CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS DRAWINGS STATUARY Etc. OF THE ^RT DEP^RTMEISTT IN THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR HELD IN LOGAN SQUARE, JUNE 1864, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. PRICE 25 CENTS. PHILADELPHIA. PUBLISHED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FAIR. CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS DEAWINGS STATUARY Etc. OF THE J^IRT DEP^RTMEISTT IN THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR HELD IN LOGAN SQUARE, JUNE 1864, FOR THE BENEFIT OP THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. PRICE 25 CENTS. PHILADELPHIA. PUBLISHED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FAIR. Some nakmowir FINE ARTS COMMITTEE THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR JOSEPH HARRISON, Jr., Chairman. THOMAS SULLY, HENRY C. CAREY, CALEB COPE, WILSON C. SWANN, M.D. JAMES L. CLAGHORN, WILLIAM P. WILSTACH, C. G. LELAND, JOHN H. TOWNE, EDWARD S. CLARKE, FERDINAND J. DREER, HUGH DAVIDS, Rev. WM. H. FURNESS, Prof. H. COPPEE, GEORGE S. PEPPER, CHARLES J. PETERSON, J. W. BATES, JOS. A. CLAY, GEORGE WHITNEY, WILLIAM STRUTHERS, THOMAS MORAN, CHRISTIAN SCHUSSELE, JOHN SARTAIN, Rev. H. J. MORTON, WM. BUCKNELL, Jb. F. W. LEWIS, M.D. LADIES' COMMITTEE. MRS. H. D. GILPIX, Chairman. Mrs. W. D. LEWIS, Mrs. J. HAZLEHURST, Mrs. Mrs. COLEMAN, Miss MARIA TILGHMAN, Mrs. Mrs. ALEXANDER BROWNE, Mrs. GEORGE H. BOKER, Mrs. Mrs. R, STURGESS, Mrs. SAVAGE, Mrs. Mrs. J. C. FISHER, Mrs. J. SAVAGE, Mrs. Mrs. J. TEVIS, Mrs. GENERAL MEADE, Mrs. Mrs. J. HASELTINE, I^Irs. W. H. ASHHURST, Mrs. Mrs. J. H. TOWNE, Mrs. SCHOMBURG, Mrs. Mrs. BLOOMFIELD MOORE, Mrs. C. J. STILLE, Mrs. Mrs. WASHBURNE, Mrs. AUBREY H. SMITH, Mrs. Mrs. G. HARDING, Mrs. G. PLITT, Mrs. Mrs. W. B. HASELTINE, Mrs. C. J. PETERSON, Mrs. Mrs. H. COPPEE, C. G. LELAND, GRIER, G. WHITNEY, WM. BUCKNELL, Jr., WM. P. WILSTACH, GILLESPIE, W. G. MOOREHEAD, J. L. CLAGHORN, JOSEPH HARRISON, Jr., M. B. GRIER, GEORGE C. CARSON, WM. STRUTHERS. (3) GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. A.ET DEP^RTMEHSTT CATALOGUE. [Those marked with a star (*) are for i?ale.] HO. SUBJECTS. 1 The Little Penitent, 2 Scene on the Delaware, 3 Christian Martyrs in the Coliseum, 4 Sheep and Goats, 5 Cattle, 6 The Unwelcome Guest, 7*The White Mountains, . 8 Norwegian Scenery, Early Morning, 9 Amalfi, 10 Scene from "As You Like It," 11 The Departure, 12 The Contrast, .... 13 The Departure for the "War, 14 The Finding of Moses, 15 Norwegian Landscape, 16 Sent on an Errand, . 17*The Forbidden Lover, 18 The Widow, or Spirit of 1864, . 19 Autumn in the Wissahickon, . _20 Alps hy Sunrise, 21 The Cavalier 22 Very Cold, 23 Florentine Costume of the 13th Cen- tury, 24 The Beggar, .... 25 Shipwreck of Old Ironsides, 26 Creisham Creek, 27 The Little Coward, IT. Schlesinger, G. R. Bonfield, P. F. Rothermel, Robbe, Verbeckhoven, Kost, W. L. Sontag, 11. Gude, W. S. Ilaseltine, P. F. Rothermel, F. Kels, C. Schuessele, L. Lang, Ch. Narl, Herzog, J. R. Evans, C. ITubner, L. Lang, T. Moran, R. Gignoux, R. C. Woodville, King, V. Fletcher, J. Hamilton, T. Moran, L. Claes, PROPRIETORS. A. Blight. Jos. Patterson. The Artist. J. B.Wellington, Brooklyn. Bailey & Co. J. S. Earle & Son. John Bohlen. Prof. F. Rogers. E. W. Clark. Bailey & Co. Jos. Patterson. L. Lang, N. Y. Chas. Macalester. W. F. Leech. J. R. Evans. J. S. Earle & Son. L. Lang, N. Y. A. J. Drexel. A. A. Low, N. Y. W. H. Aspinwall, N. Y. Mrs. Vansyckel. J. W. Field. Mrs. Vansyckel. J. T. Tait. G. F, Tyler. (5) GREAT CENTRAL FAIR no. SUBJECTS. 28 Lear and Cordelia, . 29 The Happy Family, . 30 The Monastery. "Madonna Sasso," .... dell ARTISTS. Rothermel, Robbe, PaunYebei, PROPRIETORS. Col. C. G. Childs. E. W. Clark. John Sowle, Boston. In the foreground are the Monastic buildings : and, in the background, towards the north, are «ome of the lower spurs and ranges of the great Alpine chain, on which the snow is lying. Between the monastery and the lake, the houses and buildings of Locarno are imperfectly seen. On the bor- ders of the lake is a low plain, the deposit of numerous mountain-torrents which here flow into the lake ; and, in another part of the picture, at the extreme northerly portion of the lake, a similar allu- rial plain is seen. The cluster of white buildings on the opposite side of the lake is the town of Magadino, behind which rises the imposing bulk of Monte Cenere. 31 The Street Sweeper, 32 Female Head, . 33 Nana, .... 34 Innocence and Fidelity, . 35 Mother's Joys and Mother's Sor- row, .... 36*The Artist's Studio, 37 The Recruit, . 38 Coast of Schwining, 39 The Politician, 40 Morning, .... 41 "What are the Wild Waves Say ing?" .... 42*Swiss Girl, 43*Preparing for Market, 44*Souvenir D'ltalie, 45 The Sweets of Idleness, . 46 English Lane Scene, 47*The Young Widow, . 48*A Sketch, Italy, 49*Origin of the American Flag, 50 Landscape, 51 Chicks 52 Hunter and Dogs, 53 Morning on the Coast, 54 The Spirit of Reflections from over the Way, .... 55 Lorenzo. " On such a night Did Jessica steal from the wealthy Jew, And with an unthrift love did run from Venice As far as Belmont. MercTiant of Venice, Act V. Scene I. 56 Reading the Scriptures, . 57 Cattle, Faller, Greuze, H. G. Wild, L. Bruls, C. Rauppe, A. Siegert, G. Brillouin, A. Achenbuch, C. N. Webb, C. Troyon, J. Hamilton, Arons, Delattre, F. D. B. Richards, H. J. Boddington, Do. J. G. Brown, G. Mason, H. P. Gray, Th. Frere, A. F. Tait, Do. •J. F. Kensett, G. A. Conover, N. Y. Jas. Kennard, N. Y. John W. Field. G. A. Conover, N. Y. J. T. Sanford, N. Y. J. S. Earle & Son. Bailey & Co. Do. G. A. Conover, N. Y. J. W. Field. II. C. Gibson. J. S. Earle & Son. Mrs. Vansj'ckel. F. D. B. Richards. J. T. Furness. Do. J. Snedecor. J. W. Field. II. P. Gray, N. Y. J.B.Wellington, Brooklyn. E. S. Mills, Brooklyn. Jas. M. Burt, Brooklyn. Sheppard Gandy, N. Y. J. B. Wiltkamp, H. C. Gibson. Jas. Hamilton, Carl Ilubner, E. Verboeckhoven, II. C. Gibson. G. A. Conover, N. T. J. B.Wellington, Brooklyn. V ART DEPARTMENT. 58 The Old Huntsman, 59 Landscape, 60 Roman Grandmother, 61 The Copper Smith, 62 Love's Postilion, 63 Children in the Field, 64 Partridge and Flowers, 65 Spring, 66 Mother and Child, . 67 Italian Girl, "^ 68 The Bone of Contention, 69 Petitioning the Doge, 70 Italian Boy, 71 The Cedar Bucket, . 72 Autumn, 73 Landscape, Village Scene 74 Camp Cameron, 75 Wine and Fruit, 76 Dolce far Niente, 77*The Coming Storm, . 78*Mother and Child, . 79 Grandmother's Birthday, 80 Morning in the Catskills, 81 Mother and Child, . 82 Portia and Shylock, 83 Saturday Night, --84 The Rocky Mountains, Litzschauer, Rousseau, Zahner, Litzschauer, E. Stammel, II. Sonderman, Kruseman, Dubufe, E. Leutze, A. Neckol, C. Yon Wille, C. Becker, A. Neckol, T. T. Fowler, Dubufe, II. J. Boddington, S. R. Gifford, J. Willems, E. Stammel, De Buel, Martins, Alex. Guilleman, E. D. Lewis, Thos. Sully, do. Geselschap, A. Bierstadt, PROPRIKTOHS. M. Baird. J. W. Field. do. M. Baird. Bailey & Co. do. J. B. "Wellington, Brooklyn. J. Kennard, New York. G. W. Snyder, Pottsville. Wm. Blasius. Jos. Harrison, Jr. W. II. Webb, New York. Wm. Blasius. M. W. Baldwin. J. Kennard, New York. Rev. Dr. Furness. S. B. Caldwell, Brooklyn. Baily & Co. do. J. S. Earle & Son. do. J. M, Burt, Brooklyn. The Artist. W. P. Wilstach. H. C. Baird. Mrs. E. W. Clark. Emil Seitz, New York. This picture is now being engraved in line by James Smilie, and subscriptions received by tie Publisher, Emil Seitz, 842 Broadway, New York. 85 Sir Walter Raleigh, spreading his cloak for Queen Elizabeth to walk upon, . • , . P. F. Rothermel, 86 The Knitting School, . . A. Anker, 87 The Boat Race, . . . W. P. W. Dana, 88 Sunset at Fontainbleau, . . P. Weber, 89 The Sceptre of Egypt Shall de- part away, Zachariah, 10 c. 11 v. Jas. Hamilton, 90 The Traveller, . . . . W. Ranney, 91 Portrait of Monroe, . . . Gilbert Smart, 92 Children in a Wheat Field catching Butterflies, .... Von Seben, 93 The Pride of the Village, , II. P. Gray, 94 Portrait of James E. Murdoch, . T. Buchanan Read, 95 Ichabod Crane, and Katrina Van Tafel, D. Huntington, 96 Too Late for the Cars, . . R. S. Zimmerman, 97 Portrait of Madison, . . Gilbert Stuart, 98 Hope and Memory, . . . E. Leutze, Mrs. Vansyckel. J. T. Johnston, New York C. H. Luddington,Brooklyn C. H. Clark. H. C. Gibson, M. 0. Roberts. A. A. Low, New York. Jas. L. Claghorn. W. II. Osborne, New York W. P. Wilstach. A. A. Low, Brooklyn. McMurttrie, E. D. Lockwood. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. 99 The Convalescent, 100 The Sleighing Party, 101 La Fayette, 102 Hero holding the Beacon 103 Marinfe, . 104 The Dancing Lesson, 105 Study from Nature, . 106 Cattle, 107 Fancy Head, 108 Ruth and Boaz, 109 Sister Tending Baby, 110 The Standard Bearer, 111 The Bird Cage, 112 The First Proposal, . 113 Kept in, . 114 Landscape, 115 Strawberries, . 116 Snow Scene, 117 Prayer, 118 Un Repas de Corps, . 119 The Amateurs, 120 The Little Seamstress, 121 The Bone of Contention, 122 The Image Dealers, . 123 Fruit, 124 The Tangled Skein, . 125 Reading the News, . 126 Hungarian Woodlands and Gipsies, 127 Queen Elizabeth signing the Death Warrant of Essex, \28 Landscape, 129*Going to the Hunt, . 130 A Flower among the Weeds, 131 Return from the Hunt, 132 The White Plume, 133 Sappho, . 134 Revolutionary Hero's Return, 135 Sybil, 136 Washington, 137 Coast Scene, 138*Hubert and Arthur 139*Baron Humboldt, 140 Canova, 141 Landscape, 142 Bay of Fundy, 143 Punch and Judy, 144 Fidelity, , 145 Peasants gathering Oranges, 146 Bears on a Bender, . ARTISTS. Geo. C. Lambden, Meno Muhlig, A. Scheifer, T. Buchanan Road, De Haas, Fichel, G. B. Wood, C. Troyon, G. W. Connaroe, P. F. Rothermel, Merle, Messonier, Guilleman, Plassan, Ed. Frere, A. B. Durand, G. H. Hall, H. Kalbfus, E. Johnson, Fichel, Brillion, Pattrois, Alf De Dreux, Guillemo, W. Joham Preyer, Trayer, Carl M. Webb, A. Wille, P. F. Rothermel, J. F. Kensett, C. Sell, J. G. Brown, C. Sell, D. Huntingdon, G. W, Connarroe, W. Ranney, L. Lang, C. Schuessle, Wm. Shayer, Sr., G. F. Bensel, J. R. Lambdin, Sir Thos. Lawrence, Tennent, E. Moran, J. C. Thorn, Diaz, Anton Weber, W. H. Beard, PROPRIETORS. W. F. Leech. W. H. Aspinwall, N. T. Mr. Kinney, Cincinnati. James Kennard, N. Y. John Hoey, New York. The Artist. J. M. Burt, New York, The Artist. Mrs. Sill. Mr. Ilealy, Brooklyn. Israel Corse, New York. J. A. Suydam, New York. S. Gandy, New York. M. Knoedler, New York. M. 0. Roberts, New York. John Bohlen. S. Weir Lewis. J. M. Burt, New York. John Hoey, New York. do. do. do. do. W. H. Webb, New York. John Hoey, New York. do. G. A, Conover, N. Y. H. C. Gibson. J. Suydam, New York. Dolph, New York. Geo. B. Coale, Baltimore. Dolph, New York. ^IcMurtrie. The Artist. H. Paul Beck. Wilson G. Swann. E. W. Clark, John Richardson, The Artist. The Artist. W. H. Aspinwall, N. Y. Mrs. Sill. F. J. Dreer, M. Knoedler, N. Y. J. A. Suydam, N. Y. W. F. Leech. S. B. Caldwell, Brooklyn. ART DEPAETMENT. NO. SUBJECTS. 147 Franklin at Verseilles, 148 Timon of Athens and Apamantes 149 Country Girl, . 150 Evangeline, 151 Landscape, 152 A Boy Reading, 153 Petty Larceny, . 154 Washhouse on the Bosphorus, 155 Feeding the Pet, 156 Paul before Agrippa, 157 St. Paul, .... 158 The Gypsy, . 159 Imogene, .... 160 Portrait of Garrick, . 161 Landscape, 162 Shelling Corn, . 163 Looking at Pictures, 164*" I See You," . 165 Ice-bound, 166 Little Soldiers, . 167 View on the Thames, 168 Tending Sheep at Campagna, 169 Landscape, . , 170 Dog's Head, ... 171 The Repentant Irishman, 172*Solitude on the Mediterranean 173 Guarding Turkeys, . 174 The Gleaner, . 175 New Hampshire, 176 Meditation, 177 Landscape, 178 Writing His Lesson, 179 The Burgomaster's Proposal, 180 Landscape, 181 View in Westmoreland, . 182 Rhymers in the Woods, . 183 The Seven Mountains, 184 Landscape, 185 Six Year Old, . 186 Landscape, 187 The Olden Times, Evening, 188 An English Vale, . 189 Guido Painting the Portrait of the Cenci, .... ■^JQO The Apple of Discord, . 191 Shepherdess with Flock, . 192 Peasant Children with Sheep, 193 Ruins of Nero's Villa, . 194 The Olden Times ; Morning, ARTISTS. P. F. Rothermel, T. Sully, C. Schuesselle, A. B. Durand, E. Johnson, Seignac, Th. Frere, Duverger, P. F. Rothermel, Guercino, T. Sully, Henry Inman, R. E. Pine, Paul Weber, E. Johnson, Petit, J. G. Brown, Hildebrandt, Seignac, II. J. Boddington, Robbe, P. Weber, W. J. Hays, Blye, G. L. Brown, Salmon, Cobbett, Regis Gignoux, Beranger, Russell Smith, E. Johnson, De Loose, Thos. Robinson, Bright, L. Lang, W. S. llaseltine E. D. Lewis, J. G. Brown, W. L. Sontag, J. F. Cropsey, Henry Jutsam, Peri de Jaut, H. Peters Gray, M. Nichol, De Buel, W. S. llaseltine, J. F. Cropsey, PROPRrETORS. S. H, Rothermel. H. C. Baird. W. E. Lockwood. Jonathan Sturges, N. Y. Chas. Day. W. T. Blodgett, N. Y. S. Gandy, New York. do. do. John Rice. W. C. Swann. H. C. Baird. Jos. Patterson. Wm. G. Swann. M. W. Baldwin. J. M. Burt, New York. J. L. Claghorn. Jno. Snedecor, N. Y. E. W. Bailey. E. H. Clark. Chas. Macalester. Mrs. E. W. Clark. John B. Myers. S. B. Caldwell, Brooklyn. W. P. Wilstach. The Artist, Boston. W. F. Leech. J. W. Bates. Chas. Christmas, N. Y. A. E. Borie. P. F. Rothermel. Robt. Olyphant, N. Y. C. H. Clark. The Artist, Providence. Mrs. Still. James L. Claghorn. Ward B. llaseltine. M. W. Baldwin. Geo. B. Coalc, Baltimore. M. W. Baldwin. W. T. Blodgett, N. Y. M. W. Baldwin. G. A. Conover, N. Y. Robt. Olyphant, N. Y. J. M. Blasins. E. II. Clark. E. W. Clark. W. T. Blodgett. N. Y. 10 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. 195 "As the Old Cock Crows, the Young ones Learn," 196 The Pages, 197 A Drop on the Sly, . 198 The Convalescent Mother, 199 River by Moonlight, 200 Sea Beach, 201 The March of Silenus ; or, " We Wont go Home 'Till Morning," 202 The Breakfast, . 203*Playing Old Soldier, 204 Grandpapa Watching his Pet, 205 The Alchymist, 206 The Widow's Prayer, 207 Fowls, 208 The Wreckers, . 209 On Shore, 210 Lear and Cordelia, 211 Alward, . 212 A Visit to the Old Hunting Grounds, 213 Catching Wild Horses, . 214 The AVorkingmen's Petition to the Council of 1848, for Political Rights, 215 The Epicure's Supper, 216 Halberdier, time of Louis 13th, . 217 Landscape, .... 218 The Indiscreet, 219 The Wilds of Lake George, 220 Princess Charlotte, . 221 Portrait of a Burgomaster, 222 The Head of an Old Man, 223 Coast of France, 224 City Gate, .... 225 Landscape, .... 226 The Love Letter, 227 Perry's Victory, 228 Sunset on the Susquehanna, 229* A Wedding Procession in Thurin- gen, 230 The Rosebud, .... 231 Landscape, .... 232 Marine, 233 Willow Swamp, 234 The Night after a Battle, . 235 Morning on the Coast of Normandy, 236 Child in an Artist's Studio, 237 The Village Musicians, . 238 English Hay Making, J. G. Brown, Le Roy, E. Johnson, Fluggen, T. P. Otter, G. R. Bonfield, W. H. Beard, E. Frere, W. Homer, E. Geselschap, Spitzwig, Jules Chavelet, C. Troyon, G. R. Bonfield, Lorch, P. F. Rothermel, Lorch, Trego, W. Ranney, ( Vide Potrait of the J. P. Hasenclever, Carl Iloff, Brilliours, W. T. Richards, Leray, E. D. Lewis, Rembrandt, do. do. M. W. De Haas, Hasenflug, Rousseau, Beranger, T. Birch, J. L. Williams, Van starkenborg, Thos. Sully, Loutherburg, A. Vickers, W. S. Haseltine, Nehlig, W. P. W. Danna, A. Seigert, A. Guilleman, Wilson, PROPRIETORS. James L. Claghorn. James Kennard, N. Y. James L. Claghorn. W. H. Webb, N. Y. W. P. Wilstach. W. H. Dougherty. The Artist, N. Y. J. A. Suydam, N. Y. The Artist, N. Y. G. A. Conover, N. Y. W. p. Wilstach. John Bohlen. A. E. Borie. Chs. Macalester. Jos. Harrison, Jr. W, P. Wilstach. B. Frodsheim, N. Y. Gen. Tyndale. M. 0. Roberts, N. Y. Artist, No 398 Catahxjv F. J. Dreer. John Snedecer, N. Y. A. E. Borie. John A. BrowH. M. Knoedler, N. Y. C. H. Clark. W. C. Swauu. do. do. M. 0. Roberts, N. Y. F. J. Dreer. A. E. Borie. do. T. Birch, Jr. W. H. Dougherty. J. S. Earle & Son. M. W. Baldwin. E. G. Cornell, N. Y. C. Macalester. Miss Bohlen. The Artist, N. Y, Dr. Geo. T. Elliot, N. "S C. H. Clark. John Bohlen. John Richardson. ART DEPARTMENT, 11 NO. StJBJECTS. ARTISTS. 239 The String Team, . . . Thos. Robinson, 240 Early Sunrise ; Mist rising in the Adirondacks, . . . Jarvis M. Entee, 241 Tower in North of France, . E. Isabey, 242 Toy Maker in Nuremberg, . Enhouer, 243 Landscape, .... J. W. Cassilear, 244 Thieves in a Village Tnn, . . C. D'Unker, 245 Moonrise, Lessing, 246 Lady Jane Grey presenting her Tablets to the Constable of the Tower, as she goes to Execution, Edward H. May, 246ALandscape and Cattle, . . Verbeckhoven, 2468Moonlight, . . . . T. P. Otter, 246CLandscape, . . . . J. F. Kensett, 246DLandscape, .... A. Parton, 247 The Young Navigator, . . Bourges, 248 The Sewing Girl, . . . • A. Burger, 249 A Street in Antwerp, . . Ruyten, 250 Playing School, . . . C. J. Lewis, 251 On the Brandywine, . . Van Starkenburg' 252 City of Rouen, . . . Callcot, 253 The Blind Girl of Pompeii, . E. Leutze, 254 A Horse and Dogs, . . . B. Adam, 255 The First Reading of the Declara- tion of Independence, . . P. F. Rothermel, 256 A Scene in Switzerland, . . A. Calamie, 257 Cattle Robbe, 258 "Partie Mariage," A Game of Cards, Stammel, 259 Landscape, . . . . H. Jutsum, 260 do. View on the Shenandoah, TV. L. Sontag, 261 View on the North River, . I. Doughty,. 262 Marine, Wreck off Lucour, , Schotel, PROPRIETOnS. Amasa Sprague, Pro., R. I. A. D. Jessup. Gen. Tyndale. Robt. Olyphant, John Bohlen. Prof. F. Rogers. Jos. Harrison, Jr. Jno. A. Brown. M. W. Baldwin. P. F. Rothermel. C. F. Hazeltine. M. Knoedler, New York. W. T. Blodgett, N. Y. Dr. F. W. Lewis. E. W. Clark. W. C. Swann. Mrs. Sill. The Artist. John Bohlen. W. P. Wilstach. F. J. Dreer. E. Langton. E. G. Cornell. C. Macalester. 12 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. NO. SUBJECTS ARTISTS. -263 Scene at the Conciergerie Prison during the Roll Call of the last Victims of the Reign of Terror, 9th Thermidor, 1793, (see p. 13), C. L. Muller, 264 Hastings, A. G. Williams, 265 Father's Return, . . . Geselschap, 266 Valley of the Vieche, . . Louis Robbe, 267 Sailor's Requiem, . . . E. Moran, 268 Paul and Virginia, . . . Steinbruck, 269 Coast of Norway, . . . Alex. Wust, 270 Landscape, with Cattle, . . Shalders, 271 Rustic Toilet Steinbruck, 272 Halt at the Inn, . . . Wm. Shayers, Sr., 273 Querana, J. Murazzi, 274 Moonlight Stange, 275 Off Ostende, .... A. Achenbach, 276 Passport and Police Office, . Schlesinger, 277*Shady Lane, .... Shayer, 278 Sheep and Goats, . . . Robbe, 279 Landscape Geo. Inness, 280 Delaware Bay by Moonlight, . T. P. Otter, 281 Fisherman and Teams, . . Wm. Shayer, Sr., 282 Moro Castle, .... Laineau, 283 The Blacksmith, . . . L. Toussain, 284 The Siesta, .... Sevedeux, 285 Curiosity Show, . . . Vennerman, 286 Cherries, Miss Mary Peale, 287 Jealousy, AV.II. Beard, 288 News from the Field, . . Hearn, 289 King Alexander. III. and the Stag. C. R. Leslie. 290 Guido Painting the Cenci, . Piganni, 291 View on the Adirondack, . W. T. Richards, 292 Hyde Park, .... Alf. De Dreux, 293 An Old Mill in Burgundy, . Watelet, 294 English Scene, . . . . W. Shayer, Sr., 295 French Picnic, .... Victor Carree, 296 Giotto and Cimabue. . . . E. Ward, 297 Venice, Tilton, 298 Marine, M. F. De Haas, 299 Cathedral in Strasbourg, . . Genison, 300 Welcome and Unwelcome, . C. M. Webb, 301 Evening Vespers, . . . E. Gesselschap, 302 Fisher Girls, .... Henzell, 303 The First Snow, . . . Regis Gignoux, 304 Landscape, . . . . J. F. Kensett, 305 Conservatory, .... Geo. C. Lambdin, 306 Franklin C. Schuesselle, 307 Videttes, Schuster, 308 Marine, J. Meadow, PROPRIETORS. J. Taylor Johnston, N. Y. Dr. T. W. Lewis. W. F. Leech. Jno. A. Brown. J. Richardson. Mrs. E. W. Clark. The Artist. W. C. Swann. E. W. Clark. Mrs. Vansyckel. Prof. Rogers. McMurtrie. J. A. Suydam, New York. C. Macalester. J. S. Earle & Son. W. C. Swann. Ogden Haggerty, N. Y. Mrs. Baird. Mrs. Vansyckel. C. Macalester. Bailey & Co. J. L. Claghorn. G. A. Conover, New York. C. W. Peale. Jas. Kinnard, New York. J. B.Wellington, Brooklyn. C. N. Bancker. W. F. Leech. E. Greble. J. W. Field. W. P. Pepper. E. G. Connell, New York. W. F. Leech. Mrs. Sill. W. T. Blodgett, N. Y. Chas. Wright. F. J. Dreer. W. F. Leech. Baily & Co. J. B. Wellington, Brooklyn Theo. Polhemus, N. Y. J. M. Burt, Brooklyn, E. W. Clark. E. W. Clark. W. F. Leech, J. B. Wellington, Brooklyn ART DEPARTMENT. 13 » CO S — -= H « CO IS ID ■^ 3 ^ o o P^ ^ -f. .2 5 s ^ CO -^ lO ^ l^ a .=3 ^ ( 14 GREAI CENTRAL FAIR. NO. SUBJECTS. ARTISTS. PROPRIETORS. 309 Landscape, , Wm. Hart, I. B. Wellington, 310 Christmas, J. G. Brown, do. 311 Narragansett, . W. S. Ilazeltine, do. 312 The Village School, . II. J. Boddington, H. Paul Beck. 313 The Surprise. . F. Ilildermau, G. A. Conover, New York 314 Blind Man's Buff, . Von Seben, Jas. L. Claghorn. 315 Landing of the Xorthmen, Vinland, E. Leutze, John H. Towne. 316*Xemesis, .... Prof. Jordan, J. S. Earle & Son. 317 Flemish Interior, Mother and Child De Loose, M. Baird. 318 Tiew on Fifeshire, . Ilargett, J. W. Bates. 319 The Gleaner, . Gavin, do. 320 Market Scene, . Von Schendel, W. D. Sherrerd. 321 Mother and Child, . Washington Allston M'Murtrie. 322 Peak of Green Mountains, S. R. Gifford, Geo. Whitney. 323 Madonna, Murillo, Dr. Meigs. 324 Mother of Rembrandt Rembrandt, W. C. Swann, 325 Setter Dog, W. J. Hays, W. D. Lewis. 326 Chimborazo, L. R. Mignot, W. S. Stewart. 327 Armor Smiths, M. Muhlig, W. F. Leech. 328 Working for the Fair, E. Johnson, Sheppard Gandy, N. Y. 329*Pvialto, .... Shugart, J. S. Earle & Son. 330 -Water Mill, Bagtown, South Devon, H. J. Boddington, H. Paul Beck. 331 The Widow, 1 Wittkamp, W. P. Wilstach. 332 Prince of Orange, . Van loo. F, J. Dreer. 333 View in the Tyrol, . Paul Weber, E. W. Clark. 334 Columbus before Ferdinand and Isabella, after his return from America, E. Leutze, Jas. T. Furness. 335 My Beggared Neighbor, . E. Nichol, J. W. Bates. 336 Duke of Wellington, W. C. Swann. 337 Landscape, A. Parton, C. F. Haseltine. 338 Still Life, Strawberries, . Miss Mary Peale, Chas. W. Peale. 339 Landscape, H. Inman, C. G. Childs. 340 Coast Scene, . G. R. Bonfield, do. 541 White Squirrel) W. II. Beard, Miss Bohlen. 342 Convalescent, . Caille, J. L. Claghorn. 343 Preparations at Circus, E. Volkers, ^Y. F. Leech. 344 "Brushwood," vide T. B. Read, p oem Lassale, J. L. Claghorn. 345 Sea Coast by Moonlight, . T. P. Otter, M. Baird. 346 Artist's Closet, King, Mrs. Vansyckle. 347 Dog, B. Adam, J. W. Bates. 348 Dog Vender, . E. Noteman, G. A. Conover, New York, 349 Festival of Song, . C. Buer, A. Campbell. 350 Landscape, .... Rousseau, C. Day. 351 Interior, ..... Hor. Vernet, W. C. Swann. 352 Musicians in the Stable, . W. Ilahn, W. F. Leech. 353 North River, . T. Doughty, M. Baird. -^54 Children of Charles L, . Vandyk, J. Kennard, New York. 355 The Return of the Contadina, Eagles, Miss Bohlen. ART DEPARTMENT. 15 356 Irish Merry Making, 357 Path in the Woods, . 358 The Sleigh Hide, 359 Deer, .... 360 Shipwrecked Sailor, . 361 Pleasant Valley, Adirondack Mts, 362 Light House, Coast of Holland, 363 Missing, .... -364 Judgment of Solomon, 365 Landscape and Cattle, a View the Rhine, 366 On the Nile above Girgeh, 367 Wheat and Tares, . 368 Study from Nature, 369 Gulf of Salerno, 370 Flock of Sheep, 371*Beatitude, 37l2Sparkrng Champagne, . 372 Blondine, 373 Fortune Teller, . ' . 374*Monastery Madonna del Sasso, The Original Study of No. 30 in the Catalogue, 375*Ruins of Thebes, . 376 Return from Market, 377 Rome, ..... 378 Storm and Wreck, . 379 Washington and La Fayette, . 380 Bull, 381 Raw Recruits, .... 382 Franklin before the Privy Council, 383 Near Atlantic City, . 384 Incident in the Life of Washington, 385 Landscape, .... 386 Hill and Valley, 387 Interior of the Inn, . 388 The Virtuoso 389 Nun at Prayer, Interior of St. Mark's, Venice, 390 The First Baby, 391 Washington, .... 392 Landscape, .... 393 Anialfi, 394 Cattle, 395 Peasants at Table, . 396 Landscape, .... 397 Day Dreams ARTISTS. E. Nichol. W. T. Richards, J. C. Thorn, W. J. Hays, Thos. Birch, W. T. Richards, E. Le Poittevin, W. A. K. Martin, Von Severdonck, V. Sand Backhuysen, Victor Iluguet, Steinbruck, A. H. Wenzler, H. J. Johnson, Jaques, Landelle, Eickhiut, W. P. W. Dana, PROPRIETORS. J. W. Bates. Hugh Davids. Jas. L. Claghorn. do. Thos. Birch, Jr. E. W. Clark. J. T. Johnstor.. N. A. S. Robinson. John A. Brown. Y. H. Plathouer, P. Weber, Theo. Frere, Krimmel, Tilton, E. J. Isabey, Rembrandt Peale, Delattre, C. Schuessele, Do. W. T. Richards, II. Inman, W. Whittridge, J. F. Kensett, Krimmel, P. F. Rothermel, Romako, C. Ilubner, Gilbert Stuart, Paul Weljer, W. T. Haseltine, Ver])eckhoven, Van Tol, W. T. Richards, Couture, Chas. Macalester. W. F. Leech. Rev. Dr. Furness. The Artist, N. Y. Henry Seligman. A. E. Borie. M. Knoedler, N. Y. J. A. Brown Mrs. Washington Murry, N. Y. Miss Bohlen. John Sowle, Boston. M. Knwdler, N. Y. J. A. Brown. Chas. Macalester. Gen'l. Tyndale. E. G. Cornell, N. Y. Chas. Macalester. John M. Butler. Hugh Davids. C. G. Childs. Mrs. J. Haseltine. W. P. Wilstach. Chas. Macalester. The Artist. W. J. Leech. J. W. Bates. J. P. Beaumont, N. Y. John B. Myers. B. F. Gardner, Baltimore. F. J. Drocr. W. C. Swann. H. G. Sharpless. J. T. Sanfurd, N. Y. 16 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. NO. SUBJECTS. ARTISTS. 398 Artist Life in the Studio, and Por- trait of the Artist, . . Ilasenclever. 399 Partridge, . . . . W. J. Hays, 400 The Happy Moment, . . Carl Hubner, 401 Landscape, . . . . S. R. Gifford, 402 do P. Weber, 403 Marine, De Haas, 404 Landscape in Kent, . . . H. Jutsum, 405 Confidence, .... Wittkamp, 406 Cromwell and Daughter, . . E. Leutze, 407 Off Duty, P. F. Rothermel, 408 Head of a Child, . . . Thos. Sully, 409 Still Life J. Giles, 410 Landscape, . . . . J. F. Kensett, 411 A Cold Morning, . . . E. Frere, 412 A Peep into a Village, . . H. Boddington, 413 Fisher Boy, . . . . E. Frere, 414 The Foster Brother, . . . Duverger, 415 Feast of Flora, . . . Coypel, 416 Feast of Bacchus, ... do. 417 Scene in Norway, . . . Gude, 418 Esquimaux Dog, . . . W. S. Mount, 419 Departure of Columbus, . . E. Leutze, 420 Landscape, .... Loutherberg, 421 Salmon and Trout, . . . Rolfe, 422 Alpine Scenery, . . . Diday, 423 Curiosity, G. F. Bensel, 424 View at Tacony, . . . Xantbus Smith, 425*Landscape and Cattle, . . B. Tom, 426 Landscape, . . . . C. P. Cranch, 427 Morning of Life, . . . Blythe, 428 Lake Dunmore, . . . R. W. Hubbard, 429*Flower Girl, .... Nehlig, 430 Female Head, .... Rogueplan, 431 Evening of Life, . . . Blythe, 432 Landscape R. W. Hubbard, 433 do Thos. Birch, 434 Family Scene, .... Meyerheim, 435 School Examination, . . Hiddeman, 436 Storm off Sicily, ... A. Achenbach, 437 Stampede of Buffaloes, . . W. J. Hayes, 438 Terrier J. S. Hill, 439 Laban in Search of his Idols, . Michaelis, 440 Dog, Verlat, 441 Napoleon at Moscow, Murat and Ney, P. F. Rothermel, 442 Landscape and Horses, . . Wm Shayer, 443*Rocks and Foliage, . . . Prof. Gude, 444 Interior, J. F. Herring, PROPPIETORS. M. K. Knoedler, N. Y. The Artist. Mrs. Thos. Fleming. W. H. Packer, New York. Jno. B. Myers, Jas. Kennard, N. Y. J. W. Bates, J. S. Skirving, W. P. Wilstach. M. Baird. J. W. Paul. John Gibson. Robt. Olyphant, N. Y. J. T. Sanford, New York. Juhn Bohlen. W. T. Blodget, N.Y. John Bohlen. W. C. Swanu. do. • F. J. Dreer. G. A. Conover, New York. B. Frodsheim, New York. E. G. Cornell, New York. F. J. Dreer. Chas. Macalester. Henry Seligman. M. W. Baldwin. M. Knoedler, New York. J. W. Field. W. F. Leech. Geo. W. Coale, Baltimore. J. Snedecor, New York. J. W. Field. W. F. Leech. E. S. Mills, Brooklyn. Thos. Birch, Jr. W. H. AVebb, New York. G. A. Conover, New York. F. J. Dreer. The Artist, New York. A. S. Robinson. Chas. Macalester. W. T. Blodget, New York Chas. Macalester F. J. Dreer. M. Knoedler, New York. F. J. Dreer. ART DEPARTMENT. 17 jrO. SUBJECTS. 445 Martyrdom of Granier, 446 Golden Horn, . 447 Dead Plover, 448 Renter Alps, Bavaria, 449 Washington, 450 Head of the Martyr Granier, 451 Sunshine and Shadow, 452*Golden Pheasant Shooting, 453 Scene in Holland, 454 Loch Katrine, . 455 Fruit, .... 456 Sheep and Goats, 457 Flowers, .... 458 Lady and Page, 450 Madonna, .... 460 The News Boy, . 461 Fruit 462 do 463 Mediterranean Port, 464 Carnival in the City of Arras, 465 Grapes and Pomegranates, 466 Lago Maggiore, 467 Sierra Navada, . 468 Strasbourg, 469 Windsor Castle, 470 Family Devotion, 471 Edward Booth as " lago," Jouay, Howland, Wainwright, C. Millner, Gilbert Stuart, Jouay, A. G. Heaton, Ten Kate, Hermann, P. Weber, J. B. Ord, Robbe, Miss Bakhuysen, Van Hamm, Sasso Ferrata, E, W. Winner, Raphael Peale, do. G. R. Bonfield, L. Moritz, Geo. H. Hall, Scefisch, n. J. Wild, Scheudy, E. Moran, Carl Hubner, Thos. Hicks. PROPRIETORS. Gen. Tyndale. Chas. Macalester. G. A. Conover, New York. Geo. Whitney. W. D. Lewis. Gen. Tyndale. The Artist. J. S. Earle & Son. M. W. Baldwin. M. Baird. do. Chas. Macalester. H. G. Sharpless. Chas. Macalester. McMurtrie. Chas. Macalester. Mrs. J. W. Paul. do. M. W. Baldwin. Jno. Richardson. John Snedecor, New York. M. W. Baldwin. J. W. Field. Prof. F. Rogers. J. Richardson. G. A. Conover, New York The Artist, New York. "Now, whether he kill Cassio, Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other, Every way makes my gain : Live Roderigo, He calls me to a restitution large Of gold and jewels that I fobb'd from him, As gifts to Desdemona ; It must not be : if Cassio do remain, He hath a daily beauty in his life, That makes me ugly ; and, besides, the Moor May unfold me to him ; there stand I in much peril ; No, he must die : — " Act V. — Scene 1. 472 Deserted Maidens, . 473 The Supper, 474 Sheep going to Water, 475 Landscape and Cattle, 476 Lady Sewing, . . 477 Holy Family, . 478 Marine, . . , 479 Landing of the Pilgrims, 480 Bethlehem, 2 Diaw, Steinbruck, Robbe, Michael Carre, G. J. Gripps, Le Sueur, De Haas, P. F. Rothermel, D. W. C. Boutelle, General Tyndale. James T. Furness. Chas. Macalester. W. C. Swann. Wm. Blasius. W. C. Swann. Mr. Eastman, Brooklyn. M. Baldwin. W. P. Wilstach. 18 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR NO. SUBJECTS. 481 State House, Day of Battle of Ger mantown, 482*Fruit, .... 483 Coast Scene, 484 Dutch Fishing Smack, 485 Sunset, .... 486 Study on the Grand Canal at Venice, 48G2Raspberries, 487 Deer, .... 488 A Village Scene, 489 Stable Scene, . 490 Light in Stable, " . - 491 Return of the New York 69th ; " See Key," . 492 Ascension of the Virgin, . 493 Portrait in Costume, 494 Adoration of the Cross, . 495*Cl]rist Teaching Humility, 496 The Pastor's Visit, . 497 View near Ostend, . 498 Waiting for the Stage, 499 The Proposal, . 500 Morning and Evening, 501 Wine Tasters. (The Original Study,). 502 Head of a Girl, 503 Charity 504 Singing Lesson, 505 Evening, .... 506 Study of Ferns, 507*Q.uail Chickens, 508 View near Rome, 509 Ferry on the Clyde, . 510 Duck Shooting, 511 Mrs. Robt. Morris, . 512 The Acceptance, > . 513 Reminiscence of the Passaic, 514 A fine day Barring the Weather, 515 Carrying Brushwood, 516 Landscape, 517 Head of Herod ; a Unique Work, 518 A Calm 519 The Lost Child, 520 Sheep, .... 520AStudy, .... 520BCattle, .... 521 Landscape, 522 Portrait of Bishop White, 523 The Love Letter, 524 Portrait, Miss Elizabeth Bordley, 525 Do. Mrs. Judge Hopkinson, 526 Do. Mrs. Thos. Do. . P. F. Rothermel, Miss S. W. Wenzler, J. Shaw, Van Deventer, L. R. Mignot, H. G. ^YM, Miss Mary Peale, W. J. Hays, A. Hoffler, Jacques, Salmon, Louis Lang, E. Leutze, Sebastian Corica, W. Sanford Mason, H. Souderman, Verbeckhoven, C. L. Blauvault, Orchardson, Hasenclever, Geo. A. Baker, Duverger, F. Blieck, Geo. Inness, Miss Fidelia Bridges. A. F. Tait, J. F. Cropsey, S. Baugh, W. Ranney, Gilbert Stuart, Carl Becker, T. Moran, E. Nichol, W. J. Hennissy, A. Parton, G. F. Bensil, Count Calix, Verbeckhoven, W. H, Furness, Jr. GErtel, J. F. Kensett, Henry Inman, Hilton, Gilbert Stuart, Do. Do. PROtRIETOnS. H. C. Gibson. The Artist, New York. Chas. Macalester. H. G. Sharpless. John Bohlen. Rev. Dr. Furness. C. W. Peale. Jas. L. Claghorn. James Kennard, N. Y. A. E. Borie. Gen. Tyndale. The Artist, N. Y. W. C. Swann. W. Whittridge. W. C. Swann. The Artist. Bailey & Co. J. W. Bates. The Artist. Jas. Kennard, N. Y. N. J. Dreer. J. W. Bates. J. M. Burt, N. Y. Geo. B. Coale, Bait. G. A. Conover, N. Y. J. M. Burt, N. Y. Mrs. J. Haseltine. Jno. Snedecor. W. P. Wilstach. J. W. Bates. F. J. Dreer. J. P. Beaumont, N. Y, E. W. Bailey. H. B. Fry. F. J. Dreer. Jno. Snedecor, N. Y. C. F. Haseltine. Joseph Harrison. Henry Seligman. James Kennard, N. Y. S. B. Caldwell, Brooklyn. J. W. Field. J. W. Burt, N. Y. J. M. Burt, N. Y. M'Murtrle. Do. Miss MifHin. Mrs. Wm. Biddle. Do. ART DEPARTMENT, 19 KO. SUBJECTS. 527 Portrait, Judge Hopkinson, 528 The Proposal, . 529 Sunrise of Hastings, 530 Christ in the Temple, 531 The Philosopher, 532 Morning Prayer, 533 Scottish Hills, . 534 " Warm me," . 535 " Twinkle, twinkle, little Star, How I wonder what you are," 5S6 Landscape, 537 Sewing Girl, 538 The Ferry, 539 Melanie, . 540 The Penitent, . 541 View on the Susquehanna 542 Landscape, 543 Winter Scene, . 544 Lake George, . 545 Spirit of the Times, 546 Fruit, .... 547 Old Woman Keading her Bible 548 Landscape, 549 Ducks, .... 550 June Blossom, 551 Columbus Landing at America. 552 Swabian Peasant Girl, 553 Landscape with Cattle, 554 Beach Scene, Morning, 555 Landscape, . . ; 556 Landscape, . . . 557 Market Scene, . 558 River Scene, 559 Disappointed Hopes, 560 Skating, .... 561 Landscape, 562 Evening, . . • . 563 Prince Hal at his Father's Death- bed, .... 564 Love's Labor Lost, . 565 Bubbles, . , , . 566 Genevera, ... 567 Music, .... 568 Height of Fashion, , 569 Derby Day, ARTISTS. Gilbert Stuart, Carl Becker, E. Moran, P. F. Rothermel, A. Jemberg, Castan, G. Shalders, E. Frere, J. G. Brown, Roque Place, Ulysse, Brion, E. Leutze, P. F. Rothermel, P. Weber, Hertzog, C. Hilgers, J. F. Kensett, H. P. Gray, A. W. Preyer, Kindler, E. Lambinet, Jacques, Geo. A. Baker, E. Leutze, Carl Hubner, H. C. Bispham, J. W. W. Van Stark- enborg, Hertzog, Wm. Hart, H. G. Wild, E. Lambinet, Kindler, Frank, S. Colman, T. P. Otter, E. Leutze, Smirk, Von Seben, Steinbruck, Leighton. Lilly M. Spencer, W. P. Frith, PROPRIETORS. Mrs. Wm. Biddle. E. W. Bailey. H. B. Fry. Mrs. Vansyckel. Bailey & Co. S. Gandy, N. Y. H. H. G. Sharpless. S. Gandy, N. Y. John Bohlin. A. E. Borie. F. J. Dreer, J. M. Burt, N. Y. M. W. Baldwin. Jos. Patterson. E. Greble. Wm. Sellers, W. F. Leech. J. W. Field. S. B. Caldwell, Brooklyn. Bailey & Co. J. L. Claghorn. Chas. Day. A. E. Borie. S. Gandy, N. Y. W. F. Leech. Wm. Sellers. A. S. Robinson. M. Baird. Wm. Sellers. E. S. Mills, Brooklyn. J. W. Field. C. Day. J. L. Claghorn. G. A. Conover, N. Y. J. M. Burt. The Artist. Mrs. Sill. Jas. Kennard. J. B. Wellington, Brooklyn. Athe^ton Blight. G. A. Conover, N. Y. J. S. Earle & Son. This Painting, engraved by H. Blanchard, published by E. Lambert & Co., London. Agents in this city, J. S. Earle & Son. 20 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, 570 Landscape, with Deer, 571 The Young Gleaner, 572 On Lookout, 573 The Love Letter, 574 The New Gaiter, 575 Winter, . 57G*Lan(iscape, 577 The Supper, 578 Marine and Landscape, 579 Sheep, 580 A Storm, 581 Study from Nature, 582 Landscape, 583 Marine, . 584 Evening in the Park, 585*Valley of the Octz, 586 Early Autumn in White Mountains, 587 Landscape, 588 Do. . 589 Children, 590 Sunset on the Rhine, 592 The Wheelbarrow, 593 Bay of Bale, 594 Near Newport, 595 Winter Scene, . 596 Mountain Scene, 597*The Wetterhorn, 598 The Music Lesson, 5982Catharine and Petruchio, 599 Elihu Burritt in his Study, 600 Judgment of Solomon, 601 Gondolier, m2 Venice, . 603 The Duet, 604 Landscape, . . 605 Winter, . 606 Uvas de Sevilla, , 607 Judith, . 608*Cattle Returning Home, 609 Landscape, 610 Girl Knitting, . 611*Undine, . 612 The Wages of War, . 613 Organ Grinder, 614 Little Boat Builders, 615 Love and Skates, 616 Near Interlaken, 617 Uvas de Sevilla, 618 Marguerite, ARTISTS. Jas.IIart&A.F.Tait, E. Frere, Poittiven, Kindler, Patrols, E. Frere, T. S. Otter, Lanfent de Metz, S. R. Gifford, Verbeckhoven, G. F. Kensel, Geo. B. Wood, J. W. Cassilcar, M. F. De Haas, Von Wille, Engelhard t, E. D. Lewis, A. B. Durand, T. Cresswick, G. F. Bensell, Verbeckhoven, J. C. Thom, W. S. Haseltine, J. F. Cropsey, Meyerheim, E. Leutze, A. Bierstadt, Fred. Leighton, P. F. Rothermel, F. B. Mayer, P. F. Rothermel, H. E. Wild, do. E. Nichol, A. Parton, G. n. Bough ton, G. H. Hall, Riedel, De Buel & Danweter, J. McEntee, Meyer Von Bremen, T. Buchanan Read, H. Peters Gray, C. Schuesselle, Wykemberg, R. M. Staigg, Watelet, G. H. Hall, Prof. Walraven, PROPRFETORS. J. M. Burt, N. Y. Do. N. Y. J. B.Wellington, Brooklyn. James L. Claghorn. J. B.Wellington, B^uoklyn. J. M. Burt, N. Y. The Artist. J. L. Claghorn. E. S. Mills, Brooklyn. J. W. Bates. Henry Seligman. The Artist. Mrs. John Haseltine. Chas. Wright. Bailey & Co. J. S. Earle & Son. The Artist. S. B. Caldwell. M. 0. Roberts, N. Y. C. F. Haseltine. J. W. Bates. J. L. Claghorn. Chas. Macalester. J. W. Field, E. S. Mills, Brooklyn. M. 0. Roberts, New York John Sowle, Boston, P. F. Rothermel. W. Whittridge, N. Y. Jos. Patterson. J. W. Field. do. J. W. Bates. C. F. Haseltine. J. A. Suydam. ^Y. T. Blodgett. A. S. Robinson. J. S. Earle & Son. J. L. Claghorn. G. A. Conuver, Brooklyn. The Artist. The Artist. H. H. G. Sharpless. J. L. Claghorn. do. W. P. Pepper. W. T. Bloodgett, N. Y. J. L. Claghorn. ART DEPARTMENT. 21 619 The Beggar's Petition, . . Wittkamp, 620 Grandmother's Story, . . E. Schubach, 621*Gleaners after Dinner, . . Werner, 622*Interior of the Cathedral at Liege, Gennison, PRdVRIETORS. J. F. Tait. W. F. Leech. J. S. Earle & Son. do. 623 View of Cleve, Prussia, . 624 Minora, .... 625 The Three Friends, . 626 Jackson before Judge Hall, J.W.T.VanSturken- borg, Edward Langton, E, D. Greene, The Artist. B. Adam, S. B. Caldwell, Brooklyn, C. Schuesselle, C. J. Hedenberg. 21ie following pictures, from No. 627fo710^are donated to the Fair hy parties wliose names appear against the numher. Such as are not sold at private sale loill he disposed of publicly for the henejit of the Great Central Fair. Due notice, will he given of the time and place. 627 Grapes, 628 Ferry House, . 629 River Bank, . 630 Schohani Creek, 631 Wild Flowers, . 632 Coast Scene, 634 The Little Wanderer, 635 On the Ice, 636 Liverpool, Miss M. J. Peale, Thomas Birch, Thomas Birch, Miss Towne, Miss R. Towne, Collingwood Smith, DONORS. Miss M. J. Peale. James L. Claghorn. James L. Claghorn. John II. Towne. John H. Towne. J. A. Clay. 633 The Soldier's Wife, (Pen Drawing,) Thomas H. Coulter, Thomas H. Coulter. Thomas Sully, Frank Morse, James Hamilton, 637 Time Raising Truth from the Well, D. R. Knight (after Rubens,) 638 Landscape and Cattle, . . P. F. Gabriel, 639 Armadillo, . . . . J. J. Audubon, 640 The Barn Door, . . . H. De Buel, 641 An Angel Introducing the Genius of Painting to Cardinal Orsini, afterwards Benedict XIII, . Solimene, Frank Morse. [Pa. Rev. M. Meigs, Pottstown, W. W. Knight & Son. James L. Claghorn, Mrs. D. Ilarland. J. B. Beaumont. N. Y. 643 Fruit, 644 Flowers and Fruit, 645 Holy Family, . 646 Landscape, 647 Landscape, 648 Entangled Sheep, ■ 649 Love's Whisper, 650 St. Jerome, 651 The Surprise, . 652 Mrs. Washington, 653 The Tired Rover, Sloesen, Mardeux, After Raphael, Mrs. Darach, E. McDowell, Schenck, Unknown, Spagnoletto, F. Hersent, S. S. Macfarland, Mrs. Henry Becket. Wm. Golden. James L. Claghorn. James L. Claghorn. Mrs. Darach. Mrs. C. J. Brown. Hilson & Co. W. S. Stewart. Wm. H. Yeaton. Harrison Earl. Nino little Girls of N. Broad St. 22 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, NO. SUBJECTS. 654 Swiss Village by Moonlight, 655 Marine, .... 656 The Emigrant's Last Visit to the Family Grave, 657 Speculation, 658 Thorwaldsen, . 659 Adoration of the Shepherds, 660 Dr. Le Conte, . 661 Alpine View, . 662 On the Susquehanna, 663 Indian on Horseback, 664 Montmorenci Falls, . 665 Marine, .... 665JChapel of My Lady, 666 The False Beacon, . 667 The Goddess of Liberty and Spirit of Secession, . 668 Jealousy, .... 669 Little Chicks, . 670 The Water Carrier of Venice, 671 Going to the Shrine at Lake Albano, 672 Fruit, .... 673 Ne*ar West Orange, N. J., 674 The Eger, Switzerland, . 675 George Washington, 676 River Scene, 677 Landscape, 678 Landscape, 679 On the Juniata, 680 On the Wissahickon, 681 Autumn Leaves and Grasses 682 Death of Secession, . . 683 Miranda, .... 684 High-mettled Confederates going to Northern Pastures, 685 Daniel Webster, 686 Adirondack Mountains, . 687 Storm on a Coast, 688 Crayon Sketch, 689 Dutch Landscape, 690 Landscape, 691 Landscape, 692 Twilight on the Beach, . 693 Charcoal Burners, 694 Landscape, 695 Landscape, ARi;^8TS. Mrs. Hoyt, Carl Hubner, T. Henry Smith, S. B. Waugh, Bassano, Thomas Hilson, Mrs. Hoyt. [N.J. Miss S. Stevens, Piioceton, R. S. Sturges. S. B. Waugh. Isaac Lea. Daniel Huntingdon, Daniel Huntingdon. Miss Anna Sellers, (after Weber,) Miss Anna Sellers. Elizabeth Donnell. Mary and Master Gr aeff, Reading, Pa. , Graeff. S. Mendenhall, Mendenhall, Mrs. D. H. Mulready, Norristown, Mrs. D. H. Mulready, Henry Suydam, Henry Suj'dam. James Hamilton, W. Bucknell A. Fredericks, A. Fredericks, N. Y Chapman, J. Francis Fisher. Miss Mary Smith. James L. Claghorn. Miss Hood, Miss Hood. Chapman, J. Francis Fisher. Mrs. E. Seligman, Mrs. E. Seligman. Chas. Hartwick, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Geo. J. Hartwick, Mrs. Charles Taylor Mrs. Edward Mil^s, Mrs. Edward Miles. Chas. Hartwick, Mrs. Chas. Taylor. Develin, Mrs. Rosa McCall.Ro Miss Anna Sellers, (after Weber,) Miss Anna Sellers.. Chas. Hartwick, Mrs. Charles Taylor. Mrs. J. K. Merry, Mrs. J. K. Merry. Robert Wylie, Wm. Struthers. Moon, (after Sully,] E. Smith, E. Smith. Healy, Healy. W. T. Richards, Joseph Leidy. Reisna, B. J. Leedora. Thos. Bishop, Thos. Bishop. Linkert, J. W. Bates. Develin, Mrs. R. Nicolls. T. P. Otter, T. P. Otter. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ART DEPARTMENT. 23 NO. SUBJECTS. 69G On the Catawissa, . 697 Landscape, .... 698 Water-color Rose, . 699 Lily in Indian Ink from the Cast, 700 Group of Apples in Indian Ink from the Cast, 701 Torrenia Asiatica, 702 Studies in Indian Ink, 703 Petunia, . 704 Crayon Head, . 705 Orange with Blossoms, 706 The Prayer Book, . 707 Rose and Orange Blossoms 708 Landscape in Pastel, 709 View near Pvondout, . 710 Composition, 710iThe First House Built at Bethle- hem, Pa,, A. D., 1741, . ARTISTS. DONORS. T. P. Otter, T. P. Otter. Hugo Sebald, E. K. Hayhurst, School of Design. Frances Standbridge do. S. A. Taylor, do. Charlotte Green, do. M. K. Busby, do. Rebecca Barrington, do. Miss E. Alaine, Miss E. Alaine. B. A. lloopes. Miss E. Alaine, Miss E. Alaine. Miss D. Atkinson, Miss 1). Atkinson Geo. L. Miller, Geo. L. Miller. Isaac Parrish, Isaac Parrish. The folloidng, from 711 to 744, inclusive, are the offerings of the Artists' Fund Society, of PliiladeJpIiia, and loill he disposed of as stated previously. so. SUBJECTS. ARTISTS. 711 On the Juniata, Isaac L. Williams. 712 The Soldier's Widow, Peter F. Rothermel. 713 The Blind Harper, . Stephen J. Ferris. 714 Out in the Cold, Howard Helmick. 715 Slain for his Country, Geo. W. Pettit. 716 Alpine Pass, . . . . Russell Smith. 717 The Terrace, . . . . James Hamilton. 718 The Rival Chieftains, Mary Smith. 719 The Old Cavalier, . W. F. Jones. 720 Moonlight, F. De Berg Richards 721 The Roman Peasant Boy, Daniel R. Knight. 722 The Phrenologist, . H. C. Bispham. 723 Landscape, Geo. W. Holmes. 724 The AValk by the River, . W. H. Wilcox. 725 Spring Time, W. T. Richards. 726 Blossoms, .... Geo. C. Lambdin. 727 Waterfall, Geo. W. Conarroe. T28 Watering Flowers, . Alex. Lawrie. r29 At play, .... W. E. Winner. 730 Reflection, T. Henry Smith. 731 Lake George, . Edmund D. Lewis. 732 The Young Recruit, . T. T. Fowler. 733 Female Head, . Wm. H. Furness. 734 Fall Scenery, . Thomas Moran. 24 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. NO. SUBJECTS. 735 Maternal Solicitude, 736 The Shelter, . 737 In Tow, .... 738 The Sinking of the Cumberland, 738TSpring Landscape, . 739 Among the Violets, . 7392Culinary Preparations, 740 Charging the Rebels, 741 Contraband Huts, 742 Major-General Meade, 743 Engraving of Abraham Lincoln, (50 Copies for Sale at Normal School Table.) 744 Engraving of Sir Thos. Lawrence, John Sartain. (25 Copies for Sale at Normal School Table.) ARTISTS. C. Schuesselle. Geo. F. BenselL T. P. Otter. Edward Moran. T. J. Fennimore. Geo. B. Wood. C. F. Blauvelt. J. B. Howell. Xanthus Smith. James R. Lambdin. Samuel Sartain. Ihe following Shetches from No. 745 to 792, inclusive, are additional offerings of Artists of Philadelphia, and will he disposed of as previously stated : NO. SUBJECTS. 745 The Volunteer's Return, 746 Landscape, 747 Allegorical Illumination, 747^ Slight Collation, . 748 Power of Love, 749 Moonlight on the Bay, 750 The Terrace at Haddon Hall, 751 Sylvia, 752 Female Head, . 753 A Little Girl, . 754 The Corsair, 755 About to Change his Tune, 756 The Shore of Lake Champlain 757 By the Creek, . 758 Heidelberg, 759 Winter, . 760 On the Schuylkill, 761 Blowing Bubbles, 762 Gathering Flowers, 763 Too Hot, . 764 In the Sunshine, 765 The Little Gleaner, 766 Rose Bradwardine, 767 Taking a Doze, 768 Italian Musician, 769 Dog's Head, . 770 The Roost, DONORS. J. B. Howell. B. James. C. M. Burns. Miss Anne James. John Sartain. T. P. Otter. T. Henry Smith. J. R. Lambdin. W. H. Furness, Jr. Howard Ilelmick. W. E. Cresson. Stephen J. Ferris. Isaac L. AVilliams. D. W. C. Buutelle. Max Sommerville. W. Van Bonfield. Miss F. N. Safford. Geo. C. Lambdin. W. Sanford Mason. C. F. Blauvelt. R. Heber Reed. Geo. F. Bensell. Peter F. Rothermel. W. K. Hewitt. C. Fussell. J. R. Evans. J. K. Trego. ART DEPAllTMENT. 25 KO. SrEJECTS. 771 Twilight, . 772 Spring, . 773 Cattle, 774 On the Grand Canal, 775 In Camp, . 776 The Mill Stream, 777. A Lone Shore, . 778 Marine, . 779 Lake George, . 780 Niagara, . 781 The Shrimp Gatherer, 782 The Cost of Loyalty in nessee, . 783 Moonlight on the Beach, 784 Lion and Tiger, 785 Sheep, 786 River Scene, 787 Rocky Mountains, 788 On the Susquehanna, 789 Lake George, . 790 Landscape, 791 Fruit, 792 A Peach, . Venice, East Ten- ARTISTS. W. T. Richards. T. J. Fennimore. Peter Moran. Dan'l. R. Knight- Max Rosenthal. Geo. B. Wood. Geo. R. Bonfield. James Hamilton. Russell Smith. James Hamilton. Edward Moran. Thomas Moran. J. Storey. H. C. Bispham. Joseph John. F. De Berg Richards. W. H. Wilcox. L. P. Dyke. Edmund D. Lewis. Geo. W. Conarroe. J. J. Logue. J. J. Logue. The following Sculpture, viz.: from 793 to 803, inclusive, are the offerings of the respective parties set opposite to the numbers. VO, SUJJJECTS. ARTISTS. 793 Agnus Dei, .... Steinhauser, 794 Grief, Bas Relief, . . . Robert Wylie, 795 Bust of Millard Fillmore, 796 The Contraband, . . . Ida Waugh, 797 The May Queen, . . . Howard Roberts, "Of all the glad New Year, mother, the maddest, merriest day, For I 'm to be Queen o' the May, mother, I'm to be Queen o' the May." TENNtSON. 798 Esquimaux Dog, 799 The May Queen, . . . Howard Roberts, " It is the last New Year that I shall ever see, Then you may lay me low i' the mould, and think no more of me." — Tenntsoit. 800 6 Busts of General Grant, . I. A. Bailly, 801 6 Busts of General Meade, . do. 802 Statuette, S. Stevens, Princeton, N.J Wm. Struthers. Viti Bros. 0. W. Davis. The Artist. I. I. Hayes, The Artist. Wm. Struthers. do. Mr. Nichols. 26 STATUETTE GROUP GREAT CENTRA L FAIR. )UP. ARTIST. PRICE. < John Rogers, Price, $15 , . (< 15 « 15 15 « 15 , C( 10 • cc <( <( 6 6 6 , « 6 . <( 6 « 6 r, «' 6 803AUnion Refugees, BCountry Post Office, C Returned Volunteer, OWounded Scout, EMail Day, FPicket Guard, . GSlave Auction, . HTown Pump, , I Camp Fire, KChecker Players LSharpshooters, . MCard Players, . NVillage Schoolmaster, Ihe above Statuettes, and duplicates to any number, can be pu7'c7uis€d at the above i^rices, either slngJy or for entire sets. ON EXHIBITION. SUBJECTS. 804 Infant Bacchus, 805 Marble Bust of Napoleon, 806 Marble Bust of Gen. Grant, -vrith marble Pedestal, . 807 A Bronze Group, The Golden Age, 808 Yenus de Milo, in Bronze, 809 Ulysses bending his bow, in bronze, 810 Diana, in Bronze, SlOJThe Lion in Love, . A similar one wag presented by Louis Napoleon to PROPRIETORS. Joseph Harrison, Jr. W. 11. Ashurst. Wm. Struthera. E. W. Clark, Hugh Davids, do. do. E. Geyelin. lueen Victoria. WATER COLORS, DRAWINGS, &c. 811 Marine, J. M. W. Turner, 812 Drawing, B. West, 813 The Bell, E. Corbould, 814 Gateway at Huy, near Liege, . Louis Haghe, 815 The Fagot Girl, ... J. II. Mole, 816 The Gleaners, .... Lee, 817 The French Market at New Orleans, Dallas, 818 River Scene, .... James Hamilton, 819 Landscape, .... II. Jutsum, 820 Glen Cluny, Scotland, . . T. M. Richardson, 821 Mt. St. Michael, Cornwall, . C Bentley, 822 Forest of Fontainebleau, . . Paul Weber, 823 Procession in a Cathedral, . G. Dodgson, 824 Harvest Time, . . . . J. H. Mole, 825 Stolen Sweets, .... Ceneate, 826 Scene in Scotland, . . . Woolnoth, 827 A Flemish Interior, . . . Creyvanger, 828 The Field of Agincourt, . . J. Abaolon, F. MoMurtrie. do. J. Kinnard. J. A. Clay. Thos. Kimber, Jr. J. M. Burt. .-*J. L. Claghorn. W. P. Wilstach. J. W. Bates. Edward S. Clarke. J. Kinnard. Jas. S. Earle & Son. Wm. Cadwalader. J. L. Claghorn. F. J. Dreer. J. W. Bates. Jas. S. Earle & Son. Edward S. Clarke. ART DEPARTMENT, 27 TfO. 8U1JECT? AUTISTS. PROPRIETORS. 829 Lake George, .... Ed. D. Lewis, Edward S. Clarke. 830 A River Scene, C. Pearson, M. W. Baldwin. 831 The Pedlar Henry Warren, Thos. Kimber, Jr. fi'S2 Lago Maggiore, T. M. RIcliardson, do. 833 Washington quelling a disturbance at Cambridge, F. 0. C. Darley, F. J. Dreer, 834 Coast Scene, .... Jas. Hamilton, A. S. Robinson. 835 An Attack on Rebel Raiders, . S. B. Bensel, Artist. 836 John Pounds, Original Ragged School, .... E. II. Wehnert, Joseph Harrison, Jr. 837 Crumlin Viaduct on the West Mid- land Railway, E. Duncan, J. Kinnard. 838 Waterfall, .... C. Pearson, M. W. Baldwin. 839 Mayday Emily Farmer, Joseph Harrison, Jr. 840 Lake Muyngil, A. Penley, E. W. Clark. 841 The Lime Kiln, C. Pearson, M. W. Baldwin. 842 Washington, .... F. 0. C. Darley, J. L. Claghorn. 843 The First Fish, Ilarpignies, J. W. Field. 844 The Three Women of Crevecceur, Wittkamp, J. L. Claghorn. 845 The Field of Crecy, J. Absolon, J. A. Clay. ■ 846 Landscape, .... Ed. D. Lewis, J. L. Fry. 847 Near Baden Baden, Paul Weber, Jas. S. Earle & Son. 848 The Susquehanna, . Thos. Moran, W. P. Wilstach. 849 Landscape with Cattle, . Pearson and Wain- wright, . C. H. Clark. 850 Happy as a King, Tencate, F. J. Dreer. 851 Port Foulke — Dr. Hays' Winter Harbor, .... Jas. Hamilton, Dr. I. I. Hays. »52 The Robbers' Castle, Muhlig, J. L. Claghorn. 853 Preparing Dinner, . F. Marony, General Tyndale. 854 A Hulk near Lowestoffe, . J. Callow, F. W. Lewis, M. D. 855 On Lake Champlain, Ed. D. Lewis, A. S. Robinson. 856 Port Appin, Scotland, J.A. Houston, R.S.A . Edward S. Clarke. 857 Interior with Cattle, H. B. Willis, W. P. Wilstach. 858 In Dovedale, Derbyshire, . D. H. McKewan, J. A. Clay. 850 Scene from Cooper's Headsman, F. 0. C. Darley, J. M. Burt. 860 Youth's Happy Hours, S. J. Ferris, Artist. 861 Study of Horses, F. 0. C. Darley, J. M. Burt. ?62 A Girl at a Fountain, J. II. Mole, J. A. Clay. 863 View in Cumberland, . ' . W. J. Blacklock, Russell S!nith. 864 A Dish of Fruit, Miss M. L. Wagner, Artist. 865 Pencil Drawing, A. Calame, J. W. Field. 866 Near Cummeer, Cornwall, J. A. Houston, R.S.A. Edward S. Clarke. 867 Landscape, .... H. Jutsum, J. W. Bates. 868 Into Mischief, .... II. G. Ilime, Jas. S. Earle & Son. 869 Ilfracombe, Devonshire, . S. P. Jackson, J. A. Clay. 870 Barnyard Scene, F. 0. C. Darley, J. M. Burt. 871 Les Belles Fran^aises, Brochart, W. P. Wilstach. 872 The Reapers F. 0. C. Darley, J. M. Burt. 28 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, NO. SUBJECTS. 873 A JMan-at-Arms of the Middle Ages, 874 Capri, .... 875 The Bird's Nest, 876 The Carnival of the Hats, 877 The Friendless Scholar, . 878 Fading Flowers. (Miniature Ivory,) .... 879 Good Morning. Basso Relievo, 880 A Black Frost, ... 881 The Empress Eugenie. Pastel, 882 Washington, (after Houdon,) 883 Les belles Espagnoles. Pastel, 884 Husking Corn, . 885 A Flower Girl, . 886 Glory, .... 887 The Attack on Sebastopol, 888 A Bridge in Wales, 889 Gleaners, 890 Italian Landscape, 891 A Street in Cairo, 892 The Farmer Boy, . 893 Barmouth and Cader Idris, 894 From Cooper's Pilot, . 895 Resignation, 896 From Cooper's Mercedes of Castile, 897 Miniatures of Homer and Roman Em- perors, 898 Scene from the Tempest, 899 Landscape, . 900 Landscape, . Wl Flowers, 902 Coast Scene, 903 The Iconoclasts, 904 Marine Sketch, 905 From Cooper's Satanstoe, 906 Comrades True and Tried 907 The Culprit, . 908 Reflection, . 909 Morning Glories. Miniature on Ivory. 910 May Day, . 911 Virginia, 912 OfiF the Nore, 913 Fishing Boats in a Calm, 914 Malvolio and the Countess, Twelfth Night, 915 A Foraging Party, 916 Flowers, 917 Datheen Preaching, 918 Rocks and Flowers, 919 The Little Gleaners, ARTISTS. J. L. David, T. M. Ricliardson, James Hardy, Jr. B. Gempt, T. Roberts, Miss M. L. Wagner, Palmer, C. Branwhite, Brochart, Rembrandt Peale, Brochart, F. 0. C. Darley, W. Lee, T. Roberts, B. Gempt, T. L. Rowbotham, J. H. Molo, J. M. W. Turner, Pierron, J. Hardy, sen., S. P. Jackson, F. 0. C. Darley, S. J. Ferris, F. 0. C. Darley, E. Moran, J. D. Harding, Copley Fielding, T. Holland, S. P. Jackson, P. P. Stephanoff, E. Moran, F. 0. C. Darley, do. Eastman Johnson, Mrs. Harrison, Miss M. L. AVaguer, J. Absolon, Miss M. L. Wagner, T. Robins, A. Herbert, J. S. Buckley, F. 0. C. Darley, Miss Rosa Towne, AYittkamp, Miss Rosa Towne, J. H. Mole, PROPRIETORS. J. A. Clay. John Bohlen. •James W. Stone. Jas. S. Earle & Son. F. W. Lewis, M. D. Artist. Geo. "\Vhitney. Edward S. Clarke. Goupil, & Co. W. P. Wilstach. do. J. M. Burt. E. W. Clark. F. W. Lewis, M. D. Jas. S. Earle & Son. J. McArthur. Charles Day. Russell Smith. J. A. Clay. J. L. Claghorn. J. A. Clay. J. M. Burt, F. W. Dreer. J. M. Burt. James Kinnard. C. F. Haseltine. Russell Smith. George H. Kirkham. J. L. Claghorn. Wm. P. Tatham. Joseph Harrison, jr. Morton P. Henry. J. M. Burt. Donation from Artist. J. M. Burt. Joseph Harrison, jr. Artist. J. M. Burt. Artist. Wm. P. Tatham. J. McArthur. jr. Jas. S. Earle & Son. Wm. T. Blodgett. Rev. Dr. Furness. W. P. Wilstach. Artist. Mrs. Jos. Sill ART DEPARTMENT, 29 NO. SUBJECTS. ^ AUTISTS. PROPRIETORS. 920 Ascending a Greenland Glacier, T. Moran. Dr. I. I. Hayes. 921 Washington. On Silk, F. S. Lewis. 922 Homeward Bound, F. 0. C. Darley, John Bohlen. 923 At Bruges G. Ilowse, Edward S. Clarke. 924 Towing a Dismasted Fisliing Sn lack into Dunkirk Harbor, A. Herbert, do. 925 Lago Lugano, T. M. Richardson, F. W. Lewis, M. D. 926 In the Tyrol, ... Wattelet, AVm. P. Pepper. 927 Marine . James Hamilton, J. A. Clay. 928 Woodcutter's Childron, Berkit Foster, G. Warren, jr. 929 Solitude, .... Louis Pelletier, J. W. Bates. 930 Wicklow Mountains, . '. S. Prout, W. S. Lewis. 931 Sunset, .... Hildebrandt, E. W. Bailey. 982 Barpool, . . • . J. G. Philp, Edward S. Clarke. 933 Yarmouth Pier, . A. Herbert, J. A. Clay. 934 On Lago Maggiore, T. M. Richardson, F. W. Lewis, M. D. 935 Scene from the Gentle Shepherd, Thos. Faed, James S. Earle & Son. 936 A Ruin, .... Jas. Hamilton, W. P. Wilstach. 937 Landscape, .... E. Nicol, J. W. Bates. 938 A Highland Spring, . J. H. Mole, E. W. Clark. 939 A Ruined Fortress, . Thos. Moran, Dr. I. I. Hayes. 940 Meditation (Crayon), James S. Earle & Son 941 Beatrice and the Messenger, f rom Much Ado about Nothing, J. E. Buckley, Jas. S. Earle & Son. 941 A Cavalry Charge, F. 0. C. Darley, W. T. Blodgett. 943 Medallion Head, . Inman, C. G. Childs. 944 Landscape, . . . . . T. M. Richardson, J. McArthur, jr. 945 Collecting Alms, . Vautier, B. Frodsham. 946 The Cottage Door, Tencate, Jas. S. Earle & Son. 947 A Wild Sea Shore— Sunset. . Jas. Hamilton, Edward S. Clarke. 948 Landscape, .... Ghirardi, J. W. Bates. 949 Caernarvon Castle, T. L. Rowbotham, J. McArthur. 950 Lake George, Ed. D. Lewis, A. S. Robinson. 951 Flowers Mrs. Harrison, Joseph Harrison, jr. 952 Street Scene — Bruges, H. Clerget, Gen. Tyndale. 953 Near New York, Jas. Hamilton, W. P. Wilstach. 954 The Embarkation of Evangeline, do. J. A. Clay. 955 Dorchester Heights, . F. 0. C. Darley. J. L. Claghorn. 956 Tritons, .... C. Stanfield,. J. M. Bun. 957 Flowers, .... T. Holland, J. A Clay. 958 Sketch, Interior, T. Rowbotham, do. 959 Schevening Beach, A. Herbert, J. L. Claghorn. 9G0 On the Nile, J. B. Pyne, Russell Smith. 961 Landscape, Troyon, J. W. Field. 962 Marine, .... C. Stanfield, J. L. Claghorn. 963 Antiquarians, A. Midy, John Bohlen. 964 Lago Maggiore, C. Stanfield, Russell Smith. 965 A Crossbowman, J. A. Houston, R. Joseph Harrison, Jr., 966 Time and Eternity, A. G. Heaton, Artist. 967 A Portrait in Crayon, Martin, Wm. D. Lewis, OOi^ A Church Porch, J A. Houston, R. J. L. Claghorn. 30 GREAT CENTRAL I' AIR. KO. STTBJECTS. ARTISTS. PROPRIETORS. 969 Ben Nevis, .... J. A. Houston, R. Edward S. Clark. 970 Head of Loch Awe, . T. M. Richardson, do. 971 Landscape — Mill, II. Jut sum, J. L. Clagnorn. 972 Llanbef is Pass — Wales — Sketch in Oil Russell Smith, Artist. 973 The Bad Boy, .... J. Marouey, J. L. Claghorn. 974 After Sunset, .... T. L. Rowbotham, J. A. Clay. 975 Lake of Garda, do. John Bohlen. 976 Prawn Fishers, J. H. Mole, do. 977 Landscape — Wales, ... C. Pearson, Jas. W. Stone. 978 Lammergeyer and Dead Stag, done by candlesmoke, Ockert, John Lambert. 979 Brig under Sail, C. Taylor, Jas. W. Stone. 980 Ben Dearg, .... T. L. Rowbotham, Edward S. Clarke. 981 Old Mill in Sussex, . Dibdin, Jas. S. Earle & Son, 982 The Antiquary at Elspeth's Cottage, Chisholm, J. A. Clay. 983 A Hamper of Game, . Jas. Hardy, Jr., do. 984 A Courtyard at Barbazon, F. C. Troyon, J. W. Field. 985 Monks, . . .' . E. Delacroix, Gen. Tyndale. 986 Tower near Naples, . W. Leitch, Russell Smith. 987 The Jungfrau from the Wengeru Alp, , . . . . T. L. Rowbotham, John Bohlen. 988 Rustic Life, .... Jas. Hardy, Jr., E. W. Clark. 989 Holy Family— Oil, . Murillo, Mrs. B. Henry. 990 A Pilot Boat, .... C. Taylor, Jas, W. Stone. 991 On the Conway, C. Pearson, J. A. Clay. 992 A Study in Yorkshire, Dibdin, Jas. S. Earle & Son. 993 A Mill, J. B. Pyne, Eus&ell Smith. 994 The Good Boy, .... S. Maroney, J. L. Claghorn. 995 The Castle of St. Angelo— Rome- Sketch in Oil, Russell Smith, Artist. 996 Landscape, .... T. M. Richardson, J. L. Claghorn. 997 At the Fountain, Beaubceuf, J. A. Clay. 998 Beach Scene, near Hastings, . David Cox, Geo. H. Kirkham. 999 Marine, T. Bobbins, Thos. Kimber, Jr. 1000 Surprise, E. Corbould, J. Kennard. 1001 A Deer — done in candlesmoke. Ockert, John Lambert. 1002 Pelargoniums, .... T. Holland, J. A. Clay. 1003 Sketch, Gavarni, Russell Smith. 1004 Landscape, .... C. Troyon, J. W. Field. 1005 The Castle of Epstein, C. Stanfield, J. A. Clay. 1006 Dolbadera Tower, J. M. W. Turner, Russell Smith. 1007 In Monmouthshire, . Copley Fielding, J. A. Clay. 1008 The Unjust Judge, . Henry Warren, do. 1009 The Prisoner, .... Eastman Johnson, J. M. Burt. 1010 The Imperial Family of France — on Silk, Jas. W. Stone. 1011 Marine, J. Hamilton, Gen. Tyndale. 1012 A French Gunboat off Yarmouth, C. Taylor^ John Bohlen. OP CONG^^^^. 009 087 647 8 > pHSJ