^^Msy>, A VOLUME E E C O R D S RELATING TO THE Early History of Boston CONTAINING MINUTES OF THE SELECTMEN'S MEETINGS, 1799 TO, AND INCLUDING, 1810 Jo the Library of Congress. (torn the Oept. of Sta^e. BOSTON MUNICIPAL PRINTING OFFICE 1904 r' rf 9 v ■J^U [Document 93. — 1904.] REGISTRY DEPARTMENT OK THK CITY OF BOSTON EECOEDS RELATING TO THE EARLY HISTORY OF BOSTON {Formerly called Record Cominissi oners' Reports) This volume, which is the thirty-third in the series formerly issued under the direction of the Record Commissioners, conttiins the minutes of the Selectmen's Meetings from 1799 to, and in- chiding, 1810, completing the eighteenth and nineteenth books of the original records of Selectmen's IMinutes. EDWARD W. MoCxLENEN, City Registrar. Old Court House, Boston. SELECTMEN'S MINUTES. BOOK EIGHTEENTH. ( Continued. ) [355.] Boston Ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Jan^ 9. 1799. Present Mess: Edwards, Hancock, Sherburne, Tileston, Porter, Harris, Austin John Jarvis being chosen by the Company of P^ngine N°. 4 in the room of M''. Thompson who has left the State as certified by the Clerk of said Company — the choice is approved by the Board — A special Meeting warned for the choice of an auchtioneer — M'". Benjamin Wiggen applying for an appointment — 4 O Clock — a special Meeting M'. Benj. Wiggen appointed an auchtioneer for this Town — M''. Ripley approved of as an inholder A Committee to examin the Acco*. of Charges for the late Fever & see what is proper to lay before the G-. Court M'". Edwards & M''. Tilden a Comm^''. for this purpose The Oflicer of Police is directed to see that the Trucks & Carts are marked & numbered according to Law — & that the length of the Truck be according to the vote of the Town sent M"". Gooch Clerk of the Market is directed to draw out his Accounts & lay them before Selectmen next Wednesday sent — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 16'". '99 Present Mess". Tileston, Tilden, Hancock Porter, Edwards, Harris, Austin, 2 City Document No, 93. Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan'', 23*^. 1799 Present Mess : Tilden, Austin, Hancock, Tileston, Porter, Harris, M"". Luther Ernes approved as an Inholder for a large House in Wings Lane lately occupied by M^ Brj'ant Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Jan^, 28. 1799 Present Mess : Hancock, Tileston, Tilden, Edwards, Porter, Austin, Passed upon Accounts — [256.] Voted, that M^ Foster who has the charge of the Hay Engine, have allow'ed him for his services including taking care of the Bulls, from the last Day of May 1795 to the last Day of December 1798 — at & after the rate of five hundred & fifty J)ollars p Annum, and that the Treasurer settle his Accounts accordingly — sent Treasurer Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan'' 1799 Present Mess''^ Sherburne, Tyleston, Tilden, Porter, Edwards, Hancock, Austin. Voted that the Inspector of Police be directed to contract for the Sale of the Manure & other dirt to be taken from the Streets of the Town of Boston at his direction & to Account for the same to the Selectmen Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 6. 1799 — Present Mess: Tileston, Hancock Porter, Edwards, Tilden, Harris, Austin. A Meeting of Selectmen called at ^ past 3 o'Clock to consider the application of Robert Gould Shaw for his appointment as an Auchtioneer This being the Meeting for choice of an Auchtioneer M''. Robert Gould Shaw, was appointed an Auchtioneer agreable to his application as above 18 Grand Jurors & 36 Petit for S J Court — were drawn out of Box, & entred & posted in Jury Books — A special Meeting warned for choice of an Auchtioneer for this Town — "William Cleland appointed an Auchtioneer for the Town of Boston — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 3 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen FebJ'. 13. '99 Present Mess : Porter, Tileston, Austin, Harris, Sherburne, M''. Fenno directed to make a Hose for Engine N°. 5 — Voted, that Col°. Thomas Dawes with such other Person as may be appointed by M''. Thomas Dennie be a Committee to ['357.] estimate the vakie of a piece of Land belonging to said Dennie at the west part of Boston & if any disagreement arises upon the Price such a Comm'^''. to choose a third Person & the report of a major part of them to be conclusive & the Select- men Vote that whatever Sum the said Land may be appraised at, that the Towui pay therefor, on condition that M^ Dennie agree to the determination of said Committee — Upon the application of M^ Enoch Glover Cap*, of Engine N**. 5 that a new Hose be furnished for the same as the old one is irreparable & hearing M"^. Fenno's opinion thereon — Voted, that M"^. Fenno be directed to make a new Hose for the aforesaid Engine as soon as may be Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feby. 20. 1799 Present Mess'^^ Tilden, Tileston, Porter, Hancock, Harris, Sher- burne, M''. Nazro is directed to call upon the Captains of Engine Companies, for a return of Buckets belonging to their respective Engines — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 25. '99 Present Mess : Edwards, Tileston, Porter, Hancock, Harris, Til- den, Austin Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Feb''. 27. 1799 Present Mess''^ Edwards, Tilden, Harris, Tileston, Porter. Passed upon other Accounts — Voted, that William Gooch Clerk of Faneuil Hall Market have allowed him for his services from the 25 May 1799 to the 15 day of Decern'', last at & after the rate of $550 Dollars p annum, & that the Treasurer settle his account accordingly Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen March 1*. 1 799. Present Mess". Tileston, Tilden, Edwards, Hancock, Austin, Porter, Sherburne 4 City Document No. 93, Town Clerk directed to prepare a Warr^for calling the Annual March Meeting on Monday the 11'. Ins*. Rev"^. D^ West to be requested to open the Meeting with prayer & M''. Porter & CoP. Hancock a Comm*'^ to wait upon liim for the purpose M''. Edes to have the printing of Notifications — [358.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 6. '99 Present Mess''*. Tilden, Harris, Tileston Sherburne, Passed upon Accompts Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen March 13*. 1799 Present Mess". Tilden, Howard, Porter Hancock Bulfinch, Sherburne Sturgis Cobb May M"". Henry Purkitt applies for his being appointed Inspector of Barrelled pickled Beef Pork (fc*^. for the present Year — On a Question of organization of the Board, it was stated that Charles Bulfinch Esq. had served at the Board for the Years 1792. 1793 & 1794 & was elected for 1795 but resigned; — that David Tilden P^sq had served for the Years 1796. 1797. 1798 — when about to determine which of those Gentlemen should be considered as entitled to the Chair, M''. Tilden and M''. Bulfinch withdrew, — when after a full discussion by the residue of the Board, it was unanimously agreed, that M''. Bulfinch has the pre- cedence by seniority of election and he was introduced to the Chair accordingly — Voted, that the Trustees of the Franklin Donation be requested to meet at 4. o. 'Clock next Wednesday Afternoon at the Select- mens Chamber — Voted, that M"". Porter be a Committee to procure a sufficient number of Buckets to provide each Engine with six Pair — the Buckets to be painted & marked. Voted, that M^. Porter be a Committee to enquire of M'. Tileston, who was last Year a Comm"''. of the Board for this pur- pose what progress he has made in procuring Timber for fencing the Towns Lands — & that M^. Porter be requested to complete the said Commission — Voted, that M''. Bulfinch be a Committee to enquire of M*". Austin, (who was of the Board last Year & a Committee to pro- vide a site & erect an Engine House in Ward No. 7.) what pro- gress he has made in the business ; and to complete that Com- mission as soon as may be Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 5 [359.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March '99 Present Mess'^®. Howard, Porter, Sturgis, Tilden, May Sherburne, Bulfinch, Cobb, Hancock Upon application of Cap^ Norton asking the opinion of the Selectmen respecting his right to build a Shop or other Building in front of his House in Back Street on the line with the other Buildings in the Street — whereupon Voted, that M''. Tilden & M^ Sherburne be a Committee to view the House & Eeport thereon — Voted, that at the future Meetings of the Selectmen the pro- ceedings of the preseding Meeting as recorded shall be read, as introductory to other business — Voted, that the Inspector of Police be & he hereby is directed, to cause each & every Cart & Truck, owned or used by any In- habitant of tliis Town to be number'd and marked with the Owners name in some convenient part as required by Law, & in case of neglect or refusal of any Owner of any Cart or Truck, for to mark & number his or her Cart Trucks or Sled during the space of ten days after public notice of this order, the Inspector is hereby directed to prosecute such Delinquent without favour or partiality. — A Report of Hon^"' Thomas Dawes & Sam. Parkman Esq Referees chosen to appraise a piece of Land between Middlecot & Temple Street belonging to Thomas Dennie was read & ac- cepted. — (Mem°. on file mix'd Papers) A Committee from the Board of Health came up and proposed a conference — whereupon — Voted, that the Selectmen will meet at their room to Morrow Afternoon 3. o. 'Clock for the special purpose of conferring with the Board of Health — and JM''. Sturgis & M^ Cobb are a Committee to wait on them with their decision Voted, that the Chairman M"". Sturgis & [260.] M^ May be a Committee to adjust the cases provided for the keeping of the Records & Papers of the Town & other Furniture of the Select- mens Room and do the needful therein. Voted, that M^ May & M^ Cobb be a Comm'^^ to enquire into the Claims of the Town to the Lands between Middlecot & Temple Streets at the upper or South end of the same ascertain as far as they can all facts necessary to be known preparatory to open a new street — & Report as soon as may be — see March 21 — below 1. 2 Votes 6 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a meeting of Selectmen March 21^ — Present Mess". Bulfinch, Tildeu Hancock, Sherburne Porter, Sturgis May, Cobb, Voted, that a Comm'^''. of two be appointed to make out a clear & correct list of all the Estates of the Town ; exhibiting the Towns title, with Plans as far as can be had, with the Butts & bounds, the income if occupied & the Occupiers names — with such other minutes as may elucidate the subject ; with power to employ such assistance as the Committee may think necessary. — Voted that M^ May, M^ Sturgis be this Com- mittee. — (Mem°. the preceding Votes unanimously at their meeting on yesterday) As was proposed at the last meeting — a conference took place with the Board of health — when the Board of health submitted to this Board sundry points for consideration, wherein the respective Jurisdiction were questionable — after a free discussion of every thing deemed necessary which was thought of — and a Joint Comm*'''. of the two Boards having been proposed the Board of health withdrew, when it was Voted, that Mess : Tilden & Sturgis be chosen on the part of the Board a Committee to Join such as the Board of Health may appoint for the purposes of defining & explaining the subjects of the powers of the respective Boards, where any [361.] doubts may arise respecting them — Boston ss : At a meeting of the Selectmen March 25. 1799 Present Mess""^. Sherburne, Sturgis, Hancock, Cobb May, Town Clerk directed to prepare a Warrant for a Town Meeting the 1. Monday of April next being the 1^*. Day of said April, for the choice of a Governor, Lie'. Governor, Senators &''. M^'. Sherburne & M''. Howard — a Committee to wait upon the Rev**. D"". Stillman — and request his Opening the Meeting with Prayer — M''. Benj''. Edes to have the printing of the Notifications of said Meeting — Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen March 27. 1799 — Present Mess""^. Sherburne, Bulfinch, Howard, Sturgis, May, Hancock, Passed upon other Accounts — Mess'^. Bulfinch Hancock & Porter appointed a Committee for the Year for the care of the Common — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 7 M''. Cobb, Porter, Sherburne a Committee to view the Street leading up Beacon Hill & to Report what measures shall be taken to dig away & make the same passable — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen April S*^. 1799 Present Mess. Sturgis, Hancock, Tilden, Porter, Bulfinch, Cobb, Sherburne, Howard M"". Whittemore applies for being appointed as an Inspector of Barrel'd pickled Fish Pork Beef &*^. for the Year ensuing — The Chairman & M'". Sherburne a Comm''^. to examine into the powers of the Surveyers of High Ways with respect to the Nuisances occasioned by Shop keepers & Auchtioneers incum- bring the Streets with Goods & Boxes — & to Report the Law with an amendment if necessary — M''. Hancock & M''. Howard a Committee to enquire [363.] into the subject of the Petition of Levy Lane & others that the Dock at the bottom of Wood Lane called the Slip, should be filled up — M"". Cobb & M"". Porter a Committee upon the Petition of Josiah Knapp proposing to fill up a Dock at the South part of the Town between M"". Knapp & M"". Heely — M'. Sturgis added to the Committee upon the subject of the Land at the head of Middlecot Street — The Inspector of Police is directed to apply to M'". Edwards to prosecute to issue before the Court of Common pleas the delinquent Drivers or Owners of Hacks who have appealed from the Judgement of the Justice of Peace Mess""*. Benjamin Clark Benjamin Owen Smith Woodward Ehsha Tower Nathaniel Spear John McElroy John Lombard Thomas Barber Thomas Poole Edward Burt Benj'* Whittemore Henry Purket — see April 10 were chosen Packers of Barrel'd Beef pickled Fish Pork &c for the Town of Boston for the ensuing Year, & the Town Clerk is directed to give them Certificates accordingly — 8 City Document No. 93. Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 10, 1799 Present Mess""*. Hancock, Porter, Sturgis, Sherburne, Bulfinch, Tilden. M''. James Barry is appointed an Inspector of pickel'd Fish Pork & Beef for the ensuing Year commencing the 3'^ lus*^ — see other side the next [363.] Liberty was granted M'". Aaron Cummings to open the Common Shore near Jelfry & Russells Whorff for the pur- pose of draining his Cellar, on the usual conditions Upon Report of the Committee to confer with the Committee of Board of Health — Voted, that it be recommended to the Inhabitants to enclose all such vacant Lands, as in the opinion of the Board of health may become receptacles of dirt & filth sent Voted, that the Marsh at the bottom of the Common near the Rope-walk be assign'd ^s a place for depositing dirt & the sweepings of the Streets — sent Voted, that the Keeper of Rainsford Island be directed to receive all sick or contagious persons Clothes or merchandize, that may in the opinion of the Board of health be infectious, & to conduct with them as they shall direct, & the keeper of the Island is directed to call at the Board of healths ofilce as often as he may come to Boston to receive such instructions as the Board may have to give, & to conform himself to them, untill further orders from the Selectmen — Copy of Letter to Command^, ofllcer of y^. Castle on the file mix'd Papers, also of one to D'". Welsh resid^. at Castle William On application of the Fire-wards M"'. Porter & M"". Sturgis are a Committee to examine the Engine N**. 7 & to report the expediency of repairing that Engine or having a new one built — - M^. Sturgis & M''. Tilden Comm*"". on application of D''. Parker to examine relative to a conveyance by the Town of a passage way thro the late Rope-walk, bend in Ilutchinsons Street — M"". Bulfinch M''. Sherburne & M"". Sturgis Committee to exam- ine into a bond given by Richard Perkins to convej' land of the new State-house to the Town — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 9 The Comm®*'. to whom was referred the Petition of sundry Per- sons for the removal of Incumbrances in the Streets Reported the following for publication — which was adopted & [364] Voted to be printed in the Mercury & Centinel for three Papers — viz* — Whereas great complaints have been made by many respectable Gentlemen of the Town to the Board that the obstructions in several of the Streets by Goods & Merchandise being placed thereon by Shopkeepers Auchtioueers & others ; have become so great as to render it almost impossible to pass & re-pass with safety — and as no Citizen has a right to such an indulgence to the prejudice of any of the Inhabitants — therefore this Board feel themselves in duty bound to see the laws in such cases duly observed, do now give public notice to all Shop keep- ers Auchtioueers & others who may after the last day of April inst*. incumber any of the Streets or sides of the Streets with such Goods & Merchandise or with any other Article whatsoever to the damage or inconvenience of the Inhabitants that they shall give peremtorj' orders to have such Person or Persons prosecuted to the extent of the Law without further notice — sent for Mercury & Centinel Thomas Emmons & Jonathan Cushing are appointed packers of Beef tf. for the term of one Year commencing the 3'^ of April Ins*. M"". Porter M"". Cobb & M"". Hancock a Committee on the appli- cation of M"". Haskius for the approbation of the Selectmen for a Street thro' his Ground leading from Pleasant Street to Eliot Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen April 13*^ 1799 M'". David Corbit was appointed an Inspector of pickled bar- reld Eish Pork & Beef by a majority of the Selectmen — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen April 17 — '99 Present Mess■■^ Sturgis, Porter, Bulfinch, Tilden, Cobb, May, Sherburne Howard WilHam Eenno John Cartwright, approved of as packers &' Inspectors of pickled Barreld Eish Pork tt*^. Passed upon a number of Persons for Inholders & Retailers and return made to the Justices of the Court of Sessions — M"". Sturgis & M*'. Bulfinch on the application of the Judge of [365.] Probate for the County of Suffolk, are a Comm*^*^. to examine into the Circumstances of Benjamin Hall represented to said Judge as a person uon compos — 10 City Document No. 93. The application of Col". Brazier & others that the Common Sewer through INIarket Square may be cleansed — this matter was referred to the Board of Health for consideration On appUcation of M'". [blank] for liberty to remove the Cellar Door from the front to the end of his House — M''. How- ard & M"". Sherburne are a Committee, thereupon — M"". Porter M"". Hancock & M'. Cobb are a Comm^. to enquire into the term of the Lease of Towns Land to M^'. Doll — to see the Fences put into Immediate repair & to make enquiry into the state of such Land, & to Report thereon — The application of Col". Amory for liberty for the Boston Cavelry to exercise on the Common — referred to the Comm'^'^. who have the care of the same. — On complaint of the state-house watch against their Constable — Voted, that M'". Burdick be no longer considered as Constable of that Watch — and the Watch is directed to appoint one of their own number for their Constable untill further orders of this Board The following i-eturn was made on the Warrant recieved from the Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk to enquire into the circumstances of Benjamin Hall who had been represented to said Judge as incapable to take care of himself &". — viz* — That having in pursuance of said AV arrant examined into the circumstances & state of mind of said Hall, they find him to be as represented a Person so weak & disorder'd in mind as to be unable to take care of his own affairs — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 24. 1799 — Present Mess^'^. Hancock, Sherburne, Bulfiuch, Porter, Howard, Tilden, Sturgis, Cobb M'". Stickney applies for being appointed an Auchtioneer for this Town — & a special Meeting has been warned for the [366.] purpose of considering said Application — 4. o Clock P : M : M'. Thomas Stickney is appointed an Auch- tioneer for this Town for the present Year see May 15 — It is agreed that the Selectmen attend on their sitting Days at 4 o'clock P : ]M : precisely — M''. James Euson being well recommended is appointed an In- spector of pickled Fish Beef & Pork Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 11 Voted, that the consideration of new licensed Persons be referred over to July next, being the usual time for considering & granting such Licenses — M*'. Samuel Abbot was appointed an Inspector of barreld pickled Fish Pork & Beef— Maj"", Tilden & M'". Sturgis a Comm®^ on the application of D*". Dexter & others relative to raising Milk Street — The Committee appointed to consider & Report on the Article of the Warrant relative to applying to the General Court for restrictions on the Aqueduct Corporation — Report — That by the Act passed the 27*. of February 1795, the Associates in the above Corporation are invested with full power to open the ground in any part of the streets & hig[h] ways in the Towns of Roxbury & Boston at any time for the purpose of sinking or repairing such Aqueduct without any controU assent or restriction from the Selectmen or Surveyers of the Highways of either of those Towns These unqualified powers have been productive already of some complaint & may lead to consequential injury by subjecting the Town to Litigations with the Aqueduct Proprietors, or sadUng the Inhabitants with the expence of extra repairs of their Streets — Your Comm®®. therefore propose that the Town Instruct their Representatives in the General Court to obtain an additional one in amendment of the same to the following effect viz*. — [367.] 1^*. That no pavement be taken up previous to the 1^* Day of April, nor after the first Day of October in any year — 2"*^. That the Selectmen or the Persons whom they shall appoint shall determine on what part of the Street the pavement shall be removed for the purpose of sinking the Pipes of the Aqueduct & to what extent untill the repair is compleated. 3'^ That the Selectmen or Surveyers of the High Ways be impower'd to direct the re-pavement so as to have the same substantially & effectually done — These Resolutions appear reasonable because when the Town when on the 7"\ of Feb^'. 1795.. assented to the Proprietors being incorporated it was with the express proviso, that the Proprie- tors should be holden to put the Streets which should be opened 12 City Document No. 93. in as good repair, as they were previous thereto, & that such other guards & restrictions should be inserted in the Act as should effectually secure the Town from injury — All of which is respectfully submitted Boston Decern'. 5. '98 — p Order — WiLLLAM TuDOK Chairman At a legal Meeting of the Town of Boston at Faneuil Hall the 5"^ of November & continued by Adjournment to the 5 of Decern''. 1798— The 'foregoing Report was considered & accepted by the Town — Att : William Cooper. Town Clerk Commonwealth Massachusetts In the House of Representatives Feb^. 26. 1799 On the Memorial of the Town of Boston praying for alterations in the Act for incorporating Luther Ames & others into a Society for the purpose of bringing fresh Water into the Town of Bos- ton [368.] by subterraneous Pipes. Ordered, that the said Town of Boston notify the said Corporation by leaving an attested Copy of the Vote of the said Town on this subject & this order thereon, with the Clerk of said Corporation, thirty Days at least before the second Wednesday of the first Sessions of the next General Court that they may then appear & show cause if any the said Corporation have why the prayer of the said application should not be granted — Sent up for Concurrence Edw». H. Robins Spker In Senate Feb^. 28. 1799 Read & concurred Samuel Phillips President Original of the aforegoing is placed on the file of mixed Papers — and an attested Copy to be sent the Clerk of the Corporation without delay — Major Tilden was requested to have the Centre Writing School white washed. — The Clerk of the Market is directed to have the Cellar of the Market-house examined & cleared of every thing that may prove offensive M'. Sherburne & M^ Howard a Comm*"®. upon the application of M''. Smith for leave to form a Foot-path Brick with an abut- ment, in Cross Street — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 13 Wednesday next assign'd for coming to the choice of an Orator for the A^^ of July next — As also for making out a War- rant for May Meeting — Boston ss : At a meeting of the Selectmen April 29. '99 Present Mess''®. Sturgis, Howard, Tilden, Hancock, Sherburne Porter, May, Cobb, Passed upon Accounts Wilham Parsons applies for liberty to open a Drain from his House into the Common Shore — Liberty was accordingly granted, he complying with the usual conditions — M''. Joseph Adams has liberty to open a Drain in Center Street upon the usual conditions, — M^. William Speed is appointed Captain of the Town-house Watch— [369.] Voted, that the Constables of the Town shall in future bring in their accounts quarterly, other ways they are not to be allowed — Voted, unanimously, that this Board will to IMorrow week wait upon the President of the United States, and pay their respects to him — Voted, that Maj"". Tilden & M^ Sturgis be a Comrn^^ to meet Benjamin Weld & others, who have asked liberty to level the Fortifications on Fort-hill ; to grant permission, and advise with them concerning the same — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 1. 1799 Present Mess''^. Sturgis Howard Hancock, Porter Sherburne, BuMnch, Passed upon other Accounts — M''. Henderson having produced vouchers that he had paid the several Treasurers of the State County & Town the full Sums conmiitted to him as Collector of Taxes for 1797 — to collect of the Inhabitants — the Town Clerk was directed to give up the Bonds he had given for said Year M"". Israel Cook appointed a Searcher of barrel'd pickled Fish &«. Bennet Dunbar appointed one of the State Street Watch. — 14 City Document No. 93. Upon application of Prince Hall & others that JVf, Nester Pendleton a black man be licensed as a Schoolmaster to Instruct their black Children — Voted that the said Pendleton be licensed agreeable to the request of the Petitioners ; & to be at their expence, during the pleasure of the Board — sent ]VP. Tilden of the Comm*"^. on the application of Aaron Dexter & others that the lower part of Milk Street should be so raised as to carry the Water & wash of the Street above ground — Reported, that the Comm®*^ had examined the Street & considered fully the Subject, & were of opinion that it was not expedient to comply with the request of the Petitioners as it would be attended with great expence, & would throw the Water back upon the adjoining Streets — [270.] The Comm*'^. to whom was referr'd the appUcation of M''. Weld & others Reported — that One hundred & fifty Dollars be allowed for the purpose of levelling the Breast work on Fort- hill, & compleating the Street over the Hill from Oliver Street — ' the whole to be done under the direction of the Selectmen — Voted, to accept the Report — with the addition of fifty Dollars to the Sum granted, making in the whole 200 Dollars ; and the before men- tioned Com®, was desired to attend to and inspect the said work. "■ On application of Cap*. Caldwell & M"". Perez Bryant for liberty to open the Common Shore at the bottom of Cold Lane — Liberty was granted under the usual Conditions — M''. Sherburne of the Comm^''. to consider the Application of Levi Lane & Robert Treat — Reported as follows — viz*. — M''. Levi Lane & Robert Treat agree to fill up the Dock at the bottom of Procters Lane, and make a suitable Drain from the head of the Dock to the End, & keep it in good repair — the Town continuing the Passage way always open as any other publick Street — Levy Lane Robert Treat The above Report being accepted by the Selectmen the Town Clerk is directed to furnish M''. Lane & Treat with a Copy thereof — Mem", the Agreement is placed on the file of mixt Papers) Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 2"^. 1799 Present Mess""^. Howard, Tilden, Porter, Hancock, Bulfinch, The Town Clerk is directed to prepare a Warrant for May Meeting on the 14. Ins* — 10 o Clock Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 15 M'. Howard & Sherburne a Committee to wait on the Re^^. D''. Stillman and to request his opening the Meeting with prayer — M"". Benj". Edes to have the printing of the Notifications for said Meeting — On application of Cap*. Ruben Carver he is permitted to open a Drain from his Pump in Procters Lane into the Common Shore — M^ Howard & Sherburne a Comm'^^ to [371.] confer with the Abuttors on Lyn Street respecting the repairing & paving that Street — Caj3'. Lemuel Gardner appointed an Inspector packer &''. of Barrel'd pickled Fish Pork & Beef. Wednesday next assigned for signing Licenses for ihe Owners of Hacks Voted, that the following arrangement of Committees be adopted, who are to attend in their respective divisions to the removal of obstructions, in the Streets occasioned by the expo- sure of Goods &'". contrary to late Advertizement — M'". Howard & M^ Sherburne Division from the Mill Creek northerly containing 5 AVards — M^ Bulfiuch & M^ Mays d°. Wards N«. 6 & 7 M"^. Sturgis Tilden & Cobb d°. Wards N". 8- 9. & 10 M"^. Hancock d". Ward-N". 11— W. Porters d**. Ward— N°. 12— Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen May 7^ — 1799 Present Mess". Bulfiuch, Porter, Sturgis, Hancock, Sherburne, Cobb M'". Jepson & M"". Thompson having produced Vouchers that they had paid the several Treasurers of the State County & Town the Sums committed to them as Collectors of Taxes for 1797. to Collect of the Inhabitants — the Town Clerk is directed to give up the Bonds they had given for said Year. M''. vSherburne & M''. Howard desired to view the Street called Doggets Lane near Jeffry & Russells Wharff & to Report on the expediency of repairing the same Fry day Afternoon 4. o Clock assigned for giving the Licenses to the Owners of Hackney Carriages — and M"". Nazro is directed to notify the Owners thereof by appUcation to them & by posting up a notification on their Stand 16 City Document No. 93. Cap*. John Gray M"". Bussey & Cap*. Preble residing in Summer Street made objections to opening the Common Shore in that Street — [273.] M^ Tilden & M'". Sturgis a Committee to view Pur- chase Street & see what repairs are necessary — M"". Sherburne & M"". Howard a Comm''. to view the Whorff & Land near Winnisimit Ferry-way, respect [ing] an incumbrance said to be made by M^ Houghton On application of M''. Bell for liberty to sell fruit Liquors &''. in the Mall — Voted, that no Person be allowed to keep a Stand in the Common or Mall for such purposes — M'". Sherburne desired to procure such Books of Law &". as may be necessary for the use of the Selectmen — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 10. '99 Present Mess'"^ Bulflnch, Hancock, Sturgis, Porter, Tilden, May, Sher- burne M"". Bayley having produced Vouchers that he had paid the several Treasurers the Sums committed to him to Collect for the Year 1797 — the Town Clerk is directed to deliver up the same — Cap*. Robert Caldwell & M'. Perez Bryant apply for liberty to open a Common Shore at the bottom of cold Lane in order to clear & repair the same — Ordered, that said Applicants cause all Persons interested in said Common Shore or where private Drains empty into the same to appear at Wednesday next at the Selectmens Chamber, to show cause if any they have why liberty shall not be granted according to the application made for said purpose — By Order of Selectmen William Cooper Town Clerk (sent) M^ Hancock & M*". Porter Committee to agree with M'". Law- rence or some other Person to dig such Ditches in the Marsh east of the Dike on the Necke as may be necessary & to examine the Dike & to report the state of it. Martin Conning has liberty to enter a drain from his House in Orange Street into the Common Shore [273.] Voted, that the Sum of 600 Dollars be appropriated for the Expences of the Office of Police for the ensuing Year — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 17 Voted, that an Officer be appointed with the Title of Superin- tendent of Police — Voted, that such number of Assistants be appointed monthly as the Board may think proper — The Board came to the choice of a Superintendent of Police by Ballot — and it appeared that Charles Bulfinch Esq was chosen unanimously — M^ Amos Lewis, M^ Enoch May & iP. Thomas Stevenson Constables were chosen Assistants in the Office of PoUce for the Current month — Voted, that ten Dollars p month be allowed to each of the Con- stables for their services — with such proportion of the fines aris- ing in the execution of their Office as the Board may Judge proper Voted the following Address be printed in the Papers viz' — THE SELECTMEN To the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston— TF/^ereas the Byelaws of the Town as well as many excellent Laws of the Commonwealth, calculated to promote order, safety & the public good, have not had such attention paid to them by the Citizens as they required & such as would ultimately tend to the ease convenience & happiness of the People: — Therefore Public Notice is hereby given That Charles Bulfinch Esq. is appointed Superintendent of Police, who with the Assistance of three Constables, is directed to attend to the breaches of all Laws in the minutest particular, & to see them enforced according to the tenor of said Laws. And it is hoped & expected that the good Citizens of this Town will not only cheerfully comply there- with, but give such information & aid to the said Superintendant as may be necessary for so valuable a purpose — By Order of the Selectmen William Cooper Town Clerk Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 15. 1799 — Present Mess'"^ Bulfinch, Tilden, Hancock Sturgis, Howard, Porter. M^ William Allen having applied for being appointed an Auch- tioneer — a meeting is warned to consider the same 5 o'Clock in the Evening — [3*74.] M^ Joseph Adams applies for liberty to open a drain from a Well in new North Ally into the Common Shore — Liberty was crranted on the usual conditions 18 City Document No. 98. 5 O'clock P : M : M'". William Alline appointed an Auchtioueer for this Town for the remainder of the Year — The following return was made on the Warrants of the Judge of Probates for the County of Suffolk to the Selectmen viz* — In compliance with the within precept We the Subscriljers Selectmen of the Town of Boston have attended to the representation that has been made of the situation & circumstances of John Lord therein named are fully persuaded that he requires a Guardian to be immediately appointed to take the care & charge of him & his effects, at the same time do not consider him as by any means an Inhabitant of the Town of Boston & therefor — the present rep- resentation is not to be received as such — Signed by Selectmen — M'". Sherburne of the Comm'^''. to apply to D^'. Perkins for the Deed of a part of the Land on which the new State House is built, produced the Deed compleated & properly Eegistred — whereupon Voted, that IV. Perkins Bond for the delivery of such Deeds be given up to him — ]\F. Porter, Hancock & Cobb a Comm^''. a [to] Advertise & proceed to Lease by Auchtiou untill the 1*. of April next, all the Towns Lands on the Neck in such seperate portions & on such conditions as they may Judge most for the interest of the Town, reserving a right for staking out roads or lots in or through the same, the time of Leasing such Lands to be thursday the 2P'. Ins*. 4 o'clock Afternoon — The same Conmiittee are desired to apply to the Proprietors of Lots on each side of the Neck that they would put the roads in immediate repair according to their Agreement [375.] The said Committee are also desired to attend to such repairs on the other part of the Neck as may be wanting M^ Bulfinch M''. Sturgis & Cap*. Howard a Comm'^''. to act upon the application of Josiah Knap which was referred to the Selectmen by the Town at the late Meeting — they are also to view the piece of Land in Beach Street ordered for Sale by the Town & Report thereon — The Selectmen agree to meet at M''. Porters house in Pleasant Street on Saturday next 5. o Clock Afternoon for the purpose of viewing the Street — M"". Tilden & M^ Sturgis Comm''. to view Sister Street & make report — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 19 The Board agree to meet at M"". Sturgis's House on Saturday next 4. o.' Clock Afternoon, to view the Land on Fort-hill, upon the application of Oliver Wendell Esq which was referred to Selectmen by the Town — M"". Sturgis to notify Judge Wendell M^ Hallowell & M''. Edward Jones to meet the Selectmen on said Hill at the time before mentioned — The Board proceeded to the choice of an Orator for the 4^ of July next by ballot, & the Votes being taken it appear'd that John Lowell Jun^'. was unanimously chosen — And the Chairman is desired to acquaint him with the choice — The Comm®". to view Doggets Lane Reported, that the same ought to be repair'd at the Expence of the Abuttors — but that the Drain should be done at the Towns expence also Voted, that the above Comm*^*^. be desired to have said Drain repair'd — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen May 22 1799 Pres- ent Mess'®. Tilden, Sturgis, Bulfinch, Porter, Sherburne, Cobb, Hancock, A Schedule of the Expences of the Town for the year 1798 [276.] being presented was read & approved of, & Voted that oOOO Copies be printed to be deliver'd to the Inhabitants agreably to the Vote of the Town — M'". Sturgis was desired to attend the printing of the same — M''. Perez Bryant appeared & stated that the Abuttors on Cold Lane had been all Notilied respecting the repair of the Common Sewer, & none having made objection thereto — Liberty was given for opening and repairing the same under the usual regulations & conditions — M''. Bryant appeared & applied for liberty to pave a part of the Street leading from Board Alley to Marshalls Lane at their own expence— whereupon M"^. Sherburne & M''. Howard we[re] desired to view the same and direct the paving thereof — M''. Hancock M''. Porter & M'". Cobb a Committee to Adver- tize & make Sale at Audition of the Peace of Land in Beach Street applied for by M'". Knapp conformable to the Vote of the Town at the late Meeting — M''. Prebble applied for liberty to build a Toml) in the Com- mon Burying Ground — which was granted on the usual con- ditions — 20 City Document No. 93. The Comm*'^. for Leasing the Towns Lands on the Neck Reported that they had leased the same in two portions — the Bull Pasture so called for 39 Dollars to M''. Howe & all the other Lands to M"". Jeremiah Gore for $200. both uutill the 20'. of April next — the Conditions expressed in the Lease — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen May 26. 1799 — Pres- ent Mess'"^ Bulfinch, Tilden, Hancock, Sherburne, Tileston, How- ard, Cobb, Porter, Sturgis Met at the request of the Board of Health, to confer with respect to late arrivals from the Havanna &"^ — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 27. 1799 Present Mess^^. Tileston, Porter, Bulfinch, Sturgis, Hancock, Cobb, Sherburne, Tilden, Howard [377.] Passed upon Accounts — ^I"". Tileston was desired to view the Latin School & to have such repairs done as may be necessary — M''. Porter requested to sell a quantity of Iron tfe*^. now in the hands of M'". Thayer, remains of Engine which he has repair'd — D''. Whipple has leave to open a Drain from his Pump in How- ard Street — M"". Josiah Knap has leave to open a Draih in Howard Street — M''. Joseph CooUdge has leave to open a Drain to the Common Shore in Milk Street — M''. Nathaniel Copeland has leave to open the Common Sewer in Wood Lane — all the above under the usual regulations & restrictions — M"". Tileston added to the Committee who have the care of the Common assigned them — Boston S3 : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 28 1 799 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Sherburne, Porter, Tileston The Committee appointed on the 22"*. Ins', to make Sale at Auchtion of a piece of Land situate in Beach Street. Reported. — That they had conferred with the Abuttors upon the said Land & with Persons residing in the Neighl)ourbood & found that it was the wish of the Abuttors & Neighbours that Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 21 M"". Josiah Knap might become the purchaser of said Land to enable him to carry into effect his plan of improvement — the Comm*"'. therefore propose that this Board make Sale of the aforesaid Laud to M''. Knap & to give him a Deed of the same, agreable to a Vote of the Town passed the 14'^. of May instant impowering the Selectmen so to do — Voted, that the aforegoing Report be accepted & that the Board will sell & dispose of the aforesaid Land to ]\F, Josiah Knap for the Sum of 1600 Dollars being the Sum agreed by him [278.] to give for the same & that this Board will make & execute to him a Deed therefor accordingly — & that M''. Porter be requested to inform M'". Knap of the aforegoing Vote — M''. Sherburne was desired to draw a proper conveyance for the same — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 5 — 99 Present Mess''^ Bulfinch, Tilestou, Sturgis, Sherburne, Cobb, Porter, Howard, Nathaniel Copeland & William Grubb apply for liberty to open a Common Shore from Ush Street thro' the Town Slip to the "Water, in order to repair the same Ordered, that said Applicants cause all Persons interested in said Common Shore or whose private Drains empty into the same to appear at Wednesday next 4, o Clock Afternoon at the Selectmens Chamber to show cause if any they have why liberty should not be granted according to the Apphcation made for said purpose — By Order of Selectmen William Cooper Town Clerk see form April 12. 1797 M^'. Clark applied respecting a Tomb in the Granary Burying Ground — M'". Hezekiah Hudson being well recommended is approved of as an Inspector of barrell'd pickled Fish Beef & Pork — The Deed of Land in Beach Street from the Selectmen in behalf of the Town to M''. Josiah Knapp was signed by a majority of the Board — The Comm''. to view Sister Lane reported that some loads of Gravel should be placed there to convey the Water off — the same Comm*^®. are desired to see the same compleated — M''. Hancock & Porter a Comm®''. for repairing Marlborough Newbury Orange et Washington Streets hkewise all Streets west & east to the South of Liberty Tree so called. — 22 City Document No. 93. [279.] M''. Tilden & M''. Tilestoii a Comm«^ to repair Streets to the Eastward of the Main Sti'eet Ward No. 10 M"". Sherburne & M''. Howard all the Streets below the Bridge — M^'. Bulfiuch, Sturgis & Cobb to repair the Streets on the other parts of the Town — Saturday Morning 6 o'Clock assign'd for the whole Board to visit Lynn Street, to see what repairs shall be done thereon M'". Bulfinch Sturgis & M''. Tileston a Comm^'". to view the Ground under Faneuil Hall & to Report as to the practibility of digging a Cellar — Leonard Tearant, bound as an Apprentice to Thomas Clements, with the approbation of the Selectmen — & one of the Indentures to be placed on the File of mix'd Papers — The Hay-weigher is directed not to weigh any Hay which is not well made & sufficiently dried — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 11. 1799 Present Mess^^ Sturgis, Howard, Sherburne, Tileston, Hancock, Porter, Bulfinch, M^ Joseph Ackley had liberty on the 17. & 18^ of May last to open Drains from his House in Wings Lane & in Hanover Street, under the usual restrictions — Leonard Tarrant, Indenture with Thomas Clement approved by the Selectmen & one of the Indentur[e]s placed on the file of mix'd Papers — Voted, that in testimony of respect to the memory of his late Excellency Gov''. Sumner, the Bells be tolled from the hour of 7. to 8 in the Morning of the 12"\ Ins^ & from 1 to the close of the Funeral — And it is recommended that the Stores & Shops should be shut from 1. o,' Clock, when the tollins; of the Bells will commence [380.] Agreed to visit Rainsfords Island on Thursday the 27'. Day of June Ins*. — (Mem*^. on account of sickness Deer Island is to be visited) — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. • 23 On application of M''. Ring for liberty to keep a private School for teaching reading, writing, & Arithmetik — liberty was accord- ingly granted — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen June 19 — 1799 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Tileston, Sherburne Porter, Hancock, Howard M*'. George James applies for liberty to open & repair a Com- mon Sewer leading through White Bread Alley into Ship Street — whereupon Ordered, that said AppUcant cause all Persons interested in said Common Shore or whose private Drains enter into the same to appear at the Selectmens Chamber on Wednesday the 26 Ins'. 4. o.' Clock Afternoon to show cause if any they have why lib- erty should not be granted, for the purpose mentioned by the said Applicant — Att— William Cooper Town Clerk M''. Makepeace made objections against a Chimney being built in the Engine-house on the Mill Creek as being dangerous to the Neighbourhood - - - . whereupon M^'. Tilden & W. Sturgis were added to the Comm*^*'. for enlarging that Engine house — the Comm'^'^. to act thereon as they may Judge proper — the same Comm*^''. desired to enquire into M''. Makepeace right of passage on the Creek. — Samuel Parkman Esq. applies for liberty to shut up the pas- sage way leading to Greens Wharff during such time as may be necessary for paving the same — Liberty is granted & the Town Clerk is directed to give M^'. Parkman a Copy thereof. — sent p M''. Nazro The Comm''. of the Common are desired to attend to such repairs of the South School house as they may Judge necessary [381.] On the 17'. Ins*. Charles Cushing Esq applied for hberty to open a Drain from Maj"". Forbes Tavern into Dock Squai'e — Liberty was accordingly granted on the usual conditions — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 20'. '99 Present Mess''^ Hancock, Tileston, Bulfinch, Howard, Sturgis, The Selectmen went in a Body to Lyn Street to see what repairs were necessary & to meet the Abuttors for a regulation of the same — 21 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 24. '99 Present Mess''^. Biilfinch, Tildeu, Tileston, Sturgis Howard, Porter Tileston, Cobb Passed upon Accounts — Upon representation from the Fire Wards of the necessity of a number of lengths of new Hose for the several Engines, & recommending that the same should be imported from London — Voted, that Samuel Parkman Esq. be requested to import for the use of the Town and at the Towns Expence the following quantity^ of Engine-hose of the very best quality 8 Hose 20 feet long 1^ Inches Diam"". in the clear 8- ditto 30 feet If d°. 8 ditto 60 feet If-d^ On the Petition of Isaac P. Davis for the liberty to extend a platform in addition to his Rope AYalk of about 120 yards in length — Voted, that M''. Davis have liberty to build the Platform as requested on condition that he shall pay at the rate of ten Cents p foot annually as a ground rent for every foot in length which shall exceed the Grant of the Town to the Proprietors of the Ropewalks — the same to be con- tinued at the pleasure of this Board — sent Voted, that M''. Codman or M'". Rogers be required to remove the Platform erected by them in addition to their Rope-walk the last Year — sent Voted, that the new Engine lately built by M'. [282.] Thayer be placed at the Engine-house in State Street & that the Engine now in State Street be placed at the new Engine-house at West Boston — Voted, that M'". Gideon French be appointed Master of Engine N°. 13, now ordered to be placed at New Boston & he is desired to furnish a Comp^. therefor, not exceeding fifteen, & to Report their names to this Board for their approbation — sent by M''. Nazro The Communications from the Captains of the Engines read & committed to M'. Sturgis, Tileston & Cap'. Howard — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 25 Voted, that the Town Treasurer be directed to advertize the Shops belouging to the Town in the Market to be let at Auehtion on the V^. Day of July next, for the term of one Year ; on the following Conditions — P'. No Person who is at present in arrears for rent, shall be allowed to bid for any Shop — 2^. No Person shall be allowed to occupy such Shop for the purpose of retaihng Liquors of any kind — & should any Person make such use of any of those Shops, he shall be deprived of his Lease — S*^. Payment is to be made to the Town Treasurer Quarterly & security given to his satisfaction for punctual payment — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 26. 1799 Present Mess''*, Bulfinch, Tilden Sturgis, Tileston, Hancock, Porter, Cobb, Sherburne Howard Passed upon other Accounts — M"^. Tilden & M'^'. Tileston are desired to pave the spot of about 160 y''^ of new pavement at the bottom of Summer Street near Mj. Gorham Parsons House. M''. Sherburne & M^. Howard were desired to confer with the Abutters on Lynn Street & estimate the Expence of opening levelling & paving said Street & to ascertain what part the Town should bear — M''. Tilden & M^ Tileston were desired to attend [383.] the paving of Franklyn Street, to have the same done as soon as may be conformable to new Law — M'". John Brown applied for liberty to open a Drain in Back Street — Liberty is granted under the usual restrictions — The Account of the Expences on opening & repairing the Com- mon Shore leading from Procters Lane to the Town Shp, was laid before the Selectmen & by them examined & allowed — M"". Nath^ Copeland at the same time informed that he had warned every Person concerned according to Law, & no objection having been enter'd to his proceeding, Assessment was made & an order for payment delivered M^'. Copeland which is as follows — Viz^ — Boston ss : Whereas the Drain or Common Shore in Procters Lane in Boston aforesaid has been lately repair'd by M*". Nathan- iel Copeland, the whole Expence whereof according to an account examined by us the Subscribers amounts to two hundred & six 26 City Document No. 93. Dollars 22 Cents ; and as such Expenco is to be paid by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter said Common Shore or receive benefit thereby, & in such proportions as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or a major part of them, who are impower'd by Law to apportion the same, And the said Copeland having agreable to a late Law Notified all the concerned before he proceeded upon the Business, and no objection having been made thereto — Therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Boston do hereby Certify that having considered of said Expence, & b}' whom & in what manner it ought to be paid; Do adjudge that the same be paid in the proportion following, and by the Persons hereafter named — Viz^ — Nathaniel Copeland ... 1 Drain - - $8 ,, 56 — William Grubb ... - 1 ditto - - 8 ,, 50— Cap*. Carver 1 ditto - - 8 ,, 56 Samuel White - ... 1 ditto - - 8 ,, 56 [384.] John White 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56— David Marston - - - - 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 — Thomas Page ----- 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 — David Darling - - - . 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 John Cogswell - . . - l Drain - - 8 ,, 56 Thomas Parker - . . . l Drain - - 8 ,, 56 — Thomas Moor - . . . l Drain - - 8 ,, 56 Widow Kidgway - - - - 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 Jonathan AVilds - - - - 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 — Ebenezer Burdet - - - - 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 Samuel Townsend - - - 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 Doctor Isaac Rand . - - 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 — TurellTuttle 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56— Will: Homer 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56— Widow Hickman - - - - 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 — Samuel Lord 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 — Jonathan Loring ... - 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 — John Jenkins ----- 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 Thomas & Rowland Christy 1 Diain - - 8 ,, 56 — Cap*. John Bulkley - - - 1 Drain - - 8 ,, 56 — And we do herebj^ appoint M^'. Nathaniel Copeland to receive of the aforenamed Persons the Sums affixed to their respective Names, and give discharges therefor — ' a CO Charles Bulfinch "} <^ Mem°. this Assessment David Tilden I » set aside on Account of John Tileston [ | other Owners of Drains Joseph Howard \ | being found — see Aug. 14 — William Sherburne J | Boston June 26. 1799— Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 27 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the vSelectmen July 1. 1799 Present Mess""®. Bulfinch, Tilden Hancock Sturgis Sherburne Porter Tileston, On the 27^ of June last the Selectmen Visited Deer Island, instead of Rainsfords Island, as the Hospital was not free from sickness — found the Island in good order, save that larger ravages had been made by the Sea on the Bluff or ^285.^ head Land the last Year, than usual, — the Day was pleasant and every thing agreable & the Company returned in season — Agreed to have a Dinner on Tuesday the 9*. Ins*, as has been usual on the Day of General Visitation of the Publick Schools — M^". Howard appointed to direct the white washing of the North Schools & any other thing that may be necessary ]VF. Porter was desired to have Pleasant Street put in good order by levelUng the irregularities & laying gravel on the same — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 3'^ 1799 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Sturgis Tilden, Tileston, Porter, Han- cock, [Porter, sic] Cobb, The Auchtioneers of last Year apply for the renewal of their Licenses the present Year, and 5. o. 'Clock assigned for taking the same into consideration — see July 29*. On a representation from D'\ Joshua Thomas that the per- formance of mihtary duty was incompatible with his business as a Physician & Surgeon — Voted that in the opinion of the Board it is expedient D^'. Thomas shoidd be exempted from the per- formance of military duty — M'". Roger Bartlett objects to the Common Shore in White Bread Alley being opened & to bearing any proportion of the expence, as he supposes the obstruction in the Sewer arises wholly from tlie Buildings of M^". George & Joseph James — also objection made in behalf of the Widow Hayward in the same House — M^ Perkins has liberty to retail Spirits in the Shop lately hired by him of the Town near the Market — any former Vote to the contrary notwithstanding — On application of Major Wild for a Gun-house to be built at the expence of the Town -Voted that this Board do not consider themselves as authorized to build the Gun-house as requested 28 City Document No. 93. [286.] Voted, that M''. Sherburne be desired to enquire into the cost of y*^. Gun-house lately built at Cops-hill & to Report at the next Meeting — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen July 11. 1799 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Hancock Tileston, Porter, Howard, Sherburne Tilden Upon representation from the Committee for paving Newbury Street & Orange Street that several Abuttors on these Streets were persons in indigent circumstances & unable to pay the expence of paving the foot walk, conformably to the late Law — Voted that the said Committee be impowered to compleat the foot walk in front of the Lots of M''. Hunt & Polly Yorkees in Newbury Street & M*'. Simpson in Orange Street, at the expence of the Town — the two former having lost their Houses & Prop- erty at the late Fire — The same Committee was impower'd to new pave a piece of pavement of about 200 Yards in Orange Street near Pleasant Street On complaints against Cap*. Watts of encroaching upon the Street called Snow hill Street — M^'. Sherburne is desired to enquire into the same & to determine thereon as should appear to him Just, after examining the Deeds of the Abuttors &^ — M'. Bulfinch & M'". Tilden a Comm*"*. to prepare the Accounts against the State for their proportion of the expence of the sick- ness at Rainsford Island last Year M'^. Crosby applies for liberty to open a Drain in Newbury Street — liberty is granted on the usual restrictions — M'". Stevenson, May & Lewis continued as Assistants in the Office of Police for the month ensuing Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen July 15 — 1799 Present Mess'^. Bulfinch, Hancock, Sherburne Sturgis, Tileston, Porter, Howard Tilden Cobb The young Men of Boston having by their Committee [387.] requested of the Selectmen permission to have the Bells of the Town rung from 6. to J past 7. o. 'Clock on the Morning of the 17*. Ins*, in commemoration of that act of their Governm*. which absolved America from those ties which France by her unprinci- pled conduct had proved on her part to be no longer obligatory — Voted, unanimously that in compliance with the request of the young Men of Boston as expressed by their Committee — they have permission to have the Bells rung on the Morning of the 17*. Ins*, for one hour — sent Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 29 M'". Tileston desired to have a form made for the Centre Read- ing School — also that the South Writing School be white washed if in his opinion, it is necessary — M^'. Foster the Hayward is directed to have two of the Town Bulls confined, which have been complained of as being unruly — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 16. 1799 Present Mess^'^. Bulfinch, Sturgis, Tileston, Cobb, Sherburne, Committee for repairs of pavement at north part of the Town are desired to have the Town slip paved leading from Fish Street near D'". Mouutfords — Boston S3 : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 24* — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tileston, Tilden, Sturgis, Hancock, Sherburne, Porter, Howard Next Fryday assign 'd for acting upon the List of Persons licensed the last year — 3. o. Clock P : M : Wednesday next assigned to examine the Accounts of M*". Copeland, for repairing the Common Sewer in Procters Lane M"". Copeland and the Abutters notified to attend — M"". Hitchborn chosen Sealer of Wood for the Wharves North of the Mill Creek- sworn M''. Daniel Sargeant Jun''. ditto, for Wharves South of the Mill Creek to Sears Wharff— sworn M''. William Andrews ditto for the Wharves South of Sears Wharff — the above choice to be published — sworn all were serv'd with Copys [388.] M''. WilHam Hitchborn chosen Surveyer of Onions — and was sworn by the Town Clerk sent M"". Frothingham has liberty to open a drain from IMarshalls Lane to Mill Creek — on the usual conditions The Captain of the State Street Engine is directed to take the new Engine from M"". Thayers in Washington Street to be placed in the State Street P^ngine-house, provided that House should be found large enough to receive it — He is also desired to Notify 80 City Document No. 93. Cap*. French of West Boston to be present in State Street with his Company to receive & take charge of the Engine appropri- ated to them— N". 13 sent M"". Tilden & M''. Tileston are desired to view Pecks Alley, & to have the Fence removed, said to be on the Towns Land and to act as their Judgment may direct, relative to repairing said Alley The above Committee are also desired to have a Wooden head, built to the Dock at the end of South Street ; for the purpose of having the same Dock filled up — M"". Sherbune & M''. Howard are desired to view the Alley leading from Prince Street to north of Bennet Street — to have the Fence removed said to be on the Towns Land, & to make what repairs in their Judgment may be necessary The above Comm^*^. are also requested to have the Planks replaced in Clarks Alley & to make such other Repairs as they may think necessary The Committee for Repairs of the Centre of the Town are desired to view the bottom of Water Street near OUvers Dock, to see what may be necessary to carry off the Water & to Report — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen July 26. 1799 Present Mess'^^ Tileston, BuLlnch, Sherburne Tilden, Porter, Hancock, Sturgis, Cobb, Howard Passed upon the List of Persons licensed as Inholders & Retailers the last Year & a return made thereon to the Justices of the Court of Sessions, as p list to be placed on [389.] the file of mixt Papers — M"". Tilden desired to furnish the Public Schools with Fire- wood for the present Year ; nine Cords being allow'd to each School except the Latin Grammar School, which is allow'd six Cords — The Sealers of Wood allowed three Cents p Cord for all Wood measured by them — Upon considering the expediency of having a Chimney built at the Engine House over the Mill Creek, it was Voted that no Chimney be built therein — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen .July 29. 1799 Present Mess'^ Tilden, Tileston, Hancock, Sturgis, Bulfinch, Howard Porter. Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 31 The following Persons were at a special Meeting called for the purpose, on the 3^^ of July Ins*, approved of as Auchtioneers for the Town of Boston by the Selectmen, and Licenses were signed, & delivered to the Town Clerk for such of them as should pay for the same — Viz'.— Mess^'*. Thomas Kilbey Jones — Mess''^ Robert Gardner X Lewis Hoyt Thomas Fisher Samuel Clap John Perkins X Timothy Wiggin Thomas Clark Benjamin Wiggin John W. Quincy X Appleton Prentice x William AUine John Badger Robert G. Shaw John B. Green x William Cleland Samuel Bradford Thomas Stickney William Eustis x John W. Fulsome Joshua Eaton Passed upon Accounts [290.] M^'. Asa Hammand has liberty to place a Post to hang Beam & Scales at the Store North side the Market lately occupied by Edward Brinley — The following was ordered to be printed Caution and request — It having been represented that the practice of pro%Tng Cannon at the bottom of the Common has become frequent whereby the lives of the Inhabitants have been endangerd And as many Persons are guilty of firing Guns upon the Neck & in other places — The Selectmen hereby caution the Inhabitants & others from firing Guns on the Common, or on Boston Neck, or in any of the Streets wharves or other parts of the Town — All Officers of the Town & other Citizens are requested to give information to the Super- intendent of Police of any Offenders, that they may be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the Law — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 31 — '99 Present Mess^■^ Bulfinch, Hancock, Sherburne, Porter, Howard, Sturgis, Tileston, Cobb, Passed upon other Accounts — The following was order'd to be printed — Twentv Dollars reward — 32 City Document No. 93. Whereas some Persons have taken away Lighter loads of Stones from Deer Island, by reason whereof said Island is more exposed to the Inroads of the Sea & in danger of being wholly destroyed & the Harbour in consequence materially injured. For prevention of this Evil the Selectmen of the Town of Boston hereby offer a reward of twenty Dollars to any one who shall give information of any Person or Persons who may take away Stones or Ballast from said Island on conviction of the Offender. By order of the Selectmen William Cooper Town Clerk Boston Aug*. 1. 1799— Upon representation from the Abutters upon the Conunon Sewer in Procters Lane of some errors in M"". Copelands Account of [391.] the expence of opening & repairing the same — Voted that M^'. Copeland with some Person appointed on the part of the Abutters be desired to measure the Pavement — also that M'". Copeland & the aforesaid Person in behalf of the Abutters be desired to give in a List of Persons who ought to be Assessed for the repairs — The Committee on the Common impower'd to confer with John Jay Esq respecting laying out a Street through his Land ; agreable to application from H. G. Otis & Jonathan Mason Esq. & to take measures for effecting the same. The Comm^*", to whom was referred the application from the Masters of the Engines reported a particular answer to this application, which was accepted, and an attested Copy was directed to be sent to M''. Parmenter — & the same was sent. Communication & Report have been placed on the file of mix'd Papers — Voted, unanimously that One thousand Dollars be appropriated for the opening regulating & paving of Lynn Street ; to be paid to the Committee of the Proprietors of that Street upon its being compleated to the satisfaction of the Selectmen — M"". Bulfinch M'. Sturgis & M^ Cobb added to the Comm««. on Purchase Street to confer with the Abuttors & determine what is expedient to be done for regulating & pa\ing said Street — Wednesday next assigned to consider the Applications for new Licenses — Saturday next 4. o. 'Clock P. M : is appointed for the Selectmen to meet on the Neck to view the Dike & determine what repairs may be necessary — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 33 Boston ss : At a meeting of the Selectmen August 7'. 1799 Present Mess^'^ Hancock Tileston Bulfincb, Tilden, Sturgis, Porter, Sherburne, Cobb, J. Smith Boies, applies for liberty to open a Drain leading from his House near Boston Stone into the Common Shore — Liberty was accordingly granted on the usual Conditions — [39^.] John Williams bound Apprentice to Nathaniel Chad- wick, with the approbation of the Selectmen and one of the Indentures placed in the File of mixt Papers of the Selectmen — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Aug*. 9 — 1799 Present Me^s'^ Bulfinch Tifden Howard, Tileston, Cobb, Sturgis Porter, Hancock Passed upon the applications for Licenses as Inholders & Retail- ers & return made to the Justices of the Sessions of such as were approved of for the Year ensuing M^ Wniiam JMarshall & Ezra Whitney have liberty to build a Tomb in the South Burial Ground on the usual Conditions — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Aug^ 14. 1799 Present Mess''^ Bulfinch, ^Tilden, Sturgis Hancock Porter Howard Sherburne, Cobb, Tileston, The Accoimt of the Expences in opening and repairing the Conunon Shore leading from Procters Lane to the Town Slip, was laid before the Selectmen & by them examined & allowed, M'". Nathaniel Copeland at the same time informed that he had warned every Person concerned according to Law, & and no objection ha\ing been entred to his proceeding. Assessment was made & an order for payment deliver'd M^ Copeland, which is as follows Viz^ — Boston ss : Whereas the Drain or Common Shore in Procters Lane in Boston aforesaid has been lately repaired by M"". Nathaniel Copeland, the whole Expence whereof according to an account examined by us the Subscribers amounts to one hundred ninety eight Dollars & 8 Cents ; and as such Expence is to be paid by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter said Common Shore or receive benefit thereby, & in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or a major part of them, who are impower d by Law to apportion the same & the said Copeland having agreable to a late Law, Notified all the concerned before he proceeded on the business, and no objection having been made thereto — Therefore 34 City Document No. 93. [293.] We the Subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Boston do hereby Certify, that having considered of said Expence & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid Do Adjudge that the same be paid in the proportion following & by the Persons hereafter named — viz^ — Nathaniel Copeland 1 Drain $.7,, 7 — William Grubb 1 Drain 7, ,7 Cap*. Carver 1 Drain 7,, 7 Samuel White 1 Drain 7,, 7 John White 1 Drain 7,, 7 David Marston 1 Drain 7,, 7 Thomas Page 1 Drain 7,, 7 David Darhng 1 Drain 7,, 7 John Coggswell 1 Drain 7,, 7 Thomas Parker 1 Drain 7,, 7 Thomas Moor 1 Drain 7,, 7 Widow Ridgway 1 Drain 7,, 7 — Jonathan Wilds 1 Drain 7,, 7 Ebenezer Burdet 1 Drain 7,, 7 Samuel Townsend 1 Drain 7,, 7 D''. Isaac Rand 1 Drain 7,, 7 Turrell Tuttle 1 Drain 7,, 7 William Homer 2 Drain 14,, 14 Widow Hickman 1 Drain 7,, 7 — Samuel Lord 1 Drain 7,, 7 John Jenkins 1 Drain 7,, 7 Thomas & Rowland Christy- - - 1 Drain 7,, 7 Cap^ John Buckley 1 Drain 7,, 7 Widow Drewet ---1 Drain ------- 7,, 7 Widow Hopkins --------1 Drain 7,, 7 Miss Marble - 1 Drain - . 7,^7 Jonathan Loring --------1 Drain - - 7,, 7 — And we do hereby appoint M''. Nath". Copeland to receive of the aforem*^ Persons the Sums afflx'd to their respective Names & give discharges therefor Boston Aug'. 14. 1799 — Charles Bulfinch 1 % David Tilden j || Russell Sturgis Joseph Howard William Porter John Tileston — > [294.] The Petition from the Wood Wharfingers was read & their Committee heard upon the subject after discussion Voted, that the further consideration of this subject be post- poned to Wednesday next — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 35 An application being read from tlie Agents for building the nfew State house, requesting that a division may be had respect- ing the new Street, proposed to be laid out back of the State- house — Voted, that the whole Board will proceed on Monday Morning at 8. o. 'Clock to lay out the said Street & that the Proprietors of the Land & the Agents for the new State-house, be desired to attend. — Voted, that the Board will then proceed to lay open the North End of Leaveret Street, & that the Proprietors of the Building which now incumbers the same be desired to attend at 10. o.' Clock- Voted that the Board will attend to widen the Southerly part of Back Street & the Proprietors of the Buildings proposed to be removed be desir'd to attend — Voted, that the Board think it expedient that the vStreet called blind Lane should be widened, & will attend to lay out the same — Voted, that Six hundred Dollars be appropriated for the pav- ing Purchase Street beginging at the Pavement by the House of William Boardman & .to meet the Pavement by the House occu- pied by J. Green — the same to be paid when compleated to the satisfaction of the Selectmen ; & it is recommended to the Abut- tors to choose a Committee of their number to have the same effected, under the direction of the Selectmen — Whereas the Town at a late Meeting granted the Petition of the Company of Artillery, that they might erect a Gun-house at the l)ottom of the Common adjoining the East Wall of the Bury- ing Ground, & the Committee of said Company requesting that it might be placed at the North End of the said Wall — the Board after full consideration — Voted, that the Gun house be erected at the North End of the East Wall of the Burying Ground, agreable to their request — [295.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 21-'!»9 Present Mess'^ Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Sturgis, Cobb, Hancock, Porter, Howard, Sherburne The Chairman & M"". Cobb a Committee to arrange with M'. Amory the terms of reference respecting Leaveret Street con- formable to Minutes agreed upon by the JBoard 36 City Document No. 93. The Chairman & M"". Strugis Committee to confer with the Agents for building the new Alms-house respecting the propriety of advertising the Township of Land granted to the Town — and to Report the form of Advertizement — Voted, to allow sixty six Dollars in addition to the grant for the paving of Purchase Street — Boston ss : At a JNIeeting of the Selectmen Aug'. 26-1799 Present Mess'^ Tilden, Porter, Tyleston, Sturgis, Cobb, Sher- burne, Howard, Hancock, Passed upon Accounts — Voted, that M^ Sherburne & M'". Howard inform M^ Steele now occupying an old House in Back Street, that the Selectmen intend to take down that House, & he is desired to remove from there immediately — M"". Sturgis M^'. Tileston & M''. Cobb, a Comm^*^. to enriuire into the terms of widening Blind Lane to confer with the Abuttors & to Report thereon — Voted, that the Thanks of this Board in behalf of the Town be presented to Harrison G. Otis P^sq. for his conduct at the late tryal at Dedham before the Supreme Judicial Court, for his unsohcited & voluntary exei'cions to establish the power of the Town & of its Officers in the regulation of the Market, a subject in which the Town as a Corporate Body & as Individuals are so nearly interested — sent. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Aug*. 28. 1799 Present Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston, Sturgis, Sherburne, Porter, On representation from M''. Foster that one of the Town Bulls was unruly & dangerous to run at large — he had directions to have the same killed for the use of the Alms-house — [296.] M^ Thomas Barber represented that Ben j". Robin- son an Apprentice bound to him by the Selectmen had absconded from him & enlisted on board the Constitution Frigate, that he had gone on board to claim, but the Captain had refused to release him — • Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Sep"". 2 1799 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Hancock, Tileston, Sherburne, Sturgis, Howard, Porter Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 37 Five Extra Jurymen chosen for S. J. C. & entred into the Jury Books — In the Afternoon proceeded to stake out Cambridge Street leading to Bowdoins Square, according to a Plan lodged in the Selectmens Room — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Septem''. 4. 1799 Pre- sent Mess''^. Bulfinch Sturgis Hancock Sherburne Howard, Cobb, A special Meeting warned to take into consideration the appli- cation of ]\F. Daniel Wild for being appointed an Auchtioneer — 3. o. Clock P: M : Daniel Wild, agreable to his application is appointed an Auchtioneer for the Town of Boston — Voted, that the Engine now placed at State Street be numbered 5. & retain the name of Marlborough to conform to their minutes & records — an that the Engine at West Boston be numbered 13. & named President Adams & M''. Sturgis is desired to have these Votes carried into effect M'. Cobb, Sherburne & Bulfinch are a Committee to draw up a subscription Paper for receiving money to defrey the Expence of widening Quaker Lane — M^'. Tukesbury allowed one thousand feet of Boards 4 thous*^. Shingles one thousand 10'^. Nails & 4. m. 4'^ Nails for repairs on the Barn & Wall on Deer Island — the expence to be paid by him out of the Rent — Upon application from M''. Beals for Ubert}^ [397.] to take off Ballast from Deer Island — Voted, unanimously, that no Person be allowed to take Stones & Ballast from any part of the Island Mess'"^. Manning & Loring to have the printing of the Notifica- tions for the Town Meeting about to be called. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Septem"". 11. 1799 — Present Mess: Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Tyleston Han- cock Sherburne, Howard, Cobb Porter The Chairman & M''. Sherburne appointed to procure a List of the Inhabitants for the Jury Boxes, from the Assessors Voted, that the Town Meeting be postponed to Wednesday 25*. Ins*.— 38 City Docdivient No. 93. Maj^ Tilden, M"". Tileston & M\ Cobb a Committee to view Board Alley & Report the Expences that may be necessary — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Septem'' 18 1799 Present Mess""®. Bulfinch, Tileston, Cobb, Sherburne, Not enough to make a Board — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sep''. 19. 1799 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden Tileston, Sherburne, Porter, Cobb, Wan-ant for Town Meeting next Wednesday the 25 of Septem''. Ins*. 10. o Clock — this Day issued — Manning & Loring to have the printing of the Notifications — Voted, to procure a List of the Inhabitants for the Jury Boxes from the Assessors — they to be allowed fifty Dollars for this service — M''. Gawen Brown has liberty to open the Common Sewer in Willsons Lane for the purpose of repairing the same — he to notify the Abuttors according to Law — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Sep''. 25 1799 — Pres- ent Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Hancock Howard Sherburne Tileston Porter [398.] In compliance with the Vote of the Town of this Day enjoining the Selectmen to proceed to open Quaker Lane Voted, That the Chairman & M''. Sturgis be desired to take a Subscription Paper for the purpose of obtaining monies in part for that object — & that Papers of the same nature be given to Major Hawes & M''. Brooks & their assistance be requested in obtaining Subscriptions — Judge Minot apply 'd for liberty to open a Drain into the Com- mon Sewer in Spring Lane — which was granted on the usual conditions — General Eliot has libert}' to build a Tomb in the Conunou Bury- ing Ground, on the usual conditions — The Comm'"''. on Franklin Street are authorised to have a Gut- ter paved from said Street, through Franklin place — Voted, that fifteen hundred Dollars be appropriated on the part of the Town towards opening Quaker Lane — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 39 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sepf. 30*^^. 1799 Present Mess'"*. Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis Tileston, Porter, How- ard Cobb Hancock Sherburne Passed upon Accounts — James Thompson CoUecto [r] proposes Isaiah Doane & Eben'". Parsons Esq. as his Bondsmen for 1799, which were approved of — see October 17 — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo"". 2*^. 1799 Present Mess'"®. Bulfinch, Tilden Tileston, Sturgis, Porter, Sher- burne Hancock, Howard, Cobb, Passed upon other Accounts 3 Grand Jurors & 4 petit Jurors drawn out of Box. & posted in Jury Books — M^, Howard & M'". Sherburne desired to view the Pump in the North Square, to see what repairs are wanting & to Report "SU. Howard & M'". Cobb a Conun'"'^. to enquire the price of Oil & at what rate & terms a quantity may be procured for the use of [399.] the Town the ensuing season — Voted, that M'". Howard may be desired to take upon himself the charge of superintending the Lamps the present Year — also — That the Lamps be lighted 6 months & 18 Nights in each month & that he be desired to take measures to procure Lamp Lighters & to la}'^ an estimate of the Expence before the Board — M''. John Morgan approved as a Watchman to fill the vacancy in the Market Watch — The Chairman M"". Sturgis & M"". Cobb, to consider the state of the Market, what improvements are expedient & to make Report — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 9 1799 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Hancock, Tileston, Porter, Howard, Cobb, John Saunders bound to William James with the approbation of the Selectmen as an Apprentice — as by a Copy of the Indent- ures on file of mix'd Papers — Voted, that the Hon'^^*^. Thomas Dawes, Stephen Gorham Joseph Coolidge Esq"^^ be proposed to the Proprietors of Wood- 40 City Document No. 93. wards Wharff so called to decide the Question of the Towns Claims on the Proprietors for the Dock filled up by them — Scipio Adams applied for a Badge as a Chimney Sweeper which was granted— Voted, that when the Comm®®. appointed to Collect Subscrip- tions for paving Quaker Lane shall be ascertained of the Sum of 1000 Dollars they may be authorized to commence the Improve- ment — The Comm*'®. appointed to consider the state of the Market & to Report any improvement that may be necessary reported the expediency of carrying into effect the Plan adopted by the Town in 1791 — which report is on the file of mixd Papers — Voted unanimously — that the Report be accepted & the Comm^''. is desired to carry the same into immediate effect. [300.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Octo''. 17. 1799 Present Mess: Bulfinch Tilden, Stvu'gis Sherburne Cobb Tileston, Porter, Hancock Howard The Collectors offer'd the following Persons as their Bonds- men for the present Year — viz*. — M"^. Bayley — presents James Bay ley & Henry Bass — approved M"". Thompson Isaiah Doane & Eben". Pai'sons Esq- ap- | proved j M"^. Henderson - - - Enoch James & Thomas Parker-approved M^ Jepson Joseph Callender & Benj". Sumner-ap- ) proved ) The Chairman is desired to apply to William Cushing Esq Judge of the Circuit Court that he would excuse M^ Wheeler from service as a Grand Juror at the next Court Monday next P : M : Assigned for regulating the Jury Box M''. Sherburne & M^ Howard the Comm*'*'. upon Lyn Street are desired to take measm-es for removing the remaining obstruc- tion in that Street & to settle the Claims of the Abuttors as they shall Judge best — M'^. Timothy Goodwin made complaint against Chandler one of the market watch for abuse on the night of the 15 Ins*. — M''. Goodwin and M'". Chandler were heard & on consideration Voted. That all the Members of the said Watch be directed to appear before the Board on Wednesday next Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 41 M''. Cooper was directed to deliver to the Collectors their Cer- tificates upon the Bonds being Compleated — On application of Cap^ Prince & M'". Sumner that some Gravel may be laid in Chambers Street — agreed that the amount of forty Dollars be laid out on that object The Engine-hose imported from London — to be placed under the direction of the Fire- Wards to be distributed to the several Engines of the Toa\ti's — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 21. 1799 Present Mess''* : Bulfiuch, Tilden, Sturgis Howard, Tileston Hancock Sherburne The Selectmen met on the business of regulating the Jury Box— [301.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo"". 23*^ A : M : Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Howard Han- cock Porter Tileston The Selectmen met again on the business of regulating the Jury Box — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 23*^. 1799 P. M Present Mess'*: Tilden, Howard, Tileston, Bulfinch, Porter, Hancock, Sherburne Cobb Sturgis — Voted unanimously that all the Bells be directed to be rung on the Morning of Wednesday the 30^ Ins*, from the hour of seven to Eight in honor of the Birth Day of the President of the United States — Upon the complaint of M''. Tim°. Goodwin for the insult & abuse offer'd him on the Night of the 15 Ins', by Benjamin Chandler one of the Watchman — The Board having heard the Parties respectively & taking into consideration the difficult}' of executing the Office of Watchman, with caution, impartiality & a due regard to the Duties incumbent on him are of Opinion "that M''. Chandler acted consistently with his duty in questioning & examining M"". Goodwin ; but that he exceeded the duty enjoined him b}^ the Board on his appointment, in detaining him after he became acquainted with him ; And that M"". Chandler be directed that in future he exercise every degree of prudence that is neces- sary while in the execution of his dutys so as not to give future occasion for the like complaint — sent Copies to each — 42 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 28*. 1799 Present Mess : Tilden Howard, Porter Hancock Tileston, Sher- burne, Sturgis, Cobb, Passed upon Accounts Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov'". 6 1799 Present Mess''^. Tilden, Tileston, Sturgis, Bulfinch, Hancock, Porter, Howard, Cobb, M"". Foster directed to have the two Bulls now in keeping who are not of ser\ice killed for the use of the Alms house & to pur- chase one belonging to M"^. Wells, paying twenty Dollars for the same — [303.] On application from the Judge of Probates M''. Sherburne & M''. Howard are a Comm®^. to enquire into the situ- ation & circmnstances of Eunice Holland represented to be a Non Compos — The Conun*'''. for opening the entrance of Quaker Lane directed to proceed upon that business next Monday Morning — The Board proceeded to act upon the business of M"". Thomas Boylstons Donation & bequest to the Town, which was referred to the Board by the Town and came to the choice of the follow- ing Persons as Agents in behalf of the Town, in England — \dz'^^ — Christopher Gore George Erving Samuel Williams, Esquires — also Voted, that George Rich*^. Minot & William Sherburne Es- quires be desired to make a draught of such Papers as may be necessary to empower the Agents & of a Letter to accompany the same from the Selectmen M^ Tilden & W. Tileston & M"". Sturgis Comm'^e ^q ^^^^^ ^he referrees respecting the Towns Claim to Olivers Dock — M"^. Tileston desired to have the Cellar Doors to the Centre School-house, repaired — Voted that a quantity of Gravel & Stone to the amount of 50 Dollars be carried into the Easterly part of Essex Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov"". 12-1799 Present Mess : Tilden Sturgis Howard Tileston Porter, Cobb, Bulfinch Richard Edwards appHes for liberty to open a Drain North side of Market Square Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 43 The principal business of the Meeting was to examine sign & execute the necessary Writings to be forwarded the Agents appointed in England relative to M''. Thom^ Boylstons Donation to the Town — [303.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Novr. 13'^. Present Mess''^ : Tilden, Sturgis, Howard, Porter Tileston, Cobb, M^'. Foster Reports that he has killed two of the Town Bulls and deliver'd them to Cap*. Freeman for the use of the Alms house — M^". Sturgis is requested to contract with Lewis Gorham for paving Stones for the Town at 20 Cents p Yard Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov''. 20. 1799 Present Me8S'^^ Tilden, Tileston, Sturgis, Porter, Bulfinch, Cobb, The following Persons are appointed Sweeps for this Town on the conditions mentioned in their Certificates viz' — Martin Birkes Jonas Barker Cesar Capen Scipeon Adams William Robinson Michael Williams Daniel D. Briton Thomas Wiiliby John Fairfield Charles Wyman Harry Williams & \ Boys of Willibys & Thomas Smith f he accountable An Advertizement relative to Lamps, & Lamp lighters & a reward offer 'd for the information of Selectmen of ten Dollars as p Copy on file of mix'd Papers — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov^ 25. 1799 — Present Mess'"* : Bulfinch, Sturgis Tileston, Porter — Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Nov''. 27. 1799 Present Mess'*: Bulfinch, Tileston, Howard, Hancock, Bates Passed upon other Accounts 44 City Document No. 93. * Upon considering the application of Daniel D. Rogers Esq that the Selectmen would direct a Wall to be built to secure his Ground & Fence abutting upon Gentry Street, where said Street, has [304.] been dug away; and this application appearing to involve questions of great importance to the Town Voted, that the Chairman be a Committee to confer with the Hon**'^. James Sullivan Esq. & John Lowell Jun''. Esq"", respecting the rights of the Town as Surveyers of High Ways in this and similar Instances, and to Report their opinion — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern''. 4-'99 Present Mess : Bulflnch, Tileston, Porter, Sturgis, Howard Voted, to Advertize, the Township granted the Town by the Genearal Court for Sale — M''. Thomas Farrington chosen a Sealer of Wood brought into this Town b}' Land — The opinions of James Sullivan & John Lowell Jun''. Esquires respecting the rights of Surveyers of High Ways in regulating the Streets, were read & are as follows — Viz*. — We understand centry street to be an ancient way, allowed by the town, the proof of which is shown by the Records or lists on ancient reputation. We know of no law of the Commonwealth or principle of common law on which JM'. Rogers can compel the Town to erect a defensive wall where the way is dug, or on wliich he can recover damages for an injury by his land being washed down — he can make a wall on his own land if one is necessary to him — or as an accommodation to his case — the Selectmen can, if they please, allow him to support one on the verge of the Street against the bank if he chooses to make one there — James Si'llivan John Lowell Jdn''. I am of opinion that the Selectmen as Surveyers of the high ways have a right to dig up any Earth or other materials so as to make them convenient for passing without being in any degree responsible or rendering the Town responsible for any injury or inconvenience which may result therefrom to the Abuttors on such high ways John Lowell Jun"". The [305.] Chairman is desired to communicate the 'fore- goino; to M"'. Rosiers — Selectmen's Minutes, 1799. 45 On the application of Jeremiah Allen Esq. that a head Wharfif or Abutment might be built at the intersection of Cambridge Street & Grove Street adjoining West Boston Bridge Voted, that the sum of thirteen Dollars be allowed on the j^art of the Town, the Proprietors of the Bridge engaging to find all the Materials that may be wanted, & J. Allen Esq. to pay 17 — Dollars to compleat the said WharfC or Abuttment — The Proprie- tors of the Bridge & J. Allen Esq. to obtain no special privileges or right that may be made in the Laud, the same being wholly a Town Sti'eet — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern^ 11. 1799 Present Mess'^^ BuLfinch, Sturgis, Hancock, Porter, Howard, Tileston, This Day met the Selectmen of Roxbury at the boundary Line of said Town & Boston — and perambulated the same ; viewed the Land marks ; and signed Duplicates of proceedings one of which is on the file of mix'd Papers — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem"". 18. 1799 — Present Bulfinch Tilden, Sturgis Hancock, Porter, Howard Tileston Sherburne, William Waters appointed an inspector of pickled barreld Fish Pork & Beef, for the remainder of the Year, & was sworn to the faithful discharge of his trust by the Town Clerk for the remain- der of the Year — A Letter from James Sullivan Esq was read presenting to the Town a piece of Land adjoining to Bishops Alley 238 f long & 8 - - - 4 Inches wide, for the purpose of widening the Street — whereupon Voted to accept the above piece of Land, & that the Street which is so improved, shall in future be called & known by the name of Hawley Street — Voted, that the Lamps be lighted eighteen Nights in each month after the present lighting — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern'". 24.-1799 Present Mess'® : Hancock Howard, Sherburne, Tileston Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Sturgis A request received from a number of Persons that [306.] a Meeting of the Town be called to determine what mode to adopt as to the disposal of the Old State-house — 46 City Document No. 93. Ordered, that a Warrant be issued for a To\\ti Meeting on the 30*. Ins*, more especially to consider what measures shall be taken by the To^^ai on occasion of the son'owful & distressing event, of the Death of the late Lieu'. General George Washington — In testimony of the idgh respect tb esteem of his Fellow Citizens for so illustrious a Character Voted, that Manning & Loring have the printing of the Notifi- cations for said Meeting — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern"'. 30. 1799 Present IMess''®. Bulfinch Sturgis, Hancock Tilden Tileston Porter Sherburne Howard Cobb Passed upon Accounts — The Selectmen as a Comm®*^. met relative to adopting a mode to express the feelings of the Inhabitants & the highest respect to the memory of so illustrious a Character as Washingtons Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen January 1. 1800 Present Mess'"*. Bulfinch, Sturgis Sherburne Tileston Hancock Passed upon Other Accounts — The Account of the Expeuces of repairing the Common Shore in Willsons Lane was laid before the Selectmen & by them ad- justed — the same amounting to $3.57 Dollars 37 Cents & there being 16 Shares, at 22. 33i. p share M*". Gawen Brown was appointed to collect the same and give discharges, all which vnll more fully appear by the Papers on file — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen January 8*'\ 1800 — Present Mess'^ Bulfinch, Tilden, Hancock, Howard, Tileston, Sturgis, Sherburne Nothing transacted, which was matter of Record — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Jan^. 15. 1800 Present JMess : Bulfinch Tilden Howard Porter Tileston, Sherburne, Han- cock Sturgis Cobb. [307.] Daniel D. Rogers Esq being desirous of referring the question of the right of the Town to dig down the Street West of his Land, to the opinion of the Judges of the Supreme Judicial Court — The Board considering that their proceedings have been regular & authorized by the Law decline taking any further measures thereon. — Selectmen's Minutes, 1800. 47 Voted, That the several Persons who are indebted by Bond or otherwise to the Estate of M''^ Joanna Brooker, be called upon to pay the amount of their several obligations, & upon default thereof, the Treasurer is directed to put the same in suit at the next April Court — also — Voted, that the Sum so I'eceived be vested in the eight p Cent Funds of the United States — Voted, that the Chairman & M''. Sherburne be a Committee to apply to the General Court for a revision of the Law directing the mode of choosing Sealers of Weights & Measures Voted, that an Advertizement be inserted in the Papers desiring the Inhabitants not to purchase any Hay that is not weighed at the Town Scales. — sent Voted, that Wednesday next be assigned to come to the choice of a Town Cryer — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 22. 1800 — Present Mess''*. Tilden Tileston, Porter, Sherburne, Bulfiuch, Hancock, — On the application of the Holders of Stalls in Faneuil Hall Markethouse — M''. Tileston appointed to have the Doors & Win- dows repaired & any holes on the Floor & elsewhere — This time being assigned for a choice of a Cryer — the Board proceeded to choose by Ballot — and the Votes being taken it appeared, that M"". Samuel Adams was chosen — On application from Daniel D. Rogers Esq that the Question of the Towns right to dig down the ground next to his land, be brought before the Court of Common pleas, to be legally carried before the Judges of the Supreme Judicial Court for their decision Voted, that the Board give their consent to the same & the Chairman is desired to ask M''. Lowell to attend to the [308.] Business on the part of the Town — Voted, On the application of the Abuttors upon Hutchinson Street — that the same shall id, future be called — Pearl Street — Voted, that on the application of the Abuttors on Quaker Lane & Dalton Street — the same shall in future be called Con- gress Street — Voted, that on the application of the Abutters on Beer Lane or Bridges Lane — the same shall in future be called Richmoxd Street — Voted, that M''. Porter be a Comm*"^. to have a fence built at the head of the Dock at the bottom of Eainsfords Lane at the expence of the Abutters 48 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Jan^. 27. 1800 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Hancock Porter Sher- burne Tileston Cobb Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 29. 1800 — Mess'^ Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Hancock Porter, Howard, Sherburne, Sturgis, Passed upon other Accounts — The Coimn^^. to revise the law regulating weights & measures & directing tlie mode of appointing Sealers Reported the draught of a Bill comprising all the old Laws & making some alterations — also The draught of a Letter to the Representatives of this Town, requesting them to endeaver to obtain a Law accordingly — fur- ther Voted, that the Chairman furnish our Representatives with Copies of the Bill to be presented Voted, that M"". Foster the Hay weigher be desired to bring in his Accounts on "Wednesday next for settlement Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 5-1800 Present Mess''^ Tilden Porter Hancock Tileston Howard, Bul- finch, Jurors for S. J, C. drawn & posted — [309.] Upon application from the Marshalls appointed by the Committee of Legislature to arrange the ceremonies of the 8'. Ins*. — Voted, that the Bells of the several Churches in the Town be tolled on the 8*. Ins', as requested, at the expence of the State— Upon application of the Committee of the Grand Lodge that the Bells may be tolled on the 1 1'. Ins*. Voted that their request be complied with & at their Expence — both the days being devoted to testimonies of respect to the memory of the late General Washington — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb>'. 12. 1800— Present Mess""". Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Sherburne Porter Han- cock Tileston Upon application of the Abutters on a new Street west of Jeffrie & Russells Ropewalk & running parallel thereto — Selectmen's Minutes, 1800. 49 Voted, that the said Street shall be called & knoAvn by the name of Poplar Street — Examined the returns of the Captains of the Engines of the number of Men, & found several that exceeded the number allowed by Law — whereupon Voted, that the Captains of Engines that exceed the number viz^ — N*^. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7 & 9"'. be desired to attend on Wednesday next — Complaint made of Thomas Green for taken Ballast from Deer Island — against the Order of the Board — also of M''. Kingsbury for allowing & aiding M''. Beals in taldng Ballast from the same place — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 19 1 SCO- Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Sherburne Porter, Tileston, Hancock, An invitation from the President & Trustees of the Mechanic Association was received, requesting the Company of the Select- men at the Oration to be deliver 'd before the Mechanic Interest [Institute] on the 22'^ Ins*.— Voted, that the Selectmen will attend as requested Whereas the number of Engine-men directed by the law of March 1785. to be appointed by the Selectmen to the several [310.] Engines has been found in some instances inadequate to the services required — Voted that our Representatives be desired to bring in a Bill at the present Session of the General Court to impower the Selectmen to increase the number of Engine-men to the several Engines as to them may appear necessary — also, that the Engine-men be in future exempted from the performance of the duty of Jurors Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feby. 2-1. 1800 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis Porter Sherburne, Tileston, Howard, Cobb, Hancock Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feby. 26. 1800— Present Mess : Tilden, Porter, Sherburne, Tileston Bulfinch, Hancock, Passed upon other Accounts — Return was made from M"". Salisbury of the expence attending the repairs of the Common Shore in Summer Street — and Order 50 City Document No. 93. passed, that the same be Assessed on the Persons interested as follows — Viz^ — The Accompt of the Expences in opening & repairing the Com- mon Shore in Summer Street was laid before the Selectmen by Mess''^. Samuel & Stephen Salisbury & by the Selectmen exam- ined and allowed, they being informed at the same time that they had caused to be warned every Person concerned, according to Law, & no objection having been entred to their proceeding ; Assessment was made, and an order for paj'ment delivered the said Samuel & Stephen Salisbury, which is as follows — Whereas a Drain or Common Shore in Summer Street in Boston aforesaid has been duly repaired, by the aforenamed Samuel & Stephen Salisbury, the whole Expenco whereof according to an Ac- count examined by us the Subscribers amounted to four hundred & eighteen Dollars, ami as such Expence is to be paid by such Per- son or [311.] Persons whose Drains enter said Common Shore, or receive benefit thereby, and in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or a major part of them, who are impower'd by Law, to apportion the same, and tlie said Samuel & Stephen Salisbury, having agreable to said Law, noti- fied all the concerned, before they proceeded on the business, and no objection having been made thereto — Therefore we the Sub- scribers Selectmen of the Town of Boston do hereby Certify that having considered of said Expence, and by whom and in what manner it ought to be paid — do Adjudge, that the same ought to be paid in the proportion following, and by the Persons hereafter named — viz* . — Richard Austin 1 Drain - - - - $7 ,, 74 Ebenezer Oliver 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Allen Crocker ------ 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Elizabeth Cole ------ 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Timothy Goodwin ----- 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 John Gardner 2 ditto - - - - 15 ,, 48 Amos Dashwood ----- 2 ditto - - - - 15 ,, 48 Caleb Hopkins 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 William Donnison ----- 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Samuel Richards 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 D''. John P. Whitwell - - - 1 ditto . - - - 7 ,, 74 John G. Shoults 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Thomas & Andrews - - - - 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 James Morrel ------ 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Abigail Amory 1 ditto . - - - 7 ,, 74 Rev'^ William Walter - - - 1 ditto - - . . 7 ,, 74 Propi'ietors of Trinity Church - 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Hon''"'. James Sullivan Esq - - 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Beniamin Bussey 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Marston Watson 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Selectmen's Minutes, 1800. 5i William Parsons 1 ditto - - - - S7 ,, 74 [313.] Gorham Parsons - - 1 Drain - - - - 7 ,, 74 Thomas Walley 1 dftto - - - - J ,, 74 Ebenezer Parsons 1 ditto - - - - ^ " ^"^ Jeremiah Kohler 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, /4 George Langley 2 ditto - - - - 15 ,, 48 Joseph Pierce Jun"". - - - - 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Samuel Smith 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Jane Crawford 1 ditto . - - - 7 ,, 74 Sampson Eeed 1 ditto - - - - 7 ,, 74 Standfast Smith 1 ditto 7 ,, 74 Sarah Luce ■ 1 ditto 7 „ /4 Frederick W. Geyer 1 ditto 7 ,, ^4 ProDrietors of Old Brick Church 1 ditto 7 ,, 74 Ebenezer Preble 1 ditto 7 ,, 74 Estate of Caleb Pea 1 ditto 7 ,, 74 Jonathan Hunnewell 1 ditto 7 ,, 74 Henry Hill 1 ditto 7 ,, 74 Luke Baker 1 ditto 7 ,, 74 Joshua Beals 1 ditto 7 ,, 74 Ebenezer White 1 ditto J " !^ Gov^ Samuel Adams 1 ditto 7 ,, 74 Samuel Sweet 2 ditto 15 ,, 48 Thomas English 1 ditto 7 ,, 74 S. S. Salisbury 4 ditto 30 ,, 9(3 John Sullivan 1 ditto ! " 1"^ AVilliam Conant 1 ditto 7 ,, 74 And we do hereby appoint the afore named Samuel & Stephen Salisbury to receive of the Persons within named, the Sums af- fixed to their several Names & give discharges therefor— Charles Bulfixcii ^ q David Tilden William Porter William Sherburne John Tileston Boston February 26. 1800— [313.] Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 1-1800 Present Mess^^ Bulfinch, Tilden, Howard, Porter, Tiles- ton, Sherburne, Town Clerk to prepare a Warrant for March Meeting to be held 2*^. Monday of March Ins*, being the 9"'. of March- Manning & Lorain [Loring] to have the printing of Notifications Mess''^ Bulfinch & Maj"". Tilden a Committee to wait on D^ Howard and request his opening the Town Meeting with Prayer Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 5. 1800 Present Mess^^ Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Sherburne. ♦^ =(-^ -tJ c; o ^ o ^ o ^ P3 SELECTMEN'S MINUTES. BOOK NINETEENTH. ISOO. [1.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Present Mess : Bulflnch, Tilden, Sturgis, Hancock, Porter, Tileston How- ard, Oliver The Board came to the choice of a Messenger for the Year ensuing — the ballots being taken — M'". Matthew Nazro, was declared, unanimously chosen — The Board proceeded to the choice of a Superintendent of PoUce — and the Ballots being taken — Charles Bulfinch Esq. was declared, unanimously chosen — Voted, that next Wednesday Week be assigned for the choice of a Hay-weigher, for the Year ensuing — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 12-1800 Present Mess : Bulflnch, Tilden, Sturgis, Hancock, Sherburne, Porter, Tileston Howard Oliver Major Mellvill, apphed on behalf of the Fire- Wards that a new Pipe should be mad[e] immediately for Engine N°. 6 — also a Ladder — whereupon — "Voted, that the Fire-Wards, be desired to procure said Articles accordingly — Col°. Boyle applied for liberty to make use of Faneuil Hall for the drawing of the Philanthropic Lottery — whereupon Voted, not to comply with the above application — M'^. Wild applied for liberty to lay out a frame of a House at the north end of Governors Alley & to shut up the Passage for a few Days — The Chairman jM"". Hancock & Cap*. Howard are a Comm'^'^ to view the Ground & act their Judgement thereon — also to ^aew the spot where M^ Wild intends Building, represented as an encroachment — S'i City Document No. 93. M"". Hancock M"'. Porter JNP. Tileston & M'. Oliver to have the care of the Common & Fences the ensuing Year — Voted, that the pay for the Year ensuing to the [2.] Hayward, shall be two thirds of the amount of the Sum received for weigh- ing — the Town to be at no other exigence than that of keeping the Machine in repair. — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 19"\-180O Present Mess^'^ Bulfiuch, Tilden, Sturgis, Porter, Hancock Sher- burne Tileston, Howard Oliver Mess'^ Porter, Oliver & Sturgis a Comm"'^. to view Pleasant Street, and to confer with the Abuttors respecting the Water Courses, which may be necessary to lead the Water, therefrom and to Report — The Board came to the choice of three Sealers of Weights & Measures — the Votes being taken it appeared — that Mess''^ Richard Faxon Richard Austin & Timothy Green were chosen Voted, that the Persons so appointed be desired to divide the Town in convenient Districts & to Report the same unto the Selectmen on Wednesday next — The Chairman Maf. Tilden & JM"". Sherburne are a Comm^, to wait on the Lieu*. Governour & to request him to postpone the nomination of the Town Judge untill after the May Meeting ; pro\ided it shall be convenient, & agreable to his arrangements — The Committee on the Common desired to take Measures for erecting a Pound in some suitable situation Voted, that as a number of Persons have made application for the Office of Hay-weigher — the following Duties are enjoined upon the Person who may be appointed to the same viz' — First, He shall give his con- stand attendance at his Office at all necessai-y Hours for that business in each Day of the Week Sundays excepted — Second He shall be careful to examine all Hay brought to Market for Sale & not to weigh any, which shall not be mer- chantable or well made — [3.] Third — He shall keep & exact account of all monies he may receive for weighing Hay or other things & render an account thereof to this Board at least once every three months, without notice — Fourth — If at any time he shall discover in the Loads of Hay brought for Sale, or to be weighed, any Stones or other improper Selectmen's Minutes, 1800. 55 Lumber in the Cart, be shall expose the Person by Advertizing him in one of the Papers, if to him it shall appear intentially done to defraud the buyer — FiftJ, — Such Hay-weigher shall have the whole care of the Bulls', that are or may be owned by the Town, & shall see them properly kept; the expence of their support to be paid by the Town Sixth — The Person who may be chosen to the aforesaid OfHce, discharging his duty agreable to the aforegoing directions shall continue therein during the pleasure of the Board, «& be entitled to two thirds of the gross sums he may receive for weighing as aforesaid, paying out of his f**^ for the fuel paper & tickets, & the other expences accruing to be paid out of the other third — sent The Board then came to the choice of a Hay-weigher, and the Votes being taken it appear'd, that M''. Hopestill Foster was chosen On the application of CoP. Boyle, liberty was granted to the Managers of the Philanthropic Lottery to make use of the Boxes for the drawing of that Lottery — they to make good any damage that may [be] done to them — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 26*-1800 — Present Mess''^ Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston, Sturgis, Porter, Oliver, Hancock, Sherburne Howard The Comm^®. to view Pleasant Street were impower'd to have a Drain constructed to convey the Water from that Street On appHcation of the Board of Health Voted [4. ] that the Bells be rung on Wednesday next to assemble the Wards of the Town for the choice of a Board of Health A Warrant for a Meeting in April next : being 7"' day for choice of Govemour &'' was issued by Selectmen M'. Edes to have printing of Noti- fications M'. Porter & M'". Tyler a Comm*'^ to request Dr. Thacher to open the Town Meeting with Prayer — A Wai-rant was also issued for another Town Meeting on Tues- day April 8 — 10. O Clock A : M :— to affix Salaries &" Maj''. Tilden was added to the Committee to ascertain the balance due to M^ Rufus Amory & M'. Lowell for the House 56 City Document No. 93. taken down at the entrance to Leveret Street & to Report on Monday — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 3P* 1800 Present Mess'■^ Bulflnch, Tilden, Howard, Hancock, Tileston Porter, Oliver, Sturgis Passed upon Accompts — M''. Benjamin Henderson Collector of Taxes for 1798 having produced Vouchers of the State County & Town Treasurers of his having paid unto them the whole Sums committed to him to Collect for that Yeai' — the Town Clerk is directed to give up the Bond given for that Year — Voted, that the Town Treasurer be desired to renew the Leases for the Towns Land on the Neck to the Persons who improved the same the Year past & upon the same conditions reserving the right to state [stake.] out Roads or Lots in or through the same sent Voted, that the Districts for the Sealers of Weight & Measures be as follows. Viz' — M''. Faxons from the Roxbury line to Winter & Summer Street, throug[h] high Street to Sears Wharff, & all west Boston from Sudbury Street — M^. Austin from Winter Street Summer Street High Street to State Street, to include the Long Wharff — M"". Green from State Street northerly — M''. Green is authorised to call upon M''. Dakin y*^. late Sealer [5.] and to receive of him the Toa;^ti Standards — M"^. Sturgis & M"". Oliver a Comm^®. to revise the regulations for the O^vTiers & Drivers of Hackney Carriages & to Report such alterations & additions as they may Judge necessary — The Chairman is requested to make a demand upon the Administrator to the Estate of Ambrose Vincent for the cost of payment of foot walk in Franklin Street in front of their Estate — Voted, that M''. Foster the Hay weigher be desired to make enquiry of the cost of three Bulls for the use of the Town & to inform M"^. Porter — sent Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen April 8*-lS00 Present Selectmen's Minutes, 1800. 57 Mess'■^ Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis Howard Tileston, Hancock, Oliver M^ Richard Richardson applyed by M*". Patterson for libert}^ to open the common Shore in Wings Lane, for the purpose of repairing it, & directions were given to notify all Persons con- cerned in said Common Shore, to give in their objections on or before the 12 Ins*. — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen April 9. 1800 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden Sturgis Howard Tileston Hancock Sher- burne Oliver Porter On the application of M^'. Luke Baker for liberty to make some improvement in the Conmion Burying Ground — the Comm'^'^. on the Common are desired to view the Spot in Company with M''. Baker & make Report — M"^. Hancock M''. Sherburne & M"". Oliver, on the application of M"". David West are appointed a Comm^®. with liberty to remove i^art of the Stable in the Yard of the Lattin School-house On application from the Board of Health, order'd that the Sedan Chairs belonging to the Town be delivered to them for their use — Liberty was granted to M'". Swett to build a Tomb [6.] At the N". East Corner of the South Burying Ground the Tomb to be dug into the Common — The Chairman was desired to write to M''. Smith Bois of Mil- ton to inform him that the Selectmen intend taking down part or the whole of a House owned by him in Back Street, for the purpose of widening that Street, & to request him to appear in order that the Referrees may be appointed to consider & award the damages that may be done to him thereby — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 16. 1800 Present Mess*^ Bulfinch, Tilden Sherburne, Sturgis, Tileston, Hancock, Porter, Oliver, Howard Major G. Blanchard applies for liberty to open the Common Sewer in Atkinson Street, whereupon Ordered that the Proprietors & Abutters be notified to appear on or before the 24'. Ins*, to show cause why they should not be assessed their proportion. — M''. .Tames Philips, M''. AVilliam Leach, & M"". Abijah Adams have liberty to build Tombs in the South Burying Ground M''. Abijah Crane has liberty to open a Drain into the Common Sewer in Nassau Street, upon the usual conditions 58 City Document No. 93. M''. Amasa Thayer has liberty to open a Drain into the Com- mon Sewer in Leveret Street from Salters Court — on the usual conditions — The Comm^^. on application of Luke Baker. — Reported that they had conferred with him & viewed the part of the Burying Ground which he wished to inclose, & are of opinion that it would be for the interest of the Town to allow M''. Baker to level the Earth & Sods on the Graves & to inclose a part of the Burying Ground with Ladders hitched upon parts which shaU be the property of the Town & for their use, in case of fires & removable at the pleasure of the Board — M'. Baker also engages to keep the little Mall in clean order — and the report was accepted by the Board — The Comm^*'. on application of M''. David West, Reported as their opinion that part of the Building might be [7] removed without any injury to the Town — whereupon Voted, that the same Comm"*'. be desired to attend to this business & have the Building alter'd at the expence of M^ West — the Town holding the right to Erect any other Building on the Laud at their pleasure — Upon the representation of M''. Edward C. How that Thomas King a black, bound to him on the 29"^ Jan^. is insane and unable to acquire a trade, or to comply with the terms of his Indentures — it was Voted, that M''. How be released from the obligations of the Indentures upon his engaging to convey the said Tho* King to the Overseers of the Town of Marblehead of which he is a Native — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 23'^. 1800 Present Mess''^ Bulfinch, Howard, Oliver, Tileston, Tilden Stur- gis, Sherburne, Porter. M"^. James Duck has liberty to open the Drain from his House in North Square to the Common Sewer, on the usual conditions — M'^. Tilden, Sturgis & Tileston a Comm'''^. to view a Well in a Street near M''. Robert Plallowells & to Report their opinion thereon — M^". Samuel [J. Smith] Boies appeared & named M"". Allen Crocker as Referee on his part to estimate the amount of dam- ages that would be sustained by him by the removal of his House in Back Street ; & the Board on the part of the Town nominated Col**. Procter, which nominations were mutually agreed to — the above named Referrees to have liberty to call in any one Person that they may choose — provided they cannot agree in their Judgement A number of Abutters on Buttolph Street for leave to open Selectmen's Minutes, 1800. 59 said Street for the purpose of laying a Common Sewer thereon — Liberty was granted on the usual conditions — The President & Directors of the Union Bank apply for liberty to open a Common Sewer in Exchange Lane — whereupon — Ordered, that the Abutters be notified to appear on or before the 30. Ins*, to make their objections — [8] Whereas it is the opinion of this Board, that all the Abutters upon the Streets in this Town have an equal right by Law to lead their Drains into the Common Sewer paying their full proportion of laying building & from time to time repairing the same — That the application of a number of Persons for leave to open a Common Sewer in Cambridge Street towards the Bridge ought therefore to be compUed with, & they have hereby leave gninted to them accordingly subject to the Superintendance & control of this Board, & that when the said Sewer is so laid that Cap'. Mackay is equally entitled to the privilege of his Drain running from his Distillery to empty itself therein as any other Abutter, as he must necessarily be subject to the penalties of the Law if he or his Tenants should occasion any Nuisance to the Neighbourhood thereby. sent — Liberty granted to Mess''^ Elliston & Parminter to build a Tomb in the South Byrial Ground on the usual conditions Mess'"^ Frank and Batterman had the same liberty on the like conditions — Voted, the Monies recived of the Proprietors of AYoodwards ^harff, for the Towns release & quit claim of Olivers Dock, be paid to the Town Treasurer, & that it be recommended to him to make use of it to discharge in part the draft passed in favor of M^ Howard for Oil.— Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 28, 1800 Present Mess^^ Bulfinch, Tilden Howard Tileston, Oliver, Porter, Sturgis Passed upon Accounts — M'". Jepson, Bayley & Thompson Collectors of Taxes for 1798 having produced from the State County & Town Treasurers Receits for the whole sums committed to them to Collect for that Year — the Town Clerk is directed to give up to them their respective Bonds given for that Year — The Comm^«. to view the Well near Robert Hallowells, reported as their opinion that the same should be covered, and it has been done accordingly. 60 City Docctment No. 93. [9] The Chairman M^ Sturgis, & M^ Oliver, a Committee to confer with Mess. J. L. Austin & M"". Benjamin Austin respecting the removal of a part of their Rope walks, to connect Clapboard Street & Belknap Street — Mes8'■^ Allen Proctor & Edward Proctor Referees to view & estimate the value of the House lielonging to M'". J. Smith Boies in Back Street — Reported in conjunction with M"". George Makepeace, they had valued said House at 950 Dollars also the House occupied by Steel at 250 Dollars — this Report is accepted & the Original placed on file — Voted, that the Chairman be desired to have the Entry- way leading to the Selectmens Room, white washed & well cleansed — and that in future M''. Nazro be directed to sweep the Stairs, entry, & room three times every week — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 30 — 1800 Present Mess'^. Bulflnch, Tilden, Sturgis Howard, Tilestou, Hancock, Oliver, Sherburne, Ordered, that the Owners & Drivers of Hacks be notified to appear on Thursday the l''^ of May next for the renewal of their Licenses, at 12. o: Clock — On application of Elias Shaw & Benjamin Edvrards for the use of Arms, & having represented that they were unable to furnish themselves therewith — Voted, that they have the use of a Stand of Arms each for that Day, & that the wish of the Board be expressed to the Captain or Commanding Officer of the Ward, that they may be excused from any fine, if they thould appear deficient in any particular equipment. Representation having been made that Samuel Thatcher M"". Clark & M"". Wyman have opened private Schools, without recom- mendation or the approbation of the Selectmen — Voted, that they be directed to appear before the Board on Wednesday next — The Board made choice of M*'. [10] William Mock to Collect & receive the Sum of seventy five Cents, for each & every Cow that may go at large within the Town the present Year & 37i Cents for each & every Cow that may be kept in Pasture or Inclosure, and that he be allowed one third of the sum so col- lected for his services & it is expected that he make return of his proceedings once each month to the Chairman — Voted, that M"". Sherburne be requested to inform M^. Rogers that the Selectmen are willing & desirous to have the question Selectmen's Minutes, 1800. 61 respecting his Fences in Summer Street determined by the Supreme Court — but as this Court will not be in Session untill August next the Board would recommend that M''. Rogers should have his fences repaired and the Ground secured to his satifac- tion & an account kept of the expence which will iinally be paid according to the Judgement of the Court. As the Selectmen con- cieve that this advance of money, can be of no inconvenience to M^ Rogers, and as the payment thereof by the Town before the decision of the question, would materially alter the grounds of the dispute, they think their proposition fair & equitable ; and protest against any further delay, and any damages that may hereafter arise Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 7. 1800 — Present Mess"^®. Tilden, Sturgis, Howard, Sherburne, Hancock, Tileston Porter Bulfinch Oliver The Town Clerk is directed to prepare a Warrant for May Meeting on the 13"^. Inst. 10. o : clock A : M : Rev<^. D^'. Eliot to be requested to open the Meeting with prayer & M"". Howard & M''. Sherburne a Comm*^*'. to wait on him for that purpose M"". Edes to have the printing of the Notifications — CoP. Hancock M*". Porter & Tileston a Comm''®. to view the Neck for the purpose of considering the best mode of putting it into repair — and to effect the same M''. Fuller has liberty to open a Drain in Lyn Street on the usual conditions — M"". Steven Francis applies for [11.] liberty to open the Com- mon Sewer or Drain in Williams Court — Ordered that notice be given to all Persons whose Drains enter therein to appear at the Selectmens Room on or before the 14 Ins', to show cause why liberty should not lie granted — On Complaint of the Proprietors of several Tombs in the Common Burying Ground against the liberty that has been granted to Luke Baker to enclose a part of that Ground — Voted that M^ Baker be directed to remove the Posts, Lad- ders & Gate, to fill the holes made by the posts and replace the Ground in its former order, as soon as may be — M^ Stephen Thatcher having produced recommendations from the Rev*^. M^ M^ Keen of Beverly & two School Committees of thaf Town — he was approved as a keeper of a private School in this Town — 62 City Document No. 93. M'. Josiah Clark having produced recommendations from the ^Rev*^. M'". Mellen of Barnstable & the School Comm*^^. of that Town — he was approved as a keeper of a private School in this Town — sent M"^. Joseph Aikin having produced recommendations from the Rev*^. M'". M". Keen of Beverly & from a number of the Propri- etors of the School at AYest Boston — he was approved as a Keeper of a private School in this Town — The following Persons were permitted to build Tombs in the South Burial Ground— viz^ — Tombs Abraham Gibson 1 Edw'^ C. How, Arthur Langford & Nath^ | 1 Meriam J Humphrey Clark 1 D^ Samuel Hayward 1 4 Tombs Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May IS^. 1800 — Present Mess''^ Bulfinch Tilden, Sturgis Howard, Sherburne Hancock Tileston Porter Oliver No Business was transacted which became matter of Record — [13.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 21. 1800 Present Mess''^ Tilden, Sturgis Howard Hancock Sherburne Tileston Porter Oliver Agreeable to a Warrant received from the Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, the Selectmen examined into the Circum- stances of Abigail Howard & finding her to be a non compos mentis as represented to the Judge a return was made accord- ingly— IMess^^ : Gridley & Stevenson, were attending Constables at this May Meeting — M"". Jos'*. Rol>y has liberty to lay Drain from his House in Moon Street to the Common Sewer D''. Joseph Whipple has liberty to open a Drain from his House in Harvard Street into the Common Sewer — William Adams & Christop"". Smith have liberty to build a Tomb in the new Burying Ground — on the usual conditions Nath*. Johnson has the like liberty, on like conditions Selectmen's Minutes, 1800. 63 David & Nath^ Bradley has liberty to build a Tomb in said Burying Ground on like conditions — Shrove Howland has liberty to open his Drain in Pleasant Street^ on usual conditions — William Bartlet has liberty to open his Drain in Pleasant Street, on the usual conditions — The consideration of the Letter of Stephen Gorham Esq respecting conveying Water over ground in Milk Street, — referred untill the next Meeting M^ Hancock & Porter a Comm*^*". for repairing Marlborough Newbury Orange & Washington Streets, likewise all Streets West & East to the South of Liberty Tree so called — IsU. Tilden & Tileston to repair Streets to the J^astward of Main Street Ward N°. 10— M^ Sherburne & M^ Howard, all the Streets below [13] the Bridge M''. Bulfinch Sturgis & Oliver to repair the Streets in the other parts of the Town — Wliereas the superintending of the Police of this Town enforcing the Laws for the due regulation thereof, and executing them with that spirit & vigor which they necessarily require, are objects of great importance to the wellfare and happiness of the Inhabitants : & unless the OtHcer appointed thereto, employs the greatest portion of his time therein, some omission of his duty must occur — Therefore in order that he may dis- charge it with that zeal firm^iess U. Thomas Fessenden & others have liberty to lay a Common Sewer, from the N°. End of Nassau Street, to meet the Cormnon Sewer in Eliot Street — Enquiry made as to the state of Pumps in the several Streets — and the Comm''*'. in the Wards are desired to examine more particular & Eeport at the next Meeting — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov*". 24. 1800 Present Mess : Tilden, Howard Sherburne, Porter Tileston, Sturgis Hancock Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov"". 26 Present Mess"^* : Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Porter Hancock Tileston, Oliver Passed upon other Accounts — Whereas a number of Gentlemen have at a considerable expenee imported a large & valuable Fire-Engine, which they call by the name of the Cataract and as the directors of the Fire & IMarine Insurance Office have offer'd to accommodate said Engine in the out building back of their office — the Board hereby consent to appoint a Company for the management of said Engine with the privileges attached to such Companies — and request the Gentlemen Fire Wards to nominate a Captain & Company for said Engine & to present the names as soon as may be, for approbation. — Voted, that the Board will not consider [41.] the expenee of the Constables who may attend the Patroles of Ward N°. 7. as to be defrayed by the Town after the 30*^. Ins'.— but that the Citizens who form such Patroles be authorized and impower'd to Selectmen's Minutes, 1800. 87 command the assistance of any one of the Watchmen of that Ward, in case of riotous and disorderly conduct, which may in their opinion require the interference of a legal Officer — Also that the Constable of the Watch at West Boston be directed to aid & assist the patrole either by himself or any one of his Men, whenever called on for that purpose by the Officer of the Fatrole — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem''. 1800 Present Mess"^® : Bulfinch, Sturgis, Tileston, Hancock, Sherburne, Oliver, Howard — A Meeting warned 4. O Clock P. M : for the consideration of M"^. John A. Dun's application for an appointment as an Auchtioneer — M"". John A : Dunn agreable to his application has been appointed an Auchtioneer for this Town — see 2'' last July — On application from the Mechanick Association for the use of Faneuil Hall for a dinner on the anniversary of the choice of Officers — permission was granted — Voted unanimously, that the Lamps be lighted 18 nights in each month, during the present season — The Board considered and j^repared the draft of a letter to the Agents upon the Towns claim under the will of the late Thom^. Boylston Esq. in London, which is recorded in the minutes of their proceedings — Samuel Curtis licensed as a Chimney Sweeper for the term of one month — also a Lad by the name of Joseph Flower for whose conduct Curtis is to be accountable — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern''. 10 1800 — Present Mess''^ : — The Selectmen did not make a Board — [42.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem*". 11 Present Mess'"® : Bulfinch, Hancock, Sherburne, Tileston, Tilden, Porter, Oliver Sturgis M"". Israel Mead appointed a measurer of Wood from the Country on the Neck — 88 City Document No. 93. Voted, that our Representatives in the General Court be fur- nished with the Votes of this Town respecting the restrictions on the Aqueduct Corporation and Copies of the proceedings of th*e Legislature thereon — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Dec"". 17' — 1800 Present Mess^'^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis Howard Hancock Porter Sherburne Tileston Oliver Agreed to have a dinner for the School Committee after the Semi annual visitation, on Friday the 9"'. Day of January of the Schools — Approved of the Indentures of Alexander Martin a black Lad to Michael Williams as on file — Received a communication from George Blanchard Inspector of the Legionary Brigade in this Town on the subject of the Towns provision of military equipments — ordered to be examined into, previous to the inspection On application from the Undertakers of the common Sewer in Cambridge Street, that the amount may be determined, which they might demand from any Person who should enter said Com- mon Shore with their Drains in future — whereupon. Voted, that the same principles which was adopted in Russell Street, be adheered to — to assess the whole amount upon the number of Lotts in the Street equally & that ten per cent be added to this sum, to form the amount which every Person should pay for the privilege of entring a Drain therein in future — Cost of Common Shore. 1247 — deduct Subscriptions from Russell Street ) from Buttolph Street j 250 ^997- Whole number of Abutters. 37 — in each 26 ,, 94 add 10 p c*. as above stated 2,, 69 Amount of a right in future - - •■ $29 ,, 63 [43.] On application from the Society of the first Church, liberty was granted to make use of the Latin School House two Evenings in the Week — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern''. 24*^ Present Bulfinch Tilden, Sturgis, Hancock Sherburne, Porter Tileston, Oliver Selectmen's Minutes, 1800. 89 On application from M"". Jonathan Grout for liberty to erect machinery for a Telegraph on fort hill, to make an experiment of its usefulness — Liberty was granted for the erection of such machinery under the dii'ection of the Selectmen — M*". Seargent has liberty to bring paving Stones from Deer Island for the use of the Town, during the Winter to be landed on the Towns Slip near Rowes Wharf, or any other place where they may be deposited free of expence — M"". Tilden is desired to give orders & directions for the same — M*". Faxton Sealer of weights & measures is directed to accom- modate the County Treasurer, with the use of the Standards in his possession when ever called upon by him for that purpose Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Decem'. 29. 1800 — Present Mess : Tilden Bulfinch, Hancock Porter Tileston Oliver Howard Passed upon Accounts — 4. o Clock a Meeting is to be held for taking up the request of M''. Nathaniel Phillips Hewes that he may [be] appointed an Auchtioneer for the remainder of the present Year — 4. o Clock. The above named Person was appointed an Auchtioneer accordingl}^ — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 7. 1801 Present Mess''® : Bulfinch Tilden, Sturgis, Tileston, Hancock, Oliver, On application from the Captain of the Engine in School Street, agreed to have a Chimney built to that Engine House — The Chairman & M''. Sturgis a Comm'^*'. to view the Scales in the Market-house, & to order what repair may be necessary — Passed upon a List of Licensed Retailers &". [44.] Mess" : Whelock & Simmons made return of their proceedings respecting a Stray Horse taken up by them & requested that they might be recorded & are as follows, viz^ — Suffolk ss : To Mess''® : Isaac Trask & Andrew Morton both of Boston, both disinterested & Judicious Men Greeting By Virtue of the power & authority to me given, in & by a law of the Commonwealth entitled " An Act respecting lost Goods & Stray Beasts" — I do hereby appoint you to Appraise upon oath. 90 City Document No. 93. at the true value thereof in money according to your best skill & Judgement a Bay horse about 14 hands high, with a white Star in his fore-head, about 10 years old, been docked & nicked, found by Da^dd Parminter at Boston in the inclosure of Wheelock & Simmons — having performed this service, you are to make return of this Warr'. into the Town Clerks Office of said Boston within seven day from the date hereof Given under my hand & Seal of Office this l*^ Day of January Anno Domini iSOl — William Sherburne Jus jjeace, Boston January S'^. 1801 — The above named Andrew Morton & Isaac Trask personally appeared and made oath, that they would faithfully & impartially perforni the service for which they are appointed by the foregoing Warrant — Before W"\ Sherburne Just, peace, Boston January 3'^. 1801 — Pursuant to the foregoing Warrant we the Subscribers have attended the service therein appointed us to perform and have carefully viewed & examined the Horse described by the said Warr*. and considered his age qualities & defects (being broken winded & are of opinion that the full value of said Horse is Twenty Dollars and no more. Witness our hands the day & Year aforesaid — Isaac Trask Andrew Morton [45.] On representation that Ballast had been taken from Deer Island for the supply of Ships under cover of the permit given to take such Ballast as may be wanted for the use of the new Ahiis-house — Ordered that M*". Tukesbury be directed to per- mit no Ballast whatsoever to be taken from the Island untill further orders — Also Voted that Mess : Green who are repre- sented as guilty of the above trespass, be immediately prosecuted. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^ 14 — 1801 Present Mess''^ : Tilden, Hancock, Tileston, Bulfinch, Sturgis, Howard, Porter Oliver M''. Tilden & M''. Sturgis a Committee to endeavour to procure a situation for the Cataract Engine & to Report — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen January 21. 1801 Present Mess^'® : Tilden Sturgis Hancock Sherburne Tileston, Oliver, Porter Whereas Samuel N. Gushing has applied to this Board for leave to erect a Shed upon a passage way between his House & a Barn Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 91 of Meletiah Bourn, for a few mouths only— Voted, that Maj^ Tilden W. Sturgis & M^ Tileston be a Committee to repair to the passage way aforesaid, consider the expediency of comply- in'. 25. 1801 Present Mess : Tilden Sturgis Howard Hancock Sherburne Porter Tileston Oliver Passed upon other Accounts — 94 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 2<^. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Howard Tilestou Sturgis Porter Hancock Oliver A Meeting called at 4. O. Clock to consider the application of John W. P^olsom as an Auchtioneer — [49.] Town Clerk to prepare a Warrant for March Meeting to be held the 2*^. Monday of March Ins^. being the 9* of said Month — M''' Edes to have the printing of the Notifications — M^ Sherburne & M^ Howard a Comm«^ to wait on Rev'^. M'. Baldwin & to request his ojjening Town Meeting with Prayer — 4. o Clock M''. John W. Folsome according to his request is appointed an Auchtioneer for the remainder of [of the year] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 9' 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis Howard Sherburne Han- cock Porter Tileston Oliver Approved of the Indentures to John Chapman to Daniel Lillie Jun''. Boat Builder as on file — also approved of the Indentures of Joseph Morgan to Benjamin Conney Mast Maker as on file — Cap^ Howard was desired to call upon M''. Welch the Agent of the Mill Proprietors, to have the Fence repaired on the West side of the Mill Bridge, & to exhibit his Account for the Towns proportion — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 11. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Howard Sherburne Porter Tileston Oliver Ilunnewell On application of Aaron Dexter & others, for liberty to open the Common Sewer leading from Milk Street to Olivers Dock for the purpose of repairing the same — Ordered — That the Applicants give notice to all the Proprietors in said Common Sewer, or where Drains enter therein to appear & show cause why said Repairs should not be undertaken & assessed on them generally according to Law, they to appear on or before Wednesday next at the Select Mens Room, or every Day pre- vious thereto ; between the hours of 12 & 1. o : Clock Upon complaint from Thomas O. Selfridge Esq. of abusive [50.] conduct from Timothy Coffran the Driver of Hackney Carriage N°. 34 — owned by Cap*. Patrick Connor — Voted, the Parties having been heard, and the cause of complaint being Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 95 proved — Voted, that M^ Connor be required to dismiss the said Coffran immediately from his service as a Driver, otherwise that he will be deprived of his License for that Carriage Voted to adopt the Regulations for the Office of Hay-weigher, which were passed the last Year on the 12^ Day of March, as on Record — to be in force for the present Year Wednesday next assigned for the choice of a Hay-weigher for the present Year — The Board came to the choice of a Messenger for the Year ensuing, and the Vote being taken, it appeared, that Matthew Nazro, was chosen — The Board came to the choice of a Superintendent of Police for the Year ensuing, and the Vote being taken it appeared that — Charles Bulfinch Esq. — was chosen — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 18. 1801 Present Mess'^^ : Bulfinch Howard, Tilestou, Sherburne, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Tilden, Sturgis D'". Aaron Dexter made return of the Names of the Proprietors of the Common Sewei- from Milk Street to Olivers Dock who had been notified conformable to the order passed on AVednesday last — It was agreed that the applicants should proceed to repair the same if in their Judgement it should appear necessary, upon examination of the same — M"". Porter M''. Tileston M"". Oliver & M^ Hunnewell a Com- mittee for the care & improvement of the Common the present Year — M'". Porter & M"". Oliver a Committee for repairing ]Marl- borough Street, Newbury, Orange & Washington Street, like wise all Streets West & East to the South of Liberty Tree so called — [51.] M^ Tilden Tileston & Hunnewell to repair Streets to the Eastward of the Main Street Ward N°. 10 — M''. Sherburne & M''. Howard all the Streets below the Bridge — M"". Bulfinch & M''. Sturgis for the Streets in the other parts of the Town — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 25. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Howard Porter Sher- burne Tileston, Oliver Hunnewell 96 City Document No. 93. Edward C. How applies for a Deed of the Land on which his Ropewalk stands at the bottom of the Conmion Jonathan Wild has liberty to lead the "Waste water from his Pump into the Common Sewer in Middle Street on the usual Conditions — Wednesday next assigned for coming to the choice of a Hay weigher, for the Year ensuing — M"". Zephenia Spurr, was approved of & appointed Captain of the new Cataract Engine — and a list of Engine Men was pre- sented by him which was approved and ordered to be entred in the Book On application from the Fire-wards of the Town that the Selectmen would direct the Constables to prosecute any Person who shall carry any fire thro : any Street or Lane or on any Wharff in this Town except in some cover 'd Vessell, or who shall smoke or have in his possession any lighted Pipe or Segar in any Street or Lane or on any Wharff contrary to Law : and the Fire- wards agreeing b}^ their application which is on file, to relinquish to such Constables, that part of the Fine which by Law accrues to them — Voted, that the several Constables of the Town be directed to prosecute the breaches of the law in this respect which come within their notice & observation & that they be informed of the encouragement offer'd them by the Gentlemen Fire-wards in relinquishing their proportion of the Fines — sent Meeting for choice of Jurymen for C. C. P. April term [53.] Adjourned to Wednesday next. 4. O.' Clock P : M : Application having been made to this Board by several respect- able Gentlemen a Committee from a number of Inhabitants of the Town, that leave be granted them to meet at Faneuil Hall on some Evening previous to the 1^'. Monday of April next — Voted, That the said request be so far complied with that the said Inhabitants so applying, have the use of the Hall on any Evening they wish, previous to the said Monday of April, Satur- day & Sabbath Evenings excepted, and in order that it may not he considered that the Selectmen act with any partiality^ they now inform the Inhabitants of the Town at large, that any other application that may be made for the like purpose, will be granted — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 30. 1801 Present Mess : Sherburne, Bulfinch Tilden, Sturgis Tileston, Oliver Hunnewell Howard Porter Passed upon Accounts Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 97 On Wednesday the 25 of March Ins', a Warrant was issued by the Selectmen, for convening the Inhabitants on the 1^^ Monday of April next, for the choice of Gov'^. L^ Gov'^. & 4 Senators as by y® Law directed — Voted, that M"". Benjamin Edes have the printing of the Notifications M''. Bulflnch & Oliver a Comm*^''. to wait on the Hey'^. M^ Freeman with the request of the Selectmen, that he would open said Meeting with prayer — M"". Benjamin Henderson & M^. Thomas Bayley Collector for 1799, having produced discharges from the several Treasurers for the Sums committed to them to Collect — the Town is to deliver them their Bonds for said Year — The Chairman is desired to view the fence lately put up by M"". v Policy & to Report Wednesday next, whether any encroachment is made on the Street — The Committee on Common, to enquire for Popler Trees & Report the Price — [53.] M'". Tileston Sturgis & Hunnewell a Comm** : to view the Common Sewer which is now repairing from Milk Street to Olivers Dock — to consider the propriety of altering the course of part thereof, which runs under the Buildings of M''. Magnor — also what part of the expence of said alteration should be paid by M'. Magnor — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 1-1801 Present Mess''® : Porter, Bulfinch, Tilden Sturgis Tileston Sherburne Tileston Hunnewell Oliver This time being assigned for coming to the choice of a Hay- weigher, the ballots were taken & it all appeared that M^ George Trott was unanimously chosen ; his appointment to commence from this Day — and the Town Clerk is to furnish him with the Vote of the Selectmen for regulating the Duty of the Hay-weigher, which passed the last Year — sent The Comm*"*". to view the Common Sewer from Milk Street to Olivers Dock Report — That part of said Sewer runs under Buildings the property of ^P. John Magner, that there is danger of injmiug said Buildings & of incurring a very great additional expence in any attempt to clear or repair that part. M'". Magner haAing proposed that the course of such part of this Common Sewer should be altered so as to lead into the Street clear of the 98 City Document No. 93. foundations of his buildings — the Comm^^. have agreed that he shall pay one half of the whole expeuce of digging, laying & compleatiug the new part of said Common Sewer, Materials included & shall remove his neeessary-house from its situation over the Sewer, and that Mr. Magner shall be exemjDted from any proportion of the Assessment for the present repair of the other part of said Common Sewer — sent M"". Marshall lately chosen a Collector of Taxes by the Town, having proposed Eben"". Parsons & Isaiah Doane Esqrs as his Bondsmen, they are approved of for his Bondsmen — On application of D''. Townsend & others for liberty to plant a Row of Poplar Trees in front of the Common — leave is granted on condition of their being placed 4 feet only from the Brick Wall [54.] The Chairman & M''. Porter a Comm^^. to view the spot of Ground in Pleasant Street, where M"". Whitmarsh intend to erect a Building — to ascertain the line of the Street in that place, or to vary it as the public convenience may require — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 4^ 1801 Pi-esent Mess*"* : Bulfinch, Sherburne Sturgis Howard Tileston Hunnewell Upon representation that M*'. Elisha Sigorney was making an incroachment on the new line of Cambridge Street & that he per- sisted in doing it after being requested to desist — Voted, that the Chair- man be desired to enter a complaint before the Town Advocate that M''. Sigorney may be brought to tryal at the next Municipal Court for this trespass — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 8. 1801 Present Mess Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Tileston Sherburne Porter Oliver, The Committee chosen to view Pleasant Street — Reported that the[y] had drawn a line on the Easterly side of said Street, from the Corner of Eliot Street Southerly, to be considered in future as the boundary line of that part of said Street. — beginning from the corner of Eliot Street which is 30 feet 6. inches from the house of John Tuckeraian & 38 feet from the opposite side of Pleasant Street on land of John Bowens — thence running on a straight line Southerly to the north corner of y® house of M''. Stevens ; said Pleasant Street being 38 feet 6 inches wide from the north corner of Stevens's house to the South corner of the House of Simon Hastings — this Report was accepted & confirm'd by the Board & order'd to be entred on record — Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 99 CoP. Dawes a Comm®'^. from Massachuset Bank applies for liberty to open the ground in Corn Street to lay a drain from their Bank to the Common Sewei* — condition 'd to repair the pavement & properly securing it. — jNP'. Sturgis & M''. Tileston were desired to procure the Towns proportion of Powder Ball & Camp Equipage against the next Brigade inspection — [55.] Inspected M"^. Tukesbury Acco*. of Repairs on the Buildings at Deer Island & directed him to make an addition to the East end of the Hall 14 feet long — and to plant 20 Poplar Trees in front of the House — the expence to be allowed out of the Rent — Agreed to allow M^. Tukesbury the privilege of taking Ballast from the two points of Deer Island called Cedar point & Secured point, he to pay 100 Dollars for this privilege, for one year only — all the paving Stones to be reserved for the use of the Town. The above sum of 100 Dollars to be considered as addi- tional to the Rent of 200 Dollars for the Island for the Year — The Board appointed M''. Mock to Collect the Cow money for the Year ensuing — he to receive ^'^. of the sums he may collect, for his services Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 15. 1801 — Present Mess""^: Bulfinch Tilden, Sturgis, Oliver Porter, Hunne- well Tileston, Howard, The Town Clerk is to draw a Bond for Christopher Marshall Esq. appointed by the Assessors to collect the balance of Taxes given to the late Collector Thompson to Collect — the Bond was accordingly drawn & being approved of by the Selectmen, was executed by M''. Marshall & placed on the Town file of Bonds, he was also sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty, by the Town Clerk — The Committee of the Common was authorized to plant a number of Trees round B[e] aeon-hill & to fence the same — The Chairman is authorized to confer with the Abuttors on Belknap Street respecting the expediency of opening a passage through the Rope-walks of M''. Austin & to determine what part of the expence they will defi-ey, & to confer with M''. Austin on the subject — The Chairman is desired to inform the Agents of the Aqueduct Corporation, that the Board would be ready to confer with them or any Committee of them on the subject of their proposal for a Reservoir on Fort-hill, next Wednesday P; M : 4 o'Clock 100 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen April 22*^. 18C1 Present Mess''® : Bulfinch, Tilden, Hunnewell, Tileston, Oliver, Sturgis, Sherburne, Porter, M"". Mock appointed to Collect Cow money was directed to advertize the Tax on the Cows for the present Year at 75 Cents for such as go at large & 37^ Cents for those that are kept up — [56.] The Board had a conference with the Committee of the Agents of the Aqueduct upon their proposal for a Reservoir on Fort-hill — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 1801 Present Mess : Porter, Tileston, Hunnewell, Sherburne, Bulfinch, Oliver, Howard Tilden Passed upon Accounts M"". Benjamin Jepson Collector having produced Eeceits from the State County & Town Treasurers for all the taxes of 1799 given him to collect — the Town Clerk is to deliver him his Bond for that year — On application of Col°. Seth King & others for liberty to open the Common Sewer in Dock Square for the purpose of repairing the same — Ordered that the Applicants give notice to all the Proprietors in said Common Sewer, or where Drains enter therein, to appear & show cause why said Repairs should not be under- taken & assessed on them generally according to law — they to appear on or before Wednesday the 6*''. of May next at the Selectmens Room or any day previous thereto, between the hours of 12. & 1. o. 'Clock- Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 29. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston Porter, Oliver, Hunne- well, Passed upon other Accounts The Town Clerk is directed to prepare a Warrant for a Town Meeting on Wednesday the 13'. of May next 10. o Clock A : M : Rev*^. M*". Emmerson to be requested to open the Town Meet- ing with prayer — & M''. Tilden & M''. Tileston — a Committee to wait upon M''. Emmerson for that purpose — M''. Edes the Elder, to have the printing of the Notification The Administrators on the Estate of M'". James Thompson late Collector having produced Receipts from the State County & Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 101 Town Treasurers for the sums given him to collect for 1799 — the Town Clerk is to deliver the Bonds given for that Year — M^ Richard Faxon M''. Richard Austin M'. Timothy Greene are chosen Sealers of Weights & Measures in the several Districts assigned to them the last Year — [57.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 6"'. 1801 Present Mess*^^ : Bulfinch, Sherburne, Sturgis, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, Tilden, At a Meeting of the Selectmen the 1^*. of May Ins'. — On application from John Osboru, John Welles & Jonathan Amory for liberty to open the Common Sewer from back of the Houses on the North side of Frankly n place, for the purpose of repair- ing the same. Ordered that the Applicants give notice to the Proprietors in said Common Sewer, or where Drains enter therein, to appear & show cause why said repairs should not be under- taken & assessed on them generally according to law — they to appear on or before Wednesday the 6'. Ins', at the Selectmens Room or every day previous thereto, between the hours of 12 & 1. O. 'Clock- On application from M"". Samuel Hastings for liberty to open the Common Sewer in Newbury Street for the purpose of repair- ing the same — OrderedXh^X the Applicant[s] give notice to the Pro- prietors in said Common Sewer or other Drains entring therein, to appear & show cause why said repairs should not be undertaken & assessed on them generally according to Law, [that] they do appear on or before Wednesday the 13 Ins', at the Selectmens Room on any day pre'saous thereto, between the hours of 12 & 1. O. 'Clock- On complaint of the Proprietors of the Common Sewer in Middle Street against a Drain which M'', Josias Nottage in behalf of M^'. Devens, is carrying into the same & to be made of Wood — M"". Nottage is directed to lay that part of the Drain which is in the Street with Brick or Stone & to cover all with Slate— M"". Israel Cook is approved as a packer of Pork & pickled Fish for the Year ensuing — Mess*"^ : Tilden, Sherbiu'ne & Hunnewell a Comm®''. to consider on what conditions & restrictions the Petition of the Aqueduct Corporation for a Reservoir on Fort Hill may be complied with — [58.] On the application of Stephen Gorham Esq & others that the Board would direct the part of Water Street at the bot- 102 City Document No. 93. torn of Pearl Street to be raised to carry the Water over Ground into the Sea — Voted unanimously, that upon consideration that the Street has lately been paved at the expence of the Town & the Common Sewer has been throughly repaired, which its hoped will remove the in- convenience complained of, the Board cannot think it expedient to make the proposed alteration at tlie expence of the Town ; but that the Petitions may have liberty, to make the proposed im- provement at their own expence, upon condition that they indem- nify or otherwise satisfy all the Abutters for every injury that may be done them by so raising the Street. — sent Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 7 1801 Pres- ent Mess''^ : Bultinch, [Blank] Return was made by D''. Aaron Dexter of the Expence attend- ing the Repairs of the Common Shore from Milk Street to Olivers Dock, and Order passed that the same be assessed on the Persons interested as follows Viz The Accompt of the Expences in opening and repairing the Common Shore from Milk Street to Olivers Dock, was laid before the Selectmen by D^. Aaron Dexter, & by the Selectmen exam- ined & allowed ; they being informed at the same time, that he had caused to be warned every Person concerned according to law, and no objection having been entred to his proceeding — Assessment was made by the Selectmen, and an Order for pay- ment delivered to the said Aaron Dexter, which is as follows — Viz'— f Whereas a Drain or Common Shore running from Milk Street to Olivers Dock so called in Boston aforesaid has been duly repaired by the aforenamed Aaron Dexter, the wdiole Expence whereof according to an Account laid before, & examined by us the Subscribers amounted to four hundred sixty three Dollars nine Cents, and as such Expence is to be paid by such Person or [59.] Persons whose Drain enters into said Commoii Shore, & receives benefit thereby, and in such proportion as shall be Adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them, who are empower'd by Law to Apportion the same, & the said Aaron Dexter having agreable to said Law Notified all con- cerned before he had proceeded on the business, and no objection having been made thereto — therefore we the Subscribers, Select- men of the Town of Boston, do hereby Certify that having con- sidered of said Expences, and by whom and in what manner it ought to be paid — do Adjudge that the same ought to be paid in the proportion following, and by the Persons hereunder named — Viz*.— Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. David Wild 1 Drain - James Bowdoiu J ^itto - Thomas K. Jones - - - - 1 ci^"o ' J ,.es Wakefield - - - - Jtto - Joseph Shed - - - _ Samuel Parkman - - - - 1 ^ "o JohnCusMng - ' ' [ \ {"^ \ David Hill - - - - .... . Isaac Rand tertius - - - - J ^ «o Stephen Gorham - - - - ^ - Henry Smith '. . . l ditto - James Lovel - - - - 1 Thomas H. Perkins - - - | d "o Simeon Polly " \^2 '- Sarah Tilden 1 ^ "« Samuel ThwingJuiV. - - - 1 d «o Jonathan Fowles - - - - J^ _ Aaron Dexter - - - Peter E. Dalton 1 « _ [Blank] JuUan 1 «^ _ UenezerNUes - - - - " \^2 - Johnlleet- - - _ EbenezerDorr ----- ^ Jto _ Daniel Tuttle - - - M^Appleton J ^ ^ ^^ William Collman - - - - 1 "o Isaac Townseud - - - - - ^ ^ reO.] M-. Wheelwright - - - - i i^i- ^Jefferson Richardson 1 ^ram Capt^Cowell ]^^ James Carter ] ^^ George Blanchard - - - - 1 ^^«« William Tilden - 1;^^^^ Thomas Davis J^! ^ Russell Sturgis 1 ditto Mark Pickhard 1 ^ "o Edward Blanchard - - - - l d «/> Robert T. Paine - - - - ; di « D--. Sprague - - - - John Sullivan - - " " " | ' l^f ElishaSigorney.TreasuVrheatre ditto Thomas WaUey - -■ Jdi ^ Charles Miller ----- 1 d "o Ditto, for Hunts House - - 1 d "o Joseph Foster ----- \^2 Simeon Ehot _ _ ^ ^.^^^ John Coats - - - Jeremiah Bulfineh - - - - 1 d "o Nathaniel Foster - - - - J diUo Stephen Higginson - • - - i aixw 103 ^5 ,, G5 5 „ 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 66 5 ,, 65 5 „ 65 2 „ 82i: 2 ,, 82^ 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 „ 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 „ 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,. 65 5 ,, 65 5 „ 65 . 5 ,, 65 . 11 ,, 30 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 - 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 - 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 - 5 „ 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 5 ,, 65 y< 104 City Document No. 93. Thomas Hows ----- 1 ditto - John Cobourn 1 ditto - John F. Williams - - - - 1 ditto - Widow Eliot 1 ditto - John Ashton - - - . - - - ^ ditto - Robert How | ditto - Stephen Hall 1 ditto - M"". Walleys House - - - - 1 ditto - M^ Sumners House - - - 1 ditto - John Simkins 1 ditto - William Hall 1 ditto - M''. Furuis 1 ditto - M"". Russells Estate - - - - 1 ditto - Thomas Winthrop - . - - 1 ditto - Benjamin [Blank] ... - 1 ditto - John Adams 1 ditto - John Fillebrown . - - - - 1 ditto - John Stoughton 1 ditto - [61.] Crardner Green 1 Drain - John ]\PLane 1 ditto - Thomas C. Amory - ... 1 ditto - John Wells 1 ditto - John Osborn 1 ditto - Lady Temple 1 ditto - M"". Woods Estate .... 1 ditto - Widow Mary Cottin . . . 1 ditto - Ti'easurer Coffin 1 ditto - Shubael Hews 1 ditto - M^ Wall - - 1 ditto - Cap*. Johnson 1 ditto - M^ AYhites House - - - - 1 ditto - Joseph Pope 1 ditto - Joseph Coolidge 1 ditto - And we do hereby appoint the aforenamed Aaron Dexter to recieve of the Persons within named, the Sums affixed to their several Names and to give discharges therefor Charles Bulfinch ~^ I a 1 — 1 ( o 5 51 65 5 9? 65 5 1 » 65 »1 65 2 11 82* 2 1 1 82* 5 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 5 1 1 65 5 1 1 65 11 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 5 1 1 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 5 •}i 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 o 1 1 65 5 1 1 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 5 11 65 o ^^ 65 5 1 1 65 Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 105 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 20 1801 Present Mess''®: Bulfinch, Sturgis Oliver, Tilden, Tileston, Sherburne, Hunnewell, M"^. George Hilar approved as a Packer of Pork Beef & pickled Fish— D"". Noyes & M^ Bradley apply for repairs on Fitches Alley — Charles Gushing Esq for repairs on Beacon Street — Liberty is granted to Edward Gray Esq. to place a range of Posts in front of his House in Brattle Square, at the Distance of six feet from [63.] the same upon condition that he shall first take down the large Tree now standing in the Square — and hereafter place a row of Trees, at a suitable season immediately within the Posts — and the Neighbours on the same side of the Square to Belknaps Alley, are allowed the same liberty, on condition of placing Trees as above directed. — The Chairman is desired to have a Drain laid from the Town Pump to the Common Sewer in Cornhill, with suitable sinks & grates — M^ Porter Oliver & Hunnewell a Committee to confer with M''. Josiah Knap respecting a brick front to the Towns Watch- house in Orange Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 25. 1801 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch Tilden, Sturgis, Tileston, Porter, Howard, Oliver Hunnewell Sherburne — Passed upon Accounts — The Board proceeded in conformity to the Law of the Common- wealth passed March 7. last, to make choice of a Person to ascer- tain the capacities of all Boats & Lighters employ 'd in the Town to bring Stones Gravel or Sand & to mark the same as prescribed in said Act — and unanimously chose M''. Caleb Beals to this Office, by ballot — Mem°. M^ Beals has been sworn to the faith- ful discharge of his duty — .Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 3''. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Hunnewell, Sherburne, Porter, Sturgis, Oliver, Passed upon other Accounts — The Board came to the choice of an Orator for the 4"*. of July next, and unanimously Voted, to apply to Charles Paine Esq. to deliver an Oration according to the Vote of the Town 106 City Document No. 93. The Chairman & M''. Oliver were desired to wait on M''. Paine with the above Vote — M"^. Z. Adams applied for liberty to keep a Machine called the Federal Balloon in the place where it now stands near the Com- ji^on — Ordered, that the proprietors be directed to remove the said Machine from the view of the Street — Voted to allow fifty Dollars towards the Expence [63.] of paving Fitches Alley, the same to he done with flat stone through- out, & the sum .to be paid upon the work being compleated to the satisfaction of the Selectmen — Agreed to the proposal of M^'. Josiah Knapp for l^uilding a Brick front to the Watch House in Orange Street — the cost of the same not to exceed thirty Dollars on the part of the Town. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 10 — 1801 Present Mess'*: Bulfinch Tileston, Porter Sherburne Oliver, Tilden, Sturgis Hunnewell, Four Jurors drawn for District Court — & 24 Jurors for the Court of Common Pleas — & adjourned to Wednesday next 4. o : Clock — the Names of the Persons chosen are eutred on the Jury Books On application from George W. Erving Esq. for a new Refer- ence to appraise Land taken into Back Street from an Estate claimed by him — the Board were of opinion, that their proceed- ings respecting said Land were regular, & that they could take no further measures relative thereto — M''. David Bradley applied for compensation for a piece of Land taken into Brattle Street from an Estate lately owned by M"^. Lee of Cambridge — in consideration that the s*^. Land had been taken into the Street nearly 20 Years — has been paved at the expence of the Town & that the present Fences were erected by the Owners or with their consent ; the Board were of opinion, that the said Land is now part of the Street or Highway, & that it is not expedient to take any measures respecting it. — The Chairman was desired to make an agreement with some suitable Person for printing the Abstract of the last Years expences Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 17 — 1801 — Present Mess"'^ : Bulfinch, Hunnewell, Tileston, Oliver, Howard, Tilden, Sherburne, Howard [sic] Sturgis Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 107 The Town Clerk directed to Notify the Public that the Hay- weigher would not weigh any Hay that was not merchantable & well made — Meeting for Jurors adjourned to 4 : Clock next Wednesday [64.] The Board proceeded to ^^[ew a piece of Land in Elm Street, where M^'. Wheutworth is about erecting a House and conferred with him on the subject of taking a part thereof into the Street — and determined that so much of his Land should be added to the Street as would make the same as wide on his East line as it now is on the West line of his land, so as to measure 30 feet from the East Corner of the Brick house, now occupied by M''. Edward Edes Jun'' — On the application of Cap*. Amasa Davis for the repairs of a Gutter in Orange Street — the Committee at that Quarter was desired to attend the same, & to have it effectually repaired — the Applicant to pay half the Expence, if it should be found necessary to sink the Water under Ground — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 24. 1801 Present Mess''^ : Tilden, Porter, Howard, Tileston, Bulfinch, Hunnewell, Sturgis, Oliver, Warrant issued for a Town Meeting the 4"\ of July next at Faneuil Hall. 9. O Clock- Voted, that the Bells be rung on the Morning of the 4*'^. of July next from the hour of 6. & [to] 7. being the Anniversary of Independence, and that four Constables be appointed to preserve good order in the Common on that Day — The following Persons, on application to the Selectmen — viz*. Mess""® : Elisha Sumner Samuel Morse WilUam Homer Elisha Ticknor Oliver Johonnot Andrew Dunlap Samuel Hall & M''. Furness) Eben^ Lewis & | Abraham Wild Elijah Williams j Abijah Crane D''. John Warren John Peirce Euf us Tower — have liberty granted to build Tombs on the West Line of the South Burying Ground, no Tomb to exceed 7 feet front and 8 feet deep — It having been represented that two Boards have been placed at the Corners of a Lane leading from Kilbey Street with the name of Magnors Row upon them — Voted 108 City Document No. 93. [65.] That the same Boards be removed, and that two others be placed there, with the former Name of Lindalls Lane — Agreed to have a Dinner at Faneuil Hall on Wednesday the 8**^. of July next after the Visitation of the Schools— & M^ Bul- finch & M''. OUver, a Comm''*'. to provide the Dinner Agreed to appropriate the following Sums to the pavement of new Streets ; the same to be paid to such Persons as shall under- take to inspect & execute the work to the satisfaction of the Board — the side pavement being also compleated according to Law — viz*. — To the whole of S°. Street, & that part of Essex Street ] from S°. Street to the Glass-house land - . - j $1700 — To the S°. part of Kilbey Street from Water, to Milk | Street j 400— To Henchmans Lane from Charter to Lyn Street 200 — To S°. Bennet Street, from Orange Street to the Water 300 — To Cambridge Street West from Chambers Street to | the Bridge] 1700 $4300 also Voted, to pave & repair the following Streets — Viz^ — Water Street, from M^. Bass's Easterly. — Marlborough Street near Old South Church The upper part of IMilk Street — The Easterly part of Cambridge Street — Return was made by M"". Seth King of the Expence attending laying a Drain from Brattle Square to the Dock — The Account of the Expences in opening and laying a Drain as mentioned above, was by the Selectmen examined & allowed, they being informed at the same time by said King, that he had caused to be warned every Person concerned, according to law, and no objection ha^'ing been entred to his proceeding — Assess- ment was made by the Selectmen ; and an Order for payment delivered to the said Seth King, which [66.] is as follows — viz*. — Whereas a Drain or Common Shore has been laid from Brattle Square to the Dock, by the above named Seth King, the whole expence whereof according to an account thereof laid before & examined by us the Subscribers amounted to One hun- dred & ten Dollars, & as such expence is to be paid by such Per- sons whose Drains enter into said Common Shore, & recieve benefit thereby & in such proportion as shall be Adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them who are empower'd by Law to Apportion the same ; and the Said Seth Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 109 King having agreable to said Law notified all concerned before be had pi'oceeded on the business, & no objection having been made thereto — therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Boston, do hereby Certify, that having considered of said Expences, and by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid — Do Adjudge that the same ought to be paid in the proportion fol- lowing, and by the Persons here-under named — Viz^ — D"". Loring 1 Drain - $13 ,, 75 M^^ Welsh 1 Drain - 13 ,, 75 M"". B 1 ditto - - 13 ,, 75 Daniel Greanleaff . . . - l ditto - - 13 ,, 75 Charles Cushing Esq - - - 1 ditto - - 13 ,, 75 M"". Valentine 1 ditto - - 13 ,, 75 M^ Miles— (Occupant) - - 1 ditto - - 13 ,, 75 And we do hereby appoint the afore named Seth King to receive of the Persons within named, the Sums afflx'd to their several Names & give discharges therefor — Charles Bulfinch ^| g David Tilden | | WiLLiAji Porter | f W*^. Sherburne Eben^. Oliver JoN"^. Hunnewell I g [6*7.] Return was made byM'. Seth King of the Expence of digging covering &'^. a Drain in Market Square from Court Street — The Account of the Expence in digging covering &°. the Drain mentioned above, was by the Selectmen Examined & allowed, they being informed at the same time by the said King, that he had caused to be warned every Person concerned according to law, and no objection having been made to his proceeding — Assessment was made by the Selectmen, & an Order for pay- ment delivered to the said Seth King which is as follows — viz*. — Whereas a Drain or Common Shore has been laid in Market Square by the above named Seth King, the whole Expence whereof according to an Account laid before & examined by the Selectmen amounted to two hundred & fourteen Dollars 27 Cents, and as such Expence is to be paid by such Persons whose Drains enter into said Conmion Shore & receive benefit thereby, and in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them, who are appointed by law to Apportion the same ; and the said Seth King ha\'ing agreable to said Law, notified all concerned before he had proceeded on the business, and no objection having been made thereto — therefore 110 City Document No. 93. we the Subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Boston do hereby Certify that having considered of said Expences, & by whom and in what manner it ought to be paid — Do Adjudge^ that the same ought to be paid in the proportion following, and by the Persons hereunder named — Y\z.^ — Mess'^ : John Brazier ----- [68.] John Willis ------ Union Bank Charles French Benjamin Hitchborn - - - [Blank] Lane & others - - Go wen Brown - - - - - Jonathan Harris - - - - John Codman William Welsh Samuel Eliot Peter Richardson - . - - John Fisher Jeremiah Belknap - - . - Drownes Estate - - - . [Blank] Bazin (DrownsHeirs) Thomas Perkins - - - - John Carnes Samuel Hall- John Simkins Margaret Phillips - - - - Andrew Brimmer - - - - Ebenezer Larkin - . - - Tuttle Hubbard - - - - Caleb Bingham (Occupant) - [Blank] Thompson - - - Rufus G. Amory - - - - And we do hereby appoint the aforenamed Seth King to receive of the Persons within named the Sums Affixed to their several Names & to give discharges therefor — Charles Bulfinch ^ David Tilden W^^^ Porter W : Sherburne |^ Ebenezer Oliver jon^. hunnewell J [69.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 29. 1801 Present Mess"^^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Sherburne, Oliver, Hunnewell, Passed upon Accounts — 3 Drains - $20 , , 10 1 Drain - - 6, , 70 1 do - - - 6 , , 70 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 1 d°. - - - 6 , , 70 1 d°. - - - 6 , , 70 2 d°. - - - 13 , , 40 2 d°. - - - 13, , 40 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 2 d°. - - - 13 , , 40 1 d°. - - - 6 , , 70 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 1 d". - - - 6 , , 70 1 d^ - - - 6, , 70 1 d°- - - - 6, , 70 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 1 d°. - - - 6 , , 70 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 1 d''. - - - 6, , 70 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 1 d°. - - - 6, , 70 Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. Ill On application from the Auchtioneers of the last Year a Meet- ing of the Selectmen will be held on the 4 Ins*. 9. Clock for the special purpose of appointing Auchtioneers for the present Year Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 4. 1801—9. Clock Present Mess'^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Sherburne, Howard, Tileston, Oliver Sturgis This being a Meeting for the special purpose of considering the applications°made for the appointment of Auchtioneers for the present Year the following Persons were appointed by the Select- men — Viz' — Mess''^ : Thomas K. Jones Samuel Clap Benjamin Wiggins John B. Green Samuel Bradford William Eustis Joshua Eaton Eobert Gardner Thomas Fisher John Perkins Thomas Clark — John W. Quincy William Alline John Jutau Azor. G. Archibald Daniel Wild Eobert G. Shaw Samuel Blagge Appleton Prentice John Dunn Nathaniel Phillips Hews see October 7*. 21* 26 Sep^ 29— Jan^' 25 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 7, 1801 Pre- sent Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Tilden, Hunuewell, Sher- burne, Oliver, [70.] In order to ascertain the value of a piece of Land laid into Cambridge Street, for the purpose of widening the same ; which Land belongs to Eliphalet Fitch Esq. of Jamaica, or other Persons claiming under him — Voted, that this Board in concert with M"". Sigorney who now claims the said Land ; Agree to make choice of four disinterested Persons, for the purpose of viewing & appraising said Land; & to estimate the damages if any, which the Town ought to pay to 112 City Document No. 93. the Owners of said Estate for the part so taken into the Street as the Fence now stands — The division & Award of the major part of such Eeferrees to be final ; and in case the major part of said Gentlemen cannot agree upon an Award, that they have lib- erty to appoint any one disinterested Person in addition to their number, and the Award of the major part of the Eeferrees then to be conclusive — The Persons agreed upon are Judge Tudor, Gener^ Winslow Josiah Knap & John Andrews, — And the Chairman M"". Sherburne & M^. Oliver were desired to attend the Meeting of said Eeferrees, in order to state the circumstances on the part of the Town — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 10. 1801 Pre- sent Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Howard Porter Sherburne Oliver Hunnewell — Proceeded to draw 20 Grand Jurors & 36 Petit Jurors for the Supreme Judicial Court, August term, as entred on the Jury Books — & then Adjourned to Wednesday the 22*^. Ins*. — On application, the following Persons have liberty to build Tombs in the South Burying Ground — viz*. — John Kennedy - - John Appleton M". McGee Seth Wright James Cassell Thomas Williams Peter Osgood Thomas Berry Samuel Abbot Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen — July 17. 1801 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis Porter Sherburne, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell Howard, Passed upon the List of Persons Licensed last Year and made return on the same (as p a Copy of the same on file) to the Clerk of the Court of Sessions for the County of Suffolk — Agreable to a Precept from the Hon''''^. Judge of Probate, for the County of Suffolk, inquisition was made into the circimi- stanees of John Welch Billings, when it appeared that he was and long [71.] had been non compos — and certificate was made accordingly The following is the award of the Eeferrees appointed to consider the Claim of M''. Elisha Sigorney on the Town \'iz* — The Subscribers Eeferrees mentioned in the above Agreement have attended to the business submitted to their consideration, have viewed the Ground & heard the respective Parties, and after duly weighing all circumstances do — Award — That the Town of Selectmen's Minutes, 1801, 113 Boston shall pay to the Owners of the Land the sum of one hundred Dollars, as a full compensation therefor ; as soon as the Owners shall execute & deliver to the Selectmen in behalf of the Town a good & legal Deed of the same Premises, to be & remain for ever open and form part of Cambridge Street — Witness our Hands this 17'. Day of July 1801— William Tudor John Winslow JosiAH Knap John Andrews — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 22'\ 1801 Present Mess" : Tileston, Hunnewell, Sherburne, Oliver, Tilden, Sturgis, Porter Bulfinch, The Meeting on Jurors adjourned to next Wednesday To the Hon^^*'. George Richards Minot Esq Judge of Probates within the County of Suffolk — It having been represented to the Selectmen of the Town of Boston that one Patty Burdeken is an idle disorderly and debauched Person — that she posses some Real Estate in said Town but by her conduct her Children are destitute in a great measure of the necessaries of life, & her Estate will soon be wasted & spent, and she with her Family become an expence to the Town — They therefor pray that your Honor would take the premises into your serious consideration & upon hearing the evidences that you will proceed therein as the Law entitled, " An Act impowering Judges of Probates to appoint Guardians to Minors & others — impowers & directs — Charles Bulfinch, David Tilden Russell Sturgis, Joseph Howard, W°\ Porter, W\ Sherburne, John Tileston— Selectmen op Boston — [73.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 27. 1801 Present Mess"^^ : Howard, Porter, Tilden Sturgis Tileston Hunnewell Sherburne Oliver Passed upon Accounts — Cap*. Christopher Marshall one of the Collectors of Taxes, having produced a Receii)t from the Town Treasurer of his pay- ment of the balance of the Tax due from the late Collector ]\i^. Thompson for the Year 1799, given him to Collect — the Town Clerk is directed to deliver him his Bond for that Year, when called for — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 29. 1801 Present IMess : Bulfinch, Tileston, Sturgis, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Passed upon other Accompts — 114 City Document No. 93. The following Persons having applied for liberty to build Tombs in the South Burial Groimd ; — liberty was accordingly granted on the usual conditions — Mess''^ : Timothy Tileston Nathaniel Wales Joseph Stevens John Joy Richard Thayer M''. Beals Sealer of Lighters is authorised by the Selectmen to demand & receive Six Dollars for weighing sealing and marking each Lighter Passed upon a number of applications, for being licensed as Inholders and Retailers of Spii'ituous Liquors for the present Year — as p lists on file Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Aug*. 5 — 1801 Present Mess*'* : Bulfiuch, Tilden Sturgis Porter, Sherbui'ne, Tileston, Oliver Hunnewell, Howard, The Committee appointed to lay out a Passage Way from Creek Lane, East of the House of Philip Wentworth, Report That the East Line of the Street or Passage Way, should begin ten feet from the South Corner of the Brick House of Philip AVentworth, and run thirty feet six Inches in a Northerly dii'ection to a point ten feet from the North Corner of said House, thence in same direction Seven feet nine Inches ; thence to turn more [73.] Westerly and to run seven feet five Inches, to the South West Corner of the House of David Rich — the same Street or Passage way being ten feet wide in the whole of the above described length — And the same having been stated [staked] out by the Comm*"*^. as above described ; the same is confinued by the Board, and ordered to be recorded — the Apph- cants for the above to be at the expence of the same, agreable to their engagement on file — The Chaii-man M^ Tilden & M^ Sturgis a Comm^^ to confer with the Board of Health on such matters as are of mutual con- cern, with the Selectmen & that Board. Ma.f . Tilden M''. Sturgis & M*". Hunnewell a Comm^**. to view the spot of ground belonging to the Town in Atkins's Street : to measure the same & report their opinion as to erecting an Engine- house thereon — M"". William IMock, Collector of Cow money, paid on account of those Collections for the present Year, fifty Dollars — Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 115 M''. Sherburne added to the Central Comm*^*', to consider the expediency of paving near the Post Office The North Comiu^'". was desired to confer with M"". Mills upon the subject of removing his Shop from Back Street, for the pur- pose of widening said Street — The several Committees for the purpose are empower 'd to send the following quantities of Gravel to the Streets named — viz* — At the bottom of the Mall not exceeding 20 Loads Beach Street 30 Pleasant Street 50 Sea Street 60 Near the Granary 30 Hancock Street 20 The following Persons are allowed to Build Tombs in the South Burying Ground — Mz — Henry Purkit — 1 Tomb — Abijah Cheever Sam : D. Davenport— 1 d° - - Edw'^ Wild— [74.] Joseph Ripley - -- 1 d° - - John Wells Lemuel Clark ") Abijah French > Benj". Howland ) 1 d° - - M''. Nicholas Peirce Jun''. who has built a number of Tombs in the South Burjung Ground this season for the Persons to whom liberty has been granted — Applied for Liberty to build as many more Tombs as will compleat the Line — This request is complied with on condition, that he iimnediately proceed upon & compleat the same & the Wall to enclose the Burial Ground ; & that no Person be admitted to hold such Tombs to be built by him until he has applied & been approved by this Board ; the said Peirce to be paid the same price, as for the other Tombs in the same range ; & to receive his pay from the Persons, to whom they may be granted — Deacon Benj*. Henderson has liberty to build a Tomb in the North Burying Ground on the spot formerly assigned to Josiah Copeland, and which he has neglected to improve — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 12"\ 1801 Present Mess""* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Hunnewell, Sherburne, Howard, Sturgis, Tileston, Porter, Benjamin King Churchill applies for a License as an Auchtioneer the present Year — A Meeting warned for 4. o Clock, to take up this matter — Adjourned 116 City Document No. 93. Application having been made to this Board by Ralph Smith & others for leave to Erect twenty Stalls on the West side of the Market house agreable to a plan proposed therefor & the expence to be born by them — Voted, that the said request be so far complied with, as that the said Ralph Smith & others be permitted to build the afores*^. Stalls in the manner & agreable to the plan annexed, and that the whole expence attending the compleation of them, be born & paid by the Applicants, & all others who occupy Stalls in the afores*^. place & wish to bear their proportion thereof, in consideration of which, this Board agreed that they shall hold the same for one year from [Blank.] & [75.] no longer, in full compensation for all costs & charges arising in & about the Building & finishing the same at which period they are to deliver up the said Stalls in good order to the Selectmen or any person they may appoint to receive them ; at the same time the Selectmen consent that the then holders may continue to occupy said Stalls in preference to others, paying what may by the Board be Judged reasonable therefor ; but nothing herein contained is to preclude all those who now have Stalls there from being concerned in the aforesaid Building, if they think proper so to do, in which case the present Occupants shall at all events hold the Stands they now^ hire, or as near thereto as may be, which if any doubts arise will be determined by this Board — On the application of M"". Henry Swift for liberty to build a head to the Dock formed by the Town Slip between his Wharft" & that of M''. Adams's near the North Mills, & also to fill up the said Slip with Earth — Voted that M^ Henry Swift have hberty to build a head to the aforesaid Town Shp & to fill up the same, provided that the said Slip shall not be incumbered with any fence or building, & shall ever remain open for the Towns use, & subject to their disposal — The Comm®^ to view a suitable place for the new Engine- house — Reported, that the Towns Land over the Sewer in Water Sireet, is the most suitable place, & that the Building should be 10 feet wide & 36 feet long — & that it be built of Wood that in case of a future appropriation of the Ground it may be removed — The Report accepted & the Comm«^. desired to have the Building erected — The Comm*"^. of the North quarter of the Town is desired to have the necessary Repairs done on the Engine house in Back Street — Agreed to pay to M'. William Minns the sum of ninety dollars for a piece of Land on Back Street for the purpose of widening said Street being 6 feet wide & about 26 feet in length on that Street Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 117 [76.] Voted to make application to the Hon^'®. Judge of Probates for a Guardian to be appointed to [blank] Austin a Foreigner, represented as a common drunkard, & possessed of some personal property — Agreed to have a Wooden head built to the Dock at the head of South Street for the purpose of filling the Dock provided the Expence shall not exceed fifty Dollars & M^ Hunnewell is desired to attend to the same Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 18*. 1801 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Sturgis, Sherburne, Tileston, Hunnewell, Tilden, M^ Turel Tuttle has liberty to build a Tomb in the North Burying Ground, next to the one the last granted ; conditioned as usual Voted, that as many of the Board as can attend to meet in Pleasant Street on Thursday Morning 10 o :CIock to determine the Line of the House in that Street, proposed to be built by M'. I. P. Da\as— Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Aug*. 26. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tileston, Oliver, Tilden, Hunnewell, Last Wednesday the Selectmen, a large number, accompanying them Visited Deer Island, and found everything to their satisfac- tion on the Island — the Weather favorable & all circumstances agreable — Da^dd Everet Esq. made return that he had Notified the Pro- prietors in the Common .Sewer in Court Street relative to the Re- pairs to be done thereto in consequence of a Warrant dated the the 10*. Ins* — Liberty is therefore granted to open & repair the same M'". Thomas Amory & M"". Thomas Chase have liberty to pur- chase Tombs in the S''. Burying Ground, now Building by M"^. Pierce — M"". John Whitney late Assistant at the North Reading School, having applied for liberty to keep a private School in this Town — Liberty is accordingly granted The Chairman with the Committee are [77.] desired to view the Gutters near John Joys & at the head of Winter Street — to have such additions & repairs thereto as may be proper — also, to view Belknap Street & Report what is necessary to be done to make the same passable — 118 City Document No. 93. Boston S8 : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 30 — 1801 Present Mess''® : Bulfinch Howard, Sherburne Passed upon Accounts — On apphcation of WilUam Emmerson Jon*. Merry & Thorn®. Godfrey liberty is granted to each of them, to build a Tomb in the North Burying Ground — also, The same liberty is granted to Gorham Parsons & George Pills- bury to build Tombs in the South Burying Ground Maj'". Tilden is requested to supply the usual quantity of Wood to the several Schools — The Chairman, M'\ Tileston & M"". Hunnewell a Comm'^^ to make repairs on Belknap Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sep"". 11. 1801 Present Mess. Bulfinch Tilden Porter Sherbm-ne Tileston Oliver Hunnewell Gave an order on the Keeper of the Powder Magazine for 300 pounds of Powder for the use of the Brigade at the Review the 15. Ins*^ & another order afterwards for 100 pounds — Agreed with Cap*. Groves to refer to the consideration of CoP. Proctor M"". John Stodder & M^ Joab Hunt, what damage would arise to the Estate of said Groves in Back Street by the Towns taking Six feet of his House & Land, for the purpose of widening said Street The Chairman & M"". Hunnewell are desired to direct the Repairs of the Brick Wall in Tremont Street, and to have such guards of Stone placed along the same, as may effectually secure it from Carts &^. Voted, that on the compleation of the Pavement of Essex Street to the East Line of Short Street — the further Sum of one hundred Dollars be allowed the Proprietors on that Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Sei^em''. 14. 1801 Present Mes3 : Bulfinch Tilden Howard Sherburne Oliver Proceeded to draw six Jurors to serve at a special District Court to be held the 18 Ins* — which Jurors are entred in Jury Book — Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 119 [78.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Septem"". 16. 1801 Present Mess''*' : Bullinch, Tilden Porter Tileston Hunne- well, Sherburne Ohver Howard Proceeded to draw 23 Petit Jurors for the Court of Common Pleas at October term — which names are entred on Jury Book — then the Meeting was adjourned to Wednesday next — Mess''® : Nathaniel Valentine, Robert Crocker, & 'VYilliam Andrews have liberty to build a Tomb in N". Buryal Ground — 'Voted, that M*". Marston, who has undertaken to lay a Drain from the Crescent Buildings to Federal Street, be informed that it is expected the said Drain be- covered substantially with Slate, as far as the same extends in the Street — Upon application for the removal of a Tree in Sheaff Street, it was determined that M"". Bennet be directed to alter his Cellar Door to make it flat, and that the Tree be trim'd under direction of M*". Howard — Agreed to advertize the Peice of Land belonging to the Town at the head of^Middlecot Street, North of Beacon Hill, to be sold at Auch^'n on Monday the 5. of October next — M'", Porter was requested to have a cap Tinjber put at the head of the Towns Slip in Beach Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sep"". 23. 1801 Present Mess : Bullinch, Howard, Porter, Sturgis Sherburne Oliver Hunnewell — Liberty is granted to M"". John Burns D"". Joseph "Whipple to purchase Tombs in the South Burying Ground of the number built by M'". Peirce— also M^ Whelock— Voted, that the Town be lighted six months the present Year & 18 Nights in each month, to commence the 26'*^. Octo''. next The Board having considered the expediency of widening the Southerly part of Back Street, have conferred with the Abut- tors whose Houses it will be necessary to remove in part & have referred the estimate of damages to Gentlemen chosen by the Owners & the Selectmen, it is found that the expence of remov- ing the Buildings & repairing the Fences & C will amount to 1600 Dollars exclusive of the paving of the Streets — The Board in consideration that they have already expended 1000 Dollars in the course of the last & present Year, do not feel themselves authorized to defrey the whole of the above charge, but do Agree that [79.] they will pay on the part of the Town, one half part 120 City Docume>-t No. 93. of the sum required, as soon as the residue shall be collected from such Individuals or public Bodies as may feel interested in carrying the proposed improvement into effect — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Sep''. 28 — 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter Sherburne Tileston, Oliver Hunnewell Passed upon Accounts Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Sep''. 30. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Porter Sherburne Tileston Hunnewell, Howard, Passed upon other Accounts — J past 4.' a Meeting warned, to consider the application of Louis Hoyt for the appointment of an Auchtioneer M'. Hoyt not living in Town, his application was not taken up— M'. Henderson Collector of Taxes, proposes Cap*. Enoch James & Francis Green for his Bondsmen the Year ensuing In consequence of an application from a great number of the Inhabitants of Market Square, stating the great nuisance & incon- veniences experienced from the Boys who sell Bread jS:*". in the Streets near the Market & in Market Square — Voted, that no Person be suffered to take a Stand with a "Wheel Barrow or Basket for the Sale of Bread, Biscuit or Ginger Bread in Market or Dock Squares or in any part of the Streets contig- uous thereto, without special License from this Board — and that the Clerk of the Market be directed to carry this resolution into effect — Boston ss : At a Meeting. 0f Selectmen Septem''. 29*^. 1801 Present Mess'^ : Bulfinch Sturgis Sherburne, Howard Tileston Hunnewell The Board proceeded to consider the expediency of widening part of Elm Street, (late Wings Lane) & in consequence of the powers vested in them by the 3*^. Section of the Act of the Legis- lature entitled an Act " to regulate the. paving of Streets [80.] in the Town of Boston & for removing obstructions in the same, they determine to lay out the following described peices of Land, to be in future considered as pp.rts of the public Streets or Highway. Beginning at the North West Corner of the new Brick Store of M"". Samuel Torey, four feet 4 inches wide, to run Westerly 19 feet 6 inches to a point six feet South from the front of the House of Charles Paine & John W. Gurley Esquires, Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 121 which land is now the property of said Paine & Gurley — also another peice of Land, beginning at the N". East Corner of the new Brick house of M''. Edward Wentworth, being Three feet wide, and running Easterly 28 feet 2 Inches to a point 5 feet South from the front of the House of Ebenezer Wells — the Street there being 30 feet wide which Land is the property of Samuel Eliot Esq Voted that the Chairman be desired to confer with M*'. Paine & Gurley & M"". Eliot on the subject of the compensation, if any, which they will expect for the above described Land Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octob"". 7. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Sturgis, Porter Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell At a special Meeting called for the purpose this Day 5. o Clock M''. Benjamin Tucker & M"". John Webb Vance were approbated as Auchtioneers for this Town — The application of M"". Thomas Boston Campbell to be appointed an Auchtioueer, was considered and it appearing that he was not an Inhabitant of the Town — Voted to suspend acting thereon, untill he shall become a Resident & Inhabitant ; and that M''. Campbell be informed that the Board know of no objection to his appointment — M"". Bayley offers for his Bondsmen as a Collector the present Year Henry Bass Merch^ & William Porter — M"". Jepson another Collector offers William Tudor Esq. & M"". Benjamin Sumner Merch*^ — Mess" : Henderson Bayley & Jepsons Bondsmen as Collectors of Taxes the present Year, having been offer' d & accepted by the Board — the Town Clerk is to prepare their Bonds & give the Certificates accordingly — [81.] Cap'. Joseph Gleason is appointed Sealer of Wood at the North part of the Town, in the room of M''. Thomas Hichborn deceased — and was sworn by Town Clerk Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo''. 15. 1801 Present Mess'"^ : Bulfinch, Sturgis Porter Hunnewell, Howard, Tilden, Sherburne, A Committee from the Society in Brattle Street requested to have liberty to make use of the Centre Reading School for the purpose of instruction in singing to their choir of singers. 122 City Document No. 93. M^ Tilden on the part of the Society of the Old Brick Church made the same request for the use of the Latiu School Liberty is granted to the above mentioned Societies to make use of the Latin School for the purposes of their application ; and the Committees are requested to take special care to presei-ve good order, and it is expected that any damages that may occur shall be made good A Eemonstrance was received from several of the Auehtioneers praying that the Board would not grant any license as Auch- tioneer to any P^oreigner — which was considered & debate being had thereon ; it was determined that the application of M"". Thomas Boston Campbell could not be complied with M"". Lewis Hoyt was approved of as an Auchtioneer in this, agreable to a former apphcation — Boston ss : At a INIeeting of the Selectmen Octo^". 1801 Present Mess''* : Bulfinch Porter, Tileston, Hunnewell, Sherburne — Richard Senson Indentures, to Eliakim Morse approved of by the Selectmen, as on file — The Board then proceed to view the Streets at West Boston — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo'". 26. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Porter Sherburne Tileston Howard Oliver Hunnewell Passed upon Accounts Christopher Marshall Esq offers for his Sureties in the Office of Collector of Taxes for the Year ensuing Ebenezer Parsons & Josiah Doane Esq. which were approved — [83.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Oct^ 28. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Sherburne, Tileston, Oliver, Porter, Tilden, Hunnewell Sturgis Howard Passed upon other Accounts — A special Meeting warned at 4. o Clock to consider the appli- cation of Cornelius Coolidge, for his being appointed an Auch- tioneer — also on the application of M*". John Swett for a like appointment — The aforenamed Persons were appointed Auehtioneers for the present Year — Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 123 Collector Bayley offers M--. Stephen Gore Gentleman as his BoS'an in th'e Ln. of M^ Henry Bass-who was accepted The following Advertizement was agreed upon to be inserted in the Papers— viz*— Whereas the concourse of Carts & Waggons from the Country & olMtiuctioiis ar 1^ f^^ Xbe Selectmeu give E -oUcf tlatCey bSe .£te™ined that fl^^^:^^^^ it\. /',„ler ■"» ^ =n„tl,erlv— As the situations are central & Ponvenience will be generally comphed with— After this notice the SeLctmen will feel theniselves authorised to prosecute any Person wroxnly take a stand in any other place than such a. II pointed out \bove, & who shall refuse to move after bemg requested so to do — Voted that an Advertizement be inserted in the pubhc Papers for aTy Person Inhabitants of the Town, who may be disposed ?nd'erlke the sweeping of Chimnies ^^JZ^^^ that they be informed that no hcence will be panted to any iveeper who shall not give security to the satisfaction of the Board for his good behavior & faithful discharge of his duty- rsct 1 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen NoV". 4. . l/ofp^le^t MeBs":Tileston Sturgis Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Hunnewell, Sherburne T^,fur7i was made by John Heard & David Everet Esquires of hadciused to be warned every Person concenied accoxd ng to Law and no objection having been entred to their proceechng- Sr^ltwa made thereon by the SelectmeB and an Orde^, for payment made out and delivered to tlie_ aforenamed David Everet Esq. which is as follows \ i^ WHEBEAsaDrain or Common Sewer in Coui-t f'^^t Boston has been duly repaired by the aforenamed Heard & E^f f' J^® 'hole Expend w'hereof, 'according to - Ac.ount^ aid befo e & examined by the Subscribers amounted to One hundred ni leiy ergMDollars eighty Cents ; and as such Expence is to be paid by 124 City Document No. 98^ such Person or Persons whose Drain enters into said Common Shore & receives benefit thereby ; and such proportion as shall be Adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them, who are impowered by Law to Apportion the same ; and the said Heard & Everet having agreable to Law Notified all the concerned before they had proceeded on the business, and no objection having been made thereto — therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Boston, do hereby Certify, that having considered of said Expences, and by whom and in what manner it ought to be paid — Do Adjudge that the same ought to be paid in the proportion following and by the Persons hereafter named — Viz' — « D"". Samuel Parker William Tudor Esq' - [84.] Ebenezer Sever Esq County Treasu'^ - - - 1 2 do - - 39 ,, 68 M'. Joseph Loring M'". Jonathan Amory - - - Ido - - - 19,, 88 Committee of Brattle Street Church - William Powell Esq - David Everet Esq - - John Heard Esq - - And we do hereby appoint the aforenamed David Everet Esq. to receive of the Persons within named the Sums affixed to their several Names, and to give discharge therefor — Charles Bulfinch David Tilden Russell Sturgis ^ Will : Porter John Tileston - 1 Drain - - S19 - 1 do - - - [ 2 do - 19 - 39 - 1 do - - - 19 - 1 do - - - l" 1 do - - - 19 - 19 - 1 do - - - 19 - 1 do - - 19 - 1 do - - - 19 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov"". 11. 1801 Present Mess''* : Tilden, Bulfinch, Sherbui-ne, Howard, Hunne- well — At the last Meeting a Petition was recieved from a number of Gentlemen, at the South part of the Town requesting that the Selectmen would enquire into the Towns right in a Passage Way from Orange Street near M"^. Henry Bass's Store, & cause the obstructions to be removed — Committed to the Chairman to examine the Records respecting the same. Voted, that the Assessors be requested to lodge in the Town Clerks Office, the Invoice or Valuation or a Copy thereof, from Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 125 whence the Rates or Assessments are made that the Inhabitants & others rated may inspect the same conformable to the Law relative to [85.] regulating the choice & appointment of Assessors &«. In consequence of an application from a number of Gentlemen it was agreed to insert a Card in to Morrows Papers requesting the Inhabitants to meet at Faneuil Hall, to consider what measures of precaution it was necessary to adopt, at this uncommonly dry Season, to guard against the danger of Fire — In consideration of the expediency of making some progress this season in widening Back Street & the embarasment Cap^ Groves is thrown into by the general opinion that his House is to be taken down in parts which prevents his making Sale of the same, as from his Curcumstances he is compelled to do It is agreed to appropriate the Subscription money raised for widening Back Street amounting to about four hundred Dollars to defrey the charge of taking down & repairing Cap*. Groves House ; the remainder of the sum that may be wanting to be paid by the Town — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov''. 18. 1801 Present Mess'"® : Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Tileston Porter Oliver Howard, A number of Person approved for License to Retail &'" — The Chairman to whom was referred the AppHcation of Wales & others, that the right of the Town to a passage way from Orange Street Easterly should be examined into & ascertained — Reported that he had examined the Town Records, & could find no mention of such Passage way — The Chairman M''. Oliver & M*". Porter were chosen a Comm^^. to examine the right of the Abutters on the supposed Passage Way : and to ascertain the Towns right — Boston ss : at a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov"". 25. 1801 Present Mess""* : Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Porter Sherburne Tiles- ton, Oliver, Hunnewell, Mess'"® : Tilden Stm-gis & Hunnewell a Comm''*'. to consider what regulations may be necessary for the stand^. of Hackney Carriages, to Rep* The Chairman and M'". Tileston a Comm®^. to examine the Accounts of the Clerk of the Market — 126 City Document No. 93. [86.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov''. 30. 1801 Present Mess''^ : Tileston, Tilden, Howard, Sturgis, Bui- finch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Passed upon Accounts — On the application of D''. Samuel Stillmam in behalf of the Baptist Societies in this Town — M''. David Darling is appointed a Funeral Porter — The Chairman & M^ Tileston a Comm^. to view the Stove, in the State Street Watch-house, & have such repairs made as may be necessary — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern''. 2. 1801 Present Mess : THeston Sherburne Tilden, Sturgis Oliver, Hunne- well Sherburne Porter Passed upon other Accounts On the application of the President & Trustees of the Mechanic Association ; liberty was granted for their making use of Faneuil Hall & the Room adjoining on Thursday the 1 7"\ of Decern''. Ins*. M''^ Priscilla Gardner approved of as an Innholder at a House in Fish Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern''. 9 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden Sturgis, Tileston, Porter, Sherburne, Gave an order in favor of [Blank] on M"". Callender & M"". Lord for the amount subscribed & collected towards widening Back Street — M^ Sturgis M^ Tileston & M''. Hunnewell a Committee to view the Street l)ack of Beacon Hill & Belknaps Street ; to con- sider what shall be done to make the same more commodious ; & to remove any obstructions therein & to Report — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern^ 15. 1801 Present Mess. Bulfinch, Tileston 23 Petit Jurors for Court of Common Pleas were drawn & entred on Jury Books — when the Meeting for Jurors, was adjourned to Wednesday the 23. Ins* — Approved of several Persons as Inholders & Retailers as by list on file — Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 127 [87.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem"^ 13"^ 1801 Present Mess": Bulfinch Sturgis, Tileston, Sherburne, Hunnewell The Comm'^®. appointed to view the Street at the foot of Beacon-hill Reported — That in their opinion so much of the Land of M'. Green should be laid into the Street as to make it straight ; and that the same be Appraised according to law — provided that the spot of Ground belonging to the Town 10 feet wide lying south of John Homer be sold to the said Homer for the same sum as the Land of M"". Green shall be valued at — On rei^resentation of the obstruction & inconvenience occa- sioned at the Winuisimit ferry ways by M^ Hooton laying Ves- sells at his Wharf, which incroaches upon the Town property there ; the Chairman is directed to inform M''. Hooton that the Board expect he will give an acknowledgement of the Towns right to the Dock according to the bounds expressed in the deeds, «fe that in future he pay to any person who may have the ways, such consideration for the maintenance occasioned by his Ves- sells, as the Board shall Judge equitable — Voted, that M"". Gooch be informed that the Board expect that his Accounts as Clerk of the Market, be settled to the 1^' of July next, & that the balance be then paid, or security be given there- for — and that the Board will then proceed to the choice of a Clerk of the Market, & that it shall be conditioned, that he give security that the proceeds of the Market be paid monthly to the Treasurer Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern'. 16-1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tileston Sturgis, Porter Sherburne Tilden Oliver Hunnewell, This Morning between the hours of 2 & 3. o.' Clock a Fire broke out in this Town, beginging at the Wharff of M''. Gardner & after consuming the Buildings on that Wharff, spread to the Neighbouring Houses in Fish Street & threatened destruction to the whole of that quarter of the Town, but by the unceasing- exertions of the Inhabitants was providentially & happily arrested in its progress after consuming about 16. Houses — As the Cir- cumstances attend^, this fire gave [88.] reason to suppose that it was the effect of design from some abandoned Incendiary, either for the purpose of plunder, or devastation — the Selectmen for the ease & security of the Inhabitants have determined that each Constable of the Watch should employ five Men in addition to his number for two succeeding nights for the purpose of patroling the Streets from the hours of 10 to 6 in the Morning; & have agreed to allow each of such Men, one Dollar p Night for 128 City Document No. 93. his services. It is also agreed that one Man from each Watch house give constant attendance at the ruins of the late tire during the present night to guard against any further spread of the same ; which men shall be relieved by others of the Watch as occasion may require The Chairman is requested to give the several Constables of the AVatch the Instructions conformably to the above Voted, that an Advertizement be inserted in the Papers offer- ing a reward of 500 Dollars for the discovery of any person guilty of setting fire to the buildings consumed last Evening to be paid upon conviction, also engaging tha;t the Selectmen will use their influence to obtain the pardon of any one concerned in this transaction who shall deliver over the Offenders to Justice — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Dec''. 17. 1801 Present Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Tileston Sherburne, Oliver Howard Hunnewell Porter After a conference with a number the Fire Wards & others lately chosen by the Inhabitants to devise means to secure the Town from the danger of fire, it was agreed — that the several Constables of the Watch be directed to procure 5 Men in addition to each Watch, untill further orders, the same to be paid at the same rate of wages as the other Watchmen — The Chairman is desired to give Instructions to the Constables of the Watch for their direction in going their rounds &° — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem'". 23. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Howard, Tileston Porter, Sherburne Oliver, Hunnewell [89.] Mess" : Tilden Sturgis Hunnewell, a Comm*^^ to wait on the Gentlemen, who are said to have first observed the Fire in Fish Street, & to enquire of them any particulars relative thereto, which have come to their knowledge Agreed to have a Town Meeting on Thursday the 3P* Ins*, at 9. o. 'Clock A : M : and the Town Clerk is desired to prepare a Warrant for signing on Monday next — On application from Comm^®. of Long Wharff Proprietors that the Lamps on the Wharff, might be lighted at the charge of the Town — read and considered & ordered to lay for further con- sideration — The Chairman was desired to Advertize a Meeting of the Board on Wednesday the 6*"^. of January next, to take measures for Selectmen's Minutes, 1801. 129 ascertaining what compensation, if any, should be paid by the Town for Land taken into Fish Street, for the piu'pose of widen- ing the same, & for parts of Buildings to be taken down for that purpose, & to request the attendance of all Persons concerned — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern^". 28. 1801 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Howard Tileston, Porter, Sherburne Oliver Hunnewell Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem"". 31. 1801 Passed upon other Accounts — also Passed upon Licenses for Retailers & Inholders See [Blank] for pro- ceedings in laying out and widening Fish Street after the Fire Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen January 6. 1802 The Meeting on the subject of Fish Street Claimants being postponed by public Advertizement untill the 13 Ins*, no business was done Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen January 13, 1802 — Present Mess : Bulflnch Tilden, Sturgis, Howard, Porter, Tiles- ton, Hunnewell The Chairman & M^ Tileston a Comm^®. to adjust the Acco*^ of M^'. Gooch to the 1^'. of January last & to take his Note on demand upon Interest for the balance that may be due — [90.] The Boai'd came to the choice of a Clerk of the Market to be in Office from the 1^^ of January Ins*, to the 16' of March next — when a new choice must be made according to the By Laws of the Town — M^ [Blank] accordingly chosen Upon representation of Ebenezer Smith & others who have been at the expence of erecting Stalls at the West End of Faneuil Hall — that the charge of raising the roof of the same has considerably increased the expence — it was agreed to allow them the use of said Stalls, free of Rent, untill the 1^*. day of March 1803 — The said Occupants & Contractors agreeing to com- pleat the same by plastering the ceiling, painting the Posts «& Gutters, finishing the pavement & otherwise conforming to the former Vote of the Board — 130 City Docqment No. 93. The Board had a conference with the Proprietors of Land taken into Fish Street, who proposed the following Grentlemen any five of them they consented should be Referees to ascertain the damage if any, sustained by them for the loss of their Land, taken to widen said Street, or for portions of Buildings to be taken down for that purpose, & that the Award of such Referees shall be final — General John Winslow Deacon Daniel "Wild M"". Elisha Sigorney Cap*. Francis Green CoP. Edward Proctor Benjamin Pickeman Juu''. Esq M''. Daniel Tuttle IVP. Robert Williams Jun'' M'". Nathaniel Bradley M"^. Samuel Stutson — The Selectmen then made choice from the above number of the following Gentlemen — Viz' — General John Winslow CoP. Edward Proctor M^ Nathaniel Bradlee Cap^ Francis Green M^ Daniel Tuttle— declines see next side — The Chairman was desired to inform the above named Gentlemen of their appointment & to request their acceptance of the charge also to desire the Town Attorney to draw a proper Instrument to be signed by the Parties Voted, that the ChMrman be desired to inform the Assessors that the new law regulating Elections will be in force [91.] on the 1^*. of March next, when it will be necessary they should return a list of qualified Voters, & to ask their attention thereto — A number of Jurors were drawn at a Meeting called for the purpose on this Day as entred & posted in the Jury Books, and the Meeting then Adjourned to this day fortnight for filling up vacancies that may immediately happen Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 20—1802 Present Mess: Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston, Porter, Hunnewell, Oliver — On the application of the Captain & Members of Engine Company N°. 4 — for liberty to have a Chimney in their Engine House M'". Tileston & M'. Hunnewell were desired to view the situation of the Engine-house & to have a Chimney built if it can be done with safety to the Neighbours — Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 131 The Chairman & M"". Tilestou a Comm®''. to have the Pumps on Fort Hill repaired in the best manner; with the new patent improvement of M'". Perkins — M"". Daniel Tnttle one of the Persons named at the last Meeting as a Referree upon the claims of the Abutters on Fish Street decliniog that trust, The Board made choice of Col°. John May in his Room — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 25 — 1802 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Tileston, Tilden, Oliver, Hunnewell, Porter, Howard Passed upon Accounts — Agreed to have the roof of the Wood house at Latin School repaired — A Communication from the Fire- Wards was received & read as on file — whereupon Voted that M"^^. Sturgis & M'^. Howard, make enquiries of the Fire wards what quantity of Hose & of what dimensions may be wanting for the Engines — also to enquire the costs of M''. Per- kins's moveable Pumps — Voted, that the Engine Men be informed that it is the opinion of the Selectmen & Fire-wards — that it would tend to produce [93.] order & other good effects at Fires, if they would always wear their Caps & Badges — and to request them to do so in future — The Chairman is desired to communicate the above Vote to the Cap*, of each Engine — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 27. 1802 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Tileston, Porter, Hunnewell, Oliver, Tilden Passed upon Accounts M"". Hartshorn who has purchased a piece of Land of the Town on the North side of Beacon-hill, appUes for liberty to dig a Well so far into the Street in part of his lots as that the Pump shall stand outside of the Building — Liberty is granted to him on con- dition that he convey the Waste Water under Ground from the Pump into the Common Sewer either into Temple Street or Mid- dlecot Street — M''. Benjamin Hall & Asa Hatch apply that their Names should [be] entred in the plan of the Granary burying Ground on Tomb N°. 11, formerly owned by Web8ter[,] M*". Hale being the 132 City Docujcent No. 93. legal Heir, under Webster, & having sold one half of said Tomb to M^ Hatch Voted that the several Captains of the Watch be directed to discharge the extra number of Men now attached to their Watch, after this Month — Philip Cartwright is approved -T Xo. 9S. Boston 5s : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March. iJS'^. l-5*)2 Present Mess Howard. Porter, Tilden. Bolfineli, Stnrgis, Tileston. Han ne well. Oliver. 23 J — r C. C. P. drawn from Box i entered on Jury Book — .- - for Circuit Court — The following Notification was directed to be printel cc ._;- tribnted to the Inhabitants — In conformity to the Votes of the Town passed at the Meeting on the 17 Ins"^. — The Inhabitants of the several TTards are hereby Notified, after they have made choice of a member of the Board of Health on Wednesday the P. of April next, to proc-eed to choose & appoint 2 Persons in each TTard to assist the Town Assessors in taking the list of the Polls, in estimating the value of the personal property & in appraising the value c :' ", Estates in their own wari — Tb-? C'.-erks of the Wards - - le at the M-^ietin^z are rec' ~ ke return of the Pers<;>ns so . ■ the r hATm - - ^ ctmen & in case of death or r- - _ z of any one so chosen, they are directed. [102.J to c-all a new Meet- ing of their respective Wards to supply such vacancy — T" ~' - - ^ , ;^ 3Xr^ HunneweR a Comm** to ct?n- fer - - "^steh oho-^n «t the last MeetLnj^:. resp-ev ong : tS vs Ujnr _ "^e new Watch — the same C . .- e desire- ;. - ._er any improve- ment can be made in the Market with respect to arrangement, cleanliness &'-". and whether any measures can be ad- mote the cleanliness of the Stalls — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 29 Present Mess : BuISnch, Storsis, Tilden. Howard. Porter Oliver Hunne- well Tilestc- M^. ±;-_,\j ^i_ __-i:" ___ :f the CoEectors having pro- duced Keceits from the State Comity & Town Treasurers of his prc^KTtion of the Tax for 1S»» — given hfT n to coUect — the Town Clerk is directed to deliver up his Bond for that Year — On the application of the Fire Wards — ^Voted. that M^. Park- ma: " - " import 4-50 " " ~ :"-e H«>se of soeh, l«i^ - . - ^ as may be a^ . Fire- Wards Boston ss : At ?. ;>rretliig of the Selectmen March. 31 — 1802 — Present Mess^: . Tilden.. Sturgis, Howard, Tikstoo, Hunnewell. Olive:. Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 141 M"". Porter & M"". Oliver a Comm^^. for repairing Marlborough Street "Newbury Orange & Washington Street, likewise all Streets West & East to the South of Liberty Tree so called — M"". Tilden & M"". Tileston to repair Streets to the Eastward of the Main Streets— Ward N°. 10— M''. Sherburne & M'". Howard all the Sti-eets below the Bridge M^ Bulfinch M''. Sturgis & M''. Hunnewell to repair the Streets in the other parts of the Town — The Conim'^'^. of the South Quarter were requested to confer with M"". Joshua Davis Jun*", respecting the Towns proportion of the Fence on his Land in the Neck, to see what repairs may be necessary & whether the same should be borne by the Persons who leased y*^. Lands last Year [103.] M"". William Porter proposed to the Board to have a drain laid with Brick & Slate from Pleasant Street through his Land 130 feet to the Salt Water (at the expence of the Town) for the purpose of sinking & carrying off the Overground water from said Street ; & in consideration of such Drain being laid said Porter Agrees to give the Town the right of improving said Drain" for ever, for the purpose aforesaid — the above proposal was agreed to by the Board, provided the expence shall not exceed the estimated price of 67D. 50 cents & they further consent that M''. Porter & his Successors shall have the right of compensation for any other Drain or Drains that may in future enter therein, he to keep the Drain now to be built by the Town in repair for ever — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 9 — 1802 Present Mess""® : Bulfinch, Tilden Sturgis, Porter, Tileston, Hun- newell, Oliver, M"". Samuel Brintnel has liberty to build a Tomb in the North Burying Ground on the West side — M''. John Sullivan has liberty to Build another Tomb on the east side of said Burying G-round — The Chairman was authorized to sign Certificates in behalf of the Board, to the Proprietors of Tombs in the S°. Burying Ground The Chairman M"". Sturgis & M''. Hunnewell are desired to take measures to build Stairs suitable to lead from the West end of the Hall, to accommodate the Inhabitants at future Elections — Mess''^ : Tilden Sturgis & Tileston a Comm'^*'. to view the slip at the bottom of Cross Street, to consider the expediency of filling it up, & to report thereon — 142 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 14, 1802 Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch, Hunnewell, Tilden, Stargis, Tileston, Oliver, Howard, Porter, M^ Gurley & M"". Paine requested the Board to take measures to ascertain the compensation due to them for the Land taken into Elm Street, & the following Gentlemen were agreed to as Referrees — \iz' John Andrews, Edward Proctor Rufus G. Amory Es(f* On application of Judge "Wendell for an exchange Land on Fort-hill the Chairman M'. Tilden & M^ Sturgis &M'. Hunne- well [104.] were appointed a Comm'"'^. to confer with him and Report — The Comm''''. to whom was referred the consideration of the expediency of filling up the Dock at the bottom of Cross Street — Reported — That the Abuttors have liberty to fill the same the distance of 15 feet, pro\aded that they build a new Stone-head & continue the Common Sewer ; all at their own expence Samuel Denis & Theophilus Witherill were approved & Licensed as Chimney Sweepers for one Year, under the Inspector of the South District — The application of John Andrews Esq & others, praying for the use of Faneuil Hall the P^veniug previous to the Election in May next — was read & liberty granted accordingly — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 21®*. 1802 Present Mess" : Tilden, Bulfinch, Sturgis, Tileston, Hunnewell, M"". John Jones having applied for his being appointed as an Auchtioneer for this Town — a special Meeting is warned, to meet at ^ past 4 : O Clock — Voted, that M''. Wheelock have the care of the Chapel Burying Ground the ensuing Year, & that he be directed to keep the Gates & Fences in order; and clear the Ground of Incum- brances — A Billet from John Codman Esq. requesting that his right to the Flatts in part of his Wharff, might be enquired into — ■ Agreed to meet M"". Codman or his Attorney to Morrow 12- o.' Clock for the purpose expressed in his letter — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 26, 1802 Present Mess""* : Bulfinch, Howard, Tileston, Hunnewell, Sturgis, Oliver, Tilden, Passed upon Accounts — Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 143 M"". Bayley & M"". Jepson two of the late Collectors of Taxes having produced Eeceits from the several Treasurers of State, County, & Town, for the Sums given them to Collect of the Tax of 1800 — the Town Clerk is directed to give them up their Bonds for that Year — An application was received from a munber of Wood Wharf- ingers praying [105.] for liberty to carry six feet of Wood on their Carts & Trucks — the subject being considered it was deter- mined, that it was not in the power of the Board to dispence with a law of the Town, which had been ajiproved by the Court of Sessions — and that the same be communicated to the Persons who made the application The Board made choice of Mr. Edward Vanever as Head or Constable of a third division of the Watch — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 22. 1801 [2] Present Mess''®: Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Howard Hunnewell, Tiles ton — The Board had a conference with John C'odman Esq respecting preparations which he was making for carrying out his Wharff a considerable distance into the Harbour — and after examining his Deed & the Records of the Town — he was requested and consented to desist from the work untill the opinion of Counsel could be had upon the rights of the Town — The Board unanimously made choice of the Rev'^. M'". Emmerson to deliver an Oration on the 4'. Day of July next being the Anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 28*. 1802 Present Mess""* : Bulfinch, Tileston, Hunnewell, Howard, Sturgis, Oliver, Tilden, Passed u})on other Accounts — At a special Meeting, on the application of Mess''® : Jones, Samuel Prince & Joseph Ripley ; they were appointed Auchtioneers for this Town, the remainder of the Year — The Board came to the choice of 2 Sealers of Weights and Measures in this Town for the Year ensuing — and M''. Richard Austin & Timothy Green, were chosen — M''. Mock was chosen to Collect the Cow Money for the Year ensuing — also to enter all complaints against any infringements on the Laws respecting the Common — 144 City Document No. 93. [106.] Warrant signed for May Meetings to be held on Wednesday & Thursday the 12"'. of May next — M"". Newall to have the printing of the Notification for said Meeting — the number printed to be 3000 — M''. Sturgis appointed to wait on Rev*^. M"". Murray, to request his opening the ensuing Meeting with prayer — The Board proceeded to view the entrance into Hanover Street, & staked out the same to be widened as follows — at the North East Corner of the House & Land adjoining to D'". Isaac Rand 10 feet 8 Inches — at the South West Corner of the House & Land on Hanover Street 13 feet & on the same Corner on Sud- bury Street 6 Feet — and the North west Corner of the said House & Land on D''. Isaac Rand 11 feet thence to a point on said Rands Laud, and on the Street 10 feet from the Line of Land of John Dorby [Derby] Esq Voted, that M"". Tilden Mr. Sturgis & M'". Howard be a Com- mittee to submit to reference on the part of the Board what compensation the Town should pay for Land taken into the Street as above Voted, that Samuel Clap Esq, M''. Allen Crocker & M"". Samuel Todd, be requested to act as Referrees, to consider this subject & award the Damages sustained by the Owners of the said Land — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 5. 1802 Present Bulfinch Sturgis Howard Tileston Sherburne Hunnewell Oliver, The Chairman was desired to apply to the Secretary of the State for the use of the Watch-house near the Magazine for one Stand for a Town Watchman — The Chairman & M*". Hunnewell, a Comnl«'^ to confer with M'". Cobb & M'". Hartshorne, respecting an exchange of Land for the improvement of Belknap Street, that they may be impower'd to make the exchange, if the Parties can agree upon the propor- tion — or to refer the same to the Judgement of disinterested Persons — [107.] M"". John Wait has hberty to build a Tomb in the North Burying Ground, on the South side, on the usual Con- ditions — Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 145 M"". Oliver was desired to coufer with the Trustees of the Aqueduct Corporation, respecting the repairs necessary to be done to the Pavement in consequence of their Pipes in the Streets — Boston ss: At a Meetino- of the Selectmen May 20^ 1802 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Howard, Hunnewell, Oliver, Tilden, Tileston M^ Jonathan Balch applies for liberty to open the Ground in Cross Street, for the purpose of clearing & repairing the Common Sewer ; whereupon he was directed to Notify tiie Proprietors of said Sewer to appear on Thursday next between the hours of 11 & 1. to show cause why they should not bear their proportion of the expence. M''. Porter was requested to employ ISV. Blake to repair the floor of the Centre Writing School — & to have a new Vault dug at the South Schools — On the application of Cap'. Parket, — the G-entlemen associated to form a Troop of Horse have liberty to exercise on the Com- mon on the Southwesterly part near the Frog Pond — the Gentle- men are requested to enter the Common near the place assigned to them — At a special Meeting called for the purpose this day ^ past 6. o. Clock — William H M'.Neil & Caleb Hayward were on their application appointed Auchtioneers for this Town On the application of a numl^er of the Abutters on Common Street praying that the Carts of Hay may be placed under cer- tain restrictions & regulations- Voted, that the West side of Common Street from the Burying Ground Gates southerly, be approi)riated for one range of Carts Sleds & Waggons of Hay — that the opening of the Street leading up by the Granary be kept clear & unincumbred — that M''. Doyle be employed & impower d to carry these regulations into effect & to make complaint of any Person who shall offend against them that they may be prosecuted according to Law — [108.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen May 31 1802 Present Mess'^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Howard, Sturgis, Oliver, Sherburne, Hunnewell, Passed upon Accounts — 146 City Document No. 93. In consequence of tbe Application of a number of Persons of the South part of the Town, that the bounds of a Passage Way, belonging to the Town leading from Orange Street to the Sea should be examined into & clearly ascertained ; a Comm^^. of the Selectmen examined into the subject & made four several visits to the spot, had measures & surveys taken thereof, & on the 6 day of April 1802 The Comm''«. viz*.— Mess'^ : Bulfinch, Porter, 'Oliver & Hunnewell examined the Stone Wall of a Cellar, formerly belonging to a House of more than 60 Years old, which Deacon Bayley attests to have lived in many years before the Revolutionary war ; the Comm'''^. finding this Cellar & the remains of several Posts of a Fence to be in one continued range — they determined that course to be tbe South line of the Towns Passage way, & placed Stakes three feet North of said line, as in some parts the obstruction of Buildings would not allow of placing stakes on the line — the Comm'^''. also directed M''. Wales to place a range of Posts or Stakes 14 feet from the first mentioned Stakes to serve as the North boundary of the Passage Way — Which Passage way is hereby established to be seventeen feet wide & extending from Orange Street to the Sea, and Chanel, betweed Land of M'. Henry Bass on the South & M''. Nathaniel Wales on the North. The extracts of the Deeds & substance of the above are on file, — M*". Christopher Marshall one of the Collectors of Taxes for 1800, having produced Receipts from the State County & Town Treasurers in full for the Money, he had to Collect in said Year — the Town Clerk is to give him up his Bonds, when called for. The Chairman is to write M^ Cookson, to inform him, that the Board wish him to take measures for taking down the part of his House in Fish vStreet which is to be removed to widen the Street, agreable to the award of the Referrees — the convenience of the public & of the Neighbours, requires it should be done early in the iiext week — [109.] Boston ss : Granted by the Selectmen June 2'* Present Mess'*: Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Sherburne Sturgis, Oliver, Passed Accounts — Maf . G. Blanchard is directed to Notify the Proprietors of the Common Sewer in Athkinson Street to appear on Wednesday next to state their objections to the repairs of said Coinmon Sewer — Return was made by M"". Samuel Hastings of the expence attending opening & repairing the Common Sewer in Newbury Street ; and the Accompt thereof having [been] duly examined by Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 147 the Selectmen was by them allowed ; they being informed at the same time, by the said Hastings, that they [he] had caused to be warned every Person concerned in said Drain according to Law, and no objection having been entred to their proceeding — Assess- ment, was made thereon by the Selectmen and an Order, for payment made out and delivered to the aforenamed Samuel Hastings which is as follows — Viz^ — Whereas, a Drain or Common Sewer in Newbury Street Boston has been duly repaired b}' the aforenamed Samuel Hastings, the whole Expence whereof according to an Account laid before and examined by the Subscribers, amounted to One hundred thirty three Dollars 47 Cents and as such expence is to be paid by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter into said Common Shore, and receives benefit thereby ; and in such proportion as shall be Adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them, who are empower 'd by Law to apportion the same ; and the said Hastings having agreable to Law Notified [110.] all the concerned, before they had proceeded on the business, and no objection having been made thereto — therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Boston do hereby Certif}-, that havino- considered of said Expences, and by whom and in what manner it ought to be paid — Do Adjudge, that the same shall be paid in the proportion fol- lowing, and by the Persons hereafter named — Viz'. — Hastings . - . . l Drain - Cushman - - - - 1 do - • - Martin Brimmer - - - - 1 do - - Ci'osby -----Ido-- M^ Wyman ----- l do - - Josiah Fowles -----Ido-- Roulston - - - - 1 do - - Daniel Messenger - - - 1 do - - John Avery Ido-- Ames -----2do-- James Bumstead - - - - 2 do - - Langley - - - - 1 do - - M^ Baker & Sister - - - 1 do - - Stephen Thayer - - - - 2 do - - Mosely 1 do - - Samuel Wells 3 do - - Thomas Williams - - - 1 do Mary Lowder ----- 1 do - - Cap*. Callahan - - - - 1 do - - Israel Cook Ido-- Benjamin Green ----3do-- John Haskins -----' 1 do - - Samuel Hastings - - - - 2 do - - Robert Hews 2 do - - ?2 11 75 2 fi 75 2 1 ' 75 2 11 75 2 1 "1 75 2 11 75 2 1 1 75 2 11 75 2 "ii 75 ?9 50 5 "11 50 2 11 75 2 1 1 75 11 50 2 11 75 8 11 25 2 >1 75 2 11 75 2 1 1 Od 2 11 75 8 11 25 2 1 1 75 1 1 50 5 11 50 2 75 2 75 50 2 75 8 25 8 25 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 148 City Document No. 93. M'". Rowe 1 Drain - Cunningham - - - 1 do - - M'^ Merret 2 do - - Silsby ----- 1 do - - D''. Hayward 3 do - - Sweetser - - - - 3 do - - [111.] Lucas - - - ----- 1 do - - John Jar vis ----- 1 do - - Crease 1 do - - Abrah'" Adams - - - - 1 do - - And we do hereby appoint the afore Named Samuel Hastings to receive of the Persons within named the Sums affixed to their several Names, and to give discharges therefor — Charles Bulfinch ") a Joseph Howard William Porter William Sherburne )- John Tileston Ebenezer Oliver J Boston ss : Granted by the Selectmen June 9, 1802 Present Mess'* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Sherburne, M'". Walley appeared, & objected to pay any proportion of the repairs of the Drain in Atkinson Street, as he & Charles Miller Esq. bore the whole expence of a Drain from Federal Street to Atkinsons Street, which amounted to 8195 — M'". Oliver represented that M"". Jonathan Balch was now carry- ing out his Wharff, as he supposes beyond the Circular Line, & begs the attention of the Board or the Committee, to prevent the supposed iucroachment — whereupon the Chairman was desired to call upon M^ Balch to ascertain his right, & to forbid his extending the Wharf beyond said Line — The Town Clerk is directed to make out a Draft upon the Town Treasurer in favour of the Persons whose Land & Build- ings have been taken from them to widen Fish Street ; according to the Award of the Referrees — [112.] On the application of M^ Nathaniel Emmes, liberty is given him to portion off f)art of the Upper Room over Faneuil- Hall, for the use of an Armory or place to deposit the Arms of the Company of Winslows Blues — Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 149 M"". Porter, M"". Tileston & M'". Oliver a Comm'^®. to ascertain the Bounds of Castle Street — leading from Orange Street — On the application of a number of the Persons whose Lands & Buildings have been taken to widen Fish Street — it is Agreed that the Town Treasurer be desired to borrow of the Union Bank, according to the Vote of the Town the Sum of $3210 — to be paid as follows, in part of the Amount awarded, by the Referrees — To Samuel Tuttle --------- $100— Thomas Kast - - 422 — Jonathan Loring -- 288 Joseph Smith & others 266 Joseph Mortain 500 Joseph Churchel 300 John Clark ----- 134 Samuel Hitchboru 330 Amasa Stutson -- 330 John Jenks & Isaac Reed ----- 300 Benjamin Hitchborn 240 $3210— sent Treasu'". — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 16. 1802 — Present Mess'"*: Bulfinch, Sturgis, Tileston, Oliver, Porter, Sturgis, In consequence of a Precept from the Hon''^®. Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, that inquisition should be made into the Circumstances of Rich*^. Whitcomb represented as a Non compos mentis & incapable of taking care of himself a Comm*'^. of the Board made enquiry & certified to the Judge of Probate that he was incapable of taking care of himself or his property, & recommended that a Guardian Ije appointed for him — [113.] On an application from the Board of Health the Chairman was desired to have a Valve made to the mouth of one of the Sinks in Market Square to prevent the return of noxious & offensive air from the Drain — M"". Howard & M''. Sherburne were requested to have the Bell frame at the North School repaired, that the Bell may be rung at the regular School hours — M^ Porter was also desired to have the like repairs made at the Centre & South School-houses — A complaint was made against M'". Low a Funeral Porter of the Town — Ordered that M''. Low be directed to attend next Wednesday, to answer the charges brought against him — 150 City Document No. 93. The following Advertizement was ordered to be printed in tue News Paj^ers viz' — The Selectmen having observed that great numbers of Children & young Men, have lately adopted the practise of going into Water on the Lord Days, at the Wharves, the bottom of the Common & Mill Pond & other public Places to the encourage- ment of idle habits & the offence of the seriously disposed part of the Community ; — All Parents & Guardians are requested to prevent this practice in the Youth under their care— and after this practise an}' Person transgressing, will be prosecuted accord- ing to the Law of this Commonwealth providing for the due observance of the Lords Day ; which exacts a penalty of 4 Dollars for every such offence — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 23*^ Present Mess'"^ : Bulfinch, Sturgis, Howard, Porter, Sherburne Tileston, Oliver, Hunuewell A complaint of M'^. Vinton & the other Inspector of Chimueys against M"^. Michael Williams who employ's Lads [114.] for sweeping Chimneys — It was agreed that Michael Williams be allowed to employ under him the black Lad, who was bound to him by the Selectmen & no other : — & that M^. Vinton drop the prosecution that he has commenced against him — M'". Sturgis & M''. Tileston a Comm^*^. to examine the Engines represented as defective or nearly useless ; and that they be desired to request a Comm®*'. of the Fire Wards to accompany them, & two experienced AVorkmen — M"^. Mock the Collector of Taxes from the Owners of Cows paid into the hands of the Chairman fifty Dollars and had his receipt therefor — On application from JNl"". Thomas Bradford for liberty to open the Common Sewer in White Bread Alley, for the purpose of repairing the same — Ordered that he Notify all the Proprietors of said Common Sewer, whose Drains enter therein to appear at the Selectmens Chamber on or before Wednesday next, between the hours of 10 & 1, to show cause why such repairs should not be made & assessed on them in their several proportions according to Law Representation was made that M'". Blaney Sexton of the South Meeting House had procured a Hearse suitable for the use of the Town at Funerals — It is Agreed that the regular charge for the use of the same to the Town, shall be one Dollar for the Hearse & half a Dollar for the Horse — and that the Chairman be directed to recommend the use of the Hearse to the Inhabitants in the Papers — Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 151 Voted, that as soon as the Reforrees shall make return of their Award for Land to be taken into Back Street — the Committee be desired to take measures to have the Fences removed — [115.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 28 Present Mess''^ : Bulfiuch, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Sturgis, Passed upon Accounts Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 30 — Present Mess''^ : Bulflnch Tileston, Sturgis, Hunnewell, Porter, Passed upon other Accounts — Warrant issued for Town Meeting, in commemoration of Inde- pendence, at Faneuil Hall on Monday the 5. of July Ins*. 9. o Clock A : M : the 4^ of said month being Lords Day — M^ James Hudson Voax Joshua Ellis Dan^ Batchtold [Jabez] Newell Robert Partridge Margaret Webb Wilham Collier object to bear any proportion of the repair of the Common Sewer in Love Lane Voted, that the Bells be rung on the Morning of the 5. of July Ins*, from the hours of 6. to 7. being the Anniversary of Inde- pendence ; and that four Constables be appointed, to preserve good order in the Common on that Day — On application from M'". Blaney one of the Abutters on, Nassau Street for liberty to open & cleanse the Common Sewer in said Street, Ordered, that M''. Blaney Notify the Proprietors of said Common Sewer or whose Drains enter therein, to apply at the Selectmens Room on Wednesday next, to show cause why said Repairs should not be undertaken, & the expence assessed on them generally according to Law — Liberty is granted for the use of Faneuil Hall, for a public Dinner on Monday next, for a number of Gentlemen, who apply for the same — The Committee of the South part of the Town are desired to proceed to repair the pavement in their quarter agreable to the estimate given in by the Committee 152 City Document No. 93. [116.] The Persons who had licenses the last Year for Auch- tioueers, apply for the like appointment the present Year, together with Benjamin AUine, & William Dehone connected with T. K. Jones — & Stoddard Capen & Philip Anuiiidou Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 8. 1S02 Pres- ent Mess''^: Bulfinch, Tileston, Hunnewell, Sherburne Oliver, Howard, Porter, On the application of the Board of Health & a number of the Physicians, a Warrant was this Day issued for a Town Meeting on\he 14 of July Ins*.— 3. o ClockP: M : M'". Newell to have the printing of the Notifications On the application of M''. Morrell & M''. Andrews an order of notice was given to the Proprietors of the Common Sewer in New- bury Street & Summer Street to appear on or before Thursday next, to show cause why said Common Sewer should not be re- paired & the expeuce assessed generally on them according to law — A major part of the Board signed a Deed to M"". Samuel Cobb of a twelve feet passage way, leading from Hancock Street to Clapboard Street at West Boston in exchange for part of his Land to improve the last mentioned Street — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 14 — Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch, Porter Sturgis Sherburne, Tileston — 3 — Extra Jurors chosen & entred in Jury Books — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectm[en] July 14'. 1802 Present Mess'* : Bulfinch, Sturgis, Sherburne, Tileston Hunnewell Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 21"^ 1802 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Sturgis, Porter, Sherburne Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, On the application of M'". Cotting for liberty to dig a Well in Belknap Street — the Chairman & M''. Hunnewell a Committee to confer withM''. Cotting on the subject and to report — ■ [117.] M''. Sherburne & M''. Sturgis a Comm^^ to consider what place will be suitable to remove the Engine-house from the Land of the new North Church agreable to the request of the Comm**. of that Church- Voted to appropriate 1000 Dollars to have Essex Street under the direction of M''. Oliver & M'". Hunnewell in addition to the Comm^''. of that C^uarter Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 153 Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen July 20. 1802 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Stui-gis, Tilestou Sherburne, Oliver, Huuuewell Passed upon Accounts — Passed upon the list of Persons licensed as Inholders & Re- tailers of Spiritus Liquors the Year past, and made return of the same to the Clerk of the Court of Sessions for the County of Suffolk — as p Cop3^ of the same on file — M''. Sturgis added to Comm*^. of North Division to view the Street near Union Wharff & White Bread Alley & to make such repairs as they may Judge proper in the Pavement — Agreed to pay M''. Minns in Back Street for the cost of a Drain from his Land to the Common Sewer such Drain having become necessary' for the widening of said Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 26. LS02 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Porter Sturgis Tileston Sherburne Oliver Hunnewell ' Return was made by Major George Blanchard of the Expence attending opening & repairing the Common Sewer in Atkinson Street ; and the Account thereof being duly examined by the Selectmen is by them allowed, they being informed at the same time by the said Blanchard that he had caused to be warned QYQYj Person concerned in said Drain, according to law ; and no objection having been entred to their proceeding — Assessment was made thereon by the Selectmen an Order [118.] for pay- ment made out & delivered to the aforenamed George Blan- chard, which is as follows — Viz* — Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer in Atkinson Street Boston, has been duly repaired by the aforenamed George Blanchard, the whole Expence whereof according to an Account laid before and examined by the Subscribers, amounted to seven hundred & forty two Dollars 25 Cents, and as such Expence is to be paid by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter into said Common Shore, and receive benefit thereby, and in such propor- tion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them, who are empower d by Law to Apportion the same ; and the said Blanchard having agreable to Law Notified all the concerned before he. had proceeded on the business, and no objection having been made thereto — therefore we the Sub- scril)ers Selectmen of the To^ii of Boston, do hereby Certify, that having consider'd of said Expence, & by whom and in what manner it ought to be paid — Do Adjudge, the same shall be paid in the proportion following, and by the Persons hereafter named — Viz*^ — 154 City Document No. 93. William Cowell - - - George Blanchard - - Benjamin Gray - - Eliza Tilden - - - - William H. Smnner - ■ Russell Sturgis - - • Thomas Davis - - Ebeuezer Francis - - • Edward Blanchard - ■ M^^ Wheelwright - ■ [119.] Isaac Winslow - - ■ Samuel Parkman - - Jeffry Richardson - ■ Daniel Sergeant - John Codman - - - . Isaac Townsend - - William Hall - - - - Isaac Rand Jun'" - - ■ M"^. Appleton . - . . Da\id Tuttle . - - . Stephen Gorham - - James & Thomas Lamb William Hall - - - ■ John Grigory - - - Joseph May . - - . John B. Green - - • William Tudor Williams Crafts - James Perkins - - ■ Samuel Cobb - - - . Rev"^. John Murray - • George Blake - - - John Marstou - - - ■ Isaac Hall - - - - Edward Blake - - E. Tuckerman Juu'^ - George Higginson Joseph Foster - - John Stoughton - - Gardner Green - - Thomas K. Jones Elizabeth Amory - - Thomas C. Amory - John Wells - - - Lady Temple - - - Samuel Rogers - - William ScoUay - - John Fillebrown - [130.] John F. Williams - John Simkins - - - 1 Drain - ■ $18 , , 50 1 do - - . 18 , , 50 2 do - - ■ - 37- - 1 do - - - ■ 18 , , 50 1 do - - ■ 18 , , 50 1 do - - ■ 18 , , 50 1 do - - ■ ■ 18 , , 50 1 do - - ■ 18 , , 50 1 do - - - ■ 18 , , 50 2 do - - - 37- - 1 do - - - 18 , , 50 1 do - - ■ 18 , , 50 1 do - - - 18 , , 50 1 do - - 18 , , 50 1 do - - - 18 , , 50 1 do - - ■ - 18 , , 50 1 do - - ■ ■ 18 , , 50 1 do - - - 18 , , 50 1 do - - - 18 , , 50 1 do - - . 18 , , 50 1 do - - ■ 18 , , 50 1 do - - ■ 18 , , 50 1 do - - ■ 18 , , 50 1 do - - ■ 6 , , 50 1 do - - ■ 6 , , 50 1 do - - ■ 6 , , 50 1 do - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - • ' 6 , , 50 1 do - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - - 6 , . 50 1 do - - G , , 50 1 do - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - (•) , , 50 1 do - - (i , , 50 1 do - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - - G , , 50 1 do - - G , , 50 1 do - - (3 , , 50 1 do - - - 6 , , 50 1 do - - - 6 , , 50 Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 155 Simon Eliot ----- 1 Drain - - $6 ,, 50 Thomas Russell's Heirs - - 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 John Coats 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 Jeremiah Bulfinch - - - 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 John Deverell 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 John Cobourn 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 Widow Eliot ----- 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 Stephen Hall 1 do - - - 6 ,, oO Samuel N. Gushing - - - 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 Heirs of D^ Sprague - - 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 Isaac P. Simpson - - - 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 Widow Simpson - - - - 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 D^ Welch 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 John Furnass 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 John W. Blanchard - - - 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 John Powers 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 Thomas Powers - - - - 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 Ehsha Sigorney - - - - 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 M'". — Lamb 1 do - - - 6 ,, 50 And we do hereby appoint the aforenamed George Blanchard to receive of the Persons within named the Sums Affixed to their several Names, and to give discharges there- for— Ghakles Bulfinch ^ | Russell Sturgis William Porter John Tileston Eben^ Oliver jonath^ hunnewell r 131.1 Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 29 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch Tileston, Oliver, Sturgis, Porter, Passed upon other Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Aug*. 4. 1802 Present Mess''" : Bulfinch, Tileston. Tilden, Sherburne, Sturgis, Oliver, Hunuewell, Porter, A special Meeting called for considering the applications for Appointments as Auchtioneers, 5. o. Gloek this Afternoon— Ao-reed to have an Engine-house built on the East side of the Scho'ol-house in Bennet Street for the Engine to be removed from the House near the New North Church, to be built under the direction of the Committee appointed last Week to find a situa- tion therefor IfjG City Document No. 93. M"". Tilden & M''. SLuigiH ti Cumm"". to consider what would be the best mode of procuring Oil & lighting the Town the eusuing Year — The lioai'd agreed with M'. Adams the Carpentei" to i)roceed on Monday next to take down the pjut of the J louse helonging to M''. Cooksou in Fish Street, which has been laid into said Street— M''. Tikien & M''. 'J'ilestou wei-e requested to sup{)ly the Schools with Fire Wood, — the quantity as usual Voted, that Ihe Street from (Mark Street to the Union AV'harlf be pave. Ins*.— Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sep'". 27*. 1802 Present Mess''*: Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Howard, Porter, Sherburne — Passed upon Accounts — M'". Wilham Fennelly apphes for a License as Auchtioneer for this Town — A special Meeting called for the consideration of this applica- tion at past 4. o Clock this day — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Septem"^ 29. 1802 Present Mess""* : Bulfinch Howai-d, Porter, Sturgis Hunnewell, Oliver, Tilden, Pass upon other Accounts — Jury Men for Court C. Pleas & District Court chosen & entred & posted in Jury Books — On the request of the (JfKcers of the Light Infantry Company, Liberty is granted them to partition off part of the Upper Room over Fanueil Hall, for the use of an Armory or place to deposit the Arms of that Company — Complaint having been received against Persons frequenting the Cellar under Centre School-house in School Street, & of the uses to which that cellar is put — the Chairman was desired to inform M"". Eaton & M''. French that the Board have determined [136.] that the Cellar shall no longer be kept as a place to Retail Liquors — and that they be called upon to remove there- from as soon as possible — 160 City Document No. 98. M''. William Fennelly Appointed as an Auchtioneer agreable to bis application the 27. lus^ — • M''. John Ct. Gannon beino- chosen Sexton to Trinity Church, is approved of as a Funeral Porter Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo'". 6. 1802 Present Mess"'^ : Bulfinch, Tilden Sturgis Sherburne Hunnewell, Porter, Oliver, M'". Cyrus Perkins from Bridgewater, on application to keep a private School in this Town, having produced recommendations from President Wheelock & M''. Elisha Ticknor — was accordingly approved — Approved the Indenture of Apprentice-ship of Thomas Evans a Minor, to Joseph Dennis JNIariuer of Ipswich — until! the age of 21 Years which will be on the 22^*. Day of March 1808— On the request of Cap*. Messinger the Companj^ of Winslow Blues, have liberty to use Faneuil Hall, for a Dinner on Monday next — Perez Gardner being appointed Sexton of the Old Brick Church, is approved of as a Funeral Porter The Board came to the choice of a Person to Inspect and direct the lighting of the Lamps the ensuing Season the Votes being taken — David Tilden Esq. was chosen — M''. Tilden was directed to procure Lighters & Oil for the Season — and it was Voted that the Lamps be lighted for Six Months & 18 Nights in each month — On the application of M^. Thomas C Amory Attorney to M'^ Rowe praying that the paying the expence of paving the foot- walk in Essex Street in front of Land of M^^ Rowe may be Assessed on the Land, & M""®. Rowe be relieved from paying the same, she having only a life Estate therein — whereupon Voted that it is the opinion of the Board, that the above expence should be paid by the Owner, Occupant or Tenant, and that M''^ Rowe must be considered as the Owner, & that demand be made upon her for the amount — [127.] William Smith Esq & Josiah Quincy Esquire were approved as Sureties in the Bond to [be] given by the Town Treasurer — M"^. Porter Oliver & Hunnewell were desired to view Pecks Alley, to see what repairs were necessary & to Report — the same Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. IGl Comm^^. was desired to view the Street leading up Beacon Hill, — to consider whether a Gutter was necessary to be laid by the new foot walk — M"". Porter directed to attend to the removal of the Engine house by M^'®. Mays in Orange Street, to such part of the Land as may be more convenient for her — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo'^. 12^ Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch Howard Porter Sherburne Oliver Hunnewell 12 extra Jurors drawn for Court of Common Pleas and the Names entred & posted in Jury Books — M^. Cooper applies for liberty to open ground from his House in Hanover Street, to clear his Drain from stoppage Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen October 13. 1802 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Sturgis, Sherburne, Porter, Tilden, Oliver, The Board have issued a Warr*. for Town Meeting on the l^*-. Monday of Novem''. next being the P^ of Novem'". 11. o Clock PM : for y**. choice of a Representative of the Suffolk District in this Commonwealth in the next Congress — M''. Sturgis & M''. Oliver — a Committee to wait on the Rev'*. M'". John Gardner & to request his opening Town Meeting with prayer M'". Edes to have the printing of the Notifications for the ensu- ing Meeting — Voted, that M''. Howard be informed that Major Tilden has been appointed to the care of the Lamps the ensuing season, & that he be desired to deliver to M"". Tilden the Implements of Ladders Touchers & any other Articles in his possession — Drew four Jurors for Court of Common Pleas & entred & posted in Jury Books — [128.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo^ 20. 18U2 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden Sturgis Howard, Tileston Porter Agreed to have a Gutter paved along the new foot walk lead- ing up Beacon Hill — and the ascent of the Hill regulated for the convenience of Carriages passing the same 162 City Document No. 93. Upon aioplicatiou of a Comm''''. consisting of D''. Jarvis Nathaniel Fellows, Samuel Brown Benj". Austin Jun"'. Cap^ Brazier, George Blake Cap^ Prince Cap'. Barnard, liberty is granted for the use of Faneuil Hall on Sunday Evening the 3P^ Ins', being the FiVening preceding the Election of a Member of Congress The Common Committee were desired to attend the application of M'. Mason Otis & B. Joy respecting some Repairs in Beacon Street- Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo'. 25 Present Mess'^: Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Sherburne, Hunnewell, Sturgis, Oliver, Porter, P'assed ui)on Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo'"'. 27, 1802 Present: Mess. Bulfinch, Tilestone, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, Sturgis Passed upon other Accounts Return was made by M"". Thomas Bickford of the Expence attending opening & repairing a Drain in White Bread Alley, & the Account thereof being duly examined by the Selectmen is by them allowed, they being informed at the same time by the said Bickford that he had caused to be warned every Person concerned in said Drain according to law & no objection having been entred to their proceeding — Assessment was made thereon by the Select- men an Order for payment was made out & delivered to the aforenamed Thomas Bickford, which is as follows — Viz'. — Whereas a Drain or Common Shore in White Bread Alley Boston has been duly repaired by the aforenamed Thomas Bick- ford, the whole expence whereof according to an Account laid before & examined by the Subscribers, amounted to [139.] One hundred thirty nine Dollars, & as said Expence is to be paid by such person or Persons whose Drain enter into said Common Shore & receive benefit therebj^ & in such proportion as shall be Adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them, who are empower'd by law to apportion the same & the said Bickford having agreable to law Notified all the concerned before he had proceeded on the business & no objection having been made thereto — therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Boston do hereby Certify that having considered of said expence & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid — Do Adjudge the same shall be paid in the proportion fol- lowing & by the Persons hereunder named — Viz'. Thomas Binford [Bickford] 1 Drain - $27 ,, 80 Lamb - - - . 4- d° - - - 13 ,, 90 1 d° - - - 27 „ 80 ^cP- - - 13 „ 90 i d° - - - 13 ,, 90 id"- - - 13 ,, 90 i d° - - - 13 ,, 90 5 Drains Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 163 M'. Bartlett - - - - ^ Drain - $13 ,, 90 Thomas Vincent - - - Thomas Foster - - - Samuel Toole - - - - M'. Howard - - - - Cesar Spear - . - - And we do hereby appoint the aforenamed Thomas Bickford to receive of the Persons within named the Sums affixed to their several Names, & to give discharge therefor Charles Bulfinch David Tilden Russell Sturgis William Porter )> ° John Tileston Ebenez'^. Oliver James Baker being chosen Sexton to the Chapel Church is approbated as a Funeral Porter — Ebenez*". Storer Esq. having proposed .Tames Scott, William Smith & Benjamin Joy Esq'*, as Sureties for him in his Ofhces of Town Treasurer & Collector of Taxes [130.] the same were approved — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov''. 7. 1802 Present Mess" : Tilden, Sturgis, Bulfinch Howard, Hunnewell, Sherburne, Tileston Upon complaint against a piece of paving in Elm Street done under the direction of D"". Morse — Voted, that M"". Tilden Stur- gis & Tileston, be a Comm'^''. to attend to the complaint of M'', S. Whitwell & others, & that the Comm'^''. be empower'd, if they find the said complaint to be well founded, to call upon D''. Morse to alter the same ; & in case of his refusal or neglect to proceed to alter or remove the cause of complaint at the expence of D'". Morse — Mess" : Willet & Ballard having laid a new Drain by the per- mission of the Board from a new Cellar in Atkinson Street to the Common Sewer, it is agreed that they shall })ay for their privilege a proportionable part with the other Proprietors of the late Repairs of the said Common Sewer ; being seventeen Dollars 4 Cents — for one twenty sixth part of the same — M"". Tileston & M"". Oliver a Committee to sign the Agreement of Reference respecting Land of Moses Wallack taken to widen 164 City Document No. 93. Blind Lane — the Referrees — General Winslow Deacon Wright & M"". Nathaniel Bradlee — In compliance with a Warrant from the Hon'"*'. Thomas Dawes J'" Esq Judge of Probate within the County of Suffolk — the Selectmen of the Town of Boston have made Inquisition of the circumstances of Thomas Stevens Eayres, and find the said Eayres to be non compos & incapable of taking care of himself ; and are of opinion that a Guardian should be appointed for him — sign d by the Selectmen It having been represented that one Walkinshaw is an idle disorderly & intemperate Person, that he is Heir to some Estate of a Brother deceased, that from his conduct he is unable to take care of, & will in all probability soon waste said property & become a charge to the Town — Application [131.] was therefore made to the Judge of Probate that he would take the same into consideration, & act thereon as the Law directs — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov''. 10* — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sherburne Porter Tileston, Oliver Hunnewell M''. Nathaniel Emms having produced the account of the Expences attending the laying of a new Drain in Fish Street, and the names of the persons who have made use of the same for conducting their private Drains therein, it appears that the whole expence including the allowance for his trouble amounts to Ninety one Dollars 11 Cents, which is to be divided into four Shares of twenty two Dollars 78 Cents each to be paid as follows — Viz'. By Nathaniel Emmes 1 share- - $22 ,, 78 — Samuel Cookson 1 d° - - - 22 ,, 78 — John James 1 d° - - - 22 ,, 78— Abraham Babcock - - - - 1 d° - - - 22 ,, 78 — $91 ,, 12— On an application from D'^. Lathrop & D''. Eliots Societies for the use of one of the North School-houses for the purpose of a singing School — Agreed that these Societies shall be accommo- dated with the use of one of those Schools, as may be most con- venient to the Town School Masters — In compliance with a Warrant from the Hon'''*. Thomas Dawes Jr. Judge of Probate within the County of Suffolk ; the Select- men made inquisition as to the circumstances of Bartholomew Broaders, and find the said Broaders incapable of taking care of himself — & are of opinion that Guardians should be appointed for him Signed by the Selectmen — Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 165 An application was made by General Henry Jackson for liberty to convert the Building commonly called the Granary into a Livery Stable — the Board attended to the same & in considera- tion that the appropriating said Building to such uses, M'ould incommode the Street leading to the Mall & to the State House [133.] and the quantities of Manure there collected, would occasion an offensive stench to those Persons who for health or recreation should frequent the Mall & Common — the Board deter- mined that General Jacksons request could not be complied with — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov''. 17. 1802 Present Mess : Bulflnch, Tilden, Sturgis, Howard Tilestou, Por- ter, Hunnewell, Oliver Return was made by M"". William Appleton of the Expeuce attending opening & laying a Drain in Middle Street ; and the Account thereof being duly examined by the Selectmen is by them allowed, they being informed at the same time by the said Appleton, that he had caused to be warned every Person con- cerned in said Drain, according to Law & no objection having been made to his proceeding — Assessment was made thereon by the Selectmen an Order for payment was made out & delivered to the aforenamed William Appleton, which is as follows — Viz*^ — Whereas a Drain or Common Shore in Middle Street has been duly repaired by the aforenamed William Appleton, the whole Expence whereof according to an Account, laid before & examined by the Subscribers amounted to Thirt}' eight Dollars & as such Expence is to be paid by such person or persons whose Drams enter into said Common Shore & receive benefit thereby, & in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them, who are empower'd by law to apportion the same, and the said Appleton having agreable to Law, Notified all the concerned before he had proceeded on the l)usiness & no objection having been made thereto — therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Boston do hereby Certify, that having considered of said Expence & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid. Do Adjudge, the same shall be paid in the proportion following, and by the [133.] Persons hereunder named — Viz* — Joseph Tuttle - . - - 1 Drain - - S6 „ 91 5 ,, 43 Thomas- Wallis - - 1 Drain - - 6 ,, 91 5 ,, 43 W\ Hillman - - - 1 Drain - - 6 „ 91 5 ,, 43 M'"®. Appleton 1 Drain - - 6 „ 91 5 ,, 43 M^^ Hill - - - - 1 Drain - - 6 ., 91 „ 43 Josiah Quincy - - 1 Drain - - f^> „ 91 5 ,, 43 Dinah Adams - - - 1 Drain - - c ,. 91 5„43 Drains 166 City Document ^o. 93. And we do hereby appoint the aforenamed WilUam Appleton to reeieve of the Persons within named, the Sums affixed to their several Names and to uive discharges there- for— Charles Bulfinch I | J Howard "" jon-*^. hunnewell Ebenez^. Oliver J- M"". William Remington & M''. John Chadwick, at a Meeting warned for the purpose, were agreable to their application, being well recommended ; were appointed Auchtioneers for this Town — At the request of the Comm*^^. from the Mechanick Associa- tion, liberty is granted them to make use of Faneuil Hall on the 16*'\ of December next; being their Annivesary Meeting On the apphcation of M''. Tyler, that a Passage Way leading from Aliens way or lane Northerly to his Pope walks was incom- moded & closed by Buildings lately placed thereon — the Chairman & M'^. Tilden were desired to examine the place & the Records relative thereto, & Report — A Petition was received from a great number of the Abutters on Dock Square, praying that the Boys with Wheelbarrows of Bread, might no longer be suffered to stand in the Square for the sale of Bread, for reasons stated in [134.] the Petition as on file, — Order'd that prosecution be commenced against any Persons who shall take a stand in the public Streets with Wheelbarrows of Bread &''. after notice given them to desist from so doing — The Selectmen having in the course of the present Year engaged M'". Vinton & M'". Cartwright as Inspectors of Chimnies in this Town, whose duty it should be to provide a sutHcient number of able Sweepers to be ready at the call of any Person who should require their services ; the Board being desirous to give such Inspectors all the encouragement in their power without depriving those Persons who have been formerly licensed of their means of support — Do agree & determine that the said Vinton &, Cartwright shall be licensed on the following conditions — "s-iz*. That each of them shall enter into a bond to the amount of five hundred dollars, that he will faithfully execute the duties that shall be imposed by the Selectmen according to the tenor of their former Votes of the 3'^ of Feb^. last, & shall keep in readiness such uuml)ers of Sweepers as the Board shall Judge necessary from time to time — Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 167 It is also agreed, that any of the old Sweepers who may be of decent character and also may apply shall be Licensed on the following conditions, that he sign an agreement that he will faithfully execute the business of a sweeper in his own Person & that he will not employ under him any Journeyman or Apprentice for the sweeping of Chimuies under the forfeiture of two dollars for every chimney so swept by his Journeyman or Apprentice — Return was made of the Expence of opening a Common Sewer in Prince Street by M^ Appleton & filed & the Town Clerk directed to make out a Wan*, for collect^, the same Assessing each share 5 ,, 43— see last page Nov"". 17 — [135.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov"". 24 Present Mess'"^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Porter, Sherburne, Tileston, Hunnewell, Howard, At the request of the Fire-wards ; the new hose lately imported is directed to be kept in the possession of M''. Tilden, to be delivered to the order of the Secretary of the Fire- wards for the use of the Engines— and that any pieces of Hose that are out of repair, or not in use, shall be deposited with M^ Tilden — On the application of Judge Sullivan — Ordered, that the Lamps at his House in Summer Street, & the other private Lamps in that Street, be lighted at the expence of the Town M'. Howard & M''. Sherburne were desired to view a situation on Barretts Wharff, where a Bakehouse is said to be about to be erected, to inform the Proprietor of the law in this case, — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Noveml/. 29. 1802 Present Mess'" : Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Sherburne, Sturgis, Oliver, Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem'". VK 1802 Present Mess'"*: Hunnewell, Tileston, Howard, Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Oliver, Passed upon other Accounts— ]\r. Hunnewell was desired to attend the repairs of the Roof of Faneuil Hall, to prevent its leaking — M^ Zeal Skidmore being appointed Sexton of the Church in HolUs Street, is licensed as a Funeral Porter — Agreed that M^ Vannevar should have the care of the Granary Building [Burying] Ground — 168 City Document No. 93. M"". Baker Sexton of the Chapel to have the care of the Chapel Burying Ground M'. Zeal Skidmore the care of the South Burjang Ground — [136.] Boston ss : At a jNIeeting of the Selectmen Decern". 8"' Present Mess""" : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Porter, Tileston, Sherburne, Oliver, Hunnewell, Upon the Application of M'. William Ratchford to build a Bake house on Barrets Wharff near Ann Street — Agreed to ap- probate the same — M"'. Eatchford is directed to get the consent of the major part of the Justices in this Town, according to Law — The Chairman was directed to obtain a plan of the Street, at West Boston, from Popler Street to Cambridge Street, for the use of the Town — On the application of John Simmons & Calvin Fisher for liberty to open a Livery Stable in the new Brick Fire proof Building in Bromfields Lane — It is Agreed to give licenses to the Applicants for that purpose — & they are directed to place or paint a Sign in front of the Building with this Inscription — "Ap- proved Ijy the Selectmen according to Law " Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem''. 14. 1802 Present Mess*^* : Hunnewell, Bulfinch, Tileston, Sherburne, Sturgis, Howard, Ordered, that a Warrant be issued for calling a Town Meeting on Thursday the 23'*. of Decern"". Ins*. 10— o'.^Clock A : M : M"". Newell to have the printing of the Notifications for the above Meeting — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem^ 22'^ 1802 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Howard, Tileston, Sher- burne Oliver 23 Petit Jurors for C. C. P: drawn and entred in the Jury Books as usual — and then Adjourned the Meeting for Jurors to Wednesday next 3. o Clock — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem''. 27. 1802 Present Mess"^^ : Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Howard Porter, Hun- newell, Passed upon Accounts — [137.] In compliance with a Warrant from the Hon^'". Thorn® Dawes Jr Esq Judge of Probate within the County of Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 169 Suffolk the Bofird made requisition into the circumstances of Jolm Eice Esq. & find the said Rice to be a distracted Person and in- capable of taking care of himself, & are of opinion that a Guardian should be appointed for him — Boston ss : At a Meeting of tli£ Selectmen Decem^ 29. 1802 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis, Tileston Sherburne Oliver Porter, Passed upon other Accounts On the application of the Fire-wards for a new Engine M''. Porter was requested to examine one lately built by M^ Thayer & to Report at the next IMeeting of its Dimensions & powers & its price — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^'. 5. 1803 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Hunnewell, Tileston, Sturgis Sherburne, Porter, Oliver, ]\P, Parsons has liberty to place a Fish Box over the Slip at the bottom of Cross Street, to be subject to removal when ever it shall be found inconvenient or prejudicial to the Public — Voted, that the Fire wards be informed, that a new Engine built by M''. Thayer is now compleat & ready for delivery, that the Board wish the same to be inspected by the Fire wards & if approved by them that it will be placed at the House on the Mill bridge M"". Porter & M''. Hunnewell a Comm*^". to consider a suitable place for the Engine-house now in Essex Street The Chairman a Conim*'^. to consider a suitable place for the Watch house now in Bowdoins Square M"". John Haskins at a Meeting specially appointed is agreable to application appointed an Auchtioneer for this Town — The Chairman was requested to advertise for Sale the several small Engines which have been lately replaced with others more suitable to the demands of the Town — [138.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 12 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Porter Tileston, Oliver, M Derby Robins is authorized to build a head to the Dock at the bottom of Summer Street, & fill up the Dock, he to be at the whole expence thereof & to lay a Common Sewer therein of the dimensions that may be agreable to the Comm'*'^. — 170 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^'. 19 Present Mess: [Blank] M''. Jacob Wendell applies for liberty to build a Bake house in the vacant lands west of Newbury Street near the Lynn Tavern; the situation having, been examined by M^'. Porter & M''. Oliver, they represent the same as suitable for the purpose — whereupon — Voted, that M'". Wendell have liberty to build a Bake house in the place mentioned, provided it be wholly of Brick or Stone and otherwise to the approbation of the Board — M'. Sturgis & M''. Hunnewell a Comm^®. to view the old En- gines now at M"". Thayers & to Report what in their opinion is adviseable to, be done with them — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^'. 31. 1803 Present Bulfinch Tilden Sturgis Porter Tileston Sherburne Hunnewell, Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen February 2^'. 1803 Present Mess : [Blank] Passed upon other Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 9. 1803 Present Mess'^: Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Sherburne Porter, Oliver, Howard, Sturgis, The Comm^®. on the Market were desired to view the Stalls built by M''. Peirpoint to consider what use shall be made of them in future & to Report — [139.] Mess'"®: Joseph & William Heard apply for liberty to build a Bakers Oven in a building at the Corner of Grove Street & May Street — The Chairman M'. Sturgis & M*". Howard a Comm*"*". to view the Building & Report — also to view a Bake house back of M*". Spears Barn in Salem Street — M'. Tilden, M'". Porter & M"". Tileston, a Comni^®. to consider the fees of the Funeral Porters, what alterations are necessary to be made & to Report them — On application of the Fire- Wards for several of Perkins Pat- tent Pumps to be used in case of Fire — M*"„ Sturgis & M"". Tileston are a Comm'^''. to enquire the price & Report — Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 171 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 16. 1803 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Porter Sherburne Tileston, OUver — The Board proceeded to sign a Deed to John Homer of a peice of Land at the head of Middle Street — conditioned that he should convey to the Town another peice of Land of the Estate of Andrew Green whenever the same shall be laid into the Street & aj^praised according to Law, and took a Mortgage Deed & Bond from him to secure the performance of his engagement The Comm^*^. appointed to view ]\I''. Heards Building at West Boston Reported that the Building is wholly of Wood 50 feet long & near 20 feet Broad, situated in the Simimit of the Hill near M"". Austins Rope walk, & other large Wooden Buildings, that in their opinion it would be unsafe to allow it to be improved for a Bake-house, & Report that M''. Heards request cannot be complied with — which Report was accepted & agreed to by the Board — Upon the subject of procuring Patent Pumps to be used in fires the Comm^*'. Reported that upon enquiry the[y] found such Pumps much larger heavier & more expensive than was supposed, that it would be difficult to accommodate them for use at the Creeks & wharfs of different depths — the Comm*^®. recommend that instead of such pumps, the Engines on the Creek be furnished with a number of short ladders to be used at the Creeks & Wharves in time of fire — Voted, that the same Comm'^*^. be desired to communicate their Report to .the Secretary of the Fire-Wards — [140.] The Committee on the Fees to Funeral Porters — Report'^ which was accepted as follows — Viz' , That there be allowed to Funeral Porters & Undertakers in future For digging a Grave or opening a | Tomb I 1 Dollar Use of a large Pall ------ l Use of a small ditto ,» 50 Cents To each Porter for carrying Corpse - 75 Tolhng Bells, for each time of tolling ) Bells ("20 Waiting on Pall holders, inviting Relations ) [50] families Neighbours induded - ) 2 the same in proportion for a greater number Removing & returning Chairs & Attend- ) ance .-- M 172 City Document No. 93. Extra service of tarred Sheet &'" - - - 1 ,, 50 For use of a Hearse - - - - - - - 1 ,, 00 hire of a Horse for ditto ------ ,,75 Voted, that the above regulations be printed in the Pai^ers & that the Sextons be directed to make out their Bills, in separate articles conformable thereto — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb>'. 23'^. 1803— Present Mess : Bulfinch Tildeu, Sturgis, Porter Tileston Oliver — Issued a Warrant for Town Meeting for AVednesday the 2'^ day of March next — M''. Newell to have the printing of the Notifications Upon a Representation that M''. Trask Constable of the North Watch was confined to his House l)y sickness Voted that M''. Peter Doble be appointed to take charged of the Watch, untill M^'. Trask shall be able to resume his place & the watch- men are hereby directed to conform to his orders according]}^ — M"". Abraham Babcock exhibited accounts of the expence of a Main Drain or common Sewer, laid by him in Fish Street amounting to $49, ,25 — the same was approved by the Board & ordered to be paid one half by the said Babcock & the other half by the Heirs of Clement Collins being 24 D. 62 C to each half— [141.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Feb^. 28*. Present Mess''" : [Blank] • Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Present Mess" : Bulfinch, Tilden, Sturgis, Howard, Tileston, Porter Sherburne Oliver Hunnewell A Warrant issued for a Town Meeting March 14 for the choice of Town Officer, on Monday the 14'. Ins*^ — 9. o. 'Clock A : M : M"". Newell to have the printing of the Notifications of said Meeting — The Chairman a Comm'^''. to wait on D''. Howard & request that he would open said Meeting with Prayer Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 9"' 1803 Present Mess''® : [Blank] . Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 178 Passed upon sundry Acconipts of which a Return & order for payment was made the Town Treasurer Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 16 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, Porter Howard, A Meeting warned for 4. o. 'Clock P : M : for the special pur- pose of considering & acting upon the Petition of M'". Caleb Field that he might be appointed an Aiichtioneer for this Town — M^. Caleb Field was agreable to his application appointed an Auchtioneer — Boston 8s : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 23'^ 1803 Present Mess"^® : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Hunnewell, Howard, Upon application from D'". M. Smith & others for liberty to open the Common Sewer in Middle Street from his House to Procters Lane for the purpose of repairing the same— Ordered, that the Proprietors & others concerned be Certified to appear on Wednesday next, to show cause why said repair should not be made & Assessed upon them generally, according to Law — [143.] A Warrant this day issued for a Meeting of the Inhabitants on Monday the 4^ of April next, for the choice of Governor &'^— W. Howard & M"". Tileston a Comm*^^ to wait on Rev*! ly. Stillman & to request him to open the Meeting with Prayer M''. Newell to have the pi-inting of the Notifications for said meeting — On the application of IM^. Robert Robinson for liberty to put a Fish Box at the bottom of Summer Street, it is agreed that the request be granted ; the Box to be placed under the direction of the Selectmens Comm'^*'. M''. Tileston & M"". Hunnewell Agreed to print 50 Copies of the corrected List of Voters — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 28 1803 Present Mess''^ : Howard, Porter, Bulfinch, Tilden, Passed upon Accounts — M''. Benjamin Sweetser having applied for an appointment as an Auchtioneer — a special Meeting is warned, at 4 O Clock. P : M : — & being taken up the situation he mentioned, as the intended stand was not approved of 174 City Document No. 93. • M"". Porter & M"". Hiinuewell were desired to direct the moving of the Engine-house in Essex Street to Land of M'*. Rowes, where she has consented it should be placed M"". Huunewell desired to have the necessary repairs made to the roof on Faneuil Hall Agreed to distribute notifications for the Meeting of the Wards on the P^ Wednesday of April — for the choice of Assistant Assessors — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 30"\ Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hunuewell, Passed upon other Accounts — D'". Smith made return of the Owners of the [143.] Com- mon Sewer in Middle Street, and was impowered to proceed to repair & cleanse the same — the persons who appear 'd were Sam : Townsend Turel Tuttle & M''. Cogswell Drew from the Box 23. Petit .Turors for the Common Pleas & adjourned to Wednesday next 12, o'. Clock to fill such vacancies in the List as may occur — Names j^osted in Jury Books — M''. Miller & Cap^ Powers apply for liberty to lay a Common Sewer from Federal Street through Bury Street into Atkinson Street — Agreed that they have liberty to open the ground for this purpose provided the descent mil be sufficient to finish the Drain at the Common Sewer directly opposite Bury Street, & that the Applicants open the ground at the Common Sewer for the pur- pose of trying the depth ; or that they repair the same in the old direction ct course — Agreed with the present Occupiers of the Stalls West of Faneuil Hall, that they should continue to improve said Stalls for one Year from the P'. of March lus^ they to pay quarterly to the Treasurer at the rate of 50 Cents p Week, for each of the twenty Stalls Approved of M''. Oliver C. Wyman as an Inholder at the House Corner of P^xchange Lane Boston ss : At a special Meet^. of Selectmen April 5. 1803 Present Mess''*: Bulfinch, Tilden, Howard, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell M"". Benjamin Sumner lately chosen by the Town their Treas- urer & Collector, proposed as his Sureties in Bonds for GOOOO Dollars, Mess"^® : Samuel Sumner, Josiah Snelling Joseph Loring Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 175 J'". Beujamiu Jepson, Jon'. Balch — who were approved, & the Town Clerk was directed to prepare the Bond accordingly — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 12'. 1803 Present Mess''« : Tileston, Bulfinch, Porter, Tilden, Oliver, Hunnewell, [144.] M''. John Badger an old Aiichtioneer having apphed for an appointment this Year, a Meeting is warned at 4. o Clock this day for the special purpose of considering his application — At said Meeting he was accordingly appointed M"". Hudson M"". Edward Hall object to bearing any part of the expence of repairing the Connnon Sewer in Middle Street, near Thomas Edwards Esq. they having repaired a large quarter of the same the last Year at their own charge — M"". Stephen Gibson objects upon the same principle — The Board being informed that the new Engine built by M'', Thayer to supply the place of N''. 5 is ready for delivery — Voted, that the Master & Co. of N^. 5 be desired to take possession of the same & try its powers & if approved of by the Gentlemen Fire-Wards that it be placed in the Engine-house under the Town house — Upon application from the Abuttors on Chambers Street desir- ing some assistance towards levelling that street that they may be enabled to erect a row of Trees on each side & regulate the side walks at their own expence — Agreed to allow sixty Dollars toward the same — The Comm^^. of the new North Church apply that the Engine- house may be removed from their Ground in North Street ; the Chairman is 'desired to endeavour to procure a situation for the same on part of the Land of the Rev'^. D''. Ehot — A number of the Proprietors in Buttolph Street New Boston, made return of the Expence of laying a new Common Sewer in that Street amounting to 240 Dollars which expence was born by Thomas Kendall Moses Gardner Thomas Tilden George Lightener Benjamin Bayley Titus Thayer Reuben Carver John Johnson — [145.] And exhibited Bills to that amount & receipts for the same— they request that the Board would determine the sum which they should demand of two other Persons who wish to enter 176 City Document No. 93. the said Common Sewer — whereupon Voted, that ten per cent be added to the amount of the cost to compensate the original Proprietors for their trouble, and that the whole Sum be divided by the number of Persons who now use said Common Sewer, and who enter their Drains into it ; which proportion shall be the amount to be paid by those who shall enter it as follows — Dollars The cost is - - - - 240 add 10 p c* - - - - 24- $264- The number of original Proprietors The new Applicants - - - 10,— the above Sum divided by [10] gives the amount of 26 Dollars 40 Cents to be paid by each of the two Persons now applying viz* — Henry Hill Esq. & Peter Virginea— Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 19 — Present Mess'"*: Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter Tileston, Oliver Hunnewell M"". Eber Lawrance approved as an Auchtioneer for this Town, having been well reconuuended by a number of Citizens — Agreed that the Master & Comp>'. of Engine iS°. 3 be desired to take the new Engine lately built by M"". Thayer into possession & deposit it at their Engine-house provided that upon trial of its powers it should meetthe approbation of the Fire- wards — M"". Porter & M''. Tileston desired to view the Southerly end of Belknap Street, between John Joys & Cap*. Scotts Land, & to Report what is necessary to be done to put that Street into a suitable condition for use — M*". Lemuel Capen & M"". Caleb Loring Jun'' — [146.] were appointed Measurers & weighers of Boats & Lighters, for Stones Sand & Gravel according to Law The Board proceeded to make choice of ten Constables for the Year ensuing ; having determined each Person to be chosen, should enter into a Bond with two Sureties to the approbation of the Board, to the amount of 1000 Dollars for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of his office — The Votes being taken the following Persons were chosen & the Gentlemen annexed to their names were approved as Bonds- men — Viz* — Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 177 Thomas Stevenson - Jirah Holbrook - - Henry Lane - - - Solomon Twist - - Moses Thayer - - Samuel White - - Elisha Copeland - - Amos Lewis - - John Bosson - - - sworn Sureties Dudley Walker William Richardson Levi Lane Edward Staples Whiting Danforth Moses Gardner Jonas Twist Nath^ Frothingham Asa Hatch — David Marsh Eben"". Clough Abraham Gibson John Perry — Thomas Lewis resigned Cornelius Fuller Abraham Gibson John Gibson — William Jennings Peter Mcintosh — see May 30 — The Chairman is desired to apply to the Town Attorney for a suitable form, for a Bond, for said Constables to execute Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 25. 1803 Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Tilden, How- ard, Hunnewell, Passed upon Accounts — [147.] Oaths of Office administred to Mess: Snelling Dun & Boils, [Boyle] Assessors for the present Year, by the Town Clerk- On a representation from the Members of the North Watch that M^. Ambrose Salisbury had been neglectful of his duty, it was determined by the Board that M''. Salisbury be dismissed from the Watch after the 30 Ins''. — the Captain of the Watch is directed to propose a suitable Person in his stead — The Board considered the application of James Bowdoin Esq. & a respectable number of Gentlemen a Comm*^*^ respecting the use of Faneuil Hall for a public Dinner on the 4"\ of July next & agreed to the following Billet to be sent M'. Bowdoin by the Chairman — Sir I am directed by the Selectmen to inform you that they cheerfully conseht to the request of the Gentlemen who have applied for the use of Faneuil Hall for a public Dinner on the 178 City Document No. 93. anniversary of American Independence provided it will not in- terfere with the arangement of the Cadet Compy. in tlie early part of the Day, which they doubt not may be made mutually convenient — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 27. 1803 Present Mess : Tilden Bulfinch, Porter Tileston, Hunnewell, Passed upon other Accounts — Warrant signed for May Meeting— M''. Porter to wait on Eev*^. D'. West to request his opening Town Meeting with prayer — M"". Newell to have the printing of the Notifications — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 30*"^ Present Mess^«: Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Bulfinch, [148.] M''. Richard Austin was chosen Sealer of Weights & Measures for the year ensuing, in the South Division — M"^. Timothy Green was chosen Sealer of Weights & Measures in the North Division for the Year ensuing — their Districts or Divisions to be the same as last Year. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 3*^. Present Mess": Bulfinch Porter, Tileston Oliver Hunnewell, Tilden, M"". Richard Edwards having applied that he may be appointed an Auchtioneer — 4. o Clock a Special Meeting for taking up this matter is appointed — he was at said Meeting accordingly appointed — Return was made by M'. Obediah Thayer of the expence at- tending opening & repairing Common Shore in Sudbury Street, & the account thereof being duly examined by the Selectmen is by them allowed ; they being informed at the same time by the said Thayer, that he had caused to l)e warned every Person con- cerned in said Drain according to Law, & no objection having been entred to his proceeding Assessment was made thereon by the Selectmen an Order for payment was made out & delivered to the aforenamed Obed Thayer, which is as follows — Viz*^. — Whereas a Drain or Common Shore in Sudbury Street has been duly repaired by the aforenamed Obed^\ Thayer the whole expence whereof according to an account laid before & examined by the Subscribers amounted to eighty six Dollars 13 Cents, & as said Expence is to be paid ))y such Person or Persons whose Selectmen's Minutes, ■ 1803. 179 Drains enter into said Common Sliore & receive benefit therelDy & in such proportions as sliall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them, who are empower 'd by law to apportion the same, & the said Thayer having agreable to Law notified all concerned [149.] before he had proceeded on the business & no objection having been made thereto — therefor we the Subscribers Selectmen of the said Town of Boston do hereby Certify that having considered of said Expences & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid — Do Adjudge the same to be paid in the proportion following & by the Persons hereunder named — Viz*. — Samuel Parkman Esq. - - - 1 Drain - - $12 ,, 30 John Heard Esq 1 d° - - - 12 ,, 30 Abraham Bazin 1 d° - - - 12 ,, 30 William Taylor 1 d° - - - 12 ,, 30 Alden Bass - | M". Gale j 1 d° - - - 12 ,, 30 O. Thaj^er 1 d° - - - 12 ,, 30 Bradleys Heirs 1 d° - - - 12 ,, 30 7 Drains And we do hereby appoint the aforenamed Obediah Thayer to receive of the Persons within named the Sums affixed to their sev- eral Names & to give discharge therefor Chaeles Bulfinch ^ David Tilden William Porter JOHX TiLESTOX Ebexez^. Oliver Jonathan Hunnewell Jl The Chairman M^ Tileston & M^ Hunnewell a Comm^^ to examine the situation for the Fence about to be built by M''. Wendell on Fort Hill, & to see that the bounds are accurately staked out on the Towns Land Upon application from James Sulhvan Esq & others for liberty to open & repair the Common Sewer in Summer Street — Ordered that the Proprietors & others whose Drains enter therein be Notified to appear on or before Wednesday the 11"' Ins', to make their Objections — [150.] The Board came to the choice of a Superintendent of Police for the Year — the Vote being taken by Ballot Charles Bulfinch was declared to be chosen — 180 City Document No. 93. M"". George Trott was chosen Hay weigher for the current year, with the same rate of pay & under the same regulations as in the last Year — M'^. "William Mock was appointed to collect the Cow Tax for the present year, under the same regulations as the past Year — Passed upon a List of Persons as Inholders and Retailers — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 12. Present Bulfinch Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Tileston — For the special purpose of acting upon the Petition of M"^. Edward Edcs Jun"". to be appointed an Auchtioneer — when said Edes was accordingly appointed — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 16 — 1803 Present Mess'^ : Bulfinch, Chapman, May, Oliver, Wright, Tiles- ton, Porter, Tilden Hunnewell No business transacted at this Meeting which is matter of record — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 18. 1803 Present Mess : Bulfinch, May, Wright, Oliver, Hunnewell, Chap- man, Porter, At a special Meeting for the purpose the application of M"". William Leverett for an appointment as an Auchtioneer was con- sidered, and the said Applicant is appointed an Auchtioneer for the remainder of the Year, which commenced in July last — Return was made of the Names of the Proprietors of the Common Sewer in Summer Street, & the branches therefrom, whereupon Voted, that the Applicant James Sullivan Esq. be impower'd to proceed to open & repair the same as may be found necessary [151.] On application of D^ Smith — Passed an Order of notice for the Proprietors of a Common Sewer in Fish Street, leading from North Square to the Water, to appear on or before Tuesday the 24. Ins', to make their objections to opening & repairing the same M^ Hunnewell & M^ Wright a Comm^^. to enquire into the state of the Common Sewer in Federal Street — whether the repairs lately made has been effectual or whether it is necessary to continue it to Atkinson Street Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 181 The above Gentlemen are appointed a Comm^'^. to inspect the repairs in the Common Sewer in Summer Street about to be undertaken, & to see that the same is well & sufficiently done — The Chairman, M''. Huunewell & M'". Oliver a Comm®''. to ascertain the bounds of Gooch's Lane leading from Green Street to Mill Pond— The Board came to the choice of an Orator for the 4^ of July next — the Votes being taken, William Sullivan Esq. was declared, unanimously chosen — the Chairman was then desired to inform M^'. Sullivan of the choice, & to present him with a Copy of the Vote of the Town explaining the design of the Town in this Institution — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 30. 1803 Present Mess""® : Bulflnch, Tilden, Tileston, Porter, Chapman, Wright, Hunnewell, Oliver, May, Passed upon Accounts — Upon application from M''. Ruggles Occupant of one of the Stalls in Faneuil Hall Market-house for a deduction of Rent upon his Stall in consequence of his being deprived of the use of part of thereof — M''. Hunnewell & Deacon Wright are a Comm'''^„ to view the Stalls in the Market-house & Report their opinion respecting M'. Ruggles Claim & the subject at large [153.] M^ Porter & M'". Tileston a Comm^^ to treat with M"^. Gore on the subject of his last Years Lease of the Neck Lands, to consider what deduction should be made from his Rent, in consequence of the Towns entering upon & disposing of part of said Laud ; also to treat with him respecting the use thereof, the present Year. — The Board came to the choice of one Constable in the room of M''. Bosson, who declines serving — when M^ Levi Joy was declared to be chosen, & M"". Joseph Benuet & Edward Went- worth are approved as his Bondsmen — sworn — M^ Porter & M\ Oliver a Comm""*. to view Frog Lane, to confer with the Abutters respecting widening and paving that Street — The following division of the Board was made into Committees for directing the i)aving in the several parts of the Town — M^ Porter & M''. Oliver, for repairing Marlborough Street, Newbury, Orange »fc Washington Street, likewise all Streets west & east, to the South of Libertv Tree so called — 182 City Document No. 93. Deacon Tilden & M''. Tileston to repair the Streets to the Eastward of the above, & in Ward N°. 10 CoP. May & Cap'. Chapman all the Streets below the Bridges — M"". Bulfinch, M"". Hunnewell & M'". Wright to repair the Streets in the other parts of the Town — Voted, to proceed to compleat the paving of Essex Street ; and the Comm^*^. was desired to take measures accordingly — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 7. 1808 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Tileston, Oliver, Chapman, May, Porter, Wright, Col°. May & M''. Chapman a Comm''*', to look out for a situa- tion for the ICngiue-house now in Middle Street — [153.] The Chairman was desired to have a piece of Timber placed in front of D*'. Danforths Laud in Leaveret Street to regulate & level the Street — in consideration of his giving the use of the Land. for the Engine House — The Comm*^*^. on the Common Shore in Federal Street, reported that it was necessary to continue the repairs from the sink to where it enters in Atkinson Street — Voted, that the Proprietors be directed to compleat the said Repairs as soon as may be The Board having considered the rapid and increasing growth of West Boston, are impressed with the necessity of having the situation of the Towns Streets in that quarter well ascertained to prevent encroachments thereon, therefore Voted that M''. William Tayler be empowered in behalf of the Selectmen to survey & lay out the several Streets at the Westerly part of the Town, lying west of Lynde Street & the easterly part of Leveret Street, & north of Cambridge Street, agreable to the minutes of the sev- eral Records & the plans which he has laid before the Board, and that he make returns of his doings therein with a plan of the same as soon as may be Agreed to pave the upper part of Hanover Street & the parts of Sudbury Street & Court vStreet adjoining — Also to pave Back Street from Cross Street to D''- Stillmans Meeting House Upon a representation from the Overseers of the Poor of the great espence of committing Vagrants of the Justices of the Peace to the Work house or House of Correction, — Voted, that the Constables be directed to make complaint against all Vagrants Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 183 or Disorderly Persons to the Overseers of the Poor of the Ward in which such Persons may be found, who will issue his Warrant for [154.] their Commitment to the Alms house — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 15 1803 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston Oliver Hunnewell, Wright Chapman Porter — Return was made by D"". Nathaniel Smith of the expence attending opening & repairing Common Sewer in Middle Street from the House of said Smith to Procters Lane ; and the 'Accompt thereof being duly examined by the Selectmen is by them allowed ; they being informed at the same time by the said Smith that he had cause to be warned every person concerned in said Drain according to Law, and no objection having been entred to his proceeding. Assessment was made thereon by the Selectmen, an Order for payment was made out and delivered to the aforenamed Nath^ Smith, which is as follows — Viz*. — Whereas a Drain or Common Shore in Middle Street has been duly repaired by the afore named Nath'. Smith, the whole Ex- pence whereof according to an account laid before & examined by the Subscribers amounted to $150 — and as said Expence is to be paid by such Person or Persons whose Drain enters into said Common Shore & receive benefit thereby, in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them who are emi^ower'd by law to apportion the same ; and the said Smith having agreable to law notified all concerned before he had proceeded on the business & no objection having been made thereto — therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby Certify that having considered of said Expences, & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid Do Adjudge the same to be paid in the proportion following [155.] and by the Persons hereafter named — Viz^ — Nathaniel Smith - . - - 1 Drain - - $6 ,, 80 Nicholas Smith - - - - 1. d° - - - 6 ,, 80 AVild 3. d« - - - 20 ,, 40 Thomas Moore - - . - 1. d<' - - - 6 ,, 80 Rev^. M''. Grenough- - - 2 d° - - - 13 ,, 60 David Martin 1 d° - - - 6 ,, 80 Stodder 1 d° - - - 6 ,, 80 John White -----Id"--- 6 ,, 80 Samuel White Id"--- 6 ,, 80 Cap*. Carver Id"--- 6 ,, 80 William Mackay ----Id"--- 6 ,, 80 Thomas Christy ----Id"--- 6 ,, 80 John Jenkins Id"--- 6 ,, 80 M'"^Loring Id"--- 6 ,, 80 Peter Gillman Id"--- 6 ,, 80 18-1 City Document No. 93. Natli^. Copeland - - - - 1 Drain- - $6 ,, 80 Marvil 1 cP - - - 6 ,, 80 Howard 1 d<^ - - - 6 ,, 80 John Foster Id''--- 6 ,, 80 22 And we do hereby appoint tlie aforenamed Nathaniel Smith to receive of the Persons within named, the Sums affixed to their several Names, and to give discharges therefor — Charles Bulfinch ~) g David Tildeni John Tileston Ebenezer Oliver )■ Francis Wright Jonathan Chapman Jon'^. Hunnewell [156.] Return was made bj' D"". Nathi. Smith of the Ex- pence attending opening & repairing a Common Sewer in Fish Street, & the Account thereof being duly examined by the Select- men, is by them allowed, they bej^g informed at the same time by the said Smith, that he had caused to be warned every Per- son concerned in said Drain according to law & no objection having been entred to his proceeding — Assessment was made thereon by the Selectmen an Order for payment was made out & delivered to aforenamed Nath'. Smith, which is as follows — Viz* "Whereas a Drain or Common Shore in Fish Street has been duly repaired by the aforenamed Nath^ Smith the whole Ex- pence whereof according to an account laid before & examined by the Selectmen amounted to $152. '50 and as such Expeuce is to be paid by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter into said Common Shore & receive benefit thereb}-, in such propor- tion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them, who are cmpower'd by law to apportion the same ; and the said vSmith having agreable to law notified all Persons concerned before he had proceeded on the business & no objection having been made thereto — therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby Certify that having considered of said expence & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid — Do Adjud(4e the same to be paid in the pro- portion following, & by the Person hereafter named Viz^ [157.] Nathaniel Curtis - - - - 1 Drain Joseph Shed 1 d" - - John Badger 2d**-- 5il2 n 70 12 11 70 25 40 Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 185 William Dodd 1 Drain - $12 M'"^ Hearsey 1 d° - - - 12 M"". Richardson - - - - 1 d° - - - 12 M-". Collins 1 d°- - - 12 Joseph Allen 1 d** - - - 12 John Brazier i d*^ - - - 12 Nath^ Smith i d° - - - 12 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 11 Drains — And we do hereby appoint the aforenamed Nat^. Smith to recieve of the Persons within named, the Sums affixed to their several names, and to give discharge therefor — Charles Bdlfinch ^ | David Tilden John Tileston Ebex^. Oliver Francis Wright JoN-^. Chapman JON^. HUNNEWELL J The Common Conmi*^^. were desired to attend the pruning of the Trees in the little Mall ; which have been injured by the Fire of the opposite Buildings — Agreed to License M'. John Kennedy as an Auchtioneer — The Comm^®. on M''. Gores application respecting his Lease of Land on the Neck — Reported that an allowance of thirty five Dollars be made to him for the loss & inconveniences sustained by him from the Towns entry upon the laud & letting [158.] the same for Sale — this Report accepted, and the same Comm*''", is empower'd to lease such portions of Upland & Marsh as they find applications for, upon the best terms which they can obtain for one Year — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 22^. 1803 — Present Mess''®: Bulfinch, Tileston, Wright, Chapman, Oliver, May, Porter, Tilden, Upon application from Nath'. Balch Esq. & Cap*. Ozias Good- win for liberty to open the Common Sewer in Cornhill from their Houses so far as may be necessary to convey off the filth of part of said Common >Sewer, which passes thro', their Cellars & stagnates there — • Ordered., that the applicants notify all the Proprietors in said Common Sewer, or whose Drains enter therein, to appear at the 186 City Document No. 93. Selectmeus Room on or before AYeduesday next, to show cause why such repairs should not be made & assessed on them gener- ally according to Law — The Chairman, ^M"". Tilden, M''. Porter & M^ Hunnewell a Comm^''. to view the New Street from Beacon Street to Middlecot Street, to regulate the Ascent & descent thereof — Deacon Wright Col°. May & Cap.'. Chapman a Comm^®. to view the Alley leading from Mountfords Corner to the Centre to ascertain the Towns Rights & the width of the Alley Deacon Tilden, Deacon Wright & M"". Tileston a Conim*''^ on Back Street — to consider the expediency of taking off the Corner of a House belonging to M'. Asa Lawrance to heighten said Street — The Chairman M^ Porter & M"". Oliver a Comm^^ on High Street to confer with INF. Langley & the Neighbours and Abutters on that Street, relative to widening the Southerly end of said Street — to make estimates of the expence & of the assistance that will be afforded, by Persons interested in that improve- ment — Agreed to allow One hundred Dollars for Gravel [159.] to be spread in Warren Street under the direction of M'". Porter, the Inhabitants having already levelled & regvilated the Ground at their own expence — The Town Clerk is directed to apply to the Clerk of the Sessions, for a list of licensed Persons, to be acted upon — also to make out a List of Auchtioneers — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 27* Present Mess''* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Oliver, Tileston, Wright, Porter, Passed upon Accounts — 5. o Clock At a special Meeting for the purpose, the Selectmen agreable to application approved of, & accordingly appointed the follow- ing Persons as Auchtioneers for this Town the present Year — Viz*. — not finished untill July 6* — see below — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 30 — Present Bulfinch Tilden Hunnewell, Tileston Oliver — AYarraut issued for Town Meeting on Monday the 4* of July next, at Faneuil Hall 9. O Clock A. M : — whereupon Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 187 Voted, that the Bells be ruug ou the Morning of the 4*'^. of July next from the hours of G to 7. being the Anniversary of American Independence — and that 6 Constables be appointed to preserve good order in the Common & at the Meeting house on that Day- Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 6 — 1803 Present Mess"^® : Bulfinch, Tilden, Chapman, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, Mess''® : Samuel Clap Thomas K. Jones John B. Green Samuel Bradford Robert Gardner John Perkins Thomas Clark [160.] John W. Quincy William AUine Azor G. Archibald Daniel Wild Robert G. Shaw Samuel Blagge Appleton Prentiss Nath'. Phillips Hews Benjamin Tucker ' John W. Vance Lewis Hoyt Cornelius Coolidge John Swett Samuel Bridge John Eaton Jun"^. John Jones Joseph Ripley Caleb Hayward William M« Neil Stoddard Capen Phillip Ammadon Benjamin Allen AYilliam Dehone William Fennelly Thomas Fisher John Chadwick [William?] Remington John Hasldns Caleb Field Benjamin Sweetser John Badger see August 17 — Eber Lawrance Richard Edwards 188 City Document No. 93. Edward Edes Jun"" AVilliam Leverett John Kennedy John Jutau [161.] Liberty is granted to the Military Company of Ward N°. 11. to make use of Faneuil Hall on Thursday the 7*. Ins*. for the choice of Officers — M''. Chairman was added to the Comm'"^. of the South Quarter for the purpose of Agreeing with M'^. Wells upon suitable Referees, to ascertain the damage which he will sustain by his Land ; being taken to widen Frog Lane — the same Comm''''. is directed in case M''. Wells will not agree upon the Referrees, to proceed to remove the Fences & Buildings agreable to the deter- mination of the Board when they had viewed the said Street — Upon request of Harrison G. Otis Esq. he is permitted to take the Manure from the Horse Pond, in the Common, — to be done under the direction of the Common Committee M"". Tileston was requested to employ persons to clear the Mall & Common — Aoreed to Advertize the Town House for the Sale of the Lease of 20 Years — the Sale to be on the 21. Ins*. It is Agreed that M"". John Peirce shall have liberty to build ten Tombs in the South Burial Ground in a range between the Gates ; nine of the said Tombs are to be sold by M'. Peirce to Persons whom the Board may approve at the price of those last Built on the west Wall — and the Town to have the other Tomb at their disposal — An application was received from the Trustees of the Associa- tion for Town improvement, asking liberty to form & compleat 100 feet in length of the new Street leading from Pleasant Street to Beacon Street paralell with the Rope Walk, — in order to ascertain the expence of compleating the whole of said Street — Voted, that the Gentlemen applying have liberty to proceed under the dii-ection of the Board ; and that the Pound be removed from the Street, onto the Common [163.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 13. A : M. Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Tileston, May, Wright 4 extra Jurymen were drawn for C. C. P. as entred on Jury Books — Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 189 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 13. P: M: Present Mess""® : Bulfincli Tilden Porter, "Wright, Chapman, Oliver, Hunnewell, Deacon Wright & Cap*. Chapman, a Comm^^. on an appUca- tion to widen White Bread Alley, in order to ascertain what would he the expence thereof — and to Report M^. Porter is desired to take measures for the repairs of the Dike on the Neck, so as to make it secure against the Sea Approved of the Indentures of William Downing to John Vinton — CoP. May and Cap*. Chapman a Comm^*'. to view Boarded Alley leading from Middle Street to Fish Street, to Report what repairs are necessary, & to consider whether it be expedient & practicable to widen the Alley, to make a Carriage Wav throuo-h it — M"". Trask of N°. Watch appeared for Instructions respecting the commitment of Vagrants & disorderly Persons in the Night — the Board conferred with M''. Hartshorn, the Jailer, and agreed that the Keeper of the Jail be desired to keep in his custody, all Persons committed by the Watch untill 8. o Clock in the Morn- ing, and then to dismiss them unless the Captain of the Watch shall appear before that time to prosecute according to Law — CoP. May & M"". Chapman a Comm*'''. to view the Street back of the North School-house, examine the cause of complaint made by the neighbourhood against M*'. James Williams who is said to incumber that Street with Carriages, and to keep a Livery Stable without being approved — also to view the Pavement & to Report — [163.] The Board agreed to the proposition of M''. Gxcorge Langley to appoint General Winslow M"". Nathaniel Bradley and M"". Solomon Cotton as Referrees to consider & determine what compensation shall be made to M''. Langley, for part of his Land & Buildings, abutting on High Street, which was intended to be taken for the purpose of widening the said Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 20. 1803 Present Mess""^: Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, May, Chapman Wright Oliver Porter, Hunnewell Signed an order for collection of the Assessment on the Drain laid by M^ Appleton in Prince Street the 1 7*. of November last as on Record — 190 City Document No. 93. Agreed to grant liberty to erect a Fish Stall at the bottom of Short Street on the Water Mess""* : Tileston Hunnewell & Wright a Comni««. to view Bel- knap Street upon complaint of several of the Abutters against the proceedings of M'". Collins, who is carting a quantity of Earth into the Sti'eet, & as they apprehend will injure their Houses — The application of Mess''^ : David Bradlee & Samuel Whitwell was considered respecting Land claim'd by them now making part of the Street which leads from Elm Street to Brattle Square — Having view'd the Premises & obtained all possible information thereon it appears that said Laud was laid into the Street about the Year 1784 with the verbal consent of the Owners, that it was paved at the expence of the Town & has ever since been con- sidered part of the Street ; that when M''. Bradlee purchased the Estate in 1801, he & M'". Whitwell consented that the Fences should remain as they now stand, which consent appears by an agreement in writing sigued by Samuel Whitwell & David W. Bradley who acted as his Fathers Agent in his absence — which Agreement is as follows — " Whereas M''^ Mary Turrel & Edward Gray have been very assiduous in obtaining a [164.] Deed from Jane Lee of Real Estate in Wings Lane, which estate she is about to convey to David Bradlee — now we do promise them that the Estate now remaining in Brattle Street, which is outside the Fence shall not be inclosed, & that if compensation should be assessed for the same neither she or said Gray shall pay any part of it May 23. 1801 Witness Sam : Whitwell Allen Pollock David W. Bradlee for David Bradlee — The Board therefore having considered the above circumstances «S: the precedent it would afford for others to bring forward their claims under sniiilar circumstances ; are of Opinion, that it is not in tlieir power to alter the line of said Fence by taking any part .of the Land from the Street, & that it is their duty to remove any thing that may be placed there to incumber the High Way — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 25. 1803 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Wright, May, Chapman Tilden, Hunnewell, Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 27 1803 Present Mess''* : Bulfinch, Tileston, AYright, Porter, Ohver, Chap- I man, May, Passed upon other Accounts — Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 191 Return being made of the repairs of several Common Sewers in various parts of the Town — the Board came in to the con- sideration of the principles to be adopted in making Assessment for such repairs — after deliberation it was agreed that in any repair of a Common Sewer all Persons above or below the place which should be so repaired, & who are connected by Drains with said Common Sewer, should bear an equal proportion of the Expence — In consequence of the above resolution, the Town Clerk was [165.] directed to make out a new Assessment for the Repairs made in Middle Street by D"". Smith — A rough draft for a lease of the Town house drawn by the Attorney General was examined & considered, & a conversation on the principles of it ensued with the Lessee D'^. Rand — the Copy of the Lease was given to him to examine & advise upon — Boston ss : At a INIeeting of the Selectmen August 3'^ 1803 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver — On application from a Comm^®. of the Ancient & Hon^'"^. Artil- lery Comp^' Liberty is granted them to occupy a part of the upper Story of Faneuil-Hall for the use of an Armory for their Company — ]\r'. Porter was desired to attend, the making a Sink in Pleas- ant Street to the Drain through M''. Wheelers Land, also a top with Hinges to the Drain through the Land M^ Tilden & M^ Tileston were desired to supply the Schools with "Wood for the next season — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 5. 1803 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hunne- well. May, Wright Chapman At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 3. 1803 — Return was made by Nathaniel Balch & Ozias Goodwin Esq" of the Expence attending the opening & repairing the Common Sewer in Corn hill «& Spring Lane ; and the Account thereof being duly exam- ined by the Selectmen is by them allowed they being informed at the same time by the said Balch & Goodwin, that they had caused to be warned every Person concerned in said Drain, according to Law, and no objection having been eutred to their proceeding Assessment Mas made thereon by the Selectmen ; an Order for payment was made out, and delivered to the aforenamed Nath^ Balch & Ozias Goodwin which is as follows — Viz*— 192 City Document No. 93. [166.] Whereas a Drain or Common Shore in Coruhill to Spring Lane has been duly repaired by the aforenamed Balch & Goodwin, the whole Expence whereof according to an Account laid before & examined by the Subscribers, amounted to three hundred & eighteen Dollars & as said Expence is to be born by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter into said Common Sewer & receive benefit thereby, iu such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them, who are empowered by law to apportion the same, and the said Balch & Goodwin having agreable to Law notified all concerned before they had proceeded on the business, & no objection having been made thereto — Therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby Certify that ha\dng considered of said Expence & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid. Do Adjudge the same to be paid in the proportion following, & by the Persons hereafter named — Benjamin Green - - - - Daniel D. Rogers - - - - Andrew Brimmer - - - - William Thurston - - - James H. Foster - - - - Samuel Dashwood - - - Stephen Francis . - - - Enoch Huse in House of A : Hill Esq - - - - - Abrahim Brazin in House of Abijah Adams . - - - William Richardson - - - John Bumstead - - - - M'-^ Gray .-/--. 2 Shares ■ $15 , , 50 2 d° - - - 15, , 50 2 d« - - ■ 15, , 50 1 d° - - 7 , , 75 1 d° - - 7 , , 75 1 d° - - - 7, , 75 1 d° - - 7 , , 75 ) 1 d° - M'". Davis ------ 1 Nathi. Balch 1 Ozias Goodwin - - - - 1 John West in house of John "^ Cunninahams P^state - - J 1 Sam : Hill in House of M"". | Davidson Jl [167.] John Driscoll 1 - - 1 - - 2 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 John Magnor 1 William Hews 1 James Campbell - William Stackpole Dillaway Peter R. Daltoii - Hugh Kendall- - Samuel Clap - - James Thwing Mungo Mackay - Bancroft - d° - d° - do - d« - do - do - d° - do - Drain do - do - do - do - d° - do - do - do - do - do - do . do - 7 7 15 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 50 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 193 S. Goldsbury. D. Spears | Estate ------- j 1 Drain - - S7 ,, 75 Delisle- - - - - 1 cP . - . 7 ,, 75 Allan Pollack -----Id"... 7 ,, 75 Nath' : Emmons - - - - 1 d*^ - - - 7 ,, 75 AVilliam Homer - - - - 1 d" . . . 7 ,, 75 Andrew Homer - - - - 1 d° - - - 7 ,, 75 James Carter Id"--- 7 ,, 75 Christopher Marshall - - 1 d° - - - 7 ,, 75 41 Shares And we do hereby Appoint James Mlnzies to receive of the Persons within named, the Sums Affixed to their Names; and to give discharges therefor — ! a Charles Bulfinch David Tilden William Porter }• ° JoHX Tileston Eben^. Oliver At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 27 — ISOo return having been made by Thomas Edwards Esq of the Ex- pences attending the opening and laying a Drain in Middle Street, & the Account thereof having been duly examined by the Selectmen was by them allowed and they being informed that the said Edwards had caused to be warned every Person concerned in said [168.] Drain, according to law, & bo objection having been made to his proceeding — Assessment was made thereon by the Selectmen : an Order of payment is now made out & de- livered to the aforenamed Thomas Edwards, which is as follows — Viz'.— "Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer in Middle Street Boston has been duly repaired by Thomas Edwards Esq. the whole Expence whereof according to an Account laid before & exam- ined by the Selectmen amounts to Sixty one Dollars 50 cents, and as such expence is to be paid by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter into said Common Shore & recive benefit thereby ; and in such proportion as shall be Adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them, who are em- power'd by Law to Apportion the same, and the said Edwards having agreable to Law, Notified all the concerned before he had proceeded on the business, and no objection having been made thereto, Thei-efore, we the Subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Boston do hereby Certify that having considered of said Expence, and by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid Do Adjudge the same shall be paid in the proportion following, and by the Persons hereinafter named — Viz*. — 2 1- 1- Shares - Share d° - - «>l0 , , do 7 ,, 69 7 „ 69 1 d« - - 7 „ 69 1 1 1 d** - - d" - - d« - - 7 ,, 69 7 „ 69 7 „ 69 194 City Document No. 93. Edward Haynes - - - Benjamin Bowland Abraham Gibson - - - Andrew Townsend & } Edward Hall j - M^^ Conant & | Joseph Williston j - - Thomas Howe 1 Thomas Edwards - - - And we do hereby appoint the aforenamed, Thom''. Edwards Esq"" [169.] to receive of the Persons within named, the Sums affixed to their names, and to give discharges therefor Charles Bulkinch David Tilden William Porter John Tileston Ebenezer Oliver At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 3''. Return having been made by D"". Nathaniel Smith of the Expence attending the opening & repairing the Common Shore in Middle Street from the House of said Smith in Procters Lane ; the Account thereof was then duly examined by the Selectmen & was by them allowed, they being informed at the same time by the said Smith that he had caused to be warned every Person con- cerned in said Drain according to Law, and no objection having been entred to his proceeding. Assessment is now made thereon by the Selectmen, an Order for payment is now made out and delivered to the aforenamed Nathaniel Smith, which is as follows — Viz^— Whereas a Drain or Common Shore in Middle Street has been duly repaired by the aforenamed Nath'. Smith, the whole Expence whereof, according to an Acco*. laid before & exam- ined by the Selectmen amounted to $150 — and as said expence is to be paid by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter into said Common Shore & receive benefit thereby in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them who are empower'd by Law to Apportion the same ; & the said Smith having agreable to Law notified all concerned before he had proceeded on the Inisiness, and no objection having been made thereto — Therefore w^e the Subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby Certify [170.] that having con- sidered of said Expence & by whom and in what manner it ouo-ht to be paid — Do Adjudoe the same to be paid in the proportion following, and by the Persons hereafter named — Selectmen's Minutes, 1802. 195 Nathaniel Smith - - - - 1 Drain - $4 ,, 4 — Nicholas Smith ..--Id"-- 4 ,, 4— Wild 3 d° - - 12 ,, 12— Thomas Moore . - - - 1 d« - - 4 ,, 4 Rev''. W. GYveuouy the procedure, & to carry the proposed improvement into effect — The Chairman M"". Tileston M"". Ohver & M''. Huunewell a Comm^''. to view Pleasant Street to determine the line of the Street in front of the Lot where M'. Marsh intends to build a House ; & to examine respecting incroachments of Buildings on said Street now occupied by M"". Minot M"". Richard Austin one of the Sealers of Weights & Measures has libertj' to exchange his set of Standards for those in the hands of the County Treasurer — - Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 19. 1803 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver Wright, Hun- newell, Chapman, In compliance with a direction from Thomas Dawes Jun"". Esq. Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, the Selectmen of the Town of Boston have made inquisition into the circumstances of Nicholas Peirce of said Boston & found him to be a Person JVbn Compos & incapable of taking care of himself On the application of M''^. James for liberty to open the Com- mon Sewer in Fish & Clark Street, Order passed to Notify the Proprietors to appear on & before Wednesday next to state their objections — Passed upon a List of Applicants for approbation to retail Spirits — M"". Stephen Lilley applied for liberty to build a Distillery of Spirits of Turpentine &''. on the North side of Copps Hill [183.] this request was considered & it was determined that works of that kind were unsafe, & improper to be established in a Popu- lous Town, and accordingly that liberty could not be granted — 206 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 26, 1803 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tildeu Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, Chapman May, ISI". James having made return of the Proprietors in the Com- mon Sewer in Clark Street agreable to order passed the 19"'. Ins^ & no Person having appeared to make objections she has liberty to proceed to open & repair said Common Shore The Comm''*'. for filling the Dock between Butlers Row & Greens Wharff — made Report of a number of Claimants in the Dock, some of whom were ready to relinquish their right others being Minors could not act on the subject — the Comm*^^. was directed to endeavor to ascertain the expence of the head Walls & the amount of the Claims & Report — A conference was had with M'^. Asa Hammond & several pro- posals were considered for straightening the line on Market Square — no determination was made, but the subject left for further consideration — The Chairman presented to the Board a Copy of the Record, relative to the Mill Pond — to ascertain the rights of the sale, whether it lay in the Proprietors so called or in the Town — the subject led to some general conversation, & was referred for Consideration — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo''. 31*. 1803 Present Mess'^* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Porter, Wright, Chapman, Hunnewell, Passed upon Accompts — On the representation of a Comm'^®. of the Overseers of the Board of Health that Nancy & Sally Delarue were idle dissolute & intemperate persons & in danger of wasting their property & becoming a charge to the Town — the Board made a})plication to the Hon'-'*". Judge of Probate that a suitable Guardian might be appointed for them — The Comm*"*. appointed to determine the line of Pleasant Street on M'. Marshs front & to enquire respect^, encroachments [184.] of M"^. Minots Buildings, reported that it would be an advantage to the Street to draw the line from the west corner of John Francis's house to the west corner of IMinots Kitchen, & as the supposed encroachments were not made by M'. Minot but by his Predecessor many years since, it was reasonable the Town should be at the expence of removing the Buildings, if M"^. Minot would relinquish the Land taken into the Street, which he agrees to do by his billet on file, & to pay ten dollars towards the Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 207 expence of a new Necessary — the Report accepted & the Conmi®®. empowerd to proceed immediately upon the improvement — M''. Ephraim Marsh executed a deed to the Town conveying to the Inhabitants the privilege of a Common Sewer from Pleasant Street to the Water — the same to be laid at the Towns charge & ever afterwards maintained by the said Marsh — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Novem'". 2d. 1803 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Tilden Porter, Tileston, Oliver Hunne- well Wright Chapman Passed upon other Accounts — Return having been made by D''. Nathaniel Smith on the 15'. Day of June last of the P^xpence attending the opening & repairing the Common Sewer in Middle Street, from the House of the said Smith to Procters Lane ; the accounts thereof were then duly examined by the Selectmen &. by them allowed; they being informed at the same time by the said Smith that he had caused to be warned every Person concerned in said Drain according to law & no objection having been entred to his proceedings, Assess- ment is now made thereon by the Selectmen & order of payment is now made out and deUvered to the said Nath'. Smith which is as follows Viz' Whekeas a Drain or Common Shore in Middle Street has been duly repaired by the aforenamed Nath'. Smith, the whole Expence whereof according to an account laid before & examined by the Selectmen amounted to $150, and as said Expence is to be born by such Person or Persons whose Drains [185.] enter into said Common Sewer & receive benefit thereby in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the Town or the major part of them who are impower'd by law to apportion the same, & the said Smith having agreable to law notified all concerned before he had proceeded upon the business & no objection having been made thereto — Therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby Certify, that having considered of said expence & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid — Do Ai).TUD(xE the same to be paid in the proportion follow- ing and by the Persons hereafter named — Nathaniel Smith ----- l Drain - - $21 ,, 43 Nicholas Smith 1 d"^ ... 21 ,, 43 Jonathan AVild 2 d"^ . . . 42 ,, 86 D°. for Deacon Ridgeways Heirs Id''-- 21 ,, 43 Thomas Moor Id''- - 21 ,, 43 Rev'!. M^ Grenough - . . 1 d° - - - 21 ,, 43 7 Drains — I. 208 City Document No. 93. And we do hereby appoint the aforenamed Nath'. Smith to recieve of the Persons within named, the Sums affixed to their Names, and to give discharges therefor — Charles Bulfinch ") < a David Tilden W-^^. Porter JXO^ TiLESTON Eben^. Oliver < Jon™. Hunnewell F. Wri(4ht JoN^. Chapjiax Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov"^. 9. 1803 Present Mess""® : Hunnewell, Tilcston, Bulfinch, Wright, Tilden, Chapman, Oliver, May An application was signed by Thomas Dawes Jun"". Esq Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk stating that Joseph Han- bury was in the Jayl in this Town as a Person of an idle dis- sohite character & that there is danger of the wasting the prop- erty [186.] of his Children & thereby occasion their becoming a charge to this Town — the Board therefore request that a suit- able Guardian may be appointed to the said Children On the application of Thomas Bartlet & otliers Proprietors of Land in a new Street leading from Southacks Court to Beacon Street requesting that said Street may be laid out & Recorded according to law — ]M''. Tilden, Oliver, & May were appointed a Comm'^'^. to confer with the Ai^plicants The Chairman Mess" : Chapman & May a Comm^®. to examine into the circumstances of y®. Lease of the Winnisimit Ferry Ways, and to call upon the Executors of the Estate of the late Henry Williams the Lessee for Settlement — Acted upon a List of Persons applying for license to retail Spirits — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov'". 16. 1803 Present Mess : Tilden, Bulfinch, Tileston, Porter, Oliver, Hunne- well, Chapman, Wright, Maj^ M"". Michael Homer who is laying the Common Shore from Ship Street across a Passage way leading to Parsons Wharff, appear'd & informed that M''. Parsons had forbid his ])roceeding any further tlian the old Sewer had been laid ; and that it was necessary to continue it further to get a sufficient out-let — the subject being considered. Voted that M"". Homer be autliorized to proceed to lay the Common Sewer as far as to the East end of the House on the Passage way & from thence to turn it North Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 209 into the Dock lielowthe new Stone head built by CoP. John May, who consents it shall be carried in that direction & remain so for ever for the use of the Town — It was at^reed that the following letter from the Chairman should be selit to M'". John Peek one of Proprietors of the Mill Pond addressed to him & the other Proprietors Sir I am directed by the Selectmen to acquaint you that havincr been informed of your offering land, for sale on the borders of the^ Mill Pond, which was formerly within the hmits of the Pond, & also that it is your intention to lay [187.] out Streets across the Pond & to offer other lots for Sale they conceive it their duty to forbid your proceeding Altho'. the Board of Selectmen feel convinced that the right of Soil in the Mill Pond belonos to the Town and was granted to the Proprietors so called for specious uses only, they will he ready to confer with you any day which shall be agreed upon respecting your title & claims & to consider any proposals which you may offer for the public good — The Comm^^ appointed to confer with Thomas Bartlet & others who request the Street from Beacon Street to Southwicks rSouthack'sl Court maybe laid out according to law - Reported that in their opinion it was not expedient to take any measures respecting said Street for the present and said report was accepted — Boston ss- At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov^ 21. 1803 Present Mess: Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, OUver, Hunnewell, Porter, Wright, Chapman The Board had a special Meeting to consider the request of Eben-- Parsons Esq. that the work in the Common Sewer in the passage way leading to his wharff ought to be suspended for the present — M'. Parsons & Daniel Sergeant Esq appeared ife stated that the Wharff through which the Drain pass if it is contmiied is made wholly of sticks of Pine Timber laid Cross ways which are only 12 feet lono-, that by cutting through them the work would be much iniured & might endanger the total ruin of the passage way that the business of the Wharff would be greatly incommoded durino-the winter, they therefore request that the woriv maybe suspended untiU Spring, & engaged that the Drain may be carried in that season in any direction which the Selectmen may consider most advantageous to the public and the Proprietors of the Common Sewer, even if it should be thro', land which is then 210 City Docctment No. 93. property — the subject being considered it was unanimously agreed to suspend the work untill the Spring, and orders were given to M''. Homer accordingly — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen November 23^. 1803 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tileston, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, Chapman May — [188.] Cap^ Brazier informed the Board that CoP. Welles declined pointing out the most convenient position for an Armory in the upper Story of Faneuil Hall as requested by Vote of the [Blank] and wished the Selectmen would decide on the subject — the Centlemen present view'd the situation & determined that Cap*^. Braziers Compy. should enclose a space for their Armory within the partition on the N°. side to extend from the Partition to, the rafter next beyond the Window being about 20 feet long & to leave a passage of 6 feet wide Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Nov''. 28. 1803 Present Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston Oliver Hunnewell Wright May Chapman Passed upon Accounts Approved of the Indentures of William Morris to Thomas Appleton to continue untill the 17'. of Jan-^' 1807 On the Application of the President & Trustees of the Me- chanick Association, liberty is granted to make use of Faneuil- hall on the 15. of Decem"". next for a publick Dinner — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Nov'^. [30] 1803 Present- Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden Porter Tileston, Hunnewell, Wright, May. Passed upon other Accounts Acted upon a list of Persons applying for approbation, as Taverners & Retailers of Spirituous Liquors — The Town Treasurer applied for directions respecting the Rent of one of the Stalls under Faneuil Hall — M'. Asa Page who oc- cupies the Stall Claims a deduction in the rent as he has been deprived of a part of the Stall to accommodate M''. Brown in con- sequence of the Stalls being built in the S°. West Corner — It was Voted, that the Rent of the Stall occupied by M^ Page be at the rate of forty Dollars p Year, from the time the alteration took place, & that the Stall occupied by Brown be at the rate of 60 Dollars from the same time — Selectmen's Minutes, 1803. 211 [189.] Voted that the Town Treasurer inform the Occu- pants of the Stalls under Faneuil Hall, that the Kent of the sev- eral Stalls will be as follows after the 1*. of January next — viz' The two Stalls at the east & the two Stalls at the West end to be at two Dollars p Week each & the four middle Stalls to be at li Dollar p AVeek each, — the Rent to be paid quarterly — Voted, that the Persons who have neglected to pay their Assessments for the repairs of the Common Sewer from Cornhill down Spring Lane, be again called upon for their proportions, & that they be informed that the prosecution will commence against them, unless they come to an immediate Settlement Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern"". 7. 1803 Present Mess"^^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston Oliver, Chapman, Wright- It was agreed that the P'usileers Company have liberty to make a Door into their proposed Armory thro.' the plastered Partition of the entry — subject to removal whenever it should be found inconvenient or the entry way should be differently appropriated by Oi'der of the Selectmen — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem''. 14 — 1803 Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver Wright, May, Chapman, Hunnewell Jurors drawn for C. C. P. and entered in the Jury Books — A Committee from the West Boston Society, applied that M"". Low may be restored to the Office of Funeral Porter & presented the Vote of the Comm*^^. of their Society to that effect also a Certificate from M''. Avis expressing his consent — the Subject was considered but no determination on the subject & it was referred to this Day fortnight — The Board proceeded on Selection of Names for Jury Boxes — Warr'. issued for a Town Meeting at Faneuil Hall on the 21^ Ins^ 10. O.' C: A: M: M"". Newell to have printing of Notifications — [190.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Dec^ 26. 1803 Present Mess^^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Wright, Chapman May, Passed upon Accounts — 212 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a, Meeting of the Selectmen Decern^ 2.S. 1,S03 Present jVI ess : Bulfinch, Tileston, Porter, Wright, May, OUver, Chapman, — Passed npon other Accounts Return having been made by M"". Moses Barker of the Expence of laying a new Common Sewer from said Barkers house in Ship Street to Clarks Street & of the Repairs of the Common Sewer leading from Clark Street to the Sea ; the accounts thereof were duly examined by the Selectmen & by them allowed ; they being- informed at the same time by the said Barker, that he had caused to be warned every Person concerned in said Drains according to law. No objection having been entered to his pro- ceeding Assessment is now made thereon by the Selectmen, and Order of payment is now made out which is as follows — Viz'. — Whereas a Drain or Common Shore in Ship Street has been laid conformable to the directions of the Selectmen & part of the Common Shore leading from Clark Street to the Water has been repaired the whole P^xpence whereof, according to an account laid before & examined by the Subscribers amounted to $332 — and as such expence is to be born by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter into said Common Sewer & receive benefit thereby, & in such proportion as shall be Adjudged by the Select- men of the said Town or the major part of them, who are empower'd by law to apportion the same, & the said Moses Barker having agreable to Law Notified all the concerned before he had proceeded on the business & no objection having been made thereto — Therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby Certify that having considered of said Expence & by whom & in what manner it ought [191.] to be paid do Adjudge that the same ought to be paid in proportion following & by the Persons hereafter named — Viz* — Moses Barker fifty feet length of ) ^.^ . new Dram j " M'"^ Mackay forty feet of— d" .... M'". James ten feet - - d'' .... Moses Barker Clark Street Drain - . - . Wilham Mackay - - - d'' . . - . M^ James - 1 . - - d° . . . . Alexander Hill . - - d" .... M^^ Clark ----- George Hyler .---.---.. Brown -.-.-.-... Samuel Mather Cap*. Curtis -- New N°. Society • Cap*. Appleton • Wild, Guardian 50— 12 „ 50 8„ 65 «„ 65 «„ 65 8 „ 65 «„ 65 « „ 65 8„ 65 «„ 65 H„ 65 « „ 65 8„ 65 8„ 65 Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 213 Eumons Guardiau $8 ,, 65 Anna Farnuni & Elizabeth Walter - - - 8 ,, 65 Thomas Binford S,, 65 Cesar Spear James Lamb Thomas Foster William Pool Job Turner Widow Polly Colesworthy - - - . Widow Abigail Hayward Charles Shelton ... - John Shelton - - - - '^ And we hereby appoint M"'. Michael Homer to receive of the Persons within named the Sum affixed to their names & to give discharges therefor Charles Bdlfinch ^ a William Porter ^ John Iileston | h Ebenez^. Oliver J> ^ John May F^^. Wright JoN^. Chapman [192.] Upon a requisition of the Hon*^'*^. Thomas Dawes Esq Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, that Inquisition be made into the Circumstances of Francis Robins represented as a Nou Compos — the Board made return that the said Robins was incapable to take care of his property, & that a Guardian ought to be appointed for him — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 4. 1804 Present Mess Bulfinch, Tileston, Chapman, Huunewell, Wright, In pursuance of a Vote of the Town at a late Meeting it was Agreed to call a Meeting of the Inhabitants in their respective Wards on Thursday the 12 Ins^ — & the Chairman was desired to communicate the Vote of the Town to the Clerks of the Wards & to acquaint them to preside at the Meeting, and make return of the proceedings — On the application of Col°. Tudor & M''. Gardner Green a Warrant was signed for a Town Meeting to be held on Monday 16^ Ins*.— Upon a requisition of the Hon'''*". Thomas Dawes Jun'". Esq Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk that Inquisition be made into the circumstances of Mehitable Ilagger represented as a Non Compos — the Board made return that the said Mehitable was incapable to take care of her property & that a Guardian ought to be appointed for her 214 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 9. 1804 — Present Mess'^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Hunnewell May Wright Chapman — The Board was called together to take measures in consequence of an error in the Notifications which have been distributed for the Town Meeting the 16 Ins*. Col°. Welles appeared in behalf of a number of the Gentlemen at the South part of the Town to request that the proposed Town Meeting should be postponed to give them opportunity to mnke Survey — the sense of the Board was taken, & it was unanimously determined not to postpone the Meeting [193.] It was agreed to insert a correct Notification for a Town Meeting to be assembled on the 16. Ins*, in all the public Papers & at the foot to make the following addition. N : B. From an error in transcribing the Notifications which are distributed mention Monday the 15 for the time of Meeting in- stead of the 16*. as in the above — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan''. 11. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Wright, Chapman, Oliver, The following Advertizement was agreed upon to be inserted in the Papers — Whereas doubts have arisen respecting the boundaries of Wards N°. 7 & 9. which makes it uncertain, in what ward the inhabitants" of the new Buildings south of the Rope walks in May Street should assemble at the ensuing [meeting] of the Wards — Voted in consideration of the great extent of Ward N". 7. that all persons residing in the Buildings between the line of M''. Austins Rope walk & thence Southerly to Beacon Street, be considered Inhabitants of Ward N". 9. for all civil purposes & they are desired to govern themselves accordingly. The Board had a conference with M"". John Peck one of the Proi)rietors of the Mill Pond, he produced the legal opinion of M"^. Parsons respecting the title & that of the other Proprietors — after conversing upon the subject generally — he was requested to hand in his proposals in writing for filling up & disposing of the Pond for the consideration of the Board A Paper was received from General Donison one of the Comm"®. of Proprietors of the Common Sewer in Summer Street requesting the opinion of the Board upon certain queries proposed for consideration relative to the propriety of Assessing several Persons to the repairs of said Common Sewer — It was agreed, that the Chairman inform M"", Donnison that the Board declines answering Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 215 the queries, particularly but wish a return to be made of all Persons benefitted by the Eepairs — as the Law requires — [194.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 25. 1804 Present Mess-^^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter Tileston, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Chapman, Oliver A Billet was received from the Comm^^. of the Old South Society, consenting to the use of their jilace of worshij) on the question at present to be decided by the Town, it was agreed by the Board, that all the Constables be directed to attend the Town Meeting with their Staves to prevent Persons from standing on the Pews & otherwise doing injury to the House — The Workmen of the new School house, delivered the Keys of the same having fulfilled their engagements — the Comm*^ for Superintending the Building & House were desired to view it & to Report whether it was finished agreable to contract — The Board proceeded to consider the application of M''. Low & the Comm*'^. of West Boston Society, that he might be rein- stated in the OflHce of Funeral Porter — after full consideration, it was Voted to adhere to the former Vote of the Board Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 21 — 1'. 10. o Clock A: M: M^ Newell to have the ])riuting of the Notifications — Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 217 Return having; been made by James Sullivan Esq of the expence of laying a new Common Sewer thro.' "Winter Street part of Newbury Street & thro.' Summer Street to the Sea, the Aeeo'^. whereof were duly examined by the Selectmen & by them allowed they being informed at the same time that every Person con- cerned in said Common Sewer had been duly warned according to Law & no objection having been entred to his proceeding, Assessment is now made thereon by the Selectmen & order of payment is now made out which is as follows — Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer in Newbury Street Winter & Summer Street has been laid conformable to the directions of the Selectmen the whole Expence whereof according to an account laid before & examined by the Selectmen amounted to $4:102-yy(j and as such expence is to be born by such Person or persons whose Drains enter into said Common Sewer & receive benefit thereby in such proportion as shall be Adjudged by the Selectmen of said Town or the major part of them who are empower'd by law to apportion the same — the said James Sulli- van Esq having agreable to law notified all the concerned before he had proceeded on the business, & no objection having been made thereto Therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby Certify that having considered of said Expence and by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid Do Adjudge that the same ought to be paid in the proportion follow- ing & by the Persons hereafter named — viz' — John Amory ----- James Morril Turel Andrews — (2 houses) Benjamin Weld Jun"". Widow Sohire . - . - John Whitwell . - - . [197.] Samuel Swett - - 2 Houses Henry Blainey .... Estate of late Gov''. Adams Ebenezer White - - - - Joshua Beale - - 2 Houses Luke Baker Samuel Cobb ----- John Peirce ----- Ann Dasliwood -2d"- - William Donnison Mary Hopkins - . _ . Samuel Salisbury — 4 d" - - Edward Wild - ' - - - - Timothy Goodwin - - - Thomas Cole — for Elizabeth Cole ------- John M«. Farlane - - - 1 Share - - $32 ,, 5 2 d" - - 64 ., 10 4 d" - - - 12S,,20 2 d" - - 64 ,, 10 2 d" - - 64 ,, 10 2 d" - - - 64 ,, 10 4 d" - - - 128 ,, 20 1 d" - - - 32 ,, 5 1 d" - - - 32 „ :) 2d" - - 64 ,, 10 3 d"-- 1»6 ,, IT) 2 d" - - 64 ,, 10 1 d" - - - 32 ,, 2 d" - - 64 ,, 10 4 d" - - - 128 ,, 20 2 d" - - 64 ,, 10 2d" - - 64 ,, 10 7 d" - - - 224 ,, 35 2d" - - - 64 ,, 10 2d" - - 64 ,, 10 2 d" - - 64 ,, 10 2d" - - 64 ,, 10 218 City Document No. 93. David Townsend - 2 Houses 3 Shares - Allen Crocker 2d° -- John Parker ----- Id" - - Obediah Curtis - - - - 2 d° - - John Bullard Id'' - - John Crosby ----- 1 d° - - John Ethridge ----ld° -- John Ellis Agent for Rob^ Townsend — 2 Houses — 2 d°. John Boyle 1 d« - - Daniel Hews ld° -- Town of Boston ----ld° -- Samuel Richards ----ld° -- Standfast Smith - - - - 1 d° - - Estate of Sampson Read -2d*' - - M'"^ Sarah Badger - - - 1 d° - - Trinity Church-Wardens &« 1 d° - - James Sullivan ----2d'' -- Benjamin Bussey ----2d° -- Greenwit Temple ----Id" -- Eben Parsons - - 2 houses 3 d° - - Henry Hill ------Id" - - Thomas Walley - 3 houses 6 d" - - Elizabeth Walcut ----2d'' - - Samuel Smith Id" - - George Langley - 2 houses 4 d" - - [198.] James Crawford ----2d'' - - Barstow Cook John M". Elroy ----2d" - - John Taylor -----Id" - - Joseph Peirce Id" -- Nehemiah Stone ----Id" - - Elijah Peirce -----2d" - - Stephen Higginson Jr — Agent 1 for Heirs of Widow Rus- ;> sell j 1 d" - - Wilham Parsons . - - - 3 d° - - Jon^ Hunnewell - 2 houses 3d" - - Gorham Parsons ----2d" - - James Rea ------Id" -- Nath'. Goddard ----Id" - - Eben"". Preble - - 2 houses 4 d" - - First Congi. Church - - - 1 d° - - Sam : P. Gardner - - - 2 d" - - John PLxperience & Sarah Luce - Id" - - William Andrews ----2d" - - William Hunt, Agent for [ Ann Bethune - - - I 2 d" - - $96 1 1 15 64 M 10 32 1 1 64 11 10 32 11 .5 32 11 o 32 1^ 5 64 11 10 32 1 1 5 32 1 1 5 32 11 32 11 32 11 64 11 10 32 ^^ 5 32 n 5 64 11 10 64 11 10 32 11 5 96 11 15 32 11 5 192 11 30 64 11 10 32 ^^ 5 128 11 20 64 1^ 10 64 11 10 32 11 5 32 ^^ 3"> 11 64 11 10 32 11 5 96 11 15 96 11 15 64 11 10 32 11 5 32 1^ 128 11 20 32 11 5 64 11 10 32 11 5 64 11 10 64 ,, 10 128— do- Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 219 And we do hereby appoint M"". George Sullivan to receive of the Persons above named, the Sums affixed to their several Names, and to give discharges therefor — Charles Bulfinch ~] David Tilden William Porter John Tileston Eben^^. Oliver Jonathan Hunnewell John May Thom^. Wright — Boston ss ; At a INIeeting of the Selectmen Feb^'. 27 — 1804 Present Mess'^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, May, Chapman, Hun- newell Oliver, Wright, Passed upon Accounts — M''. Pat Gorman applies for an appointment as an Auchtioneer A special Meeting warned — 4 O Clock [199.] Mess" : Oliver Tileston & May a Comm'^^ on the ap- plication of Michael Kenard for liberty to build a Bakers Oven at his House near Leveret Street West Boston, Reported that the situ- ation was suitable for that purpose, & that the Neighborhood were destitute of such an accommodation — whereupon Voted, that the request of M"". Kennard be granted so far as the Board approve of the proposed situation for a Bake house, provided y''. Building shall be made conformable to Law — LTpon a requisition of the Hon^'®. Thomas Dawes Esq Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, that the Inquisition be made into the circumstances of M'". Mock represented as a Person Non Compos — the Board made return that the said Wil- liam w^as incapable to take care of his property, & that a Guar- dian ought to be appointed for him — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 29. 1804 A : M. Mess : Bulfinch Porter, Tileston Oliver Wright May, Chapman — Passed upon other Accounts — Jurymen for Supreme J. Court & entred in Jury Books — A complaint Avas made by a number of Gentlemen against Edwards Robins Owner of several Hackney Carriages for abusive conduct on the Night of 2o''. Ins^ at the Assembly House in 220 City Document No. 93. Court Street — ordered that prosecution be commenced against said Robins for driving a Carriage at that time without any num- ber, & that he be notified to appear at the next Meeting of the Board — the aforegoing passed at a Meeting the 26 Ins* — Voted, that a Warrant be issued for a March Meeting on the 12 March next — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 1. 1804 a special Meeting Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Oliver, Hunnewell May, Wright Chapman This Meeting was called to consider the Bill now pending before the General Court for incorporating certain Persons with powers to build a new Street from Rainsford Lane to [200.] the Town Land in the possession of Cap*. Curtis — The Bill was read & considered & the Board were of opinion that the Towns Rights were sutficiently guarded therein — & recommend that security should be required of the Persons to be incorporated, that they should carry the propos'd work into effect — The Comm*''^. upon the Town & County concerns presented their report tSc requested that the same might be distributed immediately & a Town Meeting called for the consideration thereof before the March Meeting — whereupon Voted, to postpone the Meeting for the choice of Town Officers to Monday the 19. Ins* — and signed a Warrant for Town Meeting to consider the Report of the Comm'^*^ on the County & Town Government to Assemble on Monday the 12 Ins* — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 7. 1804 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Wright Chapman, Jurors drawn to make up deficiencies in last choice and entred in the Jury Books — M"". Hammond a^^peared upon the subject of altering the line of the front of his Store on Market Square — the Chairman & M*". Chapman a Comm'^*'. to wait on M''. Codman who is confined to his house to confer with him upon the subject & Report his objections — M*'. Edward Robins appeared agreable to notice & undertook to Justify his conduct with his carriage on the night of the 23'*. Feb^. it was agreed to defer the decision on this subject, untill the parties had been heard thereon together — to Morrow 12. o. 'Clock was Assigned for the purpose, «fe M^ Nazrowas directed to Notify the Parties to meet at that time, & also M^ Seth Cole as witness — Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 221 Boston 8s : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 8. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch OUver Wright, May, Chapman — The Parties on the case of Edmund Robins appear'd & were fully heard, also Seth Cole & M"'. Stevens two Witnesses — [201.] when it appeared that the complaint was well founded whereup[on] — Voted, That the Licenses of Hackney Carriages N°. 18. 21. & 23 the property of said Robins be annulled from this date to the P'. of May next, conformable to the powers vested in the Board — The Committee appointed to confer with M"". Codman Reported that they had seen him, & that he objected to M^ Hammonds being allowed to advance any part of his Building into the Street upon this principle — that the whole of said Street & Wharff was originally the property of the Persons under whom he holds his property on the Dock — that by proscription & long use, the part in front of M*". Hammonds Store has become high way ; but that in case it should be put to any private use, it ought to revert to the Representatives of the original Owners — Some general conversation ensued with M"'. Hammond upon the subject & various propositions were made, when it was agreed to postpone the decision to the next Meeting — Deacon Bayley & Henderson late Collectors having produced reciepts from the State County & Town Treasurers that they had paid to them respectively the amount of the Warrants of the tax of 1801 — given them to Collect — the Town Clerk was directed to deliver them their Bonds — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 14*. 1804 Present Mess'^® : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Hunnewell, Tilden, May, M"". Asa Hammond the Owner of the old AYare house at the Corner of the Town Dock on Market Square (late Fayrweather) having some time since applied to the Selectmen for liberty to advance the N°. East Corner of the new Building which he purposes to erect — The Board took the subject into consideration, after several conferences with M*". Hammond & full enquiry into the antient Records & Deeds respecting the bounds of the high way — they were unanimously of opinion that it would be for the advantage of the Town to straighten the line of the Street on [302.] Market Square — and therefore agreed with M"^. Hammond on the following propositions — P*. That upon condition of his building a new Brick front to the Store of M"". Andrew Newell, the same to be carried back to make a straight line with James Williams Store ; that his new Building should range from the South west corner of Newells 222 City Document No. 93. AVall, after it should be so removed to a point three feet in advance of the present North West Corner — that M"". Hammond should indemnify the Town from any expence for Newells new front, & for the Laud taken from him with the Street except the sum of one hundred dollars, which it is agreed to allow for the extra expence of a new foundation 2"*^. That in case M''. Hammond should find it impracticable to alter the front of Newells Store, then the line of the new Building shall be carried back two feet on the S°. West corner to run to the North west corner of the present Building, & that the land thereon with the Street by the alteration of his front he should be compensated by the Town agreable to the award of three disinterested Persons to be mutually chosen M"". Patrick Gorman Licensed as an Auchtioneer — Approved & signed the Indentures of Philip Hamlin a Minor to Peter Balard to be in force untill the 6'. of August 1807 — Examined & passed upon M''. Trott the Hay Weighers Accounts to January last — Ordered the neat amount of the pro- ceeds of the Scales for the Year past to be paid to the Town Treasurer On application of the Comm''^. of the new North society, they are allowed to make use of the North Reading School of Even- ings for the Instruction of their singers in psalmody — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 21. 1804 — Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch Porter, Tileston Oliver, Hunnewell May Wright Chapman — [303.] This being the first Meeting of the Board since the Town Meeting for choice of Town Otticers, a general conversa- tion ensued upon the propriety of organizing the Board by coming to the choice of a Chairman for the Year — when it was unani- mosly agreed that every public body had a right to form its own rules & regulations, and that it was adviseable to adopt the ancient practise of choosing a Chairman The ballots being taken it appeared that seven Votes were for Charles Bulfinch Esq A Warrant was signed for a Town Meeting for choice of Govenor Lieu*. Governor & Senators according to law — M"". Oliver was desired to apply to Rev*^. D"". Parker to request him to open the Town Meeting with prayer — Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 223 M"". Newell to have the priuting of the Notifications for Town Meeting — The following Advertisement was directed to be inserted by the Chairman in the Papers to be signed by him — List of Voters. The Selectmen hereby inform their Fellow Citizens, that in pursuance of a law of this Commonwealth there are posted up at Faneuil Hall & at the Office of Board of Health, complete copies of the corrected list of persons qualified to Vote in the choice of Cxovei-nor L*. Governor, Senators & Representatives iu the General Court & Representatives in Congress — Notice is also given that the Selectmen will be in Session at their room from the hours of 12 to 1, every day previous to the Election & from the hours of 9 to 11. on the morning of the 2''. Day of April next, previous to the Election of Governor &'' — for the purpose of receiving evidence of the qualification of Pei*- sons whose names have not been entred in the lists published — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 26. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Porter Tileston Wright May Hun- newell Chapman [304.] Passed upon Accounts — On application being made from a number of Persons of the West Boston religious Society, praying that M''. Low might be restored to the Office of Funeral Porter — the Chairman & Deacon Wright were desired to state in Writing the charges against M*". Low & which had induced the Board to remove him — & to com- municate them to the Comm'^''. of that Church, to be laid before the applicants M''. Christopher Marshall having produced Receits from the State County & Town Treasurers for the Sums given liim to Col- lect in the Tax of 1801 — the Town Clerk is directed to deliver M''. Marshall his Bonds for that Year — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 28. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tileston, Wright Chapman, Ohver, May, Tilden, Himnewell, Passed upon other Accounts — Ordered that Notifications be posted & distributed for a Meet- ing of the Wards on Wednesday the 4"' of April, for the choice of Assistant Assessor — M"". Newell to Print the Notifications — 224 City Document No. 93. The Chairman was desired to furnish Each of the presiding Offi- cers of the AVard Meetings with a printed Extract of the Law, directing the choice of Assessors — The Chairman M''. Hunnewell & M''. Chapman a Comm'^'^, on the application of M''. Thomas Godfrey, to determine & mark out the line on which the front of his new Building on Fish Street shall stand ; & to view the adjoining Buildings & to Report what is expedient to be done for the further widening of that Street — the same Connnittee were also desired to view the Alley leading from Fish Street to Middle Street near D*". Clarks, to consider what measures are advisable relative to the widening that Alley, as requested by a number of the Neighbourhood — [305.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 3 1804 Present Mess"^^ : Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Wright Chapman, Hunnewell The Board met on the special request of the Gentlemen concerned in the new proposed Bridge to Dorchester to issue a Warrant for a Town Meeting on the 9'. of April next — to consider on what terms the Town will consent that they shall have the Land in Orange Street now occupied by Cap'. Nath'. Curtis, for the purpose of building the proposed Bridge therefrom — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 11^ 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, AV right, Tilden, May, Chapman, Mess*'*: Smith & Ellis having applied for liberty to fill up that part of Bennet Street between the present capsill & the proposed new Street called Front Street, It is agreed by the Selectmen that they may have liberty to fill up the said Street continuing the Drain, or Common Sewer, under the direction of this Board, but that the Town shall not be at any expence for the same, agreably to the 7 Section of the act incorporating certain persons for building said Front Street. — it is also determined by the Board that the Common Sewer must be at the least 2 feet in the clear & covered with roughing Timber — and M"". Porter Tileston & Oliver are a Committee to inspect the above work The Chairman M*'. Wright & M^ Chapman a Committee to consider & Report a Sj^stem for the effectual execution of the By Laws of the Town — The Town at a late Meeting having agreed to release to William Phillips Esq. a right to a strip of Land near Water Street & havino- empower'd the Selectmen to appoint Referrees to determine the value thereof have agreed to request the following Gentlemen to act as Referrees — Samuel Brown William Sherburne & William Smith Esquires — sent Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 225 Au application made by 3r. Daniel Hastings & Joseph Newell requesting that the Board would agree to Referrees to apprise a strip of land formerly given in to the Street east of Faneuil Hall in front of their Stores, or that they may be allowed to cover the said Land with their proposed new Buildings— [306.] Voted, that the Chairman be desired to inform the Applicants that the Board consider the present line of the point of those Stones to have been laid out & determined by y'^ Persons who built them about 30 years since, & that they thereby relinquished for public use & their own accommodation all lands in front of that line — the Board therefore cannot consent to any new Buildings being advanced forward of the present front, nor make any allowance for land formerly added to the Street by the Owners — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 18*^; 1804 Present Mess'® : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, May, Chapman, On the application of M''. Godfrey — the Chairman M''. Huune- well & M'^. Chapman a Comm*®. to enquire into the expeuce of taking off the two Houses south of ^V. Godfreys land in Fish Street & to Report — The Board had a conference with Mess''^. Mason & Otis rela- tive to the Towns Land in Orange Street, where they purpose to build the new Bridge to Dorchester — after conversing on the sub- ject the Board agreed to meet & proceed to view the said land in Orange Street to morrow 12 — o. 'Clock The Comm*^'^. on the subject of the execution of the By-Laws reported ; which Report was considered, & referred for further consideration to the next Meeting — The Chairman M''. Hunnewell Oliver Tileston & Wright a Comm®''. to view the Cellar wall now laying on Deacon Bates Lot in Essex Street, bottom of Short Street — ■& that the said Comm'"''. be empower'd to alter the line of said Cellar — and to Agree with Deacon Bates respecting the same Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 2o, 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, May, Hunne- well, The Board agreed to allow M"". Asa Hammond the sum of $200 — upon his engaging to comply with the proposal made to him the 14*. of March last as recorded — respecting [probably referring to Ihe next paragraph commencing at " the imjjrove- ment of the Street, etc."] 226 City Document No. 93. [307.] [sic] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 25. 1804 Present Mess"^* : the improvement of the Street on the East side of Faneuil — Hall — The Comm'^'^. to fix the line of Essex Street — Reported that they had examined the situation of the Street & of the Land adjacent and had agreed with Deacon Bates that Essex Street should be 35-f feet wide from the Corner of his House in Sliort Street to the opposite Corner, and that M"^. Bates had agreed to remove his Cellar Wall on the proposed line, free of expence to the Town — The Selectmen having \dsited the Towns Land in Orange Street to determine the position of the new Bridge — the subject was considered with respect to the most advantageous disposal of the land — M'. Bulfinch Tilden & Oliver were chosen a Comm''''. to confer with Deacon Brown «& INF. Tuckerman relative to continu- ing the cross street, westerly with Cambridge Bay — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 3"^. 1804 Present Mess: Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell May Wright Chapman Passed upon Accounts — The Referrees chosen to estimate the value of the Towns Land in AYater vStreet ; having given in their Award — the Board pro- ceeded to execute a Deed of said Land to William Phillips Esq & received from him the sum of 2611 Dollars & an obligation to maintain the water course for ever — as on file & recorded in the Town Record Agreably to law the Board proceeded to make choice of two Sealers of Weights & measures — the Votes being taken — M''. Richard Austen & M''. — Green, were declared to be chosen — and their Districts to be the same as last Year A number of the Claimants of the Dock at the bottom of Butlers Row, having signed their Quit Claims to the Dock & Wharves adjacent, so far as may be necessary to form a Street to lead from Butlers Row to Greens Wharff — the Board came to a resolution to all[ow] 300 Dollars towards filling up the same., provided M"". Parkman will consent to effect the object, & satisfy M''. Bray for his Land, which will be taken for the Street on Greens Wharff [208.] The Chairman M''. Tilden & M^ OUver a Comm''^ to carry the above Resolution to effect — The same Comm^*^. were desired to view the Land in Merchants Row belonging to D"". Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 227 Eckley, to confer with him respecting the front line of his new Building, to consider the most suitable direction for said front line & to Report — A "Warrant was signed for Town Meeting for choice of Repre- sentatives — and the Business of May Meeting M''. Tileston & M"". Chapman a Comm*"*^, to wait on the Rev''. M''. Baldwin to request him to open the Meeting with Prayer — IM"". Newell to have the printing of Notifications for said Meeting — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 6*''. 1804 Present Mess""* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Wright — Rev'^'. M^". Baldwin being absent on a Journey the Chairman & M*^. Oliver, a Comm*'*'. to request M''. Freeman to open the ensuing Town Meeting with prayer — The Chairman was desired to insert an Advertizement in the Papers for those Persons who wish for the Office of Constables the ensuing Year to send written applications, on or before Wednesday the 16'. Inst, and that tmie is assign d for coming to the choice of Constables — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 16. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver Hunnewell, May Wright Chapman — A number of Persons approved as Inholders & Retailers On the spplication of a number of the Inhabitants of Pearl Street, praying that the said Street should be paved ; it was agreed that the Chairman should inform the Gentlemen who apply, that the Board could take no measures for paving that Street [209.] Untill a good & sufficient Common Sewer should be laid in that whole length of the Street, to the satisfaction of the Selectmen — On the api)lication of Richard Jaques, for liberty to open cleanse & repair the Common Sewer in Hanover Street Ordered, that he notify all the Proprietors of said Common Sewer or whose Drains enter therin : to appear on or before Wednesday next, to show cause why such repairs should not be undertaken and the expence assessed on them in general according to law Proceeded to draw 4 Grand Jurors & 6 Petit Jurors for the next Circuit Court — 228 City Document No. 93. The Board came to the choice of an Orator for 4*. of July next, being the Anniversary of American Independance when D''. Thomas Danforth was unanimously chosen, and the Chairman was desired to communicate the choice to him — The Chairman informed the Board that he had conversed with the present Owners of Copps hill, with a view to engage the refusal thereof to the Town, & had secured the right of purchase at twenty thousand Dollars ; this subject was fully considered — the Board finding that a decision must be had immediately & a payment of $5000 — must be made the next Day, which the treasurer was not able to meet — and also considering that they were not authorized by the Town to make the purchase but must do it on their own risque to be afterwards approved by the Town, it was unanimously determined to proceed no further in the business at present — M''. Cotting who has the next right of refusal, having agreed that in case he should purchase the Hill, the Selectmen should have the disposal of the Ground into Streets free of Expence & might retain any part for the use of the Town at the same rate which the whole should be procured by him The following Report was made by the Committee upon the more effectual execution of the By Laws — The Committee Report that the Board of Selectmen is em- powered by law to appoint a Super Intendent of Police [310.] and as many Assistants as the Office may be found to require, and to give to each of them such pay as compensation as may be Judged Just & reasonable — The Comm''*^. therefore propose that the Board should make choice of a Superintendent as the Law directs, with powers & duties therein specified That one Person of respectable character should be appointed Assistant Police Ofticer, whose duty it should be to notice all breaches of the By-Laws & of the State Laws made for the special regulation of this Town, & make Report Dayl}' in Writ- ing to the Super Intendent of all such trespasses That upon complaint regularly made by the Assistant, the Super Intendent should issue his Warrant against the offender for the amount of the fine required by law, which Warrant shall be served by a Constable, who shall receive the lawful fees for such service, from the Person against whom the warrant has issued : and in case such Person shall deny the charge against him or shall refuse to pay the fine & fee of service — the Super- intendent shall then proceed to prosecute the Offender — Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 229 That the Superintendent shall keep a Record of all Warrants & prosecutions issuing from his otlice, & an exact account of all monies received for fines or upon Bills of costs which shall be appropriated to defrey the expence of the Office — This Report having been repeatedly considered & corrected as above was accepted & the Board proceeded to appoint Charles Bulfinch Esq. and M''. John W. Folsom Assistant for the Year ensuing — with a Salary of $600 to the former it $500 — to the latter — The Chairman was desired to prepare an Address to the Public, stating the above arangement — The application for the Office of Constables was read & further proceeding thereon referred to next Wednesday — [311.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen May 2?>'^ 1804 Present Mess""® : Bulfinch, Tileston, Huunewell, Wright, Chapman, On the application of ]M''. Jacob Eustis, the Proprietors of the Common Sewer in Sudbury [Street] were ordered to be Notified to appear on AVednesday next to state their objections to the same being repaired, & the expence assessed generally according to law — Upon the appHcation of William Phillips Esq. it was agreed, that he should have liberty to remove the Water course fi'om the place it now occupies in the Land lately sold him by the Town upon condition that he shall at his own expence continue another Water course from Water Street, to the passage way which leads from Kilbey Street to Congress Street, thence through the same passage way to the Common Sewer, or sufficient outset in Kilby Street, the same to be made of the dimentions or not less than the same to be removed, and that he shall contract in writing to maintain the same in repairs for ever — and also shall add three feet in width to the said Passage way thro.' the whole extent of his Land, making the passage way eighteen feet wide — ■ Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 28"\ 1804 Present Mess'"^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, Chap- man, Hunnewell, Passed upon Accounts — A letter was received from Joseph Greenleaff Esq relating sev- eral charges against Mess''^ : Twist & Joy, two of the Constables they being present, were questioned respecting the subject & were allowed to Justify themselves & produced witnesses to con- firm their assertions 230 City Document No. 93. The opinion of the Board was taken respecting the By-Law which forbids the use of two Horses to a Cart — when it was determined that the law did not allow more than two Horses except on special occasions, and that the Superintendent & Office of Police be instructed to give permission for the use of a greater number when circumstances shall in their opinion require it M''. John Gammell was chosen to collect the Cow Tax for the present Year to be allowed ^'^ of what he shall Collect for his services On the request of M''. Bradlee, it was agreed [312.] that in building a new Fence on his Land in the Passage way leading from Elm Street to Brattle Square, he should have liberty to make the Southerly part of the Fence in a curve line to extend from the North west Corner of his House so as to advance into the Street 11 Inches at the point where the present Fence makes an internal angle — see Minutes-July 13. 1803 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 6. 1804 Present Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston Oliver, Wright, Chapman, The following di^asion of the Board was made into Committees for directing the paving in the several parts of the Town — M'. Porter M^ Oliver & M^ Wright for Marlborough Street Newbury, Orange & Washington Street, likewise all Streets AVest & East to the Southward of Liberty Tree — Deacon Tilden and M''. Tileston, the Streets Eastward of the above in Ward N°. 10 — CoP. May & M^ Chapman all the Streets below the Bridges — The Chairman & M''. Hunnewell, the Streets in the other part of the Town — An Instrument was signed by the Selectmen & William Phillips Esq. by which he conditions to build & forever maintain a Water course from the Drain in Water Street, which crosses land of Jonathan Fowle through the 15'*^. Passage Way by his land to Kilby Street Common Sewer — and the Board allows him to remove the old Water course from the land lately sold him by the Town — M'". Phillips also agrees to add three feet in width to the passage way as far as his land thereon stands — Mem°. the Deed in Suffolk Records of this date — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 8, 1804 Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston, Wright Chapman, May, Oliver, Hunnewell Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 231 The present Meeting being assigned for the choice of Constables, it was Agreed, that the number for the present Year [313.] should not exceed twelve — and that each one should give Bond as the Law directs in the sum of one thousand dollars with two Sureties to the satisfaction of the Board — The Votes being taken, the following Persons were chosen & the Persons whose names are annexed were approved as Sureties (sworn Thomas Stevenson — Sureties, Dudley Walker William Richardson (sworn Amos Lewis _ . . _ . Thomas Lewis Joshua Ellis Elisha Copeland - - - - Abraham Gibson John Perry Cornelius Fuller . - - - William Jennings Peter Mcintosh (sworn) Moses Thayer Nath^ Frothingham Asa Hatch — (sworn) Samuel White - - _ . Eben''. Clough Abraham Babcock sworn Jirah Holbrook Edward Staples Jonathan ]Merry (sworn) Henry Lane ----- Whiting Dan forth (sworn) Solomon Twist - - - - Jonas Twist Moses Gardner (sworn) Levy Joy Edward Wentworth Joseph Bennet — (sworn) John Deverel, his Bondsmen may be seen entred June 20 — Mess''^ : Perkins Nichols R : G. Shaw- Application was made by the Owners of Trucks, praying that the regulations of the weights to be carried on Trucks should be considered as to allow them to carry two hogsheads at one time — this subject was fully debated, & it was determined to adhere to the principle upon which the By Law appears to have been framed — viz'. — that all Articles capable of a division should be carried in loads, not exceeding one Ton & other Articles in crates or packages as would come nearest to the Ton weight — And to avoid uncertainty with respect to such articles & to favor the business of that class of Inhabitants [314.] as much as possible, it was agreed that the following should be considered as loads to be authorized & allowed by the Super Intendent of Police — 6 Chests of Tea 40 Bushells of Salt 11 bbls. Flour 9 Barrels of Tar or 8 d°. Beef or Pork other Naval Stores 232 City Document No. 98. 6 Caskes Pot Ashes 5 half hhds : Wine 7 ditto Pearl Ashes 4 Casks of Rice 6 Boxes Sugar 252 Gallons of Oil 2 hhds : Molasses 2 hhds : of Sugar or 2 d°. Rum Wine 2 d°. of Tobacco " " Brandy — if not exceeding (200-each 2 d°. Salt Fish Application was made by a number of the Owners of Carts praying that they may be allowed to use three Horses to draw their Carts with Wood & other Articles, in conformity to the By Law which empowers the Selectmen to grant such liberty upon special application — The subject was considered & debated and it was Voted, That it was not expedient to grant a general permission as requested, but that the Super Intendent & Assi stent should give special licenses on such occasion as in their Judgement should be necessary & proper — M"". Joseph Robinson allowed to build a Bake House in Essex Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 13. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver Hunnewell Wright May Chapman, A request was received from the Proprietors of the Wells & Pumps in Spring Lane that the Town would bear a proportion of the repairs that are now wanted on the Well as the Spring is of very general use in that Neighbourhood — After conversation on this subject, it was agreed that as the Town had never borne any part of such expence, it must still be considered at the charge of the Proprietors subject to y®. regulation [315.] of the By-Law — It was ordered that the Town Pump in Corn hill being now gone to decay & incommoding the public passage in that Street should be removed, & the Street paved over the Well, removing an open- ing to be covered with Hat Stone, sufficient to introduce a suction hose in case of fire — M"". Chapman a Comm^^. to confer with M''. Goodwin the Agent of M^'. Ingersol who is the Owner of a House near the head of Moons Wharff in Fish Street, upon the terms on which part of said House may be taken down to widen the Street, & to obtain an estimate of the expence — M"". Morrill Guardian to the Heirs of Linel [Lendall] Pitts having objected to the filling up the Dock at the bottom of Butlers Row, a plan of said Dock & the Stores of M"". Pitts & Heirs was exhibited & a Copy of the Deed from Butler to Bowdoin Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 233 in 1718. after considering the same it was Voted that great part of the Dock discribed in the deed having been filled man}- years since by the Abuttors for their own convenience, & a major part of the Claimants for the remainder having relinquished to the Town by Deed, all right to the part proposed to be filled — that the Comm*''^. be authorized to proceed to fill the same to form a Street from Butlers Kow to Greens Wharff upon the conditions formerl}' offered to IVI'". Farkman & which he has agreed to — Application was received from the Proprietors of the new Brick Stores at the head of the Long Wharff requesting liberty to place gates at the east & west ends of the passage way back of their Stores to prevent the filth & dirt being brought & placed there in the night — which being considered it was determined, that the entrance of that passage way belonged to the Proprietors of the long Wharff", & that the application be referred to them — On representation from the Board of Health that the Common Sewer in Newbury Street was clogged & required cleaning & repairs — Orders that the Proprietors be notified to appear on or before Wednesday next to enter their objections [216.] Benjamin Sumner Esq Town Treasurer proposed for his Bondsmen Mess : Samuel Sumner Jon"\ Balch Josiah Snelling Joseph Loring & Benj". Jepson — the same are approved & the Town Clerk is directed to prepare a Bond in the Sum of sixty thousand Dollars — A Billet was recived from James Bowdoin Esq Chairman of a Comm*^®. to request the use of Faneuil Hall for a public Dinner on the 4^ of July next — It was agreed to grant the request of the Gentlemen & the Chairman was desired to return the same answer wliich was sent the last Year as Recorded in the proceedings of the 25, April Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 20. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston, Hunnewell, Wright, May Chapman — • Upon viewing the wall of the cellar now building by M"". Hammond on ^larket Square, some doubts arose respecting his compliance with the spirit of the agreement with the Board as on record March 14*''. last — The Votes of that date express that the new front line shall be from the South west corner of Newell s wall to a point 3 feet in advance to the northwest corner of the old Store — Upon making an accurate survey it is found that the described line would take oft" from M"". Hammond & M*". Newell 6 feet 3 Inches instead of 2 feet or thereabouts which was M"". Hammonds proposition & what he thought to be the interest of the Board upon which his estimates & his contracts with Newell 234 City Document No. 93. had been made — after fully considering the subject it was deter- mined by the Members present that the above boundenline would take off from M"". Hammonds & M"". Newells Land more than was expected, owing to the curve line of the Street, & that M''. Hammond be allowed to build his brick wall upon the present foundation, to carry it as far back as the inside face of the Wall so that the front should be 2-4. or 2-6 inches from his Ancient line — [SIT.] M'. John Deverel proposed Mess""* : Perkins Nichols & M''. R. G. Shaw as his Bondsmen in bis office of Constable which were approved — Meeting for choice of Jurymen adjourned to Wednesday next to fill up any vacancies — Jurors chosen entred on the Jury Books — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen June 25. 1804 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tilestou, Oliver, Wright Chapman, May, Passed upon Accounts — Warrant issued for a Town Meeting the 20"'. Ins', being the 4*. of July next the Anniversary of American Independence to meet at Faneuil Hall at 9 O Clock — Bells to be rung in the Morning of the 4'. of July next from the hour of G. untill 7. o 'Clock — Six Constables are to be appointed, for the preserving good order in the Common, — and at the Meeting House on that Day — The Town Clerk directed to deliver up to M''. Sumner his Bonds as Treasurer & Collector, for the Year 1803. he having fulfilled the conditions of the same — Deacon Tilden informed the Board that M''. Eben"". Cloften had been chosen Sexton of the old Brick Church, and that the Society requested, he might be licensed as a Funeral Porter which was agreed to — On application by Deacon Wright similar to the above M*". Parsons Sexton to the Federal Street Society, was licensed as a Funeral Porter — Mess": Tilden Oliver & Hunnewell a Comm^^. to confer with the Proprietors of South Bridge, respecting the terms on which they may have part of the Towns Land on Orange Street to build their Bridge therefrom — Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 235 Josiuh Knap Esq applied that measures might be taken to con- tinue the Towns Water Course which leads from Orange Street to the Sea, further East untill it shall pass tiirough the new Street & head wall now building a Comm^''. having viewed the place [318.] & directed the course in which it should be laid, & M"". Knap producing an estimate of the expence, it was agreed to allow 150 Dollars towards such expence, being about one half of the estimate, the remainder to be paid by M'". Knapp the Drain to be made 4 feet by 4^ in the clear to be well & substantially done to the satisfaction of the Selectmen, & to be forever after maintained in Repair by said Knapp & his heirs &". — they to have the privilege of using the ground above the said Drain in any such way as not to prevent the Towns having free access to it should occasion require Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 27, 1804 Pres- ent Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden Tileston Oliver Wright Chapman Hunnewell. Passed upon other Accounts James Sumner Jun"". was approved as a Deputy Collector of Taxes under the Town Treasurer & Collector — the Town Clerk is directed to prepare a Bond from him to the Inhabitants of the amount of $5000 — Benjamin Sumner George Homer & Thomas How Sureties — M\ Hunnewell & W. Tileston a Comm^^^ to confer with M''. Curtis on the terms on which he will relinquish the lease of whole or part of the Towns Land now in his possession the same Coinm^®. is empower'd to settle with Cap*. Curtis the terms of such release, and to inform the Comm'^'^. upon the subject of the Bridge — The Comm®^. on the Bridge reported several propositions from the Proprietors of teruis on which the Bridge should be brought to the Towns land — the same were read & considered, and the Comm''''. were impowered to grant to the Proprietors 40 feet in width of the Towns land on the South line provided a suitable agreement can be made with Cap'. Curtis to release the same, & that the Bridge Proprietors will fill up the whole of the Flatts on the Towns Land — to the East side of Front Street & make a Stone head — for which it is agreed to pay them one thousand Dollars when the same shall be completed [319.] Boston ss : At a special Meeting of the Selectmen July 5. Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Tileston, Oliver AV right Chapman The Comm^''. on the subject of the Bridge landing Report'', that they had met & had conferred with theComm®". of the Proprietors 236 City Document No. 93. & offered them the terms proposed at the last Meeting which they would not consent to, but proposed the following — That the Proprietors of the Bridge should fill up the whole of the Flatts before the Towns land to the east side of Front Street & should build a sufficient Stone head & secure the land sufficiently on the South line — that the Town should bear one half of the expence of the above, and lay out a Street 40 feet wide from Orano;e Street to the Bridoe & ffive as much of the flatts belongino; to the Town as may be wanted to build a Wharff upon the dimensions & in the situation required by the Act of Incorporation of the South Bridge Proprietors — This proposal having been considered was agreed to on condition that the Town should not be called upon for its proportion of the expence uutill the work should be completed to the satisfaction of Selectmen — the former Comm'^''. was desired to communicate the above resolution, and to attend to the drawing the lines of the Street through the Towns Land — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 11. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Oliver, Hunnewell, Chapman A special Meeting warned on the application of M^ Silas Field — that he may be appointed an Auchtioneer of this Town — referred Voted, that M''. Sam^ Rogers Sexton of the North Church, be appointed to the care of the North Burying Ground, that he be enjoined to keep the Ground in good order, and to permit no Graves to be dug by any one without his directions — M"". Hastings having commenced the building of the Cellar wall of his Store opposite the East end of Faneuil-hall, about 4 feet in advance of the present front of his Wooden Store, the Chairman was desired to inform M'', Hastings, that the Board considered the present [230.] line of his front as the true line of the Street on which the new Building should be erected, and to see the Cellar wall carried back accordingly — At a special Meeting of the whole Board on the 7"'. Ins^ the Comm*"". which was appointed to fix the landing of the S°. Bridge on the Towns land Reported — That in drawing the lines for the direction of the Bridge to the South side of the land, the Street would cross the land diagonally, and divide it to great disadvan- tage ; they had therefore suspended the work of the decision of the bounds — Deacon Brown & Cap*. Curtis were present & com- municated verbally their propositions — after full consideration of the subject it was determined that it would be a great injury to the value of the Towns land to attempt to carry the Street from Orange Street to Front Street in a perfectly straight line with the Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 237 Brid^ye, and that y^ Street should be laid out 40 feet wide thro.' the Centre of the Towns Land, which would occasion a small bend at the Bridoe on Front Street— Orders were accordingly given to the Workm'en to drive their piles conformable to the above. At y^ present Meeting a billet was received from Captain Curtis & Deacon Brown stating proposals for carrying the new Street on a straight direction— and the Chairman communicated the verbal request & application of many of the Inhabitants of the South part of the Town for the same— a plan of the Street & Brido-e was exhibited, & the subject maturely considered, when it was determined that the Bridge should be continued m the direction last fixed upon, and that the Street might be carried in future either throuoh the Centre of the Towns Land, or to come to the North Corner of Deacon Browns as should be thought best, when the whole flatts should be tilled.— Boston ss: At a Meeting of Selectmen July 18. 1804— Present Mess'^^ : Porter Bulfinch, Tilestou, Chapman, Oliver, Tilden, May, Wright, Mess'-^ • Porter, Hunnewell & OUver a Conim^^ on Nassau Street to view the S°. East Corner where its propos'd to place a new Building— to consider whether any encroachments has been made on the Street & the expediency of widening the same [2^1 1 On application from N. North Society p a Comm^^ permission is granted to make use of the Central Reading School for the instruction of the ISIembers of their Society m Psalmody, on any Evenings when it is not previously engaged for other Societies — Approved of the Indentures of Thomas Graves a Minor to Cap*. Thomas Appleton, to expire the 25"^ Decem'. 1809— A plan of Ground near Fort hill was exhibited shewing its connection with the Towns Land & the proposed direction ot several new Streets-the same was viewed .t the subject con- sidered & the Chairman M''. Tilden & M\ Wright a Comm<^^ to confer with M^ Cotton the Owner of the Land, and to lay out such Streets as to them shall appear to be for the public con- venience & for the benefit of the Towns Land— A Communication was received from the Board of Health, stat- incr that they wished to build a platform from the end of Leverett Street into Charles River for the purpose of emptying the ^ight Carts— Voted, that this Board had no objection to the using of the Towns Shp at the West end of Leveret Street for that purpose — 'i38 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen June 25. 1804 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Porter, Oliver, Wright, Hunnewell, Chapman Town Meeting for choice of Jurymen, is adjourned for a fort- night to fill such vacancies as might happen — Jurors chosen entred in Jury Book — Application received from the Comm*^®. of arrangem'^ in honor of the late General Hamilton — the following answer was agreed upon To the Chairman of the Comm®*'. of arrangements Sir — Agreeable to your wish I have laid your billet before the Selectmen wherein you request, in behalf of the Comm*'® of Arrangements that they would direct the Bells to be tolled on Thursday at the time of the procession — I am directed by the Board to inform you, that they decline acting on this occasion in any manner which would implicate the Town, & therefore can- not consent to your request — the services of the Constables may be obtained without orders from the Selectmen — Your most obedient Serv'^ — [233.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 29 Present Bulfinch Tilden, Porter Tileston, Hunnewell Oliver, Wright, Chapman, Passed upon Accounts — On a requisition from the Hon'^'*'. Thomas Dawes Esq. Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk — that inquisition might be made into the circumstances of Abraham French, represented as a distracted Person — Certificate was made to the Judge of Pro- bate, that he was incapable of taking care of himself, & it was recommended that a Guardian be appointed for him On application from a number of Persons of the South part of the Town, M"". Enoch May has liberty to place a Box for the Sale of Fish, at the Slip in Castle Street — [333.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Aug^ 1. Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter Oliver, Tileston, Hunnewell, Wright, Chapman, Passed upon other Accounts — The Committee to view the entrance of Nassau Street Report*^, that it was expedient to widen the same, & for that purpose to take down part of the Wooden Store belonging to M''. P^dward Johnson — M"". Johnson was present and after conferring with the Board on the subject, it was agreed that General Winslow M"". Paul Richards & M*^. Nath'. Bradlee should be requested to estimate the damage that M'. Johnson would sustain by part of his land & building being taken to widen the Street — Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 239 The Selectmen having taken into consideration the applications, of those who were licensed as Auchtioneers the last Year, that they might be licensed, the present Year— approved of the Persons hereunder named,— Viz'.— Mess'^^ : Samuel Clap Thomas K. Jones Samuel Bradford Robert Gardner Thomas Clark John W. Quincy William AUine Azor Archibold Daniel Wild Robert G. Shaw Samuel Blagge Benjamin Tucker Lewis Hoyt — Cornelius Coolidge John Swett Samuel Bridge Joseph Ripley Caleb Hayward Stoddard Capen [324.] Phillip Ammadon William Dehone [William] Remington John Badger Eber Lawrence Richard Edwards William Leveret John Kennedy — John Jutau see August 27"' — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 8. 1804 Present Mess : Bulflnch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, Chapman, The Common Sewer at the North end of Battery— March Street, being represented out of repair, M^ Abraham Qumcy having notified all the Proprietors, has liberty to open & repair the same — M^ Nathaniel Emmes applied, that an equitable Assessment may be made upon several Persons who have conducted their Drains into the Common Sewer laid out at his expence m I ish Street in Novem^ 1802— the Names of the Persons ^f M . Burchstead, Turel Tuttle, W". Andrews, Aaron Brown, Mathias Crocker & John C. Howard— The Board having considered this 240 City Document No. 93. application, and finding that the said Common Sewer, had been made use of by the Persons above named, who with the former jn-oprietors amounted to ten in number ; it was determined that eacli of the Persons who had lately Join'd this Common Sewer should pay ten dollars to M"^. Nathaniel Emmes for the use of the Old Proprietors, being one tenth part of the cost of the same with Interest — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen August 15. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston Oliver Chap- man Application having been made by M"". Thomas Amory, for liberty to build a range of Arches under part of Beacon Street M"". Tilden Porter Oliver Wright & Hunnewell were ■ chosen a Comm*"**. [335.] to view the situation & consider the expediency of granting his request — the same Comm'^''., having viewed the Street & reported in favor of M''. Amorys proposal — It was agreed that M''. Amory have liberty to build a range of wine & coal vaults, by forming brick arches under Beacon Street, the same not to project more than twelve feet from the northwesterly Hue of his lot — and upon special condition that he should enter into written engagements to repair the Street that should be dug up to replace the pavement to the satisfaction of the Selectmen, and ever afterwards to maintain the pavement in good order for the whole distance that said Arches should extend, and to the centre of the Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Aug^ 22^*. 1804 Present Mess''® : Bultinch, Tilden, Porter Tileston, Hunnewell, Wright, A Committee from the Firewards attended, and stated to the Board the continual & important services rendered to the Town by the Secretary of the Wards — that the late Building Laws had imposed upon him a great additional duty, which occupied a large portion of his time ; and that it was their opinion a salary or some suitable compensation should be given him — after some conversation with the Comm*^^. they withdrew — and it was agreed to postpone the subject for further consideration — Complaint having been made against the North Watch for improper conduct towards a Person who they were carrying to Prison on the Night of the 15"\ Ins*. — the Watchmen were pres- ent & were examined respecting the circumstances & stated that they had used no other violence than was necessary against their Pi'isoner who was exceedingly unruly — M"". Orock was also pres- ent, & complained of a blow received from one of the Watchmen — As it appeared that INP. Orock had already prosecuted the Watchman before a .Justice for an Assault, and had recovered damages, — the Board took no other measures than to caution the Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 241 Watch against using unnecessary violence upon any Person they might apprehend in the course of tlieir duty & on no occasion to strike any of the Inhabitants [336.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the vSelectmen August 27"'. Present Mess : Bulfinch Tileston, Porter, Tilden, Ohver, Passed upon Accounts — Several Persons who had heen licensed as Auchtioneers the past Year, applied for the renewal of their Licenses — and the follow- ing Persons have been approved of as Auchtioneers for the pres- ent Year — Viz* — Mess"^^ : Samuel Clap Thomas K. Jones Samuel Bradford Robert Gardner John Perkins Thomas Clark John W. Quincy William Ahue Azor Archibold Daniel Wild Robert G. Shaw Samuel Blagge Nath'. P. Hewes Benjamin Tucker Lewis Hoyt Cornelius Coolidge John Swett > Samuel Bridge Joseph Ripley Caleb Howard Stoddard Capen * Phillip Ammadon AVilliam Dehone [William] Remington Silas Field P2ber Lawrence Richard Edwards William Leveret John Kennedy John Jutau Pat Gorman Benjamin Sweotser Appleton Prentice George Carter — Elisha Field Sam : Repe Jun'. Georoe Burrows Jun"^. 242 City Document No. 93. [237.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Septem'. 5U1 Present Mess" : Bulfinch, Tileston, Wright, Chapman, Porter, Oliver, Jurors drawn for Court of Common Pleas & entred in Jury Book— A representation was made by M''. Trask Captain of the North Watch of the conduct of David Hendrick one of said Watch, which being considered it was determined that M"^. Trask be instructed to dismiss the said Hendrick from the Towns employ as a Watchman — and to return the name of some suitable person to supijly his place, for the approbation of the Board — Appleton Prentiss & George Carter were licensed as Auchtioneers for the Year ensuing — see August 27*'\ Meeting for choice of Jurors adjourned to the 12'^. Ins^ to fill up any vacancys that shall appear in the list — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sep''. 1 2^^ — Present Mess""* : Bulfinch, Tileston, Hunnewell, Chapman, Wright, Oliver, Jurors for Circuit Court & other Courts drawn — and the same entred & posted in Jury Books — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sep"". 19. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, May Tileston Hunnewell, Oliver, AVright, Chapman, Approved of the Indentures of James Nichols to Cap^ Samuel Edes Marriner, untill the 20'^. of June 1810— Signed the Indentures of Josiah Knapp, in which he engages to build & keei> in repair a Water Course or common Sewer from Orange Street to the East end of Front Street, as on file & recorded in the Town Records — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Sep''. 24. 1804 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, OUver, Wright, May — Passed upon Accounts Jurors drawn to make up deficiencies — [238.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sep"". 27 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, Chapman Wright Passed upon other Accounts — Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 243 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 3'^ Present Mess": Bulfineh, Tilden, Chapman, Tilcston, Wright, Oliver, May, The Chairman & M'. Wright a Committee chosen at the last Meeting to obtain legal opinions whether printed Votes might be received at the ensuing election of Electors of President & Vice President Reported — That they had submitted the Question in Writing to the Attorney & Solicitor General & had received their written opinions which were read & are on tile — M^ Austen & M''. Blake then approved as a Connnittee from a large number of In- habitants, to express their wish that speedy information should be given to the public of the determination of the Board that the Voters might prepare themselves accordingly — these Gentlemen having retired the subject was resumed, & the Board came unani- mously to the determination, that no printed Votes should be received, & directed the following advertisement to be inserted in all the papers — To the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston — Inquirj' having [been] made of the Selectmen whether printed Votes would be received at the election of Electors of President & ^'ice President of the United States on the 5"\ of Novem''. next. The Selectmen have esteemed it their duty to refer a sub- ject of this importance to the consideration of the Hon^'*^. At- torney & Solicitor General — in consequence of their official opinion the Inhabitants of this Town are thus early informed, that no votes would be received but such as are in writing & delivered by the Voters in person agreably to the following extract from the Law of this Commonwealth passed June 29. 17"J0 — "And be it further enacted that it shall not be lawful for Selectmen or Assessors of any Town District or Plantation pre- siding at the meeting of either of the Elections aforesaid to receive any Votes unless delivered in writing, by the voters in person, & the Selectmen or Assessoi's who sliall offend therein shall forfeit & pa}' a sum not exceeding one hundred Dollars "— [339.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen October 8. 1804 A : M : Present Mess : Bulfineh Tilden Tileston, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, May The Chairman communicated to the Board a letter from the Attorney General stating that the advertizement respecting the Votes to be received implies that the resolution of y**. Select- men Is founded on His official opinion, which he considers an error, as that opinion which was given in writing is of a contrary nature — and wishing that some explanation may be given in the papers — 244 City Document No. 93. This subject was considered & various drafts of Advertizements were made to explain as the Attorney General appeared to wish- it was then agreed that the Chairman M"". Tilden & M"". Wright should confer with the Solicitor General M^. Davis & report at 5 P : M : 5 o Clock P : M : The Board met according to Adjourmn'. Present Mess : Biilfinch Tilden Tileston Oliver Hunnewell May Chapman The Comm''®. Reported that they had seen the AW. & Soliciter General — that M^ Sullivan was very desirous that his opinion might be explained, that it might appear consistent with what he had given to other persons — the form of an advertizement was reported which would be satisfactory to M"". Sullivan & was consented to by M''. Davis, — this was considered & fully debated, but the question being taken was not accepted by the board — after considerable discussion it was proposed to erase the words in the former advertizem'. in consequence of their official opinion'''' . and insert '•'•having received their opinion lohich differed ujyon this subject — the Question being taken, this amendment passed in the affirmative — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo^ 10. 1804 Present Mess"^^ : Bulfinch Tilden, Porter Tileston, Oliver, May Wright Chapman A Committee consisting of M'". Edward Tuckermau, D"". Spooner, M''. Benjamin Russell & others attended at the last Meeting to request the use of Faneuil Hall on the Evening previous to the [330.] Election on the 5'. of November next — A Committee consisting of Benjamin Austin Esq Cap'. Brazier 6 James Prince Esq. attended at this Meeting for the same purpose — tlie applications being considered, it was agreed that the Gentlemen who first applied shall have the use of the Hall on Friday Evening — and the other Gentlemen on the Thursday Evening previous to the f)*^. of November — The attention of the Board was occupied by the subject of lighting the Lamps the ensuing season, it was determined to employ twelve Lighters, who should each consider himself to have the care & lighting of 52 Lamps for the stated pay of 14 Dollars p month — Boston ss : At a special Meeting of Selectmen Octo"'. 13 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Oliver, Chapman, May — In pursuance of a special precept 6 petit Jurors were drawn to serve at the Court of Common Pleas now in Session — and the same are entered & posted in Jury Books Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 245 Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Octo"^. 17. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tildeu Porter, Tileston, Wright, Oliver, A Warrant was signed for Town Meeting the 5"\ Day of November next 11. o Clock for choice of Elector of President it Vice President of the United States & for one Member of Con- gress — M''. Newell to print the Notifications for ensuing Town Meeting — Deacon Wright a Committee to wait on Rev''. M"". Channing to open the Meeting with prayer — The attention of the Board was occupied in considering the most convenient mode of receiving the Votes for Representatives at the ensuing election — after some discussion it was agreed to postpone the subject to Tuesday at Noon — when a special Meet- ing will be called to determine the question — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 20. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Hunnewell, Wright, May The subject of the Meeting being to consider the most [331.] convenient mode of handing in, and receiving the ^"otes for Representative at the ensuing election, the same was fully dis- cussed, after which it was agreed that the follo-v\4ng Advertize- ment, should be inserted in the public papers — The Selectmen would inform the Inhabitants qualified to Vote at the Election on the 5 day of Novem''. next : that they have deliberated upon the most convenient mode of handing in & receiving the Votes on that Day, & have determined that the vote for Representative in Congress, sJudl be lorUten on the same paper with Hie Yotes for Electors — This mode is the same which was adopted at the last choice of Electors by the People & is conformable to the practise at the election of Governor & Senators in this County. The Inhabitants are desired to conform to this determination and to prepare their Votes accordingly — INP". Tilden & Wright a Committee to enquire of the Quarter Master General whether he had any powder in his possession belonging to the Town — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo'". 24. 1804 Present Mess: Bulfinch, Tilden Porter, Tileston, Hunnewell, May— 246 City Documejjt No. 93. The Committee to enqiiire respecting Towns powder Reported that there [were] 1400. Cartridges in the hands of M''. Burbeck & produced his receipts for them, subject to order of the Board On a conference with the Brigadeer General it was agreed that the powder for the use of the Militia at the review on the 30 lus*^ should be delivered to the several majors to be l)y them distrib- uted to the Captains of the Companie's — Elisha Field approved as an Auchtioneer — Approved the Indentures of Mitchell Corne a Minor, to David Corbet Cooper to expire the 3^. of August 1806 — M''. Hunnewell was desired to procure [a] new Stove for Centre School — A number of Gentlemen attended, to ask some explanation of the order passed last Meeting respecting the mode of voting, a general conversation ensued, & the Gentlemen requested that the subject might [333.] be again considered & liberty granted to bring in the Votes on two papers — upon their retiring, the Board agreed to defer the decision to Fryday next 3. O.' Clock — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 20. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfincli Tilden Tileston Oliver Hunnewell Wright May— The mode of handing in the Votes again considered & fully discussed, & it was agreed to have them on separate papers & the Chairman was desired to advertize the same in the several papers — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 29"\ 1804 Present Mess Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Wright, Hunnewell, Porter, Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 31. 1804 Present Mess''® : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Chapman Passed upon Accounts — A Committee consisting of CoP. Perkins M"". Otis, D"". Spooner M^. Benjamin Russell, appeared in behalf of a number of their Fellow Citizens to request that they may [be] indulged with the use of Faneuil Hall on the Sunday Evening immediately preceding the Election ; they stated that the same privilege had been granted to Gentlemen wlio had applied for several years past — the Comm*'*'. having withdrawn the question was considered, & after debate it Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 2-17 was agreed to comply with the request — the Chairman was then desired to inform the above Comra*'*'. of this decision, & also to inform M''. Austin that the Gentleman in whose behalf he had applied might have the use of the Hall on Saturday Evening or any other, previous to the Saturday evening — A large Comm*"". of the Board having since the last Meeting taken a walk thro', the Streets on the Hill at West Boston and examined the state of the shops there ; the propriety of renewiug & granting any licenses for retaihng spirituous liquors in Southac Street was considered ; when it appeared to be the unanimous opinion of the Board, that it was necessary to prevent the sale of liquors on that hill as soon as the object can be completely effected — But as several persons have already obtained licenses [333.] this Year, & others have been at considerable expence in hiring & filling up their places of business, it was determined to approbate for license — M''. Thomas Darling — Eben''. Bradley Silas Dunham & Mathias March — and that the above named per- sons & all others who have been licensed on that vStreet the pres- ent Year, be informed that the Selectmen have resolved that no renewal of license shall take place after the P'. of July next, when they expire by law — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov"". 7. 1804 Pres- ent Mess : Bulflnch Tileston, Oliver Hunnewell, Wright, Chapman, A proposal from Josiah Knap Esq. was considered in which he offers to complete a Street leading from Orange Street to Front street on the south side of his dwelling house, provided the Town will convey to him that part of the stalls which may not be wanted for the said Street — Agreed to Refer the proposal to the Town at the next Town Meeting — The Chairman was desired to call a Meeting of the Comm'"^. upon the Mill Pond to meet Wednesday next — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov^'. 14. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver AYright, Hunnewell May Complaint was received from the Firewards that tlie repairs lately made upon the Stable back of Latin School were considered contrary to law — The Chairman was directed to request the Secretary of the Fire Wards to have the Building examined, and if it should be still thought illegal, that it should be altered on any way which the Fire Wards might point out The Board Adjourned to view a Cellar now digging on High Street, to determine the South line of the same on the Street 248 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov^ 25. 1804 Present Mess : Tilden Bulfiuch, Tileston, Wright, Oliver, Porter, Hunnewell, May Passed upon Accounts — [234.] Upon application from a Comm'^''. of the Wood wharfingers praying for liberty to use three Horses to their Carts during the Winter Season — in consideration of the shortness of the days & the presure of business, & that the Streets would soon be so frozen or covered with Snow, as not to be injured by this license — The Board consented to the above request that three Horses should be allowed to the Carts & Sleds untill the 1*'. of March next — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Noveni''. 28. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, Approved of the Indentures of Yorick a black Lad, to Cap*. Moses Barnard — to expire in Novem'^ 1804 — Approved of Samuel [Lemuel?] Pope Jun'' as an Auchtioneer Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem''. 5. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Wright, Chapman, Oliver, Porter Boston ss : Return having been made by Samuel Hastings Elkanah Cushing & Joel Crosby of the Expence of the repairing the Common Shore in Newbury Street, the Accounts whereof were duly examined by the Selectmen, & by them allowed, thej'^ being informed at the same time that every Person concerned in said Common Sewer, had been duly warned according to Law, & no objection having been entred to their proceeding Assessment is now made thereon by the Selectmen, and order of payment is now made out which is as follows — Viz^ — Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer in Newbury Street has been repaired & cleansed conformable to the directions of the Selectmen the whole expence whereof, according to a Acco* laid before & examined by the Selectmen amounted to Six hundred & seventy five Dollars 25 Cents, and as such expence is to be born by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter into said Common Sewer & receive benefit thereby, in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of said Town or the major part of them, who are empowered by law to apportion the same — The Applicants having according to law notified all the concerned before they had proceeded on this business, and [335.] no objection having been made thereto — therefore we the vSubscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston, do hereby Certify that having considered of said expence & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid do Adjudge that the same ought to be paid in proportion following, & by the Persons hereafter named — Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 249 Samuel Hastings - - - - 2 Shares S Hastings & E. Cushman - Elkanah Cushman - - . Martin Brimmer Estate - - Joel Crosby - - - - . William Wyman . - - . Josiah Fowle & W"\ Wyman Joseph Fowle John Rowlstone - - - - Daniel Messenger - - - David Sawyer - - - - - Joel Hager & Thom«. Hill - John Avery _ . . . . Jeremiah Bumstead - - - John Langley Sam : Morse Clark & Billings - - - John Langley M''. Durivage Stephen Thayer - . . . Moseleys Estate - . . - Samuel Welles . - _ . Thomas Williams - - - Polly Lowder John Callahan ----- Israel Cook Benjamin Green - - - . Newhill - - - Henry Wainwright - - - John Haskins Widow Russell . . . - Hannah Row M'". Ray & Robert Hews - Andrew Cunningham - - M^ Merret - -^ - - - - [236.] M^ Sweetser John Lucas John Jarvis ----- Abi'aham Adams - - - - Woods - - - - [John] Bellowes - - - - And we do hereby appoint Elisha Copeland to receive of the Persons before named the Sums affixed to their Names, and to give discharges therefor — Charles Bdlfincii ^ a David Tilden i i Willi A Ji Porter | ^ John Tileston ^ = Eben'^. Oliver F'^ Wright 28 , 32 14 , 10 14 , 16 28 ,, ;32 14 ,, 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 28 , 32 14 , 10 28 . 32 14 , 16 42 , 50 28 , 32 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 28 , 32 28 , 32 14 , 16 14 , , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 , 16 14 . 16 250 City Document Xo. 03. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern'". 12. 1804 Present Mess: Bulfinch, lilden, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, Chapman, A Committee from the Mechanic Fire Society waited on the Board to inform them, that they had at their expence procured four Ladders for the security & use of the Inhabitants in case of Fire — The Thanks of the Selectmen in behalf of the Town were presented to the Gentlemen, and it was agreed that they should be placed as follows — one on the west side of the Court house one the Rev'^ M''. Murrays Meeting house, one the west Boston Meeting, [House] & one on Mr. Eatons fence Eaton Street, & the Chairman was desired to notify the Inhabitants of this liberal proceedure of the Gentlemen ; & to caution them from making use of the Ladders for any other purpose, than that for which they have been furnished Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem*". 26. 1804 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tileston Hunnewell, Wright, Porter, Oliver, Chapman, May, Approved of the Indentures of Ann Batchelder, a Elinor to Reuben Allen to be in force untill the 5^''. of Decern"". l(SO;i, as on file- In [337.] consequiuce of a Precept from the Hon'''^. Thomas Dawes, Judge of Probate — inquisition was made into the circum- stances of Sarah Mulberry, & made return that she is incapable of taking care of herself, & that a Guardian ought to be appointed for her — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem"". 31. 1804 Present Mess"^^ : Bulfinch, Tileston, May, Wright, Hunnewell, Chapman, Oliver, Passed upon Accounts Boston ss : At a jMeeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 2. 1805 Present Mess"* : Bulfinch Tilden, Porter, Wright, Tileston, May Hunnewell, Chapman, Passed upon other Accounts — School Comm*^'^. attended upon Ijusiness Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Jan>'. 9. 1805 Present Mess'"® : Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston Hunnewell Wright — The attention of the Board was occupied by the subject of the Streets & public Lotts in S". Boston ; after viewing the plans of the Streets drawn conformably to the principles adopted at the Selectmen's Minutes, 1805. 251 Meetino; of the Proprietors & the Selectmen, it was agreed to notify the Proprietors of the Laud to meet the Board on Monday next to consider the most eligible situation for the public Lotts — M^ Hunnewell was desired to enquire into the complaints respecting neglects of the present Sealer of Wood, coming over the Neck— and to enquire respecting a suitable Person for that Office— The Chairman was directed to the same subject relative to Wood brought in over the Bridges — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen January 1G"\ 1805 —Present Mess^' : Bultiuch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Chapman, Mess^^: Rufus G. Amory B. Bussy, & Will Cotting appeared in behalf of themselves & Associates, & represented that they had it in contemplation at their own expence to form a spacious Street from State Street to Battery March Street, principally thro'. Land of which they are Proprietors : they exhibited a plan of the proposed Street [238.] and requested that the Board would take measures to lay it out according to law ;--The Gentle- men having retired, the subject was considered & it was unani- mously agreed, that the proposed Street would be a great pubhc improvement, it was determined to lay out the Street as follows— To continue the west line of Battery March Street untill it shall meet a line in the direction of Milk Street, thence to run in a straight line to the westerly corner of Stone [Store?] N°. 36— in State Street— that the said Street shall be 70 feet wide easterly of the above described line on State Street, & from 65 to 70 feet wide on Battery March Street, it being understood that the Town should be at no expence for any land or building taken for said Street, nor for filling up or making it ; & that the Towm shall not be considered as pledged or under obligation to widen the remainder of Battery ]March Street- Voted, that the Chairman M^ Tilden & W. Wright be a Comm^^ to meet the Applicants on this subject & to carry the proposed improvement into effect — Mess" : Steven Hall & jNIoses Hadley were chosen measurers of Wood brought into Town over West Boston Bridge M'. Josiah Holbrook was chosen measurer of wood brought over Charles River Bridge M"". [Caleb?] Coolidge was chosen Measurer of Wood brought over the Neck.— the Chairman was desired to Notify the above 252 City Document No. 93. named Persons of their api)ointment & to enjoin upon them to see the law put in execution respecting Wood brought into Town by Land — (Mem*', he declined see Jan^'. 28) Boston ss : At a ^Meeting of Selectmen Jan>. 23. 1805 Present Mess : Bulfiuch, Tilden, Porter, Wright, Ilunnewell, Had conferences "with several of the Proprietors of S°. Boston & the Mill Proprietors ; and Adjourned further consideration untill Fryday next— 12. O Clock- Boston 88 : At a ^Meeting of Selectmen .lan^ •jr>. 1805 — Present ]Mess" : Bultlneh, Tilden, Tileston, Wright. May, Chapman, Hunuewell, Oliver, Porter see under .Ian- . 2*8 [2o9.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen .^an^ 28'. 1805 Present Mess^: Bultinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Hunne- well, Wright, Chapman Passed upon Accounts — On January 25, being a special Meeting on application for a Town Meeting, it was agreed to issue a AVarraut for Town Meeting on Mondav the 4*. of February next 10. O'. Clock A: M: M''. Coolidge having declined the Otlice of ^Measurer of Wood & M"". John Hall residing in Washington Street, being recom- mended by a number of Gentlemen in that quarter, he was chosen measurer of wood brought into Town over the Neck & ^M"^. Porter was requested to notify him of this appointment — Approved of several Persons as Innholders & Retailers of Spirituous Liquors The following Resolution passed the Board — viz — Whereas a Bill is now pending before the Legislature of this Commonwealth explanatory of the Act entitled an Act to regulate the paving of Streets in the Town of Boston & for removing obstructions in the same — Voted, that it is the opinion of this Board, that if the said Bill should pass into a Law, it ought to have no effect upon the question in dispute between the Selectmen & Mess''* : George Blancliard & Bryant P. Tilden relative to proceedings in High Street ; but that said question shall be considered upon the construction of the existing laws at the time of said proceedings in November A.- Decem'. last. Selectmen's Minutes, 1805. 253 The following are the proceedmgs alluded to above & are here entred together to afford a complete view of the subject Record of proceedings relative to High Street On the 14"' of November last M^ George Blanchard & M''. Bryant P. Tilden waited personally on the Selectmen then in Session at their room & complain 'd that D'". Aaron Dexter had given orders to his workmen to build the S°. Wall of his Cellar in High Street in Laud which the former Proi)rietor of said land had given into the Street ; that if that is allowed the Town would Buffer by having the Street reduced, in width, & that M'". Blanch- ard & Tildens houses would be much injured by D"". Dexters advancing in front of the line which they had considered the line of the Street, & in which they had accordingly built their Houses [340.] After acting upon other business the Board Ad- journed to High Street to view the Premises, and to determine the line of the Street, being there assembled they determined that the northerly line of the Street from the westerly fence of George Blanchards Garden to the east end of Deacon Wrights Land should be along the front of Mess"^^ . Blanchard & Tildens houses & continued in a straight direction in front of land of D''. Dexter to the lamp jjost at the end of Deacon Wrights ground and that all the land south of this line which had been formerly part of Whites Garden so called should in future be considered as high way. The Chairman being desired to communicate the above to D"". Dexter a billet was sent him the same evening containing the substance of the above & his workmen desisted from laying stones on the front line ; D''. Dexter afterwards called personally on the Chairman to express his readiness to conform to the de- cision of the Selectmen but expected as that he was not allowed to advance into the Street Mess. Tilden & Blanchard would not be permitted to encumber the Street with the steps to their houses, the foundation to which Avas now laying to extend nearly 30 feet along the foot walk — At the Meeting of the Selectmen the 2P*. of November D''. Dexters representation was laid before the Board & Mess""^ : Bul- finch Tileston & Oliver were appointed a Comm^^. to see Mess''® : Blanchard & Tilden to state the objections that had been made & to propose another mode of entring their houses by steps within side — This Comm'^''. waited on the Gentlemen at M"". Blanchards dwelling house and pointed out a mode by which the Street might be kept clear of encumbrance from steps, & they might conve- niently enter their houses under cover, at much less expence than any Stone steps & Iron Railing as proposed in the Street. The Gentlenxen agreed to consider the proposal & to communicate 254 City Document No. 93. their decision to the Chairman which they did verbally the next day in State Street, that they " could not think of altering their plan; " the workmen then proceeded to level the foundation and to lay the first step, upon information of which the Chairman on Friday Morning the 23'"^'. measured the foundation & the step already laid & found they would extend 29 feet along the front of y'^. houses to project 3 feet 6 inches in the narrowest part & four feet in the center for an extent of 13 feet 9 inches, he im- mediately wrote to Mess'* : Blanchard & Tilden informing them that their steps would exceed the limits allowed by law & advis- ing them to desist before they had incurred any further expence A special Meeting of the Selectmen was held the next day Feb^'. 24 at Noon present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Tilden Tileston, Hunnewell Oliver May & Wright, when the Chairman informed the Board what had been done since the last Meeting, which was approved by the Board. It was then considered whether the former proceedings [341.] should be reversed, & all the Claim- ants be allowed to advance into the Street it was again deter- mined to continue the North line of High Street as it had been laid out the 14 Ins^ — that the proposed steps would be an incum- brance & encroachment on the Street & that the Chairman should take measures to remove them. The above was communicated to Mess : Blanchard & Tilden by billet, copy on file — At the regular Meeting of the Selectmen on Monday the 26 of November a letter from Mess''^ : Blanchard & Tilden was read stating the circumstances of their land & what they considered their claims for indulgence, claiming as their own the land which in their first application they had called part of the Street, the following liillet was agreed upon to be sent by the Chairman — " I have laid before the Selectmen your last statement respect- ing the line of High Street in front of your Houses & your claims of indulgence in the libert}^ of bmlding the steps as pro- posed. The Board has again considered the subject & after full deliberation have Judged it their duty to adhere to their first determination, that the land south of your houses is part of High Street & that the steps being an incumbrance should be removed, they consent to your having two steps into the Street, paralell with the front of your houses ; being in equal indulgence with that to M^ Sergeant & Higgmson & hope for your ready com- pliance with their determination " The workmen notwithstanding the above proceeded to lay & complete the steps ; the Chairman gave orders to M"". Sergeant & Hart to take down the same, and on the 7'. of December went with them and removed the upper step & a few days after the workmen took down the remainder & carefully piled them away. Selectmen's Minutes, 1804. 255 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen February 20. 1805 —Present Mess^^ : Bultineh, Tileston, May, Wright, Oliver, No matter for entry Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Feb^. 25 1805 Present Mess Bultineh, Tildeu, Porter, Tileston, Wright, Chapman, Oliver, Hunnewell Passsed upon Accounts [243 1 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 27. 180? Present Mess" : Bultineh Tilden Tileston, Chapman, Wright, Porter, May, Oliver, Passed upon Accounts — In compliance with the directions in the 3^. Section of the Act of the Leo-islature of this Commonwealth entitled an Act to set off the Northwest part of the Town of Dorchester, & to annex the same to the Town of Boston, the Selectmen havmg viewed the land described in said act & having conferred with the Pro- prietors thereof relative to laying out such Streets & lanes thro', the said Tract as in their Judgement may be for the common benefit of said Proprietors & of the Town of Boston ; the Select- men have determined & agreed to lay out the Streets through the whole of the said Tract, now called South Boston, according to a plan drawn by Matthew Withington Surveyer dated October 4-1804 & sio-ned by him which plan is preserved among the records of the Town of Boston ; the Streets agreed upon & laid out are described as follows— One principal Street to begin on the line which divides S^ Boston from Dorchester at the place where the present road over the Marsh & Causeway crosses said division line, thence running North sixty three degrees E. the distance of 42 chains 20 links being eighty feet wide & to be called— Dorchester Street From the northerly end of said Dorchester Street, another principal Street to run Southerly 84^ degrees East to the Sea & Salt AVater & northerly 24 degrees west untill it meets the line of the turn pike, the above described Streets to be 80 feet wide & to be called Broad Way Also to the northward of Broad way & parallel thereto ; three Streets all of them 50 feet wide, the one nearest to Broad way being 310^ feet distance therefrom on the western branch and 250 feet distance on the Eastern branch— The next Street northerly to be 220 feet distant from the last mentioned Street on the westerly part & 250 feet distant from the same on the easterly part 256 City Document No. 93. The other Street North of the above to be 250 feet distant from the last described Street — Also on the westerly side of Dorchester Street & Southward of Broad way are 4 Su-eets each 50 feet wide running parallel to Broad way all of them commencing at Dorchester Street & continuing to the Turnpike thence bending in a direction parallel with y*". line of S". Boston bridge to the Sea — The Street next South of Broad waj' to be 276 feet distance therefrom & all the others to be 250 feet apart ; on the Easterly side of Dorchester [*^43.] Street beside the Streets above described are (J Streets lying South of Broad way, all of them 50 feet wide & parallel to Broad way at the distance of 250 feet from each other — And it is determined that all the above described Streets shall be named & called as folloAvs — The Street on the Northern Shore on Boston Harbour to be called J^'^irst Street East & AVest The Street next parallel thereto - - Second Street - - d". The Street next parallel - - - - Third Street - - d°. The Street next parallel - - - - Uroacl way - - - d"*. The Street next parallel - - - - Fourth Street - - d". The Street next parallel - - - - Fifth Street - - - d". The Street next parallel - - - - Sixth Street - - - d°. The Street next parallel - - - - Seventh Street - - d°. The Street next parallel - - - - Eighth Street - - d°. The Street next parallel - - - - Ninth [Street] - - d°. The Cross Streets upon the said Tract are described as follows — Viz'— One Street 500 feet from the westerly end of Broadway & from the Turnpike to run exactly at right angles across Broad way to the westerly end of 5"\ Street, where it unites with the Turnpike — said Street being 50 feet wide — Also five other Streets West of Dorchester Street, all at right angles with AVest Broad way & parallel with the first described Cross Street, the first of them to be 500 feet therefrom, & all the others to be 500 feet apart, each of these Streets to be 50 feet wide & all of them running from the boundary line to the Sea. — Also on the Easterly side of Dorchester Street, are ten Cross Streets each of 50 feet wide, & at right angles with P>ast Broad- way all of them running from the Salt AVater on the South to the Harbour of Boston on the north of said Tract, &. described as follows — Selectmen's Minutes, 1805. 257 The first Street ICast of Dorchester Street as laid out so that the division line between h\ud of Champne}' & Land of Jonathan Bird shall be in the division of the middle of said Street — The next Street east of the above to be 680 feet distant therefrom The next Street easterly to be 376 feet distant from the above — The next Street easterly to be 62-i feet distant from the last mentioned & the others to be 500 feet apart — Also one other Cross Street in the same direction as the above laid out equally on each side of the line which [244.] divides the land of [Blank] Champney from land of Thomas tBirds heirs, & of the Widow Mary Clap, said Street being 50 feet wide — also one other Street leading from the South end of Dorchester Street at right angles with the last mentioned Street & terminating in the same — And it is determined by the Selectmen that the Cross Streets above described shall be known & designated by the letters of the Alphabet as follows — Beginning at the most easterly cross Street which shall be called A Street The second to be called -B Street The third to be called ---.-.-C Street The fourth to be called ------- D Street The fifth to be called E Street The sixth to he called F Street The 1^'. Street east of Dorchester Street d*^. G Street The second to be called H Street The third to be called I Street The 4"\ to be called K Street The 5"\ to be called L Street The 6"\ to be called - - - M Street The 7*''. to be called N Street The 8"'. to be called O Street The 9"'. to be called P Street And the 10"'. to be called ------ Q Street, near the water The short vStreet parallel with the Cross Streets — Old Harbour Street & the Street at right angles with the same Telegraph Street And it is determined that all the Streets which extend to the Sea or Salt Water, or any part of the said Tract of Land called South Boston, shall be considered as continuing in the same directions & of the same width as far upon the Flatts or into the Sea as the right of the Proprietors shall extend through whose land the same Streets shall be laid out — 258 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb''. 6. 1805 Present Mess''* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Wright, Chapman, Oliver, May Deacon Wright from the Comm^'^. to view & ascertain the [345.] course & boundaries of a passage wa}^ leading from Fish Street to the sea near D'". Mountfords corner, reported that the Comm®''. had viewed the Premises, & found that there was sufficient land in possession of the Abuttors to give to each Person the quantity which he had a right to by deed, & also to make an additional width to the passage way ; that they had laid [out] the passage way foi'merly four feet wide as follows — At the distance of 86 feet from Fish Street said Passage-way measures • feet in width 5 — 3 In. at 120 feet - - - - 7—6 at 164 feet - - - - 6 ,, 10 at 251 feet - - - . 4 feet which is at the lower end of old wharff & corner of M"". Levi Lanes Sail loft — the Comm®®. also stated that Mess*"^ : Levi Lane & John Gordon the Abutters, had agreed to remove their build- ings and fences at their own expence, to make the Passage-way of the above described width — the above Report was accepted, & ordered to be recorded — On the appHcation of William Tayler Esq that the Board would consent to release the House in Sudbury Street formerly mortgaged by his Grandfather George Minot Esq for the sum of two hundred pounds of M''. Brookers Donation, & take a new mortgage for the same amount upon his land & buildings in Cambridge Street, it was agreed that M''. Tilden should make this exchange of security, provided he shall find by certificate from the Register of Deeds that the estate proposed for security is clear of all incumbrances — Mess'* : Blanchard & Tilden having again proceeded to rebuild their steps to their Houses in High Street, of the same dimen- sions & projection as those removed by order of the Board — Voted, that the Town Attorney be desired to commence prosecu- tion against them for encroachment on the Highway — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen March 13*. 1805 Present Mess'* : Bulfinch Porter, Oliver, Chapman, Wright, The list of qualified Voters presented by the Assessors according to law were examined & the Chairman was desired to have [246.] such of them reprinted as are couched with names & to have complete lists posted, as the law requires — The following Advertizement to be inserted in the papers Mondav the 18"'.— Selectmen's Minutes, 1805. 259 List of Voters in the Town of Boston The Selectmen hereby inform their fellow citizens that in pursuance of a law of the Commonwealth there are posted up at Faneuil hall & at the Office of Board of Health complete copies of the corrected lists of persons qualified to vote in the choice of Governor L'. Governor, Senators & Representatives in Congress- Notice is also given that one or more of the Selectmen will be in session at their room from the hours of 12 to 1. everyday previous to the Election of Governour & Senators (Sundays excepted) for the purpose of receiving evidence of the qualifications of Persons whose names have not been entredon the lists published The Inhabitants are particularly reminded that these Lists are from a neio return made by the Assessors according to law, every person is desired to examine whether his name is inserted in the list of the ward in which he resides By order of the Selectmen The application of W. Josiah Knapp to the Town for part of their Flatts, having been referred to the Selectmen with powers to convey the same to him upon canditions that should lie thought for the advantage of the Town— M''. Porter & W. Wright were chosen a Comm«^ to view the Premises, & confer with W. Knapp on the subject— and to make Report Boston ss: At a ^Meeting of the Selectmen March 20, 1805 Present Mess'« : Bulfinch, Porter, May, Wright, Oliver, Tilden, Chapman, Huuuewell, The Board came to the choice of a Chairman for the Year ensuing by ballot when it appeared that Charles Bulfinch Esq. was unanimously chosen — Proceeded to draw Jurors for Court Common Pleas in April next & adjourned the Meeting to this Day fortnight, to fill such vacancies as may occur — Ordered that Notifications be printed & cUspersed for a Meetmg of the Wards on Wednesday the 3'». day of April for the [247.] choice of Assistant Assessors— The Chairman was desired to furnish each of the presiding Officers of the Ward INIeetings with a printed extract of the law directing the choice of assisting Assessors — Warrant signed & issued for a Town Meeting for the choice of Governour Lieu''. Governor & 5 Senators — M^ Newell to have the printing of Notifications — 260 City Document No. 93. CoP. May & M"". Chapman a Comm^^ to request D''. Eliot to open the Meetiug with prayer Upon the request of H. Gray Otis Esq. & a number of other Gentlemen, liberty is granted them to make use of Faneuil Hall on the Sunday Evening preceeding the Election for Govern'' &'' — M"". Wade & M'". Jacobs have liberty for themselves & a num- ber of persons residing in a new Street near the Almshouse to dig up as much of Copper Street as may be necessary to lay a common Sewer therein to convey the Water from their Cellars «fe*^^. to the Sea, at the west end of Leveret Street — and upon con- sideration of the difficulty of getting a solid foundation for a brick drain in Copper Street, the same being new made land ; & also the drain will be filled with Salt water at every tide, it is agreed that the Applicants may build said Common Sewer of wood — to be made not less than 18 Inches wide & covered with Slate or 4 inch Timber On application from the committee of fire-wards M''. Hunne- well & M"". Wright are desired to consider the best mode of obtaining a supply of Engine hose ; also to examine the hose now on hand at M'', Tildens Store, & to report the state & quality of it & what measure should be taken respecting it. — The Chairman & M"". Oliver a Comm^". to examine M''. Micab Homers Acco^ of repairs on drain in White Bread Alley — [348.] M^ Hunnewell & M\ Wright a Comm''^ to consider the best mode of obtaining a supply of paving stones for the use of the Town the approaching season — The Board came to the choice of a Person to collect the tax upon cows the ensuing year, & chose M"". John Gammel for that purpose — M*'. Thomas Godfrey appeared & represented that he had now completed his house in Fish Street & that it had been set back from the street in compliance with the direction of the Selectmen, that he should find himself much injured unless the house of M"". Matchet was taken down on a line with his front — After he retired it was agreed to request M'". Godfrey to obtain some estimates of the expence of removing M''. Matchets house & what amount he could obtain by subscription towards defraying the expence — Rufus G. Amory Esq & M^ Colling exhibited a plan of the pro- posed new Street from Battery March Street to State Street to be called Broad Street, & requested the assistance of the Board, in obtaining by the mode pointed out by law, such pieces of prop- Selectmen's Minutes, 1805. 261 erty either of land or buildings as they had not been able to pro- cure ; & which were necessary towards carrying their proposed improvement into elTect — The Chairman M'. Tilden & Wright chosen a Conim*'*^. on this subject to confer with the applicants & to Report — Boston ss : At Meeting of the Selectmen March 25. 1805 Pres- ent Mess : Bulfinch Porter Oliver Tileston Ma}' Wright Chapman Tilden, Passed upon Accounts — ■ Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 27. 1805 Present Mess : Bulfinch Porter, Oliver, Wright, Hunnewell Tiles- ton, May Chapman, Passed upon other Accounts — [349.] Nothing further, matter of Record — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 3*^. 1805 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tileston Wright, Chapman, 8 Jurymen chosen for C. C. P. in the room of those who were absent tf — to be entred & posted, in Jurj' Books Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 10. 1805 — Present Mess** : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, AVright, Oliver, On the application of M^ B. Goddard that measures maj" be taken for continuing the Drain which conveys the over ground Water from Orange Street to the Sea, may be continued thro'. Ms land to the east side of Front Street — M''. Porter & M'. Wright are appointed a Comm*^''. on this subject & to report The Chairman M^ Tileston & M"". Wright a Commie. ^^ qqj^_ sider what measures are most expedient relative to the Latin Schoolhouse ; whether to repair the present Building or otherwise oration weie unwilling to cany the new Street further than the north sid(! of Cusliings lai'n \\\v same, 'i'iie said IMiuot it C!ann)l)ell haviuo; a«!;reeabl(' to law nolilied all the eoncerned befoie they had proceeded on llic business, and no obji'ction havinjj,' I)ei'n made thereto— There- fore we tlu> Subscribi-rs Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby ceitifv that havinji,' considered the said expencc^ and l)y whom and in what mannei' it oujj;lit to be paid, do adjud5. I ]\r. .lanu's II. Foster - - I .S.7G Sannicl Dashwood - - 1 8.7(i Andrew Brimmer --2 i7..'J2 Dan'. 1). lloocrs - - 1 8. 7(1 licnJMmin (Ji-een - - 2 17.r)2 Steplien l''raiH'is - - 1 . . - . . H.7() William Kichardson - 1 8.70 John Humslcail - - - 1 8.7(> M'". Minot - - - - 2 17.r.2 James CanipbcU - - 1 _ . - . - 8.7(i A. Cunninjiham ---1 ----- 8.7(1 ^V. Davidson - - - 1 M.7(; Joliii Driscoll - - - 1 8.7(i W". Stackpole - - - 2 ----- 17.r)2 Andrews - - - 2 17.. '"•2 r. R. Dalton - - - 2 17.52 W. Pao-e 1 ----- 8.7(; Samuel Clap- - - - 1 8.7(; James Thwing - - - 1 8.7(5 Mungo Mnckay - - - 1 - - - - - 8.7(') i'eterC^ Hrooks- - - 2 17. .'■)2 Chris. Marshalls heirs - 2 17.52 Abiel Smith . - - - 1 8.70 [*^r»<».] Karuey Smith - - - 1 8.7*; Ufiijamin (':dlen(U'r - 1 8.70 Josiidi (^)uinev ---1 ----- 8.70 Jonathan Mason - - 1 8.76 Samuel ('overly - - - 1 8.70 John Brooks - - - - 1 8.70 FjiUvs - - - - 1 8.70 William Ritchie - - 1 ----- 8.70 Rill Dow ( ?] - - - 1 8.7() I John ] Fleet - - - 1 8.70 R. C. Aniory - - - 1 8.70 C. Clark 1 8.70 RelcLi' Cotlins heirs - 2 17.52 Selectmen's Minutes, 1805. 275 Loring - - - James Lloyd - - - Heirs of AF^ Rowe M'•^ Mollis - - - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 50— 8.7G 8.7G 17.52 8. 70 And we do hereby appoint M''*. Mary Minot & M"". James Campbell within named to receive of the persons aboveuamed the sums atlixed to their names and to give discharges therefor. — Charles Bultinch, David Tilden [367.] William Porter, John Tileston, P^ben"". Oliver, Jon". Huunewell, F. Wright — /Selecitnen Return was made by David Townsend Esq of the expence attending the opening & repairing the Water course from Aliens Tan Yard so called to Pleasant Street ; the account thereof being duly examined by the Selectmen is by them allowed ; they being- informed at the same time, that every Person concerned in said Water course had been duly warned according to Law ; no objec- tion having been entred to his proceeding — Assessment was made thereon by the Selectmen an Order for payment was made out ; and delivered to the aforesaid David Townsend, which is as follows — Viz^ — Whereas a Water Course near Pleasant Street leading from Aliens Tan Yard to said Pleasant Street has been laid conformable to the directions of the vSelectmen, the whole expence whereof according to an account laid before & examined by the Selectmen amounted to $120 — 85 Cents; & as such expence is to be borne by such Person or Persons, whose drains enter therein or who receive benefit thereby, in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of said Town or the major part of them, who are empower'd by law to apportion the same ; the said Townsend having agreable to law notified all the concerned before he had proceeded on the business, & no objection having been made thereto — Therefore — we the Subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby Certify that having considered the said Expence & by whom and in what manner it ought to be paid. Do Adjudge, that the same shall be paid in the proportion following, and by the Persons hereafter named— Viz* — [268.] Josiah Allen - - - - Samuel Torrey _ - . Beza Tucker - . - - Loring - . - . James Boiler - - Samuel Emmons - William Forster - David Townsend - 1 Share S15 „ 12 1 ,, d° - - 15 „ 12 1 „ .P - - 15 „ 12- 1 „ d° - - 15 ,, 12 1 ,, d" - - 15 „ 12- 1 „ cl«' - - 15 ,, 12 1 „ do - - 15 „ 12 1 fV> - - 15 „ 12. 8 Shares — ■ 276 City Document No. 93. And Ave hereby Appoint David Townsed Esq to receive of the Persons within named the sums affixed to their names, and to give discharges therefor — Chakles Buli'inch ] 5 David Til den Wii.i.iAM Porter John Tileston Eben'^ Oliver Jon'^. Hunnewell F : Wright — The Board having after their last INIeeting visitecl tlie Streets South of Cambridge Street & copies of deeds having been laid before tliem, by which it appeared tliat the vStreets were intended l)y the original Proprietors of the Land to be continued to the Kopewalks, — it was determined that the obstructions should be removed from Garden & Centre Streets, so that said Streets should be cleared, to the North side of the Ropewalks, — it was also determined that the Fence put up by order of JVP. Tayler at the Southerly end of South Russell Street should be removed as it obstructs the Passage from Belknap Street to South Russell Street — and the Chairman was desired to see the above orders carried into effect — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 5. 18()r> Present Mess : Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, May — Signed [269.] Deeds for three Lotts of Land sold, on Fort- hill— The Chairman communicated to the Board Copies of Deeds under which M"". Tayler claims the land at the South end of Russell Street which he has fenced in — which were read & con- sidered, when it was determined to be the opinion of the lioard that said land was intended l)y the immediate Heirs of Buttolph to be a Street, and the Chairman was directed to cause the Fence to be removed — Complaint in writing having been made against M"". Farwell Brown one of the Constables for improper conduct in the service of a Warrant upon one of the Inhabitants, Ordered that M''. Brown & the three Gentlemen first named in the application against him, be notified to meet the Selectmen, Thursday next 12. o'. Clock- Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 8. 1805 Present INIess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hunne- well, Wright — Selectmen's Minutes, 1805. 277 The Gentlemen notified to appear to support the complaint against M^ Farwell Brown, attended & related the grounds of their complaint — M"". Brown was also present with several Wit- nesses to explain & Justify his conduct. — The Parties having been examined, were dismissed ; a general conversation on the subject took place at the Board when it was agreed not to come to any decision at this time — but to refer the subject for further inquiry — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Aug*. 15 1805 Pres- ent Mess : Tilden Porter, Tileston, Hunnewell May, Wright, Chapman M'. Samuel Cade entered a complaint against M''. Darling for opening his Mothers Grave & taking out his Child that lay on his Mothers Coffin ; distroying the Coffin & putting the several parts of Flesh which was not decayed loose in the Ground, & burying a Stranger in said Grave — Ordered, that M"". Darling be Notified to appear at the Board next Wednesday 5 o'. Clock P : M : — On application of the Hon''^''. Judge of Probate for the [3T0.] County of Suffolk, that examination be made by the Board into the circumstances of Robert Steel represented to the Judge as a Person Non compos & incapable of managing his concerns — Mess : Tilden & Tileston were appointed to make examination accordingly, & Report thereon to the Board M'. Tilestop appointed to see to the removing of the Fish Box at the foot of Summer Street, over the Water — A number of Persons approved & recommended to the Court of Sessions for the County of Suffolk as luholders & Retailers of Spii'ituous Liquors — as p List on tile Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 2P'. 1805 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, The Persons Notified after the last Meeting to appear at this time to state their charges against M''. Darling, were present together with said Darling ; several Witnesses were produced by the Complainants to prove their charges, & ]Mr. Darling was heard in his own Justification — after some time spent in consider- ing the subject — it was agreed to postpone a decision thereon nntill the members of the Board had viewed the part of the North Burying Ground, where the Graves had been dug by Darling — and as many as could make it convenient were requested to view the spot before Monday next — 278 City Document No. 93. Mess''^ : Rnymond & Batson who iirc building Houses on the now made Land near the bottom of Beacon Street appeared and represented that they had made attempts & at great expence to dig a well near their houses but from the nature of the ground & the great How of Salt water ujjou them they had been obliged to give up the attempt ; they requested liberty to sink a well in the llatts below the piesent head Wharf in Beacon Street — their proi)Osal was agreed to on condition that the 'J'own should have liberty to place a Pump in said well if they should ever desire it, it that the i)reseut consent should not prevent the Town from tilling up (Si occupying the Street or from depriving the Appli- cants or their Successors of said Well if it should ever be found inconvenient or injurious to the Town [271. J Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Aug'. 2G Present IMess"*: Bulfinch, l*orter, Tileston Oliver, Wright, May Chaj)man Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Septem"^. 1. ISOf) Present Mess'* : BuHinch, Tileston, llunuewell, Tilden, Wright, Chapman, Olivi'r, May, I'orter Mess" : Head & Randall having made return of the Expence of digging ct compleating a new Conunon Sewer in Garden Street to lead into Camliriilg(^ Street, amounting in the whole to $315 — the same was examined it allowed — It was determined to divide the above sum by the number of Houses & Lotts on said Street, & that the original Undertakers of the Drain should pay in pro- portion of the lirst cost according to their number of Lots ; and that all others who should hereafter enter Drains into said Com- mon Sewer should pay ten p cent in addition to the cost, as a compensation to the Undertakers for their trouble & advances the Assessment is as follows — 1) Walter Pussell 2ti ,, 25— •lohn Canouse - 28,, HH — .lacob Homer - - 28 ,, 88 .losluia, Randall - - - - 26 ,, 25 Jienjamin Hurd - - - - 26 ,, 25 Joseph Russell - - - - 28 ,, 88 AV^alter Russell - - - 26 ,, 25 Joseph Peirce 28,, 88 Pitts - - 28 ,, 88 Morris Sullivan - - 28 ,, 88 Doctor Jenuisou 28 ,, 88 William Welsh 26 ,, 25 333 „ 41 Selectmen's Minutes, 1805. 279 It was also agreed that each & every Person who should lead a Drain into said'" Common Sewer from the Streets above should pay to the Proprietors of said Common Sewer the sum of ten Dollars — M'. Willam Mills applyed in behalf of the Heirs of [372.] rjohn?] Ruddock deceased for compensation for Land & part of a Building taken to widen the northern part of White Bread alley — It was aoTeed to refer the Claims of said Heirs to Josiah Snell- ino-, John Winslow & Ozias Goodwin Esqrs. upon M^ Mills giving an obligation to secure the Town from all future Claims of su'ch of the Heirs as are now Minors The Chairman M"". May & M^ Chapman were desired to attend the business ; also that the same Referrees should determine the amount of damages to M^ William Welsh for part of his Land taken to widen the southerly end of said Alley — The Board having lately had a special Meeting to make further enquires into the complaint against M"". Farwell Brown one of the Constables— the Parties were heard upon the subject ; when it appeared to the Board that M^ Brown had served a Warrant upon M"". Washburn with such circumstances of severity as greatly to hurt the feelings of M''. Washburn, & a number of respectable Citizens of the North part of the Town— after full consideration it was determined that M'-. Brown should make concessions & an apology to M^ Washburn in the presence of the Selectmen ; & that they should be notified to appear at this Meeting— Accordingly both being present M^ Brown was in- formed^that it was the opinion of the Board that he had acted with undue severity, & of the concessions proper to be made- he then asked pardon of M^ Washburn for his conduct towards him & acknowledged that had he been previously acquainted with his character, no inducement would have led him to conduct [him- self] as he had done— M^ Washburn accepted his concessions, & M^ Brown was then admonished by the Chairman & others of the Board to be careful in future while executing the duties of his office with fidelity to avoid entering into the feelings of the Parties & to use that lenity and discretion of conduct which are due to every Inhabitant of the Town — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Septem^ 11. 1805 —Present Mess" : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, Apphcation was received from a number of Gentlemen [373.] upon Somerset Street so called requesting that the Selectmen would lay out & accept that Street in behalf of the Town -the same was referred to the Chairman M^ Oliver & M^ Wright to confer with the Applicants and to report ;/-,<> < 1 1 ; I >'»( iiMi'iwr No, '■»«), M'. I'nrltMiMli <'oinitiiiiil«'Mli'(| lu llii< |(Miii'r| a Hiiliri('i'l|»Uiin i'/i|iii\ ii|M*ii tJti' ttiuiH' (V w«'H' i'in|»ow«'r»'<| |,i> niiikt< l^lll'll AKI'Ct'llll'lll, Wllll llll^ AlMlll>« hdi'Jl Krl'i'l (•IMt«>[ Hh jlonnl lll'lllf/ lllllllll I.U llljlllj II, III It'll Hllllllo l||M)|l IIk' (l|Mli, II Wll I l|r|< I iiiIikmI Iu ujitMi iV wlilt'li ilin mut\(* |irovli|i'i| I|m< A |i|ili<'iiiilri uiiiil ' lih 1,1111*1 hi I'Viiiil HIii'mI III' K'liili'il Hint, liiK I'lMiil, Hli'i'ol ( .,1 |iMllll|iili iilitioliili'ly iIi'i'HiiimI li'iivlllf/, llli< i|lliiifi|i|((||ii|uti \ IVI', (iiMliliinl wiiFi <|tiMll'iM| lu |iiiii I uii I III \^ III li Viil«'iii'i1rt oC I'mnn'r (iiiM'ooilliifJiM I't'opiTi illg lllO llnylialiill hulliillnll, \Vt«|'«> |iriin(hr III' Mill M iMi'i'lllIp, Willi llir HmmIiI, wlli'll lii< nliilll liMVr rmilli'il liin ii|iIiiIi>m mi lln tiiili|ii I |(i'i'iross innnoralitieH eoimnitted tli(>re, iVL to diHconnlenanee the Hame as far as in the power of this Hoard : It was deteiinined liiat llii' names of ;ill Persons who should j)resnnie to sell li(Hioi's without license should he handed to tla' Town Advocate for prosecution-- Kt'ncAved application heiiiL!; made for the openine( as they should thiid< expedient, llic Applicants a<;reeini!,' to pay all the expence e\e(>pt 12(H) — to he paid by tlie 'I'own to .straighten the northerly sich^ of the Street, at tlu' expiration of the Lease of Uuildiiif^s to lie taken down — A ijimps should be liullineh, Tileslon, ilimiiewell Mav, \Vriii,ht — Passed upon Accoimts — lioston ss : At a, IMei'tino- of the Seleelmen October- 1"'. ISO') Present Mess : Bullinch Tilden Porter, Tileston, Oliver Wrii^ht Ilunnewell, IMay I'asscd upon Accounts — Liberty was olveii to Deacon Jacob Holland, to open i^ repair the Couunon Sewer fiom his house in North Street, all the Proprietors havinj;- been notified aceordinii' to law iV. no objection havin«2; been made to his proceeding; >P'. Stevens a|tplicd for liberty to erect a llsli box oxci' the AVater at the bottom of Simiiner Street «fc presented a recommen- dation from a number of the Nei<>hbourhood — ^I\P'. Tileston was desired to ported theii- opinion that advice should bi' had of the best Counsel that could bi' procured, for the proper mode of prosecut- inii' the business- and th(> Chairman was desired to hand all the i'apeis to Sanuiel Dexter Ivsij for his perusal i^ considi'ralitui- - 282 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo'". 9*. 1 805 Present : Bultinch Tilden, Porter Tileston Oliver Hunnewell Wright, M"^. Porter was desired to direct the laying of a cross drain on the Neck on to the flatts belonging to M"". AV'etherbee & to pave a broad gutter to lead into the Sink — M"". Wetherbee to give the Town an obligation that the Town should for ever enjoy the right it use of said Watercourse over his flatts to the Sea — to be laid & maintained at the expence of the Town — It being stated to the Board that the Directors of the Insurance Company who are Proprietors of the Building [^76.] at the corner of Exchange lane in State Street, have it in contemplation to make expensive repairs upon their house ; it was determined to appoint Mess : Tilden & Oliver a Conun'*. to confer with the Abutters on Exchange Lane before such repairs commence to endeavour to ascertain the expence of widening that lane & what sum could be raised from the Persons interested, towards defray- ing the expence Mess : Porter Oliver & Hunnewell were desired to view Orange Street, to determine what parts of the same it was expedient to pave this Season, & to employ workmen about the same immedi- ately — Liberty was given to ]\P. Joshua Bull to build a Bakers Oven at his house in Fleet Street, provided he can obtain the consent of the Fire-wards — In pursuance of a Precept from the Hon'''*". Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, in(juisition was made respecting Lemuel Ludden, & return was made to the Judge that he was non compos & that a Guardian ought to be appointed for him — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo^ 16. 1805 Present Mess : Bultinch, Tilden, Tileston, Hunnewell, IMay, Oliver, Several Petitions were received from Persons residing in Southack Street praying for renewal of their Licenses — subject referred to next Meeting — Verbal Reports were made by several Committees Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 23. 1805 Present Mess : Bultinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Chapman Passed upon a number of Persons for Retailers & Inholders for this Town — Selectmen's Minutes, 1805. 283 The Petition of several Persons in Southack Street for Licenses weT'read rconsidered, & it was determined not to reconsider the Vote of of 25 Septem'". last— The Town Crier having resigned-the Chairman is requested to advertize for a suitable Person for that ofhce- '^^iS:t^tr^:\:^not,e considered as one of the Town Watch after the close of this month— . .• r. r.f iho Sellers of Weights & Measures has M"^ Austm one of tne ^eaierb ul y- -, liberty to procure a new Standard sealed beam- 1 • „^« +iinf M^ Jon"^ Balch was about Representation ^''™'|, '""''^^^f.^Lte ly of his Whurft for a leasing a piece oif-^^-;;^lX^^^ Tesired to inform M'. Balcl,, rtrBr^To^lS'L. ,ea.e of any ttaUs ^eiow Uie^C^-la^ General against any incumbrance placed .hereon Boston ss- At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 28. 1805 Present Me^sf Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tdeston, Hunnewell Chapman Wright Passed upon Accounts — Return was made on the 23^^ Ins^ by Deacon 'T^^ob Holland ofr Wence attendhjg the op^in. ^^ -pa^ P^ ^^ errn^d^lTtl. -^e;tmr?s by them allowed, tbeyj^eing in^ In ft iTemwho ar e„,p„werd l.y law to apportion the same rS^S 1 Theretore we the subscril>ers selectmen of saul town of Ei teeby certify that having considered the same expence 284 City Document No. 93. & by whom & in what manner i that the same should be paid in 1 persons hereafter named — Viz'. Rev*^. D^ Eliot - - Mary Laughton - - John Ripley - - - Lewis Leland - - - Michael INIalcomb Joseph Adams Thomas Clark - - - James Williams - - Dolly Doubt - - - David Steel - - - [William ?] Mills - - John Banister - - - John D. Howard - - Thomas Godfrey - - Benjamin Fuller - - William Woodward - William Bell - - - John Truoman - - William Dow - - - William Collins - - [Elias?] Tuckeraian - Oliver Homes - - - AVilliam Butler - - Thomas Parker Jacob Holland [p:dward?] Oliver Samuel Brown Joseph Burbeck - - Samuel Winslow - - Jacob Hiler - - - Noah Lincoln - - - John Lombard - - Henry Swift - James Robinson - - David Watson [379.] William Pulcifer - - Cap'. Cruft - - - Paul Revere - - - Amos Lincoln for Nath'. & Joseph Clark- Robert Gardner - - Henry Hutchinson Samuel Walls - - - Cap*. Sampson - - Stephen Gibson - Josiah Batcheldor James Sherman - - t to be paid Do Adjudge portion following & by the 1 Share _ - $1 ,, 30— l-d° - - 1 „ 30 1 d'^ - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - 1 ,, 30 1 d*^ - - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - - 1 ,, 30 1 d-^ - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - 1 ,, 30 1 d-^ - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - - 1 ,, 30 1 d« - - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - 1 „ 30 1 d" - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - . - 1 ,, 30 1 cV - - 1 „ 30 1 d" - - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - - - 1 ,, 30 1 d-^ - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - . 1 ,, 30 1 d*' - - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - - 1 „ 30 1 d"^ - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - 1 ,, 30 1 d'^ - - 1 ,, 30 1 d^ - - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - 1 ,, 30 1 d« - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - - 1 ,, 30 1 do - - - 1 „ 30 1 d° - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - 1 ,, 30 2 d" - . - 2 „ 60 1 d" - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - - 1 ,, 30 1 d° - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - - 1 ,, 30 1 d" - - - 1 „ 30 1 d° - - - 1 ,, 30 1 Share - - $1 „ 30 1 d« - - - 1 „ 30 1 d° - - - 1 „ 30 1 d" - - - 1 „ 30 Id"- - - 1 „ 30 Selectmen's Minutes, 1805. 285 Joseph Chandler - - - [Aaron?] Clap - - - Benjamin Varney - - Cap*. Burroughs - - - Cap*. Webber - - - And we hereby empower & authorise Deacon Jacob Holland to collect & receive the above sums & to give discharges therefor— Charles Bulfinch ^ David Tilden | S g JON™. HUNNEWELL } f^^ Francis Wright Jon". Chapman J ^ « Boston 8s: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo^ 30. 1805 Present Mess: Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Chapman, May Hunnewell Oliver Passed upon other Accounts — A Committee from the American fire Society waited on the Board at a late Meeting, to inform them that they had at their own expence provided a ladder for the security & use of the Inhabitants in case of fire & proposed that the ladder should be placed on the South side of the ReV^. M'. Chaunings Meeting House A written communication was received from the Comm'^". of the Amicable fire society, informing that they had also provided a ladder for the same purposes to be deposited in the wall opposite Concert hall [380.] Voted, to present to the aforegoing Societies, the thanks of the Board in behalf of the Town ; & that the Chair- man insert the same in the public papers & caution the Inhabi- tants from making any other use of the ladders than in time of fire — On the application of M^ Barker stating that his Cellar with others in Fish Street were overflowed, occasioned by the stoppage of the mouth of the Common Sewer where it empties into Ballard & Harts Yard — the Chairman was desired to view the same & to endeavour to obtain Mess : Ballard & Harts consent that the water from the drain should continue to run on their ground untill a more suitable season for opening the passage way to Parsons wharf Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov''. 7'^^— Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Wright, May, Oliver, Porter, 280 CiTV Document No. 93. Jurymen drawn for Grand & PetitJurors for Supreme Judicial Court, &. entered & posted in Jury Hook« & Adjourned the Meeting to this day fortniglit, for the purpose of filling up any vacancies tiuit may unavoidably happen in tlie List of Jurors M"". James Low being well recommendcMi by a num))er of PVee- holders at the north pait of the Town is appointed Captain of the North Division of the Watch — Seveial Persons appeared & offered themselves for the place of Town Crier — the choice was referred to the next Meeting — Agreed to attend the perambulations of the bounds between this Town & Roxbuiy, on Monday n(;xt the 7'**. Ins', the Select- men of Koxbury having been notified to meet foi- that purpose — lioston ss : At a Meeting of the Seh'ctmeii November l.'J"'. 180'> Present Mess'": liullincli, Tihlen, Tileston, llimnewell, May, Wright, Cliapman, [5i81.] The Chairman M', Tilden & M'. Ilunnewell a Comm''* to view the passage way in State Street next to Hobert G. Shaw's Auction Oflice, to consider whether it is practi- cable or expedient to form a Street in tliat direction — M' . .)olm Green having piodueed lecommendations from a lUMubei- of respectable Inhabitants which is on lile was chosen 7'(jvm Cric.r^ by a unanimous vot(! taken by ballot — AccHirding to Agreenieiit the Selectmen of Ro.\l)ury met at tin; time and place appointcfl on Tlimsday the T"^''. Ins'. & perambu- lated the boimds and renewed the marks, the particulars of which arc on tlie niixeil papers — lioston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov^ 20. 1805 — Present Mess: HulliiKdi, Tilden, I'orter, Tileston, Oliver, Iliuinc- wcll, Wright, May, Chapman The (Chairman M'. Tilden A. iNI', Oliver a Comm'". to view Cambridge Street near .M'. Cliapmans house to consider what improvement may be made in widening the SI reel there \P. (loddard &i M''. Knapp having recjuested in writing that the Hoard would order a suilal)le Jiinnber of Lamps to be lighted in Front Street; such lamps to be provided at tlu; expence of the proprietors on that street — it was agreed that the ('hairnum should inform the Applicants that as soon as the stieet was properly se<-ur'. 3*^. 1806 Present Mess''" : BulfinchTileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, May — Return was made by M"". Benjamin Eaton of the expence attending the opening & repairing part of the Common Sewer in Cross Street the Account thereof being duh^ examined by the Selectmen, is by them allowed ; they being informed at the same time that every Person concerned in said Drain, had been duly warned according to Law ; and no objection had been entered to his proceeding. Assessment was made thereon, an Order of payment was made out & delivered to the aforesaid Benjamin Eaton, which is as follows — Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer in part of Cross Street has been repaired conformable to the directions of the Selectmen, the whole expence whereof amounts to One hundred & eighty Dollars & thirty Cents and as such expence is to be born by such persons whose Drains enter into said Common Sewer & receive benefit thereby in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of said Town or the major part of them who are empowered by law to apportion the same — therefore we the Sub- scribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston hereby Certify that having considered the same expence and by whom and in what manner it ought to be paid — Do Adjudge that the same shall be paid in the proportion follow- ing, and by the Persons hereafter named — D M^ Bright 1 Share - 18 ,, 3 Daniel Tuttle 1 ditto - - 18 ,, 3 D 36 6 18 3 18 3 18 3 18 3 18 3 18 3 Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 291 Christopher Smith - - . - 2 Shares Benjamin Eaton 1 ditto - [Patrick ?] M^ Bride - - - 1 ditto - [*i87.] William Mackay 1 ditto - Francis James ----- 1 ditto - Estate of Enoch James - - 1 ditto - Edward Rumuey 1 ditto - And the aforesaid Benjamin Eaton is hereby authorized to receive the above and to give discharges therefor Charles Bulfinch "^ , John Tileston | g Eben''. Oliver ^ 5 Eben''. Hunnewell I ^ John May— j "^ Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^ 8. 1806 Present Mess": Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Wright, Hunnewell, Oliver, Deacon William Brown having agreed to sulimit the Question of his bounds on the Towns Lands to five disinterested Free- holders, the Board in conference with him, made choice of the following Gentlemen for that purpose — William Sherburne John Jay W^illiam Parsons John C. Jones Samuel Cabot — Esqrs — and the Chairman was desired to notify the Gentlemen of the appointment, and to request their services — Further discussion was had, respecting the complaints against M"^. Cottings Well at New Boston, also respecting the suit in the Probate Court against W, N : Boylston Esq. but nothing decided upon — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan'', 15, 1806 Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Porter, Hunne- well, Wright, Voted, that the Town Treasurer be requested & authorized to give [388.] his Note of hand payable on demand & bearing interest after the P*. Day of April next to Tuttle Hubbard Esq for three thousand six hundred & sixty six dollars //^ being the sum awarded to him for part of his land & buildings taken by the Selectmen to widen Merchants Row — 292 City Document No. 93. The Chairman M"". Hunnewell & M^ Wright a Comm^^ to take suitable measures to mark the boundaries of the new Divisions of the Wards of the Town, by atlixing boards at the Corners of the Streets and sueh other places as they shall .Judge necessary. Also to have the description of the Wards printed and dis- tributed — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen .Tan^. 22''. 1806 — Present Mess" : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Wright, Oliver, Approved of several Persons for licenses as Inholders & retailers of Spirits — The Comm®". relative to designating the bounds of the new wards, reported the information they had received of the expense of bounds & painting — and were desired to proceed upon the business — On application of the heirs of John Rowe Esq. for the removal of the Engine house now standing on their land, M*". Hunnewell was desired to look out for a suitable place for the same — ]\F. Tileston to api)ly to M'". Patty for liberty to place the Cataract Engine house on his land near Liberty Square — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan''. 27. 1806 — Present Mess : Bulfinch Porter, Tileston, Wright, Oliver Chapman Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss: Ata Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 29. 1806 — Present Mess : Bulfinch Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, Hunne- well, Chapman, May, Passed upon other Accounts — An order of notice having been published respecting an appli- cation for liberty to make a Street across the Mill Pond, [289.] the Chairman M''. Hunnewell & M"". Wright, were desired to attend the Meeting of the Committee of the General Court upon the subject, to explain the Towns right in the Pond, & defend the Towns interest therein — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Eeb^. 5. 1806 Present Mess'^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 12. 1806 Present Mess: Bulfinch, Tileston, Chapman,* May, Hunnewell, Wright, Porter, Oliver, Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 293 The Committee chosen last Meeting to attend the subject of the Street across the Mill Pond, was desired to apply to the Attorney General & to William Sullivan Esq. for advice, & to proceed accordingly — A Comm®^. of the General Court having advertized that they should meet on Monday next, at a place named in Dorchester for the purpose of widening the route of a proposed continuation of the Brush hill Turnpike to lead to the Northern end of Front street in Boston : — the Chairman, M^. Porter, M'. Oliver, M"". Wright & M'". Hunnewell were desired to attend the Comm*^®. & were authorised to consent to the proposed Turn Pike on the following conditions. — That on making the Street from Roxbury landing Place to the S°. End of Front Street, the Earth to form the same should be taken wholly from the Flatts on the East side thereof — That there never should be a Toll Gate erected within the line which divides Boston from Roxbury — That the whole length of said Street, from Front Street to the Roxliury line should be lighted by Lamps, placed at the same distance from each other, as was determined by the law granting the continuation of the Norfolk & Bristol Turn-pike on the West side of the Neck. — That the Town of Boston should have liberty at any time to lead Streets from Washington Street Easterly to the Turn Pike without any expence for the priviledge of entering thereon [390.] That should the Town of Boston at any time here- after, dig a Canal across the Neck to unite the Waters with the East & West sides, the}^ should have liberty to dig through the Turn pike making suitable alDutments & Bridges at the expense of the Town Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen February 19, 180G Present Mess*^^ : Bulfinch Porter, Tileston, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Chapman, At a legal Meeting, 21 Grand Jurors & 48 Petit Jurors for Supreme Judicial Court — drawn out of the Box, which are entred and posted in Jury Books — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 24. 1806 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Wright, — Passed upon Accounts — 294 City Document No. 93. Boston ss: At a JVIeeting of the Selectmen Feby. 26. 1806 Present Mess: Bulfinoh, Tileston, Wright, Porter, Chapniiin, May, Oliver, Passed upon other Accounts Warrant was issued for March Meeting to meet at Faneuil-Hall Monday the 10"\ of March lust', for the choice of Town Olllcera — 10. o.' Clock A: ]\I. ]\r. Newell to print Notifications for March Meeting — The Chairman was desired to request l)^ Eckley to open Town Meeting with prayer — Upon the application of M"". George Carter, he was approbated as an Auchtioueer to the end of last term — M'". George Trott Ilay-weigher having exhibited his Accounts to l)ecem^ 31*". 1805 — they were examined, & it appeared that the proportion of the Receipts of the Hay Scales which he recived for his services amounted to G72 Dollars & that tliere was due to the Town after deducting expenses the amount of 200 Dollars — the Accounts were approved and directed to be handed to the Treasurer for Settlement — [391.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 10"' Present Mess": Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, May, Oliver, Chapman, Approved of the Indentures of Thomas Wreath to Daniel Raymond Stucco worker, to expire the 22'^ of March 1809 also of Christopher Gill to the same D: Raymond to expire the lo'. Day of March 1810— Voted that the Town Treasurer be requested and authorised to give his Note of hand to Russell Sturgis Esq. for the amount of the sum awarded to him for part of his Land and Buildings taken by the Selectmen to widen Merchants Row — the Note to bear interest from the lirst Day of April next & payable on demand — Mess''^ : Adam French & James Farrar have liberty to build a Tomb in the North Burying Ground — M''. Joshua ElUs has the like liberty — both to be on the East side of the Burying Ground — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 12. 1800 Present Mess""^: Bvdfinch, Tileston, Wright, Porter, May, Oliver, No business at this Meeting matter of Record — Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 295 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Select[men] March 19"'. 1806 — Present Mess : Bulfiuch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Ohver, Wright Kettle, The Board came to the choice of a Chairman & the Votes being taken by ballot, it appeared that Charles Bulfinch Esq was chosen — Warrant Issned for a Town Meeting on the 1*. Monday of April next being the 7"' of April next, 9. o Clock. A : M : for the choice of Governor &^ — M''. Newell to have the printing of Notifications for the ensuing Town Meeting — M''. Emmerson to open the Meeting with prayer & The Chairman a Conim*"^. to wait upon him & request his attendance [393.] The Chairman presented the printed list of Voters according to the return of the Assessors — the same were ordered to be posted at Faneuil Hall & at the office of the Board of Healtli, and the following advertisement to be inserted in the public papers — List of Voters in the Town of Boston — The Selectmen hereby inform their fellow Citizens, that in pursuance of the Law of this Commonwealth, there are posted at Faneuil-Hall & at the Office of the Board of Health complete copies of the list of pei'sons qualified to vote in the choice of Governor Lieu'. Governor, Senators & Representatives — the Inhabitants are particularly reminded, that these lists are from a new return, made by the Assessors according to law, conform- able to the new division of Wards ; every Person is desired to examine whether his name is inserted in the list of the Wards in which he resides, and in case it should be omitted, to apply at the Selectmens Room Faneuil hall, any day previous to the election of Governors & Senators (Sundays excepted) between the hours of 12 & 1, at which time & place one or more of the Selectmen will attend to insert the names of any qualified voters which may have been omitted — The Chaitaran was desired to furnish the Clerks of the several Wards with an extract of the law directing the choice of Assistant Assessors, and also to take measures to distribute notifications for the choice, to take place on the 1^*. Wednesday of April — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 26. 1806 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, Kettle 296 City Document No. 93. On the application of a number of Gentlemen residing at West Boston, requesting that tlie Bell taken from the old Meeting house, might be raised in some convenient place in that quarter of the Town, untill the new House should be ready for it — the Chairman [393.] was desired to employ M"". Samuel Todd to build a suitable Stage for that purpose, in any situation that cau be found convenient — Written application having been made by M''. Stephen Codman & others for the use of Faneuil-hall on the Evening pre%aous to the election of Governour &'". & Benjamin Austin & John Brazier Esq''*, having made the same request to the Board in Person at the last IMeeting — the subject was now considered, and it was agreed that the request of Stephen Codman et others should be complied with, provided they should employ three faithful Men to watch the l>uilding through the night — the Men to be approved & under the direction of M'', Hunnewell — Approved the Indentures of Joseph Doak a Minor to Joseph Hudson Sailmaker. the term to expire the 13"'. of December 1811— Jurors were drawn to serve at the next Court of Common Pleas — & entred on the Jury Books — Boston Bs : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 31*'. 1806 Present Mess""® : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Hunnewell, Wright, - Passed upon Accounts — Boston S8 : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 9'. 1806 Present Mess*^® : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, OUver, Wright, A letter was received from the Committee of the Church in Brattle Street respecting the repairs of Dorsets Alley — M''. Tilden was desired to enquire of the Abutters on the Alley, whether the repairs should be done at the expense of the Town, or at the charge of the Abutters — M"". Tilden & M''. Hunnewell were desired to view the Towns land on Water Street, and to endeavour to make an arrangement with M''. Harris, who has purchased the Land adjoining for the permanent accommodation of the Cataract Engine — On the application of M'^. Josiah Knapp for liberty to fill up the Dock at the bottom of Kneeland Street, on the East [294.] side of Front Street — Mess™ : Porter, Hunnewell & Wright were desired to view the place & consider on what conditions it would l)e expedient to comply with said request Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 297 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 16. 1806 Present Mess" : Bultincli, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, Kettle, A communication was received from the Proprietors of the Ropewalks at the bottom of the Common, protesting against the Report of the Comm®*^, of the Town at the last Town Meeting — the same was read & ordered to be put on file with the said Report The Comm*'^. on M^ Knapps Petition Reported, that he have liberty to fill the Dock at the East end of Kneeland Street, reserving the same when completed as a public Street, without any exclusive priviledge of using or encumbring it — the Report was accepted — M"^. Francis Wright J"", was appointed an Auchtioneer for this Town, — The attention of the Board having been called to the expedi- ency of widening the Southerl}^ side of the East end of State Street ; it was agreed that whenever the Agents of the Long Wharff Proprietors or any other Persons shall indemnify the Town from the expense attending it, the Board would take measures to widen the Street — It was agreed that such Military Companies as may wish for the use of the Armories in the upper story of Faneuil hall shall have the right of choice in succession according to the period of time which they had occupied rooms for the same purpose in the old liuilding — that the Company which first had the use of an Armory should have the first choice & the rest in rotation — and for further explanation, it is determined to be the opinion of the Board that the ancient & hon''^®. Artillery Company, has the right of first choice — Signed a Deed of a piece of Land on Fort hill to Uriah Cot- ting for the Sum of one thousand Dollars — This being the time assigned by public Advertisement [395.] for coming to the choice of Constables for one Year the following Persons were chosen — Viz' — M''. Thomas Stevenson — Sureties Dudley Walker and Thom*. Stevenson Jun''. M"". Amos Lewis - Thomas Lewis & Joshua Ellis Levi Joy .--....- Edward Wentworth Joseph Bennet — Samuel White ------- Abraham Babcock Eben''. Slough — 298 City Document No. 93. Elisha Copeland Abram Gibson John Perry Moses Thayer Nath'. Frothingham Samuel Sanger — Farewell Brown - - - - . - - William Wiley Thomas Edmunds Benj". B. Leeds Jere Gore, Benj". Bass & Nath'. Tucker — John Deverel Perkins Nichols Henry Lane Whiting Jirah Holbrook Edward Staples Jon*. Merry — Solomon Twist Moses Gardner Jonas Twist — James Sumner George Homer Thomas Howe Voted, That the Town Clerk be directed not to Administer the Oath of Office to either of the Persons above chosen until he shall produce a certificate from the Town Treasurer that he has given Bonds as the law directs — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 23'^ 1806 Present Mess": Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Hunnewell, Oliver, Wright, May, Kettle, Six extra Jurors for C. C. P. drawn & posted in Jury Book The Board were occupied in considering the best mode of obtaining a correct list of Votes to be used in the election for [290.] Representatives, and agreed to return a Copy of the printed lists to the Assessors together with the additions made at the last Election ; from which they should be desired to furnish such lists as in their Judgement would be correct — The Chairman proposed a division of the Town into districts, each under the especial superintendence of one Selectman, for the purpose of paving & other Town work the particulars of which are on file ; the same was adopted & each Gentleman to be furnished therewith — On complaint that M"". Low Sexton of the West Boston Society, persists in executing the duties of a funeral Porter although not licensed for that purpose — M*. Porter & M''. Wright were desired to prosecute him for so doing — Mess'^ : Tilden Tileston & M''. May a Committee to view M'". Jonathan Balchs Wharff to incjuire into any incroachments he Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 299 may have made or incumbrances on the flatts east of the Circular Line & to Report — Boston ss : At a Meeting of tlie Selectmen April 28. 1806 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston Porter Wright May Kettle Passed ui)on Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 30. 180G Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver May, Wright, Kettle Passed upon other Accounts — Application having been made from the Captains of the Militia, requesting that a suitable number of Arms & military equipments should be provided for such Inhabitants as are unable to furnish themselves ; M''. Wright was desired at the last meeting to make enquiry into the expence — he now Reports, that the Town being provided with Arms, the cost of the other articles would be about 5 Dollars for each stand of Arms — It was agreed to suspend entring on the subject untill the Armories at Faneuil-hall should be completed — M^". Richard Austin & M''. Timothy Green were chosen Sealers of weights & Measures for the current Year, [397.] to act in the same divisions of the Town as during the past Year — Warrants were signed for Town Meetings for the choice of Representatives, & other matters — to meet on Wednesday the 14 6 Thursday the 15^ of May next — 9. o. Clock & 10. o Clock — D''. Kirkland to open the Meeting with Prayer, & M*". Hunne- well a Committee to make the request — M*". Newell to have the iirinting of Notifications for May Meetings — After a full consideration of the best mode to obtain a correct list of the persons qualified to vote for Representatives, it was agreed to hand the lists which have been returned by the Assessors, to the Gentlemen who checked the lists at the last Election, and to request them to correct the lists in their several Wards, and to return them to the Chairman — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 7. 1806 — • Present Mess"^* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter Tileston, Oliver, Hunne- well, Wright, Kettle May A Comm*"^. of the Proprietors of the Long Wharft" appeared & presented a Remonstrance against the proceedings of the 300 City Document No. 98. Broad Street Association, who they stated were laying a Wharff beyond the hmits of the Circular Line — a Plan of the Circular line was Exhibited, the Gentlemen having withdrawn the subject was considered, & the Chairman was directed to inform the Broad Street Association that the Board considered the Wharff now placing by their order as a trespass beyond the Ancient boundary — The Chairman was desired to insert in the papers an Advertize- ment to forbid the throwing of Squibs »Serpents or Crackers, according to the Law lately passed by the Legislature The Board having viewed the northerly end of Pleasant Street in front of the heads of the late Rope-walks, it was agreed to be expedient that the same should be widen'd by drawing a line from the North East Corner of the Cellar of Isaac P. Davis's [398.] Walk to the Northeast corner of the Brick Store of M"". P. B. Eogers — M''. Emmons' Walk being reduced in length by this proceeding, he appeared & stated his objections ; when it was agreed that he should be compensated for the damage which he should sustain — Mess''® : Bulfinch Tilden & Hunnewell were desired to view the ground & to ascertain whether the improve- ment would be effected without unreasonable additional expense to obtain a foundation to M"". Emmons Hemphouse — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 20. 1806 Present Mess'''' : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, May, Wright, Kettle', Grand & Petit .Jurors for the Circuit Court were drawn & entered & posted in the Jury Book — A Comm^'^. appointed by the Gentlemen Associated to make a Street across the Mill Pond, presented a survey of the Land adjoining each end of the proposed Street — =which was examined, & after consideration agreed by the Board, that the Street should be sixty feet wide across the Pond & 40 feet wide from the shore of the Pond to the Bridge & from the easterly shore to Middle Street — the Chairman was desired to inform the proprietors, and to stake it out accordingly — M"". Charles Vose proprietor of a lot of land on the easterly side of Broad Street, abutting on State Street, appeared & informed chat he had contracted with the proprietors of the Long Wharf, to take six feet 10. inches in width from the north end of his lot to add to the street upon their paying him the sum of 2500 dollars — M''. Vose then signed & acknowledged a deed of that piece of land to the town, to be added to the high way, & a certificate of the same was given him to present to the Clerk of the Long wharf proprietors in order to demand payment — Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 301 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 26. 1806 — Present Bulfincb, Tilden Porter, Tileston, Hunuewell, Wright & Kettle, — Passed upon Accounts — The Chairman reported that upon viewing the situation of [399.] [a] proposed street across the Mill Pond, he found the ground at the westerly end would allow of its being 45 feet wide, but at the easterly end it could not be more than 30 feet without occasioning unreasonable expence to the proprietors — this Report being considered, it was agreed to lay out the street as follows — The north &, icest line to begin on Charles River Bridge near the first lamp post from a point in the direction with the north- westerly capsill of the M'harf belonging to the proprietors of said bridge, thence along said capsill & in the same direction seven- teen feet from the westerly end thereof ; then turning &. continu- ing in a right line to a point five feet west of the most easterly corner of the mill house & through the same mill house to the pond — thence making a bend more westerly across the pond to the easterly corner of the factor}^ on the mill creek & through the same to the west side of the Towns passage way leading to Middle Street The north and the east line to begin at the toll house on Charles River Bridge — thence to run fifty feet to a Shop belong- ing to the Proprietors of said Bridge to a point thereon, _/?/'^y feet distant from the north line, thence tiu-ning & running in a right line forty five feet distant from the first described line untill it come to the Pond, then to widen on the easterly side to sixty feet across the pond, the line then to turn westerly along the shore of the pond to a point thirty five feet distant from the corner of the Factory; thence southerly through land of J. Bulfinch, and J. Howe to a point in said Howes westerly line which is 78 feet from Middle Street, thence along said Howes west line to Middle Street — M'". S3dvanus Gray presented another memorial respecting the injury done to a number of wells at west Boston hy the excessive use of Water from the well owned by Mess''^ : Cottiug & others — after considerable conversation on the subject, the Chairman was desired to make particular examintion into the state of the wells at that part of the Town & to Report [300.] Boston ss : At a special Meeting of the Selectmen [June 2*^. 1806] Present Mess--^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Kettle M''. Tilden confined to his House by sickness, was unable to attend — 302 City Document No. 93. The Chairman informed the Board that he had understood from one of the Representatives of the Town in the General Court, that the return made to the Secretary of the Commonwealth of the Votes for Goyemour Lieut^ Govemour & Senators in Apirl last, was incorrect in some particulars of form, for which reason he had summoned a Meeting that suitable measures might be taken to Justify the conduct of the Selectmen in signing such return — The Town Clerk being then applied to & affirming that the return in April last was in the form & manner which he had always used ou such occasions — he was desired to write two Certificates to that effect which he did as follows — I the Subscriber Town Clerk of the Town of Boston duly qualified & sworn, testify & declare, that I was Town Clerk of said Town, at the time of the adoption of the Constitution of this Commonwealth the 2:>^. of October 1780 — and have been annually elected to that office to the present time, and that return has been made of the Votes received at the April Elections for Govemour L'. Govemour & Senators in the same manner & form annually, and that it has never come to my knowledge that either of those leturns were ever objected to — signed William Coopkk Town Clerk One of said Certificates was returned to the Senators of the County of Suffolk, and the other to the Representatives of the Town of Boston — [301.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 4 Present Mess™ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, May, Kettle, Hunnewell, Wright, Approved of the Indentures of John Murdough a Minor to Stephen liall, Housewright ; to be in force untill May 20"'. 1810 — Agreed to lease the Stalls in the new part of Faneuil Hall Market, each shall be put up to lease at 50 Cents p Week, and the highest bidder over that sum to have the right of choice A Billet was received from Mess" : Jienjamin Russell &. Thomas Danforth in behalf of a great number of Citizens requesting the use of Faneuil-hall on the 4^ of July next, for a publick Dinner — granted — Communication from the President of Broad Street Asso- ciation was read explaining the }jroceedings of their Agents with respect to the Circular Line — the Rejjoi-t referred for further consideration — Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 303 Cap*. Badger having applied for 10,000 Cartridges for vhe use of tlie Militia at a publick parade about the middle of June — M'. Wright was desired to procure a sufficient quantity of Powder & to employ M''. Burbeck to make the Cartridges, to be delivered to the several majors at the order of the Chairman — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 11*'\ 1806 Present Mess"^^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tilestou, Kettle, Oliver, Huunewell, Wright Jurors drawn for Court of Common Pleas & entred on Jury Books — The Chairman presented a Report of the state of the Wells at West Boston in Hancock Street, Lynde Street &*'. with a plan of those Streets & the Houses adjacent to exhibit the number of Wells & their actual conditions, the same was veiwed by the Gentlemen present — and agreed to examine it further previous to next Meeting, when the remonstrance on that subject is to be acted upon — [303.] A number of Gentlemen Abutters upon the Passage way leading from Kilby Street, lately to Doanes Wharf, now into Broad Street, having requested that the same should be made a publick Street ; the Selectmen having considered that the greater part of said Street has been pav'd at the expense of the Abutters, and that by accepting it, any incumbrances might be more readily removed by the Authority of the Town, it was agreed to record the same as a publick high way, by the name of Doane Street — M''. Oliver & M''. Kettle a Committee to view the Cellar now digging for a Store for William Brown p]sq at the Corner of Broad Street & Doane Street & to consider the expediency of taking any part of M''. Browns Land to widen the east side of the Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 18. 1806 Present Mess" : Bulfinch, TiTden, Porter, Ohver, Tileston, Kettle, Agreeable to Precept from the Hon'''^. Judge of Probate from the County of Suffolk, Inquisition was made into the circumstances of Robert Steele, and return made to the Judge that the said Robert Steele was non compos & that a Guardian ought to be appointed for him The Town Clerk was directed to give Certificates of reappoint- ment as Auchtioneers, to such as have been appointed during the past year & wish to renew their Licenses 304 City Document No. 93. The Comm^^. to view Doane Street, & to consider the expediency of taking part of Deacon Browns land to widen the easterly end of said Street — Reported that they had consulted Deacon Brown upon the subject, who was exceedingly averse to parting with any of his land for the purpose — The Committee were of opinion that the proposed widening should have been done before the Land was sold by the Broad Street Association, and that it was not expedient to exert the powers of the Board on this occasion — the Report was considered, & after hearing the Applicants the same was accepted — Several Gentlemen who presented the Remonstrance at a late Meeting respecting their loss of Water at [303.] West Boston now appeared to urge that some conclusive trial might be made to prove how far the constant use of the Great Well in Chambers Street affected them — after hearings the Gentlemen & considering the subject, the Chairman was desired to notify Mess"^^ : Cotting Lowell & Jackson that the Board expected they would stop the use of their Well, or of the privilege of the Pipes through the Streets from Saturday Evening next, for one fortnight ensuing : That two impartial persons should be chosen by the Proprietors of the Well and by the Remonstrants to sound daily at the Wells in that Neighbourhood that were open, to keep an accurate account of the depth of Water, to be handed to the Selectmen at the expiration of the time Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 21. 1806 — Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, May, Kettle, This Meeting was called to draw Jurors for the District Court — after completing that business — proceeded to sign Deeds of three Lots of Land sold on the l'J"\ Ins', on Fort-hill — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 2o'. 1806 — Present Mess : Bulfinch Porter Tileston Oliver, Hunnewell, May Kettle, Wright On the application of a number of the Abutters upon the Street at the foot of the Steps on the North side of Beacon-hill, which Street leads from Middlecot to Hancock Street — it was determined that vStreet should in future be called & known by the Name of Derne Street — Upon Report of Comm®^. appointed to view, it was agreed that a drain be laid from Warren Street Southerly into Pleasant Street to convey off the over groundwater, provided the Proprietors of the Land through which it shall pass, shall convey to the Town the use of such Land for ever — M"". Porter was desired to have the same done at the Towns expense, on the most favoura- ble terms — Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 305 On the application of Isaac P. Davis & P. B. Rogers for lib- erty to extend their covered Ropewalks, by building a Shed over the [304.] Platforms at the Westerly end of their Walks, it was determined that it was not expedient to grant such indulgence — & that it exceeded the powers of the Board, the length of the covered walk having been determined by the Town in the original grant to the Proprietors — An application, that the ground in the mall, might be staked out & let to such purchasers as would wish to occupy the same for Tents on the 4^^. of July next under certain regulations, was referred untill the sense of the Town could be known on the subject — A Petition from a number of young men praying for liberty to throw Fire works of any description on the Common on the Evening of the 4^ of July, was read & considered ; and it was agreed in consideration of the discretionary power given to the Selectmen by law, to allow the throwing of all kinds of fire works in the Common on that Evening, provided it should be at the distance of 200 feet from the Rails — The Chairman read a Copy of a letter which he had sent to Mess""® : Cotton Lowell & Jackson on the subject of their well near Chambers Street — & also their answer, both of which are on file — In their answer they decline consenting to the proposal to stop the use of the Water— after debate it was agreed that the Chairman M^ Huunewell & M''. Wright, be a Comm^^. to con- sult Judge Davis respecting the nature of the grant of Pipes from said Well & to ascertain the Towns rights to revoke the privilege given on the 24*. of April 1805, as by minute in the Selectmens Books — Signed a Warrant for Town Meeting on the 4'. of July next being the Anniversary of American Independence Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 30*. 1806 Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, Kettle, May Passed upon Accounts — The Committee appointed the last Meeting to consult Judge Davis respecting the right of the Selectmen to suspend the privilege [305.] given to M^ Cotton & Lowell — Reported that Judge Davis had fully considered the subject, & had given his opinion that the privilege of laying Pipes for the conversance of Water through certain Streets having been granted as an indul- gence to those Gentlemen & without any consideration therefor, to the Town, that the Selectmen had a right to suspend or wholly stop such indulgences — whereupon Voted, that the Chairman be 306 City Document No. 9B. desired to inform M^ Cotton Lowell & Jackson that the privilege granted them of lajang Pipes in Chambers Street &'^. to their works will be suspended from and after the 15^ Day of July next — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 2"*. 1806 Present Mess" : Bulfincli, Tilden, Kettle, Tileston, Oliver, Passed upon other Accounts The Selectmen having given liberty to M''. Thomas Heath to lay a Drain from the Northwesterly corner of the Burying Ground on Cops Hill to the Water for the purpose of draining the Tombs on said Burying Ground, the whole expence of which by an Account rendered and examined amounted to Ninety six Dollars — They do hereby adjudge that said expence shall be borne by the Proprietors of the Tombs benefited thereby as follows — Enoch Rust 1.... Thomas Godfrey - - - - 1 - - - . Caleb Loring & Beuj". Smith 1 - - - . Crocker & Valentine - - l - - . . Samuel Brintnal ----!--- Henry Swift l.._. Norcross. Sampson & Beuford 1 - - - . Asa & Cyrus Holbrook . - 1 - - - . Francis & Enoch James . l - - - . Davis, Warren Jacobs ) & Seth Lothrop - - - J 1 - - - ■ Elijah Lewis -----1--.. Jacob Hiler ...--l-.-. Daniel Ballard & J. Wash- burne l--_. Isaiah Thomas _.--l---. [306.] Benjamin Varney & Eliz*. Rogers l-... Shelton Homes & Foster, - 1 - - - . Jacobs Binford & Green - 1 - - Edward Hart 1-... 18 Shares And we hereby empower the said Thomas Heath to receive the above sums of the Persons aforenamed, and to give discharges therefore — Charles Bulfingh David Tilden John Tileston Eben^. Oliver John May Francis Wright 5 , , 33— 5 , , 33 5 , , 33 5 1 , 33 5 , , 33 5 , , 33 5 , , 33 5 , , 33 5 , , 33 5 , , 33 5 1 , 33 5 , , 33 5 , ,33 5 , , 33 5 , , 33 5 , , 33 5 , , 33 5 , , 33 Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 307 M"". Bulfinch Oliver & Tileston, Committee to confer with the Agents of Long Wharf Corporation relative to widening State Street, from M''. V^oses Store to Long Wharf On a proposal from John Lowell P^sq. respecting the School- house in School Street — the Chairman M"". Hunnewell & M''. AYrlght were desired to view the Land & to consider M"". Lowells proposition & to Report — Repeated remonstrances having been received against the great number of Hackney Carriages that usually stand in Kilby Street, Liberty Square & Adams's Street — the subject was fully con- sidered, & it was determined that in future 15 Carriages only should be allowed to stand at one time in those Streets ; and to make this restriction operate equally it was agreed that the Car- riages numbered from 1 to 15 should have liberty for one week, the Carriages from 16 to 30 to stand there the 2'^ Week, from 31. to 45 to stand there the 3^^. Week & from 46 to 60 to stand there on the 4"'. Week in succession — after which they should begin again the rotation. — It was also agreed that the Owners & Drivers of the other Carriages should be allowed to stand in the following places & as many & no more in such places as hereafter assigned — Viz*. — On [307.] the Square East of D^ Kirk- lands Meeting house. 8. on Tremont Street front of Chapel Burying Ground - . 6 — in Bowdoin Squai-e ..-.-.---..-.(] in the North Square ------- G — M''. Tilden was desired to view the Ground in Liberty Square &'^. and to point out the most convenient stands for Carriages ; — the Chairman to direct the Assistant Police Officer to arrange them accordingly — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 9. 1806 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, Kettle, Mess''® : Oliver Hunnewell, & May a Comm®®. to confer with M''. Harris respecting the Towns Land & Water Course near Water Street to agree with him for a suitable place for the Cataract Engine House, or to procure from him an obligation to pay for said Land tt Water Course at the same rate which M"^. Phillips paid by the award of the Referees — The request of a number of Gentlemen of the South part of the Town for liberty to place a Fish Box near the entrance of South Bridge was considered ; that situation was not approved for the purpose, but liberty was given to place it at the Easterly end of Castle Street over the Water — 3U8 City Document No. 93. A Committee wtis received from tlie Board of health in con- formity thereto. Voted, that the Funeral Porter, be directed to make weekly returns to the Secretary of the Board of Health of all persons buried by them, in such manner as the Board of Health shall direct — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 16. 1806 Present Mess'*': Bulfinch Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hun- newell, Wright, Kettle May Communication having been made by Mess''^ : Lowell &°. that they had desisted from the use of the Water of the Well near Chambers's Street, & requesting that measures might be taken to ascertain the effect of their well on others in the Neighbour- hood [308.] It was Voted that Mess" : Tilden Oliver & Hun- newell be a Comm*^®. to direct such experiments & enquiries as they should think proper, & that the Parties be notified to meet on Friday next at Noon to agree upon the mode of proceeding under the direction of said Comm*^^. — A Comm*^'^, of Proprietors of Long Wharf appeared & stated that M''. Welch the Owner of a Store at the westerly end of State Street was taking measures to repair his Store at considerable expense, j)art of which they supposed ought to be taken down to widen the Street for public convenience ; — that they had been at the expence of 5000 Dollars to widen the Street, so far as was already done, & were willing to leave to Referrees to state what further proportion they ought to bear if the Town would agree to pay the remainder — the Gentlemen having withdrawn it was Voted, that the Comm*^^. of Long Wharft' be informed, that the Board think proper to abide by their Vote of the IG"'. of April last — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 23'^ 1806 Present Mess*'^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, Kettle, May, Wright, Approved the Indentures of WiUiam Hill to Pxlward Jenkins Blacksmith to be in force untill July 1813, when he will arrive at the Age of twenty one Years — Application from Long Wharft" Proprietors — read, & referred to Monday next — The Committee to examine M"". Tilestons Accounts of Frank- lins Donation Reported that they were correct, that loans had been made to 120 Persons, 68 of whom had now balances of the Sums loaned to them; that there were 1153 Dollars in the hands of the Treasurer & 302 Dollars due, ready to be collected — the choice of a Treasurer referred to Monday next — Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 309 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 28. 1806 — Present Mess""^ : Bullinch, Tileston, May, Kettle, Wright, Porter, Oliver Passed upon Accounts — r309.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 30. l.SUG Present Mess''*: Bulfinch, Tileston, May, Oliver, Porter, Kettle, Wright — Passed upon other Accounts — The Chairman M''. Tileston & M'". Wright a Comm®®. to view Oliver Street to consider the expediency of widening the upper part thereof — M'^. Jonathan Phillips appeared & represented that a number of signs annexed to the Stores in Liberty square, had been injured in the evening by some persons unknown ; he requested in behalf of the neighbourhood, that the Board would take such measures as they should think proper — it was agreed to advertise a reward of 100 Dollars upon conviction of any one who had perpetrated the above mischief — M"". Phillips having agreed that the reward should be paid by the Gentlemen who had received the insult, and whose property' had been injured. — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 7. 1806 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tileston, Wright, Ma}', Porter, M'^o Porter Tileston & Kettle, were desired to confer with the Undertakers of the new Street across the Mill Pond, respecting the necessary openings or Sluices to be left through the Street, for admitting the Waters of the Pond, to the North & East of the Street Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 14. 1806 Present Mess"^* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Hunne- well, May, Wright Kettle, The Comm'''^. to -sdew the street across the mill pond reported their opinion that two openings of 20 feet wide each would be necessary to prevent the accumulation of filth, on the north east side of the street — at this meeting a petition to the same effect was handed by a number of gentlemen living on the borders of the pond — M'. Nichols the Agent for the proprietors of the street was present — Upon examining the grant of the street, by [310.] the General Court, it was found that the undertakers could not be compelled to make any additional openings, but the Select- men recommended it to he done to prevent the fears of the Neighbourhood, and the agent agreed to leave the two openings as desired — 310 (^I'l'Y i)()(;(;MKNT No. 1K*>. .lolin liOwcll l*'.M(j. li:iviiiuildiiioston 'I'heiitr(! in I^'edend Street, for Uk; approl):ition of th;it, liuildiii}^, \o he used for one Ve.-ir from the 1"' d;iy of Sept(!m''. intxt, for th(! purpose of ('xliihitiiifi; Staf^e jilays IntcM'ludes t^C otli(!r 'J'lieat ri(\'il p(!rforni!iiie(!.s — iit IIk" same time M''. Snellin Tilden d John Tileston 1 o Eben«. Oliver j S Jon^. Hunnewell | Joseph Kettle •§ J ^ Passed on List of Inholders & Retailers — Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 319 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Novem''. 12. 180G Present Mess" : Bulfinch, Tilden Tileston, Wright, Kettle, May, Oliver, Mess''^ Porter & Oliver a Comm''®. to view S°. Burying Ground & consider whether any additional number of Tombs may be made & to Report — [321.] M^ Bulfinch & Oliver to have a piece of Brick Wall built «fe new Gates made to the Chapel Burying Ground on School Street- Application for use of N°. Reading School to Morrow Evening for the purpose of delivering an Address l)efore the Library Association — refused on the principle of the public School Houses not being safely or properly appropriated for the use of private persons or Associations — On a representation from the Chairman that several owners of Hackney Carriages had taken out more licenses than they had Carriages for the purpose of altering the numbers to evade the regulation respecting the stand in Liberty Square — the Chairman was directed to notify all such persons to return their supernu- merary Licenses before Saturday next & in case of refusal to inform them that they will be deprived of all their Licenses on Monday & the same advertised in the public papers The Board being informed that workmen were now employed to carry up an additional Story to the Store in State Street owned by M''. William Welch, the Chairman was directed to notify M'". Welch & M"". Ellis the Tenants that the Board having resolved to take down the part of that Building to widen the Street they should consider all expence now laid out upon it at the risque of the Owner ; & should protest against paying any part of it — the Cliairman was also desired to consult Counsel whether immediate possession on the part of the Town could be taken of that part of the Building intended to be taken down & still let the Owner & Occupant be in the use of it during the Winter, and to Report to the Comm*^". on that business — - Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen November 14 1806 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tileston, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Kettle The Chairman represented to the Board, that in pursuance of their directions of the 12*. Ins', he had notified M*". Welch, that the Board protested against paying any part of the expence he was [332.] now going to, upon his Store in State Street — He also stated that he had consulted Counsel, whether possession 320 City Document No. 93. could be taken of the part proposed to be taken down, to prevent the unnecessary expence of the present addition & found that it could not be done The Board after considering the subject determined to lay out & widen the Easterly part of State Street as follows — Begiuiug at the N'^. East corner of the Store of M''. Charles Vose to run a line to the south capsill of the Long Wharff through the Stores of M^ William Welch M"'. Enoch liuse & of M^ Isaac White, & all the portion of said Buildings & of the land on which they stand, which lies north of the above described line to be added to State Street, it being the Judgment of the Selectmen that the safety & convenience of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston require it — And it was unanimously determined that M'. Welchs Store be- ing now uncovered & without a Roof, that the reasons fur delaj^- ing the taking down that Store untill the Spring, did not any longer operate but that Workmen should be immediately employed to take off said Store to the line above described — being nineteen feet on the front and six feet ten inches on the west end — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Novem"". 19''\ 1806 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Hunnewell, Kettle, May, Wright, Porter, Communication received from Sam. Cobb Esq. offering to lay out a street through his land I'^rom Orange Street to Front Street, in exchange for land belonging to the Town near south bridge, — the Chairman was desired to inform M\ Cobb that the Board did not think a street in the situation which he proposed, was so necessary for the publick as to authorise them to make any ex- change of land or to pay any thing therefor — M'. Tilden stated from Jon"'. Harris Esq that he was not yet able to give a deed of the piece of ground offered for the Cata- ract engine house in Milk street ; but was willing that the engine house should be immediately placed thereon, that he would point out the position of it & would procure the deed as soon as pos- sible — the Committee were desired to proceed to have the engine house removed immediately — [323.] Jeremiah Allen Sheriff of the County of Suffolk appeared & presented an order from the Court of Sessions for a Jury of twelve men to [be] drawn from the Box of the Supreme Judicial Court to hear the claim of Jonathan & Luther Ellis for damages for part of the Store of which they are Lessees which has been taken down to widen State Street — the Jury was accord- ingly drawn & their names entered in the record of Juries — Selectmen's Minutes, 1806. 321 The Chairman was desired to procure a survey of Battery March Street from the southerly end of Broad street to India Wharff to be hxid before the Board on Wednesday next — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Nov''. 24. 1806 Present Mess": Bulflnch Tilden, Tileston, Wright Porter, May, Kettle — Passed upon Accounts It being Reported that the Attorney General had offered to the Judges of the Supreme Judicial Court, some ol)jections to the return of Jurors drawn for that Court ; the Chairman M'". Tilden & M"". Oliver were desired to attend the opening of the Court to morrow, to be ready to answer any objections that might be offered with respect to the regular filling of the Boxes, and draw- ing of the Jurors — Passed upon Accounts — Other business done, and various matters discoursed on, but nothing determined, which is proper matter of Record — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov''. 26, 1806 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Tileston Porter, Oliver Hunnewell Wright Kettle- Passed upon other Accounts — Mess*'^ : Bulfinch Oliver & Hunnewell a Committee to contract with some suitable Person to build a front wall to M''. Welch's Store in State Street, on the new line of the Streets, & to direct & superintend the work — Boston ss-: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decent. 3'^ 1806 Present Mess''®: Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston, Hunnewell Wright, May, Kettle, Tilden, [334.] Joseph Rowe Esq applyed for a Paper from the files to be used in Court, being a bill of sale of land at the south battery dated Septem'". 27. 1785 — which was handed to him, to be accountable for the same — Upon a representation from the Fire Wards, that an addition to the number of each company of engine men, would be of public utility, to enable them to appoint persons to have the entire command & use of axes & saws at fires — Voted, that an addition of two persons be made to each engine company, and that the captains be desired to nominate such as shall appear to them suitable for the purpose — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen December 10^ 1806 Present Mess: Bulfinch, Tilden, I'ileston, Hunnewell, Wright, Oliver, 822 City Document No. 93. Jurors drawn for Court of Common Pleas, and entered in the Jury Books ; for January term — The subject of widening Battery JMarch Street, conversed upon no decision made — Further regulations of Hackney Carriages proposed and considered, but no decision as matter of record — Boston ss : At a INIeoting of the Selectmen December 17^''. 1806 Present Bulfinch, Tileston, Kettle, Hunuewell, AVright, Oliver, A Certificate being presented from M''. Amos Binney Secretary to the 2''. Methodist Society, that they had chosen M''. David Clafling Sexton to their Society — at their request he is empowered to act as Funeral Porter In consequence of complaints that have been received Voted, that no driver of an Hackney Carriage shall be allowed to alter the number on any carriage, l)ut that each cairiagt^ may be known & distinguished by the number of the license taken out for the same Voted, that in consideration of the severity of the season all the Hackney Carriages which now stand by the Mall may be allowed to stand in l^iberty Square & Adams Street every Evening after sunset untill further orders — [335.] ]NP'. Oliver was desired to confer with the applicants for widening Battery March Street, to ascertain for what amoinit on the part of the Town, they would undertake to complete that improvement — and to Report — M"". Hunnewell & M''. Wright, were desired to confer with the Abutters on Elm Street to ascertain for what amount paid by the Town, they would undertake to widen the easterly end of that Street thro' M"'. Halls Store, and to Report — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem''. 24. 1806 Present IMess'^ : Bullinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, Hunnewell, Kettle Passed the monthly Accounts — Filled vacancies in the Jury at the Court of Conunon Pleas Acted upon a number of applications for License to retail Spirituous Liquors — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem^ 30"'. 1806 Selectmen's Minutes, 1807. 323 Nothing has been acted upon at this Meeting, which is matter of Record — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 7. 1807 Present Mess""^ : Bultinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, May, Kettle, M"". Clap the Proprietor of Land at S°. Boston made applica- tion for the alteration of a Street which passeth through his Land & interferes with an House built by him before said Street was laid out — After conversing on this subject, it was agreed to notify M''. Bird who is interested in other land bordering on said Street, to appear on Wednesday next with M"". Clap to examine the circumstances of the Street by the Plan A number of Gentlemen appeared who had lately built Stores in Broad Street to request that a number of Lamps may be put up & lighted ill that Street — they were informed of the practice which had become general, that the Abuttors on the Streets should provide lamps, & that if they would furnish such a number as the Board should approve, to be [336.] placed in suitable situations, that they should be lighted, and kept in repair at the expence of the Town — Agreed to meet to morrow evening for the purpose of revising & separating the list for the Jury boxes as directed by a late vote of the Town — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 8"'. 1807 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch Tilden, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Kettle A Venire being received from the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, proceeded to draw thirty Jurors to serve at the same Court at the present term — Commenced the examination of the Jury lists, proceeded thro' the four first wards and adjourned to Monday next 5. o'. Clock — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 12. 1807 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Tileston, Porter, Oliver, Hunne- well, Wright, May, Kettle Continued the selection of the Supreme Court Jury Box through Wards. N°. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 & 10— Adjourned to AVednesday next — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen, Jan>'. 14. 1807 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, Kettle, 324 City Document No. 93. A Committee from the Fire wards presented a copy of regula- tions adopted by that Board to prevent too great a number of Engines & their companies from going to the neighbouring towns in case of fire taking place there, the same committee asked the concurrence of the Selectmen to said regulations M"'. Jonathan Bird & Mess''^ : Clap from South Boston appeared & made particular statements respecting the Streets which Mess""* : Clap apply to have altered — a long discussion took place on this subject, and it was deferred for future decision Proceeded to continue the examination of Jury lists, & went through the selection for Supreme Court Box in Wards 11 & 12 adjourned to Friday the 16"\ Ins^ to meet at five o'. Clock Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen January 16. 1807 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Maj^, Wright, Kettle— [33T.] The Jury list having been once selected, and a sufficient number not being yet obtained for the Su})reme Court Box, the list was now reexamined, and an additional nmnber selected for that purpose to complete the number of 1200 names, — Agreed to divide the lists among the Selectmen, each to select names that may [be] suitable, for the Common Pleas Box — and to Repoi't them for approbation — « Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 23'^ 1807 — Present Mess" : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter Tileston, Oliver, Hunne- well, Wright May Kettle In pursuance of a precept from the Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, inquisition was made into the circumstances of William Hickling mast maker, & return was made that he was incapable of taking care of himself & it was recommended to the Judge that a Guardian be appointed for him Cap*. Joseph Doble was appointed measurer of Wood coming into Town over Charles River Bridge M''. Clap from South Boston again appeared on the subject of the removal of the Street, the discussion of his Claim occupied the Board untill the adjournment — By direction of the Board at the last Meeting the Chairman reported that he had notified the Assessors, that the law required of them a list of the persons qualified to vote in the choice of Gov"". & L*. Governor, to be handed to the Selectmen on the first day of March next ; & that notice was given to them early, that they might take measures to have the list correct — Selectmen's Minutes, 1807^ 325 Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Jan''. 26. 1807 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Tilclen, tileston, Wright- Passed upon Accounts — [328.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Jan^. 31 Mess''": Bulfinch, Porter, Tileston Oliver May, Kettle - - - Passed upon Accounts — The Chairman was desired to apply to Christopher Gore, Samuel Dexter, Charles Jackson Esq to engage them to defend the Towns right to land on Beacon Hill against the claim of the Heirs of the late Governor Hancock — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 4. 1807 Present Mess''® : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston Oliver, Wright, May, Kettle Voted to appropriate 350 Dollars for the purpose of procuring an elegant picture with frame complete of Peter Faneuil Esq — to be placed in a suitable position in Faneuil Hall — M''. AYright was desired to employ M'". Henry Seargeant [Sargent] to paint the same in the best manner & to complete it as soon as possible — M''. Oliver & M'". Wright a Committee to examine the Accounts of the Agents for the enlargement of Faneuil-Hall The Chairman Reported, that he had engaged Christopher Gore & Samuel Dexter Esq to defend the Towns rights to Land on Beacon Hill against the claims of the Heirs of the late Governour Hancock — and that the}' would attend the examina- tion of the Towns papers on that subject as soon as the present Session of the Supreme Court should be at an end — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb''. 9. 1807 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, May, Wright & Kettle — Agreeable to Precept from the Clerk of the Supreme Court — 22 Grand Jurors & 38 Petit Jurors were drawn to serve at the Supreme Court in March next — [329.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 11. 1807 Present Mess'■^• Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Wright ]May, Kettle, A Petition was read from the Upper Class in the Latin School requesting that blinds may be furnished to the westerly 326 City Document No. 93. Windows of that School — agreed to grant the request of the Youths & that M''. Porter be desired to procure the blinds to be made & painted An application was made by John Lowell Esq. that measures might be taken for laving out a Street or passage way to the eastward of his House in School Street, thro.' Land of the Town — whereupon Voted, that the Chairman procure a survey of the land of the Town & County & what land may be between School Street & Court Street — & the Chairman M^ Oliver & M"'. Wright, are a Committee to confer with M"". Lowell upon the subject- Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 18. 1807 — Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Tileston, Oliver Kettle — In pursuance of a precept received from the Hon''^'^. Thomas Dawes Jun"". Esq. .Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, inquisition was made into the circumstances of Elizabeth Allen Widow, & return was made that she was incapable of taking care of herself, & recommend that a Guardian should be appointed for her — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 23'^ 1807 — Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Tileston, Kettle, Oliver, Passed upon Accounts for the month — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 25. 1806 Present Mess''*: Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Tileston, May Kettle. Passed upon other Accounts— M''. Lane one of the Sextons appeared and made a request to the Board that the care of the burying grounds should not be confided to any particular Sextons for their private advantage — but that any emolument which were derived from them, might be added to a fund which they were about to form for the assistance of any [330.] of their number who might be disabled from business or become indigent — the subject referred for consideration ]VP. Brigs has liberty granted him to build a Bakers Oven at his house in Ship street ; provided it be done agreably to law and under the directions of the Fire-wards — The Chairman was desired to advertise to forbid any person taking mud from the Creeks or pond holes on the marshes on the Neck — Selectmen's Minutes, 1807. 327 Warrant issued for Town Meeting, on Monday the 19*'\ of March next, 10. o.' Clock A: M at Faneuil-Hall for the choice of Town OfHcers &°— M''. Newell to print Notifications for March Meeting M'". Porter & M'. Tileston to request D"". Stilliuan to open the March Meeting with prayer^ — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 4. 1807 — Present Mess""* : Bulflnch, Porter, Tileston, Oliver, Wright, May, Hunnewell, The Board had a conference with the Heirs of Governor Hancock respecting their claim to Land on Beacon Hill, they exhibited the original Deed on which their claim is founded — and a general examination of their Claim took place and conversation relative to the subject — It was agreed that it would be necessary to examine Records of a number of Papers to make a general report to the Town at the next Meeting, & ask time for further investigation The application of John Lowell Esq. for a Passage way from School Street on the Eastern Line of his Laud was read & considered, the plan of the ground examined, after much conversation it was agreed, to be not expedient to decide upon the application at present, but to refer it to the Selectmen after the next Town Meeting — M"". George Trott Hay-weigher, having exhibited his accounts to January 1807, they were examined & it appeared that the pro- portion of the Receipts of the Hay Scales which he had received for his services amounted to 629D — 54C & that there was due [331.] to the Town after deducting expences the Sum of 107D — 20 Cents which the Treasurer is directed to receive from him — D''. Stillman being prevented by ill health from opening the Town Meeting on Monday next, with prayer, — The Chairman was desired to request the Rev*^. M''. Eaton to perform that duty Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 11. 1807 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, Wright, Hunne- well, May, Kettle, This being the first Meeting of the Board since the Town Meeting of the 9'. Ins*, for choice of Town Officers, a j^rinted Copy of an "act in addition to the several Acts regulating elections", was read, dated June 24^ 1806 — signed by Perez Morton Speaker of the House of Representatives, and by John Bacon President of the Senate. — Conformably to the 4\ Section 328 City Document No. 93. of said Act an oath was administred by John Gardner Esq. Justice of the Peace to each of the Selectmen present viz^ — To Charles Bultinch, David Tiklen, William Porter, Eben"". Oliver, Jon^ Hunnewell John May, Francis Wright & Joseph Kettle, "that they would faithfully & impartially discharge the duties of their Office respecting all Elections, and the returns thei-eof" — And in conformity to the directions of said Act, I hereby Certify that the said Oath was administred to the Selectmen, previous to their entering upon the execution of their Office — Attest William Cooper. Town Clerk — The Board now came to the choice of a Chairman for the Year ensuing, by ballot; the Votes being taken, it appeared that Charles Bulfinch Esq. was chosen Voted, that each Member of the Board be furnished with a Copy of the latest edition of S. Freemans Town Officer The Chairman M"". Hunnewell & M''. Wright a Committee to view & regulate the Market & Report any improvements of ar- rangem' or otherwise — and to adjust the accounts of the Clerk of the Market [3.33.] On the application of William Porter Esq it is agreed that the Bull Pasture on the Neck shall be let to them for one Year at the rate of thirty Dollars p annum, being the same rent and on the conditions of fencing t'fe'^. as on the last Year — The Chairman communicated to the Board a written apphcation from Stephen Codman & Benjamin Russell in behalf of a number of their Fellow Citizens ; also an application made to him by D^ Charles Jarvis in person in behalf of others of the Inhabitants — requesting the use of Faneul-Hall on the Evening next preceeding the first Monday of April next — The Question was first taken whether the hall should be used for the purposes proposed on that evening which was agreed to — There being two applicants one prior to the other it was considered that this did not give any advantage to either applicant — it was determined to take this vote by ballot, which being done, it appeared that the request of Stephen Codman & others was complied with — - Another Vote was now taken whether Stephen Codman & others being the only applicants in this instance should have the use of the Hall on the 4^ Day of July next, which was unanimously agreed to — M"". Caleb Munroe having produced a certificate from the Committee of the New North religious society, that he had been Selectmen's Minutes, 1807. 329 chosen Sexton to that Society, it was agreed that lie should be appointed one of the Funeral Porters of this Town to conform himself to the Orders of the Board & the stated fees & regulations — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 18. 1807— Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Chapman, Kettle Jonathan Chapman Esq. having taken his seat as a Selectman, the same oath was now administred to him by Justice [333.] Gardner, which was taken by the other members of the board at the last Meeting— The Town Clerk was directed to enter these proceed [ings] on the Town Records Warrant was signed for a Town Meeting for choice of Governor L'. Governor & Senators— the P'. Monday of April next— being the 6^ of said April— M"^. May & M"". Kettle were desired to ask D^ Lothrop to open the Meeting with prayer — M^ Wright appointed a Comm««. to procure Notifications for said Meeting to be printed — The Chairman was desired to insert in the papers the same advertizement which was printed the last year, respecting the list of voters proposed & posted for inspection: also to take measures for the choice of Assistant Assessors on the first Wednesday of April — On the application of the Comm««. of the Board of health, it was ao-reed that the Inhabitants of Ward N°. 5. may meet in the West" School-house & the Inhabitants of Ward N". 11 in the South Writing School, for the choice of Members of the Board of Health for those Wards— M^ Tilden & M^ Hunnewell a Comm''^ to call upon M^ Harris to execute the papers respecting the Lands in Water Street & the Engine house lot in Milk Street — The Chairman was desired to take measures to prevent Boys Servants & others from gaming in the Streets- Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 25. 1807— Present Mess"^^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell May Wright, Chapman, Kettle Mess'« : Oliver Hunnewell & Wright a Comm'^«. to consult with M-". Dexter, & M''. Moreton, respecting the purpose of the Suit 330 City Document No. 93. now pending with Ward Nicholas Boylston Esq Adm''. on the estate of Tliomas Boylston Esq deceased — that the said Comm*'. take all suitable measures to bring said suit to an issue — & that they have power to confer on that subject [334.] with M"". Boyls- ton or his Counsel if they shall think it for the service of the Town to effect a compromise The List of the Votes proposed by the Assessors having been examined & found very incorrect, it was determined to ask the assistance of two Gentlemen in each ward to go through the respective wards to correct the lists — the names of the Gentle- men were agreed to & are on file. — M^ Hunnewell & M"". May a Comm''''. to view the situations of the houses on the north side of Lynn Street, & to direct in which course a Common Sewer shall be dug to drain their waters — Mess''®: Hunnewell AYright & Chapman a Coumi''^. to obtain of the Assessors the number of ratable polls in the several wards also particularly to ascertain the number between the age of 16 & 21 Years— Mess""* : Oliver, Hunnewell & Wright a Comm*^". upon the appli- cation of John Lowell Esq. for a passage way from School Street — to confer with the Comm*^^. of Court of Sessions respecting the probable future appropriation of the Land belonging to the County South of the Jail — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 30. 1807 — Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright Chapman, Kettle, Passed upon Accounts — M"". Chapman was desired to pay attention to the Ladder kept in the wall opposite Concert hall, to have the same properly secured M^ Wright was desired to apply to 3Iess'^ : James & Thomas Lamb, to request of them to import for the use of the Town about 300 feet of Hemp Hose from Holland, of the length & dimentions agreeable to the Eire-wards — The Board came to the choice of a Superintendent of Police for the Current Year by ballot ; the Votes being taken it appeared that Charles Bulfinch Esq. was chosen — The Chainnan M^ Wright & M^ Hunnewell a Committee to consider the su))ject of police & the execution of the By Laws, & to Report a plan for more effectually carrying them into effect — Selectmen's Minutes, 1807. 331 [335.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 8"\ 1807 Present Mess"'^ : BLilfincli, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, May, Hunnewell Chapman Kettle Wright — Mess''® : Hunnewell May & Kettle a Comm*'*'. on the application of M"". Wilkinson for liberty to place steps to a House lately built by him in the Alley leading from Prince Street to North Bennett Street The Chairman & M''. Hunnewell a Committee to confer with M"". Parkman respecting the building which he proposes to erect at the corner of Federal Street & Milk Street — to see what addi- tion ean be made to the Street without injury to the lot — The Chairman M"", Hunnewell & M"". Wright a Committee to meet the Claiments of Land in Beacon Street to examine their Claims & to Report — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 14. 1807— Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Oliver, May Chapman, Wright & Kettle — The present Meeting called in consequence of a venire rec**. from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Jurors — proceeded to draw 28. Jurors for that Court — as will appear entred & posted in the Jury Books — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 15. 1807 — Present Mess" : Bulfinch, Hunnewell, Wright, Oliver, Kettle, Tilden, May, M'. Thomas Briggs laid before the Board the Will of M^ Godfried Kreuger, whereby it appeared that he had left the Poor of the Town of Boston, to be paid to the Selectmen ; one moiety or half part of his Estate ; after the payment of certain debts & legacies. M''. Briggs exhibited his Accounts as Executor to the said Will, which had been settled at the Probate Office, by which it appeared that the amount of 803 Dollars 84 Cents was due to the poor of this Town, under the management of the Selectmen. M'". Briggs then exhibited a Bond to be signed by the Selectmen, to bear him harmless from any future Claims — which was signed by a major part of the Selectmen, being all that was present — ]\F. Briggs then paid to the Chairman a check upon the Bank for [336.] 803D-84C — and communicated a letter from Cap*. Clapham dated at Demarara relative to other property of the late M"". Kruger, and wished the advice of the Board, upon the best mode of obtaining such property from that Country — After M"". Briggs had withdrawn, some discussion took place relative to the disposal of this bequest, how the generous design 332 City Document No. 93. of the Donor mifrht l)e boat carried into effect, & it was agreed U) add it to M'. HrookerM Donation, tiie Interest to be applied annually to the belief of I'oor NVidowH & sick Persons the Check was then handed to M'. Tildcn who with JM'. Oliver was chosen a committee to vest the same in the most productive & safe public funds — M''. Tilden was also desired to exhibit a statement of the Persons holding any pi'operty of M"". Brookers donation, & of the amount, that tlie Board might Judge of the expediency of vesting the same in the public funds — An application from several free black men was made to the Board for advice & assistance relative to the school room in the new meeting house built ])y subsci'iption for the ])lacks — the papers were read & the subject referred for further consideration — The Chnii'man was (U^sired to ciniuire into the circumstances of an application from 1)'. Jennison, who has I'ecovered Judgment for possession of a piece of land near Grove Street, 7.] the width in several parts, it was determint'd to reduce M'. Parkmans Land to 30 feet wide on Milk Street, which will make the entrance to Frederick Street, thirty three feet wide — the said land to continue the same width of .^0 feet, to the southerly side of the House proposed to be built thereon — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen A])ril '2'2'\ 1807 — Present Mess: BuHineh, I'oi-tei', llunnewell, AVright, Chapman, Kettle— A Petition was handed in by a C!onmi'''". from the Owners & Occupants of Stores on Broad Street, praying that measures should be taken for ])aving that Street — after conferring with the Gentlemen, they retired »t M^ Hunnewell & M^ Wright were ai)pointed a Connn'"'. to consider the subject tt Report — Selectmen's Minutes, 1807. 333 The Chairman M"". Hiinnewell & M"". Chapman a Comm«^ to view Poplar Street, with the Proprietors of the Land where the Rope Walks lately stood — to determine what quantity of Earth may be taken from that Street to regulate the descent & level of the same The following divisions of the Town were assigned to the care of the following Gentlemen — All west of Middle & North Streets, from Winnesimit Ferry to Mill Bridge _ - . to M''. Kettle All East of the same, to M^. May - . - to ]\r'. May Wards N°. 6 & 7 to M^ Bulfinch Ward N". 4 & 5 to M'. Chapman N°. 8 - - to M^ Huunewell N°. 9 --------- to M--. Tilden N«. 10 to M^ Wright N°. 11 --------- to M'-. Oliver N". 12 - to M^ Porter Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 27. 1807 — Present Mess"'^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Wright, Chapman, Kettle, Passed on Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 29 1807 — Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, May, Tilden, Chapman, Oliver, Kettle, Wright, Himnewell, Passed upon other Accounts — [338.] The Board came to the choice of two Sealers of "W^eights & Measures according to law, by ballot, & chose M"". Richard Austin for the South District & M''. Timothy Green for the North District of the Town — On the application of Christopher Gore William Paine & M'". Fletcher for liberty to build a number of Tombs on their Land adjoining on the West Wall of the Granary Buryiug Ground, with liberty to enter such Tombs through the Brick Wall — the Chairman M"". Oliver & M'. Chapman were desired to examine the state of the Ground ; to consider the subject & to Report — The former application of the Sextons was agreed to after consideration, that the Pei'quisites & Emoluments arising from the care of the Burying Grounds should be given to them in aid of a Fund for their use — and the following Persons were appointed to the particular care of the Burying Grounds — Viz' Levy Skidmore at the South Ground Allin Locklin at the Granary James Baker at the Chapel Henry Lane at the North Ground 334 City Document No. 93. On the application of the Committee of the Universal Church M''. Comfort Clafin the Sexton of that Society is Ucensed as a Funeral Porter — Warrants issued for Town Meetings on the 13"^. & 14 of May for choice of Representatives — and for transacting the usual affairs of the Town at May Meeting — M"". Spear to have the printing of the Notifications for said Meetings — M'". Kettle to request D''. Eliot to open the Town Meeting with prayer — Upon a representation of the proceedings of M''. Cotton [Cotting] & others laying a drain with Wood in Battery March Street — the Chairman was desired to infoi'm M''. Cottings [Cotton] that the Board would not consent that any part of said Drain should be made [339.] of Wood, & expected that he would immediately order his Workmen to take up the Wood already laid & to build it with Brick & cover with Slate — On the application of Adam Babcock Esq & others that they might have liberty to make use of Faneuil Hall on the Evening preceeding the Election of Representatives — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen May 6*^. 1807 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Hunuewell, Chapman, Kettle, Oliver, May, Wright This time being assigned for the choice of Constables Certifi- cates were read from the Town Treasurer, that all the Constables had accounted & settled with him for the Taxes collected by them — It was Voted to make choice of twelve Constables for the present year — after some consideration of the subject, agreed to proceed to the choice of eleven out of that number, at this Meet- ing The Votes being taken the following persons were chosen, and the persons proposed by them as sureties, were approved — Viz^ Thomas Stevenson — his Sureties Dudlej' Walker Thomas Stevenson Jun''. Amos Lewis Thomas Lewis Joshua Ellis Elisha Copeland Abraham Gibson John Perry Moses Thayer Nath^ Frothingham Samuel Sanger Henry Lane ------ Caleb Whiting Josiah Dan forth Selectmen's Minutes, 1807. 335 Benj=^. B : Leeds Jeremiah Gore Jun'". Beujamiii Bass Jun''. Samuel White Abraham Babcock Ebenez"". Clough Jirah Holbrook Jou^. Merry Eldward Staples Levi Joy Edward Weutworth Joseph Bennet Solomon Twist Moses Gardner Jonas Twist James Sumner = George Homer Thomas Howe [340.] And the Town Clerk is directed not to administer the oath to either of the Constables now chosen untill they shall produce certificates from the Treasurer, that he has executed his bond to him — The Chairman, M"". May, & M''. Chapman a Comm*'*'. to stake out the slip from Lynn Street to the Sea which lies in the direction of Fosters lane, and to procure all the evidence that can be had respecting the Towns right there — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 12. 1807 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell May, Wright, Chapman Kettle On the yesterday the Chairman & several Members of the Board agreeable to advertizement attended to the sale of the Towns land near the South Bridge : a number of the Gentlemen of the Neighbourhood being anxious to have the street leading to the Bridge made wider than has been proposed, the Sale was postponed, for the consideration of any propositions that may be made by the Abutters or others — Mess : Curtis appeared & requested to know the terms on which the Lands near the S°. Bridge & the flatts on the north side of the Bridge were to be sold, making the street 50 feet wide — after consultation, it was agreed to ask the sum of thirteen thousand Dollars, and they were desired to give their answer to morrow 3. o'. Clock — A billet was received from Deacon Brown stating the terms on which he would consent that the south side of that Street should be continued in a straight line from the Bridge to Orange Street through his land — Boston ss : After the business of the Election of Representatives was completed — the Board being together received an answer from [the] Mess'"^ : Curtis wherein they offer 10.000 Dollars for the land & flatts provided the street be continued straight through Deacon Browns Land — 336 City Document No. 93. The Chairman was dh-ectecl to reply, that the Board would accept the sum offered & agreed to the terms of [341.] payment, but on the condition that the street should not go upon Deacon Browns land, but should be wholly taken from the towns land — this was sent & their answer expected to morrow Boston ss : — After the Town Meeting another billet from [the] Mess : Curtis was laid before the Board, deducting 800 Dollars from their former offer in consequence of the street being carried in the direction proposed by the Board — The Chairman was desired to reply that the Board adhered to terms & conditions proposed on the IB'^. Boston ss : At a special Meeting of the Selectmen present — Mess''* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Oliver, Hunnewell Wright, May Chap- man Kettle The Board was summoned to hear the request of the Pro- prietors of India Wharft" that measures should be taken to con- tinue the width of Broad Street through land of JVI'". Tilden — After much conversation agreed to meet on Monday next, 5. o Clock P. M. & M''. Cotton to be desired to attend the meeting. M"". Tilden was also desired to consider the terms on which he would consent to the proposed improvement — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 18. 1807 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Chapman, Kettle M"^. Tilden handed to the Board his proposals to accept the sum of 5000 Dollars for his land necessary to widen Battery March Street— After M^ Tilden & M"'. Cotting had withdrawn— the subject was discussed, but no determination was had whether the Town should pay any proportion of said sum — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 20. 1807 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Wright, May, Chapman Approved of sundry persons to retail spirituous liquors — The Chairman & M^ Chapman a Comm*'*'. to view several Cellar doors making to a new Ijuilding in Devonshire Street & to take measures to prevent their incumbering the foot walk — On application from a great number of persons respecting [343.] the custom of selling horses in State Street, & propos- ing the establishing of a market for horses — the Chairman & M'. Oliver a Comm^^. to consider the subject & report — Selectmen's Minutes, 1807. 337 M"". Porter & M''. Hunnewell a Comm*''^. to view the easterly end of Pleasant Street, to prevent any iueroachment from a Building now preparing to be erected & to consider the best means of discharging the over ground water from that part of the street On the application of Rev'^. D"^. Lothrop & Rev''. D^ Eliot it is agreed that the Clergy shall make use of Faneuil Hall on the Day after the General Election for a public dinner — On application of the Captain of the Anc'. & Honourable Artillery Company, that Company has liberty to use the Hall on their anniversary for a public dinner — An application was received from a large number of the Inhabitants praying that the Board would take measures to widen Battery March Street through M''. Tildens Land at the expence of the Town — several members of the Board being absent, agreed to postpone this business to Friday next 4. o. 'Clock and that absent Members be desired to attend — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 22'*. 1807 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Oliver, May, Hunnewell, Chap- man, Kettle, The Comm^^. chosen to stake out & take possession of the Towns Slip in Lynn Street, running along the east side of Edward H. Robins to the Sea, Reported that they had attended to the business, had heard the representations of several aged persons who had long resided at that pail of the Town & had found no cause to relinquish the Towns right to the slip — & accordingly had staked it out 18 feet wide & had forbid M'". Holbrook & iv. Whitney from trespassing upon it — The Comm*'*^. also measured the land on Lynn Street & found that after measuring the quantity conveyed by the Union Bank to lugersol & from him to Holbrook [and] Whitney of 123 feet, there remained 29 feet 4 Inches, claimed by the Heirs of Benjamin Andrews to the bounds of M^ Alley & from that line 15 feet to Alleys house Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 25. 1807 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Wright, Kettle [343.] Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 26. 1807 — Present Mess'^^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Kettle The Board came to the choice of a Constable to complete the number required for the Year ct chose M". .John Deverell — and 338 City Document No. 93. approved of the Boudsmeu of the past year, to renew their Bonds for the present season — The attention of the Board was occupied by the Report of the Comm*"^. on Poplar Street, who advised that the Abutters should have liberty to dig away & regulate said Street, under certain conditions — this report being considered it was voted to postpone acting thereon, untill next Wednesday four weeks; as the inter- ference of the Selectmen might have an influence on the location of Canal Bridge — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 3*^. 1807 — Present Mess" : Bultinch, Oliver, May, Wright, Chapman, Kettle, Tilden, Hunnewell, Approved of the Indentures of James Powell a Minor to William Dorr Jun''. the term of Apprenticeship to July 4. 1812 — M'". Nattf. Emmes Bell, being recommended by the Comm*^*. of the New Brick society is approved as a Funeral Porter — On a petition from a number of persons chiefly Owners & Residents on the Neck requesting that measures should be taken to remove the Candleworks from the situation at present occupied by that Manufactory — the Chainuan was desired to apply to M^. Thomas Blake Agent to the Proprietors to notify them to remove their works from the Towns Laud as soon as possible — On the application of Michael Homer for liberty to build a number of Tombs on the North side of the Granary Burying Ground — The Chairman M'^. Oliver & M^ Chapman, were desired to view the ground & Report their opinion of the expediency of the measure & the general state of the ground — [344.] John Heard Esq appeared & entered a complaint against the Driver of Hackney Carriage N". 12. Owned by Andrew Morton ; M''. Morton & the Driver were also heard, & after full consideration — Voted, that the Chairman inform M''. Morton that the license for liis Carriage N". 12 — will be sus- pended for one month from INIonday next, unless l)efore that time his Driver shall make such apology & concession to M"". Heard as shall be satisfactor}^ to the Board — The Abutters on the Easterly side of Hancock Street having regulated the side walk and paved the same with Stone & brick — the Chairman has been authorised to have a gutter paved 4^ feet wide along the edge stones — An application being read from the Proprietors of Land in Poplar Street & considered — the Chairman was desired to com- Selectjnien's Minutes, 1807. 339 municate to the Gentlemen the proceedings of the Board on that subject, which was had at the last Meeting — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 10. 1807 Present Mess'* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, May, Wright, Kettle, A number of Jurors drawn to serve at the Court of Common Pleas in July next — A letter was read from John Heard Esq. stating that the driver of Hackney Carriage N°. 12 — having called upon him and regretted his misconduct; he was perfectly satisfied that the complaint should be withdrawn & the license of the Carriage should be restored — whereupon Voted, that the Owner & Driver of said Carriage had compHed with the order of the Board of the 3**. lus^ & that the license should be restored — M''. Parker appeared & entered a complaint against M'". Simons & Fisher the Owners & Joseph Stone the Driver of Hackney Carriage N°. 49, for demanding two Dollars for carrying three Persons to & from the Theatre, & for abusive language, upon his refusal to pay the sum demanded. — The Owner & Driver being also present were heard — ik the parties having withdrawn, it was determined that the hcense of Carriage N°. 49 be suspended for one month, & the same be published in the Papers [345.] Approved of the Indentures of Henry Benneen a Minor of the Age of ten Years a Native of the Sandwich Islands to David Nye of Wareham Mariner, to be in force untill the 1*'. Day of June 1811 — The Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, having at the Town Meeting on Monday 8^^. Ins', impowered the Selectmen to nominate & appoint seven Commissioners to treat & negotiate with the Proprietors of the Mill Pond, as fully expressed in their Vote of that date — The Selectmen proceeded to execute the trust reposed in them by the Town, & after much deliberation, unanimously made choice of the following Gentlemen — William Parsons Esq. Hon'^i^ John Davis Esq Hon'^'*^. William Brown Esq Hon*"^. John Adams Esq • John Jay Esq Red ford AYebster Esq Tristram Barnard Esq and the Chairman was desired to Notify the Gentlemen of the appointment 340 City Document No. 93. The Chairnmii M''. Tildi'ii i^ M''. Wri4(>.] Seei'et:iry ; wherein tiiey state that it was not expedient to prociu'e another engine & give tluur reason fen- tluur opinion iV refer to this Board the right of placing the iMigine lujuses, as they may .Judge for the public benefit it convenieiure — it wns then voted to accept Ihc Kcporf to be put on the lil(M)f mixed pnpers — A letter from William Foster Esq. respecting a p.-issage way between his Wharf it Powers Wharf, was read &, committed to ]\P". 'i'ildeii I'vi iM'. AV light to view TnTnhs whicli tliev intend to build ground to obtain --t-^^.^;^^'^^ J^^^e^ bJe th/ consent of the on their own ^^^^-^ ^^ .^^^^^^^^^^^ obtain a like consent ?rr'th:Con:rho r^Tlbs^oinlng to that wall ; .^ich c^^nLnl shall be expressed in writing & signed bysaid proprietors, & put upon the Town files— -o ^ . At n Afpetino- of the Selectmen Septem^ 23'^ 1807 P.r.rM";'^ Bu'tochrXilden, Porte,-, Oliver, May, Wright, Chapman, Kettle, Jurors drawn for the C. C. & C. C. Pleas, & entred & posted in Jury Books — The Comm-. on the application of Benjamin Wells E^q^^lative ine v^uuiu p^,^,_-/o.,.ppt i-ewrted a state of facts [359. J If it JaTa'eedXt hreonld^ot be allowed to fill „P or cut tSjl mrt o1 said Drain, it haviag become the property of the frsonsX laid t; but that he might have liberty to opeu the Itree" for the purp'ose of boxing his Cellar to prevent the t,de from flowing therein — The Comm-. to view Round lane on the petition for paving that StiS-reT^orted the measure of it to be 675 yards and probable oost 550 dinars, agreed to allow S260-towards pavmg the cele pirt theAbuttors to do the rest & con.plete the side walks — The Chairman & M^ Porter a Comm-. to view the lands & flaus Soufh of the S^. Bridge to ^f e.^i.^ jl-h ^.aj is most suitable for the Engine-house, now standmg on M . Dolls land An application was received from the Citizens in the neighbour- hood of the late Fire in Fish Street, praying for an increase of ?he North Vatch,-the Chairman was desired, to examine into the present state of that watch & to Report— The Board having at several Meetings considered the expe- diency of widening ?he streets near the ruins occasioned by he Kte fi^-e-the sublJct was now resumed & two Petitions from that quart r of the Town were read ; the Board being ^;>^^unced of the Necessity of the measure determined to widen Fish Sti-eet 2^ feet & the LLge to NO. Square 5 feet, Deacon Hunter the owner of one of the fots having expressed in writing his readiness to give Ws land on Fish Street m'. H [Blank] anotli^r of the Propnetors appeared & consented to give his land on Fish Street provided the mssacre to the Square should be widened as proposed— It was C ''reed to -ive seven hundred dollars to D^ Nath'. Smith for so much of his land as should be taken, & the Chairman & 352 City Document No. 93. M''. Chapman were desired to confer with the other proprietors & to ascertain what assistance could be had from the subscriptions of the Neighbourhood — Approved the Indentures of Samuel Scott a Minor to Richard Cope Cordwainer to be in force untill the P'. of Septem''. 1814 [360.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sep*". 28 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, May, Wright, Kettle, Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sep'. 30, 1807 Present Mess^^ : Bulfinch, May, Wright, Chapman, Kettle, Porter, Passed upon other Accounts — An application having been received from Mungo Mackay Esq. dated the 20'^. of May last relative to the compensation which he should be entitled to receive from those persons who have or may hereafter convey Drains into the Drain laid by him from near his dwelling house to West Boston Biidge — The same was referred to the Chairman & M"". Chapman for enquiry — they now Report^^ that the cost of said drain by M'. Mackays Account was 500 D paid by him, besides labour done by his Distill house workmen which he had not charged. That Drains to accommodate 15 Houses, had been laid into the main drain, for 4 of which he had received 10 D. each. The Board having considered this Report Voted, That the owner of each & every house which was accom- modated with a drain into the main drain of M''. Mackay, should pay the sum of 10. D. for each house, whether the drain was laid separately from the houses, or whether they were connected together & entered his drain by one pipe for two or more houses, and that those persons who have made use of said drain be assessed as follows — D H. G. Otis - 1 house - 10. paid Widow Davis - - - - - - 1 - - - - 10— d". J. Ridgway - . . . 1 - . . - 10— d". M: Heard - - - - • - - 1 . . - - 10— d«. Watson Freeman - - - - 1 . . - - 10— Benaijah Brigham - - 2 . - . - 20— Jon*. L. Austin - - - - 1 . . . - 10— Loring Jacobs - - - - - 1 . - . - 10 Silvanus Cray - - - - - 1 . . . - 10 Benjamin Austin • - - 3 . . - - 30— George Otis - - - - - 1 . . . - 10 Jon'*. Thaxter - - - - - 1 . - . - 10— And the said jMungo Mackay is hereby impowered to receive [361.] the above sums & to give discharge therefor — Selectmen's Minutes, 1807. 353 Several persons having made or renewed their apph'cations for Licenses as Auchtioneer, the same was considered, & it was de- termined by vote, that it was not expedient to make any addition to the number of Auchtioneers William Foster Esq. & Son appeared to request liberty to place a flight of plank steps in the passage way leading from Pur- chase Street by the north end of their Store for the accommoda- tion of a Sail Loft in the upper part of the store — Referred to the Chairman M''. Wright & M"". Chapman to view & with liberty to give pennission, if it should not interfere with the public use of the passage — M'". Peck the Agent of the Mill Corporation appeared & ex- hibited the plan of streets proposed to be made in the Mill Pond ; the same was examined & a general conversation ensued on the mode to be preferred in filling the pond — the Board agreed to examine the plan more minutely, & in the meantime authorized M'". Peck to fill Cross Street to the New Street already made, & to begin filling at the bottom of Cole Lane Gouches lane Pitts lane & the passage by M''. Tidds Distill-house^he taking partic- ular care to prevent any obstruction of Drains, & to lay tem- porary additions to the drains imtill the ground should be sufficiently settled for laying permanent common Sewers — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Octo"". 7. 1807 Present Mess"^^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, May, Wright, Hunne- well. Kettle M"^. Wright was requested to procure powder, to have a suffi- cient nmnber of Cartridges made for the general review of the Militia on the 22"^. Ins*.— In consequence of the Salt water having flowed across the Neck at the late high tides, agreed that the new paving be extended one hundred feet farther north & be raised one foot in the centre of the Street — The Chairman & M''. Chapman a Comm*'*'. to have a foot walk [363.] laid out on the westerly side of Court Street, opposite Concert Hall — The Board proceeded to the choice of a Superintend' of the, Lamps for the ensuing season, the Votes being taken M''. Wright was declared to be chosen — Henry J. Thompson applied for license to sweep Chimneys, and produced several recommendations — Agreed that M"'. Vinton, the present Undertaker of that business, should be desired to 854 City Document No. 93. appear at the next Meeting, that the Board might consider the expediency of making any new appointment — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectment Octob''. 14. 1807 Present Mess''* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Kettle, Wright, Chapman, May, Oliver A petition was received from a number of the Abiittors on a new Street leading from Beacon Street to Middlecott Street, & which they have named Bovidoin Street, requesting that a cer- tain piece of land contiguous to the Estate of D : D : Rogers Esq might be added to the Easterly end of said Street, to widen the same ; for which they engage to pay all the expence that should arise — the same was referred to the Chairman M"^. Oliver & M"". Chapman, to confer with the applicants & M"". Rogers — to Report Upon consideration of the difficulty there would be to convey off the water from the north end of Broad Street & the incon- venience that would be experienced there from the ensuing winter — Agreed to have that part of Broad Street paved as far south as Doane Street, the pavers contracting to do the same for 75 Cents p yard — Agreed that the lamps be lighted on Monday Evening next to commence the season & that there be allowed two Dollars to each lighter for cleaning the lamps under his care, previous to lighting — Information having been given that the Latin School continued to be occasionally used of Evenings as a singing school contrary to the vote of the School Committee — the Chairman was desired to inform M''. Bigelow, that it was the wish of the [363.] Board, that the Keys should be kept at his House & that they be delievered to no person for any use of the vSchool-house of an evening — Some Gentlemen of the Board having observed that a quantity of earth had been taken fram the hilly ground at the bottom of the Common & carried into Pleasant Street & the new Streets by the Ropewalks, a debate ensued upon the expediency of using the earth from that situation for any purpose whatsoever — and it was unanimously determined that no earth or gravel be taken in future from the Common for any purpose out of the limits of the Common — and agreed to meet to morrow 5 o Clock at the new street to view & determine what further should be done — absent Members to be notified — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 15. 1807 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden, Porter, Oliver, Wright, Chapman, Kettle, Hunnewell, Selectmen's Minutes, 1807. 355 The Board met agreeable to a vote of yesterdaj^ — they viewed the street at the bottom of the Common leading to West Boston Bridge & agreed that it was uecessaiy that a part of it about 10 feet wide should be raised along by the side of the Rope walks to shut out the high tides — the question was then considered whether the earth from the Common should be used for that pur- pose — and it was Voted that the workmen should dig away the ridges of the Earth between the Marsh & the Hills for the above purpose & to repair the Street the vote being taken all the Gentle- men present were in favour of it except JVF. Hunnewell & M"" Wright Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 21. 1807. Present Bulfinch, Hunnewell, Wright, Oliver, Chapman, Kettle, The Commas, of the Market informed the Board that the addi- tional Stalls were nearly completed at the west end of the Hall the following resolutions were adopted — that for the future no Beef should be sold in any of the Stalls west of the Hall & that y®. Comm®^. be authorised to lease the new stalls for one year at the rate of one Dollar p week for each Stall — the Rent to be paid quarterly to the Town Treasurer — [364.] The Sergeant of Joseph Lorings Company & one from the company of Fusileers, applied for their proportion of powder for their review the 22^. Ins*, they were informed that the Board had directed a sufficient quantity of powder for all the Troops, to be made into Cartrdges, & that the Brigade Quarter Master Maj'. Phillips would deliver them to each Comi)*'. on the field— A precept was received from the Judge of Probates to make enquiry into the circumstances of W. Thomas Downey the same was handed to the Chairman to enquire & Report Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo^ 26. 1807. A : M Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Chapman, Wright Kettle — Additional Jurors drawn for Circuit Court to fill up vacancies, drawn — the same entered on Jury Books &*= Boston ss: At a Meeting of Selectmen Octo"". 26. 1807— P: M Present. Bulfinch Tilden, Oliver, May, Wright, Chapman, Kettle — Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 28. 1807— Present Mess'« : Bulfinch, Porter, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Chapman, Kettle, Oliver Tilden — Passed upon other Accounts — 356 City Document No. 93. In cousequence of a report made of the circumstances of M"". Thomas Downey — return was signed to the Judge of Probate recommending that a Guardian should be appointed for him — A number of the Proprietors of Lands & Houses in Round Lane having agreed to remove their fences for the purpose of straighteuing & widening the street previous to its being paved ; the Comm^*". of that quarter, with the Chairman & JM''. Chapman Reported, tliat they had viewed the Street & thought it highly expedient that the westerly end should also be widened, by set- ting back the fence of M''. Hunt on the north side & the fence of M"". Jenks on the south side — but as neither of these Gentlemen are in Town to be applied to, they have requested M"". Ozias Good- win & Col°. Joseph May to view the situation of the Street, & the land [365.] intended to be taken from each Abutter, that they may be able to give a correct opinion, if any claim for damages should hereafter be made b}^ any of the Parties — The Proprietors of the Candle makers on Boston Neck having applied for a licence to erect a Building for trying Tallow on the rear of the lot owned by M''. Blake the Overseer of the Works ; the situation was viewed by the Chairman & M"^. Porter, who Reported — that it would be convenient for the business ; it was agreed to license the same according to the 1'. section of the law of this Common-wealth passed June 7. 1705 — entitled " an Act for preventing Common Nuisances" — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Novem"". 5. 1807 — Present Mess""* : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, May, Hunnewell, Wright, Chapman, Kettle — The Board was engaged in drawing 22. Grand Jurors and 60 Petit Jurors for the Supreme Judicial Court & four for Circuit Court — the same is entered on the Jury Books — no other business done which was matter of Record — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov"". 11. 1807 Present Mess : Bulfinch, OHver, Hunnewell, May Wright, Kettle,^ Upon the recommendation of a number of the Inhabitants in favor of M"". Joshua Eaton^it was agreed to renew his license as an Auchtioneer — A Communication was received from the Overseers of the poor to inform the Board that M"". Leverett had in presence of witnesses entered upon part of the land on which the Almshouse stands, which he claimed for himself & others as a highway, originally laid out by the Leverett family, & now otherwise appropriated without their consent — Selectmen's Minutes, 1807. 357 The Chairman was desired to hand to H. G. Otis Esq a copy of the orioiual plan of said land & streets togetlier with all copies relatiucr tS the division among y^ heirs of Leverett & the purchase made by the Town & to request him to defend the Towns possession— Also that M^ Otis should be desired to appear & defend the proceedings of the Board at the Supreme Court m the case of William AVelch's Store taken down in State Street— [366.1 Agreed that the Chairman should furnish the Gentlemen living in Somerset place, with a flat stone walk across said place to be laid wherever they should think most convenient & useful — M^ Thatcher the Town Advocate having investigated the title of the Town & the Abutters of the Lane called Dorsetts Alley lead- incT from Court Street to Brattle Square, gave his opinion in Writing thit it was a Town way for Horses & Carriages & that the Abuttors had no right to prevent the passing of Carriages— and that the Town was obliged to keep the same in repair— The Comm'^". of Brattle Street having agreed to give 100 D. towards repairing & paving said Alley with a flat walk in the Centre, it was ag^reed to pay one half of the remaining expence— the Abuttors agreeing to pay the other half — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Novem^ 16. 1807 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Oliver, Porter, Wright, Kettle- Jurors drawn to supply vacancies in the list drawn for Supreme Court, also 6 Jurors drawn for District Court which have been entered in Jury Book — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov"". 18— Present Mess: Bulfinch, Oliver, Chapman, Wright, Kettle— The application of Perkins Nichols for a Town Meeting con- sidered, the determination thereon referred to a special Meeting to Morrow 12. o.' Clock— absent Members to be notified — A special Meeting was called, but a sufficient number did not attend to transact business of such importance [as to be made matter of record] Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Novem^ 25. 1807 —Present Bulfinch, Tilden, Chapman, Oliver, No business transacted, — 358 City Document No. 93. [367.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov'. 30 Present Mess""® : Bulfinch, Chapman, Wright, Kettle, Hunne- ■well, Porter, Oliver, Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Dec''. 2*^. Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Wright, May, Kettle, Oliver, Hunnewell Chapman Approved the Indentures of John Bellingham Palmer a Minor of the age of 18 Years to Cap*. Freeman Atkins, to be in force untill the 20^ of March 1810— M"". Samuel Cartwright was chosen Measurer of AVood coming from the Country, over West Boston Bridge Application heing received from Engine Comp^. N°. 12 — for the enlargement of the Room lately added to their Engine House by the South Bridge — and another application for a Room to be made to the Engine house in Orange Street — after some discussion it was Voted to request the opinion of the Fire-wards, what dimensions would be most suitable for the use of the Engine Companies, to be added to such Engine houses as stand on land owned by the Town, or in such situations as may be considered peiinanent M''. Porter Wright & Hunnewell a Comm'^*'. to look out for situations for the Engine house now on M"^. Mays land in Orange Street, & for that called the Purchase Street Engine. Liberty having been lately given to M"". Haskins to lay a Platform from his Land at the bottom of Rainsford lane to the northerly end of Front Street, subject to be removed whenever the Board should require it — information was given that M'. Haskins in consequence of the above indulgence, had built a fence & inclosed for his own use that part of the Dock which he had planked over — Voted that M"". Haskins be directed to remove the fence immediately onto his own line & leave the Platform open for pubUc use — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen December 16. 1807 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Chapman, Hunnewell, AVright, Tilden, Oliver, [368.] Application was received from ]\F. .John Peck, Agent of the Mill Corporation, requesting that some mode might be adopted to designate the Towois proportion of certain parts of the Mill Pond to enable him to make further progress in filling by sale & otherwise — Selectmen's Minutes, 1807. 359 This subject led to a discussion which occupied the principal part of the time— and it was agreed that the plans of the Pond & the proposed Streets should be handed to the several Members of the Board for examination previous to next Meeting — The Members of the Engine Company in Atkinson Street pre- sented a request for an enlargement of their Engine-house & that it might be removed to the bottom of Summer Street—Agreed to view1:he situation proposed previous to coming to a decision — Boston S9 : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decem'". 23^^ 1807 Present Mess: Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Hunnewell, Wright, Kettle, Oliver, It having been observed that a number of Boys had assembled on the Frog Pond on Sunday last for skating— the Chairman was desired to employ a Constable to attend on the Common to pre- vent such practises in future & to make return of the names of such as should persist in this breach of the Sabbath, for prosecution — M"". Porter was desired to employ workmen to make an addi- tion to the Engine house in Orange Street with a Chimney therein provided M^ May will consent to sell a suitable piece of his land for this purpose, or will lease the Spot on which the house now stands for ten years at the rate of ten dollars p Annum M''. Wright was desired to have a like addition made to the Purchase s'treet Engine house (so called) provided he can obtain a lease of land from the Heirs of Jeftery Richardson on High street on which to place the said Engine house Representation having been made of the necessity of addi- tional measurer of AVood coming over the Neck — M'. Daniel Oliver was chosen for that purpose— Jurors to supply vacancies drawn & entered on Jury Books [369. J Boston ss: Granted by [At a meeting of] the Selectmen Dec'. 28* Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Chapman, Wright, Porter, May, Hunnewell, Kettle Oliver, Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Dec''. 30. 1807 Present Mess: Bulfinch, Tilden, Hunnewell, Wright, Kettle, Chapman, Porter, May, Passed on other Acco*® — 3G0 City Document No. 93. Boston December 30. 1807 — Return T\as made by Deacon Daniel Bates of the expence attending the laying a Common Sewer in Short Street the Account thereof being duly examined by the Selectmen, is by them allowed & an Assessment was made by them & an order of payment was made & delivered Deacon [Bates] as follows — Whereas a drain or common shore has been laid in Short Street conformably to the directions of the Selectmen the whole expence whereof amounts to Three hundred ik sixty one dollars & such expence is to be borne by such person or persons whose Drains enter therein and receive benefit thereby in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of said town or by the major part of them who are empowered by law to apportion the same Therefore we the subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby certify that having considered the same expence by whom it ought to be paid Z>o Adjudge that the same shall be paid in the proportion following & by the persons hereafter named — Viz'. — Jarvis & Howland being the proportion agreed to be paid by Comm''''. of Short Street thro'. Wallaces Garden - - - ~t^ ii 69 — Jonathan Hunnewell - - 1 Share - - 13 ,, 10 David Bates - - - - - 2 - - - - 36 ,, 20 F. Tufts 1 - - - - 18 ,, 10 S. Francis 1 - - - - 18 ,, 10 J. Trask 1 - - - - 18 ,, 10 M^ Welles 1 - - - - 18 ,, 10 L. Ludden 2 - - - - 36 ,, 20 J. Shed 1 - - - - 18 ,, 10 Callender & Jenkins - - 2 - - - - 36 ,, 20 [370.] James H. Foster - - - 1 Drain - - 18 ,, 10 Estate of Thom«. Bradlee - 1 ditto - - 18 ,, 10 Estate of Hannah Row - 1 ditto - - 18 ,, 10 Thomas Hearsay - - - 1 ditto - - 18 ,, 10 And we hereby appoint Thomas Hearsey to demand & receive the same from the persons above named & to give discharges therefor — Charles Bulfinch ^ David Tilden William Porter JoN-*^. Hunnewell . Fr. Wright "^ , •JoNA. Chapman John May Joseph Kettle J Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan>'. 4. 1808 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Kettle, Tilden, OUver, Hunnewell, INIay, Wright Chapman I Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 361 This Meetina; was called to consider the plans of Streets in Mill Pond & to'' adopt measures to enable the Mill corporation to proceed to till the Pond— The plans were exhibited & examined & various improvements & alterations suggested the subject was generally considered, but no decision had thereon. The Board being informed that an English Vessell was to sail on the Morrow for Grenoch ; the Chairman was desired to write to the Hon'^^^ James Bowdoin Esq. now in London to request him to secure such additional depositions in the suit of the Town against Ward. N. Boylston as appears deficient in the papers lately received from M^ Stackpole— Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 6. 1808 Mess™: Bulfinch Hunnewell Kettle, Wright, Chapman, May, Oliver, [371.1 Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Jan^. 13*. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Hunnewell, Wright, Chapman, Kettle, Oliver May At the last Meeting Mess""' : Bulfinch Hunnewell & Chapman a Committee to examine into the state of the Town Watch and to Report to the Board— to suggest what alteration or addition may be necessary — The Mill Pond again under consideration, various plans were examined, but nothing decided upon An application was received signed by a number of Sailors stating their embarrassed situation in consequence of the Embargo & praying for relief & assistance — This Petition was handed in by M'. John White the first who had signed it, he was questioned on the subject of it & respecting the other persons whose names were on the paper— after consid- ering the said petition it appeared to the Board that a large pro- portion of the applicants were not subjects of this Town or State ; and the Chairman was desired to endorse the petition to our Representatives in the General Court to be laid before the Legislature — The Pond Street Corporation having petitioned the Legislature for a continuance of time, to complete that Street— The Chairman M"". Tilden & M^ Wright were desired to attend the Comm<^^ of the General Court to^^hom the same was committed & to lay before them the plans of the Mill Pond & to state the embarrass- ments which have arisen in consequence of the new Pond Street & in case a continuance of time should be gi'anted to endeavour 362 City Document No. 93. to obtain a condition in the Resolve that the Street Corporation should be under obligation to complete it in the time allowed without expence to the Town Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 15. 1808 Present Moss""^ : Bulfinch Tilden Oliver Huunewell Wright Chap- man Kettle — This Meeting was called to meet a Comm''''. of the Gen^ Court upon the subject of the petition of the Sailors for relief — [372.] By desire of the Courts Comm®''. a number of the Sailors attended & answered to such enquiries as were made to them ; the Comm''*'. informed them that they would attend to their application & recommended them to conduct themselves quietly & not to assemble in great numbers in the Streets — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 20. 1808 — Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Oliver Wright May Chapman Kettle- Two of the Sailors who had presented the Petition to the Board for relief appeared & were informed that their petition had been presented to the General Court but that they had returned it without making any provision for them — They were then advised to behave quietly & not to assemble in numbers, but in case of suffering any distress to apply to the Overseers of the Poor for relief — The Chairman was desired to publish an abstract of the laws relating to the measuring & sale of Wood brought into town by land & the names of the measurers — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^'. 25, 1808 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, May, Wright, Kettle, Chapman, Passed Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 7. 1808 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Chapman Porter, Kettle, Maj', Oliver, Hunnewell Wright — Passed upon other Accounts — Agreed to pay M"". Edward Bell for Land taken from his lot in Fish Street for the purpose of widening the Street the sum of one hundred & ten dollars, he to give a deed of his land to the Town & an obligation to remove the Wooden Building now on the land — upon the P*. day of May next — Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 363 M''. David Bradley appeared to request of the Board that the Scales in front of the 8tore owned by him at the "NV^est end of the Market should be allowed to remain having been in their present position for 13 Years & the house having- been leased to the [3*73.] present occupant with that privilege — the subject was fully considered & agreed to suspend taking away those Scales for the present — The Committee of the Market directed to make a final arange- ment of the rent of the Stalls inside Faneuil Hall, and to con- sider whether any place on the Towns land could be appropriated for a set of Scales, the income for weighing in which should be for the benefit of the Town — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen February 3'^ 1808 Present Mess"^*. Bulfinch, May, Kettle, Oliver, Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb^. 10. 1808 Present Mess'"^ : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, May, Kettle Return was made of the expence of paving Round Street which amounted to 782 Dollars after deducting what had been allowed by the Board — This Sum was proportioned upon the several Owners & Abutters on the Street as by papers on file of mixed papers — Passed upon a number of Licenses for Sale of Spirits M'. Cotting appeared & renewed his application for compensa- tion for land taken to widen Battery March Street from the Land he purchased of David Tilden Esq. — after some conversation it was agreed to assign next Wednesday for the considei'ation of this subject & absent Members to be notified of the same — Return was made by John Amory Esq. of the Expence attend- ing the opening & relaying the Common Sewer in Fitches Lane towards Sudbury Street ; the account thereof being duly exam- ined by the Selectmen an order of payment was made out & delivered to the aforesaid John Amory Esq. which is as follows — Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer in Fitches Lane at West Boston & continued from thence towards Sudbury Street has been laid conformably to the direction of the Selectmen — [374.] the whole expence whereof accord- ing to the accounts laid before & examined by us amounts to Four hundred & seven Dollars & thirty four cents, and as such expence is to be borne by such person or persons whose Drains enter into said Common Sewer & receive benefit thereby in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of said Town or the major part of them, who are empowered by law to apportion 364 City Document No. 93. the same — The said John Amory having agreable to law notified all the concerned before he had proceeded on the business, & the objections that had been made having been considered Therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby Certitie that having considered the said Expence & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid Do Adjudge that the same should be paid in the proportion following & by the Persons hereafter named viz^ — Stephen Codman - - - - 2 Houses - - $54 ,, 32 M''^ : Carter - 1 house - 2 shares - - 54 ,, 32 D^ Carin 1 House - - 27 ,, 16 Estate of John M'. lain - - 1 House - - 27 ,, 16 John Amory ----- 6 Houses - - 162 ,, 96 S. & N. Appleton . - - 3 Shares - - 81 ,, 48 $407 ,, 40 ^ ° And we do hereby Authorise & empower the said John Amory to Collect the same, and to give discharges therefor — >, a Charles Bulfinch ' - David Tilden William Porter Ebenezer Oliver John May — John Kettle Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen February 17. 1808 — Present Mess'*: Bulfinch, Porter, Hunnewell, May, Chapman Kettle, Oliver, Grand Jurors & Petit Jurors for G. & C. Court drawn & entred [in] Jury Books — On the application of M"". David Jones the Board consented to license him as an Auchtioneer to carry on the business at the Office on the North side of the Market occupied by M"". John Jones who retires from the business in consequence of ill health — The Town Clerk is directed to give a Certificate to M"". David Jones upon the former Certificate to John Jones being delivered to [by] him & cancelled — [375.] This time being assigned for considering the applica- tion of M''. Uriah Cotton for land thrown into Battery March Street from the Estate purchased by him & others from David Tilden Esq. — the papers were read & the subject fully considered •when it was voted that the Chairman be instructed to inform M''. Cotting that the Board will allow three thousand Dollars for the Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 365 land added to Battery March Street ; & that the Treasurer be directed to oive his note therefor payable in twelve months upon M^ Cotton & his Associates giving the Town a deed of all the lauds added by them to Battery IMarch Street & the Cross Streets laid out by them from that Street to India Street & engagmg to level the said Streets with Gravel to the satisfaction of the Selectmen M''. George Trott presented his account of the [proceeds of the] Hav Scales the present Year which w^as examined & approved aud the Treasm-er directed to settle said accounts upon his receiv- ing the ballauce of One hundred & forty three dollars in full to the 1^ of January last Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feh\ 24. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, May, Chapman, Kettle, M^" Eleazer Homer produced a subscription paper wherein a number of Gentlemen engage to maintain an addioual Watch of 5 Men for two months for the security of the Houses & property in Fish Street & Ship Street — Voted that the persons so employed as watchmen under the direction of John Kemp the Constable of said Watch, be vested with the powers of Watchmen according to law & that M\ Low the Constable of the North Watch be directed to give them all the aid in his power to promote the object of the Gentlemen who have subscribed & the security of the Town- Plans of the Mill Pond Street under consideration- Voted that M'". Bulfinch Hunnewell & Chapman be a Comm''^ to arange a plan of the pond with Streets & Market Square & to confer with M''. Peck the Agent of the pond corporation for the final adoption of such a plan as shall be agreeable to all parties— [376.1 Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Feb^. 29. 1808 Present Mess: Bulfinch, Tilden, Chapman, Kettle Porter, Hunnewell Passed upon Accounts — Voted, that the Treasurer be desired to give his note for $700 —to D^ 'Nathaniel Smith or his legal representatives for the land taken to widen Fish Street & the entrance of the North square- also to give a note to M^ Thomas Curtis for 475 for his Land taken for the same purpose ; being from both Estates 2 J feet m width on Fish Street & five feet wide on the entrance to the Square — 366 City Document No. 93. Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 2'*. 1808 Present Mess" : Bultinch Tilden, Porter, OKver, Chapman, Kettle- Passed upon other Accounts — Warrant issued for Town Meeting on Monday the 14'. Day of March Ins*, at Faneuil Hall 10 o'. Clock A : M : for the choice of Town Otlicers &^— Mess" : OUver & Munroe to have the printing of the Notifica- tions for March Meeting — Rev*^. D'. Eckley to be called upon by the Chairman to request his opening the Town Meeting with prayer The Assessors handed to the Board a list of qualified Voters according to Law — M''. Snelling was present & stated that the Assessors had taken great pains to make the list correct — The Lists having been examined by the several Members present, it was ordei-ed that they be printed part of them by Belcher & Armstrong & the remainder by Snelling & Simons — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 9. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Tilden, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell Chapman, May, Kettle Return was made by Jon*. Hunnewell Esq of the expence of repairing and now laying the Drain in Pecks Lane, [377.] Account whereoff being duly examined by the Selectmen was by them allowed, they being informed at the same time that all Persons concerned in said Drain had been duly warned according to law — the objections that were entered having been considered. Assessments were made thereon, an Order of payment was made thereon by the Selectmen and delivered to M^ Moses Thayer for a Collection as follows — AVhereas a Drain or Common Shore in Pecks Lane has been relaid & repaired conformably to the direction of the Selectmen the whole Expence whereof amounts to One hundred & fifty Dollars, which expence is to be borne by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter therein & receive benefit thereby ; Therefore we the Su1)scribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby Certifie that having considered the same expence & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid — Do Adjudge that the same should be paid in the proportion following, and by the Persons hereafter named Dollars William Boardman - - - - 1 Share - - - 1 7 Joseph Russell (or Otis) - - 2 d° - - - - 34 John Louis Id*' - - - - 17— Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 367 Dollars Joii''^. Hunnewell 1 Share - - - 17 AYilliam White ----- 1 d° - - - - 17 James Morse Id** ----17 M'-. Corbet 1 d" - - - - 17 John May 1 d° - - - - 17 9— And we hereby appoint M"^. Moses Thayer to demand and receive the same from the Persons before named, and to give discharges therefor — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 9 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch Tilden Porter Oliver Hunnewell Chapman May Kettle Exchanged with Jonathan Harris Esq the papers relative to the Water Course in Water Street viz*. Delivered him a Deed of said Water Course & received from him an Instrument by which he engages to keep a C!ommon Sewer under his new Buildings in Water Street in repair for evei* — also a Deed [378.] of a peice of Land in Milk Street on which the Cataract Engine house stands — Approved the Indentures of Francis Attole a Minor to Louis Le Grand Barber, to continue in force uutill the 10. of Septem''. 1815— Boston 88 : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 16 1808 — Present Mess''* : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Kettle, Chapman, This being the first Meeting of the Board since the Town Meeting for choice of Town Officers, the Members present took the Oath prescribed by Law before John Gardner Esq. Justice of the Peace. — The Board then proceeded to the choice of a Chairman by ballot ; the Votes being taken, Charles Bulfinch Esq. was declared to be chosen — The Chairman was desired to insert in the papers the same advertizement which was printed last Year respecting the list of Voters posted for inspection — also to take measures for the choice of Assistant Assessors on the first Wednesday of April next — On the application of a number of Gentlemen handed in by Benjamin Russell Esq. Liberty was granted them to make use of Faneuil Hall on the Evening previous to the first Monday in April next — 368 City Document No. 93. Cap'. Pnrkets Compy. have liberty to make use of the Military hall on Friday Evenings in the fortnight to commence from Friday next : also to take possession of any one of the Armories not yet appropriated to deposit Arms &*" — M''. Hunnewell & W. Chapman a Comm*''". to view a Stable in Sudbury Street belonging to the Estate of Eben^' Storer Esq. Cyril Lee applies for liberty to use as a Livery Stable — M'". Chairman Porter & Oliver a Comm'^®. to view the East end of Pleasant Street, to prevent any encroachment from y*". Build- ing now placing there, & to endeavour to straighten that part of the Street — [379.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen March 23''. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch Porter, Chapman, Hunnewell, Wright May, Francis Wright Esq was sworn according to law by John Gardner Esq. previous to taking his seat at the Board — A pe[ti]tion was presented signed by all the Abuttors on Pleasant Street, requesting that measures should be taken for paving that Street — The Comm*^^. appointed to view Pleasant Street at the last Meeting were desired to measure the same & to enquire into the state of the drains & common sewers — also to consider whether any mode can be adopted to obtain gravel from Fox hill for the repair of streets — A Petition from a number of the Inhabitants of the North part of the Town requesting that the Bell of the North Church should be rang at the usual hours was referred for consideration — A remonstrance from Gentlemen liordering on Dock Square against the nuisance occasioned by fisherman & others, blowing horns & trumpets was committed to the Chairman Warrant was signed for the Town Meeting for choice of Gov- ernor & Senators — on Monday the 4'. of April next — The Chairman & M"". Porter desired to call upon Rev*'. M^ Clay to request him to open the Meeting with prayer Pursuant to a venire from the Clerk of Common pleas 28 Jurors were drawn for that Court & the Meeting Adjourned to the 30*'\ Ins*, to fill such vacancies as should occur — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen March 28^ 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch Porter Hunnewell May Chapman Wright, Webb, Foster, Passed on Accounts. — Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 369 M'". Nathan Webb & M"". Joseph Foster having been chosen at the Town Meeting this Day to fill the vacancies at the Board of Selectmen, they now took their places and the oath was adnain- istered to them according to law by John Gardner Esq [380.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen ^Nlarch 30 [1808] Present Mess: Bulfinch Porter, May, Webb, Foster, Hunnewell, Chapman, Wright, Passed npon other Accounts — On the petition from the persons resident in Sea Street, Voted, that one hundred dollars be allowed in addition to the sums raised by the applicants for gravelling that street ; the work to be done under the direction of M"". Hunnewell and to the acceptance of the Board — The Comni'^''. chosen to view the Stable in Sudbury Street Reported that it was not expedient to licence the same as a Livery Stable — the Report was accepted — The following Divisions of Committees was agreed upon M''. Webb, to have charge of that part of the Town west of Middle & North Streets to Milk Creek — M"^. May, all East of the same Streets — M"-. Bulfinch, Wards N°. 6 .& 7— M^ Chapman, Wards N^ 4 & 5 M^ Hunnewell - - Ward N°. 8— M'. Wright - - - Ward N°. 9— M"". Foster - - - Ward N". 10— M^ Oliver - - - Ward N°. 1 1— M^ Porter - - - Ward N°. 12— Mess""^ : Bulfinch, Porter & Hunnewell a Committee on the Neck — Mess : Oliver Hunnewell & Foster a Comni^^. for the Common The Chairman M'^. Hunnewell & M^". Foster a Comm*^*' to con- sider the subject of the Market, generally, for the establishment of Rents, regulation of Carts & Scales — to Report this day fort- night, previous to choice of Clerk of the Market — M''. Chapman was requested to make inquiry of the Sheriffs respecting the Constables during the past Year Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 13. 1808 — Present Mess''*: Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Wright, Chapman, Hunnewell, Webb, Foster — 370 City Document No. 93. [381.] On the application of Capt. Thomas Howe it is ordered that IM'^o Burbeck deliver him 2)Sf pounds of powder, being the quantity which the Fusileer Company was entitled to, at the last public training, but which was not then delivered to them — The Plan of Mill Pond Streets under consideration — the board discussed the subject generally & agreed to meet on Saturday next 10. O Clock to view Back Street & the passage way leading therefrom to determine from, which, of them Cross Streets should be laid to Pond Street — Market arangements were also discussed & the Comm^*^ was directed to Report at next Meeting — A number of Licenses for retailers acted upon and allowed — • Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 20. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Wright, Chapman, Hunnewell, OUver, Webb, Foster, The Comm*"'. to consider the arangements to he adopted for the Market reported at length, which was read & amended & then accepted — The Board came to the choice of a Clerk of the Market to commence the business on the 1'. of May — the applications being read, the Votes were taken, when M'. Nathaniel Meriam was unanimously chosen — A number of Gentlemen who occupy Stores in Broad Street applied to request that measures should be taken to forward the paving that Street as soon as the season would permit — the Chairman was desired to advertize for proposals for supplying paving Stones & Gravel, — On the application of proprietors of Land in Chestnut Street for liberty to lay a common sewer & requesting that legal measures should be taken to apportion the expences upon such persons as should enter the same with drains in future — Agreed that such drain be laid with brick & covered with slate in all parts where the Salt water does not flow into it — & that upon the proprietors making a return of the expences the Board would apportion the same to the present & future proprietors — [383.] An application was received for a pound to be built at South Boston, also for another on the Neck — referred for consideration to the Neck Committee — Approved of the Indentures of Andrew Donnaldson a Minor & Forreigner to William Wyman, Leather Dresser to continue in force untill the 6K of August 1814— Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 371 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 25. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 27'. 1808 Present Mess^'^ : Bulfinch, Chapman, Wright, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Porter Passed upon Accounts — The permanent Assessors, had their oath of Office administred to them by the Town Clerk — The Board came to the choice of two Sealers of weights & measures, and M''. Richard Austin was chosen for the southern district, and M''. Timothy Green for the northern district — Warrant issued for Town Meetings on the 11"\ & 12"\ of May next, for choice of Representatives, and for transacting the usual business of the Town at May Meeting — M'. True to have the printing of the Notifications for May Meetings M'". Chairman & M''. Chapman appointed to apply to M'". Buck- minster & to request him to open the Towm Meeting with prayer — The Chairman presented such Members of the Board as are present with a Copy of the new Jury law, — that they might pre- pare for the duties assigned them — A new plan of Mill Pond Streets was presented by the Chair- man — which was approved and directed to be handed to the Agent of the Mill Corporation for their consent and concurrence — [383.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 4. 1808 Present Mess^* : Bulfinch, Oliver, May, Chapman, Porter, Webb, Foster, Wright, Applications for the Office of Constable were open'd & the Names of their Sureties i-ead— after some consideration Voted, to postpone the choice untill the 18"'. Ins^ — The subject of an improved organization of the Police estab- lishment was considered, when it was proposed that two Assist- ants be chosen for two separate Districts of this Town — this subject was referred for decision unto the nest INIeeting — 372 City Document No. 93. The remainder of the time was occupied in inspecting the lists of qualified Voters preparatory to making new lists for Jury Boxes according to the late law of the General Court — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 19. 1808 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Porter, May, Wright, Chapman, Foster, Webb, Hunnewell, This time being Assigned for the choice of Constables, the following Persons were declared to be chosen — The Town Clerk was directed not to administer the Oath of Otlice unto any one untill he shall have brought a Certificate fi'om the Town Treasurer that he had duly executed his Bond — Constables Thomas Stevenson sworn. Sureties — Dudley Walker Thom^. Stevenson Jun"". Amos Lewis - (sworn) Thomas Lewis Joshua P^llis EHsha Copeland .... John Perry John Gibson Henry Lane - (sworn) Caleb Whiting Josiah Danforth Moses Thayer Nath'. Frothingham Samuel Sanger Levy Joy ..-.-.- [384.] John Deverell - (sworn) - Joseph Batson WiUiam AVhall Jirah Holbrook Jon"^. Merry Edward Staples Samuel White William Babeock John Badger Solomon Twist . - - - . Moses Gardner Jonas Twist James Sumner James Ridgway Tllom^ W. Sumner William Brooks (sworn) - Timothy Fuller John Amory James Perkins . (sworn) - Timothy Green James Williams — see other side 1 more The Board having determined to come to the choice of a Super- intendent of Police & two Assistants, the Votes were taken, & C'harles Bulfinch Esq was chosen Superintendent for the Year ensuing — John W. Folsom was chosen Assistant for North Division & M''. Jeremiah Bridge for the South Division of the Town — The South division to include the Long Wharff, State Street Court Street, & all to the South of those Streets — the North Division to include all to the North of the above named Streets — Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 373 M''. Wright & ^F. Foster a Comm'*. to confer with the Counsel employed in the Suit against W. N. Boylston Esq & to consider what further measures should be adopted to enforce the Towns Claims against him — Agreed that M''. Wright should direct Workmen to lay a walk of tlatt Stones cross the westerly end of Bury Street to Join the foot walk on each side in Federal Street The Committee on the Mill Pond Reported a plan of Streets & conditions to be offered to the Mill Corporation — the Chairman was directed to hand the same in to the Agent of the Corpora- tion — [385.] M^ B. B. Leeds appeared to answer some charges that had been made against him as a Constable & produced a number of recommendations & certificates in his favour — M''. Leeds having been heard & the Board being satisfied with respect to his conduct, it was voted that he be continued a Constable for the ensuing year — his Bondsmen (sworn) Jeremiah Gore Samuel liabcock — A number of papers were read, lately received from the Assignes of Thomas Boylston Esq. relative to his affairs & the Towns future claims upon the residue of his property — the papers were handed to M''. Wright & M'". Foster, the Committee on that subject, to confer with our Council thereon — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 30. 1808 — ■ Present Mess : Bulfinch, Wright, Porter, Webb, Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 1. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Wright, Porter, Foster, May, Oliver, Webb, Passed upon other Accounts A list of Applicants for Licenses to sell Spirituous liquors was acted upon — M^. Benoit who has opened a Shop at the head of the Mall for Confectionery — applied for license, but was refused, & the Chair- man was desired to notify him of the law which forbids the sale of any articles on the Sabbath — and to prosecute him if he con- tinue to upon his Shop on that day — M"". James Vila applies for license to keep a Livery Stable back of his house in Court Street — M'^. Hunnewell & M''. Chap- man a Committee to view the place & report — 374 ' City Document No. 93, On the application of M^ Godfrey for compensation for land taken to widen Fisli Street, & of M^ Prince Snow relative to the intentions of the Board to widen that Street in future the [38(3.] Chairman M'. Wright & M^ JNIay were appointed a Comm'^^ to confer with the Applicants & Report — Agreed to build a Pound at S°. Boston, the expenee not to exceed 40 Dollars — and the Proprietors agreeing to provide a suitable place for it, free of expenee to the Town — M''. Samuel Prince was approved as an Auchtioueer The Board made choice of Andrew Ritchie Jun''. Esq. to deliver an oration on the 4'. of July next, being the Anniversary of American Independence — the Chairman was directed to Notify him of the choice — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 8'. 1808 Present Mess: Bulfinch, Wright, Oliver, INIay, Webb, Jurors drawn for the Supreme Court, District Court & Court of Common Pleas all of which are entered in Jury Books — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 15"\ 1808 Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Webb, Chapman, The Chairman M^ Wright & M"". Oliver, a Committee to make arangements for the celebration of the 4^ of July next — and to wait on the Governour to request the Company of the Supreme Executive at the Town Oration — The Board came to the choice of a Chaplain to perform the Religous services on that day ; and the Rev**. D^ Eliot was unanimously chosen — the above named Committee was desired to inform him of the choice — . Upon consideration of the proper disposal of the sum Voted by the Town for the Streets the ensuing season, it was agreed that the amount hereafter named should be appropriated as follows — For regulating & paving Pleasant Street - - - $1500 — for ditto & paving Broad Street 3500 — Short Street - - - - 400— Rainsford Lane - - - 550 — ■ Bromfields Lane - - - 300 — $6250— [387.] And for the inspection & direction of the work in said Streets — Voted, that M"". Oliver l)e Joined with M"". Porter for Pleasant Street — For d^ - - d*'. for d°. - - d«. for d°. - - d°. Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 375 That ISU. Oliver & Hunnewell be a Committee for Short Street & Rainsford Lane — M"". Bulfinch & M^ Foster, for Bromfields Lane, and IVP. Hunnewell & M"". Chapman & M''. Wright be a Committee for Broad Street, and that they apply to the Proprietors of India Street for liberty to land the paving Stones for Broad Street on their Wharff free of expence to the Town, & that this be con- sidered the condition on which the Board consent to pave that Street — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 22*^. LS08 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Hunnewell, May Wright, Chap- man, Webb, Foster, Jurors drawn to supply vacancies in the lists of such Persons as were absent from Town & entred in Jur}' Books — A Communication was received from the Agent of the Mill Corporation proposing several alterations of the conditions last proposed by the Board which are on file — the same was con- sidered, & a vote was taken on each article, when it was deter- mined to adhere to the former proposals & the Chairman was requested to communicate the above — The Act of the Legislature was read, empowering the Pond street Corporation to reduce that Street to 45 feet wide, also M"". Pecks proposal to exchange with Perkins Nichols thirty thousand feet of land not filled up, on the south side of Pond Street for that portion of the said Street allowed by the Court to be deducted from it. Voted to agree to the above exchange & to convey to Perkins Nichols one eighth part of said 33000 feet when the Street shall be compleated from Hanover Street to Charles River Bridge and upon the Pond street Corporation releasing by Deed to the Town one eighth of the land taken from the north side of the Street — the whole to be done within the time last allowed by the Legisla- ture. The new Lists for the Jury Boxes were examined and revised previous to being laid before the Town at the next Meeting on the 27 In&t— [388.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 27^ Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch Porter Hunnewell May Wright Webb. Passed upon Accounts — 376 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 29. 1808 Present Mess'* : Bulfincb, Porter, Wright Hunnewell Chapman, Passed upon Accounts — Eev**. D''. Eliot who was invited to perform the religious ser- vices of the 4'. of July, being absent from Town, it was Voted the Chairman apply to Rev^. M''. Lowell to request him to offi- ciate on that occasion — Ordered that the Sextons be notified to ring the Bells of all the places of worship in the Town on the Morning of the 4^ of July — for one hour, to commence at 6. o'. Clock — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 7. 1808 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Wright, May, Webb, Porter, Foster, — On an application from the Cap*, of the North Watch CoP. May was requested to look out a more suitable place for a Watch House in that part of the Town The Chairman was desired to take Measures for having the Drain cleared & repaired from Common Street across the Mall &*" — Upon considering the application of M''. Oden & others in Hanover Street for liberty to lay a new Common Sewer hi that Street, and having heai'd the Workmens statement of the present situation of the Drains, liberty is granted as requested — Voted, to agree to the request of Thomas Dennie & others, that Temple Street should be regulated & crown'd with Gravel, on condition that the Abuttors first set a range of curb Stones on each side & gravel the side walks — M''. Wright was desired to apply to Capen & Drake to furnish the usual quantity of Wood to the Schools at the rate of four Dollars p Cord — The following named persons were approved as Auctioneers for the Year ensuing — Viz*^. — [389.] Samuel Clap Wilham Dehone Thomas K. Jones Silas Field Samuel Bradford Richard Edwards Robert Gardner William Leveret John Perkins John Kennedy Thomas Clark John Jutau John W. Quincy Benjamin Sweetser William Alline Appleton Prentice Azor G. Archbold George Carter Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 377 Daniel Wild Elisha Field Samuel Blagge Samuel Pipe Jun"". Nathaniel P. Hews George Burroughs Jun"". Benjamin Tucker Amos Lewis Jun"". Lewis Hayt Jonathan Allen Cornelius Coolidge Benjamin Pollard Samuel Bridge Francis Wright Jun"^. Joseph Ripley Joshua Eaton Caleb Hayward Samuel Prince Stoddard Capen John A. Parkman Philip Amadon George Spooner Mem*^. 1 more July 27 — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 13"'. 1808 Present Mess"^* : Bulfinch, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright Chapman, Webb, Foster, The Chairman presented the form of an Indenture between the Agent of the Mill Corporation & the vSelectmen relative to the adoption of Streets in the Mill Pond & the location of the Acre assign 'd for public use — which Indenture had been prepared & agreed upon by the Counsel employed by both parties — the same having been repeatedly read and some corrections made — the Chainnan was desired to have the same engrossed on the back of the original Indentures between the Towns Commissioners & the Mill Pond Proprietors, & to be ready for signing by the Parties at the next Meeting — M"". Wright & M''. Hunnewell were desired to have a Gutter paved down the Passage way leading from Purchase Street to Fosters Wharff & to carry the same across the Street to the Dock if they should Judge it expedient — The Chainnan was empowered to have a gutter paved down Park Street & one or two gutters across Beacon Street to prevent the wash from the upper Streets doing damage to the Common — [390.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 20. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch, May, Wright, Hunnewell, Chap- man, Porter, Webb, Boston ss : Mess""^. Joseph Wade & Warren Jacobs, ha\'ing obtained liberty from the Selectmen on the 28"'. March 1808 to dig up as much of Copper Street as might be necessary to lay a Common Sewer therein to convey the Water from their Cellars to the Sea, at the west end of Leverett Street — & the aforenamed Joseph Wade having on the 20*^. day of July 1808, made return of the expence of laying said Common Sewer & of the names of the persons who are benefitted thereby or have made use thereof ; 378 City Document Xo. 93. the same is now considered by the Selectmen, & the account having been found correct & to amount for that portion laid in Copper Street to One hundred & fifty seven Dollars 56 Cents & for that portion of the same Drain laid in Second Street to fifty eight Dollars 62 cents — the same is apportioned as follows — Joseph Wade - - Isaac Deverell - ■ AVarren Jacobs - - Hiram Coburn - - Michael Kennard - John Brooks - ■ Margaret Webb William Scollay Joseph Muncrief Ebenezer Danforth Bent Bronsdon - - Daniel Hitchins Joseph Eaton - - 1 Share Copper Street 1 d^ 2'^ Street - - 2 Shares Copper Street 2 d°. 2'^ Street - - 1 Share Copper Street - 1 d°. 2'i Street - - - 1 Share Copper Street - 1 d^ 2^^ Street - - - 1 Share Copper Street . 1— . d°. 2''. Street - - 2 Shares Copper Street - 2— d° - - 2 Street - 1 Share Copper Street - 1 - d" - - d° - - - 1 - d° - - d° - - - 1 - d" - - d° - - - 1 - d« - - d° - - - 1 - d° - - -2'^. Street one half Share in 2''. Street D. c 11 , ,24 7 , , 60 22 ,62 15 ' ,20 11 , ,26 7 , , 60 11 , ,26 7 , , 60 11 , ,26 7 , , 60 22 , ,52 15 , ,20 11 , ,26 11 , ,26 11 , ,26 11 , ,26 11 , ,26 7 , , 60 3 , , 80 And we hereby impower M"". Joseph Wade to demand and re- ceive the above named sums — And [391.] to give dis- charges therefore to the Persons respectively Assessed — Boston July 20. 1 SOS- Charles BULFINCH "^ g AYiLLiAii Porter " jox-'^. hunnewell John May — ^ Francis Wright JoN^. Chapman Nathan Webb Several Gentlemen Residents in Snow Hill Street appeared to represent the situation of that Street in consequence of great quantities of Earth being carted through it lately to fill the Mill Pond — It was Voted that the Committee of that quarter be impowered to pave 9 feet in width from Prince Street to Sheaff Street, upon the Abuttors engaging to complete the paving of the Street to the satisfaction of the Board — M''. Wright & M''. Chapman a Comm^*'. — on the application of M''. Benjamin Joy to view & ascertain the 1*'. line in the Street of the Old Brick Church & to determine how far forward the new building may be advanced — Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 379 The Chairman M"". Wright & M"". Chapman a Comm^*= on the application of the Directors of Charles River Bridge to consider the expediency of altering the course of Fond Street at the westerly end where it enters upon the Bridge This time having been assigned for the completing the new indentures relative to the Milf Pond Street Market place &''. — the same were now duly executed by the Selectmen present as Commissioners on the part of the Town, & by John Peck Agent of the Mill Corporation & the same was acknowledged before John Gardner Esq. Justice of the Peace — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 2;V. 1808 — Present Mess''" : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Chapman, Webb, Passed upon Accounts — [39*2.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 27. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Oliver, May, Chapman, Webb, Passed npon other Accounts — Boston July 27. 1801— Return was made by M'". Timothy Tileston of the expence attending the laying a Common Sewer in part of Nassau Street ; the account thereof being examined by the Selectmen, is by them allowed, & an Assessment was made by them & an order of payment was made & delivered to M''. Tileston as follows — Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer has been made in the easterly part of Nassau Street conformably to the Instructions of the Selectmen, the whole Expence whereof amounts to two hun- dred & eighty dollars & as such expence is to be borne by such person orpersons whose drains enter therein or who receive bene- fit therefrom, in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen or the major part of them, who are impowered by law to apportion the same — Therefore we the Subscribers Selectm.en of the Town of Boston, do hereby Certify, that having considered the same expence and by whom it ought to be paid— Do Adjudge that the same shall be paid in the proportion following & by the Persons hereafter named — M^ Cheever 1 Share - - - - $20— William Lovering - - - 2 d« 40— John H. Wheeler ... 1 d« - - - - - 20— William Gooch - - - - 1 d° 20— Edward Johnson - - - - 1 d° 20 — • Perrin May 1 d° 20— 380 City Document No. 93. Town of Boston -.--Id" (School house) $20— Nahum Cutter . . . . 2 (1° 40— Milton Hall Id'' 20— Joseph Hartshorne - - - 1 d° . - - - - 20 — Smith & Blake - - - - 1 d° - - - - - 20— Perez Whiting - - - - 1 d° 20— And we do hereby impower M"". Timothy Tileston before named, to demand & receive the sums above named, and to give dis- charges therefor — [393.] Charles Bulfinch^ Eben". Oliver — | | John May !>-5 Jon*. Chapman Nathan WEisii — M"". Richard Meagher applied for a License to act as an Auch- tioneer — having produced satisfactory recommendations, he was accordingly approved, and the Town Clerk directed to give him a Certificate — A list of Inholders & Retailers licensed in the past Year was received from the Clerk of the Court of Sessions — the same hav- ing been read f-* JoN-*^. Chapman | §| Joseph Foster j s| Nathan Webb J » Several of the Abuttors on South Russell Street at West Bos- ton appeared, and requested that a Gutter might be paved in that Street to prevent the great washing away of the Hill in heavy rains — The Chairman M"". Chapman & M''. Foster, a Committee to view all the Streets in that quarter & to Report — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen September 14"'. 1808 Present Mess""" : Bulfinch, Oliver, Wright, Webb, [398.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Septem^ 14. 1808 Return was made by M"". Nicholas Peirce Jun"". of the expence of laying a Common Sewer in Nassau Street, the account whereof being duly examined by the Selectmen, was by them allowed, they being informed at the same time, that all persons concerned in said Drain had been notified according to law, and no objection having been made, Assessment was made thereon, an Order of payment was passed by the Selectmen to be delivered to M'". Peirce as follows — Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer has been laid in Nassau Street conformably to the direction of the Selectmen the whole expence whereof amounts to 245 Dollars & 70 Cents which expence is to be borne by such persons whose Drains enter therein & who receive benefit thereby — Therefore we the Sub- scribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston hereby certify that having considered the same expence & by whom & in what man- ner it ought to be paid Do Adjudge, that the same be paid in the proportion following, and by the persons hereafter named John Q. Adams - - - - 3 shares - - $92 ,, 13 James Thompson - - - . 2 ditto - - 61 ,, 42 Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 385 Nicholas, Guardian to ^^ - 1 share - - 030 ,, 71 Children of Cabet - \ Estate of Laroyd - - - - 1 share - - 30 ,, 71 John Douglass - - - - 1 ditto - - 30 ,, 71 And we hereby empower M"". Nicholas Peirce Jun''. above named to receive the sums set against their res^Dective names, & to give discharges thereon — Thomas [Charles ?] Bulfinch ~] Ebenezer Oliver | ^ Francis Wright ^ f Nathan Webb — "3 I CO JoN-^. Chapman J Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sep''. 14. 1808 Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer in Middle Street from the house of D"". Nathaniel Smith to the head of [399.] Procters lane, was cleansed & repaired in the Year 1803 the expence of which amounting to 150 Dollars, was Assessed by the Selectmen upon those who at that time appeared to be interested therein as p Record of Nov"". 2'^ 1803 will fully appear, & whereas M''. Samuel Townsend has since conveyed a new Drain into the same Common Sewer : we the subscribers do hereby determine & adjudge that it is equitable & right that the said Samuel Townsend should pay one eighth part of the whole of said expence being eighteen Dollars & eight cents — and we hereby empower M"". Jonathan Wild to demand & receive the same for the benefit of the Proprietors in said Common Sewer — Charles Bulfinch "| | Eben'*. Oliver — j g Francis Wright )■ | Nathan Webb | ^ JON^. Chapman J ^ Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Septem"", 21. 1808 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Chapman, Foster, Webb, Oliver, At a Meeting of the Selectmen Boston Sep''. 21. 1808 — Return was made by M''. John Odin of the expence attending the opening & new laying the Common Sewer in Hanover Street & the account thereof being duly examined by the Selectmen is by them allowed, they being informed at the same time that every person concerned in said Drain had been duly warned according to Law, and their objections to the same having been fully heard and considered Assess>nent was made thereon by the Selectmen, an order for payment was made out which is as follows — 386 City Document No. 93. Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer in Hanover Street has been laid conformably to the direction of the Selectmen the whole expence whereof amounting according to an Account made out & laid before the Selectmen & by them examined to 443 D. 37 Cents, & as such expence is to be borne by such Person or Persons whose Drains enter into said Common Sewer & receive benefit thereby, in such proportion as shall be Adjudged by the Selectmen of said Town or the major part of them who are em- powered by law to apportion the same ; [400.] the said Odin having agreeable to law notified all the concerned, before he had proceeded on the business and the Selectmen having heard & fully considered the objections that were made to his proceedings, and having notwithstanding directed the said work to ])e done — Therefore We the Subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston do hereby certify that we have considered the said Expence & by whom & in what manner it ought to be paid do Adjudge that the same shall be paid in the proportion following, and by the Persons hereafter named — viz^ — D"". Isaac Rand - - - - 2 Shares - - $40 ,, 32 Andrew Colhoun - - - 1 d° - - - 20 ,, 16 M'^ Catharine Codman - - 3 d° - - - 60 ,, 48 M"". Learned ) William Boardman - - - | William Porter for Estate ] \\ share each 20 ,, 16 of AVilliam Blanchard Samuel Brown - - - - J John Odin 2 - - - - 40 ,, 32 D'. Thomas Danforth W^. Hixon - - - Estate of Governor Sumner 3 - - - - 60 ,, 48 Francis Amory -... 2---- 40,, 32 Samuel Nye 1 share each 20 ,, 16 D''. James Lloyd - - - - )-\ share each 20 ,, 16 Town of Boston - - - - And we hereby empower M''. Adam Eoop to demand and receive the above Sums, and to give discharges therefor Charles Bulfinch"^ W". Porter S Eben''. Oliver \ « Joseph Foster -s Nathan Webb — J Jurors drawn for Court of Common Pleas and entered in Jury Books — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Septem''. 26. 1808. Present Mess : Bulfinch, Hunuewell, Porter, May, Chapman, Webb, [401.] Passed upon monthly Accounts — Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 887 Approved of the Indentures of Dublin a black Lad to M'". Joseph Smith to expire November 14. 1811 — 12 Jurors for Circuit Court were drawn & entered on the Jury Books — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Septem'". 28. 1808 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Porter, May, Chapman, Oliver, Webb, Foster — Passed upon other monthly Accounts — Application made by the occupiers of Shops on the east side of Market Square for liberty to place posts & chains to i^revent the people from the Country encumbering the side walks — liberty is accordingly^ granted — The Board proceeded to view the entrance of Elm Street from Hanover Street, lately desolated by fire ; to determine whether it was expedient [to widen] the Streets — Boston ss : At a special Meeting, present Mess'^ : Bulfinch Porter, Oliver Hunnewell, Wright, Chapman, May, Foster, Webb. — This Meeting was specially notified to consider some proposals brought forward by the Comm®®. of the Mill Pond chosen the 24'^'' August last, that the Board should select & designate on the plan certain portions of the Pond, which should be considered as the Towns eighth part of particular divisions of the pond — After considering the proposals & viewing the relative positions of the parts pointed out by the Committee, the Board proceeded to affix names to the Streets proposed to be made in the pond, & directed them to be engrossed on the plan — and then selected certain por- tions for the Town as follow — All the Land north of Pond street measuring 151.686 feet the Towns eighth part is 18700 feet which is now selected southerly on Pond street 125 feet & westerly 150 feet on Cooper Street — • On the south side of the pond — ■ The piece adjoining M^ William Todd measures 1696 feet below Tuckers Land 3440 below Calls Laud 1022 between Gouch & Pells Lanes --.--_ 19048 the most westerly block --..---. -24420 the next adjoining block 37400 87026 [403.] The Towns proportion of the above 10878 feet, which is selected in the centre of the second block & running thro' to the shore 50 feet front in Merrimack Street & about 220 feet deep 388 City Document No. 93. From Pitt's Lane to Tidds land is 29798. feet The Towns pro})ortion is 3725 feet — selected in the centre of the block forty seven feet & eighty feet deep Fi'om Tidds Lane to Cole Lane — now called Portland Street is 29903 feet — the Towns proportion is 3738 selected at the corner of Tidds Lane 50 by 80 feet— A Triangular block containing 4560 another by Friend Street 2580 block between Portland Street & Friend Street - - 32180 39320 feet— The Towns proportion is 4915 feet, selected on the large block 130 feet on Market Street & 36 feet deep — Voted, that as the above selections for the Town was made by the Board to enable the Mill Pond Corporation to make contracts & sales of their proportion — the Board will proceed to execute deeds of release for all such proportions whenever the land shall be filled according to the tenor of the Agreement made by the Towns Commissioners with the Mill Corporation Provided that the Section of the pond on the north side be filled up in two Years from the [this] date & that the section above described in the south side together with Merrimac Street shall be filled up in three years — And it is hereby fully understood, that the above dimensions having been ascertained by Osgood Carlton on the plan shall be further corrected by actual measurement when the Land shall be filled — and that the Board are not pledged or under obligation to do or execute any part of the above otherwise than as they are empowered by the contract between the Commissioners and the Mill Corporation Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 5. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Oliver, May, Wright, Foster, Webb The Chairman reported that in consequence of Orders [403.] from the board after they had viewed the corner of Hanover Street & Elm Street on the 28 Septem'". he had staked off a portion of the land to widen said Streets, being seven feet wide at the west end of Elm street, & four feet eight inches wide on the west side of M'". Coopers, house now standing — also measuring two feet on the North corner of buildings leased on Hanover Street thence to proceed in a straight line to the Corner of M''. Odins new Brick Store a plan of the same drawn by M''. Carlton was produced Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 389 M"". Freeman Maybury one of the Heirs of Matthew Bayley, appeared in behalf of said Heirs & M"". Andrew Oliver in his own behalf to request that immediate measures might be taken to ascertain the amount of damages which they were entitled to receive from the Town. Upon their retiring the Board agreed upon the names of twelve Gentlemen to be offered to the Propri- etors of the Land, out of which they should select fve to act as Referrees. M''. Maybury & M''. Oliver being called in, agreed to the pro- posal & selected from the list offered them, the following names, John Winslow, David Tilden, William Brown William Ilammatt & Thomas Dennie Esquires — The Chairman was desired to notify these Gentlemen and [of] the appointment, and to request their services — M"". Wright was desired to procure a sufficient quantity of Powder & to have it made into Cartridges for the use of the Militia at the ensuing parades — The Chairman to have 30. stands of the Towns Arms put in order & completely equipped, to be lent to each of the Inhabi- tants as are not able to supply themselves with Arms Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Octo''. 12. 1808 Present Mess'^ : Bulfinch, Porter, OUver, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Chapman, Foster, A\^ebb — On the application of the late Comm*'®. of the Proprietors of the Common Sewer in Summer, Marlborough, Winter, & Newbury Street — Voted, that George Sullivan Esq be appointed Agent to Collect whatever monej^s are now due or may be hereafter due from any Abutters on said Sewer, in order that the sums thus collected may be placed in the hands of William Doneson Esq [404.] And Deacon James Morrell, as a fund for any repairs of said Sewer, which in future may become necessary also Voted, That the said Agent be empowered to demand & receive of each & every person who has conveyed a Drain into said Common Sewer since the same was laid in 1803 or who shall in future con- vey any new drain therein, the same amount which was Assessed by the Selectmen on such Proprietor on the 22*^^ July 1804 being thirty two dollars 5 cents to each share — The award of the Referrees chosen to determine the amount of damages for land taken to widen Hanover Street & Elm Street was opened & it appeared that they had allowed to the Heirs of Matthew Bayley five hundred & 14 Dollars and to M''. Andrew Oliver 128 dollars 390 City Document No. 93. The Committee chosen some time since to view Fish Street, to consider the expediency of widening the Street to the South of M"". Gordons house through Land of George Blake Esq. & M"^. Prince Snow Jun"". Reported that from the objections of the Proprietors to have any alteration made the present Season & from the consideration of the expence that would attend it — that it was not expedient to undertake it at present — the Chairman was then empowered to offer M"". Gordon one dollar p square foot for the land taken from him to widen that Street — An Account was presented by James Lloyd Jun"". Esq for Gravel used in Broad Street & Sea Street amounting to 438 dollars 72 cents — Voted that the Treasurer be desired to pay or settle said account ; in consequence of M''. Lloyds being under the necessity of leaving town, & that the same account be entred in the next monthly draft — M"". Ladd appeared to request a certificate to enable him to Import a Cargo of Flour — in consequence of a letter from his Correspondent in Allexandria by which it appeared that the Col- lector of the Port would not allow Flour to be sliipped without a Certificate from the Selectmen — the object being considered [405.] a Certificate in the following form was signed by the Board Mess" : J «fe I. Howe & "William Ladd respectable ^Merchants of this Town wishing to import a full Cargo of Flour amounting to about 900 bbls : in their Schooner Elizabeth a regular trader We the Selectmen of Boston hereby Certify, that we consider the above mentioned quantity necessary & wanted for the use of this place M"". Dojde applied for liberty to perform a species of theati-i- cal exhibition in the Building called the Museum in Tremont Street Voted, that it was not expedient to grant the License requested Boston BS : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 19. 1808 Mess: Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Maj', Wright, Chapman, Foster, Webb, An application was received from the persons residing in Myrtle Street, West Boston, praying that the Street should be widened & continued further at the west end that the easterly end should be covered with Gravel — Agreed to have a sufficient quantity of gravel spread on the street to make it convenient for passing — but that it was not in the power of the Board to take any measures for widening the west end at present — On an application for paving Love Lane — Agreed to pave the same, if the Abuttors would lay a foot walk on the north side 3 Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 301 feet wide — The Town to pay for 9 feet wide of common paving the length of the Street — M^. Daniel Wild formerly an Auchtioueer, applies for renewal of his license, which is granted Proposal was made from the Mill Corporation, that the Board would Join with them in a deed to Perkins Nichols of the land agreed to be exchanged with him for the part of Pond Street 15 feet wide in the east side which he is empowered by the General Court to deduct from that street — this procedure is to enable M'". Nichols to take down the house owned by M"". Whalen at the entrance of Pond street from Hanover Street — After some debate it was agreed to postpone the subject to a special meeting on Friday next 12 0.' Clock — absent Members to be notified to attend — At a Meeting of the Selectmen of Boston Oct'". 19. 1808 [Names of Selectmen present omitted in original minutes.] [406.] Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer has been laid some years since through Ridgways lane at AVest Boston under the direction & at the expence of M"". Jon-"^ Loring Austin & Sylvanus Gray, the expence whereof by accounts exhibited amounted to 1 72 Dollars. And whereas sundry other persons have since conveyed their drains into the said Common Sewer — we the subscribers [a] major part of the Selectmen having considered the same expence & by whom it should be paid do Adjudge the same be paid by the following named persons & in the proportion affixed to their names — Viz*. — dollars B Brigham or Tuckerman - - 1 - - - - 13, ,23 Jonathan L. Austin - - - 4 Shares - - - 52 ,, 92 Joseph Blake Esq'". - . - . ^ Rev'i. M'". Tuckerman - - - Benjamin Hood M'"^* Harris (Widow) - - - Sylvanus Gray [John?] Jacobs M"". Mackay W\ Irvin - - And we hereby empower Mess""^ : Jon^. L. Austin and Sylvanus Gray to demand & receive the above sums & to give discharges therefor Chakles Bulfinch "^ William Porter Eben". Oliver F. Wright JoN^. Chafjian Joseph Foster Nathan Webb — 1 share each — 13 ,, 23 1-- 392 City Document No. 93. Boston ss : At a special Meeting Octo''. 21. 1808 — Present all the Members of the Board This Meeting being called to consider & act upon conveying to Perkins Nichols the Towns proportion of laud in the Mill Pond, agreed to be taken on the 22''. June last for tlie Laud deducted from Pond Street on the west side — This [407.] subject was fully considered & debated, and it was agreed by a majority of the Selectmen, six voting in favor & three against the proposal to give a deed of the Towns eighth pai't of said land upon M^ Nichols giving the Town & Mill Corporation a deed of the strip 15 feet wide on the east side of Pond street & a deed of M'. Whalens house to be taken down also a mortgage of the land now to be conveyed to secure the completing of Pond Street from Hanover Street to Charles River bridge free of expence to the Town — the Deed was accordingly executed — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Octo''. 26. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May Wright Chapman Foster Webb — AV arrant signed for Town Meeting for choice of a Member of Congress for Suffolk District the 7'. of Oeto''. Ins^ M^ Park to have printing of Notifications for ensuing Town Meeting M"^. Hunnewell a Comm*^^. to wait on Rev*^^. M''. Huntington to request him to open the ensuing Meeting with prayer — M"". George Noble & M''. Henry White approved as Auctioneers — M"". Gordon appeared to agree upon Referees to determine the amount of damages on land taken from him to widen Fish Street — the following persons were chosen Referees — Viz' — John Winslow Josiah Snelling Red ford Webster Samuel Snelling Samuel Swett — The Chairman M^ May & M^ Webb a Comm'^^. to attend the Referees & complete the business — Signed a Certificate for M"". Francis Lincoln to enable him to import 2500 bushels of Corn & Rye and one hundred Barrels of Flour in his Schooner the Rising Sun — Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 393 r408.1 Boston 8s: At a Meeting of Selectmen Oct^ [31] l,so8_Present Mess: Bulfinch, Oliver, Wright, May, Chapman, Passed upon monthl}^ Accounts — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov^ 2'^. 1 SOS- Present Mess-^^: Bulfinch, Porter, Hunnewell, Wright, Webb, Foster Passed upon other monthly Accounts — Jurymen drawn for S.J. Court, and entred in the Jury Book.— Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen November 9«'. 1808 Present Mess'« : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Wright, Chapman, Fos- ter, Webb, Hunnewell, M^ Underwood an Inhabitant of the Town appeared to make apolocry for having put 3 votes into the Box at the late Town Meet- ing fo^r choice of Members of Congress— his statement was heard and fully considered— and it was determined by the Board that it was their duty to have the subject fully investigated by proper authority— and voted that the Chairman make complaint to the Sohcitor General against W. Joseph Underwood for putting three votes into the box on the 7'". Ins*, in violation of the law for regu- lating Elections — The Gentlemen Fire-wards having represented that Engine N". 6. is much out of repair & unfit for Town service Voted, that a new engine which has been approved by the Fire- wards be purchased of M'. Thayer if he will allow 100 D for the old Engine [the company to] be notified to take the new Engme N°. 6. under their care — The Chaii-man was desired to apply to our Representatives, to use their endeavours in the present Session of the General Court, to have the Engine men of this Town excused from Jury duty— Also to procure a law to be passed empowering the Selectmen to regulate Teams & Carriages of all kinds from the Country, while standing or passing thro' . the Streets of this Town — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov''. 16. 1808 — Present Mess : Bulfinch OUver, May, Wright, Webb, Jurors chosen for the Circuit Court & entered in Jury Books [409.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Nov^ [23'''^.] Present Mess"^* : Bulfinch, Hunnewell, May, Chapman, Oliver, AVebb, Wright,— 394 City Document No. 93. One Juror eliosen for Circuit Court to supply a vacancy & en- tered iu Jury Books M''. William Gridley Jun"". approved as a Book Auctioneer. M''. William Minot presented a statement relative to his appli- cation for license for a Livery Stable on his land near Dorsets Alley — the same was read & considered, but it being represented that several of the Neighbours had objections to offer — the subject was referred for further consideration — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Novem"". 28. 1808 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Chapman, Foster, Passed upon Accounts — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov^ 30, 1808 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, Chapman, Foster, The Proprietors of Houses & Land adjoining to Dorsets Alley appeared to state their objections to the granting a license for the Livery Stable as requested by M''. Minot — their objections were heard & M"". Minots answer thereto — but no decision was had on the subject — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern''. 7. 1808 — Present Mess'^® : Bulfinch, Porter, May, Chapman, Foster, Webb, A Comm®^. from the Brattle Street Society remonstrating against a license being granted for a Liverj^ Stable near Dorsets Alley the subject was resumed & Voted unanimously not to grant a license as requested by M''. Minot — from the consideration of the increase of danger from fire & of the inconveniences that would result to the Neighbourhood & to the Public — Approved a number of Applicants for License to retail Spirits — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern*", 14. 1808 — Present Mess*"^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Chap- man, Wright, Webb, Foster A Keturn was made by M"". Samuel French of the Expence of [410.] laying a Common Sewer iu Buttolph Street West Boston which including the work done in the Year 1803 amounted to Four hundred & sixty nine Dollars & 67 Cents Bills to that amount having been exhibited & examined it was determined that ten p cent be added to the amount of the costs to com- Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 395 pensate the original Undertakers for their trouble & that the whole Sum amounting to five hundred & Tweoty Dollars be Assessed upon the following Persons, »fe in the proportions as annexed to their names — Thomas Kendall Moses Gardner - - - Thomas Tilden - - ■ George Leighton - - Benj'\ Bayley - - • Titus Thayer - - ■ Reuben Carver [Carr?] John Johnson - - • Sullivan - - James Allen - - - . Joseph Saunders - ■ [Richard] Duff[ey] Cliff Hatch - - - . Jonas Twist - - - . Samuel French - - - Joseph Sawtell - - ■ James Flaven - - ■ Samuel Swett - - Edward Stevens - ■ Gushing & Jacobs - ■ Sweet & Fletcher - Davidson - 1 Share ^ 1 D« 1 D° D" ir D° D"^ 1 D" 1 D° 1 D° 1 D'' 1 DO 1 D'' 1 D° 1 D'' 1 D" 4 D° 1 D° 1 D° 1 DO 1 D" ^1 share each IG ,, 77 67 ^1 share each 16 ,, 77 J 16 ,, 77 16 T T 10 7 7 16 7 7 16 7 7 16 7 7 16 7 7 The following persons reside or have their drains from Pinck- ney Street whence they enter into Buttolph Street Ebenezer Farley 1 Drain - Joseph Homer 1D°- - Jarvis 1 D" - - [Ichabod] Frost 1 D"- - Abna Bates 1 D" - - Lincoln 1 D"- - And we hereby empower the aforesaid Samuel French [411.] to demand and receive the above Sums & to give discharges therefor — Charles Bulfixch ^ William Porter Eben''. Oliver jon-*^. hunnewell John May Francis Wright JoN"^. Chapman Joseph Foster Nathan Webb 396 City Document No. 93. In pursuance of the request of the Committee of the Hon''^^. Council, communicated to the Board by the Chairman Ordered, that all the Bells of the various places of public wor- ship in this Town be tolled on Friday next at the funeral of his late Excellency James Sullivan Esq, & that the Constables attend under the orders of the Marshall appointed by the Supreme exec- utive — Voted, that the Board will attend the Funeral of the late Chief Magistrate — Jurors drawn to serve at the Court of Common Pleas in Janu- ary next — the same are entred in the Jury Books — The Chairman & M''. Hunnewell a Committee to employ two suitable persons to patrole the town occasionally in addition to the regular Watch & to give them directions for the performance of their duty — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Dec^ 21. 1 SOS- Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Hunnewell Wright, Chapman, Foster, Oliver, At the request of a number of Inhabitants of the Northerly part of Pleasant Street. It is agreed to have two cross walks laid of flat Stones, one at the entrance of Eliot Street & one in such situation as will be most convenient to the Inhabitants — M"". Whitcomb having built a Stable in Belknaps Alley, the Chairman was desired to inform him that the Doors opening [413.] Upon the Alley would be considered as an incum- brance or obstruction to the highway & would not be allowed — M"". Charles Lerow made application for a licence as Auctioneer & produced special recommendations in his favor Agreed to grant a license — the Town Clerk is directed to give him a Certificate — The Committee to whom was intrusted the employing of two persons as a private Watch Reported that they had engaged two trusty persons & produced a return of their proceedings the first night which was read & approved of & the Comm^*^. requested to continue their directions for walking on such nights as the Comm'^''. should think best Two Copies of a letter to W". Stackpole Esq was signed by the Members of the Board who were present in answer to the proposals of the Assignees of Lane Frazier & Boyston relative to compounding a debt of M"". Tyson in the West Indies — the Copy of which is on the file of mixed papers — Selectmen's Minutes, 1808. 397 A Petition of the General Court & order of notice thereon from the Methodist Society was read — M*". Wright was desired to confer with M''. Richie the Lessee of the Town house respecting delinquency of Rent & to Report — Boston ss : At a Meeting of Selectmen Decern''. 28. 1808 — Present Mess : Bulfinch Porter Oliver Hunnewell Wright May Chapman Foster Passed upon Accounts — In consequence of a precept received from the Hon'^'*'. Thomas Dawes Jun''. Esq. Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk — Inquisition was made into the circumstances of Joseph N. Brad- ford and return was made that he was non compos and unable to take care of himself, & recommending that a Guardian should be appointed for him — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 4. 1808 [9?] Present Mess : Bulfinch, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, Chapman, Foster, Webb, On the application of a number of Gentlemen occupying [413.] Houses & Shops in Cornhill ; the following persons were appointed as an additional watch for Cornhill & the Streets ad- joined at the expence of the appUcants — Viz*. — Elias Howard AVilliam Carpenter Israel Morey— Caleb Morey — And the Chairman was desired to give them a Certificate of their appoint- ment & to dii-ect the established Watch to give them aid & support — Mess''® : Leverett having prosecuted a Suit against the Town for part of the Land on which the Almshouse stands, and the same being referred to the Opinion of the whole Court in IMarch next — The Chairman M"". Hunnewell & M''. Wright were chosen a Committee to confer with the Counsel employed by the Board in this Suit, to obtain their opinion what further measures would be most advisable to be pursued — and to Report Agreed to attend the Funeral of Hon''"^. Thomas Dawes Esq to morrow — he having served the Town faithfully in a number of Important Offices — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 11. 1809 — Present Mess : Bulfinch Hunnewell, Wright, AVebb, Oliver, Chapman, 398 City Doccjment No. 93. M''. Isaac Rand the 3*^. appeared to state to the Board that M"". Richie had assigned to him the Lease of the old State house, & offered some proposals to the Selectmen to reenter & discharge him from the Indenture — the subject was generally discussed in his presence — and after he had withdrawn, the Chairman & M''. Wright were desired to apply unto M"". Thatcher for his opinion of the powers of the Board under the Indenture & report what would be expedient in the present situation of afifairs — • Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan-^'. 18. 1809 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright Fos- ter, Webb, M'', Foster was requested to wait on David Tilden Esq & to receive from him the notes, mortgages & other papers relative to M''. Brookers Donation to the Selectmen for the benefit of poor Widows & sick Persons also any sums of money which he may have collected on that account also to receive any notes in his hands for money bequeathed to the Town of Boston by M"". God- fried Kreugher — [414.] M^ Foster was also appointed to take charge of the above funds, and to Collect the Interest for distribution as soon as may be — The Committee appointed relative to the Town house Reported, that it was not expedient to 'reenter into the Building at present, and to refer the subject to the Town at the March Meeting — and that they had obtained orders from D"". Rand on Each of the Tenants to pay their Rents to the Town Treasurer — Boston January 18. 1809 — Return was made b}' M*". Samuel Williams of the expence attending the opening & cleansing a Common Sewer in .Jarvis Row, leading from Newbury Street, the account whereof was duly examined by the Selectmen, & is by them allowed ; the}^ being informed by them at the same time that every person concerned in said Drain had been dulj^ warned according to law; and their objections to the same having been considered Assessment was made thereon by the Selectmen ; an Order for payment was made out, which is as follows — viz*. — Whereas a Drain or Common vSewer in Jarvis Street so called has been opened & cleansed conformably to the direction of the Selectmen, the whole Expence whereof amounts to thirty eight Dollars j^^^j Cents and as such expence is to be borne by such person or person whose Drains enter into said Common Sewer & recieve l^enefit thereby, in such proportion as shall be adjudged by the Selectmen of the said Town or the major part of them, who are empowered by law to apportion the same Therefore we the Subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 399 r:;5^:.^/tLrrsle ^hll^e l.u\ i„ the proponion fonowl^ and by the Persons hereafter named— ^ iz .— [415.] Mess-: Taylor &AYilBon 1 Sha^^ " " ^ M-. John Jarvis - - - 2 fenaies - - | [Samuel] Crease - - - 1 - - - - TElisha] Woods - - - 1 - - - - -^ •: -^ Rea . - - - 2 - - - - 4 J. Cavanaugh - 1 Share - - 20 ,, 60 ]Vr's - - Andrews - - 1 Dan^ — Penniman - - 1 $38 ,, 60 — And we hereby authorize & appoint M^ Samuel Williams to temanT and receive the above Sums and to give discharges therefor— Charles Bulfinch William Porter JON-^. HUNXEWELL Francis Wright } g JoN^. Chapman I | Nathan Webb | S Eben''. Oliver J ^ Boston ss- At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan^. 20*^-1809 Pr?sel Mes; Bumnch, Hunnewell, Chapman, Foster, Webb, Wright, Oliver, Upon the application of a number of the Inhabitants that a Town Meeting should be speedily called to consider the present ^ituXi of om- public affairs-A Warrant for a Town Me^ng ^vas issued by the Selectmen to meet at Faneuil Hall the 23. In. . 10. o'. Clock A: M: M^ Chapman & M^ Webb a Comm-. to wait on D^ Lothrop & to request him to open the Meeting with prayer Mess- : Young & Minns to print the Notifications- Boston 8s: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Jan>-. 25. 1809- Present Mess: Bulfinch, OUver, Hunnewell, Chapman, Fostei, Webb Porter, \pproved the Indentures of Thomas Monk, a Minor, to WmLm Snath, Cordwainer, to continue in force untill October 8. 1813— 400 City Document No. 93. Copy of Petition to General Court whieli was adopted by the Town at the last Meeting was examined & Certified by the Town Clerk and the Chairman was desired to hand it to the Senators for the County of Suffolk — [416.] Agreed to employ M''. Presoott in addition to M"". Morton ct M'". Dexter, to prosecute the Suit of the Town against AVard Nicholas Boylston Ksc]. Boston ss : At a INIeeting of the. Selectmen Feb''. 1. 1809 Present Mess : Bultinch, Porter, Wright, Foster Oliver, Hunne- well, Chapman, Passed upon the monthly Accounts — Copy of a Petition to the Legislature from a number of Gentle- men, praying to be incorporated for the puipose of building and regulating a new Market at the South part of the Town, was read and an order of notice thereon — the same was considered, and Voted that the Board had no objection on the part of the Town to the purpose of the Petition — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen February 8. 1809 Present Mess'"®: Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, AVright, Chapman, — M"^. Benjamin Wheeler made proposals to have a part of Deer Island to establish Salt works thereon — the Chairman was de- sired to confer with M"^. Wheeler relative to the part of the Land which he would want — and on the terms of Lease — ■ Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feby. 22'^ 1809 Present IMess''® : Bulfinch, Oliver, Porter, May, Wright, Foster, AA^ebb— Grand & Traverse Jurors were drawn for the next term of Supreme Judicial Court & entred in the Jury Books Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Februai-y 27*. 1809 — Present Mess""® : Bulfinch, Foster, Porter, AVright, Oliver, AYebb, Passed the Monthly Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 1. 1809 — Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch, Porter, May, Foster, Oliver, AVright, AVebb, Passed on other Accounts — AVarrant for Town Meeting issued to be held on Monday the 13 Ins*. 10. o Clock A: M: The Chairman to invite Kev'*. M"". Cary to open Meeting with prayer— Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 401 M"". Park to have the printing of the Notifications for this Meeting [4-1.7.] Lists of Persons qualified to Vote for Governor &". were handed in by the Assessors — After some consideration, it was agreed to hand the lists to a Committee in each A\^ard to be corrected previous to their being printed — and the names of Gen- tlemen were selected for this purpose in each Ward — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 8*. 1809 Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Hunnewell, May, Chapman, Webb, The Bond of the Town Treasurer which had been executed in Sep"", last, was examined & approved by the Board & delivered to the Town Clerk to be Recorded — It is agreed that an addition shall be made to the Barn on Deer Island 30 feet in length — M''. Tukesbury to employ Work- men for that purpose and the Board to allow One hundred & fifty dollars for the expence of it — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 15. 1809 Present Mess''* : Bulfinch, Oliver, May, Wright, Foster, Webb, Hunnewell, AVeld, This being the first Meeting of the Selectmen since the Town Meeting on the IS^^. Ins*. Mess"^* : Bulfinch, Ohver, Hunnewell, May AVright, Webb, & Weld, were sworn according to law before M"^. Justice Stevenson — The Gentlemen then proceeded to choose a Chairman and the Votes by Ballot being taken, Charles Bulfinch Esq was declared to be chosen — The Chairman informed the Board that the lists of qualified Voters furnished by the Assessors, had been corrected by Com- mittees in the several Wards — and were now in the hands of the Printers — Voted, that an Advertizement be inserted in the papers to notify the Inhabitants that they would be ready for inspection on Monday the 20*. — The Chairman & M*". Wright a Couim*^^. to consult the Towns Attorney respecting the mode of making a re-entry upon the Old State house in consequence of the breach of covenant of the Lessee & to proceed to execute the business — The Chairman M"". Hunnewell & ]\P. AVright a Committee to [418.] attend to the suit brought against the Town by the 402 City Document No. 93. Heirs of Leverett to part of the Land on which the Alms house stands — and to request the opinion of the Overseers upon the expediency of laking down part of the Building — M"". Minchin was approved as an Auctioneer Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 22*^. 1809 Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Foster, Webb, Weld,— M^ A^^right, M"". Hunnewell & M^ Weld a Comm''^ on the application of M''. Frothingham to hire part of the Towns Lauds near the Hay Market — Warrant was signed for Town Meeting for the choice of Gov- ernor Lie*. Governor & 5 Senators — M"". Park to print Notifications, for the ensuing Town Meeting — M''. Holley to open the Meeting with prayer — & M^'. Porter to acquaint him therewith — Agreed upon the request of Arnold Welles & Stephen Codman Esq'"*, in behalf of a number of Gentlemen, that they may make use of Faneuil Hall on Sunday Evening previous to the Election The Chairman M^'. Hunnewell & M"". Wright to confer with the Committee of the Overseers & the Towns Counsel respecting measures to be taken relative to the suit of Mess'* : Leverett for Land at the Alms house M'. Samuel Parker approved as an Auctioneer for this Town — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 27. 1809 — Present Mess'^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Ma}', Wright, Webb, AYeld Passed upon Monthly Accounts — 28 Jurors drawn for Court of Common Pleas, and entered in the Jury Books — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 29"\ 1809 — Present Mess'*: Bulfinch Porter Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Foster, Webb, Weld- Passed upon other Accounts [419.] The Board was occupied in arrangements for the April Elections and ordered a railing to be placed in the lower entry, to prevent the pressure of persons distributing votes — Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 403 Notifications were directed to be issued for the Meetins; of the several Wards ou the first Wednesday of April for the choice of Assistant Assessors — A Committee of the Justices of the Court of Sessions appear'd to request the Board to take into consideration the most eligible situation for a new Court house The Chairman M"". Hunnewell & M"". Wright were chosen a Committee for the above purpose — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 12. 1800 — Present Mess Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell Wright Webb & Weld- Eight Jurors were drawn to supply vacancies in the list for the Court of Common pleas — and entered on the Jury Books — Plans of the Land belonging to the County near the Jail and also of the other land & buildings extending to School Street, were laid before the Board by the Committee chosen at the last Meeting who reported two places for the proposed Court house — these plans were examined & compared, and the papers were delivered to M''. Hunnewell, and he Avas requested to confer with M"". Lowell on the subject of procuring part of his Land — The Committee of the second Baptist Church exhibited a plan of land on the Mill Pond adjoining their Buildings & proposed to give a Passage ^^'ay from Back Street to Margin Street 12 ft wide at one & 7 feet at the other in exchange for a Gore of Land in addition to what was contracted to be given them by the Mill Corporation, and confimied to them by the Town Agreed to refer the plan & application to the Mill Cor- poration — On the complaint of M''^. Bayley Wife of Benjamin Bayley. Baker ; Representation to the Judge of Probate was drawn up and signed, informing the Judge that said Benjamin Bayley was wasting his estate and reconmiending that a Guardian be appointed for him — A plan was laid before the Board of a new Meeting house pro- posed to be built on the Granary lot near the Common — the [420.] Proprietors wished for liberty to advance one angle of the porch into Common Street — The Chairman M^ Oliver & M^ Weld were desired to confer with the Proprietors Committee, and were instructed to prevent 404 City Document No. 93. any part of the Building from projecting into the Street — and to inform the Proprietors that not more than three steps would be allowed to come beyond the Line — Boston ss • At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 19. 1809 Present Mess : Bulfinch Porter, Oliver, Huunewell, Wright, May, Foster, Webb, Weld, Mess : Porter, Hunnewell, & Foster, to view S°. Bennet Street, to determine what quantity of Gravel if any should be carried there and at what price — The following arrangement of Committees was adopted for the ensuing Year M"". May — the Easterly north division of Streets M^ Webb — the Westerlv North division of Streets — M'-. Weld, Wards, N°. 4 & 5— M^ Bulfinch Wards N°. 6 & 7— M»'. Hunnewell Wards N^ 8— M"^- Wright AVard - - X°. 9— M^ Fosfer Ward - - N°. 10— M"". Oliver Ward - - - N°. ll— M'■. Porter Ward - - - N°. 12— Mess'^* : Bulfinch Porter & Hunnewell for the Neck — Mess''^ : Oliver Foster & Weld for the care of the Common Mess-^^ : Bulfinch Foster & Weld to direct the filling of the Mill Pond— A Communication was received from the Assistant Assessors requesting the Board to appoint two persons in each Ward to aid them in taking a list of rateable Polls — Upon consideration it was determined that the Selectmen could not appoint any person for this duty — and the Chairman was desired to consult M''. Thatcher & to communicate to Assessors his opinion of the best mode of proceeding — M"". John W. Blanchard, approved as an Auctioneer [431.] Approved the Indentures of Perry M: Peckham, Minor to Peter Long Housewright to be in force untill the 14'^ Day of August 1810— Approved the Indentures of John Taylor a Minor to James Vassal Hair Dresser to be in force untill the IG^ of March 1812 — Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 40,3 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 24. 1809 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Oliver, May, Wright, Foster, Weld, Webb, Passed npon monthly Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 26. 1800 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Wright, Hunnewell, May, Webb, Foster, Weld, Passed upon other Accounts — Boston April 26. 180i». At a Meeting of the Selectmen, Return was made by M''. Adam Roup of the expence of repairing the Common Sewer leading from Brattle Street to Elm Street, the amount whereof beiug duly examined by the Selectmen, was by them allowed, they being informed at the same time, that all persons concerned in said drain had been notified according to law, and such objections as bad been offered having been con- sidered — Assessment was made thereon ; an order of payment was passed by the Selectmen and directed to be delivered to M''. Roup as follows — viz^ — Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer has been laid in Brattle Street conformably to the directions of the Selectmen the whole expence whereof amounts to one hundred & thirty nine dollars which expence is to be liorne by 'such persons whose drains enter therein and receive benefit thereby. Therefore we the subscribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston hereby certify that having considered the same expence and by whom and in what manner i't ought to be borne Do Adjudge that the same be paid in the pro- portion following and by the Persons hereafter named — [432.] M'-^ Lincoln - - - William Doll - - • Edward Gray - M''^ Turrell - - ■ Beza Tucker - - Joshua Blanchard - Tilly Whitcomb - Samuel Billings Thomas Jackson - Jeremiah S. Bois - Caleb Bingham Nath'. Johnson (Vila) Samuel Gore - - - Robert Gardner Esq G" to M'"^. Delarne Deacon Moses Grant for Brattle Street Church - 1 share each - 3 Shares . 1 ... - 2 - - - 7 ,, 78 23 ,, 34 7,, 78 15 ,, 56 )- 1 share each 7 ,, 78 18 Shares 40G City Document Xo. {^■\. And we hereby appoint IM"". Adam Roup Xo demand and receive the above Sums, and to give discharges therefor — ChARLKS Bl'LFINCH^ J ox*. HUNNKWELL John May — Fra. Wkight )■% Joseph Fosteu Nathan Wkius Benjamin AVki.d J An apph'cation was received from M"^. Tillev Whitcomb for a license for a Liverv Stable in Dorsetts xVlley — the same considered, but not allowed — M"^. Ilunnewell & "Weld a Committee to view the Cellar now building at the Corner of Milk »t Oliver Street — said to project, improperly into Oliver Street — the same Committee with ^F. Wright in addition to regulate the Street on the top of Fort hill «fc lay out the tirst walks to the Houses lately built there — also to view the [4*^3.] Passage way between Eowes and Fosters Wharves, applied for by i\i''. Charles Foster — The Chairman Reported that the Town Treasurer had demanded in the preseni-e of AVituesses the Arrears of Rent due from D'. Isaac Rand Jun'. for the Old State House — and that he had not paid the same — ^^>-hereupon Voted that the Board would proceed to morrow at 11. o'. Clock to take possession of the Building- pursuant to the terms of the Lease and the vote of the Town passed at the March Meeting — M"". Timothy Green was appointed Sealer of Weights and Measures for the North District and — M''. Richard Austin for the South District — the Districts to be divided as formerly determined by the Board Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 27. 1809 — Present Mess"^ : Bultinch, Oliver, Ilunnewell, Mav, Wriuht, Fos- ter, Webb, Weld— The Board met according to appointment tS: proceeded to notify such of the Tenants of the Town House in State Street ; that D*. Isaac Rand Jiui"". having neglected to pay the Arrears of Rent, demanded from him by the Treasurer; that the Town now took possession of the Building and each Tenant was notitled to pay Ma rent in future to the Town Treasurer On infoiTuation that the Buildings now commenced by M"". Salisbury at the Corner of Milk Street projected into Oliver Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 407 Street, so as to disfigure the appearance of the Street — the Selectmen visited the spot — and after viewing it, and drawing the Lines, determined that it was necessary to remove the S°. East Corner of the Cellar w^all one foot — the Chairman was desired to inform M"". Salisbury of the opinion & detemiination of the Board, and as the wall did not project over the land for- merly occupied by the House lately taken down, that the expence of moving the Wall should be paid by the Town — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 3'^. 1809. — Present Mess*^^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Foster, Webb, Weld, [424.] The Committee chosen at the last Meeting to xiew Fort Hill & the Streets adjacent — Reported, that when the Street on the Hill could be cleared from the Building Materials now lay- ing there — a quantity of earth might be carried away to level & regulate the Street — that the passage way leading from the Hill V into Purchase Street by Pollys Distill-house ought to be widened as much as could be conveniently done — that the passage way between Eow[e]s & Fosters Wharfs, be kept open & free from incumbrances — and that the steps be directed to be removed which M^. Foster had liberty to build in the upper part of the same passage way — The above Report was accepted and ordered to be carried into effect The Chairman M"". Hunnewell & M''. Foster a Committee to view the Town house & consider what alterations & repaii^s are necessary — A Petition was read from a number of persons at the westerly part of the Town praying that measures may be taken to prevent the payment of toll in future on that part of West Boston Bridge between Cambridge Street & Charles Street — the same was committed to M^ Oliver M^ Hunnewell & M^ Weld, It being represented that the workmen were advancing the foundation of part of the new Meeting house by the Mall into the Street — it was determined to proceed to view the same and forbid incroachments — An oath of office was administered by the Town Clerk to the Surveyors of the High Ways — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 10. 1809 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright Foster, Webb, Warrant issued for Town Meetings May 17*''. & 18"^ for choice of Representatives & the other business of a May Meeting — 408 City Document No. 93. M''. Webb to request Rev*^. D''. Eliot to open the Meeting with prayer M'. Park to have the printing of the Notifications [425.] M''. Chairman was desired to notify the Assessors to furnish the number or ratable polls in the Town, on Saturday next at Noon — A Certificate was signed by the Judge of Probate of the County of Suffolk, stating that Richard S. Hill an Inhabitant of this Town, was an Idle disorderly person & requesting that a Guardian should be appointed for him — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 24^ 1809 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Huunewell, Wright, Foster, Webb, AVeld, Oliver, Chairman & M'^. Webb a Committee to view a House in Fish Street owned by Mess'^ : Watter & Smith — to consider what would be the expence of widening the Street in that place — Several Petitions read from different quarters of the Town requesting the attention of the Board to paving & repairing Streets — Jt was determined to have Pleasant Street — Chambers Street, — & Leverett Street as far as M'". Dunlops — part of High Street — a Gutter on each side of Belknap Street from Myrtle Street southerly — the same in South Russell Street — and to repair the following old Streets Winter Street, Water Street, west end — Tremont Street — northerly end, and Middle Street, from Cross Street to Proctors Lane The Chairman was desired to advertise for applications for Constables to be handed iu on the 7*. June Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 29"\ 1809 — Present Mess : Bulfinch Porter, Huunewell, May, Foster, Weld, Webb, Oliver, Wright, Passed on the Monthly Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 7. 1809 Present Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Foster, May. A number of Applications for Licenses as Inholders and Retailers — were laid before the Selectmen & approved Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June II*. 1809 — Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, May, Webb, Porter, Oliver, Wright, Huunewell, Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 409 Jurors appointed by drawing for tlie Courts of Common Pleas, also for the District Court— which are entered & posted in Jury Books — [426.] Votes taken for a Superintendent of PoKce, and Charles Bulfinch Esq. was declared to be chosen- Voted, to appoint one Assistant Police Officer for the term of three months to be paid at the rate of 400 Dollars p Annum— the Votes being taken, M^ Jeremiah Bridge was chosen On the application of M^ Tuck & M'". Hastings, the Comm'^«. formerly raised to view the Street on Fort Hill, was desired to take measures to dig away & regulate said Street— M''. Weld of that Comm^^ being absent from Town ; M"". AVright is added in his stead — Communication was received from Perkins Nichols stating that he had compleated Pond Street agreeably to his contract— and praying to be discharged from his Contract or obligation, on that account — The Chairman M' the Street & Report- Foster & M"". "Webb, were desired to xievr The following named Persons were chosen Constables for the Year ensuing — Thomas Stevenson (sworn) Amos Lewis - ISloses Thayer Solomon Twist James Sumner, Jr James Perkins Samuel White Jilisha Copeland Levi Joy Benja. B. Leeds William Brooks Josiah Holbrook [dead] John Deverell Henry Lane William Symmes do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Thomas Stevenson Jun' Thomag Lewis John Minchin Jonas Twist •James Ridgway James Williams John Badger Sureties Dudley Walker - Joshua Ellis - - Samuel Sanger - Moses Gardner - Thomas W. Sumner Timothy Green - Abraham Babcock „_ John Perry J a». Gibson Ezekiel Brown - - - Jos. Bennett Jer». Gore Jimr - - - Sam : H. Babcock Timothy Fuller - - - John Amory Edw-i. Staples - - - - Jno. Merry Joseph Balson - - - William Whall Caleb Whiting - - - - Josiah Dan forth Benj='. Russell ... - Shubael Bell see July 5', Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen June 21. 1809 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Ohver, May, Huunewell, Wright, Webb, Mess : Capen & Drake to furnish Wood for Schools — [42 T.] The choice of an additional number of Constables postponed for the present — Communication from the Judge of the Municipal Court re- questing measures might be taken for the choice of a Town Ad- 410 CiTV Document No. Oo. vocate to transact tlu' businoss of the Court, referred to ^Monday next Mess": Samuel AVhitwell Juii''. vS: George Boud being reeoni- niended for license as Auctioneers in the Ottiee lately kept by Col**. Bradford — they were approved »S; directed to be licensed — Boston ss : At a jNleeting of the Selectmen June 2(\. 1800 — Present Mess'^ : Bultinch, Porter, May, AV right, Webb, Passed upon monthly Accounts — Boston ss : At a jNIeeting of the Selectmen June 28. 1809 Present Mess : BuUinch, I'orter, Foster, May, Wright, A Card was received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth informing the Board that the Supreme Executive had made choice of the Old South ^Meeting House for religious services on the 4'. of July next — information was also given by the Secretary that it was the wish of his Kxcellency the (Jovernor that the celebration of the Anniversary of Independence should be in the manner formerly observed, and which had been deviated from for 2 Years past — The Chairman A; 'SV. Wright were chosen a Connnittee to wait on his Excellency to recpiest the Company of the Supreme Executive at the Oration to be delivered according to the institution of the Town, immediately after the religious serN-ices of the Chaplains of the General Coin-t — Ordered, that the Sextons be notified to ring the Bells of all the jilaces of public worship in the Town on the ^lorning of the 4"'. of July, for one hour, to conunence at G. o'. Clock — A letter was received from ^V. Channing Counsel to M'' Leverett, in which he proposes that the Selectmen should propose terms of compromise for the Land claimed by the Heirs of Leverett on which ])art of the Almshouse stands — it was agreed to assign the consideration of this subject to Wednesday next, i.^- to request the Comm*^*'. of the Overseers to be present for their advice — On an application from a number of Gentlemen, the Chairman was desired to insert a notilication in the public papers [4*^8.] to forbid persons who sell Fish in the Streets from blowing Horns or Trumpets to the disturbance of the Inhabitants — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July o. 1809 — Present Mess''* : BuUinch, Porter, Oliver, May Hunnewell, AVright, Foster, Webb, Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 411 Representation was made that M"". William Boylston, Founder, was an idle & intemperate person, and in danger of wasting his property & becoming a Town charge — M"". Davis, Founder, & Mess : Seymore & Richardson appeared & certified to the above statement, a certificate of the same was signed, addressed to the Judge of Probate, requesting him to take the legal measures to appoint a Guardian to him — The Overtures for an accommodation with the heirs of Leveret for their claim of Almshouse land, were read & fully considered, & Voted that the sum of 3000 dollars be offered to the heirs of Leveret to be paid them in a note from the Town Treasurer payable in ninety days, with interest after, upon their giving a deed of the land claimed by them, defending the town from all claims & demands of each & every of the heirs of Knight Leveret Sarah Leveret & Mary Fennimon — The Chairman ]\F. Oliver & M^ Webb a Committee to consider & propose regulations for Carriages in the Streets, agreeably to the powers granted to the Board by the late law M'". William Tupper was chosen a Constable for the ensuing year — the Sureties John Howe — John Gibson — he has been sworn — see Septem'". 6 — Boston ss : At a Electing of the Selectmen July 12'. 1809 — Present Mess : Bulfinch, Oliver, Porter, Webb — No business transacted, which was matter of Record for this Meeting — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen July 26. 1 | Joseph Foster j ■^ Nathan Webb — J * Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen August 28. 1809 — Present Mess''* : Bulflnch, Oliver, Porter, Hunnewell, May, Weld- Passed upon monthly Accounts [433.] Agreed upon regulations for stands of Hackney Car- riages »S: Hay Carts, ordered that they should be provided with the new Law, and a Coi)y preserved on tile — Agreed that such parts of Congress Street & Federal Street as required it, should be repaired — The Rooms in the Town House being now read}^ for use the Chairman was desired to advertise them for Lease at Auction — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen September 6. 1809 Present Mess"^^ : Bulfinch Oliver, Hunnewell Wright INIay. Webb — Repeated applications having been made for an increase of the number of Constables, it was now determined to make an addition of 2. to the number, the following persons were chosen and their Sui'eties approved Sureties — M^ George Jackson Charles Hall sworn John Loring M"". George Read - - - Martin Burr — - - sworn James Farrar — Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 415 Several of the Occupants of Stores iu Dock Square appeared & represented the iucouveniences & injury which they sustained from the incumbrances & inconvenience of Carts & Benches &'' — before their Doors, and requested some reUef — • It was agreed that M'". Meriam the Clerk of the Market should have the care & arrangement of Dock Square & Union Street — and that he be directed to make such arrangemeuts and improve- ments in placing Carts Benches &^. as the Ground will admit — and that M'. Gammell conform to M''. Meriams directions Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen »September 13'. 1809 — Present Mess''® : Bulfinch, Porter, Hunnewell, Wright, Oliver, Foster, Weld, Webb, Boston Septem''. G. 1809. At a Meeting of the vSelectmen — Return was made by the Hon*^^®. Justices of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of the expence of repairing the Common Sewer in Court Street the account whereof being duly examined by the Selectmen was by them allowed, they being informed at tlie same time, that all Persons concerned in said Drain had been notified according to law — and no [433.] objection having been made — Assessment was made thereon ; an Order of payment was passed by the Selectmen as follows — viz'. — Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer has been laid in Court Street conformably to the directions of the Selectmen the whole expence whereof amounts to three hundred & forty eight Dollars — which expence is to be borne by such persons whose drains enter therein & receive benefit thereby — Wherefore we the Sub- scribers Selectmen of said Town of Boston Certifie that having considered the same expence, and by whom & in what manner it ought to be borne — Do Adjudge that the same be paid in the proportion following and by the Persons hereafter named — Viz'. — Gardner Greene Esq - - - ] M". Powell Peter Thatcher for Brattle , , , . n, oo --,, , o • X M share each 19 ,. o3 Street Society - - - - [ '' Abraham Gibson - - - - | Joseph Loring ----- J County of Suffolk - - - - 4 shares - 77 ,, 32 William Tudor \ John Heard [-1 share each 19 ,, 33 John Lucas J Thomas Stevenson - - - 2 shares - 38 ,, GG James White ) John Q. Adams . - - - i Peter. C. Brecks - - - - ^ ''^'^'^ ^^^^^ ^-^ " ^-^ John Phillips j 416 City Document No. 93. vVnd we hereby Authorize & empower M^. James Meinzies to demand & receive the same from persons above named tt to give discharges therefor — Charles Bulfinch "" William Porter Ebez". Oliver JoN^. Hunnewell Francis Wright Joseph Foster Nathan Webb Benjamin Weld — ^ [434.] Mess""^: Russell Lovell «S: other Proprietors of Buildings on Leverett Street who had been assessed for the Common Sewer in that Street — appeared & were questioned respecting their connection with the drain — and it was determined that M''. Lovell not having any use for the Common Sewer nor any drain into it, ought not to be assessed for any share therein— afterwards Committed to M"". Hunnewell, Wright, & Foster to examine On an application from a Committee of the Proprietors of Long Wharff, it was agreed to proceed to take down part of M'^. Whites Store to widen State Street ; the Chairman was desired to inform M^. White and to ask him to make choice of the mode for ascertaining his damages — 28 Jurors drawn for the Court of Common Pleas, the Meeting Adjourned to this day week to supply any vacancies that may happen in the list — Jurors entered in Jury Books — The [A ?] number of rules & orders were read to regulate the stands of Trucks & Carts & various Articles from the Country, ct having been considered & amended the same was adopted & ordered to be printed & a Copy placed on file — ^r. Oliver & M''. Hunnewell a Committee to view Essex Street to consider what additions should be made to that Street from the Land opposite to M"^. Sargents estate, and to take measures for that purpose — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen September 20. 1809 Present Mess''" : Bulfinch, Oliver, May, Wright, Webb, Weld, 9 Jurors drawn to supply vacancies — M''. White appeared & after conferring with the Board on the subject of widening State Street by taking off part of his Store — made a proposal that if the Store could be suffered to stand untill the beginning of May, he would then agree to the Nomination of Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 417 Referees to determine bis damages— he having retired the proposal was considered, and to accommodate his business, the ensuing Fall it was determined to agree to it : the Chairman was desired to procure a suitable obligation from M''. White to be placed on tile M"". Jesse Sanger having produced sufficient recommendations was appointed an Auchtioneer— M^ Charles Lerows License removed [435.1 Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Sep^ 27. 1809 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, May, Oliver, Wright Hunne- well Webb, Weld, Passed on the monthly Accounts — Boston ss : At a special Meeting of Selectmen October 2^^. 1809 Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Huunewell, May, Foster, Webb & Weld— This meeting was called for the purpose of receiving deeds of the Boston MHl Corporation of the Towns proportion of the land, which has been made part of Pond Street, and to give to said Corporation a deed of the remainder of the same land— The Directors of the Mill Corporation were present and the deeds being read & examined were signed & duly executed by the Parties — The land conveyed to the Town was the same which was selected the 30*^ of Sep'. 1808, & contains 16525 square feet, fronting on Pond Street 122 - - feet & west on Cooper Street 135|- feet— A Certificate was signed approving of the Building in Federal Street for the purpose of a Theatre for one year, and also approv- ino- of Mess""" : Powell, Dickinson & Bernard with their Associates as^Performers in the same Building for one Year- Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 4. 1809 Present Mess" : Bulfinch, Oliver, May, Wright, Foster, Webb— 14 Jurors drawn for Circuit Court— and entred on Juror Books Approved the Indentures of William Dittin a Minor to Timothy Foster, Mariner, to be in force untill the 2U"\ of Decem'. 1813 Representation was made to the Hon^'^. Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, that Matthew Bayley, Baker, was from intemperance liable to wasting his property & in danger of be- coming chargeable to the Town, & requesting him to take meas- ures to appoint a Guardian for him — 41S City OonMKNr No. 03. :\1'. Iliiniunvoll M'. Wright vV W. Foster woiv ivt|uosted to examine the silualitm of the houses v\>: their Cellars in that part of Leveret Street where the new C'ounnon Sewer has been laiii in order to deterniiue upon whom the exjHMiee ouiiht to be assessed — thev to report as soon as may be eonvonient — [4o().] lioston ss : At a ]Meetinii- of the Seleetmen Oeto'". U. 1801' Present Mess: Bultineh, Porter, Oliver, 3Iav, AVriiilU Foster. Webb, WeUl, A number of ,lui\>rs were drawn for Court of Common Pleas to sup[>lY detieieneies in former list — the same entered in Jury Books — The Chairman W. Foster & M'. Weld a Committee to eon- sider v.^L adopt regulations for Carts \ Horses in the Streets A; Market Agreed to have a fenee built round the land lately eonveyed to the 'Town by Deed east oi Ponii Street and a range of Stalls for Horses built within the Fenee to aeeommodate the ^larkel People — The Boanl adjourned to view the Street across Copps ITill said to be encroached upon by 3P. New man, also the part of Lynn Street west of Copp's hill — to consider what shall be done for the public security — Boston ss : At a fleeting of the Selectmen October IS"'. 1800 Present Aless"^ : BuUiuch, Porter, Oliver, :Mav, Wright, Webb, Weld. A petition from a number of Retail Shopkeepers in Cornhill i<: Dock Square was presented to remonstrate against the retail Auctions — the same was conversed upiui while the Gentlemen were present, and they were promised the further attention of the Board — On the application of David llaynes, he has liberty to place a Fish Box over the Water at the South end of Kainsfords Lane Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 2o"'. 180;' 1^-eseut ^less" : Bultiuch, Porter, llunnewell. May, Wright, AVebb, Weld, Oliver, yV. Webb was requested to liave the necessary repairs made on Lynn Street — The Chairman ^S: M''. Weld to view Copper Street, to order a suitable Fence on the west side bv the water — Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 419 Mess" : John & Joseph Rowe who had commenced the repairs of the Common Sewer in Essex Street appeared to ask the direc- tion of the Board rehitive to continuing tiie work — having made enquiry into the state of said Drain, it was directed to be com- pleted \o the main Drain in Newbury Street, and M^ Oliver was requested to inspect and give directions — [437.] Boston S8 : At a Meeting of Selectmen October 30. 18Uy Present Mess: Bulfinch, Porter, OUver, May, Wright, Webb, Weld Passed upon monthly Accounts — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Novem"". 1. 1800— Present Mess" : Bulfinch, Oliver Ilunnewell, May, Wright, Weld, Passed upon other Accounts — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Novem'" 8"' ISOO Present Mess": Bulfinch Porter, Oliver, May, Wright Webb, Foster & Weld, Grand Jurors & Traverse Jurors were drawn for the Supreme Judicial Court — Mess" : Bulfinch, Foster & Weld — a Committee on the appli- cation of the Inhabitants of Myrtle Street ; to consider whether any measures can be taken to remove several small buildings from the west end of that street and to continue the street further. — Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen Novem'' 15"' 180'.) Present Mess": Bulfinch, Oliver Hunnewell, Foster, Webb & Weld one Grand Juror drawn in place of M"" Levi Bush who has removed from Town — Six Jurors were drawn for District Court — Jesse Mero, Sexton of the Chapel Church, was approved as a Funeral Porter instead of James Baker resigned M^ Elisha Parks is hcensed as an Auchtioneer — Boston ss : At a meeting of the Selectmen [November 22'^. 180',)] Present. Mess": Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Foster Webb & Weld.— On the application of Jn° W Folsom Esq. he is licensed as an Auchtioneer — The Chairman, M^ Oliver, M"". Hunnewell M^ Foster and M^ Weld — a Committee to view the place at the east end of Boyl- ston Street, where [438.] M''. Mosely is preparing to erect a 420 City Document No. 93. building : — to consider whether the street requires to be widened on that side, in consequence of the new Market house being lately built there. — Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen [November 29"'. 1809] Present, Mess'« : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, Foster, & Weld.— The Board having been informed that the Town Clerk, William Cooper Esq had departed this life, in the evening pre- ceding ; appointed Mess : Bulfinch, Oliver, & Weld to consider & adopt such arrangements for his funeral, at the expence of the Town, as shall express the respectful sense entertained by his fellow citizens of his long and faithful services, and their grate- ful remembrance of his patriotic virtues. — Passed upon the monthly accounts, — Boston ss. At a meeting of the Selectmen. [December 4*'\ 1809] Present. Mess-^^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, May, Wright Foster, Webb & Weld.— This meeting was summoned to consider the propriety of calling a meeting of the Town to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of the late Town Clerk. — after examining the law providing for such cases; — A Warrant was prepared and signed for a Town meeting on the 13^'' instant, for choice of Town Clerk & to act upon the report of the Board of Health relative to Burying grounds. The Chairman was desired to apply to Daniel Davis Esq. and to engage him to defend the Town, in conjunction with Samuel Dexter Esq. in the suit brought by the heirs of Gov"". Hancock — [439.] Boston ss : at a meeting of the Selectmen [December 6*^ 1809] Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Foster The ComiTiittee appointed to view the houses in Leverett Street, where the Common Sewer was lately built, reported ; and the subject of M''. Lovell's objections to pay the proportion assessed on him were fully discussed and considered. — and after long deliberation, it was Yoted, that the proceedings relative to that Common Sewer having been regularly transacted by the Board, agreeably to the returns of proprietors made at the time (Aug 22'') that it was not now expedient to make any alteration in the assessment. The Committee chosen to view the entrance of Boylston street reported that as their opinion, the increase of business, and the Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 421 concourse of carriages which would naturally be occasioned by the new market house in that street, would make it necessary" to widen the easterly end of Boylston Street and also the entrance of Orange Street, by taking down part of the shop of M^ Sam\ Hastings. — Voted — To proceed to morrow at 10 oClock to the situation above named for the purpose of marking off on M''. Hastings & M"". Mosely's buildings — such part as the board should then con- sider necessary to be taken for the widening and improvement of the streets. — Boston ss. At a meeting of the Selectmen [December 7"\ 1809] Present, Mess^* : Bulfinch, Oliver, Hunnewell Wright, Foster & Weld. The Selectmen proceeded to ^'iew the entrance [440.] of Boylston Street ; and determined that in their opinion the safety and convenience of the Inhabitants required that the easterl}'^ end of that street should be widened and accordingly agreed that a line should be drawn from the easterly corner of a new, one-story building belonging to M"". Adam Smith to a point four feet north of the westerly corner of the house of M''. David Mosely & to continue in said direction through said house to Orange Street. The Chairman was desired to inform M''. Mosely of the direc- tion of the new line of the street, that he may arrange his new building according to it : and that it is not intended to take down any part of the house or shop at present. The Board then proceeded to view the entrance of Orange Street, and unanimously determined that the safety and con- venience of the Inhabitants required that the street should be widened in that place ; and agreed to draw a line for the easterly side of that street, from the north corner of the shop on the west part of Sam^ Hastings land to a point 'J feet east of the front of said Hastings' shop at the corner of Orange and Essex Streets. — Voted. That M"". Mosely & M^'. Hastings be informed of these proceedings, and be desired to meet the Selectmen for the pur- pose of agreeing upon the mode of ascertaining the damage, sustained by them respectively — N B. The above minutes of proceedings from Nov"". 8 were entered by the Subscriber and under his direction during the sickness of W" Cooper Esq. & after his death until the choice of Thomas Clark Esq Charles Bulfixch Chairman 422 City Document No. 93. [441.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Present — Mess''": Bultinch, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, May & Weld. — Jurors were drawn for the Court of Common Pleas at January term. — Boston ss : at a Meeting of the Selectmen December 20*"^. 1809. Present Mess"^^ : Bultinch Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, May, Weld & Webb.— M"". Isaac P. Davis & M*". David Greenough, appeared & repre- sented that they had lately purchased the land by the Hay scales, formerly sold by the Town to Col Henry -lackson; & upon measuring the land, they tind it deficient of the <|uanity expressed in the Deeds. — after viewing the plans — the Gentlemen withdrew,, and the Chairman, M''. Hunnewell & M"". Wright were chosen a Committee to examine the Deeds, & measure the land if necessary & to report to the Board. — M"". Mosely appeared respecting his land in Boylston Street agreed to postpone the choice of Referees to Wednesday next,— M"". Hastings also appeared respecting his land taken to widen Orange street — which after being discussed, it was agreed should be referred to this day fortnight for choice of Referees. — Voted. To appropriate the Room over the Board of Health, office in Faneuil Hall to the use of the Town Clerk. — [443.] Boston ss : at a Meeting of the Selectmen Dec"" 7"' 1809 Return was made by M''. Joseph Rowe of the Expence of re- pairing the Common sewer at the Easterly end of Essex Street, the account whereof being duly examined In^ the Selectmen was by them allowed; the}^ being informed at the same time, that all persons concerned in said drain had been notified according to Law, and those who had objections having been heard thereon ; Assessment was now made, an order of payment was passed by the Selectmen as follows, viz. — Whereas a Drain or Common Sewer has been laid in Essex Street, conformably to the direc- tions of the Selectmen, the whole expence whereof amounts to one hundred & thirty eight Dollars, which expence is to be borne by such persons whose drains enter therein & receive benefit thereby : wherefore we the subscribers Selectmen of the said Town of Boston certify, that having considered the same expence and by whom, & in what manner it ought to be paid. Do Adjudge that the same be paid in the proportion following, & by the per- sons hereafter named, viz. — 3 shares — 59.13. 1 d''— 19.71.— 1 do— 19.71. 2 d°— 39.42.— Selectmen's Minutes, 1809. 423 Samuel Hastings . - - Robert Hewes - - . - Mary Rea - John & Joseph Rowe - - And we hereby Authorize & empower the said Joseph Rowe Esq to demand & receive the same & to give discharges therefor. — signed Charles Bulfinch ~] Eben". Oliver a jon-^ hunnewell [ | Francis Wright [^ Joseph Foster I <» Benj*^ Weld J [443.] Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen [Decem- ber 27"'. 1809] Present: Mess''* : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Foster, Webb & Weld. 5 Jurors were drawn to supply vacancies in the list last di'awn for Court of Com : Pleas. — 3 Jurors were drawn for Circuit Court. — M^ Hunnewell reported the Expence of a Powder Carriage, at about 50 Dollars ; he was requested to engage one to be built. M''. David Beaman is appointed as an Auchtioneer at his Store in Kilby Street. — The attention of the Board being called to the Advertisments which have appeared in the late papers respecting a Masquerade to be held in this Town ; the subject was fully discussed & the following Vote passed Unanimously — Voted. That this Board observe with extreme concern an Attempt to introduce an Amusement so uncongenial to the habits & manners of the Citizens of this place, & so immediately dan- gerous to the morals of the Younger part of the Community. — the Board therefore determine to take every Legal measure to prevent the proposed entertainment or exhibition, & direct that the person who offers the tickets for sale, & the occupier of the House where such entertainment is to be held, be notified of the resolution of the Board ; and be warned to desist from further Attempts to carry on an Exhibition which will be discountenanced by the Authority of the Town. — [444.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen January 3**. 1810.— Present Mess''* : Bulfinch, Hunnewell, Wright, Foster, Webb & Weld.— 424 City Document No. 03. M'' Samuel Hastings appeared & proposoil the names of a num- ber of Gentlemen to act as referees upon the estimate of daiiia' 10"'. 1810— Present Mess'^ Bullinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, iMay, AVright, Foster Webb c<; AVeld. — A vacancy being occasioned in the oflice of hay weigher bj^ the death of M''. Trott ; several applications were handed to the board from persons desirous of the appointment : — the same were read & considered, & it was then determined that the choice should be for one year & that the person chosen should give Selectmen's Minutes, 1810. 425 Xen V baUot T ^».» U M Reil was declared to be chosen. — The Committee on the subject of Exchange Lane reported that by law for the widening of Streets. Srl r;.:dr De"e,»..':;|b^o be paid by M^ Robe. Hewes the present owner of the estate. * + o ivToofino- of the Selectmen January 15 \ 18?0.-P.int''M:ss"."S:lb;'H„n„e.eU, May, Wright, Foster, Weld & Webb.— Tl,P nrpsent meetincr was called by precept from the Suprenie JuISarcTurt,r\he purpose of drawing Twenty four Jurors to serve at the present term of that Court.— r447.] Boston ss : at a Meeting of the Selectmen January I7tu iSlO.-Present Mess- Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, May, Foster, Weld & Webb.— M^^enlamin White was chosen Measurer of Wood coming from the Country over Charles River Bridge.— The Chairman was desired to publish an F-trac^ from the Law- regulating the measuring of Wood, to prevent fraud in the sale of that Article. A Communication was read from the Board of Health in proceedings of the Town at the last Meeting.- 426 City Document jSTo. 93. M"". Samuel Harris appeared to claim Compensation for damage done him in taking away part of a Shop, to lay out Broad fStreet in the Tear 1805. — The Chairman was to present M"". Harris demand to the President of the Broad Street Association. — Boston ss : at a Meeting of the Selectmen January 24"' 1810. Present Mess""^ Bulfinch, Porter, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Foster, Weld & Webb.— Return of the patrole watch read. — The Chairman presented the report of the trial on the suit of Hancock for Beacon Hill, drawn up by Daniel Davis Esq one of the counsel employed by the Board — Also, a report of a trial on an Indictment against Thomas Lewis for incumbring the harbour by [448.] building the out- wharves — the same drawn up by D. Davis Esq at the request of the Chairman, as involving questions of importance to the Town. The subject of widening Exchange Lane again under consider- ation — the Committee reported their proceedings in conference with the abutters, & that they were again to meet them this day, — Boston ss : at a Meeting of the Selectmen January 29"\ 1810. — Present Mess^« Bulfinch, Porter, Wright, Weld & Webb.— Passed the Monthly Accounts. — Boston ss : at a Meeting of the Selectmen January oP' 1810 Present Mess'"^ Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, May, Wright, Foster, Webb & Weld.— Passed other Accounts. — M"^ William Morrill is appointed measurer of Wood from the Country, over the Canal Bridge, end of Leverett Street. — M^ Porter, M"" Foster & M"" Weld a Committee on the appli- cation of M*" Skinner to examine his claim to compensation upon such persons as have entred drains into the common sewer laid by him in Sister Street : they are desired to notify the parties & report their opinion. — [449.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen February yth 1810. — Present Mess""^ Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, May, Wright & Foster. — On the application of M^ William Collins the Board approve of the situation of his house in North Street for a bake house — provided the firewards approve of the building for that use. — Selectmen's Minutes, 1810. 427 An application was read from Rob' T. Paine Esq stating his claim to a Tomb in the Granary burying Ground formerly belong- ing to Josiah Willard Esq^ and in which tomb several of the Ancestors of Judge Paine are now deposited ; but which was taken possession of by M'' Samuel Bangs for repairs done thereon in 1786, by consent of the Selectmen at that time. — The Board considered the application, and are of opinion that Judge Paine's claim is well founded, and are willing that he should take possession of the said Tomb, but that he should not disturb or remove the remains of any of the Eamily of M"". Bangs who may be therein. — On the petition of a number of residents at "West Boston, it was agreed that the bell of the 3^^ Baptist Church should be rung at eleven, one & nine o'Clock — at the expence of the Town. — A Petition from the abutters on Ann Street praying for regula- tions of the market Carts usually standing in that street, was [450.] read & assigned to the Committee who have under con- sideration the regulation of the Market. — A Petition from the abutters on Sea Street, for the paving of that street early in the next season, was committed to M'^ Hunne- well & ]VF Wright — to confer with the applicants thereon. — Boston ss : at a Meeting of the Selectmen February 14"\ 1810. Present Mess" Bulfinch, Porter, May, Foster, Webb & Weld.— Return was made by the Committee chosen the dV^ January last to examine into the circum.stances of the drain laid by IM"^ Skinner in Sister Street — which was read & considered, and being accepted, it was ordered that assessment for said drain be made out agreeably to the principles of said report : and which is or- dered to be on file — The Roof of the North School house having been much injured by fire this morning, the Chairman was desired to employ work- men to make the necessary repairs, and take measures for the Accommodation of the School while the repairs are going on. — [451.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen Feb. 21^'. 1810.— Present the whole Board — Grand Jurors & traverse Jurors were drawn to serve at the supreme Judicial Court in March next. — The Assessment for the drain in Sister Street was made out, & being discussed, it was determined it should lay for the present — 428 City IVhumknt No. 93. ^ross"^ TTnnnowell, "Wviiiht, Webb i,^ AVeld :\ Commitioo in oon- junotiou with tho Committee of the board of Health to consiiier the expedienev of applvinii' to the Le>iish\ture for powers to the board of health to iuforee the veiiidations of tlie lUirvitiii' iiioimds Adopted bv tlie Town at the hist Town ^leetini;' — i.V: to aet on tills subject as they shall judije expedient. — The application of M' Hvan for Liberty to exhibit what he terms the art of Pugilism, ».V:, his justilication of that practice was read, i^ being fully consiilered, it was determined as the opinion uld admit such [)erformances in his house, should be ilcinived o\' the privilege of his Licence. — [4i>*-i.] Boston ss : At a ^Meeting t>f the SelectnuMi February 2i;"'. ISIO. Present Mess'MUillinrh, Porter, Oliver, May, Wriglit c^ Webb. l^vssed the ^Monthly Accounts. — Boston ss. at a fleeting of the Selectmen Feb. 28'" 1810. Present :Mess''' Bultinch, Porter, Oliver, May, Wright Webb, & Foster. — "SU Blanchard «S: D^ Dexter appeared t!^ stated their objec- tions to paying any considerable proportion of the drain in Sister Street, they Avere examined respecting the nund>er of com- numications wLich they and RP Tilden had with said drain. i*i: the papers were referred to the former Conunittee for further investigation i.^L consideration. Passed the Monthly i\. ijuarttrly accounts. Warrant was prepared tt signed for Town Meeting for choice of Town olliccrs for the 12"' ]\larch. 3P. Park to print the Notitications Rev. Doe'' Lathroj) — to be rcciucstcil to ojhmi tlic Meeting with Prayer. — The Assessors having given notice that the new lists of Voters will be ready by the P' ^larch, according to Law — the board agreed upon two (gentlemen in each ward \o correct the said lists — the Chairman was desired to request tlicir services, to have the corrections made by the 10"'. March. — [453.] Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen INIarch 7"' 1810. — Present Mess'*. BuUinch, Porter, (.)livcr, llunuewell, May, AVrigbt, Weld vS: Webb. Selectmen's Minutes, 1810. 429 M"". Morrill, measurer of "Wood at Canal bridge appeared to answer complaints made against his measuring, after some con- versation on the subject, he was desired to pay particular atten- tion to the accuracy of his measure — and it was agreed to sus- pend further proceedings for the present. — The Chairman reported that a Law had passed the Legislature, to empower the Assistant Assessors to correct the lists of Voters in their respective wards — it was agreed that they should be notified to meet to-morrow P. M. to be swoz-n into Office & be desired to undertake the correction of the lists immediately. — Boston ss : at a Meeting of the Selectmen March 14"^ 1810. Present Mess""^ Bulfinch, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Foster Webb & Weld.— The members present were sworn according to law by Justice Stevenson.— The board came to the choice of a Chairman, the ballots being taken, [454.] Charles Bulfinch Esq. was declared to be chosen. — The Chairman reported that the ward lists had been delivered to the assistant assessors for correction : he was desired to have them printed as soon as possible after they should be returned to him. On the application of M"". Wheelock, the open space of ground back of the Province house was approved as a place for sale of horses & Cattle by Auction. — Boston ss. at a Meeting of the Selectmen March 2P^ 1810. Present Mess"^* : — Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Foster, Webb & Weld.— Warrant was signed for Town Meeting the first Monday of April next, for the choice of Governour Lieutenant Governour & Senators. Doct. Eckley to be requested to open the Meeting" with Prayer. M''. Park to print the notifications. — At the request of M'' Leverett the board went again into the consideration of his claim to Almshouse land, & his proposals to compromise for 8000 dollars. — The Deeds were read & the plan examined, and after full con- sideration it was determined not to accede to the proposal of [455.] compromise, but that the Committee be impowered to enter into an Arbitration agreement, under a rule of Court for 430 City Document No. 93. the final Adjustment of all M"^ Leveretts claims, on such condi- tions as the Counsel employed by the board should approve — and the referees to act under instructions from the Judges of the Supreme Judicial Court. — The Secretary & Treasurer of the Franklin donation having notified a Meeting of the Trustees of that fund at this time, his Accounts were exhibited. M"^ Wright & M'" Weld were appointed a Committee to examine them, who reported that the}^ were correct — the secretary was desired to prepare a statement of the present situation of the fund to exhibit at the next Meeting. — On the application of William Belcher Esq he is approved as an Auctioneer. — On the application of the residents at South Boston for repairs of streets — M"" Porter w^as desired to view the streets in that district, to observe what repairs were necessary. Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 28*'' 1810. Present Mess'"* Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Foster & Webb. — 28 Jurors w^ere drawn for Court of Com. Pleas. [456.] Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 11*. 1810. Present Mess"^® : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Foster & Webb.— 11 Jurors were drawn to supply vacancies in the list last drawn for the Court of Com. Pleas. — A vacancy having been occasioned in the North Watch by the death of Francis Cleaver Jun'., applications for the place were received from several persons — which having been considered, M'' David Lawrence was chosen in his stead. — In pursuance of a precept from the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, inquisition was made into the circumstances of M"^ Elijah Nickerson, & return was made & signed by the Selectmen present, that said Nickerson was non compos mentis, & they recommended that a Guardian should be appointed for him. — [457.] Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 18'^^ 1810. Present, Mees""* : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright & Weld. A Committee from a newly instituted Insurance Company occupying the room iu the Town house lately hired by M*". Burley, made application for the same room ; M'" Burley being obliged to Selectmen's Minutes, 1810. 431 relinquish business from sickness — and wished a deduction from tlie rent, & stated their reasons — after they had retired, the sub- ject was considered, and it was unanimously determined to hold the whole of the end leased to M'' Burley at the rent of $800 dollars — or the part now occupied by the Insurance Company ex- clusive of M"'. Clelands office for $600.— Plan of streets near Beacon hill were laid before the board & estimates respecting the Towns property on the hill — Agreed that the heirs of Gov. Hancock be invited to attend next Wednesday on their application for purchase or exchange of the Towns prop- erty on Beacon hill. — The Chairman was desired to request the Assistant Assessors to take measures for obtaining a return of the number of ratable polls previous to the 12"^ May next. — Estimates of paving sea Street were laid before the board by the Com*'. [458.] appointed on that Street — who proposed that the abutters should lay a broad side walk on the west side of the Street & the Street to be paved 20 feet wide in Addition — the expence of the center paving about 1500 dollars — To enable the proprietors to make contracts to advantage it was agreed, if the Town should make the usual appropriations for paving at the May Meeting, the board would allow, one Thousand Dollars towards paving Sea Street & Beach Street, to join the pavement in South Street. Mess'® Stephen W. Jackson & Francis Jackson apjilied for a licence of a building they are now erecting west of Washington Street for a Candle Manufactory — after considering the subject it was determined, that the reasons which formerly influenced the Selectmen to forbid such manufactories on the neck, were still in full force ; and that the licence now applied for could not be granted. — Mess''® Brown & Hough applied for a licence as Auctioneers in addition to their usual business of wholesale merchants, the ap- plicants produced very respectable recommendations ; but the board considered it not advisable to grant a licence to persons well established in another business. — A Committee from the proprietors of land & buildings on Myrtle Street applied to request that measures might be taken [459.] to continue the westerly end of said Street to Grove Street, & by that means to remove a nimiber of small buildings which are occupied by persons who bring a discredit on the neigh- bourhood. — The Chairman, M"" Foster & M"" Weld appointed to view and Report. — 432 City Document No. 93. Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 25"' 1810. — Present, Mess''* Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Webb & Weld.— M"". Isaac White having been reminded of his engagement to consent to the naming of referees for ascertaining the amount which he should receive for damages for part of his Store & the land under the same to be taken to widen the lower part of State Street: M"" White now appeared & presented a list of Twenty persons — & after some consideration the following Gentlemen were selected, William Parsons John C. Jones Isaac Eand John Winslow John Joy Elsquires and the Chairman was desired to request them to attend the ser- vice Assigned them. — [460.] The following arrangement of Committees was adopted for the year ensuing. — ^M"" May the easterly North di\a8ion of Streets M'' Webb the westerly north division of ditto M'" Weld— wards N° 4 & 5 M"" Bulfinch wards N° 6 & 7 M'' Hunnewell ward N" 8 • M"" Wright ward N° 9 M"" Foster ward N° 10 M"" Oliver ward N" 11 M"" Porter ward N" 12 Mess''* Bulfinch, Porter & Hunnewell for the neck. — Mess''* Oliver, Foster & AYeld for care of the Common. — The Common Committee was desired to pay immediate atten- tion to the state of the fences & to direct the repairs thereof & of the Mall ; & to order such trees to be replaced as are wanted, & the necessary pruning to be done. — M'" Weld, the proprietor of a small House in Exchange lane appeared and complained that his property was to be taken away without compensation previously made to him. — he was reminded that he had been invited in writing to attend the meeting of the referees & to consent to the rule entered into by the other parties, but had paid no attention [461.] to the request of the board; Selectmen's Minutes, 1810. 433 but since he Uficl now appeared, the board wonld consider what propositions they could make him & would communicate the same in writing. — M' Huse, M'' John Hancock & M"" Spear appeared on the part of the owners of Beacon hill to confer respecting the Towns property there — after some general conversation it was agreed to appoint a Committee to consider the subject & to report to the board, & after that a further communication would be made to the applicants. — The Gentlemen having withdrawn, the Chairman, M'" Hunne- well & M^ Weld were chosen on the Committee. — Complaint having been made against several stones placed as posts in front of M'' Thompsons house in south Pond Street ; it was directed that the same be removed by the officer of Police. — Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen April 30*'\ 1810. — Present Mess" : Bulflnch, Oliver, May, Wright & Webb. Passed the Monthl}^ Accounts. — M'". Nathan Hull having been recommended to the satisfaction of the board, is approved to keep a private School for teach- ing the mathematics in this Town. [4:62.] Boston ss : At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 2''. INIO. Present Mess" Bulflnch, Porter, Ohver, Hunnewell, Wright, May & Weld.— Passed the remainder of the Accounts. — The Chairman exhibited an Account presented by the Admin- istrator on the Estate of the late William Cooper Esq for the arrears of grants due according to Votes of the Town, the same were examined & compared with the Votes — the Chairman was desired to draw up a statement to be laid before the Town, at the next Meeting. — Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen May i)"'. 1810. Present Mess Bulflnch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright Foster, AVebb & Weld.— Warrant was prepared & signed for a Town Meeting on the 1 6"\ Instant for the choice of Representatives & for the 1 7*'\ for the Money concerns of the year. — D"". Baldwin to be requested to open the Meeting with Prayer. — 434 City Document No. 93. M'' Park to print Notifications. — The subject of the application of the heirs of Gov Hancock to purchase Beacon Hill was considered — and the Chairman was desired to prepare a Report to be laid before the Town. — A Statement relative to M^ Cooper's arrears was read & con- sidered & accepted to be presented to the Town. — [463.] The Chairman informed the board that a number of Gentlemen had purchased of Cap*. Hinckley a portion of the land late the estate of Jeremiah Allen Esq for the purpose of widening the south entrance of Somersett Street, for which they had paid 900 Dollars & a deed of the land had been given by Cap'. Hinckley to the Town. Voted, tliat the southerh' end of said Somersett Street be leveled & regulated at the Expence of the Town & M"". Bulfinch, M"". Oliver & M^ Weld were desired to direct the workmen. — Information being given that the workmen were read}' to pro- ceed upon the foundation of the new Court House, the Chairman was desired to apply to the owners of vacant land in School Street, for liberty to place the Engine house thereon as a tempo- rary accommodation. — A Meeting of the selectmen was warned Mess". Bulfinch, May & Foster attended — The Assistant Assessors made return of the number of rate- able polls in the several wards of the Town amounting in all to 9557.— Boston ss: At a Meeting of the Selectmen May 15"' 1810. Present Mess''^ Bulfinch, Oliver, Hunnewell, Wright, May & Foster. Jurors were drawn for the Circuit Court. — [464.] Boston ss. At a Special INIeeting of the Selectmen May 18"^ 1810. Present Mess'"« Bulfinch, May, Wright, Webb & Weld. This meeting was called by request of some of the board to meet at the easterly end of Pond Street to view the wall of the Mill Creek now building — after examining the same, it was Voted. That in the opinion of the board, it is necessary that the bottom of the new part of the Creek now making, should be dug away, on a level with the old part of the Creek ; and that all the walls Selectmen's Minutes, 1810. 435 of the Creek and Canal in future sliould be laid on the solid Clay bottom, and that all the mud and loose earth should be dug away. — Voted that the Chairman communicate the above to the Presi- dent of the Mill Corporation, & that the board meet on Monday next 12 "Clock, at Faneuil Hall, on this business. — At a Meeting of the Selectmen Monday May 2P' by Adjourn- ment from the 18"'. — Present Mess''^ Bulfinch, Hunnewell, May, AV right, Foster, Webb Hunnewell had withdrawn. — The Chairman was desired to notify the persons assessed for part of the expence of opening Exchange lane that the time for paying one half of such Assessment had expired, & to request them to pay the same to the Town Treasurer. — Pursuant to a precept received from Thomas Dawes Esq. Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, inquisition was made into the circumstances of Samuel Bulfinch — and return was made that he was incapable of taking care of his property & recom- mending that a Guardian should be appointed for him. — [503.] Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 29"'. 1810. Present Mess""^ : Bulfinch, Oliver, May, Wright, Webb & Weld.— Passed upon Accounts. — The following Statement of the claims of M"". John Leverett & others for land under part of the Alms house, and of their final adjustment, are directed to be recorded for the convenience of reference in future. — Mess'* : John Leverett & others, heirs of Knight Leverett deceased, brought a suit against the Town for recovery of a piece of land forty feet wide on Leverett Street & running to low water, and also for another piece twenty feet wide & forty feet long branching fi'om the other at right angles — both which pieces had been appropriated & described in Ancient deeds of Knight Leverett as streets or highways. The Agents appointed by the Town to build the Alms house had occupied the said land for Town use, and had built the Alms house entirely over the smaller piece and across the forty foot Street, and had enclosed the remainder for yard & Wharf. — The suit for the largest piece of [503.] land, or the forty foot street, was carried to the Supreme Judicial Court ; and the Selectmen's Minutes, 1810. 453 plaintiffs having proved their descent & title, it was agreed to refer the consideration of damages to William Prescott, Samuel Putnam & William Sullivan Esquires — a rule of Court was entered into, the subject was considered by the referees, & after hearing Counsel on both sides, they agreed upon their award. — The rule and award are as follow. — U , ^1 *"' >■ Commonwealth of Massachusetts. iSantucket ss ) At the Supreme Judicial Court, begun & held at Boston within the County of Suffolk, & for the Counties of Suffolk & Nan- tucket, on the second Tuesda}^ of March, being the thirteenth day of said Month, Anno Domini 1810. Inhabitants of Boston, in Review vs John Leverett. The parties agree that the verdict rendered in favor of the demandant in the original action, shall be affirmed by the Court and judgement rendered accordingly with costs ; and the demandant agrees to convey to the said Inhabitants all his right & title in & to the [504.] said demanded premises upon their paying him therefor such sum as shall be assessed by WilUam Prescott of said Boston, Samuel Putnam of Salem & William Sullivan of Boston Esquires, Assessors chosen by the parties ; said Assessors to be governed by such principles as the Court shall prescribe, and their report to be presented to the Court for acceptance and Confirmation, if either party shall require it. Provided such sum be paid b}^ the Town within one year after such report. It being understood that neither party will require such report to be presented to the Court for acceptance, unless such party should conceive that the assessors have not been gov- erned by the directions of the Court. It is also agreed that the costs of this reference shall be paid by the said Inhabitants of the Town of Boston. — The Court under the preceding agreement of the parties and by their consent, direct that the Assessors chosen under this agreement by the parties shall in the valuation of the demanded premises estimate the land, at the fair cash price of the same, subject to the incumbrances thereon (in the same manner as a Jury would estimate [505.] the same, on an inquiry under the Statute of the Commonwealth passed on the 2*^ day of March 1808, intitled "an Act for the limitation of certain real actions, and for the equitable settlement of certain claims arising in real actions") — The assessors shall make such allowance for the credit given for the sum at which the premises are valued as they may think proper. Jn'\ TrcKEK — Clerk 454 City Document No. 93. We the Subscribers having duly notified, met & heard the parties within named touching the matters to us submitted by the within rule, now report, that we have estimated the demanded premises, that is to say. Seven undivided Forty fifth parts of the parcel of'land described in the demandants writ, at the fair cash price thereof, subject to the incumbrances thereon, & are of opinion that the same so estimated & subject to said incumbrances are of the real value of Three hundred & three Dollars & three Cents, and that for the credit agreed to be given therefor, a farther sum of Twenty four dollars & twenty two cents ought to be allowed, making in the whole — Three hundred & twenty seven dollars & Twenty five Cents [506.] Signed W" Prescott Sam^. Putnam Costs of Rule W^ Sullivan Assessors 200 House —20. 52 $ 220. 52 Dated at Boston May BO^^. 1810. In conformity with the above award M'' John Leverett pre- sented to the Selectmen the following account August 23*^. 1810. The Inhabitants of Boston to John Leverett & others — D''. 1810. to amount of .John Leveretts share 7 of land under the Almshouse p''. award 7/45 — 327.25. 12 D*'. Abigail .Johnson's - d° - - 12/45—561.— 3^ D° N & M Leonards - d° - - 3^/45— 163. 62i 3| D° W" Leverett's - - d'^ - - 3^/45-163.621 3| 1)0 Abigail Brush - - d« - - 3i/45— 163.62^ •Si D" Thomas Leverett - d'' - - 3i/45— 163.62| 2 42/45 D". Benj'^ Leverett - - d° - - 2"'42/45— 137.l"3i- 35 42/45 $1679.88^ An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favour of John Leverett for 1542.75 — and Deeds were duly executed by him for his proportion & for the others for whom he was Attorney to that amount. — And also an order was drawn in favour of B Leverett for 137. 13^ — and a Deed was executed by him for his pro- portion. — After this settlement proposals were made for settling the claim for the other piece of land 20 feet by 40 f. which [507.] could not be included in the Reference — and it was agreed by the Selectmen to allow therefor, and for the purpose of closing the demand, the sum of Seven hundred & one dollars 25/100 — this sum to be paid as follows. Selectmen's Minutes, 1810. 455 7 - - To John Leverett for ■ - 7/45 - - . - - 109. 8 12 - - - Abigail Johnson - ■ ■ 12/45 - - . ■ - 187.— 3| - - - N & M Leonard - • - 3^/45 ( - - . - - 54.54 3i . . . W" Leverett - ■ ■ 3.4/45 - - . - - 54.54 3^ - - - Abigail Brush - ■ ■ 3i/45 - - . - - 54.54 2 42/45. - Benj* Leverett - - 2 42/45 - . ■ - 45.71 3i - - - Thomas Leverett - 3V45 - - . • - 54.54 35 42/45 $559.95 An order was drawn on the Treasurer for 514.24 in favour of John Leverett Oc'. 29"", & in favour B Leverett - - - for 45.71 There now remains due the proportion to the following persons. — first award 2d Settlement To Mary Cottle for 2 2/45 95, 57 —31.85 Elizabeth AVelsh 2 2/45 —95. 57 —31.85 Assignees W" Leverett 2 2/45 —95. 57 . 31.85 Children of John Leverett 2 42/45 137. 13 .45.71 9 3/45 $423. 84 $141.26 Settled for as above— 35 42/45 423.84 45 Shares. $565.10. Deeds have been received from John & Benj Leverett for the proportions which they represent. — [508.] Therefore it is now Voted, that the Town Treasurer give his promissory note in behalf of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston to John Leverett for the amount drawn for in his favour in August last & at this date — and to Benjamin Leverett for the amount drawn for in his favour at the same dates — all which sums to be paid on the thirtieth day of May next, with- out Interest. — Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen October 3P^ 1810. Present Mess'^^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell Webb & Weld. — 12 Jurors drawn — Sheriffs Jury - - - Wheras in August last past the sum of Fifteen hundred forty two dollars & y\,% was allowed to John Leverett of Windsor Vermont & the sum of one hundred thirty seven dollars ^^^ to Benjamin Leverett of Boston ; and on the twenty ninth Instant the further sum of Five hundred & fourteen dollars ^^^ was allowed to the said John Leverett and the further sum of Forty 456 City Document No. 93. five dollars fjj\ was allowed to the said Benjamin Leverett; Voted that the Town Treasurer give his promissory note in the behalf of the Inhabitants of said Town to the said John for the amount allowed to him aforesaid, & to the said Benjamin for the Amount [509.] allowed to him as aforesaid, to be paid on the Thirtieth da}' of May next without Interest. — The above is a copy of the order to the Town Treasurer which accompanied the draft on him. Passed the remainder of the Accounts Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen November 7"\ 1810 Present Mess""® : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunuewell, May, Wright, & Weld.— Return was made by M"" William Hynes of the expence of repairing the drain in Cambridge Street, commonly Mackays drain, the account whereof being duly examined by the Selectmen was by them allowed ; they being informed at the same time, that all persons concerned in said drain, had been notified according to Law, & that no objection had been made : Assessment was now made, an Order of payment was passed by the Selectmen as follow viz. Whereas a Drain or common sewer has been laid in Cambridge Street conformably to the directions of the Selectmen, the whole expence whereof amounts to forty eight Dollars 82 Cents *which expence is to be borne by such persons whose drains enter therein [510.] and receive benefit thereby : Wherefore We the subscribers Selectmen of the said Town of Boston Certify that having considered the same expence & by whom & in what manner it ought" to be paid Do Aajiidge that the same be paid in the proportion following & by the persons hereafter named viz. Widow P^leanor Davis 2.44 Joseph Blake 4.88 Jon=^ L & B. Austin 9.76 Widow Jane Clark 2.44 Loring Jacobs 2.44 Sylvanus Gray 2.44 Benj'^. Brigham 2.44 Benf . Hurd 2.44 Caswell Beal 2.44 John Harris 2.44 John Mackay 2.44 Sami. W. Hunt 2.44 Mungo Mackay 4.90 C Wright 2.44 Nehemiah Parsons 2.44 |!48.82 Selectmen's Minutes, 1810. 457 And we hereby Authorize & empower M*". William Hynes to demand & receive the above sums from the persons above named, & to give discharges therefor, (signed) Ch\ Bulfinch, W Porter, E. Oliver J Hunnewell J May F Wright B. Weld— [511.] M^ Clark Emmes applied to inquire the reason that his bill for making engine hose had not been allowed the full amount of his charge — and stated the superior advantages of the hose made by him. — A Communication was also read from M'' Fenno on this subject — and it appearing to the board that a regular mode ought to be adopted for purchasing this article ; the papers were handed to M''. Hunnewell, to lay before the firewards at their next meeting ; that they might agree upon measures with this board in future. — M"". Oliver, M"" Wright & M''. Hunnewell a Committee to deter- mine how much land was necessary to be taken to widen Essex Street opposite to the Estate of Daniel Sargent Esq. and to make an agreement with the proprietor for the same, on the best terms which could be obtained. — [513.] Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen Novem- ber 15"^ 1810. Present Mess : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunne- well, May, Wright, Foster, Webb & Weld.— Jurors were drawn to serve as Grand & Travers Jurors at the Supreme Judicial Court the ensuing term. — M' Hancock having employed a number of Persons in digging and carting away their land on Beacon Hill — the Chairman, M'' Hunnewell, & M''. Weld were appointed to have the Towns right on the hill staked out, & to forbid encroachment thereon. — A special application was received, in favour of M'' Stephen Brown recommending him for a licence as an Auctioneer — the same was considered, and it was agreed to licence M'' Brown for the Current Year. — It was also agreed to grant an Auction licence to M''. Barker, of the firm of Barker & Bridge — to transact business as one of that Company & in Consequence of the weak state of health of M'. Bridge.— [513.] Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov"". 21. 1810. Present Mess^« : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, & Weld.— M'. Wright was requested to procure a quantity of musket balls, in addition to what is at present in the Town armoury, to 458 City Document No. 93. complete the quantity required by Law, in consequence of the increased number of men on the muster rolls of the Militia. — Several Gentlemen residing on & in the neighbourhood of Snowhill street, appeared to state the almost impassable situation of that Street, in consequence of the great use made of it in cart- ing gravel from Copp's hill the present season — M'" Hunnewell & M''. May were appointed a Committee to view the same and order the necessary repairs immediately. — A letter received from H. G. Otis Esq dated Ocf. 16*^ having been read at the last Meeting, was now considered and acted upon. — In this letter M''. Otis informs the board that he is a proprietor of a Lot of land at the corner of Atkinson & Purchase streets, late the property of Gen Henry Jackson, from which lot two strips [514.] of land to widen those Streets after the fire in 1794, and for which no compensation has been made to the former or present proprietor. — Upon referring to the records of that time, it appears that those streets were widened, according to the then existing Laws by the Selectmen & Justices of the County of Suffolk ; and a particular statement appears of the quantity of Land taken for that purpose on a plan by Osgood Carleton drawn at the same period. — The following resolution was now adopted, & voted to be communicated to M'" Otis. Upon examination the Selectmen find, that in 1794, in order to widen Atkinson Street, High Street & Purchase Street, after a very extensive devastation by fire, portions of land were taken from most of the individuals abutting on these streets & which are described in the plan drawn at that time by Osgood Carleton. — The board do not find that any demand for compensation has ever been made by any person whose land was taken for this purpose, and they presume the straightening & widening of the streets were considered so great an improvement to all the property abutting on them, as to satisfy [515.] the proprietors for the loss of the small portions of their land added to the Streets The board are further of Opinion, that after a lapse of sixteen years, without any demand being made, it is not in their power to act upon the subject*; but that the claim should it be persisted in be laid before the Town at a regular Town meeting. — Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen Nov'. 26 1810. Present Mess"'* Bulfinch, Porter, May, Wright, Foster & Weld. — Passed upon Accounts. — Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen Decern'". 5'^. 1810. Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, AVright, Webb & Weld.— Selectmen's MinutEvS, 1810. 459 Passed a number of Accounts to close the Monthly draft. — An application from Johnson a black man was received, praying to be licensed as a Chimney sweeper, with recommendations from a number of the Inhabitants. A Communication on this subject [516.] was also received from M"^ Vinton the present superintendent of chinmies. Mess'^® : Porter, Hunnewell & May were appointed a Committee to receive these papers, & to report what was advisable to be adopted for the safety of the Town and convenience of the Inhabitants. — The Chairman, M"" Wright & M'' Weld, a Committee to agree upon referees with M'". Patterson, for estimating the damage done to his estate in Back Street, for a small part thereof taken to widen the Street. — The Committee chosen to attend to the widening of part of Essex Street — made the following reuort, which was read & accepted. — That they had agreed with M"^ Plumbeck for part of his land to widen the Street ; which land is described as follows. From the east corner of Thomas Fessenden's house to the west corner of Plumbecks house the line to be drawn straight and distant at that corner 39 feet 6 inches from the fence of estate of late Dan'. Sargent, and from the east corner of Plumbeck's house across to said Sargents fence 38 feet 9 inches. From the east corner of Plumbeck's house to be a straight line to the corner of the distill house on Essex & South Streets, taking from the land lately purchased by [517.] Plumbeck about 306 square feet. — and for which they have agreed to pay him One hundred & fifty Dollars. — The Chairman & IVP. Porter having withdrawn — M'". Oliver was requested to take the Chair. — The following communication was read from M"" Bulfinch. Gentlemen, In the estimate of expences for the present year, a sum was named for the police department, which was read in Town Meeting, and was adopted with other appropriations. — I have not yet brought the subject before the board, from an unwillingness to make claims upon the public ; but I must now request you to consider that the Town service occupies nearly my whole time, at home, in Office hours and in the Street, and 460 City Document No. 93. renders it impossible for me to engage in any regular business, except that of the Town. I have long wished to be able to serve the Town upon the same independent footing with the other members of the Board : but the stagnation of business and the [518.] disappointment of expectations in the two past years have prevented my obtaining my wish in this respect. Under the circumstances I request the Board to consider the propriety of making my compensation in proportion to that of other Town Officers who receive pay for their services. — The subject was considered, & on motion Voted, unanimously, That the sum of four hundred Dollars be allowed & paid to Cha^. Bulfinch Esq. in addition to his Salary of six hundred Dollars, as Police officer the present year. — Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen December 7^'^ 1810. Present Mess''^ : Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright & Weld.— Two Jurors were drawn for the District Court now sitting. — The Committee appointed at the last Meeting to consider the subject of sweeping chimneys, reported. — That M'' Vinton had informed them, that he kept two public offices for the conve- nience of the Inhabitants to apply & enter their names in his books — one of which offices was at the [519.] room of the Clerk of the Market & the other at N^ 100 Orange Street. — that he now had six capable Sweeps luider his orders ; and would engage to continue to employ such number as should be thought necessary — the Committee therefore recommended not to make any new appointment of additional superintendent ; but that M"". Vinton should inform the public of these particulars by adver- tisement, and request all who have occasion for sweeps to apply at one of his Offices, and not to trust to applications or messages sent him by his Boys, & made to them in the Streets. — This Report was accepted, & Voted, That the Chairman add to the foot of M"" Vinton's advertisement a request that the Inhab- itants would adopt the method proposed by him, and give information to the board of any neglect on his part after regular application made to him. — [520.] Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen December 12"\ 1810. Present Mess" Bulfinch, Hunnewell, Wright, Webb & Weld. — An application from Cap*. Nye for powder for use of the Artillery Company under his Command, was committed to M''. Selectmen's Minutes, 1810. 461 "Wright, to consult with the Brigadier General respecting the con- struction of the Militia Law in this particular. — On the request of the Committee of Directors of Mill pond Corporation, Mess'* Webb & Weld were appointed a Committee to confer with them relative to the drain laid through part of the pond from Prince Street. — A Petition was received from a number of Inhabitants request- ing that measures should be taken to prevent the Boys from coasting in the pubhc Streets. — The Chairman was directed to publish an order to forbid this practice, and to employ a suitable number of Constables to stop any boys that shall continue it in hazardous situations. — [521.] Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen December 19"\ 1810 Present Mess""^ Bulfinch, Porter, Oliver Hunnewell, Wright, Foster Webb & Weld. Whereas M' John Homer of this Town, bricklayer, contracted with the Selectmen, by his instrument dated the 16"' day of Feb- ruary 1803, to pay whatever should be awarded for a certain piece of land, taken from the estate of Andrew Greene, to widen & improve the Street leading by the north side of Beacon hill ; from Middlecott Street to Hancock Street which Street has been since named Derne Street ; and whereas the value of said land has been since ascertained by referees to amount to the sum of 275yVtt clollars, which has been paid by him to the legal represen- tatives of said Andrew Greene deceased, in manner following, viz. By John Homers Ace° allowed Ap''. 30. 1810 and entered in the draft for that Month, made payable to Andrew Green for 120 - By his Account allowed Aug*. 27"' 1810. payable on Account of s^. Green to D''. John Warren for 100 — By his account allowed Nov. 30"'. 1810 payable also to D^ John Warren 55.25 ^275.25 [533.] Now the said John Homer having paid as above the amount which he had contracted to pay ; it is ordered that the Town Treasurer discharge the Mortgage on the estate of said Homer in Derne Street, which was given by him as surety for said Contract. — M"". Wright of the Committee on application of Cap^ Nye of the Artillery Company under his command — Reports, that he has consulted the Brigadier General respecting the construction of the 462 City Document No. 93, Militia Law in this particular & reports that they are unanimously of opinion that the Artillery Companies are 7iot entitled to receive such allowance of powder as prayed for ; but that pro- vision is made for the Artillery by the Commonwealth, to be supplied by the Quarter Master General. This report having been read and considered was accepted. — 28 Jurors were drawn for Court of Com. Pleas — & 4 Jurors were drawn for the District Court now sitting. Applications were received from the following persons request- ing to be licensed as Auctioneers — M''. Henry White, George Wheeler Nathaniel Tucker & -James Fillis. The [533.] above named persons being all recommended by a number of very respectable Freeholders — and their claims to this appointment having been fully considered, it was agreed to grant a license to each of them. — The Chairman informed the board that he had received from the Clerk of the Court of Com. Pleas, notice that the verdict of the Jur}' in the case of James Harrison for land taken for streets near the Exchange Coffee house had been accepted, and an order had passed that the Amount being 19148 dollars be paid out of the Town Treasury. — upon the receipt of the above the Chairman had communicated the same to the President & Directors of the Exchange Coffee house, & requested them to make provision for the i)ayment, or take such other measures as to prevent inconvenience to the Town. — The Chairman informed the board, that he had been summoned to Court upon an indictment found against the Town by the Grand Jury, for a nuisance at the west end of Leverett Street, being the wharf from which the dirt & Night Carts of the Town are emptied by order of the Board of Health : — that he had attended the Court, but the cause had been postponed to the next term, to give convenient time to the Town [534.] to choose an Agent to answer to the Charge. The Committee charged to stake out the Town's property on Beacon hill, reported that they had met on the hill, in company with the owners of the other part of the land, and had proceeded to measure «fc stake out six rods square on the summit of the hill, in company with the owners of the other part of the land, and had proceeded to measure & stake out six rods square on the summit of the hill & the passage way of thirty feet wide leading thereto on the south side. The Committee found that a large portion of the north east corner of the land had caved awaj^, the earth from which had been used for the repair of streets the present season ; and that on the South west corner about fifteen Selectmen's Minutes, 1810. 463 feet at the extreme angle had been taken away by Mess""* Hancock. — Boston ss. At a meeting of the Selectmen December 26"'. 1810. Present Mess"^^ : Bulfinch, Oliver, Hunnewell, May, Wright, Foster, Webb & Weld.— 9 Jurors were drawn for the District Court & 30 Jurors were drawn for the Supreme Court. — The Committee chosen to procure a suitable place for the School street Engine house reported, that it could not be accommodated on the land on & near which it now» stands as the proprietors intend to build houses [525.] on the same land early in the spring : but that sufficient room may be allowed for it back of the Latin school — The Chairman & M'' Hunnewell were desired to contract with workmen for a building which may answer for an engine house, a wood house & Necessary for the latin School, as the present buildings are in a ruinous state & not capable of repair. An application was received from William Bell, stating that in paving North Street, he had undertaken the side walk in front of the house occupied by Cap'. Curtis — & had procured edge stones & other materials for the same ; that M''. Curtis had since left the Country without paying the bills as he had promised & that the said Bell had been sued for part of the materials, for which Execution had issued, and which he was unable to pay ; he there- fore requested the Board to allow him the amount of the bill of edge stones amounting to 43. 3G. and he would abide ]jy the loss of the other materials & of his labour & the costs of suit. The subject was considered, & it appearing that M'' Bell had taken all suitable means to recover the debt from Cap^ Curtis without effect, it was determined that the provisions of the Law regula- ting the paving of Streets, [536.] would justify the board in allowing the present account & it was agreed to give an order on the Treasurer for $43.36 in the next draft. — Boston ss. At a Meeting of the Selectmen December 31®'. 1810. Present Me^s'■^ Bulfinch, Hunnewell, May, Wright, AVebb & Weld. Passed the Monthly Accounts. — I Certify that the records in this Book, commencing on the 14*** day of December A. D. 1809. & ending December 3P'. 1810. are a true record of the Proceedings of the Selectmen of the Town of Boston. — Tho' Clakk, Town Clerk. END OF BOOK NINETEEN. INDE (465) INDE Abbot, Samuel, 11,112. Ao.klev, Josepli, 22. Adams, , llfi, 156. , Gov., 217. Abijah, 57, 192. Abraham, 148, 249. Dinah, 165. John, 104, 339. John Q., 384, 415. Joseph, 13, 17, 2S4. Samuel, 47,51, 204. Scipeon, 43. Scipio, 40. William, 62. Z., 106. Aikin, .loseph, 62. Allen (Alliue), Benjamin, 152, 157, 187, Elizabeth, 326. James, 395. Jeremiah, 45, 320, 434. Jonathan, 272, 877. Joseph, 185. .Josiah, 275. Reuben, 250. William, 17, 18, 31, 72, 111, 156, 239, 241,272,376. Alley, , 337. Ames, , 147. Luther, 12. Ammidon (Amadon), Philip, 152, l.i7, 239, 241,272,377. Amory, , 66, 70, 197. Abigail, 50. Elizabeth, 154. Francis, 386. John, 198, 217, 363, 364, 372, 409. John G., 66. Jonathan, 66, 101, 124. Rufus G., 10, 35, 55, 65, 110, 137, 1,')8, 251, 260, 274. Thomas, 117, 240. Thomas C, 104, 154, 160, 197. Andrews, , 50, 152, 274, 347. , Mrs. 399. Benjamin, 337. John, 76, 112,113,142. Samuel, 81, 82,84,317. Turel, 217. William, 29, 119, 218. 239. Appleton, , 103, 154, 167, 189, 212. , Mrs., 165. John. 112. N., 364. S., 364. Thomas, 210, 237. William, 165, 166. Archibald (Arohbold), Azor fr., 72, 111, 156, 187, 239, 241, 272, 376. Armstrong, , 366 Arnold, , Capt., 83, 84. Asbton, John, 104. 196. Atkins, Freeman. 263, 266, 358. Gibbin, 73. .Joshua, 317. Attole, Francis, 367. Austin, , 1, 2, 3, 4, 99, 117, 138, 171, 214, 243, 273, 283. Benjamin, 60, 162, 244, 247, 296, 352, 456. Jonathan Loriug, 60, 352, 391, 45fi. Richard, 5(», ni, 56, 101,143, 178, 2o5, 226, 264,299,333,371,406. Avery, , 147. John, 249. Avis, ,201,202,211. Babcock, , 137. Abraham, 164, 172, 231, 2C6, 297, 335, 409. Adam, 334. Lemuel, 439. Samuel, 373, 439. William, 372. Bachtold (Batchtold), Daniel, 151, 316, 317. Bacon, John, 327. Badger, , Capt., 303. John, 31, 72, 175. 184, 187, 239, 372, 409. Sarah, 218. Baker, , 147, 168. Henry W., 158. James, 163, 333, 419. Luke, 51, 57,.58, 61, 68, 70, 217. Balch (Balsh), ,70. Jonathan, 145, 148, 175, 2,33, 283, 298. Nathaniel, 68, 76, 185, 191, 192. Baldwin, , 83, 94, 227, 264, 433. Ballard, , 163, 285. Daniel, 306. Peter, 222. Brancroft, , 192. Bangs, Samuel, 427. Banister, John, 284. Bank, Union, 110. Barber, , 195. Thomas, 7, 36. Barker, , 285, 457. Jonas, 43. Moses, 212 Barlin, Hephzibah, 317. Barnard, John, 439. Moses, 167, 162, 248, 310. Tristram, .339. Barry, .James, 8. Bartlett (Bartlet) , , 163. Josiah, 444. Roger, 27. Thomas, 208, 209. William, 68. Bass, , 108. Alden, 179. Benjamin, 266, 298, .335. Henrv, 40. 81, 121. 123, 124, 146. Batchelder (Batcheldor), Ann, 250. Josiah, 384. Bates, , 48. Abna, 395. Daniel, 360. David, 360. Deacon, 225, 226. Batson, . 278. Joseph, 372, 409. (-167) 468 City Document No. 93. Batterman, , 59, 67. Baxter, , 272. Rufus, 317. Baylev, , 16, 40, 59. , Widow, 66. Benjamin, 175,395, 403. Deacon, 146, 221. Jame8, 40, 81. Mattliew, 389, 417. Thomas, 66, 81, 97, 121, 123, 143. Bazin, , 110. Abraham, 179, 192. Beal (Beals), , 87, 49, 114. Caleb, 105. Caswell, 456. Joshua, 51, 217. Beaman, David, 423, 447. Belcher, , 366. William, 430, 447. Belknap, Jeremiah, 110. Bell, , 16. Edward, .362. Nathaniel Emmes, 338. Shiibael, 409. William, 284, 463. Bellowes, John, 249. Bfnford, ,306. Benneeii, Hcnrv, 339. Bennett (Bennet), , 119. Joseph, 181, 231, 206, 2J7, 335, 409, 439. Benoit, , 373. Bernard, , 417. Berr^', Thomas, 112. Bethune, Ann, 218. Bickford, Thomas, 162. Bigelow (Biglow), ,354. Timothy, 444. Billings, , 249, John Welch, 112. Samuel, 405. Binford, , 306. Thomas, 162, 163, 213. Bingham, Caleb, 110, 405. Binney, Amos, 322. Bird, James, 350. Jonathan, 2.57, 323, 324. Thomas, 257. Birkes, Martin, 43. Bishop, , 263, 266. John, 317. Blagge, Samuel, 72, 74, 111, 156, 187, 195, 196, 239, 241, 272, 377, 447. Blaney (Blainey), , 151, 215. , Mrs., 4.50. Henry, 76, 217. Blake, , 145, 243, 380. Edward, 154, 197. George, 154, 162, 197, 390. Joseph, 391,4.56. Thomas, .338, 356. Blanchard, 428, 449, 451. Edward, 103, 154, 197. George, 57, 88, 103, 146, 153, 154, 155, 252, 253. 254, 258. John W., 155, 197, 404, 447. Joshua, 66, 405. WMlliam, .386. Boardman, William, .35, 66, 366, 386. Bois (Boies), J. Smith, 33, 57, 58, 60, 66, 405. Boiler, James, 275. Bolt, Charles, 93. Bond, George, 410, 447. Boots, , 287. Bosson, , 181. John, 177. Bourn, Meletiah, 91. Bowdoin, ,232. James, 103, 177, 233, 361. Bowen, John, 98, 196. Bowland, Benjamin. 194. Royington, Amos, 132. Boyle, , Col., 53, 5.5, 177. John, 218. Boyle, Thomas, 134, 136. Boylston, Nicholes, 76. Thoma8,42, 43, 76, 87, 288, 330, 373, 442. Ward N., 288, 291, 330, 361, 373, 400. 442. William, 280,281, 411. Boyston, .396. Bradford, , Col., 410. Joseph, 318. .loseph N., 397. Samuel, 31, 66, 72, 111, 156, 187,239, 241, 271, 376. Thomas, 150. Bradlev (Bradlee), , 105, 179, 230. David, 63, 66, 106, 190, 363. David W., 190. Ebenezer, 247. Joseph, 312, 313, 318. Nathaniel, 63, 130, 164, 189, 238. Thomas, 318, 360. Bray, , 205, 226. Brazier, , 443. , Capt., 84, 162, 203, 244. , Col., 10. John, 110, 185, 197, ■:02, 210, 296, 313. Breeks, Petiu- C, 415. Bridge, Jeremiah, 372, 409. Samuel, 13J, 150, 187, 239, 241, 272, 377, 447, 457. Briggs (Brigs), , 326. Thomas, 331. Brigham, B.. 391. Benaijah, 3.52. Benjamin, 456. Bright, , 290. Brimmer, Andrew, 69, 110, 192, 274. Martin, 147, 249. Brinlev, Edw., 66. Brintnel, Samuel, 141, 306. Briton, Daniel 1)., 43. Bronsdon (Brousden), Benjamin, 81, 82, 83. Bent, 378. Brooker, , 258, 332, 398. Joanna, 47. Brooks, , 38, 70, 435. John, 274, 378. Peter C, 274. William, 372, 409, 439. Brown, . 210, 212, 290, 335, 33G. Aaron, 239. Ezekiel, 409, 439. Farewell, 266,276, 277, 279, 298. Gawen,38, 46, 110. John, 25, 267. Nicholas, 72. Samuel, 162, 224, 269, 284, 386. Stephen, 431, 4.57. William, 226, 236, 237, 289, 290, 291, 303, 304, 339, 389. Bruce, Frances, 441. Brush, Abigail, 454, 455. Bryant, Perez, 2, 14, 16,19. Buckley, , 195. Buckminster, , 371. Bullinch, Charles. 4 to 10, 13 to 49, 51, 53 to 72, 74 to 81, 83 to 102, 104 to 11.5, 117 to 146, 148 to 1.53, 155, 157 to 191, 193 to 195, 197 to 216, 219 to 227, 229, 230, 232 to 2.55, 2.58,2.59. 261 to 269. 271 to 273. 275 to 283. 235 to 316, 318 to 430, 432 to 445, 447 to 452, 455 to 461,, 463. Jeremiah, 103, 155, 196, 301. Samuel, 4.52. Bulkley, John. 26,34. Bull. Joshua, 282. BuUard, , 450. John, 218. Bumstead (Bumsted), James, 147. Jeremiah, 249. John, 192,274. Joseph, 382, 447. Burheck, . 246, 303, 370. Joseph, 284. Index. 4(J9 Burchstead, , -239. Burdeken, Fatty, 113. Burdet, Ebenezer, -26, 34. Burdick, Mr., 10. Burley, , 430, 431. Burns, John, 119. Burr, Martin, 414, 430. Burroughs, , Capt., 'iS.i. George, 196, '241, -M'J, 2?2, 377, 447. Burt, Edward, 7, 317. Basil, Levi, 419. Bussev, Benj., 16, 50, 197, 218, 251. Butler, , '232. William, 284. Cabot (Cabet), ,3S5. George, 442. Samuel, 291. Cade, Samuel, 277. Caldwell, Robert, 14, 16. . ^ Call, , 387. Callahan, , Capt., 147. John, 249. Owen, 65. Calleuder, — -, 126, 360. Benjamin, 274. Joseph, 40, 80, 81. William, 75, 77. Cammett, Richard, 344. Campbell, , 269. James, 192, 273, 274. 275. Thomas B., 121, 122. Canouse, John, 278. Capen, , 84, 376, 409, 441. Cesar, 43. Lemuel, 176. Stoddard, 152, 156, 187, 239, 241, 272, 377. Carletou (Carlton), Osgood, 388, 458. Carnes, John, 110. Carpenter, William, 397. Carr, Reuben, 395. Carricks, James, 313. Carter, , Mrs., 364. Abraham, 447. George, 241, 242, 272, 294, 376. James, 103, 193. Cartwright, , 166. John, 9. Philip, 132. Samuel, 133, 358. (jarver, , Capt., 26, 34, 183, 195, 266, 267, 424. Ruben, 15, 175, 395. Gary, , Rev., 400. Cassell, James, 112 Catin, , Dr., 364. Cavanaugh, J., 399. Chadwick, John, 166, 187. Nathaniel, 33. Champney, , 257. Chandler, iJenjamin, 40,41. John, 424. Joseph, 2S5. Chauning, , 245, 28,5, 410. Chapman, , 286, 287. John, 94. Jonathan, 180 to 187, 189 to 191, 197 to 216, 219 to 227, 229, 230, 232 to 240, 242 to 244, 246 to 248, 250 to 252, 255, 258 to 2K8, 271, 273, 277 to 279, 282,283,285 to 289, 292 to 294, 329 to 338, 340 to 362, 364 to 397, 399 to 401. Chase, Thomas, 117. Cheever, , 379. Abijah, 115. Christv, Rowland, 26, 34. Thomas, 26, 34, 183, 195. Churchill (Churchel), Benjamin K., 115. Joseph, 149. Clafln, Comfort, 334. Claflins, David, 322. Clap, ^ — , 65, 80, 92, 323, 324. Aaron, 285. Clap, Mary, 2.57. Samuel, 31, 72, 111, 144, 156, 1S7, 192, 239,241, 271,274, 376. Claphara, , Capt., 331. Clark, , 60, 137, 249. , Dr., 224. . Mrs., 212. Benjamin, 7, 21. C, 274. Humphrey, 62. Jane, 456. John, 149. Joseph, 284. Josiah, 62. Lemuel, 115. Nathaniel, 284. Thomas, 31, 72, HI, 156, 137, 239, 241, 272,284,376,421, 447,463. William, 137. Clay, , Rev., 368. Cleaver, Francis, Jr., 430. Cleland, , 431. William, 2, 31. Clements, Thomas, 22. Cloften, Kbenezer, 234. Clough, Ebenezer, 177, 231, 266, 335. Cluston, William, 132. Coats, John, 103, 155, 196. Cobb, , 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, 49. 144. Samuel, 152, 154, 197, 217, 320. Coburn (Cobourn), Hiram, 378. John, 104, 1.55. Cochran, William, 439. Codman, , 24, 205, 220, 221. Catharine, 386. John, 66, 76, 110, 142, 143, 154, 413. Stephen, 296, 328, 364, 402. Coffin, , 70, 104. Mary, 104. Peleg, 274. Coffran, Timothy, 94, 95. Cogswell, , 174, 195. John, 26, 34. Cole, Elizabeth, 50, 217. Seth,220, 221. Thomas, 217. Colesworthy, Polly, 213. Colhoun, Andrew, 386. Collier, William, 151. Colling, , 260. Collins, , 185, 19(1. Clement, 172. Palfrev, 132. Williarn,284, 317. 426. Collman, William, 103. Colton, , 346. Conant, , Mrs., 194. William, 51. Conney, Benjamin, 94. Conning, Martin, 16. Connor, Barnabus, 91. Patrick, 94, 95. Cook, Barstow, 218. Israel, 13, 101, 147,249. Cookson, , 146, 156. Samuel, 164. Coolidge, Caleb, 251, 252. Cornelius, 122, 156, 187, 239, 241, 272, 377, 447. Joseph, 20, 39, 104, 288. Coomby, , 317. Cooper, , 161, 388. , Widow, 66. William, 12, 16, 17, 21, 23, 32, 41, 91, 302, 328.420, 421, 433,434. Cope, Richard, 3.52. Copeland, Elisha, 177, 231, 249, 266, 208, 334, 372, 409, 439. Josiah, 115. Nathaniel, 30, 21, 2.5, 26, 29, 32,33,34, 184, 195. 470 City Document No. 93. Corbet (Corbit). , 3J7. David, 9, -HH. Corne, Mitchell, 246. Cottlng, , 152, 22S, 289, 290, 201, 3 )1, 301, 334, 336, 363. Uriah, 297, 424. Will, 251. Cottle, Mary, 455. Cotton, , 237, 305, 30G, 314, 334, 33G. Solomon, 189. Uriah, 364, 365. Coverly, Samuel, 274. Cowell, , Capt., 103. William, 154. Crafts, William, 154. Crane, Abijah, 57, 107. Crawford, James, 218. Jane, 61. Crease, , 148, 3S1. Samuel, 399. Crocker, , 306. Alleu,50, 58, 144, 218. Mathias, 239. Robert, 119. Crosbv, , 28, 147. .loel, 248, 249. John, 218. Cruft, , Capt., 284. Cumming-s, Aaron, 8. Cunningham, , 70, 148. Andrew, 249, 274, 444. John, 192. Cunnington, William, 267. Curtis, , 335, 336. , Capt., 212, 220, 235, 236, 237, 463. Nathaniel, 184, 224. Obediah, 218. Samuel, 87. Thomas, 366. Cuehing, , 261, 263, 267, 268, 269, 270, 31)5. Benjamin, 270, 317. Charles, 23, 105, 109,313. Elkanah, 248. John, 103. Jonathan, 9, 75. Samuel N., 90, 91, l.'io, 196. William, 40. Cusliman, , 147. Elkanah, 249. Cutter, Nahum, 380. Cutting, — , 264. Dakin, , 56. Dalton, , 70. Peter R., 103, 192, 274. Danforth, , 177, 231, 265. Ebenezer, 378. Josiah, 334, 372, 409, 439. Samuel, 65. Thomas, 182, 228, 302, 386. Daniels, John, 81. Danley, Eovinia, 440. Darling, ,277,313. David, 26, 34, 126. Thomas, 247. Dashwood, Amos, 50. Ann, 217. Samuel, 70, 192, 274. Davenport, Samuel D., 115. Davidson, , 192, 395. Thomas, 348. W. , 274. Davis, , 70, 192, 244, 3!i5, 300, 411. Amasa, 107. Daniel, 420, 426. Ebenezer, 81, 82, 215. Eleanor, 352, 4,56. Isaac P., 24, 117, 300, 305, 422. John, 280, 339. .Joshua, 141. Thomas, 103, 154. Dawes, Thomas, 3, 5, 39, 64, 70, 76, 78, 99, 164, 168, 205, 207, 213, 219, 238, 250, 326, 381,397,441,452. Dearborn, Benjamin, 93. Dehon (Dehone), William, 1.52, 157, 187, 239, 241, 272, 376, 384, 446. Delarue, , Mrs., 405. Nancv, 206 Sally," 206. Delisle, , 193. Denis, Samuel, 142. Denuie, Thomas, 3, 5, 347, 376, 389. Derby, John, 144. Derrine, , 317. Duvens, , lul. Deverell, Isaac, 378. John, l.i5, 231, 2.34, 266, 271, 298, 337, 372, 409. Dexter, , 11, 329, 400. Aaron, 14, 94, 95, 102, 103, 104, 263, 428, 449, 451. Samuel, 281, 288, 325, 420, 438. Dickinson, , 417. Dillaway, , 192. Thomas C, 350. Dinsmore, William, 439. Dittin, William, 417. Doak, .Joseph, 296. Doane, Isaiah, 39, 40, 81, 92, 98. Josiah, 122. Doble, Joseph, 324. Peter, 172. Dodd, William, 185. Doll, , 10, ,351. • William, 66, 405. Doneson, William, 389. Donnaldson, Andrew, 370. Donnison, , 214. William, 50, 217. Dorby, John, 144. Dorr, Ebenezer, 103. William, 338. Doubt, Dolly, 284. Douglass, John, 385. D')w, William, 274, 284. Downey, Thomas, .355, 356. Downing, William, 189. Doyle, , 145, 390. Thomas, 204. Drake, ,376,409. Drewet, , Widow, 34. Driscoll, John, 192, 274. Drownes, , 110. Druitl, , 195. Duballet, , 199. Dublin, (black), 387. Duck, James, 58. Dutf , Richard, 395. Duffey, Richard, 395. Dunbar, Bennet, 13. Dunham, Silas, 247. Dunlap (Dunlop), , 312, 408. Andrew, 107. Dunn (Dun), , 177. John A., 72, 87, 111. Durivage, , 249. Dutton, Warren, 268. Dyer, , 83. Peter, 81. Eastie, , 343. Eaton, , 159, 250, 289, 327. Benjamin, 290, 291, 448. David S., 66, 439. Isaac, 139. John, 156, 187. Joseph, 378. Joshua, 31, 72, 111, 156, 35;i, 377. Eavres, Thomas S., 164. Eckley, Rev. Dr., , 84, 227, 294, 366, 429. Edes, Benjamin, 4, 6, 15, .55, 61, 84. 94, 97, 100, 134, 161. Edward, 66, 107, 180, 188. Samuel, 242. E3, 4-27. William, I'.iT, :«3, 342, S-M). Palmer, John Bellinfiham, 358. Park (Parks), , 392, 4(il, 4i)2, 40S, 411, 428, 4'2;i. 434, 4ol. Eli9ha,41!i, 447. Parker, , 339. Mrs., 195. Andrew, '287. .Teddediah, 317. John, 21.-^, 442. Samuel. 8, 124, 222, 402, 447. Thonias, -ir^, 34, 40, 284. Parket, , Capt., U.'i. Parkman, , 140, 197, 226, 233, 280. John A., 377. Samuel, 5, 23, 24, 10:5, l,-)4, 179, 2G9, 331, 332. Parmlnter, , .32, 59, 342. David, 90. Parsons, , 169, 208, 214, 2.34. - Kbenezer, 39, 40, 51, 81, 92, 98, 122, 197, 209, 218. Gorham, 2.5, 51, 118, 218. Nehemiah, 4.5(). AViiliain. 13, 51,218, 291, 339, 432, 442. Partridge, Robert, 151. Patterson, , 57, 4,59. Enoch, 74. P.ittv, , 292. Peck, John. 209, 214, 3.53, 358, 365, 375, 379. Moses, 09. Peckliam, Perry M., 404. Pell, , 387. Pendleton, Xester, 14. Penninian, Amos, 439. Daniel, 3j9. Perkins, , 131, 1.59, 170, 231, 234, 240. , Dr., 18. Cyrus, lf,0. James, 154, 197, 372. 409, 439. John, 31, 72, 111, 150, 187, 241, 271, 370, 440. Richard, 8, 27. S.amucl, 198. Thomas, 110. Thomas H., 103. Perrv, John, 177, 231, 2t>6, 298, 334, 372,409, "430. Petties, , 318. Phillips (Philip?), , 204, 307. , Major, 355. .Tames, 57. •John, 415. Jonathan, 309. J., 314. Margaret, 110. Samuel, 12, 7ri. William, 224, 22fi, 229, 230. Pickeman, Henjaniiu, 130. Pickhard, Mark, 103. Pierce (Peircc), , 82. 2sl. Elijah, 218. John, 107, 188, 217. Joseph, 51. 21S, 278,381. Nichola.s, 115, 117, 119, 205, 340, 384,. 385. Pierpoint, , 85, 170. Pillsbury, George, 118. Pipe, Sanuiel, Jr., 377. Pitman, Jonathan, 317. Pitt (Pitts), ,278,388. Lendall, 232. Unel, 232. Plumbeck, , 4.59. Pollard, Hen jamin, 272, .'577. Pollock, Allen, 190, 193, 310, 313. •Polly (Policy), , 97, 349, 407. Simeon, 103. Pomroy, , 70. I'ook, Thomas, 317. Poole (Pool),Thomai, 7. William, 213. Pope, Joseph, 104. Lumucl, 248. Samuel, 248. Popkin, , Rev., 135. Porter, William, 1 to 10, 13 to 25, 27 to 31, 3:5 to 49, 51, 53 to 59, 61 to 64, 67 to 81, 83 to 101 , 105 to 107, 109 to 1 15, 1 17 to 134, l:50 to 142, 145, 146, 148 to 153, 1.55, 157 to 165, 107 to 183, l.s5 to 187, 189 to 191, 193 to 195, 197 to 204, 200 to 213, 21.5, 216, 219 to 224. 230, 237 to 2.52, 255, 2.58, 259, 201 to 266, 268, 209, 271 to 273, 275 to 283, 285 to 287,289 to 3iil, 303 to 305, 307 to 311, 313 to 315, 319 to 333, 335 to 337, ;539 to :545, 347 to 384, 380, 387, 389 to 400, 402 to 404, 407 to 420, 422 to 430, 432, 433, 436, 438 to 445, 447 to 4.52, 455 to 461. Powell, . Mrs., 415. .lames, 338. Snelling, 310, 347, 417. William, 1-24. Powers, .John, 155. Thomas, 1.55, 174, 19,5, 190, 197, 199. Preble, , Capt., 16, 19. Ebeue/er, 51,218. I'rentiss (Prentice), Appleton, 31, 72, 85, 111, 1.56, 187, 241, 242, 272, 370. Prescott, , 400. Jonathan, 439. William, 4.53, 454. Prince, , 41. , Capt., 162. James, 244. Samuel, 143, 374, 377, 447. Proctor (i'rocter), , Col., 58, 118. Allen, 00. Edward,60. 130, 142, 317. Pulcifcr, William, 284. Purket (Purkit), , Capt., 368. Harry, 7. Henry, 4, 115. Putnam, " , 270. Samuel, 453, 454. Qulncv, Abraham, 239. John W., 31,72, 111, 156,187,2:59, 241, 272, 376, 440. Josiah, 160, 1C5, 269, 274. Ralnsford, Josiah C, 412, 413. Rand, Isaac, 26, 34, 66,103,144, 154, l.M, 386, 398. 406, 432. Randall, , 278. Josliua, 278. Ratchford, William, 108. Ray, , 249. Raymond, , 278. 'Daniel, 294. Rea, , 399. Caleb, 51. Daniel, CO. Deborah, 425. .James, 218. Jeremiah, 93. Mary. 423. Redman, Thomas, 439. iteed (Read) , George, 414, 439. Isaac, 149. Sampson, 51,218. Remington, William, 166, 187, 239, 241, 272. Repe, Samuel, 241. Revere, I'aul, 284. Rice, John, 169. Rich, David, 114. Richards, I'aul, 238. Samuel, 50, 218. Richardson, , 69, 185, 411. JelTerson, 103. Jeffry, 154, 359. Index. 477 Richardson, Peter, 110. Kichard, 57. 06, 81, Ki. William, 177, 192, y.jl, 274. Ridgway (Ridgeway), , Deacon, 207. , Widow, 26, 34. .Jaiucs, 352, 372, 40U, 439. Rlnfc, , Mr., 23. Ripley, , 1. .Jolin, 2S4. Joseph, 115, 143, l.W, 187, 23!t, 241, 272, 377, 447. Ritchie (Richie), , 397, 398. Andrew, 374, 384. William, 274. Rixford, Robert, 439. Robins, Daniel, 78. Derby, 169. Edmund, 221. Edward II., 317, 337. Edward R., 12,219,220. Francis, 213. .John D., 158. Robinson, ,203. Renjamin, 36. .Tames, 284. Josepli, 232. Robert, 173. Stephen, 2(i3. AVilliam,43. Roby, ,261,263. •Joseph, 62. Ropers, , 24, 60, 61, 68, 414. Daniel D.,44, 46,47,09, 74, 192, 274,354. Elizabeth, 306. Jacob, 447. P. R., 300. 305. Samuel, 154, 199, 236. Roop (Rouj)), , 383, 384, 380, 405, 406, 414. Roulston fKoulstone, Rowlstone), , 147, 342. John, 249. Rousselet (Roucelet), Nicholas, 72, 73. Rowe (Row), , 148, 3so, 407. , -Mrs., 160, 174,275. Hannah, 249, 360. John, 292, 314, 419,423, 438. Joscpii, 321,419,422,423. Rowland, John,.S44. Riiditock, John, 279. Rugfrles, ,181. Joseph, 81, 82, K3. Runinev. Edward. 291. Russell", , 104, 416. , Widow, 218. 249. Benjamin, 244, 246, 302, 328, 867, 409. John, 197, 381. Joseph, 278,366. Thomas, 78, 155. Walter, 278. Rust, Enoch, .306. Ryan, , 42^. Salisljury, ,406,407. Ambrose. 177. Samuel, 49, .50, 51,217. .Stephen, 50, 51. S. S.,51. Salter, John, 136. Saltonstall, Nathaniel, 347. Sampson, , 284, 306. Sanger, .lesse, 417, 447. Samuel, 298, 334, 372, 409. Sargent (Sargeant, Sergeant, Seargeant), , 89, 254, 443. Daniel, 29, 154, 19", 209, 350, 416, 451, 459. Henry, 325. Ignatius, 350. SaunderB, John, 3!). Joseph, 395. S., 317. Sawtell, Joseph, 395. Sawver, David, 249. Scholley, , Col., 64. Patrick, 347. William, 154, 197,378. Scott, , Capt., 176. James, 163. Samuel, 352. Selfridge, Thomas O., 94. Senson, Itichard, 122. Sever, Ebenezer, si, 82, 124, 204. Se.xton, Blanev, 150. Wheelock,"82. Sevmore, , 411. Shatter, John H.,332. Shaw, Ellas, 60,75. Robert Gould. 2, 31, 72, 111,156,187, 231, 234, 239. 241, 266, 272, 286, 440, 452. Shed, Joseph, 103, 184, 360. Shedmore, , 202. Shelton, , 306. Charles, 213. John, 213. Sherburne, William, 1 to 10, 12 to 16, 18 to 23, 25 to 31, 33, 35 to 42, 45 to 49, 51. 53 to 55. 57, 5», 60 to C9, 7 1 to 81, 84 to 88, 90, 92 to 98, 100, 101, 105, 106, 109 to 115, 117 to 129, 134, 136, 139, 141, 144 to 146, 148 to 150, 1.52, 1.53, 155, 157 to IVA, 166 to 172. 224, 291. Sherman, James, 265, 284. Shimmin, , 2!<7. Shoults, John G., 50. Sigornev, Andrew, 310. Elisha, 9S, 103, HI, 112, 130, 1.55, 158. Silsby, , 148. Slmkins, John, 104, 110, l.''^. Simmons, , 89, 90. John, 168. Slmonds (Simons), , 339, 345, 306. William, 439. Simpson, , 28. , Widow, 155. Benjamin, 91, 92. Isaac P., 1.55. Singleton, Samuel. 411. Skliimore, Lew, 333. Zeal, 107, 168. Skillen, Margaret, 317. Skinner, , 266, 287, 380, 426, 427, 449, 451, Slack, Samuel, 81. Slough, Ebenezer, 397. Smith. , 12, 224, 272, 380, 408. Abiel,274. Adam, 421. Barney, 274. Benjamin, 306. Chnstoi)licr. 62.291. Ebenezer, 81,82, 129. Edward, s'i. Henrv, 103. JoBcph, 132, 149, 387. M., 173. Nfitiianiel, 174, 180, 183. 184, 185, 191, 194, 195, 207, 208, 349, 351, 365, 385. Ni<-hola8, 183, 195, 207. Ralph, 116. Samuel, 51, 218. Standfast, 51,218. Thomas, 43. William, f:6, 71, 160, 103, 224, 269. Snath. M'illiam, 399. Snelling, , 177, 3r6. Josiah, 174, 233, 279, 313, 392. Samuel, .^92. Snow, Ephraim,317. Prince, 374, 390. Sohire, , Widow, 217. Southack, C.,383. Spear, . 170, 334. Cesar, 163,213. Daniel, 81, 193. David, 289. Joiin, 139. Nathaniel. 7, 4.50. Samuel, 350, 433. 478 City Document No. 93. Speed, Williain, 13. Spooucr, , 65, lyg, 24-1, 346. George, 347. Williuni, 383. Sprague, , 215. , Dr., 103, 155, ly6. , Mrs., 4511. Spring, Peter, 85. Spiirr, Zephenia, 96. Stackpole, , 70, 361. William, 192, 274, 396. Staples, Edward, 177, 231, 266, 298, 335, 372, 409, 439. Steele (Steel), , .30. David, 284. Robert, 277, 303. Stevens, , 98, 203, 221, 281. Edward, 395. Joseph, 114, 203. Thomas, 265. Stevenson, , 62, 401, 429. Thomas, 17, 2s, 177, J30, 265, 297, 334, 372, 409, 415, 439. WilUam, 441. Stickman, , 195. Stickuej', Thomas, 10, 31, 72. Stillmnn, Samuel, 6, 15, 126, 173, 182, 327. Stoddard, , 137. Stodder, , 183, 195, 450. John, 118. Stone, Joseph, 339. Nehemlah, 218. Storer, Charles, 138. Ebenezer, 163, 200, 368. George, .383. Stoughton, Don Juan, 197. John, 104, 1.54. Stowell, , Mrs., 4.iO. Sturgls, Russeii, 4 to 11, 13, 15 to 25, 27 to 46, 48, 49, ,53 to 74, 77 to 81, 83 to 101, 103, 105 to 107, 111 to 11.5, 117, 119 to 129, 131 to 140, 148 to 163, 165, 167 to 172, 294. Stutson, Amasa, 79, 137, 149. Samuel, 130. Sullivan, , 244, .395. George, 219, 389. James, Judge, 44, 45, 50, 75, 167, 179, 180, 217, 218, 396,440. John, 51, 103, 141. Morris, 278. William, 181,293,453,454. Sumner, , 104, 234. , Gov., 66, 386. Benjamin, 40, 41, 81, 121, 174, 200, 233, 235. Elieha, 107. James, 235, 298, 310, 335, 372, 409, 439. Samuel, 174, 233. Thomas W., 372, 409, 439, 446. T., 313. William H., 154. Swann, , 70. Sweet, , 395. Samuel, 51. Sweetser, , 148, 249. Benjamin, 173, 187, 241, 272,370. John, 74. Swett, , ,57. John, 122, 1.56, 1S7, 239, 241, 272. Samuel, 137, 217, 392, 395. Swift, ,413. Henry, 116,284, 306. Sjmimes, "William, 409. Taylor, , 271 , 276, 399. John, 218, 404. William, 179, 182, 258. Tearant, i^eonard, 22. Temple, , Lady, 104, 154, 197. G., 78, 218. Thatcher (Thacher), , 55, 357, 398, 404. Peter, 415. Samuel, 60. Thatcher (Thacher), Stephen, 61. Thaxter, , 199. Jonathan, 352. Thayer, , 20, 24, 29, 158, 169, 170, 175, 176, 311, 393, 449. Amasa, 58. Eli, 76. Moses, 177, 231, 266, 298, 334, 366, 367, 372, 409, 439. Obediah, 81, 178, 179. Richard, 114. Seth, 345. Stephen, 147, 249. Titus, 175, 395. Thomas, , 50, 347. , Capt.,4i4. Isaiah, 306. Joshua, 27. Thompson, , 1, 110, 433. Henrv J., 353. James, 15, 39, 40, 59, 81, 92, 99, 100, 113. 384. Thurston, William, 192. Thwiiig, James, 192, 274. Samuel, 103. Ticknor, Elisha, 107, 100. Tidd, , 353, 388, 437. Tildeu, , 451. Bryant 1'., 252, 2,53, 251, 258. David, 1 to 11, 13 to 20, 22 to 30, 33 to 43. 45 to 49, 51, .53 to 64, 67 to 80, 83 to 101, 105 to 107, 109 to 115, 117 to 134, 136 to 145, 148, 155 to 191, 193 to 195, 198,200 to 211,214 to 216, 219 to 221, 223 to 227, 229, 230, 2.32 to 241, 243 to 252, 254, 255, 258 to 269, 271 to 273, 275 to 278,280 to 283, 285 to 2al,295 to 304, 306 to 316, 318 to 367, 389, 398, 428. Eliza, 154. Sarah, 103. Thomas, 175, 395. William, 103. Tileston (Tvleeton), .John, 1 to 4, 20 to 31, 33 to 49, 51, .53 to 81, 83 to lol, luo to 107, HI to 115, 117 to 134, 136 to 146, 148 to 153, 155 to 158, 161 to 165, 167 to 191, 193 to 195, 197 to 216, 219, 221 to 227, 229, 230, 232 to 235, 237 to 255, 261 to 269, 271 to 273, 275 to 283, 285 to 316, 318 to 327, 347. Timothv, 114,379, 380. Todd, Samiiel, 144, 296, 340. William, 387. Toole, Samuel, 163. Toi-rey (Torey), Samuel, 120, 275, 340. Touro, John, 317. Tower, Elisha, 7. Rufus, 107, 350. Towusend, Alexander, 436. Andrew, 194. David, 98, 218, 269, 275, 276. I saac, 66, 103, 154 . Robert, 218. Samuel, 26, 34, 174, 385. Trash, Jonathan, 132. Trask, , 172, 189, 242. Isaac, 89, 90. Jonathan, 139, 283, 360. Treat, Robert, 14. Trott, George, 97, 139, 180, 222, 294, 327, 365, 424. True, , 371. Truemau, John, 284. Tuck, , 409. Tucker, ,387. A Ian sou, 347. Benjamin, 121, 156, 187, 239, 241, 272, 377, 447. Beza, 275, 405. Isaac, 425. John, 198. Jonathan, 453. Nathaniel, 266, 29S, 462. Tuckerman, , 226, 391 . Index. 479 Tuckerman, , Rev., 391. Edward, 154, 197, ^44. Elias, 284. .Tohu, !I8. Tudor, , Col., 213. William, 12, 112, 113, 121, 124, l.i4, 197, 415. Tufts, F., 360. Tukesbury, 37, 67, 68, 77, 90, 1)9, 401. Tupper, William, 411, 439. Turner, Job, 213. Turrell (Turell, Turrel), , 66. . Mrs., 405. Mary, 190, 348. Tuton, John, 317. Turtle, , 159. Daniel, 103, 130, 131, 290. David, 154. Joseph, 165. Samuel, 149. Turell, 26, 34, 117, 174, 195, 239. Twist, , 229. Jonas, 177, 231, 298, 335, 372, 395, 409. Solomon, 85, 177, 231, 271, 298, 335, 372, 409, 439. Tyler, , 55, 166. Tyson, , 396. Underwood, Joseph, 393. Valentine, , 109, 306. Nathaniel, 119. Vance, John Webb, 121, 156, 187. Vanevar (Vannevar), , 167. Edward, 143. Varney, Benjamin, 285, 306. Vassal, James, 404. Vaux, Sarah, 317. Vesey, , 66. Vila, , 405. James, 66, 373. Vincent, Ambrose, 56. Thomas, 163. Vintou, , 150, 166, 353, 459, 460. John, 189. Virginea, Peter, 176. Voax, James Hudson, 151. Vose, , 70. Catharine, 441. Charles, 300, 307, 320. Wade, , 260. Joseph, 377, 378. Wainwright, Henry, 249. AVait, John, 144. Wakefield, James, 103. W^alcut, Elizabeth, 218. Wales, ,125. Nathaniel, 114, 146. Walker, Dudley, 177, 231, 265, 297, 334, 372, 409, 439. Walkinshaw, , 164. ^Vall, , 104. Wallace (Wallis), , 77, 360. Eliza, 196. Thomas, 165. Wallack (Wallach), Moses, 157, 163, 439. Walley, , 104, 148. Thomas, 51, 103, 196, 218. Walls, Samuel, 284. Walter, Elizabeth, 213. William, 50. Ward, , 76, 280. Warren,John, 107,461. Warvil, , 195. Washburn (Washburne), , 279. J., 306. Washington, , 448. George, 46, 48. Waters, William, 45, 317. Watson, David, 284. Marston, 50. Walter, , 408. Watts, , Capt., 28. Watts, Ebenezer, 66. Webb, Margaret, 151, 378. Nathan, 368 to 395, 397 to 420, 422 to 430, 432 to 436, 438 to 445, 447 to 452, 455, 457, 458, 460, 461, 463. Webber, , Capt., 285. Webster, , 131, 132. Red lord, 339,392, 413. Welch (Welsh), , 94. , Dr., 8, 15.5. , Mrs., 109. Alexander, 267. Elizabeth, 455. Thomas, 196. William, 66, 73, 110, 197, 278, 279, 308, 310,313,319,320,321,357. Weld, , 83. Benjamin, 13, 14, 217, 401 to 409, 411 to 452, 455 to 461,463. Nathaniel, 432, 447. Wells (Welles), , 42, 188, 360. , Col., 203,210,214. Arnold, 348, 402. Benjamin, 351. Ebenezer, 121, 137. John, 101, 104, 115, 154, 197, 424. Samuel, 147, 197, 249. Seth, 82. Wendell, , 179. Jacob, 170. Oliver, 19, 142, 289, 314. Wentworth (Whentworth), , 107. Edward, 121, 181, 231, 266, 297, 33.5. Philip, 114, 137. West, , Rev., 4, 178. David, 57, .'58, 342. John, 192, 3J7. Wetherbee, , 282. Whalen, , 391, 3'.i2. AVhall, William, 372, 409. Wheeler, , 40, 191. Benjamin, 65, 400. George, 462. John H., 379. John W.,450. Wheelock (Whelock), , 89, 90, 119, 142, 160. Abel, 424, 429, 447. AVheelwright, , Mrs., 103, 154. AVhipple, Joseph, 20, 62, 119 Whitcomb, , 396. Richard, 149. Tilly, 405, 406. White, , 104, 413. Benjamin, 425. Ebenezer, 51, 217. Henrv, 392, 462. Isaac", 313, 320, 416, 417, 432, 435. James, 415. John, 26,34, 183, 195,361. Ruben, 81, 82. Samuel, 26, 34, 177, 183, 195, 231, 266, 297, 335, .372, 409. William, 367. Whiting, , 177, 231, 265, 298. Caleb, 334, 372, 409, 439. Perez, 380, 450. Samuel, 66. Whitman, David, ^6. Whitmarsh, , 98. Whitney, , 267, 268, 337. Elisha, 81, 82. Ezra, 33, 261, 263. John, 117. Whlttemore, Benjamin, 7. Whitwell, John P., 50, 217. Samuel, 64, 65, 66, 163, 190, 410, 447. Widdefleld, Hugh, 83. Wier, John, 65. Wlggin (Wiggen, Wiggins), 414. Benjamin, 1,31, 72, 111. Timothy, 31. Wilby, , 441, 444. Wild (Wilds), , 183, 195,212. 480 City Document No. 93. Wild (Wikls). Abraham, 107, 137. Dauiel, 37, 53, 72, 73, 111, 130, 150, 1S7, 239, 241,272, 377, 3U1, 44(3. David, 103. Edward, 115, 217. Jouathan, 26, 27, 34, 9o, 207, 385. Wiley, William, 298. Wilkinson, , 331. Mallard, Joslali, 427. Willett (Willet), , 163, 450. Williams, , 7.5, 77. Elijah, 107. Harry, 43. Henry, 68,208. James, 189, 221, 284, 317, 372, 409, 439. .John, 33. .John F., 104, 154, 197. .Joseph, 81. Michael, 43, 88, 150. Robert, 130. Samuel, 42, 398, 399. Stephen, 315. Thomas, 112, 147, 249, 424. Williby, Thomas, 43. Willis, Benjamin, 347. .John, 110. Williston, Joseph, 194. Wilson ( Willson), , 399. Georpe E., 287. James, 382. Winchester, , 83. Wiuslow, Isaac, 154. Wiuslow, John, 76, 112, 1 13, 130, 164, 189, 238, 279, 88, 389, 392, 432, 441. Samuel, 284, 348. Winter, , 133. Winthrop, , 78. Thomas, 104. Witherill, Theophilue, 142. Withington, Matthew, 255. Woodbury, , 19ii. Woods, , 104, 249, 439. Elisha. 399. Woodward, Smith, 7. William, 284. Wreath, Thomas, 294. Wright, Chandler, 413, 414, 456. Erancis, 164, 180 to 186, 188 to 191, 19S to 216, 219 to 227, 229, 230, 232 to 235, 237 to 240, 242 to 255, 25S to 269, 271 to 273, 275 to 283, 285 to 315, 319 to 345, 347 to 356, 358 to 362, 368 to 380, 383 to 385, 387 to 416, 418 to 430, 432 to 445, 447 to 452, 456 to 461, 463. Seth, 112. Thomas, 197, 219. Wynian, , 60, 67, 147. Charles, 43. Oliver C, 174, 439. Winiam,64,249, 370. Yorick, , 248. Yorkees, I'ollv, 28. Young, , 399. INDEX TO PLACES AND SUBJECTS. A street 257. Account's, 1,' 2, 3, 4, 6, 13, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 39, 42, 43, 46, 48, 49, 56, 59, 64, 71, 74, 77, 79, 86, 89, 91, 92, 93, 96, 100, 105, 110, 113, 118, 120, 122, 126, 129, 131, 134, 142, 143, 145, 146, 155, 157, 153, 162, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 177, 178, 181, 186, 190, 200, 203, 206, 207, 210, 211, 212, 216, 219, 223, 226, 229, 234, 235, 238, 241, 242, 246, 248, 250, 252, 255, 261, 264, 266, 269, 273, 278, 281, 283, 285, 287, 290, 292, 293, 294, 296, 299, 301, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 312, 313, 314, 315, 31H, 318, 321, 322, 325, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 333, 337, 342, 344, 347, 348, 352, 355, 358, 359, 362, 365, 366, 368, 369, 371, 373, 375, 376, 379, 383, 386, 387, 390, 393, 394, 397, 400, 402, 405, 408, 410, 41' , 412, 414, 417, 419, 420, 426, 428, 429, 433, 436, 439, 440, 443, 445, 448, 452, 456, 458, 459, 463. statement of, 448. const.ables, 13. Mr. Gooph, 129. Mr. Tiles ton, 308. Mr. Tukesbliry, 67. examination of, 325. expense for repairing common sewer, 318. of administrator of Cooper estate, 433. drain assessment, 317. expense in claim of Lev- erett heirs, 454, 455. Franlclin donation, 430. hayweigher, 327. Acts forbidding foreign Africans to reside in State, 92. for limitations of certainrealactious, etc., 453. of Legislature, 375. regulating elections, 327. relating to carriages, 307. relative to aqueduct, 11, 12. respecting lost goods and stray beasts, 89, 91. to annex Dorchester, 255. appoint guardians to minors. 113. prevent common'nulsances, .356. regulate paving of streets, 120, 252. Adams street, 307-322. Address before Library Association, 319. Administrator of Cooper estate, 433. Advertisements of masquerade, 423. (See, also, Newspapers.) Agent of mill corporation, 353, 358, 371, 373, 375, 377, 379. PoncJ Association, 365. Roxbury Canal proprietors, 383. to build Almshouse, 452. collect sewer assessment, 389. Agreement of Leverett heirs, 452, 453. Aliens lane, 166. Tan vard, 269, 275. Alexandria, 390. Almshouse, 86, 42, 43, 90, 183, 260, 342, .356, 397,402,410,411,442. claim against, 42!i. of land of, 432. conveyance of land near, 446. taking down of. 402. to build new. 36. American Fire Society, 285. Independence, Anniversary of, 436, 439, 374. Amicable Fire Society, 285. Amusements, 423. (.See, also, Theatres.) Ancestors of Jxidge Paine, 427. Ann street, 73, 136, 168, 343, 345, 412, 427. Appeals, respecting loss of water at New Boston, 304. (Applications, see Petitions.) Appropriations for gravel, 186. lamps. 92. levelling Fort Hill, 14. police, 16. Quaker lane, 38. 40. streets, .32, 35, 36, 38, 76, 106,108,118, 119, 1.52, 157, 175,198, 226, 280. water course, 235. April Elections, 4.52. {See Elections.) Aqueduct, 85, 86. corporation, 75, 79, 88, 92, 99, 100. 101,145,449. resolutions rela- tive to, 11, 12. Arbitration, 429. Arches under Beacon street, 240. Exchange lane, 443. Armories, 368. use of, 316. Arms and Ammunition, 99, 368, 389. purchase of, 457. for artillery, 460, 462. fu8ileer8,355, 370. militia, 389. provided for those who are unable to fur- nish them, selves, 299. cartridges, 246, 312. cartridges for parade of militia, 353. powder, 79, 118, 245, 246. powder for pa- rade of militia, 353. deposit of arms, 316 stand of arms, 60, 75. 482 City Document No. *J3. Artillery, 68, 191, 199, 461. Ancient and Honorable, 191, 297, 337. to erect gun-house, 35. exercise ou Common, 115. (See, also, Troops.) Assembly or Court, General, 361, 372, 391, 393. chaplains of, 410. committee of, 450. house, 219. petition of, 397. to, 400. Assessments for drain InBrattle street, 405. Bultinch street, 3S3. Buttolph street, 395. Essex street, 422, 423, 425. Hanover street, 385, 386. Leverett street, 413, 414, 420. Middle street, 3S5. Nassau street,379, 384, 450. Pecks lane, 366. Ridgeway lane, 391. Sister street, 427. sewer in Ann street, 412, 413. Court street, 415. Summer, Marl- boro, Winter and Newbury streets. 389. cleaning Cross street, 448. Jarvis row, 398, 399. Prince street, 447. opening Exchange place, 452. payment of repairs on Com mo n sewer, 318. Bewer in Short street, 360. receiving of, 406. valuation from whence rates are made, 124,125. Assessors, 37, 38, 84, 99, 124, 125, 130, 140, 174, 177, 201, 258, 2.59, 295, 298, 299,324,366,380,401,408. consultation with, 404. oath to, 371. list for jury boxes, 37, 3S. examination of voters, lists of, 401. In Judgment, case of Leverett heirs, 463. communication from assist- ant, 404. assistant, 223, 259, 295. choice of, 329, 367, 403. law relating to, 429. polls taken by, 435. return of polls by, 431. Assignees of Thomas Boylston, 373, 396. Lane, Frailer & Bovlston, 396. Associations, 819. mechanic, 49, 87, 126, 166, 200, 210. musical, 287. Atkins street, 114. Atkinson street, 57, 70, 71, 146, 148, 1.53, 159, 163, 174, 180, 182, 195, 340, 359, 458. Attorney-General, 137, 138, 191, 243, 244 283, 293,321. for town, 77, 177, 258. Auctions, sales, 429 of lease of FaneuU Hall cellars, 349. of Town House, 414. remonstrance against, 418. Auctioneers, 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 17, 18, 27, 31, 37, 71, 72, 73, 74, 85, 87, 89, 94, 111, 115, 120, 121, 122, 132, 139, 142, 143, 145, 152, 155, 156, 159, 160, 166, 169, 173, 175, 176, 178, 180, 185, 186, 199, 219, 222, 236, 239, 241, 242, 246, 248, 269, 271, 272, 294, 297, 303, 342, 353, 356, 364, 374, 376, 380, 382, 391, 392, 394, 396, 402, 404, 410, 417, 419, 423, 424, 430, 446, 457, 462. list of, 376, 449. license applied for, 45"!. refusal of, 353,431. Avenue, paving of, 311. Award, of town, to Leverett heirs, 442, 446. ]S:athanielWeld,447. B street, 257. Back street, 4, 25, 35, 36, 57, 58, 60, 77, 106, 11.5, 116, 118,119, 125, 126, 151, 153, 182, 186, 263, 266, 370, 382, 403, 459. Bake-house on Barrett's wharff , 167, 168. Essex street, 203, 232. Fleet street, 282 Grove street, 170, 171. Leverett street, 219. North street, 426. Ship street, 326. South Russell street, '124. near Lvnn tavern, 170. Balchs wharff, 283, 298. Ballast, taken from Deer Island, 31, 32, 37,49, 67,71,90, 99. Banks, branch, 280. Massachusetts, 64, 99. Union,. 59, 92, 149,337. Baptist Society, 348. Bargains with Mill Pond abuttors, 382. Barn on Deer Island, 401. expense of, 401. Barnstable, 62, 215. Barretts (Barrets) wharff, 167, 168. Bartons Point, 67. Batterv March street, 70, 2.39, 251, 260, 269, 270, 314, 315, 321, 322, 334, 336, 337, 346, 349, 363, 364, 365, 445. Beach street, 18, 19, 20,21, 115, 119, 268, 431. laud on, sold at auction, 19, 20 Beacon Hill, 7, 99, 119, 126, 127, 131, 13.5, 161, 304, 314, 325. 327. 349, 350, 426, 431, 433, 434, 457, 461, 462. me.isures to dig away, 7. street, 105, 162, 186, 188, 208, 209, 214, 240, 278, 313, 331, 343, 354, 377, 438, 445. Beef, inspector of, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 21,45, 85. packer of, 75, 85, 105. sale of, in market, 3.55. Beer lane, 47. Belknaps alley, 105, 396, 412. doors to stable in, 396. street, 60, 99, 117, 118, 126, 138, 144, 152, 176, 190, 264, 271, 276, 408. Bells of Third Baptist Church, 427. from old meeting house, 296. ringing of, 28, 65, 64. 72, 107, 151, 187, 234,271. In honor of President's birthday, 41, 84. Index to Places and Subjects. 483 Bells, ringing, on North Church, 368. July 4, 376. churclies, July 4, 376. tolling of, 22, 48, 204, 238. at funeral of Gov. Sulli- van, 3'J6. Benches, in Dock square, 415. Bennet street, 30, lu8, 155, 224, 265, 316. to fill up— liberty granted, 224. North, 331. South, 404. Bequeets: Thomas Boylston,42,43,76,2S0. 3Jrs. Brooker'?, 258. ilfr. FrauUliu,4, 308. account of Secretary and Treasurer examined, 430. Godfried Kreuger, 331. beneiiciaries, poor of town, 331. discussion on disposal of, 331, 332. Beverly, 61, 62. Bill for annexing Dorchester, 216. incorporating persons with power to build new street, 220. Bishop's alley, 45. Blacks, application of, 332. free, 332. Blind lane, 35, 36, 164. Board alley, 19, 38. Board of Health, 5, 6, 8, 10, 20, 55, 57, 67, 71, 114, 138, 140, 149, 152, 201, 202, 206, 223, 233, 237, 25"J, 269, 295, 420, 422, 428, 437, 438, , 462. committee from, 308. of, 329. communication from, 425, 447. choice of members, 329. secretary of, 308. Bonds (see Sureties). Book auctioneer, 382, Boston, 1 to 463, Inclusive. line between, and Roxburv, 45, 286, 293. brigade, 118, 202. harbour, 258. neck (see Neck), stone, 33. theatre, 339. proprietors, application, 310. Bowdoins (Bowdoin) square, 37, 6", 136, 169, 287, 307, 315, 316. street, 354. Bow-window in Winter street, 265. Boylston street, 419, 420, 421, 422. Hoys, skating on Sabbath, 359. Brattle square, 105, lo8, litO, 230, 357, 413. street, 106, 121, 157, I'.'O, 296, 311, 312, 3.57. 394, 405, 415. church, 124, 157, 296. Br dges: Ann street, repairs of, 343. j from Boston to Dorchester, 216, 224, 225, 235, 236. 2.37. resolutions for building of, 236. canal, 338, 426, 429. 446. Charles River, 251, 301, 324, 375, 379, 392, 425. draw, 70. mill, 75, 94, 169. South, 234, 235,236. West Boston, 45, 85, 251, 346, 352, 355, 358, 407. directors of, 346. proprietors of, 346. lane, 47. Bridgewater, 160. Bristol turnpike, 293. Broad lane, 288. Broad street, 260, 261, 263, 267, 268, 269, 270, 300, 302, 303, 304, 321, 323, 332, 336, 340, 345, 347, 354, 370, 374, 375, 390, 426, 445. association, 426. communication from, 302. laud sold by, 304. Broadway, 255, 256. East, 256. AVest 256 Bromflelds (Bromfleld) lane, 78,168,344, 374, 375. Brush Hill turnpike, conditions of widen- ing. 293. Buildings : almshouse, 36. bake-house, 170, 171, 203, 219. brick stable, 280. houses in Beacon street, 278. house in Fish street, 260. razing of, 440. Governors alley, 53. stable, 165, 204, 280. to erect, 224, 236, 237. line of, in Dock square, 441. materials, 407. proposed, on Federal and Milk streets, ,831. proprietors of, in Leverett street, 416. to remove, 261, 263, 267, 270. damages for, 268. repairs to, at owner's risk, 319. Buianch street, 383. Bulls (see Cattle). pasture, leased, 30. purchase of, 64. support of, 2. to be killed, 36, 42, 43. Burial places, 420. regulation of, 428, 442, 447. care of, 326, 425. ap pointment of caretakers, 333. police of, 448. complaint for opening grave, 277. crowded state of, 201, 202. funeral porters, 126, 149, 160, 163, 167, 170, 204, 211, 215, 223, 234, 298. fees of, 150, 171. deprived of licen8e,202. burials, returns of, 308. coroner's .iccounts of, 443. new burying ground, tomb in," 62, 63. estimates for proposed, on Neck, 443, 444. tombs to be advertised, 3.50. Chapel, 71, 83, 142, 168, 346. fence repaired, 80. Common, 57, 58, 82. tombs in, 19, 38, 61. Copp's Hill, draining tombs of, 306 Granary burying ground, 21, 131, 167, 333. claim against tomb in, 427. deed of tombs in, 350. petition to build tomb in, 338, 341,346. rebuilding tomb in, 350. removal of bodies from, 427. sale of tombs, 340, 350. 484 City Document No. 93. Burial places, Granary burying ground, to make opening through wall of, 350. North burying ground, 115, 117,118,119, 141, 144,201, 20>, 236, 277, 204. South burving ground, tomb8"in,33,57,59,62, G.=), 68, 70, 74, 107, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 134, 141, 168, 188, 201, 202. committee to consider and report on, 319. new tombs in, 319. Burv street, 174, 373. Butlers row, 201, 205, 206j 226, 232. 233. Ruttolph street, 58, 88, 175, 394, 395. By-lawB, breaches of, 228. execution of, 224, 225, 228, 3.30. regulating choice of clerk of market, 129. relative to carts, 230, 231. C street, 257. Cadet company, 17S. Cambridge, 78, 106. bar, 226. street, 37, 45, 59, 72, 78, 85, 88, 98. lOS. 111. 113, 168, 182, 2.58, 273, 276, 278, 286, 288, 289, .346, 407, 449, 4.56. Canal, proposed, in south part of town, 4,50. bridge,338, 426, 429, 446. Candle-makers, application of, 3.56. manufactory, application of li- cense for, 431. works, petition for removal of, 338. Cargoes, of flour, 390. Carpenters, 199. Carriages, 85, 95, 205, 412. act relating to, 307. in streets, 411. Congress street, 450. licenses, 60. annulled. 221. regulations for, 125, 393. to revise, 56. etc., removal from Kilby street. 280. owners of, .34.5. not to drive on the Lord's Dav, 82. prosecuted, 220, 221. (See, also. Hacks.) Cartridges 'see Arms and Ammunition). Carts and trucks, 118. 369. emptying of, near Canal bridge, 446. in Ann street, 427. Dock square, 415. laws relative to, 230, 231. regulations for, 145. three horses allowed, 248. to be numbered. 1, 5. as to weight carried, 231, 232. with produce, regula- tions for stands, 123, 416. Carver street, 347. Castle street, 149, 238, 307. William, 8. Cataract Engine House, 307, 367. Catholic church, 204. Cattle, bulls to be confined, 29. killed, 36, 42, 43. support of, 2. town bulls, to be cared for by hay weigher, 55. Cattle, town bulls, to be procured by the hay weigher, .56. cow tax, 60, 67, 71, 99, 100, 114, 143, 150, 180, 230, 260. sale of, at auction, 429. Cellars, damage to, in Distill House square, 436, 437. doors on Devonshire street, 336. examination of, in Leverett street, 418. lease of, under Faneuil Hall, 349. Census of town, 138. Centinel, 9. Central wharf, 261. Centre school, 12, 29, 42, 84, 121, 145, 14:), 159, 237, 246, 26S, 287. reading si'hool, to deliver oration therein, 268. street, 13, 276, 380. Centrv street, 44. Certificates, 7, 43, 72, 134, 141, 211, 298, 347, 348. for auctioneer, 380. shipping Hour, 390. to import corn, rye, and flour, 392. Chairs, sedan, 57. Chambers street, 41, 108. 175, 264, 289, 304, 305, 306, 308, 310, 311, 312, 408. Chapel burving ground, 71, 83, 142, 1*;8. fence repaired, 80. new wall and gates at, 319. church,82, 163, 168, 419. Chaplain, 342, 440. choice of, for July 4, 374. Charles river, 237. bridge, 251, 301, 324, 375, 379, 392, 425. street, 407. Charlestown, 444. Charter street, 108. Chesapeake (frig.ate), attack on, 343. Chestnut street, 370. Chimneys, superintendent of, 459, 460. inspector of, 132, 150, 166. rules for, 133. rates for sweeping, 133. sweeping of, 460. sweepers, 40, 43, 87, 123, 132, 142, 150, 166. badges, 40. application for license, 459. Churches, Old Brick, 378. Old South, committee of, 340. Roman Catholic, 347. Second Baptist, committee of, 403. petition from proprietors of, 451. Third Baptist, ringing of bell, 427. Universal, committee ol^ 334. Claims, for damage, by laying out Broad street, 426. in Round lane, 356. of Benjamin Andrews heirs, 337. on Mr. Blanchard, 449. of Jonathan and Luther Ellis, 320. heirs of John Erving, 382. Gov. Hancock's heirs, 325, 327, 349, 350. Leverett heirs, 356, 3.57, 410, 411, 452. against alms- -house land, 429. Index to Places and Subjects. 485 Claims of IT. G. Otis, 453. Mr. Skinner, 451. Robert T. Paine, 427. estate owners near Old Brick Church, 381. Mill Pond abuttors, 382. Prop, of Roxbury Canal, 338. town against Thomas Boyls- ton, 373. W. N. Bovlston, 442. to land on Beacon street, 331. Clapboard street, 60, 1.52. Clark street, 156, 205, 206, 212. Clarks allev, 30. Clarks wharfi, 137. Clergy, 337. Clergymen, senior, 341. Coasting, in public streets, 461. Codmaus wharfi, 205. Cold lane, 14, 16, 19, 7S. Cole lane, -353, 388. Collector, of port, 390. Collectors (see Taxes). Commissioners, for Mill Pond, 379. appointment of, 339. Committees : Committees : Board of Health, 5, 6, 8, 67, 71, 114, 201, 202, 206, 269, 308, 446, 448. division of, 369. encroachments on streets, 7, 9, 126, 253. for building new almshouse, 36. cavalry to exeixise on common, 10. revising law, sealers of weights and measures, 47, 48. work on Short street and Rainsford lane, 375. from American Fire Society, 285. Brattle-street Societv, 394. flre-wards, 139, 1.50, 240. Governor's Council, 396. insurance company, 430. land proprietors, 431. Massachusetts bank, 99. Mechanic Associ- ation, 166. mill corporation, 438. musical association, Old .South Church, 64, 215. of arrangements in honor of the late Gen. Hamilton, 238. artiller}' company, 35, 191. Brattle' street church, 121, 157, 296, 357. conference, 67, 71, 114. exchange coffee house, application of, 440. fire wards, 449. general court, 92, 216, 293, 362. grand lodge, 48. India wharf association, 445. Long wharil j^roprietors, 128, 299. mechanic fire societv, 250. New North church, 133, 175, 200, 201, 222, 237. overseers, 402, 410. of proprietors of Broad street, 267, 268, 270. of proprietors of Long wharf, 416. proprietors of sewer in Summer street, etc., 389. society on Friend street, 273. West Boston societv, 202, 211, 215, 223. wood whartingers, 248. young men, 342. oii alterations of Poplr.v street, 333. appplication of direc- tors of Charles river bridge, 379. Mr. Frothingham, 402. Mr. Godfrey, 225. to Legislature, 428. widen Green street, 314. of Wm. Minott, 380. David West, 57,58. balance due Mr. Amory and JMr. Lowell, 55, 56. buildings in Myrtle street, 419. by-laws, 224, 225,228, 330. chimney sweeping, 460. claims to old town- house, 137. claims against Thos. Boylston, 373. claims against W. N. Boylston, 442. communication from Norfolk, Va., 342. common, 6, 10, 20, 23, 32, 54, 57, 97, 99, 139, 162. 185, 188, 271, 369, 40-1. county and town gov- ernment, 220. disging awav Beacon Hill,"7. dock, 7, 42, 47, 1.5S. 169, 201, 205, 206, 226, 232, 233. drains, 97, 98, 180, 181, 1X2, 214, 216, 224, 261 In Cooper street, 351. Sister street, 427, 4.51. Short street, 360. no drains entering sewer in C e n t r e street, 380. Exchange lane, 425. fire-engines, 8. 90, 114, 116, 1.50, 1.56, 170. fire in Fish street, 12S. forming streets around Fort Hill, 436. Julv 4, celebration, 341, 374. lamps, 281. land In Middlecot street, 7. lease for Winnisimet ferry, 68, 208. licenses, 247. listsof voters, 137, 138. market, 78, 170, 181, 363, 369, 373. -l/r. Skinner's claim, 449. Mill pond, 247, 387, 461. laving out streets on, 382. 486 City Document No. 93. Committees on districts, 482. Nassau street, 237, 238. new buildings in mar- ket, 76. new gun-house, 444. Neck, 369, 404, 432. northern district, 344. petition of Cotton, Low- ell & Jack- son, 314. Mr. Knapp, 297. police, 345. Popl.'ir street, 338. pumps, 86, 131, 171. ralsina: Milk street, 11. recL'ption of Governor- elect, 64. regulations for carriasres, 125,4^11. carts and horses, 418. right to build shop, 5. Round lane, 3.16. salary of funeral por- ters, 17(i, 171. Sea street, 431. site for engine house, 463. State street, 313. South Russell street, 3S4. suit airainst town, 401. town's claims upon AVm. Bovlston, 281. Town House, 398. town drain, between Pleasant and Carver sti-eets, 347. town property on Bea- con Hill, 433, 462. town's lands, 10, 44, 181, 185, 198, 235, 259. watch, 8*, 134, 135, 140. wells, In Belknap street, 1,52. to i n vestigate loss of water of, 308. widening Doane street, 304. Essex street, 4.57. report of, 4.59. Fish street, 374. relative to aqueduct corpora- tion, 11, 75, 79, 100, 101. building arches under Beacon street, 240. building bake- house. 170, 171, 203, 219. building bridge, 234, 235, 236. building stable in Sudbury street, 204. burying grounds, 58, 201, 202. designatl njc bounds of the new wards, 292. funeral of George ^yashingto^n, 46, 48. filling up Mill pond, 216. funeral of Sam- uel Adams, 204. Coniniitlces : relative to kcejiing of town's papers, &c.,5. location of fish- box, 173, 265. obtaining paving stones, 260. opening new streets, 5, 7, 9, 208,209,216,224, 226,236,237,251, 261,267,268,281, 286, 293, 300. pipes for wells, 305. powder, 245, 246. rope- walk, 8, 60. stale of market, 39, 40, town's land on Neck, 18,20. voting, 243,244. repairs on fences, 10, 158, 179. neck, 61, 64, 268. to schools, 76, 79, 84, 21.5, 261. on streets, 11, 12,13, 14,15, 16,19,21,22, 28, 29. 30, 35, 36, 38, 40, 42, 63, 67, 68, 69, 71,74,76,78,80, 91, 95,107,115,117,118, 141, 151, 153, 1.56, 157, 1.59, 161, 163, 182, 186, 189, 190, 198, 200, 201, 230, 271, 282, 288. on wall in Tremont street. 118. to watch house, 105, 106, 126. school, 61, 62, 88, 250. to adopt measures for secu- rity of inhabitants of Ward VI I., 79, 80. ascertain bounds of Cas- tle street, 149. ascertain bounds of Sea street, 262, 263. ascertain street line of Old Brick church, 378. attend court, 451. referees, 392. arrange plan of (Mill) Pond streets, 365. choose referees, 459. collect subscription, 40. confer with Mr. Cob!) and Mr. Harts- home, 144. Mr. Curtis, 235. Mr. G o o d - win,2S2. 3udqe Wen- dell, 142. agents of B r o ad street cor- p r.i ti on, 261, 263. insurance CO m p a n y, 424. council, 397. consider paving Broad street, 332. taking of land to widen Doane street, 303. consult town attorney, 401, Index to Places and Subjects. 487 Committees to contract for building front wall of ^fr. Welch's store, 321. direct laying side stones before Mr. Darling's land, 313. draw up subscription paper, 37. employ additional watch, 39r,. estimate value of land, 3, 6, 144, 151, 188, 190, 382. examine accounts, 125, 129, 216, 260. examine accounts of agents, 325. examine accounts of fever, 1. Benj. Hall, cir- cumst anc e s of, 9, 10. bond and deed of land for new State House, 8, IS. deeds, 422. drain by sewer in Sister St., 426. passageway from Orange street to the sea, 146. right of abut- ters, 125. into state of Town Watch, 361. form foot path on Cross street, 12. lay out passageway, 114,258. new street, 444. make out correct list of all estates of town, 6. meet claimants of land on Beacon street, 331. committee of General court, 362. 450. obtain list of polls, 330. open town meeting with prayer — request Hev. ^^r. Baldwin, 94, 227, 264. Rev. il/r.Channing, 245. i?ei-.3/c. Eckley,84, 294. Dr. Eliot, 61, 260. Rev. Mr. Emmer- 8on, 100,295. Rev. Mr. Freeman, 227. Rev. Mr. Gardner, 161. iJer.Jlfr.Haskel,139, Dr. Howard,51. 172. Dr. Kirkland, 299. Rev. Mr. Murray, 144. Dr. Parker, 222. Rev. Mr. Popkin, 135. Dr. Stlllman, 6, 15, 173. Dr. Thacher, 55. Dr. West, 4, 178. prepare accounts of ex- peuseof sickness at Rainsford's Island, 28. advertisement to warn negroes to leave town, 77. Committees: prepare list of all estates of the town, 6. prevent encroacii- meut by Gov. Hancock's heirs, 350. procure buckets for en- gines, 4. oil, 39, 156. Bite for engine house, 4,8,23, 152, l.'i5, 169, 175, 182, 200. for w a t c h house, 169. timber for fencing town's land, 4. provide dinner, 108. regulate carts in Ann street, 427. Broad street, 340. remove cellar door, 10. guu house, 442. request bells to l)e rung on the seventeenth, 28. use of Faneuil Hall, 84,96,162,177,233, 244, 246. revise regulations of car- riages, &c., 56. settle claims for land taken by town, 133. sign agreement of refer- ence,'']63. sound well at West Boston, 304. stake out slip from Lynn street to sea, 335. view Atkins street, 114. Beacon Hill, 127. Beacon street, 445. Belknap street, 138. Board alley, 38. Bromfield lane and Winter street, 344. cellar on Green street, 198. cellar, corner Milk and Oliver street, 406. Cooper street. 449. east end of Boylston street, 419. Essex street, 416. flats and laud south of Southbri dge, 351. Fish street, 390. Frog lane, 181. ground under Fan- euil Hall, 22. house in Back street, 5. house in Fish street, 408. house in Leverett street, 420. house in Lynn street, 330. land in Beach street, 18, 19, '20, 21. land in Governor's allev, 53. neck, 312. Myrtle street, 431. North street, 413. Oliver street, 309. Pleasant street, 54, .55, 98, 200, 205, 206, 337. cast end of Pleasant street, 368. 488 City Document No. 93. Committees: view Roiinii lane, 350. scales, 89. Bite for .1.18. Villas livery stable, 373. slip at bottom of Cross street, 141, 142. Snowhill street, 458. South Bennct street, 404. South Burial Ground, 319. st.ible in Sudburv street, 369. street on Fort Hill, 409. street in front of Old Brick church, 381. Town house, 407. Unity .ind Sheafe streets, 344. wall in Essex street, 225, 22ti. ware h o u 8 e i n Market square, 205. 221. water course, 304. well, .").'^, ,59. wharff of Mr. B.'ih'li, 298. wharf, south part of town, 272. wait on Mr. Codman, 220,221. Governor, 341, 410, 439. report of com. mitt ee to, 440. L i e u t - (} o V- ernor, .54. Her. Mr.Hunt- ington. 392. -Dr." Lothrop, 399. Common, 0, 8, 16, 20, 23, 31, 32, 35, .54, .57, 64, 72, 95, 96, 107, 1.S9. 143, 145, 150, 1.51, 162, 165, l,'i7, ISS, 234, 297, 355, 3.59, 403, 445. artillery to exercise on the, 145. cautiou" against firing guns on, 31. cavalry on, 10. com. on repairs to, 432. damage to, 377. dirt to deiio.^it on, 8. taking of earth from, 3.54. pound on, 54. stage for lireworks, to erect, 271. stands for fruit on, 16. trees for, 97, 98, 99. burving ground, 57, 58, 82. tombs in, 19, 38, 61. nuisances. 356. shore {see Drains), street, 145,271,376,403. Commonwealth, the, 84, 10.5, 1.38, 1,50, 161, 204, 223, 2.52, 255, 259, 288, 295, 341, 356, 361, 448, 462. statutes of, 453. card from Secretary of, 410. Community, 423. Company to visit schools, 444. Complaints : against carriage-driver, 338. driver of hackney carriage, 539. Complaints: against Thos. Davidson, 348. at disturbances at places of worship, 345. of residents of Distill. house sijuare, 436. Compromise, .331). proposal of, 429. Concert Hall, 285, 353. Confectionerv, sale of, on Sabbath, 373. Conference, with Board of Health Com- mittee, 448. mill corporation, 4,38. Congress, 245. member of, 393. Representatives for, 315. in 451. Town meeting for choice of, 392 street, 47, 123, 198, 229, 345, Hi, 440, 446, 4.50. Constables (see Watch). Contracts for burying ground, 4-!4. with IMr, Homer, 461. mill corporation, 437. Cooper street, 387,417. Copper street, 260, 347, 351, 377, 378, 41'^, 449. Copps Hill, 28, ne, 205, 228, .306, 418, 442, 458. drain on, .306. expense of draining tombs on, 306. Cordwaincr, 399,413. Corn court, 64. imports of, .392. certilicates, to import, 392. street, 99. Cornhill, 105, 123, 185, 191, 192, 211, 23C, .381,397,413, 418. Coroner's account of County, 448. Corporations, Aqueduct, 7o, 79, 88, 92, 99, 100, 101, 145. resolutions rel- ative to, 11, 12. Broad street, 261, 263, 267, 268, 269, 270. remonstrance asainst, 300. Front street, 262, 263, 264. Long wharf, 307. Mill pond, 345. agent of, 373. Pond street, 375. Correspondence, Committee of, 343. from Wm. Stackpole, 396. Josiah Snelling, 313. Norfolk, Va., 343. Counsel, 424, 453. employed by Board, 430. letter from, to Mr. Leverett, 410. of Thomas Bovlston, .330. W. H. Boylston,373. Country, articles from, 416. wood coming from, 425. County laud, 403. slierlff, 320. of Nantucket, 453. Norfolk, 446. Suffolk, 324, 326, 348, 397, 400, 408, 417, 430, 441, 453, 458, 463. Senators of, 302, 303. Court, 375, 397, 410, 453. circuit, 40,140,227,242,300, 351, 356, 387, 393, 394, 417, 423. common pleas, 7, 47, 106, 119, 126, 140, 159, 161, 168, 174, 188, 202, 211, 242, 244, 2.59, 261, 263, 296, 298, 303, 314, 322, 324, 331, 339, Index to Places and Subjects. 489 Court, common pleas, 351, 368, 374, 380, 396, 40-2, 4(13, 409, 416, 418, 422, 423, 430, 437, 438, 442, 447, 448, 462. application to, 441. justice of, 415. notice from, 451. clerk of, 462. venire from, 331, 368. verdict iu case of James Har- rison, 462. district, 106, 118, 159, 287, 304, 357, 374, 409, 419, 437, 460, 462, 463. General, 1, 11, 12, 44, 47,49,88,92, 93, 132, 138, 216, 220, 233, 289, 292, 293. examination of street grant across Mill Pond by, 309. municipal, 98, 134, 273. communication from Judge of, 409. of Sessions, 9, 30, 33, 74, 112, 143, 153,186,277,280,320, 330, 346. clerk of, 380. justices of, 403. probate, 288. 291,331. judge of, 9, 10, 18, 42, 62, 112, 113 117,149,164, 169, 205, 206, -208, 213, 219, 238, 250, 262, 269, 272, 277, 282, 289, 303, 348, 356, 403, 408. precept from, 355, 397, 430,441, 4.T2. application to 311. Supreme Judical, 2, 36, 37, 46, 47, 48,61,76,92,112, 137,219,265,286, 288,293,314,320, 321,323,324,356 3.57, .374, 393,400 419,42.5,427,430, 452,453,4.57,463. clerk of, 325. judge of, instruc. t i o u 8 from, 430. request to, for guar- dian, 411. house, 315. new, committee on site for, 403. martial, use of reading school for, 315. square, 440, 445, 446. street, 109, 117, 123, 132, 133, 182, 220, 311, 326, 353, 357, 372, 373, 380, 381, 415. Cow-tnx, collector of, 60, 67, 71, 99, 100, 114, 143, 150, 180, 230,260. Creek lane, 114. taking of mud from, 326. Cross street, 12, 75, 77, 137, 141, 142, 145, 158, 169, 182, 290, 353, 408, 448. Custom-house street, 445. D street, 257. Dalton street, 47. Dam on neck, widening of, 345. Damages, by proposed new street, 411. laying out Broad street, 426. New street, 440. for land taken to widen Han- over street, 389. in building almshouse, 453. widening State street, 416. Orange street, 424. Exchange lane, 444. ^ Damages to buildinir in Exchange laue, 443. Poplar street, 342. property of heirs, 389. store, 320. Death of George Washington, measures taken on,"46. Debts, juode of collecting, of Mr. Tvson, 396. Dedham, 36. Deeds, 207. application for, 350. for shares of Leverett heirs, 452, 455. of mill corporation, 417. water course iu Water street, 367. Register of, 258. relating to drain in Prince street, 441. signing of, 304. of land for engine house, 320. mill pond, 392. of almshouse, 429. near Old Brick church, 381. near hav scales, 422. to Ea ward How, 96. town, 18, 113. of three lots on Fort Hill, 276. Deer Island, 22, 27, 32, 37, 49, 67, 68, 71, 75, 77, 89, 90,99, 117,400, 401. ballast taken from, 31, 32, 37, 49, 67, 71, 90, 99. no more ballast to be taken from, 37, 90. paving stones taken from, 71, 89. repairs at, 37, 67, 68, 77, 99. to plant trees on, 99. visitation, 22, 27, 75, 117. (See, also, Islands.) Demarara, 331. Derue street, 304, 461. Devonshire street, 336, 446. Dike on the neck, 32, 189, 349. Dinner, public (see Entertainment). Directors of Exchange building, 442. Exchange Coffee house, 444, 445. mill corporation, 417. West Boston bridge, 346. Diseases, expense of late fever, 1. Dlsorderlv persons, 79, 80, 113, 183. Distilleries, 205, 290, 349, 352. distill house, wall dangerous, 263, 2r,4, 266. Distill Hill square, 437. House square, 436, 437, 438. District, Congressional. 392. Doane street, .303, 304, 3,54. widening of, 303, 305. Doanes wharf, 303. Dock, the, 47, 77, 93, 108, 117, 127, 142, 158, 169, 201, 205, 206, 209, 221, 226, 232, 233, 296, 297. drain on, 14. filling up, 7, 14, 40. wooden head to be built to the, 30. Olivers, 30, 42, .59, 94, 95, 97, 102. square. 23. 100, 120. 123, 166, 312, 368, 415,418,439,441. care of, 415. no stands in, 166. tavern in, 23. Dosrgets allev, 67. laue, 15. 19. Donations, Mr. Bookers, 2.58, 332, 398. Thomas Bovlston, 42, 43, 76, 280. Franklin, meeting of trustees, 4. 490 City Document No. 93. Donations, Franklin, loan of, 30S. report of secretary and treasurer, 430. Dorchester, 224, 225, 255, 287, 293. Act to .annex, 255, point, 215, 216. street, 255, 256, 257, 441. Dorsets (Dorsetts) , alley, 296, 357, 394, 406. Drains, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19,20, 21, 22, 2:t, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 38, 42, 46, 49, 50, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, ef>, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76,77, 80, 84, 85, 86, 88, 98, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,102, 10.5, 108, 109, 117, 119, 123, 141, 145, 148. 149, 1.50, 151, 152, 153, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 169, 172, 174, 175, 178, 179, 180, 183, 184, 185, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 199, 206, 207, 209, 212, 224 227, 229, 230, 233, 239, 249, 260, 261, 263, 265, 269, 273, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283, 285, 290, 304, 306, 316, 317, 334, 347, 366, 380, 391, 416, 418, 420, 426, 436, 437. application for, 351, 370, 376. assessments for, 26, 34, 50, 51, 65, 66, 69, 70, 88, 103, 104, 109, 110, 123, 146, 154, 155, 163, 105, 167, 172, 176, 178, 183, 184, 189, 191, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 207, 211, 212, 213, 217, 218, 240, 249, 274, 278, 284, 291, 316, 317, 378, 395, 405, 415, 422, 425. 427, 450. 456. bursting of, in Cambridge street, 449. cleaning of, 376. on Cross street, 448. Itlarket square, 10. Prince street, 447. expense of, in Jarvi8row,398. committee to find conditions of, 36S. d.Trnaare to, into Mill Pond, 437. laid by Mr. Mackay, 350. compensation for, 352. objection to onening, 27. paving for, 340, 364, 428. proprietor of, in Prince street, 448. repairing of, 316, 317, 389, 419, 447, 449. account of, to exam- ine, 29. expense of, 25, 33, 46, 50, 65, 66, 69, 80, 88. 93, 102, 109, no, 123, 146, 153, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 172, 175, 178, 183, 184, 192, 193, 194, 196, 207, 212, 217, 240, 248, 274, 278, 283, 290, 347, 363, 366, 383, 384, 385, 394, 422. report for, 316. stoppage of, 438. common sewer, 318, 330, 363. from Brattle to Elm street, expense of, 312, 405. in Ann street, expense of, 412, 413. BulUnch street, 383. Buttolpli street, 395- compensation o f undertak- ers of, 395. Cooper street, 378. Leverett street, 413. Nasgaii street, :'.40. expense of, 379. Drains, common sewer. Short street, 360. J))\ Chanuings meeting house, 285. Br. Eliots meeting house, 164. Dr. Lothrops meeting house, 93, 164. Dr. Stillmans meeting house, 182. E fetrc^t 2oT» East Indians forbidden to reside In State, 82, 85, 93. Eaton street, 250. Eighth street, east, 256. west, 256. Elections, 393, 452. general, 337. incorrect return of, 302. of electors of President, reso- lutions for, 243, 244, 245. of Governor, Lieut. -Governor and six Senators, 6, 55, 97, 138, 139, 173, 222, 259, 295. law regulating, 130. Elector, choice of, 245, 246. Eliot street, 9, 68, 69, 86, 98, 341, 396, 412. Elm street, 64, 67, 107, 120, 142, 163, 190, 230, 311,322,387,388,389,405. Embargo, 361. Engine, hav, 2. Enirines (see Fire Engines). England, 344. Entertainment, proposed, 423. public dinner at Faneuil Hall, 302. Essex street, 42, Hi8, 118, 135, 1.52, 157, 160, 169, 174, 182, 203, 225, 226, 232, 416, 419, 421, 422, 425, 457, 459. to fix line of, 225, 226. Estate, administrator of, 330. Cooper, 433. James Thomp- son, 100. Mrs. Joanna Brookers, 47. bonds due on, 47. of Thomas Boylston, 330. D. D. Rogers, 354. Mrx. Deborah Rea, 425. Exchange building, laud north of, 441. directors of, 442. Coffee House, 445, 451. directors of, iH, 445, 462. president of, 445, 462. Exchange lane, .59, 174, 282, 424, 425, 426, 432, 435, 438, 441, 443, 444, 447, 452. Exhibition, in hall over Woods Museum, 343. f QtT*p^t ^oT FaneuilHali, 12, 125, 138, 151, IS". 211, 223, 225, 234, 259, 294, 295, 422. application for use of, 328, 334,307,402. cellar, to dig, 22. under, 349. Peter Faneuil's picture, placed in, 325. repairs, 167, 174, 280. market, stalls under, 83,210, 211. leased, 302. rented in, 363. at west end of, 129. use of, for armory, 148, 159, 191, 202, 203, 210,297, 299. caucus, 84. a dinner, 87, 108, 151,160,177, 202,210,23.3, 302,337,342, 439. Index to Places and Subjects. 491 raneuil Hall, use of. for a diBner^of A^n- i Honorable Artillery Company, 337. drill, riy. Mechanic Abso- ciation, 126, 200. meeting. 96, 142, 162,166,188,244, 246,260,262,296, 327,366,399,43.1. Philanthropic lottery, 53. Bchool, 200. market (see Market) . FederalBtreet,119.m^l^lS0.^1S2.195. 332', 347, 373, 414, 417. chnrch, 234. Ferries, Winnisimet, 16, 68, 127, 208, 333. Fifth street. East, 256. West, 256. Fines, 96, 134, 229. . Fire Department, captains of 321. engines, 68. 150,170, 200, 324 advertised tor sale, 169. buckets, 3, 4. captains of, 49, 82, 83, 86, 89,96,130,131. companies, 344. application 01, 358, 3.W. Cataract, 86, 90, 96, 292, 296, bos'e'for, 3, 24, 41, 131, 140, 167,260. bill for, 457. bouses, 329, 35S. chimney for, 89, 130. objections to build- ing chimney, 23, 30. to enlarse, 23,359. repaired, 116, 199, 310. toerect,4, 114, 116. near So.bridsre,3.51. removal of, 310, 320. site for, 307, 463. Marlborough, 37. masters of, 1, 24, 32, 1<5, 1.6. men, 393. exempt from ]ury duty, 49. number of, to each engine, 49. to wear caps and badiri's at fires, 131. new, 24, 29, 156, 159, 169, 175, 176,340,449. application for, near Wheel- er's Point and Pleasant street, referred to select, men, 430. No. 6, 393. repairs of, 393. old, to be sold, 20. pipe and ladder for, 53, lil, 2.50. pumpsfor, 131, 170, 171. removal of, 64. 1.52, 155, 161, 174, 175, 182, 292. repairs, 8. to be numbered, 37. methods to guard against, .3.50. societies, provide In-^ers, 28o. wards, 8,24, 41,53, 86.96,128,131,139, 140, 150, 156, 1.59, 167, 169, 170, 171 175. 176, 240, 247, 260, 2S2 321; 330, 344, 348, 358, 303,449, 457. Fire wards, committee from, 324. report of, 393. Fireworks, use of, .July 4, 305. Fires, 28, 125, 127, 136, 215. appointment of men at, 321. consuming 16 houses, 127. in Elm street and Hanover, 38i. Fish street, 3.50, 3.51. measures to guard against, 125. ■widening streets after, 458. First church. 88 street. East, 2.56. West, 256. Fish box, to erect, 169, 173, 238, 265, 2hl, 418. remove, 277. inspector of, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 21. 45, 85. packer of, 7.5, 85, 101, 105. sale of, in streets, 410. stalls, 190, 203. Fisherman, nuisance by, 368. F sh street, 21, 29. 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 13.3 136, 137, 146, 148, 149, 1.56, 158, 164, 172 180. 184, 189, 205, 216, 224, 225,2.32, 239' 258, 260, 285, 348, 349, 350, 351, 362, 365, 374, 390, 392, 408, 440, 452. Fitches allev, 105, I06. lane, 363. Flag, attack on, 343. Fleet street, 282. Flounder alley, 67. Flour, imports of, 392. shipping of, 39;t. Foot path on Court street, 353. Cross street, 12. ^ FootwalkB in Summer street, 78. lort mil? 'l2'l9, 65, 89, 99, 100, 101, 131. J) on mil, ^,^. ,^^^ ^.^^ ^,^„_ 276, 289, 297, 304, 406, 407,409, 436, 444, 447, 448. breast works on, to level, allowance for, 14. fortifications on, to level, 13. pump on, repaired, 131. sale of land on, 304. Fosters lane, 335. wharff, 270, 340, 377, 406, 407. Fourth street, East, 256. West, 2.56. Fourth of July, celebration, 341, 440. oration, 374, 436, 439. orator, 374. public dinner at Faneuil Hall, 302. relisious services, 3i6, 440. ringing of bells on, 376. town meeting on, 305. use of fireworks on, 305. Fox Hill, 368 . _ . „„ i Franklin Donation, meetingof trustees, 4. place, 38, 101, 199. street, 25, 38, 56. Frederick street, 332. Freeholders, 462. jr riend street, 273, 340, 388. Frog lane, 181, 188, Front'reet't24!'l-5, 236, 237, 242, 247, 261, ^''^ 262 263, 264, 265, 268, 280, 286, 289, 293, 296, 320, 358. Funds, for sextons 326. Funeral porters, 322, 329 3.34, 34,, rf49. appointment of, 338. ai)proved, 419. weekly returns by, 308. (See'Eurial Places.) Samuel Adams, 204. Gen. Hamilton, 238. Gov. Sullivan, .396, 397. Fusileers, 202, 2":!, 211. 355, 870. {See, also, Troops.) 492 City Document Xo. 93. G street, 257. Gan.ing, in streets, 329. Garden street, 276, 278. (iilhnn i>laee, 424. Gooch's (Goueli'e) lane, 181, 199, 353, 387. Governor, 3W, 4 Id, 440. choiee of, (i, 55, 97, 138, 139, 173, 222, 259, 295, 324, .<529, 402. coinniittee to wait on, 341, 347, 374, 439. coiiiH-il of, 341, 396, 439, 440. eleetiou of, 302. list of persons authorized to vote for, 324, 401. reception to, 04. Lieutenant, .54, 97, 267. clioice of, 6, 13S, 139, 173, 222, 2.59, 295, 329, 368, 402, 429. election of, 302. Hancock, heirs of, 349, 3,50, 420, 431. conference with,329. house, 445. Sullivan, 440. Governors alley, 53. Granary, aiiplicatlon to convert into stable, 165. burylnic ground, 21, 131, 167, 427. proposed nioeting.house on, 403. sale of tomb in, 340. Grand Lodge, 48. Grant, of town, 315. Gravel, account for, 390. for repair of streets, 368. Beach street, 115. IJroad street 370. Canibridue street, 72. Chambers street, 41. Eliot street, 69. Essex street, 42. Flounder alley, 67. Hancock street, 115. Ilitrh street, 202. Mall, 78. I'leasant street, 115. St^a street, 115. Sister lane, 21. Warren street. 186. Green street, 157, 181, 198, .314. Green's whartf, 23, 201, 205, 20fi, 226, 233. Grenoch, 361. Grove street, 45, 170, 289, 332, 431. Gun-house, 68. to be built, 27, 28, 35. conmiitteo to remove. 442. new conunittee on, 444. Guns, caution atriiinst lirlnjr, 31. Guardians, ai)piication for, 40.'i. Richard S. 11111,408. .Tames New- man, 311. ai)poiutmentof, for Elizabeth Alle n, 326. Matthew T.avlev, 417." Wil li am H o v 1 s- ton,"411. Jos. N. Brad- ford, 397. il/cs. Frances TJruce, 441. Samuel Bul- linch, 452. \V m . Hlnck. lins, 324. Elijah M c Kerson, 430. Guardians, appointment of Robert Steele, 303. Arnold Wells, Jr., 348. II street, 257. Hacks, 414. allowed to stand in Liberty and No. sijuare mall, 316. complaint against, 338, 339. licenses, 319. restoration of, 339. suspension of, 338. number of, 322. regulation of, 322. removal from Bowdoin square, 316. Hall, Concert, ladder in, 330. over Woods Museum, 343. Hancock street, 115, 152, 303,304,338,461. Hanover street, 22, 76, 78, 136, 144,161, 182, 227, 375, 376, 385, 386, 387,388, 389, 391, 392. IIarl)or, incumbering of, 420. Harvard street, i'2. Hawkins street, 280,281. Hawlev street, 45, 444. Hay, 107. on neck, 383. carta, 414. market, 78, 1.57, 402. scales, 294,327. proceeds of, 365. purchase of laud near, 422. wards, 29, 54, 91. salary of, ,54. weigher of, 22, 48, .53, .54, 55, 50, 64, 90, 97, 107, 139, 180, 222, 294, 327. accounts of, 327. choice of, 424. death of, 424. duties of, ,54, ,55. regulations, 95. Helrsat-law, 325, 327, 337, 349, 350, 350, 357, .382, 383, 380, 402, 410, 411, 420, 431, 442, 4.52, 453. Hemp house, 300. Henchman's lane, 108. High street, 56, 186, 189, 202, 247, 252, 2.53, 254, 258, 359, 408, 458. proceedings relative to, 253, 2.54, 2.58. Hill, damage to, 384. Holland, 330. Hollis street, 76, 167. church, 167. Horns and trumpets, blowing of, 368, 410. Horses, 357, 413. market, proposals for, 336. sale of, 424. In State street, 336. stray, value of, 89, 90, 92. Hose, for engines, 4.57. importing of, 330. Hospitals, Deer Island, 27. Rainsforda Island, 8,27. Houses, draining of, on Lynn street, 330. new, in Atkinson street, 340. taken down, damages for, 36, .57, 58, (iO. Howard street, 20, 349. Hull street, 344. Hutchinson street, 8, 47. I street, 257. Imports of corn and rve, 392. Hour, 390, 392. hose for town, 330. Indemnity, board of, 445. Indentures, 302, 308, 313, 315, 338, .339, 344, .352, 35S, 367, .370, 377, 379, 387, 398, 399, 404, 413, 417, 440, 441, Index to Places and Subjects. 493 Independence of the American Colonies, anniversary of, 410. bells to be runff on, 72, 107, IM, 187,234,271. oration to commemorate, 13, 19, 63, 105, 143, 181, 228, 26S. India street, 365, 375, 445. wliarff, 315, 321, 336, 375, 445. Indictment against Thos. Lewis, 426. town, 462. Inhabitants, 5, 8, 9, 11. 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 31, 37, 38, 47, 63, 79, 83. 96, 97, 120, 123, 125, 127, 128, 133, 140, 141, 150, 173, 207, 213, 214, 227, 231, 235, 237, 241, 243, 245, 250, 259, 270, 276, 279, 285, 286, 289, 295, 299, 320, 339, 389, 446, 453, 454, 455. 456, 460. disturbance of, 410. petition of a number of, 328, 337,340,395,399. ward seven, 79. recommendation of, 356. safety of, 445. Innholder, choice of, 1, 2. 9, 30, 33, 114, 126, 129, 153, 157, 174, 180, 201, 210, 216, 227, 252, 277, 282, 292 442. licenses. 408. list of. 318. ,346, 380, 412. Inquisition into circumstances of Joe. N. Bradford. 397. Arnold Wells, 348. Inspector of beef, pork and fish. {Slee under several terms.) chimneys, 132,150, 166. Inspectors of police, 2, 5, 7. pumps, 411. Insurance Company, 431. fire and marine, ??•. N. E. president and directors of, 435. in State street, 282. Intemperance, 311. [pswich, 160. Islands, Deer, 22. 27, 31, 32, 37, 49, 67, 68, 71, 75, 77, 89, 90, 99, 117, 400, 401. Rainsfords, 8, 22, 27, 28, Sandwich, 339. Jail, 136, 189, 208, 403. land south of, 330. .lamaica. 111. Jarvis row, 398. street, 398. .leffrev wharf, 8, 15, 48. Jurors, 40, 48, 49, 92, 96, 106, 107, 113, 118, 126, 130, 140, 159, 203, 211, 219, 220, 234, 238, 242, 259, 261, 287, 296, 303, 304, 314, 320, 321, 322, 323, 331, 339, 351, .3.55, 357, 359, 368, 374, 386, 387, 393, 396, 402, 407, 409, 416, 417, 418, 419, 422, 423, 424, 425, 427, 430, 437, 438, 442, 447, 448, 455, 457, 460, 462, 463. books, 2, 37, 39, 112. 118, 119, 126, 130, 140, 152, 159, 161, 168, 174, 188, 203, 211, 219, 220, 234, 238, 242, 244, 261. 263, 265, 286, 287, 293, 296, 298, 300, 322, 331, 351, 355, 356, 357, 359, 364, 374, 375, 386, 387, 393, 394, 396, 400, 402, 403, 409, 416, 417, 418. boxes, 37, 38, 40, 41, 293, 323, 372, 375. extra, 37, 152, 161, 188, 263, 298. grand, 2, 39, 112, 227, 286, 293, 300, 325, 356, .364, 400, 419, 427. objection to drawing of, 321. Jurors, petit, 2, 39, 112, 110, 126, 168, 174, 202, 227, 244, 265, 286, 293, 300, 325, 356, 364, 400, 419, 427. sheriff's, 455. vacancies in list of, 322, 357, 416. to fill, 375, 394, 403. Jury dutr, enginemen excused from, 393. grand, indictment bv, 462. law, 371. to estimate damages by, 444, 451. valueof land, 453. Justices, 7, 9, 30, 33, 168, 240, 367, 379, 381, 403,441,458. Iv str6Gt 257. Kilby street,' 107, lOS, 229, 230, 280, 303, 307, 423. Kingston street, 43S. Kneeland street, 262, 264, 296, 297. L street, 257. Lamps, 43, 92, 293. cleaning of, 354. in Broad street, 323. inspector of, 160, 161, 281. lighters, 39, 43, 82, KiO, 244, 289, 315. number in wards, 311. on wharves, 128. regulations of, 314. repair of, 323. report of committee on, 315. superintendent of, 314. election of, 353. to be lighted, 39, 45, 82, 119, 160, 167, 244, 281, 286, 289. Land, 380. appraisal of land taken bv town, 3, 106, 111, 112, 113, 127, l59, 188, 225, 238. bill of sale, .321. claimed by Leverett heirg, 410, 452. towns, compensation bv town for land taken, 111, 112, ll3, 129, 130. 133, 144, 148, 149, 189, 279, 288, 291, 382, 383. conveyed to town by deed, 418. for new State House, 8, 18. conveyance of, near almshouse, 446. county, plana of 403. deed of, 320. 391. forfeiture of, 381. judgment for, 332. marsh, on neck, 383. near South Bridge, terms of sale of, 385. on Copp's Hill, deeds of, 304. town to ijurchase, 228. Mill Pond, proi)rietors of, 392. offer for purchase of, 335, 336. opposite mall, 424. presented to town, 45, 200. byCharlesVose, 300. to widen Fish street, 351. proprietors of, 333, 338, 348. 356. near Dorsets Alley, 394. purchase of, for improvement of Battervmarch street, 365. right of," 325. sale of, on Poplar street, 349. suit for, 397. at almshouse, 402. by Leverett heirs, 452. taken by Broad Street Corpora- tion, 261, 263. 494 City Document No. 93. Land, taken by town, for streets, 106, 107, 116, lis, 163, -263. to widen Atkinson and rurohase streets, -15S. to widen Battery March street, 363. to widen Der n e street, pavnient of, 461. to widen F i s li court and North sijuare, 3G.i. to widen Oransje street, 42-2. value of. in claim of Leverett heirs, 454, 45ri. viewinsr of, on Federal street, 332. town, apiilication tor use of, 402. as to town's rislit to passage- way, 124. 125, IDS. at South end, 5. conveyed to , 417. conveyed to Josiah Knapp, 21, 259, 262. deed of, to John Homer, 171. Edward How, 96. of Cataract engine- house, 367. to William Phillips, 224, 226. fencing of town's, 4. fence to be removed, 30. in Mill Pond, 209, 214, 292. Water street, 116, 296. Orange street, 225, 226, 234, 235, 236, 2S9, 290, 291. leading from Elm street to Brattle square, 190. list of all estates, 6. removal of candleworks from, 33S. saleof, 21,44, 68, 119, 335. sold to Mr-. Hartshorn, 131. Judge Wendell, 2S9. terms of purchase of, 307, 336. at the dock, 233. near Dorset's alley, 394. hay scales, 422. Fort HU1,237. on Atkins street, 114. on Fort Hill, 179, 276. Oliver's Dock, release of,.59. on the Nei'k, advertised to be sold at auction, 18. on the Neck, IS, 20, 56, ISl, 1S5. Fort Hill, deed to Uriah Cotting, 297. sold by, to John Row, 314. Lascars, forbidden'to reside in state, 93. Latin School, proposed, 463. repairs on, 326. use of, 354. Laws, 422, 424, 429, 442, 445, 447, 44S, 456. breach of, 17,96. building, 240. carrying lire through the streets 9;i. new, 414. regulating elections, 130, 393. the measuring of wood, 425. town shops, 25. watchmen, 132. weights and measures, to revise, 48. relative to ammunition, 458. boats bringing Btones, gravel, etc., 105. Laws relative to carriages, 82. chimuey inspectors, 1.33. choice of assessors, 125, 259. digging gravel, 32. disorderly persons, 80, 132. firing guns, 31. li reworks, 300. fuueral porters, 171. hay, 54, 55. incumliering streets, 9. loading of trucks, 143. ue,i;roes, 77. observance of Lord's Day, 150. laying pipes of the aqueduct, 11. sealers of weiirhts, 47. vollug, 213, 245, 246, 295. apportion expense for rei)alr of common sewer, 312, 313. Leases of Deer Island for saltworks, 400. Old State House, 39S, 406. town house, 188, 191, 198. Winnisimet Ferry, 208. (5ee Rents). I^eather Dresser, 370. Leverett street, 35, .56, 58, 182, 219, 237,260, 288, 312, 314, 377, 408, 413, 416, 418, 420, 426, 452, 462. Legal measures, 423. Leglonarv Brigade, 88. Legislature, 137, 216, 252, 255, 300, 361, 428, 429, 448. act of, 375. petition to, 361. Leopard (frigate), 343. attack of, 343. Lessee of Old State House, 401. Letters from Attomcv-Cieneral, 243. Mr. Avis, 201, 202. •Tames Bowdoln, 233. John Codman, 142. committee of Brattle street church, 296. committee of Old South So- cietv, 215. Capta"in Curtis, 237. George Ewing, 288. Stephen Gorham, 63. Joseph Green leaf, 229. proprietors of rope walk, 297. selectmen, 238. relative to Mr. Boylston's dona- tion, 42. William Smith, 269. James Sullivan, 45. James Bowdoin, 177. to the agents of Thomas Boylstou, 87. commanding ollicer of Castle William, 8. committee of Old South, 215. John Peck, 209. Representatives, 48. Dr. Welsh, 8. Liberty square, 135, 269, 292, 307, 309, 316, 319, 322. sink, repairs to, 269. Tree, 21, 63, 95, 141, 181, 230. Library Association, petition for use of schoolhouse, 319. Licenses, 11, 15, 27, 30, 31, 32, 60, 74, 79, 91, 95, 120, 122, 123, 129, 132, 152, 158, 167, 271, 282. annulled, of carriages number eighteen, twenty-one and twentv-tlirec, 221. auctioneers, 342, 353, 391, 410, 431, 452. Index to Places and Subjects. 495 Licenses, caudle factory, 43L refused, 43L makers, 356. for theatrical performances, 390. list of persons, 29, 74, 89, 112, 153, ISO, 186, 199, 210. of chimney sweepers, 353. hacliney carriages, 311). to keep livery stable, 369, 372, 394. in Dorset alley, 406. refused, 444. to 0])en stable, 165, 168. sell liquors, 27, 114, 125, 1.53, 157, 205, 2(18, 210,216, 247,252, 277, 2sn, 289, 292, 316, 318, .332, 336, 343, 346, 363, 370, 373, 394, 408, 412, 442. Lindalls lane. 108. Lists, of voters, 330, ,366, 401. committee to correct, 428. Liquors. (See Licenses.) Livery stable, 343, 394. application for, S43, 373. in Dorset allev,394, 406. to build, 380. license for, refused, 444. of, 340. Loans of Franklin donation, 308. London, 24, 41, 87, 288, .361. Long wharff, 56, 128, 233, 297, 209, 300, 307, 308, 310, 311, 320, 372,416, 435. clerk of proprietors of, 435. Lord's Daj', due observance of, 150. not to drive on, 82. Lotteries, philanthropic, 53, 55. Love lane, 151, 311, 316, 390. Lunacy, cases of: Austin, 117. .Tohii Welch Billings, 112. Bartholomew Broadere, 164. Patty Burdeken, 113. Nancy and Sally Delame, 206. Thomas Eavres, 164. Abraham f'rench, 238. Mehitable Hairgar, 213. Benj. Hall, 9, 10. Josepli Hanbury, 208. Seth Harding, 262. Eunice Holland, 42. Abigail Howard, 62. Thomas Kins. 58. Lew l^ane, 269, 272. Jolm Lord, 18. Lemuel Ludden, 282. Mr. Mock. 219. Sarah Mulberry, 2.50. Nicholas Peirce, 205. John Rice, 169. Prancis Robins, 213. David Spear, 289. Robert Steel, 277. Richard Whitcomb, 149, Lynde street, 182, 303. Lynn street, 1,5, 22, 23, 25, 32, 40, 61, 76, 108, 267, 330, 335, 337, 418. board to visit, 22, 23. M street, 2.57. Machine, Federal Balloon, 106. Magazine, 144. Magnors row, 107. Main street, 22, 63, 95, 141. Mall, 373. application for letting of, .305. cleaning and repairing of drains of, .376. hacks allowed to stand by, 316. hacks in, 322. purchase of land opposite, 424. Mall, repairs to, 432. Manufactury of paper, 424. Manure, sale of, 2. to take from horse pond, 188. Marblehead, 58. Margin street, 403. Nortli, 451. Mariners (.see Ships). Market, 1, 12, 31, 36, 39, 65, 92, 93, 364, 418, 427. arrangements, 370. benches under tlie caves, 76. clerk of, 1, 12,120, 125, 127, 129, 139, 328, 369, 415, 460. accounts of, 328. clioice of, 370. salary of, 3. committee, .328, 346, 355. hay, 78, 157. news 420, 421. petition to incorporate, 400. people, 418. post at north side to hang scales, 31. regulations of, 40, 80, 82, 369. scales for, 92. in, to Inspect, 89. removal from, 363. shops in, to be let at auction, 25. condition of rental, 25. stalls in, 47, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84,170,181,382. increase in number of, .355. lease of, 3.55. rent of, 79, 85. refused, 81, S2. on west side of, to erect, 116, 174. rent for, 174. town's shops in, 71, 72, 79. watch, 39, 40, 41, 84. square, 10, 42, 74, 109, 120, 123, 135, 1,36, 149, 205, 206, 220, 221, 233, 343, 365, 387. carts In, 86. sink in, 149. stalls in, 83. stands in, 120. warehouse in, 205. proposition for erecting new, 221, 222 233. street 38R Marlborough street, 21,63,95, 108, 141, 181, 230, 3S9, 424. Marshall, constables to attend funeral of Judge Sullivan, bv order of, 396. Marslialls lane, 19, 29, 75. Masons, 199, 215. Masquerade, advertisement of, 423. Massachusetts, 4.53. liank, 64, 99. M.av street, 170, 214, 271. Mechanics Association, 49, 87, 126, 166, 200, 210. Mechanic Fire Society, 250. Medford, 263, 444. Meeting-houses, Brattle street church, 1.57,296. Catholic church, 197, 204, 347. chapel church, 82, 103, IH.^. Dr. Channlngs, 285. Kllots, 164. Lothrops, 93, 164. Stlllmans, 182. Federal street church, 234. 496 City Document No. 93. Meeting-houses, First church, 8S. in Friend street, 273. HoUls street, 167. New North church, 139, 152, 155, 175, 200, 201, 322, 230, 237. new proposed on granary lot, 403. encroacliment, hv 407. Old brick church, 122, 160, 234, 37S. Old South, 64, 108, 150, 215. committee of, 341 . Second Baptist, com- mittee of, 403. petition from pro- prietors of, 451. Third Baptist, ring bells of, 427. Trinity, 160. use of school-room in new, 332. at West Boston, 211, 215, 223, 298, bell from, 296. Merchants, 390. Row, 226, 280, 291, 294. Mercury, 9. Jlerrimac street, 387, 388. Messeniier, choice of, 53, 95. Methodist Society, 322, 397. certificate of, .^22. Middle Street, 75, 80, 96, 101, 165, 171, 173, 174, 17.5, 182, 183,189, 191, 193, 194,207, 224, 265, 300, 301, 333, 369, 385, 408. Middlecot street, 5, 7, 68. 119, 131, 186, 304, 354, 461. Military Hall, application for use of, 311. use of, 368. Militia (see Troops). Mill bridge, 75, 94, 169, 333. corporation (Boston), 345, 361, 373, 379, .388, 392, 403, 438. agent of, 353, 371, 382, 435, 436. application from, 358. communication from agent of, 375. to, 436, 437. contract with, 377, 437. deeds of, 417. Directors of, 417, 437, 438. President of, 435,436, 437. proposal from, 391. proprietors of, 339, 343, 377. Creek, 1.5, 23, 29, 30, 301, 369, 434. Pond, 70, 150, 181, 206, 209, 214, 216, 247, 292, 293, 300, 377, 403, 436, 437, 451. committee on. 373, 3S7. drains into, 441. examination of, .3.53. filling of, 358, 361, 378, 388, 404. plan of, 371. streets in, 361. street across pro- posed, 301, 309. street, 365, 379. streets of, 382. street, 14, 20, 63, 68. 70, 94, 95, 97, 102, 108, 199, 251, 270, 320, 329, 331, .332, 345, 846, 367, 406, 444, 445. to raise, 11, 14. Mills, North, 116. Milton, 57. Monevs, 59, 93, 117, 118, 229. cow tax, 60, 67, 71, 99, 100, 114, 143, 150, 180, 230, 260. Moneys, hay scales, receipts of, 294. for sale of town's land, 21, 59. paid bv town for land taken, 112, 113. Moon street, 62. Moons wharff, 232. .Moore's wharlf, 137. Morals, 423. .Mortgage of estate of Mr. Homer, 461. Mountfords (Mountforts) Corner, 186,349. Mulatloes forbidden to reside in state, 82, 85, 93. Mumford's alley, 67. Museum on Tremont street, 390. Wood's, 343. objection to noise In, 439. Myrtle street, 390, 408, 419, 431. N street, 257. Nantucket, 453. Nassau street, .57, S6, 151, 237, 238, 264, 340, 379, 384. 412, 450. Neck, the, 20, 31, 22, 56, 64, 71, 73, 86, 87, 141, 3aG, 383. burial ground, proposed for, 444. caution against firing guns on, committee on, 370, 404, 432. dam on, 345. drain on, 282. estimate on raising of, 849. marsh on east side of, 16. measurer of wood on, 359. mud taken from, 326. overflowing of, 353. jjasture on, 328. petition of inhabitants of, 338. pound for, 370. repairs on, 61, 64, 141, 268, 312. residents of, 338. viewing of land on, 443. Negroes, to teach, "l4. warned to leave town, 77. New Boston, 24, 175, 291. Newbury street, 21, 28, 63, 64, 76, 95, 101, 141, 146, 147, 1.52, 170, 181, 217, 230, 233, 248, 389, 398, 419. New burying ground, tomb in, 62, 63. New England Insurance Co., 424, 425, 435. office building, 438. Newspapers, advertisements in, 9, 17, 19, 25, 43, 44, 47, 55, 68, 76, 77 81, 82, 93, 100, 119, 123, 125 128, 129, 1.32, 133, 150, 169! 172, 188, 204, 214, 223, 227 243, 245, 246, 259, 283, 285 293, 295, 297, 300, 309. 326, 329, 335, 349, 367, 401, 4081 414, 423, 425, 460. Centinel, 9, 93. Mercury, 9. Newton, 444. Night carts, emptying of, 237. nuisance caused by, 462. Ninth street, east, 2.56. west, 256. Norfolk (in Virginia), 343. Norfolk turnpike, 293. North alley, 17. Ben net street, 331. burying ground, tomb in, 115, 117, 118, 119, 141, 144, 201, 202, 236, 277, 294. church, 139, 1.52, 155, 175, 200, 201, 222, 236, 237. ringing of bells on, 368. Margin street, 451. mills, 116. school, 189. schools, repaired, 27. Index to Places and Subjects. 497 North square, 39, 58, ISO, 307, 316, 34S, 351, 365. pump in, 39. widening of, 365. Btreet, 136, 175, -it^l, 283, 333, 369, 413, 426, 463. watch, 76, 177, 189, 240, 242, 283, 286, 351, 376. Northern district, committee on, 344. Notes, 136. Nuisance, caused by Mill pond, 437. O street, 257. Oaths of ollice, 328, 371. Ollicers of the police, 1, 16, 17, 28, 228, 229, 230, 408. town [see Town). Oil, 39, 59, 82, 92, 1,56, 160. Old brick church, 122, 160, 234. Harbour street, 257. South church, 64, 108, 150, 215, 410. State House, committee to consult Town attorney rela- tive to breach of covenant, 401. disposal of, 45. rent due for, 406. town house, 76, 137, 188, 191, 198. Olivers Dock, 30, 42, 59, 94, 95, 97, 102. town's claim to, 42. Oliver street, 14, 78, 200, 309, 346, 406. Onions, surveyor of, 29. Orange street, 16, 21, 28, 63, 73, 76, 95, 105, 106, 107, 108, 124, 125, 135, 141, 146, 149, 160, 181, 224, 225, 226, 230, 234, 235, 236, 242, 247, 261, 262, 263, 280, 282, 289, 320, 335, 358, 359, 421, 422, 424, 460. repairs to gutter, 107. Oration in Centre reading school, 268. to commemorate July fourth, 13, 19, 63, 105, 143, 181, 228, 268, 341, 410, 436, 439. before Mechanic Institute, 49. Overseers of the poor, 58, 182, 183, 202, 356, 362, 402. P street, 257. Packers of beef, fish, etc., choice of, 7, 9. Papers, 339, 373. Park street, 377. Parsons wharff, 208, 209, 285. Pasture, 328, 380. Paving, of avenue (from Brattle to Elm), 311. Beacon street, 445. Broad street, request for, 370. Eliot street, 341, 412. India street, 445. Love lane, 311. Nassau street, 340. Neck, extension of, 353. North street, 413. Pecks lane, 314. Sea street, petition for, 427. stones, 43, 71, 260, 375. Peace Ollicers, to protest against en- croachment of Beacon Hill, 350. Pearl street, 47, 102, 227. Pecks alley, 30, 160. lane, 314, 366. paving of, 314. Peirces allev, 318. Pells lane, 387. Pemberton hill, 71. Perambulations or surveys, Dorchester lines, 255, 256, 257 of Battery March street, 421. Milk street, 346. streets adjacent to No. square, 348. land between School and Court streets, 326. Perambulations or surveys, bounds of Fish street, 136, 137. plans of Battery March street, 349. laying out of Battery March street, 364 plan of grounds near Fort Hill, 237. line of streets, 381. Mr. Hammonds store, 220. bounds of Oliver Hartshorns land, 92. plan of Orange street, 146. passage way from Creek lane, 114. Roxbury lines, 45, 286, 293. surveyors, 7, 11, 43, 255. oath of otUce taken by, 407. Performers, 417. Petition : of Col. Amory, 10. Col. Brazier, 10. Ruben Carver, 15. Cotton, Lowell & Jackson, 314. Issac P. Davis, 24. Aaron Dexter, 11, 14. Benj. Grey & .Jere. Fitch, 449. Prince Hall, 14. Mr. Hancock & others, 314. Mr. Haskins, 9. Michael Homer, 338, 346. Josiah Knapp, 7, 18, 297. Levi Lane, 7, 14. John Lowell, 326. Andrew Parker, 8, 287. Mr. Smith, 12. Robert Treat, 14. Mr. Weld, 14, OUver Wendell, 19. Abel Wheelock, 424. Mr. Wilkinson, 331. John Winslow & others, 441. a number of inhabitants, 338, 340, 368, 380, 397, 399, 407, 410, 413, 427, 435, 461. Aqueduct corporation, 101. abbutors on Ann street, 427. to name Derne St., 304. of Mill pond, 309. relative to paving Pleasant street, 368. Blacks, 332. General Court, 397. inhabitants of Ward seven, 79. occupants of Faneuil Hall cellars, 382. owners and storekeepers on Broad street, 332. proprietors of SecondBaptist church, 451. houses. 447. India wharf to widen Battery March street, 314. Long wharf, 308. residents of Dock square, 439. Prince street,438. Sea street, 369. sailors, 361. shop-keepers, 387, 418. sundry persons, 9. wood wharlingers, 34. for flsh-box at Rainsford lane, 418. near South bridge, 307. license for auctioneer, 462. livery stable, 394. opening sewer in Prince street, 447. 498 City Document No. 93. Petition for removal of liacks from Kowdoin square, 315. use of Military Hall, 311. No. Reading school, 319. extension of ropewalk, 305. letting of tents on mall, July 4, 305. fire-works on Common, July 4, 305. repairing and paving streets 408. in So. Boston, 430. widening Mvrtle street, 390. State street, 311. from I>atin School, 3-25, 326. respecting new regulations for Burial grounds, 442. to build tombs, 333. dig well on Beacon street, 313. improve Bowdoin street, 354. Legislature by mill corpora- tion, 3t>l, from number of gentlemen, 400. pave Love lane, 390. Round lane, 3.il. open drain in Cross street,448. widen streets in vicinity of late fire, 351. Philanthropic lottery, 53. Physicians and surgeons exempt from military duty, 27. Pinckney street, 395. Pitts lane, 353, 388. Pleasant street, 9, 18, 27, 28, 54, 55, 63, 85, 98, 115, 117, 141, 188, 191, 200, 205, 206, 207, 269, 275, 300, 304, 337, 340, 347,354, 368. 374, 396, 408, 412. Police, 433. bv-laws to be enforced by, 228, "230, 330. improvement of, 371. department, 459. inspectors of, 2, 5, 7. inspector of, to prosecute delin- 7 Quaker lane, 37, 38, 40, 42, 47, 69, 71, 123. pump in, 69. appropriation to open, 38, 40. R.ainsford Island, 8, 22, 27, 28. accounts, 28. keeper of, to receive all sick persons, 8. visitation, 22, 27. Rainsfords lane, 47, 220, 272, 358, 374, 375, 418. Reading schools, 29, 78, 117, 164, 222, 237, 268. Receipts 327 Records,' town, 5, 44, 124, 125, 138, 143, 182, 221, 242, 321, 340, 356, 385, 411. Referees, 422, 430, 435, 453. award of, 447. in claim of Leverett heirs, 442. Index to Places and Subjects. 499 Referees, choice of, 3S9. list of, 392, 432. on widening State street, SOS. to estimate damage in Fisti street, 3'j2. Orange street, 424. State street, 417 ,432. aseess damages of street widening, 4'.'o. Religious services, July 4, 374. societies, 345. committee of, 328. Rents, 79, 139. account of, in market, 71. cellars, in market, o&i. committee on, 369. Deer Island, 99. leases, 68. Old Stale House, due for, 406. stalls at west end of Faneuil Hall, 1-29. in market, 79, 181. under Faneuil Hall, 210, 211. town house, 198, 398. town's shops in market, 71, 72. Reports, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 243, 308, 309, SIO, 312, 315, 31S, 338, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 350, 351, 356, 369, 393, 398, 400, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463. Representatives, 11, 48, 49, 84, 88, 93, 138, 161, 216, 223, 227, 259, 263, 264, 295, 298, 299. 341, 361, 393. choice of, 334, 371, 407,434. election of, 335. house of, 12. speaker of, 327. In Congress, 451. choice of, 315. town meeting for choice of, 407. 433." Reservoir on Fort Hill, 99, 100, 101. Resolutions on death of George "Washing- ton, 46. Resolves, 343, 362. Reward, offered, for conviction of sign destroyers, 308. for discovery of person injuring trees on Fort Hill, 65. incendiary, 128. Richmond street, 47. Ridgways lane, 391. Rising Sun (schooner), 392. Robins wharff, 267. Romish chapel, 197. Rope walk, 8, 24, 48, 60, 96, 99, ISS, 166, 171, 188, 214, 273, 276, 297, 300, 333, 342, .851. 355. application for extension of, 305. platform, to extend, 24. Round lane, 351, 356. street, 363. Rowes wharf, 89, 406, 407. Roxbury, 11, 45, 56, 286, 293. canal, 383. line between, and Boston, 45, 56, 286. ■Russell street, 80, 88, 276, 412. Russells wharf, 8, 15, 48. Rye, imports of, 392. Sabbath, breach of, 359. sale of confectionery on, 373. Sail loft, 353. maker, 296. Sailors, 362. application of, 361. relief of, 362. Salaries, clerk of Faneuil Hall market, 3. constables, 17. Mr. Bulfinch, 460. Foster, 2. William Gooch, 3. Salaries, police, 16, 63. superintendent of police, 63. Salem, 453. street, 170, 313. Salt works, proposal to establish, 400. Salters court, 58. Salutation alley, 157, 158. Sandwich Islands, 339. Scales for Faneuil Hall market, 92. town, 47, 89, 222, 363. Schools, 315. Centre, 84, 121, 287. repaired, 42. stove for, 246. committees, 61, 62, 88, 250, 354. dinner tor, 88. In School street, 307. Latin, 30, 57, 76, 78, 79, 88, 122, 131, 247, 261. petition of, 325, 326. repaired, 20. master for black children, 14. new, at West Boston, 199, 215. North, 189. bell frame repaired, 149. injured by lire, repairs to, 427. private, 23, 60, 61, 62, 117, 160, 287. license of, 433. reading, 78, 117, 164, 222. Centre, 29, 237, 268. refusal of use of, 319. singing, 164, 222, 237. South, 329. repairs, 23, 76, 149. pump at, 68. visitation of, 27, 88, 108, 347, 444. West, 329. wood for, 30, 78, 118, 156, 191, 347, 376, 409, 441. writing, 78. Centre, repairs, 12, 145, 149, 159. South, repairs, 29, 79. School street, 89, 135, 159, 307, 310, 319, 326, 327, 330, 403, 434, 463. Sea street, 115, 262, 263, 264, 369, 390, 427, 431. graveling of, 369. staked out, 263, 264. Sealers of weights (si-e Weights). wood (.see Wood). Sears wharff, 29, 56. Second street, 378. East, 256. West, 256. Selectmen, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, U, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, .50, 51, 54, 55, 57, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 81, 82, 83, 87, 89, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 119, 122, 123, 124, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 138, 139, 140, 146, 147, 150, 1.53, 155, 156, 157, 162, 164, 165, 166, 168, 173, 177, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184, 186, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 216, 217, 219, 221, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232, 235, 238, 239, 240, 243, 245, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254, 255, 257, 259, 260, 263, 268, 270, 273, 274, 275, 276, 279, 283, 285, 286, 288, 290, 291, 294, 295, 298, 304, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 850, 351, 352, 353, 355, 356, 359, 361, 362, 363, 364, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 373, 374, 375, 378, 381, 382, 387, 500 City Document No. 93. Selectmen, 388, 3W, 391, 393, 39fi, 307, 398, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 40t;, 410, 411, 416, 419, 420, 423, 425, 426, 427, 429, 435, 436, 438, 440, 443, 444, 445, 450, 452, 454, 457, 458, 459, 460. books of, 340. chairman, choice of, 328, 401, 429. chamber, 4, 16, 21, 23, 60, 61, 150, 151, 448. meetingB of, 1 to 10, 13 to 17, 19 to 25, 27 to 3], 33, 35 to 49, 51, 53 to 65, 67 to 69, 71 to 81, 83 to 102, 105 to 107, 110 to 116, 117 to 134, 136 to 140, 14! to 145, 148 to 153, 155, 157 to 165, 167 to 178, 180 to 183, 185 to 191, 193, 194, 198 to 216, 219 to 223, 225 to 227, 229, 230, 232 to 248, 250 to 255, 258, 259, 261 to 269, 271 to 273, 276 to 283, 285 to 287, 289 to 316, 318 to 327, 329 to 840, 342 to 377, 379 to 394, 396 to 430, 432 to 445, 447 to 452, 4,i5 to 4,58, 460, 461, 463. oath of, .328, 401, 429. rooms of, 448. to procure books of law, 16. vacancies in, filling of, 369. Senators, 216, 450. choice of, 6, 97, 138, 139, 173, 222, 259, 295, 329, 368, 402, 429. election of, 302. president of, 327. Seventh street, east, 256. west, 256. Sewers (see Drains). Sextons, 167, 168, 172. 204, 234, 236, 298, 329, 333, 347, 376. choice of, 348. fund for, 326. notification of, to ring bells Jul}- 4, 410. of Chapel church, 419. petition of, 326. Sheaff (Sheaffe) street, 119, 344, 378. Sheriffs, 369. jury drawn, 4.55. of Suffolk County, 320. Ship street, 23, 136, 158, 208, 212, 326, 342, 348, 3(!5. Ships, vessels, etc., 90, 127, 361. boats and lighters, 114, 176. Constitution (frigate), 36. Elizalieth (schooner), 390. mariner, 215, 242, 266, 272, 344, 417. Rising Sun(9chooner), 392. Shop-keepers, application of proprietors of, 387. petition of, 418. Short street, 118, 190, 225, 226, 360, 374, 375. Sick, relief of, 332. Sidewalks in North street, paying for, 463. Signs, injury to, 309. Singing school, 164, 222, 237. Sinks in Broad street, 340. L,il)erty square, 269. Market square, 149. Pleasant street, 191. Sister lane, 21. street, 18. 287, 426, 427, 428, 449, 451. Sixth street, east, 256. west, 2.f)6. Slaughter-house near Barton's Point, 67. Sluices tlirough street, 309. Snow Hill street, 28, 378, 458. situation of, from cart- ing, 378. Societies, Brattle street, committee from 394. New Brick, 338. New North Keligious, 328. Universal Church, 334. Solicitor General, 893. Somerset place, 357. Somerset (Somersett) street, 279, 349, 434. South Bennet street, 404. Battery, 320. South Boston, 250, 252, 255, 256, 257, 323, 324, 370, 374, 430, 441. Streets, laying out new, 255, 256, 257. South bridge, 234, 236, 358. land near, 320. sale of, 335. petition for lish-box near, 307. burying ground, tombs in, 33, 57, 59, 62, 68, 70, 74, 107, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 134, 141, 168, 188, 201, 202. End, 5. school-house, pump at, 68. street, 30, 117, 262, 264, 431, 451, 459. Southack's (Southwick's) court, 80, 133, 158, 208, 349. Southac (Southack) street, 247, 282, 283. South Russell street, 276, 384, 408, 424. Spermatic works, 340. Spring lane, 38, 191, 192, 211, 232, 269, 273. pump in, 232. street, 342. Stables, 165, 168, 204, 247, 280, 345, 369, 376. in Belknap's alley, 396. keepers of, 345. complaint against keeper of, 189. Stalls in the market (see Market). for horses on Town land, 418. State House, 165, 341, 445. lease of old, 398. land for new, 18, 35. new, 76. street, 13, 24, 29, 30, 37, 56, 126, 132, 133, 135, 215, 2.51, 254, -260, 270, 282, 286, 297, 300, 307, 308, 310, 311, 313, 314, 319, 320, 321, 336, 357, 372, 406, 416, 432. fire in, 215. treasurer, 13, 15, 56, 59, 100, 140, 143, 146, 221, 223. Stone chips, for the Neck, 268. and gravel for Broad street, 370. Stores, 320. occupants of, 414, 415. injuries to signs of, 309. of William Welch, 319. removal of, to widen State street, 310. proprietors of, 311, 314. razing of, to widen State street, 814. keepers, petition of, 332. Streets (see under several names). act to regulate paving of, 2.52. additions to Essex street, 416. adjoining North square, 348. appropriation (or paving, 35, 36, 106, 108, lis, 119, 152, 157, 175, 198, 374. Lyn, 32. atbotton of Common, raising of, 355. carts and horses in, 418. committee to consider if additions can be made to Federal, 331 , 332. clearing of, 312. forming of, around Fort Hill, committee to direct, 430. Index to Places and Subjects. 501 Streets, compensation for taking land on Kingston & Pond street, 43S. completion of Pond street, 409. corporation (mill pond), 3«2. digging down of, without permit, 436 incroachments on, 76, 98, 158, 182, 205, 206, 221, 237, 253, 254, 258, 266, 368. expense of widening, 119, 1.^7, 189. extension of Broad street, 336. Fish, to stake out, 137. widening of, 351. fixing line of Grove street, 332. gravel for, 41, 42, 368, 369, 370, 876. indenture of, in Mill i)ond, 377. undertakers of, 309. in South Boston, 2.W, 251. inspection of, in Ward 12, 345. work on, 374. land taken for widening of, 4.58. added to Battery March, 364. laying out'of, on Mill Pond, 382, line of, 381. law regarding Incumbrances in, 9. laying out, 32, 92, 99, 114, 136, 146, 186, 208, 209, 220, 237, 247, 2,'-)l, 255, 256, 257, 260, 261, 263, 267, 268, 293, 300. Lyn, repairs. 15. naming of, 47, 64, 256, 257, 387, 447, 448. near almshouse, 356. new, 301, 303, 309, 320, 323, 326, 327, 335, 380, 440, 446. damage by, 440. petition for, 441. referees for, 444. opening of, 449. obstructions, 40, 267, 276, 407. passageway, from Back to Margin street, 403. Foster's wharf to Rowe's wharf, 340, 406. Purchase street to Foster's wharf, 377. passing of carriages thr o u g h Belknaps alley, 412. paving of, 19, 25, 28, 29, 32, 35, 38, 64, 67, 74, 78, 80, 108, 118, 156, 1,57, 158,159,161, 163, 181, 182,200,227,271,282, 332, 340, 344, 345. 354, 363, 377,384, 390, 408; 412, 413, 427, 431. stones, 43, 71,260. plans of Battery aiarch street, 349. proceedings relative to High street, 2.53, 254. regulation of, 340, 406, 409. repairs, 15, 27, 30, 63, 67, 70, 76, 05, 105, 117, 118, 141, 145, 1,53, 161, 176, 182, 314, 323, 324, 333, 338, 342, 346, 357, 368, 390, 407, 414, 418, 430, 431, 438, 44 J, 445, 449, 4.51. resolutions relative to sinking water pipes in, 11, 12. sale of fish in, 410. to connect State and Battery- march, staked out, 270. widen, 35, 36, 37, 45, 57, 76, \S 11.5, 116, 119, 120, 125, 126, 129 136, 144, 146, 158, 1.59, 181, 186 201, 216, 238, 2,58, 279, 281, 286 287, 288, 297, 300, 307, 308, 311 320, 322, 335, 336, 337, 348, 349 351, 362, 365, 374, 387, 388, 390 392, 408, 416, 421, 425, 426, 435, 440, 444, 459. walk in Burv street, 373. Pleasant street, 396. Subscriptions for additional watch, 365. widening Merchants Row, 280. Subscriptions to open Quaker lane, 38,40. Sudbury street, ,56, 144, 178, 182, 204, 229, 258, 28U, 363, 368, 369, 437. stable in, 369. Suffolk, 453. County of, 9, 10, 18, 62, 74, 89, 91, 112,11.3,139, 149,153,161, 164, 169, 205, 208, 213, 219, 238, 262, 269, 272, 277, 282. treasurer, 13, 15, 56, .59, 89, 100, 140, 143, 146, 205, 221, 223. Insurance Company, 198. Suit, against ^fl•. Bell, 463. estate of Thomas Boylston, 330. Ward Nicholas Boylston, 400. Town, 397, 401. of Town, 400. Hancock heirs, 426. Leverett heirs, 401, 402, 4.52. Summer street, 16, 25, 49, 50, 56, 61, 78, 1.52, 158, 167, 169, 173, 179, 180, 181, 198,203,'214, 216, 217, 277, 281, 359, 389. fences on, reparied, 61, 68, 74. Sumner street, 200. Sureties or bonds, 13, 15, 18, 39, 40, 47, 56, .59, 81, 82, 97, 100, 101, 113, 121, 122, 140, 143, 146, 160, 163, 171, 174, 175, 176, 177, 198, 200, 221, 223, 231, 233, 234, 235, 269, 298, 371,373. given by Richard Perkins, 8. of indemnity, 445. signing of, 331. approval of bondsmen, 338. Surveyors, 7, 11, 43, 255, 407. oath of office taken by, 407. (See Perambulations.) Tallow chandler, S3. Taverns, Dock square, 23. Fish street, 126. Maj. Forbes, 23. Lvnn, 170. Wing's lane, 2. Taxes, 99, 113,"l40. coUectore of, 13, 15, 40, 41, 56, 59, 81, 84, 92, 97, 98, 100, 113, 120, 121, 122, 123, 140, 143, 146, 150, 163, 221, 234, 235, 269. bondsmen, 39,40,81, 92, 98, 120, 121, 122, 123. 163, 174, 269. certificates, 41, 82, 121. cow, 60, 67, 71, 99, 100, 114, 143, 150, 180, 230, 260. deputy collector of, 235. bills, 201. collected by constables, 334. mode of collecting, 343. Teams and carriages, regulation of, 393. Telegraph on Fort Hill, 89. street, 257. Temple street, 5, 131, 376. Theatres, application for exhibition in, 310, 390. in Federal street, 417. performances in, 345, 347. Third street, east, 2,56. west, 256, Tidds lane, .388. Toll-gate, 293. at West Boston bridge, 407. Tombs (see Burial Places). 502 City Document Xo. 93. Town armory, 457. arms, 3S9. .ittorney, 77, 130, 281, 357, 402, 409, 410, 437, 439. opiniou of, 437. request for choice of, 409, 410. authority of, 423. bequest to, by Thomas Boylston, 42, 43, 76. poor of, 331. books, 381. celebration, 440. chaplain, 439. clerk, 4, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17,23,29, 31,32,4.5, 51, 56, 59, 61.71, 82, 90, 91, 94, 97, 99. 100, 101, 107, 113, 121, 124, 134, 140, 143, ]4(., 148, 167, 175, 177, 186, 191, 200, 201, 221, 223, 233, 234, 235, 29K, 302, 303, 328, 3-:9, 335, 342, 3e4, 371, 380, 396, 400, 401, 407, 420, 422, 435, 439, 448,449, 453, 463. death of, 420. claim against, by heirs of Gov. Hancock, 420. proposal for settlement bv, 440. by Lcverett heirs, 452. on William Bovlston, 280, 281,288,291, 442. to Oliver's dock, 42. commissioners, 377, 388. cryer, 47, 283, 286, 382. division of, into districts, 298, 333, 372. dock, 77, 93, 108, 117, 127, 142, 158, 169, 201, 205, 206, 209, 221, 226,232, 233, 296, 297. drain, between Carver and Pleas- ant streets, 347. estates, 6. expenses of, printed, 19. files, 351. foreigners warned to leave, 77, 82, 85, 93. fresh water introduced, 12. government of, 428. house, 406, 430. committee on, 398 lease given Dr. Rand, 198. lease of, 397. rent of, 397. repairs to, 407. rooms of, 414. sale of lease, 188, 191, 198. tenants of, 406. town's claim to, 70, 137. Indictment against, 462. lands (see Lands, Town's). means to secure, from tire, 128. meeting, 4, 6, 12, 13, 14, 37, 38, 45, 46, 51, 55, 61, 84, 94, 100, 107, 128,134, 144, 151,1.52,159, 161, 168, 172, 173, 178, 186, 211,213, 214,216,220,222, 227, 234, 238, 245, 252, 259, 262, 264, 266, 294, 295, 299, 305, 315, 327, 329, 357, 366, 368,369, 371,380,402,420, 428, 4.33, 442, 443, 451. to elect town clerk, 420. officers, 460. choice of, 327, 366,367,411,428. oath of, 367. relative to death of Geo. Washineton, 46. oration, .341, 374, 439", 440. patent vibrating steel yard, pre- sented to, 93. Town powder, 245. property on Beacon Hill, 431, 433, 462. proportion of Mill Pond land, 387, 388. powder, 99. proposal to, by Leverelt heirs, 446. pump, 86, 105, 232. records, 5, 124, 125, 138, 143, 182, 221, 242, 329. rights, 305, 350, 382. on Beacon Hill, 457. shops in market, 25, 79. slip, 21, 25, 29, 33, 89, 119, 237, 337. to build a head to, 116. trespassing on, 337. staudards, 56. streets of, 393. to be lighted, 82, 77, 119, 160. treasurer, 2, 3, 13, 15, 25, 47, 56, 59, 65, 67, 71, 79,92, 100, lul, 113, 140, 143, 146, 148, 160, 163,173, 200, 201,210,211, 221, 222, 223, 233, 234, 235, 269, 294, 298, 327, 334, 3,35, 355, 365, 382, 390, 398, 401, 406, 411, 435, 439, 440, 444, 447, 452, 454, 455, 456, 461, 462, 463. bond of, 401. bondsmen, 160, 163, 174, 233, 269. choice of, 308. money appropriated by town for streets, 35, 36, 38. paid over to, 59. note for $2,000, 280. $3,666.66, 291. given Russell Stur- gis, 294. order on, 199. statements of, 344. to borrow $3,210, 149. fi'ombank,92. to pay .$150, on account of contract for mar- ket, 65. treasury, 462. report of committee on state of, 344. warning of Africans and negroes to leave, 77, 82. prosecution against those who re- fuse to leave, 85. watch, 134, 135, 283. stations of, 135, 136. Trades, boat-builder, 94. carpenters, 156, 199. carver, 267. confectioner, 203. gilder, 267. masons, 199, 215. mast-maker, 94. picture-frame maker, 287. printers, 4, 6, 15, 19,37,38,46,51, ,55,61, 84, 94, 97, 100, 134, 135, 139, 140, 144. sail-maker, 296. stucco-worker, 294. tallow chandler, 83. Treasurer, county {see Suffolk County), state {see State). town {see Town). Trees, injured on Fort Hill, reward offered, 65. planting another row on the com- mon , 97, 98, 99. in Brattle square, 105. pruning of, 185. removal of, in Sheaff street, 119. Tremont street, 118, 307, 316, 390, 406. Trinitv cliurch, 160. Troops, 355. Index to Places and Subjects. 503. Troops, Ancient & Honorable Artillery, 191, '297. artillery, 68, 191, 199 to erect o;un-house, 35. exercise on common, 145. Boston brigade, 118, 202, Brigade quartermaster, 355, 366. Brigadier general, 461. Quartermaster general, 462. cadets, 178. cavalry on common, 10. fusileers, 202, 203, 211, 370. light infantry, 159. military, companies, 311, 312. of ward eleven, 188. escort, 341. militia, ammunition for, 389. judge advocate, applica- tion of, 315. law, 461, 462. muster rolls of,. 458. review of, 353. public parade of, 303. supplies for, 303. Winslow's Blues, 148, 160. Trucks and Carts, Kules and orders for, 416. Truro, 215. Turpentine, 205. Union Bank, 59, 92, 149, 447. borrowing from, 447. street, 84, 415. wharf, 153, 1.56. United States, 243, 245, 343. Unity street, 344. Universal church (see Churches). Vaults, under Exchange lane, 443. Vegetables, 78, 80, 86. Venire, from Court of Common Pleas, 368. Verdict, in case of James Harrison, 462. Vermont, 455. Vessels {see Ships, Vessels, etc.;. Virginia, 343. VlsitatloDB, Deer Island, 27. Rainsford Island, 22,27. schools, 27, 88, 108. Voters, list of, 137, 138, 173, 295, 298, 299, 330,366, 372,401, 428. law relating to, 429. posted and advertised, 223, 259,367. Voting, mode of, 243, 245, 246. Walks, 340. in Bury and Federal sts., 373. across Somerset place, 357. Walls built at Chapel burial ground, 319. Wards, boundaries of, 214, 292. committee of, to correct lists of voters, 401. inspection of streets in ward twelve, 345. measures for security in Ward seven, 79. meeting of, for choice of assess- ors, 403. new division of, 295. secretary of, 240. to inspect for vagrants, 132. Wareham,339. Warrants, 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 38, 46, 51, 55, 61, 62, 83, 84, 90, 91, 92, 94, 97, 100, 107, 117, 128, 134, 139, 144, 151, 162, 161, 164, 167, 168, 172, 173. 178, 183, 186, 201, 211, 213, 216, 220, 222, 227, 228, 229, 234, 245, 2.T2, 264, 266, 294, 295, 299, 305, 315, 327, 329, 3;J4, 366, 368, 371, 380, 391, 399, 400, 402, 407, 411, 420, 428, 429, 433, 442, 443, 451. Warren street, 186, 301. Washington place, 448. street, 21, 29, 63, 95, 135, 141, 181,230, 252, 293, 431. Watch at West Boston, 87. constables of the, 62, 63, 67, 72, 79, 83, 87, 96, 128, 139, 140, 151, 172, 176, 181, 187, 227, 231, 234, 265, 271, 297, 311, 334, 335, 337, 350, 359, 365, 369, 372, 396, 409, 411, 414, 424, 439. attendance of si.x at town meeting, 84, 215. accounts of, 13, 17. additional, 396, 397, 414. applications for posi- tions of , 371, 408,436. Increase in, 414. of the, bondsmen, 177, 181, 231, 234, 265, 266, 297, 334, 409, 414, 439. charges against, 10, 229, 240, 242, 276, 279, 283, 373. ex ami nation of, 361. extra, 127, 128, 132, 350. filling vacancy in, 430. regulations, 135. return of, read, 426. salary, 1.36. taxes collected by, 334. extra constables to patrol Ward seven, 79, 86. head constable, 132, 143. salary of, 134. guardhouses, 135, 136. house, 67, 105, 106, 128, 144, 169, 376. stove in, 126. market, 39, 40, 41, 84. men, 76, 87, 135. north, 76, 177, 189, 240, 242, 283, 286, 351, 376. application from captain, of, 376. organization of, 134. State street, 13. town house, 13. Water, introducing fresh, 12. conveyance of, through streets, 306. loss of, at West Boston, 304. courses, 54. In Pleasant street, 337 near Pleasant street, ex- pense of, 275. assessment, 275. in Water street, 367. deed of, 367. rear Water street, 307. to erect, 230, 235, 242, 262, 266. remove, 229, 230. repair, 269. street, 30, 78, 101, 108, 123, 224, 226. 229, 230, 269, 273, 296, 307, 316, 329, 345, 367, 403, 450. 504 City Document No. 93. Water street, to raise, 102. Weights and measures, sealers of, 46, 47, 4S, 54, 56, 89, 101, 143, 178, 205, 226, 264, 283, 299, 333, 371, 406, 436. Wells, 58, 152, 232, 289, 290, 291, 308, 311. application to dig, 313. at South school house, 69. at West Boston, 303, 305. covering of, 59. effects of disuse of, 308. injury done to, 301. in Beacon street, 278. near Chambers street, 305. on Beacon Hill, 131. owners of, 311. stopping use of, in Chambers street, 304. remonstrance at loss of water from, 304. West Boston, 24, 30, 37, 45, 56, 62, 67, 80, 85, 87, 92, 122, 132, 136, 152, 157, 168, 171, 182, 199, 202, 211, 215, 219, 223, 247, 250, 273, 281, 2S9, 290, 296, 298, 301, 303, 304, 349, 363, 384, 390, 391, 394, 427, 446, 449. bridge, 45, 85, 251, 346, 352, 3.55, 358, 407. Indies, 396. Wharf, built, Cambridge and Grove streets, 45. for almshouse, 452. street, 445. Wharves \see under several names). at South End, building of, 268, 272. Wharves, encroachment on, 148. Jonathan Balch, leasing of flatts near, for graving yard, 283. sealers of wood at the, 29. wharfingers, 34, 248. Wheelers' Point, 340. White Bread Alley, 23, 27, 150, 153, 157, 158, 162, 189, 200, 201, 260, 279. Whites Garden, 202. Widows, donation for, 398. Will of Godfried Kreuger, 331. account of ex- ecutor of, 331. Williams court, 61, 68, 69, 70, 38l! Willsons (Wilsons) lane, 38, 46, 73, 441. Windsor (Vermont), 455. AA'ing's lane, 2, 22, 57, 64, 65, 67, 120, 190. Winnisimet (Winnesimet) Ferry, 16, 68, 127, 208, 333. Winter street, 56, 117,217, 265, 316, 344, 389, 408. Wood, for schools, 30, 78, U7, 376,409 -4i. measurer of, 85, 8'; 251 2.52 324, 358. ?'59, 362, 425, 4.'t, ''9. complaint-j a^'-ainet, 429. sealers of, 29, 30, 44, I , 251. wharfingers, 34. lane, 7, 20. Woodwards Wharf, 40, 59. Work house, 182. Writing schools, 1!, 29, 78, 79, 145, 149, 159. \ t ^ 7 £tt O