P^l if!! Iml'myjiP ,\> 7. ■' '"oo^ "^^ ' -f\ •.■^ .^^ '''^^ ; ^ V^ xO<=^. ^^■ "^ c' ^ V '.-^c % .^^^' ' ,0-' "-o ' r^ : ./ ,0^ 1 I « . -^^ %'■ ,s^% I.'»<4> FAINS Critical and Analytical Index AND Genealogical Guide TO ( . > M I ' I ; JOHN TVREK PAIN ■usurer of Te-nn«»pre Ui«H»rici. i N««hvlllr. T«nni>iiBee rrii>l<>^hs of the Cherokees, and the indexed pocket map of Tennessee, published by Rand McNaiJy & Co., are splendid and, for the location of early settlements and forts, the maps found in Carroll's collection, Adair, Timberlake, and Ramsey are a necessity. I remember how I spent several weeks trying to locate "Tonibigbee" Fort, located just on the western margin of Alabama at Jones Bluff on the Tom- bigbee River. The older maps in Winsor clearly pictured the fort as located in what we now know as the State of Mississippi, but a careful reading of Pickett's History of Alabama describes the fort as being locates at Jones Bluff, Alabama. Complete data in regard to treaties is accessible in the two volumes of American State papers, devoted to fndian Affairs, Vols. 5 and 6, and in the admirable collection of Royce. Ramsey can be annotated easily by a constant reference to these works. The two volumes of State Papers 5 and 6 contain a wealth of correspondence, and give lists of casualties occurring in the State of Tennessee; these lists were useful in determining the christian name of persons mentioned in the Annals. Ramsey has a serious fault in giving the surname only, as in writing of Colonel Montgomery, Colonel Sevier, and others, he is not careful to identify the man referred to, and when we find two Colo- nel Montgomerys, and at least two Colonel Seviers, we must depend on the environment to arrive at the facts in the case. Mooney is the best authority on indian nomenclature and can be relied uvon to give the indian and the anglicized names of the many chiefs mentioned in the Annals. Dr. Ramsey knew when he used the- indian and anglicized name interchangeably that he was writing of the same indian, but many of his readers do not know, and it has been my task to give both the indian and anglicized name throughout the index. To illustrate this, in indexing !iA.ttacullaculla," this name is followed by "The Little Carpenter." The Revolutionary War history, as given in the Annals, embraces what I call the romance period of Tennessee history, and the al- most universal application of the military title makes it difficult to distinguish the vast array of names. Lyman Draper in his history of the "Heroes of King's Mountain" is the final authority on this period, although I have repeatedly referred to the Colonial Records of North and South Carolina, a few of the genealogical works o± the Daughters of the American Revolution, and to Burk's Peerage; Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 5 besides Ramsey's History of the Revolution and his History of South Carolina; VVMieeler's History of North Carolina, Saffel's Records, Lossing's Pictorial History of the Revolution, Lee's Memoirs, White's Historical Collection of Georgia. Carroll's Collection of South Carolina, Sumner's SoutlKvestern I'inginia and others- The period covered by the State of Franklin is the most obscure of Tennessee history, and the names given by Ramsey are hard to verify outside of Haywood, Carr, Paschall, Breazeale, or Garrett and Goodpasture. The one striking case in the Annals of the State of Franklin is that of John Tipton, the sheriff of North Carolina, the gentleman that made things so unpleasant for John Sevier. Ramsey says that Major Jonathan Tipton was at King's Mountain and Boyd's Creek with Colonel John Sevier, which is correct, and some historians make the mistake of assuming that Jonathan Tipton and John Tipton were one and the same person. This is not strange "since Ramsey himself, on page 404, says, "From the commencement of the Franklin revolt, this county (Washington) had been the seat of a central influence, which, while it remained united, was able to repress any opposition to its authority. That central power was represented by two very numerous and most re- spectable families, the leading members of which were John Sevier and John Tipton, each alike brave, patriotic and ambitious. Each had been distinguished by martial exploits and patriotic services in civil life. They had conquered together at King's Mountain, and co-operated together, harmoniously, in all the incipient measures of the insurrectionary government." The index to Garrett and Goodpasture's excellent history exhibits this error, indexing the dashing, picturesque John Tipton as the mild and gallant Jonathan Tipton of Revolutionary fame. Draper says (see "King's Mountain and Its Heroes," page 423), "Jonathan Tipton was born in Frederica County, Virginia, in 1750. Early settling in what became Washington County, East Tennessee, he was, in February, 1777, made major, and engaged in guarding the frontiers, and, in 1780, had a fight with the Indians at the mouth of Flat Creek on Nolichucky. He was second in command of Sevier's regi- ment at King's Mountain, and then served in Arthur Campbell's campaign, leading a detachment against Telassee and Chilhowee. In the fall of 1781, he went on service with Colonels Shelby and Ihgiit Sevier, under General Greene in South Carolina. Major Tipton died in Overton County, Tennessee, January 18, 1833, in his eighty-third year." Draper says nothing about Jonathan Tipton being sheriff of Washington County, North Carolina, and nothing about the chains placed on Colonel Sevier by the Colonel Tipton that afterwards became so famous in Tennessee. Major James Sevier, the son of Colonel John Sevier, and the same stripling of a fifteen- year-old boy mentioned in Ramsey, on page 226, in recounting an in- 6 Index to Ramsey's Axxals of Tennessee cident of the assemblage of the hosts at Sycamore Shoals: "Here," said Mrs. Sevier, pointing to her stepson, not yet sixteen years old, "Here, Mr. Sevier, is another of our boys that wants to go with his father and brother Joseph to the war, but we have no horse for him, and, poor fellow, it is a great distance to walk." James Sevier did go to war, and was at King's Mountain with his father and brother Joseph, as well as four of his uncles. James Sevier wrote a letter to Doctor Draper, August 19th, 1839, as found in the American His- torical Magazine, Vol. VI, No. 1, January, 1£01, pages 40 to 45: "There were only seven of our family able to bear arms; they all fought in the battle of King's Mountain; one fell, Captain Robert Sevier, nobly fighting for his country. Colonel Isaac Shelby had several brothers in the engagement besides himself. Sparta never raised a better set of men than those that fought the battle of King's Mountain. Colonel Cleveland was in the battle. Colonel McDowell was not. Colonel John Tipton was not there, ner was he a citizen of the western country until several years after the war was over." A copy of this letter is on file now in the archives of the Tennessee Historical Socity. James Sevier was one of the rescuing party, to- gether with Dr. Cozby and Captain Evans, that rescued Colonel Sevier from the clutches of the law at Morganton, and gave him his freedom. James Sevier knew Colonel John Tipton. John S. Mathes, writing in the Chattanooga Times "A History of the State of Franklin," says in chapter thirteen (clippings now in my possession) : "Judge O. P. Temple of Knoxville in his 'East Tennes- see and the Civil War' says, 'It is singular how writers, and even relatives, have become confounded as to the christian name of John Tipton. In Lyman Draper's exhaustive history of King's Mountain and its Heroes — the only full history of that battle ever written — the major was second in command under Sevier in that and in other battles, was called Jonathan Tipton. Draper says that Jonathan Tipton died in Overton County, Tennessee, in 1833, age 83. Haywood and Phelan, both historians of Tennessee, call the officer who was major under Sevier, John Tipton. Ramsey, another his- torian, while generally calling him John, in two or three places speaks of Major Tipton as Jonathan Tipton. Seeing this discrepancy and knowing the general accuracy and high character cf Draper as a historian, I was naturally led to an investigation of the question: which is the correct name? For this purpose I set on foot an extensive inquiry. This, for a while, resulted in worse confusion. One direct descendant, who had traced out the history of Tipton with great care, said that John and Jonathan were the same person, known by both these names. Another person who professed to know all about the Tiptons and who had studied the early history of upper East Tennessee more minutely than anyone within my knowledge, said very positively that the true name was Jonathan Tipton, and that he died while a member of the legisla- Indhix to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee ture, in Nashville, in 1836, and was buried there, receiving the honor of a public funeral on the part of the state. A number of relatives and, intelligent gentlemen, to whom I applied, were unable to give any information. Finally I was indebted to Dr. A. Jobe of Elk Park, N. C, a great-grandson of John Tipton, a gentleman of education and intelligence, for a solution of this question. He says the name was John, and not Jonathan Tipton. He does not say in so many words that John Tipton was never called Jonathan until recently, but it is clear from his statement that he was not. Instead of dying in Overton County in 1832, or in Nashville in 1836, and being buried in one of those places, or in both, according to the different accounts, he died and was buried on his farm in Washington County, Tennessee, one and one-half miles south of Johnson City, where he lived at the time of his battle with John Sevier. He had nine sons. Two of these were Jonathan and John. The first settled in Blount County, Tennessee, and repersented that county in the legislature again and again. According to the account I have, he was no doubt mistaken by some persons for his father and confounded with him. It is probable he was buried at the public expense when he died, as a member of the legislature. John Tipton, the youngest son, re- mained in Carter County and became somewhat distinguished. He served on the staff of General Jackson at New Orleans, and was complimented by the old hero for hts daring and courage. It is a reproach to the state or to the people of the state, or to his numer- ous friends and relatives, that no rock shows the last resting place of one of the bravest heroes and best patriots of the revolution." Seldon Nelson, writing in the Knoxville Sentinel (clipping now in my possession), says, in a series of articles about the Tipton Con- troversy: "The writer will show by documentary evidence that John and Jonathan Tipton were two different men; some historians claim they were one man, and some have claimed that the John Tipton buried at Nashville was the Tipton that had the trouble with Sevier. It will also be shown who that John Tipton was. . . . Colonel John Tipton, the first, came to Tennessee in October, 1782. He first came into prominence in Washington County, in 1784, when the proposed State of Franklin was organized. . . . After the fall of the State of Franklin, and when Tennessee was made a Territory, John Tipton was a member of the Territorial legislature. When the State was organized he was elected from Washington County to attend the Constitutional Convention which met in Knox- ville, June 11, 1796, John Tipton and James Stuart were the mem- bers from Washington County, of the Committee, who drew up the State Constitution. . . . John Tipton was elected as a Senator from Washington County and continued to represent that county as long as he would serve. Letter of Jonathan Tipton, son of Colonel John Tipton, written to Lyman C. Draper, dated Eves Mill, Tennes- 8 Index to Ramsev's Annals of Tennessee see, November 24, 1842: 'Dear Sir: Your letter dated 25th of May last came to hand and would have been answered sooner. Wm. Tipton, from whom I get the greater part of this information, lives some distance from me and I had not the opportunity of seeing him. You ask what time of the year father removed from Shenandoah to what is now Tennessee. I think it was in October. I don't recollect any particular occurrence on the journey. Father was always a very industrious and good farmer. He owTied three good farms on the Shenandoah river. State Virginia. I don't recollect any skirmishes he was engaged in, after coming to the western country. As soon as eligible he was elected a member of the legislature of North Caro- lina from Washington County, and continued so until Tennessee became a State, which was after the indian wars were over. He was one of the members of the convention that formed the first Constitution of Tennessee, and continued a member of its legislature till old age admonished him to retire from public life. I have often heard him say he had been elected twenty-seven years to legislature, and conventions, and was never left out when he offered. He was a member a great many years in Virginia from Shenandoah County. You ask his birthday. I probably made a mistake before. I heard him say he was born the same year Gen. Washington was, which appears to be 1732. I think he died in 1813, August, and was buried at his residence in Washington County, where he first settled in Tennessee; his step-mother was buried there. In October, 1744, he was at the battle of "Big Cannaway," as captain under General Lewis- Grandfather Butler was killed by the Indians on his farm on Cedar Creek, Shenandoah County. Grandmother, by some means, made her escape from them. Uncle James was exchanged as a pris- oner. My father was married at about 21 years of age to my mother, Mary Butler, on Cedar Creek, Shenandoah County. She bore him nine sons. To wit: Samuel, Benjamin, Abraham, William, Isaac, Jacob, John, Thomas, Jonathan. My father married a second wife, Martha Moore, the widow of Dr. James Moore of Shenandoah County, Va. By her he had another son whom he called Abraham, who died about thirty years of age. I don't recollect of ever seeing any of father's brothers except Joseph and Jonathan. Father was eldest of them, Joseph next, I think, though I think grandfather was married twice. Uncle Joseph moved to Wautauga, Washington County, then to Warren County, Tennessee, and there died. Jonathan moved to Houston, Washington County, Va., before father, and was at the battle of King's Mountain, under General Campbell, then moved to Washington, now Tennessee, and was major under Colonel Sevier in the indian wars. General John Tipton of Indiana, I suppose was son of Joshua Tipton, who was killed by the Indians on Little Pigeon, Sevier County, East Tennessee. It is likely he was son of Mordecai. The last account of uncle Jonathan he was living in Overton or Fentress, Tennessee. My mother died in Shenandoah County, the 8tn - i Index to Ramsey's Axnals of Tennessee 9 day of June, 1776. At that time father was in the legislature. Tip- ton County, Tennessee, was called after brother Jacob Tipton, who was killed by the Indians in St. Clair's defeat. Brother Abraham was killed by the Indians near the falls of the Ohio- Both of them had the command of captain, and each of them were about 26 years of age. John Tipton, my brother, represented Sullivan County, and Samuel represented Carter County several years each. I think the three sons of Gov. Sevier that were taken prisoners were James, John, and Richard. I expect, on reflection, Haj-wood is right about the time of the battle. You inquire about Gen. Rutledge Scott and others. I expect they are dead, from what I can learn. I removed from that section where they lived and where I was raised, and where all these circumstances took place, in 1808, distant 150 miles, which prevents me from giving as correct account as possibly I other- wise could have done. I am with high respect your friend," JONATHAN TIPTON. This settles the Tipton matter, I think, and I have indexed Jon- athan Tipton and John Tipton separately, as it should be done. There are two men mentioned in Ramsey that are more or less confusing. One is Charles Robertson, the pioneer at Wautauga, from South Carolina, and not related to James Robertson. Charles Robertson is first mentioned on page 107 of the Annals, as one of the trustees of the Watauga Association, and was the original lessee or purchaser of the Watauga lands from the Cherokees. A geneal- ogical article on Major Charles Robertson is to be found in American Historical Magazine, Vol. Ill, page 21, and so far as known he seemed to have always lived in Washington County, Tennessee. Charles Robinson of Greene County is another man, and it was this gentleman that was speaker of the senate of State of Franklin in 1787, as referred to on page 402. The case of Isaac Thomas and Patrick Jack interested me very much and the following facts are offered concerning these two men: At the fall of Fort Loudon in 1760, as recorded in the Annals on page 56 to 60, three men are mentioned by name, as having been saved "Jack, Stuart, and Thomas." We know that John Stuart was, later, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs and is the man that after- wards aided in the disaffection of the Indians during the Revolution- ary War, and, in fact, made himself so obnoxious to the patriots of the western country that he left theie forever and went to Savan- nah, Ga., according to the Annals, page 161. Captain Patrick Jack is mentioned in C. L. Hunter's "Sketches of Western North Caro- line" (page 81) as having been at Fort Loudon, and was one of the few to escape. Haywood says Patrick Jack was "An armorer at Fort Loudon (page 468, Civil and Political History) and that a deed 10 Index to RaiMsey's Annals of Tennessee was made to him by the Cherokees for fifteen square miles of land upon the south bank of the Tennessee, including that fort, for a valuable consideration." We find the only historian to give us facts about Isaac Thomas having been at Fort Loudon, is Gilmore in his "Rear Guard of the Revolution," pages 82 to 83, where he states Thomas was at Fort Loudon when the fort surrendered, and was saved by one of the indians he had befriended some time prior to the massacre. The reason so many historians are careful about ac- cepting Gilmore seems to be the absence of authorities for most of the information contained in his books. Roosevelt's criticism is based almost exclusively on the figures given in the "Rear Guard" as to the number of men engaged on both sides in the battle of Boyd's Creek. Roosevelt based his conclusions on Colonel Arthur Campbell's report, made several days after the engagement, but Campbell did not arrive at the scene of action until a week later. Roosevelt found this report on file in the archives at Washington and admits that Campbell was perhaps jealous of Sevier to some ex- tent. Neither Haywood nor Phelan agree with Gilmore about the number engaged at Boyd's Creek, but as all are silent about the Isaac Thomas story, we take it Gilmore must have picked it up amongst some of the descendants of Isaac Thomas in Sevier County, Tennessee. James Grant Wilson and John Fisk, in v^rriting the bio- graphical article in Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography, found in Vol. VI, pages 82 and 83, about Isaac Thomas repeat the story as given in Gilmore's "Rear Guard," concerning the Fort Lou- don incident: Anxious to run this story down, I made a search through the collection of historical books in the old book shop of Paul Hunter in Nashville, and, at my suggestion, Mr. Hunter wrote to D. Appleton, publishers of the Biographical Encyclopedia, about this Isaac Thomas article. The following letter was received, dated New York, July 25, 1918: "Your letter of July 15th has been refeinred to me. Mr. Gilmore is dead, and as you know, both the editors of the Cyclopaedia of American Biography are dead, and I know of no • one living who could answer your query about Isaac Thomas. I, therefore, referred the whole matter to the New York public library, and have just received the following reply from the reference libra- rian, 'With regard to your query from Paul Hunter I regret to re- port that Mr. Paktsits tells me, after careful search, we are unable to trace the story back of Gilmore. It is quite possible that Gilmore, who was by no means a critical writer, incorporated in his 'Rear Guard of the Revolution' oral traditions that he got from perfectly reliable sources, unsupported, however, by any printed documentary evidence.' It seems there must have been a story of this kind about Isaac Thomas, but I know of no means of getting documentary evidences of it. Regretting I cannot help you further, I am. Yours very sincerely, WM. W- APPLETON." Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 11 Therefore, in the absence of contradictory evidence, and relying wholly upon literary proof, I am indexing Isaac Thomas as having been at Fort Loudon in 1760. There are a few more cases where some slight conflict is apparent in names, and these have been gone into as minutely as the more striking ones mentioned. The name of General James White, the father of Knoxville, attracted my attention because as Ramsey has given this character his correct place in Tennessee history, it was difficult to follow Ramsey, because other historians were so totally mixed with Dr. James White that, in some cases, you could not dis- tinguish one from the other. I will briefly outline the two characters and then show by documents that a sad mixture has occurred. Gen- eral James White, as is well known, was a soldier of the Revolution and came from Iredell County, North Carolina, in 1786, and settled in Knox County, East Tennessee. Was one of the original founders of Knoxville. General White was prominent in the affairs of the State of Franklin, having been a member of the legislature; was later a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1796, and assisted in drafting the Constitution for Tennessee upon its admission as a member of the United States; was elected speaker of the senate of Tennessee, which position he resigned to make a place for William Blount, who had been expelled from the U. S. Senate for alleged treason. General White was made brigadier-general of To«nessee Volunteers in November, 1813, and was active in the Creek War. General James White was an exemplary citizen, noted for piety and charity, and lived a life of unostentatious usefulness. General White was the father of Hugh Lawson White. General James White was not a member of the territorial legislature of 1794 and 1795, hence references in various biographical sketches crediting him with hav- ing served in the territorial legislature are incorrect. Knox County sent Alexander Kelly and John Beard as delegates to the Territorial legislature, according to "Journal of the proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Territory of the U. S. of America, South of the River Ohio- Begun and held at Knoxville, the 25th day of August, 1794." Nancy Scott, in her "Memoir of Hugh Lawson White," page 3, speaking of General James White, says, "He was elected to the first Territorial assembly at Knoxville in 1794, and while serving in that body, introduced a bill creating a literary in- stitution, which measure was the origin of Greenville College." Ob- viously this is an error, since General White was not there, as we have shown. James Grant Wilson and John Fiske, in writing the biographical sketch in Vol. VI of Appleton's Biographical Encyclo- paedia, say, "James White, pioneer, b. in Iredell County, N. C, in 1737, d. in Knoxville, Tenn., in 1815. He served as a soldier during the Revolution, and receiving his pay from North Carolina in a land-warrant, located it, in the sum.mer of 1787, on the northern bank of the Holston river, about four miles below the mouth of the French 12 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Broad. Here he erected a fort, built a grist mill, and began a settle- ment. The place was then on the extreme frontier, and a treaty with the Cherokees being held there in 1791, it attractd the attention of Gov. William Blount, who at once decided to make it the capital of the Southwest territory. It was laid out into lots, named Knox- ville, and soon attracted to itself a population, whose purchase of his property made White a wealthy man. In September, 1793, the fort, which contained 3,000 stands of U.S. muskets and a large amount of ammunition, was threatened with attack from a body of 1,500 Cherokees. In the absence of Gov. Blount and Gen. Sevier, White as- sumed command of the forty settlers and prepared for a desperate resistance. The Indians came within eight miles of the fort, and then, alarmed by the near approach of Sevier and his riflemen, sud- denly retreated. Mr. White was a member of the Territorial legisla- ture, one of those that founded the state of "Franklin" (see John Sevier), served as Territorial delegate in congress in 1794-5, and, on the admission of Tennessee into the Union in 1796, was elected to the state senate, and soon afterwards chosen the speaker of that body. He held this position till December, 1797, when he resigned to make place for Ex-Gov. William Blount, who, for alleged treason, had been expelled from the U. S. Senate. In November, 1813, as brigadier-general of Tennessee volunteers, he led a successful at- tack on the Creek indians at Hillabee Town." Obviously, that part which says he was a member of the Territorial legislature is incor- rect, since we have shown he was not a member of that body. The James White mentioned in the Annals on pages 481, 621, 622, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 631, 632, 640, 657, 660, as having been a member of the Territorial legislature in 1794-95 as a delegate from Davidson County, and as having been the first to advocate the measure to establish Greeneville College, and, as having been elected Territorial representative in the United States Congress from the Territory Southwest of the River Ohio, was Doctor James White, born in Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, June 16, 1749; was educated in Europe as a doctor; on Nov. 29, 1786, was appointed by the United States govern- ment as Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Territory Southwest of the Ohio River; is credited with having been the secret emissary of Gardoquin, the Spanish minister, in his intrigues in the southwest, and came so near being successful that the Spanish conspiracy in Tennessee was a very popular issue about the time the State of Franklin was having such rough sledding. It is certain that Dr. James White lived near Nashville in Davidson County, and as the Spanish matter was popular, so he, as well as every other public man of his day, mixed up with it, became popular, Robertson, Smith, Sevier, Bledsoe and others. The following entry found in Book "B" transcribed register of Davidson County, Tennessee, pp. 186, recites: Indkx to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 13 TERRITORY OF THE U. S. SOUTHWEST OF THE RIVER OHIO, APRIL 27, 1791. Dr. James White. State of North Carolina No. 1011. To all whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Know ye that pursuant to an act of our General Assembly, en- titled an act for the relief of the officers and soldiers of the conti- nental line, etc., and in consideration of the signal bravery and per- severing zeal of Thomas White, captain in said line, have given and grant, and, by these presents, do give and grant unto James White, heir of said Thomas White, a tract of land containing three thousand eight hundred and forty acres lying and being in our County of Da- vidson in a large bunt of Cumberland River, on the northwest side opposite the mouth of Richland Creek, beginning at a large sycamore and sugar tree opposite the lower end of the first timbered island in said river below Heaton's Station, and runs west eighty-five chains to a beech. Thence south sixty-six chains, ninety links, to a hickory and beech worked R. H. D. in the point at the mouth of a branch. Thence up the meanders of the river to the beginning with all woods, waters, mines, minerals, hereditaments and appurtenances to the said land belonging or appertaining to hold to the said James White, his heirs, and assigns forever, etc., which land was surveyed for the said White Dec. 21, 1787, by Robert Weakley, D. S., in consequence of a military warrant No. 102 located July 13, 1784. The Grant signed Samuel Johnston with the seal of the State affixed, and dated May 18, 1789, countersigned by J. Glasgow, Secretary. Examined— Test: Andrew Ewing, D. R. This attests the fact that Dr. James White owned considerable property here. This tract of land was known as "White's Bend," afterwards "Bell's Bend" when acquired by Montgomery Bell. White's Creek enters the Cumberland river through this strip of land, and the creek, as well as White's Creek Pike, takes its name from Dr. James White. The following biographical sketch of Dr. James White, copied from the Biographical Congressional Directory 1774 to 1911, is another evidence of the mix-up that should now be corrected to accord with historical fact: "James White. A delegate from the Territory South of the Ohio River; born in Philadelphia, Pa-, June 16, 1794; attended a Jesuit college in St. Omer, France; returned and studied medi- cine in the University of Pennsylvania; joined the Continental army at the outbreak of the Revolution and received pay from North Caro- lina in a land warrant on a tract on the Holston River; located it in 1787 as a part of the proposed state of "Franklin"; erected a fort, built a grist mill, made a treaty with the Cherokees, and platted the 14 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee embryo city of Knoxville; member of the territorial assembly; elected a delegate from the Territory South of the Ohio Fiver to the Third Congress (March 4, 1793-March 3, 1795; took his seat November 18, 1794; state senator of Tennessee and speaker of the body in 1796; resigned in December, 1797, to make a place for William Blount, who, for alleged treason, had been expelled from the United States Senate; commissioned brigadier-general of Tennessee; vfent to Louisiana in 1799, and w^as elevated to the bench as a judge of Western Louisiana; died in Attakapas, La., in October, 1809." Many interesting items and much data have been verified by a careful study of the Knoxville Gazette, published by George Roulstone in Knoxville about the time Tennessee was admitted as a State. This old file of papers is com- plete, and is a treasure of which the Society should be justly proud. Since finishing the Index, I have thought it due to an intelligent public to say that I do not claim the work I have done to be per- fect, as errors may be found. Therefore, to any student, or reader, who may find errors, I respectfully request that the facts be fur- nished me with the necessary data to make corrections. Especially does this apply to the omission of Christian names. JOHN TYREE FAIN. Nashville, Tennessee, September 6, 1919. Index to Ramsey's Annals oi- Tennessee 15 FAIN'S CRITICAL AND ANALYTICAL INDEX AND GENEALOGICAL GUIDE TO RAMSEY'S ANNALS OF TENNESSEE Abbit, Duncan— 120. Abingdon, Virginia— 67, 88, 144, 159, 160. Aboriginal Claims— 74, 75, 680. Aboriginal Customs — 90. Aboriginal Names of Rivers — 87. Aboriginal Structures — 90. Aborigines of Tennessee— 77, 207. Abraham, Old, of Chilhowee — 156, 157, 159, 165, 420. Achalaque, Province of — 25, 26. Achese, Village of — 24. Acoste, Village of— 27. Acuera, (Cacique) — 20, 21. Act, Stamp— 98, 99, 101. Acts of Carolina — 40. Acts of Congress— 522, 541, 552, 670, 671, 672, 673, 675, 676, 678, 679, 681, 683, 684, 691, 703. Acts of State of Franklin— 293, ! 294, 295, 297, 308, 315, 316, 318, 322, 328, 350, 359, 360, 361, 364, 377, 378, 379, 394, 402. Acts of Georgia— 384, 395, 398, 549. Acts of New Hampshire — 123. Acts of North Carolina— 174, 175, 176, 189, 270, 273, 276, 279, 283, 284, 289, 335, 337, 338, 348, 353, 354, 355, 356, 359, 360, 361, 363, 368, 387, 390, 391, 431, 432, 489, 490, 494, 497, 499, 500, 501, 502, 507, 520, 521, 522, 549, 621, 630, 680, 681, 685. Acts of S. Carolina— 209. Acts of Parliament— 122, 123. Acts of Rhode Island— 123. Acts of Tennessee— 663, 668, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 680, 689, 698, 708, 709. Acts of Territorial Legislature — 625, 626. 627, 628, 631, 637, 638, 642, 671. Acts of Virginia— 103, 298. Acts of Watauga Association — 135. Adams— 483. Adams, Daniel — 689. Adams, John (President of U. S.) —691, Adams, John (of Washington Co.) —666, 668, 675. Adams, Samuel (of Massachu- setts)— 133. Adair, James (author) — 45, 63, 78, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 159. Adair, John— 189, 226, 375, 50b, 508, 568, 629, 651. Adair's Station — 375. Adventure, Journal of — 197. Affidavit of Nathan Read— 147. Affidavit of Jarrett Williams— 148. Aganista — See Oconostata. Agiqua River — See French Broad. Aiken, James — 642. Alabama, Fort— 48, 52. Alabama, Garrison — 48. Alabama, State of— 36, 52, 78, 322, 443, 523, 655, 712. 16 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Albemarle Assembly — 36, 40, American Enterprise — 185. Albemarle County, N. C— 36, 40, American Liberty — 123, 150, 211, 41, 42, 43. 221, 246. Albemarle, Duke of (General Geo. American Pioneers — 18. Monk)— 35, 41. American Revolution — 13, 124, Albemarle Sound— 33, 35. 133, 247, 248, 251, 261, 277, 312, Alexander— 603. 374, 458, 489, 490, 502, 511, 539, Alexander, Abraham — 128. 541, 543, 549, 593, 615, 647, 675, Alexander,. Adam — 129. 707. Alexander, Charles — 129. American State Papers — 489, 563. Alexander, Ezra — 129. American Topography — 183. Alexander Family — 429. Amoyah River — 584. Alexander, Hezekiah — 129. Amy— 432. Alexander, John — 669. Anchayea, Village of — 24. Alexander, John McKnitt— 128, Ancient Population — 73, 89. 131. Ancient Relics— 90, 207. Alexander, Nathaniel — 68. Anderson — 288. Alexander, Oliver — 644. Anderson, Colonel — 272. Algerines — 622. Anderson, James — 374. Alibamo, Battle of— 28. Anderson,John— 288, 293. Alimance, Battle of (N. C.)— 101, Anderson, Joseph — 542, 595, 629, 102, 251. 639, 642, 650, 652, 653, 654, 659, Alleghany Mountains — 37, 45, 53, 660, 664, 689, 699. 62, 65, 84, 86, 95, 107, 139, 231, Anderson, Luke — 474, 486. 295, 300, 321, 335, 440, 521, 636. Anderson, Judge W. E.— 708. Allejay River— 87, 88. Anderson, William — 93. Allen, of Caswell County— 413. Annals of Congress — 433. Allen, John— 464. Apalachee, Village of — 15, 20 , 23, Allen, William— 105. 24. Allen's Cabin— 743. Appalachian Mountains — 46, 62, Allison, David— 543. 72, 88, 92, 258, 275, 279, 295, 321, Allison, Capt. Ewin— 589. 322, 335, 349, 361, 362, 435, 492, Allison, Robert— 323, 388, 667. 496, 500. Allcom, John — 707. April 9, 1734—48. Allouez, Father Claude— 37, 38. April 5, 1774 "125. Alston, Philip— 460. April 26, 1774—125. Amadas, Philip, Commander — 33. April 1, 1775-120. Amelia County, Va. — 64. April 3, 1775—127. America— 98, 99, 135, 144, 229, April 8, 1775—127. 245, 350, 360. April 19, 1775—124. American Archives — 129, 143, 570. April 10, 1777—171. American Cause — 145, 173, 210, April 27, 1777—171. 221, 229, 231, 248, 250, 254. April 10, 1779—187. American Citizens — 161, 222. April 12, 1780—202. American Colonies — 45, 47, 71, 74, April 23—1780—202. 118, 122, 123, 124, 143, 144, 150, April 24, 1780—202. 526, 531. April 2,1781—452. Inukx to Ramsey's Annals of Ti:xni:ssi:i-: 17 April 7, 1881—252. April 19, 1781—252. April 24, 1781—269. April 19, 1783—261. April 1, 1784—354. April 7, 1785—308. April 22, 1785—308. April 25, 1785—305, 306, 313. April 14, 1786—342. April 17, 1786—342. April 1, 1787—360. April 6, 1787—362. April 20, 1787—402. April 22, 1787—365. April 24, 1787—363, 441. April 27, 1787—364. April 4, 1788—479. April 10, 1788—414. April 28, 1788—417. April 20, 1789—515. April 2, 1790—522, 670. April 5, 1792—597. April 21, 1792—562. April 8, 1793—575. April 12, 1793—576. April 15, 1793—575. April 27, 1793—601. April 28, 1793—602. April 29, 17S3— 602. April 1, 1794—591. April 2, 1794—591. April 15, 1794—592. April 21, 1794—607. April 22, 1794 — 592. April 8, 1796—670. April 9, 1796—662, 666. Apriri2, 1796—670. April 20, 1796—665. April 22, 1796—667. April 23, 1756—666. April 25, 17S7— 676. April 23, 1798—692. Archives, American — 129, 143, 570. Archives of N. C. — 134, 138. Archives of State (Washington, D. 0—547. Archives of Virginia — 134. Arkansas River — 39. Arkansas, State of — 36, 655. Armstrong, Francis — 203, 45.0. Armstrong, George — 116. Armstrong, James (Trooper) — • 555. Armstrong, Colonel Martin — 164. Armstrong, John — 279, 685. Armstrong, Robert — 372. Armstrong, Gen. Robert — 555. Armstrong's Ferry — 372. Army, American— 215, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 236, 237, 238, 239, 243, 245, 247, 255, 256, 257, 261, 493, 529, .537. Army, Continental— 130, 229. Army of United Colonies — 124, 220. Arrow Heads — 90. Arthur, Ambrose — 638. Articles of Association, Sevier County— 435. Articles of Association, Watauga — 106, 107. Articles of Confederation — 280, 430, 439, 499. Asbury, Bishop Francis — 417. Ashe, General John— 99, 190. Asher's Station — 447, 478. Ashley River, N. C— 40, 41. Asheville, N. C— 88. Aspie Family — 462. Aspie, George — 457, 462. Assemblies, Colonial — 123, 125. Assembly of Georgia— 380, 384, 385, 390, 391, 392, 395, 396. Assembly, State of Franklin — 293, 294, 296, 299, 316, 317, 318, 322, 325, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 339, 340, 342, 347, 348, 355, 356, 858, 360, 361, 362, 364, 377, 378, 379, 382, 383, 389, 392, 394, 397, 400, 401, 402; 403, 414, 443. Assembly of Rhode Island — J23. Assembly of N. C— 40, 126, 2.57, 275, 276, 277, 279, 283, 289, 290, 291, 292, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 18 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 312, 313, 314, 316, 317, 318, 335, 337, 338, 339, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 366, 367, 368, 369, 389, 391, 395, 402, 404' 405, 407, 431, 432, 433, 437, 441, 464, 465, 471, 487, 489, 490, 491, 492, 494, 496, 497, 500, 501, 502, 503, 505, 506, 507, 520, 521, 522, 545, 546, 642, 665, 666. Assembly of N. C, Provincial — 40, 127, 130, 439, 494. Assembly of South Carolina — 209, 644. Assembly of Virginia — 35, 122, 320, 321, 322, 525. Association of Watauga — 106, 107, 119, 133, 135. Assumption, Fort (Memphis) — 46, 49. Astill— 478. Atahualpa (Inca)— 17. 32. Atapaha, Province of — 24. Atlantic Ocean— 92, 180, 207, 211, 258. Atlantic States— 532, 533, 537, 538. Atta-Culla-Culla (Little Carpen- ter)— 50, 52, 58, 59, 60, 61, 68, ,79, 82, 119, 120, 121, 172, 177. Augusta County, Va.— 66, 150, 169. Augusta, Georgia— 49, 57, 81, 190, 208, 224, 253, 382, 384, 385, 391, 395, 396, 399, 714. August 20, 1540—27. August 17, 1774—114. August 14, 1775—130. August 20, 1775—130. August 24, 1775—494. August 1, 1776—165. August 13, 1776—148. August 22, 1776—138. August 1. 11?(i— 217. Au^Ci-st 13, 1780—216. August 16, 1780—217, 219. August 18, 1780—218. August 15, 1782—274. August 23, 1784—286. August 25, 1785—525. August 3, 1786—343, 344, 346. August 26, 1786—380. August 27, 1786—378, 380, 383 August 1, 1787—393. August 5, 1787—393. August 9, 1787—392. August 27, 1787—392. August 30, 1787—392, 395. August 3, 1788—480. August 7, 1789—541. August 7, 1790—542. August 7, 1792—598. August 10, 1792—563, 598. August 11, 1792—598. . August 27, 1792—598. August 31, 1792—563, 598. August 1, 1793—605. August 5, 1793—605. August 15, 1793—605. August 21, 1793—605. August 24, 1793—578. August 30,-1793-578. August 13, 1794—595. August 18, 1794—595. August 25, 1794—623, 624. August 28, 1794—625. August 30, 1794—628. August 3, 1796—674. August 8, 1796—673, 674. August 9, 17*^6 — 6'^. August 20, 1797—691. Auquotague — 556. Avery, Waighstill- 129, 131, 172, 181, 274, 316, 318. Aymay, Village of — 25. 1 Back Settlements — 162. Back Settlers of Carolina — 143. Back Settlers of Georgia — 143. Bacon's Rebellion — 43. Bailey, Francis — 324. Baird, John (Beard) of Sumner County— 464. Baker, Elisha— 286, 650. Baker, John— 96. 105. l.NUKX TO RaMSI;v"S AnXALS of TliNXESSEE 19 Baker, William— 69. Balch, Amos— 576. Balch, Hezekiah (Rev.)— 323, 627. Balch, Hezekiah Jones — 129. Balch, James— 627, 642. Bald Mountain— 89. Balding, Ezekiel— 620. Bales, John Sr.— 371. Balestine, Jesse — 447. Balfour, Nesbitt— 213. Baltimore, Maryland — 728. Bancroft, George— 33, 34, 35, 38, 44, 49, 102. Bang— 731. Bank of East Tennessee, Knoxville —559. Barbary Powers of the West — 186. Barley, John— 138. Barlow, Arthur (Commander) — .33. Barnett, Peter— 459, 463. Barnwell, Colonel John — 44. Barracks (Knoxville) — 559, 630. Barren Fork of Duck River — 610. Barrens of Kentucky— 193, 195, 483. Barren River, Tenn. — 447. Barry— 686. Barry, Hugh— 370. Barry, Richard — 129. Bartlett, Nicholas— 742. Bartlett, William— 604. Bartlett's Station— 370. Barton, David, of Missouri— 708. Barton, Joshua, Sr. — 138. Barton, Roger, of Mississippi — 708. Barton, Colonel famuel- 452, 495, 496. Bashere — 141. Baton Rouge, Louisiana — 49, 548. Batterboo (Son of Mountain Lead- er)— 477. Bates, Henry Jr. — 138. Bates, William— 138. Battle of Alibamo— 28. Battle of Alimance — 101, 102, 251. Battle of Boyd's Creek— 263, 264. Battle of Chickasaw Old Fields— 105. Battle Creek (Marion County) — 449, 608 Battle of Emuckfaw— 555. Battle of Etchoe— 61. Battle of Eutaw Springs, S. C— 253. Battle of Germantown — 494. Battle of Guilford Court House (N. O— 251. Battle of Island Flats— 150, 1.52, 154, 159, 160, 190, 689. Battle of Jenappe — 686. Battle of Kenhawa (Va.)— 115, 116, 207, 261, 492. Battle of King's Mountain — 179, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 251, 261. Battle of Lexington (Mass.) — 124, 127, 128, 261. Battle of Musgrove Mill— 218. Battle of Point Pleasant (Va.) — 115, 116, 207, 261, 492. Battle of Saratoga (N. Y.)— 247 Battle of Talladega— 477. Bayard, James Asheton — 701. Bayou, Balize— 526. Bayou, Iberville — 526. Bays, J.— 508. Bays Mountain— 86, 372, 710, 741, 742. Beads— 90. Beamer, William Jr. — 68. Beamev. William Sr. — 68. Bean— 272. Bean, Edmund — 179. Bean Family — 142. Bean George — 179. Bean, John— 179, 286. Bean, Robert— 210. Bean, Russel — 94. Bean, Capt. William — 94. 107, 120, 138, 179, 181, 212. Bean. Mrs. William — 157. 20 Index to Ra.msev's Annals of Tennessee Bean's Station— 94, 421. Bear— 450, 67t. Bear Creek, Ala.— 64, 206, 599. Beard, Colonel Hugh— 372, 568, 589, 603. Beard, James — 593. Beard, Colonel John (Knox Co.) —577, 595, 621, 624, 626, 627. Beatty, Charles— 620. Beatty, Colonel David— 240. Beaver Creek, Tenn.— 146, 341, 371, 372. Bedford County, Tenn.— 492. Bedford County, Va.— 64. Beech Creek, Tenn.— 119. Belew, Ben— 198. Bell, Canton Fort— 690, 693. Bell, Hugh F.— 483, 485. Bell, Samuel— 558. Bell, William— 704. Bench Warrant— 278. Bend of Chucky— 343. Benge, Bob— 581. Bennett— 120. Bennett's tSation — 376. Bent Creek (Hamblin County) — 741. Bent Creek (Jefferson County) — 277. Benton, Jesse D. — 120. Berkeley, Lord John — 35. Berkeley, Sir William— 36, 43. Berkley, John Jr.— 563, 598. I Berkley, John Sr.— 563, 598. I Bernard — 446. Bernard, General Simon — 239. ' Berry, James— 650. Bibliography — Adair's Indians — 45, 63, 78, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 159. American Archives — 129, 143, j 570. j American State Papers — 489, 563, 671, 696. Annals of Congress — 433. Asbury's Journal — 417. Bancroft History of U. S. — 33, 34, 35, 38, 44, 49. Bang— 731. Bissett— 224. Blount Papers— 189, 548, 641, 654, 665, 703, 707. Blount, Willie, Papers — 615, Butler's Ky.— 74, 75, 95, 14«, 205, 528, 529, 536, 718, 725- Croghan's Journal — 70. Custis, Geo. Washington — 246. Draper, L. C— 150. Drayton— 163. Federalist's Papers — 439. Foote's Virginia— 62, 101, 133, 299. Force's Collection — 133. Foster's Essay— 238, 239, 246, 583. Grahame— 298. Halsey, Rev. L. J.— 735. Haywood's Aboriginal — 84. Haywood's Civil and Political — 53, 60, 68, 69, 76, 94, 96, 99, 103, 109, 112, 118, 144, 153, 156, 173, 175, 177, 187. 191, 195, 203, 206, 257, 258, 266, 273, 279, 296, 297, 300, 322, 347, 354, 419, 425, 493, 502, 594, 5£:6, 600, 614, 619, 620, 621, 622. Hewitt's Historical Account of S. C. & Ga.— 47, 48, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59. Holmes' Annals— 33, 40, 122. Houston, Rev. S. Mss — 287. Howe — 66. Hume, Rev. T. W. Semi-Centen- nial Address— 640, 729. Iredell's Revisal — 175. Irving, Washington — 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 20. Johnson's Reminiscences — 124, 206, 225, 253, 256. Jones— 99, 123, 126, 127, 131, 133. Indf^x to Ramsey's Annals of Tknnf.ssee 21 Kendall— 718. Knoxville Gazette— 589, 678. McCullough, James H. (Re- searches, Philosophical & An- tiquarian) — 26. Marshall, Humphrey, Ky.— 41, 71, 97, 538, 615. Martin, F. X. Louisiana — 26, 113, 527. Martin, F. X. N. C— 37, 39, 43, 44, 49, 52, 133. Maryland Gazette — 158. Monette, History of Miss. Val- ]ey_66, 73, 77, 97, 102, 103, 112, 115, 117, 178, 187, 205, 446, 459, 463, 527. Morehead's Address — 119. N. C. State Gazette— 518. Pitkin— 133, 524. Ramsay's History of S. C. — £8, 222. Record of Washington County Court— 406. Revised Statues of N. C— 36. Shelby Papers— 239, 257. Simms. W. G. History of S. C. —53, 55, 61, 258, 260. Smith, John, History of Va. — 35. Smith. Wm. Manuscript— 429. Sparks' Writings of Washing- ton— 72. State Pamphlet of N. C— 129, 133. Stedman's History of American War— 161, 247. Summary, Historical & Political, of British Settlements — 43. Wheeler's History of N. C. — 133, 239. Whig Review (March, 1852) — 567. William.son— 50. 298. Bickerstaff's Old Field, Rutherford Co., N. C— 243. Bienville, Jean Baptiste Le Moyne de— 45, 49. Big Barren — 195. Big Creek (Giles Co.)— 460. Big Creek (Hawkins Co.)— «8, 94, 187. Big Fool (Cherokee Chief)— 187. Big Foot (Creek Chief)— 474. Big Harpeth River — 475. Big Island French Broad River— 262, 263, 272, 280. Big Laurel Creek (Cumberland Co.)— 570. Big Limestone Creek — 121, 146 176, 337. Big Pigeon River, Tenn. — 269. Big Spring on Gap Creek — 142. Bill of Rights— 139, 140, 284, 439, 652, 654, 680. Bill of Sale— 638. Bingham— 278. Biram, Ebenezer — 341. Bird, Amos— 110, 277, 590. Bissett— 224. Black Fox (Chief)— 599, 610. Black, Joseph— 159, 643, 650, 652, 658, 663. Black Mountain — 86. Black, William— 662. Black's Station (Knox Co.)— 370, 565. Blackburn, Arthur — 116. Blackburn. Gideon— 627, 642. Blackburn, John— 485, 576, 669. Blackmore, Capt. John— 199, 203. Blackfish Indians— 191. Blackmore, Capt. G. D.— 590. Blackmore, Capt Wm.— 589. Blackwater Creek — 68. Blair, Hugh— 138. Blair, James Jr. — 667. Blair, Colonel John— 323, 389. 569, 584, 658, 659, 663, 666. Blair. Robert— 668. Bledsoe, Abraham — 96. Bledsoe, Anthony— 148, 149, 1.54, 171, 190, 365, 464, 465, 470, 471, 479, 480, 482. 490, 494, 496, 607. Bledsoe, Mrs. Anthony— 606 620. Bledsoe Anthony Jr.— 607. ?7 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Bledsoe Anthony (son of Isaac Bledsoe)— 607. Bledsoe, Colonel Isaac— 105, 190, 479, 494, 496, 607. Bledsoe's Lick (Bledsoe Station) —106, 193, 195, 394, 447, 457, 463, 464, 478, 479, 480, 483, 504, 563, 597, 598, 620, 687. Blevins, William— 67, 120. Bloody Fellow (Nenetooyah) — 482, 519, 556, 560, 617, 695. Blooming Grove — 463. Blount, Benjamin — 541. Blount, Charles — 541. Blount College (Knoxville)— 559, 628, 629. Blount County, Tenn.— 295, 406, 413, 415, 564, 643, 648, 650, 652, 658, 678, 687, 688, 704, 716, 742. Blount, James — 541. Blount, Mary Grainger (wife of Wm. Blount)— 644, 667. Blount Papers (William Blount) — 189, 548, 641, 654, 665, 703, 707. Blount, Richard B.— 702. Blount, Gov. William— 189, 306, 377, 489, 497, 499, 502, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 553, 554, 555, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 564, 565, 567, 568, 569, 570, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 584, 587, 593, 595, 596, 598, 600, 602, 607, 608, 609, 616, 617, 619, 621, 622, 623, 624, 629, 631, 633, 635, 636, 639, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 654, 659, 660, 661, 662, 665, 667, 669, 670, 674, 675, 684, 689, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 707, 709, 734. Blount, Gov. Willie— 547, 615, 650, 662, 702. Blountville, Tenn.— 67, 542. Blue Ridge Mountains— 37, 43, 68, 89, 120, 164, 186, 223, 346. Blue Spring— 68, 195. Blue Water Creek (Lawrence Co.) —466, 467. Bluff, The (Nashville, Tenn.)— 95, 193, 196, 202, 203, 205, 206, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 454, 456, 457, 458, 460, 462, 469, 475, 481, 486, 487, 488, 491, 494. Board of Auditors, N. C— 279. Bogard, Abram — 116. Boggs, John — 594. Bogle, Samuel — 678. Boiling Pot, The— 113, 199. Boilston— 190. Boon, Daniel— 67, 68, 69, 94, 95, 96, 103, 112, 113, 117, 191, 445, 709. Boon, John— 109. Boonesborough, Ky. — 177. Boon's Creek— 67, 94, 103. Bosley, John— 618. Bostin, Joud. Sr.— 138. Boston, Mass.— 122, 143. Bottetourt County, Va.— 53, 88, 150. Boundaries — Acts of N. Carolina— 275. Albemarle 1677—42. Bill of Rights, N. C. (Nov. 12, 1776)— 140. Bounty Lands — 491. Brown's (Jacob) Settlement — 110, 146. Cherokee Nation— 163, 267, 271, 675. Claiborne & Hawkins Co. Line — 68. County Lines— 175, 488, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744. Creek Claims — 570, 712. General — 14. Grainger County — 667. Grant 1621—35. Grant 1665—36, 139. Grants of N. C— 675, 676. Hawkins & Claiborne Co. Lines —68. Hunting Grounds — 71, 74, 76, 78, 80, 87, 89, 94, 117, 139, 144, Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 23 163, 170, 173, 205, 276, 361, 433, 434, 445, 460, 463, 489, 503, 546, 548, 549, 694, 740. Indian Boundaries — 443, 688- N. C. Bill of Rights (Nov. 12, 1776)— 140. N. C. Grant— 675, 676. N. C. & Virginia Line— 49, 66, 142, 189. South Western Territory — 544, 546, 547. Spanish Claims— 523, 526, 533, 537, 538, 540, 551. State of Franklin— 308, 322. Transylvania Purchase — 191. Treaty of Coyatee (Aug. 3, 1786)— 434, 679. Treaty of DeWitt's Corner (May 20, 1777)— 172. Treaty of Dumplin Creek (May 31, 1785)— 299, 434, 679. Treaty of Hard Labour, S. C. (Oct. 14, 1768)— 77, 93. Treaty of Holston (July 2, 1791) —556, 560, 662. Treaty of Hopewell, S. C. (Nov 18, 1785)— 336, 337, 679. Treaty of Hopewell, S. C. (Jan. 10, 1786)— 463. Treaty of Lochaber (Oct. 18, 1770)— 102. Treaty of Long Island Holston (July 20, 1777)— 173. Treaty of Governor of Va. (1772)— 109. Treaty Stipulations — 499. Treaty of Nashboro (1783) — 489. Virginia & N. C. Line— 49, 66, 142, 189. Watauga Lease— 109, 110. Watauga Purchase — 119, 120. Boundary Streets, Knoxville, Tenn. —559. Bounds, Thomas — 658. Bounty in Lands— 72, 394, 396, 397, 398, 487. 490, 491, 500, 550. Bowen, Lieut. Reece — 240. Bowen, William— 193. Bowmans — 372. Bowyer, Lewis (Luke)— 134, 138, 568, 576. Boyd— 143, 145. Boyd's Creek (Sevier C >.)- 88, 143, 168, 262, 263, 264, 1^81, 295, 369, 579, 590, 741. Boyd, John— 197, 203. Boyd, John (Lincoln Co.) — 240. Boyd, Joseph— 190. Boyd, Judge Samuel Beckett — 560. Boyd, William— 708. Boyle's Old Place (Holston River) —743. Brab.son's Mill— 166. Bradley, John— 116. Braddock, General Edward — 188. Bradley (Halifax County)— 211. Brannon's Settlement — 210. Bratton, Charles— 607. Brasstov/n, S. C. — 163. Bread Slave Catcher, The— 121. Breath, The— 512, 562, 617. Breech Loading Rifle Invented — 224. Brevard, Dr. Ephriam — 129. Bright's Place — 241. Bright's Trace— 230. Bristol Merchants (England) — 15. British Agents— 161, 182, 266, 267, 272, 337, 446. British Arms— 223. British Cause— 162, 224. British Colonies— 45, 47, 71, 74, 118, 122, 123, 124, 143, 150. 210. British Crown— 128. British Government^^71, 123, 124, 143, 144, 156, 222, 395, 481. British Influence — 149. British Interests — 479. British Ministry— 75, 98, 122, 261. British Nation— 449. British Ofl[icers— 160, 161. British Parliament— 122, 529. 24 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee British Posts in America — 190, 204, 219, 221, 223, 224, 252, 254, i 255, 256, 492, 534, 547, 548. British Rights in America — 147. British State Paper Office— 101. British Troops— 150, 162, 188, 190, 208, 209, 210, 213, 217, 218, 219, 222, 224, 226, 229, 232, 233, 236, 237, 245, 246, 247, 251, 253, 255, 257, 270, 381, 493, 529, 534, 589. British War Department — 143. Brittain, Joseph — 669. Broad River, S. C— 45, 213, 217, 233, 244. Brock, John— 448. Brook, Cash (Cassius Brook) — 105. Brokees, WilHam— 138. Brocks, George — 116. Brooks, Moses — 374. Brooks, Stephen— 650. Brown, Mrs. — -425. Brown (Mero District) — 606. Brown, of Ga. (Commodore Oliver Bowen?)— 124. BroAATi, J. Foster— 483. Brown, Geoi'ge — 508, 515. Brown, Jacob — 107, 110, 111, 121, 138, 14.5, 172, 212, 264, 276, 669, Brown, Colonel James — 508, 510, 515, 516, 517, 550. Brown. Mrs. James (wife of Col. James Brown) — 508, 515, 516. Brown. James Jr. — 508. Brown, Jane— 508, 514, 515, 516. Brown, John— 138, 483, 620. Brown, John (Son of Colonel James Brown) — ^508. Brown, John (Mountain Leader) — Biuv. n, Joseph (of Watauga) — 138. Brown, Col. Joseph— 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 575, 604, 608. 611, 613, 614. Brown, Moses — 460, 462. Brown, Polly— 508, 514, 515, 516. Brown, Capt. Thomas— 589, 617. Brown, Colonel Thomas (Tory) — 224. Brown, William — 483. Brown, Major Wm. (of Maryland) —400. Brown's Ferry Alabama — 26. Brown's Settlement— 121, 145, 146. Brown's Spring — 566. Brown's Station (near Nashville) —462, 483, 485, 597, 610. Brush Creek (Montgomery Co.) — 743. Bryan— 150. Bryan, James — 607. Bryant— 191. Bryant, Capt. Peter- 550, 589, 037, 651, 669, 688. Buchanan, Alexander — 196, 41'.'. 448, 453. Buchanan, Colonel John — 65, 19*3, 453, 454, 456, 459, 496, 566.- Buchanan, Samuel— 460, 478. Buchanan Station (near Nash- ville)— 459, 462, 485, 566, 567, 594, 599, 600, 609, 622. Buchanan, Capt. William — 154. Buckingham's Island — 88, 166, 167. Buckingham, Nathaniel B. — 658, 688, 698. Buckingham, Thomas— 637, 638, 651, 669. Buffalo Creek— 142, 356, 590. Buffalo (Herds of)— 69, 105, 144, 192, 193, 1£4, 2C2, 206, 450, 475, 501. Buffalo Mountain— 742. Buffalo Ridge— 182. Buffalo Tennessee— 339. Buford, Colonel Abraham— 221. Buford, James— 707. Bullhead (Cherokee Chief)— 84. Bull Run Creek— 86, 372, 421. Bull Town— 272. Bulla, Thomas— 121. Ballard, Joseph— 286, 288. Buller, Joseph— 138. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 25 Bulloch, Leonard H.— 117. Bullock's Creek, S. C— 239 (Map). Bull's Gap (Hamblen Co.)— 741, 742. Bumper, Jobe — 138. Buncombe Court House, N. C. — 644, 687. Buncombe District, N. C— 134. Bunch, Capt. John— 589. Bundy, Simeon — 142. Burpresses, House of Va. — 35. Burk, Richard— 116. Burke County, N. C— 176, 243, 273, 274, 300, 305, 427, 429. Burke Family— 66. Burke, William- 731. Burnett, Peter Hardiman (of Cali- fornia)— 708. Burnett's Branch— 373. Burnt Cane Brake Block House — 56?. Butler, History of Ky.— 74. 75, 95, 146, 205, 528. 529, 536, 718, 725. Butler (Untoola or Gun Rod of Citico)— 300. 301, 302, 303. 304, ■ 305, 310, 314, 315.. Butler, Colonel Thomas— 690, 691, 693, 694, 696. Bushy Creek of Red River— 598. Byrd, Abraham — 595. Byrd, Jesse— 638. Byrd, Colonel William— 52, 53, 59, 93. Cabin. Frontier— 715, 716, 724. Cabot. John— 14, 32. Cabusto, Village of— 28. Caffrey, John (Capt.)— 198, 203, 449. Caffrey, Mrs. John— 597, 606. Cace, Wm.— 288, 292, 293, 296, 308, 309. C;j>in. Jaives— 201. C;'lak? 'Xephe'v of Hnn-rino: Haw)— 573. Caldwell, A.— 339, 425. Caldwell's Bridge— 607, 611, 616. Calhoun. Tenn.. McMinn Co. — 517. California, State of— 13, 14, 36, 42, 498. Callahan, Joel— 241. Callaway, Colonel Richard — 151. Callaway, Samuel— 69, 181. Calumets— 90. Calvert, Robert— 669. Calvin's Blockhouse — 591. Calvit, Frederick— 138, 171. Calvit, Joseph— 138. Camack, John — 116. Camden, S. C— 212, 213, 214, 219, 221, 222, 248, 252. Cameron, Alexander — 109, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 161, 162, 163, 172. Camp, John — 605. Camp Creek. Tenn. (McNama's Creek)— 121. 173. Camp Meetings — 731. Camp Union, Va. — 114. Campbell (Servant to Colonel An- thony Bledsoe)— 480. Campbell. Colonel Arthur— 170, 265. 267, 268, 320, 321, 682, 683, 685. Campbell, Capt. Charles— 65. Campbell, Col. David— 323, 376,, 505. 562. Campbell. Mrs. David— 562. Campbell. Judge David— 286. 288. 291, 293, 296, 347, 349, 350, 354, 355, 357, 362, 389, 401, 402, 418, 424. 542. 543, 568, 629, 639. Campbell, John Esq. (Knox Co.) — 372. Campbell, Capt. John (of Wash- ingcton Co.)— 154, 543. Campbell, General John (of Abing- ton. Va.)— 160. Camnhpll. John (Earl of Loudon) —51, 52 114. Campbell, Capt. Richard— 258. CnnThell, Colond Robert— 240, 265. Campbell, Colonel William— 227, 228, 229, 231, 235, 236, 237, 238, 26 IxDiix TO Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 240, 243, 244, 245, 251, 337, 556, 696. Campbell, William (Wounded at Hay's Station)— 605. Campbell, William (of Washing- ton Co.)— 286, 288. Campbell, Zachariah — 666. Campbell Station, Knox Co. — 376, 505, 562, 565, 568, 569, 580, 716. Canada— 32, 45, 46, 48, 49, 61, 439, 529, 534. Canasaqua, Village of — 26. Canaway River — See Kenhawa. Cane Creek, Tenn.— 269. Cane Ridge, Tenn.— 731. Caney Fork of Cumberland River —85, 96, 206, 450, 478, 606, 743, 744. Cannon at Fort Loudon — 57. Canot River — See Little River. Cantrell, Capt. Stephen— 589, 658, 663, 688. Capachique, Village of — 24. Capafi (Cacique of Apalachee) — 24. Cape Carteret — 40. Cape Fear— 40, 44. Cape Fear Mercury — 129. Cape Fear River, N. C— 130. Cape of Florida — 15. Cape Gerardeau (Mo.) — 548. Capshaw, James — 579. Carey, James— 560, 575, 585, 699. Carleton, Sir Guy (Earl of Dor- chester) — 534. Carlisle Pennyslvania — 69. Carmichael, Alexander — 708. Carmichael, Major Daniel — 577. Carmichael's Tavern, Knoxville — 630. Carnes— 288. Carnes, Thomas P. — 622. Carolina— 33, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 51, 55, 62, 69, 70, 73, 74, 83, 143, 145, 159, 162, 163, 205, 208. 211, 216, 22"), 254, 270, 655. Carolina Colonists — 42. Carolina, North, State of — 14, 33, 35, 36, 40, 44, 49, 50, 54, 56, 67, 70, 73, 74, 77, 78, 87, 88, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 102, 103, 106, 110, 113, 117, 119, 120, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 139, 140, 148, 149, 151, 152, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 185, 186, 189, 190, 191, 202, 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 222, 223, 224, 226, 228, 231, 242, 243, 245, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 257, 271, 275, 276, 279, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 293, 295, 296, 298, 300, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 318, 319, 320, 322, 324, 335, 337, 338, 339, 340, 342, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357, 3.58, 3.59, 360, 361, 363, 364, 365, 366, 368, 369, 371, 374, 375, 37S, 381, 384, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 394, 395, 399, 400, 401, 402, 404, 405, 406, 414, 416, 424, 426, 428, 435, 436, 438, 439, 441, 442, 443, 455, 458, 459, 460, 464, 480, 485, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 493, 494, 496, 497, 499, 500, 501, 502, 504, 508, 514, 519, 520, 521, 522, 525, 530, 533, 541, 542, 543, 545, 546, 549, 556, 620, 621, 630, 631,, 643, 644, 663, 664, 665, 666. 667, 671, 675, 676, 679, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 689, 692, 696, 698, 792, 706, 707, 740, 741, 742, 743. Carolina Parliament — 40. Carolina Revolution — 44. Carolina, South— 15, 36, 44, 50, 54, 56, 59, 63, 76, 95, 97, 98, 107, 122, 123, 148, 149, 161, 162, 164, 172, 196, 208, 210, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 221, 222, 224, 232, 234, 236, 239, 244, 245, 247, 252, 253, 255, 257, 258, 261, 270, 290, 298, Index to Ramsey's Annals oi 1'i:.\xessee 336, 337, 374, 399, 400, 493, 525, 546, 556, 562, 644, 740. Carondelet, Baron de — 534, 535, 536. 537. Carpenter, Little— See Atta-Culla- Culla, Atta-Kulla-Kulla, Atta- Kulla-Culla. Carpenter's Station — 195. Carr, Robert— 277, 335. Carr, Thomas — 549. Carrick, Rev. Samuel— 621, 624, 627, 629, 651, 710. Carroll, B. R.— 59. Carter, A. M., Esq.— 141. Carter County, Tenn.— 114, 140, 295, 412, 666. Carter, Elizabeth (wife of Lan- don Carter) — 666. Carter, General James J. — 141. Carter, Landon— 138, 212, 264, 286, 293, 296, 308, 309, 324, 388, 402, 444, 569, 627, 642, 651, 654, 662. 666. Carter, Colonel John— 94, 107, 111, 119, 120, 134, 138, 139, 141, 142, 145, 147, 177, 181, 647, 666, 675. Carter, Hon. W. B.— 134. Carter's Valley— 67, 111, 119, 144, 145, 146, 159, 173. Carteret, Sir George — 36. Cartier, Jacques — 32. Cartwrigrht, Robert— 199, 203. Carver, Ned— 447. Carvin, Mrs.— 488. Caruthers, Ezekiel — 605. Casauders (town of) — 606. Casey, William— 116. Cassada, John— 120- Casteel, Elizabeth (Mrs. Dunlap) —593. Casteel, William— 592, 593. Casteel, Mrs. William— 593. Castleman, Abraham (Fool War- rior)— 599, 605. Castleman, Andrew — 486. Castleman, Benjamin — 467, 474. Castleman, Hans^605, 606. Castleman, Jacob— 455, 605, 606. Castleman, John — 455, 459. Castleman, Joseph — 455, 605, 60b. Castilian Courage — 16. Caswell County (State of Frank- lin)— 294, 296, 340, 349, 354, 376, 389, 402, 413. Caswell, Governor Richard (N. C.) —126, 171, 177, 183, 189, 219, 220, 251, 306, 307, 314, 316, 318, 320, 342, 343, 348, 349, 359, 361, 363, 366, 367, 368, 417, 441, 464, 465, 470. Catawba Indians — 44, 160. Catawba River (N. C.)— 50, 68, 83, 102, 164, 214, 243, 261, 493, 718. Cathey's Fort— 164. Cathey's Creek— 604- Categiskey (Chief)— 519. Catron, Philip— 499. '/ "^ f Cavanaugh, Charles— 707. Cave Spring Station (near mouth of Red River)— 566. Cavet, Alexander, Jr.— 581, 622. Cavet, Alexander, Sr.— 288, 376, 581, 622. Cavet's Station— 376, 579, 581, 587, 622. Cayelegies — 606. Cedar Creek— 27. Cedar Springs, S. C— 217. Cedar Springs, Tenn. — 263. Cemetaries — 90. Census— 6'35, 641, 643, 648, 649. Cession Act N. C— 283, 284, 285, 287, 289, 290, 291, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 335, 338, 348, 349, 350, 351, 353, 360, 368, 387, 390, 404, 437, 438, 439, 521, 522, 533, 541, .146. 670, 675, 681, 682, 684, 698, 70r;. Cession from Aboriginal Owners — 76. Cession of Land by Six Nations — 76. Chamberlain, .\ndre\v — 388. 28 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Chambers— 618. Chapman, Thomas— 293, 568. Charles II of England— 35, 139. Charles III of Spain— 337, 528, 532, 534, 537. Charles V, Emperor — 15, 17. Charleston, S. C— 40, 41, 44, 51, 53, 55, 61, 64, 142, 160, 162, 190, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 221, 222, 224, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 270, 324, 374, 379, 400. Charleville, M.— 45, 79. Charlotte, N. C— 128, 222, 223, 232, 245, 247, 253, 493. Charlotte, N. C. Convention — 129, 131. Charlotte, N. C, Resolutions — 129. Charter 1607—34 Charter 1609—35, 139. Charter 1665—36. Chatham's Bill— 129. Chattahoochee River — 342. Chattanooga Mountain — 86, 183, 428. Chattanooga, Tenn.— 184, 513. Chauvanon (See Shawnees). Cheucunsene (See Dragging Ca- noe). Chelakees— 26. Chelaque, Province of — 25. Chenesley (Chief)— 121. Cheowhee, Town of (Tenn.) — 82. Cheraquis Reviere de (Tennessee River). Cheraw, S. C— 213. Cherokee Country — 61. Cherokee Ford— 213, 214, 244. Cherokee Indians — Battle of Boyd's Creek— 262. Boundaries— 275, 434, 463, 476, 740, 743, 744. British Alliance— 148, 145, 148, 149, 151, 160, 162, 190. Brown's (Joseph) Narrative — 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 517. Buchanan's Station — 566, 567, 600. Cavet's Station— 376, 581, 587, 622. Chiefs (Cherokees)— 121, 163, 344, 710. Colonial Invasion of Indian Na- tions— 163, 164, 165. Council House — 169. Creek Alliance — 47. Creeks Expelled — 84. Cumberland Settlement — 196, 203, 204, 205, 207, 393, 44b, 451, 452, 460, 486, 489, 502, 503. De Soto's Route— 26. Early History— 81, 82, 83, 89. Early Settlement— 286, 350, 370. Early Traders— 63, 64, 166, 167. Euphony of Names— 86, 87. Fort DuQuesne — 54. Fort Loudon— 52, 53, 56, 57. General Uprising — 188. Great Indian Path— 88. Henderson's Purchase — 117, 118, 481. Hostility— 143. Hunting Grounds— See Boun- daries. Kirk Family— 419, 420, 421. Knox County Casualties — 574, 575. Lands— 118, 120, 126, 163, 489, 694, 698, 708, 742. Lower Towns — 185. Martin (Gov. Alexander) to Cherokees— 306. Mention Only— 66, 85, 96, 105, 106, 144, 161, 166, 167, 168, 171, 182, 183, 271, 274, 286, 301, 304,305,310,315,318,319, 342, 350, 359, 370, 518, 545, 546, 570, 571, 572, 583, 587, 588, 591, 594, 595. Mero District— 606, 607, 610, 616, 617, 618, 620. Nickajack Campaign — 608, 611, Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 29 612, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 620. Path to Augusta, Ga. — 49. Population— 497. Revolutionary War— 214, 227. St. Clair's Defeat— 561. Sevier's Expedition— 251, 252, 257, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266, 266, 268, 269, 270. ShawTiees Expelled— 45, 79. State of Franklin— 308, 360, 366, 378, 381, 383, 388, 415, 417. To- -ns (Cherokee)— 148, 149, 163, 261, 342, 378, 489, 499, r.44, 571, 620. Traditions— 79, 81, 82, 83. 89, 183. Treaty of Alexander Cummins (1730)— 46. Treaty of Col. Waddle, 1750—50. Treaty of Gov. Glenn, 1755 — 51. Treaty of Gov. Lyttleton, 1760 — 55. Treaty of Hard Labor, S. C, Oct. 14, 1768—93. Treaty of Fort Stanwix, Oct. 24, 1768—76, 93. Treaty of Lochaber, S. C, Oct. 18, 1770—102. Treaty with Virginia, 1772—109. Treaty with Lord Dunmore, 1775—116. Treaty of Sycamore Shoals, 1775 119. Treaty DeWitt's Corner, May 20, 1777—172, 174. Treaty of Long Island, July 20, 1777—172. Treaty Dumplin Creek, May 31, 1785—299, 300, 369. Treaty of Hopewell, S. C, Nov. 28. 178.5—336, 337, 340, 499. 549. Treaty of Coyatee, Aug. 3, L786 —343, 344, 562. Treaty of Holston, July, 179 1-- 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 560. Treaty of Tellico Block House, Nov. 7, 1794—596. Valley Towns— 341. Watauga Settlement— 111, 112, 119, 120, 135, 156, 157, 158. Cherokee River (Tennessee River). Chesapeake Bay— 34, 248, 252, 253, 254. Chester, Dr. William— 642, 667. Chestoe River (Confluent of Hi- wassee) — 80. Chiacilla, Village of— 28. Chickamauga Creek— 183, 187, 272. Chickamauga Indians — 173, 183, 185, 186, 187, 271, 276, 342, 393, 3S4, 418, 464, 470, 520. Chickamauga Towns — 185, 186, 187, 188, 198, 200, 266, 276, 342, 302, 465, 508. Chickasaw Agency — 712. Chickasaw Bluff (Memphis)— 29, 38, 39, 46, 471, 640, 641. Chickasaw Nation— 148, 503. Chickasaw Old Fields (Ala.)— 85, 105. Chickasaw Trace— 466, 469, 476. Chickasaw Indians— 38, 39, 45, 49, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, 149, 162, 188, 193, 337, 383. 388, 393. 446, 448, 449, 459, 460. 463, 465, 466, 468, 471, 473, 476, 484, 489, 492, 497, 503, 512. 535, 545, 54b. 561. 562. .563. 565, 576, 598, 606, 617, 640. 665, 689. 703. Chicaza, Village of— 28, 29. I Childers, Capt. Wm.— 589. Children of the Sun— 17. Chilhowee Mountain — 26, 86, 630, 696. Chilhowee. Village of— 168, 265, 267, 422. 571. Chili— 14. Chimney Top Moutnain — 119. 173, 337, 740. Chisca, Village of— 29, 31. 32. 30 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Chisholm, Capt. John— 181, 286, 543, 559, 560, 577, 589, 635. Chisholm's Tavern, Knoxville — 560. Chissel, Fort— 53, 57, 69, 88, 96, 151, 190. Chishum, Capt. Elijah— 589, 704. Chiswell's Mine — 77. Christian's Ford, French Broad River— 278. Christian, Major Gilbert— 93, 189, 267, 286, 288, 379, 569, 584. Christian, Capt. Robert — 589. Christian, Colonel Wm.— 114, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 186, 345, 346, 380. Christie, William (Christian?) — 189. Chronicle, Major William — 234, 235, 236, 238, (map) 240. Choat, Catherine — 120. Choctaw Indians — 45, 46, 48, 73, 78, 80, 81, 149, 385, 448, 463, 471, 497, 512, 545, 546, 561, 562, 563, 565, 598, 665. Choualla, Village of— 25, 26. Chonubbee (Chickasaw Chief) — 81. Chota (Beloved Town)— 52, 57, 58, 84, 85, 88, 89, 148, 168, 169, 173, 183, 265, 266, 269, 271, 273, 306, 318, 319, 342, 343, 344, 359, 360, 422, 474, 693. Chota Ford— 343, 344, 346. Chota, Prince of — 57. Chucagua River (Mississippi R.) —29. Chuchinbeard, John — 138. Chulochculla (Probably Atta-Kul- la-Culla)— 50, 51. Chuquilatague (Cherokee Chief) — 556, 639. Church Street, Knoxville — 559. Churchwell, Colonel— 375, 630. Churchwell's Ferry — 375. Churchwell's Mill, Knoxville — 630. Chutloh (King Fisher) Chief— 560. Cincinnati, Society of — 385. Circular Tower— 169. Citico (Upper Town)— 272, 301, 302, 370, 422. Clack. John— 340, 651, 652, 658, 669, 688. Clack, Spencer— 651, 658, 663, 688, 704. Claiborne County, Tenn. — 68. Claiborne, Wm. Chas. Cole— 642, 651, 652, 653, 662, 688, 699, 704, 708. Claims, Aboriginal — 74. Claims, of Cherokees— 118, 570, 694, 696. Claims of Chickasaws — 81, 545. Claims of Connecticut — 291. Claims of Creeks — 570. Claims of French — 40. Claims of Massachusetts — 291. Claims, Indian— 78, 117, 570. Claim o sf Revolutionary Soldiers, N. C— 279. Claims, Shawnees — 79, 117. Claims of Spain— 318, 337, 523, 524. Clarendon, Earl of (Edward Hyde)— 35. Clarendon Planters — 40. Clark's Fork Bullock's Creek— See Map 238. Clark, Nathaniel— 189. Clark, Thomas N.— 708. Clark, William— 138, 181. Clarke, Col. Elijah— 210, 214, 217, 219, 220, 223, 224, 253, 381, 384, 386. Clarke, George Rogers — 186, 194, 204, 449, 591, 666, 709. Clarksville, Tenn.— 463, 506, 596, 619, 666. Clairy, Colonel Daniel (Loyalist) —216. Clay, Clement Comer — 708. Clay, Joseph — 124. Index to Ramsey's Annai-s or Tennessee 31 Clay's Lick— 456. Clayton, Seward— 566, 600. Clements (British Agent)— 266, 272. Clements— 575. Clendeninfe', James — 480. Cleveland, Col. Benjamin— 164, 231, 233, 235, 236, (map) 238, 243, 244, 245. Clewatly Town— 606. Clerk, Benjamin— 189. Climate of Tennessee — 718. Clinton, Sir Henry— 209, 210, 211. -Clin Mountain— 372, 500, 503, 508, 544. 742, 743. Clinch River, Tenn- 66, 67, 68, 77, 80, 87, 96, 97, 159, 165, 172, 188, 1£8, 269, 276, 484, 501, 505, 523, 549, 556, 568, 570, 575, 583, 694, 696,, 741. Cloud's Creek (Hawkins Co.) — 119, 173, 197, 275, 337, 740. Clouse— 158. Clover Botton Farm— 203, 450. Cobb Family— 142. Cobb, William— 181, 542. Coch-now-was-roonon, Tribe of — 91. Cochrane, Mr— 563, 564. Cocke County, Tenn.— 278, 689, 704, 743. Cocke, John— 658. 659, 663, 667, 688, 704. ■ Cocke, Capt. William— 152, 154, 181, 214, 274, 277, 286, 288, 289, 292, 296, 334, 340, 342, 343, 346, 347, 351, 357, 387, 391, 443, 495, 543, 576, 621, 622, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 642, 644, 650, 652, 653, 654, 660. 661, 662, 674, 677, 684, 689, 698. Cockrill, John— 203. 483. Cofa, Province of— 24. Cofachiqui, Province of — 25. Cofaqui, Province of — 24, 25. Coffee, John (John Caffee)— 689. Coffield, Major— 598. Coiatee, Towln of— See Coyatee. Coins— 90. Colbert (Chickasaw Chief)— 446. Colbert Ferry, Ala.— 469. Coldwater, Ala., Indian Village— 466, 470, 471. 472, 473, 474, 479. Coldwater Creek, Ala.— 467, 473. Cole, James — 460. Cole, Joseph — 519. ^^^^^-^ Coleman, Joseph — 708. Coles, Juan — 29. Colector's District — 678. Colleton, Sir John— 35. Colins, Abram— 233. Collins. William— 496. Colonial Assemblage— 123, 125. Colonial Government — 35, 126. Colonial Rights— 98, 123. Colonies, American— 122, 123, 143. Colonies, United — 118. Colonist, of Carolina — 36, 44. Colonist of Virginia— 35, 36, 135. Colony of Georgia — 47. Columbia, Tennessee — 485, 604. Columbian Magazine — 391. Colummies Town — 606. Colville, Capt. Andrew— 240. Comissioners of Watauga — 107. Committee of Safety. N. C— 179, 180, 494. Committee of Safety, Va.— 144, 145. Committee of Watauga — 136, 334. Commonwealth of Frankland— 324, 326, 327, 328, 334. Compact of Government (Articles of Agreement) — 488. Compromise, N. C. — 363. Con, Wm. (Wm. Cocke?)— 669. Condley, John— 179. Condon — 455. Coneco-Cheague — 69. Conesauga River, Ga. — 87. Congaree Indians — 43, 44, 56. Congaree River, S. C. — 55, 253. Congress of Confederation, U. S. — 250, 280. 282, 283, 285, 286, 287, 32 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 289) 290, 296, 304, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 319, 320, 330, 334, 335, 336, 338, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 356, 387, 399, 400, 430, 433, 437, 438, 439, 442, 494, 503. Congress, Continental — 118, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131. Congress at Lancaster, Pa. — 91. Congress of Maryland, Provincial —123. Congress of N. C, Provincial — 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 139, 151. Congrest Provincial — 123, 125, 126, 143, 161. Congress of S. C, Provincial — 143, 161. Congress of United States: Cession Act, North Carolina — 522, 541, 675. Cherokee Towns— 609. Claims of Chickasaws — 81. Claims, Lands (of Tennessee) — 663, 682, 683, 684, 685, 691. Claims, Militia— 664, 677. Constitution of Tennessee — 669, 680. Impeachment of Wni. Blount — 701. Loyalty of People— 605. Representatives from Tennessee —134, 443, 554, 668, 676, 688, 698, 704, 711. Senators from Tennessee — 545, 660, 674, 689, 698. St. Clair's Expedition — 552. Tennessee Admitted to the Un- ion— 639, 641, 642, 643, 654, 657, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673. Territorial Legislature — 621, 630, 634. Territory Southwest River Ohio 533. 622, 623, 631, 633. Treaty of Holston, July 2, 1791 Treaty of Tellico Block House, Nov. 7, 1794—692, 693. White, Dr. James, Territorial Delegate— 628, 632, 640. Congress of Virginia, Continental —151. Connally, Dr. John (Colonel) — 534. Connasauga, Town of — 600. Connecticut, State of— 291, 430, 525. Conner, H. W. Esq.— 374. Conner, James — 374. Conscription (Draft) — 552, 553, 635. Continental Army— 130, 229, 493. Continental Boundary Lilne — 491. Continental Debt, N. C— 395. Constitution of 1621—35. Constitution of Franklin— 296, 308, 323, 324, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 348, 379, 387, 414. Constitution of N. C— 131, 284, .290, 324, 335, 348, 435, 439, 499, 682. Constitution of Tennessee — 134, 639, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 659, 660, 669, 670, 674, 680, 684, 687. Constitutional Convention 1784 — 290, 2S1, 292, 293, 307, 323, 324, 326, 334, 335, 336, 339, 387, 437, 444. Constitutional Convention, Tenn. 1796)— 443, 643, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 665, 666, 669, 707. Constitutional Convention, N. C, 1788—546, 666. Constitutional Convention, U. S., 1787—430, 541, 545. Constitution of U. S.— 395, 431. 439, 541, 568, 666, 671, 675, 676, 681, 683, 701, 707. Constitution of Virginia, 1667 — 3b. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 33 Convention N. C, Hillsboro 1789— 431, 707. Conway, Major George — 569, 667, 669. Conway, Henry— 340, 343, 346, 379, 444. Conway, Joseph— 379, 658, 663, 688. Cony-uch-such-roona, Tribe of — 91. Coody, Archy— 198, 199. Coody, Nancy — 272. Coon Skin Currency — 297. Cooper, Lord Anthony Ashley (Earl of Shaftesbury)— 35. Cooper, Elijah— 389. Cooper, Capt. .James— 138, 158, 589. Cooper River, S. C— 41, 256, 257. Coosaw Indians — 43. Coosa River, Ala.— 26, 45, 83, 84, 88, 207, 266, 272, 273, 321, 514, 585, 587, 588. Coosawatee, Ga., Village of — 51b, 587. Cootcla River — Tennessee River. Copeland, Joseph— 277. Copeland, Capt. Stephen — 589. Cordery, Capt. John— 589. Coree Indians — 43. Cornwallis, Lord Charles — 210, 213, 215, 221, 222, 224, 227, 232, 233, 234, 235, 242, 243, 245, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 260, 268, 270, 493. Cornwallis, Fort (Augusta, Ga.) — 253. Coronoh (See Savanucah). Cortez, Hernando — 14, 16. Cosa, Province of— 24, 25, 27. Coson, John — 642. Cosquinambeau River (Tennessee River). Cotton, John— 199, 201, 203. Council of Safety (State of Frank- lin)— 334. Council of N. C, Provincial— 139. Counterfeit Dollars— 82. County Court, Blount County — 644. County Courts, State of Franklin 296, 339, 340, 379, 403, 404, 406. County Court, Grainger County — 667. County Court, Sevier County — 29{), 637, 638, 669. Court of Assistants, Massachu- setts— 299. Courts of Davidson County — 492, 494, 495, 504, 505, .506. Courts of Equity— 490. Courts of Greene County — 416, 669. Court House, Knoxville — 630, 635. Court House, Nashville— 708. Court Journals — 181. Courts of Justice— 97, 180. Court of Madrid (Spain)— 532, 533, 537. Court of Oyer & Terminer & Gen- eral Gaol Delivery— 273, 2V4, 358, 595. Courts of Pleas, Greene County — 277, 358, 416. Courts of Pleas, N. C— 174. Court of Quarter Session, Jeffer- son Co.— 567, 576. Courts of Quarter Session, Knov County— 567, 568, 569. Courts of Sevier County — 295, 638. Court, Superior— 285, 290, 293, 295, 296, 300, 305, 306, 340, 401, 424, 433, 496, 506, 507, 551, 569, 576, 668, 689. Court, Washington County — 181, 182, 339, 388, 389, 432, 638. Court, Watauga— 107, 134, 136. 141, 174. Cowan— 607. Cowan, Andrew — 669. Cowan, Capt. John— 412. 413, 573. Cowan, Nathaniel— 559, 560, 582, 630. 34 Lndex to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Cowan, Ned — 96. Cowan, Samuel — 559. Cowan, Thomas — 595- Cowan, Mrs. Thomas — 595. Cowan's Ford, N. C— 493. Cowee Mountain — 164. Cowee, Town of— 280. Cowpens, S. C— 233, 234, 244, 493. Cox— 67. Cox, Abraham — 138. Cox, Edward— 138. Cox, John Jr.— 138. Cox, John I.— 138. Cox, Thomas (Capt.)— 486, 590. Cox, William— 138, 286, 288, 323, 576. Cox, Zachariah— 549, 550, 551, 690, 691. Coyatee Treaty— 343, 679. Coyatee, Town of— 273, 343, 344, 345, 346, 562, 594, 679. Cozby Creek (Cocke County) — 574, 743. Cozby, !Dr. James— 372, 426, 427, 428, 429, 568, 592, 593, 710, 711. Crab Crchard, Ky.— 69. Crab Orchard, Tenn.— 501. 571, 579, 591, 595. Craig, David— 323, 370, 564, 568, 594, 643, 644, 650, 652. Craig, Capt. John— 422, 561, 638. Craig, Capt. Robert— 240. Craig's Station, Knox County — 564, 576. Craighead's Corner (Knoxville) — 560. Craven, Lord Charles — 35. Crawford, Edward— 642. Crawford, Edward— 642. Crawford, John (Capt)— 564, 589, 651, 658, 663, 704. Crawford, Moses — 121. Crawford, Samuel — 121. Creek Indians— 44, 46, 47, 81, 82, 84, 88, 148, 149, 162, 163, 171, 172, 2Q5, 272, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, 378, 380, 382, 384, 385. 386, 387, 388, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 399, 400, 414, 443, 446, 456, 463, 465, 468, 470, 473, 474, 475, 477, 478, 479, 480, 482, 497, 499, 502, 503, 512, 513, 514, 51&, 516, 518, 533, 544, 545, 546, 549, 557, 561, 563, 564, 566, 567, 569, 570, 571, 575, 580, 581, 583, 587, 588, 594, 595, 596, 600, 602, 60:3, 604, 605, 606, 608, 610, 615, 617, 618, 619, 620, 622, 633, 689, 712. Creek Line — 556. Creek IJ^th— 84. Creek War, 1813—689. Creswell, Andrew — 578. Creswell, William— 159, 160. Creswell's Creek (Jefferson Co.) — 741, 742. Crockett, David— 138, 708. Crockett, Robert — 96. Crockett, Samuel — 665. Crockett, William— 138. Crofts' Mill (Sumner Co.)— 606. Croghan, Col. George — 70. Crooked Creek, Knox Co. — 574, 591. Cross— 453. Cross Mountain (Anderson Co.) — • 742. Cross' Old Fields— 448. Crouch, Joseph — 668. Crow Island, Ala. — 514. Crow Town— 185, 514. Crozat's Colony — 45. Crozier, Major Arthur — 559. Crozier, A. R. Esq.— 460. Crozier, Capt. John — 559, 560. Crucifixes — 90. Cruguer, Lt. Colonel J. H.— 241, 242. Cruiser, "H. M. Ship"— 130. Crutcher, Wm.— 463. Crutchfield, William— 203. Cuba, Island of— 16, 17, 18, 62. Culpepper's Rebellion — 41, 43. 1M)1:x TI) l\_\.MSl£V*S A\\.\1,S UK TliNNESStIi 35 Cumberland County N. C, Resolu- tions— 129. Cumberland viDision — 668. Cumberland, Duke of — 66. Cumberland Gap— 37, 43, 65, 68, 70, 77, 96, 112, 191, 195, 337, 508. Cumberland Guards— 375, 482, 506, 571. Cumberland Mountains — 65, 69, 70, 80, £5, 183, 184, 191, 194, 199, 344 345, 477, 499, 500, 501, 504, 517, 548, 556, 569, 596, 607, 611, 619, 639, 648, 696, 708, 740, 741, 742. Cumberland River— 45, 66, 68, 69, 78, 79, 80, 85, 87, 94, 95, 105, 117, 191, 192. 193, 196, 201, 202, 203, 205, 207, 228, 280, 337, 342, 445, 447, 450, 456, 459, 461, 463, 464, 465, 471, 473, 475, 478, 479, 491, 506, 507, 508, 527, 545, 556, 557, 565, 567, 570, 591, 596, 597, 598, 603, 728, 731, 740, 741, 743, 744. Cumberland Road— 501, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 571, 595, 596, 728. Cumberland Settlement — 202, 205, 206, 308, 342, 344, 345, 377, 379, 380, 382, 383, 388, 392, 393, 394, 401, 433, 442, 446, 448, 456, 457, 458, 459, 461, 464, 465, 479, 481, 482, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 490, 496, 500, 501 ,503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 531, 532, 535, 538, 544, 561, .564, 565, 571, 579. J91, 597, 599, 602, 603, 604, 605, 609, 612, 615, 617, 620, 622, 648, 664, 710, 712, 718. Cumberland Street, Knoxville — 560, 630. Cumberland Valley— 79, 445. Cummings, Sir Alexander — 46. Cummings, Rev. Charles— 159, 160, 169, 642. Cunningham — 590. Cunningham, Alexander — 568. Cunningham, Christopher Sr. — 120, 138. Cunningham, Lt. James— 594. Cunningham, Rev. Jesse — 590. Cunningham, Paul — 595. Cunnin-ham, Colonel Robert (Loy- alist)— 216. Cunningham, Wm. — 517, 578. Cunningham, W. H. — 590. Currahee Mountain (Ga.) — 83, 337, 556. Currency (Hard) — 299. Currency, Colonial — 132, 221. Currency of Cumberland— 504. 505, 506. Currency of Franklin— 297, 298, 299, 342, 504. Cusco — 32. Custis, G. W. P.— 246. Cutleotoy (Chickasaw Chief) — 511, 512. Dallas, A. J.— 701. Danbury, N. C— 270, 300, 308. Dandridge, Tenn.— 277, 413, 576. 590, 687, 708. Daniel. Wm. (Dunham?)— 459. Dare, Eleanor — 34. Dare, Virginia — 34. Dartmouth, Lord — 143. D'Artaguette, Pierre — 49. Davenport, Capt. — 393. Davidson Academy — 496, 506. Davidson County, Tenn. — 197, 283, 286, 365, 464, 465, 473, 475, 482, 492, 494, 496, 497, 500, 502, 503, 504, 505. 507, 543, 621, 628, 648, 650, 652, 658, 662, 668, 676, 687. 688, 690, 698, 704, 707, 708, 740, 741, 743, 744. Davidson, Lt. G. L. — 590. Davidson, John — 129. Davidson, Wm. (Knox County) — 574. Davidson, General W. L. — 129, 248, 493, 494, 506. Davie. General W. R. — 248, 432. 36 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Davis— 486. Davis' Ferry, S. C— 254. Davis, John— 138. Davis, Joseph — 618. Davis, Robert — 153. Davis, William— 288, 356, 388, 406. Deacon's Pond — 193. Deaderick, David— 642, 666, 704. Deaderick, George — 704. Deaderick, J. W. Esq.— 176. Deaderick's Plantation— 196, 458. Dean, Francis — 576. Dearborne, Henry — 670. Dearmond, John — 375. Dearmond, Richard — 565. Dear's Ferry, S. C— 233. DeAylloii, Lucas Vasquez — 15. Decatur, Ala.— 712, December 18, 1776—139. December 29, 1778—190. December 22, 1779—197. December 25, 1780—267. December 26, 1780—267. December 14, 1782—258. December 18, 1784—300. December 2, 1787—399. December 28, 1791—560. December 7, 1792—598, December 10, 1792—573. December 22, 1792 — 565. December 29, 1792—598. December 1, 1793—606. December 22, 1793—621. December 23, 1793—621. December 4, 1794—639. December 17, 1794—638. December 18, 1794—619. December 20, 1794—595, 620. December 18, 1795—649. December 19, 1795—649. December 4, 1796—698. December 5, 1796—676, 698. December 22, 1796 — 677, December 23, 1796—677. December 24, 1796—677. December 25, 1796 — 678. December 3, 1797—700. December 3, 1798—698, 699. December 17, 1798—700. December 18, 1798—701. December 24, 1798—701. December 2, 1799—699. Deckhard Rifles— 228, 230. Declaration of Independence U. b. —128, 131, 133, 287, 537. Declaration of Independence, State of Franklin— 308, 309, 317. Declaration of Rights of U. S. — 122, 140. Declaration of Rights, State or Franklin— 323, 324, 325, 332. Dedmon, Thomas — 138, Deed to Charles Robertson — 119, Deed of Cession to British — 76. Deed to Jacob Brown — 121, Deed, Richard Trivillian's- 110, Deed to Watauga Purchase — 119, 135, 191. Deep River, N. C— 247, 252. Deer— 206, 450, 456, 501. Deery, General — 542. Defeated Creek (Smith County) — 463. DeKalb, General John— 215. Delaware Bay — 61, Delaware Indians— 74, 149, 206, 447, Delaware River — 247. Delaware, State of— 62, DeLeon, Juan Ponce — 15. DeLozier— 82. Demere, Capt Paul — 52, 55, 56, 58- De Mumbrune, Timothy— 192, 194, 453, 454. De Narvaez, Pamphilo— 15, 16, 23. Denham, Jesse — 121. Denton, Abraham — 286. Denton, Jonathan — 468. Denton, Walding— 120. Denton's Lick — 446. De Peyster, Capt. Abraham— 220, 223, 236, 237, 238, 241, 244. Deposition Jarret Williams — 148. Depreve, Isaac — 668. iNDiix Ti) Kamskv's Annals of Tennessee 37 Desha, Benjamin (Son of Robert Desha)— 597. Desha Creek— 731. Desha, Robert— 597. Desha, Robert Jr— 597. Des Johnnes, Baron — 55. De Soto, Ferdinand— 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 39, 62, 81, 82. D'Estaing, Count>-208. Detroit, Michigan— 177, 187, 188, 360, 446, 470, 534. Dews, Robert— 149. Dick's River (See Duck River). Dickson, Wm. Jr.— 704, 706. Dinwiddie, Gov. George — 66. Discontent in N. C.— 98. District Court— 678, 682, 684 Districts of State of Franklin — 376. Dinsmore, Silas— 692, 693. Dixon's Creek— 687. Dixon, Robert— 380. Dixon, Major Tillman— 120, 706. Doak. John— 707. Doak, Rev. Samuel— 182, 230, 286, 290, 294, 371, 444, 627, 642. Dobbs. Gov. Arthur— 52, 53, 68. Dobbs' Fort (N. €.)-— 50. Dod, William— 138. Dodson's Ford — 88. Doggett— 143. Doe River— 120, 141. Doherty— 63. Doherty, Col. George— 190, 241, 340, 517, 576, 578, 579, 621, 624, 625, 626, 628, 644, 650, 658, 669, 704. Doherty, Capt. James — 589, Donbigbee River (See Tombigbee River, Ala.) Donolson, Alexander — 365. Donelson, Andrew — 707. Donelson, James — 460. Donelson, John (of Robertson Co.) —665. Donelson, Col. John— 135. 197, 202 203, 345, 377, 380, 450, 464, 489. 618. Donelson, John, Jr.— 198, 203. Donelson Station — 618. Donelson, Stockley— 286, 296, >;23, 630. Donelson, Capt. Stockley (of Da- vidson Co.)— 197. Dorchester, Earl of — 534. Double Head (Tucalotague)— 580, 581, 596. Double Springs — 165. Douglas, Edward— 651, 688. Douglas, Elmore— 496, 707. Douglass, James — 598. Douglass, Wm. — 651. Downs, William— 377, 386. Draft (Conscription) — 552, 553, Dovras, Henry — 129. 635. Dragging Canoe (Cheucunsene) — 151, 157, 165, 172, 173, 183, 187, 342, 600. Drake, Benjamin — 468. Drake, Jonathan — 496. Drake's Creek (Sumner Co.) — 106, 195, 457, 462, 464, 478, 604, 740, 744. Drake, Joseph— 96, 105. Drake, Sir Francis — 34. Draper, Lyman C— 150, 197. Drayton (Historian) — 163. Drayton, Judge — 123. Dripping Springs — 195, 602. Drumgold, James — 460. Duck River. Tenn.— 1£5, 337, 448, 460, 463, 466, 469, 471, 472, 47o, 476, 484, 485, 491. 556, 565, 596, 606, 740. Duffield, George— 697. Dugan, Jeremiah — 742. Dugger, Julius — 142. Dugger's Bridge — 142. Duke of Cumberland — 66. Duke of Orleans — 686. Dumourier. Chas. Francois — 686. 38 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Dumplin Creek (Tenn.)— 86, 88, 166, 274, 278, 299, 344, 345, 369, 371, 372, 373, 550, 631, 637, 679, 741. Duncan, John — 193. Duncan, Joseph — 179. Duncan, Martin — 467. Dunham— 478. Dunham, Daniel— 203. Dunham, John— 138, 189. Dunham, Joseph — 138, 459. Dunham, Joseph Jr. — 446, 483. Dunham, Mrs. — 452. Dunham Station— 459, 483, 597. Dunham, Wm.— 446, 483. Dunjain Family — 142. Dunjain's — 141. Dunlap, E.— 181, 182, 189. Dunlap, Hugh— 559, 703. Dunlap (of Miss.)— 708. Dunlap, General Richard — 559. Dunlap, Wm. C. (of Texas)— 708. Dunmore, Earl of (John Murray) —108, 113, 116, 123, 191. Dunmore's War — 112. Dunning, Robert— 666. Dunwoody, James — 669. Dupoister, Capt. — See Capt. Abra- ham DePeyster. Durant, Mrs. — 516. Durroon, Rice — 138. DuQuesne, P'ort (Pittsburg) — 53, 54, 57, 84, 188. Dykes, "Bill"— 211. Dysart, Capt. James— 240. 4 Earl of Dorchester (Guy Carleton) —534. Earthern Vessels — 90. Easley, James — 138. East Tenn. Historical Society — 583, 656. Eaton, Amos — 196. Eaton's Station— 192, 194, 196, 202, 447, 451, 456, 461, 470. Echato, Village of (See Chota). Edens, James — 142. Edisto River, S. C— 253, 258. Edmisson, Robert — 153, 155. Edmondson, Lt. Andrew — :240. Edmondson, Lt. Robert Jr. — 478, 566, 666. Edmondson, Lt. Robert Sr. — 24U, 241. Edmondson, Capt. Wm. — 240. Edmondson, Capt. Wm. (Mero District)— 589, 707. Electors for President— 663, 668, 671, 674, 675, 708. Elholm, Caesar Augustus George (Major)— 365, 376, 381, 382, 384, 385, 390, 391, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 408, 411, 412, 584. Elholm District— 376. Elijah's Creek, Tenn. (Owl Creek) —272, 369, 370, 678. Elizabeth, Queen (England) — 33, 40. Elizabethton, Tenn.— 108, 140, 141, 142, 666. Elk— 501. Elk Garden, Va.— 68. Elk Lick, Ky.— 195. Elk River— 206, 321, 377, 393, 459, 460, 475, 477, 485, 491, 604, 608, 611, 616. Ellicott, Andrew — 537. Ellijay, Rev. (of Ga.)— 168. Elliott, Capt. James— 241, 265. Ellis, John— 142. Ellis, William- 447. Ellison— 449. Embree, Thomas — 667. Emery River, Tenn.— 188, 696, 742. Emuckfaw, Battle of— 16, 555. Enolchi (Chief)— 639. End of Royal Government, N. C. — 127. England— 15, 32, 33, 34, 35, 47, 62, 66, 84, 89, 108, 124, 161, 268, 282, 287, 533, 534, 547, 621. English— 74, 177, 360. English Colonies in America — 45, Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 39 47, 71, 74, 118, 122, 123, 124, 143, 150. English's Mountain (Cocke Co) — 743. English, Mr.— 421. English Troops— 150, 162, 188, 190, 208, 209, 210, 213,. 217, 218, 219, 222, 224, 226, 229, 232, 233, 236, 237, 245, 246, 247, 251, 255, 257, 258, 270, 381, 493, 529, 534, 589. Ennes, Lt. Col. Alexander (Innes) 218. 219. Enoroe River, S. C— 217, 218, 220, 223, 224. Entry of Land— 120, 175, 189, 280, 355, 506. Esaw Indians — 43. Eskridge, John — 468. Eskridge, Moses — 468. Espiritu Santo Bay — 19. Esseneca Indians — 163. Estinaula River — 584. Estinaula, Town of— 273, 584, 585, 587. Estatoe, Village of, S. C— 56. Etowah, Battle of (Rome, Ga.)— 16, 573, 585, 586, 588, 589, 590, 591, 620, 677. Etowah River (Ga.) (Hightower River)— S3, 86, 87, 321, 342, 587, 588. Etchoe, Village of (S. C.)— 56, 61. Etsawty, Village of (See Chota). Euchee Indians — 497. Euphasee River (Hiwassee River). Europe— 39, 61, 524. 555, 705. European Affairs — 689. Eustustie, Town of (Lower Town) —163. Eutaw Springs (S. C), Battle of —253. Evans, Andrew — 637. Evans, George— 669. Evans, John— 568, 743. Evans, Lewis — 74. Evans, Major Nathaniel — 422, 423, 426, 427, 428, 464, 465, 475, 477, 504, 579, 587, 588, 589, 595- Evans, Robert— 477, 486. Evans, William— 286, 288. Ewing, Andrew — 479, 495. Ewing, George — 644. Ewing, Nathaniel Esq. — 448. Executive Council of Georgia — 384, 385, 394, 395. Fagan, John — 241. Fain, John— 116, 421. Fain, Samuel — 116. Fallen, Wm. (Fallin) (Faulin) (Falling)— 144, 149, 150, 166, 167. Farrer— 120. Farris, John — 557. Fayetteville, N. C— 347, 349, 351, 431, 520. February 23, 1778—181. February 11, 1780—209. February 20, 1780—197. February 27, 1780—197. February 28,1780—197. February 29, 1780—197. February 1, 1781—493. February 13, 1781—250. February 11, 1782—270. February 3, 1787—384. February 5, 1787—385. February 11, 1787—384. February 12, 1787—385. February 13, 1787—385. Feljruary 23, 1787—354, 361, 362. February 27, 1787—360. February 3, 1788—409, 413. February 15, 1788—413. February 19, 1788—399, 414. February 25, 1788—413, 414. February 28, 1788—409. February 27, 1791—561. February 26. 1793—574. February 20, 1794—607. February 26, 1784—632. February 6, 1796—652, 655. February 9. 1796—657, 669. February 27, 1797—686. 40 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Federal Courts— 682. Federal Government — See United States. Federalist, The— 439. Fees to Court Officers— 299. Fennison's Springs — 610, 616. Ferguson, James — 193. Ferguson, Col. Patrick— 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 385. Ferguson's Swamps, S. C. — 254. Fielder, Charles— 116. Fields, George— 600. Figuns, Matthew— 707. Finances, Government — 221. Fincastle County— 148, 150, 151. Findley, John— 70, 94, 95, 96, 116, 155. Findleston, Richard— 514, 585, 611, 617. Fine, Major Peter— 278, 280, 689, 741. Fine, Vinet— 278, 279. Fine's Creek (Cocke County) — 279. Finley, Sergeant — 565. First Anglo-American Settlement West of Miss. River— 113. First Bloodshed for Liberty — 101. First Cabin in Tennessee — 39, 715, 716, 724. First Cession from Aboriginal Owners — 76. First Child Born in Nashville — 489. First Christian Minister in Tenn. —169, 182. Fi St Courthouse, Jonesboro — 281. First Courts— 180, 281. First English Colony in Va. — 34. First Exploration in Tenn. — 77. First Fort in Tenn.— 39. First Governor of Tenn. — 140. First Mill erected in Tenn. — 142. First Grant in Tenn.^66. First House covered with shingles —176. First Hunter in Ky.— 95. Firs Inhabitant of Watauga — 138. First Legislature of N. C— 36. First Legislature of Tenn. — 293, 443. First Methodist Conference West of the Mountains — 417. First Mill, Davidson County — 495. First Navigation of Cumberland— 105. First Newspaper of Tennessee — 557. First Presbyterian Church, Knox- ville— 374. First Records of Washington County— 181. First Representative Body in America — 35. . First Road in Davidson County — 495. First Settlers, N. C— 35. First Settlers of Va.— 34, 35. First Settlers of Watauga— 143. First Store in Nashville — 45, 79. First Store in Tennessee — 45. First Town in Tennessee — 189. First White Child born in the Col- onies — 34. First White Child born in Tennes- see — 94. First White Man killed in Ken- tucky — 95. First White Settlement in Tennes- see— 85, 92, 93, 207. Fishing Ford, Duck River — 475. Fitzgerald, Garrett— 288, 669. Flat Creek, Knox Co.— 372, 575, 743. Flat Rock, The— 501. Fleener, Adam — 604. Fleming, Col. Wm.— 114, 115. Flennegan, Wm. — 595. Flenniken, John — 129. Fletcher, Richard— 138. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 41 Fletcher, Thomas— 475, 596, 620. Flinn's Creek — 450. Flint River— 83, 475. Flood, John— 508. Florida, State of— 15, 17, 19, 25, 33, 36, 44, 47, 84, 113, 148, 162, 185, 186, 337, 384, 526, 531, 534, 538, 546. Flower Gap, Va.— 68, 227. Floyd, Colonel John— 191. Foote— 62, 101, 133, 299. Forbes, Gen. John— 54, 188. Force's Collection— 133. Ford, Colonel James — 466, 496, 591, 609, 621, 624, 626, 651, 652, 658, 688. Ford, John— 129. Forked Deer River — 87. Forney, Peter— 116. Fort Bell Canton— 690. Cathay— 164. Chiswell— 151, 190. Dunjain — 141. DuQuesnd (Pittsburg)— 53, 54, 57, 84, 188. Gillespie— 146, 156. Grainger— 667, 68 5. Heaton's— 146, 152. Henry— 169, 170, 171, 197. Jefferson (Louisville) — 446, 449. Lee— 150. Massac — 537. Maumee (Miami, Ohio) — 534. Motte, S. C— 252. Parkinson's — 141. Quesnassie — 523. San Ferdinando de Barancos — 535. Shelby (Evan Shelby)— 146. Shelby (John Shelby)— 146. Toulouse (Ala.)— 523. Washington (Cincinnati) — 552, 553. Watauga— 140, 146, 156, 157, 158, 159, 170. White (Knoxville)— 374. Womack's (Carter Womack)— 141. Womack's (Jacob Womack) — 146. Fort, William— 743. Fortifications — 90. Forts— 46, 48, 49, 90, 140, 141, 146, 150, 151, 156, 157, 158, 178, 203, 215, 281, 547. Forts, Ellas'- 743. Foster— 238, 239, 246, 583. Foster, Anthony — 598. Foster, Ephriam, Esq. — 449, 475. Foster, Robert— 707. Fountain Creek — 476. Fox River, Wis.— 38. France— 38, 39, 45, 49, 61, 62, 70, 71, 75, 84, 108, 192, 208, 384, 473, 525, 526, 534, 535, 538, 686, 697, 705. Frankland, Commonvi^ealth of — 324, 326, 327. 328. 3-34. Frankland, State of (suggested) — 324, 387, 403. Franklin, State of— 140, 281, 2S2. 293, 294, 296, 298, 2S9, 300, 308, 309, 312, 313, 314. 317, 318, 320, 321, 322. 323, 324, 325, 326, 327. 334, 335, 338. 339, 340, 342, 343, 344, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351. 3.54, 355, 356. 357, 358, 360, oGl. 363, 365, 367, 368, 369, 371, 376, 377, 378 379, 380, 382, 383, 3S1. n8«, 387, 388. 389. 390, 391, 39:', .394, 395. 396, 397, 3S8, 399. 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 413. 412, 413, 414, 415, 416. 417, 418, 419, 429, 432, 433, 434, 435, 437 Vr.O, 440. 443, 444, 481, 504, 518, 5j9, 520, 521, 530, 533, 542, ••43, 545, 546, 549, 553, 637, 638, 647. i'()2, 689. 710. /13. Franklin. Benjamin — 75, 324, 386, 387, 405, 442. Franklin Assembly— 293, 294. pYanklin. Tenn.— 708. Frazier — 194. 42 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Teimnessee Frazier, Capt. James — 589, 598. Fraziev, John — 463. Frazier, Samuel— 650, 652, <>o«, 688, 704. Freeland, George — 194, 496. Freeland, Jacob — 455. • Freeland, James — 488. Freeland Station— 196, 446, 448. 449, 451, 455, 495. French— 32, 37, 38, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 61, 65, 71, 72, 81, 87, 95, 149, 336, 342, 360, 465, 469, 470, 591. French Alliance — 48. French Broad River— 45, 87, 88, 89, 164, 166, 170, 178, 182, 188, 262, 265, 267, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 295, 299, 300, 301, 305, 319, 356, 358, 361, 364, 369, 371, 372, 376, 402, 417, 433, 435, 497, 499, 514, 52U, 544, 549, 550, 554, 568, 569, 576, 579, 592, 593, 628, 631, 638, 654, 655, 662, 680, 741, 742, 743. French, Captain — 381. French Claims — 40. French Colonies — 46. French Emissaries — 48, 49. French Fleet— 254. French, George— 426, 427. French Government — 686. French Huguenots — 108. French, Joseph — 743. French Lick (See Nashville, "Bluff")— 45, 95, 105, 194, 195, 197, 200, 202, 206, 445, 454, 455, 486. French Republic (See France). French Settlements — 194. French War— 66, 144. Friley, Colonel Caleb— 575. Fuller, Captain — 517. Fulton, Robert— 185. Furnaces — 90. Gaboto (Sebastian Cabot)— 14. Gage, Gen. Thomas— 143, 160, 161. Gaines. Edmund Pendleton — 708. Gaines, James — 675. Galbreath, John — 650. Gales, Joseph — 433. Gallaher, Mr.— 575. Gallaher (of Missouri)— 708. Gallatin, Tenn.— 447. Gambal, Choat— 120. Gambel's Station, Knox County — 565, 574. Gammon, N. Esq. — 67. Gammon, Richard— 288, 292, 651 675, 704. Gap Creek (Tenn.)— 141, 142, 158, 230, 376. Gardoqui, Don Diego — 524, 526. Gass, John— 658, 663, 688, 704. Gates, Gen. Horatio— 212, 215, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 243, 244. Gaun, Nathan— 265. Gaut, William— 584, 585, 586. Gay Street, Knoxville— 558, 559, 560. Gear, Mrs.— 607. Gee, Jonathan— 566, 600. General Assembly — 656, 657, 659, 663. General Assembly, N. C. — 175, 248, 249, 254, 257, 258. 275. General Court of Colonies in Eng- land— 35. Genet, M.— 535, 536. Gentry, John — 508. Gentry, Randal — 475. Gentry, Robert— 277. Gentry, William— 508. Georgia, State of— 15, 36, 47, 48,. 59, 74, 81, 83, 124, 143, 149, 159, 161, 162, 163, 172, 190, 208, 210, 212, 214, 221, 225, 247, 258, 291, 318, 322, 344, 347, 365, 376, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 390, 445. George I, of England — 46. George II, of England — 89. George II, of England— 71, 126, 144, 147, 171, 222, 229, 235, 267, 345, 446. iNDiix TO Ramsey's Annai-s of Tennessee 43 Georgetown, S. C— 252. Germantown, Battle of — 494. Gibbon, William— 124. Gibbs, Mr.— 592. Gibbs, Major Zachariah (Loyalist) —215, 216, 217, 234. Gibson, Captain — 517. Gibson, John— 203, 211, 372, 427, 596. Gibson, W.— 463. Gibson's— 372, 517. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey — 33. Gilbert, Thomas— 549. Gilbert Town, N. C— 223, 231, 232, 233, 243. Gilkey, Robert— 450. Gill, Peter— 453. Gillani, James — 577. Gillam, Thomas— 577. Gillespie (Sumner Co.) — 563. Gillespie, Allen— 667. Gillespie, Mrs. Eva — 140. Gillespie, Col. George— 110, 740. Gillespie, Col. George T.— 324. Gillespie, Capt. Thomas— 110, 370, 372, 373, 421, 564, 565, 710. Gillespie, Mrs. Thomas— 373. Gillespie, Capt. William— 514, 589. Gillespie's Station— 146, 156, 514, 518, 519, 570. Gilliam, Devereaux — 372. Gilliam's Station— 372, 374, 716. Gilliland, John 278, 323, 576. Gist, Benjamin— 181, 212, 262, 288. Gist, Col. John— 300. Gist, Joseph — 286. Gist, Joshua— 274, 288, 293, 305, 637, 638, 669. Gist, Thomas— 264. Glasgow, James — 313. * Glasgow, T. &. Co.— 685. Glass Mountain — 89. Glass, Mrs. (wife of Major)— 514. Glass, Roger — 458. Glass, Samuel — 643, 650, 704. Glass, Major (Chief)— 519, 551. 561. Glen, Governor James — 50, 51. Globe Creek— 476. Goff, Andrew— 116. Goin, David— 447, 452. Goodan, Drury — 138. Good Spur Route— 644. Goose Creek (Sumner Co.) — 457. Gordon's Ferry — 448. Gordon, Capt. John — 485, 604, 605, 607, 612. Gordon, Thomas — 669. Gore, John— 669. Gourley, Thomas— 133, 340, 388, 426. Governor, State of Franklin — 293, 295. Gower, Able, Jr. — 450. Gower, Able, Sr.— 450, 566. Graham, Benjamin — 116. Graham, Gen. Joseph — 239. Graham, Wm.— 129. Grainger County, Tenn.— 372, 667, 688. Grainger, Mary (wife of Wni. Blount)— 667. Granby Fort, S. C— 252. Grand Assembly Albemarle — 36- Grand Father Mountains — 86. Grant, Col. James — 61. Grant of Six Nations — 93. Grant of 1665—36. Grants, Cherokee— 117, 119, 204. Grants, First Lands (Tenn.)— 66, 71, 204, 276, 489, 663, 676, 680. 681, 682, 683. Grants, Royal — 113. Grants, Spanish Lands — 531. Granville, Lord— 98. Grassy Springs — 88. Grassy Valley (Knox County) — 278, 580, 587. Gray, George — 120. Gray, William— 164, 707. Greasy Cove, Tenn.— 182, 268, 414, 415. Greasy Rock Creek (Tennessee) — 68. 44 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Great Bend, Tenn. River— 377, 379, 391, 394, 396, 398, 400, 402, 545, 550. Great Britain— 13, 46, 70, 75, 98„ 109, 119, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 135, 181, 261, 280, 526, 529, 531, 641, 675, 684. Great Crossing, Tenn. River — 186. Great Council at New York— 307. Great Council at Philadelphia (Congress of Confederation) — 304. Great Guns at Fort Loudon — 57, 60. Great Indian Path— 64, 87, 88, 166, 167, 186, 710. Great Island Holston River — 165, 267, 271, 305, 306. Great Island Town— 168, 169. Great Limestone Creek — 173. Great Lakes — 529. Great Revival— 730, 731. Great Spirit— 167. Greece, Country of — 91. Greenlee's Ford — 164. Green Corn Dance — 169. Greene County, Tenn.— 121, 273, 277, 279, 280, 283, 286, 287, 291, 292, 294, 296, 305, 306, 334, 335, 337, 338, 340, 356, 358, 360, 365, 367, 376, 389, 406, 415, 416, 431, 432, 433, 507, 517, 543, 549, 567, 621, 648, 650, 652, 658, 688, 697, 700, 704, 740, 743. Green, Elisha (Big) — 608. Green Hill— 142. Green, Isam — 669. Green, Jesse — 211, 427. Green River— 79, 95, 195. Green, William — 592. Greenaway, James — 650, 688. Grenbrier River, Va. — 114, 321. Greene, Adam — 575. Greene, Gen. Nathaniel — 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 259, 260, 268, 270, 277, 490, 491. Greene's Lick — 477. Greene's Station — 372. Greenfield Grant (Anthony Bled- soe's Land)— 479, 483, 563, 601, 602. Greeneville College— 627, 628. Greeneville, Tenn.— 293, 326, 334, 335, 337, 340, 371, 389, 402, 414, 697. Greer, Alexander (Capt.) — 138, 589. Greer, Andrew— 120, 138, 140, 141, 143, 156, 181, 417, 666. Greer, Andrew, Jr. — 138. Greer, Joseph— 138, 559, 560, 664. Gregg, Capt. Samuel — 589. Grenville, Lord George — 34. Grenville, Sir Richard— 98. Griffin, Jesse— 669. Griffin, John— 508. Grimes, Capt. (Tory)— 179, 243. Grimes, Joseph — 138. Grimes, William— 620. Grubbs, Mr — 179. Grymes, Henry — 120. Guard Rights— 490. Guaxule, Province of — 25, 26. Guest. Nathaniel— 149, 171. Guilford Court House, N. C— 251, 252. Gulf of Mexico— 14, 17, 38, 39, 45, 46, 523. Habeas Corpus, Writ of — 333. Habersham, Joseph — 124, 161. Hacker, John — 604. Hackett's Station— 376. Hadley, Capt.— 477. Haggard, James — 483. Haggard, Mrs. James — 483. Haggard, John— 483, 598. Haggard, Mrs. John — 598. Haile, John— 138, 139. Haines, George — 742. Haine's Iron Works — 687. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 45 Hains, William— 620. Hall, John— 286. Hall, Richard— 394, 464. Hall, Governor Wm— 464, 601, 602, 688, 704. Hall, Major Wm. (Father of Gov. Hall)— 394, 463, 464, 480, 502. Halifax, N. C— 121, 132, 139, 189, 248, 250, 252. Halifax Resolutions — 131. Halley— 211. Halsey, Rev. L. J.— 735. Hambleton, Wm. 593. Hambriffht, Col. Frederick— 234, 235, 240. Hamer, John — 388- Hamilton County, Tenn.— 188. Hamilton District— 576, 584, 609, 620, 637, 642, 644, 662, 664, 667, 674, 675, 694, 695, 708. Hamilton. George — 478. Hamilton, Henry (Commander of Detroit)— 177, 187, 188, 204. Hamilton, John (of Station Camp Creek)— 502. Hamilton, Major John (Loyalist) | —217. Hamilton, John C — 662. | Hamilton, Joseph— 2S6, 340, 412, 444, 568, 576, 627, 629, 642, 669. Hamilton, William— 568. Hammer, John — 669. Hammond, Eli— 605. Hampton, Mr. — 141. Hampton, Col. Andrew— 233, 252. Hampton, Michael— 620. Handley, Col. George— 398, 399. Handley, Robert— 116. Handley, Samuel— 116, 264, 413, 569, 571, 572, 573, 589, 651. Hanging Maw (Scolocutta) — 266, 269, 272, 343, 346, 544, 562, 573, 577, 594, 595, 639. Hanly, James — 194. Hankins, John — 598. Harden, John— 502. Harden, John Jr.— 502. Hard Labor, S. C— 76, 93, 102. Hardiman, Thomas— 179, 650, 688, 698. Hardin— 190. Hardin, Joseph— 277, 288, 292, 417, 543, 621, 624, 625, 626, 627. Hardin, Joseph, Jr.— 277, 517. Hardy— 320. Hardy, Dr.— 88. Harkins, John — 594. Harlin, Alexander— 166, 261. Harman, Israel — 496. Harmar, Gen. Josiah — 401. Harpeth River— 79, 449, 475, 620. Harpole, Capt. John— 707. Harris, James — 129. Harris, Richard, Sr.— 129. Harrison, James — 462. Harrison, Cfipt. Michael— 579, 580. 583. Harrison (Old Mr.)— 198. Harrison, Reuben — 197. Harrison, Gen. Wm. Henry — 492, 554. Harrod, James — 95. Hart, Anthony — 505. Hart, David— 117. Hart, Mr.— 141. Hart, Col. Nathaniel— 117. Hart, Thomas— 117. Hart's Big Spring— 600, 616. Hartt, Geo.— 138. Harvey, John, of N. C— 127. Haslin, Ellis— 342. Hatchee River— 87. Haughton, Joshua— 120, 138. Haughton, Thomas— 120, 138, 181. Havana, Cuba — 19. Haw River, N. C— 247. Hawkins, Benjamin — 336. 463, 522, 682, 696. Hawkins County, Tenn. — 67, 68, 94, 106, 187, 294, 351, 356, 358, 360, 363, 364, 365, 367, 389, 432, 433, 506, 507, 519, 549, 557, 558, 567, 621, 628, 648, 650, 652, 658, 669, 687, 688, 704, 741. 46 Ixuiix i\) R\MSi':v"s .Ynxai.s t)F Texnksskk Hawkins Line — 696. Hawkins, Matt.— 138. Hawkins, Gov. Wm., of N. C. — 249, 250. Hawsey, Capt. (Loyalist)— 219. Hay, Capt. David— 472, 473, 502. Hay, Joseph — 446. Hayley, David — 667- Hays, Col. Robert— 465, 505, 599. Hays, Samuel — 460. Hays' Station— 460, 604, 606., Haysboro, Tenn.— 687, 708. Haywood, John— 53, 59, 68, 69, 76, 84, 94, 96, 99, 103, 109, 112, 118, 144, 153, 156, 173, 175, 177, 187, 191, 203, 206, 234, 257, 258, 266, 273, 279, 296, 297, 300, 322, 340, 347, 351, 354, 406, 419, 425, 427, 437, 446, 462, 493, 502, 594, 596, 614, 619, 620, 622. Haywood, W.— 132. Heard, Stephen (See Stehpen Hurd)— 377, 698. Heaton's Station— 146, 152, 157. Heatonsburg Station (Eaton's Sta- tion)— 495. Helen, John— 485, 607. Henderson, Andrew — 576, 669. Henderson & Company — 69, 117, 119, 191, 276, 336, 499, 570. Henderson, Nathaniel— 203, 389. Henderson, Pleasant — 203. Henderson's Purchase — 117, 118, 191, 276. Henderson, Col. Richord— 117, 121, 191, 202, 203, 276, 481. Henderson, Rev. Robert— 576, 627, 642. Henderson, Thomas— 296, 340, 650, 652, 654, 658, 663. Henderson, Major Samuel — 304, 306, 307. Henderson, Lt. Wm— 590. Hendricks, Joseph — 455. Hendrick's Station— 464. Henley, David — 656. Henry County, Va.— 342. Henry, Mary— 203. Henry, Fort Patrick— 57, 169, 171, 197. Henry, Hugh— 286, 29S. Henry, Patrick— 98, 169, 320, 321, 541. Henry, Samuel — 643. Henry VII of England— 15. Henry, William— 568. Henry's Station (Samuel Henry) — 274, 299, 369, 370, 372, 564, 565, 573, 578. Herbert's Springs, N. C. — 45. Hermitage, The— 197. Herod, Jenny — 488. Herrera, Antonio de — 26. Herring, Solomon — 476. Hessians— 254, 255. Hewes, Joseph — 126. Hewitt, Dr. Alexander — 47, 48, 53, 55, 59. Hickey, David— 138. Hickey, Mr— 141. Hickman, Edmond — 462. Hickman's Station — 483. Hider, Michael— 138, 142. Hightower, Georgia (See Etowah). Hightower, Oldham— 138. Hightower River (See Etowan River). Hilham, Massachusetts — 299. Hill, James-r277. Hill, Thomas D., Jr. (Loyalist) — 217. Hillhouse, James — 685. Hillsboro, N. C— 130, 222, 243, 248, 279, 283. 284, 304, 308, 313, 418, 494. Hinds' Valley (Knox County) — 562. Hirrihigua (Cacique) — 19 20. History of the Cherokees — 81, 83, 89. History of the Chickasaws — 80. History of the Shawnees — 79. History of the Uchees — 81. "Hit or Miss"— 132. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 47 Hitchcock, Daniel — 595. Hiwassee River (Tenn.)— 64, 80, 84, 87, 164, 265, 267, 272, 273, 341, 420, 517, 523, 584, 587. Hiwassee Town (Tenn.)— 88, 164, 265, 206, 275, 594, 600. Hix, Abednep:o — 138- Hodge, Ambrose— 120, 138, 142. Hodge, Rev. William— 731. Hodges, Edward— 295. Hog Villages, The— 606. Hogan, Edward— 472. Hogan, Humphrey — 105. Hogan, Richard — 1S3. Hogg, James — 117. Hoggatt, Capt. James— 479, 589. Hogohe?;ee River — (See Holston River). Holland, Benjamin — 286. Holland, Thomas— 278. Holliday, John— 192, 193. Hollis, James— 120, 189. HoUiway, Richard — 116. Holmes— 33. 35, 40, 122. Holston Division — 668. Holston River— 37, 45, 49, 53, 57, 59, 63, 68,69,73,76,77,80,87,88, 94, 96, 97, 102, 104, 108, 109, 111, 113, 119, 120, 121, 145, 146, 149, 151, 159, 162, 165, 170, 173, 176, 177, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 197, 205, 210, 267, 269, 276, 278, 280, 281, 295. 299, 300, 305, 33Y, 341, 343, :?44, 346, 356, 369, 371, 372, 374, 375, 415, 420, 421, 433, 458, 579, 497, 439, 507, 508, 512, 518, 527, 532, 542, 544, 549, 550, 554, 555, 556, 557, 560, 570. 574, 575, 644, 654, 655, 662, 676, 679, 694, 708, 728, 740, 741, 742, 743. Holston Set:!ement^93, 98, 106, 144, 158, 160, 177, 186, 196, 200, 342, 513, 514. Holt, Dr. Wm.— 642. Hominy Creek — 164. Honeycut— 104, 142. Hood, David — 455. Hood, William— 455. Hooper, Absolom — 460. Hooper, William— 125, 126, 128- Hopewell, S. C— 336 463, 494, 499, 512, 541, 549, 570, 675. Hopson, Edward — 138. Hord, Wm.— 704. Horry, Col. Peter— 254. Horse C reek (Greene County, Tenn.)— 740. Horton Family— 142. Horton, Joshua, Jr. — 142. Horton, Joshua. Sr.— 69, 142. Horton, Richord (Son of Joshua H., Sr.)— 142. Hoskins, Capt— 212. Hoskins, Josiah— 456, 457, 461. Hough's Block House— 569. House of Commons (Great Brit- ain)— 98. House of Commons, State of Franklin— 293, 308, 309. House of Refuge — 85. House of Representatives (Tenn.) —653, 654, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 670, 698, 704, 705, 706, 707. House of Reprseentatives (U- S.) — See Congress U. S. Houston County, Ga.— 377, 379. Houston, James— 277, 334, 341, 370, 518. 552, 650, 658. 663. Houston, Gov. John (of Ga.)— 380. Houston, Robert Esq— 568, 582, 629. Houston, Gov. Samue' — "08. Houston, Rev. Samuel— 286. 287, 288, 292, 323, 324, 444. Houston's Station— 341, 370, 421, 422, 518, 582. Howe — 66. Hubbard, Lt. James— 590- Hubbard, Major James— 264, 272, 274, 277, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 315, 419, 420, 422, 550. 48 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Hubbert's Island, French Broad River— 742. Hudson River (N. Y.)— 222. Hufacre, George — 155, 565. Hufacre, James— 372, 417. Huger, Gen. Isaac — 61. Hughes— 105. Hughes, David— 138. Hughes, Francis — 334. Hughes, Thomas— 138. Hughey, James — 116. Hugenots, French — 108. Humes, T. W. (Address)— 454, 558, 640, 729. Hunter, Capt.— 483. Hunter, John — 505. Hunter's Station— 370, 420, 421. Hunter's Valley, Va. — 68. Hunting Shirt.— 246, 247. Hunting Grounds — 71, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 87, 89, 94, 117, 139, 144, 163, 170, 173, 205, 276, 361, 433, 434, 445, 460, 463, 489, 503, 546, 548, 549, 694, 740. Hurd (Heard), Stephen— 377, 698- Hutchings, Capt. Thomas — 198, 360, 364, 365. Huttev, Philip— 578. Hutson, George — 138. Iberville Bayou — 526. Ichiaha, Village of — 26, 27. Illionois Indians — 38, 74. Illinois River— 43, 105, 529. Illinois, State of— 38, 39, 69, 95, 186, 194, 201, 204, 451, 458, 473. Inca — 14, 17. Independence of U. S.— 42, 125, 131, 180, 205, 208, 211, 213, 224, 227, 229, 246, 247, 250, 277, 280, 282, 287, 311, 313, 390, 395, 444, 493, 531, 622, 647. Indian Affairs — 641. Indian Boundary — 93, 275, 305, 337, 556, 740, 741, 742. Indian Cemeteries — 90. Indian Claims— 78, 117, 173, 280, 489, .545, 663, 665, 676, 683. Indian Com— 718, 719, 720. Indian Council— 30, 556, 639. Indian Creek (Jefferson Co.) — 121, 182, 269, 270. Indian Creek (Middle Tenn.)— 206. Indian Creek (Sullivan Co.)— 740. Indian Grants— 117, 173, 191, 276, 299, 684. Indian Land— 489, 497, 499, 631, 663, 665, 676, 684, 685. Indian Names, Euphony of — 86, 639. Indian Old Field— 550. Indian Path, Grea1^-64, 87, 88, 166, 167, 186, 710. Indian Relics^ — 90. Indian Revenge — 86. Indian Tower (Old Powell's Val- ley)— 276. Indian Towns— 86, 90, 185, 268. Indian Traffic— 64. Indian Tribes (See under separate heading of each tribe: Aborig- inees, Catawbas, Chelokees, Cherokees.v Chickamaugas, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Conga- res, Coosaws, Creeks, etc.) — 497, 545, 546, 641, 661, 663, 679. Indian Videttes — 90. Indian Village— 86. Indigo — 705. Idols, Indian — 90. Ingersol, Jared — 701. Ingle's Ferry, Va.— 53, 88, 96, 321. Ingles, Thomas— 343, 346. Inhabitants of Watauga — 138. Inman, Abednego — 415, 669, Inman, Capt. Shadrack— 218, 219. Innes, Lt. Col. Alex— 218, 219. Iredell County, N. C— 374. Iredell, James — 125. Iredell, Jane (Text print Ireland) —266. Iredell's Revisal— 175. Ireland— 61, 62. Ireson — 459. Irish Bottom, The— 369. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 49 Iron Mountain— 68, 86, 121, 426, 696, 740. Iroquois Confederacy — 44. Iroquois Indians — 74. Irvin, John — 286. Irving', Washington— 16, 18, 19, 2U, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. Irwin, Joseph — 459, 483. Irwin, Robert— 129, 131. Irwin's Store — 610. Isbell, Godfrey— 212. Isbell, Zach— 107, 108, 121, 136, 181, 182. Ish, John— 422, 594, 595. Ish's Station— 370, 564, 565, 579, 581, 583, 584, 587. Island Flats, Battle of— 150, 152, 154, 159, 190. Island Town on Tenn. River — 341. Ivy Creek, Tenn.— 89, 269. Jack, Jeremiah— 110, 265, 273, 372, 568. Jack, Major (of Ga.)— 163. Jack, Capt. Patrick— 60, 68, 710. Jacks, Samuel — 669- Jackson, Andrew (President of U. S.)— 248, 484, 614, 615, 641, 650, 652, 653, 654, 655, 667, 676, 677, 684, 698, 699. Jackson, Josiah — 576, 669. Jacksonborough, S. C. — 258. Jafna— 89. Jail, The Knoxville— 558, 568. James Island (S- C.)— 257. James River, Va.— 37, 718. James, Thomas — 460. Jamestown, Va. — 34, 43. January 4, 1781—268. January 15, 1781—451. January 18, 1781-248- January 31, 1782—226. January 5, 1784—495. January 2, 1785—291. January 10,-1786-463. January 20, 178&— 483. January 24, 1788 — 405. January 10, 1791—550. January 11, 1791—560. January 18, 1791—560. January 31, 1791—560. January 19, 1792—596. January 28, 1792—597. January 14, 1793—489. January 22, 1793—574. January 26, 1793—568. January 29, 1793—574. January 1, 1794—621. January 5, 1795 — 620. January 11, 1796—649, 650, 655. January 12, 1796—655. January 27, 1796—652. January 1, 1797—687. January 9, 1797—678. January 31, 1797—678. January 3, 1799—701. January 5, 1799—703. January 10, 1799—701. January 14, 1799—701. Jarnigan, Thomas — 277. Jarvis, John — 601. Jay, John— 400, 523, 524, 525, 526, 529. Jefferson County, Tenn —188, 270, 277, 294, 369, 567, 568, 576, 621, 637, 648, 650, 652, 658, 669, 680, 687, 688, 689, 704, 708, 741, 743^ Jefferson, Thomas— 129, 248, 267, 641, 657, 706. Jenappe, Battle of — 686. Jenkins, Jacob — 590. Jennings, Jonathan— 199, 203, 447, Jennings, Mrs. Jonathan — 200. Jett. Stephen— 380. Job, William— 689. Jocelyn, Colonel (See Joslin) — 482, 483. John's Island, S. C— 209, 257. Johns, Mr. — 449. John's River — 164. Johns, Sr.— 203. Johnson County, Tenn. — 295. Johnson, Daniel — 460. Johnson, Dr. (Reminiscences) — 124, 216, 225, 253, 256. 50 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Johnson, Isaac — 456, 462. July 17, 1673—39. Johnson, Jeremiah Esq. — 376- July 1, 1776—162. Johnson, John Sr. — 707. July 4, 1776—131. Johnson's Station— 603. July 6, 1776—149. Johnson's Lick — 605. July 8, 1776—148. Johnston, John — 478. July 19, 1776—154. Johnston, Gov. Samuel— 417, 418, July 20, 1776—154. 424, 522. July 21, 1776—157. Johnston, William — 447- July 4, 1777—177. Johnston, Capt. Thomas — 589, 651, July 20, 1777—174. 652, 58, 659, 663. July 21, 1777—174. Johnston, William — 117. July 15', 1780—213. Johnston, Wm. Sr. (of Robertson | July 24, 1780—213. Co.)— 665. July 30, 1784—377. Johnson, Sir William— 69, 75. July 29, 1785—377. Joliet, Louis— 38. 39. July 10, 1786—343. Jones, Mrs. — 449. July 19, 1786—338. Jones' Ford— 68. July 20, 1786—343. Jones (History)— 99, 125, 126, 127, July 23, 1786—343. 131, 133. July 31, 1786—343, 344. Jones, John— 107, 120, 138. July 2, 1787 470. Jones, Lewis — 138. July 5, 1787—393. Jones (Representative) — 689. July 6, 1787—391. Jones, Robert— 478. July 13, 1787—670. Jones, Willie— 189. July 24, 1787—377. Jones, Dr. W. N.— 124. July 31, 1787—391. Jonesboro, Tenn.— 66, 67, 142, 176, July 8, 1788 419. 189, 273, 281, 286, 288, 290, 291, July 20, 1788—479. 292, 293, 294, 318, 339, 356, 362, July 29, 1788—418. 389, 391, 401, 406, 407, 413, 414, July 2, 1791—556. 424, 426, 577, 666, 675, 687, 708. July 3, 1791—596. Jonesville, Tenn- — 68. July 12, 17S1— 596. Joslin, Mr. (See Jocelyn) — 605. July 15, 1791—553. Joslin's Station— 605, 620. July 16, 1792—568. Journal of the Adventure — 197, July 1, 1793—604. 448. July 15, 1793—605. Journal of Commissioners — 76. July 18, 1793—605. Journal of House of Representa- July 19, 1793—605. tives, 1796—628, 652, 656. July 22, 1793 576. Journal of Washington County July 6, 1794—608. Counrt— 181. July 24, 1794—594. Judd Family— 182. July 29, 1794—609. Judd's Friend (Outacite) —57, July 7, 1795—642. 173. July 8, 1795—644. July 2, 1540—27. July 11, 1795—645. July 4, 1584—33. July 4, 1796—669. 672. July 23, 1587—34. July 5, 1797—699. lxi)i:x TO Ramsi:v"s Anxals of Tenxu:ssi:l: 31 iLy<. July 8, 1797—698, 699. July 10, 1797—698. July 2, 1798—694. July 7, 1798 694. July 9, 17S8— 695. July 16, 1798—699. July 17, 1798—699. July 19, 1798—699. July 18, 1826 492. June 25, 1540—26. June 26, 1585—33. June 7, 1755—75. June 2, 1769—95. June 7, 1769—95. June 12, 1775—143. June 3, 1776—150. June 11, 1776—151. June 28, 1776— 1G2. June 1, 1780—491. June 16, 1780—213. June 2. 1784 335. June 1, 1785 309. June 10, 1785—296. June 17, 1785 316, 318. June 1, 1787—465. June 12, 1787 465. June 15, 1787—465. June 24, 1787—390, 391, 410. June 25, 1787—387. June 27, 1787—391. June 30, 1787—386. June 16, 1790—433. June 2, 1791—596. June 14, 1791—596. June 6, 1792—598. June 11, 17£2— 567. June 16, 1792—568. June 17, 1792—568. June 25, 1792—568. June 26, 1792—563, 598. June 4, 1793—604. June 11, 1793—576. June 20, 1793 604. June 11, 1794 607. June 20, 1794—593. June 5, 1795—620. June 29, 1795 641. June 14, 1798—693. June 21, 1798—693. June 25, 1798—693. Justice, Richard (Chief)— 561. Justices of the Peace, State of Franklin— 296. Justices of Peace, Washington Dis- trict— 174. Kaiatee, Town of (Tenn.)— 268. Kallamuchee River (Tennessee River). Karr, Matthew— 565. Kaska.skias Illinois— 44, 49, 186, 188. Rasper's Creek (See Mansker) Creek). Kearns, John — 568. Keenan, W. (Map Engraver) -238. Keeney, John— 689. Kelly, Alexander (Colonel) — 370, 568, 574, 583, 586, 587, 621, 62^:, 624, 626, 627, 629, 643, 658, 659, 688. Kendall— 718. Kendrick, John — 448. Kenhawa, Battle of— 115, 116, lL-;8, 261, 492. Kenhawa River, Va.— 45, 73, 77, 93, 102, 114, 115, 119, 207, 321, 492, 740. Keuka, Town of— 600. Kennedy, Abraham — 599. Kennedy, Daniel— 277, 286, 288, 291, 292, 296, 299, 334, 340, 387, 389, 391, 405, 415, 416, 417, 517, 518, 543, 627, 642, 669, 697. Kennedy, George — 453. Kennedy, John— 704. Kennedy. Risby — 447. Kennedy. Mrs.— 374. Kennedy's Mill (Knoxville)— 560- Kennon, Wm.— 129. Kentucky— 26, 36, 66, 67, 69, 73, 77, 79, 80, 88, 92, 94, 95, 96, 112, 113, 149, 191, 193, 195, 196, 200, 202, 204, 205, 212, 213, 280, 299, 308, 315, 322. 342. 344. 345. 377. 52 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 379, 380, 382, 393, 421, 447, 451, Kingston, Tenn. (Roane Co.) — -569, 452, 456, 457, 460, 464, 465, 491, 638, 708. 492, 501, 523, 527, 532, 536, 537, Kirby, George— 710. 538, 546, 570, 575, 576, 603, 609, Kirk, John— 419, 420, 421. 618, 655, 683, 731, 743. Kirkland, Colonel— 148. Kentucky River— 70, 95, 117, 191. Kirkland, Col. Moses (Loyalist)— Kentucky Settlement — 177. 216. Kentucky Trace— 195, 203, 204, Kirkpatrick, James — 421. 315, 337, 344, 483, 501, 556, 602, Kirkpatrick, Major James— -482, 743. 483. Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions, Kirk's Station— 370. 1798-99 683. • Kittigeskie (Chief)— 577. Keowee, Little (Town of) — 56. Knights of the Horseshoe — 43. Keowee River, S. C— 83, 336. Knox County, Tenn.— 68, 94, 115, Keowee, Town of (Old Town)— 51, 155, 188, 226, 273, 278, 295, 341, 105, 163. 372, 375, 415, 443, 517, 558, 564, Kerr, Robert— 334. 565, 567, 568, 576, 587, 592, 593, Keywood, John — 417, 446. 596, 621, 626, 643, 648, 651, 652, Kiachatalee (Chief)— 567. 658, 688, 698, 700, 704, 708, 741, Kilgore's Station— 195, 456, 457. 742. Kilpatricks— 566. Knox, Gen. Henry (Secretary of Kimberlin, Jacob — 376. War) 489, 547, 550, 558, 560, Kincaid, Mr— 144. 562, 563, 567, 570, 574, 577, 600, King, Ann— 619. 608, 617, 619, 677, 679. King, Austin, Augustus— 708. Knox, Colonel Jomes — 97, 105 King Fisher, The (Creek)— 586. Knoxville, Tenn.— 51, 67, 197, 278, King, James — 559. 295, 370, 372, 374, 375, 419, 421, King, James (Son of Ann King) — 422, 433, 443, 481, 508, 517, 518, 619. 555, 567, 568, 569, 570, 573, 574, King, John— 138. 575, 576, 577, 579, 581, 582, 583, King, Hon. Mitchell— 324. 591, 592, 594, 603, 616, 618, 621, King, Capt. Richard— 589. 622, 623, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, King, Col. Richard, (Loyalist) — 635, 636, 638, 639, 641, 643, 645, 216. 648, 649, 650, 651, 655, 656, 657, King, Major Robert— 425, 544, 554, 667, 669, 672, 679, 686, 687, 688, 577, 594. 691, 692, 694, 695, 698, 699, 702, King, Rufus— 671. 703, 704, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, King, Thomas— 340. 713, 728. King's Meadow— 142, 189. Knoxville Argus — 721. King's Mountain, Battle of— 179, Knoxville District, N. C— 250 214, 216, 232, 235, 236, 237, 238, Knoxville Gazette — 557, 558, 589, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 683, 686, 247, 248, 249, 251, 261, 311, 376, 687. 381, 385, 404, 492, 493, 589, 713. Kunokeskie (Cherokee) — 556, 639. Kingston, N. C— 316, 361, 363, Kuykendall, Benjamin— 596, 597. 366. Kuykendall, Joseph— 502. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 53 Kutha^sta (The Prince) Chief— 560. Lacy, Hopkins— 568, 576, 621, 664. LaFayette, Marquis de — 253. Lake Oneida, N. Y.— 44. Lakin, Benjamin — 731. Lame Will (Chief)— 678. Lancaster, John — 707. Lancaster, Pennsylvania — 91, 228. Land Bounty — 72. Land of Cherokees— 46, 118, 305, 315, 317, 319, 364, 489, 549, 663, 679, 680. Land Claims of Tennessee— 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 703. Land Entries— 120, 675, 676, 685. Land Grants— 66, 71, 113, 119, 191, 402,490, 531, 536, 545, 550, 631, 679. Land, Indian— 299, 306, 631, 663. Land Office— 120, 175, 275, 356, 358, 360, 361, 364, 402, 499, 550, 631, 655, 675, 682, 684. Land Patents— 120. Land, Public— 283. Land Records, Watauga Purchase —119. Land Titles— 119, 120, 204. 402, 489, 649, 655, 663, 675, 679, 682, 685, 698. Land Warrants— 113, 278, 402, 496, 631, 675. Land, Western (See Public Land). Lane, Acquilla — 179. Lane, Isaac— 179, 241, 263, 264. Lane, Governor Ralph — 33. Lane, Tidence— 182. Lanier, Isaac — 203. Lanier, Robert— 172, 226. Lariman, D- — 448. LaSalle, Robert Cavalier Seir de— 39, 40, 62. Lashley (of Creeks)— 570, 575. Latitude Hill (State Line)— 491. Latopoia (Chickasaw Chief)— 463. Laurel Creek, Fentress County— 187. Laurel Mountain, Ky. — 67, 321. Lawrence, John — 620. Lawrens, Henry — 61- Laws of Virginia — 134, 136. Lea, James — 576, 669. Lea, James (of Mississippi) — 708 Lea, Major — 704. Lea, Micajah — 88. Lea, William— 595. Lead Ore— 376. Lease, Jacob Brown's — 110. Lease of Land, Carter's Valley — 119. Lease, Watauga— 109, 111, 119, 135, 207, 275. Lee County, Va.— 67. Lee, Fort>— 150. Lee, Gen. Henry— 253. Lee, Richard Henry— 336, 497. Lebanon Church, Knoxville, Tenn. —710. Lebanon, Tenn. — 460. Lefevre, Isaac — 448. Legal Tender— 295, 298, 299. Legislature, State of Franklin — 293, 296, 297, 308. Legislature of N. C— 36, 189, 204, 226, 300, 305. Legislature of Tenn. — 554, 657, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 666, 668, 669, 672, 673, 676, 685, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 698, 703, 704, 705, 706,. 708, 712, 734. Legislature of Virginia— 103, 204. Leiper, Capt. James— 449, 453,, 488. Leiper, John — 619. Leiper, Samuel — 571, 572. Lenoir. Major — 690. Lenoir, Gen. Wm.— 164, 239, 241. Leslie. Generela Alexander- -248. Letter Book of John Stewart— 161. Lewellen, Abednego— 485. Lewis, General Andrew— 51, 52, 114, 115. Lewis, Col. Chas.— 114. Lewis, Fort (Va-)— 53, 57. 54 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Lewis, Joel— 650, 658, 659, 704. Lewis, Mordecai— 638, 669. Lewis, Seth— 658, 663. Lewis, William— 182. Lexington, Battle of— 124, 127, 128, 261. Lexington, Ky. — 731. Liberty, American— 123, 227. Liberty Hall (Mechlenburg Co., N. O— 666. Lick Creek (Greene Co.)— 121, 165, 166, 687. Lick Creek, Hickman Co. — 466. Lillard, Colonel— 280. Lillard, William— 669, 688, 704. Limestone Creek, Bi^: (Greene Co.)— 121, 740. Limit of State of N. C— 140. Linch, David — 105. Linch, William— 105. Lincoln— 120. Lincoln, General Benjamin — 190, 208, 209, 221. Lincoln County, N. C— 214, 273. Lindsay, Isaac— 95, 495, 502. Lith, Ebenezer — 669. Little, Andrew — 120. Little Barren— 195. Little Carpenter (See Atta-Culla- CuUa or Attakullakulla or Atta- Culla-Kulla). Little Dismal Creek— 86. Little Harpeth River— 744. Little Laurel Creek— 575, 604. Little Owl's Town— 188. Little River— 87, 88, 168, 170, 272, 295, 299, 319, 321, 341, 346, 374, 419, 518, 544, 556, 570, 574, 696, 742. Little Tallassee— 479. Little Turkey (Creek Chief)— 482, 544. Livingston, Robert R. (Chancel- lor)— 72. Livington, William — 678. Load Stone— 82. Location of Old Forts — 146. Lochaber, S. C, Treaty of— 102. Locke, John — 41, 42. Locus Land (Home of Gen. Wm. Hall)— 464. Loftus Heights— 527. Logan, Col. Benjamin — 177, 191, 576. Logan, Col. John — 359. Logan, John (Indian) — 113. Loggins, William — 196, 467. Lonas, Henry — 582. London, England— 47, 63, 108. Long, Mr.— 144. Long Creek (Jefferson Co.) — 88, 166, 262, 277. Long Hunters — 97. Long Island of Holstcn — 53, 77, 102, 119, 152, 157, 158, 160, 169, 172, 177, 185, 190, 197, 276, 317, 417, 508, 689. Long Island, Village of (Tennes- see)— 54, 57, 66, S3, 169, 594. Long, John— 292, 340. Longhair (Chickasaw Chief) — 484. Lookout Mountain— 183, 428. 557. Lookout Towns— 185, 266, 561, 600, 616. Looney, David— 189, 288, 292, 323, 658, 663. Looney, Moses— 189, 288, 292. Loudon, Earl of (John Campbell) —51, 52, 114. Loudon, Fort— 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 66, 71, 82, 84, 85, 93. Louisiana, State of— 36, 39, 45, 46, 47, 49, 113, 526, 527, 528, 529, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 539, 640. Louis XIV of France— 39, 40, 49, 683. Louis Phillippe (Son of Duke of Orleans)— 686. Loushatchee River, Ala. — 87, 523. Love, Mr. (of Carter's Valley) — 144. Love, James— 426. Love, John — 142. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 55 Love, Colonel Robert — 165, 278, 323, 388, 407, 408, 414, 415, 425, 426, 517. Love, General Thomas — 408. Lovely, Wm. L.— 708. Lowe's Station (Knox Co.) — 565. Lower Cumberland — 78, 97, 105, 193, 194, 195, 205, 228, 489. Lower Towns (Cherokees) — 46, 121, 149, 163, 165, 174, 185, 271, 319, 489, 557, 564, 570, 576, 595, 600, 602, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 617, 618. Lowry, John— 638, 664. Lowry, William — 568, 594, 644. Lowry's Ferry — 584, 703. Lowry's Island — 608. Loyalists— 208, 200, 210, 213, 214, 215, 216, 219, 221, 223, 224, 227, 229, 230, 233, 246, 247, 253, 493. Lucas, Andrew — 462. Lucas, Major Isaac — 451, 453, 454. Lucas, Robert— 107, 119, 138, 181. Luske, Cap. Joseph— 138, 565, 598. Luttrell, Mrs., Plantation of— 582. Luttrell, John— 117. Lying Fish— 173. Lyttleton, Gov. Wm. H.— 55. Lyle, Henry — 120. Lyle, Samuel— 669. McAdams, John — 495. McAllister, John— 642, 675. McBee's Ferry— 687. McBury, Colonel— 163, 165. McCain, James — 495. McCartney, Charles— 138. McCartney, Joseph — 138. McCarty, Benjamin — 667. McCarty, Jacob — 665. McCay, Abraham— 669. McCay, Spruce— 182, 274. McClelland, Capt. John— 572, 59i3. McClellan, Sergeant— 590. McCIung, Col. Charles— 560, 568, 629, 651, 652, 655. McClung, James W — 708. McClure— 342. McClure, Matthew— 129. McCollah, Joseph— 669. McConnel Station— 370. McCormack, James — 319. McCormick, John — 138. McCoy's Fort on French Broad River — 279. McCray, Charles— 669. McCrory, Thomas — 744. McCrosky, John— 187, 240, 241. McCullough— James H.— 26. McCuUough's Station— 370. McCulloch— Thomas— 568, 594. McCune, James — 606. McCutchin's Trace— 475, 484. McDonald— 188. McDowell, Col. Charles— 183, 212, 213, 214, 217, 219, 220, 223, 227, 228, 229, 232, 243, 427, 429, 493. McDowell, Major Joseph — 232, 233, 235, 236, 237, 238, 300, 418, 427, 429. McDowell, Mrs. Wm.— 557. McElwee, James (McLemee) — 559. McEwen, David— 708. McEwen, Mrs. — 371. McEwen, R. H.— 371. McEwen's Station— 370^ McFarland (wounded on Ky. road) —•563. McFarland, James — 743. McFarland, Major John — 569, 578, 582. McFarland, Robert— 277, 369, 576, 669. Magahee, Samuel — 637. McGaughy, Miss— 483. McGaughy, Samuel (Magahee) — 637. McGaughy's Station— 369, 578, 590, 710. McGavock, David— 196. 708- McGhee, John— 89. McGhee, Rev. John— 731. McGhie, Rev. Wm.— 563, 731. McGillevray, Alexander— 479, 480, 481, 482, 516. 561. 56 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee McGimpsie Family — 429. McGinnis, Lieut. John — 240. McGlocklen, John— 689. McGready, Rev. James — 731. McGreen, Capt.— 272. Mcintosh, Lachlan— 336, 377, 693, 696. McKee, John— 595, 644. McKendree, Wm.— 731. McKenney's Ford— 164. McLain, J. S.— 707. McLain, Wm.— 707. McLinn Family — 142. McMahon, James— 669. McMahon, John— 181, 388. McMillan, Alexander— 372. McMinn, Joseph— 621, 624, 626, 650, 652, 657, 658, 669, 688. McMoon— 596. McMurray — 597. McMurray, William— 457, 591. McNabb— 279. McNabb, Baptist— 120, 142. McNabb, David— 269, 569, 666. McNabb Family— 142. McNabb, John— 120, 181, 212, 543, 569, 669. McNabb, William— 389. McNairy, Judge John — 484, 506, 650, 652, 653, 662, 708. McNamas', Creek — 173. McNutt, Benjamin— 586, 587. McNutt, George— 369, 374, 568, 629. McRory, John— 566, 600. McRory, Robert— 607. McTeer, William— 369. McTeer's Mill (Tenn.)— 272, 369, 870. Mac'.in- 485. Maclin, Wm— 651, 662, 689. Maclin, Zachariah — 605. Madison, James (President of U. S.)— 439, 443. Madison, Capt. Thomas— 154. Madrid, Spain— 532, 537. Maham, Col. Hezekiah (Mayhem) —254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260- Mail Facilities in Tenn.— 687. Main Street, Knoxville— 559, 560. Mallett, Job— 512, 513. Mallett, Polly— 511. Maughon, John— 286, 288. Manifee, James— 447, 453. Manifee, John— 286, 288, 402, 658, 663, 688, 704. Manifee Station (Knox Co.) — 565. Manifesto, Gov. Martin of N. C. — 309, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317. Manifesto Gov. Sevier — 316. Manifold's Station— 372, 373. Mann, George— 639, 640. Mann, Mrs- George — 639, 640- Mann, William — 448. Mansco, Colonel George — 456. Mansco, Kasper (See Mansker). Mansion House, Knoxville — 559, 560. Mansker, Kasper— 96, 105, 191, 192, 194, 195, 206, 482, 496, 599. Mansker's Lick (Sumner Co.) — 69, 106, 191, 192, 195, 447, 452, 495, 740. Manteo (Native Indian) — 33. Map of Dr. Mitchell— 75. Maple Swamp — 195. March 24, 1663—35. March 17, 1775—117. March 19, 1775—119. March 25, 1775—121. March 27, 1777—171. March 1, 1780—197. March 2, 1780—197. March 3, 1780—197. March 4, 1780—198. March 5, 1780—198. March 6, 1780—198. March 7, 1780—198. March 8, 1780—198. March 9, 1780—199. March 10, 1780—199. March 11, 1780—200. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 57 i March 12, 1780—200. March 13, 1780—201. March 14, 1780—201. March 15, 1780—201. March 19, 1780—212. March 20, 1780—201. March 21, 1780—201. March 24, 1780-201- March 25, 1780—201. March 26, 1780—202. March 27, 1780—202. March 28, 1780—202. March 29, 1780—202, 209. March 30, 1780—202. March 31, 1780—202. March 15, 1781—251. March 2, 1785-463- March 15, 1785—377. March 31, 178.5—293. March 3, 1787—385. March 18, 1787—354. March 20, 1787—357, 358, 363. March 21, 1787—357. March 25, 1787—359. March 26, 1787—360. March 1, 1788—414, 520- March 10, 1788—417. March 11, 1788—415. March 16, 1788—415. March 21, 1788—416. March 24, 1788—417. March 1, 1790—433. March 5, 1792—597. March 6, 1792—597. Mar— 678. Red River, Old Station (Tenn.) — 740. Red River, Ky.— 95. Red River, Tenn — 191, 195, 202, 448, 449, 456, 457, 464, 484 596, 597, 598, 618, 619, 740, 741, 743- Red Grounds, The— 606. Reed, David Settle (Governor* of N. O— 134. Reedy Creek— 197. Reese, Chancellor William B. — 656. Reese, David— 129. Reese, James— 288, 292, 389, 444, 568, 576. Reeves, Wm.— 120, 138. Register's Office Washington Co. —119. Regulators of N. C— 98, 100, 101. 102, 285, 494. Relics of Antiquity — £1. Relics of Indians — 90. Relics of Tumuli— 89. Remonstrance from Watauga — 134, 135, 136, 137, 138. Rencovert River, Va. (See Green- brier River). Renfro, Mr. — 142. Renfro, Bartlett— 448- Renfro, James— 203. Renfro, Joseph— 203, 448, 472. Renfro, Moses— 202, 203, 448. Renfro. Peter — 455. Renfro, Stephen— 595. Rennoe, John— 338. Representatives of Carolina (1674) —40. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Representative Government in America — 35. Requassee Town (Tenn) — 46. Residences of Pioneers — 141. Resolutions, Charlotte — 129. Resolutions of Halifax Congress — 131. Resolutions of Maryland — 123. Resolutions of New^ Hampshire — 123. Resolutions of Rhode Island — 123. Resolves of Mecklenburg County (N. O— 128, 129. Resolves of Regulators — 100. Revised Statues of N- C. — 36. Revolution, American — 13, 123, 124, 133, 175, 186, 189, 208, 228, 246, 247, 248, 249, 251, 275, 279, 282, 381, 429. Reynolds, Henry— 178. Reynolds (of Illinois)— 709. Rhea, Archibald— 372. Rhea County, Tenn.— 84, 188. Rhea, John— 189, 296, 340, 5ly, 553, 568, 576, 627, 642, 651, 652, 653, 658, 663, 673, 688. Rhea, Robert— 644. Rhode Island, State of— 123, 525. Ri River (Mississippi R.) — 29. Rial, Town of (Cherokee Town) — 360. Rice, John— 597. Rice's Mills— 170. Richardson, Colonel — 257. Richardson, Capt. James — 583, 589. Richland Creek (Davidson Co.) — 446, 459, 462, 464, 478. Richland Creek (Giles Co.)— 460. Richland Creek (Grainger Co.) — 743. Richland Creek (N. O— 164. Richmond, Va.— 186, 379, 714. Riddle, Cornelius— 462, 488. Ridley, Beverly— 477. Ridley, George— 464. Ridley, William— 464. Riggin, James— 669. Right to Tax Colonies— 98. Right, Bill of (N. C)— 139, 140. Rights, Colonial— 98, 123. Rights, Declaration of— 122, 140. Rights of Englishmen — 126. Rights, Guard— 490. Rights of Pre-emption— 489, 491, 628, 654, 655, 680, 685. Riley, Mr.— 598. Riley, John— 116. Rio Grande River (Mississippi R.) —29. River of Palms — 15. River Street (Knoxville) — 560. Rivers of Tennessee — 87. Roane, Archibald— 568, 576, 627, 629, 642, 650, 662. Roane County, Tenn. — 188. Roane's Creek (Tenn)— 142, 266. Roanoke Islands — 33. Roanoke River— 34, 43, 53, 113, 170. Roaring River — 96. Robb, Wm. (See Wm. Rabb). Roberson, Wm.— 138. Roberts, Edmund — 120. Roberts, Isaac— 608, 688. Roberts, Miss— 618. Roberts, Obadiah— 598. Robertson, Charles (of Watauga) —107, 119, 121, 138, 139, 142, 147, 148, 171, 172, 182, 275, 286, 338, 342, 377, 543, 569. Robertson, Charlotte Reeves (wife of Jas. Robertson)— 203, 665. Robertson County, Tenn. — 664, 665, 688, 704, 743, 744. Robertson, Col Elijah -116. 138, 484, 485, 495, 561, 599. Robertson Family — 142. Robertson, Dr. Felix— 489. Robertson, General James — 78, 103, 104, 107, 109, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 120, 137, 138, 141, 142, 156, 158, 170, 171, 172, 173, 179, 181, 183, 194, 195, 196, 198, 200, Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 69 202, 203, 206, 207, 392, 393, 445, 448, 449, 450, 451, 457, 458, 461, 462, 464, 465, 466, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 479, 480, 481, 482, 484, 486, 488, 489, 490, 492, 494, 500, 502, 505, 544, 554, 557, 564, 597, 598, 599, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 609, 610, 616, 617, 618, 647, 650, 652, 664, 665, 667, 693, 696, 698, 712, 713- Robertson, James Randal, 606- Robertson, Jonathan — 485, 597, 607. Robertson, Julius — 116, 138- Robertson, Mark— 138, 194, 464, 470. Robertson, Peyton — 478. Robertson, Richard — 604. Robertson Station — 484, 597, 600. Robertson's Fork— 195. Robertson's Mill — 464. Roberval, Jean Francois Sevier de —32. Robinson, Charles (of Green Co.) —286, 288, 402, 425. Robinson, John— 138, 450. Rocheblave, M— 186. Rock Bridg:e County, Va— 324. Rock Castle River— 69, 95, 193. Rock Castle Savages — 88. Rock Island Ford (Caney Fork) — 606. Rock Landing, Ga — 516. Roddye, James— 179, 264, 292, 432, 576, 669, 688. Roddye, Wm— 650, 651, 652, 653. Rogers (Indian Trader) — 200. Rogers, Capt.— 266. Rogers, James — 587. Rogers, John— 473. Rogers, Jonah — 369. Rogers, Nancy — 369, Rogers, S. R., Esq— 558, 560. Rogersville, Tenn.— 68, 111, 187, 281, 519, 557, 575. Rolling Fork of Cumberland River 557, 579. Rome, Georgia — 586. Rome, Ruins of (Italy) — 91. Roquering, Hugh — 472. Rosborough, Charles — 707- Rose, Ossa— 138. Rosebury's Creek (Knox Co.) — 568. Ross, Henry— 707. Ross, Thomas — 575. Roster of Capt. Evan Shelby's Co. —116. Roulstone, George— 557, 623, 629, 686, 687, 688, 698. Rounsevall, David — 456. Roundsever, M.— 197, 203. Roundsever, Isaac — 196- Route of De Soto— 26. Rowan, Daniel — 504. Royal Cause— 216. Royal Forces (British Troops) Royal Government, N. C. — 127. Royal Grants — 113. Royal Militia— 224. Royal Province of Carolina — 48- Royal Province of Georgia — 48. Royalist (See Loyalists). Ruddle, George — 116. Ruddle, Isaac— 120. Ruddle, James— 402. Rules of Territorial House of Rep- resentatives — 624, 625, 651. Running Water, Town of — 185, 508, 509, 511, 512, 514, 561, 566, 567, 594, 600, 611, 612, 615, 616, 617, 620. Russell— 105. Russell— 686. Russell County, Va.— 557. Russell, David— 265. Russell, Capt. George— 107, 120, 138. 181, 189, 241, 261, 262- Russell. Col. Wm.— 157, 158- Rutherford County, N. C— 243, 273. Rutherford Creek (Maury Co.) — 476. Rutherford, Gen. Griffith— 164, Index to Ramsey's x-\nnals of Tennessee 165, 177, 211, 212, 213, 222, 355, 357, 623. Rutherford Trace— 164. Rutherfordton, N. C— 223- Rutledge, Maj. George— 569, 621, 624, 625, 626, 651, 658, 667, 688, 704. Rutledge, Tenn.— 667. Ryburn, Ben— 120. Ryswick, Peace of — 74. Salaries of Officers of State of Franklin— 295, 296, 297. Sale, John— 731. Salem, N. C— 254, 257. Salem, Tenn— 642. Salem, Va— 53- Saliko River (See Tellico). Salisbury District, N. C— 226, 273. Salisbury, N. C — 50, 247. Salkehachie, S. C— 44. Sallyquoah, Village of (Tellico, Tenn.)— 587. Salt— 505, 506, 714. Saluda River— 172- Samms— 288. Samples, Capt. Samuel — 116, 565, 589. San Domingo — 15. San Ferdinando de Barancas, Fort —535. Sandy Mush Creek— 86, 89. Saratoga, N. Y., Battle of— 247. Santee River, S. C— 253, 254, 255, 2.58, 260, 270. Saunders, John — 488. Saunders, Julius — 620. Savannah, Ga.— 49, 161, 190, 208, 221, 260, 381. Savannah Indians — 52. Savannah River— 44, 45, 46, 51, 70, 79, 81, 82, 124, 172, 208. Savanucah (Coronoh) The Raven —119, 148, 159, 165, 183. Sawyers, Col. John— 94, 115, lib, 239, 241, 568, 569, 688, 704. Scaggs, Richard — 67. Scaggins, Henry — 69, 70. Scantee (Chickasaw Chief) — 577. Scarlet, Miss.— 606. Scioto River— 73, 115. Sconer's Lick — 566. Scotchman — 64. Scott, Edward— 698, 704. Scott, Col. James— 564, u73, 644, 704. Scott, John— 389, 675, 688, 704- Scott, William— 594. Scovil— 98. Scovilites — 98. Script— 72. Scurlock, Capt- James — 707. Seal of the State of Franklin — 294. Seal of Tennessee— 676, 677. Searcy, Roberi^-708. Seawell, B.— 707. Secretary o f State U. S. (Timothy Pickering)— 656, 657, 669, 670. Sehorn, John (Zehaun)— 402, 413- Sehorn's Ferry — 413. Self Government — 36. Seminoles — 84. Senate of U. S- (See U. S. Con- gress)— 443, 560. Senate State of Franklin— 293, 308, 309, 335, 402. Senekas — 105. September 5, 1774—122. September 11, 1774—114. September 1, 1775—494. September 6, 1780—315. September 8, 1780—222. September 25, 1780—225, 243. September 26, 1780—230, 243. September 30, 1780—242, 243- September 16, 1781—271. September 25, 1782—290. September 10, 1785—318. September 19, 1785—318, 319. September 28, 1786—382, 383. September 30, 1786—382. September 17, 1787—392. September 20, 1787-402- September 24, 1787—400. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennkssek 71 September 21, 1788—518. September 25, 1788—505. September 2, 1790—549. September 11, 1792 — 564. September 13, 1792—570. September 27, 1792—569, 570. September 30, 1792—566, 600. September 24, 1793—580. September 25, 1793—580, 587, 622 September 1, 1794 — 631. September 4, 1794—617, 628. September 5, 1794 — 629. September 6, 1794—610, 617. September 7, 1794 — 610. September 8, 1794 — 629. September 9, 1794 — 629. September 10, 1794—628, 629, 631. September 11, 1794—629. September 12, 1794 — 618. September 13, 1794—616, 618. September 14, 1794—618. September 18, 1794 — 632. September 19, 1794 — 632. September 20, 1794 — 632. September 23, 1794—632. September 24, 1794—616, 632. September 25, 1794 — 633. September 26, 1794—632. Seetpmber 27, 1794—632. eSptember 30, 1794—634, 635, 630. September 28, 1796—662. September 18, 1797—688. September 22, 1797 — 688. September 23, 1797—691. September 8, 1798—697. September 20, 1798—695. September 16, 1799—704. September 29, 1799 — 706. September 1, 1814—712. September 24, 1815—712. Sequatchee River— 87, 611. Sequa tehee Town — 26. Sequestration of Estates — 222. Seven Mile Ford— 88, 159. Sevier, Abraham (Brother of Gov. ' John Sevi?r) — 241, 264. Sevier, Ambrose Hundley (of Ar- kansas) — 708. Sevier, Catherine Sherrill (Wife of Gov. .John Sevier)— 226, 426. Sevier County, Tenn — 143, 160, 187, 278, 294, 295, 296, 340, 376, 389, 406, 413, 434, 435, 437, 637, 638, 648, 649, 651, 6.52, 658, 669, 686, 688, -704, 716, 742, 743. Sevier Creek, Jefferson Co.— 278. Sevier Family — 142, 241. Sevier, Col. George Washington— 249. Sevier's Island (French Broad River) — 263. Sevier, Major James— 226, 241, 264, 296, 340, 405, 406, 410, 413, 426, 427, 543. Sevier, John (Gov. of Tenn.) — Admitted to Bar— 569. Ancestry— 108, 109. Blount College Incorporated — 629. Brig. General Washington Dis- trict— 543, 553, 564, 570, 571, 574, 577, 579, 581, 583, 584, 585, 677. Correspondence — 150, 227, 270, 314, 317, 348, 361, .362, 363, 383, 384, 387, 391, 3£2, 394, 395, .396, 397, 597, 619, 639, 640. County Court Clerk Washington Co.— 181, 182. Delegate to Provincial Congress —139. Early Settler— 107. Expulsion of Tories— 179. Governor of Franklin— 286, 290, 291, 292, 293, 296, 299, 304, 305, 306, 307, 318, 324, 335, 338, 343, 347, 358, 359, 37^?, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 38:^, 388, 389. 390, 399. 400, 401, 403, 404, 415, 418, 419. Governor cf Tennessee — (^'1, 660, 662, 661, 664. 667, il 58, 72 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 669, 672, 676, 687, 688, 390, 691, 698, 703, 704, 705, 706, 709, Indian Campaigns — 204, 211, 251, 257, 258, 561, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 268, 269, 270, 272, 274, 341, 342, 343, 345, 415, 416, 417, 420, 421, 422, 423, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 586, 587, 588, 590, 591, 607. Kings Mountain — 235, 236, 237, 241, 243, 244, 492. Knoxville Established— 632. Member Congress — 250. Member Legislative Council- - 623, 624, 625, 627, 642, .".44, 649. Member Society Cincinnati — 385. Mention only— 200, 211, 431, 432, 495. Petition from Watauga (Wash- ing-ton District)— 134, 138. Pioneer— 107. Popularity— 700. Presented Sword by Tennessee — 248, 249. Record in Revolutionary War — 212, 213, 214, 216, 223, 225, 252, 253, 254, 255. Religion— 710. Sketch of Life— 107, 108, 109, 589, 711, 712, 713. Sycamore Shoals— 226, 228, 229. Tipton Controversy— 339, 340, 356, 357, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430. Treaty Dumplin Creek — 631. Treaty Tellico Block House — 692, 693. United States Senator— 433, 442, 443. Watauga Purchased— 120, 121. Watauga Fort Attacked — 141, 156, 158. Sevier, John Jr.— 410., 426, 427, 597, 651, 658, 666, 704. Sevier, John (Son of Valentine Jr.) —619. Sevier, Joseph (Brother of Gov. John Sevier) — 241- Sevier, Joseph (Son of Gov. John Sevier)— 241, 577, 694. Sevier, Joseph (Son of Valentine, Jr.)— 619. Sevier, Rebecca (Daughter of Val- entine Jr.) — 619. Sevier, Robert (Brother of Gov. Sevier)— 138, 211, 212, 223, 241. Sevier, Robert (Son of Valentine, Jr.)— 596, 597. Sevier, Valentine (Father of Gov. Sevier)— 108, 141, 619, Sevier, Valentine, Jr. (Brother of Gov. Sevier)— 114, 115, 116, 138, 141, 181, 182, 212, 241, 257, 288, 377, 407, 596, 619. Sevier, Valentine III (Son of Val- entine Jr.) — 5S7. Sevier, William (Son of Valentine^ Jr.)— 596, 597. Sevierville, Tenn.— 637, 687, 710. Shannon, Capt- John — 474, 47'r, 589. Sharp, Major Anthony— 565, 618, Sharp, Major Benjamin — 264, Shauvanon River, Old (See Cum- berland), Shaw, James — 488. Shawanee River — 66. Shawano Indians (Shawnees) — 78. Shawnee Indians— 38, 45, 52, 67, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 84, 85, 87, 92, 95, 96, 113, 117, 149, 183, 301, ' 343, 445, 497, 512, 513, 561, 56V, 571, 600. Shelby, David— 502, 651, 652. Shelby, Evan— 114, 115, 116, 142, 146, 157, 171, 172, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 357, 358, 359, 362, 364, 365, 366, 367, 441. Shelby, Evan Jr.— 485, Index to Ramsey's, An nai.s ^)^^ Tennessee 73 Shelby, Isaac— 115, 155, 187, 188, 189, 190, 204, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 219, 220, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239, 241, 243, 244, 245, 248, 250, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 393, 490, 491, 492, 576. Shelby, James — 116, 154. Shelby, John— 146, 181. Shelby, John Jr.— 651. Shelby, Moses— 227, 241, 472. | Shelby's Fort (Evan Shelby)— 146. I Shelby's Fort (John Shelby)— 140. | Shelbyville, Tenn — 492. j Shenandoah County, Va. — 108- Sheriff of Washington District — 174. Sherrill, Adam— 138, 264. Sherrill, Samuel Jr.— 138. hSerrill, Samuel Sr.— 138. Sherrill Station— 518- Shields, Thomas— 686. Shine, Morris — 460. Shoat, Christopher — 623. Shoatt, Emanuel (Shote)— 116, 138. Shockley, John— 447. Shook, Mr.— 593. Sides, Peter— 496. Siege of Charleston, S. C— 209. Sierra Madre — 498. Sierra Nevada — 498- Siler, Henry— 138. 'Silver Mines in Tenn. — 82. Simms, Littlepage — 644. Simms, Wm- Gilmore — 53, 55, 61, 258, 260. Simons, Jesse — 456. Simpson, Thomas — 138. Sinking Creek— 141, 142, 407, 580. Six Nations— 44, 74, 75, 76, 79, 93. Skillet, The— 113. Slaves— 69, 194, 258, 406, 451, 601, 648, 708. Slim Tom— 419. Sloane's Station— 370. Small, Dr. Wm— 129. Smallwood, Gen. Wm.— 248. Smith County, Tenn— 463, 706, 743. Smith, Mr.— 605. Smith, General Daniel— 457, 494, 496, 502, 577, 578, 584, 587, 629, 636, 651, 652, 664, 699, 706, 707. Smith, Henry— 96. Smith, Col. James- 69, 70, 94, 95- Smith, James (Clerk in Land Of- fice at Watauga)— 107, 120, 121, 138, 147. Smith, John— 694, 708. Smith, John (Governor of Va.) — 43. Smith's History of Va- — 35. Smith, Capt. John (of Mayhem's Cavalry, Maryland) — 258. Smith, Merriweather — 708. Smith, Munford— 687. Smith, Samuel— 189, 357, 358. Smith, Searcy— 607. Smith, William— 429. Smith, Wm. Bailey— 120, 186. Smith's Ford (French Broad River)— 217, 219. Smith's River— 342, 603- Smoky Mountain — 86, 89. Snider (See Snyder). Snoddy, Glasgow— 716. Snoddy, Thomas — 669. Snoddy, Lieut. William — 606. Snodgrass, Major James — 241. Snyder, Betsy— 619. Snyder, John — 619. Society of Cincinnati — 385. Soconee, Town of — 163. South Carolina (See Carolina). South Carolina Dragoons — 255. South Carolina Yazoo Company — 550. South Harpeth River— 466, 744. South West Point (Kingston, Tenn.)— 569, 572, 574, 579, 595, 603, 690, 694, 708. 74 IxDKx TO Ramsp:y's Annals of Tennessee Southwestern Territory (See Ter- ritory South of River Ohio.) Spain— 14, 17, 18, 38, 62, 84, 400, 401, 430, 459, 460, 480, 507, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 547, 551, 605. Span, Henry — 116. Spaniards— 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 38, 44, 47, 61, 81, 318, 320, 336, 337, 341J, 360, 378, 384, 400, 465, 482, 495, 526, 528, 530, 532, 534, 545, 640. Spanish Authorities— 533, 536, 537, 546, 547, 640. Spanish Conquests — 14. Spanish Discoveries — 14. Spanish Emissaries — 595. Spanish Government — 617. Spanish Influence— 526, 529, .531, 536, 563. Spanish Natchez, Miss- (See Nat- chez, Miss.) Spanish Possessions — 534, 591- Spanish Posts— 400, 546, 548. Spanish Provinces — 532, 538. Sparks, Jared (Author) — 72. Sparks, Capt. Richard— 679, 680. Speech of Oconostota — 118- Spencer County, State of Franklin —294, 296, 340, 351, 376, 415. Spencer, Judge Samuel — 424. Spencer, Thomas Sharpe — 19ii, 193, 194, 447, 448, 457, 462 591, 606. Spencer's Hill (Roan County, Tenn.)— 591. Spencer's Lick — 566. Spottswood, Alexander (Gov. of Va.)— 43. Springfield, Tenn. — 665. Spring Frog Town — 272. Squollecuttah (Cherokee Chief) — 556, 639. Stamp Act— 98, 99, 101. Stanley— 484. Stanwick, Fort (Now Utica, N. Y.) —75, 76, 92, 93, 499- State Street, Knoxville— 559. Staunton River — 64- Starr— 167. State Archives, North Carolina — 134, 138. State Debt— 282, 501, 503- State of Franklin (See Franklin). State Gazette 1788—505. State Pamphlet, N. C— 133- State Papers— 671. State Senate— 653, 654, 659, 660, 661, 663, 700, 704, 705, 706. Station Camp Creek (Sumner Co.) —106, 337, 447, 464, 478, 597. Station, Description of — 146. St. Augustine, Florida — 44, 48, 222, 548. St. Charles, Missouri — 103. St. Clair, General Arthur — 552, 553, 561. St. Francis River— 531. St. Genevie, Missouri — 548. St. Lawrence, Patrick — 116. St. Lawrence River— 32, 37, 529- St. Marks, S- C— 548. St. Paul, Minnesota— 714. St. Thomas, S- C — 258. St. Stephen's Parish, S. C— 254. Stecoyee, Town of — 512. Stedman, C (Historian)— 161, 247. Steele, David— 463. Steele, James — 604. Steele, John— 692. Steele, Wm.— 467. Steele's Creek (Davidson County) —616. Steep Rock, N. C— 49, 54, 93, 106, 740. Stephen, General Adam — 248. Stephens, Samuel (Gov. of N. C) —41. Stewart, General Alexander — 254, 256. Stewart, Capt. (Officer under Gen. Lewis) — 115. m 1 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 75 Stewart, John (Evan Shelby's Co.) —116. Stewart, John (Killed in Kentucky, 1769)— 95. Stewart, Thomas (See Stuart.) Stewart's Creek— 600. Stickoee — 58. Stinson, James— 212, 262. Stock Creek (Knox Co.)— 742. Stockton, Thomas— 278. Stone, Archibald— 286. Stone, Fort— 610. Stone Implements — 90. Stone. John— 5.59, 568, 630, 635. Stone Mountain — 86, 644. Stone, Uriah— 69, 96, 105. Stone, William— 179. Stoner, Michael — 95, 450, Stoner's Lick— 450, 455. Stone's River— 69, 95, 203, 460, 579, 597, 606, 740. Stone's Tavern, Knoxville — 560, 630. Stoph, Christopher — 105. Stowball, Mr. (Stovall?)— 483. Strain, John— 323, 388, 668- Strawberry Plains— 371, 372. Strinffton, Town of— 600. Stringfield, Reverend Thomas — 371, 372. Strother, John— 549. Stuart (of the Adventure)— 199. Stuart, David— 669. Stuart, Henry— 147, 148. Stuart, James— 181, 189, 323, 339, 388, 389, 651, 652, 6.58, 662, 66.S. 688, 693, 695, 703. Stuart, Capt. John— 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 71, 76, 143, 147, 148, 149, 160, 161, 162. Stuart, Thomas— 288, 292, 421, 422. Stuart, William— 462, 598- Stull, Frederick— 605. Stump, Capt Frederick — 456. 5t)fe. Stump, Frederick Sr.— 196- Stump, Jacob — 447. Suake (George Miller)— 560 Suck, The (Tenn. River)— 113, 184, 199, 550, 741. Sugaw Town, S. C— 56, 163. Suggs, Henry — 105. Sullivan County, Tenn— 66. 10(5 108, 114, 142, 155, 182, 189, 212 213, 226, 228, 241, 243, 250, 254, 265, 272, 273, 274, 279, 280. 283. 286, 287, 292, 294, 296, 306 309, 337, 338, 340, 356, 357, 358. 303, 364, 366, 367, 376, 389, 407, 408, 409, 412, 433, 507, 519, 542, 543, 621, 648, 651, 652, 658, 662, 667, 675, 688, 704, 740. Sullivan, John— 400. SuUivans' Island— 162. Sulphur Fork of Red River — 19i, 484, 743. Summary Historical and Political of British Settlement — 43,. Sumner County, Tenn. — 393, 465, 471, 482, 502, 503, .504, 507, 543, 565, 602, 606, 607, 608, 618, 620, 621, 648, 651, 6.52, 657, 658, 687, 688, 704, 706, 707, 740, 741, 743. Sumner, Gen. Jethro — 502. Sumpter, General Thomas — 5b, 210, 220. Sunbury, Ga.— 382. Supreme Court— 329, 339, 662, 668. Surry County. N. C— 164, 231, 243. Susquehannah River — 72. Swain, D. L. Esq.— 102, 316. Swan Creek (Lewis Co.)— 466, 476. Swan Creek (Lincoln Co.) — 475. Swan, Major William — 560, 593, 630. Swan's Mill, Knox Co.— 593. Swan's Pond, Knox Co— 278. Swannanae Gap — 164- Swannanoa River — 87, 269, 515- Swanson, Edward— 194, 453, 488, 495. Sweetwater Creek — 86. Sycamore Creek (Cheatham Co-) —449, 598, 741, 743. 76 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Sycamore Shoals— 108, 117, 119, 225, 228, 230, 338. Taawah Nation — 149. Table of Dates— 1497—14, 15. 1524—15. 1528—15. 1539—17, 19. 1.540—25, 26, 27. 1541—32. 1542—32. 1583—33. 1584—33. 1585—33. 1587—34. 1590—34. 1607—34. 1612—35. 1619—35. 1621—35. 1631—299. 1632—298. 1655—37. 1656—299. 1663—35. 1665—37, 78. 1666—36. 1667—36. 1669—41. 1670—40, 41. 1671—40. 1672—74, 75, 79. 1673—38. 1674—40. 1677—41, 42, 43. 1680—40, 299. 1681—38, 78. 1682—39. 1688—42, 298. 1690^3. 1693—43. 1697—74. 1700—78. 1711—43, 74. • 1714—43, 45, 79. 1715—44, 294, 298. 1719—44. 1721—46. 1722—298. 1730—46, 83. 1732—44, 47, 49. 1734—48. 1735—80. 1738—298. 1739—49. 1740—49, 64, 108, 615. 1742—75. 1744—108. 1748—65. 1749—49. 1750—50. 1754—66. 1755—50, 75. 1756—50, 51, 66, 114. 1757—68. 1758—53, 54, 66, 93. 1760—55, 56, m, 67, 68, 93. 1761—61, 67. 1762—68. 1763—68, 70, 71. 1764—69, 79, 95, 98- 1765—70. 1766—69, 95, 142. 1767—70, 73, 75, 122. 1768—73, 75, 76, 93, 102. 1769—85, 93, 94, 95, 105, 190, 206, 664. 1770—96, 97, 102, 103, 105. 1771—101, 105, 107, 494. 1772—79, 106, 107, 110, 159. 1773—112, 185. 1774—113, 114, 122, 125, 185, 261. 1775—63, 82, lOl, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 127, 128, 129, 130, 143, 191, 203, 481, 494. 1776—57, 131, 138, 139, 143, 147, 148, 150, 151, 154, 192, 287, 290, 439, 615, 714. . 1777_171, 174, 175, 177, 192, 336, 497, 740. 1778—178, 186, 190, 276. 1779—59, 175, 182, 186, 189, 190, L\Di-:x TO Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 77 192, 194, 196, 197, 200, 206, 381, 420. 1780—189, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 213, 216, 217, 221, 225, 230, 240, 243, 249, 250, 261, 270, 279, 315, 445, 449, 487, 489, 491, 523. 1781—248, 249, 250, 261, 268, 269, 275, 451, 456, 493. 1782—141, 226, 258,, 261, 270, 271, 274, 277, 449, 455, 456, 463, 489, 490. 1783—75, 261, 274, 275, 277, 279, 280, 283, 433, 458, 459, 464, 489, 490, 492, 499, 524, 547, 655. 1784—279, 281, 282, 284, 288,* 305, 335, 351, 353, 354, 356, 377, 400, 437, 438, 439, 440, 442, 444, 461, 496, 519, 524, 615. 1785—291, 292, 293, 296, 299, 308, 313, 314, 316, 317, 318, 319, 326, 337, 371, 377, 441, 462, 496, 499, 524, 525. 1786—338, 339, 340, 342, 343, 348, 349, 378, 379, 380, 382, 383, 430, 437, 463, 496, 525. 1787—273, 354, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 366, 372, 376, 377, 384, 385. 386, 387, 388, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 400, 401, 402, 405, 406, 430, 441, 464, 465, 470, 502, 504, 519, 532, 621, 670. 1788—399, 405, 406, 409, 413, 414, 416, 417, 418, 419, 433, 437, 438, 439, 440, 478, 479, 505, 513, 515, 517, 519, 520, 530, 532, 550, 575. 1789—431, 433, 442, 484, 506, 515, 516, 519, 541, 546- 1790 — 433, 522, 533, 542, 543, 545, 549, 552, 655, 670. 1791—375, 543, 550, 552, 557, 558, 560, 596. 1792—534, 558, 563, 567, 568, 589, 594, 596, 597, 598, 622. 1793—489, 534, 568, 569, 574, 587, 589, 601, 602, 605, 606, 621, 622. # 1794—437, 509, 516, 535, 559, 591, 592, 607, 608, 610, 616, 617, 619, 621, 623, 625, 626, 629, 630, 631, 632, 635, 63b, 638, 639. 1795—81, 536, 537, 620, 635, 637, 638, 639, 641, 642, 645, 648, 1796—647, 650, 653, 655, .657, 662, 666, 667, 669, 670, 672, 676, 677, 681, 691, 698, 707. 1797— 53^^, 662, 667, 677, 690, 691, 698, 699, 700. 17S8— 683, 692, 698, 699, 703. 1799—683, 699, 701, 706, 731. 1800—699, 702, 703, 712. 1810—559. 1811—711. 1812—247, 443, 711. 1813—249, 604, 689, 711. 1814—712. 1815—712. 1817—638. 1820—68, 103. 1821—134, 453. 1823—192. 1826-^92. 1831—129. 1832—89. 1834—26. 1835—657, 702. 1840—718. 1842—543. 1844—108. 1850—629. 1852—543. 567, 707. Tackett, Wm.— 120- Talbot— 456. Talbot, Matthew— 120, 140. 142, 230. Talbot, Matthew, Jr.— 495. Lnuex to Ramsey's Aknals of TeiVNEssee Talbot, Thomas— 288, 293. Talbot, Wm— 394. Taliquo (Tellico)— 58- Talladega, Ala.— 615. Tallapoosa River, Ala. — 45, 515, 712. Tallassee (Cherokae Town) — 26, 27, 267, 420, 571? 606. Talohtuski (Cherokee Chief) — 639. Talon, Jean— 38. Tamotlee, Town of— 16, 168. Tannassee River (See Little Ten- nessee River). Tarborough, N. C— 389, 401, 402, 405, 502. Tarleton, Col- Banastre— 209, 221, 222, 242, 245. Tassel, Old (Cherokee Chief)— 271, 304, 306, 319, 343, 344, 346, 420, 519. Tassel, Young (See John Watts). Tate, Mr.— 594. Tate, Capt. Edward— 589. Tate, Rober1>— 179. Tate, Samuel— 179. Tate's Ferry, S. C— 233. Tatham, Wm.— 107, 133, 138. Tatom, Absalom — 490. Tatum, Howell— 662, 664, 689. Tax on Tea— 122. Taxes— 98, 102, 122, 246, 277, 283, 289, 291, 295, 296, 297, 298, 332, 339, 347, 351, 356, 358, 359, 362, 364, 394, 405, 496, 500, 501, 503, 504, 506, 507, 520, 521, 569, 626, 633, 634, 635, 642. Taxation, Parliamentary — 122. Taylor, Colonel— 296. Taylor, Dr — 412. Taylor, Andrew— 288, 388. Taylor, Christopher— 286, 288, 413, 666. Taylor, Isaac— 265, 277, 379. Taylor, Leroy— 621, 622, 626, 628, 642, 644, 651, 688, 704. Taylor, Nathaniel— 182. Taylor, Parmenas— 623, 628, 644, 669, 743. Taylor Family— 142. Taylor's Bend (Tenn-)— 277. Taylor's Spring— 566, 610. Taylor's Store (N. G- Taylor) — 141. Teal, Nathaniel— 603, 604. Te-calla-see Cave — 185. Tedford, Joseph— 575, 578. Teesteke (Disturber) Chief— 560. Tefft, I. K. Esq.— 381. Telfair, Edw. (Gov. of Ga.)— 124, 378, 379, 380, 382, 383, 384, 385, 396. Telford, George— 579. Tellassee, Town of (See Tallas- see). •Tellico Block House— 51, 52, 88, 168, 265, 267, 422, 423, 564, 573, 587, 595, 596, 614, 678, 686, 693, 694, 695, 703, 742- Tellico Plains (Tenn)— 341. Tellico River— 47 87, 89, 168, 272. Tellico, Town of (See Tellico Block . House. VTemples— 90. Tenassee (Chief Town) — 47- Tenen (Tenin) Colonel Hugh— 485, 620. Tennase River ( See Little River); Tennassee River (Little Tennessee River). Tennent, Rev. Wm.— 143. Tennessee Company — 549, 690- Tennessee Constitution (See Con- stitution of Tennessee.) Tennessee County — 505, 507, 543, 565, 596, 618, 619, 620, 621, 648, 651, 652, 655, 657, 658, 664, 665, 688, 741, 743. Tennessee District— 377, 379, 380, 678. Tennessee River — 36, 45, 51, 62, 64, 69, 72, 73, 76, 80, 83, 87, 94, 113, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 183, 184, 185, 188, 197, 198, 201, 205, Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 79 206, 265, 272, 273, 276, 278, 295, 299, 318, 321, 336, 337, 341, 342, 343, 344, 346, 356, 358, 360, 361, 364, 377, 379, 394, 396, 398, 400, 402, 420, 421, 422, 424, 449, 463, 465, 466, 468, 469, 470, 472, 473, 474, 485, 489, 491, 492, 499, 507, 508, 513, 517, 518, 521, 545, 549, 556, 561, 564, 569, 570, 574, 579, 580, 587, 594, 602, 603, 605, 607, 608, 610, 611, 615, 616, 617, 618, 654, 655, 667, 684, 693, 694, 696, 740, 741, 742. Tennessee River, Little— 57, 64, 73, 80, 84, 87, 265, 268, 341, 544, 584, 696. Tennessee, Rivers of — 87- Tennessee, State of— 13, 14, 36, 73, 77, 80, 87, 92, 102, 159, 175, 191, 193, 194, 207, 208, 227, 247, 249, 251, 259, 264, 280, 281, 283, 293, 295, 442, 443, 444, 482, 487, 492, 493, 497, 502, 519, 522, 523, 535, 536, 538, 540, 542, 543, 547, 554, 557, 587, 589, 602, 607, 611, 615, 630, 638, 639, 641, 647, 648, 650, 655, 656, 657, 660, 662, 664, 665, 666, 669, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 684, 685, 686, 688, 689, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 702, 703, 706, 707, 708, 709, 71U, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 718, 721, 725, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 736, 737. Tennesy Warrior — 120, 121. Terrill, Obadiah— 96- Terrill, Timothy— 455. Territory N. W. of Ohio— 670- Territory, S. W. of Ohio— 437, 442, 533, 541, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 5')0, 552, 553, 555, 558, 561. 569, 570, 583, 589, 591, 594, 606, 608, 609, 610, 612, 619, 621, 622, 623, 624, 626, 629, 630, 633, 634, 635, 636, 638, 639, 641, 643, 644, 645, 647, 648, 649, 6.50, 660, 661, 665, 666, 667, G70, 671, 673, 677, 707, 725, 734- Territorial Assembly — 621, 62Z, 623, 624, 625, 626, 628, 629, 630, 632, 633, 634 635, 636, 641, 642, 643, 645, 649, 651, 734. Territorial House Representatives —443, 623, 624, 625, 627, 628, 631, 632, 635, 636, 641, 642, 643, 645. Territorial Laws— 623, 643, 647, 649. Territorial Legislative Council — 621, 623, 624, 627, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 651, 734. Territorial Legislature — 591, 621, 623, 626, 629, 632, 634, 636, 637, 638, 643, 645, 651, 707. Test Oath to Tories— 145. Texas— 13,, 36, 42, 703. Thomas Creek — 495. Thomas, Isaac— 60, 144, 147, 150, 151, 166, 269, 637. Thomas, Joshua — 608. Thompson, Thomas — 196. Thompson— 120. Thompson, Alexander — 447. Thompson, Miss Alice— 597, 606. Thompson, Capt. James — 152, 153, 154, 169. Thompson, Jason — 597. Thompson, Mrs- Jason — 597. Thompson, John — 596. Thornton, Reuben — 666. Thoulous, Fort (Toulouse), Ala. — 46, 48, 523. Tippecanoe, Battle of (Ohio) — 554. Tipton County, Tenn. — 554. Tipton Family— 142. Tipton, Mr. (of Blount County) — 716. Tipton, Col Jacob — 553, 554. Tipton, General Jacob (Son of Col. Jacob Tipton) — 554. Tipton, Col. John— 288, 292, 323, 339, 340, 356, 364, 383, 388, 389, 80 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tp:xnessee 392, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 412, 413, 414, 415, 424, 425, 425, 426, 432, 621, 626, 642, 651, 652, 658, 666, 668, 688- Tipton, Col. John A- (of Indiana) —554, 708. Tipton, Major Jonathan — 120, 138, 212, 263, 264, 267, 272. Tipton, Jonathan, Jr. — 742. Tipton, Joseph— 288, 323. Tipton, Samuel— 142, 666. Tipton, Wm.— 554. Tirrill— 288. Title, Aboriginal— 75. Titsworth, Miss— 619. Titsworth, Col. Isaac — 485, 619. Titsworth, John— 485, 619. Tlascala, Mexico — 16. Tobacco— 496, 506, 705. Tobacco Currency — 298. Tobasco, Mexico — 16. . Tohoa-Nough-Roonaw, Tribe of — 91. Tohopeka, Ala (Horse Shoe Bend) —16. Toka (Chickasaw Chief)— 468- Tomaliseu River (Mississippi River)— 29. Tomassee, Town of — 163. Tombeckbee Fort (Ala.)— 46. Tombigbee River (Ala.)— 321. Tomochichi (Creek Chief)— 16, 47. Toocaucaugee — 595. Tool, Matthew— 68. Top, John— 472. Top, Roger— 458. Topography of Watauga — 140. Toquo (Cherokee Village) — 419, 575. Tories (Royalists)— 145, 178, 180, 190, 208, 210, 214, 215, 217, 219, 223, 224, 227, 230. 233, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, 242, 243, 244, 246, 251, 253, 268, 493, 589. Torrence, Andrew — 116. Toulouse, Fort (Ala.) (Thoulous) —46, 48, 523. Towakka (Chief)— 574. Tovim Creek— 592. Town of Refuge — 85. Trace, Indian War— 678. Trace, Nollichucky — 143. Trading Posts at Bluffs (Mem- phis)— 39. Tradition of Cherokees — 84, 91. Tradition of Chickasaws— 80, 81, 91. Traffic with Indians — 64. Transylvania, Purchase of — 118, 119, 203, 204, 276, 445, 499. Trammel, Noah — 457. Trammel, Philip— 461. Treasu.y Bills, N. C— 132. Treasury, State— 667, 668- Treaty with Cherokees — 46, 47, 49, 76, 109, 111, 117, 135, 185, 344, 375, 533, 544. Treaty with Chickasaws (1783) — 464, 489. Treaty with Chickasaws (1794) — 535. Treaty of Coyatee (July 31, 1786> —343, 344, 346, 434, 562, 631, 679. Treaty with Creeks — 46. Treaty with Creeks, N. Y. (Aug. 7, 1790)— 533, 544, 595- Treaty of DeWitt's Corner, S. C — 172. Treaty of Dumplin Creek (May 31, 1785)— 299, 344, 369, 371, 402, 434, 545, 549, 631, 637, 679. Treaty of Fort Henry— 171. Treaty of Fort Stanwick— 75, 76, 92, 499. Treaty of Hard Labor (1768)— 102. Treaty of Holston (1791)— 375, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 560, 570, 622, 631, 639, 662, 676, 679, 680, 681, 708, 742. Treaty of Hopewell, S. C— 336, 337, 340, 341, 463, 497, 499, 512, 549, 570, 675. IXDEX TO RaMSEY^S AnNALS OF TENNESSEE 81 Treaty of Lancaster, Pa— 91. Tugaloo River— 83, 163, 337, 342, Treaty of Lockabar— 102. 556, 696. Treaty of Long Island (1777)— Tugaloo, Town of— 163, 342- 172, 336, 497. Tumuli Remains — 89, 90. Treaty Proposed April 25, 1785— Tunbridge, Tom— 511, 512, 514, 305, 306, 310, 348. 566. Treaty of Paris, France (1763) — Tupata River (Mississippi River) 70, 71. 25). Treaty of Paris, France (1783) — Turkey Town, Ala. — 587. 75, 280, 524, 526, 533, 534, 547, Turnbull (A Trader) 460. 675. Turnbull Creek (Cheatham Co.) — Treaty of Pensacola, Fla. (1784) 466. —400, 551. Turner, Col. W. T. (Loyalist) — Treaty, Senecca— 631. 217. Treaty, Shawnees — 116. Turney, Peter— 616. Treaty with Spain (Oct. 20, 1795) Turnip Mountain — 588. —537. Turpin, Nathan — 448. Treaty, State of Franklin (1785) — Turpin, Solomon— 203, 448. 318. Turtle-at-Home (Chief)— 561. Treaty, State of Franklin— 336, Tuscalatague (Double Head) 343, 344. Chief— 580, 581, 596. Treaty, Sycamore Shoals (1775) — Tuscaloosa, Ala. (Pinchee) — 27. 117, 119, 191, 203, 204, 276, 434, Tuscaluza (Cacique) — 27. 445. Tuscaroras 43, 44, 74, 83. Treaty, Tellico Block House— Tuskeegee, Tovm of (Tenn.)— 169, —692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 693. 742. Tuskigagee, Island Town — 508- Trevillian, Richard— 110. Twiggs, Col. John— 210, 223. Trimble, John- 643. Uchees— 81, 84, 183. Trimble, Wm.— 212, 286, 288. Uchees' Old Fields— 84. Trousdale, Wm.— 611. Ullabali, Tovm of— 27. Trustees Vv'atauga Association — Unaca Mountain— 86, 341, 422, 107. 740. Tryon County, N. C— 130, 214, Unaca Pass— 579. 234. Unacala (Cherokee Chief)— 594. Tryon, Gov. William (of N. O — Underwood's — 274. 73, 99, 101- Upper East Tennessee — 194. Tuckabatchee, Ala. (Village of) — Upper Towns (Cherokee — 54, 56, 712. 271, 301, 319, 514, 515, 570, 573, Tuckahoe (Knox Co.)— 564. 5£5, 596. Tuckalechee Towtis — 88. Upper Uphalie Towns (Creek)—* Tuckasejah River (Tenn)— 164, 606. 276. Union, Camp (Va.)— 114. Tuckasejah Town (Tenn.)— 268, United Colonies— 118. 269. United States— 109. 173. 174, 177, Tucker, John— 455, 488. 189. 280. 282, 283, 296, 310, 312, Tucker. WillUm— 116, 314, 330. 334, 335. 336. 337. 838, 82 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 350, 351, 388, 400, 401, 403, 430, Valley Towns— 46, 174, 276, 341, 433, 436, 437, 439, 442, 443, 463, 422, 740. 474, 480, 503, 504, 522, 523, 524, Vanderhorst, Gov. A. of S- Caro- 525, 526, 527, 529, 530, 531, 53'Z, lina— 644. 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 539, 541, Vance, John — 519. 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 552, 554, Vance, Joseph— 637, 669. 556, 561, 562, 563, 564, 568, 570, Vance, Samuel — 116. 575, 577, 580, 582, 595, 599, 610, Vann, Joseph— 121, 509, 510, 580. 611, 617, 622, 631, 641, 642, 643, Vann's Town— 272. 645, 648, 649, 656, 660, 661, 663, Vaughan (A Trader)- 64- 665, 666, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, Vaughn, Frederick — 138. 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, Vaun— 409. 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 687, Vaux's Fort (on Roanoke) — 53. 689, 690, 692, 693, 694, 696. Veiz, Mr. (Trader) 473. 697, 698, 699, 700, 701. 705, 708, Vermont, State of— 312. 711, 712, 714. Vincennes, Indiana — 186, 188- United States Army — 562, 580, Vincent, Capt.— 288, 517. 615. 679, 681, 686, 690, 692, 697. Virginia— 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40 , 43, United States Congress — 250, 443, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57 , 59, 522, 533, 541, 548, 552, 554, 555, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72 , 73, 605, 609, 621, 622, 623, 628, 630, 77, 78, 83, 87, 88, 93, 97, 98, 102, 631, 632, 633, 634, 639, 640, 641, 106, 107, 109, 113, 119, 120, 122, 642, 643, 654, 657, 660, 663, 664, 134, 135, 136, 142, 143, 144, 145, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 161, 162, 675, 676, 677, 680, 682, 683, 684, 163, 165, 170, 171, 172, 173, 177, 685, 688, 689, 691, 692, 698, 699, 182, 186, 188, 189, 191, 202, 203, 701, 704, 711. 204, 205, 221, 222, 227, 228, 231, United States Congress of Confed- 240, 243, 247, 248, 250, 251, 265, 275, 287, 291, 298, 301, 2.52, 313, eration — 280, 282, 283, 285, 286, 319, 320, 321, 322, 335, 337 365 287, 289, 290, 296, 304, 308. 309, 369, 376, 388, 391, 392, 394, 491, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 493, 497, 512, 525, 530, 541, 542, 319. 330, 332, 335, 336, 338, 342, 544, 546, 557, 593, 638, 644, 655, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 351, 666, 683, 686, 689, 692, 706, 741. 352, 356, 387, 399, 400, 433, 437, Virginia Commissioners — 52. 438, 439, 442, 489, 497, 499, 503, Virginia Franks — 322. 524, 525, 528, 529, 530, 545 Virginia Laws — ^136. United States Engineering Berv- Virginia Line (Boundary) — -491, ice — 239. 740, 741, 743. United States Senate (See U- S. Virginians — 54, 75, 152, 342, 465. Congress) Vitachuco— 21, 22. Urribarracaxi, Town of — 19, 20. Volunteers— 116, 225, 229, 231, Untoola of Citico (Butler)- -300, 247, 252, 262, 376, 387, 398, 399, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 310 492, 620, 553, 576, 583, 641, 647. Utica, New York--75. Volunteer State— 116, 376, 4'"2. Valley of Mississippi— 38, 4C , 46, Wabash River— 38, 63, 79, 95, 194, 433. 204, 273. Index to Ramsey^s Annals of Tennessee 83 Waddle, Colonel Hugh— 50, 52 Warioto River (See Cumberland). Waddell, John— 138- Warm Springs— 178, 569. Waddle; John Jr.— 642. Warrants, Military— 113, 278, 279. Wade, Capt. John— 679, 680. Warranty Deed to Chas. Robert- Wake County, N. C— 93, 103. son— 119, 120. Walden, Elijah (See Wallen). Warren, Dr. Joseph (Killed at Walker— 143. Bunker Hill)— 123. Walker, Capt. Alexander— 712 Warrior's Ford— 173. Walker, Elijah— 590, 620. Washington College— 294, 642. Walker, Felix— 133, 134. Washington County Court — 181, Walker, Isaac— 651, 704. 182. Walker, James — 591. Washington County, Tenn. — 103, Walker, John— 600. 119, 121, 175, 176, 177, 181, 182, Walker, Dr. Thomas— 65, 66, 93, 189, 212, 213, 228, 241, 243, 249, 203. 250, 253, 269, 273, 274, 277, 279, Wallace, Joel— 565. 280, 281, 283, 286, 287, 292, 295, Wallace, John— 586. 296, 306, 309, 314, 317, 337, 338, Wallace, William— 189, 286, 568, 339, 340, 356, 358, 363, 364, 367, 593, 643, 644. 376, 377, 379, 388, 389, 403, 404, Wallen, Elijah (Walden)— 67, 68. 406, 409, 414, 432, 433, 488, 507, Wallen's Creek— 67. 517, 543, 578, 579, 621, 642, 648, Wallen's Ridge— 67. 651, 652, 658, 666, 668, 704, 740, Wallen's Station, Va.— 67. 742. Walnut Hills 459. Washington Co., Va.— 170, 227, Walters 482. 243, 320, 321. Walthral, John— 708- Washington, D. C— 250, 547, 570. Walton, George— 692, 696. Washington District (N. C)— 139, Walton, Isaac (Isaac Walker) — 171, 174, 175, 177, 290, 291, 296, 651. 312, 376, 401, 433, 506, 520, Walton, Jesse— 182, 189, 263. 543, 544, 556, 564, 569, 570, 575, Wanchese (Native Indian) — 33. 583, 584, 642, 662, 664, 666, 667, Wapetaw (Waxhaw, N. C)- -248, 674, 675, 708. 492. Washington, Fort (Cincinnati, 0.) War Belt^l49. —552. War Clubs— 90. Washington, General George — 72, War Ford, French Broad River — 124, 139, 247, 261, 430, 535, 541, 269, 579, 587. 546, 548, 549, 550, 552, 555, 557, War Ford, Big Pigeon River— -2oy, 558, 560, 562, 577, 583, 609, 618, 278. 623, 633, 634, 641, 642, 648, 670, War of 1812—247, 492, 621. 697. War Office— 401, 547, 555, 570, Washington Union (Publication) 574, 596, 656. —555. War Path, Great— 64, 87, 88, 166, Wasioto Mountains — 66. 167, 278. Watauga Association — 106, 107, Ward, John— 263, 264, 323. 133, 135, 171, 436, 665. Ward, Nancy— 144, 151, 157, 161, Watauga Commissioners — 107, 273. 108, 136, 147, 150. 84 Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee Watauga Court— 134, 136, 141. Watauga Delegates — 129, Watauga, Boundaries of — 119. Watauga Fort— 140, 146, 156, 1,57, 158, 159. Watauga Land Office— 120- Watauga Lease — 135. Watauga Old Fields (Purchase of) —135, 140, 542. Watauga Military Establishment —137. Watauga, Purchase of— 119, 121, 126. Watauga River— 67, 87, 94, 97, 117, 119, 121, 140, 141, 142, 147, 179, 180, 191, 207, 209, 210, 221, 225, 228, 230, 251, 259, 339, 407, 417, 428, 542, 647, 740, 742. Watauga Settlement— 85, 98, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 119, 120, 121, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 156, 157, 165, 169, 170, 174, 175, 1S4, 207, 210, 211, 243, 251, 270, 275, 664, 665, 665, 667, 712, 713. Watauga Springs — 142. Water Street (Knoxville)— 555, 560, 630. Watts, John (Choctaw Chief, Young Tassel)— 265, 272, 341. Waxhaw, N. C— 248, 492. Wayne, General Anthony — 596, 599. Wayne County, Tenn — 96, 295, 376. Waynesboro, Tenn. — 690. Waynesville — 164. Weakley, Col. Robert— 462, 658, 663, 688, 704. Wear, Samuel (See Weir). Weaver, Abraham — 644. Webb— 409. Webb Family— 142, 182. Webb, Hugh— 483. Webb, Major T. S— 241. Webster, Colonel (British Officer) —209. Weir (Killed at Etowah)— 586- Weir, John— 668. Weir, Samuel (See Wear)— 286, 288, 296, 340, 343, 346, 413, 444, 591, 621, 622, 624, 638, 644, 651, 652, 669. Wells, Anna— 489. Wells, Hayden— 196, 495, 666- Wells, Jas. Esq.— 456. Wells' tSation— 376, 562, 565. West Augusta County, Va- — 150. West Creek— 66. West Harpeth River — 484. West Indies— 728. West Virginia — 185. Western Interest, The — 496. Western Territory (See Public Lands). Wharton, Jesse Esq.— 462, 688- Wheeler, William— 142. Wheeler's History of N. C— 133, 239. Whig Congress — 130- Whig Review (March, 1852)— 567. Whigs— 124, 127, 145, 150, 179, 180, 208, 20S, 214, 215, 216, 217, 221, 222, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 232, 242, 248, 253, 429, 487. Whirl, The— 199. White Grounds, The— 606. White, Hugh Lawson— 443, •'>47, 586, 631. White, Dr. James— 481, 621, C22, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 631, 632, 640, 657, 660. White, General James— 274, 278. 295, 323, 372, 374, 375, 433, 443, 517, 518, 558, 559, 64, 568, 574, 582, 593, 596, 629, 635, 639, 651, 658, 660, 661, 675, 688, 695, 698, 700, 701. White, Colonel John— 381, 382. White, Gov. John (of Virginia)- - 34. White, Major (Sumner Co.)— 607. Index to Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee 85 White-Man-Killer (Chief)— 600- White, Richard— 181, 286, 290. ''.M- White River (Tenn.)— 489, White, Thomag— 596. White Top Mountain— 109. White, Wesley— 277. White, Capt. William— 589, 7^3. White, Zachariah— 1S4, 453. White's Creek (Davidson County) —456, 477, 598. White's Creek (Knox County )-- 374, 559. White's Fort (Knoxville)— 374, 375, 517, 518, 555. Whitley, Col. Wm— 609, 610, 612, 613, 615, 618. Whitley's Station— 195. Whitson's Fort— 279. Wilberforce— 498. Wildcat Rock— 696. Wilkes County, Georgia— 386. Wilkes County, N. C— 231, 243, 273, 295. Wilkes County, Va.— 740. Wilkinson, General James — 528, 531. Williams— 190. Williams, Mrs.— 606 Williams, Benjamin— 478, 597. Williams, Betsy — 459. Williams, Curtis — 475. Williams, Daniel— 196, 449, 495. Williams, Edmond— 388, 543. Williams, Isaac — 149. Williams' Island— 197. Williams, Col. James— 210, 217, I 219, 220, 223, 232, 234, 235, 236, 239, 240, 244. Williams, John — 117. Williams, Col. Joseph — 165. Williams, Mack — 116- Williams, Oliver— 597. Williams, Robert— 582. Williams, Sampson— 196, 484, 609, 704. Williams. Samuel— 212, 286, 704. Williams, Thomas H.— 645, 658, 688. Williams, William— 132, 740. Williams, William Esq— 447. Williamsburg, Va.— 64, 109, 151, 171, 204, 711. Williamson — 50. William.son, Gen. Andrew — 163, 164, 165, 214. Williamson County, Tenn. — 707, 708, 744. Williamson County Court — 708. Willinawaugh (Chief)— 120. Willioe (Hanging Maw's Son) — 595. Willis, James— 742. Wills Town, Tenn.— 572, 573, 596, 605, 616, 617. Wilmington, N. C— 99, 129, 252, 645. Wilson, Miss— 563, 606. Wilson, Adam— 669, Wilson, Archy (Son of Joseph) — 563. Wilson, Benjamin (Willson) — 181. Wilson, Major David— 502, 59b, 606, 6C8, 621, 624, 707. Wilson County, Tenn — 707, 743. Wilson, Isaac — 138. Wilson, James— 277, 288, 669. Wilson, Capt. Joseph— 181, 212, 286, 288, 637, 638, 669. Wilson, Joseph (Sumner Co.) — 563. Wilson, Josiah — 576 Wilson, Samuel— 286, 598. Wilson, William— 129, 543, 601. Wilson, Zacheus, Sr.— 129. Wilson's Station— 478. Winchester, Col. George — 457, 464, 478, 502, 608. Winchester, Gen. James— 596, 599, 606, 607, 623, 624, 625, 626, 657, 658, 662, 667, 682. Winchester, Tenn.— 573, 703. Winchester, Va. — 49. Winchester's Mill— 457, 482. 86 Index to Ramsey's Annal^ of Tenistessee Winnsboro, S- C— 248. Winslow, Reverend — 89- Winston, Col. Joseph— 16.5, 172, 231, 235, 236, 241, 244. Winters— 196. Wisconsin River — 38. Witherspoon, Dr. John — 294. Wococee, Town of— 594. Wocoken Island (N. C.)— 33- Wolf Hills, Va.— 88, 111, 159. Wolf River (Margot River), Ky. — 87, 535, 536. Wolf Tribe (Cherokee)— 572. Wolves— 206. Wamack, Carter — 141- Womack, Jacob— 107, 138, 13.1, 145, 146, 181. Wood, Col. Abraham— 37. Wood, Col. James — 65 Wood, John— 189. Wood, Michael— 181. Wood, Richard— 277. Wood, Samuel— 669. Wood's Fort— 279. Wright, Sir James (Gov. of Ga.) —124. Wyat, Sir Francis — 35. Wyer, John— 388. Wyuka (Chief)— 428- Wythe County— 145. Wyrek (Chief)— 428. Xavier Family (See Sevier Fam- ily)— 108. Xualla— 25. Yadkin River— 50, 67, 69, 83, 95, S6, 102, 103, 170, 207, 268. Yamassees — 44. Yeamans, Sir John — 40. Yearly, Isam — 179. Yellow Mountain— 86, 230, 644. . Yocum's Station— 679. Yorktown, Va — 251, 253, 254, 260, 615. Young, Mr. — 594. Young, Abraham — 604 Young, John— 665, 704. Young, Joseph — 668. Young, Robert— 120, 409. Zahaun, Capt. John (Sehorn) — 413. Zeigler's Station (Jacob Zeigler) —563, 598. Zirkle, Reuben— 576. Zollicoffer, Gen. Felix — 509. END. PRESS OF THE HERMITAGE PRINTING COMPANY NASHVILLE. TENN v; ''if. ■•0' ^ ^0'' %: ^^0^ .V^' ,.^^ %. •0^ oK" V^ ^$X4^° %/ .■-*^ ,0^ o 0^ xV ./ x^* v^- ^^ v.°^.: .lO -0' ,0 c "oo^ ^^ v^ :^ ^^ K\^'' ^..^'■^ r z^' ■n- K^ •J x« °^ ' "H' > <. "'^^*"- *:;,-> \ .0^ \ ■ ,v vOo .\. ./. V ^ ^ * , -> T- .<) CI;! « ' » o s '^ \^ W I i -^^^ .f^' .0^^ vOo. \.^ ^ ^ • , "_> x'^' - V^^ oH '^ f^' .a'^" .\^' ,\^ x^^ -^t. ^J- s •v., XV x\^- V-. 017 187 961 9