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RPrhcticsl Guide
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Entered according to Act of Congress, A. D., 1883 ,l)y
All Rights Reserved.
In presenting- this little volame to the public the
Author does not seek to set himself up as a teacher par
excellence of the arts and mysteries of the kitchen and
bakery. His only purpose is to give in a plain straight-
forward manner such hints and instruction as will mater-
ially aid and assist those whom duty may call, or inclina-
tion prompt to the preparation of " Creature comforts "
either for the general public or those of the household.
To prevent any misconception of the author's meaning
in setting forth the ingredients used in the various
recipes, his constant aim has been to secure brevity and
conciseness, thereby preventing mistakes, loss of time and
material if not serious disappointment.
Conscious of the rectitude of his intentions and with a
practical experience of more than a quarter of a century
in the workshop, where he has put to actual test all the
recipes contained in this little volume he feels justified in
sending it forth upon the uncertain sea of public opinion
in the hope that it will at least have an equal chance with
its more pretentious competitors whose chief claim lies
in handsome binding and abundance of theory.
Bread S: Cake Baker's Guide.
The main cause of bad baking and cooking lies in die
failure to recognize the fact that baking and cooking is
an art, and like all other arts must be acquired by study.
Most women possess the elements necessary to attain
excellence in baking and cooking — patience, a nice sense
of taste, and a sort of intuitive judgment in selecting
materials, and as they also have a controlling influence
over their households, every mother should study the
physical as well as mental welfare of those intrusted to
her care — this she can accomplish in a very great degree
by care in selecting and preparing food for the family
Only good and seasonable material should be used in
baking, and cooking, and particular attention should be
given to that food which will give most vigor, strength
and elasticity to the body.
The need for good substantial food is seen in the fact
that the human body is composed of organic substances
which are continually changing by waste and renewal
during life,
Loss must be counterbalanced by gain in an adequate
manner Loss of organic matter is twofold, by respiration
and perspiration.
Every part of the body is in a constant state of change,
the food we eat, and the air* we breathe are converted
into the natural ingredients which make up our tissues.
While on the one hand we are thus constantly supply-
ing ourselves with materials for repair and growth ; on
the other there is steadily going on within us a process
of waste.
A combination of carbonate, water and oxygen enables
us to breathe, and at the same time will purify the blood.
Carbonate is the fuel of the body, is burned up by
oxygen from the air, and by such process all surplus of
carbonate matter is wasted by breathing, and the blood
derives its h^at and pure state.
All nitrogen derived from animal and vegetable fat is
partly consumed by breathing, does not combine readily
with oxygen, will not burn, and what is not consumed in
breathing goes into the blood and is called the blood
builder, which is the renewer of our physical organism.
The process of breathing is not entirely limited to the
lungs, but takes place to a certain extent through the skin.
The process of perspiration goes on without our aid or
will and is affected by variations in temperature, by
exercise and by various nervous conditions The vast
number of sweat tubes in the human body said to reach
the enormous sum of seven millions, serve not only to
regulate the temperature of the body, but also furnish an
outlet to the products of the waste of the system and
thereby aid the kidneys, which are liable to become dis-
ordered when anything interferes with the action of the
" Sanctorius tells us that almost five eighths of what we
consume goes to waste in such manner."
Food may be divided into two classes — that which
warms us, and the other that forms us. Articles of food,
that are rich in carbonate matter, such as animal and
vegetable fat, are called the fat-builders, such as starch,
gum, sugar and milk. They keep up the heat of our
body, and make building matter either blood or muscle.
Such vegetable and animal fat, as is not wasted by breath-
ing, serves as a fat-builder of the body. Therefore ar-
ticles rich in nitrogen and poor in carbonate are good
blood-builders, such as fibrin of animal and vegetable
matter, called Albumen, and are found in coffee, tea,
cocoa, fibre of chicken meat and flour. Articles which
have sufficient blood-building matter are milk, eggs,
graham fiour, cereals, coffee, tea, chocolate, mushrooms,
fat meat and green vegetables.
Such articles as have predominating blood-building
matter are lean meat, cheese, oysters and snails.
With the help of proper knowledge, in baking and
cooking, such combination of articles can be us^d as will,
produce good nourishment and harmony in our organ-
ism, which is the real art in preparing food.
Different chmates and seasons require different food ;
also, age, temper and condition of life are to be considered.
Cool climates and seasons require stronger food. The air
is more impregnated with oxygen, which makes breathing
faster and more complete, hence there is more waste, con-
sequently they will have to be replaced and fcod is better
In warmer climates and seasons, when breathing is not
so fast, and perspiration freer, fruit, vegetables, frozen
creams and custards are better relished.
Different ages and conditions in life need different
modes of living, as long as the body is in a growing
state, food should be richer in substance, because there is
more and faster renewing required, and that has to be
supplied in accordance. Where in a more mature age,
when waste is not so fast, it needs only normal renewing.
In very old age, where more waste takes place, very
easily digested food is required and of normal richness
Also, different callings in life require different diet.
People that are engaged in hard out-door work require
a more nutritive quality of food, prepared in more sub-
stantial manner, than those that are engaged in mental or
in-door work; they breath faster, waste more and digest
*' Our scientific men tell us that a grown man needs
daily seven pounds of food, which would produce one-
quarter pound of blood-building matter, one-sixth pound
of fat, one-half pound of salt and six pounds of water,
which can be produced from one pound of meat, two
pounds of bread, and the balance of water."
The best food is a mixture of animal and vegetable.
If only one kind be adopted, as our vegetarians want us,
it would not create a harmony, neither would it be econ-
omical or pleasant living.
For example, if only bread be consumed it would pro-
duce too much carbonate matter and not enough nitro-
gen, and if used in excess would well produce fat and
liver disease.
If only meat be consumed it would produce too much
nitrogen and not enough of carbonate matter, and would
bring on an over stock of blood, hence gout and inflam-
ations would be the result.
The above shows how useful such studies are, and
should be of great importance to every person who has a
regard for good health.
The kitchen should be the mother's laboratory, where
only such materials are used as will create good and
wholesome food, and if economy is exercised the poorest
people can produce food that will give physical strength
and health, and are only such, if consumed in a clean and
frugal manner. Anything used in excess will produce
misery and disease.
A drunken or gluttonous person is hardly ever fit for
good physical or mental work, where frugality is a great
factor for health, strength and elasticity of our body.
To be moderately frugal in eating and drinking is the
true secret of health, a keen zest for a long hfe's pleas-
ures and enjoyments, while gluttony and drunkenness will
just as surely result in a diseased body and mind, render-
ing miserable the unhappy owner.
Variety in Food. — Refinement is not shown in man-
ners and dress only, but in the choice of food as well,
and one need scarcely say that the kind and quality of
food has a great effect on the characteristics of man or
woman ; an uncultured person will eat the same kind of
food day after day, desiring nothing different, becoming
daily duller and more careless of the finer parts of life ;
with him anything which produces strength is all suffi-
cient, his brain needs but little to supply the waste, his
muscles are far more important. But to one of more re-
fined nature variety is essential to health of body and
mind, the delicate frozen creams and custards, with fruit
and cakes are as necessary as the more heavy food of
meats and vegetables.
When we have ta^en great care in selecting a good
variety of food necessary to maintain life, then we are
only half supplied with what is necessary to exist.
It is of greater importance to know what we are
able to digest than what we are able to consume ; to do
that properly a good supply of air, light, heat, sleep and
electricity are necessary, and are as essential to life as
food ; they assimilate what we have consumed, and con-
sequently supply what we have wasted through physical
or mental exercise.
From the different kinds of cereals, such as wheat, rye,
barley, peas, Indian corn, buckwheat and beans, we gain
our bread, and on account of their chemical composition
we gain a nourishment almost equivalent to milk, and of
its natural qualities we can eat it several times a day all
through Hfe without becoming adverse to it, therefore we
call it "Our Daily Bread."
The culture of wheat and other cereals have engaged
the human family as far back as we have a history, and
on account of its peculiar and well adapted qualities for
stability, has been the beginning of business or commerce
between man and man, and has resulted in speculations
then as now-a-days.
In regard to consuming it, the stalk or straw it grows
on supports its kernels until matured and ready to eat, as
trees their fruit. It not being fit for consumption in its
crude state has compelled all races of people to pound or
grind it, and mix water to it to form a paste, and to bake
it either in the hot rays of the sun, or on hot stones, or by
the hre, which is yet a general practice among all uncul-
tured races of people. If we trace history we find that
baking bread kept even steps with other cultures of arts,
and people began, what they thought an improvement by
bolting to make fine flour until they had fully separated
the bran from the flour, as we have it this day.
Some of our vegetarians and chemists say that it
never was an improvement, only waste. Dr. Liebig tells
us in his letters on chemistry, "to separate the bran from
the flour is a waste of food, and for the object of nourish-
ment it is rather more harmful than useful." Also, Prof S.
Graham, a vegetarian of great prominence, observed that
people in Eastern States that consume most fine flour
are not as healthy and as strong as their brethren in
the far West who consume cereals in a more crude state,
and he thinks, poor teeth and blood and billions attacks
are the result, hence unbolted or Graham bread is the
But the case is not so alarming. Now, our latest im-
provements in patent milling will give people sufftcient
blood-building matter, called albumen or gluten. To
satisfy our vegetarians, it is a fact, a little bran left in the
flour will help our digestive organs, and at the same time,
we would not waste so much of the best parts of the grain,
but our red spring wheat helps us, for it is small in size,
but solid, and if grown in good soil has all necessary
properties to make good, substantial bread.
If wheat is milled properly it will help baking con-
siderable, but most bad bread is over-yeasted, and that
robs the flour of its natural endowed nutty and violet
flavor, and gets acidous and dark from bad treatment,
and often is not baked enough, then only eaten when
warm, is required to fill the bill of illhealth, then we have
all these diseases that Prof Graham tells about, how
much pain is really suffered by not procuring wholesome
bread. Most women set their sponge before going to
bed, hardly ever pay any attention whether the night be
cold or hot, and think very little about their sponge until
morning, when they find it to be too far gone and in its third
or last stage, when it would be far better they had no
sponge at all for their stomach's sake, but it will be mixed
up and eaten, and the natural results can be read on the
consumer's faces.
In warm weather sponge should never be set in the
evening, unless it be late, and flour be of good, strong
quality, or set very cool ; only under such conditions
should such work be allowed.
If the wheat is grown in poor land, and should receive
such unthoughtful treatment, then better people would
not eat such bread at all ; it is not fit to eat, even for
animals. Too much solution in "feeble" flour is bad,
consequently bad bread.
Well treated and sound baked bread is good, no matter
what grade of flour is used, of course it will make bread
in proportion to quality of flour, but it will be wholesome
It cannot be denied that real fancy white flour is not as
nourishing- "and more so, when it has a blue cast," as
a darker looking flour with a yellow cast ; the cast has
nothing to do with milling, that lays in the wheat, but if
flour is taken from the whole grain, and not so closely
bolted, which will give flour all the properties that can be
reached, it will always produce good bread, and is easier
digested, therefore do the Germans rather prefer rye bread,
it has more gluten, and is generally baked thick-crusted,
which makes the most nourishing bread for the least
money, and rye has a different eflect on the human or-
ganism than wheat flour.
French. German and English chemists have been busy
with one another for the last ten years to settle old disputes,
what combination of cereals are best adapted to make the
most nourishing and substantial bread. Experiments and
counter experiments are tried with ferment and with-
out, with salt and without, and different kinds of ferments,
and they have all come to one conclusion so far, " that
the whitest looking bread is not the richest in albumen,
only starch or heat-giving matter, and that is often of poor
quality," which should teach every person that strong
nerve and blood is only found in good bread, and that we
often give our animals the best part of the grain and keep
the worst part for ourselves, just for the sake of eating
white bread.
In the Warasdin mountains "Croatia" bread is baked
from buckwheat and an admixture of chesnut meal and
milk, which makes bread as dark as a stove-pipe, but the
people are hardy and of excellent health. In the lower
part of that country they eat bread made of a mixture of
Indian corn and wheat, and some have a little bean meal
with half sour and the balance of sweet milk, which also
makes very strong- and good bread.
In Hungary bread is made entirely of wheat flour, mixed
with sweet milk, but flour for general use, the coarsest
bran is taken out, which makes bread similar to the
French army bread. In the western part of France,
half wheat and half oatmeal is made up in bread, which is
very good, but when a couple of days old gets crumby
and short. In the Voge mountains in France they mix
wheat, barley and bean meal together, and it makes very
strong bread ; is baked in very large loaves.
In Southern Germany, rye and wheat flour is generally
used for bread, sometimes pea meal is added, which
also makes good and substantial bread. In Northern
Germany they take whole grain and bake it so hard that
bread will keep for almost a year, which is called " Vom-
pernickel," and still further North, loaves are almost omit-
ted, and only small cakes are baked for immediate use.
Such is the making up of " Our Daily Bread," which
is always good, if properly treated and cleanly made.
With constant practical observations, by using good
materials in a clean systematic way, and by adhering to
a few well tried rules which are herewith appended, con-
formity to these will prevent many if not all mistakes in
Use only good materials, if good work is required, and
more particularly in using sugar and flour ; sugar that
is adulterated — (for proof see my test for adulterated
sugar) cannot be used with success in baking cakes ;
it has confused the best of bakers, and has spoiled
a great deal of work. It makes cake dough sticky, re-
quires too much flour, and ends in making cakes tough
and hard.
Butter should be fresh and well washed to extract
the salt; when intended to be used for cakes, where
chemicals are applied in summer, ice water should be
used. Buttermilk is better than either sweet milk or
water in cakes where molasses is used, provided your
chemicals are dissolved in water.
Milk or water intended to be used for cakes, pies or
tarts should always be iced in summer time, it makes
better and easier work.
To bake good looking cakes, fresh eggs are required.
Eggs should not be kept where it is damp. Whites of
eggs should be perfectly fresh, and in cool state when
required for meringues, macaroons, puffs, icing and for
ornamenting cakes.
All chemicals should be kept in dry places and well
Baking soda and ammonia should be well powdered
and dissolved in water, when prepared for use. Baking
Powder and cream of tartar should be sifted in Hour and
well mixed in the flour to prepare for use.
Spices shonld be strictly pure, kept in a dry place and
well covered, and sifted in flour, when prepared for use.
Flavoring extracts and oils should be kept in colored
bottles or wrapped in colored paper and kept in a dark
Lemon flavoring in baking — "lemon oil is best," and
vanilla beans, simmered in water, is best for ice cream or
The whiter and softer the flour, the better for pastry.
It should always be sifted before using, and should never
be kept near coal oil, onions or salt, nor in a damp place.
Salt should be of good quality when intended for bread,
and should not be used in excess ; it will check the activity
of fermentation, and is neither healthy nor pleasant eating.
Water should be soft for preparing yeast, it will keep
better, and should not be too hot when used for bread
dough, neither should it have boiled.
Cleanliness is the greatest factor in keeping yeast well,
and should be strictly adhered to. Flour, water and yeast,
when put together for sponge or dough, should be of even
Dough of all kinds, and in all conditions, should not
be exposed to the air.
Excessive use of yeast will make bread dark, crumby,
sour and unfit to eat.
When sponge is old, the dough should be used with-
out delay, and well baked.
Tin pans are not well adapted to set sponge in winter
time, wooden bowls or troughs are better.
Ovens should be evenly heated, bread will evaporate
You should have everything ready before putting your
hands in cake dough ; never be in a hurry when baking
cakes ; keep company away, and mistakes will be few.
If doughnuts are not wanted very greasy sift one
ounce of corn starch to one pound of flour.
After baking doughnuts, lard should be emptied into
another vessel for cooling and to settle ; let it stand thirty
minutes, then replace it again in its proper vessel for
further use.
These are the most needed practical rules to be ob-
served, and are great factors in baking, and will be a
benefit if strictly adhered to. Always get yourself well
posted before practice, and mistakes will be avoided.
Since time has fashioned constantly varying shapes
and forms and names of cakes and bread, no person can
tell what shape and form will be in the future, but in their
present multifarious state which is only the products of
improvement of the past. Semmels,Wecke, Bretzel, Kon-
^leouph, Krullers and Kipfel are all of fermented dough,
and are of German origin. They have an admixture of
sugar, eggs, milk, butter and often currants, need there-
fore stronger, or more yeast is required ; in most cases
brewer's yeast or a sort of dry yeast is used similar to our
patent compressed yeast ; these cakes are generally small
sized, like our rusks and buns, and serve the same purpose.
Kipfel, one of the best breakfast cakes, is shaped in half moon
form, in commemoration of a baker's apprentice boy, who
saved the city of Vienna from explosion when undermined
by the surrounding Turks, is therefore an exclusive Vienna
production, and is consumed in great quantity.
Kaleshca is a Slavonic name for a large size fermented
cake, with admixture of eggs, butter, and all sorts of do-
mestic fruits, similar to our fruit cake, is extensively baked
for Christmas holidays, and is ate as bread during that
time, which lasts "a whole month," and is known in all
lower Danubian countries.
Buns, rusks, scones and crackers, are of Scotch origin,
and are all fermented. Cakes have also an admixture
of butter, sug^ar and sometimes currants, and are made in
all conceivable shapes to create variety.
All heavy sugar cakes are of French origin, and are all
raised with chemicals on account of their heavy admix-
tures of sugar, milk, butter, molasses, honey and almonds,
and generally go by the names of drops, jumbles, nuts,
snaps, jelly rolls, puffs, meringues and macaroons.
These are divided again in different kinds of shapes and
flavors, merely to create a variety to suit the taste.
Biscuit is also a French cake, is generally baked to
crisp, for the use of sick people.
What is called lady fingers here are also called biscuit
in France.
Crackers are at present all made by machinery on ac-
count of their dry mixtures, and worked through an iron
cylinder made like a clothes wringer, and cut as fast as
the dough comes out, and baked very rapidly.
Only of late years has machinery been introduced in
baker's work to replace the old laborious style of hand-
work. In connection with crackers, bread rolls and bis-
cuits are manufactured in quick and rapid style, and fer-
mented processes are, in some cases, omitted and chem-
icals jMpplied to save labor and time, but the main prin-
ciples in ordinary baking have changed but little during
the course of several generations.
Shapes used in baking bread _ depends largely on the
taste of the baker, but small or narrow loaves are the best,
so the heat can easily penetrate them and causes good
evaporation, which makes bread sweeter.
French and Vienna bread if properly baked is the best
in the world, on account of being made into narrow
loaves, and quickly baked. In Paris they make loaves
six feet long and only four inches in diameter, and free
from contact with each other in the oven, which gives
chance for rapid evaporation, making the bread sweet and
palatable, so in Vienna bread made for sale never weighs
over one and a half pounds — the loaves are cut a half
dozen times across on top before being put into the oven,
to give room for expansion caused by evaporation and are
baked in the same way as French loaves. Vienna loaves
are sometimes formed into rings so as to give a better
chance for evaporation.
In Germany large loaves are princii)ally the rye or
common wheat bread, which is fermented with leaven or
sour dough left over from the previous baking, such
dough receives a different treatment from fancy white
bread : when the dough is finished water is thrown over
it and worked in as hard as men can work it.
Dough troughs are generally made out of one piece of
stone. I have seen one a hundred and fifty years old, and
in good condition yet.
Good flour will, in all cases, be the main factor in baking
good bread. "Feeble" flour, for example, needs very
brief treatment, which means the sponge and dough pro-
cess should be of short duration, and should not sufler
much solution — should be treated, what bakers call kindly
— in other words, as soon as the sponge is beginning to
fall, it should be turned into dough, and the same from
dough into shapes or loaves, then, if baked in pans, should
have full time to rise ; bake well in moderate heat.
Sponge and dough should be made stiff", and can be a^
little more salted than strong flour.
"Feeble" flour produces less gummy matter during
the dough process ; is consequently not so rich in elasti-
city, has less flesh-forming matter, called fibrin ; more
heat-giving or starchy matter ; therefore, it needs stifler
sponge and dough, because it does not absorb as much
water; it makes white bread, however, if properly treated
but it does not give us as much flesh food or albumen,
it is only beauty. If an admixture of stronger flour
is given, then it will improve. Bakers generally use it for
Pastry or beauty, is very easy detected, when flour gains
moisture, during fermenting processes, it is not inferior
flour, because it is taken from the best of wheat, but from
the centre of the grain, which gives it beauty and softness,
hence " feeble."
Strong flour is just the reverse of " feeble " flour in looks
and vigor, and is taken closer from the inner side of the
bran or the wall of the same grain as " feeble " flour comes
from the heart, and the other from closer to the hull, which
makes strong flour.
Strong flour absorbs more water, which requires differ-
ent treatment ; dough and sponge is made softer, it will
gain dryness during the fermenting process, and is there-
fore more profitable, has less heat but more flesh-forming
matter, called albumen, is consequently more nourishing,
is cheaper, if it does cost more, and is better adapted for
bread, while '* feeble " flour is better for pastry or beauti-
fying strong flour, if taken from red spring wheat.
If extremes in quality of flour are taken, one from the
white of winter wheat, and the other close to the hull of
red spring wheat, and if both are mixed together, will
generally make good bread, because what one extreme
lacks, the other has in excess, and through such mixture
harmony, beauty, strength and nutriment will be produced.
The strongest grades of flour are made fi'om spring wheat
and are divided into three grades, "fancy," tal lbs. Sultan Raisins.
1]^ " Currants.
}( " Citron Shell.
Have fruit well cleaned, and citron chopped fine;
soak fruit well in brandy or good whiskey, in stone jar,
one day before using.
2}{ lbs. Powd. Sugar.
]}( " Butter.
2}i " Flour.
1 qt. Eg-gs.
1 gill Brandy.
Lemon or nutmeg flavor.
Rub sugar and butter well, near to a foam ; beat eggs
up well, then add them to sugar slowly ; add brandy and
flavor; then flour; if wanted very light add a little baking
powder to flour — slow oven.
2 lbs. Powd. Sugar.
1}4 lbs. Butter.
1 pt. Eggs.
^2 pt. Milk.
Vz oz. Baking Powder.
^2 " Cream Tartar.
2)4 lbs. Flour.
Lemon and nutmeg flavors.
Mix like cupcake; bake in large moulds; bake in
moderate oven.
1 lb. Powd. Sugar.
1 " Butter.
1 doz. Eggs.
1 lb. Flour.
Lemon or vanilla flavor.
Work this mixture like other pound cake ; bake in slow
1 lb. Powd. Sugar.
^ lb. Butter.
}4 oz. Ammonia.
1 pt. Milk.
8 Eggs, more yellow than white.
Lemon flavor.
iy2 lbs. Flour.
Rub sugar and butter well ; add eggs one by one ;
add milk, ammonia, and flavor, then flour.
Never mix until ready for use ; spread it on round
pans, well greased and a Httle flour dusted ; bake in
moderate oven.
This mixture can also be used for cocoanut or cream
layer cake.
\)/z lbs. Powd. Sugar.
Yx " Butter.
1 pt. Egg, half yellow.
Yj^ oz. Baking Powder.
1 pt. Milk.
2X lbs. Flour.
Lemon flavor.
This is mixed like Jelly Cake, No. 1. only baking
powder is sifted in flour ; can also be used for cocoanut
or cream cake.
For cream or cocanut cake beat white of ^^^ to stifl"
foam, with enough sugar to sweeten it ; spread it on in-
stead of jelly, then sprinkle with prepared cocoanut.
\Y\ lbs. Powdered Sugar.
1 lb. Butter.
1 pt. White of Eggs.
\yz lbs. Flour, with 1 oz. Baking Pcwder.
Lemon flavor.
Rub sugar and butter to white foam, beat eggs up to
foam, add it slowly, flavor, then add flour with baking
powder, spread it on jelly cake pans, bake in moderate
oven, then beat five white of eggs with ozs. of powdered
sugar well, and put it between layers.
S}^ lbs. Sugar.
iy2 " Butter.
^ " Ground Almonds.
12 Yolks of Eggs.
18 White of Eggs.
}^ lb. Grated Chocolate.
y2 oz. Baking Powder.
Mix sugar, butter, prepared almonds and chocolate
together, then add yolk of egg, beat white of egg to
foam and add it, then flour, with baking powder, bake ,
in jelly cake moulds in moderate heat ; custard to put be- j
tween layers,
1 pt. Milk.
6 ozs. Sugar.
2 " Chocolate.
3 Eggs.
2 ozs. Corn Starch.
Boil milk ; mix sugar, chocolate and corn starch ; when
stift enough, take it off and stir eggs in ; when cool,
spread between layers.
CUP CAKE.— No. 1.
i ]/l lbs. Powd. Sugar.
Yo " Butter. ^
1 pt. Eggs.
1 " Milk.
^ oz. Ammonia, or 1 oz. baking powder.
' 2}i lbs. Flour.
Lemon flavor.
Mix this like jelly cake mixture; for small cakes use
ammonia, and for large cake use baking powder ; have
moulds well greased and flour dusted ; bake in moder-
ate oven.
CUP CAKE.— No. 2,
] lb. Sugar.
% " Butter.
8 Eggs.
1 qt. Milk.
1 oz. Baking Powder.
Lemon flavor.
2 lbs. Flour.
Mix hke Cup Cake, No. 1; this mixture is used for
large cakes; have moulds greased and flour dusted.
iy2 lbs. Sugar.
% '' Butter.
8 Eggs.
1 qt. Miik.
2 ozs. Baking Powder.
Lemon flavor.
3 lbs. Flour.
Bake in small moulds in moderate heat.
1 11). Powd. Sugar.
1 " Flour.
1 doz. Eggs.
Lemon flavor.
Beat sugar and eggs until it is stiff, flavor and add
If lady-fingers are wanted, use one-third of more yel-
Lady-fingers are spread on paper ; with biscuit bag
sift powdered sugar over ; shake it off; bake in moderate
oven ; when baked wash paper on reverse side, take
them off and stick two together.
1 lb.. Sugar.
1 Cup Boiling Water.
5 Eggs.
^ lb. Flour.
Dissolve sugar in boiling water, beat eggs and during
beating pour dissolved sugar in, keep beating, when up,
flavor, then add flour ; bake in large moulds, in slow oven.
2 lbs. Powd. Sugar.
lj{ lbs. Butter.
8 Eggs, more yellow.
S/i pt. Milk.
}4 oz. Ammonia.
Vanilla flavor.
31/ lbs. Flour.
Rub sugar and butter well ; add eggs one by one ;
add milk and ammonia, flavor ; then flour.
Roll dough out, and cut with plain cutter ; lay cakes
on a board ; wash them, then throw them on granulated
sugar ; bake in moderate oven.
This is one of the richest cut cakes, mix prepared
cocoanut or macroon crumbs in granulated sugar.
1 doz. Eggs.
1 lb. Sugar.
1 " Corn Starch.
2 ozs. Flour.
Lemon flavor.
Beat like sponge cake, mix corn starch and flour
together ; bake in large moulds, in slow oven.
8 lbs. Powd. Sugar.
2 " Lard.
3 White of Eggs.
3 pts. Milk.
2 ozs. Ammonia.
Lemon flavor.
6 lbs. Flour.
Rub sugar and lard to white foam ; add eggs, then
milk and ammonia, and flavor, then flour.
Rollout; rougher the tops with tin scraper; cutout
with plain cutter ; put raisin in center ; bake in quick
lbs. Powd. Sugar.
1^ " Butter or Lard.
1 pt. Eggs.
2 pts. Milk.
2 ozs. Ammonia.
Lemon flavor.
6 lbs. Flour.
Rub Sugar and Butter well and eggs, then milk and
ammonia ; flavor the flour. This is a cut cake and baked
in moderate heat.
1}{ lbs. Powd. Sugar.
34 '' Butter.
1 doz. Eggs, more yellow.
J/( oz. Baking Powder.
\}( lbs. Flour.
Lemon flavor.
• Rub sugar and butter to foam ; beat eggs up well, then
add them, then flavor; sift baking powder in flour;
spread dough out in sheet on heavy greased and papered
bread pan ; use moderate heat; when balsed, cut in two
parts ; spread jelly on one part ; cover the other over, iced
top, then Cut half moons out with small plain cutter, dip
cutter in water when cutting; practice in flour how to cut,
or cut in squares.
1 lb. Powdered Sugar.
]A " Butter.
/^ pt. Eggs.
Yz " Milk.
y-h oz. Armonia.
3 lbs. Flour.
Lemon flavor.
Mix on general rule; cut with Star cutter; wash,
and throw on granulated sugar; bake in moderate oven.
1 lb. Powd. Sugar.
10 Eggs, half yellow.
1 lb. Flour.
Lemon flavor.
Beat like sponge mixture ; drop out on paper like
lady-fingers, only round shape ; put prepared cocanut
with as much powd. sugar over them ; baked and taken
ofl" like lady-fingers.
2 lbs. Sugar.
1 lb. Butter.
8 Eggs.
y^ pt. Milk.
^ oz. Ammonia.
4>4 lbs. Flour.
Cinnamon flavor.
Mix lile Fremont Cake; cut out with star cutter; wash
them ; bake in moderate oven.
1 lb. Powd. Sugar.
10 ozs. Butter.
y. pt. Eggs.
y. '' Milk.
)/i oz. ammonia.
13^ lb. Flour.
y^ " Chocolate.
Mix like other cut cakes, only mix chocolate in flour ;
wash them, and throw them on granulated sugar ; bake
in moderate heat.
1 lb. Sugar.
10 ozs. Butter.
4 Eggs.
^ pt. Milk.
7<3 OZS. Ammonia.
2 lbs. Flour.
Lemon flavor.
Mix on general rule; cut with small plain cutter; when
on pans press out in center ; wash with egg ; put a drop
of jelly in the center ; bake in a very hot oven ; when
baked put a few ic'ng drops around the jelly drop.
}4 lb. Sugar.
i^ " Butter.
^ " Currants.
i^ " Chocolate.
i^ oz. Ammonia.
i^ lb. Flour.
Mix like pound cake ; bake in small moulds, in slow
oven ; when baked, use Chocolate icing.
Yz lb. Sugar.
)i " Butter.
7 Yolks of Eggs.
1 pt. Milk.
1 oz. Ammonia.
1 2 ozs. Corn Starch.
2 lbs. Flour.
Lemon flavor.
Mix after general rule ; bake in small moulds, in moder-
ate beat.
Y^ lb. Sugar.
Yz "' Lard.
1 pt. New Orleans Molasses.
1 " Water.
1 oz. Baking Soda.
lYz lbs. Flour.
Lemon flavor or lemon rind.
Mix like Drop Cake, and drop in small scolloped
moulds, greased and dusted ; bake in moderate heat.
1^ lbs. Powd. Sugar.
VX " Butter.
8 Eggs.
}( lb. Prepared Cocoanut.
1 " Flour
}( oz. Baking Powder.
Orange flavor — water.
Mix like Half-moon mixture ; drop them out on greased
and dusted pans ; bake in moderate oven.
2 lbs. Powd. Sugar.
1 oz. Ammonia.
1 pt. Milk.
1 lb. Butter.
4 " Flour.
Lemon flavor.
Rub flour and butter until granulated ; dissolve sugar
in milk and ammonia, and flavor ; and add, like making
pie crust ; don't work it much ; roll out, and cut with
plain cutter ; put raisins in center of cake ; bake in
moderate oven.
1 lb. Powd. Sugar.
• y2 " Butter.
}4 pt. Milk.
^2 oz. Ammonia.
2 lbs, Flour.
}{ lb. Grated Chocolate.
Dissolve sugar and ammonia in milk ; rub flour and
butter together like pie crust; before putting milk in mix
in chocolate ; cut with Star Cutter, and iced on top ; bake
in moderate heat.
3 lbs. Powd. Sugar.
1)4 lbs. Lard.
3 White of Eggs.
3 pts. Water or Milk.
6 lbs. Flour.
Lemon flavor.
Mix like Rock Cakes ; use what cutter you please ; it
is generally used for Christmas toys ; bake slow.
2 lbs. Powd. Sugar.
25 Eggs.
y^ lb. Anis Seed.
5 lbs. Flour.
Stir eggs and sugar in wooden bowl ; add anis seed ;
a pinch of ammonia ; dough must be stiff and dry.
Roll out, lay on figure mould ; press it in well ; turn
out and cut cakes off the size of figures ; set on greased
pan ; set them in air to crust on top ; then bake in very
cool oven.
2 lbs. Powd. Sugar.
\yi '' Butter.
1 pt Eggs, more yellow.
1 '' Milk.
1 oz. Ammonia.
Lemon flavor.
Zy. lbs. Flour.
Mix like Drop Cake mixture ; squeze them out on
greased and dustad pans, with jumble horn ; bake same
heat as Drop Cakes.
1 lb. Sugar.
10 ozs. Butter.
() Eg-gs.
y. pt. Milk.
1 oz. Ammonia.
Lemon flavor.
' 2 lbs. flour.
Mix after general rule, and lay them out like other
1 lb. Sugar.
1 " Butter.
Yz pt. Eggs.
1 lb. Flour.
Lemon flavor.
Mix like Pound Cake, and lay them on pans, as other
2 lbs. Powd. Sugar.
1}( lbs. Butter.
>^pt Eggs.
1 pt. Milk.
1 lb Currants, chopped.
}4 oz. Ammonia.
Lemon flavor.
4 lbs. Flour.
Mix like any other cut cake dough ; roll out and cut
with ring cutter ; wash them and bake in moderate oven.
1 lb. Powd. Sugar.
% " Butter.
1 doz. Eggs, more yellow.
y2 pt. Milk.
}4 oz. Ammonia.
Lemon flavor.
1^ Flour.
6 ozs. Prepared Cocoanut.
Mix like other jumble dough, only mix cocoanut in
1 pt. White of eggs.
% lb. Sugar.
^ " Corn Starch.
% Teaspoonful Cream Tartar.
Rose flavor.
The white of eggs is beaten to a stiff froth ; dust in.
during beating, two ounzes of sugar. The sugar, corn
starch and cream of tartar is all sifted together ; then flavor
and bake very slow in well greased papered pans.
1 qt. White of Eggs.
\% lbs. Powd. Sugar.
1% " Flour.
^ oz. Cream Tartar.
Flavor with Orange flower water.
Beat eggs with one-third of the sugar as stiff as for
cream puffs.
Mix balance of sugar in flour and cream of tartar and
sift in together ; then add it.
Bake in square moulds, well greased and papered
bake in very cool oven.
1 pt. Water.
Yz lb. Lard.
13 Eggs.
^ lbs. Flour.
A pinch of Ammonia.
Custard for above.
2>^ pts. Milk.
^ lbs. Powd. Sugar.
5 ozs. Corn Starch.
5 Eggs.
Lemon or vanilla flavor.
Boil water and lard until lard is all melted ; then stir in
flour very fast ; when well mixed take it ofl^ the fire and
keep stirring until well worked ; then let cool in wooden
bowl ; then work eggs in slow ; then add ammonia ; when
well rubed in, drop them on well greased and slightly
dusted pans ; wash them ; then bake in moderate oven ;
when baked, cut cake open on the side and blow steam out ;
then they are ready for filling ; boil milk ; mix sugar and
corn starch together ; then stir it in milk ; let boil until
thick; take it ofl" the fire; then stir eggs in; flavor it;
when cool, fill in cakes a small tablespoonful.
2^2 lbs. Prepared Cocoanut.
\% " Powd. Sugar.
2 White of Eggs.
Put these three articles together in a copper kettle and
mix it well ; then put it over a slow fire, and keep stirring ;
when it boils, keep from burning ; when stiff enough take
it off; when cool, add enough white of eggs to make it as
stiff as other macaroon dough, and work them out on
papered pans, and bake them the same way as other mac-
1 lb Powd. Sugar.
14 Eggs, half yellow.
1 lb. Flour.
Beat like sponge cake ; spread out on papered pan ;
bake in moderate oven ; spread jelly on one-half; cover
the other half over ; ice with water icing ; then cut finger
out with knife, size of Lady-finger.
1 pt. White of Eggs.
2 lbs. Powd. Sugar.
Orange Flower Water.
Beat the same as for puffs, full stiff; use half a pound of
sugar during beating ; squeeze out with jumble horn, on
watered and papered board of hard wood ; bake in cool
oven ; when baked, slide them off on paper, and stick two
together to form an egg ; put them on pan again ; put in
oven to dry.
1 pt. White of Eggs.
2 lbs. Powd. Sugar.
Beat the same like meringues; squeeze through jumble
horn, on greased and dusted pan ; bake in very cool oven.
6 oz. Powd. Sugar.
.}4 lb. Butter.
3 Whites of Egg.
}4 pt. Milk.
y3 oz. Ammonia.
Lemon flavor.
Mix like other cut cake mixture; rollout thin in a
sheet ; put on pan ; mark out in half inch strips ; bake
in moderate oven ; bake it well.
1 qt. Molasses.
]A " Water or Buttermilk.
1 oz. Baking Soda.
y^ lb. Lard.
Flour and ginger flavor.
Roll out and spread it on large pans ; make dough as
soft as possible, and bake in moderate oven.
1 lb. Sugar.
1 " Butter or Lard.
1 qt. N. O. Molasses.
1 " Water, or Butter Milk.
4 Eggs.
4 lbs. Flour.
'2 oz. Baking Soda.
Cinnamon and nutmeg flavor.
Rub sugar and butter; add eggs ; then molasses ; then
baking soda ; have spices sifted in flour.
Bake in large, square pans, well greased and flour
dusted ; bake in slow oven.
1^ lbs. Sugar.
y2 lb. Lard.
1 qt. New Orleans Molasses.
y. pt. Eggs.
y^ " Water.
1 oz. Baking Soda.
{ lb. Ginger.
4>^ " Flour
Rub sugar and lard, then add eggs, then molasses, then
water and soda, ginger sifted in flour; roll out in long
strips ; cut in hickory-nut size ; put in sieve, and dust ;
roll them round, then lay them out on pans ; flatten them
out ; bake in slow oven.
1 lb. Sugar, " Brown."
1 " Lard.
3 pts. New Orleans Molasses.
y pt. Water.
1 oz. Baking Soda.
y " Ginger ; Flour.
Mix and. work them out like Ginger Snaps; don't flatten
them out, and make stifler dough ; bake in slow oven.
1 lb. Sugar.
% '' Lard.
1 pt. New Orleans Molasses.
1 lb. Honey.
1 oz. Baking Soda.
6 Eggs.
3>^ lbs. Flour.
y^ lb. Citron, chopped fine.
1 oz. Nutmeg and Cinnamon.
Mix this dough five or six hours before baking ; roll
out in sheet ; rule and make out cake on pan, ox 2 inches
in size ; bake in very slow oven ; when baked boil one and
one-half pounds of sugar to string ; stir a little cool,
then brush it on when white ; cut them out as marked
out before.
1 qt. New Orleans Molasses.
^ " Lard.
2 ozs. Baking Soda.
y^ pt. Water.
Flour, Cinnamon and Allspice.
Mix and work out this cake ; finish it like Citron Cakes ,
bake in moderate oven.
1 lb. Sugar.
3^ " Butter.
1 " Honey.
1 pt. New Orleans Molasses.
Vi " Eggs.
1 oz. Baking Soda.
Yi " Ammonia.
o>^ lbs. Flour.
1 oz Cinnamon.
A little Nutmeg.
Mix like Ginger Snaps; lay them out with jumble horn
like other jumbles on greased and dusted pans ; bake in
moderate heat.
)/'z lb. Sugar.
() ozs Lard.
1 pt. New Orleans Molasses.
Yn " Water.
1 oz. Baking Soda.
2^ lbs. Flour.
Allspice and Clove.
Mix like any other cake ; roll out and cut, with oblong
cutter ; wash them, and throw them on granulated sugar ;
bake in slow oven.
2 lbs. Brown Sugar,
1 lb. Lard.
ly^ pt. New Orleans Molasses.
8 Eggs.
2 oz. Baking Soda.
1 pt. Water.
% lb. Cake Flour.
Cinnamon and allspice ; mix after general rule, and use
enough of flour to make dough ; roll out, cut in round
shape, wash and throw them on granulated sugar, when
on pans put a raisin in center ; bake in slow oven.
2^ lbs. Blanched Almonds.
iy2 pt. White of Eggs.
4^ lbs. Powd. Sugar.
Rub almonds up with eggs until used up in stone
mortar ; add sugar ; mix it up well ; then drop out size
of hickory nut on papered pan ; bake in cool oven.
1% lbs. Blanched almonds.
1 pt. White of Eggs.
2yi lbs. Powd. Sugar.
^ lb. Grated Chocolate.
Made like French Macaroons, only mix chocolate in
sugar ; bake in cool oven.
^ lb. Sugar
^ " Lard.
1 pt. New Orleans Molasses.
1 " Water.
8 Eggs.
2 ozs. Baking Soda.
2>^ lbs. Flour.
Cinnamon and Allspice.
Mix and drop them out like Drop Cake recipe, only
bake in cooler oven ; have pan? greased and flour
^ lbs. Brown Sugar.
6 ozs. Lard.
1 qt. Molasses.
1 pt. Water.
1 oz. Soda.
S}4 lbs. Flour.
Allspice and cloves ; mix like Taylor Cake No. 1 ;
bake in moderate heat.
1 lb. Powd. Sugar.
6 oz. Butter.
6 Eggs.
J^ OZ- Ammonia.
2 lbs. Flour.
Y-z pt. Water.
Mix like any other cut cake ; lay them out in hickory-
nut size ; put a piece of citron on top of each ; bake in
moderate oven.
\}i lb. Sugar.
6 ozs. Lard.
1 pt. New Orleans Molasses.
4 Eggs.
yi pt. Water.
Y oz. Baking Soda,
4 " Cinnamon.
2^ lbs. Flour.
Made up like Ginger Snaps, and baked the same.
Y^ lb. Sugar.
^ " Butter or Lard.
1 qt. N. O. Moulasses.
1 gill Brandy.
y^ oz. Baking Soda.
y2 pt. Water.
Cinnamon Flour.
Mix like any other cake ; put in enough flour to make
stiff dough ; roll out in long strips and cut with knife ;
laid out and flattened ; bake in moderate oven.
1 lb. Brown Sugar.
6 ozs. Lard.
1 lb. Honey.
1 pt. New Orleans Molasses.
6 Eggs.
^ pt. Water.
1 oz. Soda.
4 lbs. Flour.
Cinnamon and Nutmeg.
Make like Ginger Snaps ; bake in moderate oven.
1)4 lbs. Brown Sugar.
1 lb. Lard.
y2 pt. Eggs.
}4 " Water.
^ ozs. Baking Powder.
2)4 lbs. Flour.
Cinnamon flavor; roll out thin, and bake in cool oven.
1^ lbs. Brown Sugar.
1 lb. Lard.
}4 pt. Water.
^ ozs. Soda.
2i4 lbs Flour.
Cinnamon flavor.
Roll out thin ; cut plain ; bake in cool oven.
^ lbs. Sugar.
6 ozs. Butter.
1}4; pt. Milk.
4 Eggs.
ys oz. Ammonia.
yi " Cream Tartar.
Lemon flavor.
3 lbs. Flour.
Roll out and cut like Ring Doughnuts, and bake in
1 lb. Sugar.
6 ozs. Butter.
1 pt. Milk.
4 Eggs.
% ozs. Ammonia.
3 lbs. Flour.
2 ozs. Corn Starch.
Lemon flavor.
Make like Ring Doughnuts.
1% lbs. Sugar.
% " Butter.
7 Eggs.
3 pts. Milk.
% oz. Ammonia.
}^ " Cream Tartar.
Lemon flavor.
6 lbs. Flour.
2 ozs. Corn Starch.
Roll out, and cut with ring cutter, and bake in lard,
turn them three times.
3 lbs. Sugar.
2 " Butter or Lard.
18 Eggs.
1 gal. Milk.
6 oz Baking Powder Flour.
Flour enough for regular dough.
Roll out and cut as other doughnuts, and enough
flour to make dough stiff enough to roll out.
1 lb. Fresh Butter.
1 '' Flour.
Rub flour with one-fourth pound of butter, like mixing-
pie crust, then beat one yolk of egg with little brandy,
and add enough ice water to make a stiff dough, roll out
in square shape half inch thick, lay on balance of butter
in center, lap the dough over in book shape then roll out
easy, then repeat lapping once more, lay it away for one-
half hour, then lap it over again several times, cut out
tarts to suit taste, make thick egg and milk washing and
brush them over with these, bake in hot oven^ have butter
not too soft or too hard, use ice water in summer, also
lay dough away in cool place,
3 lbs. Powd. Sugar.
2 " Butter or Lard.
iy2 pt. Eggs.
3 pts. Milk.
2 ozs. Ammonia.
5 lbs. Flour.
Lemon flavor.
Rub sugar and butter well, and eggs, then milk and
ammonia ; flavor, and flour. These cakes are baked after
any other cut cake ; dropped on greased and dusted pans ;
baked slow first until they are near up, then hotter.
1 lb. Flour.
One-half lb. Lard or Butter or both.
Rub flour and butter well, if only lard is used put in a
little salt, then add enough water to make dough to suit.
2 Lemons.
1 lb. Sugar.
}{_ " Corn Starch.
2 Eggs.
1 qt. Water.
Mix sugar and corn starch ; add eggs ; then grate lemon
rind in also juice ; work it into paste ; then mix water in ;
this custard is for covered pies, and should be bak ed slowly.
3 lbs. Bread Sponge.
lj{ " Butter.
1^" Sugar.
1 qt. Milk
1 lb. Sultana Raisins.
}4 Nutmeg.
Yolks of 6 Eggs.
Mix butter and sugar in milk and work it to sponge ;
flavor ; use enough flour to make a very soft dough ; then
fill in moulds ; earthen moulds are the best ; let them fully
rise ; bake in slow oven.
1 lb. Flour.
}( " Butter.
ji pt. Milk.
1}^ oz. Baking Powder.
Rub flour and butter well ; have baking powder sifted
in flour; then add milk, and mix lightly; roll out in thick
sheet, and cut with plain cutter ; set on pan one-half inch
a part, and bake in hot oven.
3 lbs. Flour.
One-half pound Butter.
3 ozs. Baking Powder.
Rub flour, butter and baking powder, then add enough
milk to make dough stiff enough to roll out; set them a
half inch apart ; wash them on top ; bake in quick oven.
1 lb. Flour.
% " Butter.
H " Sugar.
4 Yellow of Eggs.
y2 pt. Milk.
2 ozs. Baking Powder.
Rub sugar, flour, butter and baking powder well ; beat
egg and milk together before put in ; mix very lightly.
Roll out near one inch thick, and cut with small plain
cutter ; wash with egg on top ; bake in hot oven.
2 lbs. Flour.
One half pound Butter.
4 ozs. Baking Powder.
4 Yellow Eggs.
1 pt. Milk.
Mix like other Biscuits ; wash them on top ; bake in
quick oven to brown color.
1 pt. Milk.
1 " Butter Milk.
y^ '' Eggs.
}4 oz. Baking Soda.
Corn Meal.
A pinch of Salt.
Beat eggs; add milk, with baking soda dissolved in,
then butter milk and salt, then mix in enough corn meal
to make stiff batter ; bake in square pans, well greased,
flour dusted, in hot oven or stove.
To DETECT ADULTERATED SUGAR, take half a tumbler
of water, put in five cents worth of Muriate of Baryta,
stir it up, then add your sugar ; if the water turn cloudy,
the sugar is not pure ; if it keeps clear, then it is cane
sugar — otherwise, glucose.
Shell and scrape the nut grate, then paper a hard wood
board and spread cocoanut on ; put in cool oven five
minutes, take them out, and mix while warm four ounces
of powder sugar, and little baking soda, then put on
board again and give good airing for, couple of days, if
real dry and hard then put in tin can for further use.
4 White of Eggs.
1 lb. Powd. Sugar.
2 Drops Tartaric Acid.
Lemon juice, or Acetic Acid.
Stir sugar in eggs ; work it with wooden paddles ; add
acid or lemon juice ; if too stiff, add a little water ; if too
soft, add more sugar; make your cake round and smooth
first; give one coat then dry; then another with softer
icing; thin out with water; use a strip of smooth-edged
paper to round it off.
To BLANCH ALMONDS, put them in a bucket; pour
boiling water over them ; give one minute's time ; then
strain and cool them off with cool water ; then squeeze
the almonds through your fingers.
Biscuit Bags are made of common muslin, in cornet
form, with opening left at the bottom ; insert a tube.
1 lb. Tartaric Acid.
1^ lbs. Bi-Carbonate of Soda.
Xyz " Starch.
Warm the chemicals shghtly ; then mix them, and
pack it away to avoid exposure of air, sometimes a little
alum is added ; never mix in a cold or damp place.
Ice Grean] and HJater Ices.
. » .
1}{ lbs. Sugar.
4 Eggs.
1 gal. Cream.
Vanilla flavor.
Beat sugar and eggs up, and flavor, then cream ; have
vanilla bean simmered in water, then strain before putting
in sugar and eggs, then strain the whole in freezer.
For Chocolate. — Grate one-quarter pound of cho-
colate ; work it in after freezing ; if vanilla flavor is used
besides, it makes it better.
For Strawberry. — Put half the sugar over the fruit
for one hour, then squeze into the cream and use one-
quarter pound sugar more.
Raspberry is made the same as strawberry.
Bisk. — Grind half a pound macaroons up like gran-
ulated sugar, then work it in when cream is frozen ; always
use vanilla flavor for Bisk or extract of lemon, if so desired.
Peach. — Peel one dozen good size and well matured
peaches ; cut them up fine ; put fruit in freezer when the
cream begins to get stiff.
Bananas. — Peel half a dozen bananas, and prepare
the same as peaches.
lyi lbs. Sugar.
6 Egg.s.
^ lb. Corn Starch.
% gal. Cream.
^ " Fresh Milk.
Vanilla flavor.
Boil milk, then add corn starch ; when near cool, beat
eggs and sugar together and add it, then flavor and cream,
stir it up well, then strain the whole in freezer.
1 14 lb. Sugar.
8 Eggs.
i^ lb. Corn Starch.
Vanilla flavor.
1 gal. Fresh Milk.
Prepared like common ice cream. In making ice
cream it should be frozen steady ; poorer the materials,
faster it should be made in freezing, and when no double
action freezer is used, should be paddled smooth after
6 Oranges.
2 Lemons.
1 lb. Sugar.
1 qt. Water.
2 White of Eggs.
Grate the rind of oranges, put the water over, let stand
for one hourpr more, then put in all juice from oranges
and lemons, strain it and add sugar.
Beat egg up to foam, then stir in the whole mass ; strain
the whole again through a fine strainer.
Fruits must be of good size, or increase numbers if small
in size, and well matured.
6 Lemons.
3 Oranges.
1 qt. Water.
^ lb. Sugar.
2 White of Eggs.
Made like Orange ice.
1 Pine Apple.
1}( lbs Sugar.
1 qt Water.
3 White of Eggs.
Peel pine apple, slice it, sprinkle half the sugar over
and let stand for three hours or more, then squeeze it out,
add balance of sugar and water, beat white of an egg to
foam, then stir the whole mass in, then strain it in freezer,
use good size and well matured fruit
1 qt Strawberries.
1 lb Sugar.
1 qt Water.
3 White of Eggs.
Mix sugar and strawberries, let them stand for one
hour, then work the rest like pine apple.
There are some people who bake bread without
fermentation, but in more civihzed countries ferment is a
necessary factor to produce good bread. But to gain a
better knowledge for baking, we must have a good
understanding of the chemical composition or constit-
uents of that cereal which we intend to turn into bread.
Wheat is composed of animal, vegetable and mineral
matter, and they again are composed of different ingre-
dients ; but they all harmonize in such a manner as to
make bread a food sufficient to maintain life, provided
we gain all the nutritious matter that wheat contains.
The animal part is about sixteen per cent, (nitrogen,
including about two per cent, of protein), it is the bind-
ing part, or gum ; it makes elasticity, and is necessary
to bind the starchy part ; it makes food for the blood
and flesh forming, and is mostly found close to the hull
of the grain, and in greater proportion in spring wheat
than in winter wheat.
The vegetable part is about sixty-five per cent., is
starch (carbonate), including about two per cent, of
sugar, which is generated by milling, it makes heat-giving
matter, and is mostly found in the centre of the grain.
The remaining part is phosphoric kali, salt, water,
wood fiber and oxygen, and they too are found close to
the bran, they are building matter for bone and blood.
The first thing we do in baking is to prepare yeast,
that is put a certain amount of flour under a chemical
process, to gain a gas to make bread porous, and by-
such process it converts flour into starch, then into dex-
trine, then into sugar, and at last into carbonate gas.
When done we increase that process by setting sponge,
which gives the first chance to observe what kind of
flour we use, if we are unable to judge by feeling it. If
it absorbs much moisture it is strong, and should be
mixed soft in dough, also more time given to overcome
its elasticity, because it has more animal matter, "gluten,"
which produces gum ; and some of it has to be converted
into sugar, to produce more gas to break its tough nature,
and by giving full time, makes bread white. But if it
does not absorb much moisture, stifler dough is required.
It has more starch or vegetable matter, "carbonate," and
less "gluten;" it produces less gum, and what it has must
be saved to combine the starch, consequently it needs
less time and more salt, which is spice in bread. Salt
checks it when too active in summer. It can be more
exposed to air. It holds moisture better, also in baking
it needs more time to evaporate its heavy volume of
water. When strong gets dryer, has more gas, gets
more spongy, and less moisture, need less time to bake,
and if properly treated makes a more wholesome bread-
It is hard to place a certain data where or when the
first bread was baked, but one fact is certain, that bread-
baking did not take place until proper social intercourse
in the human family was established, and, no doubt, the
stomach helped greatly in shaping things in the world's
affairs, in ancient times as now-a-days, and preparation of
food received more attention in an approved style when
people began to entertain one another in a patriarchial
manner, "hence society."
Roasting grain is an acknowledged fact was the first
manner of preparing grain food, and is yet practiced
among some uncultured Asiatic races for traveling pur-
poses Then grain was pounded on flat stones, and after
a while mortars came in use, and still are in use.
Mush was the next thing, as Pliny tells us, that all an-
cient Greeks and Romans ate mush for a long time be-
fore they began to bake it.
Sifting and baking flour, we find first in the Bible, Gene,
xvii : 6, when the old Nomad Chief, Abraham, told his
wile, Sarah, to prepare some cakes made from fine flour;
again in Gene, xxi : 14, we find him supplying poor
Hagar and her child with some bread, before he told
her to make room for a more legitimate heir; again in
Gene, xl : 2, we find Pharaoh angry, which brought his
baker to jail, which was a bad beginning for the first baker.
In Exodus xi : 5, we find Pharaoh having another spell,
and had his slave millers killed, which was also a bad
beginning for millers ; later again in Exodus xii : 34, we
find the first leaven, which was neglected, however, as
silverware business seemed to be a more important mat-
ter, but the bread was ate afterwards by the name ot
" Mazsas," or Unleavened Bread, which is yet made to
celebrate the crossing of the Red Sea.
In Homer's "Odessey," we find that bread was con-
sumed in great quantities during the Trojan war, and
supposed to have been invented by Mylas, the son of the
first Lacedemonien King; also, in Homer's "Iliad," we
find the Grecian soldiers sacrificing a sow, the enemy
of corn, to please the Goddess Ceres. She, also, should
have invented bread-baking.
The old historian, Aelus, tells us that the great tyrant
King, Mitylene, should have been a great friend to bakers,
and kept about forty in his household. Theorio was the
most gifted one, and had, therefore, many privileges, "and
all bakers were free men."
Athenaus another historian tells of seventy-five differ-
ent kinds of cakes that were baked in Athens at this
time, but that early art was lost in the down fall of that
Pliny's National History says the Romans ate their
grain in mush until the Macedonian war took place, when
bread makers, called "pistores" were brought to Rome,
and carried their mortars with them to mash grain and
bake it, and enjoyed therefore many privileges as prison-
ers of war, Strabo says in the war against King Perseus
of Macedonia, mills built on ships were found in that
country which the Romans took home after the war, but
were unable to put them in operation and were not of
any use until the war against Mithridates about eighty-
eight years B. C, when Balisar was brought to Rome,
he reconstructed them, but they were not used for some
reason or cause until the siege of Rome by the Goths
took place.
Pliny says further that Rome had many public baker-
ies in the 580 years after Rome was built, or 173 years
B. C, and they had organized guilds and enjoyed many
other rights, but lost them "if their children would not
follow their parents trade."
The first baker in Rome was a slave and for his talen-
ted baking was made a free man, " for baking as good
bread as they had in Athens," which city in those days
was far ahead of Rome in all works of art. He was a
great favorite among the nobles of Rome for inventing a
great variety of cakes for heathen feasts, for Adonay feast,
he made Anis cakes for Saturns feast, a ring with a cross
in it like a bretzel called Saturnias, for Sun's feast he
made ring cakes made of honey, also tarts and many-
other things.
But while the Romans made steady improvements in
baking" and enjoyed the luxury of advanced baking, the
Teutons and their gallic cousins ate their cereals in raw
and roasted state, but after a while when Caesar came to
stretch his Roman eagles over Celtae and Galli, as the
Romans call it, to conquer and make Roman subjects, he
also brought laws and arts, baking bread was the first
that took well, and Teutons were in a short time better
bakers than the Romans, who afterward invited them to
Rome, because Romans had no time those days to bake
their own bread, neither had they time to work at any-
thing else, and yet there was so much need of Artisans,
who could do good work, the Romans were willing to
pay well, because wherever their eagles stretched their
wings there was a new source of revenue, and all the Ro-
mans did those days was to spend money, suppers
often cost millions, and took regiments of cooks and
bakers to prepare them, which gave the Germans a
good chance to improve their trade and condition.
They made good use of it, they organized guilds all over
Italy to control the whole business of baking and cooking.
This state of affairs lasted until the Gauls appeared before
the walls of Rome, and after a short siege became master
of that lustful city, but these new rulers soon began to
take hold of every branch of business which gave their
German cousins a chance to migrate to where they came
from because things were not handled with gloves those
days, " might was right," but when the Germans came
back home they found things greatly changed, their own
trade was heavily taxed and encumbered with all sorts of
laws, every bakeoven had to pay a tax, and bakers were
only allowed to bake certain cakes or bread on certain
days of the week, which made their trade not a very lu-
crative one, and if any one broke these laws or regula-
tions he was heavily punished, and if brought before the
bar of justice a second time, was put in a sort of an iron
basket or cage and sunk in deep water where death be-
came often a welcome saviour, and any who survived
through a course of such rude baptism was even after-
wards regarded as a criminal or outcast. These laws
lasted from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century. In
the national museum of Muenchen, such iron baskets
among other implements of torture can yet be seen.
After Rome lost its Gallic master, and they again ruled
themselves, it gave their former bakers again a chance to
try their luck with Rome, to improve their condition in
life, and the Romans received them with open arms be-
cause they had greatly degenerated in their idle times
during the French rule which gave the Germans a good
chance to install themselves again in their former organi-
zation called guilds, and gained them a citizenship of
Rome, which cost a great deal of money, but gave them
man}^ rights.
But while they enjoyed good times again in Rome,
their craft fellows were still sorely oppressed in Germany,
which lasted until Emperor Joseph's time. He was a
friend to his fellow man, and also was a keen observer of
things coming under his eyes which soon gave him a
chance to do away with some old obnoxious laws which
were neither good for himself or his subjects, he used to
go to every bakeshop and try their goods to ascertain
who could bake the best bread, in Vienna. This soon
made a change among bakers, they began to do better
work, and at the same time Hungarian milling im-
proved considerably, which gave old Joseph still more
pleasure in eating good "Muerbe Kipfel," which was his
favorite bread for breakfast, and the better the bread the
more privileges the bakers received, which was in forming
guilds or zuenfte, and every person had a right to build a
bake-oven, and bake in it what pleased him, provided
he understood his business and could make a " meister-
stueck " " masterpiece," to prove he was competent to
handle flour, as old Joseph had a good opinion of econo-
my like old Fritz of Prussia who later quarelled a great
deal with old Joseph's daughter Marie Theresa.
When she became possessor of her father's crown, and
at the same time the Vienna bakers found out what
sort of a woman she was, they began to call her all
sorts of names, and wished she had gone to a nunnery
where she might have been of more use, because things
began to shape themselves again as her father found it.
Every old law that her father repealed, that used to op-
press or extort money from the working class was brought
out again, which made things rough for bakers. She
compelled them to sell bread cheaper than they could re-
place it again, and were forced to bake a certain amount
every day, until bankruptcy stared in every baker's face.
When a baker could not buy more flour, he was told to
go to her commissary and work up grain that she had
laid up for war purposes.
Often the wheat she furnished was spoiled from age or
bad storage, but good bread had to be produced or the
laws were enforced, which made things very hard for
bakers. White bread was a luxury, and the storm-
ing of a bakeshop became a daily occurrence. Such
drudgery lasted until the invasion of Napoleon took
place, which shook the old dust up among the crowned
donkies of Eastern Europe, which was very hard on all,
but that electric storm was necessary to give tone again
to a sound beginning of brighter days, like Caesar of old,
wherever he went he left some of his republican codes ;
he put a new face on everything, and every person be-
lieved the last judgment day was at hand ; but the storm
soon cleared and gave the old corsair a homestead on
St. Helena, which gave the people a chance again to
mend their clothes and repair other damages, and when
that was done, it seemed it was a good storm anyhow,
only there were less people in Europe to eat bread.
The bright sun of prosperity soon made things look
lively again ; people breathed freer, the crowned drones
made wiser faces again, and learned the lesson " that they
are no Gods," neither were the people so many cows,
but all were of one common family, with a perfect right to
eat as much bread as they pleased provided they worked
or paid for it, and made bakers busy again because all
others were busy, new vigor and strength animated the
bakers to resume again with a better will and spirit to im-
prove mentally and otherwise, and when the Vienna bakers
came to the Paris exhibition in 1867, to show what they
could do in the line of their trade every person was satis-
fied except the Paris bakers, because the Vienna bakers
received the medal for being the best bakers in the world
and the French the Second best, but all promised em-
phatically that they would still keep on improving which
turned out to be true, when nine years later, they came
to Philadelphia and showed General U. S. Grant that
they were the "same old boys" still, which pleased the
old General, as he smoked faster, which showed he was
satisfied with both the Germans and their gallic cousins.
But while the Germans do the best work in small fer-
mented cakes, and spend all their forces in that direction,
the French do not remain idle, but keep improving in
bake-ovens and dough kneading machines, and in fer-
menting processes to economize in producing the most
bread from wheat, also in fuel and labor to emancipate
themselves from the hardest work in the bake-shop, they
realize the fact that they are human as well as all others,
and claim to be recognized as such. They let the Ger-
mans have all the fun in getting more consumptive from
long hours work, the French tell them every day that
there never was in any climate under the sun any slavery
that deformed humanity more than a German baker-shop,
but time is the best panacea to cure all the ills.
In ordinary baking in France leaven or sour dough
ferment is used which was adopted by law as the safest
ferment for the human organism, which was so proclaimed
by the faculty of Medecine in Paris, over a hundred years
ago, but that is considered now a days an exploded the-
ory. Some localities suit sour ferment better than others,
where in others again sweet ferment is better; it all de-
pends on the water which is a great factor in baking,
which makes bakers adopt such ferment as will suit the
water and flour they use, limestone water is always good
for dough, moreso where poor flour is worked up, and if
none is handy, it should be procured by slacking lime,
and when the water gets clear on top it can be used say
one-half nesessary for mixing dough, and is greatly
appHed where sour ferment is used.
Near Seville, Spain, they bake a small fermented cake
which has a great reputation for its fine flavor, which is
attributed to the water they use for baking-.
In Naples they also bake bread similar to that in Spain,
as a traveler remarked going through that country:
" Their bread is as beautiful as their sky," while the bread
in Germany is as dark as their clouds, but I have ob-
served that people's tastes often times run ahead of their
prudence. Some localities can produce an article through
favorable circumstances that gives such localities a repu-
tation that could not be produced by the same people else-
In Westfallen they bake Pompernickel that cannot be
produced as good anywhere else. Hungarians also bake
such good wheat bread that strangers at first cannot
eat enough of it ; it has a fine flavor, and the people there
know how to preserve it, which is the true secret in baking
good bread anywhere.
Their neighbors '' Croatians " would not touch it, they
want Indian corn, " Kukuruza " they call it, and they
want Kukuruza all the time, and in every shape, they
roast it when green as we here boil it, and their own
brethern a little further west in the Warasdin Mountains
will not touch corn, they eat buckwheat in bread if it
does look dark, also millet " hirsca " or Moharca in
Hungarian in soup, as we use rice or barley. These
mountains are full of large size chestnuts on which they
live for nearly six months in the year. They eat them
boiled with milk for supper and think there is nothing
better in the world ; they also make meal from chestnuts
to mix in bread. Potatoes are hardly known, where in
Germany and Ireland they make up one-half their daily
In Scotland's olden times only oatmeal and barley
cakes called "scons" were known, now the Scotch are
taking to wheat bread, eating more every day, as late
as 1804, Glasgow had no bakeshop, now every little
town has her baker, and Scotland is known now as the
land of cakes, which no doubt comes from scones baking
which are made up in small size.
In England, 750 A. D., Pipins time, white bread was
only used for communion bread, and who ever wanted to
eat it outside of that, had to go to the Bishop and get it
by paying so much tax on it. Later in the middle ages
as Sir Edward Cook tells us no servant was allowed to
eat white bread, but only a mixture of rye and oatmeal
Later again, 1626, Charles I. thought barley bread was
good enough for common people, but the English people
began to raise more wheat every year, and now every
person can eat such bread as they have money to buy.
London has now a little over 2000 bakeshops, and
would have had more if their laws did not interfere with
the trade.
The Sclavs and Czechs when they migrated to Bohe-
mia brought the knowledge of bread baking along, which
was only carried on by the mother of the house, and bread
baking was considered as a holy affair, and the first that
was baked was dedicated to their house-god or idol as
an offering.
The Anglo-Saxons and the Polish races had the same
superstition in sacrificing the first bread baked to their
house-goddess called " Matergabia," the giving mother.
The Swedes and Russians eat altogether rye and bar-
ley cakes or bread, where in the southern part of Russia
all wheat is eaten, and it is one of the best wheat fields in
the world.
To have a proper idea how such work is done you
should see the operation by a skilled hand. Then it
depends on a cool and steady hand, as well as a good,
artistic taste and practice, to do it successfully.
To the inexperienced a few words of advice are necess-
Have your icing white and stiff by adding a few drops
of acetic acid or lemon juice, then trim the cake smooth
and round on top, then if the side is to be iced, lay the
cake with the top side down and ice it, then turn the
cake over and cover the tube hole with a piece of cake
or cracker, then spread it over the top with a broad
plated or pallet knife, when nearly smooth take a strip of
stiff letter paper, long enough to reach across the cake,
hold it tightly with the edge on the icing, then run it over
the cake if you do not succeed in making it smooth,
repeat until satisfactory, then dry in oven, not too fast or
it will blister, when hard, make icing softer by adding a
little water for the second coating and for a third if re-
quired — when dry commence the ornamenting by placing
a center piece il so desired, then place some tragacanth
leaves around it, these can be bought with the center
piece; then use one of my designs as a pattern to or-
nament around the center ; then put the rim on.
For all the different kinds of designing, icing tubes are
inserted in a paper cornet, made of good letter paper, cut
diagonal, to get a long triangular shape ; then twist a cor-
net to a sharp point, and if a tube is used, cut the point
off enough to insert a tube, if no tubes are used, the point
has to be cut to shape wanted, then fill the cornet with
icing, turn the top ends over and press your thumb over
it to keep it from oozing out, and force the icing through
the point end, the rim is put on at last in the same
manner, according to artistic taste; no designs for orna-
menting rims given here.
Anis CaVes 54
Angels' Food 57
Baking Powder 77
Boston Cream Cukes 58
Brandy Knaps 6S
Biscuit Bag 76
Butter Biscuits 7-,
Cake Tarts 50
Chemicals :{1
Chocolate Macaroons ; 65
Chocolate layer Cake 42
Chocolate Washington Cake 49
Citron Cakes 67
Citron i»naps 63
( iniiamon Snaps 67
Common Cup Cakes 44
Common Ring Doughnuts 71
Common Pound Cakes.., 40
Common Iclden Cake 37
Hops 29
Honey Jumbles 64
Honey Snaps 68
Icing 76
Ice Cream 78
Ice Milk 79
Indian Pound Cake 75
Jelly Fingers 59
Jelly Cake No. 1 40
Jelly Cake No. 2 41
Jumbles 54
Jumbles No. 2 55
Kougleough 73
Law arid nriler 34
Lady Fingers, see Sponge Cake 44
Lemon Drops 51
London Drops 51
Malt 30
Measure and Weight 30
Meringues , GO
New York Pound Cake 39
Ornamenting Cakes 9G
Ornarafnting Designs
Our Daily Bread 11
Paris Chocolate Drops 50
Potatoes 30
Process of Yeast 26
Pound Cake 39
Plain Cookips 52
Plain Chocolate Cookies 53
Pie Dough 72
Practical Life 3
Rough and Ready No. 1 64
Rough and Ready No. 2 65
Rock Cakes 46
Salt 29
Shapes and Forms 19
Sponge 27
Sponge Cake - 44
Spices and Extracts 32
Sketches of Ancient and Modern Bread Faking 84
Substitute for hops 30
Scotch Cakes 69
Soda Biscuits 73
Sugar Biscuits 74
Tart Paste 71
Taylor Cakes 66
To prepare «.?ocoanuts 76
To Blanch Almonds 76
To detect Adulturated Sugar 75
Useful Instruction 16
Water 29
Water Ices 89
Water Sponge Cakes 45
Washington Cakes 48
White Lady Cake 37
White Mountain Cake 25
Yeast 25
2vi:a,3n.-a.£a,ct-a.r i in.g'
ni>ea.lers ina
Cake Decorations ^ Bakers' Supplies,
Of our own manufacture
Of all kinds always on hand.
Allegheny, Pa.
The Elgu 6;eim@;7
159 Liberty Street,
P. S.- — Our Eagle Brand Elgin
Butter is strictly pure churned from
s^^eet milk, and received in Refrig-
erator Cars twice a week, the year
vjonnsr iniTEi,
157 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
.Sole Control of the following Brands :
Minnesota New Process,
Challenge, New State Mills, Triumph,
Algeria, Bakers Delight.
Ice Cream and Cakes
For Weddings and Parties furnished on short
H helical Euiie lor kh a&l Ireal labrs,
Sent free of postage in United States and Canada
for $1.00
Sewickley, Allegheny County, Pa.
DlillilB I SOiliOl,
No. *^00 Liberty Street, Pittsburg!) , Pa.
Confectioners' Copper Utensils.
These pans are made of heavy copper, neatly brazed and thoroughly
hammered. The sizes named are kept regularly in Stock
No. 1. 14 inch diam., #3.25
" 2. 15 " " 5.00
'' 3. 17 " " 7.00
No. 4. 19 inch diam., $ 8.50
" 5. 20 " " 10.00
" 6- 42 " " 12.00
No. ]. Toy Pan, }4 gallon.. J3.50
" 2. " " 1 '• ... 4.50
No. 1. Mint Dropper, 1 Lip.... |2.00
" 2. " " 2 " 2.75
" 3. '' " 3 " ..." 3.50
" 4, '* " 4 '' 4.25
Rapid Double action Ice Cream Freezer.
24 quarts, ^55-Oo | 32 quarts, $65.00 | 40 quarts, $80.00
Copper Cans 20 cents per quart extra.
A most durable and complete Fnrnace for Confectioners & Bakers.
No. 16. Size over Tops, 20 Inch with 14 Inch opening $12.00
" 18. " " " 23 " '' 16 " " 15.00
15 inches #1.85 | 17 inches $2.25 | 18>^ inches
2 Pints $1.50 I 4 Pints $2.00
3 " 175! 6 " 2.25
2 Pints $0.50 I 6 Pints $0.90
4 " 0.70 8 " 1.00
Manufacturers of all kinds of
77/7, Sheet Iron & Copper Ware,
Hotels, Restaurants, Bakers & Confectioners use.
Water Colors,
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