UNITED STATES SANlTAIlY COMMISSION. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT KXPENDTTURES AND RECEIPTS (^itXiV^X SJV^JllSitUM, FWm JUNE 27lli, \m\, TO JULY tst, ISfir,. PRINTED BY THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. 1 R65. IN EXCHANGE JUH 5 .917 To THE U. S. SANITARif CoMMISSIOJN". Pursuant to n Kesolution adopted at the session of tlie Commission held in July last, tlie Treasurer respect- fully reports the following classified statement of the Expenditures of the Central Treasury from June 27th, 1861, to July 1st, 1865. A further statement is appended showing the aggre- gate Receipts of the Central Treasury from June 27th, 1861, to July 1st, 1865, and the sources from which they have been derived. This includes the sum of $36,249,53 being the aggregate amount of contributions receiv^ed at the Washington and Louisville offices and credited to the Central Treasury. September 27, 1865. Cr. T. STEONG. Tkeasueek. DISBUltSEMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. From June 27tli, 1861, to July 1st, 1865. Expenses,. Publications, Statistical Bureau, . General Inspection,. Special Inspection,. . Hospital Directory. Relief Department, Supply Department, Rent, Advertising, Stationery "and Office Printing, Postage, Telegrams, Freight, Office Expenses, Travelling Expenses of Office Employes, Office Salaries, Stable, Traveling Expenses of Members of the Com'n Documents, Monographs, &c. Sanitary Bulletin,! Sanitary Reporter, Special Relief, Relief Corps Homes and Lodges,. Pension Bureau, . . . . Hospital Transports, . Cars, Visitors,. . . . Purchase of Supplies, • *Distribution of Supplies, Transportation of Supplies, Receiving Storehouse, Distributing " Canvassing, Canvassing in Pacific States, Woman's Central Association of New York,. Cincinnati Branch, Cleveland " Columbus " Chicago " Louisville " Philadelphia " N. E. Woman's Aux. Association of Boston,. Contributions to Aid Societies, $12.058160 13.485 34.126 14.951 3.356 39.772 56.236 5.103 118.316 16.864 8.299 49.849 29.687 9.371 120 206, 194. 29. 44. 9. 3. 518 414 916 876 419 275' 590 .913 246 266 22 11 GO 22 79 15. 10 5. 10. 10. 514. 5. 20. 785 701 439 111 551 077 467 026 000 000 000 000 000 816 520 500 Amount forward, 4.447.154170 $322,472 88.908 31.754 118.383 12.877 51.248 609.011 3.212.498 19 15 39 * The supplies transported and distributed by the Commission included stores of the estimated cash value of at least 810.000.000 in addition to those purchased and paid for out of the Central Treasury. RECEIPTS OF THE UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. From June 27th, 1831, to July 1st, 18G5. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Massachusetts, through Boston Branch, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New England, (States not designated,). New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland District of Columbia, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, . Iowa Minnesota, Kentucky, California, Louisiana, North Carolina,. Nevada Oregon, , "Washington Territory, . Idaho Colorado, Nebraska, Vancouver's Island, Sandwich Islands, Santiago de Chili, Peru,. ... Buenos Ayres, C!uba, Costa Rica, Canada, New Fouudland, England, Scotland, France, European Branch, (Paris) Amount Forward, . $24,938 1.926 3.521 15.511 77.689 11.823 8.418 6.683 228.093 20.241 12.736 7' 5.910 12.124 703 14.5^9 1.264 4.342 691 866 13 67 6.508 .219.112 3.177 8 106.301 78.482 20.918 5.301 1.025 10 2.195 15.878 3.688 2.00: 13.412 23 84 441 150 11.080 74 3.550 13.372 43 84 17 35 51 96 55 75 02 25 77 00 95 53 60 50 15 50 30 00 50 85 05 51 25 00 96 26 92 31 00 50 61 15 84 00 85 00 00 48 00 33 75 00 70 1.859.892 97 DISBURSEMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES SxYNITARY COMMISSION. Miscellaneous, Fkom June 27th, 1861, to July 1st, 1865. Amount brought forward,. Westeru Saultary Commission, (St. Louis,). Metropolitan Fair, North Western Fair, European Branches, (London and Paris,) . . Total Disbursements, . Cash on Hand, 50.000100 18.403 02 20 92 15.196 31 fi-1.4-47.154 70 83.620 $4,530,774 282.975 L 813. 750 64 RECEIPTS OF THE UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. From June 27th, 1861, to July 1st, 18G5. Amount brought forward, London, Branch Belgium, Germany^, Italy,..: Turkey, China, Japan, U. S. Army, U. S. N avy, Boston and New England Fan-, Yonkers " N. Y Flushing " Long Island, N. Y.. . Brooktyu and Long Island " " " . . Schuyler County " N. Y Albany • " " Metropolitan " N. Y. City Warwick, Orange Co. " N. Y Poughkeepsie " " Hornellsville " " South Adams " Mass Marjdand State " Baltimore, Md Wheeling " Va Great Central " Philadelphia, Penn Unknown Sources, Interest on U. S. Certificates, " Deposits in Nassau Bank, " " " Fourtli National Bank, Receipts from advertisements, in San'y Bulletin, " " Sul)scripti(jns for " " Contributions to Medal Fund , Proceeds of sales of furniture surplus stores, &c , 1.859.892 97 36.690 43 100 00 843 22 50 00 50 00 2.989 90 5.000 00 1.738 30 193 00 50.000 00 12.000 00 3.934 33 300.000 00 1.287 43 80.000 00 1.184.446 7J 1.432 73 16.192 27 800 00 3.087 04 40.234 54 2.500 00 1.035.398 96 3.932 20 31.892 60 1.923 63 3.388 50 3.160 00 191 80 197 00 32.402 95 $4,813,750 64 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 744 373 9 %