Class Book- COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT 1 \ FE-ICE, iiiO <^JtiJJ>J J-fcD. r^-fci^ ALBA^;^ FOR "^i^^l 88 1.'^'^^^ A STRAMERS' EUIDE AND RESIDENTS' MANUAL, Containing a Chronicle of Local Events; Information ABOUT THE CiTY GOVERNMENT, SCHOOLS AND ChURCHES; Description and History of Public Buildings AND Institutions, with Special Reference TO Washington Park,, the Rural Cemetery and WITH ILLUSTRATIONS AND A MAP. ALBANY, N. Y.: No. 30 North Pearl Street 1 880. K Book About American Ictors. PLAYERS OF R CENTURY. By H. p. PHELPS. Ov^er ^OOjpcigeSj/iZZecZ lArttTt STzetcTieSj Crttt- ctsrrts, and, A^ixecdotes, N. V. World, (April 5, 1880). _ Modestly professes to be only a record of the Albany stage since the Revolutionary era. But Its pages really contain crisply written and clearly arranged sketches of all the famous actors and actresses who have played in New York within the period covered by this record. One especial excellence is its painstaking accuracy, and another is an index so complete that Mr. Phelps's book may almost be used as a dramatic encyclopaedia. Springfield Republican (March i, 1880). We don't doubt that, with a single exception (Ireland's Record of the New York Stage, now out of print), it is the fullest and the best dramatic history yet published in America, besides being the latest. N. Y. r/wzf^J (November 7, 1880). There are few players of any note that have been admired during the last half century who are not referred to in a pleasant and sympathetic spirit by this excellent compiler, and many of the facts related of popular actors are fresh and novel. 7yz^A^«2'/ 'I COMMEEC INSURANCE COMPANY, OF AliBANY, Office, No. 57 State St. CAPITAL. INVESTED IN UNITED STATES BONDS Abundant Indemnity, Low Rates of Premmm. Equitable Adjustment of Losses. Prompt Payment of Approved Claims. ZDIIREOTOI^S. ADAM VAN ALLEN, President, G. A. VAN ALLEN, Vice-President, C. P. WILLIAMS, ROYAL BANCROFT, M. H. READ. B. R. WOOD, C. B. LANSING, E. DARWIN JONES, JAMES W. EATON, > SAMUEL SCHUYLER, JESSE C. POTTS, ROBERT L. JOHNSON, I. A. CHAPMAN, NATHAN B. PEPdlY, C. H. ADAMS, O. H. DAVENPORT, GEORGE DAWSON, ISAIAH PAGE, CHARLES SEDAM, S. DE LA GRANGE, R. V. DE WITT, Secretarv. 14 STREET index;- A; Jrh» ilrMh will l» found at cr near the intersietion ef imaffirtarf linn drawn bttwetn the letters and figurti (in- SerdtrJ follpwiny the names lelow. Clir.ton ave... Clinton square. Colby ;... Colonic Colnnil)i». . ., . Congi'e:>3 CQi'tlanil CortlHnU place, Cross Cuylei-. ...... D.-iIlius Daniel Dean Delaware Delaware ave. . Do Witt Ditson place. . Divisiou Dove '. Dove cont'd .. Droogan place, Dudley ave. .. Kagle East Exchange, Elizabeth ... Elk : Elm Eric Erie Exchange. ... . First First ave Fourth ave. . . Franklin Frisbio ave. .. Fulton : OHiisevoort. .. i Garden ] Garden Gnnt P. 1 Green J. 18 Hall place.... a li Hamilton Ti. 17 Hamilton cont. K. > 6 Hamittonpl... E. 14 Hawk L. U Herkimer.... K, 18 High L. 15 High continued, J. 14 Hoffman ave..- C. 13 Howard. ..;...' L. 15 Hudson ave.... L. 17 Had.av. cont., E. -1 Hunter ave. ..0. 3 Button X. 13 Irving J. 13 Jackson P. 10 James , M. 18 Jay L. 12 Jefferson E. 13 John K. 18 Judson 0. 9 Kimball place, D. 18 Kings place... P. 13 Kirk's alley... R. 15 Kuox N. 11 Krank....... P. IS La Fayette... M. 14 . Lancaster.. .. L. 12 Lark ...:... K. J3 Laughlin , U. 14 Lawrence Q. 15 Learned...... E. IS Leonard. ..... E. 18 Lexington ave: N. 10 Liberty L. IB Lincoln avo ..' N. % Lodse M. IS Liviiifrsion av. P. IS Lumber DiaL. &.' 18 M kLien WIST LAWfftNC£ MAIM PARTRlbcC QUAIL ff/tCUSOt/. y^^^'^/lBAf/Y. ''tmffMTff/tY «v^ //'iS L£Gf!?>. ft ,»*''*^ ^MVfl /v/'/'H/ yt7/e>r crvr^Ai av£ Hi p£p/fy _ juoadw f Uo\smn l^ rj STREET INDEX, t-M. ■STu Sfnets will It fouml at or near tlie \nUr$uticnof ininainary lirut drawn, hetiveen the UUers and fit/uret (in herder) follcwing the- namet below. Madison av6'. . ] Madison place,' ^ Maiden Lane.' 1 Main ave. . .° .. Main.'.. ...'...' Maple... ...... ' Martin. . .-.'. . Martin ave... McCarty ave.. McKowii.... .' Mercer. .' Merchant pi... '. Moliawk Monroe Montgoiaery.. Moore. ... ' • •Morris .... Morton •Mulberry Myrtle ave N. Y. C't'l ave., North Kortli Ferry,. North Fifth... ■North First.. •North Fourtli North IjaOieing •North Pearl. . . North Second, . North Third.. Norton Oak.... O'Connell. ... Odell.. ' Oner's alley. . Ontario :. '. Orange...... '. Osboinel ..... Park. Park avo •Paik placo. ... Partridge. .;. .. J. Pcniienliary .,• J. : Perrv....;;.. G. Pliilip ..-.. J. Phcenix place. K. ' Pier :. P. Pine •'. M. Plaiir. »..,... K Pleasant;...". R. Plum ..;. H; Prospect ftve. . Q^ Providence... H. Priiyn.. . L. Qnack'cnbnsh. 0. Quail H. Quay' .■ .... H. 'Railroad ave. . Q. Rath bone R. Rawson..'., .. P. Rensselaer:... J. Rensselaer ave X. Road, N. Robin.: N. Rose....;.:.. K. Sand E; Sanders E. Schuyler.-,.. H. Second., ..... 0. Second ave. .. E. .Shciman ...... N. ' Sligo '., D. Slingeiland. .. £. Sloan.... .\ F. South X. South Ferry.. J: South Jackson F. South. Lansing K. South Pearl. ... U. Spencer P. Spring.....;. M.. Spring cont'd.. M. Sprnce. N. 13 State M. 17 State M. \% Si'boat L'd'ng, L. l8 Stephen F. 17 Steuben...... N. IS Swan L. 13 Ten Broeck:. 0. 15 Tennis F. 17 Thacher R. 15 Third P. 13 Third ave.... G. 16 Thornton P. 9 Tivoli •. .;. S. 13 Trinity place.. J. 17 Trotter's alley M. 19 Union.: L. 18 Van Tromp. . N. 16 Van Woert:..: Q. 12 Viin Zandt.,. K. 15 Vine G. 18 Walter X. 14 Warren H. 13 Warren alley.. H. 15 Wasb'ton ave. M. 12 Wash'lon ave. M. ft Wash'ton Park L. lO Water 0.17 Watervliet.... -X. 13 Watervliet ave Q. 1 Wendell L. 15 West M.. 8 Westerlo K. 13 Western ave. . L. 6 W. Lawrence. H. 2 Wilbur. J. 15 Willett L. a William L. 16 Wilson 0. 15 Yates J. 6 Zimmerman .. F. IS .•'C p/?OAOJ^ it-r I ^/?/l THeOf*^ STREET MAP OP ALBANY. \A/ a^i^ K^:^'/^'^<^^ ^ i^^^^ ^yri-iS^ / G. A. Van Allsn. R. V. De Witt. THK V -L ^ I Aaron Burr, wlio beg-aii his legal career in this city, in 1782, is said to have had an office on the north side of Store Lane, now Norton st., the second building" from Pearl. He lived for a time in what is now James St., in the rear of the store of Van Heusen, Charles & Co. His early man'ied life was silent in Albany, and here his only legitimate daughter, Theodosia was born; and although removed to New York when an in- fant, she was also mariied here, her father at that time, again residing in Albany, being a member of the Leg- islature. Later in life he passed con- siderable time in this city. (See Fort Orange Club.) Abattoir, The, or public slaughter- house is situated on Brevator st., nearly thi'ee miles west of the City Hall. Slaughtering is prohibited (ex- cept by consent of the Common Coun- cil) within the limits of 160 rods west of Allen St., on the west ; Warren st., Delaware ave., Second ave.and Ganse- voort st. on the south ; the city line on the east ; and North Ferry, Van "Woert sts., Lexington and Livingston aves. on the north. The ordinance, however, is not strictly observed, and many of the butchei's have their own slaughter-houses. The question whether the power given the city government by the Legislature to regulate slaughter-houses, included the power to prohibit them has been raised, and decided in the affirmative by the Court of Appeals. Academy of Music. — The name under which the South Pearl Street Theatre (now Leland Opera House) was opened by John M. Trimble, December 22, 1863. It was burned January 29, 1868. The Division Street Theatre opened October 4, 1869, was also called by that name while under Frank Lawlor's man- agement. It was burned December 8, 1876, and its site is now occupied by dwellings. Academy Park, consists of one and eighty-two one-hundredths acres, bounded by Elk and Eagle sts., "Washington ave., and Park place, and just now is in a dilapidated con- dition. As soon as the old Capitol is removed, and Capitol Park laid out anew. Academy Park will also be improved. A little distance west of this spot used to be a ravine running north and south, where, tradition says, tories, in the time of the revo- lution^ were stiipped of their coats, hats and shoes, and a bandage put over their eyes, in which condition they were executed and buried on the spot. It was in Academy park that the building of the Army Relief Ba- zaar was erected in 1864. AFR — ALB African Methodist Episcopal Church, The, is at 8G5 Hamilton st. Colored fc>lks worship here, but white people are also welcome so long" as they behave themselves. Agricultural and Arts Associa- tion. — A society started a few years ag-o for the purpose of offering- in- ducements to the State Agricultural first session was held September 11, 181.5, in a dwelling on the souih-east cor. of State and Lodge sts. The pre- sent brown freestone building, front- ing on Academy Park, north of the old capitol, was erected by the city. The corner-stone was laid July 2U, 1810. The main building is 70 by 80 feet, ^^dth wings 30 by 45 ; is three stories high including basement. (See cut.) Society to hold its fair here as often as possible, and also to establish a local fair. The association bought the g-i'ounds, and erected the build- ings on the Troy road (see Fair Grounds), but now only exists as an expensive memory. Albany Academy, The, or the Boys' Academy as it is often called, was incoi-porated March 4, 1813. Its Cost, $90,000. It was in the upper rooms of this building that Joseph Heniy, who from 1826 to 1832, -was one of the professoi*s, first demonsti*ated the theory of the magnetic telegraph in transmitting intelligence, by ring- ing a bell through a mile of wii'e strung- around the room. It only i*emained for Prof. Morse to invent the code of signals, and the machine for making- them, and the thing- was done. As ALB — ALM has been well said, "The click heard from every joint of those mys- tic wires which now link tog-ether every city and village all over this continent, is but the echo of that little bell which first sounded in the upper * room of the Albany Academy." It was in this building that the well- known Bullions g-rammai's wei-e written and first used as text-books, by their author. Professor of Latin and Greek in the institution. For many years, T. Romeyn Beck, who created the science of medical juris- prudence, was the princix')al, and at all times the institution has main- tained an enviable reputation. On the 2Gth of June, 1803, a semi-cen- tennial celebration was held, when it was found that more than 5,000 stu- dents had been educated here. Present Condition. The present principal, Prof. Merrill Edwards Gates, Ph. D,, assumed charg-e in 1870, and since then the academy has seemed imbued with new life. It was never in a moi'e prosperous con- dition then now ; its course was never more thorough ; its results were never more satisfactory. There is a primary department for the youngest boys; a prex^aratory department where oral lessons by object methods are given, and an academic depart- ment, the latter consisting of a course of six years in English, the classics, mathematics, as far as analytical geometry, French and German, the natural sciences, history and litera- ture. French text-books are used in the study of physics. Twelve hun- dred large photographs, collected by Prof. Gates in Europe and the East, and carefully arranged and bound for use, illustrate the geography, the history, the architecture, the sculp- ture and the painting of the world. Military drill is a well-developed fea- ture of the academy, and the march of the cadets through the streets of Albany, is always watched with interest. Albany Business College. (See Folsom's Business College). Albany Institute, meets each alter- nate Tuesday evening, from October to June, at the Albany Academy. Its origin dates back thi'ough other organizations of which it is the legiti- mate successor, to the year 1791 . The charter of the Albany Institute was granted February 27, 1829,the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts, and the Albany Lyceum of Natural His- tory, having consolidated under that name. Its membership has included many persons of distinction as scholars and also in professional and civil life. Its standard j)ublications are eight volumes of Ti'ansactions, two of Pro- ceedings, and one entitled Field Meet- ings of the Albany Institute. The annual fee for resident members is $5. There are now about 200 mem- bers. The library contains 6,000 volumes, and many old newspapers, including a collection made by De Witt Clinton, but owing to lack of proper accommcidations it is not easily accessible. The president is Orlando Meads; rec. sec, Daniel J. Pratt. Albany Nevrs Company. (See News Co., Albany.) Alms-House, The, is situated on the plankroad, south of Washington park and west of the Penitentiary. The Alms-house farm contains 116 acres of good land. The buildings include the poor-house, lunatic asy- lum, hospital, pest-house, etc. The city pays 60 and the county 40 per cent, of the cost of maintenance. The average number of inmates is 350. State paupers (such as have not been residents of any county for 60 days) are received here and AMU — ANT boarded at $2.50 per week. There are about 50 insane. Incurable cases are sent to the asyhim at Ovid. A new pest-house, erected on the out- skirts of the fai'in, will accommodate 50 persons. Cattle and geese are empounded here, and the unclaimed dead of the streets, the river and the Penitentiary find here a burial. Visi- tors are admitted every day except Sunday. Amusements, Record of. (See Ap- pendix.) Anneke Jans, whose estate has been the subject of so much solicita- tion, I'esided cor. State and James sts., present site of the Mechanics' and Farmers' bank, and died in this city in 16G3. She is supposed to hdve been buried in the Beaver street burying- ground. Her first husband owned land on the west side of Broadway, New York, along the river, from Chambers to Canal sts., with a strip running up to give an entrance to Broadway. This was sold to the Government by her heirs, and was known as the King-'s farm, and given to Trinity church. It is now worth millions, and many of her descendants have imagined that it ought to revert to them. Antiquities. — In the Sunday School room of the First Reformed church are to be seen a pulpit, hour-glass and Brble which came from Holland. The pulpit is of oak, of octagonal shape, four feet high and three feet in diameter. It was in use 150 years by eight successive pastors. So, too, was the hour-glass by which the preacher was timed by the entire congi-egation, and greatly did he offend if he failed to occupy his full sixty minutes. The Bible, with its wood and leather covers, brass cor- ners and clasps, was printed in 1730. The weather-cock, which adorned the old Dutch church in which these ai'ticles were used, and of which a cut is here given, is stored with the archives of the Van Rensselaer es- tate. (See Reformed Churches.) Anti-Rentism, although a thing of the past, at one time was a very ex- citing issue, and entered largely into State politics. It was an attempt to disregard the rights of the patroons (see Patroon) granted by the Dutch "West India Co. Previous to 1790 the Van Rensselaer manor was not much settled, but between then and 1800 a large number of leases m perpetuity were signed, by which payment of rent was to be made in the pi-oduce of the soil, the average annual j*ate being about ten bushels of wheat to every hundred acres, and in addition, each fai'm was to furnish yearly four fat fowls and one day's sei-vice with carriage and horses. If the rent was not paid in this way when due, it was afterwards collectable in money. Many of these leases stipulated that no I'ent should be collected at all for the first three or ti\'e years, thus giving the tenants time to raise the produce ; ARC otliers were more severe in their con- ditions, the hardest of which, how- ever, were rarely, if ever, enforced. The old Patroon, who died Jan. 26, 1839, had been very lenient, and upon his decease a large sum of money for back rent in the counties of Albany and Rensselaer was owing- to the estate. By his will the manor was divided, Albany county going" to his eldest son, Stephen, and Rensselaer to William P. About this 'time, and before the poKcy of the heirs was made known, the tenants formed associations to resist the payments of these rents and the service of legal process, and while the Van Rensse- laers were willing to concede much to individuals, they refused to treat with combinations. The first con- flict which attracted general atten- tion was at Grafton, Rensselaer Co., where a man was killed by disguised anti-renters. The examination of more than 200 persons failed to dis- close the author of the deed. Other manors were equally agitated, and in 1845 Gov. Wright issued a proclama- tion declaring Delawai-e county in a state of insurrection. In the follo^ving year he was defeated by the aiiti- i*ent candidate for governor, and the issue made itself felt not only in the legislature but in the constitutional convention. Gradually the excite- ment subsided, and the contest was transferred to the courts, where* liti- gation invariably resulted in favor of the land-lord. Within a few years the leases of land in Rensselaer county and the hill towns of Albany county have been sold to other parties, who either still collect the rent or have made a final settlement Nvdth the ten- ants. Many farms in Bethlehem, Guilderland, Watervliet and Rensse- laerville still add to the income of the heirs of the last of the Patroons, but the number is yearly gromng less, the tenant choosing to make a final settlement and receive a clear title to his hoiise and home. The subject is one upon which much has been wi'it- ten on both sides, and cannot be fur- ther entered into here. The excite- ment at times, in this city, has been very great, the militia being called out and a mimic war carried on, upon the Helderbergs. Architectural Features. — The ex- amples of primitive Dutch structures, on the southeast cor. of State and Pearl sts., and northeast cors. of Pearl and Columbia, and Chapel and Steu- ben sts., are interesti'ng as old land- marks, and for their quaintness. Modern buildings, in Albany, are erected with bi-ick of local manufac- ture ; Philadelphia, Croton and other pressed brick ; sandstone from Nova Scotia, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Ohio ; Schenectady blue stone ; gran- ite ; and cast-iron for fronts, and for trimmings to doors and windows. In Albany, as in all old cities, three periods in architectural design ai'e distinctly noticeable, viz. : the "Cai-- penters'," as are the majority of do- mestic houses in the oldest portions of the city, together with public build- ings such as the Geological Hall, Globe Hotel, and Normal School. Secondly, " Transition '' from the first named to architects' handiwoi-k, included in which ai'e the numei'ous buildings re- modeled for stores, offices, &c. Last- ly, "Art culture," in which may be cited numerous private residences upon Elk and State sts., and on Wash- ington ave., the Kenmore Hotel, Me- chanics' and Farmers' Bank, and many modern suburban residences. In ecclesiastical architecture, pi-omi- nent as examples of Gothic, are St. Peter's, St. Joseph's, and the Cathe- dral ; the carved work in the tower of the first mentioned is probably unsurpassed in design and faithful- ness of the workman by any work iu ARM — ARS 8 America or Europe. The Lutheran Church, upon Pine st., is a credit- able specimen of "early Eng"lish," wroug-ht out of brick. The Presbyte- rian Church, and the Baptist Church, upon the cors. of Philip st. and Hud- son ave., are interesting- studies in Gothic and Gi*eek characters. In Romanesque style we might mention the Reformed Church upon Pearl st., St. Mary's upon Lodg-e st., and Our Lady of Angels on Central ave., as exhibiting, in many of their details, earnest study from their architects. The PresbyterianChurch upon Chapel st. approaches Sir Christopher Wi*en's style, in many of its prominent fea- tui'es, although its spire finial, the pumpkin and codfish, are wide de- partures therefrom. The interior design and ari-angements of All Saints Cathedral Chapel, furnish proof of success of culture in an ai'chi- tect. The Holy Innocents Church on Pearl st., a gein, pure in conception, should be seen by tourists and lovers of art. The later public schools are genuine, practical, sensible designs, embodying exteiiors and floor plans in keeping with intended purposes, affording comfort to teachei'S and pupils, while familiarising the eye of youth with taste, cleanliness, and sanitary demand. St. Agnes School is a model of its kind, and although simple, almost severe, in style, yet its numerous architectural surprises tend to leave an agreeable impression upon the memory. The Grecian pre- tensions of the Female Academy are in i-ather unpleasing conti'ast with their modern surroundings, and cal- culated to suggest unfavorable criti- cisms. The Sacred Heart Convent, at Kenwood, deserves particular men- tion for its chai-ming location, and as an illustration of Gothic character adapted to an institute of educa- tion. The new depot of the D. and H. C. Co., upon Quay st., is a very pleasing example of art as appreci- ated to-day. Another illustration of simple, good taste in architectui*e, striking the eye favorably and leav- ing pleasant impressions, is the Child's Hosjiital, modern and yet antique in its conception. In the State Arsenal, cor. of Eagle st. and Hudson ave., is a fine type of military architecture, in character resembling the baronial style introduced into England by King Edward I, upon his return from the Crusades. Among many other edifices worthy of note are the Old Capitol, State Librai'y, Boys' Acade- my, and the State Hall, some of which are elsewhere spoken of. Armsby Memorial, The, in honor of Dr. James H. Armsby, was un- veiled in Washington Park, Novem- ber 25, 1879, in the presence of the Albany County Medical Society, the students of the Medical College, members of the Albany Institute, and others. It stands about forty rods west of Willett st. The column of granite is 14 feet ; the cajiital is elaborated ; the bust is of bronze, twice the size of nature, and is the work and gift of E. D. Palmer. It was cast in Paris by F. Barbe- dienne. Arsenal, The State, fomiei-ly lo- cated on Broadway, cor. Lawrence st. was, by act of April, 17, 1858, exchanged wdth the city for the pres- ent site on Eagle, cor. Hudson ave. The present edifice was ei'ected in the same year, and is of substantial workmanship and elegant architect- ural style. It is usually well suj)- plied with arms and military equip- ments belonging to the State. The Twenty-fifth Regiment has its armory here, and the upper story contains one of the best drill-rooms in the State. ART— BAN Art Gallery. — The nearest ap- proach to an art g-allery in Albany, is Annesley & Tint's, 57 N. Pearl St., a favorite place of resort with lovers of the beautiful, and one to which Albanians in their desire to create a favoi'able impression of the culture and refinement of the city, are sure to pilot strangers. It may indeed be called the art centre of Albany. The rooms are arranged with a special view to advantageous lights and shades, and the most note- worthy works of art brought to this city, whether the production of native or of foreign talent, are generally placed here on public view. Rare and costly engravings and gems in oil and in water-colors are on sale, and there is usually something unique in artistic f ui*niture, in which the fii-m are also extensive dealers. They have been established since 1802, and are as well and favorably known as any institution of which our city can boast. Visitors are always welcome. Ashes. — Throwing ashes in the streets is not only prohibited by city ordinance, but by act of Legislature (chap. 377, Laws of 1866), which for- bids it in the cities of New York, Albany, Buffalo and Rochester, under penalty of from one dollar to ten dollai's fine. Auctions. — The principal auction houses are on State st., and many sales are conducted in the middle of that accommodating thoroughfare, the city ordinances providing that bulky articles may be so disposed of, provided they do not interrupt travel, are not placed within ten feet of a cross-walk, and ai-e removed one hour after the sale. The auction ''audiences" are always interesting to the student of human nature. The leading auctioneer in the city is Mr. John S. Dickerman, who, for over twenty-one years, has followed the business, winning, by tact peculiarly his o^^^l, a reputation by no means confined to the city of which he is a prominent citizen. His salesrooms, 83 State st., under Tweddle Hall, are commodious and convenient, and well adapted to the display of any goods, wares or merchandise which are usually sold in leading auction houses in large cities. The General, by long- experience, has a thorough knowl- edge of his business, which, by hon- orable dealing, good nature and courtesy, has been made a success. Fine works of art, in the shape of oil paintings, statuary, bronzes, &c., are sold periodically. Imported good.^ from Eastern countries are also dis- posed of, and large sales of first-class new fui'nitui'e are made in the season. Real estate, stocks and city bonds, help to make up the variety of sales made by Gen. Dickerman. Quite often he is called to other cities to officiate at important sales, and sev- eral of the city churches here avail themselves of his experience in mak- ing annual sales of pew rentals. Baggage. (See Expresses.) Ball Playing £.nd "shinney " play- ing in the public streets are punish- able by a fine o^ $1 for every person thus offending. Banks. — The following is a list of banks doing business in Albany. The State banks are organized under the State banking laws, and the Na- tional banks under the act passed by Congress during the war. Most of these were State banks, and re-or- ganized under that act. They are permitted to issue circulating notes by depositing U. S. interest-bearing bonds with the U. S. Treasurer at Washington, to secure their redemp- tion. These notes pass for their full value all over the Uniteu. iSt vte-3* BAP 10 Open from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. The interest for discount is fixed at 6 per cent. National Banks. Albany City. — 47 State st. Erastus Corning, pres.; Eli Perry, vice-pres.; Amos -P. Palmer, cashier. Capital $300,000. Albany Exchange. — 450 Broadway. C. P.Williams, pres.; W.G.Thomas, vice-pres.; Theodore L. Scott, cashier. Capital JJ<300,000. Commercial. — 38 State st. Robert H. Pruyn, pres.; Robert L. Johnson, vice-pres. ; Edward A. Groesbeck, cashier. Capital JJ)300,000. First.— ^o and 37 State st. M. H. Reed, pre3.; G. A. Van Allen, vice- pres. ; Adam Van Allen, cashier. Capi- tal ."5200,000. Merchants'' of Albany. — 458 Broad- way. J. Wilbur Tilling-hast, pres. ; N. D. Wendell, ^dce-pres.; J. Irving- Wendell, cashier. Capital §200,000'. New York State. — 69 State st. J. Howard King, pres.; J. II. Van Ant- wei^D, vice-pres. ; D. W. Vfemple, cashier. Capital §250,000. Union of Albany. — 44(3 Broadway. Billings P. Learned, pres.; James C. Cook,^ cashier. Capital §250,000. State Banks Albany County. — 79 State, cor. No. Pearl. B. W. Wooster, pres.; Fran- cis N. Sill, vice-pres.; John Temple- ton, cashier. Capital §200,000. Mechanics' and Farmers'. — State cor. James. Dudley Olcott, pres. ; John J. Olcott, vice-pres.; George G. Davidson, cashier. Capital §350,000. Savings Banks. Albany. — State cor. Chapel. Albany City /Savings Institution. — 47 State st. Albany County. — 79 State st. cor. N. Pearl. Albany Exchange. — 450 Broadway. Home, of Albany. — 40 State st. Mechanics'' and Fanners'. — State cor. James st. National. — 59 State st. At the last report of the Superin- tendent of the Bank Department, made to the Legislature April 6, 1880, the combined resources, assets, etc., of these seven savings banks amoimted to §13,437,378.48, and their surplus over all liabilities, §1,025,- 704.99. Baptist Churches. — The history of the Baptist denomination in this city dates back to Feb. 1, 1810, when a few bi-ethren of that way of think- ing met together to worship, and August 5, of the same year, organ- ized as a society. Jan. 23, 1811, they became a church numbering 21 mem- bers. Rev. Francis Wayland was their first pastor. They met in va- rious places for several years, and then bought the Green Street Theati-e, turned it into a church, and dedicated it as such Jan. 1, 1819. From this organization sprang all the other Bap- tist churches in the city. The First Church now worships in a building cor. Philip st. and Hudson ave., erected in 1852 at a cost of §26,000. During Rev. Dr. E. L. Magoon's pastorate it was remodeled and much improved. It will now seat 900. Rev. M. C. Lockwood has been the pasior since June 6, 15i>0 ; Peter N. Johnston, clerk ; Eliakim Chase, sexton. Membership, 626. Sunday service, 10:30 A. m., 7:30 p. m. Band of Hope, Sunday, 9 A. m. Cov- enant Bands, 6:15. Sunday School, 2 p. M., Henry V. Shelley, supt. Emmanuel, on north side of State St., al)ove Swan. One of the finest churches in the city. The cut shows tlie spire, which is not yet completed. The Qorner-stone ^vas laid Aug. 14, 1869 ; dedication, Feb. 23, 1871. Is 11 BAS — BAT of nnheAvn Onondaga limestone, and will seat 1,500. Cost .'^200,000. The church was organized in 1834, under the pastoral care of Rev. B. T. "Welch, I>.D., and was known as the N. Pearl st. Church, worship- ing* in an edifice on the spot now occupied by Perry Building. Under the pastorate of Rev. C. DeW. Bridgman, D.D., the new building was erected. He resigned in Feb., 1878, and was succeeded by Rev. T. Harwood Pattison, the present pas- tor. Church membership, 650. No debt. Sunday services at the usual hours, morning and evening. Calvary Church was formerly known as the Washington Ave. Bap- tist Church, but changed its name Feb. 4, 1865, and bought the State St. Baptist Church, opposite the old Capitol, the society wdiich had wor- shiped there disbanding. In the spring of 1880 this building was torn down to make way for a new and handsome church now building. The congi-egation, meantime, w^orship in the old Capitol. Rev. John Hump- stone, pastor since Dec. 16, 1877 ; missionary, Mi'S. Emma Brett ; clerk, James Cameron; treas., Joseph Tay- lor ; supt. Sunday School, Wm. Mc- Donald ; sexton, John Bomus. Mem- bership, 636. Tabernacle, cor. Clinton ave. and Ten Broeck st., Rev. Albert Foster, 23astor. Organized Oct., 1859, with 56 members. Present membership, 431. The church edifice now occu- pied was completed February, 1877. Cost, with lot and appointments, 5^71,000. Present debt, 116,500. Ser- vices, preaching Sunday morning and evening ; Sunday school, 2^ P. m. ; evening meetings, Wednesday and Friday. Mission field. North Albany. Trustees, George Dawson, Lemon Thomson, Hamilton Harris, Rodney Vose, John M. Peck, H. South wick, Jr., James Marston and B. Lodge. German. — Washington ave. near Knox. Rev. Henry Trumpp, pastor. Kenwood Mission. — W. H. Brink- erhofF, supt. North Albany Mission. — George Dawson, supt. Madison Ave. Mission. — J. V. Burr, supt. Paigeville Mission.— Edw. Owen, supt. Robin St. Sunday School, cor. Elli. Basin, The Albany. — Formed by the construction of a pier in the Hud- son river. (See Pier.) Bath-on-the-Hudson. — A village on the east side of the river, opposite the northern part of Albany, and in the town of North Greenbush, Rens- selaer county ; incorj)orated May 5, 1874, population 2,000. Is reached by Lumber District hoi'.se-cars and feri-y, or by upper railroad bridge. It re- ceived its name from a minei-al spiing BAT — BEN .12 whose waters were once used exten- sively for bathing- piii*j)Oses. There is another village named Bath, in Steuben county. Baths. — Free pubhc baths, Albany has none, although the subject has been fi-equently agitated. Garry Benson has established a swimming- bath in the river, which is quite suc- cessful. The bath-rooms charg-e 25 cents for a single bath, and some sell six tickets for §1. Sea- water baths 35 and 40 cents ; sulphur, 50 cents ; medicated baths ^1. Beaver Block. — South Pearl st., N. E. cor. of Beaver, was formerly the brick church, preached in for the last time Feb. 8, 18G8. Here Rev. Dr. Nott delivered his famous dis- ct)Urse against duelling, called out by the death of Alexander Hamilton at the hands of Aaron Burr, in 1804. Beeren Island. — Twelve miles south of the city, near Coeymans Landing. It is now called Barren island, the spasmodic attempts of antiquarians to have its original name restored, having proved abortive. In 1643, Patroon Van Rensselaer erected a fort and trading housfe here, to exclude private traders and exact toll fi-om all vessels not belonging to the West India Co. This created much indig- nation at New Amsterdam. The island is now a favorite i-esort for picnics and excursion parties. Its southern point is in four counties, Albany, Rensselaer, Columbia and Greene. Begging, is forbidden by a city ordinance, which imposes a fine of from J^2 to $10, unless permission has been given by the mayor or common council. It is not generally known tjiat this restriction ax)pHes to "rais- ing moneys by subscription, for any purpose whatsoever." Bell Ringing, before sunrise or after sunset, except for divine ser- vice, fires and public festivals, is for- bidden, except with consent of the common council. Tolling a bell for a funeral is punishable by a fine of J^IO. Bender's Book Store.— 71 and 73 State St., north side, below Pearl. One of the literary landmarks of Albany ; established in 1843, by E. H. Bender who was succeeded in 1876 by his sons, F. W. & W. H. Bender. In 1878 W. Howard Bender became the sole proprietor, under the style of E. H. Bender's Son, continu- ing in the name, as well as by energy', enterprise and fair dealing, the excellent reputation which the house has always sustained. The business has, since its establishment, included not only that of a well regulated book-store, but of binding in all its branches, including the finest work ; the manufacture of blank-books and stationery ; and last, but not least, book and job printing. Two floors above the store are devoted to these departments, and excellent work is turned out. The counters and shelves of the book-store are well filled with books at low j)rices, and the holiday trade especially is always vei-y large. Benevolent Societies and Institu- tions. — In Mr. Dickens's Dictionary of London, the list of organizations un- der this head numbers about 850, and includes almost every conceiv- able object of charity, from supply- ing ** gratuitous homes for gentle- women" to supporting a ** temporary asylum for lost and starving dogs." Albany's chai-ities though of coui'se not as numerous, nor, perhaps, as far reaching, are still highly to the credit 13 BEN of her citizens, as will be seen by tlie followdng" : The Albany Orphan Asylum, first went into ox^eration in November, 1829, opening- with eight children under the care of Mrs. Heely. Be- fore the winter was over seventy help- less ones enjoyed the shelter of the new institution. During" the follow- ing- summer, public meeting's were held and much interest created in the charity. It was incorporated March 30, 1S31, under the name of The Society for the Relief of Orphan and Destitute Children in the City of Albany. In 1832-3 a building- was erected between Washing-ton and Central aves. at Robin st. — a beauti- ful situation. The edifice was orig-- inally only three stories, foi-ty by eig-hty, but has been greatly enlarg-ed. It now has accommodations for 250 inmates ; the averag-e number is 225. It receives both orphans and half- orphans, and has sheltered over 8,000 in all. Pres., John F. Rathbone ; sec, A. V. De Witt; treas., David A. Thompson ; supt., Albert D. Ful- ler ; matron, Miss Mary FuUei'. The institution is supported by donations and voluntary contribution, interest on invested funds (from leg-acies), and by receipts from counties for support of children, under chap. 173, Laws of 1375. Babies' Nursery, 562 Clinton ave., was founded in 1875, and cares for young- children whose parents cannot support them, or who are left orphans. It has twenty inmates at present, which is all it can accommodate. It is supported by voluntary subscrip- tion. Mi*s. Frederick Townsend, pres. ; Mrs. Samuel Hand, sec. and treas. Charles Sumner Benevolent Asso- ciation. — Founded Dec. 13, 1875 ; incoii^orated Nov. 30, 1878. Mem- bers are pro\nded for when sick, if the illness is not the result of immoral conduct. Number of members, 40. John H. Ten Broeck, pres. ; John H. Waldron, vice-pres. ; Thos. Jackson, treas. ; W. A. F. Chapman, sec. Female Lundy Society (colored). — Founded June 19, 1833. Has 40 mem- bers, and is supported by monthly dues. Assists its o^\^l members. Mrs. S. L. Doug-e, pres. ; Mrs. C. L. May, cor. sec. Home for Aged Men. — On the Al- bany and Watervliet turnpike, near Menand's road. Incorporated Oct. 5, 1876. "It is to provide for respect- able men who, at an advanced ag-c, are left helpless and alone in the world, and whose poverty is due to misfortune rather than to idleness or vice." The "home" was dedicated March 28, 1878 ; is pleasantly situ- ated ; has accommodations for 30 j^ersons ; has at present 17 inmates, one of whom is 102 years old ; averag-e ag-e 76.. The institution is free from debt, and has an invested fund of $10,000. Inmates are, some of them^ supported in whole or part by friends, others are suppoi-ted at the expense of the society. Beneficiaries to be natives of the United States, 60 years old or more, Protestant, and residents of Albany county 10 yeai-s next pre- ceding- application for relief. Excep- tions to these restrictions may be made by a three-fourths vote of all the trustees. As a g-eneral i-ule bene- ficiaries pay $125 entrance money and furnish their own room. Mr. James B. Jermain, pres. ; David A. Thompson, sec. ; Miss Susan Dunlap, matron. Home for the Aged Poor, 415 Cen- tral ave. Opened on Clinton ave. in 1871. Removed to present location the year following-. Conducted by 10 Little Sisters of the Poor, of which order there are 22 houses in this country. Althoug-h of the Catholic faith, they receive the ag-ed and help- less of both sexes of every denomina- BEN 14 tion. Must be over 60 years of ag-e, and destitute. Admission free. The institution is sujipoj'ted entirely by charity, the Little Sisters beg-ging from door to dooi' for food, clothing- and money to dispense to the helpless under their care, and pay the debt on their building-. The home has 106 inmates ; all that it can well accom- modate. Home of the Friendless. — No. 553 Clinton ave., opp. Peny st. A re- treat for ag-ed women. The building- is of brick, three stories, 56 by 75, stands on a plot of g-round 100 by 244, and pleasant accommodations for 40 persons. The home was estab- lished in 1850, by Mrs. Lee, with $56, and was duly organized Nov. 18, 1851, as the Albany Guardian Society. TTie present building was dedicated May 5, 1870. The lot upon which it stands was given by James Kidd. House of Shelter. — Cor. of Wen- dell and Howard sts. Organized March 9, 1868, soon after which it was opened for the reception of inmates. Incorporated in January, 1869. The present building was erected in 1872, and with lot and furniture cost ^21,500. Its mission is to provide a home for penitent women wh'^ have no other place to go to. Average expenses .'j53,000, met in part by woi-k done by the inmates and, in part, by subscriptions. A. S. Kibbee, pres., John E. McElroy, treas. ; Mrs. E. H. Jones, Miss Dare, matrons. The usual number of inmates is 25, but 80 can be accommodated. The in- stitution is free from debt and has a small invested fund. Ladies' Protestaist Union Aid Society. — Founded in 1806. Its managers (numbering twenty), are composed of a representative from each Brotestant church in the city. The society is supported by collec- tions from the churches, solicited by the representative managers, and by individual donations and legacies. It benefits the worthy, destitute Prot- estant poor. Regular meetings, first Wednesday in every month, in the lecture room of the Congregational church. Annual meeting in May. Pres. Mrs. Daniel Pratt ; vice-pres. Mrs. Isaac Edwards, Mi-s. Wm. Goewey ; sec. Mrs. James Briggs ; rec. sec, Mrs. Charles Si^'ague j treas. Mrs. William Wendell. Orphans' Home of St. Peter's Church, No. 1 Pine st. Organized in 1864 ; accomodates 25 girls, from five to thirteen years. SociETE de Secours Mutuel. — Af- fords aid to the surviving family on the death of a member ; founded August 1, 1870 ; has 147 members. Annual meeting, second Wednesday in January. Louis Cloutier, pres. ; Joseph Dube, vice-pres. ; John B. Sennay, sec. St. Andrew's Society. — Estab- lished in 18C3, and the oldest benev- olent institution in the city. Its ob- ject is to aid needy Scotchmen. Has a sinking fund of al)Out $12,000, and embraces among its members most of the prominent Scotchmen in Al- bany. William Manson, pres. ; Peter Kinnear, \dce-pres. ; James Wilson, treas. St. George's Benevolent Society was re-organized January 27, 1860. the old one having gone out of exis- tence many yeai'S previous. Its ob- jects are to afford relief and advice to indigent natives of England, or to their v/ives, widows or children, and to promote social intercourse among members. Natives of England, sons and grandsons of natives are eligible if over 21 years of age ; initiation fee l^2 ; annual subscription ^3. The society has now 95 members in good standing. William Lacy, i)res. ; Wil- liam W. Grey, sec. St. George's Italian Society. — Organized Jan. 1, 1880. Dionisio ■ 15 BIB — BIC Rovere, pres. Attilio Pasq^uini, vice- pres. Antonio Paltang-hi, ti'eas. Its object is to assist needy Italians. St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum So- ciety, in the city of Albany — Tlie Female Branch is situated on Elm st. between Eagle and Hawk sts. It is managed by the Sisters of Charity, of whom there are ten stationed here. There are 200 inmates, from four to fifteen years old. They are supported in part by the county, which pays {pl.50 per week for each. Places are generally found for them when they are fifteen, but those that show a taste for needle-work are placed in an industrial school on N. Pearl St., where they are instructed till they are 19. The building on Elm st. occupies a conspicuous posi- tion, and is well adapted for its purpose. The Male Branch, like the female branch as at present designated, was established imder the auspices of the present Cardinal McCloskey, while Bishop of Albany. The Christian Brothers took charge of it in 1854, and six are stationed here. It is sit- uated on Western ave. between Part- ridge and Erie sts., on a farm of 80 acres. There are 120 inmates, from 5 to ]4 years of age. The county pays i^l.SO a v/eek for each ; the other expenses are provided for by collec- tions taken twice a year in the Cath- olic churches. The boys are taught the common English branches and to work on the farm. At the age of 14, places are found for them. The pre- sent three-story building was erected in 1853, under the personal supervis- ion of William Ellis, architect, and Rt. Rev. John J. Conroy, then Vicar- General. Other benevolent societies are the St. Jean Baptist Society ; St. Vincent de Paul Society ; St. Patrick's Cath- olic, and the United Irishmen of America. (See City Tract anp Mis- sionary Society, Industrial ScaooLSj Hospitals, etc.) Bible Society, Albany Coimty. — Rev. Irving Magee, D.D., Pres. De- pository, 44 State st., S. R. Gray, Agt. Was organized in 1810, and supplies the destitute of the county with Bibles and Testaments. Membership, $1 annually. Life membership, ip30. Bi-Centennial.— The 200th anni- versary of the incorporation of the city of Albany will occur July 22, 1886, and will no doubt be observed by appropriate and interesting cere- monies It appears fi*om the city records that the method of celebrat- ing " The Century Anniversary," July 22, 1786, as recommended by a com- mittee of the Common Council, was as follows : "That Common Council convene in the forenoon of that day at Ten o'clock at the City Hall, and from thence proceed in procession to the Hill westward of the City, at- tended by such Citizens as shall Chuse : That during the Procession all the Bells of the several C'hurches in this City shall Ring, and at the arrival at the place assigned for the Purpose on the Hill, Thirteen Toasts and one for the Charter, under the Discharge of Fourteen Cannon. " Resolved^ that the former Com- mittee be a Committee to prepare and superintend the said Business, who are to purchase a Barrel of Good Spirits for the pui'pose." Bicycling, though so lately intro- duced bi Albany, is fast becoming a popular spoi't among young l)usiness men. The Albany Bicycle club was organized Aug. 24, 1880, with thir- teen members, and was soon added to the " League of American Wheel- men," an organization numbering a, thousand or more, its object to pro- BIL — BLE 16 tect the interests of bicyclers from Maine to Califoniia. It is x^atteiiied after similar bodies in Eng-land. A pai'ticularly happy featui-e is the ap- f^ointirient of consuls in eveiy town and city where bicycles ai-e used, upon whom members of the league can call at any time for infonnation relating" to routes and every point of importance to toiuing* bicyclers. The growing* xwpularity of the sport can- not be better shown than by stating- that in 1876 there were only one or two machines in the United States, while now they can be counted by the thousands ; and one manufac- turing" company alone have the ca- pacity to complete 1,000 machines per month The ofncers of the Albany Bicycle club are : R. S. Oliver, pres. ; Clar- ence Rathbone, vice-pres. ; C. "W. Fourdi'inier, sec. and treas. Uni- form, navy blue polo caps; reefer jacket, knee bi-eeches and stocking-s ; club coloi's, red and white ; consul for leag-ue, F. B. Hubbard, 40 State st. Any communications addressed to the secretary at 407 Broadway, or to consul, 40 State st., will have prompt and cheerful attention. Routes. — The roads on the east side of the river are far better than those on this. Taking- the line of the Boston and New Yoi-k post roads excellent I'unning" will be found. On the Albany side, takii^g" the Troy I'oad up to Troy and then crossing the river to "Waterford, Mechanic- ville, Stillwater, Bemis Heights, and Saratoga, a run of 33 miles over ex- cellent roads, can be had. A fair road through New Scotland, via Hurst's, to foot of Indian ladder (16 miles) will be found by those who wash to reach the Helderbergs. Rid- ing in the Park is limited to a few paths, but the use of the bi- cycle elsewhere in the city is unre- stricted. Billiards. — This favorite game has anany devotees in Albany. Its origin is unknown, but it appeal's to have been introduced into Europe from the east, at the time of the cru- sades, when it became a popular game among the templai's and one of the favorite amusements of monks in their monasteries. Little is known of its histoiy till Louis XI of France introduced it into his court. Shaks- peare makes Cleopatra, in the ab- sence of Antony, invite her attend- ant to join in the pastime — " Let us to billiards ; Come, Charmian." The usual charges are 15 cts. for a four-ball, 20 els. for a three-ball game, or 40 cts. an hour. Birds. — The bird-stores of a city are always interesting places to visit, especially to .those who are fond of the feathered songsters. There are usually some curious foreign birds on exhibition, and always good sing- ers to be heard. The Hartz moun- tain canaries are sold from ^2 to it'3 ; parrots from ^5 to v^O ; mocking birds from $5, for young ones, up to $20, and even $50. In buying, it is always best to go to some responsi- ble dealer ; the canai-ies hawked about the streets, and sold under price, ai"e either females which never sing, or inferior stock of some kind. The only bird-store in Albany, is "William R. White's, 44 Green st., an old established stand, where custom- ers are honestly dealt with. Bleecker Park. — A small triangu- lar enclosure in front of the Cathedral, and bounded by Eagle st. Madison ave. and Madison place, was enclosed in 1835, the city appropriating $1,000 and the remainder being raised by subscription It contains the fii"st public fountain erected in Albany, 17 BOA — BRE the gift of Wm. Fleming", dedicated in July, 1863. Boating. — Boats can be hired (at the foot of State st. ) for twenty-five cts. an hour or at a considerably less rate by the day ; Whitehall boats, out- rig-gers ana skiffs are the kinds most used. On Sundays, in mid-summer, all that are available are frequently in demand, and parties have to wait their turn. (See Rowing.) Boatmen's Relief Association. — Thomas V. Wolcott, pres. ; S. P. Simmons, sec. Had by the last annual report, 1,742 membei'S ; pays $1,500 on the death of a member. Is not limited to boatmen or any class in society. Books of Reference, in reg-ard to Albany, are not numerous. The An- nals of Albany, ten volumes, and Collections on the History of Albany, four volumes, by the late Joel Mun- sell, are of much historical value ; the Settlement and Early History of Albany, by Wilham Barnes, is an interesting" production ; the Memoirs of an Amencan Lady, by Mrs. Grant, gives a charming- picture of life in this colony prior to the revolu- tion. Sampson, Davenport & Co. pub- lish annually the Albany Directory. Thei'e is also an Atlas of Albany. Boston & Albany Clothing Store, proprietor, Henry L. Smith, 48 and 50 State st., cor. Green. The large plate glass windows which give such abundant light to this establishment, not only make it noticeable, but re- veal to the passer-by something of the heavy stock of clothing carried by this enterprising house. Mr. Smith has been in this business in Albany for 15 years, and from being in charge of the establishment of an- other has come to own the one which 2 he now conducts with such satisfac- tion to both himself and his custora- ei'S. Part of his stock is manufac- tured at the east, and pai't in this city. The assortment is always lai'ge, the attendance courteous, and prices as low as the quality of the goods will permit. Mr. Smith has spent large Slims of money in advertising, but has always been careful fully to re- d(!em every promise made the pub- he. Boston & Albany Railroad. — Sta- tion in the Union depot, Maiden lane. Fare 2 cents a mile. The direct route to Pittsfield, Springfield, Wor- cester and Boston. The Boston and Worcester, and the Western railroads were consolidated in the B. & A., December 1, 1867. The Western railroad received its charter in 1833, and was organized in 1836. The first locomotive arrived at Greenbush from Boston, December 19, 1841, and a celebration of the completion of the road took place December 28, follow- ing. Boulevards. — (See Park.) Washington Brewing. — The business of brew- ing was begun in this city as early as 1633, and has for many years been a leading industry. One of the most prominent brewers in the last cen- tury was Hannon Gansevoort, whose establishment which stood about on the site of Stan^vix Hall, was taken down in 1807. There are now 20 breweries, some of them very exten- sive. Albany ale, at one time was on tap in all the large cities of the country, but of late has been dis- placed, to some extent, by lager beer which is also brewed here in large quantities. (See Lager Beer.) The total yearly product of beer of all kinds in this city is carefully estima- BRl — ^UT 18 ted to be 400,000 bbls., or 12,400,000 g-allons. At ^6 a barrel, which is a low figure, this amounts to ^2,400,000. Bridges. — Thei'e are two bridg-es across the Hudson, at Albany, but neither can be used by teams. The first, or upper bi'idge, now used ex- clusively for freight trains, was opened February 22, 1866, after thirty yeai's of the most steadfast opposi- tion, in which Troy took the lead. It is doubtful, however, whether the bridge has really injured that city a dollar ; but it certainly has had a de- pressing eifect upon some kinds of business in Albany, carting es- pecially. Before, all trains had to be unloaded here, and the work this involved was very great ; but now freight goes through without break- ing bulk from New York to San Francisco. The upper brige is sup- ported by twenty-one stone piers. The bridge projier is 1,953 feet long, and with the trestle work, 4,253 feet. Its cost, including necessary pur- chases of real estate, was $1,100,000. The lower bridge is 1,040 feet long, or with appi'oaches, 2,665 feet, that is, twenty-tive feet over half a mile. The spans number twenty-two. The draw weighs about 400 tons. "Work of construction began in May, 1870, and the bridge was first used in 1872. The toll on both bridges for foot pas- sengers is three cents; 50 tickets for J^l. A third bridge across the river was began in 1876, but has never been completed. It is intended to be used by teams as well as cars, and is o^vned by the Albany and Greenbush Bi-idge Company. Office 135 Broadway ; Ira Jagger, pres. ; Alexander Morris, treas. ; James W. Gascoigne, sec. State Street Bridge, leads from the foot of State st. over the basin to the pier. On the 22nd of August, 1840, the draw of this bridge gave way, and twenty-one persons were drowned. Broadway, runs from Gansevooi't St. near the Island Creek to the northern boundary of the city, and thence into the Troy road. No street in the city presents such a varied aspect. At the south end it is lined with foundries, iron shops, breweiies, etc. ; further along it is the abode of i poor jDeople ; by the steamboat- landing it is given over to hotels and restaurants ; then come pro\'ision houses and vai'ious stoi'cs, wholesale and retail ; north of State it widens into one of the handsonaest streets in the city, ha\'ing on it the tallest of our commercial buildings ; from Columbia st. to Clinton ave. it dwin- dles both in appearance and business ; north of Clinton ave. it is, in a great measure, a street of handsome resi- dences till the crossing is reached ; beyond which are several prominent manufacturing buildings, and where Broadway merges into the Troy road stands the Van Rensselaer Mansion. (See Old Houses.) The old market used to stand in the centre of the street where it is wdest (above State), and it was called North Market st. till 1840 when it receiA'ed its more metropolitan title. There was also a market at the Steamboat landing, but the street south of State was known as Court st., and at one time was the most fashionable part of the city. Buttermilk Falls. — "What was nat- urally a romantic ravine, down which the Beaverkill plunged in foaming fury. Civilization and the street de- partment have destroyed the beauty of its surroundings, but something of its former state may be imagined by peering at it from the vicinity of Swan st. south of Elm. It was sug- gested, at one time, that the park should be so located as to take in this 19 CAL — CAP feature ; had tKis been done, Albany- would have had the most romantic and pictui'escxue pleasure ground of any city in America. Oalvin Edson, the walking* skele- ton, came to Albany in Ai^ril, 1830, ex- hibited himself at the Museum, and gave levees at the Medical College. He was then forty-two years old, live feet two inches high, and weighed but sixty pounds. Subsequently he went upon the stage, as an actor, in the character of Je^^emiali Thin. The more he ate the poorer he grew, till, in 1833, he swallowed his last mouthful and lost his last ounce, dying at the weight of forty-five pounds. For months previous the medical colleges had kept track of him, anxious, so long- as he had ex- pressed himself while hving, as will- ing to promote the cause of science after death, to help what they could by utilizing his remains. New York and Albany were first on the ground, and through the finesse of the late Mr. Aniold Nelson, and of Dr. Alden March, together with the payment of a good round sum to the skeleton's widow, Calvin Edson's forty-five pounds was secured for the Museum of the Albany Medical College. By some process of embalming, he was preserved with his skin on, placed in a glass case, and labeled *' No. 1 ; " and his appearance to-day, barring discoloration, is said to be not so very different from what it was when animated by the breath of life and a hearty meal of victuals. Canal St., running west from 90 N. Pearl to Robin, the old bed of the Foxenkill, a stream which for many years was abundantly stocked with fish. CapitoL— The traveler who for the first time approaches the city from any direction, sees looming up before him a vast unfinished edifice so much above and beyond all other suiTound- ing" stractures, that he has no hesita- tion in exclaiming- *' It is the New Capitol ! " Like St. Peter's at Rome, it needs no chaperone to announce its name; no guide-book to explain its object. Its fame as the gi^andest legislative building of modeni times is already co-extensive with civiliza- tion, and each day of the year brings scores of the curious from near and from far to view and admire its maj- estic propoi'tions, its gi'andeur of design, its beauty of ornamentation : and while its critics have been many, and not always kind, all are i*eady to concede that it is one of the archi- tectural wonders of the nineteenth century. History. The old capitol (built in 1806-8, at an expense of $110,685.42) had been found wholly inadequate, and for many years there was much discus- sion about a new legislative building- and where it should be erected. New York city had long coveted the capi- tal, but the central and western por- tions of the State, while not altogether satisfied -with having- it where it is, were still more averse to seeing it moved down the river. The conse- quence was, it remained at Albany, where it will remain, we may safely say, for many, many years to come. The first definite action taken by the legislature on the subject was April 24, 1863, when Senator James A. Bell, from the committee on pub- lic buildings, offered a resolution (which was adopted) that the trustees of the capitol and the chairman of the committee on pubhc buildings be au- thorized to procure suitable plans for a new capitol, and report to the next legislature. They did so, recom- mending the plans submitted by CAP '20 Fuller & Jones. Early in 1865, a committee was appointed by the sen- ate to ascertain by correspondence with various municipalities on what terms the necessary g-round and buildings could be obtained. New York showed her desire for the honor, by offering- a site on the Battery, or at City Hall j)ark, or in Tompkins scjuare, or in Central pai'k, or in any public XDlace, and also pi'oposed to erect all the necessary buildings free of expense to the State ; and, in addi- tion, build an executive mansion on Fifth avenue, opposite Genti'al park. Yonkers, Saratoga, Athens, Whites- town, Argyle and Sing Sing- made liberal offers ; Buffalo, Osweg-o and Ithaca declined to entertain the prop- osition, as did Sandy Hill. "If," wi'ote the worthy president of that virtuous village, '* the time has come when our capitol is to go to the high- est bidder like most everything that has any connection with our present legislation, then I would frankly say that our people are not the ones to offer large bribes or inducements for the purpose of building up their place or people to the detriment and incon- venience of all the rest of the people of the State." The first committee (appointed April 24, 1863) had suggested in their propositions for plans that they should be made with reference to the square about the old building as the site for the new one. The city of Albany now offered to convey to the State the lot adjoining, occupied by the Congress Hall block, or any other lands in the city required for the purpose. On the 1st of May, 1865, an act was passed (Chapter 648) authorizing the erection of a new capitol, whenever the city of Albany should deed over the land proposed, providing for the appointment of three commissioners, and appropriating $10,000 for the commencement and prosecution of the work. On the 14th of April, 1866, the city having- made good its offer at an expense of $190,000, an act was X^assed ratifying and confirming the location of the capitol, and May 3d of the same year, Hamilton Harris, John V. L. Prujm, of Albany, and O. B. Latham, of Seneca Falls, were appointed New Capitol Commission- ers, On the 22d of April, 18G7, an act was passed appropriating $2C/0,000 for the new capitol, but providing- that no part should be expended until a plan had been agreed upon not to cost when completed more than four millions. A plan submit- ted by Thomas Fuller was adopted, and he was appointed architect, and "William J. McAlpine consulting en- gineer. Work Begun. — On the 9th of December, 1867, the excavating was begun on the corner of Havvk and State sti^ets by John Bridgford, who had under him 100 men. On the 19th of May, 1868, an act was passed appropi-iating an additional $250,000, and adding to the commis- sion Messrs. James S. Thayer, Alonzo B. Cornell, William A. Rice, James Terwilliger and John T. Hudson. The commission w^ere also authorized to take as additional land one-half the block adjoining Congress Hall block on the west, and to change the plans at their discretion, with this proviso : That if they were so changed that the building would cost more than four milHons, the commission- ers were not to proceed to construc- tion till such plans were approved by the legislature. Meantime work had been delayed for a year, in order that the additional lands might be secured. On the 2d of Octobei-, 1868, the commissioners having come to the conclusion that preparing the land was not included in the term ** construction," the demolition of s 21 CAP houses on State, Washington, Spring- and Hawk sts. was begun, and in December following, 400 men and 200 teams were employed carrying th^ earth that had been excavated and depositing it down the bank at the cor. of Swan and Canal sts. The en- larged plans, prepared by Fuller & Laver, were duly reported to the leg- islature and approved by act of May 10, 1869. The Foundation. — The first stone in the foundation was laid July 7, 1869, by John V. L. Pruyn. This foundation, although, of course, out of sight, and scai'cely thought of by the ordinary visitor, is a wonder in itself. In the first place, excavations were made to an average dei^th of 15 43-100 feet below the surface. Then a bed of conci-ete, 4 feet thick, was laid, constituting a stone floor which will gi'ow harder and harder as time rolls on. The sub-basement extends down 19 feet 4 inches, and contains 735,000 cubic feet of stone, while the brick walls, from 32 inches to 5 feet thick, contain between ten and eleven million bricks. The foun- dation of the main tower is 110 feet square at the base, tapering to 70 feet square at the basement floor. In this sub-basement are no less than 144 different apartments used for heating, storing and ventilating purposes. The Corner Stone was laid with great ceremony by the gi'and lodge of Free and Accepted Masons on the 24th of June, 1871. The exercises took place in the midst of a drenching rain, but were said to have been wit- nessed by at least 20,000 persons. Addresses were made by Hon. Ham- ilton Harris and Gov. John T. Hoff- man. Since that time work has pro- gressed, sometimes faster and some- times slower, with occasionally an entire cessation for lack of funds as in 1874, when it stood still six months. The enterprise hke all other great undertaldngs has met with obstruct- ers and fault-finders innumerable, from the workman discharged for incompetency to the governor who called it a ** public calamity." The prevalent opinion that no public work of this magnitude can be cai'ried on without unlawful gains to some one, has led many to suppose that such is the case with the new capitol. Charges of various kinds have time and again been made orally and in the newspapers, and many tedious investigations have been instituted, the details of which it is as impossible to enter into here as it is unnecessary. It is only just to say, however, that while the whole system of erecting public buildings by commissions, has on general principles been condemned as unwise, nothing against the per- sonal character of either or any of the commissioners or superintendents was ever substantiated. Chan'ges in Commissioners. — In April, 1871, the commission was so changed as to be constituted as fol- lows: Hamilton Harris, "William C. Kingsley, William A. Rice, Chauncey M. Depew, Delos DeWolf and Edwin A. Merritt. In February, 1875, Mr. Hamilton Han-is, who had been chairman of the board for nearly ten years, resigned. Resident here in Albany, and from the first, deeply interested in having a capitol worthy of the Empire State, his ser\dces dui'- ing the critical periods in the build- ing's history have been of incalculable value, and after his resignation, as chairman of the finance committee of the senate at a time when a most de- tennined opj)Osition to any further appropriations was made by the New York city press, he again fought the battles of the capitol through to vic- tory. On the 21st of June, 1875, the entire old board was abolished, and the lieutenant-governor (William CAP 22 Dorsheimer), the canal auditor (Fran- cis S. Tliayer), and tlie attorney-gen- eral (Daniel Pratt) were constituted a new hoard. Of this board, Lieut. Gov. Dorsheimer took an active in- tei*est in completing- and furnishing* the interior, and much of its present sumptuousness is due to his taste. This board of commissioners was su- perseded by the successors to these several offices, and the commission as at present constituted consists of the lieutenant-governor, the attorney-gen- eral and the auditor of the canal de- partment. Changes in Superintendents. — In December, 1872, John Bridgford, the first superintendent was retired, and June 11, 1873, WilHam J. McAli^ine, who from the beginning of the work, had been the consulting engineer, was appointed superintendent, and re- mained such till May 29, 1874, when James W. Eaton was appointed in his place, and still holds the position. Change in Architects. — "With the abolition of the old commission in 1875 came a change in architects, Mr. Thomas Fuller being superseded by an advisory board consisting of Frederick Law Olmsted, Leopold Eidlitz, and Heniy H. Richardson, all of New York. Up to this time the exterior walls had been carried up, upon the Fuller plans, a working model of which had been constructed at a cost of 1^3,000, and which was on exhibition for several years. Pictures of the capitol as it was to have been, had also gone broadcast over the land and world. This plan was that of the Italian Renaissance which was now modified to the Romanesque, but work had not proceeded far when the legislature passed an act directing a retui'n to the original style and that the building be carried up to the roof, in accordance therewith. This has been done so far as possible, although the result is what is called by architects the Free Renaissance, in which the north centre has been completed, a correct view of which is given. OCCITPIED BY THE LEGISLATURE. — ■ The capitol was first occupied by the legislature Jan. 7, 1879, the senate meeting in the court of appeals I'oom, the assembly in the assembly cham- ber. The same evening a grand re- ception was given by the citizens of Albany, when 8,000 people were pre- sent. Gilmore's band, of New York, and Austin's orchestra, of Albany, furnished the music. The supper was served under a canopy in the central court. The formal occupation took place on the evening of Feb. 12, 1879, when in the presence of both houses of the legislature, the court of appeals, the State officers and others assembled in the assembly chamber, prayer was offered by Rt. Rev. William Croswell Doane, D. D., and addresses were delivered, by Lieut. Gov. WilUam. Dorsheimer, Speaker Thomas G. Alvord and Hon. Erastus Brooks. Cost Thus Far. — The following figures taken from the books of the comptroller show the amounts actu- ally paid each year by the State towards the building of the new capitol, the fiscal year ending Sep- tember 1 : 1863 $51,593 66 1864 9,453 55 1865 10,860 08 1866 65,250 00 1867.... 10,000 00 1868 50,000 00 1869 451,215 63 1870 1,223,597 73 1871 482,942 37 1872 856,106 98 1873 1,175,600 00 1874 610,275 16 . 1875 1,392,712 08 i 1876 908,487 92 23 CAP 1877 $728,220 20 1878 1,075,700 00 1879 982,836 44 1880 908,363 56 $10,993,215 36 This includes the cost of the land with the exception of what was given by the city of Albany (§190,000). Description. No adequate idea of the future sur- rounding's of the capitol can be ob- tained from present ajjpearances, but when the old capitol and State library are demolished, and the grounds they occupy, together with those in front, are laid out as they will be, under the supervision of Frederick Law Olmsted, to whom the New York Central park owes so much of its beauty, the approach to this stupen- dous pile will be in keeping- with the edifice itself. The situation is a most commanding- one. The Capitol square, which embraces all the land between Eagle street on the east and Capitol place on the west, and between Wash- ing-ton avenue on the north and State street on the south, is 1,034 feet long* by 330 feet wide, and contains 7 84-100 acres. The elevation of Capi- tol place is 155 feet above the level of the Hudson, and the g-round falls off to the eastward 51 feet. In front. State street stretches away towards the river, one of the broadest and handsomest avenues in the country. The entrance to the building at present is from Washington avenue. When completed, admission may be had from all four sides, the main entrance on the east being- by means of magniificent porticos and terraces, of which, as yet, no vestige is seen. The Size of the structure im- presses the beholder at once. It is 300 feet north and south, by 400 feet east and west, and with the porticos will cover three acres and 7 square feet. The walls are 108 feet high from the water table ; and all this is chipped out of sohd granite brought, most of it, from Hallowell, Maine. There are other buildings which, in the mere matter of area exceed this one. The capitol at Washingi;on, for instance, covers a httle over three and a half acres, but it is of marble and of sandstone painted white. The new city hall in Philadelphia, covers nearly \\ acres, but that also is of marble. The g-ovemment building-s at Ottawa, Canada, are of sandstone. All lack the massive effect which this g-reat pile of granite invariably pro- duces. Its outer wall, at the base, is 16 feet 4 inches thick. Entering- the building* at nearly a level with Washington avenue, the visitor finds himself in what, in the original desigTis, was called the base- ment story, underneath ponderous arches of stone. The floor is hand- somely tiled: here are telegraph offices, committee rooms, etc., but nothing- to long- detain the "visitor, unless it be to glance at the central coui't, 137 feet by 92, which extends an open space to the sky. This will, doubtless, in time be ornamented with a fountain, statues, etc., but at present only affords much needed light and air. The Grand Stair Case. — Passing klong to the left and turning a cor- ner, we come to the grand stair case, which, considering the difl^iculties to overcome because of its position, may justly be styled a triumph of art. It is of sandstone, its ascent is easy, its desig'u vigorous and scholar- ly. At one side is an elevator (one of five which are kept running dur- ing the session of the Legislature), but the visitor in order to leisurely study the beauties of this grand stairway, will generally prefer to CAP 24 walk. This feature suffers somewliat from the imperfect lig-ht ; for though the whole top opening has been glazed, the details of the lower flights cannot be well seen. The Golden Corridor. — On arriv- ing upon the next floor, 'the first thing to attract the eye is the Golden Cor- ridor, a vision of beauty which brings an exclamation of delight to eveiy lip. It is 140 feet long by 20 ^vide and about 25 feet high, extending along the whole "court" side of the north centre. Seven large windows opening upon this court divide the corridor into bays, 20 feet square. Each bay is bounded by piers be- tween which arches are turned and these arches sustain a low and libless groined vault. Mr. Montgomery Schuyler, writing in Scribner's Monthly, says: " Tlie piers are covered with a damask of red ui)()n umber. The angle moldings are solidly gilded. The crimson wall screen on both sides is overlaid with a simple reticulation of g<>ld lines framing ornaments m yellow. The whole vault is gilded, and upon its ground of gold, trav- ersing each t;ice of the vault, is a series of bands of minute ornament in brown, scarlet and deep blue. The method — this close mosaic of minute quantities of crude color — is entirely Oiienlal ; and the effect is Oriental also. The vfirying surfaces of the vaulting, each covered with fretted gold, give a vista, lengthened by the dwindling arches, alive with flashing lights and shimmering shadows ; and under the iridescent ceiling there seems ahvays to hang a luminous haze. In the quality of pure splendor there is no archi- tectural decoration in this country which is comparable to this." During the sessions of the Legisla- ture the spaces in front of the win- dows are filled with rare exotics, and altogether affording a desired relief from the heavy effect produced by such a mass of granite. Here, in time, will be placed statues of public men and possibly other works of art. Court of Appeals. — Stepping through a door to the right, in an instant the scene changes. "We are in the chamber of the Court of Appeals, the highest tribunal in the State. Here is the abode of wisdom, dignity and justice, where a riot of color such as we have just left would be clearly out of place. The room is 60 feet square and 25 feet high, subdivided into parallelograms, one twice the width of the other, by a line of red granite columns carry- ing with broad low arches a marble wall. The walls are of sandstone, ■vdsible in some places but covered in most with a decoration in deep red, and with the tall wainscoting of oak, which occupies the wall above the dado of sandstone. The ceiling is a superb construction in carved oak carried on a system of beams dimin- ishing in size from the great girders supported by gi*eat braces which stretch from wall to wall, and finally closed by oaken panels, profusely carved. The Assembly Chamber. — As- cending another flight of the gi^eat stair case, we come to what is, with- out doubt, the grandest legislative hall in the world, the assembly cham- ber, 84 by 140 feet, including the gal- leries, although the chamber jDroper is but 84 by 55. Four great pillars, four feet thick, of red granite, sustain the largest groined stone arch in the world, the key-stone being 56 feet from the floor. These pillai^s and the arch which springs from them are the most striking features of the i-oom, but it will bear a world of study. Mr. Schuyler says : " The perspective of the room is so ar- ranged that from the entrance one looks through the large end of the telescope, as it were, down vistas framed in arches nar- rowing and vaults hanging lower as they recede, from the great red pillars on either hand, along the vast and ever-varying sur- faces of the ceilings, their creamy sand- stone faces divided by the sweeping lines of the deeper toned fibs and arches that uphold them, and fretted with wide belts ^ of ornament climbing their climbing courses, touched with the gleam of gold 25 CAP and standing out from hollows filled with deep ultra marine and burning vermilion, to ' the dark backwanl and abysm ' of the remotest vault. Through the lower arches oue sees the openings of the windows wliich flood the transept, not with the dim, relig- ious light of old cathedrals, but with naked and open daylight. Around them wheel the iniricate arabesques of their arches de- fined against a ground of vermilion and circled with bands of gold. Above and between the lower three, beneath the broad belt which is some day to carry a sculptured procession, the whole wall is covered with arabesques in a fiel_d of dull red. Above the upper arcade are glimpses of the drajicries and the attitudes of colos- sal painted figures. "One feels at once in this great stone room that he is in the presence of a noble monument, and that in what a musician would call the 'dispersed harmony' of this hierarchy of ordered masses, and this balance and opposition of sweeping curves there has been achieved in the America of the nineteenih century a Avurk not un- worthy to be compared with what has been done in more famous building ages. When the shi'Ck of such animi)ressionhas subsided, and he has time to examine the sources of this efl'ect, he finds them in the general conception of the room rather than m any of its parts, or in any aggre- gation of them loss than the whole. Here is a distinctly Gothic room, Avhich in its plan has so "man v resemblances to a me- diasval church that it cannot be described without u ing the terms of ecclesiology, which yet has probably never reminded a single visitor of a church. Its civic char- acter has been impressed upon it by the force of design alone, and mainly by the modeling of its masses, after the noble ar- rangement which this modeling assists. There is a vigor in it Avhi^^h reminds one of Romanesque or early Gothic, but it has none of the rudeness of Komane&qu.e vaulted architecture, and none of the tentative imperfection of early Gothic work. Except in one conspicuous in- stance, the structure is completely devel- oped, and complete development is the mark of perfjcted G )thic. This com- pleteness, however, nowhere d generates into the attenuation that conies of exces- sive subdivision — nowhere into a loss of that sense of power which belongs to un- he%vn masses fulfi ling structural necessi- ties. There is nothing here of which one may say : ' 'Twere to consider too curi- ously, to consider so.' Neither is there anything of that ascetic intensity which most of all has set its stamp upon the ec- clesiastical Avork of the middle ages. This work is as day-lit as Grecian Doric. It is frank and manly, and it is eminently alive — distinctly a product of our time." The Allegorical Pictures. — No one feature of the capitol has caused more comment than the pictures that occupy the upper portion of the north and south walls of this chamber. They were painted by the late "Wil- liam M. Hunt, one of the g-reatest of American artists, and possess a mel- ancholy interest from the fact that they are the only work of the kind he ever did. He received for his ser- vices the sum of $15,000. The space covered by each is 15 by 45 feet. That on the northern wall represents the allegory of Armujd and Ahriman, or the fiig-ht of Evdl before Good, or, as it is more g-enerally interpreted, the Flig-ht of Night. The Queen of Night is driv- ing before the dawn, charioted on clouds drawn by three plunging horses, one white, one black, one red, without other visible restraint than that of a swarthy guide, who floats at the left of the pictui-e, and whose hand is lightly laid upon the head of the outermost horse. At the right of the goddess, and in deep shade, is the recumbent figure of a sleeping mother with a sleeping child upon her breast. The picture on the southern wall represents the Discoverer standing upright in a boat, dark against a sunset sky, Fortune erect behind him trimming the sail wi^h her lifted left hand while her right holds the tiller. The boat is rising to a sea, and is attended by Hope at the prow, with one arm resting on it, and one point- ing forward; Faith, whose face is buried in her arms, and who is float- ing with the tide, and Science unroR- ing a chart at the side. Van Brunt's Criticism, — Henry Van Brunt in an article in the Atlan- tic Monthly (May, 1879), character- izes these pictures as " the most im- portant of the kind yet executed in CAP 26 this country," criticises them at length as architectural decorations, and con- cludes as follows : " We cannot but consider that the opportunity has been misundei'stood in a fundamental point, and that work of a far lower grade, than that of Mr. Hunt, would have better served the purpose. With all his strength of will, with all his skill in the adaptation of his tones, and all his fiery determination of drawing-, he has been unable to con- quer a rig-ht to fill such spaces with such woj'k. It is a waste of great resources." The writer then pro- ceeds to consider these works of art simply as pictures, and says : " The artist has symbolizerl the simulta- neous occurrence of the revival of letters and the discovery of ^\merica by the alle- gories of the Fli^^ht of Night and the Dis- coverer. The former has in its elements long been familiar to those who frequent- ed Mr. Hunt's studio. It is, in fact, a fly- ing cloud, the substance and movement of which is figured by the suggestion of an aerial chariot drawn by three plunging steeds, to the mane of one of which clings a torch-bearing gi"oo|n rather guiding than restraining the downward flight. High upon the cloudy seat sits a female fig- ure, directing the vision with a gesture of her hand; and below, enveloped in a shadowy fold of fleecy drapery dimly por- trayed, is a sleeping woman with a child, and over her hovers a little protecting spirit. The visionary character of the composition is unencumbered by any ma- terial appliance. There are no reins, no harness, no chariot, no wheels. It is a precipitous movement of vapor poetically set forth with a superb flight of horses, and enough of human interest in the fig- ure to suggest a meaning which each can interpret in his own way. It is a very fine point in the sentiment of the picture that the allegory is not forced upon the spec- tator by the insistence of vulgar acces- sories. The horses are drawn with mag- nificent spirit, and with the confidence and elan of a master. The human figures are little more than suggestive ; they are fleeting visions — a part of a cloudy pa- geant. When illuminated by bright sun- light, or by the artificial lighting of the chamber at night, the vigorous mechanism of outline and color wliich are contrived to produce an ell'ect, are somewhat un- pleasantly betrayed. In the half light of the afternoon, the very qualities which are crudities, at other times, contribute to make up a pictorial harmony of the most efi"ective and poetic kind. *' The same may be said with even greater force of the" Discoverer. A Ham- let-like man, in armor and cloak, stands conspicuous in a boat, riding half dis- closed upon a billowy swell of the ocean. Behind him, at the helm and holding a bellying sail of drapery, stands a wingccl female figure in an attitude of dignity somewhatlike thatsuggestedby the Venus of Milo; and upon the prow, with her out- lines defined against a blight rift in the western sky, leans a spirit of the water, with a frank, onward look and a gesture significant of confident ho])e. This figure seems to us the best in the group; it is beautifully drawn, and plays a happy part in the composition. Two other female figures float upon the waves "We have thus Fortune at the helm, and Hope at the prow. The guide-book shall interpret the rest of the allcgorj^ which, to us, as com- pared with that ^jortraycd on the o]>posite wall, is wanting in significance, and made up of too many elements and of too much of materialism to leave ui)on the mind a concrete poetic image. The composition is wanting in simplicity, and the efl'ect of the whole depends upon a momentary in- cident; the next instant of time beyond that depicted, the next wash of the uiicer- tain billows, will evidently throw the whole group into confusion. This im- pending catastiopho seems in some way to detract from the dignity of the allegory. The masters of the Reriaissance, when they chose a sea pomp for their subjects, such as the Triumph of Galetea, the Rape of Europa, and the Venus Anadyomene managed to spare us from doubts' of this kind by a more multitudinous grouping of figures ca])able of falling into new combi- nations without loss of harmony. But Mr. Hunt's allegory is disjointed, and ap- pears to need some harmonizing element to give us that feeling of security which accompanies thefloatmgand llyinggroups of Guide, Rubens, and Annibale Caracci. The idea of the Flight of Night is in this respect, admirable ; in a moment the cloudy vision will have departed, leaving a serene sky, and space for all the suc- ceeding pageants of civilization." We are told, since Mr. Hunt's melancholy death on the Isles of Shoals, that the fifty-five days devoted by himself and assistant to the paint- ing of these jiictures, by no means represented all the labor bestowed upon them. The Discoverei' was first drawn in charcoal 23 years ago. The 27 CAP Miglit of Nig-M "had "been, put on paper ten years earlier, and had been designed simply for an easel pictui'e. After accepting the cominission, Mr. Hunt's prejiaratory work in his studio in Boston was of neaiiy five months' duration. For the Flight of JSTight, the heads of the horses, their legs and feet were all freshly painted from life. The Queen was painted from a life model. Sleep and the child were painted from life, also the - dusky guide. For the other picture, the Dis- coverer, Science, Hope and Fortune, were painted from life models. The heads, hands and arms of these figures were also drawn and colored as separate studies. In all, 30 or more careful charcoal drawings and more than twelve pastels were made, besides 19 complete copies in oil, 17, 12 inches by 30, and two, 6 feet by 8. The work itself had to be done by a sj:)ecified time, and this involved much anxiety. Each morning the artist and his assistant were up to catch from the rising sun a fresh impression to carry to the work upon the Flight of Night. Every evening they watched the waning daylight, and noted the effect of figures and objects against the setting sun, as a study for the Dis- coverer. Later, on in the work, Mr. Hunt obtained from his assistant a solemn promise that if their effort proved a failure, he v/ould paint out both pictures in a single night. (See Atlantic Monthly for July, 1880). The furniture and belongings of the assembly chamber are in excel- lent taste. A handsome red carpet covers the floors ; the curtains are of rich colors; the desks are of solid mahogany ; the chairs are upholstered in red leather ; the gas fixtures, are in the shape of standards of bnght brass, and when the room is lighted at night, the scene is brilliant beyond descrip- tion. On nights when the assembly is in session, the galleries are thronged with ladies, attracted, it is feared, more by the elegance of the legisla- tive halls, than by the eloquence of the legislators. There are other rooms in this part of the building, but none of them are of strildng interest to the visitor, who \\dll find in the halls already alluded to, enough to examine and admire for hours. The committee rooms, libra- ries, mailing room, document rooms, post-offices, etc., are all convenient and well appointed. The Southern Centre. — At present wi'iting, the southern half of the building is not in a condition to admit of much accurate description, asvv^ork- men are busy night and day getting it ready for occupancy by the gov- ernor and the senate. The executive chambers are in the south-east corner, on the same fioor ^\ith the coui-t of appeals, a most charming location. The rooms are to be fitted up with great elegance. The senate chamber on the floor above, •will be one of the finest rooms in the building. Though not as large as the assembly chamber, it will, doubtless, have almost as many admirers. It is to be furnished with marble instead of sandstone, and the designs are chaste and beautiful. The corridors in this por- tion a]*e also wainscoted with variega- ted marble. The State library, which will occupy the entire front of the two upper stories, it is believed will be the most attractive room pei"haj)S, in the world. In height it will be two of the outer stories. The view fi'om its windows will be of entrancing loveliness, over- looking the city, and for many miles up and down the beautiful Hudson. Of these uncompleted portions it is not now our pi'o\unce to speak, but taking what has already been done by the present architects and super- intendent as an earnest of what they will accomplish in the future, there ia CAT 23 every reason to believe that the build- ing- as it approaches completion will each year become more and more the pride and glory of tlie Empire State. The money expended in its construc- tion wdll not have been wasted. It is true the legislature of New York mig-ht have deliberated in halls that would not have cost a tenth part as much ; but the cai^itol of su( h a state should mean something- more than mere rooms in which laws ai-e made and mended. It should be as this is, a grand monument to the spirit of progress and civilization. And the influence of such an edifice is not confined by the boundaries of states or countries. The fine arts everywhere are stimulated and sti-eng-thened by such a structure. As CJai-ence Cook says : " There is nothing like agrent architec- tural undertaking, Avitliitri iinplietlaccom- pani:nent of gculpture and painlijig, to create a love of art in a community, and KewYork has the proud diritinction of being tirct ot the States of the Union to have lighted in her capitol a beacon fire that shall call all the arts together and set them at worlc in noble tasks for her behoof.'' Catholic Churches. — The first Catholic chapel erected in this city was built in 1797-8 (the city giving the land) on the site of the present St. Mary's church, Lodge st., cor. of Pine. It was of brick, and for thirty years was the only Catholic place of worship in Albany. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Eagle st., cor. Madison ave. Rt. Rev. Francis McNeirny, I). D., Bishop of Albany; Rev. James Collins, chancellor and sec. ; Rev. Messrs. James A. Curtin and John J. Hanlon, assistants. This magnificent edifice is pointed Gothic in style ; has a frontage of 95 feet on Eagle st. and a dej^th of 195 feet on Madison and Jeffei'son aves. From the sidewalk to the apex of the roof its height is 70 feet, and to the top of spire 210 feet. Its interior measurement is, nave, 125 feet ; ti-an- sept, 96 feet; sanctuary, 35 feet square ; height of ceihng about 54 feet. Twelve massive columns sup- port its roof, and light is admitted through 32 stained-glass windovrs of much beauty, the one at the back of the chancel costing more than $3,000. It tells, in a series of finely-wrought pictures, the story of the Virgin Mary. There are five altars, adorned with statuary and enriched with relics. The corner-stone was laid July 2, 1848, by Archbishop Hughes, and the church dedicated by the same prelate, Nov. 21, 1852. It has a seat- ing capacity of 2,500, but 4,000 j)eople often congregate within its walls. Cost, about 1100,000. Architect, Patrick C. Keeley. It is always. 29 CAT open, and is visited by hundreds of strang-ers yearly. The imposing- rit- uals of the Catholic chiu'ch are ob- served wich magnificence, and the ceremonies are often witnessed by many who are not of the faith, but who ai'e attracted by the pomp and splendor of the scene and the grandeur of the music. On Sundays, low mass at 7 and 8 A. m. ; high mass at 10:C0 ; and vespers, in the winter at 3 p. m., in the summer at 3:30. Charles Makay, the Eng-lish author, speaking- of his visit to this country in 1.838, said of this Cathedral: *'It is intenaally one of the largest and most magnificent ecclesiastical edi- fices in America. Here high mass is sometimes perfonned with a splendor and completeness, orchestral and vocal, not to be excelled even in Paris or Vienna, and to which Lon- don, as far as I know, can make no pretensions." The organ, built by Erben, cost $8,000. There is also a fine chime of bells. The firet bishop of Albany was Rt. Rev. John McCloskoy (now Cardinal), who was installed Sept. 19, 1847 ; the second, Rt. Rev. John J. Conroy, in- staUed Oct, 15, 1865 ; and the third and present, Rt. Rev. Francis Mc- Neimy, D. D. St. Joseph's. — Ten Broeck cor. Second st. Rev. T. M. A. Burke, pastor; Rev. Messrs. Maui-ice Shee- han and Thomas S. Hart, assistants. This church, though designed by the same architect as the Cathedral, is strikingly different in its general effect, each being considered a mas- ter-piece in its own way ; one being sombre, heavy and majestic, and answering the popular idea of a cathedral ; the other, hght, omate and graceful, conveying an immedi- ate impression of the chaste and beautiful in architecture. The di- mensions are nearly the same. St. Joseph's was originally trimmed with Caen stone brought from. France, but this crumbled away, and has been replaced by more durable material. The church, which was five years in building, was consecrated May 13, ISGO. It was in this edifice that Emma La Jeunesse, now the world- renowned Albani, sang and officiated as organist while living in the city from which she took her name. St. Maey's Cuurch. — Lodge cor. Pine st. Rev. C. A. Walworth, pas- tor ; Rev. Messrs. P. H. McDermott, J. H. Maney, assistants. This was the first Catholic pai'ish in the city, the trustees ha\dng been incor^^orated Oct. 6, 1796, and the first building erected during the two years follow- ing ; the second was erected in 1830 ; the third and present one in 1867-9. Seating capacity, 1,000. St. Ann's. — Fourth ave. cor. Frank- hn st. Rev. Edward A. Terry, pas- tor. Consecrated Dec. 20, 18G8. St. John's. — South Ferry cor. Dal- lius. Rev. John Walsh, pastor ; Rev. Thomas P. Walsh, asst. The second oldest CathoHc parish in the city. St. Patrick's. — Central ave. cor. Perry st. Rev. P. J. Smith, pastor ; Rev. James Green, asst. Corner- stone laid Dec. 21, 18G6. Church consecrated Aug. 30, 18G8. Our Lady of Angels (German). — Central ave. cor. Robin st. Rev. Maurice Bierl, pastor ; Rev. Caesar Cucchiarini, asst. Comer-stone laid Nov. 29, 18G8. Church of the Holy Cross (Ger- man). — Hamilton st. cor. Phihp. Rev. Joseph Ottenhues, pastor. Cor- ner-stone laid May 12, 1850. Our Lady Help of Christians (German). — 72 Second ave. Rev. S. A. Preisser, pastor. Comer-stone laid June 27, 1880. Church op the Assumption. — Hamilton below Grand; Rev. Joseph Brouillet, pastor. Formerly used by the Afi'ican Baptists ; bought by the CAT 30 Fi-ench Catholics, and consecrated Dec. 12, 1SG9. Church of the Sacred Heart, "Walter st. cor. N. Second. The par- ish at N. Albany was founded Aug. 5, 1874, and Rev. F. J. Mag-uire ap- pointed pastor. The first sei-vice in the chapel on Erie st. was held Aug-. 16. Ground was broken for the erection of the present chui'ch July- Si, 1876 ; the excavations for the chui'ch were made by membei'S of the congi'eg-ation ev^enings, after the regTilar labors of the day were done. The corner-stone was laid Aug-. 27, 1876, and the building- dedicated May 23, 1880. Cost of church and par- sonage, ^5,000, all of which has been paid, except about $15,000. Cattle Market. — The stock yards at West Albany are reached in 45 minutes from Broadway by the State st. horse cars, which leave on the half hour ; or in ten minutes by trains on the Central railroad. Next to Chicago and Buffalo, this is the largest hve stock market in the United States. It was, in its infancy, located at " Gallup's," on Washington ave., north side, between Swan and Lai'k sts. ; afterwards at the old ** BuU's Head " on the Troy road, and then at Hunter & Gallup's, at the end of what is now Central ave. About 15 years ago the business was re- moved to its present location at West Albany, just north of the Central rail- road track, whore large sheds and building-s were erected for the accom- modation and protection of many thousand head of stock. The build- ings devoted to sheep and hogs cover an immense area of ground ; are floored throughout, are entirely en- closed, well lighted, and adequately sii]")plied with running water. The cattle yards are laid out in lanes, each alley designated by a letter or name, and each pai'ticular yai-d by a number. Ample sheds afford protec- tion to the cattle, and each yard is provided with water. Everything possible is done to keep the stock in good condition, and as all sales are made by weight on the hoof, it is ap- parent that generous feeding enures to the benelit of the sellei^ — a fact which he never loses sight of. Buffalo is the last feeding point west of Al- bany, and stock shipped from there one day should reach here the next. As the rules of the Central road re- quire all stock passing forward to be unshipped here and fed, it is obvious that the feeding part of the business receives proper attention. In former years the trade in live hogs amounted to considerable, but of late this market has been merely a iDoint for re-shipping to New York and the East. The pi-incipal trade is now cattle and sheep, but as much of the stock sold here is weighed at New York and Brighton, no accui'ate account of the number changing hands can be given. It is safe to say, however, that upwards of 100,- 000 cattle and 150,000 sheep were sold and weighed at West Albany within the past year. The export trade has added larg-ely to the busi- ness of late, and while compai-atively few cattle are purchased here direct for export, from 500 to 2,000 head pass through nearly every week for shipment to Europe from New York or Boston. The bulk of the cattle come from the far-western States, New Yoi'k and Canada furnishing but a comparatively small number. Illinois sends the largest number and many of the best cattle that come to market, while the moelei-ate ai-rivials of Kentucky steers embrace some of the finest herds to be seen. Ohio, Iowa, and other States in the West, furnish their quota of what are termed ** natives," while the common cattle come mainly from Texas, Col- 31 CEM— CEN orado and the Indian Teiritory. Sheep come from the Western States, Kentucky, Canada and New York; Canada and Kentucky producing- the most saleable stock. Every facility for handling- stock expeditiously has been made, and in one week the past year upwards of 1,000 car loads, or 17,000 head of cattle, were received and cai-ed for, being the larg-est number ever known in that time. This was exclusive of several thou- sand sheep and hog's that came in the same week. During the year ending Jan. 1, 1880, the arrivals were : No. of head. Beeves 525,228 Sheep 1,089,800 Hogs 992,800 Horses 15,184 Total 2,622,512 That is, 47,805 car-loads, or a daily average of over 131 cars. The arriv- als, from Jan. 1, 1880, to date (Nov. 27), have been : Bseves 554,388 Sheep .• 950,400 Hogs 922,800 Horees 15,734 Total 2,443,322 That is, 47,991 car-loads, a daily average of 144 cars. A large brick hotel, conducted by John Williamson, is located in the immediate vicinity of the yards, and besides furnishing accommodation for buyers and sellers, aftbrds space for office room to several of the firms which deal largely in live stock. Cemeteries, The, are the Rural, on the Troy road near West Troy ; Anshe Emeth, on the River road ; St. Agnes (Catholic), adjoining the Rural on the south ; St. John's, on the Bethlehem turnpike below Kenwood, and St. Mary's and St. Joseph's on Washmg- ton ave. (See Rural Cemetery, St. Agnes Cemetery and Graveyards.) Census of 1880. — Following are the census retm-ns of 1880. (See, also. Population.) IstWard, E. D 2,626 W. D 2,099 2d Ward, W. D. ..... . 3,534 E. D 2,331 3d Ward, N. D 2,078 S. D 3,027 4th Ward, N. D 2,506 S. D 3,314 5thWard, N. D 1,939 S. D 2,835 6tliWard, E. D 1,501 W. D 2,682 7thWard, N. D 2,187 S. D 1,340 8th Ward, E. D 2,419 W. D 1,732 9thWard, N. D 2,585 S. D 2,226 10th Ward, N. D 2,704 W. D 2,347 S. D 1,841 11th Ward, N. D. ..... . 3,300 S. D 2,843 12th Ward, E. D 1 , 676 W. D 2,992 M. D 1,369 13th Ward, E. D 1 , 635 W. D 2,940 5,625 5,865 5,105 5,820 4,774 4,183 3,527 4,151 4,811 6,892 6,143 6,037 4,575 CEN— err 14th Ward, E. D 2 , 069 W. D 2,830 4,899 15th Ward, E. D 2,125 W. D 2,994 5,119 16th Ward, N. D 1 ,505 S. D 4,566 M. D 1,433 7,504 17thWard, E. D 2,954 W.D 2,923 5,877 In asylums 336 Total 91,243 Central Avenue branches from Washington ave. at Townsend park. Was foi'nierly called the Bowery, and before the completion of the Erie canal was the g-i'eat thoroughfare to the west leading out to the Schenec- tady turnpike. Transpoi-tation of produce was by means of six-horse teams, which were quartei-ed along this street. Some of the lai-ge store- houses still remaining about Town- send park, attest the former commer- cial character of the locality. The name w-as changed to Central ave. in 1867. The residents now are mostly German. Charter. — The original charter of Albany, gi-anted by Gov. Thomas Dongan, and dated July 22, 1686, is deposited in the mayor's office. It is written in English, in Gothic letter on parchment, and beara a seal, in a silver case. The text was printed by Hugh Gaine in 1771, and is re-printed in Munsell's Annals, Vol. II. The present charter forms Chap. 77 of the Laws of 1870, and was passed Mai*ch 16th of that year. It has since then been amended in various particulars. See Manual of the Common Council, comjjiled by Martin Delehanty, clerk. Cholera raged in Albany terribly in the summer of 1832. Over 400 deaths resulted, in a population of 30,000. Churches. — There are between fifty and sixty churches in Albany, includ- ing five Baptist, one Congi^egational, six Episcojjal, two German Evangeli- cal, three Jewish, five Lutheran, seven Methodist, seven Presbyterian, five Reformed and eleven Cathohc. Be- sides these, the Universahsts, Second Advents, Friends and other sects, hold services with more or less regu- larity. The church edifices, taken together, are highly creditable to the city ; the Cathedral of the Immacu- late Conception and St. Joseph's (Catholic), Emmanuel and Taberaacle (Baptist), First and Second Reformed and St. Peter's (Episcopal), being worthy of special note. (See various denominations . ) Cigars. — The number of cigars manufactured in this district in 1879, was 16,921,855, of which 90 per cent were made in this city. (See Internal Revenue.) City Building, The, occupies the site of the old Centre mai'ket, corner South Pearl and Howai-d sts. It was begun in 1868 ; is of the Lombardic style of ai-chitecture, ornamented with a Mansai'd I'oof, and is built of brick faced with Lake Champlain hme- stone. It cost the taxpayers |200,000. At present it is also the city hall, and is crowded with the mayor's office ; office of the clerk of the common council ; chamberlain ; deputy cham- berlain and receiver of taxes ; pohce court ; justices' court ; office of over- seer of, the poor ; of the park com- missionei's and engineer ; fire and police commissioners ; fire alarm tele- graph ; street commissioner ; city en- gineer and surveyor; offices of the 83 CIT chiefs of the police and fire depart- ments ; property clerk ; detectives' office ; Second precinct station house ; excise commissioners j assessors' office, etc. City Government. — Following- will be found information in regard to the vai'ious city officers : Execivtive Department. The Executive department includes the Mayor's bureau, and the Reg-is- trar's bureau (under the charge, su- iter vision and direction of the Mayor), and the Bureau or Board of Health. The Mayor is the chief executive officer of the city, and is elected bien- nially on the second Tuesday in April, to hold office from the first Tuesday in May following. Annual salary, Jp3,500. When prevented from at- tending to the duties of his office for two weeks or more, the President of the Board of Aldermen may act with full power. Office, City Hall; open from 10 A. M. to 4 p. m. The Board of Health consists of the Mayor, the president and health committee of the Common Council, and the city physician who is health officer. This board appoints an in- spector, and his assistant is appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the board. The assistant is called clerk of the market, and inspects meats. Registrar's Bureau. (See Vital Statistics.) Common Council. The Common Council is composed of 17 Aldermen, and exercises the entire legislative powers of the city. One Alderman is chosen from each ward. To be eligible for the office one must have resided in the city at least one year immediately prior to his election. Aldermen are chosen biennially on the second Tuesday in April, to hold office for two yeare from the first Tuesday in May following ; they elect a president from among their number. No Alderman shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract with the city, nor fur- nish any goods or property to it, nor hold any office in the gift of the city, except inspector of election and com- missioner of deeds. Meetings are held in the City Hall on the fii*st and third Mondays of the month, ex- cept in July and August. No salary is attached to the office. Clerk op Common Council, elected biennially by the Common Council ; salary, $2,000. Office, City Hall; open from 9 till 12, and 2 till 5. Finance Department. The Finance Department consists of the Mayor, the Chamberlain, Dep- uty Chamberlain, and President and Finance Committee of the Common Council. Has control of all fiscal concerns of the corporation. Chamberlain. — Appointed by the Common Council oh nomination by the Mayor, "biennially on the eve of the feast of St. Michael the arch- angel " (See St. Michael's Feast.) Duties those of treasurer to the city ; salary, $3,000. Office, City Hall. The Deputy Chamberlain is also the Receiver of Taxes, and is appoint- ed at the same time ^ and in the same way as the Chamberlain; salary, $3,000. Deputy Receiver of Taxes. — Ap- pointed by the Mayor, on nomination of the Receiver of Taxes, who is re- si^onsible for his acts ; salary, $1,500. Law DepartineJit. The law department consists of the law committee of the Common Council and the Corporation Council. Office in City Building. Corporation Counsel. — Appointed CIT 34 by the Common Council on nomination of the Mayor ; salary, $2,500, besides being- entitlcbable " city. Several have been instituted in times past, and carried on for a while successfully, only to die a lingering death. The latest enterprise of this kind, Fort Orange (which see), starts out ex- ceedingly well, and much is hoped for it. Other clubs are Albany Terp- sichorean Society, Ideal Club, J. S. D. Social Club, etc. (See Friendly Few.) Coasting, — The steep grades of the Albany streets have always tended to make coasting a fa"\-orite amusement, but law is against it. The following resolution passed the common council neai-ly 170 years ago : "Whereas ye children in said city do verv unorderly, to ye shame and scandell of their parents ryde down ye hills in ye streets of eaid cityAvith small and great slees on Lord day and in M-eek by vhich many accidents may come — NoAvlbr pre- venting je same it is hcrol)j' pnblisned. and declared that it shall and may be law- ful for any constable within this city, or 37 COF — CON any other person or persons, to take any slee or slees from all such boys or girls rydiug or offering to ryde down any hiil Avithin this city and break such slee or slees in peeces ! " Given under our hands and seals in Albany '22nd of December in the 12th year of Her Majesty's reyn, Anno Domini 1713." Nowadays coasting-, snow-balling, and kite- flying are all forbidden un- der penalty of $1 for each oflfense. Coffee Room of the City Mission.- The " Model Coffee Room " is in the basement of the city mission build- ing, cor, Rensselaer and Franklin sts. It is a neat eating-room, free from all bai'-room influences, and where food is supplied at very low rates. Good meals from 6 to 25 cts. Coffee, 3 cts. Cohoes. — A city of 19,568 inhabit- ants, situated in Albany county, 8 miles north of Albany ; reached by the D. and H. C. Co.'s railroad, fare 25 cents. Previous to 1811 the site of Cohoes was a barren waste. Popu- lation in 1831 about 150. Incorpo- rated as a village in 1848 ; as a city in 1869. The place owes its growth to the immense water privilege afforded by the Cohoes falls in the Mohawk river, and owned by the Cohoes Company, organized in 1826. The falls are 75 feet in height, and in any State but the one in which Niagara is situated, would be considered a great wonder. The Harmony cotton mills are very extensive, employing 4,000 operatives ; and more knit goods are manufactured here than in any other place in the country. It is a place well worth visiting. Conjugal Felicity.— The Duke de la Rochefoucauld Liancourt, one of the French nobility exiled during the Revolution, who visited Albany in 1795, has recorded that the inhabit- ants "lived retired in their houses with their wives, who sometimes are pretty, but rather awkward in their manners, and witli whom their hus- bands scarcely exchange thii'ty woi'ds a day, although they never address them but with the introductory ap- pellation of ^niy love.'" There is i-eason to believe that this quiet pic- ture of domestic happiness has been somewhat moditied of late. Congregational Church, cor. of Eagle and Beaver sts. Corner-stone laid Sept. 22, 1868; dedicated Oct. 14, 1869 ; cost, including lot, ^130,000. No debt. Will seat 1,125. Thirteen associated gentlemen, consisting of Anthony Gould, Bradford R. Wood, Rufus H. King, James McNaughton, and othei's, bought the ediiice that had long been ONvned and occupied by the First Presbyterian Church, cor. S. Pearl and Beaver sts., now Beaver Block, Dec. 15, 1849, for $20,000, for the purposes of a Con- gregational church and society about to be formed. As soon as suitably repaired, it was opened for divine service, April 7, 1850, Rev. Leonard Bacon, D. D., of New Haven, Ct., preaching. Other eminent preachers of the denomination followed for a few months. June 6th, a religious society w^as organized. On the 10th of July, a church of 81 members was formed. Rev, Ray Palmer, D. D., of Bath, Me., w'as installed pastor, Dec. 10, 1850, and so remained until April 18, 1866. Rev. William S. Smart, D. D., of Benson, Vt., was installed May 30, 1867. The last sermon in the old church was preached Feb. 8, 1868. After that date. Association Hall, now Board of Trade rooms, was occupied for religious services until the present ediiice was com- pleted. Rev. William S. Smart, D.D., pastor ; Henry S. McCall, clerk ; William Gould, Jr., treas, Sunday service, 10^ a, m., 3^ p. m. Sundav School, 2 p. M., Prof. John E, Brad- ley, supt,; Bethany Mission School, CON — COU 38 67 S. Pearl, 9 A. m., Nelson Lyon, supt. CongTeg*ational singing led by Prof. John E. Sherwood, chorister. Whole number of church members enrolled since org-anization, 804; l^resent number, 380. Congress of 1754. — Of the congress of commissionei'S which met in this city, June 19, 1754, Bancroft says : "America had never seen an assem- bly so venerable for the states that were i"e];)i'esented, or for the great and able men who composed it." The colonies of New Yoi'k, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Maryland were represented by 25 commission- ers. After completing a treaty with the Six Nations, the subject of a union w'as taken up. A plan presented by Benjamin Franklin, representative from Pennsylvania, was reported to the congress, and after twelve days spent in debate it was adopted sub- stantially as x^resented. July 11, the congress adjourned, and as Fi-anklin descended th« Hudson, the people of New York thronged about him to welcome him as the mover of the Amei'ican Union. The plan, however, was to be of no force unless confirmed by the several colonial assemblies, and not one of them would submit to delegating so much power as was pro- l^osed, to the genei-al government. On the other hand, the king found it did not go far enough in that direc- tion, and so it failed. But it is re- markable how nearly the proposed liasis approached the constitution of the United States, and Gen. Gartield was perfectly right in declaring on his way through Albany that it was in this city that the germ of the American Union was first planted by Benjamin Franklin, in 1754. Cooking School, The, is in charge of a committee from the ladies' auxiliary board of the City Tract and Missionary Society. Mrs. A. Rath- bun, 95 Columbia st. chairman ; Miss Emma L. Lloyd, 351 Hamilton st., teacher. Sessions held in the old mission building on Rensselaer st., five days in a week. Adults as well as children are instructed how to cook wholesome food economically. Cottonvrood Trees. — The planting or maintaining of cottonwood trees is made a misdemeanor, by city ordin- ance, punishable by three months in the Albany penitentiary. County. — The county of Albany has an area of 509 square miles. It is bounded east by the Hudson river, and north in pai't by the Mohawk. The Noi-manskill and Catskill furnish it with good water power. The land near the Hudson and some of the other streams is fertile, but in the mountains it is less productive. The east part is covered with immense beds of clay, sand and gravel, the sand in some places being 40 feet deep. The county was erected in 1089, and originally extended east of the Hudson and in- cluded the whole colony north and west of its present limits. Governinent. Following will be found informa- tion in regard to the county ofncers. (See Penitentiary and Appendix.) The Board of Supervisors con- sists of 31 members, who are elected biennially on the second Tuesday of April (with the exception of the Cohoes members, who are elected a month earlier), and organizes the second Tuesday in May following. They meet, temporarily, in the chapel of the Second Reformed Church, on Beaver st. ; salaries, !i?350. The Sheriff is chosen every three years ; office at the jail, in Maiden lane ; compensation through fees and 39 COU — DEL perquisites. TTie sheriff is not eligi- ble for two terms in succession. District Attorney. — Elected by the people ; term thi-ee years ; salary $4,500. Appoints his assistant j sal- ary $2,500. County' Clerk. — Elected by the people ; term three years ; paid by fees and perquisites. Appoints his own deputy and clerks. County Treasurer. — Office, 480 Broadway. Elected by the people ; term, three years ; salary, $5,000, In addition to the ordinaiy duties of the office, the treasurer of this county enforces the collection of all taxes in this city, unpaid on the first of Sep- tember in each year. County Judge. — Elected by the people ; term, six years ; salary, $4,500. Surrogate. — Elected by the peo- ple ; term, six years ; salary, $4,U00. The deputy is clerk of the surrogate's court ; salary, $1,800. Coroners. — By chap. 37, Laws of 1878, it is provided that there shall be four coroners elected in Albany county, w^ho shall hold office three years each, at an annual salary of $1,200, without fees or perquisites of any kind, except in case of acting in the place of the sheriff. The board of supervisors each year elects by ballot, four physicians to attend post mortem examinations. Salary, $(300. Justices' op Sessions. — Elected yearly by the people. Paid by fees : $3 a day for each day's attendance upon court duties. School Commissioners. — Three in number ; supervise the schools out- side the cities of Albany and Cohoes ; elected by the people for a term of three years ; salary $800 each. Loan Commissioners. — Appointed by the Senate on nomination by the Governor. Term of office three years. The fund of which they have charge amounts to $114,000. It is part of a sum which belonged originally to the general government, and, thei-e being no use for it, was apportioned among the sevei'al States, and reappoi-tioned to counties to be lent on good securi- ty, at the legal rate of interest, the proceeds going into the sinking fund of the State. Debt. The bonded debt of Albany county is $874,000, which pays five and six per cent interest. It was caused en- tirely by the raising of money during the war to pay bounties, and is being paid off at the rate of $50,000 annu- ally. County Agricultural Society, — The Albany County Agricultural So- ciety meets annually on the third Wednesday in January, at 18 Beaver St. George Tw^eddle, pres. ; John H. FaiTell, sec. ; D. V. S. Rapisford, treas. No fair has been held since 1874. Courts. (See Appendix.) Custom House, U. S., 346 Broad- way. William N. S. Sanders, Sui'- veyor of Customs; Orrin A. Fuller, Deputy. There are also five inspect- ors. The revenue from this office averages about $150,000 a year; ex- penses less -than $11,000. The im- ports are princij^ally lumber and grain (in large part barley) from Canada. Delavan House. — Broadway, cor. Steuben st. Erected in 1844-45 by E. C. Delavan, at a cost of over half a million dollars. Mr. Delavan, from 1832 to the time of his death in 1870, was connected with every pi'ominent temperance movement in the world. He began his crusade by emptying his own costly wines into the street. DOC — DRI 40 Tlie Dela-\'an was started as a tem- perance house, and great was the chagi-in of the owner when, by a flaw in the lease, the lessee discovered that he conld sell licjuor, and did so. It was for many years the leading hotel in Albany. Docks. — Strictly speaking-, there are no docks in Albany, excei:)t at the Lumber distidct, as the term means an inclosed basin, or the water-way between two wharves ; but the quays are by custom called docks. Dogs. — The prevalent superstition that dog-s ai"e more likely to run mad one season of the year than another is perpetuated in a city ordinance, which prohibits all dogs fi'om going- at large in June, July, August, and Septem- ber, unless pi-opei-ly muzzled, under penalty to their owners of .'55 fine. Dogs so running at large may be killed by anybody. The police make a )3i'actice of poisoning a gi*eat many every year. Dou-w's Building. — South-west cor. of State and Broadway ; devoted to stores and offices ; erected in 1842. Dramatic Societies. — Albany has for many years sustained, with greater or less enthusiasm, amateur theatrical societies. Those at present in exist- ence are the Adelphi Club ; meets at 101 Hudson ave. ; is composed i)vin- cipally of Hebrews. John McCul- lough Dramatic Association. Ruby Seal Dramatic Association. Drives. — The di-ives in and about All>any are numerous and pictur- es(iue. Washington Pai-k, with its three miles of excellent roadway, may be taken as the centi-e trom which the drives radiate. The most freqiiented is the New Scotland turnpike, or the Hui-stville road, as it is commonly called, which, starting at the Lexing- ton and Madison ave. entrance to the Park, leads to a drive of inexhaust- able extent and variety. Two miles out is the famous Log Tavern, the glory of which has somewhat faded under modern management. Seven miles distant is the pretty village of Slingerlands, while a di-ive of a dozen miles along this smooth plank-road brings us to the foot of the romantic Indian Ladder. A mile further takes us to the top of the mountain, from which the view is almost as sublime as is that from the hotel verandah on the Catskills. A lovely drive on the New Scotland road, and a much shorter one, is to the covered bridge, three miles from Albany, and then turning to the right make the circuit, coming out at McKo\NTisvilie, on the Western avenue road, and then to the city. This is a drive of about seven miles, and is simply exquisite, the view from Sunset hill, the road through the dense pine woods, and the little church in the forest, being the most attractive features. Another pleasant drive is out Western avenue to the Boulevard, turn to the right and take the i-oad west, which is a continuation of State street. This leads over the sand, the appearance of which is desolate for two miles, but after that the shrubbery gi-ows dense, and the approach to Rensse- laer lake (see Water-works) is one of the most charming bits of landscape possible to imagine. For equestrian- ism this route is especially agreeable. The Boulevard at the intersection of Madison and Western avenues also points the way to the well-known Shaker road, via West Albany, and. to the drives of Newtonville, that most prosj^erous and beautiful of Albany suburbs. The Troy road, . once the fashionable drive of two cities, is no longer popular. One rea- son is that the railroad crossing-s make 41 BUD the approach to it dangerous, but principally because in dry weather it is merely a cloud of dust, and dur- ing" the damp season the mud is ankle deep. Another boulevard, however, constructed by the Van Rensselaer estate, and I'unning* parallel with the old road affords a splendid drive and a matchless view of the river as far down as Castleton. Upon this boulevard the new residence of Emmet, the actor, is located. The road, however, does not appear to be popular, for the reason, probably, that it has a melancholy termination at the Rural Cemetery. The drives on both sides of the river are among" the most beautiful in the State, and are larg"ely frequented by Albanians who are the happy owners of horses. The road below Kenwood, past the Corning- farm, and as far south as Coeymans, is excellently kept and sing-ularly attractive, as is the one which from Kenwood goes up the hill and bending" to the west intersects with the southerly extremity of Delaware avenue. Over the i-iver the drives are of rare and bewitching" beauty, espe- cially the Ridge road, running- from the hills back of Greenbush to Castleton. From every point on this noble drive the view is one of exceeding" charm. To the east is a g-lorious landscape, suggestive of peace, contentment and prosi^erity ; to the south the Hudson, like a silver thread, glides along its winding j^athway to the sea, while to the west the city of Albany, with its signs of bustle and thrift indicates the activity, energy and intelligence of the people. This diive is proba- bly the most thoroughly delightful of any near the city. Of course during the winter months these roads are not frequented for pleasure driving, the sleighing being confined to the park, Western avenue and the canal. A city ordinance allows the speeding of horses on the avenue during the sleighing season; therefore on a bright winter afternoon the scene is one of sparkle and animation, when the wealth and fashion of the town goes sleighing and blooded trotters come flying down the road to the merry music of the bells, and the excited cries of the throng which usually gathers on the sidewalks to witness the vigorous winter sport. Dudley Observatory, The, is lo- cated in the northei'u part of the city, near the line of the Central railroad. The grounds on which it is placed are the highest in Albany, and are 200 feet above mean tide . They ai"e about eight acres in extent, and are planted with trees and shrubbery. The build- ings consist of the Astronomical, the Meteorological, and the Physical ob- servatories, and a lai-ge dwelling- house, the official residence of the director. The Astronomical Observa- tory is a handsome structure of brick and freestone, in the general form of a cross, 80 by 70 feet. It is sur- mounted by a large revolving turret, which contains the gi-eat equatorial i-efractor of 13 inches apei'ture, and 15 feet focal length. In the west wing of the Observatory is a lai'ge and excellent transit instrmnent, which is among the latest produc- tions of the celebrated firm of Pistor & Martins, of Berlin. In the east wing is the great Olcott Meridian Circle, one of the largest and finest of its class. This insti'iauent is also the work of Pistor & Martins. Its optical qualities ai-e not exceeded by any similar instrument in the worlcl. The object-glass is eight inches in diameter, and the telescope is about 10 feet in length. The mounting of this instrument is specially massive and costly. Its principal feature con- sists in three enormous monoliths of limestone, of which one, weighing several tons, forms the cap-stone of DUD 42 the main pier, while the other two, weig-hing- each nearly eig-ht tons, rest uprig-ht upon this and serve as the direct supports of the instrument. In the same room is a variety of deli- cate and costly apparatus, auxiliary to the principal instrument, which is in constant use for the most refined operations of astronomy, and employs the chief activities of the observing- coi*ps. Among- other remarkable in- struments belonging to the Observa- in August, 1856, under the auspices of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (which, that year, held its annual session i:i this city), and in the presence of many distinguished men of science from abroad. Geological Hall had been opened on the previous day. The address commemorating the inaugu- ration of the Dudley Observatory was delivered in the Academy Park by Edward Everett, and has since be- tory are the Sheutz tabulating engine, the Clark comet seeker, the disc and }-»rinting chronogi'aphs, astronomical clocks, self-i-ecording meteorological instruments, etc. The Observatory also possesses an astronomical library of about 2,000 volumes, besides nu- mei'ous pamphlets and charts. This institution was founded by the muniticence of Mrs. Blandina Dudley, and leading citizens of Albany. The act of incoi'poration was secured in 1852. The Observatory building was formally dedicated to astronomy come celebrated as a fine specimen of American oratory. Previous to the delivery of the address, an additional gift of $50,000 to the Observatory was unexpectedly announced fi-om Mrs. Dudley; whereupon Prof. Agassiz, who was seated on the platform, arose, and, delightedly swinging his hat, proposed, in trumpet tones : " Three cheers for Mrs. Dudley ! " It is need- less to say that the audience was electrified, and warmly responded to the summons. The total donations to the Observ^a- 43 EAR tory Tip to tlie present time exceed $200,000. Of this sum, Mrs. Dud- ley g-ave $105,000. More than $100,- 000 have been expended in build- ings and equipment, and about $100,000 is safely invested as a per- manent fund for the support of the institution. Since 1878, the astronomical opera- tions of the Observatory have experi- enced a new impulse, in the zone work, which has been undertaken in co-operation with European observa- tories, under the general direction of the International Astronomical So- ciety. In aid of this entei'jwise, con- siderable donations have recently been made by citizens of Albany and others. From the normal clock of the Ob- servatory, standard time is furnished to the various railroad and telegraph offices in this vicinity. At 9 a. m. and 9 P. m. the fire bells of the city are struck in coincidence with a sig- nal from the Observatoiy clock, by the Fire Alarm Telegraph service. At noon, each day, the standard time of the Observatory is transmitted over the New York Central railroad as far west as Buffalo; so that the Dudley Observatory time is prac- tically the standard for all northern and central New York. Among the distinguished astrono- mei'S who have been in charge of this Observatory are Dr. B. A. Gould, now Chief astronomer of the Argen- tine confederation, S. A. ; Professor 0. M. Mitchel, who afterward died in 1862, Major General of U. S. Volun- teers, and Dr. Brunnow, since As- tronomej" Royal of Ireland. The Observatory is open on Tues- day evenings, when visitors are ad- mitted in limited numbei's. Cards of admission should be obtained by pre- vious application, either to the Direc- tor of the Observatory or to any one of the sixteen Trustees, to whom the management of the institution is en- trusted. The present organization of the Observatory is as follows : Board of Trustees. — Robert H. Pruyn, pres. ; Isaac W. Vosburgh, treas. ; John F. Rathbone, Dudley Olcott, Samuel H. Ransom, Joseph H. Ramsay, Erastus D. Palmer, Charles Van Benthuysen, Stephen 0. Shepard, Charles B. Lansing, Clarence Rathbone, John M. Crapo, Thomas Hun, Eliphalet N. Potter, Samuel B. Ward, Frederick Town- send. Secretaiy and Director. — Lewis Boss. Early History. — Albany is the oldest surviving Eui'opean settlement in the 13 original States. Jamestown, Va., founded seven years earlier (in 1607), has long since ceased to be in- habited, and nothing but the ruins of a church-tower and a few tomb- stones are left to mark the spot, even a portion of the site having been washed away. Albany comes next. It was in September, 1609, that Hen- drick Hudson dispatched from Hol- land, by the Dutch East India Com- pany, to search for a north-west route to India and China, came sailing up the river which now bears his name, thinking surely that the long looked- for ** passage " was found at last. But aniving in the vicinity of where Hudson now stands, the yacht " Half Moon " found difficulty in proceeding, and the mate and four sailors came up stream in a small boat, which they moored, it is believed, at a spot now in Broadway. The site of the future city was covered with pine, maple, oak and elm, and between its hills five brawling brooks ran laughing to the beautiful river. Subsequently they were known as the Nor- mans kill, the Beaver kill, the Rut- tenkill (which flows down Hud- E AS — ELM 44 son ave.)> the Foxen kill (down Canal st.), and the Patroon's creek. Poor Hudson returned the way he came, went back to Holland, and subsequently, in the serv-ice of the London Company, discovered, far to north, the bay which bears his name, and then, throug-h a mutiny among* his crew,^'as set adrift in a small boat, to die alone amid the ocean he had so fearlessly explored. In 1G14, Hendi'ick Corstiaensen, under a g-i-ant of the United New Netherlands Com- pany, erected a trading"-house, 26 feet wide and 36 feet long-, on the island below the city, nearly ojiposite the residence knowTi as Mount Hope. This was sui-rounded by a stockade 50 feet square, and a moat 18 feet M-ide. It was garrisoned by 10 or 12 men, who had two cannon and 12 stone guns with which to defend themselves. Here they carried on an extensive fur trade with the Indians, until the spring- freshet of 1617 nearly destroyed their domicile, when they moved '* up town " and erected a new fort on the hill near the Nor- manskill, or 1st kill as it was then called, the other four being- numbered in succession noi'thward. In 1623, anothei" organization, called the West India Company, erected a fort on a spot near what is now the steamboat landing, and called it Foi't Orange, in honor of the prince who presided over the Netherlands. In the same year colonists were sent over, but in 1626, only 8 families were resident here. In 1629 the Patroon system was transplanted to this country (see Pa- troon), and the following year more colonists arrived at Rensselaerwyck, a domain 48 miles broad, and which extended 24 miles on both sides of the i-iver, from Beeren island to Cohoes. In 1()34, the village began to assume a name independent of the fort, and was called Beaverswyck, or Beaver's Fuyck, or the Fuyck, so named from the bend in the river. Subsequently it was known as Williamstadt, and became the centre of the fur trade in North America. In 1664, the province came into the hands of the English, who speedily changed the name of the settlement to Albany, in honor of the Duke of York and Albany, New Am- sterdam on Manhattan island under- going a similar transfoi*mation. In 1686, Albany was incorporated a city by Gov. Dongan, the bounds being one mile wide, from the i'i\'er back sixteen miles. The town from its veiy earliest settlement was x^rotected from the incursions of the French and In- dians by palisades, a kind of fortifica- tion consisting of upi'ight j30sts driven firmly into the ground. In 1*695 the boundai-ies of the stockade were, Hudson St. on the south, Steuben st. on the north, the river on the east, and Lodge st. on the west. Afterward, as the town increased in population, these lines were extended. The stockade then reached as far south as Hamilton street, and on the north it crossed Broadway, near Orange and Van Tromp sts. At this point the north gate was placed, and it was the line dividing the city of Albany from the Colonie. "When the towTi was first fortified, it contained but thi*ee streets: Jonkers and Handlera (cor- responding to State st. and Bi-oad- w^ay), and Pearl. In 1795, the towm of Colonie was annexed. In 1798, the city became the capital of the Btate. (See Congress of 1754.) East Albany is j)art of the village of Greenbush, and is reached by the lower railroad bridge, or by the feiTy at the foot of Maiden lane. Elm Tree Corner. — The name by which the Tweddle Hall comer was known for many years, bex^aiise of an ancient, crooked elm which stood there till the widening and improve- 45 EPI ment of N. Pearl st. in 1877. _ Our cut gives a view of the spot as it ap- peared when the Lydius house (see Old Houses) stood opposite. The Vanderheyden palace is also shown •with another tree in front of it. The following- verses by Mr. W . D. Mor- ang-e, celebrate one peculiarity of the spot, which has not yet wholly passed away : west of the Hudson was opened for divine service. It was a stone build- ing-, 58x42 feet, standing a short dis- tance from the site of the present St. Peter's, in the middle of State st., at the base of the hill, which was after- wards cut down to the gradual slope which leads to the capitol, but which at that time was crowned with the English fort. (See cut, p. 46.) Rev. It don't appear that the Old Elm Tree Was a slippery elm, you know; But neverihcless it ■svill doubtless be Set dawn in the records so. When the snow congeals on the slanting prade, Where the Elm Tree Avcnt to rot, And scores of bi-oken heads have made Their mark on the sacred spot, That place of broken skulls will be By many a frantic mourner, Set down in the town jroography, As the *' Slippery Elm Tree Corner." Episcopal Churches. — In Novem- ber, 1716, the lirst EngUsh church Thomas Barclay, chaplain to the fort, was the i*ector. St. Peter's was the title under which the church was incorporated in 1769. The first edifice was taken down in 1802, and a second, built where the i)i'esent edifice stands, was consecrated Oct. 4, 180B. This lasted till 1858, when it was razed to make way for the present elegant stmcture, consecrated Oct. 4, 1860. It is built of Schenectady blue stone, with New Jersey brown stone trimmings. The interior is 136x68 feet, and 64 fee* EPI ^ from floor to ceiling*. Seating* capac- ity, 900. The tower, one of the rich- est specimens of French Gothic in this country, was completed in 1875 by the munificence of the family of the late John Tweddle. The chimes of eleven bells were presented by Mr. George Tweddle, and cost ?6,'000. A bell, mistakenly known as Queen Anne's bell, bearing- date of 1751, is used only to nng- in the new year. It is said to have been the bell that first proclaimed independence in this city. A communion service, the gift of Queen Anne to a projected chapel among the Onondagas, which was never built, was given to this chiu'ch at the frontier post, and has been in use ever since. The organ has just been remodelled. The parish house on Lodge st. was built in 1875, at a cost of 5^24,000. Whole value of church property, $280,000. Number of communicants ONer 400. Sunday services at 10:30 and 4 ; Wednesdays and Fridavs, 10:30. Rector, since Aug. 1, 1874, Rev. Walton W. Batter- shall, D. D. The Cathedral op All Saints, in the city and diocese of Albany, was incoi'porated by act of Legislature in March, 1873. Its own statutes and by-laws were adopted in the follow- ing year, and in 1877 it was formally and fully recognized as part of the organic life and law of the diocese by 47 EPI a nem- con. vote of the convention. The chaptei' consists of the Bisliop as its oliicial and ex-oliicio head ; of four "principal persons," the dean, pre- centor, chancellor, and treasurer ; certain minor canons being" unmai'- ried clergy, and six laymen, holding- oliice for two, four and six years, elected by the " greater chapter." The g-i'eater chapter represents all the elected officers and bodies of the Dio- cesan Convention, (standing commit- tee, board of missions, deputies to convention, arch-deacons, etc.,) and the rectors of St. Peter's and St. Paul's churches in Albany. The scheme of the cathedral is adopted from the statutes of the En- glish Cathedral of the First Founda- tion ; with the marked exception (which is an admirable characteristic of the American church) of the intro- duction of lay communicants to the govei'ning body. The idea of the cathedral is to establish in Albany a free church, with frequent services, choral w^or^ip, constant preaching, and institutions of learning and char- ity. Every member of the diocese has his own right and place in the congi-egation, and has a voice, through his elected . representatives, in the choice of the clerical and lay mem- bers of the chapter. "The j)resent building, cor. Hawk and Elk sts., is only the chapel of the cathedral church, which it is hoped will be begun before long. It seats about 1,000 people. It maintains a daily service twice every day. The pupils of St. Agnes school (which see) and the membei-s of the Sisterhood wor- ship in it, besides a congregation, fill- ing the building about three-fourths full. The seats, by the act of incor- poration, ai-e forever free. There are no endowments, and the support comes wholly from the fi'ee-will offer- ings of the congregation. Rt. Rev. Wm. Croswell Doane, Bishop ; Rev. G. W. Dean, chancellor ; Rev. E. T. Chapman, treas.; Rev. T. B. Fulcher, minor canon. St. Paul's. — Lancaster st. above Hawk. Rev. J. Livingston Reese, D. D., rector. Organized Nov. 12, 1827. The fii'st church edifice was in S. Ferry st., consecrated Aug. 24, 1829. After the sale of this building to the CathoUcs in 1839, the theatre on S. Pearl st. was bought by the parish, and at an expense of some ^10,000 was transformed into a church, and consecrated Feb. 22, 1840. At that time the Rev. Wm. Ingraham Kip, now Bishop of Cali- fornia, was rector. Aftei' the elec- tion of the Rev. Dr. Kip to the Epis- copate, the Rev. Dr. Starkey, now Bishop of Noi'thern New Jei-sey, was rector for four years. The present edifice was intended for a new con- gregation, belonging to the Dutch Refoi'med Church, and was known as the Dudley Church. When partly completed, it was sold, on account of debt, to the vestry of St. Paul's, who completed the building and added a chancel. It was used for the fii-st time for public service Sept. 21, 1862. The Rev. Dr. Rudder, afterwards of St. Stephen's, Philadelphia, was then rector. The present rector entered on his duties in June, 1864. In Octo- ber, 1877, the semi-centennial of the parish was celebrated. The church has 600 communicants ; 720 children and 80 teachers in its Sunday School ; a large and flourishing mission chapel on Madison ave. below Pearl, where services are held twice a Sunday, under the care of the assistant min- ister. No mortgage nor floating debt. Trinity. — Trinity place. Rev. Ed- ward Selkii'k, rector. Was organized Sept. 4, 1839. The parish was small, but managed to build, in 1841-2, at the cor. of Franklin and Herkimer sts., an edifice holding about 300 peo- ple. On the 1st of Jan., 1844, Rev. ERI-EXC 48 Mr. Selkirk became rector, and for 37 years has been with this x^arish. The present building" was consecrated Jan. 21, 1849, and will seat about 50U. Holy Innocents. — N. Pearl st. cor. of Colonic. Rev. Samuel E. Smith, rector. This was the fifth parish org-anized by the Episcopal Church in this city. The building was the first specimen of early English architecture erected in Albany, and was opened Feb. 8, 1850. Mr. Wil- liam H. De Witt not only gave the site but assumed the entire cost of the building. It seats 350, and pew rents are free. Grace, — Cor. Robin st. and Clinton ave., was org-anized in 1846. The Rev. Mansell Van Rensselaer, D. D., LL. D., was the first rector. Under his ministrations services were held in an upper I'oom cor. State and Lai-k sts. From here they moved to a larger room in Spring st., where services were conducted until the present building was erected cor. of Lark and Washington ave. in 1850. In 1873 the building was moved to its pi-esent location. In 1875 the rectory was built at a cost of nearly §9,000. There have been eight rectors since its organization : Rev. Mansell Van Rensselaei-, D. D., LL. D. ; Rev. John Alden Spooner; Rev. John Radclift' Davenport, P. D. ; Rev. Theodore M. Bishop, D. D. ; Rev. Philander K. Cady, D. D. ; Rev. Edwin B. Russell ; Rev. James Hutchings Brown ; Rev. I)a\-id Louis Schwartz. The present number of communicants, 223. The seats are free, and the church depends entirely ujion the offertory for sup- port. The services : Morning prayer and sermon, 10^ a. m. ; Sunday school, 2^ p. M. ; evening prayer and sermon, li P. M. Erie Canal. — The first boat through from Buffalo on the Erie canal passed through the lock into the Albany basin at thrc» minutes before 11 A. m., Oct. 26, 1825. Cannon, placed in heai-ing of one another, announced the con- summation of the great woi-k from Albany to Buffalo, and fi-om Albany to Sandy Hook. The signal was I'e- tunied m the same way and reached here from New York five minutes before 12 m. Evangelical Churches. — These are entii-ely German organizations, servi- ces being conducted in that language : Evangelical German Association. Elm St., north of Grand; Rev. M. Yauch, j)astor ; J. Dolch, supt. German Evangelical Protestant Church. — Clinton, cor. Alexander; Rev. RoT>ert Yuengst, pastor ; Rev. Richai'd Ki'ause, vicar ; Adam Hink- elmann, supt. Excursions. — The traveler who has exha,usted sight-seeing in Albany, or the resident who wishes to go a pleasuring, may, in the summer time, take his choice of a number of short excursions at small expense. By Boat. — The Albany and Troy line of steamei's afford a delightful river glide of six miles and return for 20 cents, and on Saturdays foT* 10 cents. This is a favorite method of giving young children a breath of fresh air. The boats, the Whitney and Sanders, leave, every hour from the foot of Maiden lane, are swift, safe, clean and comfoi-table. Their Sunday patronage is very large. The same management runs boats down the river as far as New Baltimore, touching at the pleasant villages of Cedar Hill, Castleton, N. Coeymans, and Coeymans. Excursion to New Baltimore and return, 40 cents. On Saturdays this ti-ip can be made after five o'clock p. M., returning the eame evening. For $1 one can spend the day on the I'iver, going as far as Rhinebeck by the Day line, and re- 49 EXE — FAI turning" in tlie same way. This affords a charming- view of the upper Hudson and the Catskill mountains. By Rail. — The trip to Troy can be made on this side the river, by the D. & H. C. Co.'s raih'oad, depot foot of Maiden hine. Fare 20 cents. Cars leave every liour. In this way one sees the Lumber district, has a charm- ing- view of the Hudson, the villas on the Troy road, the Rural and St. Ag-nes cemetei'ies, Fair grounds, Erie canal, the great iron works, and a comprehensive view of Troy itself. Trains also g-o to Troy from the Union depot about as often, crossing- the bridge and going- up on the other side, but the views are not to be com- pared with the other route. For Cohoes and Cohoes falls take the D. & H. C. Co.'s trains, fare 25 cents. Cohoes is a perfect bee-hive of in- dustry, and the falls are an object of great interest and beauty. Other ex- cursions which can be made in one day on this line of roads are to Howe's Cave (which see), fare one way, $1.20 ; to Sharon Spring-s fare one way, ij^l . 77 ; to Cooxierstown, allowing- four hours' stay, fare, J?3.08 ; to Round Lake, fare 85 cents (during camp meetings ex- cursion tickets at reduced i-ates), to Saratoga, fare $1.20 ; through Lake George to Fort Ticonderoga and I'e- turn via. Whitehall, fai-e for the i-ound trip, $6, tickets good for two days, and affording rides by cara, stage and steamboat. The great Hoosac tunnel may also be visited from here iii one day. Executive Mansion. — On Eagle St., south of Elm ; stands well back from the street on a commanding and beautiful site. Exempt Firemen's Association. — Lawrence Carey, pres. j O. V. Wal- lace, vice-pres. ; Thomas Hogan, sec; Visscher Ten Eyck, treas. Board of 4 managers meets quarterly, first Tues- day in Jan., April, July and Oct., at City Building. The income of a small invested fund and the fees for mem- bership are distributed among the indigent members of the Association. Membership, $1. Limited to the old department. Expresses. — Packages and par- cels may be sent from Albany* via the National Express Co. (office. Maiden lane cor. Dean st.), over the roads of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., the Harlem road, and the Hoosac Tunnel line and connections ; by the American Express Co. (office, coi'. Broadway and Steuben st.) over the Boston & Albany Railroad and the Central and Hudson Rivex* Rail- road, and, through theii* connections, over 80,000 miles of railroad, and to 4,500 different offices. Baggage Express. — Baggage is transferred in this city conveniently and at small expense to the owner. Wygant & Co.'s agents pass through all trains approaching Albany, and collect checks, delivering baggage to all the steamboats and depots, and to the hotels and private houses. They also call for baggage, and may be summoned by telephone or by leav- ing oi'ders upon call-books at the general office, cor. Maiden lane and Dean st.; baggage rooms at the de- pots ; Huested's, cor. Eagle st. and Hudson ave. ; and Rice's, cor. Clin- ton ave. and Broadway. The regu- lar charge inside of Lark and Arch sts. and Livingston ave. is 30 cts. for a single piece of baggage and 25 cts. for each additional piece. Beyond these limits, charges according to the distance. Special rates are made for amusement combinations. Fair Grounds. — On the Troy road above Menand's. Reached by the Broadway horse-cars, and by the FEA — FEM 50 steain-cai's of the Delaware & Hud- son Canal Co.'s railroad, depot foot of Maiden lane. Orig-inally intended for the use of the State Ag-i'icultural Society, and contain a small race- course, two exhibition buihling?;, be- sides ample accommodations for poultry, horses, sheep and cattle. A handsome grove of trees makes it a pleasant lAace for picnics, while there is plenty of shelter in case of rain. Pearey & Sons, Thomas. — Boot and shoemanufacturers. Established 1844. This factoiy has become one «of the institutions of Albany. It fur- nishes employment to 600 operatives, besides those eng-aged in making" boxes and other .supplies. A thirty- horse power eng"ine and forty-horse power boiler sui)j)ly the power and neat. Impi*oved machinery is used wherever practicable. Bottoms are fastened on by McKay sewing ma- chines, Goodyear sewing machines and a Standard screw-wire machine. The old style hand-sewed and hand- pegged work forms an interesting feature for those not accustomed to see the various processes. Hand- made woi'k has become so popular again that this firm have difficulty in filling their orders. A fii"st-class medal was awaj-ded Thomas Fearey & Sons, by the U. S. Centennial Com- mission, on the following report of the Boot and Shoe Committee : "An extensive exhibit of medium- grade machine-sewed shoes for the masses. Good, serviceable work; material prime ; projiortions good ; prices reported very low." ** Medium-gi'ade goods for the masses " are specialties, but three grades of goods better than medium grade are manufactui'ed by ma- chinery, besides the highest grade of hand-sewed work. The products of this factory are noted for their good fitting and wearing qualities. Sales are made all over the country by agents to the retail shoe dealers and general stores. The total cax^acity of all departments is 2,000 pairs a day. Female Academy. — The oldest educational institution in the city, was founded by Ebenezer Foot in 1814, as " Union School, in Mont- gomery street." In 1821 it was in- coi"porated by act of Legislature. The present rather imposing looking building on N. Pearl st. was opened May 12, 1834, and cost J^30,000. " The front faces the east, and is ornamented with a beautiful Hexa- style portico of the Ionic order. The proportions of the columns, capitals, bases and entablature, are taken fi'om the temple on the Ilissus, the most beautiful example of the Ionic among the I'emains of antiquity." The old Albany library, of several thousand volumns, was stored here, and finally became the j)^'operty of the institu- tion. (See Freemasonry.) Present Condition. — The academy has recently been put upon a new basis, with the most satisfactory re- 51 FER — FIR suits. It now combines the features of both a (lay and boarding'-school, pupils from out of town being" re- ceived into the principal's own home. The sanitary condition of the build- ing* is perfect, especially as regards those first great requisites, light and air. The course of study extends from the Kintergarten to a post- gi'aduate coui'se, and pupils are therefore received at all ages and stages of development. The import- ance of this prolonged tuition, under one system, cannot be over-estimated. The corps of professors and teachers, headed by Miss Lucy A. Plympton, as principal, is full ^Aid efficient. The art department, under Prof. William P. Morgan, is unexcelled in the city as the work of the pupils conclusively shows. French is taught by Prof. Armand de Potter, a gentleman of varied attainments and extensive culture. The department of music is in charge of the well-known teacher, Mrs. Harcourt. The standards of scholarship and deportment are both high, and pupils are incited by all appi'opriate means to reach them. Discipline, though enforced with kindness, is stnct. In short, the academy has never been in a more prosperous condition thaii now, and the present indication is that its future will be successful and brilliant. Ferries. — A ferry was established across the river at this point in 1(342, and has been in operation ever since. It is the oldest in the United States. In 1807 the scow which was used was swamped, and thirty-three persons were dro\vned. . Three boats are now run, one from the foot of North Ferry st. to Bath ; one from Maiden lane to East Albany, and one from South Ferry st. to Greenbush. Fare, two cents. The right of i-egulating ferry on both sides, between the origi- nal four wards of the city and Green- bush, is vested in the city by the charter. Fire Department, The, as at pi-e- sent organized, was established by chap. 197 of the Laws of 1807. Five commissioners with the Mayor, ex officio, president of the boai-d, have entire charge of all its affairs. They are chosen by the common council for a term of five years, one going out of office every year, on the first Monday in June. With the exception of the one who acts as seci-etary (for which he receives §1,000 a year), they serve without pay. The rooms of the board and of the chief engineer are in the City Building. Engineers. — The chief engineer has sole command at fires, makes daily examination of the affairs and prop- erty of the department, and makes full I'eports of th« fii-es to the board. Salary, J?2,500 per annum. The assistant engineers attend all fires, and in case of the chief's ab- sence, the first one at the fire assumes his duties. Salary, !^250 per annum. Engines and Trucks. — The appa- ratus is stationed at the various houses, as follows : Steamers : No. 1, 236 Washington ave. ; No. 2, 157 Livingston ave. ; No. 3, 895 Broadway; No. 4, 69 Hudson ave. ; No. 5, 289 South Pearl st. ; No. 6, cor. Swan and Jefferson sts. ; No. 7, cor. Ontario st. and Clinton ave. ; No. 8, cor. Broadway and N. First st. ; No. 9 (reserve), house of Engine 6 ; No. 10 (reserve), house of Engine 3. Trucks : No. 1, 57 Westerlo st. ; No. 2, 126 CHnton ave. ; No. 3 (reserve), house of Engine 7. Insurance Patrol, 41 Hudson ave. The steamers, with the exception of the reserves, are all of the Amoskeag* pattern, and with their tenders, or hose-carts, are valued at $5,150 each ; the trucks, at |2,250 each. They are FIR 52 drawn by about thirty hoi*ses, worth ^00 each. The Companies consist of a foreman, salai-y, ^12') ; assistant, salaiy, J^lOO ; 14 members at i$75 each. The Truck companies have 20 membei-s each. The jjermanent employees are an en- gineer (§1,080), tii'eman (;?720), driver ($720), to each eng-ine ; and a tiller- man (ip720), and di-iver ($720), to each truck. The annual expense of running the department is about J*!76,000, and for efficiency it is not excelled by any de- partment in the United States. The Insurance Patrol, or Protec- tives, act with the department, but are supported by the insurance com- panies doing business in this city. Their object is to protect property from both lire and water. The super- intendent has undei" him one assistant, two drivers, and seven men. The Buj)t. receives $1,000 ; the drivers, {J5720 each ; the assist, supt., $100, and the patrolmen the same as the fire- men. The patrol is under the man- agement of the Boai-d of Under- writers. (See Underwriters, Board OF.) The Alarm Telegraph. The fire alarm in use is known as Gamewell's American Fire Alarm System, and was first put in opera- tion in this city, June 1, 1868. The office is in the upper story of the City Building ; supt., salary, $1,500 ; asst., salary, $1,040. Seventy-five alarm boxes, eight church bells, and the various engine and truck houses of the department, are connected ^vith this office by 70 miles of wire, divided into five circuits, an y. ) The first alarm is given by striking three or more rounds ; the second by. striking ten blows. The alarms are struck upon the Presbyterian church, State st. ; Second Reformed church, Beaver st. ; Fourth Presbyterian chui'ch, Broadway ; Third Reformed church, Soutli Ferry and Green sts. ; St. Ann's church. Fourth ave. ; Sixth Presbyterian church, Second st. j St. Patrick's church. Central ave. and Perry st. ; Sacred Heart church, N. Albany; steamers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 ; trucks 1 and 2 ; insin-ance patrol, and chief engineer's office. Firemen's Relief Association, or- ganized April 4, 1876 ; W. K. Clute, pres.; John G. Schneider, vice-pres. ; Philir) O'Brien, treas.; Louis J. Miller, sec; L. T. Morrill, M. D., examining phys. Annual meeting lirst Tuesday in May. All members of the depart- ment are members of the association, but others may join. Fees from {p2 to i?5, according to age. On the death of a member his family are paid as many dollars as there are members in the association, and to meet this an assessment of ^1.1 is le^^ed on the survivors. Membership, 829. First Railroad. — The first railroad in the State was begun in Aug 1880, and called the Mohawk and Hudson. It was from Albany to Schenectady. The first train over the whole line ar- rived here May 14, 1832, and was re- ceived by a large assemblage of citi- zens, and the firing of cannon. The road had been in partial operation before this, and in Oct., 1831, was carrying 387 passengers a day. Sept. 24th of that year a famous excursion was made, a lithograph of which has been extensively circulated. First Steamboat. — Robert Fulton's steamboat, the Clermont, arrived at the foot of Madison ave. Sept. 5, 1807, thus completing the first steamboat trip of any length ever made in America. The rate of speed was about five miles an hour ; fare from New York, §7. (See Steamboats.) Folsom's Business College was established in 1857, by H. B. Bryant and H. D. Stratton, and was the fourth link in their international chain of business colleges. E. G. Folsom, founder of the old Cleveland Mercantile College in Ohio, in 1851, FOR — FRE 54 in which both Bryant and Stratton were formerly students, came to Al- bany and became partner with them in 1862. In 1867, just before the death of Stratton, Mr. Folsom pur- chased their entire interest in the Albany Business College, and was sole owner of the institution until 1878, when C. E. Carhart became partner. The institution has now been in successful operation for 23 years, during- which time over 4,000 stu- dents have become members. The averag-e yearly attendance the past few years has been 240. The course of study being constantly improved and enlarged, so as to include studies essentially commercial, now embraces besides a fev/ of the rudimentary branches of penmanship, arithmetic, grammar, orthography and corres- pondence, the science and practice of accounts, political economy, mercan- tile law, commercial geogi'aphy, men- tal and moi'al science, detection of counterfeit money, etc. Foreign Travel has been reduced to an exact science by Cook of Lon- don, and those who have copied and improved upon his methods. Among these is Prof. Armand de Potter (ad- dress Albany Female Academy) who annually organizes and conducts a party of tourists through Europe, leaving New York about the 18th of June, and visiting Scotland, England, Belgium, Gei-many, Switzerland, Italy and France ; returns in Septem- ber. Under his arrangements, one can also make a shorter tour, or re- main from three months to a year in any European city, enjoying advan- tages that can be obtained in no other way. Those who place themselves under the Professor's care have in him a companion thoi'oughly conversant with the European languages and familiar with the cities most visited j find everything in readiness for them, ai"e relieved of care, saved much of the annoyance and fatigue of ordinaiy travel ; can settle the question of cost before starting and what is more, save largely through the special rates for which M. de Potter has arranged. Fort Orange. — One of the names by which Albany was knoMii in its Early History, (which see). Fort Orange Club, — Organized Jan. 31, 1880, Pres., Erastus Corning; vice-pres., Frederick Townsend ; sec, Grange Sard, jr. ; treas., James D. "Wassonj house committee, Robert Lenox Banks, Samuel B. Ward, Abraham Lansing. The design of the club is to establish and maintain a library, reading and assembly rooms, and to promote social intercourse among its members. The number of regular members is limited to 200. Admission fee, $50 ; annual dues, 150. The Club House is at 110 Washing- ton avenue, and is very handsomely fitted ux^ for the purpose. It was erected in 1810 by Samuel Hill, a hardware merchant, and was one of what were for some time the only three houses on the hill ; the others being occupied by the Governor and the Mayor, respectively. It was in this house that Aaron Burr boarded in 1824, while engaged in some legal business in this city. Free Masonry. — The first organi- zation of free-masons existing in Al- bany after its settlement, was Lodge No. 74 (Registiy of Ireland), com- posed of officers in the Second bat- talion Royal, holding a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Ireland dated October 26, 1737. There is eveiy evidence that they were scholars and I gentlemen, as they brought with them f and kept up a large and valuable 55 FRE library of rare books, whicli they left here when the battalion was ordered away. Many, if not all the volumes are now in the library of the Albany Female Academy. In April, 1759, the battalion having- been ordered to some other post, left the city. Several citizens had been admitted to the lodg-e during- the stay of the battalion, and the officers of the lodge left authority for the resident members to continue the meetings. February 21, 1765, the Provincial Grand-Master George Harrison, granted them a warrant under the name of Union Lodge (now Mount Vei-non). Henry Andrew Francken came from the Island of Jamaica, and on the 20th of December, 1767, institu- ted Ineffable and Sublime Grand Lodge of Perfection. The original charter of the body is still in its pos- session, and has been its only author- ity from that time to this. Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem was organized at the same time. March 5, 1768, Provincial Grand-Master George Harrison granted a warrant to Masters' Lodge No. 2 (now 5). Union Lodge purchased fi-om the city a plot of g-round on the N. W. corner of Lodge st. and Maiden lane. Masters Lodge and the Ineffable Lodge purchased the interest of Union Lodge, and the city having- donated an adjoining piece of g-round, a lodge house was erected, the corner stone of which was laid with cere- mony. May 12, 1768. This was the first lodge-house in America. The building- after completion was occu- pied by the two bodies for some years, but the i-ecords fail to show at what time it was vacated. The ground is still the property of Masters' Lodge, and has been leased to Saint Petei-'s Church for a term of y-eai*s. The rectory of the Church stands upon the ground. Temple Lodge No. 53 (now 14), was organized November 11, 1797. Temple Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M., and Temple Commandery No. 2, K. T., were instituted the same year. There were no additions to the num- ber of bodies until 1824, when Albany Sovereign Chapter of Rose Croix, and Albany Sovereign Consistory were instituted. Washington Lodge No. 85 was instituted in 1841 ; Mount Moriah Lodge No. 143, now Ancient City Lodge No. 452, in 1852; and Wadsworth Lodge No. 417, in 1856 ; DeWitt CHnton Council No. 22, R. & S. M., in 1861; Capital City Chapter No. 242, R. A. M., in 1870; Albany Conclave No. 8, Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine, in 1872 ; Gutten- berg Lodge No 737, German, in 1873 ; Temple Tabernacle No. 5, U. S. A. K. T. P., in 1878. The growth of the order has been all that could be de- sired, each of the bodies making a small percentage of gain each year. That they are established on a solid basis is evidenced by the fact that all bodies instituted, whether more than a century ago, or recently, still live and have a following. The returns made May 1, 1849, show the mem- bership to have been 117 ; May 1, 1879, the membership was 1362. The meetings of all the bodies are now held in the granite building owned by the Albany Sa^dngs Bank, situated on the N. W. cor. of State and Chapel sts. There are two lodge rooms, a librai-y, an ai-mory, waiting and reception rooms, all of which are handsomely furnished, and admirably adapted to the uses of the fraternity. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State, meets in Albany annually on the first Tuesday in Feb- ruary, and have done so since 1798. For many years the meetings were held in the building on the S. W. cor. of Broadway and Steuben st. A FRI — GAS 56 removal was made in 1861 to 41 & 43 N. Pearl st., in the building" occu- pied by W. M. Whitney & Co. The removal to the present place of meet- ing- was made in 1875. Previous to the occupancy of the present hall, a public parade was made, and the hall formally dedicated. The fraternity have publicly paraded, and laid the corner stones of the New Capitol and the U. S. Custom House Court House and Post Office. Friendly Few, The, composed of of the male members of the first four classes which graduated from the High School. Organized Feb., 1878; meet annually ; James H. Manning, pres. ; John Montignani, sec. j Rob- ert Imrie, treas. Fruit and Flower Mission, in charge of the ladies' auxiliary board of the Albany City Tract and Mis- sionary Society. Chairman of the committee, Mrs. Samuel Patten, 192 State at. j treas., Mrs. Robert Strain, 143 N. Pearl ; sees.. Miss Maiy W. Olcott, 2 Columbia pi. ; Miss Esther Mayell, Greenbush. A committee is in attendance from 9 to 12 eveiy Tues- day and Saturday, in the lecture room, Geological Hall, to receive gifts of flowers, growing plants, fruits, ice cream, biscuit, eggs, and sick room delicacies ; also illuminated cards and reading matter. Garbage. — For a long time, hogs were considered the best possible scavengers Albany could have, and wei'e allowed to run at large ; a custom which N. P. Willis alluded to as *' more Dutch than decent," there- by bringing down some scathing de- nunciations on his own head. On the 9th of April, 1832, after much discus- sion, a law was passed restricting swine in their accustomed liberties, but it soon became a dead letter, and so remained till within comparatively a few years. Garbage is now col- lected by persons who make a regular business of it, and it is said find it profitable. According to the ordin- ance, garbage must be removed at least once a week in January, Feb- ruaiy, March, April, November and December ; twice a week in May and October, and three times a week in June, July, August and September. Gas. — The city, north of Steuben and Canal sts., above Eagle st. and Central ave., is supplied with gas by the People's Gas Company, office 604 Broadway ; south of those streets, by the Albany Gaslight Com- pany, cfiice comer of State and Chapel sts. The Albany Gaslight Company was incoi*porated March 27, 1841, and the streets were first lighted with gas Nov. 10, 1845. This company has now a capital of $250,000. Its offi- cers are H. Pumpelly, pres. ; H. H. i Mai'tin, vice-pres. j S. W. Whitney, 57 GEO — GOV sec. and treas. ; Isaac Battin, supt. It owns and controls about 40 miles of pipes, and lights 775 street lamps for the city. The g-as furnished, when burned at the ordinary pressure in a burner consuming- five feet per hour, is expected to give a light equal to that of 19 sperm candles. The price of gas is $2.50 per thousand feet. People's Gas Company. — Organized Mai-ch 1st, 1880, and is essentially a continuation of the Peo}3le's Gaslight Company, which was organized in opposition to the old company, in 1872. In a shoi't time, however, a com- promise was ari'anged, and the city divided between the two. The works on the Ti'oy road, near North Albany, are much larger than are required for the share of the business which fell to the lot of the new company, and the investment failed to pay. A year ago last October, the property was sold under foreclosure of mort- gage, was purchased by the mort- gagees, and the present company formed. Its officei's are George A. Woolverton, pres. ; Geo. L. Stedman, vice-pres. ; H. Q. Hawley, treas. ; Gideon Hawley, cashier. Capital, $50,000. Bonded debt, $350,000. The company has 22 miles of pipe, and lights 864 street lamps for the city. The pi-ice of gas is $2.50. Geological Hall. (See Museum of Natural History, ^tate.) Government Building, The, by which title the U. S. Custom House, Court House and Post-office is po2:)u- larly known, was authorized by act of Congress, March 12, 1872, which limited its cost to $850,000, but made no appropriation, and requii-ed the site to l)e given by the city of Albany. The Exchange Building, which cov- ered the block bounded by Broad- way, State, Dean and Exchange sts., was purchased by the city at a cost of $100,000, and presented to the Gov- ei'nment for a site upon which to erect the new building. The site be- ing deemed inadequate, the act of March 8, 1878, appropi'iated $150,000 for the purchase of the Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank property, on the north side of Exchange st., to be ad- ded to the site. Subsequently the act of June 28, 1874, appropriated $5,000 additional for the site, making cost of site to the city and Govern- ment, $255,000. The original desigTi of the building was an elaborate Gothic structure, estimated to cost $750,000. The work of demohshing the Exchange Building and clearing the site was begun m December, 1875, and continued until March, 1876. Congress having passed an act that no money available should be ex- pended or further appropriations made for public buildings until a limit had been set to the total cost of construction, and having fiiiled to set a limit upon the cost of this building, work was suspended. The act of March 8, 1877, limited the cost to $500,000. The following June work was resumed, and has been carried on without intermission from that time until the pi-esent. The limit set upon the cost necessitated a new plan, the style of which is Italian Re- naissance, treated to utilize air and light to the necessities of the various offices. The building will be of gi-anite. 118 feet on Broadway, 150 feet on State and Exchange sts., and 126 feet on Dean st.; three stories high, with Mansard roof; the towers on each corner being carried up an additional story, and the south-west or main tower, cor. Broadway and State st., the highest point. A high basement under all will be used for heating ap- jiaratus, bonded warehouse, and re- ception and shipping mail matter. The first floor will be devoted to post- GRA — GRE 58 office uses ; second to offices for the customs and revenue service, and the third to the U. S. Coui'ts and officers connected therewith. The assig-ment of rooms will be made by the Secre- tary of the Treasury upon the com- pletion of the building-. At present wi'iting- the walls have been carried up to about the middle of the third story. The total cost to Oct. 30, 1880, was $256,367.46. Lia- bilities against the appropriations, $73,748.60, which include labor and material for completing- the bailding- up to the roof. The corner stone of the building- was laid with Masonic ceremonies. May 7, 1879. The super- intendents of construction have thus far been resident architects. "With ample appropriations, the building- can be completed and ready for occu- pancy by the spring- of 1883. Grand Army of the Republic. — Tliis oi-g'anization, composed of sol- diei*s and sailors who served their country in the war of the rebellion, is quite strong- in this city, number- ing- over 400. The three posts are Lew Benedict, Post 5, organized Jan., 30, 1867, meets Thursday evening-s at Grand Army Hall, 465 Broadway ; Lewis O. Morris, Post 121, meets first Tuesday evenings of each month; Geo. S. Dawson, Post 63, meets third Tuesdays in each month There is also a Post of the Sons of Veterans. The head-quarters of tho department of New York are in Gray's building-, 44 State st. Grave Yards. — "When the First Re- formed church stood in State st., the grave yard belonging to it was where the old Second Reformed church now stands on Beaver st. ; and the early settlers are said to lie there three deep. The present site of St. Peter's was once a gi-ave yard ; so was the land east of the cor. of Hudson and Grand ; also the land south of the coi'. of Howard and South Pearl. In 1789 the lot west of Eagle, between State and Lancaster, was appropri- ated for a common burying ground ; the churches, previous to that time, having had separate places of inter- ment. Still later, a portion of what is now Washington park was used for burial purposes ; and thei-e was also a place of sepulchre on Arbor Hill, between Second and Third sts., west of Ten Broeck st., the land being given by the Pati-oon to the inhabit- ants of the town of Colonie for burial purposes. St. John's cemetery (the old one) on Delaware ave., south of Morton st., was purchased for bm-ial purposes Aug. 28, 1841. (See Ceme- teries.) Gray's Book Store. — A large and attractive looking granite building, located at Nos. 42 and 44 State st., and owned by S. R. Gray, w^ho began business in 1850, and by in- dustry and fair dealing has built up a large and prosperous trade. His store is considered head-quarters for all kinds of books and stationery, and especially for religious and theo- logical literature, Sunday school pub- lications, etc. A large supply of general literature is always kept in stock, and additions are received as soon as issued from the leading pi-esses of the country. The dejiository of the Albany County Bible Society, organized in 1810, is located here. The arrangement of the store is well adapted to show the fine line of goods in stock, and visitors who, attracted by the display in the windoW' s, step inside the door, are always made to feel that they are welcome. Greenbush was called Tuscameatic by the Indians, but derived its pres- ent appellation from the Dutch **Aet Green Bosch," or "The Pine Woods." THE GOVERNMENT BUILDING. 59 GRE — HAR It was erected into a township by- act of Leg-islature, passed April 10, 1792. The village was incorporated April 14, 1815 ; population, 6,742 ; is reached by the South ferry or by the lower railroad bridg-e. East Albany is part of Greenbush. Green Street was early spoken of as the Vodden market, that is, the Rag- market ; and later as Cheapside. It received its pi-esent name in honor of Gen. Greene of the Revolution, but the final e has bee a dropped. Green Street Theatre, erected in 1812, and opened Jan. 18, 1813, un- der the management of John Bern- ard ; was dedicated as a church Jan. 1, 1819 ; reopened as a theatre July 5, 1852. Subsecxuently became a con- cert hall, and here Adah Isaacs Men- ken first appeared in her afterwards famous I'ole of Mazeppj.. Until re- cently the building has been used as a pork-packing establishment, but is at present open with a cheap variety- show. (For its full history see Players of a Century ; a Record of the x\lbany S'age. Joseph McDon- ough, Albany, publisher.) Hack Pares. — Hacks may be found stan;liiig on Broadway, between State st. and Maiden lane. Prices estab- lished by city ordinance,are as follows: For each passenger, any distance within the paved streets, not exceed- ing one mile, 50 cents (omnibuses, 25 cents) ; over one mile, and not exceed- ing two miles, 75 cents ; over two miles, and not exceeding three miles, $1 ; to the Alms-house and back, "svith privilege of detaining carriage at Alms-house one hour, ^2 ; to Peniten- tiary and back, with pri\'ilege of de- taining carriage at Penitentiary 30 mmutes, 75 cents ; attending funeral from any part of the city east of Robin st. to any public cemetery, $2. In other cases, for every hour detained, 3 1 ; for the first and eveiy additional hour, 75 cents ; or from 8 a. m. to 6 p. M., Jg8. For 128 lbs. baggage, the same rate as for a passenger. A card, with " Licensed Hack " and number and name of proprietor, must be conspicuously displayed inside the vehicle. Harbor. — The port of Albany ex- tends from two miles north of the city to two miles south. The depth is from 600 to 900 feet, the east side being shallow. The Harbor Master is nominated by the Governor, and confirmed by the Senate. It is his duty to regulate and station all vessels within the lim- its of the port ; to prevent them from obstructing the passages to the basm, etc. He is paid by fees of one and a-half cents pei* ton per annum ; and there are also fees for settling dis- j)utes. Charles H. "Winne holds the office at present. Hardware. — The apjilication of the arts to household furnishing is a long step towards idealizing certain de- pai'tments at least, of the hai-dwai-e trade, and as truly gi-aceful and artistic shapes ai-e now found in it as adorn the stores where beauty is the only i-equisite, Albany has always been a centre of the hardware trade for a large extent of country, owing to the intimate relations between this and the stove mdustry. The men who came to buy stoves, sought for hardware also. The establishment of this kmd now doing the largest business m the city, or in this section, is that of Maurice E. Viele, ISTos. 39, 41 and 43 State st. This double store has a front of 53 feet. The first floor is devoted to retailing, and is where almost anything made of iron or steel can be seen and purchased. Build- ers' hardware, which embraces an HEL — HID 60 immense variety in these days ; cut- lery in all its branches, and general hardware, make up a very larg-e assortment. On the second floor are the samples for the wholesale trade, which is a prominent depai'tment, several sales- men being- kept constantly upon the road taking- oi'dei-s, in Massachusetts, Vermont, Northern New York, and from 75 to 100 miles west on the Centra] and about the same distance on the Susquehanna railroads. The upper stores are devoted to storag-e, making in all live stories in each building, or ten lofts on State St. ; but this is not all, Nos. 1, 2 and 4 Norton st. are stocked with bar and sheet iron, tin plates, and the hea\nest of the goods. Altogether, the assortment is as large and com- prehensive as any in the entire State, not excepting New York city. There the trade is divided, no single house carrying so many departments ; but in Albany, the carriage-maker and the blacksmith, the builder and the manufacturer, the mechanic and the housekeeper, all go to Viele's. To properly and successfully conduct a business so ^vide in its scope, i-equires constant industry and vigilance, and Mr. Viele is notably one of the busiest men in Albany, yet he still finds time to further the interests of several of the most praiseworthy public enter- prises of which the city can boast, and is always ready to do his share towards the promotion of the welfare of the community in which he lives. Mr. Viele began business in 1845, having, in connection with the late Alexander Davidson, in that year bought out the old and well-known firm of M. Van Alstyne & Son, then doing business cor. State and Green sts. In 1851 Davidson & Viele bought the stock of Humphrey & Co., another old hardware house, and moved to Nos. 41 and 43 State st., where Humphrey & Co. had carried on the business for many years. The firm of Da\idson & Viele was dis- solved in 1859 by the death of Mr. Davidson. Shortly after, Mr. Viele associated with him Messrs. Coles and Woodruff, and for four years the firm was known as Viele, Coles & Wocd- ruif. The two latter retired in 1865, since when Mr. Viele has carried on the business alone, purchasing the large stock of Cantine Tremi)ei', who was doing business cor. of State and James sts., in 1870 ; that of Van Sant- ford & Anable in 1874, and that of the late firm of L. Prupi & Son, In 1875. In 1879 he leased the premises No. 39 State st., and now occupies the vai'ious buildings as before stated. The aggregate of the transactions of these 30 years is very great ; many millions of dollars worth of hardware and metals have been bought and sold, and many hundreds of thou- sands of dollars paid to the numerous employees. Very few are now in active business in Albany who began their business career before Mr. Viele. Helderbergs, The, seen apparently to the west of the Catskill range, are a northern extension of the formations constituting the base of those moun- tains, and abound in lakes, caves, and scenery of great natural beauty. The Indian Ladder and Thompson's Lake, attract many visitoi*s. Hidley's Music Store. — In the spring of 1855, J. H. Hidley, whose store, cor. Broadway and Steuben st., attracts attention, began business a few doors south of his present loca- tion. At that time, the whole music trade of the city would hardly pay the salary of a competent superin- tendent. By energy, perseverance, liberal advei'tising, and strict atten- tion to the demands of the trade, Mr. Hidley soon built up a business that 61 HOL — HOR for its mag"nitude and the amount of stock in all departments, has no supe- rior in the State outside the meti-o- polis. His stock of sheet-music, aside from his o^vn publications, and em- bracing- the prints of the leading- pub- lishing houses in the country, is probably lai*ger than that of all the other dealers in the city. His piano and organ departments are stocked with the best instruments that money can buy, and Mr. Hidley's well- known liberality and integrity in busi- ness ensure for him the contidence of the public. Holidays. — Upon legal holidays, the banks and the public and govern- ment offices are closed by law. Notes coming due on these days, must be met the day previous. The names and dates are : Christmas, Dec. 25 ; New Yeai''s, Jan. 1 ; Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22 ; Decoration Day, May 30 ; Independence Day, July 4 ; Election Day, the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November ; and Thanksgiving Day, usually the last Thui'sday in November. Horse Cars, The, in this city are run by two companies : The Broad- way and the Lumber district roads by the Watervliet Turnpike and Rail- road Company, all the others by the Albany Railway. Watervliet Turnpike and Rail- road Company. — Office at N. Albany. Charles Newman, prea.; James Wil- son, vice-pres.; T. P. Way, treas. and sec; M. C. Foster, supt. Chartered Aprd 15, 1862 ; cars began running in 1863. There are two routes, one branching from Broadway into the Lumber district (fare 6 cents), the other continuing to W. Troy ; through fare 15 cents ; way passengers from 5 to 11 cents ; time for whole trip 65 minutes ; number of cars, 30 ; horses, 140. N. Albany, the Fair gi-ounds, Old Men's Home, Island Park and Watervliet Ai-senal are reached by this route. Albany Railway. — Organized Sep- tember 24, 1863. Ground was broken for the State st. route Nov. 2d of the same year. Cars began running Feb. 22, 1864, and May 9th gi-ound was broken for the Pearl st. road to Ken- wood. Office, 77 State st. John W. McNamara, pres. and treas.; Robert C. Pruyn, vice-pi'cs. ; James H. Man- ning, sec; Thomas B. Burnham, supt. The I'oad owns nine miles of track, much of which is double ; 38 passen- gers cars and 170 horses. Its stables are on Central ave., and at the lower end of South Pearl st. The uniform fare is 6 cents for a single ticket, but five tickets are sold for 25 cents. Thei'e are four lines : The West Albany cars start from Broadway and State st. at 7 a. m., and every half hour till 11 p m.; go up State past the. New Capitol, up Washington ave. to Central (leaving passengers for the park at Knox st. ), pass near the i-eservoirs, and I'each West Albany in 45 minutes from starting. Cars run ovei* the same route to Ontario st. every ten minutes, from 8 A. M. to 11 p. m., except Sun- days, when all cars run through to West Albany, starting every 15 min- utes. Hamilton st. line : Leave Tweddle Hall for Quail st. at 6, 7, 7:40, 8, 8:40, 9 A. M., and every 20 minutes after 9 A. M. until 11 p. M. Leave Quail st. at 6:30, 7:30, 8:10, 8:30, 9:10 a. m., and every twenty minutes after 9:10 a. m. until 1 1 :30 p. M. Leave Tweddle Hall and Knox st. evei'v ten minutes from 10 A. M. imtil 9 p. M. (Nov. 6. 1880.) This is the direct route to the park, and persons who have not the time or strength to walk through it wiU get a fine idea of its beauties by rid- ing past on this line. Pearl st. line : Leave Van Woert st. HOS 62 6:30, 7:15, 7:30, 8, and then every fif- teen minutes to Whitehall road (every thirty minutes to Kenwood) till 10, then 10:15 and ]0:45 in the city. Clinton ave. line : Leave Tweddle Hall 7, 7:45, 8, 8:30 A. m., and then eveiy fifteen minutes until 10:30 and 11 p. M. Hospitals, Dispensaries, etc. — With the exception of a Foundling" hospital and a Home for Incurables, Albany is well supplied with institutions of this sort, as will be seen by the fol- lowing^ : Albany Hospital, Eagle st. cor. of Howard, incorporated Ai)ril 14, 1849, was founded by private subscription, and first occupied the buildings cor, of Do^•e and Lydius sts. The present building- (formerly the county jail) was remodeled at a cost of lt'21,135.69, besides a payment to the County Treasurer of Jjfe,395. It was occupied in Aug-. 1854. In 1872 a larg-e addi- tion was built, with all the latest im- provements, at a cost of over |30,000. The wards will accommodate 75, and the private rooms, 50 jiatients. The De Witt ward for children has 6 beds. The whole hospital, through the in- terest taken by different churches and the beneficence of its friends, is* fitted and furnished hke a home. The medical and surgical staff is composed of 18 of the best physicians in the city — two of whom are in at- tendance eveiy day — besides thi-ee resident physicians. Patients taking- private rooms may be attended by their own physicians, and have the advantag-es of careful nursing- and diet. The charge for ward patients is ^ to ;?6 per week, and for private rooms from ^ to §15. Charity patients are admitted by permits from the overseer of the pool', or uiv)n application to the offi- cer of the hospital. The manage- ment is composed of a board of fif- teen governors, who are elected an- nually by the members of the cor- jwration. A gift of !S?50 entitles the donor to a vote for life. During 1880 the city paid the hospital 1^54,500 for the care of its sick, which was less than $3 per week per patient, while the average cost is §6. The present officers of the Board of Go\'ernors are, Rufus W. Peckham, pres.; Thomas H. Fearey, sec; Ed- win Safford, treas. The Albany Hospital Dispensary is under the immediate control of the Governors, and care of the medical staff of the hospital. In 1879-80 there were 3,399 different persons treated, and most of them provided \vith med- icine one or more times without charge. St. Peter's Hospital, cor. of Broad- way and N. Ferry st., in charge of the Sisters of Mercy. The building was erected by the Patroon, for his son Stephen Van Rensselaer, who oc- cupied it for many years. It was enlarged and opened as a hospital in Nov., 1869, the family of the late Peter Cagger contributing largely towards the entei'prise. No one is excluded on account of religious be- lie foi' unbelief. Those who are able, pay according to the accommodations furnished. A certain number of free beds are also maintained- The prox- imity of the hospital to the railroad, causes many cases of accident to be taken there. St. Peter's Dispensary, at St. Pe- tei-'s Hospital. Opened in 1869, since which time over 20,000 persons have been ti-eated gratuitously. Child's Hospital, Hawk below Elk, in charge of the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus. Opened March 26, 1875. Can accommodate 52 pa- tients. Any suffering child that can be helped by hospital treatment may be admitted. Number of patients Dec. 1st, 42 ; supported by contribu- 63 HOW— HUD tions fi'oni individuals and churches, an appropriation from the common council, and a small amount from out- side towns and counties. The hospi- tal had its beg-inning- in a very small Avay, six years ago, and has gi'own fi'om the two crippled chiidi-en with which it started, and from the small and uncomfortable house, i-ented from month to month, to its present pi o- portions. It occupies two excellent buildings, built for the purpose, and a third is projected ; the plan of sepa- rate hou.-es for hospital uses being- found to be much better than a larg-e building-. This institution is a part of the Christian work undei'taken by the Cathedral of All Saints (see Epis- copal Churches) under the direction cf the Bishop. The Diocesan Sister- hood have the care and nui'sing- of the children, but the hospital is under the management of aboard of ladies rep- lesenting- many congregations. The services of the doctors and surgeons have been gi*atuitous. Over loO chil- di*en have been treated during the j)ast year, and many of them saved from being life-long cripples, or from total bUndness. Albany City Homceopathic Hospi- tal, 123 N. Pearl st., chartered in 1872, was consolidated in 1875, Avith the dispensary (incorporated in 1868). Supported by voluntary contributions and some aid from the city. The medical staff includes the leading homoeopathic physicians of the city. A. P. Palmer, pres.; N. B. Perry, vice-pres.; M. V. B. Bull, treas.; G. A. Van Allen, sec. Howe's Cave, 89 miles from Alba- ny, on Susquehanna division D. & H. C. Co. R. R. , is one of the most remark- able natural curiosities in the United States ; for beauty, variety, and ex- tent, it is only equaled by the Mam- moth Cave of Kentucky, while it has the advantage of being more con- venient of access, as the entrance is immediately at the raih'oad station. The cave is Hghted by gas from the mouth to the lake ; visitors are fur- nished with costumes and torches, and are accompanied by experienced guides ; the temperature of the cave is about GO'-"' Fahr., the year through. The Cave House has been thoroughly renovated, and the adjoining grove improved and beautitied. Excellent accommodations, upon the American or European plan, are affortled at reasonable prices. The x^rincipal in- dustry at Howe's Cave is the manu- facturing of " Ramsey's Hydraulic Cement," from native material. This cement has gained a celebrity almost equal to the celebrated ''English Portland." Hudson Avenue. — One of the ]:)rin- cipal avenues leading to the park ; is paved with granite block, the Nich- olson pavement put down several years since having proved a failure. The easy grade makes it a favorite route for teamsters going up the hill. The valley through which it runs w^as once the course- way of the Rutten kill. From 1844 to 1847, from 50 to 250 persons and 60 teams were employed in filling up the ravine from Hawk to Lark sts., which was 800 feet broad and 50 feet deej). It was here that the last public execution in Albany took place, Aug. 24, 1827, when Jesse Strang was hanged for the murder of John Whipple. Over 80,000 people gathered on the hillsides to witness the tragic scene. The Hudson Ave. Methodist, First Baptist, and Fii-st Presbyterian churches are grouped together on this street, and just west (cor. of Eagle st.) is the picturesque State Arsenal. At the cor. of Broad- way, now occupie25 a day, halls and theatres nominally, ^25 a year, or less, at the discretion of the mayor, and this includes all traveling shows. Hackmen, cartmen, milk- men and venders, add nothing to the revenue of the city by the way of license. Literary and Scientific Societies.— The following are the principal hter- ary and scientific societies of the city : Beck Literary Society, composed of students of the Albany Academy, and occupies rooms in that building. Founded Dec. 11, 1857. Regular meetings, Friday afternoons. Officers elected three times a year. Nature Club. — Organized Oct. 17, 1877 ; object, to promote the scientific and social interests of members. Meets on the first and third Mondays of each month, at the residences of the members. Pres., Dr. Geo. S. Stevens ; 69 LIT — LUM vice-pres., Prof. J. A. Lintner ; sec, Prof. R. Prescott. Dana Natural History Society. — Meets, first Tuesday of every month, in Female Academy. Organized §. Nov. 19, 1868, by (52 ladies ; object, B study of natm-e, and collecting a m, library and cabinet to aid in this study. Papers are read, scientific subjects discussed and recent diticov- eries in science presented, at every meeting. Classes in special topics of study are formed in the winter. Field meetings are held in. summer and autnmn. Mrs. Jonathan Tenney, pres. ; Miss Julia A. Hoag, sec. ; Mrs. Robei't D. Williams, treas. Annual meeting, last Monday in November. Present membership, 50. (See Al- bany Institute.) Iiittlefield Stove Works, The.— Mr. D. G. Littletield, the originator of this company, first appeared in Albany in 18.53, as an inventor of^ base-burning stoves. Until 1865 he was associated with others in the manufacture of his " Morning Glory " and other base-burning stoves and furnaces. In 1865, an association was formed, under the name of the Little- field S.tove Company, which prose- cuted business in Montgomery st. till 1871, when they moved into their new buildings on grounds bounded by Pearl and Pleasant sts.. Central rail- road and Patroon's creek, and com- prising about three acres. The portion used for foundry purposes is 98,000 sq. feet. The buildings, eight in number, form a hollow square and are so arranged that the raw material passes progressively through the dif- ferent apartments till it reaches the sample-room in the shape of com- pleted stoves and furnaces. The first story is occupied by the offices, sample-rooms and a portion of the mounting-room ; the other floors for storage. A large square, or park, intervenes between the buildings. To ensure the comfort of the work- men was evidently a leading considei;- ation with the projector of these works. The difFei'ent shops ai'e supplied with pure spring water, found ujjon the grounds. In this respect the estab- lishment possesses a great ad\'antage over other large concerns in the city, as it is entirely independent of the water conunissioners. The different apartments are roomy, clean and well ventilated, making it an insti- tution well worthy of a ^'isit by any person having a propensity to exam- ine model estabhshments. This Com- pany originally organized to manu- facture base-burning stoves and fur- naces, under letters-patent gra-nted to Mr. Littlefield, are now engaged in the manufacture of a lai-ge line of stoves and i-anges, in addition to their base-burning wares. Lumber District. — Albany is prob- ably the oldest lumber market in the United States. The towns on the banks of the Hudson, after ex- hausting the timber in their vicinity, sought the upper portions of the river for supplies. Saw mills were there erected and boards and scantling were rafted down to this place, hauled out of the water and piled on the bank, thus forming the first lumber yards in Albany. One of these was below the South Ferry, and the other near the foot of Quackenbush st. and between that and Lumber st., now called Livingston ave. The sloops which were the only crafts that plied the river, hauled in as closely as pos- sible to the shore, and to load them, men carried out the lumber on their shoulders, through the water or over cribs ef timber. When the Erie and Champlain canals were completed, all this was changed ; lumber was brought down on boats (then carry- ing but thirty to fifty thousand feet). LUM 70 the Albany Pier and the wharves which were built for the Albany Basin aftbrded storage room enough for the lumber, which was then principally received from the northern and cen- tral portions of the State. Soon the extension of the ti-ade to Canada and the Western lakes required more room, and as the canal I'an nearly parallel with the river, slips wei-e ex- cavated f]-om the canal towards the river, and the spaces between became lumber yards. As the business in- creased these wei-e continued until they now reach 1^ miles fi'om canal lock No. 1, having- an average dis- tance between the river and canal of about 1,000 feet and forming the Luml)er District. The length of dockage including the river front is about ten miles. Here the pine of Canada and the spruce and hemlock of northern JNfew York, first meet the pine of Michigan and the hardwoods of the west, giving a full assortment, and vessels carry it to the east and south, fi-om Maine to Florida. Advantages. — Although the rail- roads are competing fur the trade east and south, and the lai'ger canal boats (carrying 150 to 200 M.) freight a considerable quantity through to New York and vicinity, the un- equaled facilities for storage till seasoned, for handling and selecting into sizes and qualities and the com- plete assortment of all kinds found here, with the capital, capacity and character of the dealers, have en- abled Albany to hold the greater part of the trade and it is the largest lumber mart east of the Alleghanies. In addition to the luml)er I'eceived hei'e, the Albany dealers sell large quantities which go through direct, \\dthout breaking bulk, to New York, New Jersey, etc., which are not inclu- ded in the receipts at Albany, report- ed by the Auditor, (see Appendix,) but are embraced in gross receipts at tide-water. Besides the receipts by canal, a large amount of lumber, and particularly of shingles and clap- boards, are received here by rail; but there is no data from which the i precise amount can be obtained. | The sales of lumber shipped by rail, after the close of river navigation, are increasing every year and now reach large proportions. The conveniences for doing busi- ness in the district are unrivalled. A street railroad runs to and through it ; telegraph and telephone lines afford immediate communica- tion ; large planing mills are i-eady to quickly dress lumber in every way and to any amount, and good, clean dining halls await the wants of cus- tomers. Hydrants at regular inter- vals, with a full supply and heavy head of watei*, a,nd hose for immedi- ate use, are ready for the extinguish- ment of tires. It is a remarkable fact that during the last 50 years the damage by fire in the district, north of Fei'ry st., has not exceeded $(5,000, and yet there is no place in the world where so la]-ge an amount of lumber in contiguous inles can be found. The view of the district fi'om the Shaker I'oad, the boulevard, or the hills ojiposite the city, is one of the sights of Albany. The Board of Lumber Dealers was organized in 18G3 ; incorporated May, 18t)9 ; has an arbitration com- mittee with power to settle disputes between members and upon the award a judgment of the supreme court shall be rendered, which shall not be i-emoved, i-eversed, or modi- fied. It is to the honor of the dealers that these extraordinary powers have never been required nor exercised. Twenty-five firms belong to the board. Officers elected annually. Following are the names of the presidents since 1863 : Henry Q. Hawley, Wm. N. Fasseti, Wm. H. Ross, Benjamin A. 71 LUT — MAI Towner, Doug-las L. "White, "Wm. G. Thomas, Oscar L. Hascy, James O. Towner, Ezra G. Benedict, Charles P. Easton, James E. Craig-, Eli C. Clark, Jr., Henry S. Van Santford, James B. Kelly, Dean Sage, Joshua Rathbun. Present officers : Lemon Thomson, pres. ; John McDonald, vice-pres. ; Wm. M. Weaver, treas. ; Edward Easton, sec. Lutheran Churches. — "With one ex- ception, the Lutheran churches in this city are German. This is the First Lutheran, cor. Lodge and Pine sts., Rev. Irving Magee, D. D., pastor. Next to the Reformed Dutch, this is the oldest chui'ch oi-ganization in the city, and the Albany Lutheran congregation is the oldest of that de- nomination in America, although the precise date of its establishment can- not be ascertained. The first edifice was built in 1668 or '70, on the site of the present City Building, S. Pearl St., and was paid for, the old record says, " the first penny and the last." The first minister was Rev. Johannes Fabritius. The Episcopalians wor- shiped in this church part of the day in 1714 (See Episcopal Churches), and in 1784-6, the two congregations had a minister in common. The society was incorporated in 1784, and in 1787, another church built on the Pearl st. lot in the centre of the present st. In 1816, a third church, 40x60, was erected on the site of the present edifice, and cost $25,- 000 ; Philip Hooker, architect. The church o\vned real estate, bounded by Eagle, Lancaster, Hawk and State sts., upon which they erected houses. In 1843, Rev. Henry N. Pohlman, D. D., became pastor, and in 1868 was followed by Rev. Samuel Sprecher. During his pastorate in 1871, the present church edifice was erected. It is 69x126 feet, and cost |85,000, exclusive of the ground. In 1872 the present pastor took charge. In 1878 the parsonage was built, at a cost of about $10,000. The official board is constituted as follows : Elders, Joseph Kennedy, Simon Vine, and Sylvester Shaffer ; deacons, Chas. E. Jenkins, Chas. E. Van Aeniam ; trustees, J. Van Wormer, George Jenkins, A. S. Draper, Geo. N. Collier, William H. McNaughton, and H. E. Pohlman. The Sabbath School, of which S. Shaffer is supt., has 529 members. It meets at 9 A. m. ; church services at 10| and 7^. Prof. Geo. Noyes Rock- well is org-anist and choirmastei*. During- the earlier years, no record of the members was kept. There have been however, enrolled up to the present time, 1,224 members; present number entitled to conimun- nion, 458. » First German Evangelical. — Fourth ave. cor. Franklin j Rev. Wil- ham A. Fi'ey, pastor. German Evangelical Trinity. — 58 Alexander st. ; Rev. C. J. Petersen, pastor. St. John's Evangelical. — Central ave. ; Rev. Ernest Hoffman, pastor ; Augustus Straud, supt. St. Paul's Evangelical. — Western ave. ; Rev. Peter Eirich, pastor ; Wm. G. Shulz, sujot. Madison Avenue. — Originally Lydius st. ; so named after Rev. Johannes Lydius, and said to be the only street so called in the Union. Changed to Madison ave. May 20, 1867. Maiden Lane. — A narrow street extending from the river to Eagle st., and the shoi'test and steepest route from the depots to the capitol. At its foot is the Boston & Albany Rail- road ferry to E. Albany. Near its foot is the Saratoga depot. The Union depot also discharges passen- MAR— MED 72 g-ers into this street. From Broad- way to Pearl the street has been greatly impi'oved of late, and has become an important business thor- oug-hfare. The jail is on this street, near Eagle. Market, State Street. — Is a pi*om- inent, but not wholly unobjectionable feature of Albany. Here farmers, butchers, etc., in the morning, draw their wagons up in line on both sides of the hoi'se I'ailroad tracks, and without license, fee oi* restric- tion of any kind, vend their wares. Sometimes the wagons extend round into Eagle st. There is, of course, not the slightest protection from the weather, and the business is carried on in the most primitive method im- aginable. The only thing to be said in its favor is, that here consumer and producer meet without the inter- vention of middle-men or the pay- ment of any license, and that conse- quently Albany is victualed cheaper than any other city in the country. But this could just as well be done in some less conspicuous place, and the removal of the mai-ket is only a mat- ter of time. It has already been ordered by the common council, but the action was reconsidered. So noble an avenue should cease to be a nuisance.. Martin Opera-House. — S. Pearl st. cor. Beaver. Erected in 1870. Is the largest public hall in the city. Is let for balls, meetings, and theat- rical and musical entertainments. Hassceneiy, curtain, dressing-rooms, etc. Will* seat 1,306. The lower floors are devoteid to stores and offices. (See Amusements, Record of.) Medical Associations. — The fol- lowing are societies instituted and conducted by physicians for their own benefit, and that of medical science : Albany Academy of Medicine. Albany County Homoeopathic Medical Society, has about 25 mem- bers. Albany County Medical Society. —Organized July 29, 1806. Medical Society of the State of ' N. Y.— Organized, 1807. Meets an- nually in Albany, first Tuesday in February. Medical College. — The Albany | Medical College, on Eagle st., between Jay and Lancaster, is the medical de- partment of Union Univehsity (which see). The building was erected by the common council, at a cost of $24,000, as a free school on the Lan- . castei'ian plan, and opened with cere- I mony April 5, 1817. The school lasted till 1834, when it was super- seded bv the common school system of the State. The Medical College w^as founded by Di\s. Alden March and James H. Armsl^y, and was organized in 1838, succeeding a medical class taug-ht by Dr. March since 1821. The old building" was leased, rent free, by the common council to the college, the trustees at once expending $.5,000 in repaire. The title to the build-ing was j>nrchased in 1877, and now rests with the board of trustees. The first course of lectures was begun Jan. 8, 1839, and the institu- tion was incoi'x^orated Feb. 16, fol- lowing. Since then, 4,652 students have attended its 50 sessions, and 1,455 have graduated. Over 24,000 lectures have been delivered. In April, 1873, it became a part of Union University, retaining its original rights, and separate existence and powers. Its faculty of 19 members, g"ive their services, and the entire in- come is used for the support of the in- stitution. It o^^^ls a highly valuable library, much of which was selected 73 MET by T. Romeyn Beck. Its laboratories are extensive and complete. Its mu- seum is the finest in all departments, of any medical collection in America, and is unsurpassed (if equalled) in Eu- rope, and is so regarded by physi- cians throughout the land. It is open daily, and is visited by thousands. who gaze Avith wonder if not with admiration upon its countless speci- mens. Other advantages which the college presents, besides the acknowl- edged pre-eminence of its faculty, are; Abundance of clinical illustra- tion afforded by the intimate relations existing between the college and the hospitals ; and, through the wise policy of the management, a suf- ficient supply of anatomical material, thus meeting every requisite of a medical college of the first class. That it is of the first class is demon- strated by its standard, which insists upon preliminary examinations, a graded coui'se, and the absolute re- quirement of three terms instead of two. These regulations are made possible through the liberality of the staff, before mentioned, and which places the colle*-e upon the basis of a funded institution, independent as to whether it has few students or many. It is a notable fact, however, that since the standard was raised, the attendance has increased, and that the present class is one of the largest (160) ever entered. The college is patronized largely by the alumni, who have an association organized Jan. 20, 1874, numbering 870. Its annual meeting is held on commence- ment day. The trustees of thfe col- lege have for president, Amasa J. Parker ; vice-pres., Robt. H. Pruyn ; treas. and sec. Geo. Dexter; regis- trar. Dr. Jacob S. Mosher. Methodist Churches. — Following ^vili be found brief accounts of all the Methodist churches in the city : Hudson Avenue, — Located on Hudson ave., between Grand and Philip sts. ; value of church propei"ty, including parsonage, which adjoins the rear of the church on Plain st., 1^25,000. Dedicated Sept. 27, 1844, Rev. John Newland Maffitt preach- ing. In 1865-6 the edifice was closed for extensive impi*ovements, and March 27, 1866, formally reopened, Bishop Simpson delivering the ser- mon. This is the oldest Methodist Episcopal society in the city. In 1765 or 6, Capt. Thos. Webb, of the Brit- ish army, stationed in Albany as bar- rack-master, began holding family ser\nces at his own house, to which his neighbors were invited. Conver- sions occurred, and a small society was formed. In 1790, a circuit, in- cluding this society, was formed, with James Campbell as circuit preacher. In 1791, a house of worship was erected, south-east cor. of Orange and Pearl sts., where it still stands. When the Methodists left it, in 1813, the Bap- tists for a time occupied it as their first house of woi'ship in the city, and sub- sequently the Scotch Presbyterians. In 1798 the city of Albany was made a station. In 1813 the society erected a church on Division st. In 1816 a Sunday school was established, one of the first in the city. The Division st. church was occupied by the society till the building of the present edifice in 1844. The following is the list of the pastors from 1798 : Rev. Messrs. Joel Ketchum (1798), Cyrus Stebbins, John Crawford apd Gideon A. Knowl- ton (1799-1804), Elias Vanderlip (1805), William Phoebus (1806-7), Truman Bishop (1808), Daniel Ostrander (1809-10), Lewis Pease (1811-12), Samuel Marvin (1813), P. P. Sandford (1814), Thomas Drum- mond (1815), WiUiam Phcebus (1816), Truman Bishop (1817), Joseph Craw- ford (1818-19), Samuel Marvin (1820), Phineas Rice (1821-2), Tobias Spicer MET 74 (1823-4), Josiah Bowen (1825-6), James Young- (1827-8), J. C. Green (1829-80), Samuel Luckey (1831), J. B. Stratton (1832-3), Charles Sherman (1834-5), A. M. Osborn (183(3-7), Truman Seymour (1838-9), Noah Leving-s (1841-2), Henry L. Starks (1842-3), Z. Phillips (1844), Allen Steele (1845-6), Andrew Witherspoon (1847), John Clai-k (1848-9), Henry L. Starks (1850-51), Stephen Parks (1852-3), Robert Fox (1854), Stephen D. Brown (1855-6), L. D. Stebbins (1857-8), B. O. Meeker, (1859-60), Mark Trafton (1861-2), C. F. Burclick (1863), Ira G. Bidwell (1864-5-6), Jesse T. Peck, now one of the bishops of the M. E. Church (1867-8-9), Merritt Hulburd (1870-1-2), D. W. Dayton (1873-4-5), Philip Krohn (1876-7), W. H. Meeker (1878). Present pastor. Rev. E. McChesney ; members, 359 ; proba- tioners, 3*5. Sunday school supt., Henry Gallien. •' Garrettson Station, North Pearl st. Dedicated Jan. 11, 1852. Church valued at {f?25,000, and the parson- age adjoining at {^7,000. This church was organized in August, 1828. It was for one year connected with the Watervliet Circuit. The tirst place of worship was an old l)nilding called Mechanics' Hall, then standing cor. Chapel and Columbia sts. The lirst stationed preacher was Rev. John J. Matthias, during whose pastorate of two years the membership rose from about 100 to 437. In 1829 the old circus property wa^ purchased, and during the following winter and spiing was fitted up for church pur- l^oses, and in June, 1830, was dedi- cated, the Rev. Messrs. Samuel Merwin and John Newland Maftitt preaching on the occasion. This structure was occupied till the erec- tion of the present one in 1851-2. During the last twenty-five years, the church has been served by the follo^ving pastors : John P Ne\vman (1856-7), C. W. Gushing (1858-9), N. G. Spaulding (1860-1), J. E Bowen (1862-3), G. S. Chadbourne (1864-6), Dexter E. Clapp (1867-8), W, G. Waters (1869-70), W. J. Heath (1871 -3), S. M'Laughlin (1874-6), J. W. Thompson (1877-8). Present j^astor, Rev. G. A. Barrett. Members, 185 ; probationers, 45. Ash Grove. — Located on an ample and beautiful lot cor. Ash Grove place and Trinity place. Corner-stone laid in August, 1864 ; dedicated July 6, 1865 ; seats 1,100 ; cost of church and adjoining parsonage, including lot, §100,000. No debt on church edifice ; about !t^l,000 on parsonage. In May, 1834, some 40 members were set ofi" fi'om Garrettson Station Church and organized under the name of Wesley Chapel Church. Their fii*st house of worship was a building cor. Dallius and Bleecker sts. In 1^835 they pur- chased a lot on Herkimer st., between Frankhn and Pearl. A church was built on this lot and dedicated in Sep- tember, 1837. On April 20, 1839, it was destroyed by fire. The society then worshipped for a time in a build- ing formerly occupied by the Uni- versalists in Herkimer st. In 1842 this place of worshij) having been sold to the Jews, the society was dis- banded. May 22, and Wesley Chapel ceased to exist. But the Sabbath school teachers immediately met and resolved to hold their gi-ound in the south part of the city. A small room was hii'ed in John st., and the first Sabbath school was held there on May 29. On June 20, 1842, the httle company was incorporated as a new society under the name of the Ferry Street M. E, Church. A church was erected cor. Ferry and Franklin sts., and dedicated Dec. 4, 1842. In 1863 the membership having become too large for the old church it was also sold to the Jews, and the beautiful 75 MET property known as Ash Grove, lying on Westeiio, Grand, and Broad sts., purchased at a cost of ip24,000, and the present edifice built and dedi- cated, Bishop Simpson preaching* the semion. In the old mansion which formerly occupied the site of the church, Wm. H. Seward lived when Governor of the State. The following are the names of the ministers who have been the regular pastors of this society : Revs. Hiram Meeker, Daniel F. Page, S. Remmington, William Grifhn, Alfred Saxe, Timothy Bene- dict, Lyman A. Santford, John Fraser, A. A. Farr, Charles Devol, Hiram Dunn, E. H. Foster, C. F. Burdick, \V. R. Bro\vn, Stephen D. Brown, W. P. Abbott, 8. McChesney, S. M'Kean, H. Graham, and J. E. C. Sawyer. Present pastor, Rev. J. "W. Alderman, D. D. Number of mem- bers, 390 ; probationers, 22. E. G. Sherley, supt. Groesbeckville Mission Sunday School, located on Benjamin st., is connected with the Ash Grove Church. H. A. Blanchard, supt. Trinity, cor. Lark and Lancas- ter sts. Corner-stone laid, Oct. 10, 1875; dedicated, Dec. 28, 1876. The transept was erected in 1867. Cost, including lot, {^75,000. The parsonage, closely adjoining on Lancaster st., cost $8,000. This church is a beautiful English Gothic structure of brick, with stone trim- mings. The auditorium seats 800, and the transept 480 ; spire, 175 feet. In 1835 the three Methodist Epis- copal churches in Albany, viz. : Divi- sion st. , Gai-rettson Station and Wesley Chapel, jointly resolved to establish another church further up towii, and unitedly rented a building on State St., originally erected and occupied by the Primitive Methodists. The Law School is on the site formerly occui^ied by this building. At the next session of Troy Conference, Rev. Charles T. Clarke was appointed pas- tor over this new charge. Their membership rapidly increased, and in 1836 they were organized as the West Station M. E. church. In 1850 they erected a larger edifice, cor. of Washington ave. and Swan st. Here they continued till they moved into the ti'ansept of the present structure, in 1867, when they took the name of Trinity church. The following is a list of the pastors since 1860 : Revs. M. Bates (1860), S. M. Merrill (1861-2), A. J. Jutkins (1863), Bostwick Haw- ley (1864-5), Richard Meredith (1866, 1867-8), T. A. Griffln (1869), Charles Reynolds (1870-1-2), W, H. Rowsom (1873-4), Thomas Kelly (1875-6-7), J. F. Clymer (1878-9). Present pastor, S. M. Williams. Members, 452 ; pro- bationers, 28. Connected wath the church is a large and flourishing Sun- day school, of which Henry Kelly is supt. Grace, cor. Ten Broeck st. and Liv- ingston ave., now (Dec, 1880) in pro- cess of erection. A beautiful structure of unique design, which is estimated to cost, with lot, $23,000. (See cut, J). 76.) The adjacent parsonage on Ten Broeck st. cost $4,000. The corner-stone of the church was laid Sept. 21, 1880, Rev. J. E. C. Sawyer, Presiding Elder of Albany District, delivering the address. On May 3, 1869, the two churches formerly known as the Broadway and Arbor Hill M. E. Churches, were con- solidated, and the new society thus constituted took the name of Grace M. E. Church. The present site was immediately purchased, and in the following autumn work was begun on a large wooden sti-ucture intended to serve as a house of worship for a few years. Till this was completed, services were held in the old build- ings of the two consolidated societies. This edifice w^as dedicated Dec. 19, 1869, the Rev. Samuel Meredith, MET— MIL 76 preaching". Early in the present year it was determined to erect a more sightly and substantial structure. On Sunday, April 11, appropriate clos- ing- ser\dces were held in the old building, conducted by the pastor, Rev. H. D. Kimball. During- the fol- lowing- week it was demolished, and the grading of the lot for the new chnrch was begun. It will be dedi- cated early in 1881. The following is a list of the pastors of this society : Revs. J. W. Alder- man (1869-71), Homer Eaton (1872-4), B. B. Loomis (1875-7), H. C. Sexton (1878). Present pastor, H. D. Kim- ball. Members, 351 ; probationers, 8. Central Avenue, south side of Central ave. between Pen-y and Robin sts. Cost of edilice and lot, ^7,000. A debt remains of about $2,000. This church was for some -years a mission of the Albany Metho- dist Sunday School Union. It has been served by the following pastors : P. P. narrower (1871-2), Chas. Rey- nolds (1873), D. R. Lowell (1874-5), J. S. Bridgford (1876), J. C. Russum (1877-8), Rufus Wendell (1879). Present pastor, Rev. Hiram Blanch- ard. Members, 52 ; probationers, 5. Methodist Preachers' Meet- ings are held every Monday morning in the Garrettson Station Methodist Church, except once in every two months, when a union meeting of the Albany and Troy preachers is held in one of the two cities. Papers on religious or theological topics are read and discussed. Military Associations. — Besides the National Guard (which see) Al- bany boasts of some famous inde- pendent companies. The oldest of these is the Burgesses Coi^js, organ- Oct. 8, 1833. Armory, Bleecker Hall, 529 Broadway. Oscar Smith, com. ; J. C. Cuyle]-, pres. The Albany Jackson Corps was organized Aug. 13, 1868. Armory in the upper stoiy of the City Build- ing. James Macfarlane, Maj., com- manding. The Meegan Corps (armory 59 N. Pearl st.) is of later date. M. F. McGowan, capt. Military Statistics, Bureau of the, is at 219 State st., and is open to visitors daily, from 9 A. m. till 5 r. m., except Sundays and Saturday after- noons. This collection grew out of a desire to perpetuate in some way the patriotic memories of the war of the Rebellion. It was at tirst j^roposed to erect a suitable building- for the X")Uiiiose, and over $30,000 was sub- scribed by towns and by individuals. This money is now on deposit, and the intei-est helps to suppoi-t the bu- reau. When the new capitol is fin- ished, room will be furnished there 77 MIL — MOR for a I'epository of these almost sacred relics. At present, they are in a building- liable at any time to take fire, in which case a loss would result that would be irreparable. The Collection. — The objects of greatest interest are the battle-tlag-s of the various State regiments, 804 in number, some of them torn in shreds, others still bearing- plainly the names of the battles in which the regiments participated. Thei-e are 28 rebel ensig-ns captured from the enemy, and many other ti-ophies to interest the curious. Over 8,U00 photog-raphs have been collected, and many are framed and on exhibition. There is also a larg-e collection of newspapers in which the histoi'y of the war was written in the time of it ; many speci- mens of ordnance ; some relics of the Revolutionary war and of the war of 1812 ; an interesting collection of Lincoln memorials, including a piece of the bloody shirt taken from his person on the night of the assassina- tion. Ellsworth Memorials. — Another interesting group is the clothes worn by Col. Ellsworth when he was shot down in Alexandria, and the rebel flag which he took from the Marshall House, an act which led to his un- timely death. Milk. — It has been estimated that between 17,000 and 18,000 quarts of milk are used in this city daily, of which nearly half comes from over the river, and the rest from Albany county, and by rail from the north and west. About 70 milkmen make their daily rounds. They come from all directions, and from distances ranging from three to twenty miles, some with two and three teams, others with a single horse. They arrive between 4 and 5 in the morning, and return anywhere from 9 o'clock till noon. Thei'e is no di\'ision of the city between them, and each sells where he can get a customer ; consequently an endless amount of travel ensues, which were there any co-operation, or combination, would be done away with. As a general thing, the person who owns the dairy and business, drives the team, while l)oys i-anging from eight to sixteen years of age, de- liver the milk, and collect the pay or tickets. The ticket system is much liked by the milkmen, as they not only in that w^ay sometimes get their money in advance, but it is more con- venient, and is generally used. The business is not always cash, and occa- sionally bills are run as high as forty or fifty dollars, and then collected by due process of law. The majority of bad debts are small in amount, but I'epresent a considerable sum in the aggregate. A good many people find it easier to change their milkman than to pay him. There is a sharp com- petition in the business, but generally a friendly spirit prevails, and dealers frequently supply one another. What were called milk associations were formed a few years since, by persons who received their supplies by rail, and put down the price, but a combi- nation has since been effected, and the price raised to 8 cents. Milk sold in Albany is not often adulterated, but some of it is very weak. Missionary Societies. — The follow- ing missionary societies have exist- ence in Albany: Albany Baptist Missionary Union j Albany City Tract and Missionary So- ciety ; Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, Albany branch; Woman's Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions of the Synod of Albany ; Woman's Union Missionary- Society. Morse's Geography.— The fifth edition of Morse's Geography, and MUS 78 his Gazetteer of 1797, both have the following- notice of Albany : *' The city and suburbs by enumera- tion in 171>7, contain 1,263 building-s, of which 803 are dwelling- houses, and 6,021 inhabitants. Many of them are in the Gothick style, with the g-able end to the street," etc. Mr. Munsell, in attempting- to vindicate the doctor's Eng-lish, (juotes fi'om two earlier editions, but curioiisly enough, it is those which came after, that located the inhabitants of Albany in such an extraordinai-y mannei-. Museum Corner. — The north-west cor. of Broadway and State st. The Museum was erected by Thorp & Sprag-ue, and oj)ened as a place of amusement Jan. 1, 1831. It was used ^s such till April 28, 185.5, and then converted into offices, etc. For a pcore of years it was the leading- theatre. It has been damag-ed by ■fire several times. Museum of Natural History, The State, as its name implies, was in- tended primarily to embrace an exhi- bition of the products of the natural history of the State of New York in the several departments of Botany, Zoology, Geology and Mineralog-y. The existence of the State Museum, org-anized in 1836, is dii-ectiy due to the geological survey of the State, and the foundation of its collections was derived from the same source. In 1840 Gov. Seward recommended that the collections of this survey be placed in the Old State Hall (then about to be vacated by the state officei-s) for "safe-keeping." This recommenda- tion was accepted; a legislative en- actment followed, and the State Hall, which was erected in 1797, was made the depository of the then existing collections ; and at a later period the State Agricultural Society was au- thorized to occupy a part of the build- ing. The want of sufficient accom- modation for the two organizations induced the legislature to make ap- propriation for a ne^v building to be erected in place of the old, and the collections, libraries, etc., of the State Cabinet and of the State Agricultural Society were transferred to the new building m 1858. In 1805 the legis- lature passed resolutions recognizing the importance of making the State Cabinet of Natural Histoi-y a museum of scientific and practical geology and comparative zoology. In 1870 the legislature passed a law organizing *' The State Museum of Natural His- tory," and providing an annual ap- propriation for its support. Geological Hall. The present building is of bi-ick, four stories high, fronting on State street, at the corner of Lodge, with a wing of three stories in the rear, devoted to a large lecture-room on the ground floor, and the museum of agricultural implements and pro- ducts in the stories above. On the lower 01' basement floor, and on the same level as the lecture-room, at the east end of the main building, are two I'ooms occupied with the work of cutting and preparing thin sec- 79 MU8 tions of fossils of minute structure, for the purpose of microscopic study in the museum. The machinery and appliances for this work are of su- perior character, and the results are of great importance and interest to the museum and to science. The First Floor of the main build- ing is occujned by the offices and libraries of the State Museum and of the State Agricultural Society; and in the i-ear of the former a large working-room is fui'nished with about 800 drawers for the reception of col- lections in process of preparation and arrangement. The main entrance hall exhibits a collection of dressed blocks of granite, marble, freestone, etc., the products of New York and adjacent states. The Second Floor is occupied by the collections illustrating the Geol- ogy and Palaeontology of the State. The wall-cases, and a single series of table-cases around the room, are occupied by the rock specimens, whether fossiliferous or otherwise, and are arranged in such order that in going from left to right they show the geological superposition of the formations, each light-hand case con- taining specimens of the rock or for- mation lying next above the one on the left. This is supplemented by a coloi'ed geological section extending ai'ound the room above the cases, and so arranged that each formation shown in the section is represented by characteristic si:)ecimens in the case below. Besides this illustra- tion, there are enlarged figures of the characteristic fossils placed in the upper pai't of the case above each formation. The entire ari-angement is simple and instructive, and easily understood. The collection of fossils (Palaeontology^ occupies the table- cases in the centi-al portion of the floor, and also a large number of drawers beneath the table-cases. This collection is arranged in the same simple and syateniatic order as the geological formations ; and under each formation thei-e is a natural his- tory ari'angement of the genera and species of the fossils. This collection of rock specimens, and of fossils, pi*e- sents the most comi)lete geological series of the older rocks, to the base of the coal measures, of any in the world, the older or palaeozoic rocks of the State of New York being more comj^lete and less interrupted in their order of succession. Also along the west side of the i*oom, are arranged a series of large blocks of magnetic iron ore representing the principal mines of Northern New York and of Orange county. The Third Floor is occupied by the collections from geological forma- tions above the coal measures, both American and European, and by the Mineralogical collections. The fossil series represent the period from the New Red Sandstone to the Pleisto- cene. The Pleistocene of North MUS 80 America is represented by the Cohoes mastodon skeleton, and other remains of mastodon and fossil ele- phants from ditTerent points; the Pleistocene of South America by the casts of the gigantic Megatherium and other forms of that age ; and the same of Europe, by the skeleton of the Megaceros Hibernicus. The wall-cases are. in part, occupied by a collection of the minerals of the State, and, in part, devoted to a gen- eral collection of minerals from all parts of the v/orld. The Fourth Story is occupied by the Zoological collection, representing the fauna of the State of New York, and to some extent other portions of the world. The western part of the room is devoted especially to the New York fauna, which is represented in its mannnals, birds, reptiles, fishes, crustaceans, and shells. The eastern part of the room is occupied, in part, by a case, containing a large collection of birds, with some mammals, which were presented to the Museum as a special and separate collection, by Mr. de Rham, of New York, and is known as the De Rham collection. Other cases at the extreme east end, and partially on the south side, are devoted to the skins and skeletons of fishes, and to a general collection of skeletons of mammals, birds, reptiles, etc. The Ethnological and Historical collections occupy some wall-cases upon the north side of the room, and the central-north side by cases con- taining chiefly corals and echino- derms. The centre of the room is occupied by two double ranges of table-cases, containing the Gould col- lection of shells, of (5,000 species, and more than 60,000 specimens ; and in the area, near the east end of the room a double range of table-cases contains the Mazatlan collection of shells, jiresented to the Museum by the late Philip P. Cai-penter. Since 1866, the collections of the Mu- seum have been more than doubled i in every one of the departments, while | in some classes, as in the shells, the increase has been more than fifty fold. At the pi'esent time, every avail- able space in the Museum is filled with specimens ; and in Geol(jgy and Palae- ontology the collections, for which no room can be found, are moi'e than twice as gi-eat as those already ar- ranged. All the collections are ar- ranged for study and comjjarison, and the Museum is stiictly an educa- tional institution, which is made avail- able by thousands of students, and by the public, and its influence is gi-adually pervading the entire com- munity. Its present greatest need is more space, and a building of at least twice the capacity of the present is absolutely required for the exhibition i and increase of the collections. f Being a State institution, the Mu- seum should be considei-ed as cosmo- politan. Its intentions are to cover the whole field of natural research, and to be a centre for the dissemmi- nation of a technical and popular knowledge of the products, fauna, and flora of the entire State. With , this view, it should be an object of I interest for the remote j-jortions of the State, as well as the immediate locality. Music, Doelker's Conservatory of, rooms 22 and 23 Beaver Block, has been established more than ten i years. The director. Prof. George * Doelker, received his education at the Musical University of Leipzig, and his method is that of Goetze, Mosche- les, Plaidy, Richter, and Haui)tmann, who were his teacheivs. He is a voice- builder, and teaches the correct man- ner of breathing, while sight-reading is not neglected. In harmony he claims to be competent, having not only studied Hauptmann and Helm- 81 MUS — NAT holtz, but translated Tiersch into English. Musical Societies. — The following are the principal musical associations L of Albany : f Albany Musical Association. Con- ductor, Mr. John G. Parkhurst ; re- organized in 1879, and in a flourishing condition. Albany Manner Quartet, meets every Friday evening in Lange's Hall. Prof. Geo. Doelker, conductor. Ferdinand Lange, pres. Columbia Philharmonic Society, meets Monday evenings in Beaver Block. Prof. George Doelker, pres. and conductsr. Eintracht Singing Society, meets Tuesday evenings at 371 S. Pearl st. A. H. Schoenewolf, conductor. Other societies are the Germania, Cecelia, Orpheus, Jr., Teutonia, Mo- zart, and Mendelssohn Vocal Club. Names of Streets. — Albany streets have had their names changed fre- quently, and not always for the bet- ter. Many of the following changes have occurred since 1805 : Kilby to Hamilton. Bone lane to Division. Cow lane to Union. Grass lane to Liberty. Nail to Lutheran. Lutheran to Howard. Barrack to Chapel. Market to Broadway (north) Court to Broadway (south). King to Lion. Lion to "Washington. "Washington st. to "Washington ave. Queen to Elk. . Boscawen to. Swan. Capitol to Park. Mark lane to Exchange. Middle lane to James. Howe to Fox. Fox to Canal. Vreehnghuysen to Franklin. 6 Jonkers to Prince. Prince to Deer. Deer to State. Dock to Dean. Bass lane to Bleecker. Store lane to Norton. "Warren to Dove. Johnson to Lark. Swallow to Knox. Schenectady to Snipe. Snipe st. to Lexington ave. ^ Schoharie to Duck. Pitt to Otter. Sand to Lafayette. Otter to Wolfe. Wolfe to Lydius. Lydius to Madison ave. Wall to Hare. Hare to Orange. Van Driesen to Green. South to Gansevoort. High to Ten Broeck. Hallenbeck to Grand. Preaudieux to Buffalo. Buffalo to Hudson. Hudson st. to Hudson ave. Mhik to West Ferry. West Ferry to Myrtle ave. Malcomb to Broad. Embargo alley to Dennison. Whitehall road to Whitehall ave. Whitehall ave. to Second ave. Van Vechten to Third ave. Delawai-e Turnpike to Delaware ave. Elizabeth to Second. John to Third. Willett to Washington place. Orchard to North Pearl. Patroon to Clinton ave. Van Schaick to Monroe. Tiger to Lancaster. Lumber to Livingston ave. National Guard, State of New York. — The head-quarters of the National Guard ai*e at the office of the Adjutant-General, in the Old Capitol. Ninth Brigade, 3d divi-sion^ has NEW 82 head-quarters at 92 State st., Brig.- Gren. T. Ellery Lord, commanding-. The Tenth Regiment has head- quarters at 119 State st., Col. John D. Brooks, commanding. The Twenty-fifth Regiment at State areenal (see Arsenal), Col. M. J. Sev- erance, commanding. Separate Troop F, cavalry, has an armory at 40 Beaver st. Albany Zouave Cadets, which is also A Company, Tenth Regiment, Capt. John H. Reynolds, has an armory at 80 and 82 State st. Washington Continentals, which is B Company, Tenth Regiment, Caj^t. Horatio P. Stacpole, has an armory at 110 State st. Newsboys' Lodging Room. — Under the charge of the ladies' aux- iliary board of the City Tract and Missionary Society. Located in the upper story of the old mission build- ing on Rensselaer st. Mrs. Dr. James McNaiighton, 244 State st., chaii-man. Is supplied with beds, toilet and bath- room, wardrobe and library. Terms, 5 cts. a night. The matron, Mrs. L. E. Kelderhouse, teaches such boys in the evening as are willing to learn. News Company, Albany. — 512 Broadway, John W. Robe, manager. The institution through which Albany and the surrounding country is in a great measure supplied with news- jiaper and periodical literature, be- sides large quantities of stationery and other goods usually kept at news stands and stores. The company was oi'ganized on the 11th of April, 1870, Mr. Robe having, at that time, had several years' exjierience in the busi- ness. Its success was immediate, and is visibly increasing every month. Within five yeai-s it has more than trebled, and now three stories, running through from Broad- way to James street, are not suffi- cient to fully accommodate the trade. Scarcely a jDassenger train leaves Albany in any direction that does not carry with it wares from this estab- lishment. Almost every news stand, from Pittsfield on the east to Buffalo on the west, from Poughkeepsie on the south to Lake Champlain on the north, and south-west to Bingham- ton, is supplied from this gi'eat depot. By special arrangements made with the American News Com]iany, the various monthly and weekly publi- cations are placed in the hands of this company on sale simultaneously with their apjiearance in INew York. Dealers in this vicinity, therefore, find it quite as much to their advant- age to deal with Mr. Robe as to go further away from home. Every- thing in the book-seller's and station- er's line is furnished, from a bottle of ink to the last new novel. The latest books are received on the day of publication and others are readily supplied. As many of the news rooms, especially in the country, are tobacco and cigar stores as well, these goods have within a few years been added to the assortment, and full lines are kept constantly on hand. The cigars, cigarettes and tobacco of the Albany News Company's brand are among the most popular in mar- ket, and the promptness with which such and all other orders are filled, is always gratifying. In the season of ball and croquet playing, lawm tennis, etc., the trade in games is a great featui'e. Price-lists of new^s- pajiers are sent free on application of dealers, and quotations on books and stationery are always furnished cheerfully. Newspapers and Periodicals. — The first newspaper pi-inted in Albany was the Gazette, issued probably in November, 1771, by Alexander and James Robertson. It 83 NEW was not a success and was soon dis- continued. The N. Y. Gazetteer or Northern Intellig-encer was started in 1792, by Solomon Balcntine and Charles R.Webster, and lasted a year or so. On the 28th of May, 1784, Webster started another Gazette, which existed till 1845, when it was the oldest in the State. The first daily paper in this city was the Advertiser, established in 1815, and subsequently united with the Gazette. Newspapers of To-day. Albany Akgus. — Established Jan. 26, 1813, as a semi-weekly; was issued daily on and after Oct. IS, 1825. United with the Atlas Feb. IS, 1856. Now published daily, semi-weekly and weekly — Sunday edition established May 13, 1877 ; Democratic, and the State, county and city pa|)er ; office, Beaver st. cor. Broadway ; Arg-as Co., propiietors. Albany Evening Journal. — Estab- lished March 22, 18:^0, as a political anti-masonic oi'gan, by B. D. Packard & Co. ; Thurlow Weed, editor. Now published as a daily, semi-weekly and weekly ; Republican ; official county paper. Office, 61 State st. The Journal Co., proprietors. Albany Morning Express. — Es- tablished May 4, 1857, by Stone & Henly ; Republican ; official city pa- per ; puT)lished daily. Office, Green St., cor. Beaver. Proprietors, Albany Morning- Express Co. Albany Evening Times. — Estab- lished as a morning- paper, April 21, 1856, by Stone & Co. ; consolidated wdth the Evening- Courier, March 1, 1861. First issued as an evening- paper, Sept. 25, 1865. In 1871 it became a member of the Associated Press. Democratic in politics. Has published a weekly edition since 1872. Office, 401 Broadway, the Times Co., proprietors. Press and Knickerbocker. — The Sunday Press v/as first issued May 15, 1870, and for several years was the only Sunday paper in Albany. On the 26th of February, 1877, the proprietors issued the Daily Press, and Aug-. 13 of the same year, boug-ht and consolidated with it, the Knicker- bocker, established in 1843 ; is one of the official city papers. The Press Co., proprietors. They alsS xmblish the Weekly Press and Legislative Journal. Office, 18 Beaver st. Evening Post. — Established Oct. 23, 1865. Office, 7 Hudson avenue. M. & E. Griffin, proprietors; R. M. Griffin, editor. Fkeie Blaetter. — Daily German paper, established in 1852. Office, 44 Beaver st. A. Mig-g-ael, editor and proprietor., Albany Daily Hbrold. — Daily German paper. Jacob Heinmiller, proprietor. Office, 87 Westoi-lo st. Albany Law Journal. — Published weekly by Weed, Parsons & Co. Established in 1870. Cultivator and Country Gentle- man. — Published at 395 Broad v/ay, by L. Tucker & Son. The oldest ag-ricultural weekly in the country. The Genesee Farmer was started at Rochester in 1831, by Mr. Tucker; the Cultivator, at Albany, in 1834, by Judg-e Buel. They were consolidated in 1840, and took the x>resent title in Jan. 1, 1S53. Poultry Monthly. — Published by the Ferris Publishing- Co., at 20 South Pearl st. The Work at Home. — Official or- gan of the Albany City Tract and Missionary Society ; also a record of tlbe general church work of the city. Edited by Rev. Charles Reynolds and George Sanderson, Jr. Office 20 North Pearl st. Circulation, 3,000 coi:)ies monthly. Subscription, |1. The Voice. — Published monthly, at 461 Broadway. Edgar S. Werner, editor and proprietor ; specialty, voice NEW— ODD 84 culture and the ciare of vocal defects. The only journal of its kind in the world J $1 a year. News Rooms. — Among the news dealers in Albany, who have the Hand-Book and a general line of pa- pei-s, periodicals, etc., foi'sale, are the following : E. S. Near, in the depots and at|!9 Steuben; William R. Pren- tice, Museum Building ; Hutman Brothers, 6 Martin Opera House ; Blunck & Moore, 63^ N. Pearl ; John A. Cox, 63 S. Pearl ; Matthew O'Neil, in the Kenmore hotel. (See, also, News Co., Albany, and Quinn's News Rooms and Stands.) New York and Albany Rail- road. — The contract for the construc- tion of the New York and Albany Railroad has been let, to be com- pleted in May, 1882. It will be laid on the west shore of the Hudson, have a double track, steel rails, and first class equii:)ment. Joseph H. Ramsey, pres.; H. R. Pierson, treas.; F. Frothingham, sec. Notman Photographic Company, The, with numerous branches in the United States and Canada, have achieved a success in photographic art which places them in the very first rank. Their recent development in the science has made possible some results hitherto supposed im- possible. Their magnificent art gal- eries, at 4 Park st., Boston, and P5 North Pearl St., Albany, are well worthy of a visit to those fond of artistic work. Normal School, The State, was established May 7, 1844, as a five years' experiment (David P. Page, principal), and was made permanent in 1848. The present building, cor. of Lodge and Howard sts., was first occupied July 31, 1849. Previously, sessions had been held at 119 State St., in the building erected as a depot by the Mohawk and Hudson Railroad, and now the armory of the Tenth Regiment. The Lodge et. edifice is four stories and a basement ; 120 feet by 78, and has a hall 46x98 ; cost ^25,000. The principal, Rev. Joseph Alden, who came here in 1867, resides in the building. The design of the ( institution is for the instruction and " practice of teachers of common schools in the science of education and the art of teaching. Each county in the State is entitled to send twice as many piipils to the school as it sends mem- bers to the Assembly. The pupils receive tuition, and the use of text- books free. Males are admitted at eighteen and females at sixteen years of age. Odd Fellows, The Independent Order of, has four supreme grand lodges. One each in the United States, the German Empire, Australia, and New Zealand. In the United States there are 48 subordinate gi'and lodges, 39 grand encampments, 6,734 subordi- nate lodges, and 1,818 subordinate encampments. Besides these there are 870 Rebekah degree lodges, com- 85 ODD posed of Odd Fellows of the scarlet degree, their wives and daughters. The total membership of the order in this comitry is 467,384. The tirst regular Odd Fellows lodge in the United States was Washington Lodge, instituted in Baltimore, April 26, 1819. The tirst lodge regularly instituted in this State was Shakes- peare lodge, located at No. 17 Fair st., now 135 Fulton st., New York. In September, 1827, a charter was granted to Past Grand Russell Watts and Brothers John Snyder, John Os- born, Isaac L. Welch, and Peter H. Snyder, to open a lodge in Albany, and Nov. 7th of that year Philan- thropic Lodge No. f) was instituted in regular form. This lodge has for many years been extinct, as has also Union Lodge No. 8. In 1828, three of the six lodges in the State were located at Albany, and that year the Grand Lodge of the State was removed from New York to this city, and remained here until 1836. Among the representative Al- banians who were members of the order at that time, wei-e John O. Cole, John Van Ness Yates, Joseph Barton, Wm. L. Osborn, Daniel P. Marshall, Chas. Dillon, Jacob Henry, Richard Starr, Alex. Cameron, Wm. Lelach- ure, Malcom McPherson, and P. H. Snyder. There are at present fourteen subor- dinate Odd Fellows lodges in this city, a.: follows : Hope Lodge, No. 2, in- stituted April* 24, 1826 ; reinstituted July 15, 1844. Clinton Lodge, No. 7, instituted Jan. 9, 1829 ; reinstituted Aug. 26, 1846 ; John O. Cole, father of F. W. Cole, was its first Noble Grand. German Colonial Lodge, No. 16, instituted Feb. 13, 1835 ; Jacob Henry, first Noble Grand. American Lodge, No. 32, instituted Dec. 5, 1837 ; reinstituted Feb. 11, 1840 ; 0. A. Kingsley, first Noble Grand. Firemen's Lodge. No. 19, instituted Jan. 4, 1838. Phoenix Lodge, No. 41, instituted Oct. 3, 1840. Samari- tan Lodge, No. 93, instituted Aug. 4, 1843. Mount Hermon Lodge, No. 38, instituted June 18, 1847. Scho-negh- ta-da Lodge, No. 87, instituted Dec. 1, 1850. Mount Carmel Lodge, No. 76, instituted Dec. 1, 1850. Eeaver- wyck Lodge, No. 261, instituted Dec. 9, 1870 ; H. A. Anthony, first Noble Grand. Mountaineer Lodge, No. 321, instituted May 14, 1872. Albany City Lodge, No. 385, instituted April 6, 1874. Capitol City Lodge, No. 440, instituted Sept. 23, 1875 ; L. De Blaey, first Noble Grand. These 14 lodges have a total membership of 1,520. Albany has also two encampments which are composed of Odd Fellows who have passed through the five degrees in the subordinate lodges : New York Encampment No. 1, in- stituted 1829 ; reinstituted Sept. 23, 1846. (This was the first encamp- ment in the State, and for a time was endowed with Grand Encampment powers.) Albany Encampment, No. 58, instituted Aug. 23, 1871. Amcmg the prominent men who have been connected with the order since its first inception in this city, in addition to those already named, are : Robt. H. Pruyn, Eh Perry, Rufus King, John 0. Cole, Hooper C. Van Voorst, Gen. John Groesbeck, R. G. Beardslee, Jacob Henry, John R. Taylor, Thos. W. Van Alstyne, H. D. Curran, Coi'nelius Ten Bi-oeck, Albert H. Brown, John Moi'gan, Warren S. Low, Stephen Van Schaick, S. G. Courtney, J. H. Van Antwerp, Wm. N. Strong, Geo. B. Steele, Joel Mun- sell, John R. Vernam, A. P. Palmer, Wm. A. Young. Wm. A. Wharton, Wm. A. Rice, R. H. Waterman, Lewis Rathbone, Jas. W. Cox. Albany has furnished the following Grand Masters and Grand Patriarchs for this State : Grand Masters, Jetar Gardner, Cornelius Glen, Wm. Lacy, OLD 86 Grand Patriarchs^ John R. Taylor, Horace D. Curran, Cornelius Glen, Francis Rogers. Al)ram De Blaey is the present District Deputy Grrand Master of Albany District, and Henry C Hut- tnan i)isti'ict Deputy Grand Patri- arch. There is a Funeral Aid Association connected with the order which at present numbers about 300 members. Upon the death of a member, the surviving" members each pay J^l.lO into the treasury, J^l.OO of which from each goes to the family of the deceased. The Grand Committee of this dis- trict is composed of all Past Noble Grands in good standing". The com- mittee has stated meetings quarterly to legislate in the interests of the order. Daniel H. Turner, sec. For eight consecutive years, com- mencing with \Vm. A. Rice in 1846, and ending with Gilbert L. "Wilson in 1853, the Presidents of the Young Men's Association were taken from the membership of Hope Lodge No. 2. Besides these, five other Presi- dents of the Association, commencing wath Robt. H. Pruyn in 1838, and ending with Robert L. Johnson in 1859, were members of this lodge, making thirteen in all. About two years ago a movement was made by F. W. Cole (then Dis- trict Deputy Grand Master) and a few energetic members of the fi'atei-- nity, to secure a hall where all the lodges could meet, and Perry Hall, N. Pearl st., was leased and thi«ee suitable lodge rooms fitted up. All the lodges, except Firemen's No. 19 and Beaverwyck No. 261, now meet there ; the hall being dedicated June 11, 1879, since which time the order has flourished finely. Three city papers devote much space each week to Oddfellowship, the department in two of them being in charge of Daniel H. Turner, and the third ia edited by D. A. A. Nichols. Old Books. — To persons of genuine literai-y taste there is a charm about old book stores which the places where only fresh wares are on sale do not possess. An old book store is always a mine of concealed possibili- ties, where we may dig up at any time a literary treasure, worth, to us, its weight in gold. New books are all very well, but any one who has money may buy them. O'd books are to be had only for the searching. Then, one is free to spend hours in handling over and peering into second- hand books — a liberty which can not be taken with new ones. Ag'ain, the antique bookseller, to be successful, must know books thoroughly inside and out, and is generally almost as glad to talk about his wares as to sell them. Naturally his store becomes a sort of head-quarters for the literary guild, who meet to talk over their favorite authors and editions. Such, at least, is the case mth the stoi-e of Joseph McDonough, 30 North Pearl street. Its projirietor has gradually increased his business from a few shelves to a store 75 feet deep and 16 feet high, lined to the top and rear with all sorts of books from a New England Primer to Bayle's Ciitical Dictionary. He is bujdng second- hand books constantly, and an ordi- nary private libi*ary is as completely absorbed in this mammoth collection as the Buddhist's dew drop, when it — " slips into the shining sea. " Of late Mr. McDonough has attended the trade sales to pretty good purpose, and his shelves and counters show many new books, all markeil below the regular rates. His trade in new and second-hand school books is some- thing remarkable. His catalogues, %. published semi-occasionally, are sent 87 OLD free to any person of a bookish bent who may apply for them, and are much soug-ht after. His store is an Albany institution well worth visiting". Old Capitol. — The modest brown sandstone building- at the head of the widest part of State street, directly in front of the New Capitol, and soon to be torn down to make way for the grand entrance to that mag-niiicent edifice, has connected with it more histoi'ic interest than any other build- ing- in the State. Its corner-stone was laid April 23, 1806, and a year or two after it was ready for occupancy, having been built at a cost of J|5110,- 688.42, of which the State paid $78,- 488.42; the county 1^3,000, and the city, $34,2U0. In the most part, this money was raised by lottery, as was a larg-e share of the State fun(is in those days. Previous to the completion of this building, the city, county and State officials were hived together in one building, on the north-east cor. of what are now Hudson ave. and Broad- way, an edifice comprehensive enough in its character to include the jail also, while the pillory and whipping- post were close at hand outside. The city having offered the State any un- appropriated ground for a site for a new public building, this spot on what was called Pinkster Hill (See Pinkster), was selected. The edifice, two stories and a basement, adorned with an Ionic portico and a cii*cular cupola, on which stands a wooden Themis, 11 feet high, with sword and scales in proportion, was considered ample and grand enough for all pur- poses, and here laws were made and executed for three score years and ten. Executive Chamber. — In the Gov- ernor's room, "Daniel D. Tompkins, DeWitt Clinton, Mart'n Van Buren, William L. Marcy, William H. Sew- ard, Silas Wright, Horatio Seymour, John A. Dix and Samuel J. Tilden have sat as goveraors, waiting hope- fully, or scheming for the one step higher than the chief magistracy of the greatest State of the Union, the chief magistracy of the Union itself, and strangely enough, only one of them ever reaching it. " This chamber has a real old-fashioned fire-place ; is plainly decorated, and has but one oil j)ainting, that of Gen. Lafayette, taken from life, when he was here in 1825, by Charles Ingham. The Senate Chamber is the " first floor front," and the handsom- est room in the building. It con- tained poi'traits of Christopher Colum- bus, George Clinton, and Stewari L. Woodford. That of Columbus is a very ancient piece, having been pre- sented to the Senate in 1784, by Maria Farmer, a descendant of Jacob Leisler, the colonial governor of New York in 1689, who was executed for high treason on the accession of Wil- liam and Mary and to whom the pic- ture is believed to have belonged. The picture of Clinton is from life, and conceded to be a fine portrait and an excellent work of art. The Assembly Chamber has re- mained almost exactly as originally built, additions to the rear only hav- ing been made at various times to extend accommodations for the cleri- cal force. The history of the assem- bly chamber would comprise a men- tion of every distinguished man and measure that the State has knowai since 1808. The constitutional con- ventions of 1821, 1816 and 1869, held their sessions within its walls. Here, on the 4th of July, 1818, rested the re- mains of Gen. Richard Montgomery, on their way from Quebec to St. Paul's churchyard, New York city. From here took place July 8, 1857, the funeral of ex-Governor William L. Marcy, when 27 militaiy and 17 fire companies joined in the procession. Here also lay the lamented Lin ioln, OLD 88 on whose dead face thousandg of sad- dened men and women gazed fi'om 6 o'clock A. M. till 1.30 p. M., April 26, 1865. Lafayette was feasted here in 1825. Receptions to most of the State's distinguished vis- itors have been given here ; the meetings of State Agricultural, medi- cal, military and other societies were annually held here. Since its aban- donment by the State, a notable loan exhibition has been held here. It is now used by the courts who were turned out of doors by the City Hall fire of last winter. Other Rooms. — The rooms of the Adjutant-General are on this floor, on the other side of the hall from the Executive chamber, and the Depart- ment of Public Instruction finds tem- porary accommodation in what were once the lobT)ies to the Assembly chamber. The offices of the State Survey and of the Adirondack Sur- vey are in the upper part of the building. Sun-dial. — On the southeast cor. of the building is a st(ine projection, oval in form, and having twelve notches in its outer i-im. It was made by an humble stone-cutter named Ferguson, from an engi'aving of the famous Scotch Ferguson's sun-dial, as given in his " Lectures on Select Sub- jects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, etc." The stone-cutter Ferguson intended to make an exact working copy, as there represented, but he loft out the rather important adjuncts — the stile for casting shadows, and the required ^our marks. Consequently, it proved to be of even less use than beauty. But Simeon De Witt, at that time surveyor-general and commissioner of the capitol, was so impressed with its woi'th that he consented to have it placed where it now is, and where, as Dr. F. B. Hough says, "it has stood for nearly three-quarters of a cen- tury, a veritable * what is it ? ' " Old Houses. — One of the most in- teresting features of Albany is its old houses, of which the most noteworthy are hereafter mentioned : The Staats House, cor. State and Pearl, is regarded as the oldest edi- fice in the city. It is one of two which stood there when South Pearl was a lane, entered by a gate. When the street was widened, the upper house, known as Lewis's tavei-n, was taken away. There formerly ran across the front of these two houses, under the eaves, in iron letters, the words A7ino Domini, and below, over the upper story, the figures, also in iron, 16(57. When the upper house was taken away, the word A7ino was left on the house still standing, and is there yet. Pemberton House, cor. Columbia and N. Pearl. When constructed, no two adjoining rooms were on the same level ; the ceilings were not plastered, but the beams and sleepers were polished and waxed, and the jambs of the fire-place faced mth ^ porcelain, ornamented Avith scripture scenes. In eai-lier days this house was occupie. ; M. T. Hun, sec. The opening in the pier at the foot of Maiden lane was au- thorized in 1836. Pinkster. — A negro festival which used to be celebrated on Capitol hill when slavery existed in the State. It began on the Monday following Whitsunday or Day of Pentecos , and lasted a week. The ground M'as laid out in the form of an oblong square, enclosed on three sides by i-ude booths, and here the dancing and meri'y-making took place. " Charley of the Pinkster hill," an old Afi'ican negro, was king of the revels. After his death the festival was not so much observed, and fell into disrepute. In 1811 the common council foi-bade the erection of stalls on account of the scenes of disorder which prevailed, and so the custom died out. Police. — The head-quarters of the police department are in the City Building. The police board, which exercises entire control over the de- partment, consists of the mayor, ex officio, pres., and four commissioners, two of each party, elected to serve four years. With the exception of the one who acts as secretary, for which he receives §5500, they serve without pay. Precincts. — The city is divided into five precincts, each of which is in charge of a captain, two sergeants and one roundsman. The First precinct includes that part south of Hamilton and east of Eagle, extending to the liver and the south end of the city. Fo. ce, 22 pa- trolmen. Station, No. 59 S. Ferry st. The Second precinct line extends along the river from Hamilton to Quackenbush st., up Quackenbush and Clinton ave. to Lark, through Lark to Spruce, to Eagle to Hamilton to the river. Force, 20 patrolmen. Station, City Building. The Thii-d precinct includes all the city north of Clinton and east of Lex- ington aves. Force, 22 patrolmen. Station, 799 Broadway. The Foui-th precinct line I'uns from Eagle through Spruce to Laik, thence to Clinton ave., to Lexington ave., and along the south lins of the city to Eagle. Force, 20 patrolmen. Sta- tion, 153 Lancaster st. The Fifth precinct includes all west of* Lexington ave. Force, 12 patrol- men. Station, 284 Centi-al ave. In all, the force consists of the chief, salary, $2,. 500 ; five captains, salaries, §^1,200 ; 10 sergeants, salaries, !^1,000; , about 100 patrolmen, salaries, $900 ; 1 5 detectives, with ca]_)tain ; 5 station- ■ house keepers ; six police-court of- ficers ; one propei'ty clerk ; one police surgeon ; total, 135. Tlie annual ex- pense of running the department is X about $125,000. f Population. — According to the official censuses, Albany in 1790, con- tained 3,506 persons ; in 1800, 5,349 ; in 1810, 10,762; 1820, 12,.541; 1830, 24,238; 1840, 33,762; 1845, 42,139; 1850, 50,762 ; 1855, 57,383 ; 1860, 62,- 367 ; 1865, 62,613 ; 1870, 69,422 ; 1875 (6 additional wards having- been erected), 86,013 ; 1880, 91,243. (See Census of 1880.) Post Office, south-east cor. Bi*oad- way and Columbia st. William H. i Craig, postmaster ; Isaac McMurdy, * assist. Open fi'om 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. M. On Sundays, from 9 to 10 A. 97 PRE M., and from 6 to 7 p. m. The mail is delivered by 30 carriers, who make two trips daily throughout the city ; also to Greenbush, Bath, East and West Albany ; to Menand's, the ceme- tery and to Kenwood. In the busi- ness part of the city, deUvery is made five times a day. Collections from the letter boxes are made at the same time that the mail is delivered, the boxes on State between Broadway and Pearl being- last visited at 7 p.m. A g-eneral collection is also made at 5 p. M. on Sundays. All mails close on Sundays at 7 P. M. Boxes are rented at {^1.50 per quarter; drawers at $3.00. Al- bany is One of the large distributing offices, and about thirty clerks are employed. Presbyterian Churches. — Presby- terianism in Albany dates back to 1761 or 2. The First church originally occu- pied a building which stood on a lot bounded by Beaver, William, Grand and Hudson sts., but in 1796 moved into a new brick edifice cor. Beaver and South Pearl sts., now known as Beaver block. The present edifice, cor. Hudson ave. and Philip st., was opened March 10, 1850. It was finished on the outside in imitation of brown-stone, but the mastic peeled off, and within a year or two has been removed, at considerable expense. The building occupies an area of 120 by 75 feet; the tower is 26 feet square, and 156 feet liigh ; seating capacity, 1,200. The lecture-room adjoining, was erected in 1856, and dedicated June 17, 1857. The cost of both was i^ll 5,000. The church has had 13 pastors, including the X>resent incumbent. Rev. Walter D. Nicholas, who was installed Sept. 16, 1880. Second. — Chapel st. between Maid- en lane and Pine. The comer-stone of this edifice was laid Oct. 11, 1813, and the building dedicated Sept. 3, 1815, cost Jj375,000 ; was renovated in 1847 at a cost of $9,000. Will seat 1,400. This church for many years was presided over by Rev. Dr. Sprague . It is no sv without a pastor . Membership), 465 ; Sunday school, 518; Sunday services at 10| and 4; Sunday school- at 9. Clinton Squake. — Cor. Clinton ave. and N. Pearl st. Corner-stone laid July, 1844. Church dedicated Dec. 3, 1845 ; will seat 850. House and lot cost $24,000 ; no debt. Organiza- tion formed Feb. 5, 1817, by the union of the Associate Reformed chm*ch (which can be traced back to 1796), with a number of members from the First Presbyterian church. At first the congregation worshij)ped in the building on Montgomery st., known as the Bethel ; in 1845 it removed to its present edifice. Pastors — Rev. Hooper Cumming (1817-1823), Rev. Joseph Hulbert (1823-1824), Rev. Jno. Alburtiss (1825-1828), Rev. Wil- liam H. WiUiams (1828-1830), Rev. William Lochead (1831-1833), Rev. Wilham James, D. D. (1834-1835), Rev. Ezra A. Huntington, D. D. (1837-1855), Rev. Ebenezer Halley, D. D. (1855-1875), Rev. Horace C. Stanton, installed Feb. 27, 1877. Robert Strain, clerk of session ; Thos. S. Murphy, pres. board of trustees ; E. Huntington Marvin, treasurer. Sunday services, 10^ a.m., and 7-5 P.M. ; singing by choir and congrega- tion ; Miss Kate Halley, musical di- rector. Bible school at 2 p.m., Wil- liam D. Si^elman, supt. Lectui*e, Wednesday, 1^ p. m. Whole num- ber of members enrolled since organ- ization, 1,231. Number reported at close of last year, 402. Fourth. — I3roadway above Clinton ave. Rev. Henry Darling, D. D., pastor. The church was organized in 1828, and was a branch from the Second Church. The first edifice was PRE 98 erected where the present one stands in 1830. The tirst pastor was Rev. E. N. Kirk, who served till 1837, when he was succeeded by Rev. Ed- ward D. Allen, and he, in 1843, by Rev. S. \V. Fisher ; 1848-9, Rev. B. N. Martin ; 1850-4, Rev. H. Mander- ville; 1855-63, Rev. S. T. Seelye; 1864, the present pastor. The present edifice was dedicated Sept. 18, 1866 ; will seat 1470. Present church mem- bership 732 ; Sunday school, 760. The averag-e contiibutions for beneti- cent and congreg-ational purjjoses, during- the past 16 years, amount to $25,417 annually. State Street, south side, above Swan. Rev. John McC. Holmes, pastor. The corner-stone of the edi- fice laid July 18, 1861 ; house dedi- cated Oct. 12, 18(52 ; is perpendicular Gothic, 111 by 69 feet ; seats 1,000 ; total cost, including lot, org-an, etc., $59,626. The Sabbath school, D. J. Pratt, supt., numbers 1,037, and is the largest in the city. Church mem- bership 694. Sunday services at lOi and 7i Sixth. — Second st. below Lark, sprang from a weekly prayer meet- ing begun in a private house, 276 Lumber st., by the efforts of John S. Smith, Dec, 1855. A mission Sunday .school gathered by him the next year, at 166 Third st., soon required larger quarters, and in March, 1858, with Wm. H. Ross, he purchased Mount Zion Mv'^thodist Chapel, now Primary School No. 23. This property was transferred, in 1864, to a missionary society of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, and the Sixth Church was organized here, Dec. 8, 1869, with 65 members, of whom 46 came by letter from the Fourth Church. Rev. A. H. Dean, who had gathered the con- gregation, was installed pastor May 5, 1870. The present edifice was erected in 1871, and cost, including ]ot, about §50,000, of which about $25,000 was provided by the mission- ary society of the Fourth Church ; a mortgage debt of $17,000 remained upon the building. Rev. A. H. Dean resigned in June, 1873 The present pastoi'. Rev. William Dui'ant, was in- stalled Dec. 9, 1873. By the generous aid of the other Presbyterian churches in the city, the debt was entirely re- moved March 24, 1880. In Oct. of the same year extensive repairs and improvements were made to the building. Pi-esent church officei'S : E. A. Ross, clerk of session ; James Vint, treas. of trustees ; Albert H. Sliter, supt. of Sunday school. Or- ganizations for Christian work : Au- gustinian Society, Rev. Wm. Durant, moderatoi"; W^ Oman's Foreign Mis- sionaiy Society, Mrs. G. P. Pi-escott, pres. ; Ladies' Association, Miss Lucy B. Stantial, pres.; Dale Mi? sion Band, Miss Carrie Nichols, leader. A cir- culating library, in charge of Miss A. M. Prescott, is open every Wed- nesday afternoon and evening. Whole number of chuch members enrolled 422 ; present numbej", 250 : Sunday school, 430. Sunday services at 10-| A. M. and H p. M. ; Sunday school at 21 V. M., followed by prayer meeting. Services during week : Prayer meet- ings, of young men, Mondays at 74 p. M.; of ladies, Wednesdays at 7 p. M.; of church, Wednesdays at 7| p. M.; teachers' meeting, Fridays at 7| p. M. West End.— Cor. Third st. and N. Y. C. ave. Dedicated, March 25, 1877. Cost, including lot, $8,250. No debt. Will seat 550. Jime 3, 1878, a church was organized, consisting of 45 mem- bers. Rev. Robert Ennis was in- stalled jmstor, Nov. 21, 1878. Thos. R. Blackburn, A. G. Eraser, John Bronk and David Downs, elders ; John Bi'onk, clerk of session ; John BlackbuiTi, Thos. R. Blackburn, A. G. Eraser, James Spoor, John C. Munro, W. N. Hayes, M. D., trustees; Dr. THF HIGH SCHOOL. 99 PUB "W. N. Hayes, treas. Sunday service, 10^ A. M. and 7i p. m. Sunday school, 2 p. M. ; pastor, superintendent. Wliole number of members enrolled, 115 ; present members, 106. United Presbyterian. — Lancas- ter St. near Eagle. The present edifice was first occupied as a place of public worship in January, 1861. It is a neat and substantial building-, 81x58. Cost, including- lot, $20,000 (antebellum prices). - The con- g-reg-ation formerly worshipped in the building- cor. Chapel and Canal sts., first occupied January, 1802. The first pastor of the cong-regation was Rev. John McDonald, who officiated from January, 1801, to March, 1819. After his resignation, the congrega- tion transferred their ecclesiastical connection from the Presbytery of Montreal to that of Cambridge. Rev. James Martin, D. D., was the next jiastor, who served from May, 1824, until May, 1842, when he was suc- ceeded by Rev. R. J. Hainmond, from November, 1843, until Septem- ber, 1844. The present pastor. Rev. S. F. Mor]'ow, D. D., was orciained and installed July, 1846. Present membership about 220. Sunday ser- vices, 10^ A. M., and 4 p. m. The Sab- bath-school, 2* p. M. ; Mr, Samuel Templeton, superintendent. Spragub Chapel. — State st. cor. Lexington ave. ; Gilbert M. Tucker, superintendent. Public Instruction. — The Board of Public Instruction is composed of twelve members, and was cre- ated by chapter 444, Laws of 1866. Four members go out of office each year, and their successors are chosen at the annual election — two Demo- crats and two Republicans. The bofj'd has entire control of the public schools ; fixes the grades of study, appoints teachers, builds, maintains, and regulates school-houses, etc. No salary is attached to the office. The rooms of the board are in the High School Building on Eagle st. cor. Columbia, where meetings are held on the first and third Monday eve- ning's in the month, except August. Schools. — The public schools ai-e 26 in number, with sittings for 11,480 pupils. The number of scholars en- rolled is 14,049 ; the average attend- ance 9,175. The schools are located as follows : No. 1.— 310 South Pearl st.; Juha M. Janes, principal ; 318 sittings ; average attendance, 278. No. 2.— 218 State st.j Lewis H. Rockwell ; 350 sittings j average at- tendance, 304. No. 3.-7 Van Tromp st.; Martha McFarland ; 200 sittings ; attendance, 155. No. 4. — 55 Union ; Kate McAuley -, 206 sittings ; attendance, 126. No. 5.— 172 N. Pearl st.; John A. Howe ; 296 sittings ; attendance, 226. No. 6. — 105 Second st.; Almond Holland ; 617 sittings ; attendance, 588. jNTo. 7.-56 Canal st.; YfiUiam L. Martin ; 300 sittings ; attendance, 208. No. 8. — 157 Madison ave.; John E. Sherwood; 338 sittings; attendance, 294. No. 9. — South Ferry and Dallius ; Jennie Simpson ; 210 sittings ; at- tendance, 129. No. 10.— 182 Washington ave.; G. H. Benjamin; 348 sittings; attend- ance, 292. No. 11. — 409 Madison ave.; Josiah H. Gilbert ; 696 sittings ; attendance, 571. • No. 12. — Washington avenue and Robin St. ; E. E. Packer ; 786 sit- tings ; attendance, 689. No. 13. — Broadway and Lawrence ; P. H. McQuade; 522 sittings; at- tendance, 410. No- 14. — 70 Trinity place ; Jas. L. QUA — QUI 100 Bothwell; 902 sitting's; attendance, 792. No. 15. — Herkimer and Franklin ; Levi Cass; 1,008 sittings; attend- ance, 769. No. 16. — 203 Hudson ave.; Eleanor F. Dickson; 142 sittings; attend- ance, 67. No. 17. — Second ave. and Stephen ; Charles A. White; 448 sittings; at- tendance, 358 No. 18. — Madison and "Westera aves. ; Josephine Clement ; 224 sit- tings ; attendance, 100. No. 19.— 54 Canal st. ; Mary A. Simpson ; 224 sittings ; attendance, 195. No. 20.— Mohawk st., N. Albany ; E. H. Torrey ; 244 sittings ; attend- ance, 276. No. 21.-658 Clinton ave. ; A. F. Onderdonk ; 672 sittings ; attend- ance, 534. No. 22. — Second st., west of Lex- ington ave.; Jennie A. Utter; 504 sittings ; attendance, 343. No. ^3. — 142 Second st. ; Lizzie McCarthy ; 184 sittings ; attendance, 183. No. 24. — 41 7 Madison ave. ; Jennie Hepinstall ; 608 sittings ; attendance, 583. No. 25 — Morton above Hawk ; Mary L. Hotaling ; 448 sittings ; at- tendance, 163. High School. — Eagle and Steuben ; Prof. John E. Bradley, principal ; 617 sittings ; attendance, 542. Finances. — The total income of the board for the year ended Aug. 31, 1880, was 1^272,968.36, of which .^145,- 477.81 was raised by tax, $74,652.26 was carj'ied over from the preceding year, and J548,171.93 was received from the State ; expenditures, J^196,- 186.24. The expenses of the several schools range from 151.980.72 at No. 16, to $24,143.63 at the High School. The average cost per pupil, based on total expenditui-e and average number belonging, is $19.60. The estimated value of lots and buildings under the control of the boai-d, is $799,750. The High School Building, of which a cut is given, was erected in 1875-6, on the lot foi-merly occupied by the old reservoir, and has 85 feet front on Eagle street, 135 on Steuben and 120 on Columbia. Ifc is domes- tic Gothic in style, and admii-ably arranged for the purpose foi- which it was intended. Cost, $140,000. The High School was first opened as the Free Academy, at 119 State st., in Sept., 1868, and moved into its new quartei*s May 4, 1876. Quaker Meeting House, on Plain st. below Grand, is an extremely modest building standing well back fi'om the street. It was erected in 1835 ; is 36x42, and will seat about 400 persons. Cost, $5,000. Quinn's News Room and Stands. — The sti-anger in a city often judges it in no small degree from its news- stands. It is there he goes to look in a hand or guide book, or in the local papers for i-eliable infoi*mation about the place he has entered. If the»stand is neat, well ari-anged and well stocked with the very latest pubhcations, if the attendant is in- telligent, coui'teous and active, the first impi*ession is a favorable one, and first impi-essions are e^■erything. These conditions are all met at the three places managed by B. Quinn, who not so many years ago displayed air his wares on a medium sized cel- lar door ; now, he has, at 498 Broad- way (second door from Maiden lane, the street on which both depots empty their passengers), one of the best ap- pointed and best served news-rooms in the city ; and near the north-east and south-west cornei^s of State and Pearl sts., two news-stands always i 101 RAI — REF stocked with the most desirable wares known to the news vender's trade. It is absolutely essential that a news- man should be a live man prompt to note and cater to the foible of the day, and this is Mr. Quinn's leading- characteristic and what is reflected in every one of his employees. " The latest," in such a trade is always the most desirable, no matter whether it be the edition of a paper, the issue of a novehst, or the photograph of an actor. Mr. Quinn's room is specially noted for novelties in the theatrical line, such as pictures of professonals, dramatic papers, magazines, books, etc., but his assortment includes all articles known to the stationer's trade, and it is, in fact, difficult to leave the place without buying something-, so attractive is the contents and courte- ously is it shown. The store has recently been much enlarged and greatly improved. Railroad Depots. — But two in the city ; the Central & Hudson River and the Boston & Albany railroads occupying the Union depot, just north of Maiden lane and east of Broad- way, and the Northern and Western divisions of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.'s road having their depot at the foot of Maiden lane. The cars of the latter road run alongside the steamboat landing, and during navi- gation unload passengers there also. Reformed Churches. — The Re- formed Dutch was the reUgion of this colony. First Church. — Cor. N. Pearl and Orange sts.. Rev. Rufus "W. Clark, D. 1)., pastor ; is famiharly known as the Two Steepled church. The organ- ization worshiping here is one of the two oldest in America, the other be- ing the Collegiate Reformed church of New York. The first pastor was Rev. Johannes Megapolensis, wh© was sent over by the Patroon at his own expense in 1642. The church was for some time sustained by the public revenue, and in 1686 one hun- dred and fifty acres of land were granted it. Children of the colony were not allowed to be baptized else- where. For more than 140 years (till 1782) services were conducted in Dutch. The first edifice was near Fort Orange, on what is now Steam- boat square ; Church st., in that vi- cinity receiving its name for prox- imity thereto. This building was 34x19, and cost $32. In 1656 a new edifice was erected at the intersection of what are now State st. and Broad- way. The dead were buried under this church, and as late as 1852-3 coffins were exhumed. In 1715 a new building (see Antiquities) was erected over this one, and stood for 91 years, when the site was sold to the city for $5,000, and the materials worked into the Second church on Beaver st. The present edifice was dedicated in 1799, but its interior has been modified three times: in 1820, REL 102 i 1850 and 1860. It will seat 1,200. The org-an, with 3,000 pipes, is the largest in the city, and cost $12,000. The bell, key D fiat, weighs 8,656 lbs. Rev^ Dr. Clark has had 18 pre- decessors. He was installed in 1862. Secoxd Church. — Rev. Dwight K. Bartlett, pastor. An elegant struc- ture is now building, cor. Madison ave. and South Swan st. The corner- stone of the old edifice on Beaver st., between Pearl and Green, was laid April 30, 1806. It was planned after St. Paul's in New York, and is sit- uated upon the old cemetery, where it is said the bones of dead men are mouldei-ing three coffins deep. In 1815, the Collegiate form of gov- ernment under which the First and Second churches had been united, w^as brought to a close, the property held in common being divided into parcels and left to the decision of the lot. The Collegiate ministers at the time — John DeWitt, D. D., and John M. Bradford, D. D. — received the as- signment of their respective churches by the vote of the consistory which presided over the two congregations. By this division, the Second church received its present name in substi- tution for its former one ■ — South church. The following is the order of minis- terial succession since the Second church assumed an independent sepa- rate existence : John DeWitt, D. D. (two years of whose pastorate was under the Collegiate form), 1813-1823 ; Isaac N. Ferris, D. D., 1824-1836 ; Isaac N. Wyckoff, D. D., 1836-1866 ; Joachim Elmendorf, D. D., 1865-1872 ; D^\^ght K. Bartlett, D. D., 1873. The present officers are : Elders, Stephen LaGrange, V. H. Youngman, W. L. M. Phelps, G. H. Ackeraian ; Dea- cons, Charles C. Shaw, J. A. Wilson, James A. Houck, G. W. Yerks ; Supt. of Sabbath school, James A. "Wilson. Third. — Cor. Green and Ferry sts. Rev. J. B. Campbell, pastor. " The conier-stone was laid, April 20, 1837, the gi'Ound having been given by Stephen Van Rensselaer. The church w^as organized Dec 19, 1834. Sept. 28, 1841, fire took in the cupola, and destroyed everything but the walls. It was rebuilt and occupied the fol- lowing summer. FouETH. — Schuyler below S. Pearl ; Rev. J. F. Neef, pastor ; Adam Liebel, supt. (A German church). Holland. — 153 Jay st. ; Rev. H. K. Boer, pastor ; "W. H. De Rouville, supt. of Sabbath school. Religious Societies. — The follow- ing are some of the societies con- nected with the various churches in Albany : Baptist Social Union. — Meets on the first Thursday of December, March, June and September ; John F. Rathbone, pres. ; T. J. Williams, sec. ; Hiram Hotaling, treas. Methodist Sunday School Union. — Annual meeting third Monday in Jan- uary ; Henry Kelly, pres. ; J. C. Hubbell, Orlando Johnson, sees. Bible and Common Prayer-book SociETi\ — Bishop Doane, pres. County Sunday School Associa- tion. — Annual meeting in October. W. G. Carr, pres. Cathedral Sodality'. — Thomas J. Lanahan, prefect. Grace Church Guild. — Edward W. Sewall, pres. St. Joseph's Society. — Meets Sun- days at 9 A. M. Rev. T. M. A. Buike, directoi". St. Mary's Young Men's Sodal- ity. — Bernard F. Sweeney, prefect. St. Patrick's Young Men's Sodal- ity. — Owen J. Hart, j^refect. West Albany Railway Y. M. C. A. — Seth Clark, pres. Woman's Christian Temperance Union.— 26 William st., Mrs. S. R. 103 RIF — ROW Gray, pres. j Mrs. Mary Pniyn, sec. Young Men's Sodality of St. John's. Rev. W. J. Finneran, direc- tor. Young Men and Young "Women's Covenant Bands of the First Bap- tist Church. ^ Young People's Association of First Lutheran Church. — H. E. Pohlman, pres. Young People's Association of First Presbyterian Church. — Chas. L. Weaver, pi-es. Young People's Association of Fourth Presbyterian Church. — R. W. Thacher, pres. Young People's Association of the Second Reformed Church. — W. L. M. Phelps, pres. Young People's Association of Tab- ernacle Baptist Church. — Franklin Winne, pres. Nearly all the churches have similar associations for young" people. (See, also. Missionary Societies). Rifle Association, Third Division. Organized in 1876 ; chartei^ed under the laws of the State. A range for the use of the members and the Na- tional Guard of the division district was established at Grand View Park, Rensselaer county, in 1877. June 24, 1880, the range was removed to Rensselaerwyck, on the Forbes estate, near Bath-on-the-Hudson. Monthly matches are shot on the range, undei* the direction of the As- sociation. The principal events of the year take place during the annual fall meetings,, when the division prize is shot for by teams I'epresenting all the org-anizations in the district. At present only second and third class targets are used upon the range. Riverside Park. — An enclosure on the island across the river, leased by the Albany Base Ball Club. Reached by way of the lower bridge, or by ferry from the foot of State st. Rogues' Gallery. — A collection of curiosities and relics pertaining- to- the history of crime in this \dcinity, including- a large number of photo- g-raphs of criminals and dangei-ous characters. It was formerly dis- played in a room adjoining- the De- tectives' bureau, in the City Building ; but after the City Hall tire the room was wanted for something else, and the collection is now stored in the Fifth Precinct station-house, but is not accessible to the public. Rowing. — The first rowing organ- ization in Albany was the Pioneer Club, which was founded in 1857, but did not own a racing craft until the following year, when they purchased from a Philadelphia club a four-oared boat called the "Ivanhoe." In 1858 the Knickerbocker Club was formed, and the *' Hiawathas" and "Excel- siors " soon followed. The year 1859 witnessed the first match i-ace in Albany waters, which arose from a challenge of the Knickerbockers to the " Pioneers " for the championship. The Knicks rowed a six-oared barge against the Pioneer's four, and to the suiprise of the 3,000 spectators who g-athered to see the contest, the Pion- eer Club was victorious. The Pion- eers after winning the cham^iionship rowed no more races, but existed for ten years as a pleasure club onlv. On the 11th and 12th of October, 1860, a grand regatta for both ama- teur and ^professional oarsmen was arranged. The six-oared shell race was won by the crew of the *' Dan Bryant," defeating the Knickerbock- ei"s and Hiawathas. In the double scull race Piepenbrink and Young won, while in the professional single scull contest Josh Ward captured the ROW 104 fii-st prize, |75. The scullers' race for the championship of Albany was won by Geo. F. Baiier. The war found many Albany oars- men "at the front," and, in conse- quence, but little interest was mani- fested in aquatics until the year 18 64, when a championship belt for single scullers was purchased by subscrip- tion, the first holder being- W. R. Hills, who defeated Sawyer and afterward A. G. Graves, Jr. In 1865 the first exciting- race for the belt attracted great attention. The contestants were W. R. Hills, and C. Piepenbrink, the formei- having during Piepenbrink's absence in the army, held the undisputed title of champion. The race which took place on the 3rd of July, was for 3 miles and resulted, Piepenbrink, 26 m. 55 sec. ; Hills, 27 m. 20 sec. On the 1st of August, 1865, the organization of the Mutual Boat Club gave a wondei'ful impetus to rowing, and their first club boat, the "Lindsley," was on the water nightly. On the 28th of August, occurred a citizens' regatta on Saratoga Lake, with a three mile race open to amateur scullers, three prizes of $100, ^^75 and ;?25, no law having- then been framed to forbid money x^rizes among amateurs. The entries were all from Albany, and the race resulted, C. Piepenbrink, 22 m. 30 see. ; "W. R. Hills, 22 m. 45 sec; R. H. Page, 23_m. In a second race two days after. Hills having gone home, Piepenbrink again won with A. G. Graves, Jr., second. On the 9th of October, Piepenbrink defeated Gardner at Albany in the most closely contested i-ace, which had, up to that time, been seen in local waters, distance 3 miles, one turn, time 27 m. 20 sec. ; Gardner 27 min. 26 sec. On October 17, Piepen- brink beat Hills over the same course (time 26 m. 10 sec; Hills, 26, 38) and retained the championship belt. In 1866 the Mutuals challenged the Atalantas of New York to a series of races in six-oared gigs. In the first contest, which occurred at New York on the 30th of June, the Atalantas were victorious in 18 m. 45 sec. A i-eturn i-ace rowed at Albany, July 12, finished with the §ame result. In 1867 the first aquatic event of the season was a race between the Mutual four and a Union crew com- posed of Gardner, Hitchcock, DeWitt and Hills. The match was finally decided June 27, when the Mutuals crossed the finish line many lengths in advance. At the Independence Day regatta, the scullers' race, after a desperate contest, resulted as follows : Ed. Smith of Cornwall, 24 min.; C. Piei3en- bi'ink of Albany, 24 min. 1 sec; H. Gardner of Albany, 24 min. 5 sec. Soon after, HiUs again challenged Piepenbrink to row for the champion- ship, and the race was pulled August 12, Piepenbrink being the winner. In this year was oi-ganized the Hudson . Amateur Rowing Associa- tion, composed principally of clubs from New York city and fi'om New Jereey. The Mutuals joined it and sent a crew to contest in the six-oared gig race, which was the champion- ship race. Five crews were entered, and the Mutuals came in second to the Atalantas of New York. The race was one mile and a half and retui-n ; time, Atalantas, 22.05 ; Mutuals, 22.10. On the 8th of October, at the Inter- State regatta, held on the Hudson, near Troy, 32 prizes were offered, and the Mutuals modestly walked away with over 20 ; and in the four- oared shell race defeated the Quin- sigamond crew of Worcester, who had never before been losers. In 1868 Gardner beat Hills in a three-mile sculling race. Time, 25 min. 33 sec ; Hills, 26 min. 13 sec. 105 ROW At the Fall reg-atta of the Hudson Amateui' Rowing- Association, held at Hoboken, N. J., on the 10th of September, the Mutuals won the championship, beating* the Atalantas of New York 50 seconds, and cutting down the winning time of the pre- vious year nearly two minutes. In the year 1869 a scullers' race of three miles, with one turn, resulted as follows ; Lathrop, 25 min. 15 sec. ; Gardner, 25 min. 80 sec. ; Hills, 25 min. 33 sec. The Miituals again at- tended the Association regatta at Hoboken, and rowed for the cham- pionship, on the 9th of September, in six-oared shells. The Albany crew lost all chance of winning by running foul of a shad pole, and the Atlantas scored a victory, in 20 min. 44-| sec. On the 22d of February, 1870, the Beaverwyck Rowing Club was organ- ized. At the Municipal regatta, held July 4, the Mutuals captured every prize. On the 31st of August the Mutuals rowed a matched race with the Nassau club of New York, the distance being three miles straight- away, and the crews being boated in six-oared shells. The Nassaus, who were the first crew to pull on a slid- ing seat, ran aground, although the Mutuals had at the time a decided lead, and the New Yorkers asked a new race in consequence. A second race was rowed at Pleasant Valley, N. J., three days after, when the Mutuals were again successful, win- ning by three leng1;hs, in 19 min. 3 sec. September 5, over the same course, were rowed the Fall races of the Hudson Amateur Association. The Gulicks won the championship, with the Atalantas second, and the Mutuals, who had been swamped by the judges' tug, third. In the six- oared gig race the Beaverwyck club scored their first victory, defeating the Mutual crew by 31 seconds. In 1871 none but scullers' races were recorded, the most noteworthy resulting as follows : July 17, Girvin 1, Lathrop 2, Gi'aves 3. July 27, Gir- vin, 24 min.; Moseley, 24 min. 3 sec. Aug. 22, Girvin, 24 min. 23 sec. ; Piepenbrink, 24 min. 53 sec. Aug". 25, Wilson, 24 min. 55 sec. ; Piepen- brink, not timed. The year 1872 witnessed but little racing hereabouts. August 27, G. W. Lathrop defeated G. W. Robinson of Troy. September 9, a six-oared gig race between the Mutuals and Beaverwycks was rowed over the upper (jourse . The distance was three miles straightaway, and the contest, a stubbornly contested one, resulted in favor of the Mutuals by a quarter of a length ; time, 17 min. 31 sec. One week later the same crews con- tested over the same course in six- oared shells, the Beaverwycks being* successful in 17 min. 49 sec; the Mutuals were run into by a tug boat, although their opponents were lead- ing them at the time. In 1873, on the 8th of April, the handsome brick house of the Mutuals, located on the pier, was destroyed by ice and all their boats ruined. The sum of $3,000 was subscribed by the citizens, and the floating house they occupy at present was built. On the 1st of September, J. Wilson of the Beaverwycks defeated Fenton of the Mutuals. In a double scull race be- tween the Beaverwycks and Mutuals, rowed on the 3d of September, Piep- enbrink and Moseley of the latter club won in 20 min. 45 sec; which was then the best double scull time on record for a three mile turaing race. The four-oared race between these clubs resulted in a row-over by the Beaverwycks, the Mutuals, through the sudden illness of their stroke, fail- ing- to appear. In the regatta of the Saratoga Rowing Association, held the 10th of September, the Albany represen- ROW 106 1 tatives were unsuccessful in every race. The year 1874 was a noteworthy one. On the 22d of June, the Beaver- wycks defeated the double entered by the Olympics, a club which had been organized since 1872, but now rowed its maiden race. On the 4th of July, the Beaverwycks, at the Mu- nicipal regatta, carried oft' prizes in the single and double scull, and four and six-oared races, the Mutuals being swamped when leading in the four, but fairly outrowed in all the other contests. On the 17th .of Au- gust the Mutuals defeated the Olym- pics in a double scull race, and on the 24th in a four-oared match. At the Saratoga Regatta, held the 28th of August and following days, the Albany oarsmen did not make a flat- tering showing except in the four- oared shell race, when the Beaver- wycks surprised the country by win- ning, on their merits, in a field of thirteen fours, the Argonautas of Bergen Point being second; time, Beaverwycks 18 min. 34 sec; Ar- gonautas 18 min. 47^ sec. At the regatta of the National As- sociation, held in Troy, September 4, the Beaver\vycks were again victori- ous, winning the national champion- ship. At the Saratoga regatta in 1875 the Atalantas of New York defeated both the Beaverwycks and the Mu- tuals in the four-oared race, and the same result followed at the National regatta, held at Troy a week later. In the other races the Albanians made a poor record. In 1876, at the National regatta, held in Philadelphia Aug. 24, the Beaverwyck four were defeated by the Atalantas of New York in the championship race ; time, Atalantas, 9 min. 13^ sec. ; Beaverwycks, 9 min. 28| sec. In the following week, however, the Beaverwycks, at the Centennial regatta, covered them- selves ■w'ith glory and gained a world-wide reputation by winning the four-oared race at the Interna- tional I'egatta, defeating in the final heat the London Rowing Club foiu', considered the best crew in England ; time, Beaverwycks, 9 min. 6 sec. ; London, 9 min. 6-§ sec. Upon their return to Albany the Beaverwycks were tendered a public reception. The club soon after disbanded. In 1877, on the 22d of June,occuiTed the first regatta of the Upper Hudson Regatta Association. The Mutual four were defeated by the Wolvon- hooks, their pair by the Filleys, and in the six-oared gig race the Olympics defeated them ; time of the latter race, Olympics, 8 min. 48^ sec. ; Mutuals, 8 min. 54 sec. The ju- nior scull race was won by Davey, of the Mutuals. The only Albany representatives at the Detroit regatta of the National Association were Moseley and Piepenbrink of the Mu- tuals, who were defeated. At the September regatta of the Upper Hudson Association the Oljonpics won the gig race, the pair and the four, while the Mutuals were credited with the double scull race. In 1878, on the 12th of June, at the Upper Hudson regatta, the Olymjiics again secured the four-oared prize, while the Mutuals won the double, the pair-oared and the six-oared gig race. At the 4th of July regatta the Olympic four were successful, and so was their gig. The Mutuals scored first in the double, and in the pair-oared race, Bulger and Graves of the Mutuals vanquished the Olymjoic pair, composed of the two Gonnan brothers. On the 18th of July, at Saugerties, the Olympics took the single scull and four-oared races, and the Mutuals the double. On the 20th of August, at Newark, in the National Regatta, the Mutuals 107 RUR Von a national celebrity, securing" the ^>air-oared championship, and also the four-oared championship. Time of both races was very fast; in the pair 8 min. 56| sec, with the tide, and in the four 8 min. 4 sec. The double scull race the Mutuals lost after a hard strug-g-le. On the 25th of September the Mu- tuals, at the upper Hudson, won the four, the senior single, and the six; time in the gig race, Mutuals, 8 min. 47^ sec; Olympics, 8 min. 51^ sec. The Olympics won the double and the pair, the latter being" a walk-over. On the 19th of October the Hai-lem Regatta offered the champion Mutual four an opportunity of meeting- the celebrated Atalanta crew, who did not appear at the National Reg"atta. The result was a brilliant victory for the Albanians ; time, Mutuals, 6 min. 8^ sec; Atalantas, 6 min. 1^4 sec; distance, one mile straightaway. The Olympics entered in the double scull race, but lost it. In 1879, at the Harlem regatta in May, the Mutuals lost the pair-oared, double-scull and six-oared gig race (the latter by one second only), and the Olympics lost the pair and the four, being' defeated by the Atalantas in both races. On the 24th of June, at the Upper- Hudson regatta, the Mutuals won the double and the four ; the Olympics the pair and the six. On the 9th of July, at Saratoga Lake, during the National regatta, the Mutuals won the six-oared champ- ionship in six-oared shells. Time 8 min. 50 sec, the Shawmuts of Bos- ton second. In the four-oared race wei'e eighteen entries, and they in- cluded all the leading crews in the country. The racing which ensued was the finest ever witnessed in the United States, and the final heat re- sulted, Hillsdales, 8 min. 32| sec; Mutual 8 min. 41^ sec. The Olympic club at a fall regatta of the Detroit River Navy won the single and the double, and during the year were continuously successful in a number of minor races, their I'ec- ord for the season, in races won, being a most brilliant one. The year 1880 has witnessed the withdrawal of the Olympic club from active racing, they following the ex- ample of the old Pioneers by becom- ing a strictly social organization. Most of their rowing men have joined a new club called the Albanys, which has already won several races. At the regatta of the Passaic River Association, May 31, the Albanys lost the double and the four, but won the pair-oared race, and at the National i-egatta, held in Philadelphia July 7, they obtanie 1 the pair-oared champ- ionship (the Gorman brothers form- ing their crew), but were beaten by the Hillsdales in the four. In the National regatta the Mutuals again won the championship in six- oared shells, but were beaten in the double. At Geneva, the Albanys beat the Hobart College -crew in a four- oared race. Thus it ^vill be seen that Alba,ny occupies a foremost place in the aquatic history of the country ; and when it is remembered that the local clubs have always been composed of unquestioned amateurs, their achievements ai-e all the moi'o cred- itable. Rural Cemeteryo — This beautiful resting-place of the dead is situated in the town of Watervliet, about four miles north of Albany, and is reached by the West Troy horse-cars (the Broadway line), but more directly by the Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.'s railroad, depot foot of Maiden lane ; fare, 10 cts. ; trains every hour. Vis- itors are admitted on foot at all hours between sunrise and sunset, except RUR 108 Sundays and holidays. Special tick- ets, obtained at the office near the g-ate or of a trustee, will admit vehi- cles or persons on horse-back. Lot owners are given tickets which admit a vehicle except on Sundays and holi- days, when owners are admitted on foot only. Smoking-, pic-nicing, dogs, and the plucking of flowers or breaking any tree or shrub, are strictly prohibited. Hlstoky. — This cemetery had its oi'igin in a sermon pi'eached by Rev. B. T. Welch, D. D., in the Pearl st. Baptist church, in Dec. 1840. This sermon he repeated by request, and as a result a public meeting was held in the Exchange building Dec. 81, when it was resolved that a cemetery be established and a committee of thirteen appointed to carry the plan into effect. An association was in- corporated April 20, 1841, consisting of Rev. Dr. B. T. Welch, Stephen Van Rensselaer, John A. Dix, John Q. Wilson, James Horner, Anthony M. Strong, Peter Gansevoort, Thomas W. Olcott, Ezra P. Prentice, John Wendell, Ellis Baker, Ira Harris, Archibald Mclntyre. Of these, the original trustees, only Mr. Strong survives. The grounds were consecrated Oct. 7, 1844. A procession, including the firemen and three bands of music, was formed in N. Pearl st. and es- corted to the ground by the military. The services consisted of singing orig- inal hymns by a choir of several hundred voices led by R. Packard, religious exercises by the clergy, a poem by Alfred B. Street, and an ad- dress by Hon. D. D. Barnard. The first ]3rest. of the association was B. T. Welch ; first sec. and treas., A. M. Strong ; committee to locate and im- prove the grounds, B. T. Welch, Thomas W. Olcott. The present officers are : prest., Erastus Corning ; sect., Charles Van Benthuysen ; treas., Dudley Olcott; trustees, Erastus Com- ing, John F. Rathbone, Samuel H. Ransom, Charles Van Benthuysen, Isaac W. Vosburgh, Erastus D. Palmer, Abraham Van Vechten, James B. Jermain, Charles B. Lans- ing, Robert Lenox Banks, Robert L. Johnson, Rufus W. Peckham, Dud- I ley Olcott; supt., Jeffrey P. Thomas; • surveyor, Burton A. Thomas. The first interment was made in May, 1845. The grounds originally contained only 100 acres. They have been increased at various times (re- cently by a j)urchase of 48 acres on . the north), till the present area is 281-^ ! acres, ti'aversed by 22 miles of drive- way. The total number of lots is 5,413. Total number of interments, about 25,000, and these are being added to at an average rate of 850 yeaiiy. Single graves, J^S, for per- sons under ten years of age, and ^10 for others, including interment. Lots range from $25 to $256, or $1 per foot. I>escri2)tion. The visitor who takes the Broad- way horse-cars, will find himself left at the entrance gate on the Troy road, from which a noble tree-lined avenue nearly half a mile long, leads to the cemetery. In summer, a conveyance runs at intervals, taking passengei's to the office for five cents, and through the grounds for 10 cents more. The | steam-cars stop close to the cemetery I proper. A favorite way for cariiages J is the southern enti'ance, approached ! by Linden avenue from the Van Rens- selaer boulevard. • ^ The Rural cemetery is well named. I It is an expanse of hill and dale, I forest and stream, bubbling fountains, | sylvan dells, rocky ravines, spark- ling rivulets, and peaceful sheets of water. With possibly one exception i (the cemetery at Cincinnati), no burial | place in the whole land presents so J 109 RUR many natural advantages as does the Rural. One or two days' wandering" among its quiet scenes, Avould still leave many a nook unvisited, many a path untrod. The grounds are laid out in an intricate labyiinth of walks and djives, but nature has divided the area into what are called the South, Middle and North ridges, i-un- ning east and west, and separated by two stry'ams of never-failing- w^ater. Tpie South Ridge is the choicest section, and visitors who have not time to see the whole should select it *in preference to the others. Taking the avenue Mount Way, which is at your left, as you leave the office, is seen at the .I'ig-ht the most ponderous monument upon the grounds : a mas- sive shaft ornamented with a medal- lion head, the memo7nal of Joel Rath- bone. On this lot, not many years ago, a costly display of fiowei's was mac^ at the interment of a member of the tVunily. It was thought their beauty might tempt thieves, and the wires upon which the designs were wi'ought, were quietly marked. Sure- ly enough, they were stolen. A fu- neral in a neighboring city was heard of, where similar designs were thrown upon the coffin and buried. They were exhumed, and found to be those that were missing. The florist who robbed the grave to serve a custo- mer with second-hand posies, was thoroughly exposed and left the country. Keeping the avenue, we note the monument of Mrs. Mary Gleason, the finest free-stone on the grounds. Bending northerly, the visitor sees a low monument to Thomas Hillhouse, who formerly owmed the South ridge. This was the first granite structure in the cemetery. The memorial of Jared L. Rath- bone is designed as the counterpart of the tomb of Scipio. Passing from Mount Way, north-easterly, into the ToTii', is seen, on Mount Olivet, a cottage monument of Italian marble, with a medallion head, by Palmei*, representing Lewis Benedict, the el- der. Neai' by is a granite sarco^^ha- gus to the memory of the pati'iot soldier. Gen. Lewis Benedict, killed at Pleasant Hill. On Mount Olivet, also, is the tomb of the Van Ben- thuysens. When the cemetery was first laid out, the choice of lots was sold at auction, and the first choice was bid off by Mr. Obadiah R. Van Benthuysen (father of Mr. Charles Van Benthuysen), the first man to successfully attach steam po^'er to the printing press of America. The last time he went out of the house alive was to avail himself of the privileg-e he had purchased, and he selected this spot. On the Pohlman lot, beneath a Latin cross, lies the Rev. Dr. Pohlman, and near him, under a soldier's rustic memorial, Lieut. Wm. H. Pohlman, wounded to death at Gettysburgh. Close to the line of St. Agnes Cemetery, in Forest ave., is the granite monument to Lyman Root, the largest single stone upon the gi'ound, weighing about twenty tons. It is set exactly accord- ing to the cai-dinal points of the com- pass ; the cunosity is that this was purely accidental. Turning southward, the lots are many of them circular. Still further southward, on Prospect hill, is an elaborate memorial to Jas. A. Wilson, one of the most costly on the grounds; a niche in front shelters a figure of Faith. Still further to the south is the Corning j^lat, the largest in the cemetery A monumental cross to Gertrude Tibbitts Corning; a large bronze cruciform sarcophagus to Erastus Corning, and other elegant memorials attract attention. This is a most commanding position, and the view of river, mountain and distant city is indeed charming. Near the RUR 110 Corning" plat is a Roman column erected to the memory of Gen. Philip Schuyler, the Revolutionary hei'o, Av ho sleeps beneath it. The lot was given by the ti-ustees of the cemetery, and the monument ei-ected by Mi*s. W. Stai-r Miller, a grand-daug-liter of the illustrious deceased. Near by also is the King* monument, well worth noticing-, and bi-iuging to miiid the greater memorial of this public- spiritetl citizen, the King fountain soon to be erected in Washington Park (which see). The lot of Robert Lenox Banks, west of the Corning plat, contains "The Angel at the Sepulchre," by Erastus D. Palmer. More strangers are drawn to the Rural to see this one work of art, than by all the other attractions combined. The face and form ai-'e of angelic beauty, although there is in both enough of the human to attract and hold our sympathy. Seated upon the rock which he has I'oUed back fi-om the sepulchre, his countenance like lightning, his rai- ment white as snow, it is, after all, less an ang-el than a gloritied human being-, gifted with etei'nal youth and God-like strength — a face radiant with fullilled hope and the assurance of knowledge impossible this side the A'eil. It is, indeed, a personification of the grea,t ti-uth of the resurrection, implied in the words, '* Why seek ye the living among the dead ? " While the cost of this memorial (said to be about i^^20,000) has been exceeded in some instances, nothing approaching it in sentiment or execution is to be found in any graveyard in the coun- try. At the west, a short distance below^ is a peai'-shaped bit of silver, known as Cypress Water, in which is a minia- ture island. On the way down the slope is the Brumaghim lot, on which, besides the principal headstone, is a jnarble tree-trunk entwined with ivy. upon which perches a dove. Near by, also, is a soldier's monument, erected to Maj. George S. Dawson. Around the lake are the beautiful monuments of P. V. Fort, Oscar L. Hascy, E. D. Bi-ainard, Dr. R. Jewett, Walter R, Bush, and the late Michael McGarvey. Fjom this point, also, maybe seen the handsome monument of W. H. Pitkin, and opposite, one of Thvmas V. Wolcott, and near by the handsome obelisk of A. F. Fisher. At the right, in Evergreen Wood, Gen. Rice, the hero of twenty battles, the last of which j)roved fatal, is buried. Proceeding on the Tour, past Rose- leaf and Sjiruce aves., Wooster's noble figui'e of Hope comes in sight, stand- ing upon an octagonal pedestal, wrought in emblematic vines and flowers. Highland water is reached by Lawn crossway, and is a pretty little sheet, once alive Avith gold flsh. Oi« the I'ight of Lawn ave. is the tomb of four generations of the Van Rensselaers. Through Greenwood ave. to Roseland way and we come to a much admired memorial of Robinson and Howe, sur- mounted by a statue of INIemoi-y, and back of this " Hariy " Meech, of the old Albany Museum, is buried. Near by is the massive monument of the late Judge Ira Hari'is ; also the Wal- lace monument, both well worth no- ting. A walk thi'ough the ravine and a visit to Consecration lake are next in order. It was hei-e, in this natural amphitheatre, that the services took place by which the cemetery was dedicated. Middle Ridge. — Leaving Conse- cration lake, and going west by Ra- vine sideway, facing Ravine bridge, on the right,' is the only polished shaft of native granite on the ground. It is seen at fine advantage, and com- memorates the On- family. Neai' by is the lot of another branch of the Van Rensselaers, and here Gen. Solo- Ill RUR mon Van Rensselaer is buried. He foug-ht under " Mad Anthony " at Miami, and received what was thought to be a mortal wound in the lung's, but lived to be riddled with balls at Queenstown, and finally died at 78. Passing west and curving to the north, on the left of Western ave., stand two bi-own stone monuments, one of whicli was erected by the citi- zens of Albany to commemorate the gallantry of Lewis JNT. Morris, brevet- major, U. S. A., who fell Sept. 21, 1846, while leading- an assault at Mon- terey. Turning- westward, we come to Olcott's monument, representing a mother i-ising- toward her childi-en who have gone before. Opposite lies Edwin G. Delavan, the famous tem- perance reformer, who died in 1870. His name is perpetuated in Albany by the Delavan House, which he built. In the same section, is the lot of the gi-eat financier, Thomas W. 01- cott, who for 3i years was president of the cemetery association. For nearly sixty-three years Mr. 0. was in the Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank, entering- as a junioi' clerk, and be- coming- its president. Further along, on Western ave., is the g-rave of the famous surgeon. Dr. Alden March. Down the ravine at the rig-ht sleeps Indian lake, the largest sheet of water on the grounds. At the left is Tawa- sentha lake, and on the other side rises the massive g]*anite monument to John Tayler Cooper. At the west- ern extremity of the lake, on Hem- lock ave., sleeps John C. Spencer, the illustrious lawyer. Still further, and on the left, the sarcophag-us of Quincy granite, supporting a large anchor in relief commemorates Capt Robert Townsend, who died in China in 1866, while in command of the U. S. Steam- er Wachusett. Facing the lake is the tomb of M. N. Mead, erected in 1880. A few rods west of this point brings one to the church gi'ounds, where are interred the dead which were taken from the old Albany burying grounds, and re-buried here. The old gi*ave- stones and their curious inscriptions, afford an interesting study to the an- tiquarian. Turning eastward, and retra versing Western ave. to section 55, we find the grave of Gen. Peter Gansevoort, the hero of Fort Stan- wix ; also, those of his son and grand- son. Crossing the Tour, and still keeping on Western ave., we pass the grave of the late Chancellor of the University, John V. L. Pruyn, and come to the sarcophagus of Egbert Egberts, who was foremost in devel- oping the steam knitting industry at Cohoes. Here a number of the once prominent men of West Troy lie buried. Near the Tour, in section 62, is tho grave of the statesman, William L. Marcy, marked by an unpretending g-ranite monument. Mr. Marcy 's father-in-law, Benjamin Knower, formerly owned the land now forming the central division, and the very spot where Marcy is buried was a favorite resort with him. His funeral was one of the most impressive ever seen in Albany. Mr. Knower was one of the most promi- nent business men in the city in 1825, and was for many years president of the Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank. In Cresent way (and we are now not far from the eastern boundary of the cemetery) is a stately free-stone, sacred to the memory of Chas. E. Dud- ley, and of his widow, Mrs. Blandina Dudley, whose gi-eater monument is the observatory which bears the name. Beyond the turn, and oppo- site the Dudley lot, is the testimonial to John Van Buren — " Prince John " — the son of the President, who died at sea, Oct. 13, 1866. Turning north- ward is seen the hillside tomb of the Burdens, one of the most elaborate sepulchres on the grounds. Its sculptured dogs attract much atten- SAN — SCH 112 ^ tion. Its owner erected upon his es- tate on the other side of the I'iver, an observatory, in which, when^ in a contemplative mood, he could sit and with a glass .view his final resting- place. The monument of Ozias Hall, a combination of brown-stone and marble, is in sing-alar taste. A few steps eastward lead to the main Tour. North Ridge. — Moving- northward along- the Tour, the Gothic chapel of John F. Winslow and the "NVinslow family mil be easily identified. It is much the most costly of any structure on the g-round. It is built of granite and other materials. FollovAng the Tour, we come, on Landscape hill, to the first monument erected in the cemetery. It is to the memory of David Strain. Ascending to Arbor hill, we find the soldiers* burial ground, in which nearly 150 victims of the war lie buried. The scenes yearly enacted here on Decoration Day, under tho auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic, are most im- pressive. Near by the soldiers' lot are the Hailenbake (properly Halen- beck) lots and monument, where re- pose the dead who were once buried in the family burying-ground, south- west cor. Hamilton and South Pearl sts. This property was sold for taxes, and then re-sold and a portion of the proceeds devoted to the pur- chase of this lot and monument, the transfer Ix-ing completed in 1860. A little lake some ways to the west, is called Arbor water. In the north- west portion of the cemetery are the public lots, in each of which there is only "room for one." A portion of this ground is reserved for the in- mates of the Home for the Friend- less. On the way out, the receiving vault is noticed. It was erected in 1858, and is used for the reception of bodies in winter, when the ground will not i-eadily permit of their in- terment. The cascades occupy what waa once the site of Orient lake, and are a great improvement to the sceneiy . Choice shrubl )ei-y and trail- ing vines have been planted among the rocks, and a trio of fountains sends up a beautiful spray. The lots are cared for by the season, at from $2 to $10, and upwards, accord- ing to size. The trustees also receive contributions, by bequest or other- wise, as a perpetual fund, the interest of which goes towai-ds keeping k)ts of the contributors in good condition. The number of lots thus pennanently provided for is 215. " Sand Plain Lots."— In 1858 a very elaborate map was published of the propei'ty lying ten miles west of the City Hall, and yet technically, by the oi-iginal charter, within the city limits. These city lots, 860 in number, altbaugh utterly worthless, looked well on paper, and were sold and re- sold by parties living at a distance, at astounding prices. Quite fi^equent- ly the purchasers would come to look at their acquisitions, expecting to find them in the midst of the city. Their disappointment on realizing the truth, was often hard to bear. The swindle was repeatedly exposed in tho fiewspapei's, but the sand plain lots are still in market. Schools. — The public schools are noticed under Public Instruction (which see). Besides these, there are the parochial schools (Catholic), in which the number of j)upils en- rolled is 3,749; in private schools, 735 ; academies, 857. The total school population (between 5 and 21 years), is estimated at 85,411 ; the number between 5 and 6 years being 4,225 ; between 16 and 21 years, 11,178 ; between 6 and 16 years, 20,008. The whole number enrolled, inchiding the public schools (14,049), is 18,890, 113 SEC — SHA leaving" the approximate number be- tween 6 and 16 years, not in any school, at 1,118. Among* the pnvate schools not otherwise mentioned, is the Commette French and Classical Institute, 131 N. Pearl ; the Convent of the Sacred Heart, at Kenwood ; C. A. Meyer's (German), at 1(31 Hud- son ave., etc. (See Albanit Academy, Female Academy, Medical College, St. Agnes School.) Second Adventists have no house of worship, but hold services in Bea- ver Block. Secret Societies. — The principal of l^hese, Free Masons, Odd Fellows, and Grand Army, are spoken of under their respective heads. There are also several lodges of tho Knights of Pythias, Ancient Order of United Workmen , Temperance organizations, etc., in the city. Shakers. — Eight miles from the foot of State St., and at the terminus of the Shaker road, which branches from Broadway opposite tho Van Rensse- laer mansion, is the original Shaker settlement in America whei'C Mother Ann Lee, the founder of tho sect, lies buried. She emigrated from Manchester, England, to the United States, in 1774, and settled on this spot, wlicro she died in 1784. Tho drive from Albany, whether by the Shaker i'(;ad or by tho way of West Albany,- is a favorite one, and man;/ take it. Tb.e settlement numbers 500 sincere individuals who, in nearly everything, differ with the teachings of other churches ; although even their amusements and recreations are almost wholly of a religious nature. Their principles include celibacy as best for those wno are able and willing to live it, community of projierty, non-resistance, peace of households and of nations, and entire separa- 8 tion of their church from political or State connections. They are thiifty famiei'S, gardeners, and mechanics ; known as the best of neighbors, and of very hospitable dispositions. They own several thousand acres of tine land, and while much of it is culti- vated in an unequaled manner, yet the tourist finds, just before entering the vilk g !, the most beautiful woods and heavily timbered plot in the county of Albany. They are tho originators of the far-famed " Shaker Garden Seeds,"and "Shaker Brooms," in which they still take pride. Their live stock has been a notewoi'fchy feature in years past, and their fruits and flocks have attracted much atten- tion. They are currently believed to be very wealthy ; but their riches consist almost entirely in real estate at home and in other counties and States. On Sundays, during the warm weather, their church is open to the public, and many citizens and stran- gers avail themselves of the beautiful dri\'es thither, to witness the peculiar foi'ms of their worship : processional marching, dancing, etc., accompanied with singing by the whole body of worshippers. An address upon their peculiar tenets is always given, the whole making their church a very intei'esting i^esort during the season. Thay publish a paper monthly — Tlie Manifesto — which contains essays and contributions, mostly from their o^vn people, illustrating their religious views ; and each number contains a piece of their unique, original music. Their jiost-office in the village is «« Shakers, N. Y." While open at all times to enter- tain and interest candid enquirei'S after their manner of life ; and while making welcome those who desire to visit their homes and domains, the Shakers ^dsh it to be distinctly un- derstood that they are not a public SIG — STA 114 institution, but are pi'i\'ileg'ed to the rig-hts of their quiet, personal homes and estates ; and any infi-ingement upon these by those who fail to con- sider that they have neither hotels nor servants, is more than fi-owned upon. Any hospitality, beyond the freedom to visit their grounds, gar- dens, enclosures, etc., must be by special invitation. The Shakers are divided into four villages, called the Church, North, West and South families. They i*ely almost wliolly upon the outside world for converts to their system of life, excej)ting that they have commonly adoj^ted a few oi'phan children, who, at mature age, may of choice become members or not. The Shakers, at present, are declining in numbers, which they attribute to the general coldness of religious feeling, claim- ing, that from genuine revivals, they " gather in " their share. Signal Service. — Tlie United States Army Signal Service has its office at 44 State street, room 9, and is in charge of J. 0. Bai'nes, who takes observations at 7 A. m., 3 and 11 p. m., and foi'wai-ds the report to Washing- ton. Local observations are taken at 7, 2 and 9. He also prints and issues the Farmers' bulletin, which is mailed to about 325 postmasters in this vicinity. Repoi'ts ai-e received from about 25 stations, and these are sent in du]-)licate to the newspaper offices, and posted up in various public places about the city. The term signal service is a misnomer. It should be called the weather service. Spires. — Following is said to be the height of the tallest church spires in this city : St. Patrick's, 170 feet ; Congi-egational, 195 ; St. Paul's Evan- gelical Lutheran, 176 ; Trinity Me- thodist, 173 ; Fourth Presbyterian, 186 J State Street Presbyterian, 16G-3 ; Our Lady of Angels, 120 ; St. Peter's, 180 ; Cathedral, 210 -, Holy Cross, 145. Stadt Huis, The, was on the corner of Broadway and Hudson sts., now occupied by the Commercial building. Seven men, condemned to die, were once incarcerated there. They bar- I'icaded the door, declared that they . had laid a train of powder to blow I themselves up, and all around. A cix)wd had collected, and there was great excitement. Some one thought of the fire engine, which was brought, and the place thoroughly drenched, | powder and all. Then a merchant f named McDole, took a club, and a hole being made through the ceiling, he descended, and laid around him till they were vanqiiished. Then they were di" white, and marched ux") State st. to Elk, where they were hanged. (See Hudson Avenue, Old Capitol.) Stages. — Run to Berne, New Scot- land, and intei'mediate places, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 9 A. M., from Avenue House, 74 Washington ave.; to Clarkesville, Westerlo, Rensselaerville, and intei'- mediate places, daily, from 71 Wash- ington ave., at 8:30 A. M., and to Guilderland Centre every aftei*noon at 4 o'clock, from M-ai-phy's Hotel, 91 Washington ave.; to Loudon\'ille daily, from Broadway, cor. State st.; to Nassau and Lebanon Springs daily, at 2:45 p. m., from Mansion House, 387 Broadway. St. Agnes Cemetery. — Situated in the town of Watervliet, four miles north of Albany, and most con- veniently reached by the cars of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com- pany's railroad, depot, foot of Maiden lane ; fare 10 cents. Adjoins the Rural Cemetery on the south. Con- tains about 50 acres, and is very 115 STA handsomely laid out, althoug-h its surface does not present the variety of s:;ene furnished by the Rural. The cemetery was consecrated on the 19th of May, 18lJ7, in the presence of a vast assemblage of people, Right Rev. Bishop Conroy and the Cathohc clergy of the city officiating. (A de- tailed description of this cemeteiy is preparing for the Albany Hand-Book for 1882J lature creating a cOi*i30ration by the name and style of "The Coming Foundation for Chi'istian Woi'k in the Diocese of Albany," with ample pow- ers for "the establishment, mamte- nance, and management, in the city of Albany, of a school or schools and other educational, I'eligious and char- itable woi'ks and institutions, with a church or chapel and other convenient buildings in connection therewith; St. Agnes School. — The school of St. Agnes was founded by the Right Rev. Wm. C. Doane, Bishop of Al- bany, in 1870. It was modeled upon St. Mary's Hall at Burlington, N. J., a school founded 35 years ago by his father, Bishop of New Jersey. The late Erastus Coming, in view of the success which attended the com- mencement of the new school, secured ground for a suitable building on Elk St., one of the most commanding a,nd beautiful sites in the city. In March, 1871, an act was passed by the Legis- the same to be maintained and con- ducted in accordance with the doc- trines, discipline and worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the said diocese of Albany." By the re- quirements of the charter the Bishop of the said diocese, for the time being, is made one of the trustees and the president of the board. The corporation was organized, funds raised, plans for the new build- ing completed, and May 8, 1871, ground broken in the presence of the members of the school, and its friends STA 116 '4 and helpers. The corner-stone was laid with appropi-iate services June 19 th, and contained a copper box, in which wei-e a copy of the Book of Common Prayer and the Holy Bible, of the act of incorporation and other documents connected with the school, and on its top was an eng-raved plate with the inscription : In angulari lapide S. AGNETIS SCUOL^, AlbaniensM. X In nomine Patrb ct Tihi c( Spiritus Snncti, Amen. X Fundamenta ejus id mootibus saacti-i, Filue eorum composilae, circumornatas ut similitudo TempU, Id Kill Calettdu Quintiles, A. D. 1873 The building" was formally opened on Halloween, 1872. At the tenth an- niversary in June, 1880, the I'ecords showed a list of 250 pupils in attend- ance during the year, and 22 teach- ei-s and lecturers, while 165 graduates have g'one out from the school. It now occupies an honored position as first among its equals, older or younger, of American church schools for girls. *' Nonnobis, Doniine. j}fo7i nobis; sed Nomini tuo da gloriam.'* Stanwix Hall stands on the site of the house where was born Geu.Ganse- voort, the hero of Fort Stanwix, and was erected, in 1833, by his son. It was at first used for stoi-es and offices, with a ball-room in the upper story, believed to be the finest in the State. For 10 years it was "a doubtful ex- penment of desolate granite, splendid as a building, melancholy as an in- vestment." In 1844, when the route of the Mohawk and Hudson railroad was changed to its present course, and the Boston road was completed, the Stanwix was changed into a hotel and has been one ever since. State Hall, Eagle st., between Steu- ben and Pine, is built of white cut stone from the Sing Sing quarries, is 138 by 88 feet, and is 65 feet high. The ceilings of the basement and of the two principal stories are gi'oined ai'ches, and all the i-ooms, excepting in the attic story, are fire i)roof. The basement and attic ai-e each 19 feet, and the two principal stories each 22 feet high. It was finished in 1842, at a cost of $350,000. It contains the offices of the Secretary of State, Comp- trollei'. Treasurer, Auditor of Canal Department, Canal Ajjpi-aisers, Canal , Commissionei'S, State Engineer and Surveyor, Division Engineers, Clerk of Court of A jipeals, Superintendent of Bank Dejiartment, Attorney-General, and State Sealer of Weights and Measures. Open to visitors during business hours. (See cut, p. 117.) State Library.— The New York State Libi'ary was founded by act of the Legislature, passed April 21, 1818. The Governor, Lieut. -Gov- ernor, Chancellor and Chief Justice of the Supreme Coui-t for the time being, were constituted a board of trustees, who were directed to cause to be fitted up some proper room in the Capitol "for the pui'pt^se of keep- ing therein a publick lil>rary for the use of the government and the people of the State." The trustees at this period had mainly in view the collec- tion of an extensive library of law books, and a great proportion of the appropriations were expended for this department. The Legisla- ture, however, needed for consulta- tion woi'ks on political economy, and books on such other subjects that touched upon their legislative labor, and thus the fiehi for collection was gradually enlarged. For thirty yeai'S . the library continued under the con- trol of the officers above mentioned as trustees (to whom in 1824 were added the Secretary of State, Attorney- General and Comptroller), and its magnitude and importance then made it necessary that a more permanent 117 STA board of trustees should be intrusted with its manag-ement. Accordingly, on the 4th of May, 1844, the Leg-isla- ture enacted that the Reg-ents of the University should be the trustees of this library. Upon assuming" this trust they caused an inventory of the library to be taken, and its whole arrangement was reconstructed. One I'esult of the inventory was the dis- covery that 311 volumes were miss- ing-, — some of which, however, were recovered by advertising-. It was then determined to be important to secure for the State every historical work illustrating- American history, and especially the history of New York. The g-rowth of the library has been a steady one, depending- on a modei-ate annual appropriation, which has been increased some years for the special purchase of larg-e col- lections. Among- such notably was the Warden collection in 1843, made by Mr. David B. Warden in Europe, numbering- over 2,000 volumes relat- ing- to American history. In 1853 the Legislature authorized the purchase of the correspondence and other papei-s of George Clinton, the first Governor of the State. These manu- scripts have been bound in twenty- three folio volumes, and a calendar since added. The x'>apers found on the person of Major Andre, by his captors at Tarrytown, were among the Clinton manuscripts, and have been framed and put under glass. Tlie papers of Sir William Johnson, covering a period of the history of Central New York from 1738 to 1774, were also purchased and arranged and bound in twenty-two folio volumes t STA 118 In 1854 the library was removed to the present building-, west of the old Capitol, constructed by the direc- tion of the Legislature of 1851. It was intended to be fire-proof, and was so considered before the great fires of Chicago and Boston. It was intended to accommodate 100,000 volumes — it has, packed and padded on the shelves, ali-eady over 113,000 volumes, besides scores of volumes of atlases and thousands of duplicate books for exchange. The dui^licate volumes are chiefly the reports of the several departments of the State government and institutions, and books presented to the library from time to time by various jiersons. The Hbi'aiy of to-day represents the best thoug-ht of the human mind and the record of human action for the last six thousand years. While every department of letters is represented on the shelves, yet the lil)rary is by far the richest in works relating to American history. Hun- di'eds of books ha-ve been printed in this country, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, of the editions of which not twenty copies remain un- destroyed. Quiet, unremitted watch- fulness and care foi* the past thirty years have succeeded in gathering in most of these publications, so that few libraries on this continent ai*e richer in early Americana. The library does not seek literary curiosities as such ; but when a book is offered which is needed to complete the set of laws, or illustrate the histoiy of the State, it is obtained, as when, in the spring of 1880, ij?l,600 was paid at auction for the first book of the Laws of the State, of which but two or three perfect copies were known to be in existence. The library contains, in addition to these I'are or almost unique volumes, many illustrated volumes of travels, of natural history, and of ancient and modern art. Among these are Kings- borough's Mexican Antiquities, the text of which is mainly in the Spanish and Italian languages ; the great work on Egypt, in 12 folio volumes, exe- cuted under orders of Napoleon I j Audubon's Bii-ds of America, in four volumes, elephant folio, which now bring at auction ?1,000 ; and 20 vol- umes illuB 'rating the humming birds of Central and South America. The leading journals of France and Eng- land are represented in almost com- plete files of the Monitettr and London Times. Sixty thousand pamphlets have been preserved, to illustrate every phase of human industry, ec- centricity, passion, patriotism, stu- pidity, or genius. The collection of American genealogies is perhaps un- surpassed by any other in the country. About 3,000 volumes of specifications and drawing's of English patents are stored on the shelves, besides those of the United States, France, Canada, and Victoria. Hai'dly a library-day in the year passes that one or moi'e readers do not ask to consult some of these patents volumes. The law library has but one equal in the extent and value of its collections in this country, and that is the Library of Congress at Washington. Eveiy book and pamphlet in the library is cata- logued under the author's name, in aljihabetical order, and in addition to this catalogue is a subject-index, in which, under subjects presented in alphabetical order, are gi\-en the treatises, in book or pamphlet form, upon that subject. In addition to the books, other arti- cles of value and interest have drifted in as to a safe place of deposit for the inspection of visitors. Among these are a sword and pistol and the sur- veying instruments of Washington ; the swords presented to Gen. Worth by the United States, by New York State, and by the city of Hudson, for |L brilliant services in the Mexican Avar : 119 STA — TEL busts of some of tlie eminent states- men of New York ; portraits in oil of many of the Governoi'S and Regents of the University, and a numismatic collection of considerable value. It is a reference library, and only mem- bei'S of the Legislature, heads of de- partments of the State' government, and the trustees of the hbrary have the privilege of taking books to their residences. There is hardly a tield of human industry that is not repre- sented in apphcants for information to assist them in their sevei'al spheres of labor in office, workshop, or out- door occupations. The library is open daily from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., except Sundays and hoUdays, and from the 5th to the 20th of August ; during sessions of the Legislature till 6 p. m., except Satur- days, when it closes at 5 p. m. State Officers. (See Appendix.) State Street owes its great width to the fact that in the early history of the city, most of the public buildings were in the middle of that street. It is a noble avenue, and when cleared of its Market (which see), will form a fitting approach to the Capitol. Steamboat Landing, foot of Madi- son ave., was formerly called the Watering Place, as there teams and cattle had access to the river. The South Market which stood there was taken down in 1842, and the lot leased to Isaac Newton. It is now the land- ing place of the People's Line. Steamboats. — During the season of navigation, steamers leave foot of Hamilton st. daily, for Cedar Hill, Castleton, Coeymans, New Baltimore, Stuyvesant, Coxsackie, Hudson, Cats- kill, Rondout, Poughkeepsie, New- burgh, and intermediate landings. There is also a line of favorite steam- ers running to New Baltimore tmce daily (see Excursions). The Albany and Troy steamers, which run hourly from foot of Maiden lane, are highly popular and deservedly so. During the Saratoga season, there is a day line to New York (see, also, People's Lixe). St. Michael's Feast.— *' The feast- day of St. Michael, the archangel," was (Sept. 29) designated in the Don- gan charter, when the aldermen were elected and the chamberlain was ap- pointed. The present charter pro- vides that the chamberlain and the deputy chamberlain, who shall also be the receiver of taxes, shall be biennially appointed by the common council on the nomination of the mayor, at a meeting of the common council to be held on the eve of the feast of St. Michael the archangel. Street Cleaning is done by five con- tractors, one in each police precinct, and the captains of police are authori- zed to see that the work is properly performed. If it is not, they have the right to employ men and teams to re- move the dirt, and the expense is re- ported and charged against the con- tractors. Sturgeonville. — A derisive name applied to Albany, from the fact that many years ago sturgeon was bought and sold here in large quantities. Twenty-five years ago the trade here amounted to {?20,000 annually, but it has declined so that now a good specimen of the acipenser hremrostris is quite a rarity. It is a curious fact, that in spite of this, sturgeon is known as Albany beef, all over the United States. Telegraph. — There are three tele- graph lines doing business in this city, and as a consequence rates are TEL 120 low, anrl likely to be lower. In mes- sag-es the" body " words of the mes- sage only are charged for, the date, address, and signature of messages being transmitted free. Figures must always be written out in words. Mes- sages are delivered in the city limits without extra charge ; and thi-ough the telephone messengers can be sum- moned, Mho will also receive mes- sages without extra charge. Western Union. — Central ofRce, cor. of State and Bi'oad way; branches. West Aroan;^ ; Delavan House; Broad- way cor. N. Ferry ; Union depot ; Lumber district, in summer ; People's Line office ; D. & H. C. R. R. general offices ; depot of D. & H. C. R. R., foot of Maiden lane ; in the winter, at the Capito), and the Kenmore Hotel. Atlantic and Pacific. — Central office, 462 Broadv/ay. Branches at State Hail and West Albany. Con- nects with Direct United States ocean telegi'aph. American Union. — Central office 444 Broadway. Branches during the Mdnter, at Stanwix Hall and the Capi- tol. Connects with the French At- lantic telegraph, and is lessee of the Dominion line of Canada. Telephone. — The telephone in this city is an outgrowth of the American District Telegi-aph Co., which was chartered in Nov., 1875, and began operations in Feb., 1876. Each sub- scriber was furnished with a signal box. By the pulling down of a crank the number, peculiar to that box, was recorded in the company's office on a self-acting register, and a uniformed messenger answered the call. Police officers and firemen were similarly summoned. This system is still in vogue, though limited in extent, since the advent of telephonic communica- tion. In March, 1878, the American Dis- trict Telegraph made a contract with the Bell Telephone Co. of Boston, for the use of the lattcr's instruments ; and on May 22, 1878, established a telephone exchange in Albany. Ifc was the third one in the United States, or in the world ; the first being in New Haven, Ct., under the manage- ment of Mr. Coy, the originator of the system; the second in Lowell. Mass. Prior to these a system of centering telephone wires in one office had been in operation at Boston, but communications were sent to opera- tors at the central office, who relayed them to their destination ; whereas, at New Haven, the subscribers were put in actual communication \vdth each other. The Albany Exchange began with about 100 subscribers, and the Ameri- can District Company enjoyed a mo- nopoly of the business until July, 1879, duinng which time a separate company bj^ened an office in Troy, and direct communication was possi- ble from Albany to Loudonville, Me- nands, West Troy, Troy, Lansing- burg, Waterford and Cohoes. The telephone stations in Albany up to June, '79, numbei'ed about 450, and the entire number in communi- cation about 700. In the summer of '79, the Commercial Telephone Co. began operations, and very shortly succeeded in obtaining and holding the largest and most valuable pa- tronage. The Commercial Co., of Albany, have a list of about 800 subscribers ; the American District Co., 300; the Commercial, of Troy, some 450. In Albany, the office of the chief of po- lice is in telephonic communication with the diffei-ent stations ; the chifef engineer of the fire department en- joys similar facilities %vith steamer and truck houses. The total number of telephones in Albany, Troy and vicinity, cannot be far from 1,700. Prices of telephone subsci-iptions 121 TEM — TRA range from §2 to $4.50 per month, ac- cording* to amount of business, dis- tance of subscribers from central offices, and combined or single occu- pation of a circuit. Extra charges ai-e made for communicating with Troy or Cohoes. It is unfortunate that there is no recognized j)!'*^"* whereby the general public can avail themselves of occasional communica- tions, wdthout incurring expense of a regular subscription. Central ofiices are located : Com- mercial telephone in Amei'ican Ex- press Buihling, with branches at 68 Washington ave., and cor. of S. Pearl and Hamilton sts. ; American District, 468 Broadway, over Van Heusen, Charles & Co.'s crockery store. A consolidation of the two companies is likely to take place. Temperature. — The temperature in All)any is very high in summer, and very low in winter, ranging- from 93 above to IS below zero. The mean temperature for the past live years has been 47.3, which is lower than that of New Yoi-k by about four de- grees. The rainfall (which includes melted snow) for the past yeai', was BS^ inches. Less snow falls here than in the surrounding country. According to a paper read by Dr. T. Romeyn Beck, before the Albany In- stitute, Feb. 7, 1833, and embodying the observations of 17 years, the mean temperature had been 49.4. Theatres. — There are no theatres in Albany ; they are all halls or Oi)era houses. (See Lela^-d Opera House, Martijt Opera House, Tweddle Hall.) Topography. — Albany, the capi- tal of the btate of New York, and its fourth largest city, is situated at the head of sloop navigation on the west bank of the Hudson river, 145 miles from New York, and 374 from Wash- ington, D. C, in latitude 42.39 and longitude 78.32. Along the river front the land is low, but a little distance back it rises about 200 feet, and then stretches away to the westward in a sandy plain. The hill is divided by four g-ullies running east and west, which haVe-been much modified by grading, and within a mile of the liver disappear altogether. Still thei-e are points where the banks can only be climbed by steps, and, therefore, are inaccessible foi* teams. By the Dongan charter, the limits of the city were fixed at one mile on the river front, and extending' north-west the same width 16 miles. In 1870, this generous allotment was cui'tailed, and the western boundary of the city is now only about 4^ miles from the river. Accessions have, hovvever, been made north and south of the original gi'ant, and the river front is now about four miles. The soil is underlaid with slate rock at a depth corresponding vnth. the bed of the river ; then comes gravel, and next as the gi'ound rises, 150 to 250 feet of blue clay ; then yellow sand. The soil on the slopes is this blue clay, which becomes mixed with sand at the top of the plateau, and west it is about all sand. Townsend Park, at the intersection of Washington and Central aves., be- tween Lark and Knox sts. When first inclosed with a fence, in 1833, it was proposed to call it Washing-ton Park and erect there a statue of the Father of his Country ; but he escaped the honor. Trade, The Board of, was organ- ized in 1847, and incorporated in 1864. It inhabits spacious and convenient rooms at 40 State st., in what was once Association Hall. It has 225 mem- bers who pay yearly dues of |10. TRA — UNI 122 This entitles them to the use of the room to buy and sell in. The leading- commercial papers are on file, and occasionally public meeting's are held there. The present officers are Ralph "W. Thacher, xii'es. ; William Story, Edwy L. Taylor, vice-prests. ; Wil- liam Lacy, sec. ; Thos. McCredie, jr., treas. ; William C. Johnson, Henry W. Waterman, Charles B. l"^llinghast, Harvey A. Dwight, Wm. O. Elmore, Charles E, Gay, managers. Trade Unions. — Among- those in the city are the following- : Bricklayers and Masons' Union. Cigar Makers' Union, organized Sept. 17, 1879; membership, 178. Thos. Brierty, pres. ; Porter McMur- ray, Adam Zeller, vice-prests. ; Moses Steam, Fi-ank Loring, sees. ; Frank Smith, treas. Coopers' Union No. 7. Typographical Union No. 4, rooms at 44 N. Pearl st. For officers, see chronicle of local events, Oct. 9. Troy, six miles north of Albany, is a city of 57,000 inhabitants ; chartered as a village in 1791 ; as a city in 1816. Is reached by rail, steamboat, or horse cars, and will well repay a visit. Thii'ty or more factories, em- ploying over 6,000 hands, manufac- ture shirts and collars. The iron and stove interests are very large. Tweddle Hall, cor. State and N. Pearl streets, opened June 28, 1860; stands partly on the site of the home of Philip Livingston, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is said that he x)lanted the elm tree which once stood on the corner near by. (See Elm Tree Corner.) Is well furnished and appointed, and is let to traveling combinations and for political and other meetings. Will seat 1,196 persons, William Apple- ton, jr., manag-er. The lower floors are occupied by stores and offices. (See Amusements, Record of.) Union University. — (For the medi- cal department, see Medical Col- lege ; law department, see Law School ; see, also, Dudley Obser- VATORY.) The union of these in- stitutions with Union College was consummated in April, 1873. While neither gained nor lost anything in property oi' powers, all were united under a board of governors, thus securing unity of action and opinion. Rev. Eliphalet Nott Potter, D. D., - LL. D., pres. Union College, located at Schen- ectady, 14 miles fi-om Albany, was founded Feb. 25, 1795, and was the first college chartei'ed by the Regents of the University. It has been an imjioi'tant factor in the intellectual growth of the State and Nation. Its presidents and professors have been men of foremost ability as teach ere, and have j^ublished many woi-ks of world-wide reputation. The follow- ing is the list of presidents : John Blair Smith, D. D. ; Jonathan Ed- wards, D. D. ; Jonathan Maxcy, D. D; Eliphalet Nott, D. D. ; Laurens P. Hickok, D. D. ; Charles A. Aiken, D. D. ; Eliphalet Nott Potter, D. D. Of the 6,500 g-raduates, about 4,650 have been from the State of New York. The colleg-e is well endowed for special purposes, but needs a pro- fessional endowment fund. There are numerous scholarshijis, prize scholai'ships and prizes. The present able and efficient faculty insist on a high standai-d of scholarship. There are three libi-aries, large collections in Natural History department, com- plete sets of philosophical apparatus, | and the engineering department and ' chemical laboratory are well sup- plied with models and apparatus. Military instruction is given by an officer of the United States anny. 1 3 3 a X s A M d 3 d Td ONVlidOO f 123 UNI — WAS Tliere are two literary societies (The Philomatliean, founded 1793 ; The Adelphic, 1797) and a theological society. These societies have had much to do wiih the reputation of the alumni for forensic abihty. Degrees are conferi-ed upon graduates from the classical, scifentitic, civil engi- neering, chemical and post-graduate courses. Prof. Cady Staley is Dean of the faculty. Universalist Church, Chestnut st. above Dove. There is no settled . pastor. O. E. Wilson is supt. of the Sunday school. Underwriters, Albany Board of, incorporiited March 20, 1873. Ob- ject, to inculcate just and equitable principles in the business of insur- ance ; to establish and maintain uni- formity among its members in poli- cies or contracts of insurance, and to acquire, x^iresei-ve and disseminate yakiable information relative to the business in which they are engaged. The Insurance Patrol (see Fire De- partment) is maintained by this board. Annual meeting third Tues- day in April. Regular meetings, second Tuesday in the month. R. V. DeWitt, pres. ; Edward E. Clapp, vice-pres. ; George N. Cuyler, sec. ; S. W. Whitney, treas. Rooms at the Protectives' house, Hudson ave. Vital Statistics, The Bureau of, or registrar's bureau, is in charge of the mayor's second clerk, William D. Dickerman. By city ordinance, clergymei^, physicians, midwives and undertakers, are required to make ])r()mpt returns of births, marriages and deaths to the registrar. The law is well observed so far as it relates to deaths, as no dead body can be moved or buried without a permit from him ; but in regai-d to marriages and bii^hs, the i-eturns come in slowly, and sometimes not at all, although the penalty is a fine of IplO. The registrar makes his annual I'epoi't on the first Tuesday in June . According to the report for 1879-80, the total registration included 383 marriages, 1,090 births and 1,177 deaths. As- suming that the census returns are correct, and that the population is 91,243, the death rate for the ^ear was one to 77.52 inhabitants, or not quite 13 deaths to every 1,000 in- habitants. Nearly one-sixth (199) were victims of consumption. Washington Park. — If there is any one thing of which Albany has a right to be proud, it is her beautifal park. The Capitol, grand as it is, belongs to the State, but the park is entirely a city institution. The ac- companying plan explains more fully than words can do, the way in which it is laid out. FolloNving are the references to the points of special interest : 1. Swing's. 2. Croquet Lawn. 3. Armsby Momorial 4. Rustic Shelter. 5. Meadow. 6. Refectory 7. Fountain Shelter. 8. Terrace. 9. Deer Paildock. 10. Deer Paddoclc Outlook. | 11. Lake House 12. Site of proposed King Fountain. 13. Lake 14 Foot Bridere. 15. Overlook Hill The area of the park is 76 4-10 acres. It contains three miles of the best possible drive-way, and ;"! miles of walks. The lake is 1,(300 feet long ; average width, 130 feet ; area, five acres. The park is reached by the State st. line of horse-cars, which g'o within a short distance of it (at Knox st.), but more directly by the Hamilton st. line, which rim along Madison ave. directly on the border. In the \^AS 124 reason for flowei*s, no one should miss jseeing- the beautiful display of 40,000 oedded plants, most of which are placed near Willett st., between Hudson and Lancaster. A band plays in the cupola of the lake-house nearly every week in the summer, and is listened to by thousands who walk or drive about the beautiful grounds. In the skating- season, the lake is, of course, the g-i-eat place of resort ; but at all seasons of the year, when the weather will permit, the park is frequented by hundreds daily. The special features of the park, aside from the artistic manner in which it is laid out, and the careful manner in which it is tended, are its noble trees, which were there when the land was taken for x^ark jiurposes; and the scenery afforded by the dis- tant Catskill mountains and the Hel- derbergs. With the exception of the Aemsby Memorial (which see), there has, as yet, been no attempt to adorn the g-rounds with works of ai't ; but this is a mere question of time. Already a bequest has been made by the late Henry L. King-, leaving- 1^20,000 for the erection of a fountain, the site of which is indicated upon the map, and which vnW probably be erected the coming- year. The act creating- the park commis- sion, under whose charge it was con- structed and is maiiitained, was passed May 5, 1869, and set apart what was then known as the burial ground property and the old Wash- ington parade ground ; also the Peni- tentiary grounds and the Alms-house farm. By subsequent acts the powers of the board were extended over the approaches to the park, and thus was instituted a system of boulevards. The first meeting of the commis- sion was held May 8th, following ; the board consisting of John Bridgford, Arthur Bott, Geo. Dawson, Dudley Olcott, William Cassidy, John Fair, Rufus W. Peckham, Jr., Samuel H. Ransom and John H. Van Antwerp, The latter was made pres.; Mr. Ol- cott, treas., and Wm. D. Morange, sec. The trustees, as the commis- sioners were called, were divided into three classes, three to serve three yeai's, three to serve six years, three to serve nine years ; their succes- sors to be appointed by the mayor, and serve nine years. The j)lans originally adopted by the board were prepared by Messrs. Bogart & Cuyler. The grounds em- bi-aced by these were included in that portion of the j)^'6i?ent park bounded by Willett st. on the east, Madison and Hudson aves. on the south, State st. on the noi'th, Robin st. on the w^est, for a distance of about 632 feet, thence running west a dis- tance of about 132 feet, and thence south to Madison ave. The develop- ment of the plans was from 1869 to 1872, under the supervision of Mr. R. H. Bingham, as chief engineer, and William S. Egerton, as assistant. In 1872 Mr. Egerton assumed charge of all designs and superintendence. Early in July, 1870, work was be- gun, and the Washington parade ground was nearly completed, hav- ing been fenced, graded, drained, and the walks and drive-ways laid out and graveled. In 1871, that portion known as the burial grounds was entered upon, and the walks and drive-ways suffi- ciently advanced to be thrown open to the public. In 1873, the development of the plans was confined to that portion of the lake section lying between Snipe St., or Lexington ave., on the east, and Robin st. on the west, and to the further completion of the drives, walks and lawn surfaces in other portions. 125 WAT In 1874, the work of constraction was coiitined to tliat portion of the park bounded by Madison ave., the properties of Messrs. Hussey,01cott, and King on the south, the present Barnes and Brown properties on the north, Perry st. on the west and Robin st. on the east, embracing- an area of some 15 acres. In 1875, the bridge spanning the lake and the lake-house were erected, and gas was introduced around the lake. In this year, also, the grounds a lja(;ent to the penitentiary were en- tered, and about one mile of drive- way was constructed. During the past year what is knoviai as the Knox st. property, comprising 9 4-10 acres, was taken and improved, and with the King fountain for its centre is sure to be a chai*ming por- tion of the grounds. Western Ave., under the control of the commissioners, extends from near the north-west corner of the park to the toll-gate ; is 8,200 feet in length, 40 feet wide, and paved with granite block, curbed and sewered. The sidewalks are six feet wide, bordered with grass and shaded by trees (or will be when they are grown), 40 feet apart. The location of the gas, water and sewage service is between the sidewalk and the house-lot hne, thus doing away with all disturbance of the road-bed. In sleighing time this avenue is alive with gay turn-outs and fast horses. Although the im- provement was conducted by the commissioners, the cost was assessed upon the coiitiguous property and is not a city charge. The work was begun Nov. 16, 1876, and completed and accepted Oct. 18, 1877. The Northern Boulevard extends from Western ave., east of the toll- gate, to the intersection of Central and Clinton aves., a distance of 5,525 feet. From Western ave. to Washington ave. it is 150 feet wide ; from Washington ave. to Main ave., 100 feet wide ; the remainder 66 feet wide. It is paved with a combina- tion of the Telford and Macadam systems, and is greatly Mked by pleasure drivers. This woi-k was begun in Jan., 1876, and that part between Westeni and Centi'al a\'es. completed in 1878. It is the inten- tion, eventually, to extend this boule- vard to the Dudley Observatory gi-ounds, and thence by bridging the tracks, to connect with the atti'active drives, north of Tivoli Hollow, on Rensselaer ave., and the Loudonville and Shaker roads. The total cost of the park, includ- ing the Northern Boulevai'd and all lands bought by the commissioners ; for maintenance, etc., up to Jan. 1, 1880, was Jg906,B23.28. This does not include the expenditures of the present year, in which is to be reckoned the cost of the recent addition, §272,587.35. The cost of its improvement will be less than $15,000. (For Park Com- missioners, etc., see Appendix.) Water- works. — The water supply of Albany is controlled by a board of commissioners, created by chap. 235 of the Laws of 1850. They serve without pay ; vacancies are filled by a two-third vote of the common coun- cil, which has fhe power of removal ; office, 61 State st. The Old System. — Pre\nous to the creation of the commission, the city was supplied by a private stock com- pany, organized Feb. 2, 1802. The water was dl•a^vn from the Maezlandf kill, north-west of the city, and dis- tributed through iron pipes and wooden logs. In 1850, the common council caused examinations to be made of the Hudson, the Mohawk, the Patroon's creek, the Normans kill, and the lakes on the Helderbergs, and finally, with Wm. J. McAlpine as engineer, a dam was built, about six WAT 126 miles west of here, where three streams met and formed the Patroon's creek, and thus was created Rensse- laer lake, covering-, when full, about 40 aci'es, and holding- from 100,000,- 000 to 200,000,000 g-allons. From here the water was conducted through a brick conduit, eg-g-shaped, four feet high and nearly four miles long, to Bleeckei" reservoir (west of Ontario St.), holding 80,000,000 gallons. A little way this side of West Albany, two other reservoirs were constructed by dams thrown across the Patroon's creek, and called the Upper and Lower Tivoli lakes, the upper being for stoi'age and subsiding, and the lower for distribution. These were supplied from the water that entered the creek east of Rensselaer lake. A 24-inch main, about 7,000 feet long, was laid from the lower lake to the intersection of Van Woert and North Pearl sts., at which x^oint the water enters the distributing mains, Rensse- laer lake supplying through Bleecker reservoir all that part of the city west of Pearl st. ; Tivoli lake, all east of and including Pearl st. Meantime, as the city grew westward, it was found that no inconsiderable portion lay above Bleecker reservoir, and was therefore without supply. In addi- tion to this, the creek failed to meet the consumption, and several water famines were the consequence. The Present System. — After much public discussion and several surveys, the commissioners fixed upon the Hudson as the source of additional supply ; their recommendations were adopted by the common council and their plans carried into effect. The water is taken from the river outside the pier o]iposite Quackenbush st., where the channel cuiTcnt strikes. In the centre of the pier is a well- chamber, six feet in plies Pearl st. and all east thereof. Thus is insured an abundant and uninter- rupted supply as unfailing as the Hudson itself. Should the TivoU reservoirs run short, water can be sent dowTi the creek from the Rensse- laer lake, or direct from the Bleecker reservoir, into which the pumps can send their ten million gallons daily. Meantime, it is designed to hold a reserve always in the Rensselaer lake 127 WES — YOU in case any accident should occur to both eng-inos at once, and to impound each yccxr in February and March enoug-h watei- to supply the city when the river is turbid vnth the spring- freshets. When, at other times, im- puiities api:)ear in the Rensselaer lake, the supply from that soui-ce will be shut off entirely and only the river Vv^ater used. The j,)rejudice ag-ainst water from the river was at tirst veiy gfi*eat, and is not yet entirely overcome, but the commissioners point to the death rate as showing" conclusively that the health of the city has not chang-ed for the woi'se since the river water has come into use. They claim that no city in the United States has a better or more abundant, or more wholesome su]^ply. The quantify used is be- lieved to amount daily to 100 g-allons for every man, woman and child in Albany. The Old Water-works, which were boug-ht by the present commission, included a resei'voii* on the spot now occupied by the hig-h school. The main throug-h which the water was broug-ht from the Maezlandtkill is still used, and from it consumers in North Albany, and many upon Broad- way north of Clinton ave. and Pearl st. from Clinton ave. to Columbia st., ai-e suppUed. This water is very hard. Water Rents are collected in the same way as taxes, and are assessed upon all real estate fronting- on streets throug-h which the mains are laid, and which, in default of payment, may be sold the same as for non-payment of taxes. Vacant lots are assessed 5 cts. l^er foot ; private dwelling-s from 20 to 50 feet front, one story, $5 to $9 ; two story, J^S to :?12 ; three story, $11 to §15; four story, 1^14 to $18; five story, |17 to {^21 ; stores, shops, pri- vate stables, etc., two-thirds the above rates. There is no extra charg-e for the first bath-room or water-closet. Finances. — The original works cost J?850,000 1 the additional supply, in- cluding pumping work^ at the river and at Prospect Hill, Prospect Hill I'eservoir, the mains for the new ser- vice, etc , .?700,0U'0 ; total, $1,550,000. Of this, the commissioners, besides meeting foi* thirty years all the ex- pense of maintenance, additional pip- ing, etc., will have paid up to Feb. 1, 18.-51, $450,000, leaving a debt of $1,100,000, for which there is to show one of the best systems of water sup- ply in the United States; and this, too, with rates considerably lower than those of other cities. West Albany. — Just outside the city limits on the Central railroad, and where the large repairing shops of the road and the cattle mai-ket are situated Reached also by State st. horse-cars. (See Cattle Market.) West End Association. — Its object is to promote the welfai-e of the west- ern part of the city, and see that it gets its share of the benefit derived from money expended for public im- provements. Mathew Hale, pres. ; John W. McNamara, Truman D. Cameron, John Heidi'ick, vice-prests. ; William Morgan, sec; Andrew R. Hunter, treas. Young Men's Association, rooms, cor. N. Pearl and Steuben sts. ; oldest institution of its character in the United States. Founded, \^dth a mem- bership of about 750, Dec. 10, 1833. Amos Dean, first president, elected Dec. 13, and re-elected at first annual meeting, Feb. 3, 1834. Incorporated, March 12, 1835, for the purpose of "establishing and maintaining a library, reading-room, literary and scientific lectures, and other means of promoting moral and intellectual YOU 128 improvement." For 22 years it sus- tained a debating- society. It occu- pied rooms in Knickei-bocker hall, on Broadway, where Nos. 451 and 453 are now, until 1840 ; in Exchang-e building, M'here the new Government building- is now g"oing- up, until 1852 ; in the Commercial bank building-, until 1870; in Martin hall building- until Sept., 1877, when it came to its j)resent rooms, having- leased the Bleecker building-s on N. Pearl, Steu- ben and Chapel sts., for 10 years, with right to release for 10 years longer. It has some valuable x^ictures, a good variety of current magazines and newspaj^ers, and a well selected circulating and I'efei-cnce library of about 15,000 volumes. Its largest benefactions have been $1,000 in books from Dr. George Cooke, and 5?10,000 in a bequest from Hon. Erastus Corning. All real estate and vested funds are under management of a boai'd of trustees of which Henry R. Pierson is pres., and Maurice E. Viele, sec. and treas. The ordinary affaii's ai'e managed by a board of managers, 18 in number. Life mem- bers, of which there are 170 living, pay §50 at one time. Annual mem- bers, male and female, pay ^2. Ti-an- sient persons and non-i-esidents may buy a ticket for 6 months, paying §1. It will be seen that 4 cts. per week pays for the privileges here afforded, so that no one li^'ing in or near the city can lack facilities for access to the best and freshest literature at the cheapest possible cost. This associ- ation deserves, as it has, the strongest claims upon the sympathy, and sup- ]~>ort of the best men and women of Albany. A new catalogue of 306 pages has just been published. Annu- al election occurs second Thursday in March. William P. Rudd, pres.j Ed- ward A. Gi'iffin, treas. ; Willis G. Nash, se(i. ; Rev. Dr. Irving Magee, Leonard Kip and John De Witt Peltz, cui'ators of the library ; Prof. Jona- than Tenney, librarian. Member- ship, about 2,000. Young Men's Christian Associ- ation. — An organization at one time quite active in this city, but now has only a nominal existence ; being held together by the fact that it has some property left it by Dr. Andrews, the income of which is expended for bread-tickets for the pooi'. The i-ea- son for this want of activity is that the work which the association would otherwise feel called upon to perform is done by the Young Men's Christian Union, and by the City Tract and Missionai-y Society. The officers of the association are John Templeton, pres. ; M. E. Gates, H. Kelly, vice- prests. ; E. D. L. Palmer, tres. ; G. M. Tucker, J. D. Brooks, sees. The Railboad Y. M. C. A., having for its mission the improvement of I'aih'oad employees, has an active branch in this city, of which Geo. S. Weaver is chairman of executive com- mittee ; John L. Van Vaikenburg, sec. and treas. ; Theo. A. Harding, gen. sec. A reading-room, opened May 4, 1880, is maintained in the yard of the Central I'oad, where meet- ings ai-e held, entertainments given, etc. Young Men's Christian Union. — C. G. Davidson, pres. ; M. A. Van- derwart, vice-pres. ; R. E. Steele, treas. ; E. L. Fronk, sec. Holds weekly prayer meetings in the various churches ; also meetings at the hos- pitals and the jail, and in the sum- mer, out-of-doors. APPENDIX CHRONICLE OF LOCAL EVENTS FOR 1880. The following- is a chronological table of matters of interest happen- ing- in Albany and vicinity, from Jan. 1 to Dec. 1, 1880: January 1. — Gov. Alonzo B. Cor- nell inaug-urated. 5. — The widow of John Tracey died suddenly at the Schuyler man- sion — There was much excitement about the setting- up of teleg-raph poles in Maiden lane and other streets; several arrests were made, but the matter was finally settled amicably. 6. — Legislature organized ; the assembly choosing George H. Sharpe, speaker, and Edward M. Johnson, clerk. The senate chose John W. Vrooman, clerk — Albany Institute elected officers. 7. — Board of supervisors ad- jouraed. 8. — Republican 1880 club organiz- ed with Hamilton Harris, pres. ; there were already a Grant club and an Anti-Third Term club in this city. 9. — Public installation of the officers of Capital City Chapter, a masonic body — Revival meetings were nightly held in Hudson Ave. Methodist church— Regents of the University elected Dr. David Murray, sec, in place of Dr. Woolworth, resigned. 14. — Boatmen's Relief association, composed of 1,742 members, elected Thomas V. Wolcott, pres. ; assess- ments levied the past year were 18 ; the benefits, ^1,500 each. 9 15. — Julius Myers, while intoxi- cated, choked to death eating raw pork — Joel Munsell, Albany's esteem- ed antiquary and historian, died, aged 72. 18. — Capt. Louis Ensign, an old rivei' man, died, aged 70. 20. — Le Grand Bancroft, a well- known lawyer, died, aged 61 — A poultry show was opened in the old post-office on North Pearl st. 21. — Annual meeting of the State Agricultural Society ; address by Horatio Seymour — The Kelly Demo- crats held a conference at the Delavan. 22. — Adj. -Gen. Townsend gave a reception to the State Military Asso- ciation, at his residence on Elk st. — Silas B, Dutcher, the newly ax)iiointed Superintendent of Public Works, qualified — Opening of a fair in Martin Opera House for the benefit of the Jewish Home ; in five nights it netted about $9,000. 27. — Charles Stewart Parnell, the Irish agitator, was welcomed at Twed- dle Hall, Mr. Frank H. Woods mak- ing an eloquent speech, to which Mr. Parnell replied, and Mr. John Dillon also addressed the meeting ; $1,500 was subscribed. February 2.— Ball of the Mutual Boat Club at Tweddle Hall. 3. — .James C. Byrne, city marshal, died suddenly, and his wdfe followed him 48 hours afterward — R. W. Thacher was elected pres. of the Board of Trade — It was announced MARCH 130 that for the year ending- Dec. 1, 1879, the number of arrests made by the police was 4,910. 6. — The Game of Fifteen beg-an to agitate the community, and be dis- cussed in the newspapers — Republi- can primaries were held, the result of which was hig-hly unsatisfactory to the anti-Smyth wing- of the party. 10. — Gov. Cornell gave a i-ecep- tion, which was largely attended — The City Hall was discovered on fire at 4 A. M.; at 9 the flames were mider subjection, but the building was a mass of i-uins. The fii-e was believed to be incendiary, and a ]-eward Avas offered for the conviction of the crimi- nals, but nothing ever came of it. (See City Hall.) 11. — Indignant Republicans held a mass meeting in Tweddle Hall to protest against the action of the gen- eral committee. George Dawson vn'^s chairman, and Hamilton Harris pre- sented resolutions. 12. — Public installation of officers of Dawson Post 63, G. A. R., in Tsveddle Hall. 16. — George "W. Sherman, a well- known insurance agent, died of con- sumption, aged 3G — Citizens held a meeting relatiA'e to rebuilding- the City Hall — The Albany board of lumber dealers held their annual election. (See Lumber District.) 18. — Charles E. Smith, editor of the Evening Journal, resigned, and soon after took a]iosition on the Phil- adelphia Press. Mr. Dawson assumed the editorship of the Journal, and that paper became the active organ of the anti-Smyth republicans, the Smyth N\dng being represented by the Express. Not long after, Mr. Smith petitioned for the appointment of a receiver for the paper with which he had been connected, and of which he was pai't owner. Justice Westbrook denied the motion, March 5th. 22. — Rev. Dr. Charles P. Bush of New York, preached in the Congre- gational chui-ch on the su'^jcctof mis- sions, and died the same * lay of heart disease, at the house of Bradford R. Wood. 24. — A block on Broad.way, near the Steamboat square, taking in the lot bounded by Broadway, Pruyn st., Eagle alley and Hamilton st , was burned. Loss, $71,000 ; insurance, ^353,000. It was the largest fire in this city since the printing house of Weed, Parsons & Co. was burned, April 7, 1S71. 26. — An addition of 48 2-10 acres was made, on the north, to the Rui'al Cemetery ; cost, {?'9,640. 27. — James Ostrander, engineer on the Susquehanna road, was killed by the WTecking of his locomotive near Richmondville — Body of Thos. Leonard, missing since Sept. 30, was found in the river. Foul play was suspected — A strike at Cohoes ; 5,00) employees idle. March 1. — The Central I'ailroad company advanced the i)ay of their employees to what it was previous to the reduction, Julv, 1877. 2,~T]'ial of John C. Hughes, for killing William J. Hadley, began be- fore Justice Westbrook, in the old Capitol; for Iho prosecution, Attor- ney-General Ward, District Attorney Houghtaling, and Assistant Beutler; for the detense, J. W. McNaniara, assisted by Eugene Burlingame and John B. O'Malley. The defense was emotional insanity. The trial re- sulted, March 25, in a verdict of mur- der in the second degree, and a life sentence to Clinton prison. • 3. — An attempt to break jail, one of the several that came near being successful — The Medical College graduated 46 students — A free dis- pensary opened at 101 Green st., by Dr. H. I. Fellows — D. B. Carver, a lawyer, died. 6. — The new pest-house on the 131 APRIL Alms-house farai, acciepted by the board of health, cost, |3,500 — The Mutual Boat Club elected George D. y Weidmau president. 7. — Capt. Henry Keeler died, ag-ed 79. ^ 11- — Arrival of the first boat of the People's line — At the Y. M. A. elec- tion William P. Rudd was elected pres — Robert Lenox Banks accepted an independent nomination for mayor, but subsequently withdrew from the canvass. 14. — Death of Dr. Edward R. Hun, ag-ed 38 — Officers of the Y. M. A. in- stalled ; it had 2,520 members. 15. — The Working-men held a con- vention and nominated a ticket for city officers, but its head subse- quently withdrew. 19- — A. G. Quackenbush suc- ceeded E. C. Purcell as proprietor of Stanwix Hall. 22. — Resignation of Jno. F. Smyth, Superintendent of the Insurance De- partment, 23. — Thomas W. Olcott, one of the most public spirited men in Albany, and one of the best financiers in the Union, died, aged 85 — Addison V. Spicer died. 24. — WilHam Bender's store, cor. Madison ave. and Lark st., took fire and a serious conflagration was threatened — Greenbackers held a State convention in Martin Hall. 25. — Ex-Ald. James H. Simmons died suddenly, aged 40. ^ 28. — The Easter flowers and mu- sic were unusually fine. 30. — Charles Hagar, a laborer at the capitol, fell and was instantlv killed. ^ 31 Republican convention met and split in two. The Smyth (Ex- press) wing nominated for mayor, George A. Birch ; for recorder, Wm. C. McHarg ; police justice, Henry T. Sanford; justice of justices' court, Fred. C. Ham ; poHce commissioners, Richard B. Rock, Wm. M. Bender ; members of board of public instruc- tion, Sam'l Templeton, Herman Ben- dell. The anti-Smyth (Journal) wing nominated for mayor, Geo. A. Birch ; recorder, David J. Norton ; justice of justices' court, Fred. C. Ham ; police justice, WiUiam B. Harris; police commissioners, S. M. Van Santford, Jacob P. Cook ; members of board of pubHc instruction, Sam'l Templeton, George C. Riggs. April 1. — Dr. Chas A. Robertson, the distinguished ocuhst, died, aged 50 — Howard Treadwell's sad death m Boston — A fair for the benefit of the French Church was held this week, netting $4,000. 3. — Fire in Annesley & Vint's Art gallery; loss, $1,500. 4. — Death of Peter M. Morange, aged 84. 7. — Democratic convention nomi- nated for mayor, Michael N. Nolan ; recorder, Anthony Gould ; police jus- tice, Wm. K. Clute ; justice of jus- tices' court, Francis H.Woods ; police commissioners, L. C. G. Kshinka, James Mclntyre ; members of the board of pubHc instruction, H. W. Lipman, Douw H. Fonda. 10. — Rev. J. E. C. Sawyer was this week appointed presiding elder of the Albany district — Frank Davis, aged 30, killed at Wood Mowing Ma- chine Works. 11.— Calvary Baptist Church raised 0,000 towards building a new edi- fice. 12 — C. E. Wendell's music store opened, adjoining the Kenmore. 13.— The second trial of Jesse Bill- mgs for the murder of his wife (June 4, 1878), began at Ballston. The first trial had resulted in a dis- agreement of the jury who stood 11 for acquittal, 1 for conviction. This second trial lasted till May 15, when the prisoner was acquitted— Charter election, at which a number of women MAY 132 voted for the first time for school com- missioner — The Democrats elected their ticket, and 15 out of 17 aidei*- men. 16. — The body of Henry Gresser, brakeman, missing- since the 7th, was found in Spuyten Duyvel creek. 19. — Fii-st game of ball on the Albany grounds — Nine prisonei's es- caped from the Albany jail, all but .one of whom were re-captui-ed in the course of a few weeks. 20. — The Albany Musical Associa- tion proposed to give the Hymn of Praise on the 27th, but not being suthciently encouraged, gave up the attempt. 21. — The classis of Albany held a session in the First Reformed church. 22. — Annual reception given the .pastor of Emmanuel Baptist church. 25. — Father Ludden, for many years at the Cathedral, j^reached his farewell sermon and removed to Troy. 2*6. — Odd Fellows' anniversary at Tweddle hall. 30. — It was announced that the park commissioners having decided to acquire the Knox st. property, its cost including expenses of appi-aisal, etc., would be 1:272,587.25. May 1. — Death of ex- Aid. Charles Senrick, aged 50. 2. — The State National bank, ei'ect- ed in LSO:^, was damaged by tire, and subsequently remodeled. 4. — Organization of the common council with Albert Gallup for pres. ; Martin Delehanty, clerk — The Ar- gus, Express, and Press and Knickei*- bocker, were made city papei'S — It was learned that a dead body, found near the old water-works, April 23, was that of T. S. Culham, Oakville, Ont. — Annual meeting Firemen's Re- lief Association ; W. K. Clute, chosen pres. ; total membership, 329 ; paid on account of death of si^c members, $1,415. 6. — Reception and ball of 25th regiment with presentation -of tiags, etc. 9. — Dr. J. V. Lansing, drowned at Lake Chazy. 10. — Death of John H. Bowne. 11. — Elections of Republican and Democratic general committees. 12. — Supervisors adjourn till fall — Body of Charles McAuley who dis- appeared in December, discovered in the i-iver. 13. — Nicholas Ludlow, aged 70, hanged himself at West Albany — Vil- lage of Stuy vesant burned, loss §300,- COO. 14. — Death of I. N. Keeler, aged 50 — The foui'th and last of a series of public txhool exhibitions held in the High school. They took the place of the one gi-and exhibition heretofore held at the close of the term — Death of W. H. Delehanty, a well-known song and dance man, native of Albany — State arsenal damaged several thousand dollars by tire — Death, at Albion, of Chief Judge Church — Fire at West Albanv, destroyed Eastman Bro's. barn ; loss, ;?22,000. 15. — Steamer Golden Gate burned at Troy. 17. — Bamum's show exhibited on Lark st. grounds; very dusty. 18. — Two Republican general con>- mittees organized ; the Express wing choosing Andrew S. Di-aper, pres. : the Journal wing, Thurlow Weed Barnes. 19. — The City Hall Commission held an infoi'inal meeting, and subse- quently oi'ganized with the mayor as chairman. 20. — Thomas Hayes, ex-school commissioner died, aged 63 — Michael Mackin went to a wake and was drowned. 21. — John D. Bi-ooks was elected colonel, Charles R. Knowles lieuten- ant colonel, and John E. Burton major of the Tenth regiment — William 133 JUNE — JULY McNeil of Madison ave. stabbed his wife and killed her; he was tried on June 7, pleaded guilty of murder in the second degi-ee, and w^as sen- tenced to Clinton prison for Ufe. 23.— The Church of the Sacred Heart, at West Albany, was dedi- cated. . 24.— Graduatnig exercises ol Al- bany Law School. 27. — The Legislature adjourns — Sixty parcels of property on the Knox St. ground sold by order of the Park Commissioners, at auction, by J. S. Dickerman, for $7,500. These houses were most of them removed, and for weeks afterwards the streets were filled with buildings on rol- lers. . 28.— John W. Arrowsmith, a city missionary, died suddenly in the lecture room of the Third Reformed church, aged 69. 29.— Dr. Edmund B. O'Callaghan, historian and antiquary, died in New York. 30. — Decoration day exercises were held in Tweddle hall. Rev. W. S. Smart delivering the oration— Dr. Staats Winne died. June 1.— A kitchen garden enter- tainment given in Tweddle hall for benefit of the cooking and training school soon after estabUshed— Demo- cratic general committee was organ- ized by electing R. W. Peckham, pres. ; the day for holding primaries was changed to the second Thursday in May. 2. — Thomas Eearey, head of the well-known shoe manufacturing firm, died, aged 70. • , 4._WiUiam McDade, a retired merchant, shot himself through the heart. 5._Albany Academy cadets went to Glen's Falls on their annual ex- cui'sion. 6.— Rev. M. C. Lockwood, the new pastor of the First Baptist church, preached his first sermon— The Jack- son coi-ps went to Ehzabeth on an excursion. 7. — Thomas "Willard elected fire commissioner for five years in place of J. C. Cuyler. 8. — One hundred guns fired by the RepubUcans in honor of the nomina- tion of Garfield and Arthur, at Chicago —The dry goods store of B. Stronge, successor to John M. Crapo, closed by the sheriif. 9.— Death of Aid. Horan. 14. — Anniversary exercises at the Female Academy. 16. — Annual review and drill of the Albany Academy cadets. 17. — Commencement exercises of the Albany Academy— Inspection^ of Tenth regiment— Annual convention of the State Press Association at Troy. 18.— Inspection of the cavalry and Twenty-fifth regiment. 20.— HeaAnest storm of the season. 24. — Exercises at the High School, admitting 280 scholars who had passed the necessary examinations, to that institution. 25. — Commencement exercises of the High School. 27. — The corner-stone of the Ger- man CathoUc Church, Our Lady Help of Christians, laid on Second ave., in the presence of 8,000 people. Any one who paid a dollar could have his name deposited under the stone. 28. — Work of remodeling Tweddle Hall begun. 30. — Death of Samuel B. Wool- worth, former sec. of the Board of Regents — Dr. Levi Moore died in the Utica asylum. July 1. — Fort Orange club-house on Washington ave., opened to mem- 1 ) PI'S 3.*— The new steamer Albany, of the Day-boat line, arrived. 4. — Death of Father Thos. Doran, pastor of St. Ann's church — Patrick AUGUST — SEPTEMBER 134 Rog-ers, father of the surrogate, drowned at West Troy. 5. — A tame celebration of Inde- pendence day. The lire-works were a greater lizzie than iiKSual. 8. — A recruiting- office open for the training ship Minnesota. 10. — Hiram G. Bi'iggs, a farmer of C(^eymans, shot and mortally wounded Ei'skine Woods, whom he suspected of unlawful intimacy with Mrs. B. 13. — Inter-academic Union held sessions in the High School 15uilding. The University Convocation is also "being held. 19. — The second base-ball club of the season went to pieces, and the craze seems to be over. 20. — Museum building took lire in the upper part, and damage amount- ing to $2,000 or $3,000 resulted. 23. — The London circus, -vvith a baby elephant, exhibited on the Lark St. grounds. 25. — John Yusten, arrested and placed in the 4th j^recinct station- house, died there, causing much ex- citement, the belief being g-eneral that he was unjustly used by the police — William Carroll, aged 19, fatally burned. 27. — Charles Dunn, bricklayer at the Capitol, fell, and was killed. 28. — A fire in the tressel-work of the Capitol caused some excitement, but little damage. 29. — Sixty men at work on the govei'nment building, sti'uck because they wei-e not allowed to quit work an hour earlier Saturdays, without i-educed pay. August 2. — Another attempt made to break jail. 4. — Gen Garfield, Rejiublican can- didate for presidency, passed through, and was received by a large assem- blage. 5. — Thomas Strawbridge, water carrier at the Capitol, fell 90 feet, and Was killed. 6. — William H. Laden, stabbed and dangerously wounded his mis- tress, Etta Marsden, on Franldin st. 9. — Elijah Brainai'd, a well-known boat-builder, died, aged 60. 13. — Paul Simpson, engineer, and John Reilly, fireman, killed by the wrecking of their locomotive at Cooperstown. 16. — Washington Continentals go into camp for a week at Glen Mitchell, Saratoga — Boys in Blue, a Repu1)li- can campaign organization, choose officers, and elect John D. Brooks, colonel. 17. — John F. Smyth serenaded. 20. — William Smith severely stabs Anna Mary Arnold in Franklin st. 25. — Albany Bicycle club organ- ized. 29. — Cardinal McCloskey officiated at the Cathedral. 30. — The Troy Whig purchased by H. D. Cunningham and B. F. Judson, and the name changed to Morning Telegi'am. September 1. — Barbecue held on the fair gTOunds by the Nolan Cam- paign Association ; sjDeeches by Speaker Randall, ex-Gov. Walker and Hon S. S. Cox. 6. — There were said to be 50 cases Oi small-pox in Troy. 7. — Breeders' Association began their meeting at Island pai'k. It lasted three days, and was a success every way except financially. 8. — Caleb P. Knapj), of Green- bush, shot and killed himself 9. — Ex-Alderman Richard Bortle died of paralysis, aged 69 — A I'u- mored ghost in Rensselaer st. attract- ed several thousand peojile to look at a house supposed to be haunted. There was nothing- in it. 10. — The St. John on her way up last night, collided with a steamer in Newburgh hiiy, creating some excite- ment, but doing little damage — Dr. Daniel Wassei-bach died — Albert 135 OCTOBER Howard, brakeiiian, ag-ed 30, killed by the cars at Richmond, Mass. 11. — Garry Benson closed his swim- ming- school and bathing- house, after a successful season — Georg-e Rosevelt, painter, fell from a building- and was killed — United Irishmen last even- ing- elected officers ; John Bi-annigan, pres. — Two Republican couiaty con- ventions ; the Journal wing- nomi- nated for cong-ressman, John. M. Bailey ; district-attorney, Georg-e H. Stevens ; county clerk, Dr. Thomas Helme ; coroners, Dr. Geo. W. Papen, Francis Fonda; justice of sessions, W. V. L. LaPaug-h. The Express wing-, which met at Coeymans, nomi- nated, for cong-ressman, Charles H. Adams ; district-attorney, George H. Stevens ; county clerk, Den-ick V. Raynsford ; coroners, Samuel Eccles, Thomas H. Kerr ; justice of sessions, William J. Reid. 13. — State fiiir opened, and con- tinued till 18th, three days being- stoi'my ; show of cattle and horses larg-e. 14. — Gen. Weaver, of Iowa, Green- back candidate for president, sjjoke in the Capitol park. 15. — Races at Island park, which continued all the week — Rev. Wal- ter D. Nicholas installed pastor of the Fii'st Presbyteriaix church. 17. — Death of ex- Alderman John Stuart, ag-ed 65. 18. — The two wing-s of the Demo- cratic party ag-reed to harmonize — The N. Y. Greek club met at the resi- dence of E. P. Prentice. 20. — Germans celebrated the Har- vest festival by a parade and pic-nic at the fair g-rounds — S. H. H. Par- sons, after 25 years' service, resig-ned the presidency of the Burg-esses Corps, and subsequently J. C. Cuyler was chosen to fill the vacancy. 21. — Court of Appeals re-con- vened — Sham battle at Hudson, members of the Tenth and Twenty- fifth reg-iments participating- — Cor- ner-stone of Grace Methodist church laid, cor. Ten Broeck st. and Living-- ston ave. 22. — The Governor's Foot Guards of Hartford, under escort of the Til»- bets Corps of Troy, visited the Capi- tol and other places of interest. 23. — Gov. Cornell seriously ill from malai'ia, contracted from a sevv^er opened near the executive mansion. 26. — Rev. Father Terry officiated for the first time as pastor of St. Ann's Church. He was transferred from a church in Utica, the people of which were greatly attached to him ; the change created much excitement. 27. — Republican mass-meeting in Tweddle Hall, addressed by R. S. Matthews, of Maryland — Yacht race by the Albany club, which, for lack of wind, j)roved a failure — The cor- ner-stone of the Calvary Baptist Church laid. 28. — The State Democratic con- vention, at Saratoga, nominated Charles A. Rapallo for Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals — Charles A. Hills was nominated and confirmed chamberlain, and William J. Maher, dei^uty chamberlain and receiver of taxes. 29. — The Greenback convention nominated Alexander Gregory for congress ; Aaron N. Snyder, of New Scotland, for county clerk ; J. R. Stevens, of Cohoes, for district attor- ney ; W. J. Bates, for justice of ses- sions, and Garry Benson and Denis McLane of Green Island, for coroners. Gregory withdrew before the canvass was over. October 1. — Price of milk raised to eight cents a quart. 2. — The Democrats nominated for congress, Michael N. Nolan ; for county clerk, John Larkin ; for dis- trict attorney, D. Cady Herrick ; for justice of sessions, James R. Main ; and for coroners, Peter Lasch and OCTOBER 136 Richard Scully. Two conventions were held ; the Moak wing" nomina- ting- Lasch and endorsing the others. 3. — The epizootic made its appear- ance in a mild form. 4. — The Republicans agreed to withdraw the names of both Bailey and Adams for cong-ressman, and nominate Dr. S. Oakley Vanderpoel — Investigation of charges of im- morahty against Rev. Dr. Philip Krohn begun at West Troy — Thos. Maher resigned as assistant overseer of the pool*, and Edward Brennan appointed in his place. 5. — Last concert in the park — Fall term of Medical CoUeg-e began. 6. — Lansing- Reid, clerk in John G. Myers's, found dro^vned in the river, after a week's disappearance — The men at Rathbone & Sard's, wiio had been on a strike for twenty-four hoiirs, resumed woi-k. 7. — Organization of the " Business Men's Association of the City of Albany," a Republican club. It met with much criticism from the. Argus — Rev. Dr. Krohn, of Troy, acquitted of the charge of immorality — Re- ception at the Home for Aged Men. 8. — Temple Commandery go to New York to assist in laying- the cor- ner-stone for the Eg-yptian obelisk — Parade of the Fire department — Banquet of the Burgesses Corps to celebrate their anniversary — Dr. Heime, a candidate for county clerk, withdraws in favor of D. V. S. Rayns- ford — Green V)ackers nominated D. M, S. Fero for assembly, second dis- trict ; W. H. Frazier, first district ; Dr. H. I. Fellows,, third district; P. S. Fitzpatrick, fourth district. 9. — T^'pog^•aphical Union election, Thomas Palmatier, pres.; Henry J. Hoyland, vice-pres.; rec. sec, E. E. Rich ; fin. sec, Patrick J. Doyle ; cor. sec, Joseph McGraw; treas,, John J. Tiernan ; del., Francis Freckleton — Republicans in fii*st assembly dis- trict nominated L. Carter Tuttle j in foui'th district, Geo. Campbell. 11. — Moonlight parade of Tenth regiment, 380 turned out. 13. — Two days' session of the Ec- lectic Medical Association of the State begun — Annual convention of County Sunday^ School Teachers' Association ; 175 schools in county ; total member- shi^i, 32,953 — Republican parade — Parade of Twenty-fifth regiment, 222 in line. 14. — James Hussey, aged 10, dan- gerously injured while catching- a ride on a freight train. 15. — Chauncey M. Depew and Charles E. Smith address the Repub- licans. 16. — Clarence A. Burt, bell-boy in American Hotel, mysteriously shot. He charged John T. Lyons, a g-uest, with the deed. Lyons tied, was cap- tured in New York, brought here, and locked up — Thomas Mercer, a miller of Kenwood, killed himself with laudanum. 17. — Death of William M. Wool- lett, architect — Entertainments of the Y. M. A announced. 18. — The old g-uard of the Bur- gesses corps re-elected their officers. 20. — Day -boat line closed the most prosperous season since 1876 — An- drew S. Draper nominated for Assem- bly by Smyth Republicans, Chaiies R. Knowles having been nominated by the other wing — Samuel F. Cary addressed the Democrats. 21. — German Democratic meeting in Tweddle Hall ; Roscoe Conkling at Martin Hall ; R. F. TreveUick in Ht- tle Martin Hall. 24. — Rev. Deaton Darrell, pastor of the African Methodist church, found dead in bed; aged 64 — Chas. Mui-phy, boarding at 263 Green st., fell down stairs, and died from the effects of the injuries. 25. — Death of Capt. John Smith, the bill poster, aged 45. 137 NOVEMBER — AMUSEMENTS 26. — B. A. Van Dusen and John Wafd, implicated in the death of John Yusten, discharged on payment of a tine of $75 each — Racmg- at Island park. -, t , x 27. — Large Republican torch-light pi'ocession. 29. — Geo. S. Boutwell addressed the Republicans — The indictment against Hiram G. Briggs, for kilUng Erskine Wood, quashed. 30. — Twitchell's portrait of Gov. Tilden placed on exhibition at An- nesley & Vint's — Close of the fiscal year of the fire department. There were 63 bell alarms, and 139 ver- bal alarms, an increase of 61 over the previous year; insured losses, $137,299.09; uninsured, $15,866.64; total, $153,165.73. November 2. — Election. (See Official Canvass.) 4. — Maggie Ahem, aged 7, dan- gerously burned at a bon-fire — Pa- rade of Republicans in honor of their victory. 8. — A man named Donohue killed at the Broadway railroad crossing — Geo. Crawford, aged lo, killed by an explosion while experimenting with chemicals. 9. — Last parade of Capital City Club; serenade to Judge Folger— Rev. Rufus Clark, D. D., gave a re- ception. 10. — The Albany City Curling Club elected Thos. McCredie, pres.; John Weidman, vice-pres.; WiUiam Kirk, sec. and treas. — Josephine Waters killed herself with moi'phine — Last parade of the Unconditionals — Sale of seats for the Y. M. A. course ; over $1,500 t^ken. 12. — George Astin, a railroad em- ployee, crushed to death at West Albany. 13. — The Tennis club elected WilHam Gould, Jr., pres.; H. C. Lit- tlefield, vice-pres.; J. H. Brooks, treas. —The City Hall commission adopted the plans of H. H. Richard- son for a new structure. 16. — Annual meeting State Bar Association. 17. — Last parade of Boys in Blue ~ Hiram G. Briggs, against whom the indictment for murder was quashed, was re-indicted by the grand jury. 19. _ WilUam Bookheim, a South Pearl st. butcher, suddenly left to^\^l. 21. — Funeral of David Davidson, 22. — Pennie's cooperage. Graves & Brown's rag-shop, and other build- ings on Arch st., destroyed by fire — The State canvassers met to can- vass the vote: rep. electoral ticket, 555,544 ; dem., 534,511 ; greenback, 12,373; prohibition, 1,517; anti-ma- sonic, 75 — Orlando W. Davis, fore- man, dropped dead at new Capitol. 23. — '< Ciu'ly " Drum, a notorious woman, murdered in Ti-oy. 25. — Thanksgiving — Na\dgatioa closed on the canal and river. 27. — Good skating at Park lake. 30. — Meeting of the Electoral Col- lege of the State. Amusement Record of 1880.— Following is a list of th'e principal musical and dramatic entertainments given in this city in 1880 : Leland Opera House. — Jan. 1, 2, 3, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Albaugh in "Almost a Life ; " 5, one week, Kate Girard in " Prejudice ; " 12, one week, New York Criterion Company in "Freaks;'* 19, one v\^eek. Octoroon combination; 26, one week, Mahn's Comic Opera Company in "Fati- nitza " and '* Chimed of Normandy." Feb. 2, one week, Mary Anderson; 9, one week, Ada Cavendish ; 16, one week, " Fun on the Bristol ; " 23, one week, J. K. Emmett in "Fritz in Ireland." March 4, 5, 6, Lottaj 8, AMUSEMENTS 138 one week, Abbey's Park Theatre Company in *' Fairfax ; " 15, Char- lotte Thompson in "Nell Gwynne " and "Cousin Helen ;" 22, one week, John A. Stevens in '* The Unknown ; " 29, one week, Fanny Davenport. April 5, 6, 7, Gran's French Opera Company with Paola Maria, Capoul, Ang-ele ; 8, 9, 10, Abbey's " Humpty Duniptv " and Spanish Students ; 12,- 13, 14, the Florences in " The Mig-hty Dollar" and "A Million;" 19, one week, Maggie Mitchell ; 26, Rice's Surpi'ise Party. May 6, 7, 8, " Prin- cess Toto ; " 14, 15, Rice's Evangehne Company; 21, "Red Rock Wave" opera; 25, 26, Sothern as "Dun- dreary" and "The Crushed Trage- dian ; " 27, C'arncross Minstrels. June 2, annual benefit to Manager Albaugh — Adele Belgai-de, Frank Lawlor, Carrie Turner and others appearing ; 7, 8, Daly's Arabian Night Company ; 10, 11, 12, Karrigan and Hart ; 18, 19, " Royal Middy ; " 21, Treasurer Du- Bois's benefit, "The Troubadours." July 1, Haverley's Minsti'els. Aug. 80, Anna Pixley in " M'Hss." Sept. 6, Agnes Leonard in "Woman's Faith;" 13, Add Ryman and others in "A Flock of Geese;" 20, Sol. Smith Russell in " Edge wood Folks ; " 27, 28, 29, George Edgar as " Lear," "Richelieu" and "Othello." Oct. 1, 2, Standard Theatre Company in "A IMountain Mystery ; " 4, Ada Caven- dish in "Tlie Soul of an Actress;" 11, Herrmann the Magician ; 18, Cor- rinne Merry-makers in "The Magic Slipper ; " 25, James A. Heme's " Hearts of Oak." Nov. 2, Meade & Maginley's "Deacon Cranket;" 11, 12, 13, Goodwin's "Hobbies;" 15, 16, 17, H. C. Jarrett's operatic spec- tacle of "Cinderella;" 18, 19, 20, Comly-Barton Lawn Tennis Com- pany ; 21-27, "Our Goblins;" 29, Howard's "Uncle Tom." Martin Opera House. — Jan. 2, 3, Oliver Doud Byron in "Across the Continent," and " Hero ; " 6, Denman Thompson in " Joshua Whitcomb ; " 12, two weeks, Barnmn's Curiosities ; 24, California Minstrels. Feb. 3, 4, 5, " Contrabandista ; " 9, Gilmore's Band; 11, Ahce Oates Opera Co. in "The Little Duke;" 21, 22, John T. Raymond in "Wolfert's Roost," and " Colonel Sellers ; " 24, Pat Rooney's Combination. March 1, 2, Haverly's 40 Minstrels ; 10, Strakosch Italian 0]:)era, Litta as prnna donna, in "Faust;" 15, 16, Millard's Photo- graph Party ; 17, Nick. Roberts's "Humpty Dumpty;" 19, "Contra- bandista " benefit ; 25, 26, 27, Minnie Palmer's " Boai'ding School." April 7, Gei'man concert ; 12, 13, Tony Pastor; 15, 17, Buffalo Bill ; May 3, 4, Robt. McWade in " Rip Van Winkle ; " 5, San Francisco Minstrels; 6, 7, Widow Bedott Combination ; 14, 15, Anthony & Ellis' Uncle Tom Combi- nation ;* 24, Hyde & Behman's " Mul- doon Picnic." June 24, "Red Rock Wave." Aug-. 11, Tony Pastor; 27, Snelbaker & Benton's Varieties ; 28, Barlow, Primrose & West's Minstrels. Sept. 1, Haverly's Geoi-gia Minstrels ; 10, 11, Warner Comedy Co. in "The Boss Speculation;" 13, 14, 15, 16, Alice Oates in "Long Branch;" 17, Madame Rentz's Minstrels-; 18, Mrs. Pat Rooney's Combination; 20, 21, Slavin's Comedy Co. in " Hezekiah Perkins ; " 23, 24, 25, Bartley Camp- bell's " Galley Slave." Oct. 5, 6, Sana Lucas (colored) in " Restored ; " 7, 8, 9, Stereopticon Exhibition by Rev. C. Tanquerey ; 29, 30, Eunice Goodrich in "Zizi, or the Cripple's Love." Nov. 6, Leslie Gossin in " Disinherited ; " 8 to 13, Hall & Thompson's Slave Troupe ; 15 to 20,Tom Thumb Troupe ; 22, Ruby Seal Dramatic Co. ; 23, Donaldi Rummel Concert; 25 to 27, Joseph Keane in "Rip Van Winkle," etc. TwEDDLE Hall. — Jan. 6, Yale Col- lege Glee Club j 29, 30, 31, An Arabian 139 CITY OFFICERS Nig-ht Combination. Feb. 7, Emma Thursby Concert ; 13,14, "An Arabian Night." March 25, Joseffy Concert ; liS, 27, Dr. Clyde Combination. April 2, 3, Ideal Opera Co. in "The Sor- cerer ; " 5, Scottish concert ; 20, Clara Spence's Readings ; 23, Wethersby- Goodwdn party. May 7, 14, Enter- tainments for benefit of Child's Hos- pital ; 10, 11, Kate Field's Monologue ; 13, Carrie Turner in " Led Astray." June 2, " Cantata of Esther;'" 3, " Pi- rates of Penzance." The hall was closed during the summer for repairs, and with a new stage, new scenery, etc., re-opened Sept. 17, 18, with D'Oyly Carte's Opera Co. in the " Pi- rates of Penzance ; " 28, Readings by Miss Beatrice Strafford. Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2, Rice's Bijou Comic Opera. Oct. 4 to 13, Prof. Cromwell's Art Exhibitions ; 14, Joe Jefferson in " The Rivals ; " 22, Carrie Turaer, and other amateurs, in "London Assurance;" 30, Pat Rooney. Nov. 6, Strakosch & Hess English Opera Co. in " Car- men," Marie Roze as prima donna ; 8 to 10, Corrinne Opera Co. ; 18, 19, 20, Charlotte Thompson in " Planter's Wife ; " 23, Troy Vocal Society ; 24, Palestine Arabs ; 25, 26, Ideal Opera Co. in " Fatinitza," and " Chimes of Normandy." City Budget. — Following is the report of the finance committee of the Common Council, iipon the amounts necessary to be raised for contingent expenses for the year ending Oct. 31, 1881: Street contingents $22 , 000 00 Printing and advertis- ing 15,0^^0 00 Justices' court 6 , 000 00 Salaries 34,659 11 Elections 6,000 00 City Hall and Building, 12,000 00 Fourth of July 2 , 000 00 Legal expenses 2,000 00 Removal of night soiL . • 1 , 682 45 Removal of garbage. .. . |600 00 Surveyor's ofhce 3,900 00 Removing street dirt... 15^450 00 Fire department 85,000 00 Police court 3,000 00 Board of Health 2, 500 00 Pest house 430 06 Contingents 16 , 000 00 City lamps 65,000 00 Public schools 150,450 00 Interest on public dabt, 116,000 00 Maintenance of Wash- ington Park 13,000 00 Sinking fund 10,000 00 Washington Park sink- ing fund 16,170 00 Improvement of streets, 4,627 40 City poor 30,000 00 St. Peter's hospital 4,500 00 Albany hospital 4 , 500 00 Homoeopathic hospital. . 3,000 00 Child's hospital 2 , 500 00 Delaware ave 6,695 88 Quail St. arch 750 00 Colvin ave. arch 560 00 Yates St. plank walk ... 49 55 Judgments against the city, mostly for dam- ages arising from the Van Woert st. sewer, 55,000 00 Beaver creek arch 22,350 00 Total $733,374 45 This report was adopted Nov. 30, 1880. City Officers.— Following is a list of the city officers. Terms expire^ unless otherwise noted, on the first Tuesday in May, 1882. (See City Government) : Mayor.— M. N. Nolan, dem., re- elected by a majority of 4,693 over Geo. A. Birch, rep., who received 7,582 votes. Recorper. — Anthony Gould ; term expires, f>rst Tuesday in May, 1884. BoARP OP Aldermen. — Albert Gallup, pres. ; Martin Delehanty, CITY OFFICERS 140 clerk ; first ward, Peter Snyder, rep. ; second, Philip J. McCormick, dem. ; third, William A. Donahoe, dem. ; fourth, John T. Gorman, dem. ; tifth, John Carey, dem. ; sixth, Michael A. Murphy, dem. ; seventh, James Car- lisle, dem. ; eig-hth, Michael Horan,* dem. ; ninth, Michael H. Murray, dem. ; tenth, James Fahy, dem. ; eleventh, William McEwen, rep. ; twelfth, Robert Bryce, jr., dem. ; thirteenth. Samuel C. Harris, dem. ; fourteenth, Theodore D. Smith, jr., dem. ; fifteenth, Joseph McCann, dem. ; sixteenth, Albert Gallup, dem. ; seventeenth, Henry C. Burch, dem. Committees. — Academies and Schools, Smith, Murphy, Snyder; Accounts, Biyce, Horan, Carlisle ; Alnis-house, McCann, Donahoe, Fahy, Gorman, Carlisle ; Applications to the Legislature, Murray, McCormick, Smith ; Board of Health, President, McCann, Carey, Harris, Snyder; Oonti-act and Apportionment, Presi- dent, McCann, Carlisle, Gorman ; Docks and Ferries. Burch, Murphy, Donahoe ; Finance, Bryce, Smith, Mc- Ewan ; Fire Department, Murphy, Bryce, Snyder ; Lamps and Gas, Donahoe, McCann, Carlisle, Fahy, Burch ; Land, Gorman, Horan, Mur- I'ay ; Law, Smith, Bryce, McEwan ; Levels, Harris, Burch, McEwan ; Markets, McCann, Gorman, Donahoe ; Navigation, Tirade and Commerce, Murphy, McCormick, Snyder ; Police, Fahy, Carlisle, Carey ; Printing, Gor- man, McCann, Carey ; Privileges and Elections, Carey, Horan, Mui-ray ; Public Buildings and Parks, Presi- dent, Bryce, Donahoe, Gorman, Mc- Ewan ; Public Celebrations and En- tainments, Harris, Smith, Horan, Bi'yce, Snyder ; Public Charities, President, Murray, Muiiihy, Burch, McCormick; Railroads, Burch, Carey, * Died June 9. Harris ; Relation of City and County, Bryce, Smith, Gorman ; Streets, N. S., MuiTay, Horan, McEwan ; Streets, S. S., McCormick, Mui-phy, Snyder , Streets, W. S., Fahy, Harris, Burch ; Water, Carlisle, McCormick, Mc- Ewan ; Wells and Pumps, Horan, Harris, McCormick. Chamberlain. — Charles A. Hills, tenn expires Sept. 28, 1882 ; deputy chamberlain and receiver of taxes, William J. Maher, term expires Sept. 28, 1882 ; deputy receiver of taxes, E. J. Giraty. City Marshal. — Michael E. Hig- gins ; deputy, Matthias Bissikummer. Corporation Counsel.— Simon W. Rosen dale. City Engineer and Surveyor. — Reuben H. Bingham ; deputy, John J. O'Hara. Superintendent of Alms-house. — John McKenna. City Physician. — Dan'l V. O'Leary. District Physicians. — R. D. Clark, 1st district ; J. C. Healey, 2d district ; John Thompson, 8d district ; J. C. Hannan, 4th district ; Otto Ritzmann, 5th district ; Thomas Elkins, 6th dis- trict. Overseer of Poor. — Terence C. Rafferty; assistant, Edward Bren- nan. Street Commissioner. — William H. Keelei' ; street supts., Lawrence Wet- zel, Thomas Toi-ley. Clerk of Board of Contract and Apportionment. — Thos. J. Lanahan. Mayor's Clerks. — 1st, Desmond S. Lamb ; 2d, William D. lUckerman ; 3d, James V. Viggers. Inspector Board of Health. — Lawrence Carey ; assistant, James Rooney. Superintendent of Lamps. — B. Franklin Rice. Superintendent City Building. — William J. Burke. Inspector Weights and Measures. — James Jordan. 1 141 COUNTY OFFICERS Excise CoMMisSlONEltS*— Francis S. Hoyt, Douw H. Fonda, Samuel Tem- Pruyn, Daniel J. O'Brien, Jas. Quiiui; pie ton, Herman Bendell, John H. clerk, Thomas Ho^an. Lynch, Linzee T. Morrill, William City Assessors. — Wm. J, Weaver, Morgan, A. S, Draper. Wm. J. Flynn, Robert K. Oliver. Dock Master. ^ Robert T. Sher- Oongressman.-Fi>om the Sixteenth "^T^RrsTKi^c, oo. THE SiNKlNG FuKD - district, John M. Bailey (rep ;, of Al- rri, IJ ^^,^^^.5 , • 1 ^any. Elected to till vacancy caused V^'ch^r S j^^4^^^«*^^'^^^^ ^'''' by the death of Tei.nce j' Quinn, wto cSsT^^^^^ Ward, ^l^ .^'Zu" '''^ ''t'^'T} '^^^' -r, , ^ , J rk'D • which will expu^ March 4, 1881. ct't.'S^t^Thoti' liSby'; sixlh fr^^jn^if ' f,^' ^^^- p-')' Patrick R W-ikh ♦ seventh J Wen- P^^^ent mayor of the city, takes his A un-^: ^^ai?*\' J«^?f^^' '^- ^™ seat at the assembling of the XLVII dell Gi-itting:; eighth, Bernard Mc- (^iQ^e-i-ess Phillips; ninth, John McGuire; tenth, ^ Philip Kirchner? eleventh, John B. Conklin; twelfth, John Hug-hes ; thir- County Officers. ^ — Folio-wing;' i^^ teenth, Patrick Cunning-ham ; four- the names of the county omcer^ with teenth, ; fifteenth, the dates when their terms; .w+Sl ex- John McGourk ; sixteenth, William pire. (See County GovKRy:>SENT)\ Fitzpatrick ; seventeenth, John H. Board of Supervisors^-— Tfenns, McGraw. expire in May, 1881. B-bvard A. Maher, pres. ; Thomas H. Craven, Cmnmisslons. t^'t ' f u"" ^; ^^»^^> F^-n^l clerk j Michael Hayden, dooi-k@^per. Fire.— M. N. Nolan, Mayor, ex Albany members t First ward„ o^cio pres.; Philip O'Brien, one year ; Henry Hoffman; second, Thomas: A. N. Brady, two years ; H. B. Ros- Powers ; third, Joliin Bowe ; tburth,. enthal, three yeai*s ; Thomas Austin, E. A. Maher ; fifthi,. Timothy J. SuHi^ four years ; Thomas Willard, sec, van ; sixth, IgT^ttius Wiley ; seventh, Mve years. James Young- ; eighth, Richard Rhati- Park.— John H. Van Antwerp, R. gan ; ninth, Stephen P. Eastman; W. Peckham, Jas. D. Wasson, Daniel tenth, Herbert R. Starkweather ; Manning, Robert L. Johnson, R. eleventh, WiHiam J. Gaylor ; t^v«■Jfth, Lenox Banks, George Dawson, J. J. William H. McCall ; thirteenth, John Farnsworth, Dudley Olcott. W. S. B. Sling-erland ; fourteenth, Wheeler Eg-erton, sec, engineer and surveyor. B. Melius ; fifteenth, Michael E. Hig- PoLiCE.— M. N. Nolan, Mayor, ex gins; sixteenth, William H. Mui-ray ; officio pres. ; James Mclntyre, Leo- sev^iteenth, . pold C. G. Kshinka, Richard B. Rock, Cokoes membei's : First ward, Wil- Jacob P. Cook. liam O'Brien ; second, John H. Pynes ; Water.— Visscher Ten Eyck, H. thii-d, Peter Grandjean ; fourth, John H. Mai-tin, Erastus Corning, Michael Groves ; fifth, Greorge E. Simmons. Delehanty, John M. Kimball ; Geo. Town membere : Berne, Frederick W. Carpenter, supt. W. Conger ; Bethlehem, William L. Public Instruction. — Charles P. Flagler; Coeymans, John A. Hunt; Easton, pres.; Peter J. Flinn, H. W. Guilderland, John C. Grant; Knox, I. Lipman, John A. McCall, jr., Geo. B. W. Cheesbro j New Scotland, D. V. COURTS 142 S. Rayiisford ; Rensselaerville, Albert T. Moore ; Westerlo, Anson C. Requa ; Watervliet, John R,eilly. Standing- Committees : Application to the Legislature, O'Brien, Sullivan, Melius ; Assessment Rolls, Conger, Starkweather, Slingei'land; Assessoi-s, Moore, Hunt, Cheyebro ; Constables' and Deputy Sheritis' Accounts, Reilly, Higgins, Flagler ; Coroner's and Physicians' Accounts, Starkweather, Bowe, Young ; County Clei'k and Town Audits, Simmons, Eastman, Grandjean ; ' District- Attorney and Justices' Accounts, "Wiley, Rhatigan, Chesebi-o ; Election Accounts, East- man, Rhatigan, Raynsford j Equaliza- tion of Taxes, President, Sullivan, Reilly, Murray, Conger, Requa, Pynes, Flagler ; Erroneous Taxation, Murray, Hoffman, Groves ; Excise, Hoffman, Wiley, Grant ; Finance, Sul- livan, Powers, Conger, Melius, Sling- erland ; Laws, Hunt, Requa, Rayns- ford ; Insane, Higgins, O'Brien, Mc- Call, Murray, Powers, "Wiley, Young, Slingcrland ; Loan Office, Rhatigan, Moore, Groves ; Military, Powers, Bowe, Grant; Miscellaneous, Requa, Eastman, Grandjean ; Pooi", O'Brien, Reilly, Grant ; Printing, Bowe, Mc- Call," Flagler ; Public Buildings, Mc- Call, Higgins, "Wiley, Melius, Gaylor ; Roads and Bridges, Hunt, Mooie, Powers, Hoffman, Pynes ; Sherifis and Jails, Simmons, Powers, Gaylor. Sheriff. — James A. Houck. Term expires Jan. 1, 1883. Under sheriff, John H. Sands ; Benj. Reamer, jailor ; deputies, James Kilbourne, George F. Craft, Albany ; Allan S. Andrews, West Ti'oy ; Silas Owens, Cohoes ; Peter D. Johnson, Bethlehem ; Thos. J. Wood, Bei'ne ; R. S. Hotaling, Coeymans ; John Stafford, Guildei*- land ; Gilbert Gage, Knox ; John G. Ward, Westerlo; W. J. Schultes, Rensselaerville ; John A. Van Wie, Watervliet ; Isaac Houck, New Scot- land. District Attorney. — D. Cady Her- rick. Ofhce, Douw's building. Term expires Jan. 1, 1884. Assist., John A. Delehanty. County Clerk. — John Larkin. Terai exjjires Jan. 1, 1884. Deputy, E. A. Maher, Cou^TY Treasurer. — Henry Kelly. Term expires Jan. 1, 1882. Deputy, Jacob Wendell. County Judge. — Thomas J. Van Alstyne. Office, Dou^^''s building. Term expires Jan. 1, 1884. Surrogate. — Peter A. Rogers. Office, 115 State st. Term expires Jan. 1, 1884. Deputy,Wm. D. Strevell. County Physician. — Dr. James L. Babcock, cor. Lancaster and Eagle. Term expires in May, 1881'. ■ Coroners. — John G. Schneider, term expires Jan. 1, 1882 ; Richard M. Johnson, term expires Jan. 1, 1883; Richard Scully, Peter Lasch, terms expire Jan. 1, 1884. Coroners' Physicians. — William H. Murray, H R. Starkweather, P. J. Keegan, G. H. Billings ; terms ex- pire in June, 1881. Keeper of Penitentiary. — John McEwan, term expires in May, 1882. Salary, {^2,500. Justices of Sessions. — James R. Main, William J. Reid. School Commissioners. — Alex. R. Baker, Bethlehem, 1st district ; Rufus T. Crippen, Rensselaer, 2d district ; Charles E. Sturgess, Knox, 8d dis- trict ; Charles W. Cole, supt., Albany; Murray Hubbard, supt., Cohoes. United States Loan Commission- ers. — Hale Kingsley, P. H. Shaw ; terms expire Jan. 1, 1882. Courts, The. — Following are the courts which sit in this city : United States Circuit Court. — A term is held on the second Tuesday in October; also an adjourned terai for civil business on the third Tues- day in January. 143 OFFICIAL CANVASS United States District Court. — Albany is one of the 46 counties of the northern district of New Yoj'k. A session is held on the third Tuesday in January. Court op Appeals. — Charles J. Folger, Chief Judge ; Charles A. Rapallo, Charles Andrews, Theodore Miller, Robert Earl, George F. Dan- forth, Francis M. Finch, Associate Judges ; E. 0. Perrin, Clerk. Supreme Court. — Genei'al Terms held on the fourth Tuesday of Jan- uary and third Tuesday of Novem- ber. Supreme Court, Circuit, Oyer and Terminer and Special Terms, held at the old Capitol, on the foui'th Monday of January, fii'st Monday of May, first Monday of October, first Monday of December. Special Terms for mo- tions only, held at the old Capitol on the last Tuesday of every month. Special Terms for motions and argu- ment of demurrers, at the old Capitol, last Tuesday of every month. Jus- tices — A. Melvin Osborne, ot Catskiil ; Charles R. Ingalls, of Troy ; Wm. L. Learned, of Albany ; T. R.Westbrook, of Kingston. Albany County Court and Court OF Sessions, meets at the old Capitol on the tirst Monday of March, third Mon- day of June, second Monday of Sep- tember, and second Monday of No- vember. A grand and petit jury re- quired to attend at each of said terms. Thomas J. Van Alstyne, County Judge ; James R. Main, William J. Reid, Justices of Sessions ; D. Cady Heri'ick, District- Attorney ; John Lar- kin, Clerk. Justices' Court op the City of Al- bany, meets in City Building every day at 9 o'clock (Sundays and holi- days excepted). John J. Gallup, John Gutman, Francis H. Woods, Justices. Special Sessions of the City op Albany, meets at City Building every Tuesday. Anthony Gould, Recorder ; John A Delehanty, Assistant District- Attorney. Police Court, meets daily in City Building. William K. Clute, John C. Nott, Police Justices. Legislature. — In the Legislature Albany is i-epresented as follows: Senate — Waters W. Braman, of West Troy, rep. Assembly — First dist.. Miner Gal- lup, dem.; second, Andrew S. Draper, rep. ; third, Aaron B. Pratt, dem. ; fourth, Geo. Campbell, rep. Lumber Receipts — The tide-water receipts of lumber foj' 1879 were 573,- 610,000 feet. In 1880 the tide-water receipts were 682,270,217 feet ; valu- ation, §9,464,111. The receipts of lumber at Albany in 1880 were 362,- 830,334 feet; valuation, 1^6,893,776. The receipts of shingles, timber, etc., swell this valuation to $6,949,030. Musical Association, Albany. — Board of directors : Robert F Mac- farland, jires. ; J. B. Stonehouse, vice- pres. ; A.Tromblee, sec. ; A. E. Gray, treas.; A. S. Girvin, lib.; T. C. Cooper, D. Whittle ; John G. Parkhurst, con- ductor ; E. Parkhurst, pianist. Mem- bei'ship, 150. Rehearsals every Thursday evening at 7:45, in the Female Academy. Strangere visit- ing the city who are interested in music are cordially invited to attend. Official Canvass. — At the presi- dential election, Dec. 6, 1880, the dem. electoral ticket received in this city 12,544 votes ; in this county, 19,624. The rep. electoral ticket, in the city, 9,121 ; in the county, 16,564. Greenback, in the city, 147 ; in the county, 354. For congressman, M. N. Nolan (dem.) received, in the city, 12,281; in the county, 19,176. S. 0. Vandei'poel (rep.), in the city, STATE GOVERNMENT 144 9,425; in the county, 1G,974. Fol- lo\nng- is the vote by wards foi* the electoral ticket and for congressman : I I- o ii o cs O M K > Iflt -Rrard, E. 0...... 288 280 318 254 1st Tvard.W, D 369 209 383 205 2d ward, E. D 381 153 368 165 2d ward, W, D 6V.6 l74 597 180 3d ward, N. D 783 17 787 13 3d ward, 8. D S52 1G2 561 157 4th ward, N, D 531 163 511 182 4tli Wiud, S. D 610 237 602 243 5th ward,N. D...... 250 240 233 252 5th ward, ^>. D 385 281 377 288 Cth ward, E. D 281 217 272 223 6th ward, W. U 324 373 306 384 7tli ward, jS. D 201 393 189 408 7th ward, 8. D 194 192 187 198 8th ward, E. D 397 2l5 383 227 8th ward, W. D 321 117 310 127 9th ward, N. D 363 183 3.37 193 9tli ward, S. D 481 95 472 104 10th Avard, N. D 270 393 276 .384 10th ward, S. D 279 239 272 245 lOthward, W, D 260 164 263 163 llthwnrd, N. D 333 429 322 442 11th warfl, S. D 291 480 274 491 12tli ward, E. D 294 110 295 108 12th ward, W. D 489 176 479 180 12th ward, M. D 295 38 287 50 13th ward, E. 1) 208 260 187 279 13th ward, W. 1) 384 331 369 342 14th ward, E. D 178 348 141 370 14tli waid, VV.D 199 469 150 503 15th ward, E. D 317 129 307 140 ISthward, W. D 412 254 396 263 16th ward, N. D 135 217 116 229 16th ward, S. D 408 402 411 400 aOthward, M. D 93 235 86 241 17tli ward, E. D 241 389 214 419 J7th ward, \V. D 241 357 223 373 Total City 12,544 9,121 12,281 ,9,425 Other Officers. — For other offi- cers, the vote in the county was as follows : Chief Judg-e of the Court of Ap- peals: Charles A. Rapallo (dem.), 19,277; Charles J. Folger (rep.), 16,743. Justice of Sessions : James R. Main (dem.), 18,759-; Wm. J. Reid (rep.), 9,193 ; Wm. V. L. Lapaugh (rep.), 7,997. Coimty Clei'k : John Larkin (dem.), 19,427; D. V. S. Raynsfoid (rep.), 16,645. District Attorney; D. Cady Her- rick (dem.). 19,610 ; Geo. H. Stevens (rep.), 16,554. Cofoner : Richard Scully (dem.), 18,954; Peter Lasch (dem.), 18,570; Samuel P. Eccles (rep.), 8,606 ; Thos. H, Kerr (rep.), 9,99i) : Francis Fonda (rep.), 7,616; W. R. Papen (rep.), 7,300 ; Qany Benson (gr.), 1,255. Members of Assembly : 1st distinct, Miner Gallup (dem.), 5,636 ; L. Car- ter Tut tie (rep.), 2,961 ; 2d disti-ict, Daniel Casey (dem.), 3,447 ; Andrew S. Draper (rep. ), 3,914 ; Charles R. Knowles (rep.), 2,001 ; 3d district, Aaron B. Pratt (dem.), 9,089 j John Battersby (rep.), 3,467; 4th distiict, James Duffy (dem.), 4,174 ; Georg-e Campbell (rep.), 4,625. State Government. — Albany being- the capital of the State of New York, most of the State officers have their residence and offices here. Governor. — Alonzo B. Cornell (rep.), of New York city ; term Jan. 1, 1880, to Jan. 1, 1883 ; elected bv a plurality of 42,777 ; salary, $10,000 ; residence on Eagle st. south of Elm ; office in Executive chamber. Lieut. -Governor. — Geo. G. Hos- kins (rep.), of Attica; term expires Jan. 1, 1883 ; salary, ;g5,000. Secretary of State. — Joseph B. Carr (rep.), of Troy ; term from Jan. 1, 1880, to Jan. 1, 1882; salary, $5,000 ; office in State Hall, first floor ; deputy, Anson S. Wood. Comptroller. — James W. "Wads- worth (Rep.), of Geneseo ; term from Jan. 1, 1880, to Jan. 1, 1882; salary, $^6,000 ; office in State Hall, first floor ; deputy, Henry Gallien. Treasurer. — Nathan D. "Wendell (rep.), Albany; term from Jan. 1, 1880, to Jan. 1, 1882; salary, $5,000 ; office in State Hall, first floor ; deputy, W^m. H. Smith. Attorney-Gen'l. — Hamilton Ward ,(rep.), of Belmont J term from Jan. 1, 145 STATE GOVERNMENT 1880, to Jan. 1, 1882 ; salaiy, |5,000 ; office in State Hall, second floor; deputy, Wm. B. Rugg-les. Engineer and Surveyor. — Horatio Seymour, Jr. (dem.), of Utica; term from Jan. 1, 1880, to Jan. 1, 1882; salary, i?5,000 ; office in State Hall, second floor ; deputy, Edward D. Smalley. Superintendent op State Prisons. — Louis D. Pilshuiy of Albany, ap- pointed by the Governor and Senate. Salary, $6,000. Term expires Feb. 16, 1882. Superintendent op Public "Works- — Silas B. Dutcher of Brooklyn, ap- pointed by the Governor and Senate. Salary, $6,000. Term expires Jan. 1, 1883. Auditor op Canal Department. — John A. Place of Os\veg"0 ; appointed by the Governor and Senate ; term expires May 20, 1883 ; salary, $5,000 ; office in State hall, first floor. Dep- uty, Edmund Savage. Canal Board. — Consists of the Lieu- ten ant-Go venior. Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer, Attoniey- General, State Engineer and Sur- veyor, Superintendent of Public Works. Meets at the Canal depart- ment, in the State hall, and has full management of the canals. It fixes the rate of tolls, appoints weigh- mastere, engineers and superintend- ents of repairs ; hears appeals from Canal Appraisers, remits penalties, and regulates police of the canals, etc. The Auditor of the Canal de- partment is the clerk of the Canal board. Canal Appraisers. — "Wm. J. Mor- gan, Buflalo ; "Wm. L. Bostwick, Ithaca ; Charles M. Dennison, "Utica ; terms expire in 1883. Appointed by the Governor and Senate. Duties are the appraisal of damages to in- dividuals, gi-o\\dng out of the con- struction of the canals. Salary, 10 $5,000, and $500 for ti-aveling ex- penses, at three cents per mile. State Assessors. — Commodore P. Vedder, Ellicottville ; James H. "Weatherwax, Little Falls; John S. Fowler, Auburn. Adjutant-General. — Frederick Townsend, Albany ; tenn expires Dec. 3, 1882. Superintendent op Bank Depart- ment. — A. B. Hepburn ; appointed by the Governor and Senate ; terai expires April 13, 18S8 ; salary, $5,000; office in State hall, second floor. Deputy, .lames S. Thurston. Superintendent of Insurance. — Charles G, Fairraan, Elmira; ap- pointed by the Governor and Senate ; term expires April 27, 1883 ; salary, $7,000 ; office State hall, basement. Deputy, J. A. McCall, Jr. Superintendent op Public In- struction. — Neil Gilmour of Ballston Spa ; elected by the Legislature ; term expires April 7, 1883 ; salary, $5,000; office in the old Capitol. Deputy, A. A. Keyes. State Board' of Charities. — "Wm. P. Letch worth, pres. ; John C. De- vereux, vice-pres. ; Chas. S. Hoyt, Al- bany, sec; Jas. 0. Fanning, Albany, assist, sec. Holds public meetings on th^5 second Tuesday of January, March, May, September and Novem- ber, at four o'clock, p.m. A meeting of the executive committee, held on the second Tuesday in each month, at four o'clock, p.m., at the office of the board. No. 1 Lafayette st. Regents op the University. — The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Sec- retary of State, Superintendent of Public Instruction, ex officiis, George W. Clinton, Lorenzo Buitows, Robert S. Hale, E. "W. Leavenwoi'th, J. Car- son Brevoort, George W. Curtis, Francis Kernan, John L. Lewis, Martin I. Townsend, Anson J. Upson, William L. Bostwick, Chauncey M. Depew, Charles E. Fitch, Orris H- VALUATION 146 Warren, Leslie W. Russell, Whitelaw Reid, Charles E. Smith. Officers of the Board: , chancellor; Henry R. Pierson, vice-chancellor; David Murray, sec. ; Daniel J. Pratt, assist, sec. Offickrs of State Library and THE Museum of Natural History. — Hemy A. Homes, gen. librarian ; Stephen B. Griswold, law librarian ; George R. Howell, assist, librarian. James Hall, director State Museum. State Survey Commissioners. — Horatio Seymour, pres. ; Daniel J. Pratt, clerk; James T. Gardner, director. Adirondack Survey. — Verplanck Colvin, supt. Tax Rate, The, for the city of Albany, as lixed by the board of su- I)ervisors, Dec. 8, 1^0, is $3 60, ex- cept that portion of the city added in 1870, where it is $2.56, and that part west of Allen st., where it is §2.60. United States Officers.— The fol- lowing- are the United States officers at Albany : Commissioners. — "W". Frothing-ham, 69 State st.; J. Hampden Wood, Tweddle Hall. Custom House. (See separate head . ) Deputy Marshal — Jas. H. Kelly, office Lodg"e, cor. State st. Internal Revenue. (See separate head. ) Masters and Examiners, in U. S. Circuit Court. — William Lansing, 55 State St.; J. Hampden Wood, Twed- dle Hall. Masters and Examiners, in U. S. District Court. — William Lansing", 55 State St.; J. Hampden Wood, Twed- dle Hall ; Worthington Fi-othingham, 69 State st. Board of Pension Examining Sur- geons, office 1 Washington ave. Chas. H. Porter, Wm. H. Bailey, Herman Bendell. Register in Bankruptcy — A. B. Voorhees, 73 State. Post Office. (See separate head.) Valuation. — The valuation of the city is : Real estate $34,135,625 Personal property 3,r>12,350 Total 1337,647,975 The assessed valuation of property belonging to the city government in 1878, was 1971,000. The alphabetical arranfrement of the Hantl-Book renders an Index unnecessary. The articles on most subjects will be found without dilUculty, only where the word "Albany" or "State" comes first, the compiler has, "in most instances, placed the article in the order indioated by the second word, as "Albany Medical College," found under " Medical College," etc. H. S. BULL. M. V. B. BULL. H. S. BULL Sc OO. GENERAL INSURANCE AGE..„., 35 AND 37 State St., Albany, N. Y. TWE:?fTY MiLtiioxs k:epresextei>. FIRE AND MARINE. NORWICH UNION, ENGLAND, Organized 1797. AMERICAN, NEW YORK, Organized 1857, NEWARK FIRE, NEW JERSEY. Organized 1810. UNION, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Organized 1804. EQUITABLE, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Organized 1859. ST. PAUL, ST. PAUL, MINN. Organized 1865. NEWARK CITY, NEW JERSEY, Organized 1857. JEFFERSON, NEW YORK, N. Y. Organized 1824. LIFE. Phcenix Mutual, Hartford, Conn,, Organized 1S51. Fidelity and Casualty Co., N. Y. jMetropolitan Plate Glass Co., N. Y. Hartford Steam Boiler Co., Conn. 1851. TIYEHTY-HIHE YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL EXPERIEXCK. 1880. PHOENIX MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford, Conn., has since its Organization in 1851, ISSUEB OVER, - - - 100,000 FOEICIES. RECEIVED in Premiums over • $29,000,000.00 *• in Interest on Assets nearly .... 6,500,000.00 PAID in Death Losses and Matured Endowments over - 9,000,000.00 " in Dividends to its Policy Holders, and for Surrendered and Ceased Policies nearly 9,500,000.00 IT NOW HAS ASSETS OVER - - $10,500,000.00 " " SURPLUS OVER - - 1,000,000.00 Paid to Policy-Holders in 1879, in Death Claims, Matured Endow- ments, Dividends and Surrendered Policies over - - 1,400,000.00 The Interest alone received for 1879, exceeds the amount paid for Death Claims, l6S,728.6S BRANCH OFFICE, 35 and 87 STATE ST., AL.BANY, BT.Y. M. V. B. BULL, - - - - Manager. General. Special and Local Agents wanted In New York, New Hampshire and Vermont Albany F emale A cademy. The oldest Institution of its grade in this city, has been placed upon a new and enlarged basis, and henceforward will occupy a position among our best Doardins^ and Day Schools. Its course of study extends from the most elementary instruction through a Post-Graduate curriculum, and the utmost ihoroiifjhness is required in every department, promotion being accorded only upon the ground of merit. Not only is the standard of scholarship high, but also that of taste and manners, while Christian principle is considered the indispensable requisite of a well-developed character. The studio is one of the chief attractions of the Academy, and is at present un- equalled in this city. A systematic and progressive course of Art study is laid down in the catalogue, a suitable portion of which forms part of the regular curriculum. The best facilities for the acquisition of Modem Languages and Music are also secured to the pupils. In no case are any but conscientious and superior teachers employed. Boarding pupils receive from the Principal, Matron and Teachers the care given in a refined Christian home. French is spoken by all pupils in this depai tmcnt. Catalogues may be obtained at the Academy, or by aoolying to the Principal. Hon. W. L. LEARNED, LL.D., President. DUDLEY OLCOTT, Esq., HARMON PUMPELLY, Esq., Rev. R. W. CLARK, D. D., Rev. W. S. SMART, D. D., JOHN TEMPLETON, Esq., SAMUEL B. WARD, M. D., ARCHIBALD McCLURE, Esq., ARTHUR BOTT, Esq., Rev. HENRY DARLING, D. D., Rev. IRVING MAGEE, D. D., JACOB S. MOSHER, M. D. LUCY A. PLYMPTON, Principal. ANNA ANDERSON, Mrs. E. M.- MILLARD, MINNIE McLEAN, B. A., MARTHA H. VANE, ADA J. AVER, B. A., Prof. WM. P. MORGAN, AUGUSTA M. LYMAN, VIOLA GREENALCH, ARMAND De potter, M. A., Mrs. J. W. HARCOURT, Mme. AIMEE S. De POTTER, HERR C. A. MEYER. PROF. DE POTTER'S I EUROPEIN EDUCSTIONSL AND VlCSTION TOURS. . ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1831 (2d year). I. The ANNUAL SELECT PARTY for an EXTE.VDED TOUR tO SCOTLAND, ENGLAND, BeLGIUM, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Franxe, will leave Nc7v Vork on or about yn7te i8th, to return early in Sepionber. This party will be personally conducted by Prof, and Mrs. de Potter. 2. — The same touk as above, but without Italy, and making a longer stay in Switzerland, or France. 3. — The Rhine and Paris tour: traveling with the "annual party" as far as Heidelberg and there leave for Paris, where the tourist can stay a week, or longer, by special arrangement. 4. — Short Tour: traveling with the "annual party" as far as Brussels and there leave for Paris, to stay there four days or more. 5. — For those wishing to make a prolonged stay and avail themselves of the musical, art and linguistic advantages, arrangements have been made with educational institutions, pen- sions, &c., in Paris aiid other cities, which present such advantages as never were offered in America before. N. B. — The above arrangements, which include only first-class traveling, the best hotels, pensions and institutions, furnish not only means of gomg to Europe comfortably, but also economically. FOR PROGRAMME WITH FULL PARTICULARS, Address IPi^OIF'- J^-JRl^J^lsilD IDE I^OTTEIi, ALBANY FEMALE ACADEMY, Albany, K. Y. THE ALBANY ACADEMY, (Establislied in 1813.) TRUSTEES. JAMES P. BOYD. M. D., Senior Trust re. OHLANDO MEADS, Rt. Rev. W. C. DOANE, D. D., MKRRILL EDWARDS GATES, HI'uVRY H. MARTIN. PAUL F. COOPER, MAUUICE E. VIELE, Treasurer. THOMAS HUN, M. D., WILLI.AM L. LEARNED, LL. D., ABRAHAM LANSING, JOHN R RATUBONE, EDWARD P. WATERBURY, ERAtiTUS CORNING. THE MAYOR OF ALBANY, ) rx-Omcin THE RECORDER OF ALBANY, 5 ^^ ^M^cio. The Primary Department, in charge of ladies of experience, receives boys at the youngest .school age, and combines many features of the Kindergarten with an introduction to the use of books. Its work is continued in The pRiiPAR.vroRY Dkpartment, for boys from 8 or lo to I2 or 14 years of age, -which does most careful work in teaching boys to read, write and speak the English Language correctly, and in Arithmetic and Geography. With this work is combined a course of Oral Lessons by "the Object- Method," in Botany, Zoology and the useful arts. These lessons cultivate the boy's powers of obser- vation and expression, and greatly add to the interest of school-life. THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT SOME FBATUHES OF THE SCHOOL. 1. Attention to health — Gymnastics and Military Drill. 2. Fullest preparation for the best colleges — more than is required in all branches. 3. The study of Latin and Greek is made an educating process, not a parrot- like repetition of rules and exceptions. 4. The History of Greece, Kome, the United Slates and England, is studied with a view to its lessons for our own times. 5. Careful and constant practice in composing and letter-writing. 6. A full year's work in English Literature — studying the best authors in their best works, not merely learning dates. 7. A careful introduction to the Natural Sciences; Physics, Chemistry, As- tronomy, Botany and Physiology. 8. French and German are taught ' ' for use. " French text-books are used in the study of Physics. 9. Mathematics, to Conic Sections and Analytical Geometry. 10. Book-keeping for the future business-man. 11. Five-minute talks with the school on Topics of the Time — "The Question- Box." 12. The management of the school aims to inculcate Truthfulness, Christian Principle, and habits of self-reliant work. 13. Full apparatus — large collections of photographs, illustrative of Geography, History and Art. jA y-I /-| yc^ c C MERRILL EDWARDS GATES. PH.D., Pmcipal, 230 STATE STREET, ALBAHY, Ti. Y. I83Q. ISSO. ^llietny IVjE^icHl Coltege. Medical Department of Union Uniyersity. Regular Winter Sessions commence on the First Tuesday in October each year, and continue twenty weeks. Spring Lectures (non-graduating Course) commence on the First Monday in April. HOSPITAL ADYANTAOES. Albany Hospital, St. Peter's Hospital, Albany County Hospi- tal, Eye and Ear Infirmary, Eye and p]ar Relief, and their Dispen- saries, are available to the class for clinical purposes. MUSEUM. The extensive and complete Museum of the College, which is kept open to the public, is of valuable assistance to students. CLINICS HELD DURINO THE ENTIRE YEAR. Surgical Clinics a-t the Amphitheatre of the Albany Hospital on Saturday at 12. Medical Clinics during the week at 11 A. M. LABORATORIES. The Chemical Laboratory and the Laboratory of Normal and Pathological Histology are open to classes in the College Building. FEES. Matriculation fee $5, Fees for the Course $100. Perpetual Lecture Ticket $150. Graduation fee $25. The Spring Lectures are free to matriculants. For information or Catalogues, address !g,Egisti|aii 0^ tl]e ^IHciny JS^eSical ^^cllege, 3 LANCASTER ST., ALBANY, N. Y. fk. m Albany, N. Y. ^%^ The Rt. Rev. W. C. Doane, S. T. D., Principal and Rector. Sister Helen, - • - Head of the House. Miss E. W. Boyd, - - - Head of the School. With Twenty Te:ichers and Lecturers The School provides a full course of study from the Kin- dergarten through a carefully prepared Post-Graduate Course, based upon that required for the Oxford (Eng.) degree. The departments of Music, Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting, are under the charge of highly accomplished teachers, who have gained a wide reputation for thorough- ness and skill. Special attention is paid to instruction in Prayer Book and Church History. Charge for the Year, $350.00 For new pupils the entrance fee, ----- 25.00 Music, ------- $100 and 150.00 German (where French is also studied), _ - _ 30.00 Oil, Water Colour, and Mineral Painting, each, - 40.00 ffiuition ^ar^ l>ciy pupils. In the Harvard Class, for the year, . - . - $125.00 " Senior *' u a . - . . 100.00 Middle *' "a _ . . . 75.00 *' Junior una . . . 50.00 " Kinder-Garten Class for the 7 ear, - - - 30.00 Line of Steamers. J. G^. :gkn(ief^. W.M-Wl\itiiey. Capt. F. A. HITCHCOCK. Capt JOHN I. HITCHCOCK. h:otje.XjY te.z:ps. I On Saturdays and Sundays* Trips eTnery ^o iminmtes* FsRE Ten Cents. 12 Tickets, $1.00. Fare on Saturdays 5 Cents. STEAMER EMITA, Capt. CHARLES R. HITCHCOCK. Leaves Albany, 10.30 A. M., and 5 P. M. SATURDAYS, Leaves New Baltimore at 6.45 P. M., and Return to Albany. SUNDAYS, Leaves Albany at 9 A. M., and 2 P. M. Leaves New Baltimore at 11.30 A. M., and 4 P. M. L. H. BURDICK. James Taylor. BURDICK & TAYLOR, 481 BROADWAY, Hext to Stanwix Hall. ^IBan^ Jl. °5^. D. L WEAVER & SON, MAXUFACTDREES OF AND WALKING CANES, 66 Hudson Ave., Albany, N. Y. Opp. ]Midd!e Dutch Church. COVERING and REPAIRING-. HUYLER'S 863 Broadway, New York. BRANCHES: 3 Old Post Office Building, Nassau St., New York. 339 Fulton St., opp Pierrepont St., Brooklyn. 4th St. Cor. South 9th St., VVilliamsburgh, E. D. Saratoga— Opposite Congress Springs. Long Branch— Opposite Ocean House. Troy— No. 2 Times Building, Alliany Branch, n Mil Pearl St. NEW^ EDITION. Published by G. (St C.MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass, LATEST-LARGEST-BEST. Contains oyer 118,000 fords. 1928 Pages, 3000 Engravings, 4600 NEW WORDS and Meanings. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY Of over 9700 NAMES. .A- CECOICE G-UFT For ail .times, HOLIDAYS, WEDDING, BIRTHDAY, ANNIVERSARY, or any other day; for PASTOE, TEACHES, PAEENT, CHILD, FEIEND. JOSEPH LORD, BookselJQr and StatiouGr, 19 PHILIP ST., ALBA^TY, N. T. GOODS SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. Standard, Theological, School, Medical and Miscellaneous Uooks, Fancj- and Plain Stationary Cheap. A large assortment Second-hand Books. THE OKLY OKS IH ALBAKYJ WILLIAM E. WHITENS 44 GREEN STREET. JBirds^ Cages UTid 8eed^ 66 Chestnut Street, Albany, N. Y. One Block above the New Capitol. ORDERS FOR ^Iciiits, Souquets and ISoisl^cts, 6rnssEs cinfl 5?irEatT]s. WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. A.. F. CHA^TFIJ^LD, FLortst, ALEX. S. THOMPSON, PROFESSOR OF YOCIL^AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, 35 North Pearl Street, ' COMMIEIP^m IKSTITinPK. "" English, French and Classical School for Young Ladies and Misses. 131 NORTH PEARL STREET. This delightfully located and popular Institution, in its double capacity of boarding and day school, has in its general management tlius far given the most unqualified satisfaction, and in the arrangements the utmost care has been taken to promote the best interests of both patron and pupil. ITEMS. — Building large, well ventilated, and with every desirable modern convenience. Graduating Course OF Study complete. Special Course when desired. Sui'ekmor Lvstkic- TiON in every department Modern Languages under the direction of native teachers, with particular attention to their practical use. Instrumental and Vocal Music taught after the most approved methods, with marked success. Painting and Drawing unrivaled — studio a great attraction. Discipline such as to cultivate true refinement, and pure Christian principle. Aim to secure for the pupils a well-balanced and healthful development of the physical, intellectual and moral powers. For any further information, address the Principals, Monsieigr and Madame COMMETTE. LADIES' Hi &ENTS' FINE BOOTS aM SHOES MADE TO ORDER ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. Those having trouble in getting Perfect H itting Shoes should call. Satis- faction guaranteed. A pair of Lasts, guaranteed to fit, made for $2.50, and to customers, gratis. Corns, Ingro-wing or Th.ick KTails, Bunions, Inflamed Joints, or tender feet treated skillfully -witliout pain. 5 45 GREEN ST., near Hudson Ave., GENERAL 82 State St., :ir. ^ BOOKS OF ALL BESCRIPTIOHS BOUND in anySTYLE. Extra half calf (marble edge) binding for Libraries, defies compctilion in reason- ableness of price and beauty of finish. Designs & Samples for all worRsissned in nnmCers. Pamphlets in a neat and durable bind- ing for 30 cts. per volume. Law Books bound strong and cheap. Blank Books of all sizes made to order. AT LOW PRICES, and in the BEST STYLE of the ART. PHOTO-ELEgTRO PLiTEg and ELEgTROTYPINK, HIRAM FERGUSON, 4L4r8 ISroa^-vv^ai/y, ^ITa^Etny, INT. 1Z"« The Undiscovered CoUxNtry. ByW.D.HOWELLS. Beautifully prinfed and tastefully bound. $1.50. This is unquestionably the greatest novel Mr. Howells has ever written. It treats Spiritualism with great skill and fairness; it describes life among the Shakers charmingly ; it has an engaging love story; and it is written with the de- licious humor and in the facinating style for which all of Mr. Howells's novels are distinguished. A remarkable novel, of the most piquant originality. — Neiu York Tribune. Mr. Howells's Other Writings, The Lady of the Aroostook. $1.50. Wholesome truth, easy narrative, and the daintiest humor, combine to make the novel de- lightful on every page. — Hartford Courant. Their Wedding Journey- Illustrated by Hoppin: $r 50. The Sarne, '"Little Classic" style. $1.25. With just enough of story and dialogue to give to Jt the interest of a novel, it is also one of the most charmiig books of travel that we have ever seen. — Christian Register (Boston). A Chance Acquaintance. Illustra- ted, $150. y/i^ .S"«wz^, " Little Classic" style. $1.25. One can hardly overpraise the charm and grace with which Mr Howells has invested the "ac- quaintance." and the exquisite delicacy with which he has treated the love into which it rip- ened. — Boston Advertiser. A Foregone Conclusion. $i 50. Mr. Howells has before this given us charming stories ; but va this last book we have a very noble tragedy. — Christian Union. Italian Journeys. $1 50. The reader who has gone over the ground which Mr. Howells describes will be struck with the lifelike freshness and accuracy of his sketches. — New York Tribiaic. Suburban Sketches. Illustrated. — $1.53 .\ charming volume, full of fresh, vivacious, witty, and in every wav delightful pictures of life in the vicinity ofa great city. — New York Observer. Venetian Life. — Including Commercial, .Social, Historical, aud Artistic Notes of Ven- ice. $1.50 Mr Howells deserves a place in the first rank of American travelers. — Pall Mall Gazette. I^p^The above eight volumes, in a box, tastefully bound in cloth, $12.00. Out of the Question, A Comedy. " Little Classic " style. $1.25. This seems to us one of the most charming of all Mr. Howells's works. — Boston Advertiser. A Counterfeit Presentment. A Comedy, " Little Classic" style. $1.25. Poems. " Little Classic " style. $1.25. For sale by all Booksellers. Sent post-paid, on receipt of prise, by the Publishers, HOUOHTON, MIFFLIN" & COMPANY, BOTTOM, liJE^^ee. Charles O'Brien, Jjlevchani bailor Leader in Fashion; JlLso jjsr stoc:k a. ajE2sr^itA.ij jLS- sortm:ent of 3 k v\ 481 IBr'ocLdsw^cLy ^ (STJ!L3Sr"V7-IZ8Z H-A-LL B TJ ILID I 3Sr Gf-,) i» Yo, VAN VLIET & BATOHELDER'S AGENCY, Offxces^ 49 Stat© Staree-fc- FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE! Accident and Marine Insurance ! REAL ESTATE ! XjO^ZSTS ! LOJ^IsTS ! FIRST MORTGAGES on REAL ESTATE negotiated for amounts rela- tively greater than Savings Bank are allowed by law to grant. Communications are invited from parties having Capital to invest in Bond and Mortgage. The many applications made to us for money on First Mortgages on City Property, enable us to offer Capitalists and others very desirable investments. SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITORS who get but 4 per cent interest on deposits may, without impairment of security, invest such money in REAL ESTATE FIRST MORTGAGES, and obtain 6 PER CENT INTEREST. Louis Sautter's i No. 8 NORTH PEARL STREET (4 Doors Irom State St.), rl- Em. 1 Fine Asssortment of Terfnraes, Toilet and Fancy Jiriicles ALW^AYS IN STOCK. THE I-i^A^I^GrEST ^1 yl IN THIS CITY IS WESTCOTTS .^k.Xjl3.A.l>J"ir, Six "Warerooms filled, -with PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING-ROOM, LIBRARY AND NURSERY FURNITURE, Parlor Furniture, all Uplohterei in tie Latest htterns and Sesips a Specialty. This Establishment is noted for THOROUGH WORKMANSHIP. -A FU_L LINE OF- CARPETS, OILCLOTHSIBEDDING I Sell for CASH, or on INSTALLMENTS, at the LOWEST PRICES. Examine for yourself. GOODS PACKED AND SHIPPED FREE. REMEMBER THE PLACE, J4 NORTH PBdKL STREET. AGENCY «^ «/ «/ «^ «/ d5&dl ST A TE ST.. COR. JAMES SL PoliciesWien^ Lowest Curreot Rates Consistent A Safety. JAMES HENDRICK, Agent, A. D. COLE. JLXjB-A.lsr"Z", 25T. TT. liiMMilliliCiimWIMS. Manufactxtrers of SOLUBLE BLUES re. Laundry *'>d Paper t^akers. 5.7.9. 1 r&)l3 BROADWAY^ , ALBANY, nTy. m REDS Of all grades, SUPERIOR to any Im- ported. JAMES HENDRICK, Pres't. Van Heusen, Charles & Co., 468 AND 470 BROADWAY, TI3:E 03LIDEST IPII^IiVC IHST -A-31.B.A-3Sr"5r- Our stock in variety and extent is not surpassed by any other in the United States. Purchasers are assured of honest dealing, and the lowest prices at wholesale and retail. "goodyear's crack-proof RUBBER BOOTS, RUBBERS Alaskas and Arctic Gaiters. These goods are manufactured expressly for our Retail Trade, and are made of the very finest Para Gum, under the original Goodyear Process, and will not break or crack. For sale at the ALBANY RUBBER DEPOT, 426 and 428 BROADWAY, . HENRY MAYELL & SON. SDVCITIEi:, Merchant fAiLOR 16 NORTH PEARL STREET, ( Perry Building, ) ^^aL^3B.^l^^. T^e ^'. <» ^» FOREIGN GOODS R SPECmLTY. CALL AND SEE OUR NEW STORE. French & Johnson, ^^S©; IHjS^SjH 35 & 37 Maiden Lane. BUSINESS SUITS, $20 to $30. www FK/Oli.^ S30 TO ^40. TEACHER OF THE VOICE! Healthful Breathing, with proper Respiratory Action, and Vocal attack in Singing and Speaking, a Specialty. f ^v • « • McARDLE HOUSE, Ladies^ and Gentlemen^s Restaurant, No. 6 JAMES STREET, ALBAKY, N. Y. This Establishment is one of the oldest and most centrally located of any in Albany. All the Delicacies of the Season, such as GAME, FISH, FRUIT, Etc., served on short notice and in excellent style. A well supplied Bar with Imported and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigars of the Best Brands constantly on hand. JOHN P. McARDLE, Prop'r. EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, OF NEW YORK. ASSETS, - - - $37,366,841.75 SURPLUS, - - - 7,515,407.75 The average annual amount of its new Policies issued, has for the past eleven years been larger than that of any other company. TlsTCONTKSTABLE J^ZFTEE. THZK^EE ■2-EA.I2.S. ALL KINDS OF POLICIES WRITTEN. A return of r2o per cent of premiums paid on Tontine Saving Fund Policies of lo years. For letters from Policy-Holders, and further information, apply to H. C. SEXTON, Manager of Central Department, 46 North Pearl Street, Albany, N. Y. Cor. North. Pearl and Pleasant Sts., m m'.it gj\5 c^^ ciftf c~e)^3 OG^s •e)^ ies, Qneen Anne, EastMe AND Mornini Glory Coois, Ranges, Furnaces. AND Base Bnrners. QUEEN ANNE BASE BURNER, We invite the public to inspect our line of goods at our Foundry and Sales- rooms before purchasing elsewhere. We guarantee successful operation. When Stoves, &c., are purchased direct from us, we give personal attention to the filling of orders. Estimates furnished with pleasure, and prices quoted will be found satisfactory. Bargains in Stoves slightly used at Fairs. LiTTLEFIELD STOVE CO. n (SKnABE PlANOS.'i) AS ^A^ELL AS FOR ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JjTusical Jylerchandise, Sheet Jj£nsic, 'Boo'ks,