l^ -^G^ C5 A3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 769 531 1 HoUlnger Corp. pH8.5 e< v-tf^ ^ JOHN REED. 19 John Latham I should like to find.) Elizabeth, m. Joseph Ambler; Benjamin, died young ; Lydia, m. Davenport ; James, m. Joanna Castle ; Benjamin, m. Bethiah Weed ; Ezra, m. Sarah Kellogg ; Joanna, m. Stephen Warren ; Elijah, m. Esther Bates. Of this family Benjamin remained in Norwalk and had the homestead. James, in 1759, was one of a force intended to aid in the capture of Quebec, but it was too late for that service, as they received the news of its surrender while on the way and so retraced their steps. Return- ing leisurely towards home he passed through the town of Amenia, N. Y. He may have stopped for dinner at the tavern kept by Daniel Castle at South Amenia, and been as much attracted by the landlord's daughter as he was by the beautiful valley. At any rate they were married in the following spring, his father meantime having purchased for him a farm near at hand where they built a house and raised a family of four- teen children, all of whom married, and all but one of whom left descendants. He was miller, farmer and merchant, and successful in all ; and he was also a public man in a right sense, being prominent in town affairs as well as an officer with the rank of major in the Revolutionary army. His brother Eliakim* Reed moved to the same town in 1773, having purchased a farm there. His children were as follows : Sarah, m. Matthew Fitch ; Eliakim, m. Rebecca Fitch and Mrs. Breek ; Simeon, m. Abial Rice ; Silias, m. Bethiah Hurd ; Samuel ; Phineas, m. Esther Reed ; Ezra, m. Jemima Fitch and Esther Edgerton ; Enoch, died young, Esther, m. Jacob Edgerton ; Ruth, m. Jeremiah Fuller. Of this family Simeon, Silas and Samuel are numbered among the men from Amenia who served i: the army of the revolution. Ezra bought the farm upon the death of his father, and his son New- ton Reed, before mentioned, succeeded to it in turn, passing his ninety-one years there. It is now owned by Henry V, D, Reed, son of Newton, and on it have been born the ninth generation of Reeds in America. CAPTAIN REUBEN MARCY. Orders to Captain Marcy from General James Waclsworth, through Colonel John Chester and Major Ripley. BY THOMAS KNOWLTON MARCY. WHEN a novice begins to study closely any part of Colonial or Revolutionary history he is surprised to find how few documents of the period either in print or manuscript have been preserved. Letters written home or to friends by actors in various scenes for the most part were soon lost or destroyed. Our early newspapers printed no local items on the theory that readers knew already the happenings of the neighbor- hood. In like manner after events had been talked over around the family fireside the household did not dream that des- criptions of campaigns and battles from the absent member could have any further value. Not so was it with Captain Reuben Marcy. He had a praiseworthy habit of carefully putting away in his desk every scrap of writing. In due time he was gathered to his fathers and the desk went to the garret to make place for more modern furniture. After long banishment it was at length restored to its ancient honor with its precious treasures intact. Here are official papers yellow with age. Here are autographs from men and women whose descendants have since become famous. At the outbreak of the Revolution the town of Ashford, Conn., had a well equipped, well drilled military company under command of Lieut. Reuben Marcy, the leading merchant of the region. The office of captain was vacant. Near by lived a farmer who in early youth had served in three campaigns and whose soldierly qualities were well known. Thomas Knowlton was elected to the vacancy. His brilliant career proved the wisdom of the choice. After the return from the hurried march to Boston, fol- lowing the Lexington alarm, Lieut. Marcy resigned. His business was large, de- manding personal attention. Besides at that moment there was no lack of volun- teers. Every one seemed eager to go. A little more than three months after the evacuation of Boston by the British, March 17, 1776, Sir William Howe, with an army of 30,000 men, supported by a powerful fleet, appeared off New York harbor. Anticipating an attack at this place. General Washington put forth strenuous efforts in its defense. Heavy drafts were made on the resources of Connecticut. Seven battalions were quickly recruited for the brigade under command of Brigadier-General James Wadsworth. Capt. Reuben Marcy raised and commanded the fourth company of Col. John Chester's battalion. It con- sisted of seventy- four non-commissioned officers and privates. John Holmes, who died Aug. 27, was first lieutenant ; Samuel Marcy, 2d lieutenant, and Daniel Knowl- ton, brother of Col. Thomas Knowlton, ensign. This was the second company raised in Ashford and vicinity for active CAPTAIN REUBEN MARCY. 21 service. Nearly all the able bodied men of the town were now in the field. The following documents, copied from the originals show the vigor with which the work was pressed. Sir : East Hartford. June 30, 1776. I send you a coppy of Gen'l Wad- sworths orders by express to me the one rote Last Evening the other this Sabbath Morning by which you will see the Necessity of marching with what men you furnished with amies, and that none be suffered to go without as it will be im- possible to procure them at Head Quarters & their service will consequently be renderd Useless. James Wadsworth Jr., Brig'r Gen'l. To Col. John Chester. Another Dated Durham, June 30th, Sabbath Morn, 1776. Last evening by express I receivd another Letter from Gen'l Washington HOME OF captain REUBEN MARCY IN ASHFORD, CONN. can Possiblv equip & furnish by next Thursday at fartherest. Orders are as follows, viz : Durham, June 29, 1776. Sir: In consequence of orders receivd from Gen'l Washington you are hereby directed to give the Necessary orders for expediteing the march of your Regiment in the manner heretofore orderd as soon as they can Possibly be musterd and equipt, & Direct that all your men be requesting in the most pressing manner not Loose one moment time in sending forward the Regiments Destind for New York. Must therefore direct that you give all Possible Attention to the Raiseing equiping and Sending forward immedi- ately your Regiment in manner befor Directed as the safety of our army may under Heaven depend much on the seasonable arrival of the Connecticut Regiments. jAMfs Wadsworth, Jr., Brig'r Gen'l. 22 CAPTAIN REUBEN MARCY. These letters were sent to me from Durham by express to Wethersfield & from thence forwarded by another express to this place where I was attending the funeral of Parson Williams Lady.* I have seen the principle men here & they are engaged to stir up the people to Enlist immediately if they will not Col. Wm, & Jno. Pitkin tell me the Gov'r is Determined to draught from the Militia. I have also orderd the men here to be ready to March by next Thursday at furtherest — if they find it Difficult to get Accoutrements, Blanket and Knapsack, &c., &c. You will send these orders to all the Captains and direct them to communi- cate them to all their subalterns in the four Companies Nearest you. They must give notice to the nearest muster Master to Muster them immediately — dont fail yourself of going next Thurs- day & Let me hear from you again. Ex- press must be sent if Necessary. I am in greatest haste your verry Humble Serv't John Chester. k-^ fV»/V ^/^ '/^■^■■' '■/y < -f- .;^;';^./ / ;^<'>W \f'^^ -^"^-7 y^ /TV, / /7,J^7o~^\ fv /'^i^ 'f /4 /^? /(? ^ ^^?- /^, ^ /.' '^///(i, M9^' "^' '^'' M4/ C tFAC-SIMII,E OF ACCOUNT OF CAPT. MARCY WITH THE CONTINENTAI, GOVERNMENT. compleatly furnishd with Cloathes &c. opportunities are frequent & conveyances Cheap for Articles of Cloathing to be sent them by their friends afterwards but they must be compleatly equipt with To Capt. Rubin Marcy Sir In persu- ance of the foregoing orders from Gen'l Wadsworth to Colo. Chester & fm him to Me you are hereby Ordered to March the Compy Under your Command To *The wife of Rev. Eliphalet Williams, daughter of Rev. Elisha and Eunice (Chester) Williams. Her father was sufficiently versatile to be a clergj-man, a Colonel of a regiment in active service and rector (president) of Yale College. tThis document has an added interest from the fact that Capt. Marcy was paid back for money advanced in 1776 in sheets of dollars. We do not know just the date, but as the United States did not adopt the decimal system for their monej- until 1786, he must have waited more than ten years for payment. The note added changing the dollars to pounds, shilling and pence and making them agree to the fraction is interesting.^ [Editor. ] CAPTAIN REUBEN MARCY. 23 New York by Land or water as you think Most Convenient there to join the Con- tinental Army if the Whole Company is Not in Readiness you are to March as soon as you have Twenty-five Men Ready with one Commissioned & Two Non- commissioned officers & in that propor- tion. And forward the Rest in Suitable divisions as fast as they become ready and To do it with all Convenient Speed. Thursday next is the Day Perfixed for Marching as you see in the foregoing orders from Colo. Chester you are to see that your Compy is well furnishd with Good amies with Bayonets Sa Cotoach Boxes Blankets & Knapsacks youl apply to Majr Brown who is the Nearest Muster Master To Muster your men as they be- come Ready. Given Under My Hand in Windham (by order of Colonel) this 2d day of July A.D. 1776. John Ripley, Major. July 3Td 1776. Capt. Marcy please to forward the Let- ter to Capt. Lyon by an express this night if possible beg you will not fail as I am so Unwell & have Took physick this Day & Expect to Go to N. York Tomor- row so that I Cannot procure any body here to go besides you Live Much Nearer & I Conclude ye Expence will Be Re- mitted again by ye Public & am your John Ripley. The story of the campaign around New York City is too well known to require repetition. Col. Chester's battalion was stationed at the Flatbush pass on Long Island, where it was attacked on August 27th, and barely escaped capture. It shared in the fight at White Plains, Oct. 28th. Its term of service expired Dec. 25, 1776. The means, patriotism and humanity of Capt. Marcy were such that he ad- vanced to his men and to their families full pay and for indemnity awaited the convenience of the government. At the close of the campaign he re- sumed the cares of a business which de- manded personal attention. His store was the chief distributing point for an area of fully sixty square miles. Imported goods for the interior were then hauled over land, mostly by oxen, from different ports. To meet the demands of his trade Capt. Marcy often had over thirty teams on the road at the same time. During the blockade he transported goods from a point as far distant as Portsmouth, N. H., though his main sources of supply were Boston, Providence and Norwich. During the Revolution he was especially kind to the families of absent soldiers. The freedom with which he gave both directly and through credits, made heavy drafts upon his fortune. In late youth he spent four years in Providence and Boston learning in a broad way the details of mercantile busi- ness. Not only the experience thus acquired but the friendships then made proved very serviceable in later years. Raised on a farm he was noted through life for judgment in passing on the points and value of horses and live stock. This gift proved especially useful in purchases made for the American and French armies during the Revolution. A few articles that once belonged to Capt. Marcy are still preserved. Mrs. L. B. Loomis, of Windsor, has his watch. As it has been under water as well as under fire its virtue long ago departed. His musket that saw service in the Revo- lution descended through intermediate generations to the writer, who gave it two or three years ago to his youthful kinsman, a great-great grandson of Capt. Marcy, Charles Guilford Woodward, of Hartford, who rightfully inherited from 24 A VISION. iilillllliilll 011 769 531 1 his grandfather, the late Ashbel Wood- ward, M. D., a keen appreciation of antiquarian treasures. Reuben Marc)^ was son of Edward,* who served as first Heutenant, 6th company, 4th regiment. Conn, troops, in the ex- pedition against Crown Point, in 1756, Among the descendants of John are to be found in both male and female lines many persons of distinguished merit. Mention might be made of General Ran- dolph B. Marcy, of the U. S. Army ; Wm. Larned Marcy, Governor of New York , Secretary of War, 1845-9, ^.nd of and later as captain; and grandson of State, 1853-7; of Prof. Oliver Marcy, John Marcy, one of the pioneer settlers &c., &c. of Woodstock, Conn. The late Prof. Oliver Marcy, LL. D., of the North- western University, in a genealogical article, published in 1875, says that John, the emigrant, was son of the high sheriff of Limerick, Ireland. Capt. Reuben Marcy was born Nov. 28, 1732, and died January 14, 1806. He married Rachel Watson, of Barrington, R. I. Prof. Oliver Marcy erroneously makes Reuben the son of James. A VISION. BY JOHN HOWARD. At first the face arose, then that behind Slow issued forth my waking sense to charm. When, having seen, my heart in glad alarm Flowed out to meet in welcome free and kind. For as it slow encroached upon my mind With silent pace, I glad perceived the form Of her, who once, with love's affection warm My longing heart did sooth, but since most blind Had been to all my love. Now thus she spake, — '• Dear heart, I love you," then she kneeling sued And sobbing, begged that I the vision take As hopeful sign, of former love renewed. But I awoke from dreams so wondrous sweet Another day of love denied, to greet. 011 769 531 1 HoUinger Cor] pH8.5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011769 5311 V Hollinger Corp. pH8.5