Class P^Yf Book H S' o^^*:^ p^ vV Entered according to Act of ('onj?ress in the year 1885, by L. Soards, in Ic^ the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. t h^ GUIDE BOOK — AND — STKEET GUIDE OF NEW ORLEANS .^^ PRICE, 60 CENTS. TTT^Trt?TrTTTn^^.i_>_i_i_iTT^i^iTT^Pi^^i_l_i_t_i_^*nrTJJ_|i_k^t"i PAGE. Amusements 30 Places of Interest 30 Illustrated Department 3 Societies, Clubs, Etc iZ Street Directory 57 Street B. B. Routes, Etc 31 PAGE. Foreign Consuls, Etc 35 Churches 38 Educational 41 Fire Alarm. Etc., Etc 25 Qovernmental, (City, State and U. S,) 23 L.. SOARDS, PUBLISHER, 5 Commercial Place, Corner Camp Street, NEW ORLEANS, LA. \ '>>554 >^^-»-^^g^ LLUSt^ATEo DEPARTMENTS OF PRINCIPAL PUCES OF INTEREST m NEW ORLEANS. --~S.x]>a'G^s.) DEALER AND IMPORTER IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS AND MANUFACTURER OF Ladies' Fine Underwear. We have always in stock a select assortment of Domestic and Imported Goods, and we are daily adding all the ISTovelties that the latest fashion demands, in the following stocks : DIVISION No. 1. Dress Goods, Silks and Satins. DIVISION No. 3. Wbite Goods, Linens, House Keep- ing Goods, Cottons and Linings. DIVISION No. 5. Ladies' Underwear, Misses' and DIVISION No. 2. Notions, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries and Gloves. DIVISION No. 4. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Flan- nels, Parasols, Black Goods and Calicoes. Ladies' Suits, Cloaks and Shawls. Cloth and Rugs DIVISION No. 6. Blankets, Comforts, Matting, Oil For Special Inducements, read the daily papers. Being the only house in the city using coppers, our prices fluctuate with the market, and therefore in the favor of the purchaser. DANZIGER'S, 131 CANAL STREET. PAUL GELPI & BRO., — IMPORTERS or ^ Fancy Groceries, XTos. 41 and 43 Decatur St., NEW ORLEANS. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated Chateau Pape Clement Claret. f f ^ PAUL D'HEMTI, BUTCHER, MsNos.9U99FreiiclMarlet, HEW ORLEANS. Beef, Veal and Mutton. CARNE FRESCA O SALAD A. No. 221 DECATUR STREET. EDWARD LZLZEXTTHAL, THE CHOICEST SELECTIONS IN DIAMONDS, FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Clocks, Bronzes, and Fancy Goods in the City. The latest designs and most complete assortment in these articles are offered to the public at prices within the means of all. An inspection of the stock is most respectfully requested. My customers can then judge for themselves, their opinion and not my own is what I desire. AH goods guaranteed as represented. SPECIALTY: REPAIRING OF FINE WATCHES AND DIAMOND SETTING. F. FREDERICKSON, Druggist and Pharmacist, 139 CANAL ST., TOURO BUILDINGS, Next to Corner of Bourbon Street, N EW ORLEANS. VICHY, SODA WATER, GINGER ALE.— ICE COLD. S T H -A. KT C3r E3 ASK FOB SOARDS' Iff MA ODE" — NEW ORLEANS. PRICB, 50 CENTS, (POCKET FOItMJ. Soards' QuidG Book and Street Guidg^ IN ONE BOOK. PRICE 50 CENTS, For sale by all principal I^ews Depots, Booksellers, etc., and by L. SOARDS, Publisher, 5 Commercial Place, Corner Camp St. VIEW OF CANAL STREET. R/VYMOND DUCOS, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FUKNITUKE, SO'os. 6-^, 66 A.X1.C3. 75 Sit. 3Lic:»-u.±ts S»tx-eet, BRANCH STORE, 117 EXCHANGE ALLEY. To make room for my large invoice oi Furniture. The reputation this house maintains for its line anrl select stock, which it always keeps on hand, such as Bed Room, Dining Room and Office Furniture, to suit the most fastidious, has no equal . Also keeps on hand a fine selection of Round, Oval and Marble Top Tables, Marble Top Washstands, and Room Furniture of all kinds, which I offer at the most reasonable terms. A large assort- ment of line and common furniture, for country and plantation use, always on hand. STRANGERS, ASK FOR SOARDS' GITT MiP OF NEW ORLEANS. PRICE 60 CEJ^TS. (POCKET FORM). Imii Ui\ M and Street Guile, IM ONE BOOK. FRIGE 50 CEJ^TTS. For sale by all principal Kews Depots, Booksellers, &c , and by 5 Ootnm,ercial Place, Cor, Catnjj St, # ^ GlE T OB CITY GOVERNMENT. Incorporated 1804:. Organized 1804. Keorganized 1852. Reorganized 1870. Reorganized 1882. Municipal Election in November of every second year. J. V. GUILLOTTE, MAYOR. I. W. PATTON. TREASURER. JNO. FITZPATRICK, - .... COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. J. N. HARDY, . COMPTROLLER. P. MEALEY, .... COMMISSIONER OF POLICE AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. WALTER H. ROGERS, - . CITY ATTORNEY. D. M. BROSNAN, ... ciTY SURVEYOR.* J. D. TAYLOR, CITY NOTARY 4 24 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHUEOH GUIDE. City Hall. On St. Charles Street, fronting Lafayette Square. CITY LIBRAItY— Mrs. Mary C. Culbertson, li- brarian, room 10, City Hall. Mayor's Office. ROOM 9, CITY HALL. J V Guillotte, mayor; T. Buisson, private sec- 'retary; B. L. Bovver, chief clerk. Treasurer. OFFICE, ROOM 2, CITY HALL. I W Patton, treasurer; J. Villarrubia, book- ' keeper; A. P. Harrison, chief clerk. Comptroller. OFFICE, aOOM 23, CITY HALL. J. N. Hardy, comptroller; B. H. Watkins, chief clerk. Commissioner of Police and Pub- lic Buildings. ROOM 12, CITY HALL. P. Meal' y, connnissiouer; Dennis McCarthy, chief clerk. Commissioner of Public Works. OFFICE, ROOMS 17 AND 18. CITY HAU.. John Fitzpatrick, commissioner; Alphonse Gaerthner, bookkeeper; G. W. Flynn. chief clerk; James Dunn, porter; J. W. Rizzo, mes- senger. BUREAU OF STREETS-Remy Clark, gen'l supt. ; R. H. Bartley. supt. upper dist. ; C. J. Laresche, supt. lower dist. ; M. Oulligan, supt. 1st ward; A. Hourbeight, supt. 2d ward; M. J. Egan, supt. 3d ward ; T. Ward, supt. 4th ward ; M. Brisolara,supt. 5th ward ; M.Early, supt. 6th ward; John Rogers, supt. 7th ward; Thomas C. Meynier, supt. 8th ward; M. J. Leroy, supt. 9th ward; Robert Rankin, supt. 10th ward; b. Hanley, supt. 11th ward; F. J. Papineau, supt. 12th ward; A. F. Michel, supt. 13th and 14th wards ; T. G. Higgins, supt. 15th ward ; v . Deibel, supt. 16th and 17th wards. City Archives. ROOM 27. CITY HALL. Mrs. E. Forstall, custodian. City Attorney's Office. ROOMS 21 AND 22, CITY HALL. Walter H. Rogers, attorney ; Wynn Rogers, Law- rence O'Donnell and Branch K. Miller, assts. ; C. H. Roberts, clerk. City Council. ROOMS 16 AND 18. CITY HALL. Hon. J. V. Guillotte, President. M. McNamara, Clerk. John Hurley, Sergeant- at Arms. Coanoilmen. First Municipal District— E. L. Israel. Second Municipal District— A. Prados, jr. Third Municipal District— T. H. Ryan. Fourth Municipal District— D. M. Kilpatrick. Fifth Municipal District— N. Amann. Sixth Municipal District— T. Carey. Seventh Municipal District— J. B. Prague. First Representative District— P. Mullen. Second Representative District— H. Lehman, E. Burke. Third Representative District- W. H. Mo n, G. H. Lord, Hugh McManus. Fourth Representative District— V. Mauberret. Fifth Representative District— A. Patorno, H. Albert. Sixth Representative District— J. Garidel. Seventh Representative District— E. S. Maunsel. A. D. Saucier. Eighth Representative District— M. CarroU. Ninth Representative Distrifrt-H. C. Miller, G. Devron Tenth Representative District-J. E. Sliger. P. Farrell. Eleventh Representative District-C. McCarthy, J. A. Brennan. Twilflh Representative District— A. C. Winn. Thirteenth Representative District — B. T. Walshe. Fourteenth Representative District— L. Zeller. Fifteenth Representative District.- E. F. Bau- mann. Standing Committees. CoramitteNo.l, Public. Order-Garridel, Lord Brennan, Mauberret, Mnllen. Committee No. 2, Finance-Kilpatrick. Moon, Prague, Ryan, Lehman. Committee No. 3. Estimate of Expenses and Budget— Moon, Garridel, Sliger, Miller. Car- roll, Prague, Lehman, Baumann. Brennan, Winn. Committee No. 4. Public Health. etc.-Devron. Albert, Stoulig, Zeller, Amann. Committee No. 5. Public Schools — vValshe, Baumann, Patorno, Prague, Carey. Committee No. 6, Police and Public Buildings- Miller, Saucier, Lord. Burke, Amann. Committee No. 7, Fire Department, Lighting, etc.-Albert, Lehman. Farrell. Winn, Mau- berret. Committee No. 8, Streets and Landing—Winn, Baumann, McManus, McCarthy, Israel, Maun- sell, Prados, Devron, Mullen. Committee No. 9. Water, Drainage. Levees, etc. —Ryan. Mullen, Zeller. Carroll, Sliger. Committee No. 10, Public Improvements, etc- Saucier, Patorno, Burke, Brennan, Carey. Committee No. 11, Charities, Asylums, ets.- McManus, Devron, Israel, Kilpatrick, Amann. Committee No. 12, on Prisons, Workhouses etc. — FarreU, Kilpatrick. Maunsell, McCarthy, Prados, Jr. Committee No. 13, on Rules and Organization of the various departments of the City Govern- ment-Sliger, Carroll, Winn, Lehman, Ryan, Kilpatrick, McManus. Surveyor's Department. ROOM 19, CITY HALL. D. M. Brosnan, surveyor. Louis H. Pilie, dep. surveyor. Inspectors of Weights and Meas- ures. 1 St Dist Thomas O'Hara; 2d Dist., Daniel Rees 22 Oonti; 3d Dist., Jacob Joseph. 44 French- men. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 25 Public Administrator. 5 CARONDELET. Pierre S. Wiltz, Jr., administrator. Board of Health. OFFICE. 63 CARONDELET. Dr. Joseph Holt, pree.; Dr. S. S. Herrick. sec and treas.; Drs. Charlns E. Kells, S. R. Olli- phant, L. F. Sa'omon, L. H. Von Gohren, and Messrs. Joseph Kohn, J. J. Barr, Joseph A. Shakspeare and Albert Voorhies. Saultary Inspectors— Ist Dist.. Dr. J. D. Posey, Delord, bet. Carondelet and Baronne; 2d Dist. Dr. C. Faget, N. Rampart, cor. Bayou rd.; 3d Dist., Dr. A. M. Beret, 134 Ely ian Fields; 4th Dist,, Dr. VV. R. Mandeyille, Jackson, cor. Mag- azine; 6th Dist., Dr. W. H. Reilly, 22 Valletta, 51h Dist. ; 6th and7th Dists., Dr. P. B. Mc- Cutchon, 928 Magazine, and Court House, Carrollton. Board of Liquidation City Debt. ROOM 5, CITY HALL. J. V. Guillotte, Mayor; I. W. Patton, treasurer; J. N. Hardy, comptroller; J. H. Oglesby, pres. ; T. Wolf, jr., sec; E. A. Palfrey, A. J. Gomila, H. Gardes, S. H. Kennedy, Jno. Phelps Coroner. Dr. James F. Finney, coroner, 124 Carondelet; Dr. Stanhope Jones, asst. coroner. City Police of New Orleans Zacliaxie Bachemin, chief; Henry G. Burkhardt, sec. ; aids to chief, T. J. Boasso. acting chief aid; A. Pecora, B. A. McDonough, D. S. Gas- te , Leonard Malone; John O'Hern, property clerk ; L. C. Woolfero and Charles Shoemaker, operator8..Examing Committee— He ry Miller, pres.; George H. Lord, N. Amann, A. D. Sau- cier, E. Burke ;C. Shields, sec; William O'- Donnell, M. D., police surgeon. Central De partment, Davidson's Court. FIRST PRECINCT-Bounded by Canal street, Delord, New Canal and Broad. Station house, 124 Carondelet. SECOND PRECINCT-Bounded by Delord street. Felicity road, land boundaries of Har- bor Precinct, and Broad street. Station house, • or. Terpsichore and Chippewa street. THIRD PRECINCT-Bounded by Canal street. Esplanade, Rampart and land boundaries of Harbor Precinct. Station house, Jackson Square, near the Cathedral. FOURTH PRECINCT-Bounded by Canal. Ram- part, Esplanade and rear of city. Station house, cor. Marai* and Orleans street. FIFTH PRECIN<;T-Bounded by Esplanade street, river, lower limits and rear of city. Station houbt-, bJysian Fields, near Dauphine. Sub precinct, Parish of St. Bernard. SIXTH PRECINCT-Bounded by Felicity street, river and upper limits of thf city to Broad street. Station house, Rousseau, near Jackson street. SEVENTH PRECINCT— Station house. City Hall, cor. Magazine and Berlin streets. EIGHTH PRECINCT-5lh Dist. with Gretna as sub-precinct. Station house, Villere, bet. 8e- guiu and Bartheleniy, 5th Dist. HARBOR PRECINCT— Office, head of Canal street. SUBURBAN SUB PRECINCT— Station, Canal street, bet. Anthony and Helena SEVENTH DISTRICT POLICE STATION— Car- rollton av. bet. Hampson and Second, 7lh Dist. City Fire Alarm and Police Tele- graph. James P. Kennedy, Supt., room 7, City HalL Instractions to Watchmen and Key Held« ers. Upon discovery or positive information of a fire near your box, you will give an alarm by pull- ing down the hook once as far as it will go, and then letting it go. Then wait a few mo- ments, and if you hear no alarm from the large bells or gongs, pull the hook down again ; a you still hear no alarm, go to the nearest box and give the alarm from that. Never give an alarm for a Are seen at a distance. Do not give an alarm for a burning chimney. LIST OF STATION BOXES. 3 Tchoupitoulas and Valence 5 Harmony and Levee 6 Washington and Chippewa 7 Ninth Street Market 8 Carondelet and Eighth 9 Prytania and Ninth 12 Magnolia and Washington 13 Sixth and St. Denis 14 Fire Co. No. 22 15 Fire Co. No. 23 16 H. and L. No. 1, Jackson 17 Constance and First 18 Magazine and St. Andrew 19 Rousseau and St. Mary 21 St. Charles av. and First 23 Dryades and St. Andrtw 24 Keller Market 25 Jackson and Coliseum 26 Jackson and Liberty 27 Second and Dryades 29 Market and Levee 31 Henderson and Levee 32 Fire Co. No. 12, Tchoupitoulas 34 Fire Co. No. 1. Hunter 35 Market and Chippewa 36 Second Precinct Police Station 37 Race and Magazine 38 Melpomene and Camp 41 Horse Station, St. Charles av. 42 Fire Co. No. 20, Thalia 43 Franklin and Erato 47 Gaiennie and New Levee 48 Fire Co. No. 6, St. Joseph 51 Constance and Erato 52 Camp and St. Joseph 53 Fire Co. No. 18, Calliope 54 New Basin and Triton walk 56 Calliope and Freret 57 Magnolia and Erato 61 Terpsichore and Franklin 65 Julia and Levee 71 Foot of Julia 72 Canal and Levee 73 Magazine and Girod 74 Natchez and Tchoupitoulas 81 Canal and Camp 82 Fire Co. No. 5, Girod and St. Charles 83 Fire Co. No. 13, Perdido 84 Carondelet and Common 121 Rampart and Canal 123 Rampart and Poydras 124 Fire Co. No. 14, Common 125 Work House, Girod 126 Claiborne and Poydras 127 Common and Rocheblave 128 Miro and Lafavelle 141 Bienville and Old Levee 142 St. Louis and Royal 143 Fire Co. No. 7, Dauphine 145 Burgundy and Toulouse 146 P. H. & L. Co. No. 4, Basin 151 Canal and Robertson 152 Bienville and Johnson 153 Derbigny and Bienville 154 Canal Street Car Station 214 Old Levee and St. Philip 215 Police Station, Jackson Sq. 216 Hospital and Dauphine 217 Fire Co. No. 10, Dumaine 231 Treme and Esplanade 232 Rampart and Barracks 26 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. m 234 Treme and Ursulines 235 Fire Co. No. 21, Claiborne 236 Bayou Road and Claiborne 237 Police Station, P. Prison 241 Fire Co. No. 3, Bayou Road 242 St. Ann and Miro 243 Stem's Factory, Frenchmen 252 H. & L. Co. No. 3. Peters 253 Fire Co . No. 9, Esplanade 312 Police Station, Elysian Fields 313 Buorbon and Esplanade . 314 St. Claude and St. Anthony 315 St. Claude and Elysian Fields 316 Claiborne and St. Bernard 412 Laharpe and White 413 Rampart and Spain 414 Washington and Urqunart 415 Mandeville and Claiborne 513- Cotton Press and Levee 514 Washington Market 515 Louisa and Rampart 612 Fire Co. No. 24, Dauphine 613 Dauphine and Inoedendent §14 Poland Street Car Station 615 United States Barracks 616 Reynes and Dauphine Fire Department. TTTTIFMEN'S CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION— *^™ No^ 24, City Hall. I. N. Marks pres; Georjre H. Braughn, vice-pres.; Leon Bertoli, sec • C C. Flanagan.treas. Financial Commit- tee A. Kalinski, Ralph Morgan; Board of Coin^ssioners. I. N. Marks, Victor Mauber- ret W F Bulger, Thos. O'Neil, George H. Schreiber; Thomas O'Connor, chief engineer; James D. Donovan, asst. engineer; A. J. Lynch, asst. engineer. The companies are located as follows : FIRST DISTRICT. Volunteer No. 1, F. Schneider pres. ; John Gurt- ner, sec. ; J. B. Whee age, foreman, es. Hun- ter bet S. Peters and Tchoupitoulas Mississippi, No 2, George A. Chiapella, pres.; F j fetten. sec; R C. Morgan, foreman. Magazine, bet. Lafayette an.i Girod Columbia. No. 5, T. J. Bath, pres. ; E W. Burg, sec • N. Virges. foreman, Girod, bet. bt. Charles and Carondelet streets. Mechanics, No. 6, Henry Tharp, Pres., Chas. Heider, foreman, St. Joseph cor Commerce. Irad Ferry, No. 12, P. Farrell, pres. ; S. Gately, sec ; John Maginnis, foreman, Tchoupitoulas, bet. Race and Orange streets. Perseverance. No. 13, John Fitzpatrick. pres., H. West, sec. ; M. Collins, foreman, 12 Perdi- Phfladetphia, No. 14, Remy Clark, pres.; T.J. MacKay, foreman, Wm. J. Kane, sec., ss. Com- mon, bet. Liberty and Howard streets. Jacksin, No. 18, Manuel C. Royes, pres.; Ru- dolph Hufft, sec. ; G. Comfort, foreman Cal- liope, bet. St. Charles and Carondelet streets. Washington, No. 20, John Martm. pres.; Jo- seph Jami^son.s.c; Robert Comfort, foreman, Thalia, bet. Baronne and Dryades streets. American Hook and Ladder Company. No. 2. T. J. Connel.pres.; W. S. Douglas, sec, O. P. Miller, foreman, 169 Girod „„ . „ „ mp Louisiana Hose, E. H. Barton, pres. ; H. H. Mc- Oulloch,eec.; Joseph Madden, foreman. Ca- rondelet, cor. Perdido street. SECOND DISTRICT. VlKUant, No. 3, John Jacobs, pres.; James L. Dubucsec; A. Ravennack. foreman. Espla- nade, cor. N. Galvez street. T>o,^„nrH Metairie, No. 4, J. B. Faget. pres. ; J. Peppard, sec. Canal, near Anthony Eazle No. 7, A. Kalinski, pres. ; J. F. Ibele, fore- man, ns. Dauphine, bet. Customhouse and Bienyille streets. , r^-h^ Louisiana, No. 10, L. Josephson, Pres., John Journee, foreman, Dumaine, bet. N. Rampart and St, Claude streets. . TiTiiuon, Orleans. No. 21, Thomas Higgins, pres.; William Evans, sec. ; V. Mauberret, foreman, St. Peter, ne. cor. N. Claiborne streets. Pelican Hook and Ladder Company, No. 4, J.fR. Sarrazin, pres.; P. H. Lanauze, sec; A. Pujol, foreman, 77>i N. Basin street. THIRD DISTRICT. Milneburg,No.l (hand). Mat. Leninger, pres.; John Hkgan, sec; Felix Prouve, foreman, Town of Milneburg. n^^„an " Phcenix, No. 8, H. Cam, pres.; J. J. V^onan, sec: Louis Knop, foreman, ss. Decatur, bet. Marigny and Mandeville streets. CreoleVNo. 9, C.A.Butler, pres.; J. Vollrath, sec; Robert Brewster, foreman. Esplanade, bet. Decatur and Frenchmen streets. Crescent, No. 24, Fred. Zingel, Pres.; M. H. Bayley! sec. ; J. J. Foster, foreman, Dauphine, Hope Ho^ok'and Ladder, No. 3, Jos. Baker, pres. ; C. Glaser, sec. ; Lem Davis, foreman, 82 Man- deville. ^. . T^„_ St. Bernard, No. 1, N. Augustin, pres.; A- Dar- cantel, foreman, N. Peters, near city limits. FOURTH DISTRICT. Jefferson, No. 22, Henry Schreiber, pres.; Wil- liam Schreiber, foreman, 843 Tchoupitoulas Cha^lmette. No. 23, J. C. Campbell, Pres-: G. Huber, sec. ; H. Singer. ]r. foreman, Washing- ton av. bet. Magazine and Camp. , ^, , Lafayette Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1. Edward Pettis, pres. ; J. W. Miller, sec. ; O. M. Redon, foreman, Jackson, bet. St. Thomas and Rous- seau streets. FIFTH DISTRICT— (Algiers.) FIREMEN'S CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION OP ALGIERS^T. J. Mooney, Pres. ; M. Vinett, vice-pres. ;N. Amann, trea*-.; L.J. Peterson, sec ; Timothy Daily, jr., chief engineer. Pelican, No. 1 (steam), Charles Gerretts, pres., Robert Turner, sec. ; A. WatUgny, foreman, Peter, cor. Lavergne street. Brooklyn Engine Co. No. 2 (steam), L. J- Peter- son, pres ; Frank Fucius, sec; Samuel Levy, foreman, Bouny. bet. Delaronde and Peter streets. „,..„% t w T^^irinp Morgan Engine Co. No. 3 (steam), J. H. Finne- gai, pres ; R. Hudson, foreman, Elmira av w"aThington Hook and Ladder No. 1, Thomas E. Higgins, pres.; W. S. Colbert, sec. SIXTH DISTRICT- (Jefferson City.) SIXTH DISTRICT FIREMEN'S CHARITA- BLE ASSOCIATION-Offlce Young America Steam Fire Co. No. 3, John 0. Bach, pres. ; U. Lobrano, vice-pres.; John Pertsdorf, sec, Charles C. Piper, trsas.; H. P. Phillips, chief engineer, Louis Ma^lere, 1st asst. engineer, W. C. Lowe, 2d asst. engineer. ^^„ . r. PioneerNo.l (steam), L. Englander, pres., D. AUenhoffer, sec ; P. Draube, foreman. Maga- zine, bet. Milan and Berlin. ^ „ , „„ . Protector No. 2 ^steam),John C. Bach, pres.; C. E Babcock, sec; I. T. W. Mason, foreman, Napoleon avenue, bet. St. Charles av. and Pitt. Young America No. 3 (steam), John Pertsdorf. pres. ; John A. Kerber, sec. ; Joseph Batt, fore- man. Magazine, bet. Jena and Cadiz. Phillips No. 4, C. G. Ogden. pres ; O. L. Schopp, sec; A. C. Winn foreman 904 Magazine Home Hook and Ladder, No. 1. C. p. Piper, pres. ; J. P. Gallagher, sec. ; C. H.Breen. fore- man, Marengo, bet. Constance and Magazine. SEVENTH DISTRICT— (Carrollton.) SEVENTH DISTRICT FIREMEN'S CHARITA- BLE ASSOCIATION-M. DeLucas, pres.; E L. LeBreton, sec; Henry Tebbe treas Georce Geier, chief engineer; P. Phillips, br., Albert Arbo. John Juncker. asst. engineers. Finance Committee-Peter Valnabo, J. Dah- mer and Julius Feldheim. Board of Commis- Soners-A. L. Wattigny, T. Kline and F. C^rrSftofrire Co. No. 1, Dublin, bet. Second and Hampson, P. Herman, fOTcmau. Seventh District Babcock Engine, cor. Madison and Levee, John Dahmer, foreman. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 27 Independent Fire Co. No. 2, Leonidaa, bet. Burthe and Third, Geo. 8. Humphrey, pres.; T. S. Schaefer, vice-pres. ; M. DeLucas, sec. Star Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, Madison, bet. Hampson and Second, Henry Heuchert, pres. ; Simon Osterly, sec. ; Louis Zeller, foreman, GRETNA. David Crockett Fire Co. No. 1, Gretna. Mechanics' Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, Gretna. Good Intent Fire Co. No. 2. UNDERWRITERS' CORPS. Fire Insurance Patrol, A. Kalinski, captain comraandinar; Station 1, 162 Julia; Station No. 2, 34 Louisa, 3d Dist. Office, 162 Julia. C. W. Grandjean, capt. of Babcocks; Ed. Ryan, asst. Third District Babcock engine, Wasbington, bet. Royal and Dauphine. Sixth District Babcock engine, 1197 Magazine. Lfipeyrouse Street engine, Lapeyrouse, bet. Claiborne and Derbigny. Recorders' Courts. FIRST. Office, Davidson's Court, R. C. Davey, judge; J. C. Murph) , clerk. SECOND. Office, St. Peter, nw. cor. Chartres, Thomas J. Ford, judge; J. Vollrath, clerk. THIRD. OfSce, es. Berlin, bet Camp and Magazine, A. P. Keller, Judge; John Pertsdorf, clerk. FOURTH. Office, Villere, bet. Seguin and Barthelemy, 5th Dist., T. J. Mooney, judge; L. J. Peterson, clerk. FIFTH. Office, Carrollton av. bet. Hampson and Second, 7th Dist., A. J. Roman, judge; Frederick Tobelmann, clerk. City Courts. FIRST CITY COURT. Office, Camp, se. cor. Lafayette, Thomas R. Rozier, judge; J. T. Fitzgerald, clerk; P. A. Looby, constable. SECOND CITY COURT. Office, 90 Exchange alley, William Voorhies, judge; Numa V. Vinet, clerk; Alfred Barnes, constable. THIRD CITY COURT. Office, Villere, bet. Seguin and Barthelemy, 5th Dist., W. H. Holmes, ju'ige; William Sarrazin, clerk; R. P. Thomas, constable. FOURTH CITY COURT. Office, ws. Louisiana av. bet. Constance and Magazine, Chas. G. Ogden, judge; Kenner Scratchley, clerk; Frank Carambat. consta- ble. Fifth Circuit Court, E. W. Blake and Henry D. Smith, judges, Harvey's Canal, Gretna. First Justice's Court, Gretna, W. R. Chapman judge; E. Towner, constaDle. Sheriffalty of Parish and City of New Orleans. Charles A. Butler, criminal sheriff; office, Camp> se. cor. Lafayette. Thomas Duffy, civil sheriff; William Walsh, chief deputy; office, Court House. ' Conyeyance OiBace, Parish of Or- leans. Royal, se. cor. Conti. Joseph Batt, register. Recorder of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Dr. Joseph Holt, recorder ex-officio; ofSce, 63 Carondelet. Recorder of Mortgages, Parish of Orleans. Office, Royal, se. cor. Conti. John J. O'Brien, recorder. Parish Prison. Orleans, bet. N. Libertv and Marais. James G. Ruffler, captain. Visiting days, Mondays, Wed- nesdays and Fridays, from 9 a. m. to 3>i p. m. Notaries Public. M. Voorhies, room 25 City Hall, custodian of notarial records. For list of notaries see Business Register. U. S. GOVERNMENT. The Federal Constitution is the Fundemental law. Under it the government is divided into three departments or branches, viz. : EXECUTIVE— President and Commander-in- Chief, etc. LEGISLATIVE -Congress, Senate and House of Representatives. JUDICIAL— Supreme, District and Circuit Courts. Neither of these departments or branches can legally or constitutionally exercise any power or authority belonging to, or vested in, either of the other departments. Article X, of Amendments to the Federal Con- stitution, says: "The powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." U. S. Circuit Court. Don A. Pardee, judge; Edward R. Hunt, elk.. Custom House bldg. U. S. District Attorney. Albert H. Leonard, office. Custom House bldg. ; J. W. Gurley, asst. attorney. U. S. District Court. ^. C. Billings, judge; Jolin Devonshire, elk., Custom House bldg. U. S. Marshal. J. R. G. Pitkin; Deputies: E. S. Wurzburger, W. W. Jackson, John H. Simonds, E. S. Cur- ry, Dan A. Rose, Joseph Devonshire, Custom House bldg. U. S. Mint. Dr. A. W. Smythe, supt. ; F. F. Claussen, melter and refiner, J. A. Stevenson, chief elk. ss. Es- planade, bet. N. Peters and Decatur. U. S. Signal Service. M. Herman, observer in charge. H. B. Boyer, observer; office. Custom House bldg. U. S. Commissioners. J. D. Crawford, J. W. Gurley, George L. Norton, William Wright, John Devonshire, K. Loew, E. R. Hunt; office. U. S. Custom House bldg, C. W. Besancon, 189 Gravier; A. E. Billings, 46 St. Charles; A. G. Brice, 122 Gravier; M. M. Cohen, 48 Kenner block; E. D. Craig, 37 Carondelet; Thomas J. Cooley, 20 St. Charles, E. K. Culler, 79 Customhouse; William Grant; 3}i Carondelet; Theodore G. Hunt, University 28 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHUECH GUIDE. e bldg. ; Patrice Leonard, 28 Carondelet; E. Sabourin, 14 Exchange pi. ; J. T. Whitaker, 28 Carondelet; F. A. Guyol, C. S. Rice, 46 St. Oharles. U. S. Asst. Treasury in Louisi- ana. CUSTOM HOUSE BLDG. P. P. Herwig, asst. treas. ; W. Simpson, cashier; C. C. Flanders, rec. teller; E. C. L. Herwig, bkpr. ; P. E. Bechtel, J. H. Aufdemorte, clerks ; Maurice Gailliard, porter; Jas. Scott, George Faust, watchmen. Special Agt. U. S. Treasury De- partment. CUSTOM HOUSE BLDG. D. A. Nevins, special agt. U. S. Internal Revenue Depart- ment. F. S. Newstadtl, U. S. Int. Revenue agent. FIRST COLLECTION DISTRICT OF LOUISI- ANA. Collector's office, Custom House, George Drury, collector; C. C. Tracey, special deputy col- lector ; A. J. Sexton cashier. United States Custom House. CANAL ST.. BET. DECATUR AND PETERS STREETS. Algernon S. Badger, collector; T. C. Anderson, special deputy collecor; J. D. Crawford, dep- uty collector; H. W. Hubbard, cashier; George L. Bloomfleld, auditor; Oscar Holt, chief entry elk.; J. M. Holland, chief elk.; David D. Smith, liquidating elk. List of U. S. Customs, Bonded Warehouses. James D. Kennedy, warehouse supt. ; William Duperu, messenger. CLASS 1. No. 1.— Custom House bldg. United States, pro- prietor. CLASS 3. No. 1.— 151 Fulton, near Julia, Montgomery Warehouse, C. A. Thiol, proprietor; H. E. De- Fuentes, storekeeper. No. 4.— Nos. 74 and 76 Peters street, 2d Dist. Importers, B. W. H. Co., proprietors; P. Creagh, storekeeper. CLASS 4. No. 3.- Transit Warehouse, 886 to 894 Tchou- pitoulas street, David Jackson, proprietor; Emile Detiege, storekeeper. No. 5.— 119 to 133 Front, Fisk Warehouse, James Jackson, proprietor; Emile Detiege, storekeeper. No. 8.— Water street, near Washington street. Manson's Salt Warehouse, David Jackson, pro- prietor; Emile Detiege, storekeeper. Surveyor's Office. p. B. S. Pinchback, surveyor of the port; Mar- shall J. Simms, deputy surveyor; F.W.Gib- son, chief clerk; Jules Guigesse, messenger. U. S. Special Inspectors ot For- eign Steam Vessels. F. S. Washington and William Golding, inspec- . tors. Custom House bldg. U. S. Supervising Inspector of Steam Yessels. Geo. L. Norton, supervisor. Custom House bldg. U. S. Board of Local Inspectors of Steam Vessels. James T. Butler, inspector of hulls; William Applegate, inspector of boilers; W. H. Riddle, assistant hull inspector; G. W. Moffett, assist- ant boiler inspector; Frank J. Otto, clerk. U. S. Construction Dept. John W. Glenn, supt. ; R. G.Ellis, chief clerk; Joseph W. Rowe, foreman. U. S. Marine Hospital. John Godfrey, service surgeon ; J. H. White and A. H. Glennan, assistant surgeons; office, Cus- tom House bldg. U. S. Shipping Commissioner. William Wright, Custom House bldg. U. S. Surveyor General's Office. James Lewis, surveyor general; Louis Palms' chief clerk; Arthur Gascon, draughtsman; N* A. Morano, B. J. Oliveira, John E. Breaux, H* Gascon, asst. draughtsman ; Joseph C. Brown» elk.; James Lewis, jr., recorder; Alex, Wil- liams, messenger. Weigher's Department. J. B. Wands, acting weigher; Louis A. Snaer, C. A. Harris, Raphael Douvillier, J. P. Ma- ritche, W. H. Williams, C. S. Abell, assistant weighers. Ganger's Department. Charles W. Keeting, U. S. gauger; C. C. An- toine, asst. ganger; Albert J. Kemp, marker; Thomas M. Kavanagh, clerk. Naval Office of the Port of New Orleans. A. J. Dumont, naval officer ; W. B. Smith, deputy naval officer; Wm. Starr, chief clerk; Joseph Presas, entry clerk; J. Weber, liquidating and manifest clerk; P. O. Labatut, warehouse bkpr.; Louis Smith, messenger. Appraiser's Office. Louis J. Souer, appraiser; Benj. J. Morey, A. F' Riard, asst. appraisers. Military. Depot Quartermaster's Office, U. S. A., Major J- W. Scully, quartermaster, 159 Camp. U. S- Commis^ary depot. Major F. F. Whitehead' 159 Camp. U. S. Engineer dept.. Major Amos Stickney, 3 S. Rampart. U. S. Paymaster's dept.. Major George R. Smith, paymaster, 159 Camp. Light House Department. United States Light House Dept., Commander B. F. Day, U. S. N., inspector, office, 37 Union, 1st Dist. ; Capt. Thomas Turtle, engineer in charge: office, 63 Carondelet. U. S. Consolidated Land Office. C. B. Dat rail, register; Morris Marks, receiver; F. L. Morgan, John Hogan and E. J. Wesche, clerks. Custom House bldg. Post Office at New Orleans. CUSTOM HOUSE BUILDING. Doors open from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. ; Sundays, general delivery, carriers, and box department and stamp window open from 9 A. M. to 12 M. ; OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 29 Money Order and Register Department, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.. Sundays excepted. Mails, via. Mobile R. R. close dnily at 5 P. M. ; via. Jack- son R. R. at 4:30 P.M. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. W. B. Merchant, postmaster; H. J. Carter, sec. and auditor; J. H. H. Taylor, cashier. GENERAL SUPERVISION. Joseph Indest, asst. postmaster. MAILING DEPARTMENT. J. E. Scott, superintendent. CITY DELIVERY DEPARTMENT. Geo. P. Wright, superintendent. REGISTRY DEPARTMENT. Charles H. Tessier, superintendent; Charles Lehman, receiving clerk. MONEY ORDER DEPARTMENT. W. H. Ellis, superintendent. Algiers Station. M. Feitel, supt. in charge— 67 Patterson, 5th Dist. Carrollton Station. L. F. Chalin, supt. in charge— St. Charles, cor- Carrollton av. Gretna Post Office. Mrs. A. H. Hildebranii, postmistress. STATE GOTERNMENT OF LOU- ISIANA. now located at BATON ROUGE, LA. Samuel D. McEnery, Governor. Clay Knobloch, Lieutenant Governor. Oscar Arroyo, Secretary of State. O. B. Steele. Auditor of Public Accounts. Edward A. B.irke, State Treasurer. Milton J. Cunninghan, Attorney General, 36 Ca- rondclet. New Orleans. Warren Easton, Superintendent of Public Edu- cation , offices at State House, Baton Rouge, La. (Subordinate to above.) BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION— W. H. Harris, Commissioner. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE— T. J. Byrd, Commissioner, Baton Rouge, La. STATE LAND, OFFICE— State Houie, James L. Lobdell, Register. STATE LIBRARY— Common, cor. Dryades.New Orleans, Mrs. Laura Baybi, Librarian, Mrs. Cecile Hamilton, asst. Librarian. STATE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS-Office, Camp, se. cor. Lafayette, New Orleans, Robert Brewster, Registrar. STATE ENGINEERS' OFFICE-Cntton Ex- change bldg. New Orleans, H. B. Richardson, Chief Engineer. State Tax Collectors. (City Districts.) 1st, 4th, 6th and 7th districts, James D. Hous- ton, collector, office, 77 Carondelet; 2d, 3d, and 5tM Districts, Charles Cavanac, collector, office, 203 Canal. Board of State and City Assessors. OFFICE, ROOM 15, CITY HALL. Edgar T. Leche, pres. ; J. C. Bach, A.M. Aucoin, J. B. Walton, P. Malochee, J. H. Finnegan, H. Tebbe, members. Board of Harbor Masters. OFFICE, ROOM 5, 187 GRAVIER. John Brewster, pres. ; R. W. Adams, sec. and treas. ; 1st District, H.Cain; 2d and 3d Dis- tricts, Jno. Brewster; 4th District, M. J. Shee- han ; 5th District, D. Burke. Meets daily at 12 o'clock. Judicial Department of the State of Louisiana. SUPREME COURT, Court House, Chartres Street, opposite Jackson Square. Hon. Edward Bermudez, Chief Justice; Hons. Felix P. Poche, Chas E. Fenner, Robt. B. Todd, Thomas C. Manning, associate justices; Geo. W. Diipre, elk.; first judicial district embrac- ing the parish and city of New Orleans. CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT. Court bldgs.. Camp. se. cor. Lafayette, SECTION A— Alfred Roman. Judge. SECTION B— Joshua G. Baker, Judee; James Barry, elk., Manuel C. Reyes, asst. elk. COURT OF APPEALS. Henrv B. Kelly, Frank McGloin, Judges. PARISH CIVIL DISTRICT COLTRT OF THE OF ORLEANS. DIVISION A— A. I>. Tissot, Judge. DIVISION B— W. T. Houston, Judge. DIVISION C— F. A. Monroe, Judire. DIVISION D— N. H. Rielilor, Judge. DIVISION E— H. L. Lazarus, Judge. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Lione Adams, district attorney ; Albert D. Hen- riques, asst. district attorney. Jury Commissioners. John L. Lewis, James T. Clarke, Charles F.Boyle Crimin;il Court bldg. Military Organizations. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE— 15 Orleans alley— Gen. G. T. Beauregard, adjl. gen'l. LOUISIANA STATE NATIONAL GUARD. Major Gen. John Glynn, jr.. commanding 1st Miliiary District and L. S. N. G. Brig. Gen. Ad. Meyer, commanding 1st Brigade. Col, George H. Lord. 1st Regiment Infantix Lient. Col. Jno. B.Richardson, Battalion Wash- ington Artillerv. Major Max Herrmann, New Orleans Light In- Caplain H. S. Palfrey. Crescent Rifles. INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONS. Continental Guards— Capt. 0. W. Drown. Orleans Artillery (5th Co.) Capt. A. Sambola. Board of Grain Inspectors. OFFICE, 17 ARCADE PL. James T. Belknap, in^iector. Board of Hay Inspectors. OFFICE, LEVEE, FOOT OF LAFAYEl STREET. William II. Merkel, pres. ; W. E. Clarke, sec. Board of Flour Inspectors. OFFICE, 33 POYDRAS. A. H. Isaacson, pres.; W. H. Andrews, sec. 30 ^ OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHUECH GUIDE. PLACES OF INTEREST FOR VISITORS TO SEE. Visitors to the city of New Orleans, who wish to visit the PRINCIPAIi PLACES OF INTEREST AND AMUSEMENT, will find the annexed list one that will prove an excellent guide. It in- cludes also the environs of New Orleans, which afford many agreeable retreats, and a visit to any or all of them will repay the pleasure seeker. Amusements— Theatrical, Opera, Etc. ACADEMY OF MUSIC— David Bidwell, Propr. and Manager, 90 and 92 St. Charles. FARANTA'S THEATRE— Bourbon, cor. Orleans streets. GRAND OPERA HOUSE— David Bidwell, Les- see and Manager, ns. Canal, bet. Dauphine and Burgundy. GRUNE WALD OPERA HOUSE— Baronne street, bet. Canal and Common. ST. CHARLES THEATRE— David Bidwell- Propr. and Manager, 102 St. Charles. THEATRE DE L'OPERA - (French Opera), Bourbon, cor. Toulouse. SAITER'S OPERA HOUSE— (Light Opera, Sum- mer Season only), at Spanish Fort, Lake End. WERLEIN THEATRE— Baronne, se. cor. Per- dido street. WEST END OPERA HOUSE — (Light Opera. Summer Season only), at West End, Lake End. Miscellaneous. WEST END, OR NEW LAKE END-Is one of the most frequented resorts on the shores of Lake Pontchartrain. Here are located some fine hotels, many splendid restaurants, saloons, boat houses, etc., and may be reached by the New Shell Road, a favorite drive, or by the steam trains of the New Orleans City & Lake Railroad Company; leaving from cor. Canal and Caron- delet street. During the summer season all kinds of amusements are to be seen here, such as opera, fine orchestra music, fire-works at stated times, etc., etc. SPANISH FORT— This has always been a point ol interest, owing to its associations, besides its historical interest and association with the land- ing of tiie defender and savior of our city, has • Other interesting associations extending far back into the colonial history of the State, and may be reached by the Old Shell Road, commenc- ing at Esplanade st. and Bayou bridge, or by the steam trains of the New Orleans, Spanish" Fort and Lake Railroad; depot, corner Canal and Ba- sin streets. In the spring and summer season there are many amusements tendered the public at this popular resort. Light Opera— having a fine Opera House erected for the occasion— or- chestra music, etc., flue hotels, restaurants, sa- loons, etc., are to be found here. MILNEBERG— Or, as it is more popularly known, the "Old Lake End," is the terminus of the Pontchartrain Railroad. It is directly on the banks of the Old Lake, ani( the cool air always prevailing, the sails, fishing and bathing to be enjoyed, make it a favorite resort with all who wish to enjoy the day away from the brick and mortar of the Crescent City. Take steam trains at Depot, cor. Elysian Fields and Esplanade streets. Carriage drive to this resort via. Span- ish Fort. (See under Drives.) CARROLLTON GARDENS -St. Charles, bet. Carrollton av. and Madison, 7th Dist. The trip to Carroliton is deservedly one of the most pop- ular excursions in the neighborhood of our city. The green cars from the corner of Canal and Baronne streets, onlv a short distance from the principal hotels and boai ding-houses, take pas- sengers through one of the pleasantest avenues, lined by palatial residences and smiling gardens to that suburban district of New Orleans. Here are situated the Carrollton Gardens, which for many years have been a favorite resort with our people, and a place much admired by strangers. The spacious walks are lined with the choicest flowers, whose bloom and fragrance are espe- cially attractive to those who come from the North, where snow and ice greet the eye on every band. SCHROEDER'S GARDENS— Short, ne. cor Levee, 7th Dist., formerly Carrollton. Take same cars as for Carrollton Gardens. HALF WAY HOUSE— Situated just over the bridge at the intersection of Canal street and the New canal (Metairie Ridge), and accessible by the Canal street cars, fare five cents each way. In the near neighborhood are the Metairie, Greenwood and others beautiful cemeteries, situated half way between the City and Lake End; here commences the New Shell road. MILTIMORS'S ROAD HOUSE-Situated on this side of the bridge and just before crossing. Accessible by, and surrounded same as Half Way House. Good stabling accommodations and fine liquid refreshments here. LOUISIANA JOCKEY CLUB— House and grounds located on Esplanade street, near Bayou St. John. An elegant club house and beautiful grounds for entertainment of visitors, etc. Take Esplanade street line of cars at Canal street. Louisiana Jockey Club Race Course, at site of former Fair grounds, Esplanade street, near Bayou St. Jonn. Spring and winter meetings given yearly under auspices of club, at which some of the finest stables in the country are rep- resented. Take Esplanade street line of cars at Canal street. FAIR GROUNDS— GentUly road east of Espla- nade street, now the new Louisiana Jockey Club race course. THE FRENCH MARKET-Is the largest mart in the South, ana no one is considered to be familiar with the city until he has been there. The best time to visit the market is in the morn- ings from 5 to 10 o'clock, and Sundays being the great day. It extends from St. Ann to Ursu- lines, between St. Peter and Decatur streets. A fine view is also to be seen here of the shipping, and of the Cathedral and Court House, Jackson Square, etc. Take horse cars in front of the Custom House, corner Canal and Decatur streets. CATHEDRAL AND COURT HOUSES— Situ- ated on Chartres street, between St. Peter and St. Ann. The St. Louis Cathedral. This ancient, sa- cred edifice stands a link between the far past and the present time, an object alike of veneration anii curiosity. The altars, three in number, are master-pieces of religious expression in their design. This grand old church will ever be an object of interest to the refined and cultivated, whether citizens or visitors. THE GULF SHORE— Persons wishing to spend a lew days on the Gulf shore, will find many pleasant resorts along the line of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Trains are run on the road to suit the convenience of those wishing to visit Biloxi, Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian, Mississippi City, Beauvoir, etc. .111 of these places f i ont the Gulf. Pass Christian has one of the handsomest sea-side hotels in the South, and Beauvoir is noted as the home of Jefferson Davis, exPressident of the Confed- eracy. All kinds of game abounds in the vicinity of these resorts, and the waters of the Gulf are tilled with every variety of fish. E AD'S JETTIES— A trip that many will find in- teresting, is to the famous Ead's jetties, at South Pass, 110 miles from the city, excursion boats leaving at intervals as per notice in daily paperse An excellent opportunity for viewing the larg. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 31 sugar and rice plantations and orange groves on this trip. LAKE PROTECTION LEVEE— Located at the New Lake or West End. NEW ORLEANS ROW BOAT CLUB— Located at West End. THE WORLD'S EXPOSITION— Opened on the 16th of December, 1884, and to remain open till May 31, 1885. The buildings, some of which are unusually handsome, located on the Upper City Park, a iieautiful tract of ground donated by the City Government for the purpose, and easily accessible to the centre of New Orleans by both land and water. The scope of the Exposi- tion is exceedingly large and in many respects will surpass the Centennial Exposition at Phila delphia. It is the only exposition since 1876 that has received the ofllcial authority and sanc- tion of the U. S. Government, and consequently is the only one that has obtained recognition from foreign powers. The cars of the Annunci- ation, Tchoupitoulas, Camp and Prytania, Canal and Coliseum, Carrollton and Magazine street lines run to the Park, leaving Canal street every five minutes, fare five cents each way, also steamboats will make trips at stated intervals, fave twenty-flve cents each way. EXPOSITION GROUNDS AND UPPER CITY PARK— Is a tract of land containing about two hundred and sixty-flve acres. It is splendidly located ; here are erected the buildings of the World's Exposition. The Park is bounded by St. Charles av., the river bank, and between Cal- houn and Walnut streets, and is about six blocks above Nashville av. ; accessible by same lines of cars as above, also by drive up St. Charles avenue, by boats on the Missis-ippi River, etc. LOWER CITY PARK— Fronting on the Met- airie road, between the old and new canals, contains an area of about half a square mile, and was bequeathed over twenty odd years ago to the city by the late John McDonogh. It is famous for'ihe live oak trees that grow within its limits, and is a favorite resort for pic nice, etc. J OAKLAND RIDING PARK -On New Shell road, near Metairie road, next to Half-Way House. CRESCENT PLEASURE PARK— Next to and joins the Oakland Park. SEAMEN'S UPPER BETHEL— Situated on St. Thomas street, near Jackson, 4th District. STEAMBOAT LANDING-Ou Levee, between Poydras and St. Louis. A fine view of the same from foot of (anal street, also shipping, etc., North and South beyond these bounds. STEAMSHIP LANDING— On Levee, between St. Joseph and Jackson streets, also on Levee, beyond St. Louis street to city limits. Here will be found some large steam and sailing vessels, stowing away in their capacious holds thousands of bales of cotton. To those who have never vis- ited a seaport, this is a very interesting opera- tion to witness. N. O. GRAIN ELEVATOR— Located on the river, at S. Water street, between Harmony and Pleasant. REVETMENT LEVEE— Located at West End, (Lake resort.) THE UNITED STATES MINT-Is al.-iO a place of much interest. It i-i located on Esplanade, cor. of North Peters street. Take cars properly marked on Canal street. UNITED STATES BARRACK8-A trip to the barracks is considered one of the pleasaniest excursions in the neighborhood of New Oi'leans. The distance from Canal street is about three and three quarter miles, and the whole distance may be accomplished by the street cars at the expense of five cents each way. The buildings used by the French government and afterwards I by the Federal authorities, as a barracks, were ' located on Chartres street, just below the pres- ent residence of Archbishop Le Ray. The pres- ent site was well chosen and the arrangements of the place are perfect and complete. Take cars properly marked on Canal street. THE U. S. CUSTOM HOUSE-Situated on Canal street, between Decatur and N. Peters streets, occupying one entire block. The Mar- ble Hidl on the second floor is considered one of the finest rooms in any public building, being entirely marble with many solid marble Cor- inthian columns making it a grand sight. From the top of this building a full view of the city can be had. THE POST OFFICE— Is situated on the gr lund floor of the Custom House building, main entrance facing Decatur street. THE FEDERAL CEMETERY— Known as "Chalmette" and as the "National Cemetery ,"is situated at Chalmette on the celebrated battle field where Gen'l Jackson almost destroyed the English under Gen'l Packenham, is situated about one and a half miles below the U. S. Bar- racks, from the original lookout where Jackson directed the movements of the Americans, and the entire field of action may be seen as well as the group of trees in the di-tanca where Pack- enham fell. The Cemetery takes in some por- tion of the field works ; and there are now buried over thirteen thousand soldiers of the late war, representing every State in the Union. It is as beautiful a spot as can be found in any part of the world. The surroundings are kept alive by our singing birds which abound in great num- bers, and flowers are in bloom all seasons of the year. This spot should be visited by all strang- ers coming to this city. The Levee and Bar- racks street cars, leaving Canal opposite the U. S. Customhouse, as well as the Rampart and Dauphine street line starting from Clay Statue, Canal street, run within a short distance of the Cemetery. Fare five cents each way; also ac- cessible by a drive down the River Bank and by the Steam Trains of the Shell Beach Railroad; depot, Elysian Fields, cor. St. Claude street. WASHINGTON ARTILLERY ARSENAL— This elegant building is situated on St. Charles street, between Julia and Girod streets, about seven blocks from Canal street, and has a front of 85 feet on both St. Charles and Carondelet street and runs through the square by straight lines 341 feet. CONTINENTAL GUARDS— Armory situated on Camp street, opposite the Lafayette square, about six blocks from Canal street, on the lower floor of the Odd Fellows' Hall, contains many relics of interest connected with the wars of 1776 and 1861, and is constantly visited by strangers. The guards at all times welcome strangers, and a visit to their armory is at all times made pleasant. TIMOTHY O. HOWE POST NO. 3, G. A. R.— 193 Gravier. This post i^ elegantly fitted up, and extends a cordial welcome to all strangers visiting the city. THE FIRE INSURANCE PATROL— No. 162 Julia street, between C^imn and St. Charles, and about eighth blocks from Canal street, acts in connection with the Fire Departement. This corps is noted for its rapidity of action, well trained horses and admirable discipline of its employes and also its well kept house. Strang- ers visiting the headquarters of this corps will be always well received and the full workings of the corps explained to them. NEW ORLEANS COTTON EXCHANGE— An elegant new building erected in 1882 at a cost of a quarter of a million, which is situated on Carondelet street, nw. cor. Gravier, was in- augurated in February, 1871, with a roll of 100 members, which, after dwindling down to about eighty, increased, under a system of daily news concerning the staple such as had never 32 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHUECH GUIDE. before been gotten up in this country, and the developement of its wise rules and regulations, to upwards of 400 COTTON PRESSES -These presses, whxh are located nearest to the business centre of the city, are in operation from about the 1st of Sep tember to the Istof June. Canal Street Pi'es^, ns. Canal, bet. Robertson and Claiborne, 2d Dist. Cooper's Press, S. Peters, cor. Thalia. Crescent City Press, Tchoupitoulas, bet. Robin and Race. Empire Press, Front, bet. Erato and Thalia. Fire Proof Press, S. Front, cor. Robin. International Press, S. Peters, cor. Gaiennie, Liverpool Press, Erato, bet. Delta and Front. PRODUCE EXCHANGE— Situated in Arcade Place, between Gravier and Natchez, and Maga- zine ai d Tchoupitoulas streets. A very con- venient and new building specially erected for the purpose of tliis Exchange. SUGAR EXCHANGE— Located on the Levee, foot of Bienville street, and two blocks north of Canal street. A new building suited to the pur- pose; erected 1883. STOCK EXCHANGE— 29 Carondelet street. AUCTIONEERS' EXCHANGE — Rotunda St. Charles Hotel, and 40 to 46 Magazine street. MECHANICS', DEALERS' AND LUMBER MEN'S EXCHANGE— 187 Gravier, between Ca- rondelet and Baronne streets. MEXICAN EXCHANGE-124 Common street, between Camp and St. Charles streets. THE PARISH PRISONS— These edifices, which are thrie stories high and built of brick, at a cost of about $200,000, are situated on north fide of Orleans street, between N. Liberty and Marais sti eets, occupying 123 feet on each, and a space of 139 feet between them. They are two in number, divided by a wide passage-way. The main liuilding has its principal entrance on Orleans i^treet, which is closed by strong iron doors. Tlie lower story is used as offices and apartments of the jailor. The second and tliird stories are used for piisoners, and are divided into large rooms. The biilding is surrounded by a pavilion with an alarm bell. Visiting days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 9 a. m. to 3K p. m. The Bayou Road, Dumaine and Dauphine street cars, on Canal street, run to the i>rison. Get off at Congo square. THE ICE MANUFACTORY— At 56 to 62 S. Front street, near Poydras, is worthy of a visit. SUGAR SHEDS— River Front, on Levee, at foot of Bienville street, two blocks north of Canal street. An interesting sight to those who wish to learn how the great staple of Louisiana is handled, etc. SLAUGHTER HOUSE— On North Peters, near City limits. This concern tends to killing most all the live stock slaughtered in New Orleans. CEMETERIES— Most worthv of a visit, will mention the Metairie, Firemen's and Greenwood Cemeteries, situated at Metairie Ridge, reacheo by the Canal atreet cars, and steam trains of N. O. C. & L. R. R. Co., from Clay statue on Canal street. In Greenwood is located the Confederate monument, erected by the ladies of New Or- leans. National Cemetery at Chalmette, reached by the Levee street cars, and a walk of about a mile on the river bank, or you can dispense with the walk by taking the trains of the Shell Beach R R. at depot, Elysian Fields and St. Claude streets] St. Louis Cemeteries, Nos. 1. 2 and 3, on Clai- borne, between Customhouse and St. Louis streets. (For full list of Cemeteries see last pages of Guide.) RESIDENCES— The private residences of New Orleans are generally models of comfort and artistic taste. Gardens filled with choice fiowers and rare plants are found in all quarters of the city. If the visitor wishes to see some of the palatial houses of the Crescent City, visit Esplanade, St. Charles, Coliseum, Prytani?, First, Second and other streets, and view as elegant and attractive residences as can be found in any city on this side of the Atlantic. PRINCIPAL HALLS AND BUILDINGS. CITY HALL— Corner of St. Charles and La- fayette streets, contains the different municipal business rooms, treasurer's oflice, lyceum, Coun- cil chamber and library, etc. It is a large, com- modious and handsome structure of brick, mar- ble and stone. The front is of the Grecian Doric order, and remarkable for the graceful beauty of its stately columns. TULANE HALL (formerly Mechanics' Insti- tute). — This substantial and stately building is on the east side of Dryades street, near Canal, and is one of the finest in the city, and is now occupied by the Academical Department of the University "of Louisiana. On the lower floor is the Fisk Free Library, which fine collection of books is open to the public at large. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. It was in this edifice that the State Senate ana House of Representatives met previous to the selection of the St. Louis Hotel for a State House. OLD MASONIC HALL, situated on St. Charles street, cor. of Perdido, and three blocks from Canal street. The Masonic Grand bodies and most of the Lodges occupy this centrally located building. NEW MASONIC HALI^(proposed), fronts St. Charles avenue, just above Lee Place, and is of large dimensions, having a front of 147 feet, depth 92 feet, and two winge 38 feet wide by 84 feet deep. The corner stone was laid February 15, 1872, with all the solemn and imposing rites of Masonic ceremonies. It is a very beautiful block of granite fiom the mountains of Georgia, and a present from the Grand Lodge of that State. ODD FELLOWS' HALL-Situated on Camp street, bet. Poydras and Lafayette, facine Lafay- ette Square. The lodge-rooms are said to be without equal- for arrangements and appoint- ments. The ground fioor is occupied as an armory by the famous Continental Guards. TOURO BUILDINGS— Located on the north side of Canal street, bet. Royal and Bourbon streets, and occupying the entire face of the square. Here are located the handsomest retail trade palaces in the city GRUNEWALD HALL — Now Grunewald Opera House, ws. Baronne, bet. Canal and Com- mon. WERLEIN HALL — Now Werlein Theatre, Baronne, se. cor. Perdido, three blocks from Canal street. PICKWICK CLUB— This magnificent build- ing is situated on the corner of Canal and Ca- rondelet streets, ami is one of the handsomest club buildings in America. For complete list of Halls and Buildings, see last pages of Guide. PUBLIC SQUARES. JACKSON SQUARE— Is a beautiful pleasure ground, bounded by Chartres, Decatur or Old Levee, St. Ann and St. Peter streets. It is the oldest public square in New Orleans, and is interesting, as well on account of its appear- ance as for its historical surroundings. This square was formerly called the Place d'Arms, but being selected as the site of the statue of Gen. Jackson, the old veteran's name was be- stowed on it, while its former cognomen was transferred to another of our ancient parks. tt OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 33 A bronze equestrian statue of Gen. Jackson, the most conspicuous object in the square, stands in the center.on ground elijthtly elevated, based on an enormous block of granite, and protected by a tasteful iron railing. The statue represents the stern old hero in the full dress uniform of his day, lifting his militai-y hat in salute, his ponderous sword hanging from his belt, and his left hand grasping the reins of his war steed, Divergina: from the statue in all directions are beautifully graded walks, bordered with the choicest flowers of the South, luxuriant vines and evergreenp, which at all seasons of the year present a pleasing picture to the eye. On the river front, a little di.-tance from the square, is the renowned French Market, and facing the square is the Cathedral. Take horse cars in front of the Custom House. LAFAYETTE SQUARE— Bounded by Camp, St. Charles, North and South streets, facing City Hall, and about six squares from Canal street, is a very handsome place. It is well laid oflf in regular walks, has also many handsome ti'ees. A statue of the philosopher, benjamin Franklin, is placed in the center of the square, m gift to ttie city from Charles A. Weed, at one time proprie tor of the New Orleans Times. LEE PLACE— Situated at intersection of St. Charles and Delord streets, and about eight squares from Canal (street, and formerly known as Tivoli Circle, has been erected the Lee Monu- ment, in memory of that illustrious General- Robert E. Lee. CLAY STATUE— Erected to the memory of Henry Clay, situated in the Neutral Ground at intersection of Canal street, St. Charles street and Royal street. MARGARET PLACE— Situated at junction of Camp and Prytania, and between Ca Hope and Clio streets. Erected here is the Margaret Monii • ment, in memory of Margaret Haughery, the orphan's friend. COLISEUM PLACE— Camp street, between Melpomene and Felicity streets. CONGO SQUARE— Now named Place d'Arms, situated on North Rampart street, between St. Peter and St. Ann streets, and six squares from Canal street. The Parish Prisons are located just in the rear of this square on Orleans street. ANNUNCIATION SQUARE —Annunciation Street, bet. Race and Orange streets. CLA"X SQUARE -Between Chippewa and .An- nunciation, Second and Third streets. BEAUREGARD SQUARE— Late Douglas Square, between Third and Washington avenue, Howard and Freiet streets. INDEPENDENCE SQUARE— Between Urqu- hart and N. Robertson, Spain and Music streets. KELLER SQUARE— Betwten Felicity and St. Andrew^ Freret and Howard streets. LAWRENCE SQUARE— Between Magazine and Camp, Napoleon avenue and Berlin streets. McCarthy square- Between N. Rampart and Burgundy, Pauline and Jeanna streets. WASHINGTON SQUARE— Between Royal and Dauphine, Frenchmen and Elvsian Fields streets. DRIVES. (When in good condition.) The favorite drive for the majority of visitors is on the Shell road to the New Lake End, via. Canal street, known as West End loute. out Canal street to the Metairie Ridge, wtiert^ numer- ous cemetries are located, crossing the bridge over the New Orleans Canal, facing the most handsome of ail the cemeteries known as the Metairie. Here commences the famous Shell road, terminating at the lake. Another most enjoyable drive is by Washing- ton avenne, going up St. Charles street, passing Lee Place, and some of the most palatial resi- dences of the city, till the avenue is reached. The route to Carrollton is directly up St. Charles street and avenue, through the pleas- antest vicinities in the city. Another very pleas- ant drive to Carrollton i'- to follow St. Charles avenue as far as Napoleon avenue, through that avenue and up the i iver bank. One of the most rural in surroundings of our drives is that over the old Metairie Ridge road, out Canal street to the Half- Way House ; to the right, pass directly forward between the house and the Metairie cemetery, down to the bridge. Here take the ro^ul towards the city, which leads through beautiful scenes to the rear of and above Carrollton, down the river bank to Na- poleon avenue, thence to St. Charles i-treet. Gentilly Road— Canal to Claiborne street, down that street to Esplan;ide, thence to Gentilly road, and along the road for about three miles, pass- ing the Fair Grounds and Jockey Club House and grounds. A most interesting drive is down the river bank, passing immen-e cotton presses, all in full working order. The United States Barracks and the Ursuline Convent can botii be visited by this route. The student of history will naturally wish to visit the b.ittle ground, where glorious Old Hickory and his men achieved their victory. Clialmette is about five and three-quarter miles below the city, and a very pleasant method of reaching is by a drive down the river bank. Al- so the Shell Beach R. R. runs trains to the Cemetery from depot, corner of Elysian Fields and St. Claude ^treets. Among the many ways of reaching the Fair Grounds is that of driving out Canal street to Broad, thence to Esplanade, and down the latter street to this delightful resort. Broad is a shell road, and is in excel'ent condition, while Espla- nade is one of the most spacious and elegant avenues in the city. By continuing out Espla- nade street to the Bayou bridge, and before crosi^ingr, turn to your right and you are on the old Shell Road, a very nice drive is this, the terminus being at the Spanlsh Fort -Lake End —thence by a new shell road from Spanish Fort to Milneburg, which is now rebuilt. Splendid accommodation for carriages at any time at Washington Hotel. THE CRESCENT CITY'S PECU- LIARITIES. The first ))eculiarity noticeable is the CHARACTER OF THE SOIL. The city is built on a vast plain, which has simply undergone, during ages immemorial, the various changes which the alluvial deposits of the mighty river have wrought. It may not be out of place to mention the geological theory that an arm of the sea formerly extended to Cairo, or the prognostication that the children of ages to come will see Havana and New Orleans connected by rail; for the work of de- posit still goes on, and in the city the river has left a record yet within the reach of memory. The Custom House was, when started to be built, almost at the water's edge, and Tchoupitoalas street was formerly a marshy bank of the Missis- sippi. Today both stand removed from the river by the intervention of the highest land in the city, and the distance is from five to six hun- dred yards. On soil like this, simply rich, allu- vial mud, it is wonderful that such heavy edifices can be built; but practical buiMers, who know how to manage it, say that foundations are much better ihan thev are credited, Very few well constructed buildings have cracked walls. True, some very heavy ones, notably the Custom House, have sunk; but when fully settled they are fixtures forever. THE DRAINAGE OF THE CITY is peculiar, for unlike other places fronting on rivers the sewerage rnns from, instead of to, the water, and the wharves are the highest points of 34 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. land. To the eye this latter fact is not percepti- ble, but it is nevertheless true that the fall back is some three feet to the mile; and the observer at Hagan avenue, about the lowest district in the city, looks up at the riyer some nine feet. This fact is thought to be a source of danger, yet the city, within the past two years, has successfully withstood two unprecedented floods. STREETS AND NUMBERS are perplexing in the extreme. The plain con- tinuation of many streets have different names, and formerly, before city legislative action, a stranger would be exceedingly amused to find himself on a strange thoroughfare, though he had never deviated from the one on which he started. Even when the Council changed the name of one of these continuations, the old Cre- oles, their children and children's children, con- tinue to call it by the ancient name. Thus we hear of Greatmen, Love and Bagatelle streets to this day, in face of the fact that the lamp signs for years have been Dauphine, North Rampart and Bourbon. The numbers have always been independent, and have evidently, in some cases, been affixed upon the convi -tions or fancies of property holders, rather than by the result of surveyors' lines. You may live at 403, and your vis-a-vis will, likely as not, be 320. You may live at 310, and your next door neighbor ten feet away, be 340; and, ugain. a block will contain but two houses, and the numbers on the gates be respectively 232 and 234, though the resi- dences be at the corners of the square. Except in the business portion of the city, it is quite a little jaunt to walk the distance covered by a hundred numbers. \Yhen some of these large intervening spaces, now covered by a single number, are built up, it will be a sweet task to de-ignate the numbers of the new building in the directory. HOW THE PEOPLE LIVE. Start with the poorer and laboring classes, and it is no unwarranted assertion that they are more comfortable than in anv other large city of the world. There are no sqnalid, disease-breed- ing tenement houses here. The system is un- known. There is plenty of room; and, however humble he may be, a man can have a cottage to himself and family. Distance and car fare make rents only moderate; anl, if in the suburbs the householder has a little garden or yard to his home. Excellent markets, and notably the ires. ; Frederick Wintz, gen'l supt.; W. E. Leverich, sec. The following lines are oper- ated by this company: Camp and Prytania Line — Starts from Clay Statue up Camp and Prytania to Upper City Park and Exposition Grounds. Returns by OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 36 Prytania and Camp to Canal street; yellow cars, at night red light; leaving starting point every 5 minutes until 10 p. m., then every 15 minutes until midnight; after midnight every hour until 5 a. m. Canal Street iinc— Starts from Clay Statue out Canal to Cemeteries. Returns by same route ; green cars, at night white light; leaving every 7K minutes for station on White street, and for end of route every 15 minutes until mid- night. Canal Street Steam Bailway— Starts from cor. Canal and Carondeletto Cemeteries and West End, returns same route. Esplanade Street Xfjie— Starts from Clay Statue out Canal, Rampart, Esplanade to Louisiana Jockey Club race course. Returns same route ; yellow cars, at night red light; leaving start- ing point every 5 minutes until 9 p. ni., then everv 30 minutes until midnight; after mid- night every hour until 5 a. m. Esplanade and Bayou Bridge iine— Starts from the bridge across Hayou St. John, and runs to the bridge across the New Canal at Metairie road. Returns same route. Esplanade and French Market Line — Starts from the Custom House, Canal, North Peters, Deca- tur and Esplanade, to Fair Grounds and Bayou bridge. Returns by same route; yellow cars, at night red light ; leaving starting j)oint every 8 minutes until 10 p. m., then every 30 min- utes until midnight. Levee and Barracks— Starts from the Custom House, North Peters, Lafayette av., Chartres and Poland to station (here take Barracks cars for Barracks and Slaughter house without extra fare.) Returns by Poland, Royal, La- fayette av.. North Peters and Canal; green cars, at night red light; leaving starting point every 5 minutes until 10 p. m., then every 30 minutes until midnight. Magazine Street Line— Starts from Clay Statue up Camp and Magazine to Upper City Park and Ex|tosition Grounds. Returns by Maga- zine and Canal ; green cars, at night white light; leaving starting point every 2 minutes from 5 a. m. to 9 a. m. ; every 3 minutes from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. ; every two minutes from 3 p. m. to 7 p. m., and every 5 minuies from 7 p. m. to midnight; after midnight every hour until 5 a. m. Rampart and Dauphine Ztne— Starts from Clay Statue, Canal, Rampart, Esplanade, Dauphine and Poiland to station (here take Barracks cars for Barracks and Slaughter house, without extra fare.) Returns by Rampart and Canal; red cars, at night while" light; leaving starting point every 5 minuies unlil 10 p. m., then every 15 minutes until midnight; after mid- night every hour until 5 a. m. Barracks and Slaughter house Line — Starts from station, Rampart, cor. Poland; Poland, Dau- Ehine, Delery and North Peters to Slaughter ouse. Returns by North Peters, Flood, Dau- phine and Poland; red cars, at night white light; leaviner starting point everv 15 minutes until 7 p. m., then every 30 minutes until mid- night. NEW ORLEANS AND CARROLLTON RAIL- ROAD COMPANY— Office, 17 Baronne; W. VanBenthuysen, pres. ; W. V. Crouch, sec and treas. ; C. V. Haile, supt. The following lines are operated by this company: Carrollton iine— Starts from Baronne and Canal, up Baronne to Delord, and out St. Charles avenue to Exposition Grounds and Carrollton. Steam power ilummy engine from Napoleon av. Fare collected from this point to Carrollton. Returns same route ; green cars, at night green light; leaves starting point every 5 minutes until 9 p. m., then every 15 minutes nntil mid- night. Jackson Street £i«e -Starts from Baronne and Canal, up Baronne, down Delord, out St. Charles avenue and down Jackson to Gretna Ferry Landing. Returns same route ; red cars, night red light ; leaves starting point every 5 at minutes until 9 p. m., then every 15 minutes until midnight. ORLEANS RAILROAD COMPANY— Office, at station, Laharpe, cir. White; Henry Larquie, pres.; Peter Cougot, sec. The following lines are operated by this company: Canal, Dumaine and Bayou St. John Line — Starts from Clav Statue, out Canal, Dauphine, Du- maine, Bayou St. John and Grand Ri>ute St. John to station, Laharpe street. Returns by Broad, Ursulines (every 15 minutes a car on this line returns by St. Peter st.). Burgundy and Canal; blue cars, at night blue light; leaving starting point every 5 minutes until midnight. Canal, Dumaine and Fair Grounds iine— Starts irom Clay Statue, out Canal, Dauphine, Du- maine and Broad to station and Fair Grounds. Returns by Broad. Ursulines (every 15 minutes a car on this line returns by St. Peter St.), Burgundv and Canal; green cars, at night green light; leaving starting point every 5 minutes until midnight. French Market Line— Starts from Decatur, cor- Dumaine, out Dumaine and Broad to station and Fair Grounds. Returns by Broad, Ursu- lines and Decatur; red cars, at night red light; leaving starling point every 5 minutes until 9 p. ni., then every 15 minutes until midnight. ST. CHARLES ST. RAILROAD COMPANY— Office, Eighth, cor. Carondelet street; Alden MrLeilan, pres.; Vincent Riviere, sec. The following lines are operated by this company: Jackson R. B. Line -Starts from head of Ely- sian Fields, up Koyal, St. Charles. Delord, Dryades and Clio to Jackson R. R. Depot. Returns by Erato, Carondelet, Bourbon, Es- planade and Decatur; red cars, at night red light; leaves starting point every 5 minutes until 9 p. m., then every 15 minutes until midnight. Rampart Line— Starts from Clay Statue, up St. Charles, Delord, Dryades, St. Andrew and Ba- ronne to station on Eighth street. Returns by Baronne, Dryades, Rampart and Canal ; green cars, at night green light; leaves starting point every 5 minutes until 9 p. m., then every 15 j minutes until midnight. Carondelet Street £ine— Starts from Clay Statue, up St. Charles, Delord tmd Baronne to station on Eighth street. Returns by Carondelet and Canal ; white cars, at night while light; leaves starting point every 5 minutes until 9 p. m., then every 15 minutes until midnight. FOREIGN CONSULS AND CON- SULAR AGENTS AT NEW ORLEANS. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC— John O. Bigelow, vice-consul, 179 Common. AUSTRIA HUNGARY— Baron Meysenbug, con- sul, 71 Carondelet. BELGIUM— Anton J. R. Landauer, consul, 43 Carondelet. BOLIVIA— Joseph P. Macheca, consul, 11 S. Front. BRAZIL— AUain Eustis, vice-consul, 11 Dau- phine. COSTA RICA— J. A. Quintero, consul, 66 Camp. DANISH— H. F. Klumpp, consul, 42 Union, Ist Dist. 36 <'FF1("IAL. SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. f, FRANCE— I'aul d'Alizac, consul-grneral, 195 Oravier. GERMAN EMl'IUE-Joliu Krultschiiitt, consul. 44 Uuiou, Isi l>i.^t. GREAT BKITAIN - A. ile G. dc Fonblanque, Consul, 13 Caioiiflfli't GREECE^N. M. BeiDi.lii, consul, 53 Caionde- let. GUATEMALA -E. Martinez, consul, 77 Curlom- house. HONDURAS— L. M. Avendauo, consul, 155 Common. ITALY— M. C. Marefoschi, consul, 84 Conti. MEXICO— J. Francisco deZamacona, consul, 13 Commercial pi. NETHERLANDS— Adolph Schreiber, consul, 61 Carondelet. NORWAY AND SWEDEN— B. F. Bengtson. vice-consul, "I" Gallier court. PORTUGAL-Pedro Soils, consul, 5 Oommer- Clal pi. RUSSIA — J. F. Sclirodei', consul, 62 Baronne. SAN SALVADOR- Em. Martinez, consul, 77 Custpuihousc. SPAIN— Arturo Baldasano y Topete, consul ; Pedro Soils, vice-consul, 5 Commercial pi. SWITZERLAND— Emile Iloehn, consul, 63 UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA— Em. Mar tinez, consul, 77 Customhouse. VENEZUELA— Em. Martinez, consul, 77 Cus- tomhouse. HOSPITALS & INFIRMARIES. Hospitals. CHARITY HOSPITAL— Common, bet. Howard and Locust. Board of Administrators — The Governor of the State, ex-oflicio pres. of Board; Dr. Thomas Lajton, John T. Gibbons, Charles Lafltte, Samual Boyd, H. W. Fair- child, Richard Sinnott, Henry Baldwin and Dr. C. J. Bickham. Officers- Dr. A. B. Miles, house surgeon; Dr. David Jau.ison, asst. hoqse surgeon ; Edwin Marks, sec. and treas. ; John Johnson, apothecary; J. C. DeMahy, clerk; John Ponder, engineer; Dr. H. D. Schmidt, pathologist; b. ."5. Carlisle, attorney. Pay ward.1, $1 pei' i)ay. HOSPITAL DE LA ST. FxVMILLE FOR COL- ORED WIDOWS— Francois Lacroix, supt., 40 St. Bernard av. HOTEL DIEU— Common, bet. Bertrand and S. Johnson. Ur. Frede.i> k W. Parbam, attend- ing physician and surgeon. LUZENBURG HOSPITAL -431 Elysian Fields. SMALL POX HOSPITAL— South Hagau av. bet. Canal and Common. Inflrmaries. CIRCUS STREET INriRMARY-132 and 134 S. Rampait, 1st Dist. CAMP NICHOLLS' SOLDIERS' HOME— Bayou St. John, near foot Esplanade. W. H. Rogers, pres.; A. J. Lewis, sec. ; J. H. Murray, treas. INFIRM^VRY OF THE SISTERS OF CHARITY— Hotel Dieu, Common, bet. Betrand and S. Johnson. Dr. F. W. Parham, attending phy- sician and surjjeon. TOURO INFIRMARY— Pry lania, bet. Amelia and Delachaise. Dr. F. Loeber, surgeon. Chamber of Commerce. Meets first Tuesday of each month at 48 Caron- delet. R. S. Howard, pres. ; W. M. Burwell, sec. and treas. COMMITTEES. EXECUTIVE BUSINESS A. Baldwin, chair- man. APPEALS— William Hartwell, chairman. LEGISLATION— W. W. Howe, chairman. MANUFACTURERS- A. A. Maginnis, chairman. COMMERCE— W. M. Bui-well, chairman. FREIGHTS AND TRANSPORTATION— W. H. Matthews, chairman. LEVEE AND RIVER IMPROVEMENTS-Louis Bush, chairman. GRAIN AND WESTERN PRODUCE— A. J. Gomila, cliairman. IMMIGRATION— F. Rickert, chairman. Board of Underwriters. Meets 1 12u and 122 Common street, first Tues- day of every month. E. A. Palfrey, pres.; George Mather, sec. New Orleans Cotton Exchange. CARONDELET, N. W. COR. GRAVIER ST. Charles E. Black, pres.; Pierre Poutz, sr., vice- pres. ; Adolphe Schreiber, treas.; Henry G. Hester, sec. and supt.; R. H. Lea, asst. sec; Alfred Beitus, asst. supt.; R. C. Kerr, sec. supervision dept. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. H. A. Frederic, Ad. Meyer, S. O. Thomas, Robert Loeliger, Paul Schwarz, John M. Parkei, I.E. Glenny, A. Brittin, E. Puech, R. M. Walmsley, Lucas E. Moore. H. F. 0. Schaefer. STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE— Ad. Mey*r,ch..irman; R. M. Walms- ley, H. F. C. Schaefer. SUPERVISION- Pierre Poutz, Sr., chairman; H. A. Frederic, S. O. Thomas, Jno. M. Parker, R. Loeliger. MEMBERSHIP— Newton Buckner, chairman; J. D. Peet, R. E. Craig, Gilbert H. Green, A. Delvaille. STATISTICS— Jas. A. Renshaw, chairman; J. G. Hazard, Jas. Lea McLean, E. M. Housel, W. A. Pcale, R. S. Day, J. P. Dobbins. CLASSIFICATION AND QUOTATIONS— Wm. Muller, (Chairman; J. Seuzeneiu, C.Hanson, Jas. H. Allen, Victor Meyer, E. AUgeyer, E. Overbeck. ARBITRATION— A. B. Cammack, chairman; W. C.C.Claiborne, L. F. Berje, Henry Beer, W. B. McLean, W. C. Flower, Jno. W. Labouisse, L. T. Turner, Robt. Maxwell. BOARD OF APPEALS— John Phelps, chairman ; T. L. Airey, E. Allgeyer, Gilbert H. Green, A. J. R. Landauer. FLOOR— C. Dillingham, chairman; J. D. Peet, Frank Emmett, C.P.Ellis, C. C. Labouisse, Louis Beer, E. R. Violetl. PROTECTION OF SHIPPING— A. J. R. Lan- dauer, chairman; H. Meletta, A. Moulton, A. Le Blanc, S. A. Moiitz, E. Overbeck, M.J. Smith. FUTURES— Jno. W. Labouisse, chairman ; Peter Hellwege, I. E. Glenny, A. Brittin, P. Schwarz, A. E. Bignon, E. H. Bright, H. Roehl, Geo. A. Hero. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 37 ARBITRATION ON FUTURES— I. E. Glennv, chairman; R. G. Bush, F. Liipeyre, W. T. Williams, Herm. Roehl, Frank Emmett, P. Labouisse. APPEAL ON FUTURES -Sam'l H. Buck, chair- man; W. F. Pinckard, A. Violett. J. D. Hay- ward, Paul Schwarz. APPEAL COMMITTEE ON CLASSIFICATION — H. A. Frederic, chairman ; A. Phelps, Geo. E. Apps, J. Mazerat, C. Hanson, C. L. De Fuentes, Victor Meyer, H. Leopold, J. Seuzen- eau. SUPERVISORY— D. Dohh', chairman; J. D. Peet. E M. Housel, A. Delvaille, G. A. Hero. INSURANCE— A. H. May, chairman; I. Scherck' W. H. Chatfe. TRADE— Henry Newman, chairman; Jas. H. Allen. W. H. Ziegler, Geo. Hartley, F. B. Hoff- man. CREDITS AND LEGISLATION— Jno. Chaffee, chairman ; E. Borland, S. H. Kennedy, E. Von Meysenbug, Hy. Abraham. FREIGHTS— A. K. Miller, chairman; C. Wer- nicke, R. Loeliger, E. Dobell, A. Le Blanc, F. M. Hall, J. M. Dixon. TRANSPORTATION— Ashton Phelps, chairman ; Wm. Blake, F.Mueller, F. T. Copp, Jas. H. Allen. EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS— E. Bertus, chair- man; J. O. Bigelow, D. Dohle. RULES— S. O. Thomas, chairman; R. G. Bush, F. Lapeyre, W. B. McL'an, A. Brittin. FUTURE TELEGRAMS — H. F. C. Schaeler, chairman; E. M. Housel, J. Leberrauth. MIS-ISSIPPI RIVER IMPROVEMENTS— J. H. Oglesby, chairman ; A. H. May, J. M. Parker, A. K. Miller, B. D. Wood, COTTONSEED PRODUCTS— Gilbert H. Green, chairman; A. G. Ober, J. Aldige, Jno. Chaffe, J. H. Maginnis. ARBITRATION COTTON SEED PRODUCTS - A. T. Jauiu, chairman; W. H. Chaffe, J. B. Lallande. ARBITRATION COMMITTEE, OIL CAKE, MEAL AND ASHES— Sam. Simpson, chair- man; J. H. Duggan, A. T. Janin, J. Aldige, Jno. Stewart. CHIEF SUPERVISOR— T. O. Sully. CHIEF LEVEE INSPECTOR— J. H. McCartney. CHIEF HARBOR PROTECTION POLICE -M. J. Farrell. Ex- New Orleans Auctioneers' change. ROTUNDA ST. CHARLES HOTEL. New Orleans Produce Exchange. 44 RL-^GAZINE. E. K. Converse, pres.; David Talmage, vice- pree.; 11. H. Smith, sec; G. P. Harrison, treas. ; John I. Adams, E. F. DelBondi'>, Thomas J. McMillan, P. A. Villermin and N. D. Wallace, directors. COMMITTEES. FINANCE— F. O. Trepagnier, W. H. Matthews, O. Elmer, Geo. Q. Whitney, W. F. Tutt. APPEALS— Julius Vairin, Adolphe Schreiber, H. J. Vose, J. J. Gidiere, F. Roder. ARBITRATIONS- R. S. Howard, W. T. Bene- dict, E. F. Kohnke, Hugh McCloskey, John T. Gibbons. RICE ARBITRATIONS— G. A. Lanaux, Emile Dupre, W. H. Lloyd, L. Bernos, I. Levy. MEMBERSHIP-F. J. Levis, R. Dupre, A. Bloom, J. T. r.rodnax, W. A. Gordon. INFORMATION AND STATISTICS— J. T. Bel- knait, R. B. Jones, Jno. U. Koiit, F. Ernst, C. H. Allen. TRANSPORTATION— A. J. Gomila, W. Marks, J. G. Morey, B. D. Wood, R. H. Cliaffe. WAREHOUSE SUPERVISION— Hugh O'Don- nell, J. C. Finney, H. Delery, F. E. Neelis, J. G. Parham. TELEGRAPH AND SIGNAL SERVICE— L. H. Fiirchild, H. H. Smith, A.Leduc, Geo. McClos- key, Samuel J. Kohlman. LEGISLATION— A. J. Gomila, C. E Slayback, G. C. Sebastian. FLOOR— Samuel J. Kohlman, S. A. Trufant, O. V. Fernandez, James Hughes, li. Bernos, E. T. Manning. CALL BOARD— C. Dillingham, G. E. Maxent, II. Delery, C. D. Barker, G. H. Venard, J. B Vail Horn, A. J. Vandegriff. GRAIN— Jno. T, Gibbons, J. B. Camors, B. T. Beiigtson, F. J. Otlendahl, Geo. E. Sears, J. H. Hanna, J. Eldenheim. FLOUR— Geo. E. Conrtin, Rich.ird Harris, Jac. Trautmaii, G. B. Matthews, S. A. Trufant. PROVISIONS— M. Schwabaoher, J. B. Van Horn, S. Pfeifer, H. Delery, O. Elmer. RICE— B. M. Pond, Henry Baldwin, J. V. Micolo, C. J. Bier, C. H. Stewart, H. J Roman, C. M. Murray, Sam. Carey, J. D. Barton. SUGAR— Wm. B. Schmidt, Jno, T. Moore, jr., D. R. Calder, A. W. Bosworth, E. P. Brugere, P. L. Godchiiux, B. M. Ring. COFFEE— E. P. Cottraux, G. R. Westfeldt, J. B. Siiinott, Jno. T. Moore, jr., Jas. Clarke. COTTON SEED PRODUCTS— E. T. Manning, Jno. H. Maeinnis, Jules Aldige, W.H. Chatfe, Branch M. King, Jno. Stewart, J. H. Kendall, S. Simpson, J. H. Duggan, J. M. Wiuship.I'.en. W. Hope. TRADE— E. Le Breton, F. Dolhonde, W. R. P. Huey, M. L. Hudgins, James LcRendre. New Orleans Stock Exchange. 29 CARONDELET. Isidore Newman, sr., pres. ; E. Chassagniol, vice- pres. ;F. A. Lee, 2d vicepres.; A. A. Brins- niade, sec. ; J. O. Bigelow, treas. COMMITTEES. ARBITRATION— H. W. Connor, chairman; H. A. Le Sassier, L. Joubert, J. L. Herwig, T. S. Barton. BOND— Henry Bier, chairman; George Le Sas- sier, L. De Buys, C. L. C. Dupuy, H. O. Seixas. FINANCE— P. Hellwege, chairman ; M. F. Bonis, C. H. Hyams. QUOTATIONS— H. W. Brown, chairman; El- more Dufour, G. H. Shotwell, W. E. Huger, H. Neusass. MEMBERSHIP— W. 8. Devan, chairman ; E. W. C. Maybin. J. W. Fairlix, Jacob Newman, A. Jardet, L. E. Lemarie, A. Willoz, J. M. Seixas, C. W. Miltenberger. Mechanics', Dealers' and Lumber- men's Exchange. 187 GRAVIER STREET. Charles Garvey. pres.; Thos. Hasam, jr., sec. Future delivery calls at 12 M. each day. 38 OFFICIAL SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. Mechanics' Exchange Association. 85 ST. CHARLES STREET. M. M. Bell, pi es. ; Hugh Breen, sec. Mexican, Central American and 8onth American Commercial Exchange. 124 COMMON. Pearl Wight, pres. ; Charles de Vaiix, sec. New Orleans Fruit Exchange. 41 SOUTH FRONT. Clearing House. NEW ORLEANS CLEARING HOUSE ASSO- CIATION— 31 Camp. J. H. Oglesby, pres.; Isaac N. Maynard, sec. and manager. BANKING INSTITUTIONS. {For full particulars, directors, etc., see Bank and Insurance Department, page 821, City Directory.) INCORPORATED COMPANIES. {Companies not in this list will be found under proper heading in Business Directory.) AMERICAN HOMESTEAD COMPANY— Ernest Miltenberger, pres.; fc. O. Dncros, sec, office, 136 Gravier. BRUSH ELECTRIC LIGHT '..—Office. 38 Union, 1st Dist. ; Charles E. Black prea. ; S. H. Bell, sec. and treas. CARONDELET CANAL AND NAVIGATION, CO.— Office, Toulouse, sw. cor. Villere. B. Saloy, pres. ; H. Huard, sec. CRESCENT CITY WRECKING CO. — Burris Buck & Co. managers, office, 148 Common. CRESCENT NEWS AND HOTEL CO.— 8. Hern- sheim, pres. ; W. C. Faust, treas. ; E. A. Weeks, sec. and gen'l manager, 158 Common. GULF SHOT AND LEAD CO.— Frank Kennedy, pres. ; E. L. Ranlett, sec, St. Joseph, cor. Constance. INSURANCE OIL TANK CO.— Office, 95 and 97 Gravier. C. B. Peltit, pres. JEFFERSON CITY GAS LIGHT CO.— Joseph Hernandez, pres. ; L. W. Fournier, sec. ; H. V. Barringer, supt., St. Charles av. cor. Napoleon av., office, 181 Common. LOUISIANA FIBRE WORKING CO.— Office, 97 . Poydras. E. K. Converse, pres. ; J. W. Noyes. sec. and treas. LOUISIANA LEVEE CO.— Office, 20 Kenner block. John Henderson, pres.; M. A. Tarleton, sec. LOUISIANA SUGAR EXCHANGE— Edward J. Gay, pres. ; D. D. Colcock. sec, office, Front, cor. Bienville. LOUISIANA SULPHUR MINING CO.— Duncan F. Kenner, pres. ; M. A. Tarleton, sec, office, 20 Kenner block. NEW ORLEANS COTTON PRESS ASSOCIA- TION— Office, 167 Gravier. J. C. Denis, pres. ; H. D. Hopkins, sec. and treas. NEW ORLEANS COTTON SEED ASSOCIA- TION— Office, 4 Delta. Henry Marx, sec. and manager. NEW ORLEANS ELEVATED RAILWAY— F. de Funiak, pres. ; Henry Shaw, vice-pres. and supt., office, 36 Carondelet. NEW ORLEANS GASLIGHT COMPANY— Of- fice, Baronne, cor. Common. Duncan F. Ken- ner, ires Victor Vail is, sec. NEW ORLEANS REFRIGERATION AND MNFG. CO.— C. H. Lawrence, pres.; I. S. West, sec. and treas., St. Joseph, cor. Delta. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR SHED COMPANY— Office, foot of Bienville. Jules A. Blanc, pres.; John B. Bahiin, sec. NEW ORLEANS WATERWORKS COMPANY— Albert Baldwin, pres. ; L. H. Gardner, supt.; R. L. Macmurdo, sec, St. Charles, cor. Perdi- do. PEOPLE'S HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION— Of- fice, 138 Gravier. T. B. Roach, pre8.;B. S. Twichell, sec. ; J. H. De Grange, treas. SOUTHERN MNFG. & EXPORTING CO.— A. Baldwin, pres.; George H. Braughn, sec. and treas., Tchoupiloiilas, bet. Philip and Sora- paru. Office, 81 St. Charles. THE WORLD'S INDUSTRIAL AND COTTON CENTENNIAL EXPOi?ITION — Office, 164 Gravier. E.Richardson, pres. ; Samuel Mul- len, supt. iiistallalion ; Richard Nixon, sec; John B. Lafitte, treas. ; E.A.Burke, director general; F. C. Morehead, commissioner gen- eral. INSURANCE COMPANIES. {For full particulars, directors, etc., see Bank and Insurance Department, page 821 City Directory.) CHURCHES. Baptist. AMIAZION CHURCH (colored)— Deslonde, bet. Burgundy and Rampart. AUSTERLITZ STREET CHUkCH— es. Auster- lilz, bet. Constance and Magazine. Rev. G. W. Walker, pastor. CARROLLTON CHAPEL— Clinton, cor. Second, 7th Dist. COLISEUM PLACE CHURCH— Camp, cor. Terp- sichore. Rev. S. Landrum, pastor. FIFTH AFRICAN CHURCH— Hownrd, [bet. .Jackson and Philip. Rev. Henry White, pas- tor. FIFTH EQUAL RIGHTS CHURCH— 166 Val- lette, 5lh Dist. Rev. Charles Matthews, pastor. FIRST AFRICAN CHURCH— 224 Howard. Rev. Alexander Armstrong, pastor. FIRST AFRICAN CHURCH -Gretna. Rev Richard Frazier, pastor. FIRST AFRICAN CHURCH No. 2— Gretna. Rev. James Craig, pastor. FIRST CHURCH— Magazine, cor. Second. Rev* M. C. Cole, pastor. FIRST FREE MISSION CHURCH (colored)— 371 Common. Rev. A S. Jackson, pastor. FIRST FREE MISSION CHURCH— 51 Lapey- rouse. Rev. Andrew Wagner, pastor. FIRST FREE MISSION CHURCH— Broadway, bet. Market and Magazine. Rev. Burnett Brown, pastor. FIRST FREE MISSION CHURCH— Adams, bet. Burthe and Third, 7th Dist. Rev. Guy Beck, pastor. GOOD HOPE SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH— 63 Jackson. 5th Dist. Rev. John H. Fleming, pastor. ISRAEL CHURCH— McDonogh. Rev. John Coleman, pastor. JERUSALEM BAPTIST CHURCH-137 Madi- son, 5th Dist. Rev. David Mason, pastor. LIBERTY CHURCH— ns. Marais. bet. Clonet and Feliciana. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 39 LITTLE ZION CHURCH— 269 Lafayette. HARVEY'S CANAL AFRICAN CHURCH- Har- vey's Canal, 5th Dist. MOUNT CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH-St. Andrew, sw. cor. Willow. Rev. Reuben Ra- phael, pastor. MT. MORIAH CHURCH— Walnut, bet. Wall and Esther. Rev. Henry Williams, pastor. MT. PILGRIM CHURCH— 44 Newton. 6th Dist. Rev. Richard Frazier, pastor. MT. TRIANGLE CHURCH— Washington, cor. Seventh, 7th Dist. Rev. L. Curtis, jr., pastor. MT. ZION CHURCH (colored)— Thayre av. bet. Atlantic and Pacific avs. NAZARETH CHURCH (colored)— ns. Prieur, bet. Annette and St. Anthony. Rev. Thomas Jones, pastor. NEW HOPE CHURCH— Gretna. Rev. WiUiam P. Ward, pastor. NEW LIGHT CHURCH— ns. Feliciana, bet. Robertson and Villere. Rev. William Patter- son, pastor. SECOND AFRICAN CHURCH— 393 Melpomene. Rev. Samuel Walker, pastor. SECOND AFRICAN CHURCH-Gretna. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH— es. Laurel, bet. Milan and Berlin. Rev. Abraham Rogers, pastor. SEC ON D CHURCH (colored)— Laurel, bet. Ber- lin and Milan. SECOND FREE MISSION CHURCH -Burdette, bet. Fourth and Plum, 7th Dist. Rev. H. Davis, pastor. SECOND FREE WILL CHURCH— Urquhart, bet. Miirigny and Mandeville. SEVENTH CHURCH (colored)— AVashington, bet. N. Robertson and Claiborne. SHILOH CHURCH— es. Perdido, bet. Roche- blave and Dolhonde. Rev. H. C. Green, pastor. SHILOH CHURCH (colored) -ns. Magellan, bet. Monroe and Franklin, 5th Dist. Rev. George Butler, pastor. SIXTH CHURCH— 120 Felicity. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (colored)— es. Franklin, bet. Gallatin and Periander, 5th Dist. Rev. Simon Jones, pastor. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (colored)— St. Louis, bet. Tonti and Rocheblave. Rev. Wesley Brown, pastor. ST. JOHN'S DIVINE CHURCH (colored)— Der- bigny, bet. Annette and St. Anthony. Rev. Louis Cass, pastor. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH— Cypress, bet. Prieur and Johnson. Rev. Louis Taylor, pastor. ST. MARK'S FOURTH AFRICAN CHURCH— Magnolia, bet. Common and Gravier. Rev. Henry Williams, pastor. ST. PETER'S CHURCH (colored) -Cadiz, cor. Coliseum. Rev. H. B. Parks, pastor. ST. PETER'S CHURCH (colored)— New Orleans, bet. Roman and Derbigny. Rev. Marcel Ged- dridge, pastor. THIRD AFRICAN CHURCH— 310 N. Roman, bet. Laharpe and Columbus. TRIUMPHANT CHURCH— Derbigny, bet. Conti and St. Louis. Uev. Benj. F. Carter, pastor. UNION CHURCH (colored)— 432 St. Peter. Rev. W. H. Bolding, pastor. UNION CHURCH (colored)— 305 Orleans. Rev. John Holmes, pastor. ZION TRAVELER CHURCH (colored)— wa. Adams, bet. Commercial and Pearl. Rev. Fred- erick Brown, pastor. ZION TRAVELER CHURCH, BRANCH (col- ored)— Water, bet. Walnut and Chestnut, 6th Dist. ZION TRAVELER CHURCH, NO. 2 (colored) — Laurel, bet. Amelia and Peniston. Rev. Charles Melvern, pastor. Catholic. DIOCESE OF NEW ORLEANS (ROMAN CATH- OLIC)— 280 Oliartres. Most Rev. F. X. Leray, archbishop. ANNUNCIATION CHURCH— Mandeville, cor. Marais. Rev. A. Durier, pastor. CHAPEL OF THE URSULINE CONVENT— Third District. CHURCH OF THE HOLY" NAME OF MARY— Verret, bet. Alix and Eliza, 5th Dist. Rov. A, Pompallier, pastor. CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS — Canal, bet. Lojiez and Rendon. Rev. G. Demers, pastor. HOLY TRINTY CHURCH (German) -St. Ferdi- nand, bet. Royal and Daupliine. Rev. Peter L. Thevis, pastor. JESUITS' COLLEGE AND CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION— Baronne, bet. Canal and Common. Rev. T. W. Butler, S. J., pres. ; Rev. W. Kennelly, S. J., vice-pres. ; Rev. A. A que, S. J., treas. ; Hev. D. Hubert, S. J., past 'r; Rev. Thomas O'Callaghan. S. J., Rev. Joannes Downev, S. J., Rev. J. Duffo. S. J., Rev. Frederick W. Miles, S. J., Rev. C. Frin, S. J., Rev. Thomas Flynn, S.'J., Rev. A. Jour- dan, S. J., Rev. Antonius Vialleton, S. J., Rev. Benjamin Roydhouse, S. J., Rev. Richard Gore, S. J., Rev. Antonius Free, S. J., Rev. John Lafarge, S. J., Rev. P. de Carriere, S. J., Rev. J. Gerlach, S. J.. Rev. T. McElIigott, S. J., and Rev. Edward Gaffney, S. J., assistants. MATER DOLOROSA CHURCH— Cambronne, cor. Burthe, 7ih Dist. Rev. A. Bichlmayer, pastor. MT. CARMEL CHAPEL— 53 Piety NOTRE DAME DE BON SECOURS (French) - Jackson, bet. Laurel and Constance. Rev. Theodore Lamy, pastor. OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART— N. Claiborne, cor. Annette. Rev. Celestin Frain' pastor. ' ST. ALPHONSUS— Constance, bet. St. Andrew and Josephine. Rev. Henry Giesen, rector. ST. ANN'S CHUROH-St. Philip, bet. Roman and Prieur. Rev. H. Tumoine, pastor. ST. ANTHONY'S (Italian)— N. Rampart, cor. Conti. Rev. J. A. Manoritta, pastor. ST. AUGUSTLN'S CHURCH— Bayou rd. cor St Claude. Rev. Joseph Subileau, pastor. ST. BONIFACE CHURCH (German)-N. Galvez cor. Laharpe. Rev. Joseph Koegerl, pastor. ' ST. FRANCIS DE SALES— Second, cor. St. David. Rev. NicholasJSimon, pastor. ST. HENRY'S (GermaB)-74 Berlin, Rev. John Bogaerts, pastor. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH-Drvades bet. Calliope and Clio. Rev. James G. Foote' pastor. * ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH-Gretna. Rev. Eugene Fraering, pastor. ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH— Common, bet. How- ard and Villere. Rev. Richard J. Fitzgerald pastor. ' 40 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. ST. LOUIS CATHEDRAL— Chartres, bet. St* Ann jindSt. feter. Most. Rev. F. X. Leray, archbisiiop; Rev. G. A. Rouxel, administrator; Revs. H. C. Mignot, M. Palmer and J. M. Ber- ronnet, assistants. ST. MARY'S ASSUMPTION (German)— Jose- phine, bet. Constance and Laurel. Rev. Henry Giesen, rector. ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Archbishop's residence) — Ciiartres, bet. Ursulines and Hospital. Rev. A. Chasse, pastor. ST. MARY'S CHURCH, 7th Dist.— Cambronne, bet. Second and Burthe. Rev. R. P. Valle, pas- tor. ST. MAURICE'S CHURCH— Hancock, cor. Roy- al. Rev. J. Dumas, pastor. ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH- -es. Chippewa, bet. Orange and Race. Rev. Thomas Heslin, pas- tor. ST. PATRICKS CHURCH— Camp. bet. Girod and Julia. V^cry Rev. P. F. Allen, pastor. ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-Bur- guiidy, bet. Marigny and Mandeville. Rev. B. M. Kenney, pastor. ST. ROSE DE LIMA CHURCH— Bayou rd. bet. Dolhonde and Broad. Rev. C. F. Mittelbron, pastor. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH-Napoleon av. cor. Camp. Rev. A. Verrina, pastor. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH (old)— Camp, cor- Berlin. Rev. A. Verrina, pastor. ST. TERESA'S CHURCH— Erato, cor. Camp. Rev. P. M. L. Massardier, pastor. ST. VINCENT DEPAUL— Dauphine, bet. Mon- tegut and Clouet. Rev. A. F. X. Chapius, pas- tor. Christian. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH— Camp, cor. Mel- pomene. Congregational. ALGIERS CHURCH (colored)— Vallette, near Eliza. CENTRAL CHURDH (colored)— 8. Liberty, cor. Gasquet. Rev. G. W. Bothw««l, pastor. HOWARD CHURCH (colored)— Spain, bet. Rampart and St. Claude. MORRIS BROWN CHAPEL No. 2 (colored)— 467 N. VUlere. 3d Dist. Rev. Isaac H. Hall, pastor. MORRIS BROWN CHAPEL (colored) -Marals, bet. Bourbon and Union, 3d Dist. Episcopal. DIOCESE OF LOUISIANA— Riifht Rev. John N. Galleher, bishop; John Chaffe, treas. ; Rev. John Percival, D. D., sec. ; Standing Commit- tee — Rev. J. F. Girault, pres.. Rev. John Perci- val, D. D.. Rev. A. J. Drysdale, James McCon- nell, Robert Mott; H. V. Ogden, Esq., sec. ANNUNCIATION CHURCH— Race. cor. Camp. Rev. John Percival, D. D., rector. CALVARY' CHURCH— Prytania, cor. Conery. Rev. W. K. Douglas, rector. CHRIST CHURCH— Canal, cor. Dauphine, Rev. Alex. J. Drysdale, rector. MT. CALVARY CHURCH (colored)— St. An- drew, sw. cor. Willow. MT. OLIVET CHURCH— Peter, cor. Olivier, 5th Dist. Rev. C. S. Hedges, rector. ST. ANNA'S CHURCH— 197 Esplanade. Rev. J. F. Girault, rector. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH— St. Charles av. cor. Cadiz. Rev. K. A. Hall, rector. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH-Tuinl, cor. Annuncia- tion. Rev. S. M. Wiggins, rector. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH— Camp, cor. Gaiennie. Rev. H. H. Waters, rector. ST. PHILIP'S CHURCH (colored)— Prytania, 8W. cor. Calliope. Rev. C. H. Thompson, D. D., rector. TRINITY CHAPEL— 480 S. Rampart, cor. Eu- terpe. Rev. A. Gordon Bakewell in charge. TRINITY CHURCH— Jackson, cor. Coliseum. Rev. R. A. Holland, rector. Evangelical Protestant. FIRST CHURCH-Milan. cor. Camp. Rev. Julius C. Kraemer, pastor. GERMAN EVANGELICAL— JackFon, sw. cor. Chippewa. Rev. L P. Heintz, pastor. GERMAN EVANGELICAL BETHLEHEM CHURCH— 368 Felicity. Rev. Henry KJein- liagen, pastor. GERMAN EVANGELICAL PROTESTANT CHURCH— 36 N. Derbigny. Rev. H. J. Per- puet, pastor. GERMAN PROTESTANT— Zimpel, bet. Leoni- dHs and Monroe, 7th Dist. Rev. L uis Raguet, pastor. GERMAN PROTESTANT CHURCH— Gretna. GERMAN PROTESTANT— Clio. bet. St. Charles av. aud Carondelet. Rev. August Gehrke, I)astor. MADISON STREET CHURCH— Madison, bet. Burthe and Third, 7th Dist. Rev. P. Ziemer, pastor. Greek. GREEK CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY— N. Dolhonde, bet. Barracks and Hospital. Rev. Michel Kalitski, curate. Jewish. CIIEVRE REDUSHE MIKVEH ISRAEL SYN- AGOGUE— 165 Dryades. Rev. Louis Silver- stein, rabbi. GATES OF PRAYER Jackson, bet. Chippewa and Annunciation. TEMPLE OF SINAI— es. Carondelet, bet. De- lord and Calliope. Rev. J. K. Gutheira, rabbi. THE RIGHT WAY— Carondelet, bet. Poydras and Lafayette. M. A. Seiferth, actg. rabbi. TOURO SYNAGOGUE— 218 Carondelet. Rev. Isaac H. Leucht, rabbi. Lutheran. EMANUEL'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH -St. Louis, bet. Johnson and Prieur. Rev. J. F. Doescher, pastor. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH— 426 N. Claiborne. Rev. Nils J. Bakke, pastor. FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH -Camp, ne. cor. Soniat. Rev. Owen Riedy, pastor. MT. ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH— Franklin, sw. cor. Thalia. Rev. N. J. Bakke, pastor. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH— Customhouse, cor. N. Prieur. Rev. T. Stiemke, pastor. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH— Port, cor. Burgundy. Rev. Christian G. Modinger, pastor. TRINITY CHURCH— Olivier, ne. cor. Eliza, 5th Dist. Rev. George Franke, pastor. OFFICIAL. SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDK. 41 ZION CHURCH— St. Charles av. cor. St. An- drew. Rev. P. Roeeener, pastor. Methodist Episcopal. AMES CHURCH— St. Charles av. cor. Calliope. Rev. Thomas Stalkwell, pastor. CLINTON STREET CHURCH (colored)- Clin- ton, cor. Pearl, 7th Dist. Rev. Alexander J. Ford, pastor. FIRST GERMAN CHURCH-S. Franklin, cor. St. Andrew. Rev. D. Mattbaei, pastor. FIRST STREET CHURCH (colored), Winan s Chapel— Dryades, ne. cor. First. Rev. T. G. Montgomery, pastor. JEFFERSON STREET GERMAN CHURCH— Jefferson, cor. Plum, 7th Di>t. LAHARPE STREET CHURCH (colored)— La- h:iip<% bet. Roman and Prieur. Rev. John QiKirles, pastor. MOUNT ZION CHURCH (colored)-Seventh, liet. Chippewa and Annunciation. Rev. James Perriller, pastor. MOUNT ZION CHURCH (colored) -Desire, bet. Marais and Urquhart. Rev. J. Nichols, pastor. NEW METHODIST CHURCH— Constance, sw. cor. Octavia. PLEASANT PLAINS CHAPEL (colored)— 290 Perdido. Rev. W. P. Forrest, pastor. PLUM STREET CHURCH— Plum, bet. Leonidas and Monroe, 7th Dist. SECOND GERMAN CHURCH— Eighth, se. cor. Laurel. Rev. J. A. Traeger, pastor. SIMPSON CHAPEL (colored)— ws. Valence, bet. Camp and Chestnut. Rev. T. P. Jackson, pas- tor. SIXTH STREET CHURCH— Sixth, bet. Annun- ciation and^aurel. Rev. Morris J. Dyer, pas- tor. SOULE CHAPEL (colored)— 66 Marais. ST. JAMES AFRICAN CHURCH— Roman, bet- Customhouse and Bienville. Rev. Henry B. Parks, pastor. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH (colored)— Verret, cor. Decatur, 5th Dist. Rev. R. C. Barrow, pastor. THIRD GERMAN CHURCH— 673 N. Rampart, bet. St. Ferdinand and Press. Rev. W. H. Traeger, pastor. THOMPSON CHAPEL (colored) -Rampart, cor. Washington. Rev. Z. T. Gayden, pastor. UNION BETHEL OHURCH(colored) -S.Frank- lin, eor. Tnalia. UNION CHAPEL (colored)— Bienville, bet. Vil- lere and Marais. Rev. Stephen Priestly, pas- tor. UNION CHAPEL— 181 Union, 3d Dist. WESLEY CHAPEL (colored) S. Liberty, bet. Perdido and Poydras. Rev. M. Dale, pastor. Metliodist Episcopal (South). ALGIERS CHURCH— Lavergne, cor. Delaronde. Rev. James L. Wright, pastor, CARONDELET STREET CHURCH— 147 Caron- delet. CRAPS STREET CHURCH— 581 Burgundy. Rev. Jacob Merkel, pastor. DRYADES STREET GERMAN CHURCH— Dry- ades, bet. and Felicity. Rev. P, H. Hensch, pastor. FELICITY CHURCH— Felicity, se. cor. Chest- nut. Rev. C. W. Carter, D. D., pastor. LITTLE BETHEL CHURCH— Coliseum, bet. Valence and Bordeaux. LOUISIANA AVENUE CHURCH— Louisiana av. cor. Magazine. Rev. S. H. Werlein, pastor. MOREAU STREET CHURCH— Chartres (late Moreau), cor. Lafayette av. Rev. H. D.Kim- ball, pastor. SORAPARU CHURCH -Soraparu, bet. Chippe- wa and Annunciation. Rev. H. W. Weise, pastor. ST. CHARLES AVENUE CHURCH-St. Charles av. cor. Gen. Taylor. Rev. Beverly Carradine, pastor. ST. JOHN'S CHAPEL, (colored)— Market, near Powder, 5th Dist. Rev. James F. Cox, pastor. Presbyterian. CANAL STREET CHURCH -Canal, cor. Der bigny. FIRST GERMAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH —121 First, near Laurel. Rev. L. Voss, pas- tor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH— Lafayette Square, cor. Church and South. Rev. B. M. Palmer, pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CAR- ROLLTON— Burdette, bet. Hampson and Second. Rev. Harvey VV. Flinn, pastor. FRANKLIN STREET MEMORIAL CHURCH— Franklin, nw. cor. Euterpe. Rev. J. William Flinn, pastor. LAFAYETTE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH— Magazine, bet. Jackson and Philip. Rev. T. R. Markham, pastor. NAPOLEON AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH — Napoleon av. cor. Coliseum. Rev. R. Q. Mallard, pastor. PRYTANIA STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH — Prytania, cor. Josephine. Rev. Francis L. Ferguson, pastor. SEAMEN'S BETHEL— 9 Esplanade. Rev. L. H. Pe ise, chaplain. SEAMEN'S UPPER BETHEL AND READING ROOM — ea. St. Thomas, bet. Jackson and Philip. Rev. A. J. Witherspoon, chaplain. SECOND GERMAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH —St. Bernard, cor. N.Claiborne. Rev. Otto F. Koelle, pastor. SECOND MISSION CHURCH— Laurel, cor. Pleasant. THIRD PRESBYTERIjVN CHURCH— Washing- ton Square. Rev. H. M. Smith, pastor. Unitarian. CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH— St. Charles, cor- Julia. Rev. Charles A. Allen, pastor. EDUCATIONAL. Private Schools and Academies. (See Business Directory.) Public Schools. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, CITY SCHOOLS OF NEW ORLEANS— OlHce, 166 Julia; J. G. Par- ham, pres. ; Rev. J. K. Gutheim, vice-pres. ; R. L. Brown, sec; I. W. Patton, treas. ; Ulric Bettison, supt. Members— Robert H. Bartley, Chas. F. Boyle, C. L. de Fucntes, Thomas H. Handy, Pierre Lanaux. Frank McElroy, J. G. Parham, R. L. Brown, Dave Cohn, Geo. W. Flynn. W. C. Faust, Jas. D. Houston, Matthew Howe, B. W. Hebrard, E. B. Kruttschnitt, C. i 8. Mercier, J. C. Morris, T. G. Richardson, C. F, 42 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHUECH GUIDE. Seeman, R. M. Walmsley, William O. Rogers, ex officio, I. W. Patton, ex-offlcio, R. L- Brown, sec; R. H. Hall, clerk. OFFICE OF STANDING COMMITTEES— 166 Julia street. TEACHERS— E. B. Kruttschnitt, chairman; C. L. de Fuentes, C. F. Seeman, J. D. Houston, G. W. Flynn. FINANCE— Pierre Lanaux, chairman; J. C. Morris, R. M. Walmsley. SCHOOL HOUSES— Robert H. Bartley, chair- man; W. C. Faust, Matthew Howe. PURCHASES AND SUPPLIES - Thos. H. Handy, chairman; Frank McElroy, B. W. He- hrard. HIGH SCHOOLS— T. G. Richardson, chairman; C. F. Seeman, R. H. Bartley, R. M. Walmsley. C. S. Mercier. FURNITURE— C. F. Boyle, chairman; G. W. Flynn, Dave Cohn. NAMES AND LOCATIONS OF CITY SCHOOLS. Boys' Central High School, Academic, No. 1— Constance, cor. Gaiennie. J. E. Seaman, prin- cipal. Girls' Central High School, Academic, No. 2— 144 Clio, bet. Camp and St. Charles av. Mrs. Mary Stamps, principal. Bayou Road, boys— Bayou rd. cor. Derbigny st. Henry Riggio, principal. Bienville, boys— Corner Bienville and N. Robert- son streets. Miss M. R. Chevallie, principal. Broadway, boys and girls— Magazine, bet. Wal- nut and Chestnut. Mrs. C. W. Bentley, prin- cipal. Chestnut, boys and girls— 91 Chestnut, 4th Dist. Miss S. S. McEnery, principal. Claiborne, girls— Cor. Claiborne and St. Peter streets. Mrs. P. Cartier, principal. Dryades, girls- Magnolia, cor. St. Andrew. Mrs. Ellen Hamilton, principal. risk, boys— Cor. S. Franklin and Perdido. A. P. Williams, principal. Fisk, girls— Cor. S. Franklin and Perdido streets. Mrs. S. F. Williams, principal. Franklin, girls— St. Charles, bet. Girod and Julia streets. Mrs. M. E. McDonald, principal. Fulton, boys and girls— Cor. St. Thomas and Josephine streets, Miss H. L. Garrett, prin- cipal. Gentilly, boys and girls- Gentilly station, Ely- sian Fields street. Mrs. C. Collerton, princi- pal. Jackson, boys— Cor. Magazine and Terpsichore streets. W. S. McElroy, principal. Jackson, girls— Magazine, bet. Terpsichore and Robin streets. Mrs. A. L. Howard, principal. Jefferson, No. 1, boys— Dryades, bet. Erato and Thalia streets. H. B. Folk, principal. Jefferson, No. 2, boys— Jefferson, bet. Third and Burthe. 7th Dist. Mrs. J. R. Dicks, principal. Laurel, boys— Cor. Laurel and Philip streets. M. M. Lowe, principal. Leontine, boys and girls— Constance, bet. Val- mont ana Leontine streets. Mrs. R. RaUton, principal. Lincoln, boys and girls — Dulossat, cor. Caronde- let. Mrs. Eliza Clark, principal. Live Oak, jtlrls— Cor. Constance and Ninth streets. &uss M. A. Wickes, principal. Magnolia, girls— Carondelet, bet. Jackson and Philip streets. Mrs. L. M. Williams, principal. Marigny, boys and girls — Cor. Marigny and Ur- quhan streets. Guatave Andry, principal. McCarthy, boys and girls— Pauline, bet. Chartres and Royal streets. Miss M. D. Cooper, prin- cipal. McDonoghNo. 1, girls- Laurel, bet. Philip and First streets. Mrs. M. E. Mallam, principal. McDonogh No. 2, girls- Mandeville, bet. Ram- part and St. Claude. Miss Caroline Hubbard, principal. McDonogh No. 3, boys— 138 Spain. Vincent Mielly, principal. McDonogh No. 4, boys and girls— Alix, cor. Bar- thelemy, 5th Dist. Miss Louise S. Howard, principal. McDonogh No. 5, boye and girls- Market, bet' Franklin and Monroe, 5th Dist. C. E. Holmes' principal. McDonogh No. 6, boys and girls— Camp, bet. Berlin and Napoleon av. Miss A. E. Kil^ove, principal. McDonogh No. 7, boys— Milan, cor. Che^^tnut. T. L. Preston, principal. McDonogh No. 7, girls— Milan, cor. Chestnut. Miss E. S. Rossner, principal. McDonogh No. 8, boys— Constance, cor. Ninth. Louis J. Leche, principal. McDonogh No. 9, boys and girls — Onzaga, cor. Rocheblave. Charles A. Barnes, principal. McDonogh No. 10, boys— Baronne, cor.First. J. R. Hutchison, principal. McDonoghNo. 11, girls— Cor. Prieur and P.l- myra streets. Miss M. S. CriswelJ, principal. McDonogh No. 12, boys — N. Rampart, cor. Pau- line. Mrs. C. K. Sproule, principal. McDonogh No. 13, boys— Cor. Rampart and Girod streets. John H. Heslin, principal. McDonogh No. 15, girls— Barracks, bet. Dau- phine and Burgundy. Miss Florence Gor- don, principal. McDonogh No. 16, boys and girls — Bourbon, bet. St. Claude and Marais. W.J. Gahan, princi- pal. McDonogh No. 19, boys and girls— Tricon, cor Delaronde. Miss M. A. Murphy, principal. McDonogh No. 20, boys and girls— Jackson, cor. Freret. Mrs. C. S. Reese, principal. Metairie Ridge, boys and girls- Canal, cor. Na- poleon. Miss M. J. O'Neil, principal. Paulding, boys— Cor. Constance and Gaiennie streets. V. Mielly, principal. Pontchartrain, boys and girls — Columbia street, Milneburg. Mrs. M. A. Riley, principal. Robertson, girls— 58 N. Robertson. Mrs. J. E. Stehle, principal. Short Street, boys and girls — Short, near St. Charles av. 7th Dist. Mrs. A. W. Brown, prin- cipal. St. Andrew, boys— Magnolia, cor. St. Andrew. C. P. Guichara, principal. St. Ann, girls— St. Ann, bet. Marais and VilJere streets. Miss J. M. Mettaxa, principal. St. Philip, boys— St. Philip, bet. Royal and Boar- bon streets. E. J. Young, principal. Washington No. 1, girls— Cor. Chartres and Piety streets. Miss Lucretia B. Wilder, princi- pal. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 43 Washington No. 2, girls— Washington, cor. Burthe, 7th Dist. Mrs. F. V. Hooper, princi- pal. Webster, girls— Cor. Dryades and Erato streets. Miss Isabel Simmons, principal. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA. Common, Dryades and Baronne. Wm. Preston Johnston, pres. Administratort ex-officio-The Governor of Louisi ■ ana; Hon. E.Bermudez, chief justice of Louisi- ana; Hon. J. V. Guilloite, mayor of the city of New Orleans; Judge J. H. Kennard, president of Board ; Albert Baldwin, E. F. Lavillebeuvre, R. S. Howard, T. L. Macon, D. C. Labatt, John B. Lafltte, B. R. Forman ; Chas. B. Stafford, secretary of Board. Academical Department. -H. H. Jesse, dean and professor of Latin; J. L. Cross, professor of pure and applied mathematics; J. H. Deiler, professor of German ; Alcee Fortier, professor of French; Brown Ayres, B. Sc, professor of physics and acting professor of chemistry; Robert Sharpe, M. A., Ph. D, professor of Greek and English languages; J. Walker Fearn, B. A., professor of Spanish; John M. Ordway, professor applied chemistry; L. C. Reed, prin. of High School and asst. professor of English history; John R. Ficklen, B. Lit., asst. professor of English; Johnson Arm- strong, jr., asst. professor of Latin and math- ematics ;GeorKe Gessner, A. M., asst. profes- sor of Greek ; Arthur S Wheeler, B. A., B. Sc, asst. professor of mathematics and physics; Franklin J. Gustine, M. D., instructor in pen- manship; Chas. B. Stafford, B. Lit., librarian Medical Faculty— T. G. Richardson, M. D., dean of Medical Dept., professor of general and clinical surgery; Ernest S. Lewis, M. D., pro- fessor of general and clinical obstetrics and diseases of women and children; Samuel Lo- gan, M. D., professor of anatomy and clinical surgery; — , M. D., professor of the theory and practice of medicine and clinical medicine; Stanford E. Chaille, M. D., professor of physiology and pathological anat- omy; John B. "Elliott, M. D., professor of materia medicaand therapeutics and hygiene; Joseph Jones, M. D., professor of chemistry and clinical me'licine;A. B. Miles, M. D., demonstrator of anatomy; S. D. Kennedy, M. D., lecturer on diseases of the eye. Laiv Department— WiUium Francis Mellen, dean of Law Dept., professor of common law and equity j irisprudence; James B. Eustis, pro- fessor of civil law; Hon. Randell Hunt, LL. D., professor of constituiional law, commercial law and the law of evidence; Henry Carleton Miller, professor of admiralty and internation- al law. SOCIETIES. (Secret and Benevolent.) MASONIC. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana. Annual Communication held second Monday in Februarj-. OFFICERS: Jas. L. Lobdell, M. W. Grand Master; David R- Graham, R. W. Dep. Grand Master; Chas. F- Buck, R. W. Senior Grand Warden; Will A. Stioug, R. W. Junior Grand Warden; Arthur William Hvatt, R. W. Grand Treasurer; Jas. C. Batchelor. R. W. Grand Secretary; Rev. S. Landrum, W. Grand Chaplain; F. M. Caraher, W. Senior Grand Deacon; T. S. Jones, W. JuiiiorGrand Deacon; Mark Quayle, W. Grand Marshal; Victor Von Schoeler, W. Grand Swordbearer ; H. Hamburger, W. Grand Pursi- vant; Wm. D. Mearns, W. Grand Steward; H. W. Ogden,W. Grand Steward ; John C. Crimen, W. Grand Steward ; P. M. Schneidau, W. Grand Steward; A. Grau, W. Grand Organist ; Alex- ander Queant, W. Grand Tyler. Constituent Lodges. OFFICERS : LOUISIANA RELIEF LODGE, No. 1— Meets at Grand Lodge Hall on first Sunday of each month. Henry Hamburger, W. M., 13 Com- mercial pi.; Richard Lambert, sec, Masonic Hall. PERFECT UNION, No. 1— Rampart street, bet. Dumaine and St. Philip. Second Wednesday and fourth Friday. A. L. Tissot, W. M.; R. Barbier, sec. POLAR STAR, No. 1— Polar Star Hall, cor. Ram- part and Kerlerec. First and third Fridays. S. Chanfrau, W. M. ; Wm. Peres, sec. PERSEVERANCE LODGE, No. 4— Persever- ance Hall, cor. Dumaine and St. Claude. Sec- ond and fourth Sundays. U. Sahuque, W. M. ; J. Magendie, sec. ST. ANDREW LODGE, No. 5— Conti, bet. Vil- lere and Robertson streets. Meets first and third Wednesdays of every month. A. Mailhes, W. M. ; P. S. Bossoney, sec. CERVANTES LODGE. No. 5— Cor. St. Claude and Dumaine. Second and fourth Mondays. G. S. y Gahona, W. M. ; F. de P. Villasana, sec. GERMANIA LODGE, No. 46—318 St. Louis street. Seconl andfourthWednesdays. Charles F. Buck, W. M. FRIENDS OF HARMONY LODGE, No. 58— Grand Lodge Hall, south wing. Every Tues- day. A. G. Brice, W. M. MT. MORIAH LODGE, No. 59—163 Camp, bet. Girod and Julia streets. Every Tuesday. Leonard Schneider, W. M. ; James Furneau, sec. GEORGE WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 65— Grand Lodi?e Hall, south wing. Every Wed- nesday. Harvey Cree, W. M. ; Wm. H. Rooney, sec. DUDLEY LODGE, No. 66— Grand Lodge Hall, south wing, 85 St. Charles. Second and fourth Thursdays. John Macfarland, W. M.; S. S. Patton, sec. MARION LODGE, No. 68— Grand Lodge Hall, south wing. First and third Thursdays. Mark Quayle, W. M.; Thomas Cripps, sec. HIRAM LODGE, No. 70— Grand Lodge Hall, north win;:. Every Friday. James Reid, W. M.; A. Helmke, sec. ALPHA HOME LODGE, No. 72— Grand Lodge Hall, north wing. First and third Tuesdays. Ed. Bell, W. M.; A. Queant, sec. QUITMAN LODGE, No. 76— Odd Fellows' Hall, Camp street. First an.l third Fridays. R. S. Venables, W. M. ; Fred. Eyle, sec. ORLEANS LODGE, No. 78— Grand Lodge Hall, south wing. Every Friday. S. D. Stafford, W. M. : J. W. Flood, sec. HERITAGE LODGE, No. 98— St. Andrew, cor. Magazine, 3d floor. First and third Thursdays. George S. Pettit, W. M. ; J. L. G. Jackson, sec. LOUISIANA LODGE, No. 102— Odd Fellows' Hall, Camp street. Every Thursday. James Raiuey, W. M. ; H. N. Soria, sec. OCEAN LODGE. No. 144— Polar Star Hall, cor. Rampart and Kerlerec streets. First and third Wednesdays. Silas Frothingham, W. M.; Jaa. Parker, sec. 44 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. f- ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 153— Algiers, Parish of Orleans, La. Every Tuesday. John P. Fol- lette, W. M.; J. O. McLean, sec. LINWOOD LODGE, No. 167—163 Camp street. Every Thursday. W. B. Hall, W. M.; E. E. Adams, sec. KOSMOS LODGE, No. 171— Odd Fellows' Hall. Second and fourth Mondays. John Keller. W. M. UNION LODGE, No. f 172— 163 Camp street. Second and fourth Thursdays. P. M. Schnei- dau, W. M. ; Chas. Assenheimer, sec. ORIENT LODGE,2No. 173-Grand Lodge Hall, cor. St. Charles and Perdido street?. Every Monday. Kd. Heath, \V. M.; Vincent Miel- ley, sec. DANTE LODGE, No. 174— Cor. Rampart and Kerlerec. First and third Mondays. G. B. Sbarboro, W. M.; A. Cardou. sec. PERFECT HARMONY LODGE, No. 176-Gi and Lodge Hall, north wing. First and third Mondays. J. A. Burke, W. M. ; A. Hollander, sec. CORINTHIAN LODGE, No. 190-163 Camp street. Every Friday. W. W. Huck, W. M.; John T. Brentford, sec. JEFFERSON LODGE. No. 191— City of Jeffer- son, onp. City Hall. Every Friday. Frank M. Caraher, W. M.; Hugh Breen, sec. MOST EXCELLENT GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA — Annual Convocation held second Tuesday in February. Officers : Alfred Shaw, Gr'd H. P. ; D. Stocking, Dep. Gr'd ri. P.; John G. McWil- liaras, Gr'd K. ; C. A. Scott, Gr'd S. ; Sam'l Manning Todd, Gr'd T. ; Jas. C. Batchelor, Gr'd Sec. ; .H. Marks, Gr'd Capt. of the Host; V. Von Schoeler, Gr'd Principal Sojourner; T. S. Jones, Gr'd R. A. Capt. ; A. S. Vogt, Gr'd M. 3d v.; P. B. Wright. Gr'd M. 2d V.; T. F. Hedges, Gr'd M. 1st V.; J. W. Maguire, G. Guard; S. Landrum, E. G. Chaplain. ORLEANS R. A. C, No. 1— Grand Lodge Hall, First and Third Mondays. J. Wm. Davis, H. P. ; ThoB. Cripps, sec. CONCORD R. A. C, No. 2—159 Camp street. Every Monday. W. T. Benedict, E. H. P.; E. E. Adams, sec. DELTA R. A. C, No. 15— Grand Lodge Hall. Second and Fourth Thursday. Joseph P. Hornor, E. H. P. ; H. Marks, sec. GRAND COUNCIL ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS— Meets annually second Thursday in February. Officers: Alfred Shaw, M. I. Gr'd M.; James M. Lobdell, Dep. I. Gr'dM. ; John G. McWilliams, Gr'd P.O. of W. ; L. F. Reynaud, G. C. of G. ; Richard Lambert, Gr'd Rec. ; Samuel M. Todd, Gr'd Treasurer; H. Marks, Gr'd Con. ; B. C. K. Kenny, Gr'd Stwd. ; H. C. Duncan, Gr'd Chaplain ; W. H. Hutchins, Gr'd Sent. LOUISIANA COUNCIL, No. 2— Meets first Sat- urday in each month at Grand Lodge Hall. H. Cree, T. 111. M.; Thomas Cripps, pec. GRAND COMMANDERY OF KNIGHTS TEMP- LAR AND APPENDANT ORDERS OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA— Meets annually sec- ond Friday in February. Officers: A. N. Cum- mings, R. E. Grand Commander; L. F. Rey- naud. V. E. Dep. Gr'd Commander; Sir C. A, Scott, Gr'd Generalisimo; Sir Robert Strong, E. Gr'd Cap. General; Sir S. Landrum, Gr'd Prelate; Sir A. L. Abbott, E. Gr'd Sen. War- den ; Sir W. T. Benedict, E. Gr'd Jun. "Warden ; Sir Samuel Manning Todd, E. Gr'd Treas. ; Sir Richard Lambert, E. Gr d Recorder; Sir D. R. Graham, E. Gr'd Standard Bearer; Sir J. G. Mc- Williams, E. Gr'd Sword Bearer; Sir J. E. Ayer, E. Gr'd Warden ; Sir J. W. Maguire, E. Gr'd Cap. of the Guards. INDIVISIBLE FRIENDS COMMANDERY, No. 1— Grand Lodge Hall. Meets first and third Wednesdays. Officers: Sir Sam. Alston, E. C. ; Sir M. A. Calongne, rec. sec. JACQUES DE MOLAY COMMANDERY, No. 2— Grand Lodge Hall. Meets first and third Fri- days. Sir Wm. H, Chaffe, E C; Sir E. D. Craig, rec. ORLEANS COMMANDERY. No. 3— Grand Lodge Hall. Meets second and fourth Wednes- days. Officers; Sir C. E. Scott, B. C; Sir Thomas Cripps, rec. ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE A. A. SCOTTISH RITE FOR THES.-.J.-.OF THE U.-.S.-.FOR LOUISI- ANA— Jas. C. Batchelor, M. D., 33d, New Orleans; Samuel Manning lodd, 33d, New Orleans; J. Q. A. Fellows, 33d, New Orleans; M. E. Girard, 33d, New Orleans. M.-.P.-.GRAND CONSISTORY OF SUB. -.PP.-, ONTHER.-.S.-.32d DEGREE ANCIENT AC- CEPTED SCOTTISH RITE IN AND FOR THE STATE OF LOUISIANA— Officers for 1882, 1883 and 1884 ; Alfred Snaw, 33d, Gr'd Commander-in-Chief ; E. Tisdale, 32d, First Lieut-Commander; C. Villasana, 33d, Second Lieut-Commander; G. S. Gahona, 33d, Gr'd Constable; John Madden, 32d, Gr'd Minister of State ;.Richard Lambert, 33d, Gr'd Chancellor; C. E. Kells, 32d, Gr'd Almoner; Thomas Cripps, 33d, Gr'd Registrar and K.-.S.".; J. Voegtle, 32d, Gr'd Treasurer; M. Quayle, 32d, G. M. of C. EAGLE COUNCIL OF KADOSH, No. 6— Grand Lodge Hall. Emmet D. Craig. 33d, V.-.E.-.C".-; Thomas Cripps, 33d, Recorder. LOS AMIGOS DEL ORDEN COUNCIL OF KA- DOSH, No. 7— Rampart, bet. Main and St. Philip streets. Perseverance Hall. FOYER MACONNIQUE COUNCIL OF KA- DOSH, No. 8— Perseverance Hall. LOS AMIGOS DEL ORDEN CHAPTER, ROSE CROIX, No. 4— Perseverance Hall. ST. ANDREW CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX, No. 4— Conti, bet. Villere and Robertson streets. FOYER MACONNIQUE CHAPTER, RCE CROIX, No. 6— Perseverance Hall. SILENCIO CHAPTER, ROSE CROIX, No. 9— Polar Star Hall. PELICAN CHAPTER, ROSE CROIX, No. 11— Grand Lodge Hall. Officers : A. Shaw, 33d, M. W. ; Thomas Ciipps, 33d, Recorder. ALBERT PIKE LODGE OF J ERFECTION' No. 1— Grand Lodge Hall. Officers: A. Shaw» 33d, T. P. M. ; T. Cripps, 33d, Secretary. FOYER MACCONNIQUE LODGE OF PER- FECTION, No. 3— Perseverance Hall. MASONIC (Colored.) M. W. EUREKA GRAND LODGE, for the State of Louisiana—Meets 26 Camp street third Tuesday in February of eich year. C. F. Ladd, Grand Master; Sterling Barrow, Dep. Grand Master; F. R. Wright, Grand Senior Warden ; Charles A. Bourgeois, Grand Junior Warden; J. E. Trosclair, Grand Treasurer; A. W. Thompson, Grand Secretary. I. 0. B. B. CRESCENT CITY LODGE— Meets Tuesdays, 7K p. m. in B'Nai Briih Hall, 36 Union street, 1st Dist. B'NAI ISRAEL LODGE— Meets Wednesdays at 7K p. m. in B'Nai Brith Hall, 36 Union street, 1st Dist. GULF LODGE— Meets every first and third Thursday at 73-i p. m. in B'Nai Brith Hall, 36 Union street, 1st Dist. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND OHUECH GUIDE. 45 HOME LODGE— Meets Wednesdays at7)i p. m, in B'Nai Brith Hall, 36 Union street, let Dist. FREE SONS OF ISRAEL LOUISIANA LODGE, No. 89— Meets flrst and third Sundays at 10 a. m. in B'Nai Brith Hall. Order of Iron Hall. BRANCH No. 126— Meets every second Mon day at 160 Gravier. BRANCH No. 130— Meets every fourth Tuesday at Odd Fellows' Hall, Camp street. I. 0. K. S. B. NEW ORLEANS LODGE, No. 176— Meets sec ond and fourth Mondays at 7 :30 p. m. in B'Nai Brith Hall, 36 Union, 1st Dist. TOURO LODGE, No. 118— Meets flrst and fourth Saturdays in B'Nai Brith Hall, 36 Union, Ist Dist. I. 0. 0. F. R. W. GRAND LODGE, I. O. O. F., of the State of Louisiana -Meets annually on the fourth Tuesdav in January, in New Orleans, in the Grand Lodge Room, Odd Fellows' Hall. W. A. Bryan, Grand Master; John W.Adams, Dep. Grand Master ; James Beggs, Grand War- den ; James Furneaux, Grand Secretary ; A. W. Hyatt, Grand Treasurer; Jacob Hoth, Grand Representative; C. P. Peti-ini, Grand Chaplain ; J. Schlumbrecht, Grand Marshal ; 'T. A. Klebs, Grand Conductor; Thomas W. Hills, Grand Guardian; C. F. Mathes, Grand Herald. Subordinate Lodges. LOUISIANA LODGE, No.l— Meets every Friday evening at 67 Carondelet street. WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 3 -Meets every Tuesday evening at Washington Hall, 3d Dist. UNION LODGE, No. 6— Meets every Monday evening in Lodge Room No. 2, Odd Fellows' Hall. JEFFERSON LODGE. Xo. 9-Meets second and fourth Thursda-. s in Jefferson Hall, cor. Maga zine and Pnilip streets, 4th Dist. TEUTONIA LODGE, No. 10— Meets every Tues- day evening in Teutonia Hall, cor. Custom- house street and Exchange al. COVENANT LODGE. No. 17-Meets every flrst, third and fifth Friday evenings, cor. Royal and Elysian Fields, 3d Dist. MAGNOLIA LODGE, No. 22— Meets every Tues- day evening in Lodge Room No. 2, Odd Fel- lows' Hall. INDEPENDENCE LODGE, No. 23— Meets every Wednesday evening in Lodge Room of Teu- tonia, N. 10. COLUMBUS LODGE, No. 24— Meets rvery Thursday evening in their new hall, Algiers, 5th Dist. GERMANIA LODGE, No. 29— Meets every flrst, third and fifth Tuesday evening in Jelierson Hall, 4th Dist. HERMAN LODGE, No. 39— Meets first and third Wednesday evening, each month, in Odd Fel- lows' Hall, 3d Dist. SOUTHWESTERN LODGE. No.40 -Meets every Wednesday evening in Lodge Room No. 5, Odd Fellows' Hall. HELVETIA LODGE, No. 44— Meets every flrst and third Wednesday evening each month, in hall, Louisiana av. near Magazine, 6th Dist. FRANZISKA REBEKAH DEGREE t LODGE, No 4— Meets every third Saturday evening, Teutonia Hall, cor. Customhouse and Ex- change al. R. W. GRAND ENCAMPMENT, I O. O. F., State of Louisiana — Holds its regular session on the flrst Wednesiiay in February, each year, in the Grand Lodge Room, Odd Fellows' Hall. Officers for 1884: A. G. Ricks, G. P. ; James Beggs, G. H. P. ; F. J. Kuhnholz, G. Sr. W. ; James Furneaux, G. S. ; J. A. Florat, G.T. ; Joseph Holz, G. W. ; J. Voegtle, Gr'd Rep. ; Charles L. Volz, G. M. ; A. Hermann, G. S. ; F. Grieshaber, Dep. G. S. Subordinate Encampments. WILDET ENCAMPMENT,No. 1— Meets the first and third Saturdav of each month, in Lodge Room No. 5, Odd Fellows' Hall. WASHINGTON ENCAMPMENT, No. 6— Meets second and fourth Monday of each month, at 3d Dist., O. F. H., N. Peters street, bet. Man- deville and Marigny streets. CENTRAL ENCAMPMENT, No. 11— Meets first and third Mondays of each month, in Teutonia Lodge Hall, cor. Customhouse and Exchange al. DIRECTORS OF THE ODD FELLOWS' REST— Meet in the office of the Grand Secretary, sec- ond Monday in January, A))ril, July and Octo- ber, each year, and a meeting on the third Monday in January for the organization of the new Board. Officers: Williain Seymour, pres.; James Furneaux, sec. ; F.J. Kuhnholz, treae. GENERAL RELIEF COMMITTEE— Meets the third Friday of each month in the office of the Grand Secretary Election for president, flrst meeting in January and July. S. B. Siefers, pres.; James Furneaux, sec. and treas. ODD FELLOWS' HALL ASSOCIATION-Board of Directors meets monthly in the office of the Grand Secretary. Election for directors, flrst Monday in May each year. Lewis Graham, pres. ; James Furneaux, sec. WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' GENERAL RE- LIEF ASSOCIATION— Delegates meet in the office of the Grand Secretary la-t Saturday of each month. Officers: Joseph Voegtle, pres. ; S. B. Siefers 1st vice-pres. ; Thomas Ricketts, 2d vioepres.; James P'urneaux, sec. ; George Pflster, treas. OKDER OF S. W. M. OR HEP- TASOPHS. This body was incorporated by the Legislature on March 15, 1854. Meets at "Heptasoph Hall," cor. Bienville and Exchange alley. All the Conclaves in this juri.-diction are governed and presidi d over by a Supieme Ephor ap- pointeil by the Supreme Archon. Supreme Ephor for the jurisdiction of Louisiana. M. A. Calongne. DELEGATES TO THE SUPREME CONCLAVE From Ionia Conclave No. 11, M. A. Calongne. From iEtna Conclave, Thomas Taquino. Subordinate Conclaves in the State. IONIA, No. 11— S. Arnould, archon ; Alfred Shaw, chancellor; Leon Escat, prevost; Geo. Blumstein, insp. general; J. P. Deurs, herald; M. A. < alongne, tnas. ; M. A. Sarcedote, scribe. Meets at 48 St. Loui^-. iETNA, No. 15— M. M. Bovges, archon ; C. F. Burmister, chancellor; H. Taquino, provost; H. Castarede, prelate; VV. B. Barnett, scribe; 46 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. c T. Taquino, fin. scribe ; A. J. Leroy, treas. ; F. W. Calongne, insp. general; L. J. Nippert, herald; John Smldt, warden; E. J. Soudain, sentinel. TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES. Independent Order of Good Templars. GRAND LODGE OF LOUISIANA, P. O. BOX 1816, NEW ORLEANS. Bro. A. C. Mitchell, Shreveport, La., Grand Wor- thy Oiiief Templar; Bro. Walter S. Crawford, New Orleans, Grand Worthy Counsellor; Sister K. A. Mi-.Donald, New Orleans, Grand U orthy Secretary; Bro. Win. C. Murray, New Orleans, Grand Worthy Treasurer. DEPUTIES OF GRAND LODGE. "Walter S. Crawford, Special Deputy R. W. G. Templar, 37 Carondelet street. New Orleans, P. O. Box 185; W. C. Mnrray, Y. A. Wood- ward, E. T. Duckert, K. A. McDonald, New Orleans ; H. B. McBurney, Greensburg.La. ; W. W. Babbirigton, Franklinton, La.;C. D. Hicks, Shreveport, La. ; J. W. Pearce, Pineville, La. The following constitute the lodges in this city: EXCELSIOR LODGE, No. 4— Meets every Fri- day evening, in Franklin Temperance Hall, cor. Spain and N. Rampart, 3d Dist. EUREKA LODGE— Meets on Napoleon av. near Magazine. PROGRESS LODGE, No. 14— Meets every Wed- nesday evening in Odd Fellows' Hall, Maga- zine, cor. Philip, 4th Dist. HICKMAN LODGE, No. 16 -Meets every Thurs- day evening, cor. Fiaukiin and Calliope. STANDARD LODGE, NO. 25-Meets every Fri- day evening at O id Fellows' Hall, Camp street. CRESCENT TEMPLE, No. 1— Meets on the third Wednesday in each month at Odd Fellows' Hall, cor. Magazice and Philip. W. S. Crawford, D. T., J. D. Preston, D. S., city. Templars of Honor and Temper- ance. GRAND TEMPLE OF HONOR OF LOUISIANA — Meets semi annually in May and Decemb'^r. John. B. Mayeur, G. W. Templar, 152 Mande- Yille, New Orleans. Thomas Hall, G. W. Re- corder, 206 Rousseau street. New Orleans. HOWARD TEMPLE, No. 2— Meets every Wed- nesday evening in Franklin Temperance Hall, cor. Spain and N. Rampart streets, 3d Dist. at 7J^ o'clock, p. m. ENTERPRI^iE SOCIAL TEMPLE, No. 2— Meets first Tluirsday in each month in Franklin Tem- perance Hall, cor. Spain and N. Rampart, 3d Dist., at Ti o'clock p. m. WADSWORTH TEMPLE, No. 8— Meets at the Bible House, 163 Camp street, every Monday evening at T-i o'clock. •WASHINGTOX TBMPU:, No. 9— Meets every Tuesday evening in hall on Patterson street, bet. Lavergne and Verret streets, Algiers, 5th Dist. LOUISIANA COUNCIL, No. 1— Meets on the third Tuesday of each month, in Franklin Temperance Hall. cor. Spain and N. Rampart streets, 3il Dist. United Friends of Temperance. PELICAN COUNCIL, No. 1— Meets every Mon- day evening at Uie Minerva Hall, Clio street, near Prytania street, at m o'clock. GRAND COUNCIL U. F. T.— Holds annual ses- sions. William Sheppard, Grand Scribe. Rayne Station, I^a. Knights of Temperance. GRAND ENCAMPMENT— Meets semi-annually, January and July, at Odd Fellows' Hall, Camp street. CRESCENT ENCAMPMENT — Meets every Thursday evening, at Odd Fellows' Hall, at TK o'clock. ONWARD ENCAMPMENT— Meets every Friday evening, at Upper City Odd Fellows' Hall, cor. Magazine and Philip streets, at7>^ o'clock. WASHINGTON ENCAMPMENT-Meets every Tuesday evening, It 7>i o'clock, cor. Royal and Elysian Fields streets. Miscellaneous (Temperance.) SEAMEN'S FRIEND TEMPERANCE UNION— Meets at the "Bethel," St. Thomas, near Jack- son street, every Wednesday e\ening at 7K o'clock. CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S TEMPERANCE UNION —Meets second and fourth Fridays of each Month at 13 Camp. Mrs. Caroline E. Merrick, pres. LOUISIANA TEMPERANCE ALLIANCE— Meets 163 Camp. Fred. A. Johnson, pres.; W. S. Crawford, sec. STATE UNION CATHOLIC TOTAL ABSTI- NENCE SOCIETIES-Meet 4fh Wednesday each month, at Jesuits' College, iJaronne, cor. Common. Rev. T. McElligott, S. J., spiritual director; John McCaffrey, pres.; J. J. O'Con- nor, rec. sec; J. C. M. Kavanuagh, treas.; P. J. Hussey, M. NEW ORLEANS CATHOLIC TOTAL ABSTI- NENCE ASSOCIATION— Meets second Sun- day each month, at 116 Poydras street. Rev. T. McElligott, S. J., spiritual director; Thos. G. Rapier, pres. ; D. H.Buckley, rec. sec; J. C. M. Kavanaugh, fln. sec. ST. JOHNS C. T. A. SOCIETY-Meets first Tuesday each month, St. John's School House. Rev. J. G. Foote, sjiiritual director; Thomas W. Curley,pres.; John Gillen, sec. ST. JOSEPH T. A. SOCIETY— Meets third Sun- day each month, at 4 p.m., corner Derbigny and Common streets. Very Rev. P. F. O'Neill, C. M., spiritual director; John McCaffrey, pres. ; M. J. Connors, sec. ST. ALPHONSUS T. A. SOCIETY— Meets first Sunday each month, at 4 p. m., in St. Alphon- sus Hall. Rev. John McGeough, spiritual di- rector; F. McElroy, pres.; P. J. Reynolds, sec. ST. MICHAEL'S c' T. A. SOCIETY-Meets first Sunday each month at Si. Michael's Hall. M. G. Lally, pres. ; P. J. Murphy, Sec. ST. THERESA T. A. SOCIETY-Meets second Sunday each month, at 7 p. m., in St. Theresa's Hall. H. R. Giffney, pres. ; J. J. O'Connor, sec ST. JOSEPH'S T. A. SOCIETY, ALGIERS— Meets at the residence of the priest, Algiers. John Geynor, pres.; J. E. Nelson, sec. U. A. 0. D. THE GRAND GROVE OF THE UNITED AN- CIENT ORDER OF DRUIDS OF THE UNITED STATES-Meets every two years, at the city of St. Louis, Mo. Officers: Charles Weber, of St. Paul, Minn., M. N. G. A. ; A. T. L. Courtney, R. W. G. D. A., Richmond, Va.; Henry Freudentlial, R. W. Gr'd Sec, Alnany N. Y. ; 'P. 'Reichwein, Indianapolis, Ind., R W. Gr'd Treas. ; N. Berg, W. G. Herald, St OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 47 Louis, Mo.; Charles Kingsley, W. G. Sent., Newark, N. J. THE GRAND GROVE OF LOtTISIANA UNITED ANCIENT ORDER OF DRUIDS— Meets in an- nual session ou June 8th, cor. Jackson and Tchoupitoulas. OfBcers: Charles Schnauder, N. G. A.; Charles Assenheimer, G. Sec. Subordinate Groves under Juris- diction of the Grand Groye of Louisiana. CONCORDIA GROVE, No. 1 (German)— Meets second and fourth Thursdays, at hall. Union, cor. Carondelet. MISPEL GROVE, No. 6 (German) -Meets at Druids' Hall, on Tchoupitoulas, cor. Jackson, every second and fourth Wednesday. ORIENT GROVE, No 10 (English)— Meets eveiy first and Third Tuesday, at Druids' Hall, Tchou- pitoulas, cor. Jackson. LOUISIANA GROVE, No. 13— Meets first and third Mondays of every month, at No. 4 Marig- ny bldgs. JFFFERSON GROVE, No. 14— Meets every sec- ond and fourth Monday, at Louisiana av., near Magazine street. NORMA SUPREME ARCH CHAPTER, No. 3— Meets every last Friday of the month, cor. of Jackson and Tchoupitoulas. Oflicers: Frank Berckes, E. S. A. ; Charles Assenheimer, sec. RED MEN. OSYKA TRIBE, No. 1— Improved Order of Red Men. Meets every first and third Thursday evening of each month, cor. of Exchange alley and Customhouse street. TUSCARORA TRIBE, No. 9— Meets every sec- ond and fourth Thursday, at 3d Dist. Odd Fel- lows' Hall. POCAHONTAS TRIBE, No. 10— Meets every second and fourth Tuesday, cor. Union and Carondelet. NATCHEZ TRIBE, No. 11— Meets every second and third Wednesday, cor. Perdido and Ca- rondelet. lONONA TRIBE, No. 12— Meets every first and second Tuesday, on Louisiana av. near Mag- azine. GOOD FELLOWS. LIP.ERAL LODGE, No. 5, A. O. G. F.— Meets at Polar Star Hali, St. Louis street, second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. FRENCH FELLOW LODGE -Meets at Urqu- hart street, bet. St. Bernard av. and Annette street. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. SUPREME LODGE KNIGHTS OF HONOR— Meets in annual session in May, 1885, in St. Louis, Mo. Officers: F. D. Sloat, Supreme Dictator, New Haven, Conn.; L. A. Gratz, Supreme Vice-Dictator, Knoxville, Tenn. ; M. C. Crawford, Supreme Asst. Dictator, Jones- boro. 111. ; B. F. Nelson, Supreme Reporter, St. Louis, Mo.; J. W. Branch, Supreme Treas- urer, St. Louis, Mo.; G. W. Holland, Supreme Cliaplain, Newbeiry, S. C; E. J. Davenport, Supreme Guide, Minneapolis, Minn.; P. C. Carlton, Supreme Guardian, Statesville, S. C. ; Lewis Wilson, Supreme Sentinel, Cincinnati, Ohio; R. H. Cochran, Past Supreme Dictator, Toledo, Ohio. SUPREME TRUSTEES— G. S. Woodman, Au- burn, Me.; J. T. Millburn, Louisville, Ky. ; H. N. Carpenter, Syracuse, Neb. GRAND LODGE STATE OF LOUISIANA— Meets in annual session on the second Tues- day in March, 1885. W. S. Crawford, Grand Dictator, New Orleans; D. Bienvenu, Sr. Grand Vice Dictator, Labadieville; S. Her- mann, Grand Asst. Dictator, New Orleans; D. J. Searcy, Grand Reporter, New Orleans; J. R. Walton, Grand Treasurer, New Orleans; Loui- Power, Grand Chaplain, New Orleans; S. Leopold, Grand Guide, New Orleans; S. Block, Grand Guardian, Baton Rouge; H. L. Wetzel. Grand Sentinel, New Orleans; A. J. Lewis, Past Grand Dictator, New Orleans. GRAND TRUSTEES-Louife Gimbel, W. T., F. H. Robinson. REPRESENTATIVES TO SUPREME LODGE —J. E. Tremble, A. J. Lewis. Alternates— Y. A. Woodward, J. L. Beer. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE— H. L. Wetzel, Y. A. Woodward and C. V. Haile. Subordinate Lodges. PELICAN LODGE, No. 2511— Meets second and fourth Wednesdays at Odd Fellows' Hall. NEW ORLEANS LODGE, No. 2515— Meets sec- ond and fourth Tuesdays at Odd Fellows' Hall. CRESCENT LODGE, No. 2517— Meets first and third Tuesdays at Odd Fellows' Hall. EAGLE LODGE, No. 2519— Meets first and third Mondays at Odd Fellows' Hall. TYNER LODGE, No. 2520— Meets first and third Thursdays at Odd Fellows' Hall. EUREKA LODGE, No. 2524— Meets first and third Fridays at Odd Fellows' Hall. EXCELSIOR LODGE, No. 2526— Meets second and fourth Mondays at Odd Fellows' Hall. UNION LODGE, No. 2531— Meets second and fourth Thursdays at Odd Fellows' Hall. CONTINENTAL LODGE, No. 2532 Meets sec- ond and fourth Fridays at Od.l Fellows' Hall. WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 2540 Meets first and third Mondays at Odd Fellows' Hall. COLUMBIA LODGE, No. 2546— Meets first and third Wednesdays at Odd Fellows' Hall. CARROLLTON LODGE, No. 2747— Meets sec- ond and fourth Thursdays ai Carrollton, La. ALGIERS LODGE, No. 2549— Meets second and fourth Mondays at Philharmonic Hall, Algiers, 5th Dist. ORION LODGE, No. 2561— Meets second and fourlh Thursdays, N. Rampart, nw. cor. Spain. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GRAND LODGE OF LOUISIANA— Meets an- nually. Leon Jastiemski, P. G. C, Baton Rouge, La.; A. L. Slack, G. C, Tallulah, La.; J. H. Shepherd, G. V. C, Slirevepoit, La. ; Jo- seph H. Spearing, G. P., New Orleans, La.; William Graner, G. M. of E., New Orleans; John A. MoI.ean, G. K. of R. and S., New Or- leans; R. B. R >wley, G. M. at A., New Orleans; J. S. Summeriin, G. I. G., Uajwille, La.; W. B . Boggs, G. O. G., Rod Land, La. ALMA LODGE, No. 42— Meets eveiy second and fourth Friday, cor. Camp and Natchez. ORLEANS LODGE, No. 1— Meets every Tues- day, 7:30 p. m., cor. Camp and Natchez. CRESCENT LODGE, No. 3— Meets Castle Hall, 5th Dist., every Friday, at 7:30 p.m. J. B. Elwell, chancellor commanding, K. of R. and S. GERMANLi LODGE, No. 16 -Meets every Mon- day, cor. Camp and Natchez. Claude M. Smith, chancellor commanding; J. L. Levy, K. of R. and S. 48 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE SAMARITAN LODGE, No. 9— Meets cor. Camp and Natchez, every Thursday, except first Thursday, at 7 : 30 p. m. IVANHOE l^ODGE. No. 22— Meets cor. Camp and Natchez, every first and third Friday at 7:30 p.m. ROYAL ARCH LODGE, No. 6— Meets every Thursday at 7:30 p. m. at Odd Fellows' Hall. LOUISLVNA LODGE, No. 34— Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, every Friday at 7:30 p. m. TIVOLI LODGE, No. 25— Meets cor. Camp and Natchez, every Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. ENDOWMENT SECTION, No. 363— Dr. J. C. Beard, pres. ; H. Guttman, sec. and treas., 223 Terpsichore. DIONYSIUS LODGE, No. 45-Meeis cor. Ex- change al. and Bienville streets, every Thurs- day ht7:30 p. m. ASCALON LODGE. No. 46 -Meets at Odd Fel- lows' Hall, every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. MYRTLE LODGE. No. 47— Meets at Odd Fel- lows' Hall, every Monday at 7 :30 p. m. PERSEVERANCE LODGE, No. 48— Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, every Wedneseay at 7:30 p. m. SYRACUSE LODGE, No. 50-Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, every Thursday at 7 :30 p. m. KNIGHTS OF ST. JOHN AND MALTA. LOUISIANA ENCAMPMENT, No. 40 Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, every first and Third Monday in each month at 7:30 p. m. LINDSAY ENCAMPMENT, No. 48 -Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, every first and Third Tuesday in each mouth at 7 :"30 p. m. HIBERNIAN BENEVOLENT AND MUTUAL AID ASSO- CIATION. Organized January, 1870. Chartered by the Leg- islature of Louisiana, March 31, 1870. Objects of the Association— Friendship, Benevo- lence, Unity and Fraternity of Irishmen. En- couragement of emigration of Irishmen to Louisiana. Three Delegates from each Branch from the Board of Dele^':ates— ^Meet second Monday of each month, at 116 Poydras street, at 7:30 p. m. BRANCH No. 1— Meets First Monday in the month, at 116 Poydras street, at 7:30 p. m. Hugh Flynn, pres. ; W. J. Furuiss, sec. BRANCH No. 2 Meets flrst Thursday in the month, at hall on Mariguy street, at 7:30 p. m. James Galway, pre; P. W. Mulqiieeney, sec. BRANCH No 3-Meets flrst Tuesday in the month, at St. Joseph's Hall, cor. Common and Derbigny -treets, at 7:30 p. m. John T. Gib- bons, pres.; Geo. W. Flynn, sec. BRANCH NO 6 -Meets second Tuesday in the month, at Temperance Hall, Jo.sephine street, bet. FultOQ and Rousseau, at 7:30 p. m. J. F. Pendegrast, pres. J. H. Hesiin, sec. BRANCH No. 8— Meets flrst Tuesday of the month, at Connelly's factory, Third street, bet. Dryades and Baronne, at 7:30 p. m. William Gorman, pres.; T. J. B. Flynn, sec. BRANCH No. 9— Meets second Sunday in the month, at St. Stephen's Hall, Napoieon ave- nue, cor. Chestnut, at 12 M. H. Breen, pres.; J. P. Gallagher, sec. THE AMERICAN LEGION OF HONOR. GRAND COUNCIL AMERICAN LEGION OF HONOR— Meets at New Orleans, La., annu- ally on last Thursday in February. Dr. J.J. Scott, Shreveport, No. 749, Grand Comman- der; Dr. S. L. Henry, No. 939, Vice-Grand Coram nder. New Orleans : John M. Watkins, No. 507, Orator, New Orleans; Walter S. Crawford, No. 801, Past Grand Commander, New Orleans; Lewis Hart, No. 455, Grand Troasurer, New Orleans; C. H. Young, No. 879, Grand Secietarv, New Orleans; S. R. Oliphant, No. 869, Chaplain, New Orleans; Sanders D. Oliver, No. 419, Guide, Lake Provi- dence; E. L. Cope, No. 817, Warden, New Orleans; John B. Vandergritf, No. 939, Sentry, New Orleans; Albert L. Abbot, No. 862, William Gregg, No. 862, J. Block, No. 468, Grand Tru-tees. COUNCILS AT DATE OF INSTITUTION OF GRAND COUNCIL. CONCORD, No. 206— Meets every second and fourth Mondays at cor. Bienville and Exchange alley. LOUISIANA, No. 455— Meets every second and fourth Mondays atGruncwald Hall. ORLEANS, 507— Meets every flrst and third Wednesday at Odd Fellows' Hall. CHALMETTE, No. 801— Meets every second and fourth Thursday at No. 160 Gravier. CARONDELET, No. 817— Meets every second and fourth Tuesday at No. 160 Gravier. BIENVILLE, No. 869— Meets every second and fourth Wednesday at Odd Fellows' Hall. DE LA SALLE, No. 862— Meets every second and fourth Thursday at Odd Fellows' Hall. DIXIE, No. 879 -Meets ev vy first and third Thursday at Odd Fellows' Hall. D. 0. H. GRAND LODGE, of Louisiana— Meets second Sunday in Aunust of every year, in New Or- leans. J. F. Bosch, Gross Barde, A. Winter, Grand Secretary. NEW ORLEANS LODGE, No. 218— Meets every first and third Monday in each month at Jef- ferson Hall, Jackson street. GERMANIA LODGE, No. 258— Meets every second and fourth Tuesday in each month at Druids' Hall, cor. Tchoupitoulas and Jackson streets. WALLENSTEIN LODGE, No. 262-Meet8 every flrst and third Thursday in each month at 72 N. Peters street. GUSTAV ADOLPHE LODGE, No. 265— Meets every second and fourth 'Thursday in each month, cor. Exchange al. and Customhouse street. FRIEDRICH WILHELM LODGE, No. 419- Meets every second and fourth Monday in each month, at Star Hook and Ladder Co., (Carroilton.) HERMANN LODGE, No. 430— Meets every flrst and third Tuesdav in each mouth, cor. Bien- ville and Exchange al. BALDUR LODGE, No. 421— Meets every second au'l fourth Wednesday in each nu)nth, on Louisiana av., near Magazine .-treet. SCHILLER LODGE, No. 413-Meets every flrst and third Tuesday in earh month, on Front street, 5th Dist. TEUTONIA DEGREE LODGE, No. 37-Meets every third Sunday in each month, in Baldur and Gustav \dolphe Lodges Hall, cor. Ex- change al. and Customhouse street. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 49 HARMONIE MANKIE, No. 51— Meets everv third Friday in each month, cor. Exchange al. and Bienville street. GRAND ARMY OF THE RE- PUBLIC. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF. William Roy, Commander; John Donaldson, Sen. V. C. ; William Simpson, Jr. V. C. OFFICIAL STAFF. William Wright, A. A. G. ; J. B. Ludwick, A. Q. M. G; Hewry Street, A. I. G.; Dr. W. H. Harri- son, A. S. G. POSTS. JOSEPH A. MOWER, No. 1— Meets second and fourth Fridays in each month, at 7 p. m., cor. Canal and Chartres. Frederick JI. Whitaker, post commander; S. M. Eaton and V. A. Mur- ray, vice- commanders; J. H. Wright, post quartermaster ;W. G. Batchelor, post a'ljutant ; C. W. Keating, oflScer of the day; Peter W. Smy the, officer of the guard; E. De Lanzac, post surgeon; Van R. K. Hilliard, chaplain. HARNEY, No. 2— Meets at Baton Rouge, La Henry Schorten, past commander; John De Long, adjutant. TIMOTHYO. HOWE, No. 3— Meets every Thurs- day at 7>j p. m.. No. 193 Gravier. William Simpson, post commander; R. B. Edgeworth and Charles H. Wise, vice-commanders; John Hurst, post quartermaster ; Henry Street, offi- cer of the day ; Edward Morosini, officer of the guard ; George C. Miller, post surgeon ; J. E. Chaffe, chaplain; J. L. White, quartermaster sergt. ; Ezra Kryder, sergt. major . LINCOLN POST, No. 4— Meets every Tuesday at 7>i p. m.. No. 3)4 Carondelet. A. K. Kistler, post commander; H. VonWertliern, ailjutant. MISCELLANEOUS. ACADEMY OF SCIENCE-nw. cor. Baronne and Common. J. S. Copes, pres. ; Gustave Kohn, cor. sec. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (Lav? Dept.)— Univer- sity of La. J. McConnell, pre.".; Paul Capde- vielle, sec. ANCHOR LINE ASSOCIATION— Ws. Willow, bet. Cypress and Julia. Joseph B. Smith, pres. ANCIENT ORDER OP HIBERNIANS STATE OF LA.— J. Fitzpatrick, State delegate; James Mullen, treas. ; P. Trower, sec. ASSOCIATION L'EQUITE— Meets at Economy Hall, 218 Ursulines. ATHANEE LOUISIANAISE— Hall L'Union Francaise Hall. G.T.Beauregard, pres. ; Al- fred Mercier, sec. ATLANTIC BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION— Elysian Fields, cor. Dauphine. Charles A. Anderson, pres.; Joseph H. Stumpf, sec. BAKERS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION— Meets first Sunday after the 11th of each month, at 27 Elysian Fields street. Philip Schultz, pres. BAR PILOTS' ASSOCIATION, No. 5—187 Gra vier. Richard Francis, agt. BARBERS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION— Meets at Coliseum Hall, 51 Bienville. Charles Fau^-t, pres. ; J. Spiering, sec. BATTALION WASHINGTON ARTILLERY- Arsenal, Exposition Hall. Officers: John B. Richardson, col. ; Andrew Hero, jr. maj. ; E. I. Kursheedt, adjutant; Gus Leefe, sec. BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE LOU ISIANA DIVISION OF THE ARMY OF NORTHEUN VIRGINIA— 133 Common. N. D. Hoey, pres. ; John T. Block, treas. ; Freder- ick Ober, sec. BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE LOUISIANA DIVISION OF THE ARMY OF TENNESSEE— 24 Baronne. W. H. Rogers, pres.; J. H. Duggan, treas.; W. E. Todd, sec. BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE SONS OF LOUISIANA— Meets first Wednesday ol each month, at 273 Dauphine. BUTCHERS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION— Hall, cor. Dryades and Poydras streets. Paul Esteben, pres. ; G. Perez, sec. CARPENTERS' AND JOINERS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION— Meets eviry Sunday at hall, 148 Camp. J. E. Stafford, pres. ; C. F. Stan- der, sec. CARPENTERS' AND JOINERS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF ALGIERS— Meets Patter- son, cor Veiret. August Keylin, pres. ; H. J. Kepper, sec. CHRISTIAN WOMAN'S EXCHANGE— 41 and 43 Bourbon. Mrs. R. M. Walmsley, pres. CLERKS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF LA. — Meets first Thursday of each month, at 8 p. m., at 133 Gravier. J. C. Smith, pres.; Henry Durel, jr., sec. CONFERENCE OF CHARITIES— OflSce, 63 Ba- ronne. E. M. Hudson, pres. ; Charles A. Allen, sec; J. Simon, treas. COTTON CLASSERS' ASSOCIATION— 11 Ca- rondelet. Jules Lemarie, pres. ; Joseph M. Burke, sec. , COTTON WEIGHERS' AND RE -WEIGHERS' ASSOCIATION— J. F. Randolph, pres.; J. M. Henderson, sec, 28 Union street. COTTON YARDMENS' BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION— P. Mealey, pres.; Michael Coats, sec. ; James L. Morris, fin. sec. ; H. B. Wheel- age, treas. COTTON YARDMENS' BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION, No. 2— A. Paul, pres. ; C. D. Bowers, sec; H. W. Denis, fin. sec; M. E. Brower, treas. CRESCENT CLUB— 70 St. Louis street. James Lewis, pres. ; W. H. Griffith, sec. CRESCENT CITY BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA- TION— Hall, Magazine, cor. Philip, 4th Diet. CRESCENT ROWING CLUB— Bayou St. John, near toot bridge. ECLIPSE ROWING CLUB— N. Peters, bet. Bartholomew and Mazant. Alfred Moss, pres. EQUITY BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION— Hall, ns. Robertson, bet. Krrlerec and Columbus. Emile Dussuau, jr., pres. ; Louis Rousseau, sec. FREIGHT HANDLERS' BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION, No. 1— Hi U, cor. Bienville and Ex- change al. R. M. McGinnis, pres.; F. B. Ma- loney, sec. FRENCH COMMERCIAL SYNDICATE— Meets at Perfect Union Hall. FRENCH MUTUAL BENEVOLEFT ASSOCLV- TION— Hall, 471 N. Robertson. FRIENDS OF LOUISIANA— 48 Marais. James Johnson, pres.; R. C. Howard, sec GARDENERS' MUTUAL PROTECTIVE ASSO- CIATION— Meets at Coliseum Hall. J. Dir- mann, pres. ; T. Reulher, sec. GERMAN BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION (of the 2d Diet.)- Meets at 51 Bienville. John Eiler, pres. ; F. Ritter, sec. GERMAN EMIGRANT AID SOCIETY— Office, 14 St. Peter street. F. Rickert, pres.; J. W. Buhrmann, sec. ; Carl Becker, agt. GERMAN HARMONIE CLUB-es. Dublin, bet. Hampson and Second, 7th Dist. H. Jurg-ns, pres.; J. Feldheim, sec. , 50 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHUECH GUIDE. frf GERMAN HARMONY CLUB— Meets third Mon- day of the month, at hall of Eagle Fire Co No. 7. Caspar Weinzettel, pres.: P. Wunder, sec. ' GERMAN UNION ASSOCIATION-es. Dublin, bet. Hampson and Second, 7th Diet. H. Tebbe pres. •' ^^rFrS^^h^^^^^^^ BENEVOLENT ASSO- ^^^iOi^—?ieeia cor. Bienville and Exchange alley, first Sunday in each month. Valentine Fuchs.prea.; H. Brunette, sec. GREEK AND SCLAVONIC ASSOCIATION-N T iT^o^J^^!' P*"*^^- No- 53 Carondelet street.; John Schulovich, sec. and treas. ^y^???X^ BATTERY BENEVOLENT AS80- kl^lenwITe '^^ ^''''' ^''^''•' ^- ^"""'^' '^''^' HOPE BENEVOLENT ASSOOIATION-Hall' Rampart, ne. cor. Spain. HOWARD ASSOCIATION-J. M. Vandegriff fr^t' *• ^- Southmayd. sec; S. B. Newman treas., 10 Carondelet. IRON MOLDERS' UNION-Meets 116 Poydras. ITALIAN BENEVOLENT SOCIETY-Meets 132 Uhartres. John Rocchi, pres. ; E. Trois, sec. ITALIAN SOCIETY-"Tiro-al Bersaglio." March l^^s^fi^Q ^^•'^^"If Pl'^^^- Chartered Maich 10, 1869. Civil officer: A. Sidoti, pres. JACKSON BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION- Tnfi^^^ Rampart, ne. cor. Spain, on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7 pT m. LADIES' UNSECTARIAN AID SOCIETY-63 ame1;,s^I" ^- ^- •^"'■^y' P--' ^^- ^■ LEE MONUMENTAL ASSOCIATION-13 Ca rondelet. Charles E. Fenner, pres.: W I Hodgson, sec. , f ^o., »r . ±. LOUISIANA BENEVOLENT AND PROTPPT IVE ASSOCIATION-Meets tf 76'^ESnJe mnn^h ''''l''T.'\?'^'^' °" t'i"*i Tuesday of each month. A. V. Flotte, pres. ; T. A. Dutfy, sec. LOUISIANA DRAYMEN'S ASSOCL\TION (Ger- J.'^rf?2r«^^^'^t^^ ^'^^'^ ^'re Engine Hall No. 7, on the first Sunday of each month. A. Kon- zelman, pres.; Joseph Fagler, sec. LOUISIANA EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY-36 Carondelet. Louis Bush, pres.; Rev. I L Leucht, sec. ^THV^MA,n^^^^^}J'7^^ VETERANS OF r^^fj,^^^^^, WAR -Richard Lambert, pres. , L. Gunnegle, sec. ^^^hn^^^^ I'ORTUGUESE ASSOCIATION- 'S S'^^'auEi. ^'^'^"^^ ^^^"-' -- ^?.Fei^^^o^n^?^^^^ CLUB-C. F. Claiborne, pres. , John W ogan, sec. , Bayou bridge. ^OiIttov'^ STATE BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION-Olhce, 26 Carondelet. W. M Campbell, manager, ^^^^jJ^^^JH^'^^ PLANTERS' ASSOCIA- sec?offlce.6-Camp"'^' ''''■' '■ ""• ^'l™^^'^' L'UNION FRANCAISE-Hall.N. Rampart bet Be"rge,'soc'"'^ ^'- ^"""'P- ^- Tujague.'p^es.; P.' LUTHERAN BENEVOLENT SOCIETY-La- '^'pTeterTiel- ^"'^"'•- «" ^™' P^'^ ^^SOoSoT^^^^T^f^^I^ PROTECTIVE AS- bUClATION- Meets second Wednesday of every month, at 10 Exchange al Frank *™vS. ^^'^INEERS' ASSOCIATION-133 MILKMEN'S ASSOCIATION-Meets Poydras cor. Dryades. Pierre Canteron, pres. ; Joha F. Bremer, sec. MINERVA BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION- Meets 57 Bienville. C. C. Piper, pres.; H. Sievers, sec. NEW LUSITANOS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA- TION OF NEW ORLEANS-Hall. 89 Elysifn fields. ^f J^T^.^^T^^T^?.i^^^IARY SANITARY AS- SOCIATION-Offlce, 10 Carondelet. Edward Fenner, pres.; Henry Ginder, treas.; Thomas S. Elder, sec; W. H. Watkins, M. D., sanitary director. ' ^^^^r^]^^^^^ CHESS, CHECKERS AND WHIST CLUB-4 Baronne. Charles F. Buck pres. ; John G. Byrd, »ec. ; F. H. Frost, treas' ^S^i?^^^>NS COTTON PRESS ASSOCIA- IION— J. C. Denis, pres.; H. D. Hopkins, sec. and treas., 167 Gravier. NEW ORLEANS LAW ASSOCIATION-Char- tres, cor St. Ann. J. O. Nixon, jr., sec. and treas. ; J. Ad. Rozier, pres. NEW ORLEANL MARITIME ASSOCIATION- Rooms, 7 Varieties pi. T. J. Woodward, pres : L. LaCombe, sec. ^^^-,J9JI'^^^NS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ^^®?Sf/?^ON-I>'- E- T. Sheppard, preir; Dr. A. McShane, sec. r ■ ^- , NEW ORLEANS TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION ^o. 17— Meets first Sunday ol each quarter, at La. Hose Co.'s Hall. NEWSBOYS' HOME-22 Bank pi. Mrs. Mary Kelly, matron. ^ ORLEANS BENEVOLENT ASSOCL4TION- Frankhn Hall, cor. N. Rampart and Spain. NEW YORK ASSOCIATED PRESS--James E. McDaniel, agt., room 6, 13 Commercial pi. ORLEANS FENCING CLUB-19 St. Charles. ^^VAxt'^^^^H?'^^!^ BENEVOLENT ASSOCLA- TION— 51 Bienville. A. L. Tissot, pres. : H. Messonier, sec. PIKE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION-Grune- wald Hal . Charles Henrich, pres. ; James E. O Donnell, rec. sec. Meets first Friday of each month at 7:30 pm. SCREWMEN'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF NEW ORLEANS-Hall,57 Bienvilitltree?: Joseph Lester, pres ; R. G. Wolters, fin. sec.;, William McOubbin, rec. sec; John Houlgrave, SCREWMEN'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION No. 2 (col'd)-Hall, 352 Chartres. J. S. Brooks' pres.; James Williams, sec; A. Antoine,trea9' SEAMEN'S BETHEI^g Esplanade. Rev. L. H. Pease, pastor. SEAMEN'S UPPER BETHEL -St. Thomas,near Jackson. Rev. A. J. Witherspoon, pastor. SHIPCARPENTBRS' AND JOINERS' BENEVO- LENT ASSOCLiTION OP ALGIERS-A. Kev- lin, pres.; H. A. Kepper, sec. SOCIEDAD CORAL ESPANOLA DE NUEVA ORLEANS-127 N. Rampart. SOOIETA ITALIANA DI MUTUA BENEFI- CENZA IN NOUVA ORLEANS (Italian)-Hall, St. Louis and Chartres streets. SOCIETE ALSACIENNE ET LORRAINE DE BIENFAISANCE ET D'ASSISTANCE MUTU- ELLE DE LA NOUVELLE ORLEANS-Meets at Hall Union Francaise, es. Rampart, bet. Duraaine and St. Philip, on first Thursday of each month. SOCIETE DES FRANCS AMIS— N. Robertson, bet. St. Anthony and Bourbon. Ernest Huletti sec. ; Darius Demazilier, pres. t OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE 61 SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE BIENFAISANCE ET D' ASSISTANCE MUTUELLE— Hall and Asylum, W8. St. Ann, bet. Roman and Derbigny streets. Joseph LeBlanc, pres.; Louis Simon, treas. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PATJI^37 Camp. Dr. E. Doumeing, pres. ; Thomas G. Rapier, sec. SOCIETY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEP- TION— Meets at their hall, ns. St. Anthony, bet. Urquhart and Villere, on the flrtt Monday of every month. SOUTHERN ART IINION AND WOMAN'S IN- DUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION— 203 Canal. SOUTHWESTERN BIBLE SOCIETY— OflSce, 163 Camp street. William H. Foster, pres.; John R. Juden, sec; H. V. Ogden, treas.; E. L. Hews, jr., agt. STEAMBOATMEN'S BENEVOLENT PROTEC- TIVE UNION— 133 Gravier. S. B. Patterson, pres. ; G. Heno, sec. SP^iNISH AMERIO^VN SOCIETY— Tou!ousc' near Royal. Manuel Castillo, pres.; Migue' Galvan, sec. SPANISH BENOVELENT UNION SOCIETY— Meets St. Claude and Dnmaine streets. j ST. BERNARD ROWING CLUB-Hall. N. Peters, near city limits, ST. JOSEPH BENEVOLENT SOCIETY— Hall, Dauphine, bet. Mazant and Bartholomew, ST. MARGUERITE CHARITABLE ASSOCLV- TION— Mrs. Marie Murtin, pres.; ss. Tonti, bet. Onzaga and Dabadie. ST. MAURICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION —Hall, Hancock, cor. Chartres. SWISS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION— 79 Ex- change al. Emile Hoehn, pres. ; Henry Ernst, sec. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION — Meets at 144 Clio. Miss C. Hubbard, sec. THE NEW ORLEANS CREMATION SOCIETY —10 Carondelet. Felix Formento, M. D., pres. ; Eegene H. Levy, sec. and treas. TINNERS' UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA- TION — Meets 76 Exchange al. second Monday of each month at 7:30 p. m. W. Kinberger, pres. ; R. B. Maher, sec. TRINITY BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION — F. N. Butler, 65 Carondelet, pres. ; H.V. Ogden, 35 Carondelet, vice-pres.; J. Watts Kearney, treas. TURNVEREIN OF ORLEANS— 218 Clio. Peter Knoop, pres. ; Louis Schrim, sec. UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION — 355 First. UNITED BROTHERS' BENEVOLENT ASSO CIATION— Franklin Hall, cor. N. Rampart and Spain. UNITED SCLAVONIAN BENEVOLENT ASSO- CLV.TION— 23 Exchange place. C. Radovich, pres.; C. Vucassovich, sec. WASHINGTON ARTILLERY VETERAN AS- SOCLVTION— B. F. Eshleman, pre8.;L. A. Adam, sec. and treas. WASHINGTON BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION — Meets Rampart, ne. cor. Spain, on the first Monday ol each month, at 7:30 p. m. WASHINGTON LEE BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION— Howard, bet. Common and Gas- quet. A. Bernau, pres. ; J. J. Finn, see. WINANS CHAPEL BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA- TION— Hall, 612 S. Rampart. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN UNION— Meets first and second Tuesdays of each month at Caron delet Street M. E. Church. Mrs. J. J. Lyons, pres.; Mrs. H. J. Coop, !-ec. YOUNG MEN'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION —Organized 1858. Meets first Monday of each month at Grunewald Hall. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION— W. T. Hardie, pres. ; James Sherrard, gen', sec; William Stockman, sec. 13 and 15 Camp YOUNG MEN'S EXCELSIOR BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION^Hall, 51 Bienville. E. Mes- tier, pres.; George J. Viosca, sec. YOUNG MEN'S GYMNASTIC CLUB— 37 to 41 Burgundy. E. J. Gueringer, pres. ; George W. Dinkel, sec. YOUNG MEN'S HOPE BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION — Meets 132 S. Libertv street, George C. Mason, pres. ; John J. Albert, sec. YOUNG MENS' MUTUAL BENEVOLENT AS- SOCIATION— Organized 1882. Hsll, Caronde let, sw. cor. Union. YOUNG VETERANS' BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION— 62 Maraig. Social, Literary and Dramatic. AMERICUS CLUB— 36 N. Rampart. D. Kenne- dy, pres. ; George H. Walker, sec. BOSTON CLUB— 148 Canal. T. J. Semnies, pres.; Aristide Delvaille, sec. BURNS CLUB OF NEW ORLEANS Meets 154 St. Joseph. Eugene Tisdale, pres. CERCLE DE LA HARPE EOLIENNE-Meets 128 Royal. CLAIBORNE SOCIAL CLUB— 87 N. Claiborne. Thomas J. Ford, pres. ; Frank P. Calleja, sec. CLUB DE DEMOCRATIC FRANCAISE— 102 Chartres. E. Cantin, pres. ; Eugene Antoine, sec; E. C. Champon, treas. DRAMATIC AND SOCIAL CLUB-Cor. Royal and Orleans. J.B.Thierry, pres.; H. Four- ment, sec. GERMAN CLUB— 166 Common. C. H. Schaefer, pres. ; S. A. Moritz, sec. H/iRMONTT CLUB— 249 Camp. Morris Marks, pres.; Emanuel Weil, sec. LOUISIANA CLUB— 144 Canal. Ashton Phelps, pres. ; B. P. Moss, sec. MANHATTAN CLUB— 32 N. Rampart. A. Leith, pres. ; E. M. Cohen, sec. MINERVA SOCIAL CLUB— 67 Josephine. NEW ORLEANS BICYCLE CLUB— 180 St. Charles. E. W. Hunter, pres. ; G. McD. Nathan, sec. ; W. W. Crane, captain. NEW ORLEiVNS LIEDERTAFEL-Rooms, 6 Exchange al. George H. Braughn, pres.; Edward Eitzen, sec. NEW LOUISIANA JOCKEY CLUB— Rooms, Esplanade, near Bayou St. John. R. W. Sim- mons, pres. ; G. W. Nolt, sec. and treas. Board of Directors: R. W. Simmons, J. A. Morris, A. P. Mason, G. W. Nott and W. J. Hare. OLIVETTE SOCIAL CLUB— Rooms. 505 Canal. E. P. Prudhomme, pres.; H. A. Heidmann, sec. OLYMPIC CLUB— 636 Royal. Samuel Garic, pres.;N. H. Cloutman, sec. ORPBEON FRANCAIS OF N. O.— Hall, 102 Chartres. Meets first Monday of each month, C. T. Chauviere, pres. ; L. H. Emerling, sec. PHILOMATHEAN SOCIETY — Meets second and fourth Saturdays of each month at Mi- nerva Hall. J. H. Spearing, pres.; T. J, Cooley, sec. 52 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHUECH GUIDE. PICKWICK CLUB— Rooms, Carondelet, sw. cor. Canal. Jules C. Denis, pres. ; P. N. Strong, sec, and treas. BED LIGHT SOCIAL CLUB-141 Custom- house. Remy Clark, pres. SOUTHERN DRAMATIC CLUB— 5 Carondelel. A. Wilbanks, pres. ; F. S. Marks, sec. ST. ALOYSIUS LITEEIARY ASSOCIATION— Meets every Thursday evening at the school house on Marais street, near Common. ST. ALPHONSUS CIRCULATING LIBRARY— 208 St. Andrew. LE CERCLE ST. LOUIS— P. S. Bouny, pres. ; J. N. Autfustin, 8«c. ; rooms, 70 St. Louis street. TAMMANY CLUB- 230 St. Joseph. Arthur WuoJs, pres. TURXGEMEINDE OF N. O.— Hall, Dryades, cor. Lafayette street. Meet- twice each month on Wednesdays. THE COMMERCIAL CLUB OF NEW OR- LEANS— 134 Canal street. Organized January 4, 1882, under the general laws of Louisiana, under the auspices of the Cotton, Stock and Produce Exchanges and Board of Tra'le. R. S. Howard, pres.; John Phelps, treas. ; W. ^. Gvvynn, sec. THE WELCOME SOCIAL CLUB— 88^ Eighth. E. Van Huni'ken, pres. ; George Melkild, sec. LOUISIANA GEWEUBE VE REIN— Meets every second Thu sday, in their hall, St. Philip, cor. St. Claude street. H. Wax, pres. ; L. Acker- munu, sec. YOUNG MEN'S MUTUAL BENEVOLENT AS- SOCIATION-Cor. Union and Carondelet. Meets iirst Monday of each month. VARIETIES ASSOCIATION — Composed of stockholders of the Grand Opera House. G. A. Breaux, pres. , A. B. Cammack, sec. and treas. VARIETIES CLUB, —Rooms, Grand Opera House. G. A. Breaux, pres. ; A. B. Cammack, sec. and treas. Y. M. C. A. LYCEUM— 13 and 15 Camp. A. J. Boyce, pres.; William Elwang, sec. Y'OUNG MEN'S EXCELSIOR BENEVOLENT A-SSOCIATION- Hall, 27 Elysian Fields. J. W. Johnson, pres. ; T. J. Sheppard, sec. WARDENS OF THE PORT. William Clark and W. H. Leppert, 26 Union, 1st Dist. WHARFINGERS. OflBccB- 1st Dist., William Pierce, foot Lafay- ette; 2d Dist., Charles Morel, foot Bienville; 3d Dist., E. F. Dupre, N. Peters, bet. Mande ville and Spain; 4th Dist., P. Trower; 6th Dist., F. Baehr, foot Napoleon av WHARVES, LANDINGS AND FERRIES. M. Fitzpatrick, supt. wharves and laadings. James Flynn, chief clerk wharves and land- ings. DIVISION OF WHARVES. The wharves of the oity of New Orleans are di- vided into 12 sections, as follows; First Muuicipal District, three sections— Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Second Municipal District, three sections^Nos. 4, 5 and 6. Third Municipal District, three sections— Nos. 7, 8 and 9. Fourth Municipal District, three sections — Nos- 10, 11 and 12. Landings. FIRST SECTION — 1st District — Steamboat Landing— From Canal street ferry landing to the upper line of Julia street. SECOND SECTION— 1st District— Barge, Flat- boat and Coalboat Landing— From Julia to St. Joseph — New Orleans, Mobile & Texas R. R., from St. Joseph to Calliope— Florida and Mex- ican Steamship Landing, from Calliope to Gaiennie— Upper Steamboat Landing, from Gaiennie to Thalia. THIRD SECTION— 1st District-Sea-going Ves- sels and Coalboats of the N. O. Gas Light Co. — From Thali.i street to upper limits of 1st District (Felicity street). FOURTH AND FIFTH SECTI0NS-2d District — Steamboat Lauding — from Canal street ferry landing to St. Louis street — New York Steam- ship Landing — From St. Louis to Morgan's Ferry. SIXTH SECTION — 2d District-New York Steamship Landing — From St. Ann street fer- ry landing to St. Philip street— Sea -going Ves- sels, Schooners, Coalboat Landing — From St. Philip to Elysian Fields street. SEVENTH SECTION— 3d Dititrict-Sea- going Vessels — From 3d District ferry landing to Montegut street. EIGHTH SECTION— 3d District— English and other Steamers' Landing — From Montegut to Clouet street. NINTH SECTION— 3d District— Sea-going*Ves- sels, Flatboats and Coalboat Landings— From Clouet street to lower limits of city. TENTH SECTION -4th District— Sea-going Vessels and British and German Steamers— From Felicity street to Jackson street ferry landing. ELEVENTH SECTION— 4th District— Steam- ships, Sea-going Vessels and Coalboat Land- ing:— From Jackoon street ferry landing to Third street. TWELFTH SECTION— 4th District Sea-going Vessels and Flatboat Landing— From Third street to upper limits of city. U. 8. MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.— 2d District— New Orleans, Havana, Philadelphia and New York —Opposite Jackson Square, bet. St. Peter and St. Ann streets. GENERAL COALBOAT LANDING— Foot Hen- ry Clay av., 6th Dist. COVINGTON AND PENASCOLA— 1st Dist., as. New Basin, bet. Rampart and Liberty streets^ Ferries. FIRST DISTRICT— New Orleans and Algiers ferry landing. Canal street. SECOND DISTRICT— New Orleans and Algiers ferry landing, St. Ann street. THIRD DISTRICT— New Orleans and Algiers ferry landing. Levee, foot Barracks. FOURTH DISTRICT— New Orleans and Gretna ferry landing, Jackson street. MORGAN'S LA. & TEXAS RAILROAD FERRY —From foot of Esplanade to railroad depot, Algiers. SEVENTH DISTRICT FERRY— Starts from foot of Jefferson, 7th Dist. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHUECH GUIDE. 53 SLAUGHTERHOUSE CO.'S FEEBY— rrom and to Slaughterhouse, Algiers. LOUISIANA AVENUE FERRY— To Harvey's Canal, starts from foot of Louisiana avenue. UPPER LINE FERRY'— From foot Upper Line to Gretna. LETEE REGISTER. Posts in First District. ASCENDING RIVER. Nos. 1. Opposite Common street. 2. Between Common and Gravier streets. 3. Opposite Gravier street. 4. Poydiiis street. 5. Bi'iween Poyrlras street and Lafaj'ette ave- nue. » 6. Opposite Lafayette ai w. of the river, from Poydras to Julia, Ist dist. CHURCH, 2d s. of Canal St.Fer- ry landing, from the river se. to Market, 5th dist. (late Al- giers). Peter, Alix, Eliza. CLAIBORNE (now North Clai- borne), 20th w. of River from Canal n. to St. Bernard avenue, thence e. to limits, 2d and 3d dists. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, 26 25 Bienville, 48 47 Conti. 72 71 St. Louis, 94 93 Toulouse, 124 123 Carondelet walk, 128 127 St. Peter, 142 141 Orleans, 144 145 St. Ann, 156 155 Dumaine, 182 181 St. Phillip, 210 209 Ursulinea, 234 233 Hospital, — 255 Bayou road, 264 267 EsDlanade, 302 301 Kerlerec, 328 325 Columbus, 354 353 Laharpe, 380 379 Lapeyrouse, St. Bernard avenue, 400 399 New Orleans, St. Bernard, — 435 Annette, 472 471 St. Anthony, 486 483 Bourbon, 614 513 Union. 634 633 Frenchmen, 684 583 Elysian Fields, — 697 Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety. Desire, Elmira, CLA boards' street guide. OLI Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland. Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Gordon, Monroe. Hancock, Iricou. CLAIBORNE (now South Clai- borne,) 20th w. ol river, Ist, 4th and 6th dista. from Canal street, to Lower Line, 6th dist. Rt. Lit. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet, 20 19 Palmyra, 40 39 Common, 76 75 Gravier, 104 103 Perdido, 122 121 North Poydras, 142 141 South Poydrae, 144 143 Lafayette, 190 189 Cyiress, 198 197 Julia, 214 216 New Shell road. ^ Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Felicity, St Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Sixth, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, Nashville, State, Clay, Calhoun, Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. CLARA, 12th w. Of St. Charles, ' from Gravier 8. to State, 1st, 4lh and 6th dists. Rt. Lft. Perdido, 134 135 Poydras, 161 160 South Poydras, 165 166 Lafayette, 181 180 Cypress, 208 209 Julia, 280 231 Delord, Euphrosine, Calliope, 2«0 251 Clio, 271 269 Erato, 292 293 Thalia, 814 316 Melpomene, 329 Felicity, St. Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third. Fourth, Washington avenue, Sixth, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadis, Valence, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Peters avenue, 0<;tavia, Alabama, Nashville, State. CLARK (now South Clark) , let w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal s. to Melpomene, 4tb dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D Hemecourt, Common, Gravier, Perdido, Orleans Canal, Minerva, Juno, Venus, Euphrosine, Felicity, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene. CLARK (now North Clark), Ist w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal n. to Bayou St. John, 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse. CLAY, 2d n. of Metairie road, from City Park to Bayou St. John, 2d dist. CLAY, bet. Front and Peters, from Customhouse to St. Ann, 2d dist. Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, Jefferson, St Peter, St. Ann. CLAY, 12th nw. of and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from Upper Line and Mobile street to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Mobile, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast. Twelfth Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, North Line. CLAY (see Henry Clay ave- nue, 6th dist.). CLAY SQUARE, bet. Second and Third, Chippewa and An- nunciation, 4th dist. CLEMENS, 2d n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. CLINTON, bet. Peters and De- catur, from Customhouse to Bienville, 2d dist. CLINTON, 6th se. of and paral- lel to Carrolton avenue, from river to Lower Line, 7th dist,, late Carrollton. Rt. Lft. Levee, 1 2 Esther, 23 2 Ann, 87 38 DeArmas, 61 62 Macarty, 69 70 Commercial, 86 86 Pearl, First, Hampson, Second, Burthe, Third. Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth. CLIO, 11th B. Of Canal, from Camp w. to Clark, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Camp, 126 127 OLO SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. COM 69 Prytania, 182 133 St. Charles, 152 153 Carondelet, 170 171 Baronne, 186 187 Dryades, Rampart, BaBin, Franklin, 274 275 Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, 386 3«7 Clafa. 408 409 Willow, 450 461 Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblaye, Dolhonde, Broad, Sixth, Fifth, Fourth, Van Buren, Third, Second, St. John avenue, Clark. CLOUET, 6th e. of Lafayette avenue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Levee, Chartrea, Royal, 57 68 Dauphine, 77 -8 Burgundy, 96 96 Rampart, 113 114 St. Claude, 141 142 Marais^ 167 158 Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. Industry, Agriculture, Aiiundanco, Treasure, Benefit, Humanity, Pleasure, Ne -plus -ultra. COCULUS, 3d 8. of Claiborne from Upper Line to State, 6th dist. COFFEE (See Dryades.) COHN, 13th ne. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist., (late Carroll ton.) Lower Line, ' Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, CarroUton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Upper Line. COLAPISSA, 7th n. of and parallel to Mobile, from Low- er Line to South Line, 7th dist. (late CarroUtonj . Lower Line, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidaf, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Bernadotte, Upper Line. COLISEUM, 2d e. of St. Charles avenue, from Melpo- mene, 1st dist. B. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Rt. Lft. Terpsichore, Euterpe. 19 20 Polymnia, 29 30 Urania, 41 ~ Felicity, 61 62 St. Mary, 66 67 St. Andrew, 73 74 Josephine, 99 100 Jackson, 116 116 Philip, 139 140 First 163 164 Second, 181 182 Third, 211 212 Fourth. 219 220 Washington avenue, 236 236 Sixth, 261 262 Seventh, «83 284 Eighth, 297 298 Harmony, 309 310 Pleasant, 821 322 Toledano, 329 330 Louisiana avenue, 863 364 Delachaise, Aline, Foucher, Antonine, 433 434 Amelia, 487 438 Peniston, 445 446 Gen. Taylor, 461 452 Austerlitz, Constantinople, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Lyon, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Uufossat, Bellecadtle, Valmont, Leontine, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. COLISEUM SQUARE, junction of Camp and Coliseum, bet. Melpomene and Euterpe, Ist dist. COLUMBIA, 4th n. of Edin- burgh avenue.from Lafayette avenue w. to Bayou st. John, 3d dist. COLUMBUS, 2d n. of Espla- nade, from Rampart w. to Gentilly road, 8d dist. Rt. Lft. Rampart, 1 2 St. Claude, 21 20 Marais, 63 52 Villere, 89 88 Robertson, 103 102 Claiborne, 121 122 Derbigny, 145 144 Roman. 163 162 Prieur. 191 190 Johnson, 215 214 Galvea, 237 236 Miro. 251 250 Tonti. 287 — Rocheblave, 295 294 Dolhonde, 301 — Broad. White. COLUMBUS, 2d n. of Amerl- cus, from river to Hancock, McDonogh. Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Franklin, Hancock. COMMERCE, bet. Peters and Tchoupitoulas, from Poydras to St. Joseph, Ist dist. Et. Lft. Poydras, 1 2 Lafayette, 23 24 Girod, 61 62 Notre Dame, 71 72 Julia, 85 86 St. Joseph. 119 120 COMMERCIAL, 2d sw. of and parallel to 1st, from Lower Line to Canal or Carrollton avenue, 7th dist. (late Car- I roUton). 70 COM SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. CON Lower Line, Millaudon, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Huso, Short. Carrollton or Canal avenue, COMMERCIAL PLACE, 2>i s. of Canal St., bet. Gravier and Poydras, from Camp to St. Charles, Ist dist. Rt. Lft. Camp, 2 1 St. Charles, 32 31 COMMON, let e. of Canal st., from river w. to limits, Ist dist. Et. Lft. Front, — 10 Fulton, 35 34 Peters, 43 44 Tchoupitoulas, 49 50 Magazine, 79 80 Camp, 109 110 St. Charlea, 139 140 Carondelet, 171 170 Baronne, 201 198 Drvades, 221 222 Rampart, 235 234 Basin. 253 252 Franklin. 257 2H8 Liberty, 285 290 Howard, 301 306 Freret, 323 Locust, — 388 8. Robertson, 341 — Magnolia, 351 358 Claiborne, 359 362 Derbigny, 377 380 St. Jane, — 398 Roman, 399 — Bolivar, — 420 Prieur, 419 — Johnson, 443 446 Galvez, 455 454 Miro, 481 480 Tonti, 493 492 RocheblaTe, 609 508 Dolhonde, 529 530 Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Kendon, Hagan avenue, Clark, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, , Pierce, Carrollton avenae, Solomon, Napoleon. CONDE, see Chartrea. CONGRESS, 11th e. of Lafay- ette avenue, from river n. to woods. Levee, Chartree, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart. St. Claude, Marais. Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida wali. CONRAD, 8th 6. of the lake from Bayou St. John, to Milne 2d dist. CONERT, bet. Washington ave- nue and Sixth.from St. Charles avenue to Prytania, 4th dist. CONSTANCE. 6th w. of river, formerly Foucher, from Poy- dras, 8. to Calliope, Ist dist. recommences at Calliope, s. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Rt. Lft. Poydras, 1 2 Lafayette, 25 26 Girod, 61 52 Julia, 96 96 St. Joseph, 133 134 Delord. 155 156 Poeyfarre, 169 172 Calliope, 193 194 Recommences at Gaiennie, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore Robin, Rice, Orange, Richard, Felicity, St. Mary. St. Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenae, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Harmony, Pleasant, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delacbaise, Aline, Foucher, Antonine, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Austerlitz, Constantinople, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, 19 49 77 101 126 145 169 193 ai5 S35 266 S83 817 337 365 413 431 449 463 489 627 543 562 581 589 611 621 643 647 651 667 682 695 709 726 733 746 767 Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Lyon. Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle, Valmont, Leontine, Peters avenae, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, Nashville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. CONSTANTINOPLE, 10th w. of Louisiana avenue from the river to Rampart, 6h dist. Front, Levee , Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart. CONTI, 3d n. of Canal from river w. to cemeteries, 2d dist., and recommences at New Metairie road and runs to the lake, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Front, 1 2 Clay, 7 8 Peters, 17 18 Decatur, Chartres, 3S 36 Exchange al., Royal. 53 64 Bourbon, 81 84 Dauphine, 111 110 Burgundy, 136 136 Rampart^ 161 162 Basin. 171 172 Franklin, — 182 Liberty. 193 194 Marais, 215 216 Villere, 237 238 Robertson, 257 258 Claiborne, 279 280 Derbigny, 299 300 Roman, 323 324 Prieur, 347 348 Johnson, 371 372 Galvez, 393 394 Miro, 413 412 Tonti, 441 440 RocheblaTe, 465 468 Dolhonde, 493 494 Broad, 621 522 White, 649 652 Dupre, Gayoso, Saleedo, coo SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. DAV 71 Lopez, RendoD, Hagan ayenae. COOPER, 6lh from River, com- mencinR at Upper Line. New Carrollton, 7th dist. COPERNICUS, l8t 8. of Amer- icu8, from riTer to Hancock, McDoDOgh. CORTE?*, (now South Cortes), 4th w. of Hagan avenue from Canal s. to New Canal, let dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecburt, Ulloa, Common, Gravier, Perdido, CORTES (now North Cortes), 4th w. of Hagan avenue from Canal, n. to Bayou St. John, 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines. CORWIN, 8d n. of City Park from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. COTTON PRESS (see Press), 3d a Manche, Charbonnet, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. DAVID, bet. Carrollton avenue and Solomon, from Canal to Metairie road, 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philin, New Metairie road. DAVIDSON'S ROW, es. CaroQ- 72 DAW SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. DEE delet, bet. Poydras and Lafay- ette. DAWNS, nth 8. of the lake from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d diet. DeARMAS, 5ih s.of Market.from river e. to limits, 6th dist. (late AJgiera). Rt. Lft. Jefferson, 1 2 Madison, 19 20 Monroe, 39 40 Franklin, 61 62 Hancock, Chestnut, Elmira avenue, Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R. Tnayre avenue, Le Boeuf avenue, Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. DeARMAS, 4th svsr. of and par- allel to First from Lower Line to Burdelte, 7th dist. (late CarroUton). Rt. Lft. Lower Line 1 2 Millaudon, 19 20 Clinton, 33 34 Hillary, 63 54 Adams, 77 78 Burdette, DECATUR, late Victory and Old Levee, 5th w. of river, from Canal n. to Esplanade, 2d dist. thence e. to St. Ferdi- nand, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, 26 25 Bienville, 62 63 Conti, 82 79 St. Louis, 108 107 Toulouse, 136 137 Jefferson, 146 153 St. Peter, 162 165 St. Ann, 194 193 Madison, — 205 Dumaine, 220 219 St. Philip, 248 247 Ursulines, 274 273 Hospital, 298 299 Barracks, 326 327 Esplanade, 344 345 Frenchmen, 349 363 Elysian Fields 378 379 Marigny, 404 405 Mandeville, 430 431 Spain, 456 455 Lafayette avenue, 472 471 Port, 490 489 St. Ferdinand, 612 611 DECATUR, 4lh s. of Market, from river e. to limits, 6th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lt. Jefferson, 1 2 Madison, 19 18 Monroe, 41 40 Franklin, 69 60 Verret, 76 74 Vallette, — 76 Chestnut, 93 — Elmira avenae. Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R., Thayre avenue, Le BoBuf avenue, Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. DEERS, 10th e. of Elysian Fields, from junction of La- fayette avenue and Virtue n. to lake, 3d diet. Magistrate, Law, Florida Walk, DELACHAISE, 1st. s. of Lou- isiana avenue from river n. to Miro, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Chippewa, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine. Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Prj'tania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryad es, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, WUlow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro. DELARONDE, 3d a. of river from Adams to U. 8. Hospital, 3d dist. Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. DELARONDE, 2d se. of Canal Street Ferry landing, from river ne. to Vallette, 6th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Powder, 1 2 Bouny, 19 18 Seguin, 39 38 Barthelemy, 59 60 Lavergne, 79 80 Verret, 95 96 Olivier, 115 116 Vallette, 131 132 DELERY, let n. of Lower Line from the river to the woods, 3d dist. DELORD, 8th s. of Canal, from river w. to Broad, 1st dist It. Lft. Water, Delta, Front, 9 10 Fulton, 20 Peters, 39 40 Commerce, 64 Tchoupitoulas, 79 78 Constance, 115 116 Magazine, 139 133 Can p, 161 160 St. Charles, 177 178 Carondelet, 197 198 Baronne, 217 226 Dryades, 261 258 Rampart, 281 282 Franklin, ai6 Liberty, 340 Howard, 362 Freret, 364 Locust, 386 Magnolia, 4U ClarH, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur. Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Touti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. DELORD, 1st s. of Claiborne from Upper Line w. to Cal- houn, 6th dist. Robert, Soniat, Peters avenue, Octavia, Alabama, Nashville, State, Clay, Calhoun. DELTA, 2d w. of river from Canal e. to St. Joseph, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, Gravier, 15 — Poydras, 37 — Lafayette, 81 — Girod, Notre Dame, Julia, St. Joseph. DERBIGNY (now South Der- bigny), 21st w. of river and 1st w. of Claiborne, from Ca- nal s. to Upper Line, 6th dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet, 24 28 Palmyra, 46 47 Common, 64 63 Gravier, 90 89 Perdido, 120 119 Lafavette, Girod. Julia, DER boards' street guide. DOL 73 New Shell road, Euphrosinei Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Josephine, Jackson, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Gen. Ta3 lor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, IJpper Line. DERBIGNY (now North Der bian.N ), 21st n. ol river, and 1st w. of Claiborne, from Canal n. to St. Bernard avenue and thence e. to Lower Line, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 ' Customhouse, 26 25 BieuvUle, 46 45 Conti, 72 71 St. Louis, 92 91 Toulouse, 114 113 Carondelet Walk, 116 115 Pt. Peter. 130 129 Orleans. 140 139 St. Ann, 152 151 Duiuaine, 178 177 St. Philip, 204 203 Ursulines, 230 229 Hospital, 252 251 Bayou road, 266 265 Esplanade, 288 287 Kerlerec. 326 325 Columbus, 342 341 Laharpe, 368 367 Lapevrouse, 388 387 St. Bernard avenue. New Orleans, St. Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Marigny. Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Lafayette avenue. Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety. Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, 8 Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lessepa, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. DESIRE. 9th e. Of Lafayette avenue from river woods, 3d dist. LeT^e, Ciurtres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgun'ly, Rampart. St. 01 .ude, Marais. Urquhart, Villere. Robertson. Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force," Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. DESLONDE, 3d c. of the Con- vent of the Ursulines. from the river to the woods, 3d dist. DESTREHAN, 13th n. of St. Charles avenue, from Walnut w. to Lower Line, 6tn dist. Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. DETER, 6th w. of Paris, from Pleasure n. to the lake, 3d dist. D'HEMECOURT, 5th s. of Ca- nal, from June. Common and Lopez w. to New Canal, Ist dist. Rendon, Hagan avenue, Clark, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, St. James, Carrollton avenue, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olympia, St. Patrick, Bernadotte. DIVISION, bet. Boussean and St. Thomas, from First to Second, 4th diet. DIXON, 15th n. of Mobile, from Nortli Line to parish bound- ary, 7ih dist. (lateCarroUton). Lower Line, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Living-ton, Bernadotte, Nortli Line. DOLHONDE, (new North Dol- honde).29th w. of river and let e. of Broad, from Canal n. to limits, 3d dist. Bt. Lft. Canal, 1 2 Customhouse, 16 16 Bienville, — 30 Conti, Toulouse, Caiondelet walk, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, 127 — Dumaine, 148 149 St. Philip, — 165 Ursulines, Hospital, Barracks, Esplanade, St. John, Bayou road, Kerlerec, Columbus, Laharpe, Onzaga, Dabadie, Aubry, O'Reilly, St. Bernard aveno*^ Warsaw, Havana, London avenue. New Orleans, Bernard, Annette, St, Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields^ Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, ; Arts, Painters, Franklin aventM^ Hunters, Deere, Lafayette aveniMk Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, 74 DOL boards' street guide. BUM a O'ouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauliuo, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Adams, William, BeutOD, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou, Petre, Cauonge, DOLHONDE (now South Dol- houde),'29th w. of river and Ist e. of Broad, from Canal Ist dist. 8. to Berlin, 6th dist. Rt. I.ft. Canal, 1 2 Gaequet, 17 18 Palmyra, 37 38 Banks, 63 64 Common, Gravier, Perdido, Poydras, Julia, New Shell road, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Second, Third, Fourth, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Milan, Berlin, DOLOPHON, 4th 8. of the lake from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. DORGENOI8 (see Dolhonde). DORSIERE, bet. Decatur and Ohartres, from Canal to Cus- tomhouse, 2d diat. DRYA.DES, 12th w. of river from Canal s. to June. St. Charles avenue and Joseph, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 5 1 Common, 44 43 Gravier, 72 71 Union, — 93 Perdido. 112 113 Poydras, 142 148 Lafayette, 180 181 Qirod, 208 209 Julia, 248 249 Delord, 280 281 Calliope, 810 311 Olio, S34 335 Erato, 362 363 Thalia, 384 387 Melpomene, 406 407 Terpsichore, 432 433 Euterpe, 466 461 Polymnia, Felicity, 482 483 St. Andrew, 606 517 Josephine, 544 545 Jackson, 668 569 Philip, 688 589 First, 601 602 Second, 624 625 Third, 638 639 Fourth, 652 653 Washington avenue, 664 665 Sixth, 686 687 Seventh, 706 707 Eighth, 716 717 Toledano, 792 793 Louisiana avenue, 736 — Delachaise, Foucher, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Coustantinople, Mareugo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valeuce, Bordeaux, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat. Dufossat, Valmont, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph. DRYDEN, e. of and parallel to Franklin avenue from Lafay- ette avenue to the lake, 3d dist. DRYDEN. 14th from river, commencing at Upper Line, New Carrollton, 7th diet. DUBLIN, Ist nw. of and paral- lel to Carrollton avenue, from First to parish boundary, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Levee, First, Hampson, Second, Burthe, Third, Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette Sixth, Green, Seventh, Cohn. Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile or Tenth, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast. Twelfth, Princbard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshev. Fifteenth, E linburgh. Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth Dixon, Eighteenth, Shell road. DUCAYET, 3d w. of GentUly road from Esplanade n. to Pleasure, 3d dist. Grand Route 8t. John, Floridas, Maurepas, Fortin, Fair Grounds, intersection. Nelson, Treasure, Brickyard, Pleasure. DUELS, 12th n. of Claiborne, from St. Bernard avenue, e. to Elysian Fields, 3d dist. Bruxelles, Warsaw, Havana, London avenue, New Orleans, Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields. DUFOSSAT, 9th w. of Napo- leon avenue, from river to St. George, 6th dist. Front, Levee. Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, St. Charles avenue Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick. St. David, Green, St. George. DUPLESSIS, 7th w. of London avenue, from St. Bernard ave- nue to the lake. DUMAINE, 9th n. of Canal, from river, New Metairie road, 2d dist. and thence n. to the lake, 3d dist. Bt. Lft. Decatur, 1 2 Chartres, 83 35 Royal, 67 66 Bourbon, 88 82 Dauphine, 107 106 Burgundy, 139 ISO DUP SOARDS' STREET GUIDE ELE 75 Rampart, 161 152 Twelfth, Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. St. Claude, 177 176 Princhard, (late Carrollton). Liberty, 197 196 Thirteenth, Lower Line, Marais, 215 214 Colapissa, Hillary, Villere, 237 238 Fourteenth, Adams, Robertson, 255 264 Forshey, Burdette, Claiborne, 273 272 Fifteenth, Washington, Derbigny, 291 290 Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Short, Roman, 315 316 Carrollton avenue. Prieur, 837 338 Sterlitz, Dublin, Johnson, 359 360 Seventeenth, Madison, Galvez, 881 380 Dixon, Cambronne, Miro, 401 400 Eighteenth, Jefferson, Tonti, 423 422 Marks, Leonidas, Roi-heblave, 443 444 Nineteenth, Monroe, Dolhonde, 473 474 Heaton, Eagle, Broad, 653 554 Twentieth, Jackson, White, Shell road. Holly, Dupre, Hamilton, Gayoso, EAGLE (seeWlUow). Laurel, Salcedo, Upper Line. Lopes, EDINBURGH, 11th n . of and Rendon, parallel to Mobile, from North EIGHTEENTH, 16th n. of and Hagan avenue, Line to boundary. 7th dist. parallel to Mobile, from Low- Bayou St. John. (late Carrollton). er Line to parish boundary. Lower Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). DUPLANTIER (see Calliope). Washington, Lower Line, Short, Short, DUPRE (now North Dupre), Carrollton aTenae. Carrollton avenue, 2d w. of isroad from Canal n. Dublin, Dublin, to Esplanade, 2 ddist Madison, Madison. Customhouse, Cambronne Cambronne, Bienyille, Jefferson, Jefferson, Conti, Leonidas, Leonidas, St. Louis, Monroe, Monroe, Carondelet Walh J Eagle, Eagle, Toulouse, Jackson, Jackson, St. Peter, Holly, Holly, Orleans, Hamilton, Hamilton, St. Ann, Laurel GrOTe, Laurel Grove, Duraaine, Clay, Clay, St. Phillip, Live Oak, Live Oak, Ursulinee, Livingston, Livingston, Oak, Bernadotte, North Line. St. John, Upper Line, Esplanade. ELEONORE, 5th w. of Peters EDINBURGH AVENUE, 4th avenue, from river n. to St. DUPRE (now South Dupre), f om the lake from Bayou St. Charles avenue, 6th diet. 2a w. of Broad, from Canal, John to Lafayette avenue, Front, 8. to New Canal. 1st diet. Mllueburg. Levee, Gasquet, Preston, Palmyra, EDWARD (see Melpo mene). Market, Bank-i, Laurel, Baudin, EGANIA, 8th e. of the Con- Constance, D'Hemeoourt, vent of the Ursulines from Magazine, Common, the river to the woods. 3d Camp, Gravier, dist. Chestnut, Perdido, Coliseum, Poydras. ^ EIGHTH, 14 sw. of Felicity and 36th, s. of Canal st. from river Perrier, Prytania, EAGLE, 7th nw. of and parallel n. to Rampart, 4th dist^ Pitt, to Carrollton avenue, from Kl. Lft. Jennet, river to parish boundary, dist., (late Carrollton). Levee, 7th Water, Tchoupitulas, St. Thomas, 3 7 39 2 6 38 Hurst, Benjamin, St. Charles avenue. Zimpel, Cti'ppewa, 67 56 Fourth, Annunciation, 83 82 ELEVENTH, 2d n. of and par- Plum, Laurel, 113 112 allel to Mobile, from Lower Fifth, Constance, 145 144 Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Jeannette, Magazine, 169 168 Sixth, Camp, 193 190 Lower Line. Green, Chestnut, 205 202 Adams, Seventh, Coliseum, 237 238 Burdette, Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Prytania, St. Charles. 259 293 260 292 Washington, Short, Carondelet, 313 314 Can-ollton avenue, Ninth, Baronne, 337 338 Dublin, Napoleon, Dryades, 359 360 Madison, Mobile or Tenth Rampart, 377 378 Cambronne, Nelson, JeflFerson, Eleventh, EIGHTH, 14th ne. of and par- Leonidas, Belfast, allel .lo 1st , from Lower Monroe. 76 ELI SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. ESP Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay. Live Oak, Livingston, Upper Line. ELIZA, 4th se. of Canal St. Fer- ry landing, from Powder ne. to Sumner, thence e. to limits, Sthdist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Powder, 1 2 Bouny, 27 26 Seguin, _ Sarthelemy, 87 88 Verret, — 90 Olivier, 119 120 Valleite, 145 148 Chestnut, 171 172 Elmira avenue, 191 190 Pacific avenue, ^ tlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R., Thayre avenue, Le BcBuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. ELIZABETH, 6th n. of river, from Walnut w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Chestnut, Broadway, Pine. Lower Line. ELMIRA AVENUE, 4th w. of Opelousas R. R. from river, boundary line of Jefferson Parish, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Patterson, 1 2 Thayre, 8 Peter, 38 39 Alix, 69 66 Eliza, 89 80 Evelina, 111 no Market, 131 130 Jackson, I49 150 Homer, 163 164 Newton, Decatur, De Armas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier. ELMIRA, 10th e. of Lafayette avenue from river n. to woods. 3d dist. Ch'rtres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Maraie, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solii'elle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, LaFo ce. Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. ELYSIAN FIELDS, line of the Pontchartrain R. R. from riv- er to the lake, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Levee, 1 2 Decatur, 21 22 Chartres, 45 46 Royal, 69 68 Dauphine, 89 — Burgundy, 107 108 Rampart, 129 130 St. Claude, 155 152 Marais, 179 174 Urquhart, 203 204 Villere, 226 224 Robertson, 251 242 Claiborne, 275 274 Derbigny, 303 302 Roman, 325 326 Prieur, 355 354 Johnson, 881 382 Galvez, 405 408 Miro, 413 411 Tonti, 421 — Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, Law, Hope, Florida walk. Duels, Industry, Agriculture, Abundance, Treasure, Benefit, Humanity, Pleasure, White, Serre, Beauregard, Manuel, Fox, Calo, Solon, Pelopidaa, Livi gston, Stephen Girard, Leonidas, Virginius, Carnot, Brutus, Monroe avenue, Tiijioleon, Socrates, Biron, St. J.imes avenue, Mithra, Odin, Mendez, Calhoun avenue, Athis, Presburg, Vienna, Edinburgh avenue, Mexico, New York, Frankfort, Columbia. Bayou Sauvage, from Grand Route St. Johnn. to Pleasure. 3d di-t. Floridas, Maurepas, Fortin, Fair Grounds, intersection. Nelson, Treasure, Brickyard, Pleasure. ENGHEIN (see Lafayette ave- nue). ERATO, 12th s. of Canal, from river w. to woods, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Wat'r, Delta, Front, 1 2 Peters, 26 24 Tchoupitoulas, 49 48 St. Thomas, 73 72 Annunciation, 77 76 Constance, 99 100 MMgazine, 121 122 Camp, 141 140 Prytania, 155 154 St. Charles avenue, 1S3 182 Carondelet, 205 204 Baronne, 233 232 Dryades, 265 264 Rampart, 277 278 Basin, 285 286 Franklin, 301 302 Liberty. 329 330 Howard, 355 856 Freret, 375 376 Locust, 393 394 Magnolia, 419 420 Clara, — . 432 Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Roehtblave, Dolhonde, Broad. ENCAMPMENT, 2d W. of ESPLANADE, 14th n. of Oanal St., and dividing line bet. 2d and 3d dists. from river nw. to Bayou St. John, and re- commences at New Metairie road, and runs n. to the lake. Rt. Lft. Front, 1 2 Decatur, 23 24 Chartres, 43 44 Royal, 67 68 Bourbon, 83 84 Dauphine, 105 104 Burgundy, 117 ns Rampart, 137 138 St. Claude, 163 160 Liberty, — 18O Marais, 187 188 Villere, 21I 210 Robertson, 227 226 Claiborne, 239 240 Derbigny, 263 254 Roman, 276 276 Prieur, 286 286 Johnson, 809 308 Galvez, 327 328 Miro, 347 348 EST SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. FIF 77 Tonti, — 368 Rocheblave, 387 378 Dolhonde, 407 — Broad, 431 432 White, — 454 Dupre, — 458 Gayoso, Salcedo, Ducayet, Lopez, Rendon, Labatut, Howe, Bayou St. John. ESTELLE (see Thalia). ESTHER. 4th sw.ol St. Charles, avenue from Foucherville to Lower Line, 6th dist. ESTHER, 6th sw. of and par- allel to First, from Lower Line to Hillary, 7th dist. (late Oarrollton). Rt. Lft. Lower Line, 1 2 Scott, 11 12 Millaudon, 23 24 Clinton, 39 35 HiUary, 47 48 EUPHROSIJ fE, l8t n. of Calli- ope, from Bampart w. to woods. Rampart, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblare, Dolhonde, Broad. EUTERPE, 7th 8. of Delord. from Coliseum nw, to Felicity, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. ColiBeum, 1 2 Prytania, 27 28 St. Charles avenue, 57 58 Carondelet, 89 90 Baronne, 113 112 Dryades, 143 142 Rampart, 169 168 Basin, 183 182 Franklin, 199 198 Liberty, 211 — Felicity. EUTERPE, Ist 8. of Terpsi- chore, fro m junction Broad and Toledano w. to St. John avenue, 6th dist. Sixth, Fifth. Fourth, Van Buren, Third. Second, St. John avenue. EVELINA, 5th ee. of Canal St. Ferry landing, from Pow- der ne. to Sumner, thence e. to limits, 5th dist. (late Al- giers). Powder, Bouny, Seguin, Barlhelemy, Verret, Olivier, Vallette, Chestnut, Elmira avenue, Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R., Thayre avenue, Le BoBuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. EXCHANGE ALLEY, bet. Royal and Chartres, from Customhouse to St. Louis, 2d dist. EXCHANGE PASSAGE, bet. Royal and Chartres, from St. Peter to St. Anthony square, 2d dist. EXCHANGE PLACE, bet. Royal and Chartres, from Canal to Customhouse, 2d dist. FAZENDE AVENUE, a. of Market, from Hancock e. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Chestnut, Elmira avenue, Thompson, Nichols, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R., Thayre avenue, Le Boeuf avenue, Wehster avenue- Washington, Hendee, Sumner. FELICIA. 2d sw. of St. Charles avenue, from Foucherville lo Lower Line, 6th dist. FELICIANA, 5th e. of Lafay- ette avenue, from St. Claude n. to wuods, 3d dist. Mariiis, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius* Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. FELICITY, 23d «. of Canal st. and dividing 1st and 4th dis- tricts, from river nw. to woods. Bt. Lft. Peters, Tchoupitoulas, 1 2 Religious, 15 16 Rousseau, 19 20 St. Thomas, 41 40 Chippewa, 75 68 Annunciation, 95 92 Laurel, 111 110 Constance, 125 124 Magazine, 149 148 Camp, 175 174 Chestnut, 187 182 Coliseum, 193 196 Prytania, 227 226 St. Charles avenue, 253 252 Carondelet, 279 278 Baronne, 309 308 Dryadea, 341 340 Rampart, 361 360 Basin, 369 — Franklin, 389 390 Liberty, 407 408 Howard, 445 440 Freret, 465 464 Locust, 493 — Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. FERDINAND, 7th n. of river, from Walnut w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine. Lower Line. FIFTH. 3d w. of Broad, from Ursulines, n. to Esplanade, 2d dist. Oak, St. John, Washington, Esplanade. FIFTH, 2d w. of Broad, from New Canal a. to Napoleon avenue, 6th dist. Juno, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Polymnia, Urania, Gasquet, Napoleon avenae. FIFTH, 8th ne. of and parallel to Firat, from Lower Line to 78 FIF SOAEDS' STREET GUIDE. FOU Upper Line, 7th dist. (late CarroUton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, ▲dama, Burdette, Washington, Short, CarroUton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Upper Line. FirTEENTH, 10th ne. and par- allel to Mobile, from Lower J Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (.late CarroUton). Lower Line, Washington, Short, CarroUton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leouidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly. Hamilton. Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Bernadotte, Upper Line. FIFTH, 2d dist. (see N. Dupre.) FILLMORE AVENUE,26th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. FIRST, 7th s. of Felicity and 29th s. of Canal St., from river w. to Dolhonde, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tchoupitoulaa, 7 8 Rousseau, 35 36 Division, — 52 St. Thomas, 67 68 Chippewa, 91 92 Annunciation, 109 110 Laurel, 131 132 Constance, 151 152 Magazine, 175 174 Camp, 187 188 Chestnut, 209 210 Coliseum, 223 222 Prytania, 237 238 St. Charles avenue, 259 260 Carondelet, 281 282 Baronne, 299 300 Dryades, 317 318 Bampart, 341 342 St. Patrick, 359 358 Franklin, 361 360 Liberty, 379 384 . St. George. 397 — - Howard, 399 400 i Freret, 417 418 Locust, 433 434 Magnolia, 445 446 Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde. FIRST, 1st dist. (see Hagan avenue). FIRST, or St. Charles avenue, head of depot CarroUton R. R. from Lower Line boundary to Madison, 7th dist. (late Car- ronton^. Lower Line, Millaudon, Clinton, HiUary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Huso, Short, CarroUton avenue, Dublin. Madison. FISH, l8t s. of the lake, from Bayou St. John w. to St. Louis, 3d dist. FISHERMEN'S CANAL, form- ing the boundary line bet. the Parish of Orleans and Parish of St. Bernard and running into Bayou Bienvenue, 3a dist. FLOOD, 10th e. of the Convent of the Ursulines, from the river to the woods, 3d dist. FLORIDAS, Ist n. of Grand Route St. John, from Bayou Sauvage w. to Bayou St. John, 2d and 3d dists Sauvage, Encampment, Ducayet, Esplanade, Second, First, Bayou St. John. FLORIDA WALK, 11th n. of Claiborne from Elysian Fields e. to limits, 3d dist. Elysian Fields, Marigny, Manaeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Franklin avenue. Hunters, Deers, Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire. Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Adams, William. Benton, Gorlon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou, Petre, Canouge. FORCE (see La Force). FORSHEY, 9th ne.of and paral- lel to MobUe.from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late CarroUton). Lower Line, Washiiigton, Short, CarroUton avenue, DiibUn, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Bernadotte, Upper Line. FORSTALL, 6th e. of the Con vent of the Ursulines, from the river to the woods, 3d dist. FORSTALL, 9th n. of St. Charles avenue, from Peters avenue to Bloomingdale, 6th dist. FORTIN, 2d e. of Bayou St. John, from Pleasure n. to Bayou, 3d dist. FOUCHER. 1st dist. (see Con- stance). FOUCHER, 3d w. of Louisiana avenue, from river n. to Green, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, FOU Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Caroudelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David. Green. FOURTH, 10th 8W. ot Felicity and32d s. of Canal et., from river w. to Broad, 4th dist. Rt. Lilt. Water ^ ^ Tchoupltoulas, 7 8 Rousseau, i^ J" St. Thomas, « 1° Chippewa. o» '" Annunciation, 101 lOi Laurel, Ifl 122 Constance, }^ ^^t S""'- 165 ^ ^;- tS* 219 220 St. Charles avenue, 239 2i>i Carondelet, 245 246 Baronne. 255 266 Dryades. 315 31b Rampart. 3^| ^^« Basin, 361 3bO Franklin, 375 3-4 Liberty, 395 6^ Howard. "3 *1^ Freret. *35 434 Locust, Majtnolia, Clara. Willow, Cliiiborne, DerbiKuy, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. FOURTH, Ist and 2d dists. (see Gayoso). FOURTH, 6th n. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line. 7th dist. (late Ciurollton). Lower Liae. Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington. Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidaa, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Upper Line. FOURTEENTH, 8th ne. of and parallel to Mobile, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). SO ABDS' S TRE ET GUIDE. Lower Line. Washington. Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin. Madison. Cambronne, JefTerson, Leonidaa, Monroe, Eagle, Jackaon, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Upper Line. FOX, 10th s. ol and parallel to Monroe avenue, from Bayou St. John to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. FRANCE, 6th w. of the Con- vent of the Ursulines, from the river to the woods, 3d dist. FRANKFORT, 3d n. of Edin- burgh avenue, from Lafayette avenue w. to Bayou St. John, Milneburg. FRANKLIN, (now South Frank- lin), 16th w. of river, from Canal s. to New Canal, 1st dist. thence to Calhoun, 6th ^'''- Bt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet, 26 2o Common. ** ti Gravier, 74 ,i Perdido, 112 111 North Poydras, 146 145 South Poydrae, 148 147 Lafayette, l-;6 185 S- ^ ^ Delord, . 268 269 Euphrosme, 280 z»v Erato 356 355 Thalia, 384 383 Melpomene, 400 399 Terpsichore. 418 4Z7 Euterpe, 450 451 Felicity, 454 457 St. Andrew, 468 469 Philip, 542 641 First 548 549 Second, 568 559 Third, Fourth. Washington avenoe. Sixth, tseventh. Eighth, Toledano. Louisiana avenuo Delachaise. Foucher. Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Marengo, i Milan, FEE 79 Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence. Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Valmont, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, State, Clay, Calhoun. FRANKLIN (now North Frank- lin), 15th w. of river, from ca- nal n. to Carondelet walk, 2d ^'^^' Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, *° ^^ Bienville, 5i ,, Conti, '» '' St. Louis, 8b 83 Toulouse, ~" «a Carondelet walk. — ^ FRANKLIN. 4th e. of river, from Market s. to limits, 5th ^'^'- Kt. Lft. Market. 1 2 Jackson, *^ ^ Homer, 35 3b Newton, 69 SS Decatur, 67 68 DeArmas, 89 «» Lapeyrouae, IW jOO I Socrates, 129 lis Ptolemy, **' " Lawrence, Bringier. FRANKLIN AVENUE, 8th e. of Eiysian Fields, from junction Lafayette avenue and Der- bigny n. to lake, 3d dist. Roman, Prieur, Johnsun, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave. I Dolhonde, I Broad, I Law, I Florida walk. 1 FREDERICK SQUARE, bound- ed by Fifteenth, Hamilton, I Edinburgh and Laurel Grove, 7th diet, ^ate Carrollton). FREMONT. 15th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. FRENCH, 17th e. of Lafayette avenue, from the river to woods, 3d diflt. Levee, Chartres, Royal. Dauphine, Bergundy, Rampart, 80 FEE SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. GAL , Ist w. of Elysian Beplanade a. to St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Olaiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine , Qenius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. FRENCHMEN Fields, from lake 3d dist. Decatur, Cbartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart,. Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti. Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. FRERET(formerly Jacobs), 5th w. of Rampart from Common to State, 1st, 4th and 6th dists. Rt. Lft. — 113 Rt. Lft. 13 — 81 32 47 48 76 73 95 96 119 120 141 142 166 166 185 186 207 208 226 226 235 236 261 262 283 284 805 304 — 334 Perdido, North Poydras, South Poydras, Lafayette, Perrilliat, Cypress, Julia, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Felicity, St. Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First. Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Toledano, Louisana avenue, Delachaise, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor. Marengo, 188 187 198 200 272 273 302 30:i 336 337 348 349 390 391 398 399 416 417 448 — Milan, Berlin, Napolean arenae, Jena, Cadiz, Valence. Upper Line^ Robert, Soniat, Valmont, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, State. FRONT (now North Front), 3d w. of river, from Canal n. to Toulouse, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, Crossman, — 6 Customhouse, — 12 Bienville, — 24 Conti, — 36 St. Louis, Toulouse. FRONT (now South Front). 3d w. of river, from Canal s. to Orange, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 1 2 Common, 5 4 Gravier, 19 20 Poydras, 47 48 Lafayette, 81 82 Girod, 111 112 Notre Dame, 131 132 Julia, 149 150 St. Joseph, 197 198 North Market, 201 202 South Market, 203 204 Delord, Calliope, 209 210 Gaiennie, 221 222 Erato, 247 248 Thalia, 271 272 Melpomene, Terpsichore, Henderson, Kobin, Race, Orange. FULTON, 4th w. of river, from Canal s. to Delord, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Canal. 1 2 [;ommon. 3 6 jravier, 21 22 Poydras, 47 48 Lafayette, 79 80 Sirtd, 105 106 Notre Dame, 127 126 Julia, 134 133 St. Joseph, 179 178 North Market, South Market, Delord. FULTON, 4th dist. (see St. Thomas). GAIENNIE, nth s. of Canal st. bet. Calliope and Erato, from river w. to Camp, Ist dist. Rt. Lft. Water, Delta, Front, Peters, Tcboupitoulas, Annunciation, Constance, MagaEine, Camp. 27 26 05 66 79 78 97 93 115 114 121 120 GAINES, commences at Lafay- ette avenue, cor. Socrates, and runs n. to the lake, 3d dist. GAINES, 10th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. GALLATIN, Ist w. of river, from Ursulines n. to Barracks, 2d dist. Hospital, Barracks. GALLATIN, 3d 8. of Americus, from river e. to Hancock, Mc- Donogh. GALLILEE, s. of and parallel to Bainbridge from boundary line to Hancock, McDonogh. GALVEZ (now South Galvez), 26th w. of river and 6th w. of Claiborne, from Canal s. to Peters avenue, 6th dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gaaquet, 24 23 Palmyra, 42 43 Banks, 60 59 Common, 62 — Gravier, 102 101 Perdido, — 129 Poydras, — 166 Lafayette, — 159 Cypress, Julia, Delord, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomen^ Jackson, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington arenae, Tolodano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon aventie, Jena, Cadiz, Upper Line, Robert, Peters avenue. GALVEZ (now North Qalvei), 25th w. of river and 5th w. of Claiborne, from Canal n. to St. Bernard avenue, 2d dist. Rt. Lft. Canal. 2 t Customhouse, 20 21 BienviUe, 34 36 Conti, 66 57 St. Louis, 74 73 GAR boards' street guide. GEN 81 Toulouse, 80 79 Carondelet walk, St. Peter, 128 127 Orleans, 136 135 St, Ann, 146 145 Dumaine, 164 163 St. Philip, 190 189 Ursulines, 206 205 Hospital, 228 227 Barracks, 240 241 Bayou road, 236 235 Esplanade, — • 237 Kerlerec, Columbus, ILiaharpe, Lapeyirousfl, Onzaga, Dabadie, 6t. Bernard avenne. QARRICK, 2d from river, com- mencing at Upper Line, New Carrollton, 7th dist. QASQUET, 6th e. of Melpo- mene, from Broad w. to Sec- ond. 6th diit. Fifth, Gayoso, Van Buren, Third, Second. GASQUET, Ist e. of Oanal.from Basin w. to cemeteries, Ist dist. Rt. Lf t. Basin, 1 2 Franklin, 9 10 Liberty, 31 22 Howard, 43 44 Villere, 67 68 Robertson, 88 90 Claiborne 111 112 Derbigny, 131 132 Roman, 166 154 Prieur, 175 176 Johnson, 199 200 aalvez, 219 218 Miro, 243 244 Tonti. 261 262 Rocheblave, 271 272 Dolhonde, 296 296 Broad, 321 322 White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salceilo, Lopea, Rendon, Hagan aTenae* Clark. Genois, Telemachaa, Cortes, St. John, St. James, Carrolltoii, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander Murat, Olympia, St. Patrlcfe, Bernadotte, Cemeteries, GAYOSO (now South QayoBO), 3d w. of Broad, from Canal, let dist., B. to Broad, 6th dist, Qasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, Common, Gravier, Perdido, Poydras, New Canal. Turnpike road* Juno, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Polymuia, Urania, Gasquet. Marshall, James, Broad. GAYOSO (now North Gayoso), 3d w of Broad, from Canal w. to Esplanade, 2d dist. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Carondelet walk, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines, Oak, St. John, Washington, Esplanade. GAYOSO, 15th n. of St, Charles avenue, from Walnut w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. GENERAL SCOTT, 1st above and parallel to Lower Line, from river to Wall, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). GENERAL TAYLOR, 8th w. of Toledano, from river u. to Rocheblave, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, I St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Koraan, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, • Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave. GENIUS, 6th n. of Claiborne, from St. Bernard avenae e. to Lower Line, 3d dist. St. Bernard avenue, Loudon, New Orleans, Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Maripny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Franklin avenue. Hunters, Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, CoTigress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Keynes, Adams, Benton, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. GENOIS (now South Genois), 2d w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal a' to New Canal, Ist dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Ulloa, Common, Gravier, »^ GEK SOAEDS' STREET GUIDE HAM Perdido, Law, Jena, New Canal. Florida walk. Cadiz, Valence, GENOIS (now North Getiois), GOSLIN, 5th dist. (now V^al- Upper Line, 2d w. of Hagan avenue, from lette). Robe, Canal n. to Bayou St. John, 2d Soni, dist. GR/VNDE ROUTE ST. JOHN, Dufo, Customhouse, 3d n. of Esplanade, from Bellecastle, Bienville, Bayou Sauvage w . to Bajou Peters avenue. Conti, St. John, crossing Esplanade, Octavia, St. Louis, 2d dist. Joseph, Toulouse, Arabella, St. Peter, GRAVIER, 2d s. of Caniil, from Nashville, Orleans, river nw. to New Canal, Ist State, St. Ann, dist. Clay, Dnmaine, Rt. Lft. Calhoun. St. Philip, Water, Ursulines, Delta, GREEN, 11th ne. of and par- Bayou St. John. Front, 23 24 allel to First, from Lower Fulton, 33 34 Line to Upper Line, 7th diet. GENTILLY AVENUE, continu- Peters, 43 44 (late CarroUton). ation of Bayou road, com- Tchoupitoulas, 67 58 Lower Line, mencing at Broad and run- Magazine, 87 88 Hillary, ning along s. bank of Bayou CHmp, St. Charles, 119 120 Adams, Sauvage to Fort McComb, 149 150 Hurdette, Parish St. Bernard Carondelet, 177 178 Washington, Baronne, 199 198 Short, GIKOD, 3d dist. (see Viliere). Dryades, 223 222 CarroUton avenue. Rampart, 239 240 Dublin, GIROD, 5th s. of Canal, from Basin, 253 254 Madison, river w. to Liberty, let dist. Franklin, 271 272 Cambronne, Rt. Lft Liberty, 293 294 Jefferson, Front, 19 18 Howard, 307 308 Leonidas, Fulton, 29 28 Freret, 319 320 Monroe, Peters, 39 88 Locust, 333 334 Eagle, Commerce, 55 64 Magnolia, 355 3^6 Jackson, Tchoupitoulas, 71 70 Claiborne, 373 372 Holly, Constance, 93 94 Derbigny. 385 386 Hamilton, Magazine 105 106 St. Jane, 395 396 Upper Line. Camp, 133 132 Bolivar, 413 412 Church, 145 144 Bertrand, 431 430 HAGAN AVENUE (now South St. Charles, 161 160 Johnson, 447 446 Hagan avenue), 7th w. of Carondelet, 187 186 Galvez, 469 468 Broad, from Canal s. to New Baronne, 213 212 Miro, 483 — Canal, 1st dist. Dryades, 235 236 Tonti. Gasquet, Rampart, 253 252 Rocheblave, Palmyra, Basin, 271 270 Dolhonde, Banks, Franklin, 289 288 Broad, Baudin, Liberty. 311 — White, Dupre, D'Hemecourt, Common, GIROND (see Howard). Gavoso, Gravier, Salcedo, Perdiilo, GOLDSMITH, 9th from river. Lopez, New CanaL commencing at Upper Line, Rendon. New CarroUton, 7th dist. Hagan avenue. HAGAN AVENUE (now North Clark, Hagan avenue), 7th w. ol GOODCHILDREN (see St. Genois, Broad, from Canal n. to Ursu- Claude). Telemachus, Cortes, lines, 2d dist. Customhouse, GORDON, 5th w. of U. S. Bar- St. John, BienviUe, racks, from river n. to woods. Pierce, Conti, 3d dist. CarroUton avenue. St. Louie, Chartres, Toulouse, Royal, GREATMEN (see Dauphine), | St. Peter, Dauphine, 3d dist. Orleans, Burgundy, St. Ann, Rampart, GREAT ROUTE (see Louisiana | Dumaine, St. Claude, avenue), 6th dist. St. PhUip, MaraiB, Ursulines. Urquhart, VUlere, GREEN, 7th n. of St. Charles, from Toledano s. to Calhoun. HAMBURG, Ist w. of Paris av- Robertson, 6th dist. enue, from St. Bernard ave» Claiborne, Louisiana avenue. nue to the lake, 3d dist. Derbigny, Solidelle, Delachaise, Foucher, HAMILTON. 10th nw. of and JosephuB, Amelia, parallel to CarroUton avenue. Ctlestine, Peniston, from Green to parish bound- Genius, Gen. Taylor, ary, 7th dist. (late CarroUton). Liberal, Marengo, Gre«n, La Force, Milan, Seventh, Virtue, Berlin, Cohn, Magistrate, Napoleon avenue. Eighth, m HAM SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. HIG 83 Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth Colapissa Fourteenth, Forehey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Heaton, Twentieth, Shell road. HAMPSON, Ist ne. of and par- allel to First, from Lower Line to Madison, 7th diet. (lateCarroUton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton arenue, Dublin, Madison. HANCOCK, 3d w. of U. S. Bar- racks, from river n. to woods, 3d diet. Levee, Jumonville, Bienvenu, Delaronde, Chartres, Koyal, Dauphinff, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais. Urquhart, Villcre, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, JosephuB, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law. Florida walk. HANCOCK, 6th e. of river, from DeArmaa ». to woods, 6th dist. (late Algiers). De Armas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates. Penn, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier. HARMONY, 16th sw. of Felicity and 38th b. of Canal street. from river to Magazine, 4th "'''• Rt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tchoupitoulas, 11 I'' St. Thomas, 19 20 Chippewa. *1 *2 Annunciation, 7a ib Magazine. 165 16t> HARNEY, 9th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. HARRISON AVENUE, 16th n. of City Park, from Bayou bt. John to New Orleans, ad dist. HAVANA, l8t w. of London avenue, from junction of Miro and St. Bernard avenue n. to lake, 3d dist. Touli. Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad., Hope, Duels, Industry, Agriculture, Abundance, Marigny avenue. HEATON. 19lh n. of Mobile, from Shell road to parish boundary, 7th dist. (late Car- rollton). Shell road. Eagle, Jackson, Holly. Hamilton. HELENA. 1st se. of St. Pat- rick's Cemetery, from Bien- ville to New Metairie road, 2d diet. Conti, St. Louis, New Metairie road. HENRIETTA, 2d c of Wash- ington avenue, from Tele- machuB to Carrollton avenue, t>th dist. HENRY, 13th n. of St. Charles avenue, continuation of Wil- low from Upper Line w. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Robert, Soniat, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph. Alabama, Nashville, State, Clay, Caliiouu. HENRY CLAY AVENUE, 2(1 w. of State, from the river n. to Claiborne, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Preston, Market, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, (Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, Hurst, Benjamin, St. Charles avenue, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Long, Breslau, Victor, Leonie, Henry, Delord, Story, Bartholomew, Peters, Prieur, Claiborne. HENDEE, 6th w. of Opelousas R R from river s. to boun- dary line of Jefferson Parish, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Alix, Eliza, Evelina, Market, Jackson, Homer, Newton, Decatur, D© Armas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier. HENDERSON, bet. Terpsichore and Robin, from river w. to Tchoupitoulas, 1st dist. Water, Rt. Lft- Front, 1 I Peters. 31 30 ' Tchoupitoulas. 61 60 HERCULES (see Rampart). HERSCHEL, 7ths. of McDon- ough avenue, from Washing- ton e. to Hancock, 6th dist. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Franklin, Hancock. HEWE, 8d north ol Minturn, from Calhoun to Peters avenue. HIGHLAND, 16th nw. of and parallel to CairoUton avenue, from South Line to North Line, 7th dist., (late CarroU- ton). South Line, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, 84 HIL SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. HUN Filteenth, Edinbarffh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, North Line. HILLARY, 5th se. of and paral- lel to Carrollton avenue, from river to Lower Line, 7th diat. (late Carrollton). Levee, Esther, Ann, De Armas, Macarty, Commercial, Pearl, First, Hampson, Second, Burthe, Third, Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh, Cohn, Eighth. HISTORY, (see Kerlerec). HODGE, 3d n. of St. Charles avenue, continuation of Gal- vez, from Peters avenue w. to Calhoun 6th dist. Octavia, Josepli, Nashville, State, Calhoun. HOFFMAN, 5th n. of Minturn, from Calhoun to Peters ave- nue, 6th dist. HOLLY GROVE, 9th nw. of and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from Plum to parish bound- ary, 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton). Plum, Fifth. Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh, Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth. Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Heaton, Twentieth, Shell road. HOMER, 2d 8. of Market from river e. to limits, 6th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Jefferson, 1 2 Madison, 23 22 Monroe, 45 48 Franklin, 67 68 Verret. 75 76 Vallette, 91 92 Chestnut, 103 — Elmira avenue. Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R. Thayre avenue, Le Baeuf avenue, Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. HOPE, 2d n. of Broad, from St. Bernard avenue to Elysian Fields 2d dist. Bruxelles, Warsaw, Havana, London avenue. New Orleans, Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bouripon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields. HOPKINS, 3d n. of Claiborne, from State to Foucherville, 6th dist. HOSPITAL, 12th n. of Canal street and 2d s. of Esplanade from river w. to Broad, 2d dist. recommences at New Metairie road and runs north to the lake. Rt. Lft. Peters 1 2 Gallatin, 7 8 Decatur, 15 16 Chaitres, 45 42 Royal, 63 64 Bourbon, 91 92 Dauphine, 117 116 Burgundy, 141 142 Ram))art, 163 164 Intervening space be- tween Rampart and Der- bigny is known as Bayou road. Derbigny, 287 288 Roman, 807 308 Prieur, 326 324 Johnson, 345 844 Galvez, 371 372 Miro, 387 388 Tonti, 409 408 Rocheblave, 431 432 Dolhonde. 443 — Broad. river from Line, 1st, Rt. Lft. 30 31 48 49 84 85 120 121 170 171 168 169 208 207 216 215 248 247 270 269 298 297 322 323 344 343 358 359 878 375 388 387 396 395 408 407 424 426 HOUSTON, 6th s. of the lake, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. HOWARD, 17th w. of Canal s. to Lower 4th and 6th dists. Canal, Gasquet, Common, Gravier, Perdido, North Poydras, South Poydras, Lafayette, Perrilliat, Cypress, Julia, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Felicity, St. Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenao. Sixth, Seventh, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napolean avenae, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle. Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, Nashville, State, Clay, Calhoun, Burtheviile, Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. HOWE. Ist e. of St. John, from Esplanade n. to Pleasure, 3d dist. HUMANITY. 17th n. of and parallel to Claiborne, from St. Bernard avenue to Lower Line, 3d dist. HUNTER, Ist n. of Thalia, from HUN SOARDS' STREET GfTIDE. JEA 86 Peters to Tchoupitoulas, let dist. HUNTERS, let e. of Franklin avenue, from Lafayette ave- nue, n. to lake, 3d dist. Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, Law, Florida walk. HURST, 3fl n. of Prytania, from June. St. Charles and Valmont w. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Leontine, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, Nashville, El 'onore. State Webster, Clay, Calhoun. HUSO next to Washington,from Levee to First, 7th diet, (late CarroUton). IDA. 2d 8. of St. Charles avenue, from Wall ut w. to Lower Line, 6lh dist. Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. INDUSTRY, 12th n. of and par- allel to Claiborne, from St. Bernard avenue to Lower Line. INDEPENDENCE, 12th e. of Lafayette avenue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere. Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, bounded by Urquhart, Rob- ertson, Spain and Music, 3d dist. IRVING, IBth from river, com- mences at Upper Line, New CarroUton, 7th dist. JACKSON, 4th s. of Felicity, and 27th s. of Canal st. from river nw. to Miro, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tchoupitoulas, 3 8 Rousseau, 47 48 St. Thomas, 71 72 Chippewa, 93 94 Annunciation, 115 116 Laurel, 141 142 Constance. 163 164 Magazine, 185 184 Camp, 201 200 Chestnut, 213 212 Coliseum, 225 224 Prytania, 21.i 244 St. Charles avenue, 25!i 258 Carondelet, 285 284 Brainard, 29i> 298 Baronne, 311 310 Drya-^es, 329 330 Rampart, 349 348 Basin, 373 378 Franklin, 391 390 Liberty. 429 428 Howard, 441 452 Freret, 471 472 Locust, 485 492 Magnolia, 509 508 Clara, 523 ~ Willow, 677 676 Claiborne, 585 5'<4 Derbigny, — 602 Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro. JACKSON, Ist B. of Market, from river e. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Jefferson, 1 2 Madison, 21 22 Monroe, 41 40 Franklin, 63 64 Verret, 77 78 Vallette, 97 98 Chestnut, HI 112 Elmira avenue, 133 136 Pacific avenue, 145 144 Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R. Thayre avenue, Le Boeuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner, JACKSON, 8th nw. of and par- allel to CarroUton avenue, from river to parish bound- ary, 7th dist. (late CarroU- ton). Levee, Fourth, Plum. Fifth, JeannettO, Sixth, Green, Seventh, Cohn, Eighth, CypreBS, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Clarissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Heaton, Twentieth, Shell Road. JACKSON AVENUE, 2l8t n. of City Park, from Bayou St. Jolin to Milne, 2d dist. JACKSON SQUARE (formerly Place de Armes), bet. Peters and Chartres, St. Peter and St. Ann, fronting St. Louis Cathedral, 2d dist. JACOB or JACOBS, (86© Freret.) JAMES, 6th sw. of Melpomene, from Broad to boundary. Fifth, Gayoso, Van Buren, Third, Second. JEANNA, 14th 6. of Lafayott* II venue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. JE ANNETTE, 9th ne. of and parallel to First, from Upper Line to Lower Line, 7th dlBt. (late CarroUton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, CarroUton avenae. JEF SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. JOS Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Upper Line. Toulouse and St. Peter, from Levee to Char- tres, 2d dist. JEFFERSON, Ist e. of river, from Market s. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Et. Lft. Market, 1 2 Jackson, 31 30 Homer, — 52 Newton, — 66 Decatur, — Si DeArmas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier, JEFFERSON, 4tli nw. of and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from river to parish l)ouml ary, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Levee, Second, Burthe, Third, Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile or Tenth, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth. Edinburgh, Sixteentn, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Shell road. JENA, Ist, w. of Napoleon ave- nue, from river n. to Broad, 6th dist. Front, Levee. Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt. St. (Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow. Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, P iour, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Broad. JENNET, 2d n. of Prytania, from Robert w. to Calhoun, GLh dist. Soaiat, Dufossat, Valmont, Leontine, Pi'iers avenme, Oi'tavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, Eleonore, State, ^ Webster, Cla\ , Calhoun. JERSEY, 5th w. of river from Felicity to Toledano, 4th dist. (see Annunciation). JOHNSON (now north John- sou), aiih w. of river, and 4th w. of Claiborne, from Canal n. to Lafayette avenue, 2d and 3d dists. Rt. Lft. Canal, l 2 Cu-tomhouae, 19 20 Bienville, 35 34 Couti, 67 66 St. Louis, 73 72 Toulouse, 83 82 Carondelet walk, 96 94 St. Peter, 129 130 Orleans, 139 140 St. Ann, 161 152 Dumaine, 175 176 St. Philip. 199 200 Ursulines, 219 218 Hospital, 235 234 Barrfftks, 263 254 Bayou road, 257 268 Esplanade, 261 262 Kerlerec, 291 292 Columbus, 807 804 Laharpe, Lapeyrouse, Onzago, Dabadie, St. Bernard avenue, London avenue. New Oileans, St. Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union. Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Franklin avenue, Lafayette avenue. JOHNSON (now South John- son), 24th w. of River and 4th w. of Claiborne, from Canal a. to Peters avenue, 6th dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet, 26 25 Palmyra, 48 47 Banks, Common, 80 81 Gravier, 106 107 Perdido, 136 137 Poydras, 158 157 Lafayette, 162 163 Cypress, Julia, Delord, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Jackson, First, Second, Third. Fourth, Washington avenue, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Upper Line, Robert, Peters avenue. JOSEPH, 2d w. of Peters ave nue, from river n. to Delord, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Preston, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, Hurst, Benjamin, St. Charles avenae, Dryades, JOS SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. LAF 87 Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, ' ocust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Delord. JOSEPHINE, 3d b. of Felicity and 26th s. of Canal St., from river w. to Melpomene, 4th diet. Water, Peters. Rousseau, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Rt. Lft. 1 2 129 130 155 156 Laurel, 185 186 Constance, 209 208 Magazine, 233 232 Camp, 261 262 Chestnut, 279 280 Coliseum, 297 298 Prytania, 327 326 St. Charles avenue, 861 360 Carondelet, 385 382 Brainard, 399 398 Baronne, 405 404 Dryiides, 433 432 Rampart, 453 452 IJasin, 469 470 Franklin, 489 490 Liberty, 613 514 Howard, 531 524 Freret, 639 538 Locust, 659 558 Magnolia, 677 572 Clara, 689 588 Willow, 609 608 Claiborne, 625 626 Derbigny, 641 — Roman, Prieur, Melpomene. JOSEPHINE, 2l8t e of Lafay- ette avenue, from river n . to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartree, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, ViUere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, JosephuB, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. JOSEPHUS, (fermeriy Jose- Ehine), Uth n. of river, from afayette avenue e. to limits, 3d dist. Lafayette avenue. Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety. Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Keynes, Adams, Benton, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. JOURDOX. 2d e. of the Con vent of the Ursulines, from the river to the woods, 3d dist. Canal, from , Ist dist. Rt. Lft. 19 20 27 26 41 40 53 52 77 78 — 100 117 116 JULIA, 6th s. of river w. to Broad, Water, Delta, Front, Fulton, Peters, Commerce, Tchoupitoulas, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Church, St. Charles, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Bolivar, Bertrand, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolbonde, Broad. JUMONVILLE, 4th w. of and parallel to Paris avenue, from St. Bernard avenue to the lake, 3d dist. JUMONVXLLE, Ist n. of river. 145 144 155 — 169 170 193 192 221 222 245 246 263 264 279 — 301 — 291 — 317 — 367 — 387 . — 411 — 431 — 483 497 — 613 — from Adams to U. S. Hospital, 3d disl. Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. 1st n. of Espla- Dauphine w. to 3d dist. Rt. Lft. 1 2 33 82 59 58 91 90 KERLEREC. nade, from Bayou road, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, ViUere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Bayou road. LABATUT, w. line of Fair Grounds, from Esplanade s. to Pleasure. 3d dist. 119 120 145 146 163 164 185 186 205 206 22S 226 LAFAYETTE, 4th from river w. to Ut dist. Water, Delta, Front, Fulton, Peters, Commerce, Tchoupitoulas, Constance, Magazine, Camp, St. Charles, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, Basin Franklin, Liberty, Howard, b'reret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Bolivar, Derbigny, Bertraud, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave. 8. of Canal, Rocheblave, Rt. Lft. 11 10 43 42 61 52 69 70 &5 84 97 96 121 120 163 162 189 188 217 216 229 228 247 246 265 262 281 282 297 298 315 316 333 334 349 350 373 374 383 384 403 402 413 412 428 443 444 445 446 466 468 483 484 LAFAYETTE AVENUE (for- merly Enghein), 4th e. of Ely- sian Fields, from river ne. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, 88 LAF SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. LAV Burgundy. Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Jo8ephu8, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force. Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. LAFAYETTE SQUARE, boun- deil i>y Camp and St. Charles, Nortii and South streets, and opposite City Hall, Ist dist. LA FORCE, 7th n. ol Claiborne, from Lafayette avenue e. to limits, 3d dist. Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elrnira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Adams, William, Benton, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou, Petre, Ganonge, LAHARPE, 3d n. of Esplanade, from junction Marais and St. Bernard avenue w. to Gentilly road, 3d dist. Villere, Robe' tson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur. Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, RocheblaTe. DolhondOf Broad, Gentillv road. LA MANCHE, 12th e. of the Convent of the Ursulines from the river to the woods, 3d dist. LANE, 16th 8. of the lake, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. LANNES, 19th nw. and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from South Line to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). South Line, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, North Line. LAPEYROUSE, 4th n. of Es planade, from Claiborne n. to Gentilly road, 3d dist. Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Piieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, Gentilly road. LAPEYROUSE, 6th s. of Mark- et from river to Sumner, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Jefferson, 1 2 Madison, 15 16 Monroe, 37 38 Franklin, 63 — Hancock, Chestnmt, Elmii a avenue. Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R. Thayre avenue, Le Boeuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. LA SALLE, bet. New Orleans Canal and cemeteries, 1st dist. LAUREL, 5th w. of river, from Felicity s. to Calhoun, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. St. Mary, 25 26 St. Amlrew, 51 52 Josephine, 79 80 Jackson, 103 104 Philip, 119 122 First, 165 164 Second, 181 182 Third, 201 202 Fourth, 213 214 Washington avenue, 233 234 Sixth, 267 268 Seventh, 285 286 Eighth, 303 304 Ninth, 323 324 Harmony, 331 832 Pleasant, 347 348 Toledano, 863 364 Louisiana avenae, 371 372 Delachaise, 381 382 Aline, 393 394 Foucher, 405 406 Antonine, 412 413 Amelia, 423 424 Peniston, 435 436 Gen. Taylor, 447 448 Austerlitz, 467 468 Constantinople, Marengo, 449 450 Milan, 469 460 Berlin, 481 482 Napoleon avenue, 493 494 Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Lyon, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Diifossat, Belleoastle, Valmont, Leontine, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, Eleonore, SiHte, Web ter. Clay, . Calhoun. LAUREL GROVE, 11th nw. of and parallel to CarroUtoa avenue, from Upper Line and Eighth street to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, MoDile, Nel>on, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissa. Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Heaton, Twentieth, Shell road. LAURENT (see Rampart). LAVERGNE, 4th ne. of Canal St. Ferry landing, from river se. to Peter, 6ta dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Patterson, 1 — Villere, 3 2 Delaronde, 19 20 Peter. 41 42 LAW BOARDS' STREET GUIDE. LIB 89 LAW, l8t n. of Broad, from St. Bernard avenue, e. to Lower Line, 3d dist. St. Bernard avenue, Bruxellee, Warsaw, Havana, London avenuBt New Orleans, St. Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, MuBic, Arts, Painters, Franklin avenue. Hunters, Deers, Lafayette avenue. Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeaiina, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Adams, William, Benton, Gordon. Monroe, Hancock, Tricon, Petre, Canonge. LAWRENCE, 13th s. of Canal St. Ferry landing, from river to Sumner, (late McDon- ough). LE BCEUF AVENUE, 2d w. of OpelousasE. R. from rivers, to boundary line of Jefferson Parish. 6th dist. (late Al- giers). Patterson, Thayre, Peter, Alix, Eliza, Evelina, Market, Jackson, Homer, Newton, Decatur, De Armas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier. LEE PLACE, (in centre of Ti- voli Circle), Junction St. Charles and Delord sts., 1st dist. and 9th s. of Canal st. LEONCE, 8th n. of St. Charles avenue, from State w. to Cal- houn, 6th dist. Webster, Clay, Calhoun. LEONIDAS, 4th s. of Monroe avenue, from Lafayette ave- nue, w. to Bayou St. John, 3d diet. LEONIDAS, 6th nw. of and parallel to Carrollton ave- nue, from the river to parish boundary, 7th dist. (late Car- rollton). Levee, Burthe, Third, Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh, Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile or Tenth, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapispa, Fourteenth. Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Shell road. LEONTINE, 6th w. of Upper Line, from river n. to St. Charles avenue, 6th diet. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles avenue. I LEPAGE, from Junction Broad and Bayou road nw. to Grand Route ht. John, 3d dist. Seventh, Sixth, Fifth, Fourth. LESSEPS, 18th e. of Lafayette avenue, from river to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. LEVEE, 4th dist. (see TchoU' pitoulas, from Felicity to Toledano). LEVEE or FRONT LEVEE, 1st and 4th dists. (see Water). LEVEE or NEW LEVEE, Ist, 2d and 3d dists. (see Peters). LEVEE, 2d n. of river, from Toledano e. to Calhoun. 6th dist. (see Tchoupitoulas). LEVEE, 1st from and parallel to river, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, General Scott, Millaudon, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Upper Line. LIBERAL, 6th, n. of Claiborne, from Lafavette avenue, e. t* limits, 3d dist. Port. St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, 1^ 590 LIB boards' street guide. LOP Piety, Desire, £lmira. Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, JLesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Adams, William, Benton, Oordon, Monroe, Hancock, Pricou. LIBEREAUX (see Johnson). LIBERTY (now South Liber ty), 16th, w. ol river, from Canal to Louisiana avenue, €th dist. Rt. Lft. ^anal, 2 1 Gasquet, 28 27 Common, 52 51 Gravier, 82 81 Perdido, 118 117 North Poydras, 158 159 South Poydras, 160 161 Lafayette, 196 195 Pernlliat, 208 — ■Oirod, 308 — -Cypress, 238 — ^ufia, 262 261 55uphrosine, Callione, 288 287 CUo, 314 313 Erato, 542 543 ThHlia, 360 361 Melpomene, 380 381 Terpsichore, 386 387 liuterpe, ^Felicity, 418 419 St. Andrew, 426 425 Josephine, 436 437 .Jackson, 456 455 Philip, 496 — First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenne. Sixth, Eighth, Toledano, Xiouisiana avenue. MBERTY (now North Liberty), 16th w. of river, from Canal n. to Esplanade, 2a dist. Rt. Lft. •Customhouse, 26 27 Bienville, 44 47 Conti, 74 73 St. Louis, 96 95 Toulouse, 122 121 Oarondelet walk, 128 127 ■£t. Peter. 134 133 Orleans, 144 143 St. Ann, 156 155 Dumaine, 176 177 St. Philip, 204 203 Ursulines, 236 235 Bayou road, 26S -l^l Barracks, Esplanade. 286 285 302 301 LIVAUDAIS, e. of Bayou St. John, from Pleasure to Pe- lopiaas, 3d dist. LIVINGSTON, Ist n. of Pelop- idas, from Bayou St. John to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. LIVE OAK (see Constance). LIZARDI, 7th e. of the Convent of the Ursulines, from the river to the woods, 3d dist. LIVE OAK, 13th nw. of and parallel to CarroUton avenue, from Upper Line to Lower Line, 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton). Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth. Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissrt, Foui teenth, Forsliey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, North Line, LIVINGSTON, 14th n. of and parallel to CarroUton avenue, from Upper Line to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carroll - ton). Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, North Line. LOCUST, 6th w, from Common, State, 6th dist. Common, Gravier, Perdido, North Poydras, South Poydras, Lafayette, PerriUiat, Cyiiress, Julia, New Shell Road, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Ke licit V, 1 St. Andrew, ' Josephine, of Rampart, 1st dist. s. to Rt. Lit. 72 73 84 85 88 87 112 111 114 113 207 208 245 246 373 374 383 384 3 se. to Cal- houn, 6th dist. Canal, Common, Gravier, Natchez, Poydras, Lafavette, Girod, Notre Dame, Julia, St. Joseph, Delord, Poeyfarre, Calliope, Rt. Lft. 1 2 13 14 27 30 53 64 71 72 101 102 131 1.S2 — 164 171 172 215 216 241 242 263 264 283 284 »2 MAG SOABDS' STREET GUIDE MAR Gaiennie, 305 306 to lower line of Carrollton, 6th Rampart, St. Claude, Erato, 335 336 dist. Thalia, 361 362 Common, Marais, Melpomene, 387 388 Gravier, Villere, Terpsichore, Robin, 421 420 Perdido, Robertson, 447 440 North Poydras, Claiborne, Race, 465 466 South Poydraa, Derbigny, Orange, Richard, 493 490 Lafayette, Roman, 615 520 Cypress, Julia, Prieur, Felicity, 517 522 Johnson, St. Mary, St. Andrew, 551 552 New Shell road, Galvez, 583 584 Euphrosine, Calliope, Miro, Josephine, 613 614 Tonti, Jackson, 645 646 Clio. Rocbeblave, Philip, 659 660 Krato, Dolbonde, First, 693 695 Thalia, Broad. Second, 707 708 Melpomene, Third, 725 726 Terpsichore, MANUEL, Ist w. of the Ursu- Fourth, 741 741 Felicity, St. Andrew, lines Convent, from river to Washington avenue, 765 766 woods, 3d dist. Sixth, 793 796 Josephine, Levee, Seventh, 815 816 Jackson, Chartres, Eighth, 837 838 Philip, Royal, Ninth, 859 860 First. Dauphine, Harmony, 861 862 Second, Burgundy, Pleasant, 885 886 Third. Rampart, St. Claude, Toledano, 891 892 Fourth, Louisiana avenue, 917 918 Washington avenue, Urquhart, Delachaise, 939 940 Sixth, Villere, Aline, 953 9.54 SevCTith, Robertson, Foucher, 977 978 Toledano, Claiborne, Antonine, 989 990 Louisiana avenue, Derbigny, Solidelle, Amelia 999 1000 Delachaise, Penis ton, 1017 1018 Amelia, Josephus, Gen. Taylor, 1031 1032 Peniston, Celestine, Austerlitz, 1045 1016 Gen. Taylor, Genius, Constantinople, 1071 1072 Marengo, Liberal, Marengo, 1093 1094 Milan, La Force, Milan, 1109 1110 Berlin, Virtue, Berlin, 1139 1140 Napoleon avenue, Magistrate, Napoleon avenue. 1159 1160 Jena, Law, Jena, 1181 1182 Cadiz, Florida walk. Cadiz, 1203 1206 Valence, Valence, 1217 Upper Line, MARAIS, 17th w. of river, from Bordeaux, 1241 1242 Robert, Canal n. to St. Bernard ave- Lyon, 1259 1260 Soniat, nue, thence e. to Lafayette Upper Line, 1267 1268 Valmont avenue, thence se. (formerly Line, 3a Robert, 1307 Peters avenue, Morales) to Lower Soniat, 1315 Octavia, dist. Dufossat, 1323 . Joseph, Rt. Lft. Bellecastle, Arabella, Canal, 2 1 Valmont, Nashville, Customhouse, 26 25 Leontine, State, Bienville, 50 49 Peters avenue. Clay, Conti, '6 75 Octavia, Calhoun, St. Louis, 98 97 Joseph, Walnut, Toulouse, 124 123 Arabella. Chestnut, Carondelet walk, 130 129 Nashville, Broadway, St. Peter, 136 135 Eleonore, Pine, Orleans, 144 145 State, Lower Line. St. Ann, 168 157 Webster, Clay, Calhoun. 1 MAGNOLIA WALKCsee Broad- | Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines, 184 183 210 211 way) , 6th dist. 238 235 MAGDALEN vsee Magnolia). MAHOMET, 2d w.of Lafayette | Hospital, Barracks, 270 269 — 293 avenue, from the lake s. to Esplanade, Kerlerec, 302 301 MAGELLAN. 6th n. of Ameri- New York, 3d dist. 330 331 cus, from river e. to Hancock, Columbus, 356 355 McDonogh. MAIN (see Dumaine). St. Bernard avenue, 872 371 Jefferson, Annette, 392 391 Madison, MALIBRAN, 21st from river. St. Anthony, 418 417 Monroe, commencing at Upper New Carrollton, 7th dist Line, Bourbon, 440 441 Franklin, . Union, 488 467 Hancock. Frenchmen, 490 489 MANDEVILLE, 2d e. of Ely- Elysian Fields, 618 617 MAGISTRATE, 9th n. of Clai- sian Fields, from river n. to Marignv, Mandeville, 528 627 borne.f rom St.Bernard avenue Levee. 640 639 e. to limits, 3d dist. Peters, Chartres, Spain, Washington, — 643 MAGNOLLV, 7th w. of Rampart, Royal, Music, trom Common let dist. e .to Dauphine, A'ts, Toledano, 4th dist. thence se. Burgundy, Lafayette avenue. MAR SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. MEL 93 Port. St. Ferdinana, Pre8s, Montegut, Feliciana, Clouet, Eliza, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant. French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Convent of the Ursuhnei, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Benton, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. MARENGO, nth w. of Toleda- no, from riyer n. to Clara, bin dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryailes, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara. Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. MARIGNY AVENUE, north city limits, Elysian Fields to Bayou St. John. MARKET, 20th 8. ot Canal St., bet. Richard and St. James from river w. to Felicity, Ist dist. „^ _ .. Rt. Lit. Front, Peters, 3 4 Tchoupitoulas, 19 *o Religious, 51 52 St. Thomas, 81 82 Chippewa, 107 108 Annunciation, 12y 130 Constance, Felicity. MARKET, 5th n. of river from Walnut w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. MARKET, 3d s. of Patterson from river e. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Jefferson, 1 2 Madison, 21 22 Monroe, 41 |0 Franklin, 59 60 Verret, <1 "" Olivier, 85 86 Vallette, 99 100 Chestnut, 117 118 Elmira avenue, 129 — Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verrett avenue, Opelousas R. R., Thayre avenue. La Boeuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. MARKET PLACE, Peters bet. Market and St. James, Ist dist. Gayoso, Van Buren, Third, Second. MARTIN (see Willow). MARIGNY. 1st e. of Elysian Fields, from river to lake, 3a dist. Levee, Peters, Chartres, Royal, D;iuphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbiguy, Ro ' an, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, IVLiRKS, n. of and parallel to Mobile, from Shell road to parish boundary, 7th dist. (late CarroUton). Shell road, Madison, Cambronne. Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, North Line. MARSHALL, 7th b. of Melpo- mene, from Br«ad w. to Pe- ters avenue, 6th dist. MASON. 5th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. MAUNSEL (see Magnolia). MAUREPAS, 2d n. of Grand Route St. John, from Bayou Sauvagew. to Esplanade, 3d dist. Sauvage, Encampment, Ducayet, Esplanade. MAY, 4th B. of the lake, from Bayou St. John to the lak«, 2d dist. MAZANT, 16th e. of Lafayette avenue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphlne, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. Mcdonough avenue, i7th B. of Canal Street Ferry land ing, from river e. to limits, 5th dist. Adams, Jefferson. Madison, Monroe, Franklin, Hancock. Mcdonough, eth n. of Min- turn. from Calhoun to Peters avenue, 6th dist. McKENNA, 2d n. of Minturn, from Calhoun to Peters ave- nue, 6th dist. MELICERTE (see Erato), Ist dist. MELPOMENE, 14th s. of Canal, from St. Thomas w. to woods, ^''^'''- Rt.Lft. St. Thomas, 1 | Chippewa, - » Annunciation, M ^* H MEM SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. MOB 49 48 71 70 99 98 121 120 145 144 177 176 i!(« 202 237 236 2(;i 260 279 280 295 296 3.'5 830 35H 354 377 378 399 4(i0 4:» 432 455 460 499 606 520 Constance, Magazine, Camp, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart. Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. MEMPHIS. Ist w. of and paral- lel witii St. Louis, from New Metairie road to the lake, 3d dist. MENDEZ, Ist 8. of Calhoun avenue, from Bayou St. John to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. METAIRIE ROAD, commences at Bayou St. John, terminates at New Orleans Canal. MEXICO. 3d 8. of the lake from Bayou St. John w. to Ursu- lines, 3d dist. MILAN, 2d e. of Napoleon ave- enue, from river a. to Broad, 6th diet. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, WUlow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave. Dolhonde, Broad. MILLAUDON, 2d above and parallel to Lower Line, from river to First, 7th dist. (late CarniUton). Levee, Wall, Esther, Ann, De Armas, Macarty. Commercial, Pearl, First. MILNE, Ist w. of Customhouse, from Metairie road n. to the lake, 2d dist. MILTON, 12th s. of Americus, from Madison e. to Hancock, 5th dist. Monroe, Franklin, Hancock. MILTON, 4th from river, com- mencing at Upper Line, New Carrollton, 7th dist. MINTURN, continuation of Broad, from Upper Line W. t.o Calhoun, 6th dist. Robert, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Nashville, State, Calhoun. MIRO (now South Miro), 2eth w. of river and 6th w. of Clai- borne, from Canal s. to lower line of Carrollton, Ist, 4th and 6th dists. Rt. Lft. Canal, 1 2 Gasquet, 19 20 Palmyra, 35 36 Banks, 65 56 Common, 61 62 Gravier, 87 86 Perdido, Poydras, Lafayette, Julia, New Shell road, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Jackson, First. Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Toledano, Delachaise, Louisiana avenue. Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Upper Lji^e, Robert, ' Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Nashville, State. Clay, Calhoun, Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine. MIRO (now North Miro), 26th w. of river, 6th w. of Clai- borne, from Canal n. to St. Bernard avenue, thence e. to Lafayette avenue, 2d and 3d dists. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse. 20 19 Bienville, 38 39 Conti, 60 61 St. Louis, 110 109 Toulouse, 112 113 Carondelet walk, 116 115 St. Peter, 136 137 Orleans, 142 141 St. Ann, 152 155 Dumaine, 202 203 St. Philip, 226 227 Ursulines, 236 2,35 Hospital, 240 239 Barracks, 252 253 Espl.made, 258 259 Kerlerec, Columbus, Laharpe, Lapeyrouse, Ouzaga, Dabailie, Aubry. St. Bernard avenue, London avenue. New Orleans, St. Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Eiysian Fields, Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Franklin avenue, Lafayette avenue. MITHRA. 17th b. of the lake, from Lafayette avenue w. to Bayou St. John. MOBILE, 18th n. of and parallel to First, from Foucher, boun- dary to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short. Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, MOL SOARDS' STREET GUIDE NAP 96 Cam bronne, Napoleon. airie road, and theuce n. to Jefferson, Mobile or Tenth, the lake 2d dist. Leonidas, Nelson, Customhouse, Monroe, Eleventh, Bienville, Eagle, JacEson, Belfast, Conti, Twelfth, St. Louis, Holly. Princhard, Toulouse, Hamilton, Thirteenth, St. Peter, Laurel Grove, Colapissa, Orleans, Clay, Fourteenth, St. Ann. Live Oak. Forshey, New Metairie road. Upper Line. Fifteenth, Edinburgh, MUSIC, 5th e. of ElysianFields, MOLIERE, commences at Cal- Sixteenth, from Lafayette avenue n. U> houn avenue, cor. Lafayette Sterlitz, lake, 3d dist. avenue, and runs n. to the Seventeenth, Rampart, lake, 3d dist. Dixon, Eighteenth, St. Claude, Marais, MORALES (see Marais), 3d Marks, Villere, dist. Nineteenth, Heaton, Robertson, Claiborne, MONROE, 4th w.ol U. S. Bar- Shell road. Derbigny, racks, from river n. to woods, Roman, 3d dist. MONROE AVENUE. Ist rear Prieur, Levee, City Park, from Bayou St. Johnson, Chartres, John to Milne. Galvez, Royal, Miro, Dauphine, MONTEGUT, 4th e . of Lafay- Tonti, Burgundy, ette avenue, from river n. to Rocheblave, Rampart, woods, 3d dist. Dolhonde, St. Claude, Rt Lft. Broad. Marais, Levee, Urquhart, Vilfere. Chartres, MYSTER, 4th e. of Bayou Stv Royal, 53 64 John, from Esplanade n. tcp Robertson, Dauphine, 79 89 Fair Grounds, 3d dist. Claiborne, Burgundy, 103 104 Derbigny, Rampart, 121 122 MYSTERIOUS (see Columbus). Soliilelle, St. Claude, Josephus, Marais, NAPOLEON, 17th n. of and Celestine, Urquhart, parallel to First, fr^m Lower- Genius, Villere, Line to Upper Line, 7tht Liberal, Robertson, dist. (late Carrollton). La Force, Claiborne, Lower Line, Virtue. Derbigny, Solideile, Adams, Magistrate, Burdette, Law, JosephuB, Washington, Florida walk. Celestine, Genius, Short, Carrollton avenue,' MONROE, 3d e. of river, from Liberal. Dublin, Market to limits, 8th dist. La Force, Madison, Rt. Lff Virtue, Cam bronne, Market, 1 2 Magistrate, Jefferson, Jackson, 17 18 Law, Leonidas, Homer, 37 38 Florida walk. Monroe, Newton, 65 66 Eagle, Decatur, 75 76 MOORE, 13th from river com Jackson, De Armas. 93 94 mencing at Upper Line, New Holly, Lapeyrouse, 121 122 Carrollton, 7th di~t Hamilton. S 'Crates, 141 142 Ptolemy, 149 150 MOREAU (see Chartres). NAPOLEON, 9th w. of Hafan avenue, from Canal s. to New Lawrence, 161 — Bringier. MOUTON. 10th s. of the lake, from Bayou St. John to Milne, Canal, 1st dist. Gasquet, MONROE, 6th nw. of and pa ral- 2d dist. Palmyra, lei to Carrollton avenue, from river to parish boundary, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Levee, MOZART, 20th from mencing at Upper Carrollton, 7th dist river com - Line, New Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Ulloa, Burthe, Common, Third, MURAT, 11th w. c.i Hagan ave- New Canal. Zimpel, nue, from Canal 6. to New Fourth, Canal. 1st dist. NAPOLEON. 9th w. of Hamn avenue, from Canal n. to Me- Plum, Gasquet, Fifth, Palmyra, tairie road, and thence n. to Jeannette, Banks, the lake, 2d diet. Sixth, Baudin, Cu-'tomhouse, Green, D'Hemecourt, Bienville, Seventh, UUoa, Conti, Cohn, New Canal. St. Louis, Eighth, Toulouse, Cypress, MURAT, 11th w. of Hagan ave- St. Peter, Ninth, nue, from Canal to New Slet- Orleans, m NAP SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. NIN St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, 2Jew Metairie road. 'J<(APOLL\jT. AVENCTE, 14th sw. of Toledano, from river n. to Broad, 6th diet. Front, Xicvee, Aanunclation, Laurel, ■Constance, Magazine, ■Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, j Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, SI. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez. Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad NASHVILLE AVESTJE, 11th w. of Upper Line, from river n. to Woods, 6th dist. Front, f Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, C.imp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, Hurst, Benjamin, St. Charles avenue, Rampart, St Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Delord, Story. Bartholomew, Peters, Claiborne. NATCHEZ, 2X s. of Canal St., bet. Gravier and Poydras, from Peters w. to Camp, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Tchoupitoulas, 2 1 Magazine, 26 2" Bank place, 38 37 Camp 62 51 NAYADES (see St. Charles). NELSOX, 1st n. of Fair Grounds, from Bayou St. John to Bayou Sauvage, 2d dist. NELSON, Ist n. of and parallel to Mobile, from Foucher, boundary to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Upper Line. NE PLUS ULTRA, 8th n. of and parallel to Florida walk, from Lafayette avenue to Lower Line, 3d dist. NEW, 2d w. from the river, from Calliope, to Girod, Ist di=t. NEW BASm, bounded by De- lord and Julia, Rampart and Basin, let dist. NEW LEVEE (see South Pe- ters). VEW ORLEANS, from junction St. Bernard avenue and Der- bigny n. to lake, 3d dist. St. Bernard avenue, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, llocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. N^EW YORK, 3d s. of Edinburgh avenue, from Lafayette ave- nue w. to Bayou St. John, Mil- neburg. N^EWTON, 3d s. of Market, from river e. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Jefferson, 3 — Maditon, 19 20 Monroe, 39 40 Franklin, 61 68 Verret, 73 74 Vallette, 81 S2 Chestnut, Elmira avenue, Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R., Thayre avenue. Le BoBuf avenue, Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. NEY', 17th nw. of and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from North Line to South Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). South Line, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Steilitz, Seventeenth, North Line. NINTH, 15th sw. of Felicity, and 37th s. of Canal street, from river n. to Chestnut, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Water, 3 2 Tchoupitoulas, 7 6 St. Thomas, 25 24 Chippewa, 49 50 Annunciation, 81 82 Laurel, 99 100 Constance, 119 120 Magazine, 143 142 Camp. 173 166 NINTH, 16th n. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Liurel Grove, Clay, Upper Line. NINETEENTH, 18th n. of and parallel to Mobile, from Shell road to parish boundary, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Shell road, Leonidas, Monroe, t NOR boards' street guide. OEL 97 Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, North Line. NORTH, all streets crosBing Canal street, and numbering boih directions from it (those running north) as Water, Front, Peters, Rampart, Ba- sin, Claiborne, etc., are now named North Water, North Peters, etc., and will be found in their alphabetical order in Street Guide. NORTH, ns.ol Lafavette square Irom Camp to St. Charles, 1st dist. NORTH LINE commences at Hamilton, w. to limits, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Bernadotte, Highland, Ney, Blackberry, 7 annes, Philip, St. Cyr, Ophir. NORTH MARKET, 2d s. of Julia, from river w.toTchou- pitoulas, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Front, 29 30 Fulton, 35 36 Peters. 41 4-2 Tchoupitoulas. 85 86 NORTH POYDRAS (see Poy- dras). NOTRE DAME, bet. Girod and Julia, from river w. to Maga- zine, Ist dist. Rt. Lit. Front, 2 1 Fulton, 32 33 Peters, 42 43 Commerce, 60 61 Tchoupitoulas, 76 77 Magazine. 110 111 NUNS, 1st n. of Felicity, from river nw. to Felicity, Ist dist. New Levee, Tchoupitoulas, Religious. OAK, 2d B. of Esplanade, from Gentllly road w. to Rendon, 2d diat. White, Dupre, GayoBO, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon. OAK, 6th n. of St. Charles av- enue,f rom Walnut w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. OCTAVIA, Ist w. ol Peters ave- nue, from river n. to woods, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annupciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, Hurst, St. Charles avenue, Dryades, Rampart, St. PatricK, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust. Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Delord, Story. Bartnolomew, Claiborne. OCTAVIA, 1st 8. Of Market, from Bouny e. to Moss, 5th dist. ODIN, 2d s. of Calhoun avenue, from Lafayette avenue w. to Bayou St. John, 3d dist. OLD BASIN, bet. Carondelet walk and Toulouse, Franklin and St. Claude, 2d dist. OLD LEVEE (see Decatur). OLD MAGAZINE, 1st w. of Constance, from Felicity s. to St. Mary, 4tli dist. OLIVER, 2d from river from Lower Line to Levee, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, General Scott, Millaudon. OLIVIER, 7th w. of Opelousas R. R. from river s. to Market, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lit. Patterson, 1 2 Delaronde, 9 10 Peter, 35 36 Alix, 63 63 Eliza, 89 88 Evelina, 115 114 Market. 129 130 OLYMPIA, 12th w. ol Hagan avenue, Irom Canal s. to New Canal, 1st dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, New Canal. OLYMPIA, 12th w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal n. to New Metairie road, 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, New Metairie road. ONZAGA, 6th n. ol Esplanade. Irom St. Bernard avenue nw. to Gentilly road, 3d dist. Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broa> ^o- Prytania, 21o 2U St. Charles avenue. 239 240 PLEASURE. 4th n. of Fair Grounds, from Bayou tet. John e. to lower limits, 3a dist. Martin, Fortin, Ducayet, Encampment, Sauvage, Swamp, St. Bernard avenue. PLUM, 7th n. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Upper Line. POET (see Washington), 3d dist). POEYFAKRE, 9th s. of Canal street, bet. Delord and Calli- ope, from Tchoupitoulas to Camp, Ist dist. Kt. Lit. Tchoupitoulas, Annunciation, 7 6 Constance, 37 38 Magazine, 53 5- Camp. »' ''*' POLAND, 15th e. of Lafayette avenue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, JosephuB, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. POLK AVENUE, 11th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. ^ POLYMNIA, 2d n. of Felicity, from Camp w. to Dryades, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Coliseum, 1 2 Prytania, 23 24 St. Charles avenue, 51 52 Carondelet, "7 78 Baronne, 99 100 Dryades. 131 — POLYMNIA, 2d sw. of Terp- sichore, from Broad ne. to St. John avenue, 6th dist. Sixth, Fifth, Gayoso, Van Buren, Third, Second, St. Johu avenue. POPE, comm'^nces at Lafayette avenue, cor. Virginius, and runs u. to the lake, 3'■' ° Louisiana avenue. Delachaise, Foucher, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor. Constantinople. Marengo, Milan. I Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz. Valence. Bordeaux, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat. Bellecastle, Peters avenue, Octavia. Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, State. 161 162 173 174 199 200 RAPHAEL, 18th from river, commencing at UPP^r Line. New CarroUton, 7th dist. REEDE, commences at Lafay- ette avenue, cor. Livingston, and runs n. to the lake. 3d dist. RELIGIOUS, 4th w. of river, from Robin, Ist dist. s. to bt. Andrew, 4th dist. ^^ ^^^ Orange. " ** KJt*!' 103 1.^4 Felicity. Nuns, St. Mary, St. Andrew. RENDON (now South Rendon), 6tb w. ..f Broad, from Canal s. to Peters avenue, 6th Qisi. Canal, Gasquet, Palmyra. Banks, Baudin, Common, Gravier, Perdido, New Canal, Shell road, Juno, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope. Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsii hore, Euterpe, Polymnia, Urania, Gasquet, James. Peters avenue. RENDON, (now North Rendon, ^formerly Second) 6th w. of Broad, from Canal n. to ii.9- planade,2ddi8t. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, ,. Carondelet walk, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines, St. John, Washington, Grand Route St. John, Esplanade. REYNES, 5th e. of Convent of the Ur.-ulines. from nver n. to woods, 3d dist. Peters, Chartres,, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Deibif-'ny. Solidel e, Josephus, Celesliue, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Miiiristrate, Lnv, Florida walk. 104 RIO boards' street guide. ROM RICHARD. 19th s. of Canal st., from river w. to Felicity, Ist diet. Front, Peters, Tclioupitoulas, Religious, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Constance, Magazine, Felicity. 1 2 19 li: 41 40 61 60 85 84 111 110 133 132 153 152 185 184, RICHELIEU, 4th n. of Fair Grounds, from St. Bernard avenue to Bayou St. John, 3d diet. EIDGELEY, ISth e. of the late from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. RINGGOLD, 12th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. ROBERT, 7th vr. of Napoleon avenue, from river n. to woods, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, St. Charles avenue, Baronne, Dryades. Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Delord, Story, Claiborne, Bartholomew, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti. ROBERTSON (now North Rob • ertson), 19th w. of river, from Canal n. to St. Bernard ave- nue, thence e. to limits, 3d diet. St. Ann, 158 155 Dumaine, 180 179 St. Philip, 212 211 Rt. Lft. Ursulinea, 234 2;« Bayru road, 270 269 Esplanade, 304 303 Kerlerec, 334 333 Columbus, 358 359 Laharpe, 380 379 St. Bernard avenue, 390 393 Annette, 438 437 St. Anthony, 460 459 Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Blysian Fields, Marig^y, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. ROBERTSON (now South Rob- ertson), 19th w. of river, from Canal e. to Common, let dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet, 26 25 Common. 60 69 ROBIN, 16th 8. of Canal street, from river w. to Camp, let dist. Rt. Lft. 1 2 27 2» 39 — Rt. T-ft. Canal, 2 1 CuBtomhoQse, 26 25 Bienville, 52 53 Conti, 76 75 St. Lonis, 100 99 Toulouse. 120 119 Carondelet walk, St. Peter, 136 ^^!i Orleans, 146 145 Water, Front, Peters, Tchoupitoulas, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Constance, Magazine, Camp. Rt. Lft. 1 31 61 81 111 131 151 179 201 ROCHEBLAVE (now South Rocheblave\ 28th w. of river and Sth w. of Claiborne, from Canal s. to Napoleon avenue, 6th dist. Cannl, Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Common, Gravier, Perdido, Poydras, Lafayette, Julia, New Shell road, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Milan, Beilin, Napoleon avenue. ROCHEBLAVE, (now North Rocheblave), 2Sth w. of river and 8th w. of Claiborue, from Canal n. to St. Bernard ave nue, 3d dist. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, Carondelet walk, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines, Hospital, Barracks, Esplanade, Bayou road, Kerlerec, Columbus, Laharpe, Lapeyrouee, Onzaga, Dabadie, Aubrv, O'Reilly, St. Bernard avenue. Rt. Lft. 2 1 18 19 113 129 112 130 217 21S ROFFIGNAC, chore). (see Terusi- ROMAN, (now south Roman), 22d w. of river and 2d w. of Claiborne, from Canal s. to tipper Line, 6th di- 1. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet, 14 13 Palmyra, 40 39 Common, 58 67 Gravier, 96 95 Perdido, 128 127 Poydras, 144 143 Lafavette, 148 -- Giroa, Julia, Delord, ROM SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. SAU 105 EuphroBine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Josephine, JackBon, First, Second, Third. Fourth, Washington aveaue, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, IJpper Line. ROMAN (now North Roman), 22d w. oX river, 2d w. of Clai- borne, from Canal to St. Ber- nard avenue, thence e. to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, „1 J Customhouse, 23 22 Bienville, *5 44 Conti, 63 64 St. Louis, 81 82 Toulouse, 99 98 Carondelet walk, 109 108 St. Peter, 116 H* Orleans, 121 120 St. Ann. 135 134 Duniaine, 157 156 St. Philip, 177 176 Ursulines, 195 196 Hospital, 211 212 Bayou road, 233 232 Esplanade, 255 254 Kerlerec, 273 274 Columbus, 295 296 Laharpe, 316 316 Lapeyrouse, 341 342 Onzaga, St. Bernard avenue, New Orleans, St. Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Lafayette avenue. ROSE, n. of and parallel to Washington, from Lower Line to Foucher, boundary, Green- ville, 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton). ROSE (see Boree), 6th dist. ROSE, B. of and parallel to Bainbridge, from boundary line to Hancock, McDonogh. EOSSEAU, 17th from river com- 10 mencing at Upper Line, New Carrollton, 7th dist. ROSSIERE, 4th nw. of Broad, from St. Bernard avenue to Gentilly road, 3d dist. ROSSINI, commences at Lafay- ette avenue, cor. Mithra, and runs n. lo lake, 3d dist. ROSSINI, 22d from river, com mencing at South Line, New Carrollton, 7th dist. ROUSSEAU, 3d w. of riv r, from Felicity to Washington ave- nue, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Felicity. 1 2 St. Mary, 27 28 St. Andrew, 53 58 Adele, 67 68 Josephine, 91 92 Jackson, 115 116 Philip, 141 142 Soraparu, 165 168 First, 191 WO Second, 209 208 Third, 229 228 Fourth, 249 24S Washington avenue. 269 270 ROYAL, 9th w. of river, from Canal n. to Kerlerec, thence e. to Lower Line, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, 26 25 Bienville, 52 51 Conti, 78 79 St. Louis, 104 103 Toulouse, 130 129 St. Peter, 156 155 Orleans, — 167 St. Ann, 182 181 Dumaine, 206 207 St. Philip. 232 233 Ursulines, 258 257 Hospital, 284 283 Barracks, 306 307 Esplanade, 330 329 Peace, 342 342 Union, — 353 Frenchmen, 378 379 Elysian Fields, 408 409 Marigny, 430 431 Mandeville, 454 455 Spain, 482 481 Washington, 604 605 Lafayette avenue, 612 5)3 Port, 634 533 St. Ferdinand, 652 661 Montegut, 610 609 Clouet, 662 651 Louisa, . 694 693 Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, / Sister. Jourdon, Deslonde, Tennessee, Reynes, Forstall, Lizardi, Egania, Andry, Flood, Caffin, La Manche, Charbonnet, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. ROUSSELIN'S ALLEY, com- mences at Esplanade, ends at Columbus between Dolhonde and Broad, 3d dist. SALCE DO (now South Salcedo), 4th w. of Broad, from Canal s. to Upper Line, 6th dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Bauilin, Common, Gravier, Perdido, Poydras, New Canal, Juno, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio. Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Polymnia, Urania, Gasquet, James, Marshall, Upper Line. SALCEDO(now North 8alcedo)» 4th w . of Broad, from Canal n. to Esplanade, 2d dist. Canal, Customhouse Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Carondelet w»lk, Toulouse, St. Peters, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines, Oak, St. John, Washington, Esplanade. SALOMON, 1st w. of Lafayette avenue, from Columbia n. to the lake, 3d dist. SAUVAGE, from Fair Grounds to Marigny avenue, 3d dist. SAUVE, 12th n. of St. CharleF 106 SAU SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. SIX avenue, from Walnat w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. SAtrVE (now Short), n. of and parallel to Washington, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). SCOTT, l8t n. of Taylor avenue, from Bayou St. John to Milne, ad dist. SECOND, 8th 8W. of 30th 8. of Canal st nw. to Broad, 4th Water, Tchoupitoulaa, Rousseau, Division, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondtilet, Baroune, Dryades, Kampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Olara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvex, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde. SECOND, let n. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Leonidas, 7th dist. (late Car- ronton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, Adama, Burdette, Wasi)ington» Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas. SEGUIN, 2d e. of Canal Street Ferry landing, from Patter- son se. to Evelina, 5tb dist. (late Algiers). Patterson, Viliere, Delaronde, Peter, Alix, Glizn, Evelina. Rt. Lft. 2 16 36 58 76 90 111 110 Felicity and . from river dist. Rt. Lft. 1 2 3 4 27 28 41 — 69 70 89 90 119 120 131 132 155 156 177 178 195 196 213 214 225 226 253 254 281 282 317 318 329 330 361 352 875 376 395 396 419 420 443 444 463 464 489 490 SERE, 2l8t n. of Esplanade, from Bayou St. John to Ltifa- yette avenue, 3d dist. SEVENTH, 13th sw. of Felicity and 35th 8. of Canal street, from river uw. to Magnolia, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tchoupitoulas, U 12 St. Thomas, 39 40 Chippewa, 61 62 Annunciation, 91 92 Laurel, 117 118 Constance, 139 142 Magazine, 163 164 Camp, 183 184 Chestnut, 201 204 Coliseum, 215 216 Prytania, 239 240 St. Charles avenue, 389 390 Carondelet, 403 404 Baronne, 421 422 Dryades, 437 438 Rampart, 457 458 Basin, 477 478 Franklin, 501 602 Liberty, 615 516 Howard, 627 528 Freret, Locust, Magnolia. SEVENTH, 12th n. of and par- allel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). LoWter Line, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, t Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Upper Line. SEVENTEENTH. 14th n. of and parallel to Mobile, from Oanal avenue to North Line, 7th diet, (late Carrollton}. Lower Line, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison. Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Bernadotte, Upper Line. SHAKSPEARE, commences at Monroe avenue, corner La- fayette avenue, and runs n. to the lake, 3d dist. SHELL ROAD, along bank of New Cnnal, from Delord to Metairie Ridge, thence to lake, 1st dist. terminates at West End. SHEPPARD ROW, Ist n. of Americus, from river e. to Hancock, McDonogh. SHORT, 1st 86. of Carrollton avenue, from river to Shell road, 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton). Bt. Lft. Levee, 1 2 Commercial, — 10 Pearl, — 36 First, 37 . 38 Hampson, 69 60 Second, 77 78 Burthe, 89 90 Third, 93 — Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile or Tenth, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, EiKhteenth, Shell road. SISTER, Ist e. of the Convent of the Ursulines, from the river to the woods, 3d dist. SIXTH 12th sw. of Felicity and 34th 8. of Canal St., from river nw. to Claiborne, 4th dist. Bt. Lft. Water, 1 3 Tchoupitoulaa, 9 10 Livaudais, 23 — St. Thomas, 41 3S Chippewa, 69 60 Annunciation, 89 90 SIX SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. SOU 107 Laurel, 117 118 Constance, 137 138 Magazine, 159 160 Camp, 175 176 Chestnut, 201 202 Coliseum, 225 226 Prytania, 257 258 St. Charles avenue, 273 274 Carondelet, 281 282 Baronne, 275 276 Dryades, 299 298 Ramoart, 321 320 Basin, 333 332 Frauklin, 355 354 Liberty, 363 362 Howard, — 370 Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne. SIXTH, 10th n. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton. Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly Hamilton, Upper Line. SIXTEENTH, 12th n. of and parallel to Mobile, from Low- er Line to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Engle, Jackson, J lolly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Bernadotte, Upper Line. SOCRATES. 2d n. of Monroe avenue, from Lafayette ave- enue w. to Bayou St John, 3d dist. SOCRATES, 7th s of Market, from river e. to Sumner, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Jefferson, 1 2 Madison, 17 Monroe, — 40 Franklin, Hancock, Chestnut, Elmira avenue. Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Morgan's R. R., ThajTe avenue, LeBoeuf avenue, Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. SOLIDELLE, 2d n. of Clai- borne, from Lafayette avenue e. to lower limits, 3d dist. Lafayette avenue. Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut. Clouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Benton, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. SOLIS (see Locust) 4th dist. SOLOMON, 8th w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal s. to New Canal, 1st dist. Canal, Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Ulloa, Common, New Canal. SOLOMON, 8th w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal, n. to New Metairie road, thence north to May, 2d dist. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti. St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. PhUip, New Metairie road. SOLON, 8th 8. of and parallel to Monroe avenue, Irom Bayou St. John to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. SOLON, 10th 8. of Americus, from Jefferson e. to Hancock, 5th dist. Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Franklin, Hancock. SONIAT, 8th sw. of Napoleon avenue, from river n. to Clai- borne, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, St. Charles avenue, Bironne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Delord, Story, Claiborne. SORAPARU, 6th sw. of Felicity bet. Philip and First from riv- er n. to Annunciation, 4th dist. Bt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tchoupitoulaa 5 6 Rousseau, 37 36 St. Thomas, 71 70 Chipnewa, 95 94 Annunciation. 116 117 SOULE. 4th n. of Claiborne from Upper Line to Blooming- dale, 6th dist. SOUTH, all streets cros'^ing Canal street, and numbering both directions Irom it (those running sou;n), as Water, Front, Petera, Rampart, Ba- sin, Claiborne, etc., are now named South Water, South Front, etf"., and will be found in their alphabetica' order in Street Guide. SOUTH, ss. of Lafayette square from Camp to St. Charles, 1st dist. Camp, St. Charles. 108 SOU SOAEDS' STREET GUIDE. ST. O SOUTH LINE commences at Upper Line, north to limits 7tD dist. (late CarroUton). Upper Line, Highland, Ney, Blackberry, Lannes, PhUip, St. Oyr, Ophir. SOUTH MABKET, bet, Market and Richard, from river w. to Tcboupitoulas, 1st diet. Bt. Lit. Delta, Water, 22 23 Front, 28 29 Fulton, 84 35 Peters, 42 43 Tcboupitoulas. 84 85 SOUTH POYDRAS (see Poy- dras). SPAIN, 3d e. of Elysian Fields, from river to woods, 3d dist. Peters, Decatur, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Romhn, Prieur, Johnson, Galver, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. ST. ADELINE, 2d nw. ol Clai- borne, from Common s. to Poydras, 1st diet. Common, Gravier, Perdido, Poydras. ST. ANDREW, 2d s. of Felicity and 25th s. of Canal St., from river w. to Claiborne, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Tcboupitoulas, 1 2 Religious, 35 — Rousseau, 67 56 St. Thomas, 87 88 Chippewa, 113 114 Annunciation, 135 136 Laurel, 161 162 Constance, 187 186 Magazine, 213 212 Camp, 241 240 Chestnut, 273 272 Coliseum, 291 290 Prytania, 317 316 St. Charles avenoe, 351 350 Carondelet, 387 386 Brainard, — 400 Baronne, 415 414 Dryades, 426 424 Rampart, 449 446 Basin, — 456 Franklin, 482 484 Liberty, 497 498 Howard, 539 630 Freret, 645 642 Locust, 657 654 Magnolia, — 616 Clara, Willow, Claiborne. ST. ANN, 8th n. of Canal, from river w. to Metairie road, thence north to the lake, 2d dist. Bt. Lft Decatur, 14 — Chartres, 69 60 Royal, 85 86 Bourbon, 107 108 Dauphine, 137 138 Burgundy, 163 165 Rampart, 183 — St. Claude, 203 204 Liberty, 225 226 Marais, 247 248 Villere. 269 272 Robertson, 297 296 Claiborne, 323 324 Derbigny, 345 344 Roman, 365 366 Prieur, 389 388 Johnson, 409 410 Galvez, 431 432 Miro, 455 454 Tonti, 481 480 Rocheblave, 505 504 Dolhonde, 621 — Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue. Bayou St. John, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, St. James, CarroUton avenue, David, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, . Murat, New Metairie road. ST. ANTHONY, 4th ne. of Es- planade, from Rampart n. to lake, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Rampart, 21 22 St. Claude, 43 44 Marais, 87 68 Villere, 89 90 Bobertson, Claiborne, 148 144 Derbigny, 166 166 Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. ST. ANTHOKT FLAOB. Boyal bet. St. Peter and St. Ann, 2(1 dist. ST. AVID (see Claiborne). ST. BERNARD (New) 6th w. of Pontchartrain R. R., from St. Bernard avenue to the lake, 3d dist. Independence, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solideile, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Hope, Duels. ST. BERNARD AVENUE, 3d e. of Esplanade, from St. Claude nw. to Bayou St. John, 3d dist. St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broail. ST. CHARLES, 9th w. of river, fom Canal s. to Delord st. (Tivoli Circle and Lee place), Ist dibt., from this it is now St. Charles avenue. Bt. Lft. Canal, 1 2 Common, 27 80 Gravier, 47 48 Union, 61 — Commercial place, — 86 Perdido, 87 — Povdras. 109 110 North, 116 114 Lafayette, 131 132 South, — 143 Girod, 155 156 Julia, 191 192 St. Joseph, 227 228 Delord. ST. CHARLES AVENUE, 9th w. of river from Delord street, (Tivoli Circle and Lee place), 8. to Upper Line, thence w. to Lower Line of 7th dist. (late CarroUton), 1st, 4th and 6tb diits. Bt. Lft. Delord, 849 268 Calliope, 286 286 Clio, S09 814 Erato, 843 840 Thalia, 861 360 Melpomene, 879 378 Terpsichore, 401 40<) Euterpe. 421 420 ST.O boards' street guide. ST. J 109 443 465 481 495 513 539 555 591 609 625 641 659 675 695 711 724 730 743 756 829 861 947 957 985 993 1007 1015 1051 1153 1169 1205 1233 1245 1279 1309 484 496 512 540 571 584 611 622 642 660 676 696 712 725 731 744 757 766 862 058 986 994 1008 1016 1050 1154 1170 1206 1234 1246 1280 Polymnia, rehcity, St. Mary, St. Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third, Fourth. Washington avenue, (Jonery, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Harmony, Pleasant, Toledano, Louisana avenue, Delachaise, Aline, Foucher, Antoine, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Constantinople, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufo»'sat, Valmont, Leontine, Peters aventt«, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun, Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. ST. CLAUDE (formerly Good Children), 1st w. and n. of Rampart, from Carondelet walk, 2d dist. n. to St. Ber- nard avenue, thence e. to Lower Line, 3d dist. Carondelet walk, St. Peter, Oileans, St. Ann, Dumaine. Ursulines, H sidtal. Barracks, Esplanade, Kerlerec, Columlms, ' St. Bernard avenue, St. Anthony, Bourbon. Union. Frenchmen, Klysian Fields, Marigny, 442 I Mandeville, 472 [ Spain, Washington, Music, Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Olouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Sister, Jourdon, Deslonde, Tennessee, Reynes, Forstall, Lizardi, Egania, Andry, Flood, Caffln, La Manche, Charbonnet, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. ST. CYR, 21st n. of CarroUtOn avenue, from South Line to North Line, 7th dist. (late CarroUton). South Line. Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, North Line. ST. DAVID (see S. Franklin). ST. DENIS (see Rampart). ST. FERDINAND, 2d e. of La- fayette avenue, from rivern. to lake, 3d dist. Peters, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbingy, Solidelle, JosephuB, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, I Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. ST. FRANCIS (see Church), Ist dist. ST. GEORGE, 4th w. of Ram part, from Philip to First, 4tn dist. Philip» First. ST. JAMES, 21st B. of Canal street, from river nw. to Felic- "y-i^^*^'^'- Rt. Lft. 1 3 5 29 41 65 93 6 28 40 64 92 Front, Peters, Tchoupitoulas, Religious, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Felicity. ST. JAMES, iBt dist. (see Pierce) . ST. JAMES, 6th w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal n. to St. Ann, 2d dist. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann. ST. JANE (see Willow). ST. JOHN, from Junction of Es- planade and Broad w. to Ba- j'ou St. John, 2d dist. White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue, Bayou St. John. ST. JOHN'S AVENUE, 7th W. of Broad, from New Canal w. to Peters avenue, 6th dist. New Canal, Juno, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Toledano, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Polymnia, Peters avenue. ST. JOHN BAPTISTE, Ist dist. (see St. Thomas). ST. JOHN BAPTISTE, 8d diflt. (see Robertson). ST. JOHN GRAND ROUTE (see Grande Route St. Joan;. 110 ST. J SOAKDS* STREET GUIDE. ST. P ST. JOSEPH, 7th s. of Canal, from river, w . to Baronne, Ist dist. Rt. Lft. Delta, Water, Front, 31 30 Fulton, 39 40 Peters, 49 60 Commerce, 69 — Tchoupitoulae, 89 88 Constance, 119 118 Magazine, 133 134 Camp, 161 160 St. Charles, 189 188 Carondelet, 215 214 Baronne. 235 234 ST. LOUIS, 4th n. of Canal. from river w. to Metairie road, thence north to the lake, 2d dist. Clay, Rt. Lft. Decatur, 1 2 Chartres, 29 28 Exchange place, — 42 Royal, Bourbon, 83 84 Dauphine, 107 104 Burgundy. 133 132 Rampart, 161 160 Basin, 171 172 Franklin, 181 — Liberty, 195 1% Maraia. 217 218 Villere, 239 240 Robertson, 259 260 Claiborne, 279 280 Derbigny, 30 1 302 Roman, 323 324 Prieur, 347 348 Johnson, 3'i9 370 Galvez, 381 382 Miro, 391 392 Tonti, 423 424 Rocheblave, 461 450 Dolhonde, — 464 Broad, — 485 White. — 521 Dupre. Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue, Clark, Genois, Telemachuj, Cortes, St. John, St. James, CarroUton avenue, David, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olympia, St. Patrick, Bernadotte, Anthony, Helena, New Metairie road. ST. MARK (see Magnolia). ■T. MARY. Ist 8. of Felicity, and 2ith s. of Canal st., from river w. to Carondelet, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Peters, l 2 Religioua, Rousseau, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Old Magazine, Magazine, Camp, New Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles, Carondelet. 23 24 61 60 69 70 93 10(1 121 120 145 144 169 168 181 — 195 194 213 212 241 238 255 254 269 270 297 298 333 332 361 360 ST. MARY, Ist dist. (see Locust, also Church). ST. PATRICK, 13th w. of Ha- gan avenue from Canal s. to New Canal, Ist dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, New Canal. ST. PATRICK, 13th w. of Ha- gan avenue, from Canal n. to Metairie road, 2d dist. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Metairie road. ST. PATRICK, 5th nw. of St. Charles avenue, from Tole dano sw. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Foucher, Antonine, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. ST. PETER, 6th n. of Canal, from river w. to Metairie road, thence n. to the lake, 2d dist. Rt. Lft. Decatur, Chartres, — 14 Royal, 67 68 Bourbon, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, Basin, St. Claude, Liberty, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti. Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, GayofcO, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue. Bayou St. John, Genois, TelemachuB, Cortes, St. John, St. James. CarroUton avenue, David, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olympia, St. Patrick, Metairie road. ST. PETER, Ist Franklin). 81 78 103 104 129 132 161 164 161 162 181 180 205 204 227 226 246 244 269 268 296 296 319 320 341 340 363 364 381 382 403 404 423 424 443 444 473 474 dist. (see ST. PHILIP. 10th n. of Canal from river w. to New Metai- rie road, thence north to May, 2d dist. Decatur, Chartres, Royal, Bourbon, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Liberty, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue, Rt. Lft. 1 2 27 28 49 50 71 70 93 94 115 lift 137 138 157 158 175 176 193 192 209 208 225 22« 241 240 357 258 279 278 297 298 319 820 837 338 367 »58 387 .386 407 408 441 438 466 ST. T SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. TOH 111 Bayou St. John, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, St. James, Carrollton avenue. David, Solomon, New Metairie road. ST. THERESA, 4th e. of Calli- ope, from Tchoupitoulas to St. Thomas, 1ft dist. ST. THOMAS, 5th w. of river, from Gaiennie, Ist dist. to To- ledano, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Gaiennie, 2 1 Erato. 28 27 Thalia, 54 53 Theresa, 64 63 Melpomene, 90 91 Bellechasse, 98 97 Terpsichore, 120 119 Robin, Race, 176 175 Orange, 204 203 Richard, 234 233 Market, 260 259 St. James, 284 283 Felicity, 300 303 St. Mary, 332 331 St. Andrew, 360 sm Adele, 368 367 Josephine, 398 397 Jackson, 426 427 Philip, 452 4.53 Sorapam, 478 481 First, 498 499 Second, 524 523 Third, 546 545 Fourth, 560 559 Washington avenue, 582 583 Sixth, 620 619 Seventh, 640 641 Eighth, 662 663 Ninth, 682 683 Harmony, 698 699 Pleasant. 716 715 Toledano. 738 737 STATE, 13th w. of Upper Line, from river n. to woods, 6th dist. Front. Levee, Preston, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, Hurst, St. Charles avenue, Benjamin, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Leonie, Henry, Delord, Story, Bartholomew, Prieur, Johnson, Hodge or Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Minturn or Broad, York. McKenna, Howe, Baldwin, Hoffman, M'-Donough, Woodruff. DeArmas, Breslau. STEPHANIA (now Sterlitz), ne. of and parallel to 16th, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). STEPHEN GIRARD, 5th s. of and parallel to Monroe ave- nue, from Bayou St. John to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. STERLITZ. 13th n. of andparal lei to Moiiile from Lower Line to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay. Live Oak, Livingston, Bernadotte, Upper Line. STORY. 15th n. of St. Charles avenue, from Upper Xiinew to Calhoun, 6th dist. Robert, Soniat, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella. Nashville, State, Webster, Clav, Calhoun. STURCKEN'S ALLEY, bet. Conti and St. Louis, from Liberty to Marais, 2d dist. SUMNER, 7th w. of Opelousas R. R., from river s. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Alix, Eliza, Evelina, Market. Jackson, Homer, Newton, Decatur, DeArmas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy. Lawrence, Briugier. SUZETTE (see Erato), Ist liist. SWAMP, 1st w. of Bayou Sauvage, from Grande Route St. John n. to Pleasure, 3d dist. Graiiile Route St. John Floridas, Maurepas, Fortin, Fair Grounds, Bi-ickyaid, Treasure, Pritchard, Pleasure. TAYLOR AVENUE, 6th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. TCHOUPITOULAS, 6th w. of river, from Canal s. to Cal- houn, 1st, 4th and 6th dists. Rt. Lft. Canal, 1 2 (Dommon, 7 6 Gravier, 23 24 Natchez, 43 44 Poydras, 65 56 Lafayette, 83 82 Girod, 111 112 Notre Dame, 133 132 Julia. 153 154 St. Joseph, 193 194 North Market, 205 204 South Market, 207 208 Deloid, 225 230 Poevfarre, 255 254 Calll pe, 275 276 Gaiennie, 291 290 Erato, 319 318 Thaha, 345 344 Theresa, 359 360 Hunter, 373 374 Bellechasse, 383 384 Terpsichore, 391 392 Henderson, 411 412 Robin, 415 416 Race, 445 446 O ange, 473 474 Richard, 495 496 Market, 629 528 St. James, 653 654 Celeste, 575 574 Nuns, Felicity, 599 60O St. Marv, 635 636 St. Andrew 669 670 Adele, 681 682 Josephine, 709 708 J.ackson, 735 734 Philip, 761 760 Soraparu, 785 786 First, 819 820 Second, 639 840 Third, 857 358 Fourth, 877 878 Washington avenue, 901 902 Sixth, 939 ';>42 Seventh, 961 960 Eighth, 983 984 Ninth, 1003 1002 112 TEL SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. THI 305 304 319 318 329 332 35S US 371 872 891 392 411 412 431 438 445 440 Harmony, 1025 1024 Pleasant, 1041 1040 Toledano, 1055 1054 Iiouisiana aveaue, 1093 1092 Dolachaise, 112? 1122 Aline, 1151 1150 Constance, 1181 1180 Antonlne, 1217 1216 Amelia, 1243 1242 Peniston, 1267 1266 Gen. Taylor, 1285 1284 Austerlitz, 1315 1316 Constantinople, 1835 1344 Marengo, 1375 1376 Milan, 1395 1392 Berlin, 1427 1426 JiTapoleon avenue, 1455 1454 Jena, 1481 1480 Cadiz, 1505 1504 Valence, 1527 1526 Bordeaux, 1551 15i0 t,yon, 1577 1578 Upper Line, 1601 1602 Robert, 1623 1622 Soniat, 1645 1644 Dufossat, 1663 1662 Bellecastle, 1685 1684 Valmont, 1709 1708 i,eontine, 1729 1728 Peters avenue, 1747 1746 'Octavia, 1767 1766 Josepii, 1785 1784 Arabella, NaHhville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. TELEMACHUS (now South Telemachus),3d w. of Hagan avenue, from Oanal s. to New Canal, Ist diet. Oasquet, -Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Ulloa, Common, iiravier, Perdido, New Canal. TELEMACHUS (now North Telemachus), 3d w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal n. to Bayou St. John, 2d dist. Oanal, Customhouse, Bienville, Oonti, ■St. Louis, 'Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, :St. Ann, ©umaine, St. Philip, Ursulines, JBayou St. John. .TENNESSEE, 4th e. of Convent ■.ot the Ursulines, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Peters, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle. Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. TENTH (now Mobile), ne. of and parallel to First, from Foiicner boundary, to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton.) TERPSICHORE, 15th 8. of Ca- nal St. from river w. to Mag- nolia, 4th dist. Bt Lft Water, Front, 1 2 Peters, 25 24 Tchoupitoulas, 61 50 St. Thomas, 77 76 Chippewa, 87 90 Annunciation, 109 108 Constance, 135 134 Magaziae, 161 160 Gamp, 185 186 Coliseum, Prytania, 211 210 St Charles avenue. 239 238 Carondelet, 287 286 Baronne, 295 294 Dryades, 327 326 Rampart, 349 348 Btsin, 363 362 Franklin, 381 380 Liberty, 405 404 Howard, 427 426 Freret, 451 450 Locust, 457 Magnolia. TERPSICHORE. 1st s. of Mel- pomene, from Broad s. to St. John's avenue, 6th dist. Gayoso, Van Buren, Third, Rendon, Sc. John's avenue. THALIA (formerly Benjamin andEstelle), 13th s. of Canal street, from river west to limits, Ist dist. Water, Delta, Front, Peter, Tchoupitoulas, St. Thomas, Annunciation, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rt. Lft. 17 36 67 79 95 123 141 163 181 211 231 261 287 16 34 56 78 94 122 142 164 180 210 232 260 286 Rampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, MagnoUa, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. THAYRE, 2a s. of Patterson, from Elmira avenue e. of Op- eloiisas R. R., 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. — 2 13 14 27 38 38 — Elmira avenue. Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R. THAYRE AVENUE, 1st w. of Opelousas R. R., from river 8. to limits, 6th dist. (late Al- giers). Patterson, Thayre, Peter, Alix, Eliza, Evelina, Market, Jackson, Homer, Newton, Decatur, De Armas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier. THERESA, 1st n. of Terpsi- chore, from Tchoupitoulas to St. Thomas, 1st dist. THIRD, 9th 8. of Felicity and Slst 6. of Oanal St., from river nw. to Broad, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Water, Tchoupitoulas, Rousseau, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, Basin, 2 4 30 70 98 129 130 161 150 173 172 191 192 311 210 821 220 226 224 203 202 231 230 235 252 267 264 287 282 345 306 361 32t THI SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. TOU U3 343 3U 359 360 876 376 Franklin, Liberty. Howard, Freret, LOCUBt, MagnoUS, Clara, WUlow, Glaiborne, Derbigny, Roman. Prieur, Johnson, Oalvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolbonde, Broad. THIRD. iBt and 3d dists. (see Lopez). THIRD, 4th nw. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Monroe, 7th dist. (late Car- rollton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary. Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenut, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe. THIRTEEXTH, 6th ne. of and parallel to Mobile, from Fou- cher bounaary, to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton). Lower Line, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin. Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grov*, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Upper Line. TIMOLEON, l8t n. of Monroe avenue, from Lafayette ave- nue w. to Bayou St. John, 3d dist. TIVOLI CIRCLE, junction of St. Charles and Delord, 1st dist. TOLEDANO, 18th ew. of Felic- ity and 40th s. of Canal St., dividing 4th and 6th dists. from river, nw. to limits. Rt. Lft. 2 1 4 3 10 9 18 17 SO 29 64 63 118 117 140 139 189 188 213 212 223 324 310 320 415 416 S18 514 627 628 Water, Tchoupitoulae, St. Thomas, Chippewa, AnnuneiatiOO, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles aveone, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick St. David, St. Andrew, St. George, Freret. Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, John^'on, Qalvez, Miro, Tonti. Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. TONTI (now South Tonti), 27th w. of river and 7th w. of Clai - borne, from Canal s. to Cal- houn, 1st, 4th and 6th dists. Rt. Lft. Canal, 1 2 Gasquet, 19 20 Palmyra, 38 40 Banks, »7 68 Common, Gravier, Perdido, Poydrae, Lafayette, Julia, New Shell ro»d, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato. Thalia, Melpomene, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue. Tolertano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Marengo, Gen. Taylor, Milan. Berlin. Napoleon avenue, Jena. Cadiz, Upper Line, Robert, Peters avenue, Octavia, Arabella. Nashville. State, Clay, Calhoun. TONTI, (now North Tonti) , 27th w. of river and 7th w. of Claiborne, from Canal n. to St. Bernard avenue, 2d and 3d diets. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, 18 17 Bienville, 84 33 Conti, 66 55 St. Louis. 76 77 Toulouse, 82 83 Carondelet walk, 84 85 St. Peter, 100 101 Orleans. 118 119 St. Ann, 132 133 Dumaine, 164 155 St. Philip, 186 187 Ursulinea, 208 201 Hospital. 812 211 Barracks, Esplanade, Bayou road, Kerlerec, Columbus, Laharpe. Lapeyrouse, Onzago, Dabadie, Aubry. St. Bernard avenue. TOULOUSE, 6th n. of Canal, from river w. to New Metalrie road, theice n. to May, ad dist. Bt. Lft. Clay, Peters, 1 2 Chartree, 29 30 Royal, 66 56 Bourbon, 81 82 Dauphine, 107 108 Burgundy, 133 134 Rampart, 169 160 Basin, 169 170 Franklin, — 178 Liberty, 191 192 Marais, 211 212 Villere, 283 234 Robertson, — 95 Claiborne, — 115 Derbigny, — 134 Roman, — 168 Prieur, ^* 17* Johnson, — 187 Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Qayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue, Bayou St. John, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes. St. John, St. James, Carrollton avenv*, David, U4 TEE SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. URA Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olympia, St. Patrick, Bernadotte, Anthony, New Metairie road. TREASURE, 3d n. of Fair Grounds, from Bayou St. John e. to lower limits, 3d diet. Howe, Labatut, Ducayet, Encampment, Sauvage, Swamp, St. Bernard avenue. TREME (see Liberty). TRIANGLE, Ist b. of Delord, from Front to Peters, 1st diet. TRICOU, 3d w. of U. 8. Bar- racks, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Peters, Jumonville, Bienville, Delaronde, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Bampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart. Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josepbus, Celestine, Geniu8» Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, LaWf Florida walk. TRITON WALK (Bee Delord). TWELFTH, 4th ne. of and par- allel to Mobile, Foucher bonndary, to Upper Lino, 7th dist. (lateCarrollton). Lower Line, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Bagle. Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel GroTC. Clay, Live oak, Livingston, Upper Line. TWENTIETH, 20th ne. of and parallel to Jtobile, from Shell road to parish I'oundary, 7th dist. (lateCarrollton). Shell road. Jack- on. Holly, Hamilton. TWIGGS, 14th 8. of the lake, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. ULLOA . 6th B. of Canal, from Genois w. to New Canal, 1st dist. Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, St. James, Carrollton avenue, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olynpia, St. Patrick, New Canal. UNION. 2>i 8. of Canal st. from St. Charles w. to Dryades, 1st dist. Bt. Lft. St. Charles, 1 2 Carondelet, 27 28 Baronne, 65 64 Dryades. 71 72 UNION, 2d e. of Elysian Fields, from junction of Royal and Kerlerec n. to lake, 3d dist. Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti. Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. U. S. BARRACKS, or JACKSON BARRACKS, near lower city limits, 3d dist. UNIVERSITY PLACE, north side Common between Ba- ronne and Dryades, 1st dist. UPPER LINE, 6th w. of Napo- leon avenue, from river n. to Broad, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, GonBtance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt. St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Drvades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow,' Henry, Delord, Claiborne, Derbigny, BartholomaWs Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Broad. UPPER LINE, divides Carroll- ton and New Carrollton, from river to North Line, 7tb difito (late Carrollton). Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green. Seventh, Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile, Neleon, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Prin chard. Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, North Line. URANIA, Ist n. of Felicity, con- tinuation of Orange from Col- iseum to Felicity, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Coliseum, 1 3 Prytania, B 6 Felicity. URANIA, 4th s. of Melpomene, from Broad w. to St. John's avenue, 6th dist. Broad, Sixth, Fifth, layoso, URQ SOAEDS' STREET GUIDE. VIL 115 Van Buren, Third, Rendon, St. John's avenue. URQUHART,3d n. of St.Claude, from St. Bernard avenue e. to lower limits, 3d dist. St. Bernard avenue, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Marigny, . Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Pietv, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lessens, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. URSULINES, 11th n. of Canal, from river w. to New Metairie road, thence n. to May, M dist. Rt. Lft. Peters, 1 — Gallatin, 3 — Decatur, 11 — Chartres, 87 3S Royal, 69 60 Bourbon, 83 84 Dauphine, 109 HO Burgundy, 129 130 Rampart, 153 152 St. Claude, 173 174 Liberty, 185 186 Marais, 203 204 Villere, 223 222 Robertson, 239 240 Claiborne, 255 256 Derbigny, 273 270 Roman, 295 294 Prieur, 313 314 Johnson, 331 332 Galvez, 857 358 Miro, 381 382 Tonti, 401 402 RocheblaTe, 419 420 Dolbonde, 445 446 Broad. White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue. Bayou St. John, Genois, Telemachus, Cortez, St. John, St. James, Carrollton avenue. David, New Metairie road. VALENCE, 3d sw. of Napoleon avenue, from river n. to Clara, 6th d-ist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara. VALLETTE, 7th s. of Canal St. ferry landing, from riVers. to boundary line, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Paterson, 1 2 Delaronde, 13 — Peter, S9 40 Alix, 69 60 Eliza. 83 84 Evelina. 117 116 Market, 123 124 Jackson, 136 136 Homer, 153 154 Newton, 171 172 Decatur, DeArmas. VALMONT, 5th w. of Upper Line, from river n. to Chest- nut, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut. VAN DYKE, 19th from river commencing at Upper Line, New Carrollton, 7tn dist. VARIETIES PLACE, bet. Ca- rondelet and Baronne, from Common to Gravier, 1st dist. VERRET, 6th e. ferry landing, DeArmas, 5th giers). Patterson, Delaronde, Peter, Alix, Eliza, Evelina, Market, Jackson, Homer, Newton, Decatur, DeiVrmas. of Canal street from river to dist. (late Al- Bt. Lft. 1 i 18 40 63 92 111 113 123 124 133 132 151 152 127 128 145 146 155 — VERRET AVENUE, 1st w. of Opelousas R. R. from river s. to limits, 6tb dist. (late Al- giers). Rt. Lft. Patterson, Thayre, 7 — Peter, 19 — Allx, Eliza, Evelina, Market, Jackson, Homer, Newton, Decatur, DeArmas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier. VICKSBURG, bet. Bienville and Conti, from New Metairie road to tlie lake,3dui8t. VICTORY (see Decatur). VIENNA, 3d n. of Calhoun avenue, from Lafayette ave- nue w. to Bayou St. John, Sd dist. VILLERE (now North Villere), ISih w. of river, from Canal n. to St. Bernard avenue, thence e. to lower limits, 8d dist. Et. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, 26 25 Bienville, 50 49 Conti, 76 75 St. Louis, 96 97 Toulouse, 124 123 Carondelet walk, 126 126 St. Peter, 136 135 Orleans, 142 145 St. Ann, 156 156 Dumaine, 184 183 St. Philip, 210 209 Ursulines, 240 239 Bayou road, 266 265 Esplanade, 300 299 Kerlerec, 828 329 Columbus, 360 359 Laharpe, 394 396 St. Bernard avenue, 398 397 Annette, 426 426 St. Anthony, 450 449 Bourbon, 482 481 Union, 504 505 Frenchmen, 530 629 Elysian Fields, 658 557 116 YiL SOARDS' STREET GUIDE WAS Marigny, Mandeville, 578 577 Mandeville, Breslau, 596 595 Spain, Magnolia, Spain, 610 609 Washington, Oak, Washington, Music, Warsaw, Music, Arts, Warren, Arts, Painters, Wapping, Wanaorf, Lafayette avenue, Franklin avenue, Port, Hunters, Rose, St. Ferdinand, Deers, Sauve, Press, Lafayette avenne, Destrehan, Montegut, Port. Miro, Feliciana, St. Ferdinand, Gayoso, Clouet, Press, Canada, Louisa, Montegut, Yazoo, Piety, Feliciana, Mobile. Desire, Clouet, Elmira, Louisa, WALTER SCOTT, 11th from Congress, Piety, river, commencing at Upper Independence, Desire, Line, New CarroUton, 7th Pauline, Elmira, dist. Jeanna, Congress, Bartholomew, Independence, WANDORF. 10th n. of St. Mazant, Pauline, Charles avenue, from Walnut French, Jeanna, w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Lessepa, Bartholomew, Walnut, Poland, Mazant, Chestnut, Alexander, French, Broadway, Josephine, Lessens, Poland, Pine, Manuel, Lower Line. Tennessee, Alexander, Reynes, Jo-ephine, WAPPING, 9th n. of St. Charles Adams, Manuel, avenue, from Walnut w. to Gordon. Convent of the Ureulines, Lower Line, 6th dist. Monroe, Tennessee, Walnut, Hancock, Reynes, Chestnut, Tricou. Adams, Benton, Bro..dway, Pine, VILtERE (now South Villere), Gordon, Lower Line. 18ih w. of river, Canal to Com Monroe, Hancock, mou, 1st dist. WARREN, 8th n. of St. Charles Rt. Lft. Tricou, avenue, from Walnut w. to Canal, 2 1 Delery, Lower Line, 6th, dist. Gasquet, 24 25 Petre, Walnut. Common. 60 51 Canonge. Chestnut, Broadway, VILLERE. 1st 8. of Canal St. VOLTAIRE, 16th from river Pine, f erij landing, from Bouny to Patterson, 6th dist. ( ne. commencing at Upper Line, Lower Line. ate New Carrollton, 7th dist Algiers). WARSAW, 7th n. of St. Charles Rt. Lft. WALKER, 9th B. of the lake. avenue, from Walnut w. to Bouny, 1 2 from Bayou St. John to Milne, Lower Line, 6th dist. Seguin, 20 26 2d dist. Walnut. Barthelemy, 63 52 Chestnut, Lavergne, 77 78 WALL, 7th 8W. of and paral- Broadway, Patterson. lei to First, from Lower Line to Clinton, 7th dist. (late Car- Pine, Lower Line. VINE (see Clara). rollton). Lower Line, WASHINGTON AVENUE, 11th VIRGINIA, bet. the cemeteries General Scott, 8W. of Felicity and 33d s. oi Canal St., from river nw. to and New Orleans Canal, 1st Millaudon, dist. Clinton. Broad, 4th dist. VIRGINHJS. 3d 8. of Monroe WALNUT, 4th e . of Lower Rt. Lft. Water, 1 2 avenue, from Lafayette ave- nue w. to Bayou St. John, 3d Line, from river n. to woods, 6th dist. Tchoupitoulas, 7 6 Rousseau, 9 10 dist. Front, Water, Livaudais, — 22 St. Thomas, 33 40 VIRTUE, 8th n. of Claiborne. Lower, Chippewa, 53 54 from St. Bernard avenue e . to Market, Annunciation, 81 83 lower limits. 3d dist. Elizabeth, Laurel, 99 100 St. Bernard avenue, Ferdinand, Constance, 125 124 Havana, Oliver, Magaiine, 139 140 London. Wall. Camp, 155 156 New Orleans, Esther, Chestnut, 175 176 St. ItCfQurd, Anna, Coliseum, 189 190 Annette, Louisa, Prytania, 209 210 St. Anthony, Ida, St. Charles avenue, 233 232 Bourbon, Carrollton, Carondeler, 251 250 Union, St. Charles avenae Baronne, 269 266 Frenchmen, Washington, Drvades, 291 290 Elvsian Fields, St. George, Rampart, 313 312 Marigny, Long, Basin, 333 433 WAS SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. WEB U7 Franklin. 351 350 Liberty, 369 368 Howard, 373 372 Freret, 401 400 Locust, 431 430 Magnolia, 449 — Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. WASHINGTON (formerly Poet), 4th e. of Elysian Fields, from Decatur n. to lake, 3d dist. Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Villere, Robertson Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. WASHINGTON, Ist n. of Es planade, from Broad w. to Bayou St. John, 3d to 2d diets. Ge tilly road. White. E.i2,ioe, $1.00. ClU n COMBINING A BDSiiiess Direclory, Street Giiifle aM Gmfle BooL PRICE I $6.00. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $5.00. Any of the above publications to be obtained at Office, sent by mail, postage pre-paid, on receipt of price, or sent C. O. D., per express. 5 Commercial Place, Corner Camp St. Y^ > :-3-'->-<^- '---^ ■ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 006 152 715 1^ :-'■ ^..,