NO PLAYS EXCHANGED. A Fool for Luck COPYRIGHT, 1889, BY WALTER H. BAKER & CO. BAKER'S Edition of Plays ARRANUED BY NUMBER OF CHARACTERS, MALE AND FEMALE. ^'URTHER PARTICULARS IN REGULAR LIST. PRICE GIVEN AFTER EACH PLAY. Inhere a play is known under two titles, both are given as separate ptay$, in this list only. Two Characters. — One Male, one Female. An Original Idea . . 15 Three Chakactees. — Two Males, One Female. Box and Cox .... 15 I Mary Moo 15 I Silent Woman . , . 1» Unprotected Female . 16 | I Which Shall I Marry? 16 One Male, Two Females. A.pple8 15 I Two Flats and a Sharp 15 | Which will Have Him? IB Four Characters. — Two Males, Two Females. Bouquet 15 Give a Dog, etc. r . 15 Match Makers ... 15 Personal Matter . . 25 Three Males, One Female. Bombastes Furioso . 16 | The Tempter .... 15 | Sailor's Return Five Characters. — Three Males, Two Females. Census Taker ... 15 Fairy's Father . , . 15 Mr. JoflSn's Latchkey 15 Madam is Abed . . . 16 None so Deaf as those Putkins . . . . . 15 who Won't Hear . 15 Its Anonymous Kiss . Cousin Tom . . . Done on Both Sides Sylvia's Soldier . . Ugly Customer . , Blue and Cherry . Kiss in the Dark , Only a Clod 15 Doubtful Victory . . 15 15 My Son Diana . 15 15 Two Buzzards . . . 15 15 Appearances are De- 15 ceitful 15 15 Don't Judge by Ap- pearances . . . . 15 Under a Veil .... IB Nature arid Philosophy 15 To Oblige Benson . . 15 Welsh Girl .... 15 The Youth -who Never Saw a Woman . , IS Two Males, Three Females. 15 I My Husband's Secret 15 I Poor Pillicoddy . Phantom Breakfast U 15 Four Males, One Female. 15 I Two Heads are Better I T^umpeter^* Daughter 15 I than One .... 15 1 Aunt Charlotte's Maid 15 Always Intended . . 16 Dandelion's Dodges . 15 Drop Too Much . . 15 From Information I Re- ceived 15 I've Written to Brown 15 Six Characters. —One Male, Five Females. The Only Young Man in Town 30 Three Males, Three Females. Advice to Husbands . 15 | My Sister's Husband . 15 Never Say Die ... 15 Your Life's in Danger 15 Four Males, Two Females John Wopps .... 15 Nursey Chick weed . 15 Needless Stratagem (A) 15 Once on a Time ... 15 Slice of Luck (A) . . 15 Sullivan, The Slugger 15 Five Males, One Female. Sarah's Young Man Two Puddifoots . Sunshine through the Clouds 15 Soldier, Sailor, Tinker, and Tailor .... 15 We're All Teetotallers 16 ] Diamond Cut Diamond IB WALTER H. BAKER & CO., PUBLISHERS 23 WINTER ST., BOSTON, MASS. FOOL FOR LUCK Jt &omt&^ In ^xoo ^cts w. m/browne BOSTON 1890. \ CAST OF CHARACTERS As originally performed by omaleun. al Associates' Hall^ Milton, Mass, April 3J, jSSq. jot the beiiefii of the Fret Reading Room^ at Alattafan, under the title oj "B. B. & P." MR. WILLIAM BETTERBY.a young viarried man in straitened circumstances as a result of speculation . . Mr. Rivers MR. ROBERT BIDDER, his intimate friend, a New-York stock- broker Mk. Hunt MR. ARTHUR BABBURTON, a^o?/n^ £»^/Kc/i«((jn . Mr Bkowne WATTS, valet to Babburton . . . . . . Mr. Jacil'es MRS. BETTERBY, .e.-Z/fr^;;/'.'! Tt///if Mrs. Rivers MISS POl.'LARD, her younger sister Miss Jaques MISS PATTERN, Betterbf s aunt .... Miss Sherwood Note. — The personage known as Babburton is distinguished by a slight impediment in his speech, distinctly not a stammer, but merely a difficulty in pronouncing the letters '-b" and "p." Copyright, 1889, by Waltes H. Baker & Co, A FOOL FOR LUCK. ACT L Scene. — Breakfast-room in Miss Pattern's house, ■pret- tily furnished ; doors, c, R., and L. ; table and chairs, R. C. ; various other articles of furniture arratiged about the room. Mr. and Mrs. Betterby seated at table, R. c, reading mail. 'BYJTTEXi^v (^openifig and reading letter^. "Sir: we hope you will excuse our writing to you, but as we have large pay- ments to make," etc., etc. Certainly, you're excused. {Opens another letter j reads.) "In accordance with Rule XL, Sec- tion 8, of the Liberty Club, your name has been posted for non-payment of your May bill." Hear that, Dolly ? Name's up at the club. Mrs. B. I'm sorry, dear. It's very annoying, I know. But is there no letter from Bob Bidder? Oh, dear! If B. B. & P. only does go up, as he says it will, we'll be out of' our misery and back in our own house again. Bet. Yes, here is a letter from Bob. {^Opens letter?) Let's see. (^Reads.) " Dear Billy, meant to drop you a line yesterday, but was too busy. Wish you could have been here last night. Burroughs and Reed and all the rest of our crowd met at " — h-m-m {mutnbling) — " my ante " — h-m-m — "full house." This part doesn't interest you, Dolly. Mrs. B. Why, Willie ! I didn't know his aunt entertained at all ! Bet. Hem ! Neither did I. But here's what you want to hear about. {Reading.) " B. B. & P.'s June earnings will be published in a few days now, and they say they will make a much better showing than they did last month. I can't find out anything definite, however. The stock gained a point to-day, as you will see by the papers. Can you persuade 4 A FOOL FOR LUCK. your aunt to invite me down over the 4th, and bring a friend — an Englishman named Babl)urton? His sister married Blaij you so abruptly. Bab. Oh, not a bit. Rather liked it. I mean, I'm glad you did — that is — you know what I mean. Bet. • Yes, that's all right. Seen my aunt this morning ? Bab. Yes, she showed me her what's-its-name. Bet. Incubator. Bab. Yes, that's it. But I say, Betterby, she doesn't have much luck, does she .' Bet. No, not much. Bab. I say, perhaps she doesn't use the right kind of bait? 20 A FOOL FOR LUCK. Bet. Bait ? Bab. Yes ; that's a joke. Bet. JoIown by the Sea Dunducketty's Picnic 15 Hit Him, He has no Friends 15 Midnight Banquet « OnandOtf . . . Five Male, Four Females. 25 I Queen's Heart (The) . 15 | Race for a Widow . . 10 Two Males, Seven Females. Thorn among the Roses 15 Ten Characters. — Six Males, Four Females. Among the Breakers . 15 I Damon and Pythias . 15 | Lying will Out ... 15 ~ 15 Game of Dominos . . 15 Mrs. Walthrop's Bach- 15 I Lost in London ... 15 | elors 25 Seven Males, Three Females. 25 I Flowing Bowl (The) . 25 I Miller and his Men . 16 15 Home Guard (The) . 15 Paddle your Own Canoe 15 Better than Gold Bull in a China Shop Duchess of Dublin Coupon Bonds . Fnlisted for War Ella Rosenberg . Shaker Lovers Both Alike Five Males, Five Females. . . 15 I Cleft Stick (The) . . 15 I Lords of Creation . I Old and Young ... 15 | Eleven Characters.— Six Males, Five Females. Babie 25 I The Miller's Wife . . 15 I The " Tomboy " , Giralda 15 | Our Folks 16 | Eight Males, Three Females. Lost Mine (The) . . 25 I "Nevada" .... 25 I Our Boys of 1776 . I One Hundred Tears Ago 15 | Seven Males, Foar Females. Five Males, Six Femalafc A.1»0T« tbe Clouds 15 | The Christening . Nine Males, Two Females. Don Csesar de Basan . 16 16 16 WALTER H. BAKER & CO., PUBLISHERS 23 WINTER ST., BOSTON, MASS. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS BAKER'S EDlTIOr 017 400 455 9 Twelve Chakactees. — Nine M, Ticket of Leave Man 16 | Wife'i Ten Males, Two Females. Ei^uv maies, rour jfeinales. Gaspardo, the Gondolier .... 15 | Fool's Kevenge (The) 1ft Over Twelve Characters. Aladdin 15 Jeweller's Apprentice 15 ! Scarlet Letter ... 15 Babes in the Woods . 15 Lady of Lyons ... 15 School for Scandal . 15 Lady ot tlie Lake . . 15 Wonseigiieur . ... 15 Maid o/ Milan ... 15 Masauiello .... 15 Naaman, the Syrian . 25 Captain Kyd .... 15 Clari 15 Dumb Girl of Portici . 15 East Lynne .... 15 Fcrced to the War . 25 Hero of Scotland . . 15 Hunchback (The) . . 15 Hamlet 15 Hidden Hand ... 15 25 Poor Gentleman . . 15 Past Redemption . . 25 The Stranger .... 16 Male Characters Only. Number of Characters given instead of price, which is uniformly 15 cents each. StolenWill ('ITie) Golden Buttertlv ('ITia) 25 Two Orphans ('rhe) . 25 Virginia Veteran . . 25 Wallace 15 Zelina ...... 15 Blue and Gray, or Star of Empire .... 30 Coals of Fire .... 6 Close Shave .... 6 Freedom of the Press . 8 Gentlemen of the Jury 12 Great Umbrella Case 32 Man with the Demijohn 4 My Uncle the Cai>tain 6 New Brooms Sweep Clean 6 Public Benefactor . . 6 Pedlar of Verynice . 7 Rival Poets .... 2 Runaways 4 Ready-made Suit . . 35 Female Characters Only. 15 cents each, except Rebecca's Triumph, which is 25 cents Great Elixir Humors of the Strike Hypochondriac (The) Cbampion of Her Sex Accelerate — operatic charade 15 Bachelor's Christmas 25 Bunch of Buttercups 15 Christmas Carol . . 15 Centennial — charade . 15 Conjuration — operatic charade 15 College Ned— operetta 15 Dorothy's Birthday — operetta 25 Diamonds and Toads — operetta 15 Fairy of Fountain . . 25 Holidays 15 ent. Hunt the Thimble . 50 Titania I Lost Children ... 15 Musical Allegories for Female Characters Only, Merry Christmas . R. E. Porter . . . Santa Claus Frolics Santa Claus First . Santa Claus at Home Seven Ages— Tableaux Lightheart's Pilgrim- age 15 15 Vision of Freedom War of Roses , . Revolt of the Bees . . Tournament of Idyl- I court 15 I The Pilgrim's Choice, for Male and Females. Musical and Other Entertainments for Adults. Driggs and His Double, shadow pan- tomime H. M. S. Pinafore, opera . . . . In Pawn, shadow pantomime . . . lenny Lind, operetta Anastasia, operetta 25 Anonymous, shadow pantomime. . 2^ Arabella and I>ionel, pantomime . 15 A. Ward's Wax Figger Show ... 25 Bon Bons, musical and dramatic entertninmcnt 25 j Sculptor's Triumph, tableau ent. . Capuletta, operatic burlesque . . 15 , Snow Hnund, musical and dramatic Cinderella, shadow pantomime . . 2') ; eiiterta'.'iment . ....... Drink, shadow pantomime .... 25 Orpheus, shadow pantomime . . Stand by the Flag . . 5 Shall Our Mothers Vote 11 Two Gentlemen in a Fix 2 Too Late for the Train 2 Thief of Time (The) . 6 Tender Attachment . Very Pleasant Evening 3 Wanted, a Male Cook 4 Greatest Plague in Life 8 | Red Chignon .... 6 The Grecian Bend . . 7 Rebecca's Triumph . It Love of a Bonnet . . 6 Tipsy Pudding ... 8 No Cure, No Pay . . 7 Using the Weed . . 7 Precious Pickle ... 7 | Voyage of Life ... 9 Musical and Other Plays for Children. Male and Female Characters. WALTER H. BAKER & CO., PUBLISHERS 23 WINTER ST., BOSTON, MASS.