■^ n r ■i<^ 0,0! >'-'>^ DIGEST ACTS OF ASSEMBLY BKJ.ATIVF, TO THE FIRST SCHOOL DISTRICT tntr of p^nn^ijluiiniiL PHILADELPHIA: lUSriY & MAiJKLKY, PKIXTERS, GOLDSMITH'S HALL, LIBRARY STREET. 1852. 0^ DIGEST ACTS OF ASSEMBLY KELATIVE TO THE FIRST SCHOOL DISTRICT STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. ^^-^-^ PUBLISHED BY OB.DEE OF THE BOAKD OF CONTROLLERS. PHILADELPHIA: CRISST & MARKLEY, PRINTERS, GOLDSMITH'S HALL, LIBRARY STREET. 1852, INTEODUCTION. The following brief general statement of the organization of the Public Schools in the First School District of Pennsylvania, and the relative rights and duties of the Controllers and Direc- tors, is submitted as an Introduction to a Digest of the acts of Assembly relating to the same. The First School District comprises the whole of the City and County of Philadelphia, and is divided into eleven different Sections, in each of which there is one or more Boards of Direc- tors : The First Section includes the City of Philadelphia. The Second Section includes the Northern Liberties. The Third Section includes Southwark. The Fourth Section includes Spring Garden. The Fifth Section includes Oxford, Lower Dublin, Byberry and Moreland. The Sixth Section includes Germantown, Manayunk, Roxbo- rough and Bristol. The Seventh and Eighth Sections includes West Philadelphia, Blockley, Kingsessing and Passyunk. The Ninth Section includes Moyamensing. The Tenth Section includes Kensington. The Eleventh Section includes North and South Penn Town- ship and Unincorporated Northern Liberties. The Board of Controllers consists of twenty-four members, elected by the Boards of Directors of the diiferent sections on the first Monday of July annually. Their term of service ex- pires on the thirtieth day of June succeeding their election. To this Board the First Section sends seven members ; the Second, Fourth and Tenth Sections .each three members ; the Third and Ninth Sections each two members ; the Fifth, Sixth and Eleventh Sections each one member, and the Seventh and Eighth Sections jointly, one member. It is the duty of the Controllers to determine upon the num- ber of School Houses to be erected and established in each section, and to provide suitable books for the pupils. They direct what number of Teachers shall be employed, and limit their salaries. They have a general superintendence over all the schools in the district, and have the power to make such rules and regulations for their own government and that of the schools, as may be requisite to carry the school system into complete effect. This Board, in conjunction with the County Board, determines the amount of money to be raised an- nually from the county for the use of the schools, and have the entire control of the finances of the system. The de- mands for salaries, building, &c., are paid by orders drawn by the Board of Control on the County Treasurer. The smaller bills (under $20) are paid by the Treasurers of the different sections, who receive funds for that purpose from the Board of Control. The Board of Controllers prescribe the duties of the visitors of the night schools, have power to establish night schools for females, to fix the time for re-opening and closing of all night schools, and determine the age at which pupils may be admitted therein. The Controllers have the High School and the Model School under their particular charge, and appoint the requisite Visiting Committees for the same. The stated meetings of the Board of Controllers are held on the second Tuesday of each month. The accumulation of busi- ness has led to a necessity for frequent special and adjourned meetings, which are held at the discretion of the members. rive members constitute a quorum for the making of orders for the payment of money and the transaction of business gene- rally, with this exception, that no order for the payment of money can be made at any special meeting, unless a majority of the whole number be present. It is a standing rule of the Board, which, unless in cases of great emergency, is strictly adhered to, that no order for money shall be authorized unless the claim has been previously approved by the Committee on Accounts. The Committee on Accounts meet statedly on the Saturday preceding each stated meeting of the Board, and to ensure regularity and avoid confusion, they refuse to consider any claim which is not submitted to them prior to the "Wednesday preceding a stated meeting. 6 No contract for materials or labor in the erection of the pub- lic school-houses is valid, unless sanctioned by the Board of Controllers ; and no claim on account of such materials or labor will be allowed by the Committee on Accounts, unless approved by the Committee on Property of the Board. No order for money will be delivered by the Secretary of the Board, except to the party in whose favor it is drawn, or his or her legal representative. The purchase of supplies for the use of the schools is made by the Committee of Supplies of the Board of Controllers. Books and stationery are distributed from the office of the Board to the different schools, upon the written requisition of the Teachers, approved by the Directors of the respective schools. The details of the school system are managed in the respec- tive sections by Directors elected by the City Councils, and the Commissioners of the incorporated districts of the county, or in the unincorporated districts, elected by the people. The First Section is under the charge of a board of fifty-four members, elected by the City Councils. The Second Section has a board of twenty-four members, elected by the Commission- ers of the Northern Liberties. The Third Section has a board of eighteen members, elected by the Commissioners of South- wark. The Fourth Section has a board of twenty-one members, elected by the Commissioners of Spring Garden. The Fifth Section consists of the townships of Oxford and Lower Dublin, which have each a board of six members, and Moreland and Byberry townships, which have each a board of three members, elected by the people. The Sixth Section consists of Bristol and Germantown townships, which have each a board of three members, and Boroughs of Germantown and Manayunk, and township of Roxborough, which have each a board of four mem- bers, elected by the people. The Seventh Section consists of the Borough, now the District of West Philadelphia, which has a board of nine members, and Blockley and Kingsessing townships, which have each a board of six members, elected by the people. The Eighth Section consists of Passyunk township, which has a board of six mem- bers, elected by the people. The Ninth Section has a board of fifteen members, elected by the Commissioners of Moyamensing. The Tenth Section has a board of twenty-four members, elected by the Commissioners of Kensington. The Eleventh Section consists of the townships of North Penn, South Penn, and unin- corporated Northern Liberties, which have each a board of three members, elected by the people. The elections for Directors are made in the incorporated dis- tricts of the county between the first and twentieth days of March annually, except in the District of Southwark, where they are elected between the first and twentieth days of May annu- ally, and in the wards, boroughs and townships in the unincor- porated parts of the county, at the ward, borough and township elections, which are now held by law on the third Friday in March annually. But one-third of the whole number of the Directors of each of the several boards in the first section, are elected annually, and they hold their office for the term of three years. The Directors of the several sections shall have power to erect and establish so many schools as may be determined upon by the said Controllers, and shall appoint Teachers, and provide all things necessary for m.aintaining and conducting the schools in the respective sections, and shall superintend and direct the said schools respectively. They appoint, under such regulations as the Board of Controllers may direct, such number of visitors of the night schools, not exceeding in number the number of school directors in each section, as the several Boards of Di- rectors may deem expedient. The Directors of each section shall meet at least monthly ; and the Directors of the several sections are required to divide themselves into as many committees' as there may be schools established in each section, so that every committee may have the management of one school only. Said committees are to keep regular minutes of their proceedings. The Directors are also required to keep regular minutes of their proceedings, and to exhibit them -when demanded; and are also required to report the state of their respective schools to the Controllers at least once in six months. There were at the close of the last fiscal year in the bounds of the first district, sixty substantial and commodious school- houses, erected expressly for the accommodation of the public schools, and reserved exclusively for their use. In these, and the various rented rooms occupied by the schools, over forty- eight thousand children are annually receiving the benefits of education. The course embraces all the useful branches of English instruction, and the advancement of the pupils alike attest the merits of the method pursued and the ability of the teachers. The expenses of the public schools, for the last school year ■were three hundred and sixty-six thousand, three hundred and sixty-one dollars and sixty-two cents, of which but about one- eleventh part came from the funds of the Commonwealth, and the residue was supplied by county taxation. December, 1851. DIGEST. AN ACT To proTide for the education of cMldi'en at public expense, within the City and County of Philadelphia. Passed March 3, 1818. Pamphlet Laws, 1817-18, p. 124. Wheeeas, The general provisions of the existing laws towards "the establishment of schools throughout the state in such manner that the poor may be taught gratis," and the special provisions made relative to the city and county of Philadelphia, have not proved to be a public benefit within the said city and county, commensurate with the expense incurred by occasion of the same : for remedy whereof, Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania^ in Creneral Assembly met, and it is hereby en- acted by the authority of the same, That the city and county of Philadelphia shall be and hereby are erected into a district, for the purposes of this act, to be de- First school , . . District. nominated " The First School District of the state of Pennsylvania," and shall be divided into the following 12 sections,and so many other sections as may be establislied hereafter, in the manner hereinafter provided : First, First Section. ^^^ ^-^^ ^f Philadelphia shall be a section, and shall be denominated the First Section. Second, the Nor- second Section. ^^^^^^^ Liberties and Kensington shall be a section, and shall be denominated the Second Section. Third, Third Section. Southwark, Moyamonsing and Passyunk, shall be a section, and shall be denominated the Third Section. Eourth Section. Fourth, Pcnn Township shall be a section, and shall be denominated the Fourth Section. The incorporated district of tlie Northern Liberties is now the Second Section, the district of Kensington the Tsnth Section, and the townships of Unincorporated Northern Liberties and Penn, the Eleventh Section. Acts of February 15th, 1832, Section 2, and March 7th, 1840, Section 35. Moyamensing, the Ninth Section. Act of February 12th, 1827, Section 2. Township of Passyunk, the Eighth Section. Act of March 20th, 1821, Section 1. Sect. 2. That the Common and Select Councils, the Commissioners of the incorporated part of the Northern Liberties, the Commissioners of the district of Southwark, the Commissioners of the township of How directors Moyamonsiug, and the Commissioners of the district to be appointed. „ ~ . ^ , , ,, • ,^ of Sprmg Garden, shall meet as soon as conveniently may be after the passing of this act, in their respec- tive districts, and thereafter on some day between the first and twentieth days of January, in every year, and shall appoint the requisite number of qualified ^g«^|jj,®°'=''°f^^- taxable inhabitants, residing within their respective sections hereby established, to be Directors of the Public Schools within every of the respective sections ; that is to say, the Select and Common Councils of the 13 city of Philadelphia shall, in joint meeting, elect by n T T /~i • • Election by bal- ballot twenty-four dn^ectors ; the Commissioners of lot. the incorporated part of the Northern Liberties shall elect twelve directors; the Commissioners of the dis- trict of Southwark shall elect six directors; the Com- missioners of the township of Moyamensing shall elect six directors; and the Commissioners of the district of Spring Garden shall elect six directors; and for every section hereafter established the number of directors designated in the manner hereinafter pro- vided ; and shall transmit a list of the names of the List of directors .. •Ill 1 to be furnished directors so appointed by them, to the county com- to county com- missioners, who missioners, who shall cause the same to be published are to publish ' ■•■ same, &c. in all the daily newspapers printed and published in the said city and county, and shall give personal, i^en^'^irictors written or printed notice to every citizen so appointed ; m^nt" appomt- for the expenses of which services the said county commissioners shall be allowed in the settlement of their accounts. City of Philadelphia now has fifty-four directors. Acts of Feb- ruary 12th, 1827, Section 1, and of March 12th, 1842, Section 1. Incorporated Northern Liberties, or Second Section, now has twenty-four directors. Act of March 12th, 1842, Section 1. District of Southwark, or Third Section, now has eighteen direc- tors. Acts of April 10th, 1841, Section 4, and April 15th, 1850, Section 5. District of Moyamensing, or Ninth Section, now has fifteen direc- tors. Acts of March 12th, 1842, Section 1, and April 15th, 1851, Section 17. See also Act of February 12th, 1827, Sections 2, 3 and 4, and note. District of Spring Garden, or Fourth Section, now has twenty-one directors. Acts of March 12th, 1842, Section 1, and April 9th, 1849, Section 8. Elections of school directors in the several sections of the incorpo- rated districts now take place between the 1st and 20th of March, in each year. Act of March 12th, 1842, Section 3. Except in 14 Third Section, Trhere they take place bet-^v^een the 1st and 20th of May, in each year. Act of April 15th, 1850, Section 5. School directors of Moyamensing are elected viva voce, and not , by ballot. Act of February 25th, 1850, Section 3. List of directors now to be furnished to controllers, "who are to publish same, and give personal notice to directors of their appoint- ment. Act of January 23d, 1821, Section 4. Sect. 3. That the said directors for every section Number of. t- t n i • • £• controllers. shall, immediately after their appointment as aiore- said, meet together and elect one suitable person from among themselves, for every six directors, to be mem- bers of a select body, to be called " The Controllers of the Public Schools for the city and county of Philadelphia." The provisions of this section as to the number of controllers, has been changed by the various acts of assembly, fixing the number of controllers from each section. Controllers are now elected annually on the first Monday in July. Act of April 7th, 1848, Section 85, Sect. 4. That the directors appointed, and con- flc^^of d?recto/s trollers elected as aforesaid, shall continue in office and controllers. .i,i •,• o ii ,1c, until the expiration oi one calendar month alter a new appointment and election shall have taken place ; and in case of the death, removal, or resignation of any director or controller, from inability to serve, the filled. ' directors for the time being of the section in which such vacancy may occur, shall have power to elect any qualified taxable inhabitant or inhabitants of the sec- tion to supply the place of the person so dying, re- moving or resigning, as aforesaid. Term of office of controllers and directors now expires on the 30th of June annually. Act of March 11th, 1843, Section 2. The above mode of filling vacancies in Boards of School Direc- 15 tors still exists in districts electing directors by the people. Act of March 7th, 1840, Section 33. Vacancies in the Boards of School Directors in the incorporated districts of the county, fiUed by the commissioners of the district. Act of January 24th, 1849, Section 10. Altered as to Second section, where they are filled by the directors. Act of March 29th, 1851, Section 6. Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia now fiU vacancies. Act of April 11th, 1848, Section 3. Sect. 5. That the said controllers of the public i^efol'Soi^ schools shall determine upon the number of school- ^^^^' houses which shall be erected or established in every numte^^r*^^ section under the provisions of this act, and shall &c.°° °^^^' limit the expense of erecting and establishing every such school-house. They shall have the power to establish a model school in order to qualify teachers for the sectional schools, or for schools in other parts of the state. They shall also have power to provide ^^'^'^^ ^°°^- such suitable books as they shall deem necessary, for the use of the pupils belonging to the different schools within the first district. They shall have the general i^endencroTC'r superintendence over all the schools established under and by virtue of this act in the said district, and may make such rules and regulations for their own govern- re^'^i^attoM ^^'^ ment, and for the general regulations of the district, as may be deemed necessary for carrying this act into complete effect : Provided, That such rules or regu- lations shall not be inconsistent with this act, or with the constitution or laws of this commonwealth, or of the United States. They shall also have power to appoint a clerk or secretary, with a salary not exceed- secretary. ing two hundred dollars a year. Sect. 6. That it shall be the duty of the said con- to examine ac- . counts of money trollers to examine all accounts of moneys disbursed disbursed for w anh nnl h_ 16 in erecting, establishing and maintaining the several schools established as aforesaid, within the district, drarorde?f on and the ordcr of the said controllers upon the county siSS/ '^^ treasurer, made at any regular or special meeting, and signed by the president and secretary of such meeting, for any sum or sums of money necessary for carrying this act into complete execution, shall be the said county treasurer's authority for paying any such sum or sums of money to the person or persons mentioned in such order, and the said treasurer is hereby directed to pay all such orders accordingly. Same duty imposed on controllers subsequently appointed. Act of January 23d, 1821, Section 1. Controllers not to draw orders on county treasurer for larger or other sums of money than shall be specifically appropriated by the County Board. Act of April 5th, 1842, Section 6. ooatrollers. Meetings of Sect. T. That the said controllers shall meet at least quarterly, and may call special meetings -when- Keep minutes Gvcr the Same may be deemed expedient. They shall TOmite.°'^°^'**^ keep regular minutes of all their proceedings, and shall Accounts to be keep Tcgular books of accounts, which shall be ex- settled annually ,, .. n i by the auditors ammcd and settled annually by the auditors oi tne of the county. •' •' Publish state- county, and shall publish a statement in the month of Hu?es°and ™ February in every year of the amount of expenditure, in'schoois, i^^ and of the number of children educated in the public month of I'ebru- arj annually. SChools. Controllers to publish annually during the month of July, a state- ment of receipts and expenditures. Act of July 26th, 1842, Sec- tion 13. Sect. 8. Enacted that no order for the payment of money should be made at any meeting of the con- trollers, unless a majority of their whole number were 17 present, and annexed a penalty upon every member present at any sucli meeting — which has been changed by Act of February 15th, 1832, Section 1. Sect. 9. That the said directors, for every section Powersanddu- respectively, shall have power to erect and establish ties of directors, so many schools in their respective sections as may be determined upon by the said controllers, as provided in the fifth section of this act, and shall appoint Appoint teach- teachers, and provide all things necessary for main- "^" taining and conducting the schools in their respective sections, and shall superintend and direct the said schools respectively. And the directors of every sec- tion respectively shall meet at least monthly, and shall mo^thi^*^'^^^'^ keep regular minutes of their proceedings, and the said directors of every section respectively, shall divide themselves into as many committees as there may be committees. schools established as aforesaid in the particular sec- tion, so that every committee may have the manage- ment of one school only : And the said committees tee^s^okee™^!- ,,,,, I . , c ,1 • T ular minutes of shall also keep regular mmutes oi their proceedings, their proceed- and shall report, or exhibit their mmutes to the direc- tors of the section whenever required by the said di- rectors so to do. And the directors of every section rep'ort stated shall report the state of all the schools within the sec- to controllers every six tion, every six months, to the controllers aforesaid, months. And all the du-ectors of the public schools within the said district, shall perform their duties without any pecuniary compensation ; and during their term of compeSi^n''^ service shall be exempted from serving as jurors, arbi- ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ trators, overseers of the poor, or managers of the ro^,"^frbftr^" ,, ^ , • ,' /» r* •!•,• tors, overseers alms house, and, except m time oi war, irom militia ofthepoor, &c., and from militia duty. duty. Sect. 10. Enacted, that the Lancasterian system 2 18 of education should be adopted in the district. Re- pealed by Act of June 13tli, 1836, Section 23. wSg^BBw'^ Sect. 11. That the Court of Quarter Sessions for the said county, upon the petition of twenty respect- Petition to • i p i r* Court of Quar- ablc taxable citizens, residma; m that part of the first ter Sessions of ''-''■ twenty citizens, ggiiool district in the said petition particularly men- tioned and described, to establish a new school section within the said district, the boundaries and limits of which section shall be clearly and distinctly described and set forth in the said petition, shall appoint some day certain, not less than thirty days from the time of presenting the said petition, for the hearing of the said petitioners, and such persons residing within the first school district as may ofier objections to the establish- ment of such new section. And the said court shall PuiDiicnoticeof (jirect immediate public notice of the substance of such Bueh petition, ••• point^edforh'e'ar- Petition, and of the time appointed for hearing the mg to be given. ^^^^^ ^^ |jg givcn, and also personal notice of the same to be given to the president or secretary of the con- trollers of the public schools for the said district ; and if upon the day appointed as aforesaid, or upon the hearing of the said petitioners, no sufficient objections shall appear, and the said court shall be of opinion that the state of the section petitioned for is such as to require and to justify the establishment of one or more public school-houses within the same, the said court may order and direct that the place designated bedeTignatedby and dcscribcd in the said petition shall be a new sec- its appropriate . ,,, ii-/ ' , ti ordinal nxunber. tiou, to be designated by its appropriate ordinal num- natTnumbef of ber. And tho said court shall at the same time desig- direotors. ^^^^ ^^^ numbcr of directors to be appointed for such Record of said bf made *and*° ^®^ scctiou, and shall cause a record of such petition wnt'rS and proceedings to be made, and a copy thereof certi- 19 fied by the clerk of the said court, under the seal of the said court, to be made out at the expense of the peti- tioners, and to be delivered to the president or clerk of the said controllers of the public schools ; from which time the said new section shall be considered and held to be established, and to be subject to all the provisions of this act. Sect. 12. Relating to the duty of Assessors of every ward and township to return the names of children, &c., &c. Obsolete. Sect. 13. That as soon as the school or schools Proceedings upon the estab- within any section of the said district shall be estab- gcho^T tetany lished and ready for the reception of scholars, the ®®''*'°°' directors of such section shall give public notice thereof. Remainder of section obsolete. Sect. 14. That whereas, the plan of education before mentioned may be inconvenient to the town- ships hereafter named, it therefore becomes proper to adopt one better calculated for their local situation. Be it therefore enacted, That the townships of Ox- ford, Lower Dublin, Byberry and Moreland, shall be a section, to be denominated the Fifth Section ; that Fifth section. the Court of Quarter Sessions for the said county shall appoint twelve respectable taxable inhabitants of the said section, to be directors of the public schools within Directors, the same ; four for Oxford, four for Lower Dublin, two for Byberry, and two for Moreland townships; and that the townships of Germantown, Bristol and Rox- borough shall be a section, to be denominated the Sixth Section; that the Court of Quarter Sessions for sixth section. the said county shall appoint eight reputable taxable inhabitants for the said section, to be directors of the Directors. public schools within the same; four for Germantown, 20 two for Bristol, and two for Roxborough ; and that the townships of Blockley and Kingsessing shall be a Seventh Section goction, to be denominated the Seventh Section ; that the Court of Quarter Sessions for the said county shall appoint five respectable taxable inhabitants of the said Directors. soction to bo dircctors of the public schools within the same; three for Blockley, and two for Kingsessing; that the said directors shall superintend the schooling Powers and ^^ *^^ P°*^^ children within the said district, and deter- rectors?^^'*''^'^" DQinG what children may fall within this description, and to what school the same may be sent ; and in order Expenses. ^^ defray the expenses thereof, the said directors, or a majority of them, may draw from the county funds such sums as may be necessary for this purpose, in the same proportion as may be drawn by other sec- tions or school districts for the like purpose ; and the assessors within the said sections shall make their Assessors to rctums of poor children to the directors before named, &c. '' and all and every regulation, matter and thing, con- tained in this act, so far as the same may be applicable to the special provisions in this section, shall be con- sidered as of full force and effect, as much so as if specially recited herein. Provided, That in case any of the said townships shall chose to avail themselves of the provisions of the eleventh section of this act, then, and in such case, the Court of Quarter Sessions shall proceed as in the said section is directed. Townships of Oxford and Lower Dublin, by their qualified electors, each to elect six school directors ; and townships of Byberry, More- land, and Bristol, in same manner, each to elect three directors. Act of March 7th, 1840, Section 32. And for the number and election of school directors in townships of Germantown, Roxborough, Blockley, and Kingsessing, see same section, and acts cited in note thereto. 21 Sect. 15. That so mucli of every act of Assembly Repeal, relating to the education of the poor, as far as the same may affect the said district, as is altered and supplied by this act, shall be repealed, and shall cease to operate within the several sections in the said dis- trict, from the respective time and times when the schools established under this act, in the respective sections, shall be ready for the reception of scholars, and notice given of the same, as is provided in the thirteenth section of this act. The preceding Act of Assembly is tlie foundation of the present public school system of the first district. Since the date of its passage its proTisions have been considerably modified, and in some respects enlarged. Among other important changes may be par- ticularly noticed that by the Act of June 13th, 1836, Section 23, the benefits of public education are now extended to all classes of the community, without distinction; the mode of instruction is no longer limited to the plan commonly called Lancasterian, and a Central High School for the more thorough education of pupils of the public schools of the first district, has been established. Night schools for both sexes are now in successful operation in the district, under the provisions of the Acts of March 12th, 1812, Section 5, and April 26th, 1850, Section 3. These radical altera- tions have been productive of the best consequences. A SUPPLEMENT To the act entitled "An Act to provide for the education of children at public expense within the City and County of Philadelphia." Passed January 23, 1821. Pamphlet Laws 1820-21, p. 13. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Souse of Representatives of the Commo7iiveaWi of Pennsyl- vania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted hy the authority of the same, That it shall be 22 Duty of Con- tliG duty of the controllers wlio now are, or who here- troUers now or hereafter to be after mav hc appointed under the act to which this is appointed to ex- •' •'■•'■ of^spe'^nserof^ a Supplement, to examine all accounts of the expenses iTsh?ng^&"'mai!^- incurrcd in erecting, establishing and maintaining the schooif. ^^ " schools which have been or hereafter may be establish- ed under the act to which this is a supplement. See Act of March 3, 1818, Section 6. Sect. 2. Had reference to education of children in schools not under care of controllers. Obsolete. Controllers to Sect. 3. That from and after the passage of this ty'^commisSon- act, it shall bc the duty of the controllers aforesaid, ers annually by , , first of March, to rcport to thc couutv commissioncrs annually, on or amount requir- "^ *^ schooV^""' before the first day of March, the amount of money which they may deem necessary to defray the expenses of the first school district of the State of Pennsylvania, County Com- for the currcut year; and the county commissioners missioners to as- certain per cen- shall, from and after the first day of March annually, turn upon the '' '' ^ amount of coun- ascertain the per centum upon the amount of the coun- re°qui?ed ^J ^^.x wMch will producG the sum required by the ty tax, which will produce the sum And give notice controllcrs ; and shall, as soon as maybe, give notice thereof to Coun- if., ty Treasurer, thercoi to the couuty trcasurcr, who shall open and who shall open «/ -' x r^tt account for ^^®P ^ Separate account for the controllers ; and as the Controllers. ^^^ g]^g^|j j^g ^^^^ ^^ j^-^^ 1^^ ^^^ collcctors, pass to the credit of the controllers the amount agreeably to the rate per centum fixed by the commissioners, which shall be subject to such orders as the controllers may draw on the county treasurer, who is hereby directed to pay other duties of the Same accordino;ly. And it shall be the duty of the County Trea- ^ ° •' *' t^'o sa^d'^amounT ^^^^ treasurer to give and take receipts for money so received and paid by him, in the same manner as is provided by the act entitled "An Act to regulate the compensation of the commissioners, to alter the time 23 for appointing the treasurer for the county of Phila- delphia, and for other purposes." And it shall further be the duty of the said treasurer to report to the said controllers the state of their account whenever they may require him so to do: Provided always. That if ^ ^ „ •^ J- • " ' Controllers may at any time the said controllers shall deem it expedient I'n^X^Xn to borrow any sum or sums of money in anticipation placed toThek^ of the sum to be placed to their credit as aforesaid, they shall have power to borrow the same from any person or persons, or any body or bodies corporate or politic, and to pledge the sum so to be placed to their faw sum for^" credit for the payment thereof. Provided also, That l^J^^^ any sum or sums of money so borrowed shall be, by the said controllers, placed in the hands of the county treasurer, who is hereby required to receive the same p^^. ^^^^ and to pay the same on the orders of the controllers. ^ney°so 1^3® And provided also, That if the amount of money that ''°'^'^" the controllers may report to the commissioners as necessary for the first school district shall not be ex- pended in the year for which it may have been appro- ^gj^^^^Po^^ny priated, then the surplus shall be considered as form- prfatfonT form f, , T , . , f. , 1 T part of estimate mg a part oi the estimate tor the succeeding year. of next year. County Commissioners required to raise and pay to Coimty Trea- surer on first Monday of every montli one-twelfth part of the sum necessary to defray expenses of public schools for the current year. Act of February 9th, 1835, Section 1. Controllers not to draw warrants on County Treasurer for larger amount of money than shall be specifically appropriated for the same by the County Board. Act of AprU 5th, 18i2, Section 6. Sect. 4. That the select and common councils, the commissioners of the incorporated part of the Northern Liberties, the commissioners of the district of Southwark, the commissioners of the township of 24 Moyamensing, the commissioners of tlie district of to beVaiismit- Spring Garden and the Court of Quarter Sessions, shall ted by Councils i o t t p i i • andCommis- annuallv, immediately after the election or appomt- sioners of dis- •^ ' '' -^ -^ _ troUers° ^°'^' i^Gut of the respcctive boards of directors, transmit a list of the names of the directors elected or appointed Controllers to pubushthe i^y them respectively, to the said controllers; who shall same m all the '-'J I J ^ ' JersVtbe'city causc the samc to be published in all the daily news- Phiiadeipma. papcrs printed and published in the city and county Personal notice ^^ Philadelphia, and shall give personal, written or rectorl!'''''' '^' printed notice to every citizen so appointed; for the Expenses. cxpenscs of which services the said controllers shall be allowed in the settlement of their accounts. Com-t of Quarter Sessions no longer appoint school directors. Act of March 7th, 1840, Section 32. Sect. 5. That so much of the act to which this is Repeal. a Supplement, or of any other act as is hereby altered or supplied, be and the same is hereby repealed. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT To an act entitled "An Act to provide for the education of children at public expense, within the City and County of Philadelphia." Passed March 20, 1821. Pamphlet Laws 1820-21, p. 9T. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, in G-eneral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the town- Eighth Section ship of Passyuuk be and it is hereby erected into a totS-'^""^ separate school section, to be denominated the Eighth Section, and the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses- 25 sions for the city and county of Philadelphia, be and they are hereby authorized and required to appoint two respectable taxable inhabitants of the said township, to be directors of public schools in the same, who shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities, and subject to the same regulations as the directors of the public schools in the fifth, sixth and seventh sections, in the county of Philadelphia. Qualified electors of township of Passyimk to elect tkree school directors. Act of March 7th, 1840, Section 32. Three additional school directors to be elected. Act of March 11th, 1843, Section 1. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT To an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the education of children at the public expense, within the City and County of Philadel- phia," and for the erection of a school-house in the township of Passyunk. Passed April 10, 1826. Pamphlet Laws 1825-26, p. 295. Section 1. Related to the education of children in schools not under care of controllers. Now obso- lete. Sect, 2. Authorized and required the School managers of Passyunk township, in conjunction with the school directors of said section, to erect on the lot on which the Passyunk school-house stood, a good and substantial building : Provided, That the cost thereof should not exceed iSl,600. 26 A SUPPLEMENT To the act entitled "An Act to provide for the education of children," &c. Passed February 12, 182T. Pamphlet Laws 1826-27, p. 32, &c. Whereas, it is found that by reason of the increased number of public schools established within the first section of the first school district of the state of Penn- sylvania, under the provisions of the Act of March 3d, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, the board of directors in and for the said section is not sufficiently large for the regular performance of the duties as- signed to them by the said act : Therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Qommonwealth of Pennsylvania, in Creneral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadel- First section to phia shall clcct annually thirty-six qualified taxable have thirty-six ■■■ ^ *< j. directors. inhabitants of the said city, as directors of the public schools in and for the first section of the first school district of the state of Pennsylvania, in the same man- ner and form, at the same time, and in all respects subject to the same provisions as those now or hereto- fore elected by the said councils by virtue of the second section of the act entitled " An Act to provide for the education of children at the public expense within the city and county of Philadelphia," passed March third, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. First section now has fifty-four directors. Act of March 12th, 1842, Section 1. Sect. 2. That the township of Moyamensing be 27 and it is hereby erected into a separate section of the Ninth section public schools for the first school district, to be de- nominated the Ninth Section. Sect. 3. That the board of commissioners of the o^ryfmeZng township of Moyamensing be and they are hereby aiiy^siTschoor authorized and required, on the first Monday in Janu- ary, in each and every year, or mthin twenty days thereafter, to appoint six respectable taxable inhabi- tants of the said township to be directors of the public schools in the same, who shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities, and subject to the same regulations as the directors of the public schools in the first, second and third sections, in the city and county of Philadelphia. Annual elections of school directors in the incorporated districts now take place between the 1st and 20th of March. Act of March 12th, 1842, Section 3. See note to 2d section of Act of March 3d, 1818, as to number of directors in Ninth Section. School directors of Moyamensing are elected viva voce. Act of February 25th, 1850, Section 3. Sect. 4. That such part or parts of the second Repeal of such parts of second section of the said act of the third day of March, one section of Act of •^ ' March 3d, 1818, thousand eight hundred and eighteen, as are hereby ateed^"^^^^ altered or supplied, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. AN ACT To enable the controllers of the public schools for the City and County of Philadelphia, and the commissioners of said county, to sell and convey certain real estate. Passed April 14, 1828. Pamphlet Laws 1827-28, p. 458. Section 1. Authorized the controllers to contract 28 thorized to seT f*^^ *^® ^^1® of *^6 ^0^ of ground situate on north side Lombfrrstreet of Lombard street, at tlie distance of 43 feet west from Delaware Sixth street, containing in front on Lombard street 47 feet, and in length or depth north- ward 86 feet, and the county commissioners directed to execute the proper conveyance to carry into effect such contract. Controllers Sect. 2. That the said controllers be and they schools for in- are hereby authorized, whenever they shall think struction of cMl- * dren under five proper to cstablish schools for the instruction of chil- years ot age. -^ -•■ dren under five years of age, and that the moneys expended in the establishment and support of these schools shall be provided for and paid in the same manner as is now, or shall hereafter be directed by law, with respect to the other public schools in said district. See note to Section 23 of Act of June ISth, 1836. AN ACT Concerning the AUentown academy, in the borough of Northampton, in the county of Lehigh, and for other purposes. Passed April 1, 1831. Pamphlet Laws 1830-31, p. 338. Fifth section to SECTION 2. That the fifth section of the first have one con- trouer. school district of the state of Pennsylvania shall be entitled to one controller of the public schools for the have^onrcon^*" ^^^J ^^^ couuty of Philadelphia, and the sixth section trouer. ^£ ^^^^ district shall be entitled to one controller in eighth'sectioM'^ ^^^^ board, and the seventh and eighth sections of together, one. ^^-^ district shall be entitled to one controller in said board ; which said additional controllers shall be 29 elected from their own numbers, by tbe directors of said sections respectively: Provided, That the di- rectors of the seventh and eighth sections shall hold a joint meeting for the election of a controller from their sections, and that after the current year the said ad- ditional controllers shall be elected in the month of January, annually. Controllers now elected on 1st Monday in July, annually. Act of April 7th, 1848, Section 35. Sect, 3. That the controllers of the public schools havefuperln-*" for the city and county of Philadelphia shall have the the'ldditS, same power and superintendence over the fifth, sixth, sfctionshere- , , . , , . after established seventh ana eighth sections, or any other section which may be hereafter made in the first school dis- trict, as they now have in relation to the other sec- tions of said district. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT To an act entitled "An Act to provide for the education of children," &c. Passed February 15, 1832. Pamphlet Laws 1831-32, p. 80. Section 1. Be it enacted ly the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, in G-eneral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That five mem- bers of the controllers of the public schools for the city and county of Philadelphia shall constitute a quorum x^J'^^^^}' for the making of orders for the payment of money, " » quorum. 30 No order for and the traiisactioii of business generally, with this payment of <-> " S^rat°sjeciai exceptioii, that no order for the payment of money rSStrprT shall be made at any special meeting of the board, ^^^' unless a majority of the whole number be present. Incorporated Sect. 2. That from and after the passage of this to be the Second act the incorporated district of the Northern Liberties Section — one ,. . « , controuer. gj^^ll bc a soctiou of the first school district of the state of Pennsylvania, to be called the Second Section, and shall elect one controller of the public schools; and Kensington and that the disti'ict of Keusingtou, and the unincorporated N. L. to be the Northcm Liberties shall be a section, to be called the Tenth Section — one controller. Tenth Scctiou, and shall be entitled to elect one con- troller. Second Section now has three controllers. Act of March 7th, 1840, Section 35. Tenth Section also has three. Act of March 7th, 1840, Section 35, and Act of April 10th, 1851, Section 23. AN ACT To establish a general system of Education by Common Schools. Passed April 1, 1834. Pamphlet Laws 1833-4, p. 170. "Whereas, it is enjoined by the constitution, as a solemn duty, which cannot be neglected without a dis- regard of the moral and political safety of the people : And whereas, the fund for common school purposes, under the act of the second of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, will, on the fourth of April next, amount to the sum of five hundred and forty-six thousand five hundred and sixty-three dollars and seventy-two cents, and will soon reach the sum of 31 two millions of dollars, when it will produce at five per cent, an interest of one hundred thousand dollars, which hj said act is to be paid for the support of common schools : And whereas, provisions should be made by law for the distribution of the benefits of this fund to the people of the respective counties of the commonwealth : — Therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, in Greneral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the city and county of Philadelphia, and every other county in School divisions. this commonwealth, shall each form a school division, and that every ward, township and borough, within the several school divisions, shall each form a school School districts, district: Provided, That any borough which is or may be connected with a township in the assessment and collection of county rates and levies, shall, with the said township, so long as it remains so connected, form a district ; and each of said districts shall contain a competent number of common schools, for the edu- cation of every child within the limits thereof, who shall apply, either in person or by his or her parents, guardian or next friend, for admission and instruction. The wards, boroughs or townships, within the city and incorpo- rated districts of the county of Philadelphia, not to form school districts. Act of June 13th, 1836, Section 1. Sect. 22. That the county commissioners of each county com- county in the commonwealth shall have power to take ™ch°county^to and hold, in fee simple or otherwise, any estate, real personal estate or personal, which shall be given by any person or schools. 32 persons, or bodies corporate, for the use of any school division within the said county. Title to all property held in trust for or to use of controllers, vest- ed in " The Controllers," &c. Act of April 16th, 1845, Section 6. Sect. 26. That so much of any act of the General Assembly as is hereby altered or supplied, is hereby repealed, except the act and its supplements now in operation in the city and county of Philadelphia, en- titled "an Act to provide for the education of children 3, isisf coMu?- ^t the public expense within the city and county of ren wi '^ Philadelphia," wMch is made coucurrcnt with thc pro- visions of this act, and is in no wise to be considered as altered, amended or repealed, except so far that the City and county citizcus of Said city and county shall be entitled to eLiti^d to*'theS receive their due proportion and share of any money fund. which may be appropriated out of the school fund by the Legislature, in pursuance of the provisions of this act. A SUPPLEMENT To an act entitled "An Act to provide for the education of children," &c. Passed February 9, 1835. Pamphlet Laws 1834-5, p. 22. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, in Gf-eneral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act it shall be the duty of the commissioners of Philadelphia county, and they 33 are hereby required, in pursuance of the duties im- ^^^^^^ "^tT" posed upon them by the third section of an act en- county^'^Su- titled "A Supplement to an act entitled an Act to day of every mo. . one-twelfth part provide for the education of children at the public of the sum ^ ^ necessary for expense -ffithin the city and county of Philadelphia," ^g^^Ti"^ '^'"" passed on the twenty-third day of January, one thou- sand eight hundred and twenty-one, to raise and pay in cash, to the county treasurer, on the first Monday in every month, one-twelfth part of the sum which the controllers of the public schools for the city and county of Philadelphia shall annually report to be necessary to defray the expenses of the first school district for the current year ; and the county treasurer shall forth- with, upon the receipt of the said monthly payment as aforesaid, pass the same to the credit of the control- j.^r™*^r^cei^t" lers, and hold the same subject to the sole and exclu- thHame^to^^ T n ,^ • 1 ,n L 1 j_ credit of control- sive order oi the said controllers, separate and apart lers. from all other county funds. Controllers not to draw warrants on County Treasurer for larger amount than shall be specificially appropriated for the same by the County Board. Act of April 5th, 18i2, Section 6. AN ACT To consolidate and amend the several acts relative to a general sys- tem of education by common schools. Passed June 13, 1836. Pamphlet Laws 1835-36, p. 525. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commomvealth of Pennsyl- vania, in Gf-eneral Assembly met, and it is hereby en- acted by the authority of the same, That every town- school districts, ship, borough or ward in this commonwealth, not within 3 34 the city and incorporated districts of the county of Philadelphia, shall constitute a school district : Pro- vided^ That any borough which is or may be connect- ed with a township in the assessment of county rates and levies, shall with the said township form a dis- trict. Act of March 3, Sect. 23. That the act and its supplements now 1818, concurrent with this act. in Operation in the city and county of Philadelphia, entitled "An Act to provide for the education of children at the public expense within the city and county of Philadelphia," are declared to be concurrent with the provisions of this act, and are in nowise to be considered as altered, amended or repealed, except so S*Phiiaderwa ^^^ ^^^ '^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ county shall be entitled to share ol- manual ^6ceive their due proportion and share of the annual tion? °^PP''°P"'^' state appropriation of two hundred thousand dollars : Provided^ That the controllers of the public schools for the city and county of Philadelphia, be and they ^ ^ „ hereby are authorized, whenever they shall think pro- Controllers au- ^ ^ u i. tabhsh1i*cen- P®^7 ^^ cstablish one Central High School, for the full for pup1i's^of'°°' education of such pupils of the public schools of the first school district as may possess the requisite quali- fications, and the moneys expended in the establish- ment and support of the said high school shall be pro- vided and paid in the same manner as is now or shall hereafter be directed by law with respect to the other public schools of the said district : And provided fur- ther, That so much of the tenth section of the act of March the third, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighteen, as renders the exclusive use of the Lancasterian sys- Lancasterian .ip iii'-ii- system no tcm lu thc first school district obligatory upon the con- longer obligate- " »' i slhooiMitrict trollers and directors, and all such provisions (if any) in the said act and the several supplements thereto, as 35 limits the benefits of the said public schools to the Benefits of pub- I'TT n ' T , , 1 t r> lie schools no cmldren ot indigent parents, and so much of any act longer confined to children of in- as IS hereby altered or supplied, be and the same are digent parents. hereby repealed, and in said public schools all children over four years of age admitted. over four years of age shall be admitted. Controllers empoivered to confer Academical degrees upon Gra- duates of the Central High School. Act of April 9th, 1849, Sec- tion 17. Directors not required to admit children tinder six, and have a discretion in admitting them between fourteen and sixteen years of age. Act of April 11th, 1848, Sections 1 and 2. AN ACT To divide the township of Germantown into two distinct wards, and for other purposes. Passed February 27, 1840. Pamphlet Laws 1839-40, p. 66. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, in Cfeneral Assembly met, and it is hereby en- acted by the authority of the same, That after the ^f ^eT^Xtwo passage of this act the township of Germantown, in '^'^^'^^' the county of Philadelphia, shall be divided into two separate wards, to be called " Upper and Lower ward ;" the Upper ward shall embrace and comprise the citi- zens north-west of "Washington lane, in the said town- ship,^ &c. &c. The Lower ward shall embrace and comprise the citizens residing south-east of said Wash- ington lane, &c. &c. 36 AN ACT Relative to the election of Borough and To'wnship officers, and for other pui'poses. Passed March 7, 1840. Pamphlet Laws 1839-40, p. 80. Each ward of Sect. 32. That the qualified electors of each of «i^e bOTough of the wards of the township of Germantown, the borough phia, townships of Wcst Philadelphia, and the townships of Passyunk, of Passyunk, , , , Kingsessing, Kingsessinff, Blockley, Unincorporated Northern Li- Blockley, Unin- => *=' •" ^ KoifS'r^' ^6^*i6S, Bristol, Byberry and Moreland, shall at their eachto^ei'e'cT'^' Ward and township election on the third Friday of three directors, ix /r n j. • j.i j.i it, onthesrdFri- March ncxt, HI the same manner as other ward, bo- rough and township officers are elected and returned, elect three citizens of each ward or township, to serve as school directors, and the qualified electors of each of the townships of Penn, (northern and southern,) Rox- Townshipsof borough, Oxford and Lower Dublin, shall at the same Penn, Koxbo- . . ,.. , ^ . rough, Oxford & timc, HI hke manner, elect six persons to serve as Lower DubUn, it rni each to elect six school dircctors. The directors of each of the wards, directors. boroughs and townships thus elected, shall meet on the first Monday of April, at the hour of ten o'clock, at the place of holding the township or district election, when the township is divided into more than one elec- To divide them- tiou district, and shall divide themselves by lot into selves into clas- _ "^ ses. three classes ; one-third to serve one year ; one-third two years ; and one-third three years ; and the quali- fied electors of each of the several wards, boroughs and townships first named, shall, at their ward, borough or township elections, annually thereafter, in the same manner, elect one citizen of the ward, borough or town- ship, to serve as school director, and the townships last named shall, at the same time and in like manner. 37 elect two citizens of the townships to serve as school to hold their directors, who shall hold their offices for three years, years. For the number of Directors in borough of Germantown, see Act of March 16th, 1847, Section 68. Borough of Manayunkto elect three directors, and Unincorporated part of Koxborough township three also. Act of March 3rd, 1847, Sections 4 and 9. An additional director added to each. Act of April 7th, 1848, Sections 32 and 34. For mode of electing school directors in borough of Frankford and township of Oxford, see Act of February 3rd, 1846, Section 34. Borough of West Philadelphia now has nine school dii'ectors. Acts of March 7th, 1846, Section 15; and of March 14th, 1850, Section 4. Townships of Blockley, Kingsessing and Passyunk, each now have six. Acts of March 11th, 1845, Section 5 ; of March 11th, 1850, Section 1; and of March 11th, 1843, Section 1, Sect. 33. That whenever any vacancy shall occur vacancies to he 11 TIT IT- filled by remain- by any person elected a school director declining to ing directors of *' "^ ^ _ ° ^ the ward, ho- serve, removins:; from the ward, borough or township, rough, township ' O 7 O -l^' or election dis- or otherwise, the remaining directors of the ward, d^ded!"^^^^'^ borough, township, or election district if the township shall be divided, shall appoint a citizen to serve in his place until another is elected by the qualified voters at the next ward, borough or township election. See also Act of January 24th, 1849, Section 10. Sect. 34. That the directors thus elected shall be sajd directors subject to all the laws passed in relation to the school uwfas thoseTf , . . f.,^ ■, ■, other sections of directors oi the respective sections oi the nrst school first district, district. Sect. 35. That the directors of each of the several Election of controllers. sections and combined sections, entitled to elect con- trollers, shall meet within their respective districts, at 38 such place as is or may be directed by law, on the first Monday of April, annually, to elect controllers, and that hereafter the directors of the first section shall elect six controllers; the directors of the second sec- tion three controllers ; the directors of the third, fourth and tenth sections, each two controllers; and the di- rectors of the fifth, sixth and ninth sections, each one controller ; the directors of the seventh and eighth, as at present constituted, shall together elect one con- troller ; and the townships of unincorporated Northern Eleventh Sec- Liberties and Penn shall form a section, to be called tion establisnea, ' towns°hipso/un. *^® Elcvcnth section of the first school district, and LfaMpfi^. ^' the directors thereof shall elect one controller. The controllers thus elected shall be subject to all the laws passed in relation to the controllers of the first school district. Controllers are now elected on first Monday in July, annually. Act of April 7th, 1848, Section 35. First Section now has seven controllers. Act of March 27th, 1841, Section .2. Fourth and Tenth Sections have each three controllers : in the former they are elected viva voce. Acts of April 9th, 1849, Section 12, and April 10th, 1851, Section 23. Ninth Section now has two controllers. Act of April 6th, 1850, Section 11. Sect. 36. That as soon as the directors and con- trollers herein provided for shall be elected and organ- ized, the term of service of any director and controller of the public schools then in ofiFce in the districts thus altered or provided for, shall cease ; and all laws that conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby re- pealed. 39 AN ACT Relating to the election of School Directors, and to grant insurance privileges to the Mechanics' and Tradesmen's Loan Company of the State of Pennsylvania, and for other purposes. Passed April 11, 1840. Pamphlet Laws 1839-40, p. 296. Section 2. That the controllers of the public controllers to schools of the first school district of Pennsylvania fntTndenror''" 1 Ti /. i- i j_' 1 • 1 1 ii common schools shall, irom time to time, when required by the super- when required, intendent of common schools, furnish such reports condition, &c. of schools. touching the condition and management of the schools under their charge, and of the methods of instruction practised therein, as he may deem useful for the ad- vancement of the system of general education in the state. AN ACT Authorizing the Commissioners of Franklin county to borrow a sum of money, and for other purposes. Passed March 2T, 1841. Pamphlet Laws 1840-41, p. 116. Section 2. That hereafter the directors of the First section to public schools of the first section of the first school dis- troiierr^" ^°^' trict of the state of Pennsylvania shall elect seven controllers instead of six. And so much of the thirty- fifth section of the act relative to the election of borough and township officers, and for other purposes, passed the 7th day of March, eighteen hundred and forty, as is inconsistent herewith, be and the same is hereby repealed. 40 AN ACT Supplementary to an act entitled "An Act to consolidate and amend the several acts relative to a general system of education by common schools," passed the thirteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and for other purposes. Passed April 10, 1841. Pamphlet Laws 1840-41, p. 168. Section 4. That the board of commissioners of the Third Section ,. . „fs, , ,. f>-r»i'iTii- to elect nine clistrict 01 feouthwark, 111 the county oi Philadelphia, directors. - _ '' -^ ' shall hereafter, at the time fixed by law for such elec- tion, (instead of six as heretofore,) elect nine citizens, who shall be residents of said district, to serve as school directors of the third section of the first school district. Third Section now has eighteen directors. Act of April 15th, 1850, Section 5. AN ACT Relating to the election of county treasurers, and for other pui'poses. Passed May 2T, 1841. Pamphlet Laws 1840-41, p. 402. to^be^countr* SECTION 10. It shall uot be lawful for any guardian auditor. ^^ ^^^ poor, iuspcctor of the prison, controller of pub- lic schools, &c., &c., of any county, to hold the office or perform the duties of auditor of such county. 41 A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT To an act entitled "An Act to provide for the education of cMldren at the public expense vrithin the city and county of Philadelphia," passed the third day of ^March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. Passed Marcli 12, 1842. Pamphlet Laws, 1842, p. 65. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate a7id House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, in G-eneral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the city of ig ^^dditfon^'"' Philadelphia shall hereafter be entitled to eighteen ^''"*°'''' additional directors, making the whole number fifty- four; the Northern Liberties to twelve additional i2^Tdditfonai°'' directors, making the whole number twenty-four ; the district of Spring Garden to nine additional directors, g^addiuon^ai^'d?- making the whole number, fifteen ; and the district of ''®°^°''^' Moyamensing to six additional directors, makins: the Ninth section ° ' o 6 additional di- whole number twelve. rectors. See note to Section 2 of Act of March 3d, 1818. Sect. 2. That the additional directors authorized Time of electing by this act shall be elected before the first day of April, Sectors.' '""^ the present year, in the same manner now provided for by law in the several districts. Sect. 3. That hereafter the annual elections of Annual eiec- school directors, in the several sections of the incorpo- (irectors in'the rated districts of the first school district, shall take tricts between 1st and 20tli of place between the first and twentieth of March, in ^a'<=^- each year. Third Section elects directors annually, between 1st and 20th of May. Act of April loth, 1850, Section 5. 42 Sect. 4. That the said directors elected in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, in the city of Philadelphia, and in the incorporated dis- tricts, shall meet together at their usual places of meeting, on the first Monday after their election, and divide themselves by lot into three classes, the seats of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the first year ; the seats of the second class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year ; and the seats of the third class shall be vacated at the expira- In city and in- ooi-porated dis- tiou of the third year ; and annually thereafter, the tricts, one-third %J > t/ •< ofnumberofdi- gg]g(3^ and common councils and the commissioners of rectors to be ejected annual- ^j^^ incorporated districts shall elect one-third of the whole number of directors in their respective sections, threeyearf ^"^ ^^ scrvc for a term of three years ; and so much of any previous act as is hereby altered or supplied, be and the same is hereby repealed. Commissioners of Kensington and Southwark also to elect one- third of their school directors annually. Act of March 11th, 1843, Section 3. So those of Spring Garden. Act of April 9th, 1849, Section 11. Sect. 5. That the controllers of public schools of the first school district, be and they are hereby au- thorized and directed to cause such of the public schools in the said district, as they may deem neces- sary, to be opened at night, during the months of January, February, March, October, November and to open m>M "^^ Doccmber, of each and every year, for the instruction schools for male „ , it, adults. 01 male adults. Controllers authorized to open night schools for females, to fix time of re-opening and closing all night schools, and determine age at which pupils to be admitted. Directors of the several sections to appoint visitors of the night schools. Act of April 26th, 1850, Section 3. AN ACT To authorize tlie citizens of Little Beaver toAvnsliip, in tie county of Beaver, to elect two additional supervisors of the highways, and for other pui-poses. Passed March 18, 1842. PampUet Laws 1842, p. 125. Section 4. That from and after the third Friday in March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, . . ' o %i I Commissioners it shall not be lawful for any of the commissioners of diSs'not to the incorporated districts within the county of Phila- tors?^°°^ ^^'^ delphia, to exercise the duties of school directors and commissioners at the same time. This section not to apply to school directors elected by the people in the county of Philadelphia. Act of April 24th, 18-44, Section 3. County Commissioner not to be school director. Act of April 13th, 1846, Section 3. • AN ACT In relation to the county of Philadelphia. Passed April 5, 1842. Pamphlet Laws 1842, p. 238-9. Section 6. That from and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful for the controllers of the public schools, or the board of health, or the inspec- tors of the county prison, to draw warrants for a larger or other sum of money than shall be specifically appro- Ire'Sure/foT ., ,, ... , -, in more than shall priated for the same by the said county board, and all be appropriated T . ^ ^ -y c^°^ same by laws authorizing the said controllers and board of county board, health and inspectors of the county prison to draw money from the county treasurer, are hereby re- Controllers not to draw -war- rants on county 44 pealed : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the controllers of the public schools from drawing from the county treasurer any portion of the requisition made by them for the present year under existing laws. Sect. 9. That the twenty-first section of the act seftion'^f'Irt of entitled " An Act relating to the distribution arising ^ ^^ ' ■ from canals and rail roads, and for other purposes," passed the twenty-ninth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, which provides that the auditors of Philadelphia county shall, in addition to all other duties now imposed on them by law, audit the accounts of the guardians for the relief and em- ployment of the poor of the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark and the townships of Northern Liberties and Penn, the accounts of the inspectors of the county prison, the accounts of the board of health, and of the controllers of the public schools, at their respective offices, within ninety days after their fiscal years shall have respectively expired, and without other compensation than their per diem allowance by the county, together with all other acts or parts of acts superseded or supplied by the foregoing section be, and the same are hereby repealed. And the said auditors shall be entitled to receive for auditing the accounts of the aforesaid institutions up to and during the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, the same compensation and in like manner and way as they had been paid previous to the passage of the aforesaid act. 45 AN ACT To reduce the capital of the Southern Insurance and Trust Com- pany of Philadelphia, and for other purposes. Passed July 26, 1842. Pamphlet Laws 1842, p. 42T. Section 13. That the fiscal year of the county of Philadelphia and the fiscal year of the first school dis- trict of the state of Pennsylvania, shall end on the ^^^^^^ y^^^ ^f thirtieth day of June annually, and the county com- Met."''""'' ^'^' missioners shall publish annually, during the month of July, a statement of the receipts and expenditures of comity commia- the said county, showing the amount of expenditure lisTlnnuau'J' s I ^ 1 1 f • ' 1 1 ^ statement. under each head oi appropriation made by the county board, and in addition the said statement shall contain all the items required by the twenty-third section of the act of the fifteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, and the controllers of the public schools of the first school district shall publish annually, during the month of July, a statement of the receipts and expenditures, as now provided by controllers to law, and the present county board shall continue to fy in' juiy^T'^ " , . M 1 ^ 1 f. T statement of re- exercise their power until the nrst day oi January, ceipts and ex- ,.,,,, penditures. one thousand eight hundred and forty-three ; and hereafter the members of said board shall hold their seats and exercise their powers for one year from the Term of office n . ■• PT T ,1 • 1 ,• of members of nrst day oi January succeeding their election, county board. 46 AN ACT Relative to scliool directors in the first school district, and for other purposes. Passed March 11, 1843. Pamphlet Laws 1843, p. 78. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Souse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, in Greneral Assembly met, and it is hereby en- acted by the authority of the same, That the qualified electors of the township of Passyunk, in the county of Philadelphia, shall, on the third Friday in March next, at the time and place of holding constables' elections, eicctthr^"^-*^ ®^®^^ three citizens in addition to the number now re- tors"— who^ie*^ quired by law, to serve as school directors, and the ' ' said directors so elected shall divide themselves into three classes in accordance with the provisions of the thirty-second section of an act relative to the election of borough and township ofiicers, and for other pur- poses, passed the seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty, and annually thereafter the qualified electors shall elect two citizens to serve as school directors. Sect. 2. That the present controllers of the pub- lic schools of the first school district shall continue in office until the first day of July next, and the term of ofTcStroUCTl'to service shall thereafter expire on the 30th day of June of June°aimuai- annually, and hereafter the said controllers shall be ly. elected on the first Monday in June annually, in the manner now prescribed by law, and the school direc- tors of the first school district now in office, shall con- Term of service of directors to tiuuc in offico Until the first day of July next, and expire on 30th •' %/ ' o^junejaanuai- annuallj thereafter . the term of service of the said 47 directors shall expire on the last of June. Provided, That if any directors shall have been elected for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, be- fore the passage of this act, they shall not take their seats or perform any duties as such until the first of July next. Controllers are now elected on first Monday in July annually. Act of April 7th, 1848, Section 35. Sect. 3. That it shall be lawful for the commis- commissioners of Kensington sloners of the districts of Kensington and Southwark, f'^'^,^""*^^^''^ O 'to elect one- in the county of Philadelphia, to elect one-third of^^^^r of''' their number of school directors annually. annually?" °'^' AN ACT Relating to the Logansville school district, in Green township, Clinton county, and for other purposes. Passed April 24, 1844. Pamphlet Laws 1844, p. 373. Section 2. That in every township or borough in tlTo'/dix^ttors the county of Philadelphia, which forms a school sec- pieln'^thJtown- tion or part of a section, and elects its school direc- roughs of rwia- , . delphia county. tors by the people, the dn-ectors elected in the town- ship or borough shall, from and after the passage of this act, have the supervision of all the schools in the township or borough, and the appointment or removal of all teachers within the township or borough : Pro- vided, That no teacher shall be appointed to any •^ Examination of school unless he or she be found qualified, in a public ^""^^^^ ^° ^^ 48 diitctor?*of ^^ examination ordered by the said directors, and shall boTough'"'^ he chosen by a majority of the directors of the town- ship or borough in which the school is located. . . .,, , Sect. 3. That the fourth section of an act, passed Act of March ' ^ to outer sections. l^MtTo^'aSy -^^^^ °^ March, 1842, entitled " An Act to authorize ^^' the citizens of Little Beaver township, in the county of Beaver, to elect two additional supervisors of the highways, and for other purposes," shall not apply to school directors elected by the people in the county of Philadelphia. AN ACT To provide for the election of commissioners ; for opening and re- pairing the public highways in Blockley township, Philadelphia county, and for other purposes. Passed March 11, 1845. Pamphlet Laws 1845, p. 133. Section 5. That the qualified citizens of the township aforesaid, (viz : Blockley,) shall, at the aforenamed time and place, (viz : of holding their township election, on the third Friday of March, '^i; 1845,) elect three citizens in addition to the number ejected iu town- uow required by law, to serve as school directors, and ey. ^^^ ^^.^ directors so elected shall divide themselves by lot into three classes, — one-third to serve one year, one-third two years, and the remaining one-third three years ; and annually thereafter the qualified electors of said township shall elect two citizens to serve as school directors ; and that so much of the acts or parts Three addi tional school rectors to be 49 of acts of assembly, as the foregoing acts are intended to supply in the township of Blocklej, be and the same are hereby repealed. AN ACT Relating to the controllers of the public schools of the City and County of Philadelphia. Passed April 16, 1845. Pamphlet Laws 1845, p. 502. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commomvealth of Pennsyl- vania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted hy the authority of the same, That the present controllers of public schools for the city and county of of ^he°''pubirc'^^ Philadelphia, and such persons as may hereafter be oorporated. ' duly elected, according to the laws of this common- wealth, as their successors in ojQfice, be and they are hereby made a body politic and corporate in law, with all the legal powers and incidents of a corporation aggregate, and shall have capacity as such. I. To sue and be sued by the corporate name of >'ame. "The Controllers of the Public Schools of the First School District of Pennsylvania." II. To take and hold real estate in fee simple, or Take and hoid for any less estate, within the city and county of convey the same Philadelphia, and to have power to sell and dispose of the same from time to time, in absolute fee simple or for any less estate, and to convey the same to any purchaser or purchasers free from all trusts : Provided, Proviso. That no such real and personal estate shall be taken 4 50 and lield by the said controllers except for public school purposes, or such as are directly incident thereto by the laws of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. III. The said corporation shall have a common seal, which shall remain in the custody of such person as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of said corpora- tion. IV. The said corporation shall have full power and ecre ary. authority to clcct a secretary, not one of their own body, who shall give such security for the proper per- formance of his duties as the by-laws of the corporation may require ; they shall also have authority to make such by-laws, rules and regulations, as may be neces- ^ '^^^' sary for their well government. V. The said corporation shall have and exercise all the privileges and powers, and be subject to all the to TOrttin^^icts duties which are now had and exercised by the board of Assembly. ^^ controllcrs of public schools of the city and county of Philadelphia, and to which the same are subject; and all the acts of Assembly relative thereto shall be and remain in full force and effect, except so far as the same may be expressly altered by the terms of the present act. VI. That the legal title of all property now held Titietoaiipro-]3Y the couimissioners of the county of Philadelphia, perty held in •' the'ufrorthe or by the county of Philadelphia, or by any person or S°this coTpo- persons, body politic or corporate, in trust for or to the use of the controllers aforesaid, shall be and the same is hereby fully vested in fee simple, or for any less estate, as the case may be, in the corporation created by the provisions of this act; and the said commissioners and county aforesaid, and all other persons, are hereby directed to execute and deliver to 51 tlie corporation hereby created all proper deeds and ^^^Zel 't^' conveyances, for the purpose of transferring the title Tl^to oontroi- as aforesaid, together with all pohcies ol insurance and muniments of title appertaining thereto. Sect. 2. That the Legislature hereby reserves the Keservation. right to alter, annul or amend this act, whenever it may deem it expedient. AN ACT Regulating election districts. Passed February 3, 1846. Pamphlet Laws 1846, p. 23. Section 34. That the qualified voters of the said Election of school directors, borough and township, (to wit : of Frankford and Ox- f/''pj.^^^°™^s^ ford,) shall respectively vote for directors of the poor, township of ox- auditor of the poor accounts, and school directors, at the times now provided by law ; and the judge and inspectors of the township of Oxford shall meet the judge and inspectors of the borough election on the first Monday succeeding such election, at the house now occupied by Charles Lewis, in said borough, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and the said judges and inspectors shall then and there add together the num- ber of votes given at each of the above named polls for directors of the poor, auditor of poor accounts, and school directors, and those persons having the highest number of votes shall be retui-ned by said judges ac- cordingly; and the said judges and inspectors shall make out and sign a certificate to each person elected as aforesaid, to be delivered by the constable of said borough, according to existing laws. 52 AN ACT Regulating election districts. Passed March 7, 1846. Pamphlet Laws 1846, p. 87. Three additional SECTION 15. That the qualified electors of the to be elected in borouffh of Wcst Philadelphia, in the county of Phila- borough of West phuadeiphia. delphia, shall, on the third Friday m March, at the time and place of holding constables' elections, elect three citizens in addition to the number now required by law, to serve as school directors; and the said directors so elected shall divide themselves by lot into three classes; one-third to serve one year, one-third two years, and the remaining one-third, three years; and annually thereafter the qualified electors shall elect two citizens to serve as school directors for the term of three years. Number now increased to nine. Act of Marcli 14th, 1850, Section 4. AN ACT To authorize the trustees of the Reading Academy to transfer the said academy to the school directors of the borough of Reading, and for other purposes. Passed April 13, 1846. Pamphlet Laws 1846, pp. 304-5. County com- Section 3. That no county commissioner for the te^^ooidirec- county of Philadelphia, shall be eligible to serve as guardian of the poor, member of the board of health, or director of the public schools, during his continu- ance in oifice. 53 AN ACT Autliorizing the school directors of Mahonmg township, in the county of Columbia, to seU certain real estate, and for other pui'poses. Passed April 17, 1846. Pamphlet Laws 1846, p. 365. Sections. That from and after the passage of this p^^eranddu- act, the school directors elected for the township of rJ^torV rf" eo^'x'- Koxborough, in the county of Philadelphia, and those swp."^ who may hereafter from time to time be elected school directors for the said township, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to perform all the duties heretofore performed by the trustees of the Roxborough school house, situate on Ridge turnpike, between the six and seven miles stones, in the said township, in the county of Philadelphia. AN ACT To transfer a certain lot and building to the controllers of public schools, in the first school district, composing the City and County of Philadelphia. Passed January 30, 1847. Pamphlet Laws 1847, p. 60. Whereas, A certain Andrew Allen, and Maria his preamwe. wife, by a certain deed of indenture, bearing date the fifth day of February, Anno Domini 1798, recorded in deed book L W., No. 7, page 21, &c., granted and con- veyed a certain lot or piece of land, situate in the township of Germantown, in the county of Philadel- phia, at Mount Airy, containing one-quarter of an acre 54 and eight perches of land, more or less, unto Henry Sweyer, Joseph Miller, and Jonathan Yerkes, in trust, for the use of the neighborhood in general, to be a place for any English school, and for no other purposes : And whereas, The said trustees having deceased, new trustees were elected by the inhabitants of said township, from time to time, to carry out the intention of the donor: And whereas, It is desirable that said lot of ground should be vested in the Board of Controllers for the first district of public schools : therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Souse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, in Cf-eneral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That Jacob Derr, Trustees f ^^^^^^ Wolf, William H. Smith, Henry K. Paul, school! in town- William Katz, Joseph Carr, Jesse Hinkle, Jacob H. town°t^oonTCy Smith, and Charles Gorgas, trustees elect of Mount lot whereon the ». ii-.i, ^ • p rA , c • -t same is erected, Airy school, m tho towuship 01 (icrmantown aioresaid, to controllers of ..„, , , ,, ,. public schools, or a majority of them, be and are hereby authorized to grant and convey the lot of land, and buildings thereon erected, with the appurtenances, unto the con- trollers of the public schools of the city and county of Philadelphia, composing the first school district of Pennsylvania, as before described in the preamble to this act, under and subject to the provisions of the deed of conveyance aforesaid, and for the uses and purposes therein stipulated and contained, in fee sim- ple, to them and their successors for ever. 55 A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT To an act to incorporate the borough of Manayunk, and to separate the township of Eoxborough therefrom. Passed March 3, 1847. Pamphlet Laws 1847, p. 215. Section 4. The qualified voters of the said borough Election of z ^ school directors shall, at the time and place aforesaid, (to wit : the time ^"^ Manayunk. and place of holding the borough election in the year 1847,) elect three citizens, who shall be residents of the borough, as directors of public schools; one to serve for one year, one for two years, and one for three years; they shall also elect three citizens mana- gers for the relief and employment of the poor; one to serve for one year, one for two years, and one for three years ; and annually thereafter they shall elect one citizen for each of the above specified offices, to serve for three years, in accordance with existing laws of this commonwealth, regulating the election of town- ship officers. An additional school director authorized. Act of April 7th, 1848, Section 32. Sect. 9. That the qualified voters aforesaid, (viz : of the unincorporated part of the township of Rox- borough,) shall elect as aforesaid, (viz: on the third Townshipof . .. Eoxborough to Eriday m March. 1848.) three citizens directors of elect three di- *' _ ' rectors. the public schools, one to serve for one year, one for two years and one for three years ; they shall also elect three citizens managers for the relief and employment of the poor, &c., &c. ; and annually 56 thereafter, they shall elect one citizen for each of the above specified offices, to serve for three years, in ac- cordance with the existing laws of this commonwealth, regulating the election of township officers. An additional school director authorized. Act of April 7th, 1848, Section 34. AN ACT Regulating election districts. Passed March 16, 1847. Pamphlet Laws 1847, p. 428. Section 68. That hereafter the borough of Ger- mantown, in Philadelphia county, shall be a separate and distinct election district for all election purposes whatsoever ; and that the legally qualified voters of said borough shall elect, at the election to be held on the nineteenth day of March, one thousand eight hun- dred and forty-seven, and annually thereafter, one assessor and two assistant assessors, whenever required by existing laws, one ward or township constable, one town clerk, four managers of the poor, four auditors Number of di- and two school dircctors ; and at the expiration of rectors in bo- ' J- mTntown!^*'^' ©vcry third year thereafter, two school directors shall be elected ; and the polls in said election district shall be kept open until 10 o'clock, P. M. ; and that the seventy-seventh section of the act entitled " An Act regulating election districts," approved the seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and all acts and supplements conflicting with the pro- visions of this section, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. Since the passage of the above act, the borough of Germantown has annually, for two years, elected one school director, and at the 57 expiration of every third year has elected two, thus giving said borough four directors. This it is alledged and believed was the design of the act, and appears to have been so understood in the Sixth section. The above has been compared -with a certified copy of the act, and is correct. AN ACT Regulating election districts, and for other purposes. Passed April 7, 1848. Pamphlet Laws 1848, pp. 36T, 368. Section 32. That the qualified voters of the borough of Manayunk, in the county of Philadelphia, shall, at the next ensuing spring election after the passage of this supplement, elect an additional over- seer of the poor and an additional school director, to scifooiS'toT^ serve for the same period that those officers are now tL^borough of authorized hj law to serve within the said borough, ^''^^''^' and shall from time to time so elect, when and as often as the terms for which said officers shall have been elected, shall expire ; and that until the first election for such additional overseer of the poor and school director shall be held, the said town council shall have power to appoint said additional officers. Sect. 34. That the qualified electors of the town- ship of Roxborough shall, on the third Friday of March next, elect one suitable person for school director of ^n additional , school director said township, m addition to the one now authorized ^2 ^? ''^""^^^ '°, '■ v^ v^v-i. ^]jg township of by law to be elected ; and that tri-annually hereafter, »°^^°'^°'^g'i- the electors of said township shall elect two persons of said township to fill said office : Provided, That the present school directors in said township shall have 58 power to appoint a person to serve as school director for the present year, and until one is elected and quali- fied under this act. Sect. 35. That the directors of the public schools of the several sections of the first school district, shall Controllers to be elected on hcrcafter meet on the first Monday in July in each first Monday in ./ ./ ""^^" and every year, and elect the controllers of the public schools for the city and county of Philadelphia, in the same manner as controllers are now elected by law. AN ACT Relative to the Wills hospital for the relief of the indigent blind and lame, and for other purposes. Passed April 11, 1848. Pamphlet Laws 1848, p. 504. Section 3. That hereafter, when any vacancy or vacancies shall occur in the board of school directors of the first section, first school district of Pennsylva- nia, it shall be the duty of the secretary of the board to notify the select and common councils of the city n^on'^co^unciis'of of Philadelphia of the fact, and said vacancy or vacan- fiu vacancies in cics shall be filled by said select and common councils board of school directors of first in loiut mcetinff, as soon thereafter as may be con- section, tl O^ x/ venient ; and that so much of any law or laws as con- flicts with the provisions of this section, be and the same is hereby repealed. 59 AN ACT Relative to public schools. Passed April 11, 1848. PampWet Laws 1848, pp. 526, 527. Section 1. Be it enacted ly the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- Directors mist vania, in Creneral Assembly met, and it is hereby en- ntt^eqliSed to acted by the authority of the same, That the directors under the agTof /> 1 111- ^^ years. 01 the several school sections of the city and county of Philadelphia, shall not be requii'ed to admit children into the public schools -who are under the age of six years ; and that so much of any law or laws as is in- withSd toe7 . , , , „ . tors to admit consistent witn the loregomg, be and the same is here- p^p^^^ between the ages of four- by repealed. teen and sixteen '' ■*■ years. Sect. 2. That the said directors as aforesaid may. Twenty mem- at their discretion, admit into the said public schools schoof cHreeto?s pupils between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years, tion, "shall ^n- O o rm 1 f» stitute a quo- bECT. 6. Ihat hereafter twenty members of the ™™- board of school directors of the first section, first school ^?^tl \°^Z^^^ district of Pennsylvania, shall constitute a quorum ; memw"''*' °^ and the board shall have power to make by-laws, vaca- ting the seats of members who do not give proper at- tention to the duties of their office. Sect. 6. That so much of any law or laws as are ^^ ^^j by this act altered or supplied, are hereby repealed. 60 AN ACT For the regulation and continuance of a system of education by common schools. Passed April 7, 1849. Pamphlet Laws 1849, pp. 441, 448, 449. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, in G-eneral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That a system of common school education be and the same is here- by deemed, held and taken to be adopted according to the provisions of this act, in all the counties of this commonwealth, and every township, borough or ward in this commonwealth shall constitute and be a school district; but any borough which is or may be con- nected with a township in the assessment of county rates and levies, shall with the said township form one propriSTon of^' district, and the sum of two hundred thousand dollars $200,000 as a . , , ,, . , i i commoa school IS hereby annually appropriated as a common school fund, to be apportioned as hereinafter prescribed : Provided, That the provisions of this act shall not extend to the city and county of Philadelphia. ent rnnuTiiy°m Sect. 32. The Superintendent of common schools April, to trans- , i « a -i • ^ mit to county shall annuallv, in the month of April, transmit to the commissioners a •' •"■ statement of commissioncrs of each county, a statement of the amount due. •' ' amount every district therein may be entitled to re- ceive out of the annual appropriation of two hundred Commissioners *^o^s^^<^ dollars, and the commissioners shall imme- statement^hree diatcly causc sucli Statement to be printed three times, times in news- . ........ papers. lu ono Or more newspapers published m said county. Sect. 33. It shall be the duty of the commissioners of each county, to ascertain triennially, with the as- 61 sistance of the respective assessors, the exact number county com- f. , , - . . missioners to ot tlie taxable citizens of each school district in their "'f'"' *"''J'°'''^ vi-L>^j.i returns of imin- several counties, and to certify the same under their suSnde'nt" hands and seals of office to the superintendent of com- Hp'oX^^' mon schools, who is hereby directed to adopt the num- ^''isso.^^'''^ ber of taxables thus certified to him, as the basis of distribution of the state appropriation, which said cer- tificates shall be prepared and transmitted on or before the first day of April in every third year, commencing with the first day of April one thousand eight hundred and fifty; and if the commissioners of any county shall neglect to forward such certificates on or before codSifnet?' said day, the superintendent may in such case, adopt tTa^opt next"* the number of taxables set forth in the next preceding IZT^^^^ certificate or return. Sect. 35. The act and its supplements now in u^J^Mif, operation in the city and county of Philadelphia, en- Slnte'Zctt titled "An Act to provide for the education of chil- a«t* "^'^^ *^ dren at the public expense within the city and county of Philadelphia," are declared to be concurrent with the provisions of this act, and are in no wise to be con- sidered as altered, amended or repealed, except so far that the said city and county shall be entitled to re- ceive their due proportion and share of the annual of*PhiiShia state appropriation, nor shall any thing contained in ?ropi{¥^ this act be deemed and taken to alter, or in any man- pro°pditiof '^ ner to interfere with the system of public schools now in operation in the said city and county. AN ACT To authorize tlie school directors of the borough of Pottsville to sell certain real estate, and for other pm-poses. Passed April 9, 1849. Pamphlet Laws 1849, p. 502. Spring Garden SECTION 8. That the district of Spring Garden, in ditionai direc- the countv of Philadelphia, shall hereafter be entitled tors, making "^ whole number ^q six additional directors of public schools, making the whole number twenty-one. The additional Sect. 9. That the additional directors authorized directors to be elected tiefore i^y i[-^[^ ^ct, shall be olocted before the first day of Istof June, Ii5i9 J ' >' June, the present year, in the same manner now pro- vided for by law in the several districts, befnf'baiiotted Sect. 10. That hereafter all candidates for school tora^of "spring dircctors to be balloted for by the board of commis- nominated at sloncrs of Spring Garden, shall be placed on nomina- the previous sta- _ ted meeting of ^ion at the prcvious stated meeting of the board of board of com- -i ^ ™iddistrict°^ commissioners of said district, and all nominees and Said directors all dircctors of said sectional board shall be residents to be residents , . . of ith section. 01 the Said soction. Sect. 11. And the said directors elected in the year 1849, in the fourth section, shall meet at the usual place of meeting on the first Monday after their election, and divide themselves by lot into three classes ; the seats of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the first year, the seats of the second Commissioners ^^j^gg ^zSS. be vacatcd at the expiration of the second of said district ^ erertrae-twrd year, and the seats of the third class shall be vacated ber'^'rdirertOTs" at the expiratiou of the third year ; and annually to serve 3 years. 63 thereafter the commissioners of said district shall elect one-third of the whole number of directors of said sec- tion, to serve a term of three years. Sect. 12. That the directors of public schools of ^Aofi directors ■■■ of 4th section to the fourth section of the first school district, shall meet SondaTm^Juiy, on the first Monday in July in each and every year, t^e a^'^controi- and elect viva voce three controllers of the public schools for the city and county of Philadelphia, in the same manner as controllers are now elected by law; and so much of any previous act as is hereby altered or supplied, be and the same is hereby repealed. Repeal. A SUPPLEMENT To an act relative to the vendors of mineral waters, and for other pui'poses. Passed April 9, 1849. Pamphlet Laws 1849, p. 52T. Section 17. That the controllers of the public controllers schools of the first school district of Pennsylvania, confer academi- "^ cal degrees upon shall have and possess power to confer academical ^^^^^^^1'^°"'^'' degrees in the arts, upon graduates of the Central ^^^°°^- High School, in the city of Philadelphia, and the same detieei!°°°'''"'^ and like power to confer degrees, honorary and other- wise, which is now possessed by the University of Pennsylvania. Vacancies in the 64 AN ACT Authorizing the commissioners of the incorporated districts of the Northern Liberties and KensiQgton to open a street, to be called Delaware Avenue, and for other purposes. Passed January 24, 1849. Pamphlet Laws 1849, p. 681. Section 10. That from and after the passage of di'rMtors^in'The *^^^® ^^*> whenever a vacancy occurs in any board of distriete'^to'^ be school directors in the incorporated districts in the commissioners countv of Philadelphia, it shall be the duty of the of the district. . "^ . secretary of such board of school directors to give notice to the board of commissioners of the section in which the vacancy occurs, and the said board of com- missioners shall fill the vacancy : Provided, That the provisions of this section shall not apply to districts electing school directors by the people. Repealed as to Second Section, by Act of March 29th, 1851, Section 6. AN ACT In relation to certain school districts, and for other purposes. Passed February 25, 1850. Pamphlet Laws 1850, p. 100. School directors SECTION 3. That SO much of the second section of ofMoyamensing • -i p ^ i • f ^ •^ -i it to be elected wm an act to providc tor the education oi children at public voce. expense within the city and county of Philadelphia, passed March 3d, 1818, as requires the board of com- missioners of the district ofMoyamensing, in the county of Philadelphia, to elect by ballot school directors, be 65 and the same is hereby repealed ; and hereafter the school directors, and all other officers elected by said board of commissioners, shall be elected viva voce. AN ACT To authorize the election of additional school directors in the to-wnship of Kingsessing, in the county of Philadelphia, &c. Passed March 11, 1850. Pamphlet La-vys 1850, pp. 154-5. Section? 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Souse of Representatives of the Commomvealth of Pennsyl- vania, in Greneral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authoritii of the same. That the quali- Three addi ^ "^ "^ ' ^ tional school fied electors of the township of Kinsrsessina:, in the directors in ••■ O o" township of county of Philadelphia, shall on the third Friday in SSld° March, instant, at the time and place of holding con- stables' elections, elect three citizens, in addition to the number now required by law, to serve as school du-ectors ; and the said du-ectors so elected shall divide themselves by lot into three classes ; one-third to serve for one year, one-third, two years, and the remaining one-third for three years ; and annually thereafter the qualified electors shall elect two citizens to serve as school directors, for the term of three years. 66 A SUPPLEMENT To an act to incorporate tlie borough of West Philadelphia, approved the seventeenth of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. Passed March 14, 1850. Pamphlet Laws 1850, pp. 215, 216. Section 1. Changes and enlarges the boundaries of the borough of West Philadelphia, and describes the same. Sect. 3. Divides said borough, as enlarged, into three wards, and describes the limits of each. BorougiiofWest Sect. 4. That the citizens within each of the said elect nine school wards Qualified to vote for members of the General directors. in i i • i i Assembly of this state, shall on the days now provided by law for the election of borough officers, and at such places as are hereinafter designated, elect for each ward by a majority of votes, four councilmen, who, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices shall determine by numbers, one and two to be drawn, which numbers shall designate and determine the number of years each person so elected shall serve, and also three school directors, whose term of service shall be determined by numbers one, two and three, to be drawn in like manner, and annually thereafter they shall elect for each ward two councilmen, to serve two years each, and one school director to serve three years each, &c., &c. : P^'ovided, That the duties, vious 'mrectoS powcrs and authorities of the school directors of the present borough of West Philadelphia shall cease and determine upon the organization of the directors elected 67 in pursuance of this act, Tvliich organization shall take place at the time now provided by law, at which time theu' duties as school directors shall commence. The name of the borough of "West Philadelphia changed to that of " The District of West Philadelphia." Act of April 3d, 1851, Sec- tion 1. AN ACT For the sale of certain school houses in Lebanon and Lancaster counties, and for other piu'poses. Passed April 6, 1850. Pamphlet Laws 1850, p. 345. Section 11. That hereafter the directors of the public schools of ninth section, of the first school dis- tolect'twl'^co™ trict of the state of Pennsylvania, shall elect two con- of'one! ™'**^'^ trollers instead of one; and so much of thirty-fifth section of the act relative to the election of borough and township oflficers and for other purposes, passed the seventh day of March, 1840, as is inconsistent herewith, be and the same is hereby repealed. AN ACT To repeal the fii'st and second sections of the Act of the fifteenth of March, 1847, entitled " An Act to reduce," &c. ; and for other pur- poses." Passed April 15, 1850. Pamphlet Laws 1850, p. 457. Section 5. That the commissioners of the district of Southwark shall, between the first and twentieth 68 Commissioners (j^y of Mav, A. D. One thousand eie-ht hundred and of Southwark to "^ "^ ' " tionii'l^hoofdi- fifty, elect nine additional directors of the public section. ""^ ^^ schools for the third section, first school district of Pennsylvania ; and the said additional directors to be elected as aforesaid, shall before entering upon their duties, determine by lot from among their number the three directors whose terms of service shall expire on the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, and the three directors whose term of service shall expire on the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, and the three directors whose term of service shall expire on the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three ; and it shall be the duty of said commissioners of be elected be Southwark, betwceu the first and twentieth of May, tween the 1st & ' _ ^ ^ *" 20th of May, an- ^Q elcct annuallv six directors of public schools for the nually. •' ■■■ said section, to serve for three years ; the first annual election of said six directors shall be held between the first and twentieth of May, one thousand eight hun- dred and fifty-one, instead of the time now fixed by law. AN ACT To authorize Jolin Kaiiffman, trvistee, &c. ; and for other pm-poses. Passed April 26, 1850. Pamphlet Laws 1850, p. 591. „. , ,,^ Section 3. That hereafter the boards of directors Directors of the tricVaut°hor1zed ^^ ^^^^ publlc schools of the several sections of the first torsTi'ighl''' school district of Pennsylvania, shall have authority to appoint, under such regulations as the board of con- trollers may direct, such number of visitors of the night 69 schools, not exceedine; in number the number of school Number of visi- ' o tors not to ex- directors in each section, as the said boards respec- sc^ooi'directors tively may deem expedient. The board of controllers "^ ^'^^^ shall prescribe the duties of said visitors of night esteWisiTS^?' schools; shall have power to establish night schools males* ex time „ , . „ . . of re-opening for females ; to fix the time for re-openmg and closing and dosing of ' rot) allnieht schools allnight schools, mine the age at which pupils may be admitted therein. of all night schools, and determine the age at which ^'^^ determine age of pupils to be admitted. Trustees of A SUPPLEMENT To an act entitled "An Act to erect the village of Oxford, &c.; and for other pui'poses. Passed April 30, 1850. Pamphlet Laws 1850, p. 647. Section 16. That Jonathan Robeson, Samuel Wagner, James C. Kempton, and such other persons as may be the trustees of the school known as " the ?°^f o^^ "'^^?°^ •^ m Manayunk, Robeson school," in the borough of Manayunk, in the^',°Xtor county of Philadelphia, and appointed under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust of Peter Robeson and others, dated the twelfth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, be and the same persons, or their successors, are hereby au- thorized and empowered to, and as soon as convenient after the passage of this act, shall convey, by good and sufficient conveyances in the law, the academy build- ings and lot of ground thereto belonging, situate on the south-westerly side of the Manayunk and Flat Rock turnpike, in the borough of Manayunk, and commonly known as the Robeson school, more par- 70 ticularly described in the said deed of trust heretofore and now held by the said trustees, to the controllers of the public schools of the first school district of Penn- sylvania, and their successors, to be held by them for the same uses and trusts as are recited in the said deed of trust. Sect. IT- That from and after the passage of this Powers of said act, the school dircctors elected for the borough of inThrschooi'^cii- Manayunk, in the county of Philadelphia, and those rough of Manar who may hereafter from time to time be elected school directors for the said borough, be and the same are hereby authorized and empowered to perform all the duties heretofore performed by the trustees of the said Robeson school, in the said borough of Manayunk, under and subject, nevertheless, to the provisions of the act of assembly passed the thirteenth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty- six, entitled " An Act to consolidate and amend the several acts relative to a general system of education by common schools," and the supplements thereto. AN ACT To repeal tlie Twentieth Section of An Act in reference to the Bank of LeAvistown, and for other pm-poses. Passed May 6, 1850. . Pamphlet Laws 1850, p. 704. Board of school SECTION 4. That tlic board of directors of public directors of the ^ iSmTy mfie" schools of the incorporated districts in the county of ting^'^atlor Philadelphia, shall have power to make by-laws for vacating the seats of members, who do not give proper attention to the duties of their ojffice. 71 AN ACT To change the name of the borough of West Philadelphia to the district of West Philadelphia, and for other pui-poses. Passed April 3, 1851. Pamphlet Laws 1851, p. 302. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House ^ ^^'?*'°/*^! "■ Borough of West of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- 1^^^^^^"" vania, in Gf-eneral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the first day of July next, the municipal district, incorporated by an act of assembly passed February 17th, 1844, by the name and title of " The Borough of West Philadelphia," shall be known by the name and title of " The District of West Phila- delphia ;" and the name of the councilmen shall be changed to that of commissioners, and that of burgess to president of commissioners, and they shall have all the powers and be subject to all the restrictions conferred by existing laws on the burgess and town council. AN ACT To incorporate the Stout's Ferry Bridge Company, &c., andfor other purposes. Passed May 15, 1850. Pamphlet Laws 1851, p. 862. Section 15. The commissioners of the Kensinsrton Tenth section to elect twelve district of the Northern Liberties, in the county of ^<^^'*'°^?i , ^ V school directors. Philadelphia, at the next annual election in one thou- 72 sand eight hundred and fifty-one, for school directors of the tenth section of the first school district, shall elect twelve school directors in addition to the number now authorized by law, so that the board of school directors for said tenth section shall consist of twenty- Whole numlier twenty-four, four members; and of the additional directors to be chosen as aforesaid four shall serve three years, four shall serve two years, and four shall serve one year, and annually thereafter said commissioners shall elect eight school directors, who shall serve for the term of three years. A SUPPLEMENT To an act entitled "An Act to incorporate," &c., and for other purposes. Passed March 29, 1851. Pamj)hlet Laws 1851, p. 286. School directors SECTION 6. That from and after the passage of this to mi°vacancies! ^ct, it shall bc lawful for the board of school directors of the second section first school district of Pennsyl- vania, to fill all vacancies that may occur in their board by death, resignation, or otherwise ; all laws or parts of laws inconsistent with this section are hereby repealed, so far as they relate to said second section of the first school district of Pennsylvania. 73 AN ACT Relating to the sale and conveyance, &c., and for other purposes. Passed April 10, 1851. PampMet Laws 1851, p. 878. Section 23. That the school directors of the tenth ^^^^ of section of the first school district of Pennsylvania, shall ^^^^--^%^^ elect one additional controller of public schools, so that hereafter said tenth section shall be entitled to three ™e.^i,er controllers of public schools of said first school district. AN ACT To incorporate a company to erect a bridge, &c., and for other purposes. Passed April 15, 1851. Pamphlet Laws 1851, p. 6T4. RFrTTON 17. That the number of school directors tionaTfelU" dt „ T 1 T . • A • T)1ii1„ rectors in ninth of the ninth section of the first school district m PJiUa- .e^tion. delphia county, is hereby increased three members, said members to be elected by the said board under the present ordinances and rules of said district regulatmg the election of school directors, and for the term of three years from the date of their said election. INDEX. A. Academical degi-ees, Controllers to confer upon graduates of High School, 63. Accounts of money disbm-sed for Schools, to be examined by Controllers, 15, 16, 22. Adults, male, night schools for, 42. Age of pupils, to be admitted into public schools, 59. night schools, to be determined by Controllers, 69. Annual election of one-thii-d of the Dii-ectors, 86, 37, 42, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 72. appropriation. Controllers to report to County Commissioners amount required, &c., 22, 23, 43. State appropriation, 60, 61. statement to be published by Controllers of expenditures and number of childi'en in schools, 16, 45. Auditors of the county annually to examine and settle accounts of Controllers, 16. B. Balance unexpended, of any year's appropriation, 23. Ballot, Directors to be elected by, 13. Blockley Township, 20, 36, 48. Borough — See West Philadelphia, Manayunk, &c., &c. Bristol Township, 19, 36, 47, 48. Byberry Township, 19, 36, 47, 48. By-laws, Controllers to make for their government, 50. Du-ectors in first section to make, vacating seats of members, 59. incorporated districts of county to make, vacating seats of members, 70. City and coimty of Philadelphia erected into " The First School District," 11. City of Philadelphia to be the First Section, 12. Commissioners of incorporated districts to elect School Dh-ectors, 42. c. Commissioners of Incorporated Districts to fill vacancies among Directors, 64. not to be School Directors, 43. Common School Fund, 60, 61. Controllers, elected by Directors, from their own number, 14. not to be county auditors, 40. Directors to meet ia their respective districts to elect, 37, 38. number of, twenty-four, 38, 39, 63, 67, 73. time of election, first Monday in July, annually, 58. term of service expu*es on 30th of June, annually, 46. vacancy among, to be filled by directoi-s of the section, 14. to meet at least quarterly, and may call special meetings, 16. five to constitute a quorum, provided that no order for the payment of money be made at a special meeting unless a majority present, 29, 30. to keep regular miautes of their proceedings, 16. to examine accounts of moneys disbursed for schools, 15, 16, 22. to keep regular books of accounts, which shall be examined and set- tled annually by the Auditors of the county, 16. to determine number of school houses to be erected, and limit ex- pense thereof, 15. to provide books for use of pupils, 15. to have a general superintendence over all schools iu the district, 15, 29. to make rules for the general regulation of the district, 15. to draw orders on country Treasui'er for expenses of schools, pro- vided said orders do not exceed amount appropriated for Con- trollers by County Board, 16, 43. to report to County Commissioners, annually, by first of March, amount required for public schools, 22. to publish annually ia July, statement of receipts and expenditures, 16, 45. may borrow money in anticipation of the sum to be placed to their credit, by county Treasurer, and pledge said sum for payment thereof, 23. authorized to contract for sale of lot of ground on Lombard St., 28. to furnish Superintendent of common schools, when required, reports as to condition and management of their schools, 39. to open night schools for male adults, 42. for females, 69. to fix time of re-opening and closing all night schools, 69. to determine the age at which pupils may be admitted into night schools, 69. 77 Controllers to prescribe duties of visitors of night schools, 69. to establish a Model School to qualify teachers for the district or state, 15. a High School for pupils of the public schools of the district, 34. to confer academical degrees upon graduates of High School, 63. honorary degrees, &c., same as University of Pennsylva- nia, 63. from fourth section, to be elected viva voce, 63. incorporated, 49, &c. to take and hold real and personal estate for public school pur- poses, 49, 50. power to sell and dispose of real estate, 49. Secretary of, not be one of their own body, 50. to make by-laws for their well government, 15, 50. same powers and privileges, and subject to the same duties as pre- viously, 50. vested with title to all property held in trust for or to their use, 50. Coimcils, Common and Select of Philadelphia, to appoint Directors for fii-st sec- tion, 12, to fill vacancies in Board of Di- rectors of first section, 58. County Auditors to examine and settle annually, accounts of Controllers, 16. not to be Controllers, 40. County Board to make appropriation for Controllers, 43. term of office of members of, 45. County Commissioners to ascertain the per centum upon amount of county tax, which will produce the sum required for public schools, and give notice thereof to County Trea- surer, 22. to raise and pay to County Treasurer on first Monday of every month, one-twelfth part of the sum necessary for school expenses of the current year, 33. to publish annually in July, statement of expenditures, 45. not to be School Directors, 52. to publish statement furnished by Superintendent of Common Schools, of amount of state appropriation due, 60. to make triennial retiu'ns of number of taxables to Super- intendent of Common Schools, on or before first of AprU, 61. formerly held real and personal estate for use of schools, 31 . 78 County Treasm-er to keep separate account for the Controllers, and as taxes are paid in by Collectors, to pass to the credit of Controllers the amount agreeably to the rate per centum fixed by Commissioners, 22. upon receipt of the monthly one-twelfth part of the sum re- quired for public schools, to pass same to credit of Con- trollers, 33. to pay orders drawn on him by Controllers, 22. to give and take receipts for money so received and paid by him, 22. to report to Controllers the state of their account whenever required, 28. to receive money borrowed by Controllers, in anticipation of the sum to be placed to their credit, 23. Directors to be taxable inhabitants, residing within the respective sections, 12, 62. in the city and incorporated districts elected by ballot, by Councils and Commissioners, 12, 13. in Moyamensiug, or Ninth Section, elected viva voce, 64, 65. in Spring Garden, or Fourth Section, to be nominated at previous stated meeting of the Commissioners, 62. in outer sections elected by people on third Friday in March, 36. annual election of, in the city and incorporated districts, between first and twentieth of March, 41. annual election of, in Thii'd Section, or Southwark, between fii'st and twentieth of May, 68. one-third of the whole number of, elected annually, 36, 37, 42, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 72. term of service of, three years, 36, 37, 42, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 72. number of; see Sections, not to be Commissioners of the incorporated districts in County of Philadelphia, 43. not to be County Commissioners, 52. list of, to be transmitted by Councils and Commissioners to Control- lers, who are to publish the same and give personal notice to Directors of their election, 24. to meet at least monthly, 17. to keep regular minutes of their proceedings, 17. to divide themselves into as many committees as there may be schools in the particular section, &c., 17. 79 Directors, said Committees of, to keep regrilar minutes of tlieir proceedings, and exhibit the same to Dii-ectors when required, 17. to erect and establish so many schools m theii- respective sections as may be determined upon by Controllers, 17. to provide all things necessary for maijitaining and conducting schools in their respective sections, and to superintend said schools, 17. to appoint Teachers, 17. in townships and boroughs of outer sections, to appomt Teachers after a public examination; powers and duties of said Dh-ectors 47 48. ' ' to give public notice of opening of schools, 19. to appoint visitors of night schools, 68, 69. not requii-ed to admit chUch-en into public schools under sis years of age, 69. have a cUscretion in admitting children between foiu-teen and sixteen 59. to elect Controllers from among their own number, at meetings in their respective sections, 14, 37, 38. time of election of Controllers by, first Monday in July, annually, 58. of Seventh and Eighth Sections, to hold a joint meeting for election of a Controller, 28, 29. to report the state of theii- schools to ControUers every six months, 17. to perform their duties without compensation, 17. exempt from serving as jui'ors, arbitrators, overseers of the poor, &c., and from militia duty, 17. vacancies among, in Fii-st Section, filled by Councils, 58. in Incorporated District, filled by Commissioners, 64. in Second Section, fiUed by Directors, 72. in Outer Sections, " '< 37 54, in City and Incorporated Districts, may make by-laws, vac'ating seats of members who do not give proper attention to their duties 59 70. E. Election of ControUers by Dh-ectors on first Monday in July, annually, 58. of Directors ; see Dii-ectors and Sections. of Teachers in outer sections, to be by Du-ectors of the borough or township in which school is located, 47, 48. Examination of Teachers in outer sections to be public, 47, 48. Exemption of School Du-ectors from serving as jm-ors', arbitrators, overseers of the poor, &c., and from militia duty, 17. Expenses, estimate of, to be made to the County Commissioners annually, on or before first of March, by the Controllers, 22. 80 Expenses, accoimts of, in erecting, establisMng and maintaining public schools, to be examined by Controllers, 15, 16, 22. F. Fiscal year of First School District, 45. Frankford, Borough of, 51. Fund, Common School, 60, 61. a. Germantown Township, Directors in, 19, 35, 36. Borough of. Directors in, 35, 36, 56. H. High School for pupils of public schools of the District, to be established by Con- trollers, 34. Academical degrees upon graduates of, 63. Honorary degrees, Controllers empowered to confer, 63. Incorporation of "The Controllers of the Public Schools of the First School District of Pennsylvania," 49, &c. Indigent children, benefits of public schools no longer confined to, 34, 35. K. Kensington District, 12, 30, 38. Du-ectors in, see Section Tenth. Kingsessing, Township of. Directors in, 20, 36, 65. Lancasterian system, exclusive use of no longer obligatory upon Controllers and Directors, 34. Lombard street, lot of ground on. Controllers authorized to sell, 28. Lower Dublin Township, Directors in, 19, 36. M. Manayunk, Borough of, Dii-ectors in, 55, 57, 69, 70. Meetings of Controllers to be at least quarterly, 16. Special, 16, 29, 30. 81 Meeting of Controllers, Quonim at, 29, 30. Directors, to be at least monthly, 17. Quorum at, in First Section, 59. Minutes, Controllers to keep, of their proceedings, 16. Directors to keep, of their proceedings, 17. Committees of Directors to keep, 17. Model School, to qualify Teachers for the sectional schools or for schools in other parts of the State, 15. Moreland ToiSTiship, Directors in, 19, 36. Mount Airy School, trustees of, authorized to conYey lot and buildiags to Con- trollers, 54. Moyamensing, 12, 13, 26, 27, 41, 64, 67, 78. N. New Section, mode of establishing, 18. Night Schools, for male adults, 42. for females, 69. ■visitors of, to be appointed by Directors, 68, 69. number of 69. duties of, to be prescribed by Controllers, 69. Controllers to fix time of re-opening and closing aU night schools, 69. Controllers to determine age at ■which pupils to be admitted, 69. Northern Liberties, Incorporated, 12, 13, 41. Unincorporated, 12, 30, 36, 38. Notice of election of Directors to be furnished by Councils of City and Commis- sioners of Districts, to Controllers, 23, 24. containing list of said Directors, to be published by Controllers, 24. personal, of their election to be given by Controllers to Directors, 24. 0. Opening of ne^w schools, public notice of, to be given by Directors, 19. Outer sections. Directors elected by people on third Friday in March, 36. Directors elected in the to-mships and boroughs of, to have super- ■vision of the schools in the same, and the appointment and removal of Teachers, and other po^wers and duties, 47, 48. Oxford To^vmship, Directors, 19, 36, 51. P. Passyunk school house, 25. To-vraship, 12, 24. Directors in, 36, 46. 6 82 Peiin Township, 12, 38. Directors in, 36. Property of public schools vested in Controllers, 49, 50, 51. Public schools, benefits of, no longer confined to children of indigent parents, 34, 35. Pupils, age of, admitted into public schools, 59. night schools to be fixed by Controllers, 69. Q. Quorum, five Controllers to constitute, provided that no order for payment of money be made at a special meeting, unless a majority present, 29, 30. twenty directors to constitute, in First Section, 59. E. Reports, to be furnished Superintendent of common schools by Controllers, of condition and management of their schools when required, 39. Report, annual, by Controllers to County Commissioners, by first of March, of amount required for public schools, 22. annual, by Controllers, in July, of receipts and expenditures, &c., 16, 45. by County Commissioners to County Treasurer, of amount required for public schools, 22. by County Commissioners in July annually, of expenditures, 45. triennial, by Coixnty Commissioners, on or before first of April, to Super- intendent of common schools, of number of taxables, 61. by County Treasurer to Controllers, of the state of their account when- ever required, 23. by Directors of the several sections, to Controllers every six months, of the state of all their schools, 17. Robeson school, in Manayunk, Trustees of, to convey lot and buildings to Con- trollers, 69, 70. " Roxborough School House," School Dii-ectors of Roxborough Township, to be Trustees of, 53. Roxborough Township, Directors in, 19, 36, 53, 55, 56, 57. s. Secretary of Controllers, not to be one of their own body, 50. to give security, 50. of Board of Dii-ectors, in city and incorporated districts, to notify Coimcils and Commissioners of vacancies, 58, 64. Section, New, mode of establishing, 18. 83 Section First, established, 12. number of Directors in, fifty-four, 12, 26, 41. of Controllers for, seven, 38, 39. quorum of Directors in, twenty, 59. vacancies among Directors, how fiUed, 58. Directors to make by-laws, vacating seats of members, 59. Second, established, 12, 80. number of Directors in, twenty-four, 13, 41. of Controllers, three, 30, 38. Directors of, fill vacancies in their own number, 72. Third, established, 12. number of Directors in, eighteen, 13, 40, 67, 68. number of Controllers, two, 38. Directors in, elected between first and twentieth of May, 67, 68. Fourth, established, 12, 13. number of Directors, twenty-one, 13, 41, 62. of Controllers, three, 38, 63. Dii'ectors in, to be nominated at previous stated meeting of Commissioners, before being balloted for, 62. Controllers from, elected viva voce, 63. Fifth, estabUshed, 19. number of Directors eighteen, 36. powers and duties of Directors, 47, 48. has one Controller, 28, 38. Sixth, established, 19. number of Directors, 36, 55, 56, 57. powers and duties of Directors, 47, 48. has one Controller, 38. Seventh, established, 20. number of Directors twenty-one, 36, 48, 52, 65, 66. powers and duties of Dii-ectors, 47, 48. with Eighth Section elect one Controller, 38. Eighth, established, 24, 25. number of Directors in, six, 36, 46. powers and duties of Directors, 47, 48. with Seventh Section elect one Controller, 38. Ninth, established, 26, 27. number of Directors fifteen, 27, 41, 73. number of Controllers two, 38, 67. dii-ectors in, elected viva voce, 64, 65. Tenth, established, 30, 38. number of Directors, twenty-four, 47, 71, 72. number of Controllers, thi-ee, 38, 73. 84 Section Eleventh, established, 38. number of Directors, nine, 36. has one Controller, 38. powers and duties of Directors, 47, 48. Southwark, District of, 12, 13, 40, 47, 67, 68. Special meetings of Controllers, 16, 29, 30. Spring Garden, District of, 13, 41, 62, 63. State appropriation, 60, 61. Superintendent of Common Schools, annually in April, to transmit to County Commissioners a statement of amount of school fimd due, 60. to be furnished by Controllers with reports as to condition and management of their schools, when required, 39. T. Taxables, number of to be furnished to Superintendent of common schools by County Commissioners, triennially, 61. Teachers appointed by Directors, 17. in outer sections to be examined publicly, 47, 48. appointed and removed by Directors elected in the Township or Borough in which school is located, 47, 48. Term of service of Controllers expires on 30th of June annually, 46. Directors expires on 30th of June annually, 46, 47. three years, 36, 37, 42, 63, 65, 66, 68, 72. members of County Board, 45. Time of election of Controllers, 58. Directors in Incorporated Districts of first school district, 41. in Third Section, 67, 68. in Outer Sections, 36. Title to public school property vested in Controllers, 49, 50. Township, see Blockley, Bristol, &c. Trustees of Roxborough School House, powers and duties of vested in School Directors of Roxborough Township, 53. of Mount Airy School, in the Township of Germantown, to convey lot and buildings to Controllers, 53, 54. u. Unexpended balance of any year's appropriation to form part of estimate of next year, 23. 85 V. Vacancies among Controllers filled by Directors, 14. Directors in First Section filled by Councils, 58. in Incorporated Districts of County filled by Com- missioners, 64. in Second Section filled by Directors, 72. in case of. Secretary of Sectional Board to notify Councils or Commissioners thereof, 58, 64. in Outer Sections, filled by Directors, 37, 64. in City and Incorporated Districts of Coimty, Directors authorized to make by-laws, creating, where Directors do not give proper at tention, 59, 70. Visitors of Night Schools appointed by Directors, 68. their number, 68, 69. duties of, prescribed by Controllers, 69. w. West Philadelphia, Borough of, Dii-ectors in, nine, 36, 52, 66. name changed to that of the District of West Philadelphia, 71. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 020 312 279 2