Fishing Tackle By Perry D. Fr a £ r k^JisI Gop)TightN^_ COFmiGKT DEPOSIT. Practice With a Salmon Fly-Rod FISHING TACKLE BY PERRY D. FRAZER Author of "Amateur Rodmaking," etc. Illustrated HANDBOOKS Number 36 NEW YORK OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY MCMXIV c,V^ ^s>^ ^-^^ Copyright, 1914, by OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY All rights reserved Thanks are due the publishers of Forest and Stream and Field and Stream for permission to incorporate in this volume material which aDpeared in those publications. DEC 15 1914 ©C1.A388823 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Work and Recreation in the Closed Season . . . . II II. Overhauling the Tackle-Box • 15 III. Care of Rods 26 IV. Cleaning and Revarnishing . 34 V. Reels and Their Care . 41 VI. Cork Drums for Reels . 58 VII. Leaders, Gut, and Eyed Flies . 63 VIII. Rod Cases and Forms • 77 IX. General Hints 80 X. Equipment for Fly- and Bait - Casting . 85 XI. Fly-Casting Contests . . 99 XII. Fly-Fishing Practice . 104 XIII. Tournament Lines . . . . 117 XIV. Tournament Fly-Casting . 132 ILLUSTRATIONS Practice with a Salmon Fly-Rod. Frontispiece FACING PAGE Fly-Fishing for Trout 32 Rubber and German Silver Single Action Reel 41 Light Click Reel 42 Narrow Dry-Fly Reel 44 Milan No. 2 Quadruple Multiplying Reel 45 Meek No. 2 Reel 46 Meek No. 3 Reel 47 Position of Hand and Reel in Casting. . . 54 Reels of Same Size Fitted with Cork Drums 58 Forming the Leader Loops 68 Attaching End of Line to Leader 68 Method of Tying a Leader Knot 70 Eyed Fly Box 71 The Turle Knot 72 Hooks 74 Case for Rods 78 The Short Bait-Casting Rod Is Handy on Pack Trips 80 ILLUSTRATIONS Casting Platforms 88 Rod Rack 90 Floats for Marking Line 93 Accuracy Bait-Casting Target 95 Dry-Fly Accuracy Casting — Washington Park, Chicago 96 Forward Cast 108 Back Cast 109 Position at Finish of the Forward Cast. . 112 Splicing 122 Reel for Tournament Fly Lines 125 Bait-Casting for Bass in Florida 128 FISHING TACKLE CHAPTER I WORK AND RECREATION IN THE CLOSED SEASON yi T one of the fly- and bait-casting tourna- r\ ments of the National Association of Scientific Angling Clubs, a visitor who had been an angler all his life, but who de- sired to become proficient in casting with the fly-rod, asked if, in purchasing a tournament fly-rod, it would be advisable for him to begin with a rod of say nine feet and eight ounces, practice with it awhile, then purchase one of ten or eleven feet, and so on, his idea being that he would be sure to get the wrong sort of a rod at first, but would ultimately learn what was best. There are thousands of anglers who view the purchase of fishing tackle in this light I am well aware. To them it seems that there Is something mysterious connected with rods and tackle and that they can only master de- tails after wasting some money. n 12 FISHING TACKLE To a great many anglers, too, the Idea of repairing their own rods and tackle seems im- possible, while as for making little odds and ends of constant usefulness, this Is believed to be a task to be looked at only In the light of certain failure. In my little workshop I have a few simple tools with which I have made a number of articles, which If not handsome, have at least given me the greatest satisfaction when they proved to be practical. There are very few anglers who cannot do even better work. Dur- ing the long evenings of autumn and winter a great deal of amusement may be obtained from overhauling the fishing rods and tackle, making little devices for use the next season, and giv- ing the weary brain change and rest from the exactions of one's daily toil. Just to show how the angler may experiment along the lines that fascinate him, I will mention a new reel which, while from one of the best makers, did not act just as I thought It should. All of the parts were beautifully made and fit- ted, but there was tremendous vibration during a cast, and in my own way I reasoned that the handle was at fault. Not wishing to mar this, I removed it, and searching through a box of junk, found a scrap of aluminum about half as WOEK AND RECREATION IB thick as the German silver handle of the reel. Laying the handle on this scrap, I traced its outline with a scratch-awl, but made it shorter than the factory handle, then, with a tiny saw cut just outside the lines, filed the edges smooth, bored a hole in the center and squared this to fit the handle-post. Holes were drilled, in one end for a finger knob and in the other for a counter-weight. The knob was made from a piece of brass rod. The head of a round-head screw was cut off and filed until it would just balance the knob when the new handle was laid across one edge of a three-square file. Both the screw-head and the knob were riveted in place, the handle made fast on the post, and timing the reel with my watch, I found that it would spin twenty-six seconds without appreciable vibration, whereas with the original handle it would spin only seventeen seconds, and the vibration was disagreeable in casting. This work took more than an hour, but while the reel was improved for my use, no harm had been done the original handle. The manufac- turer probably had a certain number of handles made, and used this one, which answered the purpose In a general way, but was not of the best weight or length for that particular reel. 14 FISHING TACKLE A little careful investigation was worth while In this Instance. Any angler possessing ordinary skill can make a better handle than mine — and this Is true of nearly all repairs and improve- ments in rods and tackle. Besides, there Is a satisfaction In overcoming a difficulty yourself instead of leaving It to someone else. CHAPTER II OVERHAULING THE TACKLE-BOX WITH the passing of the winter anglers begin to make plans for the next fish- ing season. And although the nights gradually grow shorter, It is not until half of the winter has passed, and the nights are cold, and it is so pleasant to stay indoors and tinker until bedtime, that one feels like settling down to doing something with his fishing outfit. If the veteran anglers find in the chapters that follow any matter that is ancient history to them, they will, I know, be charitable enough to admit that beginners search diligently through books and papers for information of this sort, and they deserve all the consideration and en- couragement that we can give them. Even some of the veterans, It Is hoped, may find here a wrinkle or two worth remembering; for In all walks of life we find persons who say they are " not handy " at doing this or that thing, and thereby lose a lot of pleasure. For It Is real pleasure, and a source of lasting satisfaction 15 16 FISHING TACKLE as well, to any angler to repair his own tackle, and all through the active season he can make mental notes of the changes which his experience tells him he should make " next winter." The alterations made are those decided on after long consideration, and half the pleasure of accomplishment would be lost were someone else allowed to do the tinkering planned for winter pastime. The rodmaker can hardly do these small jobs, for if minor changes must be made by a professional, the chances are that they will not be made at all, new articles being purchased instead. One cannot as well explain how he wants a thing done as to tinker it out himself. And the tackle dealer who keeps re- pair materials and fittings reaps his profit on these articles in the dull season. The first thing to do is to lay out the entire fishing kit and make a detailed survey and in- ventory. If a new rod is decided on, write down Its specifications, while your ideas are fresh, at the end of the season's fishing. Go over the old rods and recall their faults, so that the new one may be different. Then give the order for the new one to your rodmaker, so that he may have abundant time to fill the order before his busy season comes on. You will be much better satisfied with the rod he makes for OVERHAULING 17 you in the winter than if you wait until March before ordering. If fly lines have been left on the reels, take them off and roll them in coils five inches or more in diameter. If left on the reel a water- proof silk line will come off in small spirals difficult to straighten, and it is a good idea to rub it with a piece of flannel moistened with crude petroleum, then rub this all off, coil loosely and tie coil in three or four places with thread. Hang it up in your tackle cabinet, and now and then during the winter give it a gentle " shaking up," to be sure that it has not gone sticky from too much artificial heat. A cool closet is the best place for fine lines. It Is a good plan to keep a dressed line on one of the large tournament reels, described in Fig. 30. I make it a practice to transfer my line from my fishing reel to a tournament reel as soon as I return from a fishing excursion, and by so doing never have any trouble with the line. About all that can be done to preserve the braided silk bait-casting line is to keep it dry. The angler has a choice of three kinds: un- dressed silk; waterproofed silk; and soft dressed. Nearly all treated lines are more dif- ficult to use on a bait reel than those that are not treated, as such lines are more or less wiry, 18 FISHING TACKLE and sometimes spring off the reel In spirals, or cause backlashes. The soft dressed line, be- ing braided softer and finished by hand rubbing, gives less trouble than other lines. Among the better class of undressed lines, the favorites seem to be those that are braided very hard over a heavy, twisted silk core, the braid being so tight as to render the line practically water- proof, or at least against soaking. These lines are also very smooth and keep their shape, which a soft line will not do. Paraffin dissolved In turpentine and applied quite warm by soaking the line in it will Im- prove undressed silk lines without rendering them wiry, but this, like a paraffin-benzine dress- ing, will wear off In time. The gossamer-like casting lines have so little body that it Is diffi- cult to fill them with anything that will not quickly wear off. In Mrs. Marbury's *' Favorite Flies " a cor- respondent makes the claim that small casting lines can be Improved by soaking them in a warmed solution of paraffin and benzine. He calls this semi-waterproofing and claims that a line so treated will last longer and cast further than any other. The line Is not taken out of the solution until the latter cools, in order that all the wax possible may be retained in the line. OVERHAULING 19 Dry for a day, then rub with a cloth and chamois skin. I prefer turpentine to benzine, as the former renders the line soft and waxy. The tents which I have treated In this way for many years seem never to rot, are soft and light, and have never leaked. If you have never used a line dryer, begin now. There are several good and Inexpensive ones on the market. No bait line can be de- pended on If left on the reel over night without drying. A silk line costs from one to four dollars for one hundred yards, and no angler can afford to let a good line rot for want of drying. Lines are frequently Injured by miner- als In the water they are used In, and If they are dried after use, this may partially offset the harm. If you have no dryer, pull the line off the reel and Into your hat, or In a pan. If you are In camp, putting the receptacle In some place where It will not be turned over. In the morn- ing wind the line back on the reel. Never dry a silk line in the sun. A dryer Is best, for the line can be left on one over night, so that the air will have abundant time to dry the line thoroughly. In what shape do you keep your loose hooks, sinkers, swivels, trolling and casting spoons, artificial minnows, etc.? The neat little boxes 20 FISHING TACKLE these come In are all right, but if one has many, they are bulky enough to fill a suit-case instead of a tackle-box. It is a good plan to put in the tackle-box the reels, lines, etc., customarily taken on fishing trips, then fill in the remaining space with the sliding-top boxes the baits come in. Put away all boxes not needed, and put several baits in each box retained. Each variety in a separate box will simplify matters. The small spinners and casting spoons go nicely Into little envelopes to be tucked in corners of the tackle- box, loose hooks In other envelopes, snelled hooks in a box by themselves. A small tin tobacco-box Is handy for odds and ends like sinkers, swivels, small spool of silk, wax, and cement. The trade supplies celluloid and other cases of various shapes for artificial lures, and these are cheap. Lures kept in them are free from rust, and better still, from the tangling that Is Inevitable when many devices with hooks at- tached are kept together. Besides, one may see what Is In each envelope without opening it — an Immense advantage when he Is In a hur- ry to change lures. A file, a small bottle of the best reel oil, or better, one of the metal oil tubes; two pairs of small pliers, one with flat, the other with round OVERHAULING 21 jaws; and a screw-driver (for reels) should be In every tackle-box. With this equipment you have a complete repair kit, and can change baits to suit conditions as you find them, ashore or afloat. An assortment of eyed flies is handy, too, for the bait-caster. When bass are taking feathered spinners or spoons, changing flies Is often advis- able, and this is especially true when single- hook lures are used Instead of the now too com- mon trebles. Some anglers remove all treble hooks from artificial lures, replacing them with single bare or feathered hooks, these to be changed to suit conditions. If this practice Is followed. It is handy to keep a few lures un- mounted, attaching a bare hook and a minnow, or an eyed bass fly, as required. In this con- nection it is worth noting that few of our hooks of 0/0 size and thereabout have eyes large enough to go on the wires with which the ma- jority of our spoons and wooden minnows are fitted, necessitating the use of steel split-rings to attach eyed hooks to the lures in a proper manner. It is a moot question whether treble and groups of treble hooks are worth the trouble and profanity they cause. Some anglers have decided views on this subject, declaring that they 22 FISHING TACKLE can take as many bass on single as on treble hooks. Certainly the single hook is the more sportsmanlike of the two, and I believe the custom of using three to five trebles will give place to the single hook, or at most three singles. While the lure which carries a single tail- hook is the neatest and least troublesome in weedy waters, for bass it is not always a suc- cessful one, because of their habit of striking a bait amidships. Two side hooks and one tail- hook, however, are enough for all practical purposes. It is claimed that pike were respon- sible for the first trebles and it is also said the devil invented the device. Be that as it may, trebles are put on nearly all lures because such articles are made for jobbers. The retailers are not particular. They order standard baits, and these are equipped with one, three, or five trebles. No doubt all manufacturers would be glad to equip their baits with single hooks. Their goods would make a better appearance in sample cases and tackle stores, and ^everybody, from the maker to the angler, could get along without swearing. Trying to put a wooden minnow equipped with treble hooks in a box is like attempting to put a healthy tomcat on his back. When you think you have succeded, you OVERHAULING 23 haven't and afterward you wish you hadn't tried. Some manufacturers arrange their lures so that the hooks may be changed, just as a fly- fisher changes flies, to suit prevaihng con- ditions. Each spoon or spinner is part of a set, the other members in which consist of four or six eyed flies of well-known merit. I may be prejudiced in their favor, but I have found them valuable additions to my tackle because they are killers, and the flies are well made. Every dealer stocks them. Many wooden minnows, spoons, and spin- ners are equipped with feathered treble hooks, the feathers on which are red and white. If bass do not take a fancy to them, the angler often thinks there is something wrong with the lure's size and color when the fault lies in the rooster-feathered hooks. A trial of a few lures fitted with royal coachman, Parmacheene Belle, gray drake, Seth Green, grizzly king, buck- tail, silver doctor, or some of the hackles, on single hooks, may alter one's views and give his single-hook lure a wider range of useful- ness. If one fly-fishes often, of course his outfit will be much smaller than if he fishes with both fly- and bait-rods, but if he goes far afield on 24 FISHING TACKLE vacations, he will hardly feel safe without a modest tackle box or book, with a few compact articles tucked away In It. This outfit is a good deal like the emergency medicine case — it may not seem to be worth taking along, but when It Is needed, It Is needed badly. It is true that the less one Investigates the mechanism of his reel, the better service will It render; but this is not a hard and fast rule. If you do take your reel apart, however, use a screw-driver adapted to that particular purpose. The best type that I have ever seen is obtainable from tackle dealers generally and stores that make a specialty of fine tools. The blade should fit the screw-head slots perfectly, as otherwise they will be marred and will cut the delicate line. The kind referred to has a milled stem fitted with a swivel top that fits in the palm of the hand, so that the driver is held steadily while the fingers alone turn the blade. Such a tool costs a few cents more than the common kind, but is invaluable. Keep a very fine file In the tackle-box. The kind known in the trade as a needle file is best for the purpose. The stem is round, the blade flat on one side and slightly rounded on the other, tapering to a fine point. It is somewhat delicate, but nicely tempered, and will not break OVERHAULING 25 If handled with ordinary care. With one of these files the barbs of hooks may be sharp- ened when they are dull, and so keen is the edge of the file that you can cut through brass and copper wire as with a delicate saw, and small repairs call for a file of this sort. Rough places on guides, reel-seats or ferrules may be smoothed without scratching the pol- ished surface, though It is well to finish up with a tiny piece of the finest grade of crocus cloth, to Insure a good polish. Powdered tripoll, used by machinists for buffing, etc., is also excellent for polishing. Oil a piece of chamois skin, then coat it lightly with tripoll, and you have a good hand polisher for rusted hooks, tarnished troll- ing spoons, rod fittings, and reels. The tripoll will polish without scratching, but for obstinate cases flour emery in oil may be used. Dry em- ery cuts too rapidly for any polished surface. Powdered chalk is another good medium for poHshIng metal. Use crude petroleum with it, and also with tripoll. Crude oil cleans and Is a very handy thing to have in the tackle-box. Keep It In one of the little metal tubes previously referred to. CHAPTER III CARE OF THE RODS WHEN you come to the fishing rods, It Is a good plan to take them all out of the tackle cabinet or place where they are kept, joint them up and examine them In a superficial way to see if any ferrules are loose, and If there are any kinks In tops that may be straightened out before the angling season comes around. Too often anglers get into the habit of standing rod-joints in a corner In a closet. If they are protected by wood forms, leather cases, aluminum or bamboo tubes, there Is little danger that tips and joints will go crooked, but if left In cloth cases, tied with tapes, they may need straightening. It is handy to keep a rod in a cloth case, but often one tape Is tied more securely than others, and the swell of the hand-grasp will help to curve the tips If the rod is left In a dry place for several weeks. The beauty of a fine trout rod may be marred In a short time merely by leaning the joints against a wall. A better plan Is to suspend all the parts from 26 CARE OF THE RODS 27 brass brads driven In the walls of the tackle cabinet. The top-rings of the tips will lit these brads, as also the top guides of the joints. Better still, suspend the jointed rod from a hook placed In the ceiling of a cool closet. This applies to split bamboo as well as wood rods, for while the latter are more easily put out of shape dur- ing the frequent changes In temperature in win- ter, split bamboo may also lose its shape in time under the conditions named, particularly the slender tips and middle joints. If a wood rod becomes hopelessly set through long use and heavy strain, suspend it from a brad driven Into the picture moulding in a ,cool room, where It will not touch anything, and leave a heavy reel on It, the latter, of course, covered with Its chamois bag to keep out dust. After a few damp days you will notice the change, and before the fishing season opens the rod should be free from set. But If not, hang a weight on the butt In lieu of the reel. Rods used In tournament casting often become set In the direction of the greatest strain, and this Is difficult to correct, but the treatment referred to above will help. Applying heat direct, bend- ing In the opposite direction, and leaving the tip under weights are all too severe for a favorite rod, but It should be straightened If this can 28 FISHING TACKLE be done without injuring it, for one cannot cast accurately with a crooked rod. Another good plan is to fasten the crooked tip or joint to a steel rod or to the edge of a board that is straight. Wind over all with tape or soft cord, being certain that the tip lies true with the axis of the rod. If you happen to know a metal worker who has an enamelling oven, ask permission to " warm over " your rod in it. A temperature of 150 degrees F. will not harm it if the parts are laid flat on one of the shelves or trays. Straight- en the joints as soon as they are taken out of the oven, then suspend them until they are cold. An old split bamboo rod that has lost Its " ginger " may be improved by this treatment, as the glue will be warmed slightly, and will set again as the cane cools. The temperature mentioned above will not affect the varnish on the rod, but it is not well to go above that point. With the rods all jointed up and in shape to be examined and tried for faults, decide on what changes or repairs, if any, should be made by their maker, and do not delay plac- ing such rods in his hand at once, if they re- quire his expert skill. Rodmakers are human and therefore likely to be less thorough when CARE OF THE RODS 29 rushed half to death with hurry orders the week before the fishing season opens than if permitted to take their own time on repair work. You have a right to expect them to do their best work on your rods, but too often you give them very short notice. Be fair to them. When you have laid aside the rod or rods requiring the repairs that may be made at home, take up one that merely needs cleaning and brightening up. The cork grasp, if soiled and discolored, may be improved by rubbing with a moist cloth and soap. Generally this will suffice to remove the combined oil and dust and leave the cork bright and fresh, but if not, try alcohol on a cloth, turpentine, or even benzine, rubbing the grasp lengthwise to prevent the liquid from softening the glue. After the grasp has dried, roll a piece of tissue paper around it and bind with a couple of elastics, to keep it clean while you work on other parts of the joint. If the grasp be very badly soiled, rub it slightly with an old, worn piece of the finest grade of sandpaper. Now look over the ferrules. If one is loose, remove it. If It Is fastened with a pin, and this does not go clear th'rough, tapping around the pin with the wood handle of a screw-driver 30 FISHING TACKLE may raise It enough so that It may be drawn out with pliers; otherwise, tap lightly with a pointed instrument until the pin is driven be- low the surface of the ferrule, which may then be removed and the pin drawn from the wood. The best ferrules are pinned through from side to side, and the pins are easily pushed down far enough to be removed with pliers. Scrape the old cement off the wood, and heat- ing your stick of cement, preferably over the flame of an alcohol lamp, at the same time warming the surface to be coated, spread the cement over the wood and smooth it around with a toothpick. Warm the ferrule just enough to soften the cement that is in it and push it home. It is not difficult to fit it exactly as it was before if a needle be used to locate the hole from which you drew the pin and of course this is desirable, since the making of a new hole may serve to weaken the wood at that point. If any cement exudes below the ferrule, scrape this off with a toothpick, but wait until it is cold before rubbing off all traces of cement with crude oil on a bit of silk or linen. If the ferrule fits the wood too loosely, wind the latter with very thin silk before coating with cement. Agate guides that are loose In their mount- ings may be tightened with a tiny drop of CARE OF THE RODS 31 cement applied while hot on a toothpick. Do not heat the agate, as it may crack. Every rodmaker has a cement of his own and neither sells it nor discloses its ingredients, but when all is said on this subject, there are few cements that will hold longer than shellac. Take a jar of orange shellac that is old and sticky. Moisten with a few drops of alcohol until it resembles molasses candy. Warm, ap- ply, and be happy. Take up a rod that has frayed or loose windings here and there; remove all of these and prepare to renew them. Tackle dealers will supply you with winding silk. The colors most used are pale red, black, grass green, and jasper (mottled black and white or brown and white). With the exception of black, all silk darkens when varnished, hence no matter what color you select, see that it is one or two shades lighter than your first choice. Avoid lilac, pur- ple and other delicate shades, as they will fade on being exposed to the sunlight. Orange is a good color, and if you desire less of the so- called barber-pole effect, select cream-colored silk, which is practically transparent under the varnish. Lemon is another shade that gives a nice effect under varnish. If you must depend on dry goods shops for 32 FISHING TACKLE silk, A is usually the smallest size obtainable, and it will answer, although it Is too coarse for nice winding. The larger the rod, the coarser may the silk be, and for salmon and salt water rods I have used button-hole silk for guide and ferrule windings. For trout rods 00 is the best size for all windings. When all of the frayed windings have been renewed, coat the silk, and It alone, with the best grain alcohol shellac, and while this is fresh, pass It over a thin flame, turning the rod rapidly meanwhile. This will cement the wind- ings and the shellac, and make a neat finish. Give the windings a second coat of shellac, and when this Is dry, cover the windings with coach varnish, using a fine-pointed brush and letting the varnish extend a trifle beyond the winding on either side. If guides must be rewound, fasten them in place temporarily with waxed thread and be- gin to wind with silk toward the guide, not away from it. In this way the end of guide- seat is covered first and the windings will be even, whereas if you begin next the guide and wind away from it, the silk will slip off the end of the guide-seat. Where the guide Is to be wound with two or more colors, as red with green edgings, the two outside edgings CARE OF THE RODS 33 should be put on first, and the original silk- end left without cutting, In order that the wider center winding will grip it and hold all to- gether. Both outer edgings being finished, wind the two wide bands, then the two inner edgings. CHAPTER IV CLEANING AND VARNISHING IF the butt-cap and reel-seat of your rod are tarnished, rub them with tripoli on a cloth moistened with crude oil, then polish all of the ferrules In the same manner until they are free from the season's stains. Hold the joint under your left arm, with the ferrule resting on the edge of a table, and polish with a narrow strip of cloth In the same way that a bootblack " shines " your boots. This will leave the metal a dead white that will not glisten In the sun. If there Is any varnish on the fer- rules, It may be removed with crude oil, but In rubbing be careful not to damage the wind- ings. Holding the rod as described above, go over It from end to end with just a trace of crude oil on a cloth. Rubbing lengthwise will tend to work the oil Into the windings and darken them, whereas all that Is needed Is to clean and polish the varnish. Some anglers prefer sweet oil for this purpose, but lubricating oils are too penetrating. 34 CLEANING AND VARNISHING 35 Follow with chamois skin or an old silk handkerchief, rubbing briskly, but very lightly, working backward and forward rapidly to avoid heating the varnish through friction. When the rod is perfectly dry examine it in several places with a microscope. If the varnish is cracked, as it may be after several seasons' use, covering this old varnish with a fresh coat is scarcely to be recommended, when the obvious need is to scrape the rod, rewind, and varnish afresh; but if the varnish is in fair condition, give the rod a new coating. For this purpose buy a three-quarter-inch oval camel- hair brush and a small can of extra light coach varnish. The dealers supply this or equally good rod varnish in small bottles. Do not let anyone persuade you to use shellac. Before varnishing, leave the rod in a warm room until it is in condition to insure the var- nish taking hold, and at the same time put the varnish bottle In a pan of warm water. Coach varnish is quite thick and somewhat gummy. Warming it softens the gum it carries, and makes It flow and set nicely, insuring a more brilliant coating than Is possible If it Is used cold. Cold varnish may contain minute lumps of gum that amalgamate with the oil when warmed; therefore, use warm varnish. 36 FISHING TACKLE Coat the winding next to the ferrule first, earefuly avoiding the metal. Lay the varnish lightly around each winding, then flow it a trifle more thickly lengthwise of the joint, turn- ing the latter slowly to insure an even coating. This varnish is laid on quite thickly, but not so much so that it will crawl or set in patches. If in doubt, go over the work without any fresh varnish in the brush, touching the varnish very lightly, to smooth it evenly throughout. Stand each joint in a warm place out of the wind or any draft that may carry dust. When the rod is finished, joint it up and suspend from a hook in a place where no person or object will touch it. It will dry in a few hours, but should not be handled for at least three days. Drying in the sun, while not always harmful, is likely to expose the varnish to dust. Choose a dry day for the work. Clean the varnish brush carefully with soap and hot water, and when it is dry, put it away in a place free from dust. Keep the varnish bottle tightly corked, and expose the varnish as little as possible to the air. There Is nothing more discouraging to the angler than a failure in varnishing a rod. And varnishing is a delicate operation. One may finish the rod with the utmost care, polishing the CLEANING AND VARNISHING 37 wood until it glistens, winding neatly, and then, when it is almost ready for use, have bad luck in varnishing, and feel like throwing the rod away, for apparently it is ruined, and there is nothing left to do but remove windings and guides, scrape it down and begin the work all over again. This, however. Is a mistake, for the fault may be remedied if one is careful. Take a bethabara rod, for example. This wood is more or less oily. You may finish a rod with the greatest care, wetting the wood to raise the grain, then cutting down all roughness, polishing with mild abrasives, then with fine bethabara shavings, and finally with tissue pa- per, until the wood glistens like polished brass; but in the winding the natural oil from your hands will coat the wood evenly, and it may not occur to you that the rod is in bad shape for varnishing. At best bethabara will not absorb much var- nish; therefore, it Is essential that the varnish shall dry rapidly and not crawl, or solidify in uneven patches, leaving other spots dry. If you varnish the rod on a warm day, turning It round now and then, so that it will dry evenly In the open air. It will be satisfactory; but if circumstances force you to varnish it hurriedly 38 FISHING TACKLE and then hang It up close to a wall, it may dry on one side, while on the other, nearest the wall, the varnish may crawl. This may happen if the temperature Is low or the air damp. When the windings are finished and given two coats of shellac, to preserve the color of the silk, the exposed wood may be rubbed with a strip of linen or silk until most of the oil from your hands has been removed. After this, do not touch the wood with your hands until after the rod has been varnished. Rub the wood lightly, else friction will damage the wind- ings. Possibly you may forget how old your var- nish is, or neglect to have the rod and the var- nish warm, or the day selected may turn cold, with the result that the varnish may dry uneven- ly, remain tacky, or even crawl In places. Old coach varnish may be thinned by adding a little turpentine, then let It stand for a while before using. It Is better, however, to buy fresh var- nish, particularly as a small bottle or can will furnish enough for several rods. Always ap- ply varnish while warm. If the varnish does crawl, or fail to dry after several days' time, so that all of your work seems to have been wasted, take a narrow strip of canvas, which has a rough surface and CLEANING AND VARNISHING 39 will not shed much lint while you are rubbing, and wetting It slightly with crude oil, work the strip between the windings as previously des- cribed, but never lengthwise of the joint. Very little pressure Is needed, for your object will be to warm the sticky varnish through friction, spread It evenly and bind It, while removing a little from the surface. Passing the palm of the hand over the joint occasionally will en- able you to tell when the work Is finished, which will be when the tacky surface gives way to one that Is smooth and fairly hard. Any doubt win be dispelled If you will rub the joint length- wise very lightly with a piece of linen or silk. If this sticks in places, those spots must be polished. Let the rod stand for a day, then pass the dry silk strip over it lightly, and If all parts are hard, polish with this strip. The high gloss will be gone, but if a thin coat of varnish is put on in a few days, this should bring out all of the beauty of the grain and the wind- ings, and your rod, which seemed to be ruined, will be little the worse for this heroic — and perhaps unworkmanlike — treatment. We are not all experts, and few of those who love to "tinker at rod building" have just the right sort of workshops and tools, but a little horse 40 FISHING TACKLE sense has saved more valuable property than a fishing rod. Now and then the claim is made that vase- line is a preservative that should be used on the rod before it is put away for the winter. Vaseline would very likely keep out damp- ness, but it is very penetrating, and if there are cracks in the varnish, the vaseline would work into them, and discolor windings as well. It seems to me that crude petroleum is a better preservative, but if it is used it should be completely removed before varnishing. Ver- digris will form on brass coated with vase- line, and the same thing applies, though in a lesser degree, to German silver, hence this seems to me to be another argument against the use or vaseline on rods. Lard oil should be better. I have never used it to prevent fishing rod ferrules from sticking, but have found it peculiarly effective when ap- plied to the friction joints of canoe paddles and tent poles, and see no reason why it should not work well on fishing rods. It is a clean oil, and a very little of it goes a long way. Common lubricating oil, and vaseline as well, pick up grit, and the combination is likely to injure ferrules. All of the lubricating that a good ferrule needs is to wipe it clean, then rub it over you^ hair if it fits too snugly. CHAPTER V REELS AND THEIR CARE GENERALLY speaking, there are but two kinds of reel used In fresh water fishing: (i) the single-action reel for fly-rods, and (2) the multiplying reel for bait (Courtesy of Wm. Mills & Son.) Fig. I. — Rubber and German Silver Single Action Reel. 41 42 FISHING TACKLE (Courtesy of Wm. Mills & Son.) Fig. 2. — Light Click Reel. In fishing with the fly-rod the reel Is em- ployed mainly In playing a fish and In shorten- ing line. In casting the fly or lure the actual length of line is controlled by the left hand. With It the line Is pulled off the reel or stripped in, to be held In one or more coils, and to be wound up on the reel when It Is necessary to shorten line. But when a fish is hooked the reel comes Into play when there is too much line out to control It by rod manipulation alone. This being true, there are only a few things to consider In selecting a reel. It should bal- ance nicely on the rod and be no larger than is necessary to hold the line. Weight Is a mat- ter each angler must decide for himself. One prefers a fairly heavy reel, claiming that It balances the rod; another selects a light reel REELS AND THEIR CARE 43 because it does not place too much weight be- low the hand. A single-action reel need not be expensive. The parts should be well made and nicely fit- ted, the click one that will not get out of order quickly, and with a good strong spring. The click must be just strong enough to prevent the spool from turning when casts of ordinary length are made without holding the line with either hand. The reels illustrated in Figs. I and 2 are typical of the moderate priced reels used by trout fishermen. Three inches is the diameter of most click reels on which thirty yards of double tapered E line are used, and they will carry the same length of D line if it be wound on evenly. There is no need of a drag on a fly reel. The EngHsh reels are nearly all heavy affairs, but they are beautifully made and compact. Nearly all are so made that by removing one screw the spool may be taken out, and instead of the thin axle — which ruins any line left on it for any length of time, — there is a drum of good size. The dry-fly reel shown in Fig. 3 IS of this type. It is narrow but of goodly dia- meter, and light, as the material is an aluminum alloy — aluminum alone being too soft for reels. Whatever reel is employed, do not leave a 44 FISHING TACKLE (Courtesy of Wm. Mills & Son.) Fig. 3. — Narrow Dry-Fly Reel. good line on it, but wind the line on one of the large " reels " used by tournament casters, Il- lustrated In Fig. 30; or wind it on to a line dryer. Salmon reels are merely larger editions of trout reels, but as they are roughly handled at times, strength Is necessary, and for this pur- pose a high-grade reel Is the best. The balt-casting reel is a machine in miniature and Is a wonderful one at that. It must be light and small, run almiost as freely as a top, yet withstand tremendous strains and sudden REELS AND THEIR CARE 45 shocks. Nowhere else are such perfect reels made as In the United States, and Kentucky has produced the two that are types. For nearly a century the Milam and the Meek reels have been on the market, and the first reels these firms made are almost Identical with the mod- ern ones. Fig. 4.^MIlam No. 2 Quadruple Multiplying Reel. Exact oize. At a national tournament a few years ago, the winner of the accuracy balt-casting event used a tiny No. i reel that had been used by the owner for many years, and by his father before him; more than fifty years In all, surely. And that reel Is as good to-day as a new one and differs from the present-day type only in 46 FISHING TACKLE that It has a crank handle Instead of a balanced handle. Fig. 5.— Meek No. 2 Reel. Three- fourths Actual Size. One Improvement that has been made in re- cent years Is In the use of spiral gears instead of the old straight gears. Spiral gears mesh more smoothly, and the wear Is more uniform, while greater strength Is attained, as a greater bearing surface between pinion and gear Is had. Another improvement Is the screw-off cap over each end of the axle. This makes It possible to oil these main bearings without taking the reel apart. Garnets are fitted In these bearings If desired, Insuring longer wear than is pos- sible with the customary steel bearings. A satisfactory fishing reel may be had for $5 or a little less, but It is good economy to pay $15 for a far better reel, and If you can afford the very best, $25 to $30. Such a reel will out- last your fishing days, and always be depend- REELS AND THEIR CARE 47 able. The old-time free running reel has no superior; by " free running " Is meant that there Is no graduated device for retarding the speed of the spool. Free-spool reels are of another class, in which there is a device to throw the gears out of mesh during a cast, the handle re- maining at rest, the gears engaging while the line is being wound in. They are excellent reels, but considerable practice is necessary to cast without backlashing, as the spool-action Is very rapid. Fig. 6. — Meek No. 3 Blue Grass Reel. If you ask a manufacturer how to take one of his reels apart for cleaning, he will probably tell you not to attempt this at all, as only " one skilled In the art," as Inventors say, can adjust a reel properly. This Is of course true of some reels In the hands of careless persons, but one who possesses ordinary skill may easily take 48 FISHING TACKLE apart, clean, oil, and reassemble a reel without injuring it in the least. There is no other course left open to one who happens to be far from repair shops when his reel needs attention, and the sooner he learns how to care for it himself, the better off will he be. If your reel has oil-caps, by removing these and the handle, you can oil the end bearings, the pinion, and the handle and gear-post without disturbing the adjustment of the parts. This is an immense advantage, but all bearings should be cleaned before oiling. In reels that have capped face plates this Is a simple matter, as the screws merely hold the cap in place and exert uniform pressure on the spindle ends, and one may take out the gear, clean its post and teeth, the pinion and all bear- ings, replace the cap by means of three or four screws, none of which enter the pillars. All bearings save one may be cleaned without dis- turbing the adjustment of the frame. In order to get at this one, the face plate of some but not all reels must be removed and the spool taken out. Some reels are easy to readjust because the front plate is held by only one, or at most four screws; but those that have a screw in each one of the five pillars must be readjusted with the utmost care, and patience is necessary. REELS AND THEIR CARE 49 as you must set the screws, test it, and perhaps repeat this two or three times before all is well. The cap screws should be turned down easily and the spool tried, to see if there is any play longitudinally. Some reels require a little play, while others do not. Before touching a screw try the spool and ascertain how much play it has. Then lay your watch in front of you, and holding the reel in the left hand with the handle up, so that the handle and gears will revolve horizontally, grasp the handle with the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand, the second finger on the handle- knob, and spin the reel smartly as the second hand of your watch passes a certain point, not- ing how long it takes for the handle to lose all motion. Try this three or four times until you are certain that the spool will spin just so long each time. If there is a line on the reel, tuck Its ends under with a toothpick, to prevent it from striking the pillars and retarding the spool. In turning the cap screws down, test the spool for play and speed, bearing in mind that since cleaning and oiling all bearings it should spin several seconds longer than when foul with gummed oil — that is, unless you have put too 50 FISHING TACKLE much oil on gear and pinion, in which case the reel may be out of commission until the sur- plus oil is removed. If ten seconds was the time of spinning while dirty, fourteen or fifteen seconds should be about right for the clean spool, and if it falls below this, tighten the screws a trifle more and try again for time and play. If all screws are tightened uniformly, a few trials will show you when to stop, and if these directions are religiously followed, the reel should be in perfect order. It is important that a good screw-driver and the best reel oil be used. It is also advisable to examine all bearings, after cleaning, with a microscope, at the same time removing all parti- cles of grit or dust with the end of a toothpick. The pinion in a good reel is made from tool steel, and the gear from bronze or hard brass, but a tiny speck of grit is a bad thing for either one. All tests should be made while the spool of the reel is filled with the line that you are ac- customed to using in fishing practice. Exerting equal force, the spool will spin one-fourth to one-third longer when filled with line than when empty. In these remarks quadruple multiplying reels are referred to, for the reason that nearly all of REELS AND THEIR CARE 51 the small fishing and all of the tournament reels are geared thus. No properly made quad- ruple reel has four times as many teeth in the gear as in the pinion. Generally there are three or four teeth less in the gear, the number de- pending largely on the diameter decided on for that wheel as the best when the diameter of plates, length of spool and handle, and general purpose of reel are taken into consideration. One good reason for the odd number of teeth in the large gear is that every tooth in the pinion bears on every one in the gear, always chang- ing, and In this way the wear Is equalized and the meshing Is perfect at all points In every revolution. Every tooth added to the large gear de- creases the strength and winding power of the mechanism, and the logical conclusion Is that the double multiplier Is best for reels of large size, where power Is preferred to speed In de- livering and recovering line. This is illustrated in eighty-yard quadruple reels used for bass fishing and tournament casting. The spool of the fishing reel may be i% inches In length and i^ inches In diameter, with a balance handle 234 or 2 y2 Inches In length. The spool of the tournament reel may be i ^ Inches long, i ^ inches In diameter, very thin and light, and the 52 FISHING TACKLE handle only i J^ inches long. The latter will spool thin line beautifully and deliver it rapidly, but If used In fishing It will recover line very slowly when a two-pound bass Is tugging at the hook, the small spool and the short handle fur- nishing very little leverage. On the other hand, the fishing reel will handle large bass easily, but when used In tournament casting. It will be found that the handle is too long and the spool too narrow and deep for nice, even spooling and delivery. The reel that is a modification of both types re- ferred to will give fair satisfaction at the tournament and on the lake, and for the man of one outfit this is the reel to own. Some anglers prefer to let German silver reels tarnish — as they will In fresh water Im- pregnated with mineral substances, and from contact with one's hands — but others do not. It Is true that this tarnishing takes the place of the glitter of the freshly buffed reel, although Ger- man silver glistens far less than the nickle of cheap reels; but It Is one thing to let the reel tarnish slightly, and quite another to permit dust and gummed oil to accumulate until the use- fulness of the reel Is affected. The reel should be cleaned thoroughly at least once each sea- son, preferably In the winter. REELS AND THEIR CARE 53 The easiest way to polish the frame is with a buffer, but chamois skin and tripoK will re- move all harmful dirt from smooth surfaces, while the angles may be reached by folding the leather over a sliver of soft pine and rubbing with this. The bearings must not be touched with any abrasive or polishing substance. They should be cleaned thoroughly with benzine — but do not light your pipe during this operation. An old soft toothbrush and benzine should be used on pinion, gear, and all bearings, and in order to be sure that the parts are cleared from gummed oil, examine them when they are dry under a microscope. This Inspection should be minute. A good reel is to a certain extent a delicate machine, and although you may not remember it. It may be that you dropped rod and reel at some time last summer while fishing and damaged the gears. Perhaps you have wondered why Its song has a harsh note, but still it seems to be all right. If any of the bearings show wear in places where they should be smooth, or If the teeth of pinion or gear have any rough spots — under the glass these teeth resemble those in a huge saw — send the reel post haste to its maker. He alone can put It to rights. Other- wise, when all the parts are absolutely clean, 54 FISHING TACKLE put the reel together again, using the second hand of your watch to determine its correct ad- justment, as previously described. Every reel should be kept in a chamois bag or in one of the chamois-lined sole leather cases. Then put it away in the tackle-box, making a mental note to oil it slightly the night before you go away on your first fishing trip next spring. Beginners may fail to notice an important point in connection with the timing of the reel for adjustment by the watch. The present-day quadruple multiplying reels — most of them, at least — will spin longer when the spool is hori- zontal than otherwise, but this is not a fair test, as in casting with the short rod the hand is turned to the left — (i) to insure the line running through the guides and top without fouling the rod; and (2) because there is less friction on the bearings of the reel when it is held handle up (Fig. 7). In timing his reel the novice will naturally turn the balance handle from left to right, and if it spins say twenty- one seconds, he will put that down as its time and never stop to consider the fact that he is turning it backward, or in the direction the handle turns when the spool is taking up the line — where smoothness and speed do not so much count. REELS AND THEIR CARE 55 Another thing: if his reel has spiral gears, as many of the best reels have, its spool may not revolve so freely in recovering as in deliver- ing, therefore one will not gain a fair knowl- edge of its capabilities for casting unless he spins it backward. This is more difficult to do with thumb and finger because of the form of the balance handle. A better plan, and one giving more accurate results is this: Take a piece of small cord and wax one end. Lay this on the spindle of the spool and wind over it, just as you would with a casting line, always winding a given length of cord, say twelve inches. Hold the reel firmly in one hand, handle at the top, and when the second hand of your watch is over a given point, pull the cord evenly with the other hand until it comes away from the spindle — just as a boy spins a top. Pull steadily, exerting not much more force than would the half-ounce weight in a cast. Your reel will spin as it does in cast- ing, and the method insures steadiness and uniform results, as you will find after a few trials. If the reel is made of hard rubber with bronze or brass parts, on taking it apart you may find verdigris under and in the teeth of the gear, and this, as well as the gummed oil, must be S6 FISHING TACKLE cleared out. A good reel is a constant source of pride to its owner, if he appreciates it, and while few other mechanical " contrivances " are called upon to and do withstand sb. many severe shocks and strains, a little grit in its vitals will cause as much trouble to it as a small peb- ble in your shoe will to you. Neither one is fatal, but may have a bad effect in time. The gears and pinions of various reels differ slightly. Some mesh closely, the leaves of the pinion fitting rather tightly in the teeth of the gear. These require rather thin oil, but do not use any of the thin bicycle oils, some of which contain substances of no value to reels. Ask your dealer for the best reel oil, or obtain a bottle of oil from a watchmaker. If properly used, an ounce of reel oil will last several sea- sons. It must be applied sparingly, and only on clean parts. Generally, but not invariably, the larger the reel the heavier may the oil be, and some salt water reels work well if petro- leum jelly or graphite is applied to the gears, though nothing but the best oil should be put on smooth bearings. If, when the oil is applied, the reel seems to be jammed and will not spin freely, it is a good sign that the gears are gummed up, or that too much or too heavy oil has been applied. Clean REELS AND THEIR CARE 57 thoroughly and try again with less oil. It Is possible to completely clog the mechanism of a fine reel with oil, and reels are often sent back to their makers as " no good," when the only fault Is that too much oil has been put in them. In a quadruple reel of high grade, whose gears mesh closely, a drop too much may completely stop the turning of the parts. CHAPTER VI CORK DRUMS FOR REELS IT is customary for anglers to use a reel larger than they need, and to fill the spool one-third to one-half full of old or com- mon line, then wind on the line that is to be used in fishing. When it is ready to use, the spool is two-thirds or three-fourths filled, en- abling one to thumb it more readily, and as Its size increases through wetting, one turn of the spool releases or recovers much more line than If the winding of the good line were begun on the empty spool. There are some objections to this plan, par- ticularly as applied to the small long-spool reels used in bait-casting contests and in fishing. If the dummy is composed of coarse line. It Is difficult to spool It evenly, leaving an uneven surface on which the fine casting line must be wound. If common thread Is used for a dum- my, It Is difficulty to wind It so that It will be hard and firm. This must be done In order to attain the best results, as a spongy foundation for the gossamer-like casting line will Increase 58 iS 3 O ^ ounces. For dry-fly distance casting with the five-ounce rod, and for wet-fly distance casting with the four- ounce rod, a C line weighing i J^ ounces is about right. Less belly and taper are needed In the last-named line. What has been said of casting with the five- ounce rod applies both to the four-ounce and the unlimited rod. The latter Is generally ii^ feet long, and Is fitted with a long grasp. Bare your arm and lay It down on a two-foot rule. Measure from the end of the thumb to a point on the muscles of the forearm 2j^ inches from the point of the elbow. This will determine the proper length of the grasp, say from 13 to 15 inches. (See Fig. 31.) Fig. 31. — Position of Arm and Hand in Casting With the Unlimited Rod. In selecting a rod, see that it has good action clear down to the hand. If it is too stiff it will force you to cast rapidly, and this you 140 FISHING TACKLE cannot do with a heavy rod. The middle joint should be strong, and the tip of slow rather than quick taper. Of the two, a rod with stiff butt, and one with apparently too much butt action, choose the latter. Give no heed to the weight of the rod, save that it should in a measure correspond with your strength. Mere weight signifies little in the unlimited rod, and one weighing 9 ounces may suit you better than one of II or 12 ounces. In selecting the rod with which I have done my best general average distance casting, I did so with the intention of trying a lighter one than any of the four rods that I had used during several seasons. The one I finally selected had very slow action, and seemed to weigh less than ten ounces. In practice it did not tire my arm, would lift a very long line, and one day I weighed it. The old rods weighed 12, 11^, 12, and II J4 ounces respectively; the new one I2>4 ounces! For greater convenience in stripping the line, the lowermost, or hand guide, should be thirty to thirty-six Inches from the butt of the rod. It is well to have a hand guide of phosphor bronze, steel, or agate, as this guide is subjected to ex- cessive wear. I prefer bronze for the reason that agates are so easily broken. And agate TOURNAMENT FLY-CASIING 141 tops are an abomination. The other guides should be snake pattern and a little larger than those of the fishing rod. Bronzed steel guides are best. In casting with the heavy rod, hold the butt against the muscles of the forearm, thumb ex- tended along the grasp, wrist absolutely rigid. (Fig. 31.). Cast just as you would if the grasp were lashed to your hand and arm. The only hinges are at the elbow and shoulder. You lift the line with the whole arm; you stop the rod with rigid arm and wrist, keeping the butt against the forearm. This is a difficult thing to master, but it can and must be done. I find it a help to use a soft rubber buttcap, which prevents the butt from slipping off the forearm in lifting the line. I use one of the caps made for bait rods, but trim it down until it is the same diameter as the handgrasp. THE END OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY^NEW YORK HANnRnni^Q Thetexthooksforoui^ rki\l\LJL3yj\Jr%.0 door work and play H. Each Look deals with a separate subject and deals with it thor- oughly. If you want to know anything about Airedales an OUTING HANDBOOK gives you all you want. 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The chapter headings are: Eands and Uses of Motor Boats — When the Motor Balks — Speeding of the Motor Boat — Getting More Power from a New Motor — How to Install a Marine Power Plant — Accessories — Covers, Canopies and Tops — Camping and Cruising — The Boathouse. 11. OUTDOOR SIGNALLING, by Elbert Wells. Mr. Wells has perfected a method of signalling by means of wig- wag, light, smoke, or whistle which is as simple as it is effective. The fundamental principle can bo learned in ten minutes end its application is far easier than that of any other code now in use. It permits also the use of cipher and can be adapted to almost any imaginable conditions of weather, light, or topography. 12. TRACKS AND TRACKING, by Josef Brunner. After twenty years of patient study and practical experience, Mr. Brunner can, from his intimate knowledge, speak with authority on this subject. "Tracks and Tracking" shows how to follow intelli- gently even the most intricate animal or bird tracks. It teaches how to interpret tracks of wild game and decipher the many tell-tale signs of the chase that would otherwise pass unnoticed. It proves how it is possible to tell from the footprints the name, sex, speed, direction, whether and how wounded, and many other things about wild animals and birds. All material has been gathered first hand ; the drawings and half-tones from photographs form an important part of the work. 13. WING AND TRAP-SHOOTING, by Charles Askins. Contains a full discussion of the various methods, such as snap-shooting, swing and half-swing, discusses the flight of birds with reference to the gxmner's problem of lead and range and makes special application of the various points to the different birds commonly shot in this country. A chapter is included on trap shooting and the book closes with a forceful and common-sense *presentation of the etiquette of the field. OUTING PUBLTSHING COMPANY— NEW YORK 14. PROFITABLE BREEDS OF POULTRY, by Arthur S. Wheeler. Mr. "Wbeeler discusses from personal ex- perience the J)est-kno\VTi general purpose breeds. Advice is given from the standpoint of the* man who desires results in eggs and stock rather than in specimens for exhibition. In addition to a carefiil analysis of stock — good and bad — and some conclusions regarding housing and management, the author writes in detail regarding Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Mediterraneans and the Cornish. 15. RIFLES AJVD RIFLE SHOOTING, by Charles Askins. A practical manual describing varioua makes and mechan- isms, in addition to discussing in detail the range and limitations in the use of the rifle. Treats on the every style and make of rifle as well as their use. Every type of rifle is discussed eo that the book is complete in every detaiL 16. SPORTING FIREARMS, by Horace Kephart. This book is the result of painstaking tests and experiments. Prac- tically nothing is taken for granted. Part I deals with the rifle, and Part II with the shotgun. The man seeking guidance in the selec- tion and use of small firearms, as well as the advanced student of the subject, will receive an unusual amount of assistance from this work. The chapter headings are: Rifles and Ammunition — The Flight of Bullets — Killing Power — Rifle Mechanism and Materials — Rifle Sights — Triggers and Stocks — Care of Rifle — Shot Patterns and Penetration — Gauges and Weights — Mechanism and Build of Shotguns. 17. THEYACHTSMAN'SHANDBOOK,byHerbert L. Stone. The author and compiler of this work is the editor of ** Yachting." He treats in simple language of the many problems confi-onting the amateur sailor and motor boatman. Handling grotmd tackle, handling lines, taking soundings, the use of the lead line, care and use of sails, yachting etiquette, are all given careful attention. Some Ught is thrown upon the operation of the gasoline motor, and suggestions are made for the avoidance of engine troubles. 18. SCOTTISH AND IRISH TERRIERS, by WH- liams Haynes. This is a companion book to "The Airedale," and deals with the history and development of both breeds. For the owner of the dog, valuable information is given as to the use of the terriers, their treatment in health, their treatment when sick, the principles of dog breeding, and dog shows and rules. OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY— NEW YORK ' ' ■■ 19. NAVIGATION FOR THE AMATEUR, by Capt. E, T. Morton. A short treatise on the simpler methods of find- ing position at sea by the observation of the sun^s altitude and the use of the sextant and chronometer. It is arranged especially for yachtsmen and amateurs who wish to know the simpler formulae for the necessary navigation involved in taking a boat anywhere off shore. Illustrated with drawings. Chapter headings : Fundamental Terms — Time — ^The Sumner Line— The Day's Work, Equal Altitude* and Ex-Meridian Sights — Hints on Taking Observations. 20. OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY, by Julian A. Dimock. A solution of all the problems in camera work out-of- doors. The various subjects dealt with are : The Camera — Lens and Plates — Light and Exposure — Development — Prints and Printing — Composition— Landscapes — Figure Work — Speed Photography — ^The Leaping Tarpon — Sea Pictures— In the Good Old Winter Time- Wild Life. 21. PACKING AND PORTAGING, by DiUon Wallace, Mr. Wallace has brought together in one volume all the valuable information on the diflferent ways of making and carry- ing the difierent kinds of packs. The ground covered ranges from man-packing to horse-packing, from the use of the tump line to throwing the diamond hitch. 22. THE BULL TERRIER, by Williams Haynes. This is a companion book to "The Airedale" and ''Scottish and Irish Terriers'* by the same author. Its greatest usefulness is as a guide to the dog owner who wishes to be his own kennel manager. A full account of the development of the breed is given with a description of best types and standards. Recommendations for the care of the dog in health or sickness are included. The chapter heads cover such matters as: — The Bull Terrier's History — Training the Bull Terrier— The Terrier in Health'—Kenneling— Diaeasee. OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY— NEW YORK 23. THE FOX TERRIER, by Williams Haynes. As in his other books on the terrier, Mr. Haynes takes up the origin and history of the breed, its types and standards, and the more ex- clusive representatives down to the present time. Training the Fox Terrier — His Care and Kenneling in Sickness and Health — and the Various Uses to Which He Can Be Put — are among the phases handled. 24. SUBURBAN GARDENS, by Grace Tabor. Illustrated vrith diagrams. The author regards the house and grounds as a complete unit and shows how the best results may be obtained by carrying the reader in detail through the various phases of designing the garden, with the levels and contours necessary, laying out the walks and paths, planning and placing the arbors, summer houses, seats, etc., and selecting and placing trees, shrubs, vines and flowers. Ideal plans for plots of various sizes are appended, as well as suggestions for correcting mistakes that have been made through "starting wrong." 25. FISHING WITH FLOATING FLIES, by Samuel G. Camp. This is an art that is comparatively new in this country although English anglers have used the dry fly for generations. Mr. Camp has given the matter special study and is one of the few American anglers who really understands the matter from the selection of the outfit to the landing of the fish. His book takes up the process in that order, namely — How to Outfit for Dry Fly Fishing— How, Where, and When to Cast— The Selection and Use of Floating Flies— Dry Fly Fishing for Brook, Browri and Rainbow Trout — Hooking, Playing and Landing— Practical Hints on Dry Fly Fishing. 26. THE GASOLINE MOTOR, by Harold Whiting Slauson. Deals with the practical problems of motor operation. The standpoint is that of the man who wishes to know how and why gasoline generates power and something about the various types. Describes in detail the different parts of motors and the faults to which they are liable. Also gives full directions as to re- pair and upkeep. Various chapters deal with Types of Motors — Valves — Bearings — Ignition — Carburetors — Lubrication — Fuel — Two Cycle Motors. OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY— NEW YORK 27. ICE BOATING, by H. L. Stone. Illustrated with diagrams. Here have been brought together all the available in- formation on the organization and history of ice-boating, the build- ing of the various types of ice yachts, from the small 15 footer to the 600-foot racer, together with detailed plans and specifications. Full information is also given to meet the needs of those who wish to be able to build and sail their own boats but are handicapped by the lack of proper knowledge as to just the points described in this volume. 28. MODERN GOLF, by Harold H. Hilton. Mr. Hilton is the only man who has ever held the amateur champion- ship of Great Britain and the United States in the same year. In addition to this, he has, for years, been recognized as one of the most intelligent, steady players of the game in England. This book is a product of his advanced thought and experience and gives the reader sound advice, not so much on the mere swinging of the clubs as in the actual playing of the game, with all the factors that enter into it. He discusses the use of wooden clubs, the choice of clubs, the art of approaching, tournament play as a distinct thing in itself, and kindred subjects. 29. INTENSIVE FARMING, by L. C. Corbett. A discussion of the meaning, method and value of intensive methods in agriculture. This book is designed for the convenience of prac- tical farmers who find themselves under the necessity of making a living out of high-priced land. 30. PRACTICAL DOG BREEDING, by WiUiams Haynes. This is a companion volume to PRACTICAL DOG KEEPING, described below. It goes at length into the funda- mental questions of breeding, such as selection of types on both sides, the perpetuation of desirable, and the elimination of undesir- able, qualities, the value of prepotency in building up a desired breed, etc. The arguments are illustrated with instances of what has been accomplished, both good and bad, in the case of well- known breeds. 31. PRACTICAL DOG KEEPING, by Williams Haynes. Mr. Haynes is well known to the readers of the OUTING HANDBOOKS as the author of books on the terriers. His new book is somewhat more ambitious in that it carries him into the general field of selection of breeds, the buying and selling of dogs, the care of dogs in kennels, handling in bench shows and field trials, and at considerable length into such subjects as food and feeding, exercise and grooming, disease, etc OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY— NEW YORK 32. PRACTICAL TREE PLANTING, by C. R. Pettis. The author, who is the New York State Forester, takes up the general suhject of reforesting, covering nature's method and the practical methods of broadcast seed-sowing, seed spot planting, ttursery practice, etc. The various species are described and their adaptability to varying conditions indicated. Results of reforesting are shown and instructions are given for the planting of wind- breaks and shade trees. 33. AMATEUR RODMAKING, by Perry D. Frazer. Illustrated. A practical manual for all those who want to make their own rod and fittings. It contains a review of fishing rod his- tory, a discussion of materials, a list of the tools needed, description of the method to be followed in making all kinds of rods, including fly-casting, bait-fishing, ealmon, etc., with full instructions for wind- ing, varnishing, etc. 34. PISTOL AND REVOLVER SHOOTING, by A. L. A. Himmelwriglit. A new and revised edition of a work that has already achieved prominence as an accepted authority on the use of the hand gun. Full instructions are given in the use of both revolver and target pistol, including shooting position, grip, position of arm, etc. The book is thoroughly illustrated with diagrams and photographs and includes the.;niles of the United States Revolver Association and a list of the records made both here and abroad. 35. PIGEON RAISING, by Alice MacLeod. This is a book for both fancier and market breeder. Full descriptions are given of the construction of houses, the care of the burds, pre- Earation for market, and shipment. Descriptions of the various reeds with their markings and characteristics are given. Ulustrated with photographs and diagrams. 36. FISHING TACKLE, by Perry D. Frazer. H- lustrated. The subtitle is descriptive. "Hints for Beginners in the Selection, Care, and Use of Rods, Reels, Lines, etc." It tells all the fisherman needs to know about making and overhaiding his tackle during the closed season and gives full instructions for tour- Bament casting and fly-casting. Chapters are included on cases and holders for the care of tackle when not in use. OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY— NEW YORK 37! AUTOMOBILE OPERATION, by A. L. Brennan, Jr. Illustrated. Tells the plain truth about the little things that every motorist wants to know about his own car. Do you want to cure ignition troubles? Overhaxil and adjust your carbureter? Keep your transmission in order? Get the maximmn wear out of your tires? Do any other of the hundred and one things that are necessary for the greatest use and enjoyment of your car? Then you will find this book usefiiL 38. THE FOX HOUND, by Roger D. Williams. Author of "Horse and Hound". Illustrated. The author is the foremost authority on fox himting and foxhoimds in America. For years he has kept the foxhound studbook, and is the final gource of information on all disputed points relating to this breed. His book discusses types, methods of training, kenneling, diseases and all the other practical points relating to the use and care of the hound. An appendix is added containing the rules and regulations of hound field trials. 39. SALT WATER GAME FISHING, by Charles F. Holder. Mr. Holder covers the whole field of his subject devoting a chapter each to such fish as the tuna, the tarpon, amber- jack, the sail fish, the yellow-tail, the king fish, the barracuda, the sea bass and the small game fishes of Florida, Porto Rico, the Pacific Coast, Hawaii, and the Philippines. The habits and habitats of the fish are described, together with the methods and tackle for taking them. The book concludes with an account of the development and rules of the American Sea Angling Clubs. Illustrated. 40. WINTER CAMPING, by Warwick S. Carpenter. A book that meets the increasing interest in outdoor life in the cold •weather. Mr. Carpenter discusses such subjects as shelter equipment, clothing, food, snowshoeing, skiing, and winter himting, wild life in winter woods, care of firost bite, etc. It is based on much actual ex- perience in winter camping and is fully illustrated with working photographs. 41. LEARNING TO SWIM, by L. DeB. Handley. Illustrated. Mr. Handley takes up the problem firom the standpoint of the person of any sex or age who cannot swim a stroke. Step by step he unfolds the various stages, floating, the side stroke, the crawl, the trudgeon, the breast stroke, swimming on the back, etc., concluding with a chapter on speed swimming and training for rac- ing. It covers the whole field of natation in a clear, simple manner, with photographs showing each stroke in detail. 42. BOAT AND CANOE BUILDING, by Victor Slocum. AH of us like to think we cotild build a boat if we had to. Mr, Slocum tells us how to do it. Designs are given for the various types of canoes as well as full descriptions for preparing the material and putting it together. Small dories and lapstreak boats are also include') OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY— NEW YORK 43. PRACTICAL PROSPECTING, by Charles Johnson Post, niustxated. Did you ever wonder what ore- bearing rock looked like ? Did you ever want to know how to test it for the various minerals? Would you be interested in learning how to put together a rough and ready outfit that would do all the work of the more expensive kits ? This book covers all these points and more. It is a valuable companion for a walking trip through the hills. It tells you not only where minerals are found and how, but also where you need not expect to find them. 44. BOXING, by D. C. Hutchison. Practical in- struction for men who wish to learn the first steps in the manly art. Mr. Hutchison writes from long personal experience as an amateur boxer and as a trainer of other amateurs. His instructions are accompanied with full diagrams showing the approved blows and guards. He also gives full directions for training for condition without danger of going stale from overtraining. It is essentially a book for the amateur who boxes for sport and exercise. 45. TENNIS TACTICS, by Raymond D. Little. Out of his store of experience as a successful tennis player, Mr. Little has written this practical guide for those who wish to know how real tennis is played. He tells the reader when and how to take the net, discusses the relative merits of the back-court and volleying game and how their proper balance may be achieved; analyzes and appraises the twist service, shows the fundamental necessities of successful doubles play. 46. THE AUXILLVRY YACHT, by H. L. Stone. Combines information on the installation of power in a boat that was not designed especially for it with the features desirable in de- signing a boat for this double use. Deals with the peculiar proper- ties of the auxiliary, its advantages and disadvantages, the handling of the boat under saU and power, etc. Does not go into detail on engine construction but gives the approximate power needed tor different boats and the calculations necessary to find this fagure. 47. TAXIDERMY, by Leon L. Pray. Illustrated with diagrams. Being a practical taxidermist, the author at once goes into the question of selection of tools and materials for the various stages of skinning, stuffing and mounting. The subjects whose handling is described are, for the most part, the every-day ones, such as ordinary birds, small mammals, etc., although adequate instructions are included for mounting big game specimens, as well as the pre- liminary care of skins in hot climates. Full diagrams accompany the text* OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY— NEW YORK 48. THE CANOE—ITS SELECTION, CARE AND tJSE, by Robert E. Pinkerton. Illustrated with photographs. With proper use the canoe is one of the safests crafts that floats. Mr. Pinkerton tells how that state of safety may be obtained. He gives full instructions for the selection of the right canoe for each particular purpose or set of conditions. Then he tells how it should be used in order to secure the maximum of safety, comfort and use- fulness. His own lesson was learned among the Indians of Canada, where paddling is a high art, and the use of the canoe almost as much a matter of course as the wearing of moccasins. 49. HORSE PACKING, by Charles J. Post. Illustrated with diagrams. This is a complete description of the hitches, knots, and apparatus used in making and carrying loads of various kinds on horseback. Its basis is the methods followed in the "West and in the American Army. The diagrams are full and detailed, giving the various hitches and knots at each of the important stages so that even the novice can follow and use them. It is the only book ever published on this subject of which this could be eaid. Full description is given of the ideal pack animal, as well as a cata- logue of the diseases and injuries to which such animals are subject. 50. RAIINY DAY IN CAMP, by C. H. Claudy. Illustrated. What do you do when you are stormbound in the camp and time hangs heavy on your hands ? This book gives a long list of games that you can play and the rules that govern them. It also describes various improvised indoor occupationg appropriate to camp life. If you have it in your duffle bag you need not fear the approach of tbreatening clouds. 51. WALKING OUTFITS, by C. P. Fordyce. Illustrated. Every year the adherents of "hiking" in this country grow in numbers and enthusiasm. It is an old art and a valuable one. But something more than a pair of legs is necessary to make the walking trip a success. You must wear the right shoes and the right clothes. You must carry with you the right kind of sleeping and cooking outfit. Mr. Fordyce gives the concentrated experience of many years on highway and trail. 52. LEARNING TO SKATE, by J. F. Verne. Illustrated. Half the fiin of skating is in knowing how to do if with the least efibrt. Nothing is so easy when you know how — or 6o hard when you don't. This book describes the process in detail from the first day on the ice to the highest development of speed and fancy skating. The author is familiar with the^ latest developments in Eiurope where figure skating has been carried to a much higher point than in America.