Book -d Mns c^t jlorf^ farolind %mti^ A U i\^t niion. T^ 1S9B. Dons 0-f the 'reYo!M4io-n. NaytH^Ci^voiiinsi „„,_,^ THE MEMBERSHIP AND ANCESTRAL REGISTER, BY-LAWS AND CHARTER OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SOCIETY Sons oi ti?e Hcpolution, INCLUDTNG ALSO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY, ETC. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, MAY 12, 1898. Complleb Bg ITlarsf^all DeCancey ^aytooob, Secretary. FIRST REGISTER ISSUED BY THE SOCIETY. 1898 \^ Presses op Edwards & Brouohton. RALEIGH. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY. APRII,, 1896 — APRIL, iS General President. Hon. JOHN LEE CARROLL, Ellicott City, Maryland, of the Maryland Society. Gejieral Vice-President. GARRET DORSET WALL VROOM, Trenton, New Jersey, Of the New Jersey Society. Second General Vice-President. JOHN SCREVEN, Savannah, Georgia, of the Georgia Society. General Secretary. JAMES MORTIMER MONTGOMERY, 146 Broadway (Room 409), New York City, Of the New York Society. Assistant General Secretary. WILLIAM HALL HARRIS, 216 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Maryland, of the Maryland Society. General Treasurer. RICHARD McCALL CADWALADER, 133 S. 12th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of the Pennsylvania Society. General Assistant Treasurer. HENRY CADLE, Bethany, Missouri, of the Missouri Society General Chaplain. The Right Reverend HENRY BENJAMIN WHIPPLE, D D., LLD., Faribault, Minnesota, of the Minnesota Society. General Registrar. FRANCIS ELLINGWOOD ABBOT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Of the Massachusetts Society. General Historian. GAILLARD HUNT, Department of State, Washington, District of Columbia, Of the District of Columbia Society. Temporarily Instituted, October .?4, 1893. Permanently Organized, November 21, 1893. Legally incorporated, January 8, 1894. INCORPORATORS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SOCIETY. Elias Cakr. Kemp Plummrr Battie, LI- !>.. Marshall DeLan'Cky Haywood, Daniel tiarvf.y Hill, HeRHERT BEMKRTON UATTt.K. PH. D , Robert Brent Drane, D I)., Samuel A'Court Ashe, Peter Evans !Iinhs, M. D , Alexander Quarles HttLLAPAV, LL. D., William Joseph Hawkins, M. D.,* Thomas Stephen Kenan. Kdmunij Burke Haywood, M. D., I.L- D., Frank Battli: Dancv, Boswokth Clifton Beckwitu, Graham Daves, Joseph Dolby Myers. •Dead. OFFICERS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SOCIETY. NOVEMBER, 1897 — NOVEMBER, 1 898. President. PETER EVANS HINES, M.D., Raleigh. Vice-President. THOMAS S. KENAN. Raleigh. Secretary. MARSHALL DeLANCEY HAYWOOD, Raleigh. Registrar. Prof. DANIEL HARVEY HILL, West Ralei:!h. Treasurer. HERBERT WORTH JACKSON, Raleigh. Chaplain. The Rev. ROBERT BRENT DRANE, D.D., Hcleotou. Board of Managers. SAMUEL A 'COURT ASHE, Chairman, The Officers, ex officio, and— Alexander Q. Hollad.vy, LL.D., Bosworth Clifton Beckwith, Graham Daves, Collier Cobb, George Bradburn Curtis, Heriot Clarkson, Herbert Bemerton Battle, Alexander Boyd Andrews, Jr. Delegation to the General Convention. Delegates. Alteruates. James Dodge Glenn, Stephen Alexander White, Graham Daves, William Kearny Carr, George Bradburn Curtis, Heriot Clarkson, Alexander Boyd Andrews, Jr., William Johnston Andrews, Bosworth Clifton Beckwith. Marshall DeLancey Haywood. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS: T. S. Kenan, D. H. Hill, M. DeLancey Haywood. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY, FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, NOV. 21, 1893. Presidents. elected. Retired. 1893 . . Governor ELIAS CARR 1897 1897 . . PETER EVANS HINES, M. D Vice-Presidents. 1893 . . KEMP PEUMMER BATTLE, LL. D 1896 1896 . . PETER EVANS HINES, M. D 1897 1897 . . THOMAS S. KENAN Secretary. 1893 . . MARSHALL DeLANCEY HAYWOOD. . . . Registrar. 1893 . . Professor DANIEL HARVEY HILL. .... Treasurers. 1893 . . HERBERT BEMERTON BATTLE, Ph. D. . . 1895 1895 . . HERBERT WORTH JACKSON Chaplain. 1893 . . The Rev. ROBERT BRENT DRANE, D. D. . . BOARDS OF MANAGERS OF THE SOCIETY, FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, NOVEMBER 21, 1893. THE OFFICERS, ex officio, and— 1893-4 SAMUEL A'COURT ASHE. PETER EVANS HINES, M. D. ALEXANDER QUARLES HOLLADAY, LL. D. WILLIAM JOSEPH IIAWKINS, M. D. THOMAS STEPHEN KENAN. FRANK BATTLE DANCY. BOSWORTH CLIFTON BECKWITH. GRAHAM DAVES. JOSEPH DOLBY MYERS. 1894-5. SAMUEL A'COURT ASHE. PETER EVANS HINES, M. D. ALEXANDER QUARLES HOLLADAY, LL. D. THOMAS STEPHEN KENAN. FRANK BATTLE DANCY. BOSWORTH CLIFTON BECKWITH. GRAHAM DAVES. JOSEPH DOLBY MYERS. ALPHONSO CALHOUN AVERY, LL. D. 1895-6. SAMUEL A'COURT ASHE. PETER EVANS HINES, M. D. ALEXANDER QUARLES HOLLADAY, LL. D. THOMAS STEPHEN KENAN. BOSWORTH CLIFTON BECKWITH. GRAHAM DAVES. JOSEPH DOLBY MYERS. ALPHONSO CALHOUN AVERY, LL. D. HERBERT BEMERTON BA'i^TLE, Ph. D. BOARDS OF MANAGERS— Continued. 1896-7. SAMUEL A 'COURT ASHE. ALEXANDER QUARLES HOLLADAY, LL. D. THOMAS STEPHEN KENAN. BOS WORTH CLIFTON BECK WITH. GRAHAM DAVES. GEORGE BRADBURN CURTIS. HERBERT BEMERTON BATTLE, Ph. D. COLLIER COBB. HERIOT CLARKSON. 1897-8. SAMUEL A 'COURT ASHE. ALEXANDER QUARLES HOLLADAY, LL. D. BOS WORTH CLIFTON BECK WITH. GRAHAM DAVES. GEORGE BRADBURN CURTIS. HERBERT BEMERTON BATTLE, Ph. D. COLLIER COBB. HERIOT CLARKSON. ALEXANDER BOYD ANDREWS, Jr. CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. It being evident, from a steady decline of a proper cele- bration of the National holidays of the United States of America, that popular concern in the events and men of the War of the Revolution is gradually declining, and that such lack of interest is attributable, not so much to the lapse of time and the rapidl}' increasing flood of immigra- tion from foreign countries, as to the neglect on the part of descendants of Revolutionary heroes to perform their duty in keeping before the public mind the memory of the services of their ancestors and of the times in which the}' lived ; therefore, the Society of the Sons of the Revolu- tion has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of the men, who, in the military, naval, and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, by their acts or counsel, achieved the independence of the country, and to further the proper celebration of the anniversaries of the birthday of Washington, and of prominent events connected with the war of the Revolution ; to collect and secure for preservation the rolls, records and other documents relat- ing to that period ; to inspire the members of the Society with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers ; and to promote the feeling of friendship among them. The General Society shall be divided into State Socie- ties, which shall meet annually on the day appointed there- for in their respective by-laws, and oftener if found expe- 12 Sons of the Revolution. dieut; and at such annual meeting the reasons for the in- stitution of the Society shall be considered, and the best measures for carrying them into effect adopted. The State Societies, at every annual meeting, shall choose a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a registrar, a treas- urer, a chaplain, and such other ofl&cers as may by them respectively be deemed necessary, and a board of mana- gers, to consist of such officers, and other members, as may be provided by their respective Constitutions and By-Laws, all of whom shall retain their respective positions until their successors are duly chosen. Each State Society shall cause to be transmitted annu- ally, or oftener, to the other State Societies, a circular let- ter calling attention to whatever may be thought worthy of observation respecting the welfare of the Society or of the general union of the States, and giving information of the officers chosen for the year ; and copies of these letters shall also be transmitted to the General Secretary to be preserved among the records of the General Society. The State Societies shall regulate all matters respecting their own affairs, consistent with the general good of the Society; judge of the qualification of their members or of those proposed for membership, subject, however, to the provisions of this Constitution ; and expel any member, who, by conduct unbecoming a gentleman or a man of honor, or by an opposition to the interests of the community in gen- eral or the Society in particular, may render himself un- worthy to continue in membership. In order to form funds that may be respectable, each member shall contribute, upon his admission to the Society and annually thereafter, such sums as the by-laws of the respective State Societies may require ; but auy of such State Societies may provide for the endowment of mem- Constitution. 13 berships by the payment of proper sums in capitalization, which sums shall be properly invested as a permanent fund, the income only of which shall be expended. The regular meeting of the General Society shall be held every three years, and special meetings may be held upon the order of the General President or upon the re- quest of two of the State Societies, and such meetings shall consist of the General OflBcers and a representation not ex- ceeding five deputies from each State Society, and the nec- essary expenses of such meeting shall be borne by the State Societies. At the regular meeting a General President, General Vice-President, General Second Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Reg- istrar, Historian, and Chaplain, shall be chosen by a ma- jority of the votes present, to serve until the next regular general meeting, or until their successors are duly chosen. At each general meeting the circular letters which ha^'e been transmitted by the several State Societies shall be considered, and all measures taken which shall conduce to the general welfare of the Society. The General Society shall have power at any meeting to admit State Societies thereto, and to entertain and de- termine all questions affecting the qualifications for mem- bership in or the welfare of any State Society as may by proper memorial be presented by such State Society for consideration. Any male person above the age of twenty-one years, of good character, and a descendant of one, who, as a military, naval or marine officer, soldier, sailor or marine, in actual service, under the authority of any of the thirteen Colonies or States or of the Continental Congress, and remaining al- ways loyal to such authority, or a descendant of one who 14 Sons of the Revolution. signed the Declaration of Independence, or of one who, as a member of the Continental Congress or of the Congress of any of the Colonies or States, or as an official appointed by or under the authority of any such legislative bodies, actually assisted in the establishment of American Inde- pendence b}' services rendered during the War of the Revo- lution, becoming thereby liable to conviction of treason against the government of Great Britain, but remaining always loyal to the authority of the Colonies or States, shall be eligible to membership in the Society. The Secretary of each State Societ}- shall transmit to the General Secretar}- a list of the members thereof, to- gether with the names and official designations of those from whom such members derive claim to membership, and thereafter, upon the admission of members in each State Society, the Secretary thereof shall transmit to the Gen- eral Secretary information respecting such members simi- lar to that herein required. The Society shall have an insignia, which shall be a badge suspended from a ribbon by a ring of gold ; the badge to be elliptical in form, with escaloped edges, one and one-quarter inches in length, and one and one-eighth inches in width ; the whole surmounted by a gold eagle, with wings displayed, inverted ; on the obverse side a me- dallion of gold in the centre, elliptical in form, bearing on its face the figure of a soldier in Continental uniform, with musket slung; beneath, the figures 1775; the medallion surrounded by thirteen raised gold stars, of five points each, upon a border of dark blue enamel. On the reverse side, iu the center, a medallion corresponding in form to that on the obverse, and also in gold, bearing on its face the Hou- don portrait of Washington in bas-relief, encircled by the legend, "Sous of the Revolution;" beneath, the figures Constitution. 15 1883 ; and, upon the reverse of the eagle, the number of the badge to be engraved; the medallion to be surrounded by a plain gold border, conforming in dimensions to the ob- verse ; the ribbon shall be dark blue, ribbed and watered, edged with buff, one and one-half inches wide, and one and one-half inches in displayed length. The insignia of the Society shall be worn by the mem- bers on all occasions when they assemble as such for anj^ stated purpose or celebration, and may be worn on any occasion of ceremony ; it shall be carried conspicuously on the left breast, but members who are or have been officers of the Society may wear the insignia suspended from the ribbon around the neck. The custodian of the insignia shall be the General Sec- retary, who shall issue them to members of the Society under such proper rules as ma}?^ be formulated by the Gen- eral Society, and he shall keep a register of such issues wherein each insignia issued may be identified by the num- ber thereof. The seal of the Society shall be one and seven-eighths inches in diameter, and shall consist of the figure of a Min- ute-man in Continental uniform, standing on a ladder leading to a belfry ; in his left hand he holds a musket and an olive branch, whilst his right grasps a bell-rope; above, the cracked Liberty Bell ; issuing therefrom a ribbon bearing the motto of the Society, Exegi monumentum cere peren- nius ; across the top of the ladder, on a ribbon, the figures 1776; and on the left of the Minute-man, and also on a ribbon, the figures 1883, the year of the formation of the Society ; the whole encircled by a band three-eighths of one inch wide; thereon, at the top, thirteen stars of five points each ; at the bottom, the name of the General Society, or of the State Society, to which the seal belongs. BY-LAWS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. SECTION I. NAME OF SOCIETY. The Society shall be known by the name, style, and title of "North Carolina Society of the Sons of the Revolution." SECTION II. objects. The objects of the Society are social, literary, and patri- otic ; and the Society is formed for the purpose of perpetuat- ing the memory of those men, who, in the military, naval, and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, during the War of the Revolution, by their acts or counsel, achieved the independence of our country ; to stimulate a love for historical study ; to collect and secure for preservation the manuscripts, records, and other docu- ments relating to that period — particularly those pertain- ing to North Carolina; to inspire the members of the So- ciety with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and to promote a feeling of fellowship among its members. By-Laws. 17 SECTION III. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. Members shall be elected as follows : Candidates shall send their respective applications and documents, or other proofs of qualification for membership, through the Secre- tary, to the Board of Managers, which is authorized to judge of the merits of an application in such manner as the General Constitution prescribes. Upon a favorable decision of said Board, or a regularly elected committee thereof, and upon payment of the initiation fee, the applicants shall thereupon become members of the Society. Five negative votes by the Board of Managers, or a majority of those cast, shall constitute a rejection of the applicant. The Chairman of the Board of Managers shall appoint annually three members thereof, whose duty it shall be to pass upon the qualifications of applicants for admission into the Society, and report to the said Board of Managers. The Society reserves the privilege of rejecting any nomi- nation that may not be acceptable to it. SECTION IV. OFFICERS. The ofl&cers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice- President, a Secretary, a Registrar, a Treasurer, and a Chaplain, who shall be chosen by ballot from among the members thereof annually, and shall hold until their suc- cessors are elected and have qualified. The Secretary, Treasurer, and Registrar shall be residents of the city of Raleigh. 18 Sons of the Revolution. SECTION V. BOARD OF MANAGERS. The Board of Managers of the Society shall be fifteen in number, namel}' : The President, the Vice-President, the Secretar}', the Registrar, the Treasurer, and the Chaplain, ex officio, and nine others who shall be chosen by ballot from among the members of the Society annually, and shall hold until their successors are elected and have quali- fied. Five members thereof at any meeting shall constitute a quorum. The Board shall have power to fill all vacancies and to elect its own Chairman, who shall be a resident of the city of Raleigh. It may admit members as hereinbe- fore set forth in Section III., and under the rules prescribed in the General Constitution. It may, through the Secre- tary, call special meetings of the Society at such times as it may see fit, and shall call such meetings at any time upon the written request of ten members of the Society. It may arrange for commemorative celebrations b}^ the Society. It shall recommend plans for promoting the pur- poses of the Society, authorize the disbursement and expen- diture of any unappropriated money in the treasury for the payment of the current expenses of the Societ)', and per- form such other duties as may be elsewhere prescribed in these By-Laws or in the General Constitution. At each annual meeting of the Society it shall make a report in writing. SECTION VI. NOMINATING COMMITTEE. The Society may, at each annual meeting, choose a Nom- inating Committee of seven members, to nominate ofl&cers and members of the Board of Managers for election at By-Laws. 19 the succeeding annual meeting, but each member of the Society shall have the privilege of casting his ballot as he may deem best. In case the Society shall not choose such a committee, the President shall, prior to every annual meeting, appoint such Nominating Committee from among the members of the Society, exclusive of oflScers and mem- bers of the Board of Managers. SECTION VII. PRESIDENT. The President, or, in his absence, the Vice-President, or, in the absence of both, a Chairman pro tempore^ shall pre- side at all meetings of the Society, and shall have a casting vote. He shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society. SECTION VIII. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society. He shall notify all members of their elec- tion, and of such other matters as may be required hy the Society. He shall have charge of the Seal, Certificate of Incorporation, By-Laws and Minutes of the Society, and of a duly verified copy of the Constitution of the General Society. He, together with the presiding officer, shall certify all acts of the Society, and, in proper cases, authenti- cate them under seal. He shall, under the direction of the Board of Managers, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society, and attend the same when practicable. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings of the Society, and shall give notice to the 20 Sons of the Revolution. several officers of all votes, orders, resolves and proceedings of the Society affecting them or pertaining to their respec- tive duties. He shall be Secretary of the Board of Mana- gers and shall keep a record of their meetings in the regu- lar minute-book of the Society. SECTION IX. REGISTRAR. The Registrar shall receive from the Secretary, file and keep of record, all the proofs upon which memberships have been granted; a list of all diplomas countersigned by him, and all documents, rolls, or other evidences of services in the War of the Revolution, of which the Society may become possessed ; and he, under the direction of the Board of Managers, shall make, or cause to be made for file in his office, copies of such original or certified documents as the owners thereof may not be willing to leave permanently in the keeping of the Society. SECTION X. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and secu- rities of the Society, and shall deposit them in some bank or banking house, to be designated by the Board of Mana- gers, to the credit of the "North Carolina Society of thf: Sons of the Revolution," which funds shall be drawn tlience on the check of said Treasurer for the purposes of the So- ciety only. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums as shall be ordered by the Society, or by the Board of Mana- gers. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and payments, and, at each annual meeting, render a statement By-Laws. 21 of the same to the Society, when a committee shall be ap- pointed to audit his accounts. He shall give such security as may from time to time be required by the Board of Managers. SECTION XI. CHAPLAIN. The Chaplain shall be a regularly ordained minister of a Christian denomination, and shall perform such duties as ordinarily pertain to such ofl&ce. SECTION XII. HISTORIAN. The Board of Managers shall annually have power to appoint an Historian, who shall keep a detailed record, to be deposited with the Registrar, of all the historical and commemorative celebrations of the Society ; and he shall edit and prepare for publication such addresses, essays, papers, and other documents of an historical character, which may be read before the Society or of which the Society may become possessed (other than the Constitution, By- Laws, and Register of Members, which the Secretary is re- quired to publish); and at every annual meeting, if there be a necrological list for the year then closing, he shall submit the same with carefully prepared biographies of deceased members. SECTION XIII. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held in the city of Raleigh, on the 15th day of November (except that, when that day is a Sunday, the meeting shall be held on 3 22 Sons of the Revolution. the next ensuing day), at which a general election of offi- cers, managers, and delegates to the General Society, by ballot, shall take place. At such election a majority of the ballots given for any officer or manager shall constitute a choice ; but if, on the first ballot, no person shall receire such majority, then a second ballot shall take place, in which a plurality of votes given for any officer or manager shall determine the choice. No votes shall be cast by proxy. At all meetings of the Society, ten members shall con- stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. No question involving religious doctrine, or the party politics of the day in the United States, shall ever be dis- cussed or considered in any meeting of the Society. SECTION XIV. COMMEMORATIONS. It shall be a standing regulation that the members shall, when practicable, hold a commemorative celebration, and dine together, at least once in every year. SECTION XV. FEES AND DUES. The initiation fee shall be Three Dollars. The annual dues shall be Two Dollars, payable on or before the first day of October in every year : Provided^ that any member who shall have been elected, during the last three months of the fiscal year, shall not be required to pay the annual dues for the current fiscal year. The payment, at any time, of Thirty Dollars, shall constitute a life-membership, and any person, making such payment, shall be exempt from the payment of the initiation fee and all yearly dues to which By-Laws. 23 he would otherwise be liable. If a person already a mem- ber of the Society shall become a life-member, no deduc- tion, on account of past payments to the Society, shall be made from the amount of the life-membership fee. SECTION XVI. EXPULSION AND SUSPENSION. The Board of Managers shall have power to expel any member, who, by conduct unbecoming a gentleman or a man of honor, may render himself unworthy to continue in membership, but the member expelled shall have a right to appeal from the decision of the Board of Managers to the Society. Whenever the cause of expulsion shall not have involved turpitude nor moral unworthiness, any member thus expelled may, upon the unanimous recommendation of the Board of Managers, but not otherwise, be restored to membership by the Society at any meeting. The Board of Managers shall drop from the roll of mem- bership the name of any member who shall be two years in arrears in the payment of dues, and who, on due notice to pay the same, shall fail and neglect to do so within thirty days thereafter, and, upon being thus dropped, his member- ship shall cease ; but he may be restored to membership, at any time, by the Board of Managers, upon his payment of all such arrears and annual dues, from the date when he first neglected to pay the same to the date of his restora- tion. The Board of Managers may also suspend any offi- cer from the performance of his duties for cause, and this proceeding shall be reported to the Society and acted upon, by it, at its next meeting, whether special or annual, either by a rescission of the suspension or removal of such officer, or by a confirmation thereof. 24 Sons of the Revolution. SECTION XVII. SEAL AND INSIGNIA. The Seal of the Society shall be one and seven-eighths inches in diameter, and shall consist of a figure of a Min- ute-man in Conti;;ental uniform, standing on a ladder lead- ing to a belfry. In his left hand he holds a musket and an olive branch, whilst his right grasps a bell-rope. Above is the cracked Liberty bell ; issuing therefrom is a ribbon bearing the motto of the Society, Exegi monumentum cBre perennhis. Across the top of the ladder, on a ribbon, is the date " 1776;" and, on the left of the Minute-man and also on a ribbon, the date " 18S3." The whole being encircled by a band three-eighths of an inch wide ; thereon, at the top, thirteen stars of five points each ; at the bottom, the title "North Carolina Society of the Sons of the Revo- lution." The following being a fac simile thereof: By-Laws. 25 The Secretary shall be the custodian of the Seal, which shall be identical in every particular with the above de- scription. The Insignia of the Society shall be identical, in every particular, with that described in the General Constitution, the following being 2.fac simile thereof: On occasions other than the meetings for any stated purpose or celebration, members may wear a rosette, of the prescribed ribbon and pattern, in the upper button-hole of the left lapel of the coat. The Treasurer shall procure and issue rosettes to all members. The following is ^fac simile of the same, which shall not exceed fifteen mili- metres in diameter: 26 Sons of the Revolution. SECTION XVIII. DECEASE OF MEMBERS. Any member, upon being informed of the decease of a member, shall make it his business to see that the Secre- tary is promptly notified of the fact, which fact shall also, in due time, be communicated to the Society. It shall be the duty of members, when practicable, to attend the obsequies. SECTION XIX. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Meeting called to order by the Presiding oflS.cer. 2. Prayer by the Chaplain. 3. Reading of Minutes of prior meetings, not previ- ously acted upon. 4. Election of oflScers and managers, when necessary. 5. Election of delegates to General Society, when necessary. 6. Communication from or report of Board of Man- agers. 7. Reports of officers. 8. Reports of special committees. 9. Miscellaneous business. 10. Closing prayer by the Chaplain. SECTION XX. ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS. No alteration or amendment to these By-Laws shall be made except at a meeting of the Society, and by a vote of three-fourths of the members present. CHARTER. NORTH CAROLINA— Wake County. These articles of agreement to form a Society, and to be incorporated as such, entered into by and between the persons whose hands and seals are hereunto set. Witness : That the persons whose hands and seals are hereunto set, and those whom they may hereafter associate with them, have mutually agreed to form a Society and become incorporated as such, pursuant to chapter 19 of the Laws of 1885, and other acts amendatory of chapter 16, volume I., of The Code of North Carolina, and to that end they do hereby set forth, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County, the following : 1. The corporate name shall be "North Carolina Society of the Sons of the Revolution." 2. The objects of said Society are social, literary, and patriotic ; and it is established for the purpose of perpetu- ating among their descendants the memory of those brave men who periled their lives and interests, in the War of the Revolution, to wrest the American Colonies from British dominion. 3. The place where it is purposed to establish the head- quarters of said Society is the city of Raleigh. 4. The length of time desired for the continuance of said corporation is thirty years. 5. The names of the persons who have become mem- bers of the said Society are as follows : Elias Carr, Kemp Plummer Battle, Marshall DeLancey Haywood, Daniel Harvey Hill, Herbert Bemerton Battle, Robert Brent 28 Sons of the Revolution. Drane, Samuel A'Court Ashe, Peter Evans Hines, Alex- ander Quarles Holladay, William Joseph Hawkins, Thomas Stephen Kenan, Edmund Burke Haywood, Frank Battle Dancy, Bosworth Clifton Beckwith, Graham Daves, and Joseph Dolby Myers, all of whom are citizens of North Carolina; and reside in the city of Raleigh, with the exception of Kemp Plummer Battle, who resides in the town of Chapel Hill ; Robert Brent Drane, who re- sides in the town of Edenton ; Graham Daves, who resides in the town of Newbern, and Joseph Dolby Myers, who resides in the town of Washington. 6. The number, qualifications, privileges, and method of election of members, ofi&cers, and managers, shall be fixed by the By-laws of the Society : Provided^ that no person shall be admitted as a member of the Society except upon proof, documentary or historical, that he is a descendant of an ancestor who was in the civil, military, naval, or marine service of the American Colonies during the War of the Revolution, and under such further restrictions as the By-Laws may impose. 7. Any member may voluntarily cease to be a member of the Society, whenever he sees fit to withdraw therefrom, subject to the approval of the Board of Managers ; and any person may be expelled, or may forfeit his membership, under such rules and regulations as may be fixed by the By-Laws. 8. No person shall have the right to sell or transfer his membership, or his rights or privileges as such, or to sub- stitute another in his place ; and any person ceasing to be a member, whether voluntarily, or by expulsion, suspension or death, shall forfeit all rights and claims in and to the property of the Society, and all privileges of membership Charter. 29 therein, and all his interest in such property shall vest in the Society absolutely. 9. No member shall be individually or personally liable for any debt or liability of the Society. 10. The ofi&cers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Registrar, a Treasurer, a Chaplain, and such others as may from time to time be- come necessary. 11. The general management of the Society shall be vested in a Board of Managers, consisting of fifteen mem- bers, which number shall include the President, the Vice- President, the Secretary, the Registrar, the Treasurer, and the Chaplain, ex officio. 12. Until a regular election shall beheld, pursuant to the By-Laws, the following shall be the officers and Board of Managers of the Society : President — Elias Carr. Vice-President — Kemp P. Battle. Secretary — Marshall DeLancey Haywood. Registrar— D. H. Hill. Treasurer— H. B. Battle. Chaplain — Robert Brent Drane. Board of Managers — Elias Carr, Kemp Plummer Battle, Marshall DeLancey Haywood, Daniel Harvey Hill, Her- bert Bemerton Battle, Robert Brent Drane, Samuel A'Court Ashe, Peter Evans Hines, Alexander Quarles Holladay, William Joseph Hawkins, Thomas Stephen Kenan, Frank Battle Dancy, Bosworth Clifton Beckwith, Graham Daves, and Joseph Dolby Myers. 30 Sons of the Revolution. In testimony whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, this the 22d day of December, A. D. 1893. Elias Carr. [Seal] Alex. Q. Holladay. [Seal] Kemp p. Battle. [Seal] W. J. Hawkins. [Seal] Marshali. DeLancey Haywood. [Seal] Tho: S. Kenan. [Seal] D. H. Hill. [Seal] E. BuBKE Haywood. [Seal] H. B. Battle. [Seal] F. B. Dancy. [Seal] ROBT. B. Drane. [Seal] B. C. Beckwith. [Seal] S. A. Ashe. [Seal] Graham Daves. [Seal] P. E. Hines. [Seal] Joseph D. Myers. [Seal] Witness : Marshall DeLancey Haywood. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 c ^ ■ ^ / Wake County. } ^''P'''"'' ^^"''^- The execution of the foregoing articles of agreement and place of incorporation of " North Carolina Society of the Sons of the Revolution " was acknowledged before me by Marshall DeLancey Haywood, one of the grantors, for the purposes therein expressed, as to himself; and the execution of the foregoing instrument, as to the other subscribers, was this day proven before me by the oath and examination of Marshall DeLancey Haywood, the subscribing witness thereto. Let the said articles of agreement and place of incorpo- ration, with this certificate, be recorded. Witness my hand and official seal, this ist day of Janu- ary, 1894. Jno. W. Thompson, [official seal.] Clerk Superior Court. Charter. 31 No. 29. State of North Carolina. To all to whom these presents shall come — GREETING : Know ye, That it appears from the Certificate from the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County that the fol- lowing named persons, Elias Carr, Kemp P. Battle, Mar- shall DeLancey Haywood, D. H. Hill, H. B. Battle, Robt. B. Drane, S. A. Ashe, P. E. Hines, Alex. Q. Holladay, W. J. Hawkins, Tho: S. Kenan, E. Burke Haywood, F. B. Dancy, B. C. Beckwith, Graham Daves and Joseph D. Myers, heretofore, on the 22d day of December, 1893, signed and filed Articles of Agreement for the formation of a private corporation before said Clerk, and copy of said Articles of Agreement, duly certified by said Clerk under the seal of said Court, have been filed and recorded in this oflSce, as prescribed in chapter 318 of the Acts of 1893. Now, THEREFORE, Under the power and authority vested in me by chapter 318 of said Acts of 1893, I do hereby declare the persons signing said Articles of Agreement duly incorporated, under the name and style of " North Carolina Society of the Sons of the Revolution," for the period of thirty years from and after the ist day of January, 1894, for the purposes set forth in said Articles of Agreement, with all the powers, rights and liabilities conferred and imposed by law on such corporations. Witness my hand and the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina, at oflBce in the city of Raleigh, this 8th day of January, in the 11 8th year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. Oct: Coke, Secretary of State. THE ARMY AND NAVY. By a joint resolution of Congress, approved September 5, 1890, authority is given officers and enlisted men of the Army and Navy to wear, upon all occasions of ceremony, the distinctive badges adopted by military societies of the several wars in which the United States have been en- gaged, including the War of the Revolution. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. In preparing applications for membership in the So- ciety, careful attention to the following suggestions is recommended, in order to facilitate the work of the Com- mittee on Admissions, and the Board of Managers : 1. Applications must be made m duplicate and in legible writing (not type-writing), upon forms issued by the So- ciety. Every application and duplicate must be signed by the applicant, and his signature witnessed by a notary public or clerk of a court, under ofl&cial seal. It must also be signed by two members of the Society, as proposer and seconder. When the applicant is not personally known to some member of the Board of Managers who re- sides in the city of Raleigh, his application should be ac- companied by a letter from the proposer and seconder, or one of them. 2. Give record of ancestor fully but concisely. 3. It is not necessary to show the pedigree any further back than the ancestor who served in the Revolution. 4. The Society does not accept Encyclopsedias, Genea- logical Works, or Town and County Histories (except sometimes such as contain copies of records or rosters), as authorities for proofs of service. It suggests reference to the Records, in print or manuscript, of the several States, and of the United States Departments of War, of the Navy, of State, and of the Bureau of Pensions, to authen- tic State Histories, and reserves to itself the right to judge of the accuracy of any work or paper. References to 34 Sons of the Revolution. authorities in manuscript must be accompanied \yy certified copies^ and authentic family papers must be submitted, if required. In referring to printed works, the volume and page should in all cases be given. 5. When an applicant claims descent from more than one Revolutionary ancestor, and desires to record the same, separate blanks, marked " Supplemental," must be made out (also in duplicate) for each ancestor. Supple- mental claims, in form and procedure, are to be treated precisely as original applications, and may be filed with- out extra cost. 11^=* It is requested that copies of the forms and the accompanying papers be retained by the applicant, if needed for private reference, as the Secretary cannot fur- nish copies of their applications to members without seri- ous inconvenience. OPTIONAL EXPENSES. Cost of parchment Diploma, or certificate of member- ship, $5.* Cost of Insignia, or gold badge, $11. Lapel buttons, or rosettes, furnished free of cost to members. *The Society particularly recommends the purchase of Diploma, by mem- bers immediately upon their admission, as new officers, both State and Gen- eral, may be elected at any time; and, to avoid confusion as to the date of a member's admission into the Society, the Diploma should bear the signature of those who were in office at the time of his election to membership. HOW TO HAVE RESEARCH MADE AMONG OFFICIAL RECORDS, ETC. Services in Civil Capacities. — The Society recog- nizes services of Revolutionary ancestors rendered in civil capacities, as well as military and naval. Proof of civil services may be obtained from Government records, the legislative and council journals of the several States, the archives of historical societies, etc. North Carolina Records. — In addition to the rec- ords, civil and military (but chiefly civil), for i775-'76, published in Volumes IX. and X. of The Colonial Records of North Carolina, edited by the late Hon. William L. Saunders, LL. D., there are now being published by the State, under the editorial management of Hon. Walter Clark, LL. D., The State Records of North Carolina, which work is a continuation of The Colonial Records, and gives Assembly Journals, and portions of the rosters of the ten Continental Regiments (Regulars). Nearly all militia rosters are irretrievably lost. A full list of officers (but not non-commissioned officers and privates) of the ten Continental Regiments was published some years ago, and may be had upon application to the Adjutant General of North Carolina, at Raleigh. The State does not em- ploy an official archivist, and therefore her manuscript records are very difficult of access. The archives of the several Departments at Washington give individual ser- vices of a good many North Carolina militiamen as well as regulars. This information is furnished free of charge by the Government. Neither The Colonial nor The State 36 Sons of the Revolution. Records of North Carolina are yet indexed, and hence it is almost impossible to find any particular name. An in- dex is in course of preparation, however, but will not be finished until the publication of the records is completed. Government Pension Records. — The Government passed no general pension laws, except for those disabled in the war, until 1818, when it granted pensions to all those who had served nine months or more in the Conti- nental Army (regular service, not militia), or in the Navy. In 1832 pensions were granted to all veterans, whether Continental, State, Militia, or Naval, who had served for a term of more than six months. Widows of Revolution- ary soldiers and sailors, who were able to file proof of their husbands' services, were also pensioned, provided they were married prior to 1853. If an applicant has reason to believe that any of his ancestors drew pensions under these acts, he should write to the Commissioner of Pen- sions, Washington, D. C., who will make no charge for furnishing data, if found. It usually takes about thirty days to get a reply from the Departments at Washington. Persons desiring information as to how to have research made, in any particular State of the original thirteen, out- side of North Carolina, will be given address of proper ofl&cial upon application to the Secretary of this Society. MEMBERSHIP REGISTER. MEMBERSHIP REGISTER, TOGETHER WITH SERVICES OF ANCESTORS RENDERED DURING THE REVOLUTION.* ADMITTED. PAPERS NO. 1895. ANDREWS, AIvEXANDER BOYD, Ralbigh, North Carolina, 32 Great-grandson of Philemon Hawkins, Jr. (1752-1833), of Warren (until 1779 a part of Bute) Count3^ N. C. Lieutenant-Colonel of North Carolina Militia, Sep- tember 9, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provin- cial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, No- vember, 1776. Also, Great-grandson of Jonas Johnston (1740-1779), of Edgecombe County, N. C. Major in North Carolina Militia, April 22, 1776; Member of North Carolina House of Commons, 1777-1778; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; Present at Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina, February 27, 1776; Commanded Regiment at Battle of Stono, South Carolina, June 20, 1779, where he received wound which caused his death on 29th of month following, while returning home. 1895. ANDREWS, AI^EXANDER BOYD, Jr., Ral- eigh, North Carolina, ..... 33 Great-great-grandson of Philemon Hawkins, Jr., (1752- 1833), of Warren (until 1779 a part of Bute) County, N. C. Lieutenant-Colonel of North Carolina Militia, September 9, 1775; Member of North Carolina Pro- " During the War of the Revolution," as used in the General Consti- tution, has been officially construed by the Board of Managers, to mean between the commencement of active hostilities at Lexing- ton, April ig, 1775, and withdrawal of British troops— after treaty of peace — from New York, November 26, 1783. 40 Sons of the Revolution. ADMITTED. PAPERS NO. vincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, No- vember, 1776. y^lso, Great-great-grandson of Jonas Johnston (1740- 1779), of Edgecombe County, N. C. Major in North Carolina Militia, April 22, 1776; Member of North Carolina House of Commons, 1777-1778; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, No- vember, 1776; Present at Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina, Februarj' 27, 1776; Com- manded Regiment at Battle of Stono, South Caro- lina, June 20, 1779, where he received wound which caused his death on 29th of month following, while returning home. 1895. ANDREWS, WILLIAM JOHNSTON, Raleigh, North Carolina. ..... 36 Great-great-grandson of Philemon Hawkins, Jr. (1752- 1S33), of Warren (until 1779 a part of Bute) County, N. C. Lieutenant-Colonel of North Carolina Militia, September 9, 1775; Member of North Carolina Pro- vincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, No- vember, 1776. Also, Great-great-grandson of Jonas Johnston (1740- i779)> of Edgecombe County, N. C. Major in North CaroliuaMilitia, April 22, 1776; Memberof NorthCaro- lina House of Commons, 1777-1778; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; Present at Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina, February 27, 1776; Commanded Regiment at Battle of Stono, South Carolina, June 20, 1779, where he received wound which caused his death on 29th of month following, while returning home. 1893. ASHE, SAMUEL A'COURT (Charter Mkmbrr), Raleigh, North Carolina 7 Grandson of Samuel Ashe (i 763-1835), of Rocky Point, N. C. Entered the Sixth North Carolina Regiment in the Continental Line, as Ensign, April, 1779; Was Register of Membership. 41 ADM ITTED . PAPERS NO. appointed Lieutenant, 1780, by General Hogun, com- manding the North Carolina Line, at Charleston, South Carolina; When Charleston was surrendered by General Lincoln, May, 1780, he was captured and held prisoner for thirteen months; Exchanged, June 14, 1781, and landed at Jamestown, Virginia; Joined Lafa5-ette's command and served therein for some months; Entered command of General Greene, in South Carolina, and remained therein until close of hostilities. 1894. AVERY, ALPHONSO CALHOUN, LL. D., MoR- GANTON, North Carolina. . . . . 21 Grandson of Waightstill Avery (1741-1821), of Burke Count}', N. C. Signer of the Mecklenburg Declara- tion of Independence, May 20, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, Au- gust, 1775, and elected by that bodj' Member of the North Carolina Provincial Council ; Represented Mecklenburg County (where he then resided) in North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; Member of Committee in named body which drafted Constitution of North Carolina and Bill of Rights; Member of Commission which made treat}- of the Long Island of Holston, with Cherokee Indians, July 20, 1777; First Attorney-General of North Caro- lina, 1777-1779; Colonel of North Carolina Militia in Jones County (of which he was a temporary resident), July 3, 1779. Also, Great-grandson of William Sharpe (1742-1818), of Iredell (then part of Rowan) County, N. C. Sec- retary of the Committee of Safety for Rowan County, October, 17, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provin- cial Congress at Newbern, April, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; Aide-de-camp to General GriflSth Rutherford in campaign against Cherokee Indians, 1776; Member of Commission to treat -with. Cherokee Indians, by appointment of Gov- u 42 Sons of the Revolution. ADMITTED. PAPERS NO. ernor Caswell, 1776; Member of the United States Continental Congress from 1779 until 1782. 1893. BATTLE, HERBERT BEMERTON, Ph. D., (Charter Member), Winston, North Caro- lina. . 5 Great-great-great-grandson of Elisha Battle (1723- 1799), of Edgecombe County, N. C. Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; State Senator from Edgecombe County through- out the Revolution. 1893. BATTLE, KEMP PLUMMER, LI.. D., (Char- ter Member), Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 2 Great-great-grandson of Elisha Battle (1723 -1799), of Edgecombe Count3', N. C. Member of North Caro- lina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; State Senator from Edgecombe County throughout the Revolution. 1894. BATTLE, RICHARD, Denver, Colorado. (Transferred to the Colorado Society, March 26, 1896=^) 25 Great-great-grandson of Klislia Battle (1723-1799) of Edgecombe County, N. C. Member of North Caro- lina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; State Senator from Edgecombe County throughout the Revolution. 1893. BECKWITH, BOSWORTH CLIFTON (Charter Member), Raleigh, North Carolina. . . 14 Great-grandson of John Beckwith (1754-1834) of Pough- keepsie, N. Y. Enlisted, December, 1775, in Cap- tain Jewet's Company of Colonel Huntington '.s Con- necticut Regiment ; Served two years and one month as a private, nine months in the Laboratory, and one year as Quartermaster in Colonel Lamb's Con- • As this is the first Register issued by the Society, it has been thought well to insert names of all gentlemen who have ever been members. Names of ex-members will, of course, be omitted from future publi- cations. Register of Membership. 43 ADMITTED. PAPERS NO. necticut Regiment ; Was three months on Recruiting Service, as Lieutenant, under Captain Thayer; Was at Battle of Flatbush, in Colonel Clark's Command, Con- necticut troops, which lost two hundred and twenty- three officers and men; Retreated to New York; Hon- orably discharged Januarj', 1777; Re-enlisted, and hon- orably discharged in 1778. 1893. CARR, ELI AS (Charter Member) Old Sparta, North Carolina i Great-grandson of Jonas Johnston (1740-1779) of Edge- combe County, N. C. Major in North Carolina militia, April 22, 1776; Member of North Carolina House of Commons 1777-1778; Member of North Carolina Pro- vincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; Pres- ent at Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina, February 27, 1776; Commanded regiment at Battle of Stono, South Carolina, June 20, 1779, where he re- ceived wound which caused his death on 29th of month following, while returning home. 1894. CARR, WILLIAM KEARNY, Washington, Dis- trict OF Columbia. 19 Great-great-grandson of Jonas Johnston (1740-1779), of Edgecombe County, N. C. Major in North Carolina Militia, April 22, 1776; Member of North Carolina House of Commons 1 777-1 778; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776 ; Present at Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina, February 27, 1776; Commanded regiment at Battle of Stono, South Carolina, June 20, 1779, where he received wound which caused his death on 29th of month following, while returning home. 1894. CLARKSON, HERIOT, Charlotte, North Car- olina. 30 Great-great-grandson of Robert Heriot (1739-1792), of Georgetown, S. C. Commissioned on December 2, 1775' by President Laurens, to impress vessel for purpose of carrying six pieces of artillery and stores 44 Sons of the Revolution. ADMITTED. PAPERS NO. of ammunition to relief of Georgetown; Captain of Light Infantry in Colonel Daniel Horry's South Caro- lina Regiment, April 29, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel of South Carolina Militia, April 28, 1779; Commissioned by Governor John Rutledge, March 5, 17S0, to com- mand eight companies of militia; On April 10, 1782, was appointed, bj- Governor John Mathews, a Com- missioner to take account of all provisions in the Dis- trict of Georgetown ; On July 22, 1782, received letter of thanks from Governor Mathews for efficiency in performing duty last mentioned. A/so, Great-great-grandson of Maurice Simons (1744- 1785), of Charleston, S. C. Colonel of South Caro- lina Militia ; In service at siege of Savannah, Georgia, September 23 — October 19, 1779, and other places. 1894. COBB, COLLIER, Chapel Hill, North Caro- lina. ........ 22 Great-great-grandson of Jesse Cobb (-1807) of Lenoir (then part of Dobbs) County, N. C. Commissary in First Battalion of North Carolina Volunteers, Novem- ber 26, 1776; Represented Dobbs County in five sessions of North Carolina House of Commons held at the towns of Newbern, Hillsborough, Halifax, and Smithfield, 1777-1779. A/so, Great-great-great-great-grandson of Needham Bryan, of Johnston County, N. C. Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, Au- gust, 1775; Colonel of North Carolina Militia, Sep- tember 9, 1775. A/so, Great-great-grandson of Benjamin May, of Pitt County, N. C. Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress, at Halifax, November, 1776. A/so, Great-great-great-grandson of James Green, Sec- retary of North Carolina Provincial Council, at Smith- field, October 18, 1775; Secretary of North Carolina Provincial Congress, at Halifax, April, T776. Register of Membership. 45 AI>MITT£D. PAPERS NO. 1894. CURTIS, GEORGE BRADBURN, Enfield, North Carolina 29 Grandson of Jonathan Curtis (1760-1829), of Braintree, Mass. Private in Captain Isaac Thaj'er's Company of Colonel Thomas Marshall's Regiment, Massa- chusetts Continental Line, July 31, 1776-January I, 1777; Private in Captain Jacob Wales' Company of Colonel Thomas Marshall's Regiment, February 22, 1777 — December 31, 1779; Corporal in com- pany and regiment last named January i, 1780 — December 31, 1780; Corporal in Tenth Massachusetts Continental Regiment, under Colonel Thomas Mar- shall, October — December, 1781. 1893. DANCY, FRANK BATTLE (Charter Member), Norfolk, Virginia. (Transferred to Vir- ginia Society, September 10, 1S97*). . . 13 Great-great-grandson of Elisha Battle (1723-1799), of Edgecombe County, N. C. Member of North Caro- lina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; State Senator from Edgecombe County throughout the Revolution. 1893. DAVES, GRAHAM (Charter Member), New- BERN, North Carolina. ..... 15 Grandson of John Daves (1748-1804), of Craven County, N. C. Quartermaster of the Second North Carolina Regiment, Continental Line, June 7, 1776; Ensign, September 30, 1776; First Lieutenant, October 4, 1777; Captain, Septembers, 1781; Retired and placed on waiting orders, January i, 1783; Brevet Major, September, 1 7S3 ; Mustered out, November, 1 783 ; Saw active service with his regiment in North Caro- lina and South Carolina, 1 776-1 777; At battle of Brandywine, Delaware, September 11, 1777; At bat- tle of Germantown, Pennsylvania, October 4, 1777; In Winter quarters at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, * See note page 42, ante. 4H Sons of the Revolution. ADMITTED, PAPBRS NO. 1777-177S; At Battle of Monmouth, New Jersey, June 28, 1778; At Morristown, New Jerse}', in the Winter of 1778-1779; At storming; of Stony Point, New York, July 16, 1779, where he was severely wounded; Made prisoner of war with his regiment at Charleston, South Carolina, May 12, 1780; Exchanged, June, 1781 : Assigned to Third Regiment of new levies, January i, 1781 ; At Battle of Eutaw Springs, South Carolina, September 8, 1781; An original member of the North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati. / 1895. DILLARD, RICHARD, M. D., Edenton, N. C. 31 Great-great-great-grandson of John Campbell ( 17S0), of Bertie County, N. C. Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provihcial Congress at Halifa.x, April, 1776. 1894. DODGE, RICHARD IRVING, Colonel United States Army (Died June i6, 1895). . . 23 Grandson of Richard Dodge (1762-1832), of Johnstown, N. Y. Mustered in the First Company, Fifth New York Regiment, Continental Line, as Private, June, 1778; Fifer, September, 177S; Served till January, 1782. Also, Great-grandson of Joseph Williams (i 748-1827) of Surr3' Coimty, N. C. Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Lietitenant-Colonel of North Carolina Militia, Sep- tember 9, 1775; Actively engaged against Indians and Tories on Western frontier of North Carolina. 1893. DRANE. Reverend ROBERT BRENT, D. D. (Charter Member), Edenton, North Caro- lina. ........ 6 Great-great-grandson of William Haywood ( — 1779), of Edgecombe County, N. C. Colonel of North Caro- lina Militia, September 9, 177s; Member of the Com- mittee of Safety for the Halifax District, 1775; Register of Membership. 47 ASMITTBD. PAFBBS NO- Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of Commission to sign North Carolina Revolutionary currency, April 22, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Con- gress at Halifax, November, 1776; Member of Com- mittee in last named body which drafted Constitution of North Carolina and Bill of Rights ; Member of Council of State, December 23, 1776; Represented Edgecombe County in North Carolina House of Com- mons, 1779. 1894. GLENN, JAMES DODGE, Greensborough, North Carolina. ...... 20 Great-great-grandson of Joseph Williams (1748-1827), of Surry County, N. C. Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel of North Carolina Militia, Sep- tember 9, 1775; Activelj' engaged against Tories and Indians on Western frontier of North Carolina. Also, Great-grandson of Richard Dodge (i 762-1832), of Johnstown, N. Y. Mustered in the First Com- pany, Fifth New York Regiment, Continental Line, as Private, June, 1778; Fifer, September, 1778; Served till January, 1782. 1893. HAWKINS, WILLIAM JOSEPH, M. D., (Char- ter Member), (Died October 28, 1894). • 10 Grandson of Philemon Hawkins, Jr. (1752-1833), of Warren (until 1779 a part of Bute) County N. C. Lieutenant-Colonel of North Carolina Militia, Sep- tember 9, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776. 48 Sons of the Revolution. ADUITTED. PAPBRS NO. 1893. HAYWOOD, EDMUND BURKE, M. D., LL. D., (Charter Member), (Died January 18, 1894). 12 Grandson of William Haywood ( 1779). of Edge- combe County, N. C. Colonel of North Carolina Mili- tia, September, 9, 1775; Member of the Committee of Safety for the Halifax District, 1775; Memberof North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of Committee to sign North Carolina Revolu- tionarj' currency, April 22, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; Member of Committee in last named body which drafted Constitution of North Carolina and Bill of Rights; Member of Council of State, Decem- ber 23, 1776; Represented Edgecombe County in North Carolina House of Commons, 1779. 1893. HAYWOOD, MARSHALL DeLANCEY, (Char- ter Member), Raleigh, North Carolina. . 3 Great-grandson of William Haywood ( 1779). of Edgecombe Count}', N. C. Colonel of North Caro- lina Militia, September 9, 1775; Member of Commit- tee of Safety for the Halifax District, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of Commission to sign North Carolina Revolutionary currency, April 22, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, No- vember, 1776; Memberof Committee in named body which drafted the Constitution of North Caro- lina and Bill of Rights; Member of Council of State, December 23, 1776; Represented Edgecombe County in North Carolina House of Commons, 1779. Also, Great-great-grandson of John Graham ( 1832), of Westchester County, N. Y. Captain in Third New York Regiment of the Continental Line, June 30, 1775; Captain in First New York Continental Regi- ment, November 21, 1776, to rank from February 16, 1776; Major, March 26, 1779, and served till Novem- ber, 1783; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, vSeptember, Register of Membership. 49 ADNUTTED. PAPERS NO. 1783; An original Member of the New York Society of the Cincinnati. Also, Great-grandson of Philemon Hawkins, Jr. (1752- 1833), of Warren (until 1779 a part of Bute) County, N. C. Lieutenant-Colonel of North Carolina Militia, September 9, 1775; Member of North Carolina Pro- vincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, No- vember, 1776. 1893. HILIv, DANIEL HARVEY (Charter Member), West Raleigh, North Carolina. . . 4 Great-grandson of William Hill (1740-1816), of Hill's Iron Works, York District, S. C. Colonel of South Carolina Militia; Commanded left wing cf Ameri- can forces at Battle of Hanging Rock, South Caro- lina, August 6, 1780, and was severely wounded in that action ; Shared with Colonel Lace}' the com- mand of General Sumter's troops during the trouble about Sumter's commission; Though greatl}' suffer- ing from wound, he was present at council of officers prior to Battle of King's Mountain, North Carolina (October 7, 1780), and aided in planning attack, but was unable to actively participate in the fight. Also, Great-grandson of Joseph Graham (1759-1836), of Lincoln County, N. C. In May, 1778, when nine- teen 3'ears of age, he enlisted in Captain William Goodman's Company, Fourth Regiment of North Carolina Troops in the Continental Line; Regiment was shortly thereafter ordered to Bladensburg, Mary- land, but order countermanded, whereupon he re- turned home on furlough; Re-entered service on 5th of following November, and marched to Georgia under command of General Rutherford; Fought under General Lincoln in operations against General Prevost around Charleston, South Carolina; Was at Battle of Stono, South Carolina, June 20, 1779; In early Fall of 1779, was discharged on account of sickness; In 1780, was ordered by General Davidson to raise troops ■ for defense of Charlotte, North Carolina ; In skirmish 50 Sons of the Revolution. ACHITTED. PAPERS NO. with British, near Charlotte, he received nine wounds — six sabre cuts and three gunshots ; Major of a North Carolina Battalion of Mounted Infantry and Partisan Rangers, 1780- '8i; Was at Battle of Cowan's Ford, North Carolina, February i, 1781, where his com- mander. General Davidson, was killed; Was at Pyle's defeat, near Haw River, North Carolina, February 25, 1 781; Later in 1781, was in skirmishes at Hart's Mill, Clapp's Mill, and Whitsill's Mill; With force of one hundred and thirtj'-six, he routed six hundred Tories at McFall's Mill, North Carolina; Shortly before operations in the South were terminated by surrender of Cornwallis, he defeated Colonel Gagny's command at Waccamaw Lake, North Carolina. 1894. HILL, THOMAS NORFLEET, Halifax, North Carolina. ....... 26 Great-grandson of Whitmel Hill (1743-1797), of Mar- tin County, N. C. Member of North Carolina Pro- vincial Congress at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel of North Carolina Militia Sep- tember 9, 1775 ; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Council of Safety, April 11, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; Member of Committee in last named body which drafted Constitution of North Carolina and Bill of Rights; Represented Martin County in North Carolina House of Commons, 1777; StateSenator from Martin County, 1778-1780; Speaker of State Senate, 177S; Represented North Carolina in United States Continental Congress, 1778 — 1781. Also, Great-grandson of Jeptha Atherton ( 1787) of Northampton County, N. C. Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Newbern, April, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Con- gress at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Major of North Carolina Militia, September 9, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, April, Register of Membership. 51 ADMITTED. PAPERS NO. 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Con- gress at Halifax, November, 1776; Promoted from Major to Lieutenant-Colonel of North Carolina Militia, 1776; Represented Northampton County in North Carolina House of Commons, 1777. 1893. HINES, PETER EVANS, M. D. (Charter Mem- ber), Raleigh, North Carolina. ... 8 Great-grandson of Jonas Johnston (i 740-1 779) of Edge- combe County, N. C. Major of North Carolina Militia, April 22, 7776; Member of North Carolina House of Commons, 1 777-1 778; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, Novem- ber, 1776; Present at Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina, February 27, 1776; Commanded regiment at Battle of Stono, vSouth Carolina, June 20, 1779, where he received wound which caused his death on 29th of month following, while returning home. 1893. HOLLADAY, AI^EXANDER QUARI.ES, LL.D. (Charter Member), West Raleigh, North Carolina. ....... 9 Great-grandson of Lewis Holladay (1751-1820) of Spottsylvania County, Va. Commissioned Lieuten- ant in Virginia Militia, October 5, 1775, by Com- mittee of Safety; Served under General Andrew Lewis at Williamsburg, Virginia, 1776; Went through Southern campaign and was present at Bat- tle of Camden, South Carolina, under his uncle. Cap- tain John Holladay, who was slain in that action; Afterwards commissioned Captain by Governor Pat- rick Henry. 1895. JACKSON, HERBERT WORTH, Raleigh, North Carolina 34. Great- great-grandson of Samuel Spencer ( 1794) of Anson County, N. C. Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, August, 1775; . Colonel of North Carolina Militia, September, 1775; 52 Sons of the Revolution. ADlilTTED. PAPERS NO. Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of North Carolina Pro- vincial Council, September, 1777; Judge of the Su- perior Courts of North Carolina from November 15, 1777, until his death after close of Revolution. 1898. JACKSON, SAMUEL SPENCER, Chicago, Illi- nois. 41 Great-great-grandson of Samuel Spencer ( 1794) of Anson County, N. C. Member of North Carolina Pro\Tncial Congress at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Colonel of North Carolina Militia, September, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of North Carolina Pro- vincial Council, September, 1777; Judge of the Su- perior Courts of North Carolina from November 15, 1777, until his death after close of Revolution. 1894. KENAN, JAMES GRAHAM, Kenansville, North Carolin.\. ...... 18 Great-grand.son of James Kenan (1740-1810), of Duplin County, N. C. Member of Committee of Safety for the Wilmington District, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, Au- gust, 1775; Colonel of North Carolina Militia, Sep- tember 9, 1775; Commanded detachment of two hun- dred Duplin County Militia in force arrayed against uprising of Loyalists which culminated in Whig victory at Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina, February 27, 1776; Member of North Caro- lina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; State Senator from Duplin Count}- from 1777 till close of Revolution. Also, Great-great grandson of Dr. Chauncey Graham, of New York. Surgeon in Ho.spital Department New York State Troops. Register of Membership. 53 ADMITTED. PAPERS NO, 1893. KENAN, THOMAS STEPHEN (Charter Mem- ber), Raleigh, North Carolina. . . . II Great-grandson of James Kenan (i 740-1810), of Duplin County, N. C. Member of Committee of Safetj' for the Wilmington District, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress, at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Colonel of North Carolina Militia, September g, 1775; Commanded detachment of two hundred Duplin County Militia in force arrayed against uprising of Loyalists which culminated in Whig victory at Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina, February 27, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; State Senator from Duplin County from 1777 till close of Revolution. Also, Great-greatgrandson of Dr. Chauncey Graham, of New York. Surgeon in Hospital Department, New York State Troops. 1894. KENAN, WHvLIAM RAND, Wilmington, North Carolina 17 Great-grandson of James Kenan (1740- 1810), of Duplin County, N. C. Member of Committee of Safety for the Wilmington District, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress, at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Colonel of North Carolina Militia, September 9, 1775; Commanded detachment of two hundred Duplin County Militia in force arrayed against uprising of Loyalists which culminated in Whig victory, at Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina, February 27, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; State Senator from Duplin County from 1777 till close of Revolution. Also, Great-great-grandson of Dr. Chauncey Graham, of New York. Surgeon in Hospital Department, New York State Troops. 54 Sons of the Revolution. ADMITTED. PAPERS NO. 1894. KENAN, WILLIAM RAND, Jr., Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan 27 Great-great-grandson of James Kenan (1740-1S10), of Duplin County, N. C. Member of Committee of Safet}' for the Wilmington District, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsbor- ough, August, 177s; Colonel of North Carolina Militia, September 9, 1775; Commanded detachment of two hundred Duplin County Militia in force arrayed against uprising of Loyalists which culminated in Whig victory at Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina, February 27, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; State Senator from Duplin County from 1777 till close of Revolution, Also, Great-great -great grandson of Dr. Chauncey Gra- ham, of New York. Surgeon in Hospital Depart- ment, New York State Troops. 1896. McKETHAN, ALFRED AUGUSTUS, Ensign, United States Navy 37 Great -great-grandson of Thomas Robeson (1740 circa- 1794), of Bladen County, N. C. Colonel of North Carolina Militia, in command of American forces at Battle of Elizabethtown, North Carolina, July, 1781 ; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Member of North Caro- lina Provincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Mem- ber of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; Appointed by named body Member of Committee to devise means of apprehend- ing and bringing to justice the Tories of Bladen County. Also, Great-great-grandson of Alexander McAlister (circa 1715-1800), of Cumberland County, N. C. Member of Committee of Safet}' for the Wilmington District, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Member of Committee (August 23, 1775), to interview and Register of Membership. 55 ADMITTED. PAPERS NO. explain to Scotch Highlanders, lately arrived, the nature of the struggle with Great Britain; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Colonel of North Carolina Militia, May, 1776. Also, Great-great grandson of James Gillespie (1746- 1805), of Duplin County, N. C. Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776; Captain in First Battalion of North Carolina Volunteers, raised by Act of said Provincial Congress, November 25, 1776; Represented Duplin County in North Carolina House of Commons from 1779 till close of Revolution. 1893. MYERS, JOSEPH DOLBY (Charter Member), Washington, North Carolina. . . . 16 Grandson of Reading Blount (1757-1S07), of Beaufort County, N. C. Captain in Third North Carolina Regiment, Continental I,ine, April 16, 1777; Major in Fifth North Carolina Continental Regiment, May 12, 1778; At Battle of Eutaw Springs, South Caro- lina, September 8, 1781, and other engagements; Transferred to Second North Carolina Continental Regiment, 1782; An original member of the North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati. 1898. OATES, ROBERT M., Charlotte, North Car- olina . 40 Great-great-grandson of James White (1743-1S23), of Lincoln (until 1779 a part of Tryon) County, N. C. Lieutenant in Company of "South Fork Boys"; Fought under Hambright and Chronicle at Battle of King's Mountain, North Carolina, October 7, 1780; Was at Battle of Cowpens, South Carolina, January 17, 1781; Appointed, April 20, 1778, to ad- minister oath of allegiance, in Captain Carpenter's District, to Whig government, and to take account of taxable property ; Appointed to perform same duty in Captain Manney's District, 1780; A Justice of the Peace for the county of Lincoln, 1778-1783. / 56 Sons of the Revolution. ADMITTED. PAPERS NO. 1895. POWELL, GEORGE SUMTER, Asheville, North Carolina. ..... 35 Great-grandson of Robert Johnston Miller (175S-1834), of Caldwell County, N. C. Private in Captain Nathan Raid's Company, Fourteenth Virginia Regi- ment, January 18, 1776; Wounded at Battle of Long Island, New York ; Present at Battle of Brandj'wine, Delaware, September 11, 1777; At Battle of White Plains, New York, October 28, 1776; In Winter Quar- ters at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 1777-177S. 1894. ROGERS, ALLEN GREY, Lieutenant, United States Navy 28 Great-great-grandson of William Haj-wood (-1779) of Edgecombe County, N. C. Colonel of North Coro- lina Militia, September 9, 1775; Member of the Committee of Safety- for the Halifax District, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, April, 1776; Member of Commission to sign North Carolina Revolutionary currency', April 22, 1776; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifa.x, November, 1776; Member of Committee in last named body which drafted Constitution of North Carolina and Bill of Rights ; Member of Coun- cil of State, December 23, 1776; Represented Edge- combe County in North Carolina House of Commons, 1779- 1897. STONE, WILLIAM ENDS, Greensborough, North Carolina. ...... 39 Great-grand.son of Abel Stone (1742-1835), of Rindge, N. H. Private in Captain Nathan Hale's Company, and participated in the Battle of Lexington, Massa- chusetts, April 19, 1775; Sergeant in Colonel Jona- than Chase's New Hampshire Regiment (May iS — July 4, 1777), which went to re-inforce Fort Ticon- deroga, New York ; Ensign in the Regiment of Colonel Moses Nichols, of General Stark's Brigade, July 18 — September 27, 1777: Ensign in Captain Sal- Register of Membership. 57 ADMITTED. PAPERS NO. mon Stone's Company, Colonel Nichol's New Hamp- shire Regiment, General Stark's Brigade, and marched from Rindge, New Hampshire, July, 1777, to join Northern Continental Army ; At Battle of Benning- ton, Vermont, August 16, 1777, and Battles of Still- water, New York, September 19, October 7, 1777. 1894. WHITAKER, DeBERNIERE, Sparrow's Point, Maryland. ....... 24 Great-great-great-grandson of William Hooper (1742- 1790), of Orange County, N. C. Member of the United States Continental Congress 1774-1777; Signer of the National Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Archibald Maclaine (-1791), of New Hanover County, N. C. Member of Committee of Safety for the Wilmington District, 1 775 ; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, August, 1775; Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress at Halifax, November, 1776 ; Member of North Carolina House of Commons from the borough of Wilmington, 1783. 1897. WHITE, STEPHEN ALEXANDER, Mebane, North Carolina 38 Grandson of James Mebane (-1825 circa), of Orange County, N. C. Lieutenant in North Carolina Troops, Company commanded by Captain Douglass, Colonel Dudley's Regiment; Was in Hillsborough, North Carolina, September 12, 1781, when the Tory outlaw, Colonel David Fanning, Captured Governor Thomas Burke and other prominent patriots; Served in second Battle of Cane Creek (near Hillsborough), North Carolina, September 13, 178 1, and also in other actions. Ifn ^emoriam £dmund IBnrhz 1bay>voodt B.yn., yn.D., u.w. Bom in Raleigh, N. C, January 13, 1825. A Charter Member of the Society. Died in Raleigh, N. C, January 18, 1894. Dr. Haywood was prepared for college by the Rev. William Mc- Pheeters, Principal of the Raleigh Academy, and his successors, Silas Bigelow and JeflF. M. Lovejoy. He entered the University of North Carolina in 1843, but was compelled to leave that institu- tion, on account of ill health, after passing his junior year. His Alma Mater honored him with the degree of A.M. in i858, and L,L.D. in 1889. Upon leaving the University, or shortly thereafter, he studied medicine, and graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, in 1849. During the War between the States, he was a surgeon in the Confederate Army, and was for a while Acting Medical Director for the Department of North Carolina. After the war, he was President of the North Car- olina Medical Society, President of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Insane Asylum, President of the Board of Public Charities, member of the State Board of Medical Examiners, Presi- dent of the Raleigh Academy of Medicine, and also held other offices of minor importance. On November 13, 1850, he was married to Luc}' Ann Williams, daughter of Alfred Williams, Esq., of Raleigh, and left six sons and an only daughter. The Revolutionary ancestor, through whom Dr. Haywood derived his eligibility as a member of the Sons of the Revolution, was Colonel William Haywood, of Edgecombe County, North Carolina. John HayTjs'ood, the father of Dr. Haywood, was for forty years Treasurer of North Carolina, the iirst Mayor of Raleigh, and served in early life as Secretary of several Provincial Congresses during the Revolution. Haywood County, North Carolina, and the town of Haywood, in Chatham County, were named in his honor. John Haywood left no children by his first wife, Sarah Leigh. His sec- ond wife, Elizabeth Eagles Assup Williams, by whom he left a large family, was a daughter of John Pugh Williams, Colonel of the Ninth Regiment of North Carolina Troops in the Continental Line, during the Revolution. WMm Joseph Ibav^^kinst M.ID* Born in Franklin County, N. C, May 27, 1819. A Charter Member of the Society. Died in Philadelphia, Pa., October 28, 1894. Dr. Hawkins was prepared for college at the Spring Grove Acad- emy, in Franklin County, North Carolina, spent two years at the University of North Carolina, and afterwards graduated from Wil- liam and Mary College, Virginia, in 1840. He studied medicine and received his diploma from the Medical Department of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania in 1842. After successfully practicing his profession for about ten years, he became interested in railroading, and was President of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company for more than twenty years. The Raleigh & Augusta Railroad was constructed under his management. In 1871, he was instrumental in organizing the Citizens' National Bank, of Raleigh, and was President of that institution at the time of his death, which occurred in Philadelphia, whither he had gone for medical treatment. Dr. Hawkins was thrice married: First, on January 4, 1844, to Mary Alethea Clark, daughter of David Clark, Esq., of Halifax County, North Carolina; secondly, on December 27, 1855, to Lucy Norfleet Clark, likewise a daughter of David Clark; thirdly, on May 12, 1S69, to Mary Ann White, daughter of Andrew B. White, Esq., of Pottsville, Pennsylvania. By his first marriage. Dr. Hawkins left two sons; by his second, two daughters; and by his third, an only daughter — all of whom are married. The Revolutionary ancestor, through whom Dr. Hawkins entered the Society, was Colonel Philemon Hawkins, Jr., of the Colonial county of Bute, North Carolina, which was afterwards divided into Warren and Franklin Counties. Colonel Hawkins and his father. Colonel Philemon Hawkins, Sr., were both distinguished patriots. Colonel Benjamin Hawkins, of Washington's staff, and afterwards Indian Agent, United States Senator, etc., was a son of the elder Colonel Hawkins. CoL Ifikbard Ifrvinfl ©od^et Sl.S.a. Born in Surry County, N. C, May 19, 1827. Elected a member of the Society, April 14, 1894. Died at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., June 16, 1895. Colonel Dodge eutered the United States Military Academy, at West Point, on the istof July, 1S44, and graduated therefrom on the ist of July, 1848. His advancements in rank in the United States Army were as follows: Brevet Second Lieutenant, July i, 1848; Second Lieutenant, December 24, 1848; First Lieutenant, March 3, 1855; Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Inspector-General of the Fourth Army Corps, from January i, 1863, until Februarj' 24, 1863; Major in the Twelfth Infantry, June 21, 1864; transferred to the Thirtieth Infantry, September 21, 1866; transferred to the Third Infantry, March 15, 1869; Lieutenant-Colonel of the Twenty-third Infantry, October 29, 1873; Colonel of the Eleventh Infantry, June 26, 1882; retired May 19, 1891. On March 3, 1858, Colonel Dodge was married to Julia Rhinelan- der Paulding, of Dobb's Ferry, New York, who belongs to the well-known Paulding family in that State, of which John Paulding, one of the captors of Major Andr^, was a member. They had an only son, Frederick Paulding Dodge, who survives his father. The Revolutionary ancestors through whom Colonel Dodge entered the Society were : Private Richard Dodge, of New York, who, when only fifteen years old, enlisted in the Revolution, and was afterwards a Brigadier-General in the War of 181 2; and Colo- nel Joseph Williams, of Surry County, North Carolina, who was also an active and useful patriot in the War for Independence. Colonel Dodge was a writer of national reputation, and published several works on frontier life in the West, and kindred subjects. INDEX OF REVOLUTIONARY ANCESTORS. PAGE. Ashe, Samuel 40 Atherton, Jeptha 50 AverJ^ Waightstill 41 Battle, Elisha 42, 45 Beck with, John 42 Blount, Reading 55 Bryan, Needham 44 Campbell, John 46 Cobb, Jesse 44 Curtis, Jonathan 45 Daves, John 45 Dodge, Richard 46, 47 Gillespie, James 55 Graham, Chauncey 52, 53, 54 Graham, John 48 Graham, Joseph . 49 Green, James 44 Hawkins. Philemon, Jr 39, 40, 47, 49 Haywood, William 47, 48, 56 Heriot, Robert 43 Hill, Whitmel 50 Hill, William 49 Holladay, Lewis 51 Hooper, William 57 Johnston, Jonas 39. 40, 43. 5i Kenan, James 52, 53, 54 Maclaine, Archibald 57 May, Benjamin 44 McAlister, Alexander 54 Mebane, James 57 Miller, Robert Johnston 56 Robeson, Thomas 54 Sharpe, William 41 Simons, Maurice 44 Spencer, Samuel 51, 52 Stone, Abel ; 56 White, James 55 Williams, Joseph 46, 47 ANCESTORS CLASSIFIED BY THE STATES UNDER WHOSE AUTHORITY THEY SERVED IN THE REVOLUTION. Connecticut. ^ohn Beckwitb. Massachusetts. — ^Jonathan Curtis. New Hampshire. — Abel Stone. New York. — Chauncey Graham, John Graham, Richard Dodge. North Carolin.\. — Samuel Ashe, Jeptha Atherton, Waigbtstill Avery, Elisha Battle, Reading Blount, Needham Bryan, John Campbell, Jesse Cobb, John Daves, James Gillespie, Joseph Graham, James Green, Philemon Hawkins, Jr., William Haywood, Whitmel Hill, William Hooper, Jonas Johnston, James Kenan, Archibald Maclaine, Benjamin May, Alexander McAlister, James Mcbane, Thomas Robe- son, William Sharpe, Samuel Spencer, James White, Joseph Wil- liams. South Carolina. — Robert Heriot, William Hill, Maurice Simons. Virginia. — Lewis Holladay, Robert Johnston Miller. V^^^^^ r