SRP'-v' THE riKC'S Ft^K KCQIOP COLOlHl^©' rion ORIQIHflL MCQaTI¥ES Mh mOTOQiarHli ^ Copyright, 1893, by Chas. S. Lee, 720 Boston Building, Denver, Colorado THE ALBGRTYPE CO. NEW YORK a^, L^jL ^ y / Ih Q r- ^ Kiti^ § "n^NE Pike's Peak Region, zvitli the famous old mountain towering sk^^nvard, as the central figure, embraces Colorado Sprittgs ivith its immerous and beatitiful etwironments, and Manitou with its wonderfid and nnnantic surroundings, including Cheyenne Canon, Broad-' moor. Garden of the Gods, Monument Park, Crystal Canon, Ruxton Canon, Engleman Canon, the famous Utc Pass, Cascade Canon, Ute Park, Green Moicntain Falls and Woodland Park, together tvith their tlumsand natural beaiities and ivondcrs, offering an endless source of pleasure' healthful recreation and pastime. "Heall/2 and pltasure here combine To render mortal life divine. " h J The Antler's Hotel. Colorado Springs and Pike's Peak. H Casino and Lake— Broadmoor, Colorado college. Printers' Home. Deaf and Dumb Institute. Colorado Springs. ^X)W«]IR»T ' * QT nnwK tS Pike's Peak EN OF THE Gods. 1 Cathedral Spires— Garden of the Gods. Rainbow falls- Ute Pass. Bear and Seal Rock-Gaeden of the Goes. Gkand Caverm— Ute Pass. Balanced Rock-Gabden of the Gods. o < o u; z z u >■ lil O 'S: J < 2 > ■A <0 < w Manitou. Narrows. AMPHITHEATSe. Williams Canon. Manitou Soda Springs. ' Loaded"— Children's Summer Sports. ' We helped to build the Pike's Peak Railway." Manitou Iron Springs. The "Cog Road" up Pike's Peak. ■/ Point. Pikt; i ■ ,: i ■ ■: ■ ■ ■ ■•,,■.:■:■,::.■, SUMMIT OF PIKE'S PEAK, ALTITUDE 14,171 FEET, (THE STORM PASSING BELOW). SUM.MIT OF PIKE'S PEAK, M. & P. P. RY. SUMMIT OF PIKE'S PEAK. ^ Cascade. ■'^i^a^ - .?? ^ -n^^:: Carriage Road— Up Pike's Peak, Half-way House. . Near Summit. Last glimpse of Cascade. Pike's Peak Carriage Road. Green Mountain Falls. Pike's Peak from Woodland Park. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 017 103 288 A