, A.B. Attorney, 1027 Carnegie Bld'g, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ethelbert Weeden Peek, A.B. Attorney, 622 Home Insurance Bld'g. Thomas Phillips, A.B. Physician, Raymond, la. *Carrie Susan Ryon, Ph.B. Died 1886. William Richardson Scott, A.B.; Solomon, Kan. Chase Stewart, A.B. Attorney, N.W. Cor. Main and Limestone Sts., Spring- field, Ohio. Edgar Bronson Tolman, A.B. Attorney, 30 N. La Salle St. Lucy Clapp Waite (Mrs. Byron Robinson), A.B. Physician (retired), 4512 Clifton Ave. William Abel Walker, A.B. Physician, 151 W. 93d St., New York, N.Y. *Charles Harley Wayne, Ph.B. Died December 29, 1909. 1881 Charles Christian, A.B. Contractor, 4152 Berkeley Ave. *Edward Eugene Cox, A.B. Ruth May Edgerton (Mrs. James P. Gardner), Ph.B. 4803 Greenwood Ave. William Marshall Ege, A.B. Teacher, U.S. Indian Sch., Rosebud, S.D. Albert Wayland Fuller, A.B. Clergyman, Galva, 111. James Patterson Gardner, A.B. Manufacturer, 4803 Greenwood Ave. William Arthur Gardner, S.B. Attorney, Merchants-La Clede Bld'g, St. Louis, Mo. George Warren Hall, A.B. Attorney. 167 W. Washington St. John Cook Hopkins, A.B. Mg'r, Hopkins Sand Co.; 5467 Greenwood Ave. William Henry Morse, A.B. Ass't City Attorney; 3244 Clinton Ave., Min- neapolis, Minn. ♦Robins Storer Mott, S.B. ♦Samuel Bond Randall, A.B.; D.B., '85. Died February 20, 1904. ♦Ira Washington Rubel, A.B. Died 1908. Ora Philander Seward, A.B.; Ph.D., '99. See Doctors of Philosophy. Lee Walton Terry, A.B.; D.B., '84. See Bachelors of Divinity. ♦Henry Cruger Van Schaack, A.B. Died March, 1900. 1882 Frederick Lincoln Anderson, A.B.; D.B., '88. See Bachelors of Divinity. ♦Frank William Barber, A.B. Died August 19, 1912. Charles Sellers Brown, S.B. Merchant, Oakes, N.D. Francis Humboldt Clark, A.B. Attorney, 630 112 Clark St. Susan Esther Colver (Mrs. J. L. Rosenberger), A.B. 2628 Lake View. Ave. James Vincent Coombs, A.B. 102 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Frank Gilbert Hanchett, A.B. Attorney, Piano, 111. *Andrew Godfrey Malmsten, A.B. Died 1897. Alice Mary Northrup (Mrs. Benjamin F. Simpson), A.B. 1532 Cornelia Ave. Robert Charles Ray, A.B.; D.B., '80. See Bachelors of Divinity. John Milne Russell, A.B. Investment Broker, Hastings, Neb. Edward Thomas Stone, A.B. Purchasing Agent, M., St. P. & S.Ste.M. R'y, 3156 Columbus Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. *John Anthony Talbot, A.B. Died 1885. *Lucius Weinchenk, A.B. Died 1912. 1883 Elizabeth Cutting Cooley (Mrs. James D. Bruner), A.B. Teacher, Chowan Coll., Murfreesboro, N.C. William Milton Corkery, A.B.; D.B., '85. See Bachelors of Divinity. Orlin Ottman Fletcher, A.B. ; D.B., '83. See Bachelors of Divinity. Henry Frederick Fuller, A.B. Genealogist, 6023 Winthrop Ave. Ella Frances Haigh (Mrs. H. F. Googins), A.B. 3247 South Park Ave. Robert Francis Harper, A.B. Prof., U. of C. Eugene Parsons, A.B. Author, 1511 19th St., Denver, Colo. Simon Gerberich Stein, A.B. Banker, Muscatine, la. Levi Daniel Temple, A.B. ; D.B., '85. -See Bachelors of Divinity. 1884 Saum Song Bo, A.B. Lydia Aurelia Dexter, A.B. Libr., 2920 Calumet Ave. *Gertrude Fuller (Mrs. Anderson), A.B. Died 1895. Benjamin Franklin James, A.B. Attorney, Bowling Green, Ohio. Lawrence Johnson, A.B. 7247 St. Lawrence Ave. Darius R. Leland, A.B. Sales Mg'r, 6038 Prairie Ave. Hector C. Leland, A.B.; D.B., '79. See Bachelors of Divinity. Alta Gratia Reed, A.B. Prin., Frances Willard Sch.; Hotel Vincennes. Charles R. Sargent, A.B. ; D.B., '86. See Bachelors of Divinity. Frederick Ricker Swartwout, A.B.; D.B., '87. See Bachelors of Divinity. 1885 Elbridge Roberts Anderson, S.B. Attorney, 84 State St., Boston, Mass. Nathan Everett Chapman, A.B.; D.B., '85. See Bachelors of Divinity. Elizabeth Faulkner, A.B. Prin., Faulkner Sch., 4746 Dorchester Ave. Theodore Morelle Hammond, S.B. Publisher, Goldsmith Bld'g, Milwaukee, Wis. David Judson Lingle, S.B. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 1017 E. 54th Place. Samuel Alden Perrine, S.B. ; Th.B., '89. Clergyman, 164 Elm St., Newark, N.J. *Allen Briggs Seaman, S.B. Died September 25, 1903. Mary Daisy Springer (Mrs. Frank M. Ingalls), A.B. Highland Park, 111. 1886 Augustus G. Anderson, A.B. Attorney, 1108 Assoc. Bld'g. Guy Brbckway, A.B. Attorney, 331 Rose Ave., Spokane, Wash. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 103 William Leonard Burnap, A.B. Prof., Lake Forest XL, Lake Forest, 111. Edgar Augustus Buzzell, A.B. Attorney, 901 Hartford Bld'g. Lincoln Manchester Coy, A.B. Attorney, 191 Unity Bld'g. Henry J. Furber, Jr., S.B. Attorney, 39 S. La Salle St. Isetta Gibson (Mrs. Edgar A. Buzzell), S.B. 6136 Ellis Ave. George F. Holloway, A.B. Attorney, Sawyer, Mich. George Eddy Newcomb, A.B. Attorney, 1944 W. Madison St. *Edwin R. Rundell, A.B. Died 1898. ♦Rufus A. Sage, A.B. Died 1888. Frank J. Walsh, A.B. R.R. 29, Cedar Springs, Mich. Thomas Robinson Weddell, A.B. Editorial Writer, Chicago Record-Herald. 1893 Minnie Frances Babcock (Mrs. Frank G. Cressey), A.B. 900 Beacon St., Los Angeles, Cal. Jesse Dismukes Burks, Ph.B. Director, Bureau of Mun. Research, Real Estate Trust Bld'g, Philadelphia, Pa. Antoinette Cary (Mrs. Frederick W. Shipley), S.B. 539 Hanley Road, Clayton, Mo. William Steen Gaud, A.B.; A.M., '03. See Masters of Arts. Rizpah Margaret Gilbert (Mrs. R. M. G. Smith), Ph.B. 121 Dakota Ave., Hollywood, Cal. Alvan Cavala Halphide, A.B.; D.B., '90. See Bachelors of Divinity. Hermann Valentine von Hoist, A.B. Architect, 64 E. Van Buren St. Robert Franklin Hoxie, Ph.B.; Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Louis Bogart Joralman, A.B. Real Est., 104 N. State St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Herbert Manchester, A.B. *Clarke Edward Ridpath, A.B. Died September 2, 1913. William Rullkoetter, A.B.; Ph.D., '99. See Doctors of Philosophy. Edward Octavius Sisson, A.B. State Comm'r of Ed., Boise, Idaho. Edward Leonard Tupper, A.B. Business, 59 Tooley St., London, S.E., England. Clarence Hubert Woods, Ph.B. Physician, Reno, Nev. 1894 Warren Palmer Behan, A.B. ; D.B., '97; Ph.D., '99. See Doctors of Philosophy. Frank Hamlin Blackmarr, S.B. Physician, 711 Marshall Field Bld'g. Frank Wesley Chadbourn, A.B. Columbus, Wis. Harry Victor Church, Ph.B. Prin., H.S., Cicero, 111.; Berwyn, 111. Mary Lucretia Daniels, A.B. Phillip Jackson Dickerson, A.B. Writer, Mountain View, Okla. Gertrude Parker Dingee, A.B. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 5813 Dorchester Ave.; (h) 1124 Main St., Racine, Wis. Michael Frederick Guyer, S.B. ; Ph.D., '00. See Doctors of Philosophy. Marion Elizabeth Hubbard, S.B. Assoc. Prof., Wellesley Coll., Wellesley, Mass. ♦Eleanor May Keith, Ph.B. Died 1898. William Henry Kruse, A.B. Teacher, Concordia Coll., Fort Wayne, Ind. Albert Buell Lewis, A.B. Teacher, Columbia U., New York, N.Y.; (h) Santa Ana, Cal. 104 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Horace Gillette Lozier, A.B. Insurance, 175 W. Jackson Blv'd. Lula McCafferty, S.B. Teacher, H.S., Davenport, la. Mary Louise Marot, S.B. Assoc. Prin., Miss Howe and Miss Marot's Sch., Thompson, Conn. Henry Forsythe Milligan, A.B. Clergyman, 550 Julien Ave., Dubuque, la. Edwin Morgan, A.B. Prin., Grammar Sch., Flemington, N.J. Alfred Sayles Northrup, A.B. American Consul, Trebizond, Turkey. Earle Vaydor Pierce, A.B. Clergyman, Hotel Clinton, Minneapolis, Minn. ♦Elizabeth Porter, A.B. William Howard Prescott, Ph.B. Wholesale Lumber, 2106 W. 3d St., Cleve- land, Ohio. Maude Lavenia Radford (Mrs. Joseph P. Warren), Ph.B.; Ph.M., '96. See Masters of Philosophy. Florence Mercy Walker, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '95. See Masters of Philosophy. Andrew Robinson Whitson, S.B. Prof., U. of Wis., R.R. 7, Madison, Wis. Henry Parker Willis, A.B.; Ph.D., '98. See Doctors of Philosophy. 1895 Annie Lewis Adams (Mrs. Eugene Howard Harper), A.B. 1420 Maple Ave., Evanston, 111. Victoria Anna Adams, A.B. Teacher, Calumet H.S.; Hotel Del Prado. Samuel Denham Barnes, S.B. Physician, 280 Beretania St., Honolulu, T.H. Jennie Kathryn Boomer, Ph.B. Teacher, Ray Sch.; 6025 Kenwood Ave. Berkeley Brandt, A.B. Architect, 1715 R'y Exch. Bld'g. Henry Reat Caraway, Ph.B. Broker, 210 Riverside Drive, New York, N.Y. Paul Fant Carpenter, Ph.B. Real Est., 331 Consolidated Realty Bld'g, Los Angeles, Cal. Mary Castle, Ph.B. Hudson, Mass. John Birdsey Curtis, A.B.; A.M., '96. See Masters of Arts. Lawrence James De Swarte, A.B. Physician, 740 10th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Mabel Edwards Dougherty, A.B. 6021 Kimbark Ave. Abram Ebersole, A.B. Pres., City Coll. of Law and Finance, 322 N. Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. *Samuel Boone Edmonson, A.B. Died 1896. Herbert Wright Fox, S.B. Charlotte Henderson Foye, A.B. Libr., 5602 Kenwood Ave. Aletheia Hamilton, A.B. Teacher, 700 Franklin Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Arthur Boyd Hancock, A.B. Stock Farmer, Paris, Ky. Mary Hay (Mrs. John D. Minnick), Ph.B. 202 W. 102d St., New York, N.Y. John Henry Heil, A.B. Supt. of Schs., 2320 Isabella Ave., Morgan Park, IU. Hermann Charles Henderson, A.B. Teacher, Woodstock, N.B. Elizabeth Gertrude Hill, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 4907 Lowman Drive, Seattle, Wash. Cornelius James Hoebeke, A.B. fo Atkinson, Mentser & Co., 2210 S. Park Ave. Harry Cooper Howard, Ph.B. Attorney, 303 Kalamazoo Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Kalamazoo, Mich. Robert Lee Hughes, A.B.; A.M., '00. See Masters of Arts. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 105 Esther D. Hunt, A.B. Teacher, 638 Market St., Oskaloosa, la. John Franklin Hunter, A.B.; D.B., '99. See Bachelors of Divinity. Hugo Jone, S.B. Chemist, Empire State Dairy Co., 494-506 Broadway, Brooklyn, N.Y. Philemon Bulkley Kohlsaat, Ph.B. Registrar, Lewis Inst. John Lamay, S.B. Business, 707 Lemcke Bld'g, Indianapolis, Ind. Lillian Vitalique Lambert, S.B.; Ph.M., '06. See Masters of Philosophy. Joseph Leiser, A.B. Rabbi, 28 Reney Bldg., Allentown, Pa. Mary Catherine Lewis, A.B. Teacher, Bowen H.S.; 5605 Dorchester Ave. Susan Whipple Lewis, A.B. Teacher, Mrs. Starrett's Sch. for Girls; 5605 Dorchester Ave. Bell Eugene Looney, A.B. Supt. of Schs., Polytechnic Heights, Fort Worth, Tex. Thomas William Moran, Ph.B. Attorney, 4710 Vincennes Ave. Henry Constance Murphy, Ph.B. Publisher, 1029 Riverside Ave., Evansville, Ind. Jane Frances Noble (Mrs. H. C. Garrett), Ph.B. 285 Pleasant Ave., St. Paul, Minn. William Oeschger, A.B.; D.B., '98. See Bachelors of Divinity. William Pleasants Osgood, Ph.B.; D.B., '98. See Bachelors of Divinity. Anna Sophia Packer (Mrs. Albert E. Fish), A.B. Wakeman, Ohio. Lucy Frances Pierce, Ph.B. Journalist, 4847 Grand Blv'd. Irene Elizabeth Robinson (Mrs. George A. Abbott), Ph.B. 254 Peck St., Muskegon, Mich. May Josephine Rogers, Ph.B. Teacher, Englewood H.S.; 5542 Drexel Ave. Friedrich Oscar Schnelle, S.B. Franklyn Cole Sherman, A.B. ; D.B., '99. See Bachelors of Divinity. Kiichi Tanaka, A.B. Titsugah Kwan, Tokyo, Japan. Thomas Jackson Taylor, A.B. U.S. Bureau of Forestry, Washington, D.C. Ralph Waldo Webster, Ph.B.; Ph.D., '02. See Doctors of Philosophy. John William Williams, Ph.B. *Frank William Woods, A.B.; D.B., '98. Died May 15, 1900. William Brenton Woods, Ph.B. Farmer, Maumee, Ohio. Adam Martin Wyant, A.B. Attorney, Bank and Trust Bld'g, Greensburg, Pa. 1896 ; Walter Hazelton Abbott, S.B. Elec" Eng'r, Schofield Bld'g, Cleveland, Ohio. Kate Shumway Anderson (Mrs. Dexter E. Wadsworth), S.B. President's Hill, Quincy, Mass. Mary Brooks Baird, A.B. Med. Insp'r, Public Schs., Evanston, 111. Georgia Cary Baker (Mrs. C. T. Wyckoff), Ph.B. 216 S. Glenwood Ave., Peoria, 111. Harrison Bernard Barnard, A.B. Contractor, 410 W. 62d St. Maria Beatty, A.B. Teacher, Englewood H.S.; 421 E. 44th St. Caroline May Breyfogle, A.B.; Ph.D., '12. See Doctors of Philosophy. Howard Stidham Brode, S.B.; Ph.D., '96. See Doctors of Philosophy. Edwin Putnam Brown, A.B. Prin., Wayland Acad., Beaver Dam, Wis. Percy Peyton Carroll, Ph.B. Bus. Mg'r, Courier, Evansville, Ind. 106 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Henry Thurston Chace, Jr., A.B. Attorney, 303 Reaper Block. Wilbur Thomas Chollar, S.B. Mg'r, Western Sales Dep't, -Portland Cement Co., Corn Exch. Bank Bld'g. Lisi Cecilia Cipriani, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '97; Ph.D., '98. See Doctors of Phi- losophy. *Faith Benita Clark, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '97. Died November 1, 1900. Henry Love Clarke, Ph.B. Attorney, 140 S. Dearborn St. Henry Tefft Clarke, Jr., Ph.B. Attorney, State R'y Comm., State House, Lincoln, Neb. *Louise Bates Comstock (Mrs. John U. Nef), S.B. Died 1909. Agnes Spafford Cook (Mrs. Henry G. Gale), A.B. 5646 Kimbark Ave. Edwin Gilbert Cooley, Ph.B. Educational Advisor, Commercial Club of Chicago; 5540 Cornell Ave. Elizabeth Teasdale Coolidge, A.B. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 5811 Dorchester Ave. Mary Ida Dana, A.B. 714 Pearl St., Ottawa, 111. Charles Dorrance Dibell, A.B. Attorney, 503 Woodruff Bld'g, Joliet, 111. Horace Raymond Dougherty, A.B. Attorney, 603 Perkins Bld'g, Tacoma, Wash. Raymond Carleton Dudley, Ph.B. Pres., Chicago-Cleveland Car Roofing Co., 427 Peoples Gas Bld'g. Arthur D. Dunn, Ph.B. Physician, Brandies Theatre Bld'g, Omaha, Neb. Edith Earle, A.B. 3830 Charles St., Omaha, Neb. Mabel Earle, A.B.; A.M., '97. See Masters of Arts. Charles Anson Finch, A.B. Clergyman, 318 Topeka Ave., Topeka, Kan. Joseph Marshall Flint, S.B. Prof., Yale U. ; 320 Temple St., New Haven, Conn. Andrew Noah Fox, A.B. Adv. Mg'r, Benjamin Electric M'f'g Co., 120-28 S. Sangamon St. Grace Freeman, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 265 Fox St., Aurora, 111. Joseph C. Friedman, Ph.B. Physician, 29 E. Madison St. Mary Furness (Mrs. Henry D. Hubbard), A.B. Chevy Chase, Md. Henry Gordon Gale, A.B.; Ph.D., '99. See Doctors of Philosophy. Howard Spilman Gait, Ph.B. Pres., N. China Union Coll., Tung Chow, Pekin, China. Cora M. Gettys, A.B. Reference Libr., U. of C; 7304 Yale Ave. Rose Adelle Gilpatrick, Ph.B. Teacher, Coburn Classical Inst., Waterville, Me.; Hollowell, Me. Hyman Elijah Goldberg, S.B. Consulting Eng'r, 53 W. Jackson Blv'd. Delia May Haft, Ph.B. Libr., S.D. School of Mines, Rapid City, S.D. John Charles Hessler, A.B.; Ph.D., '99. See Doctors of Philosophy. William Addison Higgins, A.B. Teacher, Indian Sch., Phoenix, Ariz. Ralph Hastings Hobart, S.B. Gen. Ag't, Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., 900 The Rookery. *Nina Gates Holton, S.B. Died 1908. Frances Inez Hopkins (Mrs. Joseph R. Downey), Ph.B. 321 N. Excelsior St., Butte, Mont. Mary Laura Hubbard, A.B. Teacher. Louise Hulbert (Mrs. A. R. E. Wyant), Ph.B. 7106 Princeton Ave. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 107 John Hulshart, A.B. Cashier, Nat'l Bank, Manasquan, N.J. Lila Cole Hurlbut (Mrs. Eugene B. Woodruff), Ph.B. Glenwood, la. ♦Adelaide Melcher Ide, A.B. Died 1899. *John I. Jegi, S.B. Died January 7, 1904. Franklin Johnson, Jr., A.B. Attorney, 242 S. Highland Ave., New York, N.Y. Ralph Hiram Johnson, Ph.B. Mir., Cheraw, S.C. Victor Oscar Johnson, A.B. Attorney, Shoshone, Idaho. Eleanor Lauder Jones, Ph.B. Teacher, Englewood H.S.; 6408 Greenwood Ave. Edith Sarah Kellogg, S.B. Sec'y, 2970 Groveland Ave. Jeannette Kennedy, Ph.B. Memphis, Tenn. Luella Mary Kerr, A.B. Teacher, Bacone Coll., Bacone, Okla.; (h) Wash- ington, la. Van Rensselaer Lansingh, S.B. Mg'r, Holophone Works of Gen. Electric Co., 6523 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. John Simon Lewis, Jr., A.B. Editor, Montreal Star; The University Club, Montreal, Que. Harry Alexander Lipsky, Ph.B. Gen. Mg'r, Daily Jewish Courier, 1214 S. Halsted St. Katherine Agnes Livingston (Mrs. Preston Rice), Ph.B. 5 Elmwood Place, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ludwig M. Loeb' S.B. Physician, 122 S. Michigan Ave. Alfred Ernest Logie, A.B. Prin., Walsh Sch., Chicago; Wilmette, 111. Gustave Henry Lowenstein, A.B. New York, N.Y. Estelle Lutrell, A.B. Libr., U. of Ariz., Tucson, Ariz. Anna James MacClintock, Ph.B. Teacher, Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111.; (h) Millersburgh, Ky. Samuel MacClintock, Ph.B.; Ph.D., '08. See Doctors of Philosophy. Albert Edward McKinley, Ph.B. Prof., Temple U.; 6901 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Mary Elizabeth McWilliams (Mrs. Eugene Patterson), Ph.B. 744 Osceola Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Philip Frederick Matzinger, A.B. ; A.M., '12. See Masters of Arts. Mary Duncklee Maynard (Mrs. William E. Chalmers), Ph.B. 55 E. Essex Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. . Frederick Horace Minard, S.B. Min. Eng'r, Trinity Bld'g, New York, N.Y. Wesley Clair Mitchell, A.B.; Ph.D., '99. See Doctors of Philosophy. William Eugene Moffatt, A.B. Teacher, Scott H.S.; 2903 Cherry St., Toledo, Ohio. John Howard Moore, A.B. Teacher, Crane Tech. H.S.; 6260 Jackson Park Ave. David Wilhelm Myhrman, Ph.B. Docent, Upsala U., Upsala, Sweden. Walter A. Payne, Ph.B. University Recorder and Examiner U. of C; 1418 E. 57th St. Earl Williams Peabody, Ph.B. Statistician, M., K. & T. R'y Co., St. Louis, Mo. Charles Sumner Pike, A.B. Sec'y, Holliday Box Co., Fort and Brush Sts., Detroit, Mich. Cora Maud Porterfield, A.B. ; A.M., '97. See Masters of Arts. 108 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Joseph Edward Raycroft, A.B. Prof., Princeton U., Princeton, N.J. Martha Louise Root, A.B. Journalist, Post, Pittsburgh, Pa. Marshall Emmett Sampsell, A.B. Attorney, Highland Park, 111. *Louis Sass, Ph.B. Died 1897. Kenneth Gardner Smith, A.B. Assoc. Prof., Ex. Div., U. of Wis., 303 Engi- neering Bld'g, Milwaukee, Wis. Mary Doan Spalding, A.B. Teacher, Soldan H.S.; 3739 Windsor Place, St. Louis, Mo. Stella Robertson Stagg (Mrs. A. A. Stagg), A.B. 5704 Maryland Ave. Raymond William Stevens, A.B. V.-Pres., 111. Life Ins. Co., 10 S. La Salle St. Charles Wesley Stewart, S.B. Physician, 1784 S. 11th St. E., Salt Lake City, Utah. Harriet Stone, S.B. ; S.M., '98. See Masters of Science. Harry Wheeler Stone, A.B. Treas., 111. Life Ins. Co.* 10 S. La Salle St. *Mary Susan Thomas, Ph.B. Died August 13, 1901. Elmer Ely Todd, A.B. Attorney, Hoge Bld'g, Seattle, Wash. Cyrus Fisher Tolman, Jr., S.B. Assoc. Prof., Leland Stanford Junior U., Stanford University; Palo Alto, Cal. Alice Van Vliet, A.B. Teacher, Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. John Frederick Voigt, Ph.B. Attorney, 1124 Comm. Nat'l. Bank Bld'g., 72 W. Adams St. Henry Whitwell Wales, Jr., Ph.B. Attorney, 39 S. La Salle St. James Primrose Whyte, A.B. ; A.M., '03. See Masters of Arts. Gwendolen Brown Willis, A.B. Milwaukee-Downer Coll., Milwaukee, Wis. Frances Greenwood Williston (Mrs. Jesse D. Burks), A.B. Writer and Lecturer, 249 Harvey St., Germantown, Pa. Charles Sumner Winston, A.B. Elec. Eng'r, 5630 Kenwood Ave. Paul Gerhardt Woolley, S.B. Prof., U. of Cincinnati; 343 Bryant St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Emery Roscoe Yundt, Ph.B. Cashier, State Bank, Pomona, Cal. 1897 Harry Delmont Abells, S.B. Prin., Morgan Park Acad., Morgan Park, 111. Henry Magee Adkinson, A.B. ; A.M., '98. See Masters of Arts. Harriett Coe Agerter (Mrs. Elmer Edgar Stoll), A.B. fo White Star Line, 1 Cockspur St., London, E.C., England. Leon S. Alschuler, Ph.B. Attorney, 105 W. Monroe St. Hannah Matilda Anderson, A.B. Artist, 204 E. 35th St. William Henderson Arbogast, A.B. Clergyman, 211 W. Seminary Ave., Bloomington, 111. Oswald James Arnold, S.B. Sec'y, 111. Life Ins. Co., 10 S. La Salle St. Wallace Walter Atwood, S.B.; Ph.D., '03. See Doctors of Philosophy. Cecil von Bachelle, S.B.; S.M., '98. See Masters of Science. Susan Hellen Ballou, Ph.B. Instr., U. of C; 1222 E. 56th St. Burt Brown Barker, A.B. Attorney, 801 12 W. Adams St. Charles Raymond Barrett, Ph.B. Publicity Editor, American Sch. of Corre- spondence; 1516 E. 66th St. Wilbur Wheeler Bassett, Ph.B. Attorney, 446 Title Ins. Bld'g, Los Angeles, Cal . Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 109 Clinton Stillwell Beach, Ph.B. Commission Merchant (Grain), 543-47 Postal Tel. Bld'g. Frederick Ernest Beckmann, A.B.; Ph.D., '00. See Doctors of Philosophy. Ethel Ella Beers, A.B.; Ph.D., '12. See Doctors of Philosophy. Glenrose Bell (Mrs. Henry R. Caraway), Ph.B. 210 Riverside Drive, New York, N.Y. Isabella Grace Bennett (Mrs. Charles J. Kurtz), A.B. 4136 Prairie Ave. Grace Electa Bird, Ph.B. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Plymouth, N.H. William Reed Bishop, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 2111 23d St., Bakersfield, Cal. Charles King Bliss, A.B. Teacher, Queen Ann H.S.; 10 W. Blaine St., Seattle, Wash. Gilbert Ames Bliss, S.B.; S.M., '99; Ph.D., '00. See Doctors of Philosophy. William Scott Bond, Ph.B. Real Est., 25 N. Dearborn St. Waldo Preston Breeden, Ph.B. Attorney, 916 Frick Bld'g, Pittsburgh, Pa. Carolyn Louise Brown, A.B. Sec'y, W. W. Kimball Co., 304 S. Wabash Ave. Scott Brown, A.B. Gen. Counsel and Sec'y, Studebaker Corporation, 1246 E. Jefferson St., South Bend, Ind. Agnes May Browne, A.B. Osteopath, 5815 Drexel Ave. John Tyler Campbell, S.B. Attorney, Swift & Co., Kansas City, Kan. Frances Candee (Mrs. Robbins Y. Maxon), Ph.B. Taylor, Tex. Edith Capps (Mrs. G. E. Shambaugh), A.B. 5317 Greenwood Ave. Lillian Chapin, S.B. Teacher, Calumet H.S.; 5418 Kimbark Ave. Charlotte Jane Cipriani, Ph.B. Instr., U. of C; 5624 Ellis Ave. Solomon Henry Clark, Ph.B. Prof., U. of C; 5761 Blackstone Ave. Vinnie Crandall (Mrs. Hervey Hicks), Ph.B. Clinical Psychologist, Oakland Schs.; 2843 Forest Ave., Berkeley, Cal. *Grace Darling, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '02. Died February 16, 1913. Percy Boyd Davis, Ph.B. Attorney, 544 Comm'l Nat'l Bank Bld'g; Winnetka, 111. Mary Cynthia Dickerson, S.B. Curator of Woods and Forestry, American Museum of Natural History, New York, N.Y. Spencer Cornelius Dickerson, S.B. Physician, 3601 State St. Frank Winans Dignan, A.B. ; Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Samuel Seiler Dornsife, A.B. Attorney, 819 Main St., Kansas City, Mo, Ralph Leland Dougherty, A.B. Attorney, Trinity Bld'g, New York, N.Y. William Prentiss Drew, A.B. Prof., Knox Coll.; 142 Garfield Ave., Gales- burg, 111. Marietta Josephine Edmand (Mrs. Frederic P. Noble), A.B.; A.M. See Masters of Arts. Edward Brice Evans, A.B. Business, Polo, 111. Otho Pearre Fairfield, A.B. Prof., Lawrence U., Appleton, Wis. Mayo Fesler, Ph.B. Sec'y, Civic League of Cleveland, 827 Engineers Bld'g, Cleveland, Ohio. *Clarence Everett Fish, Ph.B. Died January 1, 1911. Leila Gladys Fish (Mrs. H. F. Mallory), Ph.B. 5444 Ingleside Ave. Emily Fogg (Mrs. Edward S. Meade), A.B. Longlands, Holicong, Pa. Margaret Ford (Mrs. Arthur G. Wedge), A.B. 605 Lake Blv'd, Bemidji, Minn. 110 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Edith Burnham Foster (Mrs. Nott Flint), Ph.B. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 5542 Dorchester Ave. Marilla Waite Freeman, Ph.B. Reference Libr., Goodwyn Inst. Library, Memphis, Tenn. May Florence Frick, Ph.B. 840 2d Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. Erne A. Gardner, Ph.B. Prin., Brooks Sch., 104 Loomis St.; 1418 E. 73d St. Roy Cyrus Garver, Ph.B. Attorney, 708 E. Jefferson St., Bloomington, 111. James Madison Givin, Ph.B. Attorney, 105 S. La Salle St. Anna May Godley (Mrs. J. W. Countermine), Ph.B. 1110 23d St., Des Moines, la. Charles Goodman, A.B. Attorney, 30 N. Dearborn St. Charlotte Comstock Gray (Mrs.), A.B.; A.M., '00; D.B., '98. See Bachelors of Divinity. Julius Curtis Greenbaum, Ph.B. Attorney, Ashland Block. Merrill P. Griffith, Ph.B. United States Consul, Pernambuco, Brazil. Harry Hodges Griswold, S.B. Ass't Cash., White Hall Nat'l Bank, White Hall, 111. Emily Wilson Guthrie, A.B. Teacher, White River, S.D. ; (h) 1613 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Thusnelda Haeger (Mrs. G. T. McCollum), Ph.B. 708 N. Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111. Frances Steele Hay, Ph.B. Teacher, Washington H.S.; 1205 Harvard St. N.W., Washington, D.C. Henry Harwood Hewitt, A.B. Architect, 201 Ernest and Cranmer Bld'g, Denver, Colo. Clargi Maria Hitchcock, Ph.B. Prof., Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, Ohio. Charles Allen Hodges, A.B. Prin., Smith Academy, Hatfield, Mass. Henry David Hubbard, A.B. Sec'y, National Bureau of Standards, Wash- ington, D.C; (h) Chevy Chase, Md. Harold Le Clair Ickes, A.B. ; J.D., '07. See Doctors of Law. Cora Belle Jackson, A.B. 143 E. 53d St., New York, N.Y. Vladyslaus Jarzembski, S.B. Press Correspondent, Sta. L, Congress Heights, D.C. . Albert Ernest Jenks, S.B. Prof., U. of Minn., 825 5th St. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Karl Detlev Jessen, A.B. Assoc. Prof., Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Herbert Ray Jordan, Ph.B. Ass't to Sec'y, 111. Steel Co. Theodosia Kane (Mrs. Merle F. Eshbaugh), Ph.B. Magazine Writer, Evanston, 111. Martha Frances Klock, A.B. 155 Main St., Oneida, N.Y. Edgar Cranfield Lackner, Ph.B. Attorney, 316 320 D. F. Walker Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. Bowman Church Lingle, A.B. V.-Pres., Harris Trust and Sav. Bank; 4941 Kimbark Ave. James Weber Linn, A.B. Assoc. Prof., U. of C; 5757 Blackstone Ave. Evelyn Mary Lovejoy (Mrs. D. W.), A.B. Writer, South Royalton, Vt. Ida Margaret MacLean, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 5050 Winthrop Ave. Edgar Holmes McNeal, A.B.; Ph.D., '02. See Doctors of Philosophy. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 111 Charles Coombs Macomber, Ph.B. Credit Man, Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co.; 1234 Rosemond Ave. Evelyn Matz, Ph.B. 120 E. Oak St. Robert Bingham Meloy, A.B. Attorney, 36 Buena Terrace. Francis Marion Merica, Ph.B. Supt. of Schs., Garrett, lnd. Elizabeth Messick (Mrs. E. E. Honk), Ph.B. Teacher, Massay P.O., Shelby Co., Tenn. Arthur Minnick, A.B. 2d Ass't Examiner, Room 147, Patent Office, Washing- ton, D.C. Caroline Sheldon Moore, A.B. 301 Ingleside, Kalamazoo, Mich. Richard Bishop Moore, S.B. Head, Dep't of Rare Metals, U.S. Bureau of Mines; 502 Foster Blv'd, Denver, Colo. William Ross Morrow, A.B. Cement Sampler and Shipper, Board of Local Improvement; 5519 N. Harrison St. Carolyn Ladd Moss (Mrs. Joseph Reed), Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 5813 17th St., Seattle, Wash. Stacy Carroll Mosser, Ph.B. Sec'y, Bolger, Mosser & Willaman Co., 29 S. La Salle St. Carr Baker Neel, S.B. Min. Eng'r, 14 Wall St., New York, N.Y. Frederick Day Nichols, A.B. Real Est., Hamilton, Mont. Adda Frances Norton (Mrs. F. L. Kern), Ph.B. 1503 5th St., Des Moines, la. Joseph Norwood, S.B. Pres., Union Nat'l Bank, Columbia, S.C. *Ella Maria Osgood, Ph.B. Died May 22, 1901. Mary Perkins, Ph.B. Teacher, The Plaza. Harvey Andrew Peterson, A.B.; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. John Goodspeed Pratt, A.B. Telephone Supt., Virginia, 111. Mary Eugenia Radford (Mrs. Roy M. Stanley), A.B. 419 S. 16th Ave., May- wood, 111. Philip Rand, Ph.B. Mining, Salmon City, Idaho. Alice Robson, Ph.B. 5555 East End Ave. Isaac Solomon Rothschild, Ph.B. Attorney, 826 Stock Exch. Bld'g. Maurice J. Rubel, S.B. Physician, 4702 Grand Blv'd. Edwin Merritt Sanford, A.B. Teacher, Stevens Inst., Hoboken, N.J. Edith Ewing Schwarz, Ph.B. Teacher, Miss Chapin's Private Sch.; 99 Madison Square, New York, N.Y. George Reuben Sikes, A.B. Teacher, Sharon, Wis. Burton Jesse Simpson, S.B. Physician and Surgeon, 6340 Halsted St. Frederick Franklin Steigmeyer, Ph.B. Attorney, Boston Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. Maudie Lorena Stone, S.B.; S.M., '03. See Masters of Science. Nellie Edna Tefft (Mrs. Sherman C. Spitzer), A.B. 220 S. Euclid Ave., Oak Park, 111. Emily Churchill Thompson (Mrs. F. H. Sheets), A.B.; A.M., '00. See Masters of Arts. Helen Bradford Thompson (Mrs. Paul G. Woolley), Ph.B.; Ph.D., '00. See Doctors of Philosophy. Donald Shurtleff Trumbull, A.B. Attorney, Corn Exch. Bank Bld'g. James Edward Tuthill, A.B. 112 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago L. Brent Vaughan, Ph.B. Publisher, Box 19, University Club. Sarah Emma Wallace, S.B. Teacher, Keota, Colo. William English Walling, S.B. Author, Cedarhurst, L.I., N.Y. Kate Waters, A.B. Charleston, 111. Marion Weller, A.B. Prof., State Nor. Sch., DeKalb, 111. Frank Howard Westcott, A.B. Deputy Sec'y of State, Cheyenne, Wyo. Otto Ernst Wieland, A.B. Real Est., 210 Providence Bld'g, Duluth, Minn. Harry Dunlap Wiley, S.B. Physician and Surgeon, Glencoe, 111. William Otis Wilson, Ph.B. Attorney, Townsend Bld'g, Caspar, Wyo. Edward Lewis Yaple, S.B. Attorney, Kalamazoo, Mich. John Franklin Zimmerman, S.B. Gold Mining, Fairbanks, Alaska. 1898 William Harvey Allen, A.B. Director, Bureau Municipal Research, 261 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Eva Ellen Anderson, Ph.B. Teacher, Wendell Phillips H.S.; 1450 E. 56th St. Harold Ernest Anderson, A.B. Clergyman, Craig, Colo. Swen Benjamin Anderson, Ph.B. 456 E. 37th St., Apt. "B." Sarah Elizabeth Apps, Ph.B. Teacher, 98 Forest Hill Road, Toronto, Ont. Trevor Arnett, A.B. Auditor, U. of C; 1359 E. 57th St. Harry Fuller Atwood, Ph.B. Ass't U.S. Attorney, 826 Federal Bld'g; 308 W. 73d St. Delia Austrian, Ph.B. Author, Hotel Metropole. Harold Lucius Axtell, A.B.; A.M., '00; Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Philosophy. Edward Max Baker, A.B. Banker, 1014 Hippodrome Bld'g; 2017 Cornell Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Helen Adelaide Baldwin, A.B. Teacher, H.S., Joliet, 111.; (h) Granville, Ohio. Florence Fielding Ball (Mrs. Edward Manley), Ph.B. 6100 University Ave. *Helen Huntington Ball (Mrs. Herbert W. Hill), Ph.B. Died March 30, 1909. Frederick Robertson Barnes, A.B. Mortgage Broker, Circle, Mont. Max Batt, Ph.B.; Ph.D., '01. See Doctors of Philosophy. Adelaide Steele Baylor, Ph.B. Ass't, State Dep't Pub. Instr.; 2308 Park Ave., Indianapolis, lnd. Etta Fulcomer Beach (Mrs. B. B. Winter), Ph.B. 421 E. Hyde Park Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. Arthur Edward Beers, Ph.B. Rancher, R.R. 2, Merced, Cal. *Esther Bennett, Ph.B. Died August 3, 1902. Laura Helen Bevans (Mrs. Alexander S. Bradley, Jr.), Ph.B. Locke, Wash. Bertha Imogene Bishop, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '99. See Masters of Philosophy. Albert William Bolt, A.B. Examiner, U.S. Patent Office, Washington, D.C. Alice Boomer, Ph.B. Fairview, Kan. Jacob William Braam, S.B. Telegrapher, Selma, 111. Charles Francis Breed, S.B. 5606 Ellis Ave. Albert Egbert Broene, A.B. Instr., Calvin Coll.; 622 Eastern Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Rowena Buell, A.B. 331 5th St., Marietta, Ohio. Allen Tibbals Burns, A.B. Gen'l Sec'y, Pittsburgh Civic Comm. ; 324 4th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy , Science, and Education 113 Charles Joseph Bushnell, Ph.B., Ph.D., '01. See Doctors of Philosophy. Demia Butler (Mrs. Warren Gorrell), Ph.B. 5760 Woodlawn Ave. Horace Butterworth, Ph.B. 7555 S. 10th St., Newark, N.J. Fred Harvey Hall Calhoun, S.B.; Ph.D., '02. See Doctors of Philosophy. Joseph White Campbell, Ph.B. Attorney, 701 Western Ave., Joliet, 111. Charlotte Briggs Capen (Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart), Ph.B. Kenilworth, 111. Sarah Ellen Capps (Mrs. John B. Tingle), Ph.B. 483 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Ont. Zelma Estelle Clark, A.B. Instr., Univ. H.S.; 6011 Woodlawn Ave. Irene IngaUs Cleaves, A.B. Teacher, Francis W. Parker Sch.; 4926 N. Troy St. Marion Vernon Cosgrove (Mrs. Thomas E. Wilson), A.B. R.R. 1, Ceres, Cal. Harry Irus Coy, A.B. Merchant, Stevenson Grocery Co.; 7438 Harvard Ave. Louisa Carpenter DeCew (Mrs. Edward J. Engel), S.B. 6646 Woodlawn Ave. Lawrence DeGraff, Ph.B. Judge, District Court; 639 40th St., Des Moines, la. Ernest Hamilton Dillon, Ph.B. Real Est., fc White & Tabor, 115 S. La Salle St. Gleason Alfred Dudley, A.B. Editor, Walthill Times, Walthill, Neb. Julia Florinda Dumke (Mrs. Charles E. Peet), Ph.B. Teacher, Lewis Inst.; 2252 W. Adams St. Frederick Wilson Eastman, A.B. Seattle, Wash. Jesse Lee Felger, Ph.B. Lumber, Helena, Ark. Knight French Flanders, A.B. Architect, 6618 Minerva Ave. *Nott William Flint, S.B. Died February 22, 1906. Charles Albert Frederick, Ph.B. Corning, la. Marcus Peter Frutchey, A.B. Mg'r, Ingersoll-Rand Co.; 1317 E. 52d St. Laura Campbell Gano, S.B.; Ph.D., '12. See Doctors of Philosophy. Ida Mason Gardner, Ph.B. Teacher, Tech. H.S.; 159 Norwood Ave. (Edge- wood Sta.), Providence, R.I. George Horace Gaston, Ph.B. Instr., Chicago Teachers Coll.; 5312 Ellis Ave. Blanche Gatzert, Ph.B. Advertising, 3628 Grand Blv'd. Franklin Hermon Geselbracht, A.B. Clergyman, 724 Broadalbin St., Albany, Ore. Frederic Mayor Giles, S.B. Prin., H.S.; 523 S. 3d St., DeKalb, 111. Hiram Gillespie, A.B. Teacher, 112 Shenango St., Greenville, Pa.; (h) Lincoln, 111. Lillian Rosalie Goldsmith, Ph.B. Teacher, 423 Ashland Blv'd. Georgia Laird Gowen (Mrs. Guy A.), A.B. 2970 Prairie Ave. Eva Bronson Graves (Mrs. Orlo J. Price), Ph.B. 420 N. Capitol Ave., Lansing, Mich. Robert Elliott Graves, S.B. Physician, 737 Sheridan Road. Frederick Charles Hack, A.B. Attorney, 1400 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g. John Franklin Hagey, A.B. Ass't Cashier, First Nat'l Bank; 7033 Yale Ave. Mary Louise Hannan, A.B. Teacher, Pub. Schs.; 2445 W. Monroe St. Susan Grace Harding (Mrs. William R. Rummler), Ph.B. Shermerville, 111. Frank Henry Harms, Ph.B. Physician, 4800 N. Western Ave. Juliet Harris, A.B. Tutor, 4811 Lake Park Ave. Clarence Bertram Herschberger, A.B. Instr., Lake Forest Acad., Lake Forest, 111. 114 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Herchel Vincent Hibbard, S.B. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 226 E. 61st St. Luther Boone Hill, A.B. Editor, Lewis Pub. Co.; 6225 Dorchester Ave. Lula May Hough, A.B. Fenton, Mich. John Andrew Howard, Ph.B. Manufacturer, Dowagiac, Mich. Mary Helen Humphrey, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; Box 44, Simsbury, Conn. Charles Leo Hunley, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 311 W. Olive St., Redlands, Cal. Josephine Lilian Hutchings, Ph.B. Madison, Ind. Isaac Barney Hyman, A.B. Attorney, 31 W. 27th St., New York, N.Y. Ralph Janssen, A.B. Teacher, Zeland, Mich. Hester Donaldson Jenkins, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '99. See Masters of Philosophy. John Harris Kelley, S.B. *William Casper Kern, Ph.B. Died December 20, 1902. Florence La Tourette (Mrs. Carl S. Milliken), A.B. ; A.M. See Masters of Arts. *Pauline La Tourette, S.B. Died June 24, 1901. Charles Lederer, Ph.B. Attorney, 1301 10 S. La Salle St. Nellie Blanche Lenington, Ph.B. Teacher, Des Moines Coll., Des Moines, la. Nels Johan Lennes, S.B.; S.M., '04; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy, Angeline Loesch (Mrs. Robert E. Graves), A.B. Assoc. Editor, The Public; 4249 Hazel Ave. N. Mary Alves Long, Ph.B. Teacher, John Marshall H.S.; 3138 Washington Blv'd. Florence May Lyon (Mrs. Strong Vincent Norton), S.B.; Ph.D., '01. See Doctors of Philosophy. George MacDougall, A.B.; D.B., '05. See Bachelors of Divinity. Harry Lavergne McGee, Ph.B. 5532 Dorchester Ave. Moses Dwight Mclntyre, A.B. Business, Windemere Hotel. Helen Mabel Martin (Mrs. Charles J. Drueck), Ph.B. 438 E. 46th St. John Preston Mentzer, Ph.B. Publisher, 5326 East End Ave. William Lloyd Mercer, S.B. County Supt. of Schs., Rochester, Minn. Fred Merrifield, A.B. ; D.B., '01. See Bachelors of Divinity. Guido Conti Sleeper Metcalf, A.B. 6956 Wallace Ave. Paulina Moxley, Ph.B. Teacher, Miss Moxley's Sch. for American Girls, 25 Via Gregoriana, Rome, Italy; (h) Shelby ville, Ky. Jessie Louisa Nelson (Mrs. John Barber), S.B. The Ontario, Washington, D.C. Russell Burton Opitz, S.B.; S.M., '03; Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Sarah Nicoll Osborne, A.B. Catherine Dix Paddock (Mrs. William F. Baker), Ph.B. Cecil Page, Ph.B. Attorney, 1322 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g. Ralph Leroy Peck, Ph.B. Attorney, 1414 Am. Trust Bld'g. Alice Peirce (Mrs. Albert H. Sylvester), A.B. U.S. Forest Service, Leaven- worth, Wash. Genevieve Pendleton (Mrs. Jay N. Darling), Ph.B. fo Des Moines Register and Leader, Des Moines, la. *Ward Beecher Pershing, S.B. Died August 28, 1909. Neletta Elida Pettet (Mrs. H. D. Howard), A.B. Luskville, Wyo. George Pfirshing, Ph.B. Attorney, 1201 Title and Trust Bld'g. Arthur Thaddeus Pienkowsky, Ph.B. Physicist, Bureau of Standards, Wash- ington, D.C. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 115 Grace Gibson Pinkerton (Mrs. Frank De Forest Adams), A.B. 2128 E. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. Margaret Piper (Mrs. Charles G. Gibson), Ph. B. 1514 Pierce St., Sioux City, la. Evangeline Myrtle Pollard (Mrs. Edward M. Williams), A.B. Friends' U., Wichita, Kan. Moses Milton Portis, S.B. Physician, Peoples Gas Bld'g. Alice Margaret Ransome (Mrs. Frank V. Lawrence), Ph.B. 1314 Denmark Road, Plainfield, N.J. John Jacob Rapp, A.B. Ass't Prof., Garrett Biblical Inst.; 1114 Grant St., Evanston, 111. Mary Elizabeth Reddy (Mrs. Paul Doty), Ph.B. 286 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Eldridge Washburne Rice, Ph.B. Attorney, 1001-2 226 S. La Salle St. Inez Dwight Rice (Mrs. Henry M. Adkinson), Ph.B. Telluride, Colo. William Levi Richer, Ph.B. V.-Prin., Polytechnic H.S., Los Angeles, Cal. David Moore Robinson, A.B.; Ph.D., '04. See Doctors of Philosophy. Laura Louisa Runyon, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '06. See Masters of Philosophy. Daniel Martin Schoemaker, S.B. Prof., St. Louis U.; 1402 S. Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Mary Lydia Sherman (Mrs. James P. Ellison), A.B. State Center, la. Max Darwin Slimmer, S.B. Chemist, 432 E. 50th Place. Arthur Whipple Smith, S.B. ; S.M.,'01; Ph.D., '04. See Doctors of Philosophy. Henry Justin Smith, A.B. News Editor, Chicago Daily News. Carlton Hosmer Snashall, A.B. Clergyman, 920 Columbia Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Edna Augusta Stanton (Mrs. Albert A. Michelson), S.B. 5756 Kimbark Ave. Charles Francis Stocking, S.B. (name changed to Charles Francis Breed, q.v.). Reuben Giles Stowell, S.B. Civil Eng'r, CM. & St.P. R.R.; 1406 Pratt Blv'd. Linius Lehman Strock, A.B. Clergyman, 456 Hamilton Ave., Trenton, N.J. Mary Chase Swett (Mrs. Isaac D. Sperling), Ph.B. 5329 Kimbark Ave. Clara Albina Tilton (Mrs. Frederick C. Hack), A.B. 46 N. Madison Ave., La Grange, 111. Robert Newton Tooker, Jr., A.B. Physician, Spokane, Wash. Franklin Egbert Vaughan, A.B. Attorney, 1010 Title and Trust Bld'g. Anna Louise Warwick (Mrs. G. H. Munger), Ph.B. Glen Ellyn, 111. Ivan Calvin Waterbury, Ph.B. Editor, 5475 Ridgewood Court. Hartwell William Webb, A.B. Oliver Elwin Wells, A.B. Prim, Marathon Co. Tr. Sch.; 913 3d St., Wausau, Wis. George Louis Loring White, A.B.; A.M., '04; D.B., '03. See Bachelors of Divinity. Banks John Wildman, A.B.; A.M., '05. See Masters of Arts. Alice Winston, A.B.; A.M., '03. See Masters of Arts. Mary Frances Winter (Mrs. Paul P. Bennett), Ph.B. 116 Sherman St., Rock- ford, 111. Edwin Campbell Woolley, A.B. Ass't Prof., U. of Wis., 1716 Hoyt St., Madison, Wis. 116 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Laura May Wright, A.B. Teacher, Lake H.S.; 1545 E. 66th Place. Charles Alexander Young, Ph.B. Teacher, U. of Va., Charlottesville, Va. 1899 Herbert Alonzo Abernethy, A.B. Attorney, 1601-3 Pioneer Bld'g, St. Paul, Minn. Josephine Turner Allin, A.B. Teacher, Englewood H.S.; 4805 Dorchester Ave. Norman Kendall Anderson, A.B. Attorney, 1056 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g. William France Anderson, A.B. Attorney, 1034 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g. Ernest John Andrews, S.B. Consulting Eng'r, 1515 Monadnock Bld'g. Katherine Andrews, Ph.B. Teacher, Bryn Mawr Sch., Baltimore, Md.; (h) Massena, N.Y. Elizabeth Florence Avery, Ph.B. Teacher, Wendell Phillips H.S., Chicago; (h) Galena, 111. Frank Puterbaugh Bachman, A.B. Statistician, Board of Estimate and Appor- tionment, 151 Chambers St., New York, N.Y. Helen Whitney Backus (Mrs. W. H. Rammage), Ph.B. 195 Franklin St., Pasadena, Cal. Margaret Baker, S.B.; S.M., '03. See Masters of Science. Edna Bevans (Mrs. Fred R. Tracy), Ph.B. Teacher, Crane H.S.; 253 W. 60th Place. Ray Rickoff Boruff, Ph.B. Attorney, Bedford, Ind. Helen Mercedes Brehl (Mrs. A. J. Willits), Ph.B. 6016 St. Lawrence Ave. Roberta Irvine Brotherton (Mrs. R. M. Young), S.B. Sidney, la. Frederick Augustus Brown, A.B. Fruit Grower, North Yakima, Wash. Fanny Crawford Burling (Mrs. Stephen Davies), Ph.B. 135 N. 3d Ave., Omaha, Neb. *Charles Lindsey Burroughs, A.B. Died November 23, 1902. Sarah Elizabeth Butler (Mrs. Joseph E. Raycroft), S.B. c /c Princeton U., Princeton, N.J. Perry Magnus Byram, Ph.B. Clerk, U.S. Land Office, Camden, Ark. Lucy Hamilton Carson, Ph.B. Teacher, Dillon, Mont. Charles Preston Cary, S.B. State Supt., Public Instr., Madison, Wis. Elizabeth Chamberlin (Mrs. Clarence S. Harper), Ph.B. 311 N. Marion St., Ottumwa, la. Ainsworth Whitney Clark, A.B. Bond Salesman, Cont. and Comm'l Trust and Savings Bank; 6011 Woodlawn Ave. Maurice Gordon Clarke, Ph.B. Attorney, Okmulgee, Okla. Helen Rowe Colman, A.B. Kalamazoo, Mich. George Edward Congdon, A.B. Teacher, Hiawatha Acad., Hiawatha, Kan. Irene Cook .(Mrs. Charles A. Phillips), Ph.B. 227 Dempster St., Evanston, 111. Marjorie Benton Cooke, Ph.B. Playwright, Women's Univ. Club, New York, N.Y. William Burgess Cornell, A.B. Physician, 606 Union Trust Bld'g, Baltimore, Md. Grace Allen Coulter, A.B. 5532 Kenwood Ave. Charles Newman Crewdson, Ph.B. V.-Pres., Outcault Adv. Co.; 7416 Bond Ave. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 117 Elizabeth Crowther, Ph.B. Prof., Coll. for Women, Oxford, O.; (h) Smiths, Mass. John Jackson Crumley, A.B. Ass't Forester, Ohio Experiment Station, Athens, Ohio. Ward Augustus Cutler, Ph.B. Stockman, Carthage, 111. Helen Kelchner Darrow (Mrs. Edward E.), A.B. 5535 Kenwood Ave. Alice Davis, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 106 Morningside Ave. W., New York, N.Y.; (h) Heatherville, Va. . ♦Joseph Almond Dixon, S.B. Died May, 1908. Daniel Webster Dornsife, A.B. Real Est., Sierra Madre, Cal. Carleton Ellsworth Douglass, Ph.B. Supt. of Schs., 548 Downer Place, Aurora, 111. Charles Verner Drew, S.B. Mining Eng'r, 15 Broad St.; 39 Claremont Ave., New York, N.Y. Grace Josephine Eberhart (Mrs. C. B. Herschberger), Ph.B. Lake Forest, 111. Amos A. Ebersole, A.B. Clergyman, Honolulu, T.H. Percy Bernard Eckhart, Ph.B. Attorney, 38 S. Dearborn St. Abraham Alcon Ettleson, Ph.B. Cotton Broker, Austin, Tex. Newell Montague Fair, Ph.B. Banker, Mankato, Kan. Charlotte Aurie Farnham, Ph.B. 25 Chestnut St., Boston, Mass. Sara Feilchenfeld, Ph.B. Teacher, 5222 Kenwood Ave. Julia Metcalfe Finney, Ph.B. 5755 Dorchester Ave. Oscar George Fisher, S.B. Teacher, Fairmont, Ind. Louis Thomas Foreman, A.B.; D.B., '01. See Bachelors of Divinity. Edward Frantz, A.B. Clergyman, Lordsburg, Cal. Joseph Edwin Freeman, Ph.B. Sec'y, Am. Sugar Refining Co., 117 Wall St.; New York, N.Y. Caroline Ella Freudenthal (Mrs. J. W. Lowenthal), Ph.B. 4534 Greenwood Ave. Errett Gates, A.B.; D.B., '00; Ph.D., '02. See Doctors of Philosophy. Julius Henry Philip Gauss, S.B. Physician, Wise Block, Lewistown, Mont. Carl Dimond Greenleaf, S.B. Miller, Wauseon, Ohio. Roy Coleman Griswold, Ph.B. Pres., Griswold & Walker, Inc.; 4158 Prairie Ave. Alice Haight (Mrs. F. B. Dains), A.B. U. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. Berdena Mabel Hale, Ph.B. Teacher, Moundsville, W.Va.; (h) R.R. 4, Battle Creek, Mich. Sybil Verne Hall (Mrs. Henry R. Detweiler), A.B. 491 N. Lake St., Aurora, 111. Ole Hallingby, Jr., Ph.B. Mine Supt., 1520 Hecla St., Calumet, Mich. Jacob Gish Hamaker, S.B. Gen. Sec'y, Y.M.C.A., Two Harbors, Minn. Ralph C. Hamill, Ph.B. Physician, 15 E. Washington St. Lucie Hammond (Mrs. F. W. Schacht), Ph.B. 117 E. Randall St., Downers Grove, 111. Lola Marie Harmon, Ph.B. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., 353 Algoma St., Osh- kosh, Wis. Jerome Benjamin Harrington, Ph.B. Actor, Players' Club, Gramercy Park, New York, N.Y. Ella Martha Hayes, Ph.B. Teacher, Indian U., Bacone. Okla. 118 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Josephine Frances Hazelton (Mrs. Elmer D. Grant), Ph.B. 124 Hubbell Ave., Houghton, Mich. William M. Henderson, A.B. Supt. of Schs., Waynesburg, Pa. Albert Ellsworth Hill, A.B. lnstr., U. of Nev., Reno, Nev. Emilia Hochstein, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 715 S. Rose St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Henry Scott Hollis, A.B. Chemist, Morgan Park, 111. August Fred Holste, A.B. Attorney, Hastings, Neb. Allan Hopkins, A.B. Treas., Consolidated Fuel Co., Fremont, Neb. Cora Roche Howland (Mrs. George C), A.B. 4605 Drexel Ave. Allen Grey Hoyt, Ph.B. Investment Banker, 49 Wall St., New York, N.Y. *Clara Delia Hulbert, A.B. Jessie Holifield Humphries, A.B. Teacher, Coll. of Industrial Arts; Denton, Tex. Pearl Louise Hunter (Mrs. William J. Weber), Ph.B. Tillamook, Ore. David Hurlburt, Ph.B. Attorney, 19 S. La Salle St. Jessamine Blanche Hutchison (Mrs. William C. Beer), Ph.B. Lake City, la. William Hayden Jackson, A.B.; J.D., '07. See Doctors of Law. Lawrence Merton Jacobs, A.B. London Rep., Nat'l City Bank of New York, 3 Lombard St., London, E.C., England. *Alfred Charles Johnson, A.B. Died July 1, 1900. Ruth Isabel Johnson, Ph.B. Correspondence-Study Dep't, U. of C.j 826 E. 42d St. Lucy Marian Johnston, Ph.B. Teacher, Wendell Phillips H.S. ; 1455 E. 54th St. Balfour Johnstone, A.B. Prin., Balfour Johnstone Sch., 2632 Windsor Ave. *Emma Christine Jonas, Ph.B. Died April 8, 1900. Arthur Taber Jones, S.B. Grad. Student, Clark U., 25 Ripley St., Worcester, Mass. Florence Rachel Jones (Mrs. Henry M. Bridgeman), A.B. Kimberly, South Africa. Robert MacDonald Kirkland, A.B. Prof., Lebanon Valley Coll., Box 248, Annville, Pa.; (h) Box 554, Bainbridge, N.Y. Charles Klauber, A.B. Editorial Writer, The Indicator; 6125 Vernon Ave. Alice Austin Knight (Mrs. W. L. Pryor), Ph.B. 2326 S. 21st St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mary Nickerson Lakin (Mrs. John S. Pullman), Ph.B. 50 Unquowa Hill, Bridgeport, Conn. Alma de Lelande Le Due, Ph.B. Instr., Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass.; (h) 4017 Lake Park Ave., Chicago. Lillian Jane Leech, Ph.B. 1050 Orange St., Los Angeles, Cal. Irwin Lester, S.B. Inventor and Mechanic, Tuscola, 111. Minne Lester (Mrs. O. F. Braunt), Ph.B. Tuscola, 111. Mary Winifred Loughridge, A.B. Teacher, Brownell Hall, Omaha, Neb.; (h) 106 N. Madison Ave., Peoria, 111. William Pierce Lovett, A.B. Journalist, Evening Press; 516 S. Union Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Olive Maguire, Ph.B. Advertising, 2873 Monroe Ave. Paul Mandeville, Ph.B. Produce Broker, 192 N. Clark St. Clausine Mann (Mrs. Perry R. MacNeille), A.B. Ridge Crest, Summit, N.J. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 119 Milton Max Markus, Ph.B. With Niagra Linen Mills; 2632 Lake View Ave. Muriel Annette Massey (Mrs. W. F. Dowd), Ph.B. Missionary, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, Cal. Morton Adolph Mergentheim, A.B.; A.M., '00. See Masters of Arts. Everett Lincoln Meservey, A.B.; A.M., '05; D.B., '03. See Bachelors of Divin- ity. Anna Elizabeth Miller, Ph.B. Teacher, Smith Coll.; 45 Prospect St., North- ampton, Mass. Mary Susan Miller, A.B. Belton, Tex. William Edwin Miller, S.B. Attorney, 304 W. Navarre St., South Bend, Ind. *Clara Lilian Mooney (Mrs. Robert D. Elder), A.B. Died August 16, 1910. Annie Pauline Moore, Ph.B. Clerk, First Nat'l Bank, Holton, Kan. Gordon Beverly Moore, A.B. Chimney Rock, R.R., Hendersonville, N.C. Maximilian Morgenthau, Jr., S.B. Real Est., 95 Liberty St., New York, N.Y. Anna Mary Morrow, A.B. Prin., H.S., Jamestown, N.D. Erich Muenter, A.B. Teacher, 415 E. 57th St. Thomas Monroe Netherton, A.B. Prin., Colo. Sch. of Agri., Fort Collins, Colo. Elizabeth Margaret Noll (Mrs. Ralph S. Soule), A.B. 3424 Carroll Ave., Berwyn, 111. Cornelia Stewart Osborne, A.B. Ethel Pardee (Mrs. James B. Beardslee), A.B. 1451 E. 50th St. Mary Bockes Pardee, A.B. Teacher, Robert Waller H.S.; 1250 N. State St. Elizabeth Junia Park (Mrs. John H. Lee), Ph.B. 6135 Greene St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Marilla Zeroyda Parker, Ph.B. Teacher, Wendell Phillips H.S.; 5624 Ellis Ave.; (h) Brodhead, Wis. EVerett Joseph Parsons, A.B.; D.B., '02. See Bachelors of Divinity. Van Sumner Pearce, Ph.B. Clerk, First Nat'l Bank; 710 Summit Ave., N. Seattle, Wash. Henry Francis Perry, A.B. Clergyman, 300 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont. Metta Elizabeth Persons, A.B. Prin., Ethical Culture Sch.; 537 W. 149th St., New York, N.Y. Anna Lockwood Peterson, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 2963 Harris St., Omaha, Neb. Hugh James Polkey, S.B. Physician, 5100 Sheridan Road. Robert Morris Rabb, A.B. Clergyman, Columbia, S.C. Martha Binford Railsback (Mrs. James E. Warner), A.B. 10805 E. Crescent Ave., Morgan Park, 111. Janet Mercy Ranstead (Mrs. Charles W. Lehmann), A.B. 16 N. Jackson St., Elgin, 111. Annie Bowlend Reed (Mrs. John H. Harwood), A.B. 64 Dudley St., Brookline, Mass. Rufus Maynard Reed, S.B. Merchant, 6943 Stewart Ave. Frederick Edwin Reeve, A.B. Publisher, 104 S. Michigan Ave. Charlotte Louise Reichmann, A.B. Teacher, 111. State Nor. U., Normal, 111.; 5246 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. Corinne Lelia Rice, Ph.B.; J.D., '08. See Doctors of Law. George Hoyt Sawyer, Ph.B. Supt. of Schs., Osage, la. Ernest Arthur Scrogin, A.B. Pres., O-Zell Co., 1108 105 S. La Salle St. 120 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Blanche Simmons, A.B. Teacher, Calumet H.S.; 7553 Stewart Ave. Septimus Sisson, S.B. Prof., Ohio State U., Columbus, Ohio. *Fred Warren Smedley, S.B. Died 1903. Byron Bayard Smith, A.B. Surety Underwriter, 1804 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette, 111. Nettie Spencer, S.B. Teacher, 53 Rue Cambon, Paris, France. Jessie Nea Spray (Mrs. Franklin E. Vaughan), A.B. 4408 Vincennes Ave. Althea Violet Stebbins, Ph.B. Teacher, Curtis H.S.; 5714 Blackstone Ave. Bertha Stieg (Mrs. S. Marshall Evans), S.B. Essex Fells, N.J. Joseph Cecil Stone, A.B. Attorney, Muskogee, Okla. Elizabeth Marguerite Strauchon (Mrs. Joseph W. B. Stewart), Ph.B.; Ph.M., '00. See Masters of Philosophy. Esther Wallace Sturges (Mrs. Warren Fite), Ph.B. 630 University St., Bloom- ington, Ind. Clifton Oscar Taylor, A.B. Teacher, Pratt Inst.; 101 Quincy St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Charlotte Rose Teller (Mrs. Gilbert J. Hirsch), Ph.B. Author, 55 Charlotten Strasse, Berlin, Germany; (h) New York, N.Y. Frederick Bradley Thomas, A.B. Lithographer, 727 S. Dearborn St. Samuel Hope Thompson, A.B. Attorney, 1709 139 N. Clark St. Frank Leland Tolman, Ph.B. Reference Libr, New York State Library, Albany, N.Y. Catherine Torrance, A.B.; A.M., '12. See Masters of Arts. William Robert Tyndale, A.B. Physician, 603 Kearns Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. Roger Throop Vaughan, Ph.B. Surgeon, St. Luke's Hospital; 6048 Harper Ave. Clyde Buchan Walker, Ph.B. Solicitor, 6910 South Park Ave. Willoughby George Walling, Ph.B. Trust Officer, Central Trust Co. of 111. Jonathan Edwards Webb, A.B. ; A.M., '00. See Masters of Arts. *Charles Weber, A.B. Died October, 1899. Ella Corlette Weichard (Mrs. Newton Wright), A.B. Richmondville, N.Y. Carl Frederick Weinberger, A.B. Physician, German Evang. Deaconess Hospital; 5401 Indiana Ave. Michael Billman Wells, Ph.B. Cashier, Home Savings Bank; 905 Summit Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Marie Katherine Werkmeister, S.B. Teacher, John Marshall H.S., Chicago; (h) Evanston, 111. Winifred Maude Williams, Ph.B. Instr., Ore. Agric. Coll., Corvallis, Ore. Harry Riggs Wolcott, Ph.B. Teacher, Iowa Coll., Grinnell, la. William Kelley Wright, A.B.; Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Philosophy. Charles Francis Yoder, A.B.; D.B., '03. See Bachelors of Divinity. Albert Norval Young, S.B. Farmer, R.R. 2, South Range, Wis. 1900 Edith May Abbott, A.B. Teacher, McLaren H.S.; 437 Oakley Blv'd. Sarah Weber Addams (Mrs. Ernest Young), Ph.B. Cedarville, 111. Lilian Carroll Banks, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 244 N. 28th St., Billings, Mont. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 121 Bertha Barnet (Mrs. George W. Beach), A.B. State Sanitarium, Cass Co., Minn. Sarah Field Barrow, Ph. B.; Ph.M., '02. See Masters of Philosophy. Alvin Lester Barton, A.B. Prof., Alma Coll., 416 Maple Ave., Alma, Mich.; (h) Hinsdale, 111. Frances Barton Bates, Ph.B. 1326 E. 53d St. Alice Beardsley, Ph.B. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 4756 Kenwood Ave. Henrietta Katherine Becker (Mrs. Camillo von Klenze), A.B.; Ph.D., '03. See Doctors of Philosophy. George Amos Beers, A.B. Teacher, Lake H.S.; 6122 Greenwood Ave. Grace Ellen Beers (Mrs. Harvey Case), Ph.B. Laton, Cal. Laura Estelle Watson Benedict, A.B. ; A.M., '04. See Masters of Arts. Otie Eleanor Betts (Mrs. Mortimer B. Parker), A.B. 863 S. Wilton Place, Los Angeles, Cal. Greta Irvin Blanchard (Mrs. Robert A. Millikan), A.B. 5605 Woodlawn Ave. Leon Bloch, A.B. Physician, 32 N. State St. Mary Gertrude Borough, Ph.B. Teacher, Wendell Phillips H.S.; 4859 Cham- plain Ave. Florence Helen Boyd (Mrs. Curtis A. Bynum), Ph.B. 239 Wemtford Ave., Asheville, N.C. Lydia Brauns, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 633 S. Jackson St., Green Bay, Wis. William Simmons Broughton, Ph.B. Ass't Chief of Division, Loans and Cur- rency; The University Club, Washington, D.C. Elizabeth Earnist Buchanan, A.B. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 6110 Dor- chester Ave. Edith Maud Bullis, A.B. Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan. Ira Rudolphus Bullock, A.B. Harvey, 111. Emma Lauretta Butler, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 511 S. 6th St., Goshen, Ind. Elinor Byrns, Ph.B. Attorney, 505 5th Ave., New York, N.Y. George Henry Callard, A.B. Sec'y, Baltimore City Beef Co., 23-25 S. Carrollton Ave., Baltimore, Md. Margaret Jean Calvin, Ph.B. Dean, Skidmore Sch. of Arts, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.; (h) Transfer, Pa. Rhoda Jeanette Capps (Mrs. Charles H. Rammelkamp), A.B. President's House, 111. Coll., Jacksonville, 111. Charles Edward Carey, S.B. Merchant, Glenwood, la. Mary Elizabeth Casteel, Ph.B. Vocal Teacher, 1909 Capitol Ave., Omaha, Neb.; (h) Geneseo, 111. Matilde Castro, A.B.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. Florence Brownell Cathcart (Mrs.), Ph.B. Braeburn Farm, Berwyn, Pa. Grace Eleanor Chandler, A.B. Music Teacher, 36 Lexington Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Vashti Chandler (Mrs. George M. Potter), A.B. 3021 Leverett Ave., Alton, III. Charles Warren Chase, Ph.B. Attorney, 112 W. Adams St. Helen Van Etten Chase, Ph.B. Teacher, 3251 S. Wabash Ave. Margaret Maria Choate, A.B. 5716 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pa. John Joseph Clarkson, Ph.B. Bld'g Insp'r, 4859 Michigan Blv'd. Aaron Cohn, Ph.B. Attorney, Evanston, 111. 122 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Rebecca Corwin, Ph.B.; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. Florence Davidson, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 1216 N. Monroe St., Peoria, 111. Carl Braden Davis, A.B. Surgeon, Peoples Gas Bld'g. Charles B. Dirks, Ph.B. Physician, 126 E. Adams St., Eagle Rock, Cal. Olive Donaldson, A.B.; Ph.B., '13. Art Supervisor, fo Mrs. C. D. Edwards, Leipsic, Ohio. Josephine Catherine Doniat, A.B. Teacher, Carl Schurz H.S.; 4129 Kenmore Ave. Margaret Doolittle, A.B. Teacher, H.S., Washington, la. Alexander John Gladstone Dowie, A.B.; J.D., '04. See Doctors of Law. Charles Scribner Eaton, A.B. Attorney, 607 35 N. Dearborn St. Alice Dynes Feuling (Mrs.), S.B. Teacher, 128 N. Bruen St., Madison, Wis. Fannie Gerould Fisher (Mrs. Francis M. Smith), Ph.B. Helmville, Mont. Paul Jefferson Fox, S.B. Scientist, Bureau of Soils, Washington, D.C. Lee Julius Frank, A.B. Attorney, 30 N. Dearborn St. Alma Henrietta Geewe (Mrs. Charles Ulrich), A.B. 2113 N. Clark St. Kate Gordon, Ph.B.; Ph.D., '03. See Doctors of Philosophy. Harry Norman Gottlieb, A.B. Attorney, Sheridan, Wyo. ♦Elizabeth E. Harrington Greene, Ph.B. Died 1904. Alden Hervey Hadley, S.B. Farmer, Monrovia, Ind. Earl Crayton Hales, Ph.B. Attorney, 19 S. La Salle St. Charles Duffield Wrenn Halsey, Ph.B. Sec'y-Treas., Turner, Halsey & Co., 62 Leonard St., New York, N.Y. James Hannan, Jr., Ph.B. Sales Mg'r, Fulton M'f'g Co.; 2445 W. Monroe St. William Schoonover Harmon, Ph.B. Wholesale Coal, 161 W. Harrison St. Helen Davida Harper (Mrs. Charles S. Eaton), A.B. 5744 Kimbark Ave. Alice Joanna Harrigan, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 415 W. Kalamazoo Ave., Kalama- zoo, Mich. Elizabeth Henry, Ph.B. Teacher, Grand Prairie Sem., Camp Point, 111. Lora Hieronymus (Mrs. F. C. Roby), Ph.B. 555 W. Grand Ave., Springfield, 111. Louis Allen Higley, S.B.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. Harriet Frances Hollis, A.B. Teacher, 11114 Esmond St., Morgan Park, 111. Jennie Gordon Hutchison, A.B. Teacher, State Nor. Sch.; 805 Main St., Cedar Falls, la. Ernest Edward Irons, S.B. ; Ph.D., '12. See Doctors of Philosophy. John Bert Jackson, A.B. Physician and Surgeon, 403 Kalamazoo Nat'l Bank, Kalamazoo, Mich. Sara A. Janson, S.B. Physician and Surgeon, 29 E. Madison St. Charles Arthur Jevne, A.B. Clergyman, 1029 S. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, 111. Julian Philip Matthew Johnson, A.B.; D.B., '99. See Bachelors of Divinity. Rachel Johnson, A.B.; A.M., '11. See Masters of Arts. Roswell Hill Johnson, S.B. Ass't Prof., U. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. William Henry Jones, A.B.; D.B., '03. See Bachelors of Divinity. Edith Keay (Mrs. Frank B. Fowler), A.B. 4007 Washington Blv'd, Indian- apolis, Ind. Mabel Avery Kells (Mrs. Horace F. Alden), A.B. Cottage Grove, Ore. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 123 Howard Pendleton Kirtley, Ph.B. Physician, 823 Boston Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. Edith Merritt Kohlsaat, Ph.B. 239 Ashland Blv'd. *Hugh Guthrie Leighton, A.B. Died March 1, 1903. George Nelson Libby, S.B. Chemist, Tecumseh, Neb. Sarah Frances Lindsay, Ph.B. 5465 Blackstone Ave. Elizabeth Hathaway Lingle, Ph.B. Social Worker, 3144 Vernon Ave. Ella Lonn, Ph.B. Prof., Fargo Coll., Fargo, N.D.; (h) 921 Main St., La Porte, Ind. Lewis Lee Losey, Jr., A.B. Attorney, 2322 Calumet Ave. Lura May Love (Mrs. Hessel Postma), Ph.B. Huydecoperweg 23A, Zeist, Holland. Anna McCaleb, Ph.B. Editorial Work, 7400 Harvard Ave. ♦Robert Samuel McClure, A.B. Died April 14, 1904. James Herbert McCune, S.B. Lumber and Grain Merchant, Ipava, 111. Tillman Ephraim McMurty, S.B. Physician, 611 Ashland Ave. Ralph Curtiss Manning, A.B.; J.D., '03. See Doctors of Law. Ernest Whitney Martin, A.B. Assoc. Prof., Leland Stanford Junior U., Stanford University, Cal. Dorcas Fidelia Merriman (Mrs. J. G. Meadows), A.B. 7001 Perry Ave. Elsie Prince Miller (Mrs. Oscar D. Dike), S.B. Physician, 648 W. 158th St., New York, N.Y. James Fred Miller, S.B. Farmer, R.R. 5, Larned, Kan. Mary Chapman Moore (Mrs. John P. Ritchey), A.B. Chisholm, Minn. Anna Sophia Morse, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '05. See Masters of Philosophy. Edith Leavitt Neal (Mrs. Charles Perrine), Ph.B. 4527 Forrestville Ave. Marquis Joseph Newell, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 2017 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. Harry Bauland Newman, Ph.B. Buyer, 209 S. State St. Adolphe Cremieux Norden, A.B. Insurance Broker, 155A Ins. Exch. Bld'g. Nellie Regina O'Brien, Ph.B. 4558 Prairie Ave. Nancy Gourley Oglevee, Ph.B. Teacher, The Greenwood Inn, Evanston, 111. Eda Dianah Ohrenstein, Ph.B. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 5310 Harper Ave. Holden Matthias Olson, A.B. Clergyman, Madison, Wis. Caroline Bolles Paddock, S.B. Teacher, Schneider Sch., Chicago; 628 Library St., Evanston, 111. Minnie McDonald Paisley, A.B. Teacher, H.S., Needles, Cal.; (h) Fayette- ville, N.Y. Elim Arthur Eugene Palmquist, A.B.; D.B., '05. See Bachelors of Divinity. Florence Parker, S.B. Religious Education, 10340 Longwood Drive. Bertha Adelia Pattengill (Mrs. Roy B. Pace), A.B. Swarthmore, Pa. Mary Bradford Peaks, A.B.; Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Julia Lillian Peirce, A.B. 116 Broadway, N. Seattle, Wash. Ormsby Elroy Pettet, A.B. City Electrical Insp'r, City Hall; 651 Englewood Ave. Dorothea Grace Pierce (Mrs. F. I. Beckwith), Ph.B. 3305 Adams St. *Edwin Lee Poulson, Ph.B. Died May 7, 1901. Jean Rowan Priest (Mrs. Joseph W. ), Ph.B. Alma, Mich. 124 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Alice Evelyn Radford, Ph.B. Columbia, Mo. Clark Scammon Reed, Ph.B. Attorney, 1007 105 W. Monroe St. *Alvena Dorothea Reichmann, A.B. Died 1904. Catherine Hoyt Reynolds, Ph.B. Died May 25, 1913. Kate Clarentine Rising, A.B. Teacher, Lake View H.S.; 733 Addison St. John Paul Ritchey, A.B. Physician, Chisholm, Minn. *Alice Duval Robertson (Mrs. Franklin W. Griffith), Ph.B. Died April 6, 1912. Charles Foster Roby, Ph.B. Buyer, Rothschild & Co.; 6108 Kimbark Ave. * James Wolfe Ross, S.B. Parke Ross, A.B. Broker, Hearst Bld'g. Louise Roth, Ph.B. Teacher, John Marshall H.S.; 4914 Michigan Ave. Ralph Elliott Rugh, A.B. Physician, Racine, Wis. Luther Parker Russell, A.B. ; D.B. See Bachelors of Divinity. Benjamin Samuels, A.B. Attorney, 7 S. Dearborn St. Walter Joseph Schmahl, Ph.B. Bonds, 1166 Crenshaw Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Leo Schoenbrun, Jr., A.B.; J.D., '03. See Doctors of Law. Arthur Richard Schweitzer, Ph.B.; S.M., '06. See Masters of Science. Grace Edith Sellon (Mrs. Albert H. Gleason), Ph.B. Barrington, 111. Carolyn Belle Sennitt (Mrs. J. W. Munroe), Ph.B. R.R. 6, Plainfield, IU. Alfred Ogle Shaklee, S.B. Assoc. Prof., Coll. of Med. and Surgery, U. of Philip- pines, Manila, P.I.; (h) Caldwell, Ohio. *John Alexander Shannon, A.B. Died 1907. Arthur Veeder Snell, Ph.B. Business, Geneva, N.Y. Edwin Dewitt Solenberger, Ph.B. Gen. Sec'y, Children's Aid Society of Pennsylvania, 419 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Grace Hughes Sproull (Mrs. John T. Lister), Ph.B. 1905 10th Ave., Greeley, Colo. Jane Athelee Stearns, S.B. Teacher, Washington H.S.; 515 E. 42d St. N., Portland, Ore. Ellen Yale Stevens, Ph.B. Prin., Brooklyn Heights Seminary, 18 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Bertha Vernon Stiles, A.B. R.R. 6, Kansas City, Mo. Grace Edith Moore Stitt (Mrs.), S.B. Teacher, Seattle, Wash. Blanche Swingley (Mrs. Frank H. Armstrong), A.B. 1030 Ridge Ave., Evans- ton, 111. Henry Bascom Thomas, S.B. Physician, 31 N. State St. George Eugene Tucker, S.B. Physician, Riverside, Cal. Anthony Lispenard Underhill, Jr., S.B.; Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Phi- losophy. Ruth Isabel Vanderlip (Mrs. E. W. Harden), S.B. Tarrytown, N.Y. Charles Ben Van Wie, Ph.B. Collector, 92 Columbia St., Cambridge, Mass. John James Walsh, Ph.B. Manufacturers' Ag't, 408 118 N. La Salle St. Frances Louise Walshe, Ph.B. 5515 Cornell Ave. Albert Luther Ward, A.B. Clergyman, 307 E. Main St., Lebanon, Ind. *Harry Beverley Ward, S.B. Died April 25, 1900. Marcia Elizabeth Warrant, Ph.B. Housekeeping, Kalamazoo, Mich. George Balderston Watson, A.B. Attorney, 69 W. Washington St. Katherine Anna Waugh (Mrs. Cloyd Moore), Ph.B. Quincy, Wash. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 125 Mary Weber (Mrs. John W. Malone), Ph.B. Teacher, Wendell Phillips H.S.; 5248 Michigan Ave. Clara Morton Welch (Mrs. William A. Green), A.B. 914 Franklin St., Wausau, Wis. Alfred Edward Whitford, A.B. Prof., Milton Coll., Milton, Wis. Charles Bryon Williams, A.B. Howard Woodhead, A.B.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. 1901 Lillie Francie Abbott, A.B. Teacher, 437 Oakley Blv'd. Mary Elizabeth Abernethy, A.B. 453 W. 67th St. Lindley Willett Allen, A.B. Attorney, Cor. Oak St. and Columbia Ave., Tel- luride, Colo. Anna C. Anderson, A.B.; A.M., '03. See Masters of Arts. Emory Cobb Andrews, S.B. 2d V.-Pres., Philip Ruxton Ink Co., 161 W. Harrison St. William Hiddleson Andrews, A.B. Ass't Prof., State Agric. Coll., Manhattan, Kan. Mary Elizabeth Apthorp, A.B. Teacher, 668 Algoma St., Oshkosh, Wis. Francis Baldwin, A.B. Claims Dep't, Chicago Tel. Co.; 345 Ashland Ave., Park Ridge, 111. Minnie Barnard (Mrs. Alfred Lewy), Ph.B. 6016 Stony Island Ave. Anna Poole Beardsley (Mrs. A. P. Simar), Ph.B. 356 College Ave., Fayette- ville, Ark. Lucy Lovejoy Bennett (Mrs. Robert F. Hoxie), A.B. 6021 Woodlawn Ave. Angeline Amenia Bergey, A.B.; A.M., '05. See Masters of Arts. Arthur Eugene Bestor, A.B. Director, Chautauqua Institution, 5701 Ken- wood Ave. Eliot Blackwelder, A.B. Prof., U. of Wis., and Geologist of U.S. Geological Survey, Madison, Wis. Anna Bodler, Ph.B. Teacher, Nor. and Tr. Sch.; 25 Central Ave., Newark, N.J. Horace Vanden Bogert, A.B. 6031 Champlain Ave. Charles Jonas Boyer, Ph.B. Mich. Rep., Allyn & Bacon, 106 Mt. Vernon Ave., Detroit, Mich. Lucia Carrie Bradley, S.B. 368 E. 58th St. Charles Walter Britton, A.B. Cashier, Security Nat'l Bank, Sioux City, la. ♦Carter Van Vleck Brown, S.B. Died September, 1901. Walter Herman Buhlig, S.B. Physician, 31 N. State St. Herman Egbert Bulkley, Ph.B. Dep't Mg'r, McNeil & Higgins Co.; 3325 Home Ave., Berwyn, III. Josephine May Burnham, Ph.B. Assoc. Prof., Wellesley Coll., Wellesley, Mass. ♦Grace Agnes Bushnell (Mrs. J. P. Andrews), Ph.B. Died April 2, 1907. Marian Harmon Calhoun (Mrs. Philip C. Stanwood), Ph.B. Charles River Village, Mass. Emily Canfield, Ph.B. Lecturer, 1013 Steinway Hall, Chicago. Helen Loretta Carmody (Mrs. J. C. Smith), A.B. Greenacres, Spokane, Wash. Forest Simpson Cartwright, Ph.B. Attorney, 108 La Salle St. 126 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Lucy Eleanor Chambers, Ph.B. Teacher, Corsicana, Tex. Henrietta Helen Chase (Mrs. Edgar N. Carter), Ph.B. U.S. Bureau of Fish- eries, Bullochville, Ga. Samuel C. Clark, S.B. Chem. Dep't, U. of 111., TJrbana, 111. Frank Clayton Cleveland, Ph.B. Attorney, 1600 R'y Exch. Bld'g, c /o Quaker Oats Co. Florence Chamberlain Cole (Mrs. Albert E. Wright), Ph.B. Stella Lenore Cole, Ph.B. Prof., Illinois Coll. ; 704 W. Coll. Ave., Jacksonville, 111. Carlotta Higgins Collins, Ph.B. Teacher, Spokane H.S., Spokane, Wash.; (h) Great Falls, Mont. Hyatt Elmer Covey, A.B. Farmer and Stockman, R.R. 3, Le Roy, 111. Evarts Vaine DePew, S.B. Physician, 608 Moore Bld'g, San Antonio, Tex. Enos Anson DeWaters, S.B. Mech. Eng'r, Buick Motor Co., 820 E. Kearsley St., Flint, Mich. Frank Coburn Dickey, A.B. Coeymans, N.Y. Eleanor Catherine Doak, Ph.B. Assoc. Prof., Mt. Holyoke Coll., South Had- ley, Mass.; (h) Terre Haute, Ind. Frances Marie Donovan, Ph.B. Director of Dramatic Art, Am. Conservatory of Music; 900 Webster Ave. Eleanor Mary Doyle, Ph.B. Teacher, 364 Ashland Blv'd. Ethel Laurens Dunn (Mrs. Francis D. Campau), Ph.B. 348 S. College Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Helen Ashenhurst Dunn (Mrs. Northrop Holbrook), Ph.B. Teacher, Ossining- on-Hudson, N.Y. Charity Dye, Ph.B. Lecturer, 1134 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. Edith Edwards, A.B. Teacher, 204 6th Ave., La Grange, 111, Sarah Elder, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 111 Catherine St., Kalamazoo, Mich. William Franklin Eldridge, Ph.B. Rancher, Premier Ranch, Corona, Cal. Cora Maria Emrich, Ph.B. Teacher, 936 S. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Joseph Chalmers Ewing, A.B.; J.D., '03. See Doctors of Law. Marian Fairman, Ph.B. 4744 Kenwood Ave. Mary Ethel Freeman (Mrs. Reuben M. Strong), Ph.B. 5550 University Ave. Helen Gardner, A.B. Teacher, 1418 E. 73d St. George Henry Garrey, S.B.; S.M., '02. See Masters of Science. Clara Lavinia German, A.B. Libr., 10918 Prospect Ave., Morgan Park, 111. Harry Orrin Gillet, S.B. Instr., Sch. of Ed., U. of C; 6810 Parnell Ave. William Luther Goble, S.B. Prin., H.S.; 137 N. Channing St., Elgin, 111. Charles Goettsch, A.B. Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Philosophy. Elliott' Robert Goldsmith, Ph.B. Attorney, 139 N. Clark St. Julian Frank Goodenow, Ph.B. Manufacturer, 3738 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Mo. Grace Frederick Gookin (Mrs. William J. Karslake), A.B. 215 E. Ronalds St., Iowa City, la. *William Alexander Gordon, Jr., S.B. Died 1900. Mary Charlotte Graham (Mrs. Alfred W. Place), Ph.B. Tokyo, Japan. Helen Grant, Ph.B. Teacher, Electa Sch.; 2900 Groveland Ave. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 127 May Louise Graves (Mrs. S. S.), Ph.B. 5707 Blackstone Ave. Lillian Snow Greenleaf (Mrs.), A.B. Dean of Lenox Hall, University City, St. Louis, Mo. Nellie May Griggs (Mrs. W. D. VanVoorhis), Ph.B. Parkersburg, W.Va. Francis Gevrier Guittard, A.B.; A.M., '02. See Masters of Arts. Lewis Gustafson, A.B. Supt., David Ranken Jr. School of Mechanical Trades; 4420 Cook Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Martin Henry Haertel, Ph.B. Ass't Prof., U. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Julius Theodore Haller, S.B. Physician, 1720 Brady St., Davenport, la. John Orr Hamilton, S.B. Prof., Kansas State Agric. Coll.; 6 Park Road, Manhattan, Kan. Olive Mary Hand, A.B. Business, Charles City, la. Ruth Hardy (Mrs. F. H. Griswold), S.B. 6517 University Ave. Sarah J. Harper, Ph.B. H.S. Teacher and Real Est., 288 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. Walter Wilson Hart, A.B. Teacher, U. of Wis.; 2010 Monroe St., Madison, Wis. Mabel Gertrude Hauk, Ph.B. Teacher, Ind. Sch. for Blind; 2212 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. Coe Smith Hayne, A.B. Writer, 625 River St., Elgin, 111. Carrie Putnam Herndon (Mrs.), Ph.B.; Ph.M., '06. See Masters of Philosophy. Thomas Arthur Hillyer, Ph.B. Pres., State Nor. Sch., Mayville, N.D. Ida Theresa Hirschl (Mrs. Charles E. Russell), Ph.B. Writer, 5649 Woodlawn Ave. George Wilson Hoke, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '02. See Masters of Philosophy. Alma Mary Holden, Ph.B. Prin., Sch., Kenilworth, 111.; 1506 Wilson Ave., Chicago. *Grace Holstead, A.B. Died January 9, 1910. Elsie Priscilla Honn (Mrs. William R. Tyndale), Ph.B. 768 2d Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. LeRoy Hornbeck, A.B. Attorney, Kalamazoo, Mich. James Fleming Hosic, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '02. See Masters of Philosophy. Owen Elwood Hotle, Ph.B. Real Est., 43 Dormidero Ave., Piedmont, Cal. Clinton Luman Hoy, Ph.B. Physician, Three Forks, Mont. Arah Hamilton Hubbard, S.B. Teacher, Judson Coll., Marion Coll.; Centralia, Mo. Myrtle Adeline Hunt (Mrs. Francis F. Tische), A.B. 1809 Glenwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Charles Henry Hurd, S.B. Consulting Mech. Eng'r, 5600 Michigan Ave. Emsley Wright Johnson, S.B. Attorney, 707 Law Bld'g, Indianapolis, Ind. Jane Rachel Johnson (Mrs. Arthur T. Jones), A.B. 25 Ripley St., Worcester, Mass. Paul George William Keller, S.B. Prin., H.S., Appleton, Wis. Penelope Virginia Belle Kern, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S., Greentown, Ind. ; Kokomo, Ind. Elizabeth Mary King, Ph.B. Teacher, Marinette, Wis.; (h) Omro, Wis. George Wilson Kretzinger, A.B. Attorney, 919 Monadnock Bld'g. Jennie Maria Kuyper, A.B. Missionary, Yokohama, Japan. 128 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Amelia Evelyn Lacey, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S., Oklahoma City, Okla.; (h) Irwin, Pa. Alice Lachmund, Ph.B. Dom. Sci. Dep't, St. Louis Industrial Sch.; 3935 Castleman Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Virginia Wynne Lackersteen, A.B. Teacher, M. Tr. H.S., Indianapolis, Ind.; (h) 723 E. 40th St., Chicago. Katherine Lee (Mrs. Errol E. Hart), Ph.B. 2143 83d St., Bensonhurst, Brook- lyn, NY. Mary Cain Lincoln, Ph.B. Physician, 7 W. Madison St. Willis Henry Linsley, A.B. R.R. 1, Traverse City, Mich. Carl Raymond Loop, A.B. American Deputy Consul General, London, Eng- land; (h) Indianapolis, Ind. Russell Lowry, Ph.B. V.-Pres., American Nat'l Bank; 427 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Florence Leona Lyon, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 387 Indiana Ave., Kankakee, 111. Ralph Ainsworth McBroom, A.B. Attorney, 903-9 Boston Bld'g, Salt Lake City, Utah. 01iver"LeRoy McCaskill, Ph.B.; J.D., '06. See Doctors of Law. Benjamin Franklin McCord, A.B. Farmer, 362 Greenwood Ave., Blue Island, 111. M. Ella McGuire, Ph.B. Teacher, 4797 Vincennes Ave. Ernest Collett McKibben, S.B. Physician, 2820 Hewitt Ave., Everett, Wash. Isabel McKinney, A.B. Teacher, State Nor. Sch.; 850 S. 7th St., Charleston, 111. James Arnott McLean, Ph.B. The Acorns, Red Oak, la. Euphan Washington Macrae, Ph.B. Prin., Brownell Hall, Omaha, Neb.; (h) Upperville, Va. Donald Saxton McWilliams, A.B. Attorney, 1353 First Nat'l Bank Bld'g. Hugh Lafayette McWilliams, A.B. Real Est., 715 New Phoenix Bld'g, Mus- kogee, Okla. Curtiss Rockwell Manning, A.B.; J.D., '04. See Doctors of Law. Grace Emma Manning (Mrs. Elliot R. Downing), Ph.B. 9317 S. Robey St. Marie Evangeline Martin (Mrs. C. H. White), Ph.B. Cataract, Ind. Mary Elizabeth Mathews, S.B. ; S.M., '02. See Masters of Science. Hugh Sager Mead, A.B. Div. Supt. for Private Sch. and Coll., Ayuntamitnto, Manila, P.I. *Benjamin Bennett Melton, A.B. Died March 9, 1911. Emily Miladofsky, S.B. Teacher, H.S., Helena, Mont. Mary Dewhurst Miles, S.B. Mt. Carroll, 111. John Mills, A.B. Elec. Eng'r, 15 Dey St., New York N.Y.; (h) Wyoming, N.J. Ward Magoon Mills, S.B. Teacher, Nor. Sch., Marquette, Mich. Margaret Morgan (Mrs. A. D. Forbush), A.B. 1119 Summit Ave., Pueblo, Colo. Eben Hugh Murray, Ph.B. Supt. of Schs., Moscow, Idaho. Augustine Francis Naylor, A.B. Manufacturer, 921 W. Main St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Harold Hayden Nelson, A.B. Teacher, Syrian Protestant Coll., Beirut, Syria. John Elvington Nelson, A.B. Adv. Salesman, 1222 E. 16th Ave., Denver, Colo. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 129 Roy Batchelder Nelson, A.B. Ass't Prof., U. of C.; (h) 44 Mt. Vernon St., Oshkosh, Wis. Marie Baker Nickell, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '07. See Masters of Philosophy. Adolph Carl von Noe, A.B.; Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Elliott Saltonstall Norton, S.B. Manufacturer, 4835 Lake Park Ave. Marietta Norton, Ph.B. Tutor, 1307 Monroe St., La Porte, Ind. Laura Edith O'Brien, Ph.B. Sec'y, 4558 Prairie Ave. Jessie Eagleson Oglevee (Mrs. Herbert H. Tanner), Ph.B. Box 1312, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Lucy Jennette Osgood (Mrs. William O. Mendenhall), A.B. fo Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind. Clara Alice Overhiser (Mrs. Leslie Frye), Ph.B. 1149 Linden St., Indianapolis, Ind. Richard Weymouth Paltridge, Ph.B. Pres., The Paltridge Metal Equip. Co.; 729 Monadnock Bld'g. Francis Lejau Parker, Jr., S.B. Prof., Charleston Coll.; 128 Tradd St., Charleston, S.C. Mabel Lillian Parker, Ph.B. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 1326 E. 71st Place. Mortimer Brainerd Parker, Ph.B. Insurance Salesman, 804 Union Oil Bld'g. Los Angeles, Cal. Albert Eugene Patch, A.B.; D.B., '04. See Bachelors of Divinity. Perry Joshua Payne, S.B. Physician, 315 Medical Bld'g, Portland, Ore. Thusnelda Peemoller, Ph.B. Teacher, Broad Ripple, Ind. Eunice Bertha Peter, Ph.B. Teacher, Lake H.S.; 6221 Glenwood Ave. Lillie Anna Pfeiffer, Ph.B. Real Est. and Ins., 1538 W. 51st St. Alexander Webster Pierce, S.B. 4847 Grand Blv'd. Wilber E. Post, A.B. Ass't Physician, Presbyterian Hospital, 122 S. Michigan Ave.; 1219 E. 53d St. Lillian Lovina Ramsdell (Mrs. William E. Leonard), Ph.B. 105 E. 38th St., Austin, Tex. William Everton Ramsey, A.B. Eng'r, 6605 Harvard Ave. Robert Homer Rea, S.B. Physician and Acting Supt., Chicago State Hospital, Dunning, 111. Ralph Herbert Rice, S.B. Board of Supervising Eng ; rs, Chicago Traction Co., 105 S. La Salle St. Clarence Whitaker Richards, A.B. Business, 1492 Locust St., Dubuque, la. Donald Randall Richberg, A.B. Attorney, 1304 Rector Bld'g. Rowland Henry Ritchie, Ph.B. Room 59 College House, Cambridge, Mass.; (h) Emporia, Kan. Frances May Roberts, Ph.B. Teacher, East H.S.; 162 North Ave., Aurora, 111. Anne Haworth Roby (Mrs. Donald Vincent), Ph.B. 1010 2d Ave., S. Ft, Dodge, la. Erwin William Roessler, A.B. Teacher, H.S. of Commerce; 155 W. 65th St., New York, N.Y. Rowland Thumm Rogers, Ph.B.; J.D., '03. See Doctors of Law. Walter Frederick Rohmeyer, S.B. Elmhurst, 111. Guy Whittier Chadbourn Ross, A.B. Attorney, 314 Torrey Bld'g, Duluth, Minn. 130 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Albert Simpson Russell, S.B. V.-Pres. and Mg'r, Ala. Central R.R., Jasper, Ala. Eva May Russell (Mrs. James H. Andrews), A.B. 216 McKinley Ave., Kewanee, 111. Fred Sass, Ph.B. Attorney, 105 W. Monroe St. Grace Arabella Sealey, A.B. Teacher, 601 S. Fell Ave., Normal, 111. Esther Fay Shover, Ph.B. Teacher, Tech. H.S.; 2057 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. Edward Allen Sibley, Ph.B. Missionary, Bontoc, Mountain Province, P.I. Guy Delivan Smith, A.B. Supt. of Schs., Fond du Lac, Wis. Althea Somerville (Mrs. E. M. Grossman), Ph.B. 4137 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Myra Louise Spaulding, A.B.; A.M., '05. See Masters of Arts. Kellogg Speed, S.B. Physician, 122 S. Michigan Ave. *Mary Permilia Squier, Ph.B. Died 1908. Myra Hartshorn Strawn (Mrs. Kenneth L. Hartshorn), A.B. Lecturer, 5471 Greenwood Ave. George Gottlieb Stroebe, Ph.B. Designing Eng'r, Bureau of Public Works, Manila, P.I. Mary Katherine Synon, A.B. Literary Editor, Chicago Journal; 649 W. Harrison St. *Aline Thayer, Ph.B. Died 1908. Edwin Elbert Thompson, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '03. See Masters of Philosophy. Laura A. Thompson, A.B. Libr., Children's Bureau, Washington, D.C. Thomas Weston Thomson, S.B. Physician, Knoxville, 111. Judson Allen Tolman, Jr., A.B.; A.M., '04; Ph.D., '11. See Doctors of Philosophy. Gideon Baxter Travis, S.B. U.S. Immigrant Insp'r, Government Bld'g, Jacksonville, Fla. Henrietta Josephine Tromanhauser, Ph.B. Teacher, 614 Cedar St., Belling- ham, Wash. Florence Turney (Mrs. William P. McKee), Ph.B. Instr., Frances Shimer Sch., Mt. Carroll, 111. Ruth Vail (Mrs. Albert T. Snow), S.B. 5501 Washington Blv'd. Leroy Tudor Vernon, A.B. Correspondent, Chicago Daily News, 2731 Ontario Road, 51 Home Life Bld'g, Washington, D.C. Clara Walker, S.B. Teacher, Chicago Nor. Coll.; 5443 Kenwood Ave. Ella Katherine Walker, Ph.B. Ass't Libr., U. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Herbert Samuel Walker, A.B. Prof., Coll. of Hawaii, Honolulu, T.H. Marcia Paynter Waples, Ph.B. Teacher, Weston H.S.; 127 Atkinson St., Detroit, Mich. Alia Webb, A.B. Bell Buckle, Tenn. Robin Leslie Welch, A.B. Attorney, Knoxville, la. Frances Wente, S.B. Teacher, 212 Oak St., Manistee, Mich. Zayda Wentz (Mrs. O. E. Flint), A.B. 7141 Yale Ave. Herbert Mantor Weston, Ph.B. Attorney, 6314 Jackson Park Ave. Nina Estelle Weston, A.B. Teacher, Kenosha, Wis.; (h) 6314 Jackson Park Ave., Chicago. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 131 *Frank Russell White, Ph.B. Died August, 1913. Albert Cassel Wieland, Ph.B. Pres., Bethany Bible School; 400 S. Homan Ave. Ernest Snowden Wilcox, A.B. Salesman, e /o 111. Trust and Savings Bank. Nellie Williams (Mrs. Otto A. Sjostrom), A.B. 2707 N. Sacr%mento Ave. Edward O. Wood, Jr., A.B. Salesman, 110U W. California St., Urbana, 111. Philip Graeme Wrightson, S.B.; S.M., '02. See Masters of Science. Georgia Louise Yocum (Mrs. William T. Gary), S.B.; S.M., '02. See Masters of Science. Alma M. Yondorf (Mrs. Sylvan Hirschberg), Ph.B., 3632 Washington Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Herbert Paul Zimmerman, A.B. With R. R. Donnelley & Sons, 731 Plymouth Court. 1902 Mabel Abbott, Ph.B. Teacher, Lake H.S.; 6034 Ingleside Ave. Emma Fidelia Adams, A.B. Ass't Head Resident, U. of C. Settlement, 4630 Gross Ave. Helen Emily Adams, Ph.B. Teacher, 1910 Ashland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Harriet Ruth Aitchison, Ph.B. Teacher, Des Moines Coll., Des Moines, la. Martha Selma Allerdice, A.B. 1224 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. *Martin Conrad Amos, Ph.B. Died June 20, 1911. John Whistler Atherton, Ph.B. With Charles Scribner's Sons, 608 S. Dearborn St. Mary Judson Averett, Ph.B. Orchard Cottage, Chatham, N.J. Hazen Lorenzo Avery, S.B. Physician, St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Bijou Babb (Mrs. Fred T. Parker), A.B. R.R. 1, Missoula, Mont. Joseph Louis Baer, S.B. ; S.M., '03. See Masters of Science. Sheldon Franklin Ball, A.B. Prin., Arbeta Sch.; 4736 74th St., S.E., Port- land, Ore. Lees Ballinger, Ph.B. Mg'r, Keokuk Canning Co., 103 Main St. W., Lansing, Mich. Frank Perkins Barker, A.B. Barker, Rose, Lindauer Co., 714 Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Pinckney Milton Bauknight, A.B. Prof., De Land, Fla. Walter Oscar Beatty, Ph.B. Farmer, Greenfield, Ohio. Minnie Ada Beckwith, A.B. Teacher, The Baldwin Sch.; The Lancaster Inn, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Arthur Frederic Beifeld, Ph.B. Physician, 122 S. Michigan Ave. Joseph Beifus, A.B. Journalist, Munich, Germany. Henry William Belfield, Ph.B. Eng'r, Hotel Southern, Tampico, Mex. Lily Belland (Mrs. Joseph B. Fleming), A.B. 7443 Stewart Ave. David Johnson Bentall, A.B. Attorney, 10 S. La Salle St. Ina Mary Benton (Mrs. P. J. Zimmers), Ph.B. 824 N. 8th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Joseph Walter Bingham, A.B.; J.D., '04. See Doctors of Law. Willis Lane Blackman, Ph.B. Fruit Culture, R.R. 1, Traverse City, Mich. Elizabeth Nattinger Blanding (Mrs. Erie L. Wirt), S.B. Bartow, Fla. Mary den Bleyker, A.B. 301 N. G St., Tacoma, Wash. Brieta Bobo (Mrs. Burt T. Stanton), Ph.B. 4355 Lake Park Ave. 132 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago May Haines Bowen (Mrs. Draper T. Schoonover), A.B. Marietta, Ohio. Cecile Belle Bowman, Ph.B. Jr. Sec'y, Y.W.C.A.; 106 Garfield Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Frederick Dennison Bramhall, Ph.B. Instr., U. of C; Snell Hall, U. of C. Hellen Brandeis, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 520 S. 26th Ave., Omaha, Neb. Laura Thompson Brayton, Ph.B. Sec'y, Hotel La Salle. Eleanor Hammond Broadus (Mrs. Edmund K.), A.B. U. of Alberta, Edmon- ton, Alberta. Isabella Catherine Brodie (Mrs. James J.), A.B. Port Sanilac, Mich. Bernardus William Broek, Ph.B. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S., Chicago; (h) 140 Sanford St., Muskegon, Mich. Mary Palmierre Brookfield (Mrs. Timothy Lowthian), S.B.; Ph.M., '06. See Masters of Philosophy. Jeannette Therese Brooks, S.B. Comptometer Operator, 2341 North Ave. Ralph Crissman Brown, S.B. Physician, 1421 Peoples Gas Bld'g. Henry Jaromir Bruere, Ph.B. Director, Bureau Municipal Research; 310 W. 95th St., New York, N.Y. Pearl Grace Bryning (Mrs. C. R. Flatt), A.B. Fulton, 111. Lillian Hazle Buck (Mrs. Davis Ewing), Ph.B. 1522 E. Olive St., Bloomington, 111. Franz Christian Butterbrodt, A.B. Business, Beaver Dam, Wis. Elvira Daniel Cabell, Ph.B. Teacher, Chicago Nor. Sch.; 5625 Blackstone Ave. Edna Fay Gregg Campbell, A.B. 5215 Kenwood Ave. *Helen Grace Gregg Campbell, A.B. Died February 16, 1903. Leona Canterbury (Mrs. Maurice Mandeville), Ph.B. Lake Bluff, 111. Ellen Lockwood Carpenter (Mrs. John W. Innes), Ph.B. Ames, la. John Raymond Carr, Ph.B. Supt., Marion Co. Sch., Indianapolis, Ind. Charles Christopher Catron, Ph.B. Attorney, Catron Block, Sante Fe, N.M. Harold Bennett Challiss, A.B. Milan, Italy. Agnes Eleanor Chambers (Mrs. Walter S. Kennedy), Ph.B. 616 Michigan Ave., Albion, Mich. Hal Augustan Childs, S.B. Physician, Creston, la. Norman Moore drivers, A.B. Civil Eng'r, Bureau of Navigation, Manila, P.I. Edith Clawson, A.B. 731 Main St., Hamilton, Ohio. Grace Jean Clifford (Mrs. Raymond A. Smith), Ph.B. 1129 Ashland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Roy Eldon Cody, A.B. Clergyman, Brainerd, Minn. Corinne Coggeshall (Mrs. Edward A. Lingenfelter), A.B. 1158 18th St., Des Moines, la. Albert Coit Coon, A.B. Attorney, First Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Oswego, N.Y. Anna Marie Corbett, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S., Akron, Ohio; 516 5th St., Bar- ber ton, Ohio. Margaret Garritt Coulter (Mrs. Edward R. Yarnelle), Ph.B. Easton, Pa. Emma Milton Cowles, Ph.B. Miss Cowles's Sch., Hollidaysburg, Pa. Marguerite Crofoot (Mrs. Clarence C. Leffingwell), A.B. Hackensack, N.J. Winifred Gardner Crowell, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '05. See Masters of Philosophy. Henri Charles Edouard David, A.B. ; A.M., '05. See Masters of Arts. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 133 Beatrice Irene Davies, Ph.B. 6018 Champlain Ave. -^George Gilbert Davis, A.B. Physician, Peoples Gas Bld'g. Gertrude Woodbury Dawley, A.B. Teacher, H.S., Davenport, la.; Le Claire, la. Rebecca Louise Day (Mrs. Frank A. Metcalf), Ph.B. 5300 Prairie Ave. Jerome Leopold Deirnel, S.B. Mortgage Banker, 3141 Calumet Ave. Alice Blanche De Lagneau, A.B. Teacher, H.S., Ottawa, 111. William Ernest De Sombre, Ph.B. Capt., Coast Artillery, U.S.A., Fort Mc- Kinley, Portland, Me. John Reinman Dexter, Ph.B. Loans, 16 W. Main St., Ardmore, Okla. Emily Elizabeth Dobbin, S.B.; S.M., '03. See Masters of Science. Martha Dobyns, Ph.B. Teacher, Powell, Ohio. Annie Louise Dodge (Mrs. W. R. Kerr), Ph.B. 5003 Blackstone Ave. Margaret Donnan, A.B. Teacher, M. Tr. H.S. 115 E. 18th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Helen Augusta Dow (Mrs. W. K. Whitaker), S.B. Haven Heights Poultry Ranch, Tracy ton, Wash. Carl John Emil Eckerman, S.B. Teacher, H.S.; 5617 Indiana Ave. William Henry Elfreth, Ph.B. Attorney, 1115 Stephen Girard Bld'g, Phila- delphia, Pa. James Montague Elliott, A.B. Teacher, Pawling, N.Y. Phoebe Ellison (Mrs. Warren D. Smith), Ph.B. Bureau of Science, Manila, P.I. Elmer Harvey Ellsworth, S.B. Physician, Citizens' Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Hot Springs, Ark. Bennett Epstein, Ph.B. Eastern Rep., Ger. Am. Car Co., 2726 Whitehall Bld'g, New York, N.Y. Vernon Tiras Ferris, A.B. Business, La Fayette, Ind. Herbert Easton Fleming, Ph.B.; Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Frank D. Arthur Fogle, A.B. Journalist, Williamsburg, Kan. Alfred Hugh Fowler, A.B. Physician, Morgan Park, 111. Clare Delphine Fox, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; R.R. 10, Joliet, 111. Clare Edwin Fraunfelter, S.B. Physician and Surgeon, 435 S. Market St., Canton, Ohio. Annie Laurie Renshaw Frazeur (Mrs.), A.B.; A.M., '08. See Masters of Arts. Beatrice McArdle Freeman (Mrs. Thomas S. Davis), Ph.B. Box 336, Colum- bus, Mont. Hilda Mildred French (Mrs. Herrick), S.B. Amherst, Mass. Ella Louise Fulton, A.B. Ass't Prof., U. of N.D., Grand Forks, N.D. Thomas Henry Furlong, S.B. Teacher, Hyde Park H.S.; 400 Wells St. Virgil Milton Gantz, Ph.B. With Ginn & Co., 2301 Prairie Ave., Chicago; 1010 Douglas Ave., Elgin, 111. Albert Bertram Garcelon, Ph.B.; J.D., '04. See Doctors of Law. Eugene Gates, S.B. Physician and Surgeon, Two Rivers, Wis. Curtis Hicks Gephart, S.B. Physician, Kenosha, Wis. Matilda Denny Gibson, A.B. Teacher, Carl Schurz H.S.; 1139 E. 51st St. Francis Harry Gilchrest. A.B. With Stewart-Mowry Co., 30 Church St., New York, N.Y. 134 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Ella Cordelia Gill, A.B. Teacher, 14 Archer Ave., La Harpe, 111. Robert Harold Hull Goheen, A.B. Medical Missionary, Vengurla, India; (h) e /o Miss McGinnis, Bloomington, Wooster, Ohio. Harriett Radcliffe Going (Mrs. E. Bernard Anderson), A.B. 5939 Michigan Ave. Jacob Joseph Goldsmith, A.B. Real Est., 1015 School St. Susan Cowles Grant (Mrs. Harold E. Smith), A.B. Wiscasset, Me. Katherine Griffith, Ph.B. Prof., Baylor U.; 1422 S. 8th St., Waco, Tex. *Wilbur Condit Gross, A.B. Died December, 1912. Ella Maria Grubb (Mrs. James W. Simmons), A.B. Pacific Beach, Cal. Luverne Elizabeth Hall (Mrs. William N. Vaile), Ph.B. Arvada, Colo. Oscar Olin Hamilton, A.B. Pres., First Nat'l Bank, Cayuga, Ind. Samuel Northrup Harper, A.B. Instr., U. of Liverpool, Liverpool, England; (h) 5728 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. Elbert Alpheus Harvey, A.B. Business. Austin Albert Hayden, S.B. Physician, 112 S. Michigan Ave. Evelyn Shewell Hayden (Mrs. Thomas C. Hebb), S.B.; S.M., '04. See Masters of Science. John Gardner Hayden, S.B. Surgeon, 810-15 Rialto Bld'g, Kansas City, Mo. Charles Sumner Hayes, Ph.B. Sec'y, Nat'l Printing & Engr. Co.; 5156 Michigan Ave. Grace Thurber Hayman (Mrs. W. H. Fraser), Ph.B. 1800 3d St., Winsor Apt., San Diego, Cal. Elbridge Lyonal Heath, Ph.B. Insurance, Santa Barbara, Cal. Mary Bess Henry, A.B. Teacher, H.S., Santa Ana, Cal. Robert Llewellyn Henry, Jr., Ph.B.; J.D., '08. See Doctors of Law. Edna Elizabeth Heywood, Ph.B. Teacher, 415 Harrison St., Topeka, Kan. William Austin Hill, S.B. 904 S. Hohman St., Hammond, Ind. Merritt Lorraine Hoblit, A.B. Prof., Agric. Coll., State College, N.M. Florence Pearl Hood (Mrs. Harvey M. Solenberger), A.B. 833 S. Grand Blv'd, Springfield, 111. Earl Dean Howard, Ph.B., Ph.M., '03; Ph.D., '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Austin Young Hoy, A.B. European Mg'r, Sullivan Mch'y Co., 814 Salisbury House, London, E.C.; 224 Cromwell Road, London, S.W., England. Archibald Lawrence Hoyne, S.B. Physician and Surgeon, 32 N. State St. Walter Lawrence Hudson, Ph.B. Sec'y and Treas., Davis Stock Food Co.; 1369 E. 50th St. ♦Edith Huguenin, Ph.B. Died April 30, 1912. Charles Andrews Huston, A.B.; J.D., '08. See Doctors of Law. Mary Jeanette Inches, Ph.B. Sterling, Kan. Harry Barnum Irland, Ph.B. With Sears, Roebuck & Co.; 4703 Gladys Ave. Emery Brigham Jackson, A.B. Architect, 1606 Estes Ave. Jay Stanley Jackson, A.B. Teacher, Vineland, N.J. Mark Reginald Jacobs, A.B. Teacher, H.S., Los Angeles, Cal.; Gardena, Cal. Arthur Clarence Jacobus, Ph.B. Printing Business, 2151 Warren Ave. William Reynold Jayne, A.B.; J.D., '04. See Doctors of Law. Edith Daisy Jenkins (Mrs. William A. Logan), Ph.B. fo George R. Jenkins, 5463 Blackstone Ave. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 135 Grace Johnson (Mrs. Burton E. Livingston), Ph.B. 2753 Maryland Ave., Baltimore, Md. Clara Lillian Johnston (Mrs. F. H. Hitt), Ph.B. Elko, S.C. Harry John Jokisch, S.B. Supt. of Schs.. Burns, Ore. *Mary Ella Jones, A.B. Died 1907. Corydon Shimer Joseph, A.B. Prin. of Schs., Warsaw, Ky. Roy Dee Keehn, Ph.B.; J.D., '04. See Doctors of Law. Lucy Ella Keith, Ph.B. Prof., Western Coll., Oxford, Ohio; (h) 393 Washington St., Braintree, Mass. * Julia Emily Kennedy, Ph.B. Died January 20, 1910. Harriet Morgan Kinney, Ph.B. Manila, P.I. Edwin Garvey Kirk, S.B.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. Leo Klein, Ph.B.; J.D., '05. See Doctors of Law. Sidney Klein, S.B.; S.M., '03. See Masters of Science. Aurelia Koch, Ph.B. Lander, Wyo. Edward Christian Kohlsaat, A.B. Attorney, The Rookery. Ernest William Kohlsaat, Jr., Ph.B. With Bullard Bros. Co., Jewelers; 1070 Edmund St., St. Paul, Minn. Matilda Krebs, Ph.B. Teacher, 1411 W. Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Clara Josephine Kretzinger, A.B. Artist, 882 N. Clark St. Josephine Lackner (Mrs. R. O. Miles), Ph.B.; Ed.B., '07. 2625 Le Conte Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Roxane Emilie Langellier (Mrs. Lemuel B. Judson), Ph.B. 25 W. 84th St., New York, N.Y. Harry Clayton Leemon, A.B.; J.D., '06. See Doctors of Law. Clarence Carey Lemngwell, Ph.B. Adv. Ag't, George Batten Co., 381 4th Ave., New York, N.Y. Lora Levens, Ph.B. Prin., Tr. Sch., Nor. U., Las Vegas, N.M.; (h) Albert Lee, Minn. Sylvanus George Levy, Ph.B. Attorney, 1607 Fort Dearborn Bld'g. Grace Rachel Lewis (Mrs. Clyde A. Jack), A.B. Fort Worth, Tex. Leon Patteson Lewis, Ph.B.; J.D., '05. See Doctors of Law. Grace Bartlett Lincoln, Ph.B. Teacher, Curtis H.S.; 6127 Langley Ave. Dora Katherine Longenecker, A.B. 826 N. Church St., Decatur, 111. Nellie Augusta Lovering (Mrs. James F. Hosic), S.B.; Ph.M., '04. See Masters of Philosophy. Walter Archibald Lybrand, Ph.B.; J.D., '06. See Doctors of Law. Maud McBurney (Mrs. George A. Maywood), A.B. Philipsburg, Mont. Raymond Scott McCurdy, S.B. Sec'y, Grand Rapids Underwear Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Martha Peirce McGavock, Ph.B.; A.M., '11. See Masters of Arts. Josiah Ralph McKirahan, S.B. Physician, Dover, Fla. Harris Franklin MacNeish, S.B.; S.M., '04; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. Harvey Malcolm MacQuiston, Ph.B. Farm Mg'r, Van Vleck, Tex. Paul Donald MacQuiston, Ph.B. Dep't Mg'r, Sears, Roebuck & Co., Dallas, Tex. Jerome Pratt Magee, A.B. Attorney, 432 S. 38th Ave., Omaha, Neb. 136 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Maurice Mandeville, Ph.B. Produce Dealer, 192 N. Clark St. Merton Maughs Mann, S.B. Architect, 507 Madison St., Tampa, Fla. Anna Holcombe Marshall (Mrs. Fred Merrifield), A.B. 5626 Kimbark Ave. Annie Minerva Mead (Mrs. J. W. Fertig), Ph.B. Murfreesboro, Tenn. Herbert Victor Mellinger, S.B. Physician, 1116 Reliance Bld'g. George Lane Melton, Ph.B.; Ph.D., '08. See Doctors of Philosophy. Mabel Foreman Mentzer (Mrs. Ralph Patt), A.B. 5005 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. Albert Eli Merrill, A.B. Salesman, Albert Pick & Co.; 5449 Cornelia St. Thaddeus Jasper Merrill, Ph.B. Attorney, 89 Highland Ave., Aurora, 111. Frank Estes Millar, A.B. Supt. of Schs.; 109 N. Ferry St., Ludington, Mich. Florence Dike Miller, Ph.B. Actress, 648 W. 158th St., New York, N.Y. Kate Belle Miller, Ph.B. Ass't Prof., Lewis Inst. Mary Mills, A.B. Teacher, Wilmington Coll., Wilmington, Ohio. Mary Anne Moore, A.B. Teacher, North Texas State Nor. Sch., Denton Tex.; (h) Lavinia, Tenn. Ruth Ellen Moore, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 508 W. Washington St., Bloomington, 111. Florence Irene Morrison, A.B.; A.M., '05. See Masters of Arts. George Warner Mosher, S.B. Physician, 104 S. Michigan Ave. Emma Dellert Mueller, Ph.B. Prin. of Sch.; 116 W. Locust St., Dubuque, la. Frederick Gilbert Mutterer, A.B. Prof., Indiana State Nor. Sch., Terre Haute, Ind. Grace Lenore Myers (Mrs. Lewis M. DeCosta), Ph.B. 5926 South Park Ave. Aubrey Percy Nelson, A.B. Clergyman, Taylorsville, Pa. Bertram G. Nelson, A.B. Ass't Prof., U. of C; 6040 Kenwood Ave. Carl Irvin Neptune, A.B. Manufacturer, 1830 Grant St., Denver, Colo. Sara Elizabeth Norcross (Mrs. William K. Jones), A.B. 1706 N. Market St., Wichita, Kan. Alfred Shelton Oliver, A.B. Physician, 4200 6th Ave. N.E., Seattle, Wash. John Cadd Paltridge, A.B. V.-Prin., Washington Sch.; 1201 9th St., Alameda, Cal. Katherine Woodruff Paltzer, Ph.B. 819 Drexel Square. Laura Minerva Parker, S.B. Teacher, Decatur Bap. Coll., Decatur, Tex. Marguerite Virginia Parker (Mrs. Frank L. Hinman), S.B. Tremont, 111. Ernest Earle Perkins, A.B. V.-Prin., Tacoma H.S., Tacoma, Wash. Zellmer Roswell Pettet, Ph.B. Fruit Grower, Box 353, Albany, Ga. Milton Howard Pettit, Ph.B. Purchasing Dep't, J. I. Case T.M. Co., Racine, Wis. Virgil Vivian Phelps, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '04; D.B., '07. See Bachelors of Divinity. Vernon Sirvilian Phillips, A.B. Clergyman, 31 13th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Florence Leona Pierce, Ph.B. Teacher, 439 E. 45th St. Lewis Alexander Pringle, A.B. Supt. of Schs.; 53 W. 150th St., Harvey, 111. Stephen Walter Ranson, S.B.; S.M., '03; Ph.D. '05. See Doctors of Philosophy. Jennie MacHardy Rattray, A.B. Teacher, Princeton, 111. John Martin Redpath, A.B. 708-10 Riggs Bld'g, Washington, D.C.; (h) Helena, Mont. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 137 Mary Ethel Remick (Mrs. Irving McDowell), Ph.B. 6853 Jeffrey Ave. Arthur Hornbrook Reynolds, A.B. Prin., H.S., Chicago Heights, 111. Mildred Blanche Richardson (Mrs. Beale), Ph.B. Grace Kendrick Rigby (Mrs. Edward R. Cameron), Ph.B. 1527 Monroe Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Frank Stahl Righeimer, Ph.B. Attorney, 112 W. Adams St. William Finas Roberts, A.B. Clergyman, Slater, Mo. David Allan Robertson, A.B. Ass't Prof., and Sec'y to the President, U. of C. Egbert Thomas Robertson, A.B. Attorney, 38 S. Dearborn St. Benjamin Willard Robinson, A.B.; Ph.D., '04. See Doctors of Philosophy. Martha Reid Robinson, Ph.B. Teacher, Newman, Ga. Louellyn Rogers (Mrs. Charles R. Shackelton), Ph.B. 3309 Park Ave. Walter Stowell Rogers, Ph.B. With Crane Co., Chicago; La Grange, 111. Annebelle Ross, Ph.B. Teacher, Annette, Cal. Mary Roth, A.B. Teacher, Carl Schurz H.S.; 4914 Michigan Ave. Walter George Sackett, S.B. Bacteriologist, Experiment Sta., State Agric. Coll., Fort Collins, Colo. LeForest Waterman Sawtelle, Ph.B. Teacher, N. Central H.S.; 723 Knox Ave., Spokane, Wash. Lydia Marie Schmidt, Ph.B. Ass't Instr., Univ. H.S.; 6027 Harper Ave. Louise Hooper Shailer (Mrs. Alfred C. Turner), Ph.B. 62 Windsor Road, Waban, Mass. Cecil James Sharp, A.B. Clergyman, Hammond, Ind. John Hunt Shephard, S.B. Physician, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Jessie Evelyn Sherman, Ph.B. Teacher, 6048 Woodlawn Ave. Abbie Louise Simmons, Ph.B. Teacher, State Agric. Coll., Fargo, N.D. Eliza Margaretta Sloan, Ph.B. Teacher, Lakeview H.S., Chicago; Evanston, 111. Arthur Gaylord Slocum, Jr., A.B. Eng'r, 117 Woodward Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. Walter Kay Smart, Ph.B.; Ph.D., '11. See Doctors of Philosophy. Charlotte Dillingham Smith, Ph.B. Teacher, 5735 Blackstone Ave. Forest Garfield Smith, Ph.B.; J.D., '05. See Doctors of Law. Mildred Honens Smith (Mrs. Herman Runkle), A.B. Lowden, la. Nellie Lillis Smith, A.B. Teacher, 12 Lafayette St., New Rochelle, N.Y. Ralph Homer Smith, A.B. Physician, Lancaster, Ohio. Warren Brownell Smith, Ph.B. Prof., Ripon Coll., Ripon, Wis. Alvin Bricker Snider, S.B. Physician, Tinley Park, 111. Harvey Monroe Solenberger, Ph.B. Insurance, 508 Ferguson Bld'g, Springfield, 111. George Steely, Jr., S.B. Physician and Surgeon, 401 Temple Bld'g, Danville, 111. Willis Clark Stephens, Ph.B. Eastern Mg'r, Rice & Adams Dairy Mch'y; 847 West End Ave., New York, N.Y. David Becker Stern, Ph.B. Sec'y, A. G. Becker & Co.; 5000 Harper Ave. Edna Leona Stevens (Mrs. James M. Sheldon), A.B. Glencoe, 111. Lill Miller Stevens (Mrs. Douglas Sutherland), S.B. 6556 Minerva Ave. Benjamin Strauss, Ph.B. Sec'y and Treas., Empire Knitting Mills; 5039 Michi- gan Ave. 138 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Douglas Sutherland, A.B. Sec'y, Civic Federation of Chicago; 6556 Minerva Ave. Emma Adelia Swanson, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 406 W. College St., Rochester, Minn.; (h) Orion, 111. Ernest Lynn Talbert, A.B.; Ph.D., '09. See Doctors of Philosophy. Gerald Mudie Whitworth Teyen, Ph.B. Newberry Library, 119 Maple St. John Wilson Thomas, A.B. Alexander P. Thorns, Jr., S.B. With Commonwealth Edison Co., 28 N. Market St.; 6231 Magnolia Ave. Mary Elizabeth Tierney (Mrs. John Kinsey), S.B. 10510 Hoxie Ave. Margaret Coulter Traner (Mrs. Allen), Ph.B. 18 Cobb Blv'd, Kankakee, 111. Eva Twombly (Mrs. Clyde W. Jeffries), A.B. 2635 2d Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. *Charles Mackay Van Patten, A.B. Charles Henry Van Tuyl, A.B. Ass't to Dean, Univ. H.S. ; 6128 Greenwood Ave. Margaret Wortman Van Wyck, A.B. Teacher, Tougaloo U., Tougaloo, Miss.; (h) Box 3, R.R. 10, Hopewell Junction, N.Y. William Leslie Verry, A.B. Prof., Clark Coll., Toledo, la.; '(h) Armington, 111. Helen Margaret Walker, Ph.B.; A.M., '13. See Masters of Arts. Arthur John Walters, Ph.B. Grain and Lumber, Toulon, 111. Bertha Evans Ward, A.B. Teacher, Hughes H.S.; Glencoe Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio. Erne Bangs Warvelle, Ph.B. 1743 W. Monroe St. Susan Congdon Watkins (Mrs. John Gibson), S.B. Bobo, Miss. Annie Laura Weller, S.B. Teacher, State Nor. Sch., Charleston, 111. Frances Banister Wells, Ph.B. Teacher, Austin H.S.; 420 N. 64th Ave., Oak Park, 111. Mabel Kate Whiteside, A.B. Teacher, Randolph-Macon Coll., Lynchburg, Va. ; (h) Bell Buckle, Tenn. Garland Quinche Whitfield, Ph.B. Attorney, 602 Merchants Bank Bld'g, Jackson, Miss. Deo Elizabeth Whittlesey, A.B. Libr., Hampton Coll., Hampton, Va. Russell Wiles, S.B. Attorney, 1508 Marquette Bld'g. Allan Campbell Williams, Ph.B. Pharmacist, 1601 W. 63d St. Paul Caldwell Wilson, Ph.B. Bureau of Municipal Research, 261 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Monroe Nathan Work, Ph.B.; A.M., '03. See Masters of Arts. George Alexander Young, A.B. Bonds, fo Remick, Hodges & Co., 14 Wall St., New York, N.Y. Howard Sloan Young, Ph.B. Attorney, 329 E. 30th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Mariamne Roxana Seward Young, Ph.B. Teacher, 211 Parkway Bld'g, Phila- delphia, Pa. Mary Elizabeth Young, A.B. Teacher, Waller H.S.; 1431 Berteau Ave. Mary Zimmerman, Ph.B. Teacher, Marshall H.S.; 4157 Ellis Ave. 1903 Sarah Pamelia Allis (Mrs. Enos A. DeWaters), Ph.B. 820 E. Kearsley St., Flint, Mich. Alfred Ambrose Amberg, A.B. Merchant, 3433 Michigan Ave. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 139 Ethel Percy Andrus, Ph.B. Teacher, Manual Arts H.S.; 4057 Budlong Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Winifred Mayer Ashby, S.B. Teacher, Maryville, Mo.; (h) Geneva, Ohio. Florence Virginia Ashcraft (Mrs. E. Dean Ellenwood), Ph.B. 508 Division St., Elgin, 111. William Armitage Averill, A.B. School Efficiency Organizer, Bureau of Municipal Research, 261 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Earle Brownell Babcock, Ph.B. Instr., U. of C; 5546 Dorchester Ave. Edward Donald Baker, A.B. Grad. Student, U. of C.; 1159 E. 61st St. Nellie Love Baldwin, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 3111 6th Ave., Des Moines, la. Rae Casena Baldwin, Ph.B. Normal Coll., New York, N.Y. Edith Ethel Barnard, S.B.; S.M., '06; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. Annie Stillwell Beach, Ph.B. 533 Bryant Ave. Cornelia Beardsley, Ph.B. Teacher, McKinley H.S.; 619 N. La Salle St. Harry Reber Beery, A.B. Capt., Medical Corps, U.S.A., fo Adjutant General, Washington, D.C. Edith Rosalia Behrhorst (Mrs. Boyd F. Maigs), Ph.B. 218 Home Ave., Avalon, Pa. Edith Coffin Bellamy (Mrs. Forrest Shreve), A.B. P.O. Bin L, Tucson, Ariz. Peter Alfred Bendixen, S.B. Physician and Surgeon, 404 Lane Bld'g, Daven- port, la. Gideon Benson, S.B. Physician, Richland Center, Wis. Emil Gideon Bentall, A.B. Editor, 601 Otis Bld'g; 5432 Ingleside Ave. Lynne John Bevan, S.B. Hydraulic Eng'r, 49 Wall St., New York, N.Y. Edith Ella Bickell, Ph.B. Teacher, Milwaukee Nor. Sch., Milwaukee, Wis. Florence Adelle Bixby, S.B. Teacher, H.S.; 645 Cass St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Alexander Black, A.B. Interne, Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. Alice Marcella Borgmeier, S.B. Teacher, 1521 N. Hoyne Ave. Thomas Harris Boughton, S.B.; S.M., '05. See Masters of Science. Frances MacLeod Bowman, A.B. Ass't Prin., Glendale Coll., Glendale, Ohio. Ola Bowman (Mrs. W. N. Raymond), Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 218 E. 7th St., Newton, Kan. Laura Emeline Branson (Mrs. William A. Nunlist), Ph.B. 94 Castro St., San Francisco, Cal. Emma Josephine Breck, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 3003 Summit St., Oakland, Cal. Francis Edward Brimblecom, A.B. Teacher, McKinley H.S.; 3501 Van Buren St. Dolores Brockett, S.B. Tech. Ass't, U. of C, Zoology Bld'g; (h) McPherson, Kan. Mary Ruth Brockway, Ph.B. 331 E. Carroll St., Macomb, 111. Alanson Watson Brown, A.B. Clergyman, 513 N. Kalamazoo Ave., Marshall, Mich. Alonzo Hertzel Brown, A.B. Instr., Howard U., Washington, D.C. Edward Vail Lapham Brown, S.B. Physician, Peoples Gas Bld'g. Harold Chappell Brubaker, A.B. fo Goodman M'f'g Co.; 6542 Ellis Ave. Maurice Buchsbaum, S.B. Physician, 108 N. State St. Clarence Castleman Bulger, A.B. Architect, 1517-18 Praetorian Bld'g, Dallas, Tex. 140 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Christina Louise Burns, A.B. 523 W. Main St., Kalamazoo, Mich. R. D. Calkins, S.B.; S.M., '08. -See Masters of Science. Walter England Calley, S.B. Eng'r, 4917 Blackstone Ave. Gail Horton Calmerton, S.B. Teacher, 236 W. Washington St., Fort Wayne, Ind.; (h) 1422 State St., Milwaukee, Wis. Francis Denis Campau, Ph.B. Attorney, 615 Mich. Trust Bld'g, Grand Rapids, Mich. Stephen Reid Capps, Jr., A.B.; Ph.D., '07. See Doctors of Philosophy. John Barron Carrington, Ph.B. Adv. Agency, 610 Gibbs Bld'g, San Antonio, Tex. Gertrude Leigh Caswell (Mrs. W. F. Spaulding), A.B. Kersey, Colo. Mildred Chadsey, Ph.B. Chief of Bureau of Sanitation, City Hall, Cleveland, Ohio. Mary Abigail Chamberlain (Mrs. Alfred E. Chadwick), A.B. 4537 N. Ashland Ave. Rollin Thomas Chamberlin, S.B.; Ph.D., '07. -See Doctors of Philosophy. Mary Elizabeth Charters, A.B. Ass't Cashier, The Ashton Bank, Ashton, 111. Lillian Clark, Ph.B. Teacher H.S.; 50| High St., Oshkosh, Wis. Charles Vernoy Clark, Ph.B.; J.D., '04. -See Doctors of Law. Eva Wallace Claus, Ph.B. Teacher, Tuley H.S.; 3856 Lexington St. Elizabeth Whittlesey Cleaveland, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 36 High St., New Haven, Conn. George Cleaver, A.B. Clergyman, Houghton, Mich. Edith Clendenen (Mrs. Ernest E. Jones), Ph.B. 608 Joliet St., LaSalle, 111. Herbert Cohen, A.B. Supt. of Construction, U.S. Public Buildings, Treasury Dep't, Washington, D.C. *Ruth Cohen, A.B. Died 1906. Charles William Collins, Ph.B. Dramatic Critic, Inter Ocean; 904 Wilson Ave. Mary Meroe Conlan, Ph.B. Teacher; 167 High St., Blue Island, 111. Mary Olive Conrath, Ph.B. 534 Franklin St., Lima, Ohio. Perry Boyer Corneau, A.B. Corneau & Co., 140 S. Dearborn St. Fassett Allen Cotton, Ph.B. Pres., State Nor. Sch., La Crosse, Wis. Abigail Wells Cowley, Ph.B. Teacher, Warren Sch., 6216 South Park Ave. Ada Beall Cox (Mrs. Oscar L. Triggs), Ph.B. R.R. 5, Santa Rosa, Cal. Bessie Juliet Crary, A.B. Reporter, 1495 W. 49th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Rena Crawford, Ph.B. Teacher, Shuqualah, Miss. Ella Magdalene Dannehy (Mrs. John T. Bunting, Jr.), Ph.B. 3650 N. Kedvale Ave., Irving Park, 111. Margaret Davidson (Mrs. Charles A. Huston), Ph.B. e /o Leland Stanford Junior IT., Stanford University, Cal. Milton Judson Davies, A.B. Teacher, Institute of Arts and Sciences, Columbia U., New York, N.Y.; 227 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ethel Lillian Dewey, Ph.B. Instr., Univ. Sch. for Girls, Hull House. Chicago; (h) Wauwatosa, Wis. Frank Walbridge DeWolf, S.B. Director, State Geological Survey, Urbana, 111. Louise Charlotte Doerfer, Ph.B. Teacher, H.S.; 1210 Lawrence Ave., Canton, Ohio. Eleanor Doherty (Mrs. S. W. Gehr), A.B. 1222 E. 54th St. Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, Science, and Education 141 Emma Amelia Dolfinger, Ph.B. Teacher, Louisville Girls' Sch.; 408 Fountain Court, Louisville, Ky. Katharine Dudley, Ph.B. Artist, 1545 Astor St. Edith Mabel Dunning (Mrs. Frederic Massey), Ph.B. 6054 Berlin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Carolyn Ford Edwards, A.B. Teacher, H.S.; 616 South St., Kalamazoo, Mich. *Carl William Eisendrath, S.B. Died April 20, 1910. Charles Button Elliott, A.B.; D.B., '06. See Bachelors of Divinity. Augusta Evelyn Giffard Engels (Mrs. Charles E. White), S.B. 26 Dorval Road, Toronto, Ont. Naomi Northcott Everett (Mrs. Charles E.), Ph.B. Teacher, Marshall Coll.; Huntington, W.Va. William Haines Fielding, A.B. With Brown Hoisting Machine Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Frederic Arthur Fischel, Ph.B.; J.D., '05. See Doctors of Law. Elsie Flersheim, A.B. Teacher, Medill H.S.; 4818 Langley Ave. Walter Irving Fowle, A.B.; D.B., '07. See Bachelors of Divinity. Walter Edward Francis, Ph.B. With The Bradstreet Co., R'y Exch. Bld'g, Denver, Colo. Eli Pike Gale, S.B. Ass't Mg'r, Western Grocer Mills, Marshalltown,Ta. Emelyn Elizabeth Gardner, A.B. Wynne Norton Garlick, A.B. Teacher, Stadium H.S.; 3724 S. Thompson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. Emil Goettsch, S.B.; Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Philosophy. William Alfred Goodman, Jr., Ph.B. Insurance, 1965 175 W. Jackson Blv'd. Carl Henry Grabo, Ph.B. Instr., U. of C; 5811 Dorchester Ave. Ada Warner Gray (Mrs.), Ph.B. Granby, Mass. Alice Mabel Gray, A.B. 1121 E. 61st St. Elbert Chellis Green, A.B. Supt. of Schs., Bluffton, Ohio. ♦Martha Watt Greer (Mrs. Carl V. Wisner), Ph.B. Died 1911. Frank Loxley Griffin, S.B.; S.M., '04; Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Philosophy. William Herman Haas, A.B. Teacher, 2113 Putman St., Toledo, Ohio. Thomas Johnston Hair, Ph.B. Ass't Treas., Acme Steel Goods Co., 1447 E. 52d St. Jennie Elizabeth Hall (Mrs. Harold M. Barnes), Ph.B. 4331 Lyndale Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Nellie Maria Halsted (Mrs. Ernest K. Taylor), Ph.B. Huntington Beach, Cal. George P. Hambrecht, Ph.B. Attorney, Grand Rapids, Wis. Annie Mcintosh Hardie, A.B. Teacher, 621 Homan Ave. Edith Janet Harding, A.B. Teacher, Wendell Phillips H.S.; 6547 Ellis Ave. Rebecca Madeleine Harding (Mrs. Bruce Palmer), A.B. 4100 Ave. G, Austin, Tex. Helen Genevieve Hayner (Mrs. John Marshall), S.B. 128 East St., Houghton, Mich. Noble Sproat Heaney, A.B. Ass't Prof., Rush Med. Coll.; 1523 E. 66th Place. Cleo Hearon, Ph.B.; Ph.M., '09. See Masters of Philosophy. Robert Wilhelm Hegner, S.B. ; S.M., '04. See Masters of Science. John Henry Heinen, S.B. Physician and Surgeon, 731 W. North Ave. 142 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Sara Emily Henderson, Ph.B. Teacher, Knoxville, la. Rachel Henton (Mrs. Harold B. Challiss), S.B. Milan, Italy. *Agatha Draper Hequembourg (Mrs. R. G. Pierson), S.B. Died May 28, 1913. Floyd Lee Hewitt, A.B. Civil Eng'r, 322 W. Park Ave., Savannah, Ga. Annas Higgins, Ph.B. Critic Teacher, Sch. of Ed., U. of C; 5730 Kimbark Ave. Willis Stose Hilpert, S.B. ; Ph.D., '06. See Doctors of Philosophy. Helen Hitchcock, A.B. Teacher, Bowen H.S., Chicago; (h) Osage, la. Julia Coburn Hobbs, A.B. Los Terrados, S. Pasadena, Cal. Charles Murfit Hogeland, S.B. Sales Dep't, Philip Ruxton Inc. ; 6742 Lowe Ave. Caroline Little Hopps (Mrs. Caroline H. DeLong), Ph.B. Kalamazoo, Mich. Laura Madge Houghton, Ph.B. Teacher, Washington H.S., Milwaukee; 76 Warren Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis. John Wesley Hubert, A.B. Director, Farm Sch., R.R. 2, White Plains, Ga. Livonia Starr Hunter, A.B. Teacher, H.S., Monmouth, 111. Robert Gordon Jeffrey, Ph.B. Prin., Sawyer Ave. Sch.; 9740 Walden Parkway. Jessie Louise Jones, Ph.B. Prof., Lewis Inst.; 2218 Washington Blv'd. Peter Cornelius de Jong, A.B. Clergyman, Danforth, 111. Xenophon de B. Kalamatiano, A.B. Mg'r, Odessa Branch, J. I. Case T.M. Co., P.O. Box 12/36 Odessa, Russia. Agness Joslyn Kaufman, A.B.; Ed.B., '05. 325 Laflin St. Anne Allen Kellogg (Mrs. Heinrich C. Keidel), Ph.B. -<0'*TtHrHOi0O00'* I 05 eaaisvp\[ SHOlSHOVg ivxoj, H •■* ■ CO rH ,-H 10 CM ■* IN CO . iOCOCOiC051>CO •i-COOOOt-COcOO'*lCOCOlCCOrHOO rHi-H-Hr-trHNCMCNCNIMCOCOCOCOCOCOTjHCO --I^HCOCNCOI> i-HCO>OcOt>c005(Ni-i^-*c00000005COt^iO CO-*lOCOr^OOOiO'-HMCO'*iOCOt^OOOlO'-l(MCO oacsoiflioioiooooooooooHHHH ; i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I i I I (MCOTt00050>-< 73 Nabours, Robert K, Ph.D 28, 157 Mankato Fair, Newell M 117 Hulse, Anna M., A.M 92 Newton Balzer, Jacob F., A.M 91 Quiring, Jacob, A.M 93 Raymond, Mrs. W. N 139 Olathe Evans, Rees P., D.B 47 Meredith, Evan B., D.B 50, 100 OSKALOOSA Kuns, George D., D.B 60 Ottawa Beam, Nellie G 207 Chandler, Edward K., D.B 47 Fraser, Hugh G., D.B 53 Groner, Orel S., S.M 82 Harlan, Rolvix, Ph.D 35, 58 Harlan, Mrs. Rolvix , . . . 152 Holt, Levi H., D.B 49, 98 Pirscher, Jane M. L., Ph.M 72, 144 292 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago KANSAS — Continued Price, Silas E., D.B 52 Shirk, Claude J., S.M 84 Stucker, Edwin S 64 Parsons Crawford, Jerry T., D.B 56 Peabodt Kent, Alfred Richard G., J.D 38, 164 Phillipsburg Haggard, David D 63 Judson, Eugene P., D.B 59 Pittsburg Eldridge, Charles D., D.B 58 Myers. George E., A.M 69 Pleasanton Chapman, Prank M., A.M 88 Sedan Warner, Louis U 63 Seneca Baily, Henry H 217 Severy McDonald, Mark A 193 Solomon Scott, William R 101 Sterling Inches, Mary J 134 Topeka Dodge, Paul H., J.D 39, 162 Finch, Charles A 106 Gordon, Mrs. Robert 152 Heywood, Edna E 134 Howes, Charles C 155 Kinney, Edwin B., D.B 55 McDermott, George T., J.D 41, 183 McElroy, Abigail C 233 MacKinnon, Jean G., A.M 92 Schley, Eva O 185 Twiss, Edith M., Ph.D 32, 77 Weidling, Walter H 216 Valley Center Ray, Fanny A 204 Washington McWilliams, Robert H., A.M. 92 Wichita Baker, Bertha B 228 Binnewies, Wilfred G., A.M 84 Clapp, Mrs. Marc C 181 Hutton, Earl R 221 Jones, Mrs. William K 136 Lampl, Henry, J.D 38, 149 Lewis, Hiram W 233 Peterson, Laura H. M., A.M 81 Simes, Lewis M 225 Swartz, Samuel E., Ph.D 22 Sullivan, James P 177 Whittaker, Mrs. Clive C, Ph.M 74 Williams, Edward M 145 Williams, Mrs. Edward M 115 Williamsburg Fogle, Frank D. A 133 WlNFIELD Latham, Harris L., A.M 83 McClellan, Myrta L 233 KENTUCKY Bellevue Godshaw, Esther 191 Berea Shouse, Henry M., D.B 57 Bowling Green Burton, Alonzo C 229 Todd, Sarah E 215 Covington Campbell, Joseph B 161 Kuechenmeister, Martha M 222 Danville Claassen, Peter A., Ph.D 16 Smith, Newland F., Ph.D 22 Staley, Mary H 215 Elizabethtown Smith, Claude R 159 Henderson Baskett, Mildred D 217 HOPKINSVILLE Brooks, Paul P 198 Dryer, Helen 1 230 Lexington Didlake, Mary L., S.M 68 Fichman, David 199 Fortune, Alonzo W., D.B 59 Hemenway, Ansel F., Ph.D 32 Rees, Elijah L., A.M 93 Shouse, Mary A 205 Snyder, Mrs. William R 177 Geographical Index 293 Louisville Braun, Samuel A 208 Cohen, Herman M 198 Crabb, Wilson D., Ph.D 15 Dolflnger, Emma A 141 Fahey, Margaret 219 Ferry, Lily M 210 Lang, Bertha E 183 Lewis, Leon P., J.D 37, 135 Lewis, Viola C 212 Ragsdale, George T 158 Robertson, Elizabeth G 195 Strull, Charles, J.D 41, 196 Van Arsdale, Suzanne G 216 Wilberding, Frances L 227 KENTUCKY — Continued Mayfield Faughender, Milton M 219 OWENSBORO Risley, James H., Ph.M 87 Paducah Smith, Susan E 176 Tingley, Margaret J 226 Paris Hancock, Arthur B 104 RUSSELLVILLE Dasher, George F 162 Warsaw Wolkow, Isaac L. 197 Joseph, Corydon S 135 LOUISIANA BOYCE Joyner, Mrs. Henry A 148 Eunice Hammers, William O 95 Homer Staples, Otho B., A.M 84 Natchitoches Pool, Clarence G 194 New Orleans Bechtel, Edward A., Ph.D 14 Bordes, Andre B. de, Ph.D 15 Clo, J. Harry, Ph.D 22 Dunn, Peter F 181 Hardesty, Irving, Ph.D 29 McCarthy, James R 173 Stern, Mrs. L. Walter 203 Shreveport Davidson, Essie M 230 Stevens, Mary C 205 Tangipahoa Waller, Jesse C 187 MAINE Auburn North Raymond Marsh, Arba J., D.B 56 Long, Hargrave A Orono 222 Bangor Hopkins, Mrs. Ralph T 162 Dexter Olds, Rinaldo L., D.B 50, 99 Farminoton Sweet, John A., Jr 151 Lewiston Fisher, Franklin 219 North Lovell Chrysler, Mintin A., Ph.D 31 Craig, Wallace, Ph.D 27 Hart, James N., S.M 66 McKee, Ralph H., Ph.D 23 Thompson, Guy A., Ph.D 18 Portland DeSombre, William E 133 Erb, Frank O., D.B 62, 82 Waterville Gilpatrick, Rose A 106 Wiscasset Garcelon, Albert B., J.D 37, 133 Smith, Mrs. Harold E 134 MARYLAND Baltimore Andrews, Katherine 116 Acree, Solomon F., Ph.D 23 Atchley, Dana W 217 Anderson, David B 197 Bacon, Clara L., A.M 73 294 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago MARYLAND — Continued Barker, Grace S. T 169 Bibbins, Mrs. Arthur B., Ph.M 68 Braunlich, George 208 Burket, Walter C 208 Callard, George H 121 Cornell, William B 116 Cowdry, Edmund V., Ph.D 28 Droege, Mathilde 181 Harris, Mary B., Ph.D 12 Hopkins, Annette B., Ph.D 18 Jaquith, Charles A., A.M 89 Lee, Mary M 164 Livingston, Burton E., Ph.D 30 Livingston, Mrs. Burton E 135 Robinson, David M., Ph.D 13, 115 Watson, John B., Ph.D 4 Chevy Chase Hubbard, Mrs. Henry D 106 College Park Appleman, Charles O., Ph.D 32 Ceoome Chrisman, Clayton A 218 Frederick Wenner, Jessie S., A.M 81 Fresh Glen Wright, Mrs. George H 99 Lutherville Spaulding, Myra L., A.M 74, 130 MASSACHUSETTS Adams Southworth, Eva 215 Amherst Anderson, Ernest, Ph.D 24 Herrick, Mrs 133 Arlington Wood, Nathan E., D.B 48, 98 Wood, Mrs. Nathan E 97 Attleboro Bushee, Grace L., A.M. . . . 85 Altburndalb Gordon, William C, Ph.D 9 Norton, John F., Ph.D 24 Walker, Dean A., Ph.D 11 Boston Anderson, Elbridge R 102 Backhand, Jonas O 153 Blackburn, Alexander, D.B 48 Brigham, Joseph W., D.B 51 Denis, Willey, Ph.D 24 Farnham, Charlotte A 117 Goetsch, Emil, Ph.D 28, 141 Goettsch, Arthur 200 Haggard, Fred P., D.B 53 Hinton, Mrs. W. A 172 McClintock, Mary L.. Ph.M 69 Middleton, Thomas C, A.M 83, 184 Plummer, Laura S 214 Radley, Alfred DeS 144 Retan, Fred S., D.B 54 Taylor, Elbert O., D.B 47, 96 Thomas, Mary R 196 Van Riper, Benjamin W., Ph.D 4 Wathne, Thorleif 236 Brookline Folin, Otto K. O., Ph.D .... Folin, Mrs. Otto, A.M Harwood, Mrs. John H Cambridge Birkhoff, George D., Ph.D. . Davis, Mrs. Harvey N Grose, Merritt R Hempstead, Mrs. J. L Kerner, Robert J., A..M Palmquist, Elim A. E., D.B. Ritchie, Rowland H Smith, Cora L Stephenson, George M Van Wie, Charles B Wilson, Carl I . .80, ..59, Charles River Village Stanwood, Mrs. Philip C Dorchester Lingham, Grace E , East Northfield Schaefer, Lena A , Fall River Brownson, Truman G., D.B Framingham Howe, Chester H., D.B Hatfield Hodges, Charles A Hudson Castle, Mary Granbt Gray, Mrs. Ada W 22 65 119 19 172 171 144 183 123 129 151 167 124 152 125 202 176 51 59 110 104 141 Geographical Index 295 ROXBURY Everts, William W., D.B. . MASSACHUSETTS— Continued Lancaster Key, Mrs. Francis B., Ph.D 27 Lowell Bronson, Christine F., Ph.M 76 Miller, Winifred F 234 Parsons, Olive S 175 Lynn Pope, Flora E 185 Malden Bugbee, Lucius H., A.M 69 Melrose Hines, Herbert W., D.B 62 MONSON Norton, Louise C 194 Needham Rothwell, Mrs. Bernard J., S.M 67 Newton Scofleld, Cora L., Ph.D 8 Newton Center .48, South Hadley Carr, Emma P., Ph.D 24, 154 Clapp, Cornelia M., Ph.D 26 Doak, Eleanor C 126 Hewes, Amy, Ph.D 10 Pell, Anna Johnson (Mrs. Alexander) , Ph.D 20 Roberts, Edith A., S.M 90 Searles, Helen M., Ph.D .- 12 Starr, Anna M., Ph.D 32 Stokey, Alma G., Ph.D 32 Wells, Mary E., S.M 77 Tufts College Evans, Lawrence B., Ph.D 7 Waban Turner, Mrs. Alfred C 137 Waltham Hobson, Alphonzo A., Ph.D 34 Anderson, Frederick L., D.B 52, 101 Vaughan, Richard M., D.B 56 Northampton Adams, Elizabeth K., Ph.D 3 Chenot, Anna A 189 Le Due, Alma de L 118 Miller, Ana E 119 Smith, Frances G., Ph.D 31 Wood, Irving, F., Ph.D 12 Norwood Nead, George W., D.B 48, 97 Orange Gridley, Eben E 163 Orleans Bartlett, Eleanor H., A.M 91 Palmer Palmer, John H., D.B 62 Quincy Wadsworth, Mrs. Dexter E 105 Revere Sheehan, Thomas W 205 Wellesley Batchelder, Josephine H., A.M 84 Brainerd, Mrs. W. H., Ph.D 17 Burnham, Josephine M 125 Hubbard, Marion E 103 Hughes, Helen S., A.M 86, 201 Hull, Helen R 221 Norcross, Katherine, S.M 90 Snow, Laetitia M., Ph.D 31 Talbott, Rose C, A.M 90 Youngman, Anna P., Ph.D 6, 160 WlLLIAMSTOWN Allee, Warder C, Ph.D 28, 84 Allee, Mrs. Warder C 221 Woods Hole Breitenbecher, Joseph K., Ph.D 28 Worcester Andress, James M., Ph.M 74 Jones, Arthur T 118 Jones, Mrs. Arthur T 127 Sagar, Carlotta D 214 Tanner, Amy E., Ph.D 3 Adrian Simpson, Edwin, D.B Alamo Polley, Archibald D., S.M. MICHIGAN Alanson 58 Bisbee, Edith V 228 Albion ... 90, 194 Kennedy, Mrs. Walter S 132 296 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago MICHIGAN- Alma Barton, Alvin L 121 Priest, Joseph W., D.B 59, 144 Priest, Mrs. Joseph W 123 Sharp, Lester W., Ph.D 32 Ann Arbor Bachelor, Mrs. Prank B 200 Case, Ermine C, Ph.D 30 Durfee, Edgar N., J.D 39 Eggert, Carl E., Ph.D 16 Escott, Edward B., S.M 66 Hegner, Robert W., S.M 72, 141 Hildebrandt, Theophil H., Ph.D. . .20, 76 Hopkins, Louis A., S.M 76 Miner, Joel A 96 Poor, Vincent C, S.M 78 Rathke, Walter R., A.M 90, 175 Robbins, Prank E., Ph.D 13 Stevens, Prank H 196 Thomas, Camp C 206 Welch, Mrs. Roy D 195 Wier, Marion C, A.M 66 Battle Creek Benson, Mrs. Walfred 142 Coon, David B., D.B 55 Ford, Margaret A 219 Puffer, William J 185 Bay City Neubauer, Eugene, D.B 61, 150 Robinson, Florence B 195 Benton Harbor Dye, Clark J 171 Dye, Mrs. Clark J 167 Gurd, Edith M 210 Herring, Mrs. N. A 144 Big Rapids MacArthur, Nancy 173 Birmingham Conley, George L., D.B 53 Bronson Ashcraft, Flora M 178 Butternut Lewis, Walter G., S.M 92 Calumet Hallingby, Ole, Jr 117 Todd, David D., S.M 79 Caro Corkery, William M., D.B 51, 102 Carson City Powell, Mildred 194 —Continued Cassopolis Price, Alfred B 98 Walworth, Edith L 196 Wells, Lenna G 206 Cedar Springs Walsh, Frank J 103 Charlotte Falconer, Mabel P 171 Chassell Clark, Florence E 218 Clarkston Sweat, Florence M 215 Coldwater Burns, Clarence S 161 Coloma Fuller, William H., D.B 57 Detroit Ashleman, Lorley A., Ph.M 77, 153 Bancroft, Nellie E., A.M 67 Barbour, Hubert V., J.D 38 Berry, Frances M 207 Boyer, Charles J 125 Campbell, Elizabeth 208 Chaille, Uriah M 98 Doty, Mrs. Wirt P 148 Drummond, Mrs. Robert S 157 Gieseler, Carl A 220 Irwin, Harry N., A.M 82 Lake, Elisah M., D.B 55 Lane, Ruth W., A.M 70 McCurdy, Charles H 223 Palmer, Hattie M 150 Pike, Charles S 107 Rookus, Clara A 195 Smith, Mrs. D. W 169 Smith, Delbert W 176 Steele, Charles M 151 Sunderland, Jabez T., D.B 47, 96 Tingle, Harry M 152 Waples, Marcia P 130 Williams, Lucy E 227 Wittet, George L., D.B 54 DOWAGIAC Howard, John A 114 Weinberg, Callie A 206 East Lansing Bittner, Walton S 188 Mumford, Eben, Ph.D 10 Mumford, Luella (Mrs. Eben) 203 Empire Rohns, Paul P 195 Geographical Index 297 MICHIGAN — Continued Fenton DeWaters, Enos A 126 De Waters, Mrs. Enos A 138 Hough, Lula M 114 Flint Burns, Jabez W 179 Crippen, Guy C., D.B 62, 88, 170 Marvin, Harry C 157 GOBLEVILLE Kahl, Frances A 232 Grand Haven Irish, Miles 211 Vander Meulen, John, A.M 79 Grand Rapids Appleton, Lilla E„ Ph.D 5, 71, 72 Broene, Albert E 112 Campau, Francis D 140 Campau, Mrs. Francis D 126 Hefferan, Mary, Ph.D 32 Hilding, John W., J.D 43 Jones, Anna S., A.M 83 Kuiper, Bernard K 142 Lovett, William P 118 McCurdy, Raymond S 135 Murphy, Mary E 157 Palmer, Ray A 165 Perrin, Elizabeth 1 224 Rice, Mrs. Preston 107 Stetson, Paul C 186 Stetson, Mrs. Paul C 180 Van Denbergh, Edith J 167 Van Osdel, Oliver W., D.B 51 Wells, Sumner M., Jr 227 Greenville Pettit, Lewie D., D.B 51 Gum Lake Barnes, Jean S 179 Gwinn Russell, Ruth C 225 Harbor Springs Munson, John M 224 Hartford Cochrane, Beatrice 189 Henshaw, Delno C, D.B 54 Hastings Huffman, George L. B 232 Leach, Acelia M 212 Hersey Delzell, Ruth E 219 Hermansville Earle, George H 209 Hillsdale Kinney, Hallie N 202 Pinkham, Frederick O 204 Holland Beardslee, John W., Jr., A.M 67 Beardslee, Mrs. John W., Jr., A.M.. . 82 Dykstra, Lawrence, D.B 55 Getz, Harry W 148 Hoekstra, Peter 172 Mulder, Arnold, A.M 83 Ravens, Floy A 235 Houghton Carson, Charles M., Ph.D 23 Cleaver, George 140 Grant, Elmer D., A.M 66 Grant, Mrs. Elmer D 118 Marshall, Mrs. John 141 Ionia Brown, Charles F., A.M 91 Daniells, Marian E 190 Flewelling, Carrel W 199 Powell, Henry W., D.B 51 Iron Mountain Harmon, Alta A., A.M 67 Swanson, Minnie M 215 ISHPEMING Asgaard, Anna A 228 Rhinehart, Estella, S.M 87 Kalamazoo Ames, Jessie H 160 Balch, Ernest A., Ph.D 7 Bestor, Orson P., D.B 49 Bouck, Harvey J 198 Burns, Christina L 140 Colman, Helen R 116 DeLong, Mrs. Caroline H 142 Eaton, Ruth 199 Edwards, Carolyn F 141 Elder, Sarah 126 Fox, John E 210 Gibson, Lillian E 181 Harrigan, Alice J 122 Harvey, LeRoy H., Ph.D 31 Hochstein, Emilia 118 Hornbeck, LeRoy 127 Howard, Harry C 104 Hussey, Bertha, A.M 86 Inkster, Mrs. A. B 160 Jackson, John B 122 Jones, Bertrand L 192 Kirkland, Amelia E 173 298 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago MICHIGAN — Continued Lamed, Frances J 149 Longley, Joanna H 156 Lucasse, Florence J 212 Marshall, Eugene J 184 Maxson, Ethel M 203 Moore, Caroline S Ill Muffley, Vara M 184 Parsons, Mrs. W. W 189 Pengelly, Mary E 204 Pomeroy, Alice G 166 Powell, Agnes B., A.M 78, 144 Praeger, William E., S.M 72 Slocum, Arthur G., Jr 137 Smith, Lemuel F., S.M 87 Stanley, Mabel E 215 Stetson, Herbert L., D.B 49 Stewart, Gordon L 186 Vreeland, Charles F 64 Warrant, Marcia E 124 White, LeRoy B., A.M 84, 152 Wight, Wallace E., D.B 55 Wiley, Fordyce B 178 Winslow, Florence 178 Wood, Leslie H., A.M 70 Woodhams, Mrs. E. L 187 Yaple, Edward L 112 KlNGSLEY Dunn, Howard W 190 Lansing Aldinger, Frederick C, D.B 60 Ballinger, Lees 131 Van Steenberg, Cecile 236 Labium Baldwin, John R 63 Lawton Lane, William K 63 LUDINGTON Lemon, Charles A., D.B 56 Millar, Frank E 136 Manistee Wente, Frances 130 Manistique Quick, Mildred 1 185 Schoemaker, William R., Ph.D 35, 57 Schoemaker, Mrs. William R., A.M. . 69 Shinar, Mrs. William J 180 Marquette Hebb, Thomas C, Ph.D 21 Hebb, Mrs. Thomas C, S.M 72, 134 McCracken, William, Ph.D 23 Magers, Samuel D., S.M 69 Martinson, Emil M., D.B 56 Mills, Ward M Olson, Lydia M Stockwell, Steven S., A.M Marshall Brown, Alanson W Mattawan Seward, Ora P., Ph.D 16, Mendon Simpson, Marie E Menominee Davis, John N., A.M . Giese, William C Midland Waid, George H., A.M Mt. Clemens Barker, Mabel C Smith, Mary E Mt. Pleasant Bellis, William Calkins, R D, S.M 77, Newberry, Ruth, A.M 90, Woldt, Mae K., S.M Muskegon Abbott, Mrs. George A Bennett, Judson G Cleveland, John B Lane, James A Schenck, Lucy L Watkins, Homer E Negaunee Fulkerson, Fay G Newaygo Atwood, Orville E NlLES Bunbury, Florence O North Lansing Price, Orlo J., D.B Price, Mrs. Orlo J Olivet Sterenberg, Delta P. (Mrs. James). Overisel Kuiper, Rienk B Ovid Rumsey, Bessie E Owosso Wolford, Charles R., D.B 128 175 94 139 101 235 74 200 197 176 153 140 213 74 105 179 170 233 214 159 210 146 218 56 113 226 173 185 61 Geographical Index 299 MICHIGAN- Oxford Morrill, Kingman K 63 Painesdale Paine, John C 165 Pentwater De Long, Iva J 199 Wakefield, Mrs. John H 175 Port Huron Barry, David Q 63 McLean, John H., D.B 62, 80 Port Sanilac Brodie, Isabella C. (Mrs. James J.) . . 132 Paw Paw Robertson, Arthur H., Ph.M 83 Petersburgh Crosby, Elizabeth C, S.M 88 Plainwell Barber, Charles W., D.B 50 Reed City Ince, Edward A., D.B 48 Royal Oak Swartwout, Fred R., D.B 52, 102 Saginaw Ascher, Margaretha, A.M 88 Feige, Edna M 190 Winkler, Elsie M 227 St. Johns Gregory, John E., D.B 52 Walsworth, Harry E 152 St. Joseph Hope, Chauncey E 211 Sault Ste. Marie Strong, Mrs. Sidney D 187 ■Continued Sawyer Holloway, George F 103 Shelby Ripley, Lucenia M 158 South Haven Clark, Ellen M 161 Sparta Spiering, Ella A 226 Stambaugh Kofmehl, William J 202 Sturgis Ferner, Carl M 219 Wright, Lynn A 206 Three Oaks Gilpin, Archie R., S.M 89 Howard, Mrs. R. B 182 Three Rivers Bliss, Guy L 146 Krogen, Inez Z 212 Traverse City Blackman, Willis L 131 Linsley, Willis H 128 Linsley, Robert M 173 Two Harbors Hamaker, Jacob G 117 Unionville Lowthian, Mrs. Timothy, Ph.M.. 74, 132 Ypsilanti Devin, Esther L 230 Pettit, Marshall H., D.B 50 Putnam, Mary B., Ph.M 83 Zeland Janssen, Ralph 114 MINNESOTA Albert Lea Broholm, Christian A., D.B 52 Austin Riley, Walter L., D.B 54 Roulston, Jessie A., Ph.M 83 Bemidji Wedge, Mrs. Arthur G 109 Brainerd Cody, Roy E 132 McCoy, Susan 156 Brandon Olson, Adolph J 157 Canby Huffman, Sidney C 148 Carlisle Sethre, John O., Ph.D 8 Cass County Beach, Mrs. George W 121 300 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago MINNESOTA — Continued Chisholm Ritchey, John P Ritchey, Mrs. John P . Clark's Grove Sorenson, Ella L Crookston Kline, Frank J Dexter Franklin, Joy E Dodge Center Van Horn, Theodore J., D.B. 124 123 236 210 55 DtTLUTH Adams, Mrs. Frank D Brown, Margaretta M. B Buell, Julia T Hostetter, Abram B McCord, Mrs. Joseph Owens, William A., A.M 87, Ross, Guy W. C Sayles, Richard E., D.B Stoughton, Harry A., D.B Van Cleaf , Eugene Wieland, Otto E East Grand Forks Nixon, Martha A Fairmont Diment, Florence D Hallock Peterson, Peter, D.B Hector Eichmiller, Verlinda M . . . Hibbing Alexander, Claude C, A.M. Vollwiler, Albert T., A.M.. . Janesville Funkhauser, Taylor W. . . . McGregor Tanner, Alvin C 115 208 189 96 168 213 129 58 57 187 112 234 230 53 230 48 220 177 Mankato Bowden, Josephine H., A.M 84 Frost, William W., A.M 69 Hobbs, Ralph W., D.B 55 Miller, George J., S.M' 81, 184 Robbins, Alice V., Ph.M 71 Minneapolis Barnes, Mrs. Harold M 141 Beal, William O., S.M 69 Bridgman, Donald E., Ph.D 6 Bussey, William H., Ph.D 19 Deinard, Samuel N., A.M 68 Ebersole, John F 181 Emmons, William H., Ph.D 25 Gotham, Charles L 191 Hall, Robert A., Ph.D 24, 163 Halsey, Henry R 191 Jeffries, Mrs. Clyde W 138 Jenks, Albert E 110 Johnson, Andrew W., J.D 43 Jordan, Charles B 182 Keller, William F 45 Lindholm, Lillie M 156 Lobb, Albert J 193 Lynch, Matthew J 143 McAlmon, Victoria M 222 McFarlane, Charlotte M 165 Mansfield, Mrs. J. A., Ph.M 70 Metzinger, Leon 184 Morrill, Gulian L., D.B 50 Morse, William H 101 Patterson, Clarence N., D.B 50, 100 Patterson, Mrs. Eugene 107 Peterson, Frank E., D.B 54 Pettibone, Chauncey J. V 175 Pierce, Earle V 104 Pope, Edward R., D.B 51 Quigley, Samuel, A.M 90 Rahn, Carl L., Ph.D 5, 175 Reep, Samuel N., Ph.D 36 Shutter, Marion D., D.B 50 Stone, Edward T 102 Street, Horace B 145 Thompson, Charles S., A.M 65 Underhill, Anthony L., Ph.D 19, 124 Vincent, George E., Ph.D 9 Willis, Carl L., A.M 71 Young, Jeremiah S., Ph.D 7 Moorhead Kibbey, Adelaide S 183 Sholty, Myrtle 225 Northfield Balduf, Emery W., A.M 91 Dungay, Neil S., Ph.D 28 Gingrich, Curvin H., Ph.D 21 Keith, Arthur L., Ph.D 13 Owatonna Briggs, John G., Jr., D.B 56 Pipestone Luehrs, Lillian H 202 Geographical Index 301 MINNESOTA — Continued Red Wing Fjeldstad, Christian A., S.M 82, 191 Rochester Gamble, George H., D.B 52 Mercer, William L 114 Rogers, Marie G 214 Swanson, Emma A 138 St. Cloud Bally, Helen 178 Oliver, John, D.B 52 Stiles, Clara L 206 St. James Rowe, Marguerite I 235 St. Paul Abernethy, Herbert A 116 Chapman, Nathan E., D.B 51, 102 Derby, Ira H., Ph.D 24 Dobbin, Emily E., S.M 70, 133 Doty, Mrs. Paul 115 Fuller, Harvey B 181 Garrett, Mrs. H. C 105 Gist, Julian H 210 Graham, Sister Mary C 200 Kelly, Sister Mary J., S.M 83, 192 Kerby, Sister Margaret 232 Kidder, Mary A 202 Kohlsaat, Ernest W., Jr 135 McHugh, Sister Antonia, Ph.M. . .83, 193 Murrell, Gertrude P 184 Myers, Elmer H., D.B 59 Perigord, Paul H., A.M 93 Potter, Milton C, Ph.M 73 Probst, Mrs. John 168 Savage, Edward P., D.B 47, 96 Schottenfels, Ida M., Ph.M 66 Sherer, Renslow P 195 South Haven Weum, Thurston W 178 Stillwater Cummins, Henry C 199 Tower Ericson, Edna M 209 Virginia Newman, Ward 174 Winona Burkholder, Eliza C 218 Colby, Charles C 198 McLaughlin, Dix B 165 MISSISSIPPI Agricultural College Brunson, George H., A.M 69 Condray, Benjamin F., Ph.M 73 Logan, William N., Ph.D 25 Meadows, William R 143 Walker, Buzz M., Ph.D 19 Anner Price, James A., D.B 59 Bobo Gibson, Mrs. John 138 Canton Levy, Mrs. Emile 145 Clinton McComb, William A 63 Columbia Williams, Henry M 197 Columbus Brabston, Katherine 228 Center, Stella S 218 Eaton, Mrs. Rachel C, A.M 85 Hearon, Cleo C, Ph.M 80, 141 Vaughan, Lena, S.M 79, 145 Dexter Snider, Aaron W., D.B 51 Grenada Brown, Mrs. Fannie J 229 Jackson Noble, Stuart G., A.M 86 Swearingen, George C, Ph.D 14 Whitfleld, Garland Q 138 Leland Read, Isaiah W., D.B 49 Shuqualah Crawford, Rena 140 Summit Garner, Alfred W., Ph.M 74 TOUGALOO Van Wyck, Margaret W 138 University Johnson, Herman P., Ph.M 80 Utica Coleman, Francis M., Jr 229 Verona Mabry, Thomas O., S.M 67 302 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Brookfield Smith, Calvin O 215 Canton Gam, Herbert M., D.B 61 Robison, Henry B., Ph.D 34 Cape Girardeau Holt, Ivan L., Ph.D 12 Holt, Mrs. Ivan L., A.M 80 Carthage Peterson, Andrew P., A.M 75 Cassville Meador, Lewis E 213 Centralia Hubbard, Arah H 127 Van Noy, George O., D.B 61 Charleston Danforth, Mrs. Henry A 180 Chillicothe Coburn, Alexander R., A.M 85 Clayton Shipley, Mrs. Frederick W 103 Clinton Dorman, John B., Ph.M 65 Columbia Almstedt, Hermann B., Ph.D 16 Branson, Edwin B„ Ph.D 30 Charters, Werrett W., Ph.D 5, 70 Charters, Mrs. Werrett W., Ph.D.. . . 4 Davenport, Herbert J., Ph.D 6 Ellwood, Charles A., Ph.D 9 Emerson, Frederick V., Ph.D 26 Ingold, Louis, Ph.D 19 Montgomery, Cornelia A., A.M 89 Nesbitt, NeUe, A.M 90 Radford, Alice E 124 Rogers, Arthur K., Ph.D 3 Root, Ralph E., Ph.D 20 Stephens, Frank F., Ph.M 74, 151 Tannreuther, George W., Ph.D 28 Taylor, Alva W., Ph.M 87 Fayette Isely, Frederick B., S.M 82 Fredericktown Reed, Henry T., A.M 90 Fulton Higley, Louis A., Ph.D 24, 122 Glasgow Jeffreys, Elizabeth, Ph.D 23 MISSOURI Greenup Foglesong, Margaret J 210 Hannibal Campbell, George A., D.B 56 Independence Van Horn, Adela C 236 JOPLIN Bingham, Margaret V 228 Frieze, Vernon, J.D 42 Kahoka Ingold, Warren, S.M 82 Meyer, Adeline 174 Kansas City Allendoerfer, Mrs. C. W 188 Ammerman, Emir F 217 Bailer, Mrs. Lloyd E 168 Bain, Bertha 168 Baptiste, John M 169 Barnett, Edith E 197 Beed, Grace 160 Billikopf , Jacob 146 Bowman, Cecile B 132 Breyfogle, Herbert A 161 Bushnell, Albert C 198 Byrdie, Caroline E 189 Crum, Mrs. John H 179 Chapman, Grace 147 Cutting, Luverne H 162 Dickey, Caroline 199 Dornsife, Samuel S 109 Eitzen, Mrs. Arthur R 176 Goodenow, Julian F 126 Hayden John, G 134 Hook, Inghram D 163 Hook, Mrs. Inghram D 147 Hubbart, Henry C 155 Lyons, Mary 212 Moore, Charles W 150 Moss, Charles S 96 Muenich, Max M., J.D 40, 184 Patt, Mrs. Ralph 136 Pyle, Dora A 194 Rohde, Max S 185 Sachs, Mrs. Charles 152 Stiles, Bertha V 124 Stophlet, Donald S 226 Thayer, William B 46 Thomson, William 96 Whitehead, Helen 152 Whittemore, Martha 237 Wright, John S., J.D 39. 168 KlRKSVILLE Clark, William A., Ph.D 5 Heyd, Jacob W., Ph.M 74 Geographical Index 303 MISSOURI — Continued Jamison, George H 232 Rutherford, Ora 214 Violette, Eugene M., A.M 67 Lexington Sellers, Sandford, Jr 235 Liberty Griffith, Elmer C, Ph.D 8 Sutherland, Edwin H., Ph.D 10 Maryville Ashby, Winifred M 139 Crawford, Clara N., A.M 91, 218 Pierce, Dorothy 234 Mexico Egbert, Luthera 147 Moberly Schooling, Lacy P., D.B 61 Monroe City Proctor, Mable 185 Mound City McCoy, Helen R 223 Oregon Bragg, Zinna E 208 ROLLA Test, Louis A., Ph.D 24 St. Charles Porterfleld, Cora M., A.M 66, 107 St. Joseph Pfeiffer, Madeleine 204 Robinson, Mary E 166 Shull, Renata M 144 Winter, Mrs. B. B 112 St. Louis Abbott, James F., Ph.D 27 Anderson, Elisha, D.B 50, 100 Apgar, Genevieve 197 Bates, Ellen C, Ph.M 73 Beverly, Clarence A 97 Blair, Frederick P 228 Breier, Eleanor G 217 Brown, Orville H., Ph.D 29 Chaplin, Trescott F., A.M 66 Cummins, Mrs. Louis R 209 Dykstra, Edward J 199 Ebersole, Abram 104 English, Mrs. W. L 186 Eycleshmyer, Albert C, Ph.D 26 Fulton, Mary C, S.M 76 Garber, John F., Ph.D 31 Gardner, William A 101 Garrey, Walter E., Ph.D 29 Glatfelter, Edith E., S.M 71 Godbey, Allen H., Ph.D n Greenleaf , Mrs. Lillian S 127 Grossman, Mrs. E. M 130 Gunnerson, William C, Ph.D 12 Gustafson, Lewis 127 Hall, Mrs. Robert A., A.M 67 Hecker, Harold F., J.D 40 Heller, Otto, Ph.D 16 Henne, Emma M 182 Hiemenz, Hilda E 182 Holden, Raymond F., S.M 82 Holferty, George M., Ph.D 31 Hughes, Felix T 163 Jenkins, Anne E., A.M 92 Johnson, George R., Ph.M 82 Johnson, Herbert P., Ph.D *26 Jophes, Clara B 182 Knight, Addie L 156 Lachmund, Alice 128 Lippincott, Isaac, Ph.D 7 Loeb, Mrs. Clarence 142 Long, Clarence C„ A.M 86 Lyon, Elias P., Ph.D 28 McLaughlin, Margaret, A.M 75 MacLennan, John W., A.M 89 McQuiston, Mabel 233 Mangold, George B., A.M 70 Massey, Mrs. Frederic 141 Merrill, Melvin C, S.M 93 Neilson, Charles H., Ph.D 29 Pape, Charles C 194 Payne, E. George 175 Peabody, Earl W 107 Prather, John M., Ph.D 27 Rae, WiUiam A., A.M 87 Reavis, William C, A.M 90, 195 Risser, Christian H 185 Salkey, J. Sydney 214 Schoemaker, Daniel M 115 Shaughnessy, Margaret A 235 Sherbondy, Thomas A., D.B 60 Shipley, Frederick W., Ph.D 14 Singleton, Katherine B 226 Smith, Lucy E 195 Spalding, Mary D 108 Starbird, Myrtle 1 151 Starbird, Robert S 151 Stephenson, Joseph C 186 Turner Charles H., Ph.D 27 Watkins, Laura D 167 Witter, Charles E., Ph.D 4 Shelbina Cleaver, Ben. H 218 Slater Roberts, William F 137 304 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Springfield Dodd, Mrs. E. E., S.M 87 Glynn, Robert R 231 Hale. Harrison, S.M 70 Rullkoeter, William, Ph.D 8, 103 Smith, William W 226 Watson, Charles F 196 Sweet Springs Davis, Robert M., J.D 39 Tarkio Brelos, Carl G., D.B 57 Moore, Beveridge H 203 Taylor Dearing, Cleland W 218 MISSOURI — Continued T RENTON Fair, Bessie S., A.M 91 Warrensburg Cook, Leeson H 229 Golay, Tenton H 220 Miller, Mary A., A.M 89, 213 Morse, Frederica L 213 Runyon, Laura L., Ph.M 75, 115 Todd, Anna M 226 Webb City Talcott, Mrs. C. G 169 Webster Groves Ingalls, Mae E 172 Anaconda Frederick A., D. B Billings Banks, Lilian C Bonner Baird, Robert W Butte Collins, Walter E., J.D Downey, Mrs. Joseph R . . Eberle, Julius L MONTANA Harlowton 57 Bliss, George M Butte Falls Baker, Marcus P Circle Barnes, Frederick R Columbus Anderson, Thomas, D.B. . . . David, Mrs. Thomas S Deer Lodge Crabb, George M Dillon Carson, Lucy H Etna Bennett, Mrs. Philip T Great Falls Maiming, Curtiss R., J.D 37, Moss, Gurnie M Hamilton Barnett, Mary P., A.M. . . Nichols, Frederick D Schwarm, Henry 120 217 37 106 219 169 112 53 133 170 116 168 128 203 77 111 186 Havre Jeffrey, Clare A , Helena Miladofsky, Emily Helmville Smith, Mrs. Francis M Kalispell MacDonald, Torrance H . . . Ruff corn, William M Stephenson, Nellie A., A.M. Laurel Hurst, Clifton N., A.M Hurst, Mrs. C. N Lewiston Gauss, Julius H. P Miller, William G. S Miles City Smith, Mrs. J. Forsythe. . . . Missoula Allen, Cyrus, B Knowles, Eloise, A.M Kutchin, Victor S., J.D 38, Lennes, Nels J., Ph.D 19, 72, Parker, Mrs. Fred T Plant, Louis C, Ph.M Reynolds, George F., Ph.D Staehling, Charles C Thomas, Mrs. J. Franklin Wakeman, Caroline A 188 182 128 122 173 225 87 92 225 117 157 149 99 83 149 114 131 73 17 186 150 167 Geographical Index MONTANA — Continued 305 Moccasin Smith, Albert A Moore Bodin, George E Philipsburg Maywood, Mrs. George A . . Red Lodge St. Ignatius 195 McCrackin, Helen, A.M 70 Stevensville 217 Ransom, Ruth 224 Three Porks 135 Hoy, Clinton L 127 Townsend Knepper, Ida M 192 Myers, Arthur E., A.M . . Roundup Wisdom Dusenbery, Verne D., J.D 41 Holmsen, Holm 90 155 NEBR Beatrice Harger, John R 155 Bennington Magee, Wayland W 157 Benson Heumann, J. M. Prederich 201 Bethany Oeschger, William, D.B 56, 105 Chadron Baird, Perry E 99 Columbus Isbell, Nellie 1 192 Fairbury Bellamy, lone E 207 Fremont Hopkins, Allan 118 Howard, Anna 163 Grand Island Coon, Reune R., D.B 49, 98 Powle, Walter I., D.B 60, 141 Shouse, James B., A.M 87 Sutherland, George, D.B 49, 98 Wood, Malcolm, D.B 48 Hastings Cunningham, Horace M., A.M.. . .91, 209 Holste, August F 118 Logsdon, Mrs. Mayme I 233 Morey, Charles F 100 Rinderspacher, Carl O 214 Russell, John M 102 Wolfe, Isabel J., A.M 91 Havelock Doubt, Sarah L., S.M 78 ASKA Hebron Phelps, Eugene T 214 Hemingford Palmer, Mrs. Normal 160 Lincoln Boeye, John F., D.B 58 Clarke, Henry T., Jr 106 Field, Allen W., Jr 191 Flansburg, Claude W 219 Foster, George N 219 Gass, Sherlock B 148 Haste, Gwendolen A 220 Hastings, William G 99 James, Mrs. Robert 148 Link, George K. K 202 Maxey, Edwin, Ph.M 68 Pope, Carey J., D.B 52 Pope, Walter L., J.D 43 Sanders, Frederic W., Ph.D 9 Stephens, George A., Ph.D 7, 77 MlLFORD Wertman, Harry J 145 Nebraska City Eisenmann, Augusta M 219 North Bend Edson, Earle M 147 Omaha Austin, Wilson A 178 Brandeis, Hellen 132 Casteel, Mary E 121 Collings, Frank J 208 Curry, Edward R., D.B 52 Davies, Mrs. Stephen 116 Dunn, Arthur D 106 Earle, Edith 106 Earle, Mable, A.M 66, 106 Griffin, Juliette L. J 220 306 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago NEBRASKA — Continued Loughbridge, Mary W US Springfield MacDougall, George, D.B 59, 114 Bates, Ralph W., J.D 43 Macrae, Euphan W 128 Brisley, Mabel L 198 Magee, Jerome P 135 Mead, Walter T 143 Stella Pedersen, Telle! C, D.B 59 Lusk , Charles P 63 Peterson, Anna L 119 Porter, Mabel W 175 Superior Ramsay, Franklin P., Ph.D 33 Savidge, Mark M 225 Peru Tecumseh Myer, Arthur E., D.B 61, 194 Libby, George N Schuyler Tobias Dworak, Chauncey W 171 Miller, Sylvia A Scribner Harrison, Marvin B 99 South Omaha Chase, Celia M 189 Wayne Cummings, Frank L., A.M 85, 154 House, Julius T., Ph.D. . Burt, Alice 169 123 213 Walthill Dudley, Gleason A 113 10 NEVADA East Ely Hill, Albert E 118 Slichter, Mrs. A. P 175 Hill, Herbert W., Ph.D 18, 72 Paine, Gustavus S., Ph.M 81, 194 R ENO Scott, Randolph E 205 Adams, Romazo C, Ph.D 10 Woods, Clarence H 103 Adams, Maxwell, Ph.D 23 NEW HAMPSHIRE Durham Proctor, Charles A., Ph.D 22 Smith, Guy C 215 Woods, Erville B., Ph.D 10 Steck, Charles C, S.M 87 Zug, Mrs. George B 167 Exeter Lebanon Gaud, William S., A.M 70, 103 Clough, Clarence E., D.B 56 Hanover Nashua Bingham, Walter V., Ph.D 4 Hills, Mary L 172 Hull, Gordon F., Ph.D 21 Neef, Francis J. A 157 Plymouth Pitcher, Arthur D., Ph.D 20 Bird, Grace E 109 NEW JERSEY Atlantic City Convent Folsom, John E. R., D.B 53 Gookin, Sister Helen R . . . 59 Hudson, Birney S., D.B Camden Fulghum, Walter B 148 Chatham Convent Station Byrne, Sister Teresa R., A.M. Hillmann, Mary V., A.M Dover Averett, Mary J 131 Willcox, Oswin W., Ph.D . 200 77 80 23 Geographical Index 307 NEW JERSEY — Continued East Orange Abbott, Frances H., A.M 67 Gurley, Samuel M 200 Upjohn, William K 177 Upjohn, Mrs. William K 169 Elizabeth Scherf, Charles H., S.M 69 Essex Fells Evans, Mrs. S. Marshall 120 Flemington Morgan, Edwin 104 Fort Hancock Yates, Julian E., D.B 57 Hackensack LefflngweU, Mrs. Clarence C 132 HOBOKEN Sanford, Edwin M Ill Jersey City Lavers, Enoch C 156 Keypoht Lyle, Edwin H., D.B 61, 80 Lakewood Gove, Catherine C 155 Manasquan Hulshart, John 107 MORRISTOWN Dorety, Sister Helen A., Ph.D 32, 76 Navesink Swan, Norma L., Ph.M 79 Newark Bilder, Mrs. Nat 148 Bodler, Anna Butterworth, Horace 113 Cuthbert, Herman G., A.M 85 Dewolf , Delavan 97 Perrine, Samuel A 63, 102 Paterson Waldo, William A., D.B 57, 63 Plainfield Lawrence, Mrs. Frank V 115 Princeton Barnum, Harry H., A.M 82 Farr, Marcus S., A.M 65 Gillespie, William, Ph.D 19 Hutson, Frederick L., Ph.D 13 Kuiper, Herman 202 Luehring, Frederick W., Ph.M 76 Raycroft, Joseph E 108 Raycroft, Mrs. Joseph E 116 Veblen, Oswald, Ph.D 19 SOMERVILLE Mets, James A 95 Summit MacNeille, Perry R 118 Trenton Kummel, Henry B., Ph.D 25 Strock, Linius L 115 Trenton Junction Lamb, Ruby L., A.M 80 VlNELAND Jackson, Jay S 134 West Hoboken Odell, Jean 1 157 Wyoming 125 Jewett, Mrs. Frank B., Ph.D 21 NEW MEXICO Albuquerque Longfellow, Perry W., D.B . . 54 Russell, Clarence W 195 Carlsbad Smith, Hertha G 226 Carrizozo Goddard, Florence M 231 Hurley Kirtley, Luther L 142 Las Vegas Levens, Lora 135 ROSWELL Peacock, Bess R 224 Pierrot, Adolph G 175 Rademacher, Charles M 224 Santa Fe Catron, Charles C 132 Socorro Anderson, Gustavus E 160 State College Garrison, Winfred E., Ph.D 35, 55 Hoblit, Merritt L 134 Macarthur, John R., Ph.D 17 Wagon Mound Keyes, Mrs. Charles R 161 308 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago NEW Albany Dorn, Charles H 180 Dougan, Alice M 162 Harper, Sarah J 127 Kirtland, Richmond H., A.M 80 Patton, Eugene B., Ph.D 6, 78 Reichmann, Fritz, Ph.D 21 Tolman, Prank L 120 Wood, Clarence A., D.B 62, 216 Annandale Davidson, Irville P., A.M 79 AURORA Van Benschoten, Anna L., S.M 68 Bedford Hills Davis, Katherine B., Ph.D . 6 Taft, Julia J., Ph.D 4, 159 Weidensall, Clara J., Ph.D 5 BlNGHAMTON Wisner, Catherine A 237 Bronxville Maxwell, Mrs. Lee W 160 Brooklyn Clark, Emma K., A.M 68 Davies, Milton J 140 Delzell, Franc 180 Hannahs, Elizabeth H 148 Hart, Mrs. Errol E 128 Hawley, Willis 101 Jone, Hugo 105 Jones, Walter R 192 Kite, Don C, A.M 83" Knapp, Mrs. Newton B 232 McEvoy, Marie P • 149 MacLean, Annie M., Ph.D 9, 66 Riegger, Elisabeth 224 Riley, Thomas J., Ph.D 10 Stevens, Ellen Y 124 Stone, Maudie L., S.M 71, 111 Taylor, Clifton O 120 Tibbetts, William F., Ph.D 14 Tinney, Mary C, A.M 84 Van Vliet, Alice 108 Weirick, Elizabeth S . 145 Buffalo Behling, Glenola E 228 Case, Carl D., Ph.D 34, 56 Givens, Harrison C 231 Lane, Lilian M 156 Sherk, Wilfred H., A.M 75 Upson, Henry T., Ph.D 23 Wheaton, Harry H., J.D 42, 216 YORK Canandaigua Henry, Nellie C 221 Cedarhurst Walling, William E 112 Chili Hoge, William H 201 Coeymans Dickey, Frank C 126 Cold Spring Harbor Shull, George H., Ph.D 31 Sturgis, Mary M., S.M 66 Corning Allison, Robert L 207 Elmira Calvin, John E., D.B 58 Duhl, William F 147 Flushing Ross, Annie, Ph.M 74 Fredonia McLaury, Anna, Ph.M 75 Fbeeport Pauli, Charlotte O 234 Geneva Snell, Arthur V 124 Williamson, Edward J., Ph.D 16 Glens Falls Williams, S. Horace 152 Gloversville Fonda, Minerva F 181 GOWANDA Caulkins, T. Vassar, D.B 52 Hamilton Allison, William H., Ph.D 35 Berry, George R., Ph.D 11 Clark, Robert F., A.M 74 Hamilton, Ira C, Ph.D 7 Hancock, John L., Ph.D 14, 155 Smith, Arthur W., Ph.D 19, 69, 115 HOLLEY Herrell, David C, D.B 48 Interlaken Slaght, Carrie E 215 Ithaca Baker, Mrs. Eugene 185 Bretz, Julian P., Ph.D 8 Geographical Index 309 NEW YORK — Continued Catterall, Ralph C. H., Ph.D 8 Hutchinson, John I., Ph.D 18 Jordan, Elijah, Ph.D 4 Owens, Frederick W., Ph.D 19 Ranum, Arthur, Ph.D 19 Sandidge, Daisy 166 Kingston Thompson, Effle F., Ph.D 12 Mahopac Falls Kinney, Oliver B., D.B 50 Manhattan Borough Simeral, Isabel 158 Mt. Vernon Matteson, William B., D.B 53 Newburgh Graham, Jeanette E 200 New Brighton Lammart, Mrs. C. Roy 212 Primm, Mrs. Clarence J 208 New Rochelle Schmidt, Emily A 205 Smith, NeUie L 137 New York City Adams, Cyrus C 99 Adams, Melvin J 188 Allen, Bernice 188 Allen, William H 112 Anderson, John 1 100 Anthony, Katharine S 160 Appledoorn, Mary R 188 Atteridge, Harold R 168 Averill, William A 139 Bachman, Frank P 116 Bainbridge, Helen A 153 Baker, Harriet F 188 Baldwin, Rae C 139 Baumann, LeRoy E 207 Benedict, Laura E. W., A.M 71, 121 Berger, Sophia 146 Berta, Charles D 153 Bevan, Lynne J 139 Binder, Rudolph M., D.B 55 Boies, Bessie, A.M 77 Boyce, Warren S, A.M 76 Bremer, Mrs. Harry M 177 Briggs, Thomas H., Jr 169 Bristol, Charles L., Ph.D 26 Bruere, Henry J 132 Bruere, Mrs. Henry J 143 Byrns, Elinor 121 Caraway, Henry R 104 Caraway, Mrs. Henry R 109 Carter, Mrs. Robert 1 149 Chandler, Hannibal H., Jr 179 Cobb, Winifred V 189 Collins, Thomas B 63 Cooke, Elizabeth, Ph.D 28 Cooke, Marjorie B 116 Cressey, Edward K., D.B 49 Davis, Alice 117 Dickerson, Mary C 109 Dike, Mrs. Oscar D 123 Dines, Lloyd L., Ph.D 20 Dougherty, Ralph L 109 Drew, Charles V 117 Ellis, Beulah N. (Mrs. J. T.) 190, 199 Epstein, Bennett 133 Farrell, Margaret E., S.M 91 Fischer, Charles A., Ph.D 20 Freas, Thomas B., Ph.D 24 Freeman, Harry S 171 Freeman, Joseph E 117 Gardner, Lucy M 200 Garrey, George H., S.M 69, 126 Gessler, Theodore A., D.B 55 Gilchrist, Francis H 133 Groat, Ethel 1 231 Haeseler, Paul C 210 Haessler, Luise 171 Hall, William W 97 Halsey, Charles D. W 122 Hamill, Lawrence 148 Harrington, Jerome B 117 Hatfield, William H., Jr 148 Hesse, Bernhard C, Ph.D 22 Hyman, Isaac B 114 Higgins, Mae B 172, 182 Hoyt, Allen G . . . .' 118 Jackson, Cora B 110 Jewett, Frank B., Ph.D 21 Johnson, Franklin, Jr 107 Judson, Mrs. Lemuel B 135 Lefflingwell, Clarence C 135 Lewis, Albert B 103 Loewenstein, Gustave H 107 Loveland, Helen S 164 Lutz, Frank E., Ph.D 27, 69 McFarland, Elizabeth M 183 McMillen, Charles R 149 May, Mark A 223 Miles, Dudley H., A.M 78 Miller, Florence D 136 Mills, John 128 Minard, Frederick H 107 Minnick, Mrs. John D 104 Monroe, Paul, Ph.D 9 Moore, Anne, Ph.D 29 Moore, William C, Ph.D 24 Morgenthau, Maximilian, Jr 119 Neel, Carr B Ill Newman, Anna E., Ph.M 81, 184 310 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago NEW YORK — Continued Opitz, Russell B., Ph.D 29, 71, 114 Pace, Mary A., Ph.M 69 Persons, Metta E 119 Pike, Frank H., Ph.D 29 Raffle, Sinore M 194 Ransom, Caroline L., Ph.D 9, 68 Rapeer, Louis W 158 Rapeer, Mrs. Louis W 170 Reed, Myra G 214 Roessler, Erwin W 129 Roney, William R 99 Ruger, Henry A., A.M 75 Sage, Eben C, D.B 50 Schloss, Murray S 151 Schwarz, Edith E Ill Seymour, Clara G., A.M 81, 176 Sills, Milton 144 Slosson, Edwin E., Ph.D 23 Stephens, Willis C 137 Strong, Anna L., Ph.D 3, 77 Sturtevant, Edgar H., Ph.D 12 Sutton, Vida R 145 Suzzallo, Mrs. Henry 184 Swan, Herbert S 206 Tabor, Alice P., A.M 94 Templeton, Annie C 186 Unwerth, Frida von 152 Van Alstyne, Eleanor V 177 Van Hook, LaRue, Ph.D 13 Van Patten, Leroy A 177 Van Vechten, Carl 145 Vitteli, Mrs. Francesca 155 Walker, Jane B 152 Walker, William A 101 Wang, Yingchang Tsenshan 216 Weingarten, Frederick S 159 Weller, Mrs. Charles F., A.M 66 Wessa, Ida 152 Wilk, Benjamin 216 Willis, Henry P., Ph.D 6, 104 Wilson, Paul C 138 Wood, Mary M 168 Woods, Halle D 153 Woolston, Howard B., D.B 58 Young, George A 138 NOBTH TONAWANDA Lindsay, James P 101 Oneida Klock, Martha F 110 Ossining Holbrook, Mrs. Northrop 126 Oswego Coon, Albert C 132 Scales, Caroline L. G 176 Pawling Elliott, James M 133 Plattsburg Shallies, Guy W., A.M 93, 144 POUGHKEEPSIE Allyn, Harriett M., Ph.D 28, 82 Baldwin, James F., Ph.D 7 Elmer, Franklin D., D.B 56 Freeman, Ella M., A.M 76 Kueflner, Louise M., Ph.D 16 Peaks, Mary B., Ph.D 14, 123 Treadwell, Aaron L., Ph.D 27 Richmond ville Wright, Mrs. Newton 120 Rochester Brace, Edith M., S.M 65 Buckley, Dorothy S 208 Cross, George, Ph.D 35 Goodwin, Claribel 163 Gray, Mason D., Ph.D 15 Long, Delia J 156 Merrell, William D., Ph.D 30 Robins, Henry B., Ph.D .36, 87 Shuart, Karl P 195 Slater, John R., Ph.D 33, 56 Rome Reid, Mrs. George C 175 Ruby Dodge, Ernest G., A.M 65 Saratoga Springs Calvin, Margaret J 121 Schenectady Brenneman, Jesse L '179 Shoreham Hurlbut, George H 96 South Dayton Wallace, Urson R 1196 Syracuse Bray, William L., Ph.D 30 Godshall, William V 231 Hopkins, Thomas C, Ph.D 25 Howell, Mrs. Eugene B., S.M 67 Rhoades, Mabel C, Ph.D 10 Tarrytown Harden, Mrs. E. W 124 TONAWANDA Simon, Maurice W 144 Geographical Index 311 NEW YORK — Continued Utica West Albany O'Brien, Mary H 157 Glavin, James E Walton Darling, Frederick R 147 Watertown Fletcher, Charles W 230 Yonkers Larson, James H 173 Beemer, Alma G 153 Marshall, Frank C, D.B 53 155 West Park Edwards, Lyford P 154 Asheville Bynum, Curtis A., J.D 38 Bynum, Mrs. Curtis A 121 Newell, Mrs. William A 175 NORTH CAROLINA Mocksville Stewart, Annie L 206 Burlington Buck, Martin W 63 Chapel Hill Gordis, Warren S., Ph.D 14 Royster, James F., Ph.D 18 Durham Brown, Frank C, Ph.D 18, 70 GOLDSBORO Lewis, Anna H., A.M 92, 212 Guilford College Binford, Raymond, S.M 76 Harrellsville Ives, Sumner A 201 Henderson vi lle Moore, Gordon B 119 MURFREESBORO Bruner, Mrs. James D 102 Raleigh Boomhour, Joshua G., A.M 77 Craver, William C 209 Curry, Garfield A 199 Frazer, Charles R 171 Wake Forest Paschal, George W., Ph.D 13 Walnut Cove Turner, William S., A.M. . . . 94 West Raleigh Peckham, Harry H., A.M 87 Pitts, Ollie P 234 Willett Reed, William W., D.B 57 NORTH Bismarck Jackson, Bruce E., D.B 61 Stackhouse, Clyde E 205 Bowbells Heckel, Frederick E 148 Devil's Lake Flagg, Eda D., A.M 88, 171 Fairmount Hunter, John F., D.B 57, 105 Fargo Batt, Max, Ph.D 16, 112 Freeman, Daniel, Ph.M 85 Lonn, Ella 123 Minard, Archibald E., D.B 59 Simmons, Abbie L. . 137 DAKOTA Grafton Whitney, Frederick L 168 Grand Forks Brannon, Melvin A., Ph.D 32 Brush, Henry R., Ph.D 15 Erickson, J. Edward, A.M 91 French, Harley E., S.M 89 Fulton, Ella L 133 Gillette, John M., Ph.D 10 Lewinsohn, Joseph L., J.D 38, 156 Pfeifler, Norma E 194 Ruediger, Gustav F., Ph.D 32 Squires, Vernon P 65 Jamestown Morrow, Anna M 119 Thomas, William B., A.M 71 312 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago 220 NORTH DAKOTA — Continued Kenmare Park River Scudder, Jacob F 205 Hansen, Bena K Lisbon Adams, Willis S 197 Matville Correll, Charles M., Ph.M 79, 180 University Hillyer, Thomas A 127 Henry, Robert L., Jr., J.D 39, 134 Powers Lake Lindemann, L. C 45 MlNOT Clarke, William P., A.M Northwood Haraldson, Olaf 200 Oakes Woods Brown, Charles S 101 Andrus, William C 63 Valley City 91 Ashton, Bessie L 207 Hill, Florence 182 Switzer, Jesse E 215 OHIO Ada Beer, Jesse 217 Akron Benzies, John R 217 Corbett, Anna M 132 Demoray, Miron N 230 Norton, Strong V 165 Norton, Mrs. Strong V., Ph.D 30, 114 Parks, William A 165 Rentschler, Ruby D 214 Sherman, Pranklyn C, D.B. Wildman, Banks J., A.M. . . .57, 105 .74, 115 Alexandria Ozias, Christian M., J.D 43 Alliance Richards, Gerald R., D.B 53 Webster, Homer J., Ph.M 70 Ashland Bryce, Ellsworth. . . 229 Athens Crumley, John J 117 Robinson, Lillian G., Ph.M 75, 144 Skinner, Beverly O 167 Treudley, Mary, A.M 84 Barberton Light, Uriah L 233 Bellepontaine Burnett, Fred G 147 Souers, Ralph E., A.M 93 Bluffton Green, Elbert C 141 Bowling Green James, Benjamin F 102 Buckeye City Ferenbaugh, Burchard B 45 Bucyrus Rexroth, Mrs. Raymond C 170 Caldwell Geiger, William H., A.M 89 Canton Anthony, Berenice E 228 Doerfer, Louise C 140 Fraunfelter, Clare E 133 Long, Perry J., J.D 39, 173 Young, Emanuel S., D.B 57 Chagrin Falls Du Hadway, Raymond, A.M 85 Cincinnati Baumann, George 207 Farr, Finis K., A.M 88 Fenneman, Nevin M., Ph.D 25, 68 Frick, Emma R 210 Goettsch, Henry M., Ph.D 23 Hirschberg, Mrs. Sylvan 131 Ihrig, Roscoe M., Ph.M 82 Jones, Lander W., Ph.D 22 Lee, Mary H., A.M 92 Levinger, Lee J . . 193 McKenzie, Minnie E 165 Magee, James D., A.M 75 Nelson, Gertrude E 224 Robb, Louise C 235 Strate, Jessie B 196 Waite, Claire L., D.B 58 Geographical Index 313 OHIO — Continue Ward, Bertha E 138 Wardle, Addie G., D.B 61 Wieman, Harry L., Ph.D 28 Wise, Bertha H., Ph.M 81 Woolley, Paul G 108 WooUey, Mrs. Paul G., Ph.D 4, 111 Cleveland Abbott, Walter H 105 Arbuthnot, Charles C, Ph.D 6 Baker, Edward M 112 Black, John A 139 Campbell, Mrs. Eveline Phillips 214 Carter, Bertha M., A.M 91 Chadsey, Mildred 140 Dekker, Abram 190 Fesler, Mayo 109 Fielding, William H 141 Fuessle, Newton A 162 Gleichauf, Leo S 231 Hatton, Augustus R., Ph.D 7 Kassulker, Walter S 222 Kellogg, Ruth M 192 Koblitz, Mrs. Milton S 155 Kohn, Mrs. Jack S 225 Lansingh, Van Rensselaer 107 Miller. Ruth T 184 Perkins, Ralph 204 Perrin, John W., Ph.D 7 Prescott, William H 104 Roderick, Rodri M., D.B 53 Rothenburger, William F., D.B 60 Severin, Clara D 225 Snow, Ralph R., D.B 56 Stark, Alonzo R., Ph.D 34 Stauffer, Clinton R., Ph.D 26 Sunderland, Leslie E., D.B 61 Tandy, Jennette R 226 Throne, Elsie W 159 Wellmer, Joan M 227 Wilson, Delonza T., Ph.D 20 Columbus Breyfogle, Caroline M., Ph.D 33, 105 Burnham, Archibald M., A.M 79 Chandler, Grace E 121 Duncan, Carson S., Ph.D 18 Earhart, Robert F., Ph.D 21 Evans, William L., Ph.D 23 Flowers, Katharin, A.M 91 Heil, Herman G 163 Keidel, Mrs. Heinrich C 142 Lazarus, Mrs. Simon 188 McCampbell, Eugene F., Ph.D 33, 173 McNeal, Edgar H., Ph.D 8, 110 McPherson, William, Ph.D 23 Phillips. Vernon S 136 Rasor. Samuel E.. S.M 77 Sargent, Charles R., D.B 52, 102 Sisson, Septimus 120 Van Meter, Anna R., S.M 79 Dayton Darrow, Mrs. William H 170 Hopkins, Herbert G 211 Legler, Ellis P., J.D 42 Mitchnick, Meyer 174 Mitchnick, Mrs. Meyer 191 Oran, William G., D.B 56 Stewart, George B., D.B 60 Thomas, James E., D.B 53 Defiance Webber, Walter O., A.M 81 Delaware Riley, Elmer A., Ph.D 9 Elyria Todd, Helen G 177 Franklin Harris, Fielder B 200 Geneva Atkinson, Henry L., D.B 57 Glendale Bowman, Frances M 139 Granville Chamberlin, Willis A., Ph.D 16 McKibben, George F., Ph.D 15, 50 Nixon, Harmon A., D.B 49 Greenfield Beatty, Walter O 131 Greenville Clapp, Myrtle, Ph.M 79, 170 Whiteley, Mary A 237 Hamilton Clawson, Edith 132 Phillips, George W 194 Hebron Cheney, James L., D.B 50 HlLLSBORO Glenn, Faith M 220 Hiram Peckham, George A., Ph.D 12 Huntsburg Shuman, William M 176 Kent Mabee, Elsie 233 314 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago OHIO — Continued Lancaster Smith, Ralph H 137 Lebanon -Beck, Mrs. Howard H 175 Leipsic Donaldson, Olive 122, 230 Lima Conrath, Mary O 140 Lippincott, Eugene T., J.D 38, 164 McClain, Elmer 203 Lisbon Pike, Grant E., D.B 59 Malta Coulson, Howard A., J.D 42, 189 Marietta Buell, Rowena 112 Schoonover, Draper T., Ph.D 15 Schoonover, Mrs. Draper T 132 Maumee Woods. William B 105 Mt. Vernon Hurley, Hugh H., D.B 56 Napoleon Loose, Lyman T 183 Newark Ward, Walter D., D.B 60 NlLES Campbell, Walter C, Ph.M 82 North Lima Stafford, Leroy H., D.B 62 Oberlin Fisher, Royal H 171 Jones, Lynds, Ph.D 27 MacLennan, Simon P., Ph.D 3 Menzies, Alan W. C, Ph.D 24 MiUer, Edward A., A.M 75 Moore, David R., Ph.D 9 Moore, Edward J., Ph.D 22 Sinclair, Mary E., Ph.D 19, 71 Oxford Brandenburg, Samuel J., Ph.M 82 Burke, Raymond H 169 Crowther, Elizabeth 117 Glazier, Harriet E., A.M 80 Herndon, Mrs. Carrie P., Ph.M. . .74, 127 Hoke, George W., Ph.M 69, 127 Keith, Lucy E 135 Lyman, Grace 173 Myers, Walter R., Ph.D . Sunne, Dagny G., Ph.D. Vogt, Paul L 16 3 152 Painesville Dement, Nonie E Hitchcock, Clara M Mathews, Mary E., S.M 69, Small, Vivian B., A.M Taylor, Marion L., Ph.D Paulding Kadesch, William H., Ph.M Piqua Spencer, Robert D Port Clinton Freimark, Ernest C Powell Dobyns, Martha Salesville Law, Charles H., A.M. . . . Sandusky Biller, Harrison E 219 110 128 74 16 83 196 200 133 92 228 Springfield Flack, Robert W., J.D 44, 210 Hutchinson, Frank B 155 Hutchinson, Mrs. Frank B 167 Johnson, Julian P. M., D.B 57, 122 Minear, Lloyd V., J.D 44 Smith, Clarence M., A.M 87 Stewart, Chase 101 Wood, Paul S 187 Tiffin Kennedy, Francis W., D.B. 59 Toledo Burgess, Ernest W., Ph.D 10 Compton, Mrs. Mary S 170 Haas, William H 141 Hanson, Myra H 148 Hoover, Henry W., D.B 57 Johlin, Jacob M., Jr 182 Moffatt, William E 107 Spayd, Barbara G 176 Thomas, John E., Jr 226 Tische, Francis F 145 Tische, Mrs. Francis F 127 Toepfer, Carl W 215 Upper Sandusky Bowman, J. Craig 208 Kiefer, Richard J., A.M 80 Geographical Index 315 OHIO- Urbana Leonard, Mary K., A.M 92 Valentine, Anna E., A.M 94 Wakeman Fish, Mrs. Albert E 105 Washington C.H. Jones, Lois 201 West, Mrs. Frederick L 211 Wauseon Becker, Lucia von L., Ph.M 84, 188 Greenleaf, Carl D 117 Wellsville McCulloch, Mrs. Jay S 160 West Lafayette Powell, Homer K 175 ■Continued Wilberforce Finch, Earl E 199 Williamsport Terry, Clyde R., A.M 94 Wilmington Mills, Mary 136 Wyoming Kemper, Clarence W., D.B 62, 86 Xenia Elam, Harvey W., Ph.M 76 Vincent, Grace M., A.M 79, 167 Youngstown Mumaw, Daniel W., J.D 43 Stever, Daisy M 236 Zanesville Robertson, Ruth 204 OKLAHOMA Adair Bingham, Frank C, D.B 52 Alva Wood, William H., A.M 75, 160 Apache McFarland, Emma M 149 Ardmore Dexter, John R 133 Bacone Hayes, Ella M 117 Kerr, Luella M 107 Chickasha Eskridge, James B., Ph.D 15, 70 Edmond Jeffries, Otto W 211 Mitchell, Margaret J 213 Enid Jones, Una M 182 Fort Gibson Mountcastle, Grace A 224 Mountcastle, Robert M., J.D 43 Guthrie Parker, Elizabeth M 185 Hennessey Schliemann, John G., D.B 53 Henrietta Baker, Pearl M 228 Kingfisher Linkenhoker, Maude B., A.M 89, McAlester McLaughlin, Lulu E Miller, Nathan B., Jr Marietta Dye, Friend T., D.B Minco Sawyer, Elbert H., D.B Mountain View Dickerson, Phillip J Muskogee Benton, Dean S., J.D 41, Fleming, Earle H McWilliams, Hugh L Stone, Joseph C Wilson, Elizabeth Norman Calvert, Robert P., S.M. . Gittinger, Roy, A.M Kulp, Victor H., J.D Lane, Mrs. Henry H Reaves, Samuel W., A.M. Williams, Guy Y., S.M. . . Wintin, Leota K .40, Oklahoma City Baird, Phil C, Ph.D Carlisle, Kitto S., J.D Edwards, Gasper 212 233 213 57 48 103 188 45 128 120 206 76 156 155 93 91 237 11 39 45 316 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago OKLAHOMA — Continued Lacey, Amelia E 128 Ludwig, Hulda R 193 Lybrand, Walter A., J.D 38, 135 Masters, Joseph G 223 Mayall, Vada 165 Morgan, Porter H., J.D 38 Wellemeyer, Ernst E 227 Okmulgee Clarke, Maurice G 116 Healion, William C 45 Shawnee Colt, Mary S 208 Twining, Harry A 216 Walker, Paul A 206 Tulsa Greenfield, LeRoy B., Ph.M 74 Henry, Winston P 201 Oberholtzer, Edison E 213 Welch Provines, Harris G 158 OREGON Albany Grant's Pass Ferguson, William D., Ph.D 34 Carter, George W., D.B 62 Franklin, Frank G., Ph.D 8 Howard, John J., D.R 47 Geselbracht, Franklin H 113 Leslie, Robert E., Jr., D.B 47, 96 ASTORIA Pritchett, Ida D 224 Baker McColloch, Charles C 193 Bay City Laufman, Florence L 183 Burns Jokisch, Harry J 135 COBURG Steagall, John R 215 CORVALLIS Bassford, Albert F., A.M 79 Brodie, Renton K., S.M 88, 208 Macpherson, Hector, Ph.D 10, 80 Macpherson, Mrs. Hector 181 Milam, Ava B., A.M 86, 203 Miller, Hilda 223 Williams, Winifred M 120 Cottage Grove Alden, Mrs. Horace F 122 Eugene Bezdek, Hugo F 179 DeCou, Edgar E., S.M 67 Fitzhenry, Newman L 154 Frink, Fred G., S.M 70 Johnson, Lena E 211 Sanderson, Eugene C, D.B 55 Forest Grove Abraham, Vestal R 207 Bushnell, Charles J., Ph.D 10, 113 Freewater Tanner, John W., D.B ... . 52 Hermiston Reed, Beulah M 195 Hood River Earl, James G 190 McMlNNVILLE Northup, Emanuel, D.B 51 Marshfield Ward, John A., D.B 55 Myrtle Creek Morgan, Oscar T., Ph.D 11 Portland Ball, Sheldon F 131 Clark, Edward J 46 Coleman, Mrs. Matthew J 178 Crum, Virgil A., J.D 39 Dicken, Clinton O 230 Elliott, Charles B., D.B 60, 141 Foskett, Harvey B., D.B 50 Fralick, May E 171 Griffin, Frank L., Ph.D 20, 72, 141 McLean, Franklin C, S.M 92, 183 Payne, Perry J 129 Perkins, Richard R., Ph.D 36 Perkins, Mrs. Richard R 147 Rees, Kelley, Ph.D 13 Reilly, John F., J.D 43 Rossman, George, J.D 41 Saxton, Albert C, D.B 61 Scott, Mrs. Christopher P 195 Stearns, Jane A 124 Stebinger, Eugene, Jr 176 Summers, James 100 Thompson, Andrew, G., J.D ....... 39 White, George L. L., D.B 58, 72, 115 Geographical Index 317 OREGON — Continued St. Johns The Dalles Stroud, Perry C, J.D 40 Admiral, Donald 217 Admiral, Mrs. Donald 191 Salem „ Tillamook Henke, Frederick G., Ph. D 3 ,„ , •., „.,,. T ,,„ Weber, Mrs. William J 118 Springwater Union Kilgore, Sherman N 164 Swackhamer, Chester R 206 PENNSYLVANIA Allentown Leiser, Joseph 105 Altoona Grinnell, Clayton, D.B 54 Annville Kirkland, Robert M 118 AVALON Maigs, Mrs. Boyd F 139 Bear Lake Halphide, Alvan C, D.B 53, 103 Beaver Craig, John B 162 Beaverdale Leech, Archie W 173 Berwyn Cathcart, Mrs. Florence B 121 Bryn Athyn Gyllenhaal, Leonard E 163 Bryn Maws Beckwith, Minnie A 131 Castro, Matilde, Ph.D 3, 120 Crandall, Regina K., Ph.D 8 Frank, Tenney, Ph.D 14 Frank, Mrs, Tenney 174 Gordon, Kate, Ph.D 4, 122 Hatcher, Orie L., Ph.D 17 Huff, William B., A.M 66 Jessen, Karl D 110 Joseph, Don R 149 Wright, Mrs. Wilmer C. F., Ph.D 13 Camp Hill Stephenson, Edward M 63 Chester Lewis, Frank G., Ph.D 34, 75 Clarion Barton, Charlotte 188 Eddy, Mary O., A.M 88 Shoemaker, Lebbens, J., D.B 52 COLLEGEVILLE Hirsch, Arthur H., D.B 61 Easton Moody, Howard W., Ph.D 22 Yarnelle, Mrs. Edward R 132 Erie Taylor, Harry L., A.M 79 Galeton Calvin, Perry S., D.B 56 Germantown Burks, Mrs. Jesse D 108 Greencastle Oellig, Kathryn K., A.M 83 Greensburg Barnhart, Elizabeth 179 Wyant, Adam M 105 Greenville Gillespie, Hiram 113 Harrisburg Lachman, Josiah K 202 McNiff, Mary K 223 Orth, Mary C 204 Haverford Wilson, Albert H., Ph.D 20 HOLICONG Meade, Mrs. Edward S 109 HOLLIDAYSBURG Cowles, Emma M 132 Gray, Charlotte C. (Mrs. Stephen R.), D.B 56, 68, 110 Indiana Smith, James C 151 Kane McLean, Thomas G., D.B 47 Lancaster Higby, John H., D.B 50 318 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago PENNSYLVANIA— Continued Lansdownb Chalmers, Mrs. William E 107 Lebanon Johnston, William W 201 Lewisburg Colestock, Henry T., D.B 56 Liverpool Kline, Edna A 183 McCONNELLSBUBG Johnston, Finley M 101 Meadville Decker, Charles E., A.M 80 Fahr, George E 148 Mercill, Myrta E., S.M 93 Mulflnger, George A., Ph.D 16 Waterman, Leroy, Ph.D 12 New Castle Sargent, Edward, A.M 72 Parsons Jones, Sarah J 221 Philadelphia Board, Gertrude D 169 Bowie, Eleazer R 198 Burks, Jesse D 103 Burrows, Prank G 147 Chalmers.William E., D.B 55 Comparette, Thomas L., Ph.D 14 Cramp, Helen 190 Elfreth, William H . . . . 133 Pox, Dorothy 231 Gordon, John, D.B 47 Gregory, Emily R., Ph.D 27 Hatai, Shinkishi, Ph.D 30 Holden, Lulu M 163 Jones, Elizabeth S., Ph.M 67 Kinney, Lyell C 156 Lee. Mrs. John H 119 Lillie, Ralph S., Ph.D 27 McKinley, Albert E 107 Moore, Robert L., Ph.D 19 Powers, Frederic P 97 Pryor, Mrs. W. L 118 Rees, John H., Jr 175 Solenberger, Edwin D 124 Stevenson, George E. T., D.B 57 Stewart, Mrs. Joseph W. B., Ph.M.68, 120 Stockwell, John W., D.B 62, 186 Swift, George H., A.M 70 Thompson, Pierce M 186 Weston, Francis E 97 Williams, Clarence R., D.B 58 Wright, Peter C, D.B 58 Wright, Richard R., Jr., D.B 58, 74 Young, Marianne R. S 138 Pittsburgh Bacon, Raymond F., Ph.D 23 Bishop, Frederic L., Ph.D 21 Breeden, Waldo P 109 Brooks, Clyde, Ph.D 29 Brownlee, Roy H., Ph.D 23 Brownlee, Mrs. Roy H 145 Burns, Albert T 112 Campbell, Charles B., Ph.D 17 Choate, Margaret M 121 Davisson, Clinton J 190 Ewers, John R., D.B 59 Fitzgerald, James A., A.M 76 Galpin, Frederic T., D.B 59 Guthrie, Charles C, Ph.D 29 Heeter, Silvanus L 148 Johnson, Roswell H 122 McClay, Samuel 101 McReynolds, Ralph 212 Perrin, Fleming A. C, Ph.D 5, 204 Rhode, Alice M 144 Root, Martha L 108 Sage, Evan T., Ph.D 15, 74 Sheldon, Ralph E., Ph.D 28 Thiessen, Reinhardt, Ph.D 31, 145 Ullman, Berthold L., Ph.D 15, 145 Viol, Charles H., Ph.D 25 Webber, Bertram S 177 Witt, Joshua C 197 Zahniser, Charles R., D.B 57 Williamsport Reider, Mary L 175 Scranton Mason, Mary L 203 Walker, Walter M., D.B 53 SCULLTON King, Alfred J 232 Sewickley Sprague, Lilian 176 State College Burrage, Leslie M., Ph.M 82 Ham, William R., Ph.D 22 Moore, Elwood S., Ph.D 26 Sparks, Edwin E., Ph.D 8 Swarthmore Bronk, Isabelle, Ph.D 15 Miller, John A., Ph.D 18 Pace, Mrs. Roy H 123 Taylorsville Nelson, Aubrey P 13© Union City Clark, Cecil S 154 Geographical Index 319 Valley Forge Riddle, James W 97 Washington AUen, Hamilton F., Ph.D 34 Clark, Isabel J 229 McCleary, Thomas G 143 Winchester, George, Ph.D 21, 153 Wayne Miller, Mrs. Harold A 184 PENNSYLVANIA— Continued Waynesburg Henderson, William M 118 Wilkesbarre Kunkle, Edward C, D.B 57 WlLKINSBURG McKnight, Robert J. G., Ph.D 12 WlLLIAMSPORT Youngman, Harriet E 207 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS BONTOC Sibley, Edward A 130 Iloilo, Panay Bigelow, Alton E., D.B 60 Manila Benitez, Conrado, A.M 88, 207 Chivers, Norman M 132 Day, Artemas L 154 Eddingfield, Mrs. Frank T 181 Ehrhorn, Herman J 209 Gomez y Pineda, Liborio, Ph.D . . . .33, 76 Kinney, Harriet M 135 Mead, Hugh S 128 Miller, Merton L., Ph.D 9 Reed, Horace G., J.D 40, 166 Rosario, Mariana V., S.M 81 Rosario y Valdezco, Jose I., S.M. ... 79 Shaklee, Alfred 124 Smith, Mrs. Warren D 133 Storms, Charles H., D.B 59 Stroebe, George G 130 Williams, Robert R., S.M 81, 187 Wright, James R., Ph.D 22 Arecibo Willsey, Elsie M . PORTO RICO Mayaguez . 237 Stevens, Frank L., Ph.D 30 Stevenson, Myra D. H 177 RHODE ISLAND East Providence Ray, Robert C, D.B 50, 102 Providence Dabney, Marye Y 190 Dey, Mary H., A.M 69 Gallup, Clarence M., D.B 57 Gardner, Ida M 113 Jonas, Johannes B. E., Ph.D 16 Klenze, Mrs. Camillo von, Ph.D. . . 16, 121 Lovewell, Frank S 173 Mead, Albert D., Ph.D 26 Mitchell, Robert M 143 SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston Knox, Louis, S.M 78 Parker, Francis L., Jr 129 Cheraw Johnson, Ralph H 107 Clemson Calhoun, Fred H. H., Ph.D 25, 113 Clinton Nelson, Nels L. T., Ph.D. 30 Columbia Huestis, Alice M., Ph.M 80 Norwood, Joseph Ill Peele, David D., A.M 71 Perry, Myra J 214 Rabb, Robert M 119 Taylor, George C, Ph.D 18 Elko Hitt, Mrs. F. H 135 Florence Hicks, John W., J.D 43 320 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago SOUTH CAROLINA — Continued Georgetown Eeidville Parker, Kate M 234 Leonard, Mary A Greenville Daniel, Robert N., Ph.M 85 Sumter Derieux, Samuel A., A.M 85 Branson, Margaret L., A.M . Fletcher, Orrin O., D.B 51, 102 tr Union Hartsville Haire, Maude 1 210 Johnson - Clarence E., A.M . Hall, Arthur J., Ph.D 35 Newberry Wilkins Neel, Katherine L 150 Jaffa, Meir, A.M . 149 76 .92, 221 66 SOUTH Aberdeen Baker, Ezra L., J.D 40 Kribs, Olive 232 Meek, Mary, Ph.M 78 Thompson, Gertrude C 226 Alexandria Kelso, Inez F., A.M 92 Bristol Zimmerman, Jacob F., A.M 94, 237 Brookings Brown, George L., Ph.D 18 Hutton, Joseph G 192 Butler Zimmerman, Mrs. J. F 205 Chancellor Heeren, John J., A.M 80 Deadwood' Fogg, George W., D.B 61 Forestburg Visher, Dorothy 167 Ft. Pierre Bennett, Claude A., J.D 38 Freeman Mosiman, Eddison, A.M 83 Hot Springs Jensen, Maud L 221 Huron Bobbitt, Lee R., D.B 60 Ketcham, Virginia H 192 McKie, John F., S.M 86 Pyle, May, A.M 90 Ipswich Dahl, Axel V., D.B 53 Mann, Leonard L., D.B 61 DAKOTA Lantry Woolf , Walter E 45 Lead Bell, Kate T 198 Luehrs, Opal E 202 Starring, George H., D.B 50 Madison Jones, Albert L., Ph.M 73 Miller Waters, Glen M., J.D 41, 196 Mitchell Allen, George A., S.M 84 Weld, Emma S 206 Oacoma Bruce, Preston P., Ph.D 11 Pierre Gunderson, Grace A 231 Hyde, Ruth E 221 Kelley, Robert L., D.B 61 Rapid City Blodgett, Julian F., D.B 58 Haft, Delia M 106 Hough, Mary E 172 McLearie, John, A.M 75 Redfield Hirschy, Noah C, A.M 76 Miles, Lou E 193 Rosebud Ege, William M 101 Sioux Falls Fairbank, Mrs. A. B 142 Jordan, Edward F., D.B 52 Stevenson, Nora B 186 Springfield Treat, Theodore N 98 Geographical Index 321 SOUTH DAKOTA Summit Wold, Thore O., D.B 53 Trail City BaU, Mary A 197 Vermilion Brumbaugh, Jesse F., A.M 68 Christianson, Emma, S.M 85 Lussky, Herbert O 193 McKinney, Thomas E., Ph.D 19 Payne, Pearl P 213 Perisho, Elwood C, S.M 65 -Continued Thorns, Craig S., D.B 54 Visher, Stephen S., S.M 84, 196 White Ozanne, Herbert G., A.M 77 White River Guthrie, Emily W 110 Winthrop Hoy, Nathaniel E 163 Woonsocket Knight, Mary E 222 TENNESSEE Ashland City Everett, William E 181 Bell Buckle Webb, Alia 130 Bristol Post, Orville R 204 Chattanooga Clements, Melbourne ISO Conant, Carlos E., Ph.D 13 McCallie, Spencer J 149 Coal Creek Adkins, Lincoln K., S.M 88, 197 Cumberland Gap Queen, Stuart A., A.M 93 Dandridge Woodward, Woodie S 237 Elizabethton Smith, Michael D., J.D 44 Fayetteville Farrar, James P 219 Wyatt, Hurley T., S.M 94, 197 Ina Windes, John R 100 Jackson Hammerly, Susanna 220 Jefferson City Bales, Clarence A., J.D Knoxville Beeler, Roy H., J.D Buchanan, Herbert E., Ph.D Gordon, Charles H., Ph.D. . Hamilton, John B., A.M. Mitchell, Arthur E., J.D. .42, 188 . 42 21, 71 . 25 . 72 . 41 Van Campen, Marion K 227 Webb, Daniel C 167 Larcassar Grimmett, Mary E 200 Lavinia Moore, Bertha E 143 Lebanon Erwin, Walter C, Ph.M 85 Maryville Barnes, Jasper C, Ph.D 5 DeVries, Anna 219 Green, Susan A., A.M 76 Massay Honk, Mrs. E. E Ill Maxwell Foster, Henry A., A.M 92 Memphis Anderson, Harry B 168 Brode, Julien L 154 Cameron, Mrs. Edward R 137 Freeman, Marilla W 110 Granbery, Elizabeth W 155 Hill, Alma L 201 Kennedy, Jeannette 107 Neptune, Richard C 143 Smith, Walter M., A.M 90 Townsend, Mary H 215 Webb, Hanor A., S.M 88 Werts, Edwin S 187 Williams, Auvergne, J.D 42 Morristown Miller, Catherine A 143 Murfreesboro Fertig, Mrs. J. W 136 Fertig, James W., Ph.D 7 322 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago TENNESSEE — Continued Nashville New Market Cason, Martha A 189 Taylor, Frank E., J.D . Corwin, Rebecca, Ph.D 12, 122 Dyer, Gustavus W., Ph.D 10 NoRTH Nashville Moncreiff, William F., Ph.D 3, 67 Duncan, Mattie Scribner, Dora A., A.M 77 Stanley, Louise 167 Union City Stevenson, James H., Ph.D 11 Marshall, Richard B., B.D. . . . Willis, Mrs. Paul H 180 219 57 Abilene McDonald, Julius F., A.M 83 Sandefer, Jefferson D 176 Tolman, Judson A., Jr., Ph.D.. 15, 72, 130 Amarillo Boyd, William E 179 Whitman, Iris L 237 56 Andrews Wood, Joel F., D.B Austin Abbott, John S 178 Andrews, Jessie, Ph.M 76 Calhoun, George M., Ph.D 13, 170 Ettleson, Abraham A 117 Gray, Clarence T., A.M 85 Griffith, Reginald H., Ph.D 17 Hunter, Walter S., Ph.D 5 James, Herman G., J.D 40 Jewett, Frank L., D.B 58 Kuehne, John M., Ph.D. 22 Leonard, Mrs. William E 129 Manning, William R., Ph.D 8 Palmer, Mrs. Bruce 141 Patterson, John T., Ph.D 27 Schoch, Eugene P., Ph.D 23 Woodward, Dudley K., Jr., J.D 40 Yoakum, Clarence S., Ph.D 4 Young, Mary S., Ph.D 32, 77 Beaumont Wrather, William E 187 Beeville Sallee, Hannah F., A.M 90 Belton Dowell, Martha C 154 King, Emma C, A.M 92, 222 Miller, Mary S 119 Roberts, Alfred, D.B 47 Bryan Vance, Claud M 227 TEXAS Canton Marquis, Robert L., S.M 70 Clarendon Stocking, Fred F 151 Cleburne Harrison, Mrs. John E 185 Luck, Harry E., D.B 59 College Station Garner, James D., A.M 68 Corsicana Chambers, Lucy E 126 Dallas Baker, Elizabeth W., A.M 91 Bulger, Clarence C 139 Chamberlin, Mrs. C. C 142 Cocke, Arthur A., J.D 38, 73 Heath, Harry C 192 KeUy, John F., S.M 86, 164 Kendrick, Mrs. Antonie K 142 MacQuiston, Paul D 135 Ristine, Irwin M., A.M 87 Stout, Edwin G 177 Waterman, Louis M 63 Decatur Parker, Laura M 136 Denton Bizzell, William B., A.M 91 Humphries, Jessie H 118 Lacy, Etta M 183 Moore, Mary A 136 El Paso MacBride, Caroline L 164 Sayles, Allen 205 Smith, Albertus V 159 Urmston, William B 187 Wright, Howard F., D.B 58 Elysian Fields Furrh, James B 191 Geographical Index 323 Ennis Morrison, Walter S Fort Worth Beardsley, William E 153 Bodler, Sophia L 161 Caldwell, William, Ph.D 33 Fox, Gresham G 148 Jack, Mrs. Clyde A 135 Looney, Bell E 105 Murphy, Ella J 194 Nunn, Annie 224 Polk, Mrs. George W 235 Rouse, Charles A 204 Sewell, Silas M., S.M 93 Terrell, Alexander B 177 Williams, Charles B., Ph.D 12, 79 Galveston King, Joseph W 172 Georgetown Granberry, John C, Ph.D 34, 78 Hollopeter, Herbert S., A.M 80 Pelsma, John R., Ph.M 87 Rhodes, Jesse C, D.B 57 Sanders, Mary S 166 Granger Taylor, Nathaniel L., J.D 41 Hico Bunts, Alfred J., Ph.M .44, 210 HlGGINS Gray, Earl Q., J.D Houston Arbuckle, Philip H 197 Baker, Charles L 178 Benson, Fred S., J.D 43, 217 Carpenter, Millington F 208 Carroll, Robert 64 Crawford, Mrs. Charles C, Jr 145 Cummings, Hazel 180 Eastburn, Eugene B 199 Ellis, John J., J.D 42 Fulbright, Rufus C, J.D 40 Gano, Martha 231 Holley, Helena H. (Mrs. John B.) . . . 221 Hull, Edith R 192 Keeton, Robert W 172 Kirkpatrick, William W., J.D 38 Lockart, William S., A.M 78 Schlabach, Harold H 195 Sheppard, Robert D 96 Staples, Junius K 215 Ladonia Clinkinbeard, Andrew L., D.B. TEXAS — Continued Marlin 203 Doughty, Walter F., A.M 88 Marshall Hasslock, Augusta T., S.M 82 Nacogdoches Lee, Mrs. Wallace W 188 Natalia Knowles, Kate L 202 Panhandle Paul, Frank A 213 Port Lavaca Hamilton, Robert H., A.M 78 San Antonio Carrington, John B 140 DePew, Evarts V 126 Jones, Anna H 211 Kayton, Harold 222 Keeler, Clifton M 222 McCaleb, Walter F., Ph.D 8 San Benito Reed, Mrs. Ross 149 San Marcos Vernon, William C, S.M 94 White, Frances C 237 San Saba . 74, 154 Pritchett, Robert T 214 Sherman McKay, Robert E., A.M 83, 173 Stephenville Buck, Sudie, A.M 91 Rogers, Roswell W., A.M 90 Sims, Henry, A.M 77 Taylor Maxon, Mrs. Robbins Y 109 Van Vleck MacQuiston, Harvey M 135 Waco Griffith, Katherine 134 Guittard, Francis G., A.M 69, 127 Pace, Lula, Ph.D 31, 71 Reeve, James J., D.B 56 Warren, David C, A.M 75 Waxahachie Gordon, James M., A.M 78 Munden, Edward, A.M 90 Powers, Edwin B., S.M 93 Weatherpord 59 Davis, Abigail L 230 324 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago UTAH Bountiful Carter, Allen, 45 Brigham Merrill, Albert M 193 Young, LeRoy B 46 Castle Gate Neher, Edwin M 143 Cedar City Brown, Jean M., A.M 88, 218 Centebville Porter, Nathan T., Ph.M 75 Logan Bowen, Albert E., J.D 42 Fonnesbeck, Leon, J.D 43 Harris, Melvin C 46 Nebeker, Horace G 45 Thatcher, Roy D 46 West, Franklin L., Ph.D 25 Murray Brown, John L 45 Ogden Evans, Joseph E 46 Harding, William P., Ph.M 65 Henley, Thomas M 201 Mills, John M 143 Peterson, Henry 158 Skeen, William R., J.D 40 Price Cowles, LeRoy E 209 Mulroney, Ellen C 224 Pbovo City Fletcher, Harvey, Ph.D 22 Salt Lake City Ashton, Elias C 45 Boyle, Ashby D 46 Cardon, Ariel F 198 duff, Walter E 161 Fowler, Frank H., Ph.D 12 Hall, Mosiah, Ph.M 69 Joralman, Louis B 103 Judd, Robert L 46 Kirtley, Howard P 123 Knowlton, Ansel A., Ph.D 22 Lackner, Edgar C 110 Leary, William H., J.D 39 McBroom, Ralph A 128 McConaughy, George M 99 Morse, Hazel L 224 Mulliner, Hurum L 46 Parsons, Charles C 157 Peterson, Joseph, Ph.D 4, 166 Richards, Stephen L 45 Robinson, Mary L., Ph.M 75 Skeen, David A 46 Steigmeyer, Frederick F Ill Stewart, Charles W 108 Stockman, Jay H., J.D 42 Thome, Fannie M 145 Tobin, John F., J.D 38 Tyndale, William R 120 Tyndale, Mrs. William R 127 Van Cott, Earle R 227 Woodmansee, Edith L 146 Tremonton Shattuck, Amos H., D.B. . 59 Bennington Mabrey, Frederick D Burlington Terrill, Bertha M., A.M. . . Cabot McDaniels, George N., J.D. Newbueg Morse, Annie S., A.M VERMONT Randolph . 173 Ham, Ernest G., A.M. .. . . . . 79 . .. 41 .73, 123 South Royalton Lovejoy, Mrs. D. W Wallingfoed Dodge, Caleb R. B., D.B .. 78 110 51 Ashland Hall, Winner L., A.M. . . . Blacksbueg Schoene, William J., S.M. . . VIRGINIA Bluemont 85 Blaire, William R., Ph.D 21, 146 Bristol Reubelt, Frances, Ph.M 83, 175 87 Woodbury, Mary E., A.M.. .94, 178 Geographical Index 325 VIRGINIA- Charlottesville Young, Charles A 116 Danville Hicks, Joseph E., D.B 58 Jordan, Carol L 149 Dublin Mebane, William N., Ph.D 11, 55 Emory Brown, John N., A.M 76 Farmville LeStourgeon, Flora E., A.M 92 Fork Union Hardy, Eric W., A.M 86 Hampton Whittlesey, Deo E 138 Hood Kite, George L., Ph.D 33, 183 Leesbtjrg Garrett, James A., A.M 80 Lynchburg Larew, Gillie A., A.M 89 Powell, Nellie V., Ph.M 81 Whiteside, Mabel K 138 Marion Sawyer, Carl W 158 Martinsville McCabe, James P., Jr., D.B 60 Newport News Simmons, Daniel M., D.B 61 -Continued Norfolk Crowe, Marguerite 190 Whyte, James P., A.M 71, 108 North Holston Wilder, Frank A., Ph.D 25 Portsmouth Price, Mrs. Henry B 166 Richmond Adams, Flora D 168 Anderson, Dice R., Ph.D. . Mitchell, Samuel C, Ph.D. Roanoke Durham, James W., D.B 59 Durham, Mrs. James W 150 Saunders, Ruth S 158 Salem Conway, Mrs. A. Wentworth 196 Randall, James G., Ph.D 9, 72, 150 Simonsville Givens, John P., D.B 58 Starkey Sampson, John H., D.B 48, 98 Staunton Hullihen, Elizabeth C, A.M 86 Sweet Briar Chaney, Mary E 218 Williamsburg Bennett, Henry E 169 Auburn Sterling, Edna L 226 Bellingham Chappell, Claribel C, A.M 82 Felt, Ida A 162 Robb, Mary E., Ph.M 73 Tromanhauser, Henrietta J 130 Brewster Shatts, Charles R., D.B 55 Buckley Gould, Edna H 191 Cashmere Casebeer, Jacob F 179 Castle Rock Kalmbach, John E 156 WASHINGTON Chewelah Yeomans, Frances A., Ph.M . Clarkston MacDonald, Laura E Ellensburg Grupe, Mary A Munson, John P., Ph.D . . . Everett McKibben, Ernest C 75 203 191 26 Teffre, Oha M Hunts Point Lyon, Sanford A Lyon, Mrs. Sanford A Kennewick Osgood, William P., D.B 56, 128 151 173 204 326 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago WASHINGTON — Continued Kettle Falls Webb, Charles J., J.D 39, 167 La Comer Post, Maurice E 185 Leavenworth Sylvester, Mrs. Albert H 114 Locke Bradley, Mrs. Alexander S., Jr 112 MONTESANO Haass, Charlotte A. C, A.M 78 Mustard, Harry J., S.M 90, 213 Naches Wilcox, Frank J 98 North Yakima Brown, Frederick A 116 Oakesdale Whitelaw, Henry N 160 Whitelaw, Mrs. Henry N 173 Olympia Bateson, Frederick W., D.B 56 Pomeroy Crayton, Catherine B 209 Port Stanley Carrothers, Christopher 95 Pullman Jackson, LeRoy F., Ph.M 80 McCully, Bruce, A.M 69 Roberts, Stockley C . 158 Ventresca, Francesco, Ph.M 87, 206 Wilson, Albert S., D.B 58 PUYALLUP Diebel, Solomon K 180 QUINCY Moore, Mrs. Cloyd 124 Seattle Allen, Ruth A 217 Beckmann, Frederick E., Ph.D 15, 109 Bell, James E 153 Berglund, Abraham 153 Bigelow, Alida J 153 Bliss, Charles K 109 Bonar, Mrs. Leonard E 146 Briggs, Lawrence P., Ph.M 82 Clendening, Frances M 170 Eastman, Frederick W .' 113 Fletcher, Abbie N 162 Frye, Theodore C, Ph.D 31 Graves, Thornton S., Ph.D 18, 171 Hall, David C, S.M 72 Hart, Joseph K., Ph.D 5 Hill, Elizabeth G 104 Howard, Mrs. A.D 174 Jamieson, George V 211 Johnson, Lillie V 164 Judson, Paul K 201 Lienau, Oscar P 156 Logan, Maria R., Ph.M 75 McKibben, Irene M 156 Moritz, Robert E., Ph.M 66 Mulkey, Agnes D., A.M 75 Nakamura, Yoshitaro, J.D 39 O'Hearn, Juliet 143 Oliver, Alfred S 136 Parks, Francis S 150 Parsons, Morton, D.B 52 Pearce, Van S 119 Peirce, Julia L 123 Raley, James G., J.D 40 Reed, Mrs. Joseph Ill Rocen, Johan, D.B 57 Schmidt, Emanuel, Ph.D 33, 56 Scrimger, Louise L ' 144 Sidey, Thomas K., Ph.D 14 Steelman, Albert J., Ph.D 36, 59 Stitt, Mrs. Grace E. M 124 Thompson, Harold B 159 Todd, Elmer E 108 Trumbull, Harlan L., Ph.D 25 Vinzant, Isabel L. . .* 159 Wheeler, Belle P 145 Sedro-Woolley Crumpacker, Harrison C, Ph.M 85 Spokane Allardyce, Margaret B 168 Bonser, Thomas A., S.M 71 Bostrom, Signa D 169 Brockway, Guy 102 Calhoun, Mrs. H. C 151 Collins, Carlotta H 126 Cornelius, Eyer A., J.D 40 Davies, Frederick G 64 Gray, Lily 99 Krebs, Matilda 135 Matthews, William J., J.D 39 Noble, Mrs. Frederic P., A.M 66, 109 Roark, Burchard H 144 Sawtelle, LeForest W 137 Smith, Mrs. J. C 125 Tooker, Robert N., Jr 115 Townsend, Caroline I 226 Wheeler, Herbert E 168 Geographical Index 327 Tacoma Aldrich, Byron L 98 Bleyker, Mary den 131 Cloyd, Luther L., D.B 51 Dougherty, Horace R 106 Eells, Walter C, A.M 85 Garlick, Wynne N 141 Hostetter, Angeline B 182 McMurphy, Susannah J., Ph.M 77 Marsh, Arthur L., A.M 86 Perkins, Ernest E 136 Snowden, Clinton A 97 Sperlin, Ottis B., Ph.M 81 Staudt, Calvin K., Ph.D 34 Terry, Lee W., D.B 51, 101 ZeUer, Julius C, D.B 60, 100 Tekoa Beldon, Gertrude M., A.M 91 Tracyton Whitaker, Mrs. W. K 133 WASHINGTON— Continued TUMWATEB 98 Brownlee, Charles F 63 Underwood Hedrick, Alfred R 155 Vancouver Barracks McKellar, Harry R 165 Walla Walla Brode, Howard S., Ph.D 26, 105 Jessup, Eva M 172 Kroesch, Samuel, Ph.D 16 Pattengill, Robert W 144 Wylie, Mrs. Gertrude H., A.M 72 Washington Boyington, Jessie C 179 Wenatchee Boehmer, Edwin 146 Webster, James L., D.B 59 WEST VIRGINIA BUCKHANNON Eldridge, Mrs. Hugh J., Ph.M 85, 146 Glenville Williams, Martha E 237 Huntington Alexander, Julia P 197 Burgess, Frances C 198 Everett, Mrs. Charles E 141 Hoffstadt, Rachel E., S.M 92 Stanard, Mrs. O. L 213 Mannington Ward, David A., A.M 90 Martinsburg Gain, Josiah W 210 MORGANTOWN Arkin, Aaron 33, 188 Darby, Arleigh L 170 Moundsville Hale, Berdena M 117 Parkersburg Smith, Robert B„ D.B 54 Van Voorhis, Mrs. W. D 127 Philippi Hulley, Elkanah, A.M 65 Salem Ingham, Helen A 211 Wheeling Merry, Elizabeth B 223 Amert Newcomb, Arthur F., A.M . Appleton Catlin, Mark S 161 Fairfield, Otho P 109 Faville, Mildred 154 Keller, Paul G. W 127 Spencer, Matthew L., Ph.D 18 Trevor, Albert A., A.M 87 Ashland Pray, Theron B . WISCONSIN Atkinson 86 Halsey, Elizabeth 220 Baraboo Garfield, William H., D.B 59 Beaver Dam Brown, Edwin P 105 Butterbrodt, Franz C 132 Gagnier, James H 181 Gagnier, Mrs. James H 162 MacDonald, Laura A., A.M 75 Noyes, Bessie A 184 96 Staley, Jonathan, D.B 49 328 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago WISCONSIN Beloit Crawford, John F., Ph.D 4 Hamilton, William A., Ph.D 20 Lockhart, George E., D.B 62, 92 Lockhart, Mrs. George E 187 McLeod, Andrew F., Ph.D 24, 149 Mierswa, Meta 174 Berlin Forward, James S., D.B 51, 100 Kolb, John H., A.M 92 Thompson, Leland R., S.M 87 Brillion McComb, Mildred R 164 Brodhead Doty, Flavia M 209 Columbus Chadbourn, Frank W 103 Delafield Hildebrandt, Paul A 211 Delavan Harley, Effle R 191 Yard, William R., D.B 61 De Pere Senn, George, S.M 71 DODGEVILLE Metcalf , Frank W 143 Eau Claire Class, Elva N. (Mrs. William J.) . . . . 218 Elkhorn Hemenway, Charles A., D.B 54 EVANSVILLE Gray, Paul R 171 Fond du Lac Hunter, Hobart R 221 Smith, Guy D 130 Van Zandt, Philip G., D.B 61, 177 Franksville Erickson, Mrs. Archibald T., Ph.M. . 66 Grand Rapids Hambrecht, George P 141 Green Bay Brauns, Lydia 121 Phelps, S. Waite, D.B 54 Hillside Anthony, Gertrude L 217 Thomas, Olive J 236 — Continued Honey Creek Cabeen, James W., D.B 54 Janesville Callahan, Gertrude L 218 Hazen, Joseph C, D.B 58 Menzies, Charles S 174 Kenosha Corey, Isaiah W., D.B 52 Cottrell, Anna L 161 Gephart, Curtis H 133 Pettit, Bertholf M 166 Rugg, Mrs. Louis E 162 Slater, Catherine D 215 Timme, Elizabeth A 215 Weston, Nina E 130 Kewaunee McMahon, Michael 193 La Crosse Anderson, Hattie R 178 Ayscue, John E., D.B 59 Bernhard, A. H., Ph.D 22 Cotton, Fassett A 140 Spence, Margaret 176 Stickle, Bruce A 236 Lake Geneva Arnold, Edith W 146 Halsey, Richard C 200 Johnson, Edith R 221 Merriam, Mrs. Ned A 187 Lodi Stubbert, William B 63 Madison Allison, Matthew G., D.B 55 Blackwelder, Eliot 125 Cary, Charles P 116 Clements, Guy R., A.M 78 Dresden, Arnold, Ph.D 19, 74 Dryzer, Frank M., A.M 78 Fettling, Mrs. Alice D 122 Finch, Vernor C 191 Finch, Mrs. Vernor C 193 Guyer, Michael F., Ph.D 27, 103 Haertel, Martin H 127 Hall, Arnold B., J.D 38 Hart, Walter W 127 Kellar, Herbert A 192 Kelly, Frederick T., Ph.D 11 Kidder, Harriet L., A.M 83 Linden, John M., D.B 59 Lussky, George F 173 Meek, Walter J., Ph.D 29 Mehl, Maurice G 213 Nyberg, Joseph A., S.M 86, 204 Geographical Index 329 WISCONSIN — Continued Olson, Holden M 123 Overton, James B., Ph.D 30 Posey, Chessley J., S.M 75 Prokosch, Edward, A.M 69 Sellery, George C, Ph.D 8 Sanderson, Mildred L., Ph.D 20, 87 Skinner, Ernest B., Ph.D 19 Stroud, Ray M., J.D 41 Thompson, John G., A.M 72 Whitson, Andrew R 104 Wilson, Lester M., A.M 81 Woolley, Edwin C 115 Wright, William K., Ph.D 3, 120 Wrightson, Philip G., S.M 70, 131 Manitowoc Zimmers, Mrs. P. J 131 Marinette King, Elizabeth M 127 Menasha Easterbrook, Mabel C 190 Menomonie Egdahl, Mrs. Anfln, S.M 77 Milton Crandall, Clark E., D.B 51 Randolph, Lester C, D.B 54 Whitford, Alfred E 125 Milwaukee Allen, Hazel K 228 Bickell, Edith E 139 Bixby, Florence A 139 Blake, James B., J.D 38 Bruins, Mrs. Dirk 155 Campbell, Margaret L 208 Campbell, Rachel M. W 229 Canright, Garfield S 45 Crosby, James J., D.B 52 De Swarte, Lawrence J 104 Duncan, Egerton W 219 Ericson, Henry 162 Fitzsimmons, Mary E 191 Goodwin, Hugo P 191 Graper, Alice G 200 Hammond, Theodore M 102 Hannan, Anne A 163 Hannan, Katherine 191 Harriman, Harry W., J.D 42, 191 Houghton, Albert B., J.D 40, 172 Houghton, Laura M 142 John, Mrs. Charles B 214 Knowlton, Mrs. H. B 204 Lane, Jeanette B 183 Lawrie, James W., Ph.D 23, 149 Lesem, Rebekah 233 Levinson, Samuel N 212 McElroy, George P., A.M 92, 223 Marine, Merle 150 Miller, Ernest W 157 Moffett, Anna E 234 Murphy, Caroline M 150 Neuhaus, Barinka C 165 Nickell, Marie B., Ph.M 77, 129 Parnkopf , Hattie M 234 Richter, Arthur W., J.D 43, 166 Rodman, Macy D 176 Rosenfeld, Rose L 235 Samelow, Samuel C 158 Sanderson, Thomas H 185 Sasuly, Max 235 Shepherd, Mrs. M. M., Ph.M 87, 205 Shorey, Marion L., Ph.D 28 Smith, Kenneth G 108 Staley, Jonathan 99 Steichen, Lilian A., M.E 151 Wells, Michael B 120 Willis, Gwendolen B 108 Mt. Hope Orr, James S 234 Mt. Horeb Thompson, Gena S 236 Oregon Miller, Agnes R 157 OSHKOSH Apthorp, Mary E 125 Burns, Harry F., D.B 59 Bryan, Mrs. Earle C 172 Clark, LiUian 140 Farley, Albert A., Ph.D 5, 71 Forward, Charles H 100 Harmon, Lola M 117 Jones, WiUiam H., D.B 58, 122 Palmer, Cecile M 165 Roehm, Alfred I., Ph.D 17 Platteville Ames, Florence M 207 Durant, Anthonette 190 Fenton, Edith M 219 Martin, William W 150 Purcell, Helen E 175 Warner, Isaac N 206 Plymouth Isserstedt, Freda C 221 POMEROY Smith, Alice H 186 Prairie du Sac Wakeley, NeUie M 177 330 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago WISCONSIN — Continued Racine Hugunin, Arthur 98 Jones, Mrs. John D., Jr 180 Pettit, Frederick R 158 Pettit, Milton H 136 Rugh, Ralph E 124 Wolcott, Maude H 187 Reedsburg Reynolds, Annie 144 Richland Center Benson, Gideon 139 Ripon Erickson, Prank M., A.M 65 Smith, Warren B 137 River Palls Phillips, Mrs. M. J. W 202 Rosendale Scheid, Milo M 185 Sanborn Fuller, Henry E., D.B 51, 100 Sharon Sikes, George R Ill Sheboygan Krai, Bohumil 183 Sinsinawa Long, Sister Mary P 202 Tallon, Sister Mary C 226 South Kaukatjna Schussmann, Leo G 225 South Range Young, Albert N 120 Sparta Leete, Herbert N 142 Superior Brinton, Grace 198 Cheney, David B., D.B 51, 100 McCaskell, Virgil E., Ph.D 27 MacQuilkin, Nona 212 Milam, Nellie 223 Schmidt, Edna V 176 Veblen, Harold 196 Two Rivers Gates, Eugene 133 Watertown Daniel], Nathaniel C, D.B 60, 154 Waupaca Bailey, Ralph W 168 Bailey, Mrs. Ralph W. 167 Wausau Green, Mrs. William A 125 Sweet, Milliman W., J.D 39 Wells, Lloyd E 236 Wells, Oliver E 115 Wauwatosa Coon, Mrs. Julia H 100 Hulburt, David W., D.B 50 Hulburt, Mary E 172 Van de Erve, John 206 West Allis Killips, Everett B., D.B 60, 142 Parsons, Frederick F., D.B 58 Whitewater Smith, Henry E 145 Williams Bay Alden, Harold L., S.M 91 Lee, Oliver J., Ph.D 21, 89 Winnebago Yule, Charles 1 216 Wyocena Jennings, Edward E 221 WYOMING Casper Evanston Mendelsohn, Henry 174 Buckmaster, Jeanne A., A.M 85 Wilson, William 112 Lander Cheyenne Koch Aurelia 135 Dotts, Grace B 180 Westcott, Frank H 112 Laramie Augspurger, Hulda M 228 Encampment Downey, Evangeline, A.M 91 Cole, William W., Jr 99 Downey, June E., Ph.D 4, 67 Geographical Index 331 Durward, Margaret E 171 McCullough, Albert W., J.D 42 Powel, Katherine L 224 Scott, John W., Ph.D 27 Voris, John R., D.B 60 "WYOMING — Continued Powell Ferguson, Isaac E., J.D 43, 199 RlVERTON Boeke, Alma M / 161 LUSKVILLE Howard, Mrs. H. D 114 Picturesque Phelps, Virgil V., D.B 60, 72, 136 Boeke, Clara C 169 Sheridan Gottlieb, Harry N 122 Gottlieb, Mrs. Harry N 192 Kinsley, Harry G., J.D 44 FOREIGN ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Benson, Charles L 160 Yoder, Charles P., D.B 58, 120 DlAMANTI Stevens, Harland U., S.M. 93 Sydney Lawson, Anstruther A., Ph.D. AUSTRALIA 30 BRAZIL Pernambuco Griffith, Merrill P 110 Rio de Janeiro Shearer, Harold K 225 Sao Paula Jones, Mrs. Philip C 229 Sofia Shoomkofl, Stanislas J., D.B.. . BULGARIA 54 CANADA Athabasca Landing (Alberta) Morehouse, Lewis C, D.B 49 Bassano Pool, Mrs. Ralph W 163 Edmonton Misener, Geneva, Ph.D 13 Mecheche Dack, David, D.B 51 Redcliff Hinkle, Ralph V 182 Red Deer Moore, John C, J.D 38 St. Stephen Kierstead, William G 212 Strathcona Broadus, Edmund K., A.M 68 Broadus, Eleanor H. (Mrs. Edmund K.) 132 Kelowna (British Columbia) Welsh, Duncan J., D.B 62 Summerland Baker, Ray P., Ph.M 82 West Summerland Harrington, Frederick G, D.B 52 Vancouver Blackford, Howard P 188 Lucas, John G 222 332 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago CANADA — Continued Victobia Whitford, Harry N., Ph.D 31 Brandon (Manitoba) MacNeiU, Harris L., Ph.D 34 Mode, Rowland H., Ph.D 12 Carman Seller, William E. W., D.B 60 Winnipeg Billings, Mrs. Thomas H., A.M 82 Guild, Charles K., A.M 89 Heinzelmann, Jacob H., Ph.D 16 Johnson, Sigurjon, A.M 92, 221 MacLean, Robert A., Ph.D 14 Phelps, Elmore W 194 Sharman, Henry B., Ph.D 34 Sharman, Mrs. Henry B., Ph.D 18 Wilson, Norman R., Ph.D 19 Campbellton (New Brunswick) Wilson, Crawford P., D.B 54 Fredericton Keirstead, Wilfred C, Ph.D 35 Gagetown Otty, Marianne G., A.M 90 HlLLSBORO Corbett, Isaac A., D.B 57 Sussex Mills, Joseph C 150 Woodstock Henderson, Hermann C 104 Curling (Newfoundland) Gould, Mrs. Ozra C 170 Amherst (Nova Scotia) Stackhouse, Perry J., D.B 59 Lawrencetown Mellick, Henry G., D.B 53 WOLFVILLE Archibald, William L., A.M 65 Chute, Arthur C, D.B 51 Chatham (Ontario) Dickie, Henry, A.M 65 Kingston Buchanan, Daniel, Ph.D 21 Hyde, Mrs. Jesse E., S.M 80 Saunders, William J., S.M. . Skelton, Oscar D., Ph.D.. . . Swanson, William W., Ph.D . London Ware, Norman J., Ph.D 90 6 6 .36, 62 MacDonald College Lynde, Carleton J., Ph.D 21 Ottawa Cooke, Harold C, Ph.D.. McLean, Simon J., Ph.D. 26 6 Toronto Apps, Sarah E 112 Buchanan, Milton A., Ph.D 15 DeWitt, Norman W., Ph.D 14 Elliott, Isabel 162 Pindlay, William, Ph.D 19 Howe, Clifton D., Ph.D 31 Matthews, Isaac G., Ph.D 33 Northup, George T., Ph.D 15 Northup, Mrs. G. T 161 Perry, Henry P 119 Smith, Robert W., Ph.D 30 Stewart, Alan E., S.M 94 Tingle, Mrs. John B 113 Wallace, Malcolm W., Ph.D 17 Weaver, Samuel R., A.M 90 White, Mrs. Charles E 141 Wallaceburg Davis, George B., D.B 49 Woodstock MacLeod, Warren H.. D.B 61 St. Eleanor's (Prince Edward Island) Simpson, Burton 205 Asbestos (Quebec) Francis, John P 191 Montreal Benner, Harry 207 Leacock, Stephen B., Ph.D 6 Lewis, John S., Jr 107 Prendergrast, Florence M 194 Sullivan, Charles T., Ph.D 20 Quebec Sinclair, Samuel B., Ph.D 5 Saskatoon (Saskatchewan) Morgan, Alfred R., D.B 62, 93 Tanner, Mrs. Herbert H 129 Geographical Index 333 CAPE COLONY Kimbbrly Wellington Bridgeman, Mrs. Henry M 118 Gibbons, Vernette L., S.M 76 CHINA Canton Nanking Cheng, Pekao T 198 Bullock, Amasa A., S.M 79 Ching, Yue 189 Chaney, Florence J., A.M 91, 179 Drury, Mabel 170 Hummel, William F 192 Lo, Pan H., J.D 42, 86 Sarvis, Guy W., A.M 83 ^ . Sarvis, Pearl M. T. (Mrs. G. W.).. . . 205 1^>H E LI Feng, Hsi Y., J.D 43 Ningpo Foochow Robison, Benjamin E., D.B, 60, 150 Clark, Elsie G., A.M 88 Pekin Gait, Howard S 106 Hangchow Nourse, Mary A 157 Hinghua Wickes, Dean R., Ph.D 34, 160 Shanghai Peter, Mrs. William W 178 Sung, Far T 167 p roct0 r, John T., D.B 56 Kaipeng Seaton, Mrs. William M 229 Savage, Loy J 205 Swan - Alfred H 215 Woo, Tsing N., Ph.M 81 Kaying SUIFU Campbell, George, D.B 50 Rudd, Herbert F., D.B 59 Kiungchow Tainfu Byers, Mrs. George D 158 Korns, John H 164 Kwang-tung Thuchow Tang, Chung Hsuan, A.M 87 Chow, Tsung H., J.D 42 CONGO FREE STATE Matadi Gotaas, Mrs. John 185 Moon, Seymour E., D.B 59 CUBA El Cristo Havana Routledge, Robert, D.B 60 Houghland, Clair W 221 GlBABA Jones, Sylvester, D.B 60 DENMARK Copenhagen Olsen, Rasmus P., D.B 54 EGYPT Assiut Hickman, William W., Ph.D 24 334 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago ENGLAND Alverstoke London Pain, Mary M 150 Gates, Reginald R, Ph.D 31 Hoy, Austin Y 134 Cambridge Jacobs, Lawrence M 118 Hart, Mary L 163 Loop, Carl R 128 Mabie, Henry C, D.B 48, 96 Exeteb Stewart, Adelbert T 151 Hughes, John C, D.B 54 Stoll, Mrs. Elmer E 108 B Tupper, Edward L 103 Hull Oxford Egbert, Mrs. Justus 162 Hubble, Edwin P 201 Liverpool Princeton Harper, Samuel N 134 Battiscombe, Mrs. Eric G 151 FRANCE Paris Baukhage, Hilmar R 207 Spencer, Nettie 120 GERMANY Berlin Munich Fischer, Ernst G 199 Beifus, Joseph 131 Hirsch, Mrs. Gilbert J 120 Sauerhering, Rudolph L 205 Quiring, Jacob, A.M 93, 234 Wallace, Mrs. J. Napier 162 Strassburg _, Wever, Anna-Marie 206 Dresden Watson, Dorothea 227 Streigan Maiburg Peiser, Martha 214 Schoch, Caroline P. B 176 The Hague Bisdom von Cattenbroeck, Fredericus A HOLLAND Zeist Postma, Mrs. Hessel. . . . 123 208 Bombay (Bombat) Fisher, Mrs. J. C, A.M 88 Calcutta (Behar) Dutt, Narendra N., S.M 85 INDIA Kengtung (Burma) 88 Antisdel, Clarence B., D.B 54 Young, William M 63 Lahore (Panjab) Moflett, Mrs. Elbert 160 Fleming, Daniel J., S.M 71 Impur (Assam) Madira (Hyderabad) Smith, William, A.M 90 Kurtz, Frank, D.B 55 Jhelum (Panjab) Mungeli (Central Provinces) Wilson, Margaret M 152 Grainger, Oswald J., A.M 89 Kampur, P. O. (Assam) Palmur (Deccan) Moore, Penn E., D.B 51 Chute, Elbert, D.B 50 Geographical . Index 335 Rangoon (Burma) Armstrong, Ernest N., D.B 62 Boganau, B 98 Moorhead, Maxwell K 157 St. John, Wallace, Ph.D 35, 56 Secunderabad (Deccan) Levering, Frank H 98 INDIA — Continued Ukhrul (Assam) Fox, Url M Vengurla (Bombay) Goheen, Robert H. H Hannum, William H., A.M 181 134 80 Milan Challiss, Harold B Challiss, Mrs. Harold B . Rome Cipriani, Contessa Lisi C, Ph.D. ITALY Moxley, Paulina 114 132 Stone, Harriet, S.M 67, 108 142 Stone, Isabelle, Ph.D 21, 66 Van Deman, Esther B., Ph.D 14 15, 66, 106 JAPAN FUKUOKA Kidwell, Lola M., A.M 86 Hiroshima Hishinuma, Heiji, A.M 86 Kofu Kasai, George J 232 Kobe Garner, Mary V., Ph.M 71 Hummel, Arthur W., A.M 86, 192 Matthews, William K., A.M 70 Smith, Roy, Ph.M 84 Yoshizaki, Enos H., A.M 69 MONOKIA Topping, Henry, D.B 54 Nagasaki Huggins, Harold C 201 Katataye, Komataro, D.B 61, 192 Nagaya Tajima, Kazuyoshi, A.M 87 Osaka Erskine, William H 230 Scott, Job H., D.B 52 Tokyo Asada, Eiji, Ph.D 11 Benninghofl, Harry B., A.M 77, 160 Bullis, Edith M 121 Clement, Ernest W 100 Emerson, Gertrude 219 Harrington, Charles K., D.B 51 Holton, Daniel C 182 Nakagawa, Kunisaburo, A.M 77 Otsuka, Naotaro, D.B 60 Place, Alfred W., D.B 58 Place, Mrs. Alfred W : 126 Sato, Toru, Ph.M 77 Shioya, Sakae, Ph.M 71 Takahashi, Katashi, Ph.D 28 Takatani, Jitsutaro, A.M 94 Tanaka, Kiichi 105 White, Anna L 168 Yoshioka, Gen-ichiro, Ph.D 13 Yokohama Fisher, Charles H. D., D.B 49, 98 Harris, William H., A.M 67 Kuyper, Jennie M 127 SOONCHUN Coit, Robert T., D.B KOREA 60 Monastic Kodjbanoff, Sophie G., A.M . . . MACEDONIA 86 336 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago MANCHURIA Dairen Katakura, Tojiro 202 MEXICO Mexico City Vintanas Lawrence, Mrs. John J. R 194 Winsor, Sanford A 160 Tampico Belfield, Henry W 131 NORWAY Kristiania Janson, Marcia S. H. (Mrs. J. H.) . . . 192 PERU Callao Lima Tourner, Anna B., A.M 87, 206 Griffis, Mrs. C. Noel 208 RUSSIA Moscow St. Petersburg Sankowsky, Nicholas A 214 Bouroff, Vasili A 161 Varkallo, Joseph P 196 Yousephoff, Joachim P. E 178 Odessa Kalamatiano, Xenophon de B 142 SIERRA LEONE Freetown Hursh, Edwin M., A.M 92 SWEDEN Upsala Myhrman, David W 107 SWITZERLAND Fueich V Hotz, Hedwig P., Ph.M 78 TURKEY Beirut Constantinople Nelson, Harold H 128 Kennedy, Mary J., Ph.D 14, 149 Willett, Floyd P 227 Trebizond Williams, Maynard 216 Northrup Alfred s 104 VENEZUELA Maracaibo Donnelly, Leonard G 209 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ALPHABETICAL INDEX Abbot, Frances H., A.M 67 Abbot, Grace M. R 188 Abbott, Arthur G., J.D 38 Abbott, Donald P 178 Abbott, Edith, Ph.D 6 ♦Abbott, Edith L 146 Abbott, Edith M 120 Abbott, Mrs. George A 105 Abbott, Grace, Ph.M 82 Abbott, James P., Ph.D 27 Abbott, John S 178 Abbott, Lillie F 125 Abbott, Mabel 131 Abbott, Walter H 105 Abelio, George 197 Abells, Harry D 108 Abernethy, Alonzo 95 Abernethy, Herbert A 116 Abernethy, Mary E 125 Abraham, Vestal R 207 Acree, Solomon P., Ph.D 23 Adams, Annie L 104 Adams, Arthur L 207 Adams, Charles C, Ph.D 27 Adams, Cyrus C 99 Adams, Elizabeth K., Ph.D 3 Adams, Emma F 131 Adams, Flora D 168 Adams, Mrs. Frank D 115 ♦Adams, George M., D.B 47 Adams, Helen E 131 Adams, Henry F., Ph.D 4 Adams, Katharine K 146 Adams, Maxwell, Ph.D 23 Adams, Melvin J 188 Adams, Romazo C, Ph.D 10 Adams, Spencer G., D.B 49 Adams, Victoria A 104 Adams, Walter S., A.M 67 Adams, William H 100 Adams, Willis S 197 Addams, Sarah W 120 Adkins, Lincoln K., S.M 88, 197 Adkinson, Henry M., A.M 67, 108 Adkinson, Mrs. Henry M 115 Admiral, Donald 217 Admiral, Mrs. Donald 191 Admiral, Virginia H 188 Aflhauser, Louis F 217 Agerter, Harriett C 108 Ahern, Annie G 228 Ahem, Eleanor 228 Ahrens, Edward H 160 Aitchison, Harriet R 131 Akers, Dwight L., Ph.M 79, 188 Alden, Harold L., S.M 91 Alden, Mrs. Horace F 122 Alden, William C, Ph.D 25,67 Aldinger, Frederick C, D.B 60 Aldrich, Byron L 98 Alexander, Clara G 197 Alexander, Claude C, A.M 84 Alexander, Julia F 197 Alexander, Marks 207 Alexander, Martha E 228 Alexander, Ruth 178 Allardyce, Margaret B 168 Allee, Warder C, Ph.D 28, 84 Allee, Mrs. Warder C 221 Allen, Bennett M., Ph.D 27 Allen, Bernice 188 Allen, Carlos E., A.M 71 *Allen, Mrs. Carrie H 100 Allen, Clara B 228 Allen, Clara W 217 Allen, Cyrus B. Jr., D.B 51, 99 Alien, Edna M 207 Allen, Mrs. Frank W 166 Allen, George D., S .M 84 Allen, -Hamilton F., Ph.D 34 Allen, Hazel K 228 Alien, Hiram H 64 Allen, Jessie B., Ph.D 4 Allen, John W., J.D 42 Allen, Lamed V 217 Allen, Lindley W 125 Allen, Mrs. Margaret C 138 Allen, Mary S 188 Allen, Philip S., Ph.D 16 Allen, Riley H 153 Allen, Ruth A 217 Allen, William H 112 Allendoerfer, Mrs. C. W 188 Allerdice, Martha S 131 Allin, Josephine T 116 Allis, Sarah P 138 Allison, Inga M. K 153 Allison, Matthew G., D.B 55 Allison, Robert L 207 Allison, William H., Ph.D 35 Allyn, Harriett M., Ph.D 28, 82 Almstedt, Herman, Ph.D 16 Alschuler, Leon S 108 *Alsip, William H 100 Amberg, Alfred A 138 Ambrose, Grace C 217 Ames, Daisy C 188 Ames, Edward S., Ph.D 3 339 340 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Ames, Florence M 207 Ames, Jessie H 160 Ammerman, Emir F 217 *Amos, Martin C 131 Anderson, Alga C 178 Anderson, Andrew F., D.B 58 Anderson, Anna C, A.M 70, 125 Anderson, Augustus G 102 Anderson, David B 197 Anderson, Dice R., Ph.D 9 Anderson, Mrs. E. Bernard 134 Anderson, Elbridge R 102 Anderson, Elisha, D.B 50, 100 Anderson, Ernest, Ph.D 24 Anderson, Eva E 112 Anderson, Frank L., D.B 57 Anderson, Frederick L., D.B 52, 101 Anderson, George H 178 * Anderson, Mrs. Gertrude F 102 Anderson, Gustavus E 160 Anderson, Hannah M 108 Anderson, Harold E 112 Anderson, Harry B 168 Anderson, Hattie R 178 Anderson, Jacob N., D.B 57 Anderson, Jesse, A.M 71 Anderson, John C, A.M 84 Anderson, John E., J.D 43, 197 Anderson, John 1 100 Anderson, Kate S 105 Anderson, Lura H., S.M 77 Anderson, Martin E 160 Anderson, Nettie C 153 Anderson, Norman K 116 Anderson, Olive O. (Mrs, Elwood O.), Ph.M 77 Anderson, Stella A 178 Anderson, Swen B 112 Anderson, Theodore W 228 Anderson, Thomas, D.B 53 Anderson, Walter E 45 Anderson, William F 116 Andress, James M., Ph.M 74 Andrews, Ellen H 160 Andrews, Emory C 125 Andrews, Ernest J 116 *Andrews, Mrs. J.P 125 Andrews, Mrs. James H 130 Andrews, Jessie, Ph.M 76 Andrews, Katherine 116 Andrews, William H 125 Andrus, Ethel P 139 Andrus, William C 63 Angel, Leon C 217 Annan, Isabel D 168 Anthony, Bernice E 228 Anthony, Gertrude L 217 Anthony, Katharine S 160 Antisdel, Clarence, B., D.B 54 Apel, Paul H 228 Apgar, Genevieve 197 App, Orpha L 217 Appel, Vallee 207 Appledoorn, Mary R 188 Appleman, Charles O., Ph.D 32 Appleton, LiUa E., Ph.D 5, 71, 72 Apps, Sarah E 112 Apthorp, Mary E 125 Arbogast, William H 108 Arbuckle, Philip H 197 Arbuthnot, Charles C, Ph.D 6 Archibald, William L., A.M 65 Arkin, Aaron, Ph.D 33, 188 Armacost, Beulah M 197 Armitage, Ambrose W 217 Armstrong, Ernest N., D.B 62 Armstrong, Mrs. Frank H 124 Armstrong, Grant C, J.D 42, 207 Armstrong, Mrs. J. A 174 ♦Armstrong, Mulford C 95 Arnett, Trevor 112 Arnold, Edith W 146 Arnold, Grace 188 Arnold, Harold D., Ph.D 22 Arnold, Joseph K., Ph.D 11 Arnold, Minnie M 188 Arnold, Oswald J 108 Arnot, Eh J., D.B 61 Arthur, Lucy A 160 Artman, Joseph M., D.B 61 Arvey, Samuel B 228 Asada, Eiji, Ph.D 11 Ascher, Margaretha, A.M 88 Asgaard, Anna A 228 Ashby, James W., D.B 55 Ashby, Winifred M 139 Ashcraft, Flora M 178 Ashcraft, Florence V 139 Ashleman, Lorley A., Ph.M 77, 153 Ashley, Frances H 153 Ashley, Myron L., Ph.D 3 Ashman, George C, Ph.D 24, 74 Ashton, Bessie L 207 Ashton, Elias C 45 Atchley, Dana W 217 Atherton, John W 131 Atkinson, David C, Ph.M 65 Atkinson, Dora A 153 Atkinson, Henry L., D.B 57 Atteridge, Harold R 168 *Atwater, Ellen B., A.M 70 Atwater, Frederick M (Richard Tupper Atwater) 207 Atwood, Harriet B. (Mrs. Wallace W.) 153 Atwood, Harry F 112 Atwood, Jane K 153 Atwood, Orville E., Jr 146 Atwood, Wallace W., Ph.D 25, 108 Atwood, Winfred M., S.M 84 Augspurger, Hulda M 228 Alphabetical Index 341 Ausemus, Sarah E 207 Austin, Wilson A 178 Austrian, Delia 112 Auten, Nellie M., A.M 68 Avent, Joseph D 197 Averett, Mary J 131 Averill, Jessie M 146 Averill, William A 139 Avery, Elizabeth F 116 Avery, Hazen L 131 Avery, Marie 1 197 Axelson, Charles F 168 Axelson, Harold R 217 Axtell, Harold L., Ph.D 14, 67, 112 Axtell, Mrs. Harold L 169 Ayer, Leslie J., J.D 38 Ayers, Lloyd C 153 *Aylsworth, Nicholas J 95 Ayres, Elizabeth F 217 Ayscue, John E., D.B 59 Baar, Arnold R 217 Babb, Belle L 178 Babb, Bijou 131 *Babcock, Chester A 97 Babcock, Earle B 139 *Babcock, Frederick H 100 Babcock, Minnie F 103 Babcock, Roy W 160 Baber, Zonia 153 Bachelle, Cecil von, S.M 67, 108 Bachelor, Mrs. Frank B 200 Bachman, Frank P 116 Bachrach, William 217 ♦Backhouse, John O 153 Backlund, Jonas 153 Backus, Helen W 116 Bacon, Clara L., A.M 73 Bacon, Margaret G 217 Bacon, Mrs. Margaret R 146 Bacon, Raymond F., Ph.D 23 Badenoch, Benjamin H 197 Badenoch, Mrs. Benjamin H 227 *Badger, Samuel D., D.B 49 Baer, Mrs. A. W 188 Baer, Mrs. D. Arthur 162 Baer, Joseph L., S.M 70, 131 Bagot, Bernard W. N 153 Bailer, Mrs. Lloyd E 168 Bailey, Ambrose M., D.B 60, 146 Bailey, Anita M 207 Bailey, Gilbert E 98 Bailey, Henry H 217 Bailey, John W., Ph.D 34, 58 Bailey, Maud A 160 Bailey, Ralph W 168 Bailey, Mrs, Ralph W 167 Bain, Bertha 168 Bain, Harry F., Ph.D 25 Bainbridge, Helen A 153 Baird, Frederick R., J.D 39, 160 Baird, Mary B 105 Baird, Perry E 99 Baird, Phil C, Ph.D 11 Baird, Robert W 217 Baker, Bertha B 228 Baker, Charles L 178 Baker, Edward D 139 Baker, Edward M 112 Baker, Elizabeth W., A.M 91 Baker, Mrs. Eugene 185 Baker, Ezra L., J.D 40 Baker, Frances C 178 Baker, Frank K., D.B 60 Baker, Mrs. Frank S 160 Baker, Georgia C 105 Baker, Harriet F 188 Baker, Hart E 178 Baker, Joanna, A.M 71 *Baker, John F., D.B 51 Baker, Marcus P 169 Baker, Margaret, S.M 70, 116 Baker, Orvie E., A.M 91 Baker, Pearl M 228 Baker, Ray P., Ph.M 82 Baker, Richard P., Ph.D 20 *Baker, Samuel, Jr 96 *Baker, Mrs. William F 114 Balch, Ernest A., Ph.D 7 Balch, John V., A.M 88, 188 Baldridge, Cyrus L 207 Balduf, Emery W., A.M 91 Baldwin, Francis 125 Baldwin, Helen A 112 Baldwin, James F., Ph.D 7 Baldwin, John R 63 Baldwin, Mary E., Ph.M 71, 146 Baldwin, Nellie L 139 Baldwin, Norman L 207 Baldwin, Onias B., A.M 84 Baldwin, Rae C 139 Bales, Clarence A., J.D 42, 188 Ball, Ernest E 146 Ball, Florence F 112 *Ball, Helen H 112 Ball, Mary A 197 Ball, Sheldon F 131 Ballard, Asa H., D.B 52 Ballenger, Thomas L 228 Ballinger, Lees 131 Ballou, Susan H 108 Bally, Helen 178 Balzer, Jacob F., A.M 91 Bamberger, Arrie 169 Bancroft, Nelhe E., A.M 67 Banker, Joseph B., D.B 51 Banks, Caldore J., D.B 52 Banks, Lilian C 120 Banning, Mrs. Fred A 220 Banta, Frances M., Ph.M 77 342 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Baptiste, John M 169 Barber, Charles M 146 Barber, Charles W., D.B 50 Barber, Florence C 146 *Barber, Frank W 101 Barbor, Mrs. John 114 Barbour, Hubert V., J.D 38 Barclay, Wade C, D.B 60 *Barfleld, Joseph F 95 Barkenbus, Maud E 160 Barker, Burt B 108 Barker, Cyrus A 97 Barker, Eva P 217 Barker, Frank P 131 Barker, George A., S.M 73, 146 Barker, Grace S. T 169 Barker, Helen L 197 Barker, Mabel C 197 Barker, Norman 179 Barnard, Edith E., Ph.D 24, 74, 139 Barnard, Harrison B 105 Barnard, Minnie 125 Barnes, Benjamin S., S.M 79, 160 Barnes, Clifford W., A.M 65 Barnes, Evans P., J.D 39 Barnes, Frederick R 112 Barnes, Mrs. Harold M 141 Barnes, Jasper C, Ph.D 5 Barnes, Jean S 179 Barnes, Milford E 217 Barnes, Samuel D 104 Barnet, Bertha 121 Barnet, Jeannette 160 Barnet, Winifred 188 Barnett, Edith E 197 Barnett, Mary P., A.M 77 Barnhart, Elizabeth 179 Barnum, Harry H., A.M 82 Barr, Alfred E 100 Barr, Hester A 179 *Barr, John, D.B 49, 99 Barrett, Charles R 108 Barrett, Roy H., D.B 61 Barroll, Lucy 179 Barrow, John V 188 Barrow, Sarah F., Ph.M 69, 121 Barrows, David P., Ph.D 9 Barrows, Harlan H 146 Barry, David Q 63 Barta, Alois, Ph.D 33, 66 Bartelmez, George W., Ph.D 28 *Bartlett, Edward P., D.B 48 Bartlett, Eleanor B., A.M 91 Bartlett, Frank K 207 Barton, Alvin L 121 Barton, Charles W 197 Barton, Charlotte 188 Barton, Mary K 217 Barton, Thyrza M 169 Bash, Flint E 169 BaskerviU, Charles R., Ph.D 18 Baskett, Mildred D 217 Bass, Luther G 99 Bass, Oscar S 100 Bass, Sarah B 207 Bass, Vera K 197 Bassett, Helena M 160 Bassett, Wilbur W 108 Bassford, Albert F., A.M 79 Bastin, Edison S., Ph.D 25, 70 *Bastin, Edson S., D.B 47, 95 Batchelder, Josephine H., A.M 84 Bateman, Geneva K 197 Bates, Ellen C, Ph.M 73 Bates, Frances B 121 Bates, Jeanette 146 Bates, Ralph W., J.D 43 Bates, William H., Ph.D 20, 70 Bateson, Frederick W., D.B 56 Batt, Max, Ph.D 16, 112 Battiscombe, Mrs. Eric G 151 Bauduit, William J., S.M 88, 188 Bauer, Clyde M 188 Bauer, Josephine K 197 Bauer, Ralph S., J.D 40 Baukhage, Hilmar R 207 Bauknight, Pinckney M 131 Baum, Mrs. Clarence H 157 Baum, Minnette 217 Baumann, George 207 Baumann, LeRoy E 207 Baumgardner, John W 188 Baumgartner, Grover K 207 Bawden, Harry H., Ph.D 3 Baxter, Gladys R 179 Baylor, Adelaide S 112 Beach, Annie S 139 Beach, Clinton S 109 Beach, Etta F 112 Beach, George R., Jr 169 Beach, Mrs. George R 166 Beach, Mrs. George W 121 Beal, Nova J 198 Beal, William O., S.M 69 Beale, Mildred B. R., Mrs 137 BeaU, Lewis H., A.M 91 Beam, Inez M 169 Beam, Nellie G 207 Bean, Mrs. C Homer 149 *Beard, Franklin 100 Beardslee, Mrs. James B 119 Beardslee, John W., Jr., A.M 67 Beardslee, Mrs. John W., Jr., A.M ... 82 Beardsley, Alice 121 Beardsley, Anna P 125 Beardsley, Cornelia 139 Beardsley, William E 153 Beatty, Elmer W 207 Beatty, Maria 105 Beatty, Wallace A., Ph.D 23 Alphabetical Index 343 Beatty, Walter O 131 Bebb, Herbert, J.D 43 Becht, Francis C, Ph.D 29, 169 Bechtel, Edward A., Ph.D 14 Beck, Alfred, J.D 42, 207 Beck, Mrs. Howard H 175 Beck, Mabel 217 Becker, Henrietta K., Ph.D 16, 121 Becker, Hortense L 179 Becker, Lucia von L., Ph.M 84, 188 Beckmann, Frederick B., Ph.D 15, 109 Beckwith, Mrs. F. 1 123 Beckwith, Floyd I., D.B 61, 160 Beckwith, Minnie A 131 Bedikian, Antranig A 228 Bednar, Christine, S.M 84 *Beebe, Edward H 95 Beebe, Vernon C 153 Beed, Grace 160 Beeler, Roy H., J.D 42 Beemer, Alma G 153 Beer, Jesse 217 Beer, Mrs. William C 118 Beers, Arthur E 112 Beers, Edna P 146 Beers, Ethel E., Ph.D 14, 109 Beers, Florence N 160 Beers, George A 121 Beers, Grace E 121 Beers, Robert C 179 Beery, Harry R 139 Beeson, Agnes M 207 Begeman, Louis, Ph.D 22 Behan, Warren P., Ph.D 35, 55, 103 Behling, Glenola E 228 Behnke, Ella 153 Behrhorst, Edith R . . 139 Beifeld, Arthur F 131 Beifeld, Lillian R 198 Beifus, Joseph 131 Beldon, Gertrude M., A.M 91 Belfleld, Henry W 131 Bell, Beatrice M 160 Bell, Bernard 1 179 Bell, Chester S 228 Bell, Eudorus N., D.B 58 Bell, Glenrose 109 Bell, James E 153 Bell, Kate T 198 Bell, Phebe F 179 Bell, Robert G 207 Bell, Robert W 63 Bell, William H. L., J.D 38 Bellamy, Edith C 139 Bellamy, lone E 207 Belland, Lily 131 Bellis, William 153 *Bender, Lowry D, W 207 Bendix, Charlotte I 146 Bendixen, Peter A 139 Benedict, Laura E. W., A.M 71, 121 Beneke, Herman H., A.M 88 Bengston, Caroline, Ph.M 84 Bengston, Ida A., S.M 91 Benitez, Conrado, A.M 88, 207 Benner, Harry 207 ♦Bennett, Albert A., D.B 48 Bennett, Claude A., J.D 38 *Bennett, Esther 112 Bennett, Frank W 146 Bennett, Henry E 169 Bennett, Isabella G 109 Bennett, Judson G 179 Bennett, Lucy L 125 Bennett, Mrs. Paul P 115 Bennett, Mrs. Philip T 168 Benney, Helen M 146 Benninghoff, Harry B., A.M 77, 160 Benson, Bernice B 169 Benson, Charles L 160 Benson, Fannie L 146 Benson, Fred S., J.D 43, 217 Benson, Gideon 139 Benson, John L., A.M 91 Benson, Mrs. Walfred 142 Bent, Muriel 228 Bentall, David J 131 Bentall, Emil G 139 Bentley, Mrs. Finis 156 Benton, Dean S., J.D 41, 188 Benton, John A., A.M 84 Benton, Ina M 131 Benzies, John R 217 Berens, Freda 153 Berens, Helmut 161 Berens, Mrs. Helmut 159 Berens, Robert R 207 Berg, Magdalen J 228 Berg, Oliver J 228 Berger, Sophia, 146 Bergey, Angeline A., A.M 73, 125 Berglund, Abraham 153 Bergman, Mrs. Emil C 159 Bergman, Ruth 169 Bergold, Lillian C 169 Bergstrom, Anna T 161 Berlin, Louis S 198 Bernard, Floyd E., A.M 84, 179 Bernard, Luther L., Ph.D 10 Bernard, Mrs. Luther L., Ph.D 10 Berndt, Otto N 188 Bernhard, A.H., Ph.D 22 Berns, Rose 188 Bernstein, Esther 228 Bernstorff, Frank A., Ph.D 17 Bernstorff, Mrs. Frank A 169 Berquist, Mabel J 169 Berry, Frances M 207 Berry, Fred 64 Berry, George R., M.D 11 344 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Berry, Henry H 64 Berry, Jennie M 146 Berta, Charles D 153 Besaw, Josephine G 169 Besley, Miriam A., A.M 91, 217 Best, Charles L., S.M 71 Bestor, Arthur E 125 Bestor, Orson P., D.B 49 Betts, George H., Ph.M 73 Betts, Otie E 121 Bevan, Carl J 153 Bevan, Prank S., J.D 41, 179 Bevan, Lynne J 139 Bevans, Edna 116 Bevans, Laura H 112 Beverly, Clarence A 97 Beverly, William N 188 Beyer, Arthur G 217 Beyl, Frederick A., D.B 57 Beyl, John L., D.B 57 Beynon, William H., D.B 60 Bezdek, Hugo F 179 Bibbins, Mrs. A. B., Ph.M 68 Bickell, Edith E 139 Bickell, Olive E 208 Bickle, William C 228 Biddle, Henry C, Ph.D 23 Biesen, Harriet 188 Bigelow, Alida J 153 Bigelow, Alton E., D.B 60 Bigelow, Mrs. Lewis B 178 Bilder, Mrs. Nat 148 Biller, Harrison E 228 Billikopf , Jacob 146 Billings, Mrs. T.H., A.M 82 Billman, Howard D., A.M 91 Bills, Benjamin F 217 Binder, Rudolph M., D.B 55 Binford, Raymond, S.M 76 Bingham, Frank C, D.B 52 Bingham, Joseph W., J.D 37, 131 Bingham, Margeret V 228 Bingham, Mrs. Maro A 164 Bingham, Walter V., Ph.D 4 Binna, Eleanor A 161 Binnewies, Wilfred G., A.M 84 Bird, Grace E 109 Birkhofl, George D., Ph.D 19 Bisbee, Edith V 228 Bisdom von Cattenbroeck, Frederi- cus A 208 Bishop, Bertha I., Ph.M 67, 112 Bishop, Edwin S., Ph.D 22 Bishop, Frederic L., Ph.D 21 Bishop, William R 109 Bittner, Walton S 188 Bivans, Fannie A 46 Bixby, Florence A 139 Bixler, William S., Ph.M 71 Bixon, Frank P 64 Bizzell, William B., A.M 91 Bjornberg, Esther E 153 Black, Frank L., A.M 79 Black, George W., J.D 39 Black, Jessie E 179 Black, John A 139 Black, Wallace J., J.D 43 Black, William H 228 Black, Willis L 99 Blackburn, Alexander, D.B 48 Blackford, Howard P 188 Blackledge, Irene 153 Blackman, Willis L 131 Blackmarr, Frank H 103 Blackwelder, Eliot 125 Blaine, Harriet G., A.M 66 Blair, Clyde A 153 Blair, Mrs. Clyde A 172 Blair, Frederick P 228 Blair, William R., Ph.D 21, 146 *Blake, Byron B 96 Blake, James 64 Blake, James B., J.D 38 *Blake, Stephen P 198 Blakemore, Thomas L., J.D 43 *Blanchard, Caroline E 154 Blanchard, Greta 1 121 Blanchard, William L., D.B 54 Blanding, Elizabeth N 131 *Bleekman, Ruth, A.M 76 Bleyker, Mary den 131 Bliss, Charles K 109 Bliss, Eliakim R., Jr 198 Bliss, George M 188 Bliss, Gilbert A., Ph.D 18, 67, 109 Bliss, Mrs. Gilbert A 192 Bliss, Guy L 146 Bloch, Leon 121 Blocker, Daniel J., D.B 62, 88, 198 Blodgett, Julian F., D.B 58 Bloomfleld, Leonard, Ph.D 16 Bloomfleld, Mat 198 Blossom, Mary B 188 *Blotkin, Frank E 217 Blount, Mary, Ph.D 27 Blumenthal, Oscar, J.D 42, 188 Blunt, Katharine, Ph.D 24 Bo, Saum Song 102 Board, Gertrude D 169 Bobbitt, Lee R., D.B 60 Bobo, Brieta 131 Bode, William, D.B 57 Boden, Anna F 169 Bodin, George E 217 Bodler, Anna 125 Bodler, Sophia L 161 Boehmer, Edwin 146 Boeke, Alma M 161 Boeke, Clara C 169 Boeye, John F., D.B 58 Alphabetical Index 345 Bogan, Elizabeth S. (Mrs. William J.) 169 Bogan, William J 198 Boganau, B 98 Bogard, Augustus 179 Bogardus, Emory S., Ph.D 10 Bogert, Horace V 125 Boies, Bessie, A.M 77 Boise, Alice R 97 Bolt, Albert W 112 Bonar, Mrs. Leonard E 146 Bond, William S 109 *Bondurant, Barnard C, Ph.D 14 *Bones, Katharine H 146 Bonnem, Sadie V 228 Bonner, Robert J., Ph.D 13 Bonser, Thomas A., S.M 71 Boomer, Alice 112 Boomer, Jennie K 104 Boomhour, Joshua G., A.M 77 Boone, William J 161 *Booth, Hervey W 97 *Booth, Thomas W., D.B 54 Bopp, William G., J.D 37, 146 Borchardt, Conrad R 189 Borden, Edwin H., D.B 55 Bordes, Andre B., de, Ph.D 15 Borger, Robert L., Ph.D 19, 73 Borgmeier, Alice M 139 Borland, Lois B., A.M 91 Borough, Mary G 121 Boruff, Ray R 116 Bostick, Ezra C 198 Bostick, Mrs. W. F 201 Boston, Irma W 228 Bostrom, Signa D 169 Bosworth, Alfred 95 Bosworth, Henry 1 99 ♦Bosworth, William E 96 Botto, Susanna J 217 Bouck, Harvey J 198 Boughton, Thomas H., S.M 73, 139 Bouroff, Vasili A 161 Bouton, Gertrude S 169 Bovee, Arthur G 179 Bovell, Mabel E 228 Bovell, Ruth E 198 Bowden, Josephine H., A.M 84 Bowen, Albert E., J.D 42 *Bowen, Archer C 198 Bowen, Mary, Ph.D 17 Bowen, May H 132 Bower, Leslie 64 Bowers, Abraham 161 Bowers, Charles W 228 Bowers, William V 228 Bowie, Eleazer R 198 Bowlby, Edward H. E 208 Bowlin, William R 208 Bowman, Cecile B 132 Bowman, Frances M 139 Bowman, J. Craig 208 Bowman, Ola 139 Bowman, Penelope H 179 Bowyer, Emma L 217 Boyce, Helen 154 Boyce, Warren S., A.M 76 Boyd, Florence H 121 Boyd, William E 179 Boyer, Arthur M 179 Boyer, Charles J 125 Boyer, Claude E., D.B 61 Boyington, Jessie C 179 Boyle, Allys F 208 Boyle, Ashby D 46 Boyle, John B 228 Boyle, Mrs. Walter A 190 Bozell, Ruth B 228 Braam, Jacob W 112 Brabston, Katherine 228 Brace, Edith M., S.M 65 Brackney, Herbert W., J.D 38 Bradford, Maude L., Ph.M 66 Bradley, Mrs. Alexander S., Jr 112 Bradley, Edith L 229 Bradley, Lucia C 125 Bradley, Mary E 161 Bradley, William J., A.M 74, 154 Bradley, Zoe S. (Mrs. Franklin F.) . . . 208 Bradshaw, Emerson O., D.B.. .62, 88, 198 Bradwell, James D., Ph.M 67 Brady, Loretta 217 Bragg, Zinna E 208 Brainerd, Mrs. W. H., Ph.D 17 *Braker, George, D.B * . . . 55 Bramhall, Frederick D 132 Brandeis, Hellen 132 Brandenburg, Samuel J., Ph.M 82 Brandt, Berkeley 104 Brannon, Melvin A., Ph.D 32 Branson, Edwin B., Ph.D 30 Branson, Laura E 139 Brasted, Alva J., D.B 59 Braude, Benjamin, S.M 77, 161 Braun, Samuel A 208 Braunlich, Alice F., A.M 82, 179 Braunlich, George 208 Brauns, Lydia 121 Braunt, Mrs. O. F 118 Brawley, Benjamin G 169 Bray, Gladys M 146 Bray, William L., Ph.D 30 Brayton, Laura T 132 Breck, Emma J 139 Breckenridge, William R 97 Breckinridge, Sophonisba P., Ph.D. 7, 37, 66 Bredin, Elizabeth 229 Breed, Charles F 112 Breeden, Waldo P 109 Breen, Frances 161 346 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Bregowsky, Felicia O. (Mrs. I. M.) 198 Brehl, Helen M 116 Breier, Eleanor G 217 Breitenbecher, Joseph K., Ph.D 28 Brelos, Carl G., D.B 57 Bremer, Mrs. Harry M 177 Brenneman, Jesse L 179 Brenton, Mrs. John K 183 Breslich, Ernest R., A.M 68 Bretz, Harry 208 Bretz, Julian P., Ph.D 8 Brewer, Mrs. C. L 177 Breyfogle, Caroline M., Ph.D 33, 105 Breyfogle, Herbert A 161 Brickwood, Beatrice M 189 Brickwood, Genevieve M 169 Bridgeham, Mrs. J. M., A.M 80 Bridgeman, Mrs. Henry M 118 Bridges, John S., A.M 84 Bridgman, Donald E., Ph.D 6 Briggs, Alice B 161 Briggs, John G., Jr., D.B 56 Briggs, Lawrence P., Ph.M 82 Briggs, Morris H 229 Briggs, Thomas H., Jr 169 Brigham, Joseph W., D.B 51 Bright, Alice E 189 Brimblecom, Francis E 139 Brinkman, William F., S.M 91 Brinstad, Charles W., D.B 54 Brinton, Grace 198 Brisley, Mabel L 198 Bristol, Charles L., Ph.D 26 Bristol, Mary C 146 Britton, Charles W 125 *Broadhurst, William A., D.B 52 Broadus, Edmund K., A.M 68 Broadus, Eleanor H. (Mrs. Edmund K.) 132 Brockett, Dolores 139 Brockway, Guy . 102 Brockway, Mary R 139 Brodbeck, Hazel E 217 Brode, Howard S., Ph.D 26, 105 Brode, Julien L 154 Brodie, Isabella C. (Mrs. James J.). . . 132 Brodie, Renton K., S.M 88, 208 Broek, Bernardus W 132 Broene, Albert E 112 Broholm, Christian A., D.B 52 Brokaw, Albert D., Ph.D 26, 179 Bronk, Isabelle, Ph.D 15 Bronson, Christine F., Ph.M 76 Brookfleld, Mary P., Ph.M 74, 132 Brookover, Charles, Ph.D 30 Brooks, Clyde, Ph.D 29 Brooks, Edward H., D.B 51 Brooks, Ernest C 217 Brooks, Jeannette T 132 Brooks, Paul P 198 Brooks, Willard, J.D 41, 179 Broomell, Ellyn C 229 Brosius, Lou E., Ph.M 85, 146 Brotherton, Roberta 1 116 Brough, Mrs. William R 183 Broughton, William S 121 Brower, Floyd E 45 Brown, Alanson W 139 Brown, Alonzo H 139 Brown, Mrs. Bruce 174 Brown, Carolyn L 109 Brown, Carrie, A.M 76 *Brown, Carter V 125 Brown, Charles F., A.M 91 Brown, Charles S 101 Brown, Edna M 229 Brown, Mrs. Edward M 180 Brown, Edward V. L 139 Brown, Edwin P 105 Brown, Eleanor M 198 Brown, Mrs. Fannie J 229 Brown, Frank C, Ph.D 18, 70 Brown, Frank E 229 Brown, Frederick A 116 Brown, George L., Ph.D 18 Brown, Geraldine G . 218 Brown, Hazel L., Ph.D 13, 76, 161 Brown, Helen M 208 Brown, Henry G 154 Brown, Ivy 1 169 Brown, Jay S., D.B 58 Brown, Jean M., A.M 88, 218 Brown, John L 45 Brown, John N., A.M 76 Brown, Louis P., J.D 39 Brown, Louise C • 146 Brown, Margaret P 161, 169 Brown, Margaretta M. B 208 Brown, Orville H., Ph.D 29 Brown, Peter F., A.M 76 Brown, Ralph C 132 *Brown, Reuben Q 189 Brown, Robert O 229 Brown, Scott 109 Browne, Agnes M 109 Brownfleld, Nellie V 229 Browning, Mrs. Holton L 144 Browning, Lucy E 161 Brownlee, Charles F 63 Brownlee, Roy H., Ph.D 23 Brownlee, Mrs. Roy H 145 Brownson, Truman G., D.B 51 Brubaker, Harold C 139 Bruce, Charles A., J.D 39, 161 Bruce, Preston P., Ph.D 11 Bruce, William M., Ph.D 23 Bruder, Victor W., A.M . . . 88 Bruere, Henry J 132 Bruere, Mrs. Henry J 143 Bruins, Mrs. Dirk 155 Alphabetical Index 347 Brumbaugh, Jesse F., A.M 68 Brumsey, Jessie L 146 Brunemeier, Edward H 229 Bruner, Mrs. James D 102 Bruning, Harry F 208 Brunson, George H., A.M 69 Brunson, Margaret L., A.M 76 Brush, Henry R., Ph.D 15 Bryan, Mrs. Earle C 172 Bryan, William F., Ph.D 18 Bryan, William H 146 Bryant, Helen L 169 ♦Bryant, Robert C, D.B 53 Bryce, Ellsworth 229 Brydie, Caroline E 189 Bryning, Pearl G 132 Buchanan, Daniel, Ph.D 21 Buchanan, Elizabeth E 121 Buchanan, Herbert E., Ph.D 21, 71 Buchanan, Milton A., Ph.D 15 Buchanan, Robert E., Ph.D 33 Buchanan, Wilber L., J.D 42 Buchanan, William D 198 Buchsbaum, Maurice 139 Buck, Amelia A 229 Buck, Lillian H 132 Buck, Martin W 63 Buck, Nelson L 146 Buck, Mrs. Nelson L 148 Buck, Robert C 218 Buck, Sudie, A.M 91 Buck, Thomas, Ph.D 19 Buckborough, Siegel A., S.M 85 Buckingham, Lola M 189 Buckley, Dorothy S 208 Buckley, Edmund, Ph.D 11 Buckley, Horace M., D.B 62 Buckman, Edward 208 Buckmaster, Jeanne A., A.M 85 Buechler, Edna, L.M 161 Buell, Julia T 189 Buell, Rowena 112 Bugbee, Lucius H., A.M 69 Buhlig, Paul 179 Buhlig, Rose 154, 161 Buhlig, Walter H 125 Buhrow, Gustav A., J.D 41 Bulger, Clarence C 139 Bulkley, Herman E 125 Bullis, Edith M 121 Bullock, Amasa A., S.M 79 Bullock, Ira R 121 Bullock, Royal W 161 Bunbury, Florence O 218 Bunch, Irene O 169 Bunting, Mrs. John T., Jr 140 Bunts, Alfred J., Ph.M 74, 154 Bunzell, Herbert H., Ph. D 29, 161 *Burchard, Herbert M., Ph.D 13 Burdick, Willard D., D.B 54 Burgess, Ernest W., Ph.D 10 Burgess, Frances C 198 Burgess, Theodore C, Ph.D 13 Burke, Edmund J 208 Burke, Elizabeth S 229 Burke, Raymond H 169 Burket, Walter C 208 Burkholder, Charles A 208 Burkholder, Eliza C 218 Burks, Jesse D 103 Burks, Mrs. Jesse D 108 Burlew, Jesse M., S.M 70 Burling, Fanny C 116 Burlingame, George E., D.B 56 Burlingame, Leonas L., Ph.D 31, 161 Burnap, William L 103 Burnett, Fred G 147 Burnham, Alfred N 147 Burnham, Archibald M., A.M 79 Burnham, Josephine M 125 Burns, Allen T 112 Burns, Christina L 140 Burns, Clarence S 161 Burns, Eloise 147 Burns, Grace C 218 Burns, Harry F., D.B 59 Burns, Harry G 169 Burns, Mrs. Harry G 186 Burns, Jabez W 179 Burns, Winfleld F 154 *Burr, John D., D.B 49 *Burr, Mary W 179 Burrage, Leslie M., Ph.M 82 ♦Burroughs, Charles L 116 Burroughs, Glenn V., A.M 91 Burrows, Frank G 147 Burt, Alice 169 Burt, Anna H 189 Burt, Ida M 229 Burtch, James J., D.B 49 Burton, Alonzo C 229 Burton, John C 218 Burton, Margaret E 170 Burwell, Leslie M., D.B 59 Busenbenz, Inez B 179 Bush, Florence M 161 Bush, Loren T., D.B 47, 96 *Bush, Reuben G 98 Bushee, Grace L., A.M 85 Bushnell, Albert C 198 Bushnell, Charles J., Ph.D 10. 113 *Bushnell, Grace A 125 Bussey, William H., Ph.D 19 Butcher, Fanny A 198 *Butcher, William A 154 Butler, Blanche M 189 Butler, Demia 113 *Butler, Digby B 96 Butler, Emma L 121 Butler, Helen L 198 348 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Butler, Robert S 147 Butler, Sarah E 116 Butler, Sheppard, A.M 73 Butler, Stella C. (Mrs. Walter H.).. . 229 Butler, Walter H 229 Butterbrodt, Franz C 132 *Butter£ield, Edwin D 154 Butterworth, Horace 113 Butts, Maud 170 Buxbaum, Myra C 218 Buzzell, Edgar A 103 Buzzell, Mrs. Edgar A 103 Byers, Mrs. George D 158 Bynum, Curtis A., J.D 38 Bynum, Mrs. Curtis A 121 Byram, Perry M 116 Byrne, Alice L 229 Byrne, Lee, A.M 68 Byrne, Margaret H 198 Byrne, Mary E 218 Byrne, Sister Teresa R., A.M 77 Byrns, Elinor 121 Cabeen, James W., D.B 54 Cabell, Elvira D 132 Cadwell, Charles N., J.D 40, 161 Caldwell, Fred C 189 Caldwell, Mrs. Fred C 183 Caldwell, George H 229 Caldwell, Joseph S., A.M 73 Caldwell, Otis W., Ph.D 30 Caldwell, William, Ph.D 33 Calhoun, Fred H., Ph.D 25, 113 Calhoun, George M., Ph.D 13, 170 Calhoun, Mrs. H. S 151 Calhoun, Marion H 125 Calhoun, Sallie E 154 *Calkins, Charles R 97 Calkins, R D, S.M 77, 140 Callagan, Lloyd H 229 Callahan, Gertrude L 218 Callantine, Blythe J 208 Callard, George H 121 Calley, Walter E 140 Calmerton, Gale H 140 Calvert, Maude H 147 Calvert, Robert P., S.M 88 Calvin, John E., D.B 58 Calvin, Margaret J 121 Calvin, Perry S., D.B 56 Calvin, Reed 147 Camenisch, Sophia C 189 Cameron, Don F., A.M 82 Cameron, Mrs. Edward R 137 Campau, Francis D 140 Campau, Mrs. Francis D 126 Campbell, Agnes I 170 Campbell, Charles B., Ph.D 17 Campbell, Clarence E., D.B 61 Campbell, Edna F. G 132 Campbell, Elizabeth 208 Campbell, Mrs. Eveline M., 214 Campbell, George, D.B 50 Campbell, George A., D.B 56 Campbell, Helen A 189 *Campbell, Helen G. G 132 Campbell, John T 109 Campbell, Joseph B 161 Campbell, Joseph W 113 Campbell, Margaret L 208 Campbell, Rachel M. W 229 Campbell, Sarah M 154 Campbell, Walter C, Ph.M 82 Candee, Frances 109 Canfleld, Emily 125 Canfleld, Josephine B 147 Cannell, Anne G 218 Canning, John B 229 *Canouse, Mrs. L. K 203 Canright, Garfleld S 45 Canterbury, Leona 132 Capen, Charlotte B 113 Capps, Edith 109 Capps, Rhoda J 121 Capps, Sarah E 113, 189 Capps, Stephen R., Jr., Ph.D 25, 140 Caraway, Henry R 104 Caraway, Mrs. Henry R 109 Cardon, Ariel F 198 Carey, Charles E 121 Carey, May J 208 Carlisle, Kitto S., J.D 39 Carlock, Mary M 170 Carlson, Walter G., D.B 55 Carlton, Doyle E 198 Carmichael, Murray D., J.D 41 *Carmichael, William H., D.B. . . .50, 100 Carmody, Helen L 125 Carnes, Portia 179 Carney, Samuel G., J.D 42 Caron, Edward B 229 Carothers, Ida E, S.M 73, 147 Carpenter, Ellen L 132 Carpenter, Frederic I., Ph.D 17 Carpenter, Halstead M 229 Carpenter, Mrs. J. Walter 147 Carpenter, Millington F 208 Carpenter, Paul F 104 Carr, Emma P., Ph.D 24, 154 Carr, Harvey, Ph.D 4 Carr, Homer J. 100 Carr, John R 132 Carr, Mary E 179 *Carr, Norman, D.B 48 Carrington, John B 140 CarroU, Bessie M 170 Carroll, Faith 229 CarroU, Mollie R 208 CarroU, Percy P 105 CarroU, Robert 64 Alphabetical Index 349 Carrothers, Christopher 95 Carson, Charles M., Ph.D 23 Carson, Lucy H 116 Carter, Allen 45 Carter, Bertha M., A.M 91 Carter, Mrs. Edgar N 126 Carter, George W., D.B 62 Carter, Helen E 218 Carter, Lillian G., Ph.M 79 Carter, Ralph E., A.M 85 Carter, Mrs. Robert 1 149 Cartwright, Forest S 125 Carver, Frances 161 Cary, Antoinette 103 Cary, Charles A 208 Cary, Charles P 116 Cary, Eugene 198 Case, Carl D., Ph.D 34, 56 Case, Ermine C, Ph.D 30 Case, Frank A 64 Case, Mrs. Harvey 121 Casebeer, Jacob F 179 Casey, Elizabeth 161 Cashner, Raymond F 170 Cason, Martha A 189 Cassell, George F 179 Casteel, Mary E 121 Castle, Mary 104 Castro, Matilde, Ph.D 3, 121 Caswell, Gertrude L 140 Cathcart, Mrs. Florence B 121 Catlin, Florence M 208 Catlin, John F., D.B 62, 85 Catlin, Mark S 161 Cato, Austin G 189 Catron, Charles C 132 Catterall, Ralph C. H., Ph.D 8 Cauffleld, Arthur J 229 Caulkins, T. Vassar, D.B 52 Cavanaugh, Robert E., A.M 82 Cawthon, William S 161 Center, Stella S 218 Chace, Henry T., Jr 106 Chadbourn, Frank W 103 Chadsey, Mildred 140 Chadwick, Mrs. Alfred E 140 Chaffee, Mrs. James 189 Chaffee, Lura J 229 Chaille, Uriah M 98 Challiss, Harold B 132 Challiss, Mrs. Harold B 142 Chalmers, Gertrude 179 Chalmers, William E., D.B 55 Chalmers, Mrs. William E 107 Chamberlain, Charles J., Ph.D 30 Chamberlain, Ethel M., Ph.D 5 Chamberlain, James F 147, 154 Chamberlain, Mary A 140 Chamberlain, Mildred 189 Chamberlin, Addison W 147 Chamberlin, Mrs. C. C 142 Chamberlin, Elizabeth 116 Chamberlin, Rollin T., Ph.D 25, 140 Chamberlin, Willis A., Ph.D 16 Chambers, Agnes E 132 Chambers, Mrs. Earl B 163 Chambers, Lucy E 126 Chambers, Walter H 46 Chandler, Alfred E., D.B 54 Chandler, Edward K., D.B 47 Chandler, Elbert E., Ph.D 24 Chandler, Frances 170 Chandler, Grace E 121 Chandler, Hannibal H 179 Chandler, Henry P., J.D 38 Chandler, John, D.B 57 Chandler, Kent 229 Chandler, Steward 218 Chandler, Vashti 121 Chaney, Florence J., A.M 91, 179 Chaney, Mary E 218 Chaney, Ralph W 218 Chapin, Adelaide M 179 Chapin, Lillian 109 Chapin, Louella, A.M 67 Chaplin, Trescott F., A.M 66 Chapman, Edgar K., S.M 82 Chapman, Edith B 189 Chapman, Frank M., A.M 88 Chapman, Grace 147 Chapman, Nathan E., D.B 51, 102 Chappell, Claribel C, A.M 82 Charles, Grace M., Ph.D 32, 73 Charters, Mary E 140 Charters, Paul W 189 Charters, Werret W., Ph.D 5, 70 Charters, Mrs. W. W., Ph.D 4 Chase, Celia M 189 Chase, Charles W 121 Chase, David G., Ph.M 79, 189 Chase, Helen V. E 121 Chase, Henrietta H 126 Chatterson, Willowdean 189 Cheadle, Queen 170 Cheesman, George W., D.B 61 Cheney, David B., D.B 51, 100 Cheney, James L., D.B 50 Cheng, Pekao T 198 Chenot, Anna A 189 Cherny, John L 208 Chesbrough, Ellis S 97 Chesney, Alice M 170 Chester, Washington, D.B 47 Childs, Hal A 132 Ching, Yue 189 Chittenden, Edward W., Ph.D 20 Chivers, Norman M 132 Choate, Margaret M 121 Chollar, Wilbur T 106 Chow, Kwo H 208 350 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Chow, Tsung H., J.D 42 Chrisman, Clayton A 218 Christensen, James H., J.D 40, 180 Christenson, Marguerite 208 Christian, Charles 101 Christianson, Emma, S.M 85 Chrysler, Mintin A., Ph.D 31 Church, Beulah E 154 Church, Harry V 103 Church, Jesse P 100 Church, Lorena M., A.M 85 Churchill, Laura B 189 Churchill, Mabel 189 Chute, Arthur C, D.B 51 Chute, Elbert, D.B 50 Cipriani, Charlotte J 109 Cipriani, Lisi C, Ph.D . 15, 66, 106 Claassen, Peter A., Ph.D 16 Clanton, Solomon R., D.B 51 Clapp, Cornelia M., Ph.D 26 Clapp, Grace L., Ph.D 32 Clapp, Mrs. Marc C 181 Clapp, Myrtle, Ph.M 79, 170 Clark, Ainsworth W 116 Clark, Anderson W., D.B 49 Clark, Cecil S 154 Clark, Charles V., J.D 37, 140 Clark, Edward J 46 Clark, Ellen M 161 Clark, Elsie G., A.M 88 Clark, Emma K., A.M 68 Clark, Ernest W 46 *Clark, Faith B., Ph.M 66, 106 Clark, Florence E 218 Clark, Francis H 101 Clark, Gwenn M 189 Clark, Hannah B., Ph.D 9 Clark, Isabel J 229 Clark, Lillian 140 Clark, May T 189 *Clark, Orrin B 97 Clark, Robert F., A.M 74 Clark, Samuel C 126 Clark, Solomon H 109 Clark, William A., Ph.D 5 Clark, Zelma E 113 Clark, Zoura L 154 Clarke, George R 180 Clarke, Henry L 106 Clarke, Henry T., Jr 106 Clarke, James C 208 Clarke, Mary E 229 Ciarke, Mary F 198 Clarke, Maurice G 116 Clarke, William F., A.M 91 Clarkson, John J 121 Class, Elva N. (Mrs. William J.) . . . . 218 Claus, Eva W 140 Clawson, Edith 132 Claypole, Agnes M., Ph.D 26 Cleary, Lorraine M 229 Cleary, Mansfield R 198 Cleaveland, Elizabeth W 140 Cleaver, Ben H 218 Cleaver, George 140 Cleaves, Irene I 113 Clem, Harry M., S.M 77 Clement, Ernest W 100 Clement, John A., Ph.D 5 Clements, Guy R., A.M 78 Clements, Melbourne 180 Clendenen, Edith 140 Clendening, Frances M 170 ♦Clendening, Harmon T 98 Clendening, Maud T 147 Cleveland, Frank C 126 Cleveland, John B 170 Cleven, Nels, A.N 161 Clevenger, Charles H., S.M. 85 Clevering, Abe 229 Clifford, Catherine 154 Clifford, Grace J 132 Clifford, Oliver C, Ph.D 21 Cline, Carrie 170 Clinin, Josephine M 161 Clinkinbeard, Andrew L., D.B. ..... 59 Clo, J. Harry, Ph.D 22 Clough, Clarence E., D.B 56 Cloyd, Luther L., D.B 51 Cluff, Walter E 161 Cobb, Mrs. Edmond P 154 Cobb, Winifred V 189 Coburn, Alexander R., A.M 85 Coburn, Katherine E 229 Cochems, Mrs. Frank N 194 Cochran, Eleanor F 147 Cochran, John R 45 Cochrane, Beatrice 189 Cocke, Arthur A., J.D 38, 73 Cody, Roy E 132 Coffin, Fulton J., Ph.D 11 Coffman, George R., Ph.D 18 Coffman, Mildred A 189 Cofiell, Festus N 198 Coggeshall, Corinne 132 Cohen, George B., J.D 40, 170 Cohen, Herbert 140 Cohen, Herman M 198 *Cohen, Ruth 140 Cohn, Aaron 121 Conn, Eugene R., J.D 43, 218 Cohn, Michael J 218 Coit, Robert T., D.B 60 Colby, Charles C 198 Colby, Francelia 170 Colby, Francesca B 147 Cole, Florence C 126 Cole, Katherine B 189 Cole, Lewis S 97 Cole, Lucia E 189 Alphabetical Index 351 Cole, Ora B 229 Cole, Stella L 126 Cole, William W., Jr 99 Coleberd, John W., J.D 41 Coleman, Anna A 218 Coleman, Christopher B., D.B 57 Coleman, Francis M., Jr 229 Coleman, George H 208 Coleman, Mrs. Matthew J 178 Colestock, Henry T., D.B 56 Colgrove, Chauncy P., A.M 65 Collier, John S., S.M '82 Collier, Myrtie 218 Collings, Frank J 208 Collins, Carlotta H 126 Collins, Charles W 140 Collins, Charles W., A.M 82, 180 Collins, Helen M., S.M 79, 154, 189 Collins, Miles, J.D 40 Collins, Rosalie D. (Mrs. Glenn W.) . 218 Collins, Thomas B 63 Collins, Walter E., J.D 37 Colman, Helen R 116 Colpitts, Horace G., A.M 85 Colt, Mary S 208 Colver, Susan E 101 Colwell, Clyde C 45 Comparette, Thomas L., Ph.D 14 Compton, Don M 154 Compton, Florence 180 Compton, Jean 189 Compton, Mrs. Mary S 170 Comstock, Frederick S 100 *Comstock, Louise B 106 Comstock, W. Phillips 208 Conant, Carlos E., Ph.D 13 Conard, Mrs. H. S., Ph.D 11 Condo, Mrs. John A 159 Condray, Benjamin F., Ph.M 73 *Condray, William F 161 Congdon, George E 116 Conlan, Mary M 140 Conley, Carey H., A.M 88 Conley, George L., D.B 53 Conley, John W., D.B 50 Connor, Elizabeth 198 Conrad, Piatt M 147 Conrath, Mary O 140 Conway, Mrs. A. Wentworth 196 Cook, Agnes S 106 Cook, David C 170 Cook, Edna T 154 Cook, Irene 116 Cook, Mrs. Jane Perry 180 Cook, Leeson H 229 Cook, May E., A.M 68 Cook, Peter, A.M 71 Cooke, Elizabeth, Ph.D 28 Cooke, Harold C, Ph.D 26 Cooke, Marjorie B 116 Cooley, Edwin, G 106 Cooley, Elizabeth C 102 Coolidge, Elisabeth T 106 Coombs, James V 101 Coon, Albert C 132 *Coon, Anna M 100 Coon, Daniel I., D.B 55 Coon, David B., D.B 55 Coon, James M., D.B 48, 96 *Coon, John J 100 Coon, Mrs. Julia H 100 Coon, Reune R., D.B 49, 98 Cooney, Ellyn K 161 Coonley, Edith G 208 Cooper, Horatio S., D.B 53 Cooper, Hugh E 209 Cooper, William S., Ph.D 32 Coppersmith, Mary E 180 Copps, Lyman A 229 Coppuck, Mrs. Thomas D 157 Corbett, Anna M 132 Corbett, Henry R., Ph.M 68 Corbett, Isaac A., D.B 57 Corbett, Zella C 218 Corbin, David 147 Corbin, Louise M 229 Corcoran, John B 198 Core, Charlotte A 170 Corey, Isaiah W., D.B 52 Corkell, Delphine Z. R 189 Corkell, Marguerite A 161 Corkery, William M., D.B 51, 102 Cormack, Mrs. Charles A 163 Corneau, Perry B 140 Cornelius, Evelyn S 170 Cornelius, Eyer A., J.D 40 Cornell, Edward L 170 Cornell, William B 116 Cornish, Thomas H., A.M 82 Corper, Harry J., Ph.D 33, 170 Correll, Charles M., Ph.M 79, 180 Corwin, Rebecca, Ph.D 12, 122 Cosgrove, Marion V 113 Coskery, Margaret L., A.M 91 Cotton, Fassett A 140 Cotton, Irwin W 189 Cottrell, Anna L 161 Coulson, Howard A., J.D 42, 189 Coulson, Leonard W 209 Coulter, Grace A 116 Coulter, John G., Ph.D 30 Coulter, Margaret G 132 Countermine, Mrs. J. W 110 Courtenay, Mary E 189 Courtright, Bess 218 Coutts, Isabella W 218 Covey, Hyatt E 126 Covici, Zoe E. F 209 Cowan, Florence J 190 Cowdry, Edmund V., Ph.D 28 352 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago *CoweU, William J., D.B 54 Cowles, Elizabeth W (Mrs. Henry C) 147 Cowles, Emma M 132 Cowles, Henry C, Ph.D 30 Cowles, LeRoy E 209 Cowley, Abigail W 140 Cowperthwaite, Cora D 180 Cox, Ada B 140 *Cox, Edward E 101 Cox, Emily B 161 Cox, George W 180 Cox, Mrs. J. W., A.M 81 Cox, Ora E 209 Coy, Harry 1 113 Coy, Lincoln M 103 Coyle, Frank J 218 Crabb, George M 170 Crabb, Wilson D., Ph.D 15 Crafts, Earl 209 Craig, Alexander 180 Craig, Eleanor 162 Craig, Jessie L 199 Craig, John B 162 Craig, Wallace, Ph.D 27 Cramer, Francis E 199 Cramer, Ida G 170 Cramp, Helen 190 Crandall, Clark E., D.B 51 Crandall, Regina K., Ph.D 8 Crandall,, Vinnie 109 Crane, Arthur W., A.M 73 Crary, Bessie J 140 Craver, William C 209 Crawford, Mrs. Charles C, Jr 145 Crawford, Clara N., A.M 91, 218 Crawford, Elizabeth M 229 Crawford, Jerry T., D.B 56 Crawford, John F., Ph.D 4 Crawford, Rena 140 Crawford, Ruth T 229 Crayton, Catherine B 209 Creighton, Edith A 229 Cressey, Edward K., D.B 49 Cressey, Frank G., Ph.D 36, 56 Cressey, Mrs. Frank G 103 Cressey, George A., D.B 47 Crewdson, Charles N 116 Crippen, Guy C, D.B 62, 88, 170 Crocker, Gertrude L 218 Crocker, William, Ph.D 31 Crocker, Mrs. William 195 Crofoot, Marguerite 132 Crooks, Elza A., A.M 76 *Crooks, John W 63 Crosby, Annie L 180 Crosby, Elizabelji C, S.M 88 Crosby, James J., D.B 52 Crosby, Kenneth O 180 Crosby, Marion E 218 Cross, Ethan A., Ph.M 74 Cross, George, Ph.D 35 Crosslan, George T., J.D 42 Crouch, Rachel P 218 Crouse, Fred C 63 Crowe, Marguerite 190 Crowell, Winifred G., Ph.M 73, 132 Crowther, Elizabeth 117 Crum, Mrs. John H 179 Crum, Virgil A., J.D 39 Crumley, John J 117 Crumpacker, Harrison C Ph.M. ... 85 Crumpton, Claudia E., A.M 79 Crumpton, Robert C 190 Culbertson, Henry C, D.B 57 Culbertson, Margaret E 190 Culver, Anna E 180 Cummings, Elbert A., A.M 71 Cummings, Frank L., A.M 85, 154 Cummings, Hazel 180 Cummings, John, Ph.D 6 Cummins, Henry C 199 Cummins, Mrs. Louie R 209 Cunniff, Mary A 180 Cunningham, Emma N 154 Cunningham, Horace M., A.M.. . .91, 209 Cupp, Ora M 230 Cuppy, William J 170 Curme, George O., Jr., Ph.D 25 Currens, Carrie P 162 Curry, Edward R., D.B 52 Curry, Garfield A 199 Curry, Louis T 218 Curtis, Alice B., A.M 91 Curtis, Bessie B 199 Curtis, John B., A.M 65, 104 Curtis, Leonard J., J.D 42 Curtiss, Mary H 162 Cushman, Lillian S 190 Cuthbert, Herman G., A.M 85 Cutler, Ward A 117 Outright, Florence A 170 Outright, Lois 1 180 Cutting, Winifred 230 Cuttins, Luverne H 162 Dabney, Marye Y 190 Dack, David, D.B 51 Dady, Mrs. Arthur O 188 Dahl, Axel V., D.B 53 Dains, Frank B., Ph.D 22 Dains, Mrs. F.B 117 Dakin, Egbert L., D.B 62, 85 Dallas, Mrs. C. D., S.M 73, 163 Daly, Raymond J 218 Dana, Mary I 106 Dana, Mildred 199 Dancey, Jennie H 218 Dancey, Jesse S., A.M 85 Danforth, Charles O 190 Danforth, Mrs. Henry A 180 Alphabetical Index 353 Daniel, John F 170 Daniel, John M 97 Daniel, Robert N., Ph.M 85 Daniell, Nathaniel C, D.B 60, 154 Daniells, Marian E 190 Daniels, George M., D.B 52 Daniels, Lucretia E 170 *Daniels, Lulu C, A.M 65 Daniels, Mary L 103 Daniels, Mitchell T 199 Daniels, Pearl M 209 Dannehy, Ella M 140 Darby, Arleigh L 170 Darling, Frederick R 147 *Darling, Grace, Ph.M 69, 109 Darling, Mrs. Jay N 114 Darlington, Grace H 147 Darrow, Helen K. (Mrs. Edward E.), 117 Darrow, Karl K 209 Darrow, Mrs. William H 170 Darst, Minnie A. (Mrs. Edward W.) 199 Dasher, George F 162 Dasziekwicz, Marie C .' 154 Davenport, Alice I., A.M 91 Davenport, Mrs. Carl 144 Davenport, Frances G., Ph.D 8 Davenport, Herbert J., Ph.D 6 Davenport, William H 162 David, Henri C. E., A.M 73, 132 David, Louise S 230 Davidson, David M., S.M 76 Davidson, Mrs. David M 162 Davidson, Eleanor L 199 Davidson, Essie M 230 Davidson, Florence 122 Davidson, Henry S 147 Davidson, Irville F., A.M 79 ♦Davidson, Jay G 97 Davidson, Margaret 140 Davidson, Pearle I 180 Davidson, Robert P.., D.B 55 Davidson, Zelma 190 Davies, Beatrice 1 133 Davies, Frederick G 64 *Davies, Howell E., Ph.D 32 Davies, Milton J 140 Davies, Samuel E., D.B 53 Davies, Mrs. Stephen 116 Davis, Abigail L 230 Davis, Mrs. Alfred H 164 Davis, Alice 117 Davis, Anne S 170 Davis, Benjamin F., Ph.D 33 Davis, Carl B 122 Davis, Carl H 162 Davis, Charles M., J.D 42 Davis, Cleora E 162 Davis, David F 190 Davis, David J., Ph.D 32 Davis, Edith O 209 Davis, Edward P., A.M 88 Davis, Frances E., A.M 82 Davis, George B., D.B 49 Davis, George G 133 Davis, Mrs. Harvey N 172 Davis, Henry B., D.B 47 Davis, James H., D.B 53 Davis, John N., A.M 74 Davis, Katharine B., Ph.D 6 Davis, Margaret C 147 Davis, Paul H 209 Davis, Mrs. Paul H, A.M 93 Davis, Percy B 109 Davis, Robert M., J.D 39 Davis, Roy F. B 162 Davis, Mrs. Thomas S . . 133 Davisson, Clinton J 190 Dawley, Gertrude W 133 Dawson, Homer C 230 Dawson, Mitchell 209 Day, Artemas L 154 Day, Dudley W., S.M 74, 147 Day, Edna D., Ph.D 10 Day, Eleanor C 180 Day, Marjorie 190 Day, Mary B 180 Day, Rebecca L 133 Dean, Bert J 218 Dean, Charles R 99 *Dean, James O 63 Dean, John A., A.M 78, 154 Dearing, Cleland W 218 Deaver, Arthur G 209 DeCew, Louisa C 113 Decker, Charles E., A.M 80 DeCosta, Mrs. Lewis M 136 DeCou, Edgar E., S.M 67 Deere, Emil O., S.M 88 • DeGraff, Lawrence 113 DeGraw, Orley A 209 Deimel, Jerome L 133 Deinard, Samuel N., A.M 68 Dekker, Abram 190 Dekker, Albert H 230 Dekker, Mrs. Albert H 223 DeLagneau, Alice B 133 DeLagneau, Lea R 219 Delana, Burton F., J.D 42 DeLong, Mrs. Caroline H 142 DeLong, Irwin H., D.B 58 DeLong, Iva J 199 Delson, Solomon M 180 Delzell, Franc 180 Delzell, Ruth E 219 Dement, Mary L 162 Dement, Nonie E 219 Deming, Janie P 209 Demoray, Miron N 230 DeMoss, William F., A.M 91, 219 Denis, Willey, Ph.D 24 354 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Denny, Robert S 170 Dent, Joseph C 64 Denton, Valentina J 190 DePew, Evarts V 126 Depperman, Herman H., D.B 48 Deratt, Viola 180 Derby, John A. L 180 Derby, Ira H., Ph.D 24 Derieux, Samuel, A., A.M 85 DeSombre, William E 133 DeSwarte, Lawrence J 104 DeTray, Mrs. Leo C 187 Detweiler, Mrs. Henry R 117 Deutsch, Hermann, S.M 85, 199 Deveneau, George A 219 Devin, Esther L 230 DeVries, Anna 219 DeVries, Mina V 219 DeWaters, Enos A 126 DeWaters, Mrs. Enos A 138 Dewey, Ethel L 140 Dewhurst, Helen 199 Dewhurst, Winifred P 170 DeWitt, Norman W., Ph.D 14 Dewolf , Delavan 97 DeWolf , Frank W 140 DeWolfe, Charles H., D.B 48 De Wolfe, Donald J 46 DeWolfe, John C, J.D 41, 190 Dexter, John R 133 Dexter, Lydia A 102 Dexter, Stephen B 64 Dey, Mary H., A.M 69 Dibell, Charles D 106 Dicken, Clinton O 230 Dickerman, Gertrude 180 Dickerson, James D., J.D 39, 162 Dickerson, Mrs. James D 216 Dickerson, Mary C 109 Dickerson, Phillip J 103 Dickerson, Spencer C 109 Dickey, Caroline 199 Dickey, Prank C 126 Dickey, Laura S., S.M 67 Dickie, Henry, A.M 65 Dickinson, Fred W 219 Dickinson, Frederick E., D.B 52 Dickinson, Leena W 180 Dickson, Leonard E., Ph.D 18 Didlake, Elma L 190 Didlake, Mary L., S.M 68 Diebel, Solomon K 180 Diersen, Otto F., A.M 91 Dignan, Frank W., Ph.D 13, 109 Dike, Mrs. Oscar D 123 Dikijian, Diradour A., A.M 88, 219 Dille, John F 190 Dillon, Ernest H 113 Diment, Florence D 230 Dines, Lloyd L., Ph.D 20 Dingee, Gertrude P 103 Dinsmore, Carlos M., D.B 61 Dinsmore, John C 209 Dirks, Charles B 122 Dixon, Catherine A. N. (Mrs. Frank L.) 190 *Dixon, Joseph A 117 Dixon, Karl H 180 Doak, Eleanor C 126 Dobbin, Emily E., S.M 70, 133 Dobyns, Martha 133 Dodd, Mrs. E. E., S.M 87 Dodd, Walter F., Ph.D 7 Dodge, Annie L 133 Dodge, Bernice F 162 Dodge, Caleb R. B., D.B 51 Dodge, Ernest G., A.M 65 Dodge, Faith H 170 Dodge, Ivy H 180 Dodge, Mildred E 147 Dodge, Paul H., J.D 39, 162 Dodge, Stella G. (Mrs. G. W.) 199 Doerfer, Louise C 140 Doherty, Eleanor 140 Doherty, Robert E 162 Dolan, William D 219 Dolfinger, Emma A 141 Donahue, Jeannette 180 Donaker, Mrs. Raymond L 189 Donaldson, Charles D 209 Donaldson, Olive 122, 230 Donders, Charlotte M 162 Donecker, Franklin C 147 • Doniat, Josephine C 122 Doniat, Thecla 219 Donnan, Margaret 133 Donnelly, Leonard G 209 Donovan, Frances M 126 Donovan, James A 230 Donovan, John L., Jr., D.B 62, 209 Doolittle, Margaret 122 Dopp, Katharine E., Ph.D 5 Dopp, Mary, S.M 82 Dorety, Sister Helen A., Ph.D 32, 76 Dorland, Edwina L 154 Dorman, John B., Ph.M 65 Dorn, Charles H 180 Dorn, Mrs. Harold W 216 Dornsife, Daniel W 117 Dornsife, Samuel S 109 Dosefl, Dosu 162 Doseff, Ivan 180 Dott, Maude 230 Dotts, Grace B 180 Doty, Flavia M 209 Doty, Mrs. Paul 115 Doty, Mrs. Wirt P 148 Doubt, Sarah L., S.M 78 Doubt, Thomas E., Ph.D 21 Dougan, Alice M ■. 162 Alphabetical Index 355 Dougherty, Horace R 106 Dougherty, Mabel E 104 Dougherty, Ralph L 109 Doughty, Walter F., A.M 88 Douglass, Carleton E 117 Dow, Ethel L 230 Dow, Helen A 133 Dowd, Mrs. W. F 119 Dowell, Martha C 154 Dowle, Alexander J. G., J.D 37, 122 Dowling, Evaline P 154 Downey, Evangeline, A.M 91 Downey, Mrs. Joseph R 106 Downey, June E., Ph.D 4, 67 Downing, Elliot R., Ph.D 27 Downing, Mrs. Elliot R 128 Dowrie, George W., A.M 76 Doyle, Eleanor M 126 Dracass, Carrie E. T. (Mrs. F.) 190 ♦Drake, Daniel H., D.B 48 Drake, Sarah E 180 Drennan, Fred M., S.M 88, 199 Dresden, Arnold, Ph.D 19, 74 Drew, Charles V 117 Drew, Harriet C 180 Drew, William P 109 Driemeyer, Henry F., J.D 40 Driscoll, Lucy C, A.M 80, 180 Droege, Mathilde 181 Drucker, Aaron P., A.M 85 Drueck, Mrs, Charles J 114 Drueck, Gustavus P., Jr 147 Drummond, Mrs. Robert S 157 Drury, Mabel 170 Dryer, Helen 1 230 Dryer, Mabel E 209 Dryzer, Frank M., A.M 78 Dubach, Otto F., Ph.M 74 DuBien, Elsie F 230 Duck, Ernest L 230 Dudley, Gleason A 113 Dudley, Katharine 141 Dudley, Raymond C 106 Duffleld, Henry T 99 Duffy, Agnes D 230 Dugdale, Elizabeth A 199 DuHadway, Raymond, A.M 85 Duhl, William F 147 Dumke, Julia F 113 Dunbar, Miriam W 230 Duncan, Albert G 230 ♦Duncan, Benjamin F 63 Duncan, Carson S., Ph.D 18 Duncan, Dorothy 147 Duncan, Egerton W 219 Duncan, Mattie 219 Dungay, Neill S., Ph.D 28 Dunlap, Edna C 147 Dunlap, George W 209 Dunlap, Lawrence G 230 Dunn, Arthur D 109 Dunn, Elizabeth 147 Dunn, Ethel L 126 Dunn, Helen A 126 Dunn, Howard W 190 *Dunn, James O 154 Dunn, Peter F 181 Dunne, Marie A 219 Dunning, Edith M 141 Dunwell, Minnie M 162 Dupee, Margaret B 181 Durant, Anthonette 190 Durbin, Eva C, Ph.M 68 Durfee, Edgar N., J.D 39 Durham, James W., D.B 59 Durham, Mrs. James W 150 Durley, Elizabeth R 190 Durward, Margaret E 171 Dusenbery, Verne D., J.D 41 Dutt, Narendra N., S.M 85 Dutton, Charlotte R 162 Dworak, Chauncey W 171 Dye, Charity 126 Dye, Clark J 171 Dye, Mrs. Clark J 167 Dye, Friend T., D.B 57 Dye, Helen J 190 Dyer, Gustavus W., Ph.D 10 Dykstra, Edward J 199 Dykstra, Lawrence, D.B 55 Dymond, Edith L 154 Dymond, James E 219 Earhart, Robert F., Ph.D 21 Earl, James G 190 Earle, Edith 106 Earle, George H 209 Earle, Helen 230 Earle, Mable, A.M 66, 106 Earle, Samuel E 209 *Easly, Margaretta S 181 Eastburn, Eugene B 199 Easterbrook, Mabel C 190 Eastman, Charles R., D.B 59 Eastman, Frederick W 113 Easton, Sidney H., S.M 85, 199 Eaton, Charles S 122 Eaton, Mrs. Charles S 122 Eaton, Mrs. Rachel C, A.M 85 Eaton, Ruth 199 Eberhart, Grace J 117 Eberle, Julius L 219 Ebersole, Abram 104 Ebersole, Amos A 117 Ebersole, John F 181 Echlin, Roy D., D.B 58 Eckerman, Carl J.E 133 Eckerson, Sophia H., Ph.D 32 Eckert, Florence, A.M 88 Eckhart, Percy B 117 356 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Eckhart, Mrs. Percy B 113 Eddingfleld, Mrs. Frank T 181 Eddy, Mary O., A.M 88 Edgerton, Charlotte D 190 Edgerton, Ruth M 101 Edgeworth, Harriet 1 230 *Edgren, John A., D.B 47 Edmand, Marietta J., A.M 66, 109 Edmonds, Nora 209 ♦Edmonson, Samuel B 104 Edson, Earle M 147 Edwards, Carolyn F 141 Edwards, Edith 126 Edwards, Flora M., Ph.M 76 Edwards, Gasper 45 Edwards, John R., D.B 49 Edwards, Lyford P 154 Edwards, Neta G 171 Edwards, Orville L 219 *Eede, Charles W., D.B 52 Eells, Walter C, A.M 85 Egbert, Mrs. Justus 162 Egbert, Luthera 147 *Egbert, Thomas E., D.B 49, 98 Egdahl, Mrs. A., S.M 77 Ege, Charles, D.B 50, 99 Ege, William M 101 Eggert, Carl E., Ph.D 16 Ehrhorn, Herman J 209 Eichenberger, Mrs. John 213 Eicher, Edward C 147 Eichmiller, Verlinda M 230 *Eisendrath, Carl W 141 Eisendrath, David S., J.D 40, 181 Eisendrath, Edwin W 230 Eisenmann, Augusta M 219 Eisenstaedt, Joseph S 171 Eismann, Louise H 181 Eitzen, Mrs. Arthur R 176 Elam, Harvey W., Ph.M 76 *Elder, Mrs. Robert D 119 Elder, Sarah 126 Eldridge, Charles D., D.B 58 Eldridge, Mrs. Hugh J., Ph.M. . . .85, 146 Eldridge, William F 126 Elfreth, Anna E 162 Elfreth, William H 133 Eliel, Paul 230 Ellenwood, Mrs. E. Dean 139 Elliott, Benjamin E 190 Elliott, Charles B., D.B 60, 141 Elliott, Fannie J 230 Elliott, James M 133 Elliott, John W 64 Elliott, Isabel 162 Elliott, Raymond D 190 Ellis, Beulah N. (Mrs. J. T.) 190, 199 *Ellis, Edward, D.B 48 *Ellis, Jacob T 154 Ellis, John D 190 Ellis, John J., J.D 42 Ellison, Mrs. James P 115 Ellison, Phoebe 133 Ellison, Susan D 181 Ellsworth, Alfred C 147 Ellsworth, Mrs. Clyde L 158 Ellsworth, Elmer H 133 Ellwood, Charles A., Ph.D 9 Elmer, Franklin, D., D.B 56 Elmo, Mrs. N 162 Elmstrom, Carrie L 199 Elmstrom, Norman R 230 Ely, Jeannette E 209 Emerson, Frederick V., Ph.D 26 Emerson, Gertrude 219 Emery, Junia 209 *Emery, Ogden L 99 Emge, Ludwig A 230 Emmons, William H., Ph.D 25 Emrich, Cora M 126 Emrick, Ulysses R 162 Endres, William D., A.M 78 Engel, Mrs. Edward J 113 Engelke, Mary A 209 Engels, Augusta E. G 141 Engle, Irene V 162 English, Albert A 148 English, Benjamin C 171 English, James N. F 199 English, Mrs. W. L 186 Enke, Ana J 154 Enoch, Albert B., J.D 39, 171 Enteman, Wilhelmine M., Ph.D 27 Epstein, Albert K 230 Epstein, Bennett 133 Epstein, Lena 162 Epstein, Samuel B 230 Erb, Frank O., D.B 62, 82 Erickson, Mrs. A. T., Ph.M 66 Erickson, Elizabeth E 190 Erickson, Frank M., A.M 65 Erickson, J. Edward, A.M 91 Ericson, Edna M 209 Ericson, Henry 162 Erskine, William H 230 Erwin, Walter C, Ph.M 85 Escott, Edward B., S.M 66 Eshbaugh, Mrs. Merle F 110 Esher, Edward B 100 Eskey, Clifford R 209 Eskridge, James B., Ph.D 15, 70 Espinosa, Aurelio M., Ph.D 15 Essington, Thurlow G., J.D 39 Essington, Mrs. Thurlow G 182 Essroger, Margaret J 199 Etten, Mary L 209 Ettleson, Abraham A 117 Evans, Albert W., S.M 78, 154 Evans, Edith M 230 Evans, Edward B 109 Alphabetical Index 357 Evans, Ernestine B 219 Evans, Evan J 230 Evans, Harry A 148 Evans, Herbert F., Ph.D 35, 60 Evans, Joseph E 46 Evans, Lawrence B., Ph.D 7 *Evans, Mary A 171 Evans, Rees P., D.B 47 Evans, Mrs. S. Marshall 120 Evans, Thomas S 64 ♦Evans, William G., D.B 49 Evans, William L., Ph.D 23 Everett, Naomi N. (Mrs. Charles E.) 141 Everett, William E 181 Everts, William W., D.B 48, 96 Ewers, John R. t D.B 59 Ewing, Mrs. Davis 132 Ewing, Joseph C, J.D 37, 126 Exelsen, Carl L.V., J.D 42, 199 Eycleshymer, Albert C, Ph.D 26 Eyles, William J., D.B 58 Fahey, Margaret 219 Falir, George E 148 Fair, Bessie S., A.M 91 Fair, Newell M 117 Fairbank, Mrs. A. B 142 Fairchild, Roscoe S 171 Fairfield, Otho P 109 Fairman, Marian 126 Fairweather, George O., J.D 40, 171 Falconer, Mabel P 171 Falls, Frederick H 190 Falls, James W., D.B 54 Fanning, Florence G 209 Fansher, Mrs. Guy J 214 Faris, William W 95 Farley, Albert A., Ph.D 5, 71 Farnham, Charlotte A 117 ♦Farnum, Welcome L., D.B 48 Farr, Finis K., A.M 88 Farr, Marcus S., A.M 65 Farr, Shirley 148 Farrar, James P 219 Farrell, Margaret E., S.M 91 Farwell, Elizabeth 209 Faughender, Milton M 219 Faulkner, Elizabeth 102 Faust, George R., J.D 41, 181 Faust, Mrs. George R 169 Faville, Mildred 154 Fay, Agnes L., S.M 74, 154 Feige, Edna M 190 Feilchenfeld, Sara 117 Felger, Jesse L 113 Fellheimer, Joseph W., J.D 38, 148 Felsenthal, Edward G., J.D 41, 181 Felsenthal, Eli B 99 Felsenthal, Emma 199 Felt, Ida A 162 Feltges, Edna M 210 Fenberg, Matilda 219 Feng, Hsi Yun, J.D 43 Fenneman, Nevin M., Ph.D 25, 68 Fennessy, Anna M 219 Fennessy, Katherine M 162 Fennessy, Thomas J 219 Fenton, Edith M 219 Fenton, Frances, Ph.D 10 *Fenton, William, D.B 48 Ferenbaugh, Burchard B 45 Fergeson, Olive J., J.D 42 Ferguson, Daniel W 191 Ferguson, Mrs. G.A., Ph.M 67 Ferguson, Isaac E., J.D 43, 199 Ferguson, Mara L 148 Ferguson, William D., Ph.D 34 Fernald, Grace M., Ph.D 4 Fernald, Mrs. Luther D 210 Fernald, Mabel R., Ph.D 5 Fernandez, Leandro H 230 Ferner, Carl M 219 Ferrill, Harriet 199 Ferris, Vernon T 133 Ferriss, Edward R 45 Ferry, Lily M 210 Fertig, James W., Ph.D 7 Fertig, Mrs. J. W 136 Fesler, Mayo 109 Feuling, Mrs. Alice D 122 Fichman, David 199 Field, Allen W., Jr 191 Field, Jasper N., D.B 52 Fielding, William H 141 Finch, Charles A 106 Finch, Earl E 199 Finch, Vernor C 191 Finch, Mrs. Vernor C 193 Findlay, William, Ph.D 19 Findley, Joseph F., D.B 60 Finerty, Vera C 191 Finger, Sherman W 171 Finley, Charles W., S.M 85, 199 Finney, Julia M 117 Finney, Marion L 210 First, Henry C 95 Fisch, Fannie 148 Fisch, Hattie M 199 Fischel, Frederic A., J.D 37 141 Fischer, Augustus R 154 Fischer, Charles A., Ph.D 20 Fischer, Ernst G 199 Fischer, Nellie M 162 Fish, Mrs. Albert E 105 *Fish, Clarence E 109 Fish, Gertrude C 219 Fish, Leila G 109 Fishbein, Morris 210 Fisher, Albert J 99 Fisher, Arthur H 191 358 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Fisher, Charles H. D., D.B 49, 98 Fisher, Charles L., D.B 52 Fisher, Effle Pyle (Mrs. J. C), A.M. . 88 Fisher, Fannie G 122 Fisher, Franklin 219 Fisher, Oscar G 117 Fisher, Royal H 171 Fisk, Henry A., D.B 55 Fiske, Avis 162 Fitch, Marjorie L., Ph.M 68 Fite, Mrs. Warren 120 FitzGerald, Ellen 148 Fitzgerald, James A., A.M 76 Fitzgibbon, Mrs. G. A 188 Fitzhenry, Newman L 154 Fitzpatrick, Genevieve C 230 Fitzsimmons, Mary E 191 Fjelstad, Christian A., S.M 82, 191 Flack, Robert W., J.D 44, 210 Flagg, Eda D., A.M 88, 171 Flanagan, Howard E., J.D 41 Flanagan, Mrs. Howard E 209 Flanders, Knight F 113 Flansburg, Claude W 219 Flatt, Mrs. C. R 132 Fleming, Daniel J., S.M 71 Fleming, Earle H 45 Fleming, Herbert E., Ph.D 10, 133 Fleming, Mrs. Joseph B 131 Fleming, Samuel C 199 Flersheim, Elsie 141 Fletcher, Abbie N 162 Fletcher, Charles W 230 Fletcher, Harvey, Ph.D 22 Fletcher, Orlin O., D.B 51, 102 Flewelhng, Carrel W 199 Flickinger, Roy C, Ph.D 13 Flint, Joseph M 106 *Flint, Nott W 113 Flint, Mrs. Nott 110 Flint, Mrs. O. E 130 Flood, James D 171 Flowers, Katharin, A.M 91 Floyd, Anne E 148 Fogg, Elizabeth •. 199 Fogg, Emily 109 Fogg, George W., D.B 61 Fogle, Frank D. A 133 Foglesong, Margaret J 210 Fogwell, Mrs. Harrison H 201 Folin, Otto K. O., Ph.D 22 Folin, Mrs. O., A.M 65 Folsom, John E. R., D.B 53 Foltz, Pearl E 162 Fonda, Minerva F 181 Fonger, Robert V 230 Fonnesbeck, Leon, J.D 43 Forbush, Mrs. A. D 128 Ford, Anna 171 Ford, Annie L 230 Ford, Edith H ■ 210 Ford, John E., D.B 55 Ford, Margaret 109 Ford, Margaret A 219 Ford, Theodore E 231 Foreman, Herbert S 148 Foreman, Louis T., D.B 57, 117 Forrest, Jacob D., Ph.D 9 Fors, Andrew P., Ph.D 11 Forster, Katherine E., A.M 85, 181 Fort, Clara E 162 Fortune, Alonzo W., D.B 59 Forward, Charles H 100 Forward, James S., D.B 51, 100 Foskett, Harvey B., D.B 50 Foster, Alonzo D 96 Foster, Chloe M., S.M 80 Foster, Edith B 110 Foster, George N 219 Foster, Henry A., A.M 92 Foster, James E., Jr 219 Foster, Jessica 171 Foster, John E., J.D 39, 154 Foster, Roland C 171 Foucht, Pearl L 148 Foute, Walter J 231 Fowle, Walter I., D.B 60, 141 Fowler, Alfred H 133 Fowler, Mrs. Frank B . . . . 122 Fowler, Frank H., Ph.D 12 Fox, Andrew N 106 Fox, Bertha W 171 Fox, Clare D 133 Fox, Dorothy 231 Fox, Florence C 181 Fox, Gresham G 148 Fox, Herbert W 104 Fox, Jacob L., J.D 44, 210 Fox, John E 210 Fox, Paid C 199 Fox, Paul J 122 Fox, Url M 181 Foye, Charlotte H 104 Fradenburg, John V 64 Frake, AUen 148 Frake, Emily A 191 Fralick, May E 171 France, Wilmer C, Ph.D 13 Francis, Horace M 148 Francis, John P 191 Francis, Lillian W 219 Francis, Walter E 141 Frank, Alice J 162 Frank, Mrs. A. Richard 181 Frank, Hannah 162 Frank, Jerome N., J.D 44, 219 Frank, Lee J 122 Frank, Louis H 162 Frank, Tenney, Ph.D 14 Frank, Mrs. Tenney 174 Alphabetical Index 359 Franklin, Beulah W 162 Franklin, Elizabeth H 199 Franklin, Frank G., Ph.D 8 Franklin, Harvey B 210 Franklin, Joy E 210 Franklin, Pearl, A.M 80 Franksen, Theodora J 200 Frantz, Edward 117 Fraser, Hugh G., D.B 53 Fraser, Mrs. W. H 134 Fraunfelter, Clare E 133 Frazer, Charles R 171 Frazeur, Mrs. Annie L. R., A.M.. .78, 133 Freas, Thomas B., Ph.D 24 Frederick, Charles A 113 Freeman, Beatrice M 133 Freeman, Clarence P 231 Freeman, Daniel, Ph.M 85 Freeman, Ella M., A.M 76 Freeman, Grace 106 Freeman, Harry S 171 Freeman, Helen A 154 *Freeman, John C, D.B 47 Freeman, Joseph E 117 Freeman, Marilla W 110 Freeman, Mary E 126 Freimark Ernest C 200 French, Burton L., Ph.M 70 French, Harley E., S.M 89 French, Hilda L 133 French, Mary M » 219 Freud, Benjamin B 148 Freudenthal, Caroline E 117 Freyburger, Walter D., J.D 41 Frick, Emma R 210 Frick, May F 110 Friedman, Alice M 200 Friedman, Joseph C 106 Friedman, Mrs. Joseph C 176 Friend, Helen R 154 Friend, Hugo M., J.D 39, 162 Frieze, Vernon, J.D 42 Frink, Fred G., S.M 70 *Frink, Henry F 96 Frisbie, Fannie C, Ph.D 21 Froning, Margaret E., A.M 92 Frost, William W., A.M 69 Fruchey, Marcus P 113 Frye, Mrs. Leslie 129 Frye, Theodore C, Ph.D 31 Fuchs, Christine K 210 Fudge, Harriet B 210 Fuessle, Newton A 162 Fulbright, Rufus C, J.D 40 *Fuldner, Mrs. Lewis , 154 Fulghum, Walter B 148 Fulkerson, Fay G 210 Fuller, Albert W 101 Fuller, George D., S.M 89 Fuller, George E 191 ♦Fuller, Gertrude 102 Fuller, Harry B 191 Fuller, Harvey B 181 Fuller, Henry E., D.B 51, 100 Fuller, Henry F 102 ♦Fuller, Nellie A 154 Fuller, Walter 155 Fuller, William D., D.B 54 Fuller, William H., D.B 57 Fulton, Ella L 133 Fulton, Mary C, S.M 76 Funkhouser, Elmer 231 Funkhouser, Taylor W 220 Furber, Henry J 103 Furlong, Thomas H 133 Furness, Mary 106 Furniss, Harriet 210 Furrh, James B 191 Gaarde, Frederick W 200 Gaba, Meyer, S.M 80, 171 Gaffney, James T 220 Gagnier, James H 181 Gagnier, Mrs. James H 162 Gain, Josiah W 210 Galbraith, William, J., Jr., J.B 40 Gale, Burton P 162 Gale, EliP 141 Gale, Henry G., Ph.D 21, 106 Gale, Mrs. Henry G 106 Gallaher, George P., J.D 40 Galloway, Milton B 200 Galloway, Thomas C, Jr., S.M 85 Gallup, Charles E 45 Gallup, Clarence M., D.B 57 Galpin, Frederic T., D.B 59 Gait, Howard S 106 Gamble, George H., D.B 52 Gandy, Delia, Ph.M 71 Gannon, Edward R 148 Gannon, Katharine H 171 Gano, Laura, Ph.D 32, 113 Gano, Martha 231 Ganser, Amelie B 162 Gantz, Virgil M 133 Garber, John F., Ph.D 31 Garcelon, Albert B., J.D 37, 133 Gardner, Effle A 110 Gardner, Emelyn E 141 Gardner, Helen 126 ♦Gardner, Henry A 96 Gardner, Ida M 113 Gardner, James P 101 Gardner, Mrs. James P 101 Gardner, Lucy M 200 Gardner, Mortimer S., Ph.M 85 Gardner, Paul E 231 Gardner, William A 101 ♦Gardner, William D 99 Garfield, William H., D.B 59 360 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Garlick, Wynne N 141 Garlick, Sayrs A 231 Garms, Lilia B 171 Gam, Herbert M., D.B 61 Garner, Alfred G., Ph.M 74 Garner, James B., Ph.D 22 Garner, James D., A.M 68 Garner, James W., Ph.M 69 Garner, Mary V., Ph.M 71 Garnett, Cyrus L 163 Garnett, James H., D.B 52 Garraghan, Mrs. Edward P 150 Garrett, Andrew P., D.B : 61 Garrett, James A., A.M 80 Garrett, Mrs. H.C 105 Garrey, George H., S.M 69, 126 Garrey, Walter E., Ph.D 29 *Garrison, George P., Ph.D 7 Garrison, Winfred E., Ph.D 35, 55 Garrity, Mary 163 Garth, John C, D.B 59 Garton, Richard, D.B 47 Garver, Roy C 110 Gary, Mrs. W. T., S.M 70, 131 Gass, Preston F 191 Gass, Sherlock B 148 Gasser, Jessie A 163 Gaston, George H 113 Gates, Errett, Ph.D 35, 57, 117 Gates, Eugene 133 Gates, Reginald R., Ph.D 31 Gatzert, Blanche 113 Gaud, William S., A.M 70, 103 Gauss, Julius H. P 117 Gavin, Helena 163 Gavin, Mary A 171 Gaylord, Gladys E -. 163 Gayman, Warren W . 231 Gee, Arthur M 231 Geewe, Alma H 122 Gehr, Mrs. S. W 140 Geiger, William H., A.M 89 Geigley, Amanda E., S.M 78 Geissmann, Rose 155 Gelders, Bertha H 171 Gentry, Charles B 220 Gentry, Richard W., D.B 61 George Carrie L 191 Georgen, William M 191 Gephart, Curtis H 133 German, Clara L 126 Germann, Allen C 231 Gerstley, Jesse R 171 Geselbracht, Franklin H 113 Gesell, Mrs. Arnold L 166 Gessler, Theodore A., D.B 55 Gettys, Cora M 106 Getz, Harry W., Jr 148 Gewehr, Wesley M., A.M 89, 220 Gibboney, Robert M., J.D 38, 155 Gibbons, Laura E 163 Gibbons, Vernette L., S.M 76 Gibney, Anna J 163 Gibson, Mrs. Charles G . 115 Gibson, Helen V 231 Gibson, Jean M. W., (Mrs. James).. . 220 Gibson, Isetta 103 Gibson, Mrs. John 138 Gibson, Lillian E 181 Gibson, Matilda D 133 Gibson, Myrtle I., Ph.M 70 Gidart, Augustus W 171 Giese, William C 200 Gieseier, Carl A 220 Gifford, Harold C 210 Gilbert, Beryl V 231 Gilbert, Frank A 220 Gilbert, Henry F 97 Gilbert, Julia E 181 Gilbert, Rizpah M 103 Gilchrest, Francis H 133 Giles, Frederic M 113 Gilkeson, Rebecca B., A.M 92, 148 Gill, Bradford 210 Gill, Ella C 134 Gill, Thomas E., J.D 40 Gillespie, Hiram 113 Gillespie, William, Ph.D 19 Gillet, Harry O 126 Gillette, John M., Ph.D 10 Gilliland, Frank, A.M 92 Gilpatrick, Rose A 106 Gilpin, Archie R., S.M 89 Gilson, Channing W 171 Gilson, Mrs. Channing W 148 Gingrich, Curvin H., Ph.D 21 Ginnings, Robert M., S.M 80 Girdwood, Ethel M 200 Girdwood, Joseph H., D.B 54 Gist, Julian H 210 Gittinger, Roy, A.M 76 Gittler, Henry M 200 Givens, Harrison C 231 Givens, John P., D.B 58 Givin, James M 110 Glascock, Fred L 231 *Glascock, William H., Ph.M 67 Glass, Roscoe E : 200 Glatfelter, Edith E., S.M 71 Glavin, James E 155 Glazier, Harriet, E., A.M 80 Gleason, Mrs. Albert H 124 Gleason, Margaret 171 Gleason, Pauline 220 Gleckler, Homer L., Ph.M 82 Gleichauf , Leo S 231 Glenn, Faith M 220 Glenn, Thomas H., Ph.D 33 Glerum, Anna T. A 200 Glerum, Joseph C 220 Alphabetical Index 361 Glokke, Else, Ph.M 82 Glomset, Daniel J 200 Glomset, Mrs. Daniel J 200 Glover, F. Nelson 63 Glynn, Robert R 231 Goble, William L 126 Godbey, Allen H., Ph.D 11 Goddard, Florence M 231 Godley, Anna M 110 Godshall, William V 231 Godshaw, Esther 191 Godwin, Edmund, D.B 49 Goes, Arthur A 181 Goetsch, Emil, Ph.D 28, 141 Goettsch, Arthur 200 Goettsch, Charles, Ph.D 16, 126 Goettsch, Henry M., Ph.D 23 Goheen, Robert H. H 134 Going, Harriett R 134 Golay, Tenton H 220 Goldberg, Hyman E 106 Goldberg, Joseph A 231 Goldberger, Bruno A 191 Golden, Katherine A 155 Goldman, Frances C 191 Goldsmith, Elliott R 126 Goldsmith, Jacob J 134 Goldsmith, Lillian R 113 Goldstein, Anna 155 Goldstein, Eva 231 Goldstein, Meyer 220 Goldthwaite, Nellie E., Ph.D 23 Gomez y Pineda, Liborio, Ph.D 33, 76 Gonnelly, Joseph F 220 Goodenow, Julian F 126 Goodhue, Mrs. Homer 144 Goodman, Alfred E., D.B 55 Goodman, Benedict K 231 Goodman, Charles 110 ♦Goodman, Herbert M., Ph.D. 33, 76, 155 Goodman, James, D.B 48, 95 Goodman, William A 141 Goodrich, Alonzo C 220 Goodrich, Henrietta I., S.M 67 Goodspeed, Edgar J., Ph.D 34, 55 ♦Goodspeed, George S., D.B 51 Goodwin, Claribel 163 Goodwin, Hugo P 191 Googins, Mrs. H. F 102 Googins, Medora H 171 Gookin, Grace F 126 Gookin, Sister Helen R 200 Gordis, Warren S., Ph.D 14 Gordon, Bert E 210 Gordon, Charles H., Ph.D 25 Gordon, Edith A 231 Gordon, James M., A.M 78 Gordon, John, D.B 47 Gordon, Kate, Ph.D 4, 122 Gordon, Mrs. Robert 152 ♦Gordon, William A., Jr 126 Gordon, William C, Ph.D 9 Gore, Willard C, Ph.D 3 Gorrell, Mrs. Warren 113 Gorsline, William W 181 Gotaas, Mrs. John O 185 Gotham, Charles L 191 Gottlieb, Harry N 122 Gottlieb, Mrs. Harry N 192 Gould, Chester N., Ph.D 16 Gould, Edna H 191 Gould, Lyman K., S.M 85, 210 Gould, Mrs. Ozro C 170 Gouwens, Mary C 210 Gove, Catherine C 155 Gowen, Georgia L. (Mrs. Guy A.) . . . 113 Graber, Lottie A 155 Grablechofl, Wiliko 64 Grabo, Carl H 141 Graff, Jane 220 Graham, Jeanette E 200 Graham, Mary C 126 Graham, Sister Mary C 200 Grainger, Oswald J., A.M 89 Granbery, Elizabeth W 155 Granberry, John C, Ph.D 34, 78 Granquist, Herbert W 231 Granquist, Richard A 231 Grant, Elmer D., A.M 66 Grant, Mrs. Elmer D 118 Grant, Helen 126 Grant, Laura C, A.M 65 Grant, Martha 1 200 Grant, Myra L 171 Grant, Susan C 134 Graper, Alice G 200 Graves, Eva B 113 Graves, George W 181 Graves, May L. (Mrs. S. S.) 127 Graves, Robert E 113 Graves, Mrs. Robert E 114 Graves, Ruth E 155 Graves, Thornton S., Ph.D 18, 171 Gray, Mrs. Ada W 141 Gray, Alice M 141 Gray, Charles H., Ph.D 17 Gray, Mrs. Charles 167 Gray, Charlotte C, D.B 56, 68, 110 Gray, Clarence T., A.M 85 Gray, Clifton D., Ph.D 11, 57 Gray, Cora E., S.M 80, 163 Gray, Earl Q., J.D 44, 210 Gray, Edwin W., D.B 59 Gray, Mary R 155 Gray, Mason D., Ph.D 15 Gray, Paul R 171 Gray, Robert 64 Gray, William B 171 Gray, William S 231 362 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago *Greeley, Arthur W., Ph.D 29 Green, Albert L 231 Green, Alta K 181 Green, Dwight P., J.D 43 Green, Elbert C 141 Green, John T., D.B 48 Green, Martha F 231 Green, Nellie B 181 Green, Susan A., A.M 76 Green, Mrs. William A 125 Greenacre, Alice, J.D 42, 181 Greenbaum, Gertrude 181 Greenbaum, Julius C 110 *Greene, Elizabeth E. H 122 Greene, Mrs. James H 182 Greene, Margaret 231 Greene, Maude M . . . 148 Greenfield, Ada M 210 Greenfield, LeRoy B., Ph.M 74 Greenleaf, Carl D 117 Greenleaf, Mrs. Lillian S 127 Greenwood, Mrs. Samuel G 190 Greer, Edna J 231 Greer, James R., Ph.D 29, 171 *Greer, Martha W 141 Gregory, Cornelius W 98 Gregory, Emily R., Ph.D 27 Gregory, John E., D.B 52 Grey, Charles P., II 210 Grey, Donald T., A.M 92, 210 Grey, Lily 99 Gridley, Eben E 163 Griffin, Edwin M„ D.B 54 Griffin, Frank L., Ph.D 20, 72, 141 Griffin, Ina M 148 Griffin, Juliette L. J 220 Griffin, Katherine 155 Griffis, Mrs. C. Noel 208 Griffith, Elmer C, Ph.D 8 ♦Griffith, Mrs. Franklin W 124 Griffith, Katherine 134 Griffith, Merrill P 110 Griffith, Reginald H., Ph.D 17 Griggs, Nellie M 127 Grim, Harriet E 181 Grimmett, Mary E 200 Grinnell, Clayton, D.B 54 Griswold, Emada A 220 Griswold, Mrs. F.H 127 Griswold, Harry H 110 Griswold, Roy C 117 Groat, Ethel 1 231 Groman, Alice C 191 Groman, Herman C 171 Groner, Orel S., S.M 82 Gronow, Hans E., Ph.D 16, 155 Grose, Merritt R 171 Gross, Helen M 231 *Gross, Wilbur C 134 Gross, Mrs. Wilbur C 186 Grossman, Mrs. E. M 130 Grossman, H. Philip 220 Groves, James F., S.M 89 Grubb, Ella M 134 Grupe, Mary A 191 Gubelman, Lillian P 200 Gude, Mary B., Ph.M 82, 200 Guild, Charles K., A.M 89 Guild, Thacher H., A.M 70 Guittard, Francis G., A.M 69, 127 Gumbiner, Florence V 231 Gunderson, Grace A 231 Gunderson, Gudrun C 181 Gunnerson, William C, Ph.D 12 Gunsaulus, Helen C 181 Gurd, Edith M 210 Gurley, Raymond B 200 Gurney, Frederic J., D.B 51 Gurney, Lawrence E., Ph.D 21 Gustafson, Lewis 127 Guthrie, Charles C, Ph.D 29 Guthrie, Emily W 110 Guyer, Michael F., Ph.D 27, 103 Gyllenhaal, Leonard E 163 Haas, William H 141 Haass, Charlotte A. C, A.M 78 Haass, Margaret E 210 Hack, Frederick C 113 Hack, Mrs. Frederick C 115 Hadley, Alden H 122 Hadley, Grace E., A.M 82 Hadley, Thodosia H., A.M 72 Haeger, Thusnelda 110 Haertel, Martin H 127 Haessler, Luise 171 Haessler, Paul C 210 Haft, Delia M 106 Hageman, Simon S., D.B 56 Hagen, Usta C. A 181 Hagey, John F 113 Haggard, David D . . 63 Haggard, Fred P., D.B 53 Hagley, Olive L 210 Hague, Stella M., Ph.D 32, 73 Haigh, Ella F 102 Haight, Alice 117 Haimowitz, Samuel M 200 Hair, Thomas J 141 Haire, Maude 1 210 Hale, Berdena M 117 Hale, Elizabeth C 155 Hale, Harrison, S.M 70 Hale, Laura V 191 Hale, Vera H 200 Hales, Earl C 122 Hall, Arnold B., J.D 38 Hall, Arthur J., Ph.D 35 *Hall, Clement, D.B 49 Hall, Columbus H., D.B 48, 97 Alphabetical Index 363 Hall, David C, S.M 72 Hall, Edith 172 Hall, Edward B., Jr 220 Hall, Eleanor L 191 Hall, Elizabeth A., Ph.M 76 Hall, George W 101 Hall, Jennie E 141 Hall, Mrs. Joseph E 174 Hall, Luverne E 134 Hall, Mosiah, Ph.M 69 Hall, Mrs. R. A., A.M 67 Hall, Robert A., Ph.D 24, 163 Hall, Ruth M 231 Hall, Sybil V 117 Hall, William W 97 Hall, Wilmer L., A.M 85 Hallam, Julia C. (Mrs. Joseph W.), A.M 82 Haller, Julius T 127 Hallingby, Ole., Jr 117 Halloway, George F 103 Halphide, Alvan C, D.B 53, 103 Halsey, Charles D. W 122 Halsey, Elizabeth 220 Halsey, Henry R 191 Halsey, John J 97 Halsey, Richard C 200 Halsey, Richard L., D.B 51 Halsted, Nellie M 141 Ham, Ernest G., A.M 78 Ham, William R., Ph.D . . 22 Hamaker, Jacob G 117 Hambrecht, George P 141 Hamburger, Walter W., S.M 72, 148 Hamill, Glenna R 231 Hamill, Lawrence 148 Hamill, Ralph C 117 Hamilton, Aletheia 104 Hamilton, Clarence H 200 Hamilton, Edwin S 231 Hamilton, Harriet 220 Hamilton, Ira C, Ph.D 7 ♦Hamilton, James E., D.B 51 Hamilton, John B., A.M 72 Hamilton, John O 127 Hamilton, Oscar O 134 Hamilton, Robert H., A.M 78 Hamilton, Robert R., J.D 42 Hamilton, William A., Ph.D 20 Hammerly, Susanna 220 Hammers, William O 95 Hammill, Chester A 231 Hammond, Eleanor P., Ph.D 17 Hammond, John C, S.M 66 Hammond, Johnson F 181 Hammond, Juliet, A.M 89 Hammond, Lucie 117 Hammond, Theodore M 102 Hampshere, Annette G 220 Hampton, Esther 191 Hanchett, Frank G 102 Hancock, Arthur B 104 Hancock, John L., Ph.D 14, 155 Hancox, Herbert F., A.M 86, 200 Hand, David M. G., D.B 61 Hand, Olive M 127 Hanks, Ethel E 191 Hanley, Blanche 220 Hannahs, Elizabeth H 148 Hannan, Anne A 163 Hannan, Grace E 210 Hannan, Helen A 220 Hannan, James, Jr 122 Hannan, Katherine 191 Hannan, Mary L 113 Hannum, Frank W 220 Hannum, William H., A.M 80 Hansen, Bena K 220 Hansen, Harry A 191 Hanson, Florence C 191 Hanson, Myra H 148 Hanson, Victor 231 Haraldson, Olaf 200 Harden, Mrs. E. W 124 Hardesty, Irving, Ph.D 29 Hardie, Annie M 141 Harding, Adaline W., Ph.M 74 Harding, Edith J 141 Harding, Harriet A 191 Harding, Maud M. (Mrs. Abner C.) . 200 Harding, Rebecca M 141 Harding, Susan G 113 Harding, William F., Ph.M 65 Hardman, Mary A 163 Hardy, Eric W., A.M 86 Hardy, Ruth 127 Harford, Aaron C, J.D 37, 148 Harger, John R 155 Hargis, Martha F., A.M 86 Harkness, Nelson A., D.B 62 Harlan, Quirof , D.B 59 Harlan, Rolvix, Ph.D 35, 58 Harlan, Mrs. Rolvix 152 Harley, Erne R 191 Harmon, Alta A., A.M 67 Harmon, Lola M 117 Harmon, Roy M., J.D 44, 210 Harmon, William S 122 Harms, Frank H 113 Harms, William P 220 Harper, Mrs. Clarence S 116 Harper, Eugene H., Ph.D 27 Harper, Mrs. Eugene H 104 Harper, Florence M 181 Harper, Floyd E., J.D 38, 148 Harper, George A 191 Harper, Helen D 122 Harper, Jesse C 181 Harper, Mary J 155 Harper, Paul V., J.D 44, 181 364 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Harper, Robert P 102 Harper, Samuel N 133 Harper, Sarah J 127 Harrigan, Alice J 122 Harriman, Harry W., J.D 42, 191 Harrington, Charles K., D.B 51 Harrington, Ethel M. R 220 Harrington, Frederick G., D.B 52 Harrington, Jerome B 117 Harris, Elizabeth C 210 Harris, Fielder B 200 Harris, Flora E 148 Harris, Fred M 220 Harris, Juliet 113 Harris, Lena D 148 Harris, Mary B., Ph.D 12 Harris, Melvin C 46 Harris, Mrs. Muriel 228 Harris, Norman D., Ph.D 8 Harris, Rachel A., Ph.M 78 Harris, Silas A., J.D 44 Harris, William H., A.M 67 Harris, Wilmer C 155 Harrison, Mrs. John E 185 Harrison, Marvin B 99 Harrison, Mary E 210 Harrod, Samuel G., A.M 78 Hart, Mrs. Errol E 128 Hart, James N., S.M 66 Hart, Joseph K., Ph.D 5 Hart, Mary L 163 Hart, Robert J 191 Hart, Walter W 127 Hart, William L 231 Hartford, Harriet 200 Hartigan, Eugene L 148, 181 Hartley, Byron W 220 Hartman, Warren H., A.M 89 Hartshorn, Mrs. Kenneth L 130 Hartzman, Samuel M 200 Harvey, Elbert A 134 Harvey, LeRoy H., Ph.D 31 Harwood, Mrs. John H 119 Haskell, Suzanne C 172 Hasner, Robert B 172 Hasselbring, Heinrich, Ph.D 31 Hassler, Jasper O., S.M 92 Hasslock, Augusta T., S.M 82 Haste, Gwendolen A 220 *Hastings, Hezmer C 97 Hastings, Mary 1 210 Hastings, William G 99 Hatai, Shinkishi, Ph.D 30 Hatch, Elmer E 64 Hatch, Laura, S.M 89 Hatcher, Mattie L 200 Hatcher, Orie L., Ph.D 17 Hatfield, Ethel G. (Mrs. Henry R.), Ph.D 7 Hatfield, Frederick D 163 Hatfield, Henry R., Ph.D 6 Hatfield, William H., Jr 148 Hatton, Augustus R., Ph.D 7 Hatton, Mildred 172 Hatz, Julia 220 Hauk, Grace E 200 Hauk, Mabel G 127 Haven, Jane M 181 Haviland, James T 220 Hawes, Ada 172 *Hawkins, Albert H 96 Hawkins, Lillian M 201 Hawkins, Mary D 220 Hawley, Julia 100 Hawley, Willis 101 Hawthorne, Warren C, S.M 68 Hay, Frances S 110 Hay, Mary 104 Hayde, Evelyn M 163 Hayden, Austin A 134 Hayden, Charles A., D.B 48 Hayden, Evelyn S., S.M 72, 134 Hayden, Floyd S 211 Hayden, John G 134 Hayden, Walter S., Jr., D.B 58 Hayes, Charles S 134 Hayes, Edward C, Ph.D 10 Hayes, Ella M 117 *Hayes, Frederick W. C 101 Hayes, Jessie M 220 Hayes, John B 45 Hayes, Joseph W., Ph.D 5 Hayes, Laura F., Ph.M 82 Hayes, Mary H. S. (Mrs. J. W.), Ph.D 5 Haylett, Abbie P 172 Hayman, Grace T 134 Hayne, Coe S 127 Hayne, Mrs. Coe S 186 Hayne, Jessie B 182 Hayner, Helen G 141 Hazelton, Josephine F 118 Hazen, Joseph C, D.B 58 Head, William H 148 Heald, Prescott S., D.B 57 Healion, William C 45 Healy, Lulu M 201 Heaney, Noble S 141 Heap, Mary F 182 Hearon, Cleo C, Ph.M 80, 141 Heath, Albert G 231 Heath, Elbridge L 134 Heath, Harry C 192 Hebb, Mrs. T. O,, S.M 72, 134 Hebb, Thomas C, Ph.D 21 Hecht, Frank C 220 Heckel, Frederick E 148 Hecker, Harold F., J.D 40 Heckman, Jessie 201 Heckman, Lillian S 163 Aljjhabetical Index 365 Hedden, Inez E 231 Hedeen, Adele A. C 211 Hedeen, Lillie M 221 Hedges, Fleming D., J.D 41 Hedman, Thure J 231 Hedrick, Alfred R 155 Heeren, John J., A.M 80 Heeter, Silvanus L 148 Hefferan, Mary, Ph.D 32 Hefferan, William S., Jr 232 Heflin, Paul B., J.D 43, 201 Hegner, Robert W., S.M 72, 141 Heidel, William A., Ph.D 13 Heil, Herman G 163 Heil, John H 104 Heimerdinger, Mrs. Leo H 155 Heinemann, Paul G., Ph.D 32, 155 Heinen, John H 141 Heinrich, Herman M., Ph.D 9 Heinzelmann, Jacob H., Ph.D 16 Hellens, Fred B. R., Ph.D 14 HeUer, Edna 192 Heller, Otto, Ph.D 16 Helm, Roy R., J.D 41 Helrner, Frank A 100 Hemenger, Caroline B 163 Hemenway, Ansel F., Ph.D 32 Hemenway, Charles A., D.B 54 Hemingway, Edith 1 211 Hempstead, Mrs. J. L 144 Henderson, Bertha 201 Henderson, Bertha M 182 Henderson, Charles R., D.B 48, 97 Henderson, Elias H., J.D 42, 182 Henderson, Herman C 104 Henderson, Sara E 142 Henderson, William M 118 Hendricks, Helen E 172 Hendricks, Sara D 182 *Henicksman, Frank W., J.D 38 Henke, Frederick G., Ph.D 3 Henley, Ralph B., Ph.M 76 Henley, Thomas M 201 Henne, Emma M 182 Henneberry, William P., Jr 182 Henninger, John W., Ph.M 74 Henriksen, Martin E 201 Henry, Edward A., D.B 60 Henry, Elizabeth 122 Henry, John Q. A., D.B 49 Henry, Mary B 134 Henry, Nellie C 221 Henry, Robert L., Jr., J.D 39, 134 Henry, Winston P 201 Henshaw, Delno C, D.B 54 Henshaw, Tyler T 211 Henson, Mary G 163 Henton, Rachel 142 Henzel, Elsa I 221 Hepburn, Alice R 148 *Hequembourg, Agatha D 142 Herdman, Samuel B 172 Herger, Alfred A 201 Hermann, Flora B 155 Herndon, Mrs. Carrie P., Ph.M. . .74, 127 Herndon, Richard F 221 Herrell, David C, D.B 48 Herrick, Alice L 221 Herrick, Frances 211 Herrick, Henry M., Ph.D 34 Herrick, Mrs. Hilda L 133 *Herrick, Jullien A., Ph.D 35, 55 Herrick, William J 97 Herriman, Anna K 221 Herring, Mrs. N. A 144 *Herron, John 101 Herschberger, Clarence B 113 Herschberger, Mrs. Clarence B 117 Hershey, Harry B., J.D 42 Hersman, Anne B., Ph.D 13 Herwitz, Harry K 221 Heskett, Lucile 221 Hess, Charles L. von, S.M 89, 211 Hess, Dorothy H 201 Hess, Phares G., J.D 44 Hesse, Bernhard C, Ph.D 22 Hessler, John C, Ph.D 23, 106 Heumann, J. M. Fredrich 201 Heuver, Gerald D., Ph.D 34 Heverlo, Frances G 201 Hewes, Amy, Ph.D 10 Hewitt, Erne M 232 Hewitt, Floyd L 142 Hewitt, Henry H 110 Hewitt, Mrs. J. H 182 Hewitt, Josephine A 232 Hewitt, William F 182 Heyd, Jacob W., Ph.M 74 Heyle, Essie M 211 Heywood, Edna E 134 Hibbard, Herschel V 114 Hibler, Helen H. (Mrs. J. H.) 232 Hickey, James V., J.D 40, 163 Hickman, William W., Ph.D 24 Hicks, Alden R., J.D 37 *Hicks, Alfred C 192 Hicks, Edmund W., D.B 47 Hicks, Mrs. Hervey 109 Hicks, John W., J.D 43 Hicks, Joseph E., D.B 58 Hiemenz, Hilda E 182 Hieronymous, Lora 122 Higby, John H., D.B 50 Higgins, Annas 142 Higgins, William A 106 Higgons, Mae B 172, 182 Higley, Edith T 221 Higley, Louis A., Ph.D 24, 122 Higley, Minnie P 201 Higley, Violet E 182 366 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Hildebrandt, Paul A 211 Hildebrandt, Martha P 221 Hildebrandt, Theophil H., Ph.D... .20, 76 Hilding, John W., J.D 43 Hill, Albert E 118 Hill, Alma L 201 Hill, Dwight L 232 Hill, Elizabeth G 104 Hill, Florence 182 Hill, Harold C 211 Hill, Herbert W., Ph.D 18, 72 *Hill, Mrs. Herbert W 112 Hill, James M 163 Hill, Mrs. James M 161, 169 Hill, Mrs. John H 178 Hill, Luther B 114 Hill, Marjorie 221 Hill, Mary S 182 Hill, Mrs. Matson B 151 Hill, William A 134 Hillman, Alice 155, 163 Hillman, Mary V., A.M 80 Hills, Mary L 172 Hillyer, Thomas A. . . 127 Hilpert, Willis S., Ph.D 23, 142 Hinckley, Donald S 182 Hinckley, Theodore B 148 Hines, Herbert W., D.B 62 Hines, Irene W 192 Hinkins, Cora E 232 Hinkins, Virginia 232 Hinkle, Ralph V 182 Hinman, Dorothy 221 Hinman, Mrs. Frank L 136 Hinton, Mrs. W. A 172 Hirsch, Arthur H., D.B 61 Hirsch, Mrs. Gilbert J 120 Hirschberg, Mrs. Sylvan 131 Hirschl, Ida T 127 Hirschl, Marcus A., J.D 41, 201 Hirschl, Samuel D., J.D 38, 155 Hirschy, Noah C, A.M 76 Hirsh, Samuel E 232 Hirsh, Zerlina 148 Hishinuma, Heiji, A.M 86 Hitchcock, Clara M 110 Hitchcock, Helen 142 Hitt, Mrs. F. H 135 Hoadley, Eugene C 192 Hoag, John W., D.B 59 Hobart, Charles H., D.B 49 Hobart, Ralph H 106 Hobbs, Charles A., D.B 47 Hobbs, Glenn M., Ph.D 21 Hobbs, Julia C 142 Hobbs, Ralph W., D.B 55 Hoben, Allan, Ph.D 34 Hoblit, Merritt L 134 Hobson, Alphonzo A., Ph.D 34 Hochstein, Emilia 118 Hodges, Charles A 110 Hoebeke, Ada M 163 Hoebeke, Cornelius J 104 Hoekstra, Peter 172 Hoff, Hazel L 221 Hoffman, Anna F 163 Hoffman, Arthur C 201 Hoffman, Harry R 182 Hoffman, Leo H 221 Hoffman, Leo W., J.D 41, 182 Hoffstadt, Rachel E., S.M 92 Hofmann, Philip 201 Hogan, Blanche R. C 163 Hoge, William H 201 Hogeland, Charles M 142 Hogge, Alice M 172 Hokanson, Nels M 201 Hoke, George W., Ph.M 69, 127 Holbrook, Florence 100 Holbrook, Mrs. N 126 Holcomb, George P., D.B 54 Holden, Alma M 127 Holden, Annie N 172 Holden, Lulu M 163 Holden, Raymond F., S.M 82 Hole, AUen D., Ph.D 26 Holferty, George M., Ph.D 31 Holley, Helena H 221 Hollinbeck, Frans J 192 Hollingsworth, Donald H 232 Hollingsworth, John E., Ph.D 14 Hollis, Harriet F 122 Hollis, Henry S 118 Hollister, Antoinette B 211 Hollopeter, Herbert S., A.M 80 Holmes, Robert B 211 Holmes, Samuel J., Ph.D 26 Holmsen, Holm 155 Hoist, Herman V. von 103 Holste, August F 118 *Holstead, Grace 127 Holt, Arthur E., Ph.D 35 Holt, George F., D.B 52 Holt, Ivan L., Ph.D 12 Holt, Leland B. (Mrs. Ivan L.), A.M. 80 Holt, Levi H., D.B 49, 98 Holt, Marx E 211 Holton, Charles R., J.D 41 Holton, Mrs. Charles R 207 Holton, Daniel C 182 *Holton, Nina G 106 Holtz, Adrian A., D.B 62, 86 Holtzman, Clarence L., S.M 69 Holzheimer, Helen J 155 Honk, Mrs. E. E Ill Honn, Elsie P 127 Honore, Adrian C . . . . 96 Honore, Nathaniel K 99 Hood, Florence P 134 Hood, Laura S 155 Alphabetical Index 367 Hook, Inghram D 163 Hook, Mrs. Inghrarn D 147 Hooper, Rena A 148 Hoover, Guy I., D.B 60, 78 Hoover, Henry W., D.B 57 Hoover, Jose W., J.D 40, 182 Hope, Chauncey E 211 Hopkins, Albert J., Jr 163 Hopkins, Albert L., J.D 40, 155 Hopkins, Allan 118 Hopkins, Annette B., Ph.D 18 Hopkins, Frances 1 106 Hopkins, Herbert G 211 Hopkins, John C 101 Hopkins, John L., J.D 39 Hopkins, Mrs. Lambert A 196 Hopkins, Louis A., S.M 76 Hopkins, Mrs. Ralph T 162 Hopkins, Thomas C, Ph.D 25 Hopper, Georgia E., Ph.M 72 Hopps, Arthur D 99 Hopps, Caroline L 142 *Hopps, Herman K 97 *Hora, Joseph E 148 Horn, Pauline R 172 Hornbeck, LeRoy '. 127 Home, Charles E., Ph.D 11 *Horne, George, D.B 55 Hornstein, Frederick 163 Horovitz, David A 163 Horton, Ferdinand M .' 172 Horton, Horace B 201 Hosic, James F., Ph.M 69, 127 Hosic, Mrs. J. F., Ph.M 72, 135 Hoskins, Minna 192 Hoss, Elizabeth K 148 Hostetter, Abram B 96 Hostetter, Angeline B 182 Hostetter, Charles L 95 Hostetter, Earl D., J.D 40, 172 Hostetter, Heber P., J.D 41, 192 Hotaling, Lewis R., D.B 58 Hotle, Owen E 127 Hotz, Hedwig P., Ph.M 78 Hough, Anne 172 Hough, Lula M 114 Hough, Mary E 172 Hough, Watson R., A.M 92 Houghland, Clair W 221 Houghland, John M 211 Houghton, Albert B., J.D 40, 172 Houghton, Jennie M 221 Houghton, Laura M 142 House, Julius T., Ph.D 10 House, Lolabel, A.M 67 House, Ralph E., Ph.D 15 Houston, Martha L 221 Howard, Mrs. A. D 174 Howard, Anna 163 Howard, Earl D., Ph.D 6, 70, 134 Howard, Mrs. H. D 114 Howard, Harry C 104 Howard, John A 114 Howard, John J., D.B 47 Howard, Juanita C 182 Howard, Mrs. R. B 182 Howard, Willis T 232 Howe, Amy 232 ♦Howe, Carrie E 100 Howe, Charles R 148 Howe, Chester H., D.B 59 Howe, Clifton D., Ph.D 31 Howe, Fred A., Ph.M 67 Howe, Herbert A 98 Howell, Mrs. E.B., S.M 67 Howell, Mrs. George 147 Howell, Katharine M 155 Howell, William J., A.M 76 Howerth, Ira W., Ph.D 9, 65 Howes, Charles C 155 Howland, Cora R. (Mrs. George C). . 118 Howland, Mary E 232 Howland, Thomas, D.B 53 Hoxie, Robert F., Ph.D 6, 103 Hoxie, Mrs. Robert F 125 Hoy, Austin Y 134 Hoy, Clinton L 127 Hoy, Nathaniel E 163 Hoyne, Archibald L 134 *Hoyne, Temple S 95 Hoyt, Allen G 118 Hoyt, Norman F., D.B 47 Hubbard, Arah H 127 Hubbard, Henry D 110 Hubbard, Mrs. Henry D 106 Hubbard, Marion E 103 Hubbard, Mary L 106 Hubbart, Henry C 155 Hubbell, Jennie 1 201 Hubble, Edwin P 201 Huber, Harry L 232 Hubert, John W 142 Hudson, Birney S., D.B 59 Hudson, Fletcher E., D.B 51 Hudson, Roberta A 232 Hudson, Walter L 134 Huenkemeier, Earl H 211 Huestis, Alice M., Ph.M 80 Huff, William B., A.M 66 Huffman, George L. B 232 Huffman, Sidney C 148 Huggins, Harold C 201 Hughes, Felix T 163 Hughes, Harriet L., S.M 73, 163 Hughes, John C, D.B 54 Hughes, Helen S., A.M 86, 201 Hughes, Mrs. Robert 196 Hughes, Robert L., A.M 68, 104 Hughes, William H 232 Hughes, William T., S.M 78 368 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Hughlett, Harriet E 201 Huglin, Ida E 232 *Huguenin, Edith 134 Hugunin, Arthur 98 *Hulbert, Clara D 118 Hulbert, James R., Ph.D 18, 172 Hulbert, Louise 106 Hulburt, David W., D.B 50 Hulburt, Mary E 172 *Hull, Charles M 95 Hull, Edith R 192 Hull, Gordon F., Ph.D 21 Hull, Helen R 221 Hull, Mary 201 Hulley, Elkanah, A.M 65 Hulley, Eloise M. (Mrs. L.), A.M 65 Hulley, Lincoln, Ph.D 11 Hullihen, Elizabeth C, A.M 86 Hulse, Anna M., A.M 92 Hulser, Edward H., J.D 39 Hulshart, John 107 Hultman, Frank M 163 Humble, Henry W 211 Hummel, Arthur W., A.M 86, 192 Hummel, William F 192 Humphrey, Edmund C, S.M 92 Humphrey, Mary H 114 Humphries, Jessie H 118 Hunley, Charles L 114 Hunn, Florence E 221 Hunt, Abigail M 149 Hunt, Esther D 105 Hunt, Frederick L., A.M 68 Hunt, Irene B 211 Hunt, Myrtle A 127 Hunter, Austin, D.B 58 Hunter, Bertha 1 232 Hunter, EsteLe B 172 Hunter, Harry H 201 Hunter, Hobart R 221 Hunter, John F., D.B 57, 105 Hunter, Livonia S 142 Hunter, Pearl L 118 Hunter, Roy H., J.D 38 Hunter, Walter S., Ph.D 5 Hurd, Charles H 127 Hurd, Elizabeth C 232 Hurd, Helen E 192 Hurlburt, David 118 Hurlbut, George H 96 Hurlbut, Lila C 107 Hurley, Hugh H., D.B 56 Hursh, Edwin M., A.M 92 Hurst, Clifton N., A.M 92 Hurst, Mrs. Clifton N 225 Hussey, Bertha, A.M 86 Huston, Charles A., J.D 39, 134 Huston, Mrs. Charles A 140 Hutchens, Roy U 211 Hutchings, Josephine L 114 Hutchins, Zoe E 182 *Hutchinson, Benjamin F., D.B 47 Hutchinson, Frank B 155 Hutchinson, Mrs. Frank B 167 Hutchinson, Jessie F 211 Hutchinson, John I., Ph.D 18 Hutchison, Jennie G 122 Hutchison, Jessamine B 118 Hutchison, Margaret E 201 Hutson, Frederick L., Ph.D 13 Hutton, Earl R 221 Hutton, Joseph G 192 Hyatt, Theodore, D.B 47 Hyde, Mrs. J. E., S.M 80 Hyde, Ruth E 221 *Hyde, Thomas W 95 Hyman, Isaac B 114 Hyman, Libbie H 201 Ickes, Harold L., J.D 38, 110 *Ide, Adelaide M 107 Ihrig, Roscoe M., Ph.M 82 Ince, Edward A., D.B 48 Inches, Mary J 134 Ingalls, Mrs. Frank M 102 Ingalls, Mae E 172 *Ingbert, Charles E., Ph.D 30 *Ingham, George C 98 Ingham, Helen 192 Ingham, Helen A 211 Ingold, Louis, Ph.D 19 Ingold, Warren, S.M 82 Inkster, Mrs. A.B 160 Innes, Mrs. John W 132 Inskeep, Annie L. (Mrs. Lorenzo D.), Ph.D 7 Ireland, Charles H 182 *Ireland, Robert M 98 Irish, Miles 211 Irland, Harry B 134 Irons, Ernest E., Ph.D 33, 122 Irvin, Edna C 192 Irving, Charles H., D.B 51 Irwin, Harry N., A.M 82 Irwin, Rochester W., D.B 59 Isaacson, Isadore 221 Isbell, Nellie 1 192 Isely, Frederick B., S.M 82 Ishida, Yoshio 221 Israel, Jeannette A 232 Isserstedt, Freda C 221 Ives, Sumner A 201 Jack, Mrs. Clyde A 135 Jackson, Bruce E., D.B 61 Jackson, Clarence E 232 Jackson, Cora B 110 Jackson, Edith A 221 Jackson, Emery B 134 Jackson, Francis C. R., D.B 55 Alphabetical Index 369 Jackson, George P., Ph.D 17, 149 Jackson, Harry 172 Jackson, Jay S 134 Jackson, John B 122 Jackson, John L., D.B 48, 97 Jackson, LeRoy F., Ph.M 80 Jackson, Marion 192 Jackson, Nell E. L 155 Jackson, William H., J.D 38, 118 Jacobs, Ida T 232 Jacobs, Lawrence M 118 Jacobs, Mark R 134 Jacobson, Clara, 8.M 82, 192 Jacobson, Katharine, Ph.M 76 Jacobson, Olga M 163 Jacobus, Arthur C 134 Jacoby, Helen E 192 ♦Jacola, John 149 Jaffa, Meir, A.M : 66 James, Alfred P., A.M 92 James, Benjamin F 102 James, Catherine A., A.M 70 James, Gwendolyn 211 James, Herman G., J.D 40 James, Mrs. Robert 148 Jameson, Vesta L 182 Jamieson, George V 211 Jamieson, Thomas CM 201 Jamieson, Mrs. Thomas CM 188 Jamieson, William H 201 Jamison, George H 232 Janes, Mary K 155 *Janke, Elisabeth C. C 172 Janson, Marcia S. H. (Mrs. J. H.) . . . 192 Janson, Sara A 122 Janssen, Ralph 114 Janvrin, Charles E 201 Jaquith, Charles A., A.M 89 Jarvis, Isabel F 221 Jarvis, Lucile B 211 Jarzembski, Vladyslaus 110 *Jayne, Edgar L 98 Jayne, William R., J.D 37, 134 Jayne, Mrs. William 157 Jaynes, Ethel 149 Jaynes, Helen G 221 Jeffries, Mrs. Clyde W 138 Jeffries, Otto W 211 Jeffrey, Clare A 182 Jeffrey, Robert G 142 Jeffreys, Elizabeth, Ph.D 23 *Jegi, John 1 107 Jencks, Esther Z 232 Jenkins, Anne E., A.M 92 Jenkins, Edith D 134 Jenkins, Elizabeth B 211 Jenkins, Hester D., Ph.M 67, 114 Jenkins, Joseph, D.B 56 Jenkins, Luther W 192 Jenkins, Mary B 232 Jenks, Albert E 110 Jenks, Orrin R., D.B 61 Jennings, Edward E 221 Jennings, Hallie 232 Jennison, Clark S 45 Jensen, Hemming G., Ph.D 31 Jensen, Maud L 221 *Jensen, Nelson P., D.B 49 Jernegan, Marcus W., Ph.D 8 Jessen, Karl D 110 Jessup, Eva M 172 Jevne, Charles A 122 Jewett, Frank B., Ph.D 21 Jewett, Mrs. Frank B., Ph.D 21 Jewett, Frank L., D.B 58 Joehnke, Wilhelmine 155 Johlin, Jacob M 182 John, Mrs. Charles B 214 Johns, Clarence D., A.M 86 *Johnson, Alfred C 118 Johnson, Alice M 201 Johnson, Andrew W., J.D 43 ♦Johnson, Anna M. Coon 100 Johnson, Bernard L 172 Johnson, Mrs. Bernard L 187 Johnson, Carl A 63 Johnson, Cecilia 164 Johnson, Clarence E., A.M 92, 221 Johnson, Cora H 164 ♦Johnson, Dora, A.M 68 Johnson, Edgar H., Ph.D 7, 68 Johnson, Edith R 221 Johnson, Elodie B 221 Johnson, Emsley W 127 Johnson, Mrs. Emsley W 155 Johnson, Eugene L 201 Johnson, Mrs. Ewing M 155 Johnson, Franklin, Jr 107 Johnson, Mrs. Frederick A 173 Johnson, George R., Ph.M 82 Johnson, Grace 135 Johnson, Gustave A 155 Johnson, Herbert P., Ph.D 26 Johnson, Herman P., Ph.M 80 Johnson, Jane R 127 ♦Johnson, John C, D.B 51, 101 Johnson, Joseph H., J.D 37, 149 Johnson, Joseph O., Ph.M 83 Johnson, Julian P. M., D.B 57, 122 Johnson, Lawrence 102 Johnson, Lena E 211 Johnson, Lillie V 164 Johnson, Luella 201 ♦Johnson, Luther A., A.M 65 Johnson, Mary C 172 Johnson, Rachel, A.M 86, 122 Johnson, Ralph H 107 Johnson, Ray P 149 Johnson, Roswell H 122 Johnson, Ruth 1 118 370 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Johnson, Sigurjon, A.M , . .92, 221 Johnson, Victor O 107 Johnson, William F 149 Johnston, Clara L 135 Johnston, Edith M 221 Johnston, Elizabeth 182 Johnston, Emily B 172 Johnston, Finley M 101 Johnston, Ira E 221 *Johnston, James B 98 Johnston, Lucy M 118 Johnston, Samuel C 99 Johnston, William W 201 Johnstone, Allan P 155 Johnstone, Balfour 118 Johnstone, Mrs. Ernest M 182 Johonnott, Edwin S., Jr., Ph.D 21 Joice, Clyde M 221 Jokisch, Harry J 135 *Jonas, Emma C 118 Jonas, Johannes B. E., Ph.D 16 Jone, Hugo 105 Jones, Albert L., Ph.M 73 Jones, Anna H 211 Jones, Anna S., A.M 83 Jones, Arthur T 118 Jones, Mrs. Arthur T 127 Jones, Bertrand L 192 Jones, Charles M., D.B 48 * Jones, Charles W., Ph.M 72 Jones, Eleanor L 107 Jones, Elizabeth S., Ph.M 67 Jones, Elizabeth V 232 Jones, Ella M 164 Jones, Ellis M." 63 Jones, Ernest E., S.M 73 Jones, Mrs. Ernest E 140 Jones, Flora T 182 Jones, Florence N., Ph.D 15 Jones, Florence R 118 Jones, Hayden E., Ph.D 11 Jones, Horry M 232 Jones, Jessie L., Ph.D 16, 142 Jones, Mrs. John D., Jr 180 Jones, Lander W., Ph.D 22 Jones, Mrs. Llewellyn C 182 Jones, Lois 201 * Jones, Louis C 95 Jones, Lynds, Ph.D 27 * Jones, Mahlon 97 *Jones, Mary E 135 Jones, Mrs. Philip C 229 Jones, Robert Y 155 Jones, Roberta 211 Jones, Roger M., Ph.D 14 Jones, Rosemary L 156 Jones, Sarah J 221 Jones, Sylvester, D.B 60 Jones, Una M 182 Jones, Walter R 192 Jones, Wellington D 182 Jones, Mrs. Wellington D 191 Jones, William E., J.D 44 Jones, William H., D.B 58, 122 Jones, Mrs. William K 136 Jong, Peter C. de 142 Jonnson, Thomas A 192 Jophes, Clara B 182 Joralman, Louis B 103 * Jordan, Andrew L., D.B 47, 97 *Jordan, Arthur W., D.B 52 Jordan, Carol L 149 Jordan, Charles B 182 Jordan, Edward F., D.B 52 Jordan, Elijah, Ph.D 4 Jordan, Herbert E., Ph.D 19 Jordan, Herbert R . . . 110 Jordan, Orvis F., D.B 62 Joseph, Corydon S 135 Joseph, Don J : i49 Joyner, Mrs. Henry A 148 Judd, Caroline L 156 Judd, Robert L 46 Judson, Eugene F., D.B 59 Judson, Mrs. Lemuel B 135 Judson, Myrtle E 172 Judson, Paul K 201 Juel, Marie E 232 Just, Lulu L 149 Kaar, Alfred C 149 Kadesch, William H., Ph.M 83 Kahl, Frances A 232 Kahn, Fred S 192 Kalamatiano, Xenophon de B 142 Kalmbach, John E 156 Kammerling, Edith 202 Kammerman, Moses H . . . 232 Kane, Theodosia 110 Kantrowitz, Alice W 221 Kaplan, Morris S 232 Karasek, Matthew 149 Karmsen, Zelma 232 Karnopp, Esther M 202 *Karpen, Julius 156 Karslake, Mrs. William J 126 Karsten, Eleanor G 211 Kasai, George J 232 Kasson, Alice P., A.M 89 Kassulker, Walter S 222 Katakura, Tojiro 202 Katataye, Komataro, D.B 61, 192 Kato, Katsuji, Ph.D 36, 62, 83 Kauflman, Jesse R 156 Kauffman, Lois B 182 Kaufman, Gustav L 164 Kaufmann, Agness J 142, 156 Kawin, Ethel 211 Kawin, Irene 192 Kay, Fred H 172 Alphabetical Index 371 Kay, Madge 192 Kayton, Harold 222 Keating, Frances P 212 Keay, Edith 122 Keefe, Howard M 232 Keehn, Roy D., J.D 37, 135 Keeler, Clifton M 222 Keeley, William M 45 Keen, Harold F 202 *Keen, Wiliam B., Jr 96 Keenan, Elizabeth A 222 Keeton, Robert W 172 Keidel, Mrs. Heinrich C 142 Keirstead, Wilfred C., Ph.D 35 Keith, Arthur L., Ph.D 13 *Keith, Eleanor M 103 Keith, Lucy E 135 Kellar, Herbert A 192 Keller, Paul G. W 127 Keller, William F 45 Kellerman, Ivy,Ph.D 12 Kelley, Dorothea H 172 Kelley, Isabelle 182 Kelley, John H 114 Kelley, Robert L., D.B 61 Kellogg, Anne A 142 Kellogg, Edith S 107 Kellogg, Eloise 202 Kellogg, Erma M 222 Kellogg, Marie L 192 Kellogg, Marion R 164 Kellogg, Ruth M 192 Kells, Mabel A 122 Kelsey, William I., D.B 58 Kelso, Inez F., A.M 92 Kelso, Winifred M 182 Kelly, Alfred C, D.B 51 Kelly, Alfred C, Jr 232 Kelly, Catherine M 164 Kelly, Frederick T., Ph.D 11 Kelly, Hazel D 182 Kelly, Mrs. John D 154 Kelly, John F., S.M 86, 164 Kelly, Raymond R 156 Kelly, Robert L., Ph.M 68 Kelly, Sister Mary J., S.M 83, 192 Kemp, Nelle M 164 Kemper, Clarence W., D.B 62, 86 Kendall, Helen A 183 Kendrick, Agnes J 183 Kendrick, Mrs. Antonie K 142 Kennan, Ralph R., A.M 78, 172 Kennedy, Charles F 164 Kennedy, Dean M 192 Kennedy, Francis W., D.B 59 Kennedy, Jeannette 107 ♦Kennedy, Julia E 135 Kennedy, Lois 222 Kennedy, Mary J., Ph.D 14-, 149 Kennedy, Mrs. Walter S 132 Kenney, Mary 202 Kennicott, David R 156 Kennicott, Donald A 142 Kennicott, Mrs. Donald A 151 Kennicott, Hiram L 232 Kent, Alfred R.G., J.D 38, 164 Kenyon, John S., A.M 70 Kephart, Waunetah B 183 Kerby, Sister Margaret 232 Kern, Mrs. F. L Ill Kern, Herman R 212 *Kern, Paul O., Ph.D 16 Kern, Penelope V. B 127 *Kern, William C 114 Kerner, Robert J., A.M 80, 183 Kerr, Luella M 107 Kerr, William R., Jr 142 Kerr, Mrs. William R 133 Kerwin, Edward M 164 Ketcham, Florence L . . . 192 Ketcham, Lilla M., A.M . *. 78 Ketcham, Virginia H 192 Ketman, Tony L 64 Key, Mrs. F. B., Ph.D 27 Keyes, Mrs. Charles R 161 Keyes, Victor E., J.D 38 Kibbey, Adelaide S 183 Kidder, Harriet L., A.M 83 Kidder, Mary A 202 Kidwell, Lola M., A.M 86 Kiedaisch, Marie M 156 Kiefer, Richard J., A.M 80 Kiely, Katherine J. V 164 Kierstead, William G 212 Kildahl, Nielsine J., Ph.D 32 Kilgore, Sherman N 164 Killie, Guy E 164 Killips, Everett B., D.B 60, 142 Kimmel, Herbert, Ph.M 80 King, Alfred J 232 King, Elizabeth M 127 King, Emma C, A.M 92, 222 King, Francis M 232 King, Irving, Ph.D 3 King, Joseph W 172 King, Lorena C. V 142 King, Margaret A 212 *King, Walter S., Ph.M 72 Kinnaman, Mrs. Guy C 169 Kinney, Edwin B., D.B 55 *Kinney, George E 142 Kinney, Hallie N 202 Kinney, Harriet M 135 Kinney, Lyell C 156 Kinney, Oliver B., D.B 50 Kinsey, Mrs. John 138 Kinsley, Harry G., J.D 44 Kipp, Albrecht R. C, J.D 39 Kirk, Edwin G., Ph.D 28, 135 Kirkland, Amelia E 173 372 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Kirkland, Robert M 118 Kirkpatrick, William W., J.D 38 Kirtland, Richmond H., A.M 80 Kirtley, Charles A 156 Kirtley, Howard P 123 Kirtley, Luther L 142 Kissling, Robert C, Ph.D 14 Kite, Don C, A.M 83 Kite, George L., Ph.D 33, 183 Kixmiller, William J.D 41, 192 Kjellin, John A., D.B 58 Klages, Anna L 222 Klauber, Charles 118 Kleiminger, Adelaide 202 Klein, Leo, J.D 37, 135 Klein, Sidney, S.M 70, 135 Klenze, Mrs. Camillo von, Ph.D. . . 16, 121 Kline, Edna A 183 Kline, Eugene F 46 Kine, Frank J . . . 96 Klingenhagen, Anna M., Ph.M 83 Klingensmith, Annie 222 Klink, Jane S., Ph.M 70 Klock, Martha F 110 Knapp, Mrs. Newton B 232 Knepper, Ida M 192 Knickerbocker, Audra W 202 Knight, Addie L . . . 156 Knight, Alice A 118 Knight, Lee 1 202 Knight, Mary E 222 Knott, Thomas A., Ph.D 18 Knowles, Eloise, A.M 83 Knowles, Kate L 202 Knowlton, Ansel A., Ph.D 22 Knowlton, Mrs. H. B 204 Knowlton, James A., J.D 41 Knowlton, Mrs. James A 212 Knox, Louis, S.M 78 Knudsen, Grace W 164 Knudson, Bennett O 222 Koblens, Irma 222 Koblitz, Mrs. Milton S 155 Koch, Aurelia 135 Koch, Fred C, Ph.D 29 Koch, Mathilde L., S.M 89, 202 Kodjbanofl, Sophie G., A.M 86 Koehne, Leona E 222 Koepke, Frank O 183 Koerper, Herman W. J 202 Koppius, Otto 232 Kofmehl, William J 202 Kohler, Anna P 192 Kohlsaat, Edith M 123 Kohlsaat, Edward C 135 Kohlsaat, Ernest W., Jr 135 Kohlsaat, Philemon B 105 Kohn, Mrs. Jack S 225 Kolb, John H., A.M 92 Kolkow, Charles R. von 173 Koll, Irvin S 156 Koller, Armin H., Ph.D 17 Korns, John H 164 Korten, Josephine R 142 Kracher, Francis W., Ph.D 17 Krackowizer, Alice M 164 Krai, Bohumil 183 Kramer, Alvin F 202 Kramer, Gustavus A., J.D 43 Krauser, William H 222 Krebs, Matilda 135 Krehbiel, Edward B., Ph.D 8 Kretzinger, Clara J 135 Kretzinger, George W 127 Kreuger, Jean 222 Kribs, Olive 232 Kringel, Mary L., A.M 76 Kroesch, Samuel, Ph.D 16 Krogen, Inez Z 212 Kron, Edna H 233 Krost, Gerard N 222 Krueger, Nathan L 173 Kruger, Ada R 222 Kruse, William H 103 Krusemark, Fred A 46 Kuechenmeister, Martha M 222 Kueffner, Louise M., Ph.D 16 Kuehne, Gertrude H 164 Kuehne, John M., Ph.D 22 Kuh, Dorothy 192 Kuh, George E 233 Kuh, William H 212 Kuhn, Thomas H., D.B 59 Kuhne, Julius W., A.M 74 Kuhns, Ralph H 212 Kuiper, Bernard K 142 Kuiper, Herman 202 Kuiper, Rienk B 173 Kulp, Victor H., J.D 40, 156 Kiimmel, Henry B., Ph.D 25 Kuns, George D., D.B 60 Kunkle, Edward C, D.B 57 Kurtz, Frank, D.B 55 Kurtz, Mrs. Charles J 109 Kurtz, Lillian E 222 Kuring, Adolf 233 Kutchin, Victor S., J.D 38, 149 Kuyper, Jennie M 127 Kyle, James W., A.M 68 Kyrk, Hazel 202 Lacey, Amelia E 128 Lachman, Josiah K 202 Lachmund, Alice 128 Lackersteen, Virginia W 128 Lackey, Henry W 45 Lackner, Edgar C 110 Lackner, Josephine 135, 173 Lackner, Julius E 173 Lacy, Etta M 183 Alphabetical Index 373 LaDuc, Clifford L 233 Lagergren, Anna C 202 Lagergren, Gustaf P 183 Lagergren, Siegrid A 142 Laiblin, Martha P 212 Laing, Mrs. Margaret D 222 Laird, Delbert H 193 Lake, Albert E., J.D 37 Lake, Elisah M., D.B 55 Lake, Gleason C, S.M 92 Lakin, Mary N 118 *Lamar, Clyde P., Ph.M 76 Lamay, John 105 Lamb, Francis P. S., D.B 51 Lamb, Marie A 142 Lamb, Ruby L., A.M 80 Lambach, Carl H., J.D 43, 193 Lamberson, Laura B 149 Lambert, Lillian V., Ph.M 75, 105 *Lambertson, Genio M 97 *Lamborn, William H 222 Lammert, Mrs. C. Roy 212 Lamont, Caroline C 149 La Motte, Frank A., S.M 68 Lampadius, Johannes G. H., A.M. . . 72 Lampl, Henry, J.D 38, 149 Lancaster, Jetta 173 Land, William J. G., Ph.D 31, 142 Landers, Martha E 142 Landis, Edward B., A.M 70 Lane, Mrs. Francis H 179 Lane, Mrs. Henry H 155 Lane, James A 233 Lane, Jeannette B 183 Lane, Lilian M 156 Lane, Michael A 183 Lane, Ruth W., A.M 70 Lane, William K 63 Lang, Bertha 183 *Langan, Helen M 193 Langellier, Roxane E 135 Langhorst, Arthur L 233 Langlans, James 99 Lanier, Mary J 202 Lanning, Elmer A 173 *Lansing, Fowler E 99 Lansingh, Van Rensselaer 107 Larew, Gillie A., A.M 89 Larkin, Manuel, Ph.M 86 Larkin, Thomas J 142 Larned, Frances J 149 Larrabee, Louise G 164 Larson, Elfreda M. K 183 Larson, James H 173 Lassfolk, Louise 193 Latchem, Raymond L 193 Latham, Edith M. Holbrook 173 Latham, Harris L., A.M 83 Latham, Harry O 202 Lathe, Agnes M., A.M 65 Latimer, Faith 156 La Tourette, Florence, A.M 67, 114 *La Tourette, Pauline 114 Latter, Cameron T 233 Laube, William C, A.M 92 Lauer, Charles F., J.D 42, 202 Laufman, Florence L 183 Launer, June G 183 Lauren, Anna E 183 LaVenture, Anna B 202 Lavers, Enoch C 156 Lavery, Maud E 149 Lavery, Urban A., J.D 41 Law, Charles H., A.M 92 Lawler, Joseph B 233 Lawrence, Mrs. Frank V 115 Lawrence, Harold G 183 Lawrence, Mrs. John J. R 194 Lawrie, James W., Ph.D 23, 149 Lawson, Anstruther A., Ph.D 30 Lawson, Florence M 202 Lawton, Edith C 164 Layton, Lida M. (Mrs. J. E) 183 Lazarus, Mrs. Simon 188 Lazelle, Abigail C 202 Lea, Mabel E 183 Leach, Acelia M 212 Leacock, Stephen B., Ph.D 6 Leadbetter, Cora 164 Leaf, Carl E 156 Learned, Henry B., A.M 65 Leary, William H., J.D 39 LeClaire, Bernice 212 Lederer, Charles 114 LeDuc, Alma de L 118 Lee, Alice F 212 Lee, Elon N 96 Lee, Mrs. John H 119 Lee, John Y 173 Lee, Judson F., Ph.D 9 Lee, Katherine 128 Lee, Mary H., A.M 92 Lee, Mary M 164 Lee, Oliver J., Ph.D 21, 89 Lee, Mrs. Wallace W 188 Leech, Archie W 173 Leech, Lillian J 118 Leech, Paul N., S.M 89 Leekley, Charlotte 156 Leemon, Harry C, J.D 38, 135 Leete, Herbert N 142 Leffingwell, Clarence C 135 LefHngwell, Mrs. Clarence C 132 Leggett, Ruth E 202 Legler, Ellis P., J.D 42 Lehmann, Mrs. Charles W 119 Lehmer, Derrick N., Ph.D 19 Leigh, Fountain P 193 *Leighton, Hugh G 123 Leiser, Joseph 105 374 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Leland, Charles P 149 Leland, Daniel H 63 Leland, Darius R 102 Leland, Hector C, D.B 49, 102 Leland, Robert C 173 Leman, Edwin D 233 Lemon, Charles A., D.B 56 Lemon, Harvey B., Ph.D 22, 86, 164 Lemon, James G 156 Lenington, Nellie B 114 Lennes, Gertrude 183 Lennes, Nels J., Ph.D 19, 72, 114 *Lennes, Mrs. Nels J 179 Leonard, Mary A 149 Leonard, Mary K., A.M 92 Leonard, Mrs. William E 129 Lepham, Stella 149 Lermit, Geraldine, Ph.M 76 Lesem, Josephine 193 Lesem, Rebekah 233 Lesemann, Frederick J 164 Leslie, Clara A 156 Leslie, Robert E., Jr., D.B 47, 96 Lester, Mrs. Catherine P 185 Lester, Irwin 118 Lester, Minne 118 LeStourgeon, Flora E., A.M 92 Levens, Lora 135 *Levenson, Louis F 164 Levering, Frank H 98 Levinger, Lee J 193 Levinson, Mrs. Abraham 194 Levinson, David, J.D 43, 222 Levinson, Samuel N 212 Levitan, Moses, J.D 44, 212 Leviton, Charles, J.D 42, 193 Leviton, Max B 183 Levy, Mrs. Emile 145 Levy, Sylvanus G 135 Lewinsky, Philip 202 Lewinsohn, Joseph L., J.D 38, 156 Lewis, Albert B 103 Lewis, Anna H., A.M 92, 212 Lewis, Blanche M 149 Lewis, Mrs. Edward R 199 Lewis, Edwin H., Ph.D 17 Lewis, Frank G., Ph.D 34, 75 Lewis, Grace R 135 Lewis, Hiram W 233 Lewis, John S., Jr 107 Lewis, Karl 233 Lewis, Leon L 233 Lewis, Leon P., J.D 37, 135 *Lewis, Marion M., D.B 53 Lewis, Mary C 105 Lewis, Mate H 233 Lewis, Susan W 105 Lewis, Viola C 212 Lewis, Walter G., S.M 92 Lewis, Webster J 212 Lewis, Winford L., Ph.D 24 Lewy, Mrs. Alfred 125 Leydig, Ida F., Ph.M 86 Libby, George N 123 Lienau, Oscar P 156 Light, Uriah L 233 Lightbody, James D 222 Lightbody, Mrs. James D 166 Lightfoot, Ella 1 222 Lightfoot, Ota P., J.D 37, 142 Lightner, DeWitt B., J.D 42, 193 Lillie, Frank R., Ph.D 26 Lillie, Ralph S., Ph.D 27 LiUy, Mary J 202 Lincoln, Grace B 135 Lincoln, Mary C 128 Linden, John M., D.B 59 Lindemann, L.C 45 Linderholm, Ernest A., J.D 41 Lindholm, Lillie M 156 Lindley, Fred E 46 Lindley, Harold F., J.D 43, 212 Lindquist, Mrs. Martin T 187 Lindquist, Theodore, Ph.D 20 Lindsay, George H 212 Lindsay, James P 101 Lindsay, Sarah F 123 Lindstrom, Emil 63 Lines, Louise S 193 Lingenfelter, Mrs. Edward A 132 Linginbuhl, Christian B 222 Lingham, Grace E 202 Link, George K. K 202 Linkenhoker, Maude B., A.M 89, 212 Lingle, Bowman C 110 Lingle, David J 102 Lingle, Elizabeth H 123 Lingle, Samuel E 193 Linn, James W 110 *Linne, Andrew A., D.B 48 *Linscott, Henry F., Ph.D 12 Linsley, Robert M 173 Linsley, Willis H 128 Linthicum, Porter H 173 Lipman, Maurice C 142 Lippincott, Eugene T., J.D 38, 164 Lippincott, Isaac, Ph.D 7 Lipsky, Harry A 107 Lister, John T 233 Lister, Mrs. John T 124 Little, Clara L 183 Liver, John I., J.D 39 Livingston, Alfred, J.D 37 Livingston, Burton E., Ph.D 30 Livingston, Mrs. Burton E 135 Livingston, Irvin I., J.D 39 Livingston, Katherine A 107 Lloyd, Oscar C, Ph.M 86 Lloyd, Stewart J., Ph.D 24 Lloyd, Wells B 222 Alphabetical Index 375 Lo, Pan Hui, J.D 42, 86 Lobb, Albert J 193 *Lockhart, Eloise 183 Lockhart, George E., D.B 62, 92 Lockhart, Mrs. George E 187 Lockhart, William S., A.M 78 Lockwood, Clarence H 64 Lockwood, Stephanie V. (Mrs. Lester B.) 1S3 Locy, William A., Ph.D 26 Lodge, Mabel J 193 Loeb, Hedwig (Mrs. Clarence) 142 Loeb, Leonard B 222 Loeb, Ludwig M 107 Loeb, Mrs. M 162 Loeb, Mildred S 233 Loesch, Angeline 114 Loewenstein, Gustave H 107 Loewenstein, Sidney 46 Lofberg, John O 164 Logan, Maria R., Ph.M 75 Logan, Mrs. William A 134 Logan, William C, A.M 66 Logan, William N., Ph.D 25 Logie, Alfred E 107 Logsdon, Mrs. Mayme 1 233 Long, Albert S 193 Long, Clarence C, A.M 86 Long, Delia J 156 Long, Esmond R 212 Long, Hargrave A 222 Long, Mary A 114 Long, Perry J., J.D 39, 173 Long, Sister Mary P 202 Long Victor F 222 Longenecker, Dora K 135 Longenecker, Gertrude, A.M 89, 222 Longfellow, Perry W., D.B 54 Longley, Joanna H 156 Longley, William R., Ph.D.. . .19, 73, 142 Lonn, Ella 123 Loomer, Archie S 193 Loomis, Lester T 193 Looney, Bell E 105 Loop, Carl R 128 Loose, Lyman T 183 Lord, Arthur E 156 Lord, George, D.B 55 Lord, Maurice F., J.D 43 Lorenz, Faun M 222 Loring, Julia E 143 Losey, Lewis L., Jr 123 Loth, Alan 233 Lough, Susan M., Ph.M 80, 173 Loughbridge, Mary W 118 Louthan, Henry T., A.M 89, 193 Love, Edith B 212 Love, Jean H 233 Love, Lura M 123 Love, Pearl 149 Lovejoy, Evelyn M. (Mrs. D. W.) . . . 110 Loveland, Helen S 164 Lovell, Mrs. Thomas J., A.M 94, 216 Loveridge, Blanche G., A.M 92, 143 Lovering, Nellie A., Ph.M 72, 135 Lovett, Emery O., D.B 53 Lovett, William P 118 Lovitt, William V., Ph.M 76 Lovewell, Frank S 173 Low, Rella M., A.M 80 Lowenthal, Ethel R 193 Lowenthal, Mrs. J. W 117 Lower, Mrs. Roy D 147 Loweth, Margaret 212 *Lowrey, Clara E 156 Lowrey, Mary L 164 Lowry, Russell 128 Lowthian, Mrs. T., Ph.M 74, 132 Lozier, Horace G 104 Lucas, Dasie D 143 Lucas, John G 222 Lucas, Madeleine D 173 Lucasse, Florence J 212 Lucey, Katherine L 202 Luck, Harry E., D.B 59 Luckhardt, Arno B., Ph.D. . . .29, 80, 164 Luckenbill, Daniel D., Ph.D 11 Ludwig, Hulda R 193 Luebke, William F., Ph.D 17 Luehring, Frederick W., Ph.M 76 Luehrs, Lillian H 202 Luehrs, Opal E 202 Lull, Sara L 164 Lumbard, Laone E 222 Lumbard, Marcus W 164 Lunde, Bjarne H 222 Lundeen, Romie E 233 Lunn, Arthur C, Ph.D 20, 68 Lurie, Harry J., J.D 37, 149 Lusk, Charles F 63 Lussky, George F 173 Lussky, Herbert O 193 Lutrell, Estelle 107 Lutz, Frank E., Ph.D 27, 69 Lybrand, Walter A., J.D 38, 135 *Lyding, Harrison A 183 Lyle, Edwin H., D.B 61, 80 Lyman, Grace 173 Lyman, Louise B 193 Lynch, Claire M 212 Lynch, Matthew J 143 Lynch, Samuel A., A.M 69 Lynde, Carleton J., Ph.D 21 Lynn, Clarence E 222 Lynn, Edith L 222 Lyon, Elias P., Ph.D 28 Lyon, Florence L 128 Lyon, Florence M., Ph.D 30, 114 Lyon, Leverett S 202 Lyon, Sanford A 173 376 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Lyon, Mrs. Sanford A 204 Lyon, Sidney, J.D 39 Lyons, Jessie M., A.M 76 Lyons, Marian C 149 Lyons, Mary 212 Lyons, Mary E 203 Mabee, Elsie 233 Mabie, Henry C, D.B 48, 96 Mabie, John S 95 Mabrey, Frederick D 173 Mabry, Thomas O., S.M 67 McAllister, Jennie R., A.M 80 McAlmon, Victoria M 222 Macarthur, John R., Ph.D 17 MacArthur, Nancy 173 McAvoy, Walter T 183 MacBride, Caroline L 164 McBride, Clarence A 173 McBride, Edward L 193 MacBride, Owen E 173 McBroom, Ralph A 128 McBurney, Maud 135 MacBurney, Thomas N 164 McCabe, James P., Jr., D.B 60 McCafferty, Lula 104 McCain, James R., A.M 89 McCaleb, Anna 123 McCaleb, Walter F., Ph.D 8 McCall, Ada V 222 McCallie, Margaret E 203 McCallie, Spencer J 149 McCallum, William B., Ph.D 31 McCampbell, Eugene F., Ph.D.. . .33, 173 McCann, Irving G., A.M 92 McCarey, Arthur J 203 McCarn, Davis G 222 McCarthy, Ida M 164 McCarthy, James R 173 McCarthy, June 183 McCaskell, Virgil E., Ph.D 27 McCaskill, Oliver L., J.D 38, 128 McCauley, Harry A., J.D 44, 233 McClain, Elmer 203 McClain, Edward 63 McClay, Samuel 101 McCleary, Thomas G 143 McCleery, Edna M., S.M 80 McClellan, Myrta L 233 MacClintock, Anna J 107 MacClintock, Lander 212 MacClintock, Mary L., Ph.M 69 MacClintock, Paul 222 MacClintock, Samuel, Ph.D 7, 107 McCloskey, Richard C 183 McCloud, Bertha B 149 McClure, Elizabeth W 164 *McClure, Robert S 123 McColloch, Charles C 193 McCollom, William J., D.B 52 McCollum, Mrs. G. T 110 McColm, Lilian C 173 McComb, Mildred R 164 McComb, William A 63 McConaughy, George M 99 McConnell, Elizabeth 203 McConnell, Grace 164 McConoughey, Artha M 233 McConoughey, Edward M., D.B .... 62 McCord, Benjamin F 128 McCord, Mrs. Joseph 168 McCord, Robert B., A.M 83 McCormack, Edna F 173 McCormick, Irene V 233 McCoy, Helen R 223 McCoy, Herbert N., Ph.D 23 McCoy, Lulu 156, 183 McCoy, Margaret 149 McCoy, Myrta B 223 McCoy, Susan 156 McCracken, Francis J 233 McCracken, Margaret E 223 McCracken, William, Ph.D 23 MacCracken, William P., Jr., J.D . .43, 193 McCrackin, Helen, A.M 70 McCulloch, Mrs. Jay S 160 McCulloch, Milan E., J.D 40 McCullough, Albert W., J.D 42 McCullough, Clifford P 233 McCully, Bruce, A.M 69 McCune, James H 123 McCurdy, Charles H 223 McCurdy, Raymond S 135 McDaniel, Marion R., A.M 83 McDaniels, George N., J.D 41 McDavid, Horace W., J.D 42 McDermott, George T., J.D 41, 183 McDonald, James H 98 McDonald, Jane 223 McDonald, John H., Ph.D 19 McDonald, Julius F., A.M 83 MacDonald, Kate H 203 MacDonald, Laura A., A.M 75 MacDonald, Laura E 203 MacDonald, Lew, J.D 44, 223 McDonald, Mark A 193 McDonald, Shirley S 156 MacDonald, Stewart L 223 MacDonald, Torrance H 173 McDonnell, Susan J 223 McDowell, Mrs. Irving 137 McDowell, William J 143 MacDougaU, George, D.B 59, 114 Mace, Mona 1 149 *McEachron, Julia P 143 McElroy, Abigail C 233 McElroy, Charles F., A.M 75 McElroy, Georgia P., A.M 92, 223 McElroy, Mary R 173 McEvoy, Marie P 149 Alphabetical Index 377 McEwen, Allan, D.B 55 McFarland, Allen P., J.D 42, 212 McFarland, Elizabeth M 183 McFarland, Emma M 149 McFarland, Fletcher O 183 McFarlane, Charlotte M 165 McGavock, Martha P., A.M 86, 135 McGee, Clyde, D.B 59 McGee, Harry L 114 McGee, James, D.B 61 McGeorge, Verne A., J.D 40, 143 *McGhie, Robert L., A.M 73 McGill, Arthur C, J.D 42 McGill, Harry A 143 McGill, Mrs. Harry A 190 McGillen, Elizabeth A 233 McGillivray, Donald H 64 McGimsie, Pearl R 223 McGinley, William, J.D 38 McGlashan, Duncan S 63 McGrath, Madeline A 233 MacGregor, Daniel R., D.B 52 McGuane, Francis X 165 McGugin, Winifred 156 McGuigan, Hugh, Ph.D 29 McGuire, M. Ella 128 McHenry, George, J.D 38, 149 McHenry, Martin J., S.M 92 MacHenry, Ruth J 203 McHugh, Rose J 156 McHugh, Sister Antonia, Ph.M . . .83, 193 Mcllrath, George D., J.D 41 Macintosh, Douglas C, Ph.D 35 Mcintosh, John S., Ph.D 15 Mclntyre, Christena 223 Mclntyre, Isabella A 173 Mclntyre, Moses D 114 McKay, Robert E., A.M 83, 173 McKeag, James, J.D 38 McKean, Sarah J 223 McKee, Helen E 183 McKee, Howard H., S.M 89, 212 McKee, Ralph H., Ph.D 23 McKee, William P., D.B 52 McKee, Mrs. William P 130 McKeever, William A., Ph.M 73 McKellar, Harry R 165 MacKellar, Jean E., Ph.M 78 McKenna, Charles M 165 McKenzie, Minnie E 165 McKey, Frank M 149 McKibben, Ernest C 128 McKibben, George F., Ph.D 15, 50 McKibben, Grace J 156 McKibben, Irene M 156 McKibben, Paul S., Ph.D 28 McKibbin, George B., J.D 44 McKie, Essie V., S.M 89 McKie, John F., S.M 86 McKinley, Albert E 107 McKinney, Isabel 128 McKinney, Jessie B 173 McKinney, Thomas E., Ph.D 19 MacKinnon, Jean G., A.M 92 McKirahan, Josiah R 135 Macklin, Mary E 173 McKnight, Robert J. G., Ph.D 12 McKown, James E 165 McLane, Howard B 233 McLaughlin, Dix B 165 McLaughlin, Lulu E 233 McLaughlin, Margaret, A.M 75 McLaughlin, Margaret L 233 McLaury, Anna, Ph.M 75 McLaury, Walker G 143 McLean, Annie M., Ph.D 9, 66 McLean, Edwin P 223 Maclean, Elizabeth 203 McLean, Franklin C, S.M 92, 183 MacLean, Ida M 1 10 McLean, James A 128 McLean, John H., D.B 62, 80 MacLean, Robert A., Ph.D 14 McLean, Simon J., Ph.D 6 McLean, Thomas G., D.B 47 Maclear, Ethel M 212 Maclear, John F., A.M 72, 143 McLearie, John, A.M 75 McLeish, Bruce 143 MacLennan, John W., A.M 89 MacLennan, Simon F., Ph.D 3 McLeod, Andrew F., Ph.D 24, 149 MacLeod, Warren H., D.B 61 McMahon, Agnes E 193 McMahon, Michael 193 McManis, Charles A., D.B 49 McManis, John T., Ph.D 5 McMann, Charles F., D.B 58 McMillan, Daniel P., Ph.D 3 McMillan, William D., Ph.D 21, 75 McMillen, Charles R 149 McMillen, Floy R 223 McMullin, Jennie W . . . . ~. 183 McMurphy, Susannah J., Ph.M 77 McMurray, Mrs. George 166 McMurty, Tillman E 123 McNair, Frank 143 McNally, Eva 143 McNally, Joseph V 174 MacNaul, Willard C, D.B 55 McNeal, Edgar H., Ph.D 8, 110 MacNeal, Rose, Ph.M 67 MacNeill, Harris L., Ph.D 34 MacNeille, Clarence T 174 MacNeille, Mrs. Perry R 118 MacNeish, Agnes B 149 MacNeish, Ellen 1 212 MacNeish, Harris F., Ph.D 20, 72, 135 MacNeish, John W 212 McNiff, Mary K 223 378 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago McNutt, Wade, S.M 89, 212 Macomber, Charles C Ill McPartlin, Wilfred K 184 Macpherson, Hector, Ph.D 10, 80 Macpherson, Mrs. Hector 181 McPherson, William, Ph.D 23 ♦McQueen, Charles E 96 MacQuilkin, Nona 212 MacQuiston, Harvey M 135 McQuiston, Mabel 233 MacQuiston, Paul D 135 Macrae, Euphan W 128 McReynolds, Ralph 212 McWhorter, Golder L 212 McWilliams, Donald S 128 McWilliams, Hugh L 128 McWilliams, Mary E 107 McWilliams, Robert H., A.M 92 Madden, David D 45 Madden, Margaret T 212 Maddocks, Caroline S., A.M 66 Magaret, Melitta A 212 Magee, Helen D 233 Magee, James D., A.M 75 Magee, Jerome P 135 Magee, Wayland W 157 Magers, Samuel D., S.M 69 Maginness, Mary M 212 Magrady, Margaret A. V 223 Maguire, Olive 118 Mahon, Albert E 46 Maier, Moses 157 Maigs, Mrs. Boyd F 139 Maine, Helen C 233 Mallory, Mrs. H. P 109 Malloy, Dennis M 45 Malloy, Mary B. (Mrs. D. M) 184 *Malmsten, Andrew G 102 Malone, Mrs. John W 125 Mamer, Clio M 165 Manchester, Herbert 103 Mandeville, Maurice 136 Mandeville, Mrs. Maurice 132 Mandeville, Paul 118 Mangold, George B., A.M 70 Manley, Mrs. Edward 112 Mann, Albert Z., A.M 86 Mann, Clausine 118 Mann, Leonard L., D.B 61 Mann, Merton M 136 Mannhardt, Meta C 174 Manning, Curtiss R., J.D 37, 128 Manning, Florence L., S.M 83, 193 Manning, Grace E 128 Manning, Ralph C, J.D 37, 123 Manning, William R., Ph.D 8 Mansfield, Mrs. J. A., Ph.M 70 Manske, Amanda M 212 Manville, Helen P 174 Maple, Edgar D 45 Marchildon, John W 143 Marienburger, Ludwig J., A.M 70 Marine, Merle 150 Markham, Emma I., A.M 89 Markham, Mrs. Herbert T 182 Markheim, Harry, J.D 44, 213 Markle, Millard S., S.M 92 Markley, Edith W 174 Markowitz, Maurice 223 Marks, George S 184 Marks, Marguerite E 184 Marks, Mary E 203 Markus, Milton M 119 Marie, Mrs. Bertha H. von 171 Marot, Mary L 104 Marquis, Robert L., S.M 70 Marriot, Mrs. Victor E 154 Marsh, Arba J., D.B 56 Marsh, Arthur L., A.M 86 Marsh, Charles D., Ph.D 27 Marsh, George L., Ph.D 17, 67 Marsh, Hadleigh 193 Marsh, Hariette P 157 Marshall, Anna H 136 Marshall, Eugene J 184 Marshall, Frank C, D.B 53 Marshall, Mrs. John 141 Marshall, Richard B., D.B 57 Marshall, Mrs. William S 166 Martens, Elsebeth L 233 Martin, Alice S., Ph.M 83, 174 Martin, Anne H 203 Martin, Benjamin F 64 Martin, Mrs. Clara S 167 Martin, Edna L 157 Martin, Ernest W 123 Martin, Hazel L 223 Martin, Helen M 114 Martin, Henry W 96 Martin, Mrs. J. W 146 Martin, Loyal M., S.M 89, 213 Martin, Marie E 128 Martin, Mary 223 Martin, Murrey K., A.M 81 Martin, Vella V., A.M 89 Martin, William W 150 Martin, Winnifred 233 Martineau, Eugene B 233 Martinson, Emil M., D.B 56 Marvin, Campbell 223 Marvin, Harry C 157 Marvin, Mildred L 150 Marx, Nanna E 157 *Maryatt, Eugene K., D.B 52 Mason, Charles G 203 Mason, Curtis E 193 Mason, George C 64 Mason, Isaac P 203 Mason, Mary L 203 Massey, Mrs. Frederic 141 Alphabetical Index 379 Massey, Muriel A 119 *Massey, Stillman E 95 Masters, Joseph G 223 Masters, Mrs. Joseph G 167 Matheny, Edith F 157 Matheny, Elizabeth 1 174 Matheny, Martha B., A.M 68 Mather, Arlisle E 174 Mathers, George S 213 Mathes, Lena B. (Mrs. G. M.), A.M 86, 213 Mathews, Charles B 150 Mathews, Grace 203 Mathews, Mary E„ S.M 69, 128 Mathews, Robert E 174 Mathis, Marguerite 203 Matteson, William B., D.B 53 Matthews, Isaac G., Ph.D 33 Matthews, James L., D.B 50 Matthews, Jewett D., J.D 43 Matthews, William G 165 Matthews, William J., J.D 39 Matthews, William K., A.M 70 Matz, Evelyn Ill Matzinger, Philip F., A.M 89, 107 *Maulsby, David L., Ph.D 18 Maurer, Frederick H 233 Maxey, Edwin, Ph.M 68 Maxon, Mrs. Robins Y 109 Maxson, Ethel M 203 Maxwell, Charles T 203 Maxwell, Mrs. Lee W 160 Maxwell, Samuel S., Ph.D 28 May, Mark A 223 May, Oscar G 96 Mayall, Mary E 213 Mayall, Vada 165 Mayer, Edwin B., J.D 43 Mayer, Grace E 174 Mayer, Josephine E 203 Mayer, Katherine M 223 Mayer, Simon 165 Maynard, Mary D 107 Maywood, Mrs. George A 135 Mead, Albert D., Pfi.D 26 Mead, Annie M 136 Mead, Hugh S 128 Mead, Walter T 143 Meade, Mrs. Edward S 109 Meador, Lewis E 213 Meadows, Mrs. J. G 123 Meadows, William R 143 Meagher, James F., II 213 Mebane, William N., Ph.D 11, 55 Mecklenburger, Albert F., J.D 43 Mecum, Edwin W., D.B 56 Meek, Mary, Ph.M 78 Meek, Thomas J 150 Meek, Walter J., Ph.D 29 Meents, Mildred R 213 Mehl, Adele B., A.M 78 Mehl, Maurice G 213 Meier, Delbert W., J.D 38, 165 Meigs, Frances 223 Melka, Anna M 223 Mellick, Henry G., D.B 53 Mellinger, Herbert V 136 Melody, Genevieve, Ph.M 78, 143 Meloy, Robert B Ill *Melton, Benjamin B 128 Melton, George L., Ph.D 8, 136 Menaul, James A 223 Mendel, Annie W 203 Mendel, Herman, Jr 174 Mendel, Max L 157 Mendelsohn, Henry 174 Mendenhall, Alice H. (Mrs. Chester) . 223 Mendenhall, Mrs. William O 129 *Menke, Henry, D.B 59 Mentzer, John P 114 Mentzer, Mabel F 136 Menzies, Alan W. C, Ph.D 24 Menzies, Charles S 174 Mercer, William L 114 Mercill, Myrta E., S.M 93 Meredith, Evan B., D.B 50, 100 Mergentheim, Morton A., A.M.. . .68, 119 Merica, Francis M Ill MerreU, William D., Ph.D 30 *Merriam, Carryl C 97 Merriam, David S 234 Merriam, Mrs. Ned A 187 *Merriam, Nellie E 157 Merriam, Ralph 143 Merriam, Mrs. Ralph A., S.M 73, 147 Merriett, Jane G 203 Merrifield, Fred, D.B 57, 114 Merrifleld, Mrs. Fred 136 Merrifield, Roy W., D.B 60, 143 Merrill, Albert E 136 Merrill, Albert M 193 Merrill, Charlotte 203 Merrill, John W., A.M 89 Merrill, Melvin C, S.M 93 Merrill, Oscar E 184 Merrill, Thaddeus J 136 Merriman, Dorcas F 123 Merriman, Eugene D., Ph.M 86 Merritt, Albert N., Ph.D 6, 72 Merry, Elizabeth B 223 Mertz, Lucile 213 Merz, Martha M 223 Meseke, Frank B 223 Meservey, Clara A. (Mrs. E'. L) 143 Meservey, Everett L., D.B... .58, 73, 119 Messenger, Donna M 213 Messer, Mrs. Oliver L 183 Messick, Elizabeth Ill Metcalf , Frank W 143 Metcalf , Mrs. Frank A 133 380 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Metcalf, Guido C. S 114 Mets, James A 95 Metsker, Ella R 165 Metzinger, Leon 184 Meyer, Adeline 174 Meyer, Daisy M 157 Meyer, Elise L 157 Meyer, John J., Ph.D 12 Meyer, Michael 1 184 Meyer, Shelly R 223 Meyers, Ira B 203 Michelson, Mrs. Albert A 115 Michod, Mrs. Charles L 184 Middleton, Thomas C, A.M 83, 184 Miedema, William, A.M 72 Mierswa, Meta 174 Miladofsky, Emily 128 Milam, Ada E 193 Milam, Ava B., A.M 86, 203 Milam, Nellie 223 Miles, Dudley H., A.M 78 Miles, Edwin R 46 Miles, Egbert J., Ph.D 20 Miles, Lou E 193 Miles, Mary D 128 Miles, Mrs. R. 135, 173 *Miles, William H 100 Milford, Dorothy, A.M 93 Millar, Prank E 136 Miller, Ada J 157 Miller, Agnes R 157 Miller, Alice N 193 Miller, Anna E 119 Miller, Bertha A., A.M 93 Miller, Catherine A 143 Miller, Clara 174 Miller, Dorothy C 213 Miller, Mrs. Earl E 163 MiUer, Edward A., A.M 75 MiUer, Edward H 234 Miller, Elsie P 123 Miller, Emma M 223 Miller, Ernest W 157 Miller, Florence D 136 Miller, George J., S.M 81, 184 Miller, Mrs. Harold A 184 Miller, Harry A 157 Miller, Helen D 174 Miller, Henry C, D.B 57 Miller, Hilda 223 Miller, Irving E., Ph.D 3, 71 Miller, James A., J.D 44, 213 Miller, Mrs. James B 192 Miller, James P 123 Miller, John A., Ph.D 18 Milier, Kate B 136 Miller, Marinda W 193 MiUer, Marjorie M 234 Miller, Mary A., A.M 89, 213 Miller, Mary S 119 Miller, Maude M 223 Miller, Merton L., Ph.D 9 Miller, Nancy M 150 Miller, Nathan B., Jr 213 Miller, Richard C 203 Miller, Rue M 157 Miller, Ruth T 184 Miller, Sylvia A 213 Miller, Thomas S 193 Miller, Walter R 223 Milier, William E 119 Miller, William G. S 157 Miller, Winifred P 234 Millerd, Clara E., Ph.D 13 Milligan, Mrs. Edward W 165 Milligan, Henry P 104 Millikan, Mrs. Robert A 121 Milliken, Mrs. Carl S., A.M 67, 114 Millis, Harry A., Ph.D 6 Millis, Violet 157 Milne, Marion W 174 Milner, Else E 184 Milner, Robert S 46 Mills, Florence H 184 Mills, Grace 184 Mills, John 128 Mills, John F., D.B 55 Mills, John M 143 Mills, Joseph C 150 Mills, Mary 136 Mills, Nellie E ' 203 Mills, Ward M 128 Minard, Archibald E., D.B 59 Minard, Frederick H 107 Minear, Lloyd V., J.D 44 Miner, Carl S 143 Miner, Elizabeth 174 Miner, Joel A 96 Miner, Mrs. Joseph A 189 Mines, Lucy T 150 Minnick, Arthur Ill Minnick, Mrs. John D 104 Misener, Geneva, Ph.D 13 Mitchell, Amory R 143 Mitchell, Arthur E., J.D 41 Mitchell, Mrs. Frank A 190 Mitchell, Harley B 99 Mitchell, James H 184 Mitchell, Margaret J 213 Mitchell, Robert M 143 Mitchell, Samuel C, Ph.D 7 Mitchell, Mrs. Walter G 161 Mitchell, Wesley C, Ph.D 6, 107 Mitchnick, Meyer 174 Mitchnick, Mrs. Meyer 191 Mix, Ella E 213 Mix, Robert R., J.D 41, 184 Mock, Harry E 150 Mode, Rowland H., Ph.D 12 Moenkhaus, William J., Ph.D 27 Alphabetical Index 381 Moffatt, James S 223 Moffatt, William E 107 Moffett, Anna E 234 Moffett, Mrs. Elbert 160 Monasewitz, Arthur S 234 Moncrieff, William P., Sr., Ph.D.. . .3, 67 Mongold, William C, A.M 89 Monroe, Paul, Ph.D 9 Monsch, Genevieve A 143 Monsch, Helen 193 Montague, Altha E 213 Montgomery, Anna M 184 Montgomery, Charles E 234 Montgomery, Cornelia A., A.M 89 Montgomery, Etta L 203 Montgomery, Prances 174 Moodie, Roy L., Ph.D 30 Moody, Adelbert M 184 Moody, Howard W., Ph.D 22 Moody, Oma M 194 Moody, Mrs. R. O., Ph.D 26 Moon, Elizabeth L., Ph.D 11 Moon, Seymour E., D.B 59 *Mooney, Clara L 119 Moore, Addison W., Ph.D 3 Moore, Anne, Ph.D 29 Moore, Annie P 119 Moore, Bertha E 143 Moore, Beveridge H 203 Moore, Caroline S Ill Moore, Charles W 150 Moore, Mrs. Cloyd 124 Moore, David R., Ph.D 9 Moore, Edith 184 Moore, Edward J., Ph.D 22 Moore, Elbert L 203 Moore, Elizabeth, Ph.M 69 Moore, Elwood S., Ph.D 26 Moore, Ernest C, Ph.D 5 Moore, Georgia M 223 Moore, Gordon B 119 Moore, Helen A 150 Moore, John A., A.M 71 Moore, John C, Ph.D 24 Moore, John C, J.D 38 Moore, John H 107 Moore, Mary A 136 Moore, Mary C 123 Moore, Mary E 184 Moore, Minnie E 184 Moore, Nadine 213 Moore, Penn E., D.B 51 Moore, Richard B Ill Moore, Robert L., Ph.D 19 Moore, Rose-Marie 223 Moore, Ruth E 136 Moore, Stella 157 Moore, William C, Ph.D 24 Moorhead, Maxwell K 157 Moran, Anna P 174 Moran, Katharine M 157 Moran, Mary E 150 Moran, Thomas W 105 Mordhurst, Mrs. Henry W 159 More, James H 234 Morehouse, Daniel W 143 Morehouse, Lenerl P 174 Morehouse, Lewis C, D.B 49 Morey, Charles P 100 Morey, Henry H., J.D 38 Morgan, Alfred R., D.B 62, 93 Morgan, Mrs. Arthur I., S.M 74,154 Morgan, Doris 194 Morgan, Edwin 104 *Morgan, Freeman E., D.B 49 Morgan, Harry D 165 Morgan, Margaret 128 Morgan, Oscar T., Ph.D 11 Morgan, Porter H., J.D 38 Morgan, Stella W., Ph.M 83 Morgan, Walter P., Ph.M 81 Morgenthau, Maximilian, Jr 119 Moritz, Robert E., Ph.M 66 Morphy, George E., D.B 53 Morr, Arthur A 174 Morrill, Gulian L., D.B 50 Morrill, Kingman K 63 Morris, Mrs. Lila K 184 Morris, Thomas J., A.M 72 Morrison, Elsie 157 Morrison, Florence I., A.M 73, 136 Morrison, Mary 143 Morrison, Walter S 203 Morrow, Anna M 119 Morrow, McKeen F., J.D 43 Morrow, William R Ill Morse, Annie S., A.M 73, 123 Morse, Frederica L 213 Morse, Hazel L 224 Morse, William H 101 Mortimer, Theron W., D.B 57 Morton, Edward P., Ph.D 18 Morton, Mary R 184 Morwitz, Samuel M 194 Morwood, Hugh D., D.B 51 Mory, Ruthella B., Ph.M 68 Mosher, Daisy M 174 Mosher, George W 136 *Mosher, Roswell C, D.B 50 Mosiman, Eddison, A.M 83 Moss, Carolyn L Ill Moss, Charles S 96 Moss, Gurnie M 203 Mosser, Lloyd L 184 Mosser, Stacey C Ill Mostrom, Ali B 213 Mostrom, Henning T 224 Mott, Frank L 174 *Mott, Robins S 101 Moulds, John F 174 382 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Moulton, Elton J 184 Moulton, Forest R., Ph.D 20 Moulton, Harold G 174 *Mountain, Joseph, D.B 50, 98 Mountcastle, Grace A 224 Mountcastle, Robert M., J.D 43 Movitz, Lena R 194 Mowbray, Ralph H 174 Moxley, Paulina 114 Moyer, Vera L 213 Moynihan, Ella C 224 Moynihan, Mary J 184 Mueller, Charles E. R 96 Mueller, Emma D 136 Muenich, Max M., J.D 40, 184 Muenter, Erich 119 Muffley, Vara M 184 Mulder, Arnold, A.M 83 Mulder, Jacob D 234 Mulflnger, George A., Ph.D 16 Mulkey, Agnes D., A.M 75 Mulliner, Hurum L 46 Mulroney, Ellen C 224 Mulvane, Ralph P 157 Mumaw, Daniel W., J.D 43 Mumford, Eben, Ph.D 10 Mumford, Luella (Mrs. Eben) 203 Munden, Edward, A.M 90 Munger, Elizabeth 165 Munger, Mrs. G. H 115 Munroe, Jane 143 Munroe, Mrs. J. W 124 Munroe, Winifred 224 Munson, John M 224 Munson, John P., Ph.D 26 Murphy, Caroline M 150 Murphy, Eleanor E 157 Murphy, Ella J 194 Murphy, Harriet L 234 Murphy, Henry C 105 Murphy, Mary E 157 Murphy, Wallace C, A.M 93 Murphy, William A., J.D 38, 157 Murrah, Frank C 184 Murray, Charles H., D.B 56 Murray, Eben H 128 Murray, Grace G 143 Murray, Mabel F 213 Murray, Robert H 150 Murrell, Gertrude F." 184 Mustard, Harry J., S.M 90, 213 Mutterer, Frederick G 136 *Myattway, Arthur K., D.B 52 Myer, Arthur E., D.B 61, 194 Myers, Arthur E., A.M 90 Myers, Elmer H., D.B 59 Myers, George E., A.M 69 Myers, Grace L 136 Myers, John P., D.B 58 Myers, Richard E 234 Myers, Stella E 150 Myers, Walter R., Ph.D 16 Myhrman, David W 107 Nabours, Robert K., Ph.D 28, 157 Nakagawa, Kunisaburo, A.M 77 Nakamura, Yoshitaro, J.D 39 Natanson, Moe A., J.D. 44, 224 Nath, Kathryn 234 Naylor, Augustine F 128 Nead, George W., D.B 48, 97 Neal, Edith L 123 Nebeker, Horace G 45 Neef, Francis J. A 157 Neel, Carr B Ill Neel, Katherine L 150 *Nef , Mrs. John U 106 Neff, Isaac F., S.M 73 Nefl, Marietta W 174 Neff, Theodore L., Ph.D 15 Neher, Edwin M 143 Neighbor, Robert E 96 Neighbours, Owen J., Ph.M 86 Neilson, Charles H., Ph.D 29 Nelson, Aubrey P 136 Nelson, Bertram G 136 Nelson, Charles F 194 Nelson, Gertrude E 224 Nelson, Harold H 128 Nelson, Jean S 174 Nelson, Jessie L 114 Nelson, John E 128 Nelson, Joseph F., A.M 69 Nelson, Mathilda 165 Nelson, Nels L. T., Ph.D 30 Nelson, Roy B 129 Nelson, William A., D.B 53 Neptune, Carl 1 136 Neptune, Richard C 143 Nesbitt, NeUe, A.M 90 Nesmith, George T., D.B 58 Netherton, Claude O., J.D 41 Netherton, Thomas M 119 Neubauer, Eugene, D.B 61, 150 Neuhaus, Barinka C 165 Newberger, Charles 174 Newberger, Louis A 194 Newberry, Ruth, A.M 90, 213 Newcomb, Arthur F., A.M 86 Newcomb, George E 103 Newcomer, Jean, A.M 90 Newell, Marquis J 123 Newell, Mrs. William A 175 Newkirk, Cash A 143 Newlin, Thomas, Ph.M 73 Newman, Anna E., Ph.M 81, 184 Newman, Annie S 174 Newman, Harry B 123 Newman, Horatio H., Ph.D 27 Newman, Jacob 98 Alphabetical Index 383 Newman, Ward 174 Newson, Sidney C, A.M 68 Newton, Louada 165 Neyman, John W., D.B 53 Nichelson, Arthur M 234 Nichol, Eda B., A.M 78 Nicholas, Mary A 194 *Nicholes, Charles W 9S Nichols, Frederick D Ill Nichols, Fred R 224 Nichols, Harold W., S.M 83 Nichols, Josephine E 234 Nichols, Katherine A 184 Nicholson, Carrie 224 Nickell, Marie B., Ph.M 77, 128 *Nicoll, Mary R 203 Nieuwdorp, James 203 Niles, Sidney S 99 Nixon, Charles E 165 Nixon, Harmon A., D.B 49 Nixon, Helen M 234 Nixon, Martha A 234 Noa, Claribel 174 Noble, Mrs. F. P., A.M 66, 109 Noble, Jane F 105 Noble, Stuart G., A.M 86 *Noblett, Grace L 165 Noe, Adolf C. von, Ph.D 16, 129 Noll, Elizabeth M 119 Norcross, Katharine, S.M 90 Norcross, Sara E 136 Norden, Adolphe C 123 Nordlander, Eric J., D.B 55 Norlin, George, Ph.D 13 Norman, Oscar E 143 ♦Norman, Wesley W., Ph.D 29 Normington, Lora 203 Norris, Helen 174 North, Cecil C, Ph. D 10, 60 Northcott, James E 234 Northrop, Frank E., J.D 43 Northrop, Mrs. George T 161 Northrup, Alfred S 104 Northrup, Alice M 102 Northrup, George T., Ph.D 15 Northrup, Loraine R 234 Northup, Emanuel, D.B 51 Norton, Adda F Ill Norton, Elliott S 129 Norton, Frederick O., Ph.D 12 Norton, Grace P 184 Norton, John F., Ph.D 24 Norton, Louise C 194 Norton, Margaret C 234 Norton, Marietta 129 Norton, Strong V 165 Norton, Mrs. Strong V., Ph.D. . . .30, 114 Norwood, Joseph Ill Notley, George C 194 Nourse, Mary A 157 Nowak, Carl A 203 Nowak, Frances T 184 Nowell, Theodate C 175 Nowels, Auburn R 175 Noyes, Bessie A 184 Nugent, Myra J 194 Nuner, John F 224 Nunlist, Mrs. William A 139 Nunn, Annie 224 Nunn, George E 175 Nyberg, Joseph, A., S.M 86, 204 Oakey, Isabelle O 165 Obenchain, Jeannette B 165 Obenhaus, Hermann, A.M 90 Oberholtzer, Edison E 213 O'Brien, Charlotte L 224 O'Brien, Irene F. C 194 O'Brien, Laura E 129 O'Brien, Mary H 157 O'Brien, Nellie R 123 O'Connell, Bessie A 184 Octigan, Lauretta I .' 150 *Odell, Delevan D., D.B 52 Odell, Jean I 157 Odell, Lester E 150 Odell, Rena M., A.M 86 O'Donnell, Paul M., J.D 40, 184 O'Donnell, Susanna R 157 Oellig, Kathryn K., A.M 83 Oeschger, William, D.B 56, 105 Offutt, Samuel J 143 Ogden, Alma V 234 Ogden, Mary M 213 Oglevee, Jessie E 129 Oglevee, Nancy G 123 O'Grady, Agnes J 185 O'Hearn, Juliet 143 O'Hern, Thomas L 46 Ohlendorf, Clarence, S.M 83, 194 Ohrenstein, Eda D 123 Ohrenstein, LiUie G 194 Ohrenstein, Valerie D., Ph.M 77, 150 Okeson, Jane B 150 Oldberg, Mrs. Virgil 145 Oldershaw, Janet S 150 Oldham, Florence R 194 Olds, Rinaldo L., D.B 50, 99 Olds, William H., Jr., S.M 87, 204 Oldt, Wesley B., A.M 90 Oliver, Alfred S 136 Oliver, John, D.B 52 Oliver, Joseph D., Jr 234 Oliver, Margery M., A.M 93 Olmstead, Florence 224 Olsen, Esther A 185 Olsen, Rasmus P., D.B 54 Olson, Adolph J 157 Olson, Alma L., Ph.M 87 *01son, Edward, D.B 49, 98 384 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Olson, Holden M 123 Olson, Lydia M 175 O'Malley, Mary F 185 O'Neill, Arthur D 224 O'Neill, Mrs. William J 166 Opitz, Russell B., Ph.D 29, 71, 114 Oram, William G., D.B 56 Orchard, Francis M 204 *Orcutt, Alfred S., D.B 50 Orcutt, Emily R 213 Orear, Claude, A.M 83 Orr, James S 234 Orth, Mary C 204 Ortmayer, Marie G 165 Osborn, Agnes B 175 *Osborn, Clinton S., A.M 69 Osborn, Clyde E 165 Osborn, Loran D., Ph.D 35 Osborne, Cornelia S 119 Osborne, Sarah N 114 Osgood, Edith W 194 *Osgood, Ella M Ill Osgood, Henry D., D.B 51 Osgood, Lucy J 129 Osgood, William P., D.B 56, 105 *Osgood, William W 99 Oswald, Alma M 224 Otis, Charles T 98 Otsuka, Naotaro, D.B 60 Otten, Harry 204 Otty, Marianne G., A.M 90 Oury, Marie L 204 Outhouse, Fred M., J.D 39 Overhiser, Clara A 129 Overton, James B., Ph.D 30 Owen, Hugh A 185 Owen, Robert B 204 Owen, William B., Ph.D 13, 54 Owens, Frederick W., Ph.D 19 Owens, William A., A.M 87, 213 Oxnam, Nellie E 165 Ozanne, Herbert G., A.M 77 Ozanne, James R 157 Ozias, Christian M., J.D 43 Pace, Lula, Ph.D 31, 71 Pace, Mary A., Ph.M 69 Pace, Mrs. Roy B 123 Packard, Wales H., Ph.D 29 Packer, Anna S 105 Packer, Eli, D.B 53 Packer, Mortimer A 63 *Padan, Robert S., Ph.D 6 Paddock, Carolone B 123 *Paddock, Catherine D 114 Page, Cecil 114 Page, Harlan O 204 Pahlman, Ida M 144 Pain, Mary M 150 Paine, Gustavus S., Ph.M 81, 194 Paine, John C 165 Paine, Mrs. John C 181 Paine, Myra A 234 Paine, Norman C 234 Paine, Olive 234 Paisley, Lillie R 165 Paisley, Minnie M 123 Palm, Mrs. William M 159 Palmer, Antoinette 213 Palmer, Bessie H 165 Palmer, Mrs. Bruce 141 Palmer, Cecile M 165 Palmer, Hattie M 150 Palmer, John H., D.B 62 Palmer, Mary C 175 Palmer, Mrs. Normal 160 Palmer, Ray A 165 Palmer, Robert H., J.D 43 Palmquist, Elim A. E., D.B 59, 123 Paltridge, John C 136 Paltridge, Richard W 129 Paltzer, Charles W., J.D 40, 165 Paltzer, Katherine W 136 Pape, Charles C 194 Papot, Benedict 150 Paradise, Viola 1 185 Pardee, Ethel 119 Pardee, Mary B 119 ♦Parish, Charles O., A.M 66 Park, Elizabeth J 119 Parker, Achsa S., A.M 72 *Parker, Charles 95 Parker, Cola G., J.D 43, 213 Parker, Mrs. Edwin R 189 Parker, Eleanor O 165 Parker, Elizabeth M 185 Parker, Elsie G 185 Parker, Florence 123 Parker, Francis L., Jr., 129 Parker, Francis W., Jr 175 Parker, Mrs. Fred T 131 Parker, Helen M 213 Parker, Henry H., J.D 37, 144 Parker, Hortense C 157 Parker, Kate M 234 Parker, Laura M 136 Parker, Mabel L 129 Parker, Marguerite V 136 Parker, Marilla Z 119 Parker, Mortimer B 129 Parker, Mrs. Mortimer B 121 Parker, Norman S 213 *Parker, Wayne D 150 Parkins, Almon E 224 Parkins, Horace G 100 Parkman, Mary R 213 Parks, Francis S 150 Parks, William A 165 Parmenter, Clarence E 213 Parnkopf , Hattie M 234 Alphabetical Index 385 Parrett, Pearl 157 Parrette, Ella M 144 Parsons, Charles C 157 Parsons, Ernest W., Ph.D 34 Parsons, Eugene 102 Parsons, Everett J., D.B 58, 119 Parsons, Frederick F., D.B 58 Parsons, Morton, D.B 52 Parsons, Olive S 175 Parsons, Mrs. W. W 189 Parsons, William E 96 Paschal, George W., Ph.D 13 Patch, Albert E., D.B 59, 129 Paterson, Archibald, A.M 83 Patrick, Bower R., D.B 56 Patrick, Cordelia D 144 Patt, Benjamin F., D.B 49, 100 Patt, Mrs. Ralph 136 Pattengill, Bertha A 123 Pattengill, Robert W 144 Patterson, Alice J 234 Patterson, Clarence N., D.B 50, 100 Patterson, Mrs. Eugene 107 Patterson, James 165 Patterson, John T., Ph.D 27 Patterson, Sarah L., A.M 77, 150 Patterson, Sarah T., S.M 78, 175 Patton, Beatrice C 166 Patton, Eugene B., Ph.D 6, 78 Patton, Mrs. Mary •. . . 234 Paul, Frank A 213 Paul, Harry G., A.M 69 Pauli, Charlotte O 234 Paullin, Charles O., Ph.D 8 Paullin, William T., Jr., D.B 59 Paulsen, Waldemar E 166 Payne, Bertha 175 Payne, E. George 175 Payne, Gertrude 204 Payne, Leonidas P 234 Payne, Mabel W 166 Payne, Mary R 234 Payne, Pearl P 213 Payne, Perry J 129 Payne, Walter A 107 Peabody, Earl W 107 Peabody, Susan W., Ph.D 7 Peacock, Bess R 224 Peacock, William J., D.B 61 Peacock, William R., J.D 42, 194 Peaks, Mary B., Ph.D 14, 123 Pearce, Haywood J., A.M 69 Pearce, Van S 119 Pearce, William 64 Pearse, Mary G. S (Mrs. John D.).. . 204 Pearson, Mrs. J. P 170 Pease, Theodore C 175 Pech, Clara 166 Peck, Ferdinand W 96 Peck, Helen F 204 Peck, Paul F., Ph.D 8 Peck, Ralph L 114 Peckham, George A., Ph.D 12 Peckham, Harry H., A.M 87 Pedersen, Tellef C, D.B 59 Pedott, Joseph 175 Peek, Ethelbert W 101 Peek, Hazel D 194 Peele, David D., A.M 71 Peemoller, Thusnelda 129 Peet, Mrs. Charles E 113 Peglow, Mabel M 166 Pegues, Josiah J 213 Peirce, Alice 114 Peirce, Julia L 123 Peirce, Marion V., A.M 72 Peirce, Ruth A., A.M 93, 224 Peiser, Martha 214 Pell, Anna J. (Mrs. Alexander), Ph.D. 20 Pelsma, John R., Ph.M 87 Pendleton, Genevieve 114 Pengelly, John B., D.B 61, 81 Pengelly, Mary E 204 Penney, Raymond D 224 Penstone, Clara M 214 Perego, Ina M 234 Perigord, Paul H., A.M 93 Perisho, Elwood C, S.M 65 Perkins, Ernest E 136 Perkins, Mary Ill Perkins, Ralph 204 Perkins, Richard R., Ph.D 36 Perkins, Mrs. Richard R 147 Perkins, Zella I., S.M 77 Perlstein, Ida 194 Perrill, Irving 194 Perrin, Elizabeth I 224 Perrin, Fleming A. C, Ph.D 5, 204 Perrin, George G., J.D 39, 166 Perrin, Harry A 234 Perrin, John W., Ph.D 7 Perrine, Mrs. Charles 123 *Perrine, David G 98 Perrine, Samuel A 63, 102 Perry, Edward F 63 Perry, Gertrude 214 Perry, Henry F 119 Perry, Lomira A 204 Perry, Myra J 214 *Pershing, Ward B 114 Persons, Metta E 119 Peter, Eunice B 129 Peter, Mrs. William W 178 Peters, Lorin T 23*" Petersen, William F 204 Peterson, Andrew P., A.M 75 Peterson, Anna L 119 Peterson, Charles W 175 Peterson, Frank E., D.B 54 Peterson, George P., D.B 49 386 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Peterson, Harvey A., Ph.D 4, 111 Peterson, Henry 158 Peterson, Isabel A., S.M 77 Peterson, Jessie A 204 Peterson, Joseph, Ph.D 4, 166 Peterson, Laura H. M., A.M 81 Peterson, Marna E 234 Peterson, Niels J., D.B 60, 150 Peterson, Otto B., Ph.M 83 Peterson, P., D.B 53 Peterson, Peter P., Ph.D 24 Peterson, Wilhelm A., D. B 53 Petry, Loren C, S.M 87 Pettet, Neletta E 114 Pettet, Ormsby E 123 Pettet, Zellmer R 136 Pettibone, Chauncey J., V 175 Pettit, Bertholf M 166 Pettit, Frederick R 158 Pettit, Lewie D., D.B 51 Pettit, Marshall H., D.B 50 Pettit, Milton H 136 Pettit, Roswell T 194 Pfeffer, Nathaniel A 214 Pfeiffer, Lillie A 129 Pfeiffer, Madeleine 204 Pfeiffer, Norma E 194 Pfeiffer, Wanda M., Ph.D 31, 158 Pfirshing, George 114 *Phelan, Sister Carmela, A.M 87 Phelps, Editha C 158 Phelps, Elmore W 194 Phelps, Eugene T 214 Phelps, S. Waite, D.B 54 Phelps, Theoron T., D.B 62, 166 Phelps, Virgil V., D.B 60, 72, 136 Philips, Joseph P 96 Philips, Mary L 214 Phillips, Mrs. Charles A 116 Phillips, Claude A., A.M 83 *Phillips, David, D.B 56 Phillips, Edgar J 46 Phillips, Eveline M 214 Phillips, George W 194 Phillips, Irene L 224 Phillips, Jo A : 166 Phillips, Mrs. M. J. W 202 Phillips, Thomas 101 Phillips, Vernon S 136 Phillipson, Paul H., Ph.D 17 Phister, Mary C 214 Pianta, Catherine R 185 Pick, Mrs. Hugo 197 Pickel, Frank W., S.M 67 Picken, Joseph C, J.D 43 Pienkowsky, Arthur T 114 Pierce, Alexander W 129 Pierce, Bertha E 166 Pierce, Caroline M 185 Pierce, Dorothea G 123 Pierce, Dorothy 234 Pierce, Earle V 104 Pierce, Edwin G 144 Pierce, Florence L 136 Pierce, Harriet G 144 Pierce, Lucy F 105 Pierce, Marion L 214 Pierce, Mary E 234 Pierce, William L 95 Pierrot, Adolph G 175 *Pierson, Mrs. R. G 142 Pike, Charles S 107 Pike, Frank H., Ph.D 29 Pike, Grant E., D.B 59 Pike, Joshua 95 Pilcher, Benjamin L 185 Pillans, Edward P., A.M 75 Pincoffs, Maurice C 194 Pine, Linnae M 175. Pinkerton, Grace G 115 Pinkham, Frederick O 204 Pinske, Clara L 214 Piper, Margaret 115 Pirscher, Jane M. L., Ph.M 72, 144 Pitcher, Arthur D., Ph.D 20 Pitkin, Mary A 185 Pitts, Ollie P 234 Place, Alfred W., D.B 58 Place, Mrs. Alfred W 126 Plant, Louis C, Ph.M 73 Plimpton, Florence 175 Plummer, Laura S 214 Plunkett, Ortha L 46 Polk, Mrs. George W 235 Polkey, Hugh J 119 Pollard, Evangeline M 115 Pollard, Mamie L 214 Polley, Archibald D., S.M 90, 194 Pomeroy, Alice G 166 Pond, Jean B., A.M 75 Pond, Walter S 194 Pool, Clarence G 194 Pool, Mrs. Ralph W 163 Poole, Mrs. Charles H 199 Poor, Vincent C, S.M 78 Pope, Carey J., D.B 52 Pope, Edward R., D.B 51 Pope, Emma F., A.M 93, 234 Pope, Flora E 185 Pope, James P 45 Pope, Mrs. James P 172 Pope, Walter L., J.D 43 Poppen, Albertus B 166 Porter, Alice M 175 *Porter, Elizabeth 104 Porter, Mrs. G. Q., Ph.D 5 Porter, Lucy 166 Porter, Mabel W 175 Porter, Nathan T., Ph.M 75 Porter, Ruth M 185 Alphabetical Index 387 Porterfield, Cora M., A.M 66, 107 Portis, Mrs. Isadore M 166 Portis, Moses M 115 Posey, Chessley J., S.M 75 Posse, Christine F 224 Post, Ansel H 64 Post, Helen M 175 Post, Maud O 185 Post, Maurice E 185 Post, Orville R 204 Post, Wilber E 129 Postma, Mrs. Hessel 123 Potter, George M., A.M 90 Potter, Mrs. George M 121 Potter, Hollis E 158 Potter, Milton C, Ph.M 73 Potter, Paid D., Ph.D 25 *Potter, Thomas T., D.B 48 *Poulson, Edwin L 123 Pound, Lenora 150 Powel, Edith A 185 Powel, Katharine L 224 Powell, Agnes B., A.M 78, 144 Powell, Mrs. A. V., Ph.D 9 Powell, Henry W., D.B 51 Powell, Herman J., D.B 53 Powell, Homer K 175 Powell, Mildred 194 Powell, Nellie V., Ph.M 81 Powell, Nettie 150 Powell, Mrs. Richard H., Jr 153 *Powell, Wade H 158 Powers, Edwin B., S.M 93 Powers, Frederic P 97 Powers, Irene T 175 *Poyen-Belhsle, Rene de, Ph.D 15 Praeger, William E., S.M 72 Prather, John M., Ph.D 27 Pratt, Alice E., Ph.D 17, 65 Pratt, Edwin H 97 Pratt, John G Ill Pratt, Merritt B 144 Pray, Theron B 96 Prendergrast, Florence M 194 Prentiss, Lois E 150 Prescott, William H 104 Preston, Ethel, A.M 83, 185 Preston, Keith 158 Preston, Marjorie B 224 Price, Alfred B 98 Price, Mrs. Clarence V 195 Price, Eva R 150 Price, Mrs. Henry B 166 Price, Ira M., D.B 50 Price, James A., D.B 59 Price, Maurice T 204 Price, Orlo J., D.B 56 Price, Mrs. Orlo J 113 Price, Silas E., D.B 52 Priddy, Wilhelmina 234 Priest, Jean R. (Mrs. Joseph W.).. . . 123 Priest, Joseph W., D.B 59, 144 Primm, Clara L 158 Primm, Mrs. Clarence J 208 Prindeville, Edith 214 Pringle, Lewis A 136 Pritchard, Fred P 158 Pritchard, Norman H., J.D 40 Pritchett, Ida D 224 Pritchett, Robert T 214 Probert, Charles H 185 Probst, Albert F., Ph.M 78, 175 Probst, Mrs. John 168 Proctor, Charles A., Ph.D 22 Proctor, John T., D.B 56 Proctor, Mable 185 Proctor, Ora F 175 Proctor, Robert T 204 Prokosch, Edward, A.M 69 Provines, Harris G 158 Primer, Mae V., A.M 79 Pryor, John C, J.D 41 Pryor, Mrs. W. L 118 Pudil, Mary A 204 Puffer, William J 185 Pullman, Mrs. John S 118 Purcell, Helen E 175 Purdy, Vail E., J.D 39, 166 Purinton, Harry E., D.B 56 Purkiss, Arthur F., D.B 59 Purkiss, Nellie E 214 Putnam, Mrs. Benjamin R 152 Putnam, Helen 185 Putnam, Katharine 234 Putnam, Mary B., Ph.M 83 Putnam, Ralph C 45 Putnam, Thomas M., Ph.D 19 Putting, Oscar J., J.D 40 Pyle, Dora A 194 Pyle, May, A.M 90 Quaife, Milo M., Ph.D 8 Quayle, Mona 234 Queen, Stuart A., A.M 93 Quick, Mildred E 185 Quigley, Samuel, A.M 90 Quinn, Edmund L 166 Quinn, Rosemary H 194 Quiring, Jacob, A.M 93, 234 Rabb, Ina 204 Rabb, Robert M 119 Radebaugh, Stella 185 Rademacher, Charles M 224 Radford, Alice E 124 Radford, John J., J.D 39, 158 Radford, Mary E Ill Radford, Maude L 104 Radford, Robert T 204 Radley, Alfred, D.S 144 388 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Radnitzer, Adolph 235 Radzinski, Grace A 166 Rae, William A., A.M 87 Raffle, Sinore M 194 Ragsdale, George T 158 Rahn, Carl L., Ph.D 5, 175 Raichlen, Mabel 195 Raiford, Lemuel C, Ph.D 24 Raiguel, Mrs. William 197 Railsback, Martha B 119 Raley, James G., J.D 40 Rammage, Mrs. W. H 116 Rammelkamp, Mrs. Charles J. .... . 121 Ramsdell, Lillian L 129 Ramsay, Franklin P., Ph.D 33 Ramsey, William E 129 Rand, Philip Ill Randall, Ethel C, Ph.M 75, 150 Randall, Grace O 144 Randall, James G., Ph.D 9, 72, 150 *Randall, Mrs. James G 146 Randall, Julia D., A.M 93 Randall, Ruth R., Ph.M 79 *Randall, Samuel B., D.B 51, 101 Randolph, Lester C, D.B 54 Ransom, Caroline L., Ph.D 9, 68 Ransom, Mrs. James B 179 Ransom, James H., Ph.D 23 Ransom, Ruth 224 Ransom, Stephen W., Ph.D 30, 71, 136 Ransome, Alice M 115 Ranstead, Janet M 119 Ranum, Arthur, Ph.D 19 Rapeer, Louis W 158 Rapeer, Mrs. Louis W 170 Rapp, John J 115 Rasor, Samuel E., S.M 77 Rathke, Walter R., A.M 90, 175 Rattray, Jennie M 136 Rauch, Avis I 224 Raven, Floy A 235 Rawls, Elizabeth F 144 Rawls, Percy S 144 Ray, Fanny R 204 Ray, Lucia H., Ph.M 67 Ray, Robert C, D.B 50, 102 Raycroft, Joseph E 108 Raycroft, Mrs. Joseph E 116 *Rayl, David K., D.B 50 Rayle, Madge 235 Raymond, Jerome H., Ph.D 9 Raymond, Lucia E 204 Raymond, William R 100 Raymond, Mrs. W. N 139 *Rea, Joseph M 96 Rea, Robert H 129 *Read, Eliphalet A., Ph.D 34 Read, George J 224 Read, Isaiah W., D.B 49 Reaves, Samuel W., A.M 93 Rea vis, William C, A.M 90, 195 Reddy, Grace A 150 Reddy, Mary E 115 Reddy, Ruth M 166 Redpath, John M 136 Reed, Alta G 102 Reed, Annie B 119 Reed, Beulah M 195 Reed, Clark S 124 Reed, Mrs. E. C, Ph.D 12 Reed, Henry T., A.M 90 Reed, Homer B., Ph.D 4 Reed, Horace G., J.D 40, 166 Reed, Mrs. Joseph Ill Reed, Myra G 214 Reed, Mrs. Prentiss B 147 Reed, Mrs. Ross 149 Reed, Rufus M 119 Reed, William W., D.B 57 Reep, Samuel N., Ph.D 36 Rees, Elijah L., A.M 93 Rees, John H 175 Rees, Kelley, Ph.D 13 Reese, Anna E 204 Reeve, Ethel B 235 Reeve, Frederick E 119 Reeve, Isabelle J., (Mrs. William D.) . 224 Reeve, James J., D.B 56 Reeve, William D 204 *Reichmann, Alvena D 124 Reichmann, Charlotte L 119 Reichmann, Fritz, Ph.D 21 Reichmann, Josephine D 235 Reichmann, Julia 195 Reid, Mrs. George C 175 Reid, Ida C, Ph.M 87 Reid, Winifred M 150 Reider, Edith S 204 Reider, Mary L 175 Reilly, John F., J.D 43 Reinach, Elsie 175 Reinking, George F., D.B 54 Reiterman, Alice A 144 Remick, Mary E 137 *Remley, Frederick A., D.B 53 Reneau, Georgia R., Ph.M 83, 193 Rentschler, Ruby D 214 Renwick, Ruth M 235 Retan, Fred S., D.B 54 Reticker, Ruth 224 Reubelt, Frances, Ph.M 83, 175 Rexroth, Mrs. Raymond 170 Reynolds, Annie 144 Reynolds, Arthur H 137 ♦Reynolds, Elmer K., D.B 54 Reynolds, Ethel A 235 Reynolds, George F., Ph.D 17 Reynolds, John H., A.M 66 ♦Reynolds, Katherine H 124 Reynolds, Myra, Ph.D 17 Alphabetical Index 389 Reynolds, Myra H 235 Rhinehart, Estella, S.M 87 Rhoades, Mabel C, Ph.D 10 Rhodes, Earl N 235 Rhodes, Jesse C, D.B 57 Rhodes, John E 99 Rhodes, Mrs. John E. Jr 204 Rhodes, Merritt F 224 Rice, Caroline M 166 Rice, Corinne L., J.D 40, 119 Rice, Elbridge W 115 Rice, Emily J 150 Rice, Inez D 115 Rice, Irma E 166 Rice, Mrs. Launa D 150 Rice, Mrs. Preston 107 Rice, Ralph H 129 Rice, Sadie M 235 Rich, Jesse P 46 Rich, Lora A 175 Rich, Louis 144 Richards, Clarence W 129 ♦Richards, David T., D.B 47 Richards, Gerald R., D.B 53 Richards, Harry S 204 Richards, Marcus D 204 Richards, Max L 195 Richards, Preston D 46 Richards, Stephen L 45 Richards, Theodora L 158 Richardson, Burt P 158 Richardson, Florence E., Ph.D 4 Richardson, Harriet L 175 Richardson, Mildred B 137 Richberg, Donald R 129 Richer, William L 115 Richter, Arthur W., J.D 43, 166 Ricker, Althea M 185 Rickert, Martha E., Ph.D -17 Riddle, James W 97 Riddle, Oscar, Ph.D 27 Riddle, Mrs. RoUo G 175 Rider, Elizabeth 214 Ridlon, Hester 144 Ridlon, John 99 *Ridpath, Clarke E 103 Riegger, Elisabeth 224 Rigby, Grace K 137 Riggs, Blanche E., A.M 83, 175 Riggs, Helen F 204 Riggs, John D. S 100 Righeimer, Frank S 137 Riley, Bertha M. W 235 Riley, Edgar, Ph.D 3 Riley, Elmer A., Ph.D 9 Riley, James S 158 Riley, Mary A 224 Riley, Thomas J., Ph.D 10 Riley, Walter L., D.B 54 Rimes, Julia E 214 Rinderspacher, Carl O 214 Ripley, Lucenia M 158 Risely, James H., Ph.M 87 Rising, Kate C 124 Risser, Christian H 185 Ristine, Irwin M., A.M 87 Ritchie, Rowland H 129 Ritchey, John P 124 Ritchey, Mrs. John P 123 *Rittenhouse, Thomas H., D.B 48 Rittenhouse, Mrs. Walter 148 Roadifer, Ada E 158 Roark, Burchard H 144 Robb, Louise C 235 Robb, Mary E., Ph.M 73 Robbins, Alice V., Ph.M 71 Robbins, Frank E., Ph.D 13 Robbins, Harland C, J.D 42, 204 Roberg, Frederick E 204 Roberts, Alfred, D.B 47 Roberts, Dorothy B 224 Roberts, Edith A., S.M 90 Roberts, Frances M 129 Roberts, Glen S 225 Roberts, Helen E. M 175 Roberts, May H 204 Roberts, Orno B 225 Roberts, Stewart R., S.M 73, 158 Roberts, Stokley C 158 Roberts, William F 137 ♦Robertson, Alice D 124 Robertson, Arthur H., Ph.M 83 Robertson, David A 137 Robertson, Egbert T 137 Robertson, Elizabeth G 195 Robertson, Elizabeth W 158 Robertson, James R., A.M 75 Robertson, Norman H., D.B 60 Robertson, Ruth 204 Robins, Henry B., Ph.B 36, 87 Robinson, Benjamin W., Ph.D .... 12, 137 Robinson, Mrs. Byron 101 Robinson, Charles W 64 Robinson, Clara 195 Robinson, David M., Ph.D 13, 115 Robinson, Edna M 150 Robinson, Florence B 195 Robinson, George B 158 Robinson, Hazel D 195 Robinson, Irene E 105 Robinson, Lillian G., Ph.M 75, 144 Robinson, Louise C 225 Robinson, Martha R 137 Robinson, Mary E 166 Robinson, Mary L., Ph.M 75 Robinson, Milton E., Jr 225 Robinson, Samuel R., D.B 56 Robinson, Willard H., Jr 195 Robison, Benjamin E., D.B 60, 150 Robison, Henry B., Ph.D 34 390 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Robson, Alice Ill Roby, Anne H 129 Roby, Charles F 124 Roby, Mrs. P. C 122 Rocen, Johan, D.B 57 Rochlitz, Lucille 176 *Rocho, Victor C, D.B 53 Rockwell, Iva F 166 Rodenbeck, Linda D 225 Roderick, Rodri M., D.B • 53 Rodman, Macy D 176 Roe, Adelaide E 235 Roe, Clara S 204 *Roe, James H 95 Roe, Jeanne M 195 Roehm, Alfred I., Ph.D 17 Roessler, Erwin W 129 Rogers, Arthur K., Ph.D 3 Rogers, Harrison R 185 Rogers, Mrs. J. Vane 207 Rogers, Louellyn 137 Rogers, Marie G 214 Rogers, Mary D 204 Rogers, May J 105 Rogers, Nathaniel C 166 Rogers, Olive L 144 Rogers, Roswell W., A.M 90 Rogers, Rowland T., J.D 37, 129 Rogers, Rufus B 214 Rogers, Walter S 137 Rogers, Wilber 185 Rogers, William C 225 Rohde, Alice M 144 Rohde, Max S 185 Rohmeyer, Walter F 129 Rohns, Paul P 195 Rohr, Frederick W 225 *Roney, Charles J 99 Roney, Helen N 166 Roney, Henry B 185 Roney, Mrs. Henry B 189 Roney, Josephine W 225 *Roney, Thomas C 100 Roney, William R 99 Rooks, James T., A.M 87, 176 Rookus, Clara A 195 Root, Martha L 108 Root, Ralph E., Ph.D 20 Rosario y Valdezco, Jose I., S.M .... 79 Rosario, Mariana V., S.M 81 Rose, Georgia M 195 Roseen, Edward D 166 Rosen, Anna 235 Rosenbaum, David 166 Rosenberg, Harry O 235 Rosenberg, Rose 158 Rosenberger, Mrs. J. L 101 Rosenf eld, Rose L 235 Rosenthal, David F., J.D 38, 151 Rosenstiel, Mildred 225 Ross, Anebelle 137 Ross, Annie, Ph.M 74 Ross, Crawford, J.D 38, 151 Ross, Guy W. C 129 *Ross, James W 124 Ross, Parke 124 Ross, William H., Ph.D 24 Rossman, George, J.D 41 Roth, Louise 124 Roth, Mary 137 Rothenburger, William F., D.B 60 Rothermel, Florence 235 Rothschild, Isaac S Ill Rothwell, Mrs. B. J., S.M 67 Roulston, Jessie A., Ph.M 83 Rouse, Charles A 204 Routledge, Robert, D.B 60 *Rowatt, Jessie R., Ph.M 79 Rowbothan, Margaret V 195 Rowe, Cole Y 205 Rowe, Marguerite 1 235 *Rowell, Nathaniel J 100 Rowland, Hazel E 185 *Rowley, Joseph 95 Rowley, Randall A 166 Royster, James F., Ph.D 18 Royston, Mrs. Claude S 156 *Rubel, Ira W 101 Rubel, Maurice J Ill Rubinkam, Nathaniel, Jr., J.D.. . .43, 205 Rubovits, Theodore, J.D 41, 195 Rud, Mary G 225 Rudd, Helen M 205 Rudd, Herbert F., D.B 59 Ruediger, Clara L 235 Ruediger, Gustav F., Ph.D 32 Ruffcorn, William M 225 Ruger, Henry A., A.M 75 Rugg, Mrs. Louis E 162 Rugh, Ralph E 124 Rullkoeter, William, Ph.D 8, 103 Rumbley, Eva A 235 Rummler, Mrs. William R 113 Rumsey, Bessie E 185 *Rumsey, J. Frank 96 *Rundell, Edwin R 103 Rundquist, Vanja E 158 Runkle, Mrs. Herman 137 Runyan, Herman C 158 Runyan, Walter L., D.B 60 Runyon, Laura L., Ph.M 75, 115 Rupp, Mrs. Leena D 180 Ruser, Etta L., A.M 75 Russell, Albert S 130 Russell, Cecilia 225 Russell, Mrs. Charles E 127 Russell, Clarence W 195 Russell, Ella M 214 Russell, Eva M 130 Russell, Frank B 235 Alphabetical Index 391 *Russell, Jirah D., D.B 50, 100 Russell, John M 102 Russell, Luther P., D.B 57, 124 Russell, Ruth C 225 Russell, Ruth M 225 Rust, Carola S 225 ♦Rutherford, John 95 Rutherford, Ora 214 Ryan, Johanna V 144 Ryan, John G., S.M 81, 185 Ryan, Joseph K., J.D 44 Ryan, Lee M 166 *Ryon, Carrie S 101 Sabath, Albert 214 Sabin, Mary E 176 Sachs, Mrs. Charles 152 Sackett, Walter G 137 Sagar, Carlotta D 214 3, Eben C, D.B 50 3, Eugene G., D.B 50 Sage, Evan T., Ph.D 15, 74 Sage, Rufus A 103 Sager, Harriett L 225 St. Clair, Florence A., A.M 81 St. John, Wallace, Ph.D 35, 56 Salkey, J. Sydney 214 Sallee, Hannah P., A.M 90 Salmon, Rudolph B 235 Salter, Esther M 151 Samelow, Samuel J 151, 158 Samis, Francis J 63 Sampsell, Marshall E 108 ♦Sampson, Hans C. A., D.B 53 Sampson, Henry E., J.D 37, 151 Sampson, John H., D.B 48, 98 Samsel, Richard C, J.D 42 Samuels, Benjamin 124 Samuelson, John 64 Sanborn, Mark F., D.B 61, 166 Sandefer, Jefferson D 176 Sander, Sarah G 235 Sanders, Frederic W., Ph.D 9 Sanders, James F., D.B 55, 67 Sanders, Mary S 166 Sanders, Walter F 205 Sanderson, Eugene C, D.B 55 Sanderson, Mildred L., Ph.D 20, 87 Sanderson, Thomas H 185 Sanford, Edwin M Ill Sandidge, Daisy 166 Sankowsky, Nicholas A 214 Sarber, Oliver B., D.B 54 Sargent, Charles R., D.B 52, 102 Sargent, Constance M 195 Sargent, Edward, A.M 72 Sargent, LeRoy D., J.D 43 Sartain, Charles A 185 Sarvis, Guy W., A.M 83 Sarvis, Pearl M. T.. (Mrs. G. W.) ... 205 Sass, Frederick 130 Sass, Mrs. Frederick 144 Sass, George, J.D 39, 166 *Sass, Louis 108 Sasuly, Max 235 Sato, Toru, Ph.M 77 Satterthwait, Ella, Ph.M 84, 185 Saunders, Albert J., D.B 61, 93 Saunders, Charles W., S.M 90 Saunders, Ruth S 158 Saunders, William J., S.M 90 Sauer, Clark G 235 Sauerhering, Rudolph L 205 Savage, Edward P., D.B 47, 96 Savage, Loy J 205 Savidge, Mark M 225 Savidge, Robert W 195 Sawtelle, LeForest W 137 Sawyer, Carl W 158 Sawyer, Elbert H., D.B 48 Sawyer, George H 119 Saxton, Albert C, D.B 61 Sayles, Allen 205 Sayles, Richard E., D.B 58 Scales, Caroline L. G 176 *Scammon, Charles T 95 Scanlan, Marguerite 176 Schacht, Mrs. F. W 117 Schaefer, Lena A 176 Schaefler, George R 166 Schaffner, Marion 214 Schayer, Mrs. Milton M 175 Scheftel, Yetta, A.M 79 Scheid, Milo M 185 Schenck, Lucy L 214 Schenkenberg, Muriel 166 Scherf , Charles H., S.M 69 Scherubel, Erwin F 144 Scherz, Anna T 158 Schilling, Alice M 225 Schlabach, Harold H 195 Schlamann, Ernest A 64 Schlesinger, Hermann I., Ph.D.. . .23, 144 Schley, Eva O 185 Schlicher, John J., Ph.D 14 Schliemann, John G., D.B 53 Schliemann, William E., D.B 53 Schloss, Murray S 151 Schmahl, Walter J 124 Schmid, Frieda L 176 Schmidt, Edna V 176 Schmidt, Ellen 214 Schmidt, Emanuel, Ph.D 33, 56 Schmidt, Emily A 205 Schmidt, Florian E 144 Schmidt, Karl H 214 Schmidt, Lydia M 137 Schmidt, Otto G 176 Schmitt, Calvin J., A.M 90 Schnack, Ferdinand J. H., J.D 41 392 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Schnackenberg, Elmer J 46 Schnebley, Merrill I., J.D 44, 214 Schneider, William A 235 Schnelle, Friedricli O 105 Schnering, Otto Y 235 Schobinger, Elsie 186 Schobinger, George 158 Schoch, Caroline P. B 176 Schoch, Eugene P., Ph.D 23 Schockel, Bernard H 214 Schoemaker, Daniel M 115 Schoemaker, Thomas E., D.B 53 Schoemaker, William R., Ph.D 35, 57 Schoemaker, Mrs. W. R., A.M 69 Schoenbrun, Leo, I., J.D 37, 124 Schoene, William J., S.M 87 Schommer, John J 195 Schoolcraft, Henry L., Ph.D 8 Schooling, Lacy P., D.B 61 Schoonover, Draper T., Ph.D 15 Schoonover, Mrs. Draper T 132 Schott, Charles 176 Schott, Harry J 195 Schottenfels, Gertrude R., A.M. . .93, 214 Schottenfels, Ida M., Ph.M 66 Schrader, Emma, Ph.M 84, 186 Schrader, Ida C 166 Schreiber, Helen M 195 Schreiber, Rudolph E., J.D 38, 151 Schub, Frederick O., Ph.D 16 Schuler, Russell P 176 Schultz, Alfred R., Ph.D 25 Schultz, Eva G 205 Schultz, Irmgard J. S 225 Schussmann, Leo G 225 Schuster, Emma M 158 Schutz, Jacob, D.B 49 Schwann, Henry 186 Schwartz, Charles P., J.D 40, 186 Schwartz, Florence L 235 Schwartz, Samuel D., A.M 93, 225 Schwarz, Edith E Ill Schweitzer, Arthur R., S.M 75, 124 Schweitzer, Harry E 214 Scofleld, Cora L., Ph.D 8 Scofield, Junius C 235 Scofleld, Thomas E 235 Scott, Augusta R 166 Scott, Mrs. Christopher P 195 Scott, Ernest L., S.M 90 Scott, Florence R 176 Scott, Mrs. Frank J 194 Scott, Harry F., A.M 72 Scott, Job H., D.B 52 Scott, John W., Ph.D 27 Scott, Mildred 195 Scott, Orlando F 176 Scott, Randolph E 205 Scott, William R 101 Scotten, Hallie G., A.M 93 Scribner, Dora A., A.M 77 Scrimger, Louise L 144 Scrogin, Ernest A 119 Scruggs, Enos L., D.B 53 Scudder, Benjamin H., Ph.M 69 Scudder, Jacob F 205 Scullin, Bertha M 166 Sealey, Grace A 130 *Seaman, Allen B 102 Searle, John C, J.D 44 Searles, Helen M., Ph.D 12 Sears, Louis M., A.M 84, 166 Seaton, Mrs. William M 229 See, Helene M 176 Seegers, Edward A., J.D 44, 215 Seeley, Morton C, J.D 41 Segner, Marion W 176 *Seidenadel, Charles W., Ph.D 13 Seidler, Lillian C 144 Seiter, Francis J 144 Seitz, Rose J., Ph.M 81, 186 Seley, Eleanor M 235 Seller, William E. W., D.B 60 Sellers, Ovid R 151 Sellers, Sandford, Jr 235 Sellery, George C, Ph.D 8 Sellon, Grace E 124 Senn, George, S.M 71 Senning, Mrs. J. P., Ph.M 84, 186 Sennitt, Carolyn B 124 Senour, Nelle 158 Sentz, Channing L., J.D 40 Sercomb, Royal C, J.D 40 *Servaty, Julie 158 Sethre, John O., Ph.D 8 Severin, Clara D 225 Sewall, Harriet, S.M 87 Seward, Ora P., Ph.D 16, 101 Sewell, Silas M., S.M 93 Sexton, Edith M 225 Seymour, Clara G., A.M 81, 176 Shackelton, Mrs. Charles R 137 Shafer, Mary E 205 Shaffer, Edith R 144 Shaffner, Beatrice 176 Shaffner, Philip F 176 Shailer, Louise H 137 Shakes, Marye O 186 Shaklee, Alfred O 124 Shallies, Guy W., A.M 93, 144 Shambaugh, Mrs. G. E 109 Shambaugh, Frances A 225 Shandrew, Ethel M 186 *Shannon, John A 124 Shannon, Kathleen 235 Shantz, John H., A.M 87, 205 Shapiro, Many Z 195 Sharrhan, Abbie M. L., (Mrs. Henry B.), Ph.D 18 Sharman, Henry B., Ph.D 34 Alphabetical Index 393 Sharp, Cecil J 137 Sharp, India E 205 Sharp, Lester W., Ph.D 32 Sharpe, Charles M., Ph.D 35 Shatts, Charles R., D.B 55 Shattuck, Amos H., D.B 59 Shattuck, Charles H., Ph.D 31, 151 Shaughnessy, Margaret A 235 Shaver, Ida A 186 Shaw, Clara 167 Shaw, Conner B 225 Shaw, Mrs. Eugene W 172 Shaw, Herschel G 205 Shay, Mrs. George T 174 Shea, Walter 235 Shearer, Dade B 176 Shearer, Harold K 225 Sheehan, Thomas W 205 Sheets, Mrs. F. H., A.M 68, 111 Sheetz, Florence D 176 Sheldon, Dio P., D.B 52 Sheldon, James M., J.D 37, 144 Sheldon, Mrs. James M 137 Sheldon, Ralph E., Ph.D 28 Shelford, Victor E., Ph.D 27, 144 Shelton, William A., A.M 93 Shepard, William O., Ph.M 81, 186 Shephard, John H 137 Shepherd, Lena B., (Mrs. M. M.), Ph.M 87, 205 Shepherd, Zillah 225 Sheppard, Robert D 96 Sheppard, William W 151 Sherbondy, Thomas A., D.B 60 Sherer, Albert W 167 Sherer, Renslow P 195 Sherff, Earl E., S.M 90 Sherk, Wilfred H., A.M 75 Sherman, Franklyn C, D.B 57, 105 Sherman, Jessie E 137 Sherman, Mary L 115 ♦Sherman, William J 158 Sherry, Israel 205 Sherwood, Ruth E 225 Sherz, Theodore J 195 Shideler, John W 195 Shield, Ruth 235 Shields, Florence B 144 Shields, Helen G 144 Shiftman, Selma 235 Shinar, Mrs. William J 180 Shioya, Sakae, Ph.M 71 Shipley, Frederick W., Ph.D 14 Shipley, Mrs. Frederick W 103 Shippy, Georgetta M 205 Shirk, Claude J., S.M 84 *Shirk, Granville C, D.B 49 Shirk, Harriett 144 Shoemaker, Lebbens J., D.B 52 Shoesmith, Beulah 1 144 Sholes, Louise F 225 Sholty, Myrtle 225 Shoomkoff, Stanislas J., D.B 54 Shorey, Marion L., Ph.D 28 Shoupe, Etta C 205 Shouse, Henry M., D.B 57 Shouse, James B., A.M 87 Shouse, Mary A 205 Shover, Esther F 130 Shreve, Mrs. Forrest 139 Shuart, Karl P 195 Shull, Charles A 158 Shull, Deloss P., J.D 43, 215 Shull, George H., Ph.D 31 Shull, Renata M 144 Shulman, Abraham M 215 Shuman, William M 176 Shutter, Marion D., D.B 50 Sibley, Edward A 130 Sidenberg, Emma H 205 Sidey, Thomas K., Ph.D 14 Sigler, Marion J 63 Sikes, George C, Ph.M 65 Sikes, Mrs. George. C, Ph.M 65 Sikes, George R m Silberberg, Florence M 225 Silliman, Carolina E., Ph.M 66 Sills, Milton 144 Silverberg, Annette 186 Simar, Mrs. A. P 125 Simeral, Isabel 158 Simes, Lewis M 225 Simmons, Abbie L 137 Simmons, Blanche 120 Simmons, Daniel M., D.B 61 Simmons, Mrs. James W 134 Simmons, Katherine S 167 Simon, Marion 186 Simon, Maurice W 144 Simond, Maynard E 225 Simons, Etoile B., Ph.D 31 Simons, May W., (Mrs. Algie M.) . . . 167 Simons, Rayna, A.M 75, 151 Simonton, James W., J.D 40 Simpkin, Edith M 151 ♦Simpson, Benjamin F., D.B 50 Simpson, Mrs. Benjamin F 102 Simpson, Burton 205 Simpson, Burton J m ♦Simpson, Douglas H., D.B 50 Simpson, Edwin, D.B 58 Simpson, George N 205 Simpson, Georgiana R 226 Simpson, Marie E 235 Sims, Frederick L 144 Sims, Henry, A.M 77 Sims, Paul W 226 Simson, Mrs. John B 176 Sinclair, John G 215 Sinclair, Mary E., Ph.D 19, 71 394 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Sinclair, Samuel B., Ph.D 5 Smith Singleton, Katherine B 226 Smith Sisson, Edward O 103 Smith Sisson, Frederick M 186 Smith Sisson, Genevieve 158 Smith Sisson, Septimus 120 Smith Sjostrom, Mrs. Otto A 131 Smith Skeen, David A 46 Smith Skeen, William R., J.D 40 Smith Skefflngton, Florence V 158 Smith Skelton, Oscar D., Ph.D 6 Smith Skiles, William V 167 Smith Skinner, Beverly O 167 Smith Skinner, Ernest B., Ph.D 19 Smith Slaght, Carrie E 215 Smith Slater, Catherine D 215 Smith Slater, John R., Ph.D 33, 56 Smith Slaton, Samuel T 235 Smith Slaught, Herbert E., Ph.D 18 Smith Slaught, Katherine M 195 Smith Slauson, Daniel R., J.D 40 Smith Sleezer, Margaret M 215 Smith Slichter, Mrs. A. P 175 Smith Slifer, Chester W 226 Smith Slimmer, Max D 115 Smith Sloan, Eliza M 137 Smith Sloan, Horace, J.D . . 43 Smith Sloan, Luella M 158 Smith Slocum, Arthur G 137 Smith Slocum, Maizie M 167 Smith Slosson, Edwin E., Ph.D 23 Smith Smale, John H., A.M 93, 151, 158 Smith Small, Lavinia A 145 Smith Small, Vivian B., A.M 74 Smith Smallwood, Persis D 195 Smith Smart, Walter K., Ph.D 18, 137 Smith *Smedley, Fred W 120 Smith Smith, Ada B 226 Smith Smith, Albert A 195 Smith Smith, Albertus V 159 Smith Smith, Alice H 186 Smith Smith, Arthur M., Ph.D 35, 67 Smith Smith, Arthur W., Ph.D 19, 69, 115 Smith Smith, Byron B 120 Smith Smith, Calvin O 215 Smith Smith, Catlett C, D.B 48, 97 Smith Smith, Charlotte D 137 Smith Smith, Clarence M., A.M 87 Smith Smith, Claude R 159 Smith Smith, Cora L 151 Smith Smith, Cornelia M 226 Smith Smith, Cornelia S 145 Smith Smith, Delbert W 176 Smith Smith, Mrs. Delbert W 169 Smith Smith, Earl J., J.D 41 *Smith Smith, Edson C 215 Smith Smith, Edward F 98 Smith Smith, Forest G., J.D 37, 137 Smith Smith, Frances G., Ph.D 31 Smyth, Smith, Francis M., D.B 50, 99 Smyth, Mrs. Francis M 122 Fred 205 Fred M 235 Frederick A 95 Frederick M., D.B 48 Guy C : . .. 215 Guy D 130 Mrs. Harold E 134 Helen G 167 Henry, Ph.D 8, 71 Henry E 145 Herbert H., D.B 53 Henry J 115 Herbert R., A.M 84 Hertha G 226 Mrs. Hiram J 154 Isabel S., S.M 74 Mrs. J. Forsythe 149 Mrs. J. C 125 James C 151 John M. P., Ph.D 33 Kenneth G 108 Lemuel F., S.M 87 Lewis A 226 Lewis W., A.M 93 Lillian D 159 Loretta 195 Louis D 205 Lucy E 195 Lydia L 176 Marcia O 145 Mary E 176 May B., A.M 90 Michael D., J.D 44 Mildred H 137 Myra V 145 Nellie L 137 Newland F., Ph.D 22 Mrs. R. M. G 103 Ralph H 137 Mrs. Raymond A 132 Richmond A., D.B 53 Robert B., D.B 54 Robert L. 1 205 Robert W., Ph.D 30 Roy, Ph.M 84 Susan E 176 Turner B 176 Villa B 195 Walter H 236 Walter M., A.M 90 Walter R., Ph.D 8, 69 Warren B 137 Mrs. Warren D 133 Warren J., D.B 60, 159 Warren R., Ph.D 22 William, A.M 90 WiUiam W 226 Agnes A 159 Sarah A 195 Alphabetical Index 395 Snashall, Carlton H 115 *Snashall, Jabez, D.B 47 Snell, Arthur V 124 Snider, Alvin B 137 Snider, Aaron W., D.B 51 Snitjer, Agnes R., (Mrs. Michael) .... 186 Snorf , Lowell D 236 Snow, Mrs. Albert T 130 Snow, Jenny H., S.M 79, 159, 167 Snow, Laetitia M., Ph.D 31 Snow, Ralph R., D.B 56 Snowden, Clinton A 97 Snyder, Christina M 236 Snyder, Mrs. Franklin B 170 Snyder, Jessie M 195 Snyder, Rosa B 167 Snyder, Mrs. William R 177 Soares, Theodore G., Ph.D 35, 56 Sobel, Bernard 215 Soble, Hirsch 236 Sobernheimer, Mrs. Harry B 173 Solenberger, Edwin D 124 Solenberger, Harvey M 137 Solenberger, Mrs. Harvey M 134 Solomon, Frieda V 159 Solomon, Helen 145 Solomon, Irving J., J.D 40, 176 Solomon, Jessie 1 176 Solomon, Laura S 226 Somervill, Mrs. Mary Burke 145 Somerville, Althea 130 Sommer, Julia K 186 Sorenson, Ella L 236 Souers, Ralph E., A.M 93 Soule, Mrs. Ralph S . 119 Souter, Carlie B 205 Southwick, Margaret, Ph.M 81 Southworth, Eva 215 Spalding, Mary D 108 Sparkman, Maude 186 Sparks, Edwin E., Ph.D 8 Spaulding, Aileen 151 *Spaulding, Clarence S., D.B 57 Spaulding, Mrs. Edith W 178 Spaulding, Myra L., A.M 74, 130 Spaulding, Mrs. W. F 140 Spayd, Barbara G 176 Speck, Charles H., J.D 40, 186 Speed, Kellogg 130 Speicher, John G 64 Speik, Frederick A 159 Spence, Elizabeth L 236 Spence, Margaret 176 Spence, Nellie G. V 196 Spencer, Bunyan, D.B 52 ♦Spencer, Harry S.W 167 Spencer, Matthew L., Ph.D 18 Spencer, Nettie 120 Spencer, Robert D 196 Sperlin, Ottis, Ph.M 81 Sperling, Mrs. Isaac D 115 Sperry, Maud C 196 Spicer, Lucy E 159 Spiering, Ella A 226 Spilman, Mignonette, A.M 93 Spink, Josette E 151 Spitz, Leo, J.D 41, 186 Spitzer, Mrs. Sherman C Ill Spoehr, Herman A., Ph.D 24, 167 Spohn, Adelaide A 186 Spohn, Clara B 196 Sponsel, Kenath T 236 Sprafka, John J 205 Sprague, Lilian O 176 Spraker, Everett B., S.M 84 *Spraker, George R 205 Spraker, Margaret M., (Mrs. G. R.). . 236 Spray, Jessie N 120 Springer, Mary D 102 Sproull, Grace H 124 *Squier, Mary P 130 Squires, Vernon P., A.M 65 Stabenau, Dora E 215 Stackhouse, Clyde E 205 Stackhouse, Perry J., D.B 59 Staehling, Charles C 186 Stafford, Mrs. Beatrice Colby 147 Stafford, Charles R., J.D 42 Stafford, Grace W 159 Stafford, John, D.B 53 Stafford, Leroy H., D.B 62 Stagg, Stella R. (Mrs. A. A.) 108 Staib, Otto W 167 Stainback, Ingram M., J.D 43 Staley, George C, A.M 93, 167 Staley, Jonathan, D.B 49, 99 Staley, Mary H 215 Stanard, Mrs. O. L 213 Stanford, Mary V., (Mrs. G. W.) 151 Stanley, Louise 167 Stanley, Mabel E 215 Stanley, Mrs. Roy M Ill Stanley, William E., Jr 226 Stansbury, Clara E 236 Stansell, Charles V., A.M 87 Stanton, Mrs. Burt T 131 Stanton, Edna A 115 Stanwood, Mrs. Philip C 125 Staples, Junius K 215 Staples, Otho B., A.M 84 Stapp, Harrison R 226 Starbird, Myrtle 1 151 Starbird, Robert S 151 Stark, Alonzo R., Ph.D 34 Stark, Mabel C 205 Stark, Oswald G 196 Starr, Anna M., Ph.D 32 Starr, Leon P 186 Starring, George H., D.B 50 Staudt. Calvin K., Ph.D 34 396 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Stauffer, Clinton R., Ph.D 26 Steagall, Mary M 159, 167 Steagall, John R 215 Steans, Henry G., A.M 74 Stearns, Charles A 96 Stearns, Clara M 167 Stearns, Edward F 96 Stearns, Jane A 124 Stearns, Tilden H., J.D 42 Stebbins, Althea V 120 Stebbins, Inca L 186 Stebinger, Eugene, Jr 176 Steck, Charles C, S.M 87 Steele, Charles M 151 Steele, Ira D 151 Steele, Viola A 196 Steelman, Albert J., Ph.D 36, 59 Steelman, Deborah 205 Steelman, Letitia M 176 Steely, George, Jr 137 Steffa, Earl C 186 Steflen, Walter P., J.D 43, 205 Steichen, Lilian A. M.E 151 Steigmeyer, Ferderick F Ill Stein, Margarete L 196 Stein, Sarah T 159 Stein, Simon G 102 Steinbeck, Clark C 176 Steinbrecher, Fred 236 Steininger, Lillian 236 Stenson, Robert 236 Stephen, Welthy 145 Stephens, Alda M 159 Stephens, Frank F., Ph.M 74, 151 Stephens, George A., Ph.D 7, 77 Stephens, Willis C 137 Stephenson, Edward M 63 Stephenson, George M 167 Stephenson, Helen F., A.M 93 Stephenson, Joseph C 186 Stephenson, Nellie A., A.M 87 Stephenson, Roger P., D.B 48 Sterenberg, Delta P. (Mrs. James) . . . 226 Sterling, Edna L 226 Stern, David B 137 Stern, Frances R 236 Stern, Gertrude H 177 Stern, Henry L., A.M 66 Stern, Mrs. L. Walter 203 Stern, Lester A 205 Stern, Mamie A 145 Stern, Renee B 145 Stern, Rosalie 159 Sterns, Worthy P., Ph.D 6 Stetson, Herbert L., D.B 49 Stetson, Paul C 186 Stetson, Mrs. Paul C 180 Stettler, Augusta 151 Stevens, Mrs. Alice M., A.M 93, 215 Stevens, Annie W 145 Stevens, Edna L 137 Stevens, Ellen Y 124 Stevens, Elmer T., D.B 56 Stevens, Ernest J 159 Stevens, Mrs. Ernest J 159 Stevens, Frank H 196 Stevens, Frank L., Ph.D 30 Stevens, Harland IT., S.M 93 Stevens, Karra S 226 Stevens, Lill M 137 Stevens, Mary C 205 Stevens, Mrs. Maurice T 187 Stevens, Raymond W 108 Stevens, Robert H., S.M 84 Stevenson, George E. T., D.B 57 Stevenson, James H., Ph.D 11 Stevenson, Myra D. H 177 Stevenson, Nora B 186 Stever, Daisy M 236 Stewart, Adelbert T 151 Stewart, Alan E., S.M 94 Stewart, Annie L 206 Stewart, Charles C 236 Stewart, Charles V 226 Stewart, Charles W 108 Stewart, Chase 101 Stewart, George B., D.B 60 Stewart, Gordon L 186 Stewart, Mrs. J. W. B., Ph.M 68 Stewart, Mrs. James D 143 Stewart, John H 64 Stewart, Mrs. Joseph W. B 120 Stickle, Bruce A 236 Stieg, Bertha 120 Stiger, Carl B., J.D 43 Stiles, Bertha V 124 Stiles, Clara L 206 Stillman, Mrs. Charles 151 Stillman, Hazel L 215 Stilwell, Katherine M 151 Stinchfleld, Marian T 196 Stinson, Charlotte L 177 Stitt, Mrs. Grace E. M 124 Stock, Annie K 186 Stock, Barbara 236 Stocking, Charles F. (see Breed, Charles F.) 115 Stocking, Fred F 151 Stockman, Jay H., J.D 42 Stockton, Mary 1 186 Stockwell, John W., D.B 62. 186 Stockwell, Stevens S., A.M 94 Stoehr, Irma L 226 Stokes, Ella H., Ph.D 4 Stokey, Alma G., Ph.D 32 Stoland, Ole O., S.M 90 Stoll, Mrs. Elmer E 108 *Stone, Edward A., D.B 47 Stone, Edward T 102 Stone, Elizabeth A., Ph.M 84, 186 Alphabetical Index 397 Stone, Harriet, S.M 67, 108 Stone, Harry W 108 Stone, Isabelle, Ph.D 21, 66 Stone, Joseph C 120 Stone, Josephine F 145 Stone, Maudie L., S.M 71, 111 Stoner, Mary K 64 Stoner, Sanford L., S.M 84, 151 Stophlet, Daniel S 226 Storm, Grace E 226 Storms, Charles H., D.B 59 Story, William E., D.B 54 Stough, Morgia J 186 Stoughton, Harry A., D.B 57 Stout, Edwin G 177 Stout, John E., Ph.M 79 Stout, John M 151 Stoutmeyer, John H 167 Stowell, Mrs. Evelyn A 152 Stowell, Reuben G 115 Strate, Jessie B 196 Straube, Alfred H 215 Strauchon, Elizabeth M., Ph.M. . .68, 120 Straus, David C 159 Straus, Regina J 236 Straus, Samuel N 145 Strauss, Alfred A 177 Strauss, Benjamin 137 Strauss, Jerome 206 Strawn, John T 177 Strawn, Myra H 130 Street, Elizabeth 159 Street, Horace B 145 Strock, Linius L 115 Stroebe, George G 130 Strong, Anna L., Ph.D 3, 77 Strong, Mrs. Reuben M 126 Strong, Mrs. Sidney D 187 Stroud, Perry C, J.D 40 Stroud, Ray M., J.D 41 Struble, Maude H 151 Strull, Charles, J.D 41, 196 Stuart, Henry W., Ph.D 3 Stubbert, William B 63 Stucker, Edwin S 64 Stumes, Mrs. Charles B 179 Sturges, Anita 196 Sturges, Esther W 120 Sturgis, Mary M., S.M 66 Sturtevant, Edgar H., Ph.D 12 Stutsman, William H 226 Sulcer, Henry D 167 Sullivan, Charles T., Ph.D 20 Sullivan, Genevieve 159 Sullivan, James P 177 Sullivan, Margaret V 226 Sullivan, Mary T 177 Summerhays, Bessie H 167 Summers, James 100 Sumner, Henry W 186 Sundell, Ernest W 159 Sunderland, Jabez T., D.B 47, 96 Sunderland, Leslie E., D.B 61 Sunderland, William J 215 Sundwall, John, Ph.D 28, 159 Simg, Far T 167 Sunne, Dagny G., Ph.D 3 Sunny, Helen T 186 Sutch, York B 215 Sutherland, Arthur H., Ph.D 4 Sutherland, Douglas 138 Sutherland, Mrs. Douglas 137 Sutherland, Edwin H., Ph.D 10 Sutherland, George, D.B 49, 98 Sutherland, George 215 Sutton, Vida R 145 Suzzallo, Mrs. Henry 184 Swackhammer, Chester R 206 Swain, Frances L 226 Swain, Paul F 215 Swallow, Anna R 177 Swan, Alfred H 215 Swan, Herbert S 206 Swan, Mary F 196 Swan, Norma L., Ph.M 79 Swaney, Bertram G., A.M 81 *Swaney, Homer H 100 Swanson, Emma A 138 Swanson, Minnie M 215 Swanson, William W., Ph.D 6 Swanstrom, Luther D., J.D 41 Swartwout, Fred R., D.B 52, 102 Swartz, Samuel E., Ph.D 22 Swawite, Marguerite, A.M 94, 215 Swearingen, George C, Ph.D 14 Sweat, Florence M 215 *Sweet, Charles S 97 Sweet, John A., Jr 151 Sweet, Milliman W., J.D 39 Swenson, Frank H 45 Swett, Mary C 115 Swift, Charles H 145, 167 Swift, George H., A.M 70 Swift, Harold H 177 Swinford, Geneva 186 Swingley, Blanche 124 Switzer, Jesse E 215 Sykes, Mrs. Aubrey L 177 Sylla, George R 145 Sylla, Marguerite K 177 Sylvester, Mrs. Albert H 114 Symmes, William H., J.D 38, 151 Synon, Mary K 130 Taber, Jay L., D.B 61 Tabor, Alice P., A.M 94 Taft, Julia J., Ph.D 4, 159 Taft, Mrs. M. H., S.M 66 Taggart, Helen E 236 Taggett, Mrs. Vernon N 202 398 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Tajima, Kazuyoshi, A.M 87 Takahashi, Katashi, Ph.D 28 Takatani, Jitsutaro, A.M 94 Talbert, Ernest L., Ph.D 3, 138 *Talbot, John A 102 Talbott, Rose C, A.M 90 Talcott, Mrs. C. G 169 Tallmadge, Claud P., J.D 37 Tallon, Sister Mary C 226 Tanaka, Kiichi 105 Tandy, Alpheus W., D.B 61 Tandy, Jennette R 226 Tang, Chung Husuan, A.M 87 Tanner, Alvin C 177 Tanner, Amy E., Ph.D 3 Tanner, George F 206 Tanner, Mrs. Herbert H 129 Tanner, John W., D.B 52 Tannreuther, George W., Ph.D 28 Tansey, Vivian O 236 Tarkington, Esther L 215 Tarnow, Martha W 145 Tarrson, (Tatarsky), Nathan, J.D. 44, 226 Tashiro, Shiro, Ph.D 29, 196 Tatum, Arthur L., Ph.D 29 Taussig, Frances 151 Taylor, Alva W., Ph.M 87 Taylor, Carlton E., D.B 47, 97 Taylor, Charles H., S.M 81, 177 Taylor, Clara H 159 Taylor, Clifton O 120 Taylor, Elbert O., D.B 47, 96 Taylor, Mrs. Ernest K 141 Taylor, Frank E., J.D 42 Taylor, Freda W 215 Taylor, George C, Ph.D 18 Taylor, Gertrude 1 186 Taylor, Harry L., A.M 79 Taylor, Helen M., A.M 69 Taylor, Howard F., A.M 77 Taylor, Lucile J 215 Taylor, Marion L., Ph.D 16 Taylor, Nathaniel L., J.D 41 Taylor, Thomas J 105 Teague, Lilian E 177 Tear, Daniel A., Ph.D 5 Teffre, Oha M 151 Tefft, Nellie E Ill Teichgraeber, Richard F 226 Teller, Charlotte R 120 Temple, Alice 186 Temple, Frances C. (Mrs. Richard W.) 145 Temple, Levi D., D.B 52, 102 ♦Temple, Richard J., D.B 52 Templeton, Annie C 186 Templeton, Frank H 196 Teninga, Cornelius 226 Tenny, Henry F 236 Terrell, Alexander B 177 Terrill, Bertha M., A.M 79 Terry, Clyde R., A.M 94 Terry, Edith B 177 Terry, Ethel M 177 Terry, Lee W., D.B 51, 101 Terry, Ruth 145 Terry, Schuyler B., Ph.D 9, 159 Terry, Mrs. Schuyler B 179 Test, Louis A., Ph.D 24 Teyen, Gerald M. W 138 Tharp, Mrs. Horace 197 Thatcher, Roy D 46 *Thayer, Aline 130 Thayer, William B 46 Theobald, Walter H 215 Theobald, Walter W 64 Thielens, Elizabeth L , 196 Thiessen, Reinhardt, Ph.D 31, 145 Thomas, Ana L 145 Thomas, Ardis E 236 Thomas, Arthur G 145 Thomas, Camp C 206 Thomas, Carrie L., A.M 81 Thomas, David E., D.B 60 Thomas, Frederick B 120 Thomas, George W 95 Thomas, Henry B 124 Thomas, Mrs. J. Franklin 150 Thomas, James E., D.B 53 Thomas, John E., Jr 226 Thomas, John W 138 Thomas, Judson B., D.B 50 Thomas, Mrs. Kilner F 156 Thomas, Lee R., D.B 54 Thomas, Mary R 196 *Thomas, Mary S 108 Thomas, Olive J 236 Thomas, William A 226 Thomas, William B., A.M 71 Thomas, William I., Ph.D . . '. 9 Thome, Fannie M 145 Thompson, Alice S 159 Thompson, Andrew G., J.D 39 Thompson, Blanche E 177 Thompson, Carl D., A.M 70 Thompson, Charles S., A.M 65 Thompson, Christiana 215 Thompson, Edwin E., Ph.M 71, 130 Thompson, Effle F., Ph.D 12 Thompson, Emily C, A.M 68, 111 Thompson, Gena S 236 Thompson, George F 186 Thompson, Mrs. George W 229 Thompson, Gertrude C 226 Thompson, Guy A., Ph.D 18 Thompson, Harold B 159 Thompson, Helen B., Ph.D 4, 111 Thompson, Helen B 196 ♦Thompson, Mrs. J. D., A.M 65 Thompson, James W., Ph.D 7 Thompson, Mrs. James W 142 Alphabetical Index 399 Thompson, Jane 151 Thompson, John G., A.M 72 Thompson, Josephine G 159 Thompson, Laura A . . . ' 130 Thompson, Leland R., S.M 87 Thompson, Mabel C. H 159 Thompson, Mary E 151 Thompson, Pierce M 186 Thompson, Samuel H 120 Thompson, Thora M 64 Thorns, Alexander P., Jr 138 Thorns, Craig S., D.B 54 Thorns, Edith M 152 Thorns, James P 98 Thomson, John W 187 Thomson, Thomas W 130 Thomson, William 96 Thorington, Wiella 152 Thormeyer, Bertha, Ph.M 70 Thormeyer, Clara B 177 Thornberry, Charles O 145 Thorne, Florence C 206 Thornton, Mrs. Irene B 153 Thorsen, William C 167 Threlkeld, Mrs. Harry L 183 Thronbill, Ernest A., A.M 72 Throne, Elsie W 159 Tibbetts, Mary M 206 Tibbetts, William P., Ph.D 14 Tiblett, Thomas J 64 Tierney, Mary E 138 *Tight, William G., Ph.D 25 Tillmanns, Ernest G. N 226 Tilton, Clara A 115 Tilton, John L., Ph.D 26 Timblin, William S 215 Timm, Florence A 177 Timme, Elizabeth A 215 Tingelstad, Oscar A., A.M . 94 Tingle, Harry M 152 Tingle, Mrs. John B 113 Tingley, Claude S., S.M 84, 177 Tingley, Margaret J 226 Tinker, Francis E 196 Tinney, Mary C, A.M 84 Tische, Francis F 145 Tische, Mrs. Francis F 127 Tisdale, Florence M 236 Titzel, Mary E 215 Tobin, John F., J.D 38 *Todd, Adella N., (Mrs. Andrew C), S.M 69 Todd, Anna M 226 Todd, David D., S.M 79 Todd, Elmer E 108 Todd, Ethel M 187 Todd, Mrs. Frank G 175 Todd, Helen G 177 Todd, Mary E 196 Todd, Sarah E 215 Toepfer, Carl W 215 Toffteen, Olaf A., Ph.D 11 Tolman, Cyrus F., Jr 108 Tolman, Edgar B 101 Tolman, Frank L 120 Tolman, Judson A., Jr., Ph.D.. 15, 72, 130 Toner, Loretta 167 Tonney, Frederick O 152 Tooker, Robert N., Jr 115 Tope, John W., Jr 187 Topping, Henry, D.B 54 Torrance, Catherine, A.M 90, 120 Tourner, Anna B., A.M 87, 206 Tower, Rosamond M 177 Tower, William L 145 Towles, Caroline M 177 Townsend, Caroline I 226 Townsend, Mary H 215 Tracy, Mrs. Fred R 116 Traner, Margaret C 138 Travis, Gideon B 130 Travis, Washington 1 152 Treadwell, Aaron L., Ph.D 27 Treadwell, Harriett T. (Mrs. Charles H.) 216 Treat, Theodore N 98 Treudley, Mary, A.M 84 Trever, Albert A., A.M 87 Tribolet, Emil, D.B 53 Triggs, Oscar, L., Ph.D 17 Triggs, Mrs. Oscar L 140 Trimble, Perry D., J.D 43, 216 Tromanhauser, Henrietta J 130 Trott, Garnett E 216 Trotter, Florence, A.M 94 Trovinger, Grace 187 Trowbridge, Arthur C, Ph.D 26, 177 Trowbridge, William R 187 Troxell, Emmett C 227 Truman, Benjamin H., A.M 90 Trumbull, Donald S Ill Trumbull, Grace E 159 Trumbull, Harlan L., Ph.D 25 *Trumbull, Lyman M 99 Truscott, Laura M 216 Tschirgi, Mattie B 152 *Tsunekawa, Yohei, A.M 81 ♦Tucker, Alfred B 97 Tucker, George E 124 Tuma, Emilie 196 Tunnell, George G., Ph.D . 6 Tuohy, Arthur C 216 Tupper, Edward L 103 Turner, Mrs. Alfred C 137 Turner, Charles H., Ph.D 27 Turner, Edith C 196 Turner, John W 152 Turner, Mabel E 206 Turner, William D 196 Turner, William S., A.M . . . 94 400 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Turney, Florence 130 Tuthill, James E Ill Twining, Harry A 216 Twiss, Edith M., Ph.D 32, 77 Twiss, Richard B 99 Twombly, Eva 138 Tyler, Marguerite G., S.M 87 Tyley, Florence A., A.M 90, 196 Tyndale, William R 120 Tyndale, Mrs. William R 127 Uhl, Earl L 206 Ullman, Berthold L., Ph.D 15, 145 Ullman, Myron E 227 Ullmann, Henry J 216 Ulrich, Mrs. Charles 122 Ulrich, Fred T 236 Umpleby, Joseph B., Ph.D 26, 81 Underhill, Anthony L, Ph.D 19, 124 Underhiil, Olive L 206 Unger, Leon 236 Unnewher, George L 177 Unwerth, Frida von 152 Upjohn, Hubert S 152 Upjohn, William K 177 Upjohn, Mrs. William K 169 Upson, Fred W., Ph.D 24 Upson, Henry T., Ph.D 23 Urmston, William B 187 Vail, Albert R 145 Vail, Mrs. Arthur 184 Vail, Ruth 130 Vaile, Mrs. William N 134 Valentine, Anna E., A.M 94 Valentine, Louis P., D.B 57 VanAlstyne, Eleanor V 177 Van Arsdale, Suzanne G 216 Van Benschoten, Anna L., S.M 68 Van Campen, Marion K 227 Vance, Claud M 227 Vance, Harriet 177 Vance, Jimmie B 227 Van Cleef , Eugene 187 Van Cleef, Paul, S.M 75, 159 Van Cott, Earle R 227 Van de Erve, John 206 Van Deman, Esther B., Ph.D 14 Van Denbergh, Edith J 167 Vanderlip, Ruth 1 124 Vander Meulen, John, A.M 79 Vanderpoel, Tanetta E. . 227 Vandervort, Ralph E 216 Van Fleet, Mrs. C. Claude 180 Van Hoesen, Gertrude 236 Van Hoesen, Margaret 216 Van Hook, LaRue, Ph.D 13 Van Hook, Mary-Lee 167 Van Horn, Adela C 236 Van Horn, Theodore J., D.B 55 Van Kirk, Hiram, Ph.D 35 Van Meigs, Robert, D.B. . . 56 Van Meter, Anna R., S.M 79 Vannatta, Harriet C 167 Van Nest, Clara K 187 Van Nostrand, John J., Jr 159 Van Noy, George O., D.B 61 Van Osdel, Oliver W., D.B 51 *Van Patten, Charles M 138 Van Patten, Leroy A 177 Van Riper, Benjamin W., Ph.D 4 *Van Schack, Henry C 101 Van Schaick, Guy, J.D 41 Van Sickle, Mrs. Pierre 158 Van Steenberg, Cecile 236 Van Tuyl, Charles H 138 Van Vechten, Carl 145 Van Vliet, Alice 108 Van Voorhis, Mrs. W. D 127 Van Wie, Charles B 124 Van Wormser, Henrietta L 167 Van Wyck, Margaret W . . . . 138 Van Zandt, Elwyn B 236 Van Zandt. Philip G., D.B 61, 177 Varkallo, Joseph P 196 Vaughan, Franklin E 115' Vaughan, Mrs. Franklin E 120 Vaughan, Katharine J.E 159 Vaughan, L. Brent 112 Vaughan, Lena, S.M 79, 145 Vaughan, Lynn B 236 Vaughan, Richard M., D.B 56 Vaughan, Roger T 120 Vaughn, Lillian E 159 Vaughn, Mrs. Susan K . 216 Veblen, Harold 196 Veblen, Oswald, Ph.D 19 Veddar, Idabelle 187 Ventresca, Francesco, Ph.M 87, 206 Verhoeven, Eleanor M 227 Verhoeven, Laura A 227 Vernier, Mrs. C. G., S.M 77 Vernier, Chester G., J.D 39, 152 Vernon, Leroy T 130 Vernon, William C, S.M 94 Ver Nooy, Winifred 227 Verry, William L 138 Viall, Grace M 167 Vincent, Alice E 187 Vincent, Mrs. Donald 129 Vincent, George E., Ph.D 9 Vincent, Grace M., A.M 79, 167 Vincent, Mrs. R. D 159 Vincent, Stella B., Ph.D 5, 177 Vineyard, Anna 206 Vinzant, Isabel L 159 Viol, Charles H., Ph.D 25 Violette, Eugene M., A.M 67 Visher, Dorothy 167 Visher, Stephen S., S.M 84, 196 Alphabetical Index 401 Vitteli, Mrs. Francesca 155 Vogt, Paul L 152 Vogt, Roma F 206 Vogt, William C, A.M 81 Voigt, John F 108 Vollertsen, John J 145 Vollmer, Arthur 236 Vollwiler, Albert T., A.M 88 Vondracek, Henrietta E 216 Vondracek, Olga 187 Voris, John R., D.B 60 Votaw, Clyde W., Ph.D 34 Vreeland, Charles F 64 Wade, Coradel 227 Wade, Margaret M 152 Wadsworth, Mrs. Dexter E 105 Wahlberg, Karl W 206 Wahlgren, Oscar G. A 152 Waid, George H., A.M 68 Waite, Claire L., D.B 58 Waite, Jessie F 99 Waite, Lucy C 101 Waites, Bennett T., Ph.M 79 Wakefield, Mrs. John H 175 Wakeley, Nellie M 177 *Wakeley, Tilden R 152 Wakeman, Caroline A 167 Waldo, William A., D.B 57, 63 Wales, Henry W., Jr 108 Walker, Ada E 216 Walker, Arthur T., Ph.D 14 Walker, Buzz M., Ph.D 19 Walker, Clara 130 Walker, Clyde B 120 Walker, Dean A., Ph.D 11 Walker, Ella K 130 Walker, Florence M., Ph.M 65, 104 Walker, Helen M., A.M 94, 138 Walker, Herbert S 130 Walker, Jacob A., J.B 44, 227 Walker, Jane B 152 Walker, John E 187 Walker, Lulubel 196 Walker, Paul A 206 Walker, Placentia B 236 Walker, Sanford R., D.B 54 Walker, Seth S., S.M 84, 187 Walker, Sydney, Jr 196 Walker, Thomas S 152 Walker, Walter M., D.B 53 Walker, William A 101 Wallace, Anna T., Ph.M 75 Wallace, Mrs. J. Napier 162 Wallace, Malcolm W., Ph.D 17 Wallace, Sarah A 145 Wallace, Sarah E 112 Wallace, Sloane M 227 Wallace, Urson R 196 Wallace, Mrs. V. A., Ph.M 75 Wallbrunn, Maurice, J.D 37 Wallbrunn, Mrs. M., A.M 75, 151 Waller, Jesse C 187 Wallgren, Axel S 196 Wallin, Madeleine, Ph.M 65 Walling, William E 112 Walling, Willoughby G 120 Walmsely, Ethel 159 Walsh, Frank J 103 Walsh, John J 124 Walshe, Frances L 124 Walsworth, Harry E 152 Walter, George E., J.D 38, 152 Walters, Arthur J 138 Walworth, Edith L 196 Wander, Paul 187 Wang, Yingchang T 216 Wangeman, Ella L 177 Waples, Marcia P 130 Ward, Albert L 124 Ward, Bertha E 138 Ward, Charles F., Ph.D 15 Ward, David A., A.M 90 *Ward, Harry B 124 Ward, John A., D.B 55 Ward, Laura D 152 Ward, Walter D., D.B 60 Wardle, Addie G., D.B 61 Ware, Mrs. Elizabeth L., A.M 90, 152 Ware, Norman J., Ph.D 36, 62 Warner, Hayward D 152 Warner, Mrs. Hayward D 156 Warner, Isaac N 206 Warner, Mrs. James E 119 Warner, Louis U 63 Warrant, Marcia E 124 Warren, Althea H 187 Warren, Bernice M 187 Warren, David C, A.M 75 Warren, Irene 206 Warren, Mrs. Joseph P., Ph.M 66, 104 Warren, Mary O 187 Warriner, William A., Jr 227 Warvelle, Efne B 138 Warwick, Anna L 115 Waterbury, Ivan C 115 Waterman, Frederick W 206 ♦Waterman, Henry B., D.B 47 Waterman, Leroy, Ph.D 12 Waterman, Louis M 63 Waterman, William J 152 Waters, Arthur E 152 Waters, Glen M., J.D 41, 196 Waters, Kate 112 Wathne, Thorleif 236 Watkin, Clifford R '. 227 Watkins, Blanche N 216 Watkins, Edmund D., S.M 77 Watkins, Edna L 177, 187 Watkins, Homer E 159 402 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Watkins, Laura D 167 Watkins, Lucy R 145 Watkins, Parke H 206 Watkins, Susan O 138 Watson, Charles F 196 Watson, Mrs. Charles P 160 Watson, Dorothea 227 Watson, George B 124 Watson, John B., Ph.D 4 Watson, Margaret L 227 Watson, Mrs. William C 182 *Watson, William J., D.B 50, 100 Watts, Alfred C, D.B 49, 98 Watts, Charles E 216 Waugh, Anna M 152 Waugh, Katherine E 124 Wayman, Agnes R 145 *Wayne, Charles H 101 Weatherby, LeRoy S., Ph.D 25 Weaver, Samuel R., A.M 90 Weaver, Walter A 197 Webb, Alia 130 Webb, Charles J., J.D 39, 167 Webb, Daniel C 167 *Webb, Frank R 97 Webb, Hanor A., S.M 88 Webb, Hartwell W 115 Webb, Jonathan E., A.M 68, 120 Webber, Bertram S 177 Webber, Walter O., A.M 81 Weber, Abraham L., J.D 41, 187 *Weber, Charles 120 Weber, Frank R 227 Weber, Kathryn A., A.M 94, 216 Weber, Mary 125 Weber, Mrs. William J 118 Webster, Albert E., D.B 62 Webster, Edgar H 167 Webster, Homer J., Ph.M 70 Webster, James L., D.B 59 Webster, Ralph W., Ph.D 29, 105 Weckel, Ada L., S.M 79 Weddell, John H 159 Weddell, John W., D.B 50 Weddell, Thomas R 103 Wedge, Mrs. Arthur G 109 Wedgworth, William A 236 Weichard, Ella C 120 Weidensall, Clara J., Ph.D 5 Weidling, Walter H 216 Weil, Elsie F 206 Weil, Flora B 152 Weinberg, Callie A 206 Weinberger, Carl F 120 *Weinchenk, Lucius 102 Weingarten, Frederick S 159 Weirick, Elizabeth S 145 Weirick, Margaret A 216 Welch, Clara M 125 * Welch, Jeannette C, Ph.D 28 Welch, Robin L 130 Welch, Mrs. Roy D 195 Welch, Sue E 168 Weld, Emma S 206 Weldon, Edna 187 Weldon, Helen M 159 Wellemeyer, Ernst E 227 Weller, Annie L 138 Weller, Mrs. C. E., A.M 66 Weller, Marion 112 Weller, Oliver C 98 Wellmer, Joan M 227 Wells, Anne P 160 Wells, Dora, A.M 67 Wells, Edgar B 160 Wells, Florence 168 Wells, Florence E 187 Wells, Frances B 138 Wells, Harry G., Ph.D 32 Wells, Lenna G 206 Wells, Lloyd E 236 Wells, Mary E., S.M 77 Wells, Michael B 120 Wells, Morris M 227 Wells, Oliver E 115 Wells, Mrs. Rodney C 144 Wells, Sumner M., Jr 227 Welsh, Duncan J., D.B 62 Wendel, Maurie E., Ph.M 81, 187 Wenner, Jessie S., A.M 81 Wente, Frances 130 Wentworth, Mrs. F. W., A.M 75 Wentzel, Walter L 197 Wentz, Zayda 130 Werkmeister, Marie K 120 Werner, Hedwig M 168 Wertheim, Elsa 236 Wertheimer, Cecilia H 227 Wertheimer, Rose A 236 Wertman, Harry J 145 Werts, Edwin S 187 Wessa, Ida 152 West, Barbara H 227 West, Franklin L., Ph.D 25 West, Mrs. Frederick L 211 West, Mabel A 227 West, Victor J 160 Westcott, Frank H 112 Westlund, Hildur C 187 Weston, Francis E 97 Weston, Herbert M 130 Weston, Jessie B 177 Weston, Nina E 130 Wetzel, Frank S 197 Wetzler, Adelaide 197 Weum, Thurston W 178 Wever, Anne-Marie 206 Whan, William D., D.B 62, 81 Wheaton, Harry H., J.D 42, 216 Wheaton, Ruth 187 Alphabetical Index 403 Wheeler, Belle P 145 Wheeler, Clara K 168 Wheeler, Herbert E 168 Wheeler, Horace J 64 Wheeler, James W 197 Wheeler, Kittredge, D.B 49 Wheeler, Newton C 98 Wheelock, Mildred M 168 Whidden, John B 178 Whipp, Virgil O 237 Whipple, Eleanor E 178 Whipple, Mrs. Vernon H 193 Whitaker, Mrs. W. K 133 White, Anna L 168 White, Mrs. C. H 128 White, Mrs. Charles E 141 White, Florence M 216 White, Frances C 237 *White, Frank R 131 White, George L. L., D.B 58, 72, 115 White, George N 237 White, Isabelle M 206 White, James J 178 White, LeRoy B., A.M 84, 152 White, Mabel F 216 White, Marion B., Ph.D 20 White, Markella 227 White, Orris O 178 White, Paul A 187 *Whited, Oric O 160 Whiteford, Agnes 178 Whiteford, Eleanor B 178 Whitehead, Helen 152 Whitelaw, Henry N 160 Whitelaw, Mrs. Henry N 173 Whiteley, Mary A 237 Whiteside, Frederick W 227 Whiteside, Horace E 237 Whiteside, Mabel K 138 Whitfield, Aleck G 216 Whitfield, Garland Q 138 Whitford, Alfred E 125 Whitford, Harry N., Ph.D 31 Whitman, Iris L 237 Whitmoyer, Clinton B 152 Whitney, Adele 237 Whitney, Frederick L 168 Whitney, Wilson 97 Whitson, Andrew R 104 Whittaker, Mrs. C. C, Ph.M 74 Whittemore, Martha 237 Whittlesey, Deo E 138 Whyte, James P., A.M 71, 108 Wickes, Dean R., Ph.D 34, 160 Wieand, Albert C 131 Wieland, Otto E 112 Wieman, Harry L., Ph.D 28 Wier, Marion C, A.M 66 Wigent, Zella 237 Wigger, William F 168 Wight, Clara 216 * Wight, Eugene B 98 Wight, Wallace E., D.B 55 Wilberding, Frances L 227 Wilbert, Charles H., J.D 39, 160 Wilcox, Edith M 178 Wilcox, Mrs. Edwin F 187 Wilcox, Ernest S 131 Wilcox, Frank J 98 Wilcox, Maude J 178 Wilcox, Wayland D., D.B 60, 168 Wilcoxson, Mary E 160 Wilder, Frank A., Ph.D 25 Wilder, Laura 216 Wilder, Russell M., Ph.D 33, 187 Wilderman, James H., D.B 47 Wildman, Banks J., A.M 74, 115 Wildman, Murray S., Ph.D 6 Wiles, Russell 138 Wiley, Forbes B 178 Wiley, Fordyce B 178 Wiley, Harry D 112 Wilhelms, Frederick T 227 Wilk, Benjamin 216 Wilkes, Harriet E 187 Wilkes, Sarah E 216 Wilkie, Clara B. M 206 Wilkinson, Evelyn A 152 Wilkinson, Eliza J 206 ♦Wilkinson, Israel, D.B 50 *Willard, Laura, S.M 66 Willcox, Oswin W., Ph.D 23 Willett, Floyd P 227 Willett, Herbert L., Ph.D 33 Willett, Howard L 168 Willett, Mrs. Howard L 178 Williams, Alene N 152 Williams, Allan C 138 Williams, Arthur J 227 Williams, Auvergne, J.D 42 Williams, Charles B 125 Williams, Charles B., Ph.D 12, 79 Williams, Clarence R., D.B 58 Williams, Edward M 145 Williams, Mrs. Edward M 115 Williams, Francis M., D.B 49 Williams, Guy Y., S.M 91 Williams, Henry M 197 Williams, John B., A.M 94, 227 Williams, John W 105 Williams, Lucy E 227 Williams, Marie D 187 Williams, Martha E 237 Williams, Maynard O 216 Williams, Nellie 131 Williams, Paul 197 Williams, Pelagius, A.M 77 Williams, Robert R., S.M 81, 187 Williams, Robert R., D.B 48 Williams, Ruby C 216 404 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Williams, S. Horace 152 Williams, Sylvester V 152 Williams, Winifred M 120 Williamson, Edward J., Ph.D 16 Williamson, Grace 178 Williamson, Jesse H., J.D 41 Williamson, Mrs. Walter B 189 Williard, Mabel V 227 Willis, Carl L., A.M 71 Willis, Gwendolen B 108 Willis, Henry P., Ph.D 6, 104 Willis, Mrs. Paul H 180 Williston, Frances G 108 Williston, Ruth 160 Willits, Mrs. A. J 116 Willsey, Elsie M 237 Wilson, Albert H., Ph.D 20 Wilson, Albert S., D.B 58 Wilson, Alfred M., D.B 51 Wilson, Alice M 160 Wilson, Amorine M 227 Wilson, Arnold J 178 Wilson, Carl 1 152 Wilson, Crawford P., D.B 53 Wilson, Delonza T., Ph.D 20 Wilson, Dollie M 237 Wilson, Edna M 168 Wilson, Elizabeth 206 Wilson, Eugene A., A.M 75 *Wilson, James K 98 Wilson, John F 96 Wilson, Lester M., A.M 81 Wilson, Lyman P., J.D 39 Wilson, Mabel E 168 Wilson, Margaret M 152 Wilson, Nena F 227 Wilson, Norman R., Ph.D 19 Wilson, Paul C 138 Wilson, Ruth E 197 Wilson, Mrs. Thomas E 113 Wilson, Thomas M., S.M 72 Wilson, William O 112 Winchester, George, Ph.D 21, 153 Windes, John R 100 Windes, Romulus, A., D.B 49, 100 Winegar, Samuel J., D.B 50, 100 Winkler, Elsie M 227 Winne, Mattie K (Mrs. Frank N) . . . 228 Winne, Winifred K . 228 Winslow, Catherine 216 Winslow, Florence 178 Winsor, Mrs. S. A 170 Winsor, Sanford A 160 Winston, Alice, A.M 71, 115 Winston, Charles S 108 Winston, Eugenia, A.M 66 Winter, Mrs. B. B 112 Winter, Mary F 115 Wintin, Leota K 237 Wirt, Mrs. Erie L 131 Wise, Bertha H., Ph.M 81 Wisley, Allen N., Jr 216 *Wisner, Mrs. Carl V 141 Wisner, Catharine A 237 Witkowsky, Alan D 237 Witkowsky, Ethel M 197 Witt, Joshua C 197 Witter, Charles E., Ph.D 4 Wittet, George L., D.B 54 Wolcott, Adele Z 206 Wolcott, Harry R 120 Wolcott, Ina B 206 Wolcott, Maude H 187 Wold, Thore O., D.B 53 Woldt, Mae K., S.M 74 Wolf, Florence M 237 Wolfe, Arthur W 228 Wolfe, Isabel J., A.M 91 Wolfe, William L., D.B 50 Wolfermann, Sidney J 206 Wolford, Charles R., D.B 61 Wolfram, Philip H 228 Wolkow, Isaac L 197 Wollaston, Katherine D 237 Wolleson, William D., J.D 44 Womack, Benjamin R., D.B 48 Woo, Tsing N., Ph.M 81 Wood, Clarence A., D.B 62, 216 Wood, Edward O., Jr 131 Wood, Elmer W 237 Wood, Francis A., Ph.D 16 *Wood, Frederick W., A.M 70 Wood, George R., D.B 54 Wood, Irving F., Ph.D 12 Wood, Joel F., D.B 56 Wood, Leslie H., A.M 70 Wood, Malcolm, D.B 48 Wood, Mary M 168 Wood, Nathan E., D.B 48, 98 Wood, Mrs. Nathan E 97 Wood, Paul S 187 Wood, William H., A.M 75, 160 Woodard, Dudley W., S.M 79, 178 Woodbridge, Mary E., S.M 88 Woodbury, Mary E., A.M 94, 178 Woodhams, Mrs. E. L 187 Woodhead, Howard, Ph.D 10, 125 Woodmansee, Edith L 146 Woodruff, Mrs. Eugene B 107 Woodruff, Wilburn E., D.B 60 Woods, Clarence H 103 Woods, Erville B., Ph.D 10 *Woods, Frank W., D.B 56, 105 Woods, Halle D 153 Woods, Lebbeus, Ph.M 79 Woods, Mrs. Lebbeus 176 Woods, Weightstill A., J.D 44 Woods, William B 105 Woodson, Carter G., A.M 81, 187 Woodward, Dudley K., Jr., J.D 40 Alphabetical Index 405 Woodward, John C 168 Woodward, Woodie S 237 Woodworth, Arthur H., A.M 75 Woodworth, George B 96 Woodworth, Vernor A 168 Woodyatt, Rollin T 168 Woolf , Joseph A 228 Woolf , Walter E 45 Woolley, Edwin C 115 Woolley, Paul G 108 Woolley, Mrs. Paul G., Ph.D 4, 111 Woolner, Rose 206 Woolsey, Robert C, J.D 44 Woolston, Howard B., D.B 58 Work, James R 216 Work, Monroe N., A.M 71, 138 Wormser, Leo F., J.D 41, 160 Worth, Wilfred H 197 Worthing, Jackson B 228 Worthwine, Oscar W., J.D 43, 206 Wrather, William E 187 Wreidt, Ernest A 153 Wren, Mabel E., Ph.M 88 Wright, Mrs. Albert E 126 Wright, Mrs. Arthur B 164 Wright, Mrs. C. W 210 Wright, Carrie, A.M 94 Wright, Charles A 146 Wright, Emilie B 178 Wright, George C, D.B 56 Wright, Mrs. George H 99 Wright, Helen A 206 Wright, Horace C 178 Wright, Howard F., D.B 58 Wright, James R., Ph.D 22 Wright, John S., J.D 39, 168 Wright, Lagene L 168 Wright, Laura M 116 Wright, Lela M 188 Wright, Lynn A 206 Wright, Mrs. Newton 120 Wright, Peter C, D.B 58 Wright, Richard R., Jr., D.B 58, 74 Wright, Mrs. Wilbur H 152 Wright, William K., Ph.D 3, 120 Wright, Mrs. Winner C, Ph.D 13 Wrightson, Philip G., S.M 70, 131 Wyant, Mrs. A. R. E 106 Wyant, Adam M 105 Wyant, Andrew R. E., D.B 56 Wyatt, Hurley T., S.M 94, 197 Wyckoff, Mrs. C. T 105 Wyckoff, Charles T., Ph.D 7 Wygant, Elsie A 237 Wyland, Zarada I. Z 216 Wylie, Mrs. Gertrude H., A.M 72 Wylie, Robert B., Ph.D 31 *Wyman : Charles D 98 Wyman, Oliver B 153 *Wynekoop, Willard W., J.D 39, 153 Yamanouchi, Shigeo, Ph.D 31 Yaple, Edward L 112 Yaple, George L., Jr., J.D 41, 178 Yard, William R., D.B 61 Yarnelle, Mrs. Edward R 132 Yates, Julian E., D.B 57 Yenerich, Lawson G 153 Yeoman, Nina 207 Yeomans, Frances A., Ph.M 75 Yeretzian, Aram S 197 Yoakum, Clarence S., Ph.D 4 Yocum, Georgia L., S.M 70, 131 Yoder, Charles F., D.B 58, 120 Yoder, Orie C 168 Yonderf, Alma M 131 Yondorf , Edna C 188 Yondorf , Milton S 153 Yoran, Clarence G., J.D 39 Yoshioka, Gen-ichiro, Ph.D 13 Yoshizaki, Enos H., A.M 69 Young, Albert N 120 Young, Arthur L 153 Young, Charles A 116 Young, Elizabeth A 168 Young, Ella F. (Mrs. W. L.), Ph.D. . 5 Young, Emanuel S., D.B 57 Young, Mrs. Ernest 120 Young, Evelyn E 168 Young, George A 138 Young, George E., D.B 60 Young, Mrs. George W 153 Young, Howard S 138 Young, Jeremiah S., Ph.D 7 *Young, Joseph L. M., D.B 47 Young, LeRoy B 46 Young, Margaret C. (Mrs. J. D), S.M. 88 Young, Margeret H 168 Young, Marianne R. S 138 Young, Mary E 138 Young, Mary S., Ph.D 32, 77 Young, Mrs. R. M . 116 Young, Walter A., A.M 91 Young, William A 160 Young, William N 63 Youngman, Anna P., Ph.D 6, 160 Youngman, Harriet E 207 Youngs, GeOrgiana J 178 Yousehoff , Joachim P. E 178 Yule, Charles 1 216 Yundt, Emery R 108 Zacharias, Myra L 216 Zahniser, Charles R., D.B 57 Zahringer, Edith M 216 Zarbell, Ada, A.M 65 Zarobsky, Mrs. Joseph J 196 Zeichiel, Chester L 228 Zeisler, Erwin P 178 Zeisler, Helen L 237 Zeisler, Leonard B., J.D 41 406 Alumni Directory of the University of Chicago Zeleny, Charles, Ph.D 27 Zimmers, Mrs. P. J 131 Zeller, Julius C, D.B 60, 160 Zmrhal, Jaroslav J 160 Zemer, Stanley G . . 197 Zoethut, William D., Ph.D 29 Zimmerman, Herbert P 131 Zook, Ephraim J., A.M 74 Zimmerman, Mrs. J. F 205 Zug, Mrs. George B 167 Zimmerman, Jacob P., A.M 94, 237 Zurawski, Frances C 160 Zimmerman, John P 112 Zurawski, Helen F 207 Zimmerman, Mary 138 Zurawski, Mary E 188