* f i-o £ A TREATISE ON PHARMACY DESIGNED AS A TEXT-BOOK FOR THE STUDENT, AND AS A GUIDE FOR THE PHYSICIAN AND PHARMACIST, CONTAINING THE OFFICINAL AND MANY UNOFFICIAL FORMULAS, AND NUMEROUS EXAMPLES OF EXTEMPORANEOUS PRESCRIPTIONS. BY EDWARD PARRISH, LATE PROFESSOR OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF PHARMACY IN THE PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA J AND OF THK AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION. FOURTH EDITION, ENLARGED AND THOROUGHLY REVISED BY THOS. S. WIEGAKD, GRADUATE OF THE PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. WITH TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ILLUSTRATIONS -■ PHILADELPHIA: 4 HENEY C. LEA 1874. < 3-aV ^V Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by HENRY C. LEA, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress. All rights reserved. Philadelphia: collins, printer, 705 Jay ire Street. TO WILLIAM PROCTER, Jr., PROFESSOR OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF PHARMACY IN THE PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, EDITOR OF THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY. ETC., ©bis Sloxli is Inscribe AS A TESTIMONIAL TO HIS ZEAL AND ABILITY PROSECUTING THE ART AND SCIENCE OF PHARMACY, TRIBUTE OF THE ENDURING FRIENDSHIP AND ESTEEM -THE AUTHOR. ( Hi ) PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. When the sudden and lamented death of Mr. Parrish occurred, in September, 1872, he had for some time been engaged in making preparations for a new edition of his Treatise on Pharmacy, in anticipation of the revised U. S. Pharmacopoeia. Stricken down while in the zealous discharge of his duties as a peace commis- sioner to the Indians, his papers were placed in the hands of the editor, who has endeavored to carry out the views of his deceased friend in so far as they were indicated by the MS. and notes which he left behind. Among the changes thus introduced will be observed an altera- tion in the general arrangement of the work. Part I. has been almost entirely rewritten, embodying new topics and some which were formerly in other portions of the volume. Part II. has also been much altered, and the order of the remaining divisions has been changed. The position which the work has assumed as a leading authority on Pharmacy, and the knowledge that the author had devoted to it so large a portion of the labors of an active and useful life, have made the editor realize fully the responsibility incurred in its revision. This responsibility he has endeavored to discharge con- scientiously, regardless of the labor which it involved. During the ten years which have elapsed since the appearance of the last edi- tion, the advance of pharmaceutical science has been marked, and it has been his endeavor to introduce whatever of value has been de- veloped by the investigations and improvements made during that period. In adapting the work, moreover, to the new edition of our (v) VI PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. national Pharmacopoeia it became necessary not only to observe the changes in the list of preparations but to revise the nomenclature. The new notation of chemical substances has likewise been intro- duced, involving a very laborious revision of all the chemical formulas. These changes and additions have increased the size of the volume by about one hundred and fifty pages, notwithstanding the care with which all matter that could be considered obsolete has been omitted. It has been the object of the editor throughout to preserve strictly the practical and useful character of the work, and he hopes that it may be found not unworthy a continuance of the confidence which has hitherto been bestowed upon it. The use of syllabi in the scientific portions of the work has been continued, as designed by the author, experience having still further confirmed his impressions as to their advantage in displaying, in a condensed shape, all important facts connected with the substances described. In alluding to these syllabi it is proper to refer to the author's acknowledgment, in his previous edition, of the valuable assistance rendered by Prof. J. M. Maisch in their preparation. If it had been possible by any typographical arrangement to make a distinction between the new matter and the old, the editor would gladly have done so. The changes, however, have been so numerous and pervade the text so thoroughly that no system could be adopted for this purpose without distracting the attention of the reader to a degree that would be inadmissible. Philadelphia, March, 1874. HINTS TOWARD THE STUDY OF AND REFERENCE TO THE WORK. The syllabi are adapted to the student, and may be used by teachers of materia medica and pharmacy as affording classifications of the officinal preparations. Working formulas are inserted for the use of the practical manipu- lator; they are so displayed as, with ordinary care, to avoid mistakes in compounding. Comments upon the uses and properties of the officinal preparations follow the respective syllabi. The processes for preparing and dispensing medicines are separately described and illustrated in the first chapter in Part III., in the several chapters of Part IV., and in Parts V. and YI. Chemical compounds are displayed in the syllabi so as to show their composition, most prominent properties, and doses ; their composition is further given with the process for their preparation, and its rationale, in the text. In consulting the index, the. most read}' method of finding a prepa- ration is to refer to the class to which it belongs — a salt is best found under the Latin name of its base. (vii) CONTENTS. PAET I. PRELIMINARY. CHAPTER I. PAGE On the Furniture Necessary to the Shop or Dispensing Office 17 Implements .....'... 39 CHAPTER II. Store Room, Cellar, and Laboratory ..... 57 PAET II. CHAPTER I. On Pharmacopoeias ........ 63 CHAPTER II. Weights, Measures, and Specific Gravity . . . G9 CHAPTER III. Temperature ......... 02 CHAPTER IV. Modes of Measuring, Regulating, and Applying Heat . . 103 Thermometer ........ 103 Sand-bath . . . . . . . .104 Water-bath . . . . . . . .105 Steam-bath . . . . . . . .107 PAET III INORGANIC PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY. CHAPTER I. Chemical Processes used in Pharmacy . . . . .109 Distillation, fractional and destructive . . . . .119 Sublimation . . . . . . . .120 (ix) CONTENTS. Desiccation, calcination Ignition, torrefaction Reduction Oxidation Carbonic &cid processes Decolorizing Washing of -chemicals Precipitation Crystallization . PAGE 121 122 122 123 123 124 125 126 127 CHAPTER II. Non-Metallic Elements and their Medicinal Preparation Oxygen .... Ozone .... Chlorinium Chlorine disinfecting preparations Iodine and its preparations Bromine and its preparations Phosphorus and its preparations Sulphur and its preparations 128 128 130 132 132 134 140 143 145 CHAPTER III. On the Inorganic Acids Syllabus of mineral acids 147 148 CHAPTER IV. The Alkalies and their Salts Alkaline salts derived from natural mineral deposits Alkaline salts derived from wood ashes Alkaline salts derived from common salt Alkaline salts derived from crude tartar Alkaline salts preparations of ammonia 109 174 184 192 194 CHAPTER V. The Earths and their Preparations . . . 201 Preparations of barium ..... 201 Preparations of calcium . . 203 Preparations of magnesium .... 212 Preparations containing aluminium 220 Cerium and its oxalate . . . . . 223 CHAPTER VI. Iron and Manganese ...... 224 Ferrum ....... 224 Preparations containing oxygen 226 CONTENTS. XI Preparations with the halogens . Manganese Preparations of manganese PAGE 248 254 255 CHAPTER VII. Preparations of Copper, Zinc, Nickel, and Cadmium Cuprum (copper) Preparations of copper . Zincum (zinc) Preparations of zinc Cadmium Preparations of cadmium Nickel . Preparations of nickel . Cobalt CHAPTER VIII Lead, Silyer, Bismuth Plumbum (lead) . Preparations of lead Argentum (silver) Preparations of silver Bismuthum Preparations of bismuth CHAPTER IX Antimony and Arsenic Antimony- Preparations of antimony Arsenic . Preparations of arsenic . 260 260 260 263 264 269 270 270 271 271 272 272 272 277 277 280 280 284 284 285 291 292 CHAPTER X. ctry, Gold, and Platinum 296 Hydrargyrum (mercury) 296 Mercurial compounds .... 297 Aurum (gold) ..... 307 Preparations of gold .... 3C8 Platinum ...... 310 CHAPTER XI. On Tests, Qualitative and Quantitative 311 Xll CONTENTS. PAET IV. PHARMACY IN ITS RELATIONS TO ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. CHAPTER I. Ligneous Fibre and its Derivatives Ligniii .... Collodium Products of the distillation of wood Aciduni aceticum Acetone .... Creasotum CHAPTER II. Farinaceous, Mucilaginous, and Saccharine Principles Syllabus of starches, etc. Gums and mucilages Sugars Tests for sugars . Glucosides Saccharine group of medicines CHAPTER III. Albuminous and similar Principles and certain Animal Products Protein compounds ...... Modified albuminous principles .... Animal products used in medicine containing protein compounds Gelatinous principles ...... Pepsin ........ CHAPTER IV. Fermentation, Alcohols and Ethers Alcohol ..... Etherea ..... Methylic alcohol and derivatives Medicinal preparations of methylic alcohol Chloroform .... Derivatives of butylic alcohol . Derivatives of amylic alcohol . Artificial fruit essences . CHAPTER V. Fixed Oils and Fats . Fatty acids Lead plaster Glycerin . Glonoin or nitro-glycerin Soaps used in medicine . Fixed oils and fats used in medicine CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER YI. On Yolatile Oils, Camphors, and Resins Volatile oils .... Adulterations and tests . Carbo-hydrogen essential oils . Plants yielding carbo-hydrogen essential oils Oxygenated oil . Plants yielding oxygenated oils Nitrogenated oils Sulphuretted oils Ernpyreurnatic volatile oils Camphors .... Caoutchouc and caoutchoucoids Resins ..... Syllabus of resins PAGE 398 398 402 405 407 408 409 416 417 418 419 421 421 422 CHAPTER YII. Organic Acids .... Fruit acids .... Derivatives of the fruit acids Acids representing the medicinal virtues of pi Acids combined with vegetable alkalies Acids derived from or yielding essential oils Astringent or allied acids Acids of animal origin . Acids pertaining to coloring matters . nits 429 430 434 436 441 443 454 460 462 CHAPTER YIII On the Organic Alkalies or Alkaloids . Syllabus of natural quaternary alkaloids Syllabus of artificial quaternary alkaloids Syllabus of natural ternary alkaloids . Syllabus of artificial ternary alkaloids . Opium alkaloids and their salts Cinchona alkaloids and their salts General remarks on the cinchona alkaloids Alkaloids of strychnos and their salts . Alkaloids of the solanacese The ternary alkaloids Alkaloids of animal origin 467 474 476 476 477 481 490 498 502 506 513 517 CHAPTER IX. On Neutral Organic Principles mostly peculiar to a limited number of plants, and possessed of medicinal principles 519 Syllabus of plants and their characteristic principles . . . 520 Remarks on some neutral principles ..... 528 On the decomposition of organic bodies . . . .534 XIV CONTENTS. PAET V. PHARMACY PROPER (GALENICAL PHARMACY). CHAPTER I. On the Different parts of Plants, their Collection and Desic- cation ......... PAGE 537 CHAPTER II. On the Powdering of Drugs, and on Powders . Pulveres, U. 8. P. (syllabus) . 542 552 CHAPTER III. On Solution and Filtration Officinal solutions, U. 8. P. 553 558 CHAPTER IY. The Medicated Waters .... Aquse (syllabus) .... Working formulas from XI. 8. Pharmacopoeia . Remarks on distilled waters 571 572 573 574 CHAPTER Y. Maceration and Infusion .... 576 Infusa, U. 8. P. (syllabus) 582 Unofficinal infusions .... 584 Processes requiring heat 586 Officinal decoctions .... 588 Remarks on decoctions . • . . 5£8 CHAPTER YI Percolation, or the Displacement Process The apparatus .... Management of the process 590 592 596 CHAPTER VII Tinctures ...... 603 Tincturse, U. 8. P. (syllabus) . 605 Working formulas 611 Unofficinal ..... G20 Ethereal ...... 622 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER VIII. Medicated "Wines, Vinegars, Elixirs, and Cordials Vina, U. 8. P. (syllabus) Remarks on the medicated wines Working formulas from'tlie U. S. Pharmacopoeia Unofficinal wines Aceta Syllabus of officinal vinegars Elixirs and cordials Formulas from Proceedings of Ai merican Pharmaceutical Association PAGE 624 624 625 625 626 629 630 631 634 CHAPTER IX, Preparations op Opium Syllabus of officinal preparations Remarks ..... "Working formulas 639 640 640 CHAPTER X. Evaporation and the Extracts Extracta, IT. S. P. (syllabus) Working formulas Unofficinal extracts Physical properties 648 652 660 665 668 CHAPTER XI. Fluid Extracts, and Oleoresins Extracta fluida . General remarks . Working formulas Unofficinal fluid extracts Oleoresinse, U. S. P. Working formulas for oleoresins Unofficinal oleoresins CHAPTER XII Syrups and Honeys . Syrupi, U. S. P. (syllabus) Working formulas for officinal syrups Unofficinal syrups Mellita .... Glycerita and glyceroles Flavoring syrups for soda water, etc. CHAPTER XIII. Conserves, Conpections, Electuaries, Pastes, Lozenges, and Can- dies ......... 726 Confections ........ 727 Pastes ......... 729 670 671 671 673 684 690 691 694 696 703 709 716 717 719 XVI CONTENTS. Lozenges ..... Trochisci, IT. 8. P. (syllabus) . Working formulas for officinal lozenges Unofficinal lozenges Candy and drops CHAPTER XIV. ExTRACTA RESINA AND CONCENTRATED REMEDIES Resinse, U. 8. P. (syllabus) Remarks on officinal resinse Unofficinal concentrated remedies PAGE 731 733 734 738 742 742 745 745 747 CHAPTER XV. On Distillation, Distilled Products, and Perfumery Apparatus .... Galenical preparations made by distillation Aquae medicatse .... Olea destillata, U. 8. P. Spiritus, IT. 8. P. (syllabus) . / Working formulas for the officinal spirits On perfumery and toilet articles Colognes . Toilet Waters Vinegars . Musk perfumes Tooth preparations Sachet powders and fumigators Hair preparations 759 760 764 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 772 773 774 775 777 PAET VI. EXTEMPORANEOUS PHARMACY. CHAPTER I. On Prescriptions The language used in prescriptions 779 781 CHAPTER II. The Art op Selecting and Combining Medicines The art of combinino; medicines 794 796 CHAPTER III. On Powders, Pills, Suppositories, etc. Pulveres .... Pilulse .... 798 800 CONTENTS. XVll PAGE Astringents .... ... 807 Tonics and aromatics 808 Nervous stimulants and antispasmodics 813 Cerebral stimulants or narcotics 814 Rheumatic and gout pills 815 Excito-motor stimulants 816 Arterial sedatives 816 Emetics . 816 Cathartics and laxatives 817 Diaphoretics 822 Alteratives 823 Emmenagogues . 823 Trochisci . 824 Suppositories 825 CHAPTER IV. Liquid Preparations, Solutions, Mixtures, etc. . . 827 Chemical and pharmaceutical incompatibles . 830 Extemporaneous solutions, mixtures, etc. 834 Astringents .... 834 Tonics 836 Arterial and nervous sedatives 840 Refrigerants and antacids 843 Antacids . 845 Demulcents and diu ics 846 Taraxacum mixtures 847 Expectorants 848 Emulsions of fixed oils . 850 Alteratives 851 Anthelmintics 851 Jellies 852 CHAPTER V. Styptic and Depilatory Powders, Lotions, Collyria, Injections, Enemas, Gargles, Baths, I Styptic powders . Lotions NHALA riONS, \ND Fl fMIGAT] oxs 853 853 853 Collyria . Injections Enemata . 855 856 856 Gargles . Baths . 857 858 Inhalations, fumigations, disinft ctants, etc. 858 CHAPTER VI Cerates, Ointments, and Liniments ..... Cerates and ointments much used as vehicles for medicinal substances Those in which the medicinal substances are mixed by fusion and digestion ....... B 861 863 XV111 CONTENTS. Those in which the medicinal substances are incorporated by tritu ration with the unctuous ingredients Those in which the fatty ingredient is chemically changed Working formulas for preparing cerates and ointments Unofficinal cerates and ointments The officinal liniments . . . . . Unofficinal liniments . 870 870 876 881 CHAPTER VII. Plasters, Plasmata, and Cataplasms Emplastra, XT. 8. P. (syllabus) . Remarks on the officinal plasters Working formulas from the Pharmacopoeia Unofficinal plasters Spreading of plasters Plasmata ..... Cataplasms .... 885 886 886 887 890 891 896 898 CHAPTER VIII. On Dispensing and Compounding Prescriptions Dispensing .... Preparation and dispensing of pills Preparation of mixtures Management and discipline of the shop Rules of a pharmaceutical store 899 902 911 918 927 APPENDIX On the Management of a Sick Chamber .... Preparation op Dietetics for the Sick and Convalescent . Small Outfit for Physician ..... A more Complete Outfit ...... Recipes for some of the more Important Popular Medicines 931 935 938 939 940 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. 1. Case of drawers 2, 3. Cans, slanting top and round 4. Camphor can . 5. Salt-mouth bottle, mushroom stopper 6. Salt-mouth, American blown 7. Salt-mouth, moulded . 8. Salt-mouth and stopper 9. Tincture bottle, mushroom stopper 10. Tincture bottle, ordinary blown 11. Tincture bottle, American moulded 12. Oil bottle 13. Oil can with cap 14. Syrup bottle, ball stopper 15. Speciajar 16. Common wide mouth packing bottle 17. Extra wide mouth packing bottle 18. Common packing bottle 19. Extra packing bottle 20. Emit jar 21. Glass label 22. Acid bottle, engraved label . 23. Section of shelves 24. Bracket for shelf 25. 26. Show jars . 27. "Window bracket 28. Canopy-top jar 29. Tie-over jar . 30. Elat-top covered jar 31. Gallipot 32. Covered jar with tin case 33. Patent safety can 34. Section of drawers and covered shelves 35. Front view of counter 36. Back view of counter 37. Eront view of prescription counter 38. Back view of prescription counter 39. Clamp for mortar . * 40. Working counter and furnace PAGE 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 32 33 34 35 36 36 38 (xix) XX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, PIG. 41. Prescription scale and case 42. Prescription scale without standard 43. Prescription scale, cheaper 44. Troemner's army scale 45. Cheap tea scales 46. 47, 48. Sheet brass weights 49. Aluminium weights . 50, 51. Avery's weights . 52. Nest of apothecaries' weights 53. Graduated measure . 54. Medicine-chest measure 55. German graduated measure 56. Minim measure 57. Wedgewood mortar and pesth 58. Porcelain mortar 59. French porcelain mortar 60. Iron mortar for contusion 61. Spatula, tapering blade 62. Spatula, balance handle 63. Spatula, ordinary 64. Graduated pill tile 65. Pill roller 66. Wooden pill machine 67. Brass pill machine 68. Porcelain funnel 69. Improved glass funnel 70. Evaporating dish 71. Porcelain cup 72. Capsule 73. Plask . 74. Tripod 75. Fluted long prescription vial, flint glass 76. Fluted long wide mouth, flint glass 77. Plain prescription vial, flint glass 78. Plain German flint vial 79. Long old-fashioned green glass vial 80 Short prescription vial, green glass 81. Corks . 82. Necked pill boxes 83. Slipper pattern bed-pan 84. Covered bed-pan 85. Pamphlet case 86. Ice vault and closet . 87. Eange for store and laboratory 88. Stove for store and laboratory 89. Carboy siphon 90. Series of apothecaries' weights 91. Avoirdupois or commercial weights 92. Burette LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, XXI PIG. 93. Burette stand 94. 4 ^ graduated measure 95. Hodgson's graduated measure 96. Minim measure 97. Hydrostatic balance . 98. 99. Specific gravity bottle and case 100. Specific gravity bottle counterpoise 101. Specific gravity bottle, plain . 102. Loaded glass cylinder 103. Hydrometers for liquids lighter than water 104. Urinometer in case . 105. Urinometer in use 106. Saccharometer 107. Glass spirit lamp 108. Extemporaneous glass lamp . 109. French hand furnace . 110. Alcohol lamp 111. Alcohol lamp stand . 112. Mitchell's lamp 113. Berzelius' lamp 114. Lamp chimney 115. Alcohol blast lamp and stand 116. Crucible jacket 117. Gas distributor 118. Ground gas burner and hose 119. Sections of gas burner and mercury cup 120. Ground gas burner and cup . 121. Curved support for gas tubes 122. Argand burner 123. Screen and support . 124. Gas stove 125. Gas stove, small 126. Chimney and crucible support 127. 128. Parrish's gas furnace 129. Bunsen burner 130. Horizontal Bunsen burner . 131. Griffin's burner 132. 133. McGlensey's gas burner 134. Thermometers 135. Diagram representing different thermometric scales 136. Metallic water-bath . 137. Porcelain water-bath 138. 139, 140. Hecker's farina boiler 141. TVater-bath for drying filters . 142. Apparatus for hot filtration . 143. Steam boiler and evaporating pan with steam jacket 144. Plain retort, tubulated receiver, and adapter 145. Ketort with quilled receiver . 146. Distillation with plain retort . PAGE 76 77 77 78 81 83 83 83 85 89 90 90 90 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 95 96 96 97 97 97 97 99 100 100 101 101 102 102 103 104 105 105 106 106 106 107 110 111 112 XX11 LIST OF ILLUSTKATIONS, FIG. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171, 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185, 187, 189. 190. 191. 192, 194, 196. 197- 207. 208. 209. 210. Tubulated retort Grummet Liebig's condenser Set of cork borers Kat-tail file Liebig's condenser, glass Stand for glass condenser Upright glass condenser (Squibb's) Liebig's brass condenser on retort stand General apparatus stand (Dr. Squibb's) Retort stand for use in distillations . Complete apparatus for distillations . Flask and safety tube Apparatus for subliming camphor in pulverulent Porcelain spatulas Platinum crucible Porcelain crucible Hessian crucible Reduction tubes Carbonic acid apparatus Spritz bottle and its use Hall's automatic washing apparatus Precipitating jar Oxygen apparatus 172, 173. Gasogene Metallic chimney and crucible support Box for weighing mercury Collodion vial and brush Starch granules as seen under the microscope Benzoic acid apparatus Mortar and pestle for contusion Wedgewood mortar and pestle Tobacco knife . Hance's drug mill Harris' drug sieve Porcelain mortar 186. Flannel strainer 188. Apparatus for straining syrup Physick's jelly strainer Warner's oil filter Bag filter 193. Siphons . 195. Diagrams for folding filters Plain filter 206. Diagrams for plaited filter Well formed funnel . Filter support . Filter for volatile liquids Hance's filtering and percolating apparatus form LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.. XXlll FIG. PAGE 211. Use of guiding rod ...... 570 212. Alsop's infusion mug ...... 577 213. Squire's infusion pot ...... 577 214. Tincture press ...... 578 215. Clothes wringer press ..... 579 216. Percolator ....... 592 217. Percolator diaphragms ..... 592 218. Porcelain percolator ...... 593 219. Porcelain percolator diaphragms .... 593 220. Lamp chimney displacer and supports 593 221. Lamp chimney displacer with bulb .... 593 222. Tin displacer for volatile liquids .... 593 223. Dr. Squibb's displacer ..... 594 224. Glass syringe displacer ..... 595 225. Graduated bottle ...... 596 226. Bottle for continuous displacement and percolation 598 227. Smith's steam displacer ..... 600 228. Extemporaneous glass displacers .... 602 229. Large evaporating dish ..... 649 230. Application of radiated heat .... 649 231. Wiegand'g improved clasp for retort stand . 650 232. Steam coil for evaporations ..... 651 233. Percolator for ethereal tinctures with still for recovery of ether 691 234. Bag strainer ....... 723 235. Syrup kettle ....... 723 236. Frame for supporting strainer .... 723 237. Board, roller, and punch for making lozenges 731 238. Apparatus for making cylindrical lozenges . 738 239. Copper still and worm ...... 760 240. Tin retort with water joint . . . . . 760 241. Warner's condenser ...... 761 242. Pharmaceutical still ....... 762 243. Section of pharmaceutical still . 762 244. Pastille mould. . . 776 245. Tube and piston for introducing suppositories 827 246. Inhaler ....... 859 247. Ointment jar ........ 862 248. Plaster iron ........ 893 249. Plaster iron, larger ....... 893 250. Pattern for breast plaster ...... 894 251. Mammary abscess plaster ...... 894 252. Machine for spreading plaster cloth . 895 253. Paper for packages ....... 904 254. Paper packages ....... 904 255. Paper for powder ....... 905 256. Powder ........ 905 257. Envelope for powders ...... 905 258. Open end envelopes for powders ..... 905 259. German flint vial ... .... 906 XXIV LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, FIG. 260. Tapering and straight corks . 261. Spirit lamp 262. Cork presser . 263. Lochman's rotary cork press . 264. Paste bottle and brush 265. Bottle with drop guide 266. Bottle for moistening pill masses 267. Graduated pill tile 268. Glass muller . 269. Brass pill machine 270. Pill roller 271. Dusting bottle . 272. Apparatus for silvering pills 273. French porcelain mortar 274. Measure for fixed oils . 275. Strainer 276. Proper method of holding bottle and 277. Suppository mould 278. Suppository mould in refrigerator 279. Form for paper moulds 280. Brass suppository mould graduated measure PAGE 907 910 912 912 913 913 914 914 914 915 920 920 921 924 924 924 924 925 PRACTICAL PHARMACY. PART I. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS. CHAPTER I. ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE. N~o directions can be given to suit all conditions and circum- stances for the arrangement of the pharmaceutical store. The most common limit to completeness in this is want of capital. Pharmacy is a profession in which knowledge, skill, and integrity constitute the leading elements of success, and most of those enter- ing it, and, from want of experience, consulting a work of this kind for advice, are limited to a few thousand dollars, which it is very important to economize. "What is here offered has the merit of being disinterested and the result of much experience and obser- vation, but completeness is not claimed for it. Druggists' sundry- men and wholesale drug houses issue illustrated and priced cata- logues, in which are described many articles of use and ornament which would unnecessarily cumber these pages ; they are freely accessible to all buyers. The chief objects of the arrangement of the store are the proper preservation of the goods in suitable quantities, and in positions readily accessible to those engaged in selling them, and the tasteful and attractive display of such as address themselves to the fancy of customers. The goods ordinarily contained in a pharmaceutical or dispensing shop in the United States, consist, 1st, of crude drugs of vegetable and animal origin, in which are included many articles not used in medicine, but appropriately associated with medicines in the stock of a drug store, chiefly employed in dyeing, in the arts, and in domestic economy ; 2d, chemicals, including some drugs, the chief uses of which are outside the range of medicine ; 3d, pharmaceutic preparations in great variety ; 4th, proprietary articles ; 5th, toilet articles and perfumery ; 6th, articles of diet for invalids and infants ; 7th, apparatus for administering medicines, nursing bottles, etc. To these are added, in most stores, soda water on draught, and, in- many, a variety of so-called fancy articles not easily classified. 2 (17) 18 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE. How to dispose of these to the best advantage in the store is the point now under consideration. The most obvious method is to take pattern by a store already furnished, but much may be gained by considering the requirements of the case and seeking to improve on the old methods. Stores furnished twenty years ago have numerous drawers, some- times a hundred or more, chiefly for the storage of the first of the above classes ; occasionally these were lined with tin, a useful pre- caution in those designed for the gum resins, oleo-resins, and the more perishable herbs and leaves. A modern improvement is to substitute for many of the drawers tin cans neatly and uniformly painted and labelled. Fig. 1 exhibits a case of drawers such as are Fig . 1. 1 1 " " 1 ~\ , L ~] II I r J 1 1 1 ! 1 Case of drawers. manufactured on a large scale, where lumber is cheap, with the aid of mortising machines, finished and faced with black walnut, at the establishment of John M. Maris & Co., Philadelphia. They are chiefly recommended by their cheapness, costing much less than similar drawers can be made for by a carpenter even under favorable circumstances. The material best suited to make these drawers of is well-seasoned poplar or clean white pine. It is to be remembered, however, that such drawers as are here described are not made well and smoothly enough to meet the requirements of a very particular pharmacist. The sizes found most convenient for the generality of retail stores are 5 J inches deep, 9 inches wide, and 10 inches long. The back and bottom of the frame or case in which the drawers are placed should be covered with tin or gal- vanized iron to prevent rats and mice from injuring the drugs placed in the drawers. The drawer-pulls are sometimes made of iron with an open frame for inserting a glass label; but most of the patterns are objectionable from the careless manner in which the label has been fitted to the frame ; the glass is also liable to be broken by rough usage. Paper labels are published in a variety of styles and patterns designed for drawers, cans, and bottles; they are very cheap, and serve a good purpose where cheapness is the leading motive. A gilt label painted directly upon the drawer, although an old style,"is perhaps the best. It is not always convenient to have this put on by an expert sign painter, and a good method is to obtain a plain glass sign and cement this upon the drawer-front in a way hereafter described for bottles. In this case, the drawer-pull may i CANS. 19 Cans (standing top and round). be dispensed with by hollowing a suitable slit on the lower edge of the drawer to allow of the fingers being inserted. Figs. 2 and 3 represent japanned tin cans, well suited to replace the drawers for such substances as flaxseed meal, mustard flour, and arrowroot, which would require a gallon size. Fig. 2, vanilla, saffron, laven- Fig. 2. Fig. 3. der-flowers, rosemary, and the like, vdiich, in a strictly retail store, might be placed in the quart size. When made of the pattern of Fig. 3, the lids should be large enough to slip easily on to the cans, which should be slightly tapering near the top, so that when the lid is evenly raised the weight of the can and its contents will cause it to drop on to the counter. Only those drugs which are bought in considerable quantities will require duplicate cans, or other vessels, in the store-room or cellar, and w r here a single receptacle is pro- vided, it should be of the size to hold the whole amount purchased at one time. It is very objectionable to allow paper packages of a variety of drugs to accumulate in a large drawer or other recepta- cle; beside the danger of the duplicate package being overlooked or forgotten, when the proper drawer or can is to be replenished, the contact of one package with another is often injurious to both. A few articles, such as carrageen, Iceland moss, and hops, un- pressed, are so bulky as to require especially large receptacles in the store ; for these a few cans of extra size should be appropriately located, so as not too much to break in upon the general plan. Fig. 4 shows a large can for camphor, having a solid diaphragm across the diameter about half-way from the top to the floor on which it stands ; a piece of glass is fitted into the lid by means of a small ledge soldered on to its Fig. 4. under surface, on this there is a gilt label. To di- minish its resemblance to similar cans in grocery stores it is japanned of a light-buif color, to match the cans on the shelves. It would extend this chapter too much' to give a list of drawers, cans, and bottles, and their appro- priate sizes. The experience obtained during ap- prenticeship, with an intelligent view of the popu- lation and general characteristics of the location selected, will give some idea of the shop furniture to be provided and the stock to be purchased. To some, the proper advice would be to buy very cau- tiously, leaving room for improvement as the business develops; others would require to be reminded of the importance of having every facility for business in advance, giving the idea of complete- ness the first place in the mind. Chemicals are almost universally kept in glass bottles, excepting borax, potash, saltpetre, pearlash, Glauber salts, Epsom salts, mu- 20 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE. riate of ammonia, carbonate of ammonia, and a few others sometimes sold in quantities of several pounds; drawers and tin cans are un- suited to some of these, and a few stoneware jars with suitable tight corks or caps should be located for their reception out of sight, but not too far from the dispensing counter. Most of the chemicals should be kept in quart salt-mouth bottles on the shelves ; these hold from one to three pounds of ordinary salts. Some of the more costly salts, such as iodide and bromide of potassium and chloral hydrate, are as well kept in pint salt- mouths; then there are a few, such as iron by hydrogen, the chlo- rides and iodides of mercury, the salts of bismuth, sulphates of quinia and cinchonia, which are appropriately kept in half-pint and four-ounce salt-mouths. The practice of keeping the ordinary small crystals and crystal- line powders in the original packages sent out by the manufacturers is not without advantages, but requires they should be kept in a chemical case, and this, when open to view, fails to impress with an idea of systematic arrangement and care. On the whole, it seems best to provide a regularly labelled shop-bottle for each of the chemicals, and to keep the original packages as duplicate bottles in a chemical case. Of the several kinds of salt-mouths, that shown in Fig. 5 is the most popular. Figs. 6 and 7 also represent approved kinds. The leading considerations which determine the quality of glassware are shape, surface, and weight. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. c vT Salt-mouth mushroom stoppered. American blown salt- mouth. Moulded salt-mouth. The shape of the bottle, whether square shoulder or round shoulder, and whether relatively tall or short, may be partially de- termined by the height of the shelves, but is rather a matter of taste than of utility; the weight of the bottle is, however, of importance as determining its strength. The New England Glass Company make their quart salt-mouth and tincture bottles of ordinary thick- BOTTLES. 21 Fie:. 8. ness to weigh, about 19 ounces, including the stopper; they also make them extra heavy to weigh 2 pounds; the corresponding pints weigh 13 ounces and 19 ounces respectively; the ordinary half gal- lons weigh two pounds; extra heavy, 2 pounds 12 ounces. Their finest bottles are all carefully levelled and punted on the bottom. They are blown and finished without a mould, but the stoppers are now univer- sally made in a mould and are hollow, as shown in Fig. 8. The New England Com- pany's price upon the extra heavy bottles is from 30 to 35 cents per pound, accord- ing to circumstances. There are, however, other makers furnishing much cheaper wares, serving an equally good purpose. Bottles made in a mould have a less elegant surface, but are more uniform in shape, than blown bottles. Figs. 7 and 8 represent such; they are mostly found of sizes below the quart. Since the inven- tion of cylindrical moulds of solid iron so thick as to retain the heat of the succes- sive charges of fused glass blown into them, the unpolished surface formerly produced by the sudden chilling of the glass on contact with the mould, has been greatly obviated, and a handsome bottle is the result. Salt-mouth and stopper. Fisr. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Tincture mushroom stopper. Ordinary blown tincture. American moulded tincture. Most of the numerous liquid pharmaceutical preparations are kept in bottles such as are here figured, called Tincture Bottles. The present prevailing style is the mushroom stopper, Fig. 9; it is in this respect superior to that shown in Fig. 10, that it always is in a correct position to the face of the bottle. The moulded tincture is adapted to range on the same shelf as the corresponding 22 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE. Fig. 12. Oil bottle. salt-mouth, Fig. 7, and it is often found convenient in the prescrip- tion case to adopt this kind, especially where an alphabetical arrangement is preferred. Fig. 12 represents a bottle which is admirably contrived to' keep fixed oils, for the purpose of dispensing. The lip of the bottle is furnished with a flange nearly at right angles to it, which is ground on the outer surface, so as to fit a cap shown separately in the right hand figure. Into the neck of the bottle is inserted a ground glass stopper, also shown separately in the drawing, which is perforated by a lipped tube, and has upon the side opposite the lip a groove for the admission of air in pouring out the oil. The object of this arrangement will be obvious. In drawing oil from the bottle it flows through the tubed stopper, run- ning in a thin stream from the lip, and any portion which runs down the outside collects in the gutter formed by the outer lip and runs back into the bottle through the groove in the side of the stopper. The cap keeps this oily por- tion from becoming dusty, and protects the contents from 'the action of the air. A bottle of this description may be used without becoming greasy on the outside. Fig. 13 represents a tin vessel for dispensing fixed oils; the lip around the neck of the can collects the waste oil, which flows back through a small hole into the vessel. It is covered by a tin cap, shown in the drawing, and is a cheap and durable substitute for the oil bottle, especially adapted to larger sizes and for oils retailed in large quantities for manufacturing purposes. Ordinary cans of tinned iron are objectionable for brandy and other liquids containing tannin, which by contact with the iron exposed at the edges are blackened and rendered in- elegant ; block tin is too soft to be durable ; it is only by preventing the edges of the tinned iron from contact with the contents, by special precau- tions, that this useful alloy can be rendered available for this class of liquids. Fig. 14 shows a furniture bottle designed for keeping syrups. In place of the ordinary tightly-fitting ground stopper, a loose stopper of glass is supported in the neck by a bulb resting on the lip, which is so flared as to cause a syrup to flow Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Oil can with cap. Syrup bottle, loose stopper. BOTTLES. 23 back into the bottle instead of flowing over on to the outside. Though not air-tight, these are sufficiently closed to keep out the dust, which is sufficient for ordinary dispensing purposes. Besides the foregoing, there are two kinds of bottles frequently employed, where cheapness is the chief consideration, viz. : — Fig. 15. Fig. 16. Specia jar. Common wide-mouthed packer. The specia jar, which consists of a wide-mouth bottle without a lip, the mouth of which is covered by a tin top. This is objection- Fig. 17, Fig. 18. Fig. 19. %l !JlllllllMlllllilMlllilllllllllllllli!J l^ Extra wide-mouthed packer. Common packing bottle. Extra packing bottle. able as not excluding the air, and it is also less neat and substantial than the ^alt-mouth. It is, however, less costly. 24 AREANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE Fte. 20. The packing bottle, which is made either with a wide mouth for solids, as in Figs. 16 and 17, or a narrow mouth for liquids, as in Figs. 18 and 19 ; these are stopped by corks, and are the least desir- able kind of furniture bottles, though very useful for transporting medicines, or for keeping extra supplies with which to replenish the regular furniture bottles. Packing bottles are comparatively cheap, and are generally made of stronger glass than salt-mouths or tinc- tures. They may be formed without a lip, called common (Fig. 18), or with a lip, called extra (Fig. 19). Those with the lip are the most approved, and hold somewhat more than their nominal capacity. • The use of colored bottles has been recommended in furnishing the shelves of the shop and laboratory, as tending to prevent the destructive influence of light on some salts of mercury and silver, and on certain organic substances, volatile oils, and tinctures. Of the various colors which have been recommended, blue was formerly preferred, though recent authorities maintain that blue has no action on the chemical rays, and advocate the adoption of red glass as the best adapted to prevent the injurious effect of light. Some photographers successfully protect the apartments in which they conduct their delicate manipulations by yellow glass, which suggests the use of this color in the manufac- ture of furniture bottles requiring such precautions. The free access of light may be prevented by a coating of black varnish, or by the less elegant method of pasting over the surface some dark-colored paper. Fig. 20 shows a form of air-tight bottle made for preserving fruits which is of strong green glass, and well adapted to keeping such substances as carbonate of ammonium and assafoetida, which are especially unsuited to ordinary salt-mouths. The mouth of the bottle is wide enough to introduce the hand into, and when the cap is brought into place the junction is so nearly air tight as to prevent the change of carbonate of ammonium into the soft and. pulverulent bicarbonate. In the case of bottles, displayed on the shelves, gilt labels are now very generally used. The New England Glass Company gild an appropriately-shaped space upon the bottle, and then put it into the fire so as to fuse a thin coating of glass over it, and the letters are afterwards put on with paint; but this is a very expensive process of gilding. A more common method is to apply the gold on the under surface of a curved glass label, on which the letters have been previously painted backward, then to cement this on the bottle with a dark-colored cement. The cement is composed of 3 parts of resin and 1 of wax. One of the advantages of this method is that the labels can be prepared systematically by expert letterers, then sent to the required place and applied to the bottles at leisure. They can also be re- moved at any time by the application of sufficient heat to soften Fruit jar. Fig. 21. Glass label. BOTTLES. 25 the cement. The exposed surface of the glass is free from paint or gilding, and may be cleaned and polished without injury. On moulded bottles there is sometimes an indented label-space to hold a glass label of the kind described, so as to bring the surface of the label nearly into a line with the bottle, but to secure this is not practicable in making blown bottles. Bottles for acids are very commonly made in moulds with the name of the acid blown in the glass, or it is not uncommon to engrave the name of the acid upon the surface of blown glass bottles, as in Fig. 22. The new process for etching Fig. 22. on glass with a strong current of sand is quite appli- xr-? cable to this method ; the use of fluoric acid does not tj produce a sufficiently sharp and conspicuous label. ^ji^i^ The use of printed paper labels is so much less expen- sive than either kind heretofore mentioned, that it still prevails in a large class of stores, especially in the rural districts and suburbs of the cities. To meet the demand for these, and to promote the use of cprrect nomenclature, the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy formerly pub- lished several sets of Latin shop-labels for drawers and Acid bottle bottles, each set containing an assortment embracing several different sizes, according as the articles are usually kept in large or small quantities. These had a large sale, and it is an in- teresting item in the history of this pioneer institution for phar- maceutical education, that during a period of great monetary em- barrassment, the publication of Latin labels was one of its leading pecuniary resources. The enterprise of rival printers and litho- graphers has of late years put improved sets into the market, and the College has, for the present, ceased any further connection with the business, than to continue editing its own edition, published by Ketterlinus, of Philadelphia. After having pasted the label on the bottle or drawer, by means of mucilage of tragacanth, or other convenient paste, and stretched it tightly over the part, it should be smoothed by laying a piece of thin paper upon it, and pressing it uniformly with the thumb. When it has become dry, it may be sized by painting over it a thin coating of clear mucilage of gum Arabic. This should ex- tend a very little over the edges of the label. It should then be dried again, and varnished with spirit varnish ; this not only improves the appearance of the label, but renders it durable and impervious to moisture. It is customary in the arrangement of a store to place the drawers immediately above the washboard to the height of about 3 feet, and to surmount it by the shelving on which the bottles are placed. Where practicable the shelving should be limited in height so that the top row of bottles should "not exceed 6 feet 9 inches. It can then be reached from the floor; the cornice or finish surmounting the whole may be light or heavy according to taste and the height of the ceiling. Fig. 23, which is drawn ^ of -the full size, shows the arrangement of a section corresponding with a section 26 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE, of drawers shown in Fig. 1. The top and shelves are here sup- ported by uprights of the same width as the shelves, and faced by an appropriate moulding ■ it will be seen by its length, which is Fig. 23. Section of shelves. 5 feet 8 inches, that it will allow of 12 half-gallon and 32 quart bottles; if a row of pints were added, it would contain 64 bottles, but it would not come within the prescribed height, and would require a movable stepladder or stool to be always at hand. "Where the top shelf is just beyond reach from the floor, a permanent step is sometimes laid along the whole length, just high enough to escape the bottom drawer: Perhaps in a majority of instances it is rather impracticable to limit the height of the shelving as above indicated, on account of limited wall space, but another expedient would be to lower the height of the drawers by omitting one range, and thus obtain room for another shelf of bottles within the limit. A saving of wall space is also obtained by omitting the uprights and pilasters, and securing the shelves from behind. Fig. 24 shows an iron bracket used for this purpose ; these are made of various sizes and patterns, and, being larger in one direction than another, may serve by reversing them for sustaining a narrow or comparatively wide shelf. The width of a range of shelves is generally uniform, and does not exceed 7 inches, and is suffi- cient for the largest bottles. The omission of the uprights requires that the shelves should be upon the same level along the Shelf bracket. CASES. 27 whole line of the wall, and thus giving continuous ranges of bottles of the same size and style. Where the bottles are handsome and handsomely labelled, this looks very well. It also favors an alpha- betical arrangement, beginning at A on each shelf and range of drawers, and running backward from the front of the store. The material of the shelving will be regulated partly by ideas of ex- pense, and in many first-class stores in the United States oiled black walnut is being substituted for painted pine, and certainly has a more substantial and rich appearance. Formerly the bottom row of bottles was of two-gallon size, then succeeded gallons, half gallons, and quarts, and in separate sections 5 or 6 narrow shelves of pints and half-pints, reaching from the bottom to the same height. These serve to* break the uniformity, and bring many im- portant articles, which are kept in small quantities, within con- venient reach ; the rarer articles on the top shelves are reached by a ladder. This has recently been so far changed as to omit the larger bottles ; a few half-gallon salt-mouths occupy the first shelf, and quart salt-mouths and tinctures the two shelves above ; the pints and half-pints are either placed in separate sections or arranged in a prescription case with four- and two-ounce bottles, some of which are duplicates of the larger bottles, and others calculated to contain the whole amount of stock of their respective contents. Cases. — Part of the wall space in a dispensing store is usually devoted to cases for proprietary articles, perfumery, and prepara- tions put up and labelled ready for sale. Sometimes these are on the top of the cases of drawers, under the bottles, but more fre- quently they break the uniformity of the continuous lines of bottles, sometimes affording a convenient division between salt-mouths and tinctures ; or they may occupy the whole of one side or end of the store to the exclusion of the furniture bottles. In the storage of this class of goods, one object is to keep them in full view of cus- tomers ; to this end show cases are also disposed upon the counters and even in the windows, and it is found by experience that goods so displayed, to use the commerical phrase, sell themselves. The professional idea of a pharmacy or dispensing store is rather adverse to the extensive sale of goods not directly demanded by the exigen- cies of sickness, but it must be admitted, that the public expecta- tion and demand is that the pharmacist should supply a great variety of articles touching only indirectly upon his ostensible pursuit, and it is undoubtedly true that a large number of pharmacists through- out the United States, owe the ability to conduct their business profitably to the demand upon them for proprietary articles, and articles of utility and ornament connected with the toilet. The vicinity of these to the counter and till will diminish the disturbance of dispensing operations in times of unusual pressure of business, but it should not be forgotten, as in keeping with the general ob- jects of the store, to bring into equal prominence such familiar and attractive drugs as will be recognized and appreciated by intelligent customers. 28 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE. Cut glass jars of choice gum Arabic, tragacanth, liquorice, ich- thyocalla, vanilla, rhubarb, and French rose may well occupy con- spicuous positions in the store. Figs. 25 and 26 represent forms of show jars which are adapted to this object. For supporting these and other ornamental bottles and jars in the windows and Fiss. 25 and 26. Fig. 27. A r \ ^=j Show jars. Window bracket. other parts of the store, brackets such as are here shown, Fig. 27, are useful. The globes of colored liquids, which have been from time immemorial insignia of the craft, are generally mounted on such brackets. Care should be taken to have these liquids to contain sufficient alcohol or glycerin to prevent their freezing and bursting the globes, and discharging their contents perhaps over valuable goods. The drawers, salt mouth and tincture bottles, upright and flat cases, and fancy jars for the counters and windows will accommo- date such of the ordinary drugs as are sightly and desirable to be kept in proximity to the dispensing counter. Such apparatus as bedpans, urinals, syringes, nursing bottles, and nipple shields, should have deep drawers or closed cases allotted to them, where they can be kept in considerable variety, without deterioration or undue exposure in the general course of business. The stoneware jars already referred to, as adapted to heavy chemicals, may stand on shelves slightly elevated above the floor, under the back counter, in the cellar way, or in some appropriate closet readily accessible — rotten-stone, pumice-stone, and camphor are also suited to such a position. Sponges are so bulky as to require special provisions for their accommodation. Ornamental baskets or large jars for the front windows and counters are mostly used ; or the fine qualities are hung up upon the strings on which they came, and the coarser put away in a large drawer in the counter, or perhaps in a barrel in the cellar ; this article of commerce is among the least profitable in the store, but cannot be left out on that account. The fixed oils and fats should have a separate closet in the coup-' ter or elsewhere, appropriated to them ; if on the shelves even in oil bottles, Fig. 12, the oils will seldom be kept from soiling the 29 bottles and shelf. Some of them, as castor oil and sweet oil, re- quire to be kept in considerable quantity. Experience is against keeping cod-liver oil in any other way than in sealed bottles not exceeding one pint in capacity. The large oil cans may be kept in the cellar or vault, and used to replenish small ones or bottles in the ointment closet. A shallow tin tray of the size of the shelf is an advantageous arrangement; a few strips of tin edged up serve to prevent the soiling of the bottom of the bottle. Extracts require a separate closet, which may appropriately be in the counter, and should contain shelves for at least thirty jars of this very important class of preparations. Ointments and ex- tracts are usually kept in jars made of porcelain or queensware. These vary in quality, in color, and in shape. They should not be made of very porous ma- Fig. 28. terial, especially if designed for ointments, and should be well glazed, both on the inside and outside surfaces. The best are manufac- tured in Staffordshire, England, and at the royal manufactories of Prussia. In regard to the shape of jars: the variety called canopy-top (Fig. 28) is generally pre- ferred, as having a more finished appearance than the flat-top (Fig. 30). Jars should never be labelled on the top, as the tops, being of about the same size, are liable to be misplaced, and mistakes occasion- ally occur in this way. Ointments and extracts are also frequently put into queensware jars without tops, called cano P y-top jar. gallijiots and tie-overs (Figs. 29 and 31). These are cheaper than covered jars, but are inconvenient and ill adapted to the preservation of the substances kept in them. They are usually tied over with kid, bladder, or parchment. Extracts rapidly lose their moisture when kept in tie-overs or gallipots, and soon become deteriorated. Ointments also undergo a change under to S Fm\ 29. Fis. 30. Fis. 31. Tie-over jar. Flat-top covered jar. Gallipot. these circumstances, frequently becoming rancid. When tie-over jars or gallipots are used, it is well to cover the top with a piece of tin-foil or waxed paper previous to securing the skin over them, but as soon as this has been opened the contents are exposed to the 30 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE. Eig. 32. influence of the air and to the accumulation of dust, and practically they are seldom tied over again. A device I have adopted for preserving extracts in the tie-over jars in which they are received from the manufacturers, is to inclose the jar in a tin box, just large enough to receive it, and having a well-fitting top which serves to keep out the dust and to prevent evapo- ration. Fig. 32 shows this ; A represents the body of the box, B the jar, and C the tin top or cap ; when weighing out a portion of the extract, the jar is removed from its box, and restored to it when finished. Volatile oils should be kept in stock in small quan- tities, except the few which are in large demand. Oil bottles, Fig. 12, of small size, are best suited for their preservation ; these may be made of colored glass, or, preferably, kept in a dark closet. When common vials are used, cans of appropriate size to hold the vials afford a good protection. Some careful pharmacists empty the original packages in w r hich the oils are received into small vials, carefully cleaned and dried ; these are filled to the neck, corked securely, and set away in a closet, to be opened only as required. The patent safety can here figured is very gene- rally used for the transportation and storage of oil of turpentine, benzine, and similar inflamma- ble liquids; it consists of a can of tinned iron inclosed in a wooden box, with a tubule for fill- ing it, and one for drawing the liquid from it. Such cans may appropriately replace glass ves- sels for the storage of the above-named class of Fig. 33. Patent safety can. substances. Counters. — In the proper construction of a pharmacist's counter there is much room for ingenuity ; the space which a counter may occupy, the uses to which it is to be put, and the necessity of stor- ing goods in it, or otherwise, and if so, what kind of goods, should all be carefully considered in planning it. In any but a small store there will generally be at least two counters, frequently there are three or even four. Nearest the entrance to the store we have in the United States what is seldom or never found in European pharmacies, the soda-water counter and draught apparatus. This consists of a panelled front and ends, thirty inches high, on which is a marble slab perforated for the passage of pipes into the draught apparatus. The most approved kinds of these are more or less elaborate marble cases containing metallic coolers, syrup cans, and ice ; the soda-w r ater coolers are connected with a draught pipe for each of the kinds of carbonic acid water, plain, Yichy, and Kissingen being the usual varieties, and the syrup cans, with ornamental fau- cets for drawing the syrups. This counter usually contains some shelves for glasses and extra syrups, and a large sink, with hydrant COUNTERS. 31 and wash pipe for washing glasses. The soda-water is either bought in the fountains which are delivered as often as necessary into the cellar, and attached by a coupling to the pipes connected with the draught apparatus, or made with an appropriate gas gene- rator and force pump directly under the soda-water counter, in the cellar. The construction of this counter is so simple, and its use is so little within the range of pharmacy proper, that it need occupy no more space in this chapter. Passing the "soda fountain," as it is often called, we reach the main counter, on which articles are weighed, labelled, and wrapped, and over which they are sold. This counter may or may not be used also for compounding prescriptions and for other pharmaceu- tical processes, according to its length and the general arrangement of the store. A different method of arranging and furnishing the store of a pharmacist has long been advocated ; of late the method has so far been acted upon as to enable any one desirous of rendering his store both unique and conformable to this method to carry out this plan much more economically than it has heretofore been possible. The plan is to have the drawers and shelves made, as already de- scribed, in sections, each separate from the other, and placed at such distances apart as the space at his disposal will permit. The spaces on the wall between the cases of shelves can be appropriately used by securing ornamental brackets, whereon to support jars of tooth-powder, toilet articles, and such goods as are suitable for dis- play. In front of the shelving sash doors should be hung on slip hinges (for facility of removing them for the purpose of cleaning), glazed with glass of canary color or entirely opaque. Upon the inner sur- face of the glass ornamental lettering may be placed to relieve their blank appearance, and on the top of each glass the name of the class of preparations contained in the case might be conspicuously painted to serve as a directory to the assistants, and tend to impress the customer with the feeling that system was a ruling character- istic of the establishment. The location of the different cases is a matter of importance; the front of the store near the windows should be appropriated to the soda-water counter, and as there will be many who will call specially for soda-water, those classes of ob- jects which have the least immediate connection with the more strictly pharmaceutical portion of the business should be grouped in that part of the store; these will include the perfumery and toilet articles generally found in such stores, and next to this should be placed the cases devoted to proprietary articles, and those subr stances which are usually kept in parcels ready for sale; next to this should be placed the cases of shop furniture bottles, which contain those remedies in most constant demand for the ordinary calls of promiscuous trade, and then those which belong more to the dispensing of prescriptions and recipes for domestic practice. The accompanying figure illustrates the character and style of cases here recommended. 32 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE. Of course this is but a general outline of the plan which must be filled out in accordance with the judgment of the pharmacist to Fig. 34. Section of drawers and covered shelves. suit each particular case. The advantages belonging to this me- thod are facility of arrangement, classification of stock, and preser- vation of the contents of the bottles from the injurious effects of light, facility of removal in case of fire or change of business loca- tion, and economy in outfit when fixtures of equally good appear- ance are obtained in the ordinary method of building them espe- cially for the room they are to occupy. Fig. 35 shows the front of a dispensing counter. The casing along the front was adopted with a view to storing and displaying goods, the want of ample case room in the store having made additional accommodations of this kind desirable. It is liable to the criticism of the goods being too much below the line of vision to draw much COUNTERS. 33 attention to them, but this is diminished when customers are sitting on the chairs opposite. It is remarkable that, although this counter has been in use for many years, not a single light of glass has been broken on this front. The lights are French plate, but not of double thickness. rf o } N I |! o 1 -■ < ° 1 j 10 o 1 hn CD J ^ ) } U. o I o : | 1; < Ld CO 1 o 1 a | 1 ^ V-i o C Is o u a 00 2 *- o I 1 a 44 a w s » oft ^5q ^6 DC ■ — 03 £ C cS CO Q 34 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE, HI 8 c~" 55 os eo 8 8 8 - 8 8888 CO s bb £ nr-i — — 8 § § iff in !!■ ! J 8 8 88 8 8 S3 § 8 J 8 § ,a bju a O o a d s^ o © 0«M fe o O JO be"© ^ e3 § O (J Jl j) o o 2 _> » 03 O m — j -a © ft © "^ _* 2 3 A ^"5 .-s *3 S a t. ■a © 03 > © 53 o> o •- 3 ho© „ g o w s "£5 § g 2 5 03 05 en eo £-5 P ft S O — i ™ c3 C"< "^ _a . Q} CO &ftS £ 03 © O © 5 a „ ft 03 02 t- ^ a »- i S, §> •** z. 03 a © !w V >j fl -^> © — ! ► a mer ack ecte .2 03 ,D -u TJ a ® tl 03 -=3 ft o CJ SR ^ ° 03 nj -u ft-g ^a EC O) 0) a © a g co .5 S5 e.t: ° .St 2 k5 O © si a — ' <° Ph 03 09 -^ 0> , —j 03 © fn *i g'S © § © g ft-M , ^ .a s S g ?s ^ * 2 2 • 2*S 2 03 +j 09 O o si '03^ g . °l"S ^ o _ ft . - ea « -e © Jg fl ^ ^ - ft^ SgagsS ft^ COUNTERS, 35 Fig. 36 exhibits the back view of the same counter, fourteen feet long, thirty-two and a half inches wide, and three feet high. The top is covered in part with marble, and back of the cases with oil-cloth ; a large glass show-case occupies the left-hand end, but not the whole width, the bottom being seven inches below the top level of the counter. The whole structure is movable, being in three parts, so accurately fitted together as not to show a seam or crack at the junction. It contains no sink, the washing of bottles, implements, etc. being accomplished in a large sink in the operating counter back. The prescription scales are in a case near the right hand end of the counter over the oak slide for folding powders, and near the drawers for boxes, pill tiles, etc. ; and the larger scales are near the middle, over the paper and label drawers. A small mahogany desk with writing materials, and containing in a drawer blank labels, slips, blanks for prescriptions, etc., is placed on the counter immediately adjoining the prescription scales, thus avoiding the carrying of every prescription and label to the large desk used for the accounts and the general writing purposes of the establishment. The prescription counter may appropriately be a distinct feature in the store, located further from the entrance, sometimes in a line with the dispensing counter, but more generally at right angles to it. Fig. 38 shows the back view of one recently constructed, and although with a minimum of appointments, found ample for a very considerable prescription business. It is drawn with a case of shelving upon it, which, in front, is a show-case. Fig. 37 shows the front view of this counter. Fio-. 37. Front of prescription counter. The dispensing counters have the front and ends of oiled walnut in panels, the drawers and shelving of the back of pine or poplar stained. All have white marble tops. The drawers are arranged, 36 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE. some with suitable compartments for labels, and others for pill machine, corks, paper, bottles, etc. ; while the open spaces afford the necessary room for cork-presser, mortars, pill tiles, spatulas, paste-pot, etc. These counters are well made, and the whole appears as a handsome piece of furniture. Fi«\ 37 shows the front, and Fig. 38 the back, of the largest size, 7 feet long, 2 feet 3 inches wide at the floor ; top shelf 11 inches wide, and height over all 5 feet 6 inches. The front of the Fig. 38. Back of prescription counter. counter (Fig. 37) has four glass doors, with shelves 3 inches wide, forming a good show-case for the display of perfumery and fancy goods. The back has a scale case with glass door. On either side are shelves for the dispensing bottles— giving room for 10 pint, Zi) half-pint, 28 four-ounce, and 34 two-ounce. The relative distances of the shelves from each other can easily be varied. On the top of the prescription counter a frame should be screwed, about three-eighths of an inch thick, of hard wood, bevelled from below upwards, 3 or 4 inches in diameter. Two may be provided, of different diameters— in which to Fig. 39. set the mortar for trituration while in use. It is especially useful m making a pill mass, furnishing in either corner a firm rest for the mor- tar against the force exerted in tritu- ration ; this is shown in Fig. 39. Several devices may be mentioned in this connection, which may especially suit the circumstances of particular stores Near the dispensing counter should be placed the sink, with the requisite Clamp for mortar. MV " 1 COUNTERS. 37 supply of water, both hot and cold, if possible, and the shelves on which the mortars and pestles should be placed. These shelves should incline towards the sink, so that any water may run off from them into the sink. The shelf for pestles is best arranged by having boles bored large enough for the handles to pass through, but not the heads, so they will remain in their respective places. The best method of keeping those remedies which are of great activity, and consequently poisonous in overdoses, has engaged the attention of the most careful pharmacists, and much has been written both about their custody and dispensing. Some have adopted the plan of keeping them in a locked closet, which is per- haps the simplest and best method ; others add to this an arrange- ment by which the opening of it strikes a bell, and also attach to the door a spring or weight which prevents the door being shut until the vial is intentionally replaced, acting as a reminder of the class of remedies being used. In regard to the morphia salt, so often written for when the quinine salt is intended, a plan that has been pursued for years by some is to put only a few grains in the dispensing bottle at a time, so as to render it impossible that the number of grains of quinine ordinarily directed shall be dispensed without recourse to the dupli- cate bottle of morphia salt. The choice of the place where the poisons are kept is of con- siderable importance. It is best to have it so situated that the proprietor, or, in his absence, the person in charge, will have it in full view from the place he generally occupies ; it should be quite convenient to the prescription balance, as these articles are gene- rally used in small quantities, and always should be weighed with great exactness. A specific place should be arranged for each bottle, and it, with its appropriate place, should be numbered in duplicate, so that misplacing bottles would not be likely to occur. A list with the numbers of the bottles and their contents should also be fastened in some part of the case for convenient reference ; on this the maximum dose of each might well be written out in full. In the Prussian pharmacopoeias certain lists are published which prescribe the maximum doses to be dispensed, and in case of error the pharmacist is directed to ask the prescriber's attention before compounding such prescriptions. — American Journal of Pharmacy, 1871, vol. xliii. 391. Where the top of the prescription counter is hardly large enough for all purposes, it may be extended by a lid upon hinges, which shuts away when out of use (shown in Fig. 36, at the right-hand end), and when powders are to be folded, may be raised or let down according to its position, and is then clean and ready. In the store of my friend James T. Shinn, of Philadelphia, there is such an arrangement, which renders available a space along-side of the prescription counter and over the steps leading into the cellar. If a slide immediately under the top of the counter is appropriated to folding powders, as in Fig. 36, it is apt to be drawn out and used incautiously for other purposes, and so becomes bruised and soiled ; 38 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE. while this is of light material and at an elevation above the level of the counter-top. In the same store there is a simple and satis- factory method of keeping cerates and ointments, in a convenient and accessible position, and at nearly the same temperature through- out the year. On the line of the steps leading into the cellar, a drawer is inserted horizontally, just below the floor, in which the ointments are arranged in flat-top jars. To reach them one has to descend about half way down the steps and pull out the drawer, when the required jar is readily removed. This, though a very cheap device and very economical of space, is less convenient to use than a dumb-waiter or elevator set into a closet, on which the oint- ments and very fermentable S}^rups are let down into the cellar and drawn up when required. The working counter may be located in the back part of the store, or where the establishment is large enough to employ sepa- rate hands in the manufacturing department, it may be in a separate laboratory or in the cellar. It is to be used for percolations, filtrations, evaporations, and small distillations, besides the making of syrups, spreading of plasters, and moulding of suppositories and other minor operations, when they are on too large a scale for the prescription counter. It should be immediately contiguous to the gas and water supply, and to the sink ; the top should be made of hard wood or oiled slate or soapstone, and have an inclination towards the sink. The top should project sufficiently to prevent liquids spilled on it from running into any drawer or receptacle beneath ; and to more effec- tually secure this object, a groove, three-eighths of an inch wide and one-fourth of an inch deep, should be made around the entire top half an inch from the edge. The best use to make of the room under the top of this counter is to fix shelves at such distances apart as will accommodate the Fiff. 40. Working counter and furnace. different utensils required to be used in the processes conducted at this part of the store; the dimensions of the counter will be limited to the space to be occupied ; when it is ample, and some of the operations, as making of syrups and fluid extracts, require heavy SCALES, 39 apparatus, the counter should be 3 feet 6 inches wide, and one part of it not more than 2 feet high. Fig. 40 shows a working counter drawn to a scale of a quarter of an inch to a foot. It will be seen that the space under the top is left open to accommodate the apparatus, measures, funnels, etc., required as above suggested. This counter should, if possible, be placed near a flue, in front of which a furnace is constructed with a closet at one side in the brick- work and communicating with the flue, so that all offensive vapors and gases may be carried off without annoyance to those in the apartment. Having noted the general features which should characterize the dispensing apartment of a pharmacist's establishment, it seems ap- propriate that we should now describe those implements which are in constant use in the daily routine of business. Scales. — The scales should be two in number: The Prescription scales, suitable for weighing one drachm and under, and the Dis- pensing scales, for weighing two drachms and upwards. There are different varieties of prescription scales; the most ap- proved is that with an upright pillar, into the top of which is set a fulcrum, containing planes of hard steel, on which rest knife edges of the same material, placed just above the centre of gravity of the beam. Such scales are usually made of brass; the beam and scale- dishes are, however, sometimes made of silver. They vary in price Ficr 41. Prescription scales and case. according to their material and workmanship, from ten to thirty dol- lars. To prevent injury from dust and the corrosive vapors which are frequently emitted from various substances in the store, an appro- 40 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE priate case is necessary; but the chief sources of injury to which a delicate balance is liable are the jarring motion of the building, which, by its constant action on the knife-edges, tends to dull them ; the dust and vapors of the apartment ; and, most of all, the rough usage they receive from those who attempt to clean them. Most of these causes can be removed by a proper arrangement of the balance and its case. Fig. 41 (front and side view) represents the frame of the case, with a door which slides upward in a groove in front ; a brass plate is supported in grooves cut in each side of the case, reaching from the back of the case to three-eighths of an inch of the front; a glass plate is fastened in perpendicular grooves, and extends from the under side of the top of the case to the lower edge of the brass plate which rests close against it; these make a separation of the upper part of the case from the lower; in the centre of the brass plate a hole is drilled sufficiently large to permit the lifting-rod, which raises the beam and its fulcrum, to move steadily but freely ; directly under the knife-edges at each end of the beam a hole is drilled large enough to permit the free passage of the rods attached to the stirrups and hooks which rest on the knife-edges. It will be readily seen that dust or flies will be effectually prevented from coming in contact with the beam, and the only parts requiring fre- quent cleaning will be the stirrups and dishes which hang in the Fi __J~ z 20 r *£ mJ- ±~ ?6 T 1 l- z - / it Graduated measure. Medicine chest measure. Fig. 55. cession when it is desirable to measure a pint or a quart. In selecting a measure, the chief points to be observed are, to have a good lip for pouring the liquids from, and clear and distinct marks both on the fluidrachm and fluid- ounce columns ; the glass should not be very thick, as, by refract- ing the light, it interferes with accuracy in the measurement of small quantities. Large mea- sures, which are not to be used for quantities under an ounce, may be appropriately made of the form shown in Fig. 54. One-ounce graduates of this descrip- tion are sometimes made for medicine chests or saddle-bags where great economy of space is necessary, but they are too inaccurate for satisfactory use. Fig. 55 represents a form of graduated measure in use among German pharmacists, which has the advantage of great exactness in consequence of its narrow diameter, thus render- ing the vessel very desirable for measuring active medicines. The measures ordinarily offered for sale are so frequently inaccurately graduated that they should all be tested before being employed. This is best done by having a series of flasks of the sizes capable of containing, in the bulb and portion of the neck, which must be of small calibre, re- spectively one-half fluidounce, one fluidounce, four fluidounces, and eight fluidounces ; these flasks, when carefully counterpoised on a delicate balance, should have weighed into them respectively 227.84 grains, 455.69 grains, 1822.77 grains, and 3645.55 grains of distilled water at 60° Fahr. The place to which the liquid Alls the measure on the neck should be carefully marked with a file, observing first to add a minute drop of a solution of bichloride of mercury in alcohol, which secures a perfectly level surface to the liquid. For smaller measures we need a tube of very uniform calibre, of about one-quarter inch in diameter, which should be closed at one end, then counterpoised as before explained ; into this four and three- quarter grains of distilled water at 60° Fahr., the nearest approxi- mate weight to five minims, should be weighed, and the place marked with a file ; the same quantity of water should again be added, and the level marked. This should be repeated untif twelve weighings have been noted; with this the minim measures and the small divisions of a graduated measure may be tested. German graduated measure. 46 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE. Ffe. 56. Hodgson's improvement, which consists of a moulded measure of precisely uniform size, is spoken of in the chapter on metrology. Minim Measures. — For the division of a fluidrachm, the minim measure is employed. This is usually an upright cylinder of glass, with a lip at one extremity, and a glass pedestal at the other, and is graduated from sixty minims (one fluidrachm) to ^ve minims. The kind used in fitting saddle-bags and physicians' pocket cases is made of glass tube with or without a foot, and does not occupy more space than an ordinary f3ij tube vial. The incon- venience of employing a measure of this kind has led to the use of drops in prescription, instead of minims, and as essential oils and spirituous liquids drop so differently from aqueous liquids, and as the same liquid drops very differently from different vessels, great discrepancies occur, unless the dispenser suffi- ciently understands and observes the distinction. (See tables of approximate measurement in next chapter.) Minim measure. Tin Measures. — Tin, but preferably tinned copper, measures of half pint, one pint, or two pints capacity, will be found very useful to the dispensing physician, and indispensable to the pharmacist. They may be used for water, alcohol, syrups, and most tinctures, whenever the full quantity they will contain is prescribed. Graduated measures of block tin, having ridges on their inner surfaces marking the quantities, are much used by G-erman phar- macists, and are well adapted to many purposes, though rarely kept by dealers in chemical wares in this country. Mortars. — Mortars are necessary in so many processes of phar- macy, as to be among the most important items of an outfit. I shall describe the kinds usually sold, with their different uses, leaving to the physician the choice of one or more varieties, accord- ing to circumstances. Wedgewood mortars are largely manufactured in England, and an inferior quality of similar ware has been made in this country. They differ somewhat in their texture, though designed to have sufficient roughness or grit to adapt them to the powdering of sub- stances by trituration. The best varieties are glazed enough to prevent their absorbing or becoming permanently stained by chemi- cals triturated in them, and yet are not so smooth as to allow sub- stances to slip about instead of being retained under the pestle. At least one good wedgewood mortar is necessary. It should be of the shape indicated in Fig. 57, slightly hollow in the middle of its base, so that it will stand firm during the process, and furnished with a good lip. The pestle should be, in shape, precisely adapted to the interior surface of the mortar; neither flattened nor pointed at its MORTARS, 47 lower extremity. As the larger sized pestles always consist of two pieces, a wooden handle, and the rounded portion which is of wedgewood ware, care should be taken to have the connection be- Wedgewood mortar and pestle. tween them, which is made with cement, perfectly tight. When they become loosened, they may be secured by a cement made of resin, two parts ; yellow wax, one part ; and Spanish brown, three parts ; melted together by heat. For the purpose of solution, a porcelain mortar is convenient ; such are frequently more shallow than the wedgewood variety. They Fisr. 58. Fis. 59. Porcelain mortar. French porcelain mortar. are perfectly smooth and highly glazed, and are not liable to be stained b}' chemical substances dissolved in them. They will also be found convenient in preparing such ointments and cerates as 48 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STOR: Fig. 60. require to be introduced into a mortar, being more readily cleansed than wedge wood ware. The one shown in Fig. 58 has a pestle of the same material. Fig. 59 represents a French porcelain mortar well adapted to many purposes, as making emulsions ; the pestle, though having a handle of hard wood fitted to the porcelain part, requires no cement to secure them together ; wooden plugs are fitted into holes in the porcelain and wood, which render the con- nection secure. Glass mortars are frequently found in the office of the physician, and the shop of the apothecary. They are too soft for use in re- ducing hard substances to powder, but are adapted to forming solutions of readily soluble materials, and to use in making ointments. The small sizes are much employed in fitting up medicine-chests and medical saddle- bags. They are without doubt the best mortars for making solutions of the stronger alkaloids, and in using them the best plan is to place the mortar over a black surface, as most of the alkaloids are white or of light color, and triturate with the solvent until the solution has been effected. The smoothness which occasions substances to slip about under the pestle in manipulating with glass mortars, may be overcome by grind- ing fine emery and oil of turpentine in them. For large operations, as, for in- stance, in making syrup of bitter almonds, confection of roses, or mer- curial ointment, a marble mortar is most convenient ; a perfect block of hard and close-grained marble of requisite size is cut out into a shape adapted to trituration. The pestle is made of hard wood, or of the same material fastened upon a long wooden handle, which may be pro- jected into an iron ring above, se- cured properly over the centre of the mortar, so that, while the operator gives the requisite grinding motion to the lower extremity of the pestle, the upper is held securely in its place ; the use of this is, however, restricted to substances neither very hard nor of acid properties. Mortar and pestle for contusion. SPATULAS. 49 Mortars of the kinds above described are not adapted to contus- ing substances, either with a view to obtaining powders, or to em- ploying them in a bruised condition. If used for this purpose, they are very apt to be broken on the first trial. For contusion, an iron, brass, or bell-metal mortar, of the shape shown in Fig. 59, is best suited. Unlike mortars for trituration, these are somewhat flattened at the bottom, and the pestles termi- nate in a flattened ball ; they are tall in proportion to their diame- ter, as seen in the drawing. The laborious process of powdering drugs is greatly facilitated by the employment of mills ; some of the varieties of coffee and spice mills met with in iron or hardware stores are exceedingly useful in the comminution of vegetable substances for the prepara- tion of tinctures, infusions, etc., and even in their reduction to powder; one of these may well form part of an outfit. To the physician who prepares his own powders, one or more sieves will be found very useful. The most permanent and desira- ble kind is that made of wire-gauze, though hair and bolting-cloth sieves are somewhat less costly; the latter answer very well if kept clear of moths. A sieve with a covering at top and bottom is pre- ferable ; these coverings should be made of leather, secured by hoops rather than of wood, which is liable to warp and crack. Wire sieves are numbered by the manufacturers with reference to the number of wires in the linear inch, and the most desirable sizes, with reference to the preparation of tinctures and infusions, are Nos. 20, 40, 50, and 60. For separating powders to be taken in substance, the very finest sieves, as high as 2so. 80, are most desirable. Spatulas. — Of these there are several kinds. The plain steel spatula, or palette knife, shown in Fig. 63, is, perhaps, best adapted to the general purposes of dispensing. In selecting them, care should be taken to have one very flexible, and another quite stiff, while, of course, they should be of two or more sizes. The balance handle spatula (Fig. 62) is also useful in dispensing operations,., Fig. 61. Fig. 62. f~ =^» Fig. 63. I being generally reserved for folding powders, and for other neat manipulations. It -has the merit of lying on the table or counter without the blade coming in contact with it, a convenience when employed with pill masses or ointments. Three-inch spatulas may be made with a tapering blade, as shown in Fig. 61, so as to allow of 4 50 ARRANGEMENT OF DISPENSING STORE. their being introduced into rather narrow-mouthed bottles, such as are usually put into saddle-bags and medicine chests. The frequent loosening and breaking of the handles of spatulas have led to an improvement in their manufacture, which consists of riveting the pieces of which the handle is made on to a piece of steel which is a continuation of the blade ; these are by far the most durable spatulas that can be had. When spatulas are broken, the remainder is often converted into a most serviceable instrument by grinding off the broken end to the shape of the original end of the spatula. This is very useful for manipulating with very firm extracts, etc. For further re- marks see paper on this subject in Proceedings of Amer. Pharm. Asso- ciation for 1865, p. 242. Spatulas of glass, ivory, and bone are sometimes, though rarely, employed. They are useful in manipulating with corrosive sub- stances which would act upon steel, and the latter is especially adapted to manipulations with ointment of nitrate of mercury, and certain other ointments, though well replaced by an easily prepared wooden utensil. A pill tile (Fig. 64), made of porcelain or queensware, is useful in preparing certain ointments and pills. Tiles are made of various sizes, and are sometimes graduated, as seen in the drawing, to facilitate the division of masses into twelve or twenty-four pills. Fi = 357.664 " berg J Hamburg == 357.629 " it = .959 a = .0621 a « = .959 ti = .0621 a Baden, Hanover, ) OKf - ^- ,, Oldenburg '}=35,'.o6< « = .959 " = .0621 " Berne == 356.578 " " = .955 a = .0679 a Sweden =356.227 " " = .954 " = .0618 " Prussia, Saxony, = 350.783 " " = .940 a = .0609 " Kome = 339.161 " " ESS .785 it = .0491 (< Spain = 345.072 " " = .770 " = .0499 a Portugal == 344.190 " " = .769 a = .0498 " I MEASURES. 75 Measures of capacity are used for liquids, and, in the higher de- nominations, for corn and the cereal grains ; but the only table of these we need at present is that employed in medicine, called Wine Measure. The unit of this system is called a minim, and is equal to about .95 of a grain of pure water at 60° F. Table of the Wine Measure. U. S. P. 60 minims are one fluidrachm. 8 fluidrachms are one iluidounce. 16 fluidounces are one pint. 2 pints are one quart. 4 quarts are one gallon. Or thus : — Minims. Grains of water. 60 = f3j (one fluidrachm) = K . ] x = 56.9 480 = f aj (one fluidounce) = f*3viij = 455.7 7,680 = Oj (one pint) = f^xvj = 7,291.2 61,440 = Cong, j (one gallon) = Oviij = 58,328.8 Besides the discrepancy occasioned by the minim not being equal to one grain of the natural liquid standard, it will be per- ceived at once that a wide variation exists in the denominations above an ounce. The iluidounce contains 480 minims, as the apothecaries' ounce contains that number of grains ; but in the pint are 16 fluidounces, while the corresponding pound contains only 12 ounces. From these causes, the adjustment of proportions of solids to liquids, when accuracy is required, is a matter of no little calculation. In England this system of measures has been revived of latter years, so as to bring about a close relation between the solid com- mercial ounce and the fluidounce. In the Imperial measure, the minim is equal to .91 of a grain, and it is multiplied as follows : — Imperial Measure. Ph. Br. Minims. Grains of Water. 60 = f3j (one fluidrachm) = m. Ix = 54.6 480 = fgj (one fluidounce) = f3viij = 437.5 9,600 = Oj (one pint) = fgxx = 8,750* 76,800 = Cong, j (one gallon) =- Oviij = 70,000 The Imperial pint is, within an inconsiderable fraction, exactly one-iifth larger than the wine pint. A wine pint = 28.875 cubic inches, or 7291.11 grains. Add one-fifth, = 5,775 " " or 1458.22 " 34.650 " " 8749.333 " An Imperial pint = 34.659 " " 8750 The same relation holds good in the case of the gallon. * Equal to 1 lb. 4 oz. avoirdupois weight. 76 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Fig. 92. Metrical Measure of Capacity. — It may be appropriate to this place to describe the measure of capacity adopted in France, which is frequently referred to in scientific works, and has of late years been introduced in analytical chemistry, for the purpose of avoiding the weighing of precipitates, and to facilitate analyses in general. The cube of one decimetre, which equals 3.937 English inches, is called a litre, and measures 2.1185 pints. The weight of one cubic decimetre of water at 4° C. (39.2° F.) is one kilogramme. The one- thousandth part is a cubic centimetre, or one millilitre, and con- tains 1 gramme of distilled water. The close relation between the measures of length, of capacity, and of gravity, renders it more easy to measure correctly than to weigh accurately. By calculation from the above, we shall find that one fluidounce of our officinal measure equals in capacity 29.53 cubic centimetres, and we have thereby a convenient Fig. 93. means of ascertaining the correctness of graduated measures without the necessity of weighing water at a cer- tain temperature on a delicate balance. All the subdivisions and the higher denominations may be easily calcu- lated, and all that is necessary is to measure the corresponding number of cubic centimetres of any liquid into- the graduate in order to ascertain its correctness. Glass tubes, which are graduated into the subdivisions of cubic centi- metres — burettes, as they are called, shown in Fig. 92 — are now exten- sively manufactured and sold by dealers in chemical apparatus. It must be remembered that all these instruments should be carefully tested before reliance is placed upon them, although they are generally correct. Since the introduction of volumetric solutions for analysis into the British Pharmacopoeia, the use of burettes has greatly increased, and a useful stand has been devised by Dr. Squibb for the purpose of supporting them. See papers in 21st volume of Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Fig. 93 shows the arrange- ment of the stand when ready for use ; the burettes are prevented from slipping through the holes by sections of gum-elastic tubing being stretched around them. Graduated measures of glass of Oj, f^viij, fsvj, fliv, fjij, f^j, fjj capacity are manufactured, and sold by druggists; these are some- times quite inaccurate, but may be readily verified, as above, by Buiette. MEASURES. 77 Fig. 94. foiv graduated measure. balancing them on the scales, and gradually adding pure water until the required weight in grains, as shown in the tables, is attained. In the same way we may graduate measures, marking the denominations by the following ready process: — Having thinly coated one side of the glass with wax, balance it on the scales, adjust the weights, and add the required number of grains of pure water, observing to add it drop by drop toward the last; as soon as the weight is accurately counterpoised, remove the measure to a level table or counter, so high that it will be on a line with the eye, and carefully, with the jDoint of a pin, mark the line formed by the surface of the liquid, and opposite this the appropriate sign; this may be rendered more clear and distinct afterwards. In the same way mark the various other denominations, having regard to the temperature, which should not vary far from 60°. ]N"ow form a paste, by mixing a sufficient quantity of finely-powdered fluor- spar with sulphuric acid, and spread this over the marked surfaces, and set the measure aside for a day or two, after which wash it off and remove the wax ; the graduated measure is now indelibly and distinctly marked, and, if we have used the proper care, more ac- curately than is usual with those sold. I have compared two, in which the one fluid rachm mark of one corresponded nearly with the two fluidrachm mark of the other, and in other respects they were almost as much at variance. Fig. 95 exhibits a graduated measure, patented by W. Hodgson, Jr., of Philadelphia; it is made in a mould in which depressions are cut for the several denominations of the scale, and, on the reverse, for the corresponding approxi- mate measurements used in popular and domestic practice. By a plunger, which is graduated pre- cisely to the required bulk and thrust into the mould while the glass is fluid, the required measurement is accurately adjusted to each of these marks, and the necessity of further graduation is obviated. These measures are much more accurate than the ordinary kinds met with in the shops, though the glass is rather deficient in that perfect surface which characterizes blown-Hass vessels. The smaller sizes Hodgson's gradu- ated measure. are perfectly adapted to medicine chests and saddle- bags, and are much more satisfactory in measuring fluidrachms than the common kinds. A precaution to be observed, whether in graduating, or using a measure, particularly of small diameter, may be appropriately men- tioned here. Owing to the adhesion of the liquid to the sides of the measure, its surface is concave, and shows, from a side view, two lines ; one 78 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Fig. 96. P7 N where the edge of the liquid adheres to the glass, and the other, the line of the lower surface of the con- cavity. In order to fix the true line in this case, it must be intermediate between the upper and lower edge of the liquid, and not at either surface. This is more obvious the smaller the diameter of the mea- sure, and, in the accompanying drawing, the dotted line has been made at the proper point for measure- ment. This concavity is readily corrected by a drop of alcoholic solution of corrosive sublimate, when the true line is at once seen. Besides the common forms of glass graduated mea- sures, a measure is used, especially by German phar- macists, made of block tin and graduated on the inside; each denomination is marked by a raised rim, and the quantity designated by an appropriate sign. This is especially convenient for measuring hot liquids, and if readily pro- curable, would soon be generally introduced. Approximate Measurement. — The approximate standards of mea- surement are very inaccurate, but they have no wider range than the doses of medicines, so that they are for the most part satisfac- tory. The following table exhibits those in common use: — Minim measure. A gill mug or teacupful . . . fSiv. A wineglassful . . . f^ij. A tablespoonful . . . f£ss. A dessertspoonful . • £3ij. A teaspoonful . . • fsj. A drop .... . from J to 1J minim Of the above, it may be remarked that the wineglassful is fre- quently less than two fluidounces, although the champagne glass is nearer four fluidounces. I have observed that the modern tea- spoons are larger than formerly, and that the silver spoons are generally larger than those of common metal of the same nominal size. The size of drops varies from various causes, of which the nature of the liquid, the size and shape of the lip of the vessel from which dropped, the extent to which the lip is moistened, and the rapidity of dropping are the most important. Four lists are appended: 1st. That by Elias Durand, originally published in the Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, vol. i. p. 169, and copied into most of our standard works ; from this I have omitted several items, on account of their standard strength having been altered since the period of his experiments. 2d. That of Prof. Procter, published in the tenth edition of the United States Dispensaiory \ and confined to different essential oils. The 3d and 4th lists I have prepared as the result of my own observations, chiefly confined to medicines not included in the fore- MEASURES. 79 A Table of the number of drops of different liquids equivalent to aflui- drachm U. S. P., as observed by JDurand and by Procter — A, from the bottles from which they are commonly dispensed, B, from a minim measure ; and Parrish, A {at 80° F.), from pint or half pint tincture bottles, and I>,from a 'minim measure. Name op Substaxcj Acetum opii Aciduni acet. cryst. . Acidum acet. commercial Acidum acet. dilut. . Acidum hydrocyanic. Acidum muriatic. Acidum nitric. . Aciduni nitric, dilut. . Acidum sulphuric. Acidum sulph. aromat. Acidum dilut. . Alcohol Alcohol, diluted Aqua Aqua ammonias . Oreasote . Chloroform Ether Ext. valerian, fid. Glycerine . Glycerine, average Infusion digitalis Liquor iodini comp. ., Liquor hydrarg. et arsen. iod. Liquor potassoe arsenitis Oil of almonds (sweet) Oil of aniseed . Oil of caraway . Oil of cloves Oil of chenopodium . Oil of cinnamon Oil of croton tiglium Oil of cubebs Oil of fennel Oil of gaultheria Oil of hedeoma . Oil of peppermint Oil of mint Oil of olives Oil of rosemary Oil of savine Oil of sassafras . Oil of tansy Oil of valerian . Spirits of nitrous ether Spirits of ether, comp. Syrup of gum Arabic Syrup of squills Tincture of assafcetida Tincture of aconite root Dur.vsd. Procter. 120 From f §j Tr. bot. 53. 120 45 54 84 *90 120 138 120 45 54 150 120 120 120 120 120 120 01 8o 106 103 97 100 *86 103 102 91 103 89 104 102 102 92 116 95 86 108 103 100 102 96 103 101 91 109 94 105 108 100 111 110 Parrish, A. 90 73 55 53^ 62 116 54 118 98 64.5 49 ISO lis 53 55 62.5 75 52 60 80 90 90 58 85 iis B. 69 102 52.5 44 i48 49 143 124.5 46 62 276.5 126 135 84.7 60 75 52 63 92 99 148 140 56 88 i30 80 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Name of Substance. DtJRAND. Procter. Parrish. A. B. A. B. Tincture of chloride of iron 132 106 151 Tincture of digitalis .... 120 Tincture of guaiacura 120 Tincture of iodine ii3 144 Tincture of opium 120 106 147 Tincture of opium and camphor 95 110 Tincture of tolu 120 138 Vinegar, distilled *78 Yinegar of colchicum 78 . . . Yinegar of squills 78 . . . Wine, Teneriffe .... 78 . . . . . . Wine, antimonial 72 62 87 Wine, colchicum 75 Wine, opium .... 78 '78 *92 The number of Drops of Water equivalent to f 5j dropped from f^j vials. 1st trial 34. 2d trial 48. 3d trial 32. 4th trial 48. 5th trial 60. 6th trial 50. 7th trial 65. Average 48.1. It will be observed from the above tables that the size of the drops of different liquids bears no relation to their density ; sul- phuric acid, sp. gr. 1.84, is stated in Durand's table as yielding 90 drops to the fluidrachm, while water yields but 45, and oil of anise, sp. gr. 97, according to Prof. Procter, 85. It follows then that the weight of drops varies for most liquids. Specific Gravity. — As this text-book is designed to direct the practitioner of medicine and pharmacy in the necessary pursuits of his office or shop, I shall confine this essay to the specific gravity of solids and liquids, the most important branches of the general subject to this class of readers. It was said, at the commencement of this chapter, that while extension, and gravitation or weight, are each capable of a separate standard of measurement, it is impossible to bring them to a com- mon standard ; they are only capable of being compared with each other. The importance of understanding this branch of physics is now so universally acknowledged, that no argument will be presented to enforce its thorough study. It is well defined to be the relative weights of equal bulks of different bodies compared to some stan- dard. In the case of solids and liquids not aeriform, the adopted standard is distilled water at 60° F., and barometric pressure 30 inches. As distilled water at 60° F., 30 inches barometric pressure, has been adopted as the standard for solids and liquids not aeriform, it follows, that it is only necessary to ascertain the weight of a bulk of water equal to the bulk of any given substance to ascer- tain the sp. gr. of that substance by the rule of proportion. The method of finding out the weight of a bulk of water equal to any substance which is insoluble in it is, after having ascertained its weight in air, to immerse it in water, and note the loss of weight SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 81 Fig. 97. Hydrostatic balance. sustained by tins experiment. This follows from the law of Archi- medes, "that bodies immersed in any liquid are buoyed up with a force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced." The arrange- ment of apparatus by which this is most easily accomplished is shown in Fig. 97. A scale beam has one short stirrup to support a dish with a hook fastened to its under side, to which the substance to be examined is hung by a fine wire; a beaker glass containing distilled water is placed in the ring of a retort-stand, and after the substance has been weighed in the air, the glass is raised until the substance is entirely submerged, the loss is then noted, and is the weight of the water displaced. Should it happen, however, that the body is soluble in water, some other liquid must be used, the sp. gr. of which is already known. The fol- lowing formula for ascertaining the sp. gr. of bodies is applicable to all cases, namely: — 1st term: The weight of the liquid displaced. 2d term: Weight of the substance in air. 3d term: The sp. gr. of the liquid used. For example, a piece of lead weighs 1133 grains; when weighed in water, it loses 100 grains. Divide the original weight by the loss in wafer (namely, 100 grains), and we find the sp. gr. 11.33. It sometimes occurs that we wish to ascertain the sp. gr. of a body soluble in water. To do this we employ some other liquid in which it is insoluble, the sp. gr. of which we have already ascer- tained; having learned the weight of the substance in air, we then weigh it in the liquid chosen. For example, a lump of alum, weighing in the air 10,000 grains, when immersed in oil of turpentine loses 5363 grains ; the sp. gr. of the oil of turpentine being .880, then — 5363 : 10,000 : : .880 : 1.64. To ascertain the sp. gr. of a bod} 7 lighter than water, it is neces- sary to immerse it, by attaching some heavy substance which has previously been brought to a state of equilibrium when immersed: thus, a brass globe weighing 555 grains in the air requires, when immersed in water and attached to a counterpoise, which has been brought to a state of equilibrium after immersion, 1037 grains to restore the equilibrium ; this shows the amount of water displaced by the globe, and by the rule given we find — 1037 : 555 : : 1 : .5351 sp. gr. Should we desire to ascertain the sp. gr. of a substance which is in small particles or fine powder, we first learn its weight in air, 6 82 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY. and then introduce it into a sp. gr. bottle, which holds 1000 grains of distilled water. "We now fill the bottle with water, and note its entire weight. From this we deduct the original weight of the powder, and we have thus learned the weight of the water in the bottle ; the difference between this and the 1000 grains, the capacity of the bottle, gives the weight of the bulk of water equal to that of the powder. Thus, 250 grains of powder, introduced into the bottle and the bottle filled with water, weighed 1209.75 grains, from which we deduct the weight of the powder, 250 grains, which leaves 959.75 ; this subtracted from 1000 leaves 40.25, the weight of water equal to the bulk of the powder used; then — 40.25 : 250 :: 1 : 6.21 sp. gr. of the powder. If we take a vial which will hold an ounce of water by weight, we find it will hold about an ounce and a half of nitric acid, and about three-quarters of an ounce of ether; hence we may say, ap- proximately, that nitric acid is twice as heavy as ether, or that it is half as heavy again as water, while ether is only three-quarters as heavy. We thus compare these two liquids with a common standard, and one which, being universally diffused in a state of tolerable purity, furnishes the most ready means of comparing solid or liquid substances together. The relation which the weight of a substance bears to that of water is, therefore, called its specific gravity. Water being assumed as 1 in the illustration just given, nitric acid would be 1 J or 1.5, and ether f or .75. Upon this princi- ple we may ascertain the specific gravity of all liquids by having a bottle, the capacity of which is well and accurately determined, filling it with these various liquids at a certain normal tempera- ture, ascertaining their weight, and by a simple calculation bringing them to this common standard. The specific gravity of substances, when accurately ascertained, constitutes one of their most impor- tant characteristics. In pharmacy, it is much employed to indi- cate the strength and purity of medicines, particularly acids, alco- hol, the ethers, and essential oils; and a physician is deficient in one of the most important aids to diagnosis who has not at hand the means of taking the specific gravity of urine. The apparatus for ascertaining the specific gravity of liquids is of two kinds: first, specific gravity bottles; and second, hydro- meters, or loaded tubes which mark the density of liquids by the depth to which they sink in them, according to known and purely artificial standards. The most convenient specific gravity bottles are graduated to hold 1000 grains, or 100 grains of pure water at 60° F. Those made by Dr. W. H. Pile, of Philadelphia, are accu- rate and reliable; they are of two kinds, stoppered and unstop- pered. The former are most approved; they are accompanied by a little counterpoise to be placed on the opposite scale plate, which exactly balances the empty bottle, so that the weights which balance it, when filled and placed on the scale, indicate the weight of its contents. In filling the stoppered thousand grain bottle, it requires to be SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 83 filled a little above the point in the neck to which the stopper will reach when replaced, so that this shall force out the air and a small portion of the liquid into the capillary tube drilled through it. The whole bottle is then wiped clean and dry, and weighed. VU Fig. 99. Fig. 100. Fi at a temperature of 212° F., and a heat ' ' \ much above that is apt to decompose the salt ; but for sulphate of iron, complete ] ^ ^^ " :^Bj) dehydration requires 300° F., and for Porcelain spatulas. alum 450° F. is directed ; for sulphate and carbonate of sodium, which are efflorescent, a lower temper- ature is sufficient. In organic substances this water may sometimes be replaced by weak acids, the weaker bases, or certain salts, and is then called constitutional water: thus, cane sugar, C 12 H 18 9 +2II 2 0, combines with oxide of lead to form C 12 H ]8 9 + 2PbO. The carbonates of the alkalies, potassa, soda, and lithia, do not lose their carbonic acid by a high heat, while those of the alkaline earths, baryta, lime, and magnesia, and of the heavier metallic oxides, are decarbonated by calcination, the former, especially, re- quiring a very high heat. In the processes of metallurgy, calcina- tion is often used, not only with the view of expelling volatile products, but also for the purpose of oxidizing certain elements 122 CHEMICAL PROCESSES USED IX PHARMACY. present in the ores, especially sulphides. The process is then termed roasting. The chief use of calcination in pharmacy is in the preparation of Incineration and Ignition are the same as calcination, except when applied to organic substances with a view to burning up the car- bonaceous principles, converting them into carbonic acid, which re- mains combined with the alkali present. The free admission of air is essential for this purpose, and may be facilitated by inclining the crucible. The last portions of carbon, when consumed with diffi- culty, may be oxidized by the careful addition of a little nitric acid to the cold residue, and heating again to redness. Tiff. 162. Fig. 163. Porcelain, platinum, and hessian crucibles. Figs. 162, 163, and 164 exhibit different kinds of crucibles used for calcination and ignition in small operations. Torre/action or Boasting is a process by which organic substances are changed in their qualities by the modification of some constit- uents without altering others. The most familiar instance of this is the roasting of coffee by which some empyreumatic principles are generated without destroying its peculiar principle, caffeina, which is itself volatile ; by this process coffee, is adapted to the purposes of a beverage. Ehubarb subjected to the process of torrefaction, care being taken to have it in a suitable coarse powder, and to pre- vent its being carbonized, loses its cathartic properties without impairing its astringency. This is doubtless due to the volatiliza- tion of the active principle chrysophanic acid. Burnt sponge, an old remedy of great repute in scrofulous diseases, has been super- seded since the introduction of iodine; in preparing it, the process is carried somewhat further than in the foregoing, and leaves little else than the porous charcoal combined with the inorganic constit- uents of the sponge, iodides, chlorides, etc. It furnishes an instance of carbonization or charring. Reduction of Oxides, etc. — This process, so largely practised in the manufacture of iron and other metals from their ores, and in other extensive chemical operations, is useful to the pharmacist in the extraction of metallic arsenic from arsenious acid (As 2 3 ), a prelim- inary operation to the preparation of iodide of arsenic. In this in- stance carbon is the reducing agent employed; by its combustion it i CARBONIC ACID PROCESSES. 123 combines with the oxygen from the arsenious acid, and leaves the metal to be sublimed. In a small way, this process may be con- ducted in reduction tubes, which are shown in Fig. 165. Another Fig. 165. Reduction tubes. and still more useful application of the process is that for obtaining pure metallic iron from its oxide, in which hydrogen is the reducing agent, and the resulting preparation is one of the most important of the numerous medicinal preparations of iron. The deoxidation of inorganic salts by various chemical means is also termed reduc- tion; sesquichloride and tersulphate of iron are, by digesting their solutions with metallic iron, reduced to protochloride and protosul- phate of iron. The reduction of the oxides of the so-called noble metals, silver, gold, and platinum is effected without any reducing agent, simply by the suitable application of high heat. Oxidation. — This change, the reverse of the foregoing, is accom- plished, in the dry way, by the combustion of substances having a strong affinity for oxygen; at a high temperature these absorb this element from the air. In the combustion of metallic zinc, it is converted into oxide of zinc (ZnO), and in the cupellation or fusion of ores of lead and silver, the semivitrified oxide of lead, litharge, is evolved. This method is not adopted in any of the familiar operations of pharmacy, but oxidation by nitric acid is resorted to in several officinal processes, as in the conversion of protosulphate into persulphate of iron, and in the preparation of red oxide of mercury. This method, founded upon the facility with which nitric acid gives up a portion of its oxygen to substances having an affinity for it, is detailed under its several appropriate heads. Carbonic Acid Processes. — The conversion of caustic alkalies into carbonates is done by heating in contact with carbonaceous ma- terial, as in the ignition of potash to form pearlash, and in the incineration of organic matters containing alkali, before referred to. Dry carbonates may also be further charged with carbonic acid by simple exposure to an atmosphere charged with it, as in the conversion of pearlash into saleratus, and of partially dried carbonate of soda into bicarbonate. The generation of the carbonic acid gas is accomplished by decomposing either of the cheap and abundant carbonates of lime with a mineral acid ; muriatic is the cheapest, and in large operations the best, from its forming a solu- ble residue. Fig. 166 shows the process of generating this gas, in the bottle «, 121 CHEMICAL PROCESSES USED IN PHARMACY. Fig. 166. Carbonic acid apparatus. washing it by passing it through water in the bottle b, by means of the pipe d, which passes through a pipe e, of large bore, to the bottom; and, finally, through/, con- ducting it into a solution to be charged with it. This is the process as used in the preparation of bicarbo- nate of potassium, the vessel c being filled with solution of carbonate of po- tassium; as the bicarbonate is formed the silica present in the carbonate, combined with the potassa, is thrown out of solution, and the bicarbonate, being in crystals, is quite pure and combined with a definite proportion of water. In the manufacture of carbonic acid water, incorrectly called soda water, the refrigerated water is charged with an excess of the gas, which is generated in a strong close vessel connected with the foun- tain by suitable pipes ; in the appropriate place an apparatus for its extemporaneous preparation is figured. In the preparation of chlorine water, the oxidation of substances by the use of nitric acid, and the generation of hydrosulphuric acid, special precautions are necessary to prevent the too rapid evolution of the noxious gases and their diffusion in the atmosphere. A chimney flue furnishes the means of carrying these off, and in the construction of a furnace as before described ample facilities may be secured. The mode of saturating water either with chlorine or hydrosul- phuric acid was formerly by the use of a series of Woolf 's bottles, figured in works on chemical manipulation. The preparation of these involves so much trouble and delay as to operate as a dis- couragement to the preparation of the solutions. An extemporane- ous process found quite successful is to pass the conducting tube from the wash bottle, or the fiask in which they are prepared, into a pretty large narrow-mouthed bottle about one- third full of water, having another at hand to substitute for it as this becomes filled with gas ; these may be dexterously shifted, so as to be alternately filled and shaken a few times with the heavy gas, by which means it will be more effectually brought into contact with and dissolved by the water than it can be by bubbling through a still solution for a long time. Decoloration, viewed as a process of pharmacy, is mainly accom- plished by digesting the substance in solution with charcoal in a granular condition. The utility of this decolorizer is in propor- tion to its porosity, and hence animal charcoal, which contains bone phosphate of lime insinuated among its pores in the process of its formation, furnishes a very superior decolorizer. The same property which fits the charcoal for this use causes it to absorb WASHING OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. 125 Fig. 167. other constituents of solutions, so that, unless the precaution is taken to percolate the charcoal thoroughly with fresh portions of some solvent, a portion of the most desirable constituents may be lost. In forming solutions of resins, as that of jalap, Professor Procter recommends that their powders should be mixed with an equal bulk of charcoal, introduced into a percolator on top of a layer of charcoal, and then treated with alcohol until the resin is dissolved out. In the preparation of the vegetable alkalies, animal charcoal is almost invariably employed to decolorize the product previous to its final crystallization. Washing of Chemical Substances. — In order to remove adhering impurities, freshly precipitated powders or recent crystals are fre- quently subjected to the process of washing. This is sometimes accomplished on a plain filter, Fig. 167, by the aid of a spritz, which, besides aiding the removal of the solid material on to the filter, is well adapted to directing a strong thin cur- rent of water or other liquid upon the contents of the filter. The concave sur- face naturally assumed by the contents of a filter is the most favorable to an equal diffusion of the liquid through its mass. The spritz may be constructed by inserting a single tube with a capil- lary orifice through a cork into a bottle. The bottle being partly filled with water, the contained air is compressed by blow- ing into it, so that when the bottle is quickly inverted it forces out the water through the orifice in a jet. The kind shown in use in the drawing is more complete in its operation; it has two tubes, one dipping below the surface of the liquid, bent to an acute angle and drawn out to a small orifice; the other, designed for blowing into the upper part of the bottle, so as by compressing the air to induce a stream from the orifice. If a flask is substituted for the bottle, the liquid may be heated over a lamp or sand-bath, and the washing accomplished by boiling water or alcohol. Fig. 168 shows an ingenious apparatus, invented by my friend C. Wager Hull, of New York, for washing photographic prints, but also applicable to any washing process requiring a repeated and entire change of water. Being entirely self-acting, it requires no care or attention. It consists of A, a water-tight box of any shape ; B, a feed-pipe with a faucet; 0, a lead pipe around the inside, per- forated with small brad-awl holes, through which the water is evenly sprinkled upon the articles to be washed. For paper photographs the awl holes should be made at an angle so that the jets will be in the Spritz bottle and its use. 126 CHEMICAL PROCESSES USED IN PHARMACY. Fi£. IRS. Hull's automatic washing-box. same direction, and thus cause a constant current to float the paper around the box. A tray of wire or a network of twine or any suitable perforated diaphragm may be placed above and near the bottom of the box to receive the articles. A siphon enters the box through a hole in the bottom, having a broad flange of lead which is nailed to the bottom, and then passes down sufficiently to make a suitable curve to the point F, which should be one or two inches below the top of the box; here it curves again to 6r, or any point below the line of the bottom of the box. The longer the leg D of the siphon, the faster will the liquid flow; it is generally connected with a waste pipe carrying off the washings into the sewer, and the feed pipe may be connected with the street mains or with any suitable reser- voir above the box. The successful action of the apparatus depends upon the relative size of the feed pipe and siphon ; the former should be smaller than the latter; then as soon as the box is filled by the action of the sprinklers up to the top of the siphon at F, the discharge w^ill begin and go on rapidly till the entire liquid contents have run out; then the siphon will cease to act till the box fills up again, when it will be discharged in the same way. The superiority of this over ordinary tubs for the purpose consists in its completely emptying itself at intervals, so that every fresh charge of the liquid is pure and free from contamination with pre- vious charges, a point of great importance in washing photographic prints. The subjects of filtration and decantation will be so fully presented under the head of Solutions, in the fifth part of this work, that they need claim no further notice in this connection. Precipitation. — The term precipitation refers to the separation of a solid substance, whether in crystal, in powder, or in a moist, tena- cious mass, called a magma; whether it falls to the bottom, floats in flocculse, collects near the surface, or remains diffused through- out the liquid. This separation is brought about by a chemical or other change affecting solubility, and the substance added to produce it is called the precipitant; the solid substance produced, the precipitate. Precipitation is frequently produced by the play of affinities, afford- ing an insoluble substance from elements which, as previously com- bined, constituted soluble compounds ; for, where solutions of chlo- ride of sodium and of nitrate of silver are added to each other, chloride of silver and nitrate of sodium are produced, the former an insoluble salt, and hence precipitated. CRYSTALLIZATION. 127 Whenever two or more chemical substances in solution are mixed, if the elements of an insoluble compound are present, that insoluble compound will be precipitated. Another cause of precipitation is any change in a liquid by which it ceases to be a solvent for the particular substance in solu- tion. Substances soluble in alcohol, such as iodine, camphor, and the resins, on the addition of water, are precipitated, because the alcohol forms with water a liquid in which they are insoluble. With a view to collecting precipitates deep vessels should be employed, preferably larger at the bottom, as in the drawing; they favor the ready decantation of the liquid. The strength of the solutions mixed determines the density of the precipitate, and hence, in cases where this quality is desirable in the product, and where it is an object to collect the precipitate in small bulk with refer- ence to its convenient washing, the solutions are made correspondingly strong. Hot solutions should be used in preference to cold, with a view to the same object, and also, in the case of iodide of lead and biniodide of reC jar. a ing mercury, which are soluble in the hot liquid, to pro- duce handsome and well-defined crystals on cooling. Crystallization. — The most characteristic physical phenomena of chemical substances are those mathematical forms which they spon- taneously assume in passing from the liquid or gaseous to a solid condition, and the crystalline form is the purest attainable of chem- ical substances. Crystals are formed from some volatile substances by the process of sublimation, already referred to ; by fusion, in a few instances, such as sulphur, some of the metals, and a few anhydrous salts ; but more generally on the cooling or gradual evaporation of a solvent, or by the production of a less soluble crystalline substance by some chemical change in a solution. The vessels best adapted to crys- tallization are rather shallow evaporating dishes, or, for large operations, wooden or earthenware crystallizers. A hot saturated solution being filtered into the vessel for crystallization is to be set away in a suitable place, and should not then be disturbed till the liquid has become cool or has been nearly all evaporated. The last portion of the liquid poured off from the crystals is called the mother-liquor, and contains the residuary and most soluble portions in concentrated solution, with the less crystallizable impurities. In manipulating with costly materials, the mother-liquor is retained for admixture with other lots, or subjected to further evaporation to obtain another crop of crystals. The size and transparency of crystals are most influenced by the slowness and uniformity of their deposition, the clearness and purity of the filtered solutions, and their proper strength. When a solution is evaporated to a very con- centrated condition, shown by the formation of a pellicle or crust upon its surface, it generally throws down a confused crystalline 128 ON THE NON-METALLIC mass, but when set aside before it has quite reached its point of satu- ration, the gradual evaporation insures a slow formation of large and more perfect crystals. The circumstances which promote perfect crystallization are thus the reverse of those by which the finest and most dense powders are obtained, and, as a general rule, those sub- stances most desirable to obtain in the form of powder are not those which form elegant crystals. Some chemical substances, much used in solution, are preferably made in small, imperfectly formed crystals ; sulphate of zinc and sulphate of magnesia are familiar instances of this. Some, which are crystallizable with great difficulty, are collected from their clear solutions by granulation, a process accomplished by constantly stir- ring the evaporating solution from the time it begins to thicken till the water is entirely driven off. Carbonate and citrate of po- tassium are familiar instances of this ; in the case of the latter salt, the heat must be carefully managed or the product may be burned. {See Powders.) CHAPTER II. CHEMICAL PROCESSES ON THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS AND THEIR MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS. The distinction usually recognized by chemists between the non- metallic elements and metals, though arbitrary, is yet well under- stood and convenient, and will furnish the basis for the division adopted in the present work. Of the thirteen non-metallic elements, nearly all enter into medicinal preparations, but only the six fol- lowing will require notice in the present chapter — in the following order : — Oxygen, 0, 16 Iodine, I, 127 Phosphorus, P, 31 Chlorine, CI, 35.5 Bromine, Br, 80 Sulphur, S, 32 Compounds containing carbon constitute the larger number of organic chemicals treated of in Part IV., while carbonic acid and its aqueous solution are appropriately considered in the chapter on the mineral acids. The same applies to boron, which forms an oxyacid, and hydrogen, which is chiefly useful in the inorganic king- dom in water in its well-known acid combination w T ith chlorine ; while nitrogen enters into one of the most important of the series of acids, and into the equally important alkali, ammonia. Oxygen. ( + 0) = 16. In a state of combination oxygen is the most extensively diffused body in nature, forming one-fifth part of the atmosphere, entering as a constituent into water, into nearly all the mineral substances composing the crust of the earth, and into most organic products. OXYGEN. 129 With other elements oxygen unites to form anhydrous acids, as formerly denominated, though called by modern chemists anhy- drides, as carbonic, C0 2 , sulphurous, S0 2 , and phosphoric acid, P 2 5 , which, with water, form the well-known acids so much used in chemistry and pharmacy. Some of the compounds of oxygen are neutral substances, such as water, H^O, carbonic oxide, CO, and nitrous oxide, N 2 0, the first named of which is of great chemical interest in connection with the study of salts. The bases, of so much interest, were formerly regarded as compounds of the metals with proportions of oxygen ; but the term is not used by modern writers, who regard the salts as direct compounds of the metals with the respective acids — a view so far adopted in the U. S. Pharmacopeia as to be recognized in the nomenclature of the last edition. The direct combination of oxygen with other bodies is attended with the evolution of heat, and sometimes light, which occasions the process of oxidation to be much resorted to for the production of heat and light without reference to the compounds produced. Where a body combines rapidly with oxygen, it is said to be burned, and the process of rapid oxidation is called combustion. Although oxygen is not used in medicine, except for inhalation as an antidote to carbonic oxide or carbonic acid gas, it is an ele- ment of great interest not only to the physician and pharmacist, but to persons in every department of life. Oxygen is prepared by heating binoxideof manganese in an iron retort, or more readily, on a small scale, by heating chlorate of potassium in a retort of hard glass or a Florence flask. This salt contains potassium combined with chloric acid, K,C10 3 , and yields the whole of its oxygen (39.2 per cent.) by heating, chloride of potassium remaining as a residue ; thus, KC10 3 =KC1 and 30. The tubule of the retort, or, if a flask is employed, a bent tube of glass secured to it by a cork is carried into a bell glass or other receiver filled with water and inverted in a vessel of water; the gas grad- ually displaces the water occupying the vessel, which may be removed and replaced by another until the whole is collected ; half an ounce of chlorate yields 270 cubic inches, or nearly a gallon, of oxygen. The chief incon- Fig. 170. venience in this process arises from the liability to softening of the glass of the retort or to its fracture by the intense heat required ; this may be partially obviated by mixing two parts of the powdered chlorate with one of the binoxide of magnesia, Mn0 2 , previously well dried, and by subjecting this to a somewhat less intense heat the gas will be obtained. The best form of appa- ratus for obtaining oxygen is shown in Fig. 170. It consists of a copper flask, and a tube bent at right angles, secured by a gallows screw to the head of the flask ; the lower end of the tube is carried below water, and the gas as it rises is caught in appropriate bell glasses. 0xyg en apparatus. 130 ON THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS, ETC. To collect this gas for inhalation it should be passed into a tubu- lated bell jar, over the tubule of which a collapsed and softened bladder, or, preferably, a bag of gum-elastic, has been secured. By submerging the jar the gas ascends into the bag, and it may then be secured arid administered by a breathing tube. In cases where, from the stoppage of flues or deficient ventilation in chambers, individuals are subjected to the inhalation of noxious products of combustion, carbonic acid and carbonic oxide gases, producing more or less complete narcotism, sometimes resulting in death, oxygen gas, administered by the lungs before respiration has ceased, or by means of artificial or induced respiration, is found to be a most valuable antidote. Ozone and Antozone. This allotropic condition of oxygen, discovered by Schonbein, seems likely to produce remarkable changes in the generally received opinions in regard to numerous phenomena, both natural and arti- ficial. It was first recognized by a peculiar odor accompanying discharges of electricity, especially when silently emitted, and has since been obtained by a variety of processes, among which the following are the most important : Into a large salt-mouth bottle of air place a stick of phosphorus, recently scraped ; cover it partially with water, introduce the stopper, and set it away in a room at a temperature of from 60° to 70°. In the process of oxid- izing the exposed phosphorus, a portion of the oxygen passes into the condition of ozone and antozone, which are diffused in the air, though never in large proportion ; if long kept, these are lost by combining with and oxidizing the phosphorus ; by washing and decantation, the ozonized air may be deprived of the vapor of phos- phorus, and preserved. Ozone is also a product of the slow com- bustion of ether; if a small quantity of ether is placed in a bottle and a rod of iron or glass heated to just 500° is introduced, the atmosphere of the jar will acquire the properties of ozone, while the ether possesses the characteristics of antozone. As a more permanent source of ozone, Boettger has recommended the opaque olive-green mixture of two parts of permanganate of potassa with three parts of strong sulphuric acid ; subjected to the atmospheric oxygen it continues for a long time to give out ozone. As obtained by these processes it is always largely diluted with air ; certain liquids, however, have a strong affinity for it; of these, oil of tur- pentine, oil of cinnamon, oil of lemon, and flaxseed oil, either pos- sess the power of inducing its formation, or, by their solvent power, become reservoirs of it. How far its presence may account for those changes of properties of oil of lemon, camphene, and other carbo-hydrogens, which are so well known but so ill explained, is worthy of investigation. Oils of cinnamon and of turpentine when • charged with it exhibit bleaching properties. Ozone is readily absorbed by solution of an alkaline iodide, con- verting it intoiodate; it oxidizes moistened silver leaf and thin OZONE AND ANTOZONE. 131 strips of arsenic, and antimony in the cold. From the metallic iodides it liberates iodine ; oxidizes protosalts of lead and man- ganese to peroxides ; converts sulphides into sulphates, and ferro- cyanides into ferridcyanides. Taken into the lungs it produces catarrh and contraction of the chest; it destroys organic coloring matter with the greatest energy ; bleaches blue litmus without first reddening it; discharges the color of sulphate of indigo by contact alone ; turns paper, impregnated with aniline or pyrogallic acid, to brown ; renders cork and caoutchouc brittle and destroys them ; decomposes tannic acid, oxalic acid being a product. These changes are all due to oxidation, and oxides are the result. The following are the usual tests for ozone: Schbnbeiri's test is made by dissolving one part of pure iodide of potassium (free from iodate) in two hundred parts of pure water, then adding ten parts of starch, in fine powder, and gently heating till the starch is dissolved. White paper is soaked in this liquid, then dried and cut into strips, which are to be preserved in stoppered bottles. This paper, exposed to the air in a spot sheltered as much as possible from rain, light, and foul effluvia for a period of from six to twenty-four hours, will show the presence of ozone in the atmosphere by changing to brown, and when wetted, from a pink to blue color, according to the pro- portion of ozone in the air. Paper soaked in an alcoholic solution of guaiacum and dried in the dark acquires a bright blue color by contact with ozone. The presence of this active form of oxygen in the atmosphere is deemed of importance in the study of those mysterious influences connected with the cause of malarious and contagious diseases, but the subject has not yet been sufficiently studied. The most re- markable properties of ozone appear to grow out of its peculiar relations to oxygen, from which it is produced by electricity, while by a heat of 450° to 600° it is always convertible into oxygen. Certain well-known disinfectants and bleaching agents are now found to owe their properties to this constituent ; this is especially the case with the alkaline permanganates, and the solution of per- manganate of potassium has been introduced under the name of ozonized water as a deodorizer in medical practice. Magnetic oxide of iron is also said to contain oxygen in the state of ozone, and a filter is in use in England in which this mineral is the active ma- terial for the purification of water hx oxidizing and destroying all organic matters contained in it. The principal oxides in w T hich the oxygen appears to exist as ozone, called by Schonbein ozonides, are as follows: Mn 2 7 , Mn0 2 , Mn0 3 , PbO„ Ag0 2 , Cr0 3 , Bi0 5 , Xi 2 3 , C0 2 3 , among which peroxide of lead (Pb0 2 ) appears to have the most energetic action, displaying some of the characteristic reac- tions of ozone without the addition of any acid to decompose it. Antozone has been less studied than ozone. It appears to be pro- duced whenever ozone is formed either by electrical action or oxida- tion. Some chemists believe ordinary oxygen to be a compound of ozone and antozone. Of the methods for preparing antozone, the following will suffice: a little concentrated sulphuric acid is poured 132 ON THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS, ETC. into a small bottle, and into this are thrown some fragments of pure peroxide of barium Ba0 2 ; when gas is liberated, the air of the bottle will be found to be charged with antozone. Sometimes it is neces- sary to introduce the bottle into a moderately warmed water-bath ; at other times the reaction is required to be allayed by applying cold water. Antozone is a gas with odor somewhat resembling ozone, though different and more disagreeable; it is less permanent than ozone, being very readily converted into ordinary oxygen. If air charged with antozone is made to bubble through water, it will raise as it ascends a thick white mist or cloud, which may be collected and poured from one vessel to another, and is deposited as drops of water only when the antozone has become converted into ordinary oxygen, or entered into combination. It is through the existence of antozone, that water may be oxidized into perox- ide of hydrogen, H 2 2 , an object of scientific interest not utilized either in medicine or the arts. Chlorinium. CI = 35.5. (Chlorine.) Chlorine is a dense, suffocating, corrosive gas, 2.5 times as heavy as atmospheric air, and of a pale yellowish-green color. Under the pressure of about four atmospheres it condenses into a yellow liquid, sp. gr. 1.33. It is one of the most active of chemical agents, enter- ing into combination with nearly all the other elements, especially with the metals, but not existing in nature uncombined. The chlorides are remarkable for solubility, and consequently find a place among the constituents of sea water, common salt, EaCl, being obtained in large proportion from that great reservoir. The chief use of uncombined chlorine is as a disinfectant and a bleaching agent, both of which properties it appears to owe to its relation with hydrogen. In contact with most organic substances it decomposes them, eliminates a portion of their hydrogen as hydrochloric acid, and enters also into compounds by substitution for the hydrogen in their composition. To the physician and pharmacist chlorine is most interesting in the form best adapted to liberate it into the atmosphere for its uses as a disinfectant. The reader is referred to the chapter on the alkalies and alkaline earths for its loose combinations with lime and soda; in this place it will suffice to notice the chlorine mixture especially adapted to hospitals, and the Aqua Chlorinii of the Phar- macopoeia. Chlorine Disinfecting Preparation. This consists of packages of a dry powder and a bottle of diluted sulphuric acid, put up together for extemporaneous admixture, as follows : — The Common Salt Mixture. Take of Common salt, well dried 1800 parts. Binoxide of manganese, containing 72 per cent . 1875 parts. Grind them together into a fine powder, and put up the powder in packages containing about 195 grains each, and put 130 of these CHLORINE. 133 packages in a pasteboard box to accompany the sulphuric acid mixture. Each of these packages requires half a fluidounce of the sulphuric acid mixture, and } 7 ields about 57 cubic inches of chlorine. This quantity, when thus liberated gradually in a space containing about 20,000 times its volume of air, is borne without inconveni- ence by persons generally, and is not injurious even in pulmonary diseases. It should never be used in such quantities as to produce discomfort or bronchial irritation. The Sulphuric Acid Mixture, Take of Sulphuric acid, sp. gr. 1.845 45 parts. Water 21 parts. Mix them carefully, and when cold put the mixture into strong bottles, with accurately ground stoppers, each bottle to contain sixty-five nuidounces. Half a fluidounce of this to be used for each package of the com- mon salt mixture. Directions for Use. — One package of the common salt mixture, placed in a saucer or plate and thoroughly mixed with half a fluid- ounce of the sulphuric acid mixture, is to be placed under every alternate bed at night and allowed to remain there three days. Upon the second night, the beds which were omitted should be supplied in the same way and for the same length of time, and the process repeated at the end of three days, or sooner, according to circumstances. Should the wards be badly ventilated, or contain many sloughing wounds, or be subject to epidemic disease or low forms of fever, the mixtures should be renewed every third day. Otherwise once a month may be sufficient; and, when thorough cleanliness and ventilation are attained, the process is unnecessary for occupied wards. In disinfecting unoccupied wards, water- closets, latrines, etc. by chlorine, they should be cleansed, closed up as perfectly as practicable, and two packages used for each 600 cubic feet of space. The rationale of the liberation of chlorine from the mixed chlo- ride of sodium and binoxide of manganese, on the addition of sul- phuric acid, may be thus expressed: 2£TaCl + 2H 2 S0 4 + Mn0 2 = Na 2 S0 4 + MnS0 4 + 2H 2 4- CI. Aqua Chlorinii. {Chlorine Water.) IT. S. P. Liquor Chlori. (Solution of Chlorine.) Ph. Br. Take of Black oxide of manganese, in fine powder, half a troyounce. Muriatic acid, three troyounces. Water, four nuidounces. Distilled water, twenty nuidounces. Introduce the oxide into a flask, add the acid previously diluted with two fluidounces of the water, and apply a gentle heat. Con- duct the generated chlorine, by suitable tubes, through the re- mainder of the water contained in a small intermediate vessel, to 134 ON THE NON-METALLIC the bottom of a four-pint bottle containing the distilled water and loosely stopped with cotton. When the air has been entirely dis- placed by the gas, disconnect the bottle from the apparatus, and, having inserted the stopper, agitate the contents, loosen the stopper from time to time, until the gas ceases to be absorbed. Lastly, pour the chlorine water into a bottle, of just sufficient capacity to hold it, stop it securely, and keep it in a cool place, protected from the light. Black oxide of manganese is used in this process because of its facility for yielding oxygen under the circumstances to hydrogen of the muriatic acid to form water, while the chlorine of the acid unites in part with the manganese, and is in part set free ; the reac- tion which occurs is thus formulated: Mn0 2 -f 4HC1 = 2H 2 0-f- MnCl 2 4- 2C1. Great care should be taken in liberating and ma- nipulating with chlorine to avoid inhaling it ; when taken into the lungs, unless very largely diluted with air, it is extremely corrosive. This process requires the adjustment of flask and tubes, as figured on page 124. The great solubility of chlorine in water forbids the use of more than a limited quantity in the intermediate (wash) bottle; this is designed to absorb any portion of the undecomposed muriatic acid which may pass from the flask. The size of the re- ceiving bottle is important as determining the quantity of chlorine in the resulting preparation. This mode of receiving and dissolv- ing the gas is considered an improvement on the Wolff's bottles formerly in use; about three pints of chlorine are by this arrange- ment conveniently collected and dissolved in the twenty fluidounces of water prescribed. With a view to warming the flask and not the receiving bottle, the connecting glass tube should be ten or twelve inches long, and should have one or more joints of gum- elastic tube. Chlorine water is a yellowish-green fluid, smelling strongly of chlorine. It is used chiefly as an antiseptic and stimulant to the liver, applied externally and internally. The dose is from one to two fluidrachms, largely diluted. This preparation furnishes a good means of liberating the gas for inhalation, or for diffusion as a disinfectant. When a fluidounce of it is mixed with a solution of ten grains of pure sulphate of protoxide of iron in two flui- drachms of water, the mixture does not produce a blue precipitate with ferridcyanide of potassium (red prussiate of potassium). (See Vapor Chlori.) Iodine and its Preparations.* Iodinium, I. Solid crystalline scales, sp. gr. 4.95. Potassii iodidum, KI. In cubical crystals. Dose, gr. ij to gr. v. Sodii iodidum, Nal. Cubical crystals. Dose, gr. ij to v. Ammonii iodidum, NH 4 I. Very deliquescent. Dose, gr. v to x. Calcii iodidum. Tinctura iodinii. 5ss to f§j alcohol, externally used. " iodinii composita, I, gr. xv, KI, 5ss to f§j. W]_ xv to xxx. Liquor iodinii compositus, I, gr. xxijss, KI, gr. xlv to f§j. ti\ x to xx. * Most of the iodine salts are described under the several heads of their metallic bases. IODINE AND ITS PREPARATIONS. 135 lodinium. 1=127. (Iodine.) U. S. P. lodum. (Iodine.) Ph. Br. This non-metallic element, existing in sea-water and marine plants, is procured for use in medicine from the fused and vitrified ashes of sea-weed called kelp, which is prepared in the "Western Islands, North of Scotland and Ireland, and on the coast of France, at Cherbourg, and at LeConquet, near Brest. According to the report on the medical and pharmaceutical products at the Great Exhibition of 1862, Tissier & Son, of the latter place, produced of iodine and iodide of potassium, each, from 8000 to 10,000 lbs., bro- mine, 1500 to 1800 lbs., and bromide of potassium, 1100 to 1300 lbs. annually. The process of preparation is briefly as follows: — The kelp, being broken and lixiviated, yields about half its weight of soluble sodium, potassium, and magnesium salts. The common salt, and carbonate and sulphate of sodium, and chloride of potas- sium are crystallized out on evaporation. The mother-liquor contains iodides of sodium, potassium, and magnesium, to which sulphuric acid is added, liberating carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, and sulphurous acid, by effervescence, and sulphur which is deposited. The acid lye is next distilled from peroxide of manganese, which liberates the iodine, and it is condensed in cooled glass receivers. This process, as applied to iodide of sodium, is explained by the following formula: 2NaI + 2HS0 4 +Mn0 2 = Na 2 S0 4 + MnS0 4 + 2H 2 + 2L Iodine is in bluish-black crystalline scales with a metallic lustre, sp. gr. 4.948, fusing at 225°, boiling at 347°, and evaporating at ordinary temperature, especially when damp. It melts when heated, its vapor is of a splendid violet color, odor like chlorine, and sub- limes in very heavy violet vapors. Free iodine precipitates starch in the cold, of a dark blue color, which reaction is its most familiar and delicate test. Water dissolves about T ^V^h of its weight of iodine, being slightly discolored by it, but, on the addition of either of the alkaline iodides, or of chloride of sodium, it becomes ex- tremely soluble; it is also very soluble in alcohol and ether. It dissolves in alkaline solutions, forming iodides and iodates. With the metals and most of the non-metallic elements, it combines with avidity, and several of its combinations are officinal; of these, the iodides of mercury, of lead, zinc, cadmium, iron, arsenic, and sul- phur are considered under the head of their metallic elements, while the several preparations which owe their value exclusively to iodine are introduced here. Locally applied, iodine is an irritant and vesicant, staining the skin brown or orange color, causing itching, redness, and desqua- mation. This discoloration of the skin may be best removed by ammonia or by hyposulphite of soda. Applied by inunction, it is absorbed, producing its characteristic stimulating effect; inhaled as vapor in a very diluted form, vapor iodi, it exercises its alterative effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory passages. Its influence is chiefly exerted on the glandular and absorbent "systems. 136 ON THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS, ETC. The element itself and its salts are used both internally and topi- cally for an immense number of diseases requiring alterative treat- ment; when given internally, it is always in solution or combina- tion. {See Solution and Tinctures, page 138.) Potassii Iodidum. KI = 165.5. Iodide of Potassium. U. S. P. {Hydriodate of Potassa.) Potassii lodium. Iodide of Potassium. Ph. Br. This salt was formerly directed to be made by combining iodine with iron, and decomposing the iodide of iron with carbonate of potassium, precipitating the carbonate of iron, filtering, and crys- tallizing. A modification of this process is to combine 400 parts of iodine with 508 of bicarbonate of potassium and sufficient water, and then add 112 parts iron filings in divided portions ; boil, filter, evaporate, and granulate the iodide. This process, which is, in some respects, the most convenient to the pharmacist, is not adopted in the United States or British Pharmacopoeia, where the plan is prescribed of adding iodine simply to a solution of caustic potash, thus forming the mixed iodide of potassium and iodate of potas- sium (6KHO + 3I 2 = 5KI, + KI0 3 + 3H 2 0). This being heated to redness in contact with charcoal, the iodic acid, I0 3 , parts with its oxygen, and the iodate, KI0 3 , is reduced to iodide of potassium, KX The process of Liebig, as modified by W. Stevens Squire, of London, consists of treating the iodine with a small proportion of phosphorus in water, thus converting it into hyclriodic acid, which is then mixed with lime, and the iodide of calcium formed is first fused and then decomposed by sulphate of potassium into sulphate of lime, which is precipitated, and iodide of potassium, which re- mains in solution, is collected and crystallized. (See Amer. Journ. Pharm., vol. xxxiv. p. 437.) This salt is in white, shining, semi-opaque cubes, with a charac- teristic marine odor, an acrid saline taste, resembling common salt ; soluble in two-thirds its weight of cold water, and freely in alco- hol. Either chlorine, ozone, or nitric acid decomposes its solution, yielding iodine, and if starch be subsequently added, the charac- teristic blue iodide of amylum is produced. Tartaric and other acids do not liberate iodine immediately, but the acid compound, hydriodic acid (HI); hence the old name of the salt, hydriodate of potassa. Iodide of potassium is liable to adulteration with bicarbonate or carbonate of potassium ; the latter renders it very damp, and they both occasion effervescence with acids, and throw down a precipitate with sulphate of iron. Chloride of platinum should color its solu- tions reddish-brown, without causing a precipitate. The presence of a chloride maybe determined by nitrate of silver, which throws down nothing from the pure salt but iodide of silver, which is almost in- soluble in ammonia, while chloride of silver is readily soluble in it. The iodide of silver, precipitated from 10 grains of iodide of potas- sium, weighs, when washed and dried, 14.1 grains. When acetate IODINE AND ITS PREPARATIONS. 137 or nitrate of lead is added to iodide of potassium, it throws down a yellow iodide of lead, soluble in boiling water. Bromide may be detected by adding nitric acid, and observing the vapors that arise; those of bromine are red ; those of iodine purple. Sometimes iodate of potassa is present, which may be detected by tartaric acid libe- rating iodine, perceptible by the starch test. This salt contains no water of crystallization. Every four grains contain about three grains of iodine. The aqueous solution is capa- ble of taking up a large quantity of iodine, forming a liquid of a deep brown color. Iodide of potassium is considered to possess the same medicinal virtues as iodine, though preferred by some physicians to obtain the constitutional effects of the alterative. It is used very exten- sively, both alone and combined with iodine, and with other altera- tive remedies ; it is incompatible with the preparations of mercury generally, greatly increasing their activity. Dose, gr. ij to gr. v. Iodide of Calcium. Cal = 147. This is prepared, according to Malme, by treating a solution of iodide of iron with milk of lime, filtering, and evaporating. The liquid thus treated yields crystals of iodide of calcium. Although recommended as preferable to any other iodide in phthisis, it does not seem to have been much employed. The dose is from one to four grains after each meal. Iodide of Sodium. Eal = 149.6. Sodii lodidum. — This salt may be prepared from a freshly-pre- pared solution of iodide of iron or zinc, by precipitating it with pure carbonate of sodium, or by modifications of the processes men- tioned under the head of iodide of potassium, evaporating and allowing it to crystallize at a temperature exceeding 120° F., or it may be evaporated to dryness and granulated. Below the temper- ature named, it crystallizes with four equivalents of water in deli- quescent, flat, hexagonal prisms ; crystallized as above, it forms cubes which contain no water, and are very soluble in water and also in alcohol. It has been used as a substitute for iodide of potassium ; its ad- vantage over the potassium salt consists in its having 85 per cent., while the other has only 76 per cent., of iodine in combination. • Ammonii lodidum, U. S. P. NH 4 I = 144. (Iodide of Ammonium.) Take of Iodide of potassium, in coarse powder, four troyounces. Sulphate of ammonium, in coarse powder, a troyounce. Boiling distilled water, two fluidounces. Alcohol, water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix the salts, add them to the boiling water, stir well, and allow the mixture to cool ; then add a fluid ounce of alcohol, mix well, and reduce the temperature by a bath of ice-water to about 40° ; throw the mixture into a cooled glass funnel stopped with moist- 138 ON THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS, ETC. ened cotton, and when the clear solution has passed, pour upon the salt a fluidounee of a mixture of two parts of water and one of alcohol. Lastly, evaporate the solution rapidly to dryness, stirring constantly, and preserve the residue in a well-stopped bottle. It crystallizes in cubes, and is very deliquescent. It has been used as a substitute for iodide of potassium on account of the loose- ness with which the iodine is combined. It is one of the most useful of chemical agents in the hands of the photographer. Internally it has been prescribed in doses as high as 10 grains ; externally in ointments of from 9j to 3j to an ounce of lard. Tinctura Iodinii, IT. S. P. {Simple Tincture of Iodine.) To make Oj. To make fgj. Take of Iodine 3j. £>ss. Alcohol Oj. fgj. Dissolve the iodine in the alcohol. This may be done either by triturating it with successive portions of alcohol in a glass or por- celain mortar, or by circulatory displacement ; the iodine should be put into a syringe tube, the lower end of the tube dipping below the surface of the alcohol ; as the iodine dissolves, the fresh portions of alcohol rise, and continue the process till it is completed. This tincture contains one grain in 16 minims, or about 35 drops; it is not adapted to internal use, as, on the addition of water, the iodine is precipitated, and exercises its peculiar irritating topical effect on the coats of the stomach. This precipitation is partially obviated by the gradual formation of the hydriodic acid, where there is water present ; but the use of strong alcohol as the solvent is said to prevent the formation of this acid. Tincture iodi, Ph. Br., contains iodine £ oz. av., iodide potassium \ oz. av., rectified spirit 1 pint imp. It is much weaker than that of the U. S. Pharma- copoeia, and more nearly resembles the compound tincture. Tinc- ture of iodine is applied to the skin as a powerful irritant in cuta- neous and subcutaneous inflammation. In treating erysipelas, and when the surface to be treated is circumscribed, it is applied with a camel-hair brush. Tinctura Iodinii Composita^V. S. P. (Compound Tincture of Iodine.) To make Oj. To make f .ij. Take of Iodine gss gr. xv. Iodide of potassium §j gss. Alcohol Oj . fgj. Dissolve the iodine and iodide of potassium in the alcohol. This is adapted to the same use as the foregoing: by the pres- ence of the iodide of potassium, the precipitation of iodine on contact with aqueous liquids is prevented. It is weaker than Lugol's solution, and may be used internally in doses of nixv to xxx. These tinctures are included under the general head Tincturce, U. S. P., while the following is placed under the head Liquores: — BROMINE PREPARATIONS. 139 Liquor Iodinii Compositus, U. S. P. (LugoVs Solution.) To make Oj. To make f 3j. Take of Iodine Jvj gr. xxijss. Iodide of potassium £iss gr. xlv. Distilled water Oj I3J. Lugol's solution, as originally proposed, contained twenty grains of iodine, and forty of iodide of potassium, to f.ij of water; the present officinal preparation is adjusted to the proportions con- venient for a pint, and, as is seen above, is somewhat stronger. The liquor iocli, Ph. Br., contains iodine twenty grains, iodide potassium thirty grains to the fluidounce. Dose, ^ix to xx. In iodine and compound iodine ointments, U. S. P., we have nearly the same proportions as in the tinctures, substituting lard for alcohol and water. (See Extemporaneous Preparations.) Soluble Iodide of Starch. Take of Iodine 12 parts. Starch 100 parts. Ether 20 parts. Dissolve the iodine in the ether, pour the solution over the starch, triturate till the ether is evaporated ; introduce into a water-bath, and continue the heat for half an hour with occasional stirring. A portion of the iodine vapor has escaped, but tbe starch which has now become soluble will be combined with about 4 per cent, of iodine. Syrup of Iodide of Starch. Take of Iodide of starch 25 parts. Water 345 parts. Sugar 635 parts. Dissolve the iodide in the water, and add the sugar. This syrup contains one part of iodine in a thousand. Dose, a teaspoonful. Chlorides of Iodine. I,C1. I,C1 3 . There are two chlorides of iodine, both formed by the absorption of chlorine by dry iodine. When the iodine is in excess, a liquid protochloride is the result. It is a reddish or yellow liquid, of an oily consistence, sharp odor, feebly acid, astringent taste, soluble in water and alcohol. If the chlorine is added in excess, a yellow, solid, crystallizable terchloride is formed ; it fumes in the air, has an acrid odor, and is soluble in w T ater. The long-continued action of chlorine, in excess, upon iodine results in the formation of hydrochloric and iodic acids. Bromine Preparations. Bittern. The mother-liquor after the crystallization of common salt. Brominum. Heavy, very volatile liquid, sp. gr. 2.96. Ammonii Bromidum, NH 4 Br. White granular salt, gr. ij to x. Brominii Chloridum, BrCl 5 . Very powerful caustic, etc. ; fluid. Potassii bromidum, KBr. White cubical crystals. Dose, gr. v to x. Liquor ferri bromidi. Solution of bromide with excess of bromine. Dose, n\v to x. 140 ON THE NON. Brominium, U. S. P. Bromiim, Br. Ph. Bromine. Br=80. Bromine is a heavy, liquid, non-metallic element, of a red color, stilling odor, and acrid taste; very volatile and fuming, on which account it is generally kept in bottles under a stratum of water, soluble in ether and alcohol, and to a small extent in water ; it precipitates starch of an orange color. Associated with iodine in sea-water and numerous mineral springs, it is largely extracted from bittern, the liquor left after the ciystallization of common salt, whether from sea-water or from certain salt springs. The process consists in passing chlorine gas or a mixture of binoxide of manganese and muriatic acid, which liberates chlorine, into the bittern, and on distillation the bromine passes over below the boil- ing temperature. At the salt works in Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio, this bittern is preserved for the extrac- tion of the bromine, and the American bromine prepared there is fully equal to the imported article. According to Prof. Chandler, the product for the year 1870 reached 120,000 pounds, and the price has been constantly depreciating since 1867, and it is now sold at $3 00 to $4 00. Care should be taken in handling bromine, especially in warm weather, or near a fire; it boils at about 117° F., liberating stifling red fumes, which have the sp. gr. 5.39. Few vapors are so corro- sive or so dangerous to those exposed to their inhalation. Bromine has been prescribed as an antiseptic in purifying the atmosphere of hospitals where erysipelas, gangrene, scarlatina, and smallpox exist, and is used locally in some of these diseases, and internally in diphtheria, and in cases in which iodine has lost its effect from habitual use. With a view to facilitate its employment Dr. J. Lawrence Smith has proposed the following solution: — Take of Bromine A troyounce. Bromide of potassium 160 grains. Distilled water Sufficient to make f 3iv. Dissolve the bromide of potassium in about two fluidounces of water, add the bromine, agitate, and finally add the remainder of the water. It should be kept in small ground-stoppered vials. The dose of this would be from one to two drops. Bittern, as obtained from the salt works, is a heavy liquid, with- out color, and having a caustic taste and highly stimulating pro- perties. Its chief medicinal use is to produce a counter-irritant and alterative effect, and, by continued rubbing of the part, a pustular eruption. It is a useful application in rheumatism and in glandular swellings, being absorbed, and producing the alterative effects of the iodine and bromine salts. Bibron's Antidote to the Poison of the Rattlesnake. — This combina- tion has been found an efficient antidote in a number of cases of poisoning by the rattlesnake's bite. BROMINE PREPARATIONS. 141 Mix Iodide of potassium Four grains. Corrosive chloride of mercury . . Two grains. Bromine Five drachms. Diluted alcohol . . ■ . . . . . Seven nuidounces and a half. Take ten drops in a tablespoonful of brandy, repeated as required. Ammonii Bromidum. Bromide of Ammonium. AmBr. XL S. P., Br. Ph. Take of Bromine, two troyounces. Iron, in the form of wire cut in pieces, a troyounce. Water of ammonia, four nuidounces and a half. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. Add the iron and then the bromine to half a pint of distilled water contained in a two-pint glass flask, loosely cork the flask, and agitate until there is no odor of bromine and the liquid is of a greenish color. Mix the water of ammonia with half a pint of distilled water, and add it to the mixture in the flask; agitate the mixture, and heat by a water-bath for half an hour; then filter, and when the liquid has all passed, wash the precipitate on the filter with boiling distilled water. Evaporate the solution in a porcelain capsule until a pellicle begins to form, then stir it con- stantly with a glass rod at a moderate heat until it granulates. A white granular salt, becoming brown by exposure to the air, freely soluble in water, and slightly so in alcohol. It 3-ields a 3 T ellow precipitate with nitrate of silver, and the clear liquid, after the precipitate subsides, gives only a cloud on the further addition of the nitrate. Chloride of Bromine. BrCl 5 . This compound is prepared by passing a stream of chlorine gas through bromine in a freezing mixture, or at a low temperature. It is a reddish liquid, very fluid and volatile, soluble in water, and having a penetrating odor and disagreeable taste. It has been used externally as a caustic, in combination with chlorides of zinc, antimony, etc., and internally in doses of a frac- tion of a drop, as a powerful stimulant to the lymphatic system. Iodine forms two compounds with bromine, but they are little known, and not used in medicine. Potassii Bromidum, U. S. P., Br. Ph. KBr = 119. (Bromide of Potassium.) Bromide of potassium is obtained by similar processes to iodide, substituting an equivalent quantity of bromine for the iodine. It closely resembles the iodide in most of its properties, and, like it, is an anhydrous salt. It is believed to possess similar medicinal properties to iodide, acting as a powerful alterative, adapted to scrofulous and syphilitic complaints and chronic skin diseases; but its chief use is in cases of excessive wakefulness, "over-worked brain," as a remedy in epilepsy, and as a sedative to the organs of generation. Dose, 10 to 60 grains in 24 hours. Elixir of Calisaya is a good vehicle to disguise its taste. 142 ON" THE NON-METAL LIC ELEMENTS, ETC. Tests. — It is very soluble in cold water, more so in hot, slightly soluble in alcohol. By heat it decrepitates, and at a red heat fuses without decomposition or loss of weight. Its aqueous solution does not affect the color of litmus or turmeric, and is not precipi- tated by chloride of barium. When mixed with starch and heated with HS0 4 it becomes yellow ; 10 grains of it require 14.28 grains of nitrate of silver for complete precipitation, and the precipitate formed lias a yellow color. If iodine is present it will be shown by adding a few drops of chlorine water to the solution, and then introducing starch-paper, which will show the characteristic blue color caused by iodine. Monobromated Camphor. C 20 H 15 BrO 2 = 231. Thirteen ounces of camphor in small pieces are taken, and as much placed in the neck of a quart retort as will fill it; the re- mainder is put into the body of the retort, and twelve ounces of bromine are added in portions of from two to four ounces at a time, the larger portions being used at first. The neck of the re- tort is inclined upwards, so that any liquid which condenses therein will flow back into the retort. To the neck of the retort a tube is attached, which is inserted in a bottle so as to pass just below the cork. A second tube is bent twice at right angles and reaches nearly to the bottom of the bottle, and the other end extends into an open bottle containing eight ounces of water in which an alkali is dissolved for the absorption of the hydrobromic acid. After the reaction has taken place, the dark oily liquid becomes paler, and the monobromated camphor is purified by crystallizing from petroleum benzine. Further particulars may be obtained by consulting a paper by Prof. J. M. Maisch in Amer. Jonrn. of JPharm. for 1872, p. 337. It is used in doses of one or two grains, frequently repeated, in cases of infantile convulsions. It has also been used in hysteria, headache, and delirium tremens. Bromide of Sodium. EaBr == 103. This salt is prepared from bromide of ammonium by adding an equivalent quantity of caustic soda or carbonate of sodium. The solution yields on evaporation eight molecules of the anhydrous salt; at low temperatures it crystallizes in hexagonal tables con- taining two molecules of water. Its dose is about 15 per cent, less than that of bromide of potassium, ranging from 5 to 40 grains. Its taste is that of common salt. lAquor Ferri Bromidi. This preparation was introduced to notice by Dr. Gillespie, of Freeport, Armstrong Co., Pa., who, besides being a practitioner of medicine, is engaged in the bromine manufacture in connection with the salt springs near that place. Dr. G-. recommends this so- lution very highly as a tonic alterative, and it has been successfully used by numerous other practitioners. It is made by macerating PHOSPHORUS. 143 iron filings with bromine under water till they have combined, an excess of bromine being used. The solution, as made by Dr. Gillespie, is given in the dose "ivtox, three times a day, increased to "ixxv. Phosphorus. P = 31. Phosphorus has, ever since its discovery in 1669, been regarded as a substance of considerable interest, though until our time little used in the arts, and to meet only limited and unusual indications in medicine; its manufacture has, of latter years, received a great impulse from its use in the odorless matches now so extensively in- troduced. Phosphorus exists in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms variously combined, the phosphates of calcium, lead, iron, copper, and manganese being its principal native mineral com- pounds. Phosphate of calcium, potassium, and iron, and free phos- phoric acid are extensively diffused in plants, and from these sources it is furnished as a constituent of animal tissues. The bones of ani- mals contain a large proportion of triphosphate of calcium, Ca 3 P 2 8 , and are used for the preparation of phosphoric acid and phosphorus. The albuminous and fibrinous tissues, "proteine compounds,'"' and the brain contain the element phosphorus, though in minute quan- tity and in an uncertain state of combination. This element, as is well known, is a constituent in animal excrements, and especially in urine; it is diffused in the air, combined with hydrogen, and is a very important ingredient in a certain class of manures. Preparation and Properties. — Phosphorus is obtainable from bones, by calcining, treating with oil of vitriol, then subliming with charcoal, and purified. The phosphorus is thus collected, and, being cast into moulds, is found in commerce nearly colorless, in translucent or white cylinders, having a peculiar, almost waxy consistence. It is luminous in the dark, from formiug phosphorous acid (P0 3 ), and is kept under water to prevent gradual oxidation, and to guard against accident from its ready inflammability. When freshly cut it has an odor reminding of garlic, but this is overcome under ordinary conditions by the odor of ozone already referred to. It should be handled with care, and not intrusted to children, who frequently procure it for experiment, without due precaution. Its sp. gr. is 1.8. Melting point, 110° F. It is soluble in ether, oils, naphtha, and bisulphide of carbon, but not in water or alcohol. It is readily powdered by fusion in a vial or flask of moderately warm water or, preferably, diluted alcohol, and shaking up as it cools. Phosphorus, when taken internally, enters the circulation, im- parts to the breath, urine, and sweat a garlic smell, and makes these secretions luminous in the dark; it is absorbed by the skin, and after its solution in a fixed oil has been rubbed upon the stomach all the exhalations are luminous. Although possessed of very energetic properties, phosphorus is frequently employed internally. In small doses it acts as a stimu- lant, diuretic, and diaphoretic; in larger doses, one grain and more, 144 as a corrosive poison; ether and fixed oils, in which phosphorus is soluble, increase and hasten its action. Externally, in the form of liniment, it has been employed with marked success in severe rheumatism, gout, and similar affections. G-reat caution is neces- sary in its use. Red phosphorus is an allot ropic variety which is very different from the foregoing in many of its properties; it is not poisonous, but may be administered in considerable doses. If the ordinary kind is kept for several days at a temperature between 465° to 480°, red phosphorus is found at the bottom of the vessel, while the supernatant mass is a mixture of both varieties, from which the ordinary kind may be extracted by bisulphide of carbon. Red phosphorus is much less inflammable, fusible, and luminous than the ordinary kind; in the presence of moisture and oxygen it is gradually oxidized to an acid liquid, but without phospho- rescence; after having been so oxidized, it appears not to be con- vertible into the translucent or ordinary kind. Phosphorus dis- solved in cod-liver oil, or dissolved in ether and mixed with a fixed oil, is not unfrequently prescribed with a view to repair the waste of nerve tissue ; the dose under these circumstances may be one- thirtieth of a grain. A pill of phosphorus is also made, preferably by dipping it in a melted fat, and afterwards protecting the pills by gelatine or other suitable coating; but great care is necessary in giving so powerful a remedy. Black phosphorus is another allotropic variety, sometimes ob- tained by the repeated distillation of the ordinary kind, but more recently prepared by heating phosphorus with a minute quantity of mercury, from which it may be separated; it is more volatile than normal phosphorus, and is insoluble in bisulphide of carbon. The application of physiological science to the theory and practice of medicine has recently given rise to numerous experiments upon the usefulness of phosphorous compounds, as nutritive tonics de- signed to remedy abnormal conditions of the secretions, and to supply the elements wasted in disease. The late Prof. Samuel Jackson, of the Chair of Institutes in the University of Pennsylvania, whose progressive ideas have had con- siderable influence upon the methods of practice pursued in this country, was for ten or fifteen years in the habit of prescribing cer- tain preparations containing the phosphates of calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium, in the treatment of anaemic and other low forms of disease. The popularity reached by these preparations has led to the extensive introduction of other remedies prepared on the same principles, and, subsequently, the announcement by Dr. J. Francis Churchill, of Paris, of important properties in the hypophosphites, in which phosphorus is loosely combined, adapting these to the treatment of phthisis, has led to their widespread employment. These salts are described under the heads of their several metallic, alkaline, and earthy bases. Tests. — To detect impurities in phosphorus, it is best to oxidize it by nitric acid; antimony then remains undissolved, while arsenic, SULPHUR AND ITS PREPARATIONS. 145 lead, bismuth, copper, and iron may be detected by their various tests ; arsenic will produce a yellow precipitate with sulphuretted hydrogen; any sulphur present has been converted into sulphuric acid, with which nitrate of baryta causes an insoluble precipitate. The metals are left behind when phosphorus is purified by dissolv- ing it in bisulphide of carbon; sulphur is not detected in this way, but if pieces of phosphorus are just covered with water, sulphuretted hydrogen will be emitted, which produces a black color with acetate of lead. Phosphorus combines in four proportions with oxygen : — Phosphoric acid, HP 2 5 (three modifications). (See Mineral Acids.) Phosphorous acid, H 3 P 2 3 . By gradual oxidation of phosphorus in the atmosphere. Hypophosphorous acid, P 2 0. By the decomposition of the phosphuret of an alkaline earth by water. Phosphoric oxide, P 4 0. By the oxidation of phosphorus under water. The existence of the last-named compound is denied by some chemists, who assert it to be identical with amorphous (red) phos- phorus. Sulphur and its Preparations. Sulphur. Sublimed sulphur. Yellow crystalline powder. Dose, gr. x to 5'ij. " lotum praecipitatum. A light and very fine powder. " " Sulphuris iodidum, IS 2 . Blackish crystalline masses, used in ointment. Sulphur Sublimatum, IT. S. P. S = 32. (Flowers of Sulphur, Sublimed.) Sulphur is a very abundant substance in the mineral kingdom, existing in combination with the metals, as sulphides or sulphurets and sulphates. Virgin sulphur is a native, tolerably pure form, abundant in Naples, Sicily, and the Roman States, from whence it is imported. By fusion, and running into moulds, roll sulphur or rolled brimstone is prepared, while flowers of sulphur is the result of subliming and condensing it in suitable chambers. Sulphur has a characteristic yellow color, sp. gr. 1.98, it is with- out taste and without odor, entirely volatilized by heat, and com- bustible, burning with a blue color, yielding sulphurous acid gas (S0 2 ), which is a powerful disinfectant and bleaching agent- Flowers of sulphur, or sublimed sulphur, is a crystalline powder, of a harsh and gritty character; wholly insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether; soluble in oil of turpentine with the aid of heat; it is the form of sulphur much administered as an alterative and laxative remedy in small doses; being absorbed, it enters the circulation and is given off from the skin as sulphuretted hydrogen. Externally, it is used as a slight stimulant to the skin, and has the power of destroying the acarus scabiei, or itch insect, for which it is popu- larly known as a remedy. Dose, as an alterative, gr. x to 5ss; as a laxative, 3ss to 5ij, alone or combined with bitartrate of potassium. Sulphur Lotum. ( Washed Sulphur.) U. S. P. This is prepared by sifting the sulphur into a pan containing water, and when it has settled to the bottom, throwing the whole 10 146 ON THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS, ETC. on a muslin strainer and passing clear water through it till the washings show no acid reaction with litmus paper, then drying and keeping in close bottles. It is preferred by some physicians as less likely to produce griping when administered. Sulphur Prcecipitatum, TJ . S. P. (Milk of Sulphur, Lac Sulphuris.) Made by boiling sulphur and lime together till they combine, forming bisulphuret and hyposulphite of calcium, then adding muriatic acid, which abstracts the calcium, forming chloride, while the sulphur is precipitated as a bulky, light powder. This has a soft and very fine consistence, a grayish-yellow color, and is adapted to suspending in liquids, though little used internally. It should be completely volatilized by heat. Very considerable quantities are consumed in the preparation of hair dressings, in which it is generally combined with acetate of lead, and, by supplying the de- ficiency of sulphur in hair which has become white or gray, aids in restoring its color. Dose, the same as the foregoing. Sulphuris Iodidum. SI =158.3. (Bisulphuret of Iodine.) Take of Iodine §iv. Sulphur |j. Rub the iodine and sulphur together in a glass or porcelain mortar till they are thoroughly mixed. Put the mixture into a matrass, close the orifice loosely, and apply a gentle heat so as to darken the mass without melting it. When the color has become uniformly dark throughout, increase the heat so as to melt the iodide, then incline the matrass in different directions, in order to return into the mass the portions of iodine which may have con- densed on the inner surface; lastly, allow the vessel to cool, break it, and put the iodide into bottles, which are to be well stopped. A suitable vessel for a small operation is a test-tube, or a com- mon, cheap bottle should be selected thin at the bottom. The iodide is in grayish-black, radiated crystalline masses, in odor re- minding of iodine, staining the skin yellow, soluble in 60 parts of glycerin; insoluble in water, but decomposed when boiled with it. Two equivalents of sulphur are combined with one of iodine, so that it may be regarded as a bisulphuret. Internally, this is rarely or never prescribed, but it is much used in the form of ointment applied to chronic and obstinate skin diseases. Bisulphide of Carbon. CS 2 . This is prepared by passing vapor of sulphur over charcoal heated to redness in cast-iron cylinders. It is purified by repeated wash- ings with water, digestion on quicklime for twenty-four hours, and distilling it into a" vessel containing a large quantity of copper turnings. Sp.gr. 1.272. When used internally it acts as a dif- fusible~stimulant. It is largely used in the arts as a solvent, espe- cially for fatty bodies, sulphur, phosphorus, bromine, and iodine. ON THE INOKGANIC ACIDS. 147 CHAPTER III. ON THE INORGANIC ACIDS. All the inorganic acids employed in pharmacy are compounds rich in oxygen, with the exception of hydriodic, hydrochloric, hydrohromic, and hydrosulphuric, in all of which that element is wanting. The oxides formerly called by chemists acids are now termed anhydrides ; the name acid being applied to their combina- tion with water. Acids usually have a sour taste, change the blue color of litmus to red, and affect other vegetable colors similarly ; with alkalies, whether vegetable or mineral, they form neutral salts in which the properties of both the ingredients are measurably lost, while new properties are acquired. They also unite with the proper metals, forming a great variety of valuable compounds, which frequently exhibit slightly acid reactions and usually retain the peculiarities of the metal from which they are prepared, modified by the nature of the acid ingredient. The names of the mineral acids formed from the same element vary in their terminations according as the number of equivalents of oxygen they contain is high or low: thus, sulphunc acid, HS0 4 , sulphurous acid, H 2 S0 3 , Nitne, HN0 3 , Nitrons, HN0 2 , Phosphonc, H 3 P0 4 , Phosphoiws, H3PO3, Hypophosphorous, H 3 P0 2 , the degree of acidification being marked by the terminations ic and 011s, and further by hypo, which indicates the acid containing less oxygen than that to which its name allies it, or per or hyper, which indi- cates a higher oxidation. The strong acids act upon cork, and should be kept in ground- stoppered bottles, which, as made of extra strength, of green glass, are called acid bottles. Unless the stopper and neck are very well ground and fitted to each other, they require to be cemented or luted together to prevent the escape of the acid ; this may be done by warming the stopper in the flame of a spirit lamp, and inserting it in the neck of the bottle till the two surfaces are dried and warmed, then coating it with a thin stratum of melted wax, and inserting it securely in its place, and tying it over with kid or bladder. The more common mineral acids are found in commerce of three qualities ; the commonest and cheapest, used for manu- facturing purposes, the medicinally pure, M. P., and the chemically pure C. P. The use of the latter is chiefly in analysis. The specific gravity furnishes a ready means of testing the strength of the liquid acids, and the Pharmacopoeia indicates this with precision in each case. 148 O^ THE INORGANIC ACIDS. The mineral acids generally belong to the class of tonics with refrigerant and astringent properties. Externally, they are caustic, and require to be applied with care, as many know from experience who have used them, nitric acid especially, for warts. JSTitric acid is also used as an alterative in syphilitic and other forms of disease, and nitro-muriatic acid for its effect upon the liver in hepatic diseases. Acids are apt to injure the teeth, upon which they also produce a very unpleasant and characteristic sensation. To obviate this in taking them, they should be largely diluted, and should be sucked through a small glass tube, which may be made by scratching a piece of the tube sold in the shops with a file ; this enables the operator to break it at the point required, and then, by heating the sharp broken edges over an alcohol or gas flame till the glass melts, a rounded edge is left. One of the most important facts in connection with the strong mineral acids is their occasional use accidentally, or for suicide, in poisonous doses. They are among the most powerful of poisons, owing to their corrosive properties producing the most painful and dangerous symptoms. The best antidotes are large draughts of alkaline and oily liquids ; the alkali to neutralize the acid, and the oil to obtund its action upon the delicate mucous surfaces. Fre- quently the most ready resort on such emergencies is soap, which should be made into a very strong solution and given ad libitum. Of the mineral acids, the following are used in medicine, and, except those in Italics, are officinal in the U. 8. Pharmacopoeia of 1870:— Syllabus of Mineral Acids. Name. Composition, etc. Sp. gr. Dose, etc. Acid, arseniosum As 2 3 . See Preparations of Arsenic. H 3 B0 3 +2H 2 crystals 5 measures C0 2 to 1 water (aq. ac. carbonic.) CrO, deep red crystals 1.479 1*160 1.038 1.420 1.068 1.&43 1.082 l.'()35 1.056 1.1*12 To S rain - gr. x to 3j ? Caustic. " boracicum " carbonicum Gaseous HCl-j- water n\ iij to v. TT^ xv to XXX. tt\J toiv - TTLJ to iv. TT^ xv to XXX. n\ iij to v. nx xv to xxx. tt\J t( > y- " " dilutum ^j in f^iv diluted acid 2HN0 3 4-3H 2 2HNO s +3H 8 0+N a O s 2iij in Oj diluted acid " nitromuriaticum " " dilutum " sulphuricum ^iij nitric to ^v muriatic §j in f§iv dilute acid HS0 4 5ij in f5xvj dilute acid rr^ xv to xxx. TT^ XV tO XXX. Externally. " " aromat " sulphurosum -[-Alcohol, cinnamon, ginger... HJSO,, in solution " phosphoricum glaciale.. " " dilutum.. H 3 P0 4 (variable) §j to f|xij water-f HN0 3 ^ij... HBr Liquid HI-}- water Gaseous H 2 S in solution H„PC\,4-9 aq gr. ij to iij. rr\, xv to xxx. " hydriodicum " hydrosulphuric ? n\, xv to xxx. (Test, etc.) " hypophosphorous " chlorohydrocyanicum... " sulphohydrocyanicum .. TT\, xv to xxx. Externally. AQUA AC1DI CARBONICI. 149 Acidam Carbonicurn. C0 2 =44. This acid ordinarily exists as a gas, though capable of being liquefied and even reduced to a solid form by pressure. It is an invariable constituent of the atmosphere, being exhaled from the lungs of animals and given off from fermenting saccharine liquids and from the combustion of carbonaceous fuel. It is artificially procured by the decomposition of carbonates by any of the strong acids; chalk and marble dust, carbonates of calcium, are the two principal minerals employed for the purpose, and sulphuric or muri- atic acid is selected for cheapness and availability. The application of heat is unnecessary, the gas easily escaping with effervescence. It should be passed through a vessel of water to deprive it of any soluble impurity. This gas extinguishes flame, does not support animal life, and is distinguished by rendering lime-water turbid in consequence of converting the hydrate of lime in solution into the insoluble carbonate. The specific gravity of this gas as compared with lrfdrogen gives its combining number 44, compared with atmospheric air it is 1.529 (53 per cent, heavier than the air). Cold water dissolves rather more than an equal volume of this gas, and the solution sparkles when decanted. The most important uses of carbonic acid to the manufacturing pharmacist are in the preparation of the bicarbonates of sodium and potassium and of carbonic-acid water, misnamed soda water. Aqua Acidi Carbonici, U. S. P. This solution is directed to be made by throwing into a receiver nearly filled with water, a quantity of carbonic acid gas equal to five times the bulk of the water ; this is to be done by connecting the fountain with a generator by means of suitable pipes and coup- lings. The receiver, which is called a fountain, is usually made of cop- per lined with tin, of the capacity of 15 gallons. A majority of pharmacists purchase the carbonic-acid water from the regular manufacturers, either owning or hiring the fountains ; but those to whom the sale of the article as a beverage is a source of sufficient profit to justify the expense frequently have apparatus for manu- facturing it on the premises. In the first edition of this work two of these were figured, but as they are described in the illustrated circulars of the makers, which are numerous and accessible to all who wish to acquaint themselves with their relative advantages and prices, I omit them here and insert the following convenient form of apparatus. Fig. 171 represents a French gasogene, such as are imported of various sizes, from one quart to five gallons capacity. This is a strong glass vessel consisting of two bulbs joined to- gether at their point of union by a tube of about half an inch bore extending into the upper one to near the top. The upper bulb is surmounted by a metallic cap, on to which is screwed a draught pipe with a valve, opened by pressing with the thumb upon the 150 ON THE INORGANIC ACIDS. button at the upper extremity of a rod ; attached to this draught pipe is a long glass tube of small diameter, passing through the larger tube, occupying the central space, to near the bottom of the apparatus. The object of this mode of construction is to permit the charging of water, placed in the lower bulb, with gas gene- rated from carbonated alkali and acid placed in the upper bulb, without contaminating the water with the salts. Fig. 172 shows a section of the upper part, with the mode of filling the lower bulb with water by a long funnel, O H< © £3 Ojeoco^mfowO* T e !>: "* oq co -h -* *— :,-h •S a WiOt^coooooOo $■» ^3 S OiC^CMCO-^CSOil,-! O T3 GQ*3 «N.S O S£io ai ?q tjJ O tjh P d THrHi-IC m p P <1 rH»— li— 1 OJcq rH i— 1 ,g CO O3GQ*- £ a .3 ^ ©QOO^^'d^r-i ount of ca her in chei t. by weig' to CO o En o 1— 1 H P H 0Q HHlMlNCCCNHH .3 H— 1 C3 P d "tO £ CO 03 .-. ■S £ o % 00 ©P CO 00 CM IOCS r-lCQCQ(MCO — ' mount mount a-juice &.P g'S-S'S e^ 03 03 o •53 « 2 itric Acid (H 3 C, artaric Acid, H. arbonate of Pot icarbonate of P arbonate of Sod icarbonate of S< arbonate of Am arb. of Magnes. 03 03 £ HPP quivalent of Sodii for othe W Or-OPOPOO OJ.QOO-rH OO^H hhNQOCO 03 c c 03 C C ^2 ^2 03 O 03 P o W p X X 03 03 O O P P b ?= 3 d X •x CK C3 03 c3 g G c»p O 03 03 O SP P^ fl O "o o _2 *yi , — i ^£•-•2 .2 O 03 02c^<1^ O 03 O O 03 "^ 03 03 03 5 03 03 d 2 d d o T, o o -g 03-grO o3 -2 o3 03 OPOO o O 03 C^J .3 CO §J> - ^ol^ is .„ 03 03 d £^3 O rj O S 3 .-§ ' a .3 a E2 Ph 03^.g O ^ 03 *3 ^ bJOd g & 3 'd C 03 ° I 3 rc .2 o O ^, QQ M P bOc^ c3 ^oo °t ° || $ o 03 II 03 - 03 ,^-t c d ,Q^ 03 03 .gO « S 03 X' P O g CO ' ' ° H -s £ K^ g 03 .d o fcc-g C3 COH g -73 *d ^> 03 tn d "o3 Sh bo o aT o d o ^d 'd 'o C3 ^ H o3 d ^3^ O.S "O *3 ^ d < .^ 1— I r— 03 03 ,cS o C^l § 03 ^ .. "£ 03 I— i . " 2 J3 d 3 * . *5, -% £ ^ _ oq d a g d o a bog- c3 ■T5 .S 03 03 ro 03 r^2 O ^ fnCO CO O c+_ ,rH ^ O » « Q) rf 03 ^ g r-i ^ s EH ,5 o <•-< 'S, o 03 'S ^ ° .d° £ H^ S^ ^P "$P 3.5 03 °*d CO ,r CUBIC NITRE. 169 The Alkalies and their Salts. Group 1.— Alkaline Salts— Prepared from Natural Mineral Deposits. Potassii nitras, KN0 3 . From incrustations on the soil in India and elsewhere. Salprunelle, KN0 3 . Fused with a little sulphur, and containing a trace of sulphate. Potassii chromas, K 2 ,Cr0 4 . From chrome iron ore and nitrate of potassium by fusion, etc. Potassii bichromas, K 2 .Cr0 4 ,Cr0 3 . From chromate by an acid. Potassii bisulphas, KI1S0 4 . The residuum of the process for nitric acid. Potassii sulphas, K 2 S0 4 . By adding KO to the residuum of the process for nitric acid. Sodii boras, 2NaB0 2 ,2HB0 2 ,9H 2 0. Found native in Thibet, and purified. Sodii nitras, NaN0 3 . Found native in desert in Peru. Sodii tungstas, NaW0 4 . From native tungstate of calcium. Sel de Vichy, Na 2 C0 3 . By separating Vichy spring water. Lithia, LiO. Existing in several minerals and mineral waters. Lithii carbonas, LiC0 3 . Precipitated by carb. ammonium from the chloride. Potassii Nitras.. (Nitre. EN"0 3 .) Nitre, or Saltpetre, is imported from the East Indies, where it is extracted from the soil by mixing them with a little wood-ashes, lixiviating with water, and crystallizing. It is refined in this country by recrystallization, and then exists in large six-sided, nearly colorless prisms, anhydrous, soluble in four parts of cold water, and with a cooling, rather sharp taste. Among the uses of nitrate of potassium in pharmacy, are the preparation of nitric acid, of spirit of nitric ether, and of collodion. Owing to the immense consumption of it in a pure form by the manufacturers of gunpowder, they are resorted to for procuring the best qualities for medicinal use. Dupont, near Wilmington, Dela- ware, furnishes a fine article both in crystals and in the form of a granular powder. It is one of the most popular of the refrigerant, diuretic, and sedative medicines. Dose, gr. v to 9j. In over- doses it acts as a corrosive poison. Test. — Much of the saltpetre of commerce is adulterated with nitrate of sodium and chloride of sodium (common salt). In the absence of these, 100 grains of the dry salt, treated with 60 grains of sulphuric acid, and the whole ignited in a crucible till it ceases to lose weight, yield 86 grains of sulphate of potassium. The presence of chlorides may be shown by treating a weak solution with a few drops of solution of nitrate of silver, which would throw down a white insoluble precipitate of chloride of silver. Sal Prunelle. — This is fused saltpetre run into round moulds about the size of a filbert, of a white color, and possessing the properties of the nitrate. From the use of sulphur in its fusion, it often con- tains sulphate of potassium. It is used to dissolve in the mouth in affections of the throat. Sodii Nitras. (Cubic Nitre. Na,ls0. y ) This salt is found in the desert of Atacama, in Peru, where it forms beds of vast extent. The natural deposits contain chlorides and sulphates of sodium, and other bases in variable proportions. The native salt, therefore, requires to be purified by recry stall iza- 170 THE ALKALIES AND THEIR SALTS. tion from twice its weight of boiling water, when it is generally sufficiently pure for medicinal purposes. It is used in the manu- facture of sulphuric and nitric acids, and of manures. In a state of purity, suitable for use in medicine, it may be made by neutral- izing carbonate of sodium with nitric acid, evaporating, and crys- tallizing. It has been highly recommended in dysentery in a dose of from half an ounce to an ounce in a day, in mucilage. It crystallizes in rhombohedrons, detonates less violently than salt- petre upon burning charcoal, when it shows a yellow flame. Its solution in distilled water is not disturbed by any reagent, except those few precipitating the soda ; chlorides are detected as above. Potassii Chromas. K 2 ,Cr0 4 . This salt is obtained in large manufactories as a preliminary step to the preparation of the bichromate, by melting powdered chrome iron ore (FeO,Cr 2 3 ) with saltpetre, dissolving it out with water, evaporating, and crystallizing. For pharmaceutical use it may be conveniently made by adding carbonate of potassium to a solution of the bichromate until it has acquired a slight alkaline reaction. It occurs in lemon-yellow prisms of a bitter, almost styptic taste, requiring little more than two parts of water at 60° for its solution, which has an alkaline reaction ; it is insoluble in alcohol. It is an irritating resolvent, alterative, and emetic ; the dose is one-eighth of a grain every two or three hours ; or from 2 to 4 grs. as an emetic. It is used in the preparation of a cheap writing fluid with extract of logwood. Potassii Bichromas. K 2 ,Cr0 4 ,Cr0 3 . This salt is prepared from chromate of potassium, by adding to a solution of the latter sulphuric acid, which abstracts an equiva- lent of the base from two of the chromate, and leaves one equiva- lent of the bichromate in solution. As obtained in commerce it is sufficiently pure for medicinal purposes ; it crystallizes in prisms, which are isomorphous with the anhydrous bisulphate of potas- sium, but the latter, owing to its greater solubility in water, can be easily removed by recrystallization if present. Bichromate of potassium has an orange-red color and a cooling, bitter, metallic taste; it is soluble in 10 parts of water at ordinary temperature, but is insoluble in alcohol. It has been employed as a powerful alterative in the dose of o'o to T V grain, repeated two or three times daily. In larger doses, f to 1 grain, it acts as an emetic, but its use is dangerous on account of its irritating poisonous properties. It has been externally em- ployed as a caustic and irritant in the form of a concentrated solu- tion, and in powder. In pharmacy it is employed as an oxidizing agent in the preparation of valerianic acid. Tests. — Muriatic acid or common salt is detected by nitrate of silver; sulphuric acid or sulphate of potassium by chloride of barium; salts of sodium by antimoniate of potassium; lime and BORAX. 171 magnesia (as nitrates, from imperfect purification) by carbonate of potassium ; metallic oxides by sulphuretted hydrogen and ferrocya- nide of potassium. Potassii Bisulphas. {Bisulphate of Potassium. KHS0 4 .) Contained in the residuum of the preparation of nitric acid from nitrate of potassium, or obtained from the neutral sulphate by fusing it together with an excess of sulphuric acid, and recrystallizing it. It is readily soluble in water, and has a bitter acid taste; it con- tains 2H 2 0. It is used occasionally in cases of constipation when the tonic effect of an acid is desired. The dose is one or two drachms. Potassii Sulphas. ( Vitriolated Tartar. K 2 ,S0 4 .) Sulphate of potassium is prepared from bisulphate, the residuum left after treating nitrate of potassium with sulphuric acid, for the distillation of nitric acid; it is also a residuary product in the manufacture of sulphuric and of tartaric acid. To obtain the sul- phate from bisulphate, lime is added, which on boiling abstracts the excess of sulphuric acid, and is precipitated as sulphate of cal- cium ; by boiling with carbonate of potassium the excess of lime and sulphate of calcium is removed, and the sulphate of potassium is then obtained pure by crystallization. The crystals are hard, heavy, and usually regular in their shape, being short six-sided prisms, terminated by corresponding pyramids. It is slowly soluble in 9 J times its weight of cold and less than 4 times its weight of boiling water. It consists of one equivalent of sulphuric acid 96, and one of potassium 78.2 = 174.2. It is used in the preparation of Dover's powder, but in this country is rarely given alone or in any other combination. It is esteemed a cathartic in doses of 3j to 3\j? and often prescribed as such in Europe, especially in cases of pregnancy. Tests. — Lime or its sulphate is detected by oxalate of potassium; muriatic acid or chlorides by nitrate of silver; metallic oxides by sulphuretted hydrogen. It is not often adulterated or sophisticated. Sodii Boras. {Borax. 2¥aB0 2 ,2HB0 2 ,9H 2 0.) Borax is found native in Thibet, and imported in a crude condi- tion from India, also manufactured from native boracic acid in Tuscany. In its refined condition it is in large and handsome white crystals, semi-transparent, with slight alkaline reaction, and slightly alkaline not disagreeable taste, soluble in 12 parts of cold water. Borax consists of two equivalents of boracic acid and one of sodium. The proportion of water of crystallization appears to vary with the process of crystallization, though generally, as stated in the syllabus, ten equivalents. This salt is called fo'-borate of sodium, because it contains two equivalents of its acid constituent, and 5w6-borate of sodium because it is alkaline in its reaction. It is thus anomalous in its relation to nomenclature. 172 THE ALKALIES AND THEIR SALTS. It is a diuretic and antacid, and by some is said to promote con- traction of the uterus, to which end it is associated with ergot. It is a very favorite addition to gargles and mouth-washes — being much prescribed for the sore mouth of infants, triturated with sugar, 1 part to 7, and touched to the tongue, or blown into the mouth through a quill. It is remarkable for its whitening effect upon ointment, upon which it seems to act by its sub-alkaline properties, partially saponi- fying them without materially diminishing their bland and emol- lient effects. Tests. — Alum is detected by a white precipitate occasioned by carb. of potassium; metallic oxides by sulphuretted hydrogen; sul- phuric acid by nitrate of barium, if the precipitate is insoluble in water; muriatic acid by nitrate of silver, if the precipitate is insolu- ble in nitric acid. Tungstate of Sodium. Na,W0 4 4- 2H 2 0. This salt has been introduced as a preservative of cotton and other textile materials from lire. Tungstic acid consists of three equivalents of oxygen combined with one of the metal tungsten; it is obtained from the native tungstate of calcium by digesting it with hydrochloric acid; chloride of calcium is dissolved, and tungstic acid precipitates. It is also obtained from wolfram, a native tung- state of manganese and iron, by digesting it in nitrohydrochloric acid, which dissolves the oxides of iron and manganese, and leaves the tungstic acid as a yellow powder. This acid is quite insoluble in water and acids, but dissolves in alkaline solutions. Tungstate of sodium may be formed by fusing the wolfram with carbonate of sodium, and digesting in water, which dissolves out the sodium salt, and on evaporation yields it in crystals containing two equivalents of water. The mode of using it upon clothing to be protected from fire is as follows: — To three parts of good (dry) starch, add one part of tungstate of sodium, and use the starch in the ordinary way. If the material does not require starching, mix in the proportion of one pound of tungstate of sodium to two gallons of water — well saturate the fabric with this solution, and dry it. The heat of the iron in no way affects the non-inflammability of the fabric. Vichy Salt for making Artificial Vichy Water. There are two saline substances under this name, obtained by evaporating the water of the celebrated Vichy spring, in Germany ; the one, consisting chiefly of carbonate of sodium, crystallizes out when the waters are evaporated to a sp. gr. of about 1.200; the other is produced by evaporating to such an extent that^ the resid- ual saline mass sets upon cooling, and therefore contains nearly if not quite all the mineral constituents not susceptible of decom- CARBONATE OF LITHIUM. 173 position by the process. The first of these salts is used for making Vichy water extemporaneously, the second for baths. Lithia. LiO=23. This alkali is the oxide of a rare metal resembling sodium, which floats on rock oil, and is the lightest of all known solids. Sp. gr. .5986. It belongs to the class of alkalies, as its carbonate is solu- uble and has an alkaline reaction. Lithia exists in small quantities in the minerals spodumene or triphane, petalite, and lepidolite, but the most abundant source of it has been a native phosphate Triphylene, found in Bavaria, con- sisting of phosphates of iron, manganese, and lithium. This mine- ral is dissolved in hj'drochloric acid, the iron peroxidized by £T0 3 , the solution diluted, and the phosphate of iron thrown down by ammonia. The manganese is removed byH 2 S, and the Altered liquid on evaporation calcined and treated with alcohol, which takes up the chloride of lithium. This source of lithia is said to be now exhausted. It is also prepared from lepidolite or lithium mica, in which it is associated with silica, alumina, and potash, and from the waters of Kreuznach, in Prussia, and of certain mineral springs of Baden. All the salts of lithium impart a red color to flame, similar to that from strontium ; sodium hides this color. The double phos- phate of lithium and sodium is a very insoluble salt, requiring 1400 parts of water at 59° for solution; hence, phosphate of sodium is used as a test for its soluble salts. Lithii Carbonas. (Carbonate of Lithium, Li,C0 3 = 36.95.) Carbonate of lithium is slowly precipitated from a solution of chloride by the addition of carbonate of ammonium in excess ; it is then washed with alcohol and dried. In the year 1843, Alexander Ure, of London, drew attention to an observation of Lipowitz, that a solution of carbonate of lithium exerts a remarkable solvent power upon uric acid, and suggested that advantage might be taken of this fact by injecting into the bladder such a solution, with a view to dissolve or disintegrate uric acid calculi. In 1857, Dr. Garrod, of London, commenced its administration internally in cases of gouty diathesis and chronic gout. The atomic weight of this alkali being very low, it possesses a propor- tionate saturating power upon acids, and it has been found by ex- periments that carbonate of lithium will dissolve urate of sodium from a piece of gouty cartilage more efficiently than either bicar- bonate of potassium or of sodium. Dr. Garrod found that in doses of one to four grains, dissolved in water, and repeated two or three times a day, it produced no physiological symptoms, but exerted a marked influence in cases where the patients were voiding uric acid gravel, causing the formation of these deposits to diminish and 174 THE ALKALIES AND THEIR SALTS. even to cease. In gout it is found to diminish the frequency and severity of the attacks. The carbonate is a white powder, having a decidedly alkaline taste, not unlike that of bicarbonate of sodium ; it requires about 100 times its weight of water for solution. For internal use the solution is made very dilute, and, advantage being taken of the solvent action of carbonic acid, it is usually dissolved in the pro- portion of five to ten grains in a half pint of carbonic-acid water. Dose, a wineglassful three or four times a day. In cases of gout, where more decidedly alkaline solutions are indicated, it may be associated with bicarbonate of sodium or of potassium. The maximum dose is four grains three times a day. Group 2. — Salts, Starting with Wood-ashes. Potash. Lixivium from ashes of forest trees evaporated to a dark hard mass. Potassii carbonas irapura. Ignited potash. Pearlash. Saleratus. Dry pearlash subjected to gaseous C0 2 . Potassii carbonas, K 2 C0 3 ,3H 2 0. Solution pearlash filtered and granulated. Potassii bicarbonas, KHC0 3 . Passing C0 2 into solution carbonate, etc. Potassii carbonas pura, K 2 C0 3 ,3H 2 0. Calcining bicarbonate, granulating. Liquor potassse. Boiling carbonate with hydrate lime, sp. gr. 1.065. Potassa, KHO. Evaporating liquor potassse to dryness, and fusing. Potassa cum calce. Equal parts potassaa and lime triturated and sometimes fused together. Potasii acetas, 2KAc. Neutralizing acetic acid with carbonate, and crystallizing. Potassii citras, 3KCi. Neutralizing citric acid with carbonate, and granulating. Liquor potassii citratis. A variety of extemporaneous processes. Potassii phosphas, 2KH 3 P0 4 . By combining 3HP0 4 with 2 eq. K 2 C0 3 . Potassi hypophosphis, KH 3 P0 2 . By precipitating hypophosphite lime with carbonate potassium. Potassii chloras, 2K,C10 3 . Passing excess of chlorine through solution potassae. Sodii chloras, NaC10 3 . Decomposing chlorate of potassium with bitartrate of sodium. Potassii silicas. Fusing together silica and K 2 C0 3 . Potassii picras. Saturating picric acid with KHO. It is remarkable that the only available source of carbonates of potassium is from the combustion of vegetable organizations, which, by absorbing the salts of the alkalies in solution in the water per- meating the soil, have assimilated these into their structure, and on their combustion they are obtained in the ashes, remaining un- consumed. By lixiviating the ashes of forest trees and evaporating the lye, potash is obtained, and by subjecting this to the action of flame it is converted into pearlash. Potash and pearlash, though important in their relations to the arts and to domestic economy, are seldom employed in medicine, except in the preparation of the other forms of caustic and carbo- nated alkali, and the other salts of potassium enumerated in the table. Saleratus is a useful and tolerably pure sesquicarbonate of potas- sium, prepared by subjecting pearlash to the fumes of fermenting substances, from which it absorbs additional carbonic acid. It occupies a position intermediate between the carbonate and bicar- bonate, and is much used in baking to furnish the carbonic acid which raises the bread, rendering it light and porous. Light cakes BICARBONATE OF POTASSIUM. 175 made with it are generally considered less objectionable by dyspep- tics than those made with yeast. Recently most of the saleratus of the shops is an imperfectly carbonated bicarbonate of sodium. In the last edition of the British Pharmacopoeia a series of test solutions has been directed, termed volumetric solutions from the fact that each measure of them (by volume) contains a definite quantity of the given chemical ; and when a given volume of test liquid is consumed, it is at once known how much of the chemical has been used; then by the table of equivalents the purity of the chemical tested by the volumetric solution can be ascertained at once. The facility with which these solutions can be used makes it a subject of surprise that they have not been introduced much more generally long since, as the same method has been employed in assays of silver by Gay-Lussac's method for nearly if not quite fifty years. Potassii Carbonas. (Salt of Tartar. K 2 C0 3 3II 2 0.) Made by dissolving pearlash in an equal weight of cold water, filtering or decanting to separate insoluble matters, and evaporating, stirring actively so as to form a granular powder, which is very deliquescent, and usually contains water in the proportion of three equivalents to every two of salt. It is soluble in its weight of water. It contains traces of sulphate of potassium and chloride of potassium, which do not interfere with its medicinal uses ; it also contains silica in the form of silicate of potassium, which, on absorbing C0 2 from the air, is precipitated. Dose, gr. x to 3ss, largely diluted, as an antacid; externally it is prescribed in lotions containing 3\j to Oj of water. A new source of supply for the potassium salts has been lately pointed out by Mr. Herbert Hazard, viz., the ashes of the corn-cob. (See Amer. Journ. Pharm., 1872, page 152.) Potassii Bicarbonas. (Bicarbonate of Potassium. K,HC0 3 .) Made by passing carbonic acid gas (generated by the action of diluted sulphuric or muriatic acid on chalk or marble) into a solu- tion of carbonate of potassium in about three parts of water unto saturation, then evaporating at a heat not exceeding 160°, and crystallizing. This operation may be conducted with an arrangement of bottles such as is shown in Fig. 166, the gas being passed through water to free it from impurities, and then discharged into the solution of carbonate in a beaker or other suitable containing vessel. The point of saturation may be judged proximately by the bubbles of gas ceasing to diminish in size as they escape through the body of the solution. If the solution is saturated, the formation of crystals will com- mence in the containing vessel as soon as the requisite quantity of the gas has been absorbed. The rationale of the process is, that the carbonate of potassium, having a strong affinity for carbonic acid, is 176 THE ALKALIES AND THEIR SALTS. converted into bicarbonate by absorbing an additional equivalent, a reaction which, in this instance, requires one equivalent of water, which gives to this salt a determinate and uniform composition — K 2 C0 3 -j- H 2 + C0 2 = 2KHC0 3 . Bicarbonate of potassium is in large transparent crystals, with a mild alkaline taste, soluble in about four parts of water. The uniformity of this salt fits it for use as a test for the strength of acids, and it is directed in the Pharmacopoeia as the test to ascer- tain the strength of acids, which it neutralizes in the ratio of their strength. The following table exhibits the proportion of bicarbonate of potassium which neutralizes 100 grains of each of the acids named : — Acetic acid, strong, 60 grains. Diluted, 7.5 grains. Diluted nitric acid, 20 grains. Diluted sulphuric acid, 25 grains. Citric acid, crystallized, 150 grains. Tartaric acid, crystallized, 133.5 grains. Tests. — The bicarbonates, if fully bicarbonated, do not precipitate sulphate of magnesium, by which they may be known from car- bonates. The presence of monocarbonate of potassium is proved by a red- dish precipitate occasioned with corrosive sublimate. A precipitate by an excess of caustic alkalies shows the presence of earthy or metallic oxides. A residue after treating the salt with nitric acid, evaporating and redissolving in water, proves the presence of silicic acid ; a precipi- tate in this solution, with silver or baryta salts, indicates muriatic or sulphuric acid. By being calcined, this salt loses 30.7 grains of water and carbonic acid, forming the pure carbonate of the Pharmacopoeia. Uses. — As a medicine, bicarbonate of potassium acts as a direct and efficient antacid, more pleasant and efficient than bicarbonate of sodium and more acceptable to the stomach than the carbonate. It readily neutralizes free acid in the stomach ; the excess being absorbed renders the blood and urine decidedly alkaline, and it is hence considered alterative in its action. It is used to liberate car- bonic acid, and for making the saline preparations of potassa is preferred to carbonate, being free from silica. Dose, 9j to 3j- Potassii Carbonas Pura. The ignition of the potash forming pearlash deprives it of organic matter, and brings it more completely into the condition of a carbo- nate. The solution, filtration, and granulation of this deprive it of some inorganic impurities, but leave it contaminated with silica. Charging it with a further dose of carbonic acid precipitates this impurity; and, finally, calcination at a red heat will drive off the additional dose of carbonic acid and the water of crystallization, and leave the pure carbonate. This is directed to be dissolved Metallic chimney SOLUTION OF POTASSA. 177 and granulated, by which it will absorb water as in the case of the ordinary carbonate. The only use to which it is applied is as a test, and when absolute purity is required. An iron crucible is directed in the Pharmacopoeia for this purpose, but a porcelain or a platinum crucible will serve in small operations. Fig. 174 shows the mode of suspending a cru- cible of small size over a gas lamp chimney by a bent wire; a similar arrangement may be adopted in using the Russian or other alcohol lamps. I have illustrated and described this more fully, be- cause on a small scale it is readily practicable, and and "crucible it is frequently difficult to obtain the chemically port. pure carbonate. Formerly this was directed to be prepared by igniting bitartrate of potassium, hence the name salt of tartar now frequently applied to both the carbonates. Sesquicarbonate of Potassium. — Under this name the "Eclectic" practitioners prescribe an alkaline powder prepared by dissolving bicarbonate in water and evaporating " by means of heat raised a very few degrees above the boiling point," till " sufficiently concen- trated," the resulting precipitate is then dried by "a gentle heat." It is well ascertained that the bicarbonate of potassium loses C0 2 by an elevation of temperature, but it is nonsense to claim for it that as thus prepared it is a true sesquicarbonate. This powder is described as being permanent in dry air, while the ordinary car- bonate is deliquescent. The synonym "vegetable caustic" applied to it in Dr. King's Dispensatory is more properly applied to caustic potassa, KHO. Liquor Potassce, U. S. P. (Solution of Caustic Potassa.) Reduced. Take of Bicarbonate of potassium, fifteen troyounces .... gxv. Lime, nine troyounces £ix. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. Dissolve the bicarbonate in four pints (reduced, f^viij) of distilled water, and heat the solution until effervescence ceases. Then add distilled water to make up the loss by evaporation, and heat the solution to the boiling point. Mix the lime with four pints (re- duced, f o viij) of distilled water, and, having heated the mixture to the boiling point, add it to the alkaline solution, and boil for ten minutes. Then transfer the whole to a muslin strainer, and, when the liquid portion has passed, add sufficient distilled water, through the strainer, to make the strained liquid measure seven pints (re- duced, fsxiv). Lastly, keep the liquid in well-stopped bottles of green glass. Solution of potassa, thus prepared, has the specific gravity of 1.065, and contains five and eight-tenths per cent, of hydrate of potassa. An improved process, by John Abraham, of Liverpool, directs 12 178 THE ALKALIES AND THEIR SALTS. that the carbonate of potassium be put into a stoneware vessel and the water added, then to boil, and then to add little by little the hydrate of lime, stirring during half an hour; after subsidence the solution may be poured off clear. A practical advantage is gained by adding the hydrate of lime to the alkaline solution, instead of vice versa. Solution of potassa may also be prepared in the following manner: — Take of Potassa, a troy ounce (reduced, gss). Distilled water, a pint (reduced, f^j). Dissolve the potassa in the distilled water, and allow the solution to stand until the sediment subsides. Then pour off the clear liquid and keep in well-stoppered bottles of green glass. This preparation, by the first process as above, may be con- veniently made with the apparatus ordinarily at hand. An evap- orating dish and two beaker glasses, or salt-mouth bottles of sufficient size, and a strainer stretched over a frame or funnel are sufficient. The use of a strainer may be avoided by allowing the precipitated carbonate of calcium to subside, and drawing off the liquid with a siphon, or decanting it carefully. The second process is chiefly resorted to extemporaneously, and by those who use but small portions ; it is only satisfactory where the caustic potassa is of standard quality; as frequently found in drug stores, it is deteriorated by deliquescence and the absorption of carbonic acid. This solution is a colorless liquid with an intensely acrid taste ; sp. gr. 1.065. It should not effervesce with acids or precipitate when mixed with two or three measures of strong alcohol. Metallic impurities are detected as in the case of bicarbonate of potassium. It has a very strong affinity for carbonic acid, which it continually abstracts from the air. It attacks flint glass; hence the direction to keep it in green glass bottles. Its effect upon the skin is to produce an oily or soapy sensation, due to the destruction of the cuticle; it also destroys or greatly injures vegetable fibre. Its use in medicine is chiefly confined to neutralizing free acid in the stomach and in the secretions. It is applied to the treatment of scrofulous and cutaneous affections, and to the arrest of the uric acid deposits in the urine. The dose is from n\,v to f3ss. When given internally, it should be largely diluted with milk. Dr. E. "Wilson, of this city, has used it with success in a case of extreme obesity for reducing the accumulation of fat ; by pushing the dose, dilated as above, to ^1x1 three times a day, his patient, a female, lost 48 lbs. weight in a few months, so that from weighing 198 lbs. at the commencement of the treatment, she weighed only 150 lbs. at its close. Potassa, U. S. P. ( Vegetable Caustic, Caustic Potassa, Hydrate of Potassa. KEO.) This preparation is made from the foregoing by evaporating it in an iron vessel to dryness, fusing it, and running it into moulds. POTASSII ACETAS. 179 It is usually found in the shops of two qualities — one in sticks somewhat thicker than a quill, of a bluish-gray color and peculiar earthy odor; the other quite white, frequently thinner than the other, and more free from organic impurities. It is so deliquescent as to become moist on exposure for a few minutes to the air, and should be kept well and tightly closed ; sometimes a few coriander seeds are placed with it in the bottle ; they keep it dryer, and pre- vent its contact with the glass, upon which it acts. It is a very powerful caustic, destroying the part to which it is applied, and producing a deep eschar. Its chief use is in opening abscesses, forming issues, etc. One of its chief disadvantages for these applications arises from its deliquescence, which occasions the spread of its corrosive influence to adjacent parts. Potassa cum Calce, U. S. P. Take of Potassa, Lime, of each, a troyounce. Rub them together into a powder, and keep the mixture in a well-stopped bottle. This powder is designed to be applied in the form of paste, made with a little alcohol, but by a modification of the process, a similar article is produced, which is run into sticks, and is found in the shops in that form, resembling common caustic in appearance. It is milder from the dilution with lime, and less deliquescent. Potassii Acetas. (Sal Diureticus. 2K,Ac + 2H 2 0.) Made by neutralizing acetic acid with bicarbonate of potassium. The potassa combines with the acetic acid, liberating the carbonic acid with effervescence ; the process is completed by evaporating by a carefully regulated heat till it fuses and crystallizes, or dries into a powder. This preparation is difficult to prepare in perfec- tion ; the finest specimens found in this market are imported from France, in foliated satiny masses, unctuous to the touch, and of a pungent saline taste ; it is neutral in its reactions, and extremely soluble and deliquescent, so much so as to be very difficult to manipulate with. In medicine it is used as a diuretic, refrigerant, and alterative. Recently it is much prescribed in acute rheumatism. The acid it contains being consumed in passing through the system, the alkali is found as carbonate in the urine, which is much increased in quantity. The dose of acetate of potassium is from gr. x to 3ij- Soluble in half its weight of water and in twice its weight of alcohol ; the aqueous solution is without action on litmus. Metallic or earthy impurities are detected as in the case of bicarbonate of potassium ; hyposulphurous acid is detected by the gray precipitate obtained with a solution of protonitrate of mercury ; the pure salt affords a white precipitate. The crystallized salt is expensive, and very liable to deteriorate by deliquescence, and when deliquesced is of variable state of hy- 180 THE ALKALIES AND THEIR SALTS. d ration, so that some pharmacists find it desirable to make the salt in concentrated solution, and dilute it as required. The follow- ing formula, by James T. Shinn, of Philadelphia, is adapted to this purpose: — Take of Carbonate of potassium .... 4 ounces, 6 drachms. Acetic acid 11^ ounces, or sufficient. Add the acid gradually to the carbonate of potassium until effer- vescence ceases, and the liquid is neutral to test paper, and water sufficient to make a pint. Each fluidrachm of this solution con- tains half a drachm of acetate of potassium, and it may thus be "weighed by measure" to suit each prescription presented. A recipe is given among the Extemporaneous Preparations for a ready mode of preparing acetate of potassium in a liquid form, suitable for use. Potassii Citras, U. S. P. (Citrate of Potassium. 3K,Ci ) Reduced. Take of Citric acid, %x £x. Bicarbonate of potassium, 5xiv 3xiv. Water, q. s. (Oij) f^iv. Dissolve the citric acid in the water, add the bicarbonate gradu- ally, and when effervescence has ceased, strain and evaporate to dryness, stirring constantly after the pellicle has begun to form till the salt granulates, then rub it in a mortar (wedgewood), pass it through a coarse sieve, and put it in a bottle, which should be kept closely stopped. In this process, as in the foregoing, by single elective affinity the base combines with the acid, liberating the gaseous ingredient with effervescence. As citric acid of commerce varies in the precise quantity of water it contains, these propor- tions may be changed so as to insure complete saturation, though the presence of a slight excess of the acid is not objectionable. The potassium citric acid 3 SS > lemon syrup ,lij, water ix. 4th Group. — Of Earths — Salts containing Aluminium. Alumen (ammonia-alum), 2NH 4 ,S0 4 -f- Al 3 3S0 4 -j- 24Aq. From sulphate of ammonia, etc. Aluminii et potassii sulphas (potassa-alum), K 2 S0 4 -f-Al 4 3S0 4 -f-24Aq. Manufactured from alum earths. Alumen exsiccatum. Deprived of its water of crystallization by heat. Alumina, A1 2 3 ,3H 2 0. Precipitated by alkalies from alum. Aluminse sulphas, Al 2 3S0 4 ,9H 2 0. By dissolving alumina in HS0 4 , and crystallizing. Aluminii acetas, Al 2 Ac-(-H 2 0. Aluminium is the name of the metallic radical of the earth alumina, a, white, faintly bluish metal, which has recently attracted attention from the discovery of an economical process for its ex- traction; its extraordinary lightness, beauty of color, and indif- ference to the oxidizing influences of the atmosphere causing it to be recommended as fitted to displace silver, and even platinum, for many purposes in the arts. Experience has not, however, justified its early promise, and it remains among the rare metals. Alumina, A1 2 3 , is an earth without alkaline properties, existing largely in the mineral kingdom, and the chief constituent of clay. It may be artificially prepared from alum as follows : — Dissolve alum in six times its weight of boiling water, add solu- tion of carbonate of sodium in slight excess, agitate for a few minutes, filter, and wash the precipitate with distilled water; the product is hydrate of alumina. It may be further purified by dis- solving in diluted muriatic acid, precipitating with ammonia, and again washing with water; dried on bibulous paper, it retains three equivalents of combined water, but by a high heat it becomes an- hydrous. Pure ammonia-alum, by calcining to a white heat, be- comes converted into anhydrous alumina. The hydrated precipi- tate is freely soluble in diluted acids and in caustic potassa solution. Alumina is much used as a base for coloring matters, as in the lake pigments. In medicine it is used as an antacid and astringent, with which it combines the properties of an absorbent; it has been DRIED ALUM. 221 used in purulent and catarrhal affections of the eye. The dose is Rye to twenty grains three or four times a day. Tests for Alumina. — Alumina is recognized by being precipitated white by fixed alkalies, redissolved by an excess of the same, and reprecipitated by chloride of ammonium. Compounds of alumina, ignited upon charcoal before the blowpipe, and then moistened with a little protonitrate of cobalt and ignited again, yield an unfused mass of a deep sky blue color. Alumen. {Alum.) Sulphate of Aluminium and Ammonium. Al 2 3S0 4 ,2NH 4 ,S0 4 +24Aq. The alum now most common is ammonia-alum, which is officinal under the name alumen; this is made by the use of sulphate of ammonium, as prepared from the residuary liquor of the gas- works, instead of a salt of potassium, as in the old processes, and its composition is as shown in the syllabus. This complex salt is found in commerce in large crystalline masses, very cheap and abundant, being largely produced for use. in the arts. Formerly it was produced from a peculiar ore or schist occurring largely in many parts of the world, and had the compo- sition given above as that of potash -alum. The properties of the two are so similar that they are seldom distinguished from each other. Where this is desirable, it may be readily accomplished by heat, which dissipates the sulphuric acid and ammonia from ammonia-alum, leaving pure alumina, while in the case of potassa-alum, potassa is a constituent of the residue, and will dissolve on the addition of water, and may be detected by its appropriate tests. Ammonia-alum will also give an odor of ammonia if moistened and triturated with potassa or lime. Alum is slightly efflorescent in dry air from the loss of a portion of its large amount of water of crystallization; it is soluble in about 15 times its weight of cold water ; it is incompatible with alkalies and their carbonates, and, also, with vegetable astringents. Its uses as an astringent, emetic, and antispasmodic are well known; its dose is from 2 to 10 grains, given to children for whoop- ing-cough; from 20 to 30 grains as an emetic in croup, repeated, if necessary ; and from 3ss to 3j as a purge in lead colic. As a com- mon astringent wash and gargle it is used in solutions of various proportions, from 5 to 30 grains to the ounce. Alumen Exsiccatum, U. S. P. (Dried Alum.) Take of Alum, in coarse powder, four troyounces. Expose it in a suitable vessel to a temperature not exceeding 400°, until the residue weighs two troyounces and one hundred and twenty grains; then reduce it when cold to fine powder. Dried or burnt alum differs from the crystallized salt in contain- ing no water; 474.5 grains of the crystals should yield 258 grains of the anhydrous salt, which is consequently nearly doubted in strength. Care should be taken not to push the heat so far as to 222 ON THE EARTHS AND THEIR PREPARATIONS. drive off a portion of the sulphuric acid. Dried alum is less solu- ble in water than alum, but no portion of it should be wholly in- soluble. Dried alum is used exclusively as an external application, as a mild escharotic; it is often reduced in the process of desiccation almost to pure alumina, and in this dry condition is preferred by some physicians, being an excellent absorbent. Iron alum, iron and ammonia alum, chrome alum, and manganese alum are compounds in which the alumina is substituted by other bases. {See Preparations of Iron .and Manganese.) Aluminii Sulphas. {Sulphate of Aluminium. A1 2 3S0 4 ,9H 2 0= 504.8.) This salt is made officinal in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia for 1860, among the preparations. It is to be made by dissolving equal parts of ammonium alum and carbonate of sodium in separate portions of boiling water, mixing them, and digesting till the evolution of carbonic acid ceases. The alumina thus precipitated is to be col- lected, washed, and dissolved in sulphuric acid somewhat diluted, and evaporated at a moderate heat to dryness. It is in thin flexi- ble plates of a pearly lustre, sweet and astringent taste, and acid reaction. Soluble in twice its weight of cold water, but not in alcohol. Its chief use is as an antiseptic in foul ulcers, etc. A solution of one pound in two pints of water is used to preserve dead bodies ; as a lotion it may be used in a somewhat less concentrated form. Under the name of benzinated solution of alumina, Mentel pro- posed the following preparation as a styptic, and, largely diluted with water, as an injection in leucorrhcea and various ulcerated affections: eight ounces of sulphate of aluminium are dissolved in sixteen ounces of water, and saturated with hydrated alumina ; six drachms of selected gum benzoin are digested with it for six hours, then cooled and filtered. It has an agreeable odor, and a balsamic, astringent taste. This solution contains 2A1 2 3S0 4 , and is precipitated by a large quantity of water, A1 2 S0 4 being separated while the neutral salt remains in solution. Aluminii Acetas. {Acetate of Aluminium. Al 2 3 Ac.) A solution of this salt is obtained by saturating acetic acid with hydrated alumina, and cannot be evaporated without the loss of acetic acid. It has a faint smell of acetic acid and a sweetish taste, and possesses antiseptic properties. It has been used medicinally on account of its astringent proper- ties, in diarrhoea and gleet in doses of a half to one drachm within twenty-four hours, and as an injection in various affections requir- ing astringent applications. CERIUM. 223 5th Group. — Cerium and its Oxalate. Cerium. Ce = 91.3. This metal is associated with lanthanum and didymiurn in cerite, allanite, and a few other rare minerals. The most abundant of these is cerite, which is found in Sweden ; it contains the oxides of the three metals, together with silicic acid, lime, copper, bismuth, molybdenum, and oxide of iron. The metal is a gray powder, which acquires the metallic lustre by pressure, decomposes water slowly at ordinary temperatures, quickly at the boiling heat. It forms two oxides, protoxide CeO, and sesquioxide Ce 2 3 , the former of which enters into its medicinal salt. Cerii Oxalas. 2CeC 2 4 + 3H 2 0. To prepare this salt the mineral cerite is to be powdered and formed into a paste with sulphuric acid in a porcelain dish, the dish is then to be heated until the mass ceases to swell up, and no longer absorbs additional HS0 4 , which must be added cautiously. This mass, being now dried and powdered, is placed in a Hessian crucible, in which it is exposed to the heat of an anthracite fire until it has assumed a pale brownish-red color. It is now to be lixivated with hot water and subsequently with diluted nitric acid, and the solution treated with sulphuretted hydrogen to precipitate the heavy metals. Some hydrochloric acid is now added to hold in solution the oxalate of lime to be formed and then oxalic acid is added to throw down the oxalates of cerium, lanthanum, and didy- miurn. This precipitate is to be washed with warm water, then transferred to a mortar and formed into a paste with one-half the weight of the mineral in carbonate of magnesia, which paste is to be dried on a porous fire-brick, then rubbed fine and calcined in an open stove until the powder has assumed the color of cinnamon. In this condition it contains the cerium in the form of peroxide, which readily dissolves in concentrated nitric acid to be carefully arkled in a beaker, and heated by a water-bath. After freeing the °-)lution of some of the excess of HK0 3 by evaporation and diluting it with water, it is to be added to boiling water containing a little more than J per cent, of oil of vitriol. There should be about a quart of water to every ounce of the mineral worked. A yellow precipitate of basic sulphate of sesquioxide of cerium is formed, while a little of the neutral sulphate of the same oxide and all the lanthanium and didymiurn remain in solution. The yellow basic sulphate is now washed, dissolved in sulphuric acid, and then re- duced to a protosulphate by the addition of a few crystals of hypo- sulphite of sodium. The liquid is now finally precipitated by oxalic acid, and yields oxalate of protoxide of cerium. This is the process of Prof. F. F. Mayer, of New York. (See American Journal of Phar- macy, 1860.) In the Medicial Times and Gazette, Sept. 17, 1859, Prof. Simpson, of Edinburgh, published a description of the use of this salt as a 224 IRON AND MANGANESE. remedy for obstinate vomiting in pregnancy, since which time it has been extensively prescribed in Europe and in the United States as a sedative tonic to the stomach, resembling in some degree the salts of bismuth, though with peculiar and, perhaps, specific applica- tion to the cure of obstinate vomiting, and although, of course, in many cases it has disappointed the expectations of practitioners, it has, I think, justified the claim made for it, that it will arrest obstinate vomiting in a greater number of cases than any other single remedy. The dose is from one to two grains three times a day in pills. Oxalate of cerium is a white powder, insoluble in water but solu- ble in HS0 4 , by which it is distinguished from the other insoluble oxalates of the earths. Its solution yields a precipitate with caustic alkalies, even in presence of chloride of ammonium, which is not soluble in an excess of the precipitant. A shade of pink or rose color indicates the presence of didymium, and perhaps few com- mercial specimens of the oxalate of cerium are entirely without this impurity. CHAPTER VI. IRON AND MANGANESE. Ferrum. (Iron. Fe = 56.) This indispensable metal is too well known to require a descrip- tion of its sensible properties. It has a specific gravity of 7.7; though not acted on by the dry atmosphere or by pure water, it is rapidly oxidized by water containing carbonic acid, hence the pro- duction of protocarbonate of iron with evolution of hydrogen ; the subsequent conversion of this into l^drated sesquioxide constitutes the ordinary phenomenon of rusting. Its purest common form is that of wire, or preferably card teeth. The filings (Ferri Ramenta), when obtained as a residuum from the manufactories, are apt to be contaminated with other metals. They are also liable to rust, which is objectionable in some instances. The salts of iron used in medicine are numerous, including salts of the protoxide, of the sesquioxide-, and of the black or magnetic oxide, and also halogen salts. The salts of protoxide, FeO, are now generally termed by chemists ferrous salts, and are accordingly named ferrous sulphate, ferrous carbonate, etc., while the salts of the peroxide (sesquioxide), Fe 2 3 , are named ferric salts, as ferric sulphate, ferric oxalate, etc., and the salts of the black oxide, which may be regarded as a compound of the proto- and sesquioxide (FeO,Fe 2 3 ), are named ferroso-ferric salts, and the chlorides, iodides, etc., follow the same rule. This rule, which gives simplicity and accuracy to the nomenclature of this and of the other metals, is not iron. 225 yet adopted in the Pharmacopoeia, and the terms are only employed in this work as synonyms. The officinal names of the halogen and analogous compounds are likewise different in some instances from those adopted by modern chemists, for while the compounds of chlorine are called chlorides, those of sulphur have the termination uret ; the cyanogen com- pounds, formerly terminated in the same way, are in the recent edition called cyanides and ferrocyanides. Iron is conveniently recognized in its protosalts (ferrous salts) by the following tests. They have a pale-green color in solution, potassa and soda throw down a white hydrate, which changes by exposure to the air to gray, green, bluish-black, and then to the red sesquioxide. Alkaline carbonates affect them similarly. They are not precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen, as many metallic salts are, but give a black precipitate with alkaline sulphurets. They give a nearly white precipitate when free from sesquisalts, with ferrocyanide of potassium ; by exposure this becomes blue ; by fer- ridcyanide an intense blue is immediately produced. Tannic acid only blackens these salts when they contain sesquisalts. The sesquisalts of iron (ferric salts) have generally a yellowish- brown tint, but by dissolving an excess of ferric oxide become brownish-red. Alkalies and alkaline carbonates throw down a red-brown precipitate of hydrated sesquioxide ; sulphuretted hy- drogen converts them into protosalts with precipitation of sulphur ; ferrocyanide of potassium throws down Prussian blue, but the fer- ridcyanide has no effect, except upon protosalts. Tannic acid pro- duces a bluish-black precipitate, the basis of common black ink ; in the presence of some vegetable acids no precipitate occurs with alkalies, and no blackening with tannic acid if the acid is in excess. Perhaps no class of remedies, certainly none derived from the mineral kingdom, are so universally esteemed for tonic and astrin- gent properties as the salts of iron, and accordingly pharmacists have expended much ingenuity and skill in improving their quality and extending their number, till they have become leading articles of materia medica, while some of them, by being formed into solu- tions, tinctures, wines, syrups, and elixirs, are rendered unusually eligible for common use. In presenting the numerous preparations of iron used in medicine in the form of syllabi and in detail, various methods of classifying them have suggested themselves, but none which seemed to offer sufficient advantages to compensate for the increased complexity necessarily given to the subject by the attempt. The natural divi- sion into oxy-salts and the halogen compounds seemed the only one which could be profitably introduced, and I have accordingly grouped the fifty-six preparations which follow under these two heads, consulting convenience and their natural relations to each other in the subordinate arrangement. 15 226 IRON AND MANGANESE Syllabus of Preparations of Iron. (See Second Group — Halogen Compounds.) 1st G-roup. — Oxy salts and Preparations from them. Name. Composition, etc. Dose. Description, etc. Ferri Sulphas FeS0 4 +7Aq FeS0 4 ,Aq FeC0 3 -f Fe,0 3 ,2Aq f FeC0 3 -f-Meland 1 \ sacchar. j FeC0 3 in 3isa Fe Fe 2 3S0 4 in Aq Excess of Fe 2 0„ Fe 2 6HO gr. v gr- iij gr. x to 9j gr. x to 9j 3 iss gr.j to gr.ij Green crystals. Whitish powder. Reddish-brown powder. Dark pilular mass. Granulated powder. Gray impalpable powder. Red- brown, sp. gr. 132. Ruby-red, sp. gr. l.£52. Reddish-brown magma. Colorless octohedrons. Ferri Sulphas Exsiccata Pilulse Ferri Carbonatis Ferri Carb. Effervescentes.... Ferrum Redactum Liquor Ferri Tersulphatis... Liquor Ferri Subsulphatis .. Ferri Oxidum Hydratum.... Ferri et Quinise Sulphas Ferri et Ammonii Sulphas... f 3 j to f§ss gr. j to iv gr. iij to vj (Fe 4 3S0 4 (NH 4 ) 2 l 1 S0 4 -f 24H 2 / 3JFe 2 3 Ciinf5ij Fe 2 3 Ci Fe 2 3 ,NH 4 0,Ci gr. j in 6 grs. gr. j about in 100 grs. Violet tinted crystals. Red syrupy liquid. Garnet- red scales. Ferri Citras gr. iij to v gr. iij to v gr. iij to v gr. j to iij gr. j to iij gr. iij to xij VCl xx to f5j UL xx to f£j gr. v to x f3J f3J f3J gr. v f3J Ferri et Ammonii Citras Ferri et Quinise Citras Ferri et Strychniee Citras... Ferri et Zinci Citras Greenish-brown scales. Garnet-red scales. Brownish-green scales. Greenish-yellow scales. Citrate of magnetic oxide. Citrate of protoxide. Slate-colored powder. With excess of P0 5 . (Jos. Roberts'.) Red. "Chemical food." f Apple-green scales, I soluble. No ferruginous taste. i Not found in commerce. Ferri et Magnesii Citras 3J t0 f 5J Si t0 *8 Variable gr. v to f5j syrup r gr- ivss to f^j-f- j \ gr. iijss H 3 P0 4 / Complex f 2Fe 2 3 H 3 P0 4 + -1 I 2NH 4 Ci+ H 2 / gr. ij to f3j Fe2HP0 2 Fe 2 3 3HP0 2 gr. j to 3j syrup Complex FeL? Fe 2 Ac? 11.43 percent. Fe 2 Ac contains acetic ether Syr. Ferri Frotocitratis Syr. Ferri Superphosphatis ... Syr. Ferri et Amman. Phospli. Syr. Ferri et Calcii. Phosph... Syr. Ferri Pyrophosphatis ... Ferri Hypophosphis (Proto). " " (Sesqui). Syr. Ferri Hypophosphitis ... " " " Comp. it a n (« m f3J gr. ij to v Used in phthisis. (Thompson.) (Procter.) Greenish-white grains. Only in solution. Sp. gr. 1.143. Agreeable. (Rademacher.) Black, insoluble. Tr. Ferri Acetat. ^Fthereus ... f3ss f^ss to f3J gr. x gf. j to ij gr. x to xx i i TTl V to XV Tl\ v to XV TT^ V tO X Ferri Tannas Fe 2 fan Fe 2 3Va" KFeT+Aq NH 4 Fe 2 T-fAq Fef ? Fe 2 6N0 3 +Aq FeN0 3 in Syr. Fe 2 HC10 4 in Aq Dark-red, amorphous. Ferri et Potassii Tartras Ferri et Ammonii Tartras ... Reddish-brown scales. <« «< Crystals or powder. Sp. gr. 1.0C, pale amber. Liq Ferri Nitratis Syr. Ferri Protonilratis Liq. Ferri Hyper chloratis .... GRANULATED SULPHATE OF IRON. 227 Ferri Sulphas. {Ferrous Sulphate, Copperas, Green Vitriol. FeS0 4 + 7Aq = 278.) Prepared by dissolving iron wire in diluted sulphuric acid. One eq. of iron, decomposing one of water, combines with its oxygen, and forms protoxide, which last unites with one eq. of sulphuric acid to form sulphate of protoxide of iron, Fe -f H 2 4- S0 3 = FeS0 4 + H 2 . The hydrogen is liberated in a gaseous form, and may be collected for experiment. Green vitriol, or copperas of commerce, which is used in the arts, is an impure sulphate, con- taining peroxide; it is prepared from the native sulphuret, and may be purified by digestion with iron and recrystallization. "When pure, sulphate of iron is in light bluish-green rhomboidal prisms, having an astringent, styptic taste. It dissolves in about one and a half times its weight of cold water; is insoluble in alco- hol; when exposed to air and moisture it oxidizes, and becomes covered with a brownish-yellow persalt. It effloresces in dry air, becoming white on the surface. The presence of copper may be detected by placing a clean polished spatula in the solution; if copper is present, it will be precipitated with its characteristic color on the surface of the iron. Ferri Sulphas Exsiccata. — Owing to the large amount of water in these crystals, the salt is inconvenient to dispense, in combination with vegetable substances, in the form of powder or pill ; and hence, in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, is directed to be exposed to a heat in- creased to 300°, till it ceases to lose weight, and is converted into a dry whitish mass, which is to be reduced to powder. By this it loses six equivalents of water, and is consequently much stronger than the crystallized salt (Fe,S0 4 + 7Aq = 278—108 = 170). In addition to the "haematic" virtues common to the iron salts, sulphate is decidedly astringent. It is prescribed internally in cases attended with immoderate discharges, and is also used in injections, though less frequently than sulphates of zinc and copper. Dose, in crystals, five grains; dried, three grains. This is one of the cheapest and best of disinfectants, especially when mixed with lime, which, by neutralizing a portion of the sulphuric acid, liberates the oxide of iron, and this, by its affinity for additional oxygen, destroys effete matter. Ferri Sulphas Granulata, Ph. Br. {Granulated Sulphate of Iron.) Take of Iron wire 4 ounces (avoirdupois). Sulphuric acid 4 fluidounces (imp. meas.). Distilled water 1 pint and a half (imp. meas.). Kectified spirit 8 fluidounces (imp. meas.). Pour the water on the iron placed in a porcelain capsule, add the sulphuric acid, and, when the disengagement of gas has nearly ceased, boil for ten minutes, and then filter the solution into a jar containing the spirit, stirring the mixture so that the salt shall separate into minute granular crystals. Let these, deprived by decantation of adhering liquid, be transferred on filtering paper to porous tiles, and dried by exposure to the atmosphere. They should 228 IRON" AND MANGANESE. be kept in closed Lotties. Its chemical composition is the same as the last described salt. Ferri Subcarbonas. (Precipitated Carbonate of Iron.) Made by decomposing sulphate of iron by means of an alkaline carbonate, as the carbonate of sodium. The sulphuric acid unites with the soda to form sulphate of sodium, which remains in solu- tion, while the carbonic acid unites with protoxide of iron to form protocarbonate of iron, which precipitates. When first formed, it is a bulky greenish, almost white, precipitate, which may be converted, by admixture with honey and sugar, into Vallette's mass; but when dried in air, it becomes much darker, and finally brown, from more or less conversion into the sesquioxide and loss of carbonic acid. If the drying is carried on at a temperature not exceeding 80° F., this change is only partial, and the preparation effervesces when thrown into acids, and has a brown color. This is a much more soluble form, and to be preferred to the bright red-colored powder obtained by heating. It should be wholly dissolved by dilute muriatic acid with slight effervescence, forming a solution from which the oxides of iron are completely precipitated by an excess of ammonia; the liquid re- maining should not be colored by hydrosulphuric acid or ferro- cyanide of potassium. The subcarbonate of iron is one of the most popular of the chaly- beate salts. It has, to a less extent, the medical properties attri- buted to iron reduced by hydrogen, with a more agreeable effect from swallowing it. The carbonate is not astringent, and produces little or no action upon the mucous membranes of the alimentary canal. Dose, gr. v. to 9j. Pilulaz Ferri Carbonatis, IT. S. P. ( Vallette's Mass.) Take of Sulphate of iron Eight troy ounces. Carbonate of sodium Nine troyounces. Clarified honey Three troyounces Sugar, in coarse powder Two troyounces. Boiling water Two pints. Syrup A sufficient quantity. Dissolve the salts separately, each in a pint of the water, a fluid- ounce of syrup having been previously added to each pint. Mix the two solutions, when cold, in a bottle just large enough to hold them, close it accurately with a stopper, and set it by that the car- bonate of iron may subside. Pour off the supernatant Hquid, and, having mixed water, recently boiled, with syrup in the proportion of a pint to the fluidounce, wash the precipitate with the mixture until the washings no longer have a saline taste. Place the pre- cipitate on a flannel cloth to drain, and having expressed as much of the water as possible, mix it immediately with the clarified honey and sugar. Lastly, by means of a water-bath, evaporate the mixture, constantly stirring, until it is brought to the weight of eight troyounces. This valuable preparation is made by nearly the same process as IRON BY HYDROGEN — QUEVENNE'S IRON. 229 the foregoing, except that the bulky greenish precipitate thrown down by the carbonated alkali, instead of being dried in contact with the air, is mixed with a suitable proportion of saccharine in- gredients, to protect it from contact with atmospheric oxygen and to embody it in a pilular mass; it is well adapted to use as a vehicle for tonics, especially dry powders, in the form of pill. Much that is met with in commerce is too soft even for this use; when desired of firmer consistence it will be found advantageous to use three troyounces of sugar and two of honey ; made strictly by the officinal directions it will be found a convenient pilular mass, though be- coming softer by exposure. The dose is ten grains to a scruple. Syrupus Ferri Protocarbonatis. The formula given under this head in the late edition of this work was extracted from the journals without having been suffi- ciently tried. Subsequent experience has proved that it is too im- perfect to justify its republication, and the efforts made to improve it have not as yet been successful in producing a permanent syrup, containing a sufficient proportion of the ferruginous salt to be avail- able. A good formula for a liquid preparation of the protocarbon- ate of iron is still one of the pharmaceutical desiderata. Effervescing Carbonate of Iron* Take of Tartaric acid 3 troyounces. Bicarbonate of sodium 5 Sulphate of iron 10 drachms. Powdered white sugar 14 " Citric acid 2 " Mix the sulphate of iron with the sugar and part of the tartaric acid. Mix the citric acid with the remainder of the tartaric acid and bicarbonate. Stir the two mixtures together and thoroughly unite them by sifting ; then put the whole into an open metallic vessel, in a water-bath, and stir until it is well granulated. These proportions are designed to furnish four grains of protocarbonate of iron in every drachm and a half (teaspoonful) of the powder, which must be kept dry in a well-stopped bottle, and will furnish an elegant chalybeate preparation, adapted to being dissolved in a glass of water and taken during the effervescence produced. Ferrum Redactum. Fe = 56. {Ferri Pulvis, U. S. P. 1850. Iron by Hydrogen — Quevenne's Iron.) Prepared by passing a stream of hydrogen over the washed and calcined subcarbonate (dry sesquioxide) contained in a wrought iron reduction tube of four inches in diameter heated to low redness, continuing the now of hydrogen till vapor of water is no longer * The above formula is that of Dr. T. Skinner, as published in the London Chemist and Druggist, Nov. 1861. See also formula of Prof. J. M. Maisch, Proc. of Am. Ph. Assoc. 1856, p. 55. 230 IRON AND MANGANESE. given off and till the reduction tube has cooled ; the oxygen of the oxide combines with hydrogen, forming water, and leaves the metal in soft masses of impalpable iron, which, on trituration, yield the Quevenne's iron of commerce. It is an impalpable powder, of a steel-gray color, soluble in sul- phuric acid diluted with 60 parts of water, with rapid evolution of hydrogen which should not be contaminated with sulphur. It oxidizes when exposed to damp air, and should be kept in closely- stopped bottles. It is usually contaminated with a little carburet, black oxide, and occasionally sulphuret of iron. These impurities give it a dull black color. When well prepared, it will burn on the application of a lighted taper ; and a small portion of it, struck on an anvil with a hammer, forms a scale having a brilliant metallic lustre. Reduced iron possesses in a high degree the property of restoring to the blood this essential ingredient, when it is deficient. From its extreme fineness, it is readily soluble in the stomach, and the chief objection to its use is that occasionally it produces eructations of hydrogen; or, if it contains sulphuret or carburet of iron, sul- phuretted or carburetted hydrogen is evolved. This, like other iron preparations, is apt to produce astringent effects, though less so than the persalts ; hence the occasional use of mild purgatives during its administration. It also blackens the stools. It is usually given in the dose of one or two grains three times a day. Given in lozenges, made with chocolate, its taste is pretty well disguised. In pills it is either combined with the tonic extracts or given alone. Liquor Ferri Tersulphatis, U. S. P. (Solution of Tersulphate of Iron.) Take of Sulphate of iron, in coarse powder, twelve troy ounces. Sulphuric acid, two troyounces and sixty grains. JSTitric acid, a troyounce and three hundred and sixty grains. Water, a sufficient quantity. Mix the acids with half a pint of water in a capacious porcelain capsule, and, having heated the mixture to the boiling point, add the sulphate of iron, one-fourth at a time, stirring after each addi- tion until effervescence ceases. Then continue the heat until the solution acquires a reddish-brown color, and is free from nitrous odor. Lastly, when the liquid is nearly cold, add sufficient water to make it measure a pint and a half. This process consists in the conversion of the sulphate of pro- toxide of iron, Fe,S0 4 -4- 7Aq, into the tersulphate of sesquioxicle, Fe 2 3S0 4 , which is in solution in the preparation when finished. The addition of nitric acid to a salt of an oxide having so great a tendency to pass into a higher state of oxidation effectually changes its composition, and the additional sulphuric acid added is for the complete saturation of the resulting sesquioxide. In MonseFs solution which follows, the proportions are varied so as to secure an excess of sesquioxide, and a less caustic and acid solution. PERSULPHATE OF IROX. 231 This preparation is made officinal chiefly for the extemporaneous preparation of the hydrated sesquioxide of iron, and for use in effecting the formation of other sesqui-salts of iron by double de- composition. It is a light reddish-brown liquid, nearly devoid of odor, and of an acid and extremely styptic taste. Its specific gravity is 1.320. It mixes with water and with alcohol in all proportions without decomposition. A fluidounce of it should yield, on the addition of ammonia in excess, a bulky reddish-brown precipitate, which is free from black discoloration, and which, when washed, dried, and ignited, weighs sixty-nine grains. Liquor Ferri Subsulphatis, U. S. P. (MonseVs Solution.) Take of Sulphate of iron, in coarse powder, twelve troyounces. Sulphuric acid, a troyounce and thirty grains. jSTitric acid, a troyounce and three hundred grains. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. Mix the acids with half a pint of distilled water in a capacious porcelain capsule, and, having heated the mixture to the boiling point, add the sulphate of iron, one-fourth at a time, stirring after each addition until effervescence ceases. Then keep the solution in brisk ebullition until nitrous vapors are no longer perceptible, and the color assumes a deep ruby-red tint. Lastly, when the liquid is nearly cold, add sufficient distilled water to make it measure twelve fluidounces. After all that has been heretofore published on the preparation of Monsel's solution, this new recipe of the Pharmacopoeia of 1860 commends itself to favor as simple, and readily practicable. It is a stronger solution than the solution of tersulphate of iron, and dif- fers from it in containing an excess of the sesquioxide, so that it is less irritating and produces its styptic and hemostatic effect with- out causing sloughing ; dentists use it as an application to spongy gums and bleeding surfaces, and to produce that contraction of tis- sues which it is often so desirable to hasten. Perhaps no applica- tion is so efficient to arrest hemorrhage, or so useful in treating bleeding from bone, from erectile tissues, or from hemorrhoids ; it is also used with success in the treatment of varices. Monsel's solution is an inodorous, syrupy liquid, of a ruby-red color, and of an extremely astringent taste, without causticity. Its specific gravity is 1.552. It mixes with water and with alcohol in all proportions without decomposition, and yields, with ammonia, a bulky reddish-brown precipitate. It is used internally in a dose of 5 to 10 drops for hemorrhages, and where an astringent is indi- cated. Persulphate of Iron. 2Fe 2 ,5S0 4 (?) The salt is so very deliquescent as to be considered ineligible for use in any other form than that of solution, and when dried on plates of glass, as the citrate of iron is obtained, it is often difficult to remove on account of its adhesion. It is recommended to dry it 232 IRON AND MANGANESE. by artificial heat in a stove, or, by Dr. Lawrence Smith (see Am. Journ. Pharmacy, 1863, page 203), to concentrate the solution to the sp. gr. 1.60, and form it into shallow plates from one-quarter to one-sixteenth of an inch in depth, mixed with a little of the dry salt previously desiccated and powdered, and place it near escaping steam (as from a steam jacket) at a temperature of 75° to 100° P. Under these circumstances he finds the salt to become dry and pul- verulent with very little disposition to deliquesce. If produced in this way it would, undoubtedly, be much used as a direct applica- tion in the form of powder. It has a yellow color, and forms a clear solution, on standing, with water. Ferri Oxidum Hydratum. (Fe 2 6HO = 98.) (Uydrated Oxide of Iron. Ferri Sesquioxidum Hydratum. Uydrated Ferric Oxide.) This is made by adding ammonia in excess to the solution of ter- sulphate as above. The alkali neutralizes the sulphuric acid, and throws down the oxide of iron as a reddish-brown precipitate. This, if designed for use as an antidote for arsenic, is to be collected on a strainer, water being passed through it to dissolve out the sul- phate of ammonia, and then squeezed out, and the moist brown magma transferred to a wide-mouth bottle and kept under a stratum of water. In cases where poisoning has taken place, it is advisable not to wait until all the sulphate of ammonium has been washed out, as the slightly stimulating effect produced by the ammonia is in nowise hurtful. It has been ascertained, however, that by long standing, under these circumstances, the hydrated oxide loses wholly or in part its power of neutralizing arsenious acid, hence the necessity of keeping the solution of persulphate and reserving the addition of ammonia till the emergency requiring its use shall occur. As will appear in several of the recipes which follow, the hydrated sesquioxide comes in play in making some of the persalts of iron; it is also an eligible medicine for producing the usual tonic effect of the iron preparations, and may be dried at a temperature not exceeding 180° F., without losing its constitutional water; at a red heat it becomes anhydrous. Its dose in the form of magma is f 5j ; as an antidote f gss every five or ten minutes till a large excess has been given. Should the poisoning have occurred from the use of liq. potassii arsenitis, it will be proper to add a small quantity of dilute acetic acid to the first two or three doses of the antidote. Ferri et Quinice Sidphas. Take of Sulphate of iron 125 grains. Sulphuric acid 14 minims. Nitric acid 25 minims, or sufficient. Water A sufficient quantity. Dissolve the sulphate of iron with the sulphuric acid in the water and boil it, adding the nitric acid gradually, till it ceases to pro- duce a dark color; when cold, add — Sulphate of quinia A troyounce, LIQUOR FERRI CITRATTS. 233 in water, with sufficient sulphuric acid to form a solution ; set this aside that crystals may form, which may require several months. It is in colorless octohedrons of a strongly bitter taste, and nearly insoluble in water. The salt combines the virtues of iron and quinia, and may be prescribed in doses of from one to -five grains. It is stated to be more astringent than the citrates of these bases, and perhaps does not possess advantages to compensate for its great cost. Ferri et Ammonii Sulphas. Fe 4 ,3S0 4 -f (KH 4 )S0 4 + 24 Aq. (Amrnonio-ferric Alum.) Take of Solution of tersulphate of iron . 2 pints. Sulphate of ammonium .... 4 troy ounces and a half. Heat the solution of tersulphate of iron to the boiling point, add the sulphate of ammonium, stirring until it is dissolved, and set the liquid aside to crystallize. Wash the crystals quickly with very cold water, wrap them in bibulous paper, and dry them in the open air. (U. S. P.) This salt is in elegant violet-tinted crystals of a more or less octo- hedral form; soluble in one and a half parts of water at 60°, and in less than its weight of boiling water; potassa added to the solution gives a reddish-brown precipitate; when rubbed with potassa and moistened, the salt emits the odor of ammonia. Its peculiar merit consists in its marked astringency without the stimulating proper- ties of some of this class of salts. It is easily assimilated when taken internally. Dose, 3 to 6 grains ; while it controls excessive discharges, it is often useful in correcting their cause. It is, per- haps, more employed as an injection in leucorrhoea than for any other use ; the proportions prescribed for this purpose may vary from half an ounce to an ounce to the pint. It has a wide range of application, and may be applied as alum is in the form of powder diluted with sugar. Though called an alum, this salt contains no alumina; it is similar to the double sulphate of potassium and iron, which is called iron alum, though this is more soluble. Liquor Ferri Citratis, U. S. P. Take of Citric acid, in coarse powder, five troyounces and three hundred and sixty grains. Solution of tersulphate of iron, a pint. Water of ammonia, twenty fluidounces. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. To the water of ammonia, mixed with 2 pints of distilled water, add the solution of tersulphate of iron, previously mixed with 2 pints of distilled water, stirring constantly; transfer the precipitate formed to a muslin strainer, and wash it with water until the washings are nearly tasteless. When the precipitate is drained, put half of it in a porcelain capsule on a water-bath heated to 150°, add the citric acid, and stir the mixture until the precipitate is nearly dissolved. Then add so much of the reserved precipitate as 234 IRON AND MANGANESE. may be necessary fully to saturate the acid. Lastly, filter the liquid, and evaporate it, at a temperature not exceeding 150°, until it is reduced to the measure of a pint. The above process, which occurs under the head of Liquores in the Pharmacopoeia, consists in the precipitation of hydrated sesqui- oxide of iron, washing the magma with water, and combining it with an equivalent of citric acid forming a clear solution, which is to be evaporated to a pint for each eight troy ounces of the con- tained salt. This solution is convenient to keep on hand for dis- pensing, and for compounding the various liquid preparations con- taining the citrate. This salt is more soluble when freshly prepared than when old, and although it is slowly and imperfectly soluble in cold water, under ordinary circumstances, it is readily obtained and kept in this concentrated solution, which, being of known strength, may be readily diluted to the point desired. Ferri Citras. Fe 2 Ci=322. {Citrate of Sesquioxide of Iron. Ferric Citrate.) Of the several citrates of iron, the acid citrate of the sesquioxide is most commonly used. It is made by evaporating the officinal solution as above, to the consistence of a syrup, and spreading it on glass or porcelain plates, where it speedily dries in thin layers, which are separated and broken into fragments. If evaporated at too high a temperature, it is apt to become adhesive, and cannot be separated in scales. It is in beautiful garnet-red colored plates, slightly soluble in cold water, readily in boiling, and has an acid ferruginous taste. Dose, gr. iij to v. Ferri et Ammonii Citras. (Citrate of Iron and Ammonium.) Take of Solution of citrate of iron, a pint. Water of ammonia, six fluidounces. Mix the solution of citrate of iron with the water of ammonia, evaporate the mixture at a temperature not exceeding 150° to the consistence of syrup, and spread it on plates of glass so that in dry- ing the salt may be obtained in scales. ( U. S. P.) This salt differs but little from the foregoing ; the presence in it of a notable proportion of citrate of ammonium renders it more soluble than the acid citrate ; it is in garnet-red translucent scales ; it does not change the color of litmus or turmeric, and does not yield a precipitate with ferrocyanide of potassium. It may be dis- tinguished from the acid citrate by giving off ammonia on the addition of solution of potassa; they both throw down hydrated sesquioxide of iron on this addition. Ferri et Quinice Citras. (Citrate of Iron and Quinia.) Take of Solution of citrate of iron, ten fluidounces. Sulphate of quinia, a troyounce. Diluted sulphuric acid, Water of ammonia, Distilled water, each, a sufficient quantity. CITRATE OF IRON AND STRYCHNIA. 235 Triturate the sulphate of quinia with six fluidounces of distilled water, and, having added sufficient diluted sulphuric acid to dis- solve it, cautiously pour into the solution water of ammonia, with constant stirring, until in slight excess. Wash the precipitated quinia on a filter, and, having added it to the solution of citrate of iron, maintained at the temperature of 120° hy means of a water- bath, stir constantly until it is dissolved. Lastly, evaporate the solution to the consistence of syrup, and spread it on plates of glass, so that, on drying, the salt may be obtained in scales. (U. S. P.) In this very simple and practicable formula sulphate of quinia is directed to be dissolved by the aid of sulphuric acid, and the organic alkali is then precipitated from it by ammonia; this is then combined with the excess of citric acid in the acid citrate of iron, and the mixed salt dried in scales in the usual way. This very popular preparation, as met with in commerce, is of uncertain strength, partly in consequence of there having been, until the publication of the recent edition of the Pharmacopoeia, no authoritative formula for its preparation; the composition of the officinal article, founded on the relative doses of its two principal ingredients, is five grains of citrate of iron to one of citrate of quinia. It has the bitter taste of the quinia, and is best adapted to use in the form of pill. It is in thin transparent scales, varying in color from reddish- brown to yellowish-brown, with a tint of green, according to the thickness of the scales. It is slowly soluble in cold water, more readily so in hot water, but insoluble in ether and officinal alcohol. Ammonia, added to the aqueous solution, deepens its color to reddish-brown, and causes a whitish curdy precipitate of quinia, but no sesquioxide of iron is thrown down. The dose is gr. ij to gr. v. Ferri et Strychnice Citras. {Citrate of Iron and Strychnia.) U. S. P. Take of Citrate of iron and ammonium, five hundred grains. Strychnia. Citric acid, each, five grains. Distilled water, nine fluidrachms. Dissolve the citrate of iron and ammonium in a fluidounce, and the strychnia and citric acid in a fluidrachm, of the water. Mix the two solutions, evaporate the mixture by means of a water-bath at a temperature not exceeding 140°, to the consistence of syrup, and spread upon plates of glass, so that the salt, when it is dry, may be obtained in scales. The proportion suggested by Prof. Procter, as giving a suitable dose of the strychnia with the dose of iron salt usually prescribed, was 1 grain in 49 of the salt. C. A. Heinitsh, of Lancaster, Pa., and Jos. Abel, of Pittsburg, Pa., have since recommended a prepa- ration of about half the proportion of strychnia, 1 part to 100 of citrate of iron, which has been adopted in the TJ. S. Pharmacopoeia as above. Used in atonic dyspepsia, chorea, and suppressed men- struation. Dose, 3 to 6 grains. 236 IRON AND MANGANESE. Ferri et Zinci Citras. If carbonate of zinc is added to a solution of citric acid, it be- gins to precipitate an insoluble salt before the point of saturation is attained; this precipitate being collected before it contains an excess of carbonate, and ammonia and citrate of iron added, a dark green solution is formed, which, concentrated and dried on glass, gives brownish-green scales, very soluble in water. The quantity of citrate of iron may be varied from the equivalent pro- portions, to four parts of citrate of iron and one of citrate of zinc, with a similar product. The latter proportion exists in the " mo- dified wine of iron," of which a formula is given under the appro- priate head. Dose of the double citrate, 1 to 3 grains. Ferri et Magnesii Citras. It appears in greenish-yellow scales, which are obtained by dis- solving freshly-precipitated sesquioxide of iron in citric acid, saturating with carbonate of magnesium, and evaporating. It has a sweetish, slightly ferruginous taste, and is soluble in water. It is used in some cases as a mild chalybeate, which is easily assimilated, and is given in doses of from three to twelve grains. Syrupus Ferri Citratis. {Syrup of Citrate of Magnetic Oxide of Iron.) Take of Citric acid £v. Sulphate of iron lj. Water, Solution of ammonia, of each Sufficient. Sugar Iviij. By the process given for liquor ferri tersulphatis, convert one- half of the sulphate of iron into sulphate of the sesquioxide ; mix this in solution with the remaining ^ss of the sulphate, and add the solution of ammonia until it ceases to throw down a precipitate of the black or magnetic oxide. Having collected and washed this, add it to the citric acid, dissolved in f^j of water, heat to about 150° F. and filter; dilute the filtered liquid with water to make f^v; in this dissolve the sugar, and a clear dark-colored syrup will be the result. This contains 3j of the salt to f^j (by calculation), and is a very eligible preparation in the dose of ^ixx to f 5j. Syrupus Ferri Protocitratis. {Syrup of the Proto-Citrate of Iron.) Take of Sulphate of iron giijss. Carbonate of sodium 3iv. Sugar, Water, of each Sufficient. Citric acid ^ss. Simple syrup f ^iv. Dissolve the sulphate of iron and carbonate of sodium in equal portions of water, and add the one to the other in a beaker or pre- COMMON PHOSPHATE OF IRON. 237 cipitating glass. "Wash the precipitated protocarbonate of iron with water, in which a small portion of sugar has been dissolved, and add it to a concentrated solution of the citric acid ; evaporate to a greenish, deliquescent mass, and dissolve in the syrup. This is a greenish-brown liquid, containing nearly 3j of the salt to f *j. Dose, n^xxx to f3j. It is liable to deposit the salt by long keeping. The syrup of citrate of iron of Beral is a saccharine solution of the citrate of ammonium and sesquioxide of iron. Ferri Oxalas. {Oxalate of Iron, XL S. P. FeOx.) Take of Sulphate of iron . . . Two troyounces. Oxalic acid .... Four hundred and thirt}'-six grains. Distilled water ... A sufficient quantity. Dissolve the sulphate of iron in thirty fiuidounces and the oxalic acid in fifteen fiuidounces of distilled water. Filter the solutions, and having mixed them with agitation, set aside the mixture until the precipitate is deposited. Decant the clear liquid, wash the pre- cipitate until the washings cease to redden litmus, and dry it with a gentle heat. A lemon-yellow crystalline powder, insoluble in water but soluble in muriatic acid. Heated in contact with the air, it decomposes with a faint combustion, and leaves a residue of not less than forty- eight per cent, of red oxide of iron. This salt of iron is but slightly soluble and has but little disposition to change ; it possesses the tonic properties of the iron salts but not their astringency, and is given in doses of two or three grains three times a day. (See Am. Journ. Pharm. 1868, 77-111.) Ferri Phosphas. {Common Phosphate of Iron.) The officinal phosphate of iron is formed by double decomposition between solutions of two equivalents of sulphate of protoxide of iron and one equivalent of phosphate of sodium. Its composition as thus prepared is variable, being a mixture of phosphate of pro- toxide of iron, and phosphate of sesquioxide in different proportions. "Witts tein gives a very full account of it, with specific directions for its preparation. As first precipitated it is white, and is then stated to be nearly pure phosphate of protoxide, 2Fe,H,P0 4 ; the reaction is thus represented, 2(Fe,S0 4 ) + 2Na,H,P0 4 = 2Fe,H,P0 4 + 2(^a,S0 4 ); the soluble sulphate of sodium being washed away and tbe salt dried, it is found to have acquired a slate color, more or less green, the protoxide of iron having become partially changed, as before stated, into sesquioxide, and combined with phosphoric acid. It is soluble in acids like phosphate of lime, but not in water. Phosphate of iron has long been in use in medicine for the general purposes to which the ferruginous salts are applicable, though until the recent introduction of several preparations containing it in solu- tion, it has been little known to practitioners. Dose, gr. v to x. Phosphate of sesquioxide of iron, Fe 2 3P 2 4 = 9H 2 0, is the white pre- cipitate occasioned by phosphate of sodium in sesqui salts of iron ; 238 IRON AND MANGANESE. it has been used in medicine in cases like the foregoing, and in similar doses. (See Phosphate of Iron.) Syrup of Superphosphate of Iron. This syrup is prepared by adding freshly precipitated phosphate of iron to saturation in a boiling solution of glacial phosphoric acid. On concentrating and cooling, it congeals into a soft mass, which is freely soluble in water in all proportions, and free from inky taste. The syrup is made from this, by dissolving five grains in each fiuidrachm of simple syrup. Dose, a nuidrachm or less. Syrup of Phosphate of Iron and Ammonium. (Joseph Roberts^ Take of Sulphate of iron 278 grains. Phosphate of sodium 359 grains. Glacial phosphoric acid 396 grains. Liquor ammonia? Sufficient. Sugar 5^ ounces. Water Sufficient. Dissolve the phosphate of sodium and the sulphate of iron sepa- rately. Mix the solutions, and wash the resulting precipitate of phosphate of iron. Then to one-half the phosphoric acid dissolved in one ounce of water, add water of ammonia until it is saturated. To the other half of the phosphoric acid dissolved in a like quantity of water, add the moist phosphate of iron and dissolve by a gentle heat, then add the solution of phosphate of ammonium and the sugar, and evaporate to seven nuidounces. This preparation con- tains 4J grains of phosphate of iron, 4f grains of phosphate of am- monium, and 3 J grains of phosphoric acid, to a nuidrachm or teaspoonful. It is remarkable for holding the ferruginous phosphate perma- nently in perfect solution. The dose is a teaspoonful or less. Parrish's Compound Syrup of Phosphates. Take of Protosulphate of iron gx. Phosphate of sodium 3xij. Phosphate of calcium ........ ^xij. Phosphoric acid, glacial 3xx. Carbonate of sodium §ij. Carbonate of potassium 3j. Muriatic acid, Water of ammonia, of each Sufficient. Powdered cochineal ,5ij. Water Sufficient. Sugar fltij ^viij, offic. Orange-flower water f 5j. Dissolve the sulphate of iron in f^ij of boiling water, and the phosphate of sodium in f 3iv of boiling water. Mix the solutions, and wash the precipitated phosphate of iron till the washings are tasteless. Dissolve the phosphate of calcium in four nuidounces of boiling water with sufficient muriatic acid to make a clear solution; when cool precipitate it with water of ammonia, and wash the precipitate. COMPOUND SYRUP OF PHOSPHATES. 239 To the freshly-precipitated phosphates, as thus prepared, add the phosphoric acid previously dissolved in water; when clear add the carbonates of sodium and potassium, previously dissolved in water, and muriatic acid to dissolve any precipitate. low dilute with water till it reaches the measure of twenty-two fluidounces, add the sugar, and towards the last, the cochineal; dissolve by the aid of heat, strain, and when cool add the orange-flower water. As thus made, each teaspoonful contains about two and a half grains of phosphate of calcium, one grain of phosphate of iron, with fractions of a grain of phosphates of sodium and potassium, besides free phosphoric and hydrochloric acids. The solution is perfect, the taste agreeably acid, and the flavor pleasant. The dis- position to precipitate a bulky sediment of the insoluble phos- phates is one of the greatest annoyances in this preparation, when made on a large scale, and can be obviated best by substituting hj-drochloric acid for a suitable portion of the phosphoric acid used, taking care to separate the liquid into two portions, and adding the carbonate of sodium and potassium to that consisting exclusively of the phosphoric acid solution, lest portions of chloride of sodium and chloride of potassium should be formed and con- taminate the resulting solution. Owing to the uncertain strength of phosphoric acid of commerce, being a mixture of the monobasic, bibasic, and tribasic acids, as described under that head, and always being contaminated with earthy phosphates, there is some uncertainty about the proportions to be employed in the above formula. These considerations have induced the trial of a method by double decomposition, which should always furnish a uniform strength of acid from a cheap and accessible source. E. Schefier, of Louisville, Ky., has proposed to take 49.25 drachms of phosphate of calcium, 34.125 monohydrated sulphuric acid, diluted with three times its weight of water, put them in a thin dish and heat on a water-bath for half a day. By this process only 37.25 drachms of phosphate of lime will be decomposed by the sulphuric acid, which combines with the lime of these 37.25 drachms to form sulphate of calcium, while the phospiioric acid is set free and holds the other twelve drachms of phosphate of calcium in solution. After it has cooled, the magma is pressed, macerated with fresh water, and again pressed, and the liquid evaporated, if necessary, to twenty fluidounces, cooled, and filtered. The phos- phate of iron and carbonates of potassium and sodium are now added as in my own recipe, and the whole made into a syrup secun- dum artem. The washing of the precipitated sulphate of calcium is best per- formed in a funnel, the water being thrown upon the middle in a kind of reservoir formed by raising the precipitate on the sides of the funnel; the last portions are collected separately and evaporated until, with the stronger portion, they have the desired measure. Dr. Joseph G-. Richardson, of Philadelphia, has proposed to use citric acid as the solvent for the phosphates in the compound syrup; 240 IRON AND MANGANESE. this substitution, though probably modifying the therapeutic pro- perties of the preparation, furnishes it in a very agreeable form. His recipe from the American Journal of Pharmacy, vol. xxx. p. 19, was published in the second edition of this work. Under the synonym of "Chemical Food," this preparation has attained a wide popularity with the medical profession, both in the United States and in Great Britain. When skilfully made, it is one of the most agreeable, as it is certainly one of the most efficient, of the chemical nutritive tonics, which^ in accordance with im- proved methods of treating chronic diseases, have become so desirable to the physician. The excess of acid, though in a few cases disagreeing with the stomach, is perhaps generally useful in promoting the efficiency of the medicine, as a tonic, to the digestive function; it may be avoided when objectionable, by presenting the insoluble phosphates in a hydrated form, as suggested by Prof. Procter, thus: — Syrups of the Undissolved Phosphates. Take of Protosulphate of iron (cryst.) gij. Chloride of calcium (fused) £iss. Phosphate of sodium (cryst.) ^vij. Syrup of ginger, Distilled water, of each f^iv. Triturate the chloride of calcium with the phosphate of sodium and three fluidounces of the water, till the decomposition is com- plete and a smooth mixture is obtained, then add the syrup, and finally the sulphate of iron, previously dissolved in a fluidounce of the water. The resulting mixture consists of the hydrated phos- phates of iron and calcium, with about two drachms of sulphate of sodium, and a little common salt, the whole suspended and ren- dered palatable by the syrup. Ferri Pyrophosphas. 2Fe 2 3P 2 7 + 2KH 4 Ci + 13Aq. Take of Phosphate of sodium, seven troyounces and a half. Solution of tersulphate of iron, seven fluidounces, or a sufficient quantity. Citric acid, two troyounces. Water of ammonia, five fluidounces and a half, or a sufficient quantity. Water, a sufficient quantity. Heat the phosphate of sodium, in a porcelain capsule, until it undergoes the watery fusion, and continue the heat until it becomes dry. Transfer the dry salt to a shallow iron capsule, and heat it to incipient redness, without fusion. Then dissolve it in three pints of water, with the aid of heat, and, having filtered the solution and cooled it to the temperature of 50°, add solution of tersulphate of iron until, this ceases to produce a precipitate. Stir the mixture thoroughly, and pour it upon a muslin strainer, and, when the pre- cipitate has drained, wash it with water until the washings pass nearly tasteless, and transfer it to a weighed porcelain capsule. To the citric acid, contained in a suitable vessel, add water of PYROPHOSPHATE OF IRON. 241 ammonia until the acid is saturated and dissolved. Then add the solution to the precipitate in the weighed capsule, stir them together, and evaporate until the liquid is reduced to sixteen troyounces. Spread this on plates of glass or porcelain, so that, on drying, the salt may be obtained in scales. Lastly, preserve it in a well-stopped bottle, protected from the light. ( U. S. P.) When the officinal phosphate of sodium is heated to redness it undergoes a change, the phosphoric acid it contains being converted into bibasic phosphoric acid, so that by recombination it will furnish a different class of salts; the first step in the above formula is de- signed to produce this change. After expelling the water of crystal- lization, the heat is raised to incipient redness to expel the water of hydration (basic water), pyrophosphate of 'sodium being produced; this is anhydrous, and soluble with difficulty unless by heat; when crystallized from its solution it combines with ten equivalents of water. In making the salt directly from pyrophosphate of sodium the quantity should be about three troyounces of the anhydrous, or five troyounces of the crystallized salt, instead of seven troyounces and a half of ordinary phosphate of sodium ordered in the recipe. It now remains to form the bibasic salt of iron ; by precipitating solution of tersulphate of iron with the pyrophosphate of sodium, taking care to operate at a temperature below 50° F., we obtain a gela- tinous precipitate, which has the property of dissolving with facility in citrate of ammonium; this ingredient, as formed by the direct union of its elements, is accordingly added, and the solution evapo- rated till of suitable consistence to be spread on plates of glass to dry ; as thus prepared it is in thin apple-green scales, having a slightly saline (not metallic) taste, wholly and freely soluble in water; it consists of about one-half pyrophosphate of iron, one-third citrate of ammonium, and the remainder water. The composition given at the head of this article is inferred by Dr. Squibb from the ingredients and proportions used in its pre- paration, and is not the result of analysis, a remark which applies to other formula? given in this and similar works. Much of the pyrophosphate of iron that is met with in commerce is imperfectly soluble. This preparation has come into very extensive use within the past few years, having been first brought into view as a remedial agent by M. Robiquet. The officinal formula is a modification of that of Dr. Squibb, published in the Am. Journ. of Pharm., 1860, p. 36 ; to which accurate and reliable chemist we are indebted for much that is known of its properties. It is remarkably well adapted to those delicate conditions of the system in which iron is so often indicated, and has the great merit of being free from the ferruginous taste. The presence of the citrate of ammonium sometimes reproduces a tendency to diarrhoea in cases of great susceptibility of the mucous membrane, as in late stages of phthisis; it may then be combined with astringents, but gene- rally the absence of astringency is a great recommendation of this salt. The dose is five grains. 16 242 IRON AND MANGANESE. Syrup of Pyrophosphate of Iron. The difficulty of procuring the pyrophosphate perfectly soluble, or rather the fact that the article as found in commerce is so gene- rally deficient, makes it desirable that the pharmacist should pre- pare the syrup from the ingredients as given in the officinal formula for the salt; that the process may be shortened where it is intended to convert the salt into the form of syrup, Dr. Squibb recommends that the solution resulting from the addition of the solution of citrate of ammonium to the magma of freshly precipitated pyro- phosphate of iron, as evaporated ready for drying on glass, should be added to simple syrup; the following proportions sufficiently approximate the required dose. Take of Solution of pyrophosphate of iron .... 2 fluidounces. Syrup 1 pint. Mix them (add flavor to taste). Dose, a fiuidrachm. If a pure and soluble article of the pyrophosphate of iron in scales is at hand, it may be dissolved in simple syrup in the proportion of sixteen grains to the fluidourjce, which will nearly correspond with the above. Hypophosphites of Iron. There are two hypophosphites of iro*h in use in the preparations which follow, hypophosphite of sesquioxide (ferric hypophosphite), Fe 2 3P0 2 , as suggested by Prof. Procter, and hypophosphite of pro- toxide (ferrous hypophosphite), Fe2HP0 2 , proposed by W. S. Thompson, of Baltimore. The first named is prepared by precipi- tating a solution of hypophosphite of sodium or ammonium with solution of sesqui sulphate of iron. It is necessary to avoid the presence of an alkaline carbonate, or the precipitate will be con- taminated with free sesquioxide of iron. After washing the gela- tinous precipitate thrown clown by the mixed liquids, which must be done with care, as in this state it is soluble, it may be dried into an amorphous, tasteless white powder, freely soluble in hydro- chloric and hypophosphorous acids. The hypophosphite of protoxide of iron is present in two of the syrups for which recipes are given below, and is recommended in this form of preparation by being more permanent than the sesqui- salt, which, as observed by W. S. Thompson, continually tepds to pass into proto-salt in saccharine solution; the proto-salt is also more soluble; it is, I believe, not met with in commerce in a solid form. . Syrup of Hypophosphite of Iron. {Containing Ferrous Hypophosphite.) Take of Protosulphate of iron 185 grains. Carbonate of sodium 240 grains. Hypophosphorous acid (sp. gr. 1.036) 3^ ounces. Water A sufficient quantity. Sugar 12 ounces. COMPOUND SYRUP OF H YPO PH OSPHITES. 243 Dissolve the sulphate of iron and carbonate of sodium, each separately, in four fluidounces of water, and mix the solutions. Wash the precipitated carbonate of iron thoroughly with sweet- ened water, and drain it on a muslin filter; then transfer to a dish, add a small portion of water, heat gently, adding hypophosphorous acid till it forms a clear solution ; then add water till it reaches eight nuidounces, and add the sugar and flavor to taste. The dose of this is a fluidrachm. Thompson's Syrup of Hypophosphites. {Containing Ferrous Hypophosphite.) Take of Hypophosphite of calcium 256 grains. Hypophosphite of sodium 192 grains. Hypophosphite of potassium 128 grains. Protosulphate of irou, crystallized 185 grains. Carbonate of sodium 240 grains. Hypophosphorous acid (sp. gr. 1.036) . . . . 3£ fl. ounces. Sugar 12 ounces. Dissolve the protosulphate of iron and carbonate of sodium, each separately, in four nuidounces of water, and mix the solutions. Wash the precipitated carbonate of iron thoroughly with sweetened water, and drain it on a muslin filter. Having placed the salts of calcium, sodium, and potassium in a suitable porcelain dish, add about two fluidounces of water, and one fluidounce of hypophos- phorous acid; heat the mixture gently, and add the moist carbonate of iron, in small portions, from time to time, alternately with the hypophosphorous acid, until the solution is complete. Add water enough to make the wdiole measure ten fluidounces ; pour it into a bottle containing the sugar, and agitate as before. Dose, a flui- drachm. {Journ. and Trans, of Maryland College of Pharmacy, June, 1858.) Procter's Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites. {Containing Ferric Hypophosph ite.) Take of Hypophosphite of calcium 256 grains. Hypophosphite of sodium ........ 192 grains. Hypophosphite of potassium 128 grains. Hypophosphite of iron* (recently precipitated) . 96 grains. Hypophosphorous acid solution ... q. s. or 240 grains. White sugar 9 ounces. Extract of vanilla i ounce. Water A sufficient quantity. Dissolve the salts of calcium, sodium, and potassium in six ounces of water; put the iron salt in a mortar, and gradually add solution of hypophosphorous acid till it is dissolved; to this add the solution of the other salts, after it has been rendered slightly acidulous with the same acid, and then water, till the whole mea- * This quantity, 96 grains, of hypophosphite of iron is obtained when 128 grains of hypophosphite of sodium, dissolved in two ounces of water, is decomposed with a slight excess of solution of tersulphate of iron, and the white precipitate well washed on a filter with water. 244 iron and manganese. sures twelve fluidounces. Dissolve in this the sugar, with heat, and flavor with the vanilla. Dose, a fluidrachm. Without flavoring, this syrup is not unpleasant. Among the preparations of lime an4 of manganese the reader will find other eligible combinations containing hypophosphorous acid, and, in fact, the above are less prescribed than those which do not contain iron, the acid ingredient itself being possessed of those hcematogen properties which are sought in this class of tonics. Ferri Lactas. FeL + Aq? U. S. P. Take of Lactic acid, a fluidounce. Iron, in the form of filings, half a troyounce. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. Mix the acid with a pint of distilled water in an iron vessel, add the iron, and digest the mixture on a water-bath, supplying dis- tilled water, from time to time, to preserve the measure. When the action has ceased, filter the solution, while hot, into a porcelain capsule, and set it aside to crystallize. At the end of forty-eight hours, decant the liquid, wash the crystals with a little alcohol, and dry them on bibulous paper. By evaporating the mother-water in an iron vessel to one-half, filtering while hot, and setting the liquid aside, more crystals may be obtained. (U. S. P.) By this new officinal process the iron filings are oxidized into protoxide of iron, which combines with the lactic acid, yielding this salt, which, being rather insoluble, separates in greenish- white crystalline crusts or grains of a mild, sweetish, ferruginous taste, soluble in forty-eight parts of cold, and twelve of boiling water, but insoluble in alcohol. Exposed to heat it froths up, gives out thick, white, acid fumes, and becomes black, sesquioxide of iron being left. If it be boiled for fifteen minutes with nitric acid, of the specific gravity of 1.20, a white granular deposit of mucic acid will occur on the cooling of the liquid. Lactate of iron has the advantage of less solubility than some of the other salts, and hence a less powerful taste ; it is regarded as a superior preparation, on the supposition that all the combinations of iron are converted into lactates upon their entrance into the stomach. It has been incorporated with flour in the preparation of bread, and is well adapted to the form of lozenge, of chocolate drops, etc. The lactate has been found beneficial in chlorosis, and the kin- dred forms of disease, in which iron is indicated, and is said to possess a marked influence upon the appetite. Dose, gr. j to gr. v, repeated at suitable intervals. Ferri Acetas. {Acetate of Iron.) The Dublin Pharmacopoeia directs a tincture of this salt, pre- pared by double decomposition between tersulphate of iron and acetate of potassium, in alcoholic solution, and removing the crystal- TARTRATE OF IRON AND POTASSIUM. 245 line precipitate of sulphate of potassium ; it has a deep-red color, and a strong ferruginous taste. A much pleasanter preparation is the Tinctara ferri acetatis, (Ether ea, of the Prussian Pharmacopoeia, which, as a first step, orders an aqueous solution of this salt, Liquor ferri acetatis, prepared by dissolving fresh sesquioxide of iron in acetic acid, so that the solu- tion contains 8 per cent, of iron, or 11.43 of oxide of iron, and has a sp. gr. of 1.143. To make the ethereal tincture, nine ounces of this liquor, two ounces strong alcohol, and one ounce (all by weight) of acetic ether, are mixed. It is a very agreeable preparation, and largely em- ployed in Europe in doses of about 5ss. Duilos has proposed a basic acetate as an antidote to arsenious and arsenic acid, especially when combined with alkalies. It is prepared by completely saturating acetic acid with sesquioxide of iron. The solution contains Fe 2 ,Ac, and in cases of poisoning by arseniates or arsenites, is to be freely used, largely diluted with warm water. Bademacher's tinctura ferri acetici is prepared by boiling an inti- mate mixture of 2 oz. 7 dr. protosulphate of iron, 3 oz. acetate of lead, 6 oz. of distilled water, and 12 oz. wine-vinegar, in an iron vessel, and, after cooling, adding 10 oz. alcohol. This mixture is set aside for several months, and when it has assumed a deep-red color, is filtered and preserved. Age improves this tincture in taste and smell. It is used in the same cases as other mild ferruginous preparations, in doses of from thirty to sixty drops. Ferri Tannas. {Tannate of Iron, Ferric Tannate.) All sesquisalts of iron, if not too acid, are precipitated by tinc- ture of galls or tannic acid; the precipitate is of a bluish-black color, insoluble in water, and tasteless. It has been highly recom- mended as a chalybeate, which is well adapted to weak stomachs. Dose, in chlorosis, ten grains or more. A syrup has been proposed, containing 2J drachms citrate of iron, 1 drachm extract of galls, to 4 ounces raspberry syrup, and twelve ounces simple syrup. The dose is a tablespoonful several times a day. Ferri Valerianas. {Valerianate of Iron. Fe 2 3Va.) This preparation is made by the decomposition of valerianate of sodium by tersulphate of iron; it is a dark red amorphous powder, having a faint odor and taste of valerianic acid. It is insoluble in cold water, decomposed by hot water, and is soluble in alcohol. In hysterical affections complicated with chlorosis, it is prescribed in doses of about a grain repeated several times a day. Ferri et Potassii Tartras. K,Fe 2 T 4- Aq? {Tartrate of Iron and Potassium.) This double salt is directed to be prepared by heating together, to 140° F., hydrated sesquioxide of iron from one pint of solution 246 IRON" AND MANGANESE. of tersulphate with seven troyounces of bitartrate of potassium in four pints of water. The excess of tartaric acid in the latter salt is saturated by the ferric oxide, forming an uncrystallizable salt. This is obtained by evaporation in a thick, syrupy liquid, which is poured on plates of glass to dry. As thus prepared, it forms ruby- red scales, having the physical characters of the citrate; soluble in seven times its weight of water, and becoming damp on exposure. In solution it does not change the color of litmus, and, at common temperatures, does not yield a precipitate with potassa, soda, or ammonia. Ferrocyanide of potassium does not render it blue until an acid be added. Its astringency is much less than that of the ferruginous pre- parations generally, and its stimulating influence less obvious. From its slight taste and ready solubility, it is one of the best pre- parations for children. Dose, gr. x to xx. Ferri et Ammonii Tartras. NH 4 Fe 2 T-h Aq? (Ammonio- Tartrate of Iron.) This double salt resembles the foregoing; it is prepared by satu- rating 6 troyounces of tartaric acid in solution with carbonate of ammonium, then adding 6 troyounces additional of the acid; hydrated sesquioxide of iron from two and a half pints of the solu- tion of tersulphate is now precipitated and washed and added to the solution of bitartrate of ammonium, which is kept at the tem- perature of 150° until it ceases to take up the oxide. It is then filtered and evaporated to the consistence of syrup, and spread on plates of glass, so that on drying the salt may be obtained in scales. These are transparent garnet-red, with a " saccharine taste." It is much more soluble than the tartrate of iron and potassium, being slowly dissolved by little more than its weight of water, but is in- soluble in alcohol and ether. It is neutral to test paper, not pre- cipitated by the fixed alkalies, nor rendered blue by ferrocyanide of potassium. When incinerated it yields twenty-nine per cent, of sesquioxide of iron. Ammonio-tartrate is one of the best preparations of iron for com- mon use, especially adapted to children; it is, however, less pre- scribed than the ammonio-citrate. Dose, gr. x to xx. Ferri Prototartras. FeT + 4 Aq ? (Prototartrate of Iron. Ferrous Tartrate.) Is obtained as a crystalline powder, by digesting iron filings with tartaric acid in solution. It is little soluble in water, has a mild ferruginous taste, and contains 13 per cent, water of crystallization. It may be used like the other mild forms of iron. SYRUP OF FERROUS NITRATE. 247 Liquor Ferri Nitratis, U. S. P. (Solution of Nitrate of Iron. Ferric Nitrate.) Take of Iron, in the form of wire cut in pieces, two troyounces and a half. Nitric acid, five troyounces. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. Mix the iron with 'twelve fluidounces of distilled water in a wide- mouthed bottle; add to the mixture, in small portions at a time, with frequent agitation, three troyounces of the nitric acid, pre- viously mixed with six fluidounces of distilled water, moderating the reaction by setting the vessel in cold water, in order to pre- vent the occurrence of red fumes. When the effervescence has nearly ceased, agitate the solution with the undissolved iron until a portion of the liquid, on being filtered, exhibits a pale-green color. Then filter the liquid, and, having poured it into a capa- cious porcelain capsule, heat it to the temperature of 130°, and add the remainder of the nitric acid. When the effervescence has ceased, continue the heat until no more gas escapes, and then add sufficient distilled water to bring the liquid to the measure of thirty- six fluidounces. This improved formula from the Pharmacopoeia is designed to furnish a permanent solution not liable to precipitate the bulky subnitrate upon standing, which, as made by the old process, was invariably the case. The acid is now directed to be weighed instead of being measured, so that an apparent variation exists in the proportion ; this, however, is nearly the same as in the old process, the differences in the old and new formula being in the mode of oxidizing the iron and form- ing the salt. The protonitrate is first formed by the addition of diluted acid to the iron immersed in a large quantity of water, keeping down the temperature by a cold water-bath; an additional portion of nitric acid is then added after filtration, and the solu- tion heated, which peroxidizes the iron and forms pernitrate, Fe 2 ,6^0 3 . The liquid has a pale amber color, and a sp. gr. between 1.060 and 1.070; it does not afford a blue precipitate with ferridcyanide of potassium. A fluidounce of it should contain from eight to ten grains of anhydrous sesquioxicle of iron, combined with nitric acid. It is used as an astringent in diarrhoea, and in hemorrhages from the bowels, uterus, etc., in individuals of pale and feeble constitu- tions. As a remedy in dysentery, it probably has no superior. A physician of considerable experience writes: "I regard it as much a specific as quinine is for ague." Dose, n\,v to xv. Syrupus Ferri Prtotonitratis. (Syrup of Ferrous Nitrate.) Take of Iron wire (card teeth), in pieces . . Two ounces. Citric acid (sp. gr. 1.42) Three fluidounces. Water Thirteen fluidounces. Sugar, in powder Two pounds. Put the iron in a wide-mouthed bottle, kept cool by standing in cold water, and pour upon it three fluidounces of water. Then 248 IKON" AND MANGANESE. mix the acid with ten fluid ounces of water, and add the mixture in portions of half a fluidounce to the iron, agitating frequently until the acid is saturated, using litmus paper. When all the acid has been combined, filter the solution into a bottle containing the sugar and marked to contain thirty fluidounces. If the whole does not measure that bulk, pour water on the filter until it does. When all the sugar is dissolved, strain, if necessary, and intro- duce the syrup into suitable vials, and seal them. It requires a particular course of manipulation to dissolve iron in nitric acid, without a large portion passing to the higher stage of oxidation. This manipulation is adopted in the first part of the formula for solution of pernitrate of iron as above, and in this formula, the iron is used in excess ; care is taken to prevent its peroxidation by the large dilution of the acid, and the refrigera- tion of the liquid. As thus obtained the solution has a light- greenish color when filtered, and is precipitated of a greenish color by ammonia. It is necessary for the solution to stand on the iron for several hours after the last addition of acid. This preparation is, I believe, used for nearly the same purposes as the foregoing, though perhaps less distinctly astringent. Dose, niv to xv. Liquor Ferri Hyperchloratis. {Solution of Perchlorate of Iron.) This salt has been recommended in certain forms of disease, on account of the large quantity of oxygen it contains. It is prepared by dissolving sesquioxide of iron in hyperchloric acid. This acid is obtained by distilling from perchlorate of potassium and sul- phuric acid, or by the decomposition of the perchlorate with fluo- silicic acid. (See works on Chemistry.) The solution contains Fe.,HC10 4 . It is given in mucilaginous liquids, in doses of about ten drops. Preparations of Iron. (See First Group, page 226.) 2d Group. — Compounds of Iron with Halogens and Sulphur. Name. Composition, etc. Dose. Description, etc. Ferri chloridum Fe 2 Cl 6 +6H 2 Fe 2 Cl 5 in Aq. sp.gr. 1.355 gr. 59 Fr fi C1 6 to f£j gr. 1 5 to i%j 15 per cent. Fe 2 Cl 6 Fe 4 Fcy 3 gr. j to v Orange-yel'w crystals n\ xv n\ xxx gr. v to x gr. ij to v TT\,xx gr. ij to v n\ xx IT^VtOX gr. v gr. v Yellowish-brown. Spt. ferri chlorati cethereus... Prussian Ph. Orange-colored grs. Ferri ferrocyanidum Pure Prussian blue. "Ferri hgdrocyanatum" Poisonous. Fel 2 gr. 7 Fel 2 to f5j FeBr 2 Decomposes in air. Light-green color. Brick-red powder. Greenish syrup. See Bromine. FeS FeS,K 2 S,K 2 S 5 i In baths. Ferri et potassii sulphuretum CHLORIDE OF IKON. 249 Ferri Chloridum. Fe 2 Cl -f 6H 2 0=433. (Chloride of Iron.) Take of Iron, in the form of wire, and cut in pieces, two troyounces. Muriatic acid, twelve troyounces. Nitric acid, a troyounce, or a sufficient quantity. To eight troyounces of the muriatic acid, introduced into a two- pint flask, add the iron, and apply a gentle heat until the acid is saturated and effervescence has ceased. Filter the solution, add to it the remainder of the muriatic acid, heat the mixture nearly to the boiling point in a four-pint porcelain capsule, and add nitric acid in successive portions until red fumes are no longer evolved, and a drop of the liquid ceases to yield a blue precipitate with ferridcyanide of potassium. Transfer the liquid to a smaller cap- sule, evaporate it by a gentle heat, on a sand-bath, until reduced to eight troyounces and three hundred and sixty grains, and set it aside, covered with glass, for several days, in order that it may form a solid, crystalline mass. Lastly, break this into pieces, and keep the fragments in a well-stopped bottle, protected from the light. (U. S. P.) This preparation is made officinal by a simple and readily practi- cable process in the edition of 1860; by the action of muriatic acid upon metallic iron protochloride results, which, by heating with nitric acid, is converted into sesquichloride (N0 2 yielding oxj^gen to IIC1, and thus evolving CI, which converts FeCl into Fe 2 Cl fi ). A gentle heat is directed to prevent the evaporation and decomposi- tion of a portion of the dissolved chloride. The salt, as obtained by this process, is in yellow crystalline masses, very deliquescent and inconvenient to weigh or manipulate with. It is wholly soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Its solution in water affords with ammonia a brown precipitate of by d rated ses- quioxide of iron, and does not yield a blue one with ferridcyanide of potassium (red prussiate of potassium). Perchloride of iron has been very highly recommended, espe- cially by the French surgeons, for both internal and external use as an astringent. Internally it is used, chiefly in the form of syrup in intestinal hemorrhages, and as a local haemostatic it has been chiefly used in solution, known as Pravaze's solution, for which an elaborate formula was published in the last edition of this work. By the above officinal process we may prepare the salt with great facility, and from the salt, the solution. The strength of the solu- tion is, moreover, greatly varied for different purposes — from ^lx to 3ij to each f 3j. For internal use gr. j to gr. v may be admin- istered in a spoonful of syrup. In cases of obstinate local hemorrhage it is recommended to apply the soft, deliquesced salt by means of a brush of spun glass, the pointed and softened end of a stick, or other suitable appliance. Solution of Perchloride of Iron. — The Prussian Pharmacopoeia di- rects an aqueous solution of sesquichloride of iron, which contains ten per cent, of its weight of iron ; this is probably never used in- 250 IRON AND MANGANESE. ternally, but kept as a convenient solution for readily obtaining the peroxide of iron, and for the preparation of the following: — ■ Spiritus Ferri Chlorati JEthereus ; Bestucheff's Nervine Tincture ; Lamotte's Golden Drops. — It is prepared by mixing one part (by weight) of solution of perchloride of iron with one and a half part of strong alcohol, and one-half part of ether, exposing the mixture in well-corked white bottles to the sun until it becomes colorless, and subsequently allowing it to oxidize again in contact with the air until it has obtained a yellowish color. It probably contains some chloric ether and acetic acid, and nearly the whole of the iron as a protosalt. This remedy acquired much celebrity during the last century, and is still much used in Europe as a mild ferruginous preparation, agreeably modified by the presence of ether. Its medium dose is tt^xxx. Syrupus Ferri Chloridi. Take of Chloride of iron Half a troyounce. Simple syrup . One pint. Mix (flavor to taste). Dose, a teasooonful, as a tonic and astringent, adapted to weak and relaxed conditions of the stomach and bowels, and to anaemic symptoms generally. Liquor Ferri Chloridi, U. S. P. {Solution of Chloride of Iron.) Take of Iron, in the form of wire and cut in pieces, three troyounces. Muriatic acid, seventeen troyounces and a half. Nitric acid, Distilled water, each, a sufficient quantity. Introduce the iron into a flask of the capacity of two pints, pour upon it eleven troyounces of the muriatic acid, and allow the mixture to stand until effervescence has ceased. Then heat it to the boiling point, decant the liquid from the undissolved iron, filter it through paper, and, having rinsed the flask with a little boiling distilled water, add this to it through the filter. Pour the filtered liquid into a capsule of the capacity of four pints, add the remain- der of the muriatic acid, and, having treated the mixture nearly to the boiling point, add a troyounce and a half of nitric acid. When effervescence has ceased, drop in nitric acid, constantly stir- ring, until it no longer produces effervescence. Lastly, when the liquid is cold, add sufficient distilled water to make it measure a pint. Its specific gravity is 1.355. This is a new officinal in the U. S. P. 1870, designed to furnish a solution from which the tinctura ferri chloridi can be readily prepared; the formula is a slight modification of one proposed by Dr. E. R. Squibb, and yields a more uniform preparation than that made from the subcarbonate of iron. One fluidounce of this solu- tion yields a precipitate with ammonia, which, when washed, dried, and ignited, amounts to 113 grains. FERROCYANIDE OF IRON. 251 Tincture of Ferri Ghloridi. Tincture of Chloride of Iron. 1870. Take of Solution of chloride of iron Half a pint. Alcohol A pint and a half. Mix them and preserve the mixture in a well-stoppered bottle. In prescribing this tincture it should be remembered that the drops are very small, so that, although its dose is from ten to twenty minims, twice that number of drops may be given. It should not be prescribed with strong mucilage, which it has the property of gelatinizing. It is most frequently presented alone, dropped into water. It is one of the most popular of the iron preparations. Besides the properties which are common to these, it is astringent, used in passive hemorrhages, and a diuretic which adapts it to a variety of cases. It is also one of the best solvents and vehicles for sul- phate of quinia. Ferrum Ammoniatum. (Ammoniated Iron. Flores Martiales.) Subcarbonate of iron is mixed with muriatic acid in a glass vessel; water and sesquichloride of iron are formed'; a solution of the latter is then evaporated along with a solution of muriate of ammonia; a mixture of the two salts is the result, in about the pro- portions of iifteen per cent, of the former to eighty-five of the latter. It is met with in the shops in the form of small orange-colored pulverulent grains, sometimes quite crystalline, having a feeble odor and a styptic saline taste. It is deliquescent and soluble in diluted alcohol and water. It also sublimes almost without residue. In consequence of the small proportion of iron present, it is little esteemed as a chalybeate, and has been omitted from the last two editions of the Pharmacopoeia. The large amount of muriate of ammonia contained in it renders it alterative, and in large doses aperient. It has been used with advantage in amenorrhoea, scrofula, etc. Also as a deobstruent in glandular swellings. Dose, gr. iv to x. Ferri Ferrocyanidum. {Ferrocyanide of Iron. Prussian Blue. Fe 4 Fcy 3 .) Obtained by a double reaction ensuing upon mixture of solutions of ferrocyanide of potassium and solution of tersulphate of iron. It is an insipid, inodorous substance, in porous cakes, of a rich velvety blue color. Insoluble in water, alcohol, and diluted mineral acids; diluted muriatic acid after boiling on it should yield no pre- cipitate on the addition of ammonia; alkalies decompose it, leaving sesquioxide of iron, and dissolving an alkaline ferrocyanide. Red oxide of mercury, boiled with Prussian blue, affords the soluble cyanide of mercury, with an insoluble mixture of oxide and cyanide of iron. Tonic and sedative. It has been recommended in intermittent and remittent fever; also in epilepsy and facial neuralgia. Dose, gr. v-xv. 252 IRON AND MANGANESE. Hydrocyanate of iron is the name given to a preparation manufac- tured and sold by Tilden & Co. It appears to be a mixed com- pound of the ferrocyanide of potassium and ferrocyanide of iron, probably made by adding an excess of cyanide of potassium to pro- tosulphate of iron in solution, and either omitting washing it, or washing imperfectly. The close is smaller than the foregoing; J gr. to 1 gr. An accident resulting fatally is said to have occurred by the sub- stitution of this for the official ferrocyanide. Ferri Iodidum. Fel 2 4- Aq. {Iodide of Iron. Ferrous Iodide.) Take of Iodine ^ij. Iron filings §j. Distilled water Ojss. Mix the iodine with Oj water, in a glass or porcelain vessel, and gradually add the iron filings, stirring constantly. Heat the mix- ture gently, until of a light-green color. Filter, and pour upon it the remaining Oss of water, boiling hot. Evaporate the filtered liquor at a temperature not exceeding 212°, in an iron vessel, to dryness. Keep in a closely stopped bottle. One eq. of iron is here made to unite directly with two eq. of iodine, forming an iodide, Fel 2 . It is in the form of amorphous masses, containing a small but variable portion of water, exceedingly deliquescent, and pos- sessed of a styptic, chalybeate taste. It is partially soluble in water, imparting to a solution the odor and taste of iodine. By exposure to the atmosphere, it decomposes into free iodine and sesquioxide of iron. It should be remembered that the proportion of iron in the iodide is small, and that it is a comparatively powerful prepara- tion. Dose, gr. j to ij. Owing to its liability to decompose and its extraordinary deliquescence, it has been omitted from the late edition of the Pharmacopoeia, and is rarely prescribed, except in the form of the syrup next described, or in that of pilulse ferri iodidi, introduced among Extemporaneous Preparations. Syrupus Ferri Iodidi, IT. S. P. Liquor Ferri Iodidi, U. S. P. 1850. Take of Iodine, two troyounces. Iron, in the form of wire and cut in pieces, three hundred grains. Distilled water, three fluidounces. Syrup, a sufficient quantity. Mix the iodine, iron, and distilled water in a flask of thin glass, shake the mixture occasionally until the reaction ceases, and the solution has acquired a green color and lost the smell of iodine. Then, having introduced a pint of syrup into a graduated bottle, heat it by means of a water-bath to 212°, and, through a small funnel, the neck of which, when inserted in the mouth of the bottle, passes beneath the surface of the syrup, filter into it the solution already prepared. When this has passed, close the bottle, shake it thoroughly, and, when the liquid has cooled, add sufllcient syrup BROMIDE OF IRON. 253 to make the whole measure twenty fluidounces. Lastly, again shake the bottle, and transfer its contents to two-ounce vials, which must be well stopped. The present officinal formula for this preparation differs from the foregoing chiefly in containing a larger proportion of sugar, which entitles it to the name of a syrup instead of that of solution as heretofore. It is an instance of the direct union of two elements at ordinary temperatures by contact, which is rendered less rapid and more complete by the intervention of water. The use of heat, to promote the union of iron and iodine, is un- necessary; the reaction, which is the same as that in the process for making the solid iodide, will take place satisfactorily in the cold. The result is a solution of the iodide of iron, which is preserved by admixture with syrup ; it is a transparent liquid, of a pale-green color, deposits no sediment by keeping, and does not tinge solution of starch blue. Mixed with sulphuric acid it becomes brown, and the mixture emits violet vapors when heated. The use of sugar as a preservative of this compound is an impor- tant improvement, introduced about the year 1830, and has brought this important salt within the reach of the practitioner in a very permanent and eligible form. Iodide of iron produces the valuable effects of the ferruginous salts, in addition to those of iodine; it is peculiarly applicable to the treatment of scrofulous diseases in anaemic patients, and is very much prescribed. This syrup con- tains about t l\ grains of salt to f 3j. Dose, nixx to xl. It dissolves small proportions of the iodides of mercury, copper, etc., and is incompatible with most chemical agents, but may be mixed with the syrups and fluid extracts of the vegetable altera- tives, or, what is perhaps better, prescribed in a separate vial, to be dropped into the syrup at the time of taking it. A preparation is sometimes prescribed in Philadelphia under the name of Dr. Hays's Syrup of Iodide of Iron: the formula is published in the Amer. Journ. of Med. Sciences for 1840, p. 449. It is made from 400 grains of iodine, and 160 of iron, and two ounces of sugar to f^iv. Dose, ttiv. Ferri JBromidum. {Bromide of Iron. FeBr 2 =136.) This salt is obtained by adding bromine to iron filings, in ex- cess, under water, and submitting them to a moderate heat. When the liquid assumes a greenish-yellow appearance, it is filtered and evaporated rapidly to dryness in an iron vessel. Bromide of iron is a brick- red, very deliquescent salt, of an acrid styptic taste, and requires to be kept closely stopped in glass vials. This bromide has been used quite extensively in Pittsburg, Pa., as a tonic and alterative, and is considered by some physicians a highly efficacious preparation. 254 IKON AND MANGANESE. Syrup of Bromide of Iron. Take of Bromine 200 grains. Iron filings 85 grains. "Water ' . . 4£ fluidounces. Sugar 3 ounces. Make a solution in the manner directed for preparing the offici- nal syrup of iodide of iron. Dose, t^xx, three times a day, grad- ually increased. (See Medical Examiner, vol. vii. p. 162.) For the preparation of a solution of bromide of iron with excess of bromine, see Bromine. Sulphur ets of Iron. Several sulphurets have been proposed, as stimulating alteratives, and as antidotes against the poisonous action of arsenic, lead, mercury, and other metals, which are precipitated by hydrosul- phuric acid. As this latter acid may be set free by the intestinal acids, and in larger quantities has itself a poisonous action, the free use of these sulphurets seems to require care. Ferri sidphuretum, called black sulphuret of iron, is prepared by fusing together iron and sulphur. If well prepared it has a yellowish-gray or blackish color, without odor or taste, and is wholly soluble in dilated acids, with evolution of sulphuretted hy- drogen. It is chiefly used for the preparation of this gas, but has been given in scrofulous and chronic skin diseases, in doses of 5 or 10 grains, twice a day. Ferri et Potassii sulphxiretum, prepared by fusing together equal parts of iron filings and carbonate of potassium, with \ part of flowers of sulphur, is a brown mass, of the odor of sulphuretted hydrogen. It has been recommended as an antidote against arsenic, and also as a powerful alterative in doses of 5 grains, and in larger doses, diluted, in cases of poisoning; externally it has been employed as an addition to baths in the quantity of 1 to 3 ounces. Manganese. Mn=55. This is a metal resembling iron in its therapeutical as well as in some of its chemical properties. It forms several oxides, of which the protoxide, MnO, is present in its most important oxy salts, which have a rose color, or are colorless. The salts of protoxide of man- ganese are not incompatible with vegetable astringents, which is their chief pharmaceutical merit. Tests for Protoxide of Manganese. — The salts in which protoxide of manganese forms the base are recognized as follows: — Sulphuretted hydrogen produces in alkalies and sulphuret of ammonium, in neutral solutions, a flesh-colored precipitate of MnS, turning to brown in contact with air, soluble in acids. Alkalies cause a whitish precipitate of MnO,HO; carbonates of the alkalies a similar precipitate of Mn,C0 3 . By exposure to the air, they are partly oxidized, and turn brown. PREPARATIONS OF MANGANESE. 255 Carbonate of sodium, fused with compounds of manganese in the outer flame before the blowpipe, assumes from NaO,Mn0 3 , a green color, turning to a turbid blue green after cooling. Preparations of Manganese. Manganesii oxidum nigrum, Mn0 2 . Native impure mineral. Manganesii sulphas, MnS0 4 -j- 4Aq. Pale rose-colored crystals, soluble. Manganesii carbonas, MnC0 3 -f- Aq. Whitish insoluble powder. Manganesii acetas, MnAc. By dissolving carbonate in Ac. Manganesii lactas, 2MnL + 10Aq. Dose, gr. j. Rose-colored crystals. Manganesii phosphas, 3MnHP0 4 -f- 4Aq. Dose, gr. j to v. White insoluble powder. Syr. manganesii phosphatis, gr. v to f5J. Dose, f 3J ■ Syr. manganesii hypophosphitis. Dose, §ss, contains 2\ grs. of the salt. Manganesii chloridum, MnCl 2 . Milder than sulphate. Dose, gr. v. Syrupus manganesii iodidi. Contains f5j to each f§j. Dose, tt^ x. Syrupus ferri et manganesii iodidi. Same strength as syr. ferri iod. Potassii permanganas, K 2 Mn 2 O g . Purple crystals, or green powder. The native impure form of manganese in commerce, that of black oxide, is used to prepare all the rest, it is imported in lumps and in powder, and should have a dark, shining, crystalline appearance; its combining number is 87. Manganesii Sulphas. (Sulphate of Manganese. Manqanous Sulphate. MnS0 4 + 4Aq = 241.) This salt may be prepared as follows: — Mix in a sand crucible the black oxide of manganese with sul- phuric acid until of a thick pasty consistence. Cover with a smaller crucible and expose the mixture to a red heat for half an hour. At the end of this interval, remove the crucible from the fire, and when cool reduce the dark brown mass to a coarse powder. Introduce this into a crucible, and saturate as before with sulphuric acid. Again apply heat and continue it till white vapors cease to be expelled. The mass remaining contains the sulphate, which may be obtained impure by solution and evaporation. To purify this from iron, the following directions are given: The filtered solu- tion is to be heated in a porcelain capsule, and when nearly boiling, drop' into it carbonate of manganese in small portions at a time until all the iron shall have been precipitated and the liquid changes from a dark red to a pale rose tint. Now evaporate and crj^stallize. Some processes recommend the heating of black oxide with carbon previous to adding the sulphuric acid, others direct the addition of the moist carbonate to diluted sulphuric acid. These crystals are of a pale rose color, containino; when formed below 42° F. 7Aq, between 42° and 68° 5 Aq, and between 68° and 86° 4H 2 0; they have a styptic taste, are freely soluble in water, and may be given as a tonic in a dose of gr. v; as a cholagogue cathartic, 3j to 3ij is required. The solution is not disturbed by tincture of nutgall, but affords with caustic alkalies a white pre- cipitate, which soon becomes brown by exposure to the air. Hydro- sulphate of ammonium throws down a flesh-colored precipitate, and ferrocyanide of potassium, a white one. 256 IRON AND MANGANESE. Carbonate of Manganese. MnC0 3 + Aq == 133. This is made by precipitating sulphate with a carbonated alkali, or directly from the native black oxide, as follows: — Take of black oxide of manganese ibj, in powder, put it in a porcelain dish on a sand-bath or other source of heat; pour on it muriatic acid Oij, and stir well. Chlorine is evolved, which makes it necessary to operate in the open air or under a chimney. Muri- atic acid should be added until it is nearly dissolved. To get rid of free muriatic acid and sesquichloride of iron, add carbonate of sodium, boiling, after each addition, as long as the carbonate pre- cipitated is contaminated with iron, or until a portion of the solu- tion tested with yellow prussiate of potassium does not produce a blue color. The solution of chloride of manganese, being now separated from the oxide of iron by filtration, will furnish, on the addition of an excess of carbonate of sodium, a bulky white preci- pitate, which, being washed in cold boiled water and dried, con- stitutes carbonate of manganese. It is a white or pale rose-colored powder, insoluble in water, and liable to pass into a higher state of oxidation ; it may be given in powder, close, gr. v, or in the form, of saccharine powder, or made into a mass with honey. Manganesii Acetas. MnAc? By dissolving the carbonate in acetic acid and evaporating, color- less or rose-colored prisms are obtained, which are permanent in the air, have an astringent metallic taste, and are soluble in alcohol, and in three and a half parts of water. It is considered one of the mildest medicinal salts of manganese, and is given in a dose of five grains. Manganesii Lactas. 2MnL 4- lOAq. Prepared by dissolving carbonate of manganese in lactic acid, and evaporating; it crystallizes in four-sided prisms of a pale rose- color, is efflorescent, and dissolves in twelve parts of cold water. It has been used together with lactate of iron in doses of one grain, in chlorosis. Phosphate of Manganese. 3MnHP0 4 + 4Aq. This salt is prepared by mixing solutions of sulphate of man- ganese four parts, and phosphate of sodium five parts, washing the precipitated phosphate till the sulphate of sodium is completely removed, and drying at a moderate heat. It is a white, nearly in- soluble powder, and may be made into pills or lozenges, and given in a dose of from one to five grains. SYRUP OF MANGANESE. 257 Syrup of Phosphate of Manganese. Take of Sulphate of manganese (in crystals) . . . ^iss, gr. xvij. Phosphate of sodium 3iiss or q. s. Muriatic acid f 5iv. "Water, q. s. to make f^vij. Sugar, q. s. to make, with the foregoing . . fgxiiss. Dissolve the salts separately, each in half a pint of water, and acid the solution of phosphate of sodium to the solution of sul- phate of manganese, as long as it produces a precipitate, which wash with cold water, and dissolve by means of the muriatic acid; dilute till it measures seven fluidounces, then add ten troy ounces of sugar, or sufficient to make up the bulk of twelve and a half fluidounces. Each f'3j contains five grains of the salt. The following have also been occasionally supplied for physi- cians' prescriptions. Syrup of Hypophosphite of Manganese. Take of Sulphate of manganese 240 grains. Hyposulphite of calcium 160 " Water Sufficient. Sugar lhij. Orange-flower water f£ss. Dissolve the hypophosphite and sulphate in separate portions of water and mix ; then wash the precipitate, evaporate the filtrate to one pint, dissolve in this the sugar by the aid of heat, and add the orange-flower water. Dose, a tablespoonful, containing 2J grains of hypophosphite of manganese. Syrup of Iodide of Manganese. Take of Sulphate of manganese §ij. Iodide of potassium £ij, ^iij. Sugar 3xij. Water, Syrup, of each Sufficient. Dissolve the sulphate and iodide each in f^iij of cold water, to which f 3ij of syrup have been added, mix them in a glass-stop- pered bottle, and, after the crystals of sulphate of potassium cease to precipitate, throw the solution on a filter of fine muslin, and allow it to pass into a pint bottle containing the sugar ; add suffi- cient water to the filter to bring up the measure of the resulting syrup to exactly a pint. This contains about 3j of the iodide to each fsj. Dose, ^i x. {Procter's Process.) Process of J. Creuse. Take of Iodine 1 troyounce. Iron filings 360 grains. Peroxide of manganese, washed . . 2 troyounces. Warm water q. s. or 6 fluidounces. Sulphite of sodium ■ 2 or 3 grains. Granulated sugar 9 troycunces. Pour the water and the iron filings into a glass matrass ; add the 17 1:05 IKON AND MANGANESE. iodine in the usual manner for making iodide of iron ; when this is completed place the matrass on a sand- or water-bath, and add the peroxide of manganese by small portions, as long as a new addition causes the liquid to assume a deep-red color, becoming light brown by agitation, and bring slowly to ebullition. The liquid is then of a light-brown color, due to some free iodine, but contains no trace of iron, as may be ascertained by means of tinct. of nutgalls. Dissolve the sulphite of soda in a drachm of water, add it drop by drop to the liquid till it is dissolved, filter, wash the precipitate well, evaporate to five fluidounces, and dissolve in it the sugar, so as to obtain ten fluidounces of syrup. The syrup of iodide of manganese thus obtained is almost free from color, presenting only the characteristic light rosy tint of manganese salts. Its taste is saline and not unpleasant. The strength of it is the same as that of the officinal syrup of iodide of iron, that is, about 7.33 grains of the salt to the fi uidrachm. The following equation may explain the chemical reaction: 3Mn0 2 + 4Fe + 31 = 3MnI + 2Fe 2 3 . But it is in reality more complicated than that. When peroxide of manganese is added to iodide of iron, some iodide of manganese is formed, some iodine set free, and some sesquioxide of iron formed, as this equation shows: 4FeI + 3Mn0 2 ^= 3MnI -f 2¥efi 3 + I. The liberated iodine com- bines then with the excess of metallic iron, forming more iodide of iron, which is again decomposed in the same manner by the per- oxide of manganese, and so on ad infinitum. This also explains the presence to the end of a slight quantity of free iodine ; this quan- tity, however, is small, as it requires hardly a grain of the sulphite to discolor it. {The Physician and Pharmacist, Feb. 1872.) Sypup of Iodide of Iron and Manganese. (Procter.) This preparation nearly represents the officinal solution of iodide of iron, and is used for the same purposes, and in the same doses. Take of Iodide of potassium 1000 grains. Protosulpliate of iron 630 grains. Protosulphate of manganese 210 grains. Iron filings (free from rust) ....... 100 grains. White sugar (in coarse powder) 4800 grains. Distilled and boiled water q. s. Triturate the sulphates and the iodide separately to powder, mix them with the iron filings, add half a fluidounce of distilled water, and triturate to a uniform paste. After standing a few minutes, again add half a fluidounce of distilled water, triturate, and allow it to rest fifteen minutes. A third addition of water should now be made and mixed. The sugar should then be introduced into a bottle capable of holding a little more than twelve fluidounces, and a small funnel, prepared with a moistened filter, inserted into its mouth. The magma of salts should then be carefully removed from the mortar to the filter, and when the dense solution has drained through, distilled or boiled water should be carefully poured on in small portions, until the solution of the iodides is CHLORIDE OF MANGANESE. 259 displaced and washed from the magma of crystals of sulphate of potassium. Finally, finish the measure of twelve ounces by adding boiled water, and agitate the bottle until the sugar is dissolved. The solution of the sugar may be facilitated, when desirable, by standing the bottle in warm water for a time, and then agitating. Each'fluidounce of this syrup contains fifty grains of the mixed anhydrous iodides in the proportion of three parts of iodide of iron to one part of iodide of manganese, and the dose is from ten drops to half a iluidrachm. For papers on the preparations of manganese and iron, including effervescing powders, lozenges, pills, chocolate, and syrup, see American Journal of Pharmacy, vol. xxv. p. 174; also vol. xxii. p. 297. Potassii Permamganas. K 2 Mn 2 8 . (Permanganate of Potassium. Chameleon Mineral.) This salt, which is sometimes called hypermanganate of potassium, may be made by mixing equal parts of very finely-powdered deut- oxide of manganese and chlorate of potassium, with rather more than an equal part of caustic potassa, dissolving in a little water, evaporating to dryness, and exposing to a temperature just short of redness. The mass, on treatment with hot water, yields a deep purple solution of this salt, which on evaporation crystallizes, or, if evaporated to dryness, the salt is obtained as a dark-green powder. The crystals are purple, and dissolve in 16 parts of water. The uses of this preparation are, internally as a remedy in dia- betes, dose three grains three times a day, gradually increased, and externally as a caustic and u deodorizer" in treating foul ulcers. It is applied in powder, dusted on to the part, or in solution, from one to ten grains to the ounce. For the remarkable relations of this salt to ozone, and its uses as a deodorizer, see page 131. Chloride of Manganese. MnCl 2 4- 2H 2 0=162. The residuary liquid obtained in preparing chlorine, by dissolv- ing binoxide of manganese in hydrochloric acid, consists of chloride of manganese contaminated with sesquichloride of iron; to free it of this it should be boiled to expel the excess of the acid, and then boiled with a magma of carbonate of manganese, which precipitates the whole of the iron salt. It crystallizes in thick tables of a rose color, soluble in water and alcohol; its medical properties are little known, but probably bear relation to those of the sulphate, similar to that of the correspond- ing salts of iron. Its dose is five grains. 260 PREPARATIONS OF COPPER, ZINC, NICKEL, ETC, CHAPTER VII. preparations of copper, zinc, nickel, and cadmium. Cuprum. Cu=63.4. (Copper.) The properties of metallic copper are generally familiar; it is found native in large masses near the shores of Lake Superior, whence the United States are chiefly supplied. It furnishes, by oxidation and combination with acids, some important medicines, which are also, in excessive doses, corrosive poisons. The best antidote is white of egg, milk, or other bland liquid; magnesia will aid in the case of sulphate, by decomposing that salt. Copper is apt to contaminate stewed fruit, from the use of copper vessels in their preparation; it may be detected by immersing a clean spatula in the suspected liquid, which deposits a film of metallic copper. Reactions. — The presence of copper is also detected by the follow- ing reactions of the solutions of its oxide. Potassa causes a blue precipitate, and its carbonate a pale green, soluble in an excess of the precipitant in the presence of some organic bodies. If grape sugar is present the clear solution on boiling precipitates red suboxide of copper. Ammonia precipitates them greenish, an excess redissolves the precipitate with a beautiful blue color. Sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphuret of ammonium produce a black or deep brown precipitate, soluble in N0 3 . Iodide of potassium causes a white precipitate of Cu 2 I; free iodine is liberated at the same time. Ferrocyanide of potassium causes a brown-red precipitate soluble in alkalies. Copper Preparations. Cupri sulphas, CuS0 4 + 5H 2 0. Blue vitriol. Dose, tonic, \ gr., emet, gr. v. Cupri carbonas, CuC0 3 -}- CuO,HO. Pale green color. Dose, gr. v. Cupri ozidum, CuO. Black color. Dose, £ to 1 gr. Cupri nitras, Cu2N0 3 + 3H a 0. Blue deliquescent crystals. Dose, •§- to £ gr. Cupri chloridum, CuCl + 2H 2 0. Green soluble needles. Dose, T X g- to i gr. Cuprum ammoniatum, CuS0 4 -J- H 2 0,2NH 4 . Blue amorphous moist powder, or pris- matic crystals. Cupri subacetas, Cu 2 02Ac -|- 6H 2 0. Verdigris ; amorphous green masses. Externally Cupri acetas, Cu2Ac. " Distilled verdigris" crystals. Neutral acetate. Cuprum aluminatum. Lapis divinus. Cupri Sulphas. CuS0 4 +5H 2 0= 124.4. {Blue Vitriol. Blue Stone.) Four methods are in use for obtaining this salt. 1st. By evapo- rating the waters which flow through copper mines, and which CUPRI OXIDUM. 261 hold it in solution. 2d. Roasting copper pyrites, lixiviating the residuum to dissolve the sulphate, and evaporating so as to obtain crystals. The S of the pyrites abstracts from the air, and becomes S0 4 , and the Cu uniting forms sulphate of copper. 3d. Another mode is to sprinkle plates of copper with sulphur, which are next heated to redness and plunged into water; the sheets are entirely corroded; a sulphuret is formed, which, by the action of heat and air, gradually passes into a sulphate ; this is dissolved in water, and crystals obtained by evaporation. 4th. By dissolving the scales, obtained in the process of annealing sheet copper, in diluted sul- phuric acid, evaporating, and crystallizing. The salt is in large, rhombic, blue crystals, with a styptic metallic taste; it contains &ve equivalents of water. It effloresces slightly in dry air; soluble in water, precipitated by ammonia, but redissolved in an excess, forming a rich blue solution. The impurities contained in it, when in crystals, seldom affect its value as a medicine. Sulphate of copper is much used as a tonic and astringent (dose gr. I to gr. J), and as a prompt and powerful emetic in five-grain doses; as an injection in gonorrhoea, etc., it is dissolved in water in the pro- portion of 2 to 8 grains to f^j. A crystal, polished by trituration on a damp cloth, is applied as an astringent to inflamed or gran- ulated eyelids, and to the troublesome ulceration of the mouth which is so common. This method of modifying the shape and surface of this crystal is quite preferable to scraping it with a knife. The crystals, deprived of their water of crystallization by drying, are used to detect water in alcoholic solutions; the slightest trace of water giving a blue color to the cupreous powder. Tests. — If sulphate of copper contains iron, its precipitate with ammonia leaves a brown residue on being dissolved in an excess of the precipitant. Zinc is detected by the white precipitate produced by sulphuretted hydrogen in a solution previously precipitated by potassa. Capri Carbonas. CuC0 3 + CuO,HO. {Hydrated Subcarbonate of Copper. Mineral Green.) Sulphate of copper is precipitated by carbonate of sodium; the precipitate is a pale green tasteless powder, which is to be washed and dried at a moderate temperature. It has been used in neuralgia in doses amounting to about one drachm (?) in twenty-four hours. It is wholly soluble in muriatic acid; the solution yields no pre- cipitate with chloride of barium. Cupri Oxidum. CuO = 79.4. If the carbonate or the nitrate of copper is heated to redness, until it ceases to lose weight, the salt is converted into the prot- oxide, which is of a fine black color. This oxide, which is also much employed in elementary organic analysis, has been recommended in preference to the carbonate in 262 PREPARATIONS OF COPPER, ZINC, NICKEL, ETC. doses of one-quarter to one grain three or four times a day, and for indurated glands, in ointments containing one drachm to the ounce. It is wholly soluble in dilute muriatic acid, and the solution, after precipitating the copper by sulphuretted hydrogen, and filter- ing, leaves no residue on evaporation. Cupri Nitras. Cu2N0 3 + 3H 2 = 241.5. Nitrate of copper is obtained by dissolving copper, its oxide or carbonate, in nitric acid, and evaporating to crystallization, when it crystallizes in deep blue prisms, which are deliquescent and solu- ble in alcohol. Dissolved in mucilaginous liquids it Las been given in doses of one-eighth grain; it is used locally as an injection in gonorrhoea and similar complaints. In substance or in concentrated solution it has been employed as a caustic in ulcerated throat, in syphilis, etc.; from the deliquescent nature of the salt, care is necessary to prevent its spreading. The solution yields no precipitate with nitrate of barium (SOJ, nitrate of silver (HC1), sulphuric or muriatic acids (lead, etc.). Cupri Chloridum. CuCl 2 = 99. Muriatic acid dissolves oxide or carbonate of copper; the solution by evaporation yields green needles, which are easily soluble in alcohol and water. It has been occasionally used as a powerful alterative in doses commencing with T ' g grain. Cuprum Ammoniatum. CuS0 4 ,H 2 0,2NE 4 . {Ammoniated Copper. Ammonio-Sulphate of Copper^) Sulphate of copper, half a troy ounce, and carbonate of ammonium, six drachms, are rubbed together in a glass mortar until effervescence ceases; the ammoniated copper is wrapped in bibulous paper, and dried with a gentle heat. When thus rubbed together, these salts give out part of their water of crystallization, by which the mix- ture becomes moist, and, at the same time, a portion of the carbonic acid of the sesquicarbonate escapes, producing effervescence, and the compound assumes a deep azure blue color; it should be kept in a well-stopped bottle. Its composition, as thus prepared, may be stated as above, with a variable excess of carbonate of ammonium. A salt of the above composition is obtained in beautiful blue crystals from a solution of sulphate of copper, precipitated and redissolved by ammonia; if alcohol is poured over the surface and set aside the water is gradu- ally abstracted by the alcohol and the salt crystallizes. It may be considered pure if it has the proper color, and dissolves in twice its weight of water without residue. Ammoniated'copper is regarded as a tonic and antispasmodic. It is occasionally prescribed in combination with assafoetida in pill. Dose, \ gr. repeated. zincum. 263 Cupri Subacetas. {JErugo. Impure Subacetate of Copper. Verdigris.) Made by exposing copper plates to the action of the fermenting refuse of the wine-press, or to pyroligneous acid, when this salt forms on the surface. It is obtained in powder, or amorphous masses, or consisting of very minute crystals, of variable color, with a peculiar metallic odor, and styptic metallic taste; it is resolved by water into a solu- ble neutral acetate, and insoluble tris-acetate; when treated with sulphuric acid it gives off acetic acid fumes; from the solution, ammonia precipitates the oxide, but redissolves it when in excess. Verdigris, as it occurs in commerce, is of variable composition and shade of color. The light green appears to be a mixture of various basic salts, while that of a greenish-blue color has the com- position Cu o 02Ac + 6H 2 (Berzelius). It is used exclusively in the shape of ointment. Verdigris ought to be nearly soluble in dilute acetic acid, and the solution, if precipitated by ammonia, must be wholly taken up by the excess of it. Cupri Acetas. Cu2Ac. {Neutral Acetate of Copper.) The neutral acetate is prepared by dissolving the above in dilute acetic acid and evaporating to crystallization. It is met with in commerce under the name of distilled verdigris, and occurs in dark green crystals, soluble in 5 parts of boiling water. Rademacher uses a tincture of this salt prepared by double decomposition from 3 ounces sulphate of copper, and 3f ounces acetate of lead, to 30 ounces (weight) diluted alcohol. But it is scarcely ever prescribed. Cuprum Aluminatum. {Lapis Divinus. Lapis Ophthalmicus St. Yves.) The European Pharmacopoeias have a preparation under this name and synonyms, and the Prussian Pharmacopoeia directs sulphate of copper, nitrate of potassium, and alum, of each two ounces, to be fused by a moderate heat in a copper or earthen vessel, and after mixing in one drachm powdered camphor, the mass is poured out upon a cold slab and kept in well-stoppered bottles. It is used externally, frequently in solution as an astringent eye-wash. Zincum. Zn=65. (Zinc.) This metal occurs in nature in two principal forms: as a sul- phuret, blende, and as a carbonate or silicate, calamine, from which the metal is extracted, by distilling them with carbonaceous matters. The purest zinc found in commerce is that produced in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, from the native ore, found in great abundance in that vicinity. It is a bluish-white crystalline metal, soluble in dilute hydro- chloric and sulphuric acids, with evolution of hydrogen, also in nitric acid; melted and dropped into water, it constitutes gran- 264 PREPARATIONS OF ulated zinc. It is used in pharmacy for the preparation of the sul- phate, acetate, and chloride, which are officinal, and other salts. From its salts, oxide of zinc is precipitated by alkalies and their carbonates, white, soluble in an excess of alkali. Sulphuretted hydrogen, from neutral or alkaline solutions, white. Sulphuret of ammonium, white; the last two are insoluble in alkalies, soluble in acids. Ferrocyanide of potassium, white, insoluble in dilute HC1. Preparations of Zinc. Calamina. Native, impure carbonate of zinc. A gray, coarse powder. Tulia. A product of smelting lead ores containing zinc. Slate colored. Zinci sulphas, ZnS0 4 -f- 7H 2 0. Small, white, efflorescent crystals. Emetic, gr. x. Zinci carbonas praecipitata, ZnC0 3 ,2ZnH 2 2 (?) A pure white, very light powder. Zinci oxidum, ZnO. A pure white powder, not effervescing with acids. Zinci acetas, Zn2Ac-f- 2H 2 0. Micaceous, freely soluble crystals. Zinci chloridum, ZnCl 2 . White, translucent plates or masses. Very deliquescent. Zinci cyanidum, ZnCy 2 . White powder, insoluble, poisonous. Gr. £ to j. Zinci ferrocyanidum, Zn 2 FeCy 6 . Zinci iodidum, Znl 2 . White, deliquescent, caustic. Zinci lactas, Zn2L-f- 6H 2 0. White, styptic crystals or plates. Zinci phosphidum, Zt> 3 P 2 . Zinci valerianas, ZnVa. White, pearly scales, soluble in alcohol. Dose, gr. j to ij. Calamina. (Calamine. Native Impure Carbonate of Zinc.) This mineral is found abundantly in Germany, England, and the United States. It is, however, as recently procured, very impure, and seldom contains a considerable proportion of carbonate of zinc. For use, it must be brought to the condition of an impalpable powder, when it constitutes calamina prceparata (of the former Pharmacopoeias). It is in the form of a pinkish or gray powder, of an earthy ap- pearance. It should be almost entirely soluble in sulphuric acid, and the precipitate thrown down by ammonia and potassa should be redissolved by these reagents. The calcination of calamine drives off a quantity of C0 2 and water, so that little remains except oxide of zinc and earthy impurities. The precipitated carbonate or oxide of zinc may be substituted with advantage. It is only used externally as a dusting powder and exsiccant, or in the form of cerate as a mild astringent. Tutia. {Impure Oxide of Zinc. Tutty.) This oxide is formed during the smelting of lead ores containing zinc ; it is, as I have seen it, usually in little nodules, like those of prepared chalk, of a bluish or slate color. It is said to be much adulterated, some specimens factitious, and is very properly re- placed by the officinal oxide of zinc. Zinci Sulphas. ZnS0 4 4- 7H 2 0= 287. (Sulphate of Zinc. White Vitriol.) Prepared by dissolving zinc in dilute sulphuric acid, evaporating, and crystallizing. Water is decomposed in the presence of the acid PRECIPITATED CARBONATE OF ZINC. 265 and metal, hydrogen is liberated, the zinc oxidized, and the oxide formed combines with the sulphuric acid. A cheaper process lately practised in the U. S. A. Laboratory consists in dissolving zinc white, a nearly pure oxide of zinc, in dilute sulphuric acid and crystallizing. Usually in small, four-sided colorless prisms of the same form as sulphate of magnesia, possessing a disagreeable, metallic, styptic taste, soluble in 2J times their weight of water, insoluble in alcohol, slightly efflorescent, precipitated, and again redissolved by am- monia. "When heated, it dissolves in its water of crystallization, and by prolonged ignition, the acid is all expelled, and oxide of zinc is left. Six equivalents of water are expelled at 212° F., one equivalent remaining as constitutional water. A hydrate contain- ing only 2 equivalents of water is precipitated as a white powder, when a concentrated solution of sulphate of zinc is mixed with sulphuric acid. (Kuhn.) Iron is detected by a bluish precipitate with ferrocyanuret of potassium ; copper by the dark precipitate with sulphuretted hy- drogen; magnesia by the residue left on dissolving it in caustic potassa. In small doses this salt acts as an astringent and tonic; in large doses, as a quick, direct emetic; externally, as a powerful astringent. It is used as a tonic chiefly in diseases affecting the nervous system, and when gradually increased, tolerance soon becomes established; sometimes it is given as an astringent in chronic passive discharges. As an emetic, it is used when the rapid emptying of the stomach is desired without the production of much depression, as in narcotic poisoning. Externally, in solutions of different strengths, it is em- ployed as a lotion or injection, in ophthalmia, gleet, etc. Dose, gr. ss to ij in pill. As an emetic, gr. x. The strength of a solution for external employment may be from gr. j to x to fsj water. Zinci Carbonas Prcecipitata. ZnC0 3 ,2ZnH 2 2 ? {Precipitated Carbonate of Zinc.) Solutions of carbonate of sodium and sulphate of zinc, equal parts, are mixed together; and double decomposition takes place; sulphate of sodium is formed in solution, and carbonate of zinc is precipitated as a white flocculent powder, resembling magnesia; it should be frequently washed till the washings are tasteless; the powder is dried by a gentle beat. It must be wholly soluble in diluted acids ; impurities are then detected as with oxide. Chemists disagree in regard to its composition; that stated above agrees with some of the best authorities. Uses same as those of calamine. In the form of the officinal cerate, it is much used as a dressing for burns. Zinci Oxidum. ZnO=81. (Oxide of Zinc. Flowers of Zinc.) This is made by exposing the precipitated carbonate to a low red heat, by which C0 2 is driven off, and the residue is the oxide 2bD PREPARATIONS OF COPPER, ZINC, NICKEL, ETC. of zinc, or by the combustion of the metal in a stoneware crucible, collecting the oxide as it ascends, or a hydrate may be obtained by precipitating a soluble salt with a caustic alkali. In the solution in nitric acid, the following impurities may be detected : — Lead or copper, by a black precipitate with sulphuretted hydro- gen; cadmium, tin, antimony, or arsenic by a yellowish precipitate by the same reagent; earthy oxides, by the white precipitate with carbonate of ammonium, insoluble in an excess of the precipitant; sulphuric and muriatic acids, by barium and silver salts; iron, by a bluish precipitate with ferrocyanide of potassium. It is a white or yellowish-white powder, becoming yellow at a high heat, and recovering its whiteness on cooling, without odor or taste; insoluble in water, but soluble in diluted hydrochloric and other acids without effervescence, and in ammonia and potassa. Oxide of zinc is a tonic, especially to the nervous system ; also somewhat astringent; used in chorea, epilepsy, and neuralgia. Locally, it is slightly astringent and desiccant, and constitutes an excellent application to excoriated surfaces, and to chapped or cracked nipples. An ointment of oxide of zinc is officinal. Zinci Acetas. Zn2Ac + 2H 2 0= 219. (Acetate of Zinc.) It may be procured in either of the following ways : 1. By dis- solving oxide of zinc in acetic acid, and crystallizing the saturated solution. 2. By double decomposition between a solution of sul- phate of zinc and a solution of acetate of lead. 3. The officinal process, granulated zinc six, is added to a solution of oxij of acetate of lead in water Oiij, and agitated occasionally till no precipitate is formed on the addition of iodide of potassium. The familiar experiment of forming the " zinc," or lead-tree, leaves this salt in solution. In concentrating the solution to one-fifth its bulk, pre- viously to crystallizing, a little of the acetic acid is apt to be dissi- pated, and should be replaced by dropping in a small excess of the acid. Should the crystals be discolored they should be dissolved, the solution heated to ebullition, and successive portions of freshly precipitated carbonate of zinc dropped in until the liquid filters colorless; it may then be acidulated with acetic acid and again set aside to crystallize. When carefully crystallized, it is in the form of very handsome pearl}' or silky hexagonal crystals, which effloresce in a dry air. As found in commerce, it is sometimes in white micaceous scales; very soluble in water, moderately soluble in alcohol, and has an astringent metallic taste. When heated, it fuses and gives out an inflammable vapor, having the odor of acetic acid ; the mineral acids decompose it with the liberation of acetic acid vapors. It is used as a topical remedy, in the form of collyrium, in oph- thalmia, and as an injection in gonorrhoea, gleet, leucorrhcea, etc. ZINCI CHLOKIDUM. 267 Liquor Zinci Chloridum. ZnCl 2 =136. (Solution of Chloride of Zinc. Butter of Zinc.) Take of Zinc, in small pieces, six troyounces. Citric acid (sp. gr. 1.42), Precipitated carbonate of zinc, each, one hundred and sixty grains. Muriatic acid, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. To the zinc, in a glass or porcelain vessel, add gradually suffi- cient muriatic acid to dissolve it; then strain, add the nitric acid, and evaporate to dryness. Dissolve the dry mass in water, add the precipitated carbonate of zinc, and agitate the mixture occasionally during twenty-four hours, then filter through paper, adding enough distilled water through the filter to make the liquid measure a pint. This beautiful preparation is well prepared by the above process of the Pharmacopoeia. The chloride of zinc being first formed by the action of the muriatic acid on the metal, the next step is to separate the iron derived from the muriatic acid and from the zinc ; this is done by the use of nitric acid, which peroxidizes the iron, and, on evaporation to dryness, dissolving, treating with pre- cipitated carbonate of zinc, and filtering, the peroxide is left behind. Zinci Chloridum, IT. S. P. Take of Solution of chloride of zinc, a convenient quantity. Evaporate the solution to dryness in an evaporating dish, fuse the dry mass, pour the liquid on a flat stone, and when it has con- gealed break the mass into pieces, and keep the fragments in a well- stopped bottle. A white deliquescent salt, wholly soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Its aqueous solution yields, with nitrate of silver, a white precipitate, insoluble in nitric acid. It forms white precipitates with ferrocyanide of potassium and hydrosulphate of ammonium. The final concentration of the liquid requires care, as, by pushing the heat too far, the chloride is decomposed, and contaius a portion of insoluble subchloride or oxide; on the other hand, care must be taken to free it entirely of water, otherwise it will not harden into solid and dry masses. The proper point is ascertained by dipping into it a glass rod, on which it should thicken into a hard, dry con- dition. The mass, in its fused condition, is poured on to a dry marble slab, and, when nearly cool, is broken into fragments, and put immediately into dry salt-mouth bottles, usually of 3j capacity. A mixture of chloride, with a sufficient quantity of oxide of zinc, forms a good filling for teeth, becoming very hard by time. It is used as a powerful escharotic, and as a remedy for tooth- ache. In solution, it is an antiseptic, especially adapted to dissect- ing-room purposes ; it is convenient to employ a solution of zinc in muriatic acid, without either purifying or concentrating it. The following solution is a good antiseptic for this purpose : — 268 PREPARATIONS OF COPPER, ZINC, NICKEL, ETC. Take of Zinc ft iv. Hydrochloric acid ft> iv or q. s. Water 9 quarts. Dissolve, avoiding excess of acid. The solution contains about one part of chloride of zinc in twelve. Zinci Cyanidum. ZnCy 2 = 119. (Cyanuret of Zinc.) Prepared by double decomposition between solutions of cyanide of potassium and sulphate of zinc, or by conducting gaseous hy- drocyanic acid into a solution of acetate of zinc. The latter is the better process. It is a brilliant white powder, insoluble in water, soluble in dilute mineral acids ; it is tasteless and inodorous, but, when tritu- rated, the odor of prussic acid is given off. It combines the properties of hydrocyanic acid with those of zinc, and has been used in epilepsy, chorea, and similar diseases, in doses of one-half to one grain. It is wholly soluble in muriatic acid, precipitated white by car- bonate of ammonium, dissolved again in an excess ; and in this solution no precipitate is caused by phosphate of sodium ; a white precipitate by sulphuret of hydrogen. Zinci Ferrocyanidum. (Ferrocyanuret of Zinc. Zn 2 FeCy 6 .) This salt has sometimes been mistaken for the cyanide of zinc, and care is necessary to distinguish them, as the cyanide is poison- ous in the medicinal doses of the ferrocyanide. This is prepared by precipitating sulphate of zinc by ferrocyanide of potassium. It is a white powder, similar in appearance to the former but little soluble in boiling muriatic acid. It has been used in similar complaints in doses of two grains and more. It may be considered pure if it is of a purely white color, and yields nothing to cold muriatic acid. Zinci Iodidum. Znl 2 = 319. Two parts iodine, one part zinc, and four parts water, are digested until the color of iodine has disappeared ; after filtration, it is evaporated until, when poured upon a cold slab, it hardens ; a little iodine has then been expelled. It is in white, very deliquescent pieces, forming a turbid solution with water and alcohol. It should be wholly soluble in carbonate of ammonium. It is caustic and poisonous, and used only topically in aqueous solution, or in ointments, containing gr. xv to xxx to the ounce. Zinci Lactas. Zn2L + 6II 2 = 351. (Lactate of Zinc.) The lactate is prepared by dissolving carbonate of zinc in lactic acid, or by double decomposition between hot concentrated solu- tions of lactate of potassium or calcium and chloride of zinc. It crystallizes in four-sided prisms, of an acid reaction, and a CADMIUM. 269 sour styptic taste ; they require 58 parts of cold water for solution, and are nearly soluble in alcohol. It is used in epilepsy in doses of two grains three times a day, gradually increasing the dose. Zinci Phosphidum. Zn 3 P 2 = 257. Tliis is to he prepared, according to Proust, by passing a mixture of phosphide of hydrogen and nitrogen through a porcelain tube, heated to redness, containing a porcelain tray upon which is placed metallic zinc. The nitrogen is obtained by heating a mixture of chloride of ammonium and nitrate of potassium, and the phos- phide of hydrogen from phosphide of calcium and muriatic acid. It is spongy or crystalline, with vitreous fracture, easily pulveri- zable, and gives off phosphide of hydrogen by contact with acids. The nitrogen counteracts the inflammability of the phosphide of hydrogen in the process. Zinci Valerianas. ZnVa = 166. ( Valerianate of Zinc.) Prepared by decomposing two troy ounces and seven drachms of sulphate of zinc with two and a half troyounces of valerianate of sodium in solution at 212° F. On evaporation, crystals of the valerianate collect on the surface, and are skimmed off, washed with cold water to separate adhering sulphate of sodium, and dried; a second evaporation secures a second crop of crystals. The salt is in pearly scales with a faint valerian odor, astringent metallic taste; soluble in 160 parts of water, and in 60 of alcohol of sp. gr. .833. Its solutions have an acid reaction, and become turbid when heated and clear again on cooling. "When the salt is distilled with sulphuric acid, the distillate added to a concentrated solution of acetate of copper does not disturb its transparency. It is a good deal prescribed, perhaps as much so as any other salt of valerianic acid, being adapted to a variety of nervous affections. Dose, gr. j to ij in pill, repeated at intervals. Cadmium. Cd = 112. Cadmium is a rare metal which usually accompanies the zinc ores ; it was discovered in 1817 as an impurity in medicinal prepa- rations of zinc. It has a white tin color, a high metallic lustre, is very malleable, and oxidizes slowly in the air : its specific gravity is 8.6. Its salts are isomorphous with the corresponding salts of zinc. Its compound with oxygen is oxide of cadmium, CdO=128. Tests for Oxide of Cadmium. — Sulphuretted hydrogen and sul- phuret of ammonium cause a bright yellow precipitate, insoluble in an excess ; ammonia a white precipitate, easily soluble in excess; potassa and the alkaline carbonates a white insoluble precipitate ; zinc precipitates the metal. The compounds of cadmium when mixed with oxalate of potassium and exposed to the inner flame of the blowpipe, produce a brownish-yellow incrustation without any metallic globules. 270 preparations of copper, zinc, nickel, etc. Preparations of Cadmium. Cadmii sulphas, CdS0 4 -f-4H 2 0. Colorless crystals, soluble in water. Cadmiv iodtdum, Cdl 2 . Soluble in alcohol and water. Sulphate of Cadmium. CdS0 4 + 4H 2 0= 280. The metal cadmium is dissolved in nitric acid diluted with an equal bulk of water, by the aid of heat; carbonate of sodium is then added (three parts to two of the N0 4 used), which precipitates the carbonate of cadmium; this is washed until the water passes taste- less, and dissolved in sulphuric acid diluted with water; it is then evaporated and set aside to crystallize. Sulphate of cadmium is in colorless, prismatic crystals, efflorescent in the air, and very soluble in water. Its solution, even when rendered decidedly acid, yields, on the addition of hydrosulphate of ammonium, a yellow precipitate, insoluble in an excess of the precipitant. It is used almost exclusively in nervous and inflammatory diseases of the eye and ear, in solutions containing a grain to an ounce or two of rose-water, or in ointments, about five grains to a drachm of ointment; for injections to the ear, somewhat stronger. Iodide of Cadmium. Cdl 2 = 366. This salt has been proposed as a substitute for iodide of lead, the intense yellow color of which is sometimes objectionable, as liable to discolor the skin. It is prepared by dissolving iodine with granulated cadmium under water, and evaporating the solution, when the salt crystallizes in colorless six-sided tabular crystals, soluble in alcohol and water, and fusible on the application of heat. It is extensively used in photography. C. L. Heinitsh, of Lancaster, proposes an ointment containing 3j of the salt to 3J of lard, perfumed with oil of neroli. He triturates the iodide with 20 drops of ether till in fine powder, then mixes with the lard. Nickel. lN"i = 58. This is a metal obtained from an ore of arsenic found in West- phalia. It is fixed in the fire, and is hence left behind after the distillation of arsenic, and when purified is found in commerce as a white, hard, malleable magnetic metal, capable of receiving a lustre rivalling silver, sp. gr. 8.82; it is not oxidized by the air, and is little attacked by acids, except in the presence of nitric acid, which dissolves it freely ; it forms two oxides, a proto and sesquioxide, the medicinal sulphate being a salt of the protoxide; the protosalts are all of a green color. Nickel is recognized by the following tests: Caustic alkalies give a pale apple-green precipitate, insoluble in excess, but soluble m solution of carbonate of ammonium, yielding a greenish- blue liquid. Ammonia gives a similar precipitate, soluble in excess, and yielding PROTOXIDE OF COBALT. 271 a deep purplish-blue solution. Ferrocyanide of potassium gives a greenish-white precipitate. Sulphuretted hydrogen occasions no change in solutions of nickel containing free mineral acids, but in alkaline solutions gives a black precipitate. Niccoli Sulphas. {Sulphate of Nickel JS T iS0 4 + 711,0= 280.) This salt is formed by dissolving carbonate or oxide of nickel in dilate sulphuric acid, and gently concentrating by evaporation so that crystals may form. It is in emerald-green prismatic crystals, efflorescent, soluble in 3 parts of cold water, insoluble in alcohol and ether. It has a sweet, astringent taste, composition £Ti,S0 4 -l-7Aq; crystallized at a higher temperature it contains only 6Aq. This salt is used as a tonic. Prof. Simpson employed it success- fully in a case of obstinate periodic headache. The dose is from J grain to 1 grain, three times a day, given in the form of pill or simple solution. Cobalt. Co=60. This metal is found, like the foregoing, in ores of arsenic, and the crude mineral, sold as fly-stone by druggists, appears to be an ore containing cobalt and arsenic. The metal itself is white, brittle, strongly magnetic, unchanged in the air, feebly acted on by dilute hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. Solutions of the salts of cobalt are known as follows: Solution of ammonia gives a blue precipitate, slightly soluble in excess, with a brownish-red color. Solution of potassa a blue precipitate, turning to violet and red when the liquor is heated. Sulphuretted hydrogen produces no change in acid solutions, but with ammonia gives a black precipitate. Melted with borax before the blowpipe, it gives a bead of magnificent blue color. Protoxide of Cobalt. CoO=76. This is the only compound used in medicine; it is a powder of an ash-gray color, and has been employed as a remedy in rheuma- tism. It is formed by precipitation from the nitrate or chloride with carbonate of sodium, washing and i^nitincr. Its chief use is in forming beautiful blue colors in glass, enamels, etc, Its dose as an emetic is 10 grains, as an alterative much less. 272 OK LEAD, SILVER, BISMUTH. CHAPTER VIII. ON LEAD, SILVER, BISMUTH. Plumbum. Pb=207. (Lead.) Metallic lead is not used in medicine, nor is it officinal for use in preparing any of its salts. It is abundantly diffused in the form of galena, a native sulplmret, which is extensively worked in this country for the production of the metal. Exposed for a long time to its influence, individuals exhibit symptoms of slow poisoning, called lead colic. In over-doses its salts are poisons. Lead is a soft bluish-colored metal, very malleable and fusible; its properties are familiar to most. It forms live oxides, of which the one most important in a pharmaceutical point of view is the protoxide. The lead salts show the following reactions: — A brown or black precipitate by sulphuretted hydrogen and sul- phuret of ammonium; a white precipitate by muriatic acid and soluble chlorides, soluble in much w T ater; a yellow precipitate by iodide of potassium, soluble in boiling solutions of alkaline chlo- rides and iodides; a yellow precipitate by chromate of potassium, scarcely soluble in dilute nitric acid ; a gray metallic precipitate by tin and zinc; a white precipitate by ferrocyanuret of potassium. Preparations oe Lead. Plumbi oxidum (litharge), PbO. Yellow or reddish flakes or powder. Emplastrum plumbi. See fixed oils, also plasters. Plumbi oxidum rubrum, Pb 3 4 . Red lead. Bright red powder. Plumbi acetas, Pb2Ac -j- 3H 2 0. Matted, acicular crystals, whitish by efflorescence. Liquor plumbi subacetatis, Pb 2 OAc in Aq. A clear heavy liquid, depositing white car- bonate. Liquor plumbi subacet. dilutus. f5"j liq. plumb, subacet. to Oj. Plumbi carbonas 2(PbC0 3 )-f- Pb2HO ? A heavy, white, opaque powder. Plumbi nitras, Pb2N0 3 . White crystals, soluble in water, disinfectant. Plumbi iodidum, Pbl 2 . A bright yellow amorphous powder, used in ointment. Plumbi chloridum, PbCl 2 . Flat needle-shaped crystals, used externally. Plumbi tannas (cataplasma ad decubitum). Plumbi Oxidum Semivitreum. PbO = 223. (Semivitrified Oxide of Lead. Litharge.) This, which is a common variety of protoxide of lead (PbO), is generally obtained as a secondary product in the cupellation of argentiferous galenas, when the oxide becomes fused or semivitri- fied, and is driven off in hard particles of a scaly texture. English litharge is the best. SUGAR OF LEAD. Zid It is in the form of small red or orange-red scales, devoid of smell or taste ; soluble, or almost entirely so, in dilute nitric acid. It is occasionally contaminated with iron and copper, and contains a little carbonic acid. If carbonate of lead is present, effervescence takes place with dilute nitric acid ; this solution has a green color if copper, and a yellow or brownish color if iron is present. It is chiefly used for its effect on fixed oils, with which it com- bines, and hence occasions paint, to which it is added, to dry and harden rapidly. (See Emplastrum Plumbi.) Plumbi Oxidum Rubrum. Pb.0 4 =685. (Red Lead. Minium.) The yellow protoxide of lead, which is commercially known by the name of massicot, and which differs from litharge in its mode of preparation and properties, though similar in composition, is in- troduced into a reverberatory furnace, there calcined for 48 hours, heated to redness, and allowed to cool slowly. Or the hot massicot is cooled by being sprinkled with water, and after levigation heated in closed tin boxes to redness ; the slower the product is allowed to cool, the finer will be the color. It is a heavy scaly powder of a bright red color, which appears yellow when rubbed upon paper. Before the blowpipe upon char- coal it is wholly reduced to the metallic state ; exposed to the light it is blackened somewhat, by being partially reduced. Its chief use is as a red paint ; it enters into the composition of a few ancient plasters. (See Emplastra.) Plumbi Acetas. Pb2Ac -f 3Aq= 325. (Saccharum Saturni. Sugar of Lead.) Made by dissolving litharge in acetic acid, evaporating the solu- tion, and crystallizing; also by the direct action of vinegar upon sheets of lead partially exposed to the air, so as to become oxidized, when, the oxide being dissolved in the acid, the salt may be obtained in spongy masses composed of interlaced acicular crystals, possess- ing an acetic odor and a sweet metallic taste; exposed to the air it effloresces slightly, is soluble in twice its weight of cold water, and less of boiling water, communicating a turbidness to the solution from taking up C0 2 , which water generally holds ; this turbidness may be removed by the addition of a little acetic acid or vinegar. It is precipitated as a white carbonate by carbonate of sodium ; a yellow iodide by iodide of potassium, and a black sulphuret by sulphuretted hydrogen. It is also incompatible with all acids, and with numerous soluble salts. If sugar of lead contains iron, fer- rocyanide of potassium will cause a bluish precipitate; if copper is present, the precipitate will have a reddish color. Sugar of lead is very extensively employed, both internally and externally. It ranks as a sedative astringent, checking morbid dis- charges, diminishing the natural secretions, and is capable by various combinations of filling a variety of indications in disease. One of the chief uses of this salt is as an ingredient in preparations 18 274 02T LEAD, SILVER, BISMUTH. for the hair which are designed to produce a gradual change of color, while by its astringency, it promotes the healthy and in- creased growth of the hair. The too free use of these applications ' is believed to have produced serious cephalic diseases. Dose, gr. ss to iij in pill, care being taken not to induce its poisonous effects. Externally, it is used in solution from gr. j to gr. viij to f t lj as a sedative, astringent, and desiccant to inflamed parts. Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis, IT. S. P. Pb 2 OAc in Aq= 491. (Solution of Diacetate of Lead. ■ Goulard's Extract Strong Lead Water.) Reduced. Take of Acetate of lead ^vxj ^ij. Semi vitrified oxide of lead, in fine powder . 5 ixss gixss. Distilled water Oiv Oss. Boil them together in a glass or porcelain vessel for half an hour, occasionally adding distilled water so as to preserve the measure, and filter through paper; keep the solution in closely-stopped bottles. By the action of litharge on acetate of lead, an additional equivalent of the oxide enters into the composition of the salt, forming diacetate which remains in solution, while a basic acetate is separated on the filter. This is one of the simple preparations, readily prepared, even by the country practitioner. The litharge should be in very fine powder before commencing the process, and care should be taken, by constant stirring, to prevent its caking, and the consequent fracture of the vessel ; an evaporating dish will be found convenient, and in filtering, a covered funnel will be useful ; the filter should be strengthened by a small filter set into the funnel at its narrowest part, in which the plaited filter may rest. Solution of subacetate of lead is a clear colorless^ liquid, sp. gr. 1.267, with an alkaline reaction, and sweet, metallic astringent taste ; agrees with the acetate in most of its properties, except that it precipitates arabin and numerous coloring matters and organic principles not precipitated by Pb 2 Ac. It is remarkable for its great affinity for carbonic acid, which occasions a precipitate of carbonate of lead, merely on exposure to the air. If this solution should be contaminated with copper, this metal will be removed by im- mersing a strip of bright metallic lead in it. Diluted with water, it is applied as a sedative lotion to sprains, bruises, etc. (See Ceratum, and Linimentum Plumbi Subacetatis.) Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis Lilutus, U. S. P. (Lead Water.) Take of Solution of subacetate of lead fqiij* Distilled water Oj. Mix them. The water, containing carbonic acid, will produce a precipitate of carbonate of lead, which exposure to the air will increase, so that the preparation is liable to become inert, and should be mixed when required. Lead-water is generally regarded as a very weak preparation, and but for its popular employment as a cooling wash, NITRATE OF LEAD. 275 might be made much, stronger, as may be readily done by extem- poraneous prescription. The proportion indicated in the last edi- tion of the Pharmacopoeia is f Jiij to Oj ; previously it had been f3ij to Oj. Lead- water should be made with distilled water as directed, com- mon water frequently containing carbonates or carbonic acid, which impart a cloudiness as above mentioned; the habit of rendering the solution clear by means of acetic acid is improper, as the chemical character of the solution is changed. Plumbi Carbonas. 2(PbC0 3 ) + Pb2HO == 775. ( White Lead.) This important substance, w T hich, as ground in oil, is extensively used as a pigment, is obtained by two methods: 1. By passing a stream of C0 2 through a solution of subacetate of lead. The C0 3 combines with the excess of Pb, and precipitates as Pb,C0 3 , while a neutral acetate of lead remains in solution; this is boiled with a fresh addition of PbO, and a°;ain brought to the condition of sub- acetate, and treated as before with C0 2 . This plan is pursued by the French and Swiss manufacturers. 2. Our own manufacturers cast the lead into thin sheets, which are then rolled into cylinders, five or six inches in diameter, and seven or eight high; each cylin- der is placed in an earthen pot, containing Oss vinegar, the lead being supported by projecting pieces from contact with the vinegar. Strata of these pots are arranged in sheds, with refuse stable mate- rials, which are giving off C0 2 , and have a certain elevation of temperature due to fermentation. At the end of six weeks, the stacks are unpacked, and the sheet lead is found almost entirely converted into a flaky, white, friable substance, which is the white lead. This is separated, and reduced to fine powder. Carbonate of lead is a heavy, opaque substance, in powder or friable lumps, insoluble in water, of a fine w T hite color, great opacity, inodorous, and nearly insipid. The analyses of Mulder and others, of different specimens of white lead, show that it contains various proportions of carbonate, PbC0 3 , and hydrated oxide, Pb2HO, so that its combining proportion is not uniformly as above. Carbonate of lead, to furnish a cheaper paint, is often mixed with sulphate of barium, calcium, or lead, or with carbonate of calcium (chalk) ; the last impurity will remain behind when the article is dissolved in caustic potassa; the former are all insoluble in diluted nitric acid, wdiich readily dissolves the carbonate of lead. This is regarded as the most poisonous of the lead salts; it is employed externally as a dusting powder in excoriations of chil- dren, and as an astringent and sedative dressing to ulcers and in- flamed surfaces. (See Unguentum Plumbi Carbonatis.) Plumbi Nitras. Pb2^0 3 = 381 . (Nitrate of Lead.) Litharge is dissolved in nitric acid, by the aid of heat; the liquid filtered, and set aside to crystallize; the Pb unites directly with the N0 4 to form the nitrate, which is an anhydrous salt, in beauti- 2 though marked by no very active properties. Hydrargyri Oxidum Bubrum. HgO=216. {Peroxide of Mercury. Mercuric Oxide. Bed Precipitate.) Prepared by dissolving with heat, mercury, Ibiij, in a mixture of nitric acid, foij, and water, Oij ; evaporating the liquor, and tritu- rating what remains to a powder. This is put into a very shallow vessel, and heated till red fumes cease to arise, the nitrate is decom- posed by heat, nitrous acid fumes being disengaged and oxide of mercury remaining. Red oxide is in orange-red, shining, crystalline scales; when strongly heated, it yields oxygen and metallic mercury, without the production of red fumes. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in nitric and hydrochloric acids. It is used only externally, as a stimulant and escharotic ; it is much applied as an ointment to the eye; as an escharotic, in powder, alone, or mixed with sugar, to specks in the cornea, over chancres, and fungous ulcers. The directions of our Pharmacopoeia enjoin great care in reducing the red oxide of mercury to a very fine powder; as it is yery apt to be gritty from containing crystalline portions. LIQUOK HYDRARGYRI NITRATIS. 305 The preparation is produced, uniform, smooth, and satisfactory by the following formula of T. S. Wiegand : — Take of Bichloride of mercury 550 grains. Caustic potassa, in solution 116 " Dissolve the chloride in one pint of boiling water, and pour the solution into the solution of caustic potassa, diluted with two pints of water, wash with water till there is no taste, and dry on a porous tile; the powder is smooth, dense, and well suited for the purpose of admixture with fatty matters. Hydrargyri Oxidum Nigrum. Hg 2 0=216. (Protoxide of Mercury, Mercurous Oxide. Mack Oxide of Mercury.) Made by triturating colomel with a solution of caustic potassa. Protoxide of mercury precipitates, while chloride of potassium re- mains in solution, and is removed by washing. This preparation was omitted from the U. 3. Pharmacopoeia in 1860. Black oxide of mercury is in powder, which becomes olive-colored by the action of light. It is wholly dissipated by heat, metallic globules being sublimed. It is insoluble in water, but is wholly dissolved by acetic acid. As a medicine, it is like calomel in its action, and is sometimes substituted for it, but is said to be liable, from occasionally contain- ing deutoxide, to operate harshly. 3ij, placed on a hot iron, answers the purposes of a mercurial vapor bath. Triturated with lard, it replaces mercurial ointment. Its dose, as an alterative, is a quarter to a half grain daily; as a sialagogue, gr. j to iij, three times a day, in pill. Hydrargyri Acetas. Hg 2 OAc=259. (Acetate of Mercury. Mercurous Acetate.) This salt crystallizes from a hot solution of protoxide of mercury in acetic acid, or from a mixture of the hot solutions of the proto- nitrate of mercury and acetate of potassium. It separates in soft scales, is slightly oxidized by the air, and blackened by the light while moist. It is used in similar complaints as the other mercurial salts, in the dose of one-sixth of a grain to one grain. Liquor Hydrargyri Nitratis. Hg2K0 3 in Aqua. U. S. P. Take of Mercury, three troyounces. Nitric acid, five troyounces. Distilled water, six nuidrachms. Dissolve the mercury, with the aid of a gentle heat, in the acid, previously mixed with the distilled water. "When reddish vapors cease to arise, evaporate the liquid to seven troyounces and a half, and keep it in a well-stopped bottle. In this process part of the nitric acid is decomposed, furnishing oxygen to the mercury, and the oxide of mercury combines with 20 306 MERCURY, GOLD, AND PLATINUM. the acid to form the nitrate of protoxide, formerly regarded as bi- nitrate of deutoxide of mercury, in solution. The nitric acid is designedly present in considerable excess. This solution is made officinal for the preparation of citrine ointment; it is too concentrated for use except with great care as a caustic. It is used in cancerous and other malignant affec- tions, and is similar to, though not identical with, the preparation formerly in use under the name of Acid Nitrate cle Mercure. It is a transparent, nearly colorless, acid liquid, having the spe- cific gravity 2.165. It is not precipitated by the addition of dis- tilled water; the diluted solution affords, with potassa, a dirty- yellow precipitate, and with iodide of potassium, a bright-red one, soluble in an excess of the precipitant. When dropped on a bright surface of copper, the diluted solution instantly deposits a coating of mercury. Liquor Hydragyri Subnitratis. HgN0 3 in Aq. The German Pharmacopoeia contains a solution of the protonitrate of mercury, prepared by digesting mercury in excess with nitric acid and water, equal parts, and diluting the solution until it has the specific gravity of 1.1, and contains in twelve parts one part of mercury. It is used in venereal diseases in the medium dose of two drops. If the solution should contain binoxide, this may be detected by precipitating it with chloride of sodium, and testing the filtrate with sulphuretted hydrogen, which will produce a yellowish pre- cipitate changing to black. Hydrargyri Phosphas. 2(Hg 2 0)H,P0 3 =497. (Mercurous Phosphate. Subphosphate of Mercury.) A solution of a subsalt of mercury is precipitated by phosphate of sodium, and the precipitate well washed. It is a white crystalline powder, insoluble in water, and has been employed in doses of about one grain, once or twice a day. There is also a mercuric phosphate which is not used in medicine, having the composition 2(Hg)II,P0 3 . Hydrargyrum Ammoniatum. NH 2 HgCl== 251.5. {Mercuric Amido- Chloride. White Precipitate of Mercury.) When ammonia is added to a solution of corrosive sublimate, a peculiar compound, and not the oxide of mercury, is precipitated. This is a white, amorphous powder, in irregular masses, frequently bearing the impression of the fabric on which it is drained and dried. It is decomposed and dissipated by heat ; is insoluble in water, but decomposed by continued washing; dissolves in hydro- chloric acid without effervescence; and, when heated with potassa, gives off ammonia, and becomes yellow from the formation of the red oxide of mercury. Acetic acid which has been digested with it does not yield with iodide of potassium either a yellow or blue AURUM — GOLD. 307 precipitate ; it is not blackened when rubbed with lime-water. It is a compound of amidogen or amide (NH 2 ) with chloride of mercury. This salt is never used internally ; it is applied externally, to chronic skin affections, in the form of ointment. {See Unguenta.) Hydrargyrum cum Greta. {Mercury with Chalk. Gray Powder.) Made by triturating three parts of mercury with five parts of prepared chalk, till it loses its fluidity and metallic lustre, and the whole assumes the form of a dark-gray powder. This process is one of great labor; and other modes of preparation have been employed. Those which oxidize part of the mercury into red oxide are objectionable, as rendering this mild powder drastic and violent in its action. It is much less used than blue mass, which it resembles in its action. The proportion of mercury is larger than in blue mass, but is said to be equally mild when well made. Dr. J. C. Beck, of Cincinnati, has examined a speci- men containing 15 per cent, of red oxide of mercury. A good sub- stitute is formed by mixing powdered blue mass with prepared chalk, extemporaneously. It is described as a gray powder, partly dissipated by heat. When a small portion is treated with dilute acetic acid in excess, it is partly dissolved, nothing remaining but mercury in the form of minute globules, visible by the aid of a magnifying glass. The solution, on the addition of muriatic acid, is rendered opalescent ; and, when filtered after this addition, and treated with hydros ul- phuric acid, does not yield a black precipitate. In a paper by Mr. Joseph P. Remington, read before the Amer. Pharm. Association in Sept. 1868, the formula used by Dr. E. R. Squibb, of Brooklyn, N". Y., is detailed, in which 10 parts of mer- cury and 2 parts of honey are shaken together in a properly con- structed apparatus for six hours; to this mixture 31 parts of precipi- tated chalk, mixed into a paste with about 38 parts of water, are added and thoroughly mixed ; the whole is then transferred to a muslin strainer, dried, and powdered. In nine samples of this preparation examined by Mr. Remington the amount of oxide varied from .265 to 25.69, thus accounting for the great variation complained of by medical practitioners. Its chief use is in treating the complaints of children, the chalk neutralizing acid in the stomach, while the mercury increases the biliary secretion. Dose, for a child, from half a grain to three grains. For other mercurial preparations, see Pills and Ointments. Aurum. (Gold=197.) Gold is a soft metal, of a peculiar yellow color, and a lustre which is not affected by exposure to the air or heat; it is extremely malleable, being readily drawn into very fine w T ire, or beaten into leaves of sTroWfrth of an inch in thickness, or, if plated on to silver, not exceeding the one twelve-millionth part of an inch. Its specific gravity is 19.5 ; its fusing point 1300° F. Commercially the 308 MERCURY, GOLD, AND PLATINUM. quality of gold is designated by the term carat, which expresses its fineness, not weight ; pure gold is 24 carat ; 23 carat gold con- tains 23 parts of gold to one of alloy, 18 carat gold 18 of gold to 6 of alloy. At the mint the proportion of pure gold is expressed by thousandths. American coin is 900 thousandths, 900 parts pure gold to 100 of alloy. To find the carat of a specimen of known percentage of pure gold, multiply the weight of pure gold by 24, and divide the product by the weight of the mass. American coin is of 21.6 carats, thus: — 900x24 _ 216 1000 To find the percentage of pure gold in gold of known carat, multiply the weight by the carat and divide by 24, thus: — 1000x21.6 24 = 900. Gold is not attacked by acids, except by nitromuriatic acid, which solution is the starting point for all preparations of gold. It combines with oxygen in two proportions, forming a suboxide, AuO, and a peroxide, Au0 3 . Gold leaf, like silver leaf, is used for coating pills containing nau- seous or strong-smelling substances. Test for Peroxide of Gold. — Sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphuret of ammonium cause a black precipitate, soluble in sulphuretted alkaline sulphurets ; potassa produces a reddish-yellow precipitate ; ammonia a precipitate of a similar color, which is fulminating gold ; protochloride with a little perchloride of tin, throws down a purple red precipitate, insoluble in muriatic acid. Preparations of Gold. Auri pulvis, Au. Obtained by precipitation or by mechanical division. Auri oxidum, Au0 3 . Anhydrous blackish-brown powder, easily decomposed by heat. Auri chloridum, AuCl 3 . Yellow or reddish ; crystalline, combining with metallic chlo- rides. Sodii et auri chloridum, NaCl,AuCl 3 -|- 4Aq. Yellow crystals, not deliquescent. Auri iodidum, Aul 3 . Dark green ; readily decomposed, combining with iodides. Auri cyanidum, AuCy. Yellow, crystalline, insoluble , combining with alkaline cya- nides. Auri Pulvis. (Pulverized Gold.) When solution of gold in nitromuriatic acid is mixed with a solution of protosulphate of iron, a pulverulent precipitate of a cinnamon-brown color is produced, which is metallic gold, aurum prwcipitatum. By filing pure gold, may likewise be obtained, in a pretty fine powder, auri limatura; or by rubbing gold leaf with sulphate of potassium to a fine powder, and dissolving out the po- tassium salt, aurum prozparatum. Gold, in its metallic form, is supposed to act as a tonic and alterative, and to be considerably milder than any of its compounds.. Its dose is one-half to one grain two or three times a day. CHLORIDE OF SODIUM AND GOLD. 309 Auri Oxidum. Au 2 3 =442. (Sesquioxide or Ter oxide of Gold.) Chloride of gold, or the solution of gold in nitromuriatic acid, is treated with magnesia, the precipitate washed with water, and then decomposed by nitric acid, which extracts the magnesia, and a reddish-yellow powder is obtained, which, on drying, turns chest- nut brown. It is somewhat irritating, but has the general properties of pow- dered gold; in scrofula, syphilis, etc., it has been used in doses of one-tenth to one-half grain twice a day. Liquor Auri Nitro-muriatis. This is a solution of six grains of chloride of gold in one ounce of nitromuriatic acid, which has been used as a caustic in cancerous affections; it produces a whitish scab. A stronger solution has been employed for syphilitic and scrofu- lous ulcers. Auri Chloridum. AuCl 3 = 303.5. (Sesqaichloride or Tcrchloride of Gold.) This salt is contained in the solution of gold in nitromuriatic acid, from which it is obtained by evaporation to dryness, and con- stant stirring towards the end of the process. Care should be taken in the evaporation not to waste the salt, which is volatile. It is a reddish crystalline powder, very deliquescent; soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Metals, many metallic salts, and organic com- pounds reduce the gold from its solution. It is caustic, producing much irritation; when given for some time it is apt to salivate ; it is very poisonous. The dose is one- twentieth to one-eighth grain once a day, and very cautiously in- creased to several doses a day. Variously diluted with chloride of sodium this salt is used in the photographic art. Sodii et Auri Chloridum. EaCl,AuCl 3 + 4Aq. {Chloride of Sodium and Gold.) This double salt is obtained by preparing the perchloride from three and a half parts of pure gold, dissolving it in water, and mixing therewith one part pure anhydrous chloride of sodium. On evaporating this solution, long four-sided prisms are obtained, which are of a yellow color and unchangeable in the air. This salt is officinal in some pharmacopoeias, most of which, how- ever, direct an excess of chloride of sodium, and to rub the evap- orated mass into a fine powder. Of the preparations of gold, this double chloride is most employed. Its action is similar to that of the perchloride, but much milder. The dose is one-twelfth to one-quarter grain a day of the pure salt. 310 MERCURY, GOLD, AND PLATINUM. Auri Iodidum. Aul 3 . {Iodide of Gold.) If a solution of perchloride of gold is gradually added to iodide of potassium, the resulting precipitate is at first redissolved on agi- tation, a soluble double iodide being formed ; subsequently the iodide of gold is precipitated, leaving the supernatant liquor free of color. It is a dark-green powder, easily soluble in hydriodic acid. It must be kept in well-stoppered bottles, as in contact with the air it gradually loses iodine until metallic gold is left behind. Like other preparations of gold, it is of an alterative effect, but on account of its spontaneous decomposition, it is not very reliable; the dose is about one-sixteenth of a grain. Auri Cyanidum. AuCy. {Cyanide of Gold.) The cyanide of gold which has been used in medicine appears to be the protocyanide. The percyanide is in white tabular crystals, fusing at 112°, giving off hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen, and is easily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. That employed medi- cinally is insoluble in those liquids, but soluble in alkaline cyanides, ammonia, and sulphuret of ammonium ; properties which agree with the protocyanide of gold. It is prepared by dissolving ful- minating gold, obtained by precipitating a solution of seven parts of gold by ammonia, in a hot solution of six parts of cyanide of potassium, and treating the solution with muriatic acid in excess, which leaves the proto-cyanicle as a yellow crystalline powder. It is stated to be one of the mildest compounds of gold, and has been used as an alterative, resolvent, and emmenagogue, in doses of one-twelfth to one-half grain once or twice a day. All the above preparations of gold are also used externally in ointments, and in cases of syphilis for frictions on the gums and tongue. For the latter purpose, they are generally mixed with twice or three times their weight of some inert powder, and the friction is commenced with about one-sixth grain of the mixture a day, and gradually increased ; the milder preparations are used in somewhat larger proportions. The quantity employed in ointments varies with the nature of the case, the preparation used, and with the effect desired ; from two to twenty grains are employed to an ounce of ointment. Platinum. Pt = 197.4. This metal is remarkable for its resistance to chemical agents, and for its infusibility. It is soft, of a silver-gray color ; very malleable and ductile, though inferior in these respects to gold. Its valuable physical and chemical properties render it indispensable for the preparation of the necessary utensils for a chemical laboratory. Platinum dissolves in nitromuriatic acid ; with oxygen it unites in two proportions, forming an oxide, PtO, and a binoxide, Pt0 2 ; with the halogens and sulphur it forms compounds of corresponding composition. TESTS. 311 Tests for Binoxide of Platinum. — Platinum in solution is recog- nized by the following behavior towards reagents: Sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphuret of ammonium cause a blackish-brown pre- cipitate of PtS 2 , insoluble in muriatic and nitric acid, soluble in alkaline sulphurets and potassa. In the presence of chlorides, or of free muriatic acid, potassa and ammonia produce a crystalline yellow precipitate, soluble in alkalies. Solutions containing free muriatic acid are changed by protochloride of tin to a deep brownish-red color. Platini Perchloridum. PtCl 4 = 340. Bichloride of platinum is obtained by dissolving the metal in aqua regia, and evaporating to dryness. It is a red crystalline mass, turning brown by expelling the water of crystallization ; deli- quescent ; soluble in water and alcohol ; it is much used as a test for the inorganic and organic alkalies, with which it forms yellow double chlorides. It is poisonous, producing convulsions and death in overdoses. In doses of one-eighth to one-fourth grain, given in mucilaginous liquids, it has been employed like chloride of gold in syphilis, epilepsy, etc., also externally, about fifteen grains to one ounce of ointment. Sodii et Platini Chloridum. NaCl + PtCl 4 + 6Aq = 486.5. By mixing solutions of bichloride of platinum and chloride of sodium yellow prisms are obtained by evaporation, which are soluble in water and alcohol. Its effects are similar to the former, only milder, and it is given in somewhat larger doses. CHAPTER XI. TESTS, In the last edition of the British Pharmacopoeia there are appended two series of tests, both in the state of solution; the one series for qualitative examination of substances, the other for quantitative experiment. It has been deemed best to arrange these tests sepa- rately in this place rather than scatter them throughout the work under various headings. These solutions will enable the careful pharmacist to determine with certainty the quality of those sub- stances he may be supplied with. Solution of Acetate of Copper, Take of Subacetate of copper of commerce, in fine powder, half an ounce (avoirdupois). Acetic acid, one fluidounce (Imperial). Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. 312 TESTS. Dilute the acid with half a fiuidounce of the water: digest the subacetate of copper in the mixture at a temperature not exceeding 212° with repeated stirring, and continue the heat until a dry residue is obtained. Digest this in four fiuidounces of boiling dis- tilled water, and by the addition of more of the water make up the solution to five nuidounces, and filter it. Solution of Acetate of Potassium. Dissolve half an avoirdupois ounce of acetate of potassium in five fiuidounces (Imperial) of distilled water,* and filter. Solution of Acetate of Sodium. Dissolve half an avoirdupois ounce of acetate of sodium in five fiuidounces (Imperial) of distilled water, and filter. Solution of Albumen. Mix, by trituration in a mortar, the white of one egg and four fiuidounces (Imperial) of distilled water, and filter through clean tow previously moistened with distilled water. This solution should be prepared when wanted for use. Solution of Ammonio-nitrate of Silver. Take of Nitrate of silver, in crystals, a quarter of an ounce (avoir.). Solution of ammonia, half a fluidounce (Imp.), or a sufficiency. Distilled water, a sufficiency. Dissolve the nitrate in eight fiuidounces of the water, and to the solution add the ammonia until the precipitate first formed is nearly dissolved. Filter, and add distilled water so that the bulk may be ten fiuidounces (Imperial). Solution of Ammonio-nitrate of Copper. Take of Sulphate of copper, in crystals, half an ounce (avoir.). Solution of ammonia, Distilled wate*r, of each, a sufficiency. Dissolve the sulphate in eight fiuidounces (Imperial) of the water, and to the solution add the ammonia until the precipitate first formed is nearly dissolved. Filter, and then add distilled water, so •.that the bulk maybe ten fiuidounces (Imperial). Solution of Ammonio-sulphate of Magnesia, Take of Sulphate of magnesia, one ounce (avoirdupois). Chloride of ammonium (muriate of ammonia), half an ounce (avoirdupois). Solution (water) of ammonia, half a fluidounce. Distilled water, a sufficiency. Dissolve the sulphate and the chloride in eight fiuidounces (Im- perial) of the water, and to the solution add the ammonia and as much distilled water as will make up the bulk to ten fiuidounces \ (Imperial). SOLUTION OF CHLORIDE OF TIX. 313 Solution of Boracic Acid. Dissolve fifty grains of boracic acid in one fiuidounce (Imperial) of rectified spirit, and filter. Solution of Bromine. Upon ten minims of bromine, in a bottle furnished with an ac- curately fitting glass-stopper, pour iive fluidounces (Imperial) of distilled water, and shake several times. Keep the solution ex- cluded from the light. Solution of Carbonate of Ammonium. Take of Carbonate of ammonium in small pieces, half an ounce (avoir.). Distilled water, ten fluidounces (Imperial). Dissolve and filter. Solution of Chloride of Ammonium. Solution of Hydrochlorate of Ammonia. Dissolve one ounce (avoirdupois) of chloride of ammonium in ten fluidounces (Imperial) of distilled water, and filter. Saturated Solution of Chloride of Calcium. Dissolve four ounces (avoirdupois) of chloride of calcium in five fluidounces (Imperial) of distilled water, and filter. Solution of Chloride of Gold. Take of Fine gold, reduced by a rolling machine to thin laminae, sixty grains. Nitric acid, one fluidounce and a half (Imperial). Hydrochloric acid, seven fluidounces (Imperial). Distilled water, a sufficiency Place the gold in a flask with the nitric acid and six fluidounces of the hydrochloric acid, first mixed with four fluidounces of the water, and digest until it is dissolved. Add to the solution the additional fluidounce of hydrochloric acid, evaporate at a heat not exceeding 212° until acid vapors cease to be given off, and dissolve the chloride of gold thus obtained in five fluidounces (Imperial) of distilled water. The solution should be kept in a stoppered bottle. Solution of Chloride of Tin. Take of Granulated tin, one ounce (avoirdupois). Hydrochloric acid, three fluidounces (Imperial). Distilled water, a sufficiency. Dilute the acid in the flask with one fluidounce of the water, and having added the tin apply a moderate heat until gas ceases to be evolved. Add as much of the water as will make up the bulk to five fluidounces, and transfer the solution, together with the undis- solved tin, to a bottle with an accurately ground stopper. 314 TESTS. Solution of Gelatin. Take of Isinglass (Icthyocolla), in shreds, fifty grains. Warm distilled water, five fluidounces (Imperial). Mix and digest for half an hour on a water-bath with repeated shaking, and filter through clean tow moistened with distilled water. Solution of Iodate of Potash. Take of Iodine, Chlorate of potash, each, fifty grains. JSTitric acid, eight minims. Distilled water, ten fluidounces and a half (Imperial). Rub the iodine and chlorate of potash together to a fine powder; place the mixture in a Florence flask, and, having poured upon it half a fiuidounce of the water acidulated with the nitric acid, digest at a gentle heat until the color of the iodine disappears. Boil for one minute, then transfer the contents of the flask to a capsule, and evaporate to perfect dryness at 212°. Finally, dissolve the residue in the remaining ten fluidounces of distilled water, filter the solu- tion, and keep it in a stoppered bottle. Solution of Iodide of Potassium. Dissolve one ounce (avoirdupois) of iodide of potassium in ten fluidounces of distilled water, and filter. Solution of Oxalate of Ammonia. Take of Oxalate of ammonia, half an ounce (avoirdupois). Warm distilled water, one pint (Imperial. ) Dissolve and filter. Solution of Perchloride of Platinum. Take of Thin platinum foil, a quarter of an ounce (avoirdupois). Nitric acid, Hydrochloric acid, each, a sufficiency. Distilled water, seven fluidounces (Imperial). Mix a fluidounce of the nitric acid with four fluidounces of the hydrochloric acid and two fluidounces of the water ; pour the mix- ture into a small flask containing the platinum, and digest at a gentle heat, adding more of the acid mixed in the same proportion, should this be necessary, until the metal is dissolved. Transfer the solution to a porcelain capsule, add to it a fluidrachm of hydro- chloric acid, and evaporate on a water-bath until acid vapors cease to be given off. Let the residue be dissolved in the remaining five fluidounces of distilled water, filter, and preserve in a stoppered bottle. Solution of Phosphate of Soda. Dissolve one ounce (avoirdupois) of crystallized phosphate of soda in ten fluidounces of distilled water, and filter. SOLUTION OF FERROCYANIDE OF POTASSIUM. 315 Solution of Bed Prussiate of Potash. Solution of Ferridcyanide of Potassium. Dissolve a quarter of an ounce (avoirdupois) of crystallized red prussiate of potash in five fluidounces (Imperial) of distilled water, and filter. Solution of Sulphate of Indigo. Take of Indigo, dry and in fine powder, five grains. Sulphuric acid, ten nuidounces (Imperial). Mix the indigo with a fluidrachm of the acid in a small test- tube, and apply the heat of a water-bath for an hour. Pour the blue liquid into the remainder of the acid, agitate the mixture, and, when the undissolved indigo has subsided, decant the clear liquid into a stoppered bottle. Solution of Sulphate of Iron. Dissolve ten grains of granulated sulphate of iron in one fluid- ounce (Imperial) of boiling distilled water, and filter. This solu- tion should be prepared when wanted for use. Solution of Sulphate of Lime. Take of Plaster of Paris, a quarter of an ounce (avoirdupois). Distilled water, one pint (Imperial). Rub fhe plaster of Paris in a porcelain mortar for a few minutes with two fluidounces of the water, introduce the mixture thus ob- tained into a pint bottle (Imperial) containing the rest of the water, shake well several times, and allow the undissolved sulphate to subside ; when this has occurred, filter. Solution of Sulphide of Ammonium. Take of Solution of ammonia, five fluidounces. Put three fluidounces of the ammonia into a bottle and conduct into this a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen so long as this gas continues to be absorbed ; then add the remainder of the ammonia, and transfer the solution to a green-glass bottle, furnished with a well-ground stopper. Solution of Tartaric Acid. Dissolve one ounce (avoirdupois) of crystallized tartaric acid in eight fluidounces of distilled water, add two fluidounces (Imperial) of rectified spirit, and keep the solution in a stoppered bottle. The spirit is added to preserve the solution. Solution of Yellow Prussiate of Potash. Solution of Ferrocyanide of Potassium. Dissolve a quarter of an ounce (avoirdupois) of crystallized yellow prussiate of potash in five fluidounces (Imperial) of distilled water, and filter. 316 TESTS. Quantitative Tests. — The design in directing this series of tests is to supply suitable solutions with which to determine the quantity of any particular substance that may be under examination. Being all in solution, they are known as volumetric solutions in the British Pharmacopoeia. The solutions are made so that each grain-measure represents a definite quantity of the article in solution, and when a given number of measures is used, the quantity of the reagent is at once known. To make the tests as easy and simple as possible, the solu- tion is generally made to the measure of 10,000 grains, and these solutions should be rendered uniform before being used, and pre- served in closely-stopped bottles to prevent change by atmospheric action or evaporation. Volumetric Solution of Bichromate of Potassa. EX)2Cr0 3 = 147.5. Take of Bichromate of potassa, 147.5 grains. Distilled water, a sufficiency. Put the bichromate into a 10,000-grain flask, and, having half filled the flask with the water, allow the salt to dissolve ; then dilute the solution with more water until it has the exact bulk of 10,000 grain-measures. The quantity of this which fills the burette to (1000 grain- measures) contains one-tenth of an equivalent in grains (14.75 grains) of the bichromate of potash, and when added to a protosalt of iron acidulated with hydrochloric acid, is capable of converting one-tenth of six equivalents of iron (16.8 grains) from the state of a protosalt to that of a persalt (sesquisalt). In practising this volumetric process, it is known that the whole of the protosalt has been converted into a persalt when a minute drop of the solution placed in contact with a drop of the solution of ferridcyanide of potassium on a white plate ceases to strike with it a blue color. By this test it is very evident that the quantity of any ferrous salt may be estimated in whatever compound it may be present. In the case of ferrous salts the rationale is this: two equivalents of bichromate of potassa, which contain two equivalents of chromium and six of oxygen, yield three equivalents of oxygen, and become three equivalents of sesquioxide of chromium to the six equiva- lents of the ferrous salt (6FeO), converting them into three of the ferric salt (3Fe 2 3 ). Volumetric Solution of Hyposulphite of Soda. NaOS 2 2 + 5H 2 = 124. Take of Hyposulphite of soda, in crystals, two hundred and sixty grains. Distilled water, a sufficiency. Dissolve the hyposulphite in 10,000 grain-measures of distilled water. Fill a burette with this solution, and drop it cautiously into 1000 grain-measures of the volumetric solution of iodine until the brown color is just discharged. Note the number of grain- measures (n) required to produce this effect ; then put 8000 grain- measures of the same solution into a graduated jar, and augment VOLUMETRIC SOLUTION OF NITRATE OF SILVER. 317 this quantity by the addition of distilled water until it amounts to grain-measures. If, for example, n=950, the 8000 grain-measures of solution should be diluted to the bulk of q. =8421 grain-measures. Of this solution 1000 grain- measures contain 24.8 grains of the hyposulphite ( T \j of 2(NaOS 2 2 + 5H 2 0), in grains, and therefore correspond to 12.7 grains of iodine (yVjth of an equivalent). This solution is used for estimating free iodine, an object which it accomplishes by forming with iodine, iodide of sodium and tetrathionate of soda. 1000 grain-measures of it include one-tenth of two equivalents of the hyposulphite in grains, and therefore correspond to 12.7 grains of free iodine. Volumetric Solution of Iodine. 1=127. Take of Iodine 127 grains. Iodide of potassium 180 grains. Distilled water A sufficiency. Put the iodide of potassium and iodine into the 10,000-grain flask, fill the flask to about two-thirds of its bulk with the distilled water, gently agitate until solution is complete, and then dilute the solution with more of the water, until it has the exact volume of 10,000 grain-measures. Of this solution 1000 grain-measures contain y^th of an equivalent in grains (12.7) of iodine, and therefore correspond to 1.7 grain of sulphuretted hydrogen, 3.2 grains of sulphurous, and 4.95 grains of arsenious acid. This solution was made for use in determining the amount of sulphuretted hydrogen or of a metallic sulphuret in a liquid, but its principal use is for estimating the quantity of sulphurous and arsenious acids. It is to be dropped from the burette into the liquid under examination until free iodine begins to be apparent in the solution. Volumetric Solution of Nitrate of Silver. AgO]N"O 5 =170. Take of Nitrate of silver 170 grains. Distilled water A sufficiency. Put the nitrate into a 10,000-grain flask, and having half filled the flask with the water, allow the salt to dissolve: then dilute the solution with more of the water until it has the exact bulk of 10,000 grain-measures. The solution should be kept in an opaque stoppered bottle. Of this solution 1000 grain-measures contain -/oth of an equivalent in grains of nitrate of silver (17 grains). When this solution is dropped into dilute hydrocyanic acid rendered alkaline by soda, the precipitate at first formed is redissolved, and continues to be so until the whole of the cyanogen of the acid has united with the sodium and silver, forming the double cyanide of sodium and silver. In such experiments "1000 grain-measures of the solution indicate that 5.4 grains of absolute hydrocyanic acid have entered into combination. 318 TESTS. Volumetric Solution of Oxalic Acid. 2HO,C 4 O +4HO=126. Take of Purified oxalic acid, in crystals quite dry, but not effloresced, six hundred and thirty grains. Distilled water, a sufficiency. Put the oxalic acid into a 10,000-grain flask, fill the flask to about two-thirds of its bulk with the water, allow the acid to dissolve, and then dilute the solution with more of the water until it has the exact volume of 10,000 grain-measures. Of this solution 1000 grain-measures contain half an equivalent in grains (63) of oxalic acid, and are therefore capable of neutralizing one equivalent in grains of an alkali or an alkaline carbonate. Volumetric Solution of Soda. NaO,HO=40. Take of Solution of soda, Distilled water, of each, a sufficiency. Fill a burette with the solution of soda, and cautiously drop this into 63 grains of purified oxalic acid dissolved in about two ounces of the water, until the acid is exactly neutralized, as indicated by litmus. ETote the number of grain-measures (n) of the solution used, and having then introduced 9000 grain-measures of the solution of soda into a graduated jar, augment this quantity by the addition n . .-1 .. , 9000x1000 • jn , of water until it becomes gram-measures. If, tor ex- n fc ample, n=930, the 9000 grain-measures should be augmented: 9000 xl000 ==9677 crrain.measures. Of this solution 1000 grain- 930 & measures contain one equivalent in grains (40 grains) of hydrate of soda, and will, therefore, neutralize oire equivalent in grains of any monobasic acid. (Br.) PART IT. PHARMACY IX ITS RELATIONS TO ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. CHAPTER I. LIGNEOUS FIBRE AND ITS DERIVATIVES. Organic chemistry refers to the properties and composition of substances which have been formed in vegetables and animals under the influence of life, and their derivatives; the vast variety of these compounds, and the fact that their differences are not so much in the variety of their ultimate constituents as in the number of atoms of these and their peculiar and inexplicable modes of com- bination, make their study almost a distinct branch of chemical science. Most vegetable substances used in medicine come into the hands of the pharmacist in a crude condition, and the first scientific inquiry in connection with their modes of preparation relates to the action of solvents upon them, which to some extent involves investigation of their chemical characteristics. All plants are composed of organic proximate principles, which, when further resolved, are found to consist of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen; when the two latter elements are combined in the pro- portion in which they exist in water, they are termed carbohy- drates; others consist of carbon and hydrogen only, while another class is distinguished by containing also nitrogen, and some of these phosphorus and sulphur. The predominance of one or other of these proximate principles in any group of animal or of vegetable products, usually adapts its individual members to certain modes of preparation and use in medicine, and constitutes a strong feature of resemblance among them. This characteristic is still more marked when associated, as it often is, with similar botanical relations, but even in the ab- sence of these it is very apparent; substances which owe their utility to the starch they contain are naturally associated as fari- naceous, while the gums are well and familiarly classed together. So with the aromatics, containing essential oils and resins; the nar- cotics, containing vegetable alkalies, etc. The proximate principles of plants are capable of division into two main classes: these are, First, Those which are nutritious or inert, and are generally diffused throughout the vegetable king- ( 319 ) 320 dom, including a few obtained from animals also; this class consists of cellulose, starch, gums, sugar, fixed oils and fats, and the nitro- genized or protein compounds. Second, Those which are generally not nutritious, but medicinal or poisonous, and are less diffused, being in some instances confined to a very few families of plants; these are the crystallizable and uncrystallizable neutral principles, the vegetable acids and alkalies, the essential oils and resins, etc. In treating of these principles, and some of the important drugs in which they are found, the organic materia medica will be brought into view in a different aspect from that under which it is usually studied. Cellulose. C 6 H 10 O 5 . (Cellulin. Lignin.) This is an inert, colorless, sometimes translucent, tasteless, in- odorous, organized substance, which is present in the cell walls of all plants, and is the basis of woody fibre. By long continued boiling with diluted sulphuric acid it be- comes " crummy ," and finally is converted into soluble cellulose, dextrin; for its behavior with cold diluted sulphuric acid see Parchment Paper; cold concentrated sulphuric and muriatic acids render it gelatinous and finally dissolve it This solution contains dextrin, a modified lignin which is soluble in water, and another form precipitated by water. Schweizer's solvent for lignin is an ammoniacal solution of oxide of copper, the solvent action of which is in proportion to the amount of copper it contains, but decreases with age in consequence of the absorption of carbonic acid, and is prevented by acids, salts, or sugar. Acids precipitate the lignin in an amorphous condition, drying to a horn-like mass. These solutions are precipitated by the addition of salts, gum Arabic, dextrin, and alcohol. The substances belonging under this head, and allied compounds, are soluble in Schweizer's solvent in the following order: silk, cot- ton, paper, linen, animal bladder, and wool, the latter requiring the aid of heat; muslin dissolves readily; starch is insoluble, but forms a paste when aided by heat; gun-cotton is insoluble in this solution. With pure cellulose a solution of iodine in iodide of potassium and chloride of zinc produces a blue color, which appears also after brisk boiling with strong potash lye, on the addition of iodine. When boiled with solution of potassa, lignin is decomposed into numerous acid compounds, containing from one to four equivalents of carbon; fusing hydrate of potassa forms with lignin oxalic acid. Pharmaceutical manipulations are chiefly directed to freeing from lignin, by the aid of various menstrua, those active principles which it incloses, excluded from external influences, and safely locked up in their natural repositories till needed for the relief of suffering or the restoration of health. Lignin is officinal under the name of gossypium, cotton, which, in its condition of raw cotton, or carded cotton, is much used in surgery, and forms the basis of the singular and interesting com- PARCHMENT PAPER. 321 pounds known as gun-cotton, pyroxylin, and the other forms of prepared cotton entering into collodion and blistering collodion. Another form of lignin, which is of interest to the surgeon, is that of patent lint, prepared from the fibres of the flax plant (Linum usitassimum), or from old white linen cloth scraped so as to make it soft and woolly ; much of the lint of commerce con- tains a certain portion of cotton fibre, which the manufacturers assert is not injurious for the purposes for which it is used. Paper may be mentioned under this head as one of the most important forms of lignin. Wrapping paper is referred to among the necessary articles of an outfit. This is produced of various qualities, but the pharmacist who aims at a high reputation should not be parsimonious in the purchase of an article, by the quality of which his character for neatness is so likely to be estimated. Parchment paper is a useful modification of ligneous fibre, pre- pared by exposing common unsized paper to the action of a mixture of two parts by measure of strong sulphuric acid and one of water for no longer time than is taken in drawing it through the acid, and immediately washing in. water containing a little soda or ammonia. If the acid varies much from the proper strength, the paper will be charred or else changed into dextrin, and if too long- exposed the latter change will take place. It is tough, firm, imper- vious, and though very similar to parchment, not, like it, decom- posed by heat and moisture. It is not a compound of lignin, but consists of fibre changed in its chemical and physical properties. Water does not filter through parchment paper, but passes gradually through it by endosmotic action. In this passage through the paper it carries with it all dissolved compounds which are crys- tallizable, while those which exist in an amorphous condition do not penetrate. These latter have been called by G-raham colloids, the former crystalloids, and the process, which is well adapted for separating minute quantities of the latter from the first group, dialysis. The crystalloids do not dializewith the same rapidity, and the process may be, therefore, employed for approximately separating two or more cry stall izable substances of different dializing power. One of the most beautiful exhibitions of ligneous fibre is the skele- ton separated from leaves by the maceration and decay of the cel- lular structure, and the purification and bleaching of the remaining fibrous portions. No ornament is more chaste and elegant than a bouquet of these, and, it being within the capacity of any person of taste to produce them, the art is well adapted to occupy the leisure of ladies. See The Phantom Bouquet, a small work by the author, published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia. The most reliable tests for distinguishing cotton from linen are:. 1, boiling with concentrated solution of potassa, which colors linen in two minutes deep yellow; cotton remains nearly white; 2, strong sulphuric acid destroys cotton in one-half to two minutes; 3, olive oil renders cotton transparent, but not linen; 4, tincture of madder dyes cotton light yellow, linen yellowish-red ; 5, cotton fibres appear, 21 322 LIGNEOUS FIBRE, ETC. under the microscope, as Hat, ribbon-like joints, frequently spirally turned and with large channel; linen fibres are straight, long, slender tubes. Wool and silk may be distinguished from the above vegetable fibres and all other carbohydrates by perchloride of tin, which bleaches the latter on heating. The following principles may be considered as peculiar forms of lignin: — Peculiar Forms of Lignin. Medullin, the pith of plants after it is freed from all soluble compounds. Fungin, the skeleton of fungi. Pollenin, the pollen granules freed from all soluble matter ; it still contains some nitrogen. Pyroxylon, TJ. S. P. {Soluble Gun-cotton.) Take of Cotton, freed from impurities, half a troyounce. Nitric acid, three troyounces and a half. Sulphuric acid, four troyounces. Mix the acids gradually in a porcelain or glass vessel, and, when the temperature of the mixture has fallen to 90°, add the cotton ; by means of a glass rod imbue it thoroughly with the acid, and allow it to macerate for fifteen hours; then transfer it to a larger vessel and wash it first with cold water until the washings cease to have an acid taste, and then with boiling water. Drain the cotton on filtering paper, and dry it by means of a water-bath. If the acids of the proper strength cannot be easily obtained, use, for the above quantity of cotton, of nitric acid, having a spe- cific gravity from 1.382 to 1.390, four troyounces, and sulphuric acid, having specific gravity 1.833, two troyounces, and proceed as directed. By the above treatment one, two, or three atoms of hydrogen are replaced by an equal number of equivalents of peroxide of nitrogen (M) 2 ), the resulting preparations being, respectively — Mononitrocellulin ..... C 6 H ]0 O 5 + HK0 3 = C 6 j ^ J0 5 -r-H,0 Dinitrocellulin C 6 H 10 O 5 + 2HK0 3 = C 6 j ^ } 5 + 2H 2 Trinitrocellulin C 6 H 10 O 5 + 3HN0 3 = C 6 j ^ J 5 + 3H 2 It is the dinitrocellulin that furnishes the pyroxylon of the Pharmacopoeias. Collodium, U. S. P. {Ethereal Solution of Prepared Cotton.) Braconnot discovered in 1833 that cotton, linen, and starch might be converted into a substance remarkable for its ready combusti- bility. This observation attracted little attention until Prof. ; Schonbein, in 1845, made some practical applications of this sub- stance, from which it received the name gun-cotton ; its chemical i names are xyloidin, pyroxylin, and nitrocellulose. Its solution in ether was first recommended as an adhesive sub- SOLUTION OF PREPAEED COTTON". 323 stance adapted to the wants of the surgeon, in an article in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal under date of March 22, 1848, by S. L. Bigelow. He then stated that he had accidentally dis- covered its remarkable adaptation to the rapid union of wounds by the first intention, and had tested its efficacy by a number of expe- riments, which induced him to make it public. The next number of the same journal, issued one week later, contained an article on the same subject, by John P. Maynard, of Dedham, Mass., in which he claims to have been the first to use the preparation as an adhesive plaster, and proceeds to detail its advantage, as proved by a number of experiments made by himself, and by numerous physicians and surgeons in Boston. On the first introduction of the article in Philadelphia, my lamented friend, W.W. D. Livermore, then in my employ, and my- self, jointly pursued a series of experiments in its preparation, the result of which we announced in a paper, published in the American Journal of Pharmacy, vol. xx. p. 181, stating the best formula that we had tried for the preparation of this solution. It prescribed the mixing of equal portions of nitric and sulphuric acids, and the maceration in it of clean bleached cotton for twelve hours. The proper strength of the nitric acid was then known to be a matter of importance, the acid of 1.5 sp. gr. furnishing the most satis- factory results. This cotton, after washing and thorough drying, was to be dis- solved in a certain proportion of ether, free, or nearly free, from water. The recipe was accompanied by such practical suggestions as our experiments led to, and although some of the views advanced in that paper were afterwards abandoned, the recipe, with slight modi- fications, has continued to give satisfaction to this time, and is sub- stantially that now most approved by some leading manufacturers. Other essays soon appeared on the subject in our own and foreign journals, among which, that of M. Mialhe, recommending im- mersing cotton in a mixture of nitrate of potassium and sulphuric acid was most approved, and his formula found favor with the com- mittee of revision of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia for 1850. In the fourth number of the Am. Journ. of Pharm., 1849, 1 pub- lished the result of some further experiments upon the new adhe- sive solution, giving a modified formula, which was recommended, as allowing the preparation of a larger quantity at one time, and with far less trouble; as avoiding the exposure of the operator to corrosive acid fumes, while stirring the cotton with the semi-fluid mass, which, in the other case, makes it necessary to work either in a well-ventilated apartment, or in the open air; and as facilitating the washing of the product, which comes out from the mixed acids with no solid crystalline ingredient contaminating it, and may be purified with the utmost facility. The proportions then indicated were as follows : Fuming nitric and sulphuric acids, of each, four fluidounces ; clean cotton, half an ounce ; ether, three pints ; and alcohol, sufficient. 324 LIGNEOUS FIBRE, ETC. The cotton was directed to be thoroughly saturated with the acids, previously mixed and allowed to become cool, and macerated for twelve hours. The nitrated cotton, being then removed, was to be washed in a large quantity of water and freed from water by successive washings in alcohol and dissolved in the ether. Few subjects claimed more attention in the chemical and phar- maceutical journals for some years than this, and in view of the great utility of the employment of a film of the collodion in photo- graphy, its manufacture soon became an important branch of business. In the previous editions of this work the principal essays on the subject were noticed in detail, but it has not been deemed important to add to the foregoing, except to call attention to an elegant ex- pedient directed in the formula, suggested by the late W. W. D. Livermore : to drain off the water by pressure, and then to macerate the cotton a few minutes in alcohol, which, by its affinity for the water, rapidly extracts it, and then may be sufficiently separated by expression, as it is not incompatible with the ethereal solution, which, in fact, it improves. Rehn's patent for this process of washing prepared cotton for collodion dates long since this suggestion, and ever since its public announcement by me in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. The present officinal process for collodion is a modification of that of Mialhe, directing the maceration of the cotton in the mixed nitrate of potassium and sulphuric acid for twelve hours (instead of four minutes as originally prescribed), and adopting Livermore's process of washing by alcohol instead of the dangerous drying by heat as before indicated. The officinal formula is given in detail as one of the practicable processes for collodion, although there are others in use, especially by photographers, which may serve their purposes better. Dr. Fresenius recommends gun-cotton as a vehicle for applying permanganate of potassium in surgical dressings, since it does not decompose the solution as ordinary cotton does. Collodium, IT. S. P. {Collodion.) Take of Pyroxylon, two hundred grains. Stronger ether, twelve fluidounces and a half. Stronger alcohol, three fluidounces and a half. Mix the ether and alcohol in a suitable bottle, and having added the pyroxylon to the mixture, agitate occasionally until dissolved. Collodion is a slightly opalescent liquid of a syrupy consistence. By long standing it deposits a layer of fibrous matter and becomes more transparent. This layer should be reincorporated by agitation before the collodion is used. When applied it should form a color- less, transparent, flexible, and strongly contractile film. Straining and expressing collodion are often necessary when it contains a large amount of undissolved fibre, as the last portions in a bottle from which the clear liquid has been from time to time decanted ; a slight precaution may save the operator a great deal COLLODION. 325 of trouble and mortification from his hands becoming coated with it beyond remedy. "When about to squeeze the strainer, or to thrust the hands into the liquid for any purpose, be careful to have a towel at hand, and instantly, on removing them, wipe them thoroughly dry before time is allowed for evaporation and the con- sequent deposit of the pellicle. This plan will be found effectual. The contraction of the collodion pellicle in drying is a decided objection to its use in some surgical cases. C. S. Sand was the first to propose Venice turpentine as an addition to obviate this effect. Collodium Flexile, IT. S. P. Take of Collodion A pint. Canada turpentine 320 grains. Castor oil 160 grains. Mix them and keep in a well-stopped bottl e. Hand's Modified Collodion. Take of Prepared cotton gij. Venice turpentine 3ij. Sulphuric ether f^v. Dissolve, first, the cotton in the ether; add the turpentine, and, by slight agitation, complete the solution. The resulting collodion, when applied to the skin, forms a trans- parent pellicle, more difficult to remove than that of ordinary col- lodion. Being more pliable, it yields to the motion of the skin, and will not crack even after several days' application. It might be supposed that the turpentine would render it more irritating, but this does not seem to be the case, owing to the absence of that mechanical stimulus so powerfully displayed in ordinary collodion. The addition of two drachms of mastic to the above may be at times advisable, if the pellicle be required of great toughness and strength ; but it dries more slowly, and remains opalescent longer than that containing Venice turpentine alone. This preparation is more suitable for the purpose of a varnish than as an application to the skin, and is especially adapted to coating labels on vials, which it renders impervious to cold and hot water and alcohol. Castor oil has also been found to be an excellent addition to collodion for the prevention of this contraction. Properties. — Collodion is a colorless, opalescent liquid, of a syrupy consistence, becoming thinner by age, with a strong odor of ether; wdien applied to a dry surface, it evaporates spontaneously, yielding a transparent pellicle without whiteness, possessed of remarkable adhesiveness and contractility, and quite impervious to moisture or to the action of any ordinary solvents, ether and alcohol excepted. A piece of linen or cotton cloth covered with it, and made to adhere by evaporation to the palm of the hand, will support, after a few minutes, without giving way, a weight of from 20 to 30 pounds. Its adhesive power is so great that the cloth will some- times be torn before it loosens. Collodion is frequently not a per- 326 LIGNEOUS FIBRE, ETC. feet solution of cotton; but contains, suspended and floating in it, a quantity of vegetable fibre which has escaped the solvent action of the ether. The liquid portion may be separated from these fibres by decantation or straining, but this is a disadvantage for surgical use. In the evaporation of the liquid, these undissolved fibres, by felting with each other, appear to give a greater degree of tenacity and resistance to the dried mass, without destroying its transparency ; and the Pharmacopoeia directs that the layer of fibrous matter should be re-incorporated by agitation before the collodion is used. An adhesive stimulating plaster may be made by dissolving a large proportion of mastic in collodion. Thajpsia Plaster. Take of Alcohol 3.5 parts. Ether 11.5 parts. Pyroxylon paper 1 parts. Eesin thapsia 10 parts. Spread with a brush on a piece of plaster at the moment it is required. It is recommended when a local irritant and revulsive are indi- cated. Mode of Preservation. — Collodion is one of those liquids which, owing to extreme volatility, it is objectionable to use from a large bottle, not only from the waste by evaporation every time the stopper is drawn, and the consequent inspissation of the liquid; but, also, from the explosive nature of the vapor of ether when it comes in contact with flame; it should, therefore, be put up in small vials, from which it may be used with economy and safety. Formerly the manufacturers usually put it in ground stoppered vials, of one or two ounce capacity ; but an improvement has been made in the substitution for these of cork stoppered, one-ounce vials. Cork, by its elasticity, can be made to fit the neck of a vial more tightly than the best glass stopper, and is, therefore, less liable to be thrown out on an elevation of temperature of the contained vola- tile liquid. Collodion is generally applied by the aid of a camel's-hair brush, but if one of these is allowed to dry, after being im- Fig. 176. mersed in the liquid, it is apt to be too stiff to use again. To obviate this disadvantage, a contrivance, such as is shown in the accompanying figure, is re- sorted to; it consists of a long fsj vial, with a cork stopper, which is perforated with the smallest cylinder of the cork borer, or with the rat-tail file, and into this perforation a thin piece of wood with a turned cap about the diameter of the cork is tightly inserted; this plug of wood has the diameter of the quill of a camel's-hair brush of medium size, and it is long enough to project below the cork, so that the quill collodion viai. will fit on to it and be secure. The bottle being COLLODION. 327 now nearly filled and the cork inserted, the brush will dip into the collodion, and, by constant immersion, will keep moist and always ready for use. Where, from exposure, a part of the ether has evaporated, the addition of more ether will serve to redissolve the gelatinous residue, unless it has dried beyond a certain point, at which it is apt to become quite insoluble. Uses of Collodion. — The chief use of this interesting liquid is in photography, which has already extended so as to become one of the most important of the modern arts. In medical practice its principal application is to ordinary superficial sores, as cuts and abrasions of the skin, and also to some skin diseases, where the indication is to protect the part from external irritating influences, and where violent itching is one of the most troublesome symptoms. Prof. Simpson, of Edinburgh, recommends it for sore nipples, which it completely protects, without interfering with the sucking of the infant ; for this purpose, Eand's preparation would be best suited. It was first principally recommended for the application of band- ages, and is used in France as a substitute for dextrin in permanent splints, which, by its use, may be applied over a less extended surface without diminishing the strength and permanence of the dressing. In cases of burns, where the cuticle has been removed and the symptoms of acute pain allayed by suitable applications, collodion is capable of one of its most useful applications, though for this purpose its contractility should be obviated by adding Venice tur- pentine or castor oil, as before indicated. By combining collodion with the ethereal tincture of chloride of iron, a compound is produced which is said to furnish a much more resisting and pliable, though thinner pellicle, and one adapted to the treatment of erysipelas. Collodion Tinctura Prceparat (London Skin Hospital.) Take of Collodion One ounce. Palm oil ,10 grains. Alkanet root Tocolor it. Mix. Causticum Hydr. Bichloridi. (London Skin Hospital.) Take of Corrosive sublimate One drachm. Prep, collodion 6 drachms. Mix. The composition of collodion has excited much discussion, and some ingenious hypotheses. The discovery of Prof. Leidy, of this city, of a beautiful crystalline deposit in inspissated collodion, and a similar and independent observation in London, are among the most remarkable facts bearing upon the composition and chemical relations of the group of principles to which lignin belongs. M. Bechamp, professor in the school of pharmacy at Strasburg, has succeeded in reproducing cotton from pyroxylin, by heating it at the temperature of 212° with a concentrated solution of proto- 328 LIGNEOUS FIBRE, ETC. chloride of iron. The chloride deepens in color, and very soon there is a disengagement of pure nitric oxide. When this has ceased, and the cotton has been washed with hydrochloric acid, to remove the peroxide of iron impregnating it, the cotton is found to have lost the properties of pyroxylin. In the same way amidon has been produced from xyloidin. Iodinal Collodion. (J. T. Shinn.) Take of Iodine Half an ounce. Canada balsam Half an ounce. Collodion A pint. Dissolve the iodine and balsam in the collodion. Used as a substitute for iodine ointment. Belladonna! Collodion. (J. T. Shinn.) Take of Select belladonna leaves, powdered . . . Eight ounces. Ether Twelve fluidounces. Alcohol (95 per cent. ) Sufficient. Canada balsam Half an ounce. Collodion wool (prepared cotton) .... A drachm. Macerate the leaves in the ether with four fluidounces of alcohol, for six hours, pack in a percolator, and pour on alcohol till a pint of tincture is obtained ; in this dissolve the cotton and balsam. This is a desirable substitute for belladonna plaster. A similar preparation may be made, free from color, by dissolving atropia in collodion. Aconital Collodion may be made from aconite root by a similar formula. Collodium cum Cantharide, II. S. P. (Cantharidal Collodion. Blistering Collodion.) Take of Cantharides, in fine powder, eight troyounces. Cotton, prepared by the process for collodion, and dry,, one hun- dred grains. Canada turpentine, three hundred and twenty grairs. Castor oil, one hundred and sixty grains. Stronger ether, a pint and a half. Stronger alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Introduce the cantharides into a cylindrical percolator, and, having pressed them firmly, gradually pour on the ether. When fifteen fluidounces have passed, set aside the liquid in a close vessel, and continue the percolation with stronger alcohol until half a pint more of liquid is obtained. Set this in a warm place for sponta- neous evaporation, and, when it is reduced to a fluidounce, mix it with the reserved liquid. Then add the pyroxylon, Canada tur- pentine, and castor oil to the mixture, and agitate occasionally until it is dissolved. Lastly, keep the solution in a well-stopped bottle. By this formula, blistering collodion can be readily and uni- formly produced by any one having the prepared cotton at hand ; this may be purchased of dealers" in photographic materials, or made by the process for pyroxylon. PRODUCTS OF THE DISTILLATION OF WOOD. 329 The great merit of blistering collodion is its applicability to cir- cumscribed surfaces, the fact that it requires no covering of any kind, and that it cannot be improperly removed by the patient, as in cases of insanity, etc. Its action is greatly hastened by repeat- ing the application till the coating is thick, and covering the pelli- cle before it is dry with a piece of oiled silk or bladder. Styptic Collodion. Take of Tannin 5ij. Stronger alcohol f giv. Stronger ether f^xij. Pyroxylon 12.5 grains. Canada balsam 7.5 grains. Introduce the pyroxylon into a suitable bottle, pour on it two fluidrachms of the alcohol, shake well, then add ten fluidrachms of the ether, agitate frequently until dissolved; dissolve the tannic acid in a mixture pf the remainder of the alcohol and ether, mix with the first liquid, add the balsam, allow to stand till clear, then pour off. The above formula for styptic collodion, with a number of others, was suggested by Mr. C. L. Mitchell, in an inaugural treatise pre- sented to the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and published in vol. 44, fol. 241, Amer. Journ. of Pharmacy. Products of the Distillation of Wood. By the distillation of wood in close vessels, a variety of inter- esting compounds are produced, which are useful in the arts and in medicine. Of these, charcoal (carbo ligni), acetic acid, pyroacetic and pyroxylic spirit, and creasote may be mentioned as of special interest to the physician, and a short notice of each is appended. Carbo Ligni, Wood Charcoal, and Carbo Animalis, Animal Charcoal. The former of these two kinds of charcoal is used in medicine, while the latter is most employed in chemical processes as a de- colorizing agent. Willow charcoal, the variety preferred in this country, is chiefly obtained from the manufacturers of gunpowder, who devote much attention to the production of a pure and fine powdered article. In Europe the charcoal obtained from the linden tree, Tilia LJurojxea, is usually employed in medicine. A charcoal prepared from areca nuts is much esteemed as a dentifrice in England. Charcoal is wholly insoluble, tasteless, and inodorous; it absorbs moisture and gases from the air, and a small portion of it consists of the incombustible saline materials of the wood, from which it may be freed by digestion in diluted muriatic acid, although this precaution is not necessary as a preparation for medicinal use. The dose of powdered charcoal as an absorbent disinfectant is about a teaspoonful; as an aperient, a tablespoonful, or less, mixed with magnesia. 330 Animal charcoal , or bone-black, is made from bones by calcination, and, besides carbon, contains phosphate and carbonate of calcium in abundance; these important constituents have much to do with the peculiar porosity which gives to this substance the power of absorbing coloring matters and gases, and adapts it for the various uses in the arts and in pharmaceutical chemistry to which it is applied. It is not very convenient to use in fine powder, and is hence generally prepared in a granular condition. Carbo animalis purificatus, JJ. S. P., is among the preparations designed to be made by the apothecary. It is prepared by digesting a pound of animal charcoal with twelve fluidounces each of muri- atic acid and water, for two days, at a moderate heat, pouring off the liquid, and washing the charcoal thoroughly with water. This is adapted to many uses to which the crude powder would be unsuited, owing to its saline ingredients. In the preparation of the alkaloids, gallic acid, and numerous other chemical substances, animal charcoal is used to absorb the associated coloring matters; but it should not be forgotten that the same property which adapts it to take up the coloring matter also occasions, to some extent, the absorption of the alkaloid or other principle, so that the loss by the decolorizing process is sometimes considerable, unless means are resorted to for the subsequent extrac- tion of the absorbed portions. To its absorbent property animal charcoal owes its utility as a disinfectant and antidote to the powerful vegetable poisons, which, as proved by Dr. B. H. Rand, may be rendered innoxious in their effects by a large admixture of this inert but porous powder. Acidum Acetum. Ac=H,C 2 H 3 O 2 =60. The acid liquid distilled over when charcoal is prepared from wood, in close cylinders without access of air, contains this valuable acid in a very impure state. By subjecting this to further distilla- tion, the liquid is collected which is known as wood vinegar, or pyroligneous acid. By saturating this acid with lime, acetate of calcium is produced, which, by decomposition with sulphate of sodium, furnishes sulphate of calcium and acetate of sodium; the latter salt, being crystallized in a state of purity, yields, by distilla- tion with sulphuric acid, pure hydrated acetic acid in solution in water. The officinal acetic acid is directed in the Pharmacopoeia to have a specific gravity of 1.047, which, however, is a less satisfactory assurance of its strength than its saturating power, which is such that 100 grains saturate 60 of crystallized bicarbonate of potassium, and contain 36 grains of monohydrated acid. The monohydrated acid, C 2 H 3 2 H 2 (glacial), is prepared by the careful distillation of one equivalent of fused acetate of sodium with two of sulphuric acid, and placing the distillate on ice, the congealed product is then suffered to drain by inverting the bottle; the crystals constitute the glacial acid. It is a very caustic, deli- . METHYLIC ALCOHOL, ETC, 331 quescent substance, having the specific gravity 1.067 ; it contains about 98 per cent, of acetic acid, is volatile, colorless, inflammable, and dissolves camphor, resins, volatile oils, etc. Its chief use is in perfumery, for forming a very pungent perfume for smelling bottles. Acetic acid of about the officinal strength is now so cheaply and abundantly produced for use in the arts, that it is placed in the Pharmacopeia among the articles of materia medica; the process above given is selected from a variety in common use. Acetate of lead is also one of its sources of production. Acetic acid is also produced by the oxidation of alcoholic liquids, especially cider and wine, and in this impure and diluted form is called vinegar (Acetum, IT. S. P.); in chemical works it is generally classed among the derivatives of alcohol. Much of the vinegar of commerce is largely adulterated or so- phisticated, although, according to the experiments of A\ T . W. D. Livermore, the use of sulphuric acid is less common than has been supposed. Of sixteen specimens of commercial vinegar obtained from different sources, none were adulterated with sulphuric acid. Tested for malic acid, gum, and extractive matter, believed to be always present in cider vinegar, all but two gave evidence of con- taining one or more of these products by throwing down a precipi- tate with subacetate of lead, soluble in nitric acid. The strength of the different specimens was ascertained by him as follows : The numbers represent the number of grains of bicar- bonate of potassium saturating 100 grains of viuegar: — No. 1 . . .9 grains. No. 10 . . .4 grains. 1 9 grains. No 10 . • 4 { 2 . 4 " " 11 . • &A 3 . 8 <( «< 12 . . 8 4 • • 4^ tt u 13 . • *A 5 . 6 " " 14 . • 5t% 7 . 8 (< (I 15 . • 8 T V 8 ■ • 8 T V a " 16 . • 7A 9 . 6 it The normal saturating power is about 7 f grains of the bicarbonate to 100 grains of vinegar. Acetone, or Pyroacetie Spirit, C 3 H 6 0, and Methylic Alcohol, Pyroxylic Spirit, or Wood Naphtha, CH 3 ,HO. These are products of the distillation of wood, which are sepa- rated from the acid liquors, after they are saturated with lime, by simple distillation and repeated fractional rectification. It is very difficult, however, to obtain them in a perfectly pure state by this process. Acetone is formed by the dry distillation of acetates, and is rendered pure by rectification over lime, and finally over chloride of calcium. They are both colorless, or slightly yellow, inflammable, volatile, pungent liquids, closely resembling each other in sensible and medical properties, nearly always mixed and impure, and generally confounded with each other in commerce; they may be known apart by their reactions with chloride of calcium. 332 LIGNEOUS FIBRE, ETC. While pyroacetic spirit does not dissolve or mix with a saturated solution of chloride of calcium, pyroxylic spirit instantly mixes when dropped into it. The normal specific gravity of each is about the same, .792 to .798; but, as found in commerce, they oftener reach .820 to .846. Impure wood naphtha yields, with binoxalate of potassium and sulphuric acid, a crystallizable ether, which, by distillation with water, decomposes into oxalic acid and pure methylic alcohol. Treated with bichromate of potassium, acetone yields acetic and carbonic acids, while methylic alcohol furnishes formic acid. Under the name of methylic spirit, hydrated oxide of methyl, OH 3 HO, pyroxylic spirit is extensively used in England as a cheap substitute for alcohol, and is sometimes substituted for it in the preparation of chloroform. Dr. Hastings, of London, introduced it several years ago as a remedy for consumption, and both this and pyroacetic spirit are sometimes prescribed, though not so much as formerly, in connection with cough medicines. Dose, about 10 to 40 drops. Creasotum, U. S. P. (Creasote. Kreosot.) This is a secondary empyreumatic product of destructive distilla- tion which the Pharmacopoeia describes as being obtained from wood tar. As found in commerce, it is an oily liquid obtained in- discriminately from various kinds of tar, especially that from bituminous coal, and varies in composition. Creasote is colorless and transparent, having a high refractive power and oleaginous consistence. Its odor, when diffused, is pe- culiarly smoky, its taste burning and caustic; its specific gravity is about 1.046. It is freely soluble in alcohol, ether, acetic acid, caustic potassa, and in water to the extent of six or ten drops to the ounce. The article now generally sold as creasote is imported from Ger- many, and is much cheaper than the kind which formerly came from England, and was obtained from wood tar. The present article, which is remarkable for readily assuming a brown color on exposure to the light and air, is prepared from coal tar. It has a specific gravity of 1.062, and boils at 386°. In an article on this subject, in the New York Journal of Pharmacy, Oct. 1853, Professor Edward N. Kent has given a method of manufacture and purifica- tion which has proved successful in his hands, and expresses the opinion that carbolic acid, as he considers it, is creasote in a purer form than that obtained from wood tar. Recent investigations render it probable that creasote, though not identical, is homologous with phenylic acid, and it is probable that it consists of several analogous alcohols. (See Phenylic Acid.) Under the name of Carbolic Acid a crystalline substance resem- bling creasote, but asserted to be less odorous, has been introduced into commerce by F. Grace Calvert, of Manchester, England. It is, perhaps, more freely soluble in water than ordinary creasote, and is well adapted to use as an antiseptic. ON FARINACEOUS AND SACCHARINE PRINCIPLES. 333 The principal use of creasote internally is to check nausea ; for this purpose, about two drops may be dissolved in an ounce of water, and a little gum and sugar added. Dose, a tablespoonful (equal to one drop), frequently repeated. Dropped upon a fragment of cotton, after dilution with alcohol, ether, or chloroform, and inserted into the cavity of a tooth, it re- lieves toothache when the pain is occasioned by the exposure of the nerve, and is popularly regarded as the most certain remedy. Very painful and distressing accidents are liable to occur from attempting to drop this liquid into the cavity of a tooth .from a vial. As an external caustic, creasote may be applied, undiluted, with a camel's-hair pencil ; but it is usually prepared in the form of oint- ment (Unguentum creasoti), or in solution in water (Aqua croasoti). In hemorrhages, it acts as a most efficient styptic, and is successfully applied in solution,. in the proportion of about six drops to the ounce of water. Creasote is one of the remedies which the apothecary is most fre- quently called upon to apply. Large quantities are also consumed by dentists. CHAPTER II. ON FARINACEOUS, MUCILAGINOUS, AND SACCHARINE PRINCIPLES. Starch, C 6 H 10 5 , having the same composition as cellulose, differs from it widely in physical properties ; it exists in a granular form in various parts of plants, especially in seeds, tubers, and bulbous roots, in minute cells, which may be distinguished by a microscope of moderate power. The size and shape of the granules have been made special subjects of investigation by pharmacologists, and their study has been found to aid in the recogni- tion of the different varieties of fecula, and in detecting adulterations. The envelope of these starch granules is insoluble in cold water, but is ruptured by the application of heat, so that the contents are exposed and become dissolved. Hence starch is said to be insoluble in cold, but soluble in hot water. For this in- , -i , , i*i • ,i l . . , . Starch granules as seen ternal matter which gives the characteristic under a microS cope. chemical reactions of starch the term amidin has been applied ; it forms about 995 parts in every thousand of the entire starch granules. But a solution may be effected with cold water, if the envelope of the granules has been torn by con- tinued trituration with sand or other gritty substances. Certain 334 ON FARINACEOUS AND SACCHARINE PRINCIPLES. salts, such as chloride of zinc, produce a perfect solution of starch in the cold. By the action of heat, and a very small proportion of strong infusion of malt, starch is converted into dextrin, a soluble principle isomeric with it, intermediate between the gums and grape sugar, and so named from its power of causing the plane of polarization to deviate to the right. This is also formed from cel- lulose by the action of diluted acids, which also ultimately convert it into grape sugar. One of the most striking characteristics of starch is its reaction in cold solution with iodine, with which it forms a rich blue-colored iodide, which loses its color by heat. These two substances thus become tests for each other. With bro- mine it produces an orange-colored precipitate, which cannot be dried without decomposition. Nitric acid converts starch into oxalic acid, and by heating starch with potassa in excess oxalate of potassium is produced. For an elaborate account of starch and its isomeric principles, Inidin, from Inula Helena and other sources, Lichenin, from Cetraria Islandica, etc., see Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry, Cav. Soc. edition, vol. xv. All the cereal grains owe their utility as articles of food to the presence of starch mingled with a due proportion of a nitrogenized principle; gluten. In many drugs, starch exists to an extent which interferes with their convenient preparation for use in medicine, while it is an important element in certain demulcent and nutri- tious articles used in medicine, as food for infants, etc. Syllabus of Starches, Amylaceous Medicines, etc. Amylum, starch ; the fecula of The fecula from maize is an excellent substitute for Triticum vulgare and Zea arrowroot, and has almost entirely displaced wheat mays. starch. In Europe, the fecula of the potato is largely used as starch : it yields a transparent jelly with muriatic acid, and is used for adulterating arrow- root ; sulphuric acid evolves a disagreeable odor. — Proc. A. Ph. Ass., 1862, 168. Maranta, arrowroot , the fecula Bermuda arrowroot, the best ; next the Jamaica, Li- of Maranta arundinacea. beria, Florida, and Georgia. Must be well pre- served from moisture and odorous drugs. See paper by Br. R. Battey in Proc. of A. Ph. Ass., 1858, 332; and by E. T. Ellis, ibid., 1862, 212. It yields an opaque jelly with concentrated muriatic acid. Arum esculentum. Native in the Sandwich Islands, where it is used as food to a great extent after the acrid matter has been dissipated by heat. Arum maculatum. Formerly officinal in Dublin Pharmacopoeia. Arum tryphyllum. Officinal in U. S. P.; contains about 17 per cent, of fecula. Canna, tous-les-mois ; the fecula The starch granules are very large, and exhibit a of Canna edulis, etc glistening or satiny appearance. The jelly is very tenacious, but not very translucent. Comes from the island of St. Kitts. Rare with us. Curcuma arrowroot. From the East Indies. Used, in England, only for adulterations. Sago ; the prepared pith of Sa- Bietetic and nutritive, in small granules prepared by gus rumphii, etc. the aid of heat. Tapioca; the fecula of the root Bietetic and nutritive, coarse irregular grains pre- of Janipha manihot. pared by the aid of heat, partially soluble in cold water. gums. 335 Syllabus of Stakciies, Amylaceous Medicines, etc. {Continued.) Avense farina, oatmeal; the meal Contains the husk ground with the seed. Relieves of Avena sativa. constipation ; easily digested and very nutritive. Hordeum, barley; the decorti- Demulcent, nutritive, and slightly astringent. See cated seeds of Hordeum dis- Decoctum hordei. tichon, etc. Oryza, rice; the seeds of Oryza Bland, nutritive, demulcent, and somewhat astrin- sativa, deprived of the hulls. gent. By long boiling forms a jelly. Cetraria, Iceland moss; Cetraria Contains lichenin and a bitter principle; the latter Islandica. may be removed by an alkali ; the residue may be used as a dietetic. Chondrus, carrageen; Chondrus Contains carrageenin, mucilage, and various salts. crispus. Inula, elecampane; the root of Contains, like the root of other compositae, inulin, Inula helenium. bitter principle, and mucilage. A domestic expec- torant. Symphytum officinale, comfrey ; See Inula. the root. Lappa, burdock ; the root of See Inula. Lappa major. Iris Florentina, orrisroot ; the Contains starch, resins, and volatile oil. Used an an rhizoma of Iris Florentina. infant and toilet powder, and as an ingredient in dentifrice. Gums. Gums differ from starch chiefly in the absence of the granular condition, and their partial or complete solubility in cold water. They are obtained from certain plants in amorphous masses, mostly exuding spontaneously or upon a puncture of the bark. A solution of gum is not affected by iodine, but precipitated by alcohol. Oxi- dized by nitric acid, they produce mucic acid; but when continually boiled with diluted acids, a kind of dextrin and, finally, sugar is formed. There are probably numerous kinds of gums, but on account of their similarity in physical and chemical properties they are diffi- cult to recognize and to separate from allied compounds. They have been classed into gums which are soluble, and gums which mostly swell up in cold water. The following are the types of these two classes: — Ar a bin = C l2 II 22 O n , is derived largely from the acacias; it is ex- tremely soluble in water, forming a clear and colorless though viscid solution, almost free from taste, which is coagulated by alcohol, borax, and precipitated by silicate of potassium, strong solution of perchloride of iron, also, like most organic acids, coloring principles, etc., by subacetate of lead. Incinerated it yields about three parts of ashes, which some chemists assert are the bases of the salt arabin, the acid of which is obtained by decomposing the aqueous solution with muriatic acid and precipitating by alcohol, and is insoluble in the latter menstruum only in the presence of a mineral acid. Bassorin = C }2 H ]0 O ]0 , is an insoluble variety, swelling with water and dissolving in alkalies. This predominates in gum tragacanth, and, according to some, in salep. Those bodies which are usually termed Mucilages belong to one of these two classes ; they are met 336 ON FARINACEOUS AND SACCHARINE PRINCIPLES. with in many seeds (flaxseed, quince seed), leaves (buchu), etc., and some kinds are precipitated by neutral acetate of lead. Cerasin, the insoluble ingredient in cherry-tree gum, much re- sembles bassorin, if it is not identical with it. M. Fremy asserts it is only metagummate of lime. Mezquite is a name proposed for a gum, to which attention has been called by Dr. Geo. Shumard, produced abundantly in Texas and ~New Mexico — parts of our own country as yet but little explored ; it is extremely soluble, and differs from Arabin principally in not being precipitated by subacetate of lead. .All the above compounds are carbohydrates of the composition C 24 H 20 O, , or C 24 H 22 22 ; the group of pectin compounds, though not strictly belonging to the above, is however nearly allied to thegums. Gum is associated in some plants with resin; and gum resins, a remarkable natural class of drugs, will be hereafter referred to in treating of resins. Variously associated with other proximate principles, gum is present in a great variety of vegetables, and like starch, it plays an important part in the physiology of the plant ; it enters as an ele- ment into a great number of articles, both of food and medicine. In its important relations to the art of prescribing and compound- ing medicines, we shall have occasion to refer to it frequently throughout the subsequent parts of the work, and now introduce it only for the purpose of calling attention to a few drugs contain- ing it. Pectin and Pectic Acids. — Many plants contain, in different organs, especially in succulent roots and acidulous fruits, a body called pec- tose, which, through the influence of a peculiar ferment called pec- tase, the organic acids, and light and heat, undergoes a change into other bodies of the same relative combinations. Pectin, parapectin, and metapectin C 32 H 40 O 28 4H 2 Pectosic acid C 32 H 20 O 28 3H 2 Pectic acid C 1G H 22 15 2H 2 Parapectic acid C 24 H 15 21 2H 2 Metapectic acid C 21 H 32 27 2H 2 The unripe fruits contain only pectose; while ripening, pectin and parapectin, and, subsequently, metapectic acid, are formed, so that the change of the consistence of fruits is less dependent on a change of the cellulose, than owing to this transformation. Green fruits exhale oxygen in daylight; with the alteration of pectose, the for- mation of sugar sets in, carbonic acid is exhaled, the green color disappears, and the free acids (citric, malic, tartaric, etc.) become neutralized by potassium, calcium, etc., or their taste is masked by the increase in the quantity of sugar. Pectin is the cause of the gelatinizing of the juices of currants, raspberries, etc., and of gentian, dandelion, rhubarb, and other roots. The salts of the above acids are uncrystallizable ; those with the metallic oxides are mostly gelatinous precipitates, while those with alkalies are soluble in water, but gelatinize on cooling. SUGARS. 337 Syllabus of Gums axd Mucilaginous Medicines. Acacia, gum Arabic ; the exu- dation of Acacia vera, etc. Tragacantha, the exudation of Astragalus verus. Salep, the tubers of Orchis mas- cula, etc. Ulmus, elm bark ; the inner bark of Ulmus fulva. Sassafras medulla, the pith of Sassafras officinale. Cydonium, quince seed; the seed of Cydonia vulgaris. Sesami folium, benue ; the leaves of Sesamum orientale. Althaea (radix), niarshmallow "| root. Altliaex florcs, marshmallow [ flowers from Althsese offici- | nalis. J Althcea rosea, hollyhock ; the flowers. Hibiscus esculentus; ochra, the fruit. Linum, flaxseed; the seeds of Linum usitatissimum. Papaver, poppy heads ; the ripe capsules of Papaver somnife- rum. Buehu, the leaves of Barosma crenata, etc. Mild expectorant and demulcent, used in form of mucilage (1 part to 2 water), also as syrup and powder as a vehicle. Consists chiefly of bassorin ; Mucilago tragacanthse (^j to aquae Oj) ; a useful paste. Five grs. of the powder render one ounce of hot water highly mucilaginous. See Castillon's Powders. Contains much mucilage, the fine powder as a mild expectorant and vehicle for bitter medicines; much used for making a demulcent drink to be used in irritation of the mucous surfaces, especially of the urinary organs, and in dysenteric affections ; the coarser powder for poultices. Forms with water a rich mucilage; used in eyewashes and in Jackson's pectoral syrup. Rarely used internally; externally in inflamed eyes and for bandoline. Grown in gardens; used as a mild astringent in the summer complaint of children. The mucilage of these last three are not precipitated by alcohol. Contain starch, mucilage, and asparagin ; highly demulcent. Syrup best prepared from cold infu- sion. Similar in properties to former. Used in the U. S. in soups called Gumbo ; in East Indies a decoction ^iij in Oiss, boiled down to Oj, sweetened and strained. Internally in the form of infusion, diuretic, and de- mulcent; externally, the meal for poultices; the oil readily becomes rancid in the powder. Demulcent, not considered narcotic when ripe. Mucilage associated with essential oil; diuretic, used in infusion and fluid extract. Sugars. Sugars are of many kinds, closely allied to each other and to the foregoing ternary principles, in composition. They are distin- guished by a sweet taste, and a more or less distinctly crystalline form. They are mostly soluble in water and somewhat soluble in alcohol. 22 338 ON FARINACEOUS AND SACCHARINE PRINCIPLES. Syllabus of Sugars. (1.) True Sugars. Composition C l2 H x O x . {Carbohydrates.) a. Directly fermentable. (Group of Glucose.) Grape sugar, Glucose C e H 12 6 +2H 2 Fruit sugar, uncrystal- lizable sugars, Chula- In grapes, the fruit of Ro- sacese, etc., in diabetic urine — from starch by the action of sulphuric acid — the granular depo- sit of honey. In fruits, the liquid portion of honey, etc. Deviates polarized light to right ;* soluble in 11 part cold water, insoluble in absolute alcohol ; with HN0 3 , yields oxalic acid. Rotating left; easily soluble water and diluted alcohol. b. Not directly fermentable by yeast. (Group of Cane Sugar.) a.. Fermenting readily with yeast by being converted into fruit sugar. Cane sugar C 12 H 22 O u In sugar-cane, Chinese sugar-cane, corn-stalks, Rotating right ; easily soluble in water, little in alcohol ; yields beets, sugar maple, seve- oxalic acid with HN0 3 . ral palms, numerous ripe fruits, etc. Melitose In Australian manna from Rotating right ; crystallizes in C 12 H 12 O n 3H E Eucalyptus mannifera. needles ; reactions similar to Synanthrose C 12 H 22 11 In the tubers of the Synan- therea. cane sugar. No rotating power ; deliquescent ; very soluble in water; slightly in alcohol. /?. Fermenting with difficulty in contact with yeast, but readily after treatment with dilute acids. Melezitose In the exudation of the Rotating power right; sweet like larch, Larix communis glucose; very soluble in water, {Ft. meleze). almost insoluble in alcohol ; yields oxalic acid by HN0 3 . Mycose In ergot. Rotating power right ; easily so- C 12 H 22 O u 2H 2 luble in water, almost insoluble in alcohol. Trehalose In Trehala, an oriental ex- Resembling the former ; soluble in C 12 H 22 O n 2H 2 crescence of a species of hot alcohol ; with HN0 3 , yields Echinops. oxalic acid. Lactin, sugar of milk In milk. Rotating power right; very hard ^12 H 24^12 prisms ; soluble in 6 parts cold water; insoluble in ether; slightly soluble in alcohol ; by dilute acids, converted into lac- tose, and then easily fermentable; yields mucic and some oxalic acid with HN0 3 . * Polarization of light, which is stated as characteristic in the case of the several sugars, consists of a change produced upon light by the action of certain media and surfaces by which it ceases to present the ordinary phenomena of reflection and trans- mission. Instruments employed to exhibit this change are called polariscopes. By the use of these, differences may be readily detected between substances which are nearly identical in chemical properties. SUGARS. 339 (2.) Saccharoids. Composition C 12 B x O x . (Carbohydrates.) Not fermentable with yeast or after boiling with HS0 4 . Eucalyne Inosite (Phaseomannite) C 6 H 12 6 4H 2 Scyllito Sorbin, sorbite Phloroglucin C 6 H 6 3 In Australian manna accom- panying melitose. In muscular flesh, and in the unripe kidney bean, Phaseolus vulgaris. See Dr. L. C. Lane's process in A. J. Ph., ix. 492. In the kidneys and liver of some fishes. In the berries of sorbus aucuparia. Product of decomposition of Phloretin and querci- trin. Uncrystallizable ; even after treat- ment with HS0 4 , not susceptible of fermentation ; reduces alka- line tartrate of copper. Efflorescing ; soluble in water, little soluble in alcohol ; not altered by diluted acids; with concentrated HN0 3 , nitroinosite ; evaporated with dilute HN0 3 and moistened with NH 3 and CaCl, is colored rose-red. Resembles inosite ; but is less sweet, less soluble, and dissolves unaltered in hot HN0 3 . Rotating power left ; soluble in £ water, little in boiling alcohol ; hard crystals, not altered by di luted HSO with copper. Sweet prisms; very soluble in water and alcohol. , yields oxalic acid HN0 3 ; reduces oxide of (3.) Pseudo-Sugars of the Composition C u II x O x—2- Not fermenting. Mannite In manna, mushrooms, etc. No rotating power; soluble in 5 C 6 H 14 6 parts cold water, scarcely in cold alcohol, with HN0 3 yields sac- charic and oxalic acids ; HN0 3 , at a low temperature, produces a fermentable sugar. Dulcoee, Dulcite From an unknown plant in No rotating power; easily soluble C 6 H U°6 Madagascar. in water, with difficulty in alco- hol ; yields mucic, oxalic, andra- cemic acid with HN0 3 Quercite In acorns. Sublimes in needles; with nitric C 6 tfi2°5 acid, yields oxalic acid. Pinite In Pinus Lambertina. Rotating power right; very sweet ; C 6 H 12 5 readily soluble in water ; nearly insoluble in boiling alcohol. Mel ampy rite In Melampyrum nemoro- No rotating power; soluble in 25 ^12"30^13 sum ; Scrophularia, no- parts water, 1362 parts alcohol ; dosa, etc not altered by diluted HS0 4 ; with HN0 3 , mucic and oxalic acids. 340 ON FARINACEOUS AND SACCHARINE PRINCIPLES. b. Of other compositions. Glycerin The basic principle of fats. Oily liquid ; miscible with water C 3 H 5 3HO and alcohol; insoluble in ether; with HN0 3 yields glonoio. Erythromannite Product of decomposition of Supposed to be identical with C 4 H 10 O 4 erythrin. pbycite. Phycite En Proctococcus vulgaris No rotating power: easily soluble C 4 H 10 O 4 Algce. in water, with difficulty in alco- hol ; with HNO3 oxauc ac id. Glycyrrhizin In Glycyrrhiza glabra, and Uncrystallizable and yellowish ; C 24 H 36 9 . eschinata. slightly soluble in cold water and alcohol ; precipitates most metallic salts ; combines with bases, acids, and salts. Panaquilon In Panax quinquefolium. Amorphous, yellow, readily solu- C 24 H 25°18 ble in water and alcohol; insol- uble in ether ; precipitated by tannin. Orcin, Orcite By boiling certain lichens Sweet prisms, very soluble in al- C w H 8 4 +2Aq or their constituents. cohol and water ; precipitated by PbAc and Fe 2 Cl 6 ; yields oxalic acid by HN0 3 ; deep red by air, water, and ammonia (orceine). Beta orcine By dry distillation of usnic Soluble in water, alcohol, and C 34 H 18°6 ? acid. ether ; red by NH 3 H 2 and air. REMARKS ON THE SUGARS. Cane sugar is mostly prepared from the juice of the sugar cane; considerable quantities are made in Europe from beet root. The juice is boiled with quicklime, strained, and reduced by evapora- tion to a thick syrup, when the whole is cooled and granulated in shallow vessels ; it is now raw sugar of commerce. By purification or refining, which is accomplished by the aid of animal charcoal, it is obtained as loaf, or more commonly as broken-down or crushed sugar — the condition in which it is mostly preferred for use in pharmacy. In the granulation of raw sugar, the uncrystallizable portion which remains is drawn off and constitutes molasses of commerce. Molasses, by careful manipulation, is made to yield a further por- tion of sugar, and then constitutes sugar-house molasses, or, as it is called abroad, treacle. Cane sugar is one of the sweetest of the sugars ; when pure it is white or crystallized in translucent double oblique prisms, soluble in alcohol but not in ether. It is soluble in J its weight of water; its solution heated in contact with salts of copper, mercury, gold, and silver, decomposes them. Its watery solution with yeast under- goes the vinous fermentation, the cane sugar being previously con- verted into fruit sugar. Lump sugar is permanent in the air, and phosphorescent in the dark when struck or rubbed. Its tendency to crystallize or form a translucent candy is prevented by the addi- tion of cream of tartar and acids, or acid salts, generally fruit sugar REMARKS ON SUGARS. 341 and subsequently grape sugar being formed. By the application of a beat of 320° F. it melts and cools to a glassy amorphous mass (barley sugar)\ if heated to 425° it is changed into caramel; long boiling diminishes its tendency to crystallize and increases its color. Rock candy is a very pleasant form of cane sugar, prepared by crystallizing it slowly upon a string from a strong solution; it is preferred for coughs from the slowness with which it dissolves in the mouth, and is very often used to sweeten mucilaginous and acid drinks used in catarrhs. The peculiar brown coloring matter called caramel, C 12 H g 9 , is produced by heating sugar to a temperature of 425°, until it fuses, evolves the vapors of water, and turns to a deep brown color; it then consists of unaltered sugar, caramel, and a bitter substance called assamar ; it is freely soluble in water, and has a bitter and not disagreeable empyreumatic taste. It is much used to color liquors, as in the fabrication of brandy, and is a useful addition to soups. For the effect of heat on cane sugar, as observed by Gelis and Pohl's method for preparing pure caramel, consult Proceed. Am, Ph. Ass., 1862, 165. Sugar combines with bases, forming saccharates, which are un- crystallizable, and those of the alkalies deliquescent. Saccharate of calcium is used in medicine under the name of Syrupus Calcis (p. 211). Common salt combines with sugar to a deliquescent crystallizable compound. The alkaline saccharates precipitate the soluble salts of lead, copper, silver, and mercury. Fruit sugar. — "Whether the sweet fruits all contain the same sugar is uncertain ; the absence of crystalline forms, constant changes in" the process of ripening, and the difficulty of freeing one kind from another impede the investigations; its rotating power is greatly influenced by different degrees of temperature. Grape sugar is found in grapes and in acid fruits associated with fruit sugar. It constitutes also the sugar of diabetes. The most economical method of obtaining it is by acting on starch or lignin with diluted sulphuric acid; it may also be obtained in an impure state, by scraping off the white powder deposited on old raisins, and much purer by drying the deposit of honey upon brick tiles. Grape sugar, under the name of glucose, has of late years become an article of great commercial importance; it is largely consumed by brewers in the production of sparkling ales, etc., and in pharmac}^ in syrups, in which increased body without corresponding sweet- ness is desirable. It is found in two forms — a dense transparent syrup, and in whitish or grayish-white masses; and is made in the large waj- by heating 56 parts of sulphuric acid and 5600 parts of water to 212°. Equal amounts of acid and water are mixed at a temperature of 86° F. in a wooden vessel, and 2200 parts of starch meal are stirred and heated to 100° F. ; the latter mixture is then gradually added to the first, and heated to 212° for a short time, and then to 320° for two or three hours, or until the starch has been 342 ON FARINACEOUS AND SACCHARINE PRINCIPLES. converted to glucose ; this is then drawn off into tanks, and 168 parts of pure chalk stirred up with 500 parts of water are gradually added ; when all the acid has been neutralized, the sulphate of calcium is filtered out on a muslin filter, and the solution concen- trated and clarified by bone-black and renewed filtration. As already stated, by the action of diluted acids upon lignin and starch, they are converted into a soluble form called dextrin, and "ultimately pass into grape sugar, this change may be produced by long boiling alone ; it is also produced in starch by nitrogenized ferments, especially by that peculiar substance known as diastase. By the same means, cane sugar is spontaneously converted into fruit sugar, and this into alcohol, and ultimately into acetic acid ; and, in fact, the alcoholic and acetic liquors of commerce are pro- duced in this way from the various starchy and saccharine vege- table products used in their manufacture. Glucose combines with alkalies in the cold, but these compounds are decomposed by heat. Sugar of milk is not manufactured in this country, but is chiefly imported from Switzerland, where it is made on a large scale from whej^; it is crystallized upon sticks or strings in masses not unlike stalactites in appearance. The greatest consumption of this is by the homoeopathists, who use it as a vehicle for almost all their medicines in the form of powders and pillets. It is said by them to have the least action upon the system of any substance they have experimented with ; and hence its employment as a diluent for the infinitesimal doses, which, according to their theory, are increasingly powerful in proportion to their dilution. Its physical condition of hardness or resistance to mechanical action adapts it to develop the latent efficiency of those medicines which they assert are only rendered active by long attrition. {See the observations of Dr. R. Luboldt on its fermentation, in Am. Jour. Ph., 1861, 409.) Glycyrrhizin may be prepared, according to Mr. Jos. Hirsch, by making a hot infusion with dilute acetic acid, neutralizing with soda, crystallizing out the acetate of sodium, and concentrating the infusion containing the glycyrrhizin. Another process is to percolate liquorice root with alcohol, heat to the boiling point, filter, and evaporate. Mannite may be prepared by several processes: — First. By digesting manna in boiling alcohol, and filtering while hot. As the liquid cools it precipitates the mannite in tufts of slender colorless needles ; these may be purified, if necessary, by re- solution and crystallization. Second. By mixing manna with cold water in which the white of an egg has been beaten, boiling for a few minutes, and straining the solution through linen while hot; the strained liquid forms a semi-crystalline mass on cooling; this is to be pressed strongly in a cloth, then mixed with its own weight of cold water and again pressed, then mixed with a little animal charcoal dissolved in boil- ing water, and filtered while hot into a porcelain dish over the fire; the solution is now to be evaporated till a pellicle forms, and set aside to crystallize in large transparent quadrangular prisms. TESTS FOR SUGARS AND OTHER CARBOHYDRATES. 343 Third. By dissolving manna in water, precipitating gummy and coloring matters with subacetate of lead, removing lead from the filtrate by carefully dropping into it sufficient sulphuric acid, though not in great excess, evaporating and crystallizing. Fourth. Artificially, by acting upon glucose prepared from dextrin and concentrated to 15° Baume, with ^ve per cent, of wheat flour, Rye of molasses, and five of common malt vinegar at 100° F. ; after fermentation for three days, concentrating, and digest- ing with alcohol, crystals of mannite are obtained. {Am. Jour. Pharm., February, 1871.) Mannite fuses between 320° and 330° F., and crystallizes again at about 284°. In sealed tubes mannite may be heated to 482° without altering, except that a small portion turns into mannitan = C a H 12 5 (anhydrous mannite), which may be obtained by many processes calculated to abstract the water of crystallization: it is a neutral syrupy sweetish substance, scarcely liquid, insoluble in ether, slowly soluble in anhydrous alcohol, freely soluble in water, in con- tact with air it absorbs water, liquefies, and crystallizes to ordinary mannite. Though mannite is not fermentable under ordinary circumstances, it may be converted into fermentable sugar, by leaving it in con- tact under peculiar circumstances with animal tissues. (See Am. Jour. JPharm., vol. xxix. p. 450.) Tests for the Sugars and other Carbohydrates. Under this head the several processes for testing the presence of sugar are introduced; they are particularly applicable to grape sugar and to the examination of urine. When urine has a high specific gravity, and other symptoms of diabetes appear, the phy- sician finds it of the utmost importance to make a chemical ex- amination. The pharmacist is very liable to be called on for this, and will find it an advantage to be supplied with a reliable urinometer {see Specific Gravity), a test rack and tubes, and the necessary chemical reagents. Separation of pure sugar is usually difficult; free acids and bases must be avoided during the evaporation. The microscope furnishes the best criterion; the taste is no proof whatever. Fermentation sets in directly on the addition of yeast {see Sylla- bus) ; sometimes treatment with dilute HS0 4 is advisable, but never necessary with urine; the amount of C0 2 evolved indicates the quantity of sugar. To rely on the formation of yeast cells may be- come deceptive through similar though different vegetations. Polarized light would, to a certain extent, indicate the kind of sugar, but many substances have similar optical behavior. MoorJs Test. — Boiling with concentrated potash lye produces, with grape and milk sugar, a yellowish -brown and ultimately a deep brown color; with cane sugar only after its transformation into glucose. ^ Supersaturating with an acid liberates a peculiar odor of burning sugar. 844 ON FARINACEOUS AND SACCHARINE PRINCIPLES. Heller's Test. — The urine is mixed with solution of caustic potassa, the mixture divided in two test-tubes of equal width, one of which is heated to boiling. The presence of sugar is indicated by a darker color, which is ascertained by comparison with, the un- healed liquid. LehmanrCs Test. — The solution of the saccharine matter in 90 per cent, alcohol yields, with a solution of KO,HO in absolute alco- hol, a sticky or flocculent precipitate, readily soluble in water and reducing an alkaline solution of CuO. Hor sley's Test. — Five or six drops of diabetic urine produce a deep sap-green coloration in a boiling solution of chromate of po- tassium containing free alkali. Knapp proposes a volumetric test solution: an alkaline solution of cyanide of mercury of known strength is heated to the boiling point ; to this is added the sugar solution from a burette. The opera- tion is known to be completed when a drop of the mixture is ap- plied to a piece of the best Swedish filtering paper stretched over a beaker-glass containing sulphide of ammonium. A brown spot appears as long as the mercurial salt is present, and fresh addition of glucose is necessary. Trommer's test is based on the reduction by grape sugar of oxide of copper to suboxide, in an alkaline solution, and is applied by mixing the urine or other saccharine liquid with some caustic potassa in a test-tube, and then adding a diluted solution of sulphate of copper, 'drop by drop, and with constant agitation, until the occasioned precipitate just commences to remain undissolved; the mixture is then raised to the boiling point, and if it contains grape sugar, deposits the orange-red hydrated suboxide of copper. But many substances, like uric acid, some vegetable acids, hemat- oxylin, alkapton (Proc. Am. Ph. Assoc., 1862, p. 173), reduce CuO under the same circumstances; kreatine, peptone, protein com- pounds, and' some alkaloids interfere with the separation of the Ou 2 0. Fehling's Quantitative Test for Grape Sugar is an improvement on the method originally suggested by Barreswill. The test liquid is prepared by dissolving 40 grammes of crystallized sulphate of cop- per in 160 grammes of distilled water, and mixing this solution with 160 grammes of neutral tartrate of potassium dissolved in a little water ; from 600 to 700 grammes of solution of caustic soda, specific gravity 1.12, are then added, and sufficient water to make the whole measure at 60° F. (15° C.) 1154.4 cubic centimetres. As one equivalent of glucose (C 6 H 12 G ) reduces 10 equivalents of oxide of copper to suboxide, 1 litre of the above solution requires 5 grammes, or 10 cubic centimetres .05 gramme of grape sugar. The saccharine solution is diluted until it contains not over 1 per .cent, of grape sugar. 10 cubic centimetres of the test are diluted •with 4 cubic centimetres of water, heated to boiling, and the sac- charine liquid gradually added until it ceases to produce a red pre- cipitate of suboxide of copper; the quantity of the liquid used .contained .05 gramme of sugar. The quantity of sugar may like- TESTS FOR SUGARS AND OTHER CARBOHYDRATES. 345 wise be calculated from the amount of suboxide of copper obtained, which is separated by nitration, well washed, and dried. 10 equi- valents of protoxide (CuO) yield 5 equivalents of suboxide (Cu 2 0); the weight of equivalent of the latter beingl42.8, 5 equivalents weigh 142.8 x 5 = 714 ; the equivalent of grape sugar (C 6 H 12 6 ) weighs 180, and if we express the ascertained weight of suboxide of copper by s, the weight of grape sugar = x is calculated by the following proportion — 714 : 180 = s : x, or by adding one-half and T 4s part of the weight of the suboxide. Fehling's test is not affected by pectin, tannin, or mucilage, but when several weeks old it is acted on by acetic, tartaric, oxalic, and the aromatic acids. In small well-corked vials, if protected from contact with the air, it keeps well for some time, but it is always safest to prepare it when wanted for use; the copper solution may be kept ready for mixing with a freshly prepared solution of the tartrate, and with the caustic soda, preserved in well-stoppered vials. Free uric acid reduces the test liquid, which fact must not be lost sight of in analysis of urine, which ought to be used quite fresh. Cane sugar and starch cause no reaction with the test, but when they have been previously converted into grape or fruit sugar by a continued boiling with diluted sulphuric acid, the oxide of copper will be reduced, and from the ascertained quantity of grape sugar 95 per cent, indicates the weight of cane sugar (C H 12 Oj, and 90 per cent, that of starch (C 6 H 10 O 5 ). The test is likewise applicable to milk sugar, which reduces for each equivalent 7 equivalents of oxide of copper, so that 1 litre of the test liquid requires 7.143 grammes of sugar of milk for its reduction. Boettger's Test. — A tablespoonful of urine and of sodium solution, containing one part of crystallized carbonate of sodium to three parts of water, is boiled with as much officinal nitrate of bismuth as will cover the point of a knife; glucose imparts a grayish or black color to the nitrate. Albumen is to be previously separated by coagulation ; cane sugar and all organic substances usually pre- sent in urine are without action. Haider's Test. — Indigo is dissolved in strong sulphuric (better ^Nordhausen) acid, the liquid over-saturated with carbonate of po- tassium, to render it alkaline. This, when used, is sufficiently diluted to be of a light blue color, and boiled; if now a trace of grape or fruit sugar be added, the blue color is changed to green and purple; from a larger proportion of sugar, the color passes through red into- yellow. If afterwards the liquid is shaken, the. purple passes through green into blue, but the yellow through the above shades into green or greenish-blue. Cane sugar is not affected. VogeVs test is the same as Mulder's, litmus being substituted for indigo. LoewenthaU s Test. — 60 grms. tartaric acid, 240 grms. crystallized Xa 2 C0 3 , 5 grms. crystallized Fe 2 Cl 6 , and 500 cam. hot water vield 346 ON FARINACEOUS AND SACCHARINE PRINCIPLES. a solution remaining yellow on boiling, but turning brown with a trace of glucose and separating with a more voluminous precipitate. Peligofs quantitative determination of cane sugar is based on the solution of lime in sugar; C 12 H 22 O u dissolve 3CaO, the quantity of which is determined by measure analysis with HS0 4 . If glucose is present, a second assay is made with boiled solution of the sac- charate; the grape sugar is destroyed by boiling, and the result indicates cane sugar; the difference between the second and first assay expresses the grape sugar. Runge's Test. — Yery dilute HS0 4 , evaporated with the suspected solution by a water-bath to dryness, scarcely colors grape sugar; with cane sugar a black spot is produced ; a similar spot also with starch and some other compounds. Pettenkofer' s Test. — Bile and concentrated HS0 4 , produce, with sugar, a red color. Maum.ene's. — Chlorine at a temperature at and above boiling water causes a brown color, deepening to black on drying. Carbo- hydrates, like lignin, hemp, linen, cotton, starch, etc., suffer a simi- lar decomposition. A strip of white woollen, merino (which is not altered), is saturated with a solution of perchloride of tin and dried ; a single drop of a saccharine or similar solution put on the strip, and heated over a lamp to a little above the boiling point of water, instantly effects a black stain. Even ten drops of diabetic urine in ten cubic centimetres of water produce a brownish-black color. 0. Schmidt's Test. — 3PbO,Ac and NH 3 produce, in solution of cane and grape sugar, white precipitates ; on boiling the latter only changes the color to red. Sugar in Urine. — It has been ascertained by Professor Briicke, and corroborated by Dr. Bence Jones, that grape sugar is a normal ingredient of urine, and it is, therefore, necessary to determine its quantity in disease ; for this purpose Fehling's test is applicable, the inaccuracy of which arising from the presence of uric acid may be removed by precipitating the urine with oxalic acid or with ^ of its measure of muriatic acid of 1.10 specific gravity, setting it aside for twenty-four hours in a cool place, after which time it contains but traces (.0001 p.) of uric acid. Owing to the ammonia contained or readily formed in urine, which keeps some suboxide of copper in solution, Trommer's test does not show the small proportion of sugar in healthy urine, but it generally reacts with the urine of pregnant or nursing women. Minute quantities of sugar are not indicated by Boettger's test, if the black color of bismuth should be owing to the formation of sulphuret ; a black coloration will, in this case, also be obtained by digesting the urine with levigated litharge. Heller's test is the most reliable for detecting very small proportions of sugar, but in a deeply-colored urine the changes produced by boiling may not be visible, and another experiment with Boettger's test be advisable. Glucosides. — This term is applied to those organic principles which, by a peculiar decomposition, are resolved into grape sugar (glucose) and an altered or new principle. This change may be SYLLABUS OF SACCHARINE GROUP OF MEDICINES. 347 effected: 1. By the action of mineral acids at a boiling tempera- ture. 2. By heating the glucoside with alkaline solutions or baryta water. 3. By the action at mean temperatures of nitrogen- izecl principles associated with the glucosides in the plants pro- ducing them, or otherwise ; and 4. By yeast and saliva. Many of the vegetable acids and neutral principles described in this work might be classified as glucosides, but as this peculiarity in their chemical characters is less obvious and characteristic than others by which they are generally classified, it has not been thought best to form them into a distinct class, but by way of illustration and for convenient reference the following syllabus of some principles capable of this classification has been prepared. Syllabus of some (xlucosides. G-lucoside. Process. Product beside Glucose Reaction. Gallo-tannic By acidsf Gallic acid C a1 Ho 2 17 +4H a O=3C 1 H G 5 -r-C 6 H 12 6 . acids Arbutin do.J Hydrokinone CjoH^O; + H 2 O=C c H Oo+CV,H 12 O 6 . Colocynthi do. Colocynthein C cc Ho 4 Oo :! +HoO = C 4 4H 12 0,o+2C ( ,H 1 ,0 6 . Amygdalin By emulsin and Oil of bitter almond C.,,H." 7 NO n -|-2HoO=C 7 H d+HCN+ water & hydrocyanic acid 2C 6 Hi 2 6 . .^Esculin By acids JEsculetin Cfn Ho 1 Or 3 +3HoO=C q H 6 4 +2C,-,H r 6 . Convallarin do. Convallaretin 20; i 4H : .,O n 4-2HoO=2Co 8 H. N +2C G H 1 <,0 6 C3iH 3 4O 19 +4HoO=2C G H 1 oO +O 10 H 18 Oi 1 . Daphnin do. Daphnetin Datiscin do. Datiscetin C 42 H 34 0.> 4 = C : „ ,H ,,,0, o+ C 6 H 12 6 . Digitalin* do. Digitaletin O„ 7 H 40 O ] -,-(-2H 2 O=2C^H 1 oO s +C lf Ho-,O 5 . GMycyrrhizin do. Glycyrretin Oo 4 H 3G 9 + Ho0=C 6 H 1 ,0,,+C 1> H.v,O 4 . Helicin Acids, emulsin, alkalies, or yeast By acids Salicylous acid 13 H 1G 7 + H 3 O=C e H 12 O G -f-fC 1 H G 0. Salicin By emulsin Saligenin C 13 H 1S 7 + H,0=C G H l2 6 +C 7 R\0 3 . Solania By acids Solanidin C 43 H 71 N0 1G +3H 2 = 3(J r ,Hi«0 6 - r -Co,,H., 1 NO 20, o nooO ] o+4HoO=2CV,H 1 ..0 6 +0.: I I. ( ) 16 C 23 H 28 O 1 4+3H i O=2U H I ,O G +O :i H i ;O 5 . Thujin do. Thujetin Xanthorhamnin do. Rhamnetin Besides this class, in which glucose is a product, there are others in which peculiar sugars are formed, and others in which the de- compositions are more complex, resulting in two or more new com- pounds; for descriptions of these and of the foregoing, the reader is referred to the principles themselves, as treated of under the several heads of organic neutral principles and acids; also to Gme- lin's Handbook of Chemistry, Cav. Soc. Edit., vol. xv. p. 340. Syllabus of the Saccharine Group of Medicines. Names and origin. Saccharum, sugar ; from Sac- charum officinarum. Theriaca, treacle, molasses ; the concentrated uncrystal- lizable juice of Saccharum officinarum. Properties and uses. Expectorant and laxative; in the form of powder and syrup ; mostly as a vehicle and corrective. A tenacious excipient for pills, may be purified by solution in alcohol and digesting with animal char- coal. "■Kosmanrs. f Also by spontaneous fermentation. J Also by contact with emulsin. 348 THE ALBUMINOUS AND SIMILAR PRINCIPLES. Syllabus of the Saccharine Group of Medicines. {Continued.) Names and origin. Mel, honey ; the liquid pre- pared by Apis mellifica. Saccharum lactis, lactin; from milk. Glycyrrhiza, liquorice root; "] the rhizoma of Glycyr- [ rhiza glabra. j Extractum glycyrrhizee. J Manna ; the concrete juice of Ornus Europsea. Mannitum, mannite ; from man- na. Ficus, the fig ; the fruit of Ficus carica. Prunuin, prunes ; the dried fruit of Prunus domestica. Uva passa, raisins ; the dried fruit of Vitis vinifera. Cassia fistula, purging cassia; the fruit. Carofce radix, wild carrot; the root of Daucus carota. Properties and uses. Expectorant with more active medicines, combined with astringents in gargles ; as an addition to poultices and as a vehicle ; a factitious article is made from Havana sugar. Used as a vehicle for powders, which are required in a very fine condition ; has little taste and is very hard ; recently used as food for feeding infants; less apt to produce acidity than cane sugar. Expectorant; in syrups, as a vehicle and corrective for unpleasant medicines ; as constituent for pills. The liquorice ball is formed into sticks. (See Extracts.) Laxative. In syrups, mostly combined with senna and saline laxatives. Laxative in doses of §j to §ij. Used as a vehicle and corrective. Laxative. Used in confections. (Conf. sennse.) Laxative. Used in confections. (Conf. sennse.) In Europe as a popular vehicle for infusion of senna, to prevent griping. Laxative. Mostly as a corrective in a few tinctures, in gruel, etc. Laxative. The pulp is employed as an ingredient in conf. sennoe. Diuretic and laxative, in the form of the expressed or inspissated juice; also as poultice. Honey contains uncrystallizable fruit sugar and grape sugar ; the latter is apt to be deposited, on standing, in a granular form ; a volatile odorous principle and a little wax are generally present. For medicinal use, it requires clarifying. This is accomplished by heating it in a suitable vessel to a very moderate degree, and main- taining the temperature till it ceases to separate a scum, which is to be skimmed off as it rises to the surface. Mel despumatum is also prepared by adding to honey an equal bulk of water and a little tannin, which, on being precipitated by lime-water carefully added, carries down with it the impurities ; it is then to be evaporated to its original weight, the scum being carefully removed. CHAPTER III. ON ALBUMINOUS AND SIMILAR PRINCIPLES, AND CERTAIN ANIMAL PRODUCTS. All plants and animals contain, besides the ternary proximate principles consisting of C, H, and 0, others in which E" is asso- ciated with the three former elements. Mulder was the first to prove that these vegetable principles, so essential for the sustenance of animal life, are not materially different from those occurring in THE ALBUMINOUS AND SIMILAR PRINCIPLES. 349 the animal kingdom, and that they all yield, after treatment with water, alcohol, ether, dilute muriatic acid, and strong potassa solu- tion — protein, which he ascertained has the composition C 36 H 25 N 4 O 10 . Liebig, Dumas, and Cahours calculate the formula C 48 H 36 N 6 I4 . A more recent analysis by Luberkuhn gives its formula as C 72 H 112 R 2 N ]8 22 S, R denoting an atom of univalent metal. This radical, it was asserted, yields with S and P in various proportions those proximate principles which have received the name of protein compounds. It has, however, been proved that protein is always a product of decomposition, differing from the original compound from wdiich derived in other respects besides the absence of S and P; the rela- tions of these bodies to each other has not been cleared up, though it seems probable that they are copulated compounds. Few of the protein compounds occur naturally in an insoluble condition ; they are mostly met with in aqueous solution from which they are readily separated in an insoluble form by aid of heat (coagulation). They are characterized by the following reactions: — Alkalies dissolve them, separating all or a portion of sulphur; cold nitric acid colors them yellow, forming xanthoproteinic acid; concentrated muriatic acid in the presence of air produces a violet or blue color ; iodine solution a yellow coloration ; sugar and con- centrated HS0 4 generate a bright red color, similar to the one pro- duced with biliary acids; a similar color is also obtained by a solution of protonitrate of mercury containing nitrous acid(Millon's test). Their solutions in acetic acid are precipitated by neutral salts and by ferro- and ferricyanide of potassium. With the salts of many heavy metals, they form insoluble compounds, mostly con- taining the protein body, acid, and base ; this explains the adaptation of albumen and the allied principles as antidotes in poisoning by corrosive sublimate, blue vitriol, and other salts. Prolonged boiling with mineral acids or alkalies decomposes them into leucina, tyrosina, and various other products, which are also formed by their putrefaction. Chromic acid and binoxide of inanganium with HS0 4 evolve volatile acids of the composition C 9l H, l 4 , hydrocyanic and benzoic acids. Protein compounds in a putrefying condition act as ferments to many organic compounds, and on that account their removal by coagulation or precipitation with alcohol is provided for in many permanent pharmaceutical preparations. Protein has been prescribed by physicians as a nutritive tonic and in the treatment of impetigo capitis. Dose, for young children 5 grains three times a day. As it is a subject of controversy by chemists, the remedy may be called — Pure Insoluble Albumen. — Mix white of egg with its own bulk of water, filter and evaporate at 104° F. to the original bulk, then add a concentrated solution of caustic potash ; the whole soon forms a translucid, yellowish, elastic mass ; this is to be broken up, exhausted by cold water, avoiding exposure to the air, then dis- solve it in boiling water or boiling alcohol, and precipitate the albumen by acetic acid or phosphoric acid. 350 THE ALBUMINOUS AND SIMILAR PRINCIPLES, The largest supply of albumen is from the blood of animals. In Pesth and JSTorth Germany it is used as a mordant for dyeing yarns and cloth. The serum which separates when the blood coagulates is largely albuminous • 3000 pounds of blood yield about 110 pounds of albumen. Syllabus of the Protein Compounds. Name. Albumen Casein Legumin or vegetable casein Crystallin Hsemoglobulin Fibrin Syntonin Source. In eggs, blood, chyle, pus, and other excretions and secretions, and in the juices of plants. In milk ; probably also in some other animal secre- tions. In the seeds of Leguminosse and in oily seeds. In the lens of the eye. In the blood-corpuscles. In the plasma of blood, sometimes in exudations. In the fibrilles of muscles. Description, etc. Coagulates between 130°&170°F.; rendered uncoagulable by eva- poration in direct sunlight, but when evaporated in diffused day- light is soluble ; if it has become uncoagulable, it may be restored v to solubility by small quantities of acetic, tartaric, citric, or formic acids ; precipitates most of the salts of the earths and heavy metals (antidote to corrosive sublimate, etc.). Turns polar- ized light to left ; contains from .7 tol.7 per cent. S. Coagulates in the form of a skin upon the surface of its solution, by acids and by rennet in flocks ; precipitated by MgS0 4 and CaCl. Contains .8 to 1 per cent. S. Coagulates on evaporation in films, in behavior almost identical with animal casein. Precipitated by C0 2 , not by ren- net ; coagulates not below 195° ; the filtrate from it is acid ; readily reduced to an impal- pable powder ; resembles in many respects the globulin of blood. Known only in combination with haematin; soluble in aqueous ether; coagulates at about 760°; forms by the influence of light and air hcema- crystallin, color- less or red crystals, which are not precipitated by HgClAgNO s or 2Pb, Ac. Coagulates spontaneously in the air: contains 1.2 per cent. S and some Fe ; the coagulation retarded by KN0 3 and salts of the alkaline earths ; promoted by beating ; forms while putre- fying soluble albumen. Coagulates spontaneously in the air; becomes gelatinous and dis- solves in water containing y-^-g- HC1. Muscles contain various protein compounds coagulating at different temperatures. SYLLABUS OF THE PROTEIN COMPOUNDS, 851 Syllabus of the Protein Compounds. {Continued.) Name. Source. Description, etc. Emulsin, s. synaptas In almonds and otber seeds Not precipitated by Ac, precipi- tated by alcohol ; decomposes amygdalin into HCy, etc. ; loses this property by heat, but not when heated in the dry state to 212°. Decomposes myronic acid into oil Myrosin In white and black mustard. of mustard and sugar; loses this property by heat and strong alcohol. Aleurou In the albumen of nutmeg Crystalline; more or less soluble and other seeds. in water, acids, alkalies, gly- cerine, and syrup. Vitellin In the yelk of birds' eggs. Resembles fibrin, but does not de- compose H0 2 . Ichthidin, "] Ichthulin, In the eggs of fishes and Crystalline or granular. Icbthin, and [ amphibii. Einydin J Glutin In wheat, rye, and other Left on washing wheat flour with cereals. water to remove starch ; con- sists of three or four com- pounds; the nourishing part of flour. Zymome, s. coagulated The residue of crude gluten Soluble in alkalies, in HP0 3 , and vegetable albumen after boiling with alcohol. Ac ; after heating to 212°, in- soluble in NH 3 ; softens with water. Gliadin The portion of gluten solu- Soluble in acids and alkalies ; ble in boiling alcohol and causes the formation of dough, precipitated by water. on kneading flour with water. Mucin (see page 352) In the mother-liquor of Soluble in water, not precipitated gliadin. by HgCl 2 and lead salts ; in- soluble in acetic acid. Tests. — The physician has frequent occasion in the examination of urine to search for albumen and mucus (which is modified albumen), among the abnormal constituents of that secretion. To test urine for albumen, it should be slowly heated in a test- tube to boiling. Unless the urine is very alkaline it will coagulate and separate in flakes. The precipitate may consist of phosphates, which will readily dissolve in a little nitric acid, though if the acid is added in excess, it will, after dissolving the phosphates, throw down albumen if present. If a precipitate is produced by nitric acid and none by boiling, an excess of uric acid is probably present. If the urine was alkaline, this precipitate may be albumen, as an excess of alkali prevents its precipitation by heat. To confirm this test it is recommended to wash this precipitate and dissolve it in a little potash solution, then on the addition of a drop or two of the cupropotassic tartrate a rich violet color is obtained, unless the solution is too dilute. For the estimation of albumen, Boedeker measures its solution 352 THE ALBUMINOUS AND SIMILAR PRINCIPLES. in acetic acid with an aqueous solution of 1.309 grm. ferrocyanide of potassium in 1000 c.c. ; each c.c. precipitates .01 grm. albumen. Besides the bodies enumerated in the above syllabus, there are many protein compounds found in various healthy and morbid secretions, which are as yet little known, and may probably be modifications of some above enumerated. Though they are of little interest to the pharmacist, we append a syllabus of the most important. Modified Albuminous Principles. Name. Source. Description, etc. Para-albumen In the liquid of dropsical Scarcely turbid on boiling; by- (of Scherer) ovaries. Ac and heat, floccules which cannot be filtered clear; the precipitate by alcohol soluble in water. Meta-albumen In dropsical liquids. The solution in Ac not precipi- tated by KCfo ; precip. by HC1, not by Ac. Pancreatih In the pancreatic liquid. Coagulates at 162°, by HS0 4 and HNO s , not by HC1, Ac7 or HP0 3 ; alcoholic precipitate soluble in water; used of late years in treatment of disease. Mucin (see p. 351) In the secretion of the mu- Not precipitated by heat, KCfo, cous membranes. HgCl 2 , or tannin ; precip. by alcohol, soluble in water, by Ac insol. in excess. Pyin In pus. No precipitate by heat ; precipi- tated by Ac, alcohol, PbOAc, and HgCl 2 . Animal Pkoducts used in Medicine containing: Pkotein Compounds. Name. Source. Description, etc. 'cS Phasianus galli. Lac vaccinum, cow's milk Serum lactis, whey Bos taurus. From milk by boiling with .1 per cent, alum, T, wine, etc., and straining. Consists of ovi testa (90 to 96 per cent. CaC0 3 ), now rarely if ever used in medicine ; ovi al- bumen (about 85 H 2 0, 12 albu- men, sugar, carbonates), used for clarifying syrups, etc., and for emulsionizing; ovi vitellus (about 16 vitellin, 30 fat with color, 52 Aq, 1| ashes), used for emulsionizing oils and oleo- resins. Contains 4 casein, 3.5 fat, 5.25 milk sugar, .7 salts, 87 Aq ; used as a dietetic, rarely as a vehicle for medicines. Contains the sugar, salts, and water of milk; used as a die- tetic in certain diseases, and as a vehicle. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 853 Animal Products used in Medicine containing Protein Compounds. {Continued.) Name. Source. Description, etc. Buiyrum, butter Caro, meat The fat of cow's milk. The flesh of various animals. Used in ointments as an elegant substitute for lard; ung. hy- drarg. oxidi and ung. hydrarg. nitr. made with butter, keep very well. (See Amer. Journ. Pharm., xxx. 103.) Contains kreatina, kreatinina, sar- kina, inosit, organic salts, chlo- rides, phosphates, extractive albumen, syntonin, fibres, 72 to 80 per cent, water. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. Eggs. — When used for the clarification of syrups, etc., in phar- macy, the albumen of eggs must be dissolved in the cold liquid, which is to be gradually heated to the boiling point. The'coagu- lum incloses mechanically the impurities suspended in the liquid. The yelk is preferred for emulsionizing oleoresinous and volatile oils; for this purpose it is much better adapted than the albumen or gum Arabic, owing to its containing a considerable portion of a fat oil in which the volatile oils are soluble. The shell or testa, powdered and levigated, is considered more acceptable to delicate stomachs than other forms of carbonate of lime, being very intimately mixed with a small proportion of organic matter. Eggs are often desired by the sick and convalescent, and are sometimes allowable ; there are one or two forms of acute disease in which they may be used with advantage. In cholera infantum, the stomach being irritable and the digestive process exceedingly imperfect, the yelk of an egg that has been boiled till it is dry (fifteen minutes or more), and reduced to a fine powder, may be appropriated by the infant in divided portions, without aggravating the intestinal irritation. In cases of dysentery of a low type, which frequently occur in malarial districts, where the patient is visited with fearful prostration, and the demand for support is im- perative, and the stomach rejects the ordinary nutriment, the ces- sation of vomiting and nausea may often be brought about by the administration of the yelk of an uncooked egg taken in an un- broken state from the shell, or from a wineglass'containing a little iced water or brandy and water. No animal product is more universally employed in domestic economy and in the preparation of articles of diet for the sick ; per- haps none is more really useful except milk. Oil of Eggs. — Under this name a preparation is prescribed in some parts of England, and on the continent of Europe, as an emol- lient for sore nipples and excoriations, and it is sometimes called 23 354 THE ALBUMINOUS AND SIMILAR PRINCIPLES. for in this country. It may be prepared by gently heating yelks of eggs until they coagulate and the moisture evaporates ; then breaking into fragments, digesting in boiling alcohol, Altering while hot, and evaporating. The Paris Codex directs the yelks to be ex- hausted with ether. A dozen eggs yield about an ounce. This oil contains sulphur, and was formerly used to " cut" mercury. Milk is the natural and invariable food of the mammalia during infancy, and its properties adapt it perfectly to this use, besides fitting it for innumerable dietetic applications. It is one of the disadvantages of residing in large cities that this indispensable article is often furnished in a diluted state or of inferior quality. By examination under the microscope, the oily ingredient, in exceedingly minute globules, is seen floating in the serous-looking white fluid ; being lighter than the liquor in which they are sus- pended, a portion of these rise to the surface by standing, carrying with them some casein, and forming cream. The quantity of cream ordinarily varies from 5 to 22 per cent, by measure, though, as obtained from certain very superior cows, the proportion is much greater. The milk from which cream is separated is called skim-milk. Buttermilk approaches skim-milk in composition, but contains even less of the fatty globules. Dr. Grloninger, of Philadelphia, informs me that he has found it a valuable corrective of nausea, in the case of drunkards ; Dr. Wm. Ashmead also uses it in the treatment of dysentery. Its use as an application to " sunburn" is well known to country people. Curds and whey are made up of all the elements of milk, but the form in which they exist is changed by the addition of the rennet; the curd contains most of the fatty globules, while the whey con- sists of the sugar of milk and salts in solution. Whey is some- times used with success as a diet for young infants whose digestion is impaired so that they cannot bear any of the ordinary forms of milk diet. Mixed with wine it is also a grateful diet for adults in low forms of disease. {See Appendix.) Cream cheese consists of the moist curd which has been deprived of the greater portion of the whey by pressure. Ordinary cheese, which contains little or much of the oily in- gredient of milk, according as it contains the cream or is made from skim-milk, is made by precipitating the curd, and subjecting it to great pressure. The lactometer is an apparatus for finding the specific gravity of milk, which, although it varies from 1.008 to 1.031, should reach nearly 1.030. Skim-milk is heavier, so that it will bear dilution with a little water to bring it to the normal specific gravity. The absence of the cream is, however, so easily detected by the blue tinge of color, and want of the characteristic rich taste, that this variation in the instrument is of little account. The specific gravity is not usually marked on the instrument, but the degrees i of dilution instead, which, of course, are only approximative. The GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 355 microscope forms the best test for the purity and richness of milk, showing the proportion of the oil-globules. Full directions for the quantitative analysis of milk, and tables of its relative richness as modified by circumstances, will be found in Dr. HasselPs work on Adulterations in Food and Medicine. Solidified milk may be prepared by adding to 112 lbs. of fresh milk 28 lbs. of white sugar, and a half ounce of bicarbonate of sodium, and evaporating on a water-bath at a temperature much below boiling. The arrangements for stirring must be such as to prevent too much agitation, which would churn the cream into butter. A current of air should be established over the surface of the evaporating pans. Solidified milk is extensively introduced into commerce in tablets, and put up in tin boxes, in a granular condition. It dissolves with facility in warm water ; the milk produced from it is quite superior to much that is met with on shipboard and elsewhere, and is found to be an exceedingly useful article, especially for infants disordered by ordinary milk, or, from other causes, requiring to be weaned. Analysis of 5 specimens of condensed milk, by L. Kofler, are given on page 457, vol. 42, American Journal of Pharmacy, by which it appears to be a very reliable preparation, yielding the full average of cream. One pound will make three quarts of rich pure milk. For tea, coffee, or chocolate, it can be put upon the table and used as sugar but should be allowed to dissolve in the cup a moment before being stirred, as the cream globules will then remain unbroken. For young children, a tablespoonful dissolved in a teacupful of water is sufficient. Oil of butter is the name given to a good emollient, perhaps slightly astringent preparation, well adapted to treating the sum- mer complaint of children. It furnishes a suitable vehicle for the small doses of calomel, or mercury with chalk, and opium, so much prescribed in that complaint. It is made by warming butter float- ing on water, and when it is fluid skimming it off for use. Meat. — The domestic uses of meat and its application for nourish- ment are well known; by long-continued boiling in water all its soluble constituents will dissolve, leaving behind only the fibre and a small quantity of earthy phosphates. Liebig's Broth. — Liebig has recommended a broth for convales- cents, which is prepared by chopping J lb. of beef, mixing it well with J drachm table salt, 4 drops muriatic acid, and 18 oz. distilled water, macerating for one hour, and straining through a fine hair sieve without expression. Dose, a teacupful. It contains all the soluble constituents of meat together with the hsematin ; the muri- atic acid aids in digestion. This preparation is rendered more palatable and is found to agree with the stomach better if filtered, its appearance is also much improved. Extractum carnis, preserved juice of meat, may be made by subject- ing beef in iron cylinders heated by steam to a temperature of 220° for about three hours; on cooling, the small amount of juice ob- 356 THE ALBUMINOUS AND SIMILAR PRINCIPLES. tained solidifies, and may be freed from fat. This is introduced into small tin cans, which are heated till the air is expelled, and then soldered to exclude the atmosphere. By the addition of 4 parts of boiling water this will make a strong beef-tea. The vari- ous manufacturers of this and similar preparations have modified processes for extracting and preserving the soluble parts of beef, each claiming superiority for his own, some preferring liquid and others the solid form. Hager recommends that extract of beef should be regarded as below standard if it contains more than 22 per cent, of moisture, and over 27 per cent, of matter insoluble in alcohol .833 sp. gr. Gallotannic acid should not precipitate more than 20 per cent, of its weight, and should not yield more than 8 per cent, argentic chloride. Kreatin is the name applied to those principles which form the chief part of the cell walls of horn and epithelium. They contain about 50 per cent. C, nearly 17 per cent. N, and 5 per cent. S (in hair); by continued boiling with dilute sulphuric acid, leucina and tyrosina are formed; concentrated muriatic acid produces gradually a violet color, nitric acid a yellow, and sugar with sulphuric acid a red color. Caustic alkalies render the cells more distinct. Horn is not now used in pharmacy, except for preparing some utensils, scale dishes, spatulas, spoons, and scoops, which are adapted to cases where metal would be corroded. Gelatinous Principles. Two varieties have been distinguished: one occurring in bone and animal membranes, epidermis, fish bladders, etc., called collagen or osseine, which yields on prolonged boiling with water gelatine or common glue; it is not precipitated by alum, sulphate of alumin- ium, ferric chloride, trisacetate of lead, or protonitrate of mercury ; gelatinizing in the presence of alum is prevented by acetic and other acids; the addition of nitric acid keeps the solution in a liquid form; the so-called liquid glue is made in this manner. It is a test for tannin, with which it produces an insoluble precipitate. The other kind, chondrogen, is contained in permanent cartilage, and yields by continued boiling with water chondrin, a glue, which is precipitated by the above-named salts. The purest natural form of collagen is isinglass, which is found in commerce, prepared from the swimming bladder of the sturgeon and other fish. Gelatine is the basis of a variety of artificial pre- parations used as food. The solubility of glue in glycerine is deserving attention as a means of suspending remedies of an unpleasant character; while in analysis, a solution in glycerine would be permanently kept in good condition as a quantitative test for tannic acid. (See paper of Prof. J. M. Maisch in Am. Jour. Phar., vol. 42, fol. 518.) _ Ichthyocolla. (Isinglass.) — Numerous articles are met with in our markets under this name. One of the cheapest is that called fish glue, used almost exclusively for clearing coffee, as a substitute for COURT AND ISINGLASS PLASTER. 357 white of egg; this, I believe, is identical with the ISTew England isinglass described as being prepared from the air-bladder of the common hake (Gadus merluccius), which, being macerated in water a little while, is then taken out and passed between rollers, by which it is pressed into thin ribbons of several feet long, from an inch and a half to three inches in width. It is an inferior variety, unfit for internal use. (See Report by C. T. Carney, Proceedings Am. Pharm. Assoc., 1857.) Russian Isinglass is met with principally in the form of sheets, or folded into compact and twisted forms, called staples. Some- times it is in fine shreds. In sheets and shreds it is esteemed the best, but is very expensive, and on that account mostly superseded by the articles next to be described. Cooper's Gelatine comes in sheets 9 inches long, and 3} wide, and about J inch thick, in a very light opaque form, nearly white color, and marked with the nets on which they have been dried; some- times these are cut up into small pieces. French Gelatine is in cakes which are rather smaller, very thin, and quite transparent, similarly marked by the drying nets; some- times it is imported in shreds, put up in boxes with directions for use. It is readily clarified, and makes a good jelly. Sometimes the French is colored red. Coxe's Sparkling Gelatine is a superior article, put up in packages, and extensively introduced throughout the United States. In the preparation of jellies from Cooper's or the French variety," the soaking of the gelatine previous to making the jelly is made necessary by the slight taste they acquire at the surface or point of contact with the air and moisture. It should be soaked at least an hour in cold water, which should then be thrown away, and the gelatine, after draining a little, is fit for use. Calves' feet are still in request by many who believe gelatine, as manufactured from ordinary animal tissues, to be altogether inferior. The extract of calves' feet, prepared by John Mackay, of Edinburgh, though not, when first dissolved, furnishing so clear a jelly as some others, is, when clarified by white of egg, exceedingly brilliant, and possesses a peculiar softness and richness upon the palate, which connoisseurs recognize as that of the true calves' feet jelly. Court Plaster and Isinglass Plaster. This popular and useful plaster has the merit of neatness and facility of application, adhering readily on the application of moisture. By some manufacturers it is made by coating sheets of silk or other fine material with a solution of New England isin- glass (fish glue); by others the finest Eussian isinglasses applied, and the choice of a superior quality of silk, and the application to it of a balsamic varnish to render the unspread surface impervious to moisture, insures a better plaster. The original Liston's isinglass plaster, or gum-cloth, was made by spreading several c.oats of strong solution of isinglass in very 358 THE ALBUMINOUS AND SIMILAR PRINCIPLES. dilute alcohol over the surface of animal membrane, previously prepared for the purpose from the peritoneal membrane of the caecum of the ox. The following is an approved recipe for isinglass plaster : — Take of Isinglass 3j. Water f^viij. Dissolve with heat — Benzoin ^ij. Alcohol f|ij. Dissolve, strain, and mix the two solutions together, and, with a brush, apply several coats of this mixture, while it is kept fluid by a gentle heat to silk stretched on a frame ; each successive coat being allowed to dry before applying the next. Then paint a layer of the following solution on the other side of the silk: — Venice turpentine 3jj. Tincture of benzoin , f^ij. Mix. Black and flesh-colored silk are both used for court-plaster. Os,TT. S. P. {Bone). — Bones are officinal for their uses in the prepa- ration of bone phosphate of calcium, and the phosphates of sodium and ammonium; they are also used in preparing animal charcoal. Bones consist of gelatinous tissue, into which earthy and saline matters have been deposited until they have acquired solidity and firmness. By soaking in muriatic acid, the phosphate and carbonate of calcium are dissolved, and the osseine is left as a tough, flexible, nearly transparent mass, having nearly the same form as the bone. Fel {Bile). — This is a yellow-greenish, viscid, oily liquid, with a bitter taste, followed by a sweetish after-taste, which is separated from the blood of animals by the liver, and collected in the gall- bladder. It is entirely miscible with water, and its solution froths like one of soap. Its composition varies with different animals, but it consists mainly of two salts of sodium in which that base is com- bined with two remarkable nitrogenized substances, choleic and cholic acids ; another constituent is a peculiar crystallizable fatty substance called cholesterin. "With nitric acid it shows a peculiar polychrome, depending on its coloring matters ; sugar and sulphuric acid produce a red color the result of a reaction with the biliary acids and their derivatives. Inspissated ox-gall {Fel bovinum) is occasionally prescribed in dys- peptic affections connected with habitual costiveness. It is prepared for use by being heated and strained, and then evaporated in a water-bath, or by well-managed radiated heat, to a pilular consist- ence. The dose, when thus inspissated, is from five to ten grains. Ox-gall is also much used as a detergent, and in a refined or clarified condition is adapted to the use of landscape painters as a delicate green pigment. Sodii Choleinas — Choleinate of Sodium — has been used, though a preparation which has no claim to being a pure chemical salt ; the pepsin. 359 mode of preparing it from animal gall is as follows : The fresh ox- gall is evaporated to one-half, slimy and coloring matters are pre- cipitated by an equal hulk of alcohol, the filtrate is treated with animal charcoal, the alcohol distilled off, and the residue washed with ether. The choleinate of soda then remains behind as a white, somewhat sticky mass, of a penetrating odor, and a peculiar, sweet- ish, afterwards bitter taste ; it is easily soluble in water, and dis- solves albumen and casein. Being a natural constituent of bile, it has been employed with successln affections where a tonic with particular tendency to the biliary organ is desired. The dose is from 5 to 15 grains, two to four times a day. Pepsin. Pepsin is the name given to a neutral principle obtained from the gastric juice of animals, and which, associated with lactic and muriatic acids, has the property of digesting certain kinds of food. As it would be impossible to collect the gastric juice from living animals for the purpose of extracting the pepsin for use in medi- cine, recourse is had to the little tubes upon the inner surface of the stomach, in which it is secreted. Some of the processes apply to the lining membrane of the stomach of calves and sheep, others to the porous parts of the stomach of the hog, an omniverous animal approaching nearer to man in the digestive function. Freed from the glandulous membrane, these are cut, and repeatedly macerated with water for twenty-four hours. The older processes directed that the filtered liquids be precipitated by sugar of lead, the precipitate washed with water, decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, filtered, evaporated by a very gentle heat to a syrupy consistence, and mixed with alcohol ; pepsin is slowly precipitated as a white vo- luminous mass, which is washed with alcohol and dried. At the date of the third edition of this work, the American market was chiefly supplied with pepsin from abroad ; but when the value of the remedy began to be recognized, the ingenuity of American pharmacists was exerted in perfecting processes for its production. Of several modified processes which have from time to time been published, that of Mr. Wittich, originally published in Pfluger's Archives, consisted in macerating the bruised and minced mucous membranes in concentrated glycerine ; after twenty-four hours it was acidulated, and found to be capable of digesting fibrine rapidly. Pepsin was separable from this on dilution, filtration, and the addi- tion of alcohol. Dr. L. S. Beale, as long ago as 1858, described, in Archives de Medecine, a process which consisted of quickty drying on plates of glass the mucus expressed from the stomach glands, powdering the dried mass, and preserving it in stoppered vials ; of this, eight-tenths of a grain are said to dissolve one hundred grains of coagulated albumen. From this powder an easily filtered solution of great activity can be prepared. Dr. Beale uses a portion of this solution with gly- 360 THE ALBUMINOUS AND SIMILAR PRINCIPLES. cerine in preparing tissues for dissection and examination under the microscope. To Emil Schefter, of Louisville, Kentucky, belongs the credit of having solved the problem of an economical and effective process for the preparation of pepsin, both in the form of powder and in that of liquid, and the articles now manufactured by him are justly esteemed as meeting the demand for an artificial aid to the digestive process. In several papers in the Am. Journ. Phar., vol. xlii. 98, vol. xliii., and vol. xl., he gives the results of numerous experiments on the preparation and properties of pepsin. The best method of separating it from the extraneous matters with which it is associated affords a product nearly free from impurities, and pos- sessing the solvent powers of the natural gastric juice. This process • depends upon the insolubility of pepsin in saturated solution of common salt. The mucous membrane of the hog's stomach is dis- sected off, chopped finely, and macerated for several days with fre- quent stirring in water acidulated with muriatic acid; the liquid is then separated from the stomach and set aside for ten to twelve hours, until the mucus has settled ; common salt (chloride of sodium) is then added until the liquid is saturated. After stand- ing a short time, the pepsin separates and floats on the surface ; this can be readily removed with a spoon, and should then be placed on a paper filter to drain. Finally, it is submitted to strong pressure, to free it, as far as possible, from the salt solution. "When removed from the press and dried spontaneously, this pepsin is a tough sub- stance, resembling parchment paper, varying from a dim straw- yellow to a brownish-yellow color. For dispensing, the pepsin, fresh from the press, is triturated to powder witb a weighed quantity of sugar of milk (lactin). This powder is reweighed after having been air-dried, and the amount of pepsin it contains is found by deducting the weight of the lactin employed. Finally, the powder is tested by ascertaining how much coagulated albumen it will dissolve at a temperature of 100° F. in from five to six hours ; sufficient sugar of milk is then added to result in a preparation of such a strength, that 10 grains, dissolved in 1 fluidounce of water witb 6 drops of muriatic acid, will dis- solve 120 grains coagulated albumen at a temperature of 100° F. Recently precipitated pepsin, as prepared by the above process, is very soluble in water; when dried, however, and put into water it swells like glue, but dissolves only slowly and in small quantities. The aqueous solution has a nearly neutral reaction, is coagulated by boiling, and precipitated by alcohol, tannin, bichloride of mercury, and salts of lead and copper. It has little action on coagulated albu- men, but the addition of a little muriatic acid develops its solvent powers and renders it soluble. The digestive power of the solution seems to be greatest when it contains about 6 drops of acid (sp. gr. 1.17) to the fluidounce; a larger proportion increases the time re- quired to effect the solution of the albumen. According to Scheffer, 1 grain of purified pepsin in 4 ounces of acidulated water dis- solves 500 grains of coagulated albumen at a temperature of 105° F. PEPSIN. 361 in six hours. At a temperature of 75° only 400 grains are dissolved after eighteen hours. If the amount of pepsin is increased, the time of solution is not proportionately diminished, but the pepsin seems to communicate its digestive power to the dissolved albumen (peptone or albumenose), so that practically its solvent action is almost un- limited. If, for example, 500 grains of coagulated albumen are dissolved in 4 fl uidounces of water acidulated by the aid of a mini- mum quantity of pepsin, and an equal volume of acidulated water is added, a digestive fluid is produced, quite as energetic as the first. By adding to this solution an equal volume of saturated salt solu- tion, we shall obtain a copious white separate, which dissolves in water, forming a solution not coagulated by heat, but precipitated by alcohol slowly, and by bichloride of mercury and chloride of sodium. The solution in water has a slight acid reaction, but does not act on coagulated albumen. On adding a few drops of hydrochloric acid, however, it manifests digestive powers similar to pepsin itself. In one experiment, half a grain of pepsin dissolved 240 grains of coagulated albumen; the solution yielded on the addition of chlo- ride of sodium a precipitate, which weighed when dry 12 grains. This peptone precipitate was found capable of dissolving 1200 grains of coagulated albumen; the solution yielded 120 grains pep- tone precipitate, 1 grain of which was capable of dissolving further about 25 grains coagulated albumen. Pepsin as prepared by Scheffer contains a small proportion of chloride of sodium. When freed from this, it loses to a very considerable extent its solvent powers. The addition, however, of a larger quantity of salt does not seem to promote its activity ; on the contrary, if the amount exceeds 5 grains to the ounce, its digestive action is decidedly re- tarded. Alcohol in all proportions diminishes the solvent power of pepsin. If the amount is greater than 20 per cent, of the fluid, the albumen is scarcely at all acted upon, but acquires the peculiar sour odor which characterizes discharges from a stomach over- loaded with beer or wine. A small quantity of carbonate of soda will precipitate pepsin from its solution unchanged ; a larger quantity redissolves the pre- cipitate, but so modifies it that it no longer possesses digestive powers. The alkaline solution becomes putrid, and acts on coagu- lated albumen only after putrefaction sets in with development of a genuine fecal odor. The alkaline solution, however, will act on partially digested albumen. In regard to its stability, the experiments of SchefTer go to show that all watery solutions of pepsin undergo changes which in a short time render them inert. Even strongly acidulated solutions, although they did not undergo putrefaction, 'became in a few weeks' inactive and were no longer precipitated by chloride of sodium. Liquid pepsin prepared with glycerine retains its efficiency for a longer period. The precipitated pepsin, when kept in a moist state or mixed with sugar of milk as in saccharated pepsin, seems to retain its properties perfectly, specimens examined after twelve months proving to have lost nothing of their strength. 362 FERMENTATION, ALCOHOLS AND ETHERS, CHAPTER IV. FERMENTATION, ALCOHOLS AND ETHERS. Fermentation is the process, whether spontaneous or artificially induced, by which the ternary compounds considered in Chapter II. are decomposed, and resolved into more stable and unorganized forms. It has been stated, in describing these, that under the in- fluence of diastase, a peculiar principle found in germinating seeds and buds, the insoluble principle, starch, becomes converted into the more soluble dextrin and grape sugar ; also that, under the influence of chemical agents, a similar change may be made to take place in cane sugar and in lignin. Associated with these ternary principles, we find constantly in plants nitrogenized or quaternary principles treated of in the last chapter, which, by favoring these changes, are continually tending to the production of grape or fruit sugar and to their further meta- morphose into alcohol and carbonic acid. The circumstances necessary to produce fermentation are, a solu- tion containing starch or sugar, at a moderate elevation of tempera- ture, say from 70° to 90° F., which, however, rises as the process proceeds ; and a ferment, or nitrogenized principle itself in a state of decomposition. The juice of the apple furnishes one of the most familiar illustrations of the presence of these indispensable condi- tions. We have in that liquid the ternary compounds associated with vegetable albumen, a nitrogenized material capable of playing the part of a ferment, and at the season of the year when the juice is extracted, the requisite elevation of temperature. As a conse- quence, fermentation takes place. The vegetable albumen absorbs oxygen from the air, runs into decomposition, sets the whole of the starchy and saccharine constituents of the juice to fermenting, and they are converted into alcohol, which is present in the resulting cider, and carbonic acid, which is given off", producing the well- known frothing of the liquid. In the production of wine, we have another instance of spon- taneous fermentation — the expressed juice of the grape, set aside in large casks, undergoes spontaneously the necessary change ; if the sugar is in excess, and the nitrogenized matter deficient, a sweet wine is produced ; if these conditions are reversed, and the whole of the sugar is changed into alcohol, a dry wine results. If the wine is bottled before the alcohol has been produced in sufficient proportion to coagulate the albumen, the process goes on after it has been corked up, the carbonic acid is confined, and a sparkling wine results. FERMENTATION, ALCOHOLS AND ETHERS. 363 The composition of alcohol is expressed by the formula C 2 H 6 0, and its production by the decomposition of grape sugar is thus ex- plained : one equivalent of grape sugar = C 6 H 12 O ft , is broken up into 2 of alcohol, C 2 H 5 HO,+ 2 of carbonic acid, C0 2 , thus — nC 2 H 5 — pi tt r\ 2C0 2 =C, A C 6 H 12 6 This breaking up of sugar into alcohol and carbonic acid is, how- ever, never complete ; a small portion of the sugar is, under these circumstances, always converted into glycerine, mannite, succinic, and other acids ; fusel oil or amylic alcohol is likewise a product of fermentation, though the precise conditions under which these bodies are formed are unknown. The acetic fermentation consists in the oxidation of alcohol by long exposure to the air in a very divided condition and the removal of a portion of the hydrogen, or in contact with ferments, as when cider is allowed to remain in open casks until it passes into vinegar. Under the head of Aceta, the preparation of vinegar for use as a menstruum in pharmacy is spoken of, as also its substitution by diluted acetic acid. The lactic and butyric fermentations are produced in milk by the action of the nitrogenized principle, casein, upon sugar present in the whey. (See also Malic Acid.) The viscous fermentation takes place in certain complex saccha- rine and mucilaginous mixtures by the action of ferments ; its results are carbonic acid, hydrogen, alcohol, lactic acid, and mannite. Fermentation is artificially produced in the process of manufac- turing most of the spirituous liquors and beer; the insoluble yellowish viscid matter deposited from the infusion of malt in the process of making beer, called yeast, Fermentum cerevisice, is the best substance for producing the "catalytic" effect in starchy and saccharine solutions. Added to an infusion of rye and Indian corn, it produces, by fermentation, the so-called rye whiskey ; to potatoes ground to pulp and mixed with hot water, potato spirits ; to mo- lasses, rum, etc. In each case a portion of malt is used to facilitate the process by furnishing diastase. Malt is barley which has been steeped in water till much swollen and softened, and then piled in heaps, to undergo a species of fer- mentation, or rather germination, during which a portion of its starch has passed into sugar and become soluble, and the peculiar ferment before mentioned as diastase is produced ; the seed is then kiln-dried, to destroy its vitality. Malt liquors are obtained by subjecting malt to infusion with water, mixing this with a due proportion of hops, which give the taste and tonic properties, and subjecting to the requisite fermenta- tion. Under the head of Medicated Wines, a recipe was given for wine of tar, or Jew's beer, a medicated, fermented liquor. The so-called neutral sweet spirit, or neutral spirit, is whiskey, which has been diluted and rectified by passing through charcoal, 364 FERMENTATION, ALCOHOLS AND ETHERS. which abstracts from it the fusel oil; when redistilled it ranges from first to fourth proof in strength. Holland gin is manufactured from malted barley, rye meal, and hops, and distilled from juniper berries, to which it owes its flavor. The Schiedam Schnapps, so extensively advertised, is stated to be Holland gin, of good quality, though an inferior article is also sold under that name. Arrack is the spirit from the fermentation of rice; it possesses a peculiar flavor, the origin of which has not been divulged. The origin of alcohol and other spirituous liquors which have apparently no foreign odor, can be found out by agitation of about two fluidounces of the liquor with five grains of caustic potassa dis- solved in a little water, and subsequently evaporating until about 1J to 2 fluidrachms remain, which residue is to be mixed with about seventy minims of dilute sulphuric acid, when the character- istic odor will be immediately diffused ; the origin of the spirit obtained from grain is thus unmistakably discovered. Table of the Proportion, by measure, of Alcohol, sp. gr. .825, contained in 100 parts of the Liquids named. Wines Port (strongest) . 25.83 " (weakest) . 19.00 Madeira (strongest) 24.42 " (weakest) 19.24 Sherry (strongest) 19.81 " (weakest) 18.00 Teneriffe . . . 19.79 Lisbon .... 18.94 Malaga .... 17.26 Claret (strongest) 17.11 " (weakest) . 12.91 Malmsey . . . 16.40 Sauterne . . . 14.22 Burgundy . 14.57 Hock .... 12.08 Champagne . . 12.61 Wines. Cincinnati 9.00 Currant wine 20.55 (?) Gooseberry wine . . . . 11.84 Orange " . . . . 11.26 Elder " . . . . 8.79 Cider (strong) .... 9.88 " (weak) .... 5.21 Burton ale 8.88 Edinburgh ale .... 6.20 Brown stout 6.80 London porter .... 4.20 Small beer 1.28 Brandy 55.39 Whiskey (Irish) . . . . 52.20 Kum 53.68 Gin 51.78 These figures, which are compiled from the tables of Brande and others, are, of course, only approximative. They are believed to be generally too high. Properties of Common or Ethylic Alcohol and its Derivatives. Product. Alcohol, absolute alcohol ethylic alcohol C 2 H 6 Process. From the fermentation of sugars by distillation. Description, etc. Sp. gr. .796; boiling point 172°F.; not solidifiable by cold; com- bines with water with conden- sation, burns with blue flame; chemically indifferent ; replaces in some compounds water of crystallization ; solvent for re- sins, volatile oils, most fats, sugars, alkaloids, organic acids, alkalies, their sulphides and cyanides, many salts, iodine, and some other elements. ALCOHOL AND ITS DERIVATIVES. 365 Properties of Common or Ethylic Alcohol and its Derivatives. — Con. Product. Ether, ethylic ether C 4 H 10 O Nitric ether C 4 H 10 NO 3 Nitrous ether, hyponi- trous ether C 4 H 10 NO 2 Sulphovinic acid C 2 H 6 S0 4 Heavy oil of wine, s. oleum sethereum C 2 H 6 S0 4 +C 2 H 5 S0 4 Light oil of wine C 2 H 4 Aldehyde, acetaldehyde Acetic acid Acetic ether C 2 H 6 C 2 H 3 2 Process. By the decomposition of alcohol by H 2 S0 4 ,H 3 As0 4 , H 3 P0 4 ,SbCl s ,SnCl 2 ,ZnCl, etc., with the aid of heat. By distilling 250 grms. each of alcohol and HN0 5 sp, gr. 1.40, and 33 grms urea. By conducting gaseous NO ; into alcohol: by distilling HN0 3 and alcohol with Cu or with FeCl. and alcohol at about 200°, and removing excess of H 2 S0 3 by BaC0 3 By distilling alcohol with much H 2 S0 3 ; by the dry distillation of sulphovi- nates. By the decomposition of heavy oil of wine with ■water or alkalies. By the oxidation of alco- hol ; by distilling dry for- miate with acetate of lime. By the slow oxidation of alcohol and aldehyde. By the distillation of an acetate with H 2 S0 3 and al- cohol, and separating by Description, etc. Colorless liquid ; odor penetrat- ing ; taste sweetish, burning ; 6p. gr. .712; boils at 950; crys- tallizes at — 48; very inflam- mable and volatile ; dangerously explosive when mixed with ; soluble in 9 parts water ; dis- solves -^ water ; solvent for I, Br, P, and a few salts, all fats, volatile oils, many resins, alka- loids, etc. Colorless liquid ; odor pleasant ; taste sweetish; boils at 1850; detonates violently at a higher heat; sp.gr. 1.112; burns with white flame ; soluble in alco- hol ; nearly insoluble in water. Pale yellowish liquid; odor fruit- like and vinous; taste burning; poisonous when inhaled; sp.gr. .947 ; boiling point 570.5 ; very inflammable ; burns with white flame ; soluble in alcohol ; spar- ingly soluble in water; decom- poses spontaneously. Clear oily liquid ; strongly acid ; soluble in alcohol and water, insoluble in ether ; easily de- composed by heat into H 2 S0 3 and ether when concentrated, or alcohol when dilute ; salts solu- ble in alcohol and water. Yellowish oil; sp. gr. 1.13; boil- ing point 5350 ; odor penetrat- ing; readily soluble in alcohol and ether ; decomposed in con- tact with water into sulphuric acid and light oil of wine. Colorless oil, lighter than water; decomposed spontaneously into ethcrin, long, tasteless, and in- odorous needles, and etherole, pale yellowish oil; sp. gr. .921 ; persistent aromatic odor ; both soluble in alcohol and ether. Colorless liquid ; odor ethereal ; sp. gr. .79; boiling point 710; inflammable ; soluble in all pro- portions of water, alcohol, and ether. See Products of Distillation of Wood. Colorless liquid ; odor and taste fruit-like, penetrating ; sp. gr. .91; boiling point 1650; very inflammable ; soluble in alcohol and 7^ parts water. To detect alcohol in ether add to the sus- pected ether an equal bulk of glycerine in a test-tube, shake up well ; any alcohol present will be seized upon by the glycerine and diminish the bulk of the ether under examination. 366 FERMENTATION, ALCOHOLS AND ETHERS. Medicinal Preparations from Alcohol and its Derivatives. Alcohol fortius. Alcohol. Alcohol dilutum. Amylicum. iEther. iEther fortior. Oleum sethereum, oil of wine. Spiritus eetheris compositus, Hoffmann's anodyne. Spiritus setheris nitros, sweet spirit of nitre. Spiritus cetheris chloridi, s. spiritus salis dulcis. Sp. gr. .817. Used in the preparation of ether, collo- dion, certain tinctures, for "cutting" castor oil, etc. Sp. gr. .835. Used for preparing resinous and other tinctures, some extracts and fluid extracts. Sp. gr. .941. Used for preparing most tinctures, ex- tracts, and some fluid extracts. Sp. gr. .818. Boils from 268° to 272°; used princi- pally to prepare valerianic acid by means of oxidiz- ing agents. Sp. gr. .750; sp. gr. of vapor 2.586. Colorless, vola- tile, highly refractive. Sp. gr. not exceeding .728, used for preparing collo- dion and for some other purposes. Used only for preparing Hoffmann's anodyne ; its ano- dyne effects are similar or superior to those of ether. Ether f^viij, alcohol Oj, ethereal oil f^vj ; nearly colorless liquid ; odor ethereal and aromatic ; be- comes milky with water. Colorless or yellowish liquid ; odor fragrant, fruity, without pungency ; boiling point 1560 to 1580; sp. gr. .840 to .841 ; soluble in all proportions in water, alcohol, and ether. From NaCl 8, Mn0 2 3, H 2 S0 4 6, and alcohol 24 parts ; distil 21 p. Its composition is not definitely known. Colorless, neutral ; odor sweetish, aromatic ; be- comes turbid with water. Used like similar com- pounds as refrigerant, diuretic, and diaphoretic. Used like the other ethers, chiefly in hysterical com- plaints. Dose, gtt. 10 to 15 and more. Acetic ether 1 part, alcohol 3 parts. Colorless, neutral ; odor, taste, and use of acetic ether, but milder. Obtained by distilling the spirit from wines. Should contain from 48 to 56 per cent, alcohol. Obtained from distillation of fermented grain. Should contain from 48 to 56 per cent, alcohol. Alcohol. This useful solvent is obtained by distillation from whiskey (Spiritus frumenti, U. S. P.), which, as procured from the farmers, is generally the product of the distillation of fermented infusion of Indian corn [Zea mays), mixed with rye; the smallest proportion of the latter ingredient that answers well is one part to two of the corn. A "mash" may consist of 20 bushels of grain, viz. 14 Indian corn, 4 rye, 2 malt ; 34 gallons of water are added to each bushel of grain ; after dilution with water to cool, it contains 1 bushel in 50 gallons. The temperature for u mashing" varies from 158° to 190°. 50 gallons of the beer yield about 4 gallons of whiskey, sometimes, however, the yield is but 3J gallons from each bushel of grain. Some distillers of alcohol make their own whiskey, while others buy it. In the western States, much of the -whiskey is pro- duced by the fermentation and distillation of the refuse from flour or grist-mills. The whiskey is inspected by an officer appointed by the State government, whose business it is to fix the value of every lot, by ascertaining the proportion of alcohol it contains. The terms first, second, third, and fourth proof spirits, apply to the relative strength of specimens, according to arbitrary standards JEther acetivus, s. naphtha acetis. Spiritus cetheris acetici. Spiritus vini gallici. Spiritus frumenti. ALCOHOL. 367 fixed by law, but varying in the several States. The standard of the United States custom-houses is fixed by the tables of Prof. E. S. MeCulloh, published by order of Congress, entitled Report of the Com- putation of the Manual of Tables to be used with the Hydrometer, and The Manual for Inspectors of Spirits. The standard of proof is fifty per cent, by volume or measure of absolute alcohol, and fifty per cent, of water, sp. gr. .936. This is 15 per cent, weaker than London proof spirits. Second proof has 52J per cent, alcohol, sp. gr. .931. Third proof is 55J per cent. alcohol, sp. gr. .925. Fourth proof 58 per cent, alcohol, sp. gr. .920; this is London proof. The instrument used for testing the sp. gr. of spirits, sometimes called an alcoholometer, is a modification of the ordinary hydro- meter made by Luhme & Co., and Greiner, of Berlin, and sold by importers of chemical apparatus. These have thermometers in the bulb to indicate the changes of temperature, and consequent varia- tions in specific gravity. Considerable uncertainty exists in stating the proportion of alco- hol in spirits, owing to some tables being founded on the percentage by weight, and others the percentage by volume; the alcoholometers above referred to have scales indicating both. The rectification of alcohol is accomplished in appropriate appa- ratus, consisting chiefly of large stills, some capable of taking a charge of 60 gallons. These are chiefly made of copper, and con- sist of the body and head, which are connected with a furnace, and the worm, wbich is inclosed in an appropriate refrigerating tub. The whiskey being turned into the body, and the apparatus closed, heat is applied ; the vapor formed, passing into the cooler, is con-, densed and runs out at the lower end. The first and last por- tions that come over are collected separately from the rest as of inferior quality, and the main body of the distillate is transferred to barrels which have been charred on the inside, and constitutes commercial alcohol. This, the most common variety in this country, is called druggists' alcohol. It varies with the care used in its preparation, and especi- ally with the heat employed. Sometimes, by urging the process too rapidly with a hot fire, the alcohol has an odor of fusel oil, and is too weak; the former may be detected by its odor, which reminds of whiskey, and the latter, by its sp. gr., which exceeds the officinal standard .835. Sometimes it is discolored, from deficient charring of the cask in which it is kept. Besides this quality, the common or old sort of deodorized alcohol is made. For preparing this, the whiskey is submitted to extensive filtration through long tubes containing charcoal, and is then dis- tilled from a fresh portion of charcoal, which is placed with it into the body of the still ; the charcoal is suited by its property, noticed in a previous chapter, of absorbing odorous and coloring matters, for abstracting the fusel oil, and hence rendering the whiskey free from that impurity, while, by careful distillation, it is highly recti- fied and adapted to the purposes of the perfumer. Another quality 363 FERMENTATION", ALCOHOLS AND ETHERS. is the so-called absolute alcohol. This term properly applies to the anhydrous article, but is used commercially to designate the strong- est kind sent out by the manufacturers, and nearly corresponding with alcohol fortius of the Pharmacopoeia. The peculiarity in the preparation of this is the moderate heat employed, and the conse-r quent very slow distillation. It usually has from 90 to 95 per cent, of alcohol, and is very useful as a solvent of some articles which resist the ordinary commercial article. Castor oil is one of these; when the alcohol is in small proportion, a perfect solution will not result, unless the so-called absolute alcohol is used. The expansion and contraction of alcohol by changes of tempera- ture are of practical importance in purchasing it and in measuring it for use or sale. The following tables, prepared, as the result of ex- periment, by E. B. Shuttle worth, are taken from the Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal, Feb. 1872. Table exhibiting the volume which 100 Gallons of Alcohol, 65 over proof, at 60°, will have when measured at different temperatures. Temperature. Volume of spirit. Centigrade. Fahrenheit, 15.55 60 100. 12.77 55 99.7 10.00 50 99.4 7.22 45- 99.2 4.44 40 98.8 1.66 35 98.6 — 1.11 30 98.3 — 3.88 25 98.0 — 6.66 20 97.6 — 9.44 15 97.3 —12.22 10 97.0 —15.00 5 96.6 —17.77 96.3 —20.55 — 5 96.0 —23.33 —10 95.7 —26.11 —15 95.4 —28.88 —20 92.2 From this it will be seen that in falling in temperature from -f 60 to — 20, or 80 degrees, the diminution of volume is 0.048, making the average contraction for each degree to be equal to .0006 of the volume. This agrees within .00001 with the average deduced from a table of G-ay-Lussac, which gives the expansion from 60° F. to the boiling point. Atwood's patent, which has now expired, required the rectification of druggists' alcohol, by distilling it from manganate of potassa, which decomposes the fusel oil, and renders the product unexcep- tionable. The chemical tests for fusel oil, commonly prescribed, are: 1st. A weak solution of nitrate of silver (1 part in 40 parts of water) is added to the alcohol, in the proportion of 25 minims to 4 fluid- ounces, and the liquid exposed to a bright light for twenty-four hours. If any fusel oil is present, a black precipitate will separate. This being separated in a filter, which has been previously washed with diluted nitric acid, and again exposed, if the alcohol is reasona- SULPHURIC ETHER — STRONGER ETHER. 369 bly pure will form no precipitate, though if in excess, a further separation of the black oxide will be produced. 2d. To a test-tube half tilled with alcohol, slowly add an equal bulk of sulphuric acid; if the spirit be pure it will remain colorless, otherwise the amount of impurity will be shown by the depth of the tint produced. The three strengths of alcohol officinal in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia have the following specific gravities: Alcohol fortius, sp. gr. .817; alcohol, sp.gr. .835; alcohol dilutum (alcohol mixed with an equal bulk of water), sp. gr. .941. For some of the pharmaceutical facts in regard to alcohol and diluted alcohol, the reader is referred to the chapter on Tinctures. Mther et Miher Fortior, U. S. P. (Sulphuric Ether. Stronger Ether.) Ether is prepared by mixing stronger alcohol and sulphuric acid in a glass retort or flask adapted to a suitable condenser, and apply- ing heat of 284° F. ; the very volatile ether, contaminated with a little alcohol, is driven over at a low temperature, and collected in the receiver. This is the case as long as the requisite proportions are maintained; but when the acid is largely in excess, which soon comes to be the case unless a continuous supply of alcohol is kept up, the boiling point rises, and other products are produced, among which is ethereal oil, to be referred to again as one of the consti- tuents of Hoffmann's anodyne. The highly volatile and inflammable nature of ether makes its preparation dangerous, except in establishments where every con- venience and safeguard is provided. The direct application of flame to the retort or flask is attended with great danger, and in the event of a fracture or leakage occurring either in the retort or receiver, the proximity of fire might entail the most disastrous consequences. The ether of commerce is made exclusively by manufacturing chemists, who produce it on a large scale by the use of costly leaden apparatus. It is generally pure enough for most of the uses to which it is applied, though not for inhalation. Where alcohol is an im- purity, it may be readily separated by shaking up the ether with water, allowing the mixed water and alcohol to subside, and pour- ing off the ether; it will now be what is called in commerce washed ether, or hydrated ether. This contains a small percentage of water, and is the kind adapted for making tannic acid from galls. Miher fortior of the Pharmacopoeia is placed among the prepara- tions, and directed to be made by shaking ether with an equal bulk of water, as above, decanting it and agitating it with finely pow- dered chloride of calcium and lime, a troyounce of each to three pints, allowing it to stand for twenty-four hours, then decanting the ether and distilling half the original quantity, refrigerating with ice-cold water. It is thus described in the Pharmacopoeia: — Stronger ether has a specific gravity not exceeding 0.728. It is extremely inflammable, and does not redden litmus. Shaken with an equal bulk of water, it loses from one-tenth to one-eighth of its 24 370 volume. It boils actively in a test-tube, half filled with it and in- closed in the hand, on the addition of small pieces of glass. Half a fluidounce of the liquid, evaporated from a porcelain plate by causing it to flow to and fro over the surface, yields a faintly aromatic odor as the last portions pass off, and leaves the surface without taste or smell, but covered with a deposit of moisture. Ether causes intense cold by evaporation; the greatest reduction of temperature yet produced is from its admixture with solid car- bonic acid. The great volatility of ether, the highly inflammable nature and high specific gravity of its vapor, which is 2.586, com- bine to make it a most dangerous substance to handle, or even to decant, in the vicinity of flame. It should be kept in bottles of not exceeding a pound capacity in cold situations, as cellars where fire is never kindled, and should always be decanted by daylight. Many disastrous accidents have happened from neglecting this pre- caution. Several theories have been advanced to explain the generation of ether; it was supposed to depend on the affinity of S0 3 forH 2 0; then it was asserted to be due to the catalytic force of HS0 4 ; Liebig believed the affinity of HS0 4 for C 4 H 10 O and the decomposition of the resulting sulphovinic acid to be the cause; while Rose found in the basic properties of H 2 0, which decomposes the compound of HS0 4 , and ether, the true explanation. Williamson, guided by the composition of the compound ethers, which contain the radicals of two alcohols, doubles the formula and regards it as alcohol (C 2 H 5 ,H)0, in which H is replaced by C 2 H 5 , thus making it (C 2 H„C 2 H 5 )0 2 . The formation of ether from sulphovinic acid and alcohol is ex- plained by the following diagram : — C 2 H 5 HO + C 2 H 5 ,HS0 4 = 2C,H 5 ,0+ H.SO, Alcohol -f- Sulphovinic acid = Ether -f Sulphuric acid. Oleum JEthereum. {Ethereal Oil. Heavy Oil of Wine.) This product is distilled from a mixture of fifty-five troyounces of sulphuric acid with two pints of stronger alcohol, between the temperatures of 302° and 315°, until the liquid ceases to come over, or until a black froth begins to arise in the retort. The yellow ethereal distillate collected in the receiver is exposed to spontane- ous evaporation, separated from the watery portion on a filter, washed with water, and added to an equal bulk of ether. This addition is made to prevent decomposition, which is apt to occur if the oil of wine is kept in its pure and concentrated condition. As thus distilled, ethereal oil is a transparent, nearly colorless, volatile liquid, of a peculiar aromatic ethereal odor, and a sharp bitter taste. It is neutral to litmus paper not previously moistened, and has the specific gravity 0.91. Ethereal oil is rarely met with in commerce, though Dr. Squibb prepares it for sale of standard purity. Some specimens I have met with were sophistications. It is only used in the preparation of .Hoffmann's anodyne. HOFFMANN'S ANODYNE. 371 Spiritus JEtheris Compositus, IT. S. P. (Hoffmann's Anodyne.) Take of Ether, half a pint. Alcohol, a pint. Ethereal oil, six fluidrachms. Mix them. If in possession of the pure ingredients, this preparation is readily made; the proportion of the ethereal oil has been doubled in con- sequence of its being now diluted with an equal bulk of ether. Hoffmann's anodyne is, however, rarely made by the officinal formula; usually it is prepared by a process which, in its very nature, is certain to give varying results. In the distillation of ether, as already stated, the resulting liquor is liable to vary accord- ing to the proportions of the ingredients in the retort. If the alcohol be in due proportion, and the boiling point consequently low, a tolerably pure ether will pass over; but when the acid ingre- dient comes to be in large excess, sulphurous acid, water, and ethereal oil will come over. Now it is usual with the manufac- turers to push the process as far as possible in the first instance, getting a product which contains ether, alcohol, and water, con- taminated with light oil of wine and a very small portion of ethereal oil. This is rectified by a second distillation, the first portion (as long as it comes over at or below 54° Baume) being reserved as rectified ether. The less volatile products are now driven over, and are found to consist of ether, alcohol, and water, impregnated with the oils of wine. This is now made into Hoff- mann's anodyne by mixing it with ether, alcohol, or water, as may be required to give it nearly the sensible properties of a standard specimen kept on hand. These properties, however, furnish a very poor criterion of quality to the manufacturer or to the consumer; the milkiness occasioned by dilution with water is varied by the relative proportions of alcohol and ether. If too much alcohol is present, this milkiness is deficient. If too much ether, the opale- scence is not diffused, the oil-globules having a tendency to run together, and thus varying the appearance. Professor Procter an- alyzed five specimens of Hoffmann's anodyne, four from leading chemical manufacturers, and one made by the officinal recipe. These he found to differ in sensible properties, in specific gravity, and in composition. While the U. S. P. specimen marked .8151, one of the others had a sp. gr. .8925, the others being intermediate; one of the manufactured specimens contained very little ether, be- ing chiefly alcohol and water ; another contained less alcohol, but more ether; a third had less water than the others, but more alco- hol than one, and more ether than the other; while the fourth approached nearer the officinal proportions, though neither of them contained the full proportion of ether. The proportion of heavy oil of wine was not ascertained, as there is no known practicable method of estimating this. It was proved, however, that all the specimens but that by the officinal recipe were deficient in this important ingredient, the odor of which is quite characteristic, and very per- ceptible, in genuine Hoffmann's anodyne. 372 FEKMENTATION, ALCOHOLS AND ETHERS. According to the officinal standard, Hoffmann's anodyne is a colorless, volatile, inflammable liquid, having an aromatic, ethereal odor, and a burning, slightly sweetish taste. Its specific gravity is 0.815. It is neutral or but slightly acid to litmus. It gives only a slight cloudiness with chloride of barium ; but, when a fluidounce of it is evaporated to dryness with an excess of this test, it yields a precipitate of sulphate of barium, which, when washed and dried, weighs six and a quarter grains. "When a few drops are burned on glass or porcelain, there is no visible residue, but the surface will be left with an acid taste and reaction. A pint of water, by the admixture of forty drops, is rendered slightly opalescent. Notwithstanding the deficiencies in the commercial article, this medicine has a great and wide-spread reputation, and indeed there is no medicine of its class so much used ; it is prescribed for internal use almost to the exclusion of ether, being adapted to admixture with aqueous solutions. Some of its favorite combinations will be found under the head of Extemporaneous Pharmacy. Its dose is from 20 drops to f5j. Spiritus JEthereus. This is the name for the German Hoffmann's anodyne, which is simply a solution of one part (by weight) of ether in two parts of alcohol. It is used for the same purposes and in the same dose as the article officinal with us. Spiritus JEtheris Nitrosi, IT. S. P. (Spt. jEtheris Nitrici, Ph. 1850. Sweet Spirit of Nitre.) Take of Nitric acid, four troyounces and a half. Stronger alcohol, seven pints. Sulphuric acid, three troyounces and a half. Copper, two troyounces. Add the sulphuric acid gradually to twenty iluidounces of the stronger alcohol; when the mixture has become cool, put it into a glass retort connected with a Liebig's condenser, and add the copper and four troyounces of nitric acid. Then cautiously apply heat, and distil thirteen fluidounces at a temperature not exceeding 180°. Remove the heat, let the contents of the retort cool to 90°, add the remainder of the nitric acid, and distil two fluidounces as before. Mix the distillate with the remainder of the alcohol, and transfer the mixture immediately to half-pint bottles, which must be well stopped and protected from the light. ( U. S. P.) This process, which has been adopted from the British Pharma- copoeia, was suggested by Prof. Redwood of London, and has been found to give a satisfactory result; the design in using copper and sulphuric acid is to reduce the nitric to nitrous acid by the copper with which the sulphuric acid unites and leaves the nitrous acid free to convert the alcohol into nitrous ether, which distils over and is afterwards dissolved in the alcohol. Much of the sweet spirit of nitre is of very deficient strength as SWEET SPIRIT OF NITRE. 373 regards its ethereal ingredient, being mixed with water and alcohol to suit the price charged. It is said that the term spirit, nitri dulc. is applied by some of the wholesale dealers to the weak article, and spirit. (Ether, nit. to the strong. If skilfully adulterated, its specific gravity would be preserved at about the normal standard, but to an experienced observer it would be deficient in the proper odor, and the sweet and rather pleasant taste. In view of its use as a mild diaphoretic and sedative, especially for children, its admixture with alcohol is highly injurious and criminal. According to the Pharmacopoeia, spirit of nitrous ether is a vola- tile, inflammable liquid, of a pale-yellow color inclining slightly to green, having a fragrant, ethereal odor, free from pungency, and a sharp, burning taste. It slightly reddens litmus, but does not cause effervescence when a crystal of bicarbonate of potassium is dropped into it. When mixed with half its volume of officinal solution of potassa, previously diluted with an equal measure of distilled water, it assumes a yellow color, which slightly deepens, without becoming brown, in twelve hours. A portion of the spirit in a test-tube half-filled with it, plunged into water heated to 145°, and held there until it has acquired that temperature, will boil distinctly on the addition of a few small pieces of glass. Spirit of nitrous ether has the specific gravity 0.837, and contains from four and three-tenths to five per cent, of its peculiar ether. It should not be long kept, as it becomes strongly acid by age. The strength of this spirit may be ascertained by putting a small quantity in a test-tube, mixing with it double its bulk of a satu- rated solution of chloride of calcium, and shaking together. If one per cent, of the ether rises to the surface, it will be evidence that it contained five per cent., as but one-fifth of the ether is set free by this experiment. The late eminent Prof. Hare recommended the careful prepara- tion of nitrous ether by the manufacturing chemist, and the ad- mixture of this by the dispensing pharmacist, as follows: — Mtrous ether, 8 parts; acetic ether, 2 parts; alcohol, 90 parts. The changeable nature of the nitrous ether seems an objection to this otherwise desirable process. A process for the preparation of this important remedy on a scale adapted to ordinary pharmacists is given in the Arner. Journal of Pharmacy, vol. xxviii. p. 289. Uses. — Spirit of nitrous ether is very extensively used as a mild refrigerant and diaphoretic ; in febrile complaints, it is much com- bined with antimonial wine, citrate of potassium, etc.; as a diuretic it is used in connection with the preparations of digitalis and squill. Its dose is from ten drops for a child, to two fluidrachms for an adult. 374 FERMENTATION, ALCOHOLS AND ETHERS. Methylic Alcohol and Dirivatives. Name. Methylic alcohol. Wood spirit. CH 3 HO Bichloride of methyl Formic acid Fo HCH0 2 Formic ether. For mo-ethylic ether H,C,0,0,C 2 H 5 Chloroform. Ter- chloride of formyl CHCI, Chloral hydrate C 2 HC1 3 0,H 2 Iodoform. Teriodide of formyl CHI 3 Bromoform. Terbro- mide of formyl CHBr Among the products of dry distillation of wood. From gaseous chloride of methyl and chlorine ex- posed to sunlight. In ants; by distilling 1 p. starch, 4 p. Mn0 2 , and 4 p. water. By distilling 8 parts dry NaO,Fo, 7 alcohol, and lip. H 2 S0 4 . By distilling methylic or ethylic alcohol with chloride of calcium. By passing dry chlorine gas through anhydrous alcohol so long as it is absorbed. By dissolving 5 p. KO, C0 2 and 6 p. I, in 12 p. water, and heating with 6 p. alcohol until decolorized. By action of bromine on a solution of potassa in wood spirit. Description, etc. Resembles common alcohol in most phy- sical properties; sp. gr. .79; boiling point 1420. Colorless liquid ; odor like chloroform ; sp. gr. 1.344; boiling point 1420. Colorless liquid ; odor penetrating acid ; caustic ; reduces the oxides of the noble metals. Colorless aromatic liquid ; sp. gr. .945 ; boiling point 130O; pretty soluble in water, readily in alcohol and ether. Colorless volatile liquid ; odor and taste ethereal sweet; sp. gr. 1.50; boiling point 1440 ; the vapors not inflamma- ble ; burns with a wick ; not acted on by H 2 S0 4 ; boiling KO decomposes it into KO,Fo and KC1. It is a white crystalline solid, unacted on by H 2 S0 4 , but decomposed by alkalies : fuses at 100O.8, boils at 2390 ; soluble in alcohol, water, ether, and oils. Its aqueous solution should be neutral. Lemon yellow crystals ; odor saffron-like ; taste sweetish aromatic ; insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether ; volatile. Colorless liquid ; boiling at 150O-152O; congeals at 30; sp. gr. 2.9. Medicinal Preparations of the Group of Methyl. Spiritus formica. Distil two parts from one part ants, two parts alcohol, and one part water. Its activity depends chiefly on the formic acid ; now little used, in rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, etc., externally as a rubefacient. Dose, gtt. 40-60. Used internally nnd externally ; as an anaesthetic in quantities of fgj-iij. Dose, gtt. 10 to 60. - Alcoholic solution of chloroform, adapted to dilution. Dose, fgj. Antiseptic and antimiasmatic ; produces the effects of iodine without irritation ; used for inhalation in lung diseases, and externally in suppositories and oint- ments. Dose, gr. 1-7. Chloroformum. (As above.) Spiritus chloroformi, monly chloric ether. lodoformum. (As above.) Chloroformum Venale et Chloroformum Purificatum, IT. S. P. (Com- mercial Chloroform and Purified Chloroform.) Of these products, the first named is placed in the list of the Pharmacopoeia among the products derived from the manufacturing chemist, while the last is a preparation for which a formula is given. The process for making chloroform consists in distilling alcohol from chlorinated lime ; it is practised on a large scale by many PURIFIED CHLOROFORM. 375 chemists, both in this country and Europe. In England, methylated spirit is resorted to for preparing it, on account of the high price of alcohol ; if properly prepared and purified, this is identical with that from alcohol. On the manufacture of chloroform, see M. Pe- tattakofer and B. Hirsch, Amer. Journ. Ph., 1861, p. 421, and 1862, p. 42. Commercial chloroform is a colorless liquid, sp. gr. 1.45 to 1.49 ; it is contaminated with some impurities, the results of the process, but is cheaper than the purified product, and equally well adapted to use as a solvent in the preparation of liniments, solution of gutta percha, etc. The Pharmacopoeia test for the commercial variety is as follows : — Shaken with an equal volume of officinal sulphuric acid in a bottle closed with a glass stopper, it forms a mixture, which sepa- rates by rest into two layers ; the upper one colorless, and the lower, consisting of the acid, of a brownish hue, which, after the lapse of twenty-four hours, becomes darker, but never quite black. Chloroform Purificatum. {Purified Chloroform.) Take of Commercial chloroform, one hundred troy ounces. Sulphuric acid, twenty troyounces. Stronger alcohol, twelve troyounces. Carbonate of sodium, five troyounces. Lime, in coarse powder, half a troyounce. Water, ten fluidounces. Add the acid to the chloroform, and shake them together, occa- sionally, during twenty-four hours. Separate the lighter liquid (chloroform), and add it to the carbonate of sodium, previously dissolved in the water; agitate the mixture thoroughly for half an hour, and set it aside; then separate the chloroform from the super- natant layer and mix it with the alcohol. When the mixture has separated into two transparent layers, transfer the chloroform into a dry retort, add the lime, and distil, by means of a water-bath, into a well cooled receiver, taking care that the temperature in the retort does not rise above 153°, until one troyounce of residue is left ; keep the distilled liquid in well-stopped bottles. A colorless, volatile liquid, not inflammable, of a bland ethereal odor, and hot, aromatic, saccharine taste. Its specific gravity is 1.480. It boils at 142°. It is slightly soluble in water, and freely so in alcohol and in ether. When mixed w T ith an equal volume of officinal sulphuric acid in a bottle closed by a glass stopper, and allowed to remain in contact for twenty-four hours, no color is im- parted to either. When one fluidrachm is evaporated spontaneously with one drop of a neutral aqueous solution of litmus, the color of the latter is not reddened. The result of the test is the same, if the chloroform, contained in a white glass bottle, has been pre- viously exposed to sunlight for ten hours. The following additional facts may be useful in examining speci- mens found in commerce: — Chloroform is liable to undergo decomposition by age, shown by 376 the evolution of chlorine gas ; in order to preserve it from this deterioration when commenced, the addition of eight drops of alco- hol to each fluidounce is recommended. Alcohol is, however, a common adulteration of chloroform, and may be detected as fol- lows: Potassium does not decompose pure chloroform, the surface of the metal being only covered with small gas bubbles; if much alcohol be present, the entire mixture becomes quite colored, attended with the liberation of acid fumes. Chloroform, on being shaken with the nearly pure orange-colored mixture of bichromate of potas- sium, sulphuric acid, and water, and allowed to remain quietly for a time, assumes a light-green color; if 5 per cent, of alcohol is present the mixture separates into two sharply-divided layers, the lowest having a green color. The same occurs when ether is pres- ent. If water is present, potassium immersed in it will be rapidly oxidized. The chief impurities, however, are products of the reaction, which, in properly rectified chloroform, or chloroform made from pure alcohol, are never present ; these subtle carbohydrogen com- pounds are sometimes perceptible as oily-looking globules, floating through the liquid, and are always shown by the color imparted by admixture with sulphuric acids as above. Hager announces the following conclusions from his experiments on chloroform: 1st. Chloroform does not decompose by action of solar rays only. 2d. Rapid decomposition takes place under the combined action of air and solar rays; and hydrochloric acid, car- bonylchloride, formic, and traces of oxalic result, and in some cases free chlorine. 3d. If the air has access to chloroform even in the dark, decomposition ensues. 4th. An admixture of from .75 to 1 per cent, of alcohol suffices to preserve it and prevent decomposition. 5th. Commercial chloroform contains, besides chlo- roform, other chlorinated compounds, which are separated with difficulty. (For further remarks, see Proc. Amer. Ph. Assoc, for 1870, 243, 244.) Chloroform was first prepared, under the name of " Chloric Ether," in 1831, by Samuel Guthrie, of Sackett's Harbor, New York. A medicine of American origin, it has become known and exten- sively used in all parts of the civilized world. One of the chief uses of chloroform in medicine, as first an- nounced by Prof. Simpson, of Edinburgh, is for the purpose of pro- ducing an anaesthetic or benumbing effect during surgical opera- tions and parturition. This effect is produced by the inhalation of its vapor, which appears to be absorbed by the blood, and, by act- ing on the nervous centres, to suspend their functions. One of the chief causes of the fatal effects of chloroform given by inhalation has been its occasional imperfect quality, as found in commerce. Though the increase of its use of latter years is well known, the number of deaths reported has been greatly diminished, and the explanation is undoubtedly found in the improved quality of the article of commerce, as well as in the greater care and judgment with which it is now administered. The quantity necessary to be SOLUTION OF GUTTA-PERCHA. 377 inhaled varies in different individuals, though perhaps the most usual dose by the lungs is of chloroform f 3j to f 3iij — of ether f ^ss to f sij. It is also given by the stomach. Dose, 20 to 60 drops; and used externally in anodyne liniments. It is recommended as a remedy against sea-sickness ; in doses of from five to ten drops, given in a little syrup or cognac, it alleviates the nausea and resuscitates the patient from his extreme prostration. I have tried this, as I confidently believe, with advantage, though not with complete relief. It is a powerful solvent of camphor, caoutchouc, gutta-percha, wax, resins, iodine, and of the vegetable alkalies and neutral crys- talline principles generally. Its property of dissolving camphor in so large proportion adapts it as a vehicle for that medicine, espe- cially for topical applications. Spiritus Chloroformi, U. S. P. ("Chloric Ether.") Take of Purified chloroform, a troyounce. Diluted alcohol, twelve fluidounces. Dissolve the chloroform in the stronger alcohol. This is a new officinal, of utility to the physician as a substitute for chloroform itself, in cases where it is to be used by the stomach. The proportions are adjusted to prevent ready separation of the ingredients on admixture with ordinary tinctures and aqueous mixtures , it may be given in doses of a fluidraehm or two in cases of flatulence, colic, etc., and is a useful addition to various anodyne combinations. Liquor Gutta-perchce, U. S. P. (Solution of Gutta-percha.) Take of Gutta-percha, in thin slices, a troyounce and a half. Purified chloroform, seventeen troyounces. Carbonate of lead, in fine powder, two troyounces. To twelve troyounces of the chloroform, contained in a bottle, add the gutta-percha, and shake occasionally until it is dissolved. Then add the carbonate of lead, previously mixed with the re- mainder of the chloroform, and, having several times shaken the whole together at intervals of half an hour, set the mixture aside, and let it stand for ten days, or until the insoluble matter has sub- sided, and the solution become limpid, and either colorless or of a pale straw-color. Lastly, decant the liquid, and keep it in a well- stopped bottle. In practice it has been found much easier to add three times as much chloroform to the gutta-percha, and, having marked on a retort the measure which the resulting preparation should make from the solution when filtered through paper into the retort, draw off sufficient chloroform to leave the required amount of solution in the retort. This new officinal preparation is placed in the Pharmacopoeia under the head of Liquores. Like collodion, it is designed to be applied to cuts or abrasions, on evaporation leaving a film which protects the part to which it is applied, preventing the drying 378 FERMENTATION, ALCOHOLS AND ETHERS. action of the atmosphere, and promoting the healing process. The carbonate of lead is used to precipitate the coloring matter of the gutta-percha, so that the solution is transparent and of a light straw- color. It may be dispensed in vials connected with a camel-hair pencil secured to the cork, as described under the head of Collodion. Chloral, U. S. P. This is a new officinal in the list of the Pharmacopoeia, 1870, and, although discovered in 1832, was not introduced into medical prac- tice till Dr. Leibreich, of Berlin, in 1869, called the attention of the medical profession to its powers as a hypnotic. The reactions which result in the formation of chloral are thought to be as follows: Aldehyd and hydrochloric acid are first formed ; and these, with some of the alcohol, yield monochlorinated ether, O TT ) O IT 01 l ^' wn * cn on further additions of chlorine gives tetrachlo- O TT ) rinated ether, p -?tA [ 2 , and this with water furnishes chloral, some alcohol, and some hydrochloric acid. The action of chloral hydrate generally is supposed to depend upon its decomposition by contact with the alkalies in the system, developing chloroform in its purity and in a manner peculiarly adapted for its best medical effect. The close is from ten to fifty grains; the medicine is given in solution, with a little syrup added at the time of taking it. (For interesting papers on this subject see Proc. Amer. Phar. Assoc, vol. xix. 245, 543.) Iodoform, U. S. P. This preparation has been made officinal in the last edition of the Phamaacopoeia. It may be made by mixing two parts of carbonate of potassium, two of iodine, one of alcohol, and five of water, heat- ing till colorless, and then pouring off into a suitable vessel to deposit; it is then thoroughly washed and dried. It is in lemon- yellow plates, of a peculiar and very persistent odor; it is sparingly soluble in water, more so in alcohol, ether, and oils. It has been recommended in those cases where iodine is indicated, but is free from the irritating action that characterizes the iodine salts; the usual dose is from one to three grains three times a day, given in pilular forms. Bromal Hydrate. A series of trials of bromoform were made in the Berlin Patho- logical Institute under the direction of Leibreich ; according to the observations bromal hydrate undergoes the same change that chloral does, bromoform being formed by the action of the alkalies in the blood; the method adopted was to give fourteen grains soda biscuit in the morning and mid-day, and at night two to six grains of bromal hydrate. DERIVATIVES OF BUTYRIC AND AMYLIC ALCOHOL. 379 Brornoform. Dr. Robertson has used this remedy and found the effects similar to those produced by chloroform ; the dose is not stated. Derivatives of Butylic Alcohol. Name. Butylic alcohol C 4 H 9 HO Butyric acid, But HC 4 H,0 2 Butyric ether CH 7 2 C 2 H 5 Source. In the fusel oil of alcohol from beet molasses. By fermenting milk sugar ■with old cheese at 85° and adding CaC0 3 . From 2 p. But, 2 p. alcohol and lp. H 2 S0 4 at 175°; or by distilling CaO, But, H 2 SC\, and alco- hol. Description, etc. Colorless liquid ; odor more pleasant than fusel oil; soluble in 10 parts ■water ; "with fusing KO yields But. Colorless liquid ; odor of rancid butter ; sp. gr. .96 ; boiling point 328°; solu- ble in water, alcohol, and ether. Colorless liquid ; odor of pineapples ; sp. gr. .904 ; boiling point 289° ; solu- ble in alcohol and ether in all propor- tions, little in water. Derivatives of Amylic Alcohol. Name. Amylic alcohol, fusel Nitrite of amyl Valerianic acid, Val C 5 H 9 0,OH Amylo-valerianic Amylo-acetic ether Source. Formed by the fermenta- tion of potatoes and grain ; contained in whiskey. In valerian ; by distilling 10 p. K 2 Cr0 4 ,Cr0 3 , 15 P- " oil The oil floating on the distillate in preparing Val. By distilling 2 p. KAc, 1 p. H 2 S0 4 , and 1 p. fusel oil, and rectifying over lime. Description, etc. Colorless liquid ; odor penetrating, ex- citing to coughing; taste burning; sp. gr. .818 ; boiling point 270°; crys- tallizes at — 4° F. ; inflammable; soluble in alcohol and ether in all pro- portions, little in water. Yellowish liquid; sp. gr. .877; boiling at 96° C. ; spicy odor, fruity taste; soluble in alcohol and ether; insoluble in water. Colorless oily liquid ; odor of valerian and old cheese; taste burning acid; sp. gr. .937 ; boiling point 347° ; in- flammable ; soluble in 30 p. water, in all proportions in alcohol and ether; dissolves camphor and some resins. Colorless oily liquid ; odor of apples; sp. gr. .88 ; boiling point 370°. Colorless liquid ; odor of pears ; sp. gr. .857 ; boiling point 272° ; decomposed, by KO. Butyric Acid. But = HC 4 H 7 2 . As obtained by the saponification of butter, some difficulties are presented in freeing it of capry lie, caprinic, and vaccinic acids ; it is therefore best to prepare it artificially by butyric fermentation, for which purpose 100 parts of starch sugar or cane or milk sugar are dissolved in water, and set aside in a warm place, with 10 parts of old cheese; or a mixture of 100 parts of sugar, 150 parts milk, and 380 50 parts of powdered chalk, is allowed to ferment in a warm place ; if diluted with water, fermentation takes place readily. After the cessation of the evolution of gas, the liquid, on evapora- tion, furnishes butyrate of calcium, 10 parts of which are to be dis- solved in 40 parts of water, and distilled with 3 or 4 parts of muri- atic acid ; from the distillate the acid is separated by saturating it with chloride of calcium, the oily liquid is rectified, and that portion coming over at 327° is preserved as pure concentrated butyric acid. Alcohol Amylicum, U. S. P. {Fusel Oil = C 5 H n HO.) To obtain this in a state of purity from the ordinary grain fusel oil, which may be obtained at distilleries, the crude fusel oil is agitated with an equal bulk of solution of table salt, the water removed and the oil distilled with about its own weight of water; the potato fusel oil distils with the vapors of water, and the receiver contains water holding the last traces of alcohol in solution, upon which the amylic alcohol floats. An oily, nearly colorless liquid, having a strong, offensive odor, and acrid, burning taste. Its specific gravity is 0.818, and its boil- ing point between 268° and 272°. It is sparingly soluble in water, but unites in all proportions with alcohol and ether. It does not take fire by contact with flame, and, when dropped on paper, does not leave a permanent greasy stain. The inhalation of its vapor and its internal administration are poisonous, producing coughing, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, fainting, prostration of the lower extremities, convulsions, asphyxia, and death. Ammonia has been recommended to counteract these de- leterious effects. It is not used in medicine, except rarely as an external irritant in rheumatic and other painful affections, but has attained considera- ble importance in the arts, chiefly for the artificial production of perfumes and fruit essences, and for the preparation of valerianic acid by the use of oxidizing agents. Nitrite of Amyl. Nitrite of amyl is made, according to Prof. Maisch's process, by mixing in a capacious retort an equal bulk of amylic alcohol, purified, and nitric acid, applying a moderate and gradually in- creasing heat until the mixture approaches the boiling point, when the fire is removed and the reaction allowed to proceed ; this sub- stance has been tried as an anaesthetic, and is very powerful in its action; it stimulates the heart more powerfully than any other remedy. Artificial Fruit Essences. The artificial fruit essences now so largely employed for making artificial fruit syrups, and as flavors for culinary purposes and con- fectionery, belong to this class of ethers; they are solutions of com- pounds of organic acids with ordinary ether and amylic ether, in ESSENCES. 381 deodorized alcohol. But little practical information has been pub- lished with reference to their preparation, the manufacturers keep- ing their processes secret, in consequence of which the quality of the essences, as they occur in commerce, varies exceedingly. The following processes for some of the most prominent of these essences, in connection with the foregoing syllabi, will be found to facilitate their preparation, which, to be successful, must be con- ducted with care and with close attention to the results of expe- rience. Jargonelle year essence is an alcoholic solution of amylo-acetic ether, as given in the syllabus, in proportions indicated by conve- nience. Bergamot pear essence is a solution of five parts of amylo-acetic ether, one and a half parts of acetic ether, in from 100 to 120 parts of alcohol. Apple oil consists of an alcoholic solution of one part of amylo- valeriauic ether dissolved in six or eight parts of alcohol. Pineapple essence consists of one part of butyric ether dissolved in eight or ten parts of alcohol ; or the potassa soap of butter is dis- solved in alcohol, and this solution distilled with an excess of sul- phuric acid. Prepared by the latter process, the odor is somewhat modified by the presence of capronic, caprylic, and caprinic ethers. Banana essence consists of a mixture of amylo-acetic ether, and some butyric ether dissolved in alcohol. A more perfect imitation is that made with acetate of amyl alone. Essence of raspberries is usually made by mixing acetic ether with an alcoholic essence of orris root. Quince Essence. — In making this essence pelargonic acid has to be prepared as a first step. This acid is contained in the oil of Pelar- gonium roseum, from which it may be obtained by combining it with potassa; but it is more advantageously made from oil of rue, by heating it in a retort with nitric acid previously diluted with an equal measure of water, removing from the fire as soon as the reaction commences, afterwards boiling with cohobation until nitrous acid vapors cease to be evolved ; the oily acid is then re- moved, washed with water, combined with potassa, and a neutral strong-smelling oil separated, after which the solution of pelargo- nate of potassium is decomposed by sulphuric acid. Pelargonic acid is now sufficiently pure for the preparation of the ether ; it still contains a resinous substance, from which it may be purified by rectification, combining with caustic baryta, and decomposing the crystallized salt with diluted sulphuric acid. Pelargonic acid, by a continued digestion with alcohol, is converted into pelargonic ether, which is obtained purer and in a shorter time, by saturating an alcoholic solution of pelargonic acid with muriatic acid gas, washing the separated ether with water, and drying it over chloride of calcium. If the pure ether is sought this may be rectified ; it consists of C 2 H 5 ,C 9 H 18 2 . The pelargonic, also called wnanihic, ether, dissolved in alcohol, constitutes the essence of quince. An impure pelargonic ether is 382 FIXED OILS AND FATS. said to be used in England for imparting to potato spirit the flavor of whiskey. Fusel oil of wine was supposed to be oenanthic ether, and has been frequently confounded with pelargonic ether. According to late investigations of Fischer, it is a mixture of caprinic, caprylic, and other allied ethers. Probably, however, the fusel oil contained in the different wines varies in the kinds and proportions of the ethers. This fusel oil is the cause of the persistent smell of all or most wines, and is quite distinct from their bouquet, which in some wines is wanting altogether. It is obtained by careful distillation of the ferment of wines mixed with half its measure of water, a little cenanthic acid may be removed by agitation of the distillate with some carbonate of sodium, the liquid in then heated, the ether rises to the surface, and is obtained free of water by standing over chlo- ride of calcium. The bouquet of wines, which is formed after fermentation, is pro- bably due to the presence of acetic, butyric, valerianic, and other ethers ; but our knowledge of its true chemical nature is very limited. Most alcoholic liquors are subject to adulteration and sophistica- tion, for which purposes some of the artificial ethers are used, usu- ally together with sweet spirits or alcohol freed from fusel oil. Thus formic ether is used to impart to alcohol the flavor of arrack, and constitutes the chief ingredient in what is called essence of arrack ; and butyric, valerianic, and caprylic ethers enter into the composition of the so-called essence of rum. CHAPTER V FIXED OILS AND FATS. The fixed oils and fats form so natural a group that they may be conveniently classed together, though derived respectively from animal and vegetable kingdoms. They resemble the preceding groups of ternary organic principles in being nutritious in the sense in which that term applies to non- nitrogenized principles. The very large proportion of carbon they contain peculiarly adapts them to maintain, by combustion in the lungs and capillaries, the heat required in the various processes of the economy. In medicine, they are used for this in connection with certain demulcent, alterative, and cathartic properties, pertain- ing to particular individuals of the group. They constitute the chief vehicles for medicines to be applied externally, whether in ointments in which the ojl is usually not decomposed, or in lini- ments and plasters, in some of which a decomposition of the oil is intentionally effected. The fixed oils enter largely into the food ADULTERATIONS. 383 of animals, and of the human race ; they are accumulated particu- larly in the fruit and seeds of plants, and exist, associated with other nutritive materials, in the straw and stalks as well as the seed of the cereal grasses. The following proportions of fixed oils have been ascertained to exist in the several substances named : in Indian corn, 8.8 per cent. ; oats, 6.9 ; fine wheat flour, 1.4; bran from wheat, 4.6 ; rice, 0.25; hay and straw from 3 to 5 ; olive seeds, 54 ; flaxseed, 22 ; almonds, 46 ; walnuts, 50 ; cocoa-nut, 47 ; yelk of eggs, 28 ; cow's milk, 3.13 per cent. Adulterations. — The chief adulterations to which the fixed oils are subject, are mixtures of the finer and more expensive kinds with the cheaper. These may be detected by variations of the specific gravity from the normal standard, though as the several oils only vary from 865 to .970 sp. gr., this means of detection becomes a matter of considerable nicety. It has been proposed to apply this test at the temperature of boiling water, but we have too little data to make this generally available. The sp. gr. of each of the fixed oils mentioned in this work, as far as known, is given in the sylla- bus which follows. The odor of oils, if carefully observed, will be found a good means of detecting their adulterations, especially when heat is ap- plied. A known pure sample, being obtained, may be heated in a spoon and compared with a quantity of the suspected oil similarly heated. The presence of fish oil in the vegetable oils is detected by passing a stream of chlorine through them. The pure vegetable oils are not materially altered, but a mixture of the two turns dark brown or black. On adding a drop of concentrated sulphuric acid to about ten drops of a fixed oil, coloration is produced, varj'ing with the dif- ferent oils: fish oils turn reddish or violet; rape seed and oil of black mustard greenish-blue; olive oil yellowish, then greenish; linseed oil dark-brown and black. Solubility in alcohol is another fact which is useful in determin- ing the genuineness of oils. Castor oil is soluble in its own weight of alcohol of .820 sp. gr. Croton oil dissolves in the same propor- tion in alcohol of .796 sp. gr. Olive oil is nearly insoluble. Oil of almonds dissolves in 25 parts of cold and 6 parts of boiling alcohol. The boiling point of fixed oils varies from 500° to 600° F., so that we might detect the admixture of the volatile oils, hydro- carbons from coal, etc., by raising the temperature and noticing the point at which ebullition commences, and the nature of the distil- late. The melting and the solidifying points of solid fats are liable to variations in the case of those yielding glycerin by saponifica- tion. If allowed to cool while in a melted state, their temperature after first sinking becomes constant for a time, and then exhibits a sudden rise. This occurs at a definite point for each fat, which is therefore called the natural point of solidification, although the fat may be considered at a time in a state of supervision. Other 384 FIXED OILS AND FATS. fats exhibit only one point of solidification, which coincides with the melting point. Chemical History. — The vegetable and animal fats are mixtures of different proximate constituents, each of which consists of a fatty acid and a base, analogous in behavior to the ethers treated of in the last chapter, with the difference that it requires three equivalents of acid for saturation. Separated from its acid it com- bines with water so that its alcohol glycerin is obtained. The ether which exists in the fats has been called by Berzelius oxide of lipyle, and has also received the name of oxide of glyceryle; glycerin being its hydrated oxide. When a fixed oil is treated with an alkali, the latter combines with the fatty acids and forms a soap. Soaps, therefore, are salts, the acids of which are derived from the fixed oils ; if the base is an alkali they are soluble in water, and to a certain extent also in alcohol; the soaps of the alkaline earths and the metallic oxides are insoluble in both menstrua ; the term soap is for this reason not commonly applied to those compounds, and the Pharmacopoeia recog- nizes one of them, the lead soap, by the name of Mnplastrum Plumbi. The acids which are present in the natural fats are mostly homo- logous compounds of the general formula C w H n 2 . The first two of the series, formic acid, OH 2 2 , and acetic acid, C 2 H 4 2 , are thin liquids, readily soluble in water and alcohol; the next two, pro- pionic, C 3 H 6 2 , and butyric acid, C 4 H 8 2 , are oily liquids, soluble in water, but separated from their solutions by chloride of calcium, and boil at 287° and 314°. 6 respectively. The following acids of the series are oily and but sparingly soluble in water: — Valerianic acid Capronic " (Enanthylic " Caprylic " Pelargonic " C 5 H 10°2 C 6 H 12 2 C 7 H u O a C 9 H 18 2 In valerian root, and the fat of the dolphin ; boils at 34JO. In cow butter, and cocoa-nut oil ; boils at 3880. Formed in the oxidation of castor oil, etc., besides other products; boiling point 4250. In cow butter, cocoa-nut oil, human fat, and in the fusel oil of rye, rice, and beet-root spirit; boiling point 45TO. In pelargonium roseum, and by the oxidation of oil of rue ; boiling point 500O. All the above liquid acids possess a strong odor; some of them having been sufficiently treated of in the last chapter, and others being reserved for the chapter on organic acids, we may pass to a series of the solid fatty acids, which, with the exception of the first, are destitute of odor. In cow and goat butter, cocoa-nut oil, various fusel oils, etc. ; fusible at 80O.5. Laurostearic acid. In the fruit of Laurus nobilis, in cocoa- nut oil, pichurim beans, and in spermaceti ; fusible at 110O.5. In the expressed oil of nutmegs; fusible at 1260.8. In palm oil, in Chinese wax, tallow, suet, in human fat, butter, lard, olive oil, cocoa-nut oil, wax, spermaceti ; I of myrtle wax is this acid ; by fusing oleic acid with HO,KO; fusible at 1430.6. Is a mixture of 10 p. stearic and 90 palmitic acid. In suet, lard, cocoa-nut oil, and most other animal and vegetable fats ; fusible at 1560.6. In the fruit of Arachis hypogaea; fusible at 1C70. Caprinic acid C 10 H 20^2 Laurinic a C 12 H 24 2 Myristic Palmitic it ^14^28^2 C 16 H 32°2 Margaric Stearic a C 17 H 3t 2 C 18 H 36°2 Arachic «( ^20 H 40°2 CHEMICAL HISTORY. It will be observed that the members of the series commencing with caprinic acid differ from the next following by C 2 H 4 ; whether there are any natural fatty acids between those mentioned in the syllabus has not been definitely settled. Some other fatty acids, containing more C than the above, have been discovered, but it is asserted that they have not been obtained in a pure state; we name only — g 22 h 44 o 2 Bebenic acid Cerotinic " In the Behen oil from Moringa aptera. In beeswax, in the free state, and in Chinese wax ; fusible at 170O. Besides these acids there occur others in fats of the composition C ri H n _ 2 2 ; the series is not nearly as complete as the foregoing, and it is uncertain even whether the first one mentioned in the syllabus really belongs to it. The following comprises the few that are known : — Carbonic acid C 2 4 Acrylic Crotonic Damaluric Moringic Hypogseic Geadic Oleic Elaic Balsenic Erucic C 4 H 6 2 C 7 II 12 2 2 ^19^36^2 C 22 H 42 2 = (2C0 2 ). Gaseous. By the oxidation of acrolein ; liquid. In croton oil ; not acrid nor purgative ; liquid. In the urine of man, the cow, and the horse ; liquid. In the oil of Moringa aptera; solid at 32. o Physetic acid. In the oil of Arachis bvpogaea and the liquid fat of the Cetacese; fusible at 93 b By 1S'0 3 from the former; fusible at 100.O In the fat of most animals, and in all the undrying vege- table oils; solid at 250 ; oxidizes readily. From oleic acid by N0 3 ; inodorous, tasteless; fusible at llio. In the oil of Balcena rostrata ; solid at 40°. Sinapic acid. In the oil of mustard ; fusible at 930. A few other acids of a different composition are met with in some fixed oils, among which we mention — Olinic acid. Compos. (?) In the drying oils, linseed, nut, hemp-seed, poppy-seed oil, etc. Ricin-oleic acid C 18 H 34 3 In castor oil ; solid at about 15°. Most of these acids are combined, as has been stated above, with the ether of a triatomic alcohol, the oxide of glyceryle; but some fatty bodies contain, either besides this or altogether, other bases, of which the following syllabus will give a view; they are the ethers of monatomic alcohols: — Oxide of cetyle C I6 H ?3 (OH) In spermaceti with palmitic acid (cetin). " ceryle C 27 H 55 (OH) In Chine.se wax with cerotinic acid. " metyleC 30 H 60 (OH) In beeswax, the portion insoluble in boiling alcohol, with palmitic acid (myricin). The compounds of the fatty acids with the oxide of glyceryle are, by common consent, called by the name of the acid, changing the termination ic into in. Thus myristin is C 3 rI s 3 ,3C 14 H 28 2 ; pal- mitin, C 3 H 8 03,3C 16 H 3 ,0 2 ; stearin, C 3 H 8 3 ,3C 18 H3 b 2 ; arachin, C 3 H 8 3 , 3C 20 H 40 2 ; olein, C 3 Ii 8 3 ,3C 18 H 34 2 . All these fats contain three equivalents of acid, but others with two and one equivalent have been obtained artificially ; they are designated in organic chemistry by prefixing to the former the word tri, to the next di, and to the last mono. Ordinary stearin is, according to the chemical nomen- 25 386 FIXED OILS AND FATS. clature, tristearin ; the artificial distearin has the formula C 3 H 8 3 , HO,2C ]8 H 36 2 , and the monostearin C 3 H s 3 ,2HO,C ]8 H 3l 2 . To obtain these acids in a pure state is usually a matter of diffi- culty ; fractional precipitation must be frequently resorted to. Emplastrum Plumbi, U. S. P. {Lead Plaster.) Take of Oxide of lead, in fine powder, thirty troy ounces. Olive oil, fifty-six troyounces. "Water, a sufficient quantity. Sift the oxide of lead into the oil, contained in a suitable vessel, of a capacity equal to twice the bulk of the ingredients. Then add half a pint of boiling water, and boil the whole together until a plaster is formed ; adding from time to time, during the process, a little boiling water, as that first added is consumed. This is made usually on a large scale by manufacturing pharma- cists, some of whom make it, with its kindred preparations, their leading or exclusive article of manufacture. The process requires that olive oil (lard oil does not produce a nice product) should be boiled with finely-powdered oxide of lead (litharge) and water for a long time, until they unite into a mass of a soft solid consistence, which is tenacious, and readily rolled upon a wet marble slab into rolls of suitable size, which are allowed to harden by maceration in a trough of cold water and subsequent exposure to the air ; one gallon of oil yields about twelve pounds of plaster. Lead plaster is usually found in commerce, in rolls of various sizes, from half an ounce to half a pound in weight, called simple diachylon, or lead plaster; sometimes, though rarely, it is spread upon cotton cloth by machinery, and sold by the yard like adhesive plaster cloth. It is milder and less irritating in its action upon highly inflamed surfaces, though less adhesive than that well-known and useful application. Postponing to another chapter the practical details in regard to these, and the numerous compounds into which they enter, it will be appropriate in this place to introduce to notice, what was formerly a residuary product of the manufacture of lead plaster, but is now made directly from fixed oils. Glycerin. C 3 H 8 3 . Glycerin is a colorless, odorless, sweet liquid, resembling syrup, having a sp. gr. of from 1.25 to 1.2667 ; it may be classified among pseudo sugars (see page 376), but in chemical behavior it is a tria- tomic alcohol of the hypothetical radical glyceryle, C 3 H 5 . Glycerin is separated from oils in the process of their saponification, and may be obtained by evaporation from the water in which lead plaster has been made, care being taken to precipitate any lead held in solution by sulphuretted hydrogen, and to drive oft' the excess of this gas by heat. There are several qualities of glycerin in our markets ; the cheapest is made from the waters from which soap has been sepa- GLYCERIN. 387 rated ; that which is collected as a residuary product from the plaster manufacturer has been almost superseded by that distilled from fats by highly heated steam. Of the latter, which is the best variety, that imported from Price's Candle Co., London, and that made by Henry Bower, of Phila- delphia, are to be preferred; they are both destitute of odor, and have nearly the requisite specific gravity. These articles are be- lieved to be made from palm oil, while that obtained from the refuse of the manufacture of stearin candles, from lard, is seldom destitute of an odor when heated, which is fatal to its use for a large number of the purposes for which it is designed. When made by distillation, glycerin is liable to be contaminated with acrolein, a peculiar volatile principle to which it owes its acridity. Pecent chemical investigations show that acrolein is formed during the dehydration of glycerin even in vacuo. Some specimens have a saline taste, evincing important impurities in view of the uses to which it is applied. Among the impurities noted by different writers, are oxalic and formic acids, although this is denied by others; nitric acid has been observed by Schepky, and butyric acid by Perutz. In the common grades the bad-smell- ing fatty acids are often observable. Glycerin is sometimes used to impart sweetness (age) and an oily appearance (body) to liquors, and thus labelled is sold to dealers for those purposes. The following description of glycerin is from the U. S. Pharma- cojyosta : — A colorless, inodorous, syrupy liquid, of a sweet taste, and having the specific gravity of 1.25. It is soluble in water and in alcohol, but not in ether. Exposed to a full red heat, it takes fire, and burns with a blue flame. It is destroyed by distillation in contact with air, but may be distilled unchanged with steam. It combines with potassa and baryta, and also with sulphuric acid. "When di- luted with water, it affords no precipitate with hydrosulphate of ammonia or ferrocyanide of potassium. It is much employed as a substitute for oils, having a remarkable property of soothing irritable conditions of the mucous surfaces, and at the same time mixing in all proportions with water, and with most aqueous mixtures. It is a most useful application in the dry and parched condition of the mouth so often present in disease, to which it may be applied either b}^ painting it over the dry surface with a brush, or by swal- lowing it diluted with water. Highly concentrated glycerin will tend to increase the dryness of the mouth by its power of absorbing moisture, and for this reason should be diluted before being used for this purpose. For a certain form of deafness resulting from dryness of the tympanic membrane it is one of the best of remedies. It is used in certain scaly skin diseases, as lepra. It is a useful ap- plication to sore nipples, also to burns and excoriated surfaces, and is added to poultices to keep them moist. Its substitution for almond and olive oil, in the preparation of delicate ointments, is 388 FIXED OILS AND FATS. seldom productive of advantage ; it must be remembered that it is not perfectly miscible with the fixed oils. It is not liable to become rancid as oils are, and it imbibes the essential oils from plants di- gested in it with remarkable avidity, so that it is well adapted to the preparation of liniments and lotions ; it is also miscible with soaps. From its remarkable solvent power over chemical agents it is much used in pharmacy, and the name glyceroles (gtycerites, U. S. P.) is applied to solutions containing it. Glycerin is an excel- lent vehicle for subacetate of lead, which, on admixture with common oils, as in Goulard's cerate, is always converted into a compound of the oil-acid with oxide of lead ; and, on admixture with water, as in lead-water, immediately begins to be decomposed, depositing carbonate of lead, so that the solution in a short time becomes inert. Glycerin is miscible in all proportions with liquor plumbi subacetatis, and under the name of Linimentum plumbi sub- acetatis, a formula is inserted which I think an improvement on any of the old preparations of lead. The solvent power of glycerin is so great, that since its general introduction to popular use in pharmacy, many substances hereto- fore prescribed with little satisfaction have been used with great success by reason of their combination with glycerin. The follow- ing is a list of the class of substances generally soluble in it : — Bromine, Alkalies, Tannin, Iodine, Alkaline earths, Vegetable alkalies, Iodide of sulphur, Neutral salts, Salicin, Chloride of potassium, Vegetable acids, Santonin. Nitro-glycerin or Glonoin. C 3 H 5 (^0 2 ) 3 3 . This compound, which for years past has attracted some little attention as a remedy for headache, is prepared by adding J oz. an- hydrous glycerin, with constant agitation, to a mixture of 2 oz. sulphuric and 1 oz. fuming nitric acid, pouring it into 50 oz. water, and washing it upon a filter. It is a colorless oil possessing a sweet taste, sp. gr. 1.28, soluble in 180 p. water and very readily soluble in alcohol and ether ; when heated it frequently explodes; even at ordinary temperature nitrous acid is sometimes evolved and the residue consists of oxalic acid and glyceric acid. A drop of the acid brought in contact with the lips, or even the vapors produce the most distressing headache. It is said to have been prescribed by homoeopathic practitioners. The chief use of this article is in the arts as a substitute for gun- powder in blasting, it possessing far greater power ; but the terrible destruction which results from its accidental explosion renders it as dreadful as it is efficient. As before mentioned, only the alkaline soaps are soluble in water and alcohol ; their consistence varies with the alkali, the potassa soap being the softest, the soda soap invariably harder than the former. The following list comprises those which are most usually FIXED OILS AND FATS USED IN MEDICINE. employed in medicine, though occasionally the soap of a finer oil than olive oil, like the cocoa-nut oil soap, or some highly oclorized one, like Windsor soap, is preferred. Soaps used in Medicine. Sapo, Castile soap. Sapo vulgaris, common soap. Sapo viridis, S. niger, S. mollis, soft green or black soap. Emplastrum plumbi, lead plas- ter. From olive oil and soda; ■white or mottled; used as an antacid, excipient in pills, linimentum saponis. U. S. Ph. 1860. From animal oil and soda ; used externally only in the preparation of opodeldoc, linim. saponis cam- phor. U. S. Ph. 1850. From potassa and various animal and vegetable fats; used in itch. From litharge and olive oil ; forms the basis of most plasters. {See Emplastra.) Of the soaps, perhaps none is more really useful for ordinary domestic and for surgical purposes than the genuine Castile soap, abundantly and cheaply supplied in our markets. Palm soap is second only to this in its emollient properties. The introduction of suet (soap-fat) is a common means of increasing the frothing properties of soap, and the foregoing being quite destitute of this ingredient are unsuited to use in shaving. Soluble glass, silicate of alkali, is now introduced into the cheap soaps of commerce, by which an immense saving of the fatty ingredient is attained, and the use of resin, formerly employed for the same purpose, is super- seded. In the Z7. S. Pharmacopoeia of 1860, only Castile soap is officinal ; it is designated Sapo, soap made with soda and olive oil. Sapo vulgaris, common soap, formerly officinal for the preparation of solid opodeldoc, has been dismissed with that preparation. Soap made with vegetable oils is generally soluble in cold alcohol; that made with suet and animal oils is insoluble in alcohol except by the aid of heat. List of the Principal Fixed Oils and Pats used in Medicine. Oleum olivas (sweet oil or olive oil). Oleum amygdalae dulcis. Oleum sesami (benne oil). Oleum arachidis (ground- nut oil). Oleum lini (flaxseed oil). Oleum behen (behen oil). 1. Vegetable Oils. From the fruit of Olea Europaea, by expression, sp. gr. .9109 to .9176 ; a light yellow ; nearly inodorous ; of sweet oily taste ; in ointments, plasters, for culinary purposes, and perfumery. From kernels of fruit of A. communis by expression, sp. gr. .917. Solid at — 12°; light yellow; very bland ; in oint- ments and perfumery. Hager states that true oil of almonds when shaken in a test-tube with 25 per cent, of nitric acid forms a white emulsion-like mass, which remains white or faintly colored with yellow even when heated ; while oil of peach kernels or apricots becomes yellowish at once, and depens to a reddish -yellow in half an hour. From the seeds of Sesamum indicum and orientale. From the kernels of fruit of Arachis hypogaea by expression, sp. gr. .918. From the seed of Linum usitatissimum, sp. gr. .9347 ; its soaps are very soft ; in liniments ; rarely internally ; much used in the arts. From the fruit of Moringa aptera ; in ointments and pomades. 390 FIXED OILS AND FATS. Oleum bertholetice (Brazil nut oil). Oleum theobromse (butter of cocoa, oil of choco- late nuts). Oleum fagi (Beech oil). Oleum lauri (bayberry oil). Oleum cocois (cocoa-nut oil). Oleum gossypii (cotton seed oil). Oleum macidis (solid). Oil of mace. Oleum myristicce. Oleum palmce (solid). Palm oil. Oleum papaveris (poppy oil). Oleum ricini (castor oil). Oleum tiglii (croton oil). Cera Japonica (Japan wax) Adeps (lard). Butyrum (butter). Sevum (mutton suet). Oleum adipis (lard oil). Oleum bubulum (neat's foot oil). Oleum cetacei (spermaceti oil). Oleum Halicorce (dugong oil). Oleum morrhuse (cod- liver oil). Vegetable Oils. (Continued.) From kernels of fruit of B. excelsa, sp. gr. .917. From roasted seeds of Theobroma cacao, sp. gr. .892. Solid at 80°. For ointments, suppositories, and soaps. From the fruit of Fagus sylvatica ; very bland soap, soft ; in Germany as a substitute for olive oil. Expressed from the fruit of Laurus nobilis ; green ; buty- raceous, granular very fragrant ; taste bitter, aromatic ; in ointment. From the kernel of the Cocos nucifera; white; of sweet taste ; yields an excellent soap. From the seeds of Gossypium herbaceum ; refined, sp. gr. .921. From the arillus of the fruit of Myristica fragrans ; resem- bles the next. Expressed from the nutmeg of Myristica fragrans ; reddish ; aromatic odor and taste ; in ointment and perfumery. Obtained from the fruit of Elais guiniensis ; orange-yellow; consistence of butter; agreeable odor; turns easily rancid. From the seeds of Papaver somniferum, sp. gr. .9243; light yellow; nearly inodorous; is a drying oil used for culinary purposes, and as adulteration for olive oil. From seeds of Ricinus communis, sp. gr. .9612 ; nearly color- less or yellowish ; used as purgative. From the seeds of Croton tiglium, sp. gr. .947 to .953 ; light to dark yellow ; readily soluble in alcohol ; very acrid and drastic ; blisters the skin. Said to be obtained from the fruit and leaves of Rhus succe- danea; white; hard; fracture conchoidal. 2. Animal Oils. Prepared fat of Sus scrofa, the hog. From cream by mechanical agitation. The prepared suet or fat, from Ovis aries. The olein separated from lard by expression, sp. gr. .9003. From the bones of Bos domesticus, the ox. From the cavity in the upper jaw of Physeter macrocephalus. From the Halicora dugong and Australis ; recommended as a substitute for cod-liver oil. From the livers of Gadus morrhua, sp. gr. .9230 to .9315. 3. Allied Bodies not Containing Glycerin. Cera flava (beeswax). Cera alba (white wax). Cera Chinensis (Chinese wax). Cera Myricse. Cetaceum (spermaceti). The substance used by the bees for constructing their cells ; used in ointments, cerates, plasters, and in the arts. Beeswax bleached by the sunlight ; used like the former. According to St. Julien, prepared by Coccus ceriferus, like beeswax ; used in the arts. Obtained by decocting the fruit in boiling water, and remov- ing the wax when it has cooled. In the head of Physeter macrocephalus; in ointments and the arts. REMARKS ON THE FIXED OILS. Of the foregoing list several are quite bland, agreeable, and desti- tute of active properties ; of these oleum sesami, oleum papaveris, oleum REMARKS ON THE FIXED OILS. . 391 arachidis, oleum cacao, oleum olivce, oleum amygdala}, ruay be substi- tuted for each other, and are adapted too for internal use. Olive oil, of the finest quality met with in commerce, virgin oil, salad oil, has a pale yellow or greenish-yellow color, and a very faint and agreeable odor; its taste is bland and pleasant, though sometimes a little acrid; its specific gravity, at 77° F., is stated at .9109, .9176 at 59° F. It is soluble in one and a half times its weight of ether, but almost insoluble in alcohol; it generally con- tains a solid deposit of stearin and palmitin in cold weather, which is readily fused by a slight elevation of temperature. The best generally comes in bottles which hold from fjxij to fsxxiv, or in small flasks covered by wicker work, which, after they are emptied, come in play for small chemical operations. The common impure oil is generally rancid, acrid, and disagreeable, and often abounds in green coloring matter; it is obtained by expressing at an elevated temperature or by boiling the expressed residue with water and skimming off the oil. The detection of adulterations in olive oil is a matter of no great difficulty to the connoisseur, as any admixture of inferior oils affects the taste perceptibly. The following are, however, more generally applicable. Pure olive oil, when shaken in a vial half filled, gives a bead which rapidly disappears, but if adulterated the bubbles continue longer before they burst. Pure olive oil completely solidifies if immersed in ice, but if one-third of poppy oil is present it does not freeze at all at the temperature of ice. When carefully mixed with one-twelfth part of its volume of a solution of four ounces of mer- cury, in eight fluidounces and six drachms of nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.5, it becomes a firm fat in three or four hours, without any separa- tion of liquid oil. The other edible oils do not solidify with acid nitrate of mercury, and the hardness of this mass is dependent on the purity of the oil. Animal oils solidify with this nitrate, but if olive oil is mixed with them it floats on the surface of the co- agulum and may be decanted. And when heated this coagulum exhales the well-known odor of rancid fats. A few drops of it treated with a little nitric acid containing some nitrous acid readily solidifies, the oleic acid being converted into the solid isomeric elaic acid; if adulterated by a drying oil, it remains soft or solidifies much slower. Pelouze has investigated the subject of the acidification of fixed oils, and confirms the fact already known, that foreign substances with which fatty bodies are contaminated exert an action upon them similar to that which a ferment exerts upon saccharine fluids, setting free fatty acids. He has also found that when oleaginous seeds are crushed so as to break up their cells and bring their con- tents into close contact, the neutral fatty bodies contained in them are spontaneously converted into fatty acids and glycerin. This phenomenon is analogous to what takes place in the grape, the apple, and other fruits, the sugar contained in which is converted into alcohol and carbonic acid as soon as the cells which separate it 392 FIXED OILS AND FATS. from the ferment are destroyed. When extracted immediately, these oils are perfectly free from any traces of acid. The difference in quality between good and bad olive oil is thus explained, the former being extracted before the lapse of time has allowed of this peculiar fermentative action. Dr. R. C. Langlies adds to 3 parts of the oil to be tested, in a small flask, 1 part of nitric acid (prepared by mixing 3 parts acid, sp. gr. 1.33, and 1 part water), and heats in a water-bath ; if the oil assumes a lighter color it is pure, if it becomes red the presence of oil from seeds may be considered cer- tain. Almond oil is procured from the kernels by expression, the best in our wholesale market being imported in jugs from England. Some few pharmacists in the United States have presses, with which they prepare this elegant product in great purity and per- fection. It has about the specific gravity of olive oil, and is with- out its green tinge of color, so that it generally makes a whiter ointment. Almond oil is soluble in 25 parts of cold and 6 parts of boiling alcohol. In selling and prescribing it, care should be taken that it be not confounded with the essential oil of bitter almond. The name has been changed in the late edition of the Pharmacopoeia to Oleum Amygdala? Dulcis. It is well known that some wholesale drug houses fraudulently substitute for this valuable oil, oil of poppy seed, which has little over half its money value; the fraud may be detected by mixing upon a glass or porcelain slab a few drops of the suspected oil with about an equal number of drops of nitric acid ; the oil of poppies, being a drying oil, retains its fluidity, while the almond oil soon becomes hard. Oil of Benne Seed. — Sesamum orientale has been produced in this country, and is recommended as a desirable production to add to our agricultural resources. The plant grows well, particularly in the South, and has been estimated to yield ten bushels of the seed to the acre; the yield of oil approaches two and a half gallons to the bushel. The seeds should be planted as soon as the frost is out of the ground in drills three feet apart, and six inches distance along the drills. Poppy seed oil is imported in casks in considerable quantity from Germany, where it is frequently employed as a substitute for sweet oil for table use, and by some practitioners is preferred to oil of al- monds. In this country it is made use of for the same purposes, and is besides often fraudulently substituted for or mixed with olive and almond oil, which see. Oil of Groundnuts. — A fine oil is now extensively made both in France and in this country, by expressing groundnuts between hot plates in the same way that linseed oil is prepared. Its chief use, as far as I can learn, is to adulterate almond and olive oils. It is remarkably free from unpleasant properties, and if thrown into commerce under its own proper name, would no doubt answer many purposes in the arts, in medicine, and in domestic economy. Oil of groundnuts has been employed in place of neat's-foot oil for oils. 393 citrine ointment, which, however, is apt to be too soft when thus prepared. Oleum Theobromce. — Cacao butter, the solid oil of chocolate nuts, softens, without quite fusing, at the temperature of the body ; its odor and taste are peculiarly agreeable, and besides its application to chapped lips, its extensive use in suppositories, and its occasional employment as a coating to pills, it has been given internally as a substitute for cod-liver oil and other fats; it is liable to adultera- tion with solid animal fats, and I have met with specimens contain- ing wax in considerable proportion. (A full account is given in the Proc. Amer. Pharrn. Assoc, xv. 347.) Oleum adipis, oleum lini, oleum bubulum, oleum bertholetiee, oleum myristicce expressum, oleum macidis, oleum cocois, oleum paimcc, oleum cetacei, and oleum gossipii, are seldom used for any internal form of administration, but in common with olive and almond oil have their special adaptations and uses in the arts, and for topical appli- cations in medicine. Lard oil, which is a tolerably pure form of olein when freshly and skilfully prepared, is, however, seldom met with in commerce free from a disagreeable rancid odor; on this account it is rarely employed in medicine. It is said to be largely exported for fraudu- lent admixture with olive oil. Linseed or flaxseed oil is chiefly used to mix with the carbonates of lead and zinc in the manufacture of the pigments known as white lead and zinc white; it is sometimes superseded for this use by a variety of inferior oils, which possess similar drying or oxidizing properties. Boiled linseed oil, particularly if litharge or acetate of lead is mixed with it in boiling, is remarkable for the rapidity with which it dries into a hard varnish-like material. This oil is sometimes used as a " healing" cathartic in doses of one or two ounces, for which purpose the cold expressed oil is preferable. In this dose it is highly recommended for piles, and for burns a lini- ment, made with liq. calcis, is used with admirable effect, and known in Scotland as carron oil from its frequent use at theCarron Iron Works. Neat's foot oil, as usually met with, is so offensive that it has been omitted from the one officinal preparation in which it was for- merly directed — unguentum hydrargyri nitratis. It may be made pure and good enough for internal use, and in England it is said to be employed for frying fritters; it does not thicken by age. Oil of brazil-nuts (oleum bertholetias), when properly made, is of a bright amber color, has the peculiar smell and taste of the nut, and congeals at 24° F. Dr. Donnelly, of Philadelphia, has used it as a substitute for olive oil in plasters and ointments, and found it to be well adapted for such purposes, one gallon of oil requiring six pounds of litharge to saponify, and yielding a good plaster of a rich cream color, and 12 oz. of a superior glycerin. Expressed oil of nutmegs, as it occurs in commerce, is of the con- sistence of suet, and has a mixed white and yellow color, and a strong odor of nutmegs; it is prepared in the East India Islands by 394 FIXED OILS AND FATS. exposing the bruised nutmegs contained in a bag to the vapors of boiling water and subjecting them to pressure between heated plates. It is entirely soluble in boiling ether; leaves nearly one-half behind on being treated with cold ether ; the residue is white, pulverulent, inodorous. It is chiefly used for external applications where a mild stimulant is required. Expressed oil of mace is now very seldom met with in commerce; it is prepared in a manner similar to the above, has the consist- ency of butter, a reddish color, and an agreeable strong odor and taste of mace. Cocoa-nut oil is obtained by expression from the kernel of the cocoa-nut; it is of the consistence of suet between 40° and 50°, and semifluid between 75° and 85°; it is liable to have a peculiar odor owing to the presence of caprylic and capronic acids in small quantities, of which the greater part may be removed by digesting the oil for several hours with coarsely-powdered charcoal, and fil- tering through paper in a warm place. It has been proposed as a substitute for lard, especially in ointments which contain much vegetable matter, or aqueous mixtures, of which it is able by tri- turation to take up one-third more than lard. Its keeping well without getting rancid admirably adapts it for such purposes, and also for hair oil; it is readily absorbed by the skin, and, therefore, is not so apt to stain the garments and bedclothes. Burnett's cocoaine is understood to be chiefly composed of this oil. Paha oil is consumed largely in the manufacture of soap, to which it imparts its peculiar odor and yellow color; of these, however, it is deprived by exposure to air and light. It is a very extensive article of commerce in England, entering into many of the cheaper varieties of soap, and in pharmacy being used in the manufacture of plasters, certain pomades and ointments, and in the manufac- ture of glycerin by distillation. It is a soft solid, melts at 117J° F., sp. gr. .968. Spermaceti oil is the clearest and thinnest of the whale oils; it is remarkably adapted for greasing heavy machinery, for which pur- pose it is in great demand; it is also a fine oil for burning, but is rarely used in medicine or pharmacy, except by those few prac- titioners who believe it a good substitute for cod-liver oil. Cotton-seed oil is obtained by expression as a very dark, almost black, tenacious oil, which, until the introduction of certain pro- cesses for its purification and bleaching, was deemed of no com- mercial value; it has since become a very large article of commerce, and is used in the arts for many of the purposes to which the bland fixed oils are applicable, and also for the adulteration of olive oil and the other more expensive oils. It has been used successfullv in several officinal ointments. (See Am. Journ. Pharm., 1861, p. 208.) Oleum ricini, oleum tiglii, oleum morrhum, and oleum halicorce are medicinal, and used as internal remedies. Castor oil is a viscid, transparent, light yellow-colored oil, specific gravity .9575, at 77°. Its taste and smell, when of a fine quality, CASTOR OIL. 395 are very slight, though its extreme viscidity renders it disagreeable. It is peculiar in being rniscible with absolute alcohol in all propor- tions, and in rendering other oils, mixed with it in certain propor- tions, also soluble; it also dissolves some alcohol, but this property diminishes with the strength of the alcohol. The principal kinds found in the commerce of the United States are, the American oil, which is produced principally iii the "Western States and comes in casks; a variety said to be expressed principally in New York from seeds imported from the East Indies ; and the East India oil, which is imported in tin cans from Bombay and Calcutta. The latter article is, I think, generally the best, either from the agita- tion to which it is subjected in the hold of the vessel during a long voyage, a great part of the time in the tropics, producing a separa- tion of its albuminous ingredient, and thus clarifying it, or from some peculiarity in its preparation. A can of this oil is often found cloudy near the bottom, while the upper portion may sometimes be racked off remarkably clear and free from odor and taste. The English castor oil, so much esteemed here, has been selected from the best East India oil and submitted to nitration, and after- wards bleached by exposure to the sun. The blue tinge of color of bottles in which it is sold, by neutralizing the yellow rays reflected from the oil, give it the appearance of great freedom from color. (See Pharmaceutical Notes of Travel, by the author, Am. Journ. Pharm., vol. xxx. p. 114.) The Palma Christi, which produces the valuable seed yielding this oil, is a beautiful annual plant, readily cultivated in our climate from the seed. It grows to the height of from six to ten feet, and is one of the most ornamental of annuals for garden or lawn. The seeds are powerfully acrid and cathartic. The activity of these and the oil depends upon an acrid principle, said to be resi- noid, which is invariably present in it, and is modified by the bland demulcent properties of the oil, rendering it one of the most useful of cathartics. The leaves of Palma Christi have come into use within a few years as an application to the mammae, with a view to promote the flow of milk ; an extract prepared from them is spread upon cotton cloth and applied to the mammse; an infusion is recommended for the same purpose, to be taken internally. Great quantities of castor oil are consumed in the preparation of applications for the hair, it being now generally preferred to bear's oil, which was formerly much in vogue for this purpose. For greasing the hair, it should have a small admixture of alcohol to diminish its viscid properties, while for hair restoratives, such as are called katharion, tricopherous, etc., the alcohol is in larger pro- portion, the oil being added to diminish the drying and crisping properties of the spirits used. Recipes for preparations of this composition are given in the chapter on Perfumery and Toilet Pre- parations. Croton oil, like the foregoing, is the product of the seeds of one of the family Euphorhiaceae. It is imported in bottles holding 396 FIXED OILS AND FATS. about twenty ounces. Its powerful irritant and drastic cathartic properties, in doses of from one to two drops, are well known. In applying it as a local irritant for producing a pustular eruption, it is usually diluted with twice the quantity of olive oil ; it should then be carefully and conspicuously marked for external use. Pure croton oil is soluble in about its own bulk of very strong alcohol, but in two or three days nearly all the oil separates. One of the most ready ways of testing its quality is to try its effect upon the skin ; if pure, the speedy appearance of the eruption may be anticipated. (See Amer. Journ. Pharm., 1860, p. 306.) Dr. Isaac Hays, of Philadelphia, has often succeeded in pro- ducing the pustular eruption by mixing an equal bulk of oil of spearmint with croton oil when the pure oil failed to produce the desired effect. Cod-liver oil, as supplied to the American market, is largely pre- pared upon our New England coast, and that of Newfoundland, in connection with the cod fisheries. Three different commercial varieties are produced, which vary in quality according to the skill and care expended in their preparation. Pale cod-liver oil is pre- pared in New England by cutting up the fresh livers and throwing them into water in a large tank arranged for the application of heat. A fire being kindled, the oil rises to the surface and is skimmed off; by standing, even after being barrelled, a deposit sepa- rates which allows of the clear oil being racked off. It is abun- dant in our markets within a few years, being used exclusively in medicine, and commanding a price, by the gallon, of from $2 to $3. The other most common variety is the dark-brown oil. The livers, being thrown into a heap exposed to the sun, are thus allowed to become decomposed, and the oil is collected as it flows out from the corrupting mass. The dark-brown oil is rancid, having a disagree- able empyreumatic odor, and a taste which is bitter, besides being acrid, as in the other case. It is used extensively by curriers. Its price is usually about $1 per gallon. The pale-brown cod-liver oil is intermediate in its properties be- tween the foregoing; it is by some preferred to either, and by several customers with whom I have met is said to disagree less with the stomach. This variety is not so common in commerce. Many dealers do not procure it at all. I have obtained it by the gallon at from $1 25 to $1 75 per gallon. There are all grades of quality between the finest and commonest oils. The large admixture of other fish than the cod in the produce of the New England fisheries, and the consequent admixture of the livers, has induced a very general opinion that the Newfoundland oil, as representing the oil of the livers of the cod exclusively, is to be preferred. This is the kind of oil sold chiefly in England, and upon which the reputation of the oil was mainly founded in the first instance. Excellent cod-liver oil is made in London from the livers of the fresh fish brought to that market. The firm of Allen and Hanburys supply their extensive demand from this source. The livers are placed in a large iron pan over a coal fire, and COD-LIVER AND DUGONG OILS. 397 heated to about 180° F., stirring constantly until they break clown into a uniform pulpy liquid mass; this is immediately transferred to calico bags, whence the oil drains out. After filtration, while still warm, the oil is ready for use. In this state the oil separates, at the temperature of 60° F., a considerable deposit, which it is the practice of some to remove by filtration, while others allow it to remain as probably quite as efficient as the more fluid part. The composition of cod-liver oil, as inferred from the analysis of Dr. De Jongh, is similar to that of other fatty oils, with the ex- ception of a peculiar organic substance of biliary origin called by him gaduin, and also some of the constituents of bile, with traces of iodine, bromine, etc. More recently, Dr. F. L. Winckler has investigated its chemical nature, and regards this oil as an organic whole of a peculiar che- mical composition, differing from that of all other fatty oils hither- to employed as medicines. According to this eminent chemist, some glycerin is replaced by oxide of the organic radical propyle (C 3 H), a compound of which exists also in ergot and in the liquor of pickled herring. From this Dr. Winckler infers that cod-liver oil cannot be replaced by any other officinal oil. Propylamine (C 3 H.NH 2 ), a product of the reaction of ammonia on cod-liver oil, is also found by Winckler in normal urine and sweat ; and, view- ing its formation as probable by the reaction in the system by which cod-liver oil is assimilated and burnt up in the lungs, he founds upon this his theory of the utility of cod-liver oil in medi- cine. The amount of iodine in cod-liver oil does not exceed .05 per cent., and is too insignificant to be of great medicinal activity ; sometimes other oils have been substituted for it by dissolving iodine in them. True liver oils all give Pettenkofer's reaction ; a drop of sulphuric acid produces a violet color with the biliary con- stituents contained in the oil. Dugong Oil. — This oil is obtained from two herbivorous cetaceous animals, the family Manitidse, the one, Halicore Dugong, an in- habitant of the Indian Seas, the other, Halicore Australis, occur- ring off the northwest coast of Australia. Specimens of this oil from Ceylon are solid, while from Australia more fluid, though with a deposit of stearin. Both have a tallow-like taste and no fishy smell, and have been used as substitutes for cod-liver oil. I am not aware that any specimens have reached the United States as yet. In addition to the foregoing, no less than thirty-seven fixed oils and fats are found in the shops of the various nations of Europe, many of which were formerly officinal. Some of these are now called for by the more ignorant classes under the impression that special virtues attach to the fats of different animals and fishes. Goose grease is much esteemed as an application to chapped hands, and to be applied by inunction for rheumatic and other pains ; it is preserved in many families for this use. Bear's oil has a great repu- tation for the hair, and is undoubtedly a good application and less 398 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. liable to become rancid than some other oils. It is met with in considerable quantities in the western cities, but it is needless to remark that very few of the hair preparations labelled bear's oil are even contaminated with this ingredient. Catfish oil, sturgeon's oil, porpoise oil, and rabbit fiat are all occasionally in demand, but seldom kept by the druggist or pharmacist; it is within there- collection of the writer that cod-liver was equally a rara avis. CHAPTER VI. ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. Volatile or Essential Oils. This important and interesting class of proximate principles con- tains an immense number of individuals which are distinguished from each other more by striking sensible and physical than by chemical peculiarities. By far the largest number are derived from plants, in which they exist ready formed, although some are the products of a spontaneous fermentative action set up among prin- ciples contained in the plants in the presence of water. Volatile oily products of the destructive distillation of organic substances, the rational composition of which is not known, are likewise con- veniently classed with volatile oils. Those which may be desig- nated as definite chemical compounds, such as creasote, may be more appropriately treated of under the head of the several sources from which derived. Natural volatile oils are mostly prepared by mixing plants or parts of plants containing them, with water, and, after maceration for a certain length of time, subjecting the mix- ture to distillation. The distillate is usually milky, and on stand- ing separates, most of the oil rising to the top, or, in a few instances, subsiding, while the water continues charged to saturation with the oil. Although the boiling point of these oils is much above that of water, most of them are readily volatilized in contact with steam at 212°, and are hence conveniently prepared by distillation as above. The unpleasant odor at first perceived in the distillate was for- merly believed to be empyreumatic, but is now said to be due to portions of tin dissolved from the neck of the still or the condensing worm, and to disappear with the subsequent oxidation of this metal, and its separation as a flocculent precipitate; this is often mistaken for an algseric vegetation. Some highly odoriferous plants, which yield by this process sparse and unsatisfactory results, are found to impart their volatile oils better by digestion with fixed fatty bodies, which, when treated with strong alcohol, yield the volatile oils to that solvent, forming VOLATILE OR ESSENTIAL OILS. 399 essences; numerous oils or essences used in perfumery are prepared in this way. Others are prepared by direct expression from the structures containing them, as the oils obtained from the rind of the lemon and bergamot fruits; while others are obtained, with associated resins and camphors, by the use of ether ; in the Phar- macopoeia several of these are grouped under the head Oleoresina. The volatile oils are mostly soluble in water to a very limited extent; and dissolve a small proportion of water, which separates at low temperatures. They are mostly soluble to an unlimited ex- tent in anhydrous alcohol, ether, and the fixed oils. The perfume of most plants is due to the gradual elimination, diffusion, and oxidation, in very minute quantities, of their vola- tile oils. Every one must have noticed that in the moist morning and evening atmosphere, the odor of flowers is greatly enhanced, a phenomenon which is partly due to the power of vapor of water to aid in the diffusion of the volatilized oils, and probably partly to an increased tendency to oxidization in contact with aqueous vapor. According to Liebig, the perfume of essential oils is strong in proportion to their tendency to oxidize in the air, though their degree of volatility has also an important bearing on this property. Their odor is generally strong in proportion to the oxygen in their composition. Certain oils containing no oxygen may be temporarily deprived of their characteristic odors by distillation from freshly- burnt lime in an apparatus exhausted of air or filled with carbonic acid gas. The odor of essential oils is apt to be less delicate or grateful after they have been isolated than when spontaneously exhaled by the plant, and by time and exposure many of them not only lose their delicacy of flavor, but become less limpid, assuming a darker color and more resinoid consistence. In the process of drying certain plants at a moderate heat, the oil seems to improve in flavor, while very little of it is dissipated, so that the aromatic seeds, as of fennel and caraway, the unexpanded flowers of cloves, etc., as found in commerce, yield full proportions of essential oils, and of finer quality than the imported oils obtained from them when fresh. Valerian is an instance of the smell being greatly increased by age, owing to the oxidation of the oil. In judging of the odor of a volatile oil the diffusion of a very small quantity in the air is preferable to applying the nose directly to the vial. Inexperienced persons will sometimes fail to recognize the resemblance of the oil or essence to the plant from which de- rived from neglect of this; a drop rubbed upon the hand and moistened by the breath will generally develop the characteristic odor. Solutions of essential oils in alcohol often disappoint the expectation of amateurs from the predominance of the odor of the spirit, which, as the most volatile ingredient, first salutes the olfac- tory nerve ; and yet these solutions may be suited to the purposes in view, imparting a lasting perfume after the alcohol has evapo- rated. It is the custom of perfumers to dilute the alcoholic solu- tions of essential oils, colognes, toilet waters, and spirits, with as large a proportion of water as is compatible with the complete 400 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. solution of the oil. (See chapter on Distilled Products and Per- fumery.) In medicine, the essential oils, as existing naturally in plants and extracted by menstrua, or as isolated for separate use, are in the highest degree useful and important; they and their immediate derivatives, the camphors and resins, furnish remedies of the follow- ing therapeutic classes: stimulants, arterial and nervous — in the latter class the sulphuretted oils are especially important — -rube- facients, carminatives, emmenagogues, parturients, diuretics, anthel- mintics, sedatives, and a few of them are used with great advantage as remedies in hemorrhages and for important alterative effects in the secretions. The most familiar use made of volatile oils in ordi- nary prescriptions is with reference to their aromatic and corrective properties in combination with other remedies. Upon their employ- ment in this connection, see chapter on the Art of Prescribing. Chemical History. — Notwithstanding the admitted crude and im- perfect preparation of the volatile oils of commerce, and the fact that they consist of different proximate principles varying in their rela- tive proportions to each other, and therefore in the results of their analyses; yet much light has been thrown upon their chemical history by the labors of chemists. Volatile oils may be classed as, 1. Carbo-hydrogens or camphenes; 2. Oxygenated oils; 3. Eltrogenated oils; 4. Sulphuretted oils; and 5. Empyreumatic oils. Another classification, by Fourcroy, is, 1. Fugacious oils, obtainable only by the "intermediary" of a fixed oil, such as lily, jasmine, tuberose, etc. ; 2. Light oils, those extracted by expression; 3. Viscous oils, such as canella, cloves, cardamom, etc.; 4. Concrete oils, extracted by distillation, which solidify on cooling or crystallize by slow evaporation ; 5. Cerates, or those extracted in a concrete state by expression, as nutmeg oil; 6. Camphorated oils, those from which a substance similar to camphor can be extracted, as lavender, rosemary, etc. The natural volatile oils belonging to the first class all have the composition C 30 H 16 , and from nearly all of the second class by frac- tional distillation a liquid of the same composition may be obtained, having, with few exceptions, a lower boiling point and being thin- ner and of less specific gravity than that portion distilling at a higher temperature; the former is called elceopten; the latter, stear- opten; it usually contains oxygen, and frequently has the composi- tion of ordinary camphor, C, H 16 O, oxide of camphene; or its com- position corresponds with a hydrate of camphene, C 10 H 18 O (Borneo camphor), C 10 H 20 O 2 (juniper camphor), C 10 H 22 O 3 (lemon camphor). A similar hydrate may be obtained from turpentine and most other camphenes by treating them with a mixture of nitric acid and al- cohol, when terpin, C 10 H 16 -f 6H 2 0, crystallizes, which in vacuo loses 2H 2 0. By the action of hydrochloric acid gas on the camphenes, a com- bination of the two is effected, which may be liquid or solid; if the latter, it is crystalline, and from its resemblance to camphor has been called artificial camphor. The behavior of a number of the CHEMICAL HISTORY. 401 camphenes towards polarized light has been observed; most of them deviate its plane to the left; the carbo-hydrogen of oil of lemon is an exception, turning the polarized light towards the right. All pure volatile oils are believed to be colorless, though a few have not as yet been obtained entirely destitute of color, while a few are so readily influenced by air and light, as, after rectification, to assume coloration in a short time (oil of cinnamon and cassia). There are very few colored oils which cannot be freed from color by rectification or fractional distillation; oleum matricarise and anthemidis have a blue color; oleum millefolii an indigo blue; oleum absinthii a deep-brown color; oleum sem. nigellae, which is of a brownish color, has the property of fluorescencing with a blue color, which may also be observed in its alcoholic and ethereal solutions. The volatile oils, by absorbing oxygen from the atmosphere, assume a deeper color, which passes through yellow, reddish, or greenish, to brown ; those to which a color naturally belongs also undergo this change, generally passing through green to brown. This change, as a general rule, takes place very slowly with the natural carbo-hydrogens; oxygenated oils change more quickly, usually in proportion to the oxygen they contain. With the deepen- ing of the color, the fluidity of the volatile oils is lessened owing to a resinification taking place, some gradually assuming the con- sistence of resins; at the same time the odor is altered and rendered more or less unpleasant. The less stearopten oils contain, the less are they influenced by change of temperature, while from all a few crystals may be ob- tained in the cold, unless they have been entirely deprived of the water dissolved by them in minute quantities during their prepa- ration. As the carbo-hydrogens are not solidified by a low tempe- rature, a change in the amount of the stearopten must necessarily alter the freezing and melting points of the volatile oils, the latter of which is alwaj^s several degrees above the former. Gr. H. Zeller, from his own observations with oils prepared by himself, gives the following : — Oleum anisi solidifies at 430 to G60 F. liquefies at 680 (< " stellati " " 54 " 59 " « a 63.5 << arnicas flor. " << « 100 " fceniculi (mostly elseopten) " bel.+5 " <( (< 21 " " (rich in stearopt.) " at 41 "45 " " matricarige " " 10 " 5 " H it 21 " petroselini " " 36 " 50 " " rosoe geran " " 88 «( a 100 The boiling point is variable from the same cause ; volatile oils commence to boil at comparatively low temperatures, when elseopten with little stearopten distils over ; gradually the boiling point rises and the distillates contain more of the stearopten ; the boiling point of any pure compound of the volatile oils is stationary. The relations between certain essential oils, organic acids, and neutral principles found in plants, constituting regular series of chemical compounds, though not as yet discovered" to extend to 26 402 ON" VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. any great number of them, are among the most curious and in- teresting developments of modern chemistry. The following sylla- bus embraces most of these : — Benzyle, Bz . C ]4 H 10 O 2 Hydruret of Bz, oil of bitter almond C 7 H 6 Oxide of Bz, anhydrous benzoic acid C 7 B 6 2 " crystallized " C 7 H 6 2 -fH0 Cynnarayle, Ci C 9 H 8 Hydruret of Ci, oil of cinnamon . C 9 H 9 Oxide of Ci, cinnamic acid . C g Hg0 2 C 10 tf n O Cumyle ..... Hydruret of cumyle, oil of cumin ^10^-12^ Oxide of cumyle, cuminic acid C 10 H 12 O 2 Thymyle, Th ^10^13 Hydruret of Th, thymene ^10"l4 Oxide of Th, thymol . C 10 H 14 O • "Carvol," oil of caraway C 10 H l4 O " Carvacrol," creasote of camphor Ci Hi 4 O Rutyle, Rut .... Ci H 19 O Hydruret of But, oil of rue . C 10 H 20 O * Salicyle, Sal .... C 7 H 5 2 Hydruret of Sal (spirous acid)f . HC 7 H 5 Helicin -f- aq. . C 7 H 6 2 +C 6 H 12 6 (glucose) Saligenin ...... C 7 H 8 2 Salicin -\- 2 aq. . ^13^18^7 Salicylic acid .... C 7 H 6 3 Salicilate of oxide of methyle, oil of gn ulthe ria . CH 3 C 7 H 5 3 Adulterations and Tests. Essential oils are liable to be adulterated with fixed oils, with alcohol, and with other and cheaper essential oils. The mode of detecting these adulterations is as follows : — With Fixed Oils. — Oils thus adulterated leave upon bibulous paper a greasy spot, which remains even after long-continued heat- ing over the name of a lamp. Sometimes, owing to the essential oil being partially resinified, it leaves a mark which is devoid of transparency and possesses a peculiar gloss, while the stain from a fixed oil is transparent, and, when completely absorbed by the paper, devoid of a distinct gloss — besides, when soaked in alcohol and heated, the resinous stain can be wiped off, while the fatty stain cannot be removed. When a mixture of volatile and fixed oils is distilled with water, the volatile oil passes over while the fixed oil remains, and may be saponified with alkali. On dissolv- ing the volatile oil in strong alcohol, in the proportion indicated in the syllabus, the greater part of the fixed oii remains undis- solved. Small proportions of fixed oils may escape detection if soluble to any extent in alcohol, and this difficulty is increased by the increased solubility of the fixed oils from admixture with essential oils. With Alcohol. — When the proportion of alcohol is considerable, the greater part of it may be extracted by water, the liquid be- coming turbid, and the oil finally separating. When the quantity of the adulteration is small, it is better to shake it with olive oil, * The aldehyde of caprinic acid. t Oil of spirsea (see Acids). ADULTERATIONS AND TESTS. 403 which dissolves the essential oil, and separates the alcohol in a layer floating on the surface. The quantity of alcohol is shown approximately by shaking the adulterated oil with an equal bulk of water in a minim measure or test-tube graduated for the pur- pose, and observing the diminution of its volume. Into a gradu- ated tube, two-thirds filled with the oil, some pieces of chloride of calcium may be introduced, and a gentle heat applied for a few minutes with agitation. If no alcohol is present, the lumps of chloride of calcium appear unaltered on cooling ; if it contains alcohol, they will show a disposition to coalesce, and if it is in considerable proportion, a fluid layer will separate at the bottom, on which the oil will float. This is especially applicable to oil of lemon, of which 480 grains, mixed with 15 of alcohol, liquefies 3 grains of chloride of calcium. The suspected oil being agitated with dry acetate of potassium, if dissolved, on mixture with sul- phuric acid, and heating, the odor of acetic ether is evolved, re- cognizable by its odor. Nitric acid, added to oil of bitter almonds, will only give off nitrous fumes in case of its adulteration with alcohol. With other Essential Oils. — One means of detecting these com- mon adulterations is by rubbing a small quantity upon the hand and noticing the odor before and after it is dried, or in setting fire to a small portion and blowing it out again, when the foreign odor may generally be perceived. If, on agitating the suspected oil with its own bulk of strong alcohol, it is not completely dissolved, probably oil of turpentine, or some other sparingly soluble oil, is present. Most carbo-hydrogens require over 10 parts of alcohol, of .85 sp. gr., to dissolve them. Oil of savine is soluble in 2 parts of alcohol of this strength, which affords a means of detecting its adulteration by the oil of turpentine. Oils of copaiba, cubebs, and the empyreumatic oils, are recog- nized by the absence of a violent fulminating reaction with iodine. The natural carbo-hydrogens prevent the reaction of the oxy- genated oils with a proportionate amount of nitroprussicle of cop- per, which must, therefore, be used in very small quantity only. This reagent is prepared, according to Wittstein, by the follow- ing process: 10 ounces nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.20, are stirred into 4 ounces powdered ferrocyanuret of potassium, afterwards digested on a water-bath until the filtered solution is precipitated with a slate-color by a protosalt of iron; the liquid is then diluted with twice its measure of water, neutralized with carbonate of sodium, heated to the boiling point, filtered, and precipitated with sulphate of copper; the precipitate is well washed and dried at a moderate heat. The color imparted to oxygenated oils, so far as examined, is characteristic and striking: For ol. cajeputi viride, olive-green; ol. caryoph., pink, violet, cherry-red, reddish-brown, opaque; ol. cassias, hyacinthine, deep Drown, red; ol. chenopodii, instantly brown, red; ol. millefolii, pale blue, dark green ; ol. monardse, color- less, green, brown, black; ol. myrciae, greenish, greenish-brown to 404 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. brown-black. The others are yellow or brown, combined with yellow and red. (See Proceed. Am. Pharm. Asso., 1858, p. 344.) Nitric acid reacts energetically with but few volatile oils, unless heat be applied, but oxidizes them slowly. The binary essential oils are converted into a hard or brittle resin, with the exception of oleum sabinae, which yields merely a liquid of about the consis- tence of olive oil. The oxygenated oils, on the other hand, are usually converted into a thick liquid or soft resinous mass; ol. absinthii, aurantii corticis, calami, cari, caryophylli, cassiae, matri- cariae, menthae crispae, origani vulgaris, petroselini, and Valerianae yield with this reagent, without the application of heat, hard and even brittle resin, in some instances with, the evolution of vapors of HE"0 2 . Sulphuric acid, produces with but few volatile oils any character- istic reaction; it usually renders them more consistent; but converts them very rarely into a dark resin; the color of the acid, after the reaction has ceased, is generally of various shades of brown or reel dish-brown. The color of the following oils is finally changed to blue or violet by H 2 S0 4 , ol. absinthii, caryophylli, and Valerianae; to olive-green, ol. cinnamomi Chinens. ; to blood-red, ol. anisi stellati, origani vulg., and petroselini; to carmine red or purple, ol. cinnamomi Ceylon, cumini, foeniculi, majoranae, salviae, serpylli, and thymi. The sulphuric acid turns to a pure red, blood-red, or purple color, with ol. anisi, anisi stellati, calami, cassiae, foeniculi, macidis, and serpylli. Iodine applied in fine powder reacts very differently with the various essential oils, but this reaction is greatly modified by their age, being generally less energetic in proportion to their resinifica- tion and with the diminution of temperature, so that different results are obtained at our medium summer heat, and in winter at the moderate temperature at which our rooms are usually main- tained. The binary oils are fulminating in a high degree with iodine, except ol. copaibae, cubebae, and elemi, which are but moderately acted upon. Of the oxygenated oils, those of the Aurantiaceae ful- minate with iodine; also ol. lavandulae, macidis, origani vulg., petroselini, and spicae. Ethereal solution of iodine exerts, as a general rule, a less power- ful action upon the volatile oils than iodine in substance. Bromine fulminates with many oils most violently ; the reaction is frequently so forcible as to throw out of the vessel most of its contents. An ethereal solution of bromine is better adapted for this purpose, because the reaction with the oils is sufficiently slow to notice any changes in their color and consistency. (See Proceed. Am. Pharm. Asso., 1858, p. 344, and 1859, p. 338, where this sub- ject is fully treated of by Prof. J. M. Maisch.) In examining volatile oils for their purity, it is advisable to take into consideration all their physical properties and their behavior with various reagents; the greater or smaller amount of either CARBO-HYDROGEN ESSENTIAL OILS. 405 stearopten or elseopten will modify, to a certain extent, their phy- sical and chemical properties. The preservation of the volatile oils free from alteration by time seems to be facilitated by keeping them well secured in small bottles secluded from the light, and by the addition of alcohol even in small proportion. Carl Frtih recom- mends the following method for oils of lemon and orange: to every pound of the oil one ounce of alcohol is added and well mixed, then an ounce of water is added, which withdraws the alcohol from the oil and collects at the bottom as diluted alcohol, separating a resinous film. To restore old and resinified volatile oils Curieux recommends a strong solution of borax, which is mixed with animal charcoal, and then agitated with the oil; the latter separates free from resin, and with the original odor. For large quantities the simplest pro- cess is, probably, redistillation with water, and sometimes with a little alkali. A process successfully applied by Charles Bullock, of Philadel- phia, to oil of lemon consisted of mixing the oil with a solution of permanganate of potassium, in the proportion of an ounce of the salt to eight ounces of water; this quantity is sufficient for four pounds of the oil. The mixed oil and solution being agitated together for a long time, the oil was decanted, mixed with fresh water, and warmed gently till it floated perfectly clear on the sur- face. Class 1st. — Carbo-Hydrogen Essential Oils. The most simple essential oils are those which consist of carbon and hydrogen alone. Some of these are frequently associated with the oxygenated essential oils. The conifers, leguminosse, and piperacese yield nearly all that are known. Although these are so similar in composition, they are as dissimilar in many of their pro- perties as they are unlike the members of the ox} T genated group. As already stated, when absolutely pure and exposed to no oxidiz- ing influences, they are quite inodorous, and it is impossible in this state to distinguish oil of lemon from oil of turpentine, or oil of juniper from oil of neroli. As soon as they are exposed to ordi- nary external influences, however, they develop their characteristic odors and become less limpid and free from color. Left in contact with about an equal volume of alcohol and one part of nitric acid, they gradually absorb water and separate an indifferent crystalliz- able hydrate, which has been called terpin. By nitric acid they are converted into hard resins, and sulphuric acid colors them, mostly of various shades of red; nearly all fulminate with iodine, or like the oils of cubebs and elemi evolve at least vapors. With hydrochloric acid gas they yield either solid or liquid compounds. As a class, they are the least soluble in alcohol and in water, and have the lowest specific gravity. Several of them are among the most useful of vegetable stimulants. The composition of the carbo- hydrogen essential oils is C 10 H 16 , or some multiple of C 5 H 8 ; they 406 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. are therefore called terebenes or camphenes, and may be regarded as the radical of camphor, as the following table shows: — Camphene Borneo camphor Terpin (Juniper camphor} Lemon camphor Camphor from Camphora offi- cinarum . Camphoric acid C ]0 H 16 O C 10 B 16°4 Syllabus of Empyreumatic Volatile Oils. Caoutchine, from caoutchouc. Colophene, rosin oil, from rosin. 01. asphalti, from asphal- tum. 01. betulse, from bark of Betula alba. 01. succini, from amber. Oleum petrge, petroleum. Paraffinum, paraffin. 1. Boils at 340° ; odor resembling lemon ; taste burning, aro- matic; sp. gr. .842. Colorless in transmitted, indigo-blue by reflected light; sp. gr. .940 ; boils at 600° ; odor peculiar, empyreumatic ; used in painting. Contains two isomeric compounds; cold HN0 3 colors it brown. Odor agreeably terebinthinate ; sp. gr. .847. Yellow, sp. gr. .80 to .88 ; odor empyreumatic ; used as anti- spasmodic internally and externally; contains several iso- meric oils; with 6 parts fuming HN0 3 yields artificial musk; formerly often employed as a substitute for musk. 2. Composition C„H ra . From springs in coal regions; colorless and thin; yellow, brown, and almost black, and thick oily ; the American coal oil, kerosene, belongs to this class, as well as Barba- does tar; consists of numerous isomeric oils. Crystalline, inodorous, and tasteless ; possesses little affinity for chemical reagents ; fusing point varies from 91° to 149°; stoppers rubbed with it do not adhere to neck of bottles containing alkalies. Oleum cadinum, from the wood of Juniper oxyce- drus. Eupion. Chysene C 6 H 4 Pyrene C 15 H 12 Photagene. Naphthalin C 10 H 8 3. Composition various. Used in Greece for chronic eruptions on the skin, in the form of plasma, etc. Colorless, aromatic, indifferent, boils at 110° ; isomeric bodies of composition C n H.n-\- 2 ' accompanies creasote. Golden-yellow, crystalline, in coal tar. Colorless microscopic needles, in coal tar. From the tar of turf, bituminous coal, etc. ; colorless, thin, of great illuminating power; with HN0 3 nitro-benzole and other nitrogenated compounds. In coal tar, soot, etc. ; colorless rhombic laminae, slightly aromatic, fusible at 175°. So far as examined, these carbo-hydrogens are not altered in ap- pearance on being boiled with nitro-prusside of copper, a reagent before adverted to as of much interest in connection with the oxy- genated essential oils ; they even have the power to prevent a certain quantity of this body from acting on the oxygenated oils. Notwithstanding their isomerism, their odor, boiling point, and optical behavior vary considerably. It is frequently only by the last two means that we are enabled to conclude on the purity of these volatile oils. Berth elot has shown that by the fractional dis- tillation of ordinary oil of turpentine different portions may be obtained, being alike in odor and composition, but having a some- what different boiling point, deviating polarized light with a dif- CARBO-HYDROGEN ESSENTIAL OILS. 407 ferent degree, and entering with hydrochloric acid into combina- tions of a slightly different character. The following syllabus contains those binary oils which are obtained as such directly from the plants, or merely by a simple rectification of the crude product. Syllabus of Plants yielding Carbo-Hydrogen Essential Oils. Dijj'eracece. Dryobalanops caniphora, Borneo camphor tree. In the cavities of the trunk. Terebinthaccce. Amyris elemifera, Elemi tree — oleoresiu. Balsnmodendron rnyrrha, myrrh — gum resin. Boswellia serrata, East India Oli- banum tree — gum resin. Hedwigia balsamifera, Mountain balsam — oleoresiu. Legiimhiosce. Copaifera (various species) — oleo- Piperaccce. Piper cubeba, cubeb — fruit. Piper nigra, black pepper — fruit. Conifer se. Abies canadensis, hemlock spruce fir— boughs. Juniperus communis, juniper — fruit, tops, and wood. Juniperus sabina, savin — leaves. Juniperis Virginiana, Red cedar — leaves. Pinus pumilio, Mountain pine — oleoresin. Pinus palustris and other species of pine — oleoresin. Pinus sabiniana. Oleum camphorse, sp. gr. .92 to .945 : the natural oil contains camphors; solid with HC1. 01. elemi; yield 13 per cent.; colorless; sp. gr. .852 ; odor agreeable, terebinthinate ; with HC1 a liquid and solid compound. 01. myrrhae ; yield 2 to 2\ per cent. ; colorless or yellowish; taste aromatic camphoraceous ; used in toothache. 01. Olibani ; yield 4 to 5 per cent. ; colorless ; sp. gr. .86G ; odor terebinthinate ; contains very little ; explodes when heated with HN0 3 . 01. Hedwigise ; yield 11 per cent, ; yellowish; odor terebinthinate ; by HN0 2 , flesh-colored and car- mine. 01. Copaibse ; yield 40 to 80 per cent.; colorless; sp. gr. .87 to .91 ; with 20 to 30 p. alcohol a tur- bid solution ; C 10 H" 16 -f- 2HC1 solid ; yields terpin slowly ; fulminates slightly with I. 01. cubebae ; yield 5 to 15.5 per cent. ; colorless; sp. gr. .92 to .93; with 27 alcohol opalescent; with I yellow and gray vapors ; by HgSO^, brown- red. 01. Piperis nigrae ; yield 1 to 3 per cent. ; sp. gr. .86 to .89 ; no solid compound with HC1. Oil of hemlock or spruce ; yield 1 oz. per 8 lb. See Am. Journ. Ph., 1859, 29. 01. Juniperi ; yield of fruit £ to 2£ per cent. ; color- less ; sp. gr. .85 to .91 : 30^^+ 2HC1 is liquid ; yields terpin very slowly; with 12 p. alcohol turbid ; very fulminating with I. 01. sabinaa ; yield 1 to 5 per cent. ; colorless ; sp. gr. .89 to .94 ; soluble in 2 p. alcohol, with mare opalescent; compound with HC1 not solid ; yields terpin after several months sam ; with I very fulminating. 01. Juniperi Virginianse ; colorless; soluble in 1 p. alcohol, turbid with 2^ p. alcohol and more ; dissolves I without reaction. 01. templinum ; colorless or pale yellow; sp. gr. .85; turbid with 10 p. alcohol. 01. terebinthinee ; colorless; sp. gr. .86 to .90; clear solution with 10 to 12 parts alcohol; ful- minates violently with I ; with HC1 a solid and liquid compound. Abietine ; sp. gr. .594 at 61.70 F. ; boils at2140 F. For removing paint, grease, etc. ; peculiar in being lighter than alcohol or ether. The leaves of various species of Pinus yield a volatile oil containing C 10 H 16 and oxygenated compounds. 408 on volatile oils, camphors, and resins. Class 2d. — Oxygenated Oils. Besides carbon and hydrogen, these essential oils contain oxygen, either in both the eleeopten and stearopten or only in the latter. The elseopten is usually a carbo-hydrogen, and then mostly of the composition C 10 H 16 ; it is but rare that the stearopten, or camphor as it has been called, as in the case of oil of rose, is a carbo-hydrogen. Many important members of this class are obtained from the natural families UmbelliferaB, Labiatae, Lauraceas, and Composite, but they are very widely diffused in other divisions of the vegetable kingdom. In some instances oils belonging to different groups are obtained from different parts of the same plant ; thus the -oils obtained by distilling the oleoresinous exudations of the Conifers are carbo- hydrogens, while the leaves and young branches by distillation with water frequently yield different volatile oils containing oxygen ; the oils from the leaves, bark, and fruit of several species of Rosacea contain hydrocyanic acid, and possess decidedly sedative and even poisonous properties, while the flowers of the same plants and all parts of the herbaceous Rosacese are destitute of any volatile nitro- genized principle. Of the complex series derived chiefly from the Cruciferse, and containing sulphur, one only, that of garlic, numbers oxygen among its elements. Only three of the oxygenated oils, those of cinnamon, gaultheria, and bitter almond, have as yet been produced by chemi- cal processes from other vegetable principles. This extraordinary attainment of modern chemistry leads to the inference that many others of this class are capable of artificial production. Being composed of two or more different liquids, their formulas should give the composition of these compounds ; many, however, are little known. The empirical formulae will never convey a cor- rect idea of the composition of these oils, inasmuch as each indi- vidual oil varies much when obtained from fresh or dried plants, from plants grown in a rich or poor soil, and even collected in different seasons ; the stearopten, the oxygenated part, varies so much in quantity or proportion as to sensibly affect the specific gravity, the boiling point, as well as the freezing and melting point; all these characters, when given of an oil, belong to a particular one, and may be modified in another oil of like purity. With the action of reagents, for the same reasons, there are cer- tain final results, nearly alike for the same pure oil, differing though it may in the proportion of its components, or in the degree of its oxidation ; the intermediate changes by a reagent from the pure rectified oil to the final result, which are sometimes interesting and characteristic, may be lost or greatly modified on account of the resinification. The oxygenated volatile oils, though heavier than the carbo- hydrogens, are, with a few exceptions, lighter than water; their specific gravity ranges from .82 to 1.09. {See Chemical History, etc.) The oxygenated oils, like the carbo-hydrogens, are mostly local and general stimulants : some of them are of the kind called car- OXYGENATED OILS. 409 urinatives, used to expel wind in colic; others are stomachics, pro- moters of digestion ; a few, from their influence upon the nervous centres, rank as antispasmodics. ^Not a few are chiefly valued as perfumes, whether for the toilet or in pharmacy. Most of the spices, as nutmeg, mace, pimento, cloves, contain oxygenated oils, which, in connection with peculiar camphoraceous or resinous ingredients, give them their value as condiments or seasoners. The herbs used in soups and stuffings, and rendering savory many otherwise tasteless dishes, all contain essential oils, and most of them of this series. It will be observed that none of the essential oils rank as narcotics, except in overdoses, though those of camphor, valerian, serpentaria, etc., as before stated, are used as cerebro-spinal stimulants and antispasmodics ; the peculiar oil of tea (Thea Bohea) is probably concerned in producing its agreeable exhilarant effects. As a class of essential oils, the oxygenized are the most soluble in alcohol and water, and enter into the Aquce (Medicatce) and Spiritus introduced among the Galenical preparations. In the following syllabus, all the oxygenated oils will be found under the heads of their respective plants, arranged in S3 T stematic order, together with their most striking characteristics and uses. Syllabus of Plants Yielding Oxygenated Oils, etc. (Mostly dicotyledons, but few monocotyledons.) Dicotyledons. Ranunculacece. Nigella sativa — small fennel flower Magnoliaccce. Drimys Winteri — Winter's bark Illicium anisatum — Star anise Anonacece. Unonaodoratissinia — Ihlang-ihlang Resedacece. Reseda odorata — Mignonette Violacece. Viola odorata — Sweet violet Tiliacece. Tilia Europsea — European linden seed bark seed flowers 16 oz. yield 4 scr. ; pure oil is opalescent ; dissolves in 30 p. ale. : and H 2 S0 4 color violet. 16 oz. yield 10 to 20 grs. 50O, melts at 620, boils at 430A (See Unibelliferas.) Sold for oil of anise ; yield 1.5 to 3.5 per cent. ; sp. gr. .97 to .98 ; soluble in 5 alcohol. Ihlang-ihlang. Distilled in Manilla and Singapore ; used in perfumery ; very costly ; odor resembling jessamine and lilac, but sui generis. Rissemel. Very minute ; extracted by a fat oil use in perfumery. for Blue ; delightful fragrance ; yield very small ; for use in perfumery extracted by a fixed oil. Yield exceedingly small less, very fragrant. oil thin, color- 410 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. Aurantiaceae. Citrus aurantium — Sweet orange " limetta — Bergainot lemon *' limonum — Lemon " lumia •' medica — Citron " vulgaris — Seville orange Camelliaccce. Thea Bohea— Tea Geraniacece. Pelargonium radula, Roseum Pelargonium odoratissimum (Willd.) Rutacece. Diosma crenata — Buchu " crenullata, serratifolia Gallipea cusparia — Angustura Ruta graveolens — Rue LeguminoscB. Genista Canariensis- wood ■Canary rose- Rosacece. Cydonia vulgaris- Rose centifolia - -Quince Hundred-leaved leaves, flowers, and peel of fruit leaves flowering herb rose Rosa sempervirens — Evergreen rose, and other species Sanguisorba officinalis — Common burnet Spiraea ulm&ria lobata, filipen- dula, etc. — Meadow sweet leaves leaves bark herb wood peel petals root herb The oil obtained from orange leaves is called essence de petit grain ; .that from the flowers of Citrus vulgaris is the real oil of neroli, though probably the flowers of other species are mixed with them before distillation ; oil from the peel is mostly C 10 H 16 ; all contain C 10 H 18 O 2 . Their sp. gr. is between .82 and .90, and they all fulminate with iodine. 01. aurantii flor. yield from fresh flowers 2 to 4 per cent. ; soluble in 1 to 3 alcohol, with more opalescent. 01. aurantii corticis yield 2.8 per cent, from fresh peel; with 7 to 10 parts alcohol a slightly turbid solution. 01. bergamottce yield 2 to 3 per cent. ; solu- ble in half nlcohol, with more opalescent. 01. limonis yield 1.7 to 2.1 per cent. ; with 10 alcohol turbid. (See Am. Journ. Phar. 1858, 136, aud 1860, 543.) Small proportion ; lemon - yellow, light, congeals readily ; exhilarant ; combined with theinia said to be diuretic and dia- phoretic. Yields Turkish oil of geranium ; distilled at Cannes and in Algeria ; resembles rose in odor ; most species of Pelargo- nium are sweet scented. By fractional distillation its oil yields geranid C 20 H 18 O 21 ; colorless ; boils at 232° C. ; yields with fused CaCl a crys- talline compound, and with hydrate of potassium valerianic acid. 16 oz. yield 51 to 68 grains; yellowish- brown, diuretic. 16 oz. yield 7 to 23 grs. Is principally C n H 22 ; stim. antispasmod. emmenagogue ; yield from dry plant .34 per cent. ; sp. gr. .85 to .91 ; soluble in 1 alcohol, with more flocculent ; has been made synthetically. 80 lbs. yield from 9 to 16 drachms of oil. Oil of rhodium. 16 oz. yielded by expression 4 grs. ( 100 lb. rose leaves yield less than 3 dr. ; sp. gr. .83 to .87 ; below 86° it as- j sumes the consistence of butter ; the | odor not altered by H 2 S0 4 ; with 100 alcohol turbid ; the inodorous stearop- l_ ten is C 4 H 16 . Color blue ; cordial. C 10 H ]6 and hydruret of salicyle C 7 H 6 2 ; boiling point 380° ; sp. grav. 1.173. OXYGENATED OILS. 411 Myrtaceoz. Caryophyllus aromaticus — Cloves Eugenia pimenta — Allspice Melaleuca cajeputi — Cajeput Myrtus communis — Common myr- tle Mvrcia acris — Sweet bay Canellacece. Canella alba — Canella, White, cin- namon Crassulaccce. Rhodiola rosea — rose rout Umbclliferce. Anethum graveolens — Dill Angelica Arcbangelica — Angelica Apium graveolens — Celery Apium petroselinum — Parsley Athatnantum aureoselinum- Mountain parsley Carum carui — Caraway Cicuta virosa — Water hemlock Coriandrum sativum — Coriander Cuminum cyminum — Cumin Daucus carota — Carrot Foeniculum vulgare — Fennel Galbanum officinale — Galbanum Imperatoria ostruthium — Master- wort. Levisticum officinale — Lovage Osmorhiza longitylis — Sweet cicely Phellandrium aquaticum — Water dropwort flowpr- buds fruit leaves leaves & flowers leaves bark root fruit root fruit herb herb fruit root fruit C 10 H ]6 and caryophyllic acid C 20 H 15 O. ; boils at 470° F. ; yield 11.1 to 14.28 per cent. ; sp. gr. 1.03 to 1.06 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol. (See Am. Jour. Phar. 18G2, 25.) Yield as much as 6 per cent. ; compos. like oil cloves C ]0 H 16 and C 10 H ]2 O 2 . C 10 H ]6 -f-H 2 O, green; sp. gr. .91 to .97; stimul. antispasm. ; soluble in 1 part alcohol. {Am. Jour. Phar., 1861, 545.) Very fragrant; 100 lb. fresh leaves yield 2£ to 4* oz. Sp. gr. near .97; little soluble in alcohol; contained in bay rum. (See Amer. Jour. Phar. 1861, 296.) [0 H, 6 , odor of cajeput, and oxygenated portions, perhaps caryophyllic acid ; yield .57 per cent. 1 lb. yields 1 dr., substitute for oil of rho- dium. Carminative ; soluble in 1440 parts of water, and all proportions of alcohol ; sp. gr. .88 to .95; yield 1.5 to 6 per cent. 16 oz. yield £ to 1 drachm, contains C 5 H g O. Colorless or yellowish, agreeably aromatic. ~ l0 H 1? and C 6 H g O. Herb yields f, the fruit 3 per cent.; sp. gr. 1.02 to 1.14; soluble in 2% to 3 p. alcohol; fulmin- ates with I. Occasionally used as diu- retic. 10 H I6 and little O ; odor reminding of juniper; sp. gr. .843. _ I-I 16 and carvol C 10 H u O ; yield 2.7 to 9 per cent. ; sp. gr. 90 to .97 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol. Carminative. Identical with oil of cumki seed. 16 oz. yield J to 1 dr., sp. gr. .85; C 10 H 16 and C 10 H 18 O. Cymol C )0 H U and cuminol C 10 H u O ; yield 1.2 to 3.9 ; sp. gr. .90 to .97 ; soluble in 3 p. alcohol; acrid. 16 oz. yield 30 grs. ; diuretic, stimulant. Composition like oil of anise ; but C 10 H ]2 O still liquid at 14°, boils at 440° ; yield 2 to 6 per cent. ; sp. gr. .89 to 1. — ; solu- ble in 2 to 4 p. alcohol. Taste and smell like resin, camphorous; sp. gr. .912 ; used internally and exter- nally in ointments, etc. C 1Q H 16 and hydrur. angelyle C 5 H 8 0; boil- ing commences at 335° ; taste aromatic, burning. Yield about .25 per cent. Has the odor and taste of anise ; probably identical with oil of anise. 16 oz. yield from 2 scr. to 2 dr. ; golden yellow ; taste sweetish, afterwards burn- ing. 412 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. Pimpinella anisum — Anise " saxifraga " nigra Caprifoliacece. Sambucus nigra — Common elder Valcrianece. Valeriana officinalis — Valerian Composite . Achillea millefolium — Yarrow Achillea moschata — Iva or forest lady's herb, Switzerland Anthemis nobilis — English chamo- mile Arnica montana — Arnica Artemisia absinthium — Wormwood Artemisia dracunculus — Tarragon Artemisia contra Judaica and san- tonica (Semen contra, S. cyuse) Dahlia pinnata — Dahlia Erechthites hieracifolia — Fire- weed Erigeron Canadense — Canadian flea bane Erigeron Philadelphicum — Phila- delphia fleabane Inula helenium — Elecampane Matricaria chamomilla — German chamomile Matricaria parthenium — Feverfew Osmitopsis astericoides — (Cape of Good Hope) fruit root flowers root herb and flowers herb flowers flowers root herb and flowers herb . flower buds tubers herb root flowers flowering herb herb Like oil of star anise {see Magnoliaceas) ; yield 1.4-3 per cent. ; sp. gr. .97-1 ; soluble in 5 alcohol. Golden yellow, thin ; odor like parsley, not agreeable ; taste bitter acrid. Light blue, changing to green ; otherwise like former. Yield small ; thick, mild stimulant. Borneen C, H 16 and valerol C 6 H 10 O ; the latter oxidizes in the air to a resin and valerianic acid ; antispasmodic ; yield .35 to 1.8 ; sp. gr. .87 to .97; soluble in 1 alcohol. (See Am. Jour. Phar. 1859, p. 414; 1862, p. 329.) 16 oz. yield 5 to 13 grs. ; sp. gr. .9; color blue or deep green; tonic and anti- spasmodic. The oil begins to boil at 170° C The heavier portion has the odor of worm- wood ; the lighter portion agreeable odor, reminding of peppermint. Comp. C 24 H 40 O 2 , called Ivaol. 16 oz. yield 22 to 55 grs. ; spec. gr. .908 ; hydrur. angelyle C 10 H 16 O 2 , angelicic acid C 5 H 8 2 and C, H 16 . Color blue or green. 1 lb. yellow yields about 3 grs. ; sp. gr. .90 ; butyraceous; yields 4 scruples; yellow- ish ; odor reminding of cloves ; sp. gr. .987, by HN0 3 grass-green. Comp. C 10 H 16 O, crude oil brownish-green; yield 4 to 1.1 per cent. ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol; sp. gr. .88 to .97. Composition like oil anise, C 10 H 12 O, liquid ; boils at 400°. Spec. grav. .91 to .97 ; dissolves in an equal part of alcohol, not anthelmintic ; bitter; C 9 H 15 0. Strong odor ; sweetish, burning taste ; when kept with water, it becomes heavier than it. Soluble in 9 p. alcohol ; occurs sometimes in American oil of peppermint. {See Stearns's paper in Proc. Am. Ph. Ass., 1858 ; also Am. Jour. Ph.. 1860, p. 105.) Spec. grav. .845 ; anti-hemorrhagic. Yield very small ; " 16 oz. yield from J to 1 dr. Resembles oil of anthemis ; color blue ; yields 4 to 9 per cent. ; 5C 10 H 16 + 3H 2 ; sp. gr. .92 to .94 ; soluble in 8 to 10 p. alcohol. 8 per cent, from fresh herb ; C 10 H 16 and C )0 H 16 O ; greenish or straw yellow ; light, odor strong camphoraceous. Greenish-yellow ; odor reminding of cam- phor and cajeput ; taste burning, acrid; sp.gr. .931; C 10 H 16 and C 10 H 18 O. OXYGENATED OILS, 413 Tauacetum vulgare — Tansy Ericaceae. Gaultheria procumbens — "Winter- green Ledum palustre — Labrador tea Jasmincce. Jasminum grandiflorum and fra- grans— Jessamine Verbenacece. Aloysia citriodora — Lemon-scented verbena Labiatce. Hedeoma pulegioides — Pennyroyal Hyssopus officinalis — Hyssop Lavandula spica — Spike lavender Lavandula vera — True lavender Marrubium vulgare — Horehound Melissa officinalis — Lemon balm Mentha aquatica — Watermint Mentha crispa — Curled-leaved mint Mentha piperita — Peppermint herb leaves flowers herb herb and flowers herb and flowers herb herb Yellow or greenish ; taste warm, bitter ; the oil from the flowers has an acid reaction; yield .5 to .8 per cent.; sp. gr. .91 to .95 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol. Comp. C 10 H 16 and methylsalycic acid C 8 H 8 3 ; boiling point 41 20. 1£ per cent.; C 10 H 16 and oxygenated oil ; pale yellow; odor and taste aromatic, hot. Yield very small ; extracted by a fixed oil, from which alcohol takes it up ; very fragrant ; used in perfumery. Small proportion merce usually grass oil. very fragrant ; in corn- substituted by lemon- Carminative, emmenag., spec. grav. .948. Odor persist, arom. ; taste hot, camphor's ; yield 1 to 1| per cent. ; sp. grav. .89 to .98 ; soluble in 1 to 4 p. alcohol, with more opalescent. Oleum spicse, similar to and sold for cheap oil of lavender; that usually kept is fictitious, princ. turpentine ; the fresh plant yields .8 to 1.75 per cent. ; sp. gr. .81 to .98 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol ; ful- minates with iodine. C, TI 16 O 2 and C 15 H 28 0, ; the lightest oil from selected flowers is most fragrant ; yield 3 to 4.7 per cent. ; sp. gr. .87 to .95 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol ; fulminates with iodine. Very small quantity. Used for flavoring medicines ; also in per- fumery ; yield .04 to .8 per cent. ; sp. gr. .85 to .97 ; soluble in 5 to 6 p. al- cohol. This and other species of mentha are often mixed with peppermint in distilling the oil ; yields nearly 1 scr. to the pound. Not so cooling as peppermint ; freezing in the cold ; yield 1 to 2.3 per cent, ; sp. gr. .87 to .97 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol. C, fT 20 O and menthen C 10 H 18 ; boiling point 306O ; best distilled by steam ; yield .8 to 1.3 per cent.; sp. gr. .84 to .97; soluble in 1 to 3 p. alcohol ; more, opal- escent. (See Stearns's paper in Proc. Am. Ph. Ass., 1858, and Jim. Journ. Ph., 1860, 105.) Oil of peppermint has been used for local anaesthesia. Prof. Fluki- ger has called attention to the magnifi- cent fluorescence of peppermint oil ; 1 drop nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.2, added to 50 to 70 drops of the oil, causes this to ap- pear after an hour or two ; heat hastens the appearance, and 2 or 3 times the quantity of acid develops it almost in- stantly. 414 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. Mentha pulegium — Europ. penny royal Mentha viridis — Spearmint Monarda punctata — Horsemint Nepeta cataria — catnep " citriodorata — Lemon cat- mint Ocymum basilicum — Sweet basil Origanum creticum — Spanish hop Origanum majorana — Sweet mar- joram Origanum vulgare — Origanum Pogostemon — Patchouly Rosmarinus officinalis — Rosemary Salvia officinalis — Sage Satureja hortensis — Summer sa- vory Thymus serpyllum — Lemon thyme Thymus vulgaris — Garden thyme Borraginaceos. ■ Heliotropium peruvianum and grandiflorum — Heliotrope Convolvulacece. Convolvulus scoparius and flori- bundus. Rosewood herb herb and seeds flowering top3 herb herb flowers subterra- nean stem C 10 H 16 and C 10 H 16 O ; 100 lbs. fresh herb yield rather less than 1 lb. ; sp. gr. .927; boils at 3950. Spec. grav. .91 ; C 16 H 28 (Kane) ; boiling point 320O; 100 lbs. fresh herb yield 3 oz. ; soluble in less than 1 p. alcohol. C 30 H 42 O and thymol C 10 H u O, solid at 40O F. ; rubefacient. 16 oz. fresh herb yield 9 grs. ; carminative. 16 oz. yield 7J grs.; odor pleasant; ful- minates with iodine. Yield from herb 1.5 per cent., from seed .12 per cent, stearopten red by H 2 S0 4 . Yield 1.5 per cent.; straw-yellow, red; brown when old; sp. gr. .946; odor and taste aromatic, hot ; the commercial oil is generally adulterated with oil of tur- pentine ; used for bathing and in tooth- ache. Pale yellow ; tonic, stimulant ; its cam- phor is C 14 H 30 O 5 ; yield .4 to 2 2 per cent. ; sp. gr. .89 to .90 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol ; slightly opalescent with more. C 50 H 80 O, boils at 3540; rubefac. ; oil of commerce often adulterated; yield 1.5 to 2.34; sp. gr. .87 to .90; with 12 to 16 p. alcohol a turbid solution ; fulmi- nates with I. Distils at 2820 to 2940 C. ; contains a carbo-hydrogen C 30 H 26 and a stearopten homologous with Borneo camphor C 10 H ]8 O ; crystalline form is hexagonal, melting at 540 to 650 C., boiling at 2960 C. C 45 H 76 2 ? boiling point 3650 ; mostly adulterated with oil of turpentine or oil of spike ; yield .8 to 2.5 per cent. ; sp. gr. .88 to .93 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol. C 12 B 20 O and C 9 H 15 ; tonic and diuretic; yield .4 to 1.34 per cent. ; sp. gr. .86 to .92 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol. 25 per cent. ; yellowish ; fragrant ; in perfumery. The fresh plant yields oil of acid reaction ; reddish-yellow ; used in perfumery, and in liniments and ointments ; yield .07 to .4 ; sp. gr. .89 to .95 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol. Comp. thymen C 10 H 16 and thymol C 10 H 14 O ; colorless, turns yellow and brown-red; yield .4 to 2.5 per cent. ; sp. gr. .87 to .90 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol. Small quantity; extracted by oils; odor vanilla-like ; in perfumery. Nearly colorless ; thin ; odor rose-like ; frequently adulterated with fat oil ; used for adulterating otto of rose ; in per- fumery, oil of rhodium. OXYGENATED OILS, 415 Oleacece. Syringa vulgaris — Lilac Chenopodcce. CLenopodium ambrosioides — Mexi can tea Chenopodium anthelminticum — Worniseed Cinnamomum aromaticum — Chi- nese cinnamon Cinnamomum Zeylanicum — Ceylon cinnamon Cinnamomum Loureirii — Cassia buds Cinnamomum Culilavan — Culila- wan Laurus nobilis — Bay tree Laurus Burmanni ? — Massay bark Ocotea Picbury minor — Pichury Ocotea ? Persea caryophyllata — Clove cin- namon Sassafras officinale — Sassafras Myristicece. Myristica moscbata — Nutmeg Santalacece. Santalum myrtifolium ■ saunders White Aristolochiaccce. A sarum Canadense — Canada snake- root Asarum Europium — Asarabacca Serpentaria Virginiana — Virginia snakeroot EaphorbiacccE. Croton eleuteria — Cascarilla flowers herb seed bark flower buds bark berries bark fruit ? bark wood and bark kernel arillus wood root Small proportion ; usually extracted by fat oils ; used in perfumery. 16 oz. yield 26 grs. taste and smell. C 10 H 16 and C 10 H 16 O 2 ; 1 per cent. ; sp. gr. burning aromatic anthelmintic ; yield .908. bark fComp. C 10 H 16 , hydruret cinnamyle= C 9 H 8 0, cinnamic acid = C 9 H 8 2 , and resin ; Chinese cinnamon yields .2 to j 2.0 per cent,; sp. gr. 1.03 to 1.09; j soluble in 1 p. alcohol ; Ceylon cin- namon yields .8 to 2.5 per cent. ; sp. gr. 1.006 to 1.09 ; soluble in 1 p. alco- l hoi. Agreeably aromatic, hot. Colorless ; odor of cajeput and clove ; heavier than water ; by HN0 3 carmine- red. 16 oz. yield | to 1 dr.; sp. grnv. .914; comp. C 20 H 32 O, contains two isomeric oils. Consists of a light and heavy oil ; odor of sassafras ; turned red by HN0 3 Yield .7 per cent,; greenish; contains 4 oils, differing in boiling point and odor. Origin unknown, though called Guiana laurel oil ; C ]0 H 16 and some O ; sp. gr. .864 ; odor terebinthinate, agreeable. Thick ; dark red-brown ; odor and taste of cloves and cinnamon; used in per- fumery. C I0 H 16 and C 10 H 10 O 2 ; boils at 420O : yield 2 5 to 4.5; sp. gr. 1.07 to 1.09; soluble in 4—5 p. alcohol. 01. nuc. inoschat. ; yield 6 per cent. ; sp. gr. .92 to .95; compos, like nest. Oleum macidis is oftener met with in com- merce : C 16 H 32 5 and C 8 H ]2 ; yield 1.6 to 9.4 per cent. ; sp. gr. .92 to .95 : soluble in 6 p. alcohol. 16 oz. yield ^ to 2 dr. ; used in perfumery. Light colored, fragrant. Yield 12 grs. fr. 16 oz. ; spec. grav. 1.018, comp. CgH 8 ; camphor C 4 H 5 ; yellow- ish, thick ; odor reminding of valerian. Yield about J per cent. ; color green. 16 oz. yield 27 to 68 grs. ; spec. grav. .92; used for fumigation other oil. 416 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. Urticece. Humulus lupuhis — Hop strobiles Myricacecz. Myrica gale — Sweet gale — Dutch myrtle leaves Coniferce. Thuja occidentalis — Arbor vitse Monocotyledons. young o ranches Zingiber aceaz. Alpinia galanga — Galangle Curcuma zedoaria — Zedoary Elettaria cardamomum — Carda- mom root seed Zingiber officinale — Ginger rhizoma Amaryllidacece. Polyanthes tuberosa — Tuberose flowers Iridece. Crocus sativus — Saffron, pistils Iris florentina — Orris rhizoma Lilicece. Convallaria majalis — Lilly of the valley flowers Aroidece. Acorus calamus — Calamus rhizoma OraminecB. Andropogon ivarancusse — East In- dia lemon grass Andropogon Schoenanthus herb Spec. gr. .91 burning and bitterish C 10 H 18 O ; taste yield .8 per cent. 100 lb. yield 2 drs. ; dark yellow or brown thickish ; agreeable odor ; burning taste sp. gr. .876; with I green. Colorless or yellow, heavier than water 16 oz. yield 1 to 3 scr. ; taste sim. cardam. 16 oz. yield 1 dr. ; thick, yellowish-white. Odor penetrating, aromatic ; taste hot. camphorous ; yields 4 to 4.7 per cent. ; sp. gr. .93 to .96 ; soluble in 1 p. alcohol. 16 oz. yield J to 2 dr. ; compos. C 10 H lc -f- variable prop. H 2 ; sp. gr. .89; odor agreeable, ginger-like ; taste mild ; after- wards burning and bitter. Small proportion ; extracted by fixed oils used in perfumery. 16 oz. yield I J dr., yellow, heavier than water, acrid ; by keeping it turns white and lighter ; probably the active princ. Crystallizable ; contains 21 per cent. ; odor of violets. (Irin.) Quantity very minute ; the odor extracted by fat oils ; used in perfumery. 100 lb. fr. rt. yield 16 oz. ; 1 lb. dry 25 to 145 grs. ; sp. gr. .89 to .99 ; soluble in 1 C 10 H 16 and oxygenated oil : yellow ighter than water ; odor resembling rose ; taste reminding of lemon ; used to adulterate the German otto of rose, and sometimes sold as oil of verbena. Resembles the former ; but odor of melissa ■; substituted for oil of melissa, and sold under the name of E. I. oil of melissa and oil of citronella. Class 3d. — Nitrogenated Oils. The few known contain prussic acid, from which they may be freed by agitating with protochloride of iron and lime and rectify- ing, without materially altering their odor. They do not pre-exist in the plants from which they are derived, but are the results of a reaction in the presence of water, between amygdalin with emulsin or similar compounds. SULPHURETTED OILS. 417 The following syllabus embraces the most prominent plants which yield volatile oils containing hydrocyanic acid ; it will be observed that they are all members of the natural order of Bosaceoe, mostly of the sub-order Amygdalae, and a few of Pomece : — Amygdalus communis, var. amara — Bitter almond Cerasus (various species) — Cherry Persica vulgaris — Peach Prunus domestica and others — Plum Pyrus communis and malus — Pear and apple kernels bark leaves & kernels leaves & kernels These oils are very similar in their sensible properties; the oil of almond is hydruret of benzyle C 7 H 6 in which hydrocyanic acid HCy is dissolved. All are poison- ous. 25 lbs. of bitter almond cake after the ex- pression of the fixed oil yield about 2 oz. oil of bitter almond. Nitrogenated Oils. Oleum amygdal. am. cerasi sem. lauro-cerasi fol. (Yield from 1 lb. 16 to 80 grs. 25 grs. 40.5 " Sp. gr. 1.04-1.07. Boiling point, 320O to 390O F. ; react acid on litmus paper. Iodine is quietly dissolved in small quantity. Nitric acid no reaction in cold ; on boiling very little nitrous acid is evolved. Sulphuric acid dissolves an equal quantity of oil, separated by water, little thickened. Alcohol of 85 per cent, miscible in all proportions. Nitroprusside copper, no reaction. Pro- duct of boiling with alcoholic caustic potassa in excess dissolves in water. Class 4th. — Sulphuretted Oils. Of the oils belonging to this group, only oil of mustard has been used medicinally, particularly in alcoholic solution, under the name of spiritus sinapis, as a powerful rubefacient. But the activity of, all the plants yielding these oils is due to them, at least principally so. Some of these plants are valued for culinary purposes, owino- to the presence of the compounds of allyle. It is worthy of note that, with the exception of assafcetida, sagapenum, and garlic, all belong to the family of Crucifene, many plants of which likewise yield an abundance of fixed oils, obtained by expression, free from the essen- tial oils ; they are extensively cultivated for these. The sulphuretted oils are compounds of allyle, and of its homolo- gous carbo-hydrogen ferulyle, as the following table will show: — Allyle (C 3 H 5 ) 2 Oxide of allyle (C 3 H" 5 ) 4 Ferulyle C 6 H 12 Sulphide of allyle (oil of garlic) (CgEs^-h S Sulphocyanide of allyle (oil of mustard) (C 3 H 5 CNS) Protosulphide of ferulyle ") oil of fC l2 H* g S Bisulphide of ferulyle J assafoetida 1c„H„,S 9 27 418 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. Syllabus of Plants yielding Sulphuretted Oils, etc. Dicotyledons. Orudferce. Alliaria officinalis — Jack by the leaves C 6 H 10 S, if distilled from fresh spring root hedge and root it is C 8 H 10 NS 2 Capsella bursa pastoris — Shep- seed C 6 H 10 S and C 8 H 10 NS 2 . herd's purse Cheirarthus annuus — Wall-flower seed Same compos. Cochlearia armoracia — Horse-rad- root C 8 H 10 NS 2 ; 100 lb. fresh root yield nearly ish 7 oz. Cochlearia officinalis — Common herb Same comp. contained in spiritus coch- scurvy grass learise. Iberis amara — Bitter candytuft herb and seed Same comp. Lepidium sativum, campestre, etc. seed C 6 H 10 S ; is decomposed on rectification. — Cress Raphanus raphanistrum — Wild seed C 6 H 10 S and C 8 H 10 NS 2 . mustard Raphanus sativus — Radish root and seed Same composition. Sinapis nigra — Black mustard seed C 8 H 10 NS 2 ; yield 5 per cent. Sisymbrium nasturtium — Water- seed Same and C 6 H 10 S. radish Thlapsi arvense — Treacle mustard herb and seed C 6 H 10 S and C 8 H 10 S. Umbelliferce. Ferula assafcetida — Assafoetida gum- C 12 H 22 S and C 12 H 22 S 2 ; yellow ; sp. gr. resin .942 ; on standing liberates 11 2 S. " persica (?) — Sagapenum Contains C 5 H 10 S or C 12 H 2i S (?) Monocotyledons. Liliacece. Allium sativum — Garlic bulb C 6 H 10 S and C 6 IT 10 O. TOO lb. yield 3 to 4 oz. ; heavier than water Oils that may be obtained artificially. 1. Oxygenated. Oil of cinnamon from styrone C 8 H 10 by platina black = C 9 H g O hydruret of cinnamyle. Oil of gaultheria from 2 parts crystal, salicylic acid C 9 H 8 b 3 , 2 anhydrous methylic alcohol CH 4 0, and 1 H 2 S0 4 =C 8 H 8 3 . 2. Nitrogenated. Oil of bitter almonds, from styracine C 1S H 16 2 by HN0 3 , besides benzoic and nitro-ben- zoic acids also = C 7 H 6 2 and HCN. 3. Sulphuretted. Oil of mustard, from iodide of propylene, C 3 H 5 ,I by sulpho-cyanuret of potassium Class 5th. — Empyreumatic Volatile Oils. If organic substances are subjected to dry distillation, the distil- late contains, besides water, some acids and also some oily liquids, which, so far as they are used in medicine or accompany medicinal products, are here treated of. Their composition varies very much, as would be expected, and the}^ have but few properties in common except their physical appearance, their empj^reumatic odor, and their indifference towards certain chemical reagents. After rectifi- CAMPHORS. 419 cation they are usually colorless, and are mostly not affected by iodine and but little attacked by cold nitric acid. DippeVs animal oil, formerly much used in medicine, has an alka- line reaction, consists of various ternary alkaloids, and turns dark under the influence of light and air. Poisonous; used as antispas- modic. Dose, 5 to 25 drops. Camphors. This class of solid crystalline substances has already been shown to have a close relation to the essential oils. Common camphor, C 10 H lfl O, is obtained from an evergreen-tree growing in China and Japan, the roots and twigs of which are cut into chips and placed with water in large iron vessels, surmounted by earthen capitals furnished with a lining of rice straw. A moderate heat being ap- plied, and the camphor volatilized by the steam, it collects upon the straw in a crude and impure condition, and is collected and packed for exportation as crude camphor. It is refined by resubli- mation, and then constitutes the valuable and characteristic drug so familiar to almost every one. As already stated, camphor is an oxide of the radical C 10 H 16 , and one of the so-called camphene series. Some of the essential oils can be converted into camphors by solution in water and long exposure. The carbo-hydrogen con- stituents of these combine with the elements of water to form hy- drates, which appear to be the true camphors. These are solid, colorless, crystalline, fusible bodies, less volatile than the essential oils, soluble in alcohol and ether, and partially in water. Some of the substances usually treated of as neutral crystalline principles are classified by the German chemists as camphors ; of this number cantharidin, the active principle of Spanish flies, and nicotianin, one of the constituents of tobacco, may be instanced. There is much obscurity now connected with the precise habitudes and relations of these and other crystalline principles associated with oils and otherwise distributed in plants. Three different kinds of camphor have been distinguished by their behavior in the polariscope, one turning the ray of polarized light to the left, one to the right, and one being inactive. The camphor deviating to the right is stated to be that from Laurus camphora. Camphor deviating to the right. — The vapor conducted over red-hot iron gives an oily liquid containing naphthalin and a hydrocarbon of the composition of benzole. Under the influence of heat and nitric acid, 3 eq. of oxygen combine with camphor to form cam- phoric acid, C 10 H 16 O 4 , which deviates light to the right. Anhy- drous phosphoric acid and fused chloride of zinc produce water and cymol, C 10 H I4 . Camphor deviating to the left — From the oil of Matricaria parthe- nium, that portion distilling between 200° and 220° C. With nitric acid this furnishes camphoric acid which deviates light to the left. 420 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHOES, AND RESINS. Inactive camphor, from the. volatile oils of many of the Labiatise, lavender, marjoram, sage, etc. These are without effect upon po- larized light. The camphors from oil of tansy and valerian, and that from sage by nitric acid, have not been tested by the polariscope. Borneo camphor, obtained from Dryobalanops camphora, and held in the East Indies at a very high price, is a hydrate of bor- neen, and has the composition C 10 H 18 O 2 . It is said to be deposited by moist oil of valerian. Its alcoholic solution deviates polarized light towards the right. By the action of nitric acid it loses two equivalents of hydrogen, and is converted into common camphor. Lowig describes numerous camphors, of which the following are illustrations: Lemon camphor, a compound of oil of lemon and water, has the composition C 10 H 22 O 6 ; but, by being heated, loses two atorn^ of water. Juniper-berry water, treated with caustic potassa, yields a camphor=C 10 H ]8 O. The crude oil distilled from parsley seed, dissolved in water, after a few days, deposits a cam- phor=O 10 H 7 O 2 . Caryophyllin, C 10 H 16 O, the camphor of cloves, occurs in white needles; inodorous and tasteless when pure; soluble in ether and boiling alcohol; colored blood-red by H 2 S0 4 . Mint camphor, C 10 H 20 O, from A merican oil of peppermint ; color- less prisms; odor and taste of peppermint: very soluble in alcohol and ether. Anise camphor, C 10 H 12 O, the crystallizable portion of oil of anise ; fusing point, 66°. Monarda camphor, C ]0 H 14 O, from oil of monarda ; white tables ; fuses at 118 ; congeals at 100°. Myristicin, C 10 H ]6 O, from oil of mace ; white needles ; odor of the oil ; red by H 2 S0 3 . Sassafras camphor, C 10 H lo O 2 , from oil of sassafras ; hexagonal prisms ; odor and taste of the oil ; sp. gr. 1.245 ; red solution with Irin, the crystallizable oil of Iris Florentina. Helenin, C 21 H 28 3 , from the water distilled over elecampane ; white quadrangular crystals ; faint odor and taste ; lighter than water ; with H 2 S0 4 wine-red solution. Asarin, C 20 H 26 O 5 , from the water distilled over Asarum Europium ; white crystals; gaseous CI and H a S0 4 color blood-red or brown- red. Anernonin, C ]5 H ]2 6 , from the water distilled over Eanunculus acris and various species of Anemone ; needles, producing heat and numbness upon the tongue ; yield anemonic acid when boiled with BaO. Nicotianin, from the water distilled from tobacco ; odor of tobacco smoke; taste aromatic and bitter; soluble in alcohol, ether, and potassa. RESINS. 421 Caoutchouc and Caoutchoucoids. These principles occur in the milky juice of various plants, prin- cipally belonging to the natural orders Euphorbiaceas, Urticacea?, and Apocynacese, and are suspended therein in the form of true emulsions. In their pure state they are colorless, solid, and either at ordinary or at an elevated temperature, very elastic. They are amorphous, inodorous, and tasteless, lighter than water, insoluble in water and alcohol, and soluble in pure ether, chloroform, and some empyreumatic oils. They consist of carbon and hydrogen (the allied viscin contains also 0), and are of very indifferent che- mical behavior. Caoutchouc, gum-elastic, or India rubber, is the product of many plants, particularly of Siphonia elastica and various species of Hevea, Urceola, Artocarpus, Ficus, etc. Sp. gr. .925 ; composition C 8 H 14 (perhaps like the following C 10 H 16 ) ; fusible at 445°, and re- maining sticky for a long time ; 2 parts with 1 p. sulphur and 1 p. magnesia yield a mixture of such hardness that it can be polished. The vulcanization of caoutchouc was discovered by Hancock^ and consists in incorporating sulphur with the anhydrous substance, whereby it loses its solubility in the ordinary solvents. The extensive uses of caoutchouc, and particularly of the vulcan- ized, in the arts, are too well known to require to be particularized. Guttapercha is obtained from Isonandra gutta, Sapotacese, and contains about 14 per cent, white, and 4 to 6 per cent, of yellow resin, which are the oxides of the carbo-hydrogen, C 10 H 16 , consti- tuting the chief portion of it. It is hard and scarcely elastic at ordinary temperature; but becomes very elastic- at a slightly elevated heat ; its best solvents are chloroform and oil of turpen- tine. Pure white gutta-percha may be procured by dissolving in chlo- roform, filtering and precipitating with alcohol ; after washing with alcohol, and drying, it should be boiled in water, and while still hot, rolled into cylinders. {See Liquor G-utta-Percha?, page 377.) Viscin, or Bird-lime, is obtained by expressing the fruit of the mistletoe, Viscum album, and dilating with water; it is transpa- rent, very sticky (German, leim = glue) at the common temperature, contains about 15 per cent, (the pure?) of oxygen, and dissolves in ether, volatile oils, and warm lyes. It is used in Germany for kill- ing flies and catching small birds. Resins. The resins are very extensively diffused in the vegetable kingdom, and there is, perhaps, no plant which does not contain one or more principles which might be classified with the resins. The defini- tion of a resin is rather vague, but we may, in a general way, de- scribe among this class substances which are solid at ordinary tem- peratures, more or less transparent, inflammable, readily fusible, do not volatilize unchanged, become negatively electric by rubbing, 422 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHORS, AND RESINS. are insoluble in water, soluble in alcobol, and sometimes, also, in ether and oil of turpentine. They are mostly inodorous, and are readily incorporated with fatty bodies by fusion. They are not, as a class, disposed to crystalline forms, being mostly amorphous ; their ultimate composition is carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The origin of resins must be looked for in the action of the air on essential oils, which lose part of their hydrogen and absorb oxygen; this may- occur, as in the case of turpentine and copaiva, in the plants producing them, or after the extraction of the essential oils. To this fact may be traced their mixed character. The vola- tile oils being usually mixtures of two or more oils, the resins are apt to be constituted of several similar though not identical resins. By treatment with alcohol, ether, oil of turpentine, etc., the different constituents can generally be separated. Many of the resins — those containing most oxygen — play the part of acids, and are, in fact, designated as such; these form, with alkalies and metallic oxides, compounds, some of which are soluble and others insoluble in alco- hol, while some resins are quite indifferent to the action of alkalies. Some, so-called, soft resins possess strong odors; these are usually imperfectly oxidized, and contain portions of essential oil. Resins generally resemble the corresponding essential oils in their stimulating effects, though some of them, which may be termed acrid resins, including the cathartics, appear to bear no therapeutical relation to the essential oils. A few of the gum resins are adapted, by their control over the nervous system, to use as antispasmodics. Syllabus of Resins. I. Resins Proper. Name, origin, etc. Cistinece. Ladanum, labdanum. From Cistus Creticus and Cypri- cus. Sp. gr. 1.186; dark brown, soft. Zygophyllece. Guaiaci resina U.S. P. From Guaiacum officinale. Sp. gr. 1.205 to 1 228. TerebinthacecB. Mastich. From Pistacia len- tiscus. Sp.gr. 1.074; yel- lowish grains, softens be- tween the teeth. Leguminosce. Copaiva resin. From Copaiba. Composition and properties. Uses. Volatile oil. 86 per cent, resin, C 20 H 30 O. 7 per cent. wax. 80 per cent, resin. Guaiacic acid. Gum extractive. Acid resin sol. Masticin ; resin soluble in hot alcohol. C 20 H 3)°- Trace of volatile oil. Soft indifferent resin. Copaivic acid C 20 H 30 O 2 ; crystallizable from solution in petroleum. Obsolete. Alterative stimulant. Adjunct in pills and basis of a varnish. Stimulant, less active than the oil. RESINS. 423 Name, origin, etc. Anime. From Hymenaea cour baril. Copal. From HymenaBa ver- rucosa and other trees \ Sp.gr. 1.045 to 1.139; very bard ; fracture conchoidal ; nearly inodorous and taste less. Resin of Peruvian balsam. From Balsamum Peruvia- num. Convolvulaccce. Resina jalapae. From ipomcea jalapa. CannabinacecB. Extractum cannabis. From Cannabis Indica. Euphorbiacece. Lac (sbellac and seedlac). From Croton lacciferum by the puncture of Coccus lac- ca, and from Ficus religiosa and Indica — ( Urticcce). Euphorbium. From various species of Euphorbia ; in- odorous ; taste acrid, burn- ing. ConifercB. Cowrie, Australian Dammar. From Dammara Australis ; sp. gr. 1.04 to 1.062. East Indian Dammar. From Pinus dammara ; sp. gr. 1.056 to 1.097; softatl670. Composition and properties. Acid resin soluble in cold alcohol. Lndifferent resin C 40 H 66 O, cryst. from hot alcohol, sol. 2 per cent, volatile oil. 1. Resin, soft, fusible in water-bath sol. in 72 per cent, alcohol, and oil of turpentine, C 40 H 64 O 5 . 2. Resin, soft, fusible below 21 20 F., sol. in alcohol, ether, and oil of tur- pentine, isomeric with No. 1. 3. Resin, white, not so readily fusible, soluble in alcohol and ether, C 40 H 62 O 3 . 4. Resin, white, still less fusible, sol. in alcohol, solution of potassa, insol. in alcohol and ether. •"). Resin, insol. in all menstrua, C 40 H 62 O. Acid, C 20 H 28 O 3 , crystallizes in rhombic prisms. Convolvulin, rhodeoretin, C 3] H 50 0. Neutral resin soluble in alkalies, asso- ciated with chlorophylle. By the oxidizing influence of HN0 3 , sp. gr. 1.32, yields a crystallizable acid and oxycannabin C 20 H 12 O 8 , in large fiat, colorless prisms, insoluble in water and ether, soluble in bisulphide of carbon; melts at 1750 C. ; sub- limes in needles. The most reliable tests for ext. cannabis are its odor when moderately heated ; its indiffer- ence to alkalies ; its insolubility in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzole, and turpentine ; and its reaction with nitric acid.* Different resins, matter. wax, gluten, coloring One resin (C 20 H 31 O 3 ) dissolving easily, and another with difficulty in cold alcohol — a third insoluble in cold al- cohol, but crystallizes from hot alco- holic solution (C 45 H 70 OJ. absolute alcohol and oil of turpentine. 57 per cent, dammaric acid, C 20 H 30 O 3 , soluble in alcohol. Resin soluble in cold alcohol. Dammarine insoluble in cold alcohol. Uses Used in nishes. See part V. Neutral prin- cip. Narcotic. See Extracta. In varnishes, ce- ments, etc. Acrid, cathar- tic, vesicant, etc. Obsolete. In varnishes. * See paper by Prof. Procter, in the Proc. Amer. Phar. Ass., xii. 245. 424 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHOES, AND RESINS, Name, origin, etc. Sandarac. From Juniperus communis in warmer cli- mates, and from Thuja arti- culata; sp. gr. 1.05 to 1.09 ; small grains, pale yellow, transparent ; faint odor. Resina. From Terebinthina. Fossil Resins. Succinum. Amber ; sp. gr 1.065 to 1.070 ; colorless to deep yellow ; tasteless ; aro- matic odor when heated. Asphaltum. Composition and properties. Uses. 75 per cent. C 20 H 3i O 3 , easily soluble in la yarn: alcohol. C 40 H 62 O 5 , not easily soluble in alcohol. C 20 H 30 O 3 , soluble in boiling alcohol. Colopholic acid, taken up by cold 70 per cent, alcohol. Pinic, amorphous sylvic acid, taken up by cold alcohol of 70 per cent. Sylvic acid, hot alcohol Two resins, volatile oil, succinic acid, and bitumen, by action of HN0 3 arti- ficial musk. Most probably the product of oxidation of oleum petrse. Many bituminous resins are mixtures of asphaltum and petroleum. In plasters, soaps, ce- ments, etc. For ol. succini, varnishes, etc. In varnishes, roofing, etc. II. Natural Oleoresins. Name, origin, etc. Composition and properties. Uses. Terebinlhacece. Elemi. From Amyris elemi- 60 per cent, acid resin sol. in alcohol. Stim. in oint- fera and Zeylanica ; sp. gr. 20 per cent, indifferent resin crystal- ments. 1.055 ; yellowish white ; lizing from sol. in hot alcohol. fused at 2450. 10 to 13 per cent, volatile oil. Cyprian turpentine. From Volatile oil. Stimulating. Pistacia terebinthus. The Resin soluble in cold alcohol. turpentine of the ancients. Soft resin insoluble in cold alcohol. Opaque, very thick, green- ish-yellow ; odor of fennel. Leguminosce. Copaiba. Sp. gr. .916 to .997. 31 to 80 per cent, volatile oil. Diuretic, stimu- From various species of Co- 1.6 per cent, soft brown resin. lant. paifera. Copaivic acid, see Resins Proper. Coniferoz. Terebinthina. From Pinus About 17 per cent, volatile oil. Stim. emmena- palustris, and other species Resina U. S. P. gogue. of Pinus ; gray, bitter, not transparent. Terebinthina Gallica. French Like the foregoing. do. or Bordeaux turpentine. The resin contains pimaric acid C 20 H 30 O.,. Thin, yellowish, pellucid. which, when heated in alcohol, comes sylvic acid. be Terebinthina Veneta. From About 20 per cent, volatile oil. In stimulating Larix Europaea. Venice tur- Resins and succinic acid. external rem- pentine : nearly colorless, edies. transparent. Terebinthina Canadensis. 40 per cent, resin sol. in alcohol. Cement in mi- From Abies balsamea. Bal- 33.4 sub resin sol. in alcohol with diffi- croscopy. sam of fir. culty. 118.6 per cent, volatile oil. RESINS. 425 Name, origin, etc. Composition and properties. Uses. Strasburg turpentine, Tere- 35 per cent, volatile oil. Stimulant. binthina Argentoratensis. Abietinic acid, abietin, indifferent resin, From Abies pectinata ; pale succinic acid. yellow, transparent, agree- able odor. Common olibanum. From Pi- Volatile oil. nus Abies. Resin fusible at 2120. Stimulating ; for " at 2930. fumigations. III. Gum Resins. Name, origin, etc. Guttiferce. Gambogia. From Stalagmitis cambogioides and species of Garcinia. or reddish-yellow. Composition and properties. Uses. 19.5 per cent. gum. several 80 per cent, gambogic acid. Brown Terebinthacece. Myrrha. From Balsamoden- dron myrrha ; red-brown ; semi-transparent. Bdellium. From Balsamoden- dron Africanum ; reddish- gray ; semi-transparent. Olibanum. FromBoswelliaser- rata and an Amyris (?) ; yel- lowish ; semi-transparent. Umbellifcrce. Galbanum. From Bubon gal- banum, Ferula ferulago and Galbanum ; in grains or cakes ; nearly opaque. Assafoetida. From Ferula as- safcetida. Sagapenum. Persica. From Ferula Ammoniacum. From Dorema ammoniacum; sp. gr. 1.207; yellow; white internally. Opopanax. From Pastinaca opopanax ; reddish ; inter- nally yellow and red mar- bled. Asclcpiadece. Scammonium, Smyrna. From Periploca secamone ? Convolvulacece. Scammonium, Aleppo. From Convolvulus scammonia. 40.81 per cent. Arabin. 41.76 per cent, resin. 2.18 per cent, volatile oil. 59 resin, C 40 H 62 O 6 , 9.2 gum, 30.6 bas sorin and volatile oil. Powerful ca- thartic. Yellow, water- color. Astringent and emmenagogue. Obsolete. 4 percent. (Stenhouse) volatile oil, gum. For fumigation, at least 2 resins, one of which = 66.86 per cent, resin, C 40 H 54 O 7 . 19.28 to 27.3 per cent. gum. 1.3 per cent, mucilage. 6.34 per cent, volatile oil. 26 per cent, gum, 4.6 per cent, sulphu- retted volatile oil, 47.2 to 66 per cent, resin, 11.6 per cent, bassorin, malates, acetates, sulphates, and phosphates. 50 per cent, resin, 32 per cent, gum, 3.7 per cent, sulphuretted volatile oil, 3.48 mucilage. 22 per cent. gum. 72 per cent, resin, C 40 H 50 O r 42 per cent, resin. 33 per cent. gum. 4 per cent, stai-ch, 4 extractive, cent, sulphuretted vol. oil. per An adulterated scammonia ? resin of Convolvulus Convolvulin, resin, wax, extractive gum, sugar, starch. Commercial article from 5 to 80 per cent, resin. Stim., antispas- modic. Antispasmodic. Stim. like assa- fcet. Stim. expecto- rant. Antispasmodic. Obsolete. Cathartic ? Cathartic. 426 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHOES, AND RESINS, IV. Balsams. {Containing Bz or Cin.) Name, origin, etc. Composition and properties. Uses. Styraceaz. Benzoinum. From Styrax ben- Benzoic acid, HC 7 H 5 2 , average 15 per As an expecto- zoin; sp. gr. 1.063. cent. ; sometimes mixed with more or rant and stim- less cinnamic acid. ulant exter- a. Resin, C 30 H 40 O 5 , soluble in ether, not nally. in K 2 C0 3 . b. Resin, C 35 H 42 7 , soluble in K 2 C0 3 , not in ether. c. Resin, C 40 H 44 O 9 , soluble in alcohol, not in ether. Styrax Calamita. From Sty- Benzoic acid, volatile oil, resins. For fumiga- rax officinalis ; grains or tions ; rarely masses; blackish-gray. used here. Leguminosce. Balsamum Peruvianum. Sp. Cinnamic acid, C 9 H 8 2 , 6.94 per cent. Stimulating ex- gr. 1.14 to 1.16 ; from Myro- Oil or cinnameine, 69 per cent. pectorant. spermum Peruiferum. Styracine (metacinnameine) crystallizes in prisms. 23.1 per cent, resin, C 20 H og 3 . White Peruvian Balsam. From Not fully analyzed, myroxocarpin, C 24 H 35 Similar to for- the fruit and seeds of the 3 ; crystallizable, very indifferent mer. former by expression. resin. Balsamum tolutanum. From Resin, 88 per cent. Stimulating ex- Myrospermum toluiferum. Cinnamic acid, 12 per cent. Volatile oil, 0.2 per cent. pectorant. Balsaminece. Styrax. Semifluid juice of Cinnamic acid ; styrol (cinnamen) C 8 H 8 . do. Liquidambar orientale.* Styracine C 9 H 9 0,C 18 H U 3 . Cinnameine, C 9 H 7 2 (' 9 H 9 . 2 resins. Gum wax. Semifluid juice of Cinnamic acid. (?) Little used as Liquidambar styraciflua. Styracine. (?) yet. (See Syr- Resin. (?) ups) REMARKS ON THE RESINS, OLEORESINS, AND BALSAMS. As shown in the syllabus, most of the resins proper are used ex- clusively in varnishes, and in the various modifications of stimu- lating and rubefacient applications. Amber is employed in medicine exclusively for the products of its decomposition. Oil of amber produced from it by distillation is a powerful rubefacient, with antispasmodic effects. Guaiacum may be classed as a resin, though, owing to the presence of a peculiar acid somewhat resembling benzoic and cinnamic, it may be entitled to a place among balsams, should that group be extended to embrace a wider range of resinous substances. Recent investigations of Kosmann show it to be a glucoside, splitting with acids into glucose and guaiaretin. Burgundy pitch and the so-called hemlock gum (Pix Canadensis) are well-known ingredients of strengthening and rubefacient plasters, * According to Hanbury, London Pharm. Journ., 1857. RESINS. 427 which will be considered under the appropriate head. Elerni is a popular substitute for common resin in an unofficinal ointment much prescribed by surgeons. Of the oleoresins, the various turpentines differ in their propor- tion of resin to oil and their consequent consistence. "White tur- pentine of commerce, though exuding from the tree in a liquid form, is always found nearly or quite solid, while balsam of fir and Venice turpentine continue more or less fluid at ordinary tempera- ture. The former of these is much used for mounting objects for the microscope, and for cementing ambrotypes upon glass, its per- fect transparency and great adhesiveness adapting it to these uses. The latter is perhaps rarely met with in our commerce, being super- seded by a factitious article, said to be composed of about 24 lbs. of resin to the gallon of oil of turpentine. The genuine is esteemed as a useful ingredient in the finest qualities of sealing-wax. Copaiva, which is very commonly called balsam copaiva, is highly esteemed for its stimulating effects on the mucous surfaces; it is variously combined with mucilage or with alkali in prescrip- tions mentioned under the appropriate head, and is prescribed in the Pharmacopoeia in the form of pill mass to be made with mag- nesia. (See Pilulae.) Most of the gum resins are possessed of decided medicinal effects ; ammoniac, benzoin, and tolu are chiefly used as stimulating expectorants. Assafoetida, galbanum, and sagapenum (the latter almost obsolete), are distinguished by powerful effects on the ner- vous system. Myrrh is peculiarly adapted to the relaxed con- ditions of the system, consequent on pulmonary and uterine affec- tions ; it is well suited to combinations with iron, and is directed in several emmenagogue pills, and in the officinal Mistura ferri com posit a. Among the gum resins we have two drastic cathartics, gamboge and scammony; and among the resins proper, podophyllin, resin of jalap, and euphorbium. Olibauum is almost exclusively used for fumigation, being employed alone and combined with cascarilla, and benzoin, as incense, in the ceremonies of the Roman Catholic church. The balsams vary in their consistence. Benzoin is solid, hard, and brittle; Peruvian balsam (formerly called Myroxylon)is fluid; Tolu is intermediate, being a very soft and readily fusible solid. The best storax is liquid. The true solid storax is little used, though directed in some of the old recipes. A fictitious article is met with in commerce, which is sold for Styrax calamita, and is prepared at Trieste, by coarsely grinding the bark of the storax tree and mixing it with liquid storax. Our native "gum wax," as it has been called, has a very strong resemblance to storax, its con- sistence being semifluid, and its color and odor almost identical. Several products of scientific interest have been discovered by the analysis of balsams. Styracin, the resin of styrax, is obtained by treating the balsam with caustic soda in solution, dissolving the residue in alcohol and ether, and crystallizing ; when acted on with 428 ON VOLATILE OILS, CAMPHOES, AND KESINS. nitric acid this yields the same products of decomposition as cin- namic acid. By distillation of the soda solution left in its prepa- ration, styrole is obtained, while cinnamic acid is left in the residue. Styrol has the composition C 8 H 8 , and styracin is a compound of cinnamic acid with oxide of cinnamyle, which bears the same re- lation to hydrated cinnamic acid as common ether does to acetic acid; its aldehyde, C 9 H 7 OH, is the oil of Chinese and Ceylon cin- namon. An analogous compound is cinnameine, or cinnamate of oxide of tolyle, the alcohol of which is tolylic or benzalcohol, C 7 H 7 OH, which by oxidation is first converted into its aldehyde oil of bitter almonds, C 7 H 6 0, and subsequently into benzoic acid,HC 7 H 5 2 . Styracine and cinnameine are therefore compound ethers, the former cinnamo-cinnamic, the latter cinnamo-tolylic ether. (See Gregory's Chemistry.) Tests of Purity. Guaiacum. — Entirely soluble in 85 per cent, alcohol and less so in ether ; gives a blue color to mucilage of gum Arabic, and milk, and turns green or blue with oxidizing agents. Mastich. — Softens by chewing, not entirely soluble in alcohol, wholly taken up by ether, chloroform, and oil of turpentine, not by fixed oils. Copal. — Readily fusible, soluble in rectified oil of turpentine. See syllabus for behavior to alcohol and ether. Jalap Resin and Scammonium. — By the action of alkalies under the influence of heat, they are converted into convolvulic and rho- deoretinic acid, which is soluble in water. The solution of the resins in alkalies may be rendered slightly opalescent by sulphuric acid, but is not precipitated. Copaiva. — If adulterated with fixed oil, this may be detected by the stain produced on paper; pure copaiba, after the evaporation of the volatile oil by the application of a little heat, leaves a resinous stain, which has a greasy margin if the copaiva was adul- terated with fixed oil. Or the balsam is boiled for several hours in an open vessel with water to drive off the volatile oil ; pure copaiba leaves a brittle resin, while a soft or semifluid resin remains if the copaiba had been adulterated with fixed oil. Fixed oils, except castor oil, maybe detected by their insolubility in 90 per cent, alcohol ; pure balsam furnishes a clear solution. An adulteration with turpentine (oleoresin) is easily detected by the odor produced by the evaporation of the oils, on dropping the suspected balsam upon a hot brick. Balsamum Peruvianum. — The surest way to find an adulteration with castor oil is, to distil about 20 grammes until about 10 grammes have passed over and the residue begins to become charred. The distillate, which separates into an aqueous and oily stratum, is agitated with caustic baryta, the oil removed, and agi- tated with a concentrated solution of bisulphite of sodium. Gen- ON ORGANIC ACIDS. 429 nine balsam Pern on dry distillation furnishes products, winch with bisulphite of sodium do not form a crystalline combination. The crystals obtained by this process from its admixture with castor oil, on being recrystallized from alcohol, have the odor of cenanthol, and the composition C 14 HO,S0 2 + ]STaO,S0 2 . Larger quan- tities of castor oil decrease the specific gravity of the balsam ; other oils are detected by their insolubility in alcohol. Peruvian balsam is much sophisticated. The genuine article produces an impression of a liquid diffused in the mouth, while the sophisticated is gener- ally a solution of resin which deposits the resin on the tongue when tasted. CHAPTER VII ON ORGANIC ACIDS. Organic Acids are distinguished as a class by characteristic pro- perties. They combine with inorganic and organic alkalies, some of them in several different proportions, according to the number of equivalents of basic water combined with them. Thus, citric is a tribasic acid, containing three equivalents of basic water; tar- taric bibasic, containing only two ; and benzoic monobasic, con- taining but one equivalent besides the water of crystallization. These acids are found in nature both free and in combination. Some are very commonly diffused throughout the vegetable king- dom, as tannic ; others exist exclusively in one family of plants, as meconic acid in the Papaveracese. Some, although existing natu- rally, are capable of artificial production from other organic ma- terial, as oxalic and valerianic. This whole class, and that of organic alkalies, have a much closer relation to inorganic compounds than the neutral crystalline and uncrystallizable principles. They all contain oxygen, and are destitute of nitrogen in their compo- sition ; an exception, however, is hydrocyanic acid, which in all its chemical relations bears a close resemblance to the inorganic hydro-acids. The organic acids are capable of numerous changes during the processes of life in the organisms by which they are produced, or after their introduction into the circulation of other living animals or vegetables. These changes are the result of obscure processes of nature, and of conditions and functions of the organs, which we are unable to imitate by art. Chemistry, however, has in some instances arrived, by artificial means, at close imitations of nature, and has produced changes which furnish connecting links between compounds having apparently no relation to each other. Of the organic acids, those occurring in plants are by far the most important as medicines, and of the very few animal acids em- ployed, most, though formerly regarded as exclusively belonging 430 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. to the animal kingdom, have subsequently been discovered to be direct products of decomposition of vegetable principles, and are even generated by certain plants in their normal processes of growth and assimilation. In the present chapter the numerous acids are thrown together in groups, either from their diffusion in certain classes of vegeta- bles, from the harmony of some of their physical or chemical rela- tions, from their associations with other organic principles, or from the value attached to them as medicinal agents. The organic acids,, in this work, are classified as follows: — ■ 1st Group — Fruit acids. 2d " Derivatives of the fruit acids. 3d " Acids representing the Medicinal Virtues of plants. 4th " Acids combined with Vegetable Alkalies. 5th " Acids derived from Essential Oils. 6th " Astringent and allied acids. 7th " Acids of animal origin. 8th " Acids pertaining to coloring matters. First Group. — Fruit Acids. These acids occur in the fruits of many plants of the families Aurantiacese, B-osacere, Grossularieae, in grapes, tamarinds — in short, in all succulent acidulous fruits, and at certain periods of their maturity, in a free state, with the exception of oxalic acid, which is comparatively seldom met with in an uncombined state, though widely diffused, wholly or partly neutralized by certain vegetable alkalies, or inorganic bases. They are all agreeable refrigerants, and, as such, have a very extensive use; combined with alkalies or magnesia, they act in large doses as laxatives ; oxalic acid and its compounds are poisonous, unless in minute doses. Acetic acid, HC 2 H 3 2 . Occasionally in plants, product of fermentation. Oxalic " H 2 C 2 4 ,2H 2 0-{- 4Aq. In rhubarb, sorrel, many officinal roots, herbs, and barks. Tartaric acid, H 2 C 4 H 4 6 . In grapes, tamarinds, etc., obtained from wine deposits. Uvic " 2HO,C 8 H 4 O, -|-2Aq. In the deposit of some grape juices. Malic " H 3 C 4 H 3 5 . In apples, sumach berries, the berries of mountain-ash, etc. Citric " H 3 C 6 H 5 7 ,H 2 0-|- 2Aq. In lemons, oranges, currants, gooseberries, toma- toes, etc. Acetic acid has been already referred to as produced in the destruc- tive distillation of wood, and also as a product of the spontaneous change which takes place in articles of the saccharine and amyla- ceous group by the catalytic action of ferments. Oxalic acid is an instance of an important vegetable acid existing ready formed in plants, and also capable of artificial production. Most of the oxalic acid of commerce is obtained by the action of nitric acid on sugar or starch, the organic principle being oxidized at the expense of the acid. Nitrous acid fumes and carbonic acid gas are evolved, and oxalic acid is formed, which is collected and crystallized, and most extensively used as a bleaching agent. If nitric acid has been employed in sufficient quantity, no saccharic acid is formed ; the nitrous acid evolved is employed in the manu- ACIDUM TAETARIOUM. 431 facture of sulphuric acid or for other purposes where oxidation is required. It is not officinal. The alkaline oxalates are soluble, but the other salts are mostly insoluble in water. Oxalic acid and its salts are decomposed by a red heat, into carbonic acid and carbonic oxide, without leaving any charcoal. If heated with sulphuric acid the same decomposi- tion takes place. Carbonic oxide CO is inflammable. If mixed with sand and heated, dry oxalic acid yields formic acid, and but little carbonic acid is given oft' if the temperature is well regulated. The precipitates formed by it with baryta and lime are soluble in nitric and muriatic acids. The silver precipitate dissolves in nitric acid and ammonia. Insoluble oxalates, boiled in concentrated solu- tion of carbonate of sodium, are decomposed, oxalate of sodium being held in solution. Acidum Tartaricum. T=H 2 C 4 H 4 6 . Tartaric acid is prepared from bitartrate of potassium or cream of tartar, by the addition of carbonate of calcium, whereby insolu- ble tartrate of calcium is formed with the excess of acid of the bitartrate, and neutral tartrate of potassium left in solution. The solution is decomposed with chloride of calcium, which forms an additional quantity of tartrate of calcium. Lastly, the insoluble tartrate of calcium is purified by washing, and decomposed by sul- phuric acid, which liberates the tartaric acid. This, on evapora- tion, crystallizes in colorless crystals, with a tendency to the form of oblique rhombic prisms (citric acid occurs in right rhombic prisms). It has a sour taste, resembling, though not identical with, that of citric acid. It is soluble in an equal weight of water, from which solution alcohol throws down no precipitate. This is rather a stronger acid than citric, and 100 grains saturate 138.5 grains of bicarbonate of potassium. It is most usually sold in powder. Its principal use is in preparing effervescing and refrige- rant drinks, and as a substitute for citric acid. Liebig has obtained tartaric acid artificially by the oxidation of sugar of milk and gum by nitric acid ; besides mucic, oxalic, and saccharic (II 2 C 6 H 8 8 ) acids are formed, the latter of which appears to be converted into tartaric acid ; both these acids have identical reactions with potassa and lime salts. The salts used medicinally are the tartrates of potassium, sodium, ammonium, and iron, the bitartrates of potassium, sodium, and ammonium, and the double salts of potassium and sodium, po- tassium and ammonium, potassium and boracic acid, potassium and borate of sodium, potassium and iron, and ammonium and iron ; treated of under the several heads of their bases. Tartaric acid may be recognized by the copious white crystalline precipitate it furnishes on adding it in excess to any neutral salt of potassium. The precipitate formed by both this and citric acid with acetate of lead should be soluble in nitric acid. Neutral tartrates are precipitated on the addition of acetate of 432 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. potassium and free acetic acid ; the precipitate by chloride of cal- cium is soluble in cold caustic potassa, separates on boiling, and redissolves on cooling ; the precipitate by lime-water dissolves in free tartaric acid, and in chloride of ammonium and tartrate of calcium crystallizes out after some time. If not carefully prepared, the following impurities may be present : heavy metals, detected by sulphuretted hydrogen, sulphuric acid by chloride of barium, muriatic acid by nitrate of silver, oxalic acid by a solution of sulphate of calcium. Solutions of tartaric acid and its salts are decomposed by oxygen like citric acid ; by oxide of manganese it is converted into formic and carbonic acids. The following well-marked varieties of tartaric acid have been distinguished : — 1. Dextrotartaric acid, the ordinary tartaric acid, which in the free state and combined with certain inactive bases turns polarized light to the right. If its salt with cinchonia is heated to 338° F., in five or six hours it has been changed for the greatest part into — 2. Paratartaric, uvic, or racemic acid, which also occurs naturally in cream of tartar from certain localities. It and its salts have a neutral behavior towards polarized light. Its double salt with ammonium and sodium is obtained in crystals, one-half of which show a hemiedric form to the right, the other half the same form to the left ; the former contain dextrotartaric, the latter the lsevo- tartaric acid. From a solution of paratartrate of cinchonicia crys- tals of the lsevotartrate, and from a solution of paratartrate of quinicia, the dextrotartrate is deposited first, leaving the greatest part of the salts with the opposite acid in solution. 3. Lcevotartaric acid may be obtained as just stated ; it deflects polarized light to the left. 4. Inactive tartaric acid is obtained by heating paratartrate of cinchonicia to 338° F. It has no action on polarized light, and cannot be resolved into the right and left tartrate. 5. Metatartaric acid. By melting dry powdered dextrotartaric acid in an oil-bath ; the change takes place in a few seconds at 340° to 356° F. The acid is hygroscopic ; its calcium salt is soluble. 6. Isotartaric or tartralic acid. If the heat in the last process has been applied too long, the product contains this acid also. The calcium salt is syrupy, uncrystallizable, and by boiling is resolved into metatartaric acid and metatartrate of calcium. All of these acids are of the same composition, H 2 C 4 H 4 6 , and, ex- cepting the last, are bibasic. Pyrotartaric Acid, H 2 C 5 H 6 4 . — Tartaric acid yields by dry distil- lation at between 350° F. and 370° F. water, carbonic and pyro- tartaric acids, scarcely any secondary products. This acid is very soluble, fusible, and not precipitated by neutral lead salts. Malic Acid, Hal = H 3 C 4 H 3 5 , is prepared from the juice of the fruit of Sorbus aucuparia, or of Rhus glabrum and typhinum, by precipitating with sugar of lead, recrystallizing, and decomposing by hydrosulphuric acid. The juice of the rhubarb plant, after ACIDUM CITRICUM. 433 being clarified by isinglass, and evaporated to the consistence of syrup, yields about 3 J per cent, of crystallized bimalate of potassium. The acid crystallizes in four- and six-sided needles and prisms, is deliquescent, and dissolves in water and alcohol. Though malic acid is present in many pharmaceutical prepara- tions, none of its salts have been used in medicine with the excep- tion of an impure malate of iron, which, in Europe, is still largely employed as a mild chalybeate, under the name of Extractum ferri pomatum ; malate of manganese has likewise been somewhat used. The acid and its salts are not precipitated by lime-water ; chlo- ride of calcium occasions a precipitate soluble in acids ; the precipi- tate by acetate of lead melts in boiling water, assuming the appearance of resin fused in water. Malic acid has acquired some importance as a material for the preparation of succinic acid. Menispermic or coccalinic, solanic, and probably also nicotic, igasuric (in nux vomica and Ignatia beans), fungic (in boletus, helvella, etc.), and others are identical with malic acid. The results of the decomposition of malic acid by various influ- ences are as follows : — 1. If heated with an excess of potassa to 300° F., it is converted into oxalic and acetic acids. 2. By quick dry distillation it is con- verted into equisetic or pyromalic acid. 3. If heated in an oil-bath to 300° E., until vapors cease to be emitted, it has been converted into fumaric or paramalic acid. 4. Neutral malate of calcium C 4 H 4 Ca 2 O fi , if kept under water, particularly by the action, as fer- ment, of beer yeast or old cheese, is converted into succinic, acetic, and carbonic acids. 5. If by this fermentation hydrogen is evolved with the carbonic acid gas, another change takes place, butyric acid being formed. 6. By long contact, no butyric, acetic, or succinic acid is obtained, but another product of decomposition ; lactic and carbonic acids. Acidum Citricum. Ci = H 3 C 6 H s 7 ,H 2 0. This is produced from lime or lemon-juice by neutralizing the acid with chalk, and from the citrate of calcium thus formed liberating the citric acid by means of sulphuric acid. It is in large transparent crystals without color, with a strong, but agreeable acid taste, very soluble in water and in weak alcohol, deliquescing in moist weather. Specific gravity 1.6. As usually obtained in crystals, it consists of one equivalent of the tribasic acid + one (sometimes two) equivalent of water of crystallization. It is not sold in the form of powder. According to the U. S. Pharma- copoeia, 100 grains of crystallized citric acid will saturate 150 grains of bicarbonate of potassium, which is on the supposition of one equivalent of water of crystallization being present. Its principal consumption is in the preparation of so-called lemon syrup, and so- lution of citrate of magnesium. To make artificial lemon-juice, add citric acid 3ixss to water Oj ; fresh oil of lemon inj ; and sugar 3j« 28 434 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. This solution is much employed in making effervescing draughts. {See Potassii Citras.) There are not many salts of citric acid used in medicine, but most of them very extensively; they are the citrates of potassium, magnesium, iron, quinia, caffeina, and morphia, and the double salts of ammonium and iron, of potassium and iron, and strychnia and iron. Citric acid and its salts are precipitated on being boiled with an excess of lime-water; the greater part of the precipitate redissolves on cooling; neutral citrates are precipitated by chloride of calcium. Citric acid is scarcely ever adulterated or impure; if tartaric acid should be present, it may be detected by a concentrated solu- tion of citrate of potassium, which yields a white crystalline pre- cipitate of bitartrate of potassium if tartaric acid is present; if potassa is employed instead of the citrate, care must be taken to leave the liquid strongly acid; oxalic acid by a solution of sulphate of calcium, and sulphuric by a diluted solution of chloride of ba- rium ; in both the last cases the appearance of a precipitate is pro- moted by nearly neutralizing the acid with an alkali. The solution of citric acid and of its salts is decomposed by the influence of oxygen, with the formation of mould, and a slimy precipitate of apparently organic structure. On fusing the acid with hydrate of potassa, it is converted into oxalic and acetic acids. Second Group. — Derivatives of the Fruit Acids. The acids placed in this group may be artificially obtained from the fruit acids ; they are also found in a number of vegetables and vegetable products, and two of them are productions of animal or- ganisms. Of their number, three have been more or less used in medicine, the others, as yet, are not employed either in medicine or in the arts. Formic acid (HCH0 2 ). la ants, nettles, ergot, the leaves of some pines, old tur- pentine, etc. Volatile liquid ; odor penetrating, sting- ing; produces severe inflammation. Its salts all solu- ble in water, decomposed by H 2 S0 4 into 2CO and HO ; reduces the oxides of Ag,Hg,Au, etc. Succinic " H 2 C 4 H 4 4 . In amber, wormwood, Melampyrum nemorosum, Lactuca sat.iva. Colorless, inodorous, crystals, soluble in 5 p. boiling water and 1% p. boiling absolute alcohol : scarcely soluble in ether ; not decomposed by cold HN0 3 ,C1, or Cr 4 3 ; the insoluble salts dissolve in acetate of potassium. Aconitic " H 3 C 6 H 3 6 . In various species of Aconitum, Delphinium, yarrow, Equisetum, limonum, etc. Colorless granules ; readily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether ; the crystallized Ca salt little soluble; the lead and silver salts are white flocculent precipitates ; colors salts of Fe 2 2 red ; identical with equisetic acid. Fumarie " C 4 H 4 4 . In fumaria (fumatory), Corydalis bulbosa, Glaucium lu- teum, and Iceland moss. Colorless scales ; soluble in 200 p. water, more in alcohol and ether; crystallizing from hot HN0 3 ; not precipitated by alkaline earths ; precipi- tates Ag salts completely; the lead salt soluble in boiling water without fusion. DERIVATIVES OF THE FRUIT ACIDS. 435 Lactic acid, H 2 C 3 H 4 3 . From milk, many fermented vegetable juices, etc. Color- less uncrystallizable syrup, ; sp. gr. 1.215 ; little soluble in ether, in all proportions of alcohol and water; the salts are insoluble in ether, sparingly soluble in cold water and alcohol. Formic Acid— Chloroform and iodoform are compounds of the same radical, formyle, CH, of which formic acid is the hydrated oxide ; it may be prepared artificially by heating equal weights of oxalic acid and glycerin together in a retort for fifteen hours to a temperature of 212° to 220°. The glycerin is not changed, but exerts an influence by which the oxalic acid is decomposed at a lower temperature than would otherwise be required. On distilling the mixture, formic acid and water pass over. To obtain the con- centrated acid, it is necessary to saturate it with carbonate of lead, filter, evaporate to a small bulk, collect the formate of lead, dry it, decompose by a current of sulphuretted hydrogen, and sepa- rate the syrupy acid ; or distil the formate of lead with sulphuric acid. A solution of formic acid in alcohol is still occasionally em- ployed abroad as a rubefacient under the name of spiritusformicarum, prepared by distilling 4 pounds of alcohol from 2 pounds of ants. Succinic Acid. — Spermaceti, tallow, or margaric acid, if for several days digested, without boiling, with nitric acid of medium strength, yields, on evaporation, succinic acid. It is also prepared by fer- mentation of impure malate of calcium as follows: Suspend old cheese, 1 part, in water, and digest with the calcium salt, 12 parts, and 40 parts of water, at a temperature below 112° F., for four to six days, until gas ceases to be emitted; the precipitate is now washed, dilute sulphuric acid added to neutralize the carbonate of calcium, the same quantity of acid added and boiled until the pre- cipitate has lost its sandy nature; the liquid is filtered oft' and eva- porated until a pellicle is formed, when the lime is precipitated with sulphuric acid, and the filtrate further evaporated; the crystals may be recrystallized and purified with animal charcoal. It may also be obtained from amber by distillation. A solution of succinate of ammonium is the only preparation medicinally employed, and it is questionable whether its invigorat- ing action in low states of the nervous system is not mostly due to the oils with which it is associated. The Prussian Pharmacopoeia gives the following directions for preparing it: — Liquor Ammonias Succinatis. — Rub to 1 ounce succinic acid, 1 scruple rectified oil of amber, dissolve in 8 ounces distilled water, and add 1 ounce (containing 15 grains of Dippel's animal oil), or a sufficient quantity, of pyro-oleous carbonate of ammonia. Aconitic Acid. — It is obtained by heating citric acid for several hours with muriatic acid, evaporating, and extracting by ether. By distillation, the following three new acids may be obtained, all of which have the composition C 5 H 6 4 ; itaconic, citraconic, and mesaconic or citracantic acids. Fumaric or Paramaleic Acid. — By precipitating the clarified juice 436 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. of Fumaria officinalis with acetate of lead, decomposing the washed precipitate by sulphuretted hydrogen, and recrystallizing the acid from hot water ; or by heating malic acid to 300°. Maleic or mafuric acid = C 4 H 4 4 , isomeric with fumaric acid, is obtained by distillation of malic acid, or by heating fumaric to 400°. It differs from the latter by being readily soluble in water, distilling at 350°, and by the insolubility of its lead salt, which, being curdy at first, becomes crystalline on standing. By fermentation, fumaric and maleic acids are converted into succinic acid. Acidum Lacticum. {Lactic Acid. H 2 C 3 H 4 3 .) This acid is contained in many old extracts as a product of fer- mentation of their saccharine constituents, or of malic acid. For medicinal use it is prepared by the so-called lactic fermentation. The following process of Wackenroder is one of the most simple: 25 parts sugar of milk, 20 parts finely powdered chalk, 100 parts skimmed milk, and 200 parts water are digested at about 75°; in six weeks the chalk will be dissolved, the whole is then heated, but not to boiling; the cheese is strained off, pressed, the decanted liquid is clarified by albumen and evaporated to let the lactate of calcium crystallize; the recrystallized salt is decomposed either by sulphuric or by the exact quantity of oxalic acid. The acid and its iron salt are officinal, and have been of late much used in medicine. It is a syrupy liquid of a sour taste, sp. gr. 1.212. The diluted acid must not be precipitated by chloride of barium — absence of sulphuric acid ; by sulphate of calcium — absence of oxalic acid; by sulphuretted hydrogen — absence of metallic oxides; or after neutralization with ammonia, by oxalate of ammonium — absence of lime : 90 grains of the officinal lactic acid are saturated by not less than 75 grains of bicarbonate of potassium. Third Group. — Acids representing wholly or in part the Medicinal Virtues of Plants. The acids arranged in this group have very few chemical pro- perties in common ; they are interesting to the physician because they are wholly or in part the active principles of the plants in which they have been generated. If those grouped in division a be excepted, the acid properties of most of these acids are not very decided ; some of them are unable to decompose the carbonates, and quite a number have been long taken for neutral principles. Of the whole number, phloridzic and santonic acids only have been employed in medicine in their isolated condition ; chrysophanic acid is attracting considerable attention as the active principle of oar most popular cathartics. BITTER ACIDS. 437 (a) Connected with Volatile Oils and Resins.. Angelicic acid, HC 5 H 7 2 . Guaiacic acid, HC 6 H T 3 In the root of angelica, masterwort, etc. Long color- less prisms, without water of crystallization, odor aromatic, boiling point 3740; little soluble in cold water, easily in boiling water, alcohol, ether, oil of turpentine, and fixed oils. In the resin and wood of guaiacum ; colorless scales of vanilla odor, green with Fe 2 Cl 3 , but not blue by CI. Picrotoxic acid, C 12 H u 5 . Phloridzic acid, C 21 H 24 C 10 -f-H 2 O. Chrysophanic acid, C 10 H 8 O a (Sautonine.) Caincic acid, C 40 H fi4 1fi . Polygalic acid, C^H^Oj Cetracic acid, C 18 H u 7 ? Auacardic acid, C 44 H 64 7 . (b) Mostly Bitter Acids, some Poisonous. In the seed of common ivy. Insoluble in water and ether; without odor, of acrid taste ; colored purple by concentrated sulphuric acid. The salts are mostly gelatinous. In Cocculus Indicus. Colorless prisms ; extremely bitter; very poisonous. In the bark of many fruit trees, especially the apple tree. Yellowish silky needles, easily soluble in alcohol and boiling water ; little in ether and less in cold water; inodorous, taste bitter, and some- what astringent ; fuses at 220O, solid again at 2660, and liquid at 320O. In rhubarb root, senna, dock root, Parmelia parie-* tina, etc. Golden yellow needles of metallic lustre, inodorous, nearly tasteless, nearly insoluble in cold water, soluble in alcohol and ether, and in sulphuric acid without decomposition, in alkalies with a dark red color ; its salts are very changeable. In Levant wormseed, from artemisia santonica, etc. Flat, hexagonal, or feathery prisms, little soluble in cold, soluble in 250 p. boiling water, in 75 p. ether, in 43 p. cold, and 3 p. boiling alcohol ; the ethereal and alcoholic solutions are intensely bitter ; light colors it yellow, but recrystallization yields it white again ; the alcoholic solution colored carmine- red by alkalies. In cahinca root. Chiococca angiafugae. Fine silky needles ; inodorous ; tasteless, with an astringent aftertaste ; little soluble in ether and water, readily in alcohol ; yields kinovin (see neutral prin.) and glucose by alkalies and dilute acids ; the salts uncrystallizable. In the root of Polygala amara and senega. White amorphous powder, without odor, tasteless, after- wards very acrid, astringent in the throat, sternu- tatory, little soluble in cold water, the solution foams like soap-water ; easily soluble in alcohol, insoluble in ether ; with concentrated sulphuric acid in contact with air it changes yellow, red, dissolves, then blue, grayish, colorless ; poisonous, producing difficulty of breathing, vomiting, etc. The salts are uncrystallizable. In Iceland moss. Very thin needles, intensely and purely bitter, nearly insoluble in water, soluble in boiling alcohol, little in ether ; destroyed by mineral acids, and by boiling its solution in alcohol or its soluble salts. In cashew nuts. White, crystalline, fusible at 790; inodorous ; taste aromatic ; turns rancid and liquid in air. 438 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. Digitalic acid. (?) In the herb digitalis. Needles of a peculiar odor ; not volatile, soluble in water, alcohol, less iu ether ; its salts soluble but change when dissolved. Digitaleic acid. (?) Green needles ; taste bitter, acrid, odor aromatic ; little soluble in water, more in alcohol and ether, salts yellow or green, insoluble except the alkaline solutions, frothing (from saponin?) Cornic acid. (?) In the rootbnrk of Cornus Florida. Stellate silky scales; bitter; soluble in water and alcohol, preci- pitated by 2PbO, Ac, and AgN0 4 . Angelicic acid may be obtained by the action of potassa on oil of chamomile, imperatorin and peucedanin; it is more advantageously prepared by exhausting 12 parts of angelica root with 1 part hy- drate of lime and sufficient water, evaporating, distilling with the addition of sulphuric acid, and redistilling the distillate after satu- ration with potassa and decomposing with sulphuric acid ; large crystals appear after some time, valerianic and acetic acids remain in solution. Its salts are crystallizable, and its compound with ether has the odor of rotten apples. It is decomposed by excess of caustic potassa into acetic and propionic acids. Guaiacic Acid is obtained by dissolving the resin in 1 part alco- hol, filtering, precipitating with concentrated KO, washing and decomposing by HC1. The resin of guaiacum yields by dry distillation guaiacene, a light volatile oil which is an oxide of a camphene, and has the* composition of guaiacic acid minus 2C0 2 ==C 5 H 8 0. Hederic Acid. — The seeds are freed of fat by ether, afterwards exhausted by boiling alcohol; on cooling, the acid separates in colorless needles or tablets. Pier otoxic Acid, Picrotoxin. — After the fixed oil of cocculus inclicus is expressed, the acid crystallizes from the decoction of the residue with diluted muriatic acid. Phloridzic Acid, Phloridzin. — It crystallizes trom the tincture of apple-tree bark, prepared with warm diluted alcohol. It yields formic acid on being treated with sulphuric acid and oxide of manganese; by diluted acids phloretin and sugar, C 21 H 24 O 10 +h 2 o=c 15 h;o 5 +c 6 h 12 o 6 . It has been used with asserted success as a substitute for quinia in the treatment of intermittent fevers. Chrysophanic Acid. — Synonyms of this acid in various states of purity are, parietinic acid, rhein, rhabarbarin, rheumin, rhabarbaric acid, rhaponticin, rumicin, lapathin. It is prepared by extracting rhubarb or Parmelia parietina with weak alkaline alcohol, precipi- tating by carbonic acid, dissolving in 50 per cent, alcohol contain- ing a little caustic potassa, precipitating by acetic acid, dissolving in boiling alcohol, mixing the filtrate with water and recrystalliz- ing from alcohol. Investigations performed by Professor SchrofF tend to show that the cathartic principle of rhubarb is chrysophanic acid, which is modified in its action by the other constituents of the root, so that while powdered rhubarb acted within twelve hours, Geiger's rha- SANTONIN. 439 barbarin purged in nineteen, Brandes' rhein in twenty, and pure chrysophanic acid in twenty-four hours ; on the other hand he found the duration of the activity of rhubarb to be about twenty-four hours, that of rhein and rhabarbarin three, and of chrysophanic acid live days; during this time eight grains of the latter produced twelve thin yellow evacuations, without the least griping. The acid prepared from Parmelia parietina shows no difference from that prepared from rhubarb. The quickness of action of rhubarb in pharmaceutical preparations must be due to excipients or adju- vants which render the chrysophanic acid soluble. The active vegetable principle of senna, supposed to be chryso- phanic acid, has been determined by DragendorfF & Kubly to be a peculiar acid, named by them ''cathartic acid." Dr. Martius has not succeeded in completely isolating chrysophanic acid from senna, but the reactions indicate its presence as well as the pre- sence of two or three other bodies first discovered in rhubarb, namely, aporetin, phseoretin, and probably erythroretin. Winkler's cathartin, found in the ripe fruit of Rhanmus cathar- ticus, is also believed to be identical with this acid in an impure state. Chrysophanic acid, when taken internally, passes into the urine, where it may be easily recognized by its striking a characteristic red color with alkalies. The same reaction takes place after the administration of rhubarb and senna; with the latter given in the form of infusion or aqueous extract, this reaction would often take place after fifteen minutes and last until twelve hours after the evacuations had taken place. The root of Eumex obtusifolius, and probably other species, owe their laxative properties to chrysophanic acid. (See Am, Journ. Pharm., xxxi. 153.) Santoninum, U. S. P. (Santonin, Santonic Acid.) This is directed to be prepared from Levant AVormseed (San- tonica), 48 troyounces (3 lbs. 5 oz. com.); lime recently slaked and in fine powder, 18 troyounces (1 lb. 3 J oz. com.) ; animal charcoal, diluted alcohol, alcohol and acetic acid, of each sufficient. The process is as follows: Digest the wormseed and lime with twelve pints of diluted alcohol for 24 hours and express. Repeat the digestion and expression twice with the residue, using the same quantity of diluted alcohol. Mix the tinctures, and reduce the mixture to eight pints by distilling off the alcohol. Then, having filtered, and evaporated to one-half, gradually add acetic acid until in slight excess, stirring during the addition, and set the whole aside for forty-eight hours. Place the resulting crystalline mass upon a funnel loosely stopped, wash it with water, and dry it. Next, boil the dry residue with ten times its weight of alcohol, and, having digested the tincture for several hours with animal charcoal, filter it while hot, and add sufficient hot alcohol, through the filter, to wash the charcoal thoroughly; then set it aside in a dark place to crystallize. Lastly, dry the crystals on bibulous 440 ON" OEGANIC ACIDS. paper in the dark, and keep them in a well-stopped bottle, protected from the light. By evaporating the mother- water, more crystals may be obtained. This is a new officinal, which being made exclusively from a European seed, is itself, perhaps, chiefly imported. Santonic acid is much employed as a very reliable vermifuge, and often exhibited to children in the form of confection or troches. Dose for children, J- to 1 grain 2 or 3 times daily. It has been used in 2 to 5 grain doses in retention of urine. Its chief recom- mendation, as a vermifuge, consists in the smallness of its dose, and its comparative tastelessness. It is thus described in the Phar- macopoeia. A colorless substance, crystallizing in shining, flattened prisms, without smell, and nearly tasteless when first put into the mouth, but afterwards bitter. It is not altered by the air, but becomes yellow on exposure to light. It melts when heated, and forms, on cooling, a crystalline mass. When heated somewhat above its melting point, it rises unchanged in dense, white, irritating vapors. Nearly insoluble in cold water, it is dissolved by 250 parts of boil- ing water. It is soluble in 43 parts of cold and 3 parts of boiling alcohol, and in 75 parts of ether — its alcoholic and ethereal solu- tions are intensely bitter. The santonates are decomposed by being boiled with water. The potassa salt is uncrystallizable. The soda salt, which on account of its solubility has been proposed as a substitute for the acid, is obtained by digesting its alcoholic solution with carbonate of sodium, evaporating, redissolving in strong alcohol, and crystal- lizing. Large crystals are obtained by evaporating spontaneously its concentrated aqueous solution. It contains 74 per cent, santonic acid. Gaincic acid, on which the strong diuretic virtues of cahinca root depend, is obtained by treating the alcoholic extract with water, filtering, adding milk of lime gradually until all bitterness has dis- appeared, and treating the precipitated cahincate of calcium with alcoholic oxalic acid. This acid was among the rare products ex- hibited by Merck in the World's Fair of 1862. Pohjgalie Acid, Senegin, Polygalin. — The root is extracted with alcohol, evaporated to syrupy consistence, and this mixed with ether which separates fixed oils, and in which it is nearly insoluble ; after some time a precipitate forms which is collected on a filter, dissolved in boiling alcohol, treated with animal charcoal, and filtered. {See the paper by Prof. Procter in Proc. Am. Ph. Assoc, 1859, p. 297.) Cetraric Acid. — Iceland moss is extracted by boiling alcohol and carbonate of potassium, the liquid acidulated with muriatic acid and mixed with four or iive volumes of water. The precipitate consists principally of cetraric and lichenstearic acids. It is dis- solved in eight or ten times its quantity of boiling weak alcohol and filtered, on cooling the lichenstearic acid crystallizes in quad- rangular plates, afterwards the cetraric acid in needles ; the needles ACIDS COMBINED WITH ALKALOIDS. 441 are separated from an amorphous body, and several times recrys- tallized. Anacardic acid is obtained from the pericarp of cashew-nuts by treating the ethereal extract with water, to separate tannic acid, dissolving in alcohol, and digesting with hydrated oxide of lead; the anacardate of lead is decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen. The impure acid is purified by washing, recombining with lead, and decomposing by diluted sulphuric acid. Digitalic Acid. — The alcoholic extract of the aqueous extract of digitalis is treated with ether, which dissolves the acid and digi- talin ; caustic baryta precipitates digitalate of barium, which by decomposition with sulphuric acid yields the acid. I)igitaleic Acid. — The precipitate of the aqueous extract by acetate of lead is washed, decomposed by carbonate of sodium, the filtrate precipitated by muriatic acid, recrystallized from hot alcohol. Comic acid or Cornine is prepared by G-eiger by exhausting the aqueous extract of Cornus Florida with ethereal alcohol, agitating the solution with some HO,PbO and evaporating the filtrate spon- taneously. {See Maisch's paper in Proc. Am. Ph. Assoc, 1859, p. 315.) Fourth Group. — Acids combined with Vegetable Alkalies. It has not yet been ascertained of all alkaloids in what com- binations they occur naturally. The large number of vegetable acids in existence, and the difficulties often attending their complete isolation, make the recognition of an acid in its natural association a matter of no ordinary difficulty, and have led to the proposal of many new names for acids long before known, before their identity with those before discovered had been established beyond doubt. The greater the difficulty in isolating an acid, or the more widely diffused it is throughout organic nature, the greater will be its liability to receive constantly new names from plants hitherto not subjected to a complete analysis. It is only necessary to refer for illustration to malic acid, which has been named at various times after quite a number of plants ; under that head, attention has been drawn to various acids, mostly connected with alkaloids, which, by later investigations, have been proved to be malic acid. Of acids treated of in the second group, the following would likewise belong to this fourth group; fumaric acid, in Glaucium luteum combined with glaucina; aconitic acid in Aconitum napellus combined with aconitia. Meconic and kinic acids are important on account of some of their reactions. Chelidonic acid, C 7 H 4 6 . In celandine with lime, sanguinarina and chererythrina. Colorless needles, soluble in water and alcohol; purple by warm H 2 S0 4 ; the salts colorless; the tribasic salts lemon- yellow. Meconic acid, H 3 C 7 H0 7 . In opium with morphia. Colorless pearly scales or prisms: taste faintly acid and astringent; little soluble in cold water and ether, soluble in hot water and alcohol. Sesqui- salts of iron are colored deep red by a trace of acid, the coloration is not affected by boiling, dilute acids, or chlo- ride of gold (difference from sulphocjanide) ; this test is characteristic of the presence of opium. 442 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. Veratric acid, C 9 H 10 O 4 . In cevadilla seed, with veratria. Four-sided needles ; sub- limable, soluble in alcohol and boiling water. The vera- trates of the alkalies are very crystallizable and soluble in water and alcohol. Columbic acid, C 21 H 22 7 . In Colombo root, with berberine. Straw-yellow powder nearly insoluble in water, little in ether, easily in alcohol; the latter solution precipitated by Pb,Ac but not by Cu,Ac~. Kinic acid, HC 7 ri n 6 . In Peruvian bark with quinia, cinchonia, in seeds of coffee with caffeina. Oblique rhombic prisms, soluble slowly in 2£ parts cold water, little in alcohol, scarcely in ether; most salts are soluble. Heated over its melting point, decomposed into benzeic and phenylic acids, salicylous acid, hydrokinone and benzol : with Mn0 2 and HgSO^ con- verted into kinone, carbonic and formic acids. Chelidonic Acid. — Celandine contains, while young, chiefly malic acid ; when in flower, malic acid has disappeared, and the juice con- tains chelidonic acid. To prepare it, the juice is coagulated by heat, the filtrate, after being acidulated with nitric acid, is precipi- tated by nitrate of lead, which must not be added in excess ; the precipitate is decomposed by hydrosulphuric acid, the free acid combined with lime, the salt recrystallized, decomposed by carbon- ate of ammonium, and afterwards by muriatic acid. Meconic Acid. — The meconate of calcium obtained on the manu- facture of morphia is dissolved in dilute muriatic acid, and heated to 195°, when, on cooling, acid meconate of calcium crystallizes, which is treated again in the same way; meconic acid now crystal- lizes, is purified by repeated crystallizations, combined with ammo- nia or potassa, and lastly precipitated by muriatic acid. Komenic acid, C 6 H 4 5 = C 7 H 4 7 — C0 2 , by heating meconic acid to 390°, or by boiling its solution, particularly with dilute muriatic acid. Hard warty crystals, colorless, insoluble in absolute alcohol, slight acid taste; bi basic. ' Parakomenic acid, C fi H 4 O s , in small quantity, on the dry distilla- tion of the former. Feathery needles, very acid taste; bi'basic. Pyromeconic acid, C 5 H 4 3 = C 6 H 4 5 — C0 2 , by the dry distillation of meconic or komenic acid. Crystallizes in colorless, lustrous needles, scales, or octohedrons ; fuses at 257° ; sublimes at 212° completely, is easily soluble in alcohol and water, monobasic, a weak acid. All these derivatives of meconic acid show its characteristic coloration with sesquisalts of iron. Veratric Acid. — The alcoholic tincture of cevadilla seed is acidu- lated with sulphuric acid and precipitated by lime, the filtrate is distilled and decomposed by an acid. Columbic Acid. — The alcoholic extract of col umbo root is treated with lime, and the lime salt decomposed by muriatic acid. Kinic Acid. — The bark is exhausted by acidulated water, the alkalies precipitated by a little lime, more lime precipitates the cin- chotannic acid and coloring matter, the filtrate is evaporated, the crystals of kinate of lime decolorized with animal charcoal, and decomposed by oxalic acid. This acid, which has been prepared from huckleberry leaves, oc- ACIDS DERIVED FROM ESSENTIAL OILS. 443 curs probably in many plants, since the extract of coffee leaves and seed, Paraguay tea, Ligustrum vulgare, Hedera helix, various oaks, elms, and ashes yield with Mn0 2 and H 2 S0 4 , the following compound. Kinone, C 6 H 4 2 , golden-yellow prisms, odor of iodine, fusible, volatilizable, little soluble in cold water, soluble in alcohol and ether; with sulphuretted hydrogen it turns immediately red, pre- cipitates floccules, which, after drying, are olive-green. Hydrokinone, C 6 H 6 2 , by dry distillation of kinic acid, or from kinone by the action of sulphurous or hydriodic acids. Colorless prisms, inodorous, fusible, volatile; easily soluble in water and alcohol. Oxidizing agents precipitate needles of Green hydrokinone, C 6 H 6 2 + 6 H 4 2 , of a beautiful green metallic lustre; fusible, but decomposed on volatilizing, little soluble in water, more in alcohol. Fifth Group. — Acids derived from or Yielding Essential Oils. But few of the numerous essential oils naturally contain acids, and have, in consequence thereof, an acid reaction ; most oils, how- ever, on exposure to the atmosphere, become oxidized, and while they assume a thicker consistence, their chemical nature is partly changed, and they now, in alcoholic solution, impart a red color, more or less decidedly, to blue litmus paper — they have become resinified. A similar change takes place by subjecting the essential oils to the influence of nitric or chromic acid, or other strong oxi- dizing agents. Thus the essential oils yield a large number of acids, mostly of a nature which may be termed resinous. The compounds from which essential oils are generated in the plants are not known ; but several principles have been discovered and isolated, which under various circumstances are split into two or more bodies, one of which has all the characteristics of an essential oil. But one of these principles is of an acid nature, the others will be found under the head of neutral principles. The following em- braces those acids only that are important in a medical point of view, or interesting on account of their relation to other proximate principles. (a) Acids occurring in the freshly-distilled Crude Oils. Hydrocyanic acid, HNC. In the volatile oils of amygdaleoa and pomaceae. (See Nitrogenated Oils.) The anhydrous acid is colorless, limpid, crystallizes at 50 F. ; sp. gr. .69 ; decomposed on keeping; extremely poisonous. Salicylous acid, C 7 H 8 2 . The volatile oil of herbaceous plants of the genus Spirsea ; oily liquid, colorless or reddish, of an agreeable aromatic odor and burning taste; sp. gr. 1.17 ; it freezes at 50 F., and boils at 340O F. Methyl-salicylic acid, The oxygenated part of oil of wintergreen ; colorless or C 6 H 4 (OH 3 )0,COH. reddish-yellow oil of a well-known odor ; sp.gr. 1.18; boiling point 2520. The oxygenated part of oil of cloves ; colorless oil, of 1.079 sp. gr. ; boiling point 4840 ; odor and taste of cloves; resinifies in contact with the air. The cavyo- phyllates of alkalies and alkaline earths are crystal- lizable; metallic salts are either precipitated or colored blue, violet, or green. 444 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. (b) Products of Oxidation by the Atmosphere. Valerianic acid, C 5 H 10 O 2 . Benzoic acid, Cinnamic acid, C q H R 9 From valerol in oil of valerian and valerian root; color- less oily liquid, of a disagreeable odor of valerian and old cheese, and a similar acid taste ; its sp. gr. is .937 ; its boiling point 34TO F. ; it is inflammable, dissolves in 30 parts cold water, and in all propor- tions of alcohol and ether ; it dissolves camphor and some resins. In old oil of bitter almonds, benzoin with cinnamic acid ; inodorous needles or scales ; when sublimed from benzoin of a faint balsamic odor; taste slight, afterwards acrid ; fusible at 2480 ; boiling at 4620 ; soluble in 200 p. cold and 25 boiling water ; more in alcohol and ether. In old oil of cinnamon, storax, Tolu, Peru balsam, etc. Resembles the former in physical properties. Color- less prismatic and scaly crystals, melting at 2640 F., boiling and distilling at 6550 F. ; little soluble in cold water (less than benzoic acid), easily soluble in alcohol. (c) Acids obtainable by artificial oxidation of Volatile Oils. Anisic acid, C 8 H 8 3 . Pelargonic acid, C 9 H 18 2 . Rutinic or caprinic acid, C io H i&°2- Angelicic acid, C 5 H 7 2 From oil of anise and fennel by oxidation with 6 p. K2Cr0 4 and H 2 S0 4 ; large colorless prisms, nearly insoluble in cold water, easily in boiling water, in alcohol, and ether. Melts at 3470 F., sublimes at higher temperature in white needles ; distilled over baryta, is decomposed into carbonic acid and anisol, C 8 H 8 3 = C0 2 -4- C 7 , H 8 ,0. Its salts are crystallizable. From oil of rue by diluted N0 5 , and in oil of rose gera- nium ; colorless oil, of a peculiar odor ; crystallizes in cold weather and boils at 500O; its compound with ether is interesting for its agreeable odor of quinces. (See Pelargonic Ether.) From oil of rue by HN0 3 , and in „ne butter of cows and goats, in cod-liver oil, cocoanut oil, and some fusel oils ; white crystalline masses, of a peculiar " buck's " odor, easily soluble in alcohol and ether. From oil of chamomile by KO. (See Third Group.) (d) Acids obtainea from Empyreumatic Oils Phenylic acid, C 6 H 5 HO. In coal tar ; from salicylic and kinic acids, and some resins; in castor, and the urine of many domestic animals. Long colorless needles, melting at 9oO, boiling at 3690 F. ; not very soluble in water, in all proportions in alcohol and ether, soluble in concen- trated acetic acid. By nitric acid it is converted into picric acid. Cai-bazotic acid, By HN0 3 from salicin and its derivatives, from couma- HCH 2 (N0 2 ) 3 0. rin, phloridzic, and phenylic acids, silk, indigo, and coal tar ; yellow scales or octahedrons, soluble in 86 parts of water of 60O, easily soluble in alcohol and ether, explosive when suddenly heated ; it colors the skin yellow, is very bitter, and is a dye for silk and wool, but not for cotton. Its salts are yellow, crys- tallizable, very bitter, soluble, and explosive by heating. HYDROCYANIC ACID. 445 Ferrocyanide of Potassium and Hydrocyanic Acid. Hydrocyanic or prussic acid, as formed by a reaction between amygdalin and emulsin, and as an ingredient in the volatile oils distilled from many plants belonging to the natural family of Rosacea^, has already been referred to (see Nitrogenated Volatile Oils; also Amygdalin), but for pharmaceutical use, the acid is pre- pared artificially, and the U. S. Pharmacopoeia gives two processes, the starting-point for each being the decomposition of ferrocyanide of potassium by sulphuric acid. Potassii ferrocyanidum, U. S. P., yellow prussiate of potassium, is only made on a large scale from animal matter free of bones. This is either first subjected to dry distillation in order to gain part of the nitrogen as ammonia, and the remaining charcoal, which is highly charged with nitrogen, is fused together with small fragments of iron and potash; or the first part of the process being omitted, the animal matter is at once subjected to a red heat in conjunction with potash and iron. After long-continued heating and stirring, a combination has been effected, the fused mass now containing cyanide of potassium, which, when dissolved in water, combines with finely-divided iron, and crystallizes into large yellow tabular prisms, which have a sweetish bitter taste, are soluble in four parts of cold water, and insoluble in alcohol. They are composed of one equivalent of cyanide of potassium and one of cyanide of iron, =K 4 FeCy 6 . The water of crystallization is given off in a dry, warm atmosphere, and the crystals become white and pulverulent. This salt has an extensive use in the arts, and is employed for the preparation of ferrocyanide of iron, hydrocyanic acid, and all its compounds. This salt is little used in medicine; it is not poisonous, but in very large doses is apt to produce vertigo, coldness, and fainting; it has been recommended as an alterative, antiphlogistic, and tonic astringent in the dose of from ten to twenty grains internally, and externally, in an eye-salve, composed of from five to twenty grains to one drachm of cacao-butter. The commercial salt, though not chemically pure, is sufficiently pure, if it is well crystallized, and dissolves in two parts of boiling water. Argenti Cyanidum, IT. S. ; Cyanide of Silver. — According to the Pharmacopoeia, the hydrocyanic acid, produced from two troyounces of ferrocyanide of potassium, as below, is conducted into a solution of two ounces of nitrate of silver. The cyanide of silver is precipitated as a white, tasteless, inodor- ous powder, which is darkened by the light, is insoluble in diluted nitric acid, but decomposed by it at a boiling temperature. It is soluble in ammonia, and in cyanide of potassium, and consists of one equiv. of cyanogen, and one of silver= AgCy. It is used some- times externally in ointments as an anti-syphilitic. Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilution, IT. S. P. — From the above two salts the Pharmacopoeia gives two distinct processes, the first of 446 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. which is intended for making hydrocyanic acid in larger quanti- ties, while the second process is given for its extemporaneous pre- paration, and is particularly applicable for the use of the physician. First Process. — Take of ferrocyanide of potassium 3ij, sulphuric acid ^iss, distilled water q. s. Mix the acid with distilled water f^iv, and pour the mixture when cool into a glass retort. To this add the ferrocyanide of potassium, previously dissolved in distilled water, f if x. Pour of the distilled water f | viij into a cooled receiver ; and, having attached this to the retort, distil by means of a sand- bath, with a moderate heat, f 3yj. Lastly, add to the product, dis- tilled water f^v, or q. s. to render the diluted hydrocyanic acid of such strength that 12.7 grains of nitrate of silver dissolved in dis- tilled water may be accurately saturated by 100 grains of the acid, and give 10 grains of the cyanide of silver, which, corresponding with 20 per cent, of its own weight of anhydrous hydrocyanic acid, indicates 2 grains, or 2 per cent, of it in 100 grains of the officinal acid. The difficulties in this process are twofold: 1st. It is difficult to conduct the distillation in an ordinary uncovered retort on account of the excessive bumping occasioned by the escape of the acid vapor through the mixed liquid and precipitate; and, 2d. It is trouble- some to adjust the strength of the distillate to the officinal standard. The first of these difficulties may be overcome by placing the retort in a sand-bath, or setting it upon fine wire-cloth, introducing at the same time in the liquid a piece of thick platinum wire. The precision necessary to be observed in regard to the strength of so powerful a medicine as this, and the impossibility of regulating by the proportions employed the amount of the acid generated and absorbed by the water in the receiver, make it necessary to deter- mine its strength by experiment at each operation. This may be accomplished by testing, say 100 grains of the acid distillate with nitrate of silver before diluting it, carefully washing the resulting cyanide of silver, drying and weighing it, then calculating the degree of dilution required by the weight of this precipitate. If of proper strength, this would be 10 grains, as above, but in this experiment of course a larger yield would be obtained. The equa- tion would then be as follows : As the known weight of the pre- cipitate from acid of standard strength, is to the weight of cyanide obtained from the distillate, so is the quantity of the acid weighed to the quantity to be obtained by dilution. Suppose the precipi- tate to have weighed 11.5 grains — then 10 : 11.5 : : 100 : 115 ; or to every 100 grains of the distillate 15 grains of water must be added, to make the officinal diluted hydrocyanic acid. For ascertaining the strength of liquids containing hydrocyanic acid, by volumetric analysis, see a paper by Dr. W. H. Pile, in Am. Journ. Phar., 1862, p. 130, where also a neat graduated tube, made for this purpose, is figured. The process is Liebig's, and is based on the formation of a soluble double cyanide of potassium and silver, before chloride of silver is formed. The plan recommended to the inexperienced is, to saturate the HYDROCYANIC ACID. 447 acid which comes over by the officinal process without special re- ference to the quantity of water in the receiver, with nitrate of silver, as stated above, to form the officinal cyanide of silver, and further proceed, after carefully washing and drying the product, by the second process of the Pharmacopoeia, as follows: — • Second Process for Diluted Hydrocyanic Acid. Take of Cyanide of silver Fifty grains and a half. Muriatic acid Forty-one grains. Distilled water One nuidounce. Mix the muriatic acid with the distilled water, add the cyanide of silver, and shake the whole in a well-stoppered vial; when the insoluble matter has subsided, pour off the clear liquid and keep it for use. In preparing this medicine, a slight excess of muriatic acid is not objectionable, giving it greater stability. The only ap- parent objection to this process is its expensiveness; this is, how- ever, less than would at first appear. The reaction between muri- atic acid and the cyanide results in the production of hydrocyanic acid and chloride of silver, thus — AgCy -f HC1 = HCy + AgCl. Now, the chloride of silver is convertible into pure metallic silver by the introduction into it while in the condition of a moist pow- der, of a strip of zinc, which abstracts the chlorine, the chloride of zinc becoming dissolved, and the pure silver remaining as a gray- colored spongy mass or powder, which, on being washed and treated with nitric acid, yields the soluble nitrate ready for any further use. The practitioner, who wishes to be prepared for every demand of his practice, may, with advantage, supply himself with a suitable f Vs vial, containing 50J grains cyanide of silver, to which the mixed muriatic acid and water may be added when the occasion arises. The diluted acid prepared as above is a colorless liquid occasion- ally having, from the presence of iron, a slight blue tint, of a pecu- liar odor and taste; it is entirely volatilized by heat, and decom- poses under the influence of light. It is usually put up in one- ounce ground-stoppered vials, wrapped in dark blue or black paper, and sometimes inclosed in a tin case. It contains two per cent, of anhydrous HCy. Its use in medicine has been avoided by some practitioners, on account of the violent poisonous character of the anhydrous or concentrated acid; but in the diluted form, in which it is officinal, it is no more dangerous than many other remedies constantly prescribed, and, notwithstanding the alleged variable strength of the commercial article, I believe it will be found, as nearly uniform as most other pharmaceutical preparations prepared by manufacturers. As a sedative and antispasmodic, it is a favorite with some practitioners, who emplo}^ it simply mixed with mucilage, or with the galenical preparations of digitalis, valerian, etc. It should not be prescribed with strong alkaline, ferruginous, or other metallic salts. In this country, no stronger hydrocyanic acid is used than the 448 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. officinal; in other countries, however, its strength varies materially. The acid of the London, Dublin, and Prussian Pharmacopoeias is of about the same strength as our own, that of the Edinburgh Phar- macopoeia contains about 3J per cent., Scheele's acid 5 per cent., and some European Pharmacopoeias even a much larger proportion of anhydrous acid. The dose of our officinal acid, being nuj-to t*iv, is so small that there is no necessity for employing a stronger, acid in formulas, which would be liable to lead to dangerous mistakes; be- sides, it must be remarked that strong acids are very prone to spon- taneous decomposition, while that of the officinal strength, if not exposed to the light or to a continued high temperature, keeps well for a considerable time. Of course the vials are to be well stoppered on account of the volatility of the acid. Potassii Cyanidum, U. S. P. ; Cyanide of Potassium. — This salt may be mentioned in this place, as having all the medicinal properties of hydrocyanic acid; it is given as a substitute for it. It is pre- pared by fusing ferrocyanide of potassium with carbonate of potas- sium until effervescence ceases, when the clear liquid is poured off the precipitated oxide of iron, and, immediately after cooling, put into well-stoppered bottles. It is then in white fused masses of a powerful caustic taste, and a composition which is expressed by the formula KCy, but thus prepared it is contaminated by carbonate and cyanate of potassium. The pure cyanide is equal to § of its weight of hydrocyanic acid, the officinal to somewhat less. The dose is ^ grain, which, with proper care, may be gradually increased to j- grain ; it is given dis- solved in alcohol or water. It is a useful chemical agent for removing the stains of nitrate of silver and durable ink, and its utility as a solvent for metallic oxides is well known in electro-metallurgy and photography. Salicylous or spirous acid is artificially obtained by oxidation of salicin or populin and by fermentation of helicin. 3 parts salicin are mixed with 3 parts bichromate of potassium, and 24 parts water; to this 4J parts sulphuric acid in 12 parts water are added, and after the reaction has ceased, heat is applied, and distilled as long as with the water an oily liquid comes over, which is taken up by ether and left after its evaporation. The salicylites, when kept moist, are decomposed, acquiring a rose odor; this reaction has been proposed for the formation of an artificial rose-water. If salicylous acid is heated with potassa, it is converted into sali- cylic or spine acid, C 7 H 6 3 , which is of importance as the acid con- tained in the following: — Methyl-salicylic acid, or oil of wintergreen, CH 3 C 7 H 5 3 = C 8 H 8 3 , is the oil obtained by distillation with water from Gaultheria pro- cumbens. By distillation with an excess of baryta it is converted into carbolate of oxide of methyle, while by the dry distillation of an alkaline or earthy salicylate, a carbonate and carbolic acid is formed, C 7 H 6 3 = C0 2 + C 6 H 6 (carbolic acid). Caryophyllic or Eugenic Acid. — If oil of cloves is treated with ACIDUM BENZOICUM. 449 solution of potassa or soda, and the light carbo-hydrogen distilled off, the acid may be easily separated by a mineral acid. Acidum Valerianicum, IT. S. P. This important acid, which is developed spontaneously by the oxidation of valerol, one of the ingredients of oil of valerian, is also met with in the root of Angelica archangelica, in the inner bark of Sambucus niger, in assafcetida, etc., and is artificially obtained by the oxidation of protein compounds, some fatty acids, and par- ticularly of amylic alcohol or fusel oil. The Pharmacopoeia prepares it from valerianate of sodium by dissolving 8 troyounces in 3 fluid- ounces of water and decomposing it by 3 J troyounces of sulphuric acid ; the oily layer is repeatedly agitated with strong sulphuric acid until its specific gravity is reduced to below .950, when it is dis- tilled and only that portion preserved which is not over .940 sp. gr. Valerianic acid is a colorless oily liquid, repulsive odor, pungent, sour, acrid, disagreeable taste. Sp. gr. .933. Boils at 270°. Soluble in 30 parts of water. If agitated with water it takes up from 20 to 25 per cent, water without losing its oily condition, and is now converted into the bihydrate, HC 5 H 9 2 + 2H 2 0, which has a specific gravity of .950 and boils at 270°. The salts have an unctuous touch, and are inodorous when per- fectly dry, but mostly have the odor of the acid; they revolve when thrown upon water in a crystallized state, like the butyrates. Most of them are soluble in water or alcohol, or in both liquids, and have a sweet taste. The following salts have been used medicinally : the valerianate of ammonium, zinc, iron, bismuth, morphia, quinia, and atropia. See the several heads for descriptions of these. Acidum Benzoicum, U. S. P. This, with cinnamic acid, is considered characteristic of the class of medicines called balsams. The two acids are closely allied in their chemical nature, as has been already shown; they are also related to salicylic and allied acids. iv e i7$ # For medicinal use it is readily obtained from benzoin by sublimation. For this experiment, which is an interesting one to the pharmaceutical student, the following simple directions are to be observed. Select an iron or tinned iron pan or cup — a common pint cup, without a handle, will answer — and, having covered the bottom with some powdered benzoin mixed with sand, stretch over the top of it a piece of porous paper, which Benzoic acid appa . may be secured at the edge by a string, but pre- ratus. ferably by glue or some firm paste. ISTow fold a tall conical or straight-sided cap of the diameter of the pan, and tie it, or cement it securely round the upper edge, and set the whole 29 450 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. in a sand-bath, or over a slow and will-regulated source of heat, leaving it for several hours. On removing the cap, it will be found to contain brilliant white feathery crystals of benzoic acid. The residue in the cup, by being again powdered, mixed with sand, and heated, will yield another though a less abundant and less beautiful crop of crystals. The process of Scheele consists in boiling the balsam with hydrate of lime, and treating the benzoate of calcium thus formed with muriatic acid. Thus procured, benzoic acid has but little odor, and is ill adapted to the uses to which it is usually applied in medicine and pharmacy. Sometimes the process of sublimation is resorted to at first, and from the residue the remaining acid is extracted by Scheele's process, after which the whole is mixed. The virtues of the acid are, partly at least, dependent on the odorous principles with which it is associated. Its salts have no smell if prepared from the chemically pure acid, but they retain some of the odor of the officinal acid if prepared from it. Of the salts only the benzoates of ammonium and of sodium have been occasionally employed. Benzoic acid, if distilled with caustic potassa in excess, is con- verted into carbonic acid and benzol, C 7 H 6 2 = C0 2 + C 6 H 6 ; in the animal organism it is changed into hippuric acid, from which it may be reproduced on boiling with muriatic acid ; hippuric acid oc- curs naturally in the urine of herbivorous animals, and from this source the German article, occasionally met with in our commerce, is derived; it has frequently a peculiar urinous odor, and quite a different appearance from the sublimed article, having been crys- tallized from an aqueous solution. Detection of Impurities. — All fixed impurities are left behind on volatilizing some of the acid ; hippuric acid is detected by its odor, by leaving charcoal on heating, and by evolving ammonia on heat- ing it with lime ; cinnamic acid imparts the odor of bitter almonds to the distillate, with bichromate of potassium and sulphuric acid. Benzoin is frequently met with in commerce, which contains little or no benzoic acid, it being partly or wholly replaced by cinnamic acid ; though unfit for the preparation of benzoic acid by sublima- tion, it may still be of excellent quality for other pharmaceutical preparations, and for the use of perfumers. Cinnamic Acid. — To prepare this acid, liquid storax is first dis- tilled with water, to obtain styrol, afterwards treated with carbo- nate of sodium (residue is styracin); the solution is evaporated, decomposed by muriatic acid, the cinnamic acid after washing recrystallized, and the last impure portions are treated again with soda. In a similar way it is obtained from Tolu balsam (here the residue is Toluol). With excess of baryta or lime it is converted into carbonic acid and cinnamen (C 8 H 8 ) ; with bichromate of po- tassium and sulphuric acid into oil of bitter almonds (principal dis- tinction from benzoic acid), and by distillation with hypochlorite of sodium into a chlorinated volatile oil of agreeable odor. When ACIDUM CABBOLICUM. 451 fused with hydrate of potassa it is decomposed into acetic and benzoic acids. Acidum Carbolicum, U. S. P. Carbolic Acid, Phenic Acid, Phenylic Alcohol. — This substance has been introduced into the list of Materia Medica, in the last edition of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. It is defined to be a solid substance obtained from the products of the distillation of coal tar between the temperatures of 300° and 400°. In the last edition of this work it was stated that the source of supply of creasote was indiscrimiuately the various kinds of tar, especially that obtained from bituminous coal, without pointing out in a marked manner the difference between them. Since then the investigations which chemists had been prosecuting for some time have been published, and from their labors some of the most interesting and beautiful applications of modern science have re- sulted. The following table will show the difference between creasote and carbolic acid, and in such a manner as to clearly place them before the mind of the student: — Ckeasote. A colorless, oily, neutral liquid. Boils at 397°. Does not congeal at 17° below zero. Sp. gr. 1.046. Does not coagulate collodion when mixed with it. If a splinter of pine wood be im- mersed in an alkaline solution of crea- sote, dried, and then dipped into muri- atic acid, it does not become blue. Sparingly soluble in water, requiring 80 parts. Formula C\H 1ft O.,. Carbolic Acid. A solid crystalline substance. Boils at from 359 c - to 307 : . Solid at ordinary temperatures. Sp. gr. 1.065. Coagulates collodion when its solu- tion is mixed with it. A splinter of pine wood, dipped first in an alkaline solution of carbolic acid, dried, and then immersed in muriatic acid, will become of a deep-blue color in about half an hour. Soluble in from 20 to 33 parts of water, the purest being most soluble. Formula C' ILHO. The uses of carbolic acid are, as will be readily surmised, much the same as those of creasote ; it is employed as a caustic at times ; its solution is used in toothache, in the same way as creasote. A plaster of carbolic acid has been suggested by Joseph Hirsh, of Chicago, formed by spreading carbolate of glycerin on cloth, tissue paper, or other suitable surface. A plastic surgical dressing has been proposed by Dr. T. E. Jenkins, made by kneading 47 parts of prepared chalk with 17 parts of a mixture of 4 parts of glycerin and 1 part of carbolic acid. The following are several formulas, which are to be relied on as emanating from F. Crace Calvert, of Manchester, England: — As a Caustic. — Melt the acid by placing the bottle'in hot water, and, when melted, add one-twentieth of its bulk of water. It will then remain permanently fluid, and can be diluted as required. As a Lotion, for External Use. — Add 1 part of acid to 30 parts of boiling water, agitate well, and filter. 452 OX ORGANIC ACIDS. For Dressings. — It is advisable that the acid should be dissolved in either pure sweet olive oil, or almond oil, or glycerin. For Burns and Scalds. — A mixture of 1 part acid and 6 parts pure olive oil is most frequently employed. Carbolic acid, when dissolved in glycerin, can readily be diluted to any degree of strength as required. An extra pure acid is sold for internal purposes ; it has but a very faint odor, and no objectionable taste, and is specially recom- mended. Its principal use is, however, as a disinfectant, and it is perhaps one of the most efficient of the various liquid purifiers known ; but while this is the case in regard to the article as ordinarily used, it must be remembered that the ordinary preparation is a mixture in variable proportions of phenylic and cresvlic alcohols, and from the experiments of Dr. E. R. Squibb, it would seem that cresylic alco- hol is at least double the strength of phenyl alcohol for the purpose of destroying fungous growths. For fuller information on this sub- ject, see the paper of Dr. Squibb, in Proc. Amer. Ph. Asso., vol. xvi. p. 429. The products of coal tar are thus summed up in the 14th edition of the U. 8. Dispensatory: — Six solids: carbon, naphthaline, and paraffin being the most im- portant. Liquids: which may be subdivided into three classes — acids, neutrals, and bases : — a. Acids are: carbolic or phenic, acetic, butyric, rosolic, and bumo- lic. Of these the three first named are by far the most important. b. Keutral: water, essence of tar, light oil of tar, heavy oil of tar, benzol, toluol, cumol, cymol, propyl, butyl, amyl, caproyl, hexylene, heptyiine. Of these the most interesting are benzol, light and heavy oil of tar, essence of tar, and toluol. c. Bases: ammonia, methylamine, ethylamine, anilin, quinolin, picolin, toluidin, lutidin, cumidin, pyrrhol, and phsetin. Of these the most important are ammonia and anilin. Gases : hydrogen, carburetted hydrogen, bicarburetted hydrogen, and various other carbo-hydrogens, carbonic oxide, sulphuret of carbon, carbonic acid, hydrosulphuric acid, hydrocyanic acid. Among this long list of derivatives, carbolic acid is that which is most important in a pharmaceutical point of view, which seems to render the notice of these products in this place proper, as most of them have no further pharmaceutic interest. The other products of coal tar that deserve notice from their intimate relation to pharmacy are, first, benzine, which is obtained from the light oil of tar, or coal naphtha as it is termed, this being derived from the first distillation of coal tar, at a temperature not above 390°, and when the distillate has attained a sp. gr.'of .815 to .830, the process must be suspended. The benzine is obtained from this coal naphtha by purifying, by mixing it with 5 per cent, of H 2 S0 4 , permitting it to rest for a day that the acid and impurities may settle, and then adding 2 per cent, of a solution of caustic soda, ACIDS YIELDING ESSENTIAL OILS. 453 sp. gr. 1.382, to neutralize any remaining acid, and distilling with a current of steam. Benzine is a light transparent liquid, of a peculiar penetrating odor recalling that of gas tar, sp. gr. varying from .815° to .820°. It is not a pure definite chemical product, and must be carefully distinguished from benzole, which is a definite compound of the formula C 6 H 5 H, and sp. gr. .850. The principal uses of benzine in pharmacy depend upon its great solvent powers over fatty matters, resinous substances, etc. It has been suggested as a substitute for ether in the preparation of some of the oleo resins, but experiments thus far are not conclusively in its favor. It is much used as a de- tergent for removing grease from textile fabrics, and forms the basis of most preparations sold for this purpose. After the light oil of tar or coal naphtha has been separated, the heat is increased, and the distillate now has a sp. gr. of .880 to .885. This is purified by H 2 S0 4 and one of the fixed alkalies and redistil- lation, 10 per cent, of acid and 6 per cent, of soda being used. The heavy oil thus purified is largely consumed for illuminating purposes; after the heavy oil has been drawn oif there remains in the still while warm a semifluid mass, consisting largely of paraffine and naphthaline. The former of these is largely consumed in the manufacture of candles, and has been recommended as a substitute for wax in pharmaceutical preparations, but from the experiments of the late Mr. C. T. Carney, it was found to impart a granular character when used to the exclusion of wax. In this opinion he is supported by Mr. J. F. Babcock. It is from the alkaline and acid liquors obtained in the various purifying processes that the acids and bases above noticed are obtained, and among them anilin has of late years assumed an importance in the arts rivalling almost any of those depending upon chemical research. Picric Acid, Carbazotic Acid, Welter's Bitters. — The cheapest method of preparing it is from coal tar, but from indigo it is better obtained in a pure state. — 1 part indigo is boiled with 10 to 12 parts of nitric acid, specific gravity 1.43, gradually added until nitrous acid fumes cease to be evolved; the picric acid crystallizes on cooling, and is purified by combining with an alkaloid and pre- cipitating by nitric acid. It precipitates gelatine, and the solution of its soda salt is a re- agent for potassa, which salt is but sparingly soluble. It has been occasionally used in medicine, and is said to be em- ployed in France in making beer, in place of hops. {See Potassii Picras.) (e) Acids yielding Essential Oils. Myronic acid, C 10 H 19 ]S"S 2 O 10 , in the form of a potassa salt is con- tained in black mustard seed, from which it is obtained by ex- hausting it, first with alcohol, afterwards with water; the last solution is evaporated to a syrup, freed from gum and mucilage by a little alcohol, and evaporated spontaneously to crystallize. The 454 ON OEGANIC ACIDS. salt is in colorless needles of a cooling taste, readily soluble in water but insoluble in strong alcohol. Its rational composition is probably KHSO3 + C 3 H 5 CKS (oil of mustard) + C 6 H 12 6 H 2 (grape sugar). The acid forms a colorless syrup of acid reaction and bitter taste, soluble in water and alcohol, but insoluble in ether. Myrosin is the ferment of black and white mustard seed, which decomposes the acid, thus yielding oil of black mustard. Sixth Group. — Astringent and allied Acids. These acids are widely diffused throughout the vegetable king- dom, occurring more rarely in annual plants, but are met with in most perennials, generally in the bark, in the leaves, and morbid excrescences, frequently also in the wood and fruit. They are all with two exceptions uncrystallizable, inodorous, of an astringent taste, and soluble in water and alcohol. The solutions are precipi- tated by gelatin and albumen, most metallic oxides and the vege- table alkaloids; iron salts are generally rendered dark green, blue, or black. They are weak acids, and if kept in a moist state, are rapidly changed in contact with the air ; their salts are quickly darkened while in solution, or, if insoluble, while being washed upon a filter. Owing to this property, their composition and the nature of their changes are, in many cases, still a matter of contro- versy. Medical Properties. — The relative utility of tannic and gallic acids, which are too apt to be confounded by physicians, depends upon the fact that the former acts directly upon the mucous mem- brane with which it comes in contact, arresting hemorrhage or other excessive discharge by its direct effect on the gelatin contained in them. It is hence a direct and powerful styptic, while gallic acid, by entering the circulation, produces an astringent and tonic impression upon the more remote organs which cannot be directly impressed. The dose of tannic acid is from two to ten grains, that of gallic acid from five to twenty, several times a day. The former is much used in ointments as a substitute for powdered galls, in about one-fourth the quantity, and is also well adapted to astringent injections instead of the less soluble vegetable astringents. Its action is considered somewhat different (harsher than that of the modified forms of tannic acid contained in kino, krameria, cin- chona, etc. The list which follows contains the names of different vegetable astringents owing their activity wholly or in part to gallic or some of the modified forms of tannic acid. List of Vegetable or Tannic Acid Astringents. Acacia cochliacarpa ; the bark. Brazil bark ; cortex astrmgens Brasiliensis, Bistorta ; root of Polygonum bistorta. Bistort. Carya; bark of C. alba and other species. Hickory bark. Catechu ; extract of wood of Acacia catechu. Catechu. Chimaphila ; leaves of C. urabellata. Pipsissewa. Cinchona ; bark of different species of Cinchona. Peruvian bark. ASTRINGENT AND ALLIED ACIDS. 455 Diospyros ; unripe fruit of D. Virgmiana. Persimmon. Bark also used. Epigcea; leaves of E. repens. Trailing arbutus. Galla ; morbid excrescence in Quercus infectoria. Galls. Geranium ; rhizoma of G. maculatum. Cranesbill. Geum ; root of G. rivale. Water avens. Granati fructus cortex ; from Punica granatum. Pomegranate. " radicis cortex ; " " " Hamamelis ; bark and leaves of H. Yirginiana. TVitchhazel. Hsematoxjlon ; wood of H. Campeckianuni. Logwood. Heuchera ; root of H. Americana. Alum root. Hippjocastanum ; bark of iEsculus H. Horsechestnut bark. Ilex; bark and leaves of Ilex opaca. American holly. Juglans;* leaves and rind (pericarp) of J. cinerea and other species. Kalmia ; leaves of K. latifolia. Mountain laurel. Kino ; inspissated juice of various plants. Kino. Krameria ; root of K. triandra. Khatany. Matico ; leaves of Artanthe elongata. Matico. Monesia; extract from Chrysophyllum glyeiphlseum. Extract of monesia. Prinos ; bark of P. verticillatus. Black alder. Pyrola ; leaves of P. rotundifolia and other species. Quercus alba ; the bark. White oak bark. Quercus glandes ; the fruit of various species of Quercus. Acorns. Quercus tinctoria ; the bark. Black oak bark. fflius ; bark and leaves of K. glabrum and other species. Sumach. Rose Gallica ; the petals. Red rose. Rubus ; root of R. villosus and Canadensis. Blackberry root. Salix ; bark of S. alba and other species. Willow bark. Salvia ; leaves of S. officinalis. Sage. Santalum ; wood of Pterocarpus santalinus. Red saunders. Spiraea ; root of Spiraea tomentosa. Hardback. Statice ; the root of S. Caroliniana. Marsh rosemary. Tormentilla ; the root of Potentilla T. Tormentil. Uva ursi ; leaves of Arctostaphylos U. U. Bearbeny leaves. Syllabus of Astrikgent akd Allied Acids. Gallotannic acid, C 27 H 22 17 . \ la galls from Quercus infectoria, and Chinese galls from Acidum tannicum. j Distylium racemosum, and in sumach. Gallic acid, H 3 C 7 IT 3 5 H 2 0. In uva ursi, sumach, etc., the seeds of mangoes (Mangifera Indica) contain 7 per cent. Pyrogallicacid, HO,C 6 E 5 2 . By destructive distillation of the former. Paraellagic or rufigallic, By treating gallic acid with H 2 S0 4 , and throwing into water ; C 7 H 4 4 -J-E1 2 0. precipitate sublimes in vermilion red prisms; little solu- ble in alcohol and ether. Ellagic or bezoaric, In oriental bezoars (animal calculi) and by decomposition C 14 H 6 O g -f-2H 2 0. of tannin; deposited by infusion of galls; yellowish, crystalline; inodorous; tasteless; insoluble in ether, nearly insoluble in water and alcohol. Tannoxylic, C 7 H 6 6 . By KO and tannin at ordinary temperature; lead salt brick-red. Tannomelanic, C 6 H 4 3 . By KO and tannin at 212°; lead salt dark brown. Metagallic or galhuminic, By heating gallic or tannic acid to 480° ; black, tasteless, C 6 H 4 2 . insoluble in water, soluble in KO. Quercotaunic (?). In oak-bark, black tea, etc. ; similar to gallotannic, but yields no gallic or pyrogallic acid. Catechutannic or mimotan- In catechu, probably by oxidation of catechuic acid; light nic (?). yellow; precipitates gelatine ; protosalts of iron grayish- green, sesquisalts brownish-green; tartar emetic is not precipitated ; yields no sugar with H 2 S0 4 . # Juglans, U. 6\ P. The inner bark of Juglans cinerea is cathartic. 456 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. Catechuic or Tanningic (Catechin), C 19 H 18 8 . Rufocatechuic or rubinic. Catechuinic or Japonic, C 6 H 4 2 . Pyrocatechuic or oxyphenic or Pyrodioric, C 6 H 6 2 . Kino or coccotannic. Coffeotannic or chlorogenic, C 15 H 18°8- Viridinic or coffeic, C 7 H 7 4 . Boheatannic, C 7 H 6 4 -{-Aq. Kinovotannic, C 7 H 9 4 . Rufikinovic (kinovic red). Cinchotannic, C 17 H ]6 9 . Ruficinchonic (Cinchona Red). Moritannic, C 13 H 10 O 6 -f H 2 0. Rufimoric, C 8 H 6 4 -fH 2 0. Moric (Morin), C 12 H 8 5 . Quercitritannic (?). Galitannic, C 7 H 8 5 . Aspertannic, C 7 H 8 4 . Callutannic, C 7 H 8 4 . Rhodotannic, C 7 H 6 3 -f H 2 0. Leditannic, C 7 H 6 3 +3H 2 0. In catechu ; white scales or needles ; readily soluble in alcohol, boiling ether, and hot water ; not precipitated by starch, gelatine, tartar emetic, or vegetable alkalies; by acetate of lead white, by sesquichloride of iron dark- green; by oxidation catechutannin is formed. (See American Journal of Pharmacy, xxviii. 326.) In the oxidized alkaline solution of the former. The tan- nin in krameria yields a similar red acid by spontaneous oxidation. Product of decomposition by KO ; black. By dry distillation of catechu, kino, rhatany, fustic, etc. ; is carbolic acid -f- 20 ; white crystals fusible at 234° ; freely soluble in alcohol, ether, and water; reduces oxides of the noble metals; salts of Fe 2 3 colored green; turning red by NH 3 . In kino ; readily soluble in alcohol and hot water, scarcely in ether ; precipitates sesquisalts of iron, but not tartar emetic ; by oxidation red. In coffee, cahinca root, the leaves of Ilex Paraguayensis ; colorless needles (?) ; sesquisalts of iron are colored green ; protosalts, tartar emetic, and gelatine not pre- cipitated; yields kinone with H 2 S0 4 and Mn0 2 (?). By oxidation of former, or in presence of alkalies; brown- ish amorphous ; solution in H 2 S0 3 carmine, precipitated blue by water; its solution green ; the lead salt blue. In tea, besides quercotannic acid; deliquescent; fuses at 212° to a red compound. In Quina nova bark, not precipitated by gelatine, by Fe 2 Cl 3 dark green ; yields, by dry distillation, pyroca- techuic acid. By oxidation of former. Precipitated by sesquisalts of iron green, by tartar emetic, starch, gelatine, and albumen ; soluble in diluted acids, alcohol, ether, and water. In red cinchona; product of oxidation of the former; various ingredients of bark have received this name ; that of H. Hasiwetz is of a chocolate or black color, soluble in alcohol, ether, and alkalies. In fustic, Morus tinctoria ; yellow prisms fusible at 400° ; precipitated by gelatine ; by tersulphate of iron green- ish-black ; by sugar of lead yellow, and partly by tartar emetic ; with B0 3 a gelatinous mass ; solution in alka- lies turns dark brown. Brick-red floccules, with alkalies carmine-red solution, with alum, baryta, and tin, dark-red lakes ; probably identical with carmic acid. In fustic; white, crystalline, with alkalies yellow, with Fe 2 Cl 3 garnet-red ; olive-green precipitate with salts of FeO. In quercitron bark; green with salts of Fe 2 3 ; quercitric acid is probably nearly allied to it. In Galium verum and aparine ; precipitates Fe 2 Cl 3 dark- green ; sugar of lead chrome yellow ; by alkalies brown. In Asperula odorata; readily soluble in water and alcohol, little in ether; colors Fe 2 Cl 3 dark-green; not precipi- tated by albumen, gelatine, or tartar emetic. In Calluna vulgaris; precipitates Fe 2 Cl 3 green, salts of PbO yellow, SnCl 2 yelk-yellow ; heated with acids yields calluxanthin. In the leaves of Rhododendron ferrugineum ; amber yel- low ; precipitates salts of PbO chrome yellow ; with acids rhodozanthin. In Ledum palustre; reddish ; readily soluble in water and alcohol ; colors Fe 2 Cl 3 green ; with acids ledixanthin. GALLOTANNIC ACID, 457 Rubichloric, C u H 16 O g Cephaelic, Ipecacuanhic, C 7 H 8 3 +H 2 0. Pinitannic, C 7 H 5 4 . Oxypinitannic, C 14 H 16 9 . Pinicortannic, C 16 H 18 O n . Cortepinitannic, C 16 H 4 T Cissotannic, C 10 H 12 O 8 . Xanthotannic, C u H, 8 2 . In Rubia tinctorum and asperula odorata ; colorless ; solu- ble in alcohol and water, insoluble in ether; by HC1 yields Chlorrubine, C 12 H 4 3 , a dark-green powder; solu- ble in alkalies, blood-red. Very bitter; reddish-brown; soluble in water, alcohol, and ether; colors Fe 2 C1 3 green, on addition of NH 3 violet or black ; precipitates salts of PbO white. In the leaves of Pinus silvestris and Thuja occidentalis ; yellow ; soluble in water, alcohol, and ether ; no pre- cipitate with gelatine or tartar emetic; colors Fe 2 Cl 3 red-brown ; precipitates PbO yellow. With the former ; brownish ; very soluble in alcohol and water; colors Fe 2 Cl 3 intensely green; precipitates PbO and BaO yellow; not gelatine or tartar emetic. In the bark of Pinus silvestris ; reddish-brown ; colors Fe 2 Cl 3 dark-green. With the former ; red ; colors Fe 2 Cl 3 intensely green. The red coloring matter of autumnal leaves ; very weak acid. The yellow coloring matter of autumnal leaves ■ weak acid, not precipitated by gelatine. Acidum Tannicum. Tan = C 27 H 22 17 . {Gallotannic Acid.) The new officinal process of the Pharmacopoeia directs the mace- ration of powdered nutgall, previously exposed to a damp atmo- sphere for twenty-four hours, in ether, previously washed with water, sufficient to form a soft paste. This is to be set aside, closely covered, for six hours, then enveloped in a close canvas cloth, ex- pressed powerfully between tinned plates to obtain the liquid por- tion. The remaining mass is to be again reduced to powder and mixed w r ith sufficient ether, shaken with one-sixteenth its bulk of water to form again a soft paste, then expressed as before. The liquids being mixed are to be spontaneously evaporated to a syrupy consistence, then spread on glass or tinned plates and dried in a drying closet. Gallotannic acid is also conveniently prepared by the former pro- cess, which consists of treating powdered galls in a narrow covered displacer, w T ith washed ether. The ethereal tincture which passes separates, upon standing, into two layers; the lower one is aqueous, thick, and of a light buff or straw color; it contains the tannic acid, which, by the action of the small portion of water in the washed ether, has been dissolved out from the galls. The upper layer or stratum of liquor is limpid and specifically much lighter than the other; it has a greenish color, and contains very little tannin, but a small amount of coloring matter from the galls. To obtain the dry product, the light layer may be poured off and purified by dis- tillation, and combined with water for another operation, while the thick heavier layer is evaporated in a capsule by a carefully regu- lated heat till dry. If a white and very porous product is desired, the capsule should be inverted towards the end of the evaporation, and the thick syrupy liquid exposed to radiated heat. It is swelled up and whitened as the vapor is disengaged. The whole of the liquid which comes through may be evaporated without the precaution of 458 ON" ORGANIC ACIDS. pouring off" the top layer, but the tannin then has a greener tinge. In large manufacturing establishments, apparatus is, of course, con- structed for saving all the ether for future use. The first process, as above, though perhaps less eligible for the use of the pharma- cist in making the acid on a small scale, corresponds more nearly with that in common use by manufacturing chemists. The results are nearly the same by both processes, the yield varying from 30 to 60 per cent, of the galls employed Gallotannic acid is a yellowish- white powder, or in a porous pul- verulent condition; has a strongly astringent taste; is entirely dis- sipated when thrown on red-hot iron. It is freely soluble in water, alcohol, glycerin, in ether, in the fixed and volatile oils. Its aqueous solution reddens litmus and produces with solution of gelatin a white flocculent precipitate, with salts of sesquioxide of iron a bluish-black precipitate, and with solutions of the organic alkalies white precipitates, very soluble in acetic acid. Mohr, Sandrock, and others assert the syrupy liquid (the lower layer as above) to be a concentrated solution of tannin in ether, which is not miscible with ether, except by the intervention of a little alcohol; they therefore reject the employment of aqueous ether, which has a tendency to swell up the powdered galls, and retard percolation, and recommend a mixture of 90 per cent, alco- hol and ether (one to twenty parts, Guibourt). The concentrated ethereal solution containing 46.5 to 56.2 per cent, of tannic acid (Mohr), and being insoluble in ether, it was suggested in the second edition, might be a tannic ether; 13 equiva- lents of ether = 481 to 1 equivalent of tannin = 618, require exactly 56.2 per cent, of the latter and 43.8 per cent, of the former. Prof. J. M. Maisch was the first to observe this, and Prof. Bolley has since published a similar observation ; other chemists still adhere to the older view of the solubility of tannin in ether. (See Amer. Journ. Pharm., 1861, 207, 219, 337, and Proc. Amer. Ph. Assoc, 1862, 158.) Acidum Gallicum. Ga = 3HO,C 7 H 6 5 . {Gallic Acid.) Gallic acid is made by subjecting a portion of powdered galls to long-continued action of air and moisture in a warm place. This may be accomplished in an evaporating capsule loosely covered with paper. The powder is first made into a thin paste with w T ater, and water repeatedly added to this to prevent its drying, until after the lapse of thirty days (U. S. P.), when the whole of the tannic has passed spontaneously into gallic acid. In extracting this from the moist mass, advantage is taken of the solubility of gallic acid in hot water, and its ready precipitation on cooling ; all that is neces- sary is to press out from the pasty mass its water, and, rejecting this, to digest the remaining paste in hot water, and filter the solu- tion while hot through animal charcoal to decolorize it, and a nearly white crystalline powder of gallic acid is obtained. A water-bath funnel, Fig. 142, is used for filtering the solution while hot. Care must be taken in these processes not to employ vessels of tinned GALLIC ACID. 459 iron, which, by the exposure of a small surface of iron, may blacken the whole product. The amount of gallic acid obtained from galls is about 20 per cent. The ferment inducing the change of tannic into gallic acid is identical with pectase; emulsin, yeast, albumen, and legumin are without action, on the contrary they retard the influence of pectase. Tannin, according to Strecker, is decomposed into 3 equivalents of gallic acid and one of grape sugar; C 27 H 22 17 + 4H 2 = 3H 3 C 7 H 3 5 + C 6 H 12 6 ; but Knop obtained from gallotannin 94 per cent, gallic acid, and Kawalier regards it as a mixture of two compounds, one of which yields gallic, and the other, present only in small propor- tion, yields ellagic acid. The same decomposition of tannic acid is induced by the influ- ence of diluted sulphuric acid, and the process for obtaining gallic acid can be materially shortened if, instead of exposure to the at- mosphere, galls or tannin are treated with dilute sulphuric acid at the boiling"point. Otherwise the process remains the same as above given. Gallic acid is soluble in cold water in about the proportion of 4 grains to the ounce. Its salts with the alkalies and alkaline earths are crystallizable; at a boiling temperature, sesquisalts of iron are decomposed by being reduced to protosalts, carbonic acid being given oft* at the same time. In common with tannin, it is usually given in pills, and used externally in ointments or solution. It is likewise used in hair dyes, an ammoniacal solution of nitrate of silver being afterwards employed to produce the color. Pyrogallic Acid.—Q^ & 3 = gallic acid C 7 H 6 5 — C0 2 .— The best and cheapest method for preparing it is from the dry aqueous ex- tract of galls in an apparatus suited to subliming benzoic acid, heated in a bath of sand or chloride of zinc, to 400° F., and to- wards the end of the process a little higher. 100 parts of dry extract yield about 5 parts perfectly pure pyrogallic acid, and the same amount of impure, to be purified by another sublimation. By dry distillation of Chinese galls in small retorts, Liebig obtained a liquid, yielding, on evaporation, 15 per cent, brown crystallized pyrogallic acid. White laminse or needles of a pearly lustre, soluble in 2J parts water at 55° F., less in alcohol and ether; the solutions do not affect litmus paper; its taste is very bitter; fusible at 240° F., boiling at about 400°, at 480° it is blackened and converted into metagallic acid. Solution of pyrogallic acid, if dropped into milk of lime, produces a characteristic red coloration, changing to brown. Pro- tosulphate of iron produces a bluish-black color, a trace of sesqui- salt changes it to a dark green. Sesquisalts of iron color a solution of the acid red; h} T drated sesquioxide of iron and a pyrogallate give a dark blue liquid and precipitate. It is much employed in photography on account of its great sensitiveness to light in combination with silver, and for dyeing the hair brown and black. The salts are more soluble than the gallates. 460 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. Seventh Gtkoup. — Acids oe Animal Origin. Two acids have been described in the second group, which for a long time were supposed to be exclusively of animal origin, though likewise formed by the decomposition of certain organic com- pounds of vegetable products ; modern chemistry, however, has established the fact that formic and lactic acids are both produced during the natural healthful life of some vegetable organisms, and that the nettles, for instance, owe their powerful irritant effect to the same acid that nature has provided for the defence of ants, wasps, and bees. Vegetable acids, to the exclusion of but a few compounds which from their chemical behavior may be classed with the acids, are destitute of nitrogen ; the acids arranged in this group all contain nitrogen, one also sulphur, and are produced by the functions of some of the most important organs of the animal economy ; they comprise the acids found in the muscles, occurring in the urine, and being the active constituents of bile. None of them have been used in medicine in a free state ; the impure soda salt of one of the biliary acids, however, has been somewhat employed as a substitute for inspissated bile, and others may probably be found useful if attention is drawn to them. Inosinic acid, C 10 H 14 N 2 O u . Uric or Lithic acid, C 5 N 4 H 4 3 - Hippuric acid, C 9 H 9 N0 3 . Cholic or glycocholic acid, C 24 H 40°5- Hyocholic acid, C 25 H 40 O 4 . Sulphocholic, Taurocholic, or choleinic acid, Syllabus of Animal Acids. In the juice of the meat of most animals and ingredient of culinary and dietetic preparations of meat ; strong acid, agreeable taste of broth, decomposed by boiling; precipitated by alcohol in crystalline floccules ; insolu- ble in ether. Free and combined in the urine of birds, reptiles, some molluscs and insects; in the urinary sediment and cal- culi of man and quadrupeds; white silky scales or needles; soluble in 14,000 parts cold and 1800 parts boiling water, insoluble in alcohol and ether. Evapo- rated with diluted HN0 3 , and NH 4 added, forms murex- ide. Salts mostly insoluble or sparingly soluble. In the urine of man and herbivorous animals, increased by partaking of benzyle (tolyle) compounds. Color- less prisms or needles ; taste bitterish acid ; soluble in alcohol, in 400 parts cold water, less in ether. Salts mostly soluble in boiling alcohol and boiling water ; the alkaline salts soluble in the cold. As soda salt in the bile of most animals. Thin white needles ; taste sweetish and bitter; very easily soluble in alcohol, less in ether, with difficulty in water ; salts soluble in alcohol. Combined with soda, potassa, and ammonia in the bile of the hog. Colorless, amorphous, fuses in boiling water; little soluble in water, readily in alcohol, in- soluble in ether; alkaline salts soluble in alcohol and water, not in ether, separated from its solutions by NaCl. In small quantity in the bile of the ox and other ani- mals. Resinous, soluble in little water, turbid by more ; solution dissolves fats, fatty acids, and cholesterin. Alkaline salts, soluble in alcohol and water, crystallize in contact with ether. ANIMAL ACIDS. 461 Inosinic Acid. — The mother-liquor of the preparation of creatine is precipitated by alcohol, the crystals in hot solution are decom- posed by chloride of barium ; the crystallizing inosinate of baryta decomposed by sulphuric acid, and the concentrated solution of inosinic acid precipitated by alcohol. Uric acid is readily prepared from guano, by exhausting it first with water, then treating with potassa, precipitating by chloride of calcium, and the filtrate by muriatic acid ; the precipitated acid is to be purified. The quantity of uric acid in urine is determined by precipitating this liquid with an acid ; if no albumen is present, muriatic acid will answer, otherwise acetic, or, better, phosphoric acid is to be used ; the liquid retains of uric acid only .009 per cent, of its weight, which loss is usually made up by the precipitation of coloring matter. Gregory's process for obtaining it is as follows : the fresh urine of cows or horses is mixed with milk of lime in excess, boiled, strained, and evaporated to J- its original measure ; it is then supersaturated with muriatic acid, and the crystallized acid puri- fied by again combining it with lime and decomposing with mu- riatic acid. The urine of cows contains 1.3, of horses .38 per cent, of hippuric acid ; in putrefied urine it is changed to benzoic acid. Boiled with dilute acids or alkalies, it splits into benzoic acid, C 7 H 6 2 , and glycocoll, C 2 H 5 Isr0 2 . Glycocoll, glycin, or amido-acetic acid, C 2 H 5 ITO 2 , is formed by the action of sulphuric acid or potassa upon gelatine, and is found in hippuric and the nitrogenated biliary acids. It occurs in colorless hard crystals, soluble in 4.3 p. cold water and in boiling diluted alcohol, has a faint acid reaction, no odor, and a sweet saccharine taste ; heated with a concentrated alkali, it assumes a bright fire- red color and decomposes. Bile is separated by the liver ; it is a liquid containing about 90 per cent, water, has a strongly bitter taste and a yellowish or brow uish-green color, and a neutral or faint alkaline reaction. Its consistence is due to mucus, its coloring matters produce irides- cence with nitric acid and its acids, and their acid derivatives yield a purple coloration with sugar and. sulphuric acid. We owe most of our present knowledge of the constituents of bile to the re- searches of Prof. Strecker. The biliary acids are best prepared by precipitating fresh bile with acetate of lead, washing the precipitate with hot alcohol, and decomposing the residue by sulphuretted hydrogen ; cholic acid is thus obtained. Taurocholic acid is precipitated by subacetate of lead from the mother-liquor filtered from the above precipitate by sugar of lead. Hyocholic acid is with less trouble obtained by separating its soda salt with table salt, purifying by alcohol, and decomposing by sulphuric acid. Impure cholate of soda, bilin of Berzelias, has been proposed as a substitute for ox-gall in doses varying from 5 to 15 grains three 462 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. or four times daily. It is easily prepared by evaporating fresh ox- gall to one-half, precipitating slimy and coloring matter by alcohol, treating the nitrate with animal charcoal, evaporating and washing with ether. The acids are copulated compounds, and split on treatment with boiling dilute acids or alkalies into their constituents as follows: — Cholic acid. C 24 H 10 O 5 4" ^2® — Cholalic acid -f- Glycocoll. Hyocholic acid, C 25 H 40 < ) 4 -j- H 2 = Hyocholalic acid -f- Glycocoll. Taurocholic " C 26 H 45 NS0 7 -j- H 2 ==Cholalic " + Taurin. Taurin or bilasparagin, C 2 H 7 lSrS03, crystallizes in large colorless prisms of a cooling taste ; soluble in 16 p. cold water, little in alcohol ; it is one of the most stable compounds, not being decom- posed by concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids. When the biliary acids are oxidized by nitric acid, one of the products is cholesteric acid, C 8 H 10 O 6 , which is likewise obtained by the same process from Cholesterin, C 26 H 43 H 2 0, which is met with frequently in the body of the higher animals and man, in bile, particularly in the biliary stones, in the nerves, brain, blood, yelk, pus, and other morbid excretions. It forms white shining scales, is inodorous and tasteless ; insoluble in water, dilute acids and alkalies, but soluble in alcohol, ether, and solutions of soap and the biliary acids. To detect it when present in small proportions, and particularly when associated with fats, is not without difficulty ; in the latter case the formation of a lead soap and its exhaustion by ether or boiling alcohol are ad- visable. Eighth Group. — Acids pertaining to Coloring Matters. The organic coloring matters are chemical compounds, the char- acter of which is not clearly ascertained, except in a few instances. All those substances which in their dry state or in solution are remarkable for decided coloration, may be called coloring principles ; sanguinarina and hydrastia have been thus classified ; they are, however, alkaloids, and will be treated of in their proper place. Of the coloring matters in the following lists, many of those placed in division a have acid properties so decided as to expel carbonic acid ; the acid properties of others are not so easily recognized, as they frequently dissolve in acids and alkalies with different colors, and in such solutions are readily affected by atmospheric oxygen, par- ticularly at high temperatures. But as far as the latter property is concerned, they are not the only acids changed in this way ; the whole group of tannins and their derivatives are equally unstable, and probably even more so, than many coloring acids. Most of those which follow are precipitated by acetate or sub- acetate of lead, and may be obtained in a free state by decomposing such precipitates, diffused in alcohol, by sulphuric acid or sulphu- retted hydrogen. Compounds may be formed with alumina, if their mixture with a solution of alum is precipitated by ammonia ; such colored precipitates are called lakes. ACIDS PERTAINING TO COLORING MATTERS. 463 (a) Acids from Phanerogamic Plants. Carthamic acid, carthamin. Carthaxanthic acid, Crocic acid, C 48 H 43 31 , polychroite. Rottleric acid, C n H, O 3 , rottlerin. Chrysophanic acid, C 10 H 8 O 3 . Xanthorhamnic acid, Rhamnoxanthic acid, C i2 H i2°6> f ran - Gentisic acid, C 28 H 1( Santalic acid, C^Hj santalin. Ruberythric acid, C a Ozylizaric acid, C 9 H 6 3 -f- H 2 0, purpurin. Brazilic acid, C 36 H 14 Q U , brazilin. Bixic acid (?). Carolic (?), C 18 H 24 0, Carotin. Quercitric, or Rutinic acid, Quercetin, C 27 H 18 12 . Luteolic acid, C., H u O 3 luteolin. Thujic acid,. C 20 H 22 O 12 , thujin. Mangostin. (?) In Carthamus tinctorius ; amorphous ; carmine red, with a green metallic lustre ; little soluble in water ; soluble in alcohol. Yellow extract ; soluble in water ; brown in contact with air. In saffron, and in the fruit of Gardenia grandiflora ; bril- liantly red ; by HN0 3 green, by H 2 S0 4 indigo-blue (tests for saffron) ; soluble in water, more in alkalies, by hot diluted acids split into crocetin, C 24 H 23 O n , and sugar. In the hairy covering of the fruit of Rottlera tinctoria ; brilliant yellow crystals ; red by alkalies. In senna, rhubarb, etc. ; boracic acid does not turn it brown. (See also Rhamuin.) In the fruit of Rhamnus tinctoria ; crystalline ; readily soluble in water and hot alcohol ; insoluble in ether ; bj T boiling with dilute acids yields rhamnetin, C 22 H lo O 10 , and sugar. (See Quercitric Acid.) In the root and bark of Rhamnus frangula ; lemon-yellow crystalline powder; insoluble in water and ether ; Solu- ble in 160 p. hot alcohol ; in H 2 S0 4 with a ruby, in alka- lies with a purple color. Loao or Chinese green is the A1 2 3 compound of Rhamnus chlorophorus and utilis. Sap green is prepared from the unripe berries of Rhamnus cathartica. In gentian root. Yellow needles ; not bitter ; soluble in alcohol. In red saunders, Santalum rubrum ; microscopic red crystals ; nearly insoluble in water ; purple by alkalies. In madder, the root of Rubia tinctorum ; yellow prisms ; soluble in hot water, alcohol, and ether ; with A1. 2 3 a bright red lake ; is a glucoside ; yields Alizarin, lizaric acid, C 20 II 6 O 6 . Sublimed in orange-colored prisms ; from solutions, in brownish-yellow prisms with 4H 2 ; with alkalies purple, with lime and baryta blue. From madder by fermentation ; red or orange needles ; with alkalies cherry-red, with lime and baryta purple precipitates. In anchusa, alkanet root. Deep red ; insoluble in water ; the salts purple or blue, bleached by light. In Brazil wood. Yellowish-red prisms ; soluble in alcohol, ether, and water ; by alkalies purple. In annatto from Bixa orellana ; red, resinous ; soluble reddish-yellow in alkalies ; indigo-blue in H 2 S0 4 . Copper-red, microscopic ci'ystals ; no odor or taste ; in- soluble in water and ether, slightly in alcohol; soluble in fixed and essential oils ; blue by H 2 S0 4 and S0 3 . In quercitron bark, Ruta graveolens, Capparis, iE»culus, Fagopyrum, and Humulus; crystalline, chrome-yellow, bitterish ; soluble in alcohol and alkalies, less in water, little in ether; as found in the different plants, it is quercetin with various proportions of the carbohydrate, C 12 H 15°15- Crystalline, yellow ; by Fe 2 Cl 3 green ; probably identical with rhamnetin and the following. In French weld from Reseda luteola. Yellow needles by sublimation ; nearly insoluble in water. In Thuja occidentalis ; lemon-yellow, astringent; soluble in hot water and alcohol; green by Fe 2 Cl 3 ; it splits into glucose and thujetin, C 28 H 14 ]6 ; its alcoholic solu- tion by Fe 2 Cl 3 inky, by alkalies green. In the rind of Garcinia Mangostana, golden-yellow scales; tasteless ; insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, and alkalies; by HN0 3 oxalic acid. 464 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. Gambogic acid, C 20 I1 23 4 . In gamboge, amorphous, yellow; soluble red in NH 3 , and yellow in alcohol ; precipitated by concentrated solu- tions of alkaline salts, but the precipitate soluble in pure water. Pipizaic acid, C 30 H 20 O 6 . In pipizateo root, a Mexican cathartic ; readily soluble in absolute alcohol and ether; its alkaline salts purple and easily soluble in alcohol, ether, and water. Scop aric acid, C 21 H 22 O 10 , In Spartium scoparium ; light yellow crystals ; tasteless, scoparin. inodorous ; soluble in alcohol ; easily in alkalies and concentrated acids ; by CaCl dark-green ; precipitates by PbO salts. Ilixanthic acid, C 17 H 22 O n . In the leaves of Ilex aquifolium ; straw-yellow needles ; soluble in hot water and alcohol, insoluble in ether; with PbO yellow lakes. Hcematoxylic acid, C 16 H u 6 , In logwood, from Hsematoxylon Campechianum. Yellow hcemaloxylin. prisms; taste of liquorice; little soluble in water; by moisture and alkalies converted into Hcematein, C 32 H lo O 10 ; dark-green, metallic lustre ; with bases red, violet, or blue. Curcumic acid (?), cur cumin. In turmeric, Curcuma longa ; yellow crystals; slightly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol and ether, very soluble in benzol; does not sublime ; begins to melt at 1650 C. ; solutions are very fluorescent; brown with alkalies. (b) Acids from Cnjptogamic Plants. The natural chromogenic acids form various species of the genera Lichen, Variolaria, Lecanora, Rosella, G-y rophora, etc., are copu- lated compounds, colorless, or but slightly colored, and yield by boiling with water, alcohol, or alkalies, orsellic acid, C 8 H 8 4 and another acid or neutral compound which is usually likewise copu- lated. The former is, by continuing the process, converted into orcine, C 7 H 8 2 , which by ammonia, moisture, and oxygen yields the coloring matter orceine, C 7 C 7 N\0 3 (orceic acid), which, with ammonia, furnishes a deep red, with alkafies a violet or purple solution ; this is the coloring principle of cudbear and archil. Erythric acid, C 20 H 22 O 10 . From Roccella tinctoria ; yields C 16 H 8 8 , and erythrin, C 26 H 22 O 10 , which again yields C 16 H 8 8 , besides Erythro- mannite. Alphaorsellic acid, C 8 H 8 4 . From a variety of the same. Betaorsellic acid, C 8 H 10 O 2 . From another variety. Evernic acid, C 17 H 16 7 . From Evernia prunastri. Gyrophoric acid, C 36 H 18 15 . From Gyrophora pustulata; intermediate product unknown. Litmus is obtained from Lecanora tartarica and some other lichens by a different process ; its coloring principles are probably derivatives of orcine, or, as Kane believes, of roccellin. The follow- ing have been distinguished ; all are amorphous and little soluble in water, and yield lakes of blue or purple color ; the formulas are those of Kane. Azolitmin, C 9 H 10 I^O 5 ; deep brown-red, soluble in alkalies with blue color. Spaniolitmin, light red, insoluble in alcohol and ether, soluble in alkalies blue. LJrythrolitmin, C 25 H 22 6 , light red, easily soluble in alcohol, not in ether. The hot solution deposits it in soft deep-red granules. Erythrolein, C ]S H 22 2 , semiliquid ; easily soluble in alcohol and ether with dark-red color, in ammonia purple. ACIDS PERTAINING TO COLORING MATTERS. 465 (c) Azotized Vegetable Coloring Matters. There are but two of this div/sion, which have not the least rela- tion to each other ; moreover, one is a complex body never obtained in a state of purity. Indigogen, CJI 6 NO. In the juice of various plants yielding indigo. Chlorophylv, | : H 9 N0 4 . The green coloring matter of leaves and herbs. Indigogen, or Indigo white, is contained in the juice of plants yielding indigo in a state of combination with alkalies; owing to its proneness to oxidation, it is difficult to be obtained in a state of purity. During the process of fermentation of the leaves, it is oxidized and converted into indigo blue, other matters being separated at the same time, the whole constituting commercial indigo. The coloring principle upon which the value of indigo depends has been named Indigotin, C 8 H 5 I^O; amorphous, subliming in hexagonal prisms, deep blue with a tinge of purple, tasteless and inodorous ; insoluble in nearly all solvents; yields by dry distillation anilina, NH 3 ,HCy, and empyreumatic oils. Indigo has been used in epilepsy, taken internally; a portion is found in urine which deposits occasionally a blue pigment, uro- cyanin, which is at least frequently identical with indigotin. The blue coloring matter of some milk appears to be sometimes the same pigment, and may then be derived from plants containing indigogen. If indigo is exhausted with sulphuric acid, the solution treated with concentrated solution of acetate of potassium, the precipitate washed with the same solution to remove KS0 4 , and finally with alcohol to extract KAc, the residue is Indigosulphate, Sulphocceridate of potassium, or indigocarmine in a pure state. Schnack calls the indigo-white indican, O^H^NO^ ; it splits by cold acids into indigo-blue, C 8 H 5 NO, and indiglucin, C 6 II ]0 O . Through various influences a number of different coloring matters contained in the commercial indigo and other compounds are 'formed ; among the latter are carbonic, formic, acetic, and propionic acids. Chlorophyll occurs in the green parts of plants in the form of globules or granules composed of a green membrane and semi-liquid matter, enveloping a starch granule (Bohm), or it is a transparent colorless membrane, containing a green liquid with some minute granules. It is always accompanied by protein and waxy matters, and the true coloring principle is present only in very minute quantity, which renders its separation very difficult. Its chemical relations are, therefore, still somewhat uncertain. Fremy supposes it to consist of phylloxanihin and phyllocyanin which, being mixed in different proportions, furnish the different shades of green in leaves; the latter is wanting in the yellow autumnal foliage. The yellow (xanthophyll) and red (erythrophyll) coloring matters of the leaves in autumn are products of decomposition of the chlo- 30 466 ON ORGANIC ACIDS. rophyll ; Wittstein and Ferrein suppose both to be weak tannins. (See Cisso and Xanthotannic Acid,) Xanthein and cyanin are said to be the yellow and blue principles furnishing all the innumerable shades of the yellow, blue, green, and red colors, which we admire in the petals of flowers ; they are then in combination with one another, with various alkalies and acids. It has, however, been proved that the flowers of Reseda luteola, Capparis spinosa, and Aesculus hippocastanum contain quercitrin, and Hlasiwetz suggests that other than yellow colors may be due to the same glucoside or some derivative. (See Am. Jour. Phar., 1860, 222.) (d) Ternary Animal Coloring Matters. Carmic acid, C u H 14 8 . In cochineal, and probably in the flowers of Monarda didyma, and identical with rufimaric acid, as by dry distillation oxyphenic acid is obtained ; brownish-purple, friable, freely soluble in water and alcohol, sparingly in ether. Euxanthic or Purreeic acid, In purree, an East Indian pigment from the urine of camels after they have eaten the fruits of Mangostana mangifera ; yellow shining prisms; soluble in boiling water, more in hot alcohol and ether ; inodorous, bitter sweetish taste ; salts yellow, crystalline, or gelatinous. (e) Azotized Animal Coloring Matters. Hsematin or Hsematosin, In the blood of all vertebrate animals; brownish-red; C 44 H 44 N 6 6 Fe. inodorous and tasteless; insoluble in alcohol, water, and ether, soluble in acidulated alcohol, alkalies, and aqueous solutions of the salts in blood. Urerythrin or Urohsematin ? The coloring matter of human urine; dark-red; insoluble in water, acids, and many salts; soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, and warm fresh urine. Bilifuscin, C 16 H 20 N 2 O 4 . The brown coloring matter of bile and biliary concretions ; dark brown with olive-green tinge; little soluble in water, more in alcohol and alkalies. The preparation of these coloring matters is connected with many difficulties, and we have even no proof that they can be sepa- rated without decomposition; moreover it is likely that as soon as* they are separated from the organism, they commence to undergo alterations under the influence of air and light. The latter two of the above syllabus are believed to be derivatives from the color- ing matter of the blood. Hcematin occurs naturally together with globuline as hsemato- globulin, and the detection of blood in physiological and forensic analysis is based partly on the presence of the latter, partly on the separation of the former, or one of its modifications, or the recog- nition of the iron. It has been proposed as a new remedy by Prof. Fabourn, of Lyons, supposed to assist the formation of blood-cor- puscles, and to contain 10 per cent, of iron. Prepared by thicken- ing the blood with an inactive salt, subjecting the resulting magma to pressure, extracting the press-cake with alcohol containing 2 or 3 per cent of an acid. On neutralizing this the haBmatosin sepa- ixates in reddish flocks, which are to be washed successively with ON THE OKGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. 467 water, alcohol, aud ether, and on drying may be taken in powder or pill. Hcematoidine occurs in stagnant blood, in the form of red or yellowish-red crystals or is amorphous, and is insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, alkalies, and acids. Hcemin may be prepared from a minute quantity of old or fresh blood, by dissolving it in glacial acetic acid, boiling it for a moment, and evaporating a few drops upon glass. It forms red or brown crystals, and is insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, and chloroform, but soluble in potassa. The formation of these microscopic crystals forms now one of the principal tests for recognizing blood. Heller recognizes blood in urine by boiling it, when the coagu- lated albumen will contain all the hsematin. If to the boiling urine some potassa is added, the albumen is dissolved, a bottle- green color is produced, and the earthy phosphates settle with a brownish or blood-red color, showing a dichroism in green. Pathological liquids are mixed with some normal urine, and blood spots are previously dissolved in water, in alcohol acidulated with H 2 S0 4 , or in a solution of sulphate of sodium, when they are treated as before. Blood, if corpuscles cannot be recognized, shows its presence by the odor of burning feathers when heated to near redness, and by the production of Prussian blue when heated with some sodium, and precipitating the solution by a salt of Pe 2 3 -f-FeO. (See papers on the subject in Am. Joarn. Pharm., 1857,30; 1861,439; 1862, 331; and Am. Drugg. Circular, 1860, 260.) The brown and yellow biliary coloring matters are recognized in the alcoholic alkaline solution, which turns green on the addition of HC1, and blue by the addition guttatim of H^N"0 3 . The most reliable test is the change of color which is produced by HX0 3 con- taining HNT0 2 ; the color passes then through green, blue, violet, red into yellow CHAPTER VIII. ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. The whole science of organic chemistry is comparatively new, the discovery of the existence of the vegetable alkalies, the most important class of organic principles, dating back only to 1817, when Serturner, a German apothecary, announced the existence of morphia. The study of all classes of organic bodies has since progressed rapidly, many discoveries have been announced, which have been subjected to revision and been superseded by others, and this pro- cess is still going on; all that the pharmacologist can expect to do is to present the actual state of knowledge upon the several sub- 468 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. jects under examination, awaiting the progress of analytical and synthetical investigation to confirm existing views, or to present others more in accordance with the requirements of exact science. In the present uncertain state of chemical knowledge in regard to the alkaloids, we shall follow the classification indicated by nature in her morphological developments, and arrange the natural alkaloids as the other classes of organic chemical principles upon a botanical basis ; those of animal origin and those produced by arti- ficial processes being grouped separately. The alkaloids, as a class, are the most powerful of organic prin- ciples, displaying their effects especially on the nervous system, which they so forcibly impress as to constitute many of them viru- lent poisons ; a few, however, seem nearly destitute of active pro- perties. They all contain nitrogen, and, by destructive distillation, or by heating with alkalies, evolve ammonia; most of them evince their alkalinity by restoring the blue color to reddened litmus, and though not always crystalline or even solid, they combine with acids to form definite salts which are crystalline ; they also, like the alkalies proper, form double salts with bichloride of platinum. Most of the alkaloids are sparingly soluble in water, but dissolve freely in alcohol, especially with heat; some dissolve in ether, fixed and essential oils, and almost all in benzine, bisulphuret of carbon, amylic alcohol, and chloroform, which may be used for their ex- traction. They are nearly all precipitated from solution, whether alone or combined as salts, by tannic acid, which is hence, when taken immediately, one of the best chemical antidotes for them, with the exception of those soluble in water ; they are mostly pre- cipitated by alkalies, in an excess of which many are redissolved. The vegetable alkalies do not exist free in plants, but are gene- rally combined with peculiar vegetable acids. Certain natural families of plants are distinguished by containing the same or similar alkaloids in their several species, while in other instances the same plant contains two or more different alkaloids. Opium contains nine, St. Ignatius's bean and nux vomica three, sabadilla and veratrum three, while trie different species of cinchona are known to contain at least four. It is believed that every really poisonous plant contains an alka- loid or neutral characteristic principle. It is remarkable that the development of the active principle is frequently only in one organ of the plant, and only at a certain period of its growth. There is no convenient and scientific classification of the organic alkalies, and their composition which is known, at least empirically, affords no clue to their properties and relations ; indeed, their sepa- ration from some of the class of peculiar neutral principles, though sanctioned by a well-known chemical distinction, seems forced and unnatural when we compare their physical and therapeutic proper- ties, and is constantly overlooked by writers. Considering the recent discovery of most of this class, it might be expected that a uniform system of nomenclature would obtain in regard to them. This, however, is only measurably the case ; they CHEMICAL HISTORY. 469 are most usually named from the generic title of the plants from which first derived, or from some distinguishing property ; but by many they are indiscriminately terminated by in or ia. This prac- tice is contrary to the rule adopted by common consent in this country, appropriating to the neutral principles the former, and to the organic alkalies the latter, termination. Even the officinal alkaloids are constantly misnamed from a disregard to this rule. In converting the foreign names into our own Latinized form, some discrepancies arise, as aconitina and aconitia, applied to the same substance. The symbols used in some works to designate this class of prin- ciples are omitted in this as interfering with the convenience of its mechanical execution. In these symbols the first letters of the re- spective names are surmounted by a -f sign, to designate the organic alkali, as in the case of acids the — sign is employed. A sufficient advantage does not seem to be secured by the use of this abbreviated method to compensate for its increased complexity and the liability to mistakes on the part of the student. The mode of preparation of the organic alkalies varies with their habitudes, and particularly according to their solubility and that of their native combinations. When the native salt is soluble in water, as meconate of morphia, and the organic alkali is itself in- soluble, there is no difficulty in its extraction, the simple addition of a strong alkali to the infusion of the vegetable substance neu- tralizes the organic acid with which the alkaloid was associated, and it is thrown down in a more or less pure form. It more fre- quently happens that the native alkaloid salt is not so freely soluble in water, and then a diluted acid is employed for its extraction; so that its salt with an inorganic acid is obtained, and, this being de- composed by an alkali, yields the pure precipitated alkaloid. In a large number of cases, however, these simple methods of extraction are quite useless, and complex processes are necessarily resorted to. Some of these are founded upon the alkaloid being separated from its associated principles by subacetate of lead. Some processes direct ether, benzine, or chloroform as the solvent, which separates the alkaloids from the other proximate principles present, and de- posits them upon evaporation. The volatile alkaloids are, of course, prepared by appropriate modifications of the process of distillation. The use of animal charcoal for its powerful absorbent properties, and the subsequent extraction of the alkaloid by appropriate solvents, is a process sometimes resorted to with success. It is not intended to go into detail on these processes except in a few cases, as many of the alkaloids are seldom called for, and those in use are prepared almost exclusively on a large scale by chemical manufacturers. Chemical History. — The study of the native organic alkalies has not as yet revealed their actual composition, the empirical formulas only being ascertained by our present means of analysis. From their behavior to tests we know that they have a certain relation to ammonia, and it is by the study of the artificial alkaloids that 470 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. we are able to form an idea of the real chemical nature of the whole class. By the destructive distillation of many nitrogenated substances, compounds are obtained containing nitrogen, and having the be- havior of alkaloids; they are closely allied to ammonia. This base, though generally classed among the inorganic compounds, is, in fact, merely the last stage of decomposition of organic nitrogenated bodies, containing only two elements, nitrogen and hydrogen. Like it, the compounds referred to have strong alkaline properties, in some instances even stronger than ammonia, and, as already stated, like the strong inorganic alkalies, readily form crystal lizable double salts with bichloride of platinum. The organic alkalies, chiefly on account of their strong affinity for acids, and of their property of evolving ammonia when heated with caustic potassa, have long been viewed by some chemists, especially Berzelius, as compounds of ammonia with other complex bodies; since the discovery of the artificial alkaloids, and the in- vestigations into their constitution, this view has been somewhat modified so as to consider them as ammonia, in the composition of which one or more equivalents of hydrogen have been substituted by a radical; and since this view of their composition has gained ground, the number of the artificial alkaloids has been largely in- creased, and the probability has been shown of its further increasing to a surprising extent. Among the inorganic compounds, even some metals are capable of replacing one or more equivalents of hydrogen in ammonia to form bases, as in the- well-known instances of Cuprum ammoniatum and Hydrargyrum ammoniatum of the Pharmacopoeia ; it now re- mains to be shown how the elements are grouped in compounds of this nature, and which of the atomic elements or groups may be substituted for the hydrogen in ammonia to form alkaloids. Such substituting compounds we find among the carbo-hydrogens, such as methyle CH 3 , ethyle C 2 H 5 , propyle C 3 H 7 , butyle C 4 IT 9 , amyle C 5 H 10 , capryle C ft H 13 , phenyle (benzid) C 6 H 5 ; oxygenated radicals like benzoyle C 7 H 5 0, cumyle C^H^O, etc.; the elements forming hydracids, bromine, iodine, chlorine, cyanogen; nitric peroxide ED 2 , and a great variety of other elements and groups. The newly-formed compounds have an alkaline character as long as they correspond in composition with ammonia. As a general rule, the compounds with the radicals of the hydracids have a weaker basic character, which becomes less decided as the number of equivalents of these radicals is increased in the alkaloid; with three equivalents of an element of the hydracid group, all alkalinity is lost; such compounds, however, do not correspond with ammonia or the oxide of ammonium in composition. The artificial alka- loids, after combining with acids, correspond closely in composition with the ammonia salts. TESTS FOR THE ALKALOIDS. 471 Series of Alkaloids containing Phenyle, C 6 H 3 , illustrating the foregoing. Pheny lamina (anilina) C (j H : X. Methylanilina C T H 9 X. Etkylanilina C 8 H U N. Diethylanilina C ]0 H 15 X, Methyl-ethylanilina C 12 H ls 2sT.* Chloranilina C 6 H,C1H. 7 X. Bichloranilina . . .• C 6 H,C1,H.,X. TricMoranilina C 6 H,C1,H X. Bromanilina C 6 H 4 BrH.,X\ Iodinanilina C ( H 4 III.X. Cyananilina C ( .H.CyIIX.t Xitranilina C G H 4 XOJI._X. But it is not only the hydrogen of XH 3 which can he replaced by elements or compounds ; even the nitrogen may thus be substi- tuted by elements, the chemical compounds of which show a close analogy to the corresponding compounds of X. Phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony form with 3H hydrurets, analogous in com- position to ffl 3 , but without basic character. When the hydrogen is replaced by any of the alcohol radicals methyle, ethyle, etc., the compounds, like P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 , are weak bases, and combined with 1 or 20 have a stronger basic character ; the corresponding nitrogen compounds OTi 3 are still unknown. Strong basic properties are met with in the compounds analogous to XH 4 0, in which 4H are replaced by alcohol radicals ; the oxide of stibmethylium, Sb(CH 3 ) 4 0, for instance, is extremely caustic, decomposes the salts of ammonia and metallic oxides like potassa ; its salts are bitter, not poisonous, and isomorphous with the potassium salts. The chemical behavior of all the organic bases is closely allied to ammonia ; if we omit tannic acid, which is not precipitated by is"H 3 , but yields precipitates insoluble in water, not only with the vegetable alkalies but also with most neutral principles (see Chap- ter IX.), there are particularly five reactions characteristic of this class : — 1. The residue of the treatment of uric acid with nitric acid is of a reddish color, and dissolves in ammonia with a beautiful purple, forming murexid. Precisely similar is the behavior of the organic alkaloids, thougb, from their different composition, this color is somewhat altered ; nicotia produces the purest purple, anilina a more violet color (Schwarzenberg). 2. Their behavior to Sonnenschein's test is alike. "Whether free or combined with an acid, all alkaloids of the combination of am- monia are precipitated by phospho-molybdic acid with various shades of yellow, some pulverulent, some flocculent, some voluminous. The following exhibits his results : — The precipitate is : — Light yellow and flocculent with morphia, veratria, jeryia, aconitia, emetia, atropia, daturia, ethylamiua, diethylamina, triethylamina, nie- thylaraina, dimethylamina, trimethylamina, and anilina. * Similar combinations are formed with amyle, butyle, and other carbo-hydrogens. t Chlorine, bromine, iodine, etc., in the proportion of two atoms, are less basic, and where three atoms enter into the compound, it ceases to have basic properties. 472 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. Light yellow and voluminous with caffeina, theobromina, conia, nicotia. " " " pulverulent with mercuramina. Yellowish-white and floccident with quinia and cinchonia. " " " voluminous with strychnia. Brownish-yellow and flocculent with narcotina and piperina. " " " voluminous with codeia. Ochre-yellow and floccident with brucia. Dirty-yellow and flocculent with berberina. Orange-yellow and flocculent with colchicia. . Sulphur-yellow and floccident with sinamina. Lemon-yellow and flocculent with quinolina. " " " pulverulent with solania. 3. Another very important test for the discovery of the alkaloids is Scheibler's phospho-tung 'state of sodium. The reagent is prepared by adding phosphoric acid to tungstate of sodium, and has been, as far as experiments performed on dogs are reliable, recommended as an antidote to poisonous alkaloids, with which an insoluble compound is formed, that cannot be assimilated. These precipitates are all insoluble or nearly so in water, alcohol, ether, and in diluted mineral acids, with the exception of phos- phoric. Concentrated nitric, acetic, tartaric, citric, and oxalic acids dissolve them on boiling, separating them again on cooling ; citric acid, however, easily reduces the phospho-molybdic acid. Caustic alkalies, their carbonates, borates, phosphates, tartrates, and ace- tates, dissolve the precipitates, some separating again the organic alkali. The oxides of the earthy metals, silver and lead, and their carbonates gradually decompose them, liberating the base, .00007 gramme of strychnia in one cubic centimetre of solution is very plainly precipitated. A solution containing only 2 Wooe P ar ^ of strychnia is rendered opalescent. Asparagin, sinapolin, urea, hydrocyanic, hippuric, uric, and simi- lar acids, and nitrogenous bodies, digitalin, meconin, and similar organic neutral principles are not precipitated. 4. Similar in its behavior to the alkaloids is Schultze's test liquid, which is prepared by adding pentachloride of antimony to phosphoric acid; the precipitates are usually white and flocculent and insoluble in diluted acids. 5. The fifth general test for alkaloids is that of Prof. F. F. Mayer, who uses iodo-hydrargyrate of potassium, or rather a solution of corrosive sublimate in iodide of potassium. It precipitates am- monia only in the presence of free alkali, but the vegetable alka- lies are precipitated from neutral alkaline and acid solutions, and the precipitates are soluble in alcohol. In recommending this test for the quantitative determination of alkaloids in pharmaceutical preparations, Prof. Mayer observes that aconitia and berberina require, for complete precipitation, 1 equivalent ; atropia, strychnia, brucia, narcotina, and veratria, 2 ; morphia and conia 3 ; nicotia 4 ; and the cinchona alkaloids 6 equivalents of mercury. (See Proc. American Pharm. Association, 1862, 238.) For chemico-legal analyses Sonnenschein proposes the following easy way of detecting the alkaloids. The substances are treated TESTS FOR THE ALKALOIDS. 473 with water strongly acidulated with muriatic acid several times until exhausted, evaporated at about 90° F., to a thin syrupy con- sistence, diluted with water, after standing, filtered ; precipitated by phospho-molybdic acid in excess, the precipitate washed with water on a filter, acidulated with nitric and phospho-molybdic acid, mixed with hydrate of baryta to alkaline reaction, and heated in a flask with a tube attached to collect ammonia and other vol- atile bases in muriatic acid. The residue is treated with carbonic acid, evaporated, exhausted with alcohol and evaporated ; if neces- sary, recrystallized to purify the bases. The phospho-molybdic acid is prepared by precipitating molybdate of ammonia with phosphate of sodium, the yellow precipitate is well washed with water, suspended in water, and dissolved by carbonate of sodium, evaporated and heated to expel ammonia; if reduction should take place, it is moistened with HX0 3 , and again heated to redness ; the mass is then dissolved in warm water and mixed with HN0 3 to strong acid reaction, and diluted to ten times the weight of the dry salt ; after filtering it has a golden yellow color ; it must be preserved against ammoniacal vapors. Besides the method by phospho-molybdic acid as above, the fol- lowing older method of testing for the alkaloids, first proposed by Stas, has been more frequently tried and found successful. The substance is mixed with twice its weight of pure strong alcohol and a little tartaric or oxalic acid, and heated to 160° to 165° F., after cooling, filtered, washed with strong alcohol, and the liquors evaporated below 95° over sulphuric acid or in a current of air; the remaining aqueous liquid is passed through a wetted filter to separate fats, and again evaporated to near dryness; the product is exhausted with cold 95° per cent, alcohol, evaporated, dissolved in very little water, bicarb, sodium or potassium added until car- bonic acid ceases to be evolved, and agitated with four or six times its measure of rectified ether free from oil of wine. The residue, after evaporation of some of the ethereal solution, shows the pre- sence of either a liquid or solid alkaloid. If the former, the ether is shaken with a little o^ a strong solution of caustic soda or po- tassa, decanted, the residue washed with ether, the liquids mixed witli a little diluted H 2 S0 4 . This ether then contains the animal substances, the water, the salts of nicotia, conia, and ammonia; sulphate of conia is slightly soluble in ether. The aqueous solution is decomposed by potassa and agitated with ether, the ether evapo- rated spontaneously ; to get rid of all traces of ammonia, the resi- due is placed for a moment in vacuo over H 2 S0 4 . Conia and nicotia may be easily distinguished by their odor; conia is insoluble, nicotia soluble in water. In water mixed with conia, a few drops of chlorine water produce a white precipitate. If the alkaloid be solid, the ethereal solution is treated with soda or potassa, decanted, washed with much ether, evaporated, dis- solved in a little alcohol, evaporated, dissolved in water acidulated with H 2 S0 4 , evaporated in vacuo or over sulphuric acid, treated with 474 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS, pure carbonate of potassium, then with absolute alcohol, which, on evaporation, yields the alkaloid crystallized. If, after the decom- position by an alkali, the addition of ether is delayed, morphia, which immediately after precipitation is more soluble, becomes crystalline, and ether then takes up but traces of it ; alcoholic ether, however, takes up larger quantities of morphia. Otto therefore advises to add more soda to the washed (with ether) solution to prevent crystallization of morphia, then add muriate of ammonia, when, on evaporation, all morphia will crystallize out. The volatile alkaloids, besides being obtained by means of ether, are obtained by distilling the aqueous acid solution with soda. Uslar and J. Erdmann obtain the alkaloids in a nearly pure state, by decomposing the acid infusion with an alkali and shaking with amylic alcohol, from which the base is extracted lyy agitating it with much water acidulated with muriatic acid. This method is re- commended for obtaining these bodies for forensic purposes or from the plants containing them. (See Amer. Journ. Ph., 1862, 354.) Meconic Acid. — For the detection of opium, it is not necessary to isolate the organic alkalies, since the reaction of meconic acid with sesquichloride of iron is unmistakable evidence of its presence. The substance is treated with alcohol and a few drops of muriatic acid, evaporated, dissolved in water, filtered, boiled with excess of mag- nesia, filtered, acidulated with muriatic acid, and a solution of ses- quichloride of iron added; a deep brown-red coloration which is not affected by terchloride of gold indicates the presence of meconic acid. Aconitum Napellus. Delphinium staphisagria " consolida Hydrastis Canadensis. 1. Syllabus of Natural Quaternary Alkaloids. CI { Ranunculaccce. Aconiti folia, TJ. S. " radix, " Staphisagria. Delphinium, TJ. S. Yellow root. Helleborus niger. Coptis trifolia. Teeta. Xanthorrhiza apiifolia. Helleborus, U. S. Coptis, TJ. S. Mahmira. Xanthorrhiza, TJ. S. 31enispermacece. Cissampelos pareira. Pareira, TJ. S. Anamirta cocculus. Cocculus Indicus. Cocculus palmatus. Calumba, TJ. S. Coscinium fenestratum. Columbo wood. Menispermum Canadense. Yellow parilla. Anonaccoe. Codocline polycarpa. Berbcrideoe. Berberis vulgaris. Jeffersonia diphylla. Podophyllum peltatum. Barberry root. Twinleaf. Podophyllum, TJ. S. J Aconitia, C 17 H 23 N0 3 . 1 Napellina, ? Delphinia, C 27 H 32 N0 2 . Staphisaina, (J n H 23 NO. f Hydrastia, \ Berberina, C 2 Helleboria, >H 17 N0 4 . ? Berberina, C 20 H 17 NO 4 . ina, C 18 H 21 N0 3 . Menispermina, C 18 H 12 N0 2 . Berberina, C 20 H 17 NO 4 . Berberina. Berberina, C 2 Berbina. Bei-berina. SYLLABUS OF THE ALKALOIDS, 475 Papaveracece. Papaver somniferum. Opium, U. S. SaDguinaria Canadensis. Sanguinaria, U. S. Chelidonium majus. Celandine. Glaucium luteum. Horn poppy. (The herb.) Fumariacece. Corydalis fabacea, bulbosa, j Turk c ^ tuberosa, and formosa. ) J Fumaria officinalis. Fumatory. Violacece. Viola, U. S. f Morphia, C 17 H 19 N0 3 ,H 3 0. Narcotina, C 22 H 23 N0 7 . Codeia, C 18 H 21 N0 3 ,H 2 0. Thebaia, C 19 H 21 N0 3 . Narceina, C 23 H 29 NO g . - Opiania, C 21 H 21 NO r Papaverina, C 20 H 21 NO 4 . Phormia, C 27 H 9 NO r Opina, ? Metamorphia, ? Apomorphia, C 17 H i7 N0 2 . r Sanguinarina, C 36 H 64 N 4 O f Chelidina, C Af1 H on N,0,. Puccina, f Glaucina, 1 Gaucina, • Corydalina, Fumerina, 6 N0 7 . Viola odorata. Anchieta salutaris. Theobroma cacao. Thea Bohea. Paullinia sorbilis. Peganum harmala. Viol m, Byttneracece. Chocolate nut. Camelliece. Chinese tea. Sapindacece. Guar an a. Rutacece. Harmel rue. Xa cul 1 is XylUin ClaVa Her " WeSt IndiaQ Prick1 ^ ash ' Celaslrinece. Ilex Paraguayensis. Paraguay tea. Leguminosce. Geoffroya Jamaicensis. Jamaica cabbage-tree bark. " Surinamensis. Surinam " " Baptisia tinctoria. Wild indigo. Umbelliferce. Conium maculatum. Conium, U. S. iEthusa cynapium. Fool's parsley. Cucurbitacece. Trianosperma ficifolia. Tayuya. Monimiacece. Atherosperma moschatum. The bark. Erythroxylacece. Erythroxylon Coca. Coca leaves. Cinchonacece. Various Peruvian barks of \ n . . _„ TT « ,, n- i. r Cinchona, (J. S. the genus Cinchona. J ' Jaen and Cusco bark. Para bark. Pitaya bark. Carthagena bark. Unofficinal barks. Anchietia, ? Theobromia, 7 H 8 N 4 2 . r | Theina identical with caffeiua. ■{ (See Celastrinege and Cin- chonacese.) L Harmalina, C 13 H 14 N 2 0. Harmina, C 13 H 12 N 2 0. 1 Berberina, C 21 H 19 N0 5 . Caffeina. (See Cinchonacese.) Jamaicina, ? Surinamina, ? Baptisina, ? {Conhydrina, C 8 H 17 NO. (See Conia among the ternary alkaloids.) Cynapia, ? Trianospermia, ? Atherospermia, C 30 M 40 NO 5 . Ternary Alkaloids.) fQuinia, C 20 H 24 N 2 O 2 3H 2 O. I Quinidia, C 20 H 24 N 2 O 2 2H 2 O. | Cinchonia, C 20 H 24 N 2 O. [ Cinchonidia, C 20 H 24 N 2 O. f Aricia, C^H^N^. J Paricia, ? 1 Pitayia, ? I Carthagia, ? 476 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. Cephaelis ipecacuanha. Coffea Arabica. Ipecacuanha, TJ. S. Coffee. Composites. Eupatorium cannabinum. Water hemp. Apocynacece. Strychnos nux vomica. Nux vomica, TJ. S. " Ignatia. Ignatia, TJ. S. Geissospermum Vellosi ? Pao pereira. Urari or Curare. Arrow poison. Verbenacece. Chaste tree. Convolvulacece. Convolvulus Scammonia. Scammonium, TJ. S. Solanaceaz. Solanum dulcamara and Dulcamara, TJ. S. other species. Atropa belladonna. Belladonna, U. S. Datura stramonium. Stramonium, TJ. S. Emetia, C 20 H 30 NO 5 . Caffeina, Theina, C 8 H 10 N 4 O 8 H 8 O. Eupatorina, ? -) Strychnia, C 21 H 22 N 2 2 . V Brucia, C 23 H 26 N 2 4 4N 2 0. J Igasuria, C^H^N^. Pereirina, ? Curaria, ? Vitex Agnus castus. Hyoscyamus niger (and albus). Capsicum annuum. Hyoscyamus, Folium and Semen, TJ. S. Capsicum, TJ. S. Euphorbiacece. Buxus sempervirens. Boxwood. Croton tiglium. Croton seed. Euphorbia officinarum. Euphorbium. Lauracece. Nectandra Rodiei. Bebeeru bark. Piperaccce. Piper nigrum (longum and) p . „ ~ album). j-J-iper, U. b. Piper caudatum. Cubeba Clusii. Melanthacece. Verat r a,bu m , sabadilla f £~ ^ ££ Vln e " I Sabadilla, TJ. S. Colchicum autumnale. Colchicum, TJ. S. Cocos lapidea. Palmoz. Castina, Convolvulina, ? f Solania, ? \ Dulcamarina, ? J Atropia, C 17 H 23 N0 3 . \ Belladonnia, " Daturia, identical with atro- pia. I Hyoscyamia. Capsicina. Buxina, =Bebeerina. Crotonina, ? Euphorbina, ? f Bebeerina, C 19 H 21 N0 3 . \ Sepeerina, ? Piperina, C 31 H 38 N 2 6 . f Veratria, C 32 H 52 N 2 8 . \ Sabadillia, C 20 H 26 N 2 O 5 . [ Jervia, C 30 H 46 N 2 O 3 . Colchicia, ? Apirina, 2. Syllabus of Artificial Quaternary Alkaloids. Quinicia, C 20 H 24 N 2 O 2 . Cinchonicia, C 20 H a4 N 2 O 2 . Tropia, Porphyrharmina, From quinia and quinidia. From cinchonia and cinchonidia. From atropia. From harmalina and harmina. \ (See Cinchona Alka- / loids.) 3. Native Ternary Alkaloids. Leguminosoe. Spartium scoparium. Scoparius, U. S., Broom. Sparteina, C 10 H 26 N 2 . TJmbelliferce. f Conia, C 8 H 15 N. Conium maculatum. Conium, TJ. S., Hemlock. 1 Methylconia, C 9 H 17 N. I Ethylconia, C 10 H 19 N. Cicuta virosa. Water hemlock. Cicutina, ? SYLLABUS OF THE ALKALOIDS, 477 Chserophyllina, ? Aribina, C 23 H 20 N. Hygrina, ? Lobelina. Nicotia, C 10 H, 4 N 2 . Mercurialina, ? Ch^rophyllum bulbo- j c arsl sum. J Rubiacece. Araribe rubra. Urythrozylacece. Erythroxylon coca. Coca leaves. Lobeliacece. Lobelia inflata. Lobelia, U. S. Solanacece. Nicotiana tabacum. Tabacum, U. S. Tobacco. JEuphorbiacece. Mercurialis annua. Eosacece. {Flowers Sorbus aucuparia, Cra- taegus monogyna and oxy- cantha. Chenopodece. Chenopodium vulvaria Herb Fungi. Secale cornutum. Ergota, U. S. Ecbolina. Obtained by precipitating cold aqueous infusion of ergot with acetate of lead, precipitating lead with H 2 S, filtering and concentrating, then precipitating with HC1 2 until no further precipitate falls, and filtering. The muriate thus obtained is decomposed by phosphate of silver ; the chloride of silver and excess of phosphate are filtered out, and lime added to neutralize the phosphoric acid combined with the ecbolina, and the lime removed by C0 2 . The liquid is then concentrated with a gentle heat. Ergotina. Obtained by treating the liquid left by precipitating with HC1 2 with phospho-molybdic acid, washing the precipitate obtained, and suspending it in water with an excess of carbonate of barium until the yellowish color has changed to pure white, with the evolution of C0 2 . It remains only to evaporate gently to obtain the ergotina. — Amer. Jour. Pharmacy, 1864, p. 193. j Secalina \ , or Propylami } NC 3 H £ ina. J 4. Artificial Ternary Alkaloids. (a) By Decomposition of Native Alkaloids, mostly with Potassa or other Alkalies. Conia, C 8 H 15 N. From conhydrina by anhydrous phosphoric acid. Ethylamina, C 2 H 5 H 2 N. From narcotina; thin colorless liquid, boiling at 6GO F. ; strong ammoniacal odor; burning with a yellow flame; miscible with water; strong base. Propylamina, C 3 H 7 N. From narcotina and codeia. (See Secalina.) Methylamina, CH 5 N. From narcotina, codeia, morphia, caffeina by potassa; a lique- fiable gas, ammoniacal odor ; very soluble in water ; burns with a yellow flame ; strong base. Piperidina, CgH^N. From piperina by a mixture of soda and lime. (b) From Alkaloids, and in Coal Tar. C 5 H 9 N. C,H C N. From cinchonia by potassa ; colorless oil ; distils at 500O. Like former ; distils at 2420 ; soluble in water. Like former; distils at 310O; aromatic oil separated from its aqueous solution by heating. Pyrrolina, C 4 H 5 N. Like former ; distils at 2710 ; agreeable ethereal odor ; colors pine- wood moistened with HC1 carmine red ; turns red with HN0 3 . Quinolina or Leucolina, C 9 H 7 N. From quinia, cinchonia, strychnia, berberina by potassa ; oily; disagreeable bitter -almond odor ; distils at 4620; dissolves much water, in which it is little soluble. Picolina, C 6 H V N. From piperina and cinchonia by potassa ; distils at 2750 ; pine-wood is colored yellow. 478 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. (c) From other Sources. Toluidina, C 7 H 9 N. From nitrotoluol by NH 3 and HS ; from oil of turpentine by HN0 3 and KO ; little soluble in water, easily in other solvents ; liquid at 104O ; boiling at 3880 ; intensely yellow with pine-wood. Anilina, C 6 H 7 N. From coal tar ; from indigo by KO ; from nitrobenzol by HS and NH 4 S, etc.; vinous odor; aromatic taste; boiling point 360O ; by HN0 3 deep blue, yields picric acid. Synonyms : crystallin, benzidamin, phenylamin. Aconitia. (C 17 H 23 ^"0 3 = 289.) The outlines of the process of the Pharmacopoeia for preparing this alkaloid are as follows: Forty-eight troyounces of aconite root in moderately fine powder are exhausted by alcohol, the alcohol is distilled off until a pint remains behind, which is diluted with a pint of distilled water, to which a fluidounce and a half of dilute sulphuric acid has been added. The fixed oil and resin, which separate on standing, are now removed from the liquid, and this is evaporated to four fluidounces ; this is washed, after cooling, by agitation and decantation, with six fluidounces of stronger ether to remove the remainder of the fixed oil and resin. Stronger water of ammonia is now added in slight excess, and the mixture is three times successively agitated with six fluidounces of stronger ether ; the ethereal solutions, after decantation, are mixed, and, in a por- celain capsule, evaporated spontaneously to dryness. The dry residue is reduced to powder and kept in well-stopped bottles. Aconitia, thus prepared, is a yellowish-white powder, without smell, and of a bitter acrid taste, accompanied with a sense of numbness. It melts at a moderate heat, and, at a high tempera- ture, is decomposed and entirely dissipated with the smell of am- monia. It requires 150 parts of cold and 50 parts of boiling water for solution, and is readily dissolved by alcohol, ether, and chloro- form. It neutralizes acids, forming with them uncrystallizable salts. By this process aconitia is obtained in an impure state, though sufficiently pure for medicinal purposes. Even when pure it crys- tallizes with great difficulty. Its salts are readily soluble in water and alcohol, and are precipitated by bichloride of mercury, ter- chloride of gold, and sulphocyanide of potassium, but not by bi- chloride of platinum; solution of iodine produces a brown-red precipitate ; concentrated sulphuric acid colors it yellow, afterwards violet; with nitric acid it produces a colorless solution. Aconitia is one of the most virulent of poisons, and extreme caution is necessary if used internally. Externally applied, it pro- duces on the skin a prickling sensation followed by numbness and a feeling of constriction. Its principal use is in cases of neuralgia, in ointment made by triturating the alkaloid first with a little alcohol or oil, and then with an unctuous vehicle. From a half to two grains are added to one drachm of the ointment. The galeni- cal preparations of aconite perhaps answer every useful purpose to which aconitia can be applied. Napellina occurs in the genus Aconitum, with aconitia in very small proportion. It may be obtained from the crude aconitia, ACONITIA. 479 which is treated with a little ether; the residue is dissolved in ab- solute alcohol, precipitated by acetate of lead, and the filtrate treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, then with carbonate of potassium, eva- porated, exhausted by absolute alcohol, and decolorized by animal charcoal. It is a white electrical powder, of a bitter, afterwards burning taste ; pure ether dissolves it with some difficulty. It is distinguished from aconitia by not being precipitated by ammonia from its diluted solution in muriatic acid, and by being more solu- ble in dilute alcohol and water. Delphinia, C 27 II 3r N"0. — The alcoholic extract of the seed of Del- phinium staphisagria is treated with dilute sulphuric acid, precipi- tated with an alkali, again dissolved in diluted sulphuric acid, the coloring matter precipitated by a few drops of nitric acid, and the alkaloid by potassa; it is then obtained by evaporation of its solu- tion in absolute alcohol. One pound yields about one drachm. It is a light yellowish or white powder; its taste is burning, acrid, very persistent in the throat; it is soluble in alcohol and ether, fuses at 248° F., and is decomposed at 300°, turning green; the salts are neutral, bitter, and acrid, some deliquescent. Staphisaina. — If delphinia is dissolved in ether, this alkaloid re- mains behind as a yellowish, uncrystallizable mass, of an acrid taste, which forms acid salts. Hydrastia may be prepared by treating the aqueous extract of hy- drastis with magnesia, and extracting the precipitate with boiling alcohol. Prof. Wayne, of Cincinnati, prepares a cold infusion of the root, removes the berberina by muriatic acicl, and precipitates hydrastin by an alkali, recrystallizing it from alcohol. This vegetable alkali was discovered by Alfred B. Durand, of Philadelphia, in 1850, while investigating the composition of the root of Hydrastis Canadensis. It forms yellow crystals, insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in cold alcohol and ether, soluble in chloroform and boiling alcohol, fusible in heated turpentine; it has an alkaline reaction on litmus; by concentrated nitric acid it is colored deep red. Concentrated sulphuric acid has little action in cold; when heated a purple color is produced; concentrated muri- atic acid dissolves it. The salts, which are intensely bitter, have not been obtained in crystals. Hydrastia is stated by the "Eclectics" to be a valuable tonic, which has an especial action on diseased mucous tissues. It is very rarely prescribed. Helleboria is obtained by treating the root with alcohol contain- ing one-fiftieth sulphuric acid; the tincture is treated with magne- sia, the nitrate acidulated with sulphuric acid, water is added, the alcohol distilled off, filtered, decomposed with carbonate of potas- sium, and by shaking with ether, the alkaloid obtained in solution. It is white, crystalline, easily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether ; taste bitter and acrid ; not volatile ; as it evolves ammonia when 480 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. treated with potassa, its proper place appears to be among the alka- loids, though its chemical nature is not known. Cissampelina or Pelosina, C 18 H 21 N0 3 . — It is prepared by carefully precipitating an infusion of the root made with sulphuric acid water, washing, drying at 212°, and dissolving in absolute ether, which is free from alcohol and water. The yellowish, hard, semi transparent mass is colored yellow by sunlight ; without smell ; taste disagreeably sweetish-bitter ; solu- ble in alcohol and ether; insoluble in water, but swelling up and combining with it ; in this state it has an alkaline reaction. The alkaloid and its salts are rapidly oxidized in a moist atmo- sphere; ammonia is evolved and they turn yellow; anhydrous alco- hol now dissolves the new base pelluteina, C 24 H 42 N0 7 , which is in- soluble in ether. Menispermina, C 18 H, 2 N0 2 , is contained in the shell of Cocculus Indicus. To prepare it, the alcoholic extract is first extracted by cold water, then by hot water, from which solution mineral acids precipitate picrotoxic acid in crystals; the filtrate is precipitated by an alkali, the precipitate extracted with acetic acid, again pre- cipitated, washed with cold alcohol, and the alkaloid extracted by ether. It crystallizes in needles or prisms, has a very bitter taste, fuses at 248° F., is soluble in alcohol, ether, and alkalies, little in water, and is said to be not poisonous. Berberina, C 20 H 17 E"O 4 , is one of the most widely diffused organic alkalies, having been found in several genera and species of not less than ^.ve natural orders. It is prepared from the aqueous ex- tract of barberry root by treating it with 82 per cent, alcohol, dis- tilling it off, crystallizing the alkaloid in a cool place, and purifying it by recrystallization. By a similar process it may be obtained in large proportion from Colombo wood, the wood of Coscinium fene- st rat urn, a tree growing in Ceylon. As stated above, berberina is likewise obtained from the infu- sion of hydrastis by precipitating its muriate by an excess of muri- atic acid. The eclectics called this salt a resinoid, and named it hydrastin. Prof. Mahla, of Chicago, proved its true chemical nature. (Amer. Journal of Sciences and Arts, January, 1862.) For accounts of the presence of berberina and its mode of extrac- tion from other American plants, we have to refer to the interesting papers of Prof. F. F. Mayer (Amer. Journ. of Pharm., 1863, p. 97); of J. M. Maisch (Ibid., p. 301 and 303), and of J. D. Perrins (Ibid., p. 456). It crystallizes in fine yellow needles, containing 12 Aq., ten of which are expelled at a temperature of 212°, possesses a strongly bitter taste, is insoluble in ether, easily soluble in boiling water and alcohol. By concentrated sulphuric acid it is dissolved with an olive-green color; by concentrated nitric acid, red, with nitrous acid fumes; ammonia colors it yellowish-brown; by distillation with lime it yields quinolina. It is a dye for silk, cotton, wool, and linen. Its salts have a OPIUM ALKALOIDS AND THEIR SALTS. 481 yellow color, are crystallizable and precipitated by iodide, bromide, cyanide, ferrocyanide, and sulphocyanide of potassium, by bichlo- ride of mercury and of platinum; the neutral salts are soluble in water, but insoluble in dilute acids. BerberincE Murias {Muriate of Berberina), HO,HCl.— This salt has been used by the Eclectics under the name of hydrastin. (See Amer. Journ. Pharm., 1862, pp. 141, 308, and 360.) It is obtained from the concentrated infusions of plants containing this alkaloid by precipitating with an excess of muriatic acid and recrystallizing from hot alcohol. It occurs in bright yellow crystals, containing 5 equivalents of water of crystallization, which is expelled at 212°. It has been used as a tonic in doses of 3 to 5 grains. If berberina is exposed to the influence of nascent hydrogen, a colorless base is obtained, named by its discoverers hydroberberina, C 20 H 21 ]TO 4 . By oxidizing agents it is readily reconverted into ber- berina. Berbina (Oxyacanthin.) — The bark of barberry root "is extracted with alcohol, mixed with one-eighth water, the alcohol distilled off, the filtrate evaporated, berberina crystallized out, the mother-liquor precipitated by carbonate of sodium, and the precipitate treated with sulphuric acid and animal charcoal. AVhite powder, colored brown by sunlight, bitter; nearly insolu- ble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, fixed and volatile oils. The salts are crystallizable, colorless, bitter. Many of the plants in which berberina is found, in a larger or smaller proportion, contain also a colorless or white alkaloid, which is generally soluble in ether. It is uncertain yet whether these alkaloids are alike in the different plants, and whether they stand in any relation to berberina. (See the papers of Profs. Mayer and Maisch, above referred to.) The Opium Alkaloids and their Salts. The various kinds of opium, as produced in different localities, always contain morphia, on which the activity of the drug mainly depends; narcotina and other alkaloids are also always present, but some species contain, besides them, one or two alkaloids which have not been found in opium as generally produced. Besides the acid and a neutral principle, there have been discovered nine distinct vegetable alkalies, some of which are still little known. Morphia. C 17 H l9 ^"0 3 + H 2 0= 303. Morphia, which is the only one of the opium alkaloids commonly used in medicine, is the most abundant. It is the best known and most familiar of the whole class of vegetable alkalies. There are various processes for its preparation, of which that of the Pharmacopoeia is the simplest for the student who may be dis- posed to attempt this by no means difficult experiment. Reduced in quantity to suit the purpose, it is nearly as follows: — 31 482 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. Take of Opium, sliced gj. Solution of ammonia f Jss. Distilled water, Alcohol, Animal charcoal, in fine powder, of each Sufficient. Macerate the opium with favj of water, working it with the hands or a pestle, as described under the head of Tincture of Opium, into a paste (if powdered opium is used, this is unnecessary) ; then digest it for twenty-four hours, and strain. Macerate or digest the residue in the same way, successively, with similar portions of water, and strain; then mix the infusions, evaporate to fsviij, and filter. To the concentrated aqueous solution thus obtained add first f 3yj of alcohol, and then f'3ij of solution of ammonia, previ- ously mixed with about f ^ss of alcohol ; cover the vessel and set it aside. After twenty-four hours pour in the remaining f 5ij of solu- tion of ammonia, mixed, as before, with alcohol, and again set aside that the morphia may crystallize out. The only remaining process is to purify the crystals which are formed in the bottom of the vessel. This is done by dissolving them in boiling alcohol, and filtering, while hot, through animal charcoal. A common flask will serve for the solution, and, for small operations, the applica- tion of heat to the funnel will be unnecessary. It may be conveni- ently arranged over an evaporating dish. The filtered liquid, as it falls, will be immediately cooled by contact with the dish, and the extended surface will favor the spontaneous evaporation of the al- cohol, so that a small crop of crystals (40 to 60 grains) of morphia may be expected. This is a convenient method of testing, approximately, the value of specimens of opium, in which case it is not necessary to carry out the last part of the directions, but is as well to take the weight of the crystallized alkaloids as at first thrown down. The animal charcoal deprives the product of color, but is apt to absorb a por- tion of alkaloid also ; so that, to get the entire yield, the charcoal should be digested in a further portion of alcohol, which should be added to the filtrate. The motive for using alcohol with the am- monia added to the concentrated liquid in the first instance, is to take up the resinous coloring matters, which would otherwise contaminate the precipitate. This method, however, can lay no claims to accuracy. Narcotia is exhausted by water together with morphia, and ammonia preci- pitates both these alkaloids, while the third one, codeia, remains in the mother-liquor if this be not too concentrated. Morphia is not entirely insoluble in water, and dissolves more freely in alco- holic liquids, in which narcotina is soluble to a less extent. The precipitate obtained by the above process, therefore, contains nota- ble quantities of narcotina, while a portion of morphia remains in the alcoholic mother-liquor. A better method for assaying opium, which may likewise be used for preparing pure morphia on a small scale, is based on its solu- bility in fixed alkalies. It was originally proposed by Thiboumery MORPHIA SALTS. 483 and improved by Mohr as follows: One part of opium is exhausted by macerating it with twelve parts of cold water in four successive portions; the infusion is heated to boiling and mixed with hot milk of lime containing one-sixth caustic lime. The mixture is boiled for a few minutes, strained, the residue expressed, the liquid eva- porated to two parts, filtered, heated to boiling, and mixed with one-twelfth part of chloride of ammonium. Ammonia is freely given off and the morphia separates in a crystalline state in a nearly white condition, the lime having removed most of the coloring matter. Boussingault and Pay en follow a similar method, except that they neutralize the alkaline liquor by muriatic acid and precipitate the alkaloid by ammonia. The greatest difficulty with this process consists in the sparing solubility of lime and the possible loss of some morphia by the ab- sorption of some carbonic acid by the lime, if the alkaline solution becomes too concentrated. Herzog substitutes potassa for lime, and perhaps a still greater improvement is the employment of caustic baryta by Prof. F. F. Mayer. Morphia occurs in small but brilliant prismatic crystals, con- taining 2H 2 0, or nearly six per cent., which are transparent and colorless, intensely bitter when dissolved. It dissolves in about 1000 parts of cold and 400 parts of boiling water, in 14 parts of boiling and 20 of cold alcohol, freely also in solutions of fixed alkalies, while ammonia dissolves but little, and with great facility in dilute acids, which it neutralizes, forming salts; one hundred parts of chloroform dissolve .57 of morphia. It is insoluble in ether. Heated with caustic potassa, methylamin is evolved. In powder, it strikes a deep blue color with neutral salts of ses- quioxide, or with sesquichloride of iron, decomposes iodic acid with liberation of iodine, the yellow or reddish-yellow color being con- siderably deepened by the addition of a few drops of ammonia, and forms with nitric acid a red compound passing into yellow; with nitric containing some sulphuric acid, it strikes a green color; chlo- rine colors morphia diffused in water orange, then red, and after solution yellow, and ultimately causes a flocculent precipitate. Morphia may be considered pure, if it is entirely dissipated by heat, if ether takes nothing up, if it is wholly soluble in alcohol, and when its solution in diluted nitric acid is not precipitated by nitrate of silver, nitrate of barium, phosphate and oxalate of am- monium. Morphia Salts. — These are mostly crystallizable, soluble in water and alcohol and insoluble in ether; their solutions have a very bit- ter taste and are precipitated by alkalies and their carbonates, sul- phocyanide of potassium, and terchloride of gold, in which case the latter is reduced to the metallic state. Concentrated solutions are also precipitated by iodide of potassium, phosphate of sodium, bichloride of platinum, and bichloride of mercury. They are made by forming solutions of the alkaloids in the ap- priate acids and evaporating. 484 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. Morphice Sulphas. — This is in white feathery crystals, soluble in about 2 parts of hot water. In the United States it is by far the most common of the morphia salts; it contains 5 equivalents of water. Dose, one-eighth to one-fourth grain. Morphice Murias. — This is most used in England, where it is officinal as morphias hydrochloras. It is soluble in about 20 parts of cold water. Dose, the same as of the sulphate. Morphice Acetas. — By treating morphia with alcohol and acetic acid and precipitating by ether, it is obtained in crystals, but usually it is a white powder, and deficient in the proportion of the acid in- gredient, so as to be comparatively insoluble, in which case a few drops of acetic acid to the liquid will make a clear solution. It is very freely soluble in water, less in alcohol, and is much used for external application, though adapted also to the form of powder or pill. Dose, the same as of the foregoing. Morphice Citras. — In some parts of the United States a solution of this salt is employed. It is prepared by dissolving 16 grains of morphia with 8 grains citric acid and J grain cochineal in one ounce of water. It is considered 2J times stronger than laudanum ; its dose is 10 drops. Morphice Valerianas is an unofficinal salt, made by neutralizing the alkaloid with valerianic acid. Its dose is from one-eighth to one-half grain. Narcotina, C 22 H 23 N0 7 4- H 2 (equiv. 431), is easily obtained by extracting aqueous extract of opium or crude morphia with ether, which leaves it, on evaporation, nearly pure. It crystallizes in colorless crystals, nearly insoluble in water, in fixed alkalies, and in a solution of table salt; it dissolves in 20 parts of hot and 150 parts cold alcohol ; its alcoholic solution is very bitter, but has no alka- line reaction; 100 parts of chloroform dissolve 37.17 parts, and 1 ounce of olive oil 1.2 grain of narcotina; it is not acted on by ses- quisalt of iron or pure nitric acid, but sulphuric, with but a trace of nitric acid, colors it blood-red. Its salts are generally acid and crystallize with difficulty. Narcotina is not narcotic- It has been given as a tonic and antiperiodic, in doses as high as half a drachm, without the production of narcotic symptoms. The following four homologous varieties of narcotina have been distinguished, which, by treatment with caustic potassa, yield homologous volatile bases :— Normal narcotina, C 2] H 21 ND 7 , yields ammonia. Methylic narcotina, C 22 H 2 ,N0 7 , yields methylamina. Ethylic narcotina, C^H.^O^ yields ethylamina. Propylic narcotina, C 24 H 27 N0 7 , yields propylamina. Narcotina, by the influence of dilute H 2 S0 4 and hyperoxide of manganese, is decomposed into water, opianic acid and the follow- ing stronger alkaloid. Cotarnina. — Crystallizing in colorless prisms, easily soluble in boiling water, alcohol, ether, and ammonia, intensely bitter, alka- line reaction. The various homologous kinds of narcotina appear to furnish also homologous kinds of cotarnina : — OPIUM ALKALOIDS AND THEIR SALTS. 485 Normal cotarnina, C 12 H 13 ^N"0 3 . Methylic cotarnina, C 13 H 15 N0 3 . Ethylic cotarnina, C U H 17 JST0 3 . Propylic cotarnina, C 15 H 19 lSr0 3 . Codeia, C 18 H 2] N0 3 (equiv. 299), crystallizes in octohedral or prismatic crystals, with two equivalents of water, soluble in alcohol, ether, and in boiling water. It is slowly precipitated by ammonia, more rapidly by potassa, and is insoluble in fixed alkalies ; it is colored yellow by concentrated nitric acid. Its salts are neutral, and have a bitter taste. In doses from one-fifth to one-half grain, it produces a tranquil- lizing effect, while over two grains produce sleep, with stupefaction, and sometimes with nausea and vomiting. It has been much used of late in cases in which the salts of morphia disagree with the patient. Thebaia, or paramorphia, C ]9 II 21 1TO3 (equiv. 307), is contained in the precipitate produced by lime in an infusion of opium, from which it is obtained by extracting with muriatic acid, precipitating by ammonia, and crystallizing from ether. The small alkaline crystals have an acrid taste, are little soluble in water, and colored red by sulphuric acid. The solution of its muriate leaves a resinous mass on evaporation. It is very poisonous. Narceina, C 23 H 2r N"O g (equiv. 461), occurs in very thin prisms, of a bitter and sharp taste, which are fusible at 197.5°, easily soluble in hot water and in alkaline solutions, but insoluble in ether and in concentrated solution of potassa. Its combinations with mineral acids are obtained with some difficulty; they are rendered blue by . a little water, colorless by more water, blue again by fused chloride of calcium. Its medicinal effects appear to be directed to the lower portion of the spine, since it decreases the mobility and sensibility of the lower extremities. Opiania, C 2] H 2] N0 7 (equiv. 397), is contained in Egyptian opium ; it crystallizes in long prisms which are insoluble in water, but dis- solves in much hot alcohol. It has an alkaline reaction, a bitter taste, and is narcotic of the strength and manner of morphia. Nitric acid renders it yellow; if added to its solution in sulphuric acid, blood-red changing to light yellow. Papaverine/,, C 20 H 2r N"O 4 (equiv. 337), is an alkaloid in small acicular crystals, which turn blue with sulphuric acid; with muriatic acid in excess it forms very insoluble colorless prisms, which possess a high refractive power. It is insoluble in water, little soluble in alcohol and ether. It appears to be devoid of narcotic properties. Phormia, or Pseudomorphia, C 27 II 9 N0 7 (equiv. 457), has been ob- tained by Pelletier only from a few lots of opium ; after precipitat- ing the sulphate of morphia by ammonia, and evaporating the mother-liquid, white micaceous scales are separated, containing about one-tenth per cent, of H,S0 4 ; after removing the acid by ammonia, the crystals of phormia are not so lustrous as before, and less soluble in water, it is insoluble in absolute alcohol and ether, somewhat soluble in alcohol of .833 sp. gr., soluble in caustic soda and potassa. Nitric acid colors it red, oxidizing it ultimately to 486 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. oxalic acid. Neutral salts of sesquioxide of iron render it blue ; the blue solution, in sesquichloride of iron, turns green on boiling ; on the addition of ammonia, wine-red. It is not poisonous. Opina or Porphyroxin. — Powdered opium is exhausted by cold ether, then by a weak solution of carbonate of potassium, again by ether ; codeia, thebaia, and opina are dissolved ; the extract of the last tincture is dissolved in muriatic acid, precipitated by ammonia (codeia remains in solution), the precipitate is treated with alcohol, which, leaving thebaia behind, dissolves opina. It crystallizes in fine needles, soluble in alcohol, ether, and dilute acids ; solutions in mineral acids turn purplish-red on boiling. Metamorphia. — In preparing morphia by Mohr's process, Scharf obtained a new alkaloid to which the above name was given by Wittstein. It crystallizes in hard prisms, which dissolve in about 6000 parts of cold and 70 parts of hot water, in 9 parts of boiling and 330 parts of cold strong alcohol ; the last solution has a sharp bitter taste and a slight alkaline reaction. It is insoluble in ether, soluble in potassa, less in ammonia. Nitric acid colors it orange- red and dissolves it yellow; concentrated iodic acid gradually liberates iodine. Its salts are not precipitated by ammonia. Its action upon the animal economy appears to be closely allied to that of morphia. Apomorphw. — This was first prepared by Arppe in 1845, but at- tention has lately been called to it in England by Matthieson and Wright, who prepared it by means of hydrochloric acid. It is a derivative of morphia, having the elements of one equivalent of water taken from it ; its emetic power, being free from the most objectionable properties of the ordinary emetics, renders it valua- ble, while its peculiar properties fit it for subcutaneous injection. (Am. Jour, of Pharm., vol. xliv. 322.) The following is Merck's test for opium : — ■ The concentrated solution is treated with caustic potassa, and skaken with ether ; a strip of paper, having been dipped several times in the ethereal solution, is moistened with muriatic acid, and exposed to the vapors of boiling water; on account of the opina, the paper will acquire a red color if opium is present in the liquid. (See also Meconic Acid.) Sanguinarina, or Chelerythrina. C 37 H 54 N 4 8 . (Equiv. 784.) This alkaloid is derived from the roots of Sanguinaria Canadensis, Chelidonium majus, and Glaucium luteum, by exhausting them with weak sulphuric acid, precipitating by ammonia, dissolving it out by ether, and precipitating by sulphuric acid ; the sulphate is decomposed by ammonia. It is a white, pearly substance, of an acrid taste, very soluble in alcohol, also soluble in ether, in fixed and volatile oils. With acids it forms soluble salts, which are re- markable for their beautiful red, crimson, and scarlet colors. From this it is inferred that a native salt of this alkaloid is the occasion of the brilliant color of the fresh juice of the plant. The alkaloid CHELIDINA — VIOLIA. 487 is poisonous in large doses, but its salts are used in medicine and found to be very useful in doses of fractions of a grain in expecto- rant remedies. Chelidina, C, H 20 N 3 O 3 . — The precipitate, as above, which is insoluble in ether, is exhausted with dilute sulphuric acid, the solution precipitated by ammonia, and the precipitate crystallized from acetic acid, when colorless flat crystals remain, which are free of acetic acid, have a bitter taste, and dissolve in alcohol, fixed and volatile oils. It forms colorless, acidulous salts, of a purely bitter taste, which are not poisonous. Puccina is the name given by Dr. Gibb to an alkaloid discovered by Prof. E. S. Wayne in the ethereal solution of sanguinarina ; its sulphate remains dissolved in ether after sanguinarina is precipi- tated ; its salts are of a deep red color. (See Am. Journ. ofPharm., vol. xxviii. p. 520.) Glaucina is prepared from the juice of the herb of Glaucium luteum, by precipitating it with acetate of lead, treating the filtrate with sulphuretted hydrogen, precipitating it with tannin, decom- posing the precipitate by lime, and crystallizing from alcohol. In the horn-poppy it is combined with fu marie acid. It is in pearly scales, of a burning, acrid taste, readily soluble in boiling water, ether, and alcohol. It assumes a red color in the light, dissolves in warm sulphuric acid, with a greenish-blue color, rendered reddish by dilution, and precipitated by ammonia, with a blue color. Its salts are acrid. Picroglaucina, gaucina, is prepared from the root in a similar way. It is in white crystalline scales, of a bitter, nauseous taste, soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, and colored deep green by sulphuric acid. The salts are crystallizable, and of a bitter, nauseous taste. Coryclalina, C 2() H 2ft N0 7 . — The juice of the root is precipitated by acetate of lead, dilute sulphuric acid and ammonia; the last pre- cipitate yields the alkaloid to alcohol. It has also been obtained from the American species, though by a different process. Soft grayish-white lumps or powder, colorless prisms or scales, without odor, nearly tasteless, insoluble in water, soluble in ether, alcohol, and alkalies; of an alkaline reaction, the solutions are greenish-yellow ; it melts in boiling water, and is colored greenish- yellow in the light ; the salts are soluble, very bitter, somewhat crystallizable ; nitric acid, even in dilute solutions, colors corydalina red or blood-red, destroying it at the same time. (See Am. Journ. of Pharm., vol. xxvii. p. 205.) Fumarina is similar to the foregoing, but soluble in water and insoluble in ether ; it precipitates solution of gelatine. Violia. — The alcoholic extract is treated with ether, then boiled with sulphuric acid and water, precipitated with oxide of lead, the precipitate treated with alcohol. Similar in its action to emetia ; but differing chemically from it by rendering reddened litmus paper green, and being more soluble in water, less in alcohol, it is insoluble 488 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. in ether and fixed oils, and is precipitated from the solution of its sulphate by gallic acid. Some violets, however, contain emelia. Anchietia. — In the root of Anchieta salutaris, which is success- fully used in Brazil, for the treatment of various skin diseases. The bark of the root is mashed and allowed to ferment, extracted with muriatic acid and water, evaporated and precipitated by am- monia; by treatment with animal charcoal and repeated crystalliza- tion from alcoholic solution it is obtained pure. Yield about .42 per cent. Straw-yellow needles, insoluble in ether and water, easily soluble in alcohol, no smell, taste sharp, nauseous ; nitric acid colors it orange-yellow to chrome-yellow ; sulphuric acid violet to blackish. The salts are soluble, crystallizable ; the muriate is colorless, crystallizing from hot water in star-like needles, after which it is insoluble in water. 7 heobrornina, C 7 H 8 ]Sr 4 2 . — It is prepared from the chocolate nut, by a process similar to that for obtaining caffeina. It dissolves with difficulty in boiling water, alcohol, and ether ; boiling solu- tion of caustic baryta dissolves it, and it separates again on cooling. It has a slightly bitter taste, is unalterable in contact with the air, is rendered brown on exposure to a heat of 480°, and sublimes at between 554° and 563°, leaving but little charcoal. Its salts resemble those of caffeina. The tannate is soluble in an excess of tannic acid, in alcohol, and boiling water. With chlorine it is converted into methylamina. Prof. Strecker has found that by heating in a sealed tube Theobrominia -h AgO with C 2 H 3 I (iodide of methyle) the resulting products are Agl + HO + Caifeina. Caffeina, Theina, Guaranina, Psoralein, C 8 H 10 N 4 O 2 +2H 2 O. — It is prepared from the hot infusion of tea or coffee by precipitating the tannic acid with subacetate of lead, boiling the mixture, filtering, removing the excess of lead by hydrosulphuric or sulphuric acid, evaporating the clear liquor and recrystallizing the product. A. Vogel, jr.'s, method is as follows : Powdered coffee is extracted by commercial benzol, this is distilled off, leaves an oil and caffeina behind; the oil is removed by a little ether or by water, from which latter liquid the alkaloid crystallizes on cooling. Coffee contains about \ per cent., tea (gunpowder) 1 to 4 per cent., Ilex Paraguayensis (Psoralea glandulosa), .13 per cent, of caffeina. Black tea contains more caffeina than green tea. It crystallizes in needles, losing 2 eq. water of crystallization at 302° P. ; it melts at 352° and sublimes at 725° without decomposi- tion ; it is soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, and hot water, cold water dissolves but little. If boiled with nitric acid, the yellow liquid assumes a purple color. Its salts and double salts are well defined and crystallizable, some are decomposed by water. It produces a crystalline precipitate with nitrate of silver. Tannate of caffeina is obtained as a white precipitate, soluble in boiling water. When caffeina is distilled with caustic baryta, the distillate con- tains ammonia and methylamina, and there remains in the retort HARMALINA — BAPTISINA. 489 a new base caffeidina, C 7 H 12 N 4 2 , which is not precipitated by solu- tion of ammonia or potassa, but is separated in oily drops by solid KO. Caffeina is not an alimentary, but tonic, and in large doses a poisonous substance, producing death in various animals, by palsy- ing the nervous system. (Dr. Stuhlmann.) It seems to act chiefly on the ganglionic system of nerves, and but slightly on the brain. L. Thompson has used it in doses of from 1 to 5 grains in the low stages of typhoid fevers with marked success ; he also recommends it in hemicrania, neuralgia, and relapsing fever. Its solution in citric acid has been used with considerable success in the treatment of sick-headache. (See Extemporaneous Pharmacy.) This solution is frequently regarded as the solution of a citrate, the existence of which, however, is denied by Hager. The arseniateof caffeina has been used by Dr. Gastriel, of Cairo, Egypt, as a substitute for quinia in intermittent^. (Am. M. Monthly, xvii. 267.) Harmalina, C ]3 H ir N" 2 0. — The seeds of Peganum harmala (Puta sylvestris), a plant of Southern Pussia, are used there as a dye, and are said to be inebriating and soporific. The neutralized infusion with acidulated water is saturated with table salt, in which solution the chlorides are insoluble ; the purified salts are precipitated by excess of ammonia, when harmina crystal- lizes first in needles, afterwards harmalina in scales. Colorless scales or octohedrons, nearly tasteless, with difficulty soluble in water and ether. The salts are of a sulphur-yellow color, not dyeing ; of a purely bitter taste ; precipitated by excess of acids or inorganic salts. By digestion with alcohol another alkaloid — Porphyr harmina, harmala of Goebel, is obtained, of a red color, yielding red salts and dyeing. Harmina, C 13 IT 12 N 2 0, is a product of oxidation of harmalina ; it crystallizes in colorless prisms; its salts are colorless, but otherwise resemble those of harmalina. Harmina and harmalina are splendid red dyes, if previously converted into porphyrharmina. Jamaieina is obtained from the cabbage-tree bark, GeofTroya Jamaicensis, also called Andira inermis. The aqueous infusion is precipitated by basic acetate of lead, treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, and evaporated. It crystal- lizes in yellow quadrangular tables, bitter, soluble in water, little in alcohol, melting below the boiling point of water. The salts are yellow, bitter, some crystallizable; in small doses they produce rest- lessness, in larger purging. It is said to be vermifuge. Surinamina. — From the bark of Andira retusa (GeofTroya Suri- namensis), is prepared similarly to the above. It crystallizes in fine white microscopic needles, without taste or smell, nearly in- soluble in cold water and ether, soluble in boiling alcohol and boil- ing water. Bajptisina. — The root of Baptisia tinctoria contains an alkaloid which has not been isolated, unless the crystalline principle of B. L. Smedley (Am. Journ. Pharm., 1862, 310) is the pure alkaloid. 490 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. Cynapia is a scarcely known alkaloid, obtained by Ficinus from fool's parsley. (See Syllabus.) It crystallizes in rhombic prisms, which are soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether, and have an alkaline reaction. The sulphate is crystallizable. Trianospermia. — From the root of the Brazilian tayuya de pimenta comari, Peckolt separated this alkaloid, which is probably identi- cal with Herberger's tayuyina. It crystallizes in colorless needles, is inodorous, of a biting taste, insoluble in ether, soluble in alcohol and water, has an alkaline reaction, and furnishes with sulphuric acid a crystallizable salt. It appears to be purgative. Atherospermia, C, H 4Cr N"O 5 , was discovered by Zeyer in an Austra- lian drug. (Am. Journ. Pharm., 1862, 165.) It is a grayish-white powder, of a bitter taste, changing to yellowish in the sunlight. When carefully heated it gives off the odor of putrid meat and afterwards of herrings ; it probably evolves propylamina. It is nearly insoluble in water; dissolves in 1000 parts of cold and 100 p. boiling ether, in 32 p. cold and 2 p. boiling stronger alcohol, in chloroform, bisulphide of carbon, volatile and fixed oils; concen- trated nitric acid produces a brown-j^ellow color; sulphuric acid and chromate of potassium yield slowly a green color of Cr 2 3 ; from iodic acid it liberates iocliue. Cocaina, C 17 H. 21 N0 4 is obtained from the leaves of Erythroxylon coca by exhausting them with acidulated alcohol, treating with milk of lime, neutralizing the nitrate with sulphuric acid, evapo- rating, diluting with water, filtering from the resin, precipitating by carbonate of sodium and. exhausting the alkaloid by ether, the last traces of coloring matter can only be removed by washing with alcohol. It crystallizes from its alcoholic solution in colorless prisms; soluble in 704 parts of cold water, in alcohol and ether. The solu- tions are alkaline to test paper; bitterish ; promote the flow of saliva and produce a feeling of numbness upon the tongue. Its salts crystallize with some difficulty, and show no striking reactions with tests, or peculiar coloration with oxidizing agents. Its precipitate with iodohydrargyrate of potassium (Mayer's test) dissolves in muriatic acid, in which behavior it differs from other alkaloids. Heated with muriatic acid it splits into benzoic acid and a new base ecgonina, CgR^'NO^-h H 2 0, which is soluble in water. For further accounts see the papers of Dr. A. Niemann {Am. Journ. Pharm., 1861, 122), of J. M. Maisch (ibid., 496), and of Lossen (ibid., 1862, 406). The Cinchona Alkaloids and their Salts. Quinia. C 20 H 22 ISr 2 O 2 + H 2 O. (Equiv. 324.) This alkaloid is prepared from various species of cinchona bark, which contain it in combination with kinic acid and the astringent principle called cincho-tannic acid. These combinations being only partially soluble in water, resort is had to an acid which liberates CINCHONA ALKALOIDS AND THEIR SALTS. 491 the alkaloid in a soluble form. That used in our officinal process for preparing the sulphate of quinia is muriatic, which is mixed with water in which the powdered bark is boiled. The very solu- ble muriate of quinia contained in this decoction is decomposed, giving up its acid to lime, while the quinia is liberated, and, being insoluble, is precipitated with the excess of lime added, the water retaining the chloride of calcium resulting from the reaction, and most of the impurities, in solution. The precipitated quinia and excess of lime being now digested in alcohol, the former is dissolved, and the impure quinia is obtained by evaporating this alcoholic solution. The remaining part of the process consists in converting this into the officinal sulphate, at the same time rendering it pure. To accomplish this, the amorphous mass is dissolved in diluted sulphuric acid, and filtered through bone-black, which contains sufficient carbonate of lime to neutralize the excess of sulphuric acid, and thus facilitate the crystallization of the sulphate as the solution cools. This process requires to be repeated, with the addi- tion of acid, if the charcoal is too alkaline, till a white and pure product is the result. The following is the process for preparing this alkaloid without alcohol, by Herring, who substitutes in place of it, oil of turpentine or benzole: — Powdered bark is boiled with caustic soda, to remove extractive, gum and coloring matter, exhausted with diluted sulphuric acid, evaporated at about 120°, filtered, precipitated by caustic soda, washed, redissolved in H 2 S0 4 , recry stall ized, treated with animal charcoal, and by fractional crystallizations purified from the other alkaloid. The soda liquor is supersaturated with muriatic acid, evaporated, filtered, treated with hydrate of lime, from which precipitate the alkaloids may be extracted by oil of turpentine or benzole. On adding diluted H 2 S0 4 , a solution of the alkaloid is obtained to be purified as above. Quinia occurs in silky needles, or in a crystalline powder, fusi- ble at 194° to an electrical mass, soluble in about 400 parts of water, 60 parts ether, 2 parts alcohol or chloroform, 24 parts of olive oil, also in alkalies, carbonate of ammonia, chloride of cal- cium, etc. Its solution in concentrated nitric acid turns yellow by heat, the solution in sulphuric acid is colored only at a high tem- perature. Its salts are mostly crystallizable; their solutions show a blue fluorescence, and on the addition of fresh chlorine water and a little ammonia, are colored violet, by an excess of NTI 3 emerald- green; too much chlorine causes a brown color. A solution of quinia in diluted sulphuric acid, mixed with some acetic acid and alcohol, and heated to 130°, yields, after the addition of tincture of iodine, beautiful emerald-green crystals of iodosulphate of quinia, Herapath's salt, which are nearly colorless by transmitted light. The solution of its salts is precipitated by alkalies, their carbonates and bicarbonate; but if they had been previously sufficiently acidulated 492 ON THE OEGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. with tartaric acid, bicarbonate of sodium produces no precipitate. If their solution is treated first with chlorine water, free from hydro- chloric acid, and subsequently with finely-powdered ferrocyanide of potassium, a red coloration is produced, while potassa causes a yellow color. Quinia salts are precipitated by ferrocyanide of potassium, the precipitate is dissolved on boiling and by an excess of the precipitant. (Differences from cinchonia.) Quinice Sulphas, U. S. P. — Of the salts, the neutral sulphate (for- merly called disulphate) is officinal and mostly employed. Its mode of preparation has been given above. It is in feathery white crys- tals, much interlaced; of its eight equivalents of water, six are given off by exposure to dry air, while the remaining two are driven off at 248°. It dissolves in 740 parts of cold and 30 parts boiling water, in 60 parts of alcohol, but scarcely in ether. The addition of a mineral or of certain organic acids renders it easily soluble. (See above page 475.) The salts of quinia are all used as tonics; the sulphate, especially, is a well-known antiperiodic and febrifuge ; it is said to produce abortion when given during pregnancy. The dose varies from one to twenty grains. It is given in power, pill, mixture, and solution. (See Extemporaneous Pharmacy.) By heating together sulphate of quinia, solution of chlorinated lime, muriatic acid, and ammonia water, a green resinous mass is obtained, which has been called dalleochine or quinine green. Min- eral acids dissolve it with a brown, acetic acid with a blue color, the green being restored on neutralization. Its alcoholic solution, diluted with water, dyes silk, woollen, and cotton, the latter after the application of albumen as mordant. Quinice Valerianas, IT. S. P. — Valerianate of quinia was made officinal in 1860. It is obtained by dissolving freshly-precipitated quinia in diluted valerianic acid, heated to 180° F., and crystalliz- ing by cooling; the mother-liquors are evaporated below 120°. It combines the tonic properties of quinia with the antispasmodic effects of the valerianates. It is colorless, or white; crystallizes in rhomboidal tables, and has a peculiar repulsive odor and bitter taste. When heated it fuses and gives off white vapors. It dissolves in 110 p. of cold, and 40 p. of boiling water, and in 6 p. of cold and 1 part of hot alcohol, also in ether. The dose is from one to five grains. The following unofficinal salts are occasionally prescribed : — Quinice Murias. — The Dublin Pharmacopoeia orders 437 grains of crystallized sulphate of quinia (equivalent to 382 grains of the salt dried at 212°) dissolved in 30 ounces of boiling water, to be pre- cipitated by 123 grains of chloride of barium, and the filtrate evapo- rated until a pellicle forms. Another process is to decompose 1 part of the sulphate in alcoholic solution by 3 parts of chloride of sodium. It crystallizes with 3H 2 in needles of a pearly lustre, more soluble than the sulphate. Baryta is detected by sulphuric acid, sulphate of quinia by chloride of barium. Quinice hypophosphis. — Introduced to notice by Prof, J. Lawrence CINCHONA ALKALOIDS AND THEIR SALTS. 493 Smith, is made with facility by dissolving one ounce sulphate of quinia in water by the aid of diluted sulphuric acid, then pre- cipitating the alkaloid with ammonia, washing, digesting the quinia in excess, in hypophosphorous acid with heat ; after filter- ing, it is evaporated spontaneously till it crystallizes. It may also be made by double decomposition between hypophosphite of baryta and sulphate of quinia. It is in elegant tufts of feathery crystals, soft to the touch, soluble in 60 parts of water, and more so in hot water. It loses water at 300°, melts, and turns brown. Dose, one to five grains. Quinice iodosulphas, Herapath's salt, the preparation of which has been noticed among the tests for quinia, has been used in haemoptysis, tuberculosis, scrofula, etc., in doses of J to 3 grains, three or four times a day. (See Am. Drug. Circ, iv. 285.) Quinice Hydriodas. — 5 parts of effloresced sulphate of quinia dis- solved in alcohol and decomposed by an alcoholic solution of 3 parts of iodide of potassium, precipitates sulphate of potassium, and yields, on cooling and evaporating, hydriodate of quinia in fine crystalline needles. Quinice antimonias is precipitated by double decomposition of antimoniate of potassium and sulphate of quinia, and crystallized from hot water or alcohol. It has been administered in periodical diseases in doses of from six to ten grains during apyrexia, and it is stated to be rarely necessary to give it a second time. Quinice Arsenis. — Quinia is precipitated from 100 parts of its sul- phate, dissolved in 600 parts alcohol, and boiled with 14 parts arsenious acid, the filtrate, on cooling, separates needles of this poisonous salt. It may be given with caution in doses from one- quarter to one-half grain several times a day. Sulphate of quinia, iron, and magnesia, as proposed by Dr. Fergus, contains 5 parts of the first, 15 of the second, and 80 of the third sulphate, it being merely an intimate mixture of the three. It is claimed for this preparation that the adjuvant property of both iron and quinia are remarkably heightened, and that in solution the iron is not oxidized. (?) Quinice lactas is obtained by saturating lactic acid with quinia, or by double decomposition of the baryta salt of the former with the sulphate of the latter, and crystallizes in soluble needles. Quinice tartras is crystallized in needles from the hot solution of quinia in tartaric acid. Quinice citras is separated in needles from the hot mixture of citrate of sodium added to sulphate of quinia until an acid reaction is shown to test paper. {See Citrate of Quinia and Iron.) Quinice Acetas. — Seventeen parts of the effloresced sulphate of quinia are dissolved in boiling water and mixed with six parts of crystallized acetate of sodium; acetate of quinia crystallizes in white feathery needles, nearly insoluble in cold water. (See remarks in Am. Journ. Pharm., xxx. 385.) Quinice hydrobromas. — Two hydrobromates are known ; the neutral which is very soluble in water and alcohol, and has an alkaline reac- 494 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. tion, and the basic, which is much less soluble, and is alkaline in its reaction. 10 parts of basic sulphate of quinia and 50 parts of alco- hol (85°) are heated together in a small flask, 8 parts of bromide of potassium dissolved in 20 parts of water are mixed with 10 parts of diluted sulph. acid (1 per cent.) and added to the solution of quinia, which is then brought to the boiling point; after a few minutes the sulphate of potassium is separated by filtration and washed with hot alcohol. The filtrate and the washings are evaporated and al- lowed to crystallize. The salt is pearly white and opaque, and con- tains traces of sulphuric acid. The basic hydrobromate may be pre- pared in the same manner, using five parts of bromide in place of ten. Quinice TJras. — One part freshly precipitated quinia, one and a half of uric acid, and one hundred and fifty parts of water are to be boiled together in a glass vessel, filtered while hot, the contents of the filter treated with boiling water, and the filtrate mixed and set by in the cold to crystallize. The salt forms as a white gran- ular mass, the mother-liquor yielding a portion by evaporation. When dry it is a white powder, with a feeble lustre, under a micro- scope showing the form of truncated crystals ; soluble in 855 parts of cold water, 1580 parts of alcohol, sp. gr. 823, or 21.25 parts of ether; it consists of quinia 59.34, uric acid 27.47, water 13.19. Quinice Tannas. — Tannic acid precipitates tannate of quinia from all solutions which have not been too much acidulated; it has little taste on account of its sparing solubility in neutral liquids. Quinice gallas is obtained by double decomposition between a hot solution of sulphate of quinia and gallate of potassium. It is in crystalline granules, or a white powder, almost insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and dilute acids. Quinice Kinas. — To obtain this natural salt directly from the bark, the following process is given by Henry and Plisson. The extract is dissolved in 3 parts of water, nearly neutralized by carbonate of calcium, then cautiously neutralized by hydra ted oxide of lead ; from the filtrate the lead is removed by sulphuretted hydrogen, after which the evaporated liquid is treated with alcohol of .842, the alcohol distilled off and the residue repeatedly treated with water and alcohol until nothing is separated by these liquids. It is ob- tained in white crystalline warts, soluble in 4 parts of water, and 8 parts of alcohol. Quinice Hydroferrocyanas. — 1 part sulphate of quinia, 1 J parts fer- rocyanide of potassium, and 7 parts of boiling water yield the salt on cooling, which is to be recrystallized from alcohol. It appears in greenish-yellow needles, which are insoluble in water. Pelouze asserts it to be quinia mixed with some Prussian blue. Dollfuss found it to be C J0 H 24 ^" 2 O 4 + 2(FeCy + 2HOy)'+ 6Aq. Quinice Suljohocarbolas. — A formula for this salt is published in Amer. Journ. Pharm., xlii. 506. nan iclia, C 20 H 24 ]Sr 2 0,+ 2H 2 0. (Equiv. 360.) This name is now generally applied to an alkaloid which is isomeric with quinia, but differs from it in turning polarized light CINCHONA ALKALOIDS AND THEIR SALTS. 495 to the right. It occurs, in company with the other alkaloids, in many cinchona barks, particularly those imported from New Grenada. It is obtained from its sulphate by decomposition with ammonia, and crystallizes in shining colorless efflorescing crystals, which are readily reduced to a white powder; they melt without decomposi- tion, and, on cooling, concrete into a grayish-white crystalline mass. When ignited, they burn with the odor of kinole and the volatile oil of bitter almonds; they have a less intensely bitter taste than quinia. This alkaloid dissolves in 1500 p. cold and 750 parts boiling water, in 3 parts of boiling alcohol and 90 of ether, and its solution turns to a green color like quinia when successively treated with chlorine water and ammonia; a solution of either alkaloid even in 700,000 parts of water, according to Herapath, shows a disper- sion of light with a bluish milky coloration. Quinidia, treated with tincture of iodine under the same circumstances as quinia, yields crystals which appear garnet-red by transmitted light, and bluish-red in reflected light. Quinidia is the only cinchona alka- loid yielding, with the solution of an iodide, a nearly insoluble pre- cipitate of hydriodate of quinidia. Quinidice sulphas is more soluble than sulphate of quinia, and remains in the mother-liquor after the quinia salt has been crystal- lized. When the cheaper barks above referred to are manipulated with, this salt is an important product; it is largely produced, and, by some, used as a substitute for quinia. As generally found in commerce, it contains cinchonidia, and comes in long, shining white crystals, interlaced, and resembling those of sulphate of quinia. It is soluble' in 130 parts of cold water, freely soluble in alcohol, and almost insoluble in ether. It contains six equivalents of water of crystallization. Cinckonia. C 20 H 24 N 2 O. (Equiv. 308.) This is a cinchona alkaloid usually accompanying quinia. Hua- nuco bark contains almost exclusively cinchonia, which, when first isolated from this bark, was called huanucina, under the supposi- tion of its being a distinct alkaloid. It may be obtained from this bark by a process similar to that for the preparation of quinia. It is in white needles, insoluble in alkalies, ether, and cold water, but soluble in 13 parts of boiling alcohol ; chloroform dissolves 4.3; olive oil, 1 per cent, of cinchonia. It is less bitter than quinia and quinidia, fuses at 330° to an amor- phous mass, and at a higher temperature partly sublimes without decomposition ; polarized light is deviated to the right. Its salts are generally more soluble than the corresponding salts of quinia; they are precipitated by the caustic alkalies and their carbonates; and in not too diluted solutions the bicarbonates like- wise cause a precipitate after the previous addition of tartaric acid. Under similar circumstances cinchonia does not produce the reac- tion of quinia with chlorine and ferrocyanide of potassium. The 496 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. precipitate of ferrocyanide of potassium in cinchonia salts is insolu- ble in an excess of the precipitant, but crystallizes from its hot solution; its composition corresponds with the quinia salt. The cinchonia sulphate, if treated with iodine similarly to sulphate of quinia, yields a brick-red deposit. Cinchonice Sulphas, U. S. P. — If cinchonia occurs in barks with quinia and quiniclia, this salt remains behind in the mother-liquor after the crystallization of the other sulphates. The Pharmacopoeia of 1860 directs to precipitate this mother-liquor by solution of soda, until it becomes alkaline ; collect on a filter, wash it with water, and dry it. Then wash it with successive small portions of alcohol to remove other alkaloids which may be present. Mix the residue with eight times its weight of water, and having heated the mix- ture, add gradually diluted sulphuric acid until it is saturated and becomes clear. Then boil the liquid with animal charcoal, filter it while hot, and set it aside to crystallize. Lastly, drain the crystals and dry them on bibulous paper. By evaporating the mother- liquid more crystals may be obtained. Sulphate of cinchonia crystallizes in white, shining, short oblique prisms with dihedral summits. It melts at 212°, loses its water of crystallization at a somewhat higher temperature, and is dissipated at a red heat. It dissolves in 54 parts of cold and much less boil- ing water, in seven parts of alcohol, and very sparingly in ether. Its aqueous solution gives with AuCl 3 a yellow precipitate, and with CaCl a white one. Ammonia added to its solution in chlo- rine water causes a white precipitate. If the salt be rubbed with water of ammonia and then treated with ether, the cinchonia separated by the former will not be dissolved by the latter. On the addition of sulphuric acid it passes into the very soluble acid sulphate. The other salts of cinchonia may be prepared like the correspond- ing quinia salts; the following have been occasionally used: — Cinchonice murias is in silky prisms, easily soluble in water and alcohol. This salt has been fraudulently sold for sulphate of quinia, which it much resembles in appearance. (See Am. Journ. Pharm., 43, 92.) Cinchonioz hydriodas crystallizes in needles. Cinchonice tannas is a yellowish powder, soluble in alcohol. Cinchonice acetas. — If acetic acid is saturated with cinchonia, on evaporation granular or scaly crystals of the acetate are left, which are easily soluble in water. Cinchonidia. C 20 H 24 ^ 2 O. (Equiv. 308.) Cinchonidia often constitutes the greatest part of commercial quinidia; as it contains no water of crystallization, it is not efflo- rescent in the air. Its principal peculiarities are: It is sparingly soluble in ether and water, dissolves in 12 parts cold alcohol, deviates polarized light to the left, and gives no reaction with chlorine water and CINCHONA ALKALOIDS AND THEIR SALTS. 497 ammonia. By Dr. Herapath's test, viz., treating with iodine like quinia, the resulting idosulphate of cinchonidia is so similar in ap- pearance to the corresponding quinia salt, that it can only be dis- tinguished from it by a little difference in the tint caused by transmitted light. Its salts are freely soluble in water and alcohol, not in ether. The base discovered by Wittstein, and called by him cinchonidia, is, according to de Yry, a mixture of various alkaloids, but princi- pally of cinchonia and Pasteur's cinchonidia; and the huanokina of Erdmann, according to the same authority, is cinchonia containing some quinidia. Betacinchonia, C 20 H 24 N 2 O, was announced by "W". Schwabe as a constituent of some chinoidine. It crystallizes in quadrangular prisms, is anhydrous, fuses at 302° F., is scarcely soluble in hot water, soluble in 173 parts of cold and 43 of boiling alcohol, in 378 parts of ether and 268 parts of chloroform, also readily in volatile and fatty oils. Its alcoholic solution deviates polarized light to the right. It is not affected by chlorine water and ammonia. Its salts are all neutral though crystallizing from an acid solu- tion ; the precipitate by alkalies is somewhat soluble in excess ; after acidulating with tartaric acid, bicarbonate of sodium produces no precipitate. Iodosulphate is analogous to herapathite. (See Am. Journ. Pharm., 1861, p. 419.) The reactions as stated prove this alkaloid to be closely allied to the two preceding ones, and it is not impossible that it may have been formed from one of them by some chemical influence. 0. Hesse, however, asserts that it is nothing but cinchonia. {Am. Journ. Pharm., 1863, p. 54.) Pay tine is the name given by Hesse to a crystalline alkaloid dis- covered by him in a false cinchona, resembling the quina blanca of Mutis. The figures obtained by its analj-sis lead to the formula C 20 H 2r N" 2 O. It forms a variety of salts with acids, although its alcoholic solution reddens blue litmus paper. Though bitter, it does not seem to produce physiological effects. Its color reactions are numerous and remarkable. Oxycinchonia, C 20 H 24 ^sT 2 2 , has been obtained by oxidation from cinchonia by Strecker in the endeavor to prepare quinia artificially. Though of the same composition it lacks its most prominent pro- perties. (Ibid. 58.) Quinicia and Cinchonicia. — The acid sulphates of quinia or cin- chonia, if heated for three or four hours to about 250° or 266°, are converted into alkaloids, isomeric with the original bases, the former into quinicia, and the latter into cinchonicia, and but very little coloring matter ; the neutral salts suffer partial decomposition at that temperature after melting. Both alkaloids are nearly in- soluble in water, soluble in alcohol, easily combined with carbonic acid, displace ammonia from its salts, and deviate the polarized light a little to the right. The optical behavior of the different alkaloids, therefore, is as follows : — 32 498 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. Quinia, considerably to left. Cinchonia, considerably to right. Quinidia, " right. Cinchonidia, " left. Quinicia, feebly to the right. Cinchonicia, feebly to the right. Howard's recently discovered alkaloid of cinchona, originally de- scribed in the Journal of the Chemical Society, 2d series, ix. 61, has not been obtained in crystals, but appears in the form of a yellowish oil, very soluble in alcohol and ether. It is a strong base, forming neutral aud very soluble crystallizable salts, not as bitter as those of quinia; the oxalate, which is the best known, has a greenish-yellow hue. Chinoidina or Quinoidina (Chinoidine). — Is a product of alteration of the cinchona alkaloids. Drying of the barks, or exposure of solution of alkaloids to the sun, and the influence of a high tempera- ture appear to favor this alteration. It is prepared by precipitating the mother-liquor, from which the sulphates of the other alkaloids have been crystallized, by carbonate of soda, and extracting with alcohol. It is a reddish-brown, resin-like mass, entering into combination with acids like the unaltered alkaloids. The salts are resinous, uncrystallizable, very bitter. It is isomeric with quinia, and has, therefore, been also called amorphous quinia. Pasteur supposes it to be uncrystallizable quinicia and cinchonicia. From the com- mercial article the four cinchona alkaloids, quinia excepted, have at various times been prepared. It has strong febrifuge properties, and is very efficient in doses double those of the sulphate of quinia, either in pills or dissolved with a little sulphuric acid. It may be considered pure if it is entirely soluble in alcohol, and in diluted sulphuric acid. Trecij)itated extract of bark is the same preparation as the above. It differs from the extractum calisayacum, referred to in the chap- ter on Extracts by not containing the crystallizable alkaloids. GENERAL REMARKS ON THE CINCHONA ALKALOIDS. Of the remarkable principles above described as existing in cin- chona barks, cinchonia was the first discovered, having been isolated in an impure state as early as 1803, and fully described as an alka- loid by Pelletier and Caventou in 1820. Quinia was discovered soon after by the same chemists. Eot until 1833 was the existence of quinidia announced. In that year, Henry and Delondre an- nounced its discovery, but afterwards abandoned the idea of its being a distinct principle ; so that no further attention was bestowed upon it until, about the year 1844, the celebrated German chemist, Winkler, investigated its properties, and conferred upon it the name quinidine, which, to correspond with our nomenclature, is changed to quinidia. Pasteur has since proved that quinidia as it occurs in commerce is generally composed chiefly of another alka- loid to which he gave the name cinchonidia ; he likewise discovered the artificial isomeric alkaloids quinicia and cinchonicia. On pages 501 and 502 will be found an account of other alkaloids, REMARKS ON THE CINCHONA ALKALOIDS. 499 discovered in particular barks, and most of them not fully investi- gated. ¥ The former scarcity and high price of sulphate of quinia, occa- sioned in part by the restrictions placed upon the trade in genuine Calisaya bark by the Bolivian government, had the effect to direct the attention of physicians to other and similar remedial agents ; but, notwithstanding the frequent announcement of favorable re- sults from the trial of such, there seems a general disposition to withhold confidence from any but the products of that remarkable family of South American trees whose history has been so long connected with the cure of periodical diseases. The introduction into commerce of large quantities of cheap cinchona barks from new sources, has been another result of the long-continued scarcity of the older and officinal kinds. Notwithstanding these have been regarded by many with jealousy, and doubts have been entertained of their therapeutic value, the study of their chemical history has shown that some of them are not less rich in alkaloids than the finest monopoly barks, and experiments in regard to the thera- peutic value of their characteristic alkaloids have shown a close resemblance in physiological effects to quinia itself. Some Bogota barks are now extensively employed for the manufacture of quinia, the price of which has, in consequence thereof, considerably de- clined ; some of these barks, beside the other alkaloids, abound in quinia. Dr. Pepper and other practitioners connected with hospital prac- tice, have used sulphate of quinidia in the same or less doses than the quinia salt, and with equal success ; and its value and efficacy are confirmed by the experience of many in private practice. Sulphate of cinchonia, which had been generally overlooked, has been much used of late years as a substitute for sulphate of quinia ; and, although some physicians assert that larger doses of it are required, and that it is more variable and less reliable in its action than the quinia salt, I am told by Dr. Conrad, the Apothecary of Pennsylvania Hospital, that in that Institution the three cinchona alkaloids are used indiscriminately and in the same doses. Through Dr. B. P. Thomas I am informed that the cinchonia salt has been used with satisfaction as a substitute for that of quinia in the Philadelphia and Northern Dispensaries, in the Western Clinical Infirmary, and Philadelphia Hospital, Blockley, where many inter- mittents are daily under treatment. It has also been successfully experimented with in the French hospitals as a substitute for the quinia salt, and has been lately introduced into the U. S. Army. Quinoidine is sold at a still lower price than either of the crys- tallized products. I am told that the demand for it has not justi- fied manufacturers in preparing all that is produced, for sale. Detection of Adulterations and Imjmrities in Sulphate of Quinia. — The behavior of the cinchona alkaloids and their salts has been mentioned under their respective heads, and, with the aid of these tests, it is not very difficult to distinguish the alkaloids, when pure, from each other. There is more difficulty experienced in detecting 500 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. the presence of one alkaloid in another, or in finding out foreign substances sometimes fraudulently mixed with thera. «The follow- ing are the various tests proposed for these purposes. 1. Zimmer's test. — Sixty drops of ether, twenty of ammonia water, and ten grains of the sulphate, previously dissolved in fifteen drops of water and ten drops of diluted sulphuric acid, made of one part, by weight, of sulphuric acid, to ^.ve of water, are mixed in a test tube; the quinia, being soluble in the ether, will not appear, but any admixture of cinchonia, or above ten per cent, of quinidia, will separate as a layer of white powder, between the aqueous liquid and the supernatant ether. If quinidia be present, it will be dissolved by a large addition of ether, w r hile cinchonia will not. If less than ten per cent, of quinidia is present, the mixture will be clear, but the quinidia will soon crystallize, while quinia will, after a while, gelatinize the ethereal solution. 2. Bump's test is said to be even more delicate than the former. Six grains of the sulphate, one-half drachm of ether, two or three drops of ammonia water, are well agitated in a test tube; pure sul- phate of quinia will yield a perfectly transparent solution; if five per cent, of sulphate of quinidia is present, the solution will like- wise be clear, but, after a while will become turbid; ten per cent, of quinidia will leave a portion undissolved ; with less than jive per cent., the solution is to be evaporated spontaneously, quinidia will then be left in crystals, but quinia as a gummy mass. 3. Liebig's test. — Fifteen grains of the salt are rubbed with two ounces of ammonia water, this is heated until nearly all odor of ammonia has disappeared, and agitated with two ounces of ether. If a turbidness remains on the margin of the two liquids, cinchonia is present. The ethereal solution may, besides quinia, also contain quinidia, which, like the above, will be left in crystals on spontaneous evapo- ration. 4. Kernels test. — Chemically pure neutral sulphate of quinia is dissolved in distilled water to saturation at a temperature of 15° C. (59° F.); 5 c.c. of this solution are precipitated and exactly redis- solved by 5 c.c. of ammonia w T ater, sp. gr. 92, and by 7 c.c. of am- monia, sp. gr. 96. For a similarly prepared solution of sulphate of quinidia and cinchonidia from 10 to 13 times this quantity of am- monia is needed to have the same effect, while the precipitate from the cinchonia salt does not redissolve. Accordingly, to test the commercial sulphate of quinia, an excess of it is treated with dis- tilled water of 59° for one-half hour until a saturated solution is obtained; 5 cubic centimetres of the filtered solution are mixed with 7 c.c. of officinal water of ammonia (or with 5 c.c. of ammonia, sp. gr. .920); if the alkaloid is precipitated and redissolved, the quinia salt is pure; if more ammonia is required for solution, quinidia or cinchonidia is present, and if 100 c.c. ammonia do not effect a clear solution, cinchonia is present. Since sulphate of cinchonia is the most soluble sulphate of all the cinchona alkaloids, and since the sulphates arranged according CINCHONA AND OTHEK ALKALOIDS. 501 to their solubility follow in this order: cinchonia, cinchonidia, quinidia, quinia, it is evident that if a commercial sample of sul- phate of quinia is treated with an insufficient quantity of water at 59° F., the most soluble sulphates must be dissolved first, and con- seqently, the larger the excess of the commercial salt, the more readily will these other alkaloids be discovered in the solution by means of the ammonia water of the above standard strength. (See the very interesting paper in Am. Joarn. Pharm., 1862, 417-429.) 5. The presence in the sulphates of cinchona alkaloids of com- mon adulterations may be detected as follows : — The sulphates are entirely soluble in cold dilute sulphuric acid, and entirely dissipated by heat. Sulphate of calcium may be detected by its insolubility in alcohol, and by remaining, after ignition, on a piece of platina foil. Starch would remain insoluble in dilute acid and in alcohol, and would be recognized by the well-known iodine test. Stearic and margaric acids and resins would float in the acid solution, and be dissolved by ether. Salicine, if more than ten per cent, were present, would show, with concentrated sulphuric acid, a red color. Phloridzin would be detected as yielding a yellow color with the same reagent, or by the yellow, red, and blue color imparted to it by gaseous ammonia under a bell glass. Sugar or mannite would be blackened by concentrated sulphuric acid. Oxa- late of ammonium would be detected by giving off ammoniacal vapors with caustic potassa. Solution of caustic baryta dissolves salicine, phloridzin, gum, mannite, etc., but leaves the alkaloids and sulphate of baryta; in the solution, after it has been freed from baryta by carbonic acid, these substances may be detected. Besides the foregoing, the following alkaloids have been dis- covered in various barks. Aricinia, C 20 H 24 N 2 O 2 2H 2 O, derived from Arica, the port from whence the bark is sent, is prepared like the other cinchona alka- loids, and crystallizes in white, transparent needles, which gradu- ally develop a bitter, warming, sharp taste, melt between 356° and 874°, are insoluble in water, soluble in ether, alcohol, and ammonia. It is colored green by concentrated nitric acid. The salts are crystallizable, bitter, easily soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether. Paricinia has been discovered in Para bark by Winckler. It is a white mass, uncrystaliizable, electric when rubbed to powder, slightly soluble in water, easily soluble in ether and alco- hol, and is left, after evaporation, as a golden-yellow, resinous mass. Its salts are amorphous, resinous. It appears to bear to aricina the same relation as chinoidina to quinia. Pitayia, discovered by Peretti, is prepared from the aqueous ex- tract, which is exhausted by alcohol, evaporated, dissolvecl in water, and precipitated by ammonia, washed with ether, and crystallized from boiling water. 502 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. It is in colorless prisms, volatile, not bitter. Its salts are bitter and crystallizable. Carthagia, discovered by G-runer in Carthagena bark, crystallizes in needles, is tasteless, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol. Its salts are bitter, crystallizable, resembling the quinia salts, but are said to be destitute of febrifuge qualities. Emetia. C 30 H 44 N 2 O 8 . Emetia is the active principle of ipecacuanha, and is also present in the roots of several species of Yiola. The root is extracted by acidulated water, and precipitated by ammonia ; to obtain it pure and white, according to Merck, it is dissolved in dilute muriatic acid, precipitated by corrosive subli- mate, dissolved in alcohol, decomposed by sulphuret of barium to precipitate mercury, and sulphuric acid to precipitate baryta, di- luted with water, the alcohol evaporated, and the sulphate of emetia precipitated by ammonia. It is a white, inodorous powder, not crystalline, of a bitter taste, soluble in alcohol, sparingly so in water, nearly insoluble in ether and fixed oils, fusible at about 120° F. Its native salt existing in the root is taken up by water, wine, and diluted alcohol. It assumes a dirty-green color by sulphuric acid, is converted first into a yellow, bitter, resinous substance, afterwards into oxalic acid. In minute doses it acts as a powerful emetic ; in larger doses it is poisonous. Nearly all its salts are easily soluble in water ; the acid salts, according to Liebig, are crystallizable. The commercial emetia is very impure, and not preferable for ordinary use to the various Galenical preparations of ipecac, in which the peculiar astringent and acid principles are associated with the alkaloid. The emetinum im-purum of some pharmacopoeias, which is the French emetin coloree, is obtained by exhausting the alcoholic extract of ipecacuanha with water, neutralizing with carbonate of magnesium, and evaporating the filtrate. Arnicia. — According to the analysis of Prof. Walz (Am. Journ. Pharm., 1861, 450), arnica flowers contain no alkaloid, the arnicia being a ternary glucoside, free from nitrogen. Eupatorina is an alkaloid, almost unknown, prepared by Pighini from the European water hemp. It is a white powder, of a bitter acid taste, soluble in alcohol and ether, and insoluble in water. Its sulphate crystallizes in needles. The Alkaloids of Strychnos and their Salts. Strychnia, U. S. P. C 21 H 22 N 2 2 . (Equiv. 334.) The Pharmacopoeia directs the rasped seed of nux vomica ; but as their comminution in the dry state is a work of no little difficulty, it is best to first heat them with some water, or expose them to hot steam; they will become thoroughly softened, and, while still warm, may be easily bruised in a warm mortar, or between two iron cylinders; they are then treated with water acidulated with muri- ALKALOIDS OF STRYCHNOS AND THEIR SALTS. 503 atic acid ; after concentration, the muriate thus formed is decom- posed by lime, which precipitates the strychnia along with the excess of lime employed, and some impurities. The alkaloid is now dissolved out from the precipitate by boiling alcohol, and de- posited, on evaporating and cooling. To purify it still further, it is next converted into a sulphate, boiled with animal charcoal, and' precipitated by ammonia. St. Ignatius' bean contains a large pro- portion of strychnia and less brucia than nux vomica, but is not so abundant and cheap. Strychnia, as thus prepared, is a white or grayish-white powder which may be crystallized by the slow evaporation of an alcoholic solution. It is distinguished by extraordinary bitterness. It is soluble to a limited extent in water, and nearly insoluble in abso- lute alcohol and ether; its best solvents are 70 per cent, alcohol, and volatile oils; chloroform dissolves 20 per cent., and olive oil one per cent, of strychnia. Perfectly pure strychnia is not affected by nitric acid. The following are its most reliable tests: Eub a very little of the powder with a drop of sulphuric acid on a slab, and add a minute quantity of solution of chromate of potassium. A splendid violet color will be produced if it contain strychnia. Or thus : add a little of the powder to a few drops of sulphuric acid containing yj^ of nitric; it will form a colorless solution; but, on the addition of a little peroxide of lead, a bright blue color will be developed, which will pass rapidly into violet, then gradually into red, and ultimately to yellow. Its solution in sulphuric acid is colored red by chlorous and chloric acids, and by chlorates ; a solu- tion of the rose-colored sulphate of manganese causes a violet color, the same color is produced by ferridcyanide of potassium, and this reaction is not affected by the presence of other organic substances. The salts which strychnia forms are mostly crystallizable and soluble. Their solutions are precipitated by fixed alkalies and their carbonates, and the precipitate is insoluble in an excess of the precipitant ; the precipitate caused by ammonia dissolves, but after- wards crystallizes from an excess of it. Sulphocyanide of potassium produces a white crystalline deposit ; the precipitate with gaseous chlorine is soluble in ether and alcohol. If acidulated with tartaric acid, a white precipitate occurs by bicarbonate of sodium. Adulterations with mineral substances are discovered by the residue left after ignition or after solution in boiling alcohol. Brucia is detected by the red color on the addition of sulphuric acid. The following salts have been occasionally used in medicine, chiefly on account of their solubility. They are mostly prepared by neutralizing the acid with strychnia, and evaporating: — Strychnia? sulphas contains 7 Aq ; it crystallizes in prisms and cubes, is efflorescent, and contains 75 per cent, strychnia. It is used, on account of its solubility, in preference to the alkaloid. Strychnia? nitras crystallizes in needles of a pearly lustre, which are insoluble in alcohol. Strychnia? murias is in silky needles, easily soluble in alcohol. 504 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. StrychnicB hydriodas is obtained by double decomposition as a white crystalline powder, little soluble in water, more in alcohol, and containing nearly 73 per cent, strychnia. Strychnice iodas is likewise obtained by double decomposition, and crystallizes in flat pearly needles, soluble in alcohol, but •slightly in cold water. Strychnice acetas crystallizes with difficulty in white silky needles, very soluble in alcohol and water. StrychnicB tannas is a white precipitate, scarcely soluble in water. The medicinal uses of strychnia are those of a tonic, with a special action upon the nerves of motion. It is much employed in a variety of diseases, lately recommended in typhoid fever and spermator- rhoea. Dose, one-twelfth to one-sixth of a grain. In doses exceeding two or three grains, strychnia is one of the most powerful and fatal of poisons. Immense quantities are sold for the purpose of killing animals, particularly dogs, on whom the most certain and rapidly fatal effect is produced by its use. In cases of poisoning by strychnia, the most prompt and vigorous efforts are necessary to arrest its effects. The jaws must be pre- vented from becoming permanently closed, as in tetanus. Emetics should be tried, but will seldom act. Tannic acid or other astrin- gents administered immediately will precipitate alkaloid in an in- soluble form. Chloroform has been found to arrest the effects of the poison. In one memorable case I saw the life of an individual saved by the application of the poles of a magnetic battery over the stomach, which aroused that organ, and, by excessive vomiting, produced complete expulsion of the poison and relaxation of the spasm. Brucia. C 23 H 2 JT 2 4 . If strychnia is crystallized from a hot alcoholic solution, the mother-liquor contains nearly all the brucia ; but it may be entirely freed from strychnia by nitric acid. From the neutral solution, the strychnia salt crystallizes first, leaving brucia in the mother- liquor; the acid solution, however, separates the brucia salt first in hard, four-sided prisms, while the strychnia salt crystallizes after- wards in fine needles. It crystallizes in oblique four-sided prisms, dissolves in 850 parts cold, 500 parts boiling water, is easily soluble in alcohol, insoluble in ether ; volatile oils dissolve a small quantity. Chloroform dissolves 56 per cent., and olive oil nearly 2 per cent. It contains 8 eq. of Aq. The salts are bitter, crystallizable, precipitated by alkalies and alkaline earths, by morphia and strychnia; an excess of ammonia dissolves its precipitate ; if acidulated with tartaric acid, no pre- cipitate occurs on the addition of bicarbonate of sodium ; concen- trated nitric acid dissolves brucia and its salts to an intensely red fluid, which subsequently acquires a yellowish-red, and by heat a yellow tint; if now protochloride of tin or sulphuret of ammonium is added, an intense violet color is produced; concentrated sulphuric IGASURIA. 505 acid colors it at first rose-red, afterwards yellowish-green ; chlorine gas causes no precipitate. The red color produced by nitric acid with'brucia is so intense that Kersting has proposed a solution of the latter in 1000 water as a test for very minute quantities of the former; one 100,000th part H^0 3 with the brucia solution, over a. layer of pure H 2 S0 4 , still produces at the margin of the two liquids a rose-red color, changing after a minute to yellow. Of the salts used medicinally, the neutral sulphate crystallizes in needles with 4 Aq; the neutral nitrate is a gum-like mass, but the acid nitrate is crystallizable in four-sided prisms. Brucia is a less powerful therapeutic agent than strychnia, being safely employed in doses of from two to four grains. Igasuria. The mother-liquors of the former two, after their precipitation by lime, contain this alkaloid. It crystallizes, is very bitter, dissolves in 200 parts boiling water, in weak alcohol, in acids, and alkalies. Sulphuric acid imparts a rose color, which turns yellowish or greenish. The salts are soluble, crystallizable, and poisonous. They are precipitated in presence of tartaric acid by alkaline bicarbonates. Schutzenberger has found that what has been called Igasuria is a mixture of various alkaloids, which he purified by fractional crystallization. They are all colorless, intensely bitter, poisonous like strychnia, soluble in boiling water and alcohol, slightly in ether; they crystallize in transparent needles or pearly scales, are colored red by nitric acid, lose their water of crystallization at 212°. Their salts are easily crystallizable. They are distinguished by affixing the letters of the alphabet : — Igasuria, a, C. 2 ,H , ( .X,0 4 3H.,0. Very slightly soluble. " 6, C^tXO-SHX). Slightly soluble. " c, C^LXO^HjO. Moderately soluble. cz, c 17 h;,n.,o 8 3h:,o. " e, C 18 H: )6 ^r.;0 4 3H.;0. Soluble. " /, C. n H; K.;O 4 3H,;O. Moderately soluble. g, C; i H 2s :N\,O e 3H,0. Very slightly soluble. " h, C 21 H 2e ]Sr 2 6 2H 2 0. Moderately soluble. «, C 20 H 2B N 2 O 7 4H 2 O. Curaria. — The South American Arrow poison is supposed to be obtained from a plant of the family Apocynaceaa. Boussingault and Roulin discovered in it an uncrystallizable alkaloid, which was afterwards supposed by some chemists to be identical with strychnia, in consequence of the similarity of some of its reactions. This has recently been shown to be a mistake, however; in its physiological action it is quite the opposite of strychnia, and is regarded by some physicians as almost a perfect antidote to the poisonous effects of that alkaloid. It is amorphous, yellowish, bitter, hygroscopic, soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether and volatile oils. Its salts are un- crystallizable. 506 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. Pereirina is obtained from a Brazilian bark, known there by the names of pignaciba, pao pente, and pao pereira. It is prepared like the cinchona alkaloids, and lastly dissolved by ether. It is a yel- lowish-white amorphous, bitter mass, on melting blood-red, has an alkaline reaction, is little soluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether. Concentrated- sulphuric acid dissolves it with violet color, which afterwards turns brown, on diluting with water, olive-green and grass-green. Nitric acid dissolves it with a blood-red color, changing to grayish-brown. The salts are little known, they are precipitated by the oxalates, and are said to have febrifuge pro- perties. Gastina is, according to Landerer, contained in the seeds of the "Chaste tree," is crystallizable, bitter, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, and dilute acids, and precipitated from the latter solution by alkalies. Convolvulina was obtained by Marquart from Scammony root ; its sulphate crystallizes in radiating prisms. Alkaloids op the Solanace^e. Solania. — The following comprises the older statements with re- gard to this principle: — It is prepared from the potato germs by maceration with water acidulated with muriatic acid, mixing with hydrate of lime, and exhausting the precipitate with boiling alcohol; on cooling the greater part is separated. It crystallizes in colorless prisms, with- out odor ; its taste is faintly bitter, nauseous, causes a persistent acrid feeling in the throat. It has an alkaline reaction, is slightly soluble in cold water, ether, alcohol, and fixed oils. It is a weak base, its salts are soluble, few crystallizable, and have a bitter taste, with lasting acrimony. Solania, as obtained from the various species of Solanum, accord- ing to Moitessier, differs to a considerable extent in its physical properties. Various different alkaloids have probably been con- founded under this name. Prepared from Solanum dulcamara, it has the composition C 43 H 70 NO lh , and all its salts are amorphous. Zwenger announced a few years since that solania, a weak base, is split on boiling with dilute acids into glucose and a stronger base, which he called solanidia, C 50 H 40 ]TO 2 , which is colored in- tensely red by sulphuric acid. If solania is treated with cold concentrated mineral acids for several days, or if solanidia is boiled with diluted acids, the pre- cipitate contains another alkaloid, solanieda, for which the formula C H, 9 M) has been found. It is amorphous, yellowish, nearly tasteless, almost insoluble in alcohol, ether, and water. Its salts are deep yellow, amorphous, bitter, and astringent. 0. G-melin, however, asserts that it contains no nitrogen, but that solanidia forms compounds with acids and with PtCl 4 . Delfts re- gards solania as homologous with saponin, smilacin, and salicin. Kromayer states that the solania which is prepared with mineral ATROPIA. 507 acids invariably contains solanidia, the more if treated at an ele- vated temperature, and the latter can be dissolved by benzin. If potato germs are expressed, the liquid treated with excess of lime, the precipitate exhausted by boiling alcohol, and the gelatinous mass separating on cooling, repeatedly pressed, and redissolved, colorless acicular crystals are obtained, which are insoluble in ether. The expressed germs, treated in the cold with sulphuric acid and afterwards with lime, etc., yield amorphous solania, con- taining solanidia. Dulcamarina, C 65 H i0 NO 27 , (?) is said to exist in early spring in the stem of bittersweet besides solania. It is prepared by evaporating the infusion with marble dust, exhausting the extract with strong alcohol, evaporating, removing the lactate of calcium, adding am- monia, precipitating with tannin, and treating the precipitate with by d rated oxide of lead and alcohol. Yellowish-white, amorphous, bitter, afterwards sweet, slightly soluble in water, ether, and acids, readily in alcohol. Atropia. C l7 H 23 M) 3 . (Equiv. 289.) This alkaloid and its sulphate were made officinal in the Phar- macopoeia of 1860 ; it is prepared by the following process : — Powdered belladonna root is exhausted by alcohol ; this is dis- tilled off from the tincture, the residue acidulated with sulphuric acid, diluted with water, and filtered through paper ; the filtrate is decomposed with potassa and repeatedly agitated with fresh portions of chloroform; the chloroformic solution is evaporated spontaneously. Thus prepared it is in yellowish needles of a silky lustre, with- out odor, and of a bitter, acrid, almost metallic taste ; it dilates the pupil more than any other alkaloid ; to act on the pupil, atropia must have entered the circulation (Harley). It melts at 212°, is soluble in 200 parts of cold (300 parts at 60°, U. S. P.), 50 parts of boiling water, without crystallizing on cooling; by continued boil- ing it dissolves in 30 parts of water, from which the greater part crystallizes ; it dissolves in 1 J parts cold alcohol ; the solution in 6 parts of boiling ether gelatinizes on cooling into a transparent jelly. Chloroform dissolves 50, olive oil 2.3 percent, atropia. The salts are crystallizable with difficulty without odor, and with the taste of atropia ; they are mostly soluble in water, alcohol, and alcoholic ether, not in pure ether; all are very poisonous. Sul- phuric acid dissolves the alkaloid without color, after some time the solution turns red and black. It is colored yellow by chlorine. Nitric acid dissolves it with a pale yellow color, afterwards orange, then colorless. The solution is then still precipitated by tannin, but does not contain any atropia, as the pupil is not dilated. In contact with air it is easily converted into another alkaloid, which Berzelius has called tropia. It is very soluble in water, yellowish, not crystallizable, of a disagreeable odor, and strong alkaline reaction. According to Ludwig & PfeifTer, atropia, by 508 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. being boiled with chromate of potassium and diluted sulphuric acid, gives oft* benzoic acid, and on the addition of potassa liberates propylamina. (See Am. Journ. Pharm., 1862, p. 33.) Atropice sulphas, U. S. P., is prepared by dissolving the alkaloid in strong ether and neutralizing with sulphuric acid diluted with a little alcohol; the sulphate is precipitated as a white crystalline powder. It is very soluble in water and in alcohol, insoluble in ether, neutral to litmus, entirely dissipated by heat. Its uses are as a local anodyne in solution and ointment, 2 to 4 grains to the ounce, and for subcutaneous injection in neuralgia. For dilating the pupil 1 grain is dissolved in four fluidrachms of distilled water, and a drop or two applied to the inner surface of the lid. Dissolved in 100 parts of water one or two drops have been recommended as a local anaesthetic to facilitate the extraction of teeth. The dose internally is gVth of a grain. AtropicE valerianas has recently been much recommended in chronic nervous complaints; it is prepared by dissolving atropia and valerianic acid separately in strong ether, cooling the solutions down to 32°, mixing and crystallizing at between 10° and 15° F. The crystals are soft at 68°, fuse at 90°, and turn yellow by light and air. Dose, the same as of sulphate. Belladonnia is the yellow resin adhering to atropia and prevent- ing it from crystallizing. Crude atropia is dissolved in a weak acid, neutralized by carbo- nate of potassium to separate a body opalescing in blue, an alkali is added, taking care not to produce a pulverulent precipitate, as long as the precipitate appears oily and resin-like, this is collected on linen, dissolved in an acid, treated with animal charcoal, if necessary again fractionally precipitated, and dissolved in absolute ether. A gum-like mass remains behind, of little bitterness, and a burn- ing, sharp taste; it melts on heating and decomposes with the smell of hippuric acid; it is easily soluble in pure and officinal ether, in absolute and dilute alcohol, scarcely soluble in water ; though strongly alkaline, it is less so than atropia; from the sulphate it is precipitated by ammonia as a white powder, which soon becomes resin-like. It was discovered by Hiibschmann. It is most likely a product of decomposition from atropia. Atrosia is the name given by Hiibschmann to a black body, pre- cipitated by ammonia from an aqueous solution of the alcoholic extract of the root; it is insoluble in alcohol, water, and ether, but dissolves in dilute acids with a red color. It is probably the cause of the red color of the juice of the fruit, and may be an alkaloid. Daturia is obtained from stramonium seed by the above process for atropia; it has been proved to be chemically identical with atropia. Its pharmaco-dynamical properties have been studied by Professor SchrofF, and carefully compared with those of atropia. His conclusions are, that their qualitative action is alike, but that BEBEERINA. 509 there exists a vast difference in their intensity, atropia being nearly twice as powerful as daturia. Is there no doubt at all about their chemical identity? Hyoscyamia is obtained from the seeds of hyoscyamus by the process for atropia. It crystallizes in needles of silky lustre, when dry and pure with- out odor ; the moist and impure has a disagreeable narcotic tobacco smell ; its taste is acrid, tobacco-like. With a carefully regulated heat it may be distilled. It has a strong alkaline reaction, dissolves very readily in water, alcohol, and ether ; and is easily decomposed when in solution. Nitric acid dissolves it without coloration ; sul- phuric acid colors it brown. Of the salts, some few are crystallizable; they must be evapo- rated in vacuo to prevent them from becoming oxidized ; they are soluble in water and alcohol, without smell, and have the taste of the base. Capsicina is stated by AVitting to be contained in the integuments of the seeds of red pepper; it is said to be a crystalline powder, insoluble in cold water and ether, slightly soluble in hot water and alcohol. Its sulphate, nitrate, and acetate are crystallizable, soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, and precipitated by alkalies. Buxina was prepared by Faure from the leaves of boxwood, and described as a white powder, bitter, sternutatory, soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, and yielding w T ith acids, salts, which crystallize with difficulty. Prof. Walz has announced that this alkaloid is identical with bebeerina. (See below.) Crotonina. — Brandes has separated from the seeds of Croton tig- Hum small crystals, fusible when heated, scarcely soluble in boiling water, soluble in boiling alcohol, with an alkaline reaction. Its phosphate and sulphate are crystallizable. Eiqihorbina is a colorless, brittle mass, inodorous, bitter, and acrid, insoluble in water and ether, soluble in alcohol, decomposed by concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids ; its salts are amorphous. It was obtained by Bushner and Herberger. Bebeerina, C ig H 21 E"0 3 , is the only alkaloid as yet discovered in the natural order of Lauracea?. The suggestion of AValz that bebeeru bark might be derived from a Euphorbiaceous tree, is merely based on the asserted identity of this alkaloid with buxina, which fact has comparatively little weight since some other alka- loids have been proved to exist in several different families of plants. It is best obtained, in a pure state, from the impure commercial sulphate by precipitating its solution with ammonia, redissolving the washed precipitate in acetic acid, adding an excess of acetate of lead, precipitating by potassa, and exhausting the precipitate by strong ether ; the yellowish syrup left after the evaporation of the ether is dissolved in absolute alcohol, which solution, on being gradually poured into cold water, yields a flocculent precipitate, which is free from color after washing and drying. 510 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. It is amorphous, inodorous, bitter, of an alkaline reaction, fusible at 356°, scarcely soluble in water, readily soluble in ether and alcohol. The salts are bitter, amorphous, precipitated white by sulphocyanide and by iodide of potassium. The commercial Sulphate of bebeerina is in dark-brown glittering scales, readily soluble in water by the aid of acids. It is esteemed as a tonic and antiperiodic, much prescribed in London in doses of three to ten grains, to the amount of a scruple or a drachm, between the paroxysms of intermittents. Sepeerina (from the Dutch name sepeeri for bebeeru) remains be- hind after the exhaustion of bebeerina by ether. Amorphous, reddish-brown, little soluble in water, soluble in alcohol. The salts are amorphous, of a brown color, and generally obtained in very shining laminae, almost resembling crystalline scales. Piperina, C 17 H ig N0 3 .— Powdered pepper is exhausted by alcohol ; this is distilled off, the extract dried with lime in a water-bath, whereby the resin becomes insoluble while piperina is taken up by alcohol. It crystallizes in four-sided prisms, colorless when pure, when chewed for some time developing a hot peppery taste, scarcely soluble in water, easily in alcohol, less in ether, the solution is neu- tral to litmus, and has a burning pepper taste. It melts at 212°, losing 2 equivalents of water. It dissolves in cold sulphuric acid with a deep red color ; concentrated nitric acid decomposes it, the brown mass dissolves in potassa with a red color, and yields on boil ing piperidina. By continued boiling with an alcoholic solution of potassa, it splits into piperic acid and piperidina, C ]7 H 19 N0 3 H 2 0= C 5 H n ¥+C 12 H lo 4 (PIF). It has been recommended as an energetic and rapid febrifuge, though chiefly used in combination with quinia. It is given in doses of 2 to 4 grains, but may be increased to 60 grains in 24 hours without injurious effects. Landerer believes that the same alkaloid is also contained in the berries of Schinus mollis, Terebin- thacefe. (See Amer. Journ. Pharm., 1863, 157.) Piperidina, C.H lr N", is probably ethyl-allyl-amina, E~(C 2 H 5 + C 3 H 5 + H). It is a colorless liquid, strongly alkaline, of an ammoniacal and peppery odor and taste, lighter than water, in which it dissolves in all proportions; boiling point 223° F. ; it precipitates the salts of the metallic oxides. Its salts are crystallizable. Piperic acid, Plp==C 12 H ]0 O 4 , is nearly insoluble in water, slightly soluble in ether, readily in boiling alcohol; fusible at 300°, partly sublimable at 390° with the odor of coumarin; sulphuric acid colors it blood-red, and it yields with PC1 5 vermilion-recl crystals. Pipe- rate of Piperidina crystallizes in colorless silky scales, turning yellow in the air, fusible at 248° ; piperina cannot be obtained from them. VERATRIA. 511 Ver atria, U. S. P. Yeratria is procured from cevadilla seeds by treating them with alcohol, evaporating the tincture to an extract, and treating this with water acidulated with sulphuric acid; this solution, containing sulphate of veratria, is next evaporated to a syrupy consistence, de- composed by magnesia, which is added in slight excess ; the pre- cipitated veratria thrown down is now washed and separated from the excess of magnesia by alcohol, from which it is obtained by evaporation, but requires still further purifying with animal char- coal, etc. A pound of the seeds yields about a drachm of veratria. This product is a white, uncrystallizable powder, extremely acrid when diffused in the air, producing excessive irritation of the nostrils. It is freely soluble in alcohol, less so in ether, and almost insoluble in water, but soluble in diluted acids, from which ammo- nia and solution of tannin throw down white precipitates. Among its most striking peculiarities are the intense red color it assumes on the addition of sulphuric acid, and the yellow solution it forms with nitric. Veratria, as procured by the officinal process, is a complex body, and contains two alkaloids, sabadillia and jervia, with some resinous matter. The medical uses of veratria are confined chiefly to gouty and neuralgic affections, in the treatment of which it is used internally in doses of one-twelfth to one-sixth grain, repeated, or externally, in ointment, of about 3j to the ounce; it has lately also been re- commended in typhoid fever. The following is the process for obtaining the alkaloids pure: — Veratria, C 32 H 5r N" 2 8 . — Commercial veratria is dissolved in much alcohol, and mixed with water until a precipitate just commences to appear; on spontaneous evaporation, a white, crystalline powder is obtained, mixed with a brown, resinous mass, which can be re- moved by washing with cold alcohol. The powder, if dissolved in strong alcohol, and evaporated spontaneously, leaves large, rhombic, colorless prisms, which effloresce in the air, become porcellaneous and pulverulent, are insoluble, but rendered opaque in boiling water, readily soluble in alcohol and ether. Sulphuric acid colors it yel- low, then carmine red; muriatic acid produces a deep violet solu- tion with oily drops on the surface. The acids are completely neutralized, but the solutions do not. crystallize on evaporation. Sabadillia, C 2p H 25 N 2 5 , crystallizes in colorless prisms, which are soluble in^ boiling water, melt at 390° F., and have a very acrid taste. It is easily soluble in alcohol, but does not crystallize from this solution; it is insoluble in ether, and, from its solution in dilute sulphuric acid, is not precipitated by ammonia. It is not sternu- tatory. (Hubschmann.) Jervia, C, H 46 N 2 O 3 . — The precipitate by soda, containing the alka- loids, is boiled with diluted sulphuric acid; on cooling, the sulphate of jervia is precipitated. The precipitate may be decomposed by carbonate of sodium, and recrystallized from alcohol. It is nearly insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, crystallizes in 512 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. colorless prisms with 4 Aq, loses its water of crystallization on beat- ing, melts at 375°, and is decomposed at a higher heat. Jervia and its soluble salts are precipitated from their solutions by muriatic, sulphuric, and nitric acids, forming therewith nearly insoluble salts; they, however, dissolve in alcohol. Colchicia. — According to Aschoff, the root is to be exhausted by cold water, precipitated by basic acetate of lead, the filtrate neutral- ized by carbonate of sodium, the filtrate precipitated by tannin, this precipitate washed, expressed, dissolved in eight parts alcohol, and digested with freshly precipitated oxide of iron; the filtrate is evaporated, the residue dissolved in a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and ether, evaporated, and again dissolved in water. The corms gathered in spring yielded but .75 grains, in the fall as high as 6.5 grains from the pound; the seed 16 grains to the pound. It is a white amorphous mass, of a bitter, not acrid taste, with- out odor, when moist of a feeble narcotic odor. It is easily decom- posed in aqueous solution, is not sternutatory or hygroscopic, is fusible and inflammable, easily soluble in water and alcohol, less in absolute ether. It has no reaction on vegetable colors. The fol- lowing is its behavior to reagents : — It is soluble in H 2 S0 4 , with a clear yellow color ; in HN0 3 , yellow ; the undissolved colchicia is brownish-red, then violet, brownish- green, brown-red ; fuming HJTO 3 (containing nitrous acid) imparts to it a violet or indigo-blue, afterwards yellow, color. The solution of T oV o colchicia is colored lemon yellow by muriatic acid. Bichro- mate of potassium and sulphuric acid impart a green color. Iodine causes a kermes-colored, gelatinous precipitate, soluble in alcohol and water. Chlorine water a yellow precipitate, soluble with orange color in ammonia. No crystallizable compounds have been obtained with acids, except that J. E. Carter thinks he obtained a crystalline sulphate. Hubschmann was unable to saturate two drops of dilute sulphuric acid with colchicia, though he and Carter both found it to act slowly on reddened litmus paper, and on paper colored with rhu- barb. Oberlin disputes the existence of a base colchicia, so does Walz, who renders it probable that it is a glucoside. An alkaloid does, however, appear to exist in colchicum, since the infusion yields precipitates, both with Sonnenschein's and Mayer's tests. By external application, several painful cases of rheumatism have been relieved by it. If given internally, one-sixtieth (g^) grain three times daily, continued, if necessary, for several weeks, has a most salutary effect in rheumatic complaints. It opens the bowels even of those who have been suffering from constipation. (See Thesis of J. E. Carter, of Philadelphia, Am. Journ. Pharm,., vol. xxx. p. 205.) Colchiceine, C 35 H 44 N 2 4 . — Oberlin obtained no colchicia by G-eiger and Hesse's process, but, on dissolving the product in water, acidu- lating with muriatic acid, evaporating until of an intense yellow TERNARY ALKALOIDS. 513 color, a white precipitate was thrown down by water, crystallizing from alcohol and ether in pearly lamellae, of an intensely bitter taste, neutral to test paper, nearly insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, wood-spirit, chloroform, ammonia, and potassa; in ferric chloride with green, in sulphuric acid with yellow, in muria- tic acid with pale yellow, in nitric acid with intense yellow color, changing to violet, deep red, light red, and yellow. It is very poisonous. It remains to be investigated whether or not it is a product of decomposition of colchicia by the influence of muriatic acid. Apirina was obtained by Bizio from the seeds of Cocos lapidea. It is white, inodorous, of a sharp taste, fusible, soluble in 600 p. water, without alkaline reaction; forms with acids crystalline salts, which are less soluble in hot than in cold water. Tests for Distinguishing the Alkaloids. The following, taken from Dr. A. T. Thompson, conveys in a compact form the leading facts applicable to distinguishing the alkaloids. Some general characteristics are noticed at the beginning of this chapter, and the particular ones under the several heads. Method of Distinguishing the following Vegetable Alkaloids — Atropia Brucia, Delphia, Emetia, Morphia, Solania, Strychnia, Veratria — when they are in powder. Treat the powder first with nitric acid, which is colored red by brucia, delphia, morphia, and the strychnia of commerce, but not by pure strychnia. If the reddened acid become of a violet hue on the addition of protochloride of tin, after the nitric solution has cooled, the alkaline powder is brucia; if the reddened acid gradually become black and carbonaceous, it is delphia. If the powder be fusible without decomposition, and decomposes iodic acid, evolving free iodine, it is morphia ; if it is not fusible, and does not decom- pose iodic acid, it is strychnia. If the powder greens, instead of reddens nitric acid, it is solania ; if it is insoluble in ether, and does not redden nitric acid, it is emetia ; if it be soluble in ether and does not redden nitric acid, but melts when heated, and vola- tilizes, it is atropia; if it is thus affected by ether and nitric acid, but is not volatilized, it is veratria. The Ternary Alkaloids. Sparteina, C l0 H 26 N 2 . — A concentrated decoction of broom is dis- tilled with soda, and several times rectified. It is a colorless oil, which, in contact with water, soon becomes opalescent, and is colored brown by the air; it is heavier than water, smells faintly like anilina, has a very bitter taste, and is narcotic ; its boiling point is 550° F. Acids are perfectly neutral- ized ; the salts are soluble, the muriate and nitrate not crystallizable. Conia, C 8 H 15 ]Sr, is most abundant in the fresh plants gathered before flowering, and in the seed of the second year's growth, from 514 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. which it is obtained by distillation with caustic potassa, purifying the sulphate by dissolving it in alcoholic ether, and again distilling with potassa. Thus obtained it frequently contains methyl and ethyl-conia. The seeds are richest in the alkaloid just before ripening. Conia is a volatile colorless or yellowish oily fluid (specific gravity .87), with a very characteristic odor resembling that of the urine of the mouse. It boils at 338°, is neutral to test paper when an- hydrous, but decidedly alkaline when containing some water. It is soluble in 100 parts of water, floating on its surface when dis- tilled with it. Alcohol dissolves it readily, as also ether, the fixed and volatile oils. It does not dilate the pupil, but is extremely poisonous. Like other volatile alkaloids of the composition of substituted ammonia, it occasions white clouds, when approached with a rod moistened with muriatic acid. This test, when applied to the ex- tract of conium, after adding to it on a tile a few drops of solution of potassa, is resorted to, in connection with the odor, in judging of the quality of that extract. When exposed to the air, conia undergoes oxidation, being con- verted into a brown resinous matter, ammonia, and butyric acid ; butyric acid is also formed by the reaction with nitric and chromic acids. By muriatic acid gas it is colored purple, changing to blue ; chlorine produces thick white vapors of a lemon odor. It neutralizes the acids, forming soluble salts, some of which are crystallizable, while those with oxygenated acids are most decom- posed on evaporation and leave a gummy residue. Methylconia, C 9 H ir N", resembles conia in physical and chemical properties, and can be distinguished from it only by elementary analysis. Ethylconia, C 10 H 19 N, is very similar, but less soluble in water. In this connection it is proper to mention the quaternary alka- loid, discovered by Wertheim, accompanying conia. Conhydrina, C 8 H l7 NO, occurs chiefly in the flowers and seed of conium; to prepare it, the crude conia is neutralized with sulphuric acid, the salt extracted with alcohol to separate ammonia, evapo- rated, treated with concentrated caustic potassa, then with ether ; this is distilled off, and by very slow fractional distillation in an oil-bath, the conia is separated ; between 300° and 400° crystals of conhydrina are sublimed. It is in colorless, pearly crystalline lamella, sublimes slowly be- low 212°, insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether; by distillation with anhydrous phosphoric acid, conia is obtained, H 2 being ab- stracted: NC 8 H 17 0— H 2 0=NC 8 H 15 . Its action on animals is similar to conia, but much weaker. The salts have not been studied. Cicutina. — The root of cicuta virosa yields, according to Polex, by exhausting with a diluted acid and distillation with an alkali, this alkaloid, which has a very agreeable odor. Chcerophyllina. — Its sulphate was obtained by Polstorf by distil- TERNARY ALKALOIDS. 515 ling the fruit of Cheerophyllum bulbosum with potassa, and neu- tralizing the distillate by sulphuric acid; iridescent laminae. Aribina, C 23 II 20 N, was obtained by Rieth from the Brazilian tree Arariba rubra, and is remarkable for being the first natural vegeta- ble alkali of ternary composition which is solid at ordinary tem- perature. Hygrina is a volatile base obtained by Lossen from coca leaves ; its odor recalls that of propy lamina; it is not poisonous. It is probably a product of decomposition. Lobelina was discovered by the late Prof. S. Calhoun, of Phila- delphia, in 1834, and first isolated in a state of purity by Professor Procter, in 1842. It is most conveniently obtained by extracting the seed with alcohol acidulated with acetic acid, evaporating, and treating with magnesia, and then with ether, from which it may be obtained by spontaneous evaporation. It is a liquid lighter than water, and when dropped into that fluid rises to its surface and spreads out like a drop of oil, then gradually dissolves without agitation, forming a transparent solu- tion. It is very soluble in alcohol and ether, the latter readily re- moving it from an aqueous solution ; it also dissolves in fixed and volatile oils. It forms crystallizable salts, with numerous acids. It is not obtained on an economical scale for use in medicine. Lobelina, as it exists in the plant combined with lobelic acid, is de- composable by a moderate heat, as also by the action of strong acids. Nicotia, or Nicotina, C ]0 H 14 N" 2 , is prepared in the following manner: The acid infusion of tobacco is evaporated to about one-half, and distilled with caustic potassa ; or tobacco is distilled with milk of lime; the distillate is neutralized by oxalic acid, crystallized, the crystals washed with ether, decomposed by potassa, and the alkaloid dissolved by ether. By rectification in a current of hydrogen, it may be obtained colorless. It is a colorless, oily liquid, of strong tobacco odor, a burning sharp taste, heavier than water, specific gravity 1.048. It is inflam- mable, has an alkaline reaction, is soluble in water, and water is soluble in it to some extent ; miscible with alcohol, ether, and olive oil, scarcely soluble in oil of turpentine. It becomes yellow by keeping, absorbing oxygen from the air, which gradually turns it thick and brown. It boils at 482° F., but volatilizes at a much lower temperature. The vapor which rises is so powerful in its smell and irritating properties that one drop of it diffused in a room renders the atmosphere insupportable. The volatility of this principle insures its diffusion, along with empyreumatic products, in tobacco smoke, so that it is inhaled to a certain extent by smokers ; tobacco smoke may be freed from it by passing it over cotton saturated with tannin. It exists in the different commercial varieties of tobacco in about the following proportions ; Havana, 2 per cent., Maryland, 2.3, Virginia, 6.87, Kentucky, 6.09. Orfila has lately investigated the properties of nicotia, and ascer- tained with precision its chemical habitudes. These are detailed in a paper copied in the Am. Journ. of Pharm., vol. xxiv. p. 142, from 516 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. the London Pharm. Journ. See also a paper by Professor Procter in Proc. of Am. Pharm. Asso., 1858, p. 295. Its salts have a burning taste of tobacco, are very soluble in water, deliquescent, and difficult to crystallize. Mercurialina. — By distillation with lime from the herb and seeds of Mercurialis annua, an oily alkaloid is obtained, which resembles in odor both nicotia and conia; it is readily oxidized, and thickens in contact with the air. The salts are mostly soluble in water and alcohol. Secalina, C 3 H g N, or Propylamina, has the atomic composition of C 3 H 7 ,H 2 N', methylsethylamina CH 3 C 2 H 5 H^r, and trimethylamina (CH 3 ) 3 N, aud is identical with one of them, probably the former, as it may be obtained from propylic narcotina by distillation with potassa. Besides the plants mentioned in the syllabus, it has been obtained from the ergot of maize, from herring-pickle, crabs, the spirits in which anatomical preparations have been kept, and the urine of man. When artificially prepared, it is best known in medicine as Propylamina, though chemists generally regard it as trimethylamina. Propylamina is most economically prepared from herring-pickle by distillation with caustic potassa, neutralizing the distillate with muriatic acid, purifying the salt by dissolving it in strong alcohol or alcoholic ether, and again distilling with potassa. It is a colorless liquid of a strong odor of herrings, and a sweetish astringent taste; it is soluble in water, has an alkaline reaction, produces white vapors with muriatic acid. It is combustible, and mixed with an equal bulk of water it can still be ignited. Its salts are mostly soluble in water and alcohol, and crystallizable. According to Dr. Awenarius, of St. Petersburg, it appears to be a true specific for rheumatic affections, the acute as well as the chro- nic. He administered it in mixture, containing 24 drops of propy- lamina to 6 ounces of mint-water sweetened with 2 drachms of sugar, and gave it in doses of a tablespoonful every two hours. Whether it is capable of promoting uterine contraction has not been ascertained. Murias Propylamines is the form most used in practice in the United States ; it is prepared by crystallizing the product as at first obtained by passing the volatile alkaloid into diluted muriatic acid, as above ; to free it from muriate of ammonium it may be re- crystallized from its solution in strong alcohol. It is usually called chloride of propylamin, destitute of the unpleasant odor of the alkaloid itself, and has been found a useful remedy in rheumatism, in doses of from 3 to 5 grains. (See Propylamin Cordial.) See papers on this subject by Professor Procter in Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 1857, and American Journal of Pharmacy, xxxi. 125 and 222. Anilina, C 6 H 5 H 2 N, also known by the names of phenylamina, phenamide, kyanole, crystalline, and benzidam; it is the only arti- ficial alkaloid which has been used in medicine. It is best pre^ pared, on a small scale, by the process of Bechamp, from 10 p. ALKALOIDS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN. 517 nitrobenzole, 12 p. iron filings, and 10 p. strong acetic acid. The reaction takes place without the application of heat, but to insure complete reduction, the spontaneous distillate is returned to the retort and again distilled, when it may be at once combined with sulphuric acid to form the medicinal sulphate. The alkaloid is a colorless oil, of vinous odor and aromatic taste; spec. grav. 1.2; boiling point 360°; coagulates albumen; in contact with air turns yellow and resinifies ; separates many metallic oxides from their salts; colors pine wood yellow; by hypochlorites blue; by HN0 3 blue, and on heating oxidized to picric acid ; by H 2 S0 4 and K 2 Cr0 4 blue, but of a different shade, as that produced under the same circumstances with strychnia. "Within a few years past it has become of great technical im- portance, since its products of oxidation by various agents have been made use of to dye animal fabrics, like silk and wool. Anilince sulphas is prepared by direct combination ; it dissolves in about 16 parts of water at 60°, slightly in cold alcohol, insoluble in ether; it is colorless and crystalline, but acquires a reddish color, when exposed to the air in a moist state. This salt has gained some reputation since Dr. Turnbull, of Liverpool, announced his success in treating with it a number of cases of chorea; the remedy produces a transient alteration in the color of the skin and lips, which disappears, however, as soon as it is laid aside. (See Am. Journ. Pharm., 1862, 295.) Alkaloids of Animal Origin. Some animal tissues and liquids contain alkaline substances or are decomposed into such by the influence of various chemical agents. These animal alkaloids, however, are as yet of little im- portance in a medicinal point of view; and it remains here merely to draw attention to a few of them which are either contained in culinary and dietetic articles, or are of importance from their pre- sence in various secretions. Creatine, C 4 H 9 ^T 3 2 H 2 0. — Though creatine is a neutral substance, it may be well to refer to it in this place. It is prepared by ex- presing fresh meat, macerating it several times with water, and subjecting it each time to strong pressure. From the mixed liquids, albumen and fibrin are removed by coagulating with, heat, and solution of baryta is added as long as a precipitate occurs; the filtrate is evaporated at a moderate heat to a syrupy liquid, and set aside to crystallize. The flesh of chickens and game is easy to clarify ; the former contains the largest, fishes the least quantity of creatine. It is in colorless pearly crystals without taste or action on litmus; it is soluble in 75 parts of cold water, and in 100 parts of absolute alco- hol. By boiling with baryta it is decomposed into sarkosina and urea; by evaporating with strong acids, it loses H 2 and is con- verted into creatinina. 518 ON THE ORGANIC ALKALIES OR ALKALOIDS. Syllabus of Animal Alkaloids and the Products of their Decomposition. Cratinina or Creatinina, C 4 R~ 9 N 3 2 H 2 0. In the urine of calves, in flesh, and from cre- atine by acids ; colorless crystals; soluble in 11 water, 100 alcohol, and much ether; expels NH g from its salts. Sarkosina, C 3 H v N0 2 . From creatine by boiling with BaO ; rhombic prisms or scales, easily soluble in water, slightly in alcohol ; insoluble in ether; fusible at 2120. Glycina, C 2 H 5 N0 2 , Glycocol or amido-acetic acid. In the bile ; by treating glue or similar substances with boiling alkalies or acids; sweet rhombic crystals, easily soluble in water and dilute alcohol, slight acid reaction ; combines with acids and with bases. Leucina, C 6 H 13 N0 2 , or amido-capronic acid. In various organs of all animals except the very lowest, by putrefaction of casein, from glue like glycina. Shining scales, easily soluble in water, alkalies, and muriatic acid, slightly in alcohol ; insoluble in ether and chloroform ; sublimable ; fused with KO yields valerianic acid. Tyrosina, C 9 H n N0 3 . In the liver, pancreas, and other parts of man and many animals ; in American extract of rhatany (Wittstein), by acids or alkalies upon casein, glue, albumen, etc. Silky needles, soluble in acids and alkalies, slightly in water ; insoluble in alcohol and ether ; combined with H 2 S0 4 it colors Fe 2 Cl 3 violet. Guanina, C 5 H 5 N 5 0. In the excrements of spiders and in small quantity in guano; white powder, insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether, somewhat soluble in lime and baryta water; its salts crystallizable ; precipitated by acetic and formic acids. Taurina, C 2 H 7 NS0 3 . In the lungs and kidneys of the ox and in bile after decomposition by acids or by fermentation ; six-sided prisms, easily soluble in water, slightly in alcohol ; taste cooling ; not destroyed by H 2 S0 4 or HN0 3 . Urea, CH 4 N 2 0. In the blood, urine, and eye of the mammalia, particularly the car- nivorous ; in many organs of some lower animals. Urea has been proposed as a remedial agent ; its mode of prepara- tion is as follows: — Urine is evaporated to a syrupy consistence, mixed with an equal volume of nitric acid, and set aside for twenty-four hours in a cool place; the crystals are redissolved in boiling nitric acid to destroy coloring matter, if necessary digested with animal charcoal, and subsequently decomposed by carbonate of barium. After evapora- tion, the mass is exhausted by alcohol. For its artificial preparation Liebig gives the following direc- tions: A mixture of four parts finely powdered anhydrous ferro- cyanide of potassium, one and a half parts carbonate of potassium, and two parts black oxide of manganesium is heated to redness, and constantly stirred until it has ignited ; it is extracted with cold water, the solution mixed with a solution of three parts sulphate of ammonium, evaporated, the sulphate of potassium removed as much as possible, and the residue exhausted with boiling ordinary alcohol. Urea crystallizes in long, colorless prisms, of a cooling taste similar to saltpetre, easily soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether, containing no water of crystallization, and fusing at 248° F. ; com- bines with acids and bases. It has been recommended as a good and reliable diuretic, in doses of from five to ten grains, several times a day, in diabetes, albuminuria, and dropsy. Ureas nitras is precipitated from a concentrated solution of urea by strong nitric acid in anhydrous white shining scales, soluble in ON NEUTRAL ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. 519 eight parts of water, slightly in nitric acid and alcohol. Its action is said to be similar to urea, and it has been recommended as a solvent for vesical calculi composed of ammonio-phosphate of magnesium. It contains 52.63 per cent. urea. CHAPTER IX. ON NEUTRAL ORGANIC PRINCIPLES, MOSTLY PECULIAR TO A LIMITED NUMBER OF PLANTS, AND POSSESSED OF MEDICINAL PROPERTIES. Formerly, the virtues of most medical plants were attributed to extractive matter, though this, as obtained from various sources and by different analytical processes, was known to vary somewhat in its properties. By the improved means of proximate analysis many of these plants have been found to possess certain well-defined principles, sometimes crystalline and sometimes amorphous, to which appro- priate names have been given. If alkaline, these names should ter- minate in ia ; if neutral or subacid, in in or ine. This arrangement, which would conduce to accuracy if invariably observed, is, how- ever, not adhered to universally, and in Europe is repudiated by some high authorities. The neutral principles are in some instances active, and in others appear to possess little power of affecting the sj-stem. Some of them contain nitrogen, while most others consist of merely carbon, hydro- gen, and oxygen. These principles occasionally unite with acids, forming crystalline compounds, which are, however, acid in their properties; others, combining with alkalies and forming crystalliza- ble salts, have been considered among the acids. Many of them belong to the so-called copulated compounds, and decompose under the influence of emulsin, albumen, pectase, or when heated with diluted mineral acids or alkalies, into glucose or some similar sugar and another compound. They are generally precipitated by tannic acid, and many of them by subacetate of lead. The modes of ob- taining these principles are various, and sometimes difficult to follow, though the solubilities and chemical peculiarities of each, when ascertained, indicate approximately its mode of extraction. In a work of the design and scope of the present, it will suffice to display the more striking peculiarities of these principles, none of which are officinal, in a syllabus, and to give the processes of extraction and the leading chemical and medicinal characteristics, only in a few cases including the more important and familiar. There are here, as in the case of the alkaloids, no known chemi- cal relations upon which we would be justified in founding a scien- tific classification of these principles, and here, as in treating of the other proximate principles of plants, we will find the botanical 520 ON NEUTRAL ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. arrangement of the plants themselves to afford the best grouping. The natural families of plants, though arranged upon a purely botanical basis, are found to exhibit remarkable chemical and phy- siological relations among the products of their individual mem- bers ; this agreement, as yet but imperfectly recognized owing to our limited knowledge of the actual composition of organic proxi- mate principles, is probably one of the great universal harmonies of nature, which, in the progress of science, will be more fully de- veloped and made known. Syllabus of Plants and their Neutral Characteristic Principles. (Generally Crystalline.) 1. Ternary Compounds. Ranunculaceoz. Cimicifuga racemosa. Pulsatilla pratensis. (Anemone pratensis.) Magnoliacece. Liriodendron tulipifera. Magnolia glauca, etc. Magnolia Tripetala. Menispermacece. Cocculus palmatus. Calumba, U. S. (The root.) Papaveracece. Papaver sonmiferum. Opium, U. S. Caryophyllece. Saponaria officinalis. Gypsophylla struthium. Agrostemma githago. Linacece. Linum catharticum. Purging, flax. Auraniiacece. Citrus vulgaris. Aurantii amari cortex, U. S. Citrus aurantium. Aurantii dulcis cortex, U. S. Citrus limonis. Limonis cortex, TJ. S Crystals insoluble in water, benzine, turpentine, bisul- phide of carbon ; soluble in alcohol, diluted alcohol, and chloroform ; sparingly soluble in ether ; easily fused. Anemonin, associated with anemonic acid ; rhombic crys- tals, nearly insoluble in ether ; product of the decom- position of the acrid oil of Ranunculus scleratus. Poisonous. Liriodendrin, white scales, or needles ; little soluble in cold water; soluble in alcohol and ether; bitter, pun- gent; partly sublimable. Magnolia, a crystalline (resinoid) principle, nearly in- soluble in cold water, very soluble in chloroform, ether, bisulphide of carbon, and alcohol; soluble in hot glycerine; fusible at 18(P F. Columbin, C 21 H 22 O r , colorless, rhombic prisms, fusible; very bitter; soluble in 30 parts alcohol, in ether, vola- tile oils, acetic acid, and in alkalies ; reprecipitated by acids, not precipitated by tannin. Associated with berberina. Meconin, C 10 H, O 4 , white acicular crystals, soluble in 265 parts cold, 18 boiling water, ether, alcohol, and vola- tile oils ; acrid. Saponin,* C 12 H 20 O 7 , Struthiin, Githagin, identical; white powder ; soluble in hot water and diluted alcohol, in- soluble in ether; taste sweetish, afterwards acrid and bitter ; frothing in solution ; sternutatory ; splits with H 2 S0 4 into sugar and sapogenin, C u H 22 4 (Bolley), or kinovin (Rochleder). Linin, white powder or silky needles ; sparingly solu- ble in water, more in acetic acid and chloroform ; freely in alcohol and ether ; the alcoholic solution intensely bitter and acrid ; by H 2 S0 4 violet. Hesperidin, in the spongy portion of lemon peel, bitter ; crystalline ; soluble in alkalies and hot alcohol, little in water ; insoluble in ether and volatile oils ; by Fe 2 C 3 red-brown. * Similar, if not identical, principles occur in numerous plants, the decoctions and tinctures of which have the property of frothing like soap-water. (See Polygalic Acid, Cyclamin, Convallarin, Smilacin, Aphrodsesin.) SYLLABUS OF PLANTS. 521 Citrus limonum and citrus au- rantium. The seed. Guttiferce. Garcinia mangostana.* Bark of the fruit. Zygophyllece. Guaiacum officinale. The wood and bark. Eryihroxyleoz. Erythroxylon cocoa. Leaves. Hippocastanece. JEsculus hippocastanum. (Horse chestnut.) The bark. The Cotyledons. Various species of iEsculus and barks of the genus Pavia. Rutctcece. Gallipea officinalis. The bark. Angustura, U. S. Xanthoxylum piperitum. The fruit. Xanthoxylum fraxineum. Xanthoxylum, U. S. (The bark.) Terebinthaceoz. Anacardium occidentale, ca- shew nut. Simarubaceoe. Simaruba excel sa ; Quassia, U. S., and Simaruba offici- nalis, Simaruba, U. S. Sapotacece. Chrysophyllum glycophlseum, Monesia bark. Aquifoliacece. Ilex aquifolium. European holly. The leaves. Ilex opaca. American holly. The fruit. Limonin, C 42 H 50 O 13 . From the seed by alcohol, crys- talline, bitter, soluble in KO ; red color with H 2 S0 4 ; scarcely soluble in ether. Mangostin, C 20 H 22 O 5 , golden-yellow scales, without smell or taste; insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol and ether, diluted acids and alkalies. Guaictcin, uncrystallizable, bitter, and acrid; light yellow powder ; easily soluble in hot water and alco- hol ; insoluble in ether ; precipitated by acids. Erythroxylin, volatile, needle-shaped crystals, very bitter, probably identical with caffein. (See Cocaina.) JEsculin, C 2] H 24 13 , polychrom, white crystalline powder, without smell, bitter; little soluble in cold water and alcohol ; soluble in alkalies ; insoluble in ether and volatile oils. (See page 528.) Argyrcescin, C 54 H 86 24 , crystallizes from diluted alcohol; silvery in appearance; insoluble in ether; gelatin- izes with warm alkalies, and forms cescinic and propi- onic acids ; by H 2 S0 4 , yellow solution, blood-red on addition of Aq ; by dilute acids splits into sugar and argyrcescetin = C 42 H 62 12 . Aphrodcesin, C 104 H 85 O 47 , amorphous, colorless, sternuta- tory ; resembles saponin in many respects ; splits by alkalies into butyric and cescinic acid, C 43 H g0 O 46 . Paviin, similar to sesculin, identical with fraxin. (See Oleaceae.) Cusparin, tetrahedral crystals, soluble in alcohol, acids, and alkalies, and in 200 parts water ; precipitated by tannic acid. Xanthoxylin, volatile, insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, ether; aromatic resinous taste; stearoptene from the oil. Xanthoxylin of Dr. Staples, not investigated, probably identical with xanthopicrin (Dr. Wood). (See Ber- berina.) Cardol, C 21 II 31 2 , light-reddish oil, very readily oxi- dizing ; insoluble in water; easily soluble in alcohol and ether ; very acrid and blistering. Quassin, C 10 H 12 O 3 , white opaque granules, or prisms ; inodorous, intensely bitter; very soluble in alcohol, less in ether, slightly in water, not precipitated by tannin. (See page 529.) Monesin, gummy, or white powder ; inodorous, bitter, and acrid ; readily soluble in water and alcohol, the solutions frothing; slightly soluble in absolute alco- hol and ether ; identical with saponin. ? Ilicin, brown-yellow transparent crystals ; bitter; readily soluble in alcohol and water ; insoluble in ether; not precipitated by metallic salts. Ilipicrin,f acicular crystals, intensely bitter, slightly acrid, soluble in water and alcohol, freely in ether; precipitated by tannin. * Used in the East India Islands as a remedy for intermittents. f We propose to retain the name of ilicin for Delschamp's still impure principle as obtained from the leaves of European holly, and suggest the name ilipicrin for the crystalline bitter principle obtained from the fruit of American holly, as obtained by Dillwyn P. Pancoast } a graduate of the Phila. College Pharm. (See Amer. Journ. Ph., 1856, p. 314.) 522 ON NEUTRAL ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. Rhamnece. Rhamnus frangula and cathar- tica. The unripe berries (buck- thorn). Rhamnus infectoria, French berries. Leguminosoz. Cassia fistula. The root. Cassia acutifolia, C. obovata, C. elongata, Senna, U. S. Lupinus albus. White lupine. The seed. Glycyrrhiza glabra. Liquorice. Dipterix odorata, fruit. (Tonka beans.) Melilotus officinalis. Flowers. Cytisus ecoparius. Scoparius, U. S. (Broom). Ononis spinosa. The root. Rhamnin, volatile, tasteless, yellowish crystals in alkalies with yellow color (Fleury). soluble RosacecB. Geum urbanum. The root. Quillaya saponaria (Quillaia bark). Bray era anthelmintica (Kousso). Granatece. Punica granatum. Granati rad. cort., IT. S. Myrtaccce,. Caryophyllus aromaticus. Caryophyllus, V. S. (The flower bud ) Cucurbitaceoz. Bryonia alba. Citrullus colocynthis. Colocynthis, U.S. (The fruit.) Cathartin of Winkler, from the ripe fruit. Cathartic dose 1 to 3 grs. {See Crysophanic Acid ) Rhamnin, a coloring principle soluble in water, Rham- netin, coloring principle insoluble in water, Rhamno- tannic acid. Cassiin, uncrystallizable, bitter ; soluble in water and alcohol ; precipitated by mineral acids. Cathartin of Lassaigne and Fenuelle. (See Chrysophanic Acid.) Lupinine, greenish, amorphous, hygroscopic, bitter; insoluble in absolute alcohol and ether. Glycyrrhizin is a glucoside, splitting into glycyretine and sugar (Gorup Besanez), Coumarin, C 9 H 6 2 .* Colorless, quadrangular prisms; odor and taste aromatic ; destroyed by H 2 S0 4 ; by HN0 3 converted into nitro-coumarin and picric acid ; by boiling with alkalies, coumaric acid C 9 H 8 3 . 1 lb. Tonka beans yield 108 grs. Scoparin, C 21 H 22 O 10 , soluble in alkalies ; precipitated by acids ; little soluble in water, more soluble in alcohol, without odor or taste ; oxidized by HN0 3 to picric acid, appears to be the diuretic principle. (Stenhouse.) Ononin, C 62 H 68 27 , colorless needles ; inodorous ; readily soluble in boiling water and alcohol ; insoluble in ether ; red with H 2 S0 4 ; splits with caustic baryta into formic acid and onospin, C 60 H 34 O 25 , which, with diluted H 2 S0 4 or HC1, yields sugar and ononetin, C 4g H 44 13 . Onocerin, C x altered by'boiling, as above. Gein, uncrystallizable, bitter; soluble in water, readily in alcohol and ether ; with H 2 S0 4 red, with HN0 3 yellow solution ; forms with alkalies, lime, and lead, soluble compounds. Saponin, see Caryophyllacese. Koussin, white or yellowish ; indistinctly crystalline ; acrid ; soluble in ether, alcohol, and alkalies ; no glucoside. Anthelmintic in doses of 20 to 40 grs. Punicin, acrid, uncrystallizable, oily, powerful errhine. Caryophyllin, C 10 H 16 O, yellow prisms, without taste or smell ; soluble in ether and boiling alcohol. Eugenin, C 10 H 12 O 2 , yellow pearly scales, becomes red with HN0 3 ; isomeric with caryophyllic acid. Bryonin, C 48 H 80 O 38 , amorphous, very bitter, soluble in water and alcohol; insoluble in ether; splits into sugar, bryoretin, C 21 H 35 O t , and hydrobryoretin, 21 37 8" Bryonitin, crystals, soluble in alcohol, 95 per cent., and ether. Colocynthin, C 56 H 84 23 , amorphous, light-yellowish; in- soluble in ether, soluble in water and alcohol ; splits with acids into sugar and colocynthein, C 44 H 64 13 . * Coumarin also exists in Asperula odorata, Rubiacece, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Graminece, and some other herbs. SYLLABUS OF PLANTS. 523 Cucumis prophetarum. unripe fruit. The Momordica elaterium. Elate- riuni, U. S. (Squirting cu- cumber.) UmbeWferce. Petroseliuum sativum. The herb. Peucedanum officinale. The root. Imperatoria ostruthium. Athamantum oreoselinum. The root. Rubiacece. Cinchona calisaya and other species. The root bark and wood. Composites,. Achillea moschata. Iva herb of Switzerland. Arnica Montana. Artemisia absinthium. Absin- thium, U. S. (The herb.) Angelica archangelica. The root. Cnicus benedictus. thistle. Blessed Mikania Guaco. The leaves. Lactuca viiosa. The juice. Lactuca sativa. Lettuce. The juice. Lactucarium, U. S. Leontodon taraxacum. Tarax- acum, U. S. (The root.) Tanacetum vulgare. Tanace- tum, U. S., Tansy. (The flowers.) Colocynthitin, obtained in white prisms from the part of the alcoholic extract insoluble in water and cold alcohol ; soluble in hot alcohol and ether. Prophetin, C 23 H 36 7 , white resinous, little soluble in cold water, more in ether, very soluble in alcohol; intense- ly bitter; splits with acid into sugar and propheretin. Elaterin, C 20 H 28 O 5 , colorless prisms, very bitter, acrid; insoluble in alkalies, dilute acids, and water; soluble in alcohol, little in ether ; with H 2 S0 4 red solution. Apiin, C 24 H 28 13 , white powder, tasteless; nearly in- soluble in cold water ; gelatinizing from hot solution ; blood-red with FeS0 4 . Apiol, yellowish, oily, non-volatile, acrid, pungent, heavier than water ; soluble in alcohol, ether, chloro- form. Pcucedanin, C ]2 H 12 3 , colorless rhombic prisms, with- out taste or odor; melts at 1670 F. ; insoluble in water, soluble in hot alcohol, ether, fixed and volatile oils. Splits into angelicic acid, C 5 H 8 2 , and oreose- lon, C 7 H 4 0. Imperatorin, identical with peucedanin. Athamantin, C 24 H 30 O 7 , colorless needles or prisms, pe- culiar rancid odor on heating, taste rancid, bitter, acrid; melts at 1740 F. ; splits into oreoselon, C u H 10 O 3 , and valerianic acid, C 5 H 10 O. r Kinovin, C 30 H 48 O 8 , whitish, resinous, intensely bitter ; little soluble in water, readily in alcohol and ether; soluble red in H a S0 4 . By gaseous HC1 splits into mannitan, C 6 H 12 O ]0 , and kinovic acid, C 24 B 38 4 , which is tasteless, but yields bitter salts. (See page 529.) Ivain, C 48 H 42 6 , bitter, semi-fluid, yellow, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol. Arnicin, C 24 H 36 5 , golden-yellow mass, soluble in alka- lies and in muriatic acid. Absynthin, C 20 H 28 O 4 -{-Aq, granular crystalline ; soluble in alcohol and ether, little in water ; with KO, brown- red solution ; H 2 S0 4 greenish-blue solution, with little water deep blue. Angclicin, amorphous and crystalline ; taste insipid, afterwards aromatic and burning. Cnicin, C 14 H 18 5 , colorless needles; faintly bitter ; fusi- ble ; little soluble in cold water and ether, easily in alcohol ; with H 2 S0 4 blood-red, HC1 green ; proba- bly a glucoside. Guacin, yellowish, uncrystallizable, bitter ; soluble in ether, alcohol, and boiling water. Lactucin, C n H 14 4 , white pearly scales, in the juice com- bined with lactucic acid ; bitter ; easily soluble in alcohol, scarcely in cold water and ether. Lactucone, C 40 H 68 O 5 , white granules deposited from hot alcohol on cooling ; insoluble in water, soluble in ether. Lactucopirin, C^rT^O^, brown, amorphous, very bitter ; faint acid reaction ; readily soluble in water and alco- hol ; not precipitated by PbO salts. Taraxacin, colorless crystals, bitter, acrid, fusible ; soluble in boiling water and alcohol. (Polex.) Tanaceiin, yellowish-white warts ; very bitter ; very soluble in ether, less in alcohol, slightly in water; with H 2 S0 4 hyacinth-colored solution. 524 ON" NEUTRAL ORGANIC PRINCIPLES, Caprifoliacece. Lonicera xylosteum. The berries. Ericaceae,. Arctostaphylos uva ursi. Uva ursi, JJ. S. (The leaves.) Erica, Ledum, Arbutus, Rho- dodendron, etc. The leaves. OleacecE. Vaccinium Vitis Idoea. Leaves of cowberry. Olea Europasa (olive-tree). The gum. Plumeria lancifolia. A febri- fuge bark from Brazil. Fraxinus excelsior. Common European ash. The bark. Ligustrum vulgare. Privet. The bark. Phillyria latifolia (a speeies of privet). Syringa vulgaris. Lilac. The bark. Apocynacece. Apocynum cannabinum, JJ. S. Aeclepiadece. Asclepias Syriaca. The milky juice. Asclepias vincetoxicum. The root. Gentianece. Gentiana lutea. Gentiana, JJ. S. (The root.) Xylostein, crystalline, bitter principle ; by dilute acids converted into sugar and other substances. (The seeds contain a volatile poison.) Arbutin, C ]2 H 16 7 , bitter, colorless crystals; soluble in boiling water and alcohol, slightly in ether ; glucoside ; a striking blue color with phospho-molybdic acid. (See page 530.) JJrson, C 10 H n O, colorless, silky, tasteless, acicular crys- tals ; insoluble in water, acids, and alkalies ; fusible, sublimes unchanged, inflammable ; orange-yellow with HN0 3 . Ericolin, C 34 H 56 21 , brown-yellow, extractive, intensely bitter ; by H 2 S0 4 into ericinol and sugar. Vacciniin, one per cent, in the leaves, crystalline ; very soluble in hot water, less so in cold water and alcohol, scarcely in ether ; not precipitated by tannin nor by acetate of lead. Olivil, C u H 18 5 , needles in starlike groups, bitter, and sweet taste ; melt at 25(P ; soluble in water and boil- ing alcohol, easily in alkalies, slightly in ether ; by very dilute HN0 3 red-yellow. Agonidine, C 10 H u O 4 , a glucoside, soluble in boiling water and alcohol, less so in ether. Frazin, C 32 H 36 O 20 , yellowish needles, slightly bitter and astringent ; soluble in boiling water and alcohol ; fluo- rescent, but blue color disappearing on adding acids ; splits with acids into frazetin, C 10 H 8 C 5 , and sugar; identical with paviin. Ligustrin, identical with syringin. Ligustropicrin, analogous to syringopicrin. Ligustron, needles, sublimable with an aromatic odor; bitter ; soluble in water, alcohol, and ether ; reduces Ag from its solutions in NH 3 . Phillyrin, C 27 H 34 P, r Crystalline, nearly tasteless, solu- ble in hot water and alcohol, insoluble in ether. By diluted HC1 forms sugar and phillygenin, C 21 H 24 6 , which is polymeric with saligenin. Reputed antipe- riodic. Syringin, C 19 H 28 O 10 . Colorless needles ; tasteless ; solu- ble in water, more in alcohol, not in ether. The solu- tions in H 2 S0 4 deep blue or violet; splits with acids into sugar and syringenin, C 13 H 13 5 . Syringopicrin, in all parts of lilac ; amorphous, yellowish- white ; bitter ; slight acid reaction ; readily soluble in water and alcohol ; insoluble in ether ; precipitated by tannin. Apocynin, peculiar active principle. Asclepion, C 20 H 34 O 3 , white crystalline mass, odorless, tasteless ; insoluble in water and alcohol, soluble in ether. Asclepin, pale yellow ; readily soluble in water and alco- hol; emetic, precipitated by tannin, HgCl 2 , and subace- tate of lead. Gentiopicrin, C 20 H 30 O 12 . Extracted from the aqueous infusion by animal charcoal ; crystallizable ; readily soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether; no^ precipitated by Tan or 2PbO,Ac. Splits with acids into sugar and gentiogenin, a brownish-yellow, amor- phous body. SYLLABUS OF PLANTS. 525 Menyanthes trifoliata. (Buck-bean.) Herb. Menyanthin, C 33 H 54 16 , whitish, amorphous, bitter ; solu- Ophelia Chirayta. Herb. Elythiae chilensis. European centaury. Sabbatia angalaris. American centaury. Convolvulacece. Ipomceajalapa.* Jalapa, U.S. (The rhizoma.) Ipomoea Orizabensis. False jalap. Jalap stalk. Convolvulus scammonia. Scammonium, U. S. (The concrete juice.) Ipomoea simulans. Tampico jalap. Solanece. Capsicum annuum, and other species. The fruit. Parisquadrifolia. The herb. Physalis alkekengi. The leaves of the winter cherry. Scrophularinece. Digitalis purpurea. (The leaves.) Gratiola officinalis, hyssop. Hedge Scrophularia nodosa, herb. Th< sugar and a volatile oil, menyanthol. Chiretin, C 26 H 48 15 , very bitter ; neutral ; precipitated by tannin, by the action of acids separated into ophelic acid and chiratogenin, C 13 H 24 3 . Erythro cenlaurin, white and crystalline, becoming red on exposure to the sun's rays; existing in minute quantity ; poisonous ; soluble in ether, and fuses at 1360 C. Convolvulin, C 31 H 50 O 16 , white or transparent ; inodorous and tasteless; insoluble in ether and water, soluble in aleohol and acetic acid; resinous ; by H 2 S0 4 amaranth- red. (See page 530. ) Jalapin, C 34 H 56 16 , white, amorphous, resinous ; readily soluble in alcohol and ether, wood-spirit, benzol, oil of turpentine and acetic acid ; by H 2 S0 4 amaranth-red. (See page 530.) Scammonin, identical with jalapin. (Spirgatis.) decompose at 100O C. ether. soluble in acetic acid and in Capsicin, white tufts of crystals ; soluble in alcohol and ether. (See page 531.) Paridin, C 6 H )2 4 , colorless shining scales or needles, bitterish, acrid ; little soluble in cold water and ether, freely in alcohol ; by H 2 S0 4 and HP0 4 red. Physalin, C 14 H-, 6 5 , bitter, amorphous, yellowish ; solu- ble in alcohol, chloroform, and ammonia. Digitalin, or digitasolin, C 27 H 45 15 , light straw-yellow; amorphous, granular from the alcoholic solution ; very bitter; irritating to the nostrils; soluble in 125 p. cold, in 42 p. boiling water ; scarcely soluble in ether, more in alcohol; brown and purple in H 2 S0 4 , green in HC1, rose-red and brown in NH 3 ; splits with acids into sugar, digitaliretin, C 15 H 25 5 , audparadigita- liretin, C 22 H 34 5 . Digitaletin, Delffi digitalin, C 21 H 33 9 (digitalin minus C 6 H 12 6 ), white warty crystals, insoluble in ether and cold water, soluble in 222 p. boiling water; without coloration in NH 3 and HC1 ; splits into sugar and digitaliretin. Digitalarin, golden-yellow, resinous, very acrid, soluble in ether and NH 3 ; in the pure state pearly-white microscopic prisms, C 11 H 22 2 . Gratiolin, C 20 H 34 O 7 , bitter, white, crystalline, soluble in boiling water and alcohol; insoluble in ether; splits into sugar, gratiolaretin, C l7 H 28 3 , and gratiolelin, C 17 H 28 0g. Gratiosolin, C 46 H g4 25 , amorphous, yellow ; insoluble in ether, soluble in water and alcohol. Products of decomposition numerous. (See Am. Journ. Ph., 1859, 341.) Scrophularin, crystalline scales, bitter, soluble in water. * Ipomceajalapa, Nuttall; Ipomcea Schiedeana, Zucearini; Ipomoea purga, Schlech- tendal; Convolvulus jalapa, Schiede; Convolvulus purga, Wenderoth; Convolvulus officinalis, Pelletan; Exogonium purga, Bentliam; are all synonyms for true jalap. 526 ON NEUTRAL ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. Labiatoz. Rhinanthus Alextorolophus. Marrubium vulgare. Hore- hound. The leaves. Lycopus Europseus. Bugle weed. Teucrium scordium. Ger- mander. Piimulacece. Cyclamen Europseum. Pri- mula officinalis. Cowslip primrose. Thymelce. Daphne mezereum. Mezereum, U. S. (The bark.) Laurinece. Laurus nobilis. The leaves. Aristolochece. Aristolochia clematitis. Aristolochia serpentaria, Ser- pentaria, U. S. (The root.) Asarum Europaeum. Euphorbiacece. Croton eleuteria, Cascarilla, U. S. (The bark.) Croton tiglium, Oleum tiglii, U. S. (The oil.) Urticece. Humulus lupulus. (Strobiles.) Plumb aginacece. Plumbago Europsea. Lead- wort. The root. Datisca cannabina. and root. Leaves Cupuliferce. Quercus Robur. The bark. old Rhinanthus, C g8 H 52 O 40 , a glucoside, in stellate prisms, bitterish-sweet taste, soluble in water and alcohol; intense greenish-blue when heated with muriatic acid. Marrubiin, crystallizes from ether and alcohol ; little soluble in water ; intensely bitter, afterwards acrid ; with H 2 S0 4 brown-yellow solution ; not precipitated by tannin. Lycopin, pale yellowish ; hard ; very bitter ; soluble in water, easily in alcohol and ether ; insoluble in alka- lies. Scordmi, yellow gum-like or white powder; agreeably aromatic and bitter; insoluble in cold water, soluble in alcohol and ether; red-brown in H 2 S0 4 , yellow in alkalies. Cyclamin, C 20 H 24 O 10 , Arthanatin of Saladin, white, amor- phous or crystalline, inodorous; hygroscopic, light brown ; gelatinizes with cold water, afterwards solu- ble, frothing ; coagulated above 140O, but redissolving on standing; soluble in alcohol and acetic acid; in- soluble in ether ; acrid poison ; splits with emulsin into sugar and cyclamiretin, C 14 H 16 6 . (See Amer. Journ. Pharm., 1860, p. 155.) Daphnin, C 31 H 34 19 -{-4H 2 0, brilliant colorless prisms, soluble in boiling water and alcohol ; insoluble in ether ; bitter, astringent, inodorous ; splits with acids into sugar and daphnetin, C ig H 14 9 . (See Am. Journ. Pharm., 1861, p. 325.) Coccogenin, C 20 H 22 O 8 , needle-shaped, silky crystals, solu- ble in alcohol and hot water, insoluble in ether and cold water. Laurin, C 32 H 30 O 3 , white prisms, odorless ; taste acrid and bitter ; insoluble in water ; soluble in hot alcohol and ether. Clematitin, C 18 H 5 12 , is extracted by boiling water ; un- crystallizable. Serpentariin, uncrystallizable, bitter, and acrid ; soluble in water and alcohol. Asarin, yellowish-brown, amorphous, disagreeably bitter, emetic ; soluble in water and alcohol ; precipitated by tannin. CascarilUn, white crystals, bitter, inodorous; slightly soluble in water, readily in alcohol and ether ; with H 2 S0 4 deep red, with HCl violet solution. Crotonol, C 9 H u 2 , colorless oil ; soluble in alcohol and ether ; decomposed by alkalies and boiling water ; very blistering. Humulin (impure?), amorphous, bitter, yellow, inodor- ous ; little soluble in ether, soluble in alcohol, and in 200 parts boiling water. Plumbagin, from the aqueous decoction of the ethereal extract, reddish-yellow scales; taste sweetish, sharp, and burning ; soluble in hot water, alcohol, and ether ; with PbO carmine-red compound. Datiscin, C 21 H 22 12 , colorless, silky needles or scales ; easily soluble in alcohol, less in ether and cold water; very bitter, fusible ; soluble in alkalies with yellow color, precipitated by acids ; by H 2 S0 4 forms sugar and datiscetin, C 15 H 10 6 . Quercin, small white crystals, very bitter ; soluble in water, acetic acid, and diluted alkalies ; insoluble in absolute alcohol, ether, and volatile oils ; by H 2 S0 4 orange. SYLLABUS OF PLANTS. 527 Juglandcce. JuglansRegia. Common Wal- nut. BetulacecB. Betula lenta. Sweet birch. The bark. Salicacece. Populus tremula. Bark and leaves of the aspen. Salix and Populus, several spe- cies. The bark. Piperacece. Piper cubeba. Cubeba, U. S. (The berries.) Coniferce. Pinus sylvestris and Thuja occidentalis. The leaves or bark. Zingiberaccce. Curcuma longa. Orchidcce. Vanilla aromatica. Prepared unripe capsule. Amarpllidacece. Narcissus pseudo - narcissus, N. poeticus and N. Tazetta. Smilacece. Smilax officinalis and other species. The root. Sarsaparilla, U. S. : Asparagus communis. The berries. Liliacece. Inspissated juice of Aloe soco- trina and other species. Aloes. Convallaria majalis. Lily of the valley, herb and root. Polygonatum multiflorum. The herb. Scilla maritima. The bulb. Scilla, U. S. Regianin, elongated octohedrons or needles, but little soluble in water, more soluble in alcohol and benzole ; changes into a black amorphous acid, forming purple salts with the alkalies. Gaullherin, in the alcoholic extract; appears to be a copulated compound ; with acids, or the aqueous in- fusion of the bark, yields oil of gaultheria. Populin, C 20 H 22 O g -f-2H 2 O, white crystalline powder, sweetish and acrid taste; soluble in alcohol, slightly in water; by boiling with alkali forms salicin and benzoic acid. Salicin, C ]3 H 18 7 , white scales or prisms, very bitter ; soluble in water and alcohol; insoluble in ether and volatile oils. (See page 531.) Culebin, C ]7 H 34 5 , white, crystalline, inodorous, insipid, not volatilizable by heat, cryst. from alcohol; nearly insoluble in water, soluble in ether, acetic acid, fixed and volatile oils ; with H 2 S0 4 carmine-red ; deposited in oleoresina cubeboe. Pinipicrin, C 22 H 56 22 , bitter, amorphous, light yellowish- brown ; soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether, liquid at 2120; with dilute H 2 S0 4 a volatile oil, ericinol, C, H 16 O, and sugar. Curcumin, C 10 H 10 O 3 , orthorhombic crystals ; yellow- colored, fusible at 1720. Vanillin, C 10 H 6 2 , colorless, four-sided needles, strong vanilla odor, hot biting taste. (See page 538.) Narcitin, white, uncrystallizable ; faint odor and taste ; emetic ; soluble in water, alcohol, and acids. Smilacin, C 12 H 34 14 , sarsaparillin, pariglin, salsaparin, parillic acid ; colorless needles or scales ; disagreeable, bitter, acrid, nauseous taste ; soluble in boiling water, alcohol, and ether, froths in solution, similar to saponin; H 2 S0 4 deep violet; is a glucoside. Spargancine, a yellowish-red pigment, soluble in alcohol and ether; also spargine, a peculiar bitter principle. Alain, C 34 H 36 O u -f- Aq, sulphur-yellow crystals, in- tensely bitter ; soluble in cold water, alcohol, and alkalies ; insoluble in ether, chloroform, benzin, and volatile oils ; by H 2 S0 4 and HN0 3 red ; becomes amor- phous below 200O. (See page 533.) Convallarin, C 34 rI 62 O n , colorless prisms; acrid taste; little soluble in water, the solution frothing; readily soluble in alcohol and ammonia ;' insoluble in ether ; splits by acids into sugar and convallaretin, C 2S H 52 6 . Convallarnarin, C 23 H 44 12 , white powder ; bitter and sweetish ; soluble in water, ammonia, and alcohol ; insoluble in ether ; by H 2 S0 4 violet ; splits by acids into sugar and convallamaretin, C 20 H 36 O 8 . The crystallizable principle resembles and is probably identical with paridin (Walz). Scillitin, bitter needles ; insoluble in water ; soluble in alcohol and ether ; decomposed by alkalies ; emetic, cathartic, and narcotic poison. (Bley.) Mandet has separated Sktdeine, an irritating poison, and Scillitine, the diuretic and expectorant principle. No process published. 528 ON NEUTRAL ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. Lycopodiacem. Lycopodium chamsecyparissus. The herb. Lichenes. Variolaria amara. Parmelia physodes. Fungi. Boletus laricis (agaric). Lycopodin, colorless needles ; very soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, probably a glucoside. Picrolichenin, C 6 H 5 3 , small, brilliant, rhombic, pyra- midal crystals ; very bitter, and said to be febrifuge ; soluble in alcohol, ether, volatile and fixed oils, R^SO^ and Ac ; scarcely in water. Ceratophyllin, white needles, fusible at 2960 F. ; taste slightly acrid ; soluble in alcohol and boiling soda solution ; purple with little Fe 2 Cl 3 ; blood-red -with chlorinated lime. Laricin, red-brown, bitter resin; odor sweetish ; soluble in ether, alcohol, acetic acid, and alkalies ; insoluble in oil of turpentine. 2. Quaternary or Nitrogenized Neutral Principles. Rosacece. The kernels, leaves, and flow- ers of many plants. Leguminosce. Also in malvacese and aspara- gese. (Young beans, peas, asparagus, beets, liquorice root, etc.) Amygdalin, C 20 H 27 NO n + 3H 2 0, white scales or prisms, inodorous, agreeably bitter ; soluble in water and alcohol ; insoluble in ether. (See page 532.) Emulsin. The peculiar vegetable albumen of this spe- cies of plants is a protein compound. (See page 351.) Asparagin, althcein, or malamid, C 4 H 8 N 2 3 H 2 0, oetohe- drons, colorless, inodorous, insipid ; insoluble in ether; soluble in 58 parts water and less alcohol, by fermentation owing to impurities converted into suc- cinate of ammonia, thus: — N 2 C 4 H 8 3 +H 2 3. Sulphuretted Neutral Principles. Cruciferm. Sinapis alba. The seed. Sulpho-sinapisin, C 16 H 23 N0 5 H 2 S0 4 -f-2H 2 0, crystallizable ; by the action of a ferment contained in the seed, converted into an acrid bitter principle ; by alkalies, into sinapic acid, sinkalina, a very strong base, and hydro-sulphocyanic acid ; by acids, sinapina, C 1R H„NO e . 4. Animal Neutral Principles. Cantharis vesicatoria. Cantharis, U. S. Cantharis vittata, U. S., and other species. Castor fiber. (Peculiar con- crete substance.) Castoreum, U. S. Fresh meat, etc. Chickens, game, Cantharidin, C 5 H 6 2 , prepared by the evaporation of ethereal or chloroformic tincture of flies ; crystallized from boiling alcohol ; white scaly micaceous crystals, without odor or taste ; when pure insoluble in water, slightly soluble in cold alcohol, soluble in ether, chlo- roform, benzole, fixed oils, etc., fusible and volatile ; soluble in water in its natural state of combination. A powerful vesicant. Castorin, crystallizes from the boiling alcoholic tincture, purified by washing with cold alcohol ; long fascicu- lated prisms, odor of castor, cuprous taste, insoluble in cold water and alcohol, soluble in volatile oils and 100 parts of boiling alcohol ; Canadian castor con- tains .7 per cent. Creatine, C 4 H & N 3 2 -f H 2 0. (See page 518 ) REMARKS ON SOME OF THE NEUTRAL PRINCIPLES. Msculin, or Polychrom, is found besides in the bark of the horse- chestnut tree, also in quassia wood and red saunders. The bark is exhausted by alcohol of eighty per cent., slightly evaporated and set aside for several weeks, the powder washed with REMARKS ON SOME OF THE NEUTRAL PRINCIPLES. 529 ice-cold water, and recrystallized from a boiling mixture of one part of ether and five of alcohol. A very dilute solution, containing one-millionth part, opalesces with blue color in reflected light; acids destroy this property, alka- lies restore it, chlorine destroys it, coloring the solution red. By the action of diluted acids it is converted into sugar and ces- culetin. C ]S H 16 O g 4- H 2 = C 9 H 6 4 + C 6 H 12 . Paviin may be obtained by the slow evaporation of the ethereal tincture in needles grown in star-like groups. Its properties are similar to cesculin, but, while this fluoresces with sky-blue color, paviin shows a green color in solution ; both usually occur together in the barks of this family ; the genus cescu- lus containing cesculin, the genus pavia, paviin, in preponderance. These principles, though little known except as scientific curiosi- ties, are worthy a trial as antiperiodics. The bark has long been reputed to possess febrifuge properties. Quassin, the active pnnciple of the intensely bitter wood and barks of the quassias, is best prepared by the following process : — The decoction is precipitated by milk of lime, the filtrate evapo- rated, the residue dissolved in .alcohol, treated with animal char- coal, evaporated and recrystallized from water. 8 lbs. quassia wood yield 1 drachm. In Martinique and other neighboring islands, the wood of Byt- teria febrifuga, Simarubece, there called false simaruba, is employed for intermittents. Gerardias found its bitter principle to be quas- sin, of which it contains a much larger proportion than does quassia. Colocynthin. — The fruit of colocynth, in fine powder, is mixed with and packed upon animal charcoal, displaced with alcohol, and evaporated spontaneously; a garnet-colored, pulverizable mass, ex- tremely bitter, soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether, re- mains behind. Active cathartic in the dose of one and a half grain. It is obtained pure by treating the aqueous solution of the alco- holic extract successively with subacetate of lead, sulphuretted hydrogen and tannin ; the last precipitate, after dissolving in alco- hol, is again treated with lead and sulphuretted hydrogen ; the filtrate is evaporated spontaneously, the residue is well washed with anhydrous ether. (Walz.) Kinovin (formerly erroneously called kinovic acid) was first dis- covered in the so-called quinquina nova, but afterwards separated from the officinal Peruvian barks. De Vrij found the following quantities in species of cinchona, cultivated in Java: Cinchona calisaya, wood of the root 2.57 ; bark of the root 1.08 ; wood 1.80 ; bark of trunk .359 ; bark of main branches .690 ; green branches .849 ; dry leaves .230. Cinch, lucumcefolia, wood 1.280 ; bark of trunk .420 per cent. It is prepared by exhausting the cinchona barks with boiling water (the bases, kinic and cincho-tannic acids are removed), after- wards with boiling milk of lime (cinchona red remains behind). The filtrate is supersaturated by HC1, and the precipitate purified 34 530 ON NEUTRAL ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. by again combining with CaO, decolorizing by animal charcoal, and precipitating by HC1. Or the bark is boiled with very dilute NaO or KO, the filtrate saturated by HC1, and the precipitate freed from cinchona red by CaO and treating as before. It is freed from adhering kinovic acid by dilute alcohol or chloroform, which leave the latter insoluble. Arbutin. — An aqueous decoction, is precipitated by acetate of lead, and the filtrate, after treating with HS, evaporated to a syrupy consistence ; after some time, prisms of arbutin appear. By emulsin or H 2 S0 4 it is decomposed into sugar and hydrokinone. C 19 H lfi 7 + H 2 = C 6 H 12 6 +C 6 H 6 0, Ursin. — The alcoholic solution of the aqueous extract of uva ursi is repeatedly treated with animal charcoal, and evaporated sponta- neously- Colorless needles, soluble in alcohol, water, ether, and dilute acids ; neutral reaction. In the dose of one grain, this appears to be powerfully diuretic. The resinoid principles of jalap have already been treated of in their practical relations among the concentrated or resinous ex- tracts ; in this connection it will be proper to refer to them as the neutral principles giving activity to that particular family of plants. Convolvulin, formerly called Rhodeoretin. — The tuberous root of Convolvulus Schiedeanus (Ipomcea Jalapa), after exhausting it with boiling water, is exhausted with 90 per cent, alcohol, water is added until precipitation commences, it is filtered hot through animal charcoal, evaporated, exhausted with ether, the residue dissolved in alcohol, and precipitated by ether. Its solution in alkalies contains convolvulic acid = C 31 H 50 O 16 ; it is soluble in water, and is therefore not precipitated by water. Convolvulin, dissolved in anhydrous alcohol, and treated with hydrochloric acid, is decomposed into an oily, crystallizing body, convolvulinol and sugar. Convolvulic acid, in aqueous solution, treated with dilute H 2 S0 4 suffers the same decomposition. Convolvulinol, C 2fi H 50 O 7 , separated from its alkaline solution, has been converted into convolvulinolic acid, C 26 H 46 5 . The above three substances are converted by HM3 3 into ipomic acid, HO,C 10 H t6 O 3 H 2 O. Jalapin. — The root of Ipomcea Orizabensis, after exhaustion with boiling water, is treated with alcohol, water added until turbidity commences, boiled with fresh animal charcoal, filtered, precipitated with acetate of lead and a little ammonia, the filtrate treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, distilled, the resin treated with boiling water, and dissolved in ether. Its solution in alkalies and alkaline earths contains jalapic acid = C 34 H 56 16 + Aq, which is tribasic. Mineral acids decompose jalapin and jalapic acid into sugar and jalapinol (white crystalline) = C 32 H 62 7 . Separated from its combinations with alkalies, it has ;been converted mtojalapinolic acid, = C 32 H 40 O 5 . SCAMMONIN — DIGITALIN. 531 Jalapin, jalapic, and jalapinolic acid, treated with HN"0 3 , are con- verted into oxalic and ipomic acid, C 10 H 16 O 3 H 2 O. Scammonin. — By numerous investigations it was proved that this resinous principle was very analogous to the two preceding, until Spirgatis proved its identity with the cathartic principle of the so- called jalap stalks, the root of Convol. Orizabensis, and that all dif- ferences previously observed are due to impurities obstinately ad- hering to it. It must be remembered that the pure resin of the officinal jalap, which by pharmacists is frequently called jalapin, is the convol- vulin of chemists, while jalapin of chemists is produced from an unofficinal plant and is identical, while the former is only homolo- gous with scammonin. Capsicin. — In the winter of 1856 and '7, one of my pupils, H. B. Taylor, of Philadelphia, being about to prepare his thesis for the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, pursued a course of experiments upon Capsicum annuum, under my direction, which resulted in the discovery of a crystalline principle, which appears to be the true capsicin, though that name had before been applied to oily or soft resinoid products. The process was as follows : Powdered capsicum was treated with anhydrous ether and evaporated, the oleo-resinous product was digested in alcohol of .809 sp. gr., the filtered alcoholic solution was treated with subacetate of lead, which threw down a copious precipitate ; this was separated by filtration, and the clear tincture treated with sulphhydric acid ; the precipitated sulphuret of lead was now removed, the solution boiled, again filtered, evapo- rated, and set aside, on an intensely cold day, to crystallize. On examination, the whole was found to have solidified into a mass of beautiful, nearly white, feathery crystals. Owing to the compara- tive insolubility of sulphhydric acid gas in alcohol, they were not completely free from lead salt, and were further purified and crys- tallized, though not with the same facility, from the change of temperature. These crystals seem analogous to a stearoptene; heated, they first melt, and then take fire, burning with a bright rose-colored flame, and giving off dense, suffocating fumes ; heated with sulphuric acid, they blacken, and give off white fumes. The taste is excessively fiery, inflaming all parts with which it comes in contact ; the odor is faint. The crystalline sediment which is sepa- rated during the spontaneous evaporation of the ethereal tincture of capsicum is probably the same compound. Digitalin. — The leaves of digitalis contain several neutral princi- ples which are closely allied to each other, are present in commer- cial digitalin, and are obtained, according to Walz, by one process. The aqueous solution of the alcoholic extract is treated with PbO, the filtrate freed from lead by H 2 S0 4 , neutralized by NH 3 , and pre- cipitated by tannin. The precipitate is rubbed together with PbO or subacetate of lead and repeatedly boiled with alcohol ; the filtrate is treated with H 2 S and evaporated. The yellowish-white residue is crude digitalin, from which pure ether dissolves digitalacrin ; water leaves digitaletin and dissolves digitalin, which is obtained 532 ON NEUTRAL ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. pure by treatment with tannin, lead, etc., as before. Digitalin is a powerful poison, given for the same sedative properties as the leaves. It has lately been much prescribed in the form of granules of sugar, which have been saturated with the tincture, so that each shall represent a given quantity of the medicine. The usual dose is one-thirtieth of a grain. Being among the most powerful of known poisons, it should be used with great care. Kosmann gives to digitalin the formula C 47 H 45 15 . Salicin. — The bark of the following plants contains no salicin : S. alba, Babylonica, bicolor, capraea, daphnoides, incana, fragilis, Russeliana, triandra, viminalis and Populus angulosa, fastigiata, grandiculata, monilifera, nigra, Virginica; all the other willows contain salicin, and it is probable that all the herbaceous kinds of spiraea, which yield salicylous acid (oil of spiraea), contain it originally. To prepare it the decoction of willow bark is evaporated to three times the weight of the bark employed, digested with oxide of lead, and the filtrate evaporated to syrupy consistence. After several days the crystals are separated and purified by recrystalliza- tion. (Duflos.) Concentrated H 2 S0 4 colors it blood-red; water decolorizes it again, dissolving a peculiar acid (rufisulphuric acid). Cold diluted H 2 S0 4 or HC1 converts it into sugar and saligenin. C 13 H 18 7 + H o = C 6 H 12 6 +C 7 H 8 2 = saligenin. If treated hot, it is converted into sugar and saliretin. 2C 13 H 17 7 = 2C 6 H 12 O fi +C 14 H 10 O 2 =saliretin. < Cold HlSTOg of 1.16 specific gravity converts it into helicin. C 13 H ]8 7 + 0= ]3 H 16 7 + H 2 0= helicin. If a more diluted KN~0 3 , of 1.09 specific gravity, is used, the re- sult is a compound between helicin and salicin, which has been called helicoidin. 2C 13 H 1H 7 + 0= C 13 H ]6 6 4- H 2 = helicoidin. If salicin is heated with very dilute HN0 3 , just to the boiling point, and allowed to cool, or evaporated at a low temperature, sali- cylous acid is separated. At the boiling point, nitrosalicylic acid is formed, and by con- tinued influence picric and 6xalic acids. Melted with an excess of caustic potassa, it is converted into salicylate and oxalate of potassium. Heated with binoxide of lead, formiate of lead is obtained ; with black oxide of manganese and dilute H 2 S0 4 , formic and carbonic acids; with bichromate of potassium and H 2 S0 4 , carbonic, formic, and salicylous acids. By dry distillation it yields, among pyro products, salicylous acid ; and when taken internally it is found in the urine together with its products of decomposition — saligenin, salicylous and sali- cylic acids. Saligenin, C 7 H 8 2 , pearly crystals, easily soluble in boiling water, alcohol, and ether, sublimes above 212°; colored red by concen- trated H 2 S0 4 ; concentrated HN0 3 oxidizes it to picric, diluted HE"0 3 to salicylous and nitrosalicylous acids, C 7 H 8 2 + 20= C 7 H 6 3 VANILLIN — ALOIN. 533 -f H 2 0; heated with hydrate of potassa, it is converted into sali- cylic acid and hydrogen, C 7 H 8 2 + KOH 2 0=C 7 H 5 K0 3 + H 2 + H 3 . Sesquisalts of iron impart an indigo-blue color. Dilute acids by boiling convert it into Saliretin, C U H I4 0,= 2C 7 H 6 2 +H 2 0, which is insoluble in water and ammonia, soluble in alcohol, ether, concentrated acetic acid, and fixed alkalies; concentrated H 2 S0 4 colors it blood-red; concen- trated HlSr0 3 oxidizes it on boiling to picric, not to oxalic acid. Helicin, C ]3 TI 1& 7 , white needles, without odor, bitterish taste, insoluble in ether, easily soluble in hot water and alcohol. By synaptase and boiling with alkalies it is converted into sugar and salicylous acid, C 13 H 16 7 + II 2 0=C 6 H ]2 6 -f C 7 H 6 2 . < Helicoidin is a derivative, having the composition C 2fi II 34 14 = C 13 H 1(S 7 (helicin) 4- C 13 H 1R 7 (salicin). By synaptase is decomposed into sugar, saligenin, and salicylous acid. Salicin was formerly used to adulterate sulphate of quinia, which it resembles in appearance. It is tonic and febrifuge, though little used. Dose, three to thirty grains. Vanillin. — Vanilla of commerce is exhausted with alcohol, evapo- rated to an extract, this exhausted by ether, which is to be evapo- rated, heated with boiling water, which, on evaporation, lets fall the principle; recrystallized and treated with animal charcoal, it is obtained in colorless four-sided needles, of strong vanilla odor, hot, burning taste; fuses at 195°, volatilizes at 302°; little soluble in cold water, very soluble in hot water, alcohol, ether, and the fixed and volatile oils. Concentrated H 2 S0 4 dissolves it with yellow color ; solution of potassa dissolves it and deposits it again on being neu- tralized. The crystals observed on the surface of the fresh bean of com- merce are found to consist of vanillin, not benzoic acid, as hereto- fore supposed. Aloin. — This interesting proximate constituent of aloes has been prepared from several commercial varieties, especially from Barba- does and Socotrine aloes. It was introduced into medicine by T. & H. Smith, of Edinburgh, who are still its principal manufacturers, and it has recently attained commercial as well as scientific interest from being pretty extensively prescribed as a mild and pleasant cathartic. Crystals of aloin have been observed in abundance in a variety of Socotrine aloes of semifluid consistence from the evapo- ration not having been carried as far as usual. Preparation according to Groves. — Aloes is exhausted by boiling water, the decoction acidulated with muriatic acid, filtered, evapo- rated to a syrupy consistence, and set aside in a cool place to crys- tallize. The crystals, after a fortnight, are separated and purified by recrystallization from boiling water. Socotrine aloes yields 10 per cent, aloin. These crystals are to be dried by bibulous paper at a moderate heat; when thoroughly dry aloin is permanent in the air, but with moisture and heat conjoined, has a tendency to lose its crystalline form, assuming the amorphous character of aloes. (See Proc. Am. Pharm. Assoc, 1860, p. 162.) 534 ON NEUTRAL ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. Its purgative properties have been denied, but the experience of numerous practitioners here and in Europe confirms its utility as a mild though pretty certain cathartic in doses of from two to three grains. (See Extemporaneous Pharmacy.) Amygdalin. — This interesting principle is obtained from bitter almonds by the following process: Bitter almonds, powdered and expressed, to free them from fixed oil, are to be boiled in succes- sive portions of alcohol till exhausted. The liquors thus obtained are placed in a still, and evaporated at a low heat, the alcohol be- ing recovered. The syrupy residue is then to be diluted with water and mixed with yeast, and subjected to fermentation to separate sugar. Again evaporate, at a moderate temperature, to the consistence of syrup, cool, and add 95 per cent, alcohol. The amygdalin will then precipitate, and may be collected on a strainer; it is then to be purified by repeated resolution in hot alcohol, and crystallization. Any oil it may contain may be separated by shak- ing the solution with ether before or after the fermentation. One pound of almonds yields at least two drachms of amygdalin. Heat decomposes it, giving off the odor of hawthorn; heated with alka- line solutions, it evolves ammonia and forms amygdalic acid. Amygdalin seems destitute of active properties, except when mixed in solution with emulsin (see Protein Compounds), producing grape sugar, 6il of bitter almonds, and hydrocyanic acid, which is thus explained: C 20 H 27 ^O n + 2H 2 0=2C 6 H 12 6 +C 7 H 6 0+HKC. On the Decomposition op Organic Bodies. On the foregoing pages the organic compounds have been treated of, and a number of pharmaceutical preparations derived from the organic kingdom. It is well known that such chemical and phar- maceutical compounds are subject to alterations by various influ- ences, the study of which forms a most important part of chemistry. To many of these changes attention has been drawn in the appro- priate places, and it remains now, without treating of the same in detail, to present them in a condensed form, conveniently ar- ranged. The decomposition of organic bodies may be treated of under four separate heads : — I. Oxidation by the Atmosphere. — As a general rule, pure chemical compounds are not affected by dry or moist atmosphere, except perhaps to deliquesce or effloresce, or, like the salts of some vola- tile organic acids, as acetic and valerianic, to evolve them in moist air. But oxidation is comparatively rare, and mostly met with in compounds destitute of oxygen and abounding in hydrogen ; examples are the ternary alkaloids and the carbo-hydrogens of the volatile oils. The influence of ozone, the peculiar active form of oxygen, dis- covered by Schonbein, and described on page 131, in promoting the organic changes which take place among organic principles, has not yet been fully investigated. It is undoubtedly a potent agent DECOMPOSITION OF ORGANIC BODIES. 535 in those important metamorphoses, the study of which constitutes the branch of Organic Chemistry. II. Decomposition into Simpler Compounds. — 1. By air and water. Complex organic bodies are subject to oxidation and ultimately break up into the organic compounds carbonic acid, ammonia, and water; if this process of decomposition takes place slowly, it is called decay ; if rapidly in the presence of more water and with the evolution of an offensive smell, putrefaction; under similar circumstances, when the product is a useful compound, fermenta- tion ; of this last a distinction is made between vinous fermentation (see page 362) and acid fermentation, the latter being again sub- divided in accordance with the acid obtained, and is then called acetic, lactic, butyric, succinic, etc. (see the acids named); the presence of a nitrogenated compound is necessary, to act as a ferment. 2. By acids. Of the concentrated acids, the action of sulphuric acid is the most violent : it abstracts water from nearly all organic compounds, leaving a compound with a larger amount of carbon; or the carbon is oxidized, and the evolved gases contain carbonic oxide, and formic, carbonic, and sulphurous acids ; compounds containing amide (NH 2 ) yield ammonia. Glacial phosphoric and arsenic acids have a similar action, but weaker. Diluted acids act differently ; they cause the combination with the elements of water (conversion of starch into sugar, p. 335), very seldom evolve carbonic acid (conversion of meconic into ko- menic acid), but very often decompose organic bodies into glucose and another compound of different behavior {see Tannic Acids, Salicin, etc.) ; the latter decomposition often takes place also by the influence of emulsin, synaptase, or similar ferments. {See also Glucosides, p. 347, and Copulated Compounds, p. 519.) 3. By chloride of zinc. Aided by heat, this is capable of abstract- ing water from organic compounds ; it produces ether from alcohol, etc. 4. By heat. Organic compounds are called volatile if they may be distilled without suffering decomposition; others are decom- posed, and the process is then termed dry or destructive distillation, and the products pyro products. These are, in the commencement of the distillation, highly oxygenated and of an acid nature, afterwards contain less oxygen, and at last are carbo-hyclrogens (marsh gas, CH 3 H, olefiant gas, C 2 H 4 ) or ternary alkaloids {see Arti- ficial Alkaloids); water, tar, and charcoal generally accompany the products of the dry distillation of all complex bodies. Exposure to a continued red or white heat resolves them more or less com- pletely into binary inorganic compounds and the elements. III. Artificial Oxidation. — Many highly oxygenated inorganic compounds, when in contact with organic bodies, part with, one or more equivalents of oxygen, which in its nascent state acts on the organic compound ; such is the case with a number of acids, viz., nitric {see Oxalic Acid, p. 430, and Sugars, p. 340), chromic {see Valerianic Acid, p. 379), chloric, and iodic acids, with peroxide of 536 ON NEUTRAL ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. manganese (see Formic Acid, p. 374), binoxide of lead (see Tartaric Acid, p. 431), and the oxides of the noble metals. Many organic compounds, when in solution together with alkalies, are thereby rendered more prone to oxidation by the atmosphere. IV. " Integration" with Elements or Inorganic Compounds. — A number of non-metallic elements may enter the combination of or- ganic bodies as integral parts ; the halogens by direct influence, sulphur by the influence of sulphuric acid or a sulphuric compound (see Artificial Volatile Oils, etc.). The integration of H]Sr0 2 has some importance in pharmacy ; gun-cotton (p. 322) and glonoin (p. 388) are such compounds. PART Y. PHARMACY PROPER (GALENICAL PHARMACY). CHAPTER I. ON THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF PLANTS, THEIR COLLECTION AND DESICCATION. The plant is conveniently divided, for the purposes of the drug- gist, into the root, stem, bark, buds, leaves, flowers, fruit, and seed, and these different parts require the observance of different rules in regard to their collection, desiccation, and preservation for use in medicine. Roots of annual plants should be dug immediately before the time of flowering; of biennials, or perennials, late in the fall, or veiy early in the spring. If the latter, it should be immediately after the first appearance of the plant above the ground. Perennial roots should not be gathered until after two or three years' growth. Rhubarb is allowed to mature for four or live years — asparagus till three years old. Fleshy or succulent roots require to be cut previous to drying, so as to expose a large surface to the air; the mode in which they are sliced, whether longitudinally or transversely, is of interest in judging of certain foreign drugs, such as colomba root, which is always met with in transverse slices, gentian in longitudinal, the English variety of colchicum cormus, cut transversely, that from the Continent entire, etc. The mode of cutting is little regarded by herbalists in preparing the indigenous roots for market. In all cases, it is important that the root, or other part of the plant, should be thoroughly dried. In the case of taraxacum, parsley, and other succulent roots, it is necessary to apply a heat of about 150° F., in order to destroy the eggs deposited by insects, which, through neglect of this precaution, may occasion the speedy deterioration of the root by worms. For drying roots, recourse may be had to a barrel open at both ends, and having a network suspended in it for holding the roots, it is to be stood over the register of a common house furnace. The smaller and more fibrous roots, and especially those contain- ing essential oils, require to be less thoroughly dried, and, as soon as their condition will admit of it, should be carefully put away into tight drawers, bottles, or tin cans. The stems of herbaceous (537) 538 ON THE COLLECTION AND DESICCATION OF PLANTS. plants should be gathered after foliation, but before flowering, •unless the flowers are to be used with the stem. Barks of trees are best gathered in the spring, of shrubs in the autumn, at which seasons they can be most easily separated from the wood. They should be generally deprived of their epidermis, and dried spontaneously, their porous texture and comparative tenuity facilitating the process. Wild-cherry bark is often defi- cient in quality, from being gathered at the wrong season, and from the wrong part of the plant. It should be taken from the root in the eighth month — August. I have known it to become mouldy and lose its aroma by being put away too damp; when of fine quality, it has a strong and characteristic odor. The bark of wild-cherry is preferred to be taken from the root of the tree, and that of sassafras is always derived from the root, though in Eng- land the, much less valuable, wood is preferred. Leaves should be gathered when fully developed, and before they have commenced to wither and fall; those of biennial plants, as the solanacece and digitalis, during the second season. After the appearance of the flowers, the leaves begin to lose their activity, the juices going to develop the fruit. In labiate plants the leaves are more aromatic as they approach the flowering tops, and the upper ones are frequently gathered with the tops. Leaves, slowly developed in a dry season, are believed to be most active. Herbs, in which term are included whole plants and such parts of the same plant as are collected and sold together, should be gathered when in flower. Most plants which have thick and branching stalks or stems, should be deprived of these before being put up for sale, though experiment seems to indicate that a larger proportion of the active principle of belladonna is contained in the soft stems and midribs than in the cellular structure of the leaf. Flowers may be gathered just before they are perfectly developed. The scent is less lively, and the color paler in fully expanded flowers, in consequence of the ovary growing at the expense of the accessory organs. The French or red rose is always gathered in bud, the astringent principle and beautiful red color being then best developed. A clear, dry morning, after the dew is dissipated, is to be preferred in either of these cases. They are dried in the shade, without artificial heat; the floor of a garret, through which is a draft of dry air, is well adapted to this purpose. Fleshy fruits, when designed for preservation, are generally plucked before they are quite ripe. It is found that raspberries, strawberries, black- berries, and mulberries yield a less glutinous and more agreeable juice when not "dead ripe;" the vegetable acids are then not so completely converted into sugar, and the aroma is fresher and stronger. The fruit of persimmon (Diospyros, U. S.), an indigenous astringent, is directed to be collected before ripening, owing to its AMERICAN MEDICINAL PLANTS. &39 abounding in tannic acid, which, as it ripens, seems to be converted into sugar and apotheme. Seeds, which are the least perishable of vegetable productions, should be perfectly ripe when collected ; they require very little drying. It should be remembered, when treating of the drying of drugs, that those dried by mere exposure to atmospheric currents are not by any means free from moisture ; experiments upon this subject were made by Gr. W. Kennedy, of Pottsville, Pa., and published in vol. xliv. Am. Journ. Pharm., page 158. They show a loss, when exposed to 120° F., varying from 16 to 9 per cent, for roots, 12 to 10 for stems and wood, 14 to 9 for barks, flowers, and herbs, 18 to 9 for leaves, and 9 to 8 for powdered roots. A part of this moisture is reabsorbed by subsequent exposure. The " United Brethren," called Shakers, at their settlement in !New Lebanon, New York, have extensive and convenient arrange- ments for drying these vegetable materials. Series of shelves of wire network are disposed in layers at suitable distances from each other, in large and well ventilated apartments; upon these the herbs are carefully placed, and allowed to remain subject to the desiccating action of the air, circulating below as well as above, until completelj- dried. They are then removed to capacious bins, of which many are arranged along the sides of the room, and pre- served until nearly ready for pressing — an operation which, in common with some other herbalists, the Shakers practise upon every article of the Vegetable Materia Medica which they put up for sale. This practice, while it has its advantages, is liable to some objec- tions. It has been said that, owing to the moist condition to which the plants require to be brought before pressing, the packages are liable to become mouldy in the middle. I have never met with an instance of this kind, however, and believe that the excellent repu- tation the Shaker herbs have attained is well founded. Another objection to these herbs, of a very different character, is, that they are not adapted to the examination of the physical characteristics of the plants ; a pharmaceutical student, placed in an establishment where they are sold to the exclusion of the dried plants in bulk, enjoys no opportunity of familiarizing himself with the physical and botanical characters of this extensive class of medicines; to this may be added the difficulty in noticing any deficiency in quality, any intentional or accidental adulteration, or error in labelling the articles. Within a few years past herbs of very superior quality have been offered to the public packed and labelled very neatly by Messrs. B. 0. & Gr. C. Wilson, of Boston. These herbs have their natural odor and color preserved in a remarkable degree, and seem worthy the confidence generally given them. Very large quantities of several of the American medicinal plants enter into our commerce; spigelia and serpentaria are collected 540 ON THE COLLECTION AND DESICCATION OF PLANTS. chiefly in the southern and southwestern States ; sassafras and wild- cherry barks, the root of asarum Canadense, and the leaves of hyoscyamus, belladonna, and conium (naturalized) in the New England States and in Canada, while taraxacum, eupatorium, lobelia, geranium, lappa, inula, dulcamara hydrastis, and many others, are gathered almost all over the country. The sources or the vast sup- plies of many of the leading American plants which enter into commerce are studiously concealed by the principal dealers, and the prices of the more important are subject to considerable fluctua- tions. The business of collecting and drying medicinal plants is pursued in the vicinity of many of our large cities by herbalists, who realize a living from it. These have it in their power, by taking students of medicine and pharmacy with them on their excursions into the woods and fields, to extend a knowledge of medical plants among a class to whom it cannot fail to be in the highest degree useful and interesting. There are few pursuits better calculated to relieve the monotony of a student's life, or to impart healthfulness and variety to the sedentary occupations of the apothecary, than a systematic out-door pursuit of the useful and ennobling science of botany; and the pharmacist or physician, by giving it a practical application to his business, ma} 7 , in many instances, combine pecuniary with mental and physical advantage. The cultivation of medicinal plants in the United States is mainly confined to the beautiful valley in Columbia County, E". Y., already referred to ; this district seems especially adapted to the purpose, and, like the celebrated "Physic Gardens" of Mitcham and Hitchin Hurtz, in England, furnishes a great variety, and in large quantity. Immense plantations of peppermint for the production of the oil exist in St. Joseph's County, in the southern part of Michigan, and in Ohio and Western New York. These are estimated to comprise an area exceeding 3000 acres, and to yield in oil of peppermint over $63,000 per annum. Eor an interesting account of the " Physic Gardens of Mitcham," see American Journal of Pharmacy, vol. xxiii. p. 25 ; for some de- tails in regard to the N*. Lebanon Gardens, see the same journal, vol. xxiii. p. 386 ; and for an account, by F. Stearns, of the pepper- mint plantations of Michigan, see Proceedings of Am. Pharm. Asso- ciation, 1858. The question of how far the cultivation of plants diminishes or modifies their medicinal activity, is at present an undecided point ; it is, however, universally admitted, that climate and soil exercise an important influence on their virtues, and the late edition of the Austrian Pharmacopoeia particularly directs that in the case of aconite, the plant grown in gardens is to be rejected. The opinion is adopted by many that most plants are more fully developed in the country in which they are indigenous, than in any to which they may be transplanted ; but that there are many excep- tions to this rule, if it be a general rule, must be quite apparent. SPECIES. 541 In the present state of our knowledge upon this subject, we can- not go further than to say that of plants indigenous to the temperate zones, some flourish equally on either continent, while others, owing to some want of congeniality in climate and soil, will only develop their peculiar properties fully in the localities to which they are indigenous. At the gardens in New Lebanon, the narcotic herbs indigenous to Europe are cultivated with apparent success, and some of the extracts prepared from them are among the best manufactured. The classification of the vegetable materia medica best adapted to the purposes of the druggist is that which groups the different parts of plants together, as indicated at the commencement of this chapter. This is the arrangement formerly adopted by me in the course of instruction in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and nearly adhered to by my successor Prof. Maisch. Without any claim to a scientific basis, it is convenient, and affords especial ad- vantages to the student who applies himself to the study of the physical peculiarities of the drugs. In examining students with the special object of teaching them to distinguish different drugs, I am accustomed to take up those most resembling each other in succession, relying chiefly upon the exhibition of characteristic specimens, and the application of the ready tests supplied by the senses. If every physician, druggist, and pharmacist were to make full use of this method, there would be very few instances of mistaking aconite root for taraxacum, or briony for Colombo. Species are mixtures of vegetable substances, cut or bruised, and designed for use in the preparation of extemporaneous infusions ; one of the most elegant of these, which has acquired considerable reputation as a substitute for many of the ordinary combinations containing senna, is the following: — Species St. Germain. Take of Senna, previously digested in alcohol and dried 4 ounces. Elder flowers 2| ounces. Fennel seeds, Aniseed, of each 10 drachms. Cream of tartar 6 drachms. Mix, and divide into papers containing five drachms. Directions. — Infuse the contents of one package in half a pint of boiling water, strain, and take at a dose. The treatment of senna with strong alcohol deprives it of odorous principles without materially impairing its cathartic properties. Gerhard's Tonic Tea. Take of Gentian, half a troyounce. Rhubarb, one drachm. Ginger, two drachms. Bruise them thoroughly, mix them, and add — Bicarbonate of soda, one drachm. 542 ON" THE POWDERING OF DRUGS AND ON POWDERS. Directions. — Infuse in a pint of boiling water, and give a wine- glassful three times a day. Anthelmintic Species.— Worm Tea. Take of Spigelia, half a troyounce. Manna, half a troyounce. Senna, two drachms. Fennel, one drachm. Contuse the spigelia, and mix it with the other ingredients. Directions. — Infuse in a pint of boiling water, and give a child two years old or upward, half a teacupful, warm, morning,. noon, and night, before eating. CHAPTER II. ON THE POWDERING OF DRUGS AND ON POWDERS. According to the plan of this work, the first class of prepara- tions treated of is that of powders. The preparation of the material for powdering consists of garb- ling or sorting, and drying it. The former process pertains to the druggist, and the latter mainly to the drug grinder. The object of garbling is to separate any impurities or adultera- tions, and any decayed or deteriorated portions of the drug. In nearly all drugs, especially those of vegetable origin, there are great variations in quality, and even in the same lot there are frequently very good and quite worthless specimens. As an illustration of this, Chinese rhubarb may be instanced: the roots, when broken, are found to vary exceedingly in quality, even in the same case; some are heavy and compact in structure, breaking with a very uneven fracture, presenting a red and yellow marbled appearance, giving a gritty impression between the teeth, and the peculiar bitter, astringent taste characteristic of the drug, while other roots are comparatively light, spongy in structure, and almost destitute of the peculiar color and taste ; others, which have the requisite specific gravity and the external appearance of a good article, are dark-colored within and quite inferior; others are so worm-eaten as to be quite worthless. The custom of some druggists, when about to send a lot of rhubarb to the mill, is, either to send it in the mixed condition in which it is imported, or to select from it the finest pieces for separate sale, and for a sample, and send all the inferior roots, with perhaps only a small portion of the best, to be powdered. A druggist who exhibits the best roots, selected in this way, as a sample of the kind powdered, cannot be acquitted of a gross and unpardonable fraud upon his customers. If he sends the whole case, containing good, bad, and indifferent, as originally imported, DRYING AND POWDERING. 543 he may at least claim that, though he has not improved the quality of the medicine in reducing it to powder, he has not rendered it worse. But, with a view to furnishing a good and reliable medi- cinal agent, without regard to price, he should garble his rhubarb, by cracking each root, rejecting the decayed and otherwise defec- tive pieces, and preserving in the form of powder only that which is of value. This is done by some, who are more desirous of a reputation for the quality than for the cheapness of their drugs. Notwithstanding the difficulty of distinguishing the quality of medicines in powder by their sensible properties, we have in the case of rhubarb, general indications of excellence in a bright yellow color, a heavy and compact character in which the particles are not dustlike and mobile on the surface, and a well-marked and unmixed rhubarb odor. By a careful study of the characteristics of pow- ders, their colors, compactness, or mobility, and, above all, their resemblance in odor and taste to good specimens of the drug, the physician and pharmacist may reach considerable skill in judging of their quality, and even in detecting adulterations. In a subsequent chapter I shall have occasion to refer to the variable quality of powdered gum Arabic ; this is mainly owing to the neglect of garbling, or to the use of the rejected portion, after garbling, for reduction to powder. It is desirable to have the whole gum free from dusty and gritty particles ; in this condition, it is more elegant and convenient for chewing, and for making the nutritive mucilaginous drinks so much used by invalids, and it commands a better price. It is, therefore, customaiy to sift gum, as taken from the case, and the inferior kinds of powder are made from these sif tings, which contain the dust, particles of sand, and other impurities. A good powdered drug must invariably command an advance on the price of the drug in its crude state, the loss by drying, waste, cost of powdering (from 6 to 12 cents per pound), and other incidental expenses, to say nothing of the loss by garbling, fur- nishes a sufficient answer to those who complain of the high price of choice powders. The chief reason for the deficiency in the quality of medicinal powders is found in the reluctance manifested by the public, and retail apothecaries and physicians, to pay a liberal price for them. Powders are not unfrequently sold at a less price than the whole drug, especially when the article is costly, and of variable quality in commerce. This is true, especially of rhubarb, jalap, gum Arabic, and the spices, which, as a general thing, cannot be re- commended in powder with the same confidence as in the unpow- dered condition, or in the form of Galenical preparations, prepared from the whole or contused drug. Drying and Powdering. — When a drug is sent to be ground in its ordinary condition, it generally requires drying previously to being submitted to the action of the mill. Moist and tenacious substances, such as the gum resins, opium, aloes, squill, jalap, and colocynth, and all fresh roots and herbs, 544 ON THE POWDERING OF DRUGS AND ON POWDERS. require this treatment to a certain extent, and the drug-mills are supplied with apartments, or steam-baths, adapted to it. These are heated to a temperature of about 120° F., and the drug is allowed to remain in them as long as is deemed necessary to de- prive it entirely of water. Some drugs are injured by this process ; the volatile ingredient, so often the active principle, suffers great loss, and the resulting powder is comparatively inefficient. Myrrh and assafcetida furnish good illustrations of this. On the other hand, substances possessed of no active volatile in- gredient, but containing a large amount of water, as opium, are enhanced in value by drying and powdering. Some specimens of opium diminish in drying and powdering to the extent of 20 per cent., which, if the process is properly conducted, increases the efficiency and value of the drug in that proportion. Experiments under my own supervision show about an average loss of 9 per cent., in reducing tolerably hard opium to the pulverulent con- dition. It is on this account, and from the fact that the powder, when unadulterated, is more nearly uniform in its composition than the drug in mass, that the JJ, S. Pharmacopoeia directs the use of powdered opium in making all the Galenical preparations of that drug. Elecampane root is said to lose seven-eighths of its weight in drying ; stramonium leaves, nine-tenths ; hyoscyamus and bella- donna leaves, nearly as much. If these plants lose nothing but moisture in the process, and retain all their active medicinal pro- perties unimpaired, it is obvious that they are seven or eight times stronger when in powder, or in a dry condition, than when recent. It is, moreover, a generally received opinion that vegetables yield their virtues by infusion more readily when dried than when they are fresh. Oily drugs, such as flaxseed and mustard seed, offer the greatest obstacles to the usual methods of grinding, and millers who are skilful adapt their processes to prevent the direct pressure of the grinding surface, and the consequent rise of temperature, calculated to " raise" the oil ; they adopt a cutting rather than a triturating action, using a pair of horizontal mill-stones, sharp and " dressed," for the special purpose, and not allowed to come in contact in the course of their revolutions. In this way flaxseed meal may be produced which contains the oil without appearing greasy, and from which the hull and chaff have been sifted. If the attempt is made to reduce these oily seeds in a mortar, the object will be retarded, if not frustrated, by the pressing-out of the oil before the requisite disintegration of the structure. A difficulty, liable to occur in powdering drugs at the mills, is due to the accidental admixture of foreign substances with them. The extensive grinding surface employed becomes so completely covered with the fine powder, that it is cleaned with great difficulty ; so that the next substance introduced becomes contaminated with it, sometimes to its great disadvantage. This is observed in certain articles of delicate flavor, as orris root and vanilla. THE PROCESS OF POWDERING DRUGS. 545 Ffc. 179. The plan of dusting powders, which insures their extreme fine- ness, and the separation of any earthy impurity, has gained in favor of late years. The apparatus now used is constructed so that the powdered drug, when it has passed between the grinding sur- faces, is thrown by a draught, created by the revolving stones, to a height of about live feet, and is then allowed to settle upon the adjacent parts, from which, after it has collected in sufficient quan- tity, it is removed. It will be appropriate, in this place, to give some observations upon powdering, as practised, on a small scale, in the shop and laboratory. This is accomplished by means of mortars, suited to the different processes of contusion and trituration, and by mills. Mortars for contusion are usually made of iron, brass, or bell- metal, of the shape shown in Fig. 179. Contusion is employed for powdering and bruising ligneous substances generally, being adapted to breaking apart their fibres, and, by the violent attrition of the coarser particles with each other, reducing the whole to a more or less fine powder. Care must be taken to avoid treat- ing any corrosive substance in the iron mortar, thus allowing it to be- come rusty ; or, if this should oc- cur, it should be carefully washed out with diluted muriatic acid, and scoured with clean sand, to fit it for use. Any adhering material should be cleaned away immediately after the mortar is out of use, as it is then more easily removed than if allowed to remain and harden. The mortar is thus always ready for use. In powdering substances by con- tusion too large a quantity should not be introduced into the mortar at one time ; if the mortar is small, sufficient to cover the bottom for the depth of an inch or two ; the flat- tened extremity of the pestle is then to be brought into direct and vio- lent contact with it, each successive stroke being aimed at the same spot in the centre of the circle formed by the sides and bottom of the mor- tar. Many substances are too stimu- or otherwise injurious to lating 35 Mortar and pestle for contusion. 546 ON THE POWDERING OF DRUGS AND ON POWDERS. allow of their being advantageously powdered in a mortar, and the practice of employing apprentices in this way is more honored in the breach than in the performance. In cases of necessity a cover of leather secured around the rim of the mortar and tied -to the pestle at such a point as to allow of its free movement in the pro- cess of contusion is a wise precaution. When part of the contents under treatment assumes the condition of a fine powder, which is exhibited by the air becoming charged with the dust, it is well to sift it, and thus separate the fine from the coarser particles, these last being returned to the mortar, and further contused until a second sifting becomes necessarj^, and so on till it is finished. A small portion of the drug is usually left in powdering, which it seems impossible to reduce sufficiently ; this is part of the ligneous portion, which is frequently inert ; the drug-grinder who obtains a considerable quantity of this gruff, as it is called, usually retains it for admixture with the next lot of the same drug he is called upon to grind, in this way reducing somewhat the loss upon it : he is usually allowed a small percentage for this necessary deficiency in the powdered product. The mortar and pestle adapted for trituration are shown in Fig. 180. Such a mortar requires to be more carefully handled than one Fig. 180. Wedgewood mortar and pestle. for contusion. It is adapted to the reduction of saline substances and chemicals generally to powder, by the friction of their particles with each other, between the hard and rough surfaces of the mor- tar and pestle. The ware, being brittle, should not be subjected to blows with the pestle ; it should be carefully wiped out and laid away, after using, so as to be dry and clean whenever needed. The mode of manipulating with the wedgewood mortar and TRITURATING, CUTTING, ETC, 547 pestle, after placing in it the material to be ground to powder, is to grasp the pestle firmly with the right hand, holding the mortar with the left if necessary, and gradually to traverse the mortar with the pestle from the centre outwards, reaching the circumference gradually, by a spiral. motion ; and then, by reversing the direction of this motion, to bring the pestle again to the centre ; in this way all parts are brought fully and equally under the action of the pes- tle. When the contents of the mortar become caked, and cease to fall towards the centre, when agitated, which often happens as the powder becomes very fine, a spatula should be occasionally run around the sides and bottom, to loosen and mix together the differ- ent portions. A loose and careless way of triturating substances is productive of no saving of labor; the conditions most favorable to pulveriza- tion by trituration are a constant, uniform, and hard grinding mo- tion communicated to the pestle, the layer of powder intervening between it and the mortar being thin, and the mortar so shaped as to present all parts of it equally to the action of the pestle. Many substances can neither be reduced to powder by the process of contusion nor by that of trituration ; of these, nutmeg may be instanced as one which is most conveniently grated, or scraped off with the blade of a knife; vanilla is another instance, this may be cut into short transverse pieces with shears and afterwards tritu- rated with a third substance; if reduced with a view to infusion or displacement with alcohol, sand may be conveniently employed; if water is to be used, or if it is to be dispensed in a dry condition, hard lumps of sugar may be advantageously substituted. Many oily substances, such as nutmeg and cardamoms and other aromatic Fis. 181. Tobacco knife. seeds, can be made into convenient powders with dry and ligneous substances, although themselves unsuited to this form of prepara- tion. Orange-peel, slippery elm, mezereon bark, liquorice root, are best comminuted by cutting them with a pair of shears, or a knife fastened on a lever, such as tobacconists use for cutting tobacco into plugs, and then drying them and introducing them into a suit- 548 ON THE POWDERING OF DRUGS AND ON POWDERS. able mill. The mode of cutting a piece of liquorice root into con- venient pieces for chewing, is shown in the drawing. Quassia, guaiacum, logwood, and red saunders are chipped by machinery, the two latter for use in the arts. Camphor is easily reduced to powder by adding to it a small por- tion of some liquid in which it is soluble, as, for instance, alcohol, and triturating to dryness; the proportion of alcohol proper to be added to camphor for this purpose is about one minim to three grains. As camphor thus prepared will not retain its impalpable condition alone, it is desirable to incorporate with it immediately any dry powder with which it is designed to be mixed, as, for in- stance, precipitated carbonate of lime, where it is to be used as a dentifrice. The following process, by my friend H. F. Fish, of Waterbuiy, Ct., is adapted to furnish a permanent powder of camphor: To 16 ounces of camphor add two pints of alcohol (sp. gr. .818). In a porcelain mortar triturate one drachm of magnesia with as much water as will enable the mixture to blend freely with 8 pints of water, with which it is then to be thoroughly mixed in a suitable wide-mouthed bottle. The alcoholic solution of camphor is now to be poured into this in a thin, slow stream, constantly stirring the fast-thickening mixture. A dense, white, curdy "separate" ensues, which gradually condenses, and rises to the top of the liquid. "When collected on a filter, and cut with a spatula, this parts readily with its moisture, and should not be pressed or too thoroughly dried before being transferred to bottles excluded from the light. The proportion of magnesia is only one grain in 128, and consti- tutes no objection to its use for most purposes. This method is objected to, as it leaves the powder in a moist condition undesirable for an errhine or tooth powder. A process which is free from this objection is that of Mr. J. C. Loud, in which the camphor is placed in a small copper retort four inches in diameter and ten inches in height, with a curved neck two inches in diameter and fourteen inches long. The chamber into which the camphor is sublimed is a cube of 3 feet, made by pasting pro- perly sized paper over a light frame. After the retort neck is well luted to the chamber, heat is applied to the retort, by lamp or pre- ferably by sand-bath. Thirty minutes suffice to sublime one pound; if packed in full bottles, well excluded from air and heat, it will retain its pulverulent condition a long time. Some gum resins, such as assafcetida, are too tough to be reduced to powder unless previously heated, which, as before stated, drives off a portion of their active principles, while those which appear pulverizable cake together at the temperature produced by the friction of the grinding surfaces. These should be powdered m very cold weather, when they will suffer no loss of their volatile principles, and if carefully sifted, will retain the pulverulent condi- tion. During the warm season the powder is liable to cake some- what, but yields to the pressure of the pestle. The powders of these gum-resins, as met with in commerce, are MILLS FOR GRINDING DRUGS. 549 often nearly worthless, but prepared as above, even powdered as- safoetida answers an excellent purpose, and with the exception of its increased tendency to deteriorate from the greater extent of surface exposed to the action of the atmosphere, might claim a place among the approved preparations. All these powders should be kept in well-stopped glass bottles. Fig. 182. Hance's drug mill. Fig. 182 represents a convenient mill for the use of druggists and pharmacists, manufactured by Hance Brother & White, of Philadelphia. It is an improvement on Swift's drug mill, figured in the pre- vious editions of this work. The advantages are that the grinding surfaces are horizontal and thus retain the substance for a longer time under the action of the plates, the speed being multiplied by a bevelled gear wheel working into one of smaller diameter, and the superior strength of those parts liable to the greatest strain. 550 ON THE POWDERING OF DRUGS AND ON POWDERS. For further remarks relative to this mill, the reader is referred to a paper by Thomas J. Co veil in the 20th vol. Am. Pharm. Association Proceedings, page 180. Numerous spice and coffee mills, sold by dealers in household and agricultural implements, will be found to serve useful purposes in the pharmaceutical store, and will often prevent a resort to con- tusion in the iron mortar, a noisy and laborious method of commi- nuting drugs, now much less used than formerly. Before intro- ducing tough and pliable substances, such as squill and gentian, into the mill, they should be well dried ; the larger roots and barks require to be first broken with a hatchet, or suitable knife, before grinding, and some will need to be first passed through the mill set for the coarse powder, and then, the mill being regulated, they can be reduced to the required condition by repeatedly passing them through it. The season of the year for powdering is not a matter of indifference, and it is believed that few drugs would prove intractable in the frosty weather of winter. So constant is the demand for powders of the various degrees of fineness adapted to treating the several preparations, that it would prove a useful precaution for the pharmacist to appropriate a few days, during the winter, to preparing them for the year, each being passed through the appropriate sieve, and put away in a tin box, properly labelled, till required for use. Sifting. — The fineness of powders is usually regulated by the use of sieves which will separate particles of different degrees of divi- sion; the finest bolting cloth will only pass those which are almost impalpable, while coarser sieves are adapted to the preparation of powders suited to percolation. In all cases when the powder is to be used in divided portions, care should be taken to mix the dif- ferent sif tings thoroughly together, as the more ligneous and least active portions usually resist the operation of the pestle longest and are in the last siftings. The usual kind of sieve is made in the form of a drum, and is designated according to the number of wires or meshes to the linear inch ; Nos. 20 and 40, which are adapted to coarse powders to be used for percolation in the preparation of certain tinctures and fluid extracts, have 20 and 40 meshes respectively to the linear inch, while No. 60 or 80 gauze, or bolting cloth, which separates all but the very finest particles, are used in preparing powders adapted to internal use. In the United States Pharmacopoeia, the terms very fine, fine, moderately fine, moderately coarse, and coarse are used ; the powder passed through a sieve of eighty or more meshes to the linear inch being designated as very fine; through one of sixty meshes,j^ne; through one of fifty meshes, moderately fine ; through one of forty meshes, moderately coarse; and through one of twenty meshes, coarse. An inclosed cylinder or many-sided figure is the best form for a sieve; by rotating it on its axis its contents are thrown constantly upon a fresh portion of the gauze, and thus subjected to the most favorable conditions for the separation of their fine particles. POWDERS. 551 Harris's sifting machine. Fig. 183 represents a sifting machine, patented by Samuel Har- ris, of Springfield, Mass., which is well adapted to facilitate the process. It consists of a wooden box, with a flange, Fig- 183. upon which an oblong sieve is made to move by a wheel and crank, the construction of which is shown in the drawing ; by closing the lid the dust is prevented from rising in the air, and one of the most common causes of waste and annoyance is thus obviated. The powder as it falls from the sieve is received into a close-fitting drawer beneath. The sieve is movable, so as to be emp- tied without inconvenience, and by having sieves of different degrees of fineness, it will be obvious that the apparatus may be adapted to all the purposes of the pharmacist. The sizes of this apparatus are so varied as to suit numerous purposes, not only in pharmacy, but in the arts and in agriculture. The operation of sifting may also be varied according to the de- gree of fineness required in the powder. To pass the finest particles only the sieve should be gently agitated, the powder being laid lightly upon it, and the operation being suspended as soon as it has ceased to pass through readily; the plan of rubbing the powder over the sieve with the hand, thus using more or less pressure to force it through the meshes, may be pursued when the fineness of the powder is not so much desired as the rapidity of the process; but this practice ought not to be pursued with bolting-cloth sieves, as it tends to injure them very much. The difficulty constantly met with by pharmacists, of fine pow- ders becoming caked into soft masses, is conveniently remedied by the use of the little instrument called Blood's patent flour sifter, which is constructed with a curved wire-gauze bottom, over which a rounded wooden bar moves by means of a lever, which also serves as a handle to the apparatus. It is constructed for house- hold purposes, but could hardly be better adapted for resifting fine powders, or for mixing powders, as frequently required by pharma- cists ; it is procurable, at small expense, at the stores for the sale- of household articles. Powders. Powders, as a class of remedies, possess the advantage, when skilfully prepared, of uniting all the proximate principles of the plant, in their natural condition, and may be administered without the intervention of any menstruum. They may be used in bulk, 552 ON THE POWDERING OF DRUGS AND ON POWDERS. taken into the mouth with water or some viscid liquid ; or may be made into pills ; or suspended in liquids in the form of mixtures. {See Part VI., Extemporaneous Pharmacy.) The disadvantages attendant upon their use are these: they are frequently too bulky for convenience, the dose being so large as to be repulsive to the patient, vegetable powders generally containing a considerable proportion of inert ligneous matter; many of them are liable to undergo an unfavorable change by exposure to the influence of the atmosphere, especially when it is charged with moisture, and they are liable to be injured by light. Vegetable powders are also subject to adulteration, the detection of which is difficult. Except in the few cases, such as opium and cinchona bark, where we may isolate the active principle, and ascertain the pro- portion contained in a given sample, it is difficult to judge with certainty of the quality of a powdered drug ; the best safeguard of the physician against fraud or the effects of carelessness, where the vegetable powders are concerned, is to buy them of careful and conscientious druggists, who either powder them or exercise a strict supervision over the process as conducted by the drug-grinder. The fineness of powders affects their color, as is manifest in the case of white saline substances, which become whiter by long trituration. There is no separate class of simple powders in the Pharmacopoeia ; they are understood to be included in the Materia Medica list. The compound powders which are officinal are included in this work under the general head of extemporaneous powders and pills, and designated by U. S. P. A table of them will, however, be useful to the student in this connection. Pulveres, U. S. P. Name. Pulvis Aromaticus " Aloes et Canellae . (Hiera Picra) " Ipecacuanhse comp. J (Dover's Powder) 1 " Jalapae compositus \ " Rhei compositus . j i Pulveres Effervescentes . ■< " " Aperientes-j Proportions. Cinnamon Ginger Cardamoms Nutmeg Aloes Canella P. Ipecac P. Opium Sulph. Potass P. Jalap Bitart. Potass P. Rhei Magnesia Ginger Sodii bicarb., pulv. Acidi tartarici Sodii et Potass. Tart. Sodii bicarbonatis Acidi tartarici 2p.l 2 p.. lp. \ lp.J 4 P- \ lp.} lp. | lp. 8 P. J lp. 2 p. 2 p. 6 p. lp. gr. 30 gr. 25 gr. 120 ") gr. 40 I gr. 35 j Med. Prop. Carminative. Stomachic Laxative Sedative Diaphoretic r Cathartic Cathartic Antacid Refrigerant Aperient and Refrigerant Dose. 20 grains. 10 grains. 20 grains. 1 drachm. as directed in formula. as directed in formula. ON SOLUTION AND FILTRATION. 553 The necessary practical hints in regard to the mode of preparing and dispensing these, are given under the appropriate head in the chapter on Dispensing. " Lactinated" Powders. In order to render soft or semifluid preparations, especially oleo- resins, suitable for use in the form of powder, they are variously combined with dry and bulky substances, such as magnesia, sugar, and, preferably, lactin (sugar of milk). The hardness of lactin, and its comparative insolubility and inertness, adapt it to the very thorough division and dilution of substances triturated with it. Some pharmacists of the " Eclectic" school have adopted the form of powders for their so-called "concentrated remedies," which are prepared by an alcoholic menstruum from the drug, evaporated to an oleo-resinous consistence, and then incorporated with a dry and bulky powder, perhaps, in most instances, lactin. The advantages claimed for this method are that, while it converts inconvenient fluid or semifluid preparations into the eligible form of powders, it has little or no effect upon their composition or properties, except to increase their activity, by dividing and diffusing them in the stomach, at the same time diminishing their direct local effect upon that organ. These lactinated powders are, moreover, freely miscible with water, and much more easily dispensed than the isolated remedies from which prepared. They should be kept in dry and well-secured vials, and this form of preparation should be limited to articles not deliquescent in their nature, and such as are soluble in an alcoholic or ethereal menstruum, so that they may be readily incorporated with the lactin, without dissolving it, and that the menstruum may rapidly evaporate without too much heat. These lactinated preparations are made by incorporating with the concentrated remedy, one, two, five, or ten parts of the dry powder, and the degree of this dilution should be invariably stated in the label, together with the dose. With this precaution, they may serve a useful purpose in practice. CHAPTER III. ON SOLUTION AND FILTRATION. There are two objects in view in this process, and the principal feature in the classification of solutions is founded on this fact. The simplest kind is that in which, by the use of an appropriate liquid, we overcome the attraction of aggregation in a solid body, rendering its particles invisible and more susceptible to chemical action, and more readily assimilated when taken into the stomach. The liquid used for this purpose is called a solvent, and water, the 554 ON SOLUTION AND FILTRATION. great neutral solvent, is most used in preparing them, though alco- hol, ether, chloroform, and fixed oils are also more or less employed as pharmaceutical solvents. Such solutions are designated simple solutions when the dissolved body may be recovered without having undergone any chemical change, on the evaporation of the solvent, or its removal in some other way. When the solution of a body is attended with some chemical alteration, either composition or decomposition, the term complex or chemical solution may be applied to it. It is but rarely the case that the simple solvents above named produce decomposition in dissolving a body ; the solvents for effect- ing chemical solution are mostly acid or alkaline liquids. A large number of the solutions used in medicine are effected by inducing chemical changes among the ingredients introduced into them, sometimes yielding soluble compounds where one or more of the original ingredients were insoluble. Such processes are fre- quently accompanied by the generation of heat, and the change of color and odor, the latter by the neutralization of volatile acids or bases. Effervescence is always produced when, by the action of an acid or an acid salt, carbonic or another of the few gaseous and sparingly soluble acids is set free ; in this case there is usually no change of temperature observed, as«the heat produced by the chemi- cal reaction is rendered latent by the gas. In the preparation of solution of citrate of magnesium from citric acid and calcined mag- nesia, the mixture becomes hot, while, if the carbonate of magnesium is used, the solution remains cold, and the same phenomena are observed on the neutralization of other acids by bases and their corresponding carbonates. When we speak in general terms of the solubility of any solid substance, we have reference to its relation to water, the term be- ing an approximate one. Yery few substances exist in nature wholly insoluble; and as there is no line between the least soluble, and those which are freely dissolved under ordinary circumstances, the term is not adapted to use where accuracy or precision of lan- guage is required. Solution is accomplished by bringing the material under treat- ment into contact with the solvent under favorable circumstances; these relate, 1st, to temperature; 2d, to the state of aggregation of the solid; 3d, to its position in relation to the solvent. Hot liquids dissolve substances with greater facility than do cold; with exceptions, among which are lime, its citrate and acetate, and chloride of sodium. Though heat favors solution, there are no substances wholly insoluble in the cold, which dis- solve by the aid of increased temperature. In addition to the greater solvent power of hot liquids, the currents produced by the process of heating them favor the more rapid solution of the con- tained solids, as shaking up the vessel favors the same result. To facilitate solution in a small way, mortars are much em- ployed; they serve the double purpose of reducing the solid to powder, and of facilitating its intimate mixture throughout the SATURATION. 555 liquid. Mortars of porcelain ware (Fig. 184) are most suitable for this purpose; they are used as follows: The substance to be dis- solved is first placed in the mortar and rubbed into a powder, by which the Fig. 184. extent of surface to be brought in con- tact with the liquid is greatly increased. The process of solution proceeds more slowly as the liquid becomes more nearly saturated, hence a small portion of the solvent is first added and tritu- rated with the powder ; as soon as this portion seems to be nearly saturated, it is poured into another vessel, and an additional portion Of the Solvent Porcelain mortar. added, triturated, and poured off in the same way ; a fresh portion again being added, the process is re- peated, and so continued till the powder has disappeared. The liquids thus obtained, being mixed, furnish a stronger solution than could be prepared in the same length of time under the ordi- nary circumstances of contact. When a weak solution is to be made, especially of a delicate chemical substance, like nitrate of silver, a good way is to drop the crystals or powder into the liquid previously placed in a clean vial of suitable size, to which a cork has been fitted, and to shake it up until dissolved. This should only be done in the case of very soluble substances, and the shaking should be continued as long as any portion remains undissolved. A good arrangement for effecting solution by what is called cir- culatory displacement, is to place the solid on a perforated diaphragm resting beneath the surface of the liquid, or to inclose it in a bag of some porous material, and suspend it by a thread in the vessel near its top. By this contrivance, that portion of the liquid having the greatest solvent power, because the least saturated, is always in contact with the solid ; the solution, as it becomes saturated, be- comes denser and sinks to the bottom, displacing the portion less charged with the solid ingredient, which, in consequence of its less specific gravity, tends to the top, thus keeping up a continual cir- culation in the fluid favorable to the object in view. In large operations in the arts where it is impossible to shake or to stir the liquid conveniently, an arrangement based upon this principle is adopted, and in smaller pharmaceutical operations Squire's infusion mug, figured in a subsequent chapter, will be found to answer a good purpose. The term saturated, besides its physical and pharmaceutical appli- cation as above, is employed to signify that an acid is neutralized by an alkali, or vice versa; or, in other words, that an equivalent proportion of one substance has combined with an equivalent pro- portion of another, for which it has an affinity ; they are then said to have saturated each other. The term, when used for this pur- pose, may be said to be a strictly chemical one, but when employed 556 ON SOLUTION AND FILTRATION, as above, to designate the point at which a liquid ceases to dissolve a solid body, it is used in a pharmaceutical sense. It is worthy of remark that the saturated solution of one salt is frequently a sol- vent for other salts, a quality of great value in the preparation and purification of salts in the arts. Eapid solution, even when not accompanied by chemical reaction, generally causes a reduction of temperature, and thus retards the process to a certain extent; this is due to the increase of capacity of bodies for caloric, while passing from the solid into the liquid state ; or, in other words, to the absorption of heat. This heat becomes insensible, and is called latent heat, but it is set free again on the body resuming the solid form. In arrangements for solutions on a large scale, it becomes im- portant to counteract this effect by contrivances for keeping up the temperature of the liquid ; this is conveniently accomplished by jets of steam or coils of steam pipe. Solutions are not confined to solids in liquids. One liquid may dissolve in another, as, for instance, ether in water, and essential oils in alcohol. When no chemical combination takes place, volume and temperature remain unaltered, while chemical combination of the two liquids is generally accompanied by a rise of temperature, and a condensation of their volume ; the mixing of water with strong alcohol and concentrated acids furnish such examples. Gases are also capable of being dissolved by liquids, and if they are soluble therein to any extent, the process is accompanied by a rise of temperature, because the latent heat of the gas becomes sensible again, on assuming a denser state of aggregation, hence the application of cold or freezing mixtures favors the solubility of the gases, by counteracting this sensible heat. An increase of pressure, by condensing the volume of a gas, is also favorable to its solution in liquids. Chloride of ammonium, and carbonate and nitrate of potassium, and other saline substances are conveniently reduced by the process of granulation, which consists in dissolving the salt in water and evaporating to dryness, constantly stirring. The process is only applicable to a few articles which are freely soluble and not readily decomposed or volatilized by heat. The granulated powders thus produced are generally quite different from powders made by me- chanical means ; they may be gritty from being composed of small crystals, or, in the case of deliquescent salts, they may have a globular form from the heat being continued till most if not all the water of crystallization has been expelled. Many of the insoluble powders are obtained by precipitation ; as, for example, precipitated sulphur, prepared by dropping muriatic acid into a solution of bisulphide of calcium and hyposulphite of calcium; the calcium and chlorine present, uniting with the acid, form chloride of calcium and water, the former being extremely soluble. The sulphur, which is insoluble, is thus precipitated as a fine powder. On the same principle, the precipitated carbonate of calcium is CLASSIFICATION OF SOLUTIONS. 557 prepared by adding a solution of carbonate of sodium to a solution of chloride of calcium. As a result of the reaction the insoluble carbonate of calcium is produced, and is thrown down in the form of a powder. It is worthy of remark, in regard to these powders generally, that they are composed of very small crystals. Their fineness is dependent upon the temperature and degree of concentration of the liquids when mixed. When the solutions are hot and concen- trated, the reaction takes place suddenly, and the powder is very fine ; when they are cold and more dilute, the precipitate is de- posited gradually, and more perfectly assumes the crystalline form ; or if the precipitate is not entirely insoluble, it is deposited in crystals from the hot solution on cooling. Tartar emetic is obtained in a very fine powder, suitable for pre- paring the ointment, by dissolving it in water, so as to form a strong solution, and then pouring it into alcohol. The strong affinity of water for alcohol causes them to unite, and the tartar emetic, being less soluble in the alcoholic liquid, is thrown down in an impalpable powder. In a similar manner a pure powder of protosulphate of iron may be obtained, if its filtered solution, acidulated with sulphuric acid, is added to strong alcohol ; the sulphate of the peroxide of iron remains in solution, while the protosulphate is precipitated in the form of a crystalline, light-greenish powder, which should be rapidly dried in a current of air, and is then less prone to oxidation than the ordinary crystallized salt. Another process for obtaining some powders is that known as elutriation. Although the vehicle used is not a solvent, and therefore it is not to be properly treated of under this head, still, as the process closely affiliates the manipulation of obtaining powders by solution, it will be most conveniently here described. The article to be powdered is ground in a mortar with a large quantity of liquid, and this is poured oft' into a precipitating jar; after the subsidence of the finest particles, the clear liquid is again returned to the coarser portion, which is ground anew with the liquid. The decantation and collection of the powder are continued till the process is completed. As stated in the beginning of this chapter, the principal effect of solution is shown in overcoming the cohesion of solids, and this is resorted to in obtaining granulated powders from various saline substances. Classification of Solutions. Until the revision of the national standard in 1860, the aqueous and a few of the alcoholic solutions (tinctures) were introduced throughout the work under the heads of the several chemical sub- stances which they contain, an arrangement adhered to in this treatise as most consistent with its plan. The strict alphabetical arrangement of the Pharmacopoeia, and 558 OX SOLUTION AND FILTRATION, the intentional avoidance of a scientific classification, have induced a change in that work by which all aqueous officinal solutions are given under one head, named Liquores. These are classified under several subordinate heads in the syllabus which follows. The waters, including solutions of essential oils and of gases in water, constitute a separate class in the Pharmacopoeia; those con taining solid and liquid essential oils are treated of under that head in this work, but, for obvious reasons, the others are introduced under their several chemical bases. Of the alcoholic, oily, and ethereal solutions, the Pharmacopoeia makes the several classes tinctures, wines, spirits, and liniments, and others, as Fluid Extracts, concentrated by evaporation, with which convenient arrangement this treatise mainly coincides; there is, however, no more familiar and convenient distinction be- tween preparations, whether in solid or liquid form, thau that which divides those derived from plants and parts of plants, from substances of mineral origin ; this distinction, which is not so com- pletely maintained in the Pharmacopoeia, owing to its arrangement as above described, is carried out in the plan of this work. For full directions for the preparation and properties of the solu- tions in water, see the several chemical heads under which they occur in Part III., and the extemporaneous prescriptions in Part VI. General View of the Officinal Solutions. Class 1st. — In Water. {Liquores and Aquo?.) U. S. P. 1st Group. — Made by simple solution. a, of Fixed Bases. Contents, etc. Dose. Properties, etc. Liquor Potassii (2d Process) " Calcis .... H KHO toOj Ca2HO-{-aq., saturated Antacid, Antili* thic. Antacid, Astrin- gent. b, of Salts. Contents, etc. Dose. TT^ v Tr\iij to x Properties, etc. Liquor Barii Chloridi . " Morphiae Sulphatis " Potassii Permangan. " Sodii Arseniatis |j BaCl+f^iij aq gr. j to f ^j aq K 2 Mn 2 8 gr. 64 to aq Oj Na 4 As 2 7 gr. iv to f §j Alterative. Narcotic. Disinfectant. Alterative. 2d Group. — Made by chemical processes. a, of Fixed Bases. Contents, etc. Dose. Properties, etc. Liquor Potassse .... " Sodse 5.8 per cent. KHO 5 7 " NaHO TT\,X r^x Antacid, Anti- iithic. do OFFICINAL SOLUTIONS. Cedents, e- Dose ?::;e:::r; r.: Liquor Ammonii Ace: Dil. Ac -f- Ammon. Carb. "5-- " Arsenici Chloridi . .., : : gi n to fgj : : s :ive. M et E I:.-: Asl 3 -f- HgL, in aq i^v ".: rili . . 5 ".: : 5'.;: " -iz do " Ferri Ch'.oriii . *t. : ; :: f§j 10 T Astringent. ■• Citratifi . . 5 55 Fe-0:Ciinf=j •• Nitratu . . F« S . - in aq "'.- Tonic astring't. " • Sabsulphatu An excess of Fe i l : 1 cans:::. " •• Venolphatis 69 grs. Fe 2 3 in f §j Use! to trr:::. Fe/yU). Hjdrargyi ag sol., sp. gr. 2.1 ura Ung. Hvlr. Nitrat. Iodinii Compc: I gr smss-f-SI gr. xh : - ~ Alterative, re- :'S: s .vent. pfagngm CStratis . 1 Ig . :— Sjrap, etc. 1 bott. Cathai Plumbi Subace: PbO in excess In making lead ■water. " fl ■ ba : e 1 f Jiij to Oj aq Sedative, exter- : llv - 1 . ~ 7 PotasBn Aneniiu gr. iv to f §j (col'd) rr L x •' Citratu . 2KHC0 3 — Ci — aq -5- Refrigerant. " Sods C".:rinata . 4-H ' . U Ferri lodidi .• . -. ■ ; r - 1 . _ _ :. ... :: : 5 syrop T^xv ■Iterative, Con.en.s. eta Dose. 7: ertiee Aqua A >liei . l .:'.:; .-_.. .'. 1 j- i : : eptie. ! . :aici . . in aq ad. lib. irateful vehicle. ■• Chlorinii .... Saturated with CI infectant. •• Ammonias Fortior . 26 per ;-: I\H 3 sp. gr. .900 Caus:. tic. Rubefacient. • Ammonite .... 10 per cent. NH 3 sp. g: Class 2d.—. I . . >'.;.. efe. Contents, etc. : mk i et: _s Ammonias . . . Caustic NH S in Alcohol r L xx As a solvent, etc. Aromaticus Carbonate and Aromatics : O 55 . 1^ stimu- I inet Ferri Chloridi . . Fe„C1 3 in Alcohol ft] XX ronie, Haematic. lodmii .... 3- I : 1 5] Alcohol Z:::::: .7. iis- ient " Comp. . . gr. xv I -f- gr. xxx KI to f§j n\ XV i: ^:::~:::':i >:.: ::..= _ -lit _. ti Camph. and Stim. Oils do stimulant. Class 3d.— In Win*. Contents, efe. I : ;f Properties, efe. '■":--_ ALiiniLii . . gr. ij Tart. Ant. et Pot. : : :z; : o0 Bed --..~r I ia> pfa :retic. •■ Fori Citrate cr Tartrate :-: ; Tonic. Ferri ef Qi Citrate. Quinia, and Iron f#j Tonic. 560 ON SOLUTION AND FILTRATION, Class 4th. — In Ethers. Contents, etc. Dose. Properties, etc. Collodium Liquor Gutta Perchge . Nitrated Cotton in Ether In Chloroform Externally, a ve- hicle. A soothing film. See also Linimenta, Collyria, etc. Filtration and Straining. — The object of this process is to sepa- rate any undissolved or precipitated substance suspended in a liquid from the liquid itself. When the liquid is viscid, and contains only motes of an appreciable size, as, for instance, when a syrup has been prepared from sugar contaminated with insoluble impurities, a sufficient filter may be constructed of flannel or Canton flannel by folding over a square piece in the manner indicated in the figure, the line c d being laid over the line c a, and united by a seam ; the Fig. 185. Fte. 186. Flannel strainer. bag thus formed is pointed at c, and open from a to b, the line a c being lapped over to form the seam. In using this strainer, the long end projecting toward the point 6, beyond the dotted line ef, may be turned over the side of the vessel, by which the strainer will be kept in its place while the liquid is poured into the opening at the top. In small operations this may be superseded by stretching a piece of flannel or other suitable material over the top of a funnel, and pouring the liquid upon it. "With a viscid material this will only partially succeed, especially if the strainer sinks into direct contact with the sides of the funnel. In chemical processes the method of stretching a strainer across a square wooden frame, and suspending this over an open vessel, is resorted to, but without the advantage of pressure which is obtained by the use of the deeper conical bag. Bags of felt may be obtained of the hatters, which are very well adapted to the filtration of oils ; their shape fits them to being sus- pended over the receiving vessel, properly protected from the dust. FILTRATION AND STRAINING, 561 Figs. 187 and 188 represent an apparatus I have been using for sometime past for straining syrups. Fig. 187 is a tin bucket into which a funnel-shaped wire support, Fig. 188, is suspended, resting Fis. 187. Fig. 188. Fis. 189. Apparatus for straining syrups, etc. Physick's jelly strainer. on the bucket by a projecting rim at the top ; a jelly bag is here unnecessary, as a sufficiently large square or round piece of flannel laid upon the wires will assume a convenient position for use. Fig. 189 represents in section a contrivance for straining jellies, attributed to the late Dr. Physick, and made by Isaac S. Williams, of Philadel- phia. A wire support fits into a funnel, which is soldered into a vessel designed to be kept full of hot water, so as to prevent the cooling and thickening of the jelly during straining. Fig. 190 exhibits a filter for fixed oils, also well adapted to viscid liquids and syrups. The upper cylindrical vessel of tinned iron, A, is about 22 inches high and 10 inches in diameter, with a flanch rim soldered on the bottom, of rather less dia- meter and about an inch wide, so as to fit firmly into the open top of another cylin- drical vessel B, of the same diameter, 18 inches high. The upper vessel is furnished with a lid, and with an L-shaped tube and stopcock c, which penetrates the side close to the bottom, and fits into another tube d at e, which tube opens into the lower ves- sel close to its base, and is further secured to B by a tubular stay. The filtering me- dium is a cone of hat felt, projecting up- wards from near the bottom of the lower vessel. This is arranged on a projecting ledge, penetrated with six holes with threads cut in them, in which fit pointed wamer's on Alter. 36 562 ON SOLUTION AND FILTRATION, Tig. 191. thumb-screws with shoulders. On this ring fits a similar one of somewhat less diameter, furnished with corresponding holes, through which the thumb-screws readily pass as far as the shoulders, and are thus capable of binding the two rings closely together. The felt filter, having been cut to the diameter of the vessel, is slipped down so as to rest evenly upon the lower ring, the upper is then placed over it so as to avoid overlapping of the felt, and then the thumb-screws, being pressed through the felt, are securely screwed into the lower ring, which binds the rings so closely as to make a tight joint ; the lower vessel is also supplied with a stop- cock at /to draw off the filtered oil. The stopcock e being closed, the upper vessel is fitted in its place, and the tube joint e rendered tight by wrapping with isinglass plaster; when this is dry the upper vessel is filled with the oil and the stopcock c opened. The apparatus should be placed near a source of heat, so that it may reach 120° F., and as the filtered oil accumulates above the felt, it should be drawn off so as not to retard the process. The advantage is gained in this apparatus of the impurities settling away from the filter rather than accumulating upon it. It is the invention of William B,. Warner, of Philadelphia. One of this size is capable of filtering a barrel of oil in a day. All the advantages of this apparatus may be obtained and the upper vessel done away with, by attaching a pipe to a barrel or any other vessel in which the oil is kept, it having been raised to a shelf or some place high enough to give a pressure adequate to force the oil through. A most useful strainer where large quantities of syrup are to be strained is made of cotton flannel by sewing it into the shape of a long bag, termi- nating in a point, to the inner surface of which at the point a strong tape loop is sewed. When used the larger end is bound securely to a wide-mouthed tin funnel, and this rests upon the top of a tall cylinder of tin, or is supported in a barrel near the top, the loop is drawn up to the top of the funnel and a bar of wood is slipped through it, the ends resting upon the sides of the funnel. In this way a very large extent of filtering surface is ob- tained, which being kept from the cooling effects of the atmos- phere and from currents of air, no loss is sustained by evaporation. The accompanying figure shows a section of this apparatus. This process is called straining, though a kind of filtration. In pharmacy, infusions, decoctions, syrups, fixed oils, and melted ointments are subjected to it in order to separate foreign ingre- dients. They pass through the strainer with much greater facility when quite hot, though in the case of the fixed oils and syrups, clearer products are obtained by conducting the operation in the cold, and by using several thicknesses of flannel, or by employing THE SIPHON". 563 Canton flannel with the nap on the inside. Coarse linen is some- times better than flannel, especially when considerable pressure is to be employed, as in extracting the juice from the pulp in making fruit syrups. Straining differs from clarification in its mechanical action. The latter term is applied where the impurities to be separated are de- posited on account of their greater specific gravity, or by being rendered heavier by the application of heat, or where, by the ad- dition of a foreign substance, they are aggregated together and separated as a coagulum. When the precipitate is heavy, or the coagulum obtained is suffi- ciently compact to be readily removed from the surface, the liquid may be poured off clear, frequently to almost the last drop, by the aid of a precipitation jar. The same object may be attained by the use of a well chosen w r ide-mouth packing Dottle, with a round shoulder, into the concavity of which the precipitate sub- sides, while the liquid is quietly poured off. In separating a clear Fig. 192. Fig. 193. supernatant liquid from a deposited precipitate, or for drawing off liquids from vessels ill adapted to decantation, a siphon (Figs. 192 and 193) may be advantageously employed. The mode of using this instrument is to insert the shorter leg in the liquid, to apply the finger to the open end of the longer leg, and then draw the whole tube full of the liquid by sucking at the mouth-piece ; when this is done, the finger is withdrawn, and the liquid will commence to flow, and continue till it reaches the same level in the receiving vessel that it has in the other. This current is caused by the unequal weight of the columns of liquid in the two limbs of the siphon. An instrument of this kind may be replaced by an ordinary bent tube, one end of which enters a common long-necked farina cologne bottle, at its largest diameter, the bottom having been evenly cracked off. The connec- tion is made tight by a cork perforated to receive the siphon tube, and a shorter one to be used for sucking the air; in filling it, the 564 ON" SOLUTION" AND FILTRATION. mouth of the bottle will then be the orifice through which the liquid will flow out when in action, and must of course be lower than the other leg, immersed in the liquid. The plain siphon (Fig. 193) is constructed by simply bending an ordinary piece of glass tube of the requisite size over a spirit or gas lamp. The inconvenience in its use arises from the difficulty of filling it with the liquid beforehand. It might be filled with water, but that would dilute the preparation. If a small quantity has been already drawn off, the siphon may be filled by inverting it, and pouring into its long end from a graduated measure, then applying the end of the finger to prevent its running out, and in- serting the short limb in the liquid to be drawn off. These instruments are made of glass or metal, or an ordinary flexible tube of elastic gum will serve a good purpose, with the advantage which its flexibility secures of conducting the liquid into any receiver, provided it is lower than the containing vessel. Some further uses of siphons will be found in the Preliminary Chapter on Inorganic Chemicals. Part III. For ordinary aqueous, alcoholic, and ethereal liquids, the process of filtration, employing the term in its more limited sense, is used, the filtering medium being paper. The best filtering paper is made from cotton or linen rags, and is porous and free from any kind of glazing; the kind taken from woollen materials seems better adapted to viscid liquids, being thicker and more porous, but sel- dom free from coloring matter. It is, also, more soluble in alka- line solutions, and unfit for filtering such. Good filtering paper for delicate analytical processes should contain no soluble matter, and should not give more than ^1-$ to 5 |^ of its weight of ashes ; soluble matter, if present, may be removed by washing it, first with very dilute hydrochloric acid, and secondly with distilled water. Fig. 194. Fig. 195. y\ f d\ \c> .d a PLAITED FILTERS. 565 The construction of paper filters is an extremely simple tiling when once learned, and is easily taught the student by a practical demonstration ; it is, nevertheless, a difficult thing to describe clearly without giving to it more space than may appear at first sight due to so small a matter. There are two kinds of paper filters, the plain and plaited ; the latter of which is to be preferred, the chief advantage of the plain filter being where we desire to collect the solid ingredient present in the liquid, and to remove it afterwards from the paper ; owing to its being so readily folded, it is in very common use. # The method of folding the plain filter is similar to the first steps to be taken in folding the plaited filter. In the following descrip- tion I have endeavored to convey an idea of this process. A square piece of filtering paper, abed (Fig. 194), is folded over in the middle, so as to form a crease at the line ef; the edge c d being laid directly over a b. The parallelogram, a b e /, represents the paper thus folded; the line bf being now laid upon the line ae 9 a crease is formed as represented by the line g h (Fig. 195); the folded paper, if opened, makes a cone, having the point h at its base, and by cutting off the projecting angle a, by a curved line from e to g, a plain filter will be the result, as shown in Fig. 196. The plaited filter is made as follows: Take the paper before being cut, as above, and having opened it again so as to expose the parallelogram, the line e h (Fig. 197) is laid upon the line c A, forming a crease at a A. This being opened again, the line e h is laid upon the line a A, producing an additional crease at g h (Fig. 198). The crease j A (Fig. 199) is next to be formed by folding a A upon the middle dotted line (Fig. 199), as shown in Fig. 200. Fig. 196. Tiff. 197 Fig. 198. One-half of the parallelogram having thus been creased, we pro- ceed to form on the other the corresponding creases m A, b A, and k A (Fig. 201), all of which are in one direction, forming receding angles. The next thing to be done is to divide the eight sections thus formed by a crease through each in the opposite direction. To do this, the edge / A is laid on crease b A, and then turned back, as 566 ON SOLUTION AND FILTRATION. shown in Fig. 202, producing the crease n h. In the same way an intermediate crease is formed in each of the spaces. This is better Fig. 199. i\ A Nv • \ *!\ accomplished by turning the paper over, so that each of the receding angles shall project upward, and in this way be more readily brought together, as shown in Fig. 203, producing a receding angle in form- ing the intermediate creases. Fig. 203. The paper will now have the appearance of a fan, represented by Fig. 204, folding it up in each of its creases like a shut fan (Fig. 205). The projecting points, a and b, should be clipped off with a 567 Fig. 205. pair of scissors at the dotted line, so that when introduced into the funnel the filter should not project above its upper edge, otherwise the projecting paper will absorb the liquid by capillary attraction, and induce a constant evaporation, if the liquid be volatile, or prevent the complete washing out of soluble substances. Upon opening the originally doubled halves made by the first fold at e f (Fig. 194), it will be found to present the ap- Fig. 206. pearance indicated in Fig. 206. In the filter, as thus construct- ed, the creases occur alternately, except near the line ef, where the two creases occurring next each other are in the same direction. Sometimes, to obviate this, the space intervening between these is folded backwards, as shown in the figure, so as to make a narrow crease in the opposite direction. The plaited filter, as thus formed, is exceedingly useful for general purposes, exposing the en- tire surface of the paper to the action of the liquid, and favoring its unobstructed passage into the neck of the funnel. A funnel, such as described and figured in the Preliminary Chapter, is employed for supporting a filter of either kind, and is, as there stated, better adapted to ordinary use when grooved on its inner surface, so as to allow the free downward passage of the liquid, after it has permeated the paper, and a groove on the out- 568 ON SOLUTION AND FILTRATION. side of the tube, so that, when inserted tightly into the neck of a bottle, the air within may find ready egress. If the tube of the funnel is smooth and ungrooved, a small plug- get of folded paper, a piece of thick twine, or a small wedge-shaped splinter of wood, should be inserted in the neck of the bottle, along with the tube of the funnel; this will obviate one of the most com- mon annoyances connected with filtration. In filtering into an open vessel, it is well to place the lower ex- tremity of the funnel in contact with the side of the vessel, thus preventing any inconvenience from the liquid splashing on the sides or over the top, and by creating a downward stream, pro- moting the free and rapid passage, of the filtrate. The paper of which the filter is formed, especially if very porous, is liable to be weakened by being plaited as above described ; it is therefore advised not to make the creases firmly down to the very point, but rather to leave the terminus of an undefined shape ; and when there is danger of breakage, either from the great weight of the liquid or from the weakness of the paper at its point, a very small plain filter may be advantageously placed under the point at the lowest extremity of the funnel ; this is called a cap, and acts as a support to the weakest and most exposed part of the filter. Fig. 208. Section of a well formed funnel. Filter support. The proper shape of a funnel for filtration is shown in section at Fig. 207. The lines a b and c b are straight, and a b c and acb are angles of 60°, making an equilateral triangle, into which the filter just described will fit perfectly. In consequence of the unequal degree of firmness of the different creases, some of these are liable to float up from the sides of the funnel, to obviate which a filter weight has been invented, which consists of a wire frame of the shape of the funnel, and with a wire for each crease ; this is laid upon the filter, and keeps it perfectly in its place. Fig. 208 is a filter support adapted to the rapid passage of liquids in filtration ; it, however, requires to be used in connection with an FILTERING OF OILS. 569 open or wide-mouth receiving vessel or a funnel, otherwise the liquid might not be perfectly collected as it passes downwards. The filtration of small quantities of liquid, as in chemical experi- ments, may be performed without a funnel or filter support by in- serting a plain filter directly into the open top of a beaker glass or other open vessel, or into a ring of glass or earthenware laid on top of an open vessel ; a filter of this kind, that w T ill hold one fluid- ounce, will filter many ounces of certain liquids in an hour. When paper filters are of large dimensions, or used for fluids which soften the texture of the paper, or for collecting heavy pow- ders or metallic precipitates, they may be supported on linen or cotton filters of similar shape. This is best done by folding the cloth with the paper, and in the same way as would be done with doubled paper, observing to place them in the funnel so as to be in perfect contact toward the bottom. An ingenious filter, invented by E. Waters, Troy, New York, consists of a circular sheet of paper of double thickness, composed of loose cotton and woollen fibre, and contains a piece of lace about four inches square covering the point of the filter ; this is intro- duced between the sheets wdien they are "couched," so that the pulp unites through the meshes of the lace, and thus effectually overcomes the difficulty of breaking. An additional process dis- covered by the inventor obviates the liability to break at the point by being folded, a difficulty which is increased in proportion to the thickness of the paper. Oils are filtered on a small scale in the way already described for other liquids, but in large quantities may be passed through felt hat bodies, which are to be had in the large cities generally, or through bags of Canton flannel, which are usually made about twelve or fifteen inches in diameter, and from four to eight feet long. These may be inclosed in bottomless casings or bags of coarse canvas, about five to eight inches in diameter, for the purpose of condensing a great extent of filter- ing surface into the smallest possible space. Se- veral of these bags secured on the inside to the bottom of a tinned cistern are inclosed in a closet with suitable arrangements for maintaining a slightly elevated temperature, though this is not always desirable, and the oil is introduced from above, and collected as it passes from the filter. For further particulars on the filtration of oils, etc., see Coolers Cyclopedia of Practical Receipts, London, 1856. In filtering very volatile liquids, particularly in hot weather, some contrivance must be resorted to to prevent evaporation from the wide surface exposed, while, at the same time, the escape of air from the receiving vessel must be provided niter for volatile for. The drawing here given (Fig. 209), from liquids. Fig. 209. 570 ON SOLUTION AND FILTRATION, Mohr & Eedwood, represents an arrangement of the kind. The glass funnel is fitted by a cork into the receiving vessel ; its top is ground to a smooth surface, on which is laid a plate of glass, c ; a little simple cerate will furnish a good luting ; b is a very small glass tube laid down the inside of the funnel between it and the filter, and so twisted at its lower end as to be supported in its place ; this forms a connection between the air below and that above the liquid, without allowing any evaporation. A very generally useful apparatus for this purpose, and for percolation Fig. 210. Filtering and percolating apparatus. also, is the filtering and percolating apparatus of Mr. E. H. Hance, shown in Fig. 210 ; it consists of a cylindrical vessel of glass, stone- ware, or tin, having a lid which can be rendered air-tight, and has a flange near the top upon which the funnel or percolator can rest ; a faucet at the side near the bottom enables the operator to draw ofF the liquid when desirable. The use of a guiding rod in pouring liquid upon a filter is found a great convenience ; a glass rod is well suited to this purpose. The lower extremity is directed against the side of the filter near the apex, while the middle portion is placed against the mouth of the vessel, as shown in the drawing ; by this means the stream is made to fall steadily, and not with too great force, and against the strong- est part of the filter; the liquid being poured is also prevented from running back upon the con- taining vessel, and thus wasting, a very annoying circumstance, which is especially liable to occur when the vessel, whether a flask, a vial, or an evaporating dish, is furnished with no lip, or a very poor one, for pouring, A useful precaution in pouring liquids from bottles may be men- tioned in this connection. It nearly always happens that the last (£^=t§& Pouring with a guiding rod. THE MEDICATED WATERS. 571 drop or two of the liquid being poured remains on the lip of the bottle, and is liable, if the lip is ill formed, to run down the out- side ; this may be obviated by touching the stopper to the edge where the liquid is collected, thus transferring this drop to the end of the stopper previous to inserting it in the neck of the bottle. Much of the filtration in pharmacy has for its object the separa- tion of the insoluble ligneous portions of vegetable medicines, after they have been sufficiently macerated. A practical difficulty in this case is deserving of mention here. If a measured portion, say one pint of liquid, has been macerated with two, four, or six ounces of a vegetable substance for the purpose of making a tincture.or infusion, and, after the proper lapse of time, the whole is thrown upon a filter, the clear liquid that will pass will measure as much less than a pint as the vegetable substance holds by its capillary attraction. In order to obtain the whole quantity desired, some have diluted the filtered liquid till it reached precisely the required measure; but by the discovery of the principle of displacement {see Chapter VI.), it is found that an additional portion of liquid, if presented to the saturated powder, under favorable circumstances, will displace the portion of the original menstruum remaining in its pores. To secure this is more important from the fact that it is usually most highly impregnated with the active principles of the plant ; and, therefore, in transferring the macerated preparation to a filter, the swollen mass of powder should be carefully compacted into the filter, and after the liquid has drained off, a fresh portion of similar liquid should be added till the preparation measures the quantity originally intended. CHAPTER IV. THE MEDICATED WATERS. Aqu^e, U. S. P. (AQUiE Medicate, U. S. P. 1850.) These are generally solutions in water of the essential oils, made by triturating the latter with a third substance (carbonate of mag- nesium, usually), which, either by dividing them mechanically, and thus presenting them to the water under favorable circumstances, or by a chemical union w T ith them, renders them soluble to a limited extent, and imparts their sensible properties to the medicated waters thus formed. A better result is often obtained by mixing the fresh herb with a quantity of waiter in an apparatus for distillation, and allowing them to remain in contact until the water has, to a certain extent, dissolved out the essential oil, extractive matter, coloring principle, etc., and then, by the application of heat, volatilizing the water and the essential oil, and collecting them in a refrigerated receiver. 572 THE MEDICATED WATERS. If the oil is in excess, it will be found, on standing, to collect on the surface of the liquid in the receiver, but a certain amount is retained in solution by the water, imparting to it the fragrance peculiar to the herb employed. There are undoubtedly other vola- tile principles present in odorous plants besides the essential oils, for without exception medicated waters prepared directly from the plant by distillation, possess milder and more pleasant properties than when prepared from the corresponding essential oils. When distilled in tin condensers, these preparations are con- taminated with small portions of the metal, which they deposit by age. (See chapters on Distillation and on Essential or Volatile Oils.) In the preparation of extemporaneous solutions or mixtures, the medicated waters are very convenient ; but where the one required is not at hand, it may generally be substituted by dropping the essential oil on a small piece of sugar, or, if in a mixture contain- ing gum, upon the powdered gum, and triturating with a sufficient quantity of water. The • proportion of the oil used, as shown in the table, is in all cases, excepting that of the bitter almond water and creasote water, one minim (frequently replaced by two drops) of the oil to one fluidounce of the liquid. Aqujb. (Unofficinal in Italics.) First Class. — Prepared by trituration with Carbonate of Magnesium (except Aq. Creasoti), which is afterivards separated by filtration. Officinal name. Proportion. Uses and doses. Aqua acidi carbolici 5jx glycerite of carb. acid in Oj Antiseptic. " camphorse gij to Oij = 2.13 grains to fgj Variously used, f 5jss. " amygdalae amarse v\ xvj oil to Oij = 1 drop to f t |j Nervous sedative, f^ss. " anisi Tt\, xv oil to Oj = 2 drops to f 3g Aromatic adjuvant, f ^j " cinnamomi do. = do. do. do. " foeniculi do. = do. do. do. " menthse piperita do. = do. do. do. " " viridis do. = do. do. do. " creasoti f 5j to Oj = 6 drops to f 3J Antiseptic, f gij, and as a lotion. " chlorinii f §j should oxidize gr. x FeS0 4 7H 2 Second Class. — Prepared by distillation from the drug which has been macerated in water. Officinal name. Proportion. Uses and doses. ' Aqua rosse §xij to Oiv, distil. Oij Vehicle in collyria. " sambuci ffiiss to Oiiss, distil. Oss do. do. " aurantii florum §xij to Oiv, distil. Oij Sedative adjuvant, f^ss. " lauro-cerasi ffij to Oiiss, distil. Oj Nerv. sedative, f5ss to f^j. " cinnamomi 3xviij to Cong, ij, distil. Cong, j Adjuvant, sweet taste, f^j. " foeniculi do. do. do. little used, do. " menthae piperitse do. do. Elegant carminative, do. " " viridis do. do do. do. do. THE MEDICATED WATERS. 573 "Working Formulas from the U. S. Pharmacopeia. Aqua Acidi Carbolici, U. S. P. (Carbo-lic Acid Water.) Take of Carbolic acid, ten fluidrachms. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. Mix the glycerite of carbolic acid with a sufficient quantity of distilled water to make the mixture measure a pint. Aqua Amygdala? Amara?, IT. S. P. (Bitter Almond Water.) Take of Oil of bitter almond, sixteen minims. Carbonate of magnesium, sixty grains. Distilled water, two pints. Bub the oil, first with the carbonate of magnesium, then with the water, gradually added, and filter through paper. Aqua Anisi, U. S. P. (Anise Water.) Take of Oil of anise, half a nuidrachm. Carbonate of magnesium, sixty grains. Distilled water, two pints. Rub the oil first with the carbonate of magnesium, and then with the water, gradually added, and filter through paper. Aqua Cinnamomi, U. S. P. (Cinnamon Water.) Take of Oil of cinnamon, half a nuidrachm. Carbonate of magnesium, sixty grains. Distilled water, two pints. Pub the oil, first with the carbonate 01 magnesium, then with the water, gradually added, and filter through paper. Aqua Fceniculi, U. S. P. (Fennel Water.) Take of Oil of fennel, half a nuidrachm. Carbonate of magnesium, sixty grains. Distilled water, two pints. Rub the oil, first with the carbonate of magnesium, then with the water, gradually added, and filter through paper. Aqua Mentha? Piperita?, U. S. P. (Peppermint Water.) Take of Oil of peppermint, half a nuidrachm. Carbonate of magnesium, sixty grains. Distilled water, two pints. Rub the oil, first with the carbonate of magnesium, then with the water, gradually added, and filter through paper. Aqua Mentha? Viridis, U. S. P. (Spearmint Water.) Take of Oil of spearmint, half a nuidrachm. Carbonate of magnesium, sixty grains. Distilled water, two pints. Rub the oil, first with the carbonate of magnesium, then with the water, gradually added, and filter through paper. 574 THE MEDICATED WATERS. Aqua Camphorce, IT. S. P. (Camphor Water.) Take of Camphor, one hundred and twenty grains. Alcohol, forty minims. Carbonate of magnesium, half a troyounce. Distilled water, two pints. Bub the camphor, first with the alcohol, then with the carbonate of magnesium, and lastly with the water, gradually added ; then filter through paper. In making camphor water, the chief point to be observed is to secure the complete division of the camphor ; this is accomplished by triturating it with alcohol, which brings it into a pasty mass; this mass must now be brought completely between the triturating surfaces of the pestle and mortar, for if any portion escapes it will be lumpy and granular, and not in a favorable condition for solu- tion. The carbonate of magnesium may be triturated with the moist camphor before it has passed into the condition of a powder, and after thorough incorporation the whole may be passed through a fine sieve ; the water is then gradually added. The undissolved carbonate and camphor should be thrown on the filter with the first portion of the liquid, so that it may be percolated by the liquid during its filtration. A simple test for the waters prepared with carbonate of mag- nesium is a small portion of calomel triturated with the water in question. If made with carbonate of magnesium, a portion of the calomel is reduced to black oxide, showing with the calomel a brownish color; no such change takes place with distilled waters. Aqua Acidi Carbonici. (See page 149, Carbonic Acid.) Aqua Chlorinii. (See page 133, under head of Preparations of Chlorine.) Aqua Creasoti, TJ. S. P. (Creasote "Water.) Take of Creasote, a fluidrachm. Distilled water, a pint. Mix them, and agitate the mixture until the creasote is dissolved. Creasote water is a new officinal in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia of 1860; the comparative solubility of the oil in water obviates the necessity for trituration as in the other instances. Creasote is adapted to both internal and external use in a great variety of cases detailed in works on therapeutics and the practice. This preparation is stronger than the creasote water heretofore in gene- ral use, and though adapted to many external applications, it should be somewhat diluted for use internally, as in excessive nausea, for which it is in much esteem. REMARKS ON SECOND CLASS. (See Chapter on Distillation.) Hose-water is very much employed in prescription for the prepa- ration of solutions of nitrate of silver, as a substitute for distilled water. It should be remembered, however, that it is not as de- sirable a solvent for the silver salt as pure distilled water. This DISTILLED WATERS. Did practice may have arisen from the comparative scarcity of distilled water in former times-, while distilled rose-water was easily ob- tained. It is liable to undergo a change, depositing a sediment, and becoming quite sour if long kept, especially in warm weather. On this account, and in consequence of the greater facility and cheapness of the process, some pharmacists make rose-water in the same way as the other medicated waters, by triturating the oil or attar of rose with magnesia, and then with water, and afterwards filtering. The jjroportions usually employed are four drops of the oil to a pint of water; when made in this way, however, it is not so well adapted to the uses above mentioned, though suitable for flavoring pastry. The Pharmacopoeia directs that 48 troyounces recent pale rose and 16 pints of water be mixed, and 8 pints be distilled off. It is important in making it by this process to guard against confounding the genuine attar of rose with oil of rose geranium, and other substitutes. The most conspicuous instance of the superiority of distilled over ordinary triturated medicated waters, is furnished by cinna- mon-water, which, when made by distilling from Chinese or Ceylon cinnamon, possesses a decidedly sweet taste, while that from the vola- tile oil is more pungent, and destitute of sweetness to the palate. The Distilled Water of Elder Flowers is a very delicate vehicle for saline substances in solution for collyria. It is much used in Europe, but is seldom kept by our pharmacists, rose-water being used for the same purpose. Orange-flower Water. — A well-known and delightful perfume, im- ported from France and Italy, and obtained by distillation from the flowers of the bitter orange tree. It is one of the most agree- able of flavors for medicinal preparations, though, until recently, confined almost entirely to the purposes of the perfumer. This is sometimes imitated by dissolving the oil of neroli of commerce in water, which furnishes a poor substitute for the true article. Ac- cording to Gobly, this sophistication may be detected by the dis- tilled water of orange-flower producing a rose color on the addition of 1 part of sulphuric and 2 nitric acid to 3 of water. Its sedative effects, which are not generally known in this country, and not no- ticed in our works on materia medica, adapt it especially to use in nervous affections. In doses of a tablespoonful it is found to allay nervous irritability and produce refreshing sleep. The same propor- tions and method are directed for this preparation as for rose-water. Peach Water, which is chiefly used as a flavor in cooking, is made by a similar process from the leaves of the Persica Vulgaris s. Amyg- dalis Persica. It is generally superseded, though not without dis- advantage, by the officinal aqua amygdalce amarce. Cherry-laurel Water, officinal in some of the European Pharma- copoeias, is directed to be made by distilling one pound of fresh- bruised leaves of cherry-laurel with water till one pint (Imperial measure) of the distilled water is obtained. To this the Edinburgh College directs the addition of an ounce of comp. spt. of lavender, 576 ON MACERATION AND THE INFUSIONS. to distinguish it in color from common water. This preparation is recently much prescribed, in doses of thirty minims to a fluidrachm, as a sedative narcotic. It contains a varying proportion of hydro- cyanic acid, and deteriorates very much by keeping. The custom of substituting for this preparation the officinal water of bitter- almonds is most unwarrantable, as the difference in composition and strength might lead to great inconvenience and disappointment. The mode of distinguishing them recommended is to add ammonia, which in bitter almond water produces a dense milkiness, while in cherry-laurel water it produces, after a time, only a slight turbidity. In view of the impossibility of obtaining cherry-laurel water fresh and reliable, I have adopted the following recipe for its artificial preparation, suggested by W. H. Pile : — Take of Diluted hydrocyanic acid, TJ. S. P f gj. Ess. oil of bitter almonds "n\iij. Alcohol f^iij- Water fgiiss.— M. The distilled water of wild-cherry tree leaves has been recommended as a substitute for cherry-laurel water, and if found by experience to correspond in its properties with the imported article, might be well substituted for it in the United States, where this tree is indi- genous and generally diffused. Under the name of Aqua Tiliaz a distilled water is used in Europe, obtained from the flowers and bracts of Tilia JEuropea, and con- siderably used as an adjuvant, mostly in diuretic and diaphoretic mixtures. The tree being naturalized in the United States, it would be easy to render it and probably our native linden useful in this form. All the waters directed to be made by triturating their respective oils with carbonate of magnesium and water are directed by an alternative process to be prepared by distillation from the respective drugs, using, in every case but one, 18 troyounces of the drug, 16 pints of water, and distilling 8 pints. The exception is that of anise water, where 10 troyounces are used to the same quantity of menstruum, and 8 pints of distillate are to be obtained. CHAPTER V. ON MACERATION AND THE INFUSIONS. Theee is a well recognized difference between the solutions treated of in the last two chapters, most of them effected by che- mical processes, by simple contact of soluble materials with their appropriate solvents, and those now to be brought into view. Organized vegetable structures, plants, and parts of plants, com- posed of proximate principles of varying solubility, some of which it is desirable to secure in the solutions formed, while others are to be rejected, require different and less ready modes of treatment. ON MACERATION AND THE INFUSIONS. 577 As in the previous instances the reduction of the material to a more or less fine condition is the first step toward its preparation in a liquid form ; after this the liquid, which in this case is called the menstruum, is to be brought into favorable contact with it. When the quantity of the medical agent is small in comparison with the menstruum, as in most of the infusions, and where rapidity is not an object, the process of maceration is chiefly re- sorted to. This is accomplished in a covered queensware vessel, a common pitcher or bowl, for instance, or sometimes in a tin cup or measure, care being taken, in the case of as- tringent infusions, to avoid the use of a defective tin or an iron vessel. Maceration consists in pouring the liquid upon the medicinal substance previously bruised or coarsely pow- dered, and allowing it to stand for a greater or less period of time ac- cording to circumstances. The longest period directed in the Phar- macopoeia for infusions is twenty- four hours, as in the case of infusion of tar ; the shortest, ten minutes, as in the case of infusion of chamomile. In preparing tinctures, wines, vine- gars, etc., seven or fourteen days are generally prescribed. Infusions are conveniently pre- pared in a vessel made for the pur- pose, here figured, called Alsop's infusion mug, which contains a per- forated diaphragm, b, near the top, on which the substance to be macerated is placed ; the liquid is introduced so as barely to cover Section of Alsop's infusion mug. Section of Squire's infusion pot. this, reaching, perhaps to the line, e; a circulation is thus induced and continued in the liquid, by which the least impregnated por- 578 ON MACERATION AND THE INFUSIONS. tions are brought constantly in contact with the drug, and the most completely saturated portion, by greater specific gravity, sinks to the bottom. Squire's Infusion Pot is an improvement on Alsop's ; it is a neat pharmaceutical implement adapted to making the galenical liquid preparations generally. In Fig. 213, we have a section, B and D, being two cup-shaped perforated diaphragms, either of which may be used at pleasure. The vessel must be of such capacity that the substance placed on the diaphragm shall be under the surface of the liquid when properly filled. A modification of this is used in some large establishments for the preparation of tinctures ; it has many advantages over ordinary apparatus for maceration, and is not unlike displacement in the beauty and efficiency of the prepa- rations made in it. Fig. 214. In preparing large quantities of tinctures or infusions by macera- tion, there is considerable loss of the saturated liquid unless a suitable press is used to obtain the last portions. The pattern, ON MACERATION AND THE INFUSIONS. 579 Fig. 214, which is sold by Bullock & Crenshaw, of Philadelphia, price $10, is among the best in the market. It is substantial, and permits the application of considerable force. The frame is oak, 3 J inches square. The hopper is made of strong oak pieces separated J inch from each other — the pieces are firmly held together by two broad iron bands, through which a screw passes into each piece, securing it in its place. The hopper is 11 inches high, and 8 inches in diameter, having a capacity of 3 gal- lons — it stands upon a circular base of oak, which is grooved to receive and collect the expressed liquid, and has a lip to discharge it. The screw is iron, with square thread, 1J- inch diameter, and passes through a heavy iron casting. Both the iron head-piece and the support for the hopper are let into the oak uprights, and secured by heavy iron bolts. In using the press, a press bag, having about the diameter of the hopper, should be used — the bag should be made of strong canvas of an open texture ; or the hopper may be lined with clean straw, Fig. 215 Clothes-wringer press. after the manner of the cider press. The hopper, being opened at both ends, and movable, is readily cleared of its contents and cleansed. Jenk's Kitchen Press is a smaller and cheaper kind, sold by the 580 ON MACERATION AND THE INFUSIONS. dealers in housekeeping articles, at a price varying from $1.75 for five-inch cylinders to $3 for eight-inch cylinders. Fig. 215 exhibits an apparatus lately invented, and largely used as a household convenience for wringing clothes, and well adapted to straining infusions, or the pulpy masses of crushed fruit, from which the juice is to be extracted. This apparatus is designed to be secured, when in use, upon a cedar tub or other convenient receptacle, by means of the upright wooden lever E F, which is connected by means of a galvanized iron crosspiece E, so constructed as to be lengthened or shortened at pleasure, with the body of the apparatus. To secure the lever tightly to the receptacle, the thumb-screw D is arranged to work upon the upper part of the machine. The pressing surfaces are two cylinders B B, covered with thick gum-elastic, the pressure of which upon each other is regulated by a wooden spring, not shown in the drawing, and by the screws G C, which play upon a mov- able beam above the springs. The force is applied by a crank and two cogwheels, which equalize the movement of the cylinders, a peculiarity of this machine, which gives it advantages over a kind of more simple construction. It is found that without this arrange- ment, one of the cylinders is apt to wear out before the other. The operation of this press is very simple and effectual ; the mass to be pressed is diffused through a square canvas bag, which must be very strong, and drawn steadily between the rollers, moved by the crank; the liquid is very effectually expressed, and runs into the receiving vessel. This apparatus has been found particularly useful in pressing the juice from strawberries, currants, and similar fruits, and is used on a great scale in sugar refineries, for the " wringing out" of the felt strainers. Digestion differs from maceration in being confined to elevated temperatures, yet below the boiling point of the menstruum ; as the term is generally employed, it means maceration, with continued application of heat, and is nearly synonymous with "simmering." The term infusion includes both maceration in its more limited sense and digestion. It is often applied to the ordinary mode of making infusions, which is to pour the hot liquid on the bruised drug, and allow it to remain until cool. In a recipe worded with due regard to accuracy, if we are directed to macerate for any given time, we infer that cold infusion is intended ; if to digest, we under- stand that hot infusion is desired. In making tinctures, digestion, though seldom directed, is ofter very useful, particularly where rapidity is an object, and where we wish to form a very concentrated preparation. These and infusions should be strained while hot, and dispensed together with the pre- cipitate formed on cooling, which is a sparingly soluble compound frequently containing their active principles. Of the proximate principles of plants, it may be remarked that hot water has the property of dissolving the starch, and cold water the vegetable albumen, and both dissolve the gum, sugar, extractive, and other principles liable to fermentation; the absence of any DIGESTION. 581 antiseptic in infusions and decoctions renders them extremely prone to undergo change on exposure to the atmosphere. When it is desirable to preserve these aqueous solutions for a longer period than a day or two, they should be bottled while hot, the bottle being filled completely and corked tightly, so as to ex- clude the air, and then set aside in a cold place in an inverted position. The addition of j- to ^ quantity of alcohol, or of some tincture not interfering with the medical properties of the infusion, is recommended where not objectionable. The officinal compound infusion of gentian and infusion of digitalis are rendered permanent preparations by this means. The infusion of wild-cherry bark will keep for some dajs without any addition, owing to the antiseptic influence of hydrocyanic acid which it contains. The following substances should not be prescribed mixed with or dissolved in infusions, being incompatible with one or more of the proximate principles usually present in them : Tartrate of antimony and potassium, corrosive chloride of mercury, nitrate of silver, acetate and subacetate of lead; in some cases, the alkalies, lime- water, and tincture of galls, and, in the instance of astringent in- fusions, the salts of iron. When mixed with either of the tinctures made with strong alcohol, a resinous precipitate is deposited from the tincture, and the mixture, if strained, loses much of its activity; the same is the fact, to a less extent, with many of the tinctures made with diluted alcohol. Many of the infusions which are clear when freshly prepared, become turbid soon after by the deposition of vegetable albumen, apotheme, and other insoluble principles; these precipitates are likely to carry down with them a portion of the active ingredients. The infusions of cinchona prepared by maceration with hot water do not become clear, even by filtration through paper. Infusions made by maceration may frequently be poured off clear from the vessel in which they were prepared, leaving the dregs in the bottom; this, however, is always attended with the loss of the last portion of the liquid; they may be strained through a muslin or flannel strainer, and, by using a little force in expressing the dregs, very nearly the whole portion of liquid may be obtained, or this may be done more satisfactorily, by displacement, in filtering them. This class of medicinal preparations is one of the least elegant in use, and is mainly confined, in the United States, to domestic prac- tice. Even when prescribed by physicians, the infusions are gene- rally made by the nurse or attendant upon the sick, rather than by the pharmacist. The infusions of cinchona bark, infusion of digi- talis, compound infusion of gentian, and compound infusion of roses, form the chief exceptions to this. The process of percolation, treated of in the next chapter, is ap- plied with great advantage to some of these preparations, and, in a majority of cases, the substitution of cold water for hot, and of percolation for maceration or digestion, is found to produce a more 582 ON MACERATION AND THE INFUSIONS. elegant and equally efficient infusion, and one which, from con- taining less coloring matter, fee ula, resinous, and other inert prin- ciples, keeps better, and is more acceptable to the stomach. When an infusion is intended as an emetic draught, or to pro- mote the operation of emetics, or as a diaphoretic, it is usually given while hot, and, of course, to all such cases the above remark does not apply. ~Nor is it equally applicable to the demulcent infu- sions of flaxseed and buchu, although the former may be made very well with cold water, and is then less oily in its character. The general dose of infusions is f §ij, or a wineglassful, frequently repeated. This is to be varied in the case of infusion of senna, compound infusion of flaxseed, and others, in which a much larger quantity may be taken at a draught. There are two of the officinal infusions which it would be im- proper to give in the above general dose; these are infusion of digi- talis and infusion of capsicum, the doses of which are specially stated in the syllabus. SYLLABUS OF INFUSIONS. Infusa, U. S. P First Group. — One Troyounce to a pint. Infusum cinchonse flavse, Cold water -j- arom. sulphuric ) m • acid f 5J. J ° mC * «< " rubrse, Cold water -f- arom. sulphuric \ m . acidfsjj. J omc ' a cascarillse, Cold water (or boiling). Stimulant ; tonic. a eupatorii, Boiling water. Tonic ; diaph. emet. (hot) it kramerise, Cold water. Astringent. (< juniperi, Boiling water. Diuretic. it pareirse, Boiling water. Diuretic. tt buchu, Boiling water. Demulcent;* diuretic. «< sennae, Boiling water -j- coriander 5J- Cathartic. Seconi o Group. — Half a Troyounce to a pint. Infusum calumbse, Cold water (or boiling). Tonic. angusturse, Cold water, do. Stimulant ; tonic. " serpentarise, Cold water, do. Tonic. " pruni Virginianse, Cold water. Tonic ; nerv. sedative. << anthemidis, Boiling water. Tonic ; emetic when hot. «< humuli, Boiling water. Tonic ; mild narcotic. a catechu comp., Boiling water -f- cinnamon, 5j« Astringent. tt salvias, Boiling water. Aromatic ; astringent. « capsici, Boiling water. Stimulant. Dose, §ss. <( Valerianae, Cold water (or boiling). Stimulant; antispasmodic. it zingiberis, Boiling water. Carminative. tt lini comp., Boiling water+liquorice root, j Demulcent# 3'J- / Boiling water. Anthelmintic. it spigeliae, it gentianae comp., Cold water -|- alcohol, Jij, bit- 1 ter orange-peel, 5J> cor ^" a Tonic, ander, 5j- J T hird Group. — Proportions varied. Infusum caryophylli, 5'j to Oj boiliug water. Stimulant. " quassias, gij to Oj cold water. Tonic. it rhei, %ii to Oss boiling water. Cathartic. nfusum digitalis, << tabaci, " taraxaci, << rosae comp., " picis liquidae INFUSION'S. 583 3J to Oh boiling water + \ ^ rcoti ^ ^^ f gy. tmct. cinnamon, i 5j. j ^ J %) to Oj boiling water. Sedative inj. in hernia, ^ij to Oj boiling water. Diuretic. See formula. Adjuvant ; astringent, do. Expectorant ; tonic. As illustrations of the mode of preparing the foregoing infusions, the following officinal forms are selected: — With Boiling Water. Infusum Taraxaci, U. S. P. Take of Dandelion, bruised, two troyounces. Boiling water, a pint. Macerate for two hours in a covered vessel, and strain. Infusum Rosce Compositum, U. S. P. Take of Bed rose, half a troyounce. Diluted sulphuric acid, three fluidrachms. Sugar, in coarse powder, a tro} T ounce and a half. Boiling water, two pints and a half. Pour the water upon the rose in a covered glass or porcelain vessel; then add the acid, and macerate for half an hour. Lastly, strain the liquid, and in it dissolve the sugar. Compound infusion of rose is said to be an excellent addition to Epsom salts in solution for overcoming its bitterness. With Cold Water. Infusum Cinchonas Hubrce, IT. S. P. Take of Red cinchona, in moderately fine powder, a troyounce. Aromatic sulphuric acid, a fluidrachm. Water, a sufficient quantity. Mix the acid with a pint of water. Then moisten the powder with half a fluidounce of the mixture, and, having packed it firmly in a conical glass percolator, gradually pour upon it the remainder of the mixture, and afterwards water, until the filtered liquid mea- sures a pint. Infusum Cinchonce Flavm, IT. S. P. Substitute cinchona flava, and proceed as in last formula. Infusum Pruni Virginiance, IT. S. P. Take of Wild-cherry bark, in moderately coarse powder, half a troyounce. Water, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder with six fluidrachms of water, let it stand for an hour, pack it gently in a conical glass percolator, and gradu- ally pour water upon it until the filtered liquid measures a pint. 584 ON MACERATION AND THE INFUSIONS. Infusum GentiancB Composition, U. S. P.* Take of Gentian, in moderately coarse powder, half a troyounce. Bitter orange peel, in moderately coarse powder, Coriander, in moderately coarse powder, each, sixty grains. Alcohol, two fluidounces. "Water, a sufficient quantity. Mix the alcohol with, fourteen fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the mixed powders with three fluidrachms of the men- struum, pack them firmly in a conical percolator, and gradually pour upon them, first, the remainder of the menstruum, and afterwards water, until the filtered liquor measures a pint. Infusum Picis Liquidce, U. S. P. ( Tar water.) Take of Tar, a pint. Water, four pints. Mix them, and shake the mixture frequently during twenty-four hours. Then pour off the infusion, and filter through paper. This is a new officinal in the edition of the Pharmacopoeia for 1860, being placed under a different head from that to which com- mon consent has heretofore assigned it. It is a useful preparation, and much in request as a remedy in pectoral affections. With either Cold or Hot Water. Infusum Valerianae, U. S. P. Take of Valerian, in moderately coarse powder, half a troyounce. Water, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder with, two fluidrachms of water, pack it firmly in a conical percolator, and gradually pour water upon it until the filtered liquid measures a pint. This infusion may also be prepared by macerating the valerian with a pint of boiling water, for two hours, in a covered vessel, and straining. Unoffictnal. Dr. Mettauer's Aperient Take of Aloes (soc.) £v. Bicarb, sodium ^xj. Valerian (contused )f §j. Water Oj. Comp. spirit of lavender f^vj. Make an infusion by maceration or percolation. * Compound Infusion of Gentian is liable to separate a pectine-like precipitate, by- standing, which interferes with its being dispensed conveniently. It is also rather bulky, which suggests its being prepared in the following concentrated form for ex- temporaneous dilution, as proposed by J. T. Shinn : — Take of Gentian powder, two ounces. Orange-peel powder, Coriander powder, each, a half ounce. Diluted alcohol, sufficient to make one pint. By percolation, make a pint, of which one part is to be added to three of water to make the compound infusion, t Some recipes omit the valerian. INFUSIONS. 585 Dose. — A tablespoonful containing about 9 grs. aloes, 20 of bicarb. of sodium, and 14 of valerian. As a laxative for constipation, etc. Mistura Aloes Composita. — I. J. Grahame. Recommended as a substitute for compound decoction of aloes of the British Pharmacopceias. Take of Extract of liquorice i ounce. Liquorice-root in moderately fine powder . 1£ ounce. Carbonate of potassium 1 drachm. Aloes, myrrh, and saffron, in moderately fine powder, each H drachm. Compound tincture of cardamom .... 6^ fluidounces. Distilled water 18 fluidounces. Rub well together the aloes, myrrh, and carbonate of potassium; add the remaining powder, and mix all intimately. Having mixed the water and compound tincture of cardamom, pour of this liquid on the compound powder, sufficient to dampen it ; pack moderately in a suitable displacer, and having placed over the surface a piece of perforated filtering paper, pour on the remainder of the liquid, and when it has ceased to pass, add water sufficient to make the nitrate measure in all twenty-four fluidounces. A clear, rich, red- dish-brown liquid. {Transactions Md. Col. Phar., 1858.) Elixir Clauderi. Take of Carbonate of Potassium gj. Aloes gij. Guaiacum gij. Myrrh gij. Saffron ^ij. Rhubarb (contused) gij. Water fsxviij. Macerate a few days and decant. Dose. — A tablespoonful. The concentrated infusions, of which several are in common use in England, properly belong to the class of fluid extracts, and under that head a recipe will be found for infusum cinchonas spissatum, of the London Pharmacopoeia. ParrisKs Cider Mixture. Take of Juniper berries, Mustard seed, Ginger, each 2 ounces. Horseradish, Parsley root, each 4 ounces. Cider 1 gallon. Macerate for a week and strain, or make by displacement, adding a little alcohol if designed to be kept long. Dose. — A wineglassful three times a day, increased at discretion. In dropsy. 586 ON MACERATION" AND THE INFUSIONS. Black Draught. Take of Senna ^ss. Sulphate of magnesium gj. Manna |j. Fennel seed gj. Boiling water f ^viij. Macerate in a covered vessel till the liquid cools. Dose. — One-third, to be repeated every four or five hours till it operates. JPhysick's Medicated Lye, or Alkaline Solution. Take of Hickory ashes '..... ^viij. Soot §j. * Water Cong. j. Digest for twenty-four hours and strain. Dose. — A wineglassful. . In dyspepsia. Processes Eequiring Heat. The generation and application of heat in pharmacy having been specially treated of as far as deemed necessary, we proceed to the consideration of the processes of decoction, evaporation, distillation, etc., and of the galenical preparations in which they are necessary. Decoction, or boiling, is a process to be applied with care to vege- table substances in contact with water. Although boiling water, from its being permeated by steam, and from its being of less spe- cific gravity, is more penetrating and dissolves many principles which resist the action of water at a lower temperature, it is, never- theless, liable to disadvantages as a menstruum for the preparation of solutions from plants and parts of plants. The boiling points of liquids, although constant under precisely the same circumstances, vary on account of increased or diminished atmospheric pressure, the greater or less depth of the liquid, and the nature of the containing vessel. Fluids boil at a lower tempera- ture and more quietly in vessels with rough surfaces than in those which are polished ; in glass vessels, especially, they display a ten- dency to irregularity of ebullition, and the boiling point of water, which, under ordinary circumstances, is at 212° F., rises sometimes as high as 221° in a vessel of smooth glass. The boiling points of infusions rise in proportion to the amount of contained vegetable matter, and there appears to be a difference between the apparent temperature of a boiling solution, and the actual heating or scorching influence to which it is subjected by contact with the bottom and sides of the containing vessel. The steam generated at the point of contact being under heavy pressure in deep vessels, and temperature rising in proportion to pressure, it may be supposed at the moment of its formation to be much hotter than 212°, and if the portion of liquid immediately in con- tact with the heated vessel contains substances in solution liable to be burnt, such a result may occur during the moment consumed in PROCESSES REQUIRING HEAT. 587 converting any portion into steam. In this way we may account for the well known injurious effect of boiling, upon vegetable infu- sions. Starch is a proximate principle, present in a 'large number of vegetables ; being inert and soluble in water at a boiling tempera- ture, it adds to the viscidity of decoctions, and renders them disa- greeable to the patient, without adding to their medicinal activity. The extractive matter is more freely soluble in hot than in cold water, but the boiling temperature applied under ordinary circum- stances produces the decomposition of this and other vegetable principles, or so modifies them as to impair their efficiency. The access of air seems to promote this result, and hence boiling in a covered vessel is preferable, except where the quantity of the solu- tion is to be reduced by the process. In this case, by conducting the operation in a still, the surface of the liquid may he kept covered by the vapor, almost to the exclusion of the air. A substance called apotheme, or oxidized extractive, is also deposited by vegetable solutions on boiling with access of air ; this may carry with it a portion of the active principles, and should not be rejected from the preparation. If the plant under treatment contains a volatile oil or other vola- tile principle which it is desirable to retain in the decoction, long boiling is inadmissible, especially in an open vessel. Vegetable decoctions, if strained while hot, generally deposit a portion of insoluble matter on cooling, which may or may not con- tain active ingredients ; but it is generally advisable to retain the precipitate and diffuse it through the liquid, stirring or shaking it up before taking each dose. The proximate principle called vegetable albumen, which is soluble in cold water and alcohol, is coagulable at a boiling tem- perature, and hence is removed from decoctions on straining them. The existence of starch and tannic acid together, in a vegetable substance, forbids the long-continued application of a boiling tem- perature, especially during exposure to the air, as a tannate of starch is formed which is insoluble, and comparatively inert. The state of division of the drug is among the most important points to be observed in preparing decoctions ; if too coarse, it is liable to be imperfectly extracted, while, by being too finely divided, it is rendered difficult to separate on the strainer. In preparing decoc- tions of the vegetable astringents, the use of an iron or rusted tin vessel is to be avoided on account of the inky tannate of iron being formed. In making decoctions the ebullition should not be violent or long continued, as simmering answers every purpose of hard boiling. If the drug contains an essential oil or other volatile principle, the vessel should be covered. 588 ON MACERATION AND THE INFUSIONS. OFFICINAL DECOCTIONS. Decocta, TJ. S. Name. Proportions. Medical Properties. Decoctum chimaphilae gj to Oj Alterative, diaphoretic. (< uvse ursi do. Astringent, diuretic. (< dulcamarse do. Sedative, alterative. << hgematoxyli do. Astringent. a quercus alb. do. do. Externally. <« cinch, flav. do. Tonic. (« " rub. do. do. << cornus floridse do. do. «( senegse do. Acrid expectorant. it hordei do. Nutritive, diet. (( cetrariae |;ss to Oj Tonic, demulcent. a sarsaparilla comp. (see Formula) §iss to Oj Alterative. it aloes comp., Br. P. (see Formula) gr. 12 to f §xxx Aperient, emmenagogue. REMARKS ON THE DECOCTIONS. The dose of the decoctions is the same as of the infusions, from flij to Oj, or may be generally stated at one pint in divided por- tions. Care has been taken by the framers of the Pharmacopoeia to select for this form of preparation those drugs least liable to deteri- oration by exposure to the influence of heat and the atmosphere. To this remark the decoctions of cinchona seem exceptions ; these are even more objectionable than the hot infusions, letting fall a copious precipitate on cooling, which is apt to contain most of the alkaloids. They are improved by the addition of a little aromatic sulphuric acid, and should always be strained while hot, and shaken up when about to be administered. Chimaphila and uva ursi are well adapted to this form of prepa- ration, the coriaceous surface of the leaves having a tendency to resist the action of water at a lower temperature. The decoction of senega is almost superseded by the syrup, which is a far more agree- able preparation, and is efficient in a much smaller dose. The formula for the preparation of these is so nearly uniform, that with the exceptions of decoctions of pearl barley, decoction of Iceland moss, and compound decoction of sarsaparilla, given sepa- rately, it may be thus stated : — Take of (the bruised drug), a troyounce. Water, a sufficient quantity. Boil the (bruised drug) in a pint of water for fifteen minutes, strain, and add sufficient water, through the strainer, to make the decoction measure a pint. Decoctum Cetrarice, U. S. (Decoction of Iceland Moss.) Take of Iceland moss, half a troyounce. Water, a sufficient quantity. DECOCTIONS. 589 Boil the Iceland moss in a pint of water for fifteen minutes, strain with compression, and add sufficient water, through the strainer, to make the decoction measure a pint. Decoctum Sarsaparillce Composition, U. S. {Compound Decoction of Sarsaparilla.) Ph. Br. Take of Sarsaparilla, sliced and bruised, six troyounces. 10 oz. Bark of sassafras root, sliced, 1 oz. Guaiacum wood, rasped, 1 oz. Liquorice root, bruised, each, a troyounce. 1 oz. Mezereon, sliced, one hundred and eighty grains. 240 grs. Water, a sufficient quantit}^ Ovj imp. Macerate with four pints of water for twelve hours (one hour, Ph. Br.); then boil for a quarter of an hour (ten minutes, Ph. -Br.), strain, and add sufficient water, through the strainer, to make the decoction measure four pints. Compound decoction of sarsaparilla, which is an imitation of the celebrated Lisbon diet drink, is also officinal in some other Pharma- copoeias, and is much more extensively used in foreign countries than with us. It is often used along with or after a mercurial course. Decoctum Hordei, U. S. {Decoction of Barley.) Take of Barley, two troyounces. Water, a sufficient quantity. Having washed away the extraneous matters which adhere to the barley, boil it with half a pint of water for a short time, and throw away the resulting liquid. Then, having poured on it four pints of boiling water, boil down to two pints, and strain. Decoctum hordei, called barley-water, is peculiar in its mode of preparation, the directions requiring that the decorticated seeds, called pearl barley, as above, should be washed with cold water to separate -extraneous matters, then boiled for a short time in a small portion of water, which is to be thrown away: upon the seeds, which, by this process, are completely freed from any unpleasant taste, and are much swollen, the remainder of the water is poured boiling hot; it is now to be boiled down to two pints and strained. These directions are peculiar to the U. S. Pharmacopeia, in the Ph. Br., two ounces of pearl barley, after being washed in cold water, are boiled for twenty minutes in one and a half pints of water. Various adjuvants may be used to improve the taste of this, such as raisins, figs, or liquorice root, when not contraindicated. Its use is as a demulcent and nutritive drink in inflammatory and febrile diseases affecting the alimentary canal and the urinary organs. 590 PERCOLATION, OR THE DISPLACEMENT PROCESS. CHAPTER VI. PERCOLATION, OR THE DISPLACEMENT PROCESS. A knowledge of this process is justly regarded as indispensable to all who practise pharmacy. In previous editions of this work many details were rendered necessary by imperfect knowledge of the essential conditions of success in extracting the soluble prin- ciples of drugs, which are now no longer required. In accordance with the results of investigation and experience, the U.S. Pharma- copoeia has given, in the late editions, such lucid directions for its employment in making the numerous tinctures, wines, vinegars, syrups, extracts, fluid extracts, and some of the infusions, that its adoption has become almost universal, and has effected a correspond- ing improvement in these classes of preparations. History. — The process of percolation or displacement has been employed from time immemorial in the preparation of coffee in the celebrated Cafetilre de Doubelloy, an instrument much used in France, and occasionally in this country at the present time. It consists of a coffee-pot, surmounted by a movable cylinder, usually varying from three to five or six inches in diameter, and from eight to ten inches in length, and which contains two perforated dia- phragms, one permanent and soldered on to the lower extremity of the cylinder, and the other movable, so as to be supported either above or upon the top of the mass of coffee in using the apparatus. The French coffee-pot is a displacement apparatus of convenient construction, and had been long celebrated for the production of a clear and strong coffee, possessing a finer aroma than that made by decoction, but, until the year 1833, the idea seems not to have occurred of applying it to the production of pharmaceutical pre- parations. This application is due to M. Boullay & Son, French pharmaciens, who, by their admirable and well-conducted experi- ments, first demonstrated the adaptation of percolation to the general purposes of the shop and laboratory, drew the attention of the profession to its merits, and pointed out certain forms of ap- paratus, and the modes for using them. In 1836 an article by M. ArGaiillermond, translated from the Journal de Pharmacie, was published in the American Journal of Pharmacy, vol. vii. p. 308, and in 1838 the late Augustine Duhamel, a scientific pharmacist of Philadelphia, published, in the American Journal of Pharmacy, vol. x. p. 1, his first communication upon the new process. In the following year, in connection with Wil- liam Procter, Jr., now Professor of Pharmacy in the Philadelphia DISPLACEMENT PROCESS. 591 College of Pharmacy, he engaged further attention to the subject in an able article of the same Journal, vol. xi. p. Ib9, in which a series of careful experiments in the preparation of extracts, tinc- tures, infusions, and syrups was detailed, which so conclusively proved the superiority of this over the ordinary processes in use that intelligent pharmacists generally were induced to try, and eventually to adopt it. In the mean time the process was exten- sively made known through pharmaceutical works in England and on the continent of Europe, and was incorporated more or less fully into the several Pharmacopoeias. This process so far found favor with the committee having under care the decennial revision of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia in 1840, that it was sanctioned to a considerable extent in the edition of our national standard for that year. In 1850 it was still more fully adopted, though not without directions for maceration designed for those not practically familiar with it. At the present time, it is so fully recognized and extensively employed in the preparation of Galenical solutions, as almost to supersede the process of mace- ration. At the annual meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Asso- ciation in 1858, Prof. I. J. Grahame, of the Maryland College of Pharmacy, proposed some modifications of the process as then con- ducted, of so much utility as to have given a new impetus to this branch of pharmaceutical manipulation. His improvement con- sisted : First, in the use of the common funnel for all ordinary purposes, the conical shape allowing the swelling of the solid con- tents without compacting them so tightly together as in the case of a straight-sided cylinder. Second, the use of powders of regular and definite degrees of fineness, regulated by the permeability of the drug. Third, the proper graduation of the moisture imparted to the powder before packing it in the funnel. Increased atten- tion to these points has simplified the process and increased its rapidity and efficiency. The far more ready and universal adoption of percolation in the United States than in England has, perhaps, promoted the adop- tion, among us, of the more concentrated forms of medicines in preference to those prepared by the old processes, still largely em- ployed by the British and some continental pharmacists. Dr. E. P. Squibb has since done much toward improving the process. By frequently repeated experiments upon a great number of drugs of different degrees of fineness he has shown that much of the menstruum directed in the older formulas was often unnecessary, and sometimes injurious, as it required prolonged exposure to heat in finishing the preparations. The modifications of the process were such as to induce the introduction of a new term, that of re- percolation. The whole of the papers can be consulted in the Pro- ceedings of the Am. Pharm. Assoc, for the years 1865, 1866, 1867, and 1870. The process consists essentially of submitting the same men- struum to different and fresh portions of the drug to be exhausted. The usual method of procedure is this: the powder to be acted 592 PERCOLATION, OR THE DISPLACEMENT PROCESS. upon is divided into three portions ; the first is to be moistened with the desired quantity of menstruum, and, after standing half an hour in a covered vessel, is to be transferred to a percolating funnel ; the first two or three fluidounces that pass are to be returned to the funnel, and five parts of menstruum are to be added part at a time, after each one has been absorbed ; the percolation should continue till six and one half parts have passed, the percolate being divided into different portions, first of two parts, and the others of a part each, except the last which will be a half part. Proceed with the second portion of material in the same manner, using the first of one hundred parts of percolate in place of fresh menstruum, and following the last addition of percolate with fresh menstruum — this is to be continued as before until 7.5 parts are obtained. This process is to be repeated with the third portion of material, using the first two parts of menstruum from the second process, and it is to be continued until 9.5 parts of percolate have been obtained. The alcohol, when that is the menstruum employed, is to be re- covered by distillation. Mr. Samuel Campbell, of Philadelphia, has also written several papers of practical value upon this subject, in which he recommends maceration as being far more important than fine comminution. His papers are published in the Am. Journ. Pharm,., vol. 41, 42. The common tin displacer consists of a cylinder varying in size, but at least twice as long as its diameter, terminated at one end by a funnel, the neck of which is made small enough to insert con- veniently into a common tincture or narrow-mouth packing bottle; two perforated diaphragms of Fig. 216. Fig. 217. the size of the cylinder, and loosely fitting into it; each of these has a small ring of wire soldered on to it to facilitate its removal. Sometimes these cylinders are much larger at the top, tapering toward the lower end, and there is an ad- vantage in this shape over straight sides, as shown in the drawing. The lower diaphragm should be of finely perforated tin plate (the finest sold is not objectionable), while the upper may be made of ordinary tinned iron, pierced with compara- tively large holes. Occasionally the lower diaphragm is soldered to a very small tin tube, open at both ends, of nearly the length of the cylinder, near the top of which is a ledge on which the upper diaphragm is made to rest, as in the French coffee-pot and in the air-tight displacer (Fig. 222); the object of this is to allow the passage of air from the lower or receiving vessel into the top of the cylinder. A brass stopcock has been recommended to be added to The displacer, with upper and lower diaphragm. THE APPARATUS. 593 Fig. 218. Fig. 219. the lower orifice, so that maceration can be effected in the per- colator. The Queensviare Displace?-. — This is the same as the above in shape ; the material is more cleanly ; it is not liable to corrosion with acid liquids, nor to impart a black color and metallic taste to solutions of the vegetable astringents. Lamp-chimney Displacers. — No form of apparatus is cheaper for small operations than ordinary lamp-chimneys, either plain (Fig. 220) or with bulb (Fig. 221). The smaller end of the chimney is filled with a cork cut so as to allow the free passage of the liquid, at the same time that it affords a mechanical support to the mass, or covered with a piece of gauze, book-mus- lin, or other coarse fabric, tied securely by a string round the chimney near its lower edge, and a little carded cotton being placed on it, the under diaphragm is rendered com- plete ; the upper one may be made of paper, when necessary, as before described, or, where the diameter is small, may be omitted. These, having no funnel-shaped termina- tions, require to be inserted in a wide-mouth bottle; one which answers the purpose should be selected and always kept at hand; a piece of thick pasteboard, or other firm sub- stance, may be used as a support for an apparatus of this descrip- Porcelain displacer, with two diaphragms. Fig. 220. Fig. 221. Lamp-chimney displacer, with supports. Tin displacer for vola- tile liquids. 594 PERCOLATION, OR THE DISPLACEMENT PROCESS. tion by cutting a hole in it of the required size, so as to suspend it over a dish, or by the aid of a retort stand into a suitable jar or measure, as shown in Figs. 220 and 221. Lamp-chimneys with bulbs are still more convenient in this respect. Fig. 222 represents a tin displacer with a water-joint near the top for covering and preventing evaporation in making ethereal or other very volatile preparations ; the little tube e serves for the escape of the air from the lower vessel B, so as to equalize the at- mospheric pressure between the top of the air-tight displacer and the receiving bottle ; the lower diaphragm a is soldered on to the top of this tube, and the upper diaphragm rests on it ; c represents the gutter into which the top d fits, and which, being filled with water, constitutes an air-tight connection. The displacer fits into the narrow-mouth bottle either by the aid of a cork or not, as the case may require. The form of percolator devised by Dr. E. R. Squibb is, perhaps, the most complete for the ■pig. 223. purpose of the pharmacist of any yet described ; it is represented in Fig. 223. A, percolator, 11 J in. deep " 7<; inside measure ; 5 J in. dia- meter at top ; 2 in. dia- *' meter at bottom, which should be flat ; a rim around the top serves to strengthen it ; the upper .— -i, edge should be ground flat so that it may be covered perfectly. The cover is best made of heavy sheet India-rubber ; "—* a section about one-third being cut nearly through from the lower side forms a good hinge, e is the well-tube ; /, £, siphon, which is automatic and „ empties the 'well-tube. . — f For a full description of :.:~| the method of manipu- ™t* lating, the reader should consult the paper in Proc. Arner. Pharm. Ass., — «* vol. xx. p. 182. Broken Bottles. — A por- tion of the broken bottles in a shop have the bottom cracked uniformly off, which is likely to occur THE APPARATUS. 595 Fiff. 224. when hot liquids are poured into them ; they furnish a cylinder- shaped vessel not unlike the tin displacement apparatus above de- scribed (Fig. 222) ; a plug of cotton is used for a diaphragm, as in the case of the funnel. The bottoms of bottles may be cracked off for this purpose by passing gradually round them a red-hot rod of iron in contact with the glass, and, when fractured, removing the sharp edge by a file, or by inserting the bottle in a shallow vessel of cold water, so as to be immersed just up to the line to be fractured, and filling it nearly to the same line with water, then pouring in a suf- ficient quantity of oil of vitriol suddenly to raise the temperature on the inside, the bottom will generally drop out. Very convenient and economical glass displacement funnels are made of various sizes, in shape like a broken bottle, but thicker and more uniform, and with a smooth edge at both ends ; the neck is drawn out with the view to inserting into a bottle, and the cylinder may be conveniently covered with a suitable piece of glass when desirable. No diaphragms accom- pany the apparatus ; sponge, cotton, or broken glass being used. Availing ourselves of the very cheap and common production of syringes from glass tubes, which ex- tend to one and a quarter inch in diameter, and can be furnished at a very low price, we have procured the apparatus represented in Fig. 224. It is a glass sj 7 ringe of the largest* size, without the piston or cap. It can only be used for small operations, for which, however, it is well adapted. In treating Spanish flies and other substances with ether, we have found it convenient from the facility with which the top can be corked up, preventing evapo- ration ; a variety of preparations may be conve- niently made with the syringe pattern displacer. The Glass Funnel. — As already stated, the com- mon funnel furnishes one of the most complete forms of displacement apparatus. A porous diaphragm inserted at the upper and widest portion of the neck, may consist of a piece of moistened sponge, of cotton, or of tow, but a perforated cork covered with a disk of filtering paper is preferable, while for the purpose of spreading the liquid over the surface of the mass, a circular piece of porous paper or of cotton cloth will serve every purpose. "When a straight cylinder is used the swelling of the solid contents of the displacer during the progress of its saturation with the menstruum frequently almost arrests the passage of the liquid ; but in an ordinary funnel the lateral pressure is forced into an upward direction, owing to the tapering of the sides of the fun- nel, and while the mass is rendered sufficiently compact, it is not so compressed as to interfere with the operation of capillary attraction and the displacement resulting from the pressure of the superin- cumbent liquid. Small syringe pat- tern displacer. 596 PERCOLATION, OR THE DISPLACEMENT PROCESS. Fig. 225. In the Pharmacopoeia, the form of the percolator is often, though not always, designated in the several formulas. When ether is used as a menstruum, cylindrical percolators are directed to be used. When a funnel is used, a circular piece of muslin or of lint is directed to be pressed into the neck by means of a cork with notched sides, but in all cases a similar piece of muslin, moistened slightly with the menstruum, is directed to be interposed between the diaphragm and the powder to prevent the passage of the line particles of the latter. Receiving Vessel. — For reasons that will more fully appear when describing the management of the process, it is necessary that the receiving vessel should be of such size as to hold precisely the quantity it is proposed to make, or be suitably graduated to this quantity. A con- venient plan adopted in the school of practical pharmacy, where various preparations are going on at the same time, is to mark upon a narrow slip of paper the name and quantity of the prepa- ration about being made, and paste this upon the receiving vessel before commencing the process, in such a position that when the required quantity has passed it will just reach the top of the slip of paper. It is convenient for common purposes to keep one or more graduated bottles, made by pasting a slip of paper longitudinally on the bottles marked with a pen to the f^viij, f£x, ffxvj, Oj, and fjxx denominations, as shown in this cut ; the paper may be rendered impervious to moisture by collo- dion or other varnish. Graduated receiving bottle. The Management of the Process. — The follow- ing general directions describe the most approved mode of conduct- ing percolation : — Reduce the substance to a uniform powder which will pass through a sieve of from twenty to fifty meshes to the linear inch (if of very close texture a sieve of sixty meshes is to be preferred) ; now add just sufficient of the menstruum to dampen the powder without wholly destroying its mobility ; this usually requires from one-fourth to one-half as much menstruum as powder, and may be accomplished on paper without moistening it. Now transfer to a glass funnel or other cylindrical vessel with a porous diaphragm, and pack it with little or much pressure, according to its tenacity or disposition to adhere (more firmly when alcohol or ether is the menstruum than when water is to be used) ; if the particles of the moistened powder move freely on each other, the packing should be with as much force as a glass vessel will bear, the whole of the powder being introduced at once, and packed with a pestle or pack- ing-stick. The percolator being now properly supported with its neck in a marked receiving vessel, the whole quantity of the men- MANAGEMENT OF THE PROCESS. 597 struum may be poured on, or to the capacity of the funnel, and the process allowed to proceed to completion. The liquid must not be allowed to pass more rapidly than by drops, and where a continu- ous stream runs from the extremity it is an indication of the neces- sity of more thorough packing. In most cases this may be reme- died by corking up the tubule of the funnel and allowing the mass to become more compact by swelling, or it may be necessary to re- move and repack the mass. Instances in which ether or strong alcohol is used as the men- struum, frequently constitute exceptions to the rule of passing by drops; in these the operator will use his judgment as to repassing the liquid, being careful that the strength is fully and completely extracted by the quantity of liquid remaining in the preparation when completed. In the process of packing the moistened powder into the cylinder, reference must be had to the nature of the substance in hand and the menstruum ; the rule seems to be that the firmness of the pack- ing should be inversely as the solvent and softening power of the liquid upon the solid under treatment. When a substance in a suitable powder has been dampened and properly packed in a percolator, so that, on the addition of the liquid above, it passes drop by drop, and the first portions, being returned, give a clear and very strong preparation, the last portions of liquid should pass almost destitute of the soluble principles contained in the drug. This is the clearest indication of the success of the manipulation, and obviates the necessity of an} 7 means of expressing the last portions of liquid from a porous mass. In making preparations by displacement, we should aim by skilful manipulation to extract nearly all from the drug that is soluble, before reaching the measure indicated in the formula, the last addition will then serve to displace the last portion held by the dregs, and to dilute the liquid to the proper point. After the process of maceration the dregs are almost always satu- rated with the strongest portion of the liquid, which is wasted unless some means of expression are resorted to; but, if the dregs be thrown upon a filter and drained, and a portion of the menstruum poured upon it, the last drop may sometimes be displaced without a resort to the troublesome process of expression. If the liquid thus added to the dregs is different from the men- struum originally employed, and especially if it is a heavier liquid, it is liable to mix with it, and sometimes results in injury to the preparation. By adding about one-third less of the displacing liquid than the supposed quantity of menstruum remaining in the dregs, this inconvenience is generally obviated. In the preparation of tinctures in which the last portions cannot be recovered by adding water on to the top of the cylinder, and in making large quantities of extracts with strong alcohol, the con- siderable loss of the alcohol calls for the use of a press. Convenient screw -presses are made in the cities, and sold at moderate prices ; 598 PERCOLATION, OR THE DISPLACEMENT PROCESS. those shown in the previous chapter are well adapted to the object in view. Solution of Gum Resins, etc., in Displacement Apparatus. — Vege- table products of this class are usually so soluble in the menstrua employed for their extraction as to render it a matter of little im- portance whether they are treated by maceration or percolation. They should be thoroughly divided in order to expose an extended surface to the action of the liquid, and, if dissolved by percolation, should be mixed with an equal bulk of sand to facilitate the pro- cess. Tinctures of this class made by maceration require to be filtered to free them from impurities suspended in them, the necessity of which is obviated when they are made by percolation. Continuous percolation may be accomplished by the following automatic arrangement, which is adapted equally to filtration : — A bottle or globe, capable of containing the quantity of men- struum necessary to complete the preparation, is fitted with a perforated cork, in which is inserted a glass tube of such length as that, being inverted over the percolator, the tube will descend below the surface of the liquid contained in it. The lower end of the tube should have a short curve turned on it; the bottle or globe being filled and arranged in this manner will not discharge any of its contents into the percolator until the surface of the liquid con- tained in it falls below the extremity of the tube ; a bubble of air will then pass up into the bottle, and a corresponding portion of the liquid will descend. In this way, the supply in the percolator will be kept up until the bottle has emptied itself; and, if the quantity of the liquid has been accurately estimated, the preparation will be finished without further attention. Instead of having merely a straight piece of tube inserted in the mouth of the bottle from which the liquid is supplied, two tubes may be used, as shown in Fig. 226. In this case, the afflux tube a is turned up at the end, as recommended above, and as the liquid runs out here air enters at b. The surface of the liquid into which a is immersed must, how- ever, be so far below the lowest point of b as to enable the air to depress the liquid in the external ascending part of b, and thus to enter the bottle. The size of the tubes must be also so ar- ranged that the liquid will not run from a unless the orifice of the tube be in contact with the contents of the filter, so that the cohesive attraction of the liquid may overcome the capillary attraction. The rationale of the process of percolation is very similar to that of filtration ; both are due to capillary attraction. In ordinary filtration, the capillarity of the paper causes the absorption of a certain quantity of liquid, but on more than enough to wet it being Fig. 226. Bottle for continuous filtra tion and displacement. MANAGEMENT OF THE PROCESS. 599 added, the pressure of this drives out the first, taking its place, and so on. Precisely the same thing occurs in percolation ; a porous substance, being saturated with any liquid for which it has an affinity, will yield this up, if a portion of liquid he poured on above, from the force of gravitation merely ; and hence, in proportion to the height of the column of liquid, other things being equal, will be the rapidity of the process. The fact that alcohol and ether pass through most plants so much more rapidly than water, is due, perhaps, in part to these liquids being less forcibly held by this species of attraction, but mainly^to their dissolving less freely the organic proximate princi- ples most abounding in plants, and which render aqueous liquids so thick and viscid as to pass with difficulty. Very porous drugs, such as rhubarb, senna, squill, gentian, hyoscyamus, and others containing a large proportion of extractive matters, cannot be conveniently treated by displacement with wine or liquids containing a considerable proportion of water, owing to their powerful capillarity ; in treating these, either by water, diluted alcohol, or diluted acetic acid, the following points are to be observed: — a. The powder must not be too fine, though uniform. The Pharmacopoeia directs for rhubarb, to be treated with mixed alcohol and diluted alcohol, in a powder which would pass through a sieve of 50 meshes to the linear inch (moderately fine) ; or in instances where diluted alcohol is used, 40 meshes (moderately coarse). For senna, treated with diluted alcohol, moderately fine. Squill, treated either with diluted alcohol or diluted acetic acid, moderately coarse. Gentian is ordered in moderately fine (No. 50) and mode- rately coarse (No. 40) powder, according to the alcoholic strength of the menstruum. b. The coarse powder must be thoroughly moistened with the menstruum before being introduced into the precolator; it must be at first rather loosely packed, otherwise, being swelled very much on the absorption of the liquid, it may become too tight. The common funnel is to be preferred under these circumstances. c. When the process proceeds with difficulty, from the causes above described, or from otherwise defective manipulation, it may be partly obviated by adding a considerable column of the men- struum above the mass; this, acting by hydrostatic pressure, forces the liquid through with increased facility. d. Time and patience will, to a certain extent, correct the same difficulty; after the first portions of the liquid, which pass so slowly from being highly charged with the soluble principles, and from the continued swelling of the powder, the remainder will often come through more readily, increasing in rapidity to the end. e. The admixture of sand serves a good purpose in this case, as in that of the gum resius. ^ /. Alcohol, diluted in various proportions with water, is directed for making fluid extract of senna, fluid extract of pink-root, syrup of rhubarb, syrup of seneka, compound syrup of squill, and some 600 PERCOLATION, OR THE DISPLACEMENT PROCESS. other preparations, on account of the difficulty of conducting the percolation with water alone. Very compact Drugs. — Seeds and other parts of plants, when of close texture, not readily penetrable by menstrua, may require, as directed in the case of tincture of nux vomica, that the finely powdered drug be subjected to prolonged elevation of temperature in contact with the menstruum, previously to percolation. And the instances are frequent, not only in preparing fluid extracts, but also tinctures, that owing to failure to extract the whole strength of the drug with the quantity of menstruum ordered, it becomes necessary to continue the process and evaporate the excess of the menstruum ; in such cases, special care must be taken to preserve the proper alcoholic strength of the preparation by allowing for the greater proportional loss of the more volatile ingredient, and to prevent the deterioration of the preparation by heat, by the pre- caution almost invariably directed in the Pharmacopoeia, of setting aside the first, more concentrated, part, evaporating the last portion only, and finally mixing the liquors. Displacement, apjMed to hot liquids, requires some modification of the apparatus and the manipulation. The deterioration to which vegetable infusions are liable by boil- ing is adverted to under that head ; the chief use of percolation with steam or hot liquids is to obviate this, at the same time that the advantages of high temperature are secured. Smith's steam displacer. The steam percolator, Fig. 227, invented by the late C. Augustus Smith, of Cincinnati, Ohio, consists of two distinct parts, B, the displacer, and C, the boiler, connected by a tube of tin or lead, D. J. is a tin cap luted on to the top of a common displacement tube terminating in the funnel-shaped appendage below. This is sur- DISPLACEMENT APPLIED TO HOT LIQUIDS. 601 rounded by a tin jacket, into the bottom of which the conical tube G conducts cold water, while the spout ^"discharges the warmed water from the top. The substance to be treated being placed in the displacer, and the liquid designed to be applied to it put into the boiler, the connections are luted on, and heat applied by the lamp E, or preferably by a gas furnace. The vapor which is gene- rated passes through the tube Z), and penetrates the whole mass in the displacer; the jacket being now filled with cold water, the steam is condensed and passes out below, where it is collected in the receiver F. The advantage is thus gained of penetrating the powder thoroughly by the aid of heat, while the deteriorating influence of decoction is avoided. This instrument possesses advantages over the ordinary means for extraction with hot liquids which should recommend it to general favor ; it is not only useful as a substitute for decoction, but obviates the difficulty above adverted to of extracting certain porous and largely soluble vegetables with water. The steam, whether of water or alcohol, being generated in the boiler and passed into the displacer before the addition of cold water to the cooler, is maintained at an elevated temperature until it has tho- roughly permeated the mass ; it is then, by refrigeration, converted into liquid, which finds ready egress through the lower orifice, and is highly charged with the soluble vegetable principles present. The removal of these, added to the pressure of the steam, continu- ally kept up from the boiler as fast as it is condensed, renders the flow rapid and the preparation concentrated. Fluid extract of senna can be prepared in the steam displacer without the use of alcohol as a menstruum ; so concentrated is the decoction obtained in the first instance as to require very little evaporation to bring it to the officinal standard. The apparatus, as above described, is imperfectly adapted to treat- ing substances with diluted alcohol ; if that liquid be placed in the boiler, the effect of the heat applied is to drive over the alcohol first and then the water, so that the first portion being stronger of the resinous principles, and the latter of the starch and extractive, the mixture of the two would be turbid. To obviate this, two boilers are sometimes adapted to one cylinder, one for alcohol and the other for water, and, by a proper regulation of the heat to each, the vapors may be brought over in nearly equal proportions at the same time. The cylinder should not be made of too great diameter nor length; but I am^informed by the inventor that he uses cylinders of the capacity of a barrel; this is perhaps the largest size that would answer well in practice; where larger quantities of the same substance are to be treated at once than will fill such a cylinder, or where several different operations requiring the same menstruum are to be conducted simultaneously, two or more cylinders may be attached to the same boiler, and placed in the same cooler. Substances heretofore digested in hot alcohol, a very inconvenient process, may be treated with that menstruum with great facility by using this apparatus. 602 PERCOLATION, OR THE DISPLACEMENT PROCESS, Fis. 228. For percolation with ether, an ingenious apparatus, invented by Prof. Mohr, is figured in his work. It combines the advantages of a good air-tight displacer with that of a still for recovering the ether ; it is, however, a com- plex apparatus, and rather troublesome to use. For percolation at ordinary temperatures, especially where a small amount of the medi- cinal substance is to be treated with ether, a common displacer may be used, care being taken to cover it and the receiving vessel, to prevent evaporation; a narrow lamp-chimney, fitting below into a wide-mouth bottle, will be found to serve a good purpose, or, if large enough, a syringe pattern displacer. An adapter, such as is used in retort operations (Fig. 228 A), may be inserted through a perforated cork into a convenient bottle, the top being covered with a piece of bladder pierced with pin holes, or fitted rather loosely with a cork to prevent evaporation. Fig. 228 represents two forms of displacers for ether and other volatile liquids ; A is an adapter. The tube C is drawn out into a fine point, so as to admit the passage of the air without favoring evaporation. E represents a notched cork diaphragm, F a broken retort beak, suited to similar operations. The application of a vacuum to promote the rapidity of percolation is an important improve- ment in certain cases, and several very inge- nious forms of apparatus have been contrived by the French with this end in view ; perhaps the best of these are the coffee-pots, in which the pressure of steam is first brought to bear in penetrating the mass with the hot liquid, and then, by the withdrawal of the source of heat, the steam is immediately condensed, creating a vacuum which hastens the downward passage of the liquid. In using Smith's steam displacer, though at no time a very complete vacuum is formed, yet this principle comes into play, and undoubtedly faci- litates the percolation of the mass under treatment, in the same way that it operates in a vacuum displacer. Extemporaneous glass displacers. TINCTURES — ALCOHOL. 603 CHAPTER VII. TINCTURES. The consideration of the process of percolation has prepared the student to enter upon those Galenical solutions in the preparation of which it is employed. Prominent among these, as the most nu- merous and most varied, is the class of tinctures called by the French alcoolatures. The study of these and other Galenical solutions is less attended to by students than their importance demands; in some respects, a knowledge of pharmaceutical preparations is more important than a familiarity with the drugs themselves. It is the preparations that enter into the prescriptions of the physician almost exclusively; he should be acquainted not only with their doses, but with their proper therapeutical and pharmaceutical adaptations, as modified by the menstrua employed in their preparation, by their degree of concen- tration, their miscibility with other liquids, and their other phy- sical peculiarities. With a view to conveying this knowledge, as far as practicable, the present chapter is devoted to the consideration of the tinctures officinal in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, and those unofficinal tinctures which are commonly used in this country. Tinctures invariably contain alcohol, generally more or less di- luted, as the vehicle for their active ingredients. Alcohol, as officinal in the Pharmacopoeia, is a colorless, limpid, very volatile liquid, of a peculiar penetrating odor, and burning taste, having a specific gravity of .835. Its chief impurities, as found in commerce, are as follows: Water, which increases its spe- cific gravity in the ratio of its proportion; fusel oil, a constituent of whiskey, which, being volatile, though less so than alcohol, is generally imperfectly separated in the distillation ; this may be de- tected, by its imparting the peculiar odor of whiskey to the alcohol, and particularly by the odor left on the hand, after the alcohol has evaporated from it: and occasionally coloring matter, derived from the casks in which it is kept. For a description of the mode of manufacture and chemical cha- racters of alcohol the reader is referred to Part IV., where it is treated of as a product of Fermentation. Alcohol, of .'835 sp. gr., called druggist's alcohol, contains 85 per cent, of pure or absolute alcohol ; it is an excellent solvent for a large number of vegetable substances, as resins, camphor, benzoic acid, tannic acid, the balsams, grape sugar, the vegetable alkalies, castor oil, also for some inorganic substances, as iodine, chloride of iron, 604 OF TINCTURES. carbonate and muriate of ammonia, caustic potassa and soda, nearly all deliquescent, and a few other salts. It mixes freely in all pro- portions with water, ether, acetic acid, and most of the essential oils, and reacts with several acids, forming ethers. Besides its extensive solvent powers, qualifying it for so many uses in pharmacy, it is a most convenient antiseptic, effectually pre- venting fermentation in organic solutions to which it is added. By the low temperature at which it evaporates, it is well suited to the preparation of concentrated medicines requiring evaporation. In connection with these valuable physical properties, it has im- portant therapeutical relations. Alcohol is a powerful arterial stimulant; even in small quantities it produces fulness of pulse, and a general excitant influence on the system ; and hence the tinctures, especially those given in large doses, should not be used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, and should be employed with prudence in all chronic cases, lest the continual stimulus derived from the alcohol they contain should lead to the habitual use of intoxicating drinks. The use of strong alcohol in the preparation of tinctures is con- fined to a comparatively small number, chiefly such as contain a considerable proportion of essential oil, of resin, or of resinoid principles. These constitute the second class in the syllabi which follow. Diluted Alcohol — Alcohol Dilution, U. S. P. — This is more exten- sively employed than the foregoing as a menstruum for tinctures ; is consists of equal parts by measure of alcohol and water ; its specific gravity is .941. Containing water, the great natural solvent, in so large proportion, this liquid is capable of extracting from plants, gum, extractive matter, vegetable albumen, and most coloring matters which are soluble in that menstruum, and, to a certain extent, resinous matters, essential oils, and vegetable alkalies, soluble in alcohol ; also sugar and tannic acid, soluble in both. It has been supposed that the affinity for each other of the two ingredients in this liquid, interferes somewhat with the solvent powers of each ; so that substances wholly insoluble in water would not be so thoroughly extracted by a given quantity of diluted alcohol, as by half the quantity of strong alcohol ; and so in the case of substances insoluble in alcohol, they would not be so tho- roughly extracted by the mixture as by water alone; but, according to the experiments of M. Jacques Personne, published in the Ame- rican Journal of Pharmacy, vol. xviii. pp. 21, 103, the reverse of this is the fact, and a mixture of alcohol and water is stated to be a better solvent of the resinous and extractive principles of plants, than the same quantity of these two liquids separately employed. Whatever may be the truth in theory, diluted alcohol is found in practice to answer a good purpose; furnishing tinctures which are reasonably permanent, at the same time that they are less stimu- lating than those made with strong alcohol, and are generally miscible with aqueous solutions without any portion of their active principles precipitating. SYLLABUS OF TINCTURES. 605 Several observers have, however, directed attention to the deposits universally occurring in tinctures after long standing, and the con- clusion has been reached, by experiment, that these generally contain appreciable quantities of the active ingredients of the pre- parations. There are, no doubt, advantages gained by varying the propor- tions of water and alcohol to suit particular drugs. There are several preparations officinal in the Pharmacopoeia which are exceptions in the proportion of alcohol contained in them. The infusion of digitalis, and compound infusion of gentian, as before stated, are rendered permanent by small quantities of alcohol added to them, or by being made with very weak diluted alcohol. The numerous fluid extracts are made with varied proportions of alcohol, glycerin, and water in extracting the drugs, and also with a suitable proportion of alcohol and glycerin added for its antiseptic properties. In the last edition of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, a change which was commenced in the preceding edition has been more fully carried out, much to the gratification of many pharmacists who felt the controlling authority of the Pharmacopoeia, and yet were well assured that menstrua of different alcoholic strengths were re- quired to properly extract the active principles of the various drugs directed in the formulas. The following syllabus will enable the student to fix the various tinctures in their relation to the menstrua most readily in his mind. Syllabus of Tinctures (U. S. P. 1870) showing the Alcoholic STRENGTH OF MENSTRUUM AND PROPORTION OF DRUG TO A PINT. Name of Tincture. Strength of menstruum. Proportion of drug. Aconiti radicis Alcohol | v j t0 Q). Aloes et myrrhae << ^iij of each to Oj. Assafcetidae " sij t0 Qj. Benzoini (< §iij to Oj. ' comp. «( §iij benz., %$s soc. aloes J alco. 3 i j storax, §j tolu \ Oij. Cannabis << grs. 360 ext. to Oj. Castorei «« S3 t0 Oj. Guaiaci a §iij to Oj. Iodini (< |JtoOj. §ss iodine, 3J iodide potassium. " comp. t< Lupulinae a IvJ to Oj. Myrrhae a §iss to Oj. Nucis vomicae t< §iv to Oj. Tolutana " §iss to Oj. Veratri viridis " |viij to Oj. %\v to Oj. Zinziber « Arnica Alcohol 3 parts, water 1 part |iij to Oj. Cinchonse " " " " giij to Oj. [taria. " comp. << << (< tl §iv cinchona, grs. 360 serpen- §iij b. orange peel, Oiiss alco. f . 606 OF TINCTURES, Syllabus of Tinctures — Continued. Name of tincture. Strength of menstruum. Proportion of drug. Ferri chloridi Alcohol 3 parts, sol. iron 1 part Sanguinaria Alcohol 3 parts, water 1 part 3tf toOj. Cinnamon Alcohol 2 parts, water 1 part §iss to Oj. Jalapse tt «« a (< |iij to Oj. Kino (1 (i a <( grs. 720 to Oj. Aurantii Alcohol 1 part, water 1 part §ij to Oj. Belladonnae a c< (< a |ij to Oj. Colchicum << it (< " §y to oj. Colombo <( " <( " 3y to oj. Cantharides tt " (« a ]§ss to Oj. Capsici who, from fear of the pains of death, from day to clay kept herself under the influence of this narcotic. Such was the morbid mental influence which kept her unhappy in the antici- pation of a result which has not yet occurred. The moral responsibility connected with the question of prescrib- ing and dispensing opium, may be greater than has been hitherto acknowledged ; and the few remarks here presented are designed to awaken an interest among those who by position and pursuits are best qualified to exercise a wholesome influence upon its abuse. "Who would sell an ounce of laudanum to an applicant whose intention to commit suicide was apparent? And yet how often it is sold to individuals, who are only protracting their suicide by the demoralizing and dissipating habit of taking it in smaller and gradually increasing quantities. 646 preparations of opium. Working Formulas for the Preparations of Opium. Tinctura Opii Camphorata. {Camphorated Tincture of Opium.) U.S. P. Paregoric Elixir. Take of Opium, dried, and in moderately fine powder, Benzoic acid, each, sixty grains. Camphor, forty grains. Oil of anise, a fluidrachm. Clarified honey, two troyotfnces. Diluted alcohol, two pints. Macerate for seven days, and filter through paper. (It is well to omit the honey till near the close of the maceration.) Tinctura Opii. ( Tincture of Opium.) U. S. P. Laudanum. Take of Opium, dried, and in moderately fine powder, two troyounces and a half. Water, Alcohol, each, a pint. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Macerate the opium with the water for three days, with frequent agitation ; then add the alcohol, and continue the maceration for three days longer. Introduce the mixture into a percolator, and, when the liquid has ceased to pass, pour diluted alcohol upon it until two pints of tincture are obtained. All the preparations of opium are directed to be made from the powdered drug ; this is designed to prevent variations in strength, resulting from the different degrees of dryness of different speci- mens, as found in commerce. In many instances, however, the apothecary or physician prefers to select the drug in its crude con- dition, and in the absence of conveniences for drying and powdering it in large quantities, uses it in lump. In this case the following process may be observed, the necessary increase of weight in the opium being added, on account of the moisture it contains : — Modified Formula for Laudanum. Take of opium, sliced, two troyounces and six drachms, add to it four fluidounces of hot water, and by the aid of a pestle and mortar, work it into a uniform pasty mass ; to this add twelve fluidounces of water, and a pint of alcohol, making in all two pints of diluted alcohol ; allow it to macerate for two weeks, occasionally shaking it, and throw the whole upon a filter — to the pulp, remaining after the liquid has drained off', add about two fluidounces of diluted alcohol, which will displace the last portion so as to make the whole of the tincture measure exactly two pints. Tinctura Opii Deodorata. (Deodorized Tincture of Opium.) IT. S. P. Take of Opium, dried, and in moderately fine powder, two troyounces and a half. Ether, Alcohol, each, half a pint. Water, a sufficient quantity. WORKING FORMULAS, ETC. 647 Macerate the opium with half a pint of water for twenty-four hours, and express ; then repeat the operation twice with the same quantity of water. Mix the expressed liquids, and, having evapo- rated the mixture to four fiuidounces, shake it when cold, in a bottle, repeatedly with the ether. Pour off the ethereal solution when it has separated by standing, and evaporate the remaining liquid until all traces of ether have disappeared. Mix this with twenty iiuidounces of water, and filter the mixture through paper. "When the liquid has ceased to pass, add sufficient water, through the filter, to make the filtered liquid measure a pint and a half. Lastly, add the alcohol, and mix them together. If the opium is not dried and powdered, the manipulation may be varied, using two troy ounces and six drachms of moist opium as indicated in the modified formula for laudanum. In both this formula and the one preceding, it should be re- membered that a very moist opium will lose more than ten per cent. of water, and the only accurate method of making the prepara- tions of opium from the unpowdered drug is to take a piece of the opium, say 100 grains, after it has been well kneaded to make it uniform, and flatten it out into a thin cake, and dry it at a temper- ature of 120° till it no longer loses weight. From this experiment the proper allowance can be readily ascertained. Tinctura Opii Acetata. (Acetated Tincture of Opium.) U. S. P. Take of Opium, dried, and in moderately fine powder, two troyounces. Vinegar, twelve fiuidounces. Alcohol, half a pint. Pub the opium with the vinegar ; then add the alcohol, and having macerated for seven days, express, and filter through paper. Vinum Opii. (Wine of Opium.) TJ. S. P. Take of Opium, dried, and in moderately fine powder, two troyounces. Cinnamon, in moderately line powder, Cloves, in moderately fine powder, each, sixty grains. Sherry wine, a sufficient quantity. Mix the powders with fifteen fluidounces of sherry wine, and macerate for seven days, with occasional agitation ; then transfer the mixture to a conical percolator, and, when the liquid has passed the surface, gradually pour on sherry wine until a pint of filtered liquid is obtained. Acetum Opii. ( Vinegar of Opium.) Black Drop. Take of Opium, dried, and in moderately coarse powder, five troyounces. Nutmeg, in moderately coarse powder, a troyounce. Saffron, in moderately coarse powder, one hundred and fifty grains. Sugar, eight troyounces. Diluted acetic acid, a sufficient quantity. Macerate the opium, nutmeg, and saffron with a pint of diluted acetic acid for twenty-four hours. Put the mixture into a conical 648 ON EVAPORATION AND THE EXTRACTS. glass percolator, and return the liquid which first passes until the filtrate becomes clear. Then gradually pour on diluted acetic acid until the filtered liquid measures twenty-six fluidounces. In this dissolve the sugar, and having strained the solution, add sufficient diluted acetic acid to make the whole measure two pints. CHAPTER X. EVAPORATION. This process is employed in the preparation of most of the ex- tracts, fluid extracts, and syrups, and in the concentration of solu- tions generally. When the liquid under treatment is brought to its boiling point, so that the formation of vapor is upon the inner surface of the containing vessel, whence it escapes by its elasticity through the body of the liquid in bubbles, the process is termed ebullition; but when the liquid does not reach its boiling point, and the tempera- ture and other circumstances are such that it is liberated in the form of vapor without disturbance, directly from the surface ex- posed to the air, it is termed evaporation. Viewed as processes for dissipating the volatile ingredients, these differ chiefly in regard to the degree of heat employed, and the con- sequent rapidity with which the object is attained ; in ebullition, the rapidity of the conversion of the liquid into vapor is in pro- portion to the extent of surface of the containing vessel exposed to the Jire, while in evaporation it depends principally upon the extent of surface of the liquid exposed to the air. The effect of reducing the temperature below the boiling point is exhibited by the following ascertained rates of evaporation : at 212° F. the rate of evaporation may be represented as 1, at 180° F. as J, at 150° F. as J, at 125° F. as J, at 100° F. as J g , at 79° F. as ^. In evaporating saline solutions reference should be had to the presence or absence of volatile constituents, or the liability to de- composition at elevated temperatures, but as a general rule the most rapid evaporation is preferable. For reasons pointed out in the last chapter, evaporation at a tem- perature below the boiling point is generally preferred for extracts. Many vegetable solutions, which would be greatly deteriorated by the long boiling necessary to reduce them to the condition of ex- tracts, may be exposed to a temperature below their boiling point in a wide and shallow vessel until sufficiently inspissated, with little danger of losing their solubility or their medicinal activity. Extracts are therefore to be evaporated in shallow vessels, which should be of porcelain or well-tinned iron or copper. Fig. 229 represents an ordinary evaporating dish of Berlin ware, which is the best material. ON EVAPORATION AND THE EXTRACTS. 649 The long exposure of vegetable solutions j?ig. 229. to a moderate heat, besides being tedious, is liable to the objection in certain cases of exposing the proximate constituents for too long a period to the oxidizing influence of the air, sometimes allowing of the ace- tous fermentation. The liquid to be evaporated should preferably be divided into smaller portions, and each reduced separately till highly concen- trated : then these may be mixed. By this means, no one portion is long kept under the unfavorable circumstances of an elevated temperature and exposure to the air. In many preparations, particularly the fluid extracts and some syrups, the process is directed to be carried to a certain point indi- cated by the quantity of the concentrated liquid. To facilitate the determination of this without removing the liquid from the evapo- rating dish, two methods are resorted to: the dish may be tared and from time to time placed upon the balance until it reaches the re- quired weight previously ascertained, or a suitable slip of wood is previously marked with a notch at the point reached by the required quantity of liquid, and this being inserted perpendicularly in the liquid will indicate the point to arrest the evaporation. Air at a certain temperature is capable of taking up a certain portion of vapor which is constant at that temperature, and evapo- ration ceases when the point of saturation is attained, therefore a draught greatly facilitates evaporation by carrying off the air as fast as it becomes charged with moisture, and constantly furnish- ing a dry atmosphere to become saturated in turn with the escaping vapor. Constant stirring, by continually exposing a large surface of the heated liquid to the air, also increases the rapidity of evapo- ration. The different modes of applying heat for the purposes of evapo- ration, are: 1st. Directly by exposing the containing vessel to the source of heat. 2d. By a sand-bath. 3d. By a water-bath. 4th. By a steam-bath. Whenever a vegetable solution is evaporated by a direct applica- tion of heat, it should be at such an ele- vation from the furnace or lamp, as not Fig. 230. to be touched by the flame, so that the heat should be communicated only by radiation. When the heat is under per- fect control, as in a gas furnace, and the process is watched, this plan may be sub- stituted for the use of a water-bath with the advantage of the liquid being raised to the boiling point or depressed below it at pleasure. Fig. 230 shows an arrangement for the direct application of radiated heat in evaporation ; a is a diaphragm of wire 650 ON EVAPORATION AND THE EXTRACTS. fauze placed between the evaporating dish b and the source of eat c, which spreads the flame and prevents its contact with the dish, though brought closely together; the diaphragm a may be omitted in using a gas furnace, as the flame is then under control by regulating the jet. Several retort stands have been shown in the last chapter and in that on displacement, and the instrument as commonly constructed is sufficiently familar. In the ordinary kind, it is necessary in ad- justing apparatus, or when it is desirable to disconnect or alter the position of the rings for any purpose, to slide them up the whole length of the rod, and remove all above them, which is sometimes a great inconvenience. In Wiegand's Tig. 231. improvement, the casting that clasps the rod is open on one side to the diameter of the rod, so that by loosening the screw it may be slipped off laterally, and yet, TXr . .. . , . ■ , when the screw is tightened so as to press Wiegand's improved clasp for re- _ 1 . ° m m r tort stand. firmly against the rod, it is sufficiently secure to bear any weight appropriate to such an apparatus. Fig. 231 gives a view of one of these separated from the rod, and in Fig. 230 the whole retort stand is shown in use, giving a front view of the improved clasp. The sand-bath is seldom employed in the preparation of extracts, possessing no advantages over the carefully regulated direct applica- tion of radiated heat. The water-bath is directed in all the officinal processes, for the preparation of extracts; its advantages are detailed in Chapter III. Whatever means may be resorted to for effecting the concentration of vegetable solutions, with a view to the preparation of extracts, they should be finally evaporated to the proper consist- ence with great care, and a water-bath furnishes a means of con- trolling the temperature, especially adapted to unskilful and inex- perienced persons. The steam-bath is the most eligible means of applying heat for the purposes under discussion, although it is confined to the few who manufacture pharmaceutical preparations on a large scale. One difference between a steam-bath and a water-bath consists in the facility of the application of pressure to the steam in the one case and not in the other. The temperature of steam, as already stated, bears a remarkable relation to the pressure under which it is maintained; steam under pressure of five pounds to the square inch is at a temperature of 226°, which is about as high as can be safely employed in making extracts; as the liquid will boil at this temperature, of course the evaporation is more rapid than ordinary surface evaporation, and yet the containing vessel is not so hot as in ordinary cases of the direct application of heat. The fact that the temperature of steam under pressure is liable to the objection of injuring the vegetable principles in solution has induced a modi- fication of the steam-bath so as to give it more the character of a water-bath, though with the advantages of conducting and com- municating heat, which apply so peculiarly to steam. ON EVAPORATION" AND THE EXTRACTS. 651 A desirable apparatus is a hemispherical iron basin, perforated by a pipe through which the steam is introduced, and another for the exit of the condensed water into a waste pipe. The steam-pipe communicates with the boiler in which steam is generated for all the processes in the establishment, and several steam-baths stand out in the room, in convenient positions, and are adapted by rings of various diameters to any of the vessels in which it is desirable to conduct the several evaporations. Fig. 232. £) «-@ i Fig. 232 shows an apparatus constructed from an ordinary gal- vanized iron sink and gas-pipe, which furnishes an extended evapo- rating surface; the pipe is three-fourths of an inch in diameter, and arranged horizontally in folds, the ends of the pipe being intro- duced through holes of appropriate size drilled in the end of the vessel, and well coated when the apparatus is galvanized. The vessel may be partially filled with sand, on which beakers, flasks, and other apparatus may rest, or they may be placed directly on the coil of pipe; or, should it be desired, a current of cold water can be turned into it and the coil when attached to a still be used as a condenser. In the preparation of extracts by the use of steam, the pressure is so regulated that, as the solution becomes inspissated, the degree of heat can be diminished. Near the conclusion of the process the extract is sometimes withdrawn, and poured in thin layers on plates of glass, which are placed in a drying-room or closet, and subjected to a current of warm and dry air, till sufficiently hard. The most perfect form of apparatus for the preparation of extracts, is a combination of the steam-bath with a vacuum pan. A suit- able air-tight boiler is connected with an air-pump worked by ma- chinery, which, by removing the pressure of the atmosphere from the liquid placed in it, lowers the boiling point, and greatly increases the rapidity of evaporation, even at a temperature of 120° to 140° F. The air being excluded, the principal objection to the long con- tinued evaporation of vegetable solutions is also removed. In the 652 ON EVAPOKATION AND THE EXTRACTS. absence of facilities for evaporation in vacuo, the advantage of ap- paratus for distillation in concentrating vegetable juices and infu- sions should not be overlooked. The head of the still becoming full of steam excludes the air for the most part, and the condensa- tion of the steam in the cooler brings about a partial vacuum which favors rapid evaporation. In most establishments for the manufacture of extracts, vacuum pans, heated by steam, are employed for their concentration, and their products are generally considered to furnish proof of the superiority of this mode of evaporation over that accomplished under ordinary circumstances of pressure and exposure to the air ; this is especially the case with those constituting the first group in the classification adopted in this work, which is primarily accord- ing to therapeutical properties, though the different modes of pre- paration are included in the arrangement of the groups. Extracta, U. S. P. 1st Group. — Narcotic. Inspissated juices. From the fresh plant by expression, coagu- lation of the albumen, straining, and evaporation. Officinal name. Dose. Medical properties. Extractum belladonnee " conii " hyoscyami 1 to 2 grains 2 to 3 grains See 2d Group, Alcoholic Extracts. Added to alterative compounds. Laxative, narcotic. REMARKS. The three extracts classed above form a remarkably natural group, therapeutically, pharmaceutically, and physically; as commonly prepared and imported, they have a more or less decidedly green color, and this feature was formerly regarded as a test of their having been prepared without scorching from the employment of too high heat; but, on the other hand, the green coloring principle (chlorophyll) is associated with the inert and insoluble vegetable albumen, which sometimes exists to the amount of from 12 to 18 per cent., and which the U. S. Pharmacopoeia directs shall be first co- agulated and separated; the strictly officinal extracts prepared by inspissating the juice of the green herbs, being deprived of this, have a brown color, and are nearly soluble in water. An article answering this description is sold under the name of clarified extracts. The odor of extracts is one of the surest indications of their quality; it should, as nearly as possible, resemble that of the un- dried plant. Extracts which are made by the use of vacuum apparatus and clarified are stronger than the kind made by ordinary evaporation ; the doses stated in the books are above those usually prescribed. Great inconvenience results from a physician's ordering too large doses of clarified extracts, under a wrong impression as to the strength of the best commercial article. The United States is largely supplied with this class of extracts ON EVAPORATION AND THE EXTRACTS. 653 from England, where the herbs from which they are prepared ap- pear to come to great prefection, but of the English manufacturers, of whom Squire, Allen, Herring, and Eansom have a high reputa- tion, none adopt the method of clarification which is required by the Pharmacopoeia of the United States. The following table of the yield of extracts and inspissated juices is compiled from Squire's Companion to the British Pharmaco- poeia : — Leaves. Officinal name. Auth'y. Leaves. Fresh. Dry. Extract aconite Ph. Br. 100 lbs. = 50 lbs. juice =7 lbs. extract. 100 lbs. =16 lbs. " belladonna " 100 lbs. =56 lbs. " =4 lbs. 100 lbs. =21 lbs. " conii " 100 lbs. =50 lbs. " = 5£lbs. » " " alcoholic 100 lbs. (dry) 21 lbs. extract. 100 lbs. =15^ lbs. " hyoscyami Ph. Br. 1 00 lbs. = 50 lbs. juice = 5 lbs. extract. " quassia f 48 oz. (wood) = 1 oz. extract. \ 16 " " = 7 drms. extract. " arnica 100 lbs. (flowers) = 33 lbs. juice. " digitalis, ale. U. S. 100 lbs. = 27 per cent. " colocynth 100 lbs. = 15 to 20 lbs. " gentianse u. s. 100 lbs. = 50 per cent. ext. by decoct. " nucis vomicae 100 lbs. = 7$ lbs. extract. " stramonium 100 lbs. =3 lbs. inspissated juice. (leaves) " stramonium 100 lbs. = 13$ lbs. extract. (seed) " jalapa 100 lbs. = 50 lbs. The British Pharmacopoeia directs to heat the juice to 130°, strain to preserve the green coloring matter, then heat to 200° to coagulate the albumen, and filter again, evaporate to thin syrupy consistence, then add the green coloring matter, and evaporate, as- siduously stirring, at a temperature not exceeding 140°. The U. S. Pharmacopoeia directs the juice to be heated to the boiling point, strained, and evaporated to proper consistence. Extract of belladonna is useful externally and internally as an anodyne in neuralgia, tic douloureux, and other painful affections, and as an antispasmodic in whooping-cough, and as a prophylactic in scarlet fever. It is much used in the treatment of diseases of the eye, and especially for the dilatation of the pupil before opera- tions for cataract; for this purpose the extract is softened with water to the consistence of a thick liquid, and applied directly to the eyeball and painted on the upper and lower lids, a few hours before the operation. The fresh leaves yield about 5 per cent, of this extract. Extract of stramonium, though no longer officinalis usually prepared from the whole herb, which yields about 18 per cent, of extract. {Gray.) It is the least employed of the group. Besides the uses to which the others are applied, this has been prescribed in spasmodic asthma. The ointment made from the extract is a popular remedy in piles. Extract of coiiium, on account of the volatility of its active prin- 654 ON EVAPORATION" AND THE EXTRACTS. ciple, is one of the most difficult of the extracts to prepare and pre- serve. It is employed in the treatment of glandular enlargement, scrofula, rheumatism, etc., as an alterative and anodyne, entering into the composition of numerous empirical preparations, besides being prescribed in regular practice. The whole plant is usually employed in its preparation, though the Pharmacopoeia indicates the leaves as the officinal portion; the yield is about 3 to 5 per cent. It should have a strong and characteristic odor, and is readily tested by the following experiment: Take a small pellet of the ex- tract, soften it into a thin paste with water, and add a drop of solu- tion of potassa, or of carbonate of potassium ; immediately a strong characteristic odor will be observed, resembling, when faint, the odor of mice. This is from the liberation in a gaseous form of conia, the active principle of the herb, and on holding near it a rod moistened with muriatic acid, a copious cloud of muriate of conia will be produced. If the extract is very inferior, the experiment will not succeed, or will be only partially successful. A cloud of muriate of am- monia without the mouse-like odor will be perceived. Extract of hyoscyamus is the most extensively used internally of the series. The yield of the plant is about 5J per cent, of extract. Its tendency to increase the secretions and to promote the action of the bowels renders it a particularly useful anodyne remedy. Mollis Process. — Prof. F. Mohr, starting from the fact that the activity of narcotic herbs belongs to principles which are soluble in both alcohol and water, proposed a method for preparing such ex- tracts, the main features of which have been adopted by the Pharmacopoeias of the different German States. It is the following: The fresh herb is expressed, mixed with about one-seventh of its weight of water, again expressed, the liquid raised to near the boiling point, and strained from the precipitated albumen, which has coagulated and thrown down the chlorophyll ; it is then evapo- rated at from 120° to 130° F. to one-fourth the weight of the original material, mixed with an equal bulk of alcohol to separate gum and mucilage, strained, and with constant stirring evaporated to the proper consistence. This process furnishes very strong and reliable extracts ; they are not so variable as those obtained by the inspissation of the juices, which vary according to the locality and the season. The only principles here extracted are active, and the dose is correspondingly small. None of our manufacturers have as yet put this process in practice, though some of the best German pharmacists in the United States import these excellent extracts. It is, however, worthy of remark that inferior, almost worthless, extracts are manufactured in Germany for the American market. ON EVAPORATION" AND THE EXTRACTS. 655 2d Group. — Narcotics, etc., alcoholic. Extracted by alcohol and diluted alcohol, and evaporated. Officinal name. Dose. Medical properties. Extract! im aconiti J gr. to 1 gr. Nervous sedative. << belladonnas alcoholicum Narcotic. it stramonii <« " a conii alcoholicum 1 to 2 grs. Alterative, narcotic. << hyoscyarai alcoholicum " Laxative, narcotic. " digitalis \ gr. to £ gr. Art. sedative, diuretic. (< cannabis Americanse 1 gr. to 2 grs. Intoxicant (variable). " " Indicse <« it a (< Valerianae 3 to 5 grs. Antispasmodic. (< Arnicae In arnica plaster. " nncis vomicaB i gr. to 1 gr. Tonic, excito -motor " ignatiae " a <* " physostigma ■h s r - t0 i s r - (< <( REMARKS. The use of an alcoholic menstruum for the extraction of the dried herbs possesses some advantages, in the preparation of extracts, over the inspissation of the juices of the fresh plants as obtained by expression. The albuminous matter, not being soluble in alcohol, is not present in the solution, and after evaporation the active principles constitute a much larger proportion of the resulting ex- tract ; hence the doses of the narcotic extracts are much smaller than of those of the first group. They are also much more easily prepared by the pharmacist on a small scale than the inspissated juices; by the use of apparatus at hand in almost every shop the members of this group can be satisfactorily prepared, the only practical difficulty being the supply of fresh and reliable herbs. Those imported from England at high prices are the only commer- cial variety of these leaves to be depended on, except in the case of stramonium, which may be collected in abundance in the outskirts of almost any town. The modes of extraction and evaporation of this group are varied in almost every instance; in the case of aco- nite, conium, digitalis, and valerian, a limited quantity of strong alcohol is first passed through the powdered mass ; the first perco- late is set aside to evaporate spontaneously, and the extraction being then finished with diluted alcohol, and this evaporated on a water-bath, it is, toward the last, incorporated with the reserved portion, and the whole brought to the proper consistence. Alco- holic extracts of belladonna, of hyoscyamus, of stramonium, and of arnica, are made by the inspissation, without reserving any portion for spontaneous evaporation, of a tincture made with two parts of alcohol to one of water. Alcoholic extracts of nux vomica and ignatia are obtained by inspissating tinctures of the powdered drug made with strong alco- hol ; they are very powerful remedies, and possess a resinous con- sistence, becoming dry and brittle by age. The extract of cannabis indica, as obtained from the East Indies, 656 ON EVAPOKATION AND THE EXTRACTS. often contains much insoluble and inert matter which in the above purified extract is separated by solution, filtration, and evaporation. This method, however, is less practised than the direct preparation by digestion or steam percolation of an alcoholic extract from the carefully dried imported herb. I have not met with the East India extract, in our markets for a long time, and have been in the habit of dispensing the best English extract prepared from the Gunjah itself. This process is now directed by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. The tests most to be relied upon for extract cannabis are its solubility in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzine, and oil of turpentine, peculiar odor when moderately heated, indifference to alkalies, and the be- havior towards HM) 3 (specific gravity 1.88), by which an orange- red resinoid substance like gamboge is produced. The therapeutical applications of these extracts are numerous, though the inspissated juices of belladonna, stramonium, conium, and hyoscyamus, as included in the first group, are much more used. The alcoholic extracts are best adapted to incorporation with oint- ments and plasters, from their containing less inert insoluble matter, also for reducing to a dry and pulverulent condition, where this is necessary, as for prescriptions in the form of powder. In the ab- sence of an inspissated juice of aconite, formerly officinal, the alco- holic extract should have an opportunity of a fair trial, and in view of its importance as a powerful internal remedy in neuralgic affec- tions and in fevers, and its great utility in the form of plaster, as well as the smallness of its dose for internal use, it will doubtless find a place in many prescriptions. An alcoholic extract of aconite root w T ould probably be an improvement on that of the leaves for most external applications. Alcoholic extract of arnica is for the first time made officinal in the Pharmacopoeia of 1860, its use being in the fabrication of arnica plaster. An opportunity is now fur- nished for the trial of this remedy internally in the form of pill and for the settlement of its therapeutical position. Extract of valerian was for the first time introduced into our national standard in the revision of 1860 ; the formula is a good one, and as it fur- nishes an opportunity for prescribing this esteemed antispasmodic in a less offensive form than the tincture or fluid extract, it will doubtless gain favor with physicians and patients. Extract of digitalis should have been, long since, in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia; it has been in common use for many years. In view of the perishable nature of the powdered leaves, it is adapted to supersede these in extemporaneous combination. Extract of cannabis is one of the most useful of the class of nar- cotic remedies, but for its great uncertainty of operation. Some specimens produce the most powerful and even alarming symptoms in doses of a single grain or even less, while others require 5 or even 10 grains to produce its characteristic results. Its peculiari- ties as a remedy consist in its producing none of those depressing effects generally characteristic of narcotics; it does not affect the pulse or the appetite, nor is it apt to cause sleep except by allaying ON EVAPORATION AND THE EXTRACTS. 657 nervous symptoms. It is equally applicable to acute inflammatory and to typhoid affections. Alcoholic extracts of nux vomica and ignatia are two of the most powerful tonics within the reach of the practitioner, they are usually prescribed along with other bitters and sometimes with the mineral tonics ; it should be remembered that they contain strychnia and brucia, two powerful vegetable alkalies, and that they are cumulative in their effects and liable to produce tetanic symptoms, on the least appearance of which the use of the remedy should be arrested. The commercial extract of nux vomica is often given in one-grain doses, but it is frequently much below standard strength. Extract Physostigmatis, II. S. P. — This is made by displacing with alcohol until exhausted, after four days' maceration of the powder, in a conical percolator. The alcohol should be recovered by distilla- tion, and the remainder should be evaporated by water-bath to the consistence of soft extract. 3d Group. — Cathartics, tonics, etc., alcoholic. Extracted by alcohol and water, or by diluted alcohol. Officinal name. Dose. Medical properties. Extractum jalapae 10 to 15 grs. Cathartic. " podophylli 5 to 10 grs. do. " hellebori alcoholicum 10 to 15 grs. Emmenagogue, cathartic. " rhei " do. Cathartic. " colocynthidis* " do. " dulcamarse 3 to 6 grs. Alterative, narcotic. " senegse 1 to 3 grs. Stimulant, expectorant. " cinchoneef 10 to 15 grs. Tonic. REMARKS. In preparing the above important preparations there are various modifications of the process of extraction by diluted alcohol and subsequent evaporation. This process in its simplest form is adopted in the case of colocynth, dulcamara, and senega, in the former of which maceration and strong expression precede percolation. In treating cinchona, jalap, and podophyllum, the alcohol and water are applied successively and the percolates separately evaporated to the consistence of thin honey, mixed and further concentrated to the proper consistence. Rhubarb and black hellebore are instances in which the percolation is, first with strong alcohol, followed by diluted alcohol ; the first percolate being evaporated spontaneously,, and the other by a water-bath, till they reach the consistence of syrup ; they are then directed to be mixed and further concentrated to the consistence of an extract. Of the above cathartics, each has its peculiar properties, adapting it to some peculiar use. 42 * See Extractum Colocynthidis Compositum, | See Extractum Calisayicum. 658 02* EVAPORATION AND THE EXTRACTS. Extract of hellebore is used as an emmenagogue cathartic. In com- bination with aloes, myrrh, sulphate of iron, etc., it constitutes the celebrated Hooper's Female Pills. Extract of jalap is combined with compound extract of colocynth, calomel, and gamboge in the compound cathartic pill ; it is, per- haps, seldom prepared of standard quality, and is especially liable to sophistication and adulteration. Extract of podophyllum is less used than it deserves, being equal to extract of jalap in its cathartic effect in half the dose. Podo- phyllin is a more concentrated and, for many uses, a more conve- nient preparation, but it is not so perfect a representative of the root as this extract. In the opinion of Dr. Wood this extract might be substituted for extract of jalap in all cases. Extract of rhubarb is rarely employed by practitioners in the United States, though it offers facilities for using this valuable tonic cathartic in larger doses in the form of pill than the powdered root itself. Extract of cinchona is seldom used in practice in this country. This extract of cinchona must not be confounded with the article called Wetherill's Extract, nor with extractum calisayicum, which are superior preparations, treated of among the unofHcinal extracts. Extract of dulcamara has been removed into this group from the group of aqueous extracts in which it was formerly included ; it is but little prescribed, though doubtless an admirable vehicle for other alterative medicines in the form of pill. Extract of seneka is a new officinal for which there seems to me to be little use, as seneka root, being an expectorant, is seldom required in the pilular form, and its syrup and decoction are favorably known as liquid preparations. Extract of colocynth is introduced into the Pharmacopoeia with a view to the ready preparation of the compound extract, which is a well-known and popular remedy ; its properties adapt it to being dried and powdered. It may be advantageously prescribed as an active cathartic in many combinations. Extract of colocynth should be made of the medullary part deprived of the seed, which constitutes from 25 to 34 per cent, of the drug; the extract yielded lifter maceration is about 60 per cent., and is dry and resinous. 4th Group. Tonics, astringents, etc. Extracted by water and evaporated. Officinal name. Estractum gentianae " quassias kramerise (rhatany) haematoxyli juglandis (butternut) opii Med. dose. 10 to 20 grs. 3 to 6 grs. 10 to 20 grs. do. do. ^ grain Remarks. Tonic. do. Astringent. do. Cathartic. Narcotic. ON EVAPORATION AND THE EXTRACTS. 659 REMARKS. Extracts of gentian, quassia, and butternut are made by precisely the same process, involving percolation with cold water, boiling down to three-fourths, straining, and evaporating. Extract of rhatany differs from this by being raised to the boiling point merely, strained, and evaporated on a water-bath, a variation made necessary by the proneness of the astringent principle to become insoluble and inert by long exposure to a boiling temperature. Logwood, on the contrary, is extracted by long boiling, and on evaporation becomes dry and pulverulent, a property which it shares with most of the astringent extracts. Opium is sliced and tritu- rated with water to obtain its soluble principles, requiring repeated macerations and nitrations; it forms then a perfectly smooth, uni- form, and soluble extract by careful evaporation. The great advantage of extract of quassia over extract of gentian in making pills, will be seen by comparing the doses. Extract of rhatany, when well prepared, so as to be soluble in water, is a valu- able substitute for kino and catechu, which it resembles in physi- cal as well as medical properties. It differs in medical properties from extract of logwood, though both are astringents ; the last named is more mild in its action, and is especially adapted to re- laxed conditions of the bowels. Extract of logwood is also largely used in dyeing, and in the manufacture of writing fluids. It is important, in selecting rhatany root, to obtain that which has the most bark attached to it. Prof. Procter, in a comparative assay of the bark and wood, found the former to yield 33 per cent., while the latter gave only 6.8 per cent. A very great yield of extract is obtained when the root is decocted, but nearly one-half of it is insoluble. Long exposure to the air should be avoided, as it occa- sions an insoluble apotheme. If the extract is purchased it is well to test its solubility in cold water. Extract of butternut, or white walnut, is a mild alterative, laxative, and diuretic medicine, but little prescribed, but well worthy the attention of practitioners in the treatment of chronic diseases. Aqueous extract of opium is a most useful preparation, much used in eye-washes and astringent injections, and well adapted to re- place opium itself in pill masses and for other internal uses ; the proximate principles of opium, soluble in water, are those most agreeable in their action. Unclassified Extracts. Extractum taraxaci Dose 3J By inspissating the expressed juice, diuretic, cholagogue. " colchici acet. Dose 1 to 2 grs. Extracted by diluted acetic acid, sedative. " colocynthidis comp. Dose 10 grs. Cathartic mixed powders. Extract of taraxacum is a most useful, though mild, remedy adapted to a large class of chronic cases. Much that is met with in the market is quite deficient in the bitterness characteristic of a 660 ON EVAPOEATION AND THE EXTRACTS. good article ; it is also apt to ferment or become mouldy from defi- cient evaporation. The evaporation should be pushed till the pilu- lar consistence is fully attained. Acetic extract of colchicum is an invaluable remedy in rheumatic and gouty affections, and in a variety of combinations indicated under the head of Extemporaneous Prescriptions is largely pre- scribed. Compound extract of colocynth is a most valuable remedy, for which an entirely new formula is given in the Pharmacopoeia of 1860, found among the working formulas which follow. It is an exception to the extracts generally in being kept in powder. "Working Formulas of Extracts, including some not found in the Pharmacopoeia. SECOND GROUP. Extractum Digitalis Alcohilicum, IT. S. P. Take of Digitalis, recently dried and in fine powder, twelve troyounces. Alcohol, a pint. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Introduce the powder, previously mixed with one-third of the alcohol, into a percolator, and pour upon it the remainder of the alcohol. When the liquid has all been absorbed by the powder, pour diluted alcohol upon it until a pint of tincture has been obtained. Set this aside in a warm place, and allow it to evaporate spontane- ously until reduced to three fluidounces.. Continue the percolation with diluted alcohol until two pints more of tincture have passed, or until the powder is exhausted ; then evaporate this liquid, by means of a water-bath, at a temperature not exceeding 160°, to the consistence of syrup. To this add the three fluidounces of tiucture first obtained, and continue the evaporation, at a temperature not ex- ceeding 120°, until the whole is reduced to the proper consistence. By the same process prepare — Extractum Conii Alcoholicum, IT. S. P. From conium leaves, recently dried and in fine powder. Extractum Stramonii Foliorum, IT. S. P. From stramonium leaves, recently dried and in fine powder. Extractum Valeriana! Alcoholicum, IT. S. P. From valerian, in fine powder. Extractum Aconiti, IT. S. P. From aconite leaves, recently dried and in fine powder. FOKMULAS FOR THE EXTRACTS. 661 Extraction Belladonnas Alcoholicum, U. S. P. Take of Belladonna leaves, in fine powder, twenty-four troyounces. Alcohol, four pints. Water, two pints. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the alcohol and water, and moisten the powder with a pint of the mixture; then pack it firmly in a conical percolator, and gradually pour upon it the remainder of the mixture. Continue the percolation with diluted alcohol until six pints of tincture have passed. Lastly, evaporate this, by means of a water-bath, to the proper consistence. By the same process prepare — Extractum Hyoscyami Alcoholicum, TJ. S. P. From hyoscyarnus leaves, recently dried and in moderately fine powder. Extractum Arnicce, U. S. P. From arnica, in moderately coarse powder. Extractum J^ucis Vomicce, U. S. P. Take of Nux vomica, in fine powder, twelve troyounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the nux vomica with four fluidounces of alcohol, and allow the mixture to stand for an hour. Then introduce it into a cylin- drical percolator, and gradually pour alcohol upon it until the tincture passes without bitterness. Distil off the alcohol, by means of a water-bath, until the tincture is reduced to half a pint, and evaporate this to the proper consistence. By the same process prepare — Extractum Ignatice Alcoholicum, U. S. P. From ignatia, in fine powder. Extractum Cannabis Americanoe. {Extract of American Hemp.) U. S. P. Take of American hemp, in moderately fine powder .... ^xij. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the hemp with six fluidounces of alcohol, pack it in a conical percolator, cover the surface with a disk of paper, and pour on six fluidounces of alcohol. When the liquid begins to drop from the percolator, close the lower orifice with a cork and cover the percolator closely, let it stand four days, then percolate with alcohol till exhausted and evaporate by means of a water-bath. Extractum Cannabis Indicoz. {Extract of Hemj).) U. S. P. Take of Indian hemp, in moderately fine powder §xij- Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the hemp with six fluidounces of alcohol, pack it in a conical percolator, cover the surface with a disk of paper, and pour 662 ON EVAPORATION AND THE EXTRACTS. on six fluidounces of alcohol. When the liquid begins to drop from the percolator, close the lower orifice with a cork, and, having closely covered the percolator, to prevent the evaporation, set it aside in a moderately warm place for four days. Then, having removed the cork, gradually pour alcohol upon the surface until two pints of tincture have been obtained, or until the hemp is ex- hausted. Lastly, by means of a water-bath, evaporate to a proper consistence. THIRD GROUP. Extraction Golocynthidis Alcoholicum, U. S. P. Take of Colocynth, forty-eight troyounces. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Dry the colocynth, and, having removed the seeds and reduced it to a coarse powder by grinding or bruising, macerate it in eight pints of diluted alcohol for four days, with occasional stirring; then express strongly, and strain through flannel. Pack the residue, previously broken up with the hands, firmly in a cylindrical per- colator, cover it with the strainer, and pour diluted alcohol upon it until the tincture and expressed liquid, taken together, measure sixteen pints. Mix the tincture with the expressed liquid, and, having recovered from the mixture ten pints of alcohol by distilla- tion, evaporate the residue to dryness by means of a water-bath. Lastly, reduce the dry mass to powder, and keep it in a well-stopped bottle. The extract obtained by this process weighs about seven troy- ounces. Extractum Dulcamarm, IT. S. P. Take of Bittersweet, in moderately fine powder, twelve troyounces. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the bittersweet with four fluidounces of diluted alcohol, pack it in a conical percolator and pour diluted alcohol gradually upon it until the tincture passes but slightly imbued with the pro- perties of the bittersweet. Distil off the alcohol from the tincture until reduced to one-half; then strain, and by means of a water- bath evaporate to the proper consistence. Extractum Senegoe, U". S. P. Prepare from seneka in moderately fine powder by the above process, omitting to strain the liquid when reduced to one-half. Extractum Jalapce. (Extract of Jalap.) IT. S. P. Take of Jalap, in moderately fine powder, twelve troyounces. Alcohol, four pints. Water, a sufficient quantity. Introduce the powder, previously mixed with three fluidounces of alcohol, into a conical percolator, and gradually pour upon it the remainder of the alcohol. When the liquid ceases to pass, pour upon the residue sufficient water to keep its surface covered, until four pints of tincture have passed. Set this aside, and continue FORMULAS FOR THE EXTRACTS. 663 the percolation until six pints of infusion have been obtained. Distil off the alcohol from the tincture, and evaporate the infusion until the liquids respectively have been brought to the consistence of thin honey; then mix them and evaporate to the proper con- sistence. By the same process prepare — Extraction Cinchona,* U. S. P. From 3'ellow cinchona, in fine powder. Extractum Podophylli, U. S. P. From May apple, in moderately line powder. Extractum Hellebori, U. S. P. Take of Black hellebore, recently dried and in fine powder, twelve troy- ounces. Alcohol, a pint. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Introduce the powder, previously mixed with one-third of the alco- hol, into a conical percolator, and pour upon it the remainder of the alcohol. "When the liquid has all been absorbed by the powder, pour on diluted alcohol until a pint of tincture has been obtained. Set this aside in a warm place, and allow it to evaporate spontane- ously until reduced to three fluidounces. Continue the percolation with diluted alcohol until two pints more of the tincture have passed or until the powder is exhausted ; then evaporate, by means of a water-bath, at a temperature not exceeding 160°, to the con- sistence of syrup. To this add the three fluidounces of tincture first obtained, and continue the evaporation, at a temperature not ex- ceeding 120°, until the whole is reduced to the proper consistence. Extractum Rhei. {Extract of Rhubarb.) U. S. P. Extractum Rhei, Phar. 1850. Take of Rhubarb, in moderately fine powder, twelve troyounces. Alcohol, a pint. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder with four fluidounces of the alcohol, pack it in a conical percolator, and gradually pour upon it, first the remain- der of the alcohol, and afterwards diluted alcohol, until twelve fluidounces of tincture have been obtained. Set this aside in a warm place, and allow it to evaporate spontaneously until reduced to six fluidounces. Continue the percolation with diluted alcohol until the tincture passes nearly tasteless. Evaporate this in a por- celain vessel, by means of a water-bath, at a temperature not ex- ceeding 160°, to the consistence of syrup. With this mix the tincture first obtained, and continue the evaporation until the mix- ture is reduced to the proper consistence. * See Extractum Calisayicura. 664 ON EVAPORATION AND THE EXTRACTS. FOURTH GROUP. Extractum Gentiance, U. S. P. Take of Gentian, in moderately coarse powder, twelve troyounces. Water, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the gentian with four fluidounces of water, pack it in a conical percolator, and gradually pour water upon it until the infusion passes but slightly impregnated with the properties of the gentian. Boil the liquid to three-fourths of its bulk ; then strain, and by means of a water-bath evaporate to the proper consistence. By the same process prepare — Extractum Quassia? , U. S. P. From Quassia, in moderately fine powder. Extractum Juglandis, U. S. P. From Butternut (bark), in moderately coarse powder. Extractum Kramerice. (Extract of Rhatany.) IT. S. P. Take of Rhatany, in moderately fine powder, twelve troyounces. Water, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder with four fluidounces of water, pack it in a conical percolator, and gradually pour water upon it until the infu- sion passes but slightly impregnated with the astringent property of the rhatany. Heat the liquid to the boiling point, strain, and, by means of a water-bath, at a temperature not exceeding 160°, evaporate to the proper consistence. Extractum Hmmatoxyli. (Extract of Logwood.) U. S. P. Take of Logwood, rasped, twelve troyounces. Water, eight pints. Boil down to four pints, and strain the decoction while hot, then evaporate to dryness. Extractum Opii. (Extract of Opium.) U. S. P. Take of Opium, twelve troyounces. Water, five pints. Cut the opium into small pieces, macerate it for twenty-four hours in a pint of the water, and reduce it to a soft mass by tritu- ration. Express the liquid, and treat the residue with each of the four remaining pints of water successively in the same manner. Having mixed the liquids, filter the mixture, and evaporate by means of a water-bath to the proper consistence. unofficinal extracts. 665 Unclassified. Extraction Taraxaci* IT. S. P. Take of Dandelion, gathered in September, sixty troyounces. Slice the dandelion, and bruise it in a stone mortar, sprinkling on it a little water, until reduced to a pulp. Then express and strain the juice, and evaporate it in a vacuum, or in a shallow dish over a water-bath, to the proper consistence. Extraction Colchici Aceticum,'U.S.'P. (Acetic Extract of Cole hi urn.) Take of Colchicum root, in moderately fine powder, twelve troyounces. Acetic acid, four fluidounces. Water, a sufficient quantity. To the acetic acid add a pint of water, and mix the resulting liquid with the colchicum root. Transfer the mixture to a conical glass percolator, and pour water gradually upon it until the liquid passes with little or no taste. Lastly evaporate the liquid, in a por- celain vesssel, to the proper consistence. Extr actum Colocynthidis Composition. (Comp. Ext. ofColoeynth) IT. S. P. Take of Alcoholic extract of colocynth, in fine powder, three troyounces and a half. Purified aloes, in fine powder, twelve troyounces. Resin of scammony, in fine powder, three troyounces. Cardamom, in fine powder, a troyounce. Soap, in fine powder, three troyounces. Mix the powders thoroughly, and keep the mixture in a well- stopped bottle. Unofficial Extracts. Of the extracts not recognized in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, de- scribed in former editions of this work, several have been intro- duced into the last edition of our national standard; without wishing to add unnecessarily to the numerous preparations already introduced, the following are deemed of sufficient importance to claim the attention of the student and practitioner: — Calisaya Extract (Ellis). — Is made by boiling coarsely-powdered Calisaya bark in successive portions of water acidulated with mu- riatic acid, precipitating the decoction with hydrate of lime, digesting the precipitate in hot alcohol till all taste is exhausted, and then evaporating the alcohol so as to leave an extract. The old-fashioned precipitated extract of bark was nearly identical with this, which is only objectionable on the score of expense. It contains all the quinia and cinchonia contained in the bark, besides the amorphous quinia, or chinoidine, and is an admirable sub- stitute for the celebrated "WetheriU's extract," formerly much in vogue. Its dose is from 2 to 5 grs. — Am. Journ. Pharm., vol. xx. p. 15. * See Fluid Extract of Taraxacum for process for preserving the root for expression and evaporation. 666 ON EVAPORATION AND THE EXTRACTS. Chinoidine is the name given to an insoluble residuary extractive principle obtained in the manufacture of quinia, which is described under the head of Vegetable Alkalies. JExtractum Lobelice Aceticum. — To prepare this, the powdered seeds of lobelia are macerated, and then displaced with diluted alcohol, to the first portion of which has been added a small portion of acetic acid. This liquid is then to be evaporated to the consistence of an extract, which will be about one-eighth the quantity of the seed employed. (Am. Jburn. Pharm., vol. xiv. p. 108.) Dose, from 2 to 3 grs. The object of the use of the acetic acid is to form a soluble acetate of lobelina, less readily decomposable by heat than the native salt. Extract of Lupulin. — Take of lupulin half a troyounce, alcohol half a pint. Mix in a percolator and allow it to stand an hour, then displace with alcohol until two pints are obtained, or the whole strength extracted ; pour this into a shallow dish in a warm place, and allow it to evaporate spontaneously to the consistence of an extract; 5j of lupulin yields about 9ij of the extract, which is pro- posed as a substitute for the powder when prescribed in the pilular form. The dose is from 3 to 6 grains; it is recommended by its utility as a convenient and adhesive excipient for other substances. The reputation lupulin has obtained as an antaphrodisiac in irrita- ble conditions of the gential organs, calls for convenient prepara- tions by which the physician is enabled to make choice of the several forms of extemporaneous prescription. The new officinal fiuid extract seems less eligible for most purposes than a solid ex- tract such as this, proposed some years since by my late pupil, W. "W. D. Livermore. The empirical preparation prescribed under the name of "lupulin" by the Eclectics, is probably nearly identical with this. JExtractum Cimicifugaz. — This extract is made by evaporating separately a tincture prepared with alcohol of 95 per cent, and one made with diluted alcohol, until they reach a syrupy consistence, then mixing these and finishing the evaporation over a water-bath, with constant stirring. This process is liable, in the case of cimicifuga, which is a very resinous root, to a serious objection. Even after the extract has been completed, a partial separation of the resinous ingredient is liable to occur, producing great variations in quality between dif- ferent portions of the same lot of extract. Prof. J. E. Moore, of Baltimore, recommends that the tincture made with strong alcohol should be first evaporated to dryness, powdered, and incorporated with the other portion just before it is removed from the fire. The dose of this extract is 5 grains; it represents all the constituents of the root more thoroughly than the resinoid cimicifugin, and is worthy a trial in the anomalous cases of nervous disorder which so often tax the resources of the physician. Much that is sold is pre- pared from the root after the separation of the cimicifugin. JExtractum Pareiraz is prepared from sliced pareira brava, by de- coction with water, straining, and evaporating, A decoction is more UNOFFICINAL EXTRACTS. 667 frequently prescribed ; but this extract allows the practitioner a choice of the pilular form, in which combinations with various other remedies may be conveniently prescribed. Dose, from 10 to 30 grs. Extractum TJvce Ursi. — The London College directs the prepara- tion of this, also, by maceration and decoction with water. Its dose is the same as the foregoing, and they are both used as tonics and diuretics in chronic urinary disorders. Ergotine. — Under this name an extract of ergot is sold in the shops, for which the following is the formula of M. Bonjean: — Exhaust powdered ergot by displacement with cold water, heat the solution in a water-bath, and filter ; evaporate to the consistence of syrup, and add rectified spirit to throw down the gummy matter; when settled, decant the clear liquid, and evaporate by water-bath. One ounce of ergot yields about 70 grains. It is said to possess the haemostatic without the toxic effects of ergot. Dose, from 4 to 10 grs. The ergotine of Wiggers consists chiefly of resinous principles, and is insoluble in water. The extracts of lettuce, poppy-heads, and hops are very weak narcotic extracts, occasionally prescribed, but less esteemed than lactucarium, opium, and lupuline, which are the more efficient products of their respective plants. Extractum glycyrrhizoe is the name given in the list of the Phar- macopoeia to the common drug known as liquorice, imported from Italy and Spain. Until recently this was the only extract of liquorice used ; our manufacturers now make a true and proper ex- tract, which is made in either of two ways, as follows : — 1st Process. — Take of liquorice root, bruised, any convenient quantity, macerate in water, with the application of heat, until ex- hausted ; strain, and evaporate to the consistence of an extract. 2d Process. — Take of liquorice (impure extract) any convenient quantity, lay the pieces of liquorice in a large displacer, or a barrel, in layers alternating with straw ; macerate, and then percolate the mass with cold water, and evaporate the clear liquid that runs off. The pieces of liquorice will be found to have lost their saccharine matter, glycyrrhizin, although retaining their shape as before. This is oificinal in some European Pharmacopoeias, under the name of Extractum s. succus liquoritse depur, and is valued particularly on account of its perfect solubility in water. A large proportion of glycyrrhizin is left behind in a modified state, and may be gained by exhausting the residue with a very dilute ammonia, which ren- ders it soluble. The extract has a yellow color, becoming brown by age, and as made by the first process has the taste of the root, and is deli- quescent, so as to require to be kept in jars. One part of powdered liquorice root to sixteen of the extract will render it firm enough to keep in sticks. Tilclen's extract of liquorice is made into sticks of a yellowish-brown color by admixture with gum Arabic ; its taste resembles the root more decidedly than that of black liquorice. i 668 ON EVAPORATION AND THE EXTRACTS. Physical Properties. The physical properties of extracts vary, according to their composi- tion, age, and the circumstances in which they are kept. The narcotic extracts of the first class, as vended by the manu- facturers, are apt to be too soft for convenient use in the form of pills, and are disposed to deliquesce. This want of a firm consist- ence, which results from a disposition to preserve the more volatile ingredients from loss in the final concentration, causes no inconve- nience when the extract is used with a considerable proportion of dry or hard ingredients. It may be obviated by combining with them powdered liquorice root or marsh mallow, when the addi- tional bulk is no objection. The alcoholic and hydro-alcoholic ex- tracts are seldom liable to this objection ; they harden on exposure to the air, and when old are sometimes inconveniently dry. The extracts of jalap and podophyllum are apt to become tough and unmanageable, so as to resist the action of the pestle either by trituration or contusion. Extract of jalap is ordered, in compound cathartic pills, in the form of powder, and this is in some respects its best form for use ; it is conveniently kept in bottles, as other powders are, is readily weighed and incorporated with other sub- stances, and becomes plastic by the addition of moisture. Few manufacturers push the evaporation so far as to produce the extract dry enough for powdering ; but there is no difficulty in accom- plishing it in dry and frosty weather where steam is employed, and as a demand grows up for the article it will be more generally met with in the stores, although at a somewhat advanced price on the soft extract. Compound extract of colocynth is frequently brittle enough to powder, and is now directed in the Pharmacopoeia in this form. The addition of soap to its other ingredients prevents the liability to toughness, besides increasing its solubility. Extracts of rhatany and of logwood are always pulverulent, and when properly made are nearly soluble in water. The kind of jars usually employed for preserving extracts are figured in the chapter on the outfit of the physician's office. Those with covers or tops are most eligible. In furnishing a shop where a good many are needed, it is well to reserve the canopy-top jars exclusively for ointments, the flat tops for extracts, for the sake of distinction. Extracts should never be put in gallipots or tie-overs, except for temporary purposes. Besides the cover, which fits loosely on the jars, there should be a piece of bladder, or tinfoil, or paper saturated with oil, wax, paraffine, or soluble glass, or parch- ment paper which may be made after the common paper has been marked with the name and quantity of the extract. {See Lignin.) Upon covered jars these impervious coverings should be stretched over the open top before fitting on the lid. In the case of soft extracts, which have a tendency to mould, the occasional addition of a few drops of alcohol is found advantageous ; wide-mouth bottles, either with ground stoppers or corks, are pre- ferable to jars as affording a more'complete exclusion of the air, but PHYSICAL PROPERTIES. 669 the smaller sized bottles, having too narrow mouths to admit a spatula of ordinary width, are inconvenient. The Uses of Extracts. — This class of preparations may be used either in the form of pill, solution, or mixture. They are chiefly prescribed in the pilular form, combined with other substances, and to this they are peculiarly adapted. One of the chief points in making pills is to increase or modify the effect in the highest de- gree, without a corresponding increase of bulk. Hence the utility of adding extracts to substances possessing no adhesiveness, choos- ing among them such as will most promote the therapeutic effect, while a plastic mass will be the result. Thus, in tonic pills, as of subcarbonate of iron or sulphate of quinia, extract of quassia or of gentian would be preferable to an inert substance like conserve of rose or mucilage. In dilute aqueous solutions, extracts are not generally preferable to the corresponding tincture or fluid extracts, but where the dose of the tincture would be large, the physician often avails himself of the extract in preference, as not containing alcoholic stimulus. Extracts are generally combined in mixtures containing sweet or viscid substances more than in solutions proper, although in cases where the quantity of the extract desired is large, and it is soluble in water, it may be employed to impart viscidity to a mixture, and to suspend insoluble substances without the necessity of using either gum or sugar. It will greatly facilitate the dispensing of extracts prescribed in ointments, to have a small jar containing the extract softened by working into it half its weight of glycerin, and using one and a half drachm of such an extract instead of one drachm. In triturating an extract* particularly a hard one, with viscid liquids, as syrup or mucilage, or with lard in making ointments, considerable difficulty is experienced in dissolving or diffusing it equally throughout the mixture ; to obviate this, it should be first softened with a few drops of water if aqueous, or alcohol if alcoholic, until it has about the consistence of thick honey or treacle, and then incorporated with the other ingredients. Frequently it will require a long and tedious trituration to accomplish the object thoroughly and effectually. The most effectual and unobjectionable method of softening ex- tracts for the purpose of incorporating them with other substances or making mixtures, is to place (if aqueous) a small quantity of water in the jar with the extract and place the jar in a close vessel of boiling water ; the combined effect of heat and moisture will produce the desired result quite rapidly. The aid of heat will greatly facilitate the softening of extracts, especially in making pill masses, which become dryer and more firm when rendered plastic by heat than when softened by a moist excipient. 670 FLUIi> EXTRACTS AND OLEORESINS, CHAPTER XI. FLUID EXTRACTS AND OLEORESINS. The class Extracta fluida is found for the first time in the Phar- macopoeia in the edition of 1850. Most of those at that time made officinal had been used and were esteemed standard remedies for several years previously, though two of them (oleoresins) have never attained popularity. During the ten years immediately preceding the edition of 1860, the number of this class had greatly extended, and we have at present twenty-five officinal preparations under this head, besides several formerly classed with them, now named oleoresins. Of this number fifteen are alcoholic solutions, and may be defined as con- centrated tinctures, although some of them, as fluid extract of taraxacum, are preserved by a minimum of the alcoholic men- struum ; the other ten are concentrated syrups, some of which are less highly charged with the saccharine ingredient than would be necessary in the absence of alcohol, a sufficient proportion of which is retained in the solution to prevent decomposition. In making fluid extracts it is often impracticable to dissolve the large proportion of sugar necessary to prevent fermentation without rendering the fluid extract too thick to be conveniently poured from a bottle or spoon, and yet the form of syrup is especially adapted to those which are administered in large doses or are given chiefly to children. The Committee of Revision have shown great judgment in the framing of these formulas, and it is to be hoped that the offi- cinal fluid extracts will supersede those made by various manu- facturers according to their own arbitrary standards, and the precise composition of which has not been made public. The origiual idea of a fluid extract was to make it represent an equal portion of the drug, every troyounce weight of the material from which prepared being converted into a fluidounce of the fluid extract. The result of this, if carried out, would be to simplify the recollection of the doses of fluid extracts by stating the dose in each case to be the same as of the drug. This rule was departed from, even in the Pharmacopoeia of 1850, and the unofficinal formulas published have in many instances been quite independent of any uniform rule of strength. Among the fluid extracts made officinal in 1860, there are only two which form exceptions to this rule, the fluid extracts of cin- chona and of wild cherry; in both these instances, good reasons existed for reducing the strength from the usual standard. Alcohol, from its eminently "useful qualities as a solvent for active vegetable principles, and from its perfect adaptability to percola- SYLLABUS OF OFFICINAL FLUID EXTRACTS. 671 tion, and the low temperature at which it evaporates, is invariably selected as the menstruum used in the process of extraction ; in the case of conium, ergot, and ipecacuanha, the first two of which con- tain volatile organic alkalies, while the last named owes its activity to a vegetable alkali not readily separable from associated inert principles, acetic or muriatic acid is added to bring the natural bases to the condition of soluble and more permanent acetates or chlorides. Within a few years past, the views expressed first by Mr. A. B. Taylor, regarding glycerin as an appropriate substance to be used to supply the place of part of the sugar used in some fluid extracts, have been amply confirmed, and its use greatly increased, even to adopting it as a partial menstruum for a number of this class of preparations. The officinal directions of the last edition of the Pharmacopoeia for preparing fluid extracts require, that, unless otherwise ordered, the powder be moistened with a specified quantity of menstruum and properly packed in a suitable percolator. The surface of the liquid is then to be covered with a disk of paper, and the re- maining portion of the sixteen fluidounces of menstruum is to be poured upon it. When the liquid begins to drop from the percola- tor, close the lower orifice with a cork, and, having closely covered the percolator to prevent evaporation, set it aside in a moderately warm place for four days. The cork is then to be removed, more menstruum is to be gradually poured on, and the percolation to be continued until twenty-four fluidounces have been obtained. Of these the first fourteen fluidounces are to be reserved, and the re- mainder, having been carefully evaporated to two fluidounces, is to be mixed with the reserved portion, and filtered through paper if necessary. Syllabus of Officinal Fluid Extracts. 1st Group. — Concentrated tinctures with diluted alcohol. Officinal name. Dose. Medical properties. Extract, cimifugse fluid. " Valerianae " " veratriviridis fluid. " lupuliaa " cubebas " mezerei " sabina TIL xv to xx "n\xxx Tt^v to X TT\,V to X nixx rr\, ij to iv and for cerate External use in cerate Tonic nervous sedative. Tonic antispasmodic. Arterial sedative. Antaphrodisiac. Diuretic and stimulant. Alterative. Stimulant. REMARKS ON GROUP FIRST. The several articles here grouped are directed to be exhausted with stronger alcohol (.817 sp. gr.), their peculiar composition be- ing such that a menstruum of this strength most completely re- moves the active principles, and at the same time, the excess of menstruum is most easily removed without recourse to undue elevation of temperature; it will be noticed, that the present offi- cinal directions authorize only twenty-four fluidounces of percolate 672 FLUID EXTRACTS. to be obtained, and the first fourteen to be kept as a reserve, and not exposed to either heat or atmospheric influence, while the re- maing ten fluidounces are to be carefully evaporated to two fluid- ounces, which when added to the reserved tincture yield the required quantity. EXTRACTA FLUIDA. 2d Group. — Concentrated tinctures with alcohol. Officinal name. Extract, buchu fluidum " serpentarise fluidum " zingiberis " " erigirontis canadensis fluidum " gelsemii fluidum Doses for adults. H\ XX Tr\.v to x Tr^v to xx v\ v to X n\, ij to v Medical properties. Diuretic and stimulant. Tonic, stimulant. Aromatic, stimulant, and carminative. Antihemorrhagic, tonic, and astring. Arterial sedative. REMARKS ON GROUP SECOND. These extracts are directed to be made with alcohol (.835 sp. gr.) and are to be made in accordance with the general directions al- ready given, there being no exceptions in this class ; the volatile oil and resin contained in each drug being readily removed by the menstruum directed. When prescribed in mixtures their resinous character must be remembered, and some vehicle selected, which will prevent the deposition of resin and separation of the volatile oil. 3d Group. EXTRACTA FLUIDA, U. S. -Concentrated tinctures with glycerin and diluted alcohol. Officinal name. Dose. Medical properties. Extract, belladonnse radic. fluidum TT\,J t0 >j (1— 2min.) Narcotic. (< conii fructus C( Tt\, ij to iv " alterative. (« hyoscyami a n\, v to XV " laxative. " digitalis (( mJtoij Diuretic, arterial, sedative. << colchici rad. tc r\ ij to vj Sedative and cathartic. tt " semi. (( ttl ii to vj a a a <« cinchonge (C TTL x to XXX Tonic and antiperiodic. (< cornus floridae a n^ x to xx " tt gentianse tt n| x to xxx n a chimaphilse a TTL X to XX " astringent, diuretic. tt uva ursi tt TT^ xx to lx a tt a pareiree brava c< n^ x to xx 11 " diuretic. tt geranii tt m, x to xx Astringent. it kramerige it rr\, v to xx " it rubi a n\, v to x a a ergotse it tt\, xx to xxx Parturient and emmenagogue. tt gossypii a TT\ X tO XX " " " a dulcamarse a *33 to f 3 ! J Eeebly narcot. and diaphoretic. ti stillingise " rr\, xxx to f£J Alterative. it matico tt n\, xx to xxx Stimulant, aromatic. it glycyrrhizse rad. " *3J to fgss Demulcent. it senegse tt n^ x to xx Expectorant and emetic. a taraxaci «' f5J to f5ij Diuretic, tonic, and aperient. (< sarsaparillae tt f^ss to t5'V Alterative. << " comp. ti fsjss to fgi " tt columbse a fgss to f£j Tonic. (< hydrastis " n\ iij to v a (( rhei a nx x to xx Cathartic and astringent. <( scillse n TTL v to xx Emetic, expect , and diuretic. FORMULAS FOR FLUID EXTRACTS, 673 REMARKS ON GROUP THIRD. This is by far the largest class of fluid extracts ; from being second in number in the last edition of this work, and regarded in the light of concentrated syrups, it has, by the introduction of glycerin, been changed to glycerinated tinctures, and rendered in many in- stances much more desirable, both in a pharmaceutic and thera- peutic point of view. The strength of cinchona extract, it will be observed, has now been made troyounce to fluidounce. The propor- tion of glycerin to the pint is four fluidounces, excepting in the case of the six last named on the list, in two of which, sarsaparilla and sarsaparilla compound, half a pint is contained, in the other four but two fluidounces being directed. The general alcoholic strength is the same, except in a few instances, which will be noticed in the working formulas appended. EXTRACTA FLUIDA, U. S. Unclassified. Principally glycerinated tinctures. Officinal name. Dose. Medical properties. Extract, ipecacunnhue fluidum " pruni virginiaDse " " sennre " " spig^lioe " " " et sennse " TTL ij to xx fsjss to f 5j fgssto^j gij to gss f 3U to ^B 83 Emetic, expectorant. Tonic, sedative, expectorant. Cathartic, Anthelmintic. " and purgative. REMARKS UPON THE UNCLASSIFED FLUID EXTRACTS. These vary in the quantities of glycerin directed, and the strengths of the alcohol employed. Thus, in the formulas for fluid extracts of ipecacuanha, primus virginianus, and spigelia, each has half a pint of glycerin, and ipecacuanha and primus each requires stronger alcohol, while extracts of senna and spigelia require alcohol .835. The extract of ipecacuanha made by this process has been found objectionably thick, and for this reason much objected to, while fluid extract of rhubarb is improved when compared with the semi- fluid extract of older editions of the Pharmacopoeia. Working Formulas for Officinal Fluid Extracts. (Alphabetically arranged.) Extractum Belladonna Radicis Fluidum. Fluid, Extract of Bella- donna Root. Take of Belladonna root, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troy ounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve fluidounces of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and one fluidounce of water, and, having moistened the belladonna root with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula given in a former part of this chapter. Finish 48 674 FLUID EXTRACTS. the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one iluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extractum Buchu Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Buchu, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the buchu with six fluidounces of alcohol, and proceed according to the general formula given for fluid extracts in a former part of this chapter. Extractum Calumbce Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Columbo, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, f^ij. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix fourteen fluidounces of alcohol with the glycerin, and, having moistened the powder with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with a menstruum consisting of two parts of alcohol and one part of water. Extractum Chimaphiloe Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Pipsissewa, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five of water, and, having moistened the pipsissewa with half a pint of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one iluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extractum Cimicifugce Fluidum^J . S. P. Take of Cimicifuga, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Stronger alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the cimicifuga with four fluidounces of the stronger alcohol, and proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Extractum Cinchonas Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Yellow cinchona, in very fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the cinchona with five fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general FORMULAS FOR OFFICINAL EXTRACTS. 675 formula for fluid extracts. Continue the percolation with diluted alcohol, until two pints of percolate have heen obtained, and having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extractum Colchici Radicis Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Colchicura root, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four nuidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve nuidounces of alcohol, three nuidounces of glycerin, and one fluidounce of water, and, having moistened the colchicum root with live nuidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and having reserved fourteen nuidounces, add one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extractum Colchici Seminis Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Colchicum seed, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four liuidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve nuidounces of alcohol, three nuidounces of glycerin, and one fluidounce of water, and, having moistened the colchicum seed with four nuidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and having reserved fourteen nuidounces, add one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extractum Conii Fructus Fluidum. ■ (Fluid Extract of Conium Seed.) U. S. P. Take of Conium seed, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four nuidounces. Muriatic acid, one hundred and eighty grains. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three nuidounces of glycerin, and five nuidounces of water, and, having moistened the conium seed with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add the muriatic acid and one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extractum Cornus Florida* Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Dogwood, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. 676 FLUID EXTRACTS. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and Rye fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the dogwood with five fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extraction Cubebce Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Cubeb, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Stronger alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the cubeb with six fluidounces of stronger alcohol, and proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Extractum Digitalis Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Digitalis, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four nuidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve fluidounces of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and one fluidounce of water, and having moistened the digitalis with half a pint of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extractum Dulcamaras Eluidum, U. S. P. Take of Bittersweet, in moderately coarse powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the bittersweet with six fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluid- ounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before eva- poration. Extractum Ergotcc Eluidum, U. S. P. Take of Ergot, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Acetic acid, half a fluidounce. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the ergot with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add the acetic acid and one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. FORMULAS FOR OFFICINAL EXTRACTS. 677 Extractum Erigerontis Canadensis Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Canada erigeron, in moderately coarse powder, sixteen troyounces. 'Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the erigeron with half a pint of alcohol, and proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Extractum Gelsemii Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Yellow jasmine, in very fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the yellow jasmine with four fluidounces of alcohol, and proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Extract Gentiance Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Gentian, in moderately coarse powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the gentian with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluidounceof glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extractum Geranii Eluidum, U. S. P. Take of Geranium, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the geranium with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extraction Glycyrrhizaz Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Liquorice root, -in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, "Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and Ave fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the liquorice root with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluid- ounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evapo- ration. 678 FLUID EXTRACTS. Extraction G-ossipii Radicis Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Cotton root, in very fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the cotton root with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add the fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extractum Hydrastis Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Hydrastis, in very fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, two fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix the glycerin with fourteen fluidounces of alcohol, and, having moistened the hydrastis with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with a menstruum consisting of two parts of alcohol and one of water. Extractum Hyoscyami Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Hyoscyamus leaves, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve fluidounces of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and one fluidounce of water, and, having moistened the hyoscyamus with half a pint of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluid- ounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evapo- ration. Extractum Ipecacuanhas Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Ipecacuanha, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, half a pint. Stronger alcohol, a pint and a half. Water, twelve fluidounces. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the stronger alcohol and water, and, having moistened the ipecacuanha with six fluidounces of the mixture, pack it firmly in a conical percolator, and pour upon it twelve fluidounces of the mixture. When the liquid begins to drop from the percolator, close the lower orifice with a cork, and, having closely covered the per- colator, set it aside for four days, then remove the cork, and gradu- ally pour on the remainder of the mixture, and finally diluted FORMULAS FOR OFFICINAL EXTRACTS. 679 alcohol, until two pints of tincture have slowly passed. Reserve the first six ounces, and mix the remainder of the tincture with the glycerin, and evaporate at a temperature not exceeding 160°, till it shall measure ten fluidounces. Finally mix them. Extraetum Kramerice Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Khatany, in fine powder, sixteen troyounees. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the rhatany with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extraetum Lupulince Fluidum, Take of Lupulin, sixteen troyounees. Stronger alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the lupulin with six fluidounces of stronger alcohol, and proceed according to the directions given in the general formula for fluid extracts. Extraetum Matico Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Matico, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounees. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve fluidounces of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and one fluidounce of water, and, having moistened the matico with half a pint of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluidounce to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extraetum Mezerei Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Mezereon, in moderately coarse powder, sixteen troyounees. Stronger alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the mezereon with six fluidounces of stronger alcohol, and proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Extraetum Pareiraz Fluidum, U. S. P. Take of Pareira brava, in fine powder, sixteen troyounees. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the pareira brava with 680 FLUID EXTRACTS. four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluid- ounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evapora- tion. Extraction Pruni Virginiance Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Wild-cherry bark, in fine powder, sixteen troyoimces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Water, half a pint. Stronger alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the glycerin and water, and, having moistened the wild cherry with half a pint of the mixture, allow it to macerate in a covered vessel for four days ; then pack it in a conical glass per- colator, and pour on the remainder of the mixture. When this has disappeared from the surface, gradually pour on stronger alcohol until twelve fluidounces have been obtained, and set this portion aside. Continue the percolation with stronger alcohol until twenty fluidounces more have been obtained ; evaporate to four fluidounces and filter through paper, rinsing the filter with a small portion of stronger alcohol, so as to preserve the measure of four fluidounces. Lastly mix this with the reserved portion and keep in a well- stopped bottle. Extraction Rlxei Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Khubarb, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, two fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix the glycerin with fourteen fluidounces of alcohol, and, having moistened the rhubarb with four fluidounces of the mixture, pro- ceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with a mixture of two parts of alcohol and one of water. Extractum Rubi Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Blackberry, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the powdered bark with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with di- luted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extractum Sabince Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Savine, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Stronger alcohol, a sufficient quantity. FORMULAS FOR OFFICINAL EXTRACTS. 681 Moisten the savine with half a pint of stronger alcohol, and pro- ceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Extractum Sarsaparilla Eluidum, U. S. P. Take of Sarsaparilla, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, half a pint. Water, Alcohol, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol with four fluidounces each of glycerin and water, and, having moistened the sarsaparilla with four fluid- ounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Continue the percolation with diluted alcohol until twenty-six fluidounces have been obtained. Reserve the first ten fluidounces, and, having added four fluidounces of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate, carefully evaporate to six fluid- ounces, and mix with the reserved portion. Extractum Sarsaparilla^ Fhtidum Composition, U. S. P. Extractum Sarsaparillse Fluidum, Pharin. 1850. Take of Sarsaparilla, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Liquorice root, in moderately fine powder, Sassafras, in moderately fine powder, each, two troyounces. Mezereon, in moderately fine powder, three hundred and sixty grains. Glycerin, half a pint. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol with four fluidounces each of glycerin and water, and, having moistened with six fluidounces of the mixture the powders previously well mixed, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Continue the percolation with diluted alcohol until two pints have been obtained. Reserve the first twelve fluidounces, and, having added four fluidounces to the remainder of the percolate, carefully evaporate to six fluid- ounces and mix with the reserved portion. Extractum Scillce Eluidum, U. S. P. Take of Squill, in moderately coarse powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, two fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix the glycerin with fourteen fluidounces of alcohol, and, having moistened the squill with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with a menstruum consisting of two parts of alcohol and one part of water. Extractum Senegce Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Seneka, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, "Water, each, a sufficient quantity. 682 FLUID EXTRACTS. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fhiidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the seneka with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extraction Sennce Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Senna, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, half a pint. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol with four fluidounces each of glycerin and water, and, having moistened the senna with half a pint of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Continue the percolation with diluted alcohol until twenty-six fluidounces have been obtained. Reserve the first ten fluidounces, and, having added four fluidounces of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate, carefully evaporate to six fluidounces and mix with the reserved portion. Extraction Serpentarice Eluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Serpentaria, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the serpentaria with four fluidounces of alcohol, and pro- ceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Extraction Spigelian Eluidwn, IT. S. P. Take of Spigelia, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, half a pint. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol with four fluidounces each of glycerin and water, and, having moistened the spigelia with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Continue the percolation with diluted alcohol until twenty-six fluidounces, have been obtained. Reserve the first ten fluidounces and, having added four fluidounces of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate, carefully evaporate to six fluidounces, and mix with the reserved portion. Extr actum Spigelian et Sennaz Fluidum. .{Fluid Extract of Spigelia and Senna.) IT. S. P. Take of Fluid extract of spigelia, ten fluidounces. Fluid extract of senna, six fluidounces. Oil of anise, Oil of caraway, each, twenty minims. Mix the fluid extracts, and dissolve the oils in the mixture. FORMULAS FOR OFFICINAL EXTRACTS. 683 Extractum Stillingia^ Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of Stillingia, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four lluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix twelve fluidounces of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and one fluidounce of water, and, having moistened the stillingia with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. Extractum Taraxaci Fluidurn, U. S. P. Take of Dandelion, in moderatery fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water, and, having moistened the dandelion with four fluidounces of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluid- ounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evapora- tion. Extemporaneous Process for the above. (Unofficinal.) Take of Extract of dandelion Four troyounces. Alcohol One fluidounce. Water A sufficient quantity. Triturate the extract with the water and the alcohol, and apply a gentle heat till it is dissolved, taking care that the product mea- sures just half a pint. This process yields a liquid which is substantially the same in physical and medical properties with the officinal. The usual dose is a teaspoonful. TT Extractum Uvai Ursi Fluidunu U. S. P. Take of Uva ursi, in moderately fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Glycerin, four fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix half a pint of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of w T ater, and, having moistened the uva ursi with half a pint of the mixture, proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Finish the percolation with diluted alcohol, and, having reserved fourteen fluidounces, add one fluidounce of glycerin to the remainder of the percolate before evaporation. * See Succus. Taraxaci Paratus. 684 FLUID EXTRACTS. Extraction Valeriana? Fluidum, II. S. P. Take of Valerian, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Stronger alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the valerian with five fluidounces of stronger alcohol, and proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Extraction Veratri Viridis Fluidum, IT. S. P. Take of American hellebore, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Stronger alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the hellebore with five fluidounces of stronger alcohol, and proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Extraction Zingiberis Fluidurn, II. S. P. Take of Ginger, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the ginger with four fluidounces of alcohol, and proceed according to the general formula for fluid extracts. Unofficinal Fluid Extracts. ParrisKs Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu. Take of Buchu, in coarse powder .... Twelve troyounces. Alcohol . . Three pints. Water . . Six pints, or sufficient. Treat the leaves by maceration and displacement, first with a portion of the alcohol, and then with the remainder mixed with the water ; evaporate the resulting liquid by a gentle heat to three pints, and to this add — Sugar ... Two and a-half pounds. Continue the heat till it is dissolved, and, after removing from the fire, add — Oil of cubebs,* Oil of juniper, of each One fluidrachm. Spirit of nitric ether ...... Twelve fluidounces. previously mixed ; stir the whole together. It will be perceived that this preparation differs from the officinal fluid extract, in containing sugar sufficient to impart sweetness to the taste, and the oils of cubebs and juniper and the spirit of nitric ether, which are not only useful as therapeutic agents in the ma- jority of cases in which cubebs would be used, but act as antisep- tics, and would render the preparation permanent without the presence of alcohol or sugar. It has been found useful, being well adapted, by its composition, to chronic maladies of the urino-genital organs, appearing to act topically in its passage through them. The dose is a fluidrachm three or four times daily. * Oleoresin of cubebs is much more efficient, and would much improve the remedy if substituted for it. FORMULAS FOR FLUID EXTRACTS. 685 Fluid Extract of Hydrangea. (Dr. S. W. Butler.) Take of Boot of hydrangea arborescens . . Sixteen troyounces. Water Six pints, or sufficient. Boil the root in successive portions of water, mix them, and evaporate to half a pint ; mix this with — Honey Two pints. Evaporate to two pints. In the summer season push the evapo- ration somewhat farther, and add brandy, half a pint. The dose is a teaspoonful twice or three times a day. I have prepared fluid extract of hydrangea for some years, during which time I have dispensed it, under the direction of several prac- titioners, to numerous patients (in irritable conditions of the ure- thra) with satisfactory results ; its value as a remedy in gravel and stone is well established. The plant is abundant in many localities ; I have gathered it on the west banks of the Schuylkill, six to eight miles above Phila- delphia. Fluid Extract of Rhubarb and Senna. (Prof. Procter.) Take of Senna, in coarse powder .... Twelve troyounces. Ehubarb do. do Four troj-ounces. Bicarbonate of potassium .... Half a troyounce. Sugar Eight troyounces. Tincture of ginger A rluidounce. Oil of cloves Eight minims. " aniseed Sixteen minims. Water and alcohol, of each .... A sufficient quantity. Mix the senna and rhubarb by grinding them together, pour upon them two pints of diluted alcohol, macerate twenty-four hours, and introduce the mixture into a percolator, furnished below with a stopcock or cork, to regulate the flow. A mixture of one part of alcohol and three of water should now be poured on above, so as to keep up a constant, but slow displacement of the absorbed menstruum, until one gallon of tincture has passed. Evaporate this in a water-bath to eleven fluidounces ; dissolve in it the sugar and bicarbonate of potassium, and after straining, add the tincture of ginger, holding the oils in solution, and mix ; when done, the whole should measure a pint. The object in adding the alkaline carbonate in this fluid extract is to prevent the griping which is apt to result from the use of the senna. The aromatics contribute to the same end. Dose, f5j to fjss. Extractum Jalapce Fluidum. (Prof. Procter.) Take of Jalap of good quality Sixteen troyounces. Sugar Eight troyounces. ■ Carbonate of potassium Half a troyounce. Alcohol, Water, of each A sufficient quantity. Reduce the jalap to coarse powder, pour on it one pint of a mix- ture of two parts alcohol and one water, and allow it to stand 686 FLUID EXTRACTS. twenty-four hours. Then introduce it into a percolator, and pour ordinary diluted alcohol slowly on until half a gallon of liquid has passed. Evaporate this in a water-bath, or still, till reduced to one-half, then add the sugar and carbonate of potassium, and evapo- rate till reduced to twelve fluidounces. Put the liquid thus ob- tained, while yet warm, in a pint bottle, and acid four fluidounces of alcohol, and mix by agitation. The alkali forms a resinous soap with the jalap resin, greatly increasing its solubility in water, and at the same time renders the preparation less griping. The object of the sugar is also to aid in the retention of the resi- nous matter in a fluid condition, as well as to mask the taste of the jalap. The dose will vary from fifteen minims to a fluidrachm, ac- cording to the effect desired. By means of this preparation, the physician may prescribe jalap in mixtures with great facility, and avoid the large proportion of alcohol unavoidable when he resorts to the officinal tincture. Succus Taraxaci Paratus. {Preserved Taraxacum Juice.) (Prof. Procter.) Take of Fresh dandelion root . . . Twenty pounds (avoirdupois). Alcohol (.835°) Four pints. Slice the roots transversely in short sections, and, by means of a mill or mortar and pestle, reduce them to a pulpy mass ; then add the alcohol, and mix them thoroughly. The mixture, thus far pre- pared at the season when the root is proper for collection, may be set aside in suitable vessels (stoneware jars are appropriate), and extracted as the preparation is needed through the other seasons. After having stood a week, or until a convenient time, the pulpy mass is subjected to powerful pressure, until as much as possible of the fluid is removed. This is then filtered and bottled for use. It is necessary that sufficient time should elapse after the pulp is set aside for the alcohol to penetrate the fibrous particles and com- mingle with the natural juices, as well as for the woody structure of the root to lose its elasticity, that it may yield the juice more completely on pressure. When the pulp has stood six months in this, it yields the juice with great readiness, and is possessed of the sensible properties of the dandelion in a marked degree. When twenty pounds (avoirdupois) of the root are thus treated after standing several months, the practical result is about six pints of fluid with an ordinary screw press. This yield will vary in amount with the condition of the root when collected, and the length of time it is exposed afterwards, as well as the power of the press used. Should the alcohol in this preparation be contraindi- cated, it might be partially removed by exposure in a water-bath until the juice is reduced to five-sixths of its bulk; then for every pint of the residue, eight officinal ounces of sugar may be dissolved in it. FLUID EXTRACT OF WILD CHERRY BARK. 687 Fluid Extract of Galls. Take of Galls, in coarse powder ^viij. Alcohol Sufficient. Exhaust by percolation, and evaporate to a pint. This preparation is used by dentists in Philadelphia as a powerful astringent application. Fluid Extract of Lobelia. (Prof. Procter.) Take of Lobelia (the plant), finely bruised . . . Eight troyounces. Acetic acid One fluidounce. Diluted alcohol .... Three pints. Alcohol Six fluidounces. Macerate the lobelia in a pint and a half of the diluted alcohol, previously mixed with the acetic acid, for twenty -four hours ; in- troduce the mixture into an earthen displacer ; pour on slowly the remainder of the diluted alcohol, and afterwards water, until three pints of tincture are obtained ; evaporate this in a water-bath to ten fluidounces ; strain ; add the alcohol, and when mixed, filter through paper. Each teaspoonful of this preparation is equal to half a fluid- ounce of the tincture. The dose would vary from five drops, as a narcotic and expectorant, to twenty or thirty as an emetic. Ferr cited Fluid Extract of Wild Cherry Bark. (W. E. Warner.) Take of Pruni Virginians contus ,?xij. . Amygdalae dulc ,?ij. Ferri oxyd. hydrat 3ss. Sacchari albi o x ij- Ferri citratis 3j -f- gr. xcvi. Alcoholis, Aquse, aa q. s. First exhaust the bark of its tonic principles with the alcoholic menstruum, and evaporate the resulting alcoholic tincture carefully to expel the alcohol; then mix the residue with six ounces of water, and add the hydrated sesquioxide of iron ; allow it to macerate for six hours, occasionally agitating, and filter into a bottle containing an emulsion, composed of the two ounces of sweet almonds in six ounces of water. When the reaction has ceased between the emulsin and the amygdalin, again filter and add the sugar, and finally add 576 grains of citrate of iron, previously dissolved in water; then dilute to make the whole fluid extract measure twenty- four fluidounces. In this formula hydrated oxide of iron is directed to be added to the extract for the purpose of removing the tannin, which would blacken on the addition of the iron salt. When effectual in ac- complishing the object, it proves a useful modification of this remedy, the astringenc3 T of which is sometimes an objection to its use. Iron salt is often indicated when wild cherry would be desirable, and the selection in this formula would seem to be a i 688 FLUID EXTRACTS. good one, though the quantity, three grains to the ounce, would seem unnecessarily large. The dose would be a fluidrachm three times a day. Fluid Extract of Sanguinaria. (Samuel Campbell.) Take of Sanguinaria canadensis Eight troyounces. Acetic acid, No. 8 Two troyounces. Water Ten troyounces. Sugar Eight troyounces. Diluted alcohol, of each A sufficient quantity. Reduce the root to a coarse powder, then incorporate it with the acetic acid, previously mixed with the water. After allowing it to macerate for forty-eight hours, transfer to a glass percolator, and exhaust by means of diluted alcohol. By means of a water-bath evaporate the tincture to twelve fluidounces, then add the sugar, and, when dissolved, strain. The preparation is of a deep red color, with an intensely acrid taste. Each fluidrachm represents thirty grains of the root. Extractum Anthemidis Fluidum. (Prof. Procter.) Take of Chamomile flowers Eight troyounces. Sugar Eight troyounces. Alcohol, Diluted alcohol, of each A sufficient quantity. Bruise the chamomile thoroughly, pour on it a pint of alcohol, and macerate for twenty-four hours, pack it moderately tight in a percolator, and pour on slowly diluted alcohol, until a pint of liquid has passed ; then change the recipient, and continue the process until two pints more of tincture are obtained. Evaporate the first tincture by a gentle heat, or spontaneously, to six fluidounces, and the other in a water-bath to four fluidounces, mix the liquids, add the sugar to them, dissolve by a gentle heat, and finally add alcohol until the whole measures a pint. The dose of this preparation is from one to two teaspoonfuls as an anti-periodic, or half a teaspoonful as a tonic; a fluidrachm re- presents thirty grains of chamomile flowers. Fluid Extract of SumbuL (Musk Boot) (Prof. Procter.) Take of Musk-root Four troyounces. Ether Pour fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each Sufficient. Bruise the root, moistened with a little alcohol, until reduced to a coarse powder. Mix the ether with twice its volume of alcohol, pour it on the musk-root, macerate in a covered vessel for 24 hours, and introduce into a suitable percolator; displace the absorbed tinc- ture slowly by alcohol until twelve fluidounces are obtained, when the process is to be continued with a mixture of equal parts of al- cohol and water, until a pint has passed. Water is then to be poured on the residue until a pint of liquid has filtered. The FLUID EXTRACTS OF LACTUCARIUM, ETC. 689 ethereo-alcoholic tincture is suffered to evaporate in a warm place, until reduced to two fluidounces; the hydro-alcoholic tincture is concentrated on a water-bath to the same bulk; and the watery in- fusion evaporated to one fluidounce. The last two liquids are now to be mixed, three fluidounces of alcohol added to the first (ethereal) liquid, to dissolve the oleoresin, and the other mixture added gra- dually with agitation, so that the whole will measure eight fluid- ounces ; the mixture is to be afterwards shaken occasionally for 24 hours. A portion of oleoresin and some gummy extractive remain undissolved, and must either be removed by iiltration or left as a sediment. When the ethereo-alcoholic tincture is evaporated to one-sixth, nearly all the oleoresin separates, and hence the necessity of redis- solving this by alcohol before adding the other liquids. The dose of this is fifteen minims to f 5j. It has the odor of musk and the antispasmodic effects of valerian. The root is used in Russia in delirium tremens, and has been somewhat prescribed in Philadelphia and elsewhere in a variety of nervous affections. Fluid Extract of Lactucarium. (I. H. Rowley.) Take of Lactucarium (English) Four troyounces. Glycerin Two fluidounces. Alcohol, Water, each A sufficient quantity. Macerate the lactucarium, previously comminuted, in a mixture of f 3j of glycerin, f^iiiss of alcohol, f ^iiiss of water, for four days, then put into a percolator, and pour on diluted alcohol until six fluidounces have passed, set this aside, and continue the percola- tion until nine fluidounces more of percolate have been obtained, to this add the remaining fluidounce of glycerin, and evaporate gently to f 3ss, then add f 3ss of alcohol and mix with the tincture reserved, allow it to stand twenty -four hours, and filter. Fluid Extract of Scutellaria Laterifolia. Skullcap, though not much prescribed by regular physicians, is greatly esteemed by the eclectic practitioners, who employ it in several different preparations in the treatment of nervous irritation. The mode of preparation indicated by Prof. Maisch is to exhaust sixteen ounces of the powdered herb by the use successively of di- luted alcohol, and a mixture of four parts of water and one of alco- hol, then to evaporate the mixed liquids to about a pint, add one pound (officinal) of sugar, and further evaporate to one pint. Fluid Extract of Marrubium Vulgare. Horehound ranks as a tonic, and is much used in the form of syrup, candy, and hot infusion as a domestic remedy for colds, inci- dent to our changeable climate. The fluid extract may be made exactly as the foregoing, substi- tuting horehound for the skullcap. — Proceedings Am. Ph.arm. Assoc, 1857. 44 690 OLEORES1NS, Oleoresins, U. S. P. The Oleoresins. The officinal preparations of this class were, in the Pharmaco- poeia of 1850, denominated fluid extracts, and classified under that head ; they have been, in the more recent revision, made a separate class, and are shown in the following syllabus : — Officinal Oleoresins. Officinal name. Medical properties, etc. Yield. Dose. Oleoresina capsici " cubebae " filicis Arterial stimulant Stimulant, diuretic Anthelmintic Tonic, narcotic, etc. Stimulant Stim., carminative 18 per cent. 12 to 25 p. ct. ? 5 to 30 drops. TT^ v to xv 5 to 10 drops. 1 to 5 drops. do. " lupylinse " piperis " z.ingiberis 6 per cent. 9 per cent. REMARKS. These preparations are made by passing ether through the pow- dered drug in a covered displacement apparatus, recovering the ether or allowing it to evaporate spontaneously. The resulting liquid is of a more or less oily consistence ; usually of a dark color — brown, or with a tinge of green (red in capsicum) ; extremely pungent, and reminding one of the drug. It consists of the essen- tial oil holding in solution a portion of the waxy and resinoid prin- ciples associated with it in the drug. These are apt to be deposited in part, a circumstance which modifies somewhat the properties, of different specimens of the same preparation. In the instance of fluid extract of pepper, the piperin is directed to be separated, and the oil of black pepper of commerce, which is similar to the fluid extract, is a residuary product of the manufacture of piperih. Cu- bebs yield from 12 to 28 per cent, of oleoresin ; black pepper about one-sixteenth of its weight ; ginger from 6*to 9 per cent. Owing to the solubility of fixed oils and fatty matters in ether, these, if present in the drug, are extracted, and are associated with the oleoresinous preparation left after the evaporation. In the oleo- resins of cardamom and ergot the fixed oils are conspicuous though inert ingredients ; from capsicum the fatty matter is obtained in a solid form, and is readily separated. The uses of the oleoresins are limited to those preparations in which they can be suspended by viscid ingredients, or embodied in pills, lozenges, or for external use added to liniments or ointments. Fig. 233 exhibits a section of an arrangement by which the oleo- resins, and other preparations requiring the use of ether as a men- struum, can be most conveniently prepared. A percolator of tinned copper is surrounded by a jacket of the same material ; the recipient is a copper vessel with two necks, into one of which the percolator is WORKING FORMULAS FOR THE OLEO RESINS. 691 secured, and to the other a pipe connecting Fig. 233. with the close head of the percolator, which is also jacketed ; on the under side of the head is a perforated plate of tinned copper, which distributes the ether over the surface of the drug when it has been volatilized by placing the recipient in hot water. After the exhaustion of the drug, the recipient is removed, the lower orifice of the perco- lator closed, and the head well refrigerated ; a stream of hot water is then passed into the jacket around the percolator, by which means the contained ether may be reco- vered. Oleoresin of capsicum has, perhaps, but little use, unless as an ex- ternal remedy; it would seem too strong to be taken internally with any advantage, but may be added to stimulating liniments. Oleo- resin of cubebs (formerly fluid extract of cubebs) is a valuable addi- tion to copaiva mixtures for use in the chronic stages of gonorrhoea ; it is also adapted to the fabrication of lozenges for sore throat, coi\yza, etc. Oleoresin of lupulin, like the fluid extract and solid extract, is an efficient though mild narcotic; by being suitably sus- pended in mucilage it would be capable of use in mania-a-potu and as an antaphrodisiac. Oleoresin of black pepper is used in connection with sulphate of quinia, in pills, to the efficiency of which it is said to add ; it would seem to be a better adjuvant to that tonic than piperin, pre- scribed in the old recipes. Piperoid (oleoresin) of ginger is of most use in connection with the fabrication of ginger drops, of fused candy, and lozenges ; it may be added also to mixtures containing viscid ingredients, or to alcoholic preparations. It is a dark brown, transparent, oily liquid, extremely pungent, insoluble in water, but soluble in ether and strong alcohol. Ginger is said to contain about 1J per cent. vol. oil, and 3 T 8 o per cent, soft resin. The proportion yielded by the root, treated as above, varies with the commercial variety of ginger. A commercial pound of African ginger yielded, by this process, one and a half ounce, or 9.3 per cent., while the same quantity of the Jamaica variety yielded only one ounce — 6.2 per cent. That from the African was darker in color, thicker, and somewhat less pleasant than the other. One ounce of the piperoid added to twenty pounds of melted sugar, makes " ginger drops" of about the usual pungency. Oleoresin filicis is a new officinal in the revision of 1870, and is much relied upon as a remedy in tasnia, in doses of six to twenty minims. Working Formulas for the Oleoresins. Oleoresina Ccqosici, U. S. P. Take of Capsicum, in fine powder, twelve troyounces. Ether, a sufficient quantity. Put the capsicum into a cylindrical percolator provided with a 692 OLEORESINS. stopcock and arranged with a cover and receptacle suitable for volatile liquids, press it firmly, and gradually pour ether upon it until twenty-four fluidounces of filtered liquid have slowly passed. Recover the greater part of the ether by distillation on a water- bath, and expose the residue in a capsule until the remaining ether has evaporated. Lastly, remove, by straining, the fatty matter which separates on standing, and keep the oleoresin in a well- stopped bottle. Oleoresina Cubebse, IT. S. P. (Oleoresin of Cubeb.) Take of Cubeb, in fine powder, twelve troyounces. Ether, a sufficient quantity. Put the cubeb into a cylindrical percolator, as described in last formula, press it moderately, and gradually pour ether upon it until twenty-four fluidounces of filtered liquid have slowly passed. Re- cover the greater part of the ether by distillation on a water-bath, and expose the residue in a capsule until the remaining ether has evaporated. Lastly, keep the oleoresin in a well-stopped bottle. Oleoresina Filicis, IT. S. P. (Oleoresin of Fern.) Take of Male fern, in fine powder, twelve troyounces. Ether, a sufficient quantity. Put the male fern into a cylindrical glass percolator provided with a stopcock and arranged with covered receptacle suitable for volatile liquids, press it firmly, and gradually pour ether upon it until twenty-four fluidounces of liquid have slowly passed. Re- cover the greater part of the ether by distillation on a water-bath, and expose the residue in a capsule until the remaining ether has evaporated. Lastly, keep the oleoresin in a well-stopped bottle. Oleoresina Lupulinai, IT. S. P. Take of Lupulin, twelve troyounces. Ether, a sufficient quantity. Put the lupulin into a narrow cylindrical percolator, as described in formula for oleoresin of capsicum, press it firmly, and gradually pour ether upon it until thirty fluidounces of filtered liquid have slowly passed. Recover the greater part of the ether by distilla- tion on a water-bath, and expose the residue in a capsule until the remaining ether has evaporated. Lastly, keep the oleoresin in a wide-mouthed bottle well stopped. Oleoresina? Piperis, IT. S. P. (Extractum Piperis Fluidum, U. S. P. 1850.) Take of Black pepper, in fine powder, twelve troyounces. Ether, a sufficient quantity. Put the black pepper into a cylindrical percolator, as described in formula for oleoresin of capsicum, press it firmly, and gradually pour ether upon it until twenty-four fluidounces of filtered liquid UNOFFICINAL OLEORESINS. 693 have slowly passed. Recover the greater part of the ether by dis- tillation on a water-bath, and expose the residue in a capsule until the remaining ether has evaporated, and the deposition of piperin in crystals has ceased. Lastly, separate the oleoresin from the piperin by expression through a muslin strainer, and keep it in a well-stopped bottle. Oleoresina Zingiberis, U. S. P. (Piperoid of Ginger.) Take of Ginger, in fine powder, twelve troyounces. Stronger ether, twelve fluidounces. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Put the ginger into a cylindrical percolator, press it firmly, and pour upon it the stronger ether. When this has been absorbed by the powder, add alcohol until twelve fluidounces of filtered liquid have passed. Recover from this, by distillation on a water-bath, nine fluidounces of ether, and expose the residue in a capsule until the volatile part has evaporated. Lastly, keep the oleoresin in a well-stopped bottle. TJXOFFICINAL OLEORESINS. Oil of Asarum Canadense. — Canada snakeroot or wild ginger is prepared in the same way; it is used chiefly as a perfume; it is also gratefully stimulant in small doses, being not unlike ginger in its properties. Oil of cardamom, prepared in the same way with ether, is an impure oily fluid, containing both the fixed and volatile oil of the seeds, and esteemed a powerful carminative stimulant ; it is little known to practitioners. Oil of parsley is a diuretic remedy, sometimes called apiol. It is prepared by treating parsley seeds with strong alcohol, and subse- quently with ether or chloroform ; these menstrua are then distilled oft", and the oil may be further purified if desired. It is also pre- pared by the spontaneous evaporation of an ethereal tincture, as in the other cases. It is highly charged with the odor of the plant, of which it is probably the chief active constituent. Dose, 3 or 4 drops in a day. This remedy has been highly lauded as a substitute for quinia in intermittents. It has been introduced in Philadelphia, in capsules, sold as a powerful emmenagogue, and it is believed is surreptitiously used to commit abortion. Oil of Ergot — Under this name a brown colored, acrid, oily liquid is sold in the shops, which is obtained by treating powdered ergot with ether, or a mixture of ether and alcohol, and evaporating off the menstruum. Its most bulky ingredient is the peculiar bland fixed oil, which, according to the experiments of T. Roberts Baker, is nearly isomeric with castor oil. My friend, Ambrose Smith, in- forms me that he has found oil of ergot, when made with pure ether, to become inconveniently thick — almost solid ; which diffi- culty is obviated by adding a portion of alcohol to the ether em- 694 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. ployed. Although the pure fixed oil is destitute of any of the effects of ergot, this preparation, owing to its other ingredients, is more or less active. Its dose, in cases of labor, to promote uterine contractions, is from 20 to 50 drops. Oil of Pumpkin Seed. — This oil, though not an oleoresin, and consequently not strictly classed here, has been used with success as a remedy in taenia. It is conveniently prepared by crushing the seeds to a smooth pulp, transferring to a percolator after moisten- ing with ether, and permitting the mass to stand an hour in a close vessel ; it should be displaced with ether, and from the liquid thus obtained the ether should be removed by evaporation. The dose is f.lss repeated in two or three hours, and followed by a dose of castor oil. About 33 per cent, of oil is the yield by this process. CHAPTER XII. SYRUPS AND HONEYS. Of Syrups. The term Syrup is applied to any saturated or nearly saturated solution of sugar in water, and there are numerous simple, medi- cated, and flavored syrups used in medicine and pharmacy, both officinal and unofficinal. The kind of sugar used in the officinal preparations is that named in the list of the Pharmacopoeia Saccha- rum, and called refined sugar, loaf sugar, or — as variously powdered — broken down, crushed, or granulated sugar. These, as supplied by the refineries, consist of nearly chemically pure cane sugar, and require no further preparation for pharmaceutical use. Sugar is soluble in less than half its weight of water ; to a less extent in alcohol, and insoluble in ether. It crystallizes from its solution in the form of oblique rhombic crystals, containing water, called, as found in the shops, rock candy. {See Part IV.-) The advantages of the use of sugar in pharmaceutical prepara- tions are, 1st. Its agreeable taste. 2d. The viscidity and blandness of its solution. 3d. Its conservative properties, when in sufficient proportion. These adapt it to numerous uses in pharmacy, among which the preparation of syrups is, perhaps, the most important. The number of medicated syrups in common use, and the great popularity of these among physicians and the public, are character- istics of French and American pharmacy as contradistinguished from that of Great Britain. The proportion of sugar in syrup is a matter of primary import- ance, as, owing to nitrogenized principles, which are apt to be acci- dentally present, even in simple syrup, fermentation will be set up, unless the syrup has very nearly the full officinal proportion. Previously to the revision of the TJ. S. Pharmacopoeia in 1860, the SIMPLE SYRUP. 695 officinal directions ordered an excess of sugar in the preparation of most syrups; to Dr. Wilson H. Pile we owe the accurate estima- tion of the quantity required to produce saturation, and the precise increase of bulk caused by sugar in solution. In accordance with his suggestions and those of Dr. Squibb, the proportion of sugar has been slightly reduced in most of the formulas, and the degree of evaporation regulated so that the required proportion of result- ing syrup to the drug employed, shall be accurately maintained. By calculation, founded on its specific gravity, 12 troyounces of sugar = 5760 grains, produce in solution 8 fluidounces, but owing to a slight condensation the actual increase, as ascertained by ex- periment, is 7.9-J-l fluidounces; practically two-thirds of the weight of sugar will equal its bulk in fluidounces. In the formulas of the previous Pharmacopoeias 30 troyounces were prescribed to a pint of water, to make two pints of syrup, in the present 36 troyounces are directed to 20 fluidounces to make 2 pints and 12 fluidounces (= 44 fluidounces), any evaporated water being substituted by the addi- tion through the strainer of exactly sufficient to bring it up to the required measure. The specific gravity of officinal simple syrup is 1.317, but the several medicated syrups vary from this, in conse- quence of the presence of extractive and other principles. The following curious rule is given by Dr. Ure for ascertaining the quantit}^ of sugar in simple syrup: "The decimal part of the number denoting the sp. g\\ of a syrup multiplied hy 26 gives the number of pounds of sugar it contains per gallon very nearly." This appears to refer to the avoirdupois and not the officinal weight. In the absence of extraneous and particularly of nitrogenized principles, a syrup will keep well enough in cold weather, without reference to its proportions; but in a majority of instances of medi- cated syrups, it is absolutely necessary to observe the above well- established proportions, which insure a nearly saturated saccharine solution. If impure or brown sugar is employed, it is necessary to boil the syrup until the proper specific gravity is attained, skimming or straining off the scum which contains the impurities; but when the sugar is pure, and there are no other vegetable impurities to be separated, a boiling temperature is unnecessary. If impurities are diffused in the liquid, which will not readily rise as scum, it is well to add, before applying heat, a little white of egg, previously beaten up with water, which, by its coagulating at the boiling temperature, forms a clot, inclosing the impurities, and facilitating their removal; it maj^ also be rendered clear and bright by diffusing filtering paper reduced to a pulp through the syrup, and then separating by straining through a woollen flannel, which will felt with it; if the syrup is not clear it should again be poured through, and it will then become clear. A richer and more elegant syrup is produced by the use of Havana sugar, clarified in this way, than from the best refined sugar, and some of our most careful pharmacists use this process for their mineral water syrups, 696 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. on account of its superior product, though so much more trouble- some. In some of the medicated syrups, a boiling temperature is directed, in order that the vegetable albumen contained in the medicinal ingredient may be coagulated, and thus separated. This should be done before adding the sugar, and the liquid should then be filtered, so that a perfectly clear syrup may be obtained from the first. Syrups may be decolorized by filtration through animal charcoal, and to obtain perfect transparency should be strained slowly, after they are partially cooled, through two or three thicknesses of flannel. In many instances, the presence in the drug, or in the menstruum employed, of antiseptic properties, insures the permanence of the preparation. Syrup of squill is an instance, in which, owing to the presence of the antiseptic element, acetic acid, in the menstruum, we are enabled to reduce the proportion of sugar somewhat below that necessary in other instances. Among the articles added to syrups, to prevent fermentation, the following may be mentioned : — Essential oils, which, of course, greatly modify the taste and other properties of the preparation. Brandy, which is much used with aromatics; a small proportion of pure alcohol ; glycerin, which does not alter the taste or other properties of the preparation. Sugar of milk, in small proportion. Sulphite of lime, a small proportion of which will effectually prevent or arrest fermentation, though it is liable to impart an odor unless afterwards subjected to heat. Hoff- mann's anodyne is one of the best antiseptics, though objectionable as imparting an ethereal odor and taste ; it should, however, be added in small quantity only; one fluidrachm to a pint has gene- rally answered the purpose, and in cases where an acid is not ob- jectionable acetic acid in proportion of f^j to the pint is very efficient. It must not be forgotten, in attempting to restore syrups that have fermented, by boiling them, that they have lost sugar in pro- portion to the amount of acetic acid produced, and this must be restored when they are heated, besides the addition of the antiseptic. Syrups should be kept in a cool, though not in a cold, place; those most liable to ferment, in small and well-stopped bottles. Syllabus of Officinal Syrups. 1st Group. — Used as excipients and flavors. Officinal name. Constituents, etc. Syrupus, Sugar Ibiij (troy) -{- water f§xx = 2 pints and 12 fluidounces, or weigh fifty-five troyounces. Syr. acaciae, Sugar 14 parts -f- g um 2 -f- water 8 fluid parts. " amygdalae, Emulsion of sweet and bitter almonds -f- sugar. " aurantii cori, Sweet orange-peel (oil extracted) -}- curb, magnes , sugar, and water. " " florum, Orange-flower water -j- sugar. '' acidi citrici, Acid gj, oil lemon TT\,ij, syrup Oj " ltmonis, Lemon juice and water equal parts -f- sugar. " tolutanus, Tinct. -|- carb. magnes. -|- sugar and water. " zingiberis, Eld. ext. " + sugar and water. " rosse gallicse, Extracted with dil. ale, astringent. syrups. 697 REMARKS. Simple Syrup, as made by the officinal working formula appended, is a viscid liquid, constituted of about two-thirds sugar and one- third water, and having a specific gravity, when boiling hot, of 1.261 (30° Baume); or when cold, 1.317 (35° Baume). (Syrups pre- pared from the juices of fruits, or others which contain much ex- tractive matter, mark about 2° or 3° higher on Baume's scale.) It is of a pure sweet taste, without odor, when freshly prepared. The boiling point is 221° F. It is much used as a vehicle and to sweeten extemporaneous mixtures, also in the preparation of some of the medicinal syrups (second group). In certain chemical solu- tions it is found useful as preventing the oxidation of the metallic base by excluding contact with atmospheric oxygen. In com- pounding pills its adhesiveness renders it a useful excipient, though less so than honey, or molasses, or the next member of the group. Syrup of gum is a very viscid and adhesive fluid, especially useful in compounding prescriptions; this syrup of the Pharmacopoeia must be distinguished from the French Siropde Gomme, which is flavored with orange flower ; this, diluted with water, is a favorite demul- cent drink. Our syrup is a saturated solution of gum Arabic and sugar, so adjusted as to be permanent ; it is very viscid, so much so as to be only fitted for suspending insoluble substances, and for combining unadhesive materials in pill. The use of well-selected gum Arabic, in lumps, as directed in the officinal formula, insures a clearer and more elegant syrup than can be made from the ordi- nary powdered gum. Almond or orgeat syrup is a delightful preparation for use as a drink with carbonic-acid water; it is frequently modified by the addition of orange-flower water, vanilla, or other flavoring materials, which, however, seldom improve its delicate flavor. Its process involves, first the blanching of almonds by maceration in warm water, and then pressing out the kernels from the skins between the fingers, or by rubbing them between cloths ; second, the beating of these into a paste with a portion of sugar ; third, the formation of a milky mixture or emulsion by trituration with successive portions of water ; and fourth, the solution in this of the required quantity of sugar, which should be done without exposure to a high heat. In syrup of orange-peel, the fresh rind of the sweet or Havana orange is preferred to the bitter orange-peel prescribed in the vari- ous tonic preparations, this syrup being used for its flavor rather than for any medicinal effect. The method adopted in the officinal formula for the extraction of this delicate flavor of the peel is quite original and adapted to preserve it in perfection. The formula for orange syrup, among the mineral water syrups, contains also the juice of the fruit, and it is not so well adapted to medicinal prepa- rations. Syrup of orange-floioer is necessarily made from the imported dis- tilled water, as the flowers are not obtainable in a fresh condition except in remote situations in our southern States. This flavor is 698 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. increasingly popular in this country, and the distilled water is so decidedly sedative in its effects on the nervous system as to con- stitute a valuable remedy, either singly or in appropriate combina- tions. Lemon syrup and syrup of citric acid are familiar and grateful refrigerant drinks, adapted to use as adjuvants in extemporaneous pharmacy. The former has been reduced in strength in the late revision of the Pharmacopoeia; it was formerly made by dissolving sugar in the pure lemon juice; this is now diluted, previously, with an equal bulk of water; the syrup is thus more nearly like syrup of citric acid, which, beside being so easily made extempora- neously, is a rather more elegant preparation. Lemon syrup depends, for quality, mainly on the freshness of the lemon juice ; citric acid syrup on the purity and freshness of oil of lemon. Ginger and Tolu syrups are made, according to the last edition of the Pharmacopoeia, by the trituration of the concentrated tinc- ture, in the case of tolu and fluid extract of ginger, with carbonate of magnesium and a small portion of sugar, thus making an aroma- tized water, which is rendered clear by filtration and converted into a syrup by the addition of sugar in the usual way; this is nearly the same plan adopted in the preparation of syrup of orange- peel, and furnishes an unexceptional aromatized syrup, though requiring more manipulation and consuming more time than the process of the Pharmacopoeia of 1840, which directed the addition of the tinctures to simple syrup, as prescribed for ginger syrup under the head of mineral water syrups. Syrup of tolu is a useful bal- samic expectorant, but too week to produce a decided effect, such as is obtainable by the tolu mixtures, described among the extem- poraneous preparations. Syrup of red rose is a mild astringent, and may be regarded as a medicinal or a flavoring preparation ; its color is one of its merits as an adjuvant. In its mode of preparation, it belongs to the third group. 2d Group. — Prepared by adding simple syrup to fluid extract. Officinal name. Proportions. Dose. Medical properties, etc. Syr. ipecacuanhge " rhei (simp.) " rubi (blackberry root) f^j to Oj * f^j f^isstoOj fgij fjiv to Oj f§ss Expectorant, most used for children. Laxative " " " Astringent. REMARKS. i These very familiar preparations, by the late revision of the offi- cinal formulas, are rendered quite convenient in their mode of pre- paration. This mode is well adapted to a variety of syrups which may be made extemporaneously from the corresponding fluid ex- tracts. The " eclectic formularies" direct various proportions — one part of fluid extract to 3, 4, 7, 8, and 14 of simple syrup. Syrup of ipecacuanha is a most useful expectorant, and in domestic practice is perhaps the most popular, in Philadelphia. It is parti- THIRD GROUP OF SYRUPS. 699 cularly adapted to the treatment of the catarrhs of children. The dose may be so regulated as to produce a gentle relaxing, or, in the case of children, emetic, effect, with the advantage of causing neither stimulating nor depressing after-effects. The strength of this syrup is doubled in the edition of 1860. Simple syrup of rhubarb is also an excellent preparation when made by the new officinal process ; it is very extensively used as a mild carthartic for children. It is very different in its properties and mode of action from the aromatic syrup referred to in the next group ; the proportion of rhubarb is larger than in the former editions. Syrup of blackberry root (syrupus rubi) is another new officinal (1860), which is designed to meet the demand for an approved pre- paration of our indigenous blackberry root. Most of these as now prepared by pharmacists are rendered popular by introducing aro- matics, some of which class, it would seem, would have been desi- rable additions. The process in the new edition of the Pharmaco- poeia is very simple, and consists in mixing the fluid extract with simple syrup. 3d Group. — Extracted by diluted alcohol, which is evaporated. Officinal name. Proportions. Dose. Medical properties. Syr. lactucarii " seuegge " scillse comp. " (Coxe's hive syrup) " rhei aromat. " sarsap. comp. & to oj §iv to Oj s'kagiv/ J -1 ( ant. T. gr. j=f§j / rh. §iiss to Ovij sars. §iv to Oj f3J f5J f^ss fgss Mild narcotic. Acrid, expectorant. / Expectorant, emetic. \ Arterial sedative. Laxative, carminative. Alterative, diaphoretic. REMARKS ON THE THIRD GROUP. The simplest statement of this process for making syrups is the following: Of the drug, properly powdered, make a tincture by percolation with diluted alcohol; evaporate this, in a capsule, to the point named in the Pharmacopoeia, thus getting rid of the alcohol contained in it; add sugar, in the proportion of two parts to one of the liquid, and dissolve it by the aid of heat. Of this important class each individual should be carefully studied and the working formula should be followed strictly in preparing them. The importance of the use of officinal weights, or their equivalents in the commercial weights, need hardly be insisted upon. Syrup of lactucarium is a new officinal in the Pharmacopoeia of 1860 ; it is much stronger than Aubergier's syrup, which has been extensively prescribed of late years, and a formula for which is given among the unofficinal syrups. This new preparation is pre- pared by trituration and percolation with diluted alcohol, the evapo- ration of this tincture and its incorporation with simple syrup. It has a very bitter taste, is destitute of any flavoring ingredient, and 700 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. contains about four grains to each fluidracnm. A teaspoonful con- taining from five to six grains is a medium dose. The Pharmacopoeia does not designate, in the list, whether " English" or " German " lactucarium shall be used; the former is the more active narcotic. The pharmacist who has at hand the fluid extract of "English" lactucarium, described in the chapter on fluid extracts, may prepare the officinal syrup by adding one fluidounce to a pint of simple syrup, previously heated, and straining while hot. Syrup of red rose is a mild astringent, and from its rich color and flavor, when prepared from the fresh and unfaded flowers, is well adapted to use as an adjuvant in extemporaneous pharmacy. The process varies from the foregoing in the use of sugar instead of syrup, and the reservation of the first portion of the percolate to be added at the close of the process. Syrup of seneka is prepared by the process pertaining to this group; the evaporated tincture is to be filtered previously to adding the sugar. "We have been accustomed, perhaps without sufficient reason, to bring this, like the following, to the boiling point before filtration, to promote the precipitation of inert fermentable matter. Coxe's hive syrup (syr. scillce comp.) has been a subject of much discussion with reference to its mode of preparation. As originally prepared, many years ago, it contained honey, which being objected to from its alleged agency in promoting fermentation, it was su- perseded, in the revision of 1840, by sugar, the preparation being removed from mellita to syrupi. The use of diluted alcohol in its preparation was esteemed a great improvement; but it is still an opprobrium of our art on account of its liability to ferment. The precaution should not be neglected in this instance, of boil- ing the diluted alcoholic preparation during the evaporation, and filtering, before adding the sugar. A copious coagulation of the vegetable albumen takes place at the boiling temperature, the re- moval of which on the filter obviates, to some extent, the tendency to fermentation in the resulting syrup. The solution of the tartar emetic in the syrup should be accomplished, while it is hot, by trituration in a mortar, as prescribed under the head of Solution. Spiced syrup of rhubarb is improved in its method of preparation, in the last revision of the Pharmacopoeia, by omitting the evapora- tion of the percolate obtained by treating the rhubarb and aroma- tics with diluted alcohol ; the presence of the alcohol aids in the therapeutic effects in view. An old recipe for this preparation, credited to the late Dr. James, and preferred in practice by my father, the late Dr. Joseph Parrish, and some contemporaneous practitioners, prescribes a considerable portion of French brandy, not to be evaporated, but retained in the syrup when finished. To meet this preference, the rhubarb and aromatics may be percolated with brandy, which may be mixed with the proper proportion of syrup, thus rendering the preparation more decidedly stimulating. Compound syrup of sarsaparilla is the only remaining member of this group; its composition is similar, though not identical, with the fluid extract, which contains mezereon, a most acrid and stimu- SYRUPS. 701 lating alterative; the syrup contains, besides the soluble principles of sarsaparilla, those of guaiacum-wood, rose, senna, and liquorice root, extracted by diluted alcohol, evaporated, and made into a syrup, as before indicated for the syrups of this group. For the improvement of its flavor, and as antiseptics, the oils of anise, sas- safras, and partridgeberry are directed to be added, and the propor- tion of sugar is properly rather less than that indicated for syrups generally. Therapeutically considered, this is a most important group of syrups. As expectorants and ingredients of expectorant com- pounds, compound syrup of squill and syrup of senega are much pre- scribed; the former has for many j-ears been a most common remedy in croup; it is not, however, popular either among physicians or pharmacists, the former regarding it as therapeutically, and the latter as pharmaceutically, objectionable. The presence of the anti- monial salt, in the proportion of a grain to the ounce, should always be remembered ; it is an arterial sedative by no means indicated in many cases to which the other expectorant ingredients would be applicable. In croup, it is customary to increase the dose of hive syrup very much above that mentioned in the books, or to repeat it every fif- teen or twenty minutes till the patient vomits. The dose for a child one year old may be ten drops, for one of two years fifteen, of three years twenty-five drops, and so on, repeated as above. Syrup of seneka is the most acrid of its class; its use is indicated in chronic catarrh not accompanied by inflammatory action; it is seldom urged so as to produce its emetic effect, except in combina- tion with other remedies. In compounding expectorant and sedative remedies, syrup of lactucarium will be a convenient anodyne, destitute of astringency, and will probably be more used in that w T ay than by itself. Spiced syrup of rhubarb is, probably without exception, the most familiar remedy for the so-called summer complaint of children, the form of diarrhoea, usually connected with teething, so extremely prevalent and fatal in our large cities during the intense heat of summer. It has the advantage of being; a warming tonic or sto- o o r> machic, as well as a very mild laxative, and is given in doses from a teaspoonful for an infant of a year old to a tablespoonful or more for older children and adults. Compound syrup of sarsaparilla is manufactured in very large quantities by pharmacists, and, after many fluctuations, has an extended reputation among practitioners of medicine, as well as the public at large. Its chief use is in skin diseases, and in syphi- litic and scrofulous cases, in which it is used both alone and com- bined with mercurials, iodides, etc. The extensive range of diseases to which sarsaparilla is applicable, and the harmless character of the remedy, have made it a great favorite with, empirics, so that there are an immense number of quack medicines sailing under its name, and not a few called alter- atives and panaceas, which contain it as one of their ingredients. 702 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. So numerous and so generally popular were these, several years ago, that the period of their greatest popularity, from 1845 to 1850, has been called among druggists the " sarsaparilla era." Many of these, as the notorious Townsend's, the chief merit of which was its great dilution and the large size of the bottles in which it was put up, have gone into merited disuse, while a few are yet in demand. It is greatly to be regretted that educated physicians should so frequently lend their influence to the empiric by countenancing, and even recommending, these medicines, some of which may no doubt be found useful in their hands, but, besides the disadvantage of our being ignorant of their composition, they are generally in- ferior to the officinal and other legitimate preparations, in medicinal virtues. 4th Group. - -Of syrups. Extracted and dissolved by water. Officinal name. Proportions. Dose Medical properties. Syr. kramerise " pruni Virg " f'erri iodid. rRt. ^vjtoOj I \ Ext, gj to Oj / ^iiss to Oj gr. 58 to f^j f3J gt.vtoxx Astringent. Tonic, nerv. sedative. " alterative. REMARKS ON THE FOURTH GROUP. Syrup of rhatany is made either directly from the powdered root by percolation with cold water, evaporation, and incorporation with sugar, or from the fluid extract by mixing twelve fluidounces of it with twenty-four fluidounces of syrup. This syrup leaves nothing to desire as an elegant and efficient astringent, and one which is prepared with great facility. Syrup of wild cherry is also made by percolation with cold water; the process requires care to be successful in extracting the whole of the soluble principles with the small amount of water allowable; evaporation is inadmissible on account of the great volatility of the contained hydrocyanic acid. The full production of this from the amj^gdalin and emulsin contained in the bark suggests the precau- tion of subjecting the powder to the action of water for twenty- four hours previous to displacement, as directed in the Pharma- copoeia. The infusion acquires richness of flavor and color by standing until a precipitate begins to form in it, before adding the sugar. In this instance, less than the full proportion of sugar directed for syrups, generally, is sufficient to preserve it, owing to the antiseptic properties of the hydrocyanic acid. Syrup of wild cherry is one of the most popular and really valu- able of tonic and sedative remedies, being much used in pulmonary affections, connected with an atonic condition and harassing cough. 5th Group.— Syrups containing acetic acid. Syrupus allii. By maceration of garlic, ^vj, in dil. acet. acid. Oj, sugar being after- wards added. Antispasmodic. Dose, f5J- " scillae. Vinegar of squill Oj + sugar 35ij. Expectorant. Dose, f^j. OFFICINAL SYRUPS. 703 Of these, the first is but rarely used ; but the second is an ex- tremely common expectorant, used both by itself and in combination with camphorated tincture of opium, tincture of digitalis, syrup of ipecacuanha, and other medicines. The presence of the acetic element takes from this preparation the cloying character which belongs to the syrups generally. Working Formulas for the Officinal Syrups. Syrupus. {Simple Syrup.) IT. S. P. Take of Sugar, in coarse powder, thirty-six troyounces. Distilled water, a sufficient quantity. Dissolve the sugar, with the aid of heat, in twenty fluidounces of distilled water, raise the temperature to the boiling point, and strain the solution while hot. Then incorporate with the solution a sufficient quantity of distilled water, added through the strainer, to make the syrup measure two pints and twelve fluidounces, or weigh fiftj'-five troyounces. Syrup, thus prepared, has the specific gravity 1.317. My judgment coincides with that of some others in preferring to make syrup with a very slight excess of water, not only on account of the convenient relations of the commercial weights to the required proportion of liquid by mensure, but also, because it is, on the whole, more satisfactory. There is always some waste of the fluid by evaporation where heat is applied, and when the full officinal proportion of sugar is used, a portion is liable to crystallize out on standing, and thus by abstracting sugar weaken the re- mainder, unless the direction given in the above formula for sup- plying the loss by evaporation is carefully and accurately complied with, which, on the large scale in which syrups are generally made, is not to be expected. Reduced to commercial or avoirdupois weights, the right propor- tion to make syrup of standard strength is a pound of sugar to eight fluidounces and a fluidrachm of water ; the fluidrachm is obviously superfluous, and hence is omitted in the following formula, which I have used for many vears with satisfaction : — Simple Syrup. Take of Sugar 2 lbs. com. 80 lbs. com. Water 1 pint. 5 gallons. Dissolve the sugar in the water without heating unnecessarily. The yield from the pint of water will be nearly thirty-five fluid- ounces, not a quart (thirty-two fluidounces) as formerly stated ; to make a quart, fifteen fluidounces of water and a pound and fourteen ounces of sugar should be used. The yield from the larger quantity in the formula, would bear the same proportion, being a fraction over nine and a half gallons. 704 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. Syrupus Acacice. {Syrup of Gum Arabic.) IT. S. P. Take of Gum Arabic, in pieces, two troyounces. Sugar, in coarse powder (15£ oz. com.), fourteen troyounces. Water, eight lluidounces. Dissolve the gum Arabic in the water, without heat ; then the sugar with a gentle heat, and strain. Syrupus Acidi Citrici. (Syrup of Citric Acid.) IT. S. P. Take of Citric acid, in fine powder, one hundred and twent}^ grains. Oil of lemons, four minims. Syrup, two pints. Rub the citric acid and oil of lemon with a fluidounce of the syrup ; then add the mixture to the remainder of the syrup, and dissolve with a gentle heat. Syrupus Allii. {Syrup of Garlic.) IT. S. P. Take of Garlic, sliced and bruised, six troyounces. Sugar, in coarse powder (1 lb. 10 oz. com.), twenty -four troyounces. Diluted acetic acid, a pint. Macerate the garlic with ten fluidounces of the diluted acetic acid, in a glass vessel, for four days, and express the liquid. Then mix the residue with the remainder of the acid, and again express until sufficient additional liquid has been obtained to make the whole, when filtered, measure a pint. Lastly, introduce the sugar into a two-pint bottle, pour upon it the filtered liquid; and agitate until it is dissolved. Syrupus Amygdalae . (Syrup of Almond.) IT. S. P. Take of Sweet almond, twelve troyounces. Bitter almond, four troyounces. Sugar, in coarse powder (4 lbs. 15 oz. com. ), seventy-two troyounces. Water, three pints. Having blanched* the almonds, rub them in a mortar to a very fine paste, adding, during the trituration, three fluidounces of the water and twelve troyounces of the sugar. Mix the paste thoroughly with the remainder of the water, strain with strong expression, add to the strained liquid the remainder of the sugar, and dissolve it with the aid of a gentle heat. Lastly, strain the solution through muslin, and, having allowed to cool, keep it in well-stopped bottles in a cool place. Syrupus Aurantii Corticis. (Syrup of Orange- Peel.) IT. S. P. Take of Sweet orange-peel, recently dried, and in moderately fine powder, two troyounces. Carbonate of magnesium, half a troyounce. Sugar, in coarse powder (1 lb. 14^ oz. com.), twenty-eight troy- ounces. Alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. * Almonds are to be blanched by pouring hot water over them and permitting them to remain till the skin is soft, when a slight squeeze between the thumb and ringer will cause the almond to slip out of the skin ; no unnecessary heat should be used, nor should it be continued longer than is required to soften the skin. OFFICINAL SYRUPS. 705 Moisten the orange-peel with half a fluidounce of alcohol, intro- duce it into a conical percolator, and pour alcohol upon it until six fluidounces of tincture have passed. Evaporate this, at a tempera- ture not exceeding 120°, to two fluidounces, add the carbonate of magnesium and a troyounce of the sugar, and rub them together, gradually adding half a pint of water during the trituration. Then filter, and, having added sufficient water to make the liquid mea- sure a pint, dissolve in it the remainder of the sugar with the aid of a gentle heat, and strain. Syrupus Aurantii Florum. {Syrup of Orange Flowers.) U. S. P. Take of Orange-flower water, twenty fluidounces. Sugar (in coarse powder), thirty-six troy ounces. Dissolve the sugar in the orange-flower water, with the aid of a gentle heat. Syrupus Ferri Iodidi, U. S. P. Take of Iodine, two troyounces. Iron, in the form of wire, and cut in small pieces, three hundred grains. Distilled water, three fluidounces. JSyrup, a sufficient quantity. Mix the iodine, iron, and distilled water in a flask of thin glass, shake the mixture occasionally until reaction ceases and the solution has a green color and has lost the smell of iodine. Then, having introduced the pint of syrup into a graduated bottle, heat it by means of a water-bath to 212°, and through a small funnel inserted in the mouth of the bottle, and reaching below the surface of the syrup, filter into it the solution already prepared. When this has passed, close the bottle, shake it thoroughly, and when the liquid has cooled, add sufficient syrup to make the whole measure twenty fluidounces. Lastly, again shake the bottle and transfer the con- tents to two ounce vials, which must be well stopped. Syrupus Ipecacuanhas. (Syrup of Ipecacuanha.) U. S. P. Take of Fluid extract of ipecacuanha, two fluidounces. Syrup, thirty fluidounces. Mix them. Syrupus Kramerice. (Syrup of Bhatany.) U. S. P. Take of Ehatany, in moderately fine powder, twelve troyounces. Sugar, in coarse powder (2 lbs. 1 oz. com. ), thirty troyounces. Water, a sufficient quantity. Mix the rhatany with half a pint of water, and, having allowed the mixture to stand for two hours, introduce it into a glass perco- lator and gradually pour water upon it until four pints of filtered liquid are obtained. Evaporate this, by means of a water-bath, to seventeen fluidounces, and having added the sugar, dissolve it with the aid of a gentle heat, and strain the solution while hot. 45 706 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. This syrup may also be prepared in the following manner : — Take of Fluid extract of rhatany, twelve fluidounces. Syrup, twenty-four fluidounces. Mix them. Syi^upus Lactucarii. {Syrup of Lactucarium.) U. S. P. Take of Lactucarium, a troyounce. Syrup, fourteen fluidounces. Diluted alcohol, a suflicient quantity, Rub the lactucarium with sufficient diluted alcohol, gradually added, to bring it to a syrupy consistence. Then introduce it into a conical percolator, and, having carefully covered the surface with a piece of muslin, gradually pour diluted alcohol upon it until half a pint of tincture has passed. Evaporate this, by means of a water- bath, at a temperature not exceeding 160°, to two fluidounces, mix it with the syrup, previously heated, and strain while hot. Syrupus Limonis. {Syrup of Lemon.) U. S. P. Take of Lemon juice, recently expressed and strained, a pint. Sugar, in coarse powder (3 lbs. 5 oz. com.), forty-eight troy ounces. "Water, a pint. Mix the lemon juice and water, and, having added the sugar to the mixture, dissolve it with the aid of a gentle heat, and strain the solution while hot. Syrupus Pruni Virginians. {Syrup of Wild Cherry Bark.) U. S. P. Take of Wild cherry bark, in coarse powder, five troyounces. Sugar, in coarse powder (1 lb. 14£ oz. com.), twenty-eight troy- ounces. Water, a suflicient quantity. Moisten the bark thoroughly with water, and allow it to stand for twenty-four hours in a close vessel; then pack it firmly in a glass percolator, and gradually pour water upon it until a pint of filtered liquid is obtained. To this, transferred to a bottle, add the sugar, and agitate occasionally until it is dissolved. Syrupus Rhei. {Syrup of Rhubaro.j IT. S. P. Take of Fluid extract of rhubarb, three fluidounces. • Syrupj twenty-nine fluidounces. Mix them thoroughly. Syrupus Rhei Aromaticus. {Aromatic Syrup of Rhubarb.) U. S. P. Take of Rhubarb, in moderately fine powder, two troyounces and a half. Cloves, in moderately fine powder, Cinnamon, in fine powder, each, half a troyounce. Nutmeg, in moderately fine powder, one hundred and twenty grains. Syrup, six pints. Diluted alcohol, a suflicient quantity. Mix the powders, and, having moistened the mixture with two OFFICINAL SYRUPS. 707 fluidounces of diluted alcohol, introduce it into a conical percolator, and pour diluted alcohol upon it until a pint of tincture has passed. Add this to the syrup, previously heated, and mix them thoroughly. Syrupus Rosce Gallicce. {Syrup of Red Rose.) IT. S. P. Take of Bed rose, in moderately fine powder, two troyounces. Sugar, in coarse powder (1 lb. 3^ oz. com.), eighteen troyounces. Diluted alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the rose with diluted alcohol, pack it firmly in a conical glass percolator, and gradually pour diluted alcohol upon it until a fluidounce of tincture has passed. Set this aside, and continue the percolation until live fluidounces more of tincture are obtained. Evaporate this with a gentle heat to a fluidounce and a half, and mix it with seven fluidounces of water. Then, having added the sugar, dissolve it with the aid of a gentle heat, and strain the solu- tion while hot. Lastly, when the solution is cold, add the fluid- ounce of reserved tincture, and mix them thoroughly. Syrapus Rubi. (Syrup of Blackberry Root.) U. S. P. Take of Fluid extract of blackberry, half a pint. Syrup, a pint and a half. Mix them. Syrupus Sarsaparillse Compositus. (Compound Syrup of Sarsapa- rilla.) U. S. P. Take of Sarsaparilla, in moderately coarse powder (1 lb. 10 ozs. com.), twenty-four troyounces. Guaiacum wood, in moderately coarse powder, three troyounces. Pale rose, in moderately fine powder Senna, in moderately fine powder, Liquorice root, in moderately fine powder, each, two troyounces. Oil of sassafras, Oil of anise, each, five minims. Oil of gaultheria, three minims. Sugar, in coarse powder (6 lbs. 9 oz. com.), ninety-six troyounces. AVater, a pint. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Mix the solid ingredients, except the sugar, with three pints of diluted alcohol, and allow the mixture to stand for four days ; then transfer it to a cylindrical percolator, and gradually pour diluted alcohol upon it until six pints of tincture have passed. Evaporate this, by means of a water-bath, to three pints, add the water, filter, and add the sugar, dissolve it with the aid of heat, and strain the solution while hot. Lastly, rub the oils with a small portion of the solution, and mix them thoroughly with the remainder. Syrupus Scillce. (Syrup of Squill.) U. S. P. Take of Vinegar of squill, a pint. Sugar, in coarse powder (1 lb. 10 ozs. com.), twenty-four troy- ounces. Dissolve the sugar in the vinegar of squill, with the aid of a gentle heat, and strain the solution while hot. 708 or syrups and honeys. Syrupus Scillce Compositus. (Compound Syrup of Squill.) U.S. P. Take of Squill, in moderately coarse powder, Seneka, in moderately fine powder, each, four troyounces. Tartrate of antimony and potassium, forty-eight grains. Sugar, in coarse powder (2 lbs. 14 oz. com.), forty-two troyounces. Diluted alcohol, Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix the squill and seneka, and, having moistened the mixture with half a pint of diluted alcohol, allow it to stand for four days. Then transfer it to a conical percolator, and pour diluted alcohol upon it until three pints of tincture have passed. Boil this for a few minutes, evaporate it by means of a water-bath to a pint, add fourteen fluidounces of boiling water, and filter. Dissolve the sugar in the filtered liquid, and, having heated the solution to the boiling point, strain it while hot. Then dissolve the tartrate of antimony and potassium in the solution while still hot, and add sufficient boiling water, through the strainer, to make it measure three pints. Lastly, mix the whole thoroughly together. Syrupus Senegce. (Syrup of Seneka.) IT. S. P. Take of Seneka, in moderately fine powder, four troyounces. Sugar, in coarse powder (1 lb. £ oz. com.), fifteen troyounces. Diluted alcohol, two pints. Moisten the seneka with two fluidounces of the diluted alcohol ; then transfer it to a conical percolator, and gradually pour on it the remainder of the diluted alcohol. "When the tincture has ceased to pass, evaporate it, by means of a water-bath, at a temperature not exceeding 160°, to half a pint ; then filter, and, having added the sugar, dissolve it with the aid of a gentle heat, and strain the solution while hot. Syrupus Tolutanus. (Syrup of Tolu.) U. S. P. Take of Tincture of Tolu, two fluidounces. Carbonate of magnesium, one hundred and twenty grains. Sugar, in coarse powder (1 lb. 12£ oz. com.), twenty-six troy- ounces. Water, a pint. Rub the tincture of Tolu first with the carbonate of magnesium and two troyounces of the sugar, then with the water, gradually added, and filter. To the filtered liquid add the remainder of the sugar, and, having dissolved it with the aid of a gentle heat, strain the solution while hot. Syrupus Zingiberis. (Syrup of Ginger.) U. S. P. Take of Fluid extract of ginger, a fluidounce. Carbonate of magnesium, one hundred and sixty grains. Sugar, in coarse powder, seventy-two troyounces. Water, forty-two fluidounces. Rub up the fluid extract of ginger first with the carbonate of magnesium and two troyounces of sugar, and then with the water UNOFFICINAL SYRUPS. 709 gradually added, and filter. To the filtered liquid add the re- mainder of the sugar, and, having dissolved it with the aid of a gentle heat, strain the solution while hot. Unofficinal Syrups. Sy?*up of Chamomile. (Syrupus Anthemidis.) Take of Chamomile flowers, in coarse powder One troyounce. Cold water Twelve fluidounces. Kenned sugar, in coarse powder . . Twenty ounces. Make an infusion by displacement of the chamomile flowers and water, remove the residue from the apparatus, and place the coarsely powdered sugar in its stead ; on this pour the infusion until it is entirely dissolved. The foregoing formula by the author was published in the Ame- rican Journal of Pharmacy, vol. xvi. p. 18, and although not an active medicinal agent, has been acceptable to some of the many admirers of chamomile. The dose might be stated at a tablespoonful. Syrup of Pipsissewa. (Syrupus Chimaphilce.) (Prof. Procter.) Take of Pipsissewa (Chimaphila, U. S.) . . Four troyounces. Sugar Twelve troyounces. Water A sufficient quantity. Macerate the pipsissewa, finely bruised, in eight fluidounces of water for thirty-six hours, and then subject it to displacement, until one pint of fluid is obtained ; reduce this by evaporation to eight fluidounces, add the sugar, and form a syrup in the usual manner. The long preliminary maceration is rendered necessary by the coriaceous character of the leaves, which impedes their easy ex- haustion by the menstruum. On account of this property, some have preferred boiling them in successive portions of water, mixing the decoctions, evaporating, and, after the sugar has been dissolved, adding a small portion of alcohol, to obviate the proneness to decomposition common to most syrups made in this way. One fluidounce of this syrup represents two drachms of the leaves. Syrup of pipsissewa is an efficient preparation of one of our most valuable and abundant indigenous tonic and alterative medicines. Dose, a tablespoonful. Pipsissewa is much used in combination with sarsaparilla and other alteratives, and enters into numerous private recipes of that description. Syrup of Uva Ursi. (Syrupus Uvai Ursi.) (Duhamel and Procter.) Take of Bearberry leaves (Uva Ursi, 77. 8. ) . Four troyounces. Water A sufficient quantity. Sugar One pound. To the finely bruised uva ursi, add water till it is thoroughly 710 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. moistened, then place it in a displacement apparatus, and operate by percolation till it is exhausted of all its soluble active principles ; then evaporate to ten fluidounces ; add the sugar, and form a syrup, marking 31° Baume. The dose of this might be stated as a tablespoonful. Like the foregoing, this syrup is a good preparation of a valuable medicine; the two may often be advantageously associated in diseases of the urinary organs. Compound Syrup of Carrageen. Take of Horehound (Marrubium, U. S.) . . 1 ounce. Liverwort (Hepatica, 77. 8.) ... 6 drachms. Water 4 pints. Boil for 15 minutes, express, and strain ; then add Carrageen (Chondrus, 77. S.) . . . 6 drachms, previously well washed with cold water. Boil again for 15 or 20 minutes, strain through flannel, and add Sugar, 1 lb. (commercial) to each pint by measure. The dose of this agreeable medicine is a teaspoonful occasionally; it is a good demulcent, without sedative effects. The foregoing recipe has been in use for some twenty years in our establishment, and the syrup has been pretty extensively used as a popular cough medicine. It does not keep well in summer, unless in a cool place. Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root (Syrupus Hubi Comp.) Take of Blackberry root, bruised 8 troyounces. Cinnamon, Cloves, and Nutmegs, of each 3 drachms. Sugar 4 pounds (commercial). Water 4 pints. Boil the root and the aromatics in the water for one hour ; ex- press and strain; then add the sugar, form a syrup, and again strain; then add French brandy 6 fluidounces. Oil of cloves, and Oil of cinnamon, of each 4 drops. Dose, from a teaspoonful for a child of two years old, to a table- spoonful for an adult, repeated as occasion requires. The astringent virtues of blackberry root are almost universally known, and it is much used in the form of decoction and syrup throughout the country, both as a domestic remedy and in regular medical practice. This preparation has been long in use, and has the merit of an aromatic and gently stimulant effect combined with astringency. UNOFFICINAL SYRUPS. 711 Syrup of Sweet Gum Bark. (Liquidambar Styraciflua.) Dr. Charles W. Wright, Professor of Chemistry in the Kentucky School of Medicine, recommends a syrup made from the bark of liquidambar styraciflua, or sweet gum tree of our forests, as a remedy in the diarrhoea so prevalent among children in our large cities in hot weather, and which frequently terminates in cholera infantum. His formula is that of the officinal syrup of wild cherry, merely substituting one bark for the other. The advantage claimed for it is that of being retained by an irritable stomach when almost every other form of astringent medicine is rejected; the taste is very agreeable. The dose for an adult is a fluidounce after each operation of the bowels; children may take from a naidrachm to half a fiuidounce. Syrup of Frostwort. (Syrupus Helianthemi.) Take of Frostwort (the herb) 4 ounces. Water, and Alcohol, of each A sufficient quantity. Sugar 16 ounces. Macerate the bruised herb in eight fluidounces of diluted alcohol, for twenty-four hours; percolate with a mixture of one part of alcohol to three of water, till the liquid comes over nearly free from the taste and color of the plant ; then evaporate to one pint, add the sugar, boil for a minute or two, and strain. Rock rose, frostwort, and frost weed are common synonyms of the herb which is officinal in the secondary list of the Pharmacopxia as helianthemum, the herb of helianthemum Canadense; but more familiarly known as cistus Canadensis, the name given to it by some botanists. Having for some years prepared a syrup of this plant, which was used with success by my brother, the late Dr. Isaac Parrish,in scro- fulous affections of the eyes, and also by several other practitioners in diseases of the scrofulous type, I insert the formula as above for the information of such as are disposed to make a trial of this valuable indigenous alterative. The dose of this syrup is a nuidrachm three times a day. Syrup of Bittersweet (Syrupus Dulcamarce.) Take of Bittersweet, coarsely powdered 4 ounces. Water . 12 ounces. Alcohol 4 fluidounces. Mix the liquids, and having moistened the bittersweet with six fluidounces of the menstruum, set it aside for four days, then pack it in a displacer, pour on the powder menstruum sufficient to obtain one pint of tincture, using water to displace the mixed alcohol and water ; evaporate to half a pint, add fifteen ounces of sugar, and make a syrup. Dose, a tablespoonful. This recipe furnishes a syrup which is adapted to use by itself, or in combination with those of sarsaparilla and other alteratives in cutaneous and rheumatic diseases. 712 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. * Syrup of Gillenia. Take of Gillenia (root) ^ij. Diluted alcohol . Oj. Sugar Thirty troyounces. Water Sufficient. Reduce the gillenia to coarse powder, treat it by displacement with diluted alcohol till Oj is obtained. Evaporate to f.lvj, filter, and add sufficient water to make the liquid measure Oj, then add the sugar and dissolve by the aid of heat. This syrup has the same proportion of the medicinal ingredient contained in syrup of ipecacuanha, which it resembles in properties, though less agreeable to the taste. The dose is £5j. The high price which ipecacuanha has so long sustained has led to inquiries for a good substitute growing on our own soil, and always attainable. " Gillenia trifoliata," Indian physic, is a common indigenous herb, the root of which has long been known to possess very decided nauseant and emetic properties. It cannot be claimed for it that it is identical with ipecacuanha in therapeutical action, although sufficiently allied to it to be used in many cases, particu- larly of catarrhal affections, as a substitute. The foregoing syrup I have contrived with a view to remove one of the chief objections on the part of the physician to the trial of indigenous drugs, namely, the absence of suitable preparations. As far as it has yet been used, it gives promise of answering a good purpose. Williams' Sarsaparilla Syrup. This preparation was much prescribed by the late Dr. J. K. Mitchell, who furnished the following formula : — ■ Take of Compound syrup of sarsaparilla Oj. Corrosive chloride of mercury gr. ij. Extract of conium ,§j. Triturate the corrosive chloride with a little alcohol and water till dissolved, then incorporate it and the extract of conium with the syrup. Dose, a tablespoonful. Syrup of Assafoztida. (R. Peltz.) The object of this formula is to furnish a preparation of assafce- tida, free from alcoholic stimulus, and yet tolerably permanent. Although an old specimen of this syrup has a more fetid odor than a recent one, yet the change takes place much less rapidly, and to a less extent, than in the case of the milk or mixture of assafcetida, for which it may be substituted by the physician when it is not convenient to prepare the former: — Take of Assafcetida One ounce. Boiling water One pint. Sugar Two pounds. Rub the assafcetida with part of the boiling water, till a uniform paste is made ; then gradually add the rest of the water, strain, and UNOFFICINAL SYRUPS. 713 • add the sugar, applying a gentle heat to dissolve it. Dose, a table- spoonful, containing seven grains and a half (15 grains to the fluid- ounce) of assafoetida. By adding one part of tincture of assafoetida to four parts of syrup, and evaporating off' the alcohol, a substitute for the fore- going may be prepared. Syrup of Poppies. (Syrupus Papaveris.) Take of Poppy heads 16 ounces. Diluted alcohol 4 pints. Sugar 30 ounces. Deprive the poppy-heads of their seeds ; bruise them thoroughly, macerate them in twice their weight of diluted alcohol for two days, express powerfully, add the remainder of the diluted alcohol, and after twenty-four hours again express ; evaporate the liquid to one pint, strain, and add the sugar, and dissolve by the aid of a gentle heat. This S} T rup, which, as usually prepared, is extremely liable to ferment, and on that account is a very troublesome preparation to apothecaries who have occasional calls for it, may be conveniently made by the above process of Professor Procter, so as to be perma- nent. The proportion of the capsules, though somewhat, smaller in this than in the formula of the London Pharmacopoeia, is larger than those of most of the continental authorities ; the dose may be stated to be from a fluidrachm to a half fluidounce. There is consider- able difference in the strength of this syrup, if the weight of the capsules is taken before the removal of the seeds, as implied in this recipe, instead of afterwards, as implied in the recipe of the London College. The London College directs its preparation with boiling water, and the subsequent addition of alcohol to prevent fermenta- tion, a very inferior process to that recommended above. Dorvault recommends the syrup of poppies to be prepared by dis- solving half a troyounce of extract of poppies in eight troyounces of water, filtering, and adding this solution to fifty troyounces of simple syrup, and evaporating to fifty troyounces weight. Syrup of Sulphate of Morphia. I believe there is no published recipe for this except one that is given in Griffith's Formulary, credited to Cadet, which prescribes one grain of the salt to four fluidounces of syrup. Under the head of Syrup of Poppies, in the U. S. Dispensatory, Dr. Wood suggests the use of a syrup made by dissolving four grains of the sulphate of morphia in a pint of syrup (a quarter of a grain to the ounce, the same as Cadet's) as a substitute for the syrup of poppies, which, made by the old recipe, is so prone to ferment. Notwithstanding that we have no officinal or other recognized recipe (that of Cadet being almost unknown in this country), physi- cians frequently prescribe syrupus morphiee sulphatis, and generally, 714 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. as far as I have inquired, under the impression that there is a syrup corresponding in strength with the officinal liquor morphias sulphatis, one grain to the ounce, and hence the habit has grown up with apothecaries of making this preparation extemporaneously of that strength. This is more remarkable, from the fact that the syrups of acetate and muriate of morphia of the Dublin Pharmacopoeia are in the proportion of one grain to four fluidounces. This discrepancy in practice cannot, I think, be remedied by the further publication of unauthorized recipes, and physicians should not fail to indicate the proportions designed in prescribing the salt in solution in syrup. Should there not be an officinal preparation with such a distinctive name and authorized proportions as would remedy so serious a departure from uniformity? Jackson' 's Pectoral Syrup. Alfred B. Taylor, in the American Journal of Pharmacy, vol. xxiv. p. 34, holds the following language : — "A prescription of Prof. Samuel Jackson, of Philadelphia, fami- liarly known as his 'pectoral syrup/ has obtained considerable reputation from its beneficial action in cases of coughs, colds, etc. We believe the prescription was originally given to Mr. E. Durand, but as the syrup has for some time been a standing preparation with many of our druggists, we have thought that a published formula would be acceptable both for the purpose of giving its benefit to those who may not be familiar with its composition, and of promoting uniformity among those who may already be ac- customed to prepare it. Dr. Jackson has furnished us with the following recipe : — ■ Take of Sassaf. medullse 3j. Acacise 3j. Sacchari fojf. Morphise muriat gr. viij. Aquae Oj. or q. s. " The sassafras pith and gum Arabic are to be put into the water and allowed to stand ten or twelve hours with occasional stirring. The sugar is to be dissolved, cold, in the mucilage, which, after being strained, should be made to measure two pints by the addi- tion of water; lastly, the muriate of morphia is to be dissolved in the syrup." In one recipe which has been used for a number of years, half a grain of sulphate of morphia is prescribed, in place of a quarter of a grain, to the ounce, as in the above, and to this is added about half a drachm of Hoffmann's anodyne, and a drop of oil of sassafras to each pint. A recipe used by some pharmacists is as follows : — Take of Syrup of gum Arabic One pint. Muriate of morphia Four grains. Oil of sassafras Four drops. Mix. The adult dose of this syrup is a teaspoonful. UNOFFICINAL SYRUPS. 715 » Aubergier's Syrup of Lactucarium. The recipe of Aubergier contains 45 grains of extract of "Eng- lish" lactucarium, 15 grains of citric acid, and sufficient boiling water with the proper proportion of sugar, and sufficient orange- flower water to flavor it, to constitute one pint of syrup. It is, however, a very mild preparation, the extract being very partially soluble in the citric acid and water, so that scarcely half a grain of lactucarium is contained in the teaspoOnful. The new officinal syrupus lactucarii, on the contrary, is a comparatively strong prepa- ration, which would be very unsuitable to dispense when Auber- gier's is called for. The fluid extract of lactucarium, described in the chapter on that class of preparations, was originally prepared by "W. C. Bakes and myself (see Amer. Journ. of Pharm., 1860, p. 225) for the purpose of making a substitute for Aubergier's syrup and for tincture of lactucarium ; the following is the modified formula for the syrup : — Take of Fluid ext. of (English) lactucarium . . A fluidrachm. Sugar Two pounds (com.). Water One pint. Syrup of orange-flower Four fluidounces. Triturate the fluid extract with a portion of the sugar, dissolve this and the remainder of the sugar in the water by the aid of heat, strain, and add the syrup of orange-flower. To those having the officinal syrup prepared, the following for- mula may be a convenience in preparing a modified Aubergier's: — Take of Syrup of lactucarium, 77. S. P 1 part. Simple syrup 10 parts. Syrup of orange-flower 4 parts. Mix them. This is a mild expectorant and sedative preparation, given in doses of a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful. A more efficient syrup of lactucarium may be readily prepared as follows : — Take of Fluid extract of lactucarium f,f j. Glycerin i|j. Sugar . . Six troyounces. Stronger alcohol f^ij. Rub the lactucarium with 1 oz. sugar ; then add very gradually with trituration f3yj of water, and filter; pass water through the filter till fourteen fluidrachms have been obtained, to which add f3ij of alcohol ; then mix with syrup made by dissolving five tnw- ounces of sugar with two fluidounces of water and a fluidounce of glycerin. Syrup of Manna. (Syrupus Mannce.) This is often directed by practitioners, without a very clear idea of what they are prescribing, since neither of the British Pharma- copoeias nor our own contains any mention of it. The following 716 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. recipe, taken from the Pharmacopee TJniverselle, I have used with satisfactory results : — Take of Flake manna Ten ounces. Water Twelve ounces. Make a solution, strain, and add Sugar • One pound (com.). "Which dissolve by the aid of heat. This is an elegant laxative, where not contraindicated by debility of the digestive organs, and is chiefly prescribed for children and parturient women. When extemporaneously prepared, there seems no necessity of adding the sugar at all, as a simple solution of manna in water is sufficiently agreeable, besides being stronger than the above. The peculiar sugar of manna is not fermentable. Syrupus Gallce. (Syrup of Galls. Aromatic Syrup of Galls.) This old and esteemed recipe is attributed to several eminent physicians of the last generation. It is used in chronic diarrhoea, and obstinate cases of dysentery. Take of Bruised galls ^ss. Brandy fjviij. Introduce into an fsviij vial, digest in hot water for half an hour, and filter ; then pour it into a saucer, and inflame the spirit with a lighted taper; add sugar 3ij, by melting it in the flame on a fine wire support, and allowing it to drop into the brandy, which must be stirred till it ceases to burn, and a syrup is formed. Then introduce it again into the f'Sviij vial, and fill it up with water. Some recipes direct that cinnamon and mace, of each 3ij, shall be digested in the brandy, which is an improvement on the foregoing. Dose, a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful ; for infants from 10 to 20 drops. Syrup of Lacto-phosphate of Lime. Take of Precipitated phosphate of lime . ^iv. Dissolve in fgvj of muriatic acid diluted with flxvj of water; precipitate with sufficient water of ammonia. Wash rapidly on a filter, press out the excess of water, and add f^iv of concentrated lactic acid ; when dissolved, add f 3x1 of distilled water and 54 oz. (avoir.) of sugar ; dissolve the sugar without heat and add f ^x of orange-flower water. Let the finished syrup be made up to 80 fluidounces by the addition of water. This syrup has been much prescribed in cases where the phos- phatic lime salt is indicated. Mellita. Honeys. The officinal class Mellita differs from the syrups in being made with honey, a mixed saccharine product described in Part IV. They are only three in number, as follows : — GLYCERITA — GLYCERITES. 717 Mel Despumatum. (Clarified Honey.) IT. S. P. Take of Honey, a convenient quantity. Melt it by means of a water-bath, and then remove the scum. Mel Rosce. (Honey of Rose.) IT. S. P. Take of Red rose, in moderately fine powder, two troy ounces. Clarified honey, twenty-five troyounces. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder with half a fluidounce of diluted alcohol, pack it firmly in a conical glass percolator, and gradually pour diluted alcohol upon it until six fluidrachms of filtered liquid have passed. Set this aside, and continue the percolation until half a pint more of liquid is obtained. Evaporate this, by means of a water-bath, to ten fluidrachms, add the reserved liquid, and mix the whole with clarified honey. Mel Sodii Boratis. (Honey of Borax.) IT. S. P. Take of Borate of sodium, in fine powder, sixty grains. Clarified honey, a troyounce. Mix them. The uses of these will be apparent. Honey of rose is an elegant astringent adapted to relieve diseased conditions of the throat and fauces, as an adjuvant to gargles, mouth washes, etc. Honey of borax has similar uses, and is especially efficient in the sore mouth of infants. The peculiar adhesiveness of honey adapts it to these purposes better than sugar. Oxymel of squill, officinal in the previous editions of the Pharma- copoeia, was dismissed from that of 1860. It consists of two pints of vinegar of squill to one and a half pints of honey, evaporated to the sp. gr. of 1.32. Simple oxymel, formerly officinal in the British Colleges, consists of mixtures of acetic acid, water, and honey r . Citromels and tartromels are solutions of citric and tartaric acid in honey, with the aid of a small proportion of water ; they have been proposed as vehicles for iodide of iron, which these vegetable acids are said to aid in preserving from decomposition. The use of honey with vegetable acids is preferred over cane sugar on account of the liability of the latter to pass into grape sugar in contact with acids. Glycerita, U. S. P. Glycerites. (Glycerin a, PL Br. Glycerines.) Glyceritum Acidi Carbolici, IT. S. P. (Glycerite of Carbolic Acid.) Take of Carbolic acid Two troyounces. Glycerin Half a pint. Hub them together in a mortar, until the acid is dissolved. Glyceritum Acidi Gallici, IT. S. P. (Glycerite of Gallic acid.) Take of Gallic acid Two troyounces. Glycerin Haifa pint. 718 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. Rub them together in a mortar; then transfer to a glass or por- celain capsule, and heat gently until the acid is dissolved. Glyceritum Acidi Tannici, U. S. P. {Glycerite of Tannic Acid.) Take of Tannin Two troyounces. Glycerin Half a pint. Rub them together in a mortar; then transfer them to a glass or porcelain capsule and heat gently until the acid is dissolved. Glyceritum Picis Liquidce, U. S. P. {Glycerite of Tar.) Take of Tar A troyounce. Carbonate of magnesium, in powder . . Two troy ounces. Glycerin Four nuidounces. Alcohol Two nuidounces. Water Ten nuidounces. Having mixed the glycerin, alcohol, and water, rub the tar in a mortar, first with the carbonate of magnesium and then with six fluidounces of the mixed liquids gradually added, and strain with expression. Rub the residue in like manner with half the remain- ing liquid, and strain as before. Repeat the process again with the remaining liquid. Put the residue into a percolator, add gradu- ally the expressed liquids previously mixed, and afterwards a suffi- cient quantity of water to make the liquid which passes measure a pint. Glyceritum Sodii Boratis, U. S. P. {Glycerite of Borate of Sodium.) Take of Borate of sodium, in powder Two troyounces. Glycerin Half a pint. Rub them together in a mortar, until the borate of sodium is dissolved. This class was made officinal at the late revision of the Pharma- copoeia. The numerous purposes to which glycerin has been found applicable, and its ready miscibility with aqueous preparations, have rendered it important that some authoritative standard should be had for preparations of this class. The great reduction in the price of glycerin renders its introduction much more easy than it would have been a few years since. (For remarks respecting the nomenclature of this class of preparations, see 13th edition of U. S. Dispensatory, page 1197.) This class succeeds that formerly termed glyceroles, which are preparations in which glycerin is used in the place of other anti- septics, wholly or chiefly, in the preparation of remedies for inter- nal use. In England they were called glycerides; those used externally are called plasma, liniments, lotions, etc., mentioned among the topical remedies. Of those used internally, one or two will be found among the chemical remedies. The special uses of glycerin in pharmacy are, First ) as a solvent, in which capacity it FLAVORING SYRUPS. 719 has very numerous applications. Second, as an antiseptic, for which it is well adapted. Third, as an emollient in irritable and inflam- matory conditions of the mucous surface and in skin diseases; and fourth, as a bland nutritive material to replace oils and fats. The chief objections to its use are founded on its comparatively high price, and the fact that the glyceroles are not usually as agreeable in taste as corresponding syrups. The solvent powder of glycerin is, in general, between that of water and alcohol, and generally substances may be said to be more soluble in glycerin, the more they are so in alcohol. A high tem- perature greatly increases its solvent power. Glycerole of Lactucarium. (F. Stearns.) Take of Lactucarium One ounce. Diluted alcohol, Boiling water, each Sufficient. Glycerin Twelve lluidounces. Citric acid Fifteen grains. Orange-flower water Two iiuidounces. Reduce the lactucarium to a moderately fine powder; moisten with one fluidounce of diluted alcohol and pack into a small dis- placer. After macerating twelve hours, pour upon it gradually diluted alcohol until the filtrate measures sixteen fluidounces, or until it passes without taste. Evaporate this on a water-bath nearly to dryness, then boil this residue with six fluidounces of water ; pour this off from the undissolved residue into a filter placed over a bottle containing the glycerin; add four fluidounces of water to the undissolved residue, boil, and filter into the first portion. Then evaporate the whole on a water-bath to fourteen fluidounces, and, when cool, add the orange-flower water in which the citric acid has been previously dissolved. Each fluidounce represents a half drachm of lactucarium. Dose, one to three teaspoonfuls. Glycerole of Sumach. (W. C. Bakes.) Take of Sumach berries Sixteen tro3^ounces. Boiling water Three pints. Macerate the sumach for an hour and a half, then express strongly, and add another pint of boiling water to the mass and express again. Mix the infusions and evaporate to eight fluidounces, then add glycerin sufficient to make the whole measure one pint, and filter. Flavoring Syrups used Chiefly in Connection with "Mineral Water" and other Beverages. Lemon Syrup. This is now almost universally made from citric or tartaric acid and oil of lemon, instead of lemon juice. Some of the confectioners, when they are overstocked with lemons, make them into syrup, but from the use of fruit that has partially spoiled, and from the syrup being made in such large quantities at once as to become 720 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. more or less altered by keeping, before it is consumed, the article thus made is inferior to that made from acid and oil of lemon. A very fine flavoring syrup may, however, be made by using fresh lemons and making the syrup in small quantities, by the Pharma- copoeia process. Citric acid is preferable to tartaric for preparing the syrup; when made with the former acid it has a more agreeable flavor, which it retains longer unimpaired. The syrup made with either acid, when longer kept, is liable to throw down a white granular deposit of grape sugar. A u turpentine taste" is very common in the lemon syrup which is manufactured and sold wholesale, and may frequently be due to the employment of old or impure oil of lemon. A com- mon adulteration of this oil is the admixture of recently distilled oil of turpentine or camphene, and the adulterated oil may contain a considerable portion of it without its being perceptible by taste or odor while new, but as the camphene becomes resinous, the tur- pentine flavor is developed. But even pure oil of lemon degenerates in flavor and odor when long kept ; therefore, it is better to pre- pare the syrup in small quantities, so that it will be consumed before there is any change in its quality. A more delicate flavor of the lemon may be obtained by macerat- ing the outer portion of lemon-peel in deodorized alcohol, allowing this to evaporate spontaneously, and, when it is nearly all dissipated, adding it to sugar to be incorporated with the syrup, or triturating with magnesia, adding water, filtering, and making a syrup; as directed in the officinal process for syrup of orange-peel. The simple syrup used as a basis of these flavoring syrups may be made by the process given on page 703, or may contain a less proportion of sugar, say seven avoirdupois pounds to half a gallon of water. The lemon syrup will then be made easily, as follows: — ■ Take of Oil of lemon 20 drops. Citric acid An ounce. Simple syrup One gallon. Rub the oil of lemon with a little sugar and afterwards with a portion of syrup, and having dissolved the acid in a gill of water mix the whole thoroughly together. The addition to this, and to ginger, orange, and capsicum syrups of a little syrup of gum Arabic promotes their frothing. Lemonade may be made, of good quality, by mixing one pint of this syrup with two gallons of iced water, stirring thoroughly. Orange Syrup. 1st Process. — Take of Syrup of orange-peel, U. 8. P One pint. Citric acid 45 grains. Dissolve the acid in the syrup. 2d Process. — Take of oranges, the fresh fruit, a convenient number, grate oft" the yellow outside peel, cut the oranges and express the juice, to each quart of which add Water 1 pint. Susar 6 lbs. (com.). SARSAPARILLA SYRUP FOR MINERAL WATER. 721 Mix the sugar with the grated peel, add the mixed water and juice, and apply a gentle heat till it is dissolved, then strain. One dozen oranges will make one and a half to two gallons of syrup. If a pure and fresh article of oil of orange can be obtained, the syrup may be made by the following formula: — 3d Process. — Take of Syrup 2 pints. Oil of orange 5 minims. Citric acid 1 drachm. Mix. Ginger Syrup. The syrup made by the formulae of the Pharmacopoeia, lately revised, is all that can be desired, in the way of a bright, clear syrup, it being of the proper strength for mineral water use. Some druggists prefer to boil ginger in water, which extracts a large amount of starchy matter, and makes a richer and more frothy mineral-water syrup. The following is the recipe: — Take of Ginger, bruised 3 ounces. Water 2 pints. Boil for half an hour in a covered vessel, strain, and add Sugar 4 lbs. (com.). Continue the heat until it is dissolved. Capsicum Syrup. Take of Simple syrup Two pints. Tincture of capsicum A fluidounce. Heat the simple syrup, add the tincture, keep heated until the alcohol has evaporated, then mix immediately ; care should be taken not to allow the globules of resin of capsicum to separate from the syrup. This is a fine stimulant, which is used to advantage in mineral water, in intensely hot and debilitating weather, when the relaxed condition of the digestive organs seems to contraindicate the use of cold drinks. Sarsaparilla Syrup for Mineral Water. As this syrup is intended for making a pleasant beverage, it is made much weaker of sarsaparilla than the compound syrup of the Pharmacopoeia, and the senna, guaiac, etc., which enter into the composition of the latter, are very properly omitted. The following is the formula of Ambrose Smith: — Take of Sarsaparilla, finely bruised, Liquorice root, finely bruised, of each . . . 2 lbs. (com.). Sugar . . 30 lbs. (com.). Oil of anise, wintergreen, and sassafras, of each 40 drops. Oil of cinnamon 5 drops. Water q. s. Digest the roots 12 hours, with 2 gallons of warm water, then put into a percolator and displace, adding sufficient water until 2 46 722 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. gallons of infusion are obtained. In this dissolve the sugar with the aid of heat, and to the syrup when cooled add the oils, pre- viously rubbed up with a little sugar. The following formula is employed by some druggists: — Take of Sarsaparilla, liquorice root, each 1 lb. Cinnamon, sassafras, each 6 oz. Cloves, anise, coriander, each 2 oz. Red saunders, cochineal, each 1^ oz. Alcohol 2 pints. Water . 2 gallons. Digest the above for 4 days, strain, and make a syrup with 27 lbs. (com.) of sugar. It is also frequently made by diluting the compound syrup with twice its measure of simple syrup, and adding the essential oils. The fluid extract of sarsaparilla, if mezereon enters into its composition, does not answer, as the persistent acri- mony of this bark is so perceptible even in the diluted syrup as to make it unpalatable. The following is our own formula: — Take of Simple syrup Oij. Comp. syrup of sarsap 15 ij. Caramel f^vj. Oil of gaultheria, and Oil of sassafras, of each 3 drops. Mix by shaking up in a bottle. Orgeat Syrup. This corresponds with the officinal syrupus amygdalae (see p. 704), with the addition of some more decided flavoring substance, as orange-flower water, bitter almond oil, or vanilla. The following formula is sometimes preferred, as requiring less time and trouble in its preparation : — Take of Cream syrup, Vanilla syrup, each 1 pint. Oil of bitter almonds 4 drops. Mix well together, observing not to make more than sufficient for one day's sales. Fruit Syrups. To make one gallon of strawberry, raspberry, or blackberry syrup :— Take of the fresh fruit 4 quarts. Water Sufficient. Sugar 8 lbs. (com.). Express the juice and strain, then add water till it measures four pints; dissolve the sugar in this by the aid of heat, raise it to the boiling point, and strain. If it is to be kept till the following season, it should be poured while hot into dry bottles, filled to the neck, and securely corked. The clothes-wringer (Fig. 215, page 579) will be found a good press for obtaining the juice from the fruit, which should be first FRUIT SYRUPS, 723 thoroughly mashed into pulp and inclosed in a very strong square canvas bag. Strawberry syrup is made by inclosing the ripe fruit in a strong bag, then applying pressure by means of a screw or lever press, or between elastic rollers as above ; small quantities may be pressed sufficiently by hand. The juice is now diluted, mixed with sugar, and transferred to a kettle, in which it is heated to the boiling point, and then strained while hot. The yield of juice from strawberries is from one-half to one-third the bulk of the berries, and the dilution with water, by the above rule, will be accordingly. Fig. 234 represents the straining bag ; and Figs. 235 and 236 the apparatus for straining and expressing, by means of a square piece of flannel or muslin. The mode of using them will be apparent. Pirr. 234. Fig. 235. Fig. 236. Another way to prepare this syrup, where a fine and very deli- cate flavor is desired, is to macerate the ripe berries in layers interspersed with powdered sugar, one and three-quarter pounds of sugar to a pound of the picked berries for twenty-four hours, in a cellar, and then throw them on a sieve or perforated capsule for the syrup to drain off. This juice is to be put into a bottle, loosely corked, set into a vessel of water, and heated to the boiling point ; after which it is to be tightly sealed and laid away in a cool place. Raspberry syrup is made by the same process ; the juice is richer in pectin and more liable to glutinize than the foregoing, so that it bears a larger dilution ; it improves the flavor of this syrup to use a small proportion of pie cherries, or currants — say a pound to four quarts of the raspberries. Blackberry syrup does not differ from the other fruit syrups in its mode of preparation, except in the usual addition of a small pro- portion of French brandy, say a fluidounce to each pint of syrup. The formula for these three syrups being the same, as the fruits yield variable quantities of juice, the degree of dilution is so regu- lated that every quart of the fruit will yield a quart of syrup. Blackberry brandy contains a much larger proportion of brandy and less sugar, with some aromatics. 724 OF SYRUPS AND HONEYS. Aromatic Blackberry Syrup. (Dr. P. B. G-oddard.) Take of Blackberry juice Oij. Sugar Tbj. Nutmegs, grated No. vj. Cinnamon, bruised ^ss. Cloves 3ij. Allspice ^ij. Brandy . . . Oj. Make into a syrup secundem artem. The astringent properties of blackberry juice adapt it particu- larly, in combination with carminatives, to the treatment of bowel complaints. Raspberry Vinegar. Take of Easpberry syrup Oij. Acetic acid f^ss. Mix them. Added to iced water according to taste, this is one of the most delightful of refrigerant drinks. Take of Easpberry juice Oijss. White wine vinegar Oj. Sugar , . fcs. 6 (com.). Dissolve the syrup with a gentle heat, and strain, if necessary. This latter formula yields a much more delicate preparation. With the object of removing pectin from the juice of fleshy fruits, the Prussian Pharmacopoeia directs the production of incipient fer- mentation. The following is a type of the class : — Cherry Syrup. Take of fresh sour cherries, a convenient quantity, bruise them with the stones and let them stand for three days, then express the juice and set aside until, after fermentation, it has become clear. To 20 ounces (weight) of this filtered juice add of sugar 36 ounces, and make into a syrup by raising to the boiling point. The raspberry and other similar juices, as imported into this country from France and Germany, are, or ought to be, the juices prepared in the above way; they are devoid of the mucilaginous principles (pectin, etc.), contain a small quantity of alcohol, and keep well in sealed bottles ; exposed to the air, of course they soon undergo acetous fermentation. Artificial Syrup of Raspberry. The following formula, though not recommended as a substitute for the true fruit syrup, will be found a tolerable approximation to it : — Take of Orris root (selected) 1 oz. Cochineal 2 dr. Tartaric acid 2 dr. "Water 1 quart. Powder the orris root coarsely, together with the cochineal, infuse in the water with the acid for twenty-four hours ; strain, and add four pounds of sugar ; raise to the boiling point and again FLAVORING EXTRACTS. 725 strain. A few drops of artificial extract of raspberry (see Part IV.) may be added when cold. Pineapple Syrup. Take of the fruit a convenient number, pare them and mash them, without slicing, in a marble or porcelain mortar, express the juice, and take for each quart — Water 1 pint. Sugar 6 lbs. (com.). The water and sugar may be placed on the fire and heated to near the boiling point before adding the juice, after which, continue the heat till the syrup boils, then remove from the fire, skim, and strain. Preserve this as the foregoing. Vanilla Syimp. Take of Vanilla 6 drachms. Boiling water 4^ pints. Sugar 8 lbs. (com.). Reduce the vanilla to fine powder by trituration with a portion of sugar, boil this with water two hours in a covered vessel, then strain, and dissolve in it the remainder of the sugar. Another formula, which is preferable, is — Take of Fluid extract of vanilla f ^j. Syrup f3xv. Mix. Coffee Syrup. Take of Roasted coffee 4 oz. Boiling water 2 pints. Sugar 4 lbs. (com.). Digest the coffee in coarse powder in the boiling water, in a covered vessel, filter, or clarify with white of egg, strain, and add the sugar. Wild Cherry Syrup is a popular and wholesome flavor for mineral water ; the officinal article can hardly be improved upon. Cream Syrups. These are mixtures of highly flavored syrups with fresh cream. They must be made fresh every few clays, and may contain equal parts of their ingredients, or, preferably, two parts of the flavored syrup to one of cream. Some pharmacists prefer to make syrup of cream, and to flavor this by the addition of strong fruit, and other syrups, in the glass, on drawing the mineral water. Simple Syrup of Cream. Take of Fresh cream 1 pint. Powdered sugar 1 lb. (com.). Mix and shake well together. To be kept in bottles not exceed- 726 CONSERVES, CONFECTIONS, ETC. ing a pint. The formula of A. T>. Taylor directs equal parts of cream and milk with the same proportion of sugar. That of 0. S. Hubbell directs fourteen pounds of sugar to each gallon of cream. Nectar Cream is variously made from cream syrup and flavored syrups. The following is a good mixture : — Take of Simple syrup of cream 1 part. Yanilla syrup 3 parts. Pineapple syrup 1 part. Lemon syrup 1 part. Mix. Hubbell's formula directs the addition of sherry wine, against which objections might be urged as tending to promote a taste for alcoholic stimulants. A great variety of fancy names are given to these combinations of cream syrup with alcoholic and other flavor- ing ingredients. Factitious Cream Syrujp. Take of 01. amygd. dulcis (recent) f t fiij. Pulv. acacise ^ij. Aquae ^ix. M. ft. Emulsio, et adde Sacchari albi ftj. Albumen ovi JSTo. ij. Dissolve the sugar by a gentle heat, strain, and when cold add the white of egg ; fill small bottles and keep in a cool place, well corked. This preparation will keep for a long time. For use, mix one part with eight of any of the ordinary syrups, or add about a drachm to every glass. It forms an imitation of orgeat by mixing two drachms or more with two ounces of simple syrup, and flavoring with bitter almond and orange-flower water. CHAPTER XIII. OF CONSERVES, CONFECTIONS, ELECTUARIES, PASTES, LOZENGES, AND CANDIES. Preparations having pectin as their basis, or containing medi- cinal substances suspended in a semi-solid form by the aid of honey and syrup, are variously termed Conserves, Electuaries, and Con- fections. The officinal class Pulpce of a previous Pharmacopoeia, consisting of the pulps of prunes, tamarinds, and figs, was dismissed in the revision of 1860, and the class Confectiones altered so as to embrace the process formerly included in it. CONFECTIONES. 727 CONFECTIONES, U. S. P. This class naturally subdivides into two, which are nearly alike in their properties, but quite unlike in their mode of preparation. 1st Class. — Conserves. Confectio Aurantii corticis, TJ. S., 1 part peel (grated) to 3 sugar. " Rosce (by an unofficinal process), 1 part rose leaf to 3 sugar. " Amygdalae, (Lond. Ph.), sweet almonds, gum, and sugar. By beating with powdered sugar a fresh, moist substance, as uu- dried rose petals, or the rind of a fresh orange, or a fruit rich in oil, and naturally moist, like the almond, we obtain a true conserve. The trituration should be continued till a smooth and uniform firm paste is produced, which will generally be permanent if kept in a well -covered vessel, except in the instance of the almond, which will be rendered unfit for use by long keeping, and hence the confection has been omitted in the recent editions of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. Confection of rose is more frequently made, according to my obser- vation, by the above process, with the common hundred-leaved and damask-rose petals, than by that of the Pharmacopoeia, in which the powdered red-rose petals are directed to be made into an electuary ; so that Confectio Rosas, as usually met with, is not decidedly astringent. Confection of orange-peel is made chiefly, as directed by the officinal formula, from the rind of the common sweet orange, so abundant in our market, and not from bitter orange-peel. The proportion is one part of the grated rind to three of sugar. Confection of almonds is made from the blanched almonds, tritu- rated through a fine sieve, and thoroughly incorporated with the gum and sugar, thus forming the whole into a mass. It furnishes a ready mode of forming almond mixtures. 2d Class. — Electuaries. Confectio Rosse. Powd. red rose 2 p., sugar 15 p., honey 3 p., rose-water 4 p. " Aromaticus. Aromatic powder, honey, equal parts. " Opii (1 gr. in 36). Opium powd., aromatic powd., and honey. " Sennae. P. senna and coriander, added to pulp of prunes, figs, tarmarinds, and purging cassia. All of this division of the confections are made from dried and powdered materials, incorporated mechanically with a saccharine liquid into mass. Confection of rose is used as a vehicle in the preparation of pills, which is almost its only use ; it is directed in the formula for blue pills. Aromatic confection and confection of opium are somewhat used as vehicles ; the latter is prescribed in old recipes, and sometimes in prescriptions, as Theriaca Andronica. It enters into the compo- sition of a celebrated fever and ague mixture introduced among extemporaneous preparations; it is sometimes called Venice treacle. Confection of senna is a fine laxative, and, when properly pre- 728 CONSERVES, CONFECTIONS, ETC. pared is one of the most agreeable remedies of its class. If given in large enough quantities to purge actively, it is liable to disagree with the stomach when there is a want of tone in that organ, and to become distasteful to the patient. Confectio Sennce, U. S. P. (Confection of Senna. Lenitive Electuary.) Take of Senna, in fine powder, eight troyounces. Coriander, in fine powder, four troyounces. Purging cassia, finely bruised, sixteen troyounces. Tamarind, ten troyounces. Prune, sliced, seven troyounces. Fig, bruised, twelve troyounces. Sugar, in coarse powder, thirty troyounces. "Water, a sufficient quantit} r . Digest, in a close vessel, by means of a water-bath, the purging cassia, tamarind, prune, and fig in three pints of water for three hours. Separate the coarser portions with the hand, and pass the pulpy mass, by rubbing, first through a coarse hair sieve, and then through a fine one, or a muslin cloth. Mix the residue with a pint of water, and, having digested the mixture for a short time, treat it as before, and add the product to the pulpy liquid first obtained. Then by means of a water-bath, dissolve the sugar in the pulpy liquid, and evaporate the whole until it weighs eighty-four troy- ounces, or until it has been brought to the consistence of honey. Lastly, add the senna and coriander and incorporate them thoroughly with the other ingredients while yet warm. The whole should weigh ninety -six troyounces. Few manufacturers take the trouble to make this preparation in perfection. The above, which is an improved and simplified formula, should induce every pharmacist to make the confection, and by following the formula carefully, and securing a perfectly fine powder of coriander seed, a good preparation will be the result. Hemorrhoid Electuary. The following recipe has been in use for many years as a remedy for piles, and, from the numerous cases in which it has afforded relief, is believed worthy a place among our unofiicinal formulas: — Take of Bitartrate of potassium, Powdered jalap, Powdered nitrate of potassium, of each . . Half an ounce. Confection of senna An ounce. Make an electuary with syrup of ginger. Dose, a piece the size of a marble three times a day. Pile Electuary. (Dr. Parrish, Sr.) Take of Senna, in fine powder ^ij. Extract of liquorice ,^j. Sulphur |j. Bhubarb, in fine powder ^ij. Ginger ^ij- Honey, q. s. ft. mass. Dose, a piece the size of a hazel-nut two or three times a day. PASTES. 729 Confection of Black Pepper. ( Ward's Paste.) The following is the recipe from the London Pharmacopoeia for this celebrated preparation, which is not unfrequently prescribed for piles ; it is said to require to be used continuously for some months to realize good results : — Take of Black pepper, Eeduced. Elecampane, each 1 pound 5J. Fennel (seeds) 3 pounds ^iij. Honey, Sugar, each 2 pounds §ij. Rub the dry ingredients together into a very fine powder, and keep them in a covered vessel ; but, whenever the confection is to be used, add the powder gradually to the honey, and beat them until thoroughly incorporated. Dose, 5j to 3ij, three times a day. Pastes. Medicines having sugar and gum for their basis, of a firm yet flexible consistence, intermediate between confections and lozenges, are called Pastes. These are usually sold in sheets, or in small squares, each of which is of suitable size to be taken at one time into the mouth, and covered with powdered sugar, or, in the case of jujube paste, with oil, to prevent their sticking together. The object proposed in their preparation is the production of an agreeable demulcent and expectorant form of medicine ; as their pleasant qualities are to a great extent lost by age, they should be frequently prepared. The transparent kinds are allowed to cool and harden spontane- ously, while the opaque varieties are stirred and beaten as they cool. A few recipes for pastes are appended : — Jujube Paste. (Transparent Gum Paste.) Take of Gum Arabic 6 ounces. Water 8 fluidounces. Bruise the gum, and make it into a clear mucilage, which may be conveniently done by inclosing it in a bag of coarse gauze sus- pended near the top of a vessel of cold water ; introduce the muci- lage into an evaporating dish, and add — Syrup 7 ounces (by weight). Evaporate to a very thick consistence, adding, towards the last — Orange-flower water 2 fluidrachms. Let it cool, remove the crust which will have formed on the sur- face, and run the paste into shallow tin pans, which lay away in a warm place to dry. In order to turn out the paste, some are in the habit of slightly greasing the pans ; but, this oil sometimes becom- ing rancid and giving unpleasant properties to the paste, it is sug- gested by Dorvault to make use of tin pans prepared by spreading with a rag a globule of mercury over the whole inside surface, and 730 CONSERVES, CONFECTION'S, ETC. then wiping it well. The moulds need to be gone over with the mercury only once in eight or ten times. The French Codex directs the addition of a decoction of jujube ; but this, which was the original practice, and gave name to the preparation, is now generally aban- doned. The use of orange-flower water is generally substituted in this country by oil of lemon or rose, and, where the latter is used, a red color is imparted to the paste for the sake of distinction. Other flavors may be used. Marshnallow Paste. {Opaque Gum Paste. Pate de Guimauve.) Take of Gum Arabic (white), Sugar, of each ibj. Water Sufficient. Orange-flower water f giij. "White of eggs ]S[o. x. Bruise the gum, dissolve it in the water, and strain ; put the gummy solution upon the fire in a deep, wide pan, add the sugar, stirring continually until it has the consistence of thick honey, carefully regulating the temperature. Then beat the eggs to a froth, add them and the orange-flower water gradually to the paste, which must be constantly stirred ; continue to beat the paste until, in ap- plying it with the spatula upon the back of the hand, it does not adhere to it, then run it out upon a slab, or into pans covered with starch. Formerly this contained marshmallow ; now it is, properly speak- ing, only an opaque paste of gum. The Iceland moss paste, so extensively advertised of latter years, may be closely imitated by this process, slightly varying the flavor. The asserted presence of Iceland moss in it improves it only in name. Carrageen Paste. (Mouchon.) Take of Carrageen ^j. Water Ovj. Boil the carrageen (previously soaked) first in four pints, and then in the remainder of the water, and mix the liquids ; to this add — Pure gum Arabic, Sugar, of each 8 ounces. Strain, evaporate to a very thick consistence, cool it, and separate any crust, and run it out into pans or on a slab. Iceland Moss Paste. (French Codex.) Take of Iceland moss ^ij. Gum Arabic Jx. Sugar Iviij. Water Sufficient. Wash the Iceland moss in boiling water, and, having rejected this, boil it in an additional portion of water during an hour. Express and strain, add the gum and sugar, and evaporate till a drop does not adhere to the back of the hand ; then cool it on a marble slab. TROCHISCI — LOZENGES. 731 Trochisci. — Lozenges. The manufacture of lozenges, as of confections, and of some syrups, pertains to the confectioner, in common with the pharma- cist, and is principally confined to the former; yet the obvious eligibility of this form of preparation, for certain expectorant and other medicines, particularly for children, makes a knowledge of them desirable both to the physician and pharmacist. The process for preparing them is quite simple, and so well adapted to all insoluble, tasteless, and agreeable medicines, that we may with propriety resort to it for ordinary purposes in prescribing. The author has repeatedly made up medicines in this form extem- poraneously by physician's prescription, and with considerable advantage, as compared with the usual pharmaceutical forms. The lozenges to be described are of two varieties. First — Those which consist of white sugar combined with a medicinal substance, and made up by the addition of mucilage. The dry ingredients are first to be thoroughly reduced to powder and mixed together ; then beaten in a suitable mortar, with suffi- cient mucilage of tragacanth or gum Arabic to form a tenacious and tolerably firm mass ; this mass, being dusted with a little powdered sugar (not starch, which is sometimes used), is to be rolled out upon a suitable board, or marble slab, to the required thickness, previously ascertained ; and then, with a small punch, either round, oval, stellate, or cordate, to suit the taste of the maker, cut out singly, and laid away to dry on a suitable tray or sieve. A manufacturer of great experience informed the editor that he had found a steel roller turned perfectly true, and a slab with sup- porting strips made very accurately, were essential to secure hand- some lozenges. If it be desirable to have the roller warm, such a one, having one of the handles to unscrew and gum-elastic u washer" interposed, will enable the operator to keep the temperature at any heat a little below that of boiling water for some time, and by renewing the heated water to maintain the desired temperature. Fig. 237 represents a simple apparatus used for rolling and cutting this description of lozenges. Among the recent inventions is a glass roller of considerable strength and durability, de- signed for rolling out pastry ; being open at both ends, it may be filled with warm water and securely corked ; in this way a temperature is main- tained favorable to the softness and tenacity of the mass. It is well adapted to use in making lozenges. The roller shown in the cut is of hard wood. The rolling-board is adjusted as follows: Having a Fig. 237 Board, roller, and punch, for making lozenges. 732 CONSERVES, CONFECTIONS, ETC. punch of a certain diameter, a small portion of the mass is rolled and cut out, and its weight ascertained ; if it be too heavy, the cake is rolled thinner, and so on until adjusted to the required weight ; a strip is now tacked on to each side of the board, within the range of the roller, and corresponding in thickness with the cake, so that the roller, when passed over, will reduce the medicated mass to the right thickness. A board arranged in this way should be kept for each kind of lozenges, as the weight of different materials varies, and, in adjusting it, a small allowance must be made for the moisture present in the soft mass, which increases its bulk. In dividing a mass extemporaneously, it is convenient to roll the whole out into a square or oblong cake of suitable size, and then, with a spatula, divide it equally into a definite number of rectangular masses. Some manufacturers have, independently of their cutting punches, a stamp bearing the name of the base of the lozenge, or the card of the manufacturer, which they impress upon each lozenge ; for white lozenges, the punch is sometimes dipped in an infusion of cochineal. The cutting punches are sometimes so made as to com- bine cutting and marking in one operation. In order to have lozenges nicely cut, it is important to clean the cutting punch frequently by steeping it for a moment in water, then wiping it dry. In lozenges made of vegetable powders, as, for instance, those of ipecacuanha, the use of thick mucilage is advised to prevent the extractive matter from coloring the product. The mucilage used is nearly always made of gum tragacanth, but some pharmacists prefer that of gum Arabic, as giving them a more translucent appearance ; white of egg is recommended for the same purpose. The quantity of mucilage necessary to thicken substances varies somewhat ; it is greater for lozenges which contain dry powders than for those made of extractive substances. It may be remarked that lozenges containing a large proportion of mucilage become very hard by time. Mucilages are sometimes made with simple water, and sometimes with aromatic waters, or the latter are replaced by essential oils added directly to the mass, or in advance to the dry powders. M. G-arot mentions a German method which confectioners some- times make use of to aromatize lozenges extemporaneously after their desiccation. It consists in dissolving a volatile oil in ether, and pouring this solution upon the lozenges contained in a bottle with a large mouth, shaking them well, then pouring the lozenges upon a sieve, and instantly placing them in a stove to dispel the ether. This method is very convenient, as it permits the prepara- tion of a large quantity of inodorous lozenges, which may be flavored as they are needed. By means of an atomizer a large number of lozenges may be flavored very quickly and uniformly. The flavoring ingredient is dissolved in ether or strong alcohol and put into the bottle of the OFFICINAL LOZENGES 733 atomizer ; the current of air driven rapidly through the instru- ment is directed for an equal length of time to every part of the mass of lozenges, which should be exposed in thin layers for this purpose. Second. — Two of the officinal lozenges contain liquorice, and con- sist of adhesive, saccharine, and mucilaginous materials, softened by water and beaten into a mass with flavoring and medicinal in- gredients, and then rolled into lozenges, generally of a different shape from the others. Trochisci, U. S. B 1st Group. Officinal name. Proportion. Adjuvants. Med. properties. Trochisci acidi tannici 1 grain in each Sugar, tragacanth Astringent. " cretse 4 grains " Sugar, gum Arabic, Antacid and astrin- and nutmeg gent. " magnesias 3 " " Sugar, tragacanth, Antacid and ape- and nutmeg rient. " sodii bicarb. 3 » Sugar, tragacanth, and nutmeg Antacid. " ferri subcarb. 5 " " Sugar, tragacanth, and vanilla Tonic, "haematic." " ipecacuanhas I grain Sugar, tragacanth, orange-flow, water Expectorant. " potassii chloratis 5 grains " Sugar, tragacanth, and vanilla Disinfectant. " santonini ^ grain " Sugar, tragacanth, orange-flow, water Vermifuge. " menthae piperita? \ minim " Tragacanth Carminative. " zingiberis Tinct. mjj " Sugar, tragacanth. (< 2d Group. {Ext. opii, 1 gr. in 20 lozenges Liquorice, gum Arabic Sugar, oil anise Oleoresin, J rr^ in each lozenge gum Arabic sassafras, and Tolu Morphia sulph. -^ gr. morphias et ipecacuanhas Section of pharmaceutical stilL tion of this still. J. is a deep tin boiler, with a rim soldered round its top at a a, forming a gutter for the water joint, by which it is connected with the dome or head B. This is the refrigerator, on the inner surface of which the condensation occurs ; C is the neck or tube for carrying off the distillate ; c c is a circular rim sol- dered on to the base of the head B in such a position that the upper projection forms a gutter for conducting the condensed fluid as it runs down on the under surface of the cone d d into the neck C, THE PHARMACEUTICAL STILL. 763 while the lower part projects downward into the gutter a a to form the water joint. The course of the circular rim c c is of necessity inclined down- wards towards the under edge of the neck 0, as indistinctly shown in the section, in order to determine its liquid contents in that direction. b is an opening in the top of the condenser, stopped by a cork, for inspecting the progress of the distillation, and adding to the con- tents of the boiler ; e is a funnel tube into which a current of cold water is directed during distillation, while as it becomes warm it ascends and escapes by the tube on the other side. The water joint is to be nearly filled at the commencement of. the operation, and effectually prevents the escape of the vapor. It is important that the inner rim which forms part of the water joint be kept lower than the outer one, so that any liquid which is added by condensa- tion to the water in the joint shall flow back into the still. The long-continued application of a pretty high heat, which is necessary in distillation, involves an expense which, if gas or even charcoal fuel is employed, may approach the value of the alcohol recovered, so that in the winter time it is well to avail ourselves of the stove used for heating the apartment by fitting the still to it, and distilling slowly at the moderate heat thus obtained. The ad- vantage gained by the exclusion of the atmosphere in distillation is not to be overlooked when vegetable preparations are being con- centrated. The head of the still becoming full of steam excludes the air, for the most part, and the condensation of the steam brings about a partial vacuum which favors evaporation at low tempera- tures. The proper refrigeration of the condensing surface requires pretty free use of cold water ; and the application of this has direct relation to the degree of heat required to vaporize the liquid being distilled. An indication by which the operator may always judge when the refrigeration is insufficient, is the escape of uncondensed vapor. When this is observed, he should diminish the heat applied, and increase the application of cold to the condensing surface ; this pre- caution is very important when the vapor is inflammable. The methods indicated in Part III. for the continuous application of cold water by a funnel, and by a small cock, near the bottom of a tin bucket, are also well adapted to the kinds of apparatus now described. In using this still I have usually conducted the opera- tion by the use of a movable gas stove, Fig. 127, on a counter, at the end of which are a sink and hydrant ; by the use of a few feet of elastic tube, the cold stream from the hydrant may be determined into the cooler, while the warmed water is conducted off into the sink by a similar attachment. The application of heat must of course be regulated by the vola- tility and inflammability of the liquid treated. Strong alcoholic or ethereal liquids, being volatilized at low temperatures, may be heated by a water-bath or a sand-bath, not too hot, which, besides 764 preventing the excessive boiling of the liquid, will diminish the danger from fracture if a glass vessel is used. In distilling from flowers or herbs for obtaining essential oils or medicated waters, there is great liability to scorching from the con- tact of masses of the solid material with the heated surface of the still, thus producing empyreumatic products which quite destroy the agreeable fragrance of the product. A false bottom or perfo- rated diaphragm, a few inches above the point of contact with the flame, is a preventive of this, adopted in large operations. In some cases even this is not sufficient, and, as in preparing oil of bitter almonds, it will be found necessary to introduce the pulpy mass upon a layer of straw over the bottom or upon a diaphragm ; by this means the contact of the material with the spot where the heat is applied is effectually prevented. The application of care- fully regulated steam heat is, of course, in this as in most other heat operations on a large scale, a great improvement. Distillation is frequently applied to obtain products for the per- fumer, and, in some instances, particularly those of the fragrant waters, the terms double distilled and triple distilled are frequently used; the meaning being that the same liquid has been twice or three times distilled from separate fresh portions of the flowers. Galenical Preparations made by Distillation. Aquce Destillata, U. S. P. (Distilled Water.) This is directed to be used in a great many preparations in the Pharmacopoeia. In some, its employment seems called for, while in others, the river or spring water, so freely supplied in nearly all towns and cities, answers every purpose. The inorganic impurities imparted to spring waters by the rocks through which they permeate are in the highest degree important in connection with solutions of delicate chemical substances, and the same may be said of the organic substances which contaminate some of the natural sources of water, and form precipitates with nitrate of silver, tartrate of antimony and potassium, and a few other very delicate chemical agents. It is, however, generally sufficient that water should be pure enough for safe and wholesome drinking to be fit for use in preparing the Galenical and even many of the chemical preparations. One of the most important uses, to the apothecary and physician, of the apparatus for distillation figured and described on the fore- going pages, is to enable him to prepare, and keep at hand for spe- cial occasions, aqua destillata. Aquje Medicate. Under the head of Medicated Waters, Chapter IV., it has been stated that most of this class of preparations may be made by the solu- tion of the essential oils in water, or preferably by the distillation of water from the flowers or other odorous parts of plants which contain the essential oils in their fresh and unchanged condition. SPIRITS OR ESSENCES. 765 Perhaps the most important case of this kind is aqua cinnamomi, which, as before stated, when made by the distillation of water from the true Ceylon cinnamon, is one of the most delicious of flavors, and besides the peculiar odor of the cinnamon is pleasantly sweet to the taste, a property which must be due to some volatile ingredient at present unknown. The proportion of true cinnamon to the water used is 18 troyounces to the two gallons. The bark should be coarsely powdered and macerated some hours before applying the fire, and from the two gallons only one gallon is recovered. Aqua rosce is one of the medicated waters in most common use, designed to be made by distillation, and prescribed as a solvent for salts which are incompatible with chemical substances often present in minute quantities in water from springs and rivers. It is, how- ever, very liable to undergo spontaneous changes which render it unfit for use. 3 lbs. and 5 oz. com. of rose petals are directed to two gallons of water, from which one gallon is to be collected. The rose petals collected in season may be preserved in salt till needed. Aqua aurantii florum is also directed to be made in the same manner. Fennel water, mint water, and peppermint water are all indicated in the Pharmacopoeia as adapted to this mode of preparation, the pro- portion indicated being 18 troyounces (1J lbs. com.) to two gallons, from which one gallon is to be distilled ; while anise water is directed to be made with ten troyounces to two gallons, from which one gallon is to be distilled. Olea Destillata, U. S. P. The distilled oils are prepared by mixing the bruised herb or other part containing the oil with a small portion of water in a still, when, after macerating for a suitable length of time, and ad- justing the apparatus, heat is applied. The oil, though its boiling point is always much above that of water, is readily diffused in the steam ; and when this is condensed in the refrigerated part of the apparatus, the oil, if in excess, separates, and if specifically lighter collects on the surface of the distilled water ; or, if heavier, it set- tles to the bottom, and may be separated. The mode of preparing the officinal aqua rosaz, and other common distilled waters, corre- sponds with this, the proportion of water being so adjusted that no excess of the oil beyond what is soluble in the water shall be present. Spiritus, U. S. P. Alcoholic solutions of essential oils are usually called spirits or essences ; they are sometimes prepared by distilling alcohol from the fresh herb, which thus gives up its essential oil, and on conden- sation retains it in solution. In the last edition of the Pharmaco- poeia (1870) this method of making the spirits lavand. and nutmegs was dropped. This is to be regretted, as the spirits obtained by 766 ON DISTILLATION, ETC. distillation, as lias been already observed, are much more free from resinous and terebinthinate flavor than those made by solution. They are also prepared by dissolving the oil directly in alcohol, as in the spiritus menthee piperita^, spiritus menthse viridis, called essences of peppermint and spearmint, and spiritus camphorse. For the preparation of all spirits by solution, fresh volatile oils ought to be selected, to impart the flavor in its purity ; old resinified oils should be rejected for this purpose, or, if used, should be purified by redis- tillation, with the previous addition of a little water. The greater portion of the class spiritus are merely solutions of the essential oil in alcohol. In the edition of the Pharmacopoeia for 1860, several preparations were added to this series which were formerly classed among the chemicals. Spiritus cetherus compositus, spiritus cetherus nitrosi,' spiritus ammonia?, spiritus ammonice aromaticus, and spiritus chloro- formi, are of this description. The reader is referred to the chemical part of this work for a description of these. The following syllabus displays those which do not belong to any chemical series. Spiritus, U. S. P. Solutions of essential oils. Officinal name. Proportion. Use. Spiritus anisi Oilfgi, alcohol .817f|xv Carminative. " camphoraa fg'y, " .835f'^xvj Antispasmodic, nervous stim. " cinnamomi Oil f |j, " .817 f |sv Aromatic, carminative. " juniperi " f§j, " .817 f gxlviij - juniper f 3 i SS) I akoh 0v Carminative, diuretic. a " com. ■] " caraway, } r.... c r? ii -«, water Oil] " Fen 1, ea. nix 1 J " lavandula " f§j, alcohol .817 fgxlviij Stimulant, aromatic. " " comp See formula Stim., aromatic, carminative. " limonis " f§ij, lemon-peel §j, alco- hol .817 fgxxxij Flavoring adjuvant. " menthse piperita " f m, alcohol .817 f |xv Carminative. " " viridis " f f j, « .817 f $xv " " myristicae » f§j, « .817fgxlviij Flavoring adjuvant. The uses of this class are familiar to most ; they are chiefly used as flavoring ingredients of various preparations, and this use is also connected in some cases with medical properties. Comp. spirit of juniper is a close approximate to Holland gin, and may take the place of schiedam schnapps as a stimulating diuretic. The other spirits are mostly the kind of stimulants conveniently designated as carminatives. The simple spirit of lavender prepared by distillation is one of the most pleasant of perfumes. That made by solution from the recipe to be given hereafter is dependent on the freshness and fine quality of the oil for its value as a perfume. The cultivated or garden lavender yields a much better oil than the common wild plant ; the finest quality oil of garden lavender comes from England, and com- mands a high price. The next in quality is of French origin, dis- OFFICINAL SPIRITS. 767 tilled by A. Cliiris, and is somewhat cheaper, though not identical in flavor. The only preparations of this series which are much prescribed are compound spirit of lavender and spirit of camphor. The former is very often directed by practitioners as a flavoring and coloring ingredient in prescription. The choice of saunders as the coloring agent is, however, unfortunate from the resinous deposit which is apt to separate by dilution with water and on long standing. Cochineal is a much brighter and handsomer coloring ingredient, and the compound tincture of cardamom is, on that account, to be preferred to the lavender compound as a coloring ingredient in solutions and mixtures. Spirit of camphor is made by solution of the camphor in alcohol ; it is ill adapted for internal use, owing to its precipitating on being added to water. The dose when properly suspended is twenty drops. Working Formulas for some of the Officinal Spirits. Spiritus Anisi. {Spirit of Anise.) IT. S. P. Take of Oil of anise, a fluidounce. Stronger alcohol, fifteen fluidounces. Dissolve the oil in the stronger alcohol. In the same way make spiritus cinnamomi, from oil of cinnamon. Spiritus Camphorce. {Spirit of Camphor.) U.S. P. Tinctura Camphora?, U. S. P. 1850. Take of Camphor, four troyounces. Alcohol, two pints. Dissolve the camphor in the alcohol, and filter through paper. Spiritus Limonis. {Spirit of Lemon. Essence of Lemon.) U. S. P. Take of Oil of lemon, two fluidounces. Lemon peel, freshly grated, a troyounce. Stronger alcohol, two pints. Dissolve the oil in the stronger alcohol, add the lemon peel, macerate for twenty-four hours, and filter through paper. Spiritus Menth.ai Piperitaz. {Spirit of Peppermint.) IT. S. P. ' Tinctura Olei Mentha? Piperita?, U. S. P. 1850, Take of Oil of peppermint, a fluidounce. Peppermint, in coarse powder, one hundred and twenty grains. Stronger alcohol, fifteen fluidounces. Dissolve the oil in the stronger alcohol, add the peppermint, macerate for twenty-four hours, and filter through paper. In the same way, make — Spiritus Menthol Viridis. {Spirit of Spearmint.) U. S. P. From oil of spearmint. 768 Spiritus Myristicce. Take of Oil of nutmeg, a fluidounce. Stronger alcohol, three pints. Dissolve the oil in the stronger alcohol. Spiritus Lavandulae, IT. S. P. {Spirit of Lavender.) Take of Oil of lavender, a fluidounce. Stronger alcohol, three pints. Dissolve the oil in the stronger alcohol. Spiritus Lavandulae Compositus. (Compound Spirit of Lavender.) IT. S. P. Take of Oil of lavender, a fluidounce. Oil of rosemary, two fluidrachms. Cinnamon, in moderately fine powder, two troyounces. Cloves, in moderately fine powder, half a troyounce. Nutmeg, in moderately fine powder, a troyounce. Red saunders, in moderately fine powder, three hundred and sixty grains. Alcohol, six pints. Water, two pints. Diluted alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Dissolve the oils in the alcohol, and add the water. Then mix the powders, and, having moistened the mixture with a fluidounce of the alcoholic solution of the oils, pack it firmly in a conical per- colator, and gradually pour upon it the remainder of the alcoholic solution, and afterwards diluted alcohol, until the filtered liquid measures eight pints. Spiritus Juniperi. (Spirit of Juniper.) Take of Oil of juniper, a fluidounce. Stronger alcohol, three pints. Dissolve the oil in the stronger alcohol. Spiritus Juniperi Compositus. (Compound Spirit of Juniper.) IT. S. P Take of Oil of juniper, a fluidrachm and a half. Oil of caraway, Oil of fennel, each, ten minims. Diluted alcohol, eight pints. Dissolve the oils in the diluted alcohol. On Perfumery and Toilet Articles. Among the uses to which the products of distillation are applied, those connected primarily with the sense of smell possess an interest and importance, especially to the pharmacist, who has, from the earliest time, been called upon to manufacture and sell them, which justifies the appropriation of a portion of this work to their modes of preparation. Besides the use of fragrant essences for the mere gratification of the sense of smell, they serve a good purpose in headache, and as ON PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. 769 grateful refrigerant applications in dry and hot conditions of the skin. Although some of the finest perfumes are derived from the East Indies, Ceylon, Mexico, and Peru, yet we owe most of the supplies used in the perfumer's art to the extensive flower farms of Sice, Grasse, Montpellier, and Cannes, in France, and owing to the pecu- liar fitness of the climate of those provinces, and the adaptation. of the French people to pursuits requiring delicate perceptions and refined tastes, the art of perfumery has attained a perfection in France towards which most of our manufacturers make but a faint approximation. The French recipes call for so many ingredients not readily obtained in this country, and altogether derived from their own gardens and manufactories, that they require consider- able modification to make them practicable to us. I shall, there- fore, confine myself to inserting a few tried recipes which constitute a pretty good assortment of essences. Unlike the medicinal preparations spoken of throughout the other parts of this work, these perfumes allow of an unlimited choice of ingredients, and a corresponding variety of combinations and proportions, restricted only by that most capricious of all standards — taste. For further accounts of the art of making fragrant essences and all other perfumes, see the admirable work on the subject by G. W. Septimus Piesse, published in London, and republished in Phila- delphia, in 1856 and 1863. Colognes. Eau de Cologne, as imported from Cologne and from Paris, is a highly rectified spirituous perfume obtained by distillation from a variety of fragrant plants. Of the numerous Farina colognes im- ported, all are highly rectified and apparently distilled from the plants, while, as prepared in this country, Cologne water is almost always made from essential oils dissolved in alcohol. This may be very good, if the oils are fresh and combined with reference to their relative strength and accord. Best Cologne Water. (No. 1.) Take of Oil of bergamot fsij. Oil of neroli f gij. Oil of jessamine fo ss « Oil of garden lavender f ^ij. Oil of cinnamon n\J. Benzoated tincture ......... f^iij. Tincture of musk f fss. Deodorized alcohol Cong. j. Rose water Oij. Mix, and allow the preparation to stand a long time before filter- ing for use. 49 770 ON DISTILLATION, ETC. Common Cologne Water, {No. 2.) Take of Oil of lavender f ^iss. Oil of rosemary fsss. Oil of lemon ffj. Oil of cinnamon gtt. xx. Alcohol Cong. j. Mix. Much cheaper than the foregoing. Benzoated Tincture for Colognes, etc. Take of Tonqua beans Jj. Vanilla gij. Nutmeg, grated No. j. Mace 3ij. Benzoic acid gr. x. Alcohol Oj. Macerate the solid ingredients, in coarse powder, in the alcohol ad libitum, and filter. fSij. f^ss. \ fass. f^ij. Cons. 1. Toilet Waters. — (Substitutes for Eau de Cologne.) Rose Geranium Take of Essential oil of citronella (India) Essential oil of lemon grass (India) Essential oil of bergamot . . . Essential oil of lavender (Erench) Extract of jessamine (from pomade) Benzoated tincture Alcohol (95 per cent, deodorized) Mix and reduce with water which has previously been saturated with oil of citronella by trituration, after the manner of the offici- nal medicated waters, as long as it can be done without precipi- tating too much of the essential oils; let it stand for a few days and filter. Orange Blossom. Take of Essential oil of neroli (petal bigarade No. 1) f £j. Essential oil of orange peel (bigarade No. 1) gtt. xl. Essential oil of rosemary (from flowers only) f gss. Essential oil of bergamot f 3j. Extract of orange flowers (from pomade), Extract of jessamine (from pomade), each . f.^ij. Alcohol (95 per cent, deodorized) .... Oiv. Distilled orange-flower water Oj, or q. s. Mix, and proceed as before. Putcha Pat. (Patchouly.) Take of Essential oil of patchouly ...... fgij. Essential oil of copaiva f^ss. Essential oil of orange-peel (bigarade) . . tii v. Essential oil of valerian iryj. Essential oil of rosemary (from flowers only) nixv. Tincture of ginger £iss. Benzoated tincture f Jss. Alcohol (95 per cent, deodorized) .... Cong. j. Patchouly water (made with oil of patchouly, after the method of medicated waters, as in rose geranium) Oj, or q. s. TOILET WATERS. 771 Hose. Take of Balsam Peru n\,xxv. Essential oil of bergamot f ^iij. Essential oil of santal m xl. Essential oil of neroli (bigarade petal No. 1) tf\,xx. Essential oil of rosemary (aux fleurs) . . . f ^iss. Essential oil of rose (kisamlic) f^ij. Essential oil of citronella (India) .... f 3iss. Extract of rose (from pomade) f §ij. Alcohol (95 per cent, deodorized) .... Ovj. Kose water (distilled) Oj. Add the last after the mixed oils and alcohol have stood two or three days, and filter the whole. Lavender. Take of Essential oil of lavender (aux fleurs) . . . f^iss. Essential oil of lemon fSiij- Essential oil of lemon thyme f Jj. Essential oil of orange-peel, siceet .... f^j. Essential oil of nutmeg . . . ... . . fgj. Essential oil of sage f £ss. Tincture of musk f^vj. Tincture of benzoin f,^j. Sweet spirit of nitre f^ij. Alcohol (95 per cent, deodorized) .... Cong. ss. X«a vender water (made from the oil and water) Oj. Millefleur. Take of Balsam Peru f^iij. Oil of bergamot f 3yj. Oil of cloves f 3iij. Oil of neroli {pet. gr. ) f^vj. Extract of musk f ^iij. Orange-flower water Oiss, or q. s. Alcohol (deodorized) Ovj. Mix. Heliotrope. Take of Tincture of tonka f fxvj. Oil of bitter almonds rr\^iij- Oil of rose n\,x. Mix. Frangipanni. Take of Essential oil of rose it^xx. Essential oil of neroli (bigarade) .... nix. Essential oil of melisse ""Iv. Essential oil of bergamot f 3j. Essential oil of santal wood f ^ij. Extract of vanilla f.^ss. Extract of magnolia (from pomade) . . . f^j. Tincture of santal wood saturated, Alcohol, aa Cong. ss. Sandal water from oil * q. s. to dilute. Mix. 772 ON DISTILLATION, ETC. Verbena Water. Take of Oil of balm melisse f^iij. Deodorized alcohol Oij. Water Sufficient. Make a clear solution. This may be made somewhat stronger, though of a less pure ver- bena flavor, by the addition of a little oil of lemon. Oil of balm melisse is imported ; its smell seems identical with our garden lemon trifolia. Lavender Water. (Simple Spirit of Lavender.) Take of English oil of garden lavender f ^ij. Deodorized alcohol Oj. Make a solution. A little fresh calamus root macerated in the above improves it. Florida Water. Take of Oil lavender, Oil of bergamot, Oil of lemon, each, . Tincture of curcuma, Oil of neroli, of each Oil of melisse . . . Oil of rose .... Alcohol %ij- Mix. Essence of Patchouly. «. gtt. XXX gtt. X. Oij. gtt. XX. gtt. iij. gtt. j. gtt. j. gtt. XX. q. s. Take of Oil of copaiva . . Oil of orange . . Oil of valerian . Oil of rosemary- Tincture of Tolu . Alcohol, ginger, aa Mix. VlNEGAKS. Camphorated Acetic Acid. Take of Camphor Half ounce. Acetic acid 6| fluidounces. Pulverize the camphor by means of a few drops of spirits of wine, and dissolve it in the acetic acid. Used as a fumigative in fevers, an embrocation in rheumatism, and a refreshing and pungent perfume. Aromatic Vinegar. A pungent and reviving perfume, formerly esteemed a preventive of contagion. Take of Acetic acid, very strong, Camphor, in powder, Oil of cloves, of each, a sufficient quantity. Mix them, and secure in a strong and well-stoppered bottle. MUSK PERFUMES. 773 Hygienic or Preventive Vinegar. (Piesse.) A toilet preparation, to be mixed with water for lavatory pur- poses and the bath. Take of Brandy 1 pint. Oil of cloves 1 drachm. Oil of lavender 1 drachm. Oil of marjoram i drachm. Gum benzoin 1 ounce. Macerate together for a few hours, then add — Brown vinegar 2 pints. and strain or filter, if requisite, to be bright. Vinaigre de Cologne. To Eau de cologne 1 pint. add Strong acetic acid i oz. Filter if necessary. These may be varied by substituting any other perfume, such as orange-flower or verbena water, observing, where either of these perfumed vinegars is required to produce opalescence when added to water, it should contain myrrh, benzoin, or Tolu. Musk Perfumes. Tincture of Husk. Take of Musk ^ij. AVater Oss. Macerate twenty-four hours, and add — Solution of potassa, 77. S. P f^ij. Macerate twenty-four hours, and add — Alcohol Oss. Let it stand at summer temperature for one month, and decant. Extract of Mush (Piesse.) For mixing with other perfumes. Take of Grain musk 2 ounces. Kectified spirit 1 gallon. After standing for one month at a summer temperature, it is fit to draw off. Extrait de Muse. (Piesse.) Adapted to retailing for use in perfumery. Take of Extract of musk (as above) 1 pint. Extract of ambergris ± pint. Extract of rose (triple) \ pint. Mix and filter. The chief uses of musk in perfumery are due to its persistent character. Though not itself desirable as a perfume, yet mixed in small proportion with rose, violet, and other essences, it enables them to give to the handkerchief a mixed odor which is retained after the first perfume is dissipated. 774 DENTIFRICES, Tooth Preparations. A few only of these are here given, with reference to meeting the popular demand and the ordinary requirements of the dental profession. Marshall's or Hudson's Dentifrice. Take of Prepared chalk 3 pounds (com.). Powdered myrrh, Powdered orris root, each 1 pound. Eose pink 1 ounce. Thoroughly powder the ingredients and mix them through a fine sieve. Charcoal Dentifrice. Take of Recently-burnt charcoal, in fine powder .... 6 parts. Powdered myrrh, Powdered cinchona bark (pale), each 1 part. Mix thoroughly. Charcoal Tooth-paste. Take of Chlorate of potassa A half drachm. Mint water 1 fluidounce. Triturate to form a solution, then incorporate with — Powered charcoal 2 ounces. Honey 1 ounce. Cuttle Fish Powder. (Piesse.) Take of Powdered cuttle fish } pound. Precipitated carbonate of lime 1 pound. Powdered orris ^ pound. Oil of lemons 1 ounce. Oil of neroli £ drachm. Thoroughly powder and mix. Mialhe's Tooth Powder. Take of Sugar of milk 1000 parts. Lake 10 parts. Tannin 15 parts. Oil of mint, Oil of anise, Oil of neroli, of each, sufficient to flavor to taste. Rub well the tannin and lake together, and gradually add the sugar of milk, previously powdered and sifted, and lastly the essen- tial oils. A Superior Mouth Wash. Take of Old white Castile soap ^ij. Alcohol . fsiij. Honey ." gj. Perfume, as below . . f^iv. Dissolve the soap in the alcohol, and add the honey and perfume. SACHET POWDERS AND FUMIGATORS. 775 Perfume f 07* adding to Mouth Washes. Take of Asarum Canadense §ss. Orris root Jss. Strong alcohol (Atwood's) f^viij. Make a tincture and add— Tincture of musk f£j. Essence of millefleurs f 3ss. Essence of patchouly gtt. xx. Violet Mouth Wash. (Piesse.) Take of Tincture of orris £ pint. Esprit de rose £ pint. Spirit ^ pint. Oil of bitter almonds 5 drops. Mix. Botanic Styptic. (Piesse.) Take of Rectified spirit 1 quart. Rhatany, Myrrh, Cloves, of each 2 ounces. Macerate 14 days and strain. Sachet Powders and Fumigators. The great popularity of this class of perfumes consists in their persistent odors, and their perfect adaptation in envelopes or scent- bags to diffusing an agreeable perfume in drawers, glove-boxes, etc., without soiling the purest white materials. The following formulas, modified from those of Piesse, I have found entirely satisfactory : — Sachet a la Frangipanni. Take of Orris root powder 3 pounds. Vetivert powder { pound. Santal wood powder \ pound. Oil of neroli, Oil of rose, Oil of santal, each 1 drachm. Grain musk 1 drachm. Mix well. Sachet a la Marechale. Take of Powder of santal wood ^ lb. Powder of orris root £ lb. Powder of rose leaves \ lb. Powder of cloves 2 oz. Powder of cassia \ lb. Grain musk £ drachm. Mix. 776 FUMIGATIONS. Millefleur Sachet. Take of Lavender flowers, ground, Orris root, ground, Rose leaves, ground, each 1 lb. Benzoin, Cloves, ground, Tonqua, ground, Yanilla, ground, Santal, ground, each ^ lb. Cinnamon, Allspice, each 2 ounces. Musk, grain 2 drachms. Mix well together. Heliotrope Sachet. Take of Powdered orris 2 lbs. Rose leaves, ground 1 lb. Tonqua beans, ground . } lb. Yanilla beans, ground \ lb. Grain musk \ oz. Oil bitter almonds 5 drops. Mix well by sifting in a coarse sieve. Fumigating Poxoder. Take of Frankincense, Benzoin, Amber, of each Three parts. Lavender flowers One part. Mix. This is designed to be ignited upon coals, a stove, or hot iron, to diffuse an agreeable aroma in an apartment, and incidentally to destroy noxious effluvia. Dr. Paris' Fumigating Pastille. Take of Benzoin, Cascarilla, each \ lb. Myrrh 1\ oz. Powdered charcoal H lb. Oil of nutmegs, Oil of cloves, each f oz. Nitre . . . . 2 oz. The benzoin, cascarilla, and myrrh are to be separately powdered, and mixed on a sieve with the charcoal ; the nitre is then to be dissolved in mucilage of tragacanth, with which the whole is to be made into a paste and divided with a pastille mould, Fig. 244, and gradually dried. Fig. 244. Pastille mould. HAIR PREPARATIONS. 777 The mode of using the pastille mould will be sufficiently ob- vious; the mass, rolled into cylinders of appropriate size, is pressed between the brass cutting surfaces and completely divided into twenty-four cones of the required shape. The mode of using pastilles is to place a piece of glazed paper over a glass of water and to stand the pastille upon it when ignit- ing it. As soon as it is sufficiently consumed it will burn a hole through the paper and be extinguished by falling into the water. Sometimes serious injury is done to mantles and articles of furni- ture by carelessly overlooking the intense heat produced by the combustion of these little fumigateurs. Hair Preparations. Rosemary Hair Wash. To be used after oils have been habitually applied. Take of Distilled water of rosemary 1 gallon. Rectified spirit ^ pint. Pearlash 1 ounce. Dissolve the pearlash in the mixed alcohol and water. Essence or Spirit of Mustard. Take of Black mustard 2 parts. Water 4 parts. Alcohol 1 part. Macerate and distil 1 part of spirit. To be added to hair washes to supply sulphur to the hair and stimulate its growth. Perfumed Hair Oil. Take of Castor oil f ,^x. Very strong alcohol f 5ij. Ess. of jessamine f^ij. Mix. Any other essential oil may be substituted for the essence of jessamine, and we usually label the vials according to their per- fume, and color the rose oil red. Hair Restorative. Take of Castor oil f gvj. Alcohol fjxxvj. Dissolve, then add — Tinct. of cantharides (made with strong alcohol) fgj. Ess. of jessamine (or other perfume) . . . f ^iss. Mix. This preparation has the property of rendering the hair soft and glossy, at the same time that, by its tonic and stimulant properties, it tends to arrest its premature decay. To accomplish this it should be rubbed thoroughly into the roots at least once a day. 778 PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR. Modified Formula. (Highly esteemed by some.) Take of Castor oil ^iss. Water of ammonia f gij. Tinct. of cantharides f^j. Cologne f Jiv. Water q. s. ft. f$x. Mix according to art. Marrow Pomatum. (Piesse.) Take of Purified lard 4 lb. Suet 2 1b. Oil of lemon 1 oz. Oil of bergamot £ oz. Oil of cloves 3 dr. Melt the greases, then beat them up with a whisk or wooden spatula for half an hour or more, to make the mass white and spongy ; perfume with the oils. Philicome. (Piesse.) Take of White wax 5 oz. Almond oil 2 lb. Oil of bergamot 1 oz. Oil of lemon i oz. Oil of lavender 2 dr. Oil of cloves 1 dr. Melt the wax and oil, stir as the mixture cools, and add the per- fume. Iwiggs' Hair Dye. An excellent application to the hair, which is also a remedy for skin diseases, blemishes of the complexion, etc. Take of Precipitated sulphur, Acetate of lead, of each £j. Kose water f Jiv. Triturate together in a mortar. This is not an instantaneous dye, but should be applied twice a day till it gradually restores the color to its natural shade. The addition of half an ounce of glycerin will take from it a drying property which is undesirable. Bandoline. Take of Gum tragacanth (choice) 6 oz. Kose water 1 gallon. Otto of rose §- oz. Steep the gum in the water, agitating from time to time as it swells into a gelatinous mass; then carefully press through a coarse, clean linen cloth, and incorporate the otto of rose thoroughly through the soft mass. PART VI. EXTEMPORANEOUS PHARMACY. CHAPTER I. ON PRESCRIPTIONS. In assigning a place in this work to prescriptions, and to the art of prescribing medicines, it is with a full appreciation of its inti- mate connection with therapeutics, a branch of knowledge with which, as a pharmacist, I lay claim to but little practical acquaint- ance; and yet this subject has bearings which are peculiarly adapted to arrest the attention of one whose daily avocations place him directly between the physician and the patient, and give him favor- able opportunities for judging of the pharmaceutical eligibility of combinations, and not unfrequently of their effects. The art of prescribing medicines has so intimate a connection with that of preparing and dispensing them, that a treatise on the latter subject, not embracing the former, would be wanting in its most interesting feature to the student of medicine and the physi- cian. In a work like the present, it seems appropriate to approach the art of dispensing through a brief general treatise on that of prescribing. It is a common remark of recent graduates of medicine, that one of their greatest difficulties is in writing prescriptions; lacking the means of systematic instruction in this most important practical duty, they are apt to fall into confused and unscientific methods of prescribing, from which no amount of experience entirely rids them. The art of prescribing is the practical application of the knowl- edge of therapeutics, chemistry, and pharmacy, to the cure of dis- ease. No department of his duties puts the skill of the physician to a closer test; none calls for the exercise, to a greater extent, of that invaluable quality, whether intuitive or acquired, called tact ; and yet few departments of medical knowledge are less insisted upon as necessary branches of a medical education. Although the art of prescribing can only be acquired practically, the general principles pertaining to it are capable of classification, and have been fully discussed. The celebrated Pharmacologic!, of Dr. Paris, of London, published originally in 1812, contains the fullest dissertation in our language (779) 780 . ON PRESCRIPTIONS. upon "the science and art of prescribing." Many of the views taught at that time, however, are now abandoned, and the subject is capable of being simplified in accordance with modern improve- ments in pharmacy. The large number of efficient and permanent Galenical preparations makes prescribing comparatively easy to the practitioner who has kept pace with the advance of the times, while the publication of Formularies, in which a variety of pre- parations of each drug are detailed, has to a certain extent super- seded an original and extemporaneous system of selection and com- bination of remedies. Medicinal preparations which are kept on hand by the apothe- cary, to be dispensed alone or used in compounding prescriptions, are called permanent, while those compounded by direction of the practitioner to meet the indications as they arise in practice, are called extemporneaous. This distinction, however, is far from being well marked.' Some of those called permanent are known to deteriorate in a greater or less degree by age, while many classed as extemporaneous will keep an indefinite length of time. For most of the permanent class we have recipes, or prescriptions, published in Pharmacopoeias, Dispensatories, or Medical Formularies, while the extemporaneous are usually the product of the skill and ingenuity of the prescriber at the bedside of his patient. Objections lie against the use of established prescriptions to the exclusion of those dictated by the emergencies of the case, from the impracticability of adapting any set of formulas to every shade of disease and of idiosyncrasy, and from the impossibility of the practitioner storing in his memory their ingredients, proportions, etc. ; so that the thorough student does well to acquire a knowledge of the principles, to regulate the selection and combination of remedies, and to learn the art of pre- scribing experimentally. A limited number of prescriptions, framed with a view of illus- trating these principles and modes of combination, will, with this object in view, be highly useful to the student; but these must be regarded as stepping-stones to a knowledge of the art of prescribing rather than as embodying that knowledge. The vast extent and variety of adaptation of the Materia Medica preclude the possibility of compressing into any series of prescriptions, a complete view of all the modifications attainable on enlightened therapeutical and phar- maceutical principles. Under the head of Galenical preparations, a prominent distinc- tion has been drawn between those which are officinal in the U. S. and British Pharmacopoeias and those which are not ; the use of Italics for the unofficinal, calling attention to their comparatively unimportant position, has been a conspicuous feature in the syllabi intended for the use of the student in committing to memory their names, proportions, properties, and doses. In the part of the work which follows, this distinction is regarded as less important, and most of the formulae are introduced less with a view to impress THE LANGUAGE USED IN PRESCRIPTIONS. 781 them upon the memory, than to illustrate the pharmaceutical principles on which they are based. The very obvious division of preparations into simple and com- pound needs no other mention than to explain that the addition of a vehicle or menstruum, not added with a view to its medical effect, does not render a preparation compound, in the sense in which that term is ordinarily applied. Simple rhubarb pills con- tain rhubarb and soap; while compound rhubarb pills contain rhu- barb, aloes, myrrh, and oil of peppermint; and with a view to furnish distinctions between preparations which have very similar composition, the term compound is sometimes useful. TJie Language used in Prescriptions. In Great Britain and the North of Europe, prescriptions are written in Latin ; in France, in the vernacular language. We mostly follow the British custom, although some of our practitioners depart from the usual style, and follow the Pharmacopoeia by in- diting their prescriptions in plain English. The relative adaptation of Latin and English for the purpose has long been discussed, and is still a mooted point among physicians and pharmacists. It is unnecessary to dwell upon the arguments advanced on either side, and which seem naturally to suggest themselves. The chief deside- ratum is to secure accuracy without an unnecessary and cumbersome phraseology, and for this purpose the officinal names of all medicines are to be preferred to either of their common and changing syno- nyms. Many medicines are called by very different names in different parts of the country, and the same name is liable to be applied to either of several different drugs. If snakeroot were 'ordered, the pharmacist might be at a loss whether serpentaria, cimicifuga, asarum, senega, 'eryngium, or some of the numerous other roots occasionally, or perhaps locally, denominated snakeroots, were desired; while, if the specific English name, as Virginia, Canada, black or button snakeroots, was applied, the merit of conciseness would be sacrificed. If chamomile were ordered, it would be necessary to specify whether Roman, German, or American; while in Latin, anthemis, matricaria, or maruta would be both short and distinctive. In the foregoing illustrations, however, we have the least forcible instances. There can be no comparison in eligibility between the names sugar of lead and Plumbi acetas, white vitriol and Zinci sulphas, liver of sulphur and Potassii sulphuretum, salt of tartar and Potassii carbonas. The name which expresses the chemical compo- sition of a substance is generally, of all that can be devised, the best ; and hence, even in common language, many familiar chemical substances are beginning to be called by their chemical names. Although there is little difference between the English and the Latin chemical names, the latter has the advantage for use in pre- scription: it is easier of abbreviation, or its abbreviations are more 782 ON PRESCRIPTIONS. familiar ; while the omission of the connecting preposition of, be- tween the two parts of the name, reduces it to a single compound word, rendering it shorter and more quickly written. It is often urged that the Latin used in prescription is, for the most part, quite incorrect, especially when the terminations are attempted ; but grammatical errors are certainly far less important than either chemical, pharmaceutical, or therapeutical ; and when we consider how few physicians, even among those classically edu- cated, have advantages for keeping up, throughout the busy scenes of their professional career, the knowledge of Latin acquired in their schoolboy daj^s, we can scarcely wonder that many errors of this description occur. Moreover, the language used in prescription, viewed with reference to its abbreviations, signs, and Latinized names of various origin, must be regarded as distinct from the Latin taught in schools, and requires to be studied in connection with scientific nomenclature generally, and, in fact, constitutes a part of the study of Materia Medica and Pharmacy. Every officinal drug and preparation has its particular name given to it authorita- tively in the Pharmacopoeia, and those not there mentioned may be distinguished by their appropriate botanical or chemical designa- tions. The groundwork of the correct writing of prescriptions is a knowledge of these names; and it matters little whether the phy- sician writes his prescriptions in Latin or English, if he designates each individual article by its officinal name. The propriety of using the officinal Latinized names in a plain English formula may admit of a doubt, but, if sanctioned by custom and authority, might be adopted, and thus the principal objection to the English prescription would be removed. The officinal name, though framed upon a Latin model, might be separated from the idea of its origin, and used in the prescription as a distinctive pharmaceutical term, following the genius of the language in which it is used : in a Latin prescription, its terminations would be varied as the construction of that language requires ; and in an English prescription, might follow the rules for the construction of a correct English sentence. We have very many officinal names that are as commonly incorporated into our language as the English synonyms attached to them, and the objections to considering all the names in the American and British Pharmacopoeias as English words are, it appears to me, not such as to overrule a custom which, on so many accounts, is to be desired. The officinal names are spoken of in detail in the chapter on the Pharmacopoeia, and the importance of a study of them has been elsewhere referred to ; and I repeat, if these were properly mastered by the student, and invariably used to designate the drugs and pre- parations to which they belong, the framework in which the pre- scription is inclosed would be, comparatively, of little importance. There are some cases in which the use of an explanatory synonym in parentheses seems quite necessary, whether the name be Latinized or not ; and in such cases it should never be omitted for the sake of elegance or attempted correctness of diction. In prescribing the GRAMMATICAL EXPLANATION OF A PRESCRIPTION. 783 finer kinds of magnesia, there is no other resource than to say in parentheses (Henry's), (Husband's), or" (Ellis'), as the case may be. Liquor aloes, comp. would be quite indefinite without (Mettauer) appended, and tinct. guaiaci comp. would be misunderstood unless accompanied by the added (Dewees') to explain it. The remarks before made apply to the names of substances desig- nated in prescriptions ; the other parts of the prescription, which will be referred to more particularly in the sequel, consist chiefly of abbreviations and signs which custom has long sanctioned, and which are considered to pertain particularly to the Latin prescrip- tion, though, as before stated, occasionally, and without any breach of propriety, used in connection with the English. In the prescriptions appended to the several chapters which fol- low, numerous examples are given of both Latin and English pre- scriptions, and they will be appropriately preceded by the following, taken from Dr. Pereira's " Selecta e Prescriptis" Grammatical Explanation of a Prescription. (1) R- — Ferri carbonatis, drachmam cum semissse (3Jss). ( l Z) Rhei pulveris, grana quindecim (gr. xv). (3) Olei anthemidis, guttas quinque (gtt. v). (4) Conservae rosae, quantum sufficiat ut fiat massula in pilulas viginti divi- denda, quarum sumat seger tres octavis horis. (1) Recipe, verb active, imp. mood, 2d pers. sing, agreeing -with Tu, understood; from Recipio, gre, cepi, ceptum, 3d conj. act. Governs an accusative, Drachmam, noun, subst. ace. sing, from Drachma, ce, f. 1st decl. Governed by Recipe. Cum, preposition. Governing an ablative case. Semisse, subst. abl. case, from Semissis, is, f. 3d decl. Governed by cum. Carbonatis, subst. gen. sing, from Carbonas, atis, f. 3d decl. Governed by Drach- mam. Ferri, subst. gen. sing, from Ferrum, i, n. 2d decl. Governed by Carbonatis. (2) Recipe, understood. Grana, subst. ace. pi. from Granum, i, n. 2d decl. Governed by Recipe, understood. Quindecim, adj. indeclin. Pulveris, subst., gen. sing, from Pulvis, eris, m. 3d decl. Governed by Grana. Rhei, subst. gen. sing, from Rheum, i, n. 2d decl. Governed by Pulveris. (3) Recipe, understood. Guttas, subst. ace. pi. from Gutta, ce, f. 1st decl. Governed by Recipe, understood. Quinque, adj. indeclin. Olei, subst., gen. sing, from Oleum, ei, n. 2d declen. Governed by Guttas. Anthemidis, subst. gen. sing, from Anthemis, idis, f. 3d decl. Governed by Olei. (4) Recipe, understood. Quantum, adverb. Governing the genitive case. Sufficiat, verb impers. potent, mood, pres. tense, from Sufficio, gre, feci, fectum, neut. and act. 3d conj. Conserve, subst. gen. sing, from Conserva, ce, f. 1st. decl. Governed by Quantum. RoSiE, subst. gen. sing, from Rosa, ce, f. 1st. decl. Governed by Conservce. Ut, conjunct. Governing a subjunct. mood. Massula, subst. nom. case a, ce, f. 1st decl. Fiat, verb. subj. mood, pres. tense, 3d person singular, from Fio, fis, f actus sum vel fui, fieri, neut. Governed by Ut, and agreeing with the nominative case Massula. Dividenda, particip. nom. case, fern. gend. from Dividendus, a, um (a dividor, i, sus, pass. 3d conj.). Agreeing with Massula. In, preposition. Governing an accusative case. Pilulas, subst. ace. pi. from Pilula, ce, f. 1st. decl. Governed by In. Viginti, adj. indecl. Quarum, relative pronoun, gen. pi. fem. from Qui, quce, guod. Agreeing with its antecedent Pilulas in gender and number. Governed in the gen. case by Tres. JEger, adj. mas. gend. nom. JEyer, aegra, cegrum. Agreeing with homo, understood. 784 ON PRESCRIPTIONS. Sumat, verb, 3d pers. sing. imp. mood, from Sumo, ere, psi, ptum, act. 3d conj. Agreeing with homo, understood ; governing an ace. case. Tres, ad. ace. pi. fern, from Tres, ires, tria. Agreeing -with Pilulas, understood, and which is governed by Sumat. Horis, subs. abl. plural, from Ilora, ce, f. 1st decl. ; signifying part of time, and therefore put in the abl. case. Octavis, adj., abl. plur. fern, from Oclavus, a, um. Agreeing with horis. Abbreviations. — Mistakes not unfrequently arise from unskilful abbreviations, for, while there can be no objection to shortening many of the long names given to medicines, there is certainly great danger from the inordinate and unskilful exercise of this privilege ; the word cat. is an occasional and very poor abbreviation for hydrargyri chloridum mite. Through a careless termination of familiar words, serious accidents are liable to occur. Several years have elapsed since I received a prescription for hydrate potassa? 3j, to be dissolved in water fiiij (dose, a teaspoonful), and it was only through a care which has become habitual that I saved a delicate lady in that case from taking large doses of hydrate of (caustic) potassa instead of hydriodate of potassa. There were no directions for use appended, so that I had not the advantage they give in cases of doubt. The abbreviations allowable in prescriptions might fill some pages if tabulated, but to the physician for his own use, no practical advantage would result from it, while the habit once ac- quired, of vmting every word so fully that it could be mistaken for no other, would quite obviate the evils complained of, yet for the phar- macist's sake most of them will be given. Symbols or Signs used in Prescriptions. i*l. Minim, g V part of a fluidrachm. gtt. Gutta, a drop; guttse, drops. 9j. Scrupulus vel scrupulum, a scruple = 20 grains. 3j. drachma, a drachm = 60 grains. f3j. fluidrachma, a fluid or measured drachm. ^j. Uncia, a troyounce= 480 grains. f Sj. Fluiduncia, a fluidounce. 33bj. Libra, a pound, understood in prescriptions to apply to an officinal pound of 5760 grains. Oj. Octarius, a pint. gr. Granum, a grain ; plural grana, grains. ss. Semis, half, affixed to signs as above. The Latin numerals are employed in prescription — i, ij, iij, iv, v, vi, vij, viij, ix, x, xi, xij, xv, xx, XL, L, C, etc.; and in the direc- tions, when written in Latin, a variety of antiquated terms, ex- plained in Dr. Pereira's little work before mentioned, but requiring too much space for insertion here. Before leaving the subject of the signs employed in prescriptions, it seems proper to advert to the errors which frequently occur from their careless use, and which have led some practitioners to advo- cate their entire abandonment. They are, however, too well established in the actual practice of this country and England, and too convenient, to be readily supplanted. The angle and curve 3 METHOD OF WRITING PRESCRIPTIONS. 785 may be made so carelessly as to resemble the 3 with a flourish at top, and 3j may look like a 3j, or may be so completely perverted from its recognized shape as to leave the reader in doubt whether a 3 or 3 is intended. Notwithstanding the apparent absurdity of this, there are not a few prescriptions on our files in which the sign intended has been reached only by guessing, or by reasoning upon the known dose of the drug, rather than upon the shape of the sign. A flourishing style of chirography is nowhere less in place than on a physician's prescription. The numerals are equally liable to error if carelessly made, the difference between j and v, and between iv and iij, and between x and v, is often quite obscured by a neglect of the plain and necessary precautions of accuracy and care. It is not easy to illustrate in print what an examination of the chiro- graphy of many prescriptions would make apparent, that the read- ing of a prescription frequently requires more skill and judgment than compounding it. Method of Writing Prescriptions. The first care to observe in writing a prescription is to have suit- able paper and pencil, or preferably, pen and ink. The habit of some of using the margin of a newspaper, the fly-leaf of a school- book, or any piece of flimsy material at hand, for inditing a pre- scription, upon which ma}' depend the life of the patient, cannot be too strongly condemned. It indicates a want of care in the physician, which, if carried into other duties, would quite unfit him for the responsibilities of his profession. Many physicians adopt the plan of cutting, from time to time, suitable fragments of good paper, which are carried in a pocket-book or wallet, and are always at hand on emergencies. With a view to economy, the fly-leaves of letters and notices, which would be otherwise wasted, may be pressed out, and appropriated to this object. Some pharmacists are in the habit of printing their cards at the head of suitable prescrip- tion sheets, and distributing them among physicians with a view to attracting business to their shops ; a practice more honored* in the breach than in the observance. Some physicians provide pre- scription papers, with their name and address attached, which is not without one advantage — it enables the pharmacist always to trace the prescription readily to its source in case of difficulty. Having the proper prescription paper, the next step is to write at the top the name of the patient; this precaution, which is very often neglected, is important for several reasons : 1st. It enables the nurse or attendant to distinguish, by a certain and ready means, between prescriptions designed for different patients ; and the name being transferred to the label, there is no excuse for a similar mistake in " administering." 2d. It enables the apothecary, in every case, to avoid the mistake so often made in the hurry of business, of dispensing a package of medicine to one of several cus- tomers in waiting, which should have been given to another. 3d. It facilitates the recognition of the prescription upon the apothe- 50 78b ON PRESCRIPTIONS. cary's file when its renewal is called for; and, finally, it evinces a care which is commendable on so important an occasion as pre- scribing for the sick. The practice of heading a prescription with the generic name of the class of medicines to which it belongs, should be observed when there are two or more in use ; as the Gargle, the Liniment, or the Fever Mixture. Frequently, however, this is superseded by giving its designation in the Subscrip)tion, accompanied by directions for its use. As a general rule, I would say that all topical remedies should be distinctly marked For external use. Some mistakes have originated from neglect of this precaution which would be most ludicrous if the subject was not often too serious for merri- ment: for instance, the administration of ammoniated liniment, in tablespoonful doses, while a cinchona bark mixture is applied over the seat of rheumatic pain. It is well, in some cases, to copy on the label the entire prescrip- tion. A physician in large practice, unless he has a very retentive memory, will forget the details of his prescription of the previous day ; this precaution is important in prescribing for patients travel- ling from home. It is often prudent for the physician to direct the apothecary to mark the medicine prescribed Poison, or, as is some- times done, " Use with core ;" giving, at the same time, the parti- cular instructions for its use. The prescription may be divided, for the purpose of study, into the following parts, each of which will be separately considered : 1. The superscription. 2. The inscription. 3. The subscription. 4. The signatura. The Superscription consists of a very short abbreviation of the Latin verb Recipe, imperative mood of Recipio, I take, viz. : the letter R, which is often printed near the top of the prescription sheet. In French, the letter P is used for Prenez. In English for- mulas, the R should be substituted by Take of. The Inscription is the indication, seriatim, of the names and quan- tities of the remedies prescribed. The order in which these are written is not a matter of much real importance, as a competent pharmacist will, in mixing them, depart from the sequence ob- served in the prescription^ if thought' best ; while the physician will find it more convenient to follow the order of their therapeu- tical importance rather than the rotation in which they should be added to the mixture. In the sequel I shall refer to the therapeutical classification of ingredients, which, in a well-contrived prescription, would be writ- ten in the following order: 1. The basis. 2. The adjuvant, 3. The corrective. 4. "The excipient. 5. The diluent. This is not only the most elegant, but the most natural rotation to be observed. One of the greatest difficulties to the beginner, in connection with this subject, is in determining, as the prescription proceeds, the appropriate quantity of each ingredient, so as to have each in METHOD OF WRITING PRESCRIPTIONS. 787 due proportion, and with its right dose ; this becomes easy by the employment of the following Rale for Apportioning Quantities. — -Write down the names of the • several ingredients first, without regard to quantity ; then having determined upon the quantity of the whole preparation, and the dose to be prescribed, the whole number of doses will be readily calculated, and the quantity of each ingredient may be affixed. As doses are, at best, onlj r approximate, we may depart from the precise figures obtained by dividing the whole number of drachms, grains, etc., in the preparation, by the number of doses it will con- tain, as far as necessary to get even numbers, or convenient frac- tions of a drachm and ounce. In directing pills, or powders, we have the means of attaining considerable accuracy, and may readily direct a combination of in- gredients to be divided into ten, twenty, or thirty parts, from the very convenient relations of these numbers to the drachm and scruple weights ; but it will be found more convenient in dis- pensing and administering the preparations, to have six, or twelve, or twenty -four parts ordered, as these numbers have relation to the number of grooves in the pill machine, and to the number of hours in a day. The Table below will assist the beginner in prescribing liquids, and will serve for reference until he becomes accustomed, practi- cally, to this rather difficult part of his duties. Having fixed upon the bulk of his mixture or solution, he will remember that there are about 8 wineglassfuls (each f^ij) in a pint (f sxvj). 30 tablespoonfuls ( " f^ss) in a pint (f^xvj). 15 tablespoonfuls ( " f ,lss) in half a pint (f^viij). 12 tablespoonfuls ( " f^ss) in 6 fluidounces (fsyj). 20 dessertspoonfuls ( " f5ij) in 6 fluidounces (fovj). 15 dessertspoonfuls ( " f3ij) in 4 fluidounces (f.siv). 30 teaspoonfuls ( " f'5j) in 4 fluidounces (foiv). 15 teaspoonfuls ( " f 5j) in 2 fluidounces (f Sij). 8 teaspoonfuls ( " f 5j) in 1 fluidounce (f 5J). We have an illustration of this method of division in the officinal liquor morphise sulphatis, in which one grain of the salt is dissolved in one fluidounce of water; as there are about eight teaspoofuls in an ounce, one teaspoonful represents about one-eighth grain, which is the dose. In the case of liquids to be given by drops, care must be taken to distinguish between aqueous, alcoholic, and oily liquids. By re- ference to the table given in the chapter on Weights and Measures, the relative size of drops pertaining to different liquids will appear; in this connection it will be only necessary to refer to that table, and to apply the same general mode of calculation to the appor- tionment of doses of these. One cause of fallacy, with the student, in prescribing by drops, arises from confounding the size of drops of one ingredient of a pre- 788 ON PRESCRIPTIONS. paration with the size of drops of the preparation after it is made. Thus, if a fluidrachm of tincture of veratrum viride were added to seven fluidrachms of an aqueous solution of morphia, or tartar emetic, we should calculate about sixty drops to each fluidrachm, not one hundred and twenty, which would be proper were the alcoholic liquid in much the larger proportion. The subscription has reference to the manner of mixing and divid- ing the medicine. In Latin prescriptions, it usually consists of short abbreviations, or signs, which are familiar to pharmacists, though in some cases it is written out in full in Latin, and in others in plain English. The verb Misce (imperative mood of misceo, I mix), or the letter Jf., designed to represent it, constitutes the most common subscription. Sometimes, where especial skill or care is required in the preparation, secundem artem, or S. A., is affixed to it ; when omitted, however, this is understood. The verb Solve (imperative of solvo, I dissolve) is more appropriate where a simple solution is prescribed ; or Macera (imperative of macero), where the process of maceration is directed ; where filtration is necessary, write thereafter et cola. When a medicine is directed in very fine powder, the practitioner may make choice of Tere bene (triturate well), or Fiat pulvis subtilissimus (make a very fine powder). It is, perhaps, an improvement on the above to direct more specifically the sort of preparation designed ; it gives the pharmacist a clue which is sometimes useful to him in compounding, as well as in correcting gross errors. The following terms, with their proper abbreviations and translations, may serve to guide the student in writing his Subscription. They include the appropriate directions for dividing medicines into powders, pills, lozenges, etc., and will appropriately close the notice of this part of the prescription. Fiat pulvis, Ft. pulv. Make a powder. Fiant pulveres xij ; Ft. pulv. xij. ~] Mftke Fiat pulvis et divide in chartulas xij ; Ft. pulv. et divid. in chart, xij. ! ' , Fiat pulvis in chartulas xij dividenda ; Ft. pulv. in ch. xij div. j , Fiant chartulse xij : Ft. chart, xij. J ^ Fiat solutio, Ft. solut. Make a solution. Fiat injectio, Ft. inject. Make an injection (for urethra). Fiat collyrium, Ft. collvr. Make an eye-wash. Fiat enema, Ft. enema. Make an injection (for rectum). Fiat suppositoriuni, Ft. supposit. Make a suppository. Fiant suppositoria iv ; Ft. suppos. iv. Make 4 suppositories. Fiat massa, Ft. massa. Make a mass. Fiant pilulse xij; Ft. pil. xij. ^| „ ke twelye Fiat massa in pilulas xij dividenda; Ft. mas. in pil. xij div. I .,, Fiat massa et divide in pilulas xij ; Ft. mas. div. in pil. xij. J ^ Fiat infusum, F. infus. Make an infusion. Fiat haustus, Ft. haust. Make a draught. Fiat gargarisma, Ft. garg. Make a gargle. Fiat mistura, Ft. mist. Make a mixture. Fiat emulsio, Ft. emuls. Make an emulsion. Fiat electuarium, Ft. elect. Make an electuary. Fiat confectio, Ft. confect. Make a confection. Fiat emplastrum, G x 4 ; Ft. emp. 6x4. Make a plaster 6 by 4 inches. Fiat emp. epispasticum, Ft. emp. epispast. ") ^^ & blister. Fiat emp. vesicatorium, Ft. emp. vesicat. / Fiat unguentum, Ft. ung. Make an ointment. Fiat ceratum, Ft. cerat. Make a cerate. \ METHOD OF WRITING PRESCRIPTIONS. 789 Fiat cataplasma, Ft. cataplasm. Make a poultice. Fiat linimeutum, Ft. linim. Make a liniment. Fiat trochisci xxiv; Ft. troch. xxiv. Make 24 lozenges. Fiat massa in trochiscos xl dividenda ; Ft. mas. in trock. xl. div. Make 40 lozenges. The habit of writing the signatura or directions for taking the medicine prescribed in Latin has become so nearly obsolete that large numbers of quite skilful apothecaries would be at a loss to append the directions thus given, to a prescription ; especially so is this the case since many of the more recently published treatises on pharmacy have omitted the lists of terms generally used and their abbreviations. With the design of supplying this want, the fol- lowing list is compiled and made as full as is thought necessary to serve the purposes of the pharmacist. A, aa, ana. Of each. Abdom., abdomen. The belly. Abs. febr., absente febre. Fever being absent. Ad 2 vie., ad secundem vicem. To the second time. Ad. or add., adde or addantur. Add, or let them be added. Ad def. an., ad defectionem animi. To fainting. Ad del. an., ad deliquium animi. To fainting. Ad grat. acid., ad gratam aciditatem. To an agreeable acidity. Ad lib., ad libitum. At pleasure. Adjac, adjacens. Adjacent. Admov., admove, admoveatur, admoveantur. Apply, let it be applied, let them be applied. Ads. febr., adstante febre. While the fever is present. Alter, hora, alternis horis. Every other hour. Alv. adst., alvo adstricta. The bowels being confined. Aq. astr. , aqua astricta. Frozen water. Aq. bull., aqua bulliens. Boiling water. Aq. comm., aqua communis. Common water. Aq. ferv., aqua fervens. Hot water. Aq. fluv. , aqua fiuviatilis. River water. Aq. font., aqua fontis. Spring water. Aq. mar., aqua marina. Sea water. Aq. niv., aqua nivalis. Snow water. Aq. pluv., aqua pluviatilis or pluvialis. Rain water. B A., balneum arerue. Sand-bath. Bals., balsamum. Balsam. B.B., B.B.S., Barbadensis. Barbadoes. Bib., bibe. Drink. Bis in d., bis in die. Twice a day. B. M., balneum maris. A salt-water bath. Bol. Bolus. Bull., bulliat. Let it boil. But., butyrum. Butter. B. V., balneum vaporis. A vapor-bath. Cserul., cseruleus. Blue. Calom., calomel. Mild chloride of mercury. Cap., capiat. Let him (or her) take. C. C, cornu cervi. Hartshorn. C. C. U. , cornu cervi ustum. Burnt hartshorn. C. M., eras mane. To-morrow morning. C. N., eras nocte. To-morrow night. C. V., eras vespere. To-morrow evening. Chart., charta, chartula. Paper, or small paper. Cochleat., cochleatim. By spoonfuls. Coch. ampl., cochleare amplum. A large (or table-) spoonful, about half a fluidounce. Coch. infant., cochleare infantis. A child's spoonful. Coch. magn., cochleare magnum. A large spoonful. 790 ON PRESCRIPTIONS. Coch. med. "J A medium or moderate spoonful, a dessertspoonful, about two flui- Coch. mod. / drachms. Coch. parv., cochleare parvum. A small (or tea-) spoonful, about one fluidrachm. Col., cola, colatur. Strain, let it be strained. Colat., colaturge. To the strained liquor. Color., coloretur. Let it be colored. Collyr., collyrium. An eye-wash. Comp., compositus. Compounded. Conf., confectio. Confection. Cong., congius. A gallon. Cons, conserva. A conserve; may mean, keep. Cont., continuetur. Let it be continued. Coq., coque, coquantur. Boil, let them be boiled. Coq. ad med. consump., coque or coquatur ad medietatis consumptionem. Boil, or let it be boiled, to the consumption of one-half. Coq. S. A., coque secundem artem. Boil according to art. Coq. in S. A., coque in sufficiente quantitate aquae. Boil in a sufficient quantity of water. Cort, cortex. Bark. Cras., crastinus. For to-morrow. Cuj., cujus. Of which. Cujusl., cujuslibet. Of any. Cyath. the., cyatho these. In a cup of tea. Cyath., cyathus. "I A wineglass, about an ounce and a half to two fluid- C. vinar., cyathus vinarius. J ounces. D., dosis. A dose. D. et S. Detur et signetur. D. D., detur ad. Let it be given in or to. D. D. vit., detur ad vitrum. Let it be given in a glass. Deaur. pil., deaurentur pilulse. Let the pills be gilded. Deb. spiss., debita spissitudo. A due consistence. Dec, decanta. Pour off. Decub. hor., decubitus bora. At the hour of going to bed. De d. in d., de die in diem. From day to day. Deglut., deglutiatur. Let it be swallowed. Dej. alv., dejectiones alvi. Stools. Det., detur. Let it be given. Dieb. alt., diebus alternis. Every other day. Dieb. ter., diebus tertiis. Every third day. Dig., digeratur. Let it be digested. Dil., dilue, dilutus. Dilute, diluted. Diluc. diluculo. At day-break. Dim., dimidius. One-half. Dist, distilla. Distil. Div., divide. Divide. D. in 2 plo, detur in tuplo. Let it be given in twice the quantity. D. in p. aeq., dividatur in partes eequales. Let it be divided in equal parts. D. P., directione propria. With a proper direction. Donee alv. bis dej., donee alvus bis dejecerit. Until the bowels have been twice opened. Donee dol. neph. exulav., donee dolor nephriticus exulaverit. Until the nephritic pain has been removed. Drachm, drachma. A drachm. Eburn., eberneus. Made of ivory. Ed., edulcorata. Edulcorated. Ejusd., ejusdem. Of the same. Elect., electuarium. Electuary. Enem., enema. A clyster. Exhib., exhiberatur. Let it be administered. Ext. super alut. moll., extende super alutam mollem. Spread upon soft leather. F., fac. Make. Ft., fiat, fiant. Let it be made, let them be made. F. pil., fiant pilulae. Let pills be made. Fasc, fasciculus. A bundle. Feb. dur., febre durante. During the fever. Fern, intern., femoribus internis. To the inside of the thighs. Fict., fictilis. Earthen. METHOD OF WHITING PRESCRIPTIONS. 791 F. H., fiat haustus. Let a draught be made. F. venass, fiat venaesectio. Let bleeding be performed. Fil., filtrum. A filter. Fist, arm., fistula armata. A clyster-pipe and bladder ready for use. Fl., fluidus. Fluid. F. L. A., fiat lege artis. Let it be made by the rules of art. F. M., fiat mistura. Let a mixture be made. F. S. A., fiat secundem artem. Let it be made according to art. Flor., flores. Flowers. Frust., frustillatim. In small pieces. Garg., gargarysma. A gargle. Gel. quav., gelatina quavis. In any jelly. G. G. G., gummi gutta gambae. Gamboge. Gr., granum. A grain. Gr. vi pond., grana sex pondere. Six grains by weight. Gtt., gutta, gutta?. A drop, drops. Gtt. quibusd., guttis quibusdem. With some drops. Gum., gummi. Gum. Guttat., guttatim. By drops. Har. pil. sum. iij, harum pilularum sumantur tres. Of these pills let three be taken. Haus., haustus. A draught. Hor. dec, hora decubitus. At bedtime. H. S., hora somni. At the hour of going to sleep. Hor. interm., hora intermediis. In the intermediate hours. Hor. un. spatio, horoa unus spatio. At the expiration of one hour. Hor. lima mat., hora undecima matutina. At eleven o'clock in the morning. In d., in dies. Daily. Inf., infund. Infuse. Iuj. enem., injiceatur enema. Let a clyster be injected. In pulm., in pulmento. In gruel. Jul., julepus, julapium. A julep. Kal. ppt., kali praaparatum (potassii carbonas). Lat. dol., lateri dolenti. To the affected side. Lb., lib., libra. A pound; lib., libra?, pounds. Liq. Liquor. M., misce. Mix. Mane pr., mane primo. Early in the morning. Manipulus. A handful. Meusura. By measure. Minimum. A minim ; -g^th part of a fluidrachm. M. P., massa pilularum. A pill mass. Mass., massa. A mass. M.R., mistura. A mixture. Mic. pan., mica panis. Crumb of bread. Mitt., mitte send, mittantur. Let them be sent. Mitt. sang, ad f^sij, mitte sanguinem ad f§xij. Take blood to twelve fluidounces. Mod. praescr., modo praescripto. In the manner prescribed. Mor. die, more dicto. In the way ordered. Mor. sol., more solito. In the usual way. Muc, mucilago. Mucilage. N. M., nux moschata. A nutmeg. Ne tr. s. num., ne tradas sine nummo. Do not deliver it without the money. No., numero. In number. 0., octarius. A pint. 01. lini s. i., oleum lini sine igne. Cold-pressed linseed oil. Omn. hor., omni hora. Every hour. Omn. bid., omni biduo. Every two days. Omn. bih., omni bihorio. Every two hours. 0. M., or omn. man., omni mane. Every morning. 0. N, or omn. noct., omne nocte. Every night. Omn. quad, hor., omni quadrante hora. Every quarter of an hour. 0. 0. 0., oleum olivaa optimum. Best olive oil. Ov., ovum. An egg. Ox. Oxymel. Oz. The avoirdupois ounce, in contradistinction to that prescribed by physicians. 792 ON PRESCRIPTIONS. P., pondere. By -weight. P. se., part, aequal., partes sequales. Equal parts. P. d., per deliquium. By deliquescence. Past., pastillus. A pastil, or a ball of paste. Part, vie, partitis vicibus. In divided doses. Per op. emet., per acta operatioue emetici. The operation of the emetic being over. Ph. Br. Pharmacopoeia Britannica. Ph. D. Pharmacopoeia Dublinensis.' Ph. E. Pharmacopoeia Edinensis. Ph. L. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. Ph. U. S. Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Pil., pilula, pilulae. Pill or pills. Pocul., poculum. A cup. Pocill., pocillum. A small cup. Post sing. sed. liq., post singulas sedes liquidas. After every loose stool. Pot., potio. A potion ; a liquid medicine from four to eight ounces in quantity. Ppt., praeparatus. Prepared. P. r. n., pro re nata. Occasionally. P. rat. setat., pro ratione setatis. According to the age. Pug., pugillus. A pinch ; a gripe between the thumb and two first fingers. Pulv , pulveris, pulverizatus. A powder; pulverized. Q. L., quantum Tibet. ) A , , p: -p, ' H , . , y As much as you please. Q. P., quantum placet. / J r Q. S., quantum sufficiat. As much as may suffice. Quar., quarum. | . Quor., quorum. / Quantum vis. As much as you will. Bad., radix. A root. Bas., rasurse. Shavings. Red. in pulv., redactus in pulverem. Reduced to powder. Bedig. in pulv., redigatur in pulverem. Let it be reduced into powder. Beg. umbilici. The umbilical region. Bepet,, repetatur or repetantur. Let it or them be repeated. S , signa. Write. S A., secundum artem. According to art. Scat., scatula. A box. Sem., semen. A seed. Semidr., semidrachma. Half a drachm. Semih., semihora. Half an hour. Sesunc, sesuncia. Half an ounce. Sesquih., sesquihora. An hour and a half. Si n. val., si non valeat. If it does not answer. Si op. sit, si opus sit. If it be necessary. Si ver. perm., si vires permittant. If the strength allow it. Signat., signatura. A label. Sign. n. pr., signetur nomine proprio. Let it be written upon; let it be signed with the proper name (not the trade name). Sing., singulorum. Of each. Solv., solve. Dissolve; S. S. S., stratum super stratum. Layer upon layer. Ss., semis. A half. St , stet, stent. Let it stand, let them stand. Sub fin. coct., sub finem coctionis. Towards the end of the boiling; when the boiling is nearly finished. Sum. tal., suinat talem. Let him take such a one as this. Surnm., summitates. The summits or tops. Sum., sume, sumat, sumatur, sumantur. Take, let him or her take, let it be taken, let them be taken. S. V., Spiritus vini. Spirit of wine. S. V. B., Spiritus vini rectificatuy. Bectified spirit of wine. S. V. T., Spiritus vini tenuis. Proof spirit. Syr., syrupus. Syrup. Tabel., tabella. A lozenge. Temp, dext., tempori dextro. To the right temple. T. 0., tinctura opii. Tincture of opium. METHOD OF WKITING PRESCRIPTIONS. l\J6 T. 0. C, tinctura opii camphorata. Camphorated tincture of opium. Tra., tinctura. Tincture. Ult. proescr., ultimo piaescriptus. Last prescribed. V. 0. S., vitello ovi solutus. Dissolved in the yolk of an egg. Vom. urg., vomitione urgente. The vomiting being troublesome. V. S., veneesectio. Venesection. V. S. B., venaesectio brachii. Bleeding from the arm. Zi\, zingiber. Ginger. The Signatnra is rarely written in Latin. It comprises the directions as to the dose and mode of administering the medicine, and is especially addressed to the patient, or those in attendance upon him. This should he distinctly written in familiar language. None of the reasons for the employment of a learned, or technical language, in the other portions of the prescription, apply to this; on the contrary, a due regard to the avoidance of mistakes by the apothecary, and by the patient or his attendant, forbids it. It is very common to omit this part of the prescription entirely, and to depend upon a verbid direction as to the use to be made of the me- dicine. {Sometimes two boxes of pills are ordered for the same patient simultaneously, or at short intervals, without any reliable means of distinguishing them, and when they are to he renewed, the apothecary may confound them, in consequence of the patient sending the wrong box, or through a slight error in his own labelling. Of 500 prescriptions taken indiscriminately from the files of three different dispensing stores, I find 43 per cent, have no definite directions, and a considerable proportion have no signatura. The practice of writing — " To be used as directed" — is equivalent to omitting this part of the prescription, and in labelling, this is adopted by the apothecary in all cases, where the physician has omitted giving any directions. As an example of the results which may follow from this kind of direction, the following incident has been related by a professional friend: Two vials were in the chamber of a patient, each containing a fluidounce of liquid, and each about the same size ; one contained sweet spirit of nitre, and the other blistering collodion. The spirit was to be given in teaspoonful doses occasionally, and the blistering- liquid was of course to be applied externally. At twilight, the nurse, not noticing the difference in the color and consistency of the liquids, and finding them both labelled alike, put in the patient's mouth what she should have applied over her chest, thus producing a most distressing inflammation, which long deprived the poor patient of her proper food, and doubtless contributed to exhaust her struggling vitality. The danger of this kind of mistake is lessened Ivy using for any two prescriptions of very different properties, different kinds of vials; thus, for a preparation to be taken internally, a fluted flint vial, and for a liniment, one of the plain German flint, or better still, in the one case a round, and in the other an oval vial. The only remaining part of the prescription to be mentioned, is the addition to the foregoing of the name or initials of the writer, and the date ; of these, it may be remarked, that the name in full 794 SELECTING AND COMBINING MEDICINES. is on every account preferable. In a large city, where there are hundreds of physicians, it is impossible for pharmacists, and much less all their assistants, to become familiar with the handwriting and initials of every one of them, to say nothing of those instances in which two or more have the same initials. JsTow if this practice of signing prescriptions has any utility at all, it must be that it should be understood by the apothecary, so that if he suspects an error, or requires any explanation, he may make the necessary in- quiries to correct it, without interrogating his customer and exciting alarm. Besides, there are some dangerous substances, and such as are used for criminal purposes, that the druggist is only justified in vending by the sanction of a responsible name, and this name should, therefore, be clearly and intelligibly written. The date of the prescription is almost universally written in numerals, at least in Philadelphia ; this convenient fashion is probably owing, mainly, to a large number of eminent practitioners of the last generation being members of the Society of Friends, and to the wide diffusion of the peculiarities of this sect in the " Quaker City," and from it, as the centre of medical instruction, to other localities. When the patient is in moderate circumstances, the physician indicates that fact to the apothecary by the letter P, in one of the lower corners of the paper. If very poor, P P is written ; from a conscientious apothecary, either of these marks secures a reasonable reduction in the price charged, and its omission by the physician leads to suspicion that the patient is not deserving of special charity. CHAPTER II. ON THE ART OF SELECTING AND COMBINING MEDICINES. The study of Materia Medica and Therapeutics is designed to acquaint the student with the uses and powers of remedies, and to prepare him to make a proper selection from these to meet the ever varying phases of diseases. The importance of this kind of knowledge cannot be appreciated until the actual emergencies of practice arise, and the necessity be- comes apparent of an extended and a thorough knowledge of the weapons for combating disease. A full and recent treatise on Materia Medica should always be within reach of the physician, and one or more of the best medical journals should replenish his library with the most recent dis- coveries and improvements ; nowhere can a professional man less afford to economize than in his books. A very few years suffice to produce important changes, both in the theory and practice of medicine ; and the physician who stands SELECTING AND COMBINING MEDICINES. 795 still while progress is all around him can expect no better fate than that of the mechanic, the farmer, or the man of business who is content with the appliances of the past age in endeavoring to com- pete with those possessed of the facilities of the present. While a sound conservatism, a becoming deference to those who have gone before us, and to the great medical authorities in our own time, should prevent a hasty departure from established prin- ciples or modes of treatment, there is a wide and profitable range for experiment in the vast extent and variety of the materia medica, and the combinations of which individual remedies are susceptible. It is true that many skilful physicians employ a very restricted materia medica ; there are hundreds in the United States who carry the weapons they use for treating the usual forms of disease, in some twenty or thirty vials, carried about their person or inclosed in a pair of saddle-bags ; while, for unusual cases, they keep perhaps as many more on their office shelves. Though the frequent success of such, through skill and experience, cannot be questioned, we can draw no inferences from this fact to disparage the employment of an extended and varied assortment of remedies. To what purpose has the bounty of nature spread everywhere plants of such varied and unsuspected properties ; and why is art from the exhaustless mine of nature ever turning up some new product, endowed with varied, and, perhaps, health-restoring powers, if the physician, into whose special keeping the business of testing their virtues is given, neglects the injunction, " Prove all things; hold fast that which is good?" In the foregoing remarks, I would not be understood as counte- nancing a departure from the usual materia medica, except where called for by the requirements of practice, and justified by sound discretion ; and much less would I encourage any of those innova- tions upon well-established principles, which have taken shape in the various pathies, now so prevalent and so lamentably deficient in the indispensable elements of common sense and common honesty. In the selection of medicines, then, let the physician have before his mind the whole materia medica, with a complete knowledge of which he should be equipped from the start. Let him first select an individual from its class, with a view to all its properties, as likely to affect the immediate symptoms he is combating, and the general result of the case ; and second, let him select the best prepa- ration of it with reference to efficiency, to safety, to physical pro- perties, and to all other circumstances. When there is a single medicine, which will fully meet the indi- cation, there is no use of mixing it with others, except so far as its preparation in eligible form requires, as in the sequel ; when there is an officinal preparation, whether simple or compound, which is adapted to the case, it is generally better to prescribe it by its offi- cinal name, than to attempt a similar original combination; thus JPihdce catharticm composites are found to answer a common indica- tion in diseases so very frequently, that they have almost superseded extemporaneous preparations of the same, or nearly the same in- 796 SELECTING AND COMBINING MEDICINES. gredients ; this is the case, though to a less extent, of other officinal preparations. A common exception is furnished in Pilidoe quinice sulphatis, which are frequently prescribed extemporaneously, in proportions varying from the officinal in order to secure their being freshly prepared, and still more frequently varied somewhat in composition to secure greater solubility or adaptation to the case in hand. Officinal preparations are best selected in emergencies, since they are ready without the delay of compounding them, while most forms of extemporaneous prescription require time for their prepa- ration. Physicians should be somewhat influenced by economical motives, in prescribing for persons of moderate means ; preparations which are kept on hand by the apothecary, are cheaper than those which are mixed extemporaneously. In almost every class of medicines, there are those which are very costly ; and it is well when they can be superseded by others in prescribing for the poor. Many practitioners are in the habit of directing for such, the sul- phate of cinchonia or chinoidine, instead of a salt of quinia ; a plan much resorted to by those residing in remote situations, who have to act as their own apothecaries, and find their practice among the poor a source of expense rather than revenue. The Art of Combining Medicines. Notwithstanding the advantage obtained by combining, in a single preparation, the virtues of several medicines, there is, I think, more danger of the inexperienced attempting complications not sanctioned by sound science, than of erring on the side of simplicity. In the remarks which follow, I shall endeavor to treat methodi- cally, and as briefly as possible, the several advantages to be attained by medicinal combinations, and the means by which they may be most readily and safely fulfilled ; and in the series of Prescriptions appended, shall endeavor further to illustrate the subject. In compound prescriptions, we usually recognize one ingredient selected from the materia medica as the most important in a thera- peutical point o'f view. This is designated as the basis. Sometimes two or three remedies may be combined to form the basis, but if they have different therapeutical effects, they are considered as adjuvants, correctives, etc. Although this classification of ingredients is not absolute, it facilitates the study of the subject, and we proceed to notice — First. The Objects to be attained by adding to the Basis. Dilution. — A great many remedies are too strong to be eligible for use without the addition of a menstruum, to increase the dose and to allow a more ready division. In giving calomel, in very small alterative doses, it is impossible to apportion it properly with- out dilution with some suitable substance, such as sugar, sugar of milk, or gum Arabic. In using small doses of tartar emetic, sul- SELECTING AND COMBINING MEDICINES. 797 phate of morphia, or other soluble salts, in the liquid form, it is usual to dilute them with water. In the case of concentrated liquid preparations, as tinctures of aconite root, nux vomica, etc., a less active liquid should generally be added, so as to bring the strength of the preparation to a less dangerous point, especially when prescribed for ignorant or careless persons. The simple act of dilution may then be regarded as the first, though one of the least important objects in view, in adding to the basis or starting point of the prescription, and the substance so employed, if simply for this end, may be called the diluent. Many prescriptions consist merely of the basis and diluent. To heighten or give Direction to the Effects of the Basis. — It was formerly considered that substances of similar therapeutical powers were mutually increased in energy by admixture. This idea is now generally abandoned, except in so far as the powers of medicines may be heightened by combining them with others capable of rendering the system more susceptible to their action, or of giving specific direction ; thus, aromatic stimulants greatly heighten the effects of tonics, and will be found generally combined with them in tonic preparations. (See Tonic Tinctures and Prescriptions Nos. 7, 13, and 18.) Ehubarb, by its astringency, modifies the effects of other cathartics, as in Warner's Cordial. "We have a further illustration of this in the use of tartar emetic, to give a sedative and diaphoretic direction to saline remedies ; and of Dover's Pow- der, to render extract of colchicum more sedative, as in Prescrip- tion No. 34. Not to multiply illustrations, many of which will be found in the context, it requires to be mentioned that, in some cases, the adjuvant may be best given at a different time from the basis, or rather, that the two may be most profitably separated. Thus, it is customary to purge a patient affected with intermittent before giving quinia; but few 7 practitioners w 7 ould combine the cathartic with the antiperiodic. There are sometimes ingredients in a prescription which may be considered either in the light of adjuvants or of vehicles. Thus sulphuric acid in quinia solutions both adds to the effect, as is com- monly considered, and affords a means of solution. So extracts, combined with other remedies, may heighten their action, while affording a convenient vehicle for making them into a pilular mass. The adjuvant is, however, rarely introduced, practitioners generally relying upon the independent action of one agent, modified, if re- quired, by another, which is used for the next object. To Correct some objectionable Property in one or both of the Active Ingredients. — The instances in which this motive for adding to the basis is called into play are fully illustrated in the prescriptions which follow. The combination of opium with calomel, in dysen- tery, is one of the strongest cases in point. The mercurial is, by this means, adapted to conditions of the system in which, if em- ployed singly in the same dose, it might aggravate the symptoms. Certain effects of opium, as a basis, are obviated by correctives, as 798 ON" POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. compound spirit of ether, which is said to diminish its nauseating effect on the stomach. In administering oil of turpentine, or wormseed oil, as a vermi- fuge, some corrective is needed which will insure a purgative effect, and prevent its undue absorption. Oil of turpentine and laudanum are used as correctives to castor oil, in irritable conditions of the bowels diminishing its purgative effects, and preventing griping. In prescribing senna, the custom is almost universal of adding some aromatic seed to the infusion, to prevent griping. We may frequently make one substance answer the double pur- pose of a corrective, and diluent or vehicle. In this connection we find the medicated waters useful for liquid preparations; soap for pills; aromatics for powders; and certain stimulating oils in oint- ments and liniments. It will be observed that the corrective may be either therapeuti- cal or chemical in its operation, or both; while the effect of adding essential oils or opiates to cathartics, is purely therapeutical, that of combining soap with resins, to correct insolubility, is chemical or pharmaceutical. So, in combining mastich, or other insoluble resin with aloes, the effect of that cathartic is diminished and pro- tracted, as in Chapman's Dinner Pill, and the officinal Piluke Aloes et Mastiche. The proper incorporation of the ingredients together is an object of paramount importance in the preparation of medicines. The excipient added for this purpose may be either chemical or mechanical, or both; it may be connected with the therapeutic plan of the prescrip- tion, or may be added solely to make the preparation more agree- able to the taste, and more uniform in consistence. This ingredient is important to be designated by the physician, from the fact that it cannot always be left to the choice of the pharmacist, who is ignorant of the therapeutical indications, though his practical acquaintance with the subject would qualify him to select the best excipient. The rules that suggest themselves in regard to the pro- per incorporation of ingredients together can be best brought into view in connection with the different forms of medicines, which will next be treated of in detail, and in such rotation as experience has shown to be most convenient to the student. CHAPTER III. on powders, pills, suppositories, etc. Pulveres. (Powders.) In the chapter on Drying and Powdering Drugs, etc., some gene- ral views are given on the utility of this form of preparation, but it yet remains to point out in a particular manner the uses of powders in extemporaneous prescribing. POWDERS. 799 1. The land of Substances adapted to this Form of Prescription. a. Those medicines which are insoluble; as calomel, phosphate of lime, subnitrate of bismuth, subcarbonate of iron, magnesia, etc. b. Drugs possessing, in the natural condition, peculiar properties, differing from those which are artificially prepared from them ; as cinchona, colomba, etc. e. Those which, in solution, would possess more nauseous or bitter properties than in their undissolved, finely-divided condition ; as sulphate of quinia, kino, catechu, etc. They are, for the most part, best suited for making into pills. d. Those which, combined in a liquid form, would be chemically imcompatible. e. The extracts and blue mass, when dry enough to be reduced to powder. 2. The kind of Substances unsuited to this Form. a. Deliquescent substances; as carb. potass, unless with special pre- cautions. b. Substances containing a lars:e amount of water of crystallization (unless dried); as carbonate of sodium. c. Substances, the active principles of which are very volatile; as valerian and assafcetida, unless dispensed in bottles. d. Substances physically unsuited to mechanical division; as cam- phor and guaiacum, unless with certain precautions. e. Blue mass, and the extracts in their usual condition, although the former and some of the latter are very convenient in the form of powder. Powders may be prescribed suspended in the form of mixture or draught, always directing the bottle to be shaken before pouring out the dose; or in pill, if their dose is small. They are usually prescribed in papers (chartulas), each containing a dose, or in a single large package, the dose being indicated in the directions by some familiar standard of measurement. Soluble substances, prescribed in powder, may be directed to be dissolved in water, and the solution taken in appropriate doses, so as to save expense to the patient, or to have the medicine in a more portable form, as in travelling. This, however, is apt to lead to mistakes unless accompanied by very specific directions. Seidlitz, soda, and citric fever powders are elegant forms for giving single doses of soluble salts. "When the dose of an insoluble powder is large, as in the case of magnesia, or of phosphate of calcium, and it is to be mixed by the patient or attendant, it is well to direct the particular mode of sus- pending it in water. The directions for magnesia are as follows: — ■ Put the requisite quantity of clear and cold water (not too much) in a clean glass, and drop into it from the blade of a knife or spoon, the required dose; allow it gradually to mix with the water and 800 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. subside, after which stir it up and drink immediately. This will be found more satisfactory than to pour the water upon the dry powder in the bottom of the glass. Powders which are viscid and slightly soluble are, generally, more disagreeable than those which are not. Rhubarb is much less pleasant to take in fine powder than when chipped into very small shavings or grated, and suspended through a glass of water. Some viscid vehicle seems quite necessary to heavy powders like calomel, or mercury with chalk, as by sinking to the bottom of the spoon from which administered, these are liable to miss of being swallowed. With medicines prescribed in the form of powders, there is no occasion for the use of excipients, as they are not, strictly speaking, incorporated together; where the dose is small, however, an addi- tional substance may be directed for the purpose of dilution, such as sugar, or a mixture of sugar and gum, or liquorice, or arrowroot fecula. In Castillon's Powders, an antacid and astringent, calcu- lated to act as a remedy for the diseased condition, are combined with appropriate nutritious ingredients. In Dover's Powder we have an instance of the diluent being made to subserve an important mechanical end ; and I am informed by an intelligent pharmacist that, in his vicinity, physicians com- bine sugar of milk with powders in prescription for a like purpose, directing long trituration ; calomel is said by this means to acquire increased efficiency where a rapid constitutional effect is desired. Although the assertions of homoeopathists, in regard to the virtues of trituration are absurd, yet it is quite possible that, in a case like that of calomel, long attrition with a hard substance, in contact with the atmosphere, may produce chemical, as well as physical, changes of importance. The use of adjuvants and correctives is appropriate in the case of powders, equally with other classes of remedies; and, by reference to the prescriptions appended, it will be observed that they are very commonly added. Pilule. Pills are the most popular and convenient of all forms of medi- cine. In common with powders, they have the .advantage of being accurately divided, so that the patient is not dependent upon any of the uncertain means of approximate measurement necessary in administering liquids. They are also more portable. The contact is so slight with the organs of taste, in swallowing, that the most offensive substances can be swallowed in this form with compara- tively little inconvenience. There are, however, a few people who cannot swallow them; this is the case, too, with young children, for whom some other form is preferable. The size of pills is necessarily limited to from four to five grains of vegetable powders, or five to six grains of heavy mineral sub- stances including the excipient, though these quantities are larger than usual. PILULE. 801 The kind of Substances adapted to the Pilular Form. a. All those suitable to the form of powders which are given in small doses. b. The gum resins, balsams, and turpentine. c. Substances the operation of which it is desirable to retard; as in certain aperient and alterative pills. d. Insoluble substances, which are too heavy to give conveniently suspended in liquids. e. Very disagreeable and fetid substances. /. The vegetable extracts. The kind of Substances unsuited to the Pilular Form. a. Those which operate only in doses exceeding fifteen or twenty grains, or too large for three or four pills. b. Deliquescent salts, and those containing a large proportion of water, unless this be suitably absorbed by associated dry powder. c. Bodies of such consistence as to require an undue proportion of dry or viscid material to make a mass, except such as have a very small dose ; as croton oil. d. Very volatile substances ; as carbonate of ammonium, except with certain precautions. e. Those which are prescribed for immediate effect ; as emetics and diffusible stimulants. /. Essential oils, in quantity exceeding half a drop to each pill. The formation of a pill mass is sometimes a matter of considerable difficulty, from a want of adhesiveness of the ingredients, or some- times from the difficulty of incorporating them equally together. Under the head of The Art of Dispensing, some hints upon the mode of overcoming difficulties of this kind will be appropriate. Should the physician indicate the excipient, or leave it optional with the apothecary ? In answering this, we necessarily bring into view the therapeutical relations of this ingredient, and shall find that it may be active or inert, at the option of the prescriber. If the basis be rhubarb or aloes, or a similar vegetable powder, a mass can be readily formed by moisture, without the aid of any adhesive material : if, on the contrary, it be a metallic salt, or an unadhesive vegetable powder, it requires an addition to give it the form of a mass ; that addition will add to the bulk of the ingre- dients prescribed, and perhaps, if the dose be large, will make the pills too bulky ; in this case, it is important that the physician should not overlook the excipient, which he may include among the medicinal ingredients, or make due allowance for, in apportion- ing the quantity to each pill. The following rule for prescribing pills will obviate the disad- vantage of adding to the size by the use of inert excipients : when the basis is an unadhesive material , one of the other medicinal ingre- dients should be an extract or a vegetable powder, which will form a mass by moisture alone. '51 802 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC, Tabular View of Pharmaceutical Adaptations. Medicines adapted to the form of Powder. INSOLUBLE MINERAL SUBSTANCES, VEGETABLE PRODUCTS, AND SOME SOLUBLE SUBSTANCES. INSOLUBLE ; TOO LARGE DOSES FOR PILLS. Carbo ligni. Magnesia. Calcii Phosph. Potass, bitart. Sulphur sublim. Creta ppt. Ferri subcarb. Ferri phosph. and others. Vegetable Powders : — Powd. cinchona. " colomba. " gentian. " rhubarb (coarse). " jalap. " cubebs, and others. IN CERTAIN COMBINATIONS, AND WHEN PILLS ARE OBJECTED TO. Powd. pil. hydrarg. " ext. coloc. comp. " opium. " digitalis. " nux vom. " kino. " acid, tannic. " " gallic. " " potas. nit. Opium alkaloids. Cinchona " Subnit. bismuth. Calomel, and many others. Diluents for Substances prescribed in Form of Powders. Sugar. Lactin. Mannite. Powd. acacia. " cinnamon. Aromatic powder. Powd. ext. liquorice. " tragacanth. " elm bark, and others. Medicines adapted to Pilular Form. POWDERS GIVEN IN LESS THAN GR. XV DOSES, GUM RESINS, EXTRACTS ; ALSO OLEORESINS AND OILS IN SMALL PROPORTION. UNADHESIVE MATERIALS. Calomel. Pulv. ipecac, et opii. Bismuth, subnit. Morphise acetas, etc. Strychnia. Pulv. digitalis. " ipecac. Plumbi acetas. Antim. et pot. tart. •' sulphuret. Argenti nitras. " oxidum. Ferri pulvis. " subcarb. (other salts.) Potas. iodid. Camphor, and others. Difficult to combine, except by Peculiar Treatment :— 01. tiglii. " terebinth. Ferri iodidum. Copaiba, and others. GOOD MEDICINAL EXCIPIENI. Extracts. Pil. hydrarg. " copaibsB. " ferri carb. Terebinthina. With Moisture : — Pulv. aloes. " rhei. " kino. " acidi tannici. " opii. " scillse. Bebeerinse, sulph. Ferri citras. Assafoetida, and others. With Alcohol and Tinctures: — Guaiacum. Resinous Extracts, and others. With Dil. H 2 S0 4 :— Quinise sulph. Cinchonise sulph. Quinidise sulph. Quinoidina. EXCIPIENTS. 803 Under the head of Dispensing Medicines, directions will be found for the granulation of powders and the coating of pills in such a way as to diminish their taste. Excipients. It will be proper in this connection to pass in review the several excipients, added with a view to giving body to pill masses, or adapting medicines to the pilular form, and to point out the special adaptations of each. Soap, which is employed in the officinal pills more than any other excipient, is well adapted to combine with resinous substances, the solubility of which it increases, while it acts as an antacid, and per- haps aperient. It has been suggested, that it is incompatible with opium, with which it is prescribed in the officinal pil. opii, as the alkali, especially when present in excess, tends to separate the mor- phia from its native combination. Camphor is well combined with a mixture of soap and honey, and sometimes with an inert resin. Syrup is often used as an excipient, which adds but little to the bulk of a pill mass, and is effectual in some cases, where water alone would not give the requisite tenacity; it does not answer a good purpose, however, with certain metallic salts, which dispose the mass to crumble. Honey and molasses, uncrystallizable forms of sugar, are well adapted to the general purposes of pill making ; masses made with these are not so liable to crumble, and possess the great advantage of remaining moist and soluble for a longer period. On account of the last-named property, honey is directed in the officinal recipe for sulphate of quinia pills. Honey, combined with tragacanth, is a very adhesive excipient for insoluble powders. Honey which has been evaporated to one-half its bulk is much better than before it is so treated, but honey, molasses, manna, and syrup are unsuitable excipients for those metallic salts that are liable to be reduced by the presence of sugar ; calomel is a notable instance. Glycerin (Bowers', preferably), ^j, powdered tragacanth, whitest, 20 grains ; rub these together in a mortar and put into a suitable recipient ; after twenty-four hours it is fit to use. For further infor- mation on this subject, the reader is referred to 42d vol. Amer. Journ. Pharmacy, page 195. Soluble cream of tartar, with the twelfth of a grain of powdered gum tragacanth in each pill, has been much praised by Mr. J. B. Barnes, in a paper published in Amer. Journ. Pharmacy, vol. 44, page 17. Gum Arabic is directed to be added, where the requisite adhesive- ness will not result from the use of syrup or honey alone; it is not a very good excipient, whether added in the form of powder, or of a thick mucilage. Pills made with gum are apt to be very hard. Tragacanth forms a less hard and insoluble mass than acacia. The officinal syrup of gum Arabic is made with a special view to use in making pills. Alcohol and essential oils, by softening down resinous substances, 804 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. facilitate their incorporation together in mass, and, being held by these with considerable tenacity, prevent their rapidly becoming too hard. Lactucarium may be brought to a pilular consistence by the use of a small proportion of chloroform, which rapidly evapo- rates, leaving the pills of an elegant consistence. Oil of turpentine is well adapted to softening white turpentine, so as to incorporate it with other ingredients, as in Otto's emmenagogue pills. These excipients must, however, be added with care, or they will render the mass quite too soft. An important use of essential oils in pills is to prevent mouldi- ness, and the disagreeable odor which vegetable powders acquire when moistened; they should be added in very small proportion for this purpose, as they interfere with the adhesiveness of the mass. Crumb of bread furnishes a convenient and tenacious vehicle for substances given in small dose, and which require diluting, rather than combining in a small bulk. Confection of rose is adapted to similar uses, though more moist and of a less tough consistence. When made from the Rosa Gallica, it is astringent, and adapted to combining certain vegetable powders belonging to that class; as usually met with, however, it contains no tannin, being made from our common varieties of rose. Con- fection of orange-peel, and aromatic confection, are adapted to similar uses. The Officinal Pill Masses. — These may be described in this place as preparations well adapted to use as excipients, though very frequently prescribed singly. PilulcB Hydrargyria U. S. P. This is the officinal designation of the preparation commonly called blue mass, which is directed in the Pharmacopoeia to be di- vided into pills of three grains each ; as usually kept by physicians and druggists in an undivided state, it is more appropriately called Massa pilul. Hydrargyria mercurial mass. It is prepared by drug millers and chemical manufacturers, by triturating together, in ap- propriate mechanical contrivances, mercury, conserve of rose, liquorice root in powder, and some viscid material, as powdered althea root, in such proportion that three parts by weight of the mass shall contain one of mercury, thoroughly divided, and partly oxidized. The process used in the U. S. Army Laboratory, while in opera- tion, and elsewhere, consists of the rapid and continuous shaking of the mercury with a portion of honey in a strong bottle till it is extinguished, and the subsequent incorporation of the mixture with the powdered rose petals and liquorice root. The shaking is done by securing the bottle upon a wooden upright frame worked by the steam engine. In a few hours the semifluid mass is ready to mix with the dry powders, which is done by mixing in a kettle and successively passing the mass between rollers, frequently folding the thin sheets together till they are uniformly mixed. POWDERED BLUE MASS. 805 To my former pupil, Thomas Weaver, the reader is indebted for the following good extemporaneous process for the preparation of a small quantity of this pill mass. Its importance as a practical im- provement will be appreciated by those who have attempted to prepare blue mass with the pestle and mortar by the officinal process : — Extemporaneous Blue Mass. Take of Mercury gj. Powdered liquorice root Jss. Powdered rose leaves 3vj. Honey 3yj. Triturate the honey, liquorice root, and mercury, rapidly together for three minutes, or until all the globules of mercury disappear, then add the rose leaves, and work the whole into a uniform mass ; if it is too stiff, moisten with a little water. Powdered Blue Mass. Take of Mercury jfj. Powdered liquorice root 3j. Powdered rose leaves 3yj. Simple syrup f gij. Triturate the mercury, one-fourth of the powdered liquorice root, and the simple syrup rapidly together for- three minutes, or until the globules disappear, and then incorporate the powdered rose leaves, and the remainder of the powdered liquorice root, and spread the whole out to dry in a warm place. Reduce this to powder. From specimens of blue mass which have been dried at a moderate heat, a very convenient powder may be prepared, which is well suited for conversion into the pilular form, and into compound powders. Blue mass is, perhaps, the most popular, as it is the mildest form of mercurial preparation ; it is well adapted to use in pill or powder, either combined, as in several prescriptions which follow, or singly, in doses of from one to ten grains. Blue mass, when designed to act on the liver without producing a cathartic effect, may be combined with opium or a pure astrin- gent. It is frequently, however, combined with vegetable cathar- tics, to increase its tendency to operate on the bowels. Perhaps a majority of the mild cathartic pills, prescribed by practitioners and those sold as universal remedies, contain this useful ingredient; and, in fact, blue pills are very commonly known and taken by those who prescribe for themselves for what is popularly knowm as " biliousness," and various forms of liver complaint. Pilulce. Ferri Carbonatis, IT. S. P. Vallette's Mass is a very mild and soluble preparation of iron, made by incorporating freshly-precipitated protocarbonate of iron with honey, or some mixed saccharine vehicle, and by evaporation concentrating into a pilular mass. This may be taken by itself, in 806 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. a dose of from ten to thirty grains, or may be used as an adjuvant or vehicle to other medicinal substances, particularly dry powders, as in those numerous cases where iron, in small doses, is indicated along with bitter tonics. {See Preparations of Iron.) PilulcB Copaibce, U. S. P. Copaiba mass, although seldom employed as a vehicle, is not un- suited to this use ; it is directed to be made by incorporating one drachm of calcined magnesia with two troy ounces of copaiva, a recipe by which it is very difficult to get a sufficiently solid mass. The copaiva must be thick and resinoid, and the magnesia recently calcined, or the required thickening will not occur. The introduc- tion of wax and some vegetable powder w T ill be found an improve- ment. The dose is from five to ten grains. The Extracts. This class, which is well adapted to the pilular form, should not be overlooked in prescribing dry ingredients ; some one extract can usually be selected which will meet a therapeutical indication, while it serves the purpose of an excipient. Thus, in sedative or narcotic pills, we have the choice of five or six extracts to incorporate with any unadhesive or other material, so as to gain efficiency without too large a bulk. In directing a tonic remedy in this form, extract of gentian, quassia, cinchona, or nux vomica will come in play. While as a vehicle, for the mer- curials in cutaneous or syphilitic diseases, extract of conium, or of sarsaparilla, may be used. The use of the cathartic extracts, and of extract of taraxacum for similar purposes, is too common to need comment. We have an elegant and efficient compound, made on this principle, in the so-called Dr. Vance's Gout Pills. Formulary of Officinal and other Powders and Pills. In the following officinal and extemporaneous prescriptions, some of which are selected from standard works, others from the pre- scription files of the dispensing establishment over which I preside, and a few of which I venture to offer for trial, the most approved methods of compounding medicines in the form of powders and pills are indicated. When active remedies are prescribed in the form of powders, the diluent should be weighed first and a small portion of it thrown into the mortar and triturated till quite finely powdered ; this will prevent the active remedy from adhering to the mortar; then the active ingredient, which should be well mixed, and the remainder of the diluent added and the trituration continued till a powder of proper fineness is obtained. The accurate division of powders is facilitated by having a glass tile ruled into squares of one-fourth of an inch ; the powder, being uniformly distributed over the surface of as many squares as there ASTRINGENTS. 807 are powders to be made, can be readily divided with great exact- ness by following the lines ruled with the spatula in making the division. Astringents. !N"o. 1. — Powders used in Obstinate Diarrhoea. Each Powder. Take of Alum gij 20 grs. Kino 3ss 5 grs. Mix and reduce to a very fine powder, and distribute this into six papers. Dose, one every two or three hours. Alum and kino are incompatible in liquid form, and hence, when associated together, should always be prescribed in powder. The dose is too large for the pilular form. ]STo. 2. — Pills of Tannic Acid. Each Pill. Take of Tanic acid gr. xij 1 grain. Confection of rose gr. vj £ grain. Make a mass and divide into twelve pills. Dose, one every two hours. The above maybe made into powders by substituting an aromatic, astringent, or inert powder for the confection. Kb. 3. — Astringent and Sedative Powders. Each Powder. Take of Tannic acid Bj 2 grs. Acetate of morphia gr. j y^ gr. Sugar gr. x 1 gr. Oil of caraway THj trace. Triturate together, and distribute into ten papers. Dose, one every three hours. Five grains of opium may be substituted for the morphia salt, or by the substitution of sufficient syrup for the sugar, the whole may be made into the pilular form. No. 4. — Chalk Powders. Each. Take of Prepared chalk £ij 15 grs. Gum Arabic, in powder, Sugar, each 3j 7£ grs. Cinnamon, in powder gr. x 1\ grs. Triturate together into a uniform powder, and divide into eight doses. Chalk mixture spoils by keeping in hot weather, and is, more- over, much more bulky than an equal quantity of the ingredients in the above form, which is especially convenient for travellers. Opium, kino, or other remedies adapted to increase or modify its action, may be added in powder. One of the very best additions for a common form of diarrhoea is that of powdered blue mass, of which gr. xvj to 3ss may be added to the above. 808 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. 'No. 5. — Antacid Powder with Opium and Blue Mass. Each. Take of Precipitated carbonate of calcium . gj 6 grains. Tincture of opium f 3j 6 minims. Pulv. pil. hydrarg gr. x 1 grain. Triturate in a mortar and expose till it is dry, then divide into ten powders. Dose, one every three hours until the symptoms are cheeked. No. 6. — Powders for the Diarrhoea of Infants. Each. Take of Acetate of lead gr. ij ^ gr. Opium gr. ss fo gr. Camphor gr. j T \ gr. Sugar gr. iij \ gr. Triturate, and divide into twelve papers. Dose, one every two or three hours. For adults, the whole quantity prescribed may be taken at one dose. The child should be kept quiet, and fed upon arrowroot, flour boiled in milk, or a mixture of barley-water and cream. No. 7. — Pilul. Plumbi Acet. (University College, London.) To Each. Take of Acetate of lead gr. vj £ gr. Muriate of morphia ...... gr. iij \ gr. Extract of hyoscyamus gr. xxiv 2 grs. Mix ; make into twelve pills. Tonics and Aromatics. "No. 8. — Anti-Intermittent Powders. Each. Take of Powdered cinchona 3j gj. Powdered serpentaria gij gr. xv. Sulphate of quinia gr. viij gr. j. Mix, and distribute into eight papers. Dose, one every hour, commencing eight hours before the expected paroxysm. The sulphate of quinia may be omitted, but is useful when the bark is not of the finest quality. The serpentaria may be re- placed by more powerful stimulants, as cloves, or capsicum, or oil of black pepper ; to obviate costiveness, a saline cathartic may be added. No. 9. — Pilvlce Quinice Sulphatis, IT. S. P. Eeduced. Each. Take of Sulphate of quinia . . . Ij By 1 gr. Powdered gum Arabic . . gij gr. x \ gr. Clarified honey q. s. q. s. Mix the sulphate of quinia and gum Arabic, then beat them with clarified honey so as to make a mass, and divide into 480 pills (re- duced quantity 40), of which the dose in intermittents is one every hour, between the paroxysms. TONICS AND AEOMATICS. 809 These officinal pills are less used than formerly for the full anti- periodic effect of the sulphate of quinia, as it is now customary to give large doses, less frequently repeated, and the officinal pills are found less convenient than pills or powders, of three, four, or five grains each. Sulphate of quinia may be made into pills by the following pro- cess, which has been called Parrish's. (See paper by the author, in the American Journal of Pharmacy , vol. xx.v. p. 291.) "No. 10. — Pills of the Soluble Sulphate of Quinia. Each. Take of Sulphate of quinia 9j gr. v. Aromatic sulphuric acid ^xij. ^hj. Drop the acid upon the sulphate on a tile or slab, and triturate with a spatula, until it thickens and assumes a pilular consistence, then divide into four pills. Persons not accustomed to this process sometimes allow the sul- phate to become too dry and unadhesive to mould into pills. This is from not seizing the proper moment just as the mass has ceased to be too soft, and before it becomes dry ; it is then quite plastic, and becomes particularly so by contact with the warmth and mois- ture of the thumb and fingers. A drop of syrup or honey, which should always be at hand on the counter, by being added at the proper moment, will prevent this hardening. The five-grain quinine pill made in this way is not larger than many pills in common use; soluble quinine pills may be conve- niently made of two, three, four, or five grains. The large number of combinations in which sulphate of quinia is associated with other remedies cannot be here noticed ; to some of these, as in combining the other alkaloids with it, the elixir of vitriol process is well adapted ; in other cases it is inadmissible. If an extract in small quantity, or a vegetable powder, is to be added to the mass, it should be incorporated with the quinia salt, when by trituration on the slab it begins to thicken into a paste. Sulphate of quinia will make a very good pill mass by using one grain of glacial phosphoric acid, or a quarter of a grain of tartaric acid, to each grain of the quinia salt. !Nb. 11. — Pills of Sulphate of Cinchonia. Each. Take of Sulphate of cinchonia 9j gr. j. Powdered tragacanth gr. ij. gr. T ^. Triturate together, and add sufficient honey to make a mass, which divide into twenty pills ; these pills are esteemed about equal to those of sulphate of quinia in most cases. "No. 12. — Pills of Sulphate of Quinidia. Each. Take of Sulphate of quinidia 9j gr. j. Powdered tragacanth ...... gr. ij. gr. -fa. 810 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. Triturate together, and add honey sufficient to make a mass, which divide into twenty pills. These are esteemed about equal to sulphate of quinia pills of the same proportion. No. 13. — Pills of Chinoidine. Each. Take of Chinoidine 3j 3 grains. Aromatic sulphuric acid Illv or q. s. trace. Soften the chinoidine with the acid, in a mortar, and divide into twenty pills. Each pill is esteemed about equal to a one-grain quinia pill. "No. 14.— Powders of Iron and Quinia. Each. Take of Subcarbonate of iron £j 5 grs. Sulphate of quinia gr. vj £ gr. Aromatic powder gr. xij 1 gr. Triturate together, and distribute into twelve powders. Dose, a powder three times a day before meals. The proportion of sulphate of quinia should be increased when it is to be employed in convalescence from intermittents. ISTo. 15.' — Pills of Proto-Carbonate of Iron and Quinia. Each. Take of Sulphate of quinia 9 j 1 gr. Pill mass of carbonate of iron . . . 3j 3 grs. Mix, and make into twenty pills. Dose, one twice or three times a day. In this class of prescription, designed for anaemic conditions, the sulphates of cinchonia and quinidia, and of bebeerina, may gene- rally be substituted for that of quinia without disadvantage. ~No. 16. — Pills of Quevenne's Iron. Each. Take of Keduced iron gr. CC 2 grs. Manna gr. C 1 gr. Triturate into a mass and divide into 100 pills. Manna is an excellent excipient for Ferrum Hedactum, and will answer in less proportion, if very small pills are desired ; when not at hand, it may be superseded by honey and a little gum Arabic or tragacanth. In a number of cases it will be desirable to introduce adjuvants, which ma}^ be in the form of extract. Extracts of conium, of aconite, cinchona, nux vomica, and quassia are favorite adjuvants with Quevenne's iron. No. 17. — Pulvis Aromaticus, U. S. P. Take of Cinnamon, in fine powder, Ginger, in fine powder, each, two troyounces. Cardamom, deprived of the capsules, and in fine powder, Nutmeg, in fine powder, each, a troyounce. Eub them together until they are thoroughly mixed. TONICS AND AROMATICS. 811 In this preparation, the dry powders of cinnamon and ginger, if triturated with the oily nutmeg, grated, and the cardamom, coarsely powdered, enable us to reduce them to a fine condition; the whole should be passed through a sieve. By trituration with honey, syr up of orange-peel, and saffron, this furnishes Confectio aromatica. Ko. is.— Dr. Mitch.elVs Tonic Pills. Each. Take of Extract of quassia gr. xxxvj 3 grs. Extract of conium | gr. Subcarbonate of iron, of each . . . gr. iij { gr. Make into a mass with a few drops of solution of arsenite of potassium (if required); then divide into twelve pills. Dose, a pill twice or three times daily. No. 19. — Tonic and Aromatic Pills. (Dr. Parrish, Senior.) Each. Take of Sulphate of quinia gr. vj \ gr. Powdered capsicum ^ gr. Mace ^ gr. Powdered cloves £ gr. Carbonate of ammonium, each . . gr. xij § gr. Oil of caraway gtt. vj \ \\. Confection of rose Sufficient, q. s. Form a uniform tenacious mass, and divide into twenty-four pills. ~No, 20. — Pills used in Obstinate Intermittents. (Dr, Chapman.) Each. Take of Sulphate of copper Powdered opium Powdered gum Arabic . . . Syrup Make a mass, and divide into twelve pills. Dose, one every three hours. No. 21. — Pihdee Ferri Composites, U. S. P. Each. Take of Myrrh, in fine powder gij 1} gr. Carbonate of sodium ) Ee,C0 3 Sulphate of iron, of each . . . . gj J | gr. Syrup q. s. q. s. Rub the myrrh first with the carbonate of sodium, and afterwards with the sulphate of iron until they are thoroughly mixed ; then beat them with syrup so as to form a pilular mass, to be divided into eighty pills. This pill is similar in composition to Griffith's Iron Mixture. Supposing a reaction to take place between the salts present, proto- carbonate of iron would be produced, which, with the myrrh, forms an admirable remedy in chlorosis ; a lump of fresh myrrh is to be preferred to the powdered article of commerce. gr. iij i gr. gr. iv I gr. gr. viij f gr. Sufficient. 812 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. No. 22.— Pilules Ferri Iodidi, IT. S. P. (Blancard's Pills.) Take of Iodine, three hundred grains. Iron, in the form of fine wire and cut in small pieces, one hundred and twenty grains. Sugar, in fine powder, Liquorice root, in fine powder, each, one hundred and ninety -two grains. Liquorice, in fine powder, Gum Arabic, in fine powder, each, forty-eight grains. Reduced iron, ninety-six grains. Water, a fluidounce and a half. Mix the iodine with ten fluidrachms of the water in a glass flask, and gradually add the iron, agitating until the solution has become a light pea-green color; then filter into a porcelain capsule contain- ing the reduced iron, and add the remainder of the water in order to wash the filter. Evaporate the solution till a pellicle forms, and add the remaining powders, previously mixed together; continue the evaporation by means of a water-bath, with constant stirring, until the mixture is reduced to a pilular consistence ; lastly, divide into three hundred and eighty pills. Dissolve sixty grains of balsam of Tolu in a fluidrachm of ether, shake the pills with the solution till they are uniformly coated, and put them on a plate of glass to dry, occasionally stirring them until the drying is completed. Keep the pills in a well-stopped bottle. These pills, as prepared by the above new officinal formula, are devoid of the smell of iodine ; and distilled water, rubbed with them and filtered, does not color solution of starch, or gives it only a slight blue tint. No other form of iodide of iron is so easily taken or so permanent. E"o. 23. — Permanent Iodide of Iron Pills. (Extemporaneous process of I. Coddington.) Take of Iodine 50 grains. Iron, reduced by hydrogen 25 grains. Water 30 minims. Althaea powder 60 grs. or q. s. Triturate the iodine in the water and add the iron gradually ; w T hen the color becomes a dark gray and there ceases to be any indication of free iodine to starch water, add the althaea powder, taking care not to make the mass too stiff. Then roll it into sixty pills containing one grain of iodide of iron, each, with an excess of iron. Iodine and iron may be combined in melted cocoa butter, which should be kept melted till the union is complete, and then made into pills, coated with sugar or some vegetable powder. No. 24. — Compound Pills of Iodide of Iron. (Prescribed by Dr. Buckler, of Baltimore.) Each Pill. Take of Iodide of potassium ^ij 2 grains. Iodide of iron 3j 1 grain. Iodine gr vj T x o grain. Extract of conium &j 1 grain. NERVOUS STIMULANTS; ANTISPASMODICS. 813 Triturate the iodide of potassium, iodide of iron, and iodine together with a few drops of water to the consistence of a soft paste, then add powdered gum Arahic in the proportion of half a grain to each pill, and rub into a smooth paste. Incorporate with the whole extract of conium and make into a soft mass, with a mixture of equal parts of finely powdered elm bark and liquorice root. Then divide into sixty pills. Ko. 25.— Pills of Chloride of Iron. (J. T. Shinn.) Take of Tincture of muriate of iron f^ij. Evaporate nearly to dryness, and add — Powdered althaea root gss. Triturate into a pill mass, and divide into two hundred and forty pills, each of which represents about ten drops of the tincture. They should be kept and dispensed in vials. ~No. 26. — Powder for Chronic Indigestion and Gastric Irritability. Each. Take of Bismuthi subnitratis 3j 10 grs. Pulveris rhei 5 grs. Pulveris aromatici, of each .... ^ss 5 grs. Misce et divide in chart, vj. Signa. — Take one before each meal. Nervous Stimulants ; Antispasmodics. No. 27. — Pilulce Assafcetidce, U. S. P. Reduced. Each. Take of Assafcetida ^iss gr. xxxvj gr. iij. Soap, in fine powder . . . 3ss gr. xij gr. j. Beat them together with water, so as to form a pilular mass, to be divided into 240 pills. (The reduced quantity into 12 pills.) Dose, one to four pills. No. 28.— Pilulce Aloes et Assafcetidce, IT. S. P. Reduced. Each. Take of Socotrine aloes, in fine powder ] gr. 1^. Assafcetida fgr. xyj gr. 1^. Soap, in fine powder, each . ^ss J gr. 1^. Beat them together with water, so as to form a pilular mass, to be divided into 180 pills. (Reduced, 12 pills.) Dose, one to four pills. No. 29.— Pilulce Galbani Composite?, U. S. P. Reduced. Each. Take of Galbanum gr. 1£. Myrrh, each £vj eachgr. xviij gr. lj. Assafcetida gij gr. vj gr. Syrup Sufficient Sufficient q. s. Beat them together, so as to form a pilular mass, to be divided into 240 pills. (Reduced, 12 pills.) Dose, one to three pills. 814 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. ISTo. 30. — Dr. Otto's Antispasmodic Powders. Take of Black mustard seed, Powdered sage, Powdered ginger, equal parts by measure. Mix thoroughly. Dose, in epilepsy, three teasponfuls, for three mornings in succes- sion ; discontinue three; then give as before. To be moistened with water or molasses. No. SI.— Pills of Nitrate of Silver. Take of Nitrate of silver 9j. Turpentine (terebinthina, U. S.) . . . . . . 5j. Triturate, with the addition of a few drops of oil of turpentine if necessary, to make a uniform pilular mass, which divide into thirty pills. Dose, in typhoid fever and epilepsy, one pill every three or four hours. Arterial Stimulants. This class of remedies is least adapted to the pilular form of any in the materia medica. No. 32. — Powders or Pills of Carbonate of Ammonia, etc. Take of Muriate of ammonium (granulated), Dried carbonate of sodium, each £}ij. Powdered capsicum J)j. Triturate into a uniform fine powder, and divide into ten papers, which should be wrapped in tinfoil. By the aid of moisture, these powders are made to react with each other and develop carbonate of ammonium. To make into pills, add a portion of firm and rather dry conserve of rose. Divide into twenty pills, and keep them in a vial. A solution of mastich in ether is a good varnish for coating these and similar pills : they should be as dry as possible before using this varnish. Cerebral Stimulants, or Narcotics. No. m.—Piluloe Opii, U. S. P. Reduced. Each. Take of Opium in fine powder . . . 3j gr. xij gr. j. Soap, in fine powder . . . gr. xij gr. iiss gr. \. Beat them together into a mass with water, and divide into 60 pills. (Seduced, 12.) Old opium fills are sometimes in request, from their being better retained by an irritable stomach, and from the fact that by their more gradual solution, they afreet more favorably the diseases of the lower intestine. The best way to make pills to be kept for this purpose is to select a portion of the solid mass in its natural and ! RHEUMATISM AND GOUT PILLS. 815 plastic condition, and to divide it, without admixture, into the re- quired number of pills ; these, as they contract and harden, will become compact and of slow solubility. "No. 34. — Pills of Camphor and Opium. Each. Take of Camphor gr. xxiv gr. 2. Powdered opium gr. vj gr. £. Alcohol gtt. vj trace. Confection of rose q. s. q. s. Misce, et fiant, secundum artem, pilulse xij. Dose, from one to two pills. No. 35. — Anodyne Pills. Each. Take of Acetate of morphia gr. j gr. £. Extract of hyoscyamus gr. iv gr. ^. Triturate into a mass, and divide into eight pills. Dose, one pill, repeated if necessary. These are very small, and are not astringent in their effects on the bowels. ETo. 36. — Pulvis Morphias Attenuatus. Take of Sulphate of morphia gr. j. Sugar of milk gr- v. Misce. The sugar of milk should be first put into the mortar and broken into pieces as small as black mustard seeds, when the morphia salt should be added and the trituration continued until an impalpable powder has been obtained. One grain is designed to be an equivalent to one grain of opium; it furnishes a convenient form for administering small doses of morphia in prescription. No. 37. — Pills of Extract of Indian Hemp. Take of Ext. cannabis, Pulv. saponis, aa gr. xx. Triturate the extract with the soap in a warm mortar till a good mass is formed, then divide into forty pills. Dose, one to three pills. Rheumatism and Gout Pills. No. 38. — "Dr. Vance' 's Rheumatism and Gout Pills." Each. Take of Extracti colchici 5ss gr. 1|. Pulveris ipecacuanha? comp. . . 3iss, gr. vj gr. iv. . Misce, et divide in pilulas xxiv. Signa. — Take two at night and one before breakfast and dinner. This is a most valuable combination, having been found effica- cious in a great many cases, both chronic and acute. Similar combinations are used in the several London hospitals, as follows : King's College, to each pill, acet. ext. colch. 1 grain ; to 816 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. Dover's powder, 3 grains. St. George's, aeetic ext. colch. 1 gr. ; to Dover's powder, 2J grains. Middlesex, aeetic ext. colch. 2 grs. ; to Dover's powder, 3 grains. London Hospital, acet. ext. colch. J gr. ; Dover's powder, J gr. (See Squire's Hospital Pharmacopoeia.) No. 39. — Lartique's Gout Pills. Each. Take of Extracti colocynthidis compositi . giss, gr. vj gr. 4. Extract! colchici acetici . . . . gr. x gr. f . Extracti digitalis gr. v gr. £. Misce, fiat mass, in pilulas xxiv dividenda. Take two for a dose. This is the common recipe in Philadelphia ; according to Wittstein each of the French Lartique's pills contains 2 grains of powdered colchicum seed. No. 40. — BecquereVs Gout Pills. Each pill. Take of Sulphate of quinia 2 drahms 2^ grains. Extract of digitalis 15 grains T 3 ff grain. Powd. colchicum seed .... 2 scruples f grain. Mix, and divide into 50 pills. Dose, 1 to 3 pills for several days. These pills are stated to have removed attacks of acute gout in seven or ei^ht hours. 'No. 41. — Pil. Colchici c. Hydrarg. (King's College, London.) Each. Take of Acet. ext. colchicum 24 grains 2 grs. Mercurial mass 36 grains 3 grs. Mix. Make 12 pills. " Excito-Motor Stimulants." E"o. 42. — Powders given in Uterine Hemorrhages. Each. Take of Ergot, freshly powdered . . . 3j gr. 10. Alum, in powder §j gr. 3^. Mix, and divide into six equal parts. Arteeial Sedatives. No. 43. — Powders of Nitre and Tartrate of Antimony. Each. Take of Tartrate of antimony and potassium . gr. j gr. T V. Nitrate of potassium gr. 2^. Sugar, each £ss gr. 2%. Triturate into powder, and distribute equally into twelve papers. Emetics. No. 44. — A Prompt and Efficient Emetic. Each. Take of Pulveris ipecacuanhse gss gr. xv. Antimonii et potassii tartratis . . . gr. ij gr. j. CATHARTICS AND LAXATIVES. 817 Misce, et divide in pulveres ij. Signa. — Take one in a little mo- lasses, or sugar and water, and follow it by a draught of warm water. If one powder does not produce the effect, the second may be taken soon after. Sometimes calomel is added to emetic powders, and both a pur- gative and emetic effect are produced. Emetics, as such, are never given in pill. Cathartics and Laxatives. To this class belong six of the pills, and two of the compound powders of the Pharmacopoeia. No. ±o.— Pilulce Rhei, U. S. P. Reduced. Each. Take of Rhubarb, in powder .... 5vj gr. xxxvj gr. 3. Soap 3ij gr. xij gr. 1. Beat them with water, so as to form a mass, to be divided into 120 pills. (Reduced, into 12 pills.) The following recipe will make an elegant rhubarb pill without the use of soap, which is objectionable as imparting a disposition to become mouldy, and produce an unpleasant odor when damp. Each. Take of Powdered rhubarb gr. xlviij gr. iv. Comp. tincture of cardamom . . . gtt. xlviij gtt. iv. Triturate into a mass, and divide into twelve pills. No. 46. — Pilulce Ehei Compositce, U. S. P. Reduced. Each. Take of Rhubarb, in powder . . . ^j gr. xxiv 2 grs. Aloes " ... gvj gr. xviij 1^- grs. Myrrh " . . . ^ss gr. xij 1 gr. Oil of peppermint . . . . f3ss 1TLij i Vf[. Beat them with water, so as to form a mass, to be divided into 240 pills. (Reduced, into 12 pills.) No. ±7.— Pilulce Aloes, U. S. P. Reduced. Each. Take of Aloes, in powder .... 2 grs. Soap, each ^j Bij 2 grs. Beat them with water, so as to form a mass, to be divided into 240 pills. (Reduced, 20 pills.) No. 48.— Pilulce Aloes et Myrrhce, XT. S. P. Reduced. Each. Take of Aloes, in powder . . . . ^ij gr. xxiv 2 grs. Myrrh " . . . . Jj gr. xij 1 gr. Saffron " . . . . 5§ss gr. vj ^ gr. Syrup, sufficient quantity q. s. Beat the whole together so as to form a mass, to be divided into 480 pills. (Reduced, 12 pills.) 52 818 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. A tonic and emmenagogue cathartic, known as Rufus's pills. Saffron may be reduced to powder by heating it in a capsule till it becomes crisp, then triturating in a mortar. No. 49. — Dr. Chapman's Dinner Pills. Reduced. Each. Take of Powdered aloes .... 1^ gr. " mastich, of each . gij gr. xviij li gr. " ipecac §iv gr. xij 1 gr. Oil of caraway Til xij TTUj Trace. Mix, and make into mass with water, and divide into eighty pills. (Reduced quantity, twelve pills.) These pills are much used in habitual costiveness ; the presence of the mastich protracts the solvent action of the fluids upon the aloes, so that one pill, which is a dose, taken before dinner, will produce a gentle operation the next morning. No. 50.— Pilules Aloes et Mastiches, U. S. P. (Lady Webster's Pills.) Take of Socotrine aloes, in fine powder, a troyounce and a half If gr. Mastich, in fine powder, Bed rose, in fine powder, each, half a troyonnce § gr. Beat them together with water, so as to form a pilular mass, to be divided into 400 pills. This is now an officinal preparation, which has long been known as a popular remedy for costiveness. One or two taken before dinner will usually produce an evacuation on the following day. No. 51. — Dr. Mitchell's Aperient Pills. Each. Take of Pulveris aloes gr. xij 1 gr. " rhei gr. xxiv 2.grs. Hydrarg. chlor. mit gr. ij ^ gr. Antim. et potas. tart gr. j j\ gr. Mi see, fiant pilulse No. xij. One acts as an aperient, two or three as a cathartic. No. 52. — Laxative Tonic Pills. (Dr. Parrish, Sen.) Each. Take of Powdered Socotrine aloes . . . . ^ij 1 gr. " rhubarb 9iv 2 grs. Oil of caraway gtt. xij | drop. Extract of gentian §ij 1 gr. Make into forty pills. Dose, two before dinner. No. 53. — Pulvis Aloes et Canellce, IT. S. P. (Hiera Picra.) Eeduced. Take of Socotrine. aloes, in fine powder . . ^xij ^iss. Canella, in fine powder £iij ^iij. Rub them together until they are thoroughly mixed. Hiera picra is generally macerated in some kind of spirit, and taken in draughts as a stomachic laxative. CATHARTICS AND LAXATIVES. 819 No. 54. — Pulvis Jalapce Compositus, IT. S. P. Take of Jalap, in fine powder ^j. Bitartrate of potassium, in fine powder . . . . gij. Mix them. This is a mild laxative, given in doses of gr. xv to 3ss. Sulphur and bitartrate of potassium are much associated in about equal bulks. No. 55. — Calomel and Jalap Powder. Take of Hydrargyri chloridi mitis gr. xv. Pulveris jalapse §j. Misce. — To be given at a dose. In the same way rhubarb is very commonly associated with calomel. No.. 56. — Pulvis Rhei Compositus, IT. S. P. For one dose. Take of Khubarb, in fine powder, four troyounces ... gr. xv. Magnesia, twelve troyounces gr. xlv. Ginger, in fine powder, two troyounces .... gr. viiss. Rub them together until they are thoroughly mixed. This was a new officinal compound powder in 1860, which is well adapted to use as a laxative and antacid. Charcoal and magnesia are much used for a similar purpose. No. 57. — Neutralizing Powder. Take of Bicarbonate of sodium, Powdered rhubarb, Powdered mint (the herb) Equal parts. 1 Pub the mixed ingredients through a sieve of sixty meshes to the linear inch. Dose, a teaspoonful as an antacid remedy in diarrhoea and dys- pepsia. No. 58. — Pulveres Effervescentes Aperientes, IT. S. P. (Seidlitz Powders.) Each powder. Take of Bicarbonate of sodium, in fine powder, a troyounce £)ij. Tartrate of potassium and sodium, in fine powder, three troyounces gij. Tartaric acid, in fine powder, four hundred and twenty grains gr. xxxv. Mix intimately the bicarbonate of sodium with the tartrate of potassium and sodium, and divide this mixture into twelve equal parts. Then divide the tartaric acid into the same number of equal parts. Lastly, keep the parts severally of the mixture and of the acid in separate papers of different colors. The character of the paper used for dispensing Seidlitz powders is very important; a rag blue indigo-dyed paper is the proper one, its color being permanent, and a glazed well-calendered white paper is the most appropriate for containing the acid. Tin boxes are best 820 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. for keeping them in, as pasteboard, if placed on a damp or wet sub- stance, will be softened, and the contained powders injured. Directions J "or Use. — Take two glasses with about a gill of cold water in each, dissolve in one the contents of the blue, and in the other of the white paper, mix, and drink immediately. No. 59. — Pills for Habitual Costiveness. (Dr. E. Cutter, Woburn ? Mass.) Take of Pulv. ipecacuanhse gr. x. Hydrarg. chlor. mit gr. iij. Ext. taraxaci gij. Misce. — Ft. pilulse. No. xxx. Dose, one three times a day. A mild and effectual remedy for a very common symptom. No. 60. — Pihdce Catharticce Composite, IT. S. P. Each. Take of Compound extract of colocynth . . gr. xxxij 1^ gr. Extract of jalap, in fine powder . . 1 gr. Mild chloride of mercury, each . . gr. xxiv 1 gr. Gamboge, in powder gr. vj \ gr. Mix the powders together; then with water form a pilular mass, to be divided into 24 pills. These well-known and popular pills are very easy to make, if the extracts, both of colocynth and jalap, are of proper consistence, or powdered before being incorporated with the other ingredients ; but if the extract of jalap is of a tough consistence, which it fre- quently reaches by partial drying, it is almost impossible to incor- porate it with the other ingredients. Powdered extract of jalap, when obtainable, may be kept in a salt-mouth bottle like any other powder, and a few drops of moisture will form it into a plastic mass. The tough extract should be further dried and powdered, or may be softened by heating and triturating in a capsule with diluted alcohol. Under the name of Antibilious pills, this preparation, of more or less perfect quality, is vended in great quantities over the country, and by its admirable combination of cathartic properties is well adapted to supersede, as a popular remedy, the numerous nostrums advertised and sold for similar purposes. No. 61. — Pills of Colocynth and Hyoscyamus. (Middlesex Hospital, London.) Each. Take of Extracti colocynthidis composite . . ^ss 3 grs. Extracti hyoscyami §j 2 grs. M. — Ft. pilulse x. Dose, one to three pills. No. 62. — Tonic Pills of Podophyllin. Each. Take of Podophyllin gr. ij i grain. Powd. rhubarb gr. xviij 3 grains. Powd. capsicum gr. iv f grain. Mix and make into six pills. Dose, one to two. DIURETICS AND EXPECTORANTS. 821 To produce ptyalism podophyllin should be combined with opium in small doses frequently and continuously. ]STo. 63.— Modified Cathartic Pills. (E. Parrish.) Each. Take of Gamboge, in powder gr. v i grain. Podophyllin, in powder gr. ij j 1 ^ grain. Aloes, in powder gr. xxx lj grain. Calomel gr. xx 1 grain. Ginger, in powder, Capsicum, in powder, each . . . . gr. ij T l o grain. Fluid extract of podophyllum, sufficient. Mix the dry powders, and triturate with the fluid extract into a pilular mass; divide this into twenty pills. The object of this formula, prepared for a physician in the "West, is to furnish an Antibilious pill the ingredients of which are readily obtainable, genuine, and of good quality. The difficulties met with by practitioners, in procuring the costly extracts of colocynth and of jalap of standard quality, have led to inquiries for a modified formula with cheap and common materials. "No. 64. — Pills of Aloin and Podophyllin. Each. Take of Aloin gr. xxiv 1 grain. Podophyllin gr. xij ^ grain. Oleoresin of ginger nrt iv i minim. Triturate the solid ingredients into a uniform powder, add the oleoresin or piperoid of ginger, make a mass, and divide into twenty-four pills. Dose, from one to three. !N"o. 65. — Dr. AlbertVs Small Antibilious Pills. Each. Take of Calomelanos gr. x I gr. Pulv. gambogise gr. v g gr. Misce et fiant pilulse xxx. Dose, two or three pills. Eo. 66.— Pills of Croton Oil. Each. Take of Croton oil ""I iv n\, \. Crumb of bread gr. xvj gr. j. Make into sixteen pills. Croton oil and castor oil are both capable of forming soaps with caustic soda, which, being purified by solution in alcohol, and solidified in moulds, are eligible cathartic preparations. Diuretics and Expectorants. These classes of medicines are very little given in the form of pill or powder. "No. 67. — Piluloe Scillce Composites, IT. S. P Reduced. Each. Take of Squill, in fine powder . . . gj gr- vj igr. Ginger, in fine powder . . gij gr. xij lgr. Ammoniac, in fine powder . 5ij gr- xrj lgr. Soap, in fine powder . . . ^iij gr. xvnj 1* gr. Syrup, a sufficient quantity. q. s. 822 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. Mix the powders, then beat them with the syrup so as to form a pilular mass, to be divided into 120 pills. (Twelve pills for the reduced quantity.) Soap and syrup seem a poor kind of mixture, especially as either would be a sufficient excipient without the other; the pills are so large that the syrup is not only unnecessary but renders the pill larger than if made with water. No. 68.— Aromatic Pills. (Mutter's.) Take of Oil of copaiva, Oil of cubebs, Oil of turpentine, each f gj. Magnesia 3ij. Mix, and form sixty pills. Some recipes direct 4 grains of powdered opium to this number. They would be improved in a pharmaceutical aspect by substituting copaiva and Venice turpentine for the oils of copaiva and turpen- tine. One drachm of white turpentine is necessary to form the mass. The dose is two pills three times a day in gonorrhoea. M. Bicord prescribes tar and copaiva combined; they are said to neutralize each other's noxious tastes and to be less liable to disagree with the patient than copaiva alone. The proportions of this mixture are 275 parts of copaiva to 35 of tar and 25 of magnesia. !N"o. 69. — Compound Copaiva Pills. Take of Copaiva . . . gij Powdered cubebs £>iijss. Wax. . 3j. By a gentle heat melt the wax, then add the copaiva, and imme- diately afterwards sift in the cubebs, stirring thoroughly. While it is yet warm, roll out and divide into 100 pills. Diaphoretics, etc. "No. 70. — Pulvis Ipecacuanha? Compositus, U. S. P. (Dover's Powder.) (Pulvis Ipecacuanhse et Qpii, XL S. P. 1850.) Reduced. Take of Ipecacuanha, in fine powder .... gr. j. Opium, dried and in fine powder, each . £j gr. j. Sulphate of potassium ...... Jj gr. viij. Rub them together into a very fine powder. Dose, ten grains, the reduced quantity in the above recipe. This valuable preparation is too well known to require much comment ; it is used in a great variety of cases in which a sedative diaphoretic is indicated. It should be remembered that the opium is to be dried before being weighed, otherwise the powder will be deficient in strength. It should also be well and thoroughly tritu- rated from containing hard crystals to an almost impalpable powder. It is said to be less liable to nauseate in the form of pills, which may be made with some suitable extract or with honey, to contain 3 to 4 grains of the powder. ALTERATIVES — EililENAGOGUES. 823 Alteratives. iso. 71. — Pilulm Antimonii Composite, U. S. P. (Plummer's Pills.) Each. Take of Sulphurated antimony | grain. Mild chloride of mercury, each, one hundred and twenty grains . . . (£ij) % grain. Guaiac, in fine powder 1 grain. Molasses, each, half a troy ounce . . (^ss) 1 grain. Rub the sulphurated antimony first with the mild chloride of mercury and afterwards with the guaiac and molasses so as to form a pilular mass. To be divided into 240 pills. This is a new officinal, though long known and much employed in England, where it is known as the compound calomel pill. Sul- phurated antimony is the new name given to the precipitated sul- phuret of former Plxarmacopozia.s. Dose of the pills, from one to two twice a day, as a powerful alterative. ~No. 72. — Compound Pills of Iodide of Mercury. Each. Take of Green iodide of mercury . . . . gr. x £ gr. Kesin of guaiacum § ij 2 gr. Extract of conium 3ss 1^ gr. Triturate the resin of guaiacum into a mass with a little alcohol, then incorporate with it the extract of conium and iodide of mer- cury, and divide into twenty pills. These pills are alterative, and maybe used in scrofulous and skin diseases. Extract of sarsaparilla may be added to, or substituted for, some of the other ingredients. Ko. 73. — Alterative Powders of Calomel. Each. Take of Hydrargyri chloridi mitis .... gr. j. T V. Sacchari gr. xj \\. Misce, fiat pulvis in chartulas xij dividenda. Signa. — Take one every hour (or two hours), till the gums are touched. When there is a disposition to undue purging, from gr. ss to gr. ij of powdered opium may be added to the above quantities. "No. 74. — Pil. Hydrarg. Bichlorid. (Westminster Hospital.) One pill. Take of Corrosive sublimate .... Three grains. £ grain. Muriate of ammonium . . . Four grains. ^ grain. Crumb of bread Sufficient. Mix. Make into 24 pills. Dose one pill three times a day. Emmenagogues. ~No. 75. — Dr. Otto's Emmenagogue Pills. Take of Dried sulphate of iron gr. xlviij. Aloes, in powder gr. xij. Turpentine gr. xxx:j. Oil of turpentine gtt. x or q. s. 824 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. Make a mass, and divide into thirty pills. Dose, two, three times a day. Prescribed originally by the late Dr. J. C. Otto, and very fre- qently by the late Dr. Isaac Parrish. A similar recipe is often di- rected by Dr. Pepper, in the Pennsylvania Hospital Clinique. The cautious addition of oil of turpentine insures an adhesive and plastic mass. Numerous pills containing aloes, myrrh, and iron, given under the head of tonics and cathartics, are much used as emmenagogues. (See also Hooper's Female Pills, among the patent medicines.) Trochisci. — Lozenges. In addition to the description of this class of preparations at page 788, etc., I append the following as an example of the mode of prescribing them extemporaneously : — No. 76. — Prescription for Diaphoretic Lozenges. Each. Take of Pulv. ipecac . gr. vj | gr. Potass, citrat 3j 2^ gr. P. ext. glycyrrh 4 gr. Pulv. acacia?, aa Sjj, 9ij 4 gr. Tinct. Tolutani gtt. vj \ drop. M. — Ft. trochisci xxiv. Dose, for a child, one every two hours. The mode of dividing this mass after rolling it into a rectangular sheet may be to cut it equally into six oblong sheets, each of which may be cut into four equal parts by a spatula, the surface being dusted with powdered liquorice or sugar. Panis Laxans. Laxative Cake. This preparation, which is somewhat used abroad, has not, I be- lieve, been introduced into the United States. It is prepared by painting the under side of small biscuits with an alcoholic solution of jalap resin, 2 grains of the resin to each, and covering the sur- face with a thin layer of a mixture consisting of white of egg^ sugar, and a little tragacanth, beaten together. The dose is 2 or 3 cakes for a grown person, 1 for a child of 6 to 8 years. The substi- tution of resin of podophyllum would be an improvement, on the score of cheapness. Granules or Pellets. This species of preparation was introduced into practice by the homoeopathic practitioners, and, as applied to some powerful reme- dies, has been introduced into regular practice. Sugar granules are made by the confectioner. They are medicated by the pharma- cist as follows: The dose to be contained in each granule is first determined ; the required quantity of the medicinal substance is now dissolved in strong alcohol or ether, sufficient to moisten the requisite quantity of pellets ; these being now counted out are to be agitated with the solution in a shallow dish till it is equally divided SUPPOSITORIES. OZO among them and until the solvent has evaporated. The granules are liable to vary somewhat in the quantity of the absorbed solu- tion, and it is therefore important that the agitation be continued without intermission until no trace of moisture can be detected ; the employment of the strongest alcohol or ether is necessary, so that a larger amount of the solvent may be employed without lique- fying the sugar. Such medicines only are prepared in this way as are given in very small doses, and the vegetable alkalies and neu- tral principles are particularly adapted to it. Generally, more than one of the granules contain the full dose of the medicine. It has become customary to have them contain the one-hundredth, one- fiftieth, one-twentieth, or the one-sixteenth part of a grain of the medicinal compound. It should be borne in mind that the granules here described must not be confounded with those made by pharmacists of known and respectable standing ; the process pursued in making them is the same as that in use in making pills ; after the formation and divi- sion of the mass the granules are coated with sugar, and thus ren- dered acceptable to the palate and stomach of the most fastidious. Suppositories. These are rounded, generally elongated, masses, designed to be inserted into the rectum for the purpose of affecting the lower in- testine, or, by absorption, the system generally. !Nb. 77. — Pihdce Saponis Composites, IT. S. P. Take of Opium, in fine powder, sixty grains. Soap, in fine powder, half a tro}-ounce. Beat them together with water, so as to form a pilular mass. The foregoing and simple soap suppositories are formed by cut- ting the mass and rolling it into convenient shapes. Suppositories are also prepared from honey, by boiling down this substance till it becomes sufficiently hard to retain its shape. There are also for- mulas given in the books for several anthelmintic, anti-hemorrhoidal, astringent, emmenagogue, laxative, and vaginal suppositories, as well as for belladonna, calomel, cicuta, mercurial, and quinine sup- positories. From Gray's Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia, the following for- mula for an anthelmintic suppository, taken from the Codex Medic. Hamburg, 1845, is selected. No. 78. — Take of Aloes 3vj. Common salt 5iss. Spanish soap ^iss. Starch ^viij. Mix and make into a mass with honey, and then form into cones of the required size. ~No. 79. — Anthelmintic Suppositories. Take of Aloes, in powder ^ss. Chloride of sodium 3iij. Flour gij. , Honey Sufficient. 826 ON POWDERS, PILLS, SUPPOSITORIES, ETC. Form into a firm paste, and make into twelve suppositories. Used in the treatment of ascarides. The following syllabus exhibits the composition of the supposi- tories directed in the last edition of the U. JS. and British Pharma- copoeias. Remedy. Excipient. Suppositoria Acidi Carbolici, gr. 12, U. S. P. Oil of Theobroma, 360 gr., 12 suppositories. " " Tannici, gr. 30, " '<■ 300 gr., 12 << " " gr. 36, Ph. Br. «< tt Benzoated lard and white wax, 12 suppositories. << Aloes, gr. 60, U. S. P. <( a 300 gr., 12 suppositories. << Assafcetidse (Tr. f^j), U.S. P. " a 320gr.,12 " Belladonna (Ex. gr. 6), " " a 354 gr., 12 «( Hydrar. (Ung. gr. 60), Ph. Br. <( a Benzoated lard and white wax, 12 suppositories. «< Morphise (Mur. gr. 6), " <( a Benzoated lard and white wax, 12 suppositories. (< Morphise (Sul. gr. 6), U. S. P. it a 354 gr., 12 suppositories. <( Opii (Extr. gr. 12), " " a 348 gr., 12 <( Plumbi (Acet. gr. 36), " a a 324 gr., 12 «< Plumbi Comp., Ph. Br. / " Acet. gr. 36 \ \ Opii Pulv. gr. 1 2 J n a Benzoated lard and white wax, 12 suppositories. (< Plumbi et Opii, U. S. P. f Plumbi Acet. gr. 36 "1 \ Opii Extr. gr. 6 } << a 318 grains. The following directions are given in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia : Mix the medicinal portion with a small quantity of oil of theobroma by rubbing them together, and add the mixture to the remainder of the oil of theobroma previously melted and cooled to the tempera- ture of 95°. Then mix thoroughly without applying more heat, and immediately pour into suitable moulds having the capacity of thirty grains each. The moulds, having been previously made cold, must be kept so by immersion in iced water. All difficulty in re- moving suppositories from the moulds may be obviated by having the moulds previously dusted with lycopodium. In the absence of suitable moulds, suppositories may be formed by allowing the mix- ture, prepared as above, to cool, care being taken to keep the ingre- dients well mixed, and dividing it into parts, each of which shall weigh thirty grains, and may be made into a conical or other con- venient form for a suppository. Medicated Suppositories of Cocoa-butter. Since the recent general introduction of suppositories in Phila- delphia, attention has been increasingly turned to the use of cocoa- butter, as a vehicle for all the remedies prescribed in that form; this fat is, however, rather too soft for such use without admixture. Dorvault directs about an eighth part, by weight, of wax to be added, to impart the proper hardness. Common tallow, mixed with the same proportion of wax, serves as a cheap, though perhaps EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTIONS, MIXTURES, ETC. 827 inferior substitute. In the chapter on Dispensing, full directions are given for the preparation of these. The following proportions are used in Philadelphia, but the medicinal ingredients may be mixed and varied to any extent. Cocoa-butler alone, and combined w 'th Extract of opium J to 2 grains. tt " Acetate of morphia, \ to £ grain. tt tt Extract of belladonna £ to 1 grain. tt tt Tannic acid, 3 to 5 grains. << a Acetate of lead, 3 to 5 grains. tt <( Mousell's salt, 1 to 3 grains. tt (« Santonine, 1 to 3 grains. tt (« Sulphate of quinia, 1 to 5 grains. « tt Podophyllin, 1 to 2 grains. tt «( Mercurial ointment, 6 grains. Some pharmacists issue catalogues of suppositories with numbers affixed to each formula, by which it is designed they shall be pre- scribed ; there seems no advantage in this method to compensate for its liability to lead to confusion and mistakes. {See paper on this subject by E. Parrish and W. C. Bakes, American Journal of Pharmacy, 1861, p. 5 ; also paper by "W. C. Bakes, 1863, p. 228 ; also the chapter on the Art of Dispensing.) In the occasional instances in which it- is desirable to thrust the suppository some distance above the external orifice of the rectum, the instrument here figured may be used ; it is made of syringe- Fig. 245. Q(r=€r====g> Tube and piston for introducing suppositories. metal, or of wood. A. B. Taylor, in the American Journal of Pharmacy, vol. xxxiii. p. 202, has figured a metallic piston, called a " suppositer," adapted to introduce suppositories, having a smaller cylindrical termination at the base of the cone, such as he prepares, but it is not adapted to the ordinary shaped cones. CHAPTER IV. LIQUID PREPARATIONS, SOLUTIONS, MIXTURES, ETC. The term mixture is applied strictly to those liquids in which insoluble substances are suspended, but, in a more general sense, to all liquid medicines not included in one of the several classes of solutions, infusions, tinctures, etc. In the present chapter I shall for convenience include all extemporaneous preparations prescribed for internal use in the liquid form, endeavoring to adopt such a 828 EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTIONS, MIXTURES, ETC classification as will aid the student in acquiring a knowledge of the principles which should guide the practitioner in their compo- sition. The hints given towards the preparation of ingredients into the form of pills are generally quite reversed in the case of mixtures, which should mostly be composed of substances in part or entirely soluble, or by their lightness readily diffusible in water. In mix- tures, the use of excipients is not limited, as in the other case, by the necessity of not exceeding a certain bulk, but they may be freely added with a view of improving the composition physically, pharmaceutically, and therapeutically, and within certain pretty wide bounds, while the range of medicinal agents prescribed is enlarged by the addition of a great number of fluids, as the fixed and essential oils, ethers, solutions of ammonia, etc. There are reasons, however, which make the art of combining in the liquid much more difficult than in the solid form. In the presence of water, the great neutral solvent, the chemical affinities of various saline ingredients are fully brought into play, which, when in a dry or even a plastic condition, are without action upon each other; again, the physical difficulties to be overcome in this form of prepa- ration are greater than in the foregoing, because the variety of materials to be combined is increased. The proper suspension of fixed and essential oils, for instance, is a matter of no little skill, and the division and diffusion of various powders require judg- ment and skill attainable by a familiarity with their physical properties. There is also in the introduction of excipients and adjuvants, great scope for the exercise of ingenuity, to improve not only the flavor, but the appearance of mixtures. Next to a considerable range of practice in the composition of mixtures, I know of no better way to become familiar with the subject, than by a study of the syllabus like that here presented, together with a number of approved formulas, such as are grouped together in this chapter. MEDICINES SUITED TO LIQUID FORM. 829 Medicines suited to Liquid Form, MOST SOLUBLE SALTS, LIGHT INSOLUBLE POWDERS, EXTRACTS, GUM RESINS, FIXED AND ESSENTIAL OILS, AND ALL THE GALENICAL SOLUTIONS. FORMING ELIGIBLE SOLUTIONS WITH WATER. Alumen. Ammon. murias. Antim. et potass, tart. Barii chloridum. Calcii chloridum. " hypophosphis. Ferri sulphas. " et pot. tartras. " pyrophosphas. Manganesii sulphas. Magnesii sulphas. Potassii acetas. " bicarbonas. " carbonas. " citras. " chloras. " hypophosphis. " tartras. " bromidum. " iodidum. Morphias acetas. " murias. " sulphas. Sodii bicarbouas. " boras " carbonas. " chloridum. " hypophosphis. " sulphas. " et pot. tartras. " phosphas. Acidum citricum. " tartaricum. " tannicum. INSOLUBLE. MIXING WITH WATER, BUT NOT FORMING CLEAR SOLUTIONS. Diffused by agitation : — Magnesia. Potassii bitart. Sulphur prsecip. Pulv. cinchonas. " ipecac. Calcis phosphas. Quinias sulph. Miscible by trituration alone: — Extractum aconiti. " belladonnas. " conii. " hyoscyami. " stramonii. " taraxaci. " krameriae. " glycyrrhizae. Confectiones. Assafcetida. Ammoniacum. Guaiacum. Myi-rha. Scammonium. Suspended by the aid of viscid ezcipients : — Copaiba. 01. amygdalas. 01. riciui. 01. olivas. Olea essentia. Ferri protocarb. Best combined with a fixed oil or yelk of egg ••— Ext. Cannabis Indicas. Camphora. 01. terebinthinas. Chloroformum. REQUIRING CERTAIN AD- DITIONS TO FORM ELI- GIBLE SOLUTIONS. Quinias sulphas. Cinchenias sulphas. Quinidias sulphas. Chinoidine. Iodinium. Hydrarg. iodid. rub. Requiring viscid sub- stances, as correctives or vehicles. Ammonii carbonas. Hydrargyri chloridi corros. Plumbi acetas. Potassii cyanuretum. Potassa. BEST FORMED INTO SO- LUTION IN MAKING THE CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS. Ammonii acetas. Magnesii citras. Acid, phosphoric. Potassii arsenis. " bitartras. Arsenici et hyd. iod. Potassa. Ferri citras. " nitras. " phosphas. 830 EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTIONS, MIXTURES, ETC. For preparations adapted to use as vehicles or correctives of the unpleasant taste, and other properties, especially of saline sub- stances, see page 725. Of the most numerous class in the syllabus, those which form eligible solutions without the addition of any chemical or other excipients, it should be remarked that many are so well adapted to combinations with other medical or corrective substances as to be rarely prescribed alone. Thus, muriate of ammonia is nearly always prescribed with expectorant remedies in cough mixtures. The bicarbonate and carbonate of potassium and of sodium with prophylactics, as in hooping-cough mixtures, or with stimulants, as in ordinary carminative and antacid remedies ; acetate of potassium is much used with other diuretics. Alum and borax are best adapted to gargles and astringent washes, in which other medicines, not incompatible, may be combined. Bromide and iodide of po- tassium are instances of mineral substances, often combined with vegetable alteratives, which increase their effect and take off at the same time their very unpleasant sensible properties. In the formulas which follow, these modes of combination are illustrated as well as those of the less soluble substances displayed in the other groups of the syllabus. The part of this work devoted to pharmaceutical chemistry con- tains the mode of preparing those solutions, the medicinal ingredients of which are developed spontaneously in the process of preparation. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Incompatibles. The subject of incompatibles is, it appears to me, too much of a stumbling-block to the student. A moderate amount of chemical knowledge will serve to guard the practitioner against the use of incompatibles entirely, while the observance of a few simple rules will be sufficient to protect from glaring errors in this respect. In the list of substances incompatible with each other, as published in the older works, perhaps a majority are not likely to be ordered, on account of any fitness they have for each other in their thera- peutical relations, while it is well known that some of the most popular of prescriptions are framed with the especial design of pro- ducing precipitates, which, being diffused in the resulting liquid, aid its general effect. Authors have given too absolute a sense to the term incompatible, by giving sanction to the idea that all substances which form in- soluble precipitates are incompatible with each other. An insoluble compound is not necessarily inert, but, as experience abundantly proves, is frequently the best and most eligible form for a medicine. The reactions which occur in the organism are not to be judged of by ordinary chemical laws, as manifested in the laboratory of the chemist. The difference of action between the animal solvents under the influence of the life force, and those employed by the chemist with the mechanical means at his command, are too well known and appreciated to require extended notice. Living beings PHARMACEUTICAL INCOMPATIBLES. 831 can dissolve, appropriate, and circulate in their fluids, substances which, to ordinary agencies, are most intractable and insoluble. Corrosive sublimate, when precipitated by albumen, gluten, and casein, is presented in the most insoluble form possible, and yet this mode of combination is highly recommended by the French as being more easily endured by the stomach, while the alterative effect is both mild and certain. This mode of procedure is stated by Dorvault to be adapted to a number of mineral salts, such as lead, tin, zinc, copper, silver, platinum, and gold, all of which form, with albuminous substances, compounds insoluble in water and ordinary solvents, but soluble in the liquids of the alimentary canal, by the aid of which they are placed in condition very suitable for medicinal action. These facts are applicable to toxicology. "When, in a case of poisoning from vegetable alkalies, tannin or an astringent decoc- tion is given ; or, after the use of a poisonous dose of arsenious acid, we give hydrated peroxide of iron; or, after corrosive subli- mate, albumen; an insoluble compound is formed in each case, and yet it does not follow that these compounds are inert, but only that their immediate effects are destroyed, and their absorption dimin- ished; indeed it has been proved that, in cases of poisoning, where antidotes had been used successfully, the urine contained both the poison and antidote five or six days after they were taken. The practice of administering purgatives and emetics for the complete evacuation of poisons, even after neutralization, is founded on the fact that they are still capable of slow absorption. In connection with this subject, it may be well to mention the fact that when active metallic substances, as, for instance, the salts of mercury and of antimony, are taken for some time continuously, they seem to be deposited in the alimentary canal in an insoluble form, so that, by administering a chemical preparation which forms with them soluble salts, they sometimes display their activity to an alarming and even dangerous extent. The rationale of the use of iodide of potassium, after the long-continued use of mercurials, is, that it forms an iodide of mercury, which it dissolves and carries off through the secretions; salivation is sometimes induced, unex- pectedly, in this way. It is stated that patients, who have used antimonials, are sometimes nauseated by lemonade made from tar- taric acid, owing to the formation of tartar emetic from the undis- solved oxide of antimony. These facts are not without interest, in connection with the subject of prescribing. Considering it necessary, as a general rule, to avoid the associa- tion of substances which, by contact, may produce unknown or ill- defined compounds, or compounds different from those intended to be administered, I proceed to state briefly the most important rules relative to incompatibles: — 832 EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTION'S, MIXTURES, ETC. Conditions resulting in Chemical Incompatibility* 1. "Whenever two salts in solution can, by the exchange of their bases and acids, form a soluble and an insoluble salt, or two insolu- ble salts, the decomposition takes place — the insoluble salt is pre- cipitated, or, rarely, by combining with, the soluble salt, gives birth to a double salt. 2. If we mix solutions of two salts which cannot create a soluble and an insoluble salt, a precipitate will not be formed, though often there will be decomposition. 3. In mixing any salt and a strong acid, a decomposition is very apt to take place ; salts containing feeble acids, especially carbonic and acetic, are always decomposed by strong acids. 4. Alkalies in contact with the salts of the metals proper, or of the alkaloids, decompose them, precipitating their bases. 5. Metallic oxides, in contact with acids, combine with them and form salts the properties of which are sometimes unlike either the acid or the oxide. 6. Vegetable astringents precipitate albumen, gelatin, vegetable alkalies, and numerous metallic oxides, and with salts of iron pro- duce inky solutions. 7. Grlucosides, such as santonin and colocynthin, should not be prescribed with free acids or with emulsin. 8. The condition most favorable to chemical action is a solution of the salts in concentrated form without the intervention of viscid substances, so that when the indications require the employment of two substances which are incompatible, it is well to form a dilute solution of one of them in a mucilaginous or syrupy liquid before adding the other. In this way the decomposition may often be averted. In the table appended, some preparations are mentioned which, as a general rule, the practitioner should avoid combining with other chemical substances; they are best given in simple solution, or some of them, with the addition of the Galenical preparations, or simple saccharine or mucilaginous excipients: — Aeidum hydrocyanicum. Potassii cyanidum. " nitro-muriaticum. " bromidum. Liquor hydrarg. et arsen. iod. " iodidum. " potassii arsenitis. " permanganas. " calcis. Ferri et pot. tartras. " barii chloridi. Quinise sulphas. " calcii chloridi. Cinchonise sulphas. " iodinii compositus. Quinidise sulphas. " potassse. Morphias sulphas. " ferri citratis. " murias. " ferri nitratis. " acetas. " morphias sulphatis. " valerianas. Tinct. ferri chloridi. Zinci acetas. Tinct. iodinii. Potassii acetas. Antimonii et potassii tartras. In addition to what has been said, it seems proper to notice what will be more particularly brought into view in commenting * See all the 1st chapter on Inorganic Chemicals, page 109. EXCIPIENTS USED IN MIXTURES. 833 on the formulas which follow; the intentional use of medicines, in one sense incompatible, for the purpose of producing new and more desirable compounds. The proto-carbonate of iron is in this way produced from the sulphate and a carbonated alkali ; the acetate of ammonium by the addition of acetic acid to a solution of the car- bonate. In the same way black and yellow wash are extemporane- ously prepared by adding to lime-water, calomel and corrosive sub- limate, respectively. The association of sulphate of zinc and acetate of lead furnishes a familiar illustration of the same fact; the result- ing precipitate of sulphate of lead, occurring as an impalpable powder or magma, is favorable to the therapeutic object in view. Laudanum is quite incompatible with subacetate of lead ; but one of the most popular of lotions contains these ingredients asso- ciated, so that it is not correct to say that these substances are incompatible in a medical sense, however, in a purely chemical point of view, they may be considered so. Pharmaceutical incomp edibles are those in which a disturbance of a solution takes place in a way not considered strictly chemical. Observation has satisfied me that these are very commonly asso- ciated, both in pills and liquid preparations. If we add tincture of Tolu to an aqueous solution, the resin of the Tolu separates almost entirely as a coagulum, and collects on the side of the bottle, thus being lost as a medicinal ingredient of the preparation, besides rendering it very unsightly. The same remark applies to tincture of myrrh added to solution of astringent salts, and to other resinous tinctures prescribed in connection with aqueous liquids. On the admixture of tincture of guaiacum with the spirit of nitric ether, the resinous tincture gelatinizes into a mass, and is unfit for use. The addition of tincture of cinnamon to infusion of digitalis after filtration, as directed in the Pharmacopoeia, occasions a precipitate. List of Pharmaceutical Incompatibles. Comp. infusion of cinchona, with comp. infusion gentian. Essential oils with aqueous liquids in quantities exceeding one drop to f ^j. Fixed oils and copaiva, with aqueous liquids, except with excipients. Spirit of nitric ether with strong mucilages. Infusions generally with metallic salts. Compound infusion of gentian with infusion of wild cherry. Tinctures made with strong alcohol, with those made with weak alcohol. Tinctures made with strong alcohol, with infusions and aqueous liquids. Excipients used in Mixtures. The consideration of excipients will bring into view the best modes of overcoming some pharmaceutical incompatibilities. In the form of mixture the following liquids are used as diluents : — Water. Compound infusion of rose. The medicated waters. Emulsion of almonds. Syrups. Honey of rose. 53 834 EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTIONS, MIXTURES, ETC. As excipients or constituents in a stricter sense — Powd. acacia, | mixed Qr { T Many of the extracts, bugar, j to J Yelk of egg. Powd. tragacanth. White of egg. Confections. As flavoring agents with viscid ingredients as above — Oil of caraway. Tincture of Tolu. Oil of cinnamon. Tincture of ginger. Oil of cloves. Spirits of aniseed. Oil of gaultheria. Spirits of lemon. Oil of sassafras. Spirits of nutmeg. Oil of bitter almond, etc. Spirits of the mints. As flavoring and coloring agents with or without viscid ingre- dients — Tincture of cinnamon. Comp. tincture of gentian. Aniseed cordial. Fluid extract of vanilla. Tincture of cardamom.. Ginger syrup. Compound tincture of cardamom. Tolu syrup. Compound spirit of lavender. Curacoa cordial. Tincture of fresh orange-peel. Fruit syrups, etc. The diluents are useful by enabling us to divide the doses of an active medicine to almost any extent ; they correspond to the sugar, gum, aromatic powder, etc., prescribed for a similar purpose with powders, and with conserve of rose and other bulky additions used in pill masses. The immense utility of excipients, and flavoring agents generally, will be best illustrated by the examples which follow. The skilful employment of these adds greatly to the success of the prescriber. The necessity of limiting the assortment of prescriptions given, and the importance of including in them a considerable variety of medicinal agents, will forbid the illustration of all the numerous points in this connection, and much is necessarily left to the inge- nuity of the learner. Extemporaneous Solutions, Mixtures, etc. Astringents. No. 80. — Mistura Cretce, IT. S. P. {Chalk Mixtures, or Chalk Julep.) Take of Prepared chalk ^ss. Sugar, Powdered gum Arabic, each ^ij. Cinnamon water, Water, each f ^iv. Rub them together until they are thoroughly mixed. To this, which is a popular antacid astringent, the addition is often made of tincture of kino, or some similar vegetable astrin- gent, either with or without tincture of opium. In the absence of cinnamon water, two drops of the oil of cinnamon for each ounce of that water ordered may be added to the dry ingredients. As the mixture does not keep very well, it is a convenient plan for the physician and pharmacist to keep the powders ready mixed, and ASTRINGENTS. 835 add the water when required. Chalk mixture is given in an adult dose of a tablespoonful. No. 81.— Blue Mass and Chalk Mixture. Take of Mercurial mass, in powder ^ss. Prepared chalk 3j. Gum Arabic, in powder, Sugar, of each gss. Tincture of opium rr\,xxx. Aromatic syrup of rhubarb f 5J, f^vj. Triturate into a uniform mixture. Dose, f5j to stimulate the secretion of bile and check diarrhoea. Tincture of kino or other astringents maybe added. It should be shaken before being administered. No. 82. — Carbonate of Bismuth Mixture. Take of Carbonate of bismuth . . . ^ij. Cinnamon water, Syrup of gum Arabic, each fgij. Mix them. Dose, a teaspoonful in cholera infantum, or for an adult foss. No. 83. — Parrish's Camphor Mixture. (Dr. Parrish, Sen.) Take of Aqua? camphors f .^iij. Spirit. Lavandulae compos f % j. Sacchari 3j. Misce. Give a tablespoonful every two hours in diarrhoea and cholera morbus, adding ten drops of laudanum where there is much pain. This preparation, which was originally prescribed in 1832, has been found so generally useful and safe that it has become a stan- dard remedy, and is prepared and sold by all druggists in Phila- delphia, and prescribed extensively throughout the United States. !N*o. 84. — Hope's Camphor Mixture. Take of Aqua? camphorse f 5iv. Acidi nitrosi rr\xxx. Tincturse opii "n\xx. Misce. Dose, a tablespoonful every two hours in diarrhoea and dysentery. This formula was originally made public, after twenty-six years' experience of its use in dysentery, by Thomas Hope, Esq., surgeon, Chatham, in the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, January, 1824. Dr. Hope was in the habit of directing nitrous acid, not nitric, which he says he has "not found to produce any good effect." I have been careful to follow his formula literally, and have for the purpose prepared nitrous acid by the process given on p. 155 ; though nitrous readily passes into nitric acid by contact with water, this reaction does not occur in presence of an excess of nitric acid. Few remedies have a more general and wide-spread reputation than this; it is now frequently prescribed, more than sixty years after its virtues were originally discovered. 836 extemporaneous solutions, mixtures, etc. Tonics. "No. 85. — Fever and Ague Mixture. Take of Powdered red bark giij. Confection of opium, Lemon-juice, each ^iss. Port wine f Siij. Mix by trituration in a mortar. Dose, three tablespoonfuls morning, noon, and night, the day the fever is off. Some recipes direct powdered serpentaria, 9j, in addition to the above. Though not an elegant, this is a most efficient and valuable com- bination. No. 86. — Solution of Acetate of Chinoidine. Take of Chinoidine * . . . £j. Acetic acid f ij. Water f^xxix. Make a solution. Each fluidrachm contains about two grains of chinoidine, and serves as a dose. This is a cheap form of cinchona preparation, used with success in the Moyamensing Dispensary, Philadelphia. No. S7.—3fistura Ferri Composita, U. S. P. (Griffith's Myrrh Mixture.) Take of Myrrh, Sugar, of each 3j. Carbonate of potassium gr. xxv. Triturate together into a fine milky mixture with — Rose water f gviiss. Then add — Spirit of lavender (simple) f 3SS. Sulphate of iron, in coarse powder Bj. Pour the mixture immediately into a bottle, which must be well stopped. Dose, a tablespoonful, as a tonic in phthisis, and in anaemic cases generally. The strict phraseology of the Pharmacopoeia has been departed from above in the hope of rendering the pharmaceutical points in the preparation more clear. The sulphate of iron and carbonate of potassium here used form by double decomposition sulphate of potassium and protocarbonate of iron, which latter floats in the milky mixture of myrrh and sugar, giving it a green color. This is in very small proportion, so that in each flss dose, there is not more than gr. ss. This preparation is, however, a very useful and elegant one. (See PiL Ferri Carbonatis and Pil. Ferri Composita.) tonics. 887 No. 88. — A good Preparation of Iron and Cinchona. (Substitute for Tinctura Cincbonae Ferrata. — See p. 621.) Take of Tinct. cinchona? comp f 5iv. Ferri citratis 3j. Acidi citrici gr. xv. Triturate the citric acid and citrate of iron together, and dissolve in the tincture of cinchona and quassia. Liq. ferri citratis f 3\j (see p. 233) may be used as a substitute for the rather insoluble dry salt. The dose is a teaspoonful, containing two grains of citrate of iron. The citric acid breaks up any tannate of iron as soon as formed, and although there is a liability to considerable precipitate of cin- chonic red, and. probably of the alkaloids, but very little iron is thrown down. No. 89. — A Concentrated Solution of Quinia and Iron. Take of Quinia? sulphatis 5j. Tr. ferri ckloridi f 3iiss. Ft. solutio. One grain of sulphate of quinia is contained in every 7J minims (about 15 drops) of the solution, which is an appropriate dose ; it may be made with three times the proportion of quinia salt. To prescribe it in a more diluted form, add water fsij, and syrup of orange-peel (or other suitable flavor) f3iij- The dose will then be a teaspoonful, equivalent to 1 gr. of the quinia salt. Dr. Gilbert, of Philadelphia, informs me that he finds this a very useful remedy in cases of carbuncle, accompanied by an atonic con- dition and erysipelatous tendencies. No. 90. — A Bitter Tonic for Dyspepsia. Take of Tinct. cinchona? comp f ^iv. Tinctura? nucis vomica? f 3j. Misce. A teaspoonful three times a day in a little sugar and water. This is one of the best combinations of its kind, though its effect should be carefully watched and its use omitted when symptoms of muscular contraction appear. No. 91. — A Tonic Cholagogue. Take of Quinia? sulphatis 3ij. Extracti leptandra? 3j. Tinctura stillingia? f Jiv. Extracti podophylli ^iij. Olei sassafras, Olei gaultheria?, aa gtt. x. Theriaci q. s. ut ft. f ^viij. Misce. Dose, a teaspoonful three times a day. This formula, by Dr. Mayes, of South Carolina, is said nearly to represent the celebrated Osgood's Cholagogue so extensively used in the Valley of the Mississippi and elsewhere. 4 838 EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTIONS, MIXTURES, ETC. No. 92. — Mixture of Quinia, for children. Take of Quinise sulphatis, pulv gss. Acacise pulveris ^ss. Syrupi zingiberis f^iv. Ft. mistura. Sig. — A teaspoonful, containing a grain of the quinia salt, three times a day. The method of prescribing sulphate of quinia dissolved by the aid of aromatic sulphuric acid, develops its taste to the utmost, while, on the contrary, by suspending it in a very viscid liquid as above, the contact with the organs of taste is less perfect, and if followed immediately by a cracker or piece of bread the bitterness is not inconveniently experienced. When not contraindicated a few grains of tannic acid may be added to obtund the bitterness. Arterial and Nervous Stimulants. No. 93. — Carbonate of Ammonium Mixture. Each dose contains. Take of Carbonate of ammonium gr. x. Powdered gum Arabic gr. x. Sugar, each giss gr. x. Comp. spirit of ether Tt\xv. Comp. tinct. of cardam., each . . . f^ij n\,xv. Water fo n J ss - Make a mixture. Dose, a tablespoonful every two or three hours. A stimulant in low conditions, as in the last stages of disease. No. 94. — Oil of Turpentine Mixture. Take of Olei terebinthinse ^ f ^iij. Olei olivse . * f 3v. Pulv. acacise, Sacchari, aa . . . . , 3ij„ Tincturse opii n(L. Aquas cinnamomi f ^vss. Mix the oil of turpentine with the olive oil, and triturate these with the gum and sugar, previously incorporated with a little cin- namon water, then dilute with the remainder of the cinnamon water, add the laudanum, and shake the vial till they are well mixed. Oil of turpentine does not readily form an emulsion with gum and sugar unless mixed with some fixed oil, though the yelk of an egg may be successfully substituted for all other excipients, Dose of the above mixture f 3j (a teaspoonful) containing ffiiv of the oil of turpentine and nij of laudanum. No. 95.— Mistura Assafoetida?, U. S. P. (Milk of Assafoetida.) Take of Assafoetida gij. Water Oss. Rub the assafoetida with the water gradually added until they are thoroughly mixed. ARTERIAL AND NERVOUS STIMULANTS. 839 A good extemporaneous way to prepare this very popular anti- spasmodic, is to form a wine of assafcetida, as directed by Henry N. Ritteuhouse, by triturating ^ss of the gum resin with f5x wine. The gum resin should be carefully selected, so as not to require straining; this wine will keep, and is converted into the mixture by adding to water in the proportion of 5j (by weight) to each f5j. James T. Shinn, of this city, proposes the following mode of pre- paration, which, while it keeps well,; enables the practitioner to double the strength of the mixture if desired, or by dilution to fur- nish it of the officinal strength. Take of xissafcetida ^ss. Diluted acetic acid f^ij. Water f|iv. Sugar . . . . £iv. Triturate together into a mixture. To make milk of assafcetida dilute with an equal portion of water. Milk of assafoetida is much prescribed and extensively used as a domestic remedy. Dose, from f 5j to f 5ss. !N*o. 96. — Chloroform Mixture, without Camphor. Take of Chloroform, Fixed oil of almonds, of each 2 fluidrachms. Powdered gum Arabic, Sugar, of each 2 drachms. Orange-flower water 1 fluidounce. Water 2£ fluidounces. Make a mucilage with the gum Arabic and sugar and about half a fluidounce of the water, then add the chloroform and almond oil, previously mixed together, triturate into a uniform milky liquid, and gradually dilute with the remainder of the water and the orange-flower water. Dose, a, teaspoonful, containing about ien drops of chloroform. The liability of chloroform to separate from mucilaginous excipients is, in this case, obviated by combining it with almond oil, which may be replaced by good olive oil, and furnishes an excellent mix- ture. (See Elixir Chloroformi, page 634.) Syrupus amygdalae furnishes one. of the best vehicles for the ad- ministration of chloroform ; f 3j of chloroform and 1'5 v or f 3vij of syrup when shaken together form an excellent mixture. !No. 97. — Mistura Chloroformi, U. S. P. (with Camphor). Take of Purified chloroform, half a troyounce. Camphor, sixty grains. The yelk of one egg. Water, six fluidounces. Rub the yelk in a mortar first by itself, then with the camphor, previously dissolved in the chloroform, and lastly, with the water, gradually added, so as to make a uniform mixture. This new officinal preparation contains about ten minims of chloroform and four grains of camphor to each tablespoonful, which would be the maximum dose.. 840 EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTION'S, MIXTURES, ETC. No. 98. — An Anodyne Mixture. (Dr. Jos. Parrish, Sen.) Take of Spt. setheris comp., Spt. lavandulse comp., aa fgj. Spt. ammonise aromat gtt. xl. Liq. morphiae sulphatis f jfj. Aquse f|iij. Sacchari ^ij. Misce. Sig.—A small teaspoonful every hour until relieved. This old recipe possesses unusual interest, from having been pre- scribed for a gentleman in Philadelphia who had it renewed at one establishment, at intervals, for nearly 30 years. No. 99. — Mixture of Cannabis Indica. Take of Ext. cannabis Ind gr. xvj. Olei olivse f^j. Ft. solutio et cum — Acacias pulv., Sacchari, aa gss. Aquae cinnamomi fsij« Misce, secundum artem. Dose, a teaspoonful, representing one grain of the extract. Narcotics and Nervous Sedatives. No. 100. — Liquor Morphice Sulphatis,~U. S. P. Reduced. Take of Sulphate of morphia gr. viij gr. j. Distilled water Oss f Jj. Dissolve the morphia in the distilled water. This is an illustration of the most convenient method of giving small doses of soluble substances ; here the proportions are so adjusted, that each teaspoonful shall represent J gr. of morphia, which is a rather small dose. A favorite prescription for after-pains in obstetric practice is a solution of sulphate of morphia in camphor water, in the same pro- portion as the above. Dose, the same. Arterial and Nervous Sedatives. No. 101. — A Sedative, Diajihoretic Combination. Each f2j. Take of Yini antimonii n\,viij. Spt. setheris nit., aa f^ss ffiviij. Tinct. digitalis f3j ># ""lij. Syr. acidi citrici f 5iij. Misce. Sig. — Take a teaspoonful every three or four hours. CATHARTICS. 811 No. 102. — Remedy in Pulmonary and Catarrhal Diseases, etc., unattended by Fever. Take of Acidi hyclrocyanici gtt. xl. Yini antimonii fgss. Syrupi tolutani f^iss. Mucil. acacise f5ij- M., fiat mistura, capiat cochl. parvum ter quarterve die. This, with several similar combinations of hydroc} T anic acid, is highly recommended by Dr. Horace Green, and published by him among his selections from favorite prescriptions collected from dis- tinguished American physicians, in a scrap-book kept for the pur- pose. Rendered much more dilute, this is recommended as one of the best of remedies for hooping-cough. No. 103. — Creasote Mixture. Take of Creasote gtt. xvj. Powdered gum Arabic 3j. Sugar gss. Water f^ij. Triturate the creasote with the gum and sugar, then gradually add the water and triturate to a uniform mixture. Dose, a teaspoonful, containing one 'drop of creasote, used in bronchitis, phthisis, etc., and to check vomiting. Creasote is soluble in water to the extent of ^lv to f^j,and for external use is best made into a suitable solution by shaking up with water. No. 104.— Aqua Creasoti,TJ. S. P. Take of Creasote, a fluidrachm. Distilled water, a pint. Mix them, and agitate the mixture until the creasote is dissolved. Cathartics. No. 105.— Castor Oil Mixture. Take of Gum Arabic, in powder, Sugar, of each ^iij. Oil of mint gtt. iv. Triturate into a uniform powder, and add water f 5yj, or suffi- cient to bring the mucilage to the consistence of castor oil, then add, by degrees, castor oil, f^j, continuing the trituration till it combines into a perfect emulsion, with a uniform milky appear- ance ; should this fail to appear, add a little more water, or, if the mucilage is evidently too dilute, a little more gum, care being taken to produce the uniform milkiness. Dilute this by adding water sufficient to make f^iv. This will make a perfect castor oil emulsion. If oil of turpentine is to be incorporated with it, let it be added to the mixed gum and sugar, before introducing the water and oil, or let it be first per- fectly mixed with the castor oil. If laudanum, or some carmina- tive and coloring adjuvant is desirable, it may be added at the 842 EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTIONS, MIXTURES, ETC. time of bottling. In no case should the oil be introduced into the bottle until combined with the other ingredients, as a portion will then adhere to the sides, and be imperfectly incorporated with the gum. Each tablespoonful of this mixture contains f3j of oil, and may be given every hour till the desired effect is produced. Several demulcent mixtures — as those of olive oil, almond oil, etc. — may be made upon this model. Copaiva mixture, introduced among the diuretics, may have a similar composition. The pro- portion of gum and sugar to the oily ingredient (5iij each, to f~j) should be remembered, as it applies equally to the other cases named. ISTo. 106. — Extemporaneous Cream of Tartar Draught. Take of Tartaric acid £ix. Water f3vj. Make a solution and label No. 1. Bicafb. potassium 3vj. Water f^vj. Make solution, and label No. 2. Mix from one to two tablespoonfuls of No. 1 with the same quantity of !N"o. 2, and drink immediately. In this way, the bitartrate of potassium is obtained in solution, although, if allowed to stand a few minutes, the liquid will deposit the salt in a white crystalline powder. !No. 107. — A Charcoal and Blue Mass Mixture. Take of Carbo ligni 3j. Sodii bicarb ' gss. Mass. pil. hydrarg gr. viij. Syrupi rhei aromat f |jij. Aquae fjij. Triturate together into a uniform mixture. Dose, a tablespoonful. This was furnished by Dr. John D. G-riscom, who finds it to meet a very common indication in general practice. No. 108. — A Magnesia Mixture for Children. Take of Magnesia (Husband's) 3j. Powd. gum Arabic 3ss. Triturate together, and add Aromat. syrup of rhubarb f 6 n J« Fennel water fjjiss. A teaspoonful is an appropriate dose. To this mixture may be added, gr. xv of mercurial mass, which should be triturated with the powder, and, if required, the addition of say niviij of laudanum, or f $j of paregoric. The precaution of shaking up before administering should not be overlooked. refrigerants and antacids. 843 Refrigerants and Antacids. No. 109. — Mistura Potassii Citratis. {Liquor Potasses Citratis, U. S. P. 1850. Neutral Mixture, or Saline Draught) Take of Lemon juice, fresh Oss. Bicarbonate of potassium q. s. Add the bicarbonate gradually to the lemon-juice till the acid is completely saturated, then strain through muslin. No. 110.— Liquor Potassce Citratis, IT. S. P. 1860. Take of Citric acid 3ss. Bicarbonate of potassium 3vss. "Water Oss. Dissolve the acid and bicarbonate in the water, and strain the solution through muslin. In preparing Mistura potassii citratis, the use of fresh lemons is indispensable, and it is to provide for the occasional scarcity of these that the officinal Liquor potassii citratis is prescribed. Oil of lemon, which was formerly directed in this preparation, is now omitted, and this and sugar, when considered desirable, should be prescribed with the solution. Care must be taken in adding the bicarbonate to use a glass rod, porcelain spatula, silver spoon, or similar utensil, which will not corrode or impart a metallic taste to the preparation. It will also facilitate the operation of satu- rating the acid to triturate the crystals of bicarbonate in a dry mortar into a powder before adding it, little by little, to the liquid. The delay of filtering through paper may be very much obviated by using a tine muslin strainer, or by plugging the base of a glass funnel with some cotton, and pouring the liquid through it into the con- taining vial; it is an object to conduct this operation quickly, so as to retain and bottle up, as much as possible, the carbonic acid gas liberated in the reaction. In making the solution both citric acid and the bicarbonate are directed to be weighed beforehand, and then the whole amount being added there will be no doubt as to the exact saturation of the acid: this is not practicable in the lemon-juice process, as there is no certainty as to its strength. In saturating lemon-juice it is well to cease adding the bicarbonate before it becomes perfectly satu- rated, or rather to err on the side of acidity than that of alkalinity. A slight excess of alkali may render the mixture quite disagreeable, while, on the other hand, the excess of acid should be extremely small. This subject may be concluded by presenting the following additional formulas for similar preparations: — Reduced. No. 111. — Take of Citrate of potassium . . gvj ^iij. Water Oss fjiv. Sugar gss gr. xv. Oil of lemon tt\j gtt. j. Make a solution. Here there is no effervescence, and, consequently, no carbonic acid in the solution. In other respects it is the best recipe, because so 844 EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTIONS, MIXTURES, ETC. readily made. The sugar may be omitted or not, at pleasure, but seems to me to improve it. The substitution of carbonic acid water for common water is an improvement in making this pre- paration. The following recipe is that of my friend, Ambrose Smith : — No. 112. — To make Effervescing Neutral Mixture Extemporaneously. Reduced. Take of Bicarbonate of potassium . . . . ^iij ^vj. Citric acid |ij, giij ^ss, Bij, gr. v. Sugar ■ . giss giij. Oil of lemon gtt. xvj wuv. Mix thoroughly and reduce to a uniform powder, and keep in a well-stopped bottle. To make neutral mixture, dissolve 3vj, 9j in Oss water (3iij, gr. x to f^iv); this proportion, however, is some- what less than the strength of the lemon-juice saturated with bicarbonate of potassium, and is considered an improvement, in view of the free and constant use of the preparation. No. 113. — Effervescing Draught. Take of Bicarbonate of potassium gij, ^ij. Water f^iv. Make a solution. Directions. — Take a tablespoonful of lemon-juice diluted with a tablespoonful of water, and add to it in a tumbler a tablespoonful of this solution, then drink immediately. No. 114. — Effervescing Draught without Lemon-juice. Take of Bicarbonate of potassium ^ij, 9ij. Sugar 3j. Water fsiv. Make a solution and label No. 1, the alkaline solution. Take of Citric acid £ij. Oil of lemon ny. j. Water f Jiv. Make a solution and label No. 2, the acid solution. Directions. — To a tablespoonful of No. 1, add a tablespoonful of water, and to the mixture, in a clean tumbler, add a tablespoonful of No. 2 ; drink immediately. No. 115. — Effervescing Fever Powders. Take of Citric acid, dried and powdered £v. Divide into twelve parts, wrapped in white writing paper. Take of Bicarbonate of potassium, dried and powdered . 3viss. Divide into twelve parts, wrapped in blue paper. Inclose these white and blue powders alternately in a tin box. In drying the bicarbonate the temperature should never rise above 120° F. ANTACIDS. 845 Directions. — Dissolve the contents of a white paper in a tumbler, one- third full of cold water, then stir in the contents of a blue paper, and drink immediately. A dose is usually given every two or three hours duriug the prevalence of the fever. The various forms of citrate of potassium, which are now described, constitute favorite remedies in fever; sometimes spirit of nitric ether, tartar emetic, tincture of digitalis, tincture of veratrum viride, or'other remedies are added to them. The effervescing draught is said to be the best way to give altera- tive or sedative doses of tartar emetic when the stomach is irritable. No. 116. — Liquid Substitute for Dover's Powder. Take of Yin. ipecac Tr\,xvj. Tinct. opii TTl^iij. Spirit, setheris nit f3j. Misce. Sig. — Take at one dose diluted with water at going to bed. Antacids. No. 117. — A Mild Antacid for Young Infants. (Soda Hint.) Take of Sodii bicarb gss. Aquse mentlise f giv. Ft. solutio. Prescribed by Dr. Meigs and others. Dose, a teasjooonful, as an innocent substitute for the numerous carminatives. No. 118. — Aromatic and Antacid Corrective of Indigestion. Take of Sodii bicarbonatis 9iv. Infus. gentianae coinp f 3iiss. Aqiue menthse pip f* 5 iij . Tinct. cardainomi comp f 3ss. Misce. Dose, a tablespoonful as required. The above makes a handsome preparation ; it was furnished me by my friend Dr. J. J. Levick. No. 119. — Carbonated Soda Powders. For making a draught of soda water extemporaneously. Take of Bicarbonate of sodium . gr. xxiij. Fold in a blue paper. Tartaric acid .... gr. xx. Fold in a white paper. Directions for use. — Dissolve the powders contained in the white and blue papers in separate tumblers, each nearly half full of water, then mix their contents and drink immediately. A little syrup may be added to one or both of the glasses before mixing. These are usually put into boxes containing twelve of each kind of powders. (See Seidlitz Powders, p. 552.) 84G EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTIONS, MIXTURES, ETC. Yeast Powders. A substitute for yeast in making batter cakes, having the ad- vantage of making the batter perfectly light and ready for baking without delay, and greatly diminishing the liability to become sour. Many dyspeptics, who cannot tolerate fresh light cakes when made with yeast, can eat them with impunity when raised in this way. Fold in a blue paper, Bicarbonate of sodium 120 grs. Fold in a white paper, Tartaric acid 100 grs. Directions for use. — Put the contents of a white and blue paper into separate teacups filled with water, and stir until perfectly dis- solved. Mix a sufficient quantity of batter for six or eight persons a little thicker than usual, to allow for the liquid in which the powders are dissolved ; and when ready for baking stir in well the contents of one teacup, then add the other and stir it well, and commence baking immediately. A more economical way, and sufficiently accurate in view of the harmlessness of the ingredients, is to keep supplies of the bicarbonate of sodium and tartaric acid in separate bottles, which will insure their perfect dryness, and then when wanted for use take a small teaspoonful of each, and dissolve as above. The equivalent weights of these ingredients have very nearly the same bulk. If bitartrate of potassium is substituted for tartaric acid, it must be used in about twice the quantity, and being insoluble, must be suspended in water and thoroughly stirred in. Demulcents and Diuretics. !No. 120. — Mistura Amygdaloe, U. S. P. {Emulsion of Almonds.) Take of Sweet almonds, half a troy ounce t ^ss. Gum Arabic, in fine powder, thirty grains . . . ^ss. Sugar, one hundred and twenty grains . . . . gij. Distilled water, eight fluidounces f Jviij. Having blanched the almond, beat it with the gum Arabic and sugar, in a mortar, until they are thoroughly mixed, then rub the mixture with distilled water, gradually added, and strain. The almonds may be conveniently blanched by soaking them in warm water until the skin is softened, and then separating the kernels by rubbing them between two cloths or pressing each be- tween the thumb and forefinger. This elegant emulsion is often varied by the use of one-fourth the quantity of bitter almonds. By diluting the officinal syrup of almonds a* substitute is obtained. It is a very bland and nutritious demulcent, taken ad libitum or used as a vehicle for other medicines. As a demulcent nutrient in pul- monary consumption, it has been found a useful domestic remedy. No. 121. — Emulsion of Fluid Extract of Cubebs. Take of Oleoresin of cubebs 120 drops. Yelk of egg one. Sugar, powdered 2 drachms. Mint water sufficient to make three fluidounces. TARAXACUM MIXTURES. 847 Triturate the fluid extract with the powdered sugar and yelk of egg, and then dilute with the water. Direct a teaspoonful four times a day. This may be made by substituting 3ij powdered gum Arabic and 3j sugar for the yelk of egg. It is a fine stimulant to the mucous surfaces, adapted to catarrhs, etc., as well as to urinary diseases. The dose is ±"3j, containing gtt. v. of the oleoresin of cubebs. Taraxacum Mixtures. These useful cholagogue and laxative preparations may be made by the addition of fluid extract of taraxacum to any other ingre- dients desirable to incorporate with it, either for the purpose of increasing its action on the bowels, on the liver, or on the kidneys, as the case may require. The solid extract is also adapted to being incorporated in mixtures by trituration with about four times its weight of water. No. 122. — Alkaline Copcriva Mixture. Take of Copaiba?, Liq. potassae, aa f^ij. Fulv. acacia?, Pulv. sacchari, aa gij. Aq. nienth. virid. . . . q. s. ut fiat f^iv. Mix the copaiva and solution of potassa, add the water, and tri- turate with the gum and sugar. In this prescription, which is prescribed by my friend, Dr. Wil- liam Hunt, the copaiva is combined into a soap with the alkali, and would be perfectly suspended without the aid of gum and sugar, which are added to obtund the acrid taste. Of coarse, oil of cubebs, tincture of opium, and other adjuvants, may be added if required. The usual method of suspending copaiva is similar to that given in Prescription No. 105. The dose is a tablespoonful, containing *n,xv of copaiva. No. 123. — Extemporaneous Solution of Acetate of Potassium. Take of Acetic acid f^vj. Water f.Siij- Bicarb, potassium ^iijss, or sufficient to form a neutral solution. This is designed to obviate the necessity of weighing the very deliquescent acetate of potassium, and will contain, to each f3j, about ten grains of the salt, which is an appropriate dose. The admixture of fluid extract of taraxacum, or of buchu, or of spirit of nitric ether, or comp. spirit of juniper, will be appropriate in cer- tain cases. No. 124. — Benzoa.ted Alkaline Mixture. Take of Potassii bicarbonat giij. Acid, benzoic sjj. Aquee fgv. Syr. aurant f^j. Mi see. 848 EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTIONS, MIXTURES, ETC. Sig. — One tablespoonful three times a day, after meals. Pre- scribed by Dr. Ellwood Wilson in torpid conditions of the kidneys and albuminuria. No. 125. — Scudamore's Mixture for Gout. Take of Sulphate of magnesium gj. Mint water f^x. Vinegar of colchicum fgj. Syrup of saffron f^j. Magnesia SU? By. Mix. Dose, one to three tablespoonfuls every two hours till four to six evacuations are procured in the twenty-four hours. This recipe is often varied by the substitution of a less propor- tion of the wine of colchicum for the vinegar, the omission of the syrup of saffron, etc. The above is, I believe, the original prescrip- tion. No. 126. — De-wees' Colchicum Mixture. Take of Wine of colchicum seed gtt. xxx. Denarcotized laudanum gtt. xxv. Sugar gr. xxx. Water Mix. To be taken at night in one draft. No. 127. — Dr. Atlee's Prescription for Neuralgic and Rheumatic Symptoms. Take of Ethereal tincture of guaiacum f Jj. Ethereal tincture of colchicum f gvj. Ethereal tincture of cannabis Ind f gij. Mix. Dose, twenty-five to thirty drops every four hours, on sugar. Expectorants, etc. No. 128. — Mistura Ammoniaci, TJ. S. P. (Lac Ammoniac.) Take of Ammoniac 3\1- Water Oss. Rub the ammoniac with the water, gradually added, until they are thoroughly mixed. Dose, a tablespoonful as a stimulating expectorant. • ' No. 129. — Mistura Glycyrrhizm Composita, TJ. S. P. (Brown Mixture.) Reduced. Take of Liquorice, in fine powder, Gum Arabic, in fine powder, Sugar, in coarse powder, each . . . 3ss fi Camph. tincture of opium . . • • m f!fsS. Wine of antimony . . m fSij. Spirit of nitrous ether . . . . . f.^ss f J$:.. Water . . fgxij f£nj EXPECTORANTS, ETC. 849 Rub the liquorice, gum Arabic, and sugar with the water gra- dually added ; then add the other ingredients, and mix the whole together. The dose of this very popular cough medicine is a tablespoonful, or for children f 3j. No. 130. — A Coryza Mixture of Cubebs, etc. Take of Oleoresiu of cubeb f 5j. Sulphate of morphia gr. iss. Syrup of senega, Syrup of wild-cherry, of each f 51J. Mix. Dose, a teaspoonful occasionally. Cubeb, by its excellent effects upon the mucous surfaces, is well adapted to the treatment of chronic coughs, coryza, and sore throat. No. 131. — A Balsamic Expectorant Mixture. Take of Syrupi tolutani, Syrupi ipecacuanha, aa f §j. Pulv. acacise 3j. Tinct. opii camph., Tinct. lobelise, aa f^iij- Aquae fgj. Triturate the gum and water together, and add the other ingre- dients in the vial. Dose, a teaspoonful. This was furnished by Dr. S. W. Butler, of Philadelphia Hospital, Blockley, who has prescribed it with satisfaction. No. 132.— Tolu Cough Mixture. Take of Syr. scillre f 3j. Fulv. acacise, Sacchari, aa . giij. Ama3 f,$vj. Tiuct. tolutanse f 5ij. Misce secundum artem. Dose, f 5j. No. 133. — Mixture of Acetone, Tar, etc. Take of Acetone f 5j. Camph. tinct. of opium, Antimonial wine, of each f^j. "Wine of tar (Jew's beer) f 5ij. Mix. Dose, a teaspoonful. Prescribed in asthma by Dr. Washington L. Atlee. No. 134. — Spermaceti Mixture. Take of Spermaceti gij. Olive oil f^j. Powd. gum Arabic gss. Water fgiv. Triturate the spermaceti with the oil, until reduced to a paste, then add the gum, and lastly the water gradually. Dose, f3j. 54 850 EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTION'S, MIXTURES, ETC. No. 135. — Cochineal Hooping-Cough Mixture, Take of Carbonate of potassium 9j« Powdered cochineal £)ss. Sugar . 5j, Water f^iv. Make a mixture. Dose for children, f3j, every two or three hours. An old and very popular remedy. No. 136. — For Hooping-Cough. (By Golding Bird.) Take of Aluminis gr. xxiv. Ext. conii gr. xij. Aq. anethi (vel foeniculi) f^iij- Syrupi papaveris f ^ij. — M. Sig. — For an adult, a dessertspoonful every six hours. The use of simple tincture of belladonna in doses of from 1 to 5 drops, three times a day, is useful in most cases of hooping-cough. Fixed Oils. The taste of fixed oils may he best destroyed hy adding a few drops of oil of bitter almonds to a pint of the oil, though this will not remove rancidity, which when present is the greatest obstacle to their being acceptable. The mode of administering the fixed oils may here claim atten- tion ; by observing to prevent their contact with the mouth in swallowing, the chief objection to them is obviated. This may be variously accomplished by enveloping them in the froth of fer- mented liquors, or by pouring them into a glass partially filled with iced water, or an aromatized water, so that no portion of the oil shall touch or adhere to the sides of the glass. When carbonic acid water is convenient, it furnishes, with sarsaparilla syrup, one of the best vehicles for castor or cod-liver oil ; there should be but little w^ater drawn, but it should be thrown up as much as possible into froth. There is no doubt that oil mixtures, though less conveniently taken, are more rapid and more active in their effects than the oils themselves, and the following, with the castor oil and copaiva mix- tures, Nos. 105 and 122, will illustrate their best modes of preparation. No. 137. — Mixture of Cod-liver Oil. Take of Cod-liver oil, six fluidounces. Lime-water, nine fluidounces. To the lime-water, in a pint bottle, add the oil, and shake them; flavoring ingredients may be added at pleasure. No. 138. — Mistura Olei Morrhuce Amara. (St. Mary's Hospital.) To one ounce. Take of Cod-liver oil f&j. 1 drachm. Powdered gum Arabic ^ij, Bij 1 scruple. Spirit of peppermint f^j 5 minims. Infusion of quassia favij 7 drachms. ALTERATIVES — ANTHELMINTICS. 851 Make an emulsion as directed in the case of castor oil mixture, p. 841 ; dilute, and add the other ingredients. No. 139. — Mistura Olei Amygdala. (London Consumption Hospital.) In one ounce. Take of Oil of almonds f gj 1 drachm. Solution of potassa ~n\ xl 5 minims. Water f ^vij 7 drachms. Combine the alkaline solution with the oil, and dilute. Olive oil may be substituted in this formula, and neat's foot oil with a slight increase in the proportion of solution of potassa. A medicated water, as mint or bitter-almond water, may be used, in part or entirely superseding water. No. 140. — Mistura Olei Cocos Nucis. (London Consumption Hospital.) Reduced. Take of Cocoanut oil ]§j, £vj 100 grains. Spirit of ammonia f ^iij 20 minim. Water f^vj 6 drachms. Mix. Alteratives. Alterative preparations are often made by the addition of the various iodine, mercurial, and other alterative salts, to the Galeni- cal preparations of sarsaparilla, conium, etc. As a general rule, these salts are incompatible with each other ; those which are insoluble are conveniently prescribed with iodide of potassium, which is, in fact, one of their natural associated solvents. {See Syrups.) ~No. 141. — Cod-liver Oil and Red Iodide of Mercury. Take of Red iodide of mercury gr. viij. Cod-liver oil Oj. Triturate together. This forms a clear solution, and each tablespoonful dose contains J gr. of the red iodide of mercury ; it is a combination occasionally indicated. Iodine itself is sometimes given in the oil, and from \ to J- gr. to f^j makes a good addition in certain cases. Anthelmintics. No. 142. — Anthelmintic Syrup.* Take of Syrup of rhubarb f.?iv. Fluid extract of senna f ^ij. Oil of chenopodium f 3ij. Mix them. Dose, a teaspoonful three times a day. * See also Prescription No. 94, Oil Turpentine. 852 "So. 143. — Emulsion of Pumpkin Seeds. Take of Pumpkin-seeds, fresh oviij. Sugar ^ij. Gum Arabic, in powder ^ss. Water Oj. Blanch the seeds, beat them into a mass with the sugar, then add the gum Arabic, and gradually the water. Dose, a pint in the course of the day, for tapeworm. The use of the seeds of Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin) in tapeworm originated in the United States. I believe the first account of their properties was published by Dr. Jones, of Boston ; their use has now extended to Europe and to Algeria, where they have been recently reported on favorably by M. Tarneau, a military surgeon. The form of electuary is perhaps better than the emulsion pre- scribed above. It is directed to be made by depriving ten drachms of the seed of their husks, pounding them in a mortar with suffi- cient sugar into a paste, and adding to this a small cup of milk ; to be taken at one dose, following with a dose of castor oil in two hours. Jellies. Jellies made of fixed oils have the advantage of diminishing the adhesion of these to the mouth, which is their most disagreeable property. Cod-liver oil and castor-oil jellies, as patented by Queru, of New York, enjoy a large sale, and are much prescribed by phy- sicians. Without interfering with this patent, the physician may prescribe jellies of any of the fixed oils or of copaiva by the following recipe, contrived with the aid of my colleague, ¥m. C. Bakes: — Take of The fixed oil, an ounce. Honey and syrup, of each, half a fluidounce. Powd. gum Arabic, two drachms. Russian isinglass, forty grains. Orange-flower water, six fluidrachms. Dissolve the isinglass, by the aid of heat, in half an ounce of the orange-flower water, replacing the water as it evaporates, triturate "the other ingredients with the remainder of the orange-flower water into a homogeneous mass, in a warmed mortar, then form an emul- sion by adding the solution of isinglass, stir as it cools, and set aside to gelatinize. The orange-flower water may soon become distasteful, and should then be replaced by other flavors, of which bitter almond most completely disguises the fishy taste of cod-liver oil. STYPTIC POWDERS, LOTIONS, ETC 853 CHAPTER V. STYPTIC AND DEPILATORY POWDERS, LOTIONS, COLLYRIA, INJECTIONS, ENEMAS, GARGLES, BATHS, INHALATIONS, AND FUMIGATIONS. Styptic Powders. The persulphate of iron (MonselPs salt), described under the head of Preparations of Iron, is perhaps best adapted to arresting hemor- rhage. The following may be instanced as a combination suited to the same purpose. Take of Resinae pulv., Aluminse exsiccat., Acaciae pulveris, aa, partes sequales. M. et in pulv. trit. Causticum DcpiUitorium. (London Skin Hospital.) Take of Orpiment 3j. Quicklime ^iss. Starch 3ix. Mix and triturate together into a fine powder. Lotions. Soluble salte, chiefly of the astringent class, dissolved in distilled water, or in distilled rose-water, designed for external application, constitute lotions, or washes; these are to be applied to the surface, usually upon a folded piece of muslin or lint, chiefly for cooling and astringent purposes. Lead-water (page 274) is the only officinal lotion. Vinegar and water, or water alone, is applied for the same purposes. In various chronic skin diseases, lotions containing sul- phuret of potassium, chloride of zinc, corrosive chloride of mercuiw$ borax, solution of chlorinated soda, and other chemical agents, are employed. Glycerin, by its solubility in water, and its emollient properties, is well adapted to this form of application. The recipes appended are selected as illustrations of this class ; they are gene- rally well-known preparations. !No. 144. — Creasote Lotion. Take of Creasoti , . . gtt. x. Aceti f^ij. Aquae f^ij. Misce. Applied to phagedenic ulceration, chancres, and a variety of sores. 854 STYPTIC AND DEPILATORY POWDERS, ETC. i No. 145. — Yellow Wash. {Aqua Phagedaznica.) Take of Hydrargyri chloridi corrosivi gr. xvj. Liquoris calcis f ^viij. Misce. The binoxide of mercury is precipitated as a yellow powder, and diffused through the liquid ; sometimes the proportion is diminished to gr. j in each f 3j. It is a very popular application to certain affections and to venereal sores. Ko. 146.— Black Wash. Take of Hydrargyri chloridi mitis 3j. Liquoris calcis f |iv. Misce. Protoxide of mercury is here thrown down by the lime as a black precipitate, though there is quite an excess of calomel. It has similar applications to the foregoing. Granville's Counter-irritant or Antidynous Lotions. No. 147.— The mild:— "Take of Liquoris ammonise fortioris f 3j. Spiriti rosmarini f^vj. Tincturae campkorse f^ij. Misce. No. 148.— The strong:— Take of Liquoris ammonise fortioris f £x. Spiriti rosmarini f 3iv. Tincturee camphorse f^ij. Misce. These preparations will blister in periods varied from two to ten minutes, by saturating with them a piece of linen folded five or six times over a coin, and pressing it upon the part. Over more ex- tended surfaces, a similar method is adopted by protecting the lotion from evaporation. No. 149. — Lotion for Chilblains. Take of Muriate of ammonium ^ss. Water f^iv. Muriatic acid f gj. Alcohol f ^iss. Apply morning and evening. No. 150. — Dr. Thomas's Nipple Wash. Take of Alum gj. Tincture of galls f3J. Triturate together until as nearly dissolved as possible. No. 151. — Clemens' Almond Lotion. Take of Gum Senegal ,^iv. Boiling water Cong. j. COLLYRIA. 855 Strain, and when cold add — Tinct. benzoin f^ij. Alcohol f ^ij. Corrosive chloride of mercury 3j\ B j- Dissolve the corrosive chloride in the alcohol, before mixing with the other ingredients. No. 152. — Milk of Roses for Chapped Hands. Take of Almonds, blanched gj. Beat to a paste, and mix with — Rose-water f^vj. Heat to about 212° F., and incorporate with — White wax ^j. Almond oil ^ij. White Castile soap 3J. Melt together and thoroughly incorporate, then add — Honey water f.^ij. Cologne water f Sjj. Oil of bitter almond gtt. iv. Oil of rose geranium gtt. v. Glycerin fo ss - After washing the hands with warm water and Castile or other mild soap, apply the milk of roses, and rub it thoroughly in, then wipe them with a dry towel. Milk of roses is adapted to being put up in rather wide-mouth vials, and is directed to be applied to chapped hands, or other ex- coriated parts. COLLYRIA. Collyria are lotions or applications to the eye, called eye-washes. They are generally composed of astringent salts, as sulphate or ace- tate of zinc, sulphate of copper, or of iron or nitrate of silver, the proportion seldom exceeding gr. viij to f^j. No. 153. — Thomas's Eye Water. Take of Sulphate of zinc, Chloride of sodium, each 9 j. Rose water (distilled) f §j. Make a solution, and apply, suitably diluted, to inflamed eyes. The infusion of sassafras-pith is a good addition to this and simi- lar eye-washes. The aqueous extract, or the wine of opium, is much used in collyria. No. 154. — Colly rium Atropiai Sulphatis. (Guy's Hospital.) Take of Atropioe sulphatis . gr. iij. Aquse fgj. Ft. solut. A substitute for solutions of extract of belladonna for dilating the pupil. 856 styptic and depilatory powders, etc. Injections. Injections are solutions intended to be thrown into the external ear, the urethra, bladder, vagina, etc. They resemble the fore- going class in composition and in strength. In gonorrhoea, the use of injections of the astringent metallic salts is very common, as also of vegetable astringents. "No. 155. — Injectio Argenti Nitratis. (Westminster Hospital.) Take of Nitrate of silver, six grains. Diluted nitric acid, five minims. Distilled water, four ounces. Make a solution. Eo. 156. — Campbell's Injection for Gonorrhoea. Take of Zinci sulph gss. Plumbi acet 3j. Tinct. opii, Tinct. catechu, aa f gij. Aquas rosse f ^vj. Misce. This is an instance in which chemical incompatibles are mixed advisedly so as to produce a very fine precipitate, which, being dif- fused in the liquid and deposited on the mucous membrane of the urethra, favors the therapeutic effect intended. No. 157. — Take of Sulpho-carbolate of zinc gr. vj.* Water f Jij. Dissolve, for injection in gonorrhoea. An improved form of glass penis syringe has an enlargement of the tube, which enters the urethra, at the extreme end, so as to "fill the whole diameter of the tube and prevent the backward flow of the liquid, while the rounded end is less liable to produce irritation than a more pointed termination. Enemata. The custom of injecting tepid water and various bland and medi- cinal liquids into the rectum, for the relief of costiveness, has be- come very common of latter years, and the forms of apparatus contrived are numerous and ingenious, constituting a considerable article of trade with druggists and apothecaries. The forms of self-injection apparatus made by Davidson, Mattson, and others, consisting of a gum-elastic bag designed to be grasped in the hand, and, by alternate contraction and expansion, to draw the fluid from a basin and throw it through a flexible tube and * Sulpho-carbolate of zinc may be prepared by saturating with carbonate of zinc free from iron sulpho-carbolic acid, made by melting one troyounce of Calvert's pure crystallized carbolic acid with one troyounce of sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84) gradually added, heating to 280° F., and adding three fluidounces of distilled water after per- mitting the mixture to stand 12 hours. The solution is then filtered, evaporated at 150° F., and set aside to crystallize. For a full account of the various salts of this acid and their modes of preparation, see Amer. Journ. Pharm., 1870, 133, 1871, 10, 265. GARGLES. 857 metallic injection-pipe into the rectum or vagina, has almost super- seded the old kind which worked with a piston. A French pattern, however, which consists of a cylinder and piston working by a spring, designed to be wound up to its utmost tension, and then, on the opening of a faucet, to throw the whole contents in a con- tinuous stream through the flexible tube and pipe, is preferable to any other in use, but has two objections: first, for a person who has but little strength of wrist, it is very difficult to wind it up ; secondly, the expense is very much greater than the best Mattson syringe. The only valve in this instrument is in the piston, and is so simple and durable as to remove one of the most common objections to cylinder injection apparatus. Medicated enemata are much used for the relief of painful flatu- lence and for relaxing spasm. The following are adapted to this object : — No. 158. — Enema Terebinthince. Take of Oil of turpentine f 5ss. Castor oil f5j. Gum Arabic 5ss. Water Oss. Make an emulsion, secundum artem. In the above the white of an egg maybe substituted for the gum with advantage. No. 159. — Enema Assafoetidce. (St. Bartholomew's Hospital.) Tincture of assafoetida, half a Decoction of barley, one pint. Take of Tincture of assafoetida, half a fluidounce. Mix. Gargles. Gargles and Mouth-washes are applications much used in the treatment of so-called sore-throat, and in scorbutic affections of the gums, which are exceedingly common ; these are popularly treated by counter-irritation, and by the use of astringent and stimulating gargles. Infusions of capsicum, of vegetable astringents, and of sage, with the addition of alum, borax, or sulphate of zinc, and almost invariably honey, are the prevailing remedies of this class. The following recipes may be given : — "No. 160. — G-argarysma Sodce Chlorinatce. Take of Solution of chlorinated soda f £ss. Water f5iij. Mix. No. 161. — G-argarysma Acidi Tanniei. (London Consumption Hospital.) Take of Tannic acid 1 drm. Honey 2 drms. Water 4 ounces, Mix. 858 STYPTIC AND DEPILATORY POWDERS, ETC. No. 162.— Gargle and Mouth-Wash. Take of Sodii boratis 3j. Aquae rosse f3ii. Mellis f£j. Misce, et adde — Tincturse myrrhse f ^ss. Tincturse capsici f gij. Sig. — Use as a gargle every two or three hours, diluted with water. No. 163. — Gargle of Alum. Take of Aluminis ^ss. Infusi lini Oss. Mellis q. s. Fiat gargarysma. Baths. Baths are either hot, warm, tepid, or cold, or consist in the ap- plication of vapor merely. They are variously medicated for the treatment of diseases of the skin, and for producing general or local revulsive effects. The production of artificial sea-water is a desideratum for bathing, and may be accomplished either by the evaporation of sea-water to a granular powder, to be dissolved in water as occasion requires, or approximately by the use of the following formula : — "No. 164. — Artificial Sea- Water. (Balneum Mar inum.) Take of Chloride of sodium, two pounds. Chloride of calcium, three ounces. Chloride of magnesium, one and a half ounce. Sulphate of magnesium, three ounces. Sulphate of sodium, six ounces. Iodide of potassium, one drachm. Mix, and dissolve in 30 gallons of water, for a single bath. "No. 165. — Iodine Bath. (Balneum Iodinii.) Take of Iodine, two drachms. Solution of potassa, two ounces. Water, thirty gallons. Used in the Skin Hospital, of London. Inhalations, Fumigations, Disinfectants, etc. Inhalation has lately been a good deal resorted to as a remedy in chronic catarrhs, bronchitis, incipient phthisis, etc. I have re- peatedly prepared the apparatus and furnished the ingredients for the following : — No. 166. — Prescription for Inhalation. Into an inhaler of glass put infusum humuli, U. S., f .liv, at a temperature of about 120° F., and add Liq. iodinii compositus, INHALATIONS, FUMIGATIONS, DISINFECTANTS, ETC. 859 t»Ixx. Inhale from five to ten minutes, morning and evening. In acute cases, this is found to give great relief, and by continued ap- plication produces most happy restorative effects. In place of LugoPs solution, it has been suggested to use an ethereal or chloroformic tincture of iodine, adding a little iodide of potassium to prevent precipitation on adding it to the hop-tea, or other aqueous liquid. In the London Consumption Hospital the following formula is used : — ]STo. 167. — Take of Chloric ether 30 minims. Tincture of hyoscyamus 30 minims. Infusion of hops (or water) .... 8 ounces. Mix, and inhale. In several cases under my observation the use of powdered cubebs, a teaspoonful to each charge of warm water, a fresh portion being added each time, inhaled three times every day, has had an excellent effect Fig. 246. in treating bronchial affections. Fig. 246 exhibits a simple form of inhaling apparatus. An ordinary wide- mouth packing bottle is fitted with a cork which is perforated by the cork- borer or rat-tail file (see Figs. 150 and 151, page 113), so as to admit 'of two tubes, the smaller for the ingress of air passing nearly to the bottom of the bottle, while the larger, which is bent to be applied to the mouth, may have its origin just below the bottom of the cork. A little cork may be put into the top of the small tube when not in use. In replenishing the inhaler, be- fore each operation, the cork is re- moved. The tube may be bent by inhaler, softening it over the flame of an alco- hol lamp or gas furnace, and holding it in such a position that its own weight will cause it to bend gradually and uniformly to the required curve. Vapores. ( Vapors. Inhalations.) This is a new class of preparations of the British Pharmacopoeia. Vapor Acidi Hydrocyanici. {Inhalation of Hydrocyanic Acid.) Take of Diluted hydrocyanic acid, ten to fifteen minims. Water (cold), one fluidrachm. Mix in a suitable apparatus, and let the vapor that arises be inhaled. i 860 STYPTIC AND DEPILATORY POWDERS, ETC. Vapor Chlori. {Inhalation of Chlorine.) Take of Chlorinated lime, two ounces. Water (cold), a sufficiency. Put the powder into a suitable apparatus, moisten it with the water, and let the vapor that arises be inhaled Vapor Gonial. {Inhalation of Conia.) Take of Extract of hemlock, sixty grains. Solution of potash, one fluidrachm. Distilled water, ten fluidrachms. Mix. Put twenty minims of the mixture on a sponge, in a suit- able apparatus, so that the vapor of hot water passing over it may be inhaled. The solution of potash is added to free the conia present in the extract. A strong mouse-like odor being emitted is evidence of the genuineness of the vapor. Vapor Creasoti. (Inhalation of Creasote.) Take of Creasote, twelve minims. Boiling water, eight fluidounces. Mix the creasote and water in an apparatus so arranged that air may be made to pass through the solution and may afterwards be inhaled. Vapor Iodi. (Inhalation of Iodine.) Take of Tincture of iodine, one fluidrachm. Water, one fluidounce. Mix in a suitable apparatus, and, having applied a gentle heat, let the vapor that arises be inhaled. Fumigations. In various affections it is desirable to have the medicines act on the skin in the form of vapor or gas. For such fumigations, sul- phuretted hydrogen is generated by decomposing sulphuret of potassium or calcium with muriatic or nitric acid ; nitrous fumes by nitrate of potassium, or of sodium and sulphuric acid ; chlorine from chlorinated lime by muriatic acid, or by adding to a mixture of three parts of chloride of sodium and one of black oxide of man- ganese two parts of sulphuric acid. These are chiefly used for skin diseases, and as antiseptics and disinfectants. Alcoholic fumigations are made by setting fire to half an ounce or an ounce of alcohol in an ordinary plate ; acetic fumigations, by gradually adding vinegar to a hot brick ; ammoniacal fumigations, by throwing carbonate of ammonium upon a hot brick, or adding spirits of hartshorn to boiling hot water; such fumigations are generally applied in rheumatic and similar affections. Fumigations are applied either to a part or to the whole body ; the simplest mode of doing it is to envelop the patient in a blanket, while sitting upon a cane-seat chair, and then prepare them under CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. 861 the chair in the proper manner. The fumes or vapors are then allowed to reach the affected part of the body. The head is not subjected to this treatment unless in the case of vapor baths designed also to reach the lungs. Disinfectants. Aromatic fumigations are much employed for correcting the bad odor of sick rooms ; aromatic resins and balsams are used for this purpose. In the Chapter on Perfumery and Toilet Articles some prepara- tions adapted to this use are referred to. Disinfectants which operate on chemical principles are, however, much more effectual. Prof. R. E. Rogers has directed for some of the hospitals a mix- ture of lime and sulphate of iron in such proportion that the protoxide of iron is rapidly reduced on exposure to the air, and by its disposition to pass rapidly into sesquioxide readily decomposes effete matters with which it comes in contact, rendering them in- noxious. Under the heads of Chlorine and Bromine in Part III., some of these chemical disinfectants are described. M. Agata, of London, has patented a process for calcining common cockle and other shells found on the sea-shore until they are friable and readily powdered ; this powder he mixes with half the quantity of sulphate of iron, thus producing an inodorous powder resembling ochre, which is designed to be mixed in the proportion of one part to a hundred with any feculent matter which it is designed to deodorize. When used for urine two per cent, of common tar is to be added. Dr. Crace Calvert has recently called attention to the immense utility of carbolic acid (coal tar creasote) as an antiseptic ; he states that the addition of two or three drops of this acid to a pint of freshly made urine will preserve it from any marked chemical change for several weeks. (See Ozone, p. 130.) CHAPTER VI. CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. These classes of preparations are widely separated in the Thar- macopoeia, where an alphabetical arrangement is adopted, but they so closely resemble each other in a pharmaceutical point of view as to be naturally associated in a work like the present. The difference between a cerate and an ointment is in their rela- tive firmness and fusibility; the former is designed to be adhesive at the temperature of the body, so as to be applied in the form of a dressing or sort of plaster ; the latter is intended to be rubbed upon the surface or applied by inunction ; this distinction is, however, 862 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS, not absolute, and the two classes nearly approach each other in properties ; the name cerate is derived from cera, wax, and most of the cerates, as also some of the oitments, contain this ingredient. The medicinal ingredients which enter into these classes of prepa- rations are very numerous; indeed, almost every kind of medicine capable of exercising a topical effect may be prescribed in this form. The unctuous ingredients used in ointments are chiefly bland and unirritating fats and fixed oils, with more or less wax; the reader is referred, for some account of these, to pages 382-398. The preparation of inodorous grease is accomplished by repeated washing with water; this may be done ou a slab a little on the incline, a stream of water being set to trickle over it ; the surface of the grease is then constantly renewed by an operator working a muller over it in the same way that a color-maker grinds paints in oil. The firmer kinds, such as suet, require more powerful me- chanical arrangements for washing them, and in fact in France this purifying of fats is a separate branch of business, the per- fumers being the chief consumers of these elegant products. Of the different ingredients of cerates and ointments lard and suet resemble each other in most of their properties, except that the latter is more solid and fuses at a higher temperature, while spermaceti is still more firm, almost brittle in consistence, and fuses with still less facility; it is recommended by a beautiful pearly whiteness which it imparts, to a certain extent, to its oily combinations. Wax is more tough in consistence and still less fusible, its chief use being to give body to cerates and the stiffer ointments. The uses of resin and turpentine are twofold, to give body to the cerates into which they enter, and to render them useful as stimu- lants and fit vehicles for other stimulating substances. The greatest practical difficulty with ointments arises from their tendency to become rancid by keeping, par- ticularly in warm climates; this is best over- come by observing to free them from moisture by the application of well-regulated heat till the adhering water is entirely evaporated, and to keep them in well-covered jars. The ointment jar, Fig. 247, is made for the pur- pose, but as the lid is not air-tight, a piece of stout tin-foil, or of bladder, or of waxed paper, should be stretched over the top before covering it with the lid. Ointments made with the fixed oils and a suitable proportion of wax, suet, or cocoa- butter, are less liable to rancidity than those made with lard, and the introduction into the latter of small portions of balsams and some essential oils seems to have a favorable effect upon this tendency; and it is observed that the resinous ointments are not liable to it. A frequent cause of rancidity, in even freshly prepared oint- Fie. 247. Ointment jar. FIRST GROUP. 863 ments and cerates made from materials perfectly free from ran- cidity, is the absorbent character of the jars used to keep them in ; the glazing after a short time becomes full of fine cracks through which the grease permeates to the body of the jar ; the grease, by frequent exposure to the air, becomes rancid, and in turn imparts rancidity to the ointment placed in it. A very elegant style of jar, but quite expensive, being the real porcelain or china vase, is free from this objection. Glass tumblers small enough to fit in- side of the jar may be used with great advantage in overcoming this trouble. Classification. For the purposes of study, the cerates and ointments may be thus classified : — 1st. Those adapted to use as vehicles for medicinal substances. 2d. Those prepared by the fusion of their medicinal ingredients together. 3d. Those prepared from the first, or from lard alone, by me- chanical incorporation with some active medicinal agent. Uh. Those in which the unctuous ingredient is decomposed in the process of preparation. So great a variety of ointments and cerates have been made offi- cinal, that there seems less occasion for departing from the national standards than in the other classes of extemporaneous preparations. Of these classes, all which are officinal in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia are displayed according to the above classification in the following Syllabi, and the leading points of interest in connection with them are given further in detail ; the working formulas from the Phar- macopoeia are given, and the unofficinal, which are deemed of suffi- cient importance for insertion, are described in connection with the appropriate formulas for their preparation. First Group. — Cerates and Ointments, much used as Vehicles for Medicinal Substances. ~ . • ( 2 p. soap plaster, 2£ p. white wax, ) *-,. , „« *. ,, , Ceratuni saponis. < *. *:. r > z 1 > v tirmest "healing dressing. Ceratum. 1 part white wax, 2 lard. Firmer "healing" dressing. ,, , . f 1 p. spermaceti, 3 white wax, 5 1 ,-,. .,,' ,. ,, , Ceratum cetacei. \ \ \ \ * nrm healing dressing. Unguentum. 1 part yellow wax, 4 lard. Softer "healing" dressing. TT (Almond oil, sp. ceti, white wax,) „ -. . .. , ,. „ , Ung. aquae rosa3. j rose-water. ' j So/tea* " healing " dressing. Unguentum benzoini. 1 part benzoin, 16 lard. Vehicle, consistence of lard. Ceratum resin*. \ 5 P« tB resin ' 8 ? arts lard ' 2 P arts 1 Stimulant dressing. ( yellow wax. f b Preparation and Uses. All these are simple in their mode of preparation ; the ingre- dients are to be placed in a skillet or capsule, and brought to the melting point, care being taken not to burn them, which may be known by the melted mass giving off the odor and appearance of smoke. When there is a great difference in the fusing points, the 864 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. least fusible shall be placed over the fire first, and the others added afterwards, so as to involve no unnecessary application of heat. Then the whole is to be stirred or triturated together till thickened by cooling into a homogeneous soft mass ; it may now be set away to harden by further cooling. "With a view to the whiteness and smoothness of the product, it is best that the melted ingredients should be poured while fluid, though not too hot, into a mortar, in which they should be triturated with a pestle till firm. If sper- maceti is an ingredient, the mortar should be warmed to obviate its tendency to separate in a granular condition on contact with a cool surface ; when rose-water is added, as in the case of " cold cream," it is well to warm it a little, otherwise it may chill the spermaceti to its solidifying point and deposit it in a granular con- dition before the mixed oil and wax are sufficiently stiffened to be homogeneous with it. The use of a mortar in the preparation of cerates and ointments of this class is often obviated by stirring the melted preparation in the vessel in which it was heated, or that to which it is transferred for keeping, with a wooden spatula, till it thickens beyond the danger of separation; but, on the whole, the use of the mortar is most approved. Some pharmacists keep a marble or large wedg- wood mortar for the special purpose ; it is so difficult to remove every trace of grease that it is not desirable to use the same mortar for this use and the general purposes of the shop. When the mortar is to be warmed, an ounce or two of alcohol may be poured into it and burned. When a marble slab or tile is used, it may be warmed over a slow and diffused gas flame, or the furnace shown in Fig. 127, without the wire gauze attachment, or laid a few minutes on a heated stove. The first five preparations on the above list are distinguished by different degrees of firmness and fusibility; they are all perfectly bland and unirritating, and are used for their property of pro- tecting the part to which applied from external irritating causes and from the drying action of the air. Ceratum saponis, as now directed to be made by the improved process of the Pharmacopoeia, is an elegant application to exposed surfaces, requiring to be spread on some suitable fabric; it is too firm to be conveniently incorporated with medicinal ingredients, except by the aid of heat, but would be a very suitable vehicle for some of the alterative and mild astringent remedies, if softened at the time of their admixture. Simple cerate, ceratum adipis, of U. S. P. 1860, like the foregoing, is almost exclusively applied to blistered or other exposed surfaces, for the complete exclusion of the atmosphere and the prevention of desiccation during the process of healing ; it is not adapted to use as a vehicle for medicinal substances to be applied by inunction, nor can it be conveniently mixed with powders at ordinary tempera- tures. From overlooking this fact, the mistake is constantly made by physicians of prescribing simple cerate as the vehicle for iodine, the mercurials, etc. ; and in view of this, some of the apothecaries FIRST GROUP — PREPARATION. 865 vary the proportions, putting in one-fourth instead of one-third wax; this partially unfits it for the use for which it is mainly designed, to furnish a firm dressing which will not fuse entirely at the temperature of the body. Simple cerate, as is well-known, is very liable to become raucid by exposure to the air; the late Ferris Bringhurst, in a report to the American Pharmaceutical Association, pointed out the superi- ority of cerate made with unbleached yellow wax. (See paper in Proceedings, vol. xvi. 416.) Sim-pie ointment, ointment of lard of U. S. P. 1860, is designed for the purpose just mentioned as not suited to the cerate, that of fur- nishing, in warm weather, a good vehicle for medicines in the form of ointment. In the winter, it is frequently replaced by lard, when that vehicle can be obtained fresh and sweet. It is not unusual to add to simple cerate and simple ointment, when fused in the pro- cess of preparing them, a little rose-water, and sometimes a very small portion of borax, which renders them very white without interfering with their remedial qualities. Spermaceti cerate is intermediate between the foregoing, and has the advantage of being made without the use of lard, which is sometimes difficult to procure of good quality, and always objec- tionable for use about the face ; it is an elegant preparation, though dependent for its whiteness and sweetness upon the quality of the olive oil employed in making it. It is a perfectly bland and un- irritating application, better adapted to use as a healing dressing than as a vehicle for more active medicines. Ointment of rose-water, commonly called "cold cream," is an appli- cation adapted to chapped or excoriated skin, and may be used as a substitute for lard as an excipient for medicines to be applied by inunction; an unofiicinal formula, containing wax instead of sper- maceti, is given among the working formulas, which is highly approved among some connoisseurs. Benzoated lard is the name applied to the new officinal Un- guentum benzoini, adapted to replace lard in seasons and in situa- tions in which commercial lard would become rancid; its pleasant balsamic odor also recommends it in preference to ordinary lard; it is, however, not white, and on that account less elegant than the ointment of rose-water or glycerin ointment. Resin cerate or basilicon, though included in the series, is not, like the others, free from irritating properties; it is much used as an application to burns and chilblains, and as a dressing to blistered surfaces with a view to keep up the discharge; it is also a very suitable vehicle for stimulating applications in the form of powder incorporated by the aid of heat. The resin present is also useful by preventing the tendency to rancidity to which unctuous ingre- dients are liable. 55 i 866 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. Second Group. — Those in which the Medicinal Substances are mixed with the Unctuous Ingredient by Fusion and Digestion. ru„„ + „ n ci»~ „ v, f Resin, suet, yellow wax, turpentine, 1 aj . , ,. Cerat. resinae comp. j flaxseed oil. / Stimulating. Unguent, picis liq. Tar iind suet, equal parts. Stimulating antiseptic. Ceratum cantharidis. j ™^' 12 P arts . ; larc !> 3° P^ts ; 1 Epispnstio (Blistering Ce- ( yellow wax, resin, each, t parts. j rate). REMARKS. Compound resin cerate, or Deshler's salve, is both firmer and more stimulating than basilicon, though used for similar purposes in burns, scalds, etc.; it is too firm for ready incorporation with dry powders, and is mostly used by itself. An inconveniently tough consistence is one of the disadvantages attendant upon this pre- paration, though when it has been suitably spread, it forms a very good and adhesive application. Tar ointment, which is made by melting suet, and, while it is fluid, stirring into it an equal weight of tar until it cools and thickens, is used in scald head and various scaly eruptions with excellent effects. Blisters and Blistering Cerates. Ceratum cantharidis is conveniently made by the working formula appended by melting together lard, wax, and resin, and sifting into the fused mass, powdered Spanish flies, continuing the heat for half an hour, and then removing from the fire and stirring till cool ; the active principle of the flies, cantharidin, is extracted to a great extent by this digestion in the grease, and the powder itself is also retained and adds to the effect of the preparation. , This is sometimes kept in jars, and sometimes, by increasing the proportion of wax and resin a very little, is made firm enough to roll out into rolls like plasters. Blistering cerate, when ordered in prescription as a cerate to be dispensed by weight and spread at the bedside of the patient, is ordered by its officinal name; when designed to be spread as a plaster, it is called Emplastrum epispasticum, the size being gene- rally conveyed thus, 3x6 (meaning three inches wide by 6 long), or any other size desired, or a pattern may accompany, giving the shape and size. Sometimes the purpose for which it is required is expressed, and the precise size and shape are left to the pharmacist; at others, it is left optional with the attendant whether to spread the blister himself, or to have it spread at the shop by a prescrip- tion like the following : R. — Carati cantharidis, q. s., ut fiat emplas- trum epispasticum 3x6. Besides the familiar Ceratum cantharidis, the Pharmacopoeia now recognizes a preparation under the name Ceratum extracti cantha- i rides, in which an alcoholic extract of the flies is mixed with resin, wax, and lard ; it is a more elegant preparation, but is as yet but little prescribed. It is well adapted to dilution with simple cerate iu the proportion of one part to four or eight as a stimulating BLISTERS AND BLISTERING CERATES. 867 dressing to blistered surfaces for maintaining their discbarge and preventing healing. (See Working Formulas.) The best material on which to spread a blister is adhesive plaster cloth ; if a wide margin is left, it is readily made to adhere by warming the margin over a lighted lamp, and pressing it carefully on to the part. It should also be so incised from the edges inward as to be readily adapted to the inequalities of the surface to which applied. Kid or split sheepskin, or even thick glazed paper, also answer a good purpose, in which case the margin is made very narrow, and three or four strips, about half an inch wide, of adhe- sive plaster are warmed and drawn over the outside to hold it in its place. Blisters to be applied behind the ears are much prescribed ; in spreading these care must be taken to have them the reverse of each other, or, after they are spread, it may be found they both fit the same ear. It is well, in the case of these, to leave the margin much the widest at the part furthest from the ear and below, where the hair will not interfere with its adhesion. The mode of spreading blisters is too simple to require comment; in cold weather, or when the cerate is very stiff, I use the thumb, which makes a smooth and very neat surface ; a spatula slightly warmed answers very well. After the blister is spread, it is well to paint over its surface with ethereal tincture of cantharides, which increases its activity, or lay a piece of tissue paper over its whole surface, and coat this with the ethereal tincture. It is considered a good precaution to remove the blister as soon as it has thoroughly reddened the skin, and then to apply a cata- plasm of bread and milk, elm bark, or ground flaxseed, to raise the skin. A blistering plaster usually requires from six to twelve hours to raise the skin. The different blistering tissues are, I believe, all made by extract- ing cantharidin from the flies with ether or oil of turpentine, and forming it into a plaster, which is then spread on paper, silk, or other suitable fabric. The proportions indicated by Mohr and Redwood are as follows : To one part of the yellowish oily residue left after the evaporation of the ether from ethereal tincture of flies, add two parts of melted white wax, and spread a thin layer over the surface of paper. The following formula is from the London Pharmaceutical Journ., 1860 :— Take of Cantharidin gr. j. White wax 3j Olive oil 3v Melt together. With a brush paint it over some white bibulous paper and hang it up to dry in a current of air. Take a piece of pink paper of the form and size required ; the under colored side paint over with a weak solution of India rubber (or gutta-percha) r cut the cantharidin paper to the form and size of the pink paperless a margin, and while the pink paper is still sticky place the other 868 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. upon it. Before applying, this blister should be held over the steam escaping from a vessel of hot water. Charta Cantharidis, IT. S. P. {Cantharides Paper.) Take of White wax, four troyounces. Spermaceti, one and a half troyounce. Olive oil, two troyounces. Canada turpentine, Cantharides, in powder, each, half a troyounce. Water, five fluidounces. Mix all the substances in a tinned vessel, and boil gently for two hours, constantly stirring. Filter through a woollen strainer with- out expressing, and keep the mixture in a liquid state by means of a shallow water-bath with an extended surface. Coat strips of paper upon one side only with the melted plaster, by passing them successively over the surface of the liquid, and cut the strips when dry into rectangular pieces. Charta Sinapis,JJ. S. P. {Mustard Paper.) Take of Black mustard, in powder, ninety grains. Solution of gutta-percha, a sufficient quantity. Mix the mustard with as much of the solution as may be neces- sary to give it a similiquid consistence; then apply the whole. of the mixture by means of a suitable brush to a piece of rather stiff paper four inches square, so as completely to cover one side of it, and allow the surface to dry. Before being applied to the skin, let the mustard paper be dipped for about fifteen seconds in warm water. These two preparations are new officinals in the last edition of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, and are designed to supply the places of popular remedies of this class. They are to be greatly commended on the score of cleanliness, efficiency, and portability. Third Group. — Cerates and Ointments, in dients are incorporated by trituration with Cerat. sabinse. Ung. gallge. Ung. acidi carbolici. Ung. acidi tannici. Ung. veratrise. Cerat. zinci carb. Ung. zinci oxidi. Ung. antimonii. Ung. hydrargyri. Ung. hydrar. ammon. Ung. hyd. iod. rub. Ung. hyd. oxid. flav. Ung. Cantharidis. Fluid ext. from 1 part savin. 4 parts resin cerate. 1 part powdered galls. 7 parts lard. 1 part carbolic acid. 7 parts simple ointment. 5ss + Aq. f'3 s s to §j lard. §>j to §j lard. 1 part ZnC0 3 . 5 parts ointment of lard. 1 part ZnO, 5 parts lard. 1 part tart. ant. et potass. 4 parts lard. 2 parts mercury. 1 each lard and suet. 1 part NH ? HgCl. 12 parts simple ointment. gr. xvi to §j. 1 partHgO. 7 parts ointment. 1 part cer. canth. 3 parts resin cerate. which the Medicinal Ingre- the Unctuous Ingredients. \ Stimulating dressing applied / to blisters. I Astringent, used in piles. V Antiseptic. Astringent, used in piles. An anodyne in neuralgia. I Mild astringent and desiccant. Mild astringent and desiccant. \ Vesicant, producing pustular / eruptions. } Alterative, used to produce mercurial impression. I Alterative, desiccant. Discutient. > Stimulant. I Stimulant. SYLLABUS OF CERATES AND OINTMENTS. 869 Ung. hyd. oxid. rub. Ung. iodinii. Ung. iodinii comp. Ung. potassii iodid. Ung. plumbi carb. Ung. plumbi iodidi. Ung. sulphuris. Ung. belladonnge. Ung. stramonii, Ung. tabaci. Ung. creasoti. Ung. zinci oxidi. /I part HgO (fine powder). \ 8 parts ointment of lard. f 1 part I, I part KI. \ 21 parts lard + Aq. f 1 part I, 2 parts KI. \ 32 parts lard, f 1 part KI -|- 1 part Aq. \ 8 parts lard. J 1 part PbC0 3 . \ 7 parts ointment of lard, f 1 part Pbl 2 . ( 7 parts ointment. 1 part S to 2 lard. 1 part extract, 8 lard. 1 part extract, 7 lard. i Stimulating, alterative. Discutient, alterative. I Discutient, alterative. 1 Discutient, alterative. 1 Astringent and desiccant. Discutient. Specific in itch. Anodyne. Anodyne. {X- " m 2 par n Anodyne \ 16 parts lard, f 5ss to lard ^j. Antiseptic, mild escharotic. Gr. 80 to ointment benzoin 400 "^ p. . , grs. j esiccan ' It would extend this chapter beyond convenient limits to dwell in detail upon each of these numerous officinal triturated ointments. They may be made in a mortar with the use of the pestle, or on a tile or slab with a spatula. The medicinal ingredients of a dry substance should be invariably in a very fine powder before incor- porating it with the ointment. (See chapter on Dispensing.) This condition may be attained without the necessity of soiling a mor- tar, by the use of a muller. Iodine is a crystalline substance which cannot be conveniently reduced to fine powder, and is therefore directed to be dissolved by the u^e of iodide of potassium and a few drops of water. In a few instances it is found necessary to soften the unctuous ingredients beforehand by a moderate heat, applied either to the spatula or by warming the tile ; the combus- tion of a little alcohol on the surface of a tile will give it the requi- site warmth without the risk of fracturing it by the application of heat from beneath. The use of the narcotic extracts in the preparation of ointments is a recent improvement, and may be extended to all medicines of that class, including opium, which in aqueous extract, possesses advantages over the powdered drug. Belladonna and stramonium ointments, as shown in the syllabus, are made by trituration from the extracts, taking care to soften the extract by triturating with water before adding the simple oint- ment or lard. This process is only adapted to small quantities to be speedily used, it will separate in warm weather by the softening of the lard, and is liable to be gritty on account of the formation of ciwstals of oxalate of potassa in the extracts. Aconite ointment is made in the same way and in the same pro- portion, 3j to 5J. Red precipitate ointment (ung. hydr. oxid. rub.) is a very impor- tant preparation, being most extensively used as an eye-salve and the basis of many of the popular medicines of that description. By trituration, the oxide becomes changed to an orange-colored powder, which imparts a similar hue to the ointment ; it is variously diluted 870 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. to meet the case for which prescribed ; when it becomes rancid it assumes a red color, or changes to blue, and should be thrown away. Fourth Group. — In which the Fatty Ingredient is Chemically Changed. Ung. hydrargyri nitratis. A powerful stimulant, "sub-caustic," and alterative. Cerat. plumbi subacetatis. A cooling sedative application. This group, containing one each of the officinal classes unguenta and cerata, has been reduced by the transfer of cerat um saponis, by the substitution of an improved process, to the first group. Citrine Ointment — The first named is made by adding an acid solution of nitrate of mercury to lard heated to 200°, an efferves- cence occurs, sometimes inconveniently, and by stirring with a wooden or horn spatula the ointment subsides in the form of a beautiful citrine-colored mass of convenient consistence, which is much esteemed as a " sub-caustic" application. The oil undergoes a change in this process, being, as is supposed, partially converted into elaidin and elaic acid, and the nitrate of mercury being re- duced to a yellow sub-nitrate. Owing to circumstances not fully understood this preparation varies much in consistence and in color, sometimes too by age it is changed to a dark color by the deposi- tion of suboxide of mercury, when fusion for a short time with a little nitric acid will restore the color. Much of the trouble experienced in obtaining a handsome oint- ment of good consistence will be avoided by adding the mercurial solution at a temperature of about 108° F. Goulard's cerate of subacetate of lead is a very desirable cooling application, but of all the officinal ointments is the most prone to change ; a sort of lead soap is formed by the action of the solution of subacetate upon the melted oily mixture. The preparation should have a rich, yellowish -green tinge, derived from the olive oil, and a pleasant odor of camphor, without rancidity. If per- fectly excluded from the air it will keep pretty well, but should be made in small quantity. When of a white color and rancid odor it should be invariably rejected as worse than worthless. {See Ex- temporaneous Process, page 872.) Working Formulas for Preparing the Cerates and Ointments. Cerata. Ceratum, U. S. P. (Cerate.) Ceratum Adipis, U.S. P. 1860. Take of Lard, eight troyounces. White wax, four troyounces. Melt them together, and stir the mixture constantly until cool. ! Ceratum Cantharidis, U. S. P. (Blistering Cerate.) Take of Cantharides, in very fine powder, twelve troyounces. Yellow wax, Resin, each, seven troyounces. Lard, ten troyounces. WORKING FORMULAS. 871 To the wax, resin, and lard, previously melted together, and strained through muslin, add the cantharides, and, by means of a water-bath keep the mixture in a liquid state for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Then remove it from the water-bath, and stir it constantly until cool. It is important and essential to making the cerate smooth and efficient that the flies should be reduced to an extremely fine pow- der and passed through a bolting cloth, as many particles of the flies are very light and pass over in dusting, which when mixed in the cerate will render it very uneven and unsightly. Ceratum Cetacei, U. S. P. {Cerate of Spermaceti.) Take of Spermaceti, a troy ounce. White wax, three troyounces. Olive oil, five troyounces. Melt together the spermaceti and wax ; then add the oil r^re- viously heated, and stir the mixture constantly until cool. Ceratum Extracti Cantharidis, U. S. P. {Cerate of Extract of Cantharides.) Take of Cantharides, in fine powder, five troyounces. Stronger alcohol, two pints and a half, or a sufficient quantity. Resin, three troyounces. Yellow wax, six troyounces. Lard, seven troyouuees. Moisten the cantharides with stronger alcohol, pack them in a cylindrical percolator, and gradually pour on stronger alcohol, until the liquid passes nearly colorless. Evaporate the filtered liquid, by means of a water-bath, to the consistence of a soft extract. Mix this with the resin, wax, and lard, previously melted together, and keep the whole at the temperature of 212° for fifteen minutes. Lastly, strain the mixture through muslin, and stir it constantly until cool. Ceratum Plumbi Subacetatis, IT. S. P.* (Goulard's Cerate.) Take of Solution of subacetate of lead, two nuidounces and a half. White wax, four troyounces. Olive oil, eight troyounces. Camphor, thirty grains. Mix the wax, previously melted, with seven troyounces of the oil. Then remove the mixture from the fire, and, when it begins to thicken, gradually pour in the solution of subacetate of lead, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula until it becomes cool. Lastly, add the camphor dissolved in the remainder of the oil, and mix them. A second formula is given in the Pharmacopoeia, which admits of its being made extemporaneously, and this in the editor's opinion is the better course, as the cerate made by the first formula is rarely good if prepared even for a short time. * See remarks on page 870. 872 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. Take of Cerate, three hundred and fifty grains. Olive oil, fifty grains. Solution of subacetate of lead, a fluidrachm and a half. Liniment of camphor, twelve grains. Mix intimately. Ceratum Resince, TJ. S. P. (Basilicon Cerate.) Take of Resin, ten troyounces. Yellow wax, four troyounces. Lard, sixteen troyounces. Melt them together, strain the mixture through muslin, and stir it constantly until cool. Ceratum Besince Composition, TJ. S. P. (Deshler's Salve.) Take of Resin, Suet, Yellow wax, each, twelve troyounces. Turpentine, six troj'ounces. Flaxseed oil, seven troyounces. Melt them together, strain the mixture through muslin, and stir it constantly until cool. Ceratum Sabince, TJ. S. P. (Cerate of Savine.) Take of Fluid extract of savine, three fluidounces. Resin cerate, twelve troyounces. Melt the cerate, add the fluid extract, and stir them together at a moderate heat till the alcohol has evaporated, then stir till cool. Ceratum Saponis, TJ. S. P. {Soap Cerate.) Take of Soap plaster, two troyounces. White wax, two troyounces and a half. Olive oil, four troyounces. Melt together the plaster and wax, add the oil, and, after con- tinuing the heat a short time, stir the mixture until cool. Ceratum Zinci Carbonatis, TJ. S. P. Substitute for Ceratum Calaminse, Pharm. 1850. Take of Precipitated carbonate of zinc, two troyounces. Ointment of lard, ten troyounces. Mix them. TJnguenta. Unguentum, TJ. S. P. (Unguentum Adipis, Pharm. 1860.) Take of Lard, eight troyounces. Yellow wax, two troyounces. Melt them together with a moderate heat, and stir the mixture constantly while cooling. Unguentum Aeidi Carbolici, TJ. S. P. Take of Carbolic acid, sixty grains. Ointment, four hundred and twenty grains. Mix them thoroughly. OINTMENTS. 873 Unguentum Acidi Tannici, U. S. P. Take of Tannic acid, thirty grains. Water, half a fluidrachin. Lard, a troyounce. Rub the acid first with the water, and then with the lard, until they are thoroughly mixed, avoiding the use of an iron spatula. Unguentum Antimonii, U. S. P. {Tartar Emetic Ointment.) Take of Tartrate of antimony and potassa, in very fine powder, one hun- dred and twenty grains. Lard, a troyounce. Hub the powder with a little of the lard, then add the remainder and thoroughly mix them. Unguentum Aquce Rosaz, U. S. P. {Cold Cream.) Take of Oil of sweet almond, three troyounces and a half. Spermaceti, a troyounce. White wax, one hundred and twenty grains. Rose water, two tiuidounces. Melt together, by means of a water-bath, the oil, spermaceti, and wax ; then gradually add the rose water, and stir the mixture con- stantly while cooling. Unguentum Belladonna:, IT. S. P. {Ointment of Belladonna.) Take of Extract of belladonna, sixty grains. Water, half a nuidrachm. Lard, four hundred and twenty grains. Rub the extract first with the water until rendered uniformly soft, then with the lard, and thoroughly mix them. Unguentum Benzoini, U. S. P. {Benzoated Lard.) Take of Benzoin, in moderately coarse powder, a troyounce. Lard, sixteen troyounces. Heat them together, by means of a water-bath, for two hours, with occasional stirring ; then strain without pressure, and stir the product constantly while cooling. Unguentum Creasoti, U. S. P. {Ointment of Creasote.) Take of Creasote, half a nuidrachm. Lard, a troyounce. Mix them. Unguentum Gallce, U. S. P. {Gall Ointment.) Take of Nutgall, in very fine powder, a troyounce. Lard, seven troyounces. Mix them. Unguentum Hydrargyri Iodidi Rubri, U. S. P. Take of Red iodide of mercury, in very fine powder, sixteen grains. Ointment, a troyounce. Rub them together till they are thoroughly mixed. 874 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. Unguentum Hydrargyria U. S. P. {Ointment of Mercury.) Take of Mercury, twenty-four troyounces. Lard, Suet, each, twelve troyounces. Pub the mercury with a troyounce of the suet and a small por- tion of the lard, until the globules cease to be visible, then add the remainder of the lard, and of the suet softened with a gentle heat, and thoroughly mix them. Unguentum Hydrargyri Ammoniata, TJ. S. P. ( White Precipitate Ointment.) Take of Ammoniated mercury, in very fine powder, forty grains. Ointment of lard, a troyounce. Mix them. Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis,~U.8. P. (Citrine Ointment.) Take of Mercury, a troyounce and a half. Nitric acid, three troyounces and a half. Lard, sixteen troyounces and a half. Dissolve the mercury in the acid, then heat the lard in an earthen vessel, and when the temperature reaches 200° remove the mix- ture from the fire. To this add the mercurial solution, and, with a wooden spatula, stir constantly so long as effervescence continues, and afterwards occasionally until the ointment stiffens. Unguentum Hydrargyri Oxidi Flavi, U. S. P. (Ointment of Yellow Oxide of Mercury.) Take of Yellow oxide of mercury, in very fine powder, sixty grains. Ointment, four hundred and twenty grains. Rub the oxide with the ointment gradually added until they are thoroughly mixed. Unguentum Hydrargyri Oxidi JRubri, TJ. S. P. (Bed Precipitate Ointment.) Take of Red oxide of mercury, in very fine powder, sixty grains. Ointment of lard, four hundred and twenty grains. Add the oxide of mercury to the ointment previously softened with a gentle heat, and thoroughly mix them. This ointment should have a distinctly orange-color, and should be free from rancidity and grit. Unguentum Cantharidis, TJ. S. P. Ointment of Cantharides. Take of Cantharides cerate, one hundred and twenty grains. Resin cerate, three hundred and sixty grains. Mix them thoroughly. * This ointment is usually made by manufacturers on a large scale, as it sometimes contains only one part of mercury to two or three of the unctuous ingredients. When ordering it, the physician should specify il one-half mercury." Its uses are numerous, one of the chief of which is that of inducing the mercurial impression by its application to the thighs, armpits, etc. The numerous curious synonyms applied to this ointment it would be interesting to collect. OINTMENTS. 875 Unguentum Jodinii, IT. S. P. (Ointment of Iodine.) Take of Iodine, twenty grains. Iodide of potassium, four grains. Water, six minims. Lard, a troyounce. Pub the iodine and iodide of potassium first with the water, and then with the lard until they are thoroughly mixed. Unguentum Iodinii Compositum, IT. S. P. (Compound Ointment of Iodine.) Take of Iodine, fifteen grains. Iodide of potassium, thirty grains. Water, thirty minims. Lard, a troyounce. Hub the iodine and iodide of potassium first with the water, and then with the lard, until they are thoroughly mixed. Unguentum Mezerei, IT. S. P. (Mezereon Ointment) Take of Fluid extract of mezereon, four fluidounces. Lard, fourteen troyounces. Yellow wax, two troyounces. Melt the lard and wax together with a moderate heat, add the fluid extract of mezereon, and stir the mixture constantly until the alcohol has evaporated, then continue to stir while cooling. Unguentum Picis Liquidce, IT. S. P. ( Tar Ointment.) Take of Tar, Suet, each, twelve troyounces. Mix the tar with the suet previously melted with a moderate heat, and having strained the mixture through muslin, stir it con- stantly while cooling. Unguentum Plumbi Carbonatis, IT. S. P. (Ointment of Carbonate of. Lead.) Take of Carbonate of lead, in very fine powder, sixty grain?, . Ointment of lard, four hundred and twenty grains. . Add the carbonate of lead to the ointment previously softened with a gentle heat, and thoroughly mix them. Unguentum Plumbi Iodidi, IT. S. P. (Ointment of Iodide of Lead.) Take of Iodide of lead, in very fine powder, sixty grains. Ointment, four hundred and twenty grains. Pub the iodide of lead with the ointment gradually added, until they are thoroughly mixed. Unguentum Potassii Iodidi, IT. S. P. (Ointment of Iodide of Potassium.) Take of Iodide of potassium, in fine powder, sixty grains. Water, a fluidrachm. Lard, four hundred and twenty grains. 876 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. Dissolve the iodide of potassium in the water in a warm mortar, then add the lard gradually and thoroughly mix them. Unguentum Stramonii, IT. S. P. (Ointment of Stramonium.) Take of Extract of stramonium, sixty grains. "Water, half a fluidrachm. Lard, four hundred and twenty grains. Rub the extract first with the water until rendered uniformly soft, then with the lard, and thoroughly mix them. Unguentum Sulphuris, IT. S. P. (Ointment of Sulphur.) Take of Sublimed sulphur, a troyounce. Lard, two troyounces. Mix them. Unguentum Sulphuris lodidi, U. S. P. (Ointment of Iodide of Sulphur.) Take of Iodide of sulphur, thirty grains. Lard, a troyounce. Rub the iodide of sulphur, first reduced to a fine powder, with a little of the lard, then add the remainder, and thoroughly mix them. Unguentum Tabaci, IT. S. P. (Ointment of Tobacco.) Take of Tobacco, in fine powder, half a troyounce. Lard, eight troyounces. Water, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the tobacco with a little water, introduce it into a conical glass percolator, and, having pressed it firmly, pour water upon it until four fluiclounces of filtered liquid have passed. Evaporate this to the consistence of a soft extract, and mix it thoroughly with the lard. Unguentum Veratrice, U. S. P. (Ointment of Ver atria.) Take of Veratria, twenty grains. Lard, a troyounce. Pub the veratria with a little of the lard; then add the re- mainder and thoroughly mix them. Unguentum Zinci Oxidi, IT. S. P. (Ointment of Oxide of Zinc.) Take of Oxide of zinc, eighty grains. Ointment of benzoin, four hundred grains. Mix them thoroughly. Selections from TTnofficinal Cerates and Ointments. Glycerin Ointment. (J. H. Eckey.) Take of Spermaceti ^ss. White wax 3jL-_ Oil of almonds i '^y- Glycerin f Jj. Melt the wax and spermaceti with the oil of almonds at a mode- UNOFFICINAL CERATES AND OINTMENTS. 877 rate heat ; put these into a wedgewood mortar, add the glycerin, and triturate until cold. Glycerin can only be incorporated with fats when they are softened to about its consistence ; it is not, like an oil, a solvent for fats. This is a bland and pleasant application, which if desired may be appropriately perfumed to render it more popular. Cold Cream. (Dr. L. Turnbull's Recipe.) Take of White wax gj. Oil of almonds ' f §iv. Eose-water fgij. Borax 3ss. Oil of roses niv. Let the wax be melted and dissolved in the oil of almonds by a gentle heat, then dissolve the borax in the rose-water and add the solution to the heated oil, stirring constantly till cool ; then add the oil of roses, stirring. It is well to warm the rose-water a little, or to add it to the ointment before it is much cooled, thus prevent- ing any granulation of the wax ; to secure the advantage of the borax the quantity of rose-water ought to be increased to at least f 5v and that slightly w T armed, as borax requires twelve parts of water for solution. Thus prepared, cold cream is a beautiful snow-white, smooth, bland ointment, about the consistence of good lard, and an admir- able substitute for that excipient. It is too soft for a convenient lip salve, and the following is preferred: — Rose Lip Salve. Take of Oil of almonds giij. Alkanet 3ij. Digest with a gentle heat and strain ; then add — White wax ^iss. Spermaceti £ss. Melt with the colored oil and stir it until it begins to thicken, then add — Oil of rose geranium gtt. xxiv. This may be put into small metallic boxes for the waistcoat pocket. Elemi Ointment. Take of Elemi (resin) 3ij. Simple cerate ^ij. Resin cerate 3 ss. Peruvian balsam ^ss. Fuse together and mix thoroughly. It is much prescribed by Prof. Pancoast, of the Jefferson Medical College, as an elegant substitute for resin cerate. The London Pharmacopeia contains another formula, which nearly agrees with the following, of the Prussian Pharmacopoeia : — Take of Elemi, Turpentine, Suet, Lard, each, equal parts. Fuse, strain, and mix. 873 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. Compound Cerate of Lead. Take of Cerat. plumbi subacet. , Cerat. simp., aa gss. Hydrarg. chlor. mit., Pulveris opii, aa • • • 3j. Mix. Used in cutaneous eruptions of local character. The above prescription is attributed to Dr. Parrish, Senior. Improved Tobacco Ointment Take of Tobacco leaves gv. Vinegar Oij. Digest the leaves in the vinegar till evaporated to Oss ; strain and express the liquid, then evaporate by moderate heat to about fsiij; triturate this with — Extract of belladonna ^j. Then take of— Camphor, in powder . gviss. Kesin cerate §viss. Mix these by fusion at a moderate heat, and incorporate them with the mixed extracts of tobacco and belladonna. This is a very superior stimulating and anodyne application, first published by Wm. J. Allinson, of Burlington, !N". J. Garlic Ointment. Take of Fresh garlic 2 or 3 cloves. Lard 3j. Digest at a moderate heat for half an hour, and strain ; a useful application to the chest in croup. Ung. cantharidis, restored in the late edition of the Pharmaco- poeia, is made by mixing 5ij of cerate of cantharides with 3yj of resin cerate, which, as in the case of savine ointment in the last group, is used as a vehicle. These two ointments are chiefly used for the same purpose, as stimulating applications to blistered sur- faces. Care must be taken to distinguish, in prescriptions, between tho cerate and ointment of cantharides; the former being blistering cerate, and the latter only a stimulating dressing for blisters. Aconitia Ointment Take of Aconitia . gr. xvj. Olive oil Sss. Triturate together, and then incorporate with — Lard 3j. A good substitute for this very expensive preparation will be found among the liniments. UNOFFICINAL OINTMENTS. 879 No. 145. — Tetter Ointment prescribed by the late Dr. S. Gr. Morton. Take of Calomel, Alum (dried), in powder, Carbonate of lead, Oil of turpentine, each 3ij. Simple ointment Siss. Triturate the powders together till they are impalpable and thoroughly mixed, then incorporate them with the oil and cerate. This is one of the very best ointments of its class, as proved by trials during a series of years. The mode of using it is to apply it at night, wash off with pure Castile soap in the morning, wipe dry, and dust with pure starch. Tetter Ointment prescribed by Dr. Physic. Take of Hydrarg. ammoniat 9j. Hydrarg. clilor. corros gr. x. Alcoholis f^j. Plumbi acetatis 3ss. Adipis Sj. Triturate the corrosive chloride with the alcohol, add the white precipitate and sugar of lead, and make an ointment, to be applied twice daily. A Salve resembling " Becker's Eye Balsam." Take of Calamine, Tutty, of each giss. Red oxide of mercury gyj. Camphor, in powder gj. Almond oil 3j. White wax ^iss. Fresh butter |viij. Reduce the mineral substances to a very fine powder, and incor- porate with the oil in which the camphor has been dissolved with the wax and butter previously melted together. The butter must be deprived of salt, if present, by washing with warm water. The reputation of Becker's Eye Balsam is widely extended. Compound Iron Ointment. Take of Common iron rust ohjss. Powdered red oxide of mercury oj\ 3j« Make into an impalpable powder, and add to — Washed lard ^ij. For the cure of chronic inflammation of the eyelid (conjunctiva)* particularly of a scrofulous character, eruptions on the face and body of young children, etc. Unguentum Cretan. (Westminster Hospital.*) Take of Prepared chalk gij. Olive oil . giss. Lard 3ivss. Mix. *Frora Squire's Pbarm. of London Hospitals. 880 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. Ting. Picis c. Sulphure. (Middlesex Hospital.*) Take of Sulphur and tar, of each 2 drachms. Hydro-sulphuret of ammonia 5 minims. Prepared chalk 1 drachm. Lard to make 7 drachms. Mix. Unguentum Ferri Chloridi. {Haemostatic Ointment.*) Take of Ferri chloridi £ij. Axungiae |j. Misce. Ointment of Cod-liver Oil. Take of Fresh cod-liver oil 7 parts. White wax, Spermaceti, of each 1 part. Melt together, stirring as it cools. This is used in ophthalmia and opacity of the cornea, either alone or combined with a little citrine ointment, also as a friction or dressing for scrofulous indurations and sores, in rheumatism, stiff joints, and several skin diseases. It is said to have been used in porrigo or scald-head when other remedies have failed. Ointment of Croton Oil. Take of Croton oil nixxx. Lard (softened) Jj. Mix well. Rubefacient and counter-irritant in rheumatic and other diseases. When rubbed repeatedly on a part, it produces redness and a pus- tular eruption. Hufeland's Stimulating Ointment. Take of Beef gall ^iij. White soap giij. Althea ointment 3j. Petroleum 3ij. Mix by the aid of heat, and as it cools add — Powdered carbonate of ammonium gss. Powdered camphor 3j. Triturate together. . Althea ointment is still officinal in most European Pharmacopeias ; but some have discontinued it for the use of the mucilaginous decoctions of marshmallow root and flaxseed. Bavarian and Greek Pharmacopoeias order, instead of it, an ointment of yellow wax and lard, colored by turmeric. The following embraces the directions of the French Codex of 1839 :— Take of Powdered fcenugreek 2 parts. Olive oil 32 parts. * From Squire's Pharm. of London Hospitals. OFFICINAL LINIMENTS, 881 Digest for six hours, strain, and add — Yellow wax 8 parts. Burgundy pitch 4 parts. Turpentine 4 parts. Strain, and stir until cool. Pile Ointment. Take of Acetate of morphia gr. v. Tannic acid gss. Liniment of subacetate of lead f gss. Simple ointment ^vij. Triturate the tannic acid first with the liniment, and then incor- porate it with the ointment. Llnimenta, U. S. P. (Liniments.) These are fluid or semifluid preparations designed to be rubbed upon the surface, and either covered by lint or rubbed on until partially absorbed. The officinal members of this class are dis- played in the following syllabus. The Officinal Liniments. Group 1. — In which the Oily Ingredient is partially Saponified. ( Stimulating, rubefacient. Linimentum ammouise (Volatile liniment.) Linimentum calcis. ( Ammonia water, f §j. ( Olive oil, §ij. Linimentum saponis. Liniment, cantharidis. Liniment, camphorge. Liniment, cbloroformi. Liniment, terebinthinae. (Kentish's ointment.) Liniment, aconiti. Liniment, plumbi subacet. ( Lime-water, f§viij. ( Flaxseed oil, §vij. f Castile soap, |ij, | Camphor, Jj. ■{ Oil rosemary, f^ij. | Alcohol, Oj. I Water, f §iij. t "Healing," or demulcent. | The soap dissolved in the diluted [- alcohol by heat, and the stimu- lants added. J Group 2.' ( Cantharidis, §j. \ Oil turpentine, Oss. ( Camphor, 1 part. ( Olive oil, 4 parts. { Chloroform, ^iij. ( Olive oil, ^iv. ( Resin cerate, ffij. ( Oil turpentine, Oss. Yconite root, §viij. Glycerin, f i§j. Alcohol, q. s. i 01. olivge, 3 iij . ( Liq. plumbi subacet. §ij {? Oily Mixtures. 1 Digested and strained. i Triturated in a mortar. I Shaken together. ) Semifluid, by fusing the ingre- ) dients together. V Percolated, evaporated to f ^viij. } Sedative. REMARKS ON THE LINIMENTS. Volatile liniment is a powerful stimulant, much used as a counter- irritant in sore throats, and also in rheumatism. Lime liniment is applied with the most happy effects to recent scalds and burns ; it is one of the most useful of preparations in the apothecaries' daily routine of minor surgery. Soap liniment is a useful application for similar purposes with 56 882 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. volatile liniment, but less active ; it is also readily removed by washing, containing no oil which is not saponified. Opodeldoc, formerly officinal under the name of Linimentum Saponis Camphorata, but dismissed from the later editions, is used as an application to sprains, rheumatic pains, etc. ; it is put up in small wide-mouth vials, into which the finger is inserted, to soften and extract it, and differs from officinal soap liniment chiefly in being made from animal oil soap, which thickens into a soft mass when it cools. Liniment of Spanish flies, though usually applied as a local irri- tant and rubefacient, is capable of use as a vesicant, being applied on lint, and covered to confine its vapor. Camphor liniment is well adapted as a vehicle of many substances applied in the form of stimulating liniment; it is well combined with aq. ammonise, as in Linim. Ammonias Camphorata, p. 883. Kentish's ointment, though so different from lime liniment, is used in nearly the same cases ; it is applied to recent burns, until the peculiar inflammation, called " the fire," subsides. Working Formulas for the Liniments. Linimentum Aconiti, U. S. P. {Aconite Liniment) Take of Aconite root, in fine powder, eight troyounces. Glycerin, a fluidounce. Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the powder with four fluidounces of alcohol and let it macerate for twenty -four hours, then pack it in a conical percolator, and gradually pour alcohol upon it until two pints of tincture have been obtained. Distil off a pint and a half of alcohol, and evapo- rate the remainder until it measures seven fluidounces ; to this add the glycerin and mix thoroughly. This tincture is designed to supply 'the place of ointment of aco- nitia, and is best used by saturating a piece of lint of the desired size with the liniment, and, after applying it to the part affected, covering it with a piece of oiled silk a little larger than the lint. It must be used with care, and not over an abraded surface. Linimentum Ammoniw, IT. S. P. ( Volatile Liniment.) Take of Water of ammonia, a fluidounce. Olive oil, two troyounces. Mix them. . Linimentum Calcis, U. S. P. {Lime Liniment) Take of Solution of lime, eight fluidounces. Flaxseed oil, seven troyounces. Mix them. Linimentum Camphorx, U. S. P. {Liniment of Camphor.) Take of Camphor, three troyounces. Olive oil, twelve troyounces. Dissolve the camphor in the oil. UNOFFICINAL LINIMENTS. 888 Linimentum Cantharidis, U. S. P. (Liniment of Cantharides.) Take of Cantharides, in fine powder, a troyounce. Oil of turpentine, half a pint. Digest the cantharides with the oil for three hours in a close vessel, by means of a water-bath, and strain. Linimentum Chloroformi, U. S. P. (Liniment of Chloroform.) Take of Purified chloroform, three troyounces. Olive oil, four troyounces. Mix them. Linimentum Saponis, U. S. P. (Soap Liniment.) Tinctura Saponis Camphorata, Pharm. 1850. Take of Soap, in shavings, four troyounces. Camphor, two troyounces. Oil of rosemary, half a fluidounce. Water, six nuidounces. Alcohol, two pints. Mix the alcohol and water, digest the soap with the mixture, by means of water-bath, until it has dissolved; then filter, and, having added the camphor and oil, mix the whole thoroughly together. Linimentum Terebinthince, IT. S. P. (Kentish's Ointment.) Take of Kesin cerate, twelve troyounces. Oil of turpentine, half a pint. Add the oil to the cerate previously melted, and mix them. Linimentum Plumbi Subacetatis, U. S. P. Take of Olive oil giij. Liq. plumbi subacet ^ij. Mix them. Unoffictnal Liniments. Linimentum Ammonice Camphorata. Take of Camphor liniment 2 parts. Water of ammonia 1 part. Mix. An improvement on volatile liniment, having the additional advantage of camphor. Liniment Prescribed, in Catarrhal Croup. Take of Camphor ^ij, ^ij. Oil of turpentine f 5j. Make a solution. Liniment of Tannin. Take of Tannic acid ,^j. Glycerin . f |j. Make a solution. This is adapted to the treatment of sore nipples and engorge- ments of the neck of the uterus ; it may be diluted with water at pleasure. 884 CERATES, OINTMENTS, AND LINIMENTS. Linimentum Plumbi Subacetatis. Take of Solution of subacetate of lead, Glycerin, of each f ^j. Mix. This is designed to enable the physician to apply subacetate of lead in a concentrated form, and to facilitate its dilution with neu- tral liquids, without its becoming so readily decomposed. Linimentum Hyperici. {Red Oil.) Take of Flower of Hypericum (fresh), a convenient quantity. Olive oil, sufficient to cover it. Macerate in the sun for fourteen days, express and strain. A well-known and popular application to recent bruises and sprains. The flowers of hypericum (St. John's wort) are also used inter- nally in the form of tincture and infusion. Milk of Hoses for Chapped Hands, etc. Take of Almonds, blanched Rose-water . . . "White wax . . . Almond oil . . . White Castile soap Honey .... Cologne . . . . . Oil of bitter almond Oil of rose geranium Glycerin Blanch the almonds and beat to a paste, adding the rose-water, heat this to about 212° and incorporate wi oil, and soap, melted together, then add the other ingredients. Directions. — After washing the hands with warm water and Cas- tile or palm soap, apply the milk of roses, rubbing it thoroughly in, then wipe the hands with a dry towel. f^viij. ij- f»- gtt. iv. gtt. v. fiss. Arnica Liniment. (Glycerole of Arnica.) Take of Arnica flowers, bruised 4 ounces. Glycerin 1 pound. Digest at a moderate temperature on a water-bath, express and strain, or preferably, with Smith's steam displacer, displace the glycerin by steam pressure. For this preparation, the cheap, impure glycerin of commerce answers an excellent purpose. Linimentum JSulphuris. Take of Sulphur, prsecip., Almond oil, Lime-water. Triturate the sulphur with the oil, and add lime-water in slight PLASTERS, PLASMATA, AND CATAPLASMS. 885 excess; shake it thoroughly together, and dispense in a wide-mouth vial. This is designed as an improvement on sulphur ointment. Glycerin Lotion. Take of Rose-water 1 pint. Quince seed 2 drachms. Macerate, strain, and add — Glycerin 1 lb. This is an elegant application to chapped hands, and may do very well for a hair dressing. Orange-flower water or other aqueous perfume may be substituted for rose-water. Liniment of Iodide of Potassium. Take of Common soap 5J, 3yj. Alcohol f.^viijss. Iodide of potassium 5jiss. Water f^iss. Oil of garden lavender 5ss. Dissolve the soap in the alcohol by means of a gentle heat, and filter if it is not perfectly transparent ; then add the oil of laven- der and the iodide of potassium dissolved in the water, mix, and bottle while warm. The strength of this liniment is about one drachm to the ounce. Qelatinizcd Chloroform. Take of Chloroform, White of egg, each f o v J- Put them into a wide-mouth two-ounce vial, shake it, and allow it to stand for three hours. This is applied as a local anaesthetic with remarkable success. CHAPTER VII. PLASTERS, PLASMATA, AND CATAPLASMS. Emplastra. (Plasters.) These are external applications of a consistence thicker than cerates, and of such tenacity and adhesiveness at the temperature of the body that when warmed and applied they will adhere firmly. They are used for two principal objects : 1st, to furnish mechanical support and to protect the part from the air ; and, 2d, to convey medicinal effects, especially of a stimulant and discutient character. In the chapter on Fixed Oils, the subject of the preparation and properties of lead plaster, oleo-margarate of lead, is fully presented. 886 PLASTERS, PLASMATA, AND CATAPLASMS. This preparation is the basis of most plasters, though many are made from resinous substances, which are treated of under the ap- propriate head on pages 422 to 429. In accordance with the general plan of this work, a syllabus is presented embracing the composition of the officinal plasters, and remarks upon them, and the working formulas from the Pharma- copoeia are appended with selections from unofficial formulas. Some practical directions for their preparation and the mode of spreading them follow. Emp. plumbi. Emp. resinse. Emp. saponis. Emp. aconiti. Emp. belladonnae. Emplastra. — Syllabus of Officinal Plasters. (See page 386.) Diachylon plaster Emp. opii. Emp. assafoetidas. {1 part 3 part 12pai Emp. galbani comp. ■{ Emp. hydrargyria Emp. ammoniaci. Emp. ammoniaci hydrarg. f 1 part p. resin. \ 6 parts lead plaster. J 1 part soap. \ 9 parts lead plaster. oz. powdered aconite root, exhausted with alcohol. oz. resin plaster. 1 part ale. extract. 2 parts resin plaster. 1 part ext. opium. ts B. pitch, parts lead plaster, f 2 parts assafoetida. j 2 parts lead plaster. | 1 part galbanum. L 1 part yellow wax. f 8 parts galbanum. 1 part turpentine. 3 parts B. pitch. [36 parts lead plaster, f 3 parts mercury. j 1 part olive oil. } 1 part resin. l_ 6 parts lead plaster. i G \Z S tl^ d ^ dilUt6d \ Stimulant; resolvent. ^ acetic acid. j i Adhesive plaster. Very mild and less adhesive. Anodyne in neuralgia. > Anodyne in neuralgia, etc. > Anodyne. 1 i }■ Antispasmodic. Stimulant; antispasmodic. 1 }■ Discutient ; alterative. I J Emp. ferri. Emp. picis Burgundicse. Emp. picis canadensis. Emp. arnicse. Emp. picis cum canth. Emp. antimonii. f Ammoniac j Mercury §iij. j Olive oil 5j. [ Sulphur gr. viij. {1 part Fe 2 3 -fFe 2 C0 3 . 8 parts lead plaster. 2 parts B. pitch. 12 parts B. pitch. 1 part yellow wax. j 12 parts Canad. pitch. \ 1 part yellow wax. f 1 part ale. ext. aimica. \ 2 parts resin plaster, f 7 parts B. pitch. \ 1 part cerat. canth. f 1 part tart, antimony. \ 4 parts B. pitch. 1 Discutient; stimulant. Red strengthening plaster. roborant I Strengthening ; rubefacient. I Strengthening ; rubefacient. I Stimulant ; roborant. I Warming plaster. } Counter-irritant, producing "pustulation." REMARKS ON THE OFFICINAL PLASTERS. Lead plaster associated with soap is rendered less adhesive and more bland in its characters, furnishing an emollient preparation, SoajJ plaster, often confounded with soap cerate. WORKING FORMULAS FROM THE PHARMACOPOEIA. 887 By mixing with resin, lead plaster is rendered more adhesive, and somewhat more irritating; this is Resin plaster, a very familiar preparation, and, when spread on cotton cloth, constitutes Adhesive plaster cloth. Some elegant plaster cloths are also prepared in which this excellent " body" is incorporated with mercury, belladonna, opium, etc., and spread upon cotton, linen, or silk fabrics. These should be kept in tin cans, and, when disposed to crackle, should be held to the lire till fused on the surface, and then laid away to cool thoroughly before being again rolled up. The skilful association of the medicinal substances prescribed in the officinal plasters, is accomplished mainly by fusion and stirring together. Belladonna and Aconite plasters are made by incorporat- ing the alcoholic extracts with resin and lead plaster, the extracts being softened and added as the plasters thicken by cooling. Opium plaster by the direction of the last ~Pharmacopazia is made from aqueous extract of opium. In Mercurial plaster the globules of mercury are extinguished by the use of resin, and in Blaster of ammoniac with mercury a little sulphur and oil are used to extinguish the mercury before asso- ciating it with the ammoniac. Ammoniac plaster is peculiar in its mode of preparation ; it con- sists of the pure gum-resin as dissolved in vinegar, strained and evaporated. Assafoctida and other imperfectly soluble gum-resins are purified by solution in alcohol, and evaporation to bring them to a suitable condition for incorporation into this form. A small proportion of these plasters sold by manufacturers come up to the officinal standard. Working Formulas from the Pharmacopoeia. Emplastrum Resinaz, U. S. P. {Adhesive Plaster.) Take of Resin, in fine powder, six troyounces. Lead plaster, thirty-six troyounces. To the plaster, melted over a gentle fire, add the resin, and mix them. Emplastrum Saponis, IT. S. P. (Soap Plaster.) Take of Soap, sliced, four troyounces. Lead plaster, thirty -six troyounces. Water, a sufficient quantity. Pub the soap with water until brought to a semiliquid state ; then mix it with the plaster, previously melted, and boil to the proper consistence. Emplastrum Aconiti. Take of Aconite root, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Alcohol, Resin plaster, each, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the aconite root with six fluidounces of alcohol, and pack in a conical percolator. Cover the surface with a disk of paper, and pour upon it ten fluidounces of alcohol. "When the PLASTERS, PLASMATA, AND CATAPLASMS. liquid begins to drop from the percolator, close the lower orifice with a cork and set it aside for four days. Then remove the cork, and gradually pour on alcohol until two pints of tincture have been obtained, or the aconite root is exhausted. Distil off' a pint and a half of alcohol by means of a water-bath, and evaporate the residue to the consistence of a soft uniform extract. Add to this sufficient resin plaster, previously melted, to make the mixture weigh sixteen troyounces, and then mix thoroughly. Emplastrum Belladonnas, U. S. P. [Plaster of Belladonna.) Take of Belladonna root, in fine powder, sixteen troyounces. Alcohol, Kesin plaster, each, a sufficient quantity. Moisten the belladonna root with six fluidounces of alcohol, pack it in a conical percolator, and, having covered the surface with a disk of paper, pour on ten fluidounces of alcohol. When the liquid begins to drop from the percolator, close the lower orifice with a cork, and, having closely covered the percolator, set it aside for four days. Then remove the cork, and gradually pour on alcohol until two pints of tincture have slowly passed. Distil off by means of a water-bath a pint and a half of alcohol ; introduce the residue into a two-pint capsule, and evaporate on a water-bath to a soft uniform extract ; ascertain its weight, and, having added sufficient resin plaster, previously melted, to make the whole weigh sixteen troy- ounces, mix them thoroughly. Emplastrum Galbani Compositum, U. S. P. {Compound Plaster of Galbanum.) Take of Galbanum, eight troyounces. Turpentine, a troyounce. Burgundy pitch, three troyounces. Lead plaster, thirty-six troyounces. To the galbanum and turpentine, previously melted together and strained, add first the Burgundy pitch, and afterwards the plaster, melted over a gentle fire, and mix the whole together. Emplastrum Hydrargyria IT. S. P. {Plaster of Mercury.) Take of Mercury, six troyounces. Olive oil, Resin, each, two troyounces. Lead plaster, twelve troyounces. Melt the oil and resin together, and, when they have become cool, rub the mercury with them until globules of the metal cease to be visible. Then gradually add. the plaster, previously melted, and mix the whole together. Emplastrum Opii, TJ. S. P. {Plaster of Opium.) Take of Extract of opium, a troyounce. Burgundy pitch, three troyounces. Lead plaster, twelve troyounces. Water, a sufficient quantity. WORKING FORMULAS FROM THE PH A RM A C OPCEI A . 889 Mix the extract with three fluidounces of water, and evaporate, by means of a water-bath, to a fluidounce and a half. Add this to the Burgundy pitch and plaster, melted together by means of a water-bath, and continue the heat for a short time, stirring con- stantly, that the moisture may be evaporated. Emplastrum Ammoniaci, U. S. P. (Plaster of Ammoniac.) Take of Ammoniac, five troy ounces. Diluted acetic acid, half a pint. Dissolve the ammoniac in the diluted acetic acid, and strain ; then evaporate the solution by means of a water-bath, stirring con- stantly, until it acquires the proper consistence. Emplastrum Ammoniaci cum Hydrargyro, U. S. P. (Plaster of Am- moniac with Mercury.) Take of Ammoniac, twelve troyounces. Mercuiy, three troj-ounces. Olive oil, sixty grains. Sublimed sulphur, eight grains. Heat the oil, and gradually add the sulphur, stirring constantly until they unite; then add the mercury, and triturate until globules of the metal cease to be visible. Boil the ammoniac with sufficient water to cover it, until they are thoroughly mixed ; then strain through a hair sieve, and evaporate, by means of a water-bath, until a small portion taken from the vessel hardens on cooling. Lastly, add the ammoniac, while yet hot, gradually to the mixture of oil, sulphur, and mercury, and thoroughly incorporate all the ingredients. Emplastrum Assafoetida?, U. S. P. (Plaster of Assafoetida.) Take of Assafoetida, Lead plaster, each, twelve troyounces. Galbanum, Yellow wax, each, six troyounces. Alcohol, three pints. Dissolve the assafoetida and galbanum in the alcohol by means of a water-bath, strain the liquid while hot, and evaporate to the con- sistence of honey ; then add the plaster and wax, previously melted together, stir the mixture well, and evaporate to the proper con- sistence. Emplastrum Eerri, U. S. P. (Strengthening Plaster.) Take of Subcarbonate of iron, three troyounces. Lead plaster, twenty-four troyounces. Burgundy pitch, six troyounces. Add the subcarbonate of iron to the plaster and Burgundy pitch, previously melted together, and stir them constantly until the mixture thickens on cooling. 890 PLASTERS, PLASMATA, AND CATAPLASMS. JEmplastrum Picis Burgundicce, U. S. P. {Burgundy Pitch Plaster.) Take of Burgundy pitch, seventy-two troyounces. Yellow wax, six troyounces. Melt them together, strain, and stir constantly until they thicken on cooling. PJmplastrum Picis Canadensis, U. S. P. (Hemlock Pitch Plaster.) Take of Canada pitch, seventy-two troyounces. Yellow wax, six troyounces. Melt them together, strain, and stir constantly until they thicken on cooling. Emplastrum Arnicai, U. S. P. (Arnica Plaster.) Take of Alcoholic extract of arnica, a troyounce and a half. Resin plaster, three troyounces. Add the extract to the plaster, previously melted by means of a water-bath, and mix them. Emplastrum Picis cum Cantharide, IT. S. P. (Warming Plaster.) Take of Burgundy pitch, forty-eight troyounces. Cerate of cantharides, four troyounces. Melt them together by means of a water-bath, and stir constantly until the mixture thickens on cooling. Emplastrum Antimonii, U. S. P. Take of Tartrate of antimony and potassium, in fine powder, a troyounce. Burgundy pitch, four troyounces. Melt the pitch by means of a water-bath, and strain; then add the powder, and stir them well together until the mixture thickens on cooling. Tartar emetic, if precipitated by pouring its solution into alcohol, 95 per cent., is reduced to a very fine powder, which when dried is in the best condition for making ointment or plaster. Take of Litharge, Unofficinal Plasters. Logan's Plaster. Carbonate of lead, of each ......IS com. Castile soap 12 oz. com. Fresh butter . . 4 oz. Olive oil 2£ pints. Powdered gum mastich 2 drachms. Mix the soap, oil, and butter together; then add the oxide of lead and boil it gently over a slow fire for an hour and a half, or until it has a pale brown color, stirring constantly ; the heat may then be increased and the boiling continued, till a portion of the melted plaster being dropped on a smooth board is found not to adhere, then remove it from the fire and add the powdered gum mastich. THE SPREADING OF PLASTERS. 891 Emplastrum Universalis. A plaster is officinal in several of the European Pharmacopoeias under different names, which appears to be identical with Keyser's Universal plaster, sold extensively in this country as a nostrum. The following is the formula of the Prussian Pharmacopoeia ; the proportions are by weight : — ■ Take of Ked lead, in very fine powder .f viij. Olive oil o xv J- Boil them in a proper vessel with constant agitation until the whole has assumed a blackish-brown color, then add — Yellow wax 5iv. And after this has been melted and well mixed — Camphor ^ij. Previously dissolved in a little olive oil. ]\ T ow pour it out into suitable boxes, or into paper capsules, to be cut into square cakes when cold. Devices' Breast Plaster. (A Modified Formula.) Take of Lead plaster jfiij. Ammoniac plaster jfss. Logan's plaster 5iss. Spermaceti, Camphor, of each gij. Melt the plasters, then add the spermaceti and camphor, and re- move from the fire. Pancoasfs Sedative Plaster. Take of Extract of belladonna, Mercurial plaster, Lead plaster Equal parts. Mix by fusion and trituration. Plaster for Mammary Abscess. (Dr. Ell wood "Wilson.) Take of Belladonna plaster 1 part. Logan's plaster 2 parts. Melt them together and spread upon chamois leather. (See page 893.) . Spreading of Plasters. Plasters are spread on skin of various kinds and finish, on cotton cloth of different qualities, and rarely on silk and paper; of those spread upon skin, the size is indicated in prescription, by the number of inches in each direction, or, when irregular shapes are ordered, by a pattern furnished the pharmacist. The spreading of plasters, which was formerly an important part of the business of the apothecary, has now, like many other opera- tions of his art, been monopolized by manufacturers, who, by making 892 this single branch of manufacture a specialty, acquire facility for the production of cheap and salable varieties. Machine-spread strengthening plasters are immensely popular outside the profession for a great variety of ailments, and they are undoubtedly better adapted to meet the public demand for cough remedies, and "pain eradicators," than the great majority of the "pectoral syrups," "hot drops," and anodynes, so extensively vended. Recently, the manu- facturers have prepared specific kinds of plasters, and sold them under appropriate names as Burgundy pitch, hemlock, and warm- ing plasters, so as to put them within the range of physicians' pre- scriptions. Some of them should make the series of officinal plasters in appropriate sizes and compounded of the best ingredients and strictly according to the Pharmacopoeia ; there would certainly be a demand for them, as apothecaries seldom covet the labor of pre- paring them extemporaneously. . In Prof. Procter's edition of Mohr and Redwood's Pharmacy, a machine for spreading the ordinary strengthening plasters is figured ; it consists of a block of hard wood, about twelve inches long, eight inches wide, and three and a half inches high ; the upper surface is curved from end to end, a tinned, iron, or steel frame cut out of the size and shape of the plaster to be spread is secured to the block by a hinge-joint, and when the end is brought down and fastened by hasps, it presses evenly and with force over the convex surface; a frame accompanies it for marking out the pattern on the leather, which is to be cut previously to being put on the machine. Another part of the apparatus is a bar of cast-steel an inch square, perfectly smooth, the ends drawn out and mounted with wooden handles; this is to be warmed gently by an alcohol lamp or by immersion in hot water previously to being used to smooth the surface of the plaster for which it is designed. The material, being melted in a copper skillet, is poured on the skin, properly secured on the curved surface by the steel frame, and smoothed by the warmed smoothing iron till of uniform thickness, the excess of plaster being pushed on to the frame and afterwards removed ; the plaster is then removed and laid away to harden. Skill in the use of this apparatus can only be acquired by experience ; but the most obvious precautions in this, as in the case of extemporaneous plasters, depend on the proper regulation of the temperature, both of the melted plaster when poured on, and of the smoothing iron applied; if too hot, the skin will be penetrated and the plaster will show on the unspread side, besides in most instances being deteriorated; if not hot enough the plaster will be laid on too thickly, and with an unpolished surface. Plasters to be spread extemporaneously of various sizes and patterns may be melted in a small metallic vessel over a gas or spirit lamp, and poured directly upon the skin, properly secured upon a flat surface, with several thicknesses of paper under it, then smoothed with a small plaster iron, moderately heated, or a large spatula, which skilfully managed answers equally well; or the plaster may be, as is perhaps more common, fused by the heat of THE SPREADING OF PLASTERS. 893 the plaster iron upon a piece of stout paper, transferred from this to the skin, and then smoothed by the gradually cooling iron. Figs. 248 and 249 show plaster irons of the kinds adapted to different sizes and kinds of plasters, the larger sizes being suitable Fig. 248. to spread a large plaster of slowly fusible material. "When the heat necessary to melt the plaster is derived from the iron, it should be first warmed to such temperature that, while it will occasion the plaster to flow, it will not scorch it. The iron should also retain sufficient heat, till the operation is complete, to impart a Fig. 249. smooth surface to the stiffened plas- ter. The small iron will do well to spread a warming plaster, belladonna plaster, or the similar easily fusible kinds. it; " The pattern of the plaster is usually a- cut out of a piece of smooth, stiff hardware paper, which is then pasted on to the skin with a good deal of flour or tragacanth paste, so that it shall not dry and adhere too firmly to the skin before its removal is allowable. "When the plaster is properly smoothed over the leather, the paper pattern is torn up, and leaves a clean neat edge of the prescribed shape ; where the material is brittle, it may be requisite that the warm plaster iron should be passed around the edge while removing the paper pattern. The margin of plasters should be at least half an inch wide where the material is very fusible and adhesive, thus saving much annoyance to those requiring to use them ; in a few instances, however, as in the case of soap plasters to be applied to bed sores, any required extent of the skin may be spread, and por- tions of the required size and shape may be cut off as needed ; this plaster, not being liable to " run," requires no margin. The material on which plasters are spread may be varied ac- cording to their use. Resinous plasters or warming plasters to be applied to the back or breast, as counter-irritants and mechanical supports, are spread on thick sheepskin, while opium and belladonna plasters, which are generally smaller and frequently applied about the face, may be spread on kid, split skin, or cotton cloth, and if they have precisely the consistence proper for this kind of applica- tion, they are less cumbrous and disagreeable than those spread on kid. I have found advantage in spreading the large circular plasters to be applied over the breast of the female on the kind of skin called 891 PLASTERS, PLASMATA, AND CATAPLASMS. "chamois" wliich is more flexible and yielding, though equally durable with the differently dressed "sheepskin." Breast Plasters. — The frequent demand for stimulating, emollient, and sedative applications to the mammae of females, as prevent- ives or remedies for mammary abscess, has given rise to several combinations, described on page 891 ; it now remains to indicate a suitable pattern for this kind of plaster. The usual shape prescribed is that of a circle, about 8 inches in diameter, with a hole in the middle ; the diameter should be varied with the size of the mammae, and the hole should in no case be less than an inch in diameter, so as to allow ample room for the nipple to project and even for the infant to be nursed if required. In order to supply these to physicians in distant localities, who have not facilities for spreading them or ready resort to competent pharmacists, I have made the pattern shown in the drawings. The diameter of the spread plaster is 7 inches, the margin 1 inch, the orifice for the nipple is placed nearer to one side, in conformity with the shape of the enlarged mammae, and the fact that the hardness is apt to be on the under, swagging portion. This hole has the diameter of 1J inch, besides a very narrow margin. The strip remaining unspread is designed to be cut open on the dotted lines, Fig. 251, adapting the plaster to the curved shape of the breast and to breasts of different sizes. The pattern of tinned iron, Fig. 250, is designed to be tacked over the smooth skin to facilitate the Fia:. 250. Fig. 251. Pattern for breast plaster. Mammary abscess plaster. spreading of these plasters, which are of various materials, the most highly esteemed composition being that given on page 891, as recommended by Dr. Ell wood Wilson. In some cases the simple Logan's plaster is spread, for others tobacco ointment, and for others Deshler's salve. The plasters proper are best spread on chamois skin, but ointments and cerates will, perhaps, do better on highly glazed cotton cloth, which, as it is less elastic and flexible THE SPREADING OF PLASTERS. 895 than the skin, may require to be somewhat nicked to adapt it to the convex surface for which it is designed. Annular Corn-Plasters. — Under this name is prepared a very con- venient application to corns. Adhesive plaster is spread on thick buckskin, and then, with a punch, cut into small round plasters, about | inch in diameter, then with another punch a small hole is cut in the middle. Applied over a sore corn, it protects /rom the pressure of the shoe and gives great relief. White felt and amidou plasters, imported from England, have the same shape and general character of these ; they consist of a gelati- nous preparation, similar to that used in making court-plaster, spread upon peculiar thick material of great softness and elasticity. Plaster Cloth. — -The method of spreading plaster on muslin or cotton cloth, for sale by the yard, requires the use of peculiar appa- ratus, which is kept with great secrecy by the few manufacturers who possess them, and I do not know of their being heretofore figured in works on pharmacy. This material is not so well adapted as sheepskin to plasters which require to be spread thickly or which are very volatile or easily deteriorated by exposure; it has been, until recently, employed almost exclusively in spreading adhesive plaster for the surgeon and for popular use. Since procuring the apparatus shown in Fig. 252 I have used it for belladonna and mercurial plasters, and find it applicable to almost any of the kinds having lead plaster as a basis, which from their convenience of application and comparative cheapness, when spread in this way, are well adapted to popular employment. Fig. 252. £ v a / Machine for spreading plaster cloths. The frame of this machine is of cast iron ; its construction will be obvious from a study of the drawing ; the cotton cloth is wound tightly on to the roller on the extreme right, by the aid of the 896 PLASTERS, PLASMATA, AND CATAPLASMS. crank and passed under the iron rod beneath, and is thence drawn by a gentle and uniform motion under the receptacle for the plaster which is shown near the left end of the machine ; this consists of a marble slab at bottom, and two movable heavy steel knives fitting into grooves in the ends, and pressing by their weight upon the cloth passing under them ; this pressure is designed to be so adjusted as to occasion the proper thickness of plaster to be left smoothly deposited upon the cloth as it is drawn from under them ; this thickness will also be much influenced by the heat and consequent fluidity of the melted plaster. One of the steel knives is shown in the lower figure, removed from its position, with the tin vessel in wdiich it is designed to be warmed by the application of hot water previous to being used. The muslin selected for spreading must be first " calendered,'' a process of smoothing between hot rollers which gives it a perfectly smooth and close surface, and prevents the melted plaster from being too much absorbed. The art of using the machine consists in securing the proper degree of smoothness and fluidity of the plaster, upon which the thickness of the coat left upon the cloth will depend, and in the steadiness with which the cloth is drawn through the machine. Any irregularity in this motion will occa- sion variations in the thickness and a streaked appearance across the plaster ; variations are produced longitudinally by any deflec- tion or irregularity of surface of the scraping and smoothing irons, or by any solid particles present in the melted plaster. On the whole, it appears to be the conclusion of all who attempt the spreading of plaster cloth, that the operation is too difficult to justify any in undertaking it whose demand for the plaster will not be such as to make it a frequent operation. Probably those who practise plaster spreading on a large scale have expedients for regulating the flow of the melted plaster, the pressure of the smoothing irons, and the steady movement of cloth, which are not present in the machine above described. A description of plaster-cloth is imported from England under the name of doeskin, the tissue of which is much thicker and has a nap on the uns|)read surface ; it is not unlike canton flannel. Its superiority consists in its greater body and thickness, adapting it to some applications to which ordinary muslin is less suited. Plasmata.* Under the name of glyceroles, glycamils, and plasmata, some unofficinal preparations of the consistence of pomades have been introduced into medicine within a few years. They are made by heating starch and glycerin together ; the glycerin may be pre- viously medicated, and the preparation thus adapted to therapeu- tical applications, or medicinal substances in powder may be incorporated mechanically with the starch, and thus suspended in the preparation. They do not vary with changes of temperature as * See Pliarm. Journ. and Trans., Feb. 1858, and Amer. Journ. Pharin., 1858, p. 252. PLASMATA. 897 ointments do, and are not liable to become rancid or change in their chemical composition, though their consistence becomes thinner by time. The following are introduced as among the most useful for- mulas of this class : — Plasma. (G. F. Schacht.) Take of Glycerin, one fluidounce. Starch, in powder, seventy grains. Mix the powdered starch with the glycerin and gradually heat the mixture to about 240°, constantly stirring. This constitutes a basis from which may be produced prepara- tions corresponding with most of the cerates and ointments of the Pharmacopoeia, Plasma of Tar. (Glycerole de Goudron.) Take of Glycerin, one ounce. Purified tar, half a drachm. Powdered starch, half an ounce. Heat the starch with the glycerin and tar, stirring them together. This application is recommended as an astringent and resolvent, without producing irritation; it allays itching, dries up excoria- tions, and dissipates cutaneous phlegmasia^. Plasma Belladonnas. (London Ophthal. Hospital.*) Take of Extract of belladonna 30 grains. Glycerin 1 ounce. Starch 1 drachm. Make a plasma secundum artem. Plasma Plumbi. (C. S. Tilyard.) Take of Glycerin, two fluidounces. Sol. subacetate of lead, three fluidrachms. Camphor, ten grains. Bermuda arrowroot, one and a half drachm. Rub the arrowroot into a fine powder, and having mixed the glycerin and extract of lead, stir it into the mixture. Pour the whole into a capsule and heat over a spirit lamp cautiously, con- stantly stirring until it becomes transparent, and assumes the consistence of paste. Having powdered the camphor by means of a few drops of alcohol, rub a little of the plasma with it in a mortar until well incorporated, then add the remainder and stir a few minutes. When first made it is viscid and ropy, but in a day or two loses these properties and becomes at the ordinary temperature (say 60° F.) of the consistence of soft ointment. * From Squire's Pharmacopoeia of the Loudon Hospitals. 57 898 PLASTERS, PLASMATA, AND CATAPLASMS. Glycamyl Sinapis. (M. GTrimault.) Take of Glycerin 13 drachms. Starch 2 drachms. Volatile oil of mustard 80 drops. Mix them by the aid of heat. This preparation is designed as an extemporaneous sinapism ; it is an elegant though costly substitute. Glycerin Pomade of Iodide of Potassium. (M. Thirault.) Take of Glycerin 1000 parts. Almond soap 50 parts. Powd. iodide of potassium 130 parts. Dissolve in a water-bath, pour immediately into a warm mortar and triturate briskly for a quarter of an hour. It may be aroma- tized at pleasure. It is a permanent preparation ; the iodine salt is in solution and in a favorable condition for absorption. It neither colors the skin nor the linen. Basis for Topical Application. (M. Startin.) Take of Gum tragacanth ^ ounce. Glycerin 1 ounce. Lime-water 2 ounces. Rose-water, sufficient to form a soft jelly. This is an elegant material, said to be less deliquescent than the Plasma of Schacht. Glycerinum Amyli, Ph. Br. Take of Starch, one ounce avoir. Glycerin, eight fluidounces imp. E,ub together in a mortar until intimately mixed and then trans- fer to a porcelain capsule, heat to 250°, stirring constantly till the starch particles are broken and a perfectly smooth jelly is formed. This is practically the same as the plasma introduced by Mr. Schacht, noticed a few pages back. Cataplasms. The following is introduced as a specimen of the unofficinal class of cataplasms, to which mustard plaster and the numerous varieties of poultices belong. Cataplasma Lini. {Flaxseed Poultice.) Take of Flaxseed meal, four ounces. Boiling water, sufficient. Stir them together into a suitable mass. The oil existing naturally in the flaxseed meal serves to render this a very emollient application. Some physicians prefer a mix- ture of flaxseed meal with cake meal (from which the oil has been extracted) for the purpose. ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. 899 Cataplasma Sinapis. (Mustard Plaster or Sinapism.) Take of Mustard flour, four ounces. Wheat or rye flour, three ounces. Boiling water, half a pint, or sufficient. Stir the whole into a soft mass upon a suitable dish. The strength of the sinapism is varied by changing the relative proportions of the ingredients. For children there should be about half the proportion of mustard. Care should be taken to remove it before a blister is created. Spice Plaster, (Dr. Parrish, Sen.) Take of Powd. capsicum, Powd. cinnamon, Powd. cloves, each 2 ounces. Eye meal, Spirits, Honey, of each Sufficient. To be made into a cataplasm by trituration on a plate, and spreading upon a close fabric. It should be made up extempora- neously when required. CHAPTER VIII. ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. All the processes described in the previous practical parts of this work are subservient to the important operations of supplying or administering remedial agents to the public, called dispensing, and the art of compounding extemporaneous prescriptions of physicians. The formulas given in the last chapter have been introduced mainly with a view to acquainting the physician and pharmacist with the best forms for combining the leading remedies ; the act of com- pounding these is a difficult branch of knowledge, only acquired by an habitual training of the faculties of observation and reflection, and the attainment of a certain manual dexterity and expertness of manipulation, of more or less importance in every practical pursuit, and indispensable in this. The ordinary process of handing out medicines to the applicants over the counter involves responsibilities connected with no other branch of the trade, and calls for the exercise of constant vigilance to guard against the least thoughtlessness or inattention, and to fortity the mind against the many distracting influences constantly present in a place of business. To these must be added occasional vexatious evidences of ignorance or carelessness on the part of phy- sicians, to overcome which, the pharmacist must tax the utmost resources of his art, while many evidences of ignorance, prejudice, 900 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. and perversity on the part of his customers and his rivals in busi- ness, call for all his patience, self-control, and conscientiousness. It is thus apparent that the subject of this chapter constitutes the most difficult practical branch of pharmacy, for, in addition to the variety and extent of knowledge required for the performance of the various duties involved in it, a salesman and dispenser of medi- cines must possess rare personal qualities to render him popular and successful in his calling. Neatness, agility, and readiness of manner, combined with uni- form watchfulness and care in all the important manipulations re- quired of him, will inspire confidence, and secure patronage; while slothfulness, negligence, and indifference to what may seem petty details, will invariably inure to the disadvantage of their possessor. As the art of dispensing can only be acquired by practical expe- rience at the counter, its numerous and varied details cannot be taught by books. Authors when treating of this subject in a truly useful way can at best only lay down general rules, and set forth leading principles in regard to what must become the subject of daily experience. In the hint ^ which are here offered, I have chiefly in view the country practitioner, whose necessities compel him to undertake the business of dispensing and compounding, and the student of medicine and pharmacy, who would seek to obtain from books the leading topics on which to found his practical and experimental routine of studies. Tlie Furniture of the Physician 1 s Dispensing Office. In the first preliminary chapter, most of the forms of apparatus required by the country practitioner in dispensing were described and fully illustrated, and in the succeeding parts of the work, many useful implements, chiefly employed in manufacturing processes, have been introduced in connection with their uses and modes of construction; a few will be illustrated along with the manipula- tions yet to be treated upon. It will be observed that many of these forms of apparatus are by no means indispensable, and that all the processes described throughout the work can be performed with but few and cheap implements. The dispensing office should have a counter of size proportioned to its anticipated use, with a closet in it, and a few drawers; it should be placed very near to the bottles containing the medicines. The physician will require no more than a table of perhaps six or eight feet long, unless his dispensing business exceeds the require- ments of his own medical and surgical practice, but this should be made of about three feet in height, solid, and with a heavy top of hard wood, or otherwise covered with oil cloth. The counter should contain a pair of large scales and the pre- scription scales and case, which, however, should be so placed as not to be jarred by the contusion of substances with the pestle and mortar, and may very appropriately be placed on an adjacent shelf physician's dispensing office. 901 or table appropriated exclusively to them, and quite within reach in manipulating at the counter. A closet or shelves under the counter may be appropriated to mortars and pestles, funnel, etc. ; one shallow drawer with divi- sions should be appropriated to papers, cut for dispensing, as below described ; another to labels, pill boxes, powder boxes, corks, scis- sors, etc., each in a separate apartment ; another may contain the pill machine and tile, the spatulas, and plaster iron ; a place must be appropriated to a towel, and a tank, or, preferably, a hydrant with a sink should be near at hand ; a few deep drawers will be found useful for containing the drugs bought in packages, and for which no bottles are provided. On the top of the counter, the cork presser, the twine reel, and the alcohol lamp and graduated measure, may be appropriate orna- ments. If practicable to have another counter for small manufac- turing operations, it would be well to avoid cumbering the dis- pensing counter with a gas furnace, but otherwise the arrange- ments described in part second will be convenient ; gas may be led by a flexible tube from the pendant or side-light nearest at hand, and will be very convenient for heating purposes. It is well to have immediately under the top of the dispensing counter, two slides, on which most of the manipulations are performed ; one of these should be kept exclusively for powders, and the other used indiscrimi- nately, to save the top from being soiled. The stock of medicines should be arranged in a case, or on shelves, within a few feet of the counter. In the appendix will be found the dimensions necessary for the outfits there published. The shelves should be somewhat more extended than the actual dimensions required at first, to allow for additions from time to time, and care should be taken in making these additions to have the glassware correspond with the original stock. In the first pre- liminary chapter, the whole subject of glassware and tin boxes is fully considered. The books of reference, which should be ample — and if the pro- prietor himself, and those under his instructions, would keep pace with the advance of the times, should include the American Jour- nal of Pharmacy, and American Druggist's Circular, bound from year to year — should be in a neighboring case ; this might be ad- vantageously arranged to contain also a skeleton, and the surgical, dental, and obstetric instruments, bandages, splints, etc. The bou- gies and catheters should be in a tin case, so also the adhesive plas- ter, blistering tissue, gum-elastic bougies, nipple shields, etc. It is to be regretted that the proper arrangement and garnishing of the dispensing office should be generally considered of so little importance by practitioners at the commencement of their career; it is apt to have more effect upon the future success of the physi- cian than he can appreciate in advance. There is a difference of sentiment and a varying practice in regard to compounding prescriptions, behind a case or screen, or in full 902 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. view of customers ; the practice has gained ground of latter years of conducting all the operations of compounding at a screened counter, and holding intercourse with the customers only at the time of receiving the prescription and handing out the preparation. Although it has been observed that where this is the practice there is often less care bestowed upon the cleanliness and nicety of the operation, than where the whole is subjected to the scrutiny of a customer, who, though perhaps no pharmacist, may be a critical observer of the neatness and expertness of manipulations ; yet this should not permit the proprietor of any pharmaceutical establish- ment from taking this very important method of preventing this most common cause of accident, conversation while engaged in compounding remedies. Too much care can hardly be bestowed upon the accuracy of the weighings and the completeness of the admixture of the ingredients prescribed, and. the circumstances attending their being compounded and dispensed should all be cal- culated to carry out the instructions of the physician and to win the confidence of the patient and his friends. Dispensing. The peculiar qualities and great variety of the drugs and prepa- rations called for by his customers require of the dispenser of medicines considerable experience and aptness to understand the numerous inquiries, besides a retentive memory to recall the locali- ties of the different, and sometimes rare, articles in his shop, with their cost and selling price. This difficulty is increased by the fact that ignorant people and children often apply to him for medicines, the names of which are only imperfectly known to them, and he is compelled to form a notion of their requirements after a series of questions, which may or may not be skilfully put and cheerfully answered. Every dispenser of medicines, and especially every young man who has yet to win a reputation, should cultivate habits of polite- ness and deference, even to the poor and ignorant, and to aid him in this let him remember how little opportunity the public generally have had to acquaint themselves with drugs, which were for so many centuries wrapped in an obscure nomenclature, and considered as falling within the special province of a single profession, priding themselves upon the secrecy and even mystery of their craft. This reflection should also induce the pharmacist to seek occasions in the course of his daily contact with the public to interest inquiring minds in the commercial, botanical, and chemical history of the articles he dispenses, and to explain their uses, and even in conversa- tion with the least intelligent to remove the rough edge of their ignorance, by well-directed remarks and explanations. This course is not only useful to the customer but serves to interest and im- prove the dispenser, and to raise him in the esteem of those, the meanest of whom may have it in their power to add to or detract from his reputation and his business. DISPENSING OF SOLIDS. 903 One of the most common annoyances to the apothecary arises from the idea, which not unfrequently finds expression, that he is charging an undue profit upon his articles ; this is a natural con- clusion in the mind of the purchaser of drugs from their wide difference between the relative prices charged for small and larger quantities. Many answers to comments on his prices will suggest themselves to the ingenious salesman, bat to make these conclusive he must show by the precision and judgment with which he con- ducts his business, and by the neatness and exactness which he brings to bear upon every little package he sends out, that he regards his vocation not as a common trade, merely to buy and sell and get gain, but that as a man of science and a careful conservator of the interests of his customer, as well as his own, he amply earns all the pecuniary advantages which his business is supposed to bring. Dispensing of Solids. The business of dispensing involves the manipulation of weigh- ing, measuring, wrapping, and labelling. These require little description or comment here. The usual practice with pharmacists is to weigh all solid articles upon the paper in which they are to be wrapped, and where great nicety is required, as in the case of very costly articles, to balance the paper with a piece of like size upon the opposite dish of the scales. Avoirdupois weights are used in all ordinary dispensing operations. Some liquids which would soil a graduated measure, such as copaiva, Venice turpentine, Canada balsam, and the fixed oils, are usually weighed in the vessel in which they are to be dispensed; this may be a bottle, gallipot, oint- ment box, tumbler, or other convenient vessel with a wide mouth ; in other cases the quantity is conveniently determined by the size of the vial, the retail prices of liquids being usually graduated according to their liquid measure. Folding and Dispensing of Powders. — The first operation taught students in the school of practical pharmacy is this ; there are thou- sands who have felt the want of such instruction all their lives. The paper usually purchased for folding packages of medicine is called " white druggists' wrapping paper ;" its size is called double medium, each sheet being about 38 x 24 J inches. This sheet cut into 2 sheets 24 J x 19 = the medium size. The thickness of the paper is quite important; a flimsy paper renders it almost impossible to make neat packages, and as the thickness of paper is determined greatly by its weight, the proper thickness is that of paper of 45 to 50 lbs. per ream. The medium sheet is thus conveniently divided for dispensing purposes : — Into 4 sheets 12 x 9 J inches suitable for j- flb papers. 6 " 9J x 8 " " I Bb papers. 12 " 6J x 6J " " 1 oz. papers. Fig. 253 shows a \ ft> paper. To fold a package, this is laid upon the scale dish and filled with an appropriate quantity; of a moder- 904 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS, Paper for packages. Fig. 253. ately heavy article, like Epsom salts or cream of tartar, this will be 4 oz. ; of a light article, like senna or chamomile, say 1 oz. The paper is placed before the operator in the direction here shown ; a little crease is made on the nearest end so as to form a •flap into which the furthest edge is fitted, and the whole turned over upon the con- taining substance so as to form a crease when laid evenly down upon it, at the middle or near the further side, according as a wide or narrow bundle is desired. The oval cylinder is now loosely closed up at one end by turning it over, and is held up with the crease towards the ope- rator, the thumb pressing it firmly to pre- vent its bulging. Now, with the forefinger, the upper end of the cylinder is pressed in against the containing substance, and the two sides of the paper being rolled into the position they naturally take, the whole upper flap is laid down immediately above the con- taining substance and pressed into a firm and even crease. The package is now inverted, the other end is opened out, rolled in, and folded over in like manner. The next operation is to label the package; this requires very little paste, only sufficient should be applied to prevent its slipping about; the label is put immediately in line with the crease, unless this is too low down, and then it connects the crease with the part below. The next operation is to tie the package, which is done by laying it on the fiat or labelled side, and passing the string first across it and then lengthwise, se- curing it by a bow-knot at the edge where it was first creased. When the package is large or quite oblong, the string is made to pass twice across it and once lengthwise. The string used should be thin and free from fuzz ; linen is the best material. The ball of tying string may be put into a small apartment of the drawer and gradually unwound as required, or it may be used from a reel. Small powders for containing but a single dose of medicines should be put up in glazed writing paper. The kind called flat-cap is economical and adapted to the purpose. A sheet of fiat-cap will furnish sixteen of the most common size, or nine of the larger or Seidlitz powder size. Fig. 255 represents the shape of these. A little crease is made along the long side into which the opposite edge is laid, and the paper being folded over is laid down in the crease just beyond the middle, or at the middle, according to the width desired. The ends are now folded over a spatula so as to make flaps of equal length, and the package or powder, as it is called, is complete. In dispensing simple powders, I use small Fiff. 254. Paper package. PACKAGES AND POWDERS. 905 envelopes, Fig. 257 ; there are several sizes, which leave nothing to desire. Those opening at the end, Fig. 258, are in greater request, as the papers contained are less liable to drop out. Fig. 255. Fig. 256. Fig. 258. Powder. Fig. 25: Paper for power. Envelope for powder. Powders are often directed in considerable numbers, frequently, as in Prescription ^o. 73, twelve at once ; in this case, it is impor- tant to have the powders all of one length, so as to fit in a little box, called a powder-box or lozenge-box. The boxes used for pills (when pasteboard ones are employed), lozenges, and powders should have their appropriate labels pasted on them beforehand, so that there will be no unnecessary detention, and no liability of causing the ink to " run" and thus disfigure and render the directions indistinct. Directions for Seidlitz powders in single pairs, which are dispensed most neatly in envelopes, should be thus affixed and dried before the powders are placed in them. Gauges for folding powders are sold by dealers in druggists' sundries ; their use is twofold — to regulate the length of the pow- der, and to facilitate the folding ; the two end creases are made by simply pressing the paper over the blades between the thumb and finger. The expense of these is saved by cutting a piece of tin of the required width, and tacking it on to one corner of the slide appro- priated to powders. With a penknife, the board may be cut out to the thickness of the tin, so that the paper will slip readily on to the tin, and be turned over by the thumb and finger; this is sub- stituted on the counter shown in Figs. 34 and 35 by a small wooden powder gauge screwed on to the face of the slide appropriated to dispensing powders ; a great many powders can be folded in a few minutes by the use of this simple contrivance which takes up no room and is never out of the way when wanted. Powders are often dispensed in bulk to be divided by the patient according to some standard of proximate measurement, for instance, as much as will lay on a sixpence, or may be taken up by the point of a penknife, or will fill a salt spoon ; this has the advantage of economy in cases where the treatment is likely to be continued for a long time; but, as a general rule, it is better that the doses should be divided by the pharmacist, whose eye becomes accustomed to the least deviation from accuracy in dividing. The pharmaceutical 906 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS, tyro should practise weighing successively definite quantities of the more commonly prescribed medicines, and laying them out on appropriate papers so as to become proficient in dividing them by the eye. When dispensed in bulk with a view to being taken at intervals in approximate doses, powders should be put into vials with tole- rably wide mouths, or into turned wooden boxes, such as are used for tooth powders, not into ordinary paper packages. Volatile or deliquescent powders, whether in bulk or divided in separate papers, should be dispensed in wide- mouth vials well corked — the same is true of charcoal and magnesia, which are otherwise apt to be scattered over surrounding objects and wasted. The Dispensing of Liquids. — By attention to the liability of liquids to ferment, or to part with volatile active principles, or to deteriorate by exposure to atmospheric influence, the pharmacist will learn that advantages almost invariably result from the selection of well-stoppered pint and quart tincture bottles for the dispensing shelves in preference to half gallons and gallons. These bottles are necessarily frequently opened, admitting air and allowing of evapo- ration, and they are exposed to bright light which is one of the most potent causes of chemical change ; bottles of these sizes are also much more convenient to handle than larger ones, and by having suitable funnels at hand, may be replenished as often as required from stock bottles kept in the cellar or other appropriate depository. Under the head of solution, in the third part of this work, and of the liquid forms of medicines in the fifth part, and, indeed, throughout all the practical parts, I have endeavored to impress such facts connected with the preparation and use of this class of medicines as would be most useful to the student, and I may con- clude the subject here by reference to the selection of vials, corking, labelling, etc. Of the several varieties of vials shown in Part I., the kind best adapted to the purposes of the country physician and to the great majority of pharmacists is the German flint, Fig. Fig. 259. 259 ; it has the advantage over the flint vial of being A cheaper, and stronger ; while it is far better than the common quality of green glass. The manufacturers of green glass make many of their vials without lips, from the fact that dealers in handling and re- packing the lipped vials suffer loss from these being much broken about the lip. A vial is, however, of little use for many of the purposes of the physician without a good, rather broad, and thin lip, which will allow of. the pouring of the liquid from it with- out its running back and down the outside. This is especially true of small vials from which drops are to be administered. Many of the large dispensing establishments have adopted their own distinctive and uniform styles of vials, which are made in moulds of all the sizes required for ordinary dispensing, and are German flint vial. DISPENSING OF LIQUIDS. 907 certainly more recherche and characteristic than any that could be found in commerce. Other leading stores, not seeking any pecu- liarity in their style of vials, are content to purchase the best pro- ductions of the !N"ew England Glass Company, who produce glass- ware probably unsurpassed in elegance by any in the world. Numerous manufactories in other parts of the United States, espe- cially in Pittsburg, Pa., are largely concerned in supplying flint- glass prescription and dispensing vials lit for the best class of customers in our country. With a view to economy of time, the sink for washing vials, the vials themselves, the labels and corks, will be conveniently located near the front of the shop, and it is very desirable that an assort- ment of these necessary articles for dispensing liquids shall be always within reach of the counter clerks, in a condition for im- mediate use. The mode of disposing the assortment of washed vials differs in different establishments ; some hang them while yet moist on nails or pegs with the mouth inclined downward that they may drain and be free from liability to collect dust, until wanted for use. This method takes more space than is generally at com- mand, and seems to be less desirable than keeping them in a par- titioned drawer. The sink should have shelves or racks arranged over it for draining recently washed articles, and the vials should not be put into the drawer for use till dry. In the Preliminary Chapter, the variable quality of corks is referred to, and it is only necessary again to call attention to the great ad- vantage in this as in most other purchases of Fig. 260. selecting the best, and especially those of the kind called homoeopathic, which are fitted with much greater facility to the vials. There is no economy in procuring cheap corks, as prices are pretty exactly according to quality, and of the inferior qualities a lar°;e number are ™ ., j.. „ J- & Tapering and quite mint tor use. straight corks. The cork drawer should not be too near the fire, as they are deteriorated by long-continued drying. The cork should always be adjusted to the bottle before putting the liquid into it, so that if it should not fit, it may not be injured by contact with the liquid, and may be thrown in with the corks again. The neat appearance depends chiefly on its being clean and having a clear fresh surface at top ; this may generally be attained by the use of a sharp knife, care being taken not to cut it off' so short as to be inconvenient to extract again. The practice of cap- ping over the cork with a piece of fancy paper or damp kid gives a handsome finish to the preparation, and secures it from being opened by children or others who may be sent for the medicine ; but in small sales it scarcely repays for the time consumed. The most finished method for dispensing prescriptions is without doubt the metallic foil cap made of a size appropriate to the vials to be capped; these are generally stamped with the name of the dispenser. 908 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Fig. 261. Spirit lamp. Heavy and good quality tinfoil is a beautiful capping for corks, and may be applied without a string to secure it; it will take the impression of a stamp with considerable distinctness. With a view of capping operations, a small pair of scissors, different from those adapted to the general purposes of the counter, will be almost indispensable. The fashion of stamping the cork at the top with a die upon sealing wax has lately become quite general; to accomplish it with facility and neatness a small spirit lamp, Fig. 261, or a similar lamp made with a vial and glass tube should be provided ; the flame of alcohol is best for the purpose, because not liable to smoke the wax. A stamp should be provided with the name or initials, or some appropriate device or trade mark, which will give character to the preparation dispensed and indicate its origin. The cork presser, Fig. 262, is now so common and well known as scarcely to require mention ; in using it, care should be taken to press the whole length of the cork, Fig. 262. otherwise, if it is rather dry, it may be cracked at the point where the pressure of the machine ceases, and hence will break off in at- tempting to remove it from the bottle. It is best adapted to the larger sized corks, and is quite unsuitable to be applied to " ho- cork presser. mceopathic corks." An improved cork press patented by C. Lochman is also figured. It consists of a segment of cast-iron spiral fastened to a suitable block, and a wheel which is partially rotated, thus Fig 263. IiOchman's rotary cork press. running the cork between the interior of the spiral and the surface of the circle. As the wheel rotates it carries the cork further into the space, which gradually diminishes; the cork is thus pressed uniformly, and is not so likely to be crushed. physician's blank labels. 909 Foi ! Take a teaspoonful every hours, as directed. Dr For.. Take a teaspoonful times a day, as directed. Dr A.S DIRECTED. Take Dr. drops times a day, as directed. Take Dr. drops every hours, 1 as directed. For Take a tablespoonful a day, as directed. Dr times Powders. Take one every hours, as directed. Dr. Powders. Take < jne times a day, as directed. Dr. I - D, 910 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Fig. 264. Labelling medicinal preparations is very much neglected by country practitioners, frequently for want of facilities ; it is, how- ever, too important a matter to be overlooked in any well-ordered dispensary. A small sheet of blank labels may be procured for a trifling sum, adapted exactly to the wants of the particular .indi- vidual, or the druggist should have them printed for his customers. I have for several years sold sets somewhat like that on the pre- ceding page, which by filling up the blanks serve most the purpose of the physician. The apothecary will of course have, besides his ordinary printed slip labels, suitable prescription labels, with his business card and an appropriate space for filling up with the names of drugs, or with directions and the number and date of the prescription, for future reference. Few things add more to the reputation of the apothecary than the neatness and elegance of his labels, both in printing and chirography. Some pharmacists prefer to gum all their labels so that they will adhere by moistening alone; this is done by a solution of dextrine in water painted over the surface and allowed to harden, or by a mixture of one part of sugar to two of white glue, dissolved in five parts of water by heat, and applied while yet warm. Fig. 264 shows a convenient wide-mouth bottle, which may be of f^ij or fgiv capacity, with a per- forated cork into which a plug is inserted, extend- ing half an inch below the cork, on to which is glued a camel-hair brush, always dipping into the paste ; this little vial may be sup- plied with paste from another and larger bottle. The paste may be made by either of the following processes : — ■ Paste bottle and brush. Paste containing Glycerin. Take of Gum Arabic One ounce. Boiling water Two fluidounees. Glycerin Two fluidrachms. Make a solution. Paste preserved with Acetic Acid. Take of Powdered gum Arabic, Powdered tragacanth, of each ^ss. Water ^iss or sufficient. Acetic acid n\,xx. Mix them. If tragacanth paste is made stiff enough, it will keep without the addition of an antiseptic. When not previously prepared, the labels require to be pasted at the time they are applied ; this may be accomplished by laying them successively upon a piece of soft paper, which must be renewed as soon as it becomes somewhat daubed, or by laying them on a DISPENSING OF PILLS. 911 piece of smooth and hard wood, which should be cleaned and dried once every day. When the label is applied to glass, it should be covered by a piece of paper somewhat larger than itself, and tightly and uniformly pressed till quite smooth ; it is a mistake to put a thick coating of paste on the paper, as it then spreads on to the surrounding parts of the vial, soiling them, and in drying shrinks and wrinkles the label. When tilled and properly corked, the vial should be carefully wiped off and wrapped in a piece of white paper. The Jib. size, 9 J x 8 inches, is suitable for a fsiv vial. A good pen, with a tine point, suitable for filling up the blanks on the labels, and a desk, should be within convenient reach ; also a blank book or file on which to preserve the prescription for future reference, the day book or blotter, the book of "wants," in which each article is to be entered for purchase or preparation, before it is entirely out, and a note-book of facts and experiences, which, if diligently kept, will, by lapse of time, become a valuable heirloom of the office or shop. Beading the Prescription. The first process, on receiving a prescription to be compounded, is to read and thoroughly to understand it ; this can be done, in many cases, only after some study and consequent delay, which, if perceived by the applicant, may occasion distrust and a suspicion that something wrong is contained in it; to obviate the appearance of a misunderstanding, it is a good plan to commence by preparing a label ; this is done with the prescription before the eye of the writer, and allows time for thoroughly studying it and deciphering, as far as practicable, the obscure parts, before attempting to com- pound it. After the preparation has been completed and labelled, the prescription should be carefully reviewed and the several articles, as added, recalled so as to insure its correctness before sending it out freighted, as it may be, with the issues of life or death to the sufferer for whom it has been prescribed ; there are few errors occurring from carelessness which would not be obviated by this precaution. If there should be an obvious error in a prescrip- tion which might lead to serious consequences, it would become the duty of the pharmacist either to supply the medicine, so modi- fied as to be safe, and to fulfil the intention as nearly as he can arrive at it, or, on a plea of necessary delay, to obtain an opportunity to have the error corrected by the physician himself. The maintenance of a spirit of professional comity between the physician and pharmacist, by which each is bound to screen the other from unjust censure, while they mutualhy endeavor to protect the community from the dangers unavoidably attendant upon the administration of remedies, is the only true basis of their successful co-operation. Preparation and Dispensing of Pills. The advantages of this form of preparation having been fully detailed in Chapter III., the substances best adapted to it having 912 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Fig. 265. Fig. 266. Bottle with drop machine. been enumerated, and the general principles on which they should be compounded having been treated of, it remains now to convey such information upon the mode of mixing and forming pill masses as can be put into a brief description, premising that of the manual processes of pharmacy, none more distinctly require to be learned by experience. To form a pill mass, the ingredients in the form of powder, being weighed, are placed in a mortar, or on a tile, and thoroughly mixed ; two spatulas being at hand, a small addition of some excipient, as already pointed out, is to be made, care being taken not to add an excess, which the inexperienced are apt to do. The little bottle, Fig. 266, is made for the use of the analytical chemist in moistening substances with a single drop of a reagent; it will be useful to contain water for the purpose named. The drop guide, Fig. 265, or a similar extemporane- ous contrivance, will answer the same purpose. Many pill masses are spoiled by getting a few drops too much water accidentally into them ; they should always be very thoroughly triturated before the addition of fresh portions of liquid. The use of extracts in making pills has already been adverted to as aiding in their pharmaceutical eligibility ; but the toughness of certain resinous extracts, as extract of jalap, is one of the greatest causes of difficulty in the manipulation. The extract seems some- times to have dried to just that condition which forbids the idea of reducing it to powder, or softening it to the proper consistence of an excipient, and therefore it cannot be successfully incorporated with other extracts, or with dry powders. Under these circum- stances the aid of heat should be called in; a mortar being warmed upon the stove, the extract may be introduced into it and thoroughly softened by trituration, or if still too tough, being broken up, the mass may be subjected to drying, until, on cooling, it is so brittle as to be readily reduced to powder, and then incorporated with the other ingredients and rendered plastic by suitable excipients. Another difficulty in manipulating with extracts is owing to their sometimes being too soft to form a mass of sufficient firmness with the other ingredients prescribed; in this case it is, perhaps, generally best to spread the extract in a thin layer upon the tile and warm this till, a portion of the moisture being evaporated, it assumes the proper consistence. Care is, of course, necessary not to deteriorate the extract by burning, or the evaporation of any volatile principles. The warmth, moisture, and flexibility of the hand may frequently be brought into requisition with materials that refuse to soften and adhere, though generally it is desirable to avoid working Bottle for moisten- ing pill mass. PREPARATION OF PILLS, 913 Graduated pill tile. the mass in the hands in presence of the Fig. 267. customer ; when the materials are readily miscible, the whole process may be con- veniently performed in the mortar, and the removal of the mass completely effected by the use of the pestle and spatulas. Some pharmacists prefer the use of the pill tile and spatula for the whole mani- pulation, and I have observed that some of the most successful pill makers avoid the use of the mortar almost entirely; on the other hand the greater force imparted to trituration by the convex surface of the pestle upon the concave mortar, and the facility it affords in thoroughly powdering and mixing the ingredients, seem to me to indicate the superiority of this old-fashioned method ; the force of early training and of habit in this as in most other cases has a con- trolling influence. In using the pill tile, Fig. 267, for mixing the mass, an imple- ment is required which will facilitate the powdering of crystals, dry extractive, and resinous materials, and powders, which have agglutinated. Fig. 268 shows a muller, made of glass for this purpose; the flat bottom surface is ground to adapt it to trituration ; it is not used in forming the mass, but is well suited to the preparation of the dry materials. With a view to securing both tenacity and firmness in a pill mass, it seems essential that the several ingredients should combine the property of fluidity with that of hard- ness or insolubility. A solid substance, like aloes or almost any of the resins or gum resins, can readily be formed into pills with a little alcohol or some appropriate tincture, but for want of a substance insoluble in this ex- cipient the pills will be apt to fail of that firmness of con- sistence which results from the combination of solid with liquid particles; soap is in this case a better excipient, being less of a solvent for the resinous particles, and possessing a body which pre- vents the softening and flattening out of the pills. Whenever practicable, it is best for the pharmacist to use the- excipient prescribed by the physician, but there is nothing to pre- vent his adding inert excipients, when necessary, according to his own judgment, and the frequent absence of any specific directions on the subject makes it necessary for him to choose the best excipient to insure smallness of bulk, adhesiveness and firmness in the mass; experience and a careful study of the subject, as presented in Chapter III., will aid in this selection. Pills may be divided with a spatula, by the eye, or by the aid of a graduated tile; a great many pharmacists use this altogether, but it has always appeared to me it must be from want of famili- arity with the use of the pill machine, Fig. 269. If the mass is 58 914 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. plastic, it may be rolled between the smooth surfaces, or by use of the pill roller, Fig. 270, into a perfect cylinder equally thick at both ends, and by then adjusting the cutting surfaces, the whole mass will be immediately turned into the appropriate number of n?. 270. Pill roller. Brass pill machine. pills, which, if about the size appropriate to the machine, will be so round as to require no further rolling. In large dispensing es- tablishments, several machines are sometimes kept adapted to different sizes, one for pills of opium or Quevenne's iron, another for compound cathartic or aloetic pill, and another for compound rhubarb and other large pills. In the IT. S. Army laboratories immense numbers of pills were made with these machines by female operatives. There is a practical hint in relation to the use of the pill machine which should be mentioned in this connection ; it is, that the cutting surfaces will sometimes only work on each other perfectly in one way ; every roller is, therefore, marked with a star, a little brass tack, a number, or some other designation, and a cor- responding one is made on the machine, indicating in which direc- tion the roller is to be worked on the machine in cutting. From not being aware of this precaution, many abandon the use of a machine, which is one of the greatest of conveniences in pharmacy. In the machines made by Wurtz the rollers work equally well in both directions. Pills should not be put away for dispensing purposes until well dried on a tray, an open box lid, or paper folded at the edges for the purpose. There are several kinds of pill boxes described on page 56, of which the best Jill n) is that made of paper with projecting top and bottom piece, Fig. 82. Pills containing volatile ingredients should be dispensed in a small wide-mouth vial. Such are made for this purpose. Fig. 271 shows a bottle arranged to contain lycopo- dium, powdered liquorice root, or sifted arrowroot, one or more of which may be kept at hand in dispen- sing pills, both for the dusting of the pill machine, and forfilling boxes in which they are dispensed. One of Dusting bottle, these bottles may have powdered gum Arabic also, so Fig. 271. COATIXG OF PILLS. 915 as to add that ingredient conveniently to pill masses in process of their manufacture. The mode of construction will scarcely need a remark; a perforated cork, short piece of tube, and =§j or Jij vial constitute the apparatus. Coating of Pills. — Though the least repulsive form of medicine, yet pills, especially when they contain bitter and nauseous ingre- dients, are disagreeable to some, and many ways have been devised to render them more attractive and pleasing to the eye and to hide the odor and taste of drugs given in this form. Since the issue of the earlier editions of this work the ancient practice of coating pills with silver and gold leaf has been revived. The apparatus I have had constructed for this purpose is shown in Fig. 272. It consists of two hemi- spheres of hard wood fitting by a Fig. 272. screw and highly polished on their inner surface. In rolling the pills care is taken to use no dusting powder of any kind, and to have them moderately damp, otherwise tO moisten them With a little Symp. Apparatus for silvering pills. They are then introduced into the hollow sphere along with the requisite quantity of silver or gold leaf, it is tightly closed by screwing the separate parts together and a rapid motion is communicated to it; in a few seconds the pills are removed with a clean and bright coating. One dozen pills of average size require one sheet of foil and larger numbers in propor- tion. Some difficulty is experienced in giving a handsome coating to pills of Quevenne's iron, on account of their black color ; this can be obviated by the use of a large proportion of foil, which may be objectionable as interfering with their solubility, notwithstanding the extreme tenuity of the foil. The taste of the pills is of course disguised in proportion to the completeness of the coating ; in dis- pensing no powder is necessary, the tendency of the fresh pills to adhere to each other being obviated. This apparatus may be substituted by using a gallipot laid against the palm of the hand, or by two porcelain capsules fitted to each other, the opening at the lips being covered by the thumb, but there is a saving in the use of an apparatus as above figured ; any portion of the foil not adhering to one charge of pills will be ready for the next, besides an advantage which is gained by the leverage of the handle. The former belief that a coating with metallic leaf, if sufficient to hide the taste and smell of the pills, would interfere with their solubility, has been very much modified by recent experience. The pharmacist should assure himself of the genuineness of his gold- leaf, as Dutch metal, which is so often substituted for it, contains both copper and zinc. A coating with gelatin is one of the most elegant and efficient expedients for disguising the odor and taste of pills ; this is accom- plished by preparing a solution of one part of gelatin in two of 916 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. water, by a water-bath beat ; and having prepared the pills, pretty firm and dry and free from any powder on their surface, they are dipped into the gelatin by means of long pins, which are then placed in a position to allow the pills to dry without contact with each other. On being removed from the pins any superfluous gela- tin is clipped off with scissors and the holes touched with gelatin from the point of a camel's hair brush if deemed necessary. This coating is smooth and glossy, and when the pills are kept dry leaves nothing to desire ; it effectually excludes all deteriorating influ- ences, and pills thus covered may be kept for an indefinite time without losing their medicinal properties; they, moreover, have an elegant appearance from the transparent nature of their surface, which may be colored to suit the fancy, by introducing into the solution of gelatin a sufficient quantity of coloring matter, which is soluble in water. Sugar-coated pills are now very popular and widely diffused. Their method of manufacture is much better understood by confec- tioners than by pharmacists ; the coating of objects with a glossy saccharine covering is, in fact, a prominent part of their business. On a large scale the sugar coating is managed by constantly rota- ting the moistened pills in a mixture of starch and sugar contained in a copper pan suspended at a considerable distance above a small charcoal fire ; they thus acquire a smooth and glossy surface, fami- liar to us in pills from most of the leading pharmaceutical manu- facturers. There are several ways in which a similar coating may be effected at the prescription counter ; in all cases very finely- powdered " dusted" sugar is requiste ; some use a mixture of sugar and gum Arabic, which must be intimate and rubbed to the very finest powder. Upon a pill tile, six or eight pills receive a thin covering of mucilage of gum Arabic or tragacanth, by being rolled in it quickly by means of the fingers ; they are then immediately transfered to another tile, upon which a thin layer of the saccha- rine powder has been dusted, and the sugar is made to adhere by giving the pills a rotary motion with the ends of the fingers, slightly pressing on them. The covering of sugar may also be satisfactorily made by using the silvering globe, the inside of which has been highly polished. Some of the powder is sprinkled into the hemisphere, and, after the introduction of the pills previously moistened with mucilage as before, an even coating is effected by giving the box a quick cir- cular movement. The pills are afterwards allowed to dry in a box, and may be made somewhat smoother by rolling them in finely- powdered starch. If thus treated, a good white coating is obtained, which, how- ever, lacks smoothness and elegance if compared with the confec- tioners' manufacture, but answers all the required purposes. If it appears desirable, the sugar may be previously colored by incorporating a few grains of carmine with it, or rubbing with it some good saffron to a very fine powder, if a yellow color is desired; the latter fades if exposed to the light. COATING OF PILLS. 917 Pills may be extemporaneously coated with sugar by first moist- ening them with a strong solution of balsam of Tolu in ether, throwing them immediately into a box containing sugar in very fine powder, and shaking the box for a few minutes ; the applica- tion may be repeated if the first coating is not sufficiently thick. The ethereal solution has the advantage of extreme volatility and of not dissolving the ordinary constituents of pill, but should it prove objectionable on account of a solvent action on the pills it may be replaced by mucilage as before indicated. Farley's process, patented in England, is directed to be per- formed with two saucers, the inner surface of one is coated with albumen, prepared by well agitating the white of an Qgg, the other contains a fine powder, composed of equal parts of sugar and traga- canth. The pills are placed in the first saucer and are made to revolve in it by a series of horizontal circular motions ; this speedily coats them with a thin film of albumen ; then they are quickly transferred to the other saucer in which they are again caused to revolve and become coated with the mixed powder of sugar and tragacanth. The peculiar tenacious consistence of the albumen tends to prevent the pills from getting a very thick coating, but it is sufficient if continuous to fix a thin surface of the powder suffi- cient to form a thin but firm and tough coating when dry. The quantity of albumen to place in the saucer must be learned by ex- periment ; it should not be in excess, lest the pills get too heavy a coating and dry too slowly. Albumen has the merit of ready solu- bility in the stomach, and seems to be well adapted to the object in view. In an elaborate article on coating pills, Bernard S. Proctor, of RTewcastle-on-Tyne, England, has given the results of no less than forty-five experiments, which go to show that the process is in the main advantageous. He prefers those processes in which the pills are first rolled in a mixture of alcohol and water, or in lac varnish, and then in an appropriate powder. Boiling first in tincture of lac, and then in a mixture of three parts of French chalk and one of resin, gave a coating not liable to absorb moisture, and possessing most of the requisites sought. He recommends that the quantity of tincture should not exceed 4 or 5 minims to a dozen pills, and it is evidently an important precaution in any of the processes to moisten the pills as little as practicable to secure a continuous coating. The covering with sugar is preferred generally in the United States; it prevents the smell and taste from manifesting themselves for a number of days ; but, if freshly-made pills have been thus coated, the evaporating moisture, in penetrating through the sugar, may carry some soluble matter with it and gradually discolor the covering ; in a similar way, odorous principles will penetrate to the surface, and finally impart their smell ; sugar-coated assafcetida pills, though at first nearly free from odor, develop it on keeping. The observation of those whose opportunities have given them 'abundant means of forming a correct judgment has resulted in a 918 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. preference for well-made sugar-coated pills over those not so protect- ed, as the coating prevents the desiccating action of the atmosphere and its other accompanying injurious effects. The Pharmacopoeia sanctions the custom of sugar-coating so far as concerns those pills which are designed to be slow in their action but not in regard to others. Sugar pellets or granules, variously medicated, have been very much prescribed within a few years. They have gained favor with physicians from their portability, and with many patients on account of their very small size, which adapts them to be taken more readily and easily than ordinary pills. Sugar granules are made by the confectioner, of white sugar, sometimes artificially colored. They are medicated in the following way : The dose to be contained in each granule is first determined; the medicinal substance is then weighed out in such a quantity as may be evenly divided into the proper doses ; it is now dissolved in strong alcohol or ether, suffi- cient to moisten the requisite quantity of pellets, which are to be constantly agitated in a shallow dish so that the solution may be- come evenly divided among them, until the solvent has evaporated. It is evident that, prepared in this way, the globules may vary somewhat in the quantity of the absorbed solution, and it is there- fore important that the agitation be continued without intermis- sion until no trace of moisture can be detected ; the employment of the strongest alcohol or ether is necessary, so that the larger amount of the solvent may be employed without liquefying the sugar. Only such medicines are adapted to this mode of prepara- tion as are given in very small doses, and the vegetable alkaloids and some neutral principles are particularly adapted to it. Gene- rally, more than one of the granules contain the full dose of the medicine. It has become customary to have them contain the one- hundredth, one-fiftieth, one-twentieth, or the one-sixteenth part of a grain of the. medicinal compound. As before noticed, this process is that introduced by the homoeopathic practitioners, and has such defects inherent in the practice as are pointed out above. The only true plan is to divide exactly the medicinal agent into the fractional portions intended, and then coat these skilfully with sugar. Preparation of Mixtures. — In the chapter on Liquid Preparations, pages 829 to 834, a list is given of medicines best adapted to this form, and a pretty full account of the principles which should govern the prescriber in the exercise of this part of his duties. The study of such a treatise by physicians would save many blun- ders which fall under the observation of pharmacists ; it would also add to the facilities of the physician for combating disease, and to the comfort of those compelled to undergo medical treatment. The preparation of mixtures and other liquid extemporaneous preparations involves the exercise of greater judgment and skill, because of the frequent unskilfulness of prescribers. The experi- enced pharmacist will frequently have opportunities to correct apparent incompatibilities without materially varying from the prescription, and in this as in other forms of prescription it will PREPARATION OF MIXTURES. 919 sometimes be his privilege to detect and obviate errors which might be of serious import. Let him never allow a preparation to pass from his hands without a careful consideration as to whether a mistake of his own or of the prescriber has escaped his notice. The ingredients contained in mixtures are generally both solid and liquid, and of the solids some are soluble and others diffused in the liquid only by admixture ; the object of the pharmacist should be the intimate blending of all the ingredients, so that every dose when taken shall be of the same composition. In most of the formulae involving any difficulties as given in the previous chapter, the mode of admixture has been indicated, but a large number will fall into the hands of the pharmacist in which the mode of incor- porating the ingredients together will be left entirely to his judg- ment. If all the ingredients prescribed are liquids, or if the only solid is freely soluble, they may all be introduced directly into the bottle, previously prepared, and the whole may be mixed by agitation. The most ready mode of dissolving crystals is explained in the fifth part of this work, in the chapter on Solutions, page 553, and the distinction to be observed between those substances readily soluble by agitation and those requiring the triturating action of the pestle and mortar. With a view to obviating the liability to precipitation from mixing either chemical or pharmaceutical incompatibles, it is desi- rablej^rst, to make as dilute solutions as the prescription will allow, of any chemical substances ordered; second, to incorporate with these the syrups or viscid excipients, if any such are prescribed, before mixing them. In this way the play of incompatibilities is diminished by the twofold influence of dilution and viscidity, and the liability to unsuspected chemical changes, the fear of which occasions such trepidation to the inexperienced prescriber, will be greatly lessened. As a general rule the mortar and pestle should be used in case of incorporating an insoluble substance in powder with a liquid ; the plan of mixing by agitating in a vial is seldom perfectly successful, and where these are suspended by the aid of gum and sugar it is best to have them thoroughly triturated together as powders before adding the liquid ingredients. JEmidsions are mixtures of oils, fats, or resins with water, gene- rally promoted by alkalies, gum, or gum and sugar, and white or yelk of egg;. Numerous examples of this kind of preparation are given among the foregoing prescriptions. Mistura Assafcetida and Mistura Ammoniaci are instances of what might be called natural emulsions, the conditions of an insoluble resinous ingredient and a soluble gum being present in the gum-resin prescribed. In Copaiva Mixture, No. 122, Castor Oil Mixture, No. 105, Chloroform and Oil of Almond Mixture, ~No. 96, Emulsion of Cannabis Indica, No. 99, and others, we have instances of artificial emulsions in which an oily ingredient is properly suspended. The instructions for making each of these are so specific that they can scarcely fail to realize a 920 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Fig. 273. successful combination and furnish a clue to similar preparations. It may happen that an emulsion constructed on this plan will par- tially separate into layers and need shaking before being taken ; but if properly made it will never have the oil floating in globules upon the surface. There can be no doubt of the increased action of emulsionized oils over those in which the oil globules have not been broken up, though on the other hand it is less easy to take a dose of oil emulsionized than floating on the surface of water or enveloped in the froth of porter or sarsaparilla mead. It is gene- rally customary to weigh the fixed oils or copaiva in dispensing them, but if this is done when they are to be made into emulsions it should not be done in the bottle in which they are to be dis- pensed. The adhesion of the oil to the glass will interfere with its complete separation into an emulsion, and a portion of this adhering oil will contaminate the emulsion when made and be apparent in each dose drawn from the vial. In the elegant emulsions of almonds, No. 120, and of pumpkin seeds, ~No. 143, the fixed oils present in the seeds are naturally associated with mucilaginous ingredients which emulsionize them in water without the addition of any foreign ingredient. Volatile oils, especially oil of turpentine and oil of copaiva, re- quire the admixture of fixed oils in order properly to incorporate them with viscid materials, or they may be mixed with yelk of eggs, an admirable natural mixture of a fixed oil with albumen. For making emulsions I prefer the French pattern porcelain mortar, Fig. 273; in this a thick mucilage is first made and the oil added, while by trituration the combination is ef- fected completely and satisfactorily. It is noticeable that emulsions are usually quite incompatible with neu- tral or acid salts, though rather im- proved by some alkaline salts, as borax, by carbonated alkali, and by caustic ammonia. They are also incompatible with any considerable proportion of alcohol, though moderate quantities of the tinctures, made with diluted alcohol, may be added after they are fully diluted. If spirit of nitric ether is prescribed, associated with gum Arabic, it is well to dilute the mucilage to the greatest extent allowable before adding the spirit, other- wise there is danger of the precipitation of the gum. In making neutral mixture the use of fresh lemon- juice is prescribed, and when the juice of the lemon is separated by expression with a " lemon squeezer," or otherwise, a strainer, Fig. 275, is a useful appliance. It is sometimes quite impracticable to filter this prepara- French porcelain mortar. Fig, 274. Measure for fixed oils. PREPARATION OF MIXTURES. 921 tion while the patient waits, and the Pharmacopoeia directs that it should be strained through muslin, which should be of an open texture and previously moistened with water. In the compounding of mixtures and of other forms of liquid preparations, as well as in the ordinary operations of dispensing, one or more graduated mea- sures will be required ; these Fig. 275. should always be at hand in a designated place, cleaned ready for use ; the duty of placing them there should devolve upon one person in the shop, or upon each one after using them, as may best suit the general regu- lations. For convenience in measur- strainer. ing oils and copaiva it is well to keep a separate graduated glass, and the small round bottom graduate used for medicine chests, Fig. 274, will serve a good pur- pose, being easily cleaned and of sufficient capacity for the purpose. In measuring liquids the pharmacist draws from the tincture bottle both for dispensing directly and mixing in prescription, and the habit should be fixed, of holding the stopper by the little linger, while holding the measure with the thumb and forefinger. The measure must be held opposite the eye to measure the quantity with accuracy, and, after it has been clone, the stopper is immediately to be replaced and the bottle set back on the shelf. The whole process is well shown in Fig. 276. The liability to mistakes in compound- ing is greatly increased by the accumulation of bottles on the counter; and it should be the habit to replace each bottle immediately, and to note the label as it is taken down and as it is put back ; if a drop of liquid remains on the lip after decanting, it should be collected on the point of the stopper before putting it in again, and thus pre- vented from running clown the side. Much also depends on the method of restoring the stopper as to the facility with which it can be withdrawn again. Syrups, when allowed to remain in quantity between, the ground stopper and neck of the bottle, dry and harden so as to be withdrawn with great difficulty; the same is true of alkaline solutions and resinous tinc- tures to a still worse degree. In handling the bottles it is important that the stopper and neck should be somewhat cleared of adhering liquid before restoring the stopper in its position. In the case of alkaline solutions it has been recommended to coat the stopper with paraffine, wdiich is not acted on by alkali and prevents the adhesion complained of. The modes of removing adhering stoppers — by the well-directed force of the thumb and fingers, by sudden strokes of a spatula handle or mallet, by soaking the stopper in any appropriate solvent collected on the lip, and by the various modes of heating the neck 922 ON" DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. of the bottle — will suggest themselves to the ingenious manipulator, and will doubtless meet with varying success. Tw. 276. Ointments and Cerates. — ~Ro part of the duties of the pharmacist is considered so disagreeable as that which involves those manipu- lations with fatty matters necessary to bring them to the condition of ointments and cerates. The only practical details which I deem it necessary to insist upon, are : 1st. The importance of fineness of all medicinal substances incorporated in ointments and cerates. 2d. The necessity of proper precautions to avoid rancidity in ointments; and 3d, cleanliness as absolutely essential to success in this depart- ment of the business. Upon the first point no remarks are necessary other than to call attention to it in connection with the special directions contained in each formula. The solid ingredients of ointments should never appear through them as distinct specks ; their consistence should be uniformly smooth. Whenever an ointment is rancid it should be thrown away — this is an invariable rule — and in order to pre- vent rancidity occurring they should be kept in well-glazed and well-covered jars, a piece of tinfoil being interposed between the SUPPOSITORIES. 923 top of the ointment and the jar. The ointment closet should be in a cool place ; large quantities, if kept on hand, should be in the cellar. The youngest apprentice, who has generally the duty of " cleaning up," should be early instructed to keep the ointment slab or tile free from grease ; this he may do by having a bottle of solution of caustic potassa near at hand and dropping a little on to the slab after it has been thoroughly rubbed with porous paper, and then washing it off with water ; a little tincture of soap or of the officinal soap liniment will also aid much 'in cleaning the slab. Greasy spatulas should never be thrown with others into water to be cleaned; soft paper is the best material for cleaning them, and in all the cleaning processes it should be remembered that water rather interferes with than facilitates the removal of grease. Suppositories. — Few pharmaceutical preparations have been con- sidered so difficult as these, but this has chiefly arisen from the absence of specific and accurate directions for their preparation, and of suitable moulds in which to form them. The attempt to fbrm pure cocoa-butter into suppositories is hardly ever completely suc- cessful, and combination with wax as directed by Dorvault (see page 826) is now found to be inferior to, the admixture of a small proportion of spermaceti, which has the merit of congealing much more rapidly than wax, and hence favors the rapid and complete solidifying of the cones. The proportion of spermaceti may be varied according to the haste with which they are to be completed, and the exposure to heat to which they are liable afterward. In sum- mer one-fifth of the whole may be spermaceti, in winter one-sixth. There are two ways suggested for medicating suppositories; the most ready method is to introduce the medical ingredients, in powder or mass, into a conical opening in the base of the finished and hardened cone, which is then closed up by replacing into the orifice sufficient of the hardened cocoa-butter; the other and pre- ferable process is to mix the dried and powdered ingredients with a portion of the melted fat by thorough trituration, and then to add the remainder, taking care to stir the mixture until it has sufficiently cooled and thickened to prevent the subsidence of the powder, and then to form it into moulds. fSome extracts may be incorporated very satisfactorily by rubbing them with a spatula on a tile, first with a drop of w 7 ater, then with a little of the melted cocoa-butter. The aqueous extract of opium, which is much prescribed in this form of preparation, is best dried on a clear dry clay upon a pill tile, reduced to a very fine powder, and triturated with sufficient melted cocoa-butter, so that five grains of the mass contain one of the extract ; in this state it is not affected by the w r eather, and is readily distributed, either alone or with acetate of lead, tannin, Monsell's salt, or other astringents. Substances soluble in cocoa-butter may be incorporated into the form of suppositories with great facility,, by digesting them in the melted cocoa-butter previously to adding the spermaceti. "Where there is liability to the presence of crystals of nitrate of potassium. 924 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Suppository mould. Fte. 278. as in old extracts, or where any insoluble portion would interfere with the perfect smoothness of the supposi- tory, the melted material should be strained before moulding it. Fig. 277 shows a metallic mould of the proper size to make a suppository of twenty-five grains weight, the size preferred for adults, although sixty grains each has been sometimes prescribed. There does not seem to be any advantage in a large excess of the vehicle, and by having the cones of uniform size, their preparation is greatly facilitated. Fig. 278 is designed to show the arrangement of suppository moulds, with a view to their being readily chilled ; this may be made of tin, the moulds fitting into a diaphragm which rests upon the surface of some iced water; when the suppository has quite hardened it will fall out by inverting the mould and striking it suddenly on a slab or tile. These moulds sometimes require cleaning, which is readily done by wrapping a piece of soft paper around the plug used for making paper cones, Fig. 279, and turning it several times in the mould. In the absence of these me- tallic moulds, paper cones will answer a good purpose ; as their size is important, the fol- 1 1, llllL ^ owm g directions are given: a piece of glazed flUl jfjp^ paper, not too thick, is cut into oblong pieces, 2J inches long by 1J wide, and rolled into a cone, which should be If inch long and J an inch at the base ; the free end of the paper is secured by a tip of sealing wax, which should be run around the base, and upon hardening retains the shape of the stick and keeps the cone from flattening ; at the extreme point of the cone an eighth of an inch may be clipped off and the opening sealed up, though this is omitted by some of the best manipulators. A little wooden form we have had turned for folding the paper moulds upon is shown in Fig. 279 ; by having a shoulder on this to mark the base of the cone it may be trimmed with the point of a pair of fine scissors, following that line. After the re- quisite number of these cones has been made, the object is next to arrange them with the open end in a proper position to be filled ; this is conveniently done in a box lid or other shallow vessel filled with flaxseed ; sand is objectionable from its liability, if accidentally thrown into the cone, to produce irritation when the suppository My friend, Ferris Bringhurst, of Wilmington, Del., to whom I am indebted for some valuable hints upon this subject, uses a wooden stand with conical excavations, into which the paper moulds fit ; this he sets in the ice chest in summer, or the open air in winter. The paper should not be removed from the suppository until it has become thoroughly hardened, and by this means it will Suppository moulds iu refrig- erator. Fio-. 279. Form for pa per moulds. is applied. TESTINGS. 925 acquire a clean, polished surface. The time required to prepare and cool sufficiently a dozen or more suppositories is from half an hour to an hour. The physician prescribing them should bear this in mind, and not anticipate their being furnished by the apothecary immediately, unless of standard kinds known to be kept on hand. The chief points to be observed to insure successful manufacture of this useful form of preparation are, first, the complete incorpo- ration of the medicinal ingredient, in an impalpable powder, with the melted mixture of cocoa-butter and spermaceti ; second, the chilling of the melted mass to such point that while it will flow from the cup or capsule it will not allow the rapid subsidence of the suspended powder; third, when using metallic moulds to have them so refrigerated in advance as to harden the suppositories almost immediately on contact. The most convenient and useful mould has been found to be the brass mould, Fig.- 280, opening like an ordinary bullet mould; Fig. 280. the cavities being included equally in either half of the mould renders their speedy removal from the instrument quite easy; as many as six or eight dozen suppositories can be made with a mould having a dozen cavities in an hour and a half. Testings. The following list of preparations of the British Pharmacopoeia is here inserted under the head of extemporaneous pharmacy as a class, which the student should test by the different volumetric solu- tions, to familiarize himself with the process. The solutions have been described on pages 311-318, and the apparatus necessary to prepare and use these solutions comprises the following, using the weights and measures employed in the British Pharmacopoeia. 1st. A flask capable of holding, when filled to a mark in the neck, exactly 10,000 grains of distilled water at 60°. 2d. A graduated cylindrical jar holding 10,000 grains of distilled water, and graduated into one hundred equal parts, the graduation beginning at and being continued downward. 3d. A burette, which is a graduated tube capable of holding 1000 grains of distilled water, and graduated into 100 equal parts, commencing at the upper portion of the tube; each degree, of course, is equal to 10 grain measures. The following lists are taken from Squire's Companion to the British Pharmacopoeia. The following are to be tested with the volumetric solution of bich romate of potash : — 926 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Grains Grain- weight of = measures of Substance. Vol. Sol. 20 = 170 20 = 330 20 = 83 20 = 250 Ferri Arsenias ..... " Carb. Sacchar. .... " Oxid. Mag " Phosphas. ..... The following are to be tested with the volumetric solution of hyposulphite of soda : — Grains Grain- weight of = measures of Substance. Vol. Sol. Calx Chlorinata 10.0 = 850 Iodum 12.7 = 1000 Liq. Calc. Chlora ta . ^0 = 500 " Chlori 439.0 == 750 " Sodae Chlora iae . 70.0 = 500 The three following are to be tested with the volumetric solution of iodine : — Grains Grain- weight o f = measures of Substance. Vol. Sol. Acid. Arseniosum 4.0 — 808 Acid. Sulphurosum f §j distilled water, a lit tie [ 34.7 =: 1000 ■ J before a permanent blue 1 color is obtained. mucilage of starch J 1 Liq. Arsenicalis . 441.5 = 808 " Arsenici Hydrochloric jus 441.5 = 810 The three folio win g preparations of the British Pharmacopoeia are to be tested by the volumetric solution of nitrate of silver :— Grains Grain- wei ghtof = measures of Substance Vol. Sol. Per cent. Acid. Hydrocynn. . ■ . 2 70 = 1000 = 2 anhydrous acid. Potass. Bromid. 10 = 840 Sodae Arsenias, dry 10 = 1613 The following are to be tested with the volumetric solution of oxalic acid : — Grains Grain- weight o f = measures of Substance. Vol. Sol. Per cent. Ammonias Carb. 59.0 ==: 1000 Borax . 191. = 1000 Liq. Ammonias 85. = 500 = 10. by wt. of Ammonia. Fort. 52.3 = 1000 = 32.5 " Calcis . . ' 4380 = 1000 " " Sacchar. 460.2 = 254 " Plumbi Subacet. 413.3 = 810 " Potassae 462.9 = 482 " " Etferves. . 4380 = 150 " Sodae . 458. = 470 " " Effervescens . 4380 = 178 Piumbi Acetas 38. = 200 Potassae Caustica 56. — 900 " Bicarb. . 50. = 500 " Carb. 83. = 980 " Citras 102. = 1000 " Tartras . 113. = 1000 " " Acida 188. = 1000 Sodae Caustica 40.0 = 900 " Tartarata 141. = 1000 " Bicarb. 84. = 1000 " Carb. . 143. = 960 MANAGEMENT AND DISCIPLINE OF THE SHOP. 927 The following preparations of the British Pharmacopoeia are to be tested by the volumetric solution of soda : — Grains Grain- weight. = measures of Vol. Sol. Soda. Per cent. Acetura . 445.4 ss 402 = 4.6 of anhydrous acid. Acid Acetic. 182.0 = 1000 = 28 << " Dil. 440. — 313 = 3.63 " " Glacial GO. = 990 = 84 << Citricum 70. SSS5 1000 " Hydrochloricum 114.8 = 1000 = 31.8 of gaseous hydroohl. acid. <« (t Dil. 845. ss= 1000 = 10.58 of real acid. << Nitricum . 90. z= 1000 == 60 of anhydrous acid. " Dil. 301.2 == 1000 ss= 14.95 " Nitro-Hydrochloric. 352.4 ESS 920 i < Sulph. 50.6 = 1000 ESS 79 «< " Arom. 304.2 = 830 = 10.91 » " Dil. 359.0 = 1000 ssss 10.14 " " " Tartaricum 75. == 1000 Management and Discipline of the Shop. The requirements of modern pharmacy call for greater discrimi- nation than formerly, in the selection of youths as apprentices ; these should possess a liberal education, a knowledge at least of the elements of the Latin language, and, what is more important, some preliminary knowledge of and taste for the natural and physical sciences, especially botany and chemistry. ~No lad should be allowed to undertake the duties and responsibilities of the drug business whose faculties of observation and reflection have not been awakened by previous training, and who does not bring to the pursuit a desire and a capacity to render himself master of it. Much of the success of the pharmaceutical store will be dependent upon the discipline maintained among those to whom the details of the business are necessarily intrusted, and the difficulties sur- rounding the proper management of the business will increase as it extends and involves the employment of more numerous apprentices or other employees, unless the general duties of all are specifically laid down* and the particular duties of each well defined and insisted upon. The rules which follow were prepared by my valued friend, the late Henry C. Blair, a man of many estimable traits of character and of high standing as a pharmacist; they were designed for a store employing three apprentices, and as originally prepared were so admirable that I have inserted them with but little alteration. Although, of course, they require modifications to suit the circum- stances of different establishments, their general tenor is adapted to all, and the high tone of professional and moral rectitude they require renders them worthy the acceptance of every apprentice who would deserve the approval of his employer, and of every em- ployer who desires the best interests of his apprentice. 928 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. RULES OF A PHARMACEUTICAL STORE. General Regulations of the Store. 1. Business hours will include the time between breakfast and 6 o'clock P. M., except when special duty may require it otherwise. During business hours all hands must be on their feet, and must be employed either in waiting on the counter or at some regular store duty. 2. As waiting on the counter is a duty which requires .most knowledge and experience, the Senior apprentice must always serve where there is one customer; when two, the first Junior apprentice will assist, and when three the second Junior will aid. The Senior apprentice must always take that part of the duty which requires most knowledge and skill. This order of duty must never be deviated from if circumstances will at all admit of it. 3. Never put up an article without you are certain it is right. 4. In every instance, customers must be waited on with prompti- tude, and in case one only is present and several articles are wanting, or a prescription, or in any instance where assistance will expedite, the first Junior, and the second, if necessary, will aid. Every other duty must give way to that of waiting on the counter except when serious detriment would be the consequence. 5. Every person entering the store, whether pauper or president, infant or adult, white or colored, must be treated with courtesy and kindness. 6. Boisterous mirth and a sullen temper are to be equally avoided as productive of neither business nor business character. The acquisition of a uniformly cheerful temperament is an attainment worth far beyond the price it usually costs. 7. There are to be no masters and no servants. Each one is to feel conscious of the fact that the performance of the duties assigned to him are just as necessary and as important as what pertains to any other hand in the store. All useful employment is honorable. Indolence is a disgrace. 8. An afternoon of every week will be devoted to cleaning the store, in which all must share as occasion offers. As neatness, order, cleanliness, and accuracy are necessary and not mere accomplishments in a Pharmacist, all are required to practise them constantly. 9. Every apprentice will be expected to become a graduate of the College of Pharmacy, and will be furnished with tickets for the lectures of the College and every opportunity for availing himself of the honor of the degree of that Institution. To deserve this degree will require a severe economy of leisure hours, and their application to the study of those books which re- late to the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to make an accomplished Pharmacist. 10. Apprentices need but few social acquaintances, and they should be very select. While the occasional visit of a well-behaved KULES OF A PHARMACEUTICAL STORE. 929 young friend will be countenanced, lounging in the store will not be tolerated. 11. Each apprentice will have at his disposal an afternoon and evening every week, and every other Sunday. The afternoon will comprise the time between 12 o'clock, at noon, and 6 o'clock P.M., and the evening between 6 o'clock P.M., and the closing of the store. These privileges will not be interfered with unnecessarily. A vacation of two weeks, every year, will be allowed each ap- prentice. 12. ~No apprentice residing in the house will be allowed to be absent at night after the closing, of the store, without special permission. 13. It is not the wish of the proprietor of the store that any of his apprentices should extol an article beyond its merit to advance his pecuniary interest, or to say or do aught in the performance of his duty that he would not be willing that others should say or do to him under the same circumstances. 14. As all are presumed to be members of the proprietor's family, their intercourse will be characterized with the courtesy becoming young gentlemen. No bond of apprenticeship will be required except the honor of the individual. Should the party wishing to leave before the allotted time ex- pires have a good reason for so doing, the proprietor will not probably object ; and should his cause be a bad one and be per- sisted in, the proprietor will certainly not offer a hindrance to his going. 15. A cheerful compliance with the foregoing rules is confi- dently expected, and the repeated infraction of a known regula- tion of the store will be cause for a dismissal. Specific Duties of the Senior Apprentice. 1. To see that the specific duties of his Juniors are promptly and well performed. 2. To wait on the counter in the morning before breakfast, that they may not be hindered in the performance of their duties. 3. In case of the absence of either of his Juniors, to take the place of his first Junior. 4. He is to take charge of the books. 5. To take knowledge of and properly note any articles that may be needed for the store, including goods to be purchased, and preparations to be made. 6. To see that the drawers, shelves, and cases are well supplied with such articles as are kept on hand in any quantity. 7. To keep a note-book of what is necessary to be done in the ordinary business of the store, and to designate employment for his Juniors. 8. In the absence of the Proprietor, to take entire charge of the store, and to be alone responsible for its business. 59 L 930 ON DISPENSING AND COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Specific Duties of the First Junior Apprentice. 1. It will be his duty to dust the counters and desks thoroughly every morning. This service must be performed before breakfast, and repeated as often through the day as necessary. 2. In case of the absence of the second Junior apprentice he is to perform his duties. 3. He is to paste the prescriptions in the book kept for that purpose or to file or copy them, once every week. 4. He will copy the bills into the bill-book once every week. 5. It will be his duty to keep the drawers well supplied with paper for wrapping purposes, including the various sizes of cut paper. 6. It will be his duty to clean the scales, large and small, once every week, and oftener, if necessary. Specific Duties of the Second Junior Apprentice. 1. He is to open the store in the morning, make the fire, and attend to it through the day, sweep out the store, w r ash the mortars, etc., keep the mineral-water counter clean, and the syrup bottles filled. These duties are to be performed in part before breakfast. 2. It will be his duty to take entire charge of the labels, keep- ing a register of those needed, and having the drawers always well supplied with labels trimmed for use; also, to have the proper drawers well provided with clean vials, and with pill, powder, and ointment boxes. 3. It will be required of him to do such errands as the business of the store may demand, and to close the store at night. APPENDIX ON THE MANAGEMENT OF A SICK CHAMBER. The following hints on the management of the sick chamber are chiefly from the pen of a lad}' of intelligence and experience. Although ad- dressed especially to nurses, they should be carefully studied b}^ prac- titioners of medicine, upon whom the responsibility of giving direction to the conduct of the sick chamber mainly devolves. Ventilation. Few persons who are in the habit of visiting the sick can have failed to notice the great difference in the state of the air, in chambers where cleanliness and good management have been in exercise, and those wherein the value and importance of neatness and the careful admission of a free current of fresh air have been overlooked. If, then, temporary visitors are sensible of the difference, how much more deeply interested must the suffering patient be in the attainment of a free and healthy atmosphere. Cleanliness. Since it is often difficult to get a sick room swept, it may be desirable, if it can be done unheard, to get at least a part of the carpeting away now and then, that it ma} r be well shaken. A few tea-leaves may be thrown over a part of the room at a time, and very quietly taken up with a hand-brush. And in those cases which are not at all critical, and where anything damp can be admitted into the room with impunity, a mop, which, after being dipped in water, has been well trundled, may be just used for a few r minutes to remove the flue from under the bed ; or it may be very carefully passed over a carpet, if nailed down. Change of Posture, Arrangement of the Bed, etc. It is scarcely to be believed, until experienced, the relief from suffering which a change of posture produces; neither is it generally thought of, how much alleviation could be attained in many instances, even b} T the fresh cording of the sacking, with special attention to a level position ; a hard bed or mattress, for a suffering invalid, is not recommended, but an arrangement for a level position will often afford great comfort. The sacking first tightly corded (but splines instead of sacking are much better), then a straw palliasse, which, if not newly made, ought to be raised *by a fresh supply of straw^ in the middle, where a heavy pressure may have rendered it uneven ; over this, a good feather bed, which ought to be gently pressed and made level, then a mattress, composed first of a thick bed of horsehair, and well overlaid with excellent long wool ; it ought to have room for the bed-post at each of its four corners, so that it (931) 932 APPENDIX. may not only be turned daily from side to side, but also from the head to the feet; indeed, it is better, as it regards even the straw palliasse, to adopt such a plan as may admit of the turning of it, and, as it is heavy and unyielding, it is better to have the corners cut out at each of its two parts, making a small oblong of the same material and height, to tie on in the middle ; or an inconvenient aperture might be made there. The proper arrangement of pillows is of no small importance, and in cases of fever a change of pillows is desirable ; this, too, furnishes an opportunity for putting on fresh pillow-cases. Make circular cushions, in the form of a ring, of old linen and stuffed with bran. A patient, obliged by disease to lie continually on one side, will find great relief to the ear or prominent bones by these " ring- cushions." Cleanliness of the Person. Wash and refresh the patient whenever suitable, also brush the teeth and hair — the latter may be bathed with bay rum, lavender water, cologne, etc. All this, subject to the strength of the patient, and the permission of the medical attendant. It may be deemed needless to give the above hint, but it cannot be doubted that by far too many lose the full enjoy- ment and benefit of a thorough attention to the cleanliness of the person. Washing Gups and Glasses. An appropriate table, not liable to injury, is a great convenience in a sick room ; so is a small wicker basket, with compartments to hold the different bottles of medicine and articles of diet. It may be also useful to have a couple of baskets witli compartments to hold glasses or cups, one of these being sent out with the things which need washing, and always ready to be exchanged. Preservation of Ice. In our hot summers, one of the greatest practical difficulties in nursing arises from the spoiling of articles of food prepared for the sick or for infants, and which must be kept at hand for use, especially during the night ; it is also a desideratum to have ice at hand for cooling drinks, etc. A good contrivance for this purpose is made by I. S. Williams, of Phila- delphia. It consists of a double can, the inside of galvanized iron, and the outside of tin, with an air-chamber between ; near the bottom is a diaphragm, below which a piece of ice is placed, and a bowl or other utensil is arranged to set upon this, and to be conveniently lifted out by a wire handle. This answers a good purpose. Change of Linen. A frequent change of linen is a great comfort and benefit, in most cases. Let the bed linen be frequently changed (when suitable), and, in serious cases of fever, it may be useful to untuck the bottom of the bed and gently shake the upper clothes, so as to let the warm and impure air pass away. Let the sheets and blankets be of full size, that they may be tucked thoroughly under the mattress, or whatever is at the top. It is a comfort to the patient to have all straight and smooth under him, and nurses are recommended to attend to this more than once in a day. APPENDIX. 933 Change of Room. In some particular cases of long and depressing sickness, a change of room, conducted with great prudence, ruay be found a powerful aid to- wards recovery. On removing the patient into another room this ought, if in the spring, autumn, or winter, and even in part of the summer, to be very carefully prepared with not 01113- a good fire, but an attention to the doors and win- dows, that all be shut, and the temperature brought to that of the room about to be left. When at any time a patient's room is to be aired, the curtains should be drawn closely round the bed. Just raising the window for an inch or two will be useful, if it be for a short time ; but, rather than run any risk to the invalid, throw on an additional blanket. Avoidance of Noise and Excitement. Much conversation is often injurious, and whispering offensive. Place a pan covered with sand underneath the fire to receive the cinders, and have a second ready to make an exchange when this is taken up. Let the number of the visitors in the room be chiefly confined to those whose services are effective, and let all wear shoes with list or cloth soles or slippers. The rustling of silk gowns may prove an annoyance to those who are in a very weak state, also the rattling of cups, stirring the fire, etc. Those only who have suffered from severe illness can well judge of the importance of preserving a quiet mental atmosphere ; hoiv little those suffering with languor and pain are competent to sustain the pressure which a tale of woe may impose. The subject of conversation should be much guarded, while a cheerful demeanor, and innocently lively manner, may help to assuage or lessen the sense of distress. Sitting up. Let the linen-horse be timely placed before the fire, with every article likely to be needed ; and, if the clothes are to be put on and washing in- cluded, let the hot water and all be ready, so as to avoid the least bustle. Spread a blanket on the floor for the patient to walk over. Neatness. An increased delicacy of the stomach and sense of nicety are the con- comitants of disease, and, therefore, the nurse and all around should be particularly careful, not only as to the neatness of their own persons, but that every close of medicine, and all food, be presented in the most tempt- ing, clean, and delicate way. To promote this, it may be desirable, in long illnesses, to have at hand a variety of small vessels of different sizes. Protection from Light, and from the Blaze of Fire and Candle. Diseases are so variable in their effects, that no minute plan is suggested for any particular case. However cheering the light of the sun in many instances, there are affections where a judicious nurse would be called upon to screen the invalid from the blaze of day. She should remember that, by a little arrangement of shutters and curtains, a room may still be made cheerful by a sort of subdued light ; while in some distressing affections of the head, etc., from severe fever, the patient can hardly be too much indulged b}- the darkening of the room. In such a case, the blaze of the fire must greatly augment suffering. Screens ought to be at hand, as well for that as for the candle. The nursery lamp will be 934 APPENDIX. found useful not only to keep a screened light at hand, but also for warming soups, beef-tea, or other articles of nourishment. Important that the Nurse be taken care of. The nurse who is much engaged in night service ought to be carefulty spared in the day ; she must have rest, or she cannot long hold out. When sitting up at night, some strong coffee or tea, ready made, should be prepared, that it ma} r be warmed and taken without the least disturb- ance to the sick person. Some nurses make a great noise with the clattering of tea-things, which ought to be avoided. Gentleness and Kindness, All who surround the patient should be kind, gentle, and patient ; not a sound of harshness or evidence of discord should reach his ear. Any discussion as to whether this or that be best, should be avoided in his presence. Some persons, with the greatest desire to do right, do too much, and, without intending it, interrupt a sufferer by unimportant questions and inquiries, and by moving about the room, when they would often do a much greater service by sitting quietly beside the bed, attend- ing to requests emanating from the patient, whose feelings and preferences should always be consulted and accorded with, if not interfering with medical directions, or being in themselves palpably improper and in- jurious. There is, perhaps, scarcely any situation in which the call is greater upon the Christian virtues than in a sick chamber, for it very often happens that disease makes a great impression upon the nervous sj^stem, and pain and suffering disturb the accustomed placidity of the invalid, who, with every desire to bend patiently under the affliction, may now and then seem scarcely able to appreciate the kindest efforts to minister to his need. To avoid Unreasonable Interruption. Particularly guard the sufferer who has just fallen asleep. The person having the chief responsibility should be instructed to pass the feathery end of a quill through the keyhole, whenever sleep or any other cause renders interruption unsuitable ; and this sign should be strictly regarded. It is far better than risking disturbance to the patient b}^ trying a locked door. Tie the quill to the handle of the door, that it be not lost. A Dying-bed. Let no one annoy the patient by sitting on the bed, or indulging in earnest expressions of surprise or grief. All around ought to be still ; no calling out, " Oh, he's dying," etc. It should be carefull}^ ascertained that the bod}^ be placed in the easiest posture. The bed-curtains should be, in most cases, gently undrawn, and the least possible interruption given to the admission of fresh air. All but those who are fanning the patient, or perhaps moistening the parched mouth or otherwise promoting his comfort, should be careful to keep at a distance from the bed, and be quietly seated. It is believed that few can tell the suffering often inflicted on the dying by the thoughtless bustle of attendants and even friends. The speaking in a loud tone, the setting down of even a glass or vial, may often cause distress. No sound should disturb, beyond an occasional and necessary whisper, the solemn period of dissolution. APPENDIX. 935 Preparations used as Articles of Diet for the Sick and Convalescent. Arrowroot Pap. Take of Arrowroot, one large tablespoonful. Water, one pint. First mix the arrowroot well into a paste with a little of the cold water ; bring the remainder of the water to a boiling heat ; then stir in the arrowroot ; let it boil a few minutes ; sweeten it with loaf sugar. The preparation of arrowroot pap with milk renders it richer and more nutritious, though sometimes not allowable. The application of direct heat to preparations of this description, always involves the danger of scorching them, and the intervention of a water-bath is found to prevent the accident. The apparatus known as Hecker's farina boiler, figured on page 106, is made for the purpose, and is a useful utensil in an}' family. Arrowroot Pap, with Milk. Put in a saucepan, to boil, one pint of milk ; stir very smoothly, into a cup of cold milk, a dessertspoonful of arrowroot ; when the milk boils, stir in the arrowroot ; continue to stir until it is cooked, which will be in five or ten minutes ; then remove it from the fire, and sweeten to the taste. Toast Water. Cut a slice of stale bread half an inch thick, a finger length long; cut off the crust, and toast it quite brown, but not scorched ; while hot, put it into a small pitcher; pour over half a pint of boiling water; cover it tightly and when cool pour it off and strain. Mulled Wine. Put cinnamon or allspice (to the taste) into a cup of hot water to steep ; add three eggs, well beaten, with sugar ; heat to a boil a pint of wine ; then put in the spice and eggs, while boiling, and stir them until done, which will be in three minutes. Jelly for Invalids. Cut a penn3 T roll into thin slices ; toast them to a light brown ; then boil gently in a quart of water until it jellies ; strain it upon a few shavings of lemon-peel ; sweeten, and add, if liked, a little wine and nutmeg. Eggnog. Take the yelks of eight eggs ; beat them with six large spoonfuls of pulverized loaf sugar ; when this is a cream, add the third part of a nut- meg, grated ; into this stir one tumblerful of good brand}', and one wine- glass of good Madeira wine ; mix them well together ; have ready the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, and beat them into the mixture ; when all are well mixed, add three pints of rich milk. Panada. Cut two slices of stale bread half an inch in thickness ; cut off the crust ; toast them a nice brown ; cut them into squares of two inches in size ; lay them in a bowl, sprinkle a little salt over them, and pour on a pint of boiling water ; grate a little nutmeg. 936 APPENDIX. Tapioca. Soak two tablespoonfuls of very clean tapioca in two teacups of cold water over night ; in the morning, add a little salt, one pint of milk, or water if milk cannot be taken ; simmer it until quite soft ; stir well while cooling ; when done, pour into a bowl, and, if allowed, add sugar, a spoon- ful of wine, and a little nutmeg. Rice Jelly. Take of rice, one-quarter of a pound ; white sugar, half a pound ; water, one quart. Boil these well together, carefully stirring them till the whole becomes a glutinous mass. Strain off into a dish or form. When cool, it is fit for use. This preparation may be flavored with rose-water, orange- flower water, or lemon-juice, as may best suit the palate of the patient, or as directed by the physician. Iceland Moss Jelly. Take of Iceland moss, two ounces ; water, one quart. First wash the moss in some cold water ; then put it into the quart of water, and boil slowly till very thick, adding white sugar till sumcientl} 7 sweet, then strain through a cloth. When cold, it will be fit for use, and may be eaten with spices, if allowed. Irish moss jelly may be prepared in the same way. Sago Jelly. Take four tablespoonfuls of sago, one quart of water, juice and rind of one lemon ;• sweeten to the taste. Mix all the ingredients well together ; let it stand for half an hour ; then put it on to boil, till the particles are entirely dissolved ; it should be constantly stirred. It is very much im- proved by the addition of wine. Calves 1 Feet Jelly. Boil two calves' feet in one gallon of water, down to a quart ; then strain it, and, when cold, skim off all the fat ; take up all the clear jelly. Put the jelly into a saucepan, with a pint of wine, half a pound of loaf sugar, the juice of four lemons, the white of six or eight eggs beaten into a froth. Mix all well together. Set the saucepan upon a clear fire, and stir the jelly till it boils. When it has boiled ten minutes, pour it through a flannel bag till it runs clear. Essence of Beef. This is prepared from lean meat, by cutting it into small pieces, adding a little salt, then introducing into a wide-mouth bottle, corked tightly, and heating it gradually by immersing in a kettle of water, to which heat is applied till it boils. After a few hours digesting in this way, the juice is drawn off, and constitutes the most concentrated form of nourishment. Beef Tea. Take of lean beef one-quarter of a pound, a pint and a half of water, salt sufficient to season it. When it begins to boil, skim it five minutes ; then add two blades of mace ; continue the boiling ten minutes longer, when it will be ready for use. (See Liebig's Broth, page 366.) APPENDIX. 937 Chicken Broth. Clean half a chicken ; on it pour one quart of cold water, and a little salt ; put in a spoonful of rice ; boil two hours very slowly, and tightly covered ; skini it well ; just before using it, put in a little chopped parsley. Chicken Jelly. Cut up a chicken ; put it into a stone jar ; break all the bones ; cover very closely; set the jar into boiling water ; keep it boiling three hours and a half; strain off the liquor ; season with salt and a very little mace. Rice Jelly. Boil a quarter of a pound of the best rice flour, with half a pound of loaf sugar, in a quart of water, until the whole becomes one glutinous mass ; strain off the jelly, and let it stand to cool. This is nutritious and light. Slippery Elm Bark Jelly. Four large spoonfuls of the bark, chipped ; pour on it one quart of cold water ; let it stand all night ; stir it, and let it settle ; the next morning pour off the water ; slice the rind of a lemon very thinly, and, with the juice, put it in the water strained; let it simmer, very gently, fifteen minutes ; then sweeten, and pour in a mould to cool and harden ; take out the rind before putting it in the mould. Wine Whey. Boil a pint of new milk ; add to it a glass or two of white wine ; put it on the fire until it just boils again; then set it aside till the curd settles ; pour off the clean whey ; sweeten to the taste ; cider serves as well as wine to curdle milk, if it is good country cider. Corn Meal, or Oatmeal Gruel. Put in a clean saucepan one pint of water to boil ; when boiling, mix of oatmeal two large spoonfuls, in a half pint of milk, and a little salt ; stir this into the boiling water ; stir it well ; let it simmer thirty minutes ; then strain through a hair-sieve ; if the patient can bear it, stir in a large spoonful of the best brandy after it is strained and sweetened, and add a little grated nutmeg ; if corn meal is us/jd, stir the dry co^n meal into the boiling water ; two large spoonfuls to a pint of boiling water, and a half pint of new milk ; season as the other. Vegetable Soup. Take two white potatoes, one onion, a piece of well-baked bread. Put these into a clean stewpan, in one quart of water ; boil them down to a pint ; throw into the vessel some parsley or celery ; cover the vessel closely ; remove it from the fire, and allow the herbs to steep, while the liquor is cooling, under cover ; season to the taste. Castillon's Powders. Take of Powdered tragacanth, Powdered sago, Powdered salep, Siigfar, each, one ounce. Prepared oyster-shell, two drachms. 938 APPENDIX. Mix them thoroughly, and fold into papers containing each one drachm. Directions. — Mix a powder with four tablespoonfuls of cold milk in a bowl. Then transfer it to a milk-pan, and while stirring, pour upon it gradually one pint of boiling milk, and boil for a quarter of an hour. Sugar may be added, to the taste. SMALL OUTFIT FOR A PHYSICIAN COMMENCING PRACTICE IN THE COUNTRY. The following list of Medicines and Preparations may be regarded as the least on which a physician who is obliged to dispense his own prescriptions can commence practice. It is intended that the Medicines and Preparations should be put up in substantial Ground-Stoppered Bottles. 4 oz. Pulvis extract, glycyr- rhizse. 1 oz. Pulvis gambogias. 1 oz. " ipecacuanhas 3 oz. Pulvis ipecacuanhas comp. 1 oz. Pulvis opii. 4 oz. " rhei (E. Ind.). 2 oz. " scillas. 6 oz. " sodas boratis. 8 oz. Quassia. 1 oz. Quinias sulphas. 4 oz. Rheum. 6 oz. Sapo (Castil. alb.). 4 oz. Senega. 4 oz. Serpentaria. 1 lb Sodii bicarb. 8 oz. Sulphur sublim. 1 pint Spiritus astheris nit. J pint Spirit, astheris comp. 1 pint Spiritus lavandulas comp. | pint Syrupus ipecacu- anhse. J pint Syrupus scillas. | pint " rhei arom. 1 pint Tinctura cinchonas comp. 1 pint Tinctura opii. 1 pint " " camph. 4 oz. Unguentum hydrarg. (| mercury). 4 oz. Unguentum hydrarg. nitratis. \ pint Vin. colchici rad. 2 oz. Zinci oxidum. 6 oz. " sulphas. OX. J 8 oz. Acacia. J pint Acidum aceticum. 3 oz. " citricum. 2 oz. " muriaticum. 3 oz. " nitricum. \ pint " sulph. arom. 1 oz. " tannicum. 2 pints Alcohol. 4 oz. Alumen. 4 oz. Ammonii carbonas. 4 oz. " murias. 1 pint " Aqua. \ pint Ammonias spiritus arom. 1 oz. Antim. et potass, tart. \ oz. Argenti nitras. cryst. \ oz. " " fusa, 4 oz. Assafoetida. 8 oz. Camphora. 2 oz. Cardamomum. 4 oz. Ceratum cantharidis. 3 oz. Chloroformum. 2 oz. Collodium. \ pint Copaiba. 1 oz. Creasotum. 6 oz. Creta prseparata, or ) 4 oz. Calcis carb. prascip. / 4 oz. Cupri sulphas. 2 oz. Ergota (whole or pow- dered). \ pint iEther (Letheon). 1 oz. Extractum aconiti 1 oz. Extractum belladonnas. 1 oz. Extractum colocynth comp. pulv. 2 oz. Extractum gentianae. 1 oz. Extractum hyoscyami. 1 oz. Extractum jalapas pul- veris. 8 oz. Extractum valerianas fluid. 8 oz. Ferri subcarbonas. 1 oz. Ferrum redactum. \ pint Ferri chloridi tinct. 4 oz. Foeniculum. 8 oz. Gentiana contus. 4 oz. Hydrarg. massa. 4 oz. " chlorid. mit. 2 oz. " oxid. rub. 2 oz. " cum creta. 1 oz. Iodinium. \ pint Liquor hydrarg. et arsen. iodid. \ pint Liquor potassii arse- nitis. 3 oz. Magnesia. 2ffi " sulphas. \ oz. Morphias sulphas. 2 oz. Myrrha. \ oz. Oleum cinnamomi. \ oz. " limonis. \ oz. " menthas pip 1 pint " ricini. 1 pint " terebinthinae. \ oz. " tiglii. 6 oz. Plumbi acetas. 3 oz. Potassii bicarb. 12 oz. 3 oz. 4 oz. 6 oz. bitartras. citras. chloras. nitras. 2 oz. Potassii iodidum. 6 oz. Pulvis acacias. 3 oz. " aloes, Soc. Scales and weights, f §iv. Grad. Measure. 1 Mortar and pestle. 1 Pill tile. 2 Spatulas. IMPLEMENTS. \ gross vials. German flint. \ doz. f gviij. \ doz. f §vj. \\ doz. f §iv. 1J doz. f.^ij. \\ doz. f|i. I 1 doz. f^ss. 1 Funnel. 1 qr. Wrapping & filtering paper. 1 gross Vial corks. 2 papers Pill boxes. 2 yards Adhesive plaster in tin case. APPENDIX. 939 This Catalogue is retained as a guide to the Practitioner of Medicine who intends dispensing his own prescriptions, and was formerly termed A MOKE COMPLETE OUTFIT. But the great changes which have taken place, from various causes, render the value quite different and constantly fluctuating. Bb Acacia. Hi " pulvis. pint Alcohol. pint Acidum aceticum. oz. " benzoicum. oz. " citricum. oz. " hydroc. dil. oz. " muriaticum. oz. " nitricum. pint " sulpb. arom. oz. " tannicura. oz. Aloe pulvis (Soc). oz. Alumen. oz. Ammonii carbonas. pint " aqua. oz. " murias. pint " spt. arom. oz. Antim. et potass, tart. oz. Argenti nitras. cryst. oz. " " fusa. oz. Assafoetida. oz. Bismutbi subnitras. oz. Camphora. oz. Cardamomum oz. Creta prasparata, or oz. Calc. carb. prascip. oz. Chloroform am. oz. Cinchona rub. pulv. oz. Cinchonas sulphas. oz. Creasotum. oz. Ceratum cantharidis. oz. " resinas. oz. " simplex. i pint Copaiba. 1 E3 Cubebas pulv. 2 oz. Collodium. 1 oz. " 4 oz. Ergota. 1 Bb .Ether. 1 oz. Extract. 1 oz. " 1 oz. " 1 oz. " 2 oz. 2 oz. 1 oz. " 1 oz. " 8 oz. " 1 lb 1 lb nas fluiuum. cantharidal. aconiti. belladonnas, conii. hyoscyami. coloc. c. pulv. jalapas pulv. nucis vomicae, quassias, taraxaci. sennas fluid, spigel. et sen- pint Ext. Valerianae fluid, cz. Ferri carbon, massa (Vallet). oz. Ferri subcarb. oz. '' citras. pint " sesquisulph. sol. (with directions for pre- paring hydrated peroxide ■when required), oz. Ferrum redactum. oz. Fceniculum. oz. Gambogise pulv. Bb Gentianas contus. oz. Glycyrrhizas ext. pulv. oz. " rad. " oz. Glycerinum. Bb Hydrarg. massa. Bb 4i chlor. mit. oz. " cum creta. oz. " oxid. rub. oz. " iodidum. oz. Iodinium. oz. Ipecacuanhas pulvis. oz. Jalapas pulvis. oz. Juniperus. oz. Kino. oz. Liquor iodinii comp. pint li hyd. et ars. iod. pint " potass, arsenit. tb bot. Magnesia. lb Magnesii carb. Bb " sulphas, oz. Manna, oz. Morphias sulphas, oz. " acetas. oz. " murias. oz. Myrrha. oz. Oleum anisi. oz. oz. oz. bot. pint pint oz. cinnamomi. limonis. menthas pip. olivas. ricini. terebinthinas. ti sclii. oz. Opii pulvis. oz. Plumbi acetas. oz. " carbonas. oz. Potassa (caustic), oz. Potassii bicarbonai B) " bitartras. 4 oz. Potassii citras. 4 oz. " nitras. 8 oz. " sulphas. 2 oz. " iodidum. 3 oz. Pulvis ipecac, comp. 8 oz. Quassia. 1 oz. Quiuias sulphas 6 oz. Rheum (E. Ind.). 4 oz. Pthei pulvis. 4 oz. Sapo (CastiL). 8 oz. Sarsaparilla. 2 oz. Scillas pulv. 8 oz. Senna (Alex.). 8 oz. Senega. 8 oz. Serpentaria. 1^ Bb Sodii bicarbonas. 4 oz. " borat. pulv. 8 oz. " et potass, tart. 4 oz. " phosphas. 8 oz. Spigelia. ^ oz. Strychnia. 4 oz. Sulphur prascip. | Bo " sublim. ^ pint Spirit, ammon. arom. £ pint " astheris comp. 1 pint " M nitrici. i pint " lavand. comp. | pint Syrup, ipecacuanhas. | pint Syrupus ferri iod. 1 pint " pruni virg. 1 pint " rhei aromat. 1 pint " scillas. £ pint " senegas. 4 oz. Tinctura aconiti rad. 1 pint h pint I pint 1 pint 1 pint 1 pint cinchonas c. digitalis. ferri chloridi. opii. " camph. zingiberis. i lb Ung. hydrarg. f Bb " " nitratis. ^ lb " simplex. }j E5 Uva ursi. h lb Valeriana. 1 pint Yinum antimonii. h pint li ergotas. ^ pint •' colchici rad. | oz. Yeratria. 4 oz. Zinci oxidum. 8 oz. " sulphas. I 940 APPENDIX. RECIPES FOR SOME OF THE MORE IMPORTANT POPULAR MEDICINES. Dalby's Carminative. The published recipes for this, as found in the formularies, are not those used generally by druggists. Some of the ingredients in the original recipes are procurable with difficulty, and add so much to the expense of the preparation, that by common consent they are left out. The formula, as given by the College of Pharmacj 7 , is nearly identical with that which I have used for a number of years, and I give it below. Parts. Take of Carbonate of magnesium . . . . ^vj 75. Carbonate of potassium £ij 3.125. Sugar ,^xvj 200. Tincture of opium fgiij op. 37.5. Water Ov 1000. Oils of caraway, Fennel, Peppermint, each itix. (To the above may be added — French brandy f ^iv. Prepared chalk ; . . . . gij.) Triturate together the essential oils, sugar, magnesium (and prepared chalk, if added), then add the water, and afterwards the remainder. Dalby's carminative contains one grain of opium to about an ounce. Dewees 1 Carminative. Take of Carbonate of magnesium giss. Sugar . . . giij. Tincture of assafcetida f giij. Tincture of opium f :fj. Water Oiss. Triturate together until the} 7 are mixed. Bateman's Pectoral Drops. Take of Diluted alcohol Cong, j 1000. Ked sanders,* rasped 5SS 31.25. Digest for twenty-four hours, filter, and add — Opium, in powder 3ss 31.25. Catechu, in powder ...... I ss 31.25. Camphor £ss 31.25. Oil of anise f£j 7.81. Digest for ten days. This preparation contains about one grain each of opium, catechu, and camphor, to the f gss, corresponding in strength with tinctura opii cam- phorata, U. S. P. Godfrey's Cordial. Parts. Take of Tincture of opium fgvj op. 34.51 Molasses (sugar house) Oiv 367.8 I wqqq Alcohol f,lviij 46. j Water Oviss 551.7 j " Carbonate of potassium £v 57.5. Oil of sassafras f 3j 11. * Superseded by Caramel siij. I APPENDIX. 941 Dissolve the carbonate of potassium in the water, acid the molasses, and heat over a gentle fire till they simmer, remove the scum which rises, and add the laudanum and oil of sassafras, having previously mixed them well together. This preparation contains a little over one grain of opium to the ounce, and is about half the strength of the foregoing. Balsam of Honey. Take of Balsam Tolu gj. Benzoic acid £iss. Honey 3yj. Opium (powd.) gij. Cochineal 3j. French brandy Oiij. Mix, and digest together for a few da} T s, then filter. Composition Powders. (Thompsonian.) Take of Powdered bayberry root ftj. Powdered ginger ftss. Powdered cayenne §j. Powdered cloves 3j. Mix, by passing through a sieve. No. 6 — Hot Drops. (Thompsonian.) Take of Capsicum (powd.) 3j. Myrrh (contus.) ,^iv. Alcohol Oij. Displace. Haarlem Oil. Take of 01. Sulphurat Oiij. Petrol. Barbadens Oj. Ol. succin (crude) Oiss. 01. terebinth. . . . • Oviij. 01. lini Oiv. Mix. Turlington's Balsam of Life. The officinal tinctura benzoini composita is sold under this name, but the druggists who put it up in the peculiar and very odd-shaped vials, in which it was originally vended in wrappers descriptive of its virtues, use various recipes for making it. The following is that published by the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and used in many of the best estab- lishments. The original recipe for this, as filed in the office of rolls in London, contained twentj'-eight ingredients. Take of Alcohol Oiv . Benzoin ^yj. Liquid storax £ij. Socotrine aloes gss. Peruvian balsam ^j. Myrrh ^ss. Angelica gij. Balsam Tolu |ij. Extract of liquorice 3ij. Digest for ten days and strain. 942 APPENDIX. Opodeldoc. Take of Common soap (sliced), three ounces. Camphor, an ounce. Oil of rosemary, Oil of origanum, each, a fluidrachm. Alcohol, a pint. Digest the soap, by means of a sand-bath, with the alcohol till it is dissolved, then add the camphor and oils, and when they are dissolved pour the liquid into wide-mouth two-ounce bottles. British Oil. Take of Oil of turpentine f ^iv. Oil of flaxseed Oiij. Oil of amber Oj. Oil of juniper f,^ss. Petroleum (Barbadoes) . 31J. Petroleum (American) 5ij. Mix them well together. Whitehead's Essence of Mustard. Take of 01. terebinth Oxij. Camphorse 1\ ft>. com. 01. succin. rectif. f %iv. Sem. sinapis, pulv. (Flava) 16 oz. com. Digest for seven days, filter, and add — Tr. curcuma q. s. — Add color. Hooper's Female Pills. Parts. Take of Aloes .' gyiij 400. Dried sulphate of iron ,§ij 3iss. ] qoo or Crystallized sulphate of iron ^iv J Extract of black hellebore ^ij 100. Myrrh ^ij 100. Soap 3jj 100. Powdered canella ^j 50. Powdered ginger 2j 50. 1000. Beat them well together into a mass with syrup, or water, and divide into pills, each containing two and a half grains. Richards 1 Chalk Mixture. Take of Precip. carbonate of calcium, Sugar, of each ^j. Comp. spt. lavender, Tinct. kino, of each f *j. Essence of cinnamon 15 drops. Water f3jij. Tincture of opium f 3j. Mix. APPENDIX. 943 Marshall's Pills. Take of Corap. extract of colocynth, Mercurial mass, Powdered aloes, Powdered Castile soap, Powdered rhubarb, of each Make into five-grain pills. 1 drachm. Anderson's Scots' Pills. Parts. Take of Aloes . . Soap . . Colocynth . Gamboge . Oil of anise 5 xxiv. 787. 5iv. 131. 5j. 33. SJ- 33. f^SS. 16. 1000. Let the aloes, colocjmth, and gamboge be reduced to a very fine powder, then beat them and the soap with water into a mass of a proper con- sistence to divide into pills, each containing three grains. Worm Tea.* Take of Senna, Manna, Spigelia, of each .... Fennel seed Worm seed Savine Bitartrate of potassium . . 5ss. 3ss. Bij. Bij. Make into one package. Directions. — Pour on to this a quart of boiling water, and let it digest for ten or fifteen minutes ; of the clear liquor sweetened, give to children two years old and upwards a small teacupfnl warm, morning, noon, and night, on an empty stomach. It may be given three or four clays suc- cessively, if necessary. Ginger Beer. Take of Pace ginger (bruised) Four ounces. Bitartrate of potassium Three ounces. Mix them. Directions. — Add to these ingredients five pounds of loaf sugar, two lemons (sliced), and five gallons of boiling water. Let it stand twelve hours ; then add a teacupful of }-east to the mixture, and bottle imme- diately and securely. In a clay or two it will be ready for use. Pipsissewa Beer. The virtues of this excellent alterative diuretic are obtained in an agreeable form, by the following process : — Take of Pipsissewa (chimaphila, TJ. S. P.) . . Six ounces. Water One gallon. See page 542. 944 APPENDIX. Boil, strain, and add — Brown sugar One pound. Powdered ginger ........ One-half ounce. Yeast A sufficient quantity. Set it aside till fermentation has commenced ; then bottle it for use. Dose, a small tumblerful three or four times a day. In the same way, sarsaparilla, sassafras, uva ursi, and other medicinal substances, may be made into Gere visise, or beers. INDEX. ABBREVIATIONS in pre- scriptions, 783 Abietin, 425 Abietine, 407 Absynthin, 523 Acacia, 337 powdering, 543 Acarus scabiei, 145 Aceta, 629 Acetaldehyd, 365 Acetates. See Bases. Acetic fermentation, 363 Acetone, 331 mixture, 849 Acetum, 331 tested volum., 927 colchici (drops), 80 destillatum, 629 (drops), 80 lobelia?, 630, 631 opii, 630, 640, 642, 647 (drops), 79 sanguinariae, 630 scillae, 630 (drops), 80 Acid, 147 bottle, 25 fermentation, 535 Acid (Acidum), abietinic, 425 acetic, 330, 365, 430, 629 (drops), 79 saturating power, 176 camphorated, 772 diluted, 629 (drops), 79 tested volumet., 927 glacial, 330 (drops), 79 tested volumet., 927 monohydrated, 330 aconitic, 434, 435, 441 artif., 435 acrylic, 385 sescinic, 521 alpba-orcellic, 464 amido-acetic, 461, 518 amido-capronic, 518 anacardic, 437, 441 anchusic, 463 anemonic, 420, 522 angelicic, 412, 437, 438, 444 60 Acid- anisic, 444 antimonic, 285 antimonious, 285, 288 arachic, 384 arsenic, 148, 292, 294 arsenious, 292, 293 See Arsenic. aspertannic, 456 balaenic, 385 behenic, 385 benzoic, 426, 444, 449 anhydrous, 402 apparatus, 449 beta-orcellic, 464 bezoaric, 455 bixic, 463 boheatannic, 456 boracre, 148, 153 brazil ic, 463 bumolic, 452 butyric, 379 caffeotannic, 456 caincic, 437, 440 callutannic, 456 camphoric, 406 caprinic, 384, 402 note, 4U capronic, 384 caprylic, 384 carbazotic, 444, 453 carbolic, 332, 448, 451 preparations, 451 test, 451 water, 559, 572, 573 carbonic, 148, 149, 385 apparatus, 124 processes, 123 water, 149, 559 carmic, 456, 466 carotic, 463 carthamic, 463 carthaxanthic, 463 caryophyllic, 411, 443, 448 cateehuic, 456 catechuinic, 456 . catechutannic, 455 cathartic, 439 cephaelic, 457 cerotinic, 385 cetraric, 437, 440 chelidonic, 441, 442 chlorogenic, 456 cblorohydric, 154 Acid — chlorohydrocyanic, 148, 165 cholalic, 462 choleic, 358 choleinic, 460 cholic, 358, 460, 461 cholesteric, 462 chromic, 148, 154 chrysophanic, 436, 437, 438 cinchotannic, 442, 456 cinnamic, 402, 415, 426, 444, 450 hydrated, 428 cissotannic, 457 citracantic, 435 citraconic, 435 citric, 430, 433 saturating power, 168, 176 tested volum., 927 yield from lemon - juice, 168 coccalinic, 433 coccotannic, 456 coflfeic, 456 coffeotannic, 456 colophonic, 424 convolvulic, 530 convolvulinolic, 530 copaivic, 422, 424 cornic, 438, 441 cortepinitannic, 457 coumaric, 522 crocic, 463 crotonic, 385 cuminic, 402 curcumic, 464 damaluric, 385 dammaric, 423 dextro-tartaric, 432 digitaleic, 438, 441 digitalic, 438, 441 elaic, 385 ellagic, 455, 459 equisetic, 434 erucic, 385 erythric, 464 eugenic, 448 euxanthic, 466 evernic, 464 formic, 374, 434, 435 artif., 435 fumaric, 433, 434, 435,441 (945) 946 INDEX. Acid — fungic, 433 galhuminic, 455 galitannic, 456 gallic, 347, 455, 458 gallotannic, 347, 455, 457 gambogic, 425, 464 geadic, 385 gentisic, 463 glyceric, 388 glycocholic, 460 guaiacic, 437, 438 gyrophoric, 464 haematoxylic, 464 hederic, 437, 438 hippuric, 450, 460 hydriodic, dilut. , 148, 163 hydrobromic, 148, 164 hydrochloric, 148, 154 (drops), 79 tested volum., 927 diluted, J 48, 155 tested volum., 927 hydrocyanic, dilut., 443, 445, 452 (drops), 79 different strength, 448 volumetric test of, 446, 926 hydrosulphuric, 148, 164 hydrothionic, 164 hyocholalic, 462 hyocholic, 460, 461 hyperchloric 248 hypochlorous, 189 hypogaeic, 385 hypophosphorous, 145, 148, 164, 165 igasuric, 433 ilixanthic, 464 inosinic, 460, 461 ipecacuanhic, 457 ipomie, 530 isotartaric, 432 itaconic, 435 jalapinolic, 530 japonic, 456 kinic, 442 kinovatannic, 456 kinovic, 523, 529 komenic, 442 lactic, 435, 436 lactucic, 523 leevo-tartaric, 432 laurinic, 3S4 laurostearic, 384 leditannic, 456 lichenstearic, 440 lithic, 460 lizaric, 463 lobelic, 515 luteolic, 463 ■ mafuric, 436 malic, 430, 432 maleic, 436 mangostic, 463 margaric, 384 meconic, 441, 442 test, 441, 474 Acid — menispermic, 433 mesaconic, 435 metagallic, 455 metapectic, 336 metaphosphoric, 161 metatartaric, 432 methylsalicic, 413 methylsalicylic, 443, 448 mimotannic, 455 moric, 456 moringic, 385 moritannic, 456 mucic, 335, 339 muriatic, 148, 154 (drops), 79 tested volumetric, 927 dilute, 148, 155 tested volumet., 927 myristic, 384 myronic, 351, 453 nicotic, 433 nitric, 148, 155 (drops), 79 tested volumetric, 927 dilute, 148, 157 (drops), 79 saturating power, 176 tested volumet- ric, 927 stains removed, 200 nitro-muriatic,' 148, 158 tested volumetric, 927 diluted, 148, 158 nitro-salicylic, 532 nitro-salicylous, 532 nitroso-nitricum, 148, 157 extemporaneous, 158 cenanthylic, 384 oleic, 385 olinic, 385 ophelic, 525 opianic, 484 orceic, 464 orsellic, 464 oxalic, 430 oxylizaric, 463 oxyphenic, 456, 466 oxypinitannic, 457 palmitic, 384 para-ellagic, 455 parakomenic 442 paramalic, 433, 435 parapectic, 336 paratartaric, 432 parietinic, 438 parillic, 527 pectic, 336 pectosic, 336 pelargonic, 381, 384, 444 phenic, 451 phenylic, 444 phloridzic, 437, 438 phospho-molybdic, 471, 473 phosphoric, 145, 165 dilute, 148, 162 Acid, phosphoric — glacial, 148, 161 tribasic, 161 phosphorous, 145 physetic, 385 picric, 444, 453 picrotoxic, 437, 43S pimaric, 424 pinicortannic, 457 pinitannic, 457 piperic, 510 pipizaic, 464 polygalic, 437, 440 propionic, 465 purreeic, 466 pyrocatechuic, 456 pyrodeoric, 456 pyrogallic, 455, 459 pyromeconic, 442 pyrophosphoric, 161 pyrotartaric, 432 quercitric, 456, 463 quercitritannic, 456 quercotarmic, 455 racemic, 432 rhabarberic, 438 rhamnotannic, 522 rhamnoxanthic, 463 rhodanic, 165 rhodotannic, 456 ricin-oleic, 385 rosolic, 452 rottleric, 463 ruberythric, 463 rubichloric, 457 rubinic, 456 rufi-cinchonic, 456 rufigallic, 455 rufikinovic, 456 rufimoric, 456 rufisulphuric, 532 rufo-catechuic, 456 rutinic, 444, 463 saccharic, 339,430 salicylic, 402, 448 salicylous, 347, 443, 448 santalic, 463 santonic, 437, 439 scoparic, 464 sinapic, 385, 528 solanic, 433 spiric, 448 spirous, 402, 448 stearic, 384 succinic, 424, 434, 435 artificial, 435 sulpho-carbolic, 856 note, sulpho cholic, 460 sulpho-hydrocyanic, 148, 165 sulphovinic, 365 sulphuric, 148, 158 freed from arsenic, 159 (drops), 79 tested volumetric. , 927 aromatic, 148, 160 (drops), 79 tested volumet- ric, 927 dilute, 148, 159 INDEX, 947 Acid, sulphuric, dilute — (drops), 79 saturating pow- er, 176 tested volumet- ric, 927 sulphurosum, 148, 160 tested volumetric, 926 sulphydric, 164 sylvic, 424 tannic, 455, 457 pills, 807 tanningic, 456 tanno-melanic, 455 tannoxylic, 455 tartaric, 430, 431 artificial, 431 inactive, 432 saturating power, 168, 176 tested volumetric, 927 tartralic, 432 thujic, 463 taurocholic, 460, 461 tungstic, 172 uric, 460, 461 usnic, 340 uvic, 430, 431 valerianic, 379, 3S4, 444, 449 veratric, 442 viridinic, 456 xanthoproteic, 349 xanthorhamnic, 4C3 xanthotamiic, 457 Acidometer, 87 Acids, administration of, 148 astringent, 454 combined with alkaloids, 441 anhydrous, 129 animal, 460 antidote, 148 biliary, 461 bitter, 437 chromogenic, 462, 463, 464 yielding colors, 462, 463, 464 from cryptogamic plants, 464 fatty, 384 fruit, 430 derivatives, 434 inorganic, 147 representing medicinal activity of plants, 436 mineral, 148 from essential oils, 443 yLlding essential oils, 453 organic, 429 Aconitia, 474, 478 Acrolein, 387 Adapter, 110 Adeps, 390 Adjuvants, 797 Aerugo, 263 JEseuletin, 347, 529 ^Isculin, 347, 521, 528 -Ether, 366, 369 fortior, 366, 369 lotus, 370 See Ether. Agonidine, 524 j Alberti's antibilious pills, 821 Albumen, 350, 352 pure, insoluble, 349 test, 351 Albuminose, 361 Albuminous principles, 348 Alcohol, 364, 366, 369, 603 (drops), 79 absolute, 364, 368 amylic, 366, 368, 379, 380 Atwood's patent, 368 blast lamp, 94 butylic, 379 deodorized, 367, 368 dilute, 366, 369, 604 (drops), 79 druggists', 367, 603 ethylic, 364 derivatives, 364 expan ion table, 368 fortius, 366, 369 lamps, 93 methylic, 331, 374 derivatives, 374 per cent, in wine, 364 phenylic, 451 tolylic, 428 Alcoholic fermentation, 362 Alcoolatures, 603 Aldelvde, 365 Ale, 364 Aleuron, 351 Algaroth's powder, 288 Alkalies, 166, 169, 174, 1S4, 192, 194 organic, 467 Alkaline solution, Physick's, 586 Alkaloids, 467 animal, 517 chemical history, 469 and phvsical proper- ties, 498 Howard's, 498 how to dissolve, 48 nomenclature, 468 preparation, 469 phenyl series, 471 quaternary, 474 artif., 476 ternary, 476, 513 artif. , 477 tests, 471, 472, 473, 513 Alkapton, 344 Allanit, 223 Allyle, 417 oxide, 417 sulphide, 417 sulphocyanide, 417 Almonds, blanched, 704 note confection, 727 lotion, 854 mixture, 846 syrup, 696, 697, 704 Alnuin (eclect.), 747 Alnuine (eclect.), 747 Aloin, 527, 533 Alsop's infusion mug, 577 Alterative pills, 823 powders, 823 AlthEea flores, 337 ointment, 880 radix, 337 Althasin, 528 Alum, 220, 221 ammonia, 220, 221 ammorJo-ferric, 222, 233 bath, 119 chrome, 222 dried, 220, 221 gargle, 858 iron, 222, 233 and ammonia, 222, 233 manganese, 222 potassa, 220 Alumen, 220, 221 exsiccatum, 220, 221 Alumina, 220 Aluminii acetas, 220, 222 et ammonii sulphas, 220, 221 et potassii sulphas, 220 sulphas, 220, 222 Aluminium salts, 220 weights, 43 Amaryllidacea?, neutral prin- ciples, 527 essent, oils, 416 Amber, 424, 426 American system of practice, 745 Amidin, 333 Amidon, reproduced from xy- loidin, 32S plasters, 895 Ammonia, aqua, 194, 196, 559 (drops), 79 tested volum., 926 fortior, 194, 196, 559 tested volum., 926 preparations, 194 spiritus, 194, 196, 559 aromaticus. 194, 198, 559 Ammoniac, muriate, 195 Ammoniacum, 425, 427 Ammoniates. See Bases. Ammonii acetas liquor, 194, 198, 559 arsenias, 292, 294 benzoas, 184, 194, 200 bicarbonas, 194, 198 broinidum, 139, 141 carbonas, 194, 197 saturating power, 168 tested volum., 926 chloridum, 194, 195 powdering, 556 purified, 194, 195 oitras, 194, 199 hydrosulphas, 200 hypophosphis, 194, 200 iodidum, 134, 137 etmagnesii sulphas, 194, 196 murias, 194, 195 nitras, 194, 196 948 INDEX. Ammonii — phosphas, 194, 200 proto-carbon. hydrat., 197 sesquicarbonas, 197 sulphas, 194, 195 sulphuret., 194, 200 valerianas, 194, 200 elixir, 632, 633 Pierlot's solution, 633 Ampelopsin (eclect.), 747 Amygdalin, 347, 528, 534 Amyl, nitrite, 379, 380 Amyluin, 334 See Starch. Analysis, volumetric, 175, 316 Anchietia, 475, 488 Anderson's pills, 943 Anemone camphor, 420 Anemonin, 420, 520 Angelicin, 523 Angelyle, 411, 412 Anhydrides, 129, 147 Anilin, 452, 471, 478, 516 sulphate, 517 Animal acids, 460 alkaloids, 517 charcoal, 329 oils, 390 Anime, 423 Anise camphor, 420 Anisol, 444 Anonaceae, alkaloids, 474 essent. oils, 409 Antacids, mixtures, 843 powders, 844 Anthelmintics, mixture, 852 syrup, 851 Antidote, Bibron's, 140 Antimoniates. See Bases. Antimonic oxide, 288 Antimony (Antimonium), 284 ablutum, 290 butter, 285, 288 et calcii sulphuret., 285, 288 chloride, 285, 288 non ablutum, 290 oxide, 285, 288 oxysulphuret, 285, 286 et potassii tartras, 285, 290 as mordant, 291 quinque-sulphuret, 285, 287 regulus, 284 et sodii sulphuret., 285, 287 sulphuratum, 285 sulphuret. aureum, 285, 287 black, 285 precipit., 285 teroxide, 288 Antispasmodics, pills, 813 powders, 813 Antozone, 130, 131 Aperient, Mettauer's, 584 Aphrodaesin, 521 Apiin, 523 Apiol, 523, 693 Apirina, 476, 513 Apocynaceae, alkaloids, 476 neutral principle, 524 Apocynin, 524 (eclect.), 747 Apomorphia, 475, 486 Aporetin, 439 Apothecaries' weight, 44, 70, 71 Apotheme, 587 Apportioning quantities, 787 Apprentices' duties, 929, 930 Aquaacidicarbolici, 559,572, 573 carbonici, 149, 559 ammoniae, 194, 196, 559 (drops), 79 tested volum., 926 fortior, 194, 196, 559 tested volumet- ric , 926 amygdal. amarae, 572, 573 anisi, 572, 573, 765 aurantii florum, 572, 575, 765 calcis, 203, 204, 558 camphorae, 572, 574 chlorinii, 133, 559, 572 cinnamomi, 572, 573, 575, 765 creosoti, 333, 572, 574, 841 destillata, 764 (drops), 79 fortis, 148, 155 foeniculi, 572, 573, 765 laurocerasi, 572, 575 artificial, 576 menthae piperitae, 572, 573, 765 viridis, 572, 573, 765 phagedaenica, 854 regia, 158 rosae, 572, 574, 765 sambuci, 572, 575 tiliae, 576 Aquae, 558, 571 destillatae, 572 medicatse, 571, 764 test, 573 Aquifoliaceae, neutral princi- ple, 521 Arabin, 335 Arachin, 385 Arbutin, 347, 524, 530 Archil, 464 Areca nut, 329 Areometer, 87 Argand burner, 97 Argentum (Silver), 277 Argenti chloridum, 277, 279 cyanidum, 277, 280, 445 ioclidum, 277, 279 nitras cryst., 267 how to dissolve, 555 fusa, 277, 278 stains removed, 279 oxidum, 277, 279 Argols, crude, 192 Argyraescetin, 521 Argyraescin, 521 Aribina, 477, 515 Aricia, 475 Aricinia, 501 Aristolocheae, neutral princi- ple, 526 essential oils, 415 Army scales, 41 Arnicia, 502, 523 Aroideae, essential oils, 416 Aromatics, pills, 808 powders, 808 Arrack, 364 Arrowroot, 334 curcuma, 334 pap, 935 Arseniates. See Bases Arsenic, 291 antidote, 293 iodide, 292, 295 et hydrargyr. iodid. li- quor, 292, 295 preparation, 292 tested volum., 926 white, 293 Arsenites. See Bases. Arterial sedatives, mixtures, 840 powders, 816 stimulants, mixtures, 838 pills, 814 powders, 814 Arthanatin, 526 Arum, 334 Asarin, 420, 526 Asarum camphor, 420 Asclepiadeae, gum resins, 425 neutral principle, 524 Asclepidin (eclect.), 747 Asclepin, 524 Asclepion, 524 Ascletine (eclect.), 747 A?paragin, 337, 528 Asphaltum, 424 Assafcetida, 425, 427 enema, 857 powdering, 548 Assamar, 341 Astringents, mixtures, 834 pills, 807 powders, 807 Athamantin, 523 Atherospermia, 475, 490 Atlee's asthma mixture, 849 neuralgia remedy, 848 Atropia, 476, 507 sulphate, 508 collyrium, 855 test, 513 valerianate, 508 Atrosia, 508 Attfield's Chemistry, 110 saturation table, 168 Atwood's patent alcohol, 368 Aubergier's syrup, 699, 715 Aurantiaceae, neutral prin- ciple, 520 essential oils, 410 Aurum (Gold), 307 Auri chloridum, 308, 309 cyanidum, 308, 310 iodidum, 308, 310 INDEX. 949 Aiui — limatura, 308 oxidum, 308, 309 pulvis, 308 et sodii chloridum, 308, 309 Automatic washing-box, 328 Avena? farina, 335 Avery's weight, 43 Avoirdupois weight, 70, 71 Azolitmin, 464 BAKES' elixir calisaya ferro-phosphor., 632 glycerole of sumach, 719 Balance, hydrostatic, 81 platform, 42 Balneum iodinii, 858 marinutn, 858 Balsam, Canada, 424 copaiva, 424, 427, 428 resin, 422 fir, 424, 427 of honey, 941 Peru, 426, 427, 428 resin, 423 test, 428 white, 426 Tolu, 426, 427 Turlington's, 941 Balsams, 426 Balsamineae, balsams, 426 Bandoline, 337, 778 Baptism (eclect), 748 Baptisina, 475, 489 Barium, 201 carbonate, 201, 202 chloride, 201, 202 liquor, 201, 202, 558 iodide, 201, 202 Barks, collection, 538 Barley, 335 sugar, 341 water, 589 Barosmin (eclect.), 748 Barr's magnesia table, 215 Baryta, 201 Bases, 129 Basilicon cerate, 865, 872 Basis of prescription, 796 for topical applications, 898 Bassorin, 335 Bateman's drops, 940 Bath, alum, 119 iodine, 858 oil, 119 salt, 184 sand, 104, 650 sea-water, 85S steam, 107, 650 modified, 651 water, 105, 650 high pressure, 106 chloride of zinc, 119 Baths, 858 Baume's hydrometer, 87 and specific gravity, 88, 91 Bdellium, 425 Bears' oil, 397 Bebeerina, 476, 509 sulphate, 510 Becker's eye balsam, 879 Becquerel's gout pills, 816 Bed, arrangement of, 931 pan, covered, 56 slipper, 56 Bedbug poison, 298 Beef essence, 936 tea, 936 Beer, 364 ginger, 943 Jews', 627 pipsissewa, 943 tar, 627 Beeswax, 390 Belladonna, 476, 508 Benne, 337 Benzalcohol, 428 Benzidam, 516 Benzidamin, 478 Benzine, 452 Renzoates. See Bases Benzoin, 426, 427 Benzol, 402 Benzyl, hydruret, 402 oxide, 402 Beranger's pendulum scales, 42 Berberidece, alkaloids, 474 Berberina, 442, 474, 475, 480, 746 muriate, 4S1, 746, 756 Berbina, 474, 481 Berzelius' lamp, 94 BestuckefFs nervine tincture, 250 Beta-cinchonia, 497 Beta-orcina, 340 Betulacese, neutral princip. , 527 Bezoars, 455 Bibron's antidote, 140 Bicarbonates. See Bases. Bichloranilin, 471 Bichlorides. See Bases. Biette's arsenical solution, 292, 294 Bilasparagin, 462 Bile, 358, 461 acids, 461 test, 346, 467 Bilifuscin, 466 Bilin, 461 Birdlime, 421 Bismuth, 280 subcarbonate, 280, 282 subnitrate, 2S0 tannate, 280, 283 valerianate, 280, 2S3 Bittern, 139, 140 Black draught, 586 drop, 630, 640, 642, 647 (drops), 79 wash, 854 Blackberry brandy, 723 syrup, 722, 723, 724 Blancard's pills, 812 Blank labels, 909 Blast lamp, 94 Bleaching powder, 205 Blende, 263 Blistering cerate, 866 collodion, 328 tissue. 867 Blisters, 866 Blood serum, 350 test, 467 Blood's flour sifter, 551 Blue mass, 804 extemporaneous, 805 powdered, 805 indigo, 465 Prussian, 248 vitriol, 260 Board for lozenges, 731, 738 Boedeker's albumen test, 345 Boetger's sugar test, 345 Boiler, Hecker's farina, 106 Boiling, 586 bumping avoided, 119 Bone, 358 black, 330 Bonjean's ergotine, 667 Boraginese, essent. oils, 414 Borax, 169, 171, 172 and ointments, 172 tested volum., 926 Borneen, 412 hydrate, 420 Borneo camphor, 400, 406, 420 Botanic styptic, 775 Bottle, acid, 25, 147 cement, 147 broken, as percolator, 594 colored, 24 corks, 54 dusting, for pills, 914 for extracts, 668 continuous filtering, 598 German, 53, 54 labelling, 24, 25 moistening, 912 oil, 22 packing, 23, 24 paste, 910 pouring from, 570 receiving (graduated), 596 salt-mouth, 20, 21 siphon, 151 specific gravity, 82 extemporaneous, 84 spritz, 125 syrup, 22 tincture, 21 size, 906 Bougies, tin can for, 56 Bower's glycerine, 387 Boxes, paper, 55 pill, 55 turned wood, 55 Brackets, shelf, 26 window, 28 Brandy, 364, 366 blackberry, 723 Brazilin, 463 Breast-plaster, 894 British oil, 942 Bromalhydrat, 378 Bromanilin, 471 Bromides. See Bases. 950 INDEX. Bromine, 139, 140 chloride, 139, 141 iodide, 141 Bromoform, 374, 379 Broth, chicken, 937 Liebig's, 355 Brown mixture, 848 stout, 364 Brucia, 476, 504 test, 513 Bryonin, 522 Bryonitin, 522 Bryoretin, 522 Buchu, 337 Bullock's carboy siphon, 62 Bumping avoided in boiling, 119 Bunsen's burner, 101 Burdock, 335 Burette, 76 stand, 76 Burgundy pitch, 426 plaster, 890 wine, 364 Burner, 96 Bunsen's, 101 Griffin's, 102 horizontal, 101 McGlensey's, 102 Burnett's cocoaine, 394 Burton ale, 384 Butler's fluid extr. hydrangea, 685 Butter, 353, 390 of antimony, 285, 288 cacao, 390, 393 milk, 354 of zinc, 267 Butyl, 452 Butyrum, 353, 390 Buxina, 476 Byttneracese, alkaloids, 475 CACAO butter, 390, 393 Cadmium, 269 iodide, 270 sulphate, 270 Cafetiere de Doubelloy, 590 Caffeidina, 489 Caffeina, 475, 476, 488 arseniate, 489 citrate, 489 Calamina, 263, 264 praeparata, 264 Calcination, 121 Calcium (Lime), 203 et antimon. sulphuret., 285, 288 bicarbonate, 203, 210 butyrate, 380 carbonate, precip., 203, 205 chloride, 203, 205 chlorinated, 203, 206 tested volum., 926 hypophosphite, 203, 208 syrups, 203, 209 iodide, 134, 137, 203, 212 metagummate, 336 phosphate, precipit., 203, 207 Calcium phosphate — syrups, 238, 239, 240 saccharate, 203, 211, 341 sulphite, 203, 211 sulphuret, 203, 212 syrup, 211 triphosphate, 143 Calluxanthin, 456 Calomel, 298 biniodide, 297, 302 English, 299 hydro-sublimed, 299 iodide, 297, 302 and jalap powder, 819 powders, alterative, 823 Calves' feet, 357 extract, 357 jelly, 936 Calx, 203, 2*04 See Calcium. Camelliacese, alkaloids, 475 essential oils, 410 Campbell's fluid extract san- guinaria, 688 injection, 856 Camphene, 406 hydrate, 400 oxide, 400 Camphor, 400, 406 anemone, 420 anise, 420 artificial, 400 asarum, 420 Borneo, 400, 406, 420 can, 19 clove, 420 inactive, 420 inula, 420 iris, 420 juniper, 400, 406, 420 how to keep, 19 lemon, 400, 406, 420 liniment, 881, 882 mace, 420 matricaria, 419 mint, 420 mixture, Hope's, 835 Parrish's, 835 monarda, 420 monobromated, 142 and opium pills, 815 parsley, 420 powdering, 120, 548 sassafras, 420 spirit, 766, 767 sublimed, 120 tobacco, 420 water, 572, 574 Camphors, 419 Can, camphor, 19 extract, 30 herb, 19 japanned, 19 oil, 22 patent safety, 30 Canada balsam, 424 Candy, 741 cough, 742 rock, 339 Cane sugar, 338, 340 Canellaceas, essential oils, 411 Canna, 334 Cannabinaceee, resins, 423 Cantharidin, 419, 528 Caoutchene, 406 Caoutchouc, 421 vulcanized, 421 Caoutchoucoids, 421 Cap, metallic foil, 907 Capping of corks, 907 Caprifoliacese, neutral prin- pie, 524 essential oils, 412 Caproyl, 452 Capsicin, 476, 502, 525, 531 Capsicum syrup, 721 Capsule, 52 Caramel, 341, 741 Carat, 308 Carbo animalis, 329, 330 ligni, 329 Carbohydrates, 338 Carbon, bisulphide. 146 Carbonates. See Bases. Carbonization, 122 Carboy siphon, Bullock's, 62 Cardamoms, powdering, 547 Cardol, 521 Care in compounding, 901 of nurse, 934 Carmine, indigo, 465 Carminative, Dalby's, 940 Dewees', 940 Caro, 353, 355 Carotae radix, 348 Carotin, 463 Carrageen, 335 paste, 730 syrup, 710 Carrageenin, 335 Carrara water, artificial, 210 Carrot, wild, 348 Carthagia, 475, 502 Carthamin, 463 Cartier's hydrometer, 87 Carvacrol, 402 Carvol, 402, 411 Caryophyllese, neutral prin- ciple, 520 Caryophyllin, 420, 522 Cascarillin, 526 Cases, 27 for pamphlets, 56 prescription scales, 39, 40 Casein, 350 vegetable, 350 Cassia, 348 Cassiin, 522 Castile soap, 389 Castillon's powders, 937 Castina, 476, 506 Castor oil, 390, 394 mixture, 841 Castorin, 528 Catalysis, 363 Cataplasma aromatica, 899 ad deeubitum, 272, 277 lini, 898 sinapis, 899 Cataplasmata, 898 Catechin, 456 Catechu, 454 lozenges, 740 IXDEX, 951 Catechutannin, 456 Cathartics, mixtures, 841 pills, 817 powders, 817 Cathartin, 439, 522 Caulophyllin (eclect.), 748 Caustic, carbolic acid, 451 corrosive sublimate, 327 lunar, 278 vegetable, 177, 178 Causticum dep'latorium, 853 Ceanothine (eclect.), 749 Celastrineae, alkaloids, 475 Cellar, 57 Cellulin, 320 Cellulose, 320 Cement, 113 for acid bottles, 147 glass labels, 24 pestles, 47 Centigrade thermometer, 103 Cera alba, 390 chinensis, 390 flava, 390 japonica, 390 myricae, 390 Cerasein (eclect.), 749 Cerasin, 336 Cerates, 861, 922 blistering, 866, S70 Ceratum (cerate), 863, 864, 865, 870 adipis, 863, 864, S65, 870 basilicon, 865, 872 cantharidis, S66, 870 cetacei, 863,865, S71 extract, cantharid., 866, 871 Goulard's, 870, 871 plumbi subacetatis, 870, 871 comp., 878 resinae, 863, 865, 872 comp., 866, 872 sabinae, 868, 872 saponis, 863, 864, 872 simplex, 863, 864, 865 spermaceti, 863, 865, 871 zinci carbon., 868, S72 Cerebral stimulants, pills, 814 powders, 814 Cerite, 223 Cerium, 223 oxalate, 223 Ceryle, oxide, 385 Cetaceum, 390 cerate, 863, 865, 871 mixture, 849 Cetin, 3S5 Cetraria, 335 Cetyle, oxide, 3S5 Chserophvllina, 477. 514 Chalk, 203 julep, 834 lozenges, 733, 735 mixture, S34 Richard's, 942 and blue mass, 835 powder, 807 ointment, 879 Chameleon mineral, 259 Champagne, 364 Change of linen, 932 posture, 931 room, 933 Chapman's dinner pills, 818 pills in intermittents, 811 Chapped hands, wash, 855, S84 Charcoal, animal, 329, 330 areca nut, 329 and blue mass mixture, 842 dentifrice, 774 tooth paste, 774 willow. 329 wood, 329 Charring, 122 Charta cantharidis, 868 sinapis, 868 Cheese, 354 cream, 354 Chelerythrina, 441, 486 Chelidina, 475, 4S5 Chelonin (eclect.), 749 Cheltenham salt, 184 Chemicals, how to keep, 20 Chemical food, 226, 240 processes, 109 Chemistry, Attfield's, 110 inorganic, 109 organic, 319 science of, 109 . Chehopodere, alkaloids, 477 essential oils, 415 Cherry. laurel water, 572, 575, 576 Chicken broth, 937 jelly, 937 Chilblains, lotion, S54 . Chimaphilin (eclect.), 750 Chimney lamp, 94 Chinese green, 463 | Chinoidina, 498, 666 pills, 810 Chiratogenin, 525 Chiretin, 525 , Cholera, Asiatic, tincture, 623 i Chloral hydrat., 374, 378 Chloranilina, 471 Chlorates. See Bases. Chlorides. See Bases. Chlorine, 132 disinfectant preparation, 132 solution, 133, 559, 572 water, 133, 559, 572 Chloroform, 374 administration, 839 (drops), 79 commercial, 374 gelatinize !, 885 liniment, 881, S83 mixture, 839 paregoric, 634 purificat, 374, 375 venale, 374 Chlorophyll, 465 Chlorrubin, 457 Chocolate drops, ferruginous, 735 Cholagogue, tonic, 837 Cholesterin. 35S, 462 Chondrin, 356 Chondrogen, 356 Chondrus, 335 Chulariose, 338 Churchill, hypophosphites, 144, 209 Cicutine, 476, 514 Cider, 364 mixture, Parrish's, 585 Cimicifugin (eclect.), 666, 749 Cinchona alkaloids, 490 chemical and physical pro- perties, 49S Howard's, 49S red, 456 Cinchonaceae, alkaloids, 475 Cinchonia, 475, 495 acetate, 496 hydriodate, 496 muriate, 496 sulphate, 496, 499 tannate, 496 Cinehonicin, 476 Cinchonidin, 475, 496 Cincinnati wine, 364 Cinnabar, artificial, 304 Cinnameine, 426, 42S Cinnamen, 426, 450 Cinnamyle, 402, 415 hydruret, 402 oxide, 402 Circulatory displacement, 555 Cissampelina, 474, 480 Cistineae, resins, 422 Citrates. See Bases. Citrate corks, 54 Citrine ointment, 870, S74 Citromels, 717 Clamp for mortar, 36 Claret, 364 Clarification, 563 Clasp, Wiegand's, 650 Clauder's elixir, 5S5 Clay furnace, 92 Cleanliness in sick chamber, 931 of person, 932 Clematitin, 526 Clemens' almond lotion, 854 Clothes-wringer press, 579 Cloves, camphor, 420 Cnicin, 523 Coagulation, 349 Coal naphtha, 452 tar products, 452 Coating of pills, 915 Cobaltum, 271 oxide, 271 Cocaina, 475, 490 Coccogenin, 526 Cocoa. See Cacao. Cocoaine, Burnett's, 394 Codeia, 475, 485 Coddington's iodide of iron pills, 812 Cod-liver oil, 390, 396 andbiniodide of mer- cury, 851 mixture, 850 ointment, 8S0 Coins, U. S., 72 fineness, 308 952 INDEX. Colchicine, 512 Colchicia, 476, 512 sulphate, 512 Cold cream, 863, 865, 872 Turnbull's, 877 Collagen, 356 Collection of plants, etc., 537 Collinsonin (eclect.), 750 Collodion, 322, 324, 560 aconital, 328 atropia, 328 belladonnal, 328 blistering, 328 cantharidal, 328 caustic, 327 composition, 327 flexile, 325 iodinal, 328 modified, Rand's, 325 stypticum, 329 tinct. prseparat., 327 uses, 327 vial, 326 Colloids, 321 Collyria, 855 Collyrium atropise sulphatis, 855 Colocynthein, 347, 522 Colocynthin, 347, 522, 529 Colocynthitin, 523 Cologne water, 769, 770 Colophene, 406 Coloring-matter, animal, 466 biliary, 467 vegetable, 465 Colors, show, freezing pre- vented, 28 Columbin, 520 Combination of medicines, 794 Combustion, 129 Comfrey, 335 Compositaa, alkaloids, 476 neutral principles, 523 essent. oils, 412 Composition powder, 941 Compounding prescriptions, 899 care, 901 Concavity in minim measures corrected, 78 Conchinicia, 497 Concentrated remedies, 742 Condenser, Liebig's, 113, 114 Squibb's, 114 Warner's, 761 Condensing worm, 760 Confection, 726 almonds, 727 aromatic, 727 opium, 727 orange-peel, 727 black pepper, 729 piles, 728 roses, 727 senna, 727, 728 Conhydrina, 475, 514 Conia, 476, 477, 513, 654 Coniferae, neutral principle, 527 essent. oils, 407, 416 oleoresins, 424 Conifer as — resins, 423 Conserves, 727 Convallamai-etin, 527 Convallamarin, 527 Convallaretin, 347, 527 Convallarin, 347, 527 Convolvulaceae, alkaloids, 476 gum resins, 425 neutral principle, 525 essent. oils, 414 resins, 423 Convolvulin, 423, 425, 476, 506, 525, 530 Convolvulinol, 530 Cooler's, soda-water, 151 syrup, Parrish's, 152 Cooper's gelatina, 357 Copaiba, 424, 427, 428 resin, 422 Copal, 423 Copper, 260 salts. See Cuprum Copperas, 227 Copuliferae, neutral principle, 526 Cordial, Curacao, 632 ■ Godfrey's, 940 propyl amin, 633 Warner's, 610 Cordials, 631 Corks, 54, 907 Cork borer, 113 bottle, 54 capping, 907 citrate, 54 homoeopathic, 54 presser, 908 Lochman's, 908 tapering, 54, 907 velvety, 54 Cornine, 441 (eclect.), 750 Corn-meal gruel, 937 plasters, annular, 895 Correctives in prescription, 797 Corrosive sublimate, 298 collodion, 327 pills, 823 Corydalia (eclect.), 751 Corydalina, 475, 487 Coryza lozenges, 736 mixture, 849 Cotarnina, 484 ethylic, 485 methylic, 485 normal, 485 propylic, 485 Cotton, 320 prepared, ethereal solut., 322 reproduced from pyroxy- lin, 327 Cough candy, 742 lozenges, Jackson's, 738 Parrish's, 739 Spitta's, 734, 736 Wistar's, 734, 736, 737 mixtures, 848 Coumarin, 522 Counter-irritant, Granville's, 854 Counters, 30 dispensing, 31 prescription, 35 soda-water, 30 working, 38 Court-plaster, 357 Cowrie, 423 Cows' milk, 352 Coxe's sparkling gelatine, 357 hive syrup, 699, 700, 701 Crassulaceae, essent. oils, 411 Cratinina, 518 Cream, 354 cheese, 354 syrup, 725, 726 of tartar, 192 draught, 842 tested volum., 926 Creasote, 332 (drops), 79 lotion, 853 test, 451 Creatina, 353, 517, 528 Creatinina, 353, 518 Creta, 203 pr separata, 203 Creuse's syrup of iodide of manganese, 257 Crotonina, 476, 506 Croton oil, 390, 395 Crotonol, 526 Crucible, Hessian, 122 jacket, 95 platinum, 122 porcelain, 122 support, 100 Cruciferae, neutral principle, 528 Crystallin, 350, 376, 478 Crystallization, 127 Crystalloids, 321 Cubeb lozenges, 733, 734, 736 mixture, 846, 849 Cubebin, 527 Cucurbitaceae, alkaloids, 475 neutral principle, 522 Cudbear, 464 Cultivation of plants, 540 Cumidin, 452 Cuminol, 411 Cumol, 452 Cumyle, 402 hydruret, 402 oxide, 402 Cupweights, 72 Cuprum (Copper), 260 aluminatum, 260, 263 ammoniatum, 260, 262 ammonio- sulphate, 262 carbonate, 260, 261 chloride, 260, 262 nitr-ate, 260, 262 nitroprusside, 403 oxide, 260, 261 ammoniacal solution, 320 subacetate, 260, 263 subcarbonate, bydrated, 260, 261 sulphate, 260 INDEX, 953 Curasao cordial, 632 Curaria, 476, 505 Curcuma, 334 arrowroot, 334 Curcumin, 464, 527 Curds, 354 Currant wine, 364 Curve for gas-tube, 97 Cusparin, 521 Cuttlefish powder, 774 Cyananilina, 471 Cyanides. See Bases. Cyanin, 466 Cyclamin, 526 Cyclamiretin, 526 Cydonium, 337 Cymol, 452 Cynapia, 475, 490 Cyprian turpentine, 424 Cypripedin (eclect.), 751 DALBY'S carminative, 940 Dalleochine, 492 Dammar, Australian, 423 East India, 423 Dammarane, 423 Dammarene, 423 Daphnetin, 347, 526 Daphnin, 347, 526 Datiscetin, 347, 526 Datiscin, 347, 526 Daturia, 476, 508 Death-bed, 934 Decimal system, 70, 73 weights, 70 Decoeta, 588 Decoction, process, 586 Decoctum (Decoction) aloes comp., 588 substitute, 585 barley, 588 bittersweet, 588 cetrarise, 588 chiniaphilse, 588 cinchonae flavae, 588 rubra?, 588 cornus floridae, 588 dulcamaras, 588 haematoxyli, 588 hordei, 588 Iceland moss, 588 logwood, 588 oak bark, 588 pipsissewa, 588 quercus albae, 588 sarsaparillaa comp., 588, 589 senega?, 588 UV83 ursi, 588 Decoloration, 124 Decomposition of organic bodies, 534 Dehydration, 121 Delff's digitalin, 525 Delphinin, 474, 479 test, 513 Demulcent mixtures, 846 Dentifrice, 774 Depilatory, 853 Deshler's salve, 866, 872 Dessertspoonful, 78 Dewees's breast plaster, 891 carminative, 940 colchicum mixture, 848 tincture of guaiacum, 622 Dextrin, 320, 344 Diabetic sugar, 341 Dialysis, 321 Diaphoretics, mixtures, 840 powders, 822 Diastase, 342, 362, 363 Didymium, 223 Diet for the sick, 935 Diet drink, Lisbon, 589 Diethylanilina, 471 Digestion, 580 Digitalacrin, 531 Digitalarin, 525 Digitaletin, 347, 525, 531 Digitalin, 347, 525, 531 Digitaliretin, 525 Digitasolin, 525 Diluents for powders, 802 in prescriptions, 797 Dinitro-cellulin, 322 Dinnerford's fluid magnesia, 214 Dioscorein (eclect.), 751 Dippel's animal oil, 419 Dipteraceae, essential oils, 407 Discipline of the shop, 927 Discoloration of skin by io- dine, 135 by nitric acid, 200 Disinfectants, 861 Disinfecting fluid, Ledoyen's, 276 preparation, chlorine, 132 Dispensatory, U. S., 65 Dispensing, 902 counter, 32, 33 difficulties, 902 liquids, 906 medicines, 899 office, 900 pills, 911, 914 powders, 903 small, 904 prescriptions, 899 solids, 903 store, arrangement, 17 Displacement, 571, 590 apparatus, 52 circulatory, 555 continuous, 598 by ether, 602 history, 590 by hot liquids, 600 by steam, 600 by volatile liquids, 593 Displacer, broken bottle, 594 ether, 602, 691 funnel, 591, 595 Hance's, 570 lamp-chimney, 593 porcelain, 593 queensware, 593 Squibbs's, 594 steam, Smith's, 600 syringe, 595 tin, 592 for volatile liquids, 593 Distearin, 386 Distillation, 110, 118, 759 apparatus, 760 destructive, 119, 535 double, 764 dry, 535 of flowers, 764 fractional, 119 of herbs, 764 of oils, 398 triple, 764 of volatile liquids, 763 of waters, 572 Diuretics, mixtures, 846 pills, 821 Division of paper, 903 powders, 905 pills, 913 Dolomite, 213 Donovan's solution, 295 Dover's powder, 552, 822 liquid substitute, 845 Drachm, 71 Drachma, 784 Draught, black, 586 cream of tartar, 842 effervescing, 844 saline, 843 Drawers, 18 Drawer-pulls, 18 Dressing, carbolic acid, 452 plastic surgical, 451 Drop, 78 guide, 913 machine, 913 Drops, 741 chocolate, ferruginous, 735 ginger, 619, 742 golden, Lamotte's, 250 hot, 941 pectoral, Bateman's, 940 size of, 78 table (Durand ; Parrish ; Procter, Jr.), 79 Drug mill, Hance's, 549 Drugs, drying, 539, 543 garbling, 542 powdering, 542, 543 oily, powdering, 544 Duhamel, syrup. uva3 ursi, 709 Dulcamarina, 476, 507 Dulcite, 339 Dulcose, 339 Dumb-waiter for ointments and syrups, 38 Durand, drop table, 79 syrup, phosph. calc, 207 Dusting of powders, 545 bottle for pills, 914 Duties of apprentices, 929, 930 Dying-bed, 934 Dyspeptics' bitter tonic, 837 EARTHS and preparations, 200, 201, 203, 212, 220, 223 Eau de Cologne, 796, 770 Ebullition, 648 Ecbolina, 477 Ecgonina, 490 954 INDEX. Eclectic remedies, 742 Edinburgh ale, 364 Effervescence, 554 Effervescing draught, 844 fever powders, 844 Egg, 352, 353 Eggnog, 935 Elasometer, 87 Elaeopten, 400 Elaterin, 523 Elder-berry wine, 364 -flower water, 572, 575 Elecampane, 335 Electuary, 727 haem' rrhoid, 728 lenitive, 728 pile, 728 See Confection. Elements, non-metallic, 128" Elemi, 424, 427 ointment, 877 Elixir ammon. valerian., 200, 632, 633, 637 with quinia, 637 bismuth, citratis, 636 calisayse. See EI. cin- chonae. choloroformi, 634 cinchonae, 631, 635 comp., 636 ferrat., 636 ferratum, 631, 635 ferro-phosphor., 632 Clauderi, 585 De Garus, 634 ferri citratis, 636 pyrophosph., 636 quiniae et strychnise pyroph., 637 gentianas ferratum, 638 magnesii acetatis, 219 pepsini, 636 potnssii bromidi, 638 proprietatis, 610 red, 635 simple, 635 sumbul comp., 637 of vitriol, 160 Elixirs, 631, 634 Ellis, extract of calisaya, 665 magnesia, 215 magnesii citras granul., 219 preparat., 219 Elutriation, 557 Emetia, 476, 502 coloree, 502 test, 513 Emetics, powders, 816 Emetinum impurum, 502 Emmenagogues, pills, 823 Empiastra, 885 unofficinal, 890 Emplastrum aconiti, 886, 887 adhaasivum, 886, 887 ammoniaci, 886, 889 c. hydrargyro, 886, 889 antimonii, 886, 890 arnicas, 886, 890 assafoetidae, 886, 889 diachylon simpl., 386 Emplastrum — epispasticum, 866 ferri, 886, 889 galbani comp., 886, 888 hydrargyri, 886, 888 opii, 886, 888 picis burgund., 886, 890 canadensis, 886, 890 c. cantharide, 886, 890 plumbi, 272, 386, 389, 886 resinae, 886, 887 saponis, 886, 887 universale, 891 Emulsin, 351, 528 Emulsion of almonds, 846 castor oil, 841 cubebs (fluid extr.), 846 pumpkin seeds, 852 Emulsions, preparations, 919 Emydin, 351 Enema, assafcetidae, 857 terebinthinae, 857 Enemata, 856 Enos's elix. ammon. vale- rian., 632 Envelope paper, 55 powder, 905 Epsom salts, 213 Erdmann and Uslai's alka- loid test, 4 74 Ergotina, 477, 667 Bonjean's, 667 Wiggers's, 667 Ericaceae, neutral principle, 524 essential oils, 413 Ericolin, 524 Erythrin, 340, 464 Erythrocentaurin, 525 Erythrolein, 464 Ei-ythrolitinin, 464 Erythromannite, 340, 464 Erythrophyll, 465 Erythroretin, 439 Erythroxylaceae, alkaloids, 477 neutral principle, 521 Erythroxylin, 521 Essence, aniseed, 766, 767 apples, 381 arrack, 382 bananas, 381 beef, 936 bergamot pear, 381 ginger, 620 jargonella pear, 381 lemon, 766, 767 millefleurs, 771 mustard, 777 Whitehead's, 942 patchouly, 772 peppermint, 766, 767 petit-grain, 410 pineapple, 381 quince, 381 raspberries, 381 rum, 382 Essences, fruit, artificial, 380 perfumery, 769 Essential oils. See Oils. Ether, 365, 369 Ether— (drops), 79 acetic, 365 amylo-acetic, 379 amylo-valerianic, 379 butyric, 379 chloric, 374, 377 (chloroform), 376 cinnamo-cinnamic, 428 cinnamo-tolylic, 428 ethylic, 365, 369 formic, 374 formo-ethylic, 374 hydrated, 370 hyponitrous, 365 mono-chlorinated, 378 nitric, 365 nitrous, 365, 373 oenanthic, 3S1, 382 pelargonic, 381 percolating with, 602 sulphuric, 365, 369 tannic, 458 tetrachlorinated, 378 washed, 370 Ethereal oil, 365, 370 Etherin, 365 Etherol, 365 Ethiops mineral, 304 Ethylallylamina, 510 Ethylamina, 477 j Ethylanilina, 471 Etbylconia, 476, 574 I Eucalyne, 339 Eugenin, 522 Euonymin (eclect.), 752 Eupatorina, 475, 502 Eupatorine (eclect.), 752 Euphorbiaceaa, alkaloids, 476, 477 neutral principle, 526 essent. oils, 415 resins, 423 Euphorbin (eclect.), 753 Euphorbina, 476, 509 Euphorbium, 423, 427 Eupion, 406 Eupurpurin (eclect.), 752 Evaporating dish, 52, 649 Evaporation, 648 Excipient in mixtures, 833 pills, 801, 802, 803, 806 prescriptions, 798 Excitement of sick avoided, 933 Excito-motor stimulants, pow- ders, 816 Exhaustion in percolating, 597 Expansion of alcohol, 368 glass bottles, 85 Expectorants, mixtures, 848 pills, 821 Explanatory synonyms, 783 Extemporaneous pharmacy, 779 preparations, 780 Extract (Extractum) aconiti, 655, 656, 660 yield, 653 arnicae, 655, 656, 660 yield, 653 INDEX. 955 Extract — bark, precipitated, 498 beef, 356 belladonnas, 652, 653 yield, 653 alcohol., 655, 661 bittersweet, 657, 658, 662 butternut, 658, 659, 664 Calabar bean, 655, 657 calisaya, Ellis', 665 calves' feet, 357 cannabis, 655, 656, 660 test, 656 carnis, 356 citnicifuga?, 666 cinchona, 657, 658, 663 Wetherill's, 665 prascipit., 498 colchici acetic, 659, 660, 665 colocvnthid, 657, 658, 662 yield, 653, 658 comp.,659, 660, 665, 668 conii, 652, 653, 660 yield, 653 alcohol., 655 test, 654 digitalis, 655, 656, 660 yield, 653 dulcamaras, 657, 658, 662 ergotae, 667 ferri pomatum, 433 foxglove, 655, 656, 660 gentiana? ; 658, 659, 664 yield, 653 glycyrrhiza?, 348, 667 haainatoxyli, 658, 659, 664, 668 hellebori, 657, 658, 663 henbane, 652, 654, 655, 661 hops, 667 hyoscyami, 652, 654 yield, 653 alcohol., 655, 661 ignatiae amarae, 655, 657, 661 Indian hemp, 655, 656, 660 jalapae, 657, 658, 662, 66S yield, 653 juglandis, 658, 659, 664 krameria?, 658, 659, 664, 668 yield, 659 lettuce, 667 liquiritia? depur., 667 lobelia? aceticum, 666 logwood, 658, 659, 664, 668 lupulin, 666 may-apple, 657, 658, 663, 668 meat, 356 musk, 773 nuc. vornic. 655, 657, 661 yield, 653 opii, 658, 659, 664 in suppositories, 923 papaveris, 667 pareira? bravas, 666 Extract — physostigmatis, 655, 657 podophylli, 657, 658, 663, 668 poppyheads, 667 quassia?, 658, 659, 664 yield, 653 rhatany, 658, 659, 664, 668 rhei, 657, 658, 663 senega?, 657, 658, 662 stramonii, 653, 655 yield, 653 taraxaci, 659, 665 uvae ursi, 667 Valeriana?, 655, 556, 660 Extracta resina, 742 Extracts, 652 astringent, 658 bottle, 668 cathartic, 657 clarified, 652 English, 653 fluid. See Fluid extracts. German, 654 jars, 30, 668 how to keep, 29, 30, 668 narcotic, alcoholic, 655 inspissated, 652, 668 Mohr's proce. s, 654 therapeutical applic. , 656 for ointments, 669 pills, 912 physical properties, 668 preparation, 651 softening, 669 in suppositories, 923 tonic, 657, 658 unclassified, 659 unofficinal, 665 uses. 669 yield, 653 Extractive, oxidized, 587 Eye-balsam, Becker's, 879 washes, 855 water, 855 Thomas', 855 FAHRENHEIT'S thermo- meter, 103 Fancy paper, 55 Farina boiler, Hecker's, 106 Farinaceous principles, 333 Fats, 382 how to keep, 28 Faucet, syrup, Williams', 153 Fecula. See Starch. Fehling's sugar test, 344 Fel bovinum, 358 Felt bags, 560 Fermentation. 362, 535 acetic, 363 acid, 535 alcoholic, 362 butyric, 363, 379 lactic, 363, 436 viscous, 363, 535 Fermentum cerevisia?, 363 Ferric citrate, 234 Ferric — hypophosphite, 242, 243 nitrate, 247 oxide, hydrated, 232 salts, 224, 225 tannate, 245 Ferroso-ferric salts, 224 Ferrous hypophosphite, 242, 243 nitrate, 247 salts, 224, 225 sulphate, 227 tartrate, 246 Ferrum (Iron), 224 (Ferri) acetas, 226, 244, 245 ammoniat., 248, 251 et amnion, citras, 226, 234 sulphas, 226. 233 tartras, 226, 246 arsenias, 292, 295 tested volum., 926 bromidum, 248, 253 carbonas effervescens, 226, 229 praecipitat., 228 saccharat., tested volum., 926 chloridum, 248, 249 citras, 226, 234 ferrocyanid., 248, 251 hydrocyanas, 248, 252 by hydrogen, 226, 229 hyperchloratis liquor, 226, 248 hypophosphis, 226, 242 iodidum, 248, 252 lactas, 226, 244 et magnesii citras, 226, 236 nitratis liquor, 226, 247, 559 oxalas, 226, 237 oxid. hydrat., 226, 232, 293 mag., tested volum., 926 perchloratis liquor, 226, 248 persulphas, 231 phosphas, 226, 237 tested volum., 926 et potassii sulphuret. , 248, 254 et potassii tartras, 226, 245 protocarbonatis syrup., 229 protocitratis syrup., 226, 236 protonitratis syrup., 226, 247 prototartras, 226, 246 pulvis, 229 pyrophosphas, 226, 240 et quinia citras, 226, 234 sulphas, 226, 232 redactum, 226, 229 sesquioxide hydrat., 232 et strychnia? citras, 226, 235 subsulphas, 231 956 INDEX, (Ferri)— sulphas, 226, 227 exsiccata, 226, 227 granulata, 227, 557 powdering, 557 sulphuret., 248, 254 superphosphates syrup., 226, 238 tannas, 226, 245 tartras, 226, 246 tersulphatis liquor, 226, 230, 559 valerianas, 226, 245 et zinci citras, 226, 236 Ferulyle, 417 bisulphide, 417' protosulphide, 417 Fever and ague mixture, 836 powders, effervescing, 844 Fibrin, 350 Ficus, 348 Fig, 348 File, rat-tail, 113 Filter, 564 cap, 568 construction, 564, 566 drying, 106 French, 55 lace, Walters's, 569 oil, Warner's, 561 plain, 565 plaited, 565 support, 568 weight, 568 Filtering apparatus, Hance's, 570 oils, 561, 569 paper, 55, 564 Swedish, 55 volatile liquids, 569 Filtration, 560, 564 continuous, 598 hot, 106 Fish glue, 356 Flannel strainer, 560 Flask, 52, 118 Flaxseed, 337 meal, 544 poultice, 898 Flavoring syrups, 719 Flemming's tinct. aconiti, 621 Flint vials, 53 Flores martiales, 251 Florida water, 772 Flowers, collection, 538 distillation, 764 farms, 769 of sulphur, 146 zinc, 265 Fluidrachma, 75, 784 Fluid extract (fluid extract- um), anthemidis, 688 belladonnas i\,d.,672, 673 bittersweet, 672, 676 bloodroot, 688 buchu, 672, 674 comp., 684 calumbae, 672, 674 capsici, 690, 691 Fluid extract — chamomile, 688 chimaphilas, 672, 674 cimicifugse, 671, 674 cinchonas, 672, 674 colchicirad., 672,675 sem., 672, 675 conii fructus, 672, 675 cornus floridae, 672, 675 cubebse, 671, 676 digitalis, 672, 676 dogwood, 672, 675 dulcamaras, 672, 676 erigerontis canad., 672, 677 gall as, 687 gelsemii, 672, 677 gentianae, 672, 677 geranii, 672, 677 ginger, 672, 684 glycvrrhizas rad. , 672, 677 gossypii, 672, 678 hemlock, 672, 675 horehound, 689 hydrangeas, 685 hydrastis canad., 672, 678 hyoscyami, 672, 678 jalapae, 685 krameriae, 672, 679 lactucarii, 689 lobelias, 687 lupulini, 671, 679 marrubii, 689 matico, 672, 679 mezerei, 671, 679 muskroot, 688 pareiras bravae, 672, 679 pepper, 692 pinkroot, 673, 682 and senna, 673, 682 pipsissewa, 672, 674 pruni virgin., 673, 680 ferratum, 687 rhei, 672, 680 et senna?, 685 rubi, 672, 680 sabinas, 671, 680 sanguinarias, 688 sarsaparillas, 672, 681 comp , 672, 681 scillas, 672, 681 Scutellariae, 689 senegas, 672, 681 sennas, 673, 683 serpentarias, 672, 682 spigelias, 673, 682 et sennas, 673, 682 stillingias, 672, 683 sumbul, 688 taraxaci, 672, 683 extemporan., 683 uvae ursi, 672, 683 Fluid extract — Valerianae, 671, 684 (drops), 79 veratri viridis, 671, 684 wild cherry, 673, 680 ferrated, 687 zingiberis, 672, 684 Fluid extracts, 670 with alcohol, 672 diluted, 671 with glycerin, 672 unclassified, 673 unofficinal, 684 Fluid magnesia, 214 Fluidounce, 75 uncia, 784 Fluted vials, 53 Flystone, 271 Folding of packages, 903 powders, 904 Formyle, 435 terbromide, 374 terchloride, 374 teriodide, 374 Fowler's solution, 293 Fractional distillation, 119 Frangipanni, essence, 771 sachet, 775 Frangulin, 463 Fraserin (eclect.), 753 Fraxetin, 524 Fraxin, 524 Fruits, collection, 538 essences, artificial, 380 jar, 24 sugar, 338, 341 syrups, 722 Prussian Ph., 724 Fumariaceas, alkaloids, 4 75 Fumarina, 475, 487 Fumigating pastilles, 776 powder, 776 Fumigations, 860 Fungi, alkaloids, 477 neutral principle, 528 Fungin, 322 Funnel, 51, 567 glass, 52 grooved, 567 gutta-percha, 52 as percolator, 591, 595 porcelain, 51 for volatile liquids, 52 vulcanized rubber, 52 Furley's process, 917 Furnace, clay, 92 French hand, 93 gas, Parrish's, 100 Furniture, 17, 900 Fusel oil, 366, 368, 379, 380 test, 368 of wine, 382 GADTJIN, 397 Galbanum, 425, 427 Galenical pharmacy, 537 Gallipots, 29 Gallon, 75 Gambogia, 425, 427 Garbling, 642 INDEX, 957 Gargarysma acid, tannic , 857 sodae chlorinat., 857 Gargle, alum, 858 Gargles, 857, 858 Garus, elixir, 634 spirit, 634 Gas burner, 96 Bunsen's, 101 Griffin's, 102 horizontal, 101 McGlensey's, 10% distributor, 96 furnace, Parrish's, 100 laughing, 196 screen. 98 stove, 98 tube, flexible, 97 Gases, solution of, 556 Gasogene, 149 Gaucina, 475, 487 Gauge for powders, 905 Gaultherin, 527 Gay-Lussac's holder, 115 Gein, 522 Gelatine, 356 Cooper's, 357 Coxe's sparkling, 357 French, 357 Gelatinous principles, 356 Gelsemin (eclect.), 753 Gelseininin (eclect.), 753 General apparatus stand, Squibb's, 116 Gentianeae, neutral principle, 524 Gentian, percolating, 599 Gentiogenin, 524 Gentiopicrin, 524 Gentleness in sick chamber, 934 m Geraniaceae, essent. oils, 410 Geranid, 410 Geraniin (eclect.), 753 Geranin (eclect.), 753 Gerhard's tonic tea, 541 Gill, 78 mug, 78 Gillenia trifoliata, 712 Gin, Holland, 364 Ginger beer, 943 drops, 691, 742 Githagin, 520 Glass bottles, expansion, 85 crown, 183 cylinder, loaded, 85 flint, 183 labels, 24 cement, 24 measure, 44 mortar, 48 soluble, 183 tubes, how to break, 148 window, 183 Glauber's salt, 184 Glaucina, 441, 475 Gliadin.,351 Glonoin, 340, 388 Glucose, 338, 341 Glucosides, 346 Glue, 356 fish, 356 liquid, 356 Gluten, 351 Glycamyl, 896 sinapis, 898 Glycerides, 718 Glycerin, 340, 386 (drops), 79 uses in pharmacy, 718 lotion, 885 ointment, 892 pomade of iodide of po- tassium, 897 Glycerines, 717 Glycerinum amyli, 892 Glycerite, 388, 717 acid, carbol., 717 gallici, 717 tannici, 718 picis liquidae, 718 sodii boratis, 718 Glycerole, 388, 718, 796 arnica, 884 hypophosphites, 210 lactucarium, 719 sumach, 719 de Goudron, 897 Glyceryle, 386 oxide, 384 Glycina,461, 518 Glycocoll, 461, 518 Glyeyrretin, 347, 522 Glycyrrhiza, 348 Glycyrrhizin, 340, 342, 347 Goddard's elixir amnion, va- ler., 633 Godfrey's cordial, 940 Gold, 308 salts. See Aurum. Golden sulphur, 285, 287 Gooseberry wine, 364 Goose grease, 397 Gossypium, 320 Goulard's cerate, 870 extract, 274 Gout pills, 815 Graduated measures, 44, 76 Hodgson's, 77 pill tile, 913 receiving bottle, 596 Graduation of hydrometers, 87 Grahame's displacement pro- cess, 591 mistura aloes comp., 585 Grain, 70, 71 Gramineaa, essent. oils, 416 Gramme, 74, 76 Granateae, neutral principl., 522 Granulation, 128, 556 Granules, 824, 918 Granum, 784 Granville's lotion, 854 Grape sugar, 338, 341 Gratiolaretin, 525 Gratioletin, 525 Gratiolin, 525 Gratiosolin, 525 Gray powder, 307 Grease, inodorous, 862 Green, Chinese, 463 mineral, 261 quinia, 492 Green — sap, 463 Griffin's gas-burner, 102 Griffith's myrrh mixture, 836 Gruel, corn meal, 937 oatmeal, 937 Gruff, 546 Grummets, 112 Guacin, 523 Guaiacene, 438 Guaiacin, 521 Guaiacum, 422, 426, 428 Guaiaretin, 426 Guanina, 518 Guaranina, 488 Guiding rod, 570 Gumbo, 337 Gums, 335 Gum Arabic, 337 powdering, 543 and sweet spirits of nitre in mixtures, 920 cloth, 357 elastic, 421 tu! es, rendered flex- ible, 117 paste, 729, 730 resins, 425, 427 percolating, 598 powdering, 54S solution, 548 wax, 426, 427 Gun cotton, 322 drying, 324 soluble, 322 Gutta, 784 Gutta-percha, 421 funnel, 52 purified, 421 solution, 377, 560 Guttiferae, gum-resins, 425 neutral principl., 525 HAARLEM oil, 941 Haamacrystallin, 350 Haamaglobulin, 350 Hamiatein, 464 Hoematin, 350, 466 Haamato-globulin, 466 Haematoidin, 467 Haematosin, 466 Haematoxylin, 344, 464 Haamin, 467 Haemorrhoidal electuary, 728 Hair dye, Twiggs', 778 oil, 777 preparations, 777 restorative, 777, 778 wash, rosemary, 777 Hamamelin (eclect.), 753 Hance's drug-mill, 549 filtering and percolating apparatus, 570 Handling of tincture bottles, 922 Harle's solution, 294 Harmala, 489 Harmalina, 475, 489 Harmina, 475, 489 Harris' sifting machine, 551 958 INDEX. Hartshorne's chloroform pare- goric, 634 Hay's syrup, iodide of iron, 253 Heading of prescriptions, 786 Heat, generation, 92 latent, 556 measurement, 103 radiated, 649 Hecker's farina boiler, 106 Helenin, 420 Helicin, 347, 402, 532, 533 Helicoidin, 532, 533 Heliotrope essence, 771 sachet, 776 Helleboria, 474, 479 Heller's sugar test, 344 Helonin (eclect.), 753 Hemlock gum, 426 plaster, 890 Henry's magnesia, 215 Heptylene, 452 Herapath's salt, 491, 493 Herbalists, 540 Herb's, collecting and drying, 537, 539 destination, 764 Shaker's, 539 Wilson's, 539 Hessian crucibles, 122 Hesperidin, 520 Hexylene, 452 Hiera picra, 552, 818 Hippocastaneae, neutral prin- ciple, 521 Hive syrup, 699, 700, 701 Hock wine, 364 Hodgson's measures, 46, 77 Hoffmann's anodyne, 366, 371 (drops), 79 German, 372 Holder, Gay-Lussac's, 115 Holland gin, 364 Hollyhock, 337 Homoeopathic corks, 54 Honey, 348, 716 balsam of, 941 of borax, 717 clarified, 348, 717 of roses, 717 Hooper's pills, 658, 942 Hooping-cough mixture, 850 Hope's camphor mixture, 835 Horn, 356 Horsley's sugar test, 344 Hot drops, 941 Howard's cinchona alkaloid, 498 Huanokina, 497 Hudson's dentifrice, 774 Hufeland's stimulating oint- ment, 880 Hull's automatic washing box, 126 Humulin, 526 Husband's magnesia, 215 fluid magnesia, 214 Huxham's tincture of bark, 609, 614 Hydrargyrum (Mercury), 296 (Hydrargyri) acetas, 297, 305 ammoniatum, 297, 306 (Hydrargyri) — et arsenic! iodid. liquor, 292, 295 bibromidum, 297, 303 bichloridum, 297, 298 biniodide, 297, 300 binitratis liquor, 297 bi-persulphas, 296 bromidum, 297, 303 chloridum corrosivum, 297, 298 mite, 297, 298 cum creta, 297, 307 cyanidum, 297, 303 iodide, green, 297, 300 red, 297, 300 yellow, 297, 301 iodidumflavum, 297, 301 rubrum, 297, 300 and cod-liver oil, 851 viride, 297, 300 oxide, black, 297, 305 red, 297, 304 oxidum nigrum, 297, 305 rubrum, 297, 304 perchloridum, 298 peroxidum, 304 phosphas, 297, 306 precipitate, white, 306 protiodide, 300 proto-nitratis liquor, 297, 306 subiodide, 300 subphosphate, 306 sulphas flava, 297, 299 sulphuret., black, 297, 304 nigrum, 297, 304 red, 297, 304 rubrum, 297, 304 Hydrastia, 474, 479, 480, 754 Hydrastin (eclect.), 754 Hydroberberina, 481 Hydrobryoretin, 522 Hydrogen, bicarburetted, 452 peroxide, 132 sulphuretted, 164 Hydrokinone, 347, 443, 530 green, 443 Hydrometer, 87 Baunie, 87 Cartier, 87 Pemberton's remarks, 89 Pile, 89 Hydrostatic balance, 81 Hygienic vinegar, 773 Hygrina, 477, 515 Hyoscyamia, 476, 509 Hypophosphites, 144. See Bases. TCE, 60 X preservation in sick room, 932 vault, 59 Iceland moss, 335 jelly, 936 paste, 730 Ichthidin, 351 Ichthin, 351 Ichthulin, 351 Ichthyocolla, 356 Igasuria, 476, 505 Ignition, 122 Ilicin, 521 Ilipicrin, 521 Imperatoria, 523 Imperial measure, 75 Implements, 17 Incineration, 122 Incorporation of ingredients, ^98 Incompatibles, chemical, 830 conditions of, 832 how best mixed, 832 of infusions, 581 opium, 643 pharmaceutical, 833 India rubber, 421 In die an, 465 Indiglucin, 465 Indigo, 465 blue, 465 carmine, 465 sulphate, 465 white, 465 Indigogen, 465 Indigotin, 465 Infusions, incompatibles, 581 mug, Alsop's, 577 pot, Squire's, 577 Infusion, 580, 582 (Infusum), angustura?, 582 anthemidis, 582 boneset, 582 buchu, 582 calumbas, 582 capsici, 582 caryophylli, 582 cascarillae, 582 catechu eomp., 582 chamomile, 582 cinchona? flava?, 582, 583 rubra?, 582, 583 cloves, 582 digitalis, 583 (drops), 79 eupatorii, 582 flaxseed comp., 582 gentiana? comp., 582, 584 cone, 584, note ginger, 582 hops, 582 humuli, 582 juniperi, 582 krameria?, 582 lini comp., 582 pareira?, 582 picis liquid., 583, 584 pruni virgin., 582, 583 quassise, 582 rhatany, 582 rhei, 582 rosa? comp., 583 sage, 582 salvia?, 582 sennas, 582 serpentaria?, 582 spigelia?, 582 tabaci, 583 taraxaci, 583 Valeriana?, 582 wild cherry, 582, 583 INDEX. 959 (Infusum) — zingiberis, 582 Inhalations, 858, 859 acidi hydrocyan., 859 chlorine, 860 conia, 860 creasote, 860 iodine, 860 Inhaler, 859 Injections, 856 argent, nitrat., 856 gonorrhoea, 856 Ink, Runge's, 170 Inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry, 109 Inosit, 339, 353 Inscription, 786 Integration, 536 Interruption, unreasonable, avoided, 934 Inula, 335 Inulin, 334, 335 Iodinanilina, 471 Iodides. See Bases. Iodine, 134, 135 bath, 858 bisulphuret, 146 bromide, 141 chlorides, 139 protochloride, 139 terchloride, 139 tested volum., 926 weighing, 301 Iodoform, 374, 37S Iodum, 135 Irideae, essent. oils, 416 Iridin (eclect.), 754 Irin, 416, 420 Irisin (eclect.), 754 Iron, 224 salts. See Ferrum. alum, 222, 233 chocolate drops, 735 halogen compounds, 248 oxysalts, 226 protosalts, 225 Quevenne's, 229 sesquisalts, 225 sulphur compounds, 248 Isinglass, 356 plaster, 357 Russian, 357 Itch insect, 145 Ivain, 523 Ivaol, 412 TACKSON'S ammonia loz- •J enges, 738 pectoral lozenges, 738 phosphates, 144 Jalapa, resinoid principle, 530 synonyms, 525, note Jalapin, 347, 525, 530 Jalapinol, 347, 530 Jamaicina, 475, 489 James' powder, 291 Jar, extract, 30, 668 fruit, 24 ointment, 29 precipitating, 127, 563 show, 28 Jar — specia, 23 stoneware, 20, 28 tie-over, 29 Jasmineaa, essent. oils, 413 Jellies, 357, 852 Jelly, calves' feet, 936 chicken, 937 for invalids, 935 Iceland moss, 936 rice, 936, 937 sage, 936 slippery elm bark, 937 strainer, Physic's, 561 Jenk's kitchen press, 579 Jervia, 476, 511 Jew's beer, 627 Juglandeae, neutral principle, 527 Juglandin (eclect.), 754 Jujube paste, 729 Juniper camphor, 400, 406, 420 KENTISH'S ointment, 881, 882, 883 Keratin, 356 K rmes mineral, 285, 286 Kerner's quinia test, 500 Keyser's universal plaster, S91 Kilogramme, 76 Kindness against the sick, 934 Kino, 455, 456 Kinone, 443 Kinovic, red, 456 Kinovin, 437, 520, 523, 529 Kissingen water, artificial, 153 Kitchen range, 61 Knapp's sugar test, 344 Koussin, 522 Kreatin, 353, 517, 528 Kreatinine, 353, 518 Kreosot, 332 test, 451 Kyanol, 516 LABARRAQUE'S solution, 188 Labdanum, 422 Labelling, 910 Labels, blank, 909 in cellar, 58, 59 drawer, 18 gilt, 24 glass, 24 cement, 24 gummed, 910 paper, 18, 25 varnish, 325 pasting, 910 prescription, 909 Labiatas, neutral principl., 526 essent. oils, 413 Laboratory, pharinaceut. , 60 Lac, 423 ammoniaci, 848 vaccinum, 352 sulphuris, 146 Lactates. See Bases. Lactic fermentation, 363, 436 Lactin, 338, 348 Lactinated powders, 553 Lactometer. 89, 354 Lactose, 338 Lactucarium in pilular form, 804 Lactucin, 523 Lactucone, 523 Lactucopicrin, 523 Ladanum, 422 Lady Webster's pills, 818 Lakes, 462 Lamotte's golden drops, 250 Lamp, alcohol, 93, 908 blast, 94 Berzelius', 94 chimney, 94 as displacer, 593 Mitchell's, 93 Russian, 94 universal, 94 Language of prescriptions, 781 Lanthanum, 223 Lapathin, 438 Lapis divinus, 260, 263 ophthalmicus, St. Yves, 263 Lappa, 335 Larch, 338 Lard, 390 benzoated, 865, 873 washed, 862 Laricin, 528 Lartique's gout pills, 816 Latent heat, 556 Latin terms, 785, 7S9 Laudanum, 640, 646 (drops), 80 modified, 646 Sydenham's, 640, 642 Laughing gas, 196 Laurin, 526 Laurineae, alkaloids, 476 neutral principle, 526 essent. oils, 415 Lavender water, 771, 772 Laxative cakes, 824 Laxatives, pills, 817 powders, 817 Lead, 272 salts. See Plumbum. cerate, 870, 871 plaster, 272, 386, 389, S86 red, 272, 273 sugar, 272, 273 water, 274 white, 272, 273 Leaves, collection, 538 skeletonizing, 189, 321 Ledixanthin, 456 Ledoyen's disinfecting fluid, 276 Legumin, 350 Leguminosas, alkaloids, 475, 476 balsams, 426 neutral principle, 522, 528 essent. oils, 407, 410 oleoresins, 424 resins, '422 960 INDEX, Lehmann's sugar test, 344 Lemon camphor, 400, 406, 420 juice, artificial, 433 yield of citric acid, 168 squeezer, 920 Lepidina, 477 Lepidolite, 173 Leptandrin (eclect.), 755 Leucina, 349, 356, 518 Leucolina, 477 Libra, 784 Lichenes, neutral principle, 528 Lichenin, 334, 335 Liebig's broth, 355 condenser, 113, 114 quinia test, 500 Light, polarization, 338, note Ligneous fibre, 319 Lignin, 320 Schweitzer's solvent, 320 Ligustrin, 524 Ligustron, 524 Ligustropicrin, 524 Liliaceae, neutral principle, 527 essent. oils, 416 Lime, 203, 204 salts. See Calcium. liniment, 881, 882 syrup, 211 water, 203, 204, 558 Limonin, 521 Linaceae, neutral principle, 520 Linen, change of, 932 Linimenta, 881 unofficinal, 883 Linimentum (Liniment) atoniti, 881, 882 ammonise, 881, 882 camphor., 883 arnicae, 884 calcis, 881, 882 cainpboree, 881, 882 cantharidis, 881, 882, 883 chloroformi, 881, 883 croup, catarrhal, 883 hyperici, 884 lead, 388, 881, 883, 884 lime, 881, 882 plumbi subacet., 388, 881, 883, 884 potassii iodidi, 885 saponis, 559, 881, 883 sulphuris, 884 tannin, 883 terebinthinae, 881, 882, 883 volatile, 881, 882 Linin, 520 Lint, patent, 321 Lip salve, 877 Lipyle, oxide, 384 Liquids, dispensing of, 906 inflammatle, how to keep, 58 preparations, 827 Liquores, 558 Liquor aloes comp., 783 ammon., 194, 196, 559 Liquor ammon. — (drops), 79 tested volum., 926 acetatis, 124, 198, 559 arseniat, 292, 294 fortior, 194, 196, 559 tested volum., 926 succinatus, 435 arsenicalis Fowleri, 292, 293, 559 drops, 79 tested volum., 926 arsenic, chlorid., 559 tested volum., 926 et hydrargyri iodidi, 292, 295, 659 auri nitro-muriat., 309 barii chloridi, 201, 202, 558 bismuth, et ammon. ci- trat., 280, 283 calcis, 203, 204, 558 tested volum., 926 calcii bicarbonat., 203, 210 chlorata, tested volu- metric, 926 chloridi, 203, 205, 559 saecharat., 203, 211 chlori, 133, 559, 572 tested volum., 926 ferri acetatis, 226, 245 bromid., 139, 142,248 chloridi, 248, 250, 559 citratis, 226, 233, 559 hyperchloratis, 226, 248 nitratis, 226, 247, 559 perchloratis,226, 248 persulphatis, 226, 230, 559 subsulphatis, 226, 231, 559 tersulphatis, 226,230, 559 gutta-perchae, 377, 560 hydrargyr. et arsenici iodid.,292,295 (drops), 79 nitratis, 297, 305, 559 protonitratis. 297,306 subnitratis, 306 iodi, 139 iodinii comp., 134, 139, 559 (drops), 79 Magendie, 642 magnesii citratis, 212, 216, 217, 559 morphiae sulphatis, 558, 640, 642, 840 • Magendie, 642 plumbi nitratis, 276 subacetatis, 272, 274, 559 Liquor plumbi subacetatis — tested volum., 926 dilutus, 272, 274 559 potassae, 174, 177, 558 administration, 178 tested volum., 926 effervesc, tested vo- lum., 926 potassii arsenitis, 292, 293, 559 (drops), 79 tested volum., 926 citratis, 174, 559, 843 extempor., 844 permanganatis, 558 sodse, 184, 185, 558 tested volum., 926 effervesc, tested vo- lum., 926 sodii arseniatis, 292, 294, 558 arseniti?, 292, 293 chlorinat., 184, 188, 559 tested volum., 926 tartro-citratis, 184, 190 zinci chloridi, 267 Liquorice root, 348 Liriodendrin, 520 Lisbon diet drink, 589 wine, 364 Liston's isinglass plaster, 357 Litharge, 272 Lithia, 169, 173 Lithii carbonas, 169, 173 Lithium mica, 173 Litmus, 464 Litre, 74, 76 Loao, 463 Lobeliaceae, alkaloids, 477 Lobelina, 477, 515 Loewenthal's sugar test, 345 Logan ; s plaster, 891 London porter, 364 Lotion, 853 almond, 854 antidynous, 854 carbolic acid, 451 chilblain, 854 creasote, 853 glycerin, 885 Granville's, 854 Lovi's beads, 84 Lozenges, 731 See Trochisci. ammonia, Jackson's, 738 astringent rose leaf, 740 board for, 731, 738 catechu, 740 chalk. 733, 735 cough, Parrish's, 739 Wistar's, 734, 736 improved, 737 cubebs, 733, 734, 736 diaphoretic, 824 drying, 740 INDEX. 961 Lozenges — flavoring, 732 ginger, 733, 734, 736 ipecac, 733, 734, 735 iron, 733, 735 Jackson's ammonia, 738 pectoral, 738 magnesia, 733, 735 mint, 733, 734, 736 Parrish's cough, 739 pectoral, Jackson's, 738 phosphatic, 739 soda, 733, 735 Spitta's, 734, 736 unofficinal, 738 wild cherry, 740 Wistar's cough, 734, 736 improved, 737 Lugol's solution, 139 Lunar caustic, 461 Lupinine, 522 Lupulin (eclect.), 666, 754 Luteolin, 463 Lutidin, 452, 477 Luting, 113 Lycopin, 526 (eclect.), 755 Lycopodiaceae, neutral prin- ciple, 528 Lycopodin, 528 Lye, medicated, 586 MACERATION, 576 McGlensey's gas-burner, 102 Mackey's extract calves' feet, 357 Macrotin (eclect.), 749 Madeira wine, 364 Magendie's solution, 642 Magnesia, 212, 214 alba, 213 Barr's table, 215 calcined, 212, 214 Dinnerford's fluid, 214 effervescent, Moxon's, 212, 219 Ellis's, 215 fluid, 214 Henry's, 215 Husband's, 215 ponderous, 215 and rhubarb, 819 Weaver's, 215 Magnesii acetas, 212,219 bicarbon. (fluid), 212,214 carbonas, 212, 213 ponderos., 212, 214 saturating power, 168 citras, 212, 216 granulata, 218, 219 liquor, 212, 216, 217, 559 prasparata, 219 solubilis, 217, 218 et potassii borotartratis, 212, 220 sulphas, 212, 213 sulphuret, 212, 220 Magnesite, 213 Magnolia, 520 61 Magnoliacese, neutral prin- I pie, 520 essent. oils, 409 Malaga wine, 364 Malamid, 528 Malmsey wine, 364 Malt, 363 liquors, 364 Management of the shop, 927 of sick room, 931 Manganese, 254 acetate, 255, 256 carbonate, 255, 256 chloride, 255, 259 hypophosph., syrup, 257 iodide, syrup, 257 and iron iodide, syrup, 258 lactate, 255, 256 oxide, 255 phosphate, 255, 256 protoxide, 254 sulphate, 255 Manganous sulphate, 255 Mangostin, 463, 521 Manna, 348 Australian, 338, 339 Mannitan, 343, 523 Mannite, 339, 342, 348 anhydrous, 343 Marauta, 334 Marble, 203 Marechale, sachet, 775 Marmor, 203 Marrow pomatum, 778 Marrubin, 526 Marshall's dentifrice, 774 pill's, 943 Marshmallow ointment, 880 paste, 730 Mass, blue, 804 extemporan., 805 powdered, 805 copaiba, 806 ( Vallette's, 805 Massa pilul. hydrargyri, 804 extemp., 805 powdered, 805 Mash, 366 Mastich, 422, 428 Masticin, 422 Materia medica, classification, 541 Matricaria camphor, 419 Maughan's Carrara water, 210 Maumene's sugar test, 346 Mayer's alkaloid test, 472 Meal, flaxseed, 544 oat, 335 Measures, 44, 69, 75 glass, 44, 76 Hodgson's, 46, 77 imperial, 75 metrical, 76 minim. 46, 78 concavity corrected, 78 oil, 920 tested, 45 tin, 46 wine, 75 Measurement, approximate, 78 Meat, 353, 355 juice, preserved, 355 Meconin, 520 Medicated cough candy, 742 secrets, 742 waters, 571, 764 Medicines, selecting, 793 in liquid form, 829 Medulla sassafras, 337 Medullin, 322 Mel, 348 despumatum, 348, 717 rosae, 717 sodii boratis, 717 Melampyrite, 339 Melanthacese, alkaloids, 476 Meleze, 338 Melezitose, 338 Melitose, 338 Mellita, 716 Menispermaceae, alkaloids, 474 neutral principle, 520 Menispermin (eclect.), 755 Menispermina, 474, 480 Menthen, 413 Menyanthin, 525 Menyanthol, 525 Merck's opium test, 486 Mercure, acide nitrate de, 306 Mercurialina, 477, 516 Mercuric amido-chloride, 306 chloride, 298 iodide, 300 oxide, 304 Mercurous acetate, 305 chloride, 398 oxide, 305 phosphate, 306 Mercury, 296 salts. See Hydrargyrum. cap for gas-burner, 96 with chalk, 297, 307 weighing, 301 Meta-albumen, 352 cinnameine, 426 morphia, 475, 486 pectin, 336 Metals, noble, 123 Methylaethylamina, 471, 516 Methylamina, 471, 477 Methyl, bichloride, 374 conia, 476, 514 oxide, hydrated, 332 salicylate, 402 Methylic alcohol, 331, 374 Metre, 70, 73 Metrical measure, 76 system, 70, 73, 76 Metrology, 69 Mettauer's aperient, 584 ethereal tinctures, 622 Metyle, oxide, 385 Mezquite gum, 336 Mialhe's tooth-powder, 774 Mice, prevent injury from, 18 Milk, 352 assafoetida, 838 cone, 839 butter, 354 cow's. 352 962 INDEX. Milk— of roses for chapped hands, 855, 884 skim, 354 solidified, 355 sugar, 338, 342, 348 of sulphur, 146 Mill, drug, 49 Hance's, 549 Millefleurs, essence, 771 sachet, 776 Millon's protein test, 349 Minderer's spirit, 198 Mineral green, 261 "water, 149 artificial, 153 coolers, 151 syrups, 719 Minim, 784 measure, 46, 78 concavity corrected, 78 Minium, 273 Mint camphor, 420 Mistura (Mixture), acetone, 849 alkaline, benzoated, 847 copaiva, 847 aloes comp. , 585, 588 almonds, 846 ammoniaci, 848 ammonii carbon., 838 amygdalae, 846 anodyne, 840 antacid, 843 for young infants, 845 assafoetida, 838 concentrated, 839 astringent, 834 Atlee's neuralgia, 848 rheumatic, 848 balsamic, 849 benzoated alkaline, 847 bismuth, carbon., 835 blue mass and chalk, 835 charcoal, 842 brown, 848 camphor, Hope's, 835 Parrish's, 835 cannabis Indica, 840 castor oil, 841 catarrhal, 841 cathartic, 841 chalk, 834 and blue mass, 835 Richards', 942 charcoal and blue mass, 842 chinoidine, acetate, 836 chloroform, 839 cholagogue, 837 cider, Parrish's, 585 cochineal, 850 cod-liver oil, 850 colchicum, Dewees', 848 Scudamore's, 848 copaiva, alkaline, 847 coryza, 849 cough, 849 cream of tartar, 842 creasote, 841 Mistura — cretae, 834 cubebae, 846 & demulcent, 846 Dewees's colchicum, 848 diaphoretic, 840 diuretic, 846 effervescent, 843 expectorant, 848 ferri comp., 836 fever and ague, 836 glycyrrhizae comp., 848 gout, Scudamore's, 848 Griffith's myrrh, 836 hooping-cough, 850 indigestion, 845 iron and cinchona, 837 and myrrh, 836 and quinia, 837 magnesia, for children, 842 myrrh, Griffith's, 836 narcotic, 840 neuralgia, Atlee's, 848 neutral, 843, 844 oil of turpentine, 838 olei amygdalae, 851 cocos nucis, 851 morrhuae amara, 850 potassii citratis, 843 pulmonary, 841 quiniae, for children, 838 refrigerant, 843 rheumatism, Atlee's, 848 common salt, 132 Scudamore's, 848 sedative, 840 spermaceti, 849 stimulant, 838 sulphuric acid, 133 taraxacum, 847 tolu, 849 tonic, 836 • turpentine, 838 Mitchell's lamp, 93 aperient pills, 818 tonic pills, 811 Mixtures, 827 Sre Mistura. eligible substances, 829 excipients, 833 oleaginous, 850, 919, 920 preparation, 918 Mohr's preparation of ex- tracts, 654 Moistening bottle, 912 Molasses, 340, 347 sugar-bouse, 340 Monesin, 521 Monimiaceae, alkaloids, 475 Mononitrocellulin, 322 Monostearin, 386 Monsel's solution, 231 Moore's sugar test, 343 Morin, 456 Morphia, 475, 481 abuse, 644 acetate, 484 citrate, 484 hydrochlorate, 484 muriate, 484 poisoning, treatment, 643 Morphia — powders, 815 salts, 483 sulphate, 484 test, 483, 513 valerianate, 484 Mortars, 46 bell-metal, 49 brass, 49, 545 clamp, 36 for eontusion, 48 glass, 48 iron, 49, 545 marble, 48 porcelain, 47, 555 French, 920 Wedgewood, 46, 546 Morton's tetter ointment, 879 Moschus artificialis, 406, 424 Mother-liquor, 127 Mould for pastilles, 857, 858 Mouth wash, 774 perfume, 775 violet, 775 Moxon's effervescent magne- sia, 212, 219 Mucilage, 335 Mucilaginous principle, 333 Mucin, 351, 352 Mulder's sugar test, 345 Mulled wine, 935 Muller, 913 Muriates. See Bases. Murexide, 460 Musk, artificial, 406, 424 extract, 773 perfumes, 773 tincture, 773 Mustard, essence, 777 Whitehead's, 942 plaster, 899, 942 seed, powdering, 544 Mutter's aromatic pills, 822 Mycose, 338 Myricaceae, essent. oils, 416 Myricin, 385 (eclect.), 755 Myristicese, essent. oils, 415 Myristicin, 420 Myrosin, 351, 454 Myroxocarpin, 426 Myroxylon, 427 Myrrha, 425, 427 Myrtaceae, neutral principle, 522 essential oil, 411 \TAPELLTNA, 474, 478 IN Naphtha aceti, 366 wood, 331 Naphthalina, 406, 452, 453 Narceina, 475, 485 Narcitin, 527 Narcotic mixture, 840 pills, 814 powders, 814 Narcotina, 475, 484 ethylic, 484 methylic, 484 normal, 484 propylic, 484 inde: 963 Neatness in sick-room, 933 Neck pill box, 56 Nervous sedatives, mixture, 840 stimulants, mixture, 838 pills, 813 powders, 813 Neutral mixture, 843, 844 organic principles, 519 spirits, 363 New England Glass Company, 20, 907 Niccolum, 270 sulphate, 271 Nickel, 270 Nicotia, 477, 515 Nicotianina, 419, 420 Nipple wash, Thomas's, 854 Nitranilina, 471 Nitrates. See Bases Nitre, 169 cubic, 169 Nitro cellulose, 322 coumarin, 522 glycerine, 348 inosite, 339 Nitrogen binoxide, 157 oxide, 196 Nitrum flammans, 196 Noble's tonic elixir, 622 Noise in sick-room avoided, 933 Nomenclature, 65 Numerals in prescriptions, 784 Nurse, cafe of, 934 Nutmegs, powdering, 547 OATMEAL, 335 gruel, 937 Ochra, 337 Octarius, 784 Officinal, 65 Oil bath, 119 bottle, 22 can, 22 filter, 561, 569 Warner's, 561 Oil (Oleum), absinthii, 412 adipis, 390, 393 Eethereum, 365, 366, 370 alliariae, 418 allii, 417, 418 almonds, bitter, 402, 417, 450 sweet, 389, 392 (drops), 79 allspice, 411 amber, 406, 426 amygdal. ainar. , 402, 417, 450 dulc, 389, 392 (drops), 79 anethi, 41 1 angelicas, 411 angustura, 410 animal, Dippel., 419 anisi, 412 (drops), 79 solidifies, 401 stellati, 409 solidifies, 401 Oil- anthemidis, 412 apii, 411 apple, 381, 417 arachidis, 389, 392 arbor vitas, 416 arnicae, 412 solidifies, 401 asarabacca, 415 asari canad., 415, 693 asphalti, 406 assafcetida, 417, 418 aurant. cort., 410 preserved, 405 flor.,410 balsam. Peru, 426 bay, 411 bayberry (fixed), 390 (essent.), 415 bear's, 397 beech, 390 behen, 389 benne, 389, 392 bergamottse, 410 berthelotiae, 390, 393 betulse, 406 birch, 406 bitter candy tuft, 418 brazil nut, 390, 393 British, 942 bubulurn, 390, 393 buchu, 410 common burnet, 410 bursa) pastoris, 418 butter, 355 cade, 406 cadinum, 406 cajeputi, 411 calami, 416 camphoraa, 407 Canada snakeroot, 415 canellae, 411 caraway, 411 cardamomi, 416, 693 carron, 393 carrot, 411 carui, 411 (drops), 79 caryophyll., 411 (drop'), 79 cascarillas, 415 cassiae, 415 cassiabuds, 415 castor, 390, 394 catfish, 398 catnip, 414 celery, 411 cetacei, 390, 394 chamomile, German, 412 solidifies, 412 English, 412 cheiranthi, 418 chenopodii, 415 (drops), 79 ambrosioidis, 415 cherry, 417 cherry-laurel, 417 chocolate-nuts, 390, 393 cicutao, 411 cinnamon, 402, 415 (drops), 79 citronellae, 416 Oil- cloves, 411 (drops), 79 clove-cinnamon., 415 cochleariae, 418 cocois, 390, 393, 394 cocos-nut, 390, 393, 394 cod-liver, 390, 396 how to keep, 29 and red iodide of mercury, 851 copaibae, 407 coriandri, 411 cottonseed, 390, 394 cress, 418 croci, 416 croton, 390, 395 (drops), 79 cubebaa, 407 (drops), 79 culilawan, 415 cumin, 402, 411 cyna?, 412 dahliae, 412 dill, 411 dracunculi, 412 dugong, 390, 397 eggs, 353 elderflowers, 412 elecampane, 412 elemi, 407 ergot, 693 erigeron, 412 ethereal, 365, 366, 370 fagi, 390 fennel, 411 (drops), 79 solidifies, 401 feverfew, 412 fireweed, 412 fish, test, 383 flaxseed, 3S9, 393 fconiculi, 411 (drops) , 79 solidifies, 401 gal an gal, 416 galbani, 411 garlic, 417, 418 gaultheriaa, 402, 413, 448 (drops), 79 geranium, 410 ginger, 416 gossypii, 390, 394 groundnut, 389, 392 Haarlem, 941 halicore, 390, 397 hedeomae, 413 (drops), 79 Hedwigiae, 407 heliotrope, 414 hemlock, 407 hops, 416 horehound, 413 horsemint, 414 horseradish, 418 humuli, 416 hyssopi, 413 ihlang-ihlang, 409 inulae, 412 iridis, florentin., 416 iva, 412 jasmini, 413 964 INDEX. Oil- jessamine, 413 juniper, 407 virgin., 407 empyreum., 406 Labrador tea, 413 lard, 390, 393 laurel (fixed), 390 (essent.), 415 (guiana), 415 laurocerasi, 417 lavandulae, 413 ledi palustris, 413 lemon, 410 preservat., 405 restoration, 405 lemonbalm, 413 lemongrass, 416 levistici, 411 lilac, 415 lily of the valley, 416 limonis. See Oil, lemon, linden, 409 lini,389, 393 lovage, 411 mace (fixed), 390, 394 (essent.), 415 majoranse, 414 marrubii, 413 massey bark, 415 masterwort, 411 matricariae, 412 meadow-sweet, 402, 410 melissae, 413 menthae crisp., 413 piperit., 413 (drops), 79 viridis, 414 (drops), 79 Mexican tea, 415 mignonette, 409 millefolii, 412 monardae, 414 morrhuas, 390, 396 how to keep, 29 mustard (essent.), 417, 418 myricae gale, 416 myristicae (fixed), 390, 393 (essent.), 415 myrrhas, 407 myrtle, 411 neafs-foot, 390, 393 neroli, 410 nigellae, 409 nuc. moschat., 415 nutmeg (essent ), 415 (fixed), 390, 393 olibani, 407 oliva?, 3S9, 391 adulteration, 391 (drops), 79 orange flower, 410 peel, 410 preservat., 405 origani, 414 cretici, 414 orris root, 416 osmitopsis, 412 palm, 390, 394 papaveris, 390, 392 Oil- parsley, 411, 693 solidifies, 401 patchouly, 414 peach, 417 pear, 417 pennyroyal, 413, 414 (drops), 79 peppermint, 413 (drops), 79 petrae, 406 petroselini, 411, 693 solidifies, 401 phellandrii, 411 pichury, 415 pimentae, 411 pimpinellas, 412 piperis nigri, 407 poppy seed, 390, 392 porpoise, 393 pumpkin-seed, 694 quince, 410 radish, 418 red, 884 resedas, 409 rhodium, 410, 414 ricini, 390, 394 rosae, 410 rose geranium, 410 solidifies, 401 rosemary, 414 (drops), 79 rose root, 411 rosin, 406 rosmarini, 414 (drops), 79 rue, 402, 410 sabinae, 407 (drops), 79 saffron, 416 sage, 414 sagapenum, 418 salvias, 414 sambuci, 412 sanguisorba, 410 santali, 415 santonicas, 412 sassafras, 415 (drops), 79 satureja, 414 white saunders, 415 scurvy grass, 418 serpentarise, 415 serpylli, 414 sesaini, 389, 392 sinapis, 417, 418 Spanish hops, 414 spearmint, 414 (drops), 79 spermaceti, 390, 394 spicae, 413 spike, 413 spiraea, 402, 410 spruce, 407 star-anise, 409 solidifies, 401 sturgeon, 398 succini, 406, 426 summer savory, 414 sweet basil, 414 cicely, 411 gale, 416 Oil— sw^et marjoram, 414 syringae, 415 tanaceti, 413 (drop), 79 tanzy, 413 (drop), 76 tarragon, 412 tea, 410 templinum, 407 terebinthinae, 407 theobromae, 390, 393 thymi, 414 tiglii, 390, 395 (drop), 79 tilise, 409 tuberose, 416 Valerianae, 412 (drop), 79 verbenas, 413 violet, 409 vitriol, 158 (drops), 79 wallflower, 418 water-hemlock, 411 wine, 365, 366, 370 winter's bark, 409 wintergreen, 413, 448 (drops), 79 wormseed, 415 (drops), 79 wormwood, 412 yarrow, 412 zedoary, 416 zingiberis, 416 Oils, distilled, 765 See Oil?, essential. empyreumatic, 418 essential, 398 adulteration, 402 artificial, 418 carbo-hydrogen, 405 chemical history, 400 classification, 400 color, 401 distillation, 398 how to keep, 30 nitrogenated, 416 oxygenated, 408 preservation, 405 restoration, 405, 766 solidification, 401 sulphuretted, 451 tests, 402 fixed, 382 adulteration, 383 animal, 390 chemical history, 384 how to keep, 28 in mixtures, 850 vegetable, 389 yield, 383 volatile. See Oils, essen- tial.. Ointment. See Unguentum. aconitia, 878 althaea, 880 basilicon, 865, 872 chalk, 879 citrine, 870, 874 cod-liver oil, 880 croton oil, 880 INDEX, 965 Ointment — elemi, 877 galls, 868. 873 garlic, 878 glycerin, 876 hasmostatic, 880 iron compound, 879 lard, 865, 872 lead, carbonate, 875 iodide, 875 mercury, 874 pile, 881 red precipitate, 869, 874 rose water, 863, 865, 873 simple, 865, 872 stimulating, Hufeland's, 880 stramonium, 869 tar, 866, 875 and sulphur, 884 tartar emetic, 868, 873 tetter, 879 tobacco, 876 compound, 878 white precipitate, 874 Ointments, 861, 922 and borax, 172 dumb-waiter, 38 jars, 29, 862 how to keep, 29, 38, 59, 862 slab, how to clean, 923 unofficinal, 876 Olea destillata, 765 See Oils, essential. Oleaceae, neutral principle, 524 essent. oils. 415 Olein, 385 Oleoresins, 427, 690 natural, 424 in powder form, 553 unofficinal, 693 uses, 690 Oleoresina asari Canad., 693 black pepper, 690, 691, 692 capsici, 690, 691 cardamomi, 693 cubebee, 690, 691, 692 ergotse, 693 fern, 690, 691 , 692 filicis, 690, 691, 692 ginger, 690, 691, 693 lupulinre, 690, 691, 692 parsley, 693 piperis, 690, 691, 692 pumpkin seed, 694 zingiber!?, 690, 691, 693 Oleum. See Oil. Olibanum, 495, 427 common, 425, 427 Olivil, 524 Onocerin, 522 Ononetin, 522 Ononin, 522 Onospin, 522 Opiania, 475, 485 Opina, 475, 486 Opium abuse, 644 alkaloids, 481 Opium — assay, 482 drying, 544 eaters, 644 incompatibles, 643 poisoning, treatment, 643 powdering, 544 preparations, 639 test, 441, 474, 486 Opodeldoc, solid, 389, 882, 942 Opoponax, 425 Orange wine, 364 blossom essence, 770 Orceine, 340, 404 Orchidese, neutral principle, 527 Orchis mascula, 337 Orcine, 340, 464 Orcite, 340 Oreoselon, 523 Organic bodies, decomposi- tion, 534 products of distil- lation, 119 chemistry, 319 Orris root, 335 Oryza, 335 Os, 358 Osseine, 356, 358 Otto, antispasmodic powders, 814 emmenagogue pills, 823 Ounce, 71 Ovum, 302 albumen, 352 testa, 352, 353 vitellus, 352, 353 Outfits for physicians, 938, 939 Oxgall, 358 inspissated, 358 Oxidation, 123 artificial, 535 Oxides, reduction, 122 See Bases. Oxidized extractive, 587 Oxyacanthin, 481 Oxycannabin, 423 Oxycinchonia, 497 Oxygen, 128 apparatus, 130 yield from chlorate of potassium, 129 I Oxymel, scillas, 717 simplex, 717 Oxysalts, 167 Oyster shells, 203 ; Ozone, 130 Schoenbein's test, 131 ! Ozonides, 131 PACKAGES, 903 folding of, 903 Packer, 23 Packing bottle, 23, 24 Palma Christi leaves and seeds, 39 Palmae, alkaloids, 476 Palmitin, 385 Pamphlet case, 56 Panada, 935 Panaquilon, 340 Pancoast's sedative plaster, 891 Panis laxans, 824 Pancreatin, 352 Pa paver, 337 Papaveracese, alkaloids, 475 neutral principles, 520 Papaverina, 475, 485 Paper, 321 cut, 903 division of, 903 envelope, 55 fancy, 55 flat cap, 55, 904 filtering, 55, 564 Swedish, 55 labels, 18, 25 package, 904 parchment, 321 prescription, 785 white wrapping, 50, 903 Para-albumen, 352 digitaliretin, 525 morphia, 485 pectin, 336 Paraffin, 406, 452, 453 Parchment paper, 321 Paregoric, 640, 646 chloroform, 634 Paricia, 474 Paricinia, 501 Paridin, 525, 527 Pariglin, 527 Parrish, anodyne mixture, 840 camphor mixture, 835 cathartic pills, 821 chemical food, 226, 240 cider mixture, 585 cough lozenges, 739 drop table, 79 fluid extract buchu, comp., 684 gas furnace, 100 magnesia citrate, 216 pile electuary, 728 pills, laxative and tonic, 818 tonic and aromatic, 811 quinia sulphat. so- lut,, 809 syrup, carrageen comp., 710 chamomile, 709 frostwort, 711 gillenia, 712 hypophosphites, 210 phosphates, comp., 238 cooler, 152 Parsley camphor, 420 Paste, 729, 910 bottle, 910 carrageen, 730 charcoal, gum, opaque, 730 transparent, 729 Iceland moss, 730 jujube, 729 marsh mallow, 730 i 966 INDEX. Paste — Ward's, 729 Pastilles, fumigating, 776 mould, 776 Pasting labels, 910 Patchouly essence, 772 Pate de guimauve, 730 Patent lint, 321 safety can, 30 Paviin, 521, 529 Paytina, 497 Pearlash, 174 tested volum., 926 Pearl barley, 589 Pearson's arsenical solution, 294 Pectase, 336 Pectin, 336 Pectoral drops, Bateman's, 940 lozenges, 738 Jackson's, 738 Parrish's, 739 Spitta's, 734, 736 syrup, Jackson's, 714 Pectose, 336 Peligot's sugar test, 346 Pelosina, 480 Pellets, 824, 918 Pelluteina, 480 Peltz, syrup of assafoetida, 712 Pemberton, on hydrometers 89 Pennyweight, 70 Peppermint plantations, 540 Pepsin, 359 Peptone, 344, 361 Percolation, 390 continuous, 598 history, 590 Percolating compact drugs, 600 porous drugs, 599 with ether, 602, 691 gum resins, 598 hot, 600 management, 596 by vacuum, 602 Percolators. See Displacers. Pereirina, 476, 506 Perfumery, 768 Pese acide, 87 esprit, 87 sirop, 87 Pestles, cement, 47 Petalite, 173 Petroleum, 406 Pettenkofer's sugar test, 346 Peucedanin, 523 Phaeoretin, 439 Phaatin, 452 Phantom bouquet, 321 Pharmaceutical incompati- bles, 833 laboratory, 60 steam-boiler, 107 still, 760, 762 Pharmacology, how to study, 541 Pharmacopoeias, 63 British, 65 Pharmacopoeias — U. S., 64 Pharmacy, extemporaneous, 779 galenical, 537 proper, 537 Phaseomannite, 339 Phenamide, 516 Phenylamin, 471, 473, 516 Phenyl series, 471 Philicome, 778 Phillygenin, 524 Phyllyrin, 524 Phloretih, 339, 438 Phloridzin, 437, 438 Phloroglucin, 339 Phormia, 475, 485 Phosphates. See Bases. Phosphatic lozenges, 739 Phosphoric oxide, 145 Phosphorus, 143 black, 144 red, 144 in pills, 144 Photogene, 406 Photographic prints, washed, 525 Phycite, 340 1 hyllocyanin, 465 Phylloxanthin, 465 Physalin, 525 Physic's alkaline solution, 586 bitter tinct. of iron, 620 jelly strainer, 561 medicated lye, 586 tetter ointment, 879 Physicians' bad hand-writing, 785 Phytolaccia (eclect.), 756 Phytolaccin (eclect.) 756 Picolin, 452,477 Picroglucina, 4S7 Picrolichenin, 528 Picrotoxin, 437, 438 Pierlot's solut. ammon. vale- rian., 633 Pile confection, 728 electuary, 728 ointment, 8S1 of weights, 73 Pile's cherry-laurel water, 576 hydrometer, S9 specific gravity bottle, 82 table of specific gravity of water, 86 Pills, boxes, 55 necked, 56 coating, 915 Furley, 917 Proctor, 917 dispensing, 911, 914 division, 913 dusting, 914 excipients, 801, 802, 803, 806 forming, 912 gelatine coating, 915 gilding, 915 machine, 50, 913, 914 Wilson's, 51 Wurtz's, 51 Pills- masses, 804 preparation, 911 roller, 50, 914 silvering, 915 size of, 800 substances adapted, 801, 802 unsuited, 801, 802 sugar-coated, 918 tile, 50, 913 Pills (Pilulge), 800 acid, tannic, 807 aloes, 817 and assafoetida, 813 and mastich, 818 and myrrh, 817 aloin and podophyllin, 821 alterative, 823 ammon. carbon., 814 Anderson's 943 anodyne, 815 antibilious, 820 Alberti's, 821 antimon. comp., 823 antispasmod., 813 aperient, Mitchell's, 818 argent, nitratis, 814 aromatic and tonic, 811 Mutter's, 822 assafoetida, 813 astringent. 807 Becquerel's gout, 816 Bl an card's, 812 blue, 804, 805 calomel, comp., 823 camphor and opium, 815 cathartic, 817 comp., 820 modified, 821 Chapman's dinner, 818 chinoidine, 810 cinchon. sulph., 809 colchic. c. hydrargyr., 816 colocynth. and hyoscy- am., 820 copaiba, 806 comp., 822 costiveness, habitual, 820 croton oil, 821 diaphoretic, 822 dinner, Chapman's, 818 diuretic, 821 Doveri, 822 emmenagogue, 823 expectorant, 821 extract, cannabis, 815 female, Hooper's, 658, 942 ferri carbonat., 226, 228, 805 chloridi, 813 comp., 81 1 iodid., 812 Buckler, 812 permanent, 812 protocarbon. et qui- nia, 810 Quevenne's, 810 et quinias, 810 galbani comp., 813 INDEX. 967 Pills- gout, Becquerel's, 816 Lartique's, 816 Vance's, 815 Hooper's female, 658, 942 hydrargyri, 804 externporan.,805 powdered, 805 bichloridi, 823 iodidi comp., 823 inter inittents, obstinate, 811 ipecacuanh. et opii, 822 iron. See Pil. ferri. Lady Webster's, 818 Lartique's gout, 816 laxative, 817 and tonic, 818 Marshall's, 943 mercury. See hydrargyr. Mitchell's aperient, 818 tonic, 811 Mutter's aromatic, 822 narcotic, 814 opii, 814 old, 814 et camphor., 815 phosphorus, 144 plumbi acet., 808 Plummer's, 823 podophyllin. etaloin,S21 tonic, 820 Quevenne's iron, 810 quiniae sulph., 808 soluble, S09 quinidiae sulph., 809 rhei, 817 comp., 817 rheumatic. See Gout. Ricord's tar and copaiva, 822 Rufus', 818 saponis comp., 825 scilla3 comp., 821 Scott's, 943 sedative, 816 silver nitrate, 814 stimulant, 813, 814, 816 tar and copaiva, 822 tonic, 808 aromatic, 811 laxative, 818 podophyllin, 820 Mitchell's, Sll Vance's gout, 815 Pinipicrin, 527 Pinite, 339 Pint, 75 Piperaceae, alkaloids, 476 neutral principl., 527 essent. oils, 407 Piperidina, 477, 510 piperate, 510 Piperina, 476, 510 Piperoid of ginger, 691, 693 Pipsissewa beer, 943 Pitayia, 475, 501 Pitch, Burgundy, 426 Pix canadensis, 426 Plants, collection, 537 cultivation, 540 desiccation, 537, 539 Plants- drying, 537, 539 Plasma, 897 belladonnas, 897 picis, 897 plumbi, 897 potassii iodid., 898 sinapis, 898 tar, 897 ! Plasmata, 896 Plaster, acid carbolic, 451 adhesive, 895 tin can, 56 amidon, 895 breast, 894 Dewees', 891 Wilson's, 891 Burgundy pitch, 890 corn, annular, 898 court, 357 diachylon, 386 hemlock pitch, 890 isinglass, 357 lead, 272, 386, 3S9 Logan's, 890 mammary abscess, S91 mustard, 899 roborant, 889, 992 sedative, Pancoast's, S91 spice, 899 strengthening, 8S9, 892 fchapsia, 326 universal, 891 •worming, 890 white felt, 895 Plaster block, 892 cloth, S95 iron, 892, 893 spreading, 892 machine, 895 Plasters, 8S5 unofficial, 890 Platform balances, 42 Platinum, 310 binoxide, 310 crucible, 122 oxide, 310 perchloride, 311 and sodium chloride, 311 Plumbagin, 526 Pluinbagineae, neutral prin- ciple, 526 Plumbum (Lead), 272 (Plumbi), acetas, 272, 273 tested volum., 926 carbonas, 272, 275 chloridum, 272. 276 iodidum, 272, 275 nitras, 272, 575 fusa, 276 oxidum rubrum, 272, 273 semivitreum, 272 protoxidum, 272 tannas, 272, 277 Pluinmer's pills, 823 Podophyllin, 427, 658, 746 pills, 821 Poisons, how to keep, 37 Polariscope, 338, note. Polarization, 338, note. Pollenin, 322 I Polychroite, 463 i Polychrome, 521, 528 j Polygalin, 440 ; Pomade of iodide of potas- sium, 898 Pomatum, 778 Poppyheads, 337 Populin, 347, 527 (eclect.), 756 Porcelain cup, 52 Porphyrharmina, 476, 4S9 Porphyroxin, 486 Port wine, 364 Porter, 364 Posture, change of, 931 Potash, 174 Potassa, 174, 178 tested volum., 926 caustic, 178 cum calce, 174, 179 hydrate, 178 hydriodate, 136 Potassii acetas, 174, 179 antimonias, 2S5, 290 arsenitis liquor, 293 bicarbonas, 174, 175 saturating power, 168, 178 tes ed volum., 926 bichromas, 1G9, 170 bisulphas, 1G9, 171 bitartras, 192 tested volum., 926 boraeico-tartras, 192, 194 et boracis tartras, 192, 194 bromidum, 139, 141 tested volum., 926 carbnzotas, 183 carbonas, 174, 175 tested volum., 926 impura, 174 para, 1 74, 176 saturating power,168 hloras, 174, JS0 yield of oxygen, 129 tablets, 740 chromas, 169, 170 citras, 174, ISO tested volum., 926 cyanidum, 448 ferrocyanid., 445 iodidum, 134, 136 iodo-hydrargyr., 297,302, 472 et hydrargyr. iodid., 297, 302, 472 hydras, 178 hypermanganas, 255, 259 hyperphosphis, 174, 183 nitras, 169 powdering, 556 permanganas, 255, 259 mode of applying, 324 phosphas, 174, 182 picras, 174, 183 prussiate, yellow, 445 sesquicarbonas, 177 silicas, 174, 183 et sodii tartras, 192, 193 sulphas, 169, 171 INDEX, Potassii — sulpho-cserulas, 465 tartras, 192, 193 tested volum., 926 Potato starch, 334 Poultice, 898 Pound, 71 Pouring, 570, 921 Powder (Powders), 542, 551, 798 Algaroth's, 288 alterative, 823 ammon. carbon., 814 antacid, 808 antimonial, 285, 291 Tyson's, 289, 291 anti-intermittent, 808 antispasmodic, 814 aromatic, 552, 808, 810 astringent, 807 bleaching, 205 calomel, alterative, 823 and jalap, 819 Castillon's, 937 cathartic, 817 chalk, 807 cochineal, comp., 634 composition, 941 compound, 552 diaphoretic, 822 diarrhoea, 807 of infants, 808 diluents of, 802 division of, 806, 905 dispensing, 903, 904 Dover's, 552, 822 liquid substitute, 845 dusting of, 545 envelope, 905 emetic, 816 ergot, comp., 816 fever, effervescing, 844 fineness, 545, 550 folding, 903 fumigating, 776 gastric irritability, 813 gauge, 905 gray, 307 heavy, administration, 800 indigestion, chronic, 813 James's, 285, 291 lactinated, 553 laxative, 817 magnesia and rhubarb, 819 morphia, diluted, 815 neutralizing, 819 nitre and tart, antim., 816 paper, 905 precipitated, 556 sachets, 775 sedative, 808, 816 Seidlitz, 552, 819 simple, 552 soda, 845 stimulant, 813, 814, 816 styptic, 853 substances adapted to, 799, 802 unsuited to, 799, 802 tonic, 808 Powder- uterine hemorrhage, 816 yeast, 846 Powdering, 542, 543 of camphor, 120, 548 gum resins, 548 oily drugs, 544 salts, 556 Pravage's solution, 249 Precipitant, 126 Precipitate, 126 red, 304 white, 306 Precipitation, 126, 556 jar, 563 Preparations, best given alone, 832 extemporaneous, 780 liquid, 827 permanent, 780 Prescription, 779 abbreviations, 784 adjuvant, 797 basis, 796 chirography, 785 compounding, 899 corrective, 797 counter, 35, 901 diluent, 797 dispensing, 899 excipient, 798 grammatical explana- tions, 783 heading, 786 inscription, 786 labels, 909 language, 781 numerals, 784 paper, 785 reading of, 911 scales, 39, 40 signatura, 789, 793 signs, 784 subscription, 788 superscription, 786 symbols, 784 synonym, explanatory, 782 vials, 53, 906 writing of, 785 Press, 578 clothes-wringer, 579 Jenks's kitchen, 579 Primulaceae, neutral princi- ple, 526 Principles, neutral, 519 animal, 528 nitrogenized, 528 sulphuretted, 528 quaternary, 528 ternary, 520 Procter, Jr., drop table, 79 fluid extr. anthemis, 688 jalapae, 685 lobelia?, 687 rhei cum sennse, 685 sumbul, 688 resins, decoloration, 125 succus taraxaci paratus, 686 syrup, hypophosphites, comp., 243 Procter, Jr., syrup, hypophos- phites — of calcium, 209 iodide iron and man- ganese, 258 iodide manganese, 257 phosphates, undis- solved, 240 pipsissewa, 709 uvae ursi, 709 wine of tar, 627 Proctor, on coating pills, 917 Proof spirits, 366, 367 Prophetin, 523 Propheretin, 523 Propyl, 397, 452 Propylamina, 397,477, 516 chloride, 516 cordial, 633 iodide, 418 muriate, 516 Protection from light (of sick), 933 Protein, 349 compounds, 349, 350 Prunin (eclect.), 7^6 Prussian blue, 248, 251 Pseudomorphia, 485 sugars, 339 Psoralein, 488 Ptelein (eclect.), 756 Puccina, 475, 487 Pulpge, 726 Pulveres, 552, 798 effervescentes, 552 aperientes, 552, 819 Pulvis, Algarothi, 288 aloes et canellae, 552, 818 antimonialis, 285, 291 aromaticus, 552, 810 ipecacuanhae, comp., 552, 822 et opii, 552, 822 Jacobi, 291 jalaps, comp., 558, 819 morphise attenuatus, 815 rhei, comp., 552, 819 Punicin, 522 Purpurin, 463 Purree, 466 Putchapat, 770 Putrefaction, 535 Pyin, 352 Pyrene, 406 Pyridina, 477 Pyroxylin, 322 Pyroxylon, 322 Pyrrhol, 452 Pyrrolina, 477 QUANTITIES, apportion, ed, 787 Quassin, 521, 529 Quercetin, 463 Quercin, 526 Quercite, 339 Quercitrin, 339, 466 Quevenne's iron, 229 • Quince seed, 337 Quinia, 475, 490 INDEX, 969 Quinia — amorphous, 498 artificial, 497 tests, 492 Quiniae acetas, 493 antimonias, 493 arsenias, 493 eitras, 493 disulphas, 492 gallas, 494 ferri et magnesii sulphas, 493 hydriodas, 493 hydrobromas, 493 hydroferrocyanas, 494 hypophosphis, 492 iodosulphas, 491, 493 kinas, 494 lactas, 493 murias, 492 sulphas, 492, 499 administration, 639 adulterat., 499, 501 neutral, 492 sulpho-carbolas, 494 tannas, 494 tartras, 493 uras, 494 valerianas, 492 Quinicia, 476, 496 Quinidia, 475, 494 hydriodate, 495 sulphate, 495 Quinine, green, 492 Quinoidia, 498, 666 Quinolin, 452, 477 RABBIT fat, 398 Rademacher's tinct. ferri acet , 226 Radiated heat, 649 Raisins, 348 Rand's collodion, 325 Ranges, 61 Ranunculacese, alkaloid?, 474 neutral principle, 520 essent. oils, 409 Rat-tail file, 113 Rats, prevent injury from, 18 Rattlesnake, Bibron's anti- dote, 140 Rea mur's thermometer, 103 Receiver, quilled, 111 tubulated, 110 r Red, cinchona, 456 kinovic, 456 oil, 8S4 precipitate, 304 Reduction, 122 tube, 121, 123 Refrigerants, m xture, 843 powder, 843 Regianin, 527 Regulus antimonii, 284 Reperc Nation, 591 Resedaceae, essent. oils, 409 Resina, 424 jalapae, 423, 427, 428, 745 poolophylli, 745 gcammonii, 745, 746, 747 English, 746 Resinoids, 742 Resins, 421 decoloration, 125 fossil, 424 proper, 422 Retort, plain, 110 stand, 115 tin, 760 tubulated, 112 Rhabarberin, 438 Rhamneae, neutral principle, 522 Rhamnetin. 347, 463, 522 Rhamnin, 522 Rhaponticin, 438 Rhein, 438 (eclect.), 757 Rheumatism pills, 815 Rheumin, 438 Rhinanthin, 526 Rhodeoretin,,423, 530 Rhodoxanthin, 456 Rhubarb — and magnesia, 819 percolating, 599 powdering, 542 Rhusin (eclect.), 756 Rice, 335 jelly, 936, 937 Richards' chalk mixture, 942 Richardson's comp. syrup of phosph., 239 Roasting ores, 122 organic substances, 122 Roberts's syrup, phosph. iron et ammon., 238 Robiquet's citrate of magne- sia, 218 Roccellin, 464 Rochelle salt, 193 Rock candy, 341 Room, change of, 933 Root, collection, 535 drying, 537 Rosacea?, alkaloids, 477 neutral principle, 522, 528 essent. oils, 410, 417 Rose confection, 727 essence, 771 leaf tablets, 740 lip salve, 877 water, 572, 574, 765 Rosin, 424 Rottlerin, 463 Rowley's fluid extract, lactu- carii, 689 Rubiaceae, alkaloids, 477 neutral principle, 523 Rules of pbarmaceut. store, 928 Rum, 364 Rumicin, 438 Rumin (eclect.), 757 Rump's quinia test, 500 Runge's ink, 170 sugar test, 346 Russian isinglass, 357 lamp, 94 Rutaceae, alkaloids, 475 neutral principle, 521 essent. oils, 410 Rutyle, 402 hydruret, 402 Q ABADILLIA, 476, 511 IJ Saecharates, 341 Saccharides, 339 Saccharine principles, 333 Saccharometer, 87, 90 Saccharum, 338, 340, 347 lactis, 348 saturni, 273 Sachet powders, 775 frangipanni, 775 heliotrope, 776 marechale, 775 millefleur, 776 Safety tube, 118 Sagapenum, 425, 427 Sago, 334 jelly, 936 Sal aaratus, 174 soda, 187 ammoniac, 195 diureticus, 179 Epsomensis, 213 prunellas, 169 Rochelle, 193 soda, 185 Salep, 337 Salicaceae, neutral principle, 527 Salicin, 347, 402, 527, 532 Salicyle, 402 hydruret, 402, 410 Salicylites, 448 Saligeuin, 347, 402, 532 Saline draught, 843 Saliretin, 347, 532, 533 Salsaparin, 527 Salt bath, 184 Salt mouths, 20, 21 Saltpetre, 169 Salt, Cheltenham, 1S4 common, lb4 Epsom, 213 Glauber's, 184 Rochelle, 193 smelling, 197 of tartar, 175, 177 Salve, Becker's eye, 879 Deshler's, 872 Sandarac, 424 Sand-bath, 104, 650 Sanguinarin (eclect.), 758 Sanguinarina, 441, 475, 486 (eclect.), 757 Santalaceaa, essent. oils, 415 Santalin, 463 Santonates, 440 Santonin, 437, 439 Sap green, 463 Sapindaceae, alkaloids, 475 Sapo, 389 mollis. 389 niger,'389 viridis, 389 vulgaris, 389 Sapogenin, 520 Saponin, 520, 522 Sapotacese, neutral principle, 521 970 INDEX. Saratoga water, artificial, 153 Sarkina, 353 Sarkosina, 518 Sarsaparilla era, 702 Sars iparillin, 527 Sassafras camphor, 420 medulla, 337 pith, 337 Saturation, chemical, 555 pharmaceutical, 555 Sauterne wine, 364 Scales, 39 army, 41 Beranger's pendulum, 42 prescription, 39 tea, 42 Scammonin, 525, 531 Scammony, 425, 427, 428 Seheffer, lime, hypophosphite, 209 syrup, phosphate comp., 239 pepsin, 360 Scheibler's alkaloid test, 472 Schiedam schnapps, 364, 766 Schiff's spec. grav. method, 86 Schmidt's sugar test, 346 Schoenbein's ozone test, 131 Schultz.-'s alkaloid test, 472 Schwartzenberg's alkaloid test, 471 Schweitzer's solvent for lig- nin, 320 Scillitin, 527 Scillitine, 527 Scoparin, 464, 522 Scorcliin, 526 Scott's pills, 943 Screen for gas lamp, 98 Scrophularin, 525 Scrophularineae, neutral prin- ciple, 525 Scruple, 71 Scrupulus, 784 Scudamore's gout mixture, 848 Scutellarin (eclect.), 757 Scutellarine (eclect.), 757 Scyllite, 339 Sea water, artificial, 858 Secalina, 477, 516 Secrets, medicated, 742 Sedatives, arterial, mixtures, 840 powders, 816 nervous, mixtures, 840 Seedlac, 423 Seidlitz mixture, 193 powders, 552, 819 Selde Vichy, 167, 172 Selection of medicines, 794 Semis, 784 Senecin (eclect.), 758 Senecionine (eclect.), 758 Senegin, 440 Senna, percolating, 599 Sepeerina, 476, 510 Serum, blood, 350 lactis, 352 vinosum, 937 Serpentariin, 526 Sesami folium, 337 Sevum, 390 Shakers' herbs, 539 Shelf-brackets, 26 Shell of egg, 353 Shellac, 423 Shelving, 25, 26 Sherry wine, 364 Shinn, collodions, 328 elixir cinchonae ferratum, 631 infos, gentian, comp. cone, 584, note. mistura assafoetidae cone, 839 pills of chloride of iron, 813 Show-colors, freezing pre- vented, 28 Shop, management, 927 Show-jars, 28 , Sick room, management, 931 Sieves, 49, 550 Sifter, Blood's flour, 551 Sifting, 550 machine, Harris's, 551 Signatura, 793 Signs in prescription, 784 Silver, 277 salts. See Argentum. Silvering pills, 915 Simarubaoeae, neutral prin- ciple, 521 Simmering, 580 Sinapina, 528 Sinapism, 899 Sink, 37 Sinkalina, 528 Siphon, 563: bottle, 151 Bullock's carboy, 62 Sitting up, 933 Skeletonizing leaves, 189, 321 Skim milk, 354 Skuleine, 527 Slipper, 56 Slippery elm bark jelly, 937 Small beer, 364 Smelling salts, 197 Smilaceas, neutral principl., 527 Smilacin, 527 (eclect.), 758 Smith's steam displacer, 600 Soap, 384, 388 antidote to acids, 148 black, 389 Castile, 389 common, 389 fat, 389 glass, 389 green, 389 palm, 389 potassa, 3S8 resin, 389 soda, 388 soft, 389 "Windsor, 3S9 Soda, 184, 186 tested volum., 926 caustic, 186 chlorinata, 184, 188 Soda — lozenges, 735 mint, 845 powders, 552, 845 salaeratus, 187 tartarata, tested volum., 926 washing, 185 water, 149 cooler, 151 counter, 30 syrup, 719 Sodii acetas, 184, 196 et antimon. sulphuret., 285, 287 antimonio-sulphuret. , 285, 287 arsenias, 292, 294 tested volum., 926 et auri chlorid., 308, 309 benzoas, 184, 192 biboras, 169, 17i, 172 bicarbonas, 184, 186, 187 saturating power, 168 tested volum., 926 boras, 169, 171, 172 bromidum, 142 carbonas, 184, 185 tested volum., 926 calcinat., 185 exsiccata, 184, 185 saturating power, 168 chloras, 174, 182 chloridum, 184 cholas, 461 choleinas, 358 citras, 184, 190 citro-tartras effervescens, 191 hypophosphis, 184, 188 hyposulphis, 184, 189- iodidum, 134, 137 nitras, 169 phosphas, 184, 187 phospho-tungstas, 472 et platini chlorid., 311 pyrophosph., 241 subboras, 171, 172 sulphas, 184 sulphovinas, 184, 191 supercarbonas, 186 tartras, tested volum., 926 tartro-citras effervesc, 191 tungstas, 169, 172 valerianas, 184, 191 Solanaceae, alkaloids, 476, 477, 506 neutral principl., 525 Solania, 347, 476, 506 test, 513 Solanidia, 506 Solanieda, 506 Solution, acid, boracic. (test), 313 oxalic (volum), 318 tartaric, (test), 315 albumen (test), 312 alkaline, Physic's, 586 INDEX, 971 Solution — alumina, benzoated, 222 ammonia, 194, 196 in alcohol, 194, 196 in water, 194, 196 strong, 196 acetate, 198 carbon, (test), 313 chloride (test), 313 hydrochloride (test), 313 oxalate (test), 314 sulphide (test), 315 valerianate, Pierlot's, 633 arsenical., Biette's, 292, 294 Fowler's, 293 Pearson's, 294 bismuth, and amnion, ci- trate, 2S3 bromine, 140 (test), 313 calc. chloric!., 205 saturated (test), 313 calcii chlorid., 205 tested volum., 926 saturat. (test), 313 chinoidina, acetate, 836 chlorine, 133 tested v lum., 926 copper acetate (test), 311 amnion, nitrat.(test), 312 ethereal, of prepared cot ton, 322 Donovan's, 295 Fowler's, 293 gelatin (test), 314 gold chloride (test), 313 gutta-percha, 377 Hade's, 294 indigo-sulphate (test), 315 iodine (volum.), 317 iron chloride, 250 nitrate, 247 perchlorate, 248 subsulphate, 231 sulphate (test), 315 tersulphnte, 230 Labarraque's, 188 lead, diacetate, 274 Ledoyen's, 276 lime, 204 tested volum., 926 saccharated, 21 1 tested volum., 925 sulphate (test), 311 Lugol's, 139 Magendie's, 642 magnesium and ammon. sulphat. (teat), 312 magnesium citrate, 216, 217 mercury, nitrate, 305 Monsel's, 231 morphia, sulphate, 558, 640, 642, 840 Magendie's, 642 Pierlot's, 633 Solution — platinum perchloride (test), 314 potassa, 177 potassium, acetate, 180 (test), 312 exteinporan., 847 bichromate (volum.), 316 ferridcyanide (test), 315 ferrocyanide (test), 315 iodate (test), 314 iodide (test), 314 red prussiate (test), 315 yellow prussiate (test), 315 Pravaze's, 249 quiniaa et ferri, 837 silver, ammonio-nitrate (test), 312 nitrate (volum.), 317 soda (volum.), 318 sodium acetate (test), 312 chlorate, tested volu- metric, 926 hyposulphite (volu- metric), 316 phosphate (test), 314 tartro-citrate, 190 tin, chloride (test), 313 zinc, chloride, 267 Solutions, 553 in alcohol, 559 chemical, 554 classification, 557 complex, 554 in ether, 560 simple, 554 test, 311 volumetric, 175, 316 in water, 558 in wine, 559 Solvent, 553 Sonnenschein's alkaloid test 471 Sorbin, 339 Sorbite, 339 Soup, vegetable, 937 Spaniolitmin, 404 S|iargancin, 527 Spargine, 527 Sparteina, 476, 513 Spatula, bone, 50 glass, 50 ivory, 50 porcelain, 121 steel, 49 Specia jar, 23 Species, 541 anthelmintic, 542 St. Germain, 541 Specific gravity, 80 and Baume, 88, 91 bottle, extemporun., 84 Pile's, 82 of minute quantities ot liquids, 84 Specific gravity — Schiff's method, 86 and temperature, 85 of water at different temperatures, 86 Spermaceti, 390 cerate, 871 mixture, 849 Spice plaster, 899 Spitta's lozenges, 734, 736 Spirit (Spiritus), 765 aethereus, 372 setheris acetic, 366 chlorid., 366 compositus, 366, 370 (drops), 79 nitrici, 366, 372, 373 nitrosi, 366, 372, 373 (drops), 79 and gum Arabic in mixtures, 920 ammonia, 194, 196, 559 198, aromat., 194, 559 anise, 766, 767 of ants, 374, 435 camphor, 766, 767 chloroform, 374, 377 cinnamon, 766 ether. See Spir. eether. ferri chlorat. aether., 248, 250 formieae, 374, 435 frumenti, 3ur admiration of a work which is so universally and deservedly appreciated. The most admirable work of its kind in the English language. — Glasgow Medical Journal, January, 1866. A work to which there is no equal in the English language.— Edinburgh Medical Journal. Few works of the class exhibit a grander monument of patient research and of scientific lore. The extent of the sale of this lexicon is sufficient to testify to its usefulness, and to the great service conferred by Dr. Robley Dunglison on the profession, and indeed on others, by its issue. — London Lancet, May 13, 1865. It has the rare merit that it certainly has no rival in the English language for accuracy and extent of references. — London Medical Gazette, TJOBLYN {RICHARD D.), M.D. A DICTIONARY OF THE TERMS USED IN MEDICINE AND THE COLLATERAL SCIENCES. Revised, with numerous additions, by Isaac Hays, M.D., Editor of the "American Journal of the Medical Sciences." In one large royal 12mo.' volume of over 500 double-columned pages ; extra cloth, SI 50 ; leather, $2 00. It is the best book of definitions we have, and ought always to be upon the student's tMe.-Southern Mtd. and Surg. Journal. Henry (J. Lea's Publications — {Manuals). fflEILL {JOHN), M.D., and &MITH [FRANCIS G.), M.D., +■ * . **r Prof, of the Institutes of Medicine tn the Univ. of Penna. AN ANALYTICAL COMPENDIUM OF THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF MEDICAL SCIENCE ; for the Use and Examination of Students. A new edition, revised and improved. In one very large and handsomely printed royal 12mo. volume, of about one thousand pages, with 374 wood cuts, extra cloth, $4 ; strongly bound in leather, with raised bands, $4 75. The Compend of Drs. Neilland Smith is incompara- bly the most valuable work of its class ever published In this country. Attempts have been made in various quarters to squeeze Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, fche Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics, Materia Medica, and Chemistry into a single manual; but the opera- tion has signally failed in the hands of all up to the advent of " Neil'l and Smith's' ' volume, which is quite a miracle of success. The outlines of the whole are admirably drawn and illustrated, and the authors are eminently entitled to the grateful consideration of the student of every class.— N. 0. Med. and Surg. Journal. There are but few students or practitioners of me- dicine unacquainted with the former editions of this anassuming though highly instructive work. The whole science of medicine appears to have been sifted, is the gold-bearing sands of El Dorado, and the pre- cious facts treasured up in this little volume. A com- plete portable library so condensed that the student may make it his constant pocket companion. — West- ern Lancet. In the rapid course of lectures, where work for the students is heavy, and review necessary for an exa- mination, a compend is not only valuable, but it is almost a sine qua non. The one before us is, in most of the divisions, the most unexceptionable of all books of the kind that we know of. Of course it is useless for us to recommend it to all last course students, but there is a class to whom we very sincerely commend this cheap book as worth its weight in silver — that class is the graduates in medicine of more than ten years' standing, who have not studied medicine since. They will perhaps find out from it that the science is not exactly now what it was when they left it off. — The Stethoscope. TTARTSRORNE (HENRY), M. D., ■* Professor of Hygiene in the University of Pennsylvania. A CONSPECTUS OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES; containing Handbooks on Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Materia Medica^ Practical Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics. Second Edition, thoroughly revised and improved. In one large royal 12mo. volume of more than 1000 closely printed pages, with over 300 illustrations on wo od . ( Preparing . ) The favor with which this work has been received has stimulated the author in its revision to render it in every way fitted to meet the wants of the student, or of the practitioner desirous to refresh his acquaintance with the various departments of medical science. The various sections have been brought up to a level with the existing knowledge of the day, while preserving the condensa tion of form by which so vast an accumulation of facts have been brought within so narrow a less valuable to the beginner. Every medical student who desires a reliable refresher to his memory when the pressure of lectures and other college work crowds to prevent him from having an opportunity to drink deeper in the larger works, will find this one of the greatest utility. It is thoroughly trustworthy from beginning to end; and as we have before intimated, a remarkably truthful outline sketch of the present state of medical science. We could hardly expect it should be otherwise, however, under the charge of such a thorough medical scholar as the author has already proved himself to be.— N. York Med. Record, March 15. 1869. This work is a remarkably complete one in its way, and comes nearer to our idea of what a Conspectus should be than any we have yet seen. Prof. Harts- home, with a commendable forethought, intrusted the preparation of many of the chapters on special subjects to experts, reserving only anatomy, physio- logy, and practice of medicine to himself. As a result we have every department worked up to the latest date and in a refreshingly concise and lucid manner. There are an immense amount of illustrations scat- tered throughout the work, and although they have often been seen before in the various works upon gen- eral and special subjects, yet they will be none the TVDLOW (J.L.), M.D. A MANUAL OF EXAMINATIONS upon Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics, Materia Medica, Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Therapeutics. To which is added a Medical Formulary. Third edition, thoroughly revised and greatly extended and enlarged. With 370 illustrations. In one handsome royal 12mo. volume of 816 large pages, extra cloth, $3 25 ; leather, $3 75. The arrangement of this volume in the form of question and answer renders it especially suit- able for the office examination of students, and for those preparing for graduation. /TANNER {THOMAS HAWKES), 31. D., frc. A MANUAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL DIAG- NOSIS. Third American from the Second London Edition. Revised and Enlarged by Tilbury Fox, M. D., Physician to the Skin Department in University College Hospital, &e. In one neat volume small 12mo., of about 375 pages, extra cloth. $150. {Jzist Issued.) *#* By reference to the " Prospectus of Journal" on page 3, it will be seen that this work i9 offered as a premium for procuring new subscribers to the "American Journal of the Medical Sciences." Taken as a whole, it is the most compact vade me- cum for the use of the advanced student and junior practitioner with which we are acquainted. — Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, Sept. 22, 1870. It contains so much that is valuable, presented in so attractive a form, that it can hardly be spared even in the presence of more full and complete works. The additions made to the volume by Mr. Fox very materially enhance its value, and almost make it a Dew work. Its convenient size makes it a valuable companion to the country practitioner, and if con- stantly carried by him, would often render him good service, and relieve many a doubt and perplexity. — Leavenworth Med. Herald, July, 1870. The objections commonly, and justly, urged against the general run of "compends," "conspectuses," and other aids to indolence, are not applicable to this little volume, which contains in coneise phrase just those practical details that are of most use in daily diag- nosis, but which the young practitioner finds it diffi- cult to carry always in his memory without some I quickly accessible means of reference. Altogether, the book is one which we can heartily commend to those who have not opportunity for extensive read- ing, or who, having read much, still wish an occa- sional practical reminder. — N. T. Med. Gazette, Nov. 10, 1870. 6 Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Anatomy). QRAY {HENRY), F.R.S., Lecturer on Anatomy at St. George's Hospital, London. ANATOMY, DESCRIPTIVE AND SURGICAL. The DrawiDgs by H. V. Cabter, M. D., late Demonstrator on Anatomy at St. George's Hospital ; the Dissec- tions jointly by the Author and Dr. Carter. A new American, from the fifth enlarged and improved London edition. In one magnificent imperial octavo volume, of nearly 90© pages, with 465 large and elaborate engravings on wood. Price in extra cloth, $6 00 ; leather, raised bands, $7 00. (Just Issued.) The author has endeavored in this work to cover a more extended range of subjects than is cus- tomary in the ordinary text-books, by giving not only the details necessary for the student, but also the application of those details in the practice of medicine and surgery, thus rendering it both a guide for the learner, and an admirable work of reference for the active practitioner. The en- gravings form a special feature in the work, many of them being the size of nature, nearly all original, and having the names of the various parts printed on the body of the cut, in place of figures of reference, with descriptions at the foot. They thus form a complete and splendid series, which will greatly assist the student in obtaining a clear idea of Anatomy, and will also serve to refresh the memory of those who may find in the exigencies of practice the necessity of recalling the details of the dissecting room ; while combining, as it does, a complete Atlas of Anatomy, with a thorough treatise on systematic, descriptive, and applied Anatomy, the work will be found of essential use to all physicians who receive students in their offices, relieving both preceptor and pupil of much labor in laying the groundwork of a thorough medical education. Notwithstanding the enlargement of this edition, it has been kept at its former very moderate price, rendering it one of the cheapest works now before the profession. The illustrations are beautifully executed, and ren- der this work an indispensable adj unct to the library of the surgeon. This remark applies with great force to those surgeons practising at a distance from our large cities, as the opportunity of refreshing their memory by actual dissection is not always attain- able.— Canada Med. Journal, Aug. 1870. The work is too well known and appreciated by the profession to need any comment. No medical man can afford to be without it, if its only merit were to serve as a reminder of that which so soon becomes forgotten, when not called into frequent use, viz., the relations and names of the complex organism of the human body. The present edition is much improved. —California Med. Gazette, July, 1870. Gray's Anatomy has been so long the standard of perfection with every student of anatomy, that we need do no more than call attention to the improve- ment in the present edition. — Detroit Review of Med. and Pharm., Aug. 1870. From time to time, as successive editions have ap- peared, we have had much pleasure in expressing the general judgment of the wonderful excellence of Gray's Anatomy.^ — Cincinnati Lancet, July, 1870. Altogether, it is unquestionably the most complete and serviceable text-book in anatomy that has ever been presented to the student, and forms a striking contrast to the dry and perplexing volumes on the same subject through which their predecessors strug- gled in days gone by. — N. T. Med. Record, June 15, 1870. To commend Gray's Anatomy to the medical pro- fession is almost as much a work of supererogation as it would be to give a favorable notice of the Bible in the religious press. To say that it is the most complete and conveniently arranged text book of its kind, is to repeat what each generation of students has learned as a tradition of the elders, and verified by personal experience. — N. Y. Med. Gazette, Dec. 17, 1870. VMITH (HENRY H.), M.I)., and TJORNER ( WILLIAM E.), M.D., Prof, of Surgery in the Univ. of Penna. , Ac. Late Prof, of Anatomy in the Univ. of Penna. , Ac . AN ANATOMICAL ATLAS, illustrative of the Structure of the Human Body. In one volume, large imperial octavo, extra cloth, with about six hundred and fifty beautiful figures. $4 50. The plan of this Atlas, which renders it so pecu- I the kind that has yet appeared ; and we must add, liarly convenient for the student, and its superb ar- | the very beautiful manner in which it is "got up," tistical execution, have been already pointed out. We j is so creditable to the country as to be flattering to must congratulate the student upon the completion our national pride. — American MedicalJournal. of this Atlas, as it is the most convenient work of I UHARPEY ( WILLIAM), M.D., and Q UAIN (JONES fr RICHARD). HUMAN ANATOMY. Revised, with Notes and Additions, by Joseph Leidv, M. D., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. Complete in two large octavo volumes, of about 1300 pages, with 511 illustrations; extra cloth, $6 00. The very low price of this standard work, and its completeness in all departments of the subject, should command for it a place in the library of all anatomical students. JTODGES (RICHARD M.), M.D., Late Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Medical Department of Harvard University. PRACTICAL DISSECTIONS. Second Edition, thoroughly revised. In one neat royal 12mo. volume, half-bound, $2 00. The object of this work is to present to the anatomical student a clear and concise description of that which he is expected to observe in an ordinary couise of dissections. The author has endeavored to omit unnecessary details, and to present the subject in the form which many years' experience has shown him to be the most convenient and intelligible to the student. In the revision of the present edition, he has sedulously labored to render the volume more worthy of the favor with which it has heretofore been received. Henry C. Lea>s Publications — (Anatomy). 7 TfflLSON {ERASMUS), F.B.S. A SYSTEM OF HUMAN ANATOMY, General and Special. Edited by W.H. Gtobrecht, M.D., Professor of General and Surgical Anatomy in the Medical Col- lege of Ohio. Illustrated with three hundred and ninety-seven engravings on wood. In one large and handsome octavo volume, of over 600 large pages; extra cloth, $4 00; lea- ther, $5 00. The publisher trusts that the well-earned reputation of this long-established favorite will be more than maintained by the present edition. Besides a very thorough revision by the author, it has been most carefully examined by the editor, and the efforts of both have been directed to in- troducing everything which increased experience in its use has suggested as desirable to render it a complete text-book for those seeking to obtain or to renew an acquaintance with Human Ana- tomy. The amount of additions which it has thus received may be estimated from the fact that thu present edition contains over one-fourth more matter than the last, rendering a smaller type and an enlarged page requisite to keep the volume within a convenient size. The author has not only thus added largely to the work, but he has also made alterations throughout, wherever there appeared the opportunity of improving the arrangement or style, so as to present every fact in its most appropriate manner, and to render £he whole as clear and intelligible as possible. The editor has exercised the utmost caution to obtain entire accuracy in the text, and has largely increased the number of illustrations, of which there are about one hundred and fifty more in this edition than in the last, thus bringing distinctly before the eye of the student everything of interest or importance. TJEATH {CHRISTOPHER), F. R. C. S., -*-*■ Teacher of Operative Surgery in University College, London. PRACTICAL ANATOMY: A Manual of Dissections. From the Second revised and improved London edition. Edited, with additions, by W. W. Keen, M. D., Lecturer on Pathological Anatomy in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. In one handsome royal 12mo. volume of 578 pages, with 247 illustrations. Extra cloth, $3 50 ; leather, $4 00. {Lately Published.) Dr. Keen, the American editor of this work, in his Such manuals of anatomy are always favorite works preface, says: "In presenting this American edition I with medical students. We would earnestly recom- of 'Heath's Practical Anatomy,' I feel that I have I mend this one to their attention; it has excellences been instrumental in supplying a want long felt for I which make it valuable as a guide in dissecting, as a real dissector's manual," and this assertion of its well as in studying anatomy. — Buffalo Medical and editor we deem is fully justified, after an examina- SurgicalJournal, Jan. 1871. Hon of its contents, for it is really an excellent work. The fir8t Englisn edition was issued about six years Indeed, we do not hesitate to say, the best ol its class | ag0 and was favoraWy rece ived not only on account with which we are acquainted ; resembling Wilson of the great reputation of its author, but also from in terse and clear description, excelling most of the ' so-called practical anatomical dissectors in the scope of the subject and practical selected matter. . . . In reading this work, one is forcibly impressed with the great pains the author takes to impress the sub- ject upon the mind of the student. He is full of rare and pleasing little devices to aid memory in main- taining its hold upon the slippery slopes of anatomy. — St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, Mar. 10, 1871. It appears to us certain that, as a guide in dissec- tion, and as a work containing facts of anatomy in brief and easily understood form, this manual is complete. This work contains, also, very perfect illustrations of parts which can thus be more easily understood and studied; in this respect it compares favorably with works of much greater pretension. its great value and excellence as a guide-book to the practical anatomist. The American edition has un- dergone some alterations and additions which will no doubt enhance its value materially. The conve- nience of the student has been carefully consulted in the arrangement of the text, and the directions given for the prosecution of certain dissections will be duly appreciated. — Canada, Lancet, Feb. 1871. This is an excellent Dissector's Manual ; one which is not merely a descriptive manual of anatomy, but a guide to the student at the dissecting table, enabling him, though a beginner, to prosecute his work intel- ligently, and without assistance. The American edi- tor has made many valuable alterations and addi- tions to the original work.— Am. Journ. of Obstetrics Feb. 1871. . JDELLAMY {E.) , F.R. C.S. THE STUDENT'S GUIDE TO SURGICAL ANATOMY: Book for Students preparing for their Pass Examination. With Engravings ono handsome royal 12mo. volume. Cloth, $2 25. {Just Ready.) A Text- on wood. In JMACLISE {JOSEPH). SURGICAL ANATOMY. By Joseph Maclise, Surgeon. In one volume, very large imperial quarto; with 68 large and splendid plates, drawn in the best style and beautifully colored, containing 190 figures, many of them th& size of life; together with copious explanatory letter-press. Strongly and handsomely bound in extra cloth. Price $14 00. gions have hitherto, we think, been given. While the operator is shown every vessel and nerve where in operation is contemplated, the exact anatomist is refreshed by those clear and distinct dissection*, which every one must appreciate who has a particle of enthusiasm. The English medical press has quite exhausted the words of praise, in recommending thiB admirable treatise.— Boston Med. and Surg. Journ. We know of no work on surgical anatomy which can compete with it. — Lancet. The work of Maclise on surgical anatomy is of the highest value. In some respects it is the best publi- cation of its kind we have seen, and is worthy of a place in the library of any medical man, while the student could scarcely make a better investment than this. — The Western Journal of Medicine and Surgery. No such lithographic illustrations of surgical re- H ARTSHORNE [HENRY), M.D., Professor of Hygiene, etc , in the Univ. ofTenna. HANDBOOK OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. tion, revised. In one royal 12mo. volume, with numerous illustrations. HORNER'S SPECIAL ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY. B'ghth edition, exujueiveiy revised and modified. Second Edi- {Preparitig.) In 2 vols. Svo., of over 1000 pages, with more than 300 wood-cuts; extra cloth, $6 00. Henry C. Lea's Publications— -(Physiology). MARSHALL {JOHN), F. R. S., JJM. Professor of Surgery in University College, London, dec OUTLINES OF PHYSIOLOGY, HUMAN AND COMPARATIVE. With Additions by Francis Gubney Smith, M. D., Professor of the Institutes of Medi- cine in the University of Pennsylvania, &c. With numerous illustrations. In one large and handsome octavo volume, of 1026 pages, extra cloth, $6 50: leather, raised bands, $7 50. In fact, in every respect, Mr. Marshall has present- ed us with a most complete, reliable, and scientific work, and we feel that it is worthy our warmest commendation. — St. Louis Med. Reporter, Jan. 1869. We doubt if there is in the English language any compend of physiology more useful to the student than this work.— St. Louu Med. and Surg. Journal, Jan. 1869. It quite fulfils, in our opinion, the author's design of making it truly educational in its character — which is, perhaps, the highest commendation that can be asked. — Am. Journ. Med. Sciences, Jan. 1869. We may now congratulate him on having com- pleted the latest as well as the best summary of mod- ern physiological science, both human and compara- tive, with which we are acquainted. To speak of this work in the terms ordinarily used on such occa- sions would not be agreeable to ourselves, and would fail to do justice to its author. To write such a book requires a varied and wide range of knowledge, con- siderable power of analysis, correct judgment, skill in arrangement, and conscientious spirit. — London Lancet, Feb. 22, 1868. There are few, if any, more accomplished anatomists and physiologists than the distinguished professor of surgery at University College ; and he has long en- joyed the highest reputation as a teacher of physiol- ogy, possessing remarkable powers of clear exposition and graphic illustration. We have rarely the plea- sure of being able to recommend a text-boot so unre- servedlyasthis.— British Med.Journal, Jan 25,1868, ffARPENTER [WILLIAM B.), M.D., F.R.S., w Examiner in Physiology and Comparative Anatomy in the University of London. PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY; with their chief appli- cations to Psychology, Pathology, Therapeutics, Hygiene and Forensic Medicine. A new American from the last and revised London edition. With nearly three hundred illustrations. ' Edited, with additions, by Francis Gurney Smith, M. D., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, &c. In one very large and beautiful octavo volume, of about 900 large pages, handsomely printed; extra cloth, $5 50 ; leather, raised bands, $6 50. With Dr. Smith, we confidently believe "that the present will more than sustain the enviable reputa- tion already attained by former editions, of being one of the fullest and most complete treatises on the subject in the English language." We know of none from the pages of which a satisfactory knowledge of the physiology of the human organism can be as well obtained, none better adapted for the use of such as take up the study of physiology in its reference to the institutes and practice of medicine. — Am. Jour. Med. Sciences. We doubt not it is destined to retain a strong hold on public favor, and remain the favorite text-book in our colleges. — Virginia Medical Journal. The above is the title of what is emphatically the great work on physiology ; and we are conscious that it would be a useless effort to attempt to add any- thing to the reputation of this invaluable work, and can only say to all with whom our opinion has any influence, that it is our authority.— Atlanta Med. Journal. DY THE SAME AUTHOR. PRINCIPLES OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY. New Ameri- can, from the Fourth and Revised London Edition. In one large and handsome octavo volume, with over three hundred beautiful illustrations. Pp.752. Extra cloth, $5 00. As a complete and condensed treatise on its extended and important subject, this work becomes a necessity to students of natural science, while the very low price at which it is offered places it within the reach of all. JT'IRKES ( WILLIAM SENHOUSE), M.D. A MANUAL OE PHYSIOLOGY. Edited by W. Morrant Baker, M.D., F.R.C.S. A new American from the eighth and improved London edition. With about two hundred and fifty illustrations. In one large and handsome royal 12mo. vol- ume. Cloth, $3 25; leather, $3 75. {Now Ready.) Kirkes' Physiology has long been known as a concise and exceedingly convenient text-book, presenting within a narrow compass all that is important for the student. The rapidity with which successive editions have followed each other in England has enabled the editor to keep it thoroughly on a level with the changes and new discoveries made in the science, and the eighth edition, of which the present is a reprint, has appeared so recently that it may be regarded as the latest accessible exposition of the subject. On the whole, there is very little in the book which either the student or practitioner will notfind of practical value and consistent with our present knowledge of this rapidly changing science ; and we have no hesitation in expressing our opinion that this eighth edition is one of the best handbooks on physiology which we have in our language. — N. Y. Med. Record, April 15, 1873. This volume might well be used to replace many of the physiological text-books in use in this coun- try. It represents more accurately than the works of Dalton or Flint, the present state of our knowl- edge of most physiological questions, while it is much less bulky and far more readable than the lar- ger text-books of Carpenter or Marshall. The book is admirably adapted to be placed in the hands of students. — Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., April 10, 1873. In its enlarged form it is, in our opinion, still the best book on physiology, most useful to the student. —Phila. Med. Times, Aug. 30, 1873. This is undoubtedly the best work for students of physiology extant. — Cincinnati Med. News, Sept. '73 It more nearly represents the present condition of physiology than any other text-book on the subject. — Detroit Rev. of Med. Pharm., Nov. 1873. Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Physiology). nALTON (J. G), M. D., -*S Professor of Physiology in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, &c. A TREATISE ON HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY. Designed for the""use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine. Fifth edition, revised, with nearly three hun- dred illustrations on wood. In one very beautiful octavo volume, of over 700 pages, extra cloth, $5 25 ; leather, $6 25. {Just Issued.) Preface to the Fifth Edition. In preparing the present edition of this work, the general plan and arrangement of the previous editions have been retained, so far as they have been found useful and adapted to the purposes uf a text-book for students of medicine. The incessant advance of .all the natural and physical sciences, never more active than within the last five years, has furnished many valuable aids to the special investigations of the physiologist; and the progress of physiological research, during the same period, has required a careful revision of the entire work, and the modification or re- arrangement of many of its parts. At this day, nothing is regarded as of any value in natural science which is not based upon direct and intelligible observation or experiment ,• and, accord- ingly, the discussion of doubtful or theoretical questions has been avoided, as a general rule, in the present volume, while new facts, from whatever source, if fully established, have been added and incorporated with the results of previous investigation. A number of new illustrations have been introduced, and a few of the older ones, which seemed to be no longer useful, have been omitted. In all the changes and additions thus made, it has been the aim of the writer to make the book, in its present form, a faithful exponent of the actual conditions of physiological science. New York, October, 1871. In this, the standard text-book on Physiology, all that is needed to maintain the favor with which it is regarded by the profession, is the author's assurance that it has been thoroughly revised and brought up to a level with the advanced science of the day. To accomplish this has required some enlargement of the work, but no advance has been made in the price. The fifth edition of this truly valuable work on Human Physiology comes to us with many valuable improvement^ and additions. As a text-book of physiology tire work of Prof. Dalton has long been well known as one of the best which could be placed ia the hands of student or practitioner. Prof. Dalton has, in the several editions of his work heretofore published, labored to keep step with the advancement in science, and the last edition shows by its improve- ments on former ones that he is determined to main- tain the high standard of his work. We predict for the present edition increased favor, though this work has long been the favorite standard.— Buffalo Med. and Surg. Journal, April, 1872. An extended notice of a work so generally and fa- vorably known as this is unnecessary. It is justly regarded as one of the most valuable text-books on the subject in the English language.— St. Louis Med. Archives, May, 1872. We know no treatise in physiology so clear, com- plete, well assimilated, and perfectly digested, as Dalton's. He never writes cloudily or dubiously, or In mere quotation. He assimilates all his material, and from it constructs a homogeneous transparent argument, which is always honest and well informed, and hides neither truth, ignorance, nor doubt, *o far as either belongs to the subject in hand. — Brit. Med. Journal, March 23, 1872. Dr. Dalton's treatise is well known, and by many highly esteemed in this country. It is, indeed, a good elementary treatise on the subject it professes to teach, and may safely be put into the hands of Eng- lish students. It has one great merit — it is clear, and, on the whole, admirably illustrated. The part we have always esteemed most highly is that relating to Embryology. The diagrams given of the various stages of development give a clearer view of the sub- ject than do those in general use in this country ; and the text may be said to be, upon the whole, equally clear. — London Med. Times and Gazette, March 2,3, 1872. Dalton's Physiology is already, and deservedly, the favorite text-book of the majority of American medical students. Treating a most interesting de- partment of science in his own peculiarly lively and fascinating style, Dr. Dalton carries his reader along without effort, and at the same time impresses upon his mind the truths taught much more successfully than if they were buried beueath a multitude of words. — Kansas City Med. Journal, April, 1S72. Professor Dalton is regarded j ustly as the authority in this country on physiological subjects, and the fifth edition of his valuable work fully justifies the exalted opinion the medical world has of his labors. This last edition is greatly enlarged. —Virginia Clin- ical Record, April, 1872. T\UNGLISON {ROBLEY), M.D., -*S Professor of Institutes of Medicine in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY. Eighth edition. Thoroughly revised and extensively modified and enlarged, with five hundred and thirty-two illustrations. In two large and handsomely printed octavo volumes of about 1500 pages, extra cloth. $7 00. TEHMANN{G. 6?.). PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. Translated from the second edi- tion by George E. Day, M. D., F. R. S., Ac, edited by R. E. Rogers, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, with illustrations selected from Funke's Atlas of Physiological Chemistry, and an Appendix of plates. Com- plete in two large and handsome octavo volumes, containing 1200 pages, with nearly two hundred illustrations, extra cloth. $6 00. B Y THE SAME AUTHOR. MANUAL OE CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY. Translated from the German, with Notes and Additions, by J. Cheston Morris, M.D., with an Introductory Essay on Vital Force, by Professor Samuel Jackson, M. D., of the University of Pennsyl- vania. With illustrations on wood. In one very handsome octavo volume of 336 pages, extra cloth. $2 25. 10 Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Chemistry). ATTFIELD (JOHN), Ph.D., Professor of Practical Chemistry to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, &c. CHEMISTRY, GENERAL, MEDICAL, AND PHARMACEUTICAL ; including the Chemistry of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. A Manual of the General Principles of the Science, and their Application to Medicine and Pharmacy. Fifth Edition, revised hy the author. In one handsome royal 12mo. volume ; cloth, $2 75 ; leather, $3 25. {Just Ready.) We commend the work heartily as one of tbe best text-books extant for the medical student.— Detroit Rev. of Med. and Pharm., Feb. 1872. The best work of the kind in the English language. 27. T. Psychological Journal, Jan. 1872. The work is constructed with direct reference to the wants of medical and pharmaceutical students; and, although an English work, the points of differ- ence between the British, and United States Pharma- copoeias are indicated, making it as useful here as in England. Altogether, the book is one we can heart- ily recommend to practitioners as well as students. —N. Y. Med. Journal, Dec. 1871. It differs from other text-books in the following particulars : first, in the exclusion of matter relating to compounds which, at present, are only of interest to the scientific chemist ; secondly, in containing the chemistry of every substance recognized officially or in general, as a remedial agent. It will be found a most valuable book for pupils, assistants, and others engaged in medicine and pharmacy, and we heartily commend it to our readers. — Canada Lancet, Oct. 1871. When the original English edition of this work was published, we had occasion to express our high ap- preciation of its worth, and also to review, in con- siderable detail, the main features of the book. As the arrangement of subjects, and the main part of the text of the present edition are similar to the for- mer publication, it will be needless for us to go over the ground a. second time ; we may, however, call at- tention to a marked advantage possessed by the Ame- rican work— we allude to the introduction of the chemistry of the preparations of the United States Pharmacopoeia, as well as that relating to the British authority. — Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal, Nov. 1871. Chemistry has borne the name of being a hard sub- ject to master by the student of medicine, and chiefly because so much of it consists of compounds only of interest to the scientific chemist ; in this work such portions are modified or altogether left out, and in the arrangement of the subject- matter of the work, practical utility is sought after, and we think fully attained. We commend it for its clearness and order to both teacher and pupil. — Oregon Med. and Surg. Reporter, Oct. 1871. TDLOXAM (C.L.), J-* Professor of Chemistry in King's College, Tjondon. CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC AND ORGANIC. From the Second Lon- don Edition. In one very handsome octavo volume, of 700 pages, with about 300 illustra- tions. Cloth, $4 50 ; leather, $5 50. {Just Ready.) It has been the author's endeavor to produce a Treatise on Chemistry sufficiently comprehen- sive for those studying the science as a branch of general education, and one which a student may use with advantage in pursuing his chemical studies at one of the colleges or medical schools. The special attention devoted to Metallurgy and some other branches of Applied Chemistry renders the work especially useful to those who are being educated for employment in manufacture. very short paragraphs. One is surprised at the brief It would be difficult for a practical chemist and teacher to find any material fault with this most ad- mirable treatise. The author has given us almost a cyclopedia within the limits of a convenient volume, and has done so without penning the useless para- graphs too commonly making up a great part of the bulk of many cumbrous works. The progressive sci- entist is not disappointed when he looks for the record of new and valuable processes and discoveries, while the cautious conservative does not find its pages mo- nopolized by uncertain theories and speculations. A peculiar point of excellence is the crystallized form of expression in which great truths are expressed in space allotted to an important topic, and yet, after reading it, he feels that little, if any more, should have been said. Altogether, it is seldom you see a text-book so nearly faultless.— Cincinnati Lancet, Nov. 1873. Professor Bloxam has given us a most excellent and useful practical treatise. His 666 pages are crowded with facts and experiments, nearly all well chosen, and many quite new, even to scientific men. . . . It is astonishing how much information he often conveys in a few paragraphs. We might quote fifty instances of this. — Chemical News. DLING (WILLIAM), Lecturer on Chemistry at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, &c. A COURSE OE PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY, arranged for the Use of Medical Students. With Illustrations. From the Fourth and Revised London Edition. In one neat royal 12mo. volume, extra cloth. $2. {Lately Issued.) riALLOWAY (ROBERT), F.G.S., Uf~ Prof, of Applied Chemistry in the Royal College of Science for Ireland, &c. A MANUAL OF QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. From the Fifth Lon- don Edition. In one neat royal 12mo. volume, with illustrations ; extra cloth, $2 50. {Just Issued.) The success which has carried this work through repeated editions in England, and its adoption as a text-book in several of the leading institutions in this country, show that the author has suc- ceeded in the endeavor to produce a sound practical manual and book of reference for the che- mical student. Prof. Galloway's books are deservedly in high esteem, and this American reprint of the fifth edition (1869) of his Manual of Qualitative Analysis, will be acceptable to many American students to whom the English edition is not accessible. — Am. Jour, of Sci- ence and Arts, Sept. 1872. We regard this volume as a valuable addition to tbe chemical text-books, and as particularly calcu- lated to instruct the student in analytical researches of the inorganic compounds, the important vegetable acids, and of compounds and various aecretions and excretions of animal origin.— Am. Journ. of Pharm., Sept. 1872. Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Chemistry, Pharmacy, &c). 11 ffHANDLER (CHARLES F.), and pHANDLER (WILLIAM H.), V/ Prof, of Chemistry in the N. Y. Coll. of v^ Prof, of Chemistry in the Lehigh Pharmacy. University. THE AMERICAN CHEMIST: A Monthly Journal of Theoretical, Analytical, and Technical Chemistry. Each number averaging forty large double col- umned pages of reading matter. Price $5 per annum in advance. Single numbers, 50 cts. 0^=* Specimen numbers to parties proposing to subscribe will be sent to any address on receipt of 25 cents. *.£* Subscriptions can begin with any number. The rapid growth of the Science of Chemistry and its infinite applications to other sciences and arts render a journal specially devoted to the subject a necessity to those whose pursuitg require familiarity with the details of the science. It has been the aim of the conductors of "The American Chemist" to supply this want in its broadest sense, and the reputation which the periodical has already attained is a sufficient evidence of the zeal and ability with which they have discharged their task. Assisted by an able body of collaborators, their aim is to present, within a moderate compass, an abstract of the progress of the science in all its departments, scientific and technical. Import- ant original communications and selected papers are given in full, and the standing of the " Chem- ist" is such as to secure the contributions of leadinsr men in all portions of the country. Besides this, over one hundred journals and transactions of learned societies in America, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Russia, and Germany are carefully scrutinized, and whatever they offer of interest is condensed and presented to the reader. In this work, which forms a special feature of the "Chemist," the editors have the assistance of M. Alsberg, Ph.D., Prof. G. P. Barker, T. M. Blossom, E.M., H. C. Bolton, Ph.D., Prof. T. Egleston, E.M , H. Endemann, Ph.D., Prof. C. A. Goessmann, Ph.D.,S. A. Goldschmidt, A.M., E.M., E. J. Hallock, Prof. C. A. Joy, Ph.D., J. P. Kimball, Ph.D., 0. G. Mason, H. Newton, E.M., Prof. Frederick Prime, Jr., Prof. Paul Schweitzer, Ph.D., Waldron Shapleigh, Romyn Hitchcock, and Elwyn Waller, E.M. From the thoroughness and completeness with which this department is conducted, it is believed that no periodical in either hemisphere more faithfully reflects the progress of the science, or presents a larger or more carefully garnered store of information to its readers. UrOWNES (GEORGE), Ph.D. A MANUAL OF ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY; Theoretical and Practical. With one hundred and ninety-seven illustrations. A new American, from the tenth and revised London edition. Edited by Robert Bridges, M. D. In one large royal 12mo. volume, of about 850 pp., extra cloth, $2 75 ; leather, $3 25. (Lately Issued.) This work is so well known that it seems almost] other work that has greater claims on the physician, superfluous for us to speak about it. It has been a I pharmaceutist, or student, than this. We cheerfully favorite text-book with medical students for years and its popularity has in no respect diminished Whenever we have been consulted by medical stu- dents, as has frequently occurred, what treatise on chemistry they should procure, we have always re- commended Fownes', for we regarded it as the best. There is no work that combines so many excellen- recommend it as the best text-book on elementary chemistry, and bespeak for it the careful attention of students of pharmacy. — Chicago Pharmacist, Aug. 1869. Here is a new edition which has been long watched for by eager teachers of chemistry. In its new garb, ces. It is of convenient size, not prolix, of plain! and under the editorship of Mr. Watts, it has resumed perspicuous diction, contains all the most recent ' V ts j>. ld Placets the most successful of text-books.- discoveries, and is of moderate price.— Cincinnati j Indian Medical Gazette, Jan. 1, 1869 Med. Repertory, Aug. 1869. It win continue, as heretofore, to hold the first rank Large additions have been made, especially in the ! is a text-book for studeuts of medicine. — Chicago department of organic chemistry, and we know of no ' ifed. Examiner, Aug. 1869. JfifOHLER AND FIT TIG. rr OUTLINES OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Translated with Ad- ditions from the Eighth German Edition. By Ira Remsen, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Physics in Williams College, Mass. In one handsome volume, royal 12mo. of 550 pp. extra cloth, $3. (Just Ready.) As the numerous editions of the original attest, this work is the leading text-book and standard authority throughout Germany on its important and intricate subject — a position won for it by the clearness and conciseness which are its distinguishing characteristics. The translation has been executed with the approbation of Profs. Wbhler and Fittig, and numerous additions and alterations have been introduced, so as to render it in every respect on a level with the most advanced condition of the science. f>0 WMAN (JOHN E.) , M. D. PRACTICAL HANDBOOK OF MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. Edited by C. L. Bloxam, Professor of Practical Chemistry in King's College, London. Sixth American, from the fourth and revised English Edition. In one neat volume, royal 12mo., pp. 351, with numerous illustrations, extra cloth. $2 25. J£Y THE SAME AUTHOR. (Now Ready.) INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY, INCLUDING ANALYSIS. Sixth American, from the sixth and revised London edition. With numer- ous illustrations. In one neat vol., royal 12mo., extra cloth. $2 25. KUAPP'S TECHNOLOGY; or Chemistry Applied to I very handsome octavo volumes, with 500 wood the Arts, and to Manufactures. With American engravings, extra cloth, $6 00. additions, by Prof. Waltek B. Johsson. In two | 12 Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Mat. Med. and Therapeutics). pARRlSH {EDWARD), Professor of Materia Medica in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. A TREATISE ON PHARMACY. Designed as a Text-Book for the Student, and as a Guide for the Physician and Pharmaceutist. With many Formulae and Prescriptions. Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised, by Thomas S. Wiegand. In one handsome octavo volume, with several hundred illustrations, tin Press.) The delay in the appearance of the new U. S. Pharmacopoeia, and the sudden death of the au- thor, have postponed the preparation of this new edition beyond the period expected. The notes and memoranda left by Mr. Parrish have been placed in the hands of the editor, Mr. Wieganrl, who has labored assiduously to embody in the work all the improvements of pharmaceutical sci- ence which have been introduced during ohe last ten years. It is therefore hoped that the new edition will fully maintain the reputation which the volume has heretofore enjoyed as a standard text-book and work of reference for all engaged in the preparation and dispensing of medicines. We have examined this large volume with a good not wish it to he understood as very extravagant deal of care, and find that the author has completely exhausted the subject upon which he treats ; a more complete work, we think, it would be impossible to find. To the student of pharmacy the work is indis- pensable ; indeed, so far as we know, it is the only one of its kind in existence, and even to the physician or medical student who can spare five dollars to pur- chase it, we feel sure the practical information he will obtain will more than compensate him for the outlay. — Canada Med. Journal, Nov. 1864. The medical student and the practising physician will find the volume of inestimable worth for study and reference. — San Francisco Med. Press, July, 1864. When we say that this book is in some respects the best which has been published on the subject in the English language for a great many years, we do praise. In truth, it is not so much the best as the only book. — The London Chemical News. An attempt to furnish anything like an analysis of Parrish' s very valuable and elaborate Treatise on Practical Pharmacy would require more space than we have at our disposal. This, however, is not so much a matter of regret, inasmuch as it would be difficult to think of any point, however minute and apparently trivial, connected with the manipulation of pharmaceutic substances or appliances which has not been clearly and carefully discussed in this vol- ume. Want of space prevents our enlarging further on this valuable work, and we must conclude by a simple expression of our hearty appreciation of its merits. — Dublin Quarterly Jour, of Medical Seienc t, August, 1864. OTILLE [ALFRED), M.D., *J Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Penna. THERAPEUTICS AND MATERIA MEDICA; a Systematic Treatise on the Action and Uses of Medicinal Agents, including their Description and History Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. In two large and handsome octavo volumes. {Pre- paring.) Dr. Stille's splendid work on therapeutics and ma- teriatotedica. —London Med. Times, April 8, 1865. Dr. Stille stands to-day one of the best and most honored representatives at home and abroad, of Ame- rican medicine ; and these volumes, a library in them- selves, a treasure-house for every studious physician, assure his fame even had he done nothing more. — The Western Journal of Medicine, Dec. 1868. We regard this work as the best one on Materia Medica in the English language, and as such it de- serves the favor it has received. — Am. Journ. Medi- cal Sciences, July 1868. We need not dwell on the merits of the third edition of this magnificently conceived work. It is the work on Materia Medica, in which Therapeutics are prima- rily considered — the mere natural history of drugs being briefly disposed of. To medical practitioners this is a very valuable conception. It is wonderful how much of the riches of the literature of Materia Medica has been condensed into this book. The refer- ences alone would make it worth possessing. But it is not a mere compilation. The writer exercises a good judgment of his own on the great doctrines and points of Therapeutics. For purposes of practice, Stille's book is almost unique as a repertory of in- formation, empirical and scientific, on the actions and uses of medicines. — London Lancet, Oct. 31, 1868. Through the former editions, the professional world Is well acquainted with this work. At home and abroad its reputation as a standard treatise on Materia Medica is securely established. It is second to no work on the subject in the English tongue, and, in- deed, is decidedly superior, in some respects, to any other. — Pacific Med. and Surg. Journal, July, 1868. Stille's Therapeutics is incomparably the best work on the subject.— N. Y. Med. Gazette, Sept. 26, 1868. Dr. Still6's work is becoming the best known of any of our treatises on Materia Medica. . . . One of the most valuable works in the language on the subjects of which it treats. — N. T. Med. Journal, Oct. 1868. The rapid exhaustion of two editions of Prof. Still6'» scholarly work, and the consequent necessity for a third edition, is sufficient evidence of the high esti- mate placed upon it by the profession. It is no exag- geration to say that there is no superior work upoa the subject in the English language. The present edition is fully up to the most recent advance in the science and art of therapeutics. — Leavenworth Medi- cal Herald, Aug. 1868. The work of Prof. Still6 has rapidly taken a high place in professional esteem, and to say that a third edition is demanded and now appears before us, suffi- ciently attests the firm position this treatise has ma&o for itself. As a work of great research, and scholar- ship, it is safe to say we have nothing superior. It in exceedingly full, and the busy practitioner will find ample suggestions upon almost every important point of therapeutics. — Cincinnati Lancet, Aug. 1868. /GRIFFITH [ROBERT E.), M.D. A UNIVERSAL FORMULARY, Containing the Methods of Pre- paring and Administering Officinal and other Medicines. The whole adapted to Physicians and Pharmaceutists. Third edition, thoroughly revised, with numerous additions, bj John M. Maisch, Professor of Materia Medica in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. In one large and handsome octavo volume of about 800 pages : cloth, $4 50 ; leather, $5 50. (Jvisi Ready.) Under the care of Prof. Maisch this favorite work has been thoroughly revised, introducing all the changes prescribed in the new editions of the Pharmacopoeias of the U. States, Great Britain, France, Germany, &c. Notwithstanding the omission of all matter rendered obsolete by the ad- vance of science, and the most careful condensation, the volume will be found enlarged by nearly one hundred and fifty pages. We know of none in our language, or any other, so comprehensive ia its details. — London Laziest. One of the most complete works of the kind in any language. — Edinburgh Med. Journal. We are not cognizant of the existence of a parallel work.— London Med. Gazette. Henry C. Lea's Publications— {Mat. Med. and Therapeutics). 13 p ERE IRA {JONATHAN), M.D., F.R.S. and L.S. MATERIA MEDIC A AND THERAPEUTICS; being an Abridg- ment of the late Dr. Pereira's Elements of Materia Medica, arranged in conformity with the British Pharmacopoeia, and adapted to the use of Medical Practitioners, Chemists and Druggists, Medical and Pharmaceutical Students, &c. By F. J. Farre, M.D , Senior Physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and London Editor of the British Pharmacopoeia ; assisted by Robert Bentley, M.R.C.S., Professor of Materia Medica and Botany to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; and by Robert Warington, F.R.S. , Chemical Operator to the Society of Apothecaries. With numerous additions and references to the United States Pharmacopoeia, by Horatio C. Wood, M.D., Professor of Botany in the University of Pennsylvania. In one large and handsome octavo volume of 1040 closely printed pages, with 236 illustrations, extra cloth, $7 00; leather, raised bands, $8 00 The task of the American editor haa evidently been , poeia, none will be more acceptable to the student no sinecure, for not only has he given to us all that and practitioner than the present. Pereira's Materia is contained in the abridgment useful for our pur- , Medica had long ago asserted for itself the position of poses, but by a careful and judicious embodiment of being the most complete work on the subject in ths over a hundred new remedies has increased the size English language. But its very completeness stood of the former work fully one-third, besides adding in the way of its success. Except in the way of refer- xnany new illustrations, some of which are original. We unhesitatingly say that by so doing he has pro- portionately increased the value, not only of the con- densed edition, but has extended the applicability of the great original, and has placed his medical coun- trymen under lasting obligations to him. The Ame- rican physician now has all that is needed in the shape of a complete treatise on materia medica, and the medical student has a text-book which, for prac- tical utility and intrinsic worth, stands unparalleled. Although of considerable size, it is none too large for the purposes for which it has been intended , and every medical man should, in justice to himself, spare a place for it upon his book-shelf, resting assured that the more he consults it the better he will be satisfied of its excellence.— N. Y. Med. Record, Nov. 15, 1866. It will fill a place which no other work can occupy iu the library of the physician, etudeut, and apothe- cary. — Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, Nov. 8, 1866. Of the many works on Materia Medica which have appeared since the issuing of the British Pharmaco- ence, or to those who made a special study of Materia Medica, Dr. Pereira's work was too full, and its pe- rusal required an amount of time which few had at their disposal. Dr. Farre has very judiciously availed himself of the opportunity of the publication of the new Pharmacopoeia, bybrinsjingout an abridged edi- tion of the great work. This edition of Pereira is by no means a mere abridged re-issue, but contains many improvements, both in the descriptive and thera- peutical departments. We can recommend it as a very excellent and reliable text-book.— Edinburgh Med. Journal, February, 1S66. The reader cannot fail to be impressed, at a glance, with the exceeding value of this work as a compend of nearly all useful knowledge on the materia medica. We are greatly indebted to Professor Wood for his adaptation of it to our meridian. Without his emen- dations and additions it would lose much of its value to the American student. With them it is an Ameri- can book. — Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal, December. 1S66. JjjLLIS {BENJAMIN), M.D. THE MEDICAL FORMULARY: being a Collection of Prescriptions derived from the writings and practice of many of the most eminent physicians of America and Europe. Together with the usual Dietetic Preparations and Antidotes for Poisons. The whole accompanied with a few brief Pharmaceutic and Medical Observations. Twelfth edi- tion, carefully revised and much improved by Albert H. Smith, M.D. In one volume 8ve». of 376 pages, extra cloth, $3 00. (Lately Published.) This work has remained for some time out of print, owing to the anxious care with which the Editor has sought to render the present edition worthy a continuance of the very remarkable favor which has carried the volume to the unusual honor of a Twelfth Edition. He has sedu- lously endeavored to introduce in it all new preparations and combinations deserving of confidence, besides adding two new classes, Antemetics and Disinfectants, with brief references to the inhalation of atomized fluids, the nasal douche of Thudichum, suggestions upon the method of hypodermic injection, the administration of anaesthetics, &g. &g. To accommodate these numerous additions, he has omitted much which the advance of science has rendered obsolete or of minor importance, notwithstanding which the volume has been increased by more than thirty pages. A new feature will be found in a copious Index of Diseases and their remedies, which cannot but increase the value of the work as a suggestive book of reference for the working practitioner. Every precaution has been taken to secure the typographical accuracy so necessary in a work of this nature, and it is hoped that the new edition will fully maintain the position which " Ellis' Formulary" has long occupied. ff ARSON {JOSEPH), M.D., *S Professor of Materia Med,ica and Pharmacy in the University of Pennsylvania, &c. SYNOPSIS OF THE COURSE OF LECTURES ON MATERIA MEDICA AND PHARMACY, delivered in the University of Pennsylvania. With three Lectures on the Modus Operandi of Medicines. Fourth and revised edition, extra cloth, $3 00. DUNGLISON'S NEW REMEDIES, WITH FORMUL2E FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND ADMINISTRA- TION. Seventh edition, with extensive additions. One vol. 8vo., pp. 770; extra cloth. $4 00. BOYLE'S MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEU- TICS. Edited by Joseph Carson, M. D. With ninety-eight illustrations. 1 vol. Svo., pp. 700, ex- tra cloth. $3 00. CHRISTISON'S DISPENSATORY. With copious ad- ditions, and 213 large wood-engravings. By B. One vol. 8vo., pp. loon ; Eglesfeld Griffith, M.D. extra cloth. $4 00. CARPENTER'S PRIZE ESSAY ON THE USE OF Alcoholic Liquors in Health and Disease. New edition, with a Preface hy D. F. Condte, M.D.. and explanations of scientific words. In one neat 12mo volume, pp. 178, extra cloth. 60 cents. Db JONGH ON THE THREE KINDS OF COD-LIVER. Oil, with their Chemical and Therapentie Pro- perties 1 vol. 12mo., cloth. 75 cents. 14 Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Pathology, Sc). JPENW1CK (SAMUEL), M.D., Assistant Physician to the London Hospital. THE STUDENT'S GUIDE TO MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS. From Hie Third Revised and Enlarged English Edition . With eighty-four illustrations on wooJ. In one very handsome volume, royal 12mo., cloth, $2 25. (Now Ready.) The very great success which this work has obtained in England, shows that it has supplied an admitted want among elementary books for the guidance of students and junior practitioners. Taking up in order each portion of the body or class of disease, the author has endeavored to present in simple language the value of symptoms, so as to lead the student to a correct appreci- ation of the pathological changes indicated by them. The latest investigations have been care- fully introduced into the present edition, so that it may fairly be considered as on a level with the most advanced condition of medical science. The arrangement adopted may be seen from the subjoined coisriDEnsrsEiD s>TJj*rnjLj±Tt.-Y of contents. Chapter I. Introductory. II. Diseases of the Heart and Pericardium. III. Diseases of the Lungs. IV. Diseases of the Throat and Larynx. V. Diseases of the Kidneys. VI. Diseases of the Liver. VII. Diseases of the Stomach. VIII. Diseases of the Peritoneum and Intestines. IX. Abdominal Tumors. X. Diseases of the Brain. XI. Fevers. XII. Rheumatism and Gout. XIII. Diseases of the Skin. G RE EN {T. HENRY), M.D., Lecturer on Pathology and Morbid Anatomy at Charing-Cvoss Hospital Medical School. PATHOLOGY AND MORBID ANATOMY. With numerous Illus- trations on Wood. In one very handsome octavo volume of over 250 pages, extra cloth, $2 50. (Lately Published.) thology and morbid anatomy. The author shows that he has been not only a student of the teachings of his confreres in this branch of science, but a practical and conscientious laborer in the post-mortem cham- ber. The work will prove a useful one to the great mass of students and practitioners whose time for de- We have been very much pleased by our perusal of this little volume. It is the only one of the kind with which we are acquainted, and practitioners as well as students will find it a very useful guide ; for the information is up to the day, well and compactly ar- ranged, without being at all scanty. — London Lan- cet, Oct. 7, 1871. It embodies in a comparatively small space a clear statement of the present state of our knowledge of pa- votiou to this class of studies is limited. of Syphilography, April, 1872. Am. Journ. GLUGE'S ATLAS OF PATHOLOGICAL HISTOLOGY. Translated, with Notes and Additions, by Joseph Leidy, M. D. In one volume, very large imperial quarto, with 320 copper-plate figures, plain and colored, extra cloth. $4 00. SIMON'S GENERAL PATHOLOGY, as conducive t< the Establishment of Rational Principles for th* Prevention and Cure of Disease. In one octavo volmme of 212 pages, extra cloth. $1 25. SOLLY ON THE HUMAN BRAIN ; its Structure, Phy- siology, and Diseases. From the Second and much enlarged London edition. In one octavo volume of 500 pages, with 120 wood-cuts; extra cloth. $2 50. LA ROCHE ON YELLOW FEYER, considered in its Historical, Pathological, Etiological, and Therapeu- tical Relations. In two large and handsome octavo volumes of nearly 1500 pages, extra cloth. $7 00. HOLLAND'S MEDICAL NOTES AND REFLEC- TIONS. 1 vol. 8vo., pp. 500, extra cloth. $3 50. WHAT TO OBSERVE AT THE BEDSIDE AND AFTER Death in Medical Cases. Published under the authority of the London Society for Medical Obser- vation. From the second London edition. 1 vol. royal 12mo., extra cloth. $1 00. LAYCOCK'S LECTURES ON THE PRINCIPLES and Methods of Medical Observation and Re- search. For the use of advanced students and junior practitioners. In one very neat royal 12mo. volume, extra cloth. $1 00. G ROSS {SAMUEL D.), M. D., Professor of Surgery in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. ELEMENTS OE PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Third edition, thoroughly revised and greatly improved. In one large and very handsome octavo volume of nearly 800 pages, with about three hundred and fifty beautiful illustrations, of which a large number are from original drawings ; extra cloth. $4 00. TONES (C. HANDFIELD), F.R.S., and SIEV EKING [ED. H.), M.D., ** Assistant Physicians and Lecturers in St. Mary's Hospital. A MANUAL OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. First American edition, revised. With three hundred and ninety-seven handsome wood engravings. In one large and beautifully printed octavo volume of nearly 750 pages, extra cloth, $3 50. qTURGES {OCTAVIUS), M.D. Cantab. O Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, &c &c. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF CLINICAL MED- ICINE. Being a Guide to the Investigation of Disease, for the Use of Students. In one handsome 12mo. volume, extra cloth, ifi»l 25. (Now Ready.) Table op Contents. I. The Sort of Help needed by the Student at the Bedside. II. Some General Rules with Reference to the Examination of Patients. III. The Family and Personal History of the Patient. IV. Examination of the Functions. V. Examination of the Phenomena connected with the Brain and Cord. VI. The Physical Examination of the Chest, its Inspection and Palpation. VII. Percussion Applied to the Heart and Lungs. VIII. Auscultation of the Chest. IX. Examination of the Abdomen and of the Secretions. X. The Diagnosis. XI. The Treatment. Henry C Lea's Publications — {Practice of Medicine). 15 WLINT [AUSTIN), M.D., -*• Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine in Bellevue Med. College, 2V. Y. A TREATISE ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE ; designed for the use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. In one large and closely printed octavo volume of about 1100 pages; handsome extra cloth, $6 00 j or strongly bound in leather, with raised bands, $7 00. (Just Issued.) Ey common consent of the English and American medical press, this work has been assigned to the highest position as a complete and compendious text-book on the most advanced condition of medical science. At the very moderate price at which it is offered it will be found one of the cheapest volumes now before the profession. Admirable and unequalled. — Western Journal of Medicine, Nov. 1869. Dr. Flint's work, though claiming no higher title than that of a text-book, is really more. He is a man of large clinical experience, and his book is full of such masterly descriptions of disease as can only be drawn by a man intimately acquainted with their various forms. It is not so long since we had the pleasare of reviewing his first edition, and we recog- nize a great improvement, especially in the general part of the work. It is a work which we can cordially recommend to our readers as fully abreast of the sci- ence of the day. — Edinburgh Med. Journal, Oct. '69. One of the best works of the kind for the practi- tioner, and the most convenient of all for the student. — Am. Journ. Med. Sciences, Jan. 1869. This work, which stands pre-eminently as the ad- vance standard of medical science up to the present time in the practice of medicine, has for its author one who is well and widely known as one of the leading practitioners of this continent. In fact, it is seldom that any work is ever issued from the press more deserving of universal recommendation. — Do- minion Med. Journal, May, 1S69. The third edition of this most excellent book scarce- ly needs any commendation from us. The volume, as it stands now, is really a marvel : first of all, it is 9xcellently printed and bound — and we encounter that luxury of America, the ready-cut pages, which the Yankees are 'cute enough to insist upon — nor are these by any means trifles ; but the contents of the book are astonishing. Not only is it wonderful that any one man can have grasped in his mind the whole 3Cope of medicine with that vigor which Dr. Flint shows, but the condensed yet clear way in which this is done is a perfect literary triumph. Dr. Flint is pre-eminently one of the strong men, whose right to do this kind of thing is well admitted ; and we say ao more than the truth when we affirm that he is very nearly the only living man that could do it with such results as the volume before us. — The London Practitioner, March, 1869. This is in some respects the best text-book of medi- cine in our language, and it is highly appreciated on the other side of the Atlantic, inasmuch as the first edition was exhausted in a few months. The second edition was little more than a reprint, but the present has, as the author says, been thoroughly revised. Much valuable matter has been added, and by mak- ing the type smaller, the bulk of the volume is not much increased. The weak point in many American works is pathology, 'but Dr. Flint has taken peculiar pains on this point, greatly to the value of the book. —London Med. Times and Gazette, Feb. 6, 1S69. BARLOWS MANUAL OF THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. With Additions by D. F. Condie, M. D. 1 vol. 8vo., pp. 600, cloth. $2 50. TODD'S CLINICAL LECTURES ON CERTAIN ACUTE Diseases. In one neat octavo volume, of 320 pages, extra cloth. $2 50. p A VY {F. W.), M. D., F. R. S., JL Senior Asst. Physician to and Lecturer on Physiology, at Guy's Hospital, &c. A TREATISE ON THE FUNCTION OF DIGESTION; its Disor- ders and their Treatment. From the second London edition. In one handsome volume, small octavo, extra cloth, $2 00. {Lately Published.) The work before us is one which deserves a wide treatise, and sufficiently exhaustive for all practical circulation. We know of no better guide to the study purposes.— Leavenworth Med. Herald, July, 1869. of digestion and its disorders.— St. Louis Med. and A very va i uaD i e work on the subject of which «t Surg. Journal, July 10, 1869. treats. Small, yet it is full of valuable information. A thoroughly good book, being a careful systematic — Cincinnati Med. Repertory, June, 1869. B Y THE SAME AUTHOR. (In Press.) ON FOOD, PHYSIOLOGICALLY, DIETETICALLY, AND THE- RAPEUTICALLY CONSIDERED. In one handsome ootavo volume. flHAMBERS ( T. K.), M. D., v-/ Consulting Physician to St. Mary's Hospital, London, die. THE INDIGESTIONS ; or, Diseases of the Digestive Organs Functionally Treated. Third and revised Edition. In one handsome octavo volume of 333 pages, extra cloth. $3 00. (Lately Published.) So very large a proportion of the patients applying to every geueral practitioner suffer from some form of indigestion, that whatever aids him in their man- agement directly "puts money in his purse," and in- directly does more than auythingelse to advance his i merit, we know of no more desirable acquisition to ! a physician's library than the book before us. Fie i who should commit its contents to his memory would I find its price an investment of capital that returned ! him a most usurious rate of interest. — N. Y. Medical reputation with the public. From this purely mate- Gazette, Jan. 28, 1871. rial point of view, setting aside its higher claims to | Tf Y THE SA ME A TJTHOR. (Lately Published) RESTORATIVE MEDICINE. An Harveian Annual Oration, deliv- ered at the Royal College of Physicians, London, on June 24, 1871. With Two Sequels. In one very handsome volume, small 12mo., extra cloth, $1 00. 16 Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Practice of Medicine), fTARTSHORNE {HENRY), M.D., AJL Professor of Hygiene in the University of Pennsylvania. ESSENTIALS OF THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MEDI- CINE. A handy-book for Students and Practitioners. Fourth edition, revised and im- proved. In one handsome royal ]2mo. volume. {Preparing.) This little epitome of medical knowledge has al- ready been noticed by us. It is a vade mecum of value, including in a short space most of what is es- sential in the science and practice of medicine. The third edition is well up to the present day in the modern methods of treatment, aud in the use of newly discovered drugs.— Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, Oct. 19, 1871. Certainly very few volumes contain so much pre- cise information within so small a compass. — N. T. Med. Journal, Nov. 1871. The diseases are conveniently classified; symptoms, causation, diaguosis, prognosis, and treatment are carefully considered, the whole being marked by briefness, but clearness of expression. Over 250 for- mulas are appended, intended as examples merely, not as guides for unthinking practitioners. A com- plete index facilitates the use of this little volume, in which all important remedies lately introduced, such as chloral hydrate and carbolic acid, have received their full share of attention. — Am. Journ. of Pharm., Nov. 1871. It is an epitome of the whole science and practice of medicine, and will be found most valuable to the practitioner for easy reference, and especially to the student in attendance upon lectures, whose time is too much occupied with many studies, to consult the larger works. Such a work must always be in great demand.— Cincinnati Med. Repertory, Nov. 1871. W: 'ATSON {THOMAS), M. D., frc. LECTURES ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. Delivered at King's College, London. A new American, from the Fifth re- vised and enlarged English edition. Edited, with additions, and several hundred* illus- trations, by Henry Hartshorne, M.D., Professor of Hygiene in the University of Penn- sylvania. In two large and handsome 8vo. vols. Cloth, $9 00 ; leather, $11 00. (Just Issued .) At length, after many months of expectation, we have che satisfaction of finding ourselves this week in possession of a revised and enlarged edition of Sir Thomas Watson's celebrated Lectures. It is a sub- ject for congratulation and for thankfulness that Sir Thomas Watson, during a period of comparative lei- sure, after a long, laborious, and most honorable pro- fessional career, while retaining full possession of his high mental faculties, should have employed the op- portunity to submit his Lectures to a more thorough revision than was possible during the earlier and busier period of his life. Carefully passing in review some of the most intricate and important pathological and practical questions, the results of his clear insight and his calm judgment are now recorded for the bene- fit of mankind, in language which, for precision, vigor, and classical elegance, has rarely been equalled, and never surpassed. The revision has evidently been most carefully done, and the results appear in almost every page. — Brit. Med. Journ., Oct. 14, 1871. The lectures are so well known and so justly appreciated, that it is scarcely necessary to do more than call attention to the special advantages of the last over previous editions. In the revi- sion, the author has displayed all the charms and advantages of great culture and a ripe experience combined with the soundest judgment and sin- cerity of purpose. The author's rare combination of great scientific attainments combined with won- derful forensic eloquence has exerted extraordinary influence over the last two generations of physicians. His clinical descriptions of most diseases have never been equalled ; and on this score at least his work will live long in the future. The work will be sought by all who appreciate a'great book. — Amer. Journal of Syphilography, July, 1872. We are exceedingly gratified at the reception of this new edition of Watson, pre-eminently the prince of English authors, ou "Practice." We, who read the first edition as it came to us tardily and in frag- ments through the "Medical News and Library," shall never forget the great pleasure and profitwe derived from its graphic delineations of disease, its vigorous style and splendid English. Maturity of years, extensive observation, profound research, and yet continuous enthusiasm, have combined to give us in this latest edition a model of professional excellence in teaching with rare beauty in the mode of communication. But this classic needs no eulo- gium of ours.— Chicago Med. Journ., July, 1872. flUNGLISON, FORBES, TWEEDIE, AND CONOLLY. •^THE CYCLOPAEDIA OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE: comprising Treatises on the Nature and Treatment of Diseases, Materia Mediea and Therapeutics, Diseases of Women and Children, Medical Jurisprudence, &c. &c. In four large super-royal octavo volumes, of 3254 double-columned pages, strongly and handsomely bound in leather. $15; extra cloth. $11. *#* This work contains no less than four hundred and eighteen distinct treatises, contributed sixty-eight distinguished physicians. POX {WILSON), M.D., -*- Holme Prof, of Clinical Med., University Coll., London. THE DISEASES OF THE STOMACH: Being the Third Edition of the "Diagnosis and Treatment of the Varieties of Dyspepsia." Ke vised and Enlarged. With illustrations. In one handsome octavo volume. *%*■ Publishing in the " Medical News and Library" for 1873 and 1874. The present edition of Dr. Wilson Fox's very admi- i Dr. Fox has put forth a volume of uncommon ex- rable work differs from the preceding in that it deals cellence, which we feel very sure will take a high with other maladies than dyspepsia only.— London j rank among works that treat of the stomach.— Am. Mad. Times, Feb. 8, 1873. | Practitioner, March, 1873. JORINTON ( WILLIAM), M. D., F. R. S. •^LECTURES ON THE DISEASES OF THE STOMACH; with an Introduction on its Anatomy and Physiology. From the second and enlarged London edi- tion. With illustrations on wood In one handsome octavo volume of about 300 pages, extra cloth. $3 25. Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Diseases of Lungs and Heart). 17 T/JLINT {AUSTIN), M.D., -*• Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine in Bellevue Hospital Med. College, N. Y. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DIAGNOSIS, PATHOLOGY, AND TREATMENT OF DISEASES OP THE HEART. Second revised and enlarged edition. In one octavo volume of 550 pages, with a plate, extra cloth, $4. (Just Issued.) The author has sedulously improved the opportunity afforded him of revising this work. Portions of it have been rewritten, and the whole brought up to a level with the most advanced condition of science. It must therefore continue to maintain its position as the standard treatise on the subject,. Dr. Flint chose a difficult subject for his researches, and has shown remarkable powers of observation able for purposes of illustration, in connection with cases which have been reported by other trnstwortb y observers. — Brit, and For. Med.-Ohirurg. Review. and reflection, as well as great industry, in his treat- ment of it. His book must be considered the fullest and clearest practical treatise on those subjects, and should be in the hands of all practitioners and stu- dents. It is a credit to American medical literature. — Amer. Journ. of the Med. Sciences, July, 1860. We question the fact of any recent American author in our profession being more extensively known, or \ With more than pleasure do we hail the advent of more deservedly esteemed in this country than Dr. | this work, for it fills a wide gap on the list of text- Flint. We willingly acknowledge his success, more I books for our schools, and is, for the practitioner, the particularly in the volume on diseases of the heart, I most valuable practical work of its kind.— N. 0. Med. in making an extended personal clinical study avail- I News. In regard to the merits of the work, we have do hesitation in pronouncing it full, accurate, and judi- cious. Considering the present state of science, such a work was much needed. It should be in the hands of every practitioner. — Chicago Med. Journ. DY THE SAME AUTHOR. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE PHYSICAL EXPLORA- TION OF THE CHEST AND THE DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASES AFFECTING THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Second and revised edition. In one handsome octavo volume of 595 pages, extra cloth, $4 50. Dr. Flint's treatise is one of the most trustworthy guides which he can consult. The style is clear and distinct, and is also concise, being free from that tend- ency to over-refinement and unnecessary minuteness which characterizes many works on the same sub- ject.— Dublin Medical Press, Feb. 6, 1867. The chapter on Phthisis is replete with interest ; and his remarks on the diagnosis, especially in the early stages, are remarkable for their acumen and great practical value. Dr. Flint's style is clear and elegant, and the tone of freshness and originality which pervades his whole work lend an additional force to its thoroughly practical character, which cannot fail to obtain for it a place as a standard work on diseases of the respiratory system. — London Lancet, Jan. 19, 1867. This is an admirable book. Excellent in detail and execution, nothing better could be desired by the practitioner. Dr. Flint enriches his subject with much solid and not a little original observation.— Ranking' s Abstract, Jan. 1867. FULLER {HENRY WILLIAM), M. D., -*■ Physician to St. George's Hospital, London. ON DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-PASSAGES. Their Pathology, Physical Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment. From the second and revised English edition. In one handsome octavo volume of about 500 pages, extra cloth, $3 50. Dr. Fuller's work on diseases of the chest was so accordingly we have what might be with perfect jus- favorably received, that to many who did not know ; tice styled an entirely new work from his pen, the the extent of his engagements, it was a matter of won- portion of the work treating of the heart and great der that it should be allowed to remain three years j vessels being excluded. Nevertheless, this volume is out of print. Determined, however, to improve it, of almost equal size with the first. — London Medical Dr. Fuller would not consent to a mere reprint, and , Times and Gazette, July 20, 1867. w- ILLIAMS (C. J. B.), M.D., Senior Consulting Physician to the Hospital for Consumption, Brompton, and LLIAMS {CHARLES T.), M.D., Physician to the Hospital for Consumption. PULMONARY CONSUMPTION; Its Nature, Varieties, and Treat- ment. With an Analysis of One Thousand cases to exemplify its duration. In one neat octavo volume of about 350 pages, extra cloth. (Just Isstied.) $2 50. He can still speak from a more enormous experi- ence, and a closer study of the morbid processes in- volved in tuberculosis, than most living men. He owed it to himself, and to the importance of the sub- ject, to embody his views in a separate work, and we are glad that he has accomplished this duty. After all, the grand teaching which Dr Williams has for the profession is to be found in his therapeutical chapters, and in the history of individual cases ex- tended, by dint of care, over ten, twenty, thirty, and even forty years. — London Lancet, Oct. 21, 1S71. His results are more favorable than thoss of any previous author; but probably there is no malady, the treatment of which has been so much improved within the last twenty years as pulmonary consump- tion. To ourselves, Dr. "Williams's chapters on Treat- ment are amongst the most valuable and attractive in the book, and would alone render it a standard work of reference. In conclusion, we would record our opinion that Dr. Williams's great reputation is fully maintained by this book. It is undoubtedly one of the most valuable works in the language upon any special disease.— Lond. Med. Times and Gaz., Nov. 4, 1821. LA ROCHE ON PNEUMONIA. 1 vol. 8vo. f extra cloth, of 500 pages. Price $3 00. BUCKLER ON FIBRO-BRONCHITIS AND RHEU- MATIC PNEUMONIA. 1 vol. 8vo. $1 25. FISKE FUND PRIZE ESSAYS ON CONSUMPTION. I vol Svo,, extra cloth. $1 00. SMITH ON CONSUMPTION ; ITS EARLY AND RE- MEDIABLE STAGES. 1 vol. 8vo., pp. 254. $2 25. WALSHE ON THE DISEASES OF THE HEART AND GREAT VESSELS. Third American edition. la 1 vol. 8vo., 420 pp., cloth. $3 00. 18 Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Practice of Medicine). A ROBERTS ( WILLIAM). M. D., Lecturer on Medicine in the Manchester School of Medicine. &c. PRACTICAL TREATISE ON URINARY AND RENAL DIS- EASES, including Urinary Deposits. Illustrated by numerous cases and engravings. Sec- ond American, from the Second Revised and Enlarged London Edition. In one large and handsome octavo volume of 616 pnges, with a colored plate j extra cloth, $4 50. (Jtist Issued.) The author has subjected this work to a very thorough revision, and has sought to embody in it the results of the latest experience and investigations. Although every effort has been made to keep it within the limits of its former size, it has been enlarged by a hundred pages, many new wood-cuts have been introduced, and also a colored plate representing the appearance of the different varieties of urine, while the price has been retained at the former very moderate rate. In every respect it is therefore presented as worthy to maintain the position which it has acquired as a leading authority on a large, important, and perplexing class of affections. A few notices of the first edition are appended. The pla.n, it will thus be seen, is very complete, ( diseases we have examined It is peculiarly adapted to the wants of the majority of American practltion- au I the manner in which it has been carried out iu the highest degree satisfactory. The characters of the different deposits are very well described, and the microscopic appearances they present are illus- trated by numerous well executed eDgravings It only remains to us to strongly recommend to our readers Dr. Roberts's work, as comainiug an admira- ble r^sumi of the present state of knowledge of uri- nary diseases, and as a safe and reliable guide to the clinical observer. — Edin. Med. Jour. The most complete and practical treatise upon renal ers from its clearness and simple announcement of the facts in relation to diagnosis and treatment of urinary disorders, and contains in condensed form the investi- gations of Bence Jones, Bird, Beale, Hassall, Prout, and a host of other well-known writers upon this sub- ject. The characters of urine, physiological and pa- thological, as indicated to the naked eye as well as by microscopical and chemical investigations, are con- cisely represented both by description and by well executed engravings. — Cincinnati Journ. of Med. J> ASH AM {W.R.), 31. D., J-J Senior Physician to the Westminster Hospital, &c. RENAL DISEASES : a Clinical Guide to their Diagnosis and Treatment. With illustrations. In one neat royal 12mo. volume of 304 pages. $2 00. The chapters on diagnosis and treatment are very good, and the student and young practitioner will find them full of valuable practical hints. The third part, on the urine, is excellent, and we cordially recommend its perusal. The author has arranged his matter in a somewhat novel, and, we think, use- ful form. Here everything can be easily found, and, what is more important, easily read, for all the dry details of larger books here acquire a new interest from the author's arrangement. This part of the book is full of good work.— Brit, and For. Medico- Chirurgical Review, July, 1870. The easy descriptions and compact modes of state- ment, render the book pleasing and convenient. — Am. Journ. Med. Sciences, July, 1870. A book that we believe will be found a valuable assistant to the practitioner and guide to the student. — Baltimore Med. Journal, July, 1870. The treatise of Dr. Basham differs from the rest in its special adaptation to clinical study, and its con- densed and almost aphorismal style, which makes U easily read and easily understood. Besides, the author expresses some new views, which are well worthy of consideration. The volume is a valuable addition to this department of knowledge.— Pacific Med. and Surg. Journal, July, L870. MORLAND ON KETENTION IN THE BLOOD OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE URINARY SECRETION. 1 vol. 8vo., extra cloth. 75 cents. TONES (C. HANDFIELD), M. D., €/ Physician to St. Mary' 's Hospital, &c. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS DISORDERS. Second American Edition. extra cloth, $3 25. Taken as a whole, the work before us furnishes a short but reliable account of the pathology and treat- ment of a class of very common but certainly highly obscure disorders. The advanced student will find it a l'ich mine of valuable facts, while the medical prac- titioner will derive from it many a suggestive hint to aid him in the diagnosis of "nervous cases," and in determining the true indications for their ameliora- tion or cure. — Amer. Journ. Med. Sci., Jan. 1867. ON FUNCTIONAL NERYOTT3 In one hamdsome octavo volume of 348 pages, We must cordially recommend it to the profession of this country as supplying, in a great measure, a deficiency which exists in the medical literature of the English language. — New York Med. Journ., April, 1867. The volume is a most admirable one— full of hints and practical suggestions. — Canada Med. Journal, April, 1867. ULADE {D. D.), M.D. DIPHTHERIA ; its Nature and Treatment, with an account of the His- tory of its Prevalence in various Countries, royal 12mo. volume, extra cloth. $1 25. Second and revised edition. In one nea* TJUDSON (A.), M. D., M. R. 1. A. •*~J- Physician to the Meath Hospital. Physician to the Meath Hospitc LECTURES ON THE STUDY OP FEVER. Cloth, $2 50. In one vol. 8vo., extra TYONS [ROBERT D.), K.O.G. A TREATISE ON FEVER; or, Selections from a Course of Lectures on Fever. Being part of a Course of Theory and Practice of Medicine. In one neat oofcavo volume, of 362 pages, extra eloth. $2 25. Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Venereal Diseases, etc.). 19 f> (JUSTE AD [FREEMAN J.), M.D., -D Professor of Venereal Diseases at the Col. of Phys and Surg., New York, &c. THE PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF VENEREAL DIS- EASES. Including the results of recent investigations upon the subject. Third edition, revised and enlarged, with illustrations. In one large and handsome octavo volume of over 700 pages, extra cloth, $5 00 ; leather, $6 00. {Just Issued.) In preparing this standard work again for the press, the author has subjected it to a very thorough revision. Many portions have been rewritten, and much new matter added, in order to bring it completely on a level with the most advanced condition of syphilography, but by careful compression of the text of previous editions, the work has been increased by only sixty-four pages. The labor thus bestowed upon it, it is hoped, will insure for it a continuance of its position as a complete and trustworthy guide for the practitioner. It is the most complete book with which we are ac- quainted in the language. The latest views of the best authorities are put forward, and the information is well arranged — a great point for the student, and still more for the practitioner. The subjects of vis- ceral syphilis, syphilitic affections of the eyes, and the treatment of syphilis by repeated inoculations, are very fully discussed. — London Lancet, Jan. 7, 1871. Dr. Bumstead's work is already so universally known as the best treatise in the English language on venereal diseases, that it may seem almost superflu- ous to say more of it than that a new edition ha* been Issued. But the author's industry has rendered this new edition virtually a new work, and so merits as much special commendation as if its predecessors had not been published. As a thoroughly practical book on a class of diseases which form a large share of nearly every physician's practice, the volume before us is bv far the best of which we have knowledge. — N. Y. Medical Gazette, Jan. 28, 1871. It is rare in the history of medicine to find any one book which contains all that a practitioner needs to know; while the possessor of "Bumstead on Vene- real" has no occasion to look outside of its covers for anything practical counected with the diagnosis, his- tory, or treatment of these affections. — N. Y. Medical Journal, March, 1871. (1ULLERIER (A.), and V^ Surgeon to the Hdpital du Midi. T>UMSTEAD {FREEMAN J.), •*-* Professor of Venerea I Diseases in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. AN ATLAS OF VENEREAL DISEASES. Translated and Edited by Freeman J. Bumstead. In one large imperial 4to. volume of 328 pages, double-columns, with 26 plates, containing about 150 figures, beautifully solored, many of them the size of life; strongly bound in extra cloth, $17 00 ; also, in five parts, stout wrappers for mailing, at $3 per part. {Lately Published.) Anticipating a very large safe for this work, it is offered at the very low price of Three Dol- lars a Part, thus placing it within the reach of all who are interested in this department of prac- tice. Gentlemen desiring early impressions of the plates would do well tTo order it without delay. A specimen of the plates and text sent free by mail, on receipt of 25 cents. which for its kind is more necessary for them to have. We wish for once that our province was not restrict- ed to methods of treatment, that we might say some- thing of the exquisite colored plates in this volume. —London Practitioner, May, 1869. As a whole, it teaches all that can be taught by means of plates and print. — London Lancet, March 13, 1869. Superior to anything of the kind ever before issued on this continent. — Canada Med. Journal, March, '69. The practitioner who desires to understand this branch of medicine thoroughly should obtain this, the most complete and best work ever published. — Dominion Med. Journal, May, 1869. This is a work of master hands on both sides. M. Cullerier is scarcely second to, we think we may truly say is a peer of the illustrious and venerable Ricord, while in this country we do not hesitate to say that Dr. Bumstead, as an authority, is without a rival. Assuring our readers that these illustrations tell the whole history of venereal disease, from its inception to its end, we do not know a single medical work, —California Med. Gazette, March, li The most splendidly illustrated work in the lan- guage, and in our opinion far more useful than the French original. — Am. Journ. Med. Sciences, Jan. '69. The fifth and concluding number of this magnificent work has reached us, and we have no hesitation in saying that its illustrations surpass those of previous numbers. — Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, Jan. 14, 1869. Other writers besides M. Cullerier have given ns a good account of the diseases of which he treats, but no one has furnished us with such a complete series of illustrations of the venereal diseases. There i«, however, an additional interest and value possessed by the volume before us ; for it is an American reprint and translation of M. Cullerier's work, with inci- dental remarks by one of the most eminent American syphilographers, Mr. Bumstead. — Brit, and For. Medico-Chir. Review, July, 1S69. IF in LL {BERKELEY), Surgeon to the Lock Hospital, London. ON SYPHILIS AND LOCAL CONTAGIOUS DISORDERS. one handsome octavo volume ; extra cloth, $3 25. {Lately Published.) to whom we would most earnestly recommend its study ; while it is no less useful to the practitioner. — St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, May, 1869. Bringing, as it does, the entire literature of the dis- ease down to the present day, and giving with great ability the results of modern research, it is in every respect a most desirable work, and one which should find a place in the library of every surgeon. — Cali- fornia Med. Gazette, June, 1869. Considering the scope of the book and the careful attention to the manifold aspects and details of its subject, it is wonderfully concise. All these qualities render it an especially Valuable book to the beginner, The most convenient and ready book of reference we have met with.— N. Y. Med. Record, May 1,1869. Most admirably arranged for both student and prac- titioner, no other work on the subject equals it ; it is more simple, more easily studied. — Buffalo Med. and Surg. Journal, March, 1869. 7EISSL (H.), M.D. A COMPLETE TREATISE ON VENEREAL DISEASES. Trans- lated from the Second Enlarged German Edition, by Frederic It. Sturgis, M.D In one octavo volume, with illustrations. {Preparing.) 20 Henry C. Lea's Publications— -(Diseases of the Skin). W: JLSON {ERASMUS), F.R.S. ON DISEASES OF THE SKIN. With Illustrations on wood. Sev- enth American, from the sixth and enlarged English edition. In one large octavo volume of over 800 pages, $5. A SERIES OF PLATES ILLUSTRATING "WILSON ON DIS- EASES OP THE SKIN ;" consisting of twenty beautifully executed plates, of which thir- teen are exquisitely colored, presenting the Normal Anatomy and Pathology of the Skin, and embracing accurate representations of about one hundred varieties of disease, most of them the size of nature. Price, in extra cloth, $5 50. Also, the Text and Plates, bound in one handsome volume. Extra cloth, $10. No one treating skin diseases should be without a copy of this standard work. — Canada Lancet, A-ugust, 1863. We can safely recommend it to the profession as the best work on the subject now in existence in the English language. — Medical Times and Gazette. Such a work as the one before us is a most capital and acceptable help. Mr. Wilson has long been held as high authority in this department of medicine, and his book on diseases of the skin has long been re- garded as one ot the best text-books extant on the subject. The present edition is carefully prepared, and brought up in its revision to the present time. In this edition we have also included the beautiful series of plates illustrative of the text, and in the last edi- tion published separately. There are twenty of these plates, nearly all of them colored to nature, and ex- hibiting with great fidelity the various groups of diseases. — Cincinnati Lancet. Mr. Wilson's volume is an excellent digest of the actual amount of knowledge of cutaneous diseases ; it includes almost every fact or opinion of importance connected with the anatomy and pathology of the skin. — British and Foreign Medical Review. JDY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE STUDENT'S BOOK OF CUTANEOUS MEDICINE and Dis- eases or the skin. In one very handsome royal 12mo. volume. $3 50. {Lately Issued.) their value justly estimated; in a word, the work is fully up to the times, and is thoroughly stocked witii most valuable information. — New York Med. Record, Jan. 15, 1867. The most convenient mauual of diseases of the skin that can be procured by the student. — Chicago Med. Journal, Dec. 1866. fiTELIGAN (J. MOORE), M.D., M.R.I. A. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Fifth American, from the second and enlarged Dublin edition by T. W. Belcher, M.D. In one neat royal 12mo. volume of 462 pages, extra cloth. $2 25. Fully equal to all the requirements of students and young practitioners. — Dublin Med. Press. Of the remainder of the work we have nothing be- yond unqualified commendation to offer. It is so far the most complete one of its size that has appeared, and for the student there can be none which can com- pare with it in practical value. All the late disco- veries in Dermatology have been duly noticed, and JJY THE SAME AUTHOR. ATLAS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASES. In one beautiful quarto volume, with exquisitely colored plates, &c, presenting about one hundred varieties of Extra cloth, $5 50. inclined to consider it a very superior work, com- bining accurate verbal description with sound views of the pathology and treatment of eruptive diseases. — Glasgow Med. Journal. A compend which will very much aid the practi- tioner in this difficult branch of diagnosis Taken with the beautiful plates of the Atlas, which are re- markable for their accuracy and beauty of coloring, t constitutes a very valuable addition to the library The diagnosis of eruptive disease, however, under all circumstances, is very difficult. Nevertheless, Dr. Neligan has certainly, "as far as possible," given a faithful and accurate representation of this class of diseases, and there can be no doubt that these plates will be of great use to the student and practitioner in drawing a diagnosis as to the class, order, and species to which the particular case may belong. While looking over 'the "Atlas" we have been induced to examine also the "Practical Treatise," and we are J of a practical man. — Buffalo Med. Journal. JJILLIER (THOMAS), M.D., ^-- Physician to the Skin Department of University College Hospital, Sec. HAND-BOOK OF SKIN DISEASES, for Students and Practitioners. Second American Edition. In one royal 12mo. volume of 358 pp. With Illustrations. Extra cloth, $2 25. We can conscientiously recommend it to the stu- dent; the style is clear and pleasant to read, the matter is good, and the descriptions of disease, with the modes of a treatment recommended, are frequently illustrated with well-recorded cases. — London Med. Times and, Gazette, April 1, 1865. It is a concise, plain, practical treatise on the vari- ous diseases of the skin ; just such a work, indeed, as was much needed, both by medical students and practitioners. — Chicago Medical Examiner, May, 1865. A NDERSON (McCALL), M.D., -£*- Physician to the Dispensary for Skin Diseases, Glasgow, &c. ON THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE SKIN. With an Analysis of Eleven Thousand Consecutive Cases. In one vol. 8vo. $1. {Just Ready,) The very practical character of this work and the extensive experience of the author, cannot fail to render it acceptable to the subscribers of the "American Journal op the Medical. Sciences." When completed in the "News and Library, " it will be issued separately in a neat octavo volume. Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Diseases of Children's. 21 StMITH {J. LE WIS), M. D., *3 Professor of Morbid Anatomy in the Bellevue Hospital Med. College, N. T. A COMPLETE PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Second Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. In one handsome octavo volume of 742 pages, extra cloth, $5; leather, $6. {Just Issued.) From the Preface to the Second Edition. In presenting to the profession the second edition of his work, the author gratefully acknow- ledges the favorable reception accorded to the first. He has endeavored to merit a continuance of this approbation by rendering the volume much more complete than before. Nearly twenty additional diseases have been treated of, among which may be named Diseases Incidental to Birth, Rachitis, Tuberculosis, Scrofula, Intermittent, Remittent, and Typhoid Fevers, Chorea, and the various forms of Paralysis. Many new formulae, which experience has shown to be useful, have been introduced, portions of the text of a less practical nature have been con- densed, and other portions, especially those relating to pathological histology, have been rewritten to correspond with recent discoveries. Every effort has been made, however, to avoid an undue enlargement of the volume, but, notwithstanding this, and an increase in the size of the page, the number of pages has been enlarged by more than one hundred. 227 West 49th Street, New York, April, 1872. The work will be found to contain nearly one-third more matter than the previous edition, and it is confidently presented as in every respect worthy to be received as the standard American text-book on the subject. Eminently practical as well as judicious in its teachings. — Cincinnati Lancet and Obs., July, 1872. A standard work that leaves little to he desired. — Indiana Journal of Medicine, July, 1872. We know of no hook on this subject that we can more cordially recommend to the medical studeut and the practitioner. — Cincinnati Clinic, June 29, '72. We regard it as superior to any other single work on the diseases of infancy and childhood. — Detroit Rev. of Med. and Pharmacy, Aug. 1S72. We confess to increased enthusiasm in recommend- ing this second edition. — St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, Aug. 1872. ffONDIE (D. FRANCIS), M.D. ^ A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Sixth edition, revised and augmented. In one large octavo volume of nearly 800 closely- printed pages, extra oloth, $5 25 ; leather, $6 25. {Lately Issued.) The present edition, which is the sixth, is fully up to the times in the discussion of all those points in the pathology and treatment of infantile diseases which have been brought forward by the German and French teaehers. As a whole, however, the work is the best American one that we have, and in its special adapta- tion to American practitioners it certainly has no equal. — New York Med. Record, March 2, 1868. VTEST [CHARLES), M.D., ' * Physician to the Hospital for Sick Children, &c. LECTURES ON THE DISEASES OP INFANCY AND CHILD- HOOD. Fifth American from the sixth revised and enlarged English edition. In one large and handsome octavo volume. {Nearly Ready.) Of all the English writers on the diseases of chil- I living authorities in the difficult department of medi- dren, there is no one so entirely satisfactory to us as | cal science in which he is most widely known. — Dr. West. For years we have held his opinion as I Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, April 26, 1866. Judicial, and have regarded him as one of the highest | s J^T THE SAME AUTHOR. {Lately Issued.) ON SOME DISORDERS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM IN CHILD- HOOD; being the Lumleian Lectures delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of Lon- don, in March, 1871. In one volume, small 12mo., extra cloth, $1 00. MITH {EUSTACE), M. D., Physician to the Northwest London Free Dispensary for Sick Children. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE WASTING DISEASES OF INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD. Second American, from the second revised and enlarged English edition. In one handsome octavo volume, extra cloth, $2 50. {Lately Issued.) scribed as a practical handbook of the common dis- eases of children, so numerous are the affections con- sidered either collaterally or directly. We are acquainted with no safer guide to the treatment of children's diseases, and few works give the insight into the physiological and other peculiarities of chil- dren that Dr. Smith's book does.— Brit. Med. Journ., April 8, 1871. This is in every way an admirable book. The modest title which the author has chosen for i t scarce- ly conveys an adequate idea of the many subjects upon which it treats. Wasting is so constant an at- tendant upon the maladies of childhood, that a trea- tise upon the wasting diseases of children must neces- sarily embrace the consideration of many affections of which it is a symptom ; and this is excellently well done by Dr. Smith. The book might fairly be de- G VERS ANT {P.),M.D., Honorary Surgeon to the Hospital for Sick Children, Paris. SURGICAL DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. Trans- lated by R. J. Dunglison, M. D. In one neat octavo volume, extra cloth, $2 50. {Now ' ) DEWEES ON THE PHYSICAL AND MEDICAL TEEATMENT OF CHILDREN. Eleventh edition. 1 toI. 8vo. of 5-48 pages. $2 80. Henry C. Lea's Publications— (Diseases of Women), T HE OBSTETRICAL JOURNAL. THE OBSTETRICAL JOURNAL of Great Britain and Ireland; Including Midwifery, and the Diseases of Women and Infants. With an American Supplement, edited by Willtam F. Jenks, M.D. A monthly of about 80 octavo pages, very handsomely printed. Subscription, Five Dollars per annum. Single Numbers, 50 cents each. Commencing with April, 1873, the Obstetrical Journal will consist of Original Papers by Brit- ish and Foreign Contributors ; Transactions of the Obstetrical Societies in England and abroad ; Reports of Hospital Practice; Reviews and Bibliographical Notices; Articles and Notes, Edito- rial, Historical, Forensic, and Miscellaneous; Selections from Journals; Correspondence, &c. Collecting together the vast amount of material daily accumulating in this important and ra- pidly improving department of medical science, the value of the information which it will pre- sent to the subscriber may be estimated from the character of the gentlemen who have already promised their support, including such names as those of Drs. Atthill, Robert Barnes, Henry Bennet, Thomas Chambers, Fleetwood Churchill, Matthews Duncan, Graily Hewitt, Braxton Hicks, Alfred Meadows, W. Leishman, Alex. Simpson, Tyler Smith, Edward J. Tilt, Spencer Wells, &c. &c. ; in short, the representative men of British Obstetrics and Gynae- cology. In order to render the Obstetrical Journal fully adequate to the wants of the American profession, each number will contain a Supplement devoted to the advances made in Obstetrics and Gynaecology on this side of the Atlantic. This portion of the Journal will be under the editorial charge of Dr. William F. Jenks, to whom editorial communications, exchanges, books for review, &c, may be addressed, to the care of the publisher. ##'* Gentlemen desiring complete sets will do well to forward their orders without delay. /THOMAS {T. GAILLARD),M.D., •*■ Professor of Obstetrics, Ac, in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y, &c. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF WOMEN. Third edition, enlarged and thoroughly revised. In one large and handsome octavo volume of 784 pages, with 246 illustrations. Cloth, $5 00; leather, $6 00. {Lately Issued.) The author has taken advantage of the opportunity afforded by the call for another edition of this work to render it worthy a continuance of the very remarkable favor with which it has been received. Every portion has been subjected to a conscientious revision, several tiew chapters have been added, and no labor spared to make it a complete treatise on the most advanced con- dition of its important subject. The present edition therefore contains about one-third more matter than the previous one, notwithstanding which the price has been maintained at the former very moderate rate, rendering this one of the cheapest volumes accessible to the profession. We are free to say that we regard Dr. Thomas the As compared with the first edition, five new chap- ters on dysmenorrhoea, peri-uterine fluid tumors, composite tumors of the ovar)', solid tumors of the ovary, and chlorosis, have been added. Twenty- seven additional wood-cuts have been introduced, many subjects have been subdivided, and all have received important interstitial increase. In fact, the book has been practically rewritten, and greatly in- creased in value. Briefly, we may say that we know of no book which so completely and concisely repre- sents the present state of gynaecology ; none so full of well-digested and reliable teaching; none which bespeaks an author more apt in research and abun- dant in resources.— N. Y. Med. Record, May 1, 1872. We should not be doing our duty to the profession did we not tell those who are unacquainted with the book, how much it is valued by gynaecologists, and how it is in many respects one of the best text-books on the subject we possess in our language. We have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Thomas's work as one of the most complete of its kind ever published. It should be in the possession of every practitioner for reference and for study. — London Lancet, April 27, 1872. Our author is not one of those whose views ' ' never change." On the contrary, they have been modified in many particulars to accord with the progress made in this department of medical science : hence it has the freshness of an entirely new work. No general prac- titioner can afford to be without it. — St. Louis Med. and Surg Journal, May, 1872. Its able author need not fear comparison between it and any similar work in the English language ; nay more, as a text-book for students and as a guide for practitioners, we believe it is unequalled. In the libraries of reading physicians we meet with it oftener than any other treatise on diseases of women. We conclude our brief review by repeating the hearty commendation of this volume given when we com- menced : if either student or practitioner can get but one book on diseases of women, that book should be " Thomas." — Araer. Jour. Med. Sciences, April, 1872. best American authority on diseases of women. Seve- ral others have written, and written well, but none have so clearly and carefully arranged their text and instruction as Dr. Thomas. — Cincinnati Lancet and Observer, May, 1S72. We deem it scarcely necessary to recommend this work to physicians as it is now widely known, and most of them already possess it, or will certainly do so. To students we unhesitatingly recommend it as the best text-book on diseases of females extant.— St. Louis Med. Reporter, June, 1869. Of all the army of books that have appeared of late years, on the diseases of the uterus and its appendages, we know of none that is so clear, comprehensive, and practical as this of Dr. Thomas', or one that we should more emphatically recommend to the young practi- tioner, as his guide. — California Med. Gazette, June, 1869. If not the best work extant on the subject of which it treats, it is certainly second to none other. So short a time has elapsed since the medical press teemed with commendatory notices of the first edition, that it would be superfluous to give an extended re- view of what is now firmly established as the American text-book of Gynaecology.— N. Y. Med. Gazette, July 17, 1869. This is a new and revised edition of a work which we z-ecently noticed at some length, and earnestly commended to the favorable attention of our readers. The fact that, in the short space of one year, this second edition makes its appearance, shows that the general judgment of the profession has largely con- firmed the opinion we gave at that time. — Cincinnati Lancet, Aug. 1869. It is so short a time since we gave a full review of the first edition of this book, that we deem it only necessary now to call attention to the second appear- ance of the work. Its success has been remarkable, and we can only congratulate the author on the brilliant reception his book has received. —N. Y. Med. Journal, April, 1869. ■ Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Diseases of Women). 23 JTODGE {HUGH L.), M.D., ■*-■*■ Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics, &c, in the University of Pennsylvania. ON DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN; including Displacements of the Uterus. With original illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged. In one beautifully printed octavo volume of 531 pages, extra cloth. $4 50. {Lately Issued.) From Prof. W. H. Btford, of the Rush Medical College, Chicago. The book bears the impress of a master band, and must, as its predecessor, prove acceptable to the pro- fession. In diseases of women Dr. Hodge has estab- lished a school of treatment that has become world- wide in fame. Professor Hodge's work is truly an original one from beginning to end, consequently no one can pe- ruse its pages without learning something new. The book, which is by no means a large one, is divided into two grand sections, so to speak : first, that treating of the nervous sympathies of the uterus, and, secondly, that which speaks of the mechanical treatment of dis- placements of that organ. He is disposed, as a non- believer in the frequency of inflammations of the uterus, to take strong ground against many of the highest authorities in this branch of medicine, and the arguments which he offers in support of his posi- tion are, to say the least, well put. Numerous wood- cuts adorn this portion of the work, and add incalcu- lably to the proper appreciation of the variously shaped instruments referred to by our author. As a contribution to the study of women's diseases, it is of great value, and is abundantlv able to stand on its own merits.— N. Y. Medical Record, Sept. 15, 1868. In this point of view, the treatise of Professor Hodge will be indispensable to every student in its department. The large, fair type and general perfec- tion of workmanship will render it doubly welcome. —Pacific Med. and Surg. Journal, Oct. 1868. WEST {CHARLES), M.D. LECTURES ON THE DISEASES OF WOMEN. Third American, from the Third London edition. In one neat octavo volume of about 550 pages, extra cloth, $3 75 ; leather, $4 75. As a writer, Dr. West stands, in our opinion, se- | seeking truth, and one that will convince the student cond only to Watson, the "Macaulay of Medicine;" he possesses that happy faculty of clothing instruc- tion in easy garments ; combining pleasure with profit, he leads his pupils, in spite of the ancient pro- verb, along a royal road to learning. His work is one which will not satisfy the extreme on either side, but it is one that will please the great majority who are that he has committed himself to a candid, safe, and valuable guide. — N. A. Med.-Ohirurg Review. We have to say of it, briefly and decidedly, that it is the best work on the subject in any language, and that it stamps Dr. West as the facile princeps of British obstetric authors. — Edinburgh Med. Journal. T>ARNES [ROBERT), M. D., F.R. C.P., J-* Obstetric Physician to St. Thomas's Hospital, A-c. A CLINICAL EXPOSITION OF THE MEDICAL AND SURGI- CAL DISEASES OF WOMEN. In one handsome octavo volume of about 800 pages, with 169 illustrations. Cloth, $5 00; leather, $6 00. (Just U"ady.^ The very complete scope of this volume and the manner in which it has been filled out, may be seen by the subjoined Summary of Contents. Introduction. Chapter I. Ovaries ; Corpus Luteum. II. Fallopian Tubes. III. Shape of Uterine Cavity. IV. Structure of Uterus. V. The Vagina. VI. Examinations and Diagnosis. VII. Significance of Leucorrhoea. VIII. Discharges of Air. IX. Watery Discharges. X. Puru- lent Discharges. XI. Hemorrhagic Discharges. XII. Significance of Pain. XIII. Significance of Dyspareunia. XIV. Significance of Sterility. XV. Instrumental Diagnosis and Treatment. XVI. Diagnosis by the Touch, the Sound, the Speculum. XVII. Menstruation and its Disor- ders. XVIII. Amenorrhoea. XIX. Amenorrhoea (continued). XX. Dysmenorrhoea. XXI. Ovarian Dysmenorrhoea, &c. XXII. Inflammatory Dysmenorrhoea. XXIII. Irregularities of Change of Life. XXIV. Relations between Menstruation and Diseases. XXV. Disorders of Old Age. XXVI. Ovary, Absence and Hernia of. XXVII. Ovary, Hemorrhage, &o., of. XXVIII. Ovary, Tubercle, Cancer, &c, of. XXIX. Ovarian Cystic Tumors. XXX. Dermoid Cvsts of Ovary. XXXI. Ovarian Tumors, Prognosis of. XXXII. Diagnosis of Ovarian Tumors. XXXIII. Ovarian Cysts, Treatment of. XXXIV. Fallopian Tubes. Diseases of. XXXV. Broad Liga- ments, Diseases of. XXXVI. Extra-uterine Gestation. XXXVII. Special Pathology of Ute- rus. XXXVIII. General Uterine Pathology. XXXIX. Alterations of Blood Supply. XL. Metritis, Endometritis, &c. XLI. Pelvic Cellulitis and Peritonitis, &a.- XLII. Hematocele, &e. XLIII. Displacements of Uterus. XLIV. Displacements (continuerl). XLV. Retroversion and Retroflexion. XLVI. Inversion. XLVII. Uterine Tumors. XLVIII. Polypus Uteri. XLIX. Polypus Uteri (continued). L. Cancer. LI. Diseases of Vagina. LII. Diseases of the Vulva. CHURCHILL ON THE PUERPERAL FEVER AND OTHER DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. 1 vol. 8vo., pp. 450, extra cloth. $2 50. DEWEES'S TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF FE- MALES. With illustrations. Eleventh Edition, with the Author's last improvements and correc- tions. In one octavo volume of 536 pages, with plates, extra cloth. $3 00. WEST'S ENQUIRY INTO THE PATHOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE OF ULCERATION OF THE OS UTERI. 1 vol. 8vo. f extra cloth. $1 25. MEIGS ON WOMAN: HER DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. A Series of Lectures to his Class. Fourth and Improved Edition. 1 vol. 8vo., over 700 pages, extra cloth, $5 00 ; leather, *6 00. MEIGS ON THE NATURE, SIGNS, AND TREAT- MENT OF CHILDBED FEVER. 1 vol. Svo., pp. 365, extra cloth. $2 00. ASHWELL'S PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DIS- EASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. Third American, from the Third and revised London edition. I vol. Svo., pp. 528, extra cloth. $3 50. 24 Henry C. Lea's Publications— {Midwifery). JTODGE {HUGH L.), M.D., •*■-*■ Emeritus Professor of Midwifery, &c, in the University of Pennsylvania, &e. THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF OBSTETRICS. Illus- trated with large lithographic plates containing one hundred and fifty-nine figures from original photographs, and with numerous wood-cuts. In one large and beautifully printed quarto volume of 550 double-columned pages, strongly bound in extra cloth, $14. We have examined Professor Hodge's work with great satisfaction ; every topic is elaborated most fully. The views of the author are comprehensive, and concisely stated. The rules of practice are judi- cious, and will enable the practitioner to meet every emergency of obstetric complication with confidence. — Chicago Med. Journal, Aug. 1864. More time than we have had at our disposal since we received the great work of Dr. Hodge is necessary to do it justice. It is undoubtedly by far the most original, complete, and carefully composed treatise on the principles and practice of Obstetrics which has ever been issued from the American press. — Pacific Med. and Surg. Journal, July, 1864. The work of Dr. Hodge is something more than a simple presentation of his particular views in the de- partment of Obstetrics ; it is something more than an ordinary treatise on midwifery ; it is, in fact, a cyclo- paedia of midwifery. He has aimed to embody in a single volume the whole science and art of Obstetrics. An elaborate text is combined with accurate and va- ried pictorial illustrations, so that no fact or principle is left unstated or unexplained. — Am. Med. Times, Sept. 3, 1864. "We should like to analyze the remainder of this excellent work, but already has this review extended beyond our limited space. We cannot conclude this notice without referring to the excellent finish of the work. In typography it is not to be excelled ; the paper is superior to what is usually afforded by our American cousins, quite equal to the best of English books. The engravings and lithographs are most beautifully executed. Th« work recommends itself for its originality, and is in every way a most valu- able addition to those on the subject of obstetrics. — Canada Med. Journal, Oct. 1864. It is very large, profusely and elegantly illustrated, and is fitted to take its place near the works of great obstetricians. Of the American works on the subject it is decidedly the best. — Edinb. Med. Jour., Dec. '64. #*# Specimens of the plates and letter-press will be forwarded to any address, free by mail, en receipt of six cents in postage stamps. TANNER {THOMAS H), M.D. ON THE SIGNS AND DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. First American from the Second and Enlarged English Edition. With four colored plates and illustrations We have read Dr. Hodge's book with great plea- sure, and have much satisfaction in expressing our commendation of it as a whole. It is certainly highly instructive, and in the main, we believe, correct. The great attention which the author has devoted to the mechanism of partui'ition, taken along with the con- clusions at which he has arrived, point, we think, conclusively to the fact that, in Britain at least, the doctrines of Naegele have been too blindly received. — Glasgow Med. Journal, Oct. 1864. T on wood. In one handsome octavo volume of about 500 pages, extra cloth, $4 25. The very thorough revision the work has undergone has added greatly to its practical value, and increased materially its efficiency as a guide to the student and to the young practitioner. — Am. Jottrn. Med. Sci., April, 1868. With the immense variety of subjects treated of and the ground which they are made to cover, the im- possibility of giving an extended review of this truly remarkable work must be apparent. We have not a single fault to find with it, and most heartily com- mend it to the careful study of every physician who would not only always be sure of his diagnosis ®f pregnancy, but always ready to treat all the nume- rous ailments that are, unfortunately for the civilized women of to-day, so commonly associated with the function.— N. Y. Med. Record, March 16 1868. We recommend obstetrical students, young and old, to have this volume in their collections. It con- tains not only a fair statement of the signs, symptoms, and diseases of pregnancy, but comprises in addition much interesting relative matter that is not to be found in any other work that we can name. n burgh Med Journal, Jan. 1868. ■Edin- tt WAYNE {JOSEPH GRIFFITHS), M. D., **-? Physician-Accoucheur to the British General Hospital, &c. OBSTETRIC APHORISMS FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS COM- MENCING MIDWIFERY PRACTICE. Second American, from the Fifth and Revised London Edition with Additions by E. R. Hutchins, M. D. With Illustrations. In one neat 12mo. volume. Extra cloth, $1 25. {Now Ready.) *$* See p. 3 of this Catalogue for the terms on which this work is offered as a premium to subscribers to the "American Journal op the Medical Sciences." It is really a capital little compendium of the sub- ject, and we recommend young practitioners to buy it and carry it with them when called to attend cases of labor. They can while away the otherwise tedious hours of waiting, and thoroughly fix in their memo- ries the most impoi'tant practical suggestions it con- tains. The American editor has materially added by his notes and the concluding chapters to the com- pleteness and general value of the book. — Chicago Med. Journal, Feb. 1870. The manual before us contains in exceedingly small compass — small enough to darry in the pockei — about all there is of obstetrics, condensed into a nutshell of Aphorisms. The illustrations are well selected, and serve as excellent reminders of the conduct of labor — regular and difficult.— Cincinnati Lancet, April, '70. This is a mostadmirable little work, and completely answers the purpose. It is not only valuable for young beginners, but no one who is not a proficient in the art of obstetrics should be. without it, because it condenses all that is necessary to know for ordi- nary midwifery practice. We commend the book most favorably. — St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, Sept. 10, 1870. A studied perusal of this little book has satisfied us of its eminently practical value. The object of the work, the author says, in his preface, is to give the student a few brief and practical directions respect- ing the management of ordinary cases of labor ; and also to point out to him in extraordinary cases whea and how he may act upon his own responsibility, and when he ought to send for assistance.— iV. ¥. Medical Journal, May, 1870. IftTINCKEL {F.), ' ' Professor and Director of the Gynaecological Clinic in the University of Rostock. A COMPLETE TREATISE ON THE PATHOLOGY AND TREAT- MENT OF CHILDBED, for Students and Practitioners. Translated, with the consent of the author, from the Second German Edition, by James Read Chad wick, M D. octavo volume. (Preparing.) In one Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Midvjifery). 25 TEISHMAN (WILLIAM), M.D., Regius Professor of Midwifery in the. University of Glasgow, &c. A SYSTEM OF MIDWIFERY, INCLUDING THE DISEASES OF PREGNANCY AND THE PUERPERAL STATE. In one large and very handsome oc- tavo volume of over 700 pages, with one hundred and eighty-two illustrations. Cloth, $5 00 ; leather, $6 00. {Just Ready.) This is one of a most complete and exhaustive cha- racter. We have gone carefully through it,!and there is no subject in Obstetrics which has not been con- sidered well and fully. The result is a work, not only admirable as a text-book,- but valuable as a work of reference to the practitioner in the various emer- gencies of obstetric practice. Take it all in all, we have no hesitation in saying that it is in our judgment the best English work on the subject. — London Lan- cet, Aug. 23, 1873. The work of Leishman gives an excellent view of modern midwifery, and evinces its author's extensive acquaintance with British and foreign literature ; and not only acquaintance with it, but wholesome diges- tion and sound judgment of it. He has, withal, a manly, free style, and can state a difficult and compli- cated matter with remarkable clearness and brevity. —hdin. Med. Journ., Sept. 1S73. It was written to supply a desideratum, and we will be much surprised if it does not fulfil the purpose of its author. Taking it as a whole, we know of no work on obstetrics by an English author in which the student and the practitioner will find the information so clear and so completely abreast of the present state of our knowledge on the subject.— Glasgow Med. Journ., Aug. 1S73. Dr. Leishman's System of Midwifery, which has only just been published, will go far to supply the want which has so loDg been felt, of a really good modern English text-book. Although large, as is in- evitable in a work on so extensive a subject, it is so well and clearly written, that it is never wearisome to read. Dr. Leishman's work may be confidently recommended as an admirable text-book, and is sure to be largely used. — Lond. Med. Record, Sept. 1S73. DAMSB0TRA3I [FRANCIS H.), M.D. THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF OBSTETRIC MEDI- CINE AND SURGERY, in reference to the Process of Parturition. A new and enlarged edition, thoroughly revised by the author. With additions by W. V. Keating, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics, Diseases of Chil- dren," &c. With one hundred and ninety-four illustrations. In one very handsome octavo volume of nearly 700 large pages. Extra cloth, $4 00 ; leather, $5 00. ha» been added whicn could be well dispensed with. An examination of the table of contents shows how thoroughly the author has gone over the ground, and the care he has taken in the text to present the sub- j ects in all their bearings, will render this new edition even more necessary to the ..obstetric student than were either of the former editions at the date of theii appearance. No treatise on ob -tetrics with which we are acquainted can compare favorably with this, in respect to the amount of material which has been gathered from evei'y source. — Boston Med. and Surg. Journal. These additions render the work still more com- plete and acceptable than ever; and with the excel- lent style in which the publishers have presented this edition of Churchill, we can commend it to the profession with great cordiality and pleasure.— Cin- cinnati Lancet. Few works on this branch of medical science are equal to it, certainly none excel it, whether in regard to theory or practice, and in one respect it is superior to all others, viz., in its statistical information, and therefore, on these grounds a most valuable work for the physician, student, or lecturer, all of whom will tind in it the information which they are seeking. — BrH. Am. Journal. The present treatise is very much enlarged and amplified beyond the previous editions but nothing There is no better text-book for students, or work of reference and study for the practising physician than this. It should adorn and enrich every medical library. — Chicago Med. Journal. MONTGOMERY ( W. F.), M.D., Professor of Midwifery in the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. AN EXPOSITION OF THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PREG- NANCY. With some other Papers on Subjects connected with Midwifery. From the second and enlarged English edition. With two exquisite colored plates, and numerous wood-cuts. In one very handsome octavo volume of nearly 600 pages, extra cloth. $3 75. RIGBY'S SYSTEM OF MIDWIFERY. With Notes improvements and corrections. In one octavo vol- and Additional Illustrations. Second American ume, extra cloth, of 600 pages. $3 50.1 edition. One volume octavo, extra cloth, 422 pages MEIGS' OBSTETRICS: THE SCIENCE AND THE * 2 <><}. ART. Fifth edition. With 130 illustrations. 1 vol, DEWEES'S COMPREHENSIYE SYSTEM OF MID> 8vo. Extra cloth, $5 50 ; leather, $6 50. WIFERY. Twelfth edition, with the author's last Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Surgery). 61 ROSS {SAMUEL D.), M.D., * Professor of Surgery in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. A SYSTEM OF SURGERY: Pathological, Diagnostic, Therapeutic, and Operative. Illustrated by upwards of Fourteen Hundred Engravings. Fifth edition, carefully revised, and improved. In two large and beautifully printed imperial octavo vol- umes of about 2300 pages, strongly bound in leather, with raised bands, $15. {Just Ready .) The continued favor, shown by the exhaustion of successive large editions of this great work, proves that it has successfully supplied a want felt by American practitioners and students. In the present revision no pains have been spared by the author to bring it in every respect fully up to the day. To effect this a large part of the work has been rewritten, and the whole enlarged by nearly one-fourth, notwithstanding which the price has been kept at its former very moderate rate. By the use of a close, though very legible type, an unusually large amount of matter is condensed in its pages, the two volumes containing as much as four or five ordinary octavos. This, combined with the most careful mechanical execution, and its very durable binding, renders it one of the cheapest works accessible to the profession. Every subject properly belonging to the domain of surgery is treated in detail, so that the student who possesses this work may be said to have in it a surgical library. It must long remain the most comprehensive work on this important part of medicine. — Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, March 23, 1865. We have compared it with most of our standard works, such as those of Erichsen, Miller, Fergusson, Syme, and others, and we must, in justice to our author, award it the pre-eminence. As a work, com- plete in almost every detail, no matter how minute or trifling, and embracing every subject known in the principles and practice of surgery, we believe it stands without a rival. Dr. Gross, in his preface, re- marks "my aim has been to embrace the whole do- main of surgery, and to allot to every subject its legitimate claim to notice;" and, we assure our readers, he has kept his word. It is a work which we can most confidently recommend to our brethren, for its utility is becoming the more evident the longer it is upon the shelves of our library.— Canada Med. Journal, September, 1865. The first two editions of Professor Gross' System of Surgery are so well known to the profession, and so highly prized, that it would be idle for us to speak in praise of this work.— Chicago Medical Journal, September, 1865. We gladly indorse the favorable recommendation of the work, both as regards matter and style, which we made when noticing its first appearance.— British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, Oct. 1865. The most complete work that has yet issued from the press on the science and practice of surgery.— London Lancet. This system of surgery is, we predict, destined to take a commanding position in our surgical litera- ture, and be the crowning glory of the author's well earned fame. As an authority on general surgical subjects, this work is long to occupy a pre-eminent place, not only at home, but abroad. We have no hesitation in pronouncing it without a rival in our language, and equal to the best systems of surgery in any language. — N. Y. Med. Journal. Not only by far the best text-book on the subject, as a whole, within the reach of American students, but one which will be much more than ever likely to be resorted to and regarded as a high authority abroad. — Am. Journal Med. Sciences, Jan. 1865. The work contains everything, minor and major, operative and diagnostic, including mensuration and examination, venereal diseases, and uterine manipu- lations and operations. It is a complete Thesaurus of modern surgery, where the student and practi- tioner shall not seek in vain for whai they desire. — San Francisco Med. Press, Jan. 1865. Open it where we may, we find sound practical in- formation conveyed in plain language. This book is no mere provincial or even national system of sur- gery, but a work which, while very largely indebted to the past, has a strong claim on the gratitude of the future of surgical science.— Edinburgh Med. Journal, Jan. 1865. A glance at the work is sufficient to show that the author and publisher have spared no labor in making it the most complete "System of Surgery" ever pub- lished in any country. — St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, April, 1865. A system of surgery which we think unrivalled in our language, and which will indelibly associate his name with surgical science. And what, in our opin- ion, enhances the value of the work is that, while the practising surgeon will find all that he requires in it, it is at the same time one of the most valuable trea- tises which can be put into the hands of the student seeking to know the principles and practice of this branch of the profession which he designs subse- quently to follow. — The Brit. Am.Journ., Montreal. DY THE SAME AUTHOR. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON FOREIGN BODIES IN THE AIR-PASSAGES. In 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, with illustrations, pp. 468. $2 75. SKEY'S OPERATIVE SURGERY. In 1 vol. 8vo. I GIBSON'S INSTITUTES AND PRACTICE OF SUR- cloth, of over 650 pages ; with about 100 wood-cats. [ gery. Eighth edition, improved and altered. With $3 25 i thirty-four plates. In two handsome octavo vol- COOPER'S LECTURES ON THE PRINCIPLES AND | umes, aboutl000pp.,leather,raiseu bands. $6 50. Practice of Surgery. In 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 750 p. $2. liflLLER (JAMES), •+&JL L a t e Professor of Surgery in the University of Edinburgh, &c. PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY. Fourth American, from the third and revised Edinburgh edition. In one large and very beautiful volume of 700 pages, with two hundred and forty illustrations on wood, extra cloth. $3 75. B Y THE SAME AUTHOR. THE PRACTICE OF SURGERY. Fourth American, from the last Edinburgh edition. Revised by the American editor. Illustrated by three hundred and sixty-four engravings on wood. In one large octavo volume of nearly 700 pages, extra cloth. $3 75. OARGENT {F. W.\ M.D. ° ON BANDAGING AND OTHER OPERATIONS OF MINOR SURQERY. New edition, with an additional chapter on Military Surgery. One handsome royal 12mo. volume, of nearly 400 pages, with 184 wood-cute. Extra cloth, $1 75. Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Surgery). 27 j^SHHURST {JOHN, Jr.), M.D., Surgeon to the Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia. THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF SURGERY. In one very large arid handsome octavo volume of about 1000 pages, with nearly 550 illustrations, extra cloth, $6 50; leather, raised bands, $7 50. (Just Issued.) The object of the author has been to present, within as condensed a compass as possible, a complete treatise on Surgery in all its branches, suitable both as a text-book for the student and a work of reference for the practitioner. So much has- of late years been done for the advance- ment of Surgical Art and Science, that there seemed to be a want of a work which should present the latest aspects of every subject, and which, by its American character, should render accessible to the profession at large the experience of the practitioners of both hemispheres. This has been the aim of the author, and it is hoped that the volume will be found to fulfil its purpose satisfac- torily. The plan and general outline of the work will be seen by the annexed CONDENSED SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. Chapter I. Inflammation. II. Treatment of Inflammation. III. Operations in general : Anaesthetics. IV. Minor Surgery. V. Amputations. VI. Special Amputations. VII. Effects of Injuries in General : Wounds. VIII. Gunshot Wounds. IX. Injuries of Bloodvessel?. X. Injuries of Nerves, Muscles and Tendons, Lymphatics, Bursae, Bones, and Joints. XI. Fractures. XII. Special Fractures. XIII. Dislocations. XIV. Effects of Heat and Cold. XV. Injuries of the Head. XVI. Injuries of the Back. XVII. Injuries of the Face and Neck. XVIII. Injuries of the Chest. XIX. Injuries of the Abdomen and Pelvis. XX. Diseases resulting from Inflammation. XXI. Erysipelas. XXII. Pyaemia. XXIII. Diathetic Diseases : Struma (in- cluding Tubercle and Scrofula); Rickets. XXIV. Venereal Diseases; Gonorrhoea and Chancroid. XXV. Venereal Diseases continued : Syphilis. XXVI. Tumors. XXVII. Surgical Diseases of Skin, Areolar Tissue, Lymphatics, Muscles, Tendons, and Bursae. XXVIII. Surgical Disease of Nervous System (including Tetanus). XXIX. Surgical Diseases of Vascular System (includ- ing Aneurism). XXX. Diseases of Bone. XXXI. Diseases of Joints. XXXII. Excisions. XXXIII. Orthopaedic Surgery. XXXIV. Diseases of Head and Spine. XXXV. Diseases of the Eye. XXXVI. Diseases of the Ear. XXXVII. Diseases of the Face and Neck. XXXVIII. Diseases of the Mouth, Jaws, and Throat. XXXIX. Diseases of the Breast. XL. Hernia. XLI. Special Herniae. XLII. Diseases of Intestinal Canal. XLIII. Diseases of Abdominal Organs, and various operations on the Abdomen. XLIV. Urinary Calculus XLV. Diseases of Bladder and Prostate. XLVI. Diseases of Urethra. XL VII. Diseases of Generative Organs. Index. Indeed, the work as a whole must be regarded as an excellent and concise exponent of modern sur- gery, and as such it will be found a valuable text- book for the student, and a useful book of reference for the general practitioner.— N. Y. Med. Journal, Feb. 1872. It gives us great pleasure to call the attention of the profession to this excellent work. Oar knowledge of its talented and accomplished author led us to expect from him a very valuable treatise upon subjects to which he has repeatedly given evidence of having pro- fitably devoted much time and labor, and we are in no way disappointed.— Phila. Mtd. Times, Feb. 1, 1872. Its author has evidently tested the writings and experiences of the past and present in the crucible of a careful, analytic, and honorable mind, and faith- fully endeavored to bring his work up to the level of the highest standard of practical surgery He is frank and definite, and gives us opinions, and gene- rally sound ones, instead of a mere resume of the opinions of others. He isconservative, but not hide- bound by authority. His style is clear, elegant, and s«holarly. The wtrk is an admirable text book, and $■ useful book of reference It is a credit to American professional literature, and one of the first ripe fruits of the soil fertilized by the blood of our late unhappy war.— N. Y. Med. Record, Feb. 1, 1S72. P IRRIE { WILLIAM), F. R. S. E., Professor of Surgery in the University of Aberdeen. THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF SURGERY. Edited by John Neill, M. D., Professor of Surgery in the Penna. Medical College, Surgeon to the Pennsylvania Hospital, &c. In one very handsome octavo volume of 780 pages, with 316 illustrations, extra cloth. $3 75. TJAMILTON {FRANK H.), M.D., Professor of Fractures and Dislocations, Ac, in Sellevue Hosp. Med. College, New York. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON FRACTURES AND DISLOCA- TIONS. Fourth edition, thoroughly revised. In one large and handsome octavo volume of nearly 800 pages, with several hundred illustrations. Extra cloth, $5 75 ; leather, $6 75. ( Jttst Issued. ) It is not, of course, our intention to review in ex- tenso, Hamilton on "Fractures and Dislocations." Eleven years ago such review might not have been out of place; to-day the work is an authority, so well, so generally, and so favorably known, that it only remains for the reviewer to say that a new edition is just out, and it is better than either of its predeces- sors. — Cincinnati Clinic, Oct. 14, 1871. Undoubtedly the best work on Fractures and Dis- locations in the English language. — Cincinnati Med. Repertory, Oct. 1871. We have once more before us Dr. Hamilton's admi- rable treatise, which we have always considered the most complete and reliable work on the subject. As a whole, the work is without an equal in the litera- ture of the profession.— Boston Med. and Surg Journ., Oct. 12, 1871. It is unnecessary at this time to commend the book, except to such as are beginners i« the study of this particular branch of surgery. Every practical sur- geon in this country and abroad knows of it as a most trustworthy guide, and one which they, in common with us, would unqualifiedly recommend as the high- est authority in any language. — N. Y. Med. Record Oct. 16, 1871. MORLAND (W. W.), M.D. DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS; a Compendium of their Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment. With illustrations In one large and handsome octavo volume of about 600 pages, extra cloth. $8 56. Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Surgery). PRICHSEN {JOHN E.), •*-f Professor of Surgery in University College, London, etc. THE SCIENCE AND ART OF SURGERY; being a Treatise on Sur- gical Injuries, Diseases, and Operations. Revised by the author from the Sixth and enlarged English Edition. Illustrated by over seven hundred engravings on wood. In two large and beautiful octavo volumes of over 1700 pages, extra cloth, $9 00 ; leather, $11 00. {Just Ready.) Author's Preface to the New American Edition. 1 ' The favorable reception with which the ' Science and Art of Surgery' has been honored by the Surgical Profession in the United States of America has been not only a source of deep gratifica- tion and of just pride to me, but has laid the foundation of many professional friendships that are amongst the agreeable and valued recollections of my life. "I have endeavored to make the present edition of this work more deserving than its predecessors of the favor that has been accorded to them. In consequence of delays that have unavoidably occurred in the publication of the Sixth British Edition, time has been afforded to me to add to this one several paragraphs which I trust will be found to increase the practical value of the work." London, Oct. 1S72. On no" former edition of this work has the author bestowed more pains to render it a complete and satisfactory exposition of British Surgery in its modern aspects. Every portion has been' sedu- lously revised, and a large number of new illustrations have been introduced. In addition to the material thus added to the English edition, the author has furnished for the American edition such material as has accumulated since the passage of the sheets through the press in London, so that the work as now presented to the American profession, contains his latest views and experience. The increase in the size of the work has seemed to render necessary its division into two vol- umes. Great care has been exercised in its typographical execution, and it is confidently pre- sented as in every respect worthy to maintain the high reputation which has rendered it a stand- ard authority on this department of medical science. These are only a few of the points in which the ; states in his preface, they are not confined to any one present edition of Mr. Erichsen's work surpasses its ; portion, hut are distributed generally through the predecessors. Throughout there is evidence of a \ subjects of which the work treats. Certainly one of laborious care and solicitude in seizing the passing i the most valuable sections of the book seems to us to knowledge of the day, which reflects the greatest I be that which treats of the diseases of the arteries credit on the author, and much enhances the value j and the operative proceedings which they necessitate, of his work. Wecanonly admire the industry which | In few text-books is so much carefully arranged in- has enabled Mr. Erichsen thus to succeed, amid the formation collected. — London Med. Times and Gaz., distractions of active practice, in producing emphatic- | Oct. 26, 1872. ally the book of reference and study for British prac- j The entire work, complete, as the great English ti tioners of surgery.— London Lancet, Oct. 26, 1 872. treatise on Surgery of our own time, is, we can assure Considerable changes have been made in this edi- our readers, equally well adapted for the most junior lion, and nearly a hundred new illustrations have student, and, as a book of reference, for the advanced been added. It is difficult in a small compass to point j practitioner. — Dublin Quarterly Journal. out the alterations and additions ; for, as the author i D RUITT {ROBERT), M.R.C.S., &c. THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MODERN SURGERY." A new and revised American, from the eighth enlarged and improved London edition Illus- trated with four hundred and thirty-two wood engravings. In one very handsome octavo volume, of nearly 700 large and closely printed pages. Extra cloth, $4 00 ; leather, $5 0(t. practice of surgery are treated, and so clearly and perspicuously, as to elucidate every important topic. We have examined the book most thoroughly, and Gan say that this success is well merited. His book, moreover, possesses the inestimable advantages of having the subjects perfectly well arranged and clas- sified, and of being written in a style at once clear and succinct. — Am. Journal of Med. Sciences. All that the surgical student or practitioner could desire. — Dublin Quarterly Journal. It is a most admirable book. We do not know when we have examined one with more pleasure. — Boston Med. and Surg. Journal. In Mr. Druitt's book, though containing only some seven hundred pages, both the principles and the j^SHTON (T. J.). ON THE DISEASES, INJURIES, AND MALFORMATIONS OF THE RECTUM AND ANUS ; with remarks on Habitual Constipation. Second American, from the fourth and enlarged London edition. With handsome illustrations. In one very beautifully printed octavo volume of about 300 pages. $3 25. T>IGELO W {HENRY J.), M. D., ■*-* Professor of Surgery in the Massachusetts Med. College. ON THE MECHANISM OF DISLOCATION AND FRACTURE OP THE HIP. With the Reduction of the Dislocation by the Flexion Method. With numerous original illustrations. In one very handsome octavo volume. Cloth. $2 50. (Lately Issued.) TAWSON {GEORGE), F. R. C. S., Engl., "&-** Assistant Surgeon to the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moor fields, &c. INJURIES OF THE EYE, ORBIT, AND EYELIDS: their Imme- diate and Remote Effects. With about one hundred illustrations. In one very hand- some octavo volume, extra cloth, $3 50. It is an admirable practical book in the highest and best sense of the phrase. — London Medical Timed and Gazette, May 18, 1867. Henry C. Lea's Publications — (Surgery). 29 T>RYANT {THOMAS), F.R.C.S., •*-* Surgeon to Guy's Hospital. THE PRACTICE OF SURGERY. With over Five Hundred En- gravings on Wood. In one large and very handsome octavo volume of nearly 1000 pages, extra cloth, $6 25 ; leather, raised hands, $7 25. (Just Ready.) Again, the author gives us his own practice, his own beliefs, and illustrates by his own cases, or those treated in Guy's Hospital. This feature adds joint emphasis, and a solidity to his statements that inspire confidence. One feels himself almost by the side of the surgeon, seeing his work and hearing his living words. The views, etc., of other surgeons are con sidered calmly and fairly adopted. Thus the work other writings ; it is not an encyclopaedia, but the plain statements, on practical points, of a man who has lived and breathed and had his being in the richest surgical experience. The whole profession owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Bryant, for his work in their behalf. We are confident that the American profession will give substantial testimonial of their feelings towards both author and publisher, by speedily exhausting this edition. We cordially and heartily commend it to our friends, and think that no live surgeon can afford to be without it — Detroit Review of Med. and Pharmacy, August, 1873. As a manual of the practice of surgery for the use of the student, we do not hesitate to pronounce Mr. Bryant's book a first-rate work. Mr. Bryant has a good deal of the dogmatic energy whicn goes with the clear, pronounced opinions of a man whose re- flections and experience have moulded a character not wanting in firmness and decision. At the same time he teaches with the enthusiasm of one who has faith in his teaching; he speaks as one having au- thority, and herein lies the charm and excellence of his work, fle states the opinions of others freely and fairly, yet it is no mere compilation. The book combines much of the merit of the manual with the merit of the monograph. One may recognize in almost every chapter of the ninety-four of which the work is made up the acuteness of a surgeon who has seen much, and observed closely, and who gives forth the results of actual experience. In conclusion we but Mr. Bryant's are J repeat what we stated at first, that Mr. Bryant's book not a compilation of i is one^ which we can conscientiously recommend both " to practitioners and students as an admirable work. — Dublin Journ. of Med. Science, August, 1873. Mr. Bryant has long been known to the reading portion of the profession as an able, clear, and graphic writer upon surgical subjects. The volume before us is one eminently upon the practice of surgery and not one which treats at length on surgical pathology, though the views that are entertained upon this sub- ject are sufficiently interspersed through the work for all practical purposes. As a text-book we cheer- fully recommend it, feeling convinced that, from the subject-matter, and the concise and true way Mr. Bryant deals with his subject, it will prove a for- midable rival among the numerous surgical text- books which are offered to the student. — N. Y. Med. Record, June, 1873. This is, as the preface states, an entirely new book, and contains in a moderately condensed form all the surgical information necessary to a general practi- tioner. It is written in a spirit consistent with the present improved standard of medical and surgical science. — American Journal of Obstetrics, August, 1S73. w- ELLS [J. SOELBERG), Professor of Ophthalmology in King' College Hospital, &c. A TREATISE ON DISEASES OF THE EYE. Second American, from the Third and Revised London Edition, with additions; illustrated with numerous engravings on wood, and six colored plates. Together with selections from the Test-types of Jaeger and Snellen. In one large and very handsome octavo volume of nearly 800 pages ; cloth, $5 00 ; leather, $6 00. (Just Ready.) The continued demand for this work, both in England and this country, is sufficient evidence that the author has succeeded in his effort to supply within a reasonable compass a full practical digest of ophthalmology in its most modern aspects, while the call for repeated editions has en- abled him in his revisions to maintain its position abreast of the most recent investigations and improvements. In again reprinting it, every effort has been made to adapt it thoroughly to the wants of the American practitioner. Such additions as seemed desirable have been introduced by the editor, Dr. I. Minis Hays, and the number of illustrations has been largely increased. The importance of test-types as an aid to diagnosis is so universally acknowledged at the present day that it seemed essential to the completeness of the work that they should be added, and as the author recommends the use of those both of Jaeger and of Snellen for different, purposes, selec- tions have been made from each, so that the practitioner may have at command all the assist- ance necessary. Although enlarged by one hundred pages, it has been retained at the former very moderate price, rendering it one of the cheapest volumes before the profession. A few notices of the previous edition are subjoined. In this respect the work before us is of much more i found difficult to th« student, he has dwelt at length service to the general practitioner than those heavy I and entered into full explanation. After a careful compilations which, in giving every person's views, I perusal of its contents, we can unhesitatingly com- too often neglect to specify those which are most in I mend it to all who desire to consult a really good accordance with the author's opinions, or in general j work on ophhtalmic science. — Leavenworth Mde. Her- acceptance. We have no hesitation in recommending this treatise, as, on the whole, of all English works on the subject, the one best adapted to the wants of the general practitioner. - March, 1870. ■Edinburgh Med. Journal, A treatise of rare merit. It is practical, compre- hensive, and yet concise. Upon those subjects usually aid, Jan. 1870. Wi thout doubt, one of the best works upon the sub ject which has ever been published ; it is complete on the subj ect of which it treats, and is a necessary work for every physician who attempts to treat diseases of the eye.— Dominion Med. Journal, Sept. 1869. T A URENGE {JOHN Z.), F. R. C. S., Editor of the Ophthalmic Review, &c. A HANDY-BOOK OF OPHTHALMIC SURGERY, for the use of Practitioners. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. With numerous illustrations. In one very handsome octavo volume, extra cloth, $3 00. (Lately Issued.) For those, however, who must assume the care of edition those novelties which have secured the confi- diseases and injuries of the eye, and who are too dence of the profession since the appearance of his much pressed for time to study the classic works on last. The volume has been considerably enlarged the subject, or those recently published by Stellwag, and improved by the revision and additions of its Wells, Bader, and others, Mr. Laurence will prove a author, expressly for the American edition. — Am. K aie and trustworthy guide. He has described in this Journ. Med. Sciences, Jan. 1870. 30 Henry C. Lea's Publications— (Surgery, &c). /THOMPSON (SIR HENRY), J- Surgeon and Professor of Clinical Surgery to University College Hospital. LECTURES ON DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS. With illustrations on wood. In one neat octavo volume, extra cloth. $2 25. These lectures stand the severe test. They are in- I tical hints so useful for the student, and even more structive without heing tedious, and simple without valuable to the young practitioner. —Edinburgh Med. being diffuse ; and they include many of those prac- | Journal, April, 1869. B 7 THE SAME AUTHOR. ON THE PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT OE STRICTURE OP THE URETHHA AND URINARY FISTULiE. With plates and wood-cuts. From the third and revised English edition. In one very handsome octavo volume, extra cloth, $3 50. (Lately Published.) This classical work has so long been recognized as a standard authority on its perplexing sub- jects that it should be rendered accessible to the American profession. Having enjoyed the advantage of a revision at the hands of the author within a few months, it will be found to present his latest views and to be on a level with the most recent advances of surgical science. With a work accepted as the authority upon the I ably known by the profession as this before us, must subjects of which it treats, an extended notice would | create a demand for it from those who would keep be a work of supererogation. The simple announce- I themselves well up in this department of surgery.— ment of another edition of a work so well and favor- | St. Louis Med. Archives, Feb. 1870. B Y THE SAME AUTHOR. (Just Ready.) THE DISEASES OF THE PROSTATE, THEIR PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT. Fourth Edition, Revised. In one very handsome octavo volume of 355 pages, with thirteen plates, plain and colored, and illustrations on wood. Cloth, $3 75. This work is recognized in England as the leading authority on its subject, and in presenting it to the American profession, it is hoped that it will be found a trustworthy and satisfactory guide in the treatment of an obscure and important class of affections. Y/^ALES (PHILIP &), M. B., Surgeon V.S.N. MECHANICAL THERAPEUTICS: a Practical Treatise on Surgical Apparatus, Appliances, and Elementary Operations : embracing Minor Surgery, Band- aging, Orthopraxy, and the Treatment of Fractures and Dislocations. With six hundred and forty -two illustrations on wood. In one large and handsome octavo volume of about 700 pages: extra cloth, $5 75; leather, $6 75. rPAYLOR (ALFRED S.), M.D., •*- Lecturer on Med. Jurisp. and Chemistry in Guy's Hospital. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Seventh American Edition. Edited by John J. Reese, M.D., Prcf. of Med. Jurisp. in the Univ. of Penn. In one large octavo volume. Cloth, $5 00 ; leather, $6 00. (Now Ready.) In preparing for the press this seventh American edition of the " Manual of Medical Jurispru- dence" the editor has, through the courtesy of Dr. Taylor, enjoyed the very great advantage of consulting the sheets of the new edition of the author's larger work, " The Principles and Prac- tice of Medical Jurisprudence," which is now ready for publication in London. This has enabled him to introduce the author's latest views upon the topics discussed, which are believed to bring the work fully up to the present time. The notes of the former editor, Dr. Hartshorne, as also the numerous valuable references to American practice and decisions by his successor, Mr. Penrose, have been retained, with but few slight exceptions ; they will be found inclosed in brackets, distinguished by the letters (H.) and (P.). The additions made by the present editor, from the material at his command, amount to about one hundred pages; and his own notes are designated by the letter (R.). Several subjects, not treated of in the former edition, have been noticed in the present one, and the work, it is hoped, will be found to merit a continuance of the confidence which it has so long enjoyed as a standard authority. JJY THE SAME AUTHOR. (Now Ready.) THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MEDICAL JURISPRU- DENCE. Second Edition, Revised, with numerous Illustrations. In two very large octavo volumes, cloth, $10 00; leather, $12 00. This great work is now recognized in England as the fullest and most authoritative treatise on every department of its important subject. In laying it, in its improved form, before the Ameri- cau profession, the publisher trusts that it will assume the same position in this country. Henry C. Lea's Publications — {Psychological Medicine, &c). 31 /TUKE [DANIEL HACK), M.D ., -*- Joint author of " The Manual of Psychological Medicine,'''' &c. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE MIND UPON THE BODY IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. Designed to illustrate the Action of the Imagination. In one handsome octavo volume of 416 pages, extra cloth, $3 25. {Now Ready.) The object of the author in this work has been to show not only the effect of the mind in caus- ing and intensifying disease, but also its curative influence, and the use which may be made of the imagination and the emotions as therapeutic agents. Scattered facts bearing upon this sub- ject have long been familiar to the profession, but no attempt has hitherto been made to collect and systematize them so as to render them available to the practitioner, by establishing the seve- ral phenomena upon a scientific basis. In the endeavor thus to convert to the use of legitimate medicine the means which have been employed so successfully in many systems of quackery, the author has produced a work of the highest freshness and interest as well as of permanent value. ULANDFORD [G. FIELDING), M. D., F. R. G P., -*~* Lecturer on Psychological Medicine at the School of St. George's Hospital, &c. INSANITY AND ITS TREATMENT: Lectures on the Treatment, Medical and Legal, of Insane Patients. With a Summary of the Laws in force in the United States on the Confinement of the Insane. By Isaac Ray, M. D. In one very handsome octavo volume of 471 pages: extra cloth, $3 25. {Just Issued.) This volume is presented to meet the want, so frequently expressed, of a comprehensive trea- tise, in moderate compass, on the pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of insanity. To render it of more value to the practitioner in this country, Dr. Ray has added an appendix which affords in- formation, not elsewhere to be found in so accessible a form, to physicians who may at any moment be called upon to take action in relation to patients. It satisfies a want which must have been sorely ; actually seen in practice and the appropriate treat- felt by the busy general practitioners of this country, i ment for them, we find in Dr. Blandford's work a It takes the form of a manual of clinical description ; considerable advance over previous writings on the of the various forms of insanity, with a description J subject. His pictures of the various forms of mental of the mode of examining persons suspected of in- disease are so clear and good that no reader can fail sanity. We call particular attention to this feature of the book, as giving it a unique value to the gene- ral practitioner. If we pass from theoretical conside- rations to descriptions of the varieties of insanity as to be struck with their superiority to those given in ordinary manuals in the English language or (so far as our own reading extends; in any other. — London Practitioner, Feb. 1871. w INSLOW {FORBES), M.D., D.C.L., frc. ON OBSCURE DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AND DISORDERS OF THE MIND; their incipient Symptoms, Pathology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Pro- phylaxis. Second American, from the third and revised English edition. In one handsome octavo volume of nearly 600 pages, extra cloth. $4 25. EA [HENRY C). SUPERSTITION AND FORCE: ESSAYS ON THE WAGER OF LAW, THE WAGER OF BATTLE, THE ORDEAL, AND TORTURE. Second Edition, Enlarged. In one handsome volume royal 12mo. of nearly 500 pages ; extra cloth, $2 75. {Lately Published.) We know of no single work which contains, in so small a compass, so much illustrative of the strangest operations of the human mind. Foot-notes give the authority for each statement, showing vast research ana wonderful industry. We advise our confreres to read this book and ponder its teachings. — Chicago Med. Journal, Aug. 1870. As a work of curious inquiry on certain outlying points of obsolete law, "Superstition and Force" is one of the most remarkable books we have met with. —London Athenceum, Nov. 3, 1866. He has thrown a great deal of light upon what must be regarded as one of the most instructive as well as interesting phases of human society and progress. . . The fulness and breadth with which he has carried out his comparative survey of this repulsive field of history [Torture], are such as to preclude our doing justice to the work within our present limits. But here, as throughout the volume, there will be found a wealth of illustration and a critical grasp of the philosophical import of facts which will render Mi. Lea's labors of sterling value to the historical stu- dent. — London Saturday Review, Oct. 8, 1870. As a book of ready reference on the subject, it is of the highest value. — Westminster Review, Oct. 1867. DI THE SAME AUTHOR. {Lately Published.) STUDIES IN CHURCH HISTORY— THE RISE OF THE TEM- PORAL POWER— BENEFIT OF CLERGY— EXCOMMUNICATION. In one large royal 12mo. volume of 516 pp. extra cloth. $2 75. literary phenomenon that the head of one of the first American houses is also the writer of some of its most original books. — London Athenaium, Jan. 7, 1871. The story was never told more calmly or with greater learning or wiser thought. We doubt, indeed, if any other study of this field can be compared with this for clearness, accuracy, and power. — Chicago Examiner, Dec. 1870. Mr. Lea's latest work, "Studies in Church History," fully sustains the promise of the first. It deals with three subjects — the Temporal Power, Benefit of Clergy, and Excommunication, the record of which has a peculiar importance for the English student, and is a ehapter on Ancient Law likely to be regarded as final. We can hardly pass from our mention of such works as these — with which that on "Saeerdotal Celibacy" should be included — without noting the Mr. Lea has done great honor to himself and this country by the admirable works he has written on ecclesiologicaland cognate subjects. We have already had occasion to commend his "Superstition and Force" and his "History of Sacerdotal Celibacy." The present volume is fully as admirable in its me- thod of dealing with topics and in the thoroughness — a quality so frequently lacking in American authors — with which they are investigated. — N. Y. Journal of Psychol. Medicine, July, 1870. Henry C. Lea's Publications. INDEX TO CATALOGUE. American Journal of the Medical Sciences American Chemist (The) . Abstract, Half-Yearly, of the Med. Sciences Anatomical Atlas, by Smith and Horner Anderson on Diseases of the Skin Ashton on the Rectum and Anus . Attfieid's Chemistry .... Ashwell on Diseases of Females . Ashhurst's Surgery .... Barnes on Diseases of Women Bellamy's Surgical Anatomy Bryant's Practical Surgery . Bloxam's Chemistry . Blandford on Insanity .... Basham on Renal Diseases . Brinton on the Stomach Bigelow on the Hip .... Barlow's Practice of Medicine Bowman's (John E.) Practical Chemistry Bowman's (John E.) Medical Chemistry Buckler on Bronchitis .... Bumstead on Venereal .... Bumstead and Cullerier's Atlas of Venereal Carpenter's Human Physiology . Carpenter's Comparative Physiology . Carpenter on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol Carson's Synopsis of Materia Medica . Chambers on the Indigestions Chambers's Restorative Medicine Christison and Griffith's Dispensatory Churchill's System of Midwifery . Churchill on Puerperal Fever Condie on Diseases of Children . Cooper's (B. B ) Lectures on Surgery . Cullerier's Atlas of Venereal Diseases Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine . Dalton's Human Physiology . De Jongh on Cod-Liver Oil . Dewees' s System of Midwifery Dewees on Diseases of Females . Dewees on Diseases of Children . Druitt's Modern Surgery Dunglison's Medical Dictionary . Dunglison's Human Physiology . Dunglison on New Remedies Ellis's Medical Formulary, by Smith . Erichsen's System of Surgery Fenwick's Diagnosis .... Flint on Respiratory Organs . Flint on the Heart . ..... Flint's Practice of Medicine . Fownes's Elementary Chemistry . Fox on Diseases of the Stomach . Fulleron the Lungs, &c. Green's Pathology and Morbid Anatomy Gibson's Surgery G luge's Pathological Histology, by Leidy Galloway's Qualitative Analysis . Gray's Anatomy Griffith's (R. E.) Universal Formulary Gross on Foreign Bodies in Air-Passages Gross's Principles and Practice of Surgery Gross's Pathological Anatomy Guersant on Surgical Diseases of Children Hamilton on Dislocations and Fractures Bartshorne's Essentials of Medicine . Hartshorne's Conspectus of the Medical Sciences Hartshorne's Anatomy and Physiology Heath's Practical Anatomy . Hoblyn's Medical Dictionary . ■ . Hodge on Women Hodge's Obstetrics ..... Hodges' Practical Dissections Holland's Medical Notes and Reflections Horner's Anatomy and Histology Hudson on Fevers .... Hill on Venereal Diseases Hillier's Handbook of Skin Diseases Jones and Sieveking's Pathological Anatomy Jones (C. Handfield) on Nervous Disorders Kirkes' Physiology ..... K-napp's Chemical Technology PAGE ] 11 3 6 20 Science abridged Lea's Superstition and Force Lea's Studies in Church History . Leishman's Midwifery . . , . La Roche on Yellow Fever . La Roche on Pneumonia, &c. Laurence and Moon's Ophthalmic Surgery Lawson on the Eye .... Laycock on Medical Observation . Lehmann's Physiological Chemistry, 2 vols Lehmann's Chemical Physiology . Ludlow's Manual of Examinations Lyons on Fever ...... Maclise's Surgical Anatomy . Marshall's Physiology .... Medical News and Library . Meigs's Obstetrics, the Science and the Art Meigs's Lectures on Diseases of Women Meigs on Puerperal Fever Miller's Practice of Surgery . Miller's Principles of Surgery Montgomery on 'Pregnancy . Morland on Urinary Organs . Morland on Uraemia Neill and Smith's Compendium of Med Neligan's Atlas of Diseases of the Skin Neligan on Diseases of the Skin Obstetrical Journal , Odling's Practical Chemistry Pavy on Digestion Pavy on Food .... Prize Essays on Consumption Parrish's Practical Pharmacy Pirrie's System of Surgery . Pereira's Mat. Medica and Therapeutics. Quain and Sharpey's Anatomy, by Leidy Ranking's Abstract Roberts on Urinary Diseases . Ramsbotham on Parturition . Rigby's Midwifery . Royle's Materia Medica and Therapeuti Swayne's Obstetric Aphorisms Sargent's Minor 'Surgery Sharpey and Quain's Anatomy, by Leidy Simon's General Pathology . Skey's Operative Surgery Slade on Diphtheria Smith (J. L.) on Children Smith (H. H.) and Horner's Anatomical Atlas Smith (Edward) on Consumption . Smith on Wasting Diseases of Children Solly on Anatomy and Diseases of the Brain Still^'s Therapeutics Sturges on Clinical Medicine Tanner's Manual of Clinical Medicine Tanner on Pregnancy Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence Taylor's Principles and Practice of Med Ju Tuke on the Influence of the Mind Thomas on Diseases of Females . Thompson on Urinary Organs Thompson on Stricture . Thompson on the Prostate Todd on Acute Diseases . Wales on Surgical Operations Walshe on the Heart Watson's Practice of Physic . Wells on the Eye .... West on Diseases of Females West on Diseases of Children West on Nervous Disorders of Childre West on Ulceration of Oa Uteri What to Observe in Medical Cases Williams on Consumption Wilson s Human Anatomy . Wilson on Diseases of the Skin . Wilson's Plates on Diseases of the Ski Wilson's Handbook of Cutaneous Med Wilson on Spermatorrhoea Winslow on Brain and Mind Wohler's Organic Chemistry Winckel on Childbed Zeissl on Venereal .... PAGE . 31 . 31 . 14 . S . & For "The American Chemist" Five Dollars a year, see p. 11. For "The Obstetrical Journal" Five Dollars a year, see p. 22.