s^, L I B R A R V OF THE \ « ^ Class Eif Book_ ~L ittilitavn ©rbcv of tljc Conal Cegion of tljc llnitcb States REGISTER OF THE Comman&cru of tl)c State of Massachusetts OTonstitution and 'jjij-'iiuus January i, i 89 1 Boston PRESS OF ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL 1 S 9 1 •tj3, £if(,Z2.W>' x- e a * \x x- e v . Brevet Major WILLIAM P. SHREVE, U.S.V. '.an. <8 I) a u cell o c . Brevet Captain Edward N. Whittier, U.S.V. Boston. © I) a plain, Reverend PHILLIPS BROOKS, D.D. Bosi (Council) Captain CHARLES HUNT, U.S.V. Newton, Mass. Captain GEORGE W. CREASEY, U.S.V. First Lieutenant CHARLES H. PORTER. U.S.V. ncu, Ma Acting Assistant Surgeon JOHN H. MACKIE, U.S.N. New Bedford, Mass. Brevet Brigadier General THOMAS H. TALBOT, U.S.V. B: (4) Instructs FROM IN E Itecoros of tl)c Comntanberj) of tljc State of i\\ a s s a c I) u s c 1 1 s . Mfl c i* t i u it s . The Stated Meetings of this Commandery shall be held on the First Wednesday of each month, at half-past six o'clock P.M., but there shall be no meetings during the months of July, August and September, unless specially ordered. (It has been the custom for the meeting succeeding the annual meeting in May, to be called at discretion of the Board of Officers, the first Wednesday in November being usually designated.) The Regular Meetings of the Board of Officers, preceding the Stated Meetings of the Commandery, shall be held at five o'clock. *l It e s . On and after October ist, 1S75, the Admission Fee to this Com- mandery shall be Thirty-five dollars, Ten dollars of which shall be deposited to the credit of the Permanent Fund. The Annual Dues for Resident Members for the fiscal year, be- ginning January 1, shall be Ten dollars, payable in advance. The Annual Dues for Non- Resident Members (Companions not residing within the State of Massachusetts) shall be Five dollars, payable in advance. (5) ?■ rt t> i t £ ft ('*> n e a t » . The following votes of the Board of Officers are published for the information and guidance of the members of iliis Commandery: — Voted, That no person, who is not a member, shall be present at any meeting of, or entertainment given by, this Commandery, except upon application by a Companion to the Recorder, and upon imi- tation signed by the Recorder under authority from the Commander. Voted, That the names of invited guests, and of the members who invite them, shall be entered upon the records of the Com- mandery. Voted, That members of other Commanderies temporarily in tin city may attend the meetings of this Commandery; and those attending more than one meeting in a season may contribute the due-, of a non-resident member. Voted, That Companions obtaining invitations for guests to be pres- ent at the monthly meetings of the Commandery shall be charged such sum as the Hoard of Officers may decide to be proper to cover the expense of such guest's entertainment. In pursuance of the above vote, the Board of Officers has fixed the price at which members may invite guests to entertainments, following the stated meetings, at two dollars, for all entertainments not designated by the Board as special occasions. Payment must be made to the Recorder when the invitation is issued. £ i b v a v it . A member of the Commandery may be appointed annually by the Board of Officers as Librarian upon recommendation of the Recorder ; in the absence of such recommendation the duties of the office are to devolve upon the Recorder. The Librarj Committee, consisting of the Treasurer, Recorder and Librarian, if any, shall have the care and supervision of the hooks, maps, pictures and relics belonging to the Commandery, and they are authorized to receive and disburse all sums of money contributed for the Library fund. ittilitanj (Drocv of tl)c Coijal Ccgion of lljc llnitco States, [FOUNDED APRIL 15, 1865. Commanrjnu of tljr State of iWassarlmsctts, Instituted March 4, 1868. Organized March 6, 1868. Incorporated March 15, 1887. Note. — The nanus of deceased members are marked with an asterisk ; ' 1 C It a r t e x- Ht e m b e v a . ♦Brevet Lieutenant Colonel CORNELIUS G. ATTWOOD, U.S.V. Brevet Major JAMES B. BELL, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General FRANCIS A. OSBORN, U.S.V. ♦Lieutenant Colonel WILLIAM V. HUTCHINGS. U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General WILLIAM COGSWELL, U.S.V. Lieutenant Colonel DANIEL S. LAMSON, U.S.V. Captain WILLIAM PRATT, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General JOSIAH PICKETT, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General AUGUSTUS B. R. SPRAGUE, U.S.V. Brevet Major LOUIS N. TUCKER, U.S.V. Lieutenant Colonel ORSON MOULTON, U.S.V. Captain J. WALDO DENNY, U.S.V. ♦Brevet Colonel CHARLES N. TURNBULL. U.S.A. (7) 0" o in in it il > C v 9 1 868. Brevet Brigadier General FRANCIS A. OSBORN, U.S.V. 1 869- 1 877. ♦Brevet Major General CHARLES DEVENS, U.S.V. 1878. Brevet Brigadier General ALFRED P. ROCKWELL, U.S.V. 1879-1880. Brevet Colonel AUGUSTUS P. MARTIN. U.S.V. 1881-1882. Colonel THOMAS L. LIVERMORE, U.S.V. 1 883- 1 884. Brevet Brigadier General FRANCIS A. WALKER, U.S.V. 1885-1886. Colonel CHARLES R. CODMAN, U.S.V. 1887-1888. Brevet Major General SIMON G. GRIFFIN, U.S.V. 1889. Brevet Major General EDWARD W. HINCKS, U.S.V. §« C It t O V lltCC-(!fotltUtitllbfV8, 1868. Lieutenant Colonel DANIEL S. LAMSON. U.S.V. 1869. Captain DONALD MCN. FAIRFAX, U.S.N. 1 870- 1 874. Brevet Brigadier General WILLIAM COGSWELL, U.S.V. 1875-1876. 'Brevet Brigadier General FRANCIS W. PALFREY, U.S.V. 1877. Brevet Brigadier General ALFRED P. ROCKWELL, U.S.V. 1878. Assistant Paymaster CHARLES FAIRCHILD, U.S.N. 1879-1880. Brevet Major General SIMON G. GRIFFIN, U.S.V. 1881. Captain GEORGE S. MERRILL, U.S.V. 1882-1884. *Brevet Brigadier General CHARLES F. WALCOTT, U.S.V. 1885-1886. Mr. JOHN M. FORBES. (9) 1887-1888. Firsl Lieutenant HENRY B. PEIRCE, U.S.V. 1889. Captain WILLIAM W. DOUGLAS, U.S.V. 3 xx xx x v V ice- 0! o 111 m it it > 1* v a . 1868. Brevet Brigadier General AUGUSTUS R. R. SPRAGUE, U.S.V. 1869. \V,,,.i ..-ii.-t .il AMBROSE [-:. RURNS1DE, U.S.V. 1870. ♦Captain FOXHALL A. PARKER. U.S.N. 1871-1872. ♦Captain WILLIAM F. SPICER. U.S.N. 1 873-1 874. Commander GEORGE H. PERKINS, U.S.N. 1875-1876. Ren Admiral CHARLES STEEDMAN, U.S.N. 1877. Assistanl Paymaster CHARLES FAiRCHILD, U.S.N. 1878. Brevet Colonel AUGUSTUS P. MARTIN, U.S.V. 10 ) 1879-1880. Chief Engineer WILLIAM ROBERTS, U.S.N. 1881-1882. *Rear Admiral GEORGE H. PREBLE, U.S.N. 1883-1884. ♦Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander WILLIAM G. SALTON- STALL, U.S.N. 1885-1886. Assistant Surgeon ROBERT WILLARD, U.S.N. 1887-1888. Brevet Major ZABDIEL B. ADAMS, U.S.V. 1889. Brevet Brigadier General GEORGE B. DRAKE, U.S.V. \\ e c v b e v 1868-1879. Brevet Major JAMES B. BELL, U.S.V. 1879. (Pro femS) First Lieutenant LYMAN P. FRENCH, U.S.M.C. 1879-1880. Brevet Captain EDWARD B. ROBINS, U.S.V. 1881- Colonel ARNOLD A. RAND, U.S.V. (11) e" o v v e a v o rtbent. 1868. 1 ipt mi I. W \l I'O DENNY, U.S.V. \\ c B l » t v a v * • i86g. ♦Captain FOXHALL A. PARKER. U.S.N. 1870-1871. ►Lieutenant HENRY .1. HI. AKE. U.S.N. 1872-1873. Acting Assistant Paymaster HENRY M. ROGERS. U.S.N. 1874-1875. Assistant Paymaster CHARLES FAIRCHILD, U.S.N. 1876-1877. ►Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander EDWARD F. DEVENS, U.S.N. 1878-1880. :,1 Assistant Engineer WILLIAM H. BADLAM, U.S.N. 1881- i tptain HIRAM S. SHURTLEFF, U.S.V. 12 ©■ x* c it a it r trs. 1868-1880. Captain WILLIAM PRATT, U.S.V. 1881- Brevet Major WILLIAM P. SHREVE, U.S.V. it n c i 1 , 1868. "Brevet Lieutenant Colonel CORNELIUS G. ATTWOOD, U.S.V. ♦Brevet Colonel CHARLES N. TURNBULL, U.S.A. Brevet Brigadier General JOSIAH PICKETT, U.S.V. Brevet Major LOUIS N. TUCKER, U.S.V. Lieutenant Colonel ORSON MOULTON, U.S.V. 1869. ♦Brevet Lieutenant Colonel CORNELIUS G. ATTWOOD, U.S.V. ♦Brevet Colonel CHARLES N. TURNBULL, U.S.A. Brevet Brigadier General JOSIAH PICKETT, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel J. THEODORE HEARD, U.S.V. *Brevet Brigadier General HORACE C. LEE, U.S.V. 1870. ♦Brevet Colonel CHARLES N. TURNBULL, U.S.A. Brevet Major J. HENRY SLEEPER, U.S.V. Captain ALANSON H. WARD, U.S.V. ♦Captain WILLIAM F. SPICER, U.S.N. Brevet Brigadier General ALFRED P. ROCKWELL, U.S.V. 1871. Brevet Major J. HENRY SLEEPER, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General ALFRED P. ROCKWELL, U.S.V. Commander GEORGE H. PERKINS, U.S.N. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel STEPHEN M. CROSBY, U.S.V. Chief Engineer WILLIAM ROBERTS, U.S.N. (15) 187J. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel STEPHEN M. CROSBY, U.S.V. Chief Engineer \\ II I 1AM ROBERTS, U.S.N. JOHN H. REED, 3d CLASS (Brigadier General, M.V.M.). Assistant Paymaster CHARLES FAIRCHILD, U.S.N. ♦Captain OTHO E. MICHAELIS, U.S.A. JOHN H. REED, jd CLASS (Brigadier General, M.V.M. , Assistant Paymaster CHARLES FAIRCHILD, U.S.N. -Captain OTHO E. MICHAELIS, U.S.A. Brevet Major BENJAMIN F. RITTENHOUSE, U.S.A. "Medical Director JOHN H. WRIGHT, U.S.N. 1874. Brevet Major BENJAMIN F. RITTENHOUSE, U.S. \. -Medical Director JOHN H. WRIGHT, U.S.N. 'Brevet Major General WILLIAM F. BARTLETT, U.S.V. nt Engineer HORACE McMURTRIE, U.S.N. Surgeon WILL JAM INGALLS. U.S.V. 1875- ♦Brevet Major General WILLIAM F. BARTLETT, U.S.V. ♦First Assistant Engineer HORACE MCMURTRIE, U.S.N. Surgeon WILLIAM INGALLS, U.S.V. First Lieutenant JOHN H. SHERBURNE, U.S.M.C. First Lieutenant EDMUND L. ZALINSKI, U.S.A. 1 1876. First Lieutenant JOHN H. SHERBURNE, U.S.M.C. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel JAMES H. RICE, U.S.A. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel NORTON FOLSOM, U.S.V. Captain BENJAMIN S. CALEF, U.S.V. Captain JOHN LATHROP, U.S.V. 1877. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel JAMES H. RICE, U.S.A. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel NORTON FOLSOM, U.S.V. Captain BENJAMIN S. CALEF, U.S.V. Captain JOHN LATHROP, U.S.V. Lieutenant Commander CHARLES MCGREGOR. U.S.N. 1878. First Lieutenant LYMAN P. FRENCH, U.S.M.C. Captain WILLIAM W. DOUGLAS, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General JOHN L. OTIS, U.S.V. Captain GEORGE S. MERRILL, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel JOSEPH W. GELRAY, U.S.A. 1879. First Lieutenant LYMAN P. FRENCH, U.S.M.C. Captain WILLIAM W. DOUGLAS, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General JOHN L. OTIS. U.S.V. Captain GEORGE S. MERRILL, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel JOSEPH W. GELRAY, U.S.A. (17) i88o. First Lieutenant LYMAN P. FRENCH, U.S.M.C. Captain WILLIAM W. DOUGLAS, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General JOHN L. OTIS. U.S.V. Captain GEORGE S. MERRILL, U.S.V. Brevet lieutenant Colonel JOSEPH W. GELRAY, U.S.A. 1881. Brevet Brigadier General THOMAS SHERWIN, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel THEODORE A. DODGE, U.S.A. Brevet Brigadier General JAMES SHAW, U.S.V. First Lieutenant CHARLES E. BOWERS, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel EDWARD B. BLASLAND, U.S.V. 1882. Brevet Brigadier General THOMAS SHERWIN. U.S.V. Brevet Colonel THEODORE A. DODGE, U.S.A. Brevet Brigadier General JAMES SHAW, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel EDWARD B. BLASLAND, U.S.V. Assistant Surgeon C. ELLERY STEDMAN, U.S.N. 1883. Brevet Brigadier General THOMAS SHERWIN, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel THEODORE A. DODGE, U.S.A. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel ROBERT H. I. GODDARD, U.S.V. ♦Brevet Brigadier General SAMUEL M. QUINCY, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel ALBERT A. POPE, U.S.V. (iS) i88 4 . Brevet Lieutenant Colonel ROBERT H. I. GODDARD, U.S.V. ♦Brevet Brigadier General SAMUEL M. QUINCY, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel ALBERT A. POPE, U.S.V. Acting Ensign GARDNER A. CHURCHILL, U.S.N. Brevet Brigadier General WILLIAM F. DRAPER, U.S.V. 1885. Brevet Brigadier General WILLIAM F. DRAPER, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel HENRY STONE, U.S.V. *Captain RICHARD WATERMAN, U.S.V. Passed Assistant Paymaster EDWARD SHERWIN, U.S.N. Lieutenant Colonel SAMUEL A. DRAKE, U.S.V. 1886. Brevet Brigadier General WILLIAM F. DRAPER, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel HENRY STONE, U.S.V. "Captain RICHARD WATERMAN, U.S.V. Passed Assistant Paymaster EDWARD SHERWIN, U.S.N. Lieutenant Colonel SAMUEL A. DRAKE, U.S.V. 1887. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel SOLON A. CARTER, U.S.V. Acting Assistant Paymaster JOHN READ, U.S.N. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel EDWARD O. SHEPARD, U.S.V. Brevet Major EDGAR J. SHERMAN, U.S.V. First Lieutenant JAMES P. STEARNS. U.S.V. (19) i888. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel SOLON A. CARTER, U.S.V. Acting Assistant Paymaster JOHN READ, U.S.N. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel EDWARD O. SHEPARD, U.S.V. Brevet Major EDGAR J. SHERMAN, U.S.V. First Lieutenant JAMES P. STEARNS, U.S.V. 1889. Captain CHARLES HUNT, U.S.V. Captain HORACE C. BACON, U.S.V. Captain GEORGE W. CREASEY. U.S.V. First Lieutenant CHARLES H. PORTER, U.S.V. Acting Assistant Surgeon JOHN H. MACKIE. U.S.N. (20) © o m p a n i o n s Note. — The names of deceased Companions are marked thus *, and of those transferred thus f . *3M>ott, (LTIjavlrs Patterson. Second Lieutenant, Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 5, 1870. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1257. Corporal and Sergeant, igth Mass. Infantry, November 2r, 1S61. 2d Lieu- tenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, September 17, 1862. Discharged (disability), May 21, 1863. Died at North Andover, Mass., August 6, 1879. 'Htiams, Cljarlrs jFranrts. Colonel, Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6100. QUINCY, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, ist Mass. Cavalry, December 19, 1861. Promoted Captain, October 30, 1S62. Lieutenant Colonel, 5th Mass. Cavalry, July 15, 1864. Promoted Colonel, February 15, 1S65. Resigned, August 1, 1S65. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for distinguished gallantry and efficiency at the battles of Secessionville, South Mountain and Antietam, and for meritorious services during the war." Sfjams, Soljn (Prrgovu IStsljop. Captain, Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2362. LYNN, MASS. Private, Corporal and Sergeant, 19th Mass. Infantry, August 28, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, August 29, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, January 22, 1863. Captain, February 28, 1864. Mustered out, July 22, 1S65. (2.) 3tiams. 3oim IHrslrg. u.s.v •1.SS. Cha; .1. Infantry, Decern'. 1863; mustered, January 3 ; Dams, Saiftitl lSoulston. Ms Infantry — Bre. -- J.S.V. MASS. - . - "I.iss. Infantry. June 15. 1S61. Discharged to accept promotion, May : Surgeon, Mass Re- signed - Just 4, 18 :i try. January I 2, Comrn - -red out, Ju- gallant and meritorious conduct in the • 3i)amson, j&freH. Lieutenant Commander). U.S.N. ELECT ■gineer. U.S.X.. May 1 ;. tSol. Promoted 2d Assistant Engineer, nt Engineer. January 1. INK. Passed Assistant Engineer. I hief Engineer, May 10. 187 f 3ikrn. HSUItam 3pplnon. 1 1 p - S61. Resigned, January 16 - 2 Htfcnt, GEUUiatn Buckingham. _ - -..nt Paymaster WILLIAM A. AIKEN. 3Ulirr, iFugrnr Augustus. Captain, Fortieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.SV. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2999. MARLBOROUGH, MASS. Private and Corporal, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1861. 2d Lieutenant and 1st Lieutenant. 40th Mass. Infantry. August 23, 1S62. Promoted Captain, June 25, 1863. Discharged (disability), April 20, 1864. Hlorn, Intrant Carroll. Captain, Fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4553. RANDOLPH, MASS. Captain, 4th Infantry, M.Y.M., in service of the U.S., September 23, 1S62. Mustered out, August 28, 1S63. t illgrr, Eussrll 3lr.vanorr. • Colonel, Fifth Michigan Cavairy — Brevet Major General, U.SV. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3512. TRANSFERRED TO COM- MANDERY OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, AS CHARTER MEMBER, FEBRUARY 4, 1885. Captain, 2d Michigan Cavalry, September 2, 1S61. Promoted Major, April 2, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, 6th Michigan Cavalry, October 16, 1S62. Colonel, 5th Michigan Cavalry, February 2S, 1S63. Resigned, September 20, 1864. Brevet Brigadier General. U.S.V., October 10, 1S65, " for gallant and meritorious services, to rank from the battle of Trevillian Station. Virginia. June II, 1864.'' Brevet Major General, U.S.V., June 11, 1S05, "for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the war." t ailanson, 3ofjn Syltianus. First Lieutenant, Twentieth Infantry, U.S.A. ELECTEO FEBRUARY 2, 1859. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1002. TRANSFERRED TO COM- MANDERY OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, NOVEMBER 4, 1885. 1st Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, July 15, 1S63. Resigned, May 2, 1864. 2d Lieutenant, 1st N.Y. Kngineers, February 24, 1864. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. December 11, 1S64. Mustered out, June 30, 1S65. 2d Lieutenant, 20th Infantry, U.S.A., March 7. 1S07. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, October 26, 1868. Discharged (under Act of Congress, July 15, 1870), November 1, 1S70. (=3) *Smrs, Sullibati Dorr. Commandi'i. U SN ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1868, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS. JANUARY 5, 1870. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 912. Vcting Midshipman,! S.N \.., September 22, 1856. Midshipman, 1 S.N., June 15,1860. 1 r, September 19, 1861. Lieutenant, July 16, 1862. Lieu- tenant Commander, Jul} 25, 1866. ' ommander, Januarj 6, 1874. Dicvl at Providence, R.I., November 22, [880 Ernes, SUtlUam. Colonel, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1666. PROVIDENCE, R.I. 2d Lieutenant, 2d K.I. Infantry, June 5, 1861. Promoted i>i Lieutenant, 25, 1861. Captain, July 24. 1862. Major, .,-1 R.I. Heavy Artillery, January 2.x. iSuj. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, March 22, 1864. Colonel, October i". [864. Mustered out, August 27, 1S65. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S. V., March [3, 1865, " for meritorious services 'luring the war." t .3 m m on, 3 l)n 11? run). Lieutenant Colonel, Sixteenth New York Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1878, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1842. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF OHIO, AS CHARTER MEMBER, FEBRUARY 7, 1883. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 7, 1884. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 4, 1885. Captain, 19th \.Y. Infantry, afterward 3d N'.V. Light Artillery, May 6, 1861; mustered, May 22, [861. Discharged, December 16, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, 16th N.Y. Heavy Artillery. Januarj 4, 1864. Resigned, 1 letober 10, 1X04. 3morrj, (LTrjarlrs Bran. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1839. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6911. BOSTON. i-t Lieutenant. 24th Mass. Infantry, September 2, 1X61. Promoted Captain, September 27, iXi>2. 1 aptain, A. \.ti., I .s.\ .. May iX, 1864. Mustered out, May g, 1865. Brevel Major, 1 .S.V., March 1 ,. [865, " for distinguished gallantry and meritorious in front of Petersburg, \ irginia." 24 I &mors, (JTliarlrs am alter. First Lieutenant, Second Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V ELECTED JUNE 3, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3882. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Cavalry, April 9, 1864; mustered, April 24, 1864. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, September 9, 1S64. Commissioned Captain, June 16, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, August 1, 1865. *&morg, (fToplrij. First Lieutenant, Fourth Cavalry, U.S.A. ELECTED FEBRUARY 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1616. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Cavalry, U.S.A., Augusts, iS6i. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, October 17, 1862. Resigned, December 15, 1S63. Died at Boston, December 16, 1879. 3mory, ilolirrt (Sortion. Second Lieutenant. Second Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8050. BOSTON. Private, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, April 15, 1864. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, Tune II, 1S64. Mustered out, September 3, 1865. f &nocrson, £tcl)olas ILongtoortlj. Colonel, Sixth Ohio Infantry — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1133. TRANSFERRED TO COM- MANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, APRIL 5, 1882. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 6th Ohio Infantry, April 19, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, June 12, 1861. Colonel, August 19, 1862. Mustered out, June 23, 1864. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant conduct and meritorious services in the battle of Stone's River, December 31, 1862." Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for distinguished gallantry and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chickamauga, September 19 and 20, 1863." (25) 3iiorrtos, 6rorgr ILronarTj. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, US V — Professor (Colonel), U.SM A ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. 1»I CLASS. INSIGNIA 1061. WEST POINT. N.Y. I adet, U.S.M.A., fulj i. [847. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, I orps ol Engineers, 1 S V., July 1. 1851. 2.1 Lieutenant, February 2, isvi Resigned, September 1, 1855. Lieutenant Colonel, 2d Mass. [nfantry, Maj 24, 1861. Promoted Colonel, June ij. 1862. Brigadier General, U.S.V., November 10, iS62, "for highly meri- torious services at the battles of Winchester, I tedar Mountain ami Antietain." Mus- tered out, August 24, 1865. Professor, L'.S.M.A.. February 28, 1871; accepted, April 1. [871. Brevel Major General, U.S.V., March 26, 1865, " for faithful an. I meritorious services during t lie campaign against the city of Mobile and its defences." anrjrrlris, tLITilliam f?rnry garrison. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Eleventh Maine Infan- try. U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6510. BOSTON. Private, 1st Sergeant and Quartermaster Sergeant, nth Maine Infantry, August 8,1862. isi Lieutenant, R.Q.M., nth Maine Infantry, February 10, [864. Mus- tered out, February 2, 1866. 3pplrton, jjlatijan. Second Lieutenant, Fifth Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet Captain, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 751. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Mass. Battery, July 30, [863. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, June 19, 1864; not mustered. Resigned disability), August 25, 1864. Volunteer Vide-de-Camp, Artillery Brigade, 5th Army Corps, April 1. 1865. Brevet Captain. U.S.V., March [3, [865, "foi gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle on Virginia Central Railroad." auplrton, Gliomas ILorkin. Captain, Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.SV ELECTEO DECEMBER 7. 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5873. CHELSEA, MASS. Private, ijth Mass. Infantry, July u>, 1861. Discharged February [9, i X| ; 2,1 I ieutenant, 54th Mass. Infantry. February 19, 1863; mustered, Februarj 27. 1863 Promoted iM Lieutenant, Maj 24. 1863; mustered, August 21, 1863. Captain, January 26, [864; mustered, March 30, 1S04. Mustered out, August 20, 1865. (26) amoltf, fttosrs flours. Captain, Twelfth Massachusetts Infantry, USV ELECTED JUNE 1, 1881. lit CLASS. INSIGNIA 2244. NORTH ABINGTON, MASS. Private, 1st Sergeant and Sergeant-Major, 12th Mass. Infantry, May 19, 1861; mustered, June 26, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 1 2th Mass. Infantry, September 1, [862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. July 2, 1863. Captain, May 6, 1864. Mustered out, July 8, 1864. atlicrton, avion Satin. Captain, Third New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6499. WAKEFIELD, MASS. Private, Corporal, Sergeant and 1st Sergeant, 3d N.H. Infantry, August 24, 1861. 2d Lieutenant. 3d N.H. Infantry, July 7, 1864. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, November 9, 1S64. Captain, May 15, 1865. Mustered out, July 20, 1865. *atttoooU, Cornelius; Gilbert. Major, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS AS CHARTER MEMBER. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 679. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, 1S61; mustered, May 19, 1861. Mustered out, August 3, 1861. Captain, 25th Mass. Infantry, October 12, 1S61. Promoted Major, October 29, 1862. Mustered out, August 18, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war.'' Died at Boston, January 19, 188S. atlutll, Samcs William. Lieutenant Colonel, First North Carolina Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 976. ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. Sergeant, 24th Mass. Infantry, September 12, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 1st N.C. Infantry, October 12, 1862. Promoted Captain, September 7, 1863 Major, lune 5, 1S65. Lieutenant Colonel, June 20, 1865. Mustered out, June 27, 1865. (27) Uurrs, iTliarlrs ILronarti. Second Lieutenant, Fourth Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V ELECTED APRIL 1, 1885. lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 3786. NEWBURYPORT, MASS. j I Lieutenant, 3d Unattached Company Infantry, M.Y.M., in service of the 1 .S., Mji 3, [864. Mustered out, August 5, 1S64. 2d Lieutenant, 271)1 Unatl Company, Mass. Heavy Artillery, afterward 4th Mass. Heavy Artillery, August 18, 1S114. Mustered out, June 17. 1865. Ruling, Augustus TDatais. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 7, 1880. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2077. CONCORD, N.H. Private. Company of Infantry mustered May 21, l86l,and afterward reorganized as 7th Mass Battery. Discharged, January iS, 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 29th Mass. Infantry, January 4, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, December 6, [862. Mustered "ut. May 20, 1S64. 1st Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Vpril 25, 1S65; appointed Adjutant, August 16, 1865. Mustered out, January 20, tS66. f Baron, ©rorgc 2Hasiitncjton. First Lieutenant, Ninety-first New York Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 1, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1550. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. Private, 7th Infantry. N.Y.S.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, 186IJ mustered, April 26, 1861. Mustered out, June 3, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 91st N.Y. Infantry. > ictobei 16, 1861. Resigned, March 17, 1S63. Bacon, ll?orarr Clinton. Captain, Eleventh New Hampshire Infantry, USV ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1456. LAWRENCE, MASS. Captain, nth N.H. Infantry, September 2, 1862. Discharged (disability result- ing from wounds received in action), June II, 1864. (28) BaMam, SEtlltam I?nuu. Second Assistant Engineer, U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1 61 1 . DORCHESTER, MASS. 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., May 3, 1859. Promoted 2d Assistant Engineer, October 8, 1861. Resigned, March 14, 1866. Uatlcn, 8fatrrefo Sacfcson. Second Lieutenant, Fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1609. BOSTON. Private, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., May 1, 1S61. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Infantry. M.V.M ., July 20, 18(14. Mustered nut. November 16, 1S64. Bailrg, Pctrv Sliarpc. Captain. Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1882. 1st CLASS.' INSIGNIA 2550. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 27th Mass. Infantry, September 20, 1861 ; mustered. October 16, 1861. Promoted Captain, February 17, 1864. Mustered out, December 17, 1S64. BatrU, <£rorgr SUtlltam. Major, Paymaster, U.S.A. Colonel, Thirty-second U.S. Colored Troops. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1885, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. TRANSFERRED AS CHARTER MEMBER TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, MAY 7, 1885. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, JANUARY 1, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3500. HELENA, MONTANA. Private, 1st Battery Conn. Light Artillery, August 25, 1S62. Transferred to 13th V.R.C., December 19, 1863. Discharged to accept promotion March 14, 1864. Colonel, 32d U.S.C.T., March iS, 1864. Mustered out, August 22, 1865. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Infantry, U.S.A., May 1 1, 1866. Transferred to 37th Infantry, September 21, 1S66; accepted, February 28, 1867. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, April 27, 1867. Transferred to 5th Infantry, May 19, 1869; appointed Adjutant, January 1, 1871. Major, Paymaster, June 23, 1S79; accepted, June 26, 1879. (29) Baker, iUplirus Kloostrr. Second Lieutenant, Twenty-third Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1889. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 6991. LEBANON, N.H. Private and 1st Sergeant. 23d Wisconsin Infantry, August 14. 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 2;.l Wisconsin Infantry, December 10, 1S62; mustered, January 15. 1863. Resigned, November 21, 1S63. t Baker, if iiarlrs l&enrg. Chief Engineer (Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2429. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, FEBRUARY 6, 1884. 3d Assistant Engineer. U.S.N., August 2, 1855. Promote.! 2.1 Assistant Engi- neer, luly 21, 1S5S. 1st Assistant Engineer. August 2, 1859. Chief Engineer (Lieutenant). October 29, 1861 Chief Engineer (Commander), May ;o, 1880. Baker, ifliarlrs $rnru. First Lieutenant. Twentieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 4, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6180. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private. Corporal ami Quartermaster Sergeant. 20th Mass. Infantry, July iS. [86l 1st Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, July I, 1S04: mustered, November II, [864. Resigned, June 2, 1S65. Baftrinin, Jlolm Stanton. Captain, Fifty-first Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in ser- vice of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1268. WORCESTER, MASS. ; tain. 51st Infantry. M.V.M., September 13, 1S62. Mustered out, July 21, 1863 BalfJlum. ttolirrt Stanton. ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1887. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 5883. WORCESTER, MASS. Eldest son of Companion Captain JOHN S BALDWIN. (3°) Ball, Benjamin 3lisalom. Captain, Thud Massachusetts Heavy Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S. V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 6, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3147. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 53d N.Y. Infantry, September 23, 1861. Mustered out, March 21, 1S62. 1st Lieutenant, 3d Unattached Company, Mass. Heavy Artil- lery, afterwards 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery, December 31, 1862. Promoted Cap- tain, September 8, 1864. Mustered out, September iS, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S. V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Ball, ffilanm 3ostai). Second Lieutenant, Second Massachusetts Cavalry, US V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8266. BOSTON. Private, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 20, 1861; mustered, May 19, 1S61. Mustered out, August 3, 1S61. Private, Corporal and Sergeant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, September 25, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Cavalry, December 19, 1S62. Discharged, April 13, 1865. Ballon, Daniel Boss. Second Lieutenant, Twelfth Rhode Island Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8051. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Sergeant-Major, 12th R.I. Infantry, October 13, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 12th R.I. Infantry, November 20, 1S62. Resigned. April 25, 1S63. Bangs, ©rorp Prmurrton. Captain, Second Massachusetts Infantry, U S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 5, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1242. BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 28, l86t. Promoted Captain, June 13, 1862. Discharged, March 29, 1863. Barker, Albert Smttlj. Commander, US.N. ELECTED MAY 1, 1878. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1821. WASHINGTON, D.C. Midshipman, U.S.N.A., October 25, 1859. Ensign, U.S.N., November 22, 1862. Promoted Lieutenant, February 22, 1S64. Lieutenant Commander, July 25, 1866. Commander, March 28, 1877. (SO Barker, ^titiurTj iTobru. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1876. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 1731. BOSTON. in's < lerk, U.S.N., November 9, 1 so 1 . Acting Assistant Paymaster, 1 .S.N., December -•(.. 1N0;. Resigned, February 4, 1866. Barker, ©millr 3nson. First Lieutenant. Adjutant. Thirty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3503. TAUNTON, MASS. Corporal and Hospital Steward, 39th Mass. Infantry, August 5, 1 mustered, VugUSl 22, t862. 2d Lieutenant, 39th Mass. Infantry, November 8, 1863; mustered, December 7, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, September [5, 1864; mustered, October 24, 1S64: appointed Adjutant, December 5. [864. Commis- sioned Captain, April ;, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, June 2, 1865. Barker, Oomas (Ersftine. Lieutenant Colonel, Twelfth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V ELECTED MARCH 7, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2710. MALDEN, MASS. Corporal, 2d N.H. Infantry, May I ;. 1S61; mustered, June I, i86l. Dis- charged, July 2, 1862. Captain, 12th N.H. Infantry, September 8, 1862. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, September 30, 1S04: mustered, Octobei 6, 1864. Commis- sioned Colonel, May 26. 1S05; not mustered. Mustered out, lime ji, 1805. Bamarto, Benjamin Jfranhlin. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Fifty-ninth Massachu setts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8052. WAKEFIELD, MASS. Sergeant, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of tin- U.S., May I, l86l. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 23d Mass. Infantry, October 11. 1861; mus November 1, 1S61. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. May 6, 1S02. Resigned, August 19, i.uit. R.Q.M., 59th Mass. Infantry, Octobei 16, 1863 Mustered out, June 1 ;. 1S65. Bamarti, 3ameg fttunson. First Lieutenant, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 856. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 2d Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, September 2, iSbi. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, February 6, 1S64. Commissioned Captain, September 3, 1S04: not mustered. Mustered out, October 31, 1864. Barrett, (Scorgc Farnuin. First Lieutenant, Twenty-third Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1884. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3159. AYER, MASS. Private, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April, 1S61 ; mustered, |une 19, 1861. Mustered out, August 2, 1861. Sergeant and Sergeant-Major, 23d Mass. Infantry, October 2, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 23d Mass. Infantry, January 10, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, October 8, 1863. Mustered out, October 13, 1864. * Barrett, KtrfjartJ. Captain, Forty-seventh Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4625. Captain, 47th Infantry. M.V.M.. October 16, 1862. Mustered out, September I, [863. Died at Concord, Mass., February II, 1887. Barrett, Btcl.iarti jTau. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5423. CONCORD, MASS. In succession to Companion Captain RICHARD BARRETT, deceased. Barrt, 3oIm atljrrton. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6101. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. By inheritance from THOMAS OLIVER BARRI, 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May I, 1S61. Captain, nth Infantry, U.S.A., May 14, 1S61. Brevet Major, U.S.A., July 2, 1863, "for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania." Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1S63. (il) Banotus, a&UUam ffiltot. Captain, Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1878. I si CLASS, INSIGNIA 1864. GLOUCESTER, NEW JERSEY. Hospital Steward, 19th Mass. Infantry. August 23, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, March 25, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July n. 1863. I aptain, July 28, 1864. Mustered out, Jul; 1 Brevel Major, U.S.V., Vpril 9, 1865, " for gallant and distinguished services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the insurgent army under General Robert E. 1 Barstoto, Eolmt. Acting Master, U S N, ELECTED NOVEMBER 2. 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5794. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Mate, U.S.N., May 22, [86l. Promoted Acting Ensign, December 5, 1862 Acting Master. Juni 9, 186 , I >is< h irge I, February [8, 1867. Bartlrman, BirliarTj fftilnr. ELECTED MAY 7, 1887, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS. DECEMBER 31, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5564. CARACAS, VENEZUELA. In succession to Companion Chief Engineer RICHARD M. BARTLEMAN, I .S.N., deceased. Bartlctt, Cljarlrs tirtittmi gfoamg. Captain. Sixth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 5030. CHELMSFORD, MASS. Captain, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., Augusl 31, [862. Mustered out, June 3, 1863. Baitlrtt, iPTjtoarTj Sarins. Second Lieutenant, Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry, USV ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1880. lsi CLASS. INSIGNIA 2120. CONCORD, MASS. Private, 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 25, 1 Mustered out, June I, 1862. Private, 44th Infantry. M.V.M., September 12. [862 Mustered out. June iS, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Mass Cai dry, July 1, 1S04. Mus- tered out, October 31, 1865. 54) *$3artlrtt, aEtlltam JFranris. Brigadier General — -Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 890. Captain, 20th Mass. Infantry, July 10, 1861. Colonel, 49th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., November 19, 1S62. Mustered out, September 1, 1S63. Colonel, 57th Mass. Infantry, August 17,1863. Brigadier General, U.S. V., June 20, 1864. Mustered out, July iS, 1S66. Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died at Pittsfield, Mass., December 17, 1876. Barton, djroDorr ^urault. First Lieutenant, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5795. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private and Quartermaster Sergeant, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., October 15, 1862. Mustered out, June 26, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, August 25, 1863. Discharged, October 16, 1863. 1st Lieutenant, 58th Mass. Infantry, October 19, 1863. Mustered out, July 14, 1S65. * Basrorn, (Euistauus IHurrayj. Captain, Thirteenth Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.A. Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2590. Captain, Aide-de-Camp, Ohio Volunteers, April 23, 1S61. Mustered out, August 15, 1861. Captain, A.A.G., U.S.V., August 20, 1861; accepted, August 27, 1861. Promoted Major, A.A.G., October 7, 1862. Assigned as Assistant Adjutant General, 23d Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under Act of July 17, 1862), January 25, 1864, to January 31, 1865. Mustered out, July 1, 1S66. Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel and Colonel U.S.V., November 4, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." 1st Lieutenant, 17th Infantry, U.S.A., January 22. 1S67; accepted, March 28, 1867; Adjutant, December 17, 1867, to February 1, 1S69. Unassigned, May 27, 1869. Assigned to 13th Infantry, July 14, 1869; R.Q.M., August 1, 1S71, to December 11, 1873. Promoted Captain, December 11, 1873. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Maryland." Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 2, 1S67, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Resaca, Georgia." Died at Portsmouth, R.I., August 16, 1884. (35) Lviiclii'ltirr, jiolm (Tnir. First Lieutenant, First Battalion Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V ELECTED MARCH 3, 1880. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2067. CONCORD, N.H, Private and Sergeant, ist Battalion Mass. Heavy Artillery, February 24, 1 2d Lieutenant, 1st Battalion Mass. Heavj Artillery, April 10, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, September .;. [864. Mustered out, June 29, 1865. Bates, Cfjarles f)auv. First Lieutenant, Twenty-third Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3050. SALEM, MASS. i~t Lieutenant, -\,<1 Mass. Infantry, October 5, [861. Resigned, Januarj * Bates, Jlamrs JLatorence. Colonel, Twelfth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1068. Captain, I2th Mass. infantry, June 26, 1861. Major, 33d Mass. infantry, August 5, 1862. Colonel, 12th Mass. Infantry, September 9, 1862, Mustered out, July S. 1864. Appointed Brevel Brigadier General, U.S.V., February 17. 1869, to date March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious servi " during tlu ' "- 11 '-" Confirmed by the Senate. March ,;, iSim, 1 mi t no commission issued in consequence of the pro- hibition contained in .V 1 ol Man h 2, 1869. ! at South Weymouth. Mass.. November II, [875 * Bates, Ifamrs Klilmot. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3. 1880. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2159. In succession to Companion ( lolonel JAMES I . BA ["ES, deceased, at Somerville, Mass., Vugust u. [887 t-Bcal, ©forge iLafaurttc Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 12, 1869, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 677. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, APRIL 5, 1882. Captain, ist Maine Infantry, May 3, 1861. Mustered out, August 5, 1S61. Colonel, 10th Maine Infantry, October 4, 1861. Mustered nut. May 8, 1863. Colonel, 29th Maine Infantry, December 17, 1863. Brigadier General, U.S.V., November 30, 1864. Mustered out, January 15, 1S66. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., August 22, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for long and gallant services in the field." fJ3ran, Erbitifl fHrflTulloiujj). Captain, Fifth Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V ELECTED APRIL 1, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1556. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. Captain, 5th Wisconsin Infantry, May 3. 1861. Resigned, March 1, 1863. 15rd%rr, gllexatrtier l\urjolpli. ELECTED SEPTEMBER 1, 1868. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 872. BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A., April 5. 1S02. to June 21, 1S62. f Bell, Soseplj fHrfflfllan. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 1, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1557. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. ist Lieutenant, 2d New Mexico Infantry, October 26, 1861. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., July 24, 1862. Mustered out, September 9, 1866. Brevet Major and Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for distinguished services in the campaign of the Army of Virginia, and in the Department of the Northwest and Military Division of the Missouri." (37) Brnrtiirt, i!?rorgr ©rrntiillr. Second Lieutenant, Twelfth Vermont Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8267. BURLINGTON, VERMONT. Private, i2th Vermont [nfantry, October 4, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 12th Verm Infantry, January 23, 1863. Mustered out, July u. 1863 Benjamin, (fcjjarleg Hlfrei. First Lieutenant, Twenty-first New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 7, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1594. SALEM, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 127th N.Y. Infantry, August 26, 1862. Discharged, Maj 15, [863. zd 1 .ieutenant, 21 si N.V. 1 lavalry, January 26, 1864. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, February 16, 1865; mustere I, Vpril 20, [865. Mustered out, Juno 29, [866. Benson, 3irtjrrto fHrlAnn. Captain, First Maine Cavalry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 1, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1501. BOSTON. Private, 7th Maim- Infantry, April 29, [861 1st Lieutenant, 7th Maine Infantry, mbei 18, 1862. Captain, isl D.C. Cavalry, fanuarj 4, 1864. Transferred to 1-1 Maine Cavalry. February 10, 1804. Mustered out, August 1. 1865. Brevet Major, I ,S A . Man li 1 ), 1865, " foi gallant and meritorious serviees during the war." Brnt, ILittlKv Strtftnan. Major, Eighteenth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTEU NOVEMBER 1, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1366. STEELTON, PENNSYLVANIA. Private, 4th Infantry, M.V.M., in serviced the I ,S., May 22. 1861, Mustei out, July 22, 1 861. Sergeant, 1 8th Mass. Infantry, Ugust 6, t86i. 2d] iSth Mass. Infantry, July 13, 1 S<,2. Promoted isl 1 at, Decembi 1 r 24, 1863. Major, July 29, 1864. Mustered out, October 4, 1864 ir> 1 s.V., September 30, 1864, "foi ,,; "' •'" ,1 distinguished services at the battle of Peebles's Farm, Virginia." [8 Brrru, &f>raf)am $?un. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Eighth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, 1879. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1866. BOSTON. 1st Srrgeant, Nth Infantry, M.Y.M., September 15, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, Sth Infantry, M.V.M., May 6, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May 30, 1S63. Mustered out, August 7, 1S63. 1st Lieutenant, nth Unattached Company Infantry, M.V.M. (Co. "I," Sth M.V.M. ), May 16, 1S64. Mustered out, August 15, 1S64. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, Sth Infantry, M.V.M., August 16, 1S64. Mustered out, No- vember 10, 1S64. * Bertram, Sosrpli ftatfjg flflillrt. Major, Paymaster, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1258. Major, Paymaster, U.S.V., November 26, 1S62. Resigned (disability), July 27, 1S63. Lied at Salem, Mass., February 3. 1877. Btgrloto, jfranfe SUtnttirop. Captain, Fourth New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1877. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1798. WESTON, MASS. Sergeant, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1S61. Discharged, January 29, 1863. Captain. 4th N.Y. Cavalry, January 5, 1863. Discharged, March 25, 1S63. t Bigrlobj, Joijn. Captain, Ninth Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1124. TRANSFERRED TO COMMAND- ERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, FEBRUARY 2, 1887. Private, 2d Mass. Battery, April 21, 1S61. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Battery, May 2, 1S61. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, and mustered in, July 31, 1861. Resigned, December 18, 1S61. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 1st Battalion Mary- land Light Artillery, December 16, 1S61. Discharged, December 31, 1862. Captain, 9th Mass. Battery, February n, 1S63. Discharged, December 16, 1S64. Brevet Major, U.S.V., August I, 1S64, "for gallant services during the operations before Petersburg, Virginia." ( 39 Billings, llawv Eoss. Captain, Twentieth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3847. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Private, LSI Conn, [nfantry, V.pril 22, 1861, Mustered out. July 31, 1861. ant, 20th Conn. Infantry, Vugusl !I, [862 isl Lieutenant, 20th Conn. In- fantry, October 20, 1863 Pi ' iptain, Januarj !2, 1865. Mustered out, June ij. 1865. Binnru, 3mos. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8070. WALPOLE, MASS. By inheritance from AMOS BINNEY, Major, Additional Paymaster, U.S.V., August 5, i86l. Mustered out, December 26, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., Man h 1 3, 1865. Died, Man h II, 1880. f Bisiiop, H?rrbcrt fttarttn. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, First Connecticut Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4631. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 5, 1890. Assistant Surgeon, isi Conn. Cavalry, January 19, 1865; mustered, February t. 1865. Mustered out, August 2, 1865 Bixuu, Augustus 5?olmrs. Captain, First New Hampshire Cavalry — Brevet Major. U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3805. FRANCESTOWN, N.H. isi Lieutenant, i^t New England Cavalry, afterward ist R.I. Cavalry, D iso, : mustered, December 27, 1861. Promoted Captain, July 18, 1862; mustered, December 31, 1S62. Transferred to ist N.H. Cavalry, January 17, 1864. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), Novi 9, 1864. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1805, "for gallant and meritorious services neai Middleburg, Virginia." (40) Blaritmar, ©Htlmon ffiUjilltmi. Captain, First West Virginia Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1176. BOSTON. Private, Corporal and Sergeant, 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry, August 25, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 1st West Virginia Cavalry, March 3, 1864. Promoted Captain, May 15, 1865. Mustered out, July 8, 18(15. Blatstirll, JFranl?. ELECTED MARCH 1, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2363. WASHINGTON, D.C. By inheritance from WILLIAM BLAISDELL, Lieutenant Colonel, nth Mass. Infantry, June 13, 1861. Promoted Colonel, October II, 1861. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S. V., June 23, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious conduct." Killed in action before Petersburg, Virginia, June 23, 1S64. *33lafte, l?rnru Sours. Lieutenant, U.S.N ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 836. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N. A., September 29, 1S5S. Ensign, U.S.N., February 24, 1S63. Promoted Lieutenant, February 22, 1S64. Resigned, April 21, 1S66. Died at Paris, France, October n, 1S80. * Blake, James I?mru. First Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED MAY 5, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 756. 1st Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V. M., August 25, 1862; mustered, September 12, 1862. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. Died at Boston, November 12, 1889. (41 ) Blahrslrc, ^vastus. Colonel, First Connecticut Cavalry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1871. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1354. SPENCER, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, ist Conn. Cavalry, October is, r86i. Promoted ist Lieutenant, Adjutant, November 26, 1861. Captain, February 28, 1862. Major, July 14, 1863, " for gallantry near Harper's Ferry, Virginia." Lieutenant Colonel, May 23, 1864. 1 olonel, May 27, 1864. Musteredout, November2, 1864. Brevel Brigadier General, l'.S.\ . March [3, 1865, " for gallant conduct at Ashland, Virginia, June 1, 1864." * Blancliarfc, Uriifton 3urdius. Captain, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1393. ist Lieutenant, 35th Mass. Infantry, August 14, 1S62. Promoted Captain. January 1, 1863. Resigned (disability), November 30, 1S64. Died at Chelsea, Mass., September -',,. 1879. Blancliarto, jiamrs fflcans. Captain, Ninety-second U.S. Colored Troops. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1734. FITCHBURG, MASS. Private, 1st NIL Infantry, May 2, l86l, Mustered nut, August IO, l86l. Ist Sergeant and Sergeant-Major, 8th S.H. Infantry. September 14, 1861. Captain, 92d U.S.C.T., September 21. [863. Mustered out, December 31, 1S65. Blaslano, GRjtoaro Boutrllr. Major, Thirty-third Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1620. BOSTON. Captain, 33d Mass. Infantry, August 9,1862. Promoted Major, November 3. 1864. Mustered out, June 11. [865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13. 1865, " for gallant and meritorious -..nice-, at the battle ol Wauhatchie, Tenness (42I Bliss, Eenas Eattfrall. Colonel, Twenty-fourth Infantry, U.S.A. ELECTED NOVEMBER 1, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2601. FORT BAYARD, N.M. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July I, 1S50. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, 1st Infantry, U.S.A., July 1, 1854. 2d Lieutenant, 8th Infantry, March 3, 1S55. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, October 17, i860. Captain, May 14, 1861. Colonel, 10th R.I. Infantry, May 26, 1S62. Transferred to 7th R.I. Infantry, August 21, 1S62. Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Major, 39th Infantry, U.S.A., August 6, 1867. Transferred to 25th Infantry, March 15, 1S69. Lieutenant Colonel, 19th Infantry, March 4, 1S79. Colonel, 24th Infantry, April 20, 1886. Brevet Major, U.S.A., December 13, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., May 7, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness. Virginia." 13lotigrrt, (Eiavtmrr Spring. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster — Brevet Major, U.S.A. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5026. BURLINGTON, VT. Captain, A.Q.M.. U.S.V., August 3, 1S61. Captain, A.Q.M., U.S.A., July 2, 1864. Resigned October 14, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 13, 1S65, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Blotigctt, Pearl Eauis. Captain, Tenth Vermont Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5466. ST. JOHNSBURY, VT. 1st Lieutenant, ioth Vermont Infantry, August 30, 1862; mustered, September 1, 1862. Proriioted Captain, December 27, 1862; mustered, January 1, 1S63. Dis- charged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), November 22, 1S64. Captain, 2d V.R.C., December 3, 1864. Resigned, October 28, 1S65. (4i) * Blunt, 3sa flJeafroHg. Major, Assistant Quartermaster, assigned as Colonel and Quarter- master — Brevet Colonel, U.S.A. — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1565. [si Lieutenant, Vdjutant, jd Vermonl Infantry, June 6, 1861; mustered, July 16, 1S01. Discharged to accept promotion, Septembei 25, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, 6th Vt. Infantry, October 15, 1861. Discharged to :pl promotion, Si pb mber 19, 1S62. Colonel, t2th Vt. Infantry, October 4, 1862, Mustered out, July 14, 1863. 1 iptain, A.Q.M., I'.SA ., February 29, 1864; accepted, April r, [864; vacated, April , [867; assigned as Colonel and Q.M., U.S.V. 1 let July 4, 1864), July 31, 1S66, to fanuary 1, 1867. Captain, A.Q.M., I .S.A., March28, [867; accepted, April 9, 1S67. Promoted Major, Q.M., September 30, [889. Brevet Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel, I .S.V., fune 9, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V ., March 13, [865, "for faithful ami meritorious sen Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 28, l867,"for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of I ee's Mill, Vpril 10. 1862." Brevel Lieutenant Colonel, L* S.A., March 28, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious servici - in the battle of Savage Station, Virginia." mel, 1 .S.A., March 28, [867, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died .11 Manchester, VII.. < tatober 4, [889. Bolster, Solomon &lottfo. Second Lieutenant, Twenty-third Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4381. ROXBURY, MASS. ist - 1 tine Infantry, Septembei- 10, iS(>2; mustered, September jo, [862. 2d Lieutenant. 23d Maine Infantry. November 24, 1862 Mustered out, July IS, 1863. Bonti, ilrlson jFrrrman. Captain. Thirty-first Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V ELECTED MAY 2, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2804. FITCHBURG, MASS. Private and isl Sergeant, 31st Mass. Infantry, Octobei ;, t86l; mustered, November 20, 1861. isl Lieutenant, jisl Mass Infantry, February 20, 1862; mus- tered, Novembei 20, [862. Promoted Captain, Vprtl 15, 1864; mustered, August 9, 1864. Mustered out, Sepl 1 9, 1865. Brevel Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "foi meritorious Port Hudson, Sabine Cross Roads, Moore's Plantation, Pine Wood, yellow Bayou, 1 ouisiana; and in the Mobile camp 11 Bonn, aEtlltam Stttrrris. First Lieutenant, Forty-fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 986. BOSTON. ist Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., September \i, 1862. Mustered out, July 7, 1863. 13ootrj, (GJrorgr. Second Lieutenant, Ninth Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1141. TRANSFERRED TO THE COM- MAMDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, OCTOBER 4, 1871. TRANSFERRED TO THE COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 6, 1879. NEW YORK. 2d Lieutenant, oth Mass. Battery, January I, 1S65. Mustered out, June 6, 1865. Botittocll, ILcslir Barnes. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 2d CLASS. INSIGNIA 8072. GREENFIELD, MASS. Eldest son of Companion First Lieutenant NATHAN B. BOUTWELL. Boutvjjrll, ilanjan Barnes. First Lieutenant. Adjutant, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2393. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 13th N.H. Infantry, September 18, 1862. Promoted ist Lieutenant, Adjutant, March 24, 1863. Discharged (disability), May 5, 1865. Motdir, (Eitoarti Cracu. Major, Twenty-sixth New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 954. HINGHAM, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 32d Mass. Infantry, June 16, 1862. Promoted ist Lieutenant, September I, 1S62. Discharged, December 28, 1862. Captain, 4th Mass. Cavalry, January 22, 1 S64. Commissioned Major, May 7, 1865; not mustered. Discharged, April 5, 1865. Major, 26th N.Y. Cavalry, February 28, 1865. Mustered out, July 7, 1865. 145) Bototritrli, Cfjarles Pickering. Captain, Fifth Massachusetts Cavaliy, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL t, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3788. BOSTON. 2.1 Lieutenant, 55th Mass. Infantry, Maj 23, [863; mustered, May 26, 1S63. Promoted isl Lieutenant, June 7, 1863. Captain, June 29, 1863. Discharged, ruary 6, 1864. Captain, 5th Mass. ' avalry, January 7, 1864; mustered, February 23, r.864. Resigned, August 2j, 1864. Bototiitrl], (Etofoatfj. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4332. ALBANY, N.Y. B) inheritance from NATHANIEL BOWDITCH, 2d lieutenant 1st Mass. Cavalry, November 5, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, October 30, 1S62. hud of Mound- received at Kelly's Ford, Virginia, March 19, 1863. Uototiitrli, H?rnvu Sngrrsoll. ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. 3d CLASS. INSIGNIA 7967. BOSTON. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion, was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. An early advocate for humane and systematic relief of suffering among the wounded. A constant volunteer in all emergencies for active service in the field. Responding with personal service, with pen and with purse to every patriotic call. Uotocn, 3mos ffltllcr. First Lieutenant, Second Rhode Island Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8053. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private, 1st Infantry, R.I. Detached Militia, in service of the U.S., April 15, 1861; mustered, May 2, 1861. Discharged, July 14, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, 2d R.I. Infantry, January 22, 1S63; mustered, February 16, 1863. Mustered out, June 16, 1864. (46) Botocrs, Cijarlcs (Efctoarti. First Lieutenant, Twenty-sixth New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1872. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1419. NORTH CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Private, Sergeant and 1st Sergeant, 32. 1 Mass. Infantry, June 10, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 3 2d Mass. Infantry, December 30, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 1, 1864. Discharged (disability), October 25, 1864. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, March 2, 1S65; not mustered. 2d Lieutenant, 26th N.Y. Cavalry, January 12, 1S65. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May 1, 1S65. Mustered out, June 30, 1S65. *J8otocrs, ©rorgr. Lieutenant Colonel, Tenth Veteran Reserve Corps. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2548. ist Lieutenant, 9 th Infantry, U.S.A., April 9, 1847. Promoted Captain, Decem- ber 2, 1847, "for distinguished services at Chapultepec" Discharged, August 26, 1848.' Brevet Captain, U.S.A., August 20, 1847. " for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at Contreras and Churubusco." Lieutenant Colonel, 13th N.H. Infantry, August 22, 1862. Resigned, May 31, 1S63. Lieutenant Colonel, 10th V.R.C., November 15, 1S63. Mustered out, November 10, 1865. Died at Nashua, N.H., February 14, 1884. Bogle, Samrs. Second Lieutenant, Thirty-seventh New York Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7398. WARE, MASS. Musician, Corporal and Sergeant, 37 th N.Y. Infantry, June 7, 1861. 2d Lieu- tenant, 37th N.Y. Infantry, November II, 1862. Mustered out, June 22, 1863. Uratra, (Scorgc ISHilliam. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Eighteenth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1877. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1 764. NEW YORK. Private, 1st Sergeant and Sergeant- Major, iSth Conn. Infantry, August 7, 1862. lit Lieutenant, Adjutant, .Sth Conn. Infantry, October 20, .864. Mustered out, July 6, 1865. (47) Bivunrrrj, 1'nlirrt. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, First Vermont Cavalry, u.s.v. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3877. SAINT ALBANS, VT. Quartermaster Sergeant, isl Vei I ' a \. dry. August i6, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 1st Vermont Cavalry, April 1. i>>i>4; mustered, May ;. 1864. Discharged ibility), July 6, 1864. Ikrcfc, 3olin ILrslir. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8071. SALEM, MASS. By inheritance from JOSEPH i:\UK\ BRECK, Acting Ensign, U.S.N., February 27. 1S0;. Promoted Icting Muster, August 8, 1863. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, November in, 1863. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander, No- vember 25, 1864. Died, Jul) z6, 1865. Brrmstrr, Dawv fHilton. Captain, Tenth Veteran Reserve Corps — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1617. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Private, 57th N.Y. Infantry, July [8, l86l; mustered, August 24. 1S61. 2d Lieutenant. 57th N.Y. Infantry, September 17, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, December 9, [862. Captain, 10th V.R.C., August 10, 1S63. Resigned, August i, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., July ii, 1865, " for meritorious conduct at Antietam and at Fredericksburg." * Brtggs, H.J(\uv Sfjato. Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 5, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1433. Captain, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service ol the U.S., April 30, 1S61. Colonel, 10th Mass. Infantry, June 10, 1861. Brigadier General, U.S.V., July 17, 1862. Mustered out, December 4, 1865. Died at Pittsfield, Mass., September jj. 1SS7. (48 Urtggs, 3amcs JFrattfcltn. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Eleventh New Hamp- shire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1885. 1 5T CLASS. INSIGNIA 3880. MANCHESTER, N.H. I 1st Lieutenant, R.Q.M., I illi N.H. Infantry, August 22, 1862; mustered, September 2, 1S62. Resigned, December 29, 1862. Recommissioned, January 2S. 1863. Discharged, August I, 1863. Briggs, 3amrs SHindirll. Second Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED AUGUST 4. 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 871. BOSTON. 2.1 Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., September 12, 1S62. Mustered out, June iS, 1863. Brigfjam, Hlfrrt BBfOart. Captain, Third Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 1, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1505. BOSTON. Private and Corporal, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1861. Discharged (disa- bility resulting from wounds received in action), October 22, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery, August II, 1863. Promoted Captain, October 13. 1 Si .4. Mustered out, September 18, 1865. Brotifjcati, (Jlrorgr Hamilton. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5997. BOSTON. By inheritance from JOSIAH A. BKOADIIEAD, (,'aptain, A.Q.M., U.S.V., April 14, 1862. Major, Additional Paymaster, U.S.V., November 26, 1862. Mus- tered out, April 1, 1869. Major, Paymaster. U.S.A., July 25, 1875. Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel, U.S.V., December 27, 1865, " for faithful services in bis department." Died April 3, 1884. (49) Broofts, Pfjilltps. ELECTED MAY 2, 1888. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 6341. BOSTON. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion, was specially distinguished foi »pii ii ius ind consistent loyally. An orator whose voice from the pulpil gave no uncertain sound. His service was conspicuous and his loyally a moral The special services he rendered arc best expressed in these wi neral Meade .it the Third Reunion of the Societj of the Army of the Potomac in 1871 : "I have him for a long time, and during the war in the pulpit which he occupied in Philadelphia. 1 have personal knowledge of his eminent services, not only in the hospitals ministering to the sick and dying, but bj his fervid eloquence in the pulpit and elsewhere, stirring patriotic hearts to greater work and sustaining those who went to the front for their country." t Broomr, 3oIm ILlouti. Lieutenant Colonel (Retired), U.S. Marine Corps. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1630. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 7, 1884. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, JANUARY 4, 1888. 2d Lieutenant, U.S.M.C., January 12, [848. Promoted 1 si Lieutenant, Septem- ber 28, 1857. Captain, July 20. 1861. Major, 1 ibei 8, 1864. Lieut Colonel, March 16,1879. Retired March 8, 1888 Brevet Major, U.S.M.C, April 24, 1S02. "for gallant and meritorious services." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, I .S.M.C., March 14, [863, "for gallant and meritorious services .it the 51 battle of Vicksburg, July 15. [862, and at the battle of Port Hudson, March 1 t. 1863.' Brotim, Charles 1t?rnro Calhoun. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Seventh U.S. Colored Troops — Brevet Captain, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 1, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2243. BOSTON. Private and Corporal, 39th Mass. Infantry, August 7, [862 Discharged to i promotion, Octobei 2, 1863. 2d Lieutenant. 7th 1 ,S.< I . October 15, [863 ited 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant. October 21. 1S04. Mustered out. tictohei 1 ;. Brevet Captain, 1 .S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious es." .0) faSroton, 3oim fflarsiiall. Lieutenant Colonel Thirty-second Maine Infantry — Brevet Brig- adier General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 25, 1866, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 261. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE AS CHARTER MEMBER, JUNE 6, 1866. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSA- CHUSETTS, DECEMBER 1, 1876. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, MARCH 1, 1882. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 20th Maine Infantry, September i, 1S02. Discharged to accept promotion, June 29, 1863. Captain, Assistant Adjutanl General, U.S.V. , June 23, 1S63. Resigned, May 10, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel, 32.I Maine Infantry, March 26, 1864. Discharged, September 12, 1864. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1805. -fur distinguished gallantry in the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania." Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V.. March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Broton, Cijomas jTrrtrrtr. Captain, First Rhode Island Light Artillery — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1880. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 21 1 9. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Private and Corporal, 1st R.I. Light Artillery, June 6, 1861. 2,1 Lieutenant, 1st R.I. Light Artillery, August 13, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, December 29, 1862. Captain, April 13, 1864. Mustered out, June 12, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., December 3, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle ol I' River." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., April 9. '8<>5- " f« meritorious and valuable services during the recent campaign terminating with the surrender ..I the insurgent army under General Robert E. Lee." Brotonc, &6el barker. Major, Fortieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1414. BOSTON. 1st Sergeant, 2d Corps of Cadets, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 28, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 40th Mass. Infantry, September 5. 1862. Promoted Major, August 26, 1863. Resigned, March 5, 1864. (51 ) Bruce, (Seorge Vinson. Captain, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 1, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1369. SOMERVILLE, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 13th N.H. Infantry, September 20, 1862. Promoted 1 aptain, May 30, [864. Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Brevel Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 1 ;. 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the Bulitrr, jloscpli Augustus. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. ELECTED DECEMBER 3, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1507. BOSTON. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., December ;. 1861. Resigned, June 16, 1865 Butilontj, Sofjn Clarke. Major, Surgeon, Third Rhode Island Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2307. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private, 3d R.I. Cavalry, July 1, 1863. Assist. ml Surgeon, .,'1 K.I. Cavalry, July 29, [863. Promoted Major, Surgeon, November it'. 1863. Mustered nut, Novembei 29, 1865 Bumpus, (Gf&erett iTrpiias. First Lieutenant, Third Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8054. BOSTON. Private, 4th Infantry, M.V.M., in service ol the l .S., April 22, 1861. Mustered out, July -'.'. 1861. Private, 44th Infantry, M.V.M.,in service of the U.S., September 12, 1862. Mustered out, June (8, [863. 2d Lieutenant, loth Unattached Company Mass. Heavy Artillery, afterward 3d Mass. Heavj Vrtillery, September 1. (863 Promoted i-t I ieul t, 1 li tobi 1 28, [864 Mustered out, September [8, 1S65. 52) * Bunfcrr, Oaliiti iTljayrr. Major, Third Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1677. Private, 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 25, 1862. Mustered out, June I, 1862. Captain, 33d Mass. Infantry, May 31, 1S62. Captain. 3d Mass. Cavalry, July 31, 1S62. Promoted Major, August 7, 1S64. Mustered out, June 6, 1865. Died at Demerara, British Guiana, February 5, 18S8. Bunton, l?ruru Sglbanuis. ELECTED FEBRUARY 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4466. HYOE PARK, MASS. Private and Hospital Steward, 7II1 N.H. Infantry, December 26, 1S64. Mus- tered out, July 20, 1865. By inheritance from SYLVANUS BUNTON, Assistant Surgeon, 2d N.H. Infantry, July 29, 1S62; mustered, August 9, 1S62. Mustered out, June 21, 1S64. Assistant Surgeon, 7th N.H. Infantry, June 24, 1S64. Promoted Major and Sur- geon, August 24, 1S64; mustered, September 2, 1S64. Mustered out, July 20, 1865. Died, August 13, 1SS4. * Burnliam, Srtijur Sfttbrrt. Captain, Corps of Engineers — Brevet Major, U.S A ELECTED MAY 6, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1597. Cadet, U.S.M.A., June u, i860. 1st Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers. U.S.A., June 13, 1864. Promoted Captain, March 6, 1867. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., August 23, 1864, "for highly meritorious services at the Siege of forts Gaines and Morgan, Alabama." Brevet Major, U.S.A , March 26, 1865, "f° r gallant and meritorious services during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its defences." Died at Lowell, Mass., September 12, 1S77. * Burniiain, Joljn p?enrg. Lieutenant Colonel, Sixteenth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1172. HARTFORD, CONN. Private, 1st Conn. Infantry, July iS, 1861. Mustered out, July 31. 1S61. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 16th Conn. Infantry, July 30, 1862. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, December 26, 1862. Mustered out, June 24, 1865. Died at Middletown, Conn., April 10, 1S83. (53) * Buvnsttif, Hmurosc Urtirrrtt. Major General, U.S-V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 889. ' il.i. I .S.M.A., Jul) i, i S.j. 3 . Brevet 2d Lieutenant, 2d Artillery, U.S.A., Inly i, i s 1 7 . j.l Lieutenant, 3d Artillery, Sepl 1 s . 1 S47. Promoted isl I ieutenant, D 1 12, is,i Resigned, October 2. [853. Colonel, 1st R.I. I'M In -I Militia, April 16, 1S61 ; mustered, May 2, 1861. Mustered out, August 2, 1861 Brigadiei General, I .S.V., lugust 6, 1861. Promoted Major General, U.S. V., March 18, 1862. Resigned, Vpril 14. 1865. Died at Bristol, R.I., September 1 5, 1881. t Burpee, Hucten jTranris. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4257. TRANSFERRED TO COMMAND- ERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, DECEMBER 1. 1886. , B) inheritance from THOMAS i BURPEE, Captain, 14th Conn. Infantry, fuly i-'. [862. Major, -i>i Conn. Infantry. August 2,;, [862. Promoted I ieutenant 1 olonel, Septembei ;. 1862. Commissioned ' olonel, June 8, 1864; not mustered. Died of wounds received at Cold Harbor, \ a., June 11,1 Bunrll, Isaac Sanlirrson. Colonel, Forty-second Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2199. BOSTON. Colonel, 4-M Infantry, M.V.M., November 6. 1862. Prisoner of war at mustei oul .-I regiment, August 20, 1863; discharged, Jul) 22, 1864. Colonel, 42d Infantry, M.V.M., August 10, 1804. Mustered out, November II, 1804. t BiuTouglis, ©eorge iEgler. Captain, Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 1, 1878. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1820. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 8, 1879. Private, 7 is! Infantry, N.Y.S.M., in servii e ol the I S., ^pril 19, 1861 : mustered, April 2f. 1861. Mustered out, Jul) 30, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 43d N.Y. Infantry, iber 16, 1861. Captain, < Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V., February 19, 1863. Resigned, June 22. 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., June 24, iS's. " foi faithful meritorious (54) *Busf), JFranrts, Junior. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 813. ut Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 44th Infantry, M.V.M., September .2, 1863. Mus tered out, June 18, 1863. Died .n Ules of Shoals, August in, 1S74. Butler, amintljrop. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N ELECTED APRIL 4. 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 61 8 1 . V.NEYARD HAVEN, MASS. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., April 25, 1862. Discharged, November 20, 1865. Cabot, (Etitoart Clarfe. Lieutenant Colonel Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 852. BOSTON. Lieutenant Colonel, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., August 29, .862; mustered, Sep- tember 12, 1862. Mustered out, June iS, 1863. Cabot, iLouis. Major, Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2483. BROOKLINE, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, December 26, 1861. Discharged to accept promotion, fanuary 15, 1863. 1st Lieutenant, 2,1 Mass. Cavalry, January 15. 1863. Promoted Captain, May 12, 1863. Discharged to accept promotion, February 5, 1S64. Major, 4 th Mass. Cavalry, February 25, 1864. Resigned, January 17, 1865. (55) t (ITaliot, Stephen. Major, First Battalion Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 923. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, OCTOBER 20, 1868. Captain, isl Battalion Mass. Heavy Artillery, February 29, 1S62. Promoted Major, Ma) 1 ^. 1863, Mustered out, February 27, 1S65. Calef, Benjamin Sbrebc. Captain, Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE I, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1217. BOSTON. Private, nth N.Y. Infantry, Juno 20, iSin. Discharged to accept promotion, October 3, 1861. isl Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 2d U.S. Sharpshooters, October 3,1861. Captain, A.D.C., U.S.V., September 14, 1864. Resigned (disability resulting from imprisonment as prisoner of war . I >> rember 31, 1S64. Campbell, gfabrefo, 2b. Captain, Forty-sixth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 1, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7567. WESTFIELD, MASS. i. 46th Infantry. M.V.M., September 25, 1S62. Mustered out, July 25, 1863. Campbell, Cijarles 3tmrr. Second Lieutenant, Fortieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S V ELECTED NOVEMBER I, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1367. CHELSEA, MASS. Private, Sergeant and Q.M. Sergeant, 40th Mass. Infantry, August 7, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 40th Mass. Infantry, August 30, 1S63. Discharged, February 8, 1 81 1 1 (56) Cannier, aHtlltam Hatfjam. Captain, Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 984. BROOKLINE, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, isl Mass. Infantry, May 28, 1861. Captain, A.D.C., U.S.V., November 10, 1S62. Resigned, May 12, 1863. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Antietam, Maryland." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. , March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia." (Eapron, gtotn iSallou. First Lieutenant, Signal Corps — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6500. STILLWATER, R.I. Sergeant and Sergeant-Major, 2d R.I. Infantry, May 5, 1861; mustered, June 6, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 2d R.I. Infantry, July 24, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 24. 1S62. 1st Lieutenant, Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. Mustered out, Sep- tember 1, 1865. Brevet Captain, U.S.V., December 5, 1864, "for faithful and meritorious services." Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." *(ttarlcton, Charles fflonro. Major, Surgeon, Eighteenth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1351. Major, Surgeon, 18th Conn. Infantry, August 12, 1862. Discharged (disability), May 17, 1863. Died at Norwich, Conn., December 30, 1886. Carney., (Srorgr 3ames. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1512. LOWELL, MASS. Captain, A.Q.M., U.S.V., February 29, 1864. Resigned, July 4, 1865. (57) (Carpenter, ©rorgr jlatfjantel. Captain, Commissary of Subsistence, US V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2524. BROOKLINE, MASS. Sergeanl Major, 8th Vermont Infantry, February iS, 1S62. 1st Lieutenant, 8th Vermonl Infantry, June I, 1862. Promoted Captain, August 15, 1863. Disch July j. 1804. ( aptain, C.S., I .s.\ .. May 24, 1864. Mustered out, June 21, 1S65. t (famuli, Militant <5Hart>. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1301. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANOERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, APRIL 30, 1883. 1st Lieutenant. R.Q.M., 4th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 22, 1861. Mustered out, July 22, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 6th Battery, Mass. Light Artillery, January 20, 1S02. Promoted Captain, September 7, 1862. Discharged, October 2, 1863. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, L'.S.V., September 4, 1863. Resigned, December 22, 1863. t Carter, llobrrt <§olMt)Ujattr. First Lieutenant (Retired), USA ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1878. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1855. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, JANUARY 4, 1882. Private, 22d Mass. Infantry, August 5, 1862. Discharged, October 14, 1864. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July 1, 1865. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Cavalry, U.S. A., June 15, 1870. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, February 21, 1875. Retire.!, June 2S, 1876, "fur .li- ability incurred in line of duty." Carter, Solon Augustus. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1727. CONCORD, N.H. Captain, 14th N.H. Infantry, September 22, 1862. Resigned, July 15, 1 864. (aptain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., July 15, 1864. Resigned, August 7. 1865. Brevet Major and Brevel Lieutenant Colonel, I SA'., March 1 ;. 1S1.5, "t'..r gallant and meritorious services during the war." (58) ftijalmerg, Samrs (Collins. First Lieutenant, Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V, ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1 884. 1 „ CLASS. INSIGNIA 3502. ADAMS, MASS. Private and Commissary Sergeant, 37 fh Mass. Infantry, September 4, .862. 2d Lieutenant, 37* Mass. Infantry, November 20, .86, Promoted 1st Lieutenant, December 5, .863. Discharged (disability resulting from wound received rn ac- tion), July 30, 1864. Cijamberlain, (Cents $atijaniel. Major, Surgeon — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 6, 1883. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 2806. LAWRENCE, MASS. Major, Surgeon, 10th Mass. Infantry, June 2., .86.. Major, Surgeon, U.S.V April .3, .S6 3 . Resigned, October ,, l86 S . Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., October 6, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." t Chamberlain, Sogftua ILatovcnce. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 1, 1865, IN COMMANDERS OF THE STATE OP PENNSV LVAN*. 1 «OU^ ,NS,GN,A 62. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERV OF THE STATE OF MAN* A .CHARTER MEMBER, JUNE 6, ,866. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERV OF THE STATE OF MASSACHU- SETTS. DECEMBER ,, 1876. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERV OF THE STATE OF MA,NE. APRIL 30, 1882. Lieutenant Colonel, 20th Maine Infantry, August S, .862. Promoted Colonel, June .3, .863. Brigadier General, U.S.V., June .8, .864. Mustered out, January , S , .866. Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 29, .865, "for conspicuous gal- lantry and meritorious services in action on the Quaker Road, Virgima." Chamberlain, Samuel (Emerg. Colonel, Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry - Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1875. I ST CLASS. INSIGNIA 1615. WETHERSFIELD. CONN. Private 1st Dragoons, U.S.A., June l6", 1846. Discharged, June 30, .848. 1st Lieutenant, ,d Infantry, M.V.M, in service of the U.S., April 23, .86.. Mustered out July 22, .86.. Private. 1st Mass. Cavalry, September 6, .861. Capta.n, 1st Mass Cavalry, November 25, .86. . Promoted Major, October 30. .862. Lteu- tenant Colonel, March S , .864. Colonel, September 30, 1864. Transferred to 5 th Mass. Cavalry, July 26, .865. Mustered out, November 28, .865. Brevet Br.gad.er General, U.S.V., February 24, 1865. (59) st CTiunUirrlain, Falenttne Burt. Captain, Seventh Connecticut Infantry, U S V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1180. NEW BRITAIN, CONN. 2,1 Lieutenant, 71I1 Conn. Infantry, Septembei 5, [861. Promoted 1 luK 1. 1862, Resigned, Vpril 27, [865 CCijamore, Mint £>t. 3ofjn. Chaplain, Eighth New Jersey Infantry, U S.V. ELECTED MAY 2, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6339. LOWELL, MASS. Chaplain, 1-1 VI. Infantry, May to, r,86i. Mustered out, Jul} 31, 1861. ("lup- lain, 8th N.J. Infantry, September 14. 1861. Resigned, March 19, 1863 t (Eftanoler, 3otjn ©odjatn. Lieutenant Colonel, Deputy Quartermaster General — Brevet Colo- nel, U.S.A. ELECTED JANUARY 10, 1872. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1371. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, NOVEMBER 1, 1882. i ,,!,i. IJ.S.M \. Septembei i, 1848. Brevel 2d Lieutenant, 3d Artillery, 1 ,S V., July 1, 1853. 2d Lieutenant, Decembei 24, 1853. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, ,1. [856. Captain, AQ.M., Maj 17,1861 Assigned as Lieutenanl Colonel, Q M \,i luK 17. 1862), January 1, 1863. Relieved as Lieutenant Colonel, Q.M., August 1. 1865. Major, Q.M., Januarj iS, [867 Lieutenanl Colonel, Deputj Q.M. General, March 1. 1879. Brevet Major, Brevet Lieutenanl Colonel, and Brevel Colonel, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." :; Oantiln\ Samuel (Elliot. First Lieutenant. Adjutant, Seventh Missouri Cavalry, U.S.V ELECTEO OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1730. Private, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., in servici of the U.S., Ma) I, 1861 1' [anuarj 20, [862 [being prisonei ol war at mustei merit). Quartermaster int, 12th Mass. Infantry, lugusl [2, [862 Dis harged to accept promotion, fune ii, i s o; 1-1 I ieutenant, Adjutant, 71I1 Missouri I avalry, May 22, 1863. Ke- signed, December 13, 186 \. Died .u Cambridge, Mass., February 22, 1881 60 1 eriiaplin, SEinfirfo Scott. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5033. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July I, 1866. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, U.S.A., June 15, 1870. Resigned, April 6, 1S72. By inheritance from DANIEL CHAPLIN, Captain, 2d Maine Infantry, May 28,1861. Promoted Major, September 13, 1861. Colonel, 1 8th Maine Infantry, afterward 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, July II, 1S62; mustered, August 2., 1862. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., August , 7 , 1S64, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Deep Bottom, Virginia." Died at Philadelphia, Pa, August 20, 1864, of wounds received at Deep Bottom, Va, August 17. 1864. Cliannian, Charles firnrg. Captain, Forty-first United States Colored Troops. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6041. PROVIDENCE, R.I. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 5 th R.I. Heavy Artillery, November 30, 1861; mus- tered, December 16, 1861. Resigned, May 10, 1862. Sergeant Major, 39th Mass. Infantry, September 4, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 39th Mass. Infantry, August 30, 1862; mustered, November 11, 1862. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, September 6, 1864; not mustered. Discharged to accept promotion, April 29, 1865. Captain, 41st t .S.C.T, April 50, 1865. Mustered out, December 10, 1865. Chapman, ©eorge Dunham. Colonel, Fifth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5234. MIDDLETOWN, CONN. Major, S th Conn. Infantry, July 23, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, October 23, 1S61. Colonel, April 7, 1S62. Resigned, January 28, 1S63. Chasr, .franklin Augustus. Captain, Fourth Rhode Island Infantry. U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3718. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Corporal, 1st Infantry, R.I.D.M., in service of the U.S., May 2, 1861. Mustered out, August 2, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 4th R.I. Infantry, October 30, 1861. Promoted 1st' Lieutenant, November 20, 1861. Captain, August 11, 1862. Mustered out, October 15, 1864. ( 61 ) (Ttinu-u. (Stofoart Jttartin. First Lieutenant, Thirty-third Massachusetts Infantry, U.SV. ELECTED DECEMBER 2, 1885. Hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 4347. JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. ml and Commissar] Sergeant, ;;! Mass. Infantry, Vugust ;, [862. 2d Lieutenant, (3d Mass. Infantry, Vpril ;. [863. Promoted isi Lieutenant, [uly 29, 1863. Mustered out, June 11. 1S65. (iTIirnru, JFrank Kloofcbritigf. Lieutenant Colonel, Sixteenth Connecticut Infantry, U.SV. ELECTED OCTOBER 5, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1219. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. Lieutenant Colonel, 16th Conn. Infantry, August 15, 1S02. Discharge ability resulting from wounds received in action), December -"4. 1S62. (Tliniru, prison iTolliu. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Thirteenth New Hamp- shire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY I, 1882. Isi CLASS. INSIGNIA 2329. MANCHESTER, N.H. isi Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 13th N.H. Infantry, September 3, 1S62. Discharged disability), Angus! 6, 1 86 | (tlriUi, iTiiamas. First Lieutenant. Thirty-first Maine Infantry — Brevet Captain. U.SV. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2598. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private, iqth Maine Infantry. July 14, 1862; mustered, August 25, 1S62. 1st Lieutenant, ;2il Maine Infantry, April -'7. 1864; mustered, August 14. 1864. Trans- ferred t>> 31st Maine Infantry, December 12, 1S64. Mustered out. July 15, 1865. Brevet Captain, I SA .. April 2. 1805. " for gallant ami meritorious conduct in action before Petersburg. Virginia." Ctipirrfjttl, ©artmer Sgapij, Acting Ensign, U.S.N. ELECTEO MARCH 1, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1290. DORCHESTER, MASS. Acting Ensign, (J.S.N., Decembei 15, (862. Resigned, June 3. 1S04. Acting Ensign, I S V. 1864. Resigned, April 4. 1S65. 62) Cliurrhtll, CTiiomas ILorincj. Acting First Assistant Engineer, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 6, 1877. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1797. CHELSEA, MASS. Acting 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., April 20, 1S63. Promoted Acting 2d Assistant Engineer, April 16, 1864. Acting 1st Assistant Engineer, February 8, 1865. Discharged, July 15, 1865. Clark, diaries f rtrr. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 7, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3678. NEW HAVEN, CONN. Acting Ensign, U.S.N. October 3, 1S62. Promoted Acting Master, July 18, 1863. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, August 9, 1S64, " for highly meritorious ser- vices." Discharged, November 20, 1S65. Clark, diaries $ctrr, Junior. ELECTED MAY 4, 1887. 2d CLASS. INSIGNIA 5568. NEWTON HIGHLANDS, MASS. Eldest son of Companion Acting Volunteer Lieutenant CHARLES P. CLARK. * Clark, 3osq)I) Uonti. Captain. Eleventh New Hampshire Infantry. U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4628. 1st Lieutenant, nth N.H. Infantry, August 7, 1862; mustered, August 21, 1862. Promoted Captain, May I, 1863. Mustered out, June 4, 1S65. Died at Manchester, N.H.. October 22, 1886. Clark, Hinus Cbrrrtt. Captain, Sixty-first Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8055. CHARLESTOWN, MASS. Corporal and Sergeant, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 15, 1862. Mustered out, August 7, 1863. Sergeant, nth Unattached Company Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 16, 1864. Mustered out, August 15, 1864. Captain, 6lst Mass. Infantry, December 30, 1S64. Mustered out, July 16, 1865. (63) * Clark, Hantiolpli fHarsliall. First Lieutenant, First Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1318. 1st Lieutenant, 1st Mass. (Vnalry, December 20. iS6i. C.mi missioned Captain, Januarj 6, 1863; not mustered. Resigned, August 8, 1^"; Died at Dedham, Mass., September 11. 1873. Clarke, 31bm. First Lieutenant, Thirteenth Vermont Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 4, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5950. BOSTON. Private ami 1st Sergeant, 13th Vermont Int'.uitn. \ ULCiist 25, 1S62; mustered, Octobei to, (862. 1st Lieutenant, 13th Vermont Infantry, January 22, 1863. Mustered out, July 21, 1863 (Elarfte, Augustus ^rrfc. Major, Surgeon, Sixth New York Cavalry, U S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6683. CAMBRIDGEPORT, MASS. Assistant Surgeon, 6tb N.Y. Cavalry, August t. 1861 ; mustered, October 2, 1861 Promoted Major. Surgeon, May 8, 1S63. Transferred to 2.1 Provisional N.Y. Cavalry, June 17, 1865. Mustered out, August 9, 1865. *Clarfer, JFranfc. Paymaster (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1468. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., December 4, 1S62. Passed Assistant Pay- master, July 23, 1866. Promoted Paymaster, June 5, 1S68. Died at Mare Island, ( lal . April 2. 1S79. 64 ) Clarfce, Gliomas aEilltam. Captain, Twenty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1885. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 4426. BOSTON. Captain, company attached to 4th Infantry, M.V.M . and to Mass. Battalion of Infantry at Fortress Monroe, afterwards Co. A., 29th Mass. Infantry, April 20, 1861; mustered, May 21, 1S61. Commissioned Colonel, November 8, 1S64; not mustered. Mustered out, July 29, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 15. 1S65, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Clarke, asailltam Butlrv. ELECTED DECEMBER 2, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4344. BOSTON. By inheritance from Companion Pay Director A.DOLPHUS EUGENE WAT- SON, U.S.N., deceased. Clarke, Militant (EfctoarH. First Lieutenant, Eleventh Rhode Island Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 4, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2712. PROVIDENCE, R.I. 2d Lieutenant, nth R.I. Infantry, October I, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, March 6, 1863. Mustered out, July 13, 1863. *Cobb, BKtlliam Samuel. Captain, Third Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 1, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1204. Captain, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., September 26, 1862. Mustered out, June 26, 1863. Died at New Bedford, Mass., December 7, 1878. (65) (folium, (Charles lijniro. First Lieutenant, Regimental Commissary of Subsistence, First United States Colored Cavalry. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1515. LOWELL, MASS. Private and Commissary Sergeant, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., i" service of the U.S., September i. [862. ist Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 6th infantry, M.V.M., February 4, 1863 Mustered out, June ;. 1863. isi Lieutenant, R.C.S., 1 si I ,S. Colored Iry, December 4, 1863. Resigned, Ma) 10, 1865. CCorijrane, JUtlltain i>rnry Dearborn. Major, Quartermaster — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 7, 1885. In CLASS. INSIGNIA 3710. NASHUA, N.H. Private, isl N.H. Infantry, April m [86l; mustered May i, iSt.i. Mustered "in. Vugusl 'i. iSiii. On duty in Q.M. Department, 2d Division, 2d Corps, August _•<>, i St ii . t, . Vugusl 24, 1862. ist Lieutenant, 10th N.H. infantry, August 20. 1862; mustered, September iS, 1862. Appointed Adjutant, January 1, 1863. Captain V.Q.M., U.S.V., Februarj 7, 1863. Assigned is Major, Q.M., July 4, 1864. Mus- ■ iii, lime 15, 1866. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." (fTotnnan, (Charles Ivitssrll. Colonel, Forty-fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in ser- vice of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1352. BOSTON. i laptain, Adjutant, isi Corps ol I adets, M \ .M . in service of the I .S . May 27. 1862 Mustered out, Julj 2, 1862 Colonel, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., Octobei 28, 1862 Mustered out, Jul) 28, 1863. (Dogsfoell, Gliomas. Captain. Fifteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 5, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7770. GILMANTON, N.H. ist Lieutenant, 15th N.H. Infantry, Novembei ;. 1862; mustered, November [2. [862. Pro ted 1 aptain, April 8, 1S0;. Mustered out, August 13, 1863. 61 Cogstorll, SHtlltam. Colonel, Second Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MARCH 4, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 681. SALEM, MASS. Captain, 2d Mass. Infantry, May II, 1861; mustered May 25, 1861. Pro- moted Lieutenant Colonel, October 23, 1862. Colonel, June 25, 1863. Mustered out, July 11, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., December 15, 1S64. Cott, diaries Morgan. Captain, Eighth Connecticut Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1320. ist Lieutenant, Adjutant, 8th Conn. Infantry, September 18, 1S61. Promoted Captain, March 27,1862. Mustered out, May 30, 1865. Brevel Major and Brevel Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, " fur faithful ami meritorious services." Died at New London, Conn., July 3, 187S. (fTolliu, (Eotoaro $ortrr. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6501. WAKEFIELD, MASS. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., April 6, 1863. Resigned, April II, 1S65. f Colling, TOlltam Augustus. Captain, Tenth Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1561. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. Private and Sergeant, 1st Wisconsin Infantry, May 17th, 1S61. Mustered out, August 22, 1861. ist Lieutenant, Adjutant, loth Wisconsin Infantry, October 5, 1861. Promoted Captain, August 7, 1863. Mustered out, November 3, [864, (67) (Took, 3ga iHcnill. Major, First Battery Light Artillery, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5149. READING, MASS. Major, isl Battery, Light Artillery, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 20. 1S1.1 ; mustered, Ma) iS. [861. Mustered out, August 2, [861. Captain, 8th Bat- ten- Light Artillery, M.V.M., in service ol the U.S., Ju [862. Musk-red out, Novi mbei 29, 1 862. (Took, Mm Iftatokins. First Lieutenant. Fifty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major. U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. Hr CLASS. INSIGNIA 7960. BOSTON. Private, loth Mass. Infantry, June 21, [861. Discharged (disability), July 17, [862 2d Lieutenant, 57th Mass. Infantry, November 27, 1863. Promoted i-t Lieutenant, February 10. 1864. Discharged (disability resulting from wound received inaction), Di bei 27, isiq. Brevet Captain and Brevet Major. U.S.V., March 13, iS'.;. "foi gallant and meritorious conduct in the campaign before Petei Virginia, in 1864 iToolco, $limnan }Jomrrou. First Lieutenant, Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry, US V. ELECTED APRIL 1, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3785. NEW BRITAIN, CONN. Private and ist Sergeant, 27th M.iss. Infantry, September 16, 1861; mustered, September 20, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 27th Mass. Infantry. June 3, 1863. Promoted 1-1 Lieutenant, April 18, 1864. Commissioned Captain, Septembei 14, 1S114; not mustered. Mustered out, February 8, [865. JEopp, (Tiiarlrs Dearborn. Captain. Ninth New Hampshire Infantry. U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, 1890. I si CLASS. INSIGNIA 7684. CLINTON, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 9th VI Infantry, August 10. 1S02; mustered, August 15, Promoted 1st Lieutenant, January 1. 1863; mustered, January 20. t,St>;. Captain, Jul) •;. iV'4: mustered. August 29, 1864. Mustered out, June 15, (68) dTopp, (flimtigr Sacftson. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Third New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 6, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6828. NASHUA, N.H. Private and Sergeant-Major, 3d N.H. Infantry, August 14, 1861; mustered, August 23, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 3d N.H. Infantry, January 1, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, July 20, 1863. Mustered out, October 4, 1864. (forsr, Soijtt ftturrag. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1877, IN COMMANDERV OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 7, 1879. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 16, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1776. BOSTON. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July i, 1S53, to April 23, 1S55. Major, 6th Iowa Infantry, lulv 6, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, May 21, 1862. Colonel, March 13, 1863. Brigadier General, U.S.V., August 11,1863. Mustered out, April 30, 1 866. Brevet Major General, U.S.V., October 5, 1864, "for long and continuous service, and for special gallantry at Allatoona, Georgia." Cotolrs, (Etotoaro. Captain, Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2523. SOMERVILLE, MASS. ist Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A., June 13, 1863. Promoted Captain, Assistant Surgeon, June 13, 1S6S. Resigned, March 1, 1S72. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." (ffratg, <§rorgr (ffotoarc. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Thirteenth Massachu- setts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 5, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1464. WALPOLE, MASS. ist Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1S61. Mustered out, August 1, 1864. (69) (Ereascg, ©eorge SKKilliam. Captain, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 6, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2624. NEWBURYPORT, MASS. Sergeant, ; 5 1 h Mass. Infantry, August 6, iSiij. 1st Lieutenant, 35th Mass Infantry, May 1. 1863. Promoted Captain, September 6, 1 864. Discharged, May .5, .865. CTtTliovr, KTljarlrs jjrrtirric. Major, Surgeon, Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2223. NEWTON LOWER FALLS, MASS. Surgeon, armed S.S. "Cambridge," in service of State of Massachusetts, May j. i86i, i" Jul) 20, t86i. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.V., January 12, 1862, to Inly 20, 1862. Major, Surgeon, 37th Mass. Infantry, August 7, iSi.j. Resigned, I '. eml k 1 .'. [864. (Erefjore, jTrrtirrtr iflortoii. ELECTEO JUNE 3, 1885. 2o CUSS. INSIGNIA 3885. NEWTON LOWER FALLS, MASS. Eldest son of Companion Surgeon CHARLES F. CREHORE. (frosbo. GCijarleg JJrrTjrrick. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 2t> CLASS. INSIGNIA 5146. WORCESTER. MASS. Eldest son ol Companion 1st Lieutenant JOHN W. CROSBY. Crosbu, 3oijti aEUUam. Fiist Lieutenant, Fifth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2596. MILFORD, N.H. Private, 5th N.H. Infantry, August I, iSr.j. 2d Lieutenant, 5th NIL Infantry, March 4. 1863. Promoted isl Lieutenant, January (>, [864. Discharged, July -'4, 1864. (70) Crosuu, Stepfjen JWootiu. Major, Paymaster — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 953. BOSTON. Major, Paymaster, U.S.V., November 15, 1S62. Mustered out, January 15, 1866. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. , October 16, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." f Cross, ©antrl llrnt. Captain, Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1686. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDER* OF THE STATE OF COLORADO AS CHARTER MEMBER, JUNE 2, 1887. Sergeant-Major, 51I1 XII. Infantry, October 26, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 5th N.H. Infantry, February I, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, August I, 1S62. Captain, A.D.C., U.S.V., November 6, 1863. Resigned, April 20, 1S64. Brevet Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Cross, &rnro fMartrm. Captain, Fifty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1880. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2078. NEWBURYPORT, MASS. Private, 48th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 16, 1862. Mustered out, September 3, 1S63. Private and Sergeant- Major, 59th Mass. Infantry, November 1, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 59th Mass. Infantry, November 24, 1863. Pro- moted 1st Lieutenant, April 26, 1S64. Captain, August 20, 1S64. Transferred to 57th Mass. Infantry, May 26, 1S65. Mustered out, July 30, 1S65. * Crossman, Eourrt, 2ti. Captain, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1458. 1st Lieutenant, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 23, 1862. Mustered out, June 26, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 58th Mass. Infantry, September II, 1863. Promoted Captain, January 18, 1864. Discharged (disability resulting from wound received in action), October 11, 1864. Died at Taunton, Mass., July 25, 1S76. (70 Croluiunsliiflti, Caspar. Colonel, Second Massachusetts Cavalry — Brevet Brigadier Gen- U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. In CLASS. INSIGNIA 748. BOSTON. Captain, 20th Mass Infantrj , July 10, 1861. Captain, isl M iss. < lavalry, Novem- ber 25, [861. Major, -''I Mass. Cavalry, Januar) 30, [863. Promoted Lieutenant lei, March 1, [864 Colonel, October 21, 1864. Resigned, June 16, [865. Brevet Brigadier General, I'.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritori tus ser- luring the war." Cumston, 3ames Scfjouler. Second Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED APRIL 4, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6182. 80STON. 2d Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., September 12, [862. Mustered out, June IS, I Vs. iTunTju. militant &rnrp_. Captain, Second Veteran Reserve Corps. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2547. BOSTON. .ir.il and Sergeant, 13th Mass. Infantry, Jul) 16, [861. Discharged to accept nbei .'. 1862. isl lieutenant. 41st Mass. Infantry, Augus transferred to 40th Mass. Infantry, Septem et t, 1862. Promote. 1 Captain, January 16, 1863; mustered, February 28, [863 Transfern \ Corps, November 7. 1863. Mustered out, November it. 1865 ^"iiniung.uin. 3amcs Utoams. enant Colonel. Thirty-second Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED SEPTEMBER 1. 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1057. CHELSEA, MASS. i-' I ieutenant, 1st Battalion Mass. Infantry, afterwards 32d Mass. Infantry, November i;. (86i Pi >mot< : Captain, March 6, i s ' M . | 29, [864 Lieutenant Colonel, June 30, 1S04. Mustered out, July 10, 1865. Brevet 1 ieutenant Colonel, U.S. V., Sept. 30, 1864, " for gallant services at the battle of Peebles' Farm, Virginia." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., April 1. 1805. " Tor gallant conduct at the battles ot 1 he Forks and Cox Road, Virginia." Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., April I, "for distinguished services during the campaign against Richmond, and for especial gallantry at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia." (furrier, diaries Albert. Captain, Fortieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1871. 1 ST CLASS. INSIGNIA 1411. CHELSEA, MASS. Private and 1st Sergeant, 40th Mass. Infantry. August 9, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 4 oth Mass. Infantry, fune 9, .So.;; mustered, June 26, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieut, n ant, January 26, 1S64; mustered, March 27, 1864. Captain, November 24, 1864; mustered, January 4. 1865. Mustered out, June 16, [865. Ensiling, H?enro (Srrrntooob. First Lieutenant, Eighth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2308. LOWELL, MASS. , ommissary Sergeant. Ml, N.1I. Infantry, < Ictober 12, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 8th N.H. Infantry, December 20, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, October 30, 1862. Discharged, March 7, 1863. t* Cutter, ©eorge jTranris. Paymaster General (Commodore), U.S.N. ELECTED MAY 5, 1868. 1 ST CLASS. INSIGNIA 1400. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AS CHARTER MEMBER, FEBRUARY 1, 1882. Purser, U.S.N.. June 5, 1844. Promoted Paymaster, June 22, i860. Pay Direc- tor, March '3, 1871. " Paymaster General, November 18, 1877. Retired, August 30, 18S1. Died at Washington, D.C., September I, 1890. Cutting, Walter. Major, Aide-de-Camp— Brevet Lieutenant Colonel. U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 2, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4345. PITTSFIELD, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 3 oth N.Y. Infantry, January IO, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, March 11, 1862. Captain, A.A.D.C, U.S.A., July 9, 1862. Major, A. DA.. U.S.V., July 22, 1862. Mustered out, July t, 1866. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallantry and good conduct during the war." (73) * Batmejj, ©fjarles Kttlluim, Junior. Major, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in /ice • I the United States. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. ljr CLASS. INSIGNIA 838. Major, iiili Infantry, M.V.M., September 12, 1862. Mustered oat, June 18, IS,,;. I lit (l .a Malvi in. I ngland, I tei embei 22, 1870. Dahinti, (SJnfoarti jFrancte. fth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer MiIiIm, in service of the United States. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 860. MILTON, MASS. i iptain, 15th Infantry, M.V.M., September 26, 1862, Mustered out, July 7, 1863. Ualano, "tol)ii. Captain rwent) Fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 835. SALEM, MASS. Captain, 24th Mass. Infantry, Septembei •. 1861. Mustered out, September [864, Dalanti, Jinlm. Junior, ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 8073. SALEM, MASS. Eldest son ol Companion Captain JOHN DALAND. Dalr, BEilliam Jojjnson. ELECTEO MAY 7, 1873. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 1498. NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. A gentleman, who, in civil life, during the Rebellion, "as special!) distinguished nspicuous and consistent loyalty. Devoted and earnest in all loyal service. Surgeon General (Colonel), State ol Massachusetts, )»«<■ 13, 1861. Surgeon Gen- eral (Brigadier General), Octobei 7, [863. Acting Medical Director, I'.S.A., and Acting Assistant Surgeon, I .S.A., 1861-1865, l 7-1 ^ Dalton, Samuel. First Lieutenant, First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 10, 1872. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1429. BOSTON. Sergeant, 14th Mass. Infantry, afterwards 1st Mass. Heavy Vrtillery, July 5, ,86i. 2d Lieutenant, isi Mass. Heavy Vrtillery, February 15, 1862. Promoted isl Lieutenant, June 7, [862. Discharged, October 7, 1864. Dalits, diaries ©rtffitt. Major, First Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6042. BOSTON. 1st Sergeant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, September 4, 1861; mustered September 17, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Februarys 1862. Promoted isl Lieuten- ant, fanuary 6, 1863; Captain, February 10. [864; Major, September 30, 1864. Mustered out, January 3, 1S65. Babts, Charles 3&enrg. Captain, Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 6102. WORCESTER, MASS. Sergeant-Major, 25th Mass. Infantry, September 26, 1861. Captain, ( '.S., U.S.V., April 2t>, 1S64. Mustered out, October 9, 1865. brevet Major, U.S.V., August 4, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." Qabis, (Srorgr CTljornton. Commander (Retired), U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7399. BEVERLY, MASS. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N., September 20, i860. Midshipman, July 16, 1S62. Promoted Ensign, October I, 1863. Master, November 10, 1866. Lieutenant, icbruary 21, 1867. Lieutenant Commander, March 12, 186S. Commander, Feb- ruary 1, 1883. Retired, October 23, 1889. (75) :: ' Dalits, Pitnras aionjo. Major, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY I In CLASS. INSIGNIA 821. Captain, Company ol Infantry, Vpril 20, 1861; mustered Way 21, 1861; after- wards re-organized as 71I1 Mass. Battery. Discb 1 I, October 7. 1863, Captain, \ V.G., U.S.A . September n>. 1863. Promoted Major, \.\.t'.., March 21, 1865. Mustered out, Ma) 19, 1866, Brevel Major, U.S.V., January 1. 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign ol 1864." Brevel Lieutenant Colonel and Brevet Colonel, U.S. V., March 1 ;, [865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died al New ' anton, Va., August 22, 1872. Dalits, BKalter Scott. Captain, Twenty-second Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 726. AUBURN, CALIFORNIA. 2d Lieutenant, 22cl Mass Infantry, August 7, 1861 ; mustered, Octobei 1. 1861. Promoted i>i Lieutenant, Juni 28, [862, Captain, Octobei 18, 1862. Mustered out, Octobei 17,1864. Brevet Majur. Jul; u, 1S04, " for gallant services al the battle at Jericho Ford, Virginia." Brevel Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.'N . Septem bei [°i 1864, "foi gallant services at the battle of Peebles' Farm, Virginia." Dranr, Jlainrs ixotitnson. A, ting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3145. NEWTON HIGHLANDS, MASS. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., November 15, 1862. Resigned, February 10, 1865. * Dravlionif, JFrctirrirk fflmiluratlirv. Surgeon (Lieutenant Commander, Retiredl, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 5, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1430. Acting \-.i i '"i Surgeon, I s \. August is. t862. Assistant Surgeon, mber is. 1864, Promoted Passed Assistant Surgeon, October to, 1867. Surgeon, May 4, 1875. Retired, December 10, 1883. I lied .11 Ni « Y.'ik, Vpril 24, 1887. ( 76 I une f ©mison, ©abiD Stetoart. First Lieutenant, Fifth Artillery, U.S.A. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1699. TRANSFERRED TO THE COM MANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, DECEMBER 5, 1888. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July I, 1864. 2,1 Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, U.S.A 15, 1S6S. Promoted tSt Lieutenant, March II, 1S76. Resigned, April 9, 1877 ©mnrtt, SogepJ) ©ototijfoaite. Acting Second Assistant Engineer, U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6684. SALEM, MASS. Acting 3 d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., November 12, 1862. Promoted Acting 2,1 Assistant Engineer, May 25, 1864. Discharged, October 9, '866. ©mug, artijur Bvtggs. ELECTED APRIL 1, 1885. 1»1 CLASS. INSIGNIA 3787. CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. In succession to Companion Captain GEORGE P. DENNY, deceased. * ©mm), (George $3avlunan. Captain. Forty fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in ser- vice of the United States. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1005. Private, ist Corps of Cadets, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 20, [862. Mustered out, July 2, 1862. ist Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., September 26, 1862. Promoted Captain, Octobei 1 |. [662. Mustered out, July 7. '863. Died at Boston, January 23, 1885. ©rung, Samrs H?mrg. Assistant Surgeon, Second Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 2, 1877. IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 6, 1878. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1769. VIENNA, AUSTRIA. Assistant Surgeon, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, November 19, 1863. Mustered out, September 3, 1865. (77) Bruno, 3osrpl) BKatoo. Captain, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS AS CHARTER MEMBER, MARCH 4, 1868. In CLASS. INSIGNIA 686. CHELSEA, MASS. ;.l Lieutenant, 3d Battalion Infantry, M.Y.M., attached to 6th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., \pril 17, 1861 ; mustered, April 22, 1S61. Mustered out, August 2, [861. Captain, _i 5, 1 1 1 Mass. Infantry, October 12. 1861. Mustered out, 1 Ictober jo. 1 864. Derby. 3saac BKalfter. Second Lieutenant. First Veteran Reserve Corps. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1732. BOSTON. Private and Corporal, 2. 1 N.H. Infantry, April 19, [861; mustered May 31, 1861. Discharged (disability resulting fr loss ol Kit arm), September 11. 1S01. 21I Lieutenant, 1st Veteran Reserve Corps, Octobei 23, 1863. Mustered out, Sep- tember 1, 1866. f Dr Faltn, (ffliarlrs (ffitofoarU. Chief Engineer (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1704. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, DECEMBER 31, 1886. [d Assistant Engineer, I S.N . Septembei 20, 1858. Promoted 2d Assistant Engineer, [anuarj 17. 18 t Usistanl Engineer, March 17. 1863. Chief En- gineer, March 21, 1S70. IDflirns, (Tjiarlrs. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 863. BOSTON. Ma^.. 3d Battalion Rifles, M A.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, 1861; mustered, Ma) 19, [861. Colonel, 151I1 Mass. Infantry, Jul) 15, 1861. Brigadier ,1, 1 s.> . Vpril 15, 1862. Mustered out, June 2, 1866. Brevet Major I, U.S.V., Vpril ,;. 1865, "foi gallant and meritorious services during the recent campaign before Richmond, Virginia." ( 7^ I * Drbrns, flrtotoaiU Jtssci - . Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED MAY 5, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 755. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, 1861; mustered. May 19, 1861. Discharged, June 10, 1861. Acting Master, U.S.N., June II, 1S61. Promoted Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, for "the capture of the Confederate steamer 'Aries,'" May 25, 1863. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander, January 20, 1865. Discharged, November 19, 1S66. Hud at Long Island, N.H., October 15, 1S85. ©fturu, (JFlitoarti. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6502. MONTPELIER, VERMONT. 1st Lieutenant, R.Q.M., Sth Vermont Infantry, January 12, 1S64. Resigned, March 27, 1865. Captain, A.Q.M., U.S.V., February II, 1865. Resigned, May 27, 1865. Drton), 1i?niru Stocrtsrr. ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5884. BOSTON. In succession to Companion Major ISRAEL O. DEWEY, U.S.A., deceased. ©ctos, (JFtitotn. Captain, Third Massachusetts Heavy Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 1, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1317. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Private and Sergeant, 9th N.V. Infantry, April 23, 1861; mustered May 4, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 9th N.V. Infantry, September 30, 1862. Discharged, May 25, 1S63. 2d Lieutenant, ]<] Mass. Heavy Artillery, June 18, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May 23, 1S64. Captain, September 8, 1864. Mustered out, September 23, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for meritorious services during the war." ©ctoson, jjranris Slctanticr. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Forty-fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the U.S. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1678. NEWTONVILLE, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 45th Infantry, M.V.M., October 28, 1862. Mustered out, July 7. 1863. (79) * Dillingham, 3ameg SSulli&an, Jlnntov. rtg Master, U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1872. In CLASS. INSIGNIA 1415. Acting Master, U.S.N., InK 9, 1861. Resigned, Octobei 9, 1861. 1 lii 1 1 i.n board steamei "Finance," New York Harbor, November 14, 1883 Dimirk, Orlnitio BHalejS. Captain. Eleventh New Hampshire Infantry. U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4467. WATERTOWN, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, nth N.H. tnfantry, September 4, 1862. Promoted Captain, InK 22, [864; mustered, March 6, 1865. Mustered out, June 1. i s ". Dimon. iflurlrs Xlitgustus Uoprs. Colonel, Fust United States Volunteers — Brevet Brigadier General. U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1583. LOWELL, MASS. Private, 8th [nfantry, M.\ M., in service ol the 1 S., \|"il 17. 1S61 ; mustered, Ma) 18, [861. Mustered out, August 1, 1861. 1-1 Lieutenant, Vdjutant, 30th Mass. [nfantry, Februarj 20, i s ".'. Major, 2d Louisiana [nfantry, (J.S.'N . October jo. 1862 Resigned June 22, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, 1-1 I .S Volunteers, March 8, is,,, Promoted Colonel, March 1 2, 1864 Mustered out, November 27. 1S65. Brigadiei I ral, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "foi gallant and meritorious services .it Port Hudson, Louisiana, and in Indian Department." * Dotigr, jiamrs portion Clarke. rty-first Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lie. Colonel. U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1030. j, I Lieutenant, 19th M.i>s. [nfantry, August -'-•. 1861. Promoted i>i Lieutenant, March 21, 1862 Captain, April 5,1863. Major, 6isl Mass. Infantry, November 9, 18&4 Mustered out, June 4, 1865 Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, 1 S.V., Vpril 9, at and meritorious services during the rei Iting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of ih<- insui andei Gen- eral Robert I 1 1 1 reston, [owa, [anu irj 1 1. 1 ^77. So - ) Doticjr, (Efjcotjorr Storault. Captain (Retired) — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A. Major. Twenty-third Veteran Reserve Corps — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1691. BROOKLINE, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, ioist N.Y. Infantry, February 13, 1S62. 1 >t Lieut nant, Adju- tant, 1 19th N.Y. Infantry, October 17, (862 Commissioned I aptain and Major; not mustered. Resigned, November 25, [863. Captain, 23d Veteran Reserve November 12, 1863; accepted, Novembei 26, 1863, Pi b I Vtajor, August 17, 1S64. Mustered nut, Ileccmbei 1, [866 < apl ||lh Infantry, U.S.A., July 28, 1 66. Unassigned, May 27, [869. Retired, April 28, 1870, "for loss ol righl leg from wounds received in the line of duty." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U S.V., De- cember 2, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., December 2, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Gettysburg. Pennsylvania." Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania." Brevet Lieutenanl Colonel, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." * Qonalrjson, 3ameg ILotoro. Colonel, Assistant Quartermaster General — Brevet Major General, U.S.A. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1872. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1398. Cadet, U.S.M.A., September i. 1832. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Artillery, U.S.A., July I, [836. Transferred to 1st Artillery, May 25, 18)7. Promoted 1st Lieutenant July 7, 1838. Captain, August 20, 1847. Captain, A.Q.M., March 3, 1S47. Pro- moted Major, Q.M., August 3, 1861. Colonel, Q.M., U.S.V. (Act July 4, 1864), August 2, 1864. Relieved, January 1, 1S67. Colonel, Assistant Q.M. General, U.S.A., July 28, 1866. Retired (under Act of August 3, 1861), March 5, 1869. Resigned, January 1, 1874. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., September 2;, 1846, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the several conflicts al Monterey, Mi Brevet Major, U.S.A., February 23, 1847, "for gallant ami meritorious conduct in the battle of Buena Vista, Mexico." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., May 14. 1861. Brevet Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.A., September 17, 1864, "for distinguished and important services in the Quarterma ter's Di partmi at in the campaign terminating in the capture of Atlanta, Georgia." Brevet Major General, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services in the Quarterma ' 1 Department during the Rebellion." Brevet Major General, I .S.V., June 20, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the Rebellion." Received the thanks of the Legislature of Maryland, February z8, 1853, "for his di I gallantry displayed during the wars with Florida and Mexico." Died at Baltimore, Md., November 4, 1 885. (81) f Donnrll, QKttliain (SflUngborooti. First Lieutenant, Adjutant. Twentieth Maine Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 24, 1866, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE. 1 ST CLASS. INSIGNIA 672. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 1, 1876. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 6, 1889. [sl Lieutenant, Adjutant, 20th Maine [nfantry, September 1. 1863. Mustered out, Jul} [6, [865. Brevet* iptain, 1 .S.V., fulj 6, 1864, "for gallant and distin- guished 1 ' e at the battle of North Anna, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia." Brevet Major, U.S. V., April 1. 1865, " for gallant conduct in the battle of Five Forks, Virginia." Donolioc, fHtriiad flTliomas. Colonel, Tenth New Hampshire Infantry — Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 8056. BOSTON. Captain, 3d N.II. Infantry, August 22, 1861. Dischai red fuly 31, [862. Colonel, 101I1 N.II. Infantry, August 6, [862; mustered, September 20, 1862. Mus- tered out, June 21, [865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865. "for gallant conduct in the field." Dorr, ijniru ©ustabug. First Lieutenant, Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1684. BOSTON. Sergeant, 14th Illinois Cavalry, September 25. 1862. Discharged, December 9, [863. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, 8th Tennessee Cavalry, November 17, [863. Promoted 1-1 Lieutenant, Adjutant, December 9, 1863, Commissioned Major, fanuary, [864; not mustered. Discharged, February 12, [864. 1st Lieu- tenant, tsl Mass. Cavalry, January 24, 1864. Transferred to 4th Mass. Cavalry, April 21, 1864. 1 lisi barged, Maj 15. 1 Dntrn, jFrrti crick ISartlett. Captain, Fourteenth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1697. CHICOPEE, MASS. i orporal, 14th Conn. Infantry. August 1, [862. 1st Lieutenant. 14th Conn. Infantry, February 3, [863. Promoted Captain, Octobei 20, 1863. Disch April 29, 1865. (82) Douglas, UEtlltam TOlirrtorer. Captain, Fifth Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 1, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1502. PROVIDENCE, R.I. 2d Lieutenant, 5th R.I, Infantry (afterwards 5th R.I. Heavy Artillery), No- vember 30, 1861; mustered, December 14, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 7, 1S62. Captain, February 14, 1S63. Mustered out, December 22, 1864. Drake, (Peorgc Beruaro. First Lieutenant, Sixth Infantry, U.S.A. , Lieutenant Colonel, Assist- ant Adjutant General — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1878. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1862. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 6th Infantry, U.S.A., August 5, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, September 20, 1863. Resigned. March 23, 1S65. 2d Lieutenant, 121I1 Mass. Infantry, June 26, 1861. Discharged, August 26, 1861. Captain, A.A.D.C, U.S.A., May 22, 1S62. Major, A.A.G., U.S.V., March 11, 1863. Assigned as Assistant Adjutant General, 23d Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under Act July 17, 1S62), May 5, 1S63, to November 12, 1803. Assigned as Assistant General, Dept. of the Gulf, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under Act July 17, 1862), November 4, 1864, to March 23, 1865. Resigned, March 23, 1S65. Brevet Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful, efficient, and meritorious services in the field throughout the war." Drake, Samuel s j tjTarnliam, Augustus Bolmnan. Lieutenant Colonel, Sixteenth Maine Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1726. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, APRIL 5, 1882. 1st Lieutenant. 2d Maine Infantry, May 13, 1S61. Promoted Captain. Septem- ber 14. 1S61. Discharged, Janua Major. 16th Maine Infantry. August 9, Promoted Lieutenant Colonel. February 5. 1863. Mustered out, June 5. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., April 1, 1S05. " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gravelly Run and Five Forks, Virginia." jTarnstoortii, Oarlrs. ELECTED DECEMBER 5, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6645. PROVIDENCE, R.I. By inheritance from CHARLES FARNSWORTH, Captain, ist Connecticut Cavalry, November -• . 1861. Promoted Major, . • ;. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, January 20, 1S04; not mustered. Resigned, May 17, 1S64. Died, April 15, iS - t * jrairar, Ibnuu BHelto. Captain, Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 851. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF STATE OF ILLINOIS AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 8. 1879. 2d Lieutenant, ;lh Maine Infantry, April 10, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieuten- ant, March Captain, Aide-de-Camp., D.S.V., June 7. 1SC4. M - out, August 1. 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., October 10. 1 864, "for faithful and meritorious sendees in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia, and in the Shenandoah Valley." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, I - April for gallant and meritorious services .luring the recent campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under General Robert E. Lee." Died at Chicago. Illinois, April 17. 1 (.94") jrau, jFranftlin Brtgjham. ELECTED MAY 7, 1873. 3d CLASS. INSIGNIA 1497. CHELSEA, MASS. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion, was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Especially prominent (serving with troops at the front) in self-sacrificing care for the sick and wounded, from first Bull Run until January, 1865. The organizer and chief of the Auxiliary Relief Corps ul thi Sanitary Commission, in the field, May, 1864. Mayor of Chelsea, 1861, 1862, 1863. JJtartttjj, (Sfonjc Ixtdimonti. Captain, Additional Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Major, U S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6044. NEWPORT, R.I. 1st Lieutenant, Volunteer A.D.C., November 22, 1861. Captain, A.A.D.C. U.S.V., April 4, 1S62. Resigned, February t, 1864. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." t jFrnjuson, (Ftitoarti. Second Lieutenant, First Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 1, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1551. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. Private, 1st Wisconsin Infantry, May 17, 1861. Mustered out, August 21, 1861. 1st Sergeant, 1st Wisconsin Infantry, October 8, 1861. 2d Lieutenant. 1st Wisconsin Infantry, October 7, 1862. Discharged (disability resulting from loss of right foot and use of left arm from wounds received in action), June 17, 1S64. j/rrrts, &tacantar fHarsi). Captain, Thirtieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 9, 1886, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 31, 1887. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 5142. BOSTON. Captain, 30th Mass. Infantry, September 24, 1S61; mustered, February 20, 1862. Resigned, April 16, 1864. (95) t jTrssrntirn, JFranris. Brigadier General (Retired) — Brevet Major General, U.S.A. ELECTED APRIL 25, 1866, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 253. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, AS CHARTER MEMBER, JUNE 6, 1866. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSA- CHUSETTS, DECEMBER 1, 1876. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, JANUARY 1, 1882. -lain, 19th Infantry, U S.A., Ma) i |, 1861. ' olonel, 25th Maine Infantry, September 29, [81 ! Mustered out, July 10, 1 ael, 30th Maine In- fantry, January 11, [864. Brigadier General, I'.S.Y.. May 10, 1S64. Major General, U.S.V., November 9, [865. Mustered cut. September 1, 1S66. Lieuten- ant Cokmel, 45th Infantry. U.S.A., July 2S. 1866; declined. Transferred t Infantry. September 21, 1S66. Retired, with rank of Brigadier General, wounds received in line of duty," November 1. 1S66. Brevel Major, U.S.A.., Jnly 6, isi |. "for pliant services at Shiloh." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, I July o, 1864, "ior gallant services .u Montell's Bluff on Red River." Brevet lier General, L.S.A.. March 13, 1865, "for gallant ami meritorious services in the field during the war." Brevet Major General, U.S.A., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." t * jrrssrntifn, 3ames Drcring. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 24, 1866, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 435. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 1, 1876. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, FEBRUARY 1, 1882. Captain, 2d U.S. Sharpshooter-. November 2, 1S61. Colonel, Additional Aide-de-Camp, I'.S.Y., July 16, 1862. Brigadier General, U.S.V., August S. 1864. Mustered out, January 15. [866. Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, " for distinguished services during the war." Died at Portland, Maine, November 8, 1 jTirlti, Benjamin jTa.von, Junior. Second Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Infantry. Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 7, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1592. NORTHFIELD, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.Y.M., September 12, 1S02. Mustered out, June i\ 1 < 96 ) jnilrtoroton, Cljavlrs Bototoom. First Lieutenant, Twenty-ninth Maine Infantry — Brevet Captain, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6045. NEWTON, MASS. Private, 24th Maine Infantry, November iS, 1S62. Mustered out. Angus! 25, 1863. 2d Lieutenant. 29th Maine Infantry, December 17, iS6j. Promoted isl Lieutenant, December 17, 1S64. Mustered out, June 21, 1866. Brevet Captain, U.S.V., Marcli [3, [865, " foi faithful and meritorious services .luring llie war." jFislirr, Sforacr jlrtuton. Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Inspector General, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 10, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1389. BOSTON. i~t Lieutenant, Volunteer A.D.C., February 14. 1S62. Captain, Volunteer A.I 11., May iS, 1862. Assigned as Topographical Engineer, 2d Division. Army of the Ohio, September 20, 1S02. 1st Lieutenant, 1st Middle Tenn. I lv- alrv. May 7. 1863. Assigned as Assistant Inspector General, 20th Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under Act, July 17, 1862), May 21, [863 Acting Inspector General, Army of the Cumberland, October to. [863. Resigned (injuries received in service), November 10. 1863. *jFtshf, (Ftiluart) Smtirosf. Major, Thirtieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 7, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1511. 2d Lieutenant, 30th Mass. Infantry, February 20, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, August 21, 1S62. Captain, October 21, 1862. Major, February 17, 1865. Mustered out, January 23, 1S66. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1,865. "for distinguished gallantry at Cedar Creek. Virginia, October 19, 1S04." Died at Lawrence. Mass., December 28, 1SS7. jTtsfcf, ©rorgr Hlfrrti, Sumor, Major, Additional Paymaster, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1175. BOSTON. Private and Q.M. Sergeant, 41st Mass. Infantry, September 20, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 41st Mass. Infantry, afterwards 3d Mass. Cavalry, December 13, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, October 23, 1863. Discharged to accept promotion. July 22, 1S64. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., May iS, 1S64; declined. Major, Additional Paymaster, U.S.V., June 30, 1S64. Resigned, September 24. 1S04. (97) jFishr, 3osepfc (Kmerg. Captain, Second Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1872. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 1435. WELLESLEY HILLS, MASS. isl Sergeant, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., in the service of the U.S., September 24, Discharged to accept promotion, Maj 29, 1863. 2.1 Lieutenant, 2d Mas-.. Heavy Artillery, June 4, iS<>;. Pi oted 1-1 Lieutenant, Julj JO, 1863. Captain, October 9, 1863. Mustered out, Way 15, 1865. *JFtskc, aSilltam Oscar. Colonel, First Louisiana Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 3, 1873. 1st CUSS. INSIGNIA 1509. Major, isl Louisiana infantry, Augusl i. 1862. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, February i>. iSi>;. Colonel, June 15, 1863. Mustered out, July 12. [865, Brevel Brigadier General, U.S \ ., March 1 ',. 1865, " for his gallant and successful defence ol the Union works, al the junction of Bayou Lafourche and the Mississippi, 1 1 attack, in an atteinpl to break the lines of communication of the United States forci ■ with New 1 Irli .in-, during the siege of Port Hudson, 1 ouisiana." I lied .11 Lowell, Mass . Fi bruary 2, [886 JFttcli. iH-iuu KUnsloUi. Chief Engineer (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1883. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 2685. ANNAPOLIS, MD. 3d Assistant Engineer, I .S.N., Maj 3, 1859. Promoted 2d Assistant Engineer, Octobei 1, [861 isl Assistanl Engineer, May 20, 1863. Chief Engineer, March I 1871. jTttfli. BKUttam ©ootitom. First Lieutenant (Retired), U.S.A. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 5029. BOSTON. i Lieutenant, 4th Conn, [nfantry; afterwards isl Conn Heavy Artillery, Maj 22, 1861. Discharged, November 16, [861. 2d Lieutenant, 2d [nfantry, U.S.A., Octobei 29, [861; accepted November 16, iSi>i. Promoted 1 si Lieutenant, Sep- [embei 12,1862 Retired (disability in line of dut) , November 1 6, 1863, ( 98 JFlaglrr, Eantrl JHefcSter, Colonel, Ordnance Department, U.S.A. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1888, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 11, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5985. WATERTOWN, MASS. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July I, 1856. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, Ordnance Department, U.S.A., lime 24, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, June 24. 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. August 3, 1861. Captain, Marclr 3, 1803. Major, June 23, 1S74. Lieutenanl Colonel, August 23, 1S81. Colonel, September 15,1890. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 14, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle "I Newbern, North Carolina." Brevet Major, U.S.A., April 23, 1S62, "for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Fort Macon, North Carolina." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, " for distinguished services in the field and faithful services in the ordnance department during the war " jTlrtdjcr, corgc 2Ulm1. Captain, Fifty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1881. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 2196. MILTON, MASS. Private and Corporal, 38th Mass. Infantry, August 19, 1862. Discharged to accept promotion, August 15, 1S63. 2d Lieutenant, 56th Mass. Infantry, Sep- tember 11, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. June 23, 1S64. Discharged (disability ), January 31, 1865. Captain 56th Mass. Infantry, May 4, 1865. Mustered out, fulj 11, 1S65. jFletrfjer, Stoljn M. Captain, Thirty-sixth U.S. Colored Troops. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1413. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 43d Infantry. M.Y.M., in service of the U.S., September 16, 1862. Mustered out, July 30, 1863. Captain, 36th U.S.C.T., July 14, 1803. Re- signed, May 14, 1864. t JFlrtrlirr, ttUlliam. itain (Retired), U.S.A. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3514. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, NOVEMBER 2, 1887. Private, isl Ohio Infantrj I Mi ican War), June 10, [846. Discharged, June [4, 1 s 17. Private and Corporal, 2d Ohio Infantry, July 31, 1S47, to July 26, 1848. Private and Corporal, tst Artillery, U.S.A., December 9, [848, to Octobei 9, [858, Private and Sergeant, 8th Infantry, U.S.A., June 23, 1859, to Novembei 1. 1861. 2d Lieutenant, nth Infantry, U.S.A., 1 ictobi r 29, 1861 ; accepted Novi mber i, 1861. Promoted tst Lieutenant, March i.\ 1862. Transferred to 20th Infantry, Septembei 21, [866 Captain, November 2, 1866. Retired, lugusl 31, [887. Brevet Captain, U.S V. August jo, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the Battle of Bull Run i 2d I, Virginia." JFollansbrr, tPronjr Starrs. Captain, First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1706. CHARLESTOWN, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 14th Mass. Infantry, afterwards 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery, May 2, 1861; mustered, Septembei to, 1861. P led isi Lieutenant, Januar] [8, 1862, Captain, August .,, 1863, Mustered out, October 7, 1X0.4. JFolsoin. ilorton. Major, Surgeon, Forty-fifth U. S. Colored Troops — Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 7, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1493. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Medii al I adet, l .S.A., I >i tober 19, r86i, to 1 tctober 18, 1S02. Acting Assistant on, I l.S. V., November 1 1, 186 ;. to November 28, 1863. Major, Surgeon, 45th 1 si 1 . Vpril i". 1864. Mustered out, November 11, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant 1 olonel, I .S.V., March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." jTorlirs, jtolm JEurrag. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 2498. MILTON, MASS. \ gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion, was specially distinguished I i conspicuous and consistenl loyaltj to the National Government, and who lias and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same. Foremost in helpfulness in 1861; conspicuous for earnest and devoted service throughout t lie H ir. ( IOO) JForurs, Ealpl, Emerson. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1887. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 5882. MILTON, MASS. Eldest son of Companion Lieutenant Colonel WILLIAM II. FORBES. jForucs, Militant ftatjjatoau. Lieutenant Colonel, Second Massachusetts Cavalry, U S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2482. MILTON, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, December 26, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, July 27, 1S62. Discharged to accept promotion, January 14, [863. Captain, 2d Mass. Cavalry, January 14, 1863. Promoted Major, May 12, 1K63. Lieutenant Colonel, October 21, 1864. Resigned, May 15, 1S65. jForsyrt), ILrtots Cass. Major, Quartermaster, U.S.A. ELECTED MARCH 1, 1882, IN COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 31, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2347. BOSTON. Captain, A.Q.M., I.S.V., June II, 1862. Mustered out, November 3, 1866. Captain, A.Q.M., U.S.A., March 11, 1867. Promoted Major Q.M., 1 Ictober 19, 18S8. Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 1 1, 1S67, " for faithful and meritorious services." jTostrr, diaries Cliaitncy. ELECTED MAY 4, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5566. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. By inheritance from CHARLES FRANCIS FOSTER, 1st Lieutenant, 12th Unattached Company Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States, May 16, 1N04. Mustered out, August 15, 1864. Died, September 23, 1865. jFotolr, flSttliam 13rntlru. Captain, Forty-third Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1877. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1761. AUBURNDALE, MASS. Captain, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., September 22, 1862. Mustered out, fulv jo, 1S63. ( 101 ) JFo.v. dtfjarles Barnarto. Lieutenant Colonel, Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Col- onel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1394. BOSTON. j'l Lieutenant, 13th Mass. Infantry, fulj m, 1861. Promoted 1 -1 1 ieutenant, lugusl [6, 1862 Discharged, February 1.;. 1863. i>t Lieutenant, 2d Mass airy, Januarj 13,1863; mustered, Vpril 14,1863. Discharged to accept promotion, Ma) 30, 1863. Major, 55th Mas>. Infantry, May 30, 1863. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, November 3, [863; mustered, December 1, [863. Resigned, June 25 Bn 1 O mel, I S.V., March 13, [865, "for faithful and meritorious sen 1- es." jFo.v, 3amejs Augustus. Captain, Thirteenth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2313. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Captain, [3th Mass, Infantry, July 16, 1861. Resigned, Augusl 1 |. r862 jTox, Jlolin Hn&refog. Fnst Lieutenant, Adjutant. Second Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1386. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, January 6, [862. Promoted m Lieutenant, Vugusl io, 1862. Appointed Adjutant, January 1. [863. Mustered out, July 26, 1 1 plain and Breve! Major, U.S. V., March 1 ;, 1865, " for faithful and t< 'i 1 u ieri ices." jFo.v, iLovnuo Smith. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, Twenty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3719. LOWELL, MASS. ist Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 26th Mass. Infantry, March 16, 1863. Dis- 1. 1 .in [1,1864. ^ '"- U.S.A., Jul) 19,1864, i" June 1 1, .j 1 jFrancis, (Ptini. Chaplain, One Hundred and Twenty-seventh New York Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 1, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3784. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Chaplain, 127th N.V. Infantry, August 30, 1862. Discharged, September 16, jFratms, 1Ebrtir>rr Cijaiirs. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1885. 2t> CLASS. INSIGNIA 3884. WOONSOCKET, R.I. Eldest son of Companion Chaplain EBEN FRANCIS. jTmnrts, Samrs. Major, Second Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, u.s.v. ELECTED APRIL 1, 1885. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 3783. LOWELL, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 28, 1S61. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, November 1, 1S61; appointed R.Q.M., July 14, 1S62. Captain, August 10, 1862. Major, July 4, 1863; mustered, July 29,1863. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, July 24, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, July 26, 1S65. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the recent campaigns in Georgia and the Carolinas." jFrenrij, ILmnan ^rtttirn. First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1668. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, U.S.M.C., June 14, 1S02. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, April 23, [864. Resigned, Dec. 30, 1S73. ( 103) jTrotliintjIuim, 3Haro Dioohs. Fust Lieutenant, Fifty ninth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 5, 1888. 1 si CLASS. INStGNIA 6635. BOSTON. Corporal, -'-''I Mass. Infantry, Vugusl 26, 1861; mustered, Septembei 6, 1861. Discharged (disability resulting from wound received in action), [ul) 30, [862. 2d tenant, suih Mass, Infantry, \pril _• ;. [864. Promoted [si I ieutenant, Augusl to, 1864; mustered, [anuarj •>. 1865. Mustered out, Ma) 15, 1865. jFrg, &lfreo Broohs. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1887. 1sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 5368. BOSTON. Bj descenl from rHOMAS WILLIAM GARDINER FRY, I si Lieu R.Q.M., - -• I N.Y. Infantry, July 23, [861. Captain. Commissary of Subsistence, 1 S.\ .March 21, 1863. Mustered out, Augusl 5, 1865. Brevel Major, U.S.V., August ,;. [865, " for efficient and meritorious services." Died May 17. 1869. jTulliT, dearies Emerson. Lieutenant Colonel, Chief Quartermaster, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH I, 1873. Isr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1466. BOSTON. i aptain, A.Q.M., U.S.A . Augusl 3, 1 S01 . Assigned as I hiel Quartermaster, 10th Army Corps, with rank ol Lieutenant Colonel (under Act, Jul) 17. 1862), February i, 1864. Resigned, Novembei t8, 1864. *JFuller 1 1i?nuo Kliltuin. Colonel, Seventy fifth U.S. Colored Troops — Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1869. Isr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1169. isl Lieutenant, i^i VII. Infantry, \piil 30, ism; mustered Ma) |. 1861. Mustered out, Augusl 9, [861. isl Lieutenant, Adjutant, 41I1 VII. Infantry, September 20, [861. Resigned, Octobei 29, 1862. Major, t6th \.ll. Infantry, Octobei jo, 1862, P toted Lieutenant Colonel, November 1, [862. Mustered out, August 20, [863 Colonel, 75th U.S.C.T., Novembei 23, [863. Mustered out, November 25, [865. Brevel Brigadier General, r.v\ . March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious servia • during the war." I lied at Roxbur; , Mass., Vpril 7. 1885. "'I ) antru, diaries Benjamin. First Lieutenant, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U S.V ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7961. ROCHESTER, N.H. zd Lieutenant, I ;th N.H. Infantry, September 27, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, June 1, 1863; mustered, July 29, 1863. Commissioned Captain, May 30, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, June 21, 1865. ©albrattf), jFrctirrir £HiUiam. Captain, Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1669. CHICAGO, ILL. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Maine Infantry, June 22, 1S63. Captain, A.D.C., U.S.V., May iS, 1864. Mustered out, June 8, 1866. Brevet Major, U.S.V., May 29, 1865, " for gallantry at Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia, and during the campaign of the Carolinas." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious conduct during the campaigns of Atlanta, Savannah, and the Carolinas." (Sallouur, Isaac jfranns. Major, Surgeon, Seventeenth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6685. LYNN, MASS. Major, Surgeon, 17th Mass. Infantry, July 10, 1861; mustered, July 22, 1861. Mustered out, August 3, iSd-i- Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." ©alucta, aEanrn Bolum. Captain, Fifty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 3, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2644. DEDHAM, MASS. Private and 1st Sergeant, 18th Mass. Infantry, July 26, 18O1; mustered, August 24, 1861. Discharged (disability), November 8, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 56th Mass. Infantry, September 5, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, January 4, 1864. Captain, June 24, 1S64; mustered, October 21, 1864. Mustered out, July 12, 1865. C'°5) * (Pansrlioort, li?rmu Sanforti. Captain, Fifth Artillery — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U S.A. — Coionel, Thirteenth New York Cavalry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.SV. ELECTED MAY 6, 1868, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, APRIL 6, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 759. Private, ;th infantry, N.Y.S.M., in service oi U.S., April 26, 1861. Mustered out, June ;, 1861, 2. 1 Lieutenant, 51I1 Artillery, U.S.A., May 14. 1861. Promoted ist Lieutenant, March 1. 1862 Captain, \ugusi 1 ;, iStxi. Lieutenant Colonel, 13th N.Y. Cavalry, June 20, [863. Promoted I olonel, March 28, 1864. Discharged, June 23, 1865. Brevel Captain, U.S.A., September 17, 1S62, "lor gallant and meri- torious services al the battle of Antietam, Maryland." Brevet Major, U.S.A., Octo- ber 14, 1864, "foi gallant and meritorious services in action near Manassas Gap, Virginia." Brevel I ieutenanl Colonel, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services .luring the war." Brevel Brigadier General, U.S.V., June 24, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." Died at Albany, \ Y., April 12, 1N71 . (Partmu-r, Eo&ert gallotoeU. ELECTED MARCH B, 1890. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 7771. CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. Bj inheritance from JOHN WILLIAM TUDOR GARDINER, Cadet, I S M.A., July I, 1836. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, ist Dragoons, U.S.A., fulj I, 1840. 2d Lieutenant, December 31, 1840; ist Lieutenant, April 21,1846. Captain, Octo- bei 19, (851. Major, 2.1 Cavalry, October 20, 1861. Retired, November 14, 1S61, "for disability resulting from exposure in line of duly." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., March ij, 1865, "foi meritorious services during the war." Died, September 27, 1879. (Fairjnrr, pfarrtgon. First Lieutenant, Forty-fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED FEBRUARY 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4493. BR00KLINE, MASS. i -i I ieutenant, 45th Infantry, M V.M , September 20, 1862. Mustered out, July 7, 1863. ( 106 ) f (gavtmrr, l?r jrfttaii. Captain (Retired) — Brevet Major, U.S.A. — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 1, 1881, 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2246. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, JANUARY 3, 1883. Captain, iooth Illinois Infantry, August 30, 1S62. Mustered out, August 18, 1864. Captain, Veteran Reserve Corps, September 15, 1864. Mustered out, October 28, 1866. Captain, 44th Infantry, U.S.A., July 28, 1866; accepted, October 29, 1866. Unassigned, May 27, 1S69. Retired, December 15. 1870, "for loss of right leg from wounds received in line of duty." Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tennessee." Brevet Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for meritori- ous conduct at the battle of Chattanooga, and at the charge on Missionary Ridge." 6rlrao, 3osrpli Milcv. Captain (Retired) — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A. Major, Fourth Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 7, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1495. BOSTON. Private, Corporal and Sergeant, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 25, 1861. 2d Lieu- tenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, February 12, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 23, 1863. Discharged to accept promotion, October 13, 1864. Captain, 57th Mass. Infantry, October 19, 1864. Discharged to accept promotion, November 14, 1864. Major, 4th Mass. Heavy Artillery, December 7, 1864. Mustered out, June 17, 1865. Commissioned Colonel, 59th Mass. Infantry, February S, 1865; not mustered. Cap- tain, 45th Infantry, U.S.A., July 28, 1866. Unassigned, July 22, 1869. Retired, December 15, 1870, " for loss of right arm and for wounds received in line of duty." Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 2, 1S67, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Mountain. Virginia." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania." (EHrjrjtngs, (Lrtitoarrj ILrarf). Captain, Fortieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1671. BEVERLY, MASS. Captain. 40th Mass. Infantry, September 6, 1862. Discharged (disability), February 25, 1S64. ( i°7 ) 2. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, December 20, 1S62. Captain, March 19, 1864. Resigned, April 26, 1864. ©otrtiaro, Eooert Hair Ebrs. Captain, Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1 142. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private, 1st Infantry, R.I. Detached Militia, in service of the U.S., May 2, 1861. Mustered out, August 2, 1861. Volunteer A.D.C. at Headquarters, qth Army Corps, September 20, 1862. Captain, Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V., March 11, 1863. Resigned, July 3, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., August 1, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee and at the siege of Knoxville." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., April 2, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct at Fort Stedman and in the assault before Fort Sedg- wick, Virginia." ( l°9 ) ^obtoarb. aStlltam. Major, First Infantry, Rhode Island Detached Militia, in service of the United States. — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 2, 1879. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1900. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Colonel and Aide-de-Camp, Stafl of Gover 'of Rhode Island (serving in the field), Vpril, 1861. Resigned, Vugusl to, 1861. Major, 1st infantry, R.I. Detached Militia, June 27, 1861. Mustered out, August 2, 1861. Volunteer Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V., December 12, [862 (General Orders 349, Army of the Potomai . to December 2;. iSdj. Brevel Lieutenant Colonel, Q.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for meritorious senk vs in raising ami lining out troops from Rhode Island." Brevel Colonel, U.S.'V . March 13, 1865, "for distinguished gallantry at the first battle ol Bull Run. Virginia." ©oft, flatljan, Junior. Colonel, Thirty-seventh U.S. Colored Troops — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 6, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3148. WARREN, R.I. Captain, 2d K.I. Infantry, June 6, 1861. Promoted Major, July 22, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, December 13, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, 22d U.S.C I . December 2;. 1863. Colonel, .17111 U.S.C.T., October 25, 1864. Mustered out. June 4. 1S67. Brevel Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 1 ;. 1865, "for long and faithful service and gallant conduct in tin- held." olbsmttli, Sanforb ising. Captain, Fifty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 7. 1884. hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 3676. ANDOVER, MASS. Private, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1861. Discharged to accept promotion, January (>, 1S0.1. 2d Lieutenant, 59th Mas,. Infantry. January 6, 1864. l'ron i 1st Lieutenant, June 2;, [864. Captain, March 25, 1865. Mustered out, Ma) i v 1865. Brevet Captain, I .S.V., March 25, 1865, "for gallantry at Fort Stcdin.ui. Virginia." no) * ({portion, (£>rorgc ll?rnru. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1 870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1139. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July I, 1842. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, Mounted Rifles, U.S.A., July I, 1S46. 2d Lieutenant, January S, 1S48. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, August 30, 1853. Resigned, October 31, 1S54. Colonel. 2d Mass. Infantry, May 24, 1861. Brigadier General, U.S.V., June 9, 1S62. Mustered out, August 24, 1S65. Brevet 1st Lieutenant, U.S.A., April IS, 1847, " for gallant ami meritorious conduct at Cerro Gordo." Brevet Major General, U.S.V., April 9, 1865, "for meritorious and distinguished services." Died at Framingham, Mass., August 29, 1886. t^ottlti, (P;ra palmer. Major, Fifty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1679. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, NOVEMBER 6, 1889. Private, 24th Mass. Infantry, October 18, 1861. Discharged to accept pro- motion, December 20, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 55th Mass. Infantry, October 15. 1S63. Captain, 59th Mass. Infantry, January 22, 1864. Promoted Major, August 20, 1864. Transferred to 57th Mass. Infantry, May 26, [865. Mustered out, July 30, 1S65. * * <£oitlti, jFranrts. First Lieutenant, Fortieth New York Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1518. 1st Sergeant, 40th N.V. Infantry, June 21, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 40th N.Y. Infantry, November 4, 1S61. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, February 6, 1862. Dis- charged (disability resulting from wounds), January 10, 1863. Died at Arlington, Mass., September 7. 1874. (gottlti, Jotnt p?cnru. Captain, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5800. MEDFIELD, MASS. Captain, 3d R.I. Heavy Artillery, August 27, 1861. Commissioned Major, March 22, 1864; not mustered. Resigned (disability), March 6, 1864. ( III 1 (Sobe, (Efjarles Augustus. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2693. U.S.S. McARTHUR." Cadet Midshipman, U.S.N.A., June 5, 1N71. Midshipman, ISA'., June 20, [876. Promoted Ensign, March 29, i*v>. Lieutenant (junior grade), March 4, [886. Bj inheritance from JESSE A. GOVE. — 2d Lieutenant, < >i li U.S. [nfantry, April 9, 1847. Promoted ist Lieutenant, December (. i n j - . Discharged, August 2(1. 1848. Captain, toth U.S. [nfantry, March 3, [855. Colonel, 22d Massachusetts Infantry, 1 li tobei 30, 1861. Killed in anion at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862, (Sobe, (Klrslru Austin. Captain, Third Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1881. 1 jt CLASS. INSIGNIA 2242. EAST BOSTON. Private, p-i Mass Infantry, August i ;. 1862. 1st Lieutenant, 4 isi Mass. [nfantry, afterwards 3d Mass. Cavalry. Septembei 20, 1862, Promoted Captain, March 30, [865. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action and long confinement in Rebel prisons), Maj 15, 1865. (Snigg, Jlsaar Paul. First Lieutenant, Sixty-first Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Captain, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 5, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3160. BOSTON. Private and Corporal, isi Mass. Infantry, April 17, [861; mustered, Ma) 24, [861, Mustered out, Maj 25, 1864. 2-1 Lieutenant, 61st Mass. Infantry, September 8, 1864. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, December 9, 1864; mustered, Decembei 19, [864. Mustered out, Jul) k>. 1865. Brevet 1 aptain, 1 v\ .. Vpril 9, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall ol Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the insurgent arm) under General Robert E. I ee ipuantmaii, B&ttUam. Lieutenant Colonel, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5157. CHELSEA, MASS. Private, isl Mass. Infantry, Ma) 23, [861. Discharged t" accept promotion, 18, (862 Captain, 13th N.ll. [nfantry, Septembei 27, [862; mustered, 1 ;. 1, 1862. Promoted Major, June 1, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, Jul) is. iSiq, Discharged (disability), October 16, 1864. I 1 12 1 <©rabrs, (funis <£tjtotn. Captain, Thirty third Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V ELECTED MAY 6. 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3845. MELBOURNE, FLORIDA. ist Lieutenant, 33d Mass. [nfantry, July 24. 1862. Promoted Captain, Decem- ber 4, 1S62. Mustered nut, June n, 1S65. Brevet Major, 1 .S.V., March [6, 1865, ••for gallant and meritorious services at the engagement at Averysborough, North Carolina." t ©rail, jjranrts tfrtitoarli. Captain, Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1743. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 5, 1890. ist Sergeant, 37th Mass. Infantry, September 2, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 37th Mass. Infantrv, May 24, 1S63. Promoted ist Lieutenant, November iS, 1863. Captain, November 20, 1864. Mustered out, June 21, 1865. (grrrlru, IHosrs Eeu&en. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, Third Minnesota Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8058. SOUTH WEYMOUTH, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 3d Minnesota Infantry, September 5. 1862. Mustered out, September 2, 1865. (Burrn, diaries ILanman. Passed Assistant Surgeon (Lieutenant), U.S N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3504. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Captain's Clerk, U.S.N., May, 1861, to September, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 51st Infantry, Pennsylvania Militia, in service of the U.S., July II, 1863. Mustered out, September 2, 1863. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., May 31, 1S64. Assistant Surgeon, June 23, 1864. Promoted Passed Assistant Surgeon, October II, 1S67. Resigned, January 15, 1870. ("3) (green, fttillimj. First Lieutenant, Tenth Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 3, 1875. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1618. BOSTON. Private and Corporal, isl Mass, Battery, V.ugusl 28, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, isl Mass" Battery, Septembei 21,1862 Mustered out, Octobei [9,1864. .•i Lieu- tenant, June 2;, 1S115. Tran fern 1 to 2isl Infantry, Septembei 21, 1866. Unas- ligned, Vpril 19, 1869. \s-,i^ru-, l to 41I1 Artillery, December 15, 1870. Captain, I > 1 1 mber 1. 1883. (Prrrnougli, BEiUiam Smttij. Captain, Eighteenth New Hampshire Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 1, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1450. WAKEFIELD, MASS. Private and Corporal, 4th [nfantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 1, 1862. Mustered out, August 28, [863. Captain, iSih N.ll. Infantry, September 30, is.,|. Mustered out, June io, 1865, Brevel Major, 1 S/V . ipril 2, 1865, "for gal- lantry before Petersburg, Virginia." ( '14) (griffin, (Ttinrlrs ILimson. ELECTEO NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 5097. KEENE, N.H. Eldesl son of Companion Brevet Major General SIMON G. ' I Griffin, Simon (PooDrll. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S V. ELECTED MARCH 1. 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1289. KEENE, N.H. Captain, 2<\ N.H. Infantry, June 4, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, 6th VII. Infantry, October 29, [861. Promoted Colonel, April 22, 1862. Brigadier General, L.S.V., May 12, 1864. Mustered out, August 24,1865. Brevet Major General, I.S.V., April 2, 1S65, " for gallant and meritorious conduct in the assault on the enemy's lines in fronl "I Fori Sedgwick, Virginia." (griffin, BKflUam JFranftlm. Captain, Forty-ninth U.S. Colored Troops. ELECTED JANUARY 4, 1388. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5951. BOSTON. Private and 1st Sergeant, 93d Illinois Infantry, August 9, 1862; must her 13, 1862. Discharged to accept promotion, June 4, 1863. 1st Lieutenant, nth Louisiana Infantry, afterward 49th U.S.C.T., April 22, 1863; mustered, June 4, 1863. Promoted Captain, Man h 19, 1864. Mustered out, March 22, 1 (grimrs, 3amcs JForsattrj. Captain, Seventeenth Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6992. HILLSBOROUGH BRIDGE, N.H. Captain 17th Infantry, U.S.A., August 5, 1861. Transferred to 26th Infantry, September 21, 1866. Transferred to 10th Infantry, May 19, 1869. Discharged, December 31, 1870. Brevet Major, I .S. A ., August I, 1874, " for gallant services at Spottsylvania and during the campaign before Richmond, Virginia." Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." ( 115 ) ©rinnell, lljrnru BKalton. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, U S.N, ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5099. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. M e, U.S.N., June 23, 1862, Promoted Acting Ensign, November n, Vcting Master, January 6, 1864, "for g I conduct in charge of naval howitzers at capture of Aran is Pass, rexas." Vcting Volunteei Lieul nant, May 3, i x 's I nsign, March 12, 1868; declined. Discharged, fuly 25, 1868. :; ' ©utneg, Patrick LuHirrt. Colonel, Ninth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1876. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1754. Captain, 9th Mass. Infantry, June 11, 1861. Promoted Major, Octobei jj, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, January 28, 1862. Colonel, July 26, 1862. Mustered nut, June 21, [864. Brevel Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious services during the war." I lied ,u Boston, Man h 21, [877. *$?alrt)ork. (Tliarlrs. Major, Surgeon, Eighth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1524. , Sih Infantry, M.V.M., November 7. 1862. Mustered out, August 7. [863 D d al Beverly, Mass., Octobei 10, 1889. t dailies, 3l?niru (EargUl. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2939. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, NOVEMBER 7, 1883. I i.i Midshipman, l >V\. June 2t,. [875. 2d Lieutenant, U.S.M.C., July 1. 1883. >n to Companion Brevel Brigadier General THOMAS J. HAINES, decea- (116) * Raines, (Efiomas Jefferson. Major, Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Brigadier General U.S.A. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1819. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July I, 1S45. 2d lieutenant, 2d Artillery, U.S.A., July 1, 1849. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 9, 1853. Appointed Adjutant, October I, 1855. Captain, 13th Infantry, May 14,1861; declined. Captain, Commissary of Subsistence, August 3, 1861. Colonel, A.A.D.C, ISA., May 1. 1862, to May 31, 1866. Major, Commissary of Subsistence, February 9, 1863. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, Brevet Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.A., March 13. [865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Died at Hartford, Conn., August 14, 1S83. $alr, (LBtoarti iSbcrrtt. ELECTED MAY 2, 1888. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 6343. BOSTON. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Earnest in all patriotic action. A man of peace defending and advocating a war l"i right. $alc, lt?rnr« 'Hpplcton. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, u.s.v. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2688. SALEM. MASS. Private, Sth Infantry. M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 17, 1861 ; mustered, May 18, 1861. Mustered out, August I, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, August 22, 1861. Promoted Captain, July I, 1S62. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V. , June 30, 1864. Mustered out, November 1 1, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S. V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at Kinston, North Carolina." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." l?all, (JBtitoarti t?rnru. Chaplain, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1877. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1803. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Chaplain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., September 12, 1862. Mustered out, June 1S, 1863. ( i>7 I gall, H'nuij iTIiroop. First Lieutenant, Thirty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.SV. ELECTEO NOVEMBER 4, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4331. READING, MASS. Sergeant, 34th Mass. Infantry, Jul} 17. 1862; mustered, ful) 31, 1S0-. 2d Lieutenant, 54th Mass. [nfantry, August J.;. 1862; mustered, December 15, 1862. Promoted 1-1 Lieutenant, 1 fctober 18, [864; mustered, Deceml (864. ' ommis- sioned Captain, Februarj [8, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, June 16, 1 S65. gall, 3ames Irbin. First Lieutenant, First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.SV ELECTED DECEMBER S, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6636. KINGSTON, MASS. isi Lieutenant, isl Mass. Heav) Artillery, March i, 1862. Discharged (dis- ability n suiting from wound received in action), Octobei ;. 1864. *gall, Clifton iff. Lieutenant Colonel, Chief Quartermaster — Brevet Colonel, U.SV. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1144. isl Lieutenant, adjutant, 2isl M.iss. [nfantry, September 18, 1861. Captain, A..Q.M., U.S.V., Jul) 22, [862. Assigned as Chiel Quartermaster, 9th Army Corps, with rank ol Lieutenanl Colonel (undei Acl of July 17, 1862), January, [863, Resigned, December 5, 1864. Brevel Major, U.S.V., March i3,i86s,"foi efficient and meritorious services in his department." Brevel Lieutenant Colonel and i 1 lolonel, I S.\ Died .11 San Diego, Cal., t\ugusl ;. 1880 gallatoag, Cijarleg Stuart. Acting; Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1582. ROXBURY, MASS. Acting Vssistanl Paymaster, U.S.N., June 7. 1864, Discharged, October 24, (118) *&allotorU, (Eofoaro jjkrolrs. Colonel, Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier Generai, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 958. 1st Lieutenant, Volunteer Aide-de-Camp, October iS to December 16, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, January II, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, November 12, 1862. Captain, 54th Mass. Infantry, March 6, 1863. Promoted Major, April 17, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, May 31, 1863. Colonel, July 18, 1863. Mustered out, August 20, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., June 27, 1865, " for meritorious services." Died al Wesl Medford, Mass., July 26, 1871. Ulallotorll, ilortoooo Penrose. Colonel, Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1884. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3054. WEST MEDFORD, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 2oth Mass. Infantry, July 10, 1861: Promoted Captain, November 26, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, 54th Mass. Infantry, April 17, 1863. Colonel, 55th Mass. Infantry, May 30, 1S63. Resigned (disabilty resulting from wound received in action), November 2, 1863. t&abfteato, ffimmel f otter. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 721. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AS CHARTER MEMBER, FEBRUARY 1, 1882. Captain, 2d N.Y. Heavy Artillery, December II, 1861. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., April 14, 1S62. Resigned, June 28, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." f Hamilton, (diaries Smttl). Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 1, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1552. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. i i.l. t, L.S.M.A., July I, 1839. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, 2d Infantry, U.S.A., July 1,1843. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, November 17, 1S45. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 30, 1847. Resigned, April 30, 1853. Colonel, 3d Wisconsin Infantry, May II, 1861 ; mustered June 29, 1861. Brigadier General, U.S.V., August 10, 1861, to rank from May 17, 1S61. Promoted Major General, September 19, 1862. Resigned, April 13, 1863. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., August 20, 1S47, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, in Mexico (119) lUapgooti, (Flunks (JFtituarti. Colonel, Fifth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1703. BR00KLINE, MASS. Captain, 5th VII. [nfantry, Octobei [2, [861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, ember 14, 1862, Colonel, July 3, 1863, Discharged, October 14, 1864. llMrtiu, Slphrus 1l?olmrs. Firsl Lieutenant, Forty fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Voiunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED APRl l 6, IB 1 ASS. INSIGNIA 1055. BOSTON. mi Lieutenant, 1.5th Infantry, M.V.M., Septemher 26, 1862. Mustered out, Jul) 7. 1863 TiMniman, Baofo Samuel. First Lieutenant, Twelfth Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1881. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 2245. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Private, 8th M.I I [nfantry, Octobei [8, 1861. Discharged, May 25, 1863. Private and Sergeant, 8th [nfantry, M.V.M., in service ol the U.S., July 20, 1864. Mustered out, November 10, 1864, isl I ieutenant, roth Company Unassigned, Maine [nfantry, afterwards [2th Maine [nfantry, February 8, [865. Discharged, September 19, 1865, Harrington, Samuel. Captain, Twenty fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 3, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3674. BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 25th Mass. [nfantry, October 12, 1861. Promoted Captain, November 5, 1862. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, January 10, 1865; not mustered, M ustered out, July 1 ;, i s "; Dams, James louts. Acting Ensign, U.S.N. ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1887. In CLASS. INSIGNIA 5874. BOSTON. Acting Mastei Mate, 1 S.N., March, 1864. Promoted Acting Ensign, April 6, [864 I lisi harged, 1 >• tobi 1 8, 1867. ( 120 Harris, Stomas Uston. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY I, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7568. PORTSMOUTH, N.H. Acting Master, U.S.N., May 27, 1861. Promoted Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, April 27, 1863, "for gallant conduct in face of the enemy." Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander, April 26, 1S65. Discharged, October 24, 1865. garrison, William l?rnru. First Assistant Engineer (Lieutenant), U.S.N. ELECTED MAY 2, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2801. BRAINTREE, MASS. 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., July 29, l86t. Promoted 2d Assistant Engineer, December 18, 1862. 1st Assistant Engineer, January 30, 1865. Resigned, October 8, 1S72. $avt, Samuel CooU. Lieutenant Colonel, Fourth Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1889. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 7533. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. 1st Sergeant, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 23. 1861. Mus- tered out, July 22, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 23d Mass. Infantry, September 2S, 1861. Promoted Captain, [une 25, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, 4th Mass. Heavy Artillery, November 14, 1S64. Mustered out, June 17, 1865. pjarttorll, "Mrcti Strtiman. Colonel, Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, U.S.V. ELECTED AUGUST 4, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1056. HONOLULU, H.I. Corporal, 3d Missouri Infantry, May 10, 1861. Mustered out, August 17, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 12, 1862. Captain, 54th Mass. Infantry, March 16, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, 55th Mass. Infantry, May 30, 1863. Promoted Colonel, November 3, 1863. Mustered out, April 30, 1866. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., December 30, 1864, "fur gallant services at the battle of Honey Hill, South Carolina." ( >2> ) Ufarttorll. Mvib JSTotonsniU. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8269. BOSTON. Bj inheritance hum CHAR1 ES VTHERTON HARTWELL, isl Lieutenant, nih Infantry, U.S.A., August 5, 1861. Colonel, 77th U.S.C.T., December 8, [863. Transferred to [Ofh U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery, October 1, 1865. Mustered out, February 2, 1867. Captain, Ilth Infantry, U.S.A., October 4, 1866; unassigned, April i.). 1869; assigned to 8th Cavalry, December 15, 1870. Brevel Captain, U.S V., fune 27, 1862, " for gallanl and meritorious services at the battle of Gain: - Mill, Virginia." Brevet Major, U.S.A., fune 14, 1 863, " foi gallant and meritorious ces al the siege ol Porl Hudson, Louisiana." Brevel Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for gallanl and meritorious services during the war." Brevel Brig liei General, 1 .S.V., Decembei 2, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died Octobei ;. 1876. * Ittavttorll, iFqilias ILorrnjo. First Lieutenant, Seventh Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery, U.S.V, ELECTEO DECEMBER 3, 1884. 1 si CUSS. INSIGNIA 3675. Sergeant and i si Sergeant, Company of Infantry, afterwards reorganized as -th Mass. Battery, April 19, 1861; mustered, May 21, [861. 2d Lieutenant, 7U1 Mass. Battery, April 14. 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, November 17. 1802. Re- si^m/il, October 5, iS" ; Died at Pasadena, Cal., April m, [890. Hastings, iTIiavIrs HEtlUam. Captain, Twelfth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8059. SOUTH WEYMOUTH, MASS. ist Lieutenant, [2th Mass. Infantry, fune 26, 1861. Promoted Captain, August 10, 1862. Discharged, March 12, [865. * U?atrii. ©ssian lobrl. First Lieutenant, Seventh Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 957. tsi Lieutenant, 7th Conn. Infantry, August 31, 1861; mustered, Septembei 6, 1S01. Mustered out, Septembei 5, 1864. Died at Meriden, 1 February 9, 1888 a C "22 ) t l?atliatoau, Soljn ILtuingston. Captain, Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1874, 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1562. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. Captain, Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V., September 4, 1S61. Mustered out, 1 Ictober 26, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., June 2, 1S65, " for efficient and meritorious services." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., June 2, 1865, "for faithful and meri- torious services." $?avjrn, jhanklin, Junior. Lieutenant Colonel, Second California Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1260. BOSTON. Captain, Additional Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V., April 15, 1862. Resigned, May 11, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel, 2d California Cavalry, January 5, 1865; mustered, January II, 1865. Resigned, April 30, 1865. * gators, 3orm SUtvantirr. Captain, Third Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 1, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1288. Captain, _;d Infantry, M.V.M., September 18, 1862. Mustered out, June 27, 1863. Lied at Fairhavcn, Mass., March 10, 1SS3. $avjjkc, 3amrs Wbzvt. Surgeon (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N. Major. Surgeon, Two Hundred and Fifteenth Pennsylvania Infantry, U.S.V ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7962. PORTSMOUTH, N.H. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 114th Pennsylvania Infantry, March 17, 1S63. Major, Surgeon, 215th Pennsylvania Infantry, April 20, 1S65. Mustered out, July 31, 1865. Assistant Surgeon (Master), U.S.N., June 24, 1867. Pro- moted Passed Assistant Surgeon (Lieutenant), February 26, 1873. Surgeon (Lieu- tenant Commander), May 1, 1879. ( 123) IttaUiluns. ©artmer (fTIianUlrr. First Lieutenant, Third Vermont Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 7, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3251. BOSTON. Private, ;. [865. isl Assistant Engineer (Lieutenant), Jul) 25, i< s <'<'- Resigned, January 18, 1S69. flftatolfu, jtosrpi) Ivostorll. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. llT CLASS. INSIGNIA 1064. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, MARCH 1, 1882. Captain, ist Conn. Infantry, April 22, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1861, Lieutenant Colonel, 7th Conn. Infantry, September 17, 1S61. Promoted Colonel, May 19, 1S62. Brigadier General, U.S.V., September 17. 1S04. Mustered out, fanuary 15. kSuo. Brevel Major General, U.S.V., September 28, 1865, " for gallant .m.l meritorious services during the wai IPaiitirn, (irtituarti Daniel. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1874. 1sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1582. WOBURN, MASS. Acting Vs.iviani Paymaster,! S.N., September 27, 1862. Discharged, February 2, 1S06. ttyaurs, (LTiiarlrs Cogsujrll. Major, Surgeon. Forty-third Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1885. lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 4259. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, NOVEMBER 5, 1890. ist Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 43d Wisconsin Infantry. August 10, 1864; mustered, August 29, [864. Promoted Major, Surgeon, March 1;. 1865. Mus- tered "ut. fune 'i 1 1 [24 I ftajarti, JrffrcB. Captain, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1698. PROVIDENCE, R.I. 2.1 Lieutenant, 1st R.I. Light Artillery, October 5, 1861. Promoted Captain, 1 Ictober 14, 1862. Resigned, August 17, 1863. Iftajarti, jiotm Partner. Colonel, First Rhode Island Light Artillery— Brevet Brigadier General, U S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1869. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1054. NEW ORLEANS, LA. l-l Lieutenant, 1st R.I. Light Artillery, Augusts, 1861. Promoted Captain, August 18, 1862. Major, April 19, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel, April [3, 1865. Colonel, June 12, 1865. Mustered out, July I, 1S65. Colonel, 5th U.S. Veteran Volunteers, July 14, 1865. Mustered out, March 5, 1866. Brevet Lieutenanl I olonel, U.S. V., August I, 1864, " for distinguished services and good conduct throughout the campaign, especially at fold Harbor, Virginia." Brevet Colonel and Brevet Briga- dier General, U.S.V., May 3, 1865, " for meritorious services during the war." Triton, Isaac i?ills. Assistant Surgeon (Master), U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1872. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 1387. WELLESLEY HILLS, MASS. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., September 17, 1861. Resigned, September II, 1865. l&rarti, 3olin STijroUovr. Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Director — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 826. BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1861. Major, Surgeon, U.S.V., May I, 1S62. Assigned as Medical Director 4th Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (General Orders 29), February 28, 1864. Mustered out, October 23, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., Mareli 13, 1S65, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." ( <25) li?rtigr, SKEiUiam. First Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 921. PLYMOUTH, MASS. Corporal, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., September 12,1862. i-t Lieutenant, J.41I1 Infantry, M.V.M., [anuar] 15, [863. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. H?rmu, (Provgr (fTjmunrj. Captain, First Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8060. BOSTON. 2.1 Lieutenant, (si Mass. Infantry, May 25, 1861. Promoted i^t Lieutenant, July 13, 1S01. < .q.iam, |ulv 12. 1S62. Mustered out, Ma) 25, 1864. isl Lieutenant, Adjutant, 14th Veteran Reserve Corps, June (8, 1864. Discharged, September 26, [867. Brevet 1 aptain, U.S.V., November 2, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious ser- vices." Brevel Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " foi gallant and meritorious »ervii at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania." 1t?nuu, William 0Htrt. Colonel, Tenth Vermont Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5875. BURLINGTON, VERMONT. i>i Lieutenant, 2d Vermont Infantry, May 22, 1861; mustered, June 20, 1861 Discharged (disability), November 5, 1S61. Major, 10th Vermont Infantry, August 26, 1X62; mustered, September 1, 1S02. Promoted I ieutenanl Colonel, October 17, 1862; mustered, Novembei 3,1862. Colonel, April 26, 1864; mustered, June 0, 1X0.4. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), December 17, 1864. Brevet Brigadiei General, U.S.V., March 7, 1865, "for gallant an. 1 meritorious cor duet at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and Cedar (reek, Virginia, and Monocacy, Maryland." *&erricfc, ffeotge ll?rnry SHcbstrr. Major, Surgeon, First U.S. Volunteers. ELECTED MAY 1,1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1426. isl Lieutenant. Assistant Surgeon, isl U.S. Volunteers, April 20, 1864, Pro- moted Major, Surgeon, Augu-l 2 ;, iXo.|. Mustered out, November 27, 1865. Died at London, England, July 21, 1X77. ( 120) ^rssrlttnr, jFranrts $iiotii. Lieutenant Colonel, Thirteenth Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 975. MELROSE, MASS. Captain, 3d Maine Infantry, June 4, 1S61. Discharged to accept promotion, November 14, 1861. Maim, 13th Maine Infantry, December 10, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, April 2S, 1S62. Mustered out, January 6, 1S65. tl&igbrr, 3orjn li?cnln). Major, U.S. Marine Corps. ELECTED APRIL 12, 1871, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1280. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 3, 1871. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, SEPTEMBER 25, 1882. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, APRIL 30, 1883. 2d Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, March 9, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, September I, 1861. Captain, June 10, 1S64. Major, August 18, 1889. Brevet Captain, U.S.M.C., May 25, 1S63, "for gallant and meritorious services at Port Hudson and Grand Gulf, May 25, 1S63." ^igginson, jFranrts 3Lrr. Captain, Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1071. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 54th Mass Infantry, February 28, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, April 14, 1863. Captain, July 16, 1863. Captain, 5th Mass. Cavalry, February II, 1864. Mustered out, November 30, 1S65. ^iggtnson, l&rnni ILrr. Ma|or, First Massachusetts Cavalry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6144. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 28, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 8, 1861. Captain, 1st Mass. Cavalry, October 31, 1861. Promoted Major, March 26, 1S62. Discharged (disability resulting from wound received in action), August 9, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war, and especially in the campaign of 1864 of the Army of the Potomac." (•27) 11>iggtnson, Gliomas CHrnttoortli. Colonel, Thuty thud U.S. Colored Troops. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6913. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 1 iptain, 5isl Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Septembei 25, 1862, Colonel, isi Smith Carolina Volunteers (afterward 33d U.S.C.T.), November 10, 1862. Resigned (disability resulting from wound received in action), October 27, 1864. H?ilTjrrtii, ffifjarleg JFlours. Major, Surgeon, Fortieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1880. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2117. HARTFORD, CONN. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., October 28, 1862. Resigned, February 4, isi.| isl Lieutenant, Vssistant Surgeon, |utli Mass. Infantry, September 22, 1864. Promoted Major, Surgeon, Maj 19, 1865, Discharged, June 16, 1865. gill, 3ames (Ptllirit. Captain, Ninety-seventh U.S. Colored Troops. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. INSIGNIA 922. LOWELL, MASS. Private and I >t Serjeant, 42.I Infantry. M.V.M., in service of the U.S., October 14, 1K62. 1st Lieutenant, 1st Louisiana Engineers, U.S.V., May 10. 1S0;. Captain, jd I ouisiana 1 ngineers (afterward 97th U.S.C.T.), September 12. 1863. Mustered out, April 6, 1 866. mi Panics amilltam. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5424. ROXBURY, MASS. Musician, 3d VII. Infantry, February 2S, 1862. Mustered out, March 1, [865 By inheritance from HENRY HILL, Chaplain, 3d N.H. Infantry, August 26, 1861. Musten lout, Vugust 20, 1S64. Hospital Chaplain, U.S. V., April 12,1865. Mustered out, Decembei 2, 1865. Died September 1. 1884. ( 128 ) Jjtnrfes, lioujart Max"!}. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.SV — Colonel (re- tired) — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.A. ELECTED MAY 4, 1870, IN THE COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1205. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 6, 1885. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Lieutenant Colonel, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 30. 1861. Promoted Colonel, May 16, 1S61. Mustered out, August I, 1861. Colonel, 19th Mass. Infantry, August 3, 1861. Brigadier General, U.S.V., November 29, r862; accepted, April 28, 1863. Resigned, June 30, 1865. Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services." 2d Lieutenant, 2d Cavalry, U.S.A., April 26, 1861. Resigned, June 4, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, 40th Infantry, U.S.A., July 28, 1866; accepted, September 17, 1S66. Transferred to 25th Infantry, March 15, 1S69. Retired with rank of Colonel, "for wounds received in line of duty," December 15, 1870. Brevet Colonel, U.S.A., March 2, 1S67, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Maryland." Brevet Brigadier General, U.S A., March 2, 1S67, " for gallant and meritorious services in the assault on Petersburg, Virginia." Ijinfts, SKSilliam l?rnru iKlrrti. Major, Surgeon, Twelfth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 6, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2805. MILFORD, N.H. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon. 17th Mass. Infantry, August 23, 1861. Major, Surgeon, 12th Mass. Infantry, May 26, 1863. Mustered out, July 8, 1864. 1l?o"rjgtion, (Caleb BHamix. Captain, Fourteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7963. BOSTON. Private, 14th X. II. Infantry, September 24, 1S62. Captain, 14th N.H. Infantry, October 2, 1862. Mustered out, July 8, [865. Iljotigcs, Pinion Sanfortlj, Junior. Second Lieutenant, Forty-second Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in the service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7401. BOSTON. Private, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 12, 1862. Mustered out, June 18, 1S63. 2d Lieutenant, 42d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., July 20, 1864. Mustered out, November n, 1864. ( 129 ) li)otigktns, SIHilUant $?rnn). Captain, Thirty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 6103. SOMERVILLE, MASS. Private, 36th Mass. Infantry, July 23, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 36th Mass. Infantry, Octobei 17. [862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Octobei 26,1863. Appointed Adjutant, Februarj 21, [864, Captain, May 6, 1864; mustered, July 14, 1864. Mustered out, [une 8, [865. Brevet Major, U.S. V., March 25,1865, " for valuable and distinguished - ,ii Fori Stedman, \ ii ginia holmes, li'mvu Column. First Lieutenant, Fiftieth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. in service of the United States. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1455. CHELSEA, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 50U1 Infantry, M.V.M., September 24, 1862. Mustered out. August 24, 1863. : - IDolmrs, 3osrpii M. First Lieutenant. Adjutant, Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 859. Private, 27th Mass. Infantry, August 25,1862. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 27th Mass. Infantry, May 14. 1864. Mustered out, May 15, 1865. Lied at Springfield, Mass., January -'4. 1SS1. ■ ; i)olt, Mrrt JFatrbanfts. Lieutenant Colonel, First Texas Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 6, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3146. Private and Hospital Steward, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the I ,S., ipril 17, 1861; mustered; \|ail 23, [86l. Mustered out, July 22, l86l. ISt Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 30th Mass. Infantry, December 6, [861; commissioned, Febru- ary 20. [862. Major, Surgeon, 1st Texas Cavalry, December 1, 1862. Major, De- 1, 1863. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, December, [864; mustered, Ma) 20, 1 86 Ma tered 1 ut, Movi mbi 1 1. 1865. Lied at Martin, Florida, December 28, 1890. I. 130) * Romans, (©rovgr l?nuo. Captain, Forty-fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 5, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1465. Corporal, ist Corps of Cadets, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 26, 1862. Mustered out, July 2, 1862. Captain, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., October 7, 1S62. Mustered out, July 1, 1S63. Died at Boston, August 10, 1890. hooper, (fljarlcs pfoltirn. Lieutenant Colonel, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 2, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1600. BOSTON. Captain, 24th Mass. Infantry, September 2, 1861. Promoted Major, December 28, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, June 1, 1864. Commissioned Colonel, November 15, 1864; not mustered. Resigned. March iS, 1S65. *li?oo}m\ Isaac Harris. Major, Fifteenth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 816. Private, 13th Infantry, N.V.S.M.. in service of the U.S., April 23, 1861; mus- tered May 14, 1861. Mustered out, August 6, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 15th Mass. Infantry, October S, 1S61. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Adjutant, June 9, 1S62. Major, April 17, 1863. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, July 4, 1863; not mustered. Resigned, July 29, 1864. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, 62d Mass. Infantry, March 2, 1865; not mustered. Died at Boston, April 12, 1873. Hopkins, GTijarlrs Augustus. Captain, Thirteenth New Jersey Infantry — ■ Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6104. BROOKLINE, MASS. Private, 8th Infantry, X.t'.S.M.. in service of the U.S., April 19, 1861; mus- tered, April 25, 1861. Mustered out, August 2, 1S61. ist Lieutenant, Adjutant, 13th N.J. Infantry, August 22, 1S62; mustered, August 25, 1862. Promoted Cap- tain, January iS, 1S63; mustered, January 31, 1S63. Mustered out, June 8, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and distinguished services in the field." ( '3> ) *1l?opluns, jfranftUn. Acting Master, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1675. Master's Mate, U.S.N., Ma) iv [861. Promoted Acting Master, April 24, 1864. Resigned, November 25, 1S64. Died at Brooklyn, N.Y., October 1 ;, 1886. $?op.uns, 3l?rnry jFrrtiericfc. Second Lieutenant, Third New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3843. LAWRENCE, MASS. isl Sergeant, 3d N.H. Infantry, August 10, 1861; mustered, August 23, 1S61. 2.1 Lieutenant, 3d N.H. Infantry, Jul) I, [862. Discharged (disability), April 17, 1863. Private, isl N.H. Cavalry, April j, [865. Mustered out, M.n 6, 1S65. tyopluns, ILouis Latoton. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 2d CLASS. INSIGNIA 8074. BROOKLINE, MASS. Eldestsonol Companion Brevet Major CHARLES A. HOPKINS. ■• 2l?opptn, SBKUUam SlEarner, , 1888. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA, 6344. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Prominent in Hospital Service, giving per- sonal attention and much money for the relief of suffering. With voice and pen an earnest supporter of Government; with cheering confidence in the success of the right. Held in honor by his fellow citizens of Rhode Island for loyalty and devo- tion to his countr) . I lied .H iv ,\ idi ni e, R.I., Vpril 19, 1S9.0. IDorton, (fliarlrs $)ainc. Captain, Aide-de Camp — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U S.V ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 999. BOSTON. j.l Lieutenant. 2<1 Mass. Infantry, May 28, 1S61. Promoted isl lieutenant, November i. 1861. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General. U.S.V., July 17. [862. Captain, Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V., August 24. 1S6;. Mustered out, Septembei 6, is,,,. Brevet Major and Brevet I teutenanl Colonel, U.S.V., March [3, 1865, " foi gallant conduct and great efficiency at the battles "I Cedar Mountain, Antietain. Chancellorsville an, I Gettysburg." ( '32 ) Norton, ifurrrtt Soittljtoortli. Major, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 4, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6183. ATTLEBOROUGH, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 47th Infantry. M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 12, iSnj; mustered, September 23, 1S62. Promoted Captain, February 2, 1863; mus- tered, March 2, 1863. Mustered out, September I, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 5SH1 Mass. Infantry, November 14, 1863; mustered, November IS, 1863. Promoted Captain, February 10, 1S64; mustered, February 20, 1864. Major, August S, 1864; mustered, August 25, 1864. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, August 31, 1S64; not mus- tered. Mustered out, July 24, 1865. * Norton, Millium ILanglru. First Lieutenant, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.SV. ELECTED AUGUST 4, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 862. 2d Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, September 2, 1S61. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, August I, 1S62. Discharged, March 12, 1864. Died at Boston, November 23, 1884. *f&ot>nj, Solomon, Suntor. Captain, Twenty-first Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2427. BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 21st Mass. Infantry, August 23, 1861. Promoted Captain, March 3, 1862. Commissioned Major, July 16, 1864; not mustered. Lieutenant Colonel, August 19, 1S64; not mustered. Mustered out, August 29, 1864. Captain, 7th U.S. Veteran Volunteers, September, 1S65. Mustered out, April 24, 1S66. Hied at Boston, October 21, 1884. Jlotoarb, (Tljarlfs. First Lieutenant, First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1890. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8338. DORCHESTER, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery, February 17, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, November 18, 1862. Resigned, January 27, 1863. ( 133) J&otoari, (Cliavh-s Lxrunoltis. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED OCTOBER 7, 1874. In CLASS. INSIGNIA 1591. BOSTON. Vcting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., Augusl 7. [863 Discharged, November 1 5, 1865. IDoluavti, @zaxQt JFranklin. Captain, Fortieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5235. TAUNTON, MASS. Private and i st Sergeant, |i-i Mass. [nfantry, Vugusl 14, 1862. 2.1 Lieu- - M . [nfantry, August 27, 1862; mustered, September io, 1862. Trans- ferred to \a\h Mass. [nfantry, September 1, 1862. Promoted [st Lieutenant, [anuarj [6, is..;,: mustered, March 6, [863. Captain, Februarj 26, [864; mustered, March 26, 1864. Mustered out, June [6, 1865. llHUnarti. Squire (ftituartj. Captain, Eighth Vermont Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7534. WEST NEWTON, MASS. Private and ist Sergeant, 8th Vermont [nfantry, November 19, 1S01. 2d Lieutenant, 8th Vermonl [nfantry, January 13, iSi.;. Promoted isl Lieutenant, liuu 12, iN's; mustered, November is. 180; Captain, July 26, [864; mustered, Octobei i-', 1864. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), 1 iei embei 9, 18114. 3l>otvir, ll)rmu BKarren. Second Lieutenant, Thirtieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4632. WALTHAM, MASS. Private, Company of Infantry, afterwards reorgani ed as 7th Mass. Battery, May 21, iSi.i. Quartermaster Sergeant, joth Mass. [nfantry, [anuarj 27, 1862. 2.1 enant, |Oth Mass. Infantry, Vugusl 19,1862. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, \;:iii- 1864; not mustered. Mustered out, February 6, 1865. (134) 1 1i?otoc, 3amrs H?rnrrj. Colonel, Thirty-second Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1563. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. Colonel, 32d Wisconsin [nfantry, August 30, 1S62. Resigned, July 6, 1S64. *i?orjjr, aEtlltam ©vrrnr. Captain, Thirtieth Massachusetts Infantry, U S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 5, 1877. Hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 1901. i^i Lieutenant, 30th Mass. [nfantry, February 20, [862. Pr oted Captain, August 5, 1862. Resigned, May 6, 1863. Died at Denver, Colorado, March 1, 1886. llHUulanrj, Cijarleg Carroll. Captain, Thirty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1889. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 6993. BOSTON. Private, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1861. Discharged, August 26, 1 862. 2d Lieutenant, 38th Mass. Infantry, August 20, 1862; mustered, October 10, 1862. Pro- moted 1st Lieutenant, March 8, [863. Captain, October 14, 1863. Mustered out, June 30, 1865. ftuMarU, diaries aniarfjrr. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6994. TAUNTON, MASS. Assistant Surgeon, (J.S.N., < Ictober 23, 1861. Resigned, September 5, 1865. f&utrfall, $cnru SEtlson, Junior. Captain, First Artillery, U.S.A. ELECTED APRIL 4, 1866, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 233. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, JANUARY 3, 1877. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, DECEMBER 2, 1878. 2d Lieutenant, 40th N.V. Infantry, December 4, 1861. Mustered out, October 4, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Artillery, U.S.A., June 18, 18(17. l'rimiutcd isl I ii 11 tenant, November 17, 1873. Captain, August 9, 1889. ( 135 ) ItjuTjscm, 3ameg $mttli. First Lieutenant, Eleventh Rhode Island Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 3, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3515. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private, 1st Infantry, R.I.D.M., in servici ol the U.S., May 30, 1 86 1. Mustered out, August -\ 1861. 1-4 Lieutenant, 111I1 R.I. Infantry, October 1, 1862. Mu out, July I ",. I Si;, *1i?utison, 3ofpi SiHtlliams. Lieutenant Colonel, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1871. Hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 1300. 2d Lieutenant, 35th Mass. Infantry, August 16, 1862. Promoted isi Lieu- tenant, September is. 1862. Captain, April 30, 1863. Major, August 10. 1864. Lieutenant Colonel, October 14, 1864.. Mustered out, June 9, 1865 Died .11 I exington, Mass., June 1. 1S72. ??unt, iTliailrs. Captain, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 819. NEWTON, MASS. Private, 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 25, 1862. Mustered out, June 1. [862. Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., September 12, 1S62. Mustered out, June is. 1863. *&urtJ, iTlunlrs 1t?rnru. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 1, 1872. lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1424. 1st Lieutenant, j2cl Mass. Infantry. July JS. iNi>2. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., May 22, 1863. Mustered out, September 19, 1865. Hum 1 Major, I S.\ . Mar- h 1 ,. [S115. " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died at Dorchester, Mass., April 25, 1877. !H?urt, triiarlrs Uusscll. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 425b. BOSTON. In succession to I panion Brevel Major CHARLES II. HURD, deceased. I 136 ) £?urti, (ETtiroTjorr (JTlarrnrr. Second Lieutenant, Forty-fifth infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, In service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1409. EAST CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., September 26, 1862. Mustered out, July 7, 1863. J&urtJ, Militant !t?rnrw. Second Lieutenant, Fiftieth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6914. SALEM, MASS. Private, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, 1S61; mustered, May 1, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 50th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 15, 1862. Mustered out, August 24, 1863. *$utcliincjs, Militant Uinrcnt. Lieutenant Colonel, Chief Quartermaster, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1867, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MARCH 4, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 632. 1st Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 24th Mass. Infantry, September 2, 1861. Captain, A.Q.M., U.S.V., November 26, 1862. Assigned as Acting Chief Quartermaster, 10th Army Corps (S.O. No. 1, 10th A.C.), May 6, 1864, to August 26, 1864; assigned Acting C.Q.M., 10th Army Corps, November 16, 1864; announced as C.Q.M., 25th Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (CO., No. 1 25th A.C.), December 4, 1864; relieved (S.O., No. 83, 25th A.C.), March 25, 1865; assigned to armies oper- ating against Richmond (S.O., No. 86, Dept. of Va.), March 27, 1865. Resigned, May 29, 1865. Died at Auburndale, Mass., July 26, 1888. $utrlimscm, (£licn. Lieutenant Colonel, Twenty-fourth Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1759. CHELSEA, MASS. Major, 24th Maine Infantry, September 10, 1862. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, June 13, 1863. Mustered out, August 25, 1863. Major, 2d Maine Cavalry, January 4, 1864. Mustered out, December 6, 1865. (■37) $?utrliinson, Jlolm Era. First Lieutenant, Seventh Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. Isr CLASS. INSIGNIA 8061. ESSEX, CONN. i-i Sergeant, 71I1 Conn. Infantry, September 6, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 71I1 1 inn Infantry, Jnh i, 1862, Promoted (si Lieutenant, \pril 11, 1X114. Mustered out, 1 )i tober 26, 1 S(>4_ InrlifS, (SHjarlrs (Sfofoarfc, Assistant Surgeon, Twentieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V ELECTED MAY 4, 1869. 1 ,r CLASS. INSIGNIA 1069. BOSTON. Assistant Surgeon, 37th Mass. Infantry, April 7, 1865; mustered, April 1 ;, 1865 Transferred to 20th Mass. Infantry. Mustered out, Ink- 16, 1865. Engalls, 3osrpi) Augustus. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Eighth Infantry, Massa- chusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1872. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 1388. SWAMPSCOTT, MASS. Private and Q.M, Sergeant, 8th [nfantry, M.V.M., November 7, 1S62. Mustered out) Vugust 7. 1863. 1-1 Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 8th Infantry, M.V.'M., July 26, 1864, Mustered out, Novi mbi 1 io, [864. Engalls, JffitttUam. Major, Surgeon, Fifty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1186. BOSTON. Major, Surgeon, 5U1 Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., October 8, 1862. Mustered out, July 2, 1863. Major, Surgeon, 59th Mass. Infantry, October 13, 1863. Mustered out, June 12, 1865. 3acfcgon, ^atrtrh ftracg, Suntor. First Lieutenant, Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1003. BOSTON. Pri\ tte, Lth Battalion Infantry. M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 25, [862. Mustered out, June 1, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, April in, 1 mustered, September 2c), iSt. ; Discharged to accept promotion, March 8, 1S64. 1st Lieutenant, 5th Mass. Cavalry, March 2, 1S64; mustered, March 14, 1864. Mustered out, Octobei 31, 1S65. ( 138 I Jackson, Samuel. Medical Director (Commodore), Retired, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3881. BOSTON. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., June 20, 1838. Promoted Passed Assistant Surgeon, November 22. 1843. Surgeon, September 2, 1S52. Medical Director, March 3, 1871. Retired, April 1, 1879. tSacobs, Jrssr Elliott. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1880. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2065. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, DECEMBER 4, 1889. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., July 17, 1862. Mustered out, September 1, 1866. Brevet Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. , March 13, 1S65, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." t*3amrs, @arrlj SUtlkinson. Captain, Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 864. TRANSFERRED TO C0MMAN0ERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. Private and Sergeant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 12, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 54th Mass. Infantry, March 23, 1863. Promoted Captain, March 30, 1865. Mustered out, August 20, 1S65. Died at Milwaukee, Wis., November 15, 1S83. Sarins, George (ffpjprtan. Major, Surgeon, Seventh Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1201. HARTFORD, CONN. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 7th Conn. Infantry, December 11. [86] Promoted Major, Surgeon, October 10, 1862. Mustered out, September 15, 1865. ( 139) 3astram, partem Slirlticin. First Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5158. PROVIDENCI Private, isl Infantry, R.I. D.M., in service of the U.S., Maj 2. 1861. Mustered out, Augusl 2, iStii. .'.1 Lieutenant, isi R.I. Light Artillery, September 28, 1 86 1. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Decembei 6, 1S62. Resigned, March 29, [864. *3rnnrss, 3osrpli Haitian. Second Lieutenant, Eleventh New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 1, 1876. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1748. Private, nth N.V. Cavalry, December 24, iSt.i. 2d Lieutenant, 11th N.V. Cavalry. June 17, 1864. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant. April 22, 1S65; not mustered. Mustered out, July 21, 1865. Died at Haverhill, Mass., Augusl .'1. 1SS1. Jlrnnrss, Euntioii Ijjntrs. Second Lieutenant, Thirty-second Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 1, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7133. SANFORD, FLORIDA. Musician, Private, Corporal an.l isl Sergeant, isl Battalion Mass. Infantry, afterwards J2d Mass Infantry, Vpril 3, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 32d Mass. Infantry, April 1, 1S05; mustered, [une 8, [865. Mustered out, June 29, 1S65. Jlrturtt, ^vastus 3H. First Lieutenant, Ninth Vermont Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5876. SWANTON, VERMONT. j.l lieutenant, iith Vermont Infantry, June 14, 1S62; mustered, July 9, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May 24, [863; mustered, July 4, 1863. Resigned, \"\rmlicr 21, 1S64. Jlolmson, (ftitoarti ifTrasliy. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Vol- unteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1131. BOSTON. isl Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., September 12, 1802. Appointed Adjutant, May 20, 1863. Mustered out, June 19, 1863. 1,0) Soljnson, $aimttml Augustus. First Lieutenant, First Battalion Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7964. WORCESTER, MASS. Private, Corporal, Sergeant and 1st Sergeant, 3d Maine Infantry, June 4, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Maine Infantry, December 5, 1S63; mustered, April 7, 1S64. Mustered out, January 28, 1865. 1st Lieutenant, 1st Battalion Maine Infantry, April 5, 1865. Mustered out, April 5, 1S66. Solmson, Eiiomas l?mru. Second Lieutenant, Second Corps Cadets, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5027. SALEM, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Corps Cadets, M.V.M., in service of the L\S„ May 26. 1862. Mustered out, October it, 1862. jtoimson, SUarren Putnam. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1887. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 5803. NEW YORK. Eldest son of Companion Second Lieutenant THOMAS II |i IHNSON. *3onrs, 3lurrt Eiti&er. Acting Master, U.S.N. ELECTED MAY 7, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7971. Acting Master's Mate, U.S.N., November 4, 1S61. Promoted Acting Ensign, September 4, 1862. Acting Master. March 2, 1S64. Discharged, October 12, 1S65. Acting Master, April 28, 1866. Discharged, July 17, 1S68. Died at Lima, Peru, June 21, 1890. Sonrs, <£rjtoarrj Scnhins. Captain, Eleventh Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 1, 1873. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1452. BOSTON. Captain, I ith Battery, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., August I, 1862. Mustered out, May 25, 1863. Captain, nth Mass. Battery, January 2,1864. Mustered out, June 16, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 25, 1865, "for conspicuous gallantrv at Fort Stedman, Virginia." ( MO jlonrs, l?rmu 3Sroton. First Lieutenant, Third Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1877. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1812. BOSTON. Sergeant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the l ; .S., Sq.ieml.er 12, 181.2. red out, June [8,1863. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery, Octobei 1, 1S1.; 1'romoted isi Lieutenant, October 21, 1863. Discharged, December 22, 1864. jlonrs, SHilliain ]t?atrli. First Lieutenant, Twenty-sixth New York Cavalry, U S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1526. BOSTON. Private, 31st Mass. Infantry, February 20, [862. 2d Lieutenant, 31st Mass. Infantry, December [,1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, April 15, 1864. Mustered out, Decembei 9, 1864. 2d Lieutenant, 26th N.Y. Cavalry, December 27, 1864. Promoted ist Lieutenant, VprU to, (865. Mustered out, June jo, 1S65. jloslin, (Prorcjr (fTlrsson. Lieutenant Colonel, Fifteenth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. LIECTED MARCH 4, 1874. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1558. BOSTON. j,l Lieutenant, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service oi the U.S., April 19, 1S1.1; mustered, Maj [9, 186J. Mustered out, August .;. 1861. Captain, 15th Mass, Infantry, August 5, 1861. Promoted Major, November [3, iSiu. Lieutenant 1 , ,1, , ,,, 1. \|>ril 17, 1863. Commissioned Colonel, July 4, 1863; not mustered Mustered out, August 9, [864. 3ot), (!H)ailrs jTrrtriirk. Captain, Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1881. 1st CUSS. INSIGNIA 2311. CHELSEA, MASS. Private, 44th Infantry, M-.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 12, 1862. Must red out, June 18, [863. Sergeant, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery. 1 ictoher S, 181.3. Discharged, Octobei 20,1864. 2d Lieutenant, 54th Mass. Infantry, September 30, 1864. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, March 30, 1865. Captain, July 17.1865. Mus- ■ 10, [865 I '42) t Sutrson, 3oIm gntirrto. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 1,1880. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2194. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, DECEMBER 31, 1886. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V. , February 3, 1S62. Mustered out, September 19, 1865. Sultan, (Srorgr |Jaj)lor. Captain, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5103. EXETER, N.H. Private, 2d Battery Mass. Light Artillery, Jul) 31, 1861. Discharged to accept promotion, July 30, 1862. Captain, 13th N.H. Infantry, September 27, 1S62. Mustered out, February 1, 1S65. Sultan, 3foi)it glnbrrto Ha jTorrst. ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, 1890. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 7690. EXETER, N.H. Eldest son of Companion Captain GEORGE N. JULIAN. * Until, ©Utotn garrison. Acting Second Assistant Engineer, U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH 5, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3164. Acting 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., September 9, 1862. Promoted Acting 2d Assistant Engineer, June 6, 1864. Discharged, January 20, 1866. Died at Bridgewater, Mass., January 27, 1885. * IStcttfj, Eijrotiorr Scott. Acting Passed Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. ELECTED DECEMBER 2, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4343. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., January 16, 1863. Promoted Acting Passed Assistant Surgeon, April 6, 1866. Discharged, July 2, 1868. Died at Newt. .11. Mass.. September 13, 1888. C Hi ) luilogg, (Tliarlrs SUetmore. Captain, Twenty-ninth Ohio Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED AUGUST 6, 1884. IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF OHIO. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 9, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3381. BROOKLINE, MASS. In ite, [Si Sergeant and Sergeant-Major, 29th Ohio Infantry, August 26, 1S61. 2(1 Lieutenant, 29th Ohio Infantry. June 20, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. Janu- ary 25. 1863. Captain, Vpril i, 1865. Mustered out, |ul> 1;, 1865. Unable, Urtlntr. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. ELECTEO JANUARY 5, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1138. SALEM, MASS. Acting Assistant Surgeon, L.S.W, August 12, 1S61. Resigned, May 16, 1862. Iten&ricften, lj3aul $?cnru. Acting Second Assistant Engineer, U.S.N. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6995. BOSTON. Acting 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., June 20, 1S62. Promoted Acting 2d Assistant Engineer, November 6, 1863. Discharged, September 3, 1866. iUnnru, tflrsson. Second Lieutenant, Fifty-third Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7956. LEOMINSTER, MASS. Private and Sergeant, 53d [nfantrv. M.Y.M., October 17, 1862. 2d Lieutenant. 53d Infantry, M.V.M., May 22, [863. Mustered out, September 2, 1863. tat, 3otm. Captain, Fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 7, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1593. BOSTON. Captain, 5th Infantry, M.V.M.. September 16, 1S62. Mustered out, July 2, 1863. ( 144 ) •fciMwr, &enrg iurfcttt. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 2462. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Constantly consulted on subjects of finance by State and National Governments. Munificent in gifts in support of all loyal interests. Earnest in all patriotic service. Died at New York, January 2S, [886. ixilltan, 3ofm Etitoin. First Lieutenant, Twenty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 4, 1879. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1904. ROXBURY, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 28th Mass. Infantry, December 3, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant. July 27, 1S62. Discharged, February 14, 1S63. * Kimball, ^militant Augustus. Captain, Second New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1514. Private, 1st Connecticut Infantry. May 9, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 2d N.Y. Cavalry, August 15, 1861. Promoted Captain, January 22, 1S63. Discharged (disability), July iS, 1863. Died at Pasadena. Cal., December 27, 1SS7. Ifctttg, (fTfjailrs jFrrrj. Captain, Coast Guard Battalion, Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 7, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7972. SOMERVILLE, MASS. Quartermaster Sergeant, loth Maine Infantry, I Ictober 4, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 10th Maine Infantry, January 5, 1863; mustered, January 10, 1863. Transferred to 10th Battalion Maine Infantry, April 20. r86 3 , and to 29th Maine Infantry, November i, 1863. Commissioned Captain, September 22, 1S64; not mustered. Mustered out, December 1, 1864. Captain, Coast Guard Battalion. Man,, l„i January 6, 1865. Mustered out, September 20, 1S65. ( '45 ) lung, Dana Klillts. Captain, Eighth New Hampshire Infantry, U.SV. ELECTED FEBRUARY 6, 1889, 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6829. NASHUA, N.H. Corporal, ist N.H. Infantry, May 3, 1861. Mustered out, August 9, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 8th N.H. Infantry, October 25,1861. Promoted isl Lieutenant, Vpril 1 I, [862. Captain, Decembei 16, 1863. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, October 28, [865; nol mustered. Mustered out, Octobei 28, [865. lUnslro, Etituarti BEilftingon. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. 3d CLASS. INSIGNIA 980. BOSTON. \ gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished i. .1 conspii nous and consistent loyalty. I In- friend and trusted agent of John Albion Andrew in supervision ol Massachusetts troops in the field Earnest and successful in recruiting service. Devoted to all soldier interests. lAiiigslHuy, Egaac jFranftUn. First Lieutenant, Adjutant. Thirty-second Massachusetts Infantry, U.SV. ELECTED APRIL 2, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1519. CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. Sergeant and Sergeant Major, ;-''! Mass. Infantry, Jul) 23, 1862; mustered, Vugusl 1 ;. 1862. id Lieutenant, 32. 1 Mass. Infantry, December 15,1862; mus- tered, Maj 1,1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, February 6, [863; mus- tered, fulj 21, 1863. Commissioned Captain, June r, 1865 ; not mustered. Mustered out, July. 13, 1865 * Uneelanti, Samuel. Major, Surgeon — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel. U.SV. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. Hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 1725. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 3, 1880. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, APRIL 2, 1 81 Vcting Vssistant Surgeon, t .S.A., March i. 1862, Major, Surgeon, 45th In- fantry, M.V.M., in sen f the U.S., Octobei 28,1862. Mustered out, July 7, 1863. ist Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, ISA . September .?. 1863. Promoted Major, Surgeon, Se] ibei 9, 1863. Mustered out, February 21, 1866. Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel, U.S.V., February 8, (866, "foi faithful and meritorious servio 1 mi ,l .11 Hamburg, Germany, September 27, 1888 ( "46 ) Itmffin, CijaiifS OTarnrr. First Lieutenant, Forty-ninth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in the service of the United States. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6046. WEST STOCKBRIDGE, MASS. ist Lieutenant, 49th Infantry, M.V.M., September 19, 1S62. Mustered out, September 1, 1S63. EaUrj, aaStlltam 3. First Lieutenant, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry — Brevet Captain, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2460. MILTON, MASS. Sergeant-Major, i jtli N.II. Infantry, September 30, 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 131I1 N.II. Infantry, December 30, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May 30, 1804. Mus- tered out, June 21, 1S65. Brevet Captain, LISA'., Mareh 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services." *lLam&, (ffiiarlrs Buncan. Captain, Fifty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1259. Private, Landis's Independent Battery, Light Artillery, Penn. Militia, in service of the U.S., June 27, 1863. Mustered out, July 30, 1S63. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, August 31, 1863. Discharged to accept promotion, June n, 1864. Captain, 56th Mass. Infantry, May 7, 1864. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), December 28, 1864. Died at Boston, September 2, 1871 ILanccu, 3oljn 'Stoams. First Lieutenant. First Maine Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5796. SHARON, MASS. 1st Sergeant, 2d Maine Infantry, May 28, 1861. Discharged (disability), July II,l86l. Sergeant-Major, 18th Maine Infantry, afterward 1st Maine Heavy Artil- lery, August 21, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, January 18, 1864. Promoted 1st lieutenant, August 19, 1865. Mustered out, September II. [865. ( 147 I lane, HEberett Major, Forty-third Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, IS -SS. INSIGNIA 1692. BOSTON. Captain, |_;>1 [nfantry, M.V.M., September i.\ 1862. Pi ted Major, Ocl 20, 1862, Mustered out, Jul) 30, (86 J ILapliam, ©scar. Captain, Twelfth Rhode Island Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, 1890. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 7685. PROVIDENCE, R.I. 1st Lieutenant, 12th K.I. Infantry, October i ;, iSlu. Appointed Adjutant, December 2-. [862. Promoted Captain, March 24, [863; mustered, April 13, 1863, Mustered out, Jul. 29, 181 ; ILaialirr, (Fcornr tymnan. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon. First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4551. SUNCOOK, N.H. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 1st .Mass. Heavy Artillery. March 19, 1864. Discharged (disability), March 1.4. 1865. ILarkin, faints (Lrrjluarti. Major, Fifth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4552. EVERETT, MASS. 1,1 Lieutenant, 5th NIL [nfantry, October 12, 1861. Promoted Captain, July 31, 1862 Major, July ;. 1^"; Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, October 12, [864; not mustered. Mustered out, October 12. 1864. 1 148 ) tlLavnrti, Samel Eeai, Captain, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. Major, Paymaster, U.S.A. ELECTED JUNE 4, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1499. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER 7, 1887. Captain. Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., March 13, 1863. Resigned, June I, 1865. Major, Paymaster, U.S.A., June 23, 1879; accepted, July 2, 1879. Brevet Major. U.S.V., August I, 1.S64, "for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee, at the siege of Knoxville, and in the battles of the late campaign from the Rapidan to Petersburg." brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V, March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign from the Rapidan to Petersburg." ILatijvop, 3o1)n. Captain, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1058. BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 35th Mass. Infantry, August 13, 1S62. Promoted Captain, August 27, 1S62. Discharged, November 13, 1S63. iLatlivop, Sosrplj ll?ruru. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1059. DEDHAM, MASS. Private and Sergeant, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 12, 1862. Mustered out, July 30, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Mass. Cavalry, January 25, 1864. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, January 5, 1865. Appointed Adjutant, February 3, 1865. Mustered out, November 14. 1865. ILauriat, tgrorgc SHaltrr. Captain, Thirty-second Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major. U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2224. MEDFORD, MASS. Sergeant, 5th Infantry, M.Y.M., in service of the U.S., May 1. 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. 1st Sergeant, 32d Mass. Infantry, June 17, 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 32d Mass. Infantry, August 6, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, December 29, 1862. Captain, June 15, 1864. Mustered out, June 29, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., April 9, 1S65, " for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under General R. E. Lee." ( 149 ) TlLiMinrti, Bela ^erft. Captain, First Connecticut Heavy Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. 1 »T CLASS. INSIGNIA 1179. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, MARCH 7, 1888. .•■I Lieutenant, i^t Conn. Heavj Vrtillery, February 21, 1862. Promoted i>i 1 1 tenant, Ma) 26,1862. Captain, Decembei 29,1864. Mustered out, Septcmbei 1 Brevel Major, I S.V., Vpril 9,1865, "foi el il and meritorious ser- during the recent operations resulting in the fall ol Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the insurgent arm) under General K. E. I ee." ILrr, ©antel Klrbstrr. Captain, Twenty ninth Massachusetts Infantry, U S.V, ELECTED MARCH 6, 1872. lsi CLASS. INSIGNIA 1395. CHELSEA, MASS. i^t Lieutenant, 29th Mass, Infantry, December 17. 1861. Appointed R.Q.M., fune 6, 1862. Promoted Captain, Januarj 14, iSo;. Discharged, December j, [863. ■•Hit, jTranris !L. Colonel, Forty-fouitli Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1065. Major, 4th Battalion Infantry, MA \l . in service "I" the U.S., May 25, 1862. Mustered out, June 1, 1862. Colonel, 44th Infantry, M.V.M.. \uyust 211. 1S62; mustered, September 12, [862. Mustered out, June 18, 1863, Died il W 1 stport, N.Y., September 2, 1886. ILrr, JTranris HEilgon. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3883. BOSTON. En succession to Companion Colonel FRANCIS I.. LEE, deceased. ILrr. IDrnru. ELECTED SEPTEMBER 1, 1868. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 928. BOSTON. \ gentleman who. in civil life, during the Rebellion was s] itinguished for con md consistent loyalty. Lieutenant Colonel, Aide-de-Camp, Stafl of the Governoi of Massachusetts, July 12, 1 861, to June 9, [864. Distinguished tor service in the formation ol regiments in 1861, ami for helpfulness throughout the wai ( >5o) *ILcr, Horace (Elarfc. Colonel. Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 814. Colonel, 27th Mass. Infantry, September 20, 1861. Mustered out, Octobei 7. [864. 1 '.revel Brigadier General,! .S.V., March [3, 1865, "for gallant and meritoi services during the war." Died .it Springfield, Mas-.., June 22, [884. ILrr, Sanies ©raftoti (£arleton. Major, Quartermaster — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1688. VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON Captain, A.Q.M., I.S.N , November 26, 1862. Captain, A.Q.M., U.S.A., July 2, 1864. IV oted Major, Q.M., July 2,1879. Brevet Major, U.S.A., July 31,1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Brevel Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., ( uly 31, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." ILrr, Samuel $rm). Major (Retired), — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A. — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1392. Acting Master, U.S.N., June 8, 1861. Discharged, July 6, 1861. tsl Lieutenant, 3d Maine Infantry, July 31,1861. Promoted Captain, September 1, 1862. Major, November 14, 1862. Mustered nut, November 12, 186;. Major, Veteran Reserve Corps, November 9, 1863; accepted, November 13, [863. Mustered out, October 19, 1866. Captain, 45th Infantry, U.S.A., July 28, 1866; accepted, October 20, 1866. Unassigned, luly 22, 1869. Retired with rank of Major, December 15, 1870, " foi disability resulting from loss of right arm and wounds received in line ol duty." Brevet Major, U.S.A., Mareli 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., Mareli 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in ihe battle of t iettysburg, Pennsylvania." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Brevet Colonel, U.S. V., March 13, [865, "for distin- guished gallantry at the battles of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Gettysburg, Pennsyl- vania." Died at Vineyard Haven, Mass., October 20, [890. ('50 ?Lrr, annuitant Maomcinti. Colonel, Twentieth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTEq OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA -990. ROXBURY, MASS. Cadet, I.S.M.A.. 1825. Colonel, 20th Mass, Infantry, July 1, 1861. Dis- 1 (disability), 1 lecember 17. 1862. Br< vet Brigadiei Gem ral, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for distinguished conducl at the battle of Antietam, Maryland, and fur gallanl and meritorious services during the war." tr JFatoor, (Prorgr Militant. Captain, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6105. ROXBURY, MASS. Corporal, Sergeant and 1st Sergeant, 24th Mass. Infantry, October 2S, 1861. isl Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, October 14, 1864; musUre.l, November 4. 1S04. Promoted 1 'aptain, December 14, 1864. Mustered nut, January 6, 1866. t ILrtrthtoit, BEalter 1i?rnru. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, One Hundred and Eighty- eighth Pennsylvania Infantry. U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3711. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, APRIL 3, 1889. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, iSStli Penn. Infantry, April 9, 1S64. Mus- tered out, December 14, 1865. ILrtois, Qautrj SmUutnson. Captain, Ninth Vermont Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 5095. HYDE PARK, MASS. Captain, 9th Vermont Infantry, July ;, 1S62; mustered, July 9, 1S62. Dis- I (disability), September 2, 1864. ILrtins, Jioljn Benjamin. Major, Surgeon — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3507. HARTFORD, CONN. Major, Surgeon, 3 1 1 1 1 bnnecticut Infantry, July _;, 1S61 ; mustered, July 23, 1861. Major, Brigade Surgeon, 1 ,s.\ ., April 4, 1862. Mustered out, October 7, 1865. el Lieutenant Colonel, I .S.V., October 1, 1865, " i"r faithful and meritorious services." (152) iLrtots, EEtlltain SerauUr. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1885. 2d CLASS. INSIGNIA 4255. HARTFORD, CONN. Eldest son of Companion Brevet Lieutenant Colonel JOHN B. LEWIS. ILttitiu, Horatio Smith. First Lieutenant, First Maine Cavalry. U S.V ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1689. MELROSE, MASS. Private and Q.M. Sergeant, 1st Maine Cavalry, September 21, 1861. 1st Lieu- tenant, 1st Maine Cavalry, March 12, iS6j. Mustered out, November 25, 1864. ILtnroln, jFrrticrir 5HEalhrr. ELECTED MAY 1, 1889. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 7138. BOSTON. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. As Mayor of the City of Boston during the war, rendered special patriotic service in recruiting, and in energetic action during the draft riot. Wherever a soldier's need was known, his was a ready hand. ILtttlr, Hrtljur. Chaplain, First Vermont Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 14, 1888, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 11, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6402. DORCHESTER, MASS. Chaplain, ioth Vermont Infantry, afterward ist Vermont Heavy Artillery, April II, 1863. Mustered out, July 5, 1865. * ILtttlr, 3amrs ILotirll. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 2463. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Eminent in devotion during the early days of the war, rendering efficient service in recruiting by personal effort, and always conspicuous for his care of soldiers and their families. Died at Swampscott, Mass., June 19. 18S9. ( 153) Ltbermore, Olilirr iTrointorll. Captain, Thirteenth Massai mtry. U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1886. I si CLASS. INSIGNIA 5148. WELLESLEY HILLS. MASS. 1,1 Sergeant and Sergeant Major, 13th Mi-,, [nfantry, fuly [6, 1861. J'i Lieutenant, 13th Mass. Infantry, June 28, 1862. Promoted 1 si Lieutenant, Decembi 1862 ' aptain, Ma) 1. 1863. Mustered out, lugusl 1. 1864. ILtlmmoiT. iTliamas ILromuti. Colonel, Eighteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBEI. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1135. BOSTON. Private, 1st N.H Infantry, lun< 24,1861 Mustered out, August 9, 1861. 1st int, 5th N.H. Infantry, October 12, 1861 2d Lieutenant, 5th Nil. Infantry, limr io, 1862 Promoted 1-1 Lieutenant, December 14. 1862. Captain, March 3, Major, October 28, 1864; mustered, November 18, 1864 Discharged, to accept promotion, April 7, 1865. Colonel, 18th N.H. Infantry, January 17. 1865; mustered, Vpril s. 1865. Mustered out, June 23, 1865. Brevel 1 ieutenant Colo .in,l Brevel Colonel, (J.S.V., April 7, [865, "for highl) valuable an. I meritorious ser\ ices." ililitngsion. Ha l\lirtt 3Lcnal;o. I 1 "tenant Colonel, Third Artillery, U.S.A. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 815. FORT McHENRY, MD. I idet, I S.M V. July i, 1849. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, isl Artillery, U.S.A., [uly 1. 1853. -'! Lieutenant, .;>! Artillery, December 24, 1853. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, January 3, 1856. Captain, October 26, 1861. Major, 4th Artillery, April 10, 1879. Lieutenant Colonel, 3d Artillery, March 5, 1887. Brevet Major, I S.A.,Julj 1, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hill, Virginia. Brevel Lieutenant Colonel, I .S. \ . Vugust 28, i*"i. "foi gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Smithfield, Virginia." iiomluuti. iProrgr Biimmrr. Captain, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1028. BOSTON. isi Lieutenant, 14th Infantry, M.V.M., September 12, 1862. Promoted Captain, January i>. [863. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. ( 154) * ILomluirti, 3acot % Captain, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 888. Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., September 12, [862. Resigned, January 14, [863. Died at Boston, July 29, 1 N 7 5 *3Lottg, EEtlliam ®alr. Major, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1876. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1745. 2d Lieutenant, 33d N'.V. Infantry, May 14, 1S1.1. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, December 27, 1861. Discharged to accept promotion, October 16, 1862. Captain, \ \ .(',., L.S.V., October 16, 1862. Promoted Maim, A.A.G., September 6,1864, •' for bis brave and gallant conduct at Fort Stevens, near Washington, District of Columbia." Mustered out, September 19, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., October [9, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services during the recent campaign before Richmond, Virginia, and in the Shenandoah Valley." Brevet Colonel, l\S \ '., April 2, 1S65, " for gallant and meritorious services in the assault before Petersburg, Virginia." Died at Chelsea, Mass., April 7, 1890. ILongfrlloto, diaries 3pplrton. First Lieutenant, First Massachusetts Cavalry, U.SV. ELECTED MAY 3, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1476. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, March 27, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, January 24, 1S64. Discharged (disability), February 15, 1804. ( 155 ) ILoitng, (tfjarles (Sreelejj. Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Inspector General — Brevet Major General, US V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. Isr CLASS. INSIGNIA M08. BOSTON. Captain, V.Q.M., U.SV., February 3, 1862; assigned .1- Assistant [nspectoi General, 9th Ktmy Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under Act lulv 17, 1862), July 22, r862. Mustered out, August to, 1865. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., August 1, 1864, "forgallanl and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, and Bethesda Church, and during the operations before Peters- burg, Virginia." Brevel Brigadier General, U.S.V., August 1. 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee, and at the siege of Knoxville." Brevet Major General, U.S.V., July 17, 1S65, " for meritorious services during the war." t ILortng, crijarlrs Startling. Chief Engineer (Captain), U.S.N. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1693. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, MAY 19, 1880. 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N. , February 26, 1S51. Promoted 2d Assist. ml Engineer, May 21, 1853. 1st Assistant Engineer, May 9, 1S57. Chief Engineer, March 25, 1861. ILoriiuj, jfranris Hilliam. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Thirty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1245. FLORENCE, ITALY. Sergeant-Mi 24th Mass, Infantry, September 2, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 38th Mass. Infantry. August 9, 1S62. Resigned, Ma) 26, 1864. Brevel Captain and Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "foi conspicuous gallantry at Sabine 1 toss Roads, Louisiana, April 8, ami Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, April 9, 1864." ILortng, lt?rnru ©Haiti. Acting Ensign, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2309. PLYMOUTH, MASS. Master's Mate, U.S.N., May II, 1S1.1. Promoted Acting Ensign, October I, 1863. Resigned, Ma) 29, 1S65. ( «56) *3Lotj, (Jlrorgr. Major, Surgeon, Twenty-eighth Infantry, Pennsylvania Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1539. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 99th Penn. Infantry, September IS, 1S62. Discharged to accept promotion, June 22, 1863. Major, Surgeon, 2Sth Infantry, Penn. Militia, June 22, 1863. Mustered out, July 2S, 1863. Died at Boston, |ulv 20, 1S70. ILoto, Qabtrt m. Major, Eighth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 1, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1091. GLOUCESTER, MASS. 3d Lieutenant, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., April 16, 1861; mustered, April 30, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May 10, 1861. Mustered out. August I, 1S61. Captain, Sth Infantry, M.V.M., September 15, 1862. Mustered out, August 7, 1863. Captain, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., July 14, 1S64. Promoted Major, July 25, 1864. Mustered out, November 10. 1S64. lofocll, 3amrs ftussrll. ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 7963. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. His wise and patriotic words guided the public mind to lofty principle, as the heroic d.eeds of others of his name and lineage aided on the battlefield in saving the nation. *lLunt, $rnro. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. Is' CLASS. INSIGNIA 1410. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., August 31, 1S64. Discharged, September 2, 1865. Died at Quincy, Mass.. April 7. (887. ( '57) iLuman, (Prorgr iiJinrhlry. Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Inspector, U.S.A. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1881. In CLASS. INSIGNIA 2163. BOSTON. Major, Brigade Surgeon, I'.SA , Vugusl ;, 1861. Lieutenant I olonel, Medical Inspector, U.S.A., June u, [862. Mustered out, November 20, 1865. * iLuman, ILuUc. Lieutenant Colonel. Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED SEPTEMBER 1, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 868. Lieutenant Colonel, 27th Mass. Infantry. September 16, 1861. Resigned, Ma} 27, 1863. Brevel Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and merit services at thi siegi "i Washington, North Carolina." Brevet Brigadier General, I S.\ ., March 1 3, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." I tied at Montre il. ' an. 1,1.1. V mnl. r 12, iSS>i. iLuman, flTlirorjorr. Colonel, Assistant Adjutant General, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Volunteer Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 11, 1877. MEMBER AT LARGE. Hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 1822. BOSTON. I ieutenanl I olonel and Assistant Adjutant General, M.Y.M.. August 15, 1863. Volunteer \.lu ., Staff ol Majoi General George G. Meade, commanding Vrmj ol thi Potomai (special sanction. Secretary of War), September 3, 1863. Resigned as Volunteer A.D.C., April 20. [865 Promoted Colonel and Assistant Adjutant General, M.V.M., D bei S 1865 'Resigned, Decembei 8, 1S65. TiHariTaulru, UTlau. Second Lieutenant, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY I, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1453. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, APRIL 30, 1885. Private and Sergeant, 126th Penn. Infantry, August 6, 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 126th Penn. Infantry, I | [863. Mustered out, May jo. 1863 [58 fWc&lptnr, Stomas Dab is. Second Lieutenant, Veteran Reserve Corps. ELECTED APRIL 4, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6184. HAMPTON, VIRGINIA. Private, 2d M.iss. Infantry, May n, [861; mustered, May 25, 1S61. Dis- charged (disability resulting from wound received in action), June 25, 1S6 ^. 2d Lieutenant, Veteran Reserve Corps, April 23, 1864. Mustered out, fanuary 1. 1868. J»c3lpmr, aiilliam QTaulor. First Lieutenant, Second Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6505. LAWRENCE, MASS. Private and Sergeant, 2d .Mass. Infantry, May [I, l86l; mustered, May 25, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 2d" Mass. Infantry, May 24, 1864; mustered, July 1, 1864. Mustered out, July 14, 1S65. * fHrtfaffrrto, fltattlirto James. Major, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 722. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, [861; mustered, May 19, 1S61. Mustered out, August 3, [861. Major, 25th Mass. Infantry, October 1, 1S61. Resigned, March 19, 1862. Died at Host May 5, 1S85. f fHrClurr, Cfjarlcs. Major, Paymaster, USA— Brevet Colonel, U S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 3, 1884. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3516. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF OHIO, DECEMBER 1, 1886. Captain, Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V., April 28, 1S62. Vacated I om mission September 1, 1866. Captain, C.S., U.S.A., August 17, 1866. Major, ray- master, U.S.A., August 30, 1880. brevet Major, U.S.A., August 17, 1866, " foi faithful services in the subsistence department." Brevel Major, brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Brevet Colonel, USA,, October 21, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious ^er^ ices." ( 159) MttriTontoillr. ittirliarl Sulbrstrr. Captain, Third Battalion Rifles, Massachusetts Volunteer Milil service of the United States. ELECTED MAY 4, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1063. Captain, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., May .;. 1861 ; mustered, Ma) 19, 1861. Mustered out, August 3, 1861 . Died ai Worcester, Mass., December -'s. ' s 7-' t JHc@mnei8S, j-olin Manrjolpli. Major, Ordnance Department, U.S.A. ELECTED JUNE 5, 1867, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 507. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 2, 1875. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, OCTOBER 5, 1881. Cadet, I .S.M.A., Jul) i, 1859. ist Lieutenant, Ordnance Department, U.S.A., Juno ii, [863. Pn ted Captain, February 10, 1869. Major, June 1. [881. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 1. [864, " for gallant and meritorious services during ili, siegi "i Morris Island, South Carolina." Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 1 ;. 1865, " for gallant and meritorious service during the operations before Charleston, South < larolina." JflrtPiiiiiis, aEilltam ilmlivosf. First Lieutenant. Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1889. Hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 6915. BOSTON. Private, Corporal, Sergeant and First Sergeant, i>ith Mass. Infantry, September 12, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, December 1. [863. Disch 1 Ma) 1 J, [865. f flUriSrcgor, (Triad rs. Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1680. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF OHIO, FEBRUARY 5, 1890. Vcting Midshipman, I .S.N.A., September zi, i860. Ensign, U.S.N., May 28, [863. Promoted Master, Novembei 10, 1865. Lieutenant, July 25, 1866. Lieu tenant Commander, March 12, 1868. Commander, June 5, [878 ( .60) fflcHau, (Srorgr JFrrDcrtrh. Captain, Fifty fifth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 978. BOSTON. Private, 13th Mass. Infantry, August 7, i.X(>2. 1st Lieutenant, 55th Mass. Infantry. February 26, 1864. Appointed Adjutant, June 1, 1864. Promoted Captain, June 29, 1865. Mustered out, August 29, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, " for gallant ami meritorious services." iHrkay, 3amcs. Second Lieutenant, Second Rhode Island Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1886, 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4627. HYDE PARK, MASS. Private, Corporal, Sergeant and Sergeant-Major, 2d R.I. Infantry, June 5, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 2d K.I. Infantry, January 31, 18(15; mustered, March 2'j, 1865. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, July 11, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, July 13, 1S65. f JlrBrr, 3amrs (fooprr. Lieutenant Colonel, Surgeon, U.S.A. ELECTED JANUARY 26, 1876, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1694. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, FEBRUARY 1, 1886. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, NOVEMBER 6, 1889. ist Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A., October 2, 1S58; accepted, December I, 1858. Promoted Captain, Assistant Surgeon, October 2, 1S63. Major, Surgeon, December 22, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel, Surgeon, November 17, 1SS7. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., March 13, 1S65, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." imacfetr, jfBljn i?ob}dl. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 5094. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N'., May 17, 1861. Resigned February 28, [862 Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A., April I, 1863, to July 21, 1S65. iMclStm, 3olm 'Austin. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1889. 2d CLASS. INSIGNIA 7536. BOSTON. Eldest son of Companion Brevet Major JOHN W. McKIM. ( l6l ) fHrfcim, jlolm BBhtiwor. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7402. BOSTON. Captain, A.Q.M., U.S.V., October .50, 1863. Mustered out, May 7, 1867. 5.V., March 13, 1865, "for meritorious services in the Quarter- master's Department during the wai itti-lUm, BBilliam BEalfcer. Colonel, Chief Quartermaster — Brevet Colonel, U.S.A. ELECTED DECEMBER 5, 1866, IN COMMANDERV OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERV OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 1, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 414. BOSTON. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V., August 3, 1861. Captain, A.Q.M., 1 .S.A., fuly 2, 1864; assigned .1- Chiel Quartermaster, Cincinnati Depot, with rank of Colonel (under Act of Congress, July 4, 1864), August 2. [864. Ordered to Philadelphia Depot as Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, February 15. 1865. Resigned, March 8, 1866. Brevet Major, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Brevet Colonel, I .S V., March 1 .,, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious ser- \ u 1 - during tlic war." fHannillan, Uttoreto ftliomson. Second Lieutenant, Fust Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1614. ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. I orporal, tsl R.I, Light Artillery, August 15, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 1st R.I. Light Artillery, July 15, 1S1.;. Discharged, March 3, 1865. *fHrfttuitrtc, Horace. First Assistant Engineer (Master), U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1425. 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., May 3, 1S59. Promoted 2d Assistant En- r, October 29, [861, 1-: Assistant Engineer, May 20, 1863. Resigned, \M\L-mlicr jS, 1805. 1 Bi iston, I tecember 1, 1881. ■ ( 162) iHaromb, ©atiitj Urtton. Chief Engineer (Commodore), Retired, U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, 1890. lit CLASS. INSIGNIA 7686. NORTH CAMBRIDGE, MASS. jd Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., January u, 1S49. Promoted 2d Assistant Engineer, February 26, 1S51. 1st Assistant Engineer, June 26, 1856. Chief Engineer, September 21, 1S60. Retired with the relative rank of Commodore, February 27, 1889. *Jlaru, ©rorgr Jiclson. Colonel, Twentieth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1067. 1st Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, July 10, 1861. Promoted Captain, No- vember 8, 1861. Major, December l8, 1S62. Lieutenant Colonel, May 1, 1863, Colonel, July 5, 1863. Mustered out, July 27, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S. V., August 14, 1SD4, " for distinguished conduct at the battle of the Wilder- ness and at Deep Bottom." Brevet Major General, U.S.V., April 9, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the insurgent army under General Robert E. Lee." Died at Boston, February 13, 1875. /~ : fHagnitjftg, (Sustain:. Captain, Twentieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. Second Lieu- tenant (Retired), — Brevet Captain, U.S.A. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CUSS. INSIGNIA 8062. BOSTON. Private, Sergeant and 1st Sergeant, 20th Mas.-.. Infantry, Julj iS, 1S61. Trans- ferred to 21st V.R.C., December 15, 1S63. 1st Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, March 21, 1S64; mustered, May 6, 1864. Promoted Captain, June 30, 1864. Mus- tered out, July 16, 1865. 2d Lieutenant, 39th Infantry, U.S.A., March 7, 1867; accepted, April 12, 1S67. Unassigned, April 20, 1S69. Assigned to 14th Infantry, August 3, 1870. Retired (wounds in line of duty), November 14, 1871. Brevet 1st Lieutenant, U.S.A., March 7, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania." Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 7, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Petersburg, Virginia." (163) Halt, i'niru B&tlltatti STfjeoiore. Captain, Twentieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1269. NEW YORK. [sl Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, March 8, [864. Promoted Captain, Maj 7. 1864. Resigned, May jo. 1865. t*faaUorg, amilliam ftrnru. Major, Second New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. Hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 1174. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, JUNE 11, 1879. Captain, 2d \.Y. Cavalry, Augusl 13, 1861. Promoted Major, July 5, [862, Resigned, January 28, [863. Died al Bridgeport, Conn., November 9, [882. Jfcarfrle, jFranft (Earl Captain, First United States Sharpshooters. ELECTED JANUARY 3, 1883, IN COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, APRIL 22, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2694. LYNN, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, September 23, 1S61. Promoted Captain, July 4, 1S62. Mustered out, September 23, 1864. fiarru, HlKnru ©vlanTjo. Major, Surgeon, Thirty-fifth United States Colored Troops. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2222. BOSTON. i>t Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 5, 1863. Mustered out, July 30, 1863. Major, Surgeon, 35th U.S.C.T., Novem- ber 26, [863. Resigned, June 3, 1865. fllartini, ©ronjr Augustus. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, First United States Sharpshooters. ELECTED FEBRUARY 6, 1878. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1815. LOWELL, MASS. Private and Sergeant, 2d U.S. Sharpshooters, December 12. 1861. Trans- ferred i" tsl I .S. Sharpsl ters, Vpril, 1862. tst Lieutenant, R.Q.M., ist U.S. Sharpshooters, July 10, [862. Mustered out, September 8, [864. ( 164 ) fflarlanH, ©Htlltam. Captain, Second Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7957. ANDOVER, MASS. Sergeant, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 15, 1S61 ; mustered, April 22, 1S61. Mustered out, August 2, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Battery, December 1 8, 1 86 1. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, October 22, 1862. Captain, January S, 1865. Mustered out, August 11, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., August n, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services.*' JUarsij, Carmt ILatljrop. Second Lieutenant, Thirteenth Vermont Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6106. ENOSBURGH FALLS, VT. 2d Lieutenant, 13th Vermont Infantry, September 11, 1862; mustered, October 10, 1862. Resigned (disability), February 17, 1S63. iWarst), ©aittrl 3av. Second Lieutenant, Forty-sixth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in> service of the United States. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1667. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 1st Sergeant, 46th Infantry, M.V.M., October 30, 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 46th Infantry, M.V.M., November I, 1802. Mustered out, July 29, 1863. flarsi), 3otn jTcnimorr. Lieutenant Colonel, Twenty-fourth Veteran Reserve Corps — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1381. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2306. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Private, 9th U.S. Infantry, April 9, 1847. Discharged, August 2^, 1S48. 1st lieutenant, 6th Wisconsin Infantry, June 17, 1861. Promoted Captain, October 25, 1861. Discharged to accept promotion, September 13, 1S62. Lieutenant Colonel, 12th N.H. Infantry, September 17, 1862. Resigned, January 22, 1S64. Lieutenant Colonel, 24th V.R.C., January 22, 1864. Commissioned Colonel, 24th LT.S.C.T., April 20, 1865; declined. Resigned, August 16, 1865. Urevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellors- ville, Virginia." ( 165 ) fttnrsliall, Baar ilctoton. Second Lieutenant, Sixth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTEO APRIL 9, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7958. BOSTON. I rporal, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., April 16, 1861 ; mustered, April 22, 1861. Mustered out, lugust 2, [861. zd Lieutenant, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., Septembers [86z 1 red out, June ;. [863. J&artin, Augustus prarl. Captain, Third Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 5, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1220. BOSTON. jeant, i-t Battery Light Artillery, M.V.M.. in service of the U.S., April 21, i s<,i : mustered, Ma] is. 1S01. Mustered out, August 2, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 3d Mass. Battery, Septembei 5, 1861. Promoted Captain, November 28, 1S01. Mus- tered out, September 16, iN"-i. Brevet Major, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and I olonel, i s \ .. March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the « ai fflarttn, Oramrl. Major, Surgeon, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1267. WORCESTER, MASS. Major, Surgeon, jd Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, 1861; mustered. Ma) im. 1861. Mustered out, August 3, 1S61. Major, Brigade Surgeon, U.S.V., August 3, 1861. Resigned, Julj 23, 1S62. fHason, ifliarlrs jTrli.v. First Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2457. PROVIDENCE, R.I. 2d Lieutenant, rsl R.I. Light Artillery. December 24. [861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, October 1, 1862. Resigned, April 21, 1864, ( ■ tittason, lEbrnrjrr porter. First Lieutenant, First Connecticut Heavy Artillery — Brevet Cap- tain, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1 1 40. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDER* OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, JANUARY 7, 1880. Private and Sergeant, 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery, May 22, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, ist Conn. Heavy Artillery, December I, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, November 8, 1S64. Discharged, May 6, 1865. Brevet Captain, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services." •fttason, &eroert Cotoplano. Captain, Twentieth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1674. 2d Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, November 25, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, July 8, 1862. Captain, January 6, 1863. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), March 23, 1864. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died at Stockbridge, Mass., September 24, 1884. *flftauran, ffiofoaro Harrington. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 2497. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Adjutant General of the State of Rhode Island, with rank of Brigadier General from June 26, 1856, until January 28, 1S75; receiving Resolution of Thanks from the General Assembly for able and efficient dis- charge of duty. Distinguished in the administration of his office throughout the war, as well as for liberality to all soldier interests, and for devoted patriotism. Died at Providence, R.I., June 5, 1SS6. tiSau, ©artotn Eidiarosou. Captain, Twenty-second Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 1, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1553. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. ist Lieutenant, 22d Wisconsin Infantry, August 22, 1862. Promoted Captain, February 4, 1863. Mustered out, June 12, 1865. ( 167) itlnitirnliall, Jtolm. Colonel, Second Artillery, U.S.A. ELECTED MAY 4, 1881, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2201. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, FEBRUARY 6, 1884. FORT ADAMS, R.I. Cadet, I .S.M.A., July i, i S47. Brevet 2d Lieutenant. 1 st Drag is, I S.A., fury 1, [851. Transferred to 4th Artillery, February 20, 1852. 2d Lieutenant, October 8, [853. Promoted 1 st Lieutenant, March 12, [856; Captain, fuly 3, 1861. Major, Judge Advocate, U.S.V., March 17, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Inspector General, U.S.V. (under Act of July 17, 1S62), February 27 t.i September 26, 1864. Mustered oul of Volunteer service, October 2;. 1865. Major, isl Artillery, Januarj 10, 1877. Lieutenant Colonel, 41I1 Artillery, October 2, 1883. Colonel, 2.1 Artillery. December 4, (888. Brevel Major, 1 .S.A., \pril 7. 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the lialilc of Shiloh, Tennes Brevel Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., September 20, 1863, " for gallant an. I meri- torious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia." Brevel Colonel, I .S.A., March [3, 1865, " h " gallant and meritorious services .lining the war." ffterrtlt, ©ronjr Sargent. Captain, Fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in ser- vice of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 4, 1873. Ht CLASS. INSIGNIA 1496. LAWRENCE, MASS. 1st 1 .ieutenant, 4th [nfantry, M.V.M., September I, 1862. Promoted Captain, December S, 1S62. Mustered out, August 28, 1863. fttrvriman, Cfjarles ll?nuu. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, First Infantry, Rhode Island Detached Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5877. PROVIDENCE, R.I. ist Lieutenant, Adjutant, ist [nfantry, R.I.D.M., April is, [861; mustered, Mav 2, i Si ■ i . Mustered out, August 2. 1861. Commissioned Major, roth R.I. [nfantry, Maj 26, 1862; not mustered. ( 168 1 fiHrntmau, (Jrtigar Clarence. Captain, U.S.N, ELECTED MAY 7, 1884, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3225. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 17, 1887. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, FEBRUARY 5, 1890. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N.A., September 21, 1S57. Resigned. November 7, tS6o. Acting Master, U.S.N., December 3, 1S61. Promoted Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, September 25, 1S63. Lieutenant. July, 18(15, '" date July 16, 1862. Lieutenant Commander, July 25, 1866. Commander, March 12, 1875. Captain, July 31, 1S90. fflerru, Mm JFatrficltJ. Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882, IN COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2404. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 26, 1889. U.S.S. " WABASH." Acting Ensign, U.S.N., October 15, 1862. Promoted Acting Master, Sep- tember 23, 1865. Ensign, U.S.N., March 12, 186S. Promoted Master, December 18, 1868. Lieutenant, March 21, 1870. Lieutenant Commander, December 1, 1SS3. MfSfrfaru, Benjamin jFranWtn. Captain, Eighteenth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2198. HINGHAM, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 16, 1S61; mustered, April 22, 1S61. Mustered out, July 22, 1S61. 1st Lieutenant, 18th Mass. Infantry, August 20, 1S61. Promoted Captain, August 24, 1S62. Mustered out, September 2, 1S64. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services at the bailie of Bethesda Church, Virginia." t*{fltcliaclts, ©tiio (Ernest. Major, Ordnance Department, U.S.A. ELECTED OCTOBER 7, 1868. IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 882. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 31, 1871. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, MAY 1, 1876. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, SEPTEMBER 22, 1887. 2d Lieutenant, Signal Corps, U.S.V., September 30, 1S63; accepted, October 15, 1S63. 2d Lieutenant, Ordnance Department, U.S.A., November 24, 1863; accepted, December 10, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, September 12, 1864. Captain, June 23, 1S74. Major, February 28, 1SS9. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." Died at Augusta. Maine, May 1, 1890. ( '69) *ifliffltn, Benjamin (fTrolrmiiisliirlti. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Forty-ninth Infantry, Massachusetts Vol- unteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 1, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1123. ist Lieutenant, Adjutant, 49th Infantry, M.V.M., November 19, 1S62. Mus- tered out, September 1, 1863. Died .it Boston, June 16, 1880. tiltlrs, prison Hpplcton. Major General, U.S.A. ELECTED MAY 1, 1878. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1818. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF OREGON, MAY 6, 1885. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF KANSAS AS CHARTER MEMBER, APRIL 22, 1886. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, JULY 26, 1887. 1st Lieutenant, 22d Mass. Infantry, September 9, 1861. Discharged to accept promotion. May 31, 1S62. Lieutenant Colonel, 61st N.Y. Infantry, May 31, 1862. Prom. .led Colonel, September 30, 1862. Brigadier General, U.S.V., Ma) 12, 1864, "for distinguished services during the recent battles of the Old Wil- derness and Spottsylvania Court-House, Virginia." Accepted, June 27, 1S64. Promoted Major General, U.S.V., October 21, 1865; accepted, October 26, 1865. Mustered out, September 1, 1866. Colonel, .pith Infantry, U.S.A., July 28, 1866; accepted, September 6, 1866. Transferred to 5th Infantry, March 15, 1869. Brigadier General, U.S.A.. December 15, 1880; accepted. December 18, 1SS0. Major General, April 5, 1890: accepted, \pril 14, 1890. Brevet Major General, LT.S.V., August 25, 1864, " for highly meritorious and distinguished conduit throughout the campaign, and particularly for gallantry and valuable services in the battle of Reams' Station, Virginia." Brevet Brigadier General. U.S.A., March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia." Brevet Maji leral, I .S \., March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia." iatllar, Eoimt. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, Fourth Rhode Island Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 1, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2600. PROVIDENCE, R.I. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 4th R.I. Infantry, August 27, 1861; mustered, October 30, 1861. Mustered out, August 26, 1864. Brevet Captain and Brevet Major. 1 s A . March 13. 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." ( 170) JHills, artijur. ELECTED DECEMBER 2, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4348. BROOKLINE, MASS. By inheritance from CHARLES JAMES MILLS. 2.1 Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, August 15, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, August 17, 1S62. Dis- charged (disability), March 18, 1863. 1st Lieutenant. Adjutant, 56th Mass. Infantry, August 22, 1863; mustered, September I, 1S63. Promoted Captain, July 7, 1864. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., July 25, 1864. Brevet Major, U.S.V., January 23, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Bethesda Church, and during the operations before Petersburg, Virginia." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 31, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Killed at Boydton Plank Road, Virginia, March 31, 1865. JHilton, Etrfiarti Storrt. Captain, Ninth Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 723. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 9th Mass. Battery, August 6, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 2, 1863. Captain, January I, 1865. Mustered out, June 6, 1865. ffittcljcll, ©rrli JFranris. Captain, Fortieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2522. SOUTH BOSTON. Sergeant, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 23, 1861. Mus- tered out, July 22, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 40th Mass. Infantry, August 20, 1862. Promoted Captain, November 7, 1863. Discharged (disability resulting from loss of left arm), October 25, 1864. fflonroc, ILorrmo Boto. First Lieutenant, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8063. BRIDGEWATER, MASS. Private, 1st Battalion Mass. Heavy Artillery, March 4, 1862. Discharged, March 24, 1864. 2d Lieutenant, 58th Mass. Infantry, March 25, 1864; mustered, April 21, 1864. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, August 8, 1S64; mustered, April 17, 1865. Mustered out, July 14, 1865. ( >-o JHorgan, Klilliam Augustus. Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6107. MALDEN, MASS. Acting Ensign, U.S.N., June 2, [863. IV ted Acting Master, October 27, [864, Discharged, January 24, 1X1,1,. Acting Master, U.S.N., April 13, 1866. En- sign, March 12, [868. Pr< ted Master, December 18, iSt>s. Lieutenant, March 21, [870. Lieutenant Commander, July 28, 1SS4. Worissru, Jlolin. Major, Third Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 5, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1432. Major, 3d infantry, M.V.M., October 15, [862. Mustered out, June 26, 1S63. Died at Plymouth, Mass., December 27. 1885. Jlorrill, JFcrtmianrj (Portion. Acting Ensign, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1884. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 351 1 . BOSTON. Acting I nsign, I .S.N., October i, 1864. Discharged, September 16, 1866. tfWoiTis, Srtfjur, Captain (Retired), U.S.A. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3509. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 7, 1888. 2d I i, Hi, ii. mi, |ili Vrtilli ry, 1 S.A., March 24. 1862. Promoted 1 si Lieutenant, November 12, 1863. Captain, January 10, 1877. Retired (disabilitj in time >■! duty), Octobei 5, 1887. Brevel 1^1 Lieutenant, U.S.A., June 30, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle 1 ol White Oak Swamp, Virginia." Brevel Captain, U.S.A., September 17, r862, "for gallanl and meritorious services in the battle 1 'i Viiii'i.iui, Mar) land." ( '72) fflorrtson, iHorttrr ILafaurttr. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5100. PETERBOROUGH, N.H. Quartermaster Sergeant, 13th N.I I. Infantry, September 26, 1862. 1st Lieu- tenant, R.Q.M., 13th N.H. Infantry, August 12, 1863. Mustered out, June 21, 1865. florsr, ©conjr SHasjitnrjton. First Lieutenant, Second Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1876. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1752. NEWTONVILLE, MASS. Private and Sergeant, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 25, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, March 17, 1S65; mustered, June 9, 1S65. Mustered out, July 14, 1865. Jfloulton, eutoarti (Ebrrrtt. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 5034. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. Eldest son of Companion Lieutenant Colonel ORSON MOULTON. fHoulton, ©rson. Lieutenant Colonel, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 685. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS AS CHARTER MEMBER. INDIAN ORCHARD, MASS. 3d Lieutenant, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in the service of the U.S., April 19, 1S61; mustered, May 19, 1861. Mustered out, August 3, 1861. Captain, 25th Mass. Infantry, October 12, 1S01. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, November 5, 1862. Dis- charged, December 31, 1S64. fHullog, Sofjn Brnrtitrt. Captain, Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 7, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7973. LIMA, PERU. 1st Lieutenant, 37th Massachusetts Infantry, August 27, 1862. Promoted Cap- tain, March 10, 1863. Discharged, April 4, 1S64. ( '73) fttunroe, Jttartin SUams. Second Lieutenant Fourth Massachu'.. -tt Hi iv) Artillery, U.S.V. ELECl i IH82. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2521. BOSTON. Corporal, ;<>tli Mass, Infantry, December 17. t86l Disci Decembei 7. 1862. Private and Sergeant, 7th Unattached Co, Infantry, M.V.M., in ..1 id. 1 ->.M.ix |. 1864. Mustered out, August 5, 1864. Private an -..mi. 4th Mass. II.. iw Artillery, August 18, 1864. zd Lieutenant, 4th Mass. Heavy Vrtillery, March 22, 1865; mustered, Vpril 1, 1865. Mustered out, June 17, 1S65. *fflui"tiori), Jlosrpi). Captain, Forty-fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. Is, CLASS. INSIGNIA 1672. Sergeant, isl Corps Cadets, M.\ M.. in service of the U.S., May 26, 1862. Mustered out, fulj 2,1862 1 aptain, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., September 26, 1862. Mustered out, Julv 7. 1863 I lied .11 Roxbui ) . Mass., April -'7. 1 s^ 1 fHurplio, jpatrtcft (fflfUfaara. First Lieutenant, Ninth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 4, 1888. 1 jt CLASS. INSIGNIA 5952. BOSTON. isl Sei [i nt, I omm in! and Sergeant-Major, « >t li M.\>>. Infantry, June ii, [86i. 2d Lieutenant, 9th Mass. Infantry, September 26, [862. Proi isl Lieutenant, Februar) 8, [863 Mustered out, June 21, 1864. 2d Lieutenant, |d Veteran Reserve Corps, Jul) 20, 1804. Mustered out, January 2, 1867. iHu;;ru, Horintj HKUUaitt. Captain, Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Major, U S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1871. 1»T CLASS. INSIGNIA 1302. LEXINGTON, MASS. Quartermastei Sergeant, [2th Mass. Infantry, [une 26, i s "i i st Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 1 2th M.\ss. Infantry, May 17. 1862. Discharged to accept promotion, |o, [864. Captain, C.S., I v\ . March 21, 1S1.4. Mustered out, < Ictober 13, 1865. Brevet Major, I S.V., Jul) 7, 1865, "for efficient and meritorious servii V '74) * Urttleton, (fftitoarU $agson. Lieutenant Colonel, Thirty-first Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1052. BOSTON. i ..plain, 31st Mass. Infantry, December 10, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Co] onel, April 15,1864. Commissioned Colonel, June 7,1865; not mustered. Mus- tered out, September 30, 1865. Brevel 1 olonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct at the captun ol Porl Hudson, Louisiana; in the fight at Shreveport, Pinewood, and Alexandria, ami also at the taking of Mobile, Alabama." I lii i at Boston, April 17, 1889. flrtoton, Solju (Hlortljingtcm. Captain, First Vermont Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5422. BOSTON. ist Lieutenant, ist Vermont Cavalry, September [8, 1862; mustered, September 29, 1 Si, 2. Promoted Captain, January 5, 1864. Resigned, February 27, 1864 fletoton, fftattljcto ©urner. Major, Surgeon, Tenth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1308. SUFFIELD, CONN. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, y\ Conn. Infantry, May 14, 1861. Mustered out, August 12, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, ioth Conn. Infantry, Octo- ber 4, 1861. Promoted Major, Surgeon, July 21, 1862. Resigned, February 17, 1864. *£ictiols, Slntucin 3. First Lieutenant, Second Maine Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1702. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Maine Cavalry, November It, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, December I, 186;. Discharged, September 10, 1864. Died at Natick, Mass., November 30, 1880. ( 175) t*j)lirhols. (Ftiluarti Tattnall. Reai Admiral U.S.N. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. I ,i CLASS. INSIGNIA 1690. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AS CHARTER MEMBER, FEBRUARY 1, 1882. Midshipman, U.S.N., Decembei [4,1836. P I Passed Midshipman, July i, 1842. Master, Vugusl 2, 1849. Lieutenant, March 1.;. 1850. Coi ander, July 16, 1862. Captain, Jul) 55, 1866. Commodore, May 24, 1872. Reai Vdmiral, I'rl.lU.lH .'(.. [878. I lied .11 Pomfret, 1 lonn , Octobei 1 2, 1886. iliflicils, 3amrs UulTuirjton. Captain, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.SV. ELECTED JUNE I, 1869. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 1178. SALEM, MASS. i>i Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, September 2, [861 ; mustered, October 14, 1861. Promoted Captain, June 27, 1863. Discharged, September 1, [864. JJtcfjols, aEtlliam BiilTtiigton. ELECTED JANUARY I, 18f>0. 2n CLASS. INSIGNIA 7572. ALLST0N, MASS. Eldest son of Companion Captain [AMES B, NN HOLS. jSltrbulir, (JTnlrli ffifagte. Captain, Fust Battalion, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4630. BOSTON. isi Lieutenant, [si Unattached Company, Mass. Heavy Artillery, February 26, 1862. Captain, isl Battalion Mass. Heavy Artillery, November 3, 1862. Mustered out, June 29, [865. Morris, illbrrt ILanf. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, One Hundred and Fourteenth United States Colored Troops. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5425. CAMBRIDGEPORT, MASS. Nurse in U.S. Sanitary Commission, July and August, [862. Medical 1 U.S.A., Vugusl to November, [862. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A., July to November, 1864, and from March 8, 1865, to March -\|. 1866. isl Lieutenant, Vssistant Surgeon, 114th U.S.C.T., March -'4. 1866; mustered, October 27, 1866. Mustered out, May 8, [867. flortli, Jtamrs flonnan. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Twenty fourth Massa- chusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5101. BOSTON. Private, 1st Mass. Infantry, December 26, 1861. Discharged, June 17, [863. 2d Lieutenant, 35th U.S.C.T., September 1, 1S63. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, isl U.S. Colored Cavalry, December 9, 1S63. isl Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 24II1 Mass. Infantry, January 15, 1S65. Resigned, October 7, 1865. iloucs, (frjtoavti ILangtion. Major, Third Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6686. BOSTON. Sergeant, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 16, 1861 ; mustered, April 30, 1S61. Mustered 'Hit, August 1, 1861. Captain, 41st Mass. Infantry, afti r- ward 3d Mass. Cavalry, August 27, 1862. Promoted Major, September 2, [864. Mustered out, July 21, 1865. *i^o«cs, iltcliolas ilapolron. First Lieutenant, Forty-eighth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED MAY 7, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1479. Private and Sergeant, 48th Infantry, M.V.M., September 23, 1862. 2d Lieu tenant, 48th Infantry, M.V.M., November 3, 1 862. Promoted isl Lieutenant, De- cember 29, 1862. Mustered out, September 3, 1863. Died at Boston, March 22, iSSS. jjlutr, 'Slomo. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Sixth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 6, 1889. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 7132. FARMINGTON, N.H. 1st Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 6th N.H. Infantry, October IS, 1S61. Resigned, Man h 19, 1S63. C 177 ) P.iir. (Seotfle lUrury. Colon- th Maine Infantry Brevel Ma ir G il, U.SV. IT8, MAY 1, 1 NATICK, :.l»88. itl l ii n i. i i M i ni inti .April i8 1861 rtutti red out, An 1861 1 ip n 'ii' VI lim l.ii.niii y, Oi tobi 1 ;. 1861 Mu ■ 1 out, 1 . 1863 n, igl h VI ilm 1 nl intry, Movembi r ; 1863 P led Majoi ,Octo ■ uloni I, 1 'i ' ' "ii" ' . 1 1 '■'' 1 Muttered |uni tl, 1 B66 Bn el Brigadier Gen , ml, 1 i.\ Oclobci 18, 1 B6 |. ' foi mi ritori ci Brevel Maji u I leneral, 1 ;. V., March 13, 1865, " for I lithful an 1 mi ritori lui ing tin ■ ©afteg, Danid. I M lutetta I" 1 intry, U.S.V. 1 1 - 1 r .- ■- . 1 Lieutenant, id Matt Infantry, Januarj II, 1862 Promoted itt Lieutenant, lui- ■, [862 1 ip March to, 1863. Resigned, Jul) ;, 1865 I lied .11 New V ork, l< I | 1 | 1888. ©'Connor, jFretrericfi SrcijltmUj. A. |jn,i M i' I' 1. U.S.N. \( ini lattei 'i '• ' 'v. I" 1 1 .. 1863, Promoti d \> ting Ensign I 11.11 ., -i,i 86 1 \. 1 Mi iti 1 . I -.I'll. Ri "ii ed Dccen iei 1 Otuornr, jTrctinu'. id I 'ii. mi. Forty 1 ill Infantry, M.< su 1 Miiiii.i ■ ' "i H" Uniti d Si I'- ll 1 ■ \ss. id Lieutenant, 14th Infantry, M.V.M., September 1 ■ . 1 86 1, Muttered out, June 18, 181 ( >. ' ©liber, Sogepij Broton. Captain, I ifth Wisi onsin Infantry, U.S.V, ELECTED MAY 8, 1871 ' IN II, I I I I IMAN rHI BTATI "' • ■ , A8 I HAI I ' /IEMBER, Ml • ' . i -i Lieutenant, ,th Wi Infantry, I i". 1 86i I'romotctl I aptain, 1 >, to) [862 Ki ignetl, [anuary 16, t86j ©Uber, luHu-rt ShaU]. Captain, Eighth I ivalry, USA. mm i ; 1864 Mustered out, Octobci ;i . [865. j'l Lieutenant, 171I1 Inl U.S.A., Februar) • ;. 1866. fransferred to 8th Ca dry, March |, 1867. Pi ted 1st Lieutenant March 7, 1867. Captain, 1 1, 1, J,, 1 7, 1869. Ri igned, I h tobi 1 ,1. 1869 Olmslrti, jTrrtirrir Into. ELECTED MAY 'J, I ' ASB. IN8IQN A 8348 \ gentleman who, in civil life, during thi Rebellion was pecially distingui heel foi ipi ii • and i i m li itcnl loyalt) , 1'he Hi .1 ' ai ) ol thi 1 niti d tali anitai ) ' • 1 1 ii m, 1 1 1 ol ■•■ hii h wi re 1 arried oul to ucci 1 lai gi I) thn igh 1 izing facult; 1 hrough hi efforts threi n gimi nl 1 ol colored troop raised in New York. Hi m an 11 tre ol ill patriot 1 in New Vorl 1 ity, thi organize! ol thai greal Fail which realized om million dollars foi tin Sanitary I nission; the originator of the Loyal Publication ocicl ind thi Pro .■ \\ ,11 1 1 urn \ ociation His lopall remi his crvici pecrli Optiurkr, ILconnvtj (Eckstein. ELECTED JANUAHf I By inheritance fr EMERSON OI'DYCl l.u Lieutenant, tisl Ohio In fanti 1 "i ■'', 1 861 1 tnu iti red, \ < 16 [861 Proi 1 'I ' aptain, Fcbruai 1862. Discharged I pi pn imi ilii m cpl 11 1 [7, 1862 ' oloni I, 125th Infantry, Septembei [8, 1862; mus I, I arj r, 1863 Hi ■ lici 1 1 I I.S.V., I"' \6 1 ' . Ri igned, I i Bn > < \i lici G February 7, 1865 Bn el rtaj al, I \S.V\, Novi mbi 1 |0 1864, " foi importanl and galli rviccs at thi battle ol Franklin 1 ' Died ipril m 1884. I 179 ©rcutt, frank t R.I. Light Artillery, August 14, 1861. Promoted Captain, December 21, 1861. Resigned, I li . ember 24, 1863. Otm-n, ILrantin- (Elarft. Acting Ensign, U.S.N. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1889. hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 7535. DORCHESTER, MASS. Acting I nsign, U.S.N., September [3, (864 Discharged, fuly 25, 1865. Page, 1l?rnry Eittamb. Acting Ensign, U.S.N. ELECTED MAY 6, 1885. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 3844. FITCHBURG, MASS. Mate, U.S.N., Novembei .• ;. 1863 Promoted Acting Ensign, September 4, [86 1. I (ischarged, June .;• 1865. $aine, Stnasa (Elliot. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, One Hundred and Fourth United States Colored Troops. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. Isi CLASS. INSIGNIA 2426, BROCKTON, MASS. Private, 43d Infantrj M V.M., in service ol the I .S., September 20. [862 redout, Jul) |0 [863. Medical Cadet, U.S.A., November 22, 1864, to August ... 1865. isi Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 104th U.S.C.T., August 21, 1865. Mustered out, February 5, (866 ( 'S2) Paine, diaries Sarfcscm. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 956. BOSTON. Captain, 22d Mass. Infantry, October 8, 1861. Major, 30th Mass. Infantry, January 14, 1862. Colonel, 2d Louisiana Infantry, October 25, 1862. Resigned, March 8, 1S64. Brigadier General, U.S.V., July 4, 1864. Mustered out, January 15, 1866. Brevet Major General, U.S.V., January 15, 1S65, "for meritorious and valuable services." lalfrru, jTranrts EKtntrjrorj. Colonel, Twentieth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 927. Lieutenant Colonel, 20th Mass. Infantry, July 1, 1S61. Promoted Colonel, December 18, 1S62; mustered, January 24, 1S63. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), April 13, 1863. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant conduct at the battle of Antietam, Maryland, and for meritorious services during the war." Died at Cannes, Krance, December 6, 1889. * Palmer, William lUsanbrr. Captain, Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 7, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1596. Private, Sth Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 30, 1861. Mustered out, August I, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, August 22, 1861. Pro- moted 1st Lieutenant, June 18, 1862. Captain, April 16, 1863. Commissioned Major, April S. 1S65; not mustered. Mustered out, July 28, 1S65. Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, for "gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Virginia." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., April 9, 1865, " for meritorious services during the recent campaign, terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under General Robert E. Lee." Died at Xew Brighton. N.Y., November 10. 1884. Park, Walter lEllsfoorti). ELECTED MAY I, 1889. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 7136. CHICAGO, ILL. Eldest son of Companion Second Lieutenant WILLIAM PARK. ( '83) $arft, BEilUam. Second Lieutenant, Ninth Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1884. In CLASS. INSIGNIA 3508. ST. JOHNSBURY, VT. Private and ist Sergeant, 9th Mass. Battery, August 10,1862. 2d Lieutenant, • >t li Mass. Battery, January i*. 1865; mustered, Januarj 28, 1865 Mustered out, June 6, 1865. Parker, iftigar. Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, Thirteenth Massachusetts In- 1 intry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2221. BRIDGEWATER, MASS. ist Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 13th Mass. Infantry, March ij, 1863, Dis- 1 (disability resulting from wound received in line of duty), September t8, 1 * barker, jFoxIjall aiexan&er. Commodore, U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1866, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANS FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 3, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 182. Midshipman, I S.N., March 11, 1837. Promoted Passed Midshipman, June 29, [843. Master, Novembei 17. 1847. Lieutenant, September 21, 1850. Commander, [ulj 16, 1862. Captain, July :> 1866. Commodore, November 2%, 1N72. I lied .it Vnnapolis, Md., I ■ to, 1879. Parker, JTranris 3etoett. Colonel, Thirty-second Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 1, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1364. BOSTON. Major, isl Battalion Mass. Infantry, afterwards ;-'is< h.i 1 '.',<■ !. April 2 ;. 1865. 2d Lieutenant, 6th 1 Volunteer Infantry, Vpril 23, 1865. Mustered out. October 15,1866. Brevel 1-1 Lieutenant, I .S.V., Januar; .'. 1866, " for faithful ami meritorious services during the war." * JJjJarhljurst, Charles Hfrnrg. Lieutenant Colonel, Third Rhode Island Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3505. Captain, nth Rhode Island Infantry, September [9, 1862; mustered, Octobei 1. [862. Mustered out, July 13, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, 3d Rhode Island Cavalry, August 31, 1863; mustered, Februar) 4, [864. Resigned, Ma) 26, [865. Died at Providence, R.I., March 25, 1889. t |)arkiinrst, jioljn tPtuson. Colonel, Ninth Michigan Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1884. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 3252. TRANSFERRED TO THE COM- MANDER? OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, AS CHARTER MEMBER, FEBRUARY 4, 1885. Lieutenant Colonel, 9th Michigan Infantry, September i<». [861. Promoted Colonel, February 6, [£63. Mustered out, November 10, 1865. Brevel Brigadier General, U.S.V., Ma) 22, 1865, " for gallant, faithful and meritorious services." Parkinson, 3ol)n. Second Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. lsi CLASS. INSIGNIA 985. BOSTON. hi. (4th Infantry, M.V.M., Septembei [2, [862. 2d Lieutenant, 441I1 Infantry, M.\ M., Februar) 16,1863. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. (186) \$ arsons, jioljrt CHtUiam. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 7, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3275. PORTSMOUTH, N.H. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 241)1 Massachusetts Infantry. April 8, [865; mustered, April 17, 1S65. Mustered out, January 20, [866. parsons, 3iosrul] ISailrrj. Lieutenant Colonel, Tenth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 5, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7773. NORTHAMPTON, MASS. Captain, iotli Mass. Infantry, June 21, 1S61. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, July 15, iS()2. Mustered out, July 1, 1864. Bn vel 1 oloni I. I .S.V., Man li 1 ;. [865, " fur meritorious services during the war." tPartritogr, 3orm prison. Captain, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry. U.S.V ELECTED APRIL 4, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 861. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 30, 1869. [sl Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, September 2. 1861. Promoted Captain, February 6, 1864. Mustered out, September 27, 1N04 f Patterson, 3oau prison. Colonel, Second New Hampshire Infantry — Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1523. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, DECEMBER 31, 1889. 1st Lieutenant, 2d N.H. Infantry, June 4, 1861. Promoted Captain, May 23, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, June 21, 1864. Colonel, January 10, 1S65. Mus- tered out, December 19, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, [865 " for courage in battle and good conduct throughout the war." ( <«V 1 JDrabotio, ©liber JSEijite, Lieutenant Colonel, Forty-fifth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED SEPTEMBER I, 1868. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 867. BOSTON. Private, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., September 26, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., 1 Ictober 28, r862. Mustered out, July 7. 1863. Pearl), Benjamin JFrankltn, Surctor. Colonel, Eighth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in ser- vice of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2549. LYNN, MASS. 1st Sergeant, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., April K>, 1861; mustered, April 30, 1861. Mustered out, August 1, 1861 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., Novembei 7, [862. Mustered out, August 7, 1863. Colonel, 8th Infantry, M \.M . July 26, 1S04. Mustered out, November 10. 1S04. graver, ftjenru. Second Lieutenant, Tenth Battery Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1886, 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4626. PROVIDENCE, K.I. Private, 1st Infantry, R.I. Detached Militia, in service of the U.S., May 2, 1861. Mustered out, Vugusl 2, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 10th R.I. Battery, May 2d, 1862. Mustered out, August 30, 1S62. fearer, Samuel 'Men. Major, Paymaster, U.S.A. — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1877. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 1763. COLUMBIA, S.C. ist Lieutenant, loth Batter} R.I. Light Artillery, May 2(1, 1862. Musk-red out, August 30, 1862. Major, Paymaster, U.S.V., May 2S, 1804, Mustered nut, Septem- ber 20, 1866. Major, Paymaster, U.S.A., March 9, 1867. Resigned, August 1, 1S69. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, V. S.V., September 20, 1866, " lor faithful and meritorious services in the Paj I >i pai Iment." ( 188 1 iravrr, SEaltrr. Acting Master, U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3053. HARTFORD, CONN. Acting Master's Mate, U.S.N., October 2i, 1861. Promoted Acting Ensign, March 6, 1863. Acting Master, March 24, 1S65. Resigned, April 27, 1S65. ^rasr, J&enrjj GTogstodl. Captain, Eighty-sixth United States Colored Troops. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7230. WORCESTER, MASS. Private, 26th Mass. Infantry, October 6, 1861. Discharged, September 28, 1863. 2cl Lieutenant, S6th U.S.C.T., September 10, 1S63; mustered, September 29, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, October 31, 1864; mustered, November 9, 1864. Captain, November I, 1865; mustered, November 16, 1865. Mustered out, April 10, 1S66. Prrh, 6fonjr Bartjdrr, Suntor. Second Lieutenant, Second Rhode Island Infantry, U.S V. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2551. PROVIDENCE, R.I. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Rhode Island Infantry, December 13, 1864; mustered, De- cember 14, 1864. Resigned, July 3, 1865. |3rcfc, tHjrorjorr Saffovti. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1397. BURLINGTON, VT. Private, ist Vermont Cavalry, September I, iS6[; mustered, November I, 1861. Discharged, June 26, 1862. Quartermaster Sergeant, 9th Vt. Infantry, June 27, 1862; mustered, July 9, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 9th Vermont Infantry, January 8, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 10, 1S64. Captain, A.Q.M., U.S. V., March ir, 1865. Mustered out, June 15, 1865. $ccjiam, 3ofjn Combe. Ensign. U.S.N. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1423. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N.A., September 21, i860. Ensign, I'.S.W, May 28, 1863. Resigned, May iS, 1866. ( 189) iJrurf, 31'nuu Batlru. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Twenty-third Massa- chusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5. 1876. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1747. BOSTON. Privati and ' ommissar) Sei ;< ant, i |d Mass. [nfantrj . I ii tobei i \. 1861. tsl Mass. Infantry, Septembei 1. [862. Appointed R.Q.M., fanuai 1864. Commissioned Captain, Septembei 20, 1864; nol mustered. Mustered out, June 25, 1865. parson, diaries ILatorence. Lieutenant Colonel, Thirty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1310. BOSTON. tsl Lieutenant, Vdjutant, 20th Mass. infantry, July I, 1861. Lieutenant Col- onel, 39th Mass. Infantry, August 30, 1862. Commissioned Colonel, fuly 13, 1864; not mustered. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), January II, [865. Brevet Colonel, (J.S.V., March 1 ;, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious conduct in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, Virginia." 1 Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles on the Weldon Railroad, Virginia." $)rnniman, Brtljurl. Fust Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Third Infantry, Massa- chusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5872. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. tsl Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 3d Infantry, M.V.M., 1 ii tobi 1 1 1. 1862. Mustered out, June 26, [863. Itfrrhins, j. ( '9°) *ferfttns, 8Etlltatn (Jcbtoart. Captain, Second Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 887. Private and s. rgeant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the 1 1 ptember 12, 1862. Discharged to accept promotion, February ij, 1863. 2 '' Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, January 26, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 7, [863. Captain, March 17, 1S65. Mustered out, July 14, 1S65. Died at Boston, January 18, 1879. * Phillips, CJjarleg ^ppleton. Captain, Fifth Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1244. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Mas,. Battery, ( Ictober 2;, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July [3, 1S62. Captain, October 18, [862, Mustered out, June 12, 1S65. Bi Major, U.S.V., August 1, 1864, " for gallant services at the battle of Bethesda Church, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia." Died at Virginia City, Nevada, Much 20, 1876. ifjtlltps, Ulnu-u fHosrs. Second Lieutenant, Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry — Brevet Captain, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 854. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Private, 7th Squadron, R.I. Cavalry, June 24, 1S62. Mustered out, September 26,1862. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Mass. Cavalry, January 30, 1S64. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, February 1, 1865; not mustered. Resigned, February 20, 1S65. Brevet 1st Lieutenant and Brevet Captain, U.S.V., March 1 3, 1865, "for gallant ami meri- torious services." iijillips, 3ofjn. Captain, Second Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1876. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1744. HUDSON, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Cavalry, March 17, 1S63. Pri ited < aptain, March 8, 1864. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), April 28, 1865. ( 191 ) Iptchrtt, jlosiali. Colonel, Twenty fifth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS AS CHARTER MEMBER. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 682. WORCESTER, MASS. i -i Lieutenant, jd Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 19, 1861 Mustered out, August 3, [86] Captain, 25th Mass. Infantry, October i-\ 1S1.1. Promoted Major, March 20, 1S62. Colonel, October 29, 1862. Mustered out, January io, 1865. Brevet Brigadiei General, U.S.V., Juno 3, 1X64, "for gallantry during the war, especially at the battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia, where severely wounded." fickman, Benjamin. First Lieutenant, Veteran Reserve Corps. ELECTED DECEMBER I, 1868. Hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 1000. MONTCLAIR, N.J. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Unattached Co. Mass. Cavalry, November 15, 1861. Pro- moted 1st Lieutenant, April 24, 1S62. Resigned (disability), December 20, 1862. ist Lieutenant, V.R.C., November 17, 1863. Resigned, July 18, [864. fierce, (JTIiarlrs (Ptitoartj. First Lieutenant, Fourth Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. 1 st CUSS. INSIGNIA 6108. BOSTON. Private, 4th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 16, 1861; mustered, \l.i\ 22, [861. Mustered out, July 22. 1861. Sergeant, 10th Liattery Mass. Light Artillery, Vugust i", [862; mustered, September 9, 1862. ist Sergeant, December 4, [863 Discharged to accept promotion, September 14, 1864. ist Lieutenant, 20th Unattached Company Mass. Heavy Vrtillery, afterwards |th Mass. Heavy Artillery, Septembei • [864; mustered, September 15, [864. Mustered out, June 17, 1S65. fierce, (Jrtitoarrj (Ltorbtn. Captain, Third Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1869. lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1125. ROXBURY, MASS. Corporal, loth Mass. Infantry, June 21, [861. Discharged to accepf promotion, Septembei 5, [861. 2, 1862. Captain, December 22, 1862. Mustered out, June 2S, 1S64. ( "J^ ) falirry, 3ofjn Cavbrr. Captain, Corps of Engineers — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.A. ELECTED DECEMBER 3, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8339. BELMONT, MASS. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July i, 1S53. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., July 1, 1857. 2d Lieutenant, December 31, 1857. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, August 3, 1861. Captain, March 3,1863. Assigned as Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Inspector General, 13th Army Corps, March 15, 1865 to August 1, 1865. Resigned, May I, 1S66. Brevet Major, U.S.A., August 23, 1S64, "for merit and distinguished services during the siege of Forts Gaines and Morgan, Alabama, and especially the latter, where he had immediate charge of the location and construction of the siege works." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., March 26, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Mobile, Alabama." Brevet Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.A., March 26, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war.' 4 $icm\ ftlliot (Clark. Major, Thirteenth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2089. BOSTON. Sergeant-Major, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1S61. 1st Lieutenant, 13th Mass. Infantry, January 16, 1862. Promoted Captain, July 25, 1862. Major, April 22, 1864. Mustered out, August 1, [864. Pterrr, ll?rnry Mite. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3d CLASS. INSIGNIA 2496. DORCHESTER, MASS. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Member of the Legislature of Massai husetts, 1S60, 1861, 1862 (Chairman "I the Committee on Finance), 1866. Representative in Congress of the United States, 43d and 44th sessions. Mayor of Boston, 1S73 and 1S77. *$trrson, (Sr/orgc ll>ntvy. Colonel, Fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1870. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1137. Captain, 5th Infantry. M.V.M., May 1, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, July 5, 1S61. Mustereil out. July 31, 1S61. Colonel, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., I Ictober 8, 1862. Mustered out, July 2, 1863. Colonel, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., |uly 28, 1864. Mustered out, November 16, 1864. Died at Salem, Mass., March 2, [88l. ('93; }Jiiiro, \)t\n\ Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Inspector, U.S.A. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1619. BOSTON. Major, Surj yth M »s. Infantry, fune II, [861. Discharged, August 26, i 1 1 Major, Bi U.S.V., August 3, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Inspector, U.S.A., Februarj 9, 1863. Mustered out, Oclobei ;i. 1865. pinftijant, (Seorcje i^Dtuin. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, Third M issachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 7, 1884. lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 3250. LOWELL, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United . Decembei 23, 1862. Mustered out, June ;;, 1863. Assistant Surgeoi M - Heavj Vrtillery, March 6, 1865. Resigned, Vugusl 16, 1865. t"fjfjoiT, 13m: ierleg. Major, Eighth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteei Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1516. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, MARCH I, 1882. Major, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., May 16, lS6i. Mustered out, August I, 1S1.1. 1 (ied at \\ i hington, I I ' . M ■■ '<>. 1887 ^Jcipr. Zllbnt Augustus. Captain, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 1, 1872. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 1428. BOSTON. 2.1 Lieutenant, 35th Mass. Infantry. August 27, [862. Promoted I st Lieutenant. March • ;. [863. I iptain, Vpril I, 1864. Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Brevet Major, 1 5. V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant conducl al the battles of South Moun- tain and \niirtani, Maryland, and Fredericksburg, Virginia." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, 1 S. V., March 1 ;. 1865, "for gallant conduct in the battles of Knoxville, Poplar Springs 1 hun h and in front of Pel l 94 1 |3opr, ©eorge. Lieutenant Colonel, Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 1, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1420. HARTFORD, CONN. Private and Corporal, 441I1 Infantry, M.V.M , in service of the U.S., September 12, 1S62. Discharged to accept promotion, April 16, 1863. Captain, 54th Mass. Infantry, May n, 1S63. Promoted Major, December 5, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel, July II, 1865. Mustered out, August 20, 1865. Popr, l?cnrii ©urfcr. First Lieutenant, Third Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1399. BOSTON. Private and 1st Sergeant, 1st Unattached Co. Mass. Cavalry, September 23, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Unattached Co. Mass. Cavalry, afterwards 3d Mass. Cavalry, January 1, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, fune 3. 1863; mustered, August 27, 1S63. Mustered out, November 26, 1864. ^opr, Panics. Captain, First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 5, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6638. MELROSE, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 14th Mass. Infantry, afterward 1st Ma>s. Heavy Artillery, |ulv 6. 1861. Promoted Captain. June 10, 1862. Mustered out, October 2S, 1X64. |)o:pc, ILrmurl. Acting Master, U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1029. JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. Acting Master's Mile, U.S.N., September 10, 1S62. Promoted Ailing Ensign, I ■ bruary II, 1864. Acting Master, July 1 8. 18(15. Discharged, February 28, 1866. $ope, IDrrritml (Clarence. Captain, United States Marine Corps. ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, 1890, IN COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 13, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7679. BOSTON. Captain's Clerk, U.S.N., July, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant and 1st Lieutenant, U.S.M.C., November 25, 1S61. Promoted Captain. April 16, 1870. Brevet Cap- tain, U.S.M.C., September 8, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services at the night attack upon Fort Sumter." ( 195 ) |)oirr, jTntitnanti (Tharlrs. Second Lieutenant, Thirtieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 1, 1889. Hi CLASS. INSIGNIA 7134. BOSTON. Private, Corporal and Sergeant, 30th Mass. Infantry, NTovembei 29, [861; mus- tered, |. mil. in 1. [862. 2d Lieutenant, 30th Mass. Infantry, November 2'i, |N<>2: musti red, January 2.4. 1863. Mustered out, January 10, 1865. porter, dTliadrs V-lum. First Lieutenant, Thirty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 1, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1536. QUINCY, MASS. jil Lieutenant, 39th Mass. Infantry, August 14, 1S02; mustered, August 25, 1 Promoted 1 si Lieutenant, lanuary 25, i si » *. Commissioned Captain, Sep- tember 8, [864; nol mustered. Mustered out, Juno 2. 1865. * porter, Samuel Mrrt. Captain (Retired) — Brevet Major, U.S.A. — Colonel, One Hundred and Twenty-third United States Colored Troops — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 2, 1872. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1436. Private, 33d Illinois Infantry, August 20. 1861. Discharged, April 1. [862. 2d Lieutenant, 1 < > 1 1 1 1 Illinois Infantry, August 27, [862. Promoted, 1st Lieutenant, March 8, 1863, Captain, Octobei ;. 1863. Discharged, August 24, 1864. isi Lieu- tenant, Veteran Reserve Corps, Vugust 22. 1864. Promoted Captain, Augu 1864. Dischargi !. October 6, [864. Colonel, 123d U.S.C.T., October 13, 1864. Mustered out, 1 li tober (6, 1865. 2. 1 Lieutenant, 141I1 Infantry. U.S. V. Maj 1 1. [866. transferred to i)ih Infantry, July 28, [866. Promoted 1 si Lieutenant, March 20, [867. Appointed Adjutant, fulj [3, (868. rransferred to 17th Infantry, Ma [869. Appointed R.Q.M., May 27. [869. Retired, with rank of Captain, December 15, 1S70, "for loss of left arm, from wound received in line of duty." B 1. U.S.A., March 20, 1867, "for gallant an d meritorious services in the battle ii 1 hickamauga, ( la." Brevel Major, 1 .S.A., March 20, 1867, " foi faithful and i es during the war." Brevel Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 1 ;. 1 Nt . ^ , "for gallant and meritorious services during the war."' Dii at Boston, Vpril 21, 1880 I 196 1 potter, jFreDericfe (fugrnr. Surgeon (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N ELECTED APRIL 4, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6185. PORTSMOUTH, N.H. Assistant Surgeon (Mastei I !.N., July 30, 1S61. Promoted Fassed Vssistanl Surgeon (Lieutenant) July 30, iS6_j. Surgeon, March 25, 1866. Resigned, April 1, 1875. Potter, Isaac jBHatfjefogon. Captain, Fifth Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5426. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private, 1st Infantry, R.I.D.M., in service of the U.S., May 2, 1861. Mustered out, August 2, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 3d R.I. Heavy Artillery, February 7, [862; mustered, February 11, 1 S<> 2 . Discharged (disability), November 15, 1862. Captain, 5th K.I. Heavy Artillery, November 12, 1S62; mustered, November 20, 1862. Mus- tered out, June 26, 1S65. IJotorll, Ctitoarti IlKnry. Lieutenant Colonel, Tenth United States Colored Troops. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6109. RICHFORD, VERMONT. 1st Sergeant, ioth Vermont Infantry, July 17, 1862; mustered, September I, 1S62. Discharged to accept promotion, December 7, 1S63. Lieutenant Colonel, 10th I .S.I .1'., November 27, 1863; mustered, December 7, 1863. Mustered out, May 17, 1866. Pratt, aEtlliam. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1867, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS AS CHARTER MEMBER. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 623. BOSTON. Captain, 2Jth Mass. Infantry, September 2, 1861. Discharged, June 26, 1863. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, L'.S.Y., June 26, 1863. Resigned, April 2, 1864. ( 197 ) * Preble, (Seorge li'nuu. Ri ii A. linn il (Ri i red), U S.N. ELECTED FEBHI • 68, IN COMMANDER* OF THE STATE OF MAIL (RED TO COMMA:. i IE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 4, 1878. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 671. Midshipman, U.S.N., Octobei io, i s j; 5 . Promoted Passed Midshipman, Juno 22, 1841. Master, July is. 1847. Lieutenant, February 5, 1848. Commander, fulj 16,1862. Captain, Januarj [9,1867. Commodore, November 2, 187 1. Real Vd inn. il. Si pti in'.-. 1 jo, [876. Retired, Februarj 25, 1878. Died at Brookline, Mass., March 1, 1885. jJrcscott. CalDtn Brooks. First Lieutenant, First Battalion, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1 I Private, 8th Batter] Light Vrtillery, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., June 13, 1862. Mustered out, Novembei 29, [862. 2d Lieutenant, 1 si Battalion Mass. Heavy Artillery, fune 4, 1863. Promoted 1 si Lieutenant, June 6, [865. Mustered out, September 12, 1865 1 lied .u Newton, Mass . Maj 28, 1887. ithTSrott, Eogal Blooti. First Lieutenant, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7403. NASHUA, N.H. Private and Hospital Steward, [3th N.H. Infantry, September 19, [862. 1st nam, ijtli N.H. Infantry, October 18, [864. Mustered out, June 21, [865. Priest, ©eorge (SJaton. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Fifty-seventh Massa- chusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5096. WATERTOWN, MASS. . . ;,l Infantry, M.Y.M., in service .ol the U.S., Novembei 6, 1862. isi riant, 53d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., November 15, 1862; mus- tered, Novembei 25, 1862. Mustered out, September 2. 1863. 1-1 Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 57th Mass. Infantry, November 5, 1863; mustered, Novembei J, 1863 Mustered out, July 30, 1865. ( MS . t Proctor, lxftifirlo. Colonel, Fifteenth Vermont Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1881 -iS. INSIGNIA 4386. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, NOVEMBER 6, 1889. isl Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 3d Vermont Infantry, June- 19, 1861; mustered, July 1 I61. Major, 5th Vermonl Infantry, September 25, 1861. Resigned, July 11, mel, 151(1 Vermont Infantry, September 26, 1862; mustered, October jj, 1862. Mustered out, August 5, 1863. ■- Putnam, jiolm iThanblcr. Captain, First Veteran Reserve Corps. ELECTED MAY 5, 1368. 1 II CLASS. INSIGNIA 989. Captain, 20th Mass. Infantry, July 10, 1861. Discharged (disability resulting from loss of right arm), September 8, 1863. Captain, 1st Veteran Reserve ' November 2, iS6j. Resigned, January 15, 1865. Died at Santa Barbara, California, June 24, 1879. Qutnry, Jtosiaii. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1838. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6110. QUINCY, MASS. In succession to Companion Brevet Brigadier General SAMUEL M. QUINCY, deceased. *©uincg, Samuel {Htllrr. Colonel, Eighty-first United States Colored Troops — Brevet Brig- adier General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1371. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1303. Captain, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 24, 1861. Commission* September 17, not mustered. Promoted Colonel, November 9, 1862. D (disability resulting from wounds received in action), June 2, l86j. Lieutenant Colonel, 73d I .S.C.T., November 29, 1863. Promoted Colonel, May 24, 1864. Transferred to 1 ., September 27, 1S65. Transferred to Slst U.S.C.T., January 5, 1 Mustered out, November jo, 1866. Brevet Brigadier General, I'.S.Y., March 13, 1S65, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died at Keene, N.I I., March 24, 18S7. ( 199) Quint, Elonjo Sail. Chaplain Second Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1868. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 983. BOSTON. Chaplain, 2d Mass Infantry, [une so, [861. Mustered out, Ma} ! * Eacftleg, Urnjamin jhanldin. Captain, First New Hampshire Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1881. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 164, isi Lieutenant, nth VII. Infantry, September i, 1862. Resigned, December 22, 1862. 1 aptain, isl VII. Cavalry, Jul) 8, 1864, Mustered out, Jul) ii. 181 I lied at Dover, N.H., April 6, 1 10 Eantr, 3rnolTj Augustus. Colonel, Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. 1 St CLASS. INSIGNIA 1311. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, i^i Mass, Cavalry, Octobei 30, [861; mustered, December 27, [861. Proi ed Captain, Februarys 1862, Discharged, June m, [863. Captain, Assistanl Adjutanl General, U.S.V., June ;• 1863. Resigned to accept promotion, January 12, [864. Lieutenanl Colonel, 1 r 1 1 Mass, Cavalry, December j, 1863. Promoted Colonel, January jj. 1864. Resigned, February .5, 1865. f Ivinti, tFfctoarti fflussru. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Twenty-seventh Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1876. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1750. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, MARCH 1, 1882. i >i Lieutenant, Idjutant, 27th Maine Infantry, Septembei 19, 1862. Mustered out, Jul) 1 7. 1863. l\aiiti, jTvrtnir %}t\\xu. Captain, Twenty-sixth New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 2, 1872. lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1451. L0NGW00D, FLORIDA. isi Lieutenant, 4th Mass. Cavalry, Jul) 2, 1863. Promoted Captain, January 19, [864. Discharged, Vugusl 22, [864. -■•! Lieutenant, 26th N.Y. Cavalry, December 27,1864, Promoted 1 tptain, Decembei {0,1864, Mustered out, June 30, 1865. ( 200 ) Eanti, Strplicn. Paymaster (Lieutenant Commander;, U.S.N, ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1884. In CLASS. INSIGNIA 3506. U.S.S. " MOHK.f e, 1st 1 - Sharpshooters, Vugust, 1861. D bility), April, [863 , ting |d I I N., December 17, [864. Assistanl master, U.S.N., August 12, 1869. Promoted P nl Paymaster, April 30, 1874. Paymaster, July 31, 1SS4. Eanrjall, ©Lttlltam pritrfjartr. Lieutenant Commander (Retired), U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY 6, 1889. 1>t CLASS. INSIGNIA 6830. NEW BEDFORD, ' Acting Master, U.S.N., July 24, 1861. Promoted Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, 28, 1 S62, " for gallant conduct during the engagement between the 'Cumber- land ' and the ' Merrimac' " Acting Volunteer Lieutenant ' March II, I*, barged, December 19, 1865, Acting Master, Decembei 7. 1 n, March 12, [868. Promoted Master, December 18, 1868. Lieutenant, March 21, 1870. Retired February 15, 1882. Promoted Lieutenant Commander (retired), August 6, 1886. Eanlett, Srtfj 3lomo. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Thirty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1377. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1800. NEWTONVILLE, V Private and isl Sergeant, 36th Mass. Infantry, July 24, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 36th Mass. Infant!) 1 1, 1862. Discharged, February 20, 1 Uatolrs, 3arob Brrkman. Major, Fourth Artillery, U.S.A. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1873. 1 »T CLASS. INSIGNIA 1584. FORT McPHERSON, GE Cadet, L'.S.M.A., September I, 185O. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Artillery, I May 6, 1 86 1 . lit Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, May 14, 1861; accepted, June 28, 1861. Promoted Captain, July 28, 1S66. Major, 4th Artillery, August 10, 1887. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., July 8, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Pod Hudson, Louisiana." lirevet Major, U.S.A., April 9, 1 gallant and rious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insur- gent forces under General K. E. Lee." (201) t Uaumoiiti, ©Ijarlrs BBalferr. M.ijui, C ol En ii . U S.A ro COMM 01 Hi, . '.NIA, MAY ;, Cadet, U.S.M.A., [ul) I, 1861. Served as Volunteei Mdi de-Camp, undei authority of Secrctar) ul War, [une and July, i mrg Campaign), i >i , Corps of Kngineers, U.S.A., Juw 13, 1865. [' ted Captain, March _'i. 1867 Major, I'ebruarj io 1 883. lu-ati, "lolin. Ai ting A 1 1 inl P lym 1 ter, U.S.N. ; 1 . I 1 . I , 1 .. Vim'.; Vssistanl Paymaster, 1 .S.N., Novembci 6, [862. Resigned (disability 1 . .nh in" 1 1 "in imprisonmenl .1^ prisonei "I wai 1, Mari Ii 20, 186 ■ Urtitiinrj, BBiUiam JFoster. Captain rwenty-fourth Mas; ichusetf Infantry, U.S.V. ■ I ED OCTOCl 1 1st CI ASS. Captain, 24th Mass. Infantry, Septcmbei 2, 1861. Discharged, Septembei !2, ISO.,. Died .11 Spring \ alle) , N.Y., Man h 7, 1876. Urrti, (SJfctoari iJauson. ' mi, Twelfth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUN I I In CLASS. INSIGNIA IS H ABINGTON, MASS. Appointed 2d I ieutenant, Vpril 26, 1861. i>i Lieutenant, i-'tli Mass. Infantry, fune 26, [861. I'l' I'M aptain, June 25, 1862. Commiss ed Major, Maj 6, [864 1 mustered M u iteri 'I out, ful) 9, 1 81 1 1 LUrti, Jicilm hooper. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 3n CLASS. INSIGNIA 818. COTUIT, MASS. V gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was speciallj distinguished foi conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Quartermaster General ol the State ol M: ichusetts, with rank ol Brigadiei General, Vpril 19, 1861, to [auuarj 9, 1869, rendi 1 rvice w iili marked abilil Lunnic, Senas <£rane. try, Massau . M service of thi Un ted S1 ELECTED JUNE 4, 1879 ■ | ! • r 28, 1862. mbi 1 1 Urno, (Tciiuati. ELEr, i f] E LEE RENO. 1 ' > > ■ 1 Irdnance De] nt, I .S.A., July I, 1847. ] 1I1.. ' :u, July i,i' Lieutenant, I I I . , foi i Cerra Got 1 Captain, U.S.A., Septcmbei I . ondi I ember 12, 1 861. Pro 11 General, July iH, 1.SO2. I Maryland, i.l" 1 1 |, 1862. * LUstiraux, etitoarti Boulston KTaUirr. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 1. I ... U. February 1 9, 1 81 [ usten March 20. 1 L\runolt)5, JFranh KlaolantJ. Captain, Forty fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1868. 1st .TON. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., in service of thi 25, 1X62. Mustered out, Ji 14th Infantry, M.V.M., September rged (disability), I 1 _>>S, 1X02. Eegnotos, Jiolin Pcrfttns. Captain, Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1883. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 2689. SALEM, MASS. Coi poral, 8th In I. mm . M.V.M., in iervice of the U.S., April 17, 1 I ered Ma) 18, [861. Mustered out, Uigusl 1. iNin. 2d I ieuti riant, 19th Mass. infantry, August --S. 1S111. Promoted isl I ii uini.Hii. November 29, [861. Captain, Februar) 1 '1 . 1,11 ;i I disability resulting from wounds received in action), Ni bei 1 |. [863. Captain, Veteran Reservi Corps, March 5, 1864. Mustered out, June [o, 1866. Eijoaties, (Efcarles aSUliam iSTlapp. Captain, Twenty-sixth New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 0159. BOSTON. Private, i^i Mass. Infantry, May _\|, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 11^1 Mass. Infantry, afterwards 3d Mass. Cavalry, Septembei 10, 1 Si ._:. Promoted i>i Lieutenant, October 7, [862. < aptain, March 6, i s "i Mustered out, December 6, 1864. 2d Lieutenant, 26th N.Y. Cavalry, December 27, 1864. Promoted 1 aptain, December 30, 1864. Mustered out, June 30, [865. jUijoatirs, ILatorrncr. Captain, Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2459. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private, 14th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September i-\ [862. Discharged, June 5, 1 . I tain, C.S., U.S.V., July 2, 1864. Mustered out, Vugust 22, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 26, 1N05, " for faithful and merito- rious services during the campaign against the citj oi Mobile ami its defences." Brevel Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 26, 1865, and Brevel Colonel,! S/\ . March 28, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." l\lintirs, jTrank &. First Lieutenant, Tenth Battery, Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER '.' , 1881. I I CLASS. INSIGNA 2312. PROVIDENCE, R.I. ist Lieutenant, loth R.I. Battery, May 26, [862. Mustered out, August JO, 1862. ( 204 ) Wjotirs, SHEilliatn Battry. Captain, First Rhode Island Light Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7404. PROVIDENCE, R.I. ist Lieutenant. 1st R.I. Light Artillery, October 2, 1861. Promoted Captain, April 7, 1S64. Discharged (disability), March 8, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., August I, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and Petersburg, Virginia. Htrr, aiexantar Hamilton. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 2464. BOSTON. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Government, and who has been active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same. Member of the Naval Committee U.S. House of Representatives in the 37th Congress; Chair- man of said committee in the 38th and 39th Congresses: one of the founders 1 the National Sailors' Home at Quincy, and its President since 1869; I Massachusetts, 1876, 1877, 1S78. lxirr, (Tliarlrs (jftratunlr. Major, Twenty-sixth New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1559. ALLSTON, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, Ist Mass. Cavalry, October 31, 1861. Resigned, April 30, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Cavalry, January 19, 1863. Promoted Captain, February 9, 1863. Discharged (disability). Oct ibei 22, 1S64. Captain, 26th N.Y. Cavalry, December 29, 1S64. I Major. June 17, 1865. Mustered out, June 30, 1865. Uicr, (PtimuntJ. Captain, Fifth Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A. ELECTED SEPTEMBER 1, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 960. JACKSON BARRACKS, LA. Captain, 19th Mass. Infantry. July 25, 1861; mustered, August 2.S, 1861. Pro- moted Major, September 7, 1862; mustered, October I, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, February 2S, 1864; mustered, July 27, 1S64. Commissioned Colonel, July 28, 1864; not mustered. Mustered out, Juni 1 ist Lieutenant, 40th Infantry, U.S.A., July 28, [866; accepted, December 29, 1866. Unassigned, April 20, 1869. Assigned to 5th Infantry, December 31, 1870. Appointed Adjutant, July 5. [879. Pi Captain, March 10, 1883. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 2. 1S67. " fur gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Maryland." Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 2. 1S67, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, I .S.A., March 2,'l867, "fur gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, \ irginia." ( 2°5 ) L\ut, iFrjimint>. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 5147. ALLSTON, MASS. < inly son m| Companion Brevel Lieutenant Colonel [AMES II RICE. LxtiT, jTranlilin (Eugene. Fust Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Ninth Vermont Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5236. LOWELL, MASS. Private and Commissary Sergeant, 9th Vermonl Infantry, fune 17. iS(>2; mus- tered, July 9, [862, isl Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 9th Vermonl Infantry, Octobei 19, 1864; mustered, Decembei 25, [864, Mustered out, June 1 ;. [865. ttifT, "laiurs Bolton. First Lieutenant (Retired) — Brevet Captain. U.S.A. — Brevel Lieu tenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 10, 1872. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1383. HARTFORD, CONN. isi Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, August 28, [861. Promoted Captain, Sep- tembei 7. (862. Captain, 5th Veteran Reserve Corps, June 24, [863; accepted, July 1. 1863. Mustered out, March 31, 1867. 2,1 Lieutenant, 14th Infantry, I ,S \ . fanuary 22, 1X07; accepted, April 1, 1867. Transferred to 171I] Infantry. May 27, 111 Promoted 1st Lieutenant, December 31, 1S72. Retired. December 23, 1873, " for disability resulting from disease contracted in line of , I u! \ .'" Brevet 1st Lieu- tenant, U.S.A., March 2, [867, "for gallantry in action in front "f Richmond, Vir- fune 25, [Ni'-\" Brevel Captain, I .S.A., March 2, i^ ( '7. "for meritorious services during the war." Brevel Majoi and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. , March i ;. [865, "for faithful ami meritorious services during the ivar.' Rice, jtolin ILolirll. Lieutenant Colonel, Seventy fifth United States Colored Troops. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5367. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Private, 2,] N.H. Infantry, Vpril 28, t86i; mustered, Maj ji, 1861. Dis- to accept promotion, November iS. 1862. Captain, 16th N.H. Infantry, November 4, 1862; mustered, November 24, [862. Mustered out, Vugu 1 to, 1863. I ieutenant < lolonel, 7 ^t li U.S.C.T., Septembei so, 1863; mustered, < ictober 31, 1863 Mustered out, November 16, 1865. ( 206 ) Lxtrr, 3. iHarrus. Major, Surgeon, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED SEPTEMBER 1, 1863. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 373. WORCESTER, MASS. Major, Surgeon, 251). 1. Musten I ; lxtrr, ILrbjis JFrr&rrirk. Captain, Thirty-first Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, l-ASS. INSIGNIA 1463. BROOKLINE, MASS. 1st Lieutei try. February 20. 1862. Promoted Captain, October 10, 1863; musl mmissioned Ma 1 1865; nut mustered. Muster ptember 9, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S. V., March 13, " for gallant and meritorious I Sabine Ci I lanta- tiori, Bynum's Mills, Yellow Bayou, Louisiana, and in the Mobile campaign." Lxtrr, {tfarsiiall ilrVuton. Captain, Thirty-fifth United States Colored Troops. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1887. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 6162. ARLINGTON, Private, Corporal and Sergeant, 25th Mass. Infantry, October 14. charged to accept promotion, May 27, [863. 2d Lieutenant, 1st N.C. Infantry, afterwards 351I1 U.S.C.T., May 27, [863; mustered, June 30, 1863, Promoted 1st Lieutenant, 1 tain, January 30, 1866. Mustered out, June 1. , -::- Lxtrr, Klillinm jTlrtrlirr. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Twenty-third Infantry, U.S.A. — Captain, Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry. U.S.V. 'TED JUNE 2, 1875. 1 si CLASS. INSIGNIA 1758. Private, 1st Mass. Infantry, Ma) J ;. 1861. Discharged, August 15. 1861. Private and Sergeant, loth Mass. Infantry. August 16. 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Infantry, November 13, 1863. Promol tenant, November 15, 1863. Captain, August 17. 1S64. Mustered out, October 4, 1864. tst Lieutenant, 26th N.Y. Cavalry, December 30, 1S64. Mustered out, June 30, 1865. 2d Lieutenant. 23d Infantry, U.S.A., |uly .- Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July S, 1868. Appointed R.Q.M., September 6. 1 ; ■ Died near Mexico, Mo., June 4. 1SS4. •Eirii, (Pilrs Utopians. Lieutenant Colonel, First United States Colored Troops. ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4384. ROXBURY, MASS. « Private and Sergeant, 39th Mass. Infantry, August 5, 1862; mustered, August 20, 1862. Discharged to accept promotion, June 18, 1863. Captain, isi (J.S.C.T., fune 18, iNi>.;. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, October 13, [864. Mustered out, ember 29, 1865. t fttrijartuson, aimgite l?rnru (Srigfooto. Captain, One Hundred and Fourteenth Pennsylvania Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1876. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1749. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, APRIL 30, 1884. Private, 19th Penn. Infantry, April 27, [861. Mustered out, August 29, 1 861. 2d Lieutenant, 114th Penrf. Infantry, July 29, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Feb- ruary 6, iSi,.;. Captain, October 31, 1864. Mustered out, Ma) 28, 1865. Etrfjartjgoit, iftitumti Bangs. Second Lieutenant, Forty-fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1506. BROOKLINE, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, (sih Infantry, M.V.M., October 14, 1862. Mustered out, ful) 7. 1863. ivirlwrtison, €titoarti Currntus. Major, Twenty fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 832. BOSTON. Captain, 24th Mass. Infantry, Septembei 2, 1861 Promoted Major, June 1, iSki 1 lisi harged, Septembei 23, i s i> 1 (208) * Kirijartson, 3amrs JrHiricfe. Major, Third Massachusetts Heavy Artillery — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1504. Captain, 2ist Mass. Infantry, August 21, 1861. Resigned, July 25, 1S62. Cap- tain, 44th Infantry, M.Y.M., in service of the U.S., September 12, 1S62. Mustered out, June 18, 1S63. 2d Lieutenant, I2th Unattached Company, Mass. Heavy Artil- lery, afterwards 3d Mas,. Heavy Artillery, July 16, 1863. Promoted Captain, November 16, 1S63. Major, November 16, 1S64. Mustered out, September 18, 1S65. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for faithful and meri- torious services during the war." Died at Roxbury, Mass., October 7, 1878. Kicrjartson, Jiamrs premiss. Lieutenant Colonel, Thirty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. First Lieutenant, Twenty-sixth Infantry, U.S.A. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6507. AUSTIN, TEXAS. Captain, 3d Infantry, M.Y.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, 1S61 ; mustered, April 23, 1S61. Mustered out, July 22, 1S61. Captain, 38th Mass. Infantry. August 12, 1862. Promoted Major, December 4, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, July 16, 1863. Mustered out, June 30, 1S65. 2d Lieutenant, 17th Infantry, U.S.A., May 11, 1866. Transferred to 26th Infantry, September 21, 1S66. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 31, 1867. Resigned, August 23, 1S70. L\tri,artson, -Hotirrick Sulius. Paymaster (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1880. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2056. CHICAGO, ILL. Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., September 6, 1861. Promoted Paymaster, Sep- tember 2, 1862. Resigned, October 17, 1S64. 1\ id) art s on, Sprnrrr CHrllrs. Captain, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1877. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1799. BOSTON. Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., September 12, 1S62. Mustered out, June rS, 1863. ( 209) Lxtcliarrjson, Kltlliam ifuinston. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 2d CLASS. INSIGNIA 8076. BOSTON. son ol * om] on l aptain SP1 \< E R W. RICHARDS IN. t Btttrnliousr. Benjamin jTrankltn. Captain (Retired) — Brevet Major, USA ELECTED APRIL 3, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1412. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 5, 1879. 2d Lieutenant, 51I1 Artillery, U.S.A., May 14, 1861; accepted, June 22, 1861. ited ISl Lieutenant, July 13, 18(12. Captain, 20U1 Infantry. July 2S, 1S66; declined. Captain, 5th Artillery, January 5, iSjo. Retired, October 7, [874, "foi disability resulting from wounds received in line of duty." Brevet Captain, U.S.A., August 1. 1864, "foi gallant services in the battle of Bethesda Church, ami during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia." brevet Major, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for good conduct and gallant services during the war." L\olu'it5, Ijoratto. First Lieutenant, First Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 3, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8340. CHELSEA, MASS. isi Sergeant, i^t Mass. Infantry, Ma) 22, 1861 2d Lieutenant, isi Mass. Infantry, Octobei 12, [861. Promoted tsl Lieutenant. July 24. 1862; mustered, February 5, [863. Discharged (disability resulting from loss of left leg from wounds received in action), February 5, 1864. 2d Lieutenant. Veteran Reserve Corps, Januarj 29, 1864. transferred to 20th V.R.C., October 20. 1865. Mus- tered out, June 30, 1S66. luibrrts, jiolm Ijrmtngujau. Captain, Second Maine Cavalry, US V. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1396. CHELSEA, MASS. 2d Lieutenant. Mb Main.- Infantry, August 8, [86l. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. June 29, 1862. Captain, August i, 1862. Discharged, January 12. 1864. Captain, 2d Maine Cavalry, (anuarj 1, 1864. Resigned, February [9, 1S65. ( 210) Eobrrts, EHilliam. Chief Engineer (Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1867, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, FEBRUARY 3, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 594. WALTHAM, MASS. 3d Assistant Engineer. U.S.N., August 2, 1S55. Promoted 2d Assistant Engi- neer, July 21, 185S. 1st Assistant Engineer, August 3, 1859. Resigned, August 24, 1S59. 1st Assistant Engineer, U.S.X., April 24, 1S61. Promoted Chief Engineer, April 21, 1863. Resigned, March 18, 1869. ■Robeson, &ntorrto. Captain, First New York Engineers — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED SEPTEMBER 1, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 874. BROOKLINE, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 1st N.Y. Engineers, May 26, 1864; mustered, July 2, 1S64. Promoted Captain, February 15, 1865; mustered, April 21, 1865. Mustered out, July 14, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S. V., March 13,1865, "for faithful and efficient services." t l\obir, jFrcbcrich. Major, Paymaster. — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, MARCH 16, 1869. 1ST CLASS. INSIGNIA 2394. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 1, 1876. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, APRIL 5, 1882. Major. Paymaster, U.S.V., June I. iSoi. Mustered out, July 20, 1866. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., November 24, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." Robins, (EHfoari Blafte. First Lieutenant, Twentieth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Cap- tain, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1145. BOSTON. Private, 12th Unattached Company Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 16, 1S64. Mustered out, August 16, 1S64. 1st Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, Julv 30, 1864; mustered. November II, 1864. Commissioned Captain. June 1, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, July 16, 1S65. Brevet Captain, U.S.V., April 9, [865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, and the surrender of the insurgent army under General R. E. Lee." (211) t Robins, l\irl,ai'Ti. Captain, Thirty-ninth Infantry, U.S.A. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1185. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 8, 1879. Private and Corporal, nth [nfantry, I .S.A., October 10, 1861. Second Lieu- tenant, nth Infantry, June 27, 1S112. 1'iomote.l 1st Lieutenant, July 25, 1863. Captain, ynh Infantry, January 22, 1S1.7. Resigned, July 20, 1868. Brevet 1st Lieutenant, U.S.A., July 3, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle ol Gettysburg, Pennsylvania." Brevet Captain, I .S.A., March 13, [865, "for gallant and meritorious services it the battle of Gettysburg, Pi nnsylvania." Robinson, Augustus (Pilman. Lieutenant Colonel, Deputy Quartermaster General, U.S.A. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1877. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1809. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, WASH. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July i, 1S53. Brevet, 2d Lieutenant, 4th Artillery, U.S.A., fuly 1, 1857. 2,1 Lieutenant, 3d Artillery, October 12, 1858. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, May 1.1, [861. Captain, Vssistant Quartermaster, U.S.A., February iy. 1S1,;; accepted, April 18, 1863. Major, Quartermaster, March 4, 1879. Lieutenant Colonel, DeputJ Quartermaster Hernial, |ul\ 10, 1N00. Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 13, [865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." t ;; - Robinson, (diaries Dayjan. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 1, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1554. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MAY 15, 1874. Captain, Vssistanl Quartermaster, U.S. V., September .), 1861. Resigned, April 21, 1864. Died at Green Bay, Wisconsin, September 25. 1886. Robinson, 31olm jTrani.lin. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 8077. MANCHESTER, N.H. Eldesl - I ipanion Surgeon JOHN L. 1<( HllXSt >\\ I 212) EoMngon, 3olm ILombartJ. Major, Surgeon, Eighth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1889. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6997. MANCHESTER, N.H. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, Sth Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., November 7, 1862. Mustered out, August 7, 1863. Major, Surgeon, Sth Infantrv, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., July 26, 1864. Mustered out, November IO, 1864. Borfttorll, Slfrrti ferftms. Colonel, Sixth Connecticut Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1033. BOSTON. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, 2d Conn. Light Battery, November, 1861 (serving as a volunteer with 1st Artillery, U.S.A., in the field). Captain, 1st Conn. Light Battery, January 20, 1862. Colonel, 6th Conn. Infantry, June II, 1864. Mus- tered out, February 9, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, " for gallant and distinguished services in the field during the campaign of 1864." *3&ocfcfoell ) Sosrplj frrktns. Captain, Eighteenth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3679. Sergeant-Major, iSth Conn. Infantry, July 26, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, iSth Conn. Infantry, December 22, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, June 5, 1864; mustered, June 10, 1864. Captain, October 17, 1864; mustered, October 20, 1864. Mustered out, June 27, 1865. Died at Boston, November 22, 18S5. Eotiman, Samuel, Junior. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1890. 2d CLASS. INSIGNIA 8271. FORT ADAMS, R.I. Cadet, U.S.M.A., June 14, 1S7S. Additional 2d Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, U.S.A., June 12, 1882. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Artillery, June 30, 1882. 1st Lieu- tenant, 2d Artillery, January 31, 1891. Eldest son of Companion Captain THOMAS R. RODMAN. (2.3) Jjtofoman, JTiiomas 1\. Captain, Thirty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1889. lsi CUSS. INSIGNIA 6916. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Captain, 38th Mass, Infantry, \ugust 21, 1N02. Mustered mil, [une 30,1865. Uogrrs, Elliot jTolgrr. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1889. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 7537. ROCKPORT, MASS. Eldesl -"ii "i Companion Captain JAMES S. ROGERS. Reigns, li'rnru fHoiuor. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N, ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 853. BOSTON. Vcting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., November 6, 1862. Discharged, November 28, 1865, •lAogrrs, liHnalto. Colonel, Second Rhode Island Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5369. PROVIDENCE, R.I. i -i Lieutenant, 3d K.I. Infantry, afterward 3d R.I. Heavy Artillery, August 27. [861 Promoted Captain, October 9, [861. Major, Vugust is. [862. Colonel, 1 1 tH R.I. Infantry, December 27, 1S62. Transferred to 2d R.I. Infantry, January ;i, 1863; mustered, February 6, [863. Resigned, January. 14, 1S64. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.Y., March 13, 1S05, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Rogers, jiamrs Stoift. Captain, First South Carolina Volunteers, U.S V. ELECTED APRIL 4, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6186. ROCKPORT, MASS. Corpora! and Sergeant, ^ist Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September j^. 1862. Discharged to accept promotion, I >- in! ,, i 10,1862. Captain, 1st S.C. Volunteers (afterwards 33d U.S.C.T.), Decembei 6, 1862. Resigned, October 20, [863. (2'4) Kogcrs, ©rbillr jFomst. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, One Hundred and Seventeenth United States Colored Troops. ELECTED MAY 4, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5567. DORCHESTER, MASS. ist Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeun, 117th U.S.C.T., October 7, 1864; mus- tered, November 5, 1 864. Mustered out, August 10, 1867. Hopes, 3ofjh Cotnnan. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 3» CLASS. INSIGNIA 1 134. BOSTON. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Earnest in loyal influence and in assistance to troops in the field. An exceptionally diligent student and able writer on the history of the war. Kosr, Stcpfjrn GTurtts. Captain, Fortieth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 3, 1886. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 4468. CLIFTON, MASS. Private, 23d Mass. Infantry, October 7, 1861. ist Lieutenant, 40th Mass. Infantry, August 21, 1862; mustered, September 15, 1862. Promoted Captain, June y, 1863; mustered, July I, 1S63. Discharged (disability), January 25, 1864. Kotorll, (JBitoart Stomas. Major, Second United States Sharpshooters. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1878. Isr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1814. LOWELL, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 2d U.S. Sharpshooters, September 21, 1861. Promoted Captain, July 12, 1862. Major, July 1, 1863. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, February 17, 1864; not mustered. Mustered out, November 26, 1864. Eouff, garrison Augustus. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6508. BOSTON. Quartermaster Sergeant, 21st Mass. Infantry, August 23, 1861. ist Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 22d Mass. Infantry, November 2S, 1861. Mustered out, October 17, 1864. Captain, A.Q.M., U.S.V., March II, 1865. Mustered out, August 31, 1S6S. Brevet Major, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department." ( 215) t Eugsell, i^tiiminti luvtio. Captain, First Artillery, U.S.A. Major, Sixty-fifth New York Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1878. 1 er CLASS. INSIGNIA 1861. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APRIL 5, 1882. Cadet, I .S.M.A., July i. iS;s. i , fune 22, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 67th \'.\ [nfantry, June 24. 1861. Promoted isl Lieutenant, April 14. 1862. Captain. May 3, 1863. fransferred to 65th N.Y. [nfantry, July 4. [864. Major, fune 24, 1S65. Mustered out, Jul) 17. [865. 2d Lieutenant, 1-1 Artillery, LT.S \.. Maj n 1 ited, lugusl -•. 1866, Promoted ist Lieutenant, February 11,1867. Captain, July 9. 1884 Brevel Major, Q.S.V., Decembei 2, [864, "for faithful ami merito- rious services in the line of his duty, and as a staff officer in the field." ttussrll, iPUtoarn 3usttn. Captain, Third Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 7, 1884. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 3501. WORCESTER, MASS. Private and 1st Sergeant, 15th Mass. [nfantry, July 12. 1S61. 2d Lieutenant. 15th Mass. Infantry, July 24, [862. Promoted isi Lieutenant, September 28, 1862. Captain, January 27, [863. Discharged (disability), September 8, 1863. 2d Lieu- tenant, 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery, May 5, 1864. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May 2S, 1864. Captain, July I, 18115. Mustered nut , Septembei [8, 1865. Eussrll, jFrrtirrirfe KHtlliam. ELECTED MAY 6, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3848. WINCHENDON, MASS. [n Hospital servici as i civilian, 1862-3. In succession to Companion Brevet Lieutenant Colonel IRA RUSSE1 I. deceased. Hussrll, 1l?fiiru Sturgtg. Colonel, Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1324. MILTON, MASS. ist Lieutenant, 2.1 \l tss. [nfantry, May 28, 1861. Promoted Captain, December 13, 1861. I ieutenant Colonel, 2. 1 Ma*-, i avalry, January 22, 1863. Colonel, 5th Mas,. Cavalry, April 5. 1S64. Resigned, February 14, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the «ur. and particularly for distinguished gallantry and good conduct at Baylor's Farm before Petersburg, June 15, 1S64." *ftussrll, Ira. Major, Surgeon — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, US.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2734. Major, Surgeon, nth Mass. Infantry, August 29, 1S61. Major, Surgeon, U.S.V., April 4, 1862. Resigned, June 29, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., June I, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services. " Died at Winchendon, Mass., December 19, 188S. Kttssrll, jiamrs Satiagr. ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, 1890. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 8270. MILTON, MASS. Eldest son of Companion Brevet Brigadier General HENRY S. RUSSELL. *Eust, ftrnro. Colonel, Thirteenth Maine Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1708. Sergeant, 1st Maine Infantry, May 3, 1S61. 1st Lieutenant, 1st Maine Infantry, May 6, 1861. Mustered out, August 5, 1861. Captain, 10th Maine Infantry, October 5, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, 13th Maine Infantry, December 10, 1861. Promoted Colonel, April 21, 1862. Mustered out, January 6, 1865. Brevet Briga- dier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Died at Portland, Maine, July 29, 1 88 1. ^ackrtt, jTrrtrrir fHosclro. First Lieutenant, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 1, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1538. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private, 1st Infantry, R.I.D.M., in service of the U.S., May 2, 1861. Mustered out, August 2, 1S61. 1st Lieutenant, 1st R.I. Light Artillery, August 25, 1S61. Resigned, October 6, 1S63. *Saltonstall, Mtilliam (Sutrtion. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH 5, 1879. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1902. Acting Master U.S.N., May 26, 1861. Promoted Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, May 5, 1S63, " for gallantry in action at Washington, North Carolina." Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander, May 20, 1865. Discharged, October 1, 1865. Died at Domo D'Ossola, Italy, July 21, 1889. (217) Sampson, Augustus fktmnan. Fust Lieutenant, Thirteenth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 18 I > I ASS. INSIGNIA 1670. BOSTON. ■.I l ii ntenant, l |th Mass. [nfantry, Jul) i". [861. Promoted isl I ieutenant, linn- j.s, iSiu. Resigned (disability), November 4, 1S62. Sanger, Eugene jhanris. Major, Surgeon — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. Ur CLASS. INSIGNIA 1700. BANGOR, MAINE. Major, Smt;. Mi,, oil. Main.' [nfantry, June 24, iSm. Major, Brigade Surgeon, U.S.V., November i", [861. Mustered nut, August in, 18(15. t'.revei Lieutenant Colonel U.S.V., August 9, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." Sargent, Cijarles Snrague. Captain, Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Major, U.S.V. l-CTED OCTOBER 6, 1880. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2118. BROOKL1NE, MASS. ist Lieutenant, 2d Louisiana Infantry, U.S.V., June 25,1863. Discharged to w «eeept promotion, April 10, 18(15. Captain, Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V., March 15. 1865 Mustered out, August 26, 1865. Brevel Major, U.S.V., March 26, r.865, "for faithful ami meritorious services during the campaign against the city "I Mobile, and its defences." Sargent, Daniel. First Lieutenant, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 10, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1382. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 24th Mass, [nfantry. September J, iStn. Pr led isl I ,ieu- tenant, January 19, 1863. Commissioned Captain, September .,, 1804; not mustered. Mustered out, 1 li tobei 1 1. 1864, Sargent, (ffifofoarto bauson. Fust Lieutenant, Twenty-sixth Iowa Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY D, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7687. BEVERLY, MASS. Private and Corporal, 26th [owa [nfantry, August 15, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, 1 [nfantry, Vugusl •:. 1863; mustered, September 21, 1863. Mustered out, June o. 1865 ( ...s 1 Sargent, Horace Btnnry. Colonel, First Massachusetts Cavalry, — Brevet Brigadier General, u.s.v. ELECTED FEBRUARY 21, 1868, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 1, 1876. lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 676. SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA. Lieutenant Colonel, 1st Mass. Cavalry, October 12, l86l. Pro ted Colonel, October 30, 1N02. Discharged (disability lr..in wounds ved in action), Sep- tember 20, [864. Brevel Brigadier General, I .S.\ , March 21, 1864, " for gallantry and good conducl in the battle of Bayou Rapids, Louisiana." Satiagc, Tl'rnry BEUlson. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1888. lit CLASS. INSIGNIA 6047. BOSTON. By inheritance from MOSES HENRY SAVAGE, Captain, 12th VII. Infantry, September , 1S0;. Colonel, 71b I'.S.t'.T., October 27, i*o; ; mustered, Novembei [3, 1863. Mustered out, November 16, [866. Brevet Brigadier General, (J.S.V., March 1 ;, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious services." Slirrn, SIEtUiatn ©ortiou. Captain, Thirty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1467. BRISTOL, TENN. Private, 4th Infantry, M.V.M., in ervio ol the I .S., May 22, [86l. Mustered out, July 22, [861. 2d Lieutenant, 35th Mass. Infantry, July 31, 1862. t-t Lieu- tenant, 39th Mass. [nfantry, Vugust 14. 1S02. Promoted Captain, September 8, 1 li 1 Mustered out, June 2, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., April 1. 1865, "for gallant and meritori services at the battles o£ White Oak Road and Five Forks, nia." *SIidton, (Fugrnr (ffitofoartr. Captain, Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1070. 2d Lieutenant, 2d \l;iss. Infantry, November i, [861. Promoted l >t Lieutenant, July 22, iSo.v i aptain, l ommissar; of Subsistence, U.S.V., Februarj m. [863. Resigned, July _>o. [865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., July [4, 1865, "foi efficient and meritorious services." I lied ai Boston, Octobei i, [875. ( 222 ) Sljcpartr, (EUtoarti ©Irott. Major, Thirty-second Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1034. BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 32d Mass. Infantry, June 17, 1862. Promoted Captain, August 30, 1862. Major, July 30, 1S64. Mustered out, June 29, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Virginia." Slirparti, James dHrtitng. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Ninth Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5028. LAWRENCE, MASS. Sergeant and Sergeant-Major, 9th Maine Infantry, August 31, 1S61 : mustered, September 21, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 9th Maine Infantry, June 23, 1863; mustered, July 6, 1863. Discharged (disability), January 4, 1865. *Sfjepieg, (grorgr JForstrr. Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 6, 1866, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE AS CHARTER MEMBER, JUNE 6, 1866. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 1, 1876. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 281. Colonel, 12th Maine Infantry, September 27, 1861. Brigadier General, U.S.V., July IS, 1862. Resigned, July I, 1865. Died at Portland, Maine, July 20, 1878. JSfjer&urne, Joiin $?cnru. First Lieutenant, United States Marine Corps. ELECTED MAY 6, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1560. BOSTON. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N. A., September 24, 1861. Resigned. 2.1 Lieutenant, U.S.M.C, March 12, 1S66. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, March 20, 1S72. Resigned, April 30, 1874. ( 223 ) Sherman, Iftrgar 3nu. Captain, Sixth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service ol the United States— Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1870. Itl CLASS. INSIGNIA 1184. LAWRENCE, MASS. I plain, i st I. Infantry, M.V.M., in service ol the I s , November ;. 1862. Mustered out, Septembei ;. 1863. Captain, 6th infantry, M.V.M., Jul) 14,1864 Mustered out, Octobei '7, 1864 Urevel Major, 1 S.\ , March 13, 1865, " foi gallant and mei itoi i>>u> ^iUotoau, 3acob. First Lieutenant, Sixth New York Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 5, 1877. In CLA6S. INSIGNIA 1810. i^i Lieutenant, 6th VY. Int. 25, 1861. Mustered out, June 21, 1863. I iii 'l al I i nton Mass., April % 1890. ( 225 ) Sleeper, jiarob l?nuu. i. Tenth Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet r, U.S.V. ELECTEO MAY 5, 1868. lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 786. BOSTON. i st Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., in servio ol thi 1 S., V ; . 1 i 1 19, 1861 ; red, Maj [, 1861. Mustered out, Jul] ji, t86l. isl Lieutenant, 1st Mass. ry, September .•.;. [861. Captain, 10th Mass. Battery, Septembei si, 1863, Resigned, F< 1865 Brevel Major, U.S.V., I >e uei i, 1864, "for gallant services .11 the battle ol Reams' Station, and during tin- pn • nl 1 tm before Rii hmond, \ irginia." Small, Sglbanug if obit. Fir' I 'it, Regimental Quartermaster, Second Maine Cav U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1888. l»t CLASS. INSIGNIA 6145. WINCHESTER, MASS. irtermasti r ! Infantry, \l ustered out, , i ■ ' v. rtermaster Sergeant, 2d Maine Cavalry, December n, I i i Lieutenant, R.Q.M., id Maine Cavalry, February 22, 1865; mustered, Marc! ;o 1865. Mustered out, December 6, 1865. Sinttl), jTrirtirvirU iflijali. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Eighth Vermont li U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1887. lsi CLASS. INSIGNIA 5880. MONTPELIER, VT. isl Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 8th Vermont Infantry, Novembei 23, 1S61 ; mustered, February 18, [862. Discharged, November 30, 1863, Smitjj, Sosept Sewall. ...nit Colonel, Chief Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet idier General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1729. BANGOR, MAINE. Private,' orporal and Sergeant, 3d Maine Infantry, fune 3, [861. isl Lieuten- ant, jd Maine Infantry, August 2, 1861. 1 aptain, Commissar] ol Subsis e,l s \ , Novembei 14,1861 I Chief Commissary of Subsistence, 2d Vrmy Corps, lM i. ol I i. uti n ml Col nder Acl ol July 17. 186 ■ [anuary 1, 1 s<» ;. to |ulj [1,1865. Mustered out, Jul] 11, [865 Brevel Colon 1,1 S.V., Octoto 1864, "foi gallant and distinguished services al the battles of Reams' Station and 1: iydton I'l.ink 1 B B U.S.V., Jul) 11, 1 1 " foi faithful ami iiili i ( -'- Smirfi, Jiatfjan ©tlman. Captain, Seventy-fifth United States Colored Troops. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1881. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2310. BOSTON. isl Sergeant, 41st Mass. Infantry, afterwards 3d Mass. Cavalry, September 4, 1862. Discharged, December 29, 1863. 1st Lieutenant, 75th U.S.C.T., December 1, 1863. Promoted Captain, March 7, 1864. Mustered out, November 25, 1865. ■Smitlj, \Ma Dofar. Second Lieutenant, First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 3, 1884. 1,t CLASS. INSIGNIA 3532. AND0VER, MASS. 1 orporal and Sergeant, 14th Mass. Infantry, afterwards 1st Mass. Heavy Artil- lery, July 5, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery, August 3, 1863. Dis- charged (disability resulting from wound received in action), December 1, 1864. tSmitfj, Zemro Augustus. Lieutenant Colonel, First Maine Heavy Artillery — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3055. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF KANSAS, NOVEMBER 2, 1887. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, OCTOBER 1, 1889. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, DECEMBER 26, 1889. Captain, 18th Maine Infantry, afterwards ISt Maine Heavy Artillery, August 23, 1862. Promoted Major, September 17, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel, January 16^ 1865; mustered, January 21, 1865. Mustered out, September II, 1S65. Brevet ' olonel, U.S.V., March 29, 1865, "fur faithful and meritorious services during the war." Snoto, (Srorgc William. Major, Surgeon, Thirty fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1885. In CLASS. INSIGNIA 3680. NEWBURYPORT, MASS. ist Lieutenant, Assiitatit Surgeon, 2Stl, Mats. Infantry, Septembei JO, l86t; muslere.l, December 2, .85,. Major, SufgeoTl, 35 th Mass. infantry, Mar, I, , ;. , 86 ,. Mustered out, June y, 1865. (227 j ■Soulr, (diaries Carroll. Captain, Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTEO JUNE 2, 1868. 1 »T CLASS. INSIGNIA 833. BROOKtINE, MASS. isi Lieutenant, Adjutant, 4th Battalion Infantry, M A .M . in servici ol the I s . Maj 25,1862 M red out, June I, 1862. Private, 44th infantry, M.V.M., in service >>l the U.S., • li tober t>, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, -1 tth Infantry, MA .M., 1 >■ toix r. 27, 1862. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. Captain, 55th Mass. Infantry, June 19, [863. Mustered out, August 29, 1865. *£picer, BKilliam JFranrts. Commodore, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1126. Midshipman, (J.S.N., June 21, 1839. Promoti IP ed Midshipman, July 2, 1845. Master, June 28, 1S5;. Lieutenant, February 25, 1854. Lieutenant Com- er, July 16, 1862. Commander, January 2, iS6j. Captain, April 22, 1870. Commodore, April 25, 1877. Died at Charlestown, Mass., November 29, 1S7N. Spooner, Samuel Brigliam. Major, Forty-sixth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1882. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2552. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Captain, 46th Infantry, M.V.M., September 25, 1862. Promoted Major, 1 ruary 5, 1S63. Mustered out, July 29, 1863. Sprague, Augustus Broum lUrti. Colonel, Fifty-first Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MARCH 4, 1868. Ht CLASS. INSIGNIA 683. WORCESTER, MASS. Captain, Jd Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, [861; -1. nil. Maj 19, iSni. Mustered out, August .;. 1861. Lieutenant 1 olonel, 25th Mass. Infantry, Si 1 9, [861. Colonel, 51st infantry, MAM.. November 11, 1 sr>j. Mustered out, July 27, 1863. Lieutenant, Colonel, 2d Mass Heavj Vrtillery, February 1. 1864, ' oramis ioned, .< >lonel, September 18, 1865; not mustered. ■li out, - " , 1 Brevet Brigadiei General, U.S.V., March 1 ;, ■■ hi gallant and meritorious services during the w ( 22s ) Starftpolc, jiosrpl) ILrtots. Major, Judge Advocate — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1 »r CLASS. INSIGNIA 988. BOSTON. Captain, 241I1 Mass. Infantry, Si ptember 2, 1861. Captain, Commissary ol uh sistence, U.S.V., August 30, 1862. Major, fudge Advocate, U.S.V. , fuly 10,1 ■ Resigned, April 20, 1865. Bn et 3L.ii ill ' olonel, U.S.V., Man - 1 ;, "for meritorious services in conducting the prosecutions ol thi I 1 I with skill, faithfulness, and integrity." *£tamels, Eufus Putnam. Captain, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1882. Ur CLASS. INSIGNIA 2335. 2'1 Lieutenant, 13th N.H. Infantry, September 27, 1862. Pi ted isl Lieu t< iiant, February 20, 1X63. Captain, July 15, [864. Mustered out, June 21, 1S65. I tied at Concord, N.H., January 4, [8go * Stannarrj, 6coiftr Kmison. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. Hr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1321. Lieutenant Colonel, 2.1 Vermont Infantry, June 6, 1861; mustered, June 20, 1861. Colonel, 9th Vermonl Enfanti , May 21, 1S62; mustered, July 9, 1862. Briga- dier General, U.S.V., March 11, 1863. Resigned, June 28, 1866. Brevel Major ' ral, U.S.V., October 28, 1864, "for gall ml and meritorious services in the attack upon the enemy's works at Fort Harrison, Virginia." Died at Washington, I i.e., |„ n . 1, 1S86. t Stanton, Cfiaorjcus Parian. Lieutenant Colonel, Deputy Paymaster General, U.S.A. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1 ir CLASS. IN8IONIA 855. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 31, 1888. Private, 3d Battalion D.C. Infantry, April 15, 1861. Mustered out, July 15, 1861. Captain, 19th Iowa Infantry, Augu 1 1 ■<>2. Major, \i rial P i ., December 18, 1862. Major, Paymaster, U.S.A., January 17, 1X67. p r0 - I Lieutenant Colonel, Deputy Payma tei Genei - 1890. I: Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and mei ervices during the war." ( 229 ; Stantoocto, Q&bzn poorr. Lieutenant Colonel, Forty-eighth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2626. WEST NEWBURY, MASS. Captain, 48th Infantry, M.V.M., September 2, 1S62; mustered, September 24, 1S62. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, July 3, 1863; mustered, July 20, 1863. Mus- tered out, September 3, 186 (. Steams, JBenrg Putnam. Major, Surgeon — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2227. HARTFORD, CONN. Major, Surgeon, 1st Conn. Infantry, April iS, 1N01; mustered, April 23, 1S61. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. Major, Surgeon, U.STV., September 21,1861. Mus- tered out, August 25, 1S65. Bre\et lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., August 22, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Stearns, Samcs fierce First Lieutenant, Veteran Reserve Corps. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1707. BR00KLINE, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 22d Mass. Infantry, October 1, 1S61. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, August 5, 1862. Discharged (disability resulting from loss of left leg from w< received in action), February 14, 1S63. 1st Lieutenant, Veteran Reserve 1 June 27, 1S63. Discharge.!. June 30, 1866. Stearns, Militant Bramliall. ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 7966. BROOKLINE, MASS. Eldest son of Companion First Lieutenant JAMES P. STEARNS * Stcbbtns, &sa l&arbeg. Second Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED AUGUST 4, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 858. 2d Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., September 12, 1S62. Mustered out, June IS, 1 So;. Died at Tombstone, Arizona, July 13, 1889 ( *3° ) Stefcman, (CJjarleg (£Urru. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1872. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1459. DORCHESTER, MASS. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., September 16, 1861. Resigned, April 27, 1S65. Strtman, cilery. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1885. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 4254. DORCHESTER, MASS. Eldest son of Companion Assistant Surgeon C. ELLERY STEDMAN. Stctnnan, Sosrpi). Lieutenant Colonel, Forty-second Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ■ ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2331. JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. Sergeant, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 22, 1861. Mus- tered out, August 2, 1861. Captain, 42d Infantry, M.V.M., August 29, 1862; mus- tered, September 13, 1862. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, November II, 1862. Metered out, August 20, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, 42d Infantry, M.V.M., July 22, 1864. Mustered out, November II, 1864. Stctnnan, SIHtUtant Augustus. First Lieutenant, First Infantry, Rhode Island Detached Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5102. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. 1st Lieutenant, ist Infantry', R.I.D.M., May 2, 1S61. Mustered out, August I, 1861. f * Strrtman, (Ctjarlrs. Rear Admiral (Retired), U.S.N. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1867, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 589. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHU- SETTS, MAY 7, 1874. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, APRIL 30, 1882. Midshipman, U.S.N., April I, 182S. Promoted Passed Midshipman, June 14, 1834. Lieutenant, February 25, 1841. Commander, September 14, 1S55. Captain, December 13, 1862. Commodore, July 25, 1866. Rear Admiral, May 25, 1871. Retired, September 24, 1S73. Died at Washington, D.C., November 13, 1S90. (231) Stenfjenson, ILutlirv, Junior. Lieutenant Colonel, Thirty-second Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 4, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5954. TOGUS, MAINE. i Captain, 4th Infantry, M.\ ,M., in service of the U.S., April 22, 1S61. Mustered out. July 22, ism. Captain, (St Battalion Mass. Infantry, afterward 32d Mass. Infantry, November 28, 1861. Promoted Major, August 1 1. [862; mustered, February 2). 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, I lecember 29, 1S62; mustered, May 26, 1863. I »is- charged disabilirj resulting from wound received in action), June 28, 1S64. Brevet Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. , March 13, [865, " for gallant and meritorious service in the campaign against Richmond, Virginia." .Stclirns, Cljarlrs Benjamin. First Lieutenant, Forty-seventh Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1877. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1801. CAMBRIDGEPORT, MASS. Private and 1st Sergeant, 47th Infantry, M.V.M., August 29,1862; mustered, September 19, 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 47th Infantry, M.V.M., October 27, 1S62. Pro- moted 1st Lieutenant, November 8, 1862. Mustered out, September i, 1863. Strums, (frjinuno Horace. ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7965. CAMBR10GE, MASS. Served as Medical Cadet on board U.S.S. "Philippi " from April 20, 1864, until vessel was sunk at battle of Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864. Acting Assistant Surgeon, I ,S. \., from March 1, 1865, to July 1, 1865. By inheritance from HORACE STEVENS, 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 1st Maine Cavalry, March 26, 1863. Promoted Major, Surgeon, November 25, 1864. Mustered out, August I, 1865. Died, February 24, [889. Strbrns, H?a»arD. Major, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1876. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1746. BOSTON. Private, 71.1th N.V. Infantry, September 6, 1S61. 1st Lieutenant. Adjutant, 79th X.V. Infantry, September 26, 1861. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., October 19, 1S61. Promoted Major, A.A.G., October 13, 18114. Mustered out, Sep- tember 30, iSii.v Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, I ,S.A . August I, 1S114, '• for gallantry and distinguished services in the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia." Brevet Colonel, I .S.V., Octobei 19, 1N04, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, oil ( < in Creek, Virginia." Brevet Briga- dier General, U.S.V.. April 2, 1S6S, "for gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, Virginia." ( 2.;- ) Strbrnson, iEobrrt hooper. Lieutenant Colonel, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V, ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 752. BOSTON. Major, 24th Mass. Infantry, September 2, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, December 28, 1862. Resigned, May 31, 1864. Brevet Colonel and Brevet Briga- dier General, U.S.V.. March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Roanoke Island and Newbern, North Carolina, and for gallant and meri- torious services during the war." *<$tiriuiry, Horatio ; mustered, Septem' ber .•;,. [862. .'.1 Lieutenant, 14th N.H. infantry, Octobei 17. iSo;. Promoted isi Lieutenant, January 1. 1864. Captain, January 4, 1865. Mustered out, Inly 8, 1 Si, 5. * Sulltlian, ll'nuu Dorr. Captain, Forty-fourth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1885. 1»t CLASS. INSIGNIA 3886. ,44th infantry, M.V.M., September 12, 1862. Mustered out, June 18, 1863 I >u-,l at Paris, 1 1 ini e, Vugust 29, 1889. ( 236 ) Sulli&an, Sofjn. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1872. 1 »T CLASS. INSIGNIA 1461. BOSTON. Private, -''I Vfl. [nfantry, June io, 1861. Discharged, Septembei |0, [861 Medical Cadet, I .S.A., September -'.4, 1861, to October .5, 1X62. isi Lieul t, Asm, 1. mi Surgeon, 13th \.li. Infantry, October 9, [862. Resigned, Augusl 16, [864, Acting irgeon, U.S.A., September 16, 1864, to June 15, 181 tSulliban, iTfjomas Crooft. Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U.S.A. ELECTED MAY 2, 1883, IN COMMANDERY OF THE 8TATE OF CALIFORNIA. I.t CUSS. INSIG- NIA 2721. TRANSFERRED TO THE COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 24, 1884. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DECEMBER 7, 1887. i ...Li, U.S.M \., July I, 1852. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Artillery, U.S.A., July i, 1856. Promoted isl Lieutenant, April 27,1X1,1. Captain, [8th Infantry, May 14, 1861; declined. Captain, Commissary 1 .S.A., August j, 186J cepted, Augusl -!2, [861. Assigned as Lieutenant Colonel and try of Sub- sistence, U.S A . ' undei Vi 1 of June 17, 1862), August 20, 1862, to January 27, 1865, and from March 21 to August I, 1865. Promoted Major,) omm U.S.A., April 14,1875. Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant I General of Sub- nce, July 14, 1890, Brevet Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. A , 1 ;, 1865, " for faithful and meritorii rvices .luring the war." Stotft, Uofjn Etnrjsau. Captain, Third Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8065. ROXBURY, MASS. eant, 35th M 1 itry, August i, 1862. Discharged, August 17, 1862. 2.1 Lieutenant, 59th Mass. Infantry, August 15, 181,2. Captain, 41st Mas |d Mass. Cavalry, August 25, 1862; mustered, September 5, 1862. Re- signed, June I, 1864. ( 237 I t Sluortis, lUrnru ILronarrj. i aptain, Fifty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED JAM I i CLASS. INSIGNIA 1317. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY 01 HIE STATE OF ILLINOIS, MAY 4, 1881. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF IOWA, ASCII' II R, OCTOBER 21, 1886. Private, [6th VI i. Infantry, July 26, 1862, 2d Lieutenant, 59th Mass. Infantry, Octobei 6, 1863, P ted isl Lieutenant, fanuarj 6, 1864. Captain, June 17, 1864. transferred to 571I1 Mass. infantry, May 26, 1865. Mustered out, July (o, [865. Brevel Major, 1 ,S.\ . ^pril !, [865, "foi gallant and meritorious conduct befoi Petei burg, A irginia." (Tabir, jTrrnnan Augustus. First Lieutenant, Twenty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 8, 1878. In CI. Ass. IN81QNIA 1813. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. isi Lieutenant, 29th Mass. infantry, Deceinbei 16, 1861, Resigned, Septembei 12, 1862. falliat, CTIiamas J&ammontJ. Lieutenant Colonel, Fust Maine Heavy Artillery — Brevet Brigadier Q< neral, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 18/8. l.r CLASS. INSIGNIA 1860. BROOKLINE, MASS. Lieutenant ( olonel, i^ih Maine infantry, August -•_;. [862. Transferred to 1st Maine ffeavj Artillery, December 10, iSo... Commissioned Colonel; not mustered. Discharged, Septembei 14, [864, Brevel Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 1 ;. 1 " for faithful and met it 11 ious 11 11 \ i< es." 5Tappan, ILrtois BKUUam, Sunior, an, Foityfifth Infantiy, Massai tt Volunteei Militia, in sei vice of the United States. ILL) JULY /, IOCjH, In CLASS. INSIGNIA 860. BOSTON. ist Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, MA M n Septembei t6, 1862 Proi id I 'aptain, 1 h tobi 1 1 1. 1862 Musti red out, |ul) 7. [863 ( 2J8 I Cavbcll, (Proirjc (Proslirnor. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, Third Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1883. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2687. BOSTON. ist Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 3d Mass. Cavalry, April 7, [865. ( on 1 Major, Surgeon, August 9, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, September 28, 186 Earbrll, 3oIjn JFranhsfort. Paymaster (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1868, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANS- FERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, MAY I, 1874. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 619. REAOVILLE, MASS. ig Assistant Payi ' -. [anuary 28, 1862. D 11, 1X1,5. Assisl 1 P master, U.S.N., February 27, 1867. Promoted F hi Paymaster, Septi ml i, 1868. Paymaster, April 3, 1X79. f * Caulor, JFranch (Cbdctcjlj. Captain, First Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.A. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1877. 1st CLA8S. INSIGNIA 1808. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF OREGON, MAY 6, 1885. 2«1 Lieutenant an. I ist Lieutenant, ist Artillery, U.S.A., August 5,1861; ac- cepted, August 15,1861. Promoted I February [,1866. U.S.A., [uly 8, 1863, "for ;■ .'II -lit anied at • loncord, N.I I., Septembei 1 2, 1890 * 2Tiiompson, ©corgr Jamrs. Captain, Second Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1882. lsi CLASS. INSIGNIA 2327. Private and 1st Sergeant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Septembei 18, 1S61. Discharged to iccepl 1 notion, April [8,1863. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, April iS. 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 26, 1863. Captain, April 15. 1865. Mustered out, July 1 1, 1865. Died at famaica Plain, Mass., Septembei 26, 1882. aTiiompsoii, Jamrs. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, rvventy-fourth Massa chusetts Infantry, U.SV. ELECTED JANUARY 1, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 14 70. BOSTON. Quartermaster Sergeant, 14th Mass, Infantry, Septembei 2, [861. [si Lieuten ni, R.Q.M., 24th Mass. Infantry, Novembei 27, 1862. Mustered out, January 12, ,,, * JJTfjompson, jtolm DlxukII. First Lieutenant, Forty-fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. Isr CLASS. INSIGNIA 749. 1st Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., October 7, 1S62. M tei I out, July 7. '863. t tTiiompscm, Uobrrt fHrans. Master, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1874. Hr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1599. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, DECEMBER 2, 1885. Midshipman, U.S.N.A., July .30, 1864. Ensign, U. S.N. , April 19, [869. Pro- mot d Master, July 1 2, 1870. Resigned, November 18, 1S71. Ojompson, £. fHtllrtt. Second Lieutenant, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL S, 1876. 1»r CLASS. INSIGNIA 1753. PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private and Sergeant, i |tb VII. Infantry, September 19, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 13th N.H. Infantry, June 10, 181 ; Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in a tion ,( ' tober 4, 1864. * Crjornrjthc, albert. First Lieutenant, Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 5, 1872. hr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1462. Private, Sth Infantry, M.V.M., in servici ol thi I ,S., May 18, [86l. M out, August I, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, December 10, 1861. Resigned (disability resulting from wound received in action), November 12, 1862. Llied at New York, September 8, 1885. (Tijornrjthf, Samuel Eotljrop. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5802. CAMBRIOGE, MASS. In succession to Companion I-'irst Lieutenant ALBER1 THORNDIKE, deceased. C *4" ) (Tliurlicr, jlamrs Danfortij. Captain, Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.SV. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1319. PLYMOUTH, MASS. i, e, i ;iK Mass Infantry, lugusl 12. 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 55th Mass. Infantry, fune iv [863. Proi ed isl Lieutenant, June 29, 1863. Captain, December 1,1863. Mustered out, ^.ugusl 29,1865. Brevel Major, U.S. V., March 1 ;, 1 Sis. "foi gallanl and meritorious services." EHcftttor, Benjamin lijolt. Captain, Second Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.SV. ELECTED AUGUST 4, 1868. Isr CLASS. INSIGNIA 857. BOSTON. id l ieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service <>l the U.S., September 20. [862. .•'! Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, June 4, [863 Promoted Captain, Annus! 25, [863. Resigned, April 17, 1864. artfft, iLciuts Augustus. Captain, Eighth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1173. jcl Lieutenant, i"ii< Infantry, M.V.M., in service ol the U.S., September 25, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, November 1, [862. Captain, February 6,1863. Mustered out, |ul) 29, [863. < laptain, 8th Infantry, MA .M., July 13, [864. Musten d miii. Vivrmber 10, 1864. Died at Springfield, Mass., August Jl, 1874 * artlton, William Stotoell. Colonel, Twenty-second Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. Isr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1060. isl l.i. ■Mini. mi. Vdjutant, 22d Mass. Infantry, Septembei i -•. r86l. Promoted Major, Octobei \, 1861. Lieutenanl Colonel, June 28,1862. Colonel, Octobei 17. [862 Mustered out, October 17. 1864. Brevel Brigadiei General, U.S.V., Septem- . 1 86 1, " i"i distinguished services during the wai Died al Newtonville, M.is> , U.u.li 2;. 1SS9. I 24s ) * ftoireg, Soljn jFru. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Tenth Rhode Island Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 7, 1880. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2062. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 10th R.I. Infantry, May 26, 1862. Mustered out, September 1, iSdj. Died at Providence, R.I., 1 Ictober 5, 1S82. tCobry, Gliomas jfm Captain, Fourteenth Infantry, U.S.A. — Major, Seventh Rhode Island Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1066. VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. Sei ;eant, ioth R.I. Infantry, May 26, 1862. Discharged, August 6, 1S02. 2-1 Lieutenant, 7th R.I. Infantry, August 5, 1862. Promoted Captain, September 4, 1862. Major, January 7, 1S63. Resigned, February 9, [864. Private and Sergeant, 14th Infantry, U.S.A., February 27, 1865. 2d Lieutenant, 14th Infantry, May 3, 1S65. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May 6, 1865. Appointed Adjutant, January 16, 1866. Captain, November 23, 1S74. lEotolr, (Proicjr jh'anris. Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Inspector-General, U.S.V. — Captain, Nineteenth Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8048. FORT BRADY, MICHIGAN. 1st Lieutenant. 4th X.II. Infantry, September iS, [861. Promoted Captain, February 13. 1862. Major, February 3, 1865. Assigned as Lieutenant Colonel, A.I.G., ioth Army ( torps, April 22, 1S65, to August 1, 1865. Mustered out, August 23, 1865. 1st Lieutenant, 19th [nfantry, U.S.A., February 23, 1S66; accepted, May 9, 1S66. Transferred to 28th Infantry, September 21, 1866. Transferred to 19th Infantry, March 31, 1869. Promoted Captain, March 18, 1878. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services at Fort Wagner, South Carolina." Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at Fussell's Mill." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Fisher, North Carolina." {robcmsrnrj, (Sconjr ftttlrs. Second Lieutenant, Tenth Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 2, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1477. NEW YORK. Corporal and Sergeant, ioth Mass. Battery, September 9, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, loth Mass. Battery, February 27, 1865. Mustered out, June 9, 1865. (243) flTotonsrnrj, ILuliirv JTraco. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Sixteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. lir CLASS. INSIGNIA 8066. BOSTON. ist Lieul i. \ ■ I mt int. 1 6th N.H. Infantry, Octobei 30, 1862 Mustered out, iUgUSl -'11. [863, t ©rain, UTIuulrs jiarkson. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4387. TRANSFERRED TO COMMAND- ERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, DECEMBER 2, 1885. Midshipman, U.S.N.A., Novembei - ,s . 1861. Ensign, I .S.N., November 1, iSnii. I'runiiiti-il Muster, December 1, [866. Lieutenant, March 12, [868. Lieu tenanl ' ommander, June 30, 1 869. In succession to Companion Captain CHARLES R. [RAIN, deo *Eratn, fltljarlrs JAussrll. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 5, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3161. Captain, Assistanl Quartermaster, I .S.V., September 4. 1862. Resigned, Novem- ber 6, t862 Died at North Conway, N.I I., July 29, [885. ftrirhro. Kltlltam lUrnvu. Major, Third New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2162. SOUTH NEWMARKET, N.H. Private, Corpora] and Sergeant, 3d N.H. Infantry, Jul} 29,1861; mustered, August 23,1861. 21I Lieutenant, 3d N.H. Infantry, Ma) 26, [863. Promote! I 1st I ieutenant, Januarj 20, [864. * aptain, July (6, 1864. Major, February 17, 1S65. Musti red out, July 20. 1S65. CTvtllry, jfosrpli. Chief Engineer (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1881. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2161. PORTSMOUTH, N.H. |d Assistanl I ngineer, I .S.N., Vugusl n, i860. Promoted 2d Assistant Engi- neer, July 30, [862. isl Assistanl Engineer, July 20, [864. Chiel 1 nj ier,June 12, 1871. ( 244 ) t CrotobriTjgr, ILutljrr StepJjen. Colonel, Tenth Michigan Cavalry — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1684. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3513. TRANSFERRED TO COMMAND- ERY OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, AS CHARTER MEMBER, FEBRUARY 4, 1335. Major, 5th [g62. Lii Colonel, roth Michigan Cavalry, August 25, 1863. ' ' ! out, September 1, 1.S65. I G eral and I leneral, U.S. V., June 15.1 * Erull, ;. I 1 , Signal 1 orps, I .S.V., March 3, 1863, Mustered Vugusl u. 1865. iTuHs. ©artriner. ELECTED MAY 1, 1889. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 7137. WARNERVILIE, MASS. V gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished foi spicuous and consistent loyalty, Militarj \ Stati ofM ,ii \\ ishington from July [8, [862, to July, 1 870; while lerving in thai 1 ipacitj was, ui 1863, appointed bj tin Secretary of War, Inspi 1 il Mi tarj 11 ispitals and Prisons foi the Departmenl ol Washington; commissioned Major and \.|.v Paymastei . I LS.\ .. fum ,s . [864, dei lini d Governo "i [864, Vssistanl Provosl Marshal, with the 1 in! ol I ieutenant Colon- 1 *Eurn&ull, Oarlrs ilisbrt. in, Corps of Engineers — Brevet Colonel, U.S.A. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, AS CHARTER MEMBER, MARCH 4, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 687. idet, I .S.M.A., September i. 1.850 Brevel jil Lieutenant, Topographical Engineers, U.S \. Jul) i, 1 s ^ j . 2d Lieul Vpril |0, [856. Promoted 1-1 1 1 11 K 1. 1859. Captain, July 14. [862. transferred to 1 irps ol Engineers, March 3, 1 s " ;. Resigned, 1 tecember 31, 1865. Bre> el Major, 1 S.A., August 1. 18I |. "for gallant and meril rvices during the present campaign bi [i n 1 Rii Inn md, Virginia." Brevet Lieuten 1 I U.S.A., \l H ii 1 ,. 1 nl and meritorious 1 ondui 1 during the Rebellion." Dii ' ii Bosti >n, 1 >ei ember .'. 1 ^7 1. ■|<>) fCurnuull, liorjn ©rafjam. Captain, Third Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.A. ELECTE0 DECEMBER 1, 1868. Ijt CLASS. INSIGNIA 982. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, FEBRUARY 2, 188 7. 2.1 Lieutenant ancr 14, 1862; Octobei ", [862. Mustered out, July [0 1 burner, CLtilliam 3L?cnry. Major, First Rhode Island Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1889. 1«t CLASS. INSIGNIA 7405. DORCHESTER, i^t Lieutenant, 1st R.I. Cavalry, November 18, 1861. Promoted Captain, February 21, 1S62. Major, March 1. 181 : Lieutenant Colonel, iber 18, 1864; not mustered. Mustered nut, ' [8, 1 JTutrin, entoarti . [862. Major, ^ I .S.V., January 7. [863. Disi harged (disability), 1 ictobei 15, 1863. {TluttclKll, ©eorge fierce. ELECTED AURIL 1, 1885. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 3790. GREENFIELD, MASS. I Idesl son ol Companion Surgeon GEi iRl .1 B, TWITCHEL1 rylrr, ©eorge ©tig. Captain, Forty-third Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1877. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1802. BURLINGTON, VERMONT. Capti i jd Infantry, M.V.M., in service >>( the U.S., September 24. [862 Mustered out, Jul) jo, [86 j. * Slntimuooti, l 3rjin Ballon. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 987. Captain, 2d Mass Infantry, Ma) [8, r86i. Major, 33d Mass. Infantry, Jul) 11. 1862. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Jul) 24, 1862. Colonel, April ;. [863. i. Her General, U.S.V., November 6, 1863. Resigned, September 1, 1865. Brevel M ijoi 1 ii 'i, 1 1 1 , 1 S.V., A.ugusl 1 ;• 1865, " for meritorious services during the war." I >i. A <>. Lieutenanl Commander, March 1-', [868. Commander, March 1 ;, 1SS0. aEaftefieln, Jolm Hatljrop. ELECTED JANUARY 1, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7571. DEDHAM, MASS. B) inheritance I i Mills Mi rRTIMER 1 \ I 1 1 1<< IP. Prh i an.l Sergeant, 24th Mass. Infantry, November 4, [861. isl Lieutenant, 38th Mass. Infantry, August 20, [862. Promoted Captain, Februarj 27, [863. Died, April 26, 1864, "i wounds receivi 1 ir action al Cane River, Louisiana, April -'.;■ 1864. ( 250) * aHalrott, Cfjarles JFolsom. Colonel, Sixty-first Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1293. i in, 2 1 sl Mass. Infantry, August 21, 1861. Resigned, ipril 25, [863. Cap- tain, 12th Unattached I 0, [nfanlry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 16, 1S64. Mustered out, August 15, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel, 6isl Mass, Infantry, Septi mbi 22, 1864. Promoted Colonel, November 9, 1864. Mustered out, fune 4, 1865. Bn 'i Brigadier General, U.S.V., \pnl 9, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the sur- render of the insurgent army under General Robert E. Lee." Died ii Salem, Mass., June 11, 1887. Klalrs, ilattjamrl. Major, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry — -Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1685. BOSTON. Private and 1st Sergeant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Septembei 6, 1861. rst Lieu- tenant, 32d Mass. Infantry. July 15. 1862. [Sl Lieutenant, Adjutant, 35th Mass. Infantry, August 13, 1862. l'r ited Major, April 25, 1863. Resigned, M 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colom I and Bn vei < olonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for conspicuous gallantry while in com man.] ol the I hirty-fifth Massachusetts Volunti ei at the siege of Knoxville, Tennessee." fSEalrs, Stgournru. Major, Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1884. lsr CLASS. INSIGNIA 3120. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA AS CHARTER MEMBER, OCTOBER 17, 1888. ntt. 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, i86l. 2. 1 Lieutenant, 13th Mass. In- fantry, February 3, 1S63. Discharged to accept promotion, May 28, [863. Captain, 55th Mass. Infantry, May 23, 1S63. Promoted Major, November 3. 1863; mustered, December 1, 1863. Resigned, November 18, 1864. JlEalfeer, Augustus Cljapman. Major, Surgeon, Eighteenth New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 2, 1884, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 1, 1886. 1 st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3124. GREENFIELD, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 133d N.Y. Infantry, September 5, 1S62. Major, Surgeon, iSth N.Y. Cavalry, September 10, 1814. Mustered out, June 13, [865. (251 ) * Klallu-r, (Eifoarti Augustus. Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 4, 1871. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1270. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N.A., Septembei [6, 1855. Midshipman, U.S.N. , June 1,. [860. Proi I Master, Septembei [9, i86j Lieutenant, July u>, 1862. Lieutenant Commander, July 25. is C nander, June 5, 1874. Died at Newton, Mass., March 8, [876. SHalfter, jFrancis 3masa. Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2330. BOSTON. Private and Sergeant-Major, 15th Mass. Infantry, Vugusl 1. 1861. Captain, Assistant Adjutant General, U.S. V., September 14. iSiji. Promoted Major, V.A.G., August 11, 1862. Assigned .is Assistant Adjutant General, 2d Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under Act July 17, 1862), January 1, (863. Resigned (disability contracted while prisoner "I war), January 9, 1865. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. . August 1, [864, "for distinguished service and good conduct throughout the entire campaign." Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V . March ij, 1S65, " fur gallant conduct .11 the battle ol Chancellorsville, \ irginia, and for meritorious services during the war." Klalhrr, ipfonjr ftloorr. Captain, Thirty-third Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 3, 1886. Isr CLASS. INSIGNIA 4469. LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA. jil Lieutenant, 33d Mass. Infantry, |uly 31, [862; mustered, August 5, [862, I'runiuieil ist Lieutenant, December 4, iNi>->. Captain, June 3, iS6j; mustered, July 29, 1S6.;. Resigned, January ii, 1864. SHalfter, Uolint burner. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 2o CLASS. INSIGNIA 8078. R0XBURY, MASS. Eldest son ol Companion Surgeon AUGUSTUS C. WALKER. ( -V ) SHalfeer, flBilliam Mussrll. First Lieutenant, First Infantry, Rhode Island Detached Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1887. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 5881. PROVIDENCE, R.I. ist Lieutenant, 1st Infantry, R.I.D.M., April 19, [861; mustered, May 2, 1861. Mustered out, August 2, 1S61. aHarti, %}n\xv (flag. Captain, Sixteenth Infantry, U.S.A. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. Iit CLASS. INSIGNIA 834. FORT DOUGLAS, UTAH. Private and Sergeant Major, 15th Mass. Infantry, July 31, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 15th Mass. Infantry, April 9, [863. Resigned, September 4, 1S63. ist Lieut' 57th Mass. Infantry, March 9, 1S64. Promoted I aplain, July 31, 1864. Mustered out, July 30, 1865. ist Lieutenant, nth Infantry, U.S.A., February 23, 1866; accepted, May 1, 1866. Transferred to 16th Infantry, April 14, 1869. Promoted Captain, February 8, 1880. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 2, [867, " for gallant and meritorious services in action at Fort Stedman, Virginia, March 24, 1865." ailarf, fflosrs (Ebrrrtt. Captain, Sixth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1581. BOSTON. 1st Sergeant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 26, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., April 17, 1863. Mustered out, July 7, 1863. Captain, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., July 16, 1864. Mustered out, October 27, 1864. SHaring, (Srorgr CLASS. INSIGNIA 5978. BOSTON. Eldest son of Companion Colonel GEORGE E. WARING, Jr. ( 253) TKlarmolh. ll>niro (Tlau. Lieutenant Colonel, Thirty-second Missouri Infantry. U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 6509. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF OHIO, NOVEMBER 6, 1889. Lieutenant Colonel, (2cl Missouri Infantry, October 20, 1862; mustered, Novem- 1)1 r 20, 1 862 I lisi harged, No> embi 1 16, 1864 JSKarner, nir.vaitrjrr. Lieutenant Colonel, Thirteenth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5032. POMFRET, CONN. Major, vl I onn. Infantry, Maj 14, 1861. Mustered out, 1 •. 1861. Lieutenant ( 0! mi I, 13th Conn. Infantry, November 5, t86i; mustered, \pril 9, 1862. . 1 BKarner, Benjamin Stlliman. ELECTED JANUARY 4, 1888. 2d CLASS. INSIGNIA 5955. POMFRET, CONN. Eldest son of Companion Lieutenant Colonel ALEXANDER WARNER. Klarrrn. l?rnru. Second Lieutenant, First California Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1877. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1762. WEATHERFORD, TEXAS. ant-Major, i~i Cal. Cavalry. August 2.;. 1861. 2d Lieutenant, i-t Cal Cavalry. July 11, 1863. Mustered out, Septembei 7. 1S64. Klaslilnirn, Mm Dalits. ELECTED MAY 6, 1885. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3846. BERNE, SWITZERLAND. By inheritanci from FRANCIS WASHB1 RN, 2d lieutenant, 1st Mass. < Decembei 2<>. 1861. Promoted isl Lieutenant, M.uvl. 7 1 - aptain, 21I Mass. Cavalry, January 26, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, pli Mass. Cavalry, February 4, iSi'4 I' uteil 1 iilonel, Februarj 25, 1865, Brevet Brig I S.V., April 6, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services al the battl ol High Bi Virgini re he 1 Is ol which he died, Ipril 22, 1S65. (254) *8Eaterman, EtrfjarH. Captain, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1612. Private, 1st Battery R.I. Detached Militia, in service of the U.S., April 16, 1861 ; mustered, May 2, 1861. Mustered out, August 6, 1861. isl Lieutenant, 1st K.I. Light Artillery, August s ".v Captain, August 8, [864. irged (disability resulting from wounds received in ai lion . I lei ember 20, 1864. I Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1 865, " for gallantry in action at Winchester, Vir- ginia, September 19, 1S64." SEljttncg, JSEttliam ILambrrt, Jluntor. First Lieutenant, Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 1, 1889. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 713S. NEWTON, MASS. Private, 44th [nfantry, M.V.M., in service of the I ,S., September 12, 1S62. Mustered out, June IS, 1S63. 2tl Lieutenant, 54th Mass. Infantry, December 3, 1864; mustered, January 22, 1865. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, April 28, 1S65; mus- tered. July 26, 1S65. Mustered out, August 20, 1S65. EEijiton, 3oljn Cjjabtotrh. Lieutenant Colonel, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1886. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5024. SOUTH BOSTON. Lieutenant Colonel, 43d Infantry, M.Y.M., in service of the U.S., October 13, 1S62; mustered, October 25, 1S62. Mustered out, July 30, 1S63. Lieutenant Colonel, 58th Mass. Infantry, March 8, 1S64; mustered, March n>. 1864. Commissi Colonel, August 31, 1N04; aol mustered. Mustered out, July 25, 1865. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., April 2, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services before Peters- burg, Virginia." amijittirr, CEfcfoarfc j&efoton. First Lieutenant, Fifth Battery, Maine Light Artillery — • Brevet Captain, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1880. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2160. BOSTON. Private, 1st R.I. Detached Militia, in service of the U.S., May 2, 1861. Mustered Miii. August 2, 1 86 1. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Maine Battery, September 23, 1S62. Pro- moted 1st Lieutenant, June 13, 1863. Mustered out, July 6, 1 865 Brevet Captain, I*. S. V., October 19, 1S64, "for faithful, gallant anil meritorious services throughout the entire campaign before Richmond. Virginia, and in the valley of the Shenan- doah." (262) OTjttttrr, 3oijn ©rccnleaf. ELECTED APRIL 9, 1890. 3o CLASS. INSIGNIA 7959. OANVERS, MASS. A gentleman who, in civil life, during the Rebellion was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. A pioneer whose life-service has been for Liberty and Country. His poetry will ever be an inspiration to patriotism. Silttes, HJilltam jTrmrlj. Captain, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1884. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 3051. PEABODY, MASS. Private, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 17, 1861; mustered, April 30, 1861. Mustered out, August I, 1861. Private and Sergeant, 24th Mass. Infantry, September 22, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, October 14, 1864. Promoted Captain, October 15, 1864. Mustered out, January 20, 1866. BKttlarfc, Hofarrt. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1873. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 1503. BOSTON. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., June I, 1863. Resigned, July 13, 1865. KJilHams, Holm-t. Second Lieutenant, Thirty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8067. PROVIDENCE, R.I. 2d Lieutenant, 39th Mass. Infantry, August 26, 1862. Discharged (disability), February 2, 1863. f iLIltlltamson, Samrs Slnantirr. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2526. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, DECEMBER 2, 1885. 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, 4th Iowa Infantry, August S, 1861. Promoted Lieu- tenant Colonel, April 4, 1862. Colonel, May 1, 1862. Discharged to accept promo- tion, February 23, 1865. Brigadier General, L'.S.V., January 13, 1865. Mustered out, August 24, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, L'.S.V. , December 19, 1864, "for gallantry and good conduct in the campaigns against Vicksburg, Chattanooga and Atlanta." Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant conduct dur- ing the war." (263) Willi*, llnuv Augustus. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Fifty-third Infantry. Massachusetts Volun- teer Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1735. FITCHBURG, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, adjutant, 53d Infantry, M.\ .M., in service of the U.S., Decem- ber 15, [862. Mustered out, September 2, 1863. * aittlson, HiUntr Sterbeg. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, Seventh United States Veteran Volunteers. ELECTEO FEBRUARY 2, 1881. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 2197. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A.. November, 1S63, to May 12, 1S65. 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, ytli U.S. Veteran Volunteers, May 12, 1S05. Mus- tered out, April 30, 1866. I lied al South Boston, May 11, 1S90. Wilson, dtjjarlcs SEcbstrr. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5798. BOSTON. Acting Master's Mate, U.S.N., May 13, iSln. Promoted Acting Master, No- vember 13, 1862. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, February 3, 1864. Discharged, November 12, 1 866. BEtlson, lUtois $rcscott. Captain, Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 7689. PETERBOROUGH, N.H. 2d Lieutenant, i;th N.H. Infantry, September 27, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieuten- ant, May 5, 1S63; niustered, July 29, 1S63. Captain, January 2, 1S65; mustered, January 11, 1865. . Mustered out, June 21, 1865. SUtngatr, <£>rorgr dftfoin. Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2428. U.S.S. " RANGER." Acting Ensign, U.S.N., October 31, 1863. Master, March 12, 186S. Promoted Lieutenant, December 12, 186S. Lieutenant Commander, July 13, 1S70. Com- mander, May 26, 1887. (264) First Lieutenant, Forty-fifth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Mili- tia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 981. BROOKLINE, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., September 26, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, October 14, 1862. Mustered out, July 7, 1S63. SKtge, pierrepont. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1887, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 1, 1888. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5304. WEST NEWTON, MASS. In succession to Companion First Lieutenant WILLIAM G. WISE, deceased. amolrott, Sofjn SErslru. Captain, Battery A, Maryland Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 1, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1537. ist Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Battery, July 31, 1861. Resigned, December 18, 1861. Captain, Battery A, Maryland Light Artillery, December iS, 1861. Resigned, December 31, 1862. Died at Dedham, Mass., June 4, 1SS5. SHoorj, Albert. Major, Surgeon, First Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1243. WORCESTER, MASS. ist Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 29th Mass. Infantry, August 12, 1S62. Major, Surgeon, ist Mass. Cavalry, July 7, 1863. Resigned, November I, 1864. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A., January 1, 1S65, to May 17, 1865. SHoorjburu, ©covgc ftfjomas. Captain, Battery D, New Jersey Light Artillery, U.S.V ELECTED JUNE 3, 1885, IN COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 16, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 4151. AMESBURY, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, ist N.J. Infantry, May 2, 1S61. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, Battery B, N.J. Light Artillery, September 3, 1861. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, August 29, 1862. Captain, Battery D, N.J. Light Artillery, September 16, 1S63. Resigned, September 6, 1864. (265) BKooofmrg, (Urban &ntiratn. Captain, Thirteenth Veteran Reserve Corps. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5799. BURLINGTON, VT. isl Sergeant, zd Vermont Infantry, May 25, 1861. Discharged (disability re- sulting from loss of right arm from wounds received in action . October 18, 1S61. Captain, isl Vermont Heavy Artillery, November 17, 1862; mustered, December 8, 1862. Transferred to 13th V.R.C., June 17, 1S63. Resigned, March 27, 1865. *BK00fcman, (Pronjc jTrrtrrtrh. Second Lieutenant, First North Carolina Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTEO JUNE 2, 1875. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1673. Private and Sergeant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Septem- ber 26, 1862. Discharged, January 15, 1863. 2d Lieutenant. 1st N.C. Infantry, l.inu.uv 15, 1863. Resigned, June 15, 1863. Commissioned Captain, Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V., February 19, 1S63; declined. Died at Boston, November 2, 1884. * SGKooBtoarti, Dabto fHoorr. Lieutenant Colonel, Sixtieth Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Mili- tia, in service of the United States. ELECTED DECEMBER 1, 1869. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1132. 1st Lieutenant, 25th Mass. Infantry, October 12, 1S61. Resigned, June IO, 1862. 1 aptain, 6oth Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., July iS, 1S64. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, July 30, 1S04. Mustered out, November 30, [864. Died at Worcester, Mass., October 22, i ss ; SHoostrr. Kltlltam i?rnro garrison. First Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster, Sixth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 23, 1890. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 8068. SEYMOUR, CONN. i -i I i, utenant, 6th Conn. Infantry, September 4. 1861. Resigned, March 23, 1862. Private, 6th Conn. Infantry, February 28, 1S64. 2d Lieutenant, 6th Conn. Infantry, March 1, 1864; mustered, April 8, 1864 Promoted 1st Lieutenant, R.Q.M., October 31, 1 864. Mustered out, August 21, 1S65. ( 266) 2Horrrs'trr, (Srorgr Samuel. Major, Third Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 6, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2627. BOSTON. Private, Corporal and Sergeant, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1 861. Discharged to accept promotion, April iS, 1S63. 2d Lieutenant, 7th Unattached Company, Mass. Heavy Artillery, afterwards 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery, April 10, 1863. Pro- moted Captain, August 11, 1S63; mustered, August 14, 1S63. Major, 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery, September 8, 1864; mustered, October 13, 1864. Mustered out, September 29, 1865. rartcjljt, Slum 3ut>H f Sunior. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1, 1882. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 2328. BOSTON. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., May 23, 1863. Resigned, December 3, 1865. *SErigl)t, Sofjtt $arucy. Medical Director (Captain, Retired), U.S.N. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 724. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., December 9, 1839. Promoted Surgeon, April 18, 1S55. Retired, April 25, 1861. Promoted Medical Director (retired), March 3, 1871. Died at Boston, December 26, 1879. Smyman, Min Cratoforti. Captain, Third Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1887. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 5164. VALLEY FALLS, R.I. Captain, 33d Mass. Infantry, July 24, 1862. Transferred to 41st Mass. In- fantry; afterward 3d "Mass. Cavalry, November 27, 1862. Mustered out, May 15, 1865. (267) t :; noimg, 3ntuTlu IDurldns. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.A. — Major, Additional Pay- master — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1881. Ijt CLASS. INSIGNIA 2336. TRANSFERRED TO COMMAND- ERY OF THE STATE OF OHIO, FEBRUARY 5, 1890. 1st Lieutenant, R.Q.M., 7th N.H. Infantry, October .■-•. 1861. Captain, Wi-t- ant Quartermaster, U.S.V., Nfovembei s6, 1862. Major, Additional Paymaster, I v\ . Maj -'S. [864. Mustered out, July 20,1866. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, I S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Captain, ^.Q.M., U.S V., Novembei 1 ;. 1884; accepted, November 22, 1884. Died at Dover, VII.. December 10, 1S90. Doling, BKHliam lljmru llMvrison. First Lieutenant, 13th New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. 1 sr CLASS. INSIGNIA 2525. BOSTON. tsl I ieutenant, 13th N.H. Infantry, September 19, 1S62. Resigned, February 2, IS.,,. fEalinslit, (Ptmutnti ILotits. Captain, Fifth Artillery, U.S.A. ELECTED JANUARY 1, 1873. 1st CLASS. INSIGNIA 1454. TRANSFERRED TO COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, MARCH 1, 1882. Volunteer Aide-de-Camp, Vugust, [864, to Februarj :■. [865. 2d Lieutenant, 2d N.Y. Artillery, February .• ;, 1865. Mustered out, September 29, 1865. 2. 1 Lieu- tenant, 5th Artillery, U.S.A., Februarj j.;. l866j accepted, April y, 1S66. Pro- moted 1st Lieutenant, January 1, 1867. Captain, Deo abei 9, 1887. ( 268 I TABLE SHOWING ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTED IN THE COMMANDERY. N.B. — Brevet rank is not stated in this summary. GENERAL OFFICERS. Major Generals, A. E. Burnside, F. Fessenden, C. S. Hamilton, N. A. Miles. —4. Brigadier Generals, G. L. Andrews, W. F. Bartlett, G. L. Beal, II. S. liriggs, J- '-• Chamberlain, J. M. Corse, C. Devens, J. D. Fessenden, G. II. Gordon, Griffin, J. R. Hawley, E. W. Hincks, C. J. Paine, G. F. Shepley, G. J. Stannard, A. B. Underwood, W. Wells, J. A. Williamson. — 18. AIDES-DE-CAMP. Colonels,}, D. Fessenden, T. J. Haines; Lieutenant Colonel, T. Lyman; Major, W. Cutting; Captains, G. M. Bascom, I 1 lef, W. L. Candler, D. K. I G. I:. Drake, II. W. Karrar, (i. R. Fearing, F. W. Galbraith, R. II. [.Go F. Haven, Jr., C. P. Horton, C. S. Sargent, H. Stockton. — 17. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Lieutenant Colonels, G. M. Bascom, G. B. Drake, F. A. Walker; Majors, Y. \. Davis, W. R. Driver, \V. H. long, H. Stevens; Captains, C. B. Amory, |- Bell, J. M. Brown, W. W. Carruth, S. A. Carter, II. A. Hale, E. P. Halstead, C. P. Horton, C. H. Hurd, J. E. Jacobs, J. A. Judson, D. R. Lamed, W. Pratt, A. A. Rand, If. St. E. Michaelis, S. ('. Tucker- man. — 3. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. Lieutenant Colonels, }. M. Ellis, J. S. Smith, T. C. Sullivan; Major, T. J. Haines; Captains, G. T. Burroughs, G. N. Carpenter, ( '. 11. Davis, W. I. Ellis, J. L. Hatha- way, C. Mi 1 lure, L. W. Muzzey, L Rhoades, J. Sawyer, E. E. Shelton, J. L. Stack- poll . B. F. Weeks. — 16. ( 27° ) REGIMENTAL SUMMARY. CALIFORNIA CAVALRY. 1st. — 2d Lieutenant, H. Warren. — I. 2d. — Lieutenant Colonel, F. Haven, Jr. — I. CONNECTICUT CAVALRY. 1st. — Colonel, E. Blakeslee; Assistant Surgeon, H. M. Bishop. — 2. CONNECTICUT HEAVY ARTILLERY. 1st. — Captain, B. P. Learned; ist Lieutenants, W. G. Fitch, E. P. Mason. — 3. CONNECTICUT LIGHT ARTILLERY. 1st Battery. — Captain, A. P. Rockwell; Private, G. W. Baird. — 2. CONNECTICUT INFANTRY. 1st. — -Surgeon, H. P. Stearns; Commissary, W. G. Ely; Captain, J. R. Hawley; Privates, H. R. Billings, J. H. Burnham, W. A. Kimball. — 6. 3(1. — Major, A. Warner; Assistant Surgeon, M. T. Newton. — 2. 5th. — Colonel, G. D. Chapman ; Surgeon, J. B. Lewis. — 2. 6tll. — Colonel, A. P. Rockwell; Lieutenant Colonel, W. G. Ely; Quarter- master, W. H. H. Wooster. — 3. 7 til. — Colonel, J. R. Hawley; Surgeon, G. C. Jarvis; Captain, V. B. Chamber- lain; ist Lieutenants, O. L. Hatch, J. I. Hutchinson. — 5. 8tll. — Captain, C. M. Coit. — 1. 10th. — Colonel, J. L. Otis; Surgeon, M.T.Newton; Chaplain, H.C.Trum- bull. - 3. 13th. — Lieutenant Colonel, A. Warner. — I. 14tll. — Colonel, T. G. Ellis; Captains, F. B. Doten, H. P. Goddard. — 3. 16tll. — Lieutenant Colonels, J. H. Burnham, F. W. Cheney. — 2. 18th. — Colonel, W. G. Ely; Surgeon, C. M. Carleton; Adjutant, I ',. W. Brady; Captain, J. P. Rockwell. — 4. 20tll. — Captain, H. R. Billings.— 1. (271) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CAVALRY. 1st. — Captain, A. M. Benson. — i. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA INFANTRY. '.id Battalion. -Private, r. H. Stanton. — I. ILLINOIS CAVALRY. L4th. — >'. ant, II. <;. Dorr. — I. ILLINOIS INFANTRY. :s:S«I. — Private, S. A. Porter. — i. 93d. — /st Sergeant, W. F. Griffin.— i. lOOth. — Captain. Hezekiah Gardner. — i. 104th. — Captain, S. A. l'ortcr. — I. IOWA INFANTRY. 4th. — Colonel, J. A. Williamson. — i. (itli. — Colonel, J. M. Corse. — ■ I. 19th.— Captain, V. II. Stanton.— I. -<>tll. — ist Lieutenant, I . 1'. Sargent. — I. KANSAS INFANTRY. 1 7th. — Lieutenant Colonel, S. \. Drake. — i. LOUISIANA INFANTRY. 1st.'— Colonel, W. 0. Fiske; Lieutenant Colonel, II. II. Elliott — 2. titl. — Colonel, C. I. Paine; Major, C. A. K. Dimon; tst Lieutenant, C. S. ent. — 3. MAINE CAVALRY. 1st. — Captain, A. M. Benson; 1st Lieutenant, II. s. Libby. — 2. lid. — Major, E. Hutchinson; Quartermaster, S. (.'. Small; Captain, }. H. Roberts; 1st Lieutenant, A. J. Nichols. — 4. MAINE HEAVY ARTILLERY. 1st. — Lieutenant < . 1. II. Talbot, /-. A. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, J. A. Lancey. — .;. VI \l\l I IGHT ARTI1 I FRY. .Mil Battery. — tst Lieutenant. E. X. Wliittier. — I. I -7? ) MAINE INFANTRY. 1st. — Captain, G. L. Beal ; ist Lieutenant, H. Rust; 2d Lieutenant, G. H. Nye. -3. 2d. — Captain, A. B. Farnham; /j/ Sergeant, J. A. Lancey. — 2. 3d. — Major, S. P. Lee; Captains, F. S. Hesseltine, Edward C. Pierce; /.rf Lieutenant, J. S. Smith; 2d Lieutenants, V. W. Galbraith, H. A. Johnson. — 6. Oth. — Surgeon, E. F. Sanger. — 1. Ttll. — 1st Lieutenants, A. M. Benson, H. W. Farrar. — 2. 8th. — Assistant Surgeon, H. C. White; Captain, J. H. Roberts.— 2. 9th. — Major, G. B. Dyer; Adjutant, J. E. Shepard. — 2. lOth. — Colonel, G. L. Beal; Captains, G. II. Nye, H. Rust, G. W. West; 2d Lieutenant, C. F. King. — 5. lltll. — Quartermaster, W. H. H. Andrews. — 1. 12th. — Colonel, G. F. Shepley; 1st Lieutenant, D. S. Harriman. — 2. 13th. — Colonel, H. Rust; Lieutenant Colonel, F. S. Hesseltine; Captain, A. L. Varney. — 3. lOth. — Lieut, 11, uit Colonel, A. B. Farnham; ist Lieutenant, ]. P. Parker. — 2. 17th. — CV,>;/ t -/, G. W. West. — I. 19th. — Private, T. Child. — 1. 20th.— Colonel, J. L. Chamberlain; Adjutants, J. M. Brown, W. E. Don- nell. - 3. 23cl. — 2d Lieutenant, S. A. Bolster. — I. 24th. — Lieutenant Colonel, E. Hutchinson; Quartermaster Sergeant, S. C. Small; Private, C. B. Fillebrown. — 3. 25th. — Colonel, F. Fessenden. — 1. 27th. — Adjutant, E. M. Kand. — I. 29th. — Colonels, G. L. Beal, G. H. Nye; isl Lieutenant, C. B. Fillebrown; 2d Lieutenant, C. F. King. — 4. 30th. — Colonel, F. Fessenden. — 1. 31st. — 1st Lieutenant, T. Child. — I. 32(1. — -Lieutenant Colonel, J. M. Brown; 1st Lieutenant, T. Child. — 2. 1st Battalion. — 1st Lieutenant, H. A. Johnson. — I. Coast Guard Battalion. — Captain, C. F. King. — 1. MARYLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. 1st Battalion. — Adjutant, J. Bigelow; Captain, J. W. Wolcott. — 2. MASSACHUSETTS CAVALRY. 1st. — Colonels, II. B. Sargent, S. E. Chamberlain; Majors, C. G. Davis, H. L. Higginson; Surgeon, A. Wood; Assistant Surgeon, G. S. Osborne; Captains, C. F. Adams, C. Crowninshield, D. H. L. Gleason, A. A. Rand; 1st Lieutenants, (273) R. M. Clark, II. G. Dorr, L. N. Duchesnev, W. II. Forbes, C. A. Longfellow, C. E. Rice; 2d Lieutenants, L.Cabot, P. C Jackson, Jr.; Sergeant, W. J. Ball. — 19. 2d. — Colonel, C. Crowninshield; Lieutenant Colonels, W. II. Forbes, H. S. Russell; Captains, L. Cabot, J. Phillips, C. E. Rice; 1st Lieutenants, ' . W. Amory, C. B. Fox; id Lieutenant, W. J, Hall. — 9. ;$<1. — Ma ars, D. T. Bunker, E. L. Noyes; Assistant Surgeon, G. ('.. Tarbell; Captains, W. A. Gove, C, W. C. Rhoades, \V. II. Seamans, J. L. Swift, J. C. Wyman; isl Lieutenants, G. A. Fiske, Jr., T. C. Otis, II. I). Pope; tst Sergeant, N. G. Smith. — 12. 4th.— Co, r , A. A. Rand; Major, L.Cabot; Adjutant, J. H. Lathrop; tains, E. T. Bouve, F, II. Rand; rst Lieutenant, II. ('.. Dorr; 2,1 Lieutenant, II. M. Phillips. — 7. 5th. — Colonels, H. S. Russell, C. F. Adam-. S. E Chamberlain; Surgeon, G. S. Osborne; Captains, C. P. Bowditch, F. L. Higginson; 1st Lieutenant, P. T. Jack- son, Jr.; 2d Lieutenants, E. J. Bartlett, R. S. < (liver. — 9. 1st Unattached Co. — rst Lieutenant, B. Pickman.— 1. MASSACHUSETTS HEAVY ARTILLERY. 1st. — Assistant Su eons, S. L. Dutton, G. H. Larabee; Captains, G. S. Follansbee, J. Pope; 1st Lieutenants. S. Dalton, J. L. Hall, C. Howard; id Lieuten- ant, P. D. Smith. — 8. 2d. — Lieutenant Colonel, V. 15. R. Sprague; Surgeon, J. A. Emmerton; Assistant Surgeon, J. H. Denny; Captains, S. C. Ellis, J. E. Fiske, J. I > Parker, Jr., B. II. Ticknor, James C. White; rst lieutenant. J. S. AUanson; 2,1 Lieutenants, R. G. Amory, T. A. Barton, E. F. Everett, C. D. Lamb; Sergeant, C. F. Joy. — 14. 3d. — Majors, J. M. Richardson, G. S. Worcester; Assistant Surgeon, G. F. Pinkham; Captains, B. A. Ball, A. W. Brigham, E. Dews. E. J. Russell; 1st Lieu- tenants. F. C. Bumpus, F. S. Gifford, II. B. Jones. — 10. 4th. —Lieutenant Colonel, S. C. Hart; Major, J. W. Gelray; 1st Lieutenant, C. E. Pierce; id Lieutenant , C. L. Vyers, M. A. Munroe. — 5. 1st Battalion. — Major, S. Cabot; Captain, C. E. Xiebuhr; »< Lieutenants, J. T. P.atchelder, C. B. Prescott; Private, L. D. Monroe. — 5. MASSACHUSETTS LIGHT ARTILLERY. 1st Battery, M. V. M.— Major, A. M. Cook; Sergeant, A. P. Mar- tin. — 2. 1st Battery. — rst I untenant. J. II. Sleeper; _'th. — Colonel, C. Devens; lieutenant Colonel, G. C. Joslin; Major, I. II. Hooper; Quartermaster, \\. B. Storer; Captains, D, M. Earle, E. J. Russell, I. M. Studley; •?th. — Colonel, E. W. Hincks; Lieutenant Colonel, E. Rice; Surgeon, J. F. Unci; Captains. J. G. B. Adams, W. E. Barrows, J. I ;. C. Dodge, 11. A. Hale, W. I.. Palmer, J. P. Reynolds, J. II. Rice, W. F. Rice, H. G. 0. Weymouth; /.'/ Lieutenants, W. R. Driver, W. A. McGinnis, A, Thorndike; zd Lieutenant, C, P. Abbott. — 16. 20th. - ' . W. R. Lee, F. W. Palfrey. G. N. Macy; Assistant Surgeon, C. E. Inches; Adjutant, C. I .. Peirson; Captains, \V. F. Bartlett, C. Crowninshield, X. P. Hallowell, G. Magnitzky, II. W. T. Mali, II. C. Mason, J. C. Putnam; «/ /./<•«- tenants, C. H. Raker, E. N. Hallowell. E. B. Robins, II. II. Sturgis. — 16. 21st. — Adjutant. T. E. Hall; Captains, S. Hovey, Jr., J. M. Richardson, C. F. Walcott; Quartermaster-Sergeant, II. A. Royce. — 5. 1*2(1. — Colonel. W. S, Tillon; Lieutenant Colonel, T. Sherwin; Quartermaster, II. A. Royce; Captains, W. S. Davis, C. J. Paine; /.«/ Lieut, nants, X. A. Miles, II. P. Stearns; Corporal, W. B. Frothingham; Private, R. G. Carter. —9. 2.'5(l. — Assistant 1 \. Emmerton; Quartermaster, II. B. Peirce; Captains. S. C. Hart, G. M. Whipple; 1st Lieutenants, B. F. Barnard, G. V. Barrett, C. II. Bates; Private, S. C. Rose.— 8. —4th. — Colonels, F. A. Osborn, A. Ordway; lieutenant Colon '■■ T. F. Ed- Is, C, H. Hooper, R. II. Stevenson; .1/ '. I < Richardson; Surgeon, E. R. Wheeler; Assistant Surgeon, J. W. Parsons; Adjutant, A. D. Ayling; Quarter- (276) masters, W. V. Hutchings, J. X. North, J. Thompson; Captains, C. B. Araory, J. Daland, G. W. Le Favor, J. B. Nichols, J. N. Partridge, W. Trait, W. F. Redding, J. L. Stackpole, W. F. Wiley; ist Lieutenants, J. M. Barnard, \V. L. Horton, D. Sargent; Sergeant-Major, V. \\ . Loring; ist Sergeants, J, C. Edmands, G. J. Thompson. N. Wale-.; Sergeants, J. W. Atwill, T. C. Otis; Corporal, J. A. Osgood; Private, E. P. Gould. — 32. -~>t 1 1 . — Colonel, J Pickett ; Lieutenant Colonels, O. Moulton, A. B. R. Sprague ; Majors, C. G. Attwood, M. J. McCafferty; Surgeon, J. M. Rice; Captains, J. W. Denny, J. M. Drennan, S. Harrington; jst Lieutenants, W. F. Draper, D. M. Wood- ward; Sergeant-Major, C. H. Davis; Sergeant, M. N. Rice. — 13. — <>tll. — Assistant Surgeon, L. S. Fox; Private, H. C. Pease. — 2. 27tll. — Colonel, H. C. Lee; Lieutenant Colonel, L. Lyman; Adjutant, [. W. Holmes; Captains, P. S. Bailey, II. C. Dwight; /.rf Lieutenant, S. P. Cooley. — 6. 28tll. — Assistant Surgeon, G. W. Snow; Quartermaster, B. F. Weeks; /s/ Lieutenant, J. E. Killian. — 3. 29th.— Assistant Surgeon, A. Wood; Captains, T. W. Clarke, D. W. Lee; /j/ Lieutenants, A. D. Ayling, F. A. Taher. — 5. 30th. — Colonel, N. A. M. Dudley; Majors, E. A. Fiske, C. J. Paine; Assistant Surgeon, A. F. Holt; Adjutant, C. A. R. Dimon; Captains, A. M. Ferris, W. G. Howe; /j/ Lieutenant, W. H. Seamans; 2*/ Lieutenants, H. W. Howe, F. C. Poree; Corporal, M. A. Munroe. — 11. 31st. — Lieutenant Colonel, E. P. Nettleton; Captains, N. F. Bond, L. F. Rice; /j/ Lieutenant, W. H. Jones. — 4. 32tl. — Colonels, F. J. Parker, J. C. Edmands; Lieutenant Colonels, J. A. Cun- ningham, L. Stephenson, Jr.; Major, E. O. Shepard; Surgeon, Z. B. Adams; /?'. Storrow, H. D. Sullivan, K. H. Weld; 1st , J. 11. Blake, A. S. Harwell. W. Hedge, James C. White; I. \V. Briggs, I. S. Cumston, 15. F. Held, Jr., F. Odiorne, J. Parkins Soule, A. 11. Stebbins; ( S. Gifford; W.James, II. I'.. Jones. W. E. Perkins; tlett, E. G Bumpus, \. I 1 . 11 ■■. 1 ^-\ fr., C F.Joy, L. Rhoades, \V. L. Whitney, Jr. - 4.">t li. K. Sturgis; s S. Kneeland; •. F. A. Dews , 1 1 Daland, G. P. Denny, G. H. Homans, J. Murdoch, L. W. Tappan, Jr.; ants, W. S. Bond, S. C Ellis, Harrison Gardner, A. 11. Hardy, T. A. Thayer, J. l>. Thompson, V. Winsor; nants,]. F. Emmons, T. C Hurd, E. B. Richard- son, B. 11. ricknor, M. E. Ware; man. — ;,;. 4(>tll. — .'/..•• . S . V Campbell, I.. A. Tift't: 1st 1 1 ■:.'. D, J. Marsh. — 5. 47tli. K- Barrett, V. S. Horton, J. A C B. Stevens. — 4. 4Stll. — Co ■: .1 I . Stone: lieuttnant Cohnet, 1'. P. Sta- t . 1 Sherman: I st Lieutenat , N. N. Noyes . 1 M. White: . 11. \1. Cross. —6, 49th. net, W. F. Bartlett; .'- C.Mifflin; Captains, Z. C.Ren- nie. 1 . i W. Kniffin, J. Tucker. — 6. 50th. , H. T. Holmes; id Lieutenants, W, 11. Hurd, W. B. Upton. — .;. .">l»t. ■■■■'. V B. R. Spragut tains, J. S. Baldwin, 1 w S »ers. — 5. 52d. — & v Sawyer. — 1. 53di Aii/tii, hi/, II. A. Willis; nt Lieutenant, G. I Prii t; -'4th. — Colonel, E. N. Hallowell; Lieutenant Colonels, N. I'. Hallowell, G, Pope; Surgeon, L. R. Stone; Captains,^. L. Appleton, A. S. Hartwell, I. L. Higginson, G. W. Jami , ' I I ; «/ Lieutenant, W. L. Whitney, Jr. — 10. 55th. — Colonels, N. P. Hallowell, A. S. Hartwell; Lieutenant Colonel,' . B Fox; /!/«>/-, S. Wales; Captains, C. P. Bowditch, G. I'. McKay, C. C. Soule, J. I). Thurber; zd Lieutenant, E. P. 'iuuld. — 9. 56th. — CY>/«»*/, S. M. Weld; Captains, '/.. h. Adams, G. A. Fletcher, W. li. Galucia, C. D. Lamb, II. S. Shurtleff. —6. 57th. — Colonel, W. F. Bartlett; .■!/-, E. I'. Gould; Quartermaster, G. I.. I'm. i; Captains, II. M. < r-.s,, J. W. Gelray, II.','. Ward; 1st Lieutenant, J. II. Cook. — 7. •*>Stll. —Lieutenant Colonel, J. C. Whiton; Major, E. S. Horton; surgeon, F. Whitman; Captain, R. Crossman; /.■>/ Lieutenants, T. A. Barton, A. M Dudley, 1 1 1. Monroe. — 7. 59th. — Major, I P Gould; Surgeon, W. Ingalls; Quartermaster, B. I. Bar- nard; Captains, II. M. Cross, S. K. Goldsmith, H. I.. Swords; /.*/ Lieutenant, W. B. I rothingbam. — 7. <><>th. - -Lieutenant Colonel, I). M. Woodward. — 1. Ohst. — Colon,/, C. F. Walcott; ^a/'or, J. G. C. Dodge; Captain., \ „ E. < Hark, W. P. Dairy, 10. li. lutein; />/ Lieutenant, I. I', fining. — 6. .'{(1 Battalion Kifles. — Major, C. Devens; Surgeon, O. Martin; Captains, \1, s. McConville, V B. R. Sprague; 1st Lieutenant,}. Pickett; 2d Lieutenants, C. G. Utwood, E. I . Devens, G. C. Joslin, M. J. McCafferty; jS Cadets. — - J . \V. King; /.(/ lieutenant, H. G. Cushing; Sergeant Major, J. M. Blanchard; Private, D. S. Harriman. — 4. JHh. — Captain, C. D. Copp. — I. lOth. — Colonel, M. T. Donohoe; Adjutant, \V. H. 1). Cochrane. — 2. ( 2S0) 11th.— Quartermaster, J. F. Briggs; Captains, H. C. Bacon, J. B. Clark, O. W. Dimick ; ist Lieutenant, B. F. Rackley. — 5. 1 2th. — Lieutenant Colonels, T. E. Barker, J. F. Marsh. — 2. 13th. — Lieutenant Colonels, G. Bowers, W. Grantman; Major, N. D. Stoodley; Surgeon, G. B. Twitchell; Assistant Surgeon, J. Sullivan; Adjutant, N. B. Boutwell ; Quartermasters, P. C. Cheney, M. L. .Morrison; Captains, G. A. Bruce, G. X. Julian, R. P. Staniels, L. P. Wilson; /«■ Lieutenants, C. B. Gafney, \V. J. Ladd, R. B. Prescott, W. II. II. Young; 2J Lieutenant, S. M. Thompson. — 17. 14th. — Captains, S. A. Carter, C. W. Hodgdon, J. W. Sturtevant; Private, W. H. Parker. — 4. loth. — Captain, T. Cogswell. — 1. 16th. — Lieutenant Colonel, H. W. Fuller; Adjutant, L. T. Townsend; Ca/- to'w. J. L. Rice; Private, W. A. Gile. — 4. 18th. — Colonel, T. L. Livermore; Captains, W. A. Gile, W. S. Green- ough.— 3. NEW JERSEY LIGHT ARTILLERY. Battery B. — /.th. — 1st Lieutenant, S. B. Parker. — 1. <>th. — 1st Lieutenant, J. Silloway. — 1. 7th. — (Militia.)— Privates, G. \V. Bacon, G. T. Burroughs. W. 1. Ellis, H. S. GaDsevoort. — 4. 8th. — (Militia.) — Private, C. A. I lopkins. — 1. !)th. — Quartermaster, H. 11. Klliott; 2d Lieutenant, E. Dews; Privates, B. S. Calef, W. P. Shreve.— 4. 13th. — I Militia.) — Private, I. H. Hooper. — 1. 30th. — rst Lieutenant, W. Cutting.— 1. 33d. — 1st Lieutenant, W. H. Long. — 1. 37tll. — 2d Lieutenant, J. Boyle. — 1. 39th. — Majoi , G. E. Waring, Jr. — 1 . 40th. — /si Lieutenant, F. Gould; 2d Lieutenant, II. W. rlabbell, Jr. — 2. -13d. — rst Lieutenant, G. T. Burroughs. — 1. 53d. — -'./ Lieutenant, B. A. Ball. — 1. .">7th. — Captain, II. M. Brewster.— I. 61st. — Colon .. V \. Miles. — 1. 65th. —Major, E. K. Russell.— 1. <>7th. — Captain, E. K. Russell. — 1. 7!Mh. — Adjutant, H. Stevens. — I. Olst. — 1st Lieutenant, G. W. Bacon. — 1. 99th.— Captain, J. E. White.— 1. IOI st. — 1st Lieutenant, T. A. Dodge. — 1. 119th. — Adjutant, T. A. Dodge.— 1. 127th. — Chaplain, E. Francis; 2d Lieutenant, C. A. Benjamin, — 2. 133d. — Assistant Surgeon, A. C. Walker. — 1. NORTH CAROLINA INFANTRY. 1st. — lieutenant Colonel, J. W. Atwill ; 2d Lieutenant, G. E. Wood- man. — 2. ( 28a ) OHIO INFANTRY. Gth. — Colonel, N. L. Anderson. — i. 29th. — Captain, C. \Y. Kellogg.— I. PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. 15th. — Sergeant, W. W. Blackmar; Private, L. E. Fagan.— 2. PENNSYLVANIA LIGHT ARTILLERY. Landis'S Battery. — Private, C. D. Lamb. — I. PENNSYLVANIA INFANTRY. 12th. — Sergeant, C. Shaler. — 1. 17th. — Privates, L. E. Fagan, John C. White. — ■ 2. 19th.— Private, A. H. G. Richardson.— 1. 21st. — Sergeant, John C. White.— 1. 28tll. — (Militia.) —Surgeon, G. Lotz. — 1. 51 St. — Assistant Surgeon, C. L. Green. — I. !>!)tl). — Assistant Surgeon, G. Lotz. — 1. 114th. — Assistant < n, J. A. Hawke; Captain, \. H. G. Richardson. — 2. 118tll. — Captain, W. West. — 1. 126th. — 2d Lieutenant, C. MacCauley. — I. 188th. — Assistant Surgeon, W. H. Leighton. — I. 215th. — Surgeon, J. A. Hawke. — I. RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 1 St. — Major, W. II . Turner ; Captain, A. H. Bixby. — 2. 3d. — Lieutenant Co/one/. C. H. Parkhurst ; Surgeon, J. C. Budlong; 1st Lieutenant, H. Stockton. — 3. 7th Squadron. — Private, II. M. Phillips. — I. RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 3d. — Colonel, W. Ames; .Va/or, II. Rogers; Surgton, II. G. Stickney; Captain, J. H. Gould; 1st Lieutenant, I. M. Potter. — 5. 5th. — Adjutant, C. H. Chapman; Captains, W. W. Douglas, I. M. Potter. — 3. RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. 1st. — Colonel, J. G. Hazard; Captains, T. F. Brown, J. Hazard, C. D. Owen, W. B. Rhodes, R. Waterman, W. B. Wee Jen; 1st Lieutenants, G. L. Dwight, P. S. Jastram, C. F. Mason, F. M. Sackett, E. H. Sears; 2d Lieutenant, A. T. Mac- millan. — 13. (283) 1st Battery. — Private, R. Waterman. — i. lOtli Battery. — tst Lieutenants, S. V Pearce, F.A.Rhodes; 2d Lieuten- ant, 1 1. Pearce. — 3. RHODE ISLAND INFANTRY. 1st. — Colonel, A. E. Burnside; ifl/n/or, W. Goddard; Adjutant, C. II. Mer- rimart; Captain, ti. Van Slyck; /.>/ Lieutenants, W '. A. Stedman, W. R.Walker; Corporal, V. A. Chase: Privates, A. M. Bowen, R. II. I. Goddard, J. S. Hudson, P. s. Jastram, II. Pearce, I. M. Potter, F. M. Sackett, E. N. Whittier. — 16. 2d. — Colonel, II. Rogers; Lieutenant Colonel, N. Golf, Jr.; Captains,W. Vmes, E. II. Sens W. 1'.. Sears; /.-.' Lieutenants, A. M. Bowen, A. B. Capron, W. I. Ellis; ■ Lieutenants, J. McKay, G. B. Peck, Jr. — 10. -1th. — Assistant Surgeon, R. Millar; Captain, F. A. Chase. — 2. 7th. — Colonel, Z. R. Bliss; Major,T. F.Tobey.— 2. lOtli. — Colonels, /. R. Bliss, J. Shaw; Adjutant,]. F. Tobey; Captain, E. Dyer; .v 1 . »«/, r. F. robey. — 5. I Itli. 1 .11. Rogers; Lieutenant Colonel, C II. Parkhnrst; /./ Lieutenant, J. S. AHanson. — 2. 21st. — /rf Lieutenant, ( i. ( i. Greenough.— 1. 2.3(1. — Quartermaster, W. F. Rice. — I. 24th. — G>/W/, Z. R. Bliss; Major, X. A. M. Dudley. — 2. 25th. —Lieutenant Colonel, E. W. Hincks; Major, Z. R. Bliss. —2. (2S5) 26th. — Captain, J. F. < irimes; rst Lieutenant, J. P. Richardson. — 2. i>8th. — Captain, F. Fessenden; rst Lieutenant, G. 1. Towle. — 2. ;57th. — Captain, E. P. Ewers; w/ Lieutenant, G. W. Baird. — 2. 39th. ' ■ • R. Bliss; Captain, R. Robins; sd Lieutenant, G. Mag- nitzky. — 3. 40tll. — Colonel, V V. Miles; Lieutenant Colonel, E. W. Hincks; 1st Lieu- tenant, E. Rice. — 3. 44th. — Adjutant, S. A. Purler; Captains, T. A. Dodge, Hezekiah Gardner; _•th.— Captain,]. W. Fletcher. — 1. :57th.- Co/on*/, N. ('.off, Jr.— 1. ;$Oth. — Captain, F. W. Draper.— I. 41st. — Captain, C. II. Chapman. — I. 45th. — Surgeon, N. Folsom. — 1. 4$>th. — Captain. W. F. Griffin. — 1. 73d. -- ' if/, S. M. Quincy. — 1. 75th. — Colonel. II. W. Euller: lieutenant Colonel, J. L. Riee; Captain, N. G. Smith. — 3. 81st.— 1 , S. M. Quincy. — 1. 86th. — Captain, II. 1 . Pease. — I. Q2d. — Captain, J. M. Blanchard. — 1. 95th. — /st Lieutenant, J. C. Hill; zd Lieutenant, F. E. Orcutt, — 2. 96th. — Colonel, S. M. Quincy. — 1. !>7th. — Captain. J. I.. Hill. — I. LOOth. — Lieutenant Colonel, II. Stone. — I. 104th. — Assistant Surg, . \. 1. Paine. — I. (2S6) 114tll. — Assistant Surgeon, A. L. Norris. — I. 11 7th. — Assistant Surgeon, O. F. Rogers; Captain, W. A. Gile. — 2. 123(1. — Colonel, S. A. Porter. — i. UNITED STATES SHARPSHOOTERS. 1st. — Quartermaster, G. A. Marden; Captain, F. E. Marble; Private, S. Rand. — 3. 2d. — Major, E. T. Rowell; Quartermaster, B. S. Calef; Captain, ]. D. Fessenden; 1st lieutenant, W. P. Shreve; Sergeant, G. A. Marden. — 5. UNITED STATES VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 1st. — Colonel, C. A. R. Dimon ; Major, II. G. O. Weymouth; Surgeon, C. H. W. Herrick; Captain, W. I'.. Upton. — 4. 6th. — -'d lieutenant, W. II. Parker. — 1. UNITED STATES VETERAN VOLUNTEERS. 5th. — Colonel, J. G. Hazard. — 1. 7th. — Assistant Surgeon, A. H. Wilson; Captain, S. Hovey, Jr. — 2. VETERAN RESERVE CORPS. Major, S. P. Lee; Captains, Hezekiah Gardner, S. A. Porter, J. P. Reynolds; /st Lieutenants, B. Pickman, J. P. Stearns; 3d Lieutenant, T. D. McAlpine; Private, W. H. Parker. — 8. 1st. — Captain, J. C. Putnam; 2d Lieutenant, I. W. Derby. — 2. 2(1.— Captains, P. D. Blodgett, W. II. Cundy. — 2. 3(1. — 2d Lieutenants, D. Eldredge, P. E. Murphy. — 2. 5th. — Captain, J. H. Rice. — I. lOth. — Lieutenant Colonel, G. Bowers; Captain, H. M. Brewster. — 2. 11th. — Captain, C. H. Drew. — 1. 13th.— Captain, W. A. Woodbury; Private, G. W. Baird.— 2. 14th. — Adjutant, G. E. Henry.— 1. 20tll. — 2,1 lieutenant, H. Roberts. — 1. 21st. — 1st Sergeant, G. Magnitzky. — I. 23(1. — Major, T. A. Dodge. — 1. 24-th. — Lieutenant Colonel, J. F. Marsh. — 1. VERMONT CAVALRY. 1st. — Colonel, W.Wells; Assistant Surgeon, P. O'M. Edson; Quartermaster, H. Brainerd; Captain, J. W. Newton; 1st Lieutenant, F. S. Stranahan; Private, T. S. Peck. — 6. VERMONT HEAVY ARTILLERY. 1st. — Chaplain, A. Little; Captain, U. A. Woodbury. — 2. (287) VERMONT INFANTRY. I st. — _■■//.,' ,C.L. Marsh. — 2 L5th. Col .7,7, R. Proctor. — I. 16th.— C one/, \\. G. Veazey. — I. 17th. — .V;« . P. 1 1 \l. Edson.— 1. WEST VIRGINIA CAVALRY. 1st.— Captain, W. W. Blackmar. — 1. WISCONSIN INFANTRY. 1st. — Commissary, C. Fairchild; /-.' Lieutenant, II. Stone; _'./ Lieutenant, V.. Ferguson; Sergeant, W. A. Collins. — 4. lid. — /' ■ . s. C. ruckerman. — 1. 3d. — Colonel, ('. s. Hamilton. — 1. 5th. — Captains, ] 1 ( B 11, I B Oliver. — 2. 6th. — Captain, J. V. Marsh. — 1. lOth. — Captain, \\ . A. Collins. — I. 1 !)th. —-•..■'/ it, S. ' ruckerman. — 1. 22d.- I I '- K. May. — I. 23d. — 2d Lieutenant, A. W. Baker. — 1. 32d.— I III. Howe. — I. .'{!>t ll. — _•./ Lieutenant, ). Sawyer. — 1. 4:3d. — -'• l, C. C. Hayes. — 1. UNITED STATES NAVY. Rear Admirals, I >. Mi V Fairfax, I". T. Nichols, C. II. Preble, 1'. Steedman. — 4. Commodoi . I '. A Parker, W. I . spicer. — 2. Captains, E. C. Mcrrinian, ('.. II. Perkins, M. Sicard. — 3. (288) Commanders, S. D. Ames, A. S. Barker, G. T. Davis, R. D. Evans, C. McGregor, G. H. Wadleigh, E. A. Walker, G. E. Wingate. — S. Lieutenant Commanders, O. W. Farenholt, J. F. Merry, W. A. Morgan, W. P. Randal], C. J. Train. — 5. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commanders, E. F. Devens, T. A. Harris, W. G. Saltonstall. — 3. Lieutenants, H. J. Blake, C. A. Gove, R. Waterman, Jr. —3. Acting Volunteer Lieutenants, C. P. Clark, H. W. Grinnell, C. W. Wilson. — 3. Master, R. M. Thompson.— 1. Acting Masters. R. Barstow, J. S. Dillingham, Jr., F. Hopkins, A. K. Jones, S. P. Lee, F. A. O'Connor, W. Pearce, L. Pope. — S. Ensign, J. C. Pegram. — 1. Acting Ensigns, G. A. Churchill, J. L. Harris, H. W. Loring, F. G. Morrill, L. C. Owen, H. T. Page. — 6. Chief Engineers, A. Adamson, C. H. Baker, C. E. De Valin, H. W. Fitch, C. H. Loring. D. B. Macomb. W. Roberts, J. Trilley. — 8. 1st Assistant Engineers, L. R. Greene, W. H. Harrison, J. T. Hawkins, H. McMurtrie. — 4. -I, tin,; 1st Assistant Lie,,! er, T. L. Churchill. — 1. 3d Assistant Engineer, \V. II. Badlatn. — 1. Acting 3d Assistant Engineers, J. G. Dennett, E. H. Keith, P. H. Ken- dricken. — 3. Paymaster General, G. F. Cutter. — 1. Paymasters, V . Clarke, S. Rand, R. J. Richardson, J. F. Tarbell. —4. Passed Assistant Paymaster, E. Sherwin. — 1. Assistant Paymaster, C. Fairchild. — 1. Acting Assistant Paymasters, W. A. Aiken, E. T. Barker, C. S. Halladay, E. D. Hayden, C. R. Howard, II. hunt, J. Read, II. M. Rugers, E. H. Sears, A. Sibley, A. J. Wright. — 11. Medical Directors, S. Jackson, J. H. Wright.— 2. Surgeons, F. M. Dearborne, J. A. Hawke, F. E. Potter. —3. Passed Assistant Sure, ens, K. T. Edcs, C. L. Green. — 2. Acting Passed Assistant Surgeons, T. S. Keith, W. L. Wheeler. 2. Assistant Surgeons, J. A. Bubier, D. D. Gilbert, I. H. Hazelton, C. T. Hubbard, C. E. Stedman, F. M. Weld, K. Willard. — 7. Acting Assistant Surgeons, W.Butler, E. P.Colby, J. R. Deane, C. F. Hildreth, A. Kemble, J. II. Mackie, C. E. Vaughan. — 7. Pear Admiral's Secretary, II. Win Brunt. 1. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Lieutenant Colonel, J. L. Broome; Major, J. II. Higbee; Captains, I.. E. Fagan, P. C. Pope; /st Lieutenants, L. P. French, J. H. Sherburne; 2d Lieutenant, H. C. Haines. — 7. (2S9) TABLE SHOWING HIGHEST RANK HELD BY MEMBERS. 2cl Lieutenant ............ 59 2d Lieutenant, Brevet Captain 2 1st Lieutenant 99 1st Lieutenant, Brevet Captain S 1st Lieutenant, Brevet Major ......... 4 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant .......... 20 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, Brevet Captain ....... 1 1st Lieutenant, Adjutant, Brevet Major 3 1st Lieutenant, Regimental Quartermaster ....... 24 1st Lieutenant, Regimental Commissary ....... 2 Captain ............. 203 Captain, Brevet Major . 53 Captain, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel . . . . . . . . 17 Captain, Brevet Colonel .......... 7 Major 43 Major, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel ........ 19 Major, Brevet Colonel ........... S Major, Brevet Brigadier General 1 Lieutenant Colonel ........... 48 Lieutenant Colonel, Brevet Colonel ........ 12 Lieutenant Colonel. Brevet Brigadier General ...... 13 Lieutenant Colonel, Brevet Major General ....... 1 Colonel 23 Colonel, Brevet Brigadier General 45 Colonel. Brevel Major General 6 Brigadier General ........... 2 Brigadier General, Brevet Major General ....... 16 Major General ............ 4 Carried forward 743 ( 290 ) Brought forward - . , 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon . . . . . . . . . • 20 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, Brevet Major 1 Captain, Assistant Surgeon 1 Major, Surgeon ............ 33 Major, Surgeon, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel II Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Director 1 Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Inspector ....... 2 Chaplain g 820 NAVY. Acting Ensign ........... 6 Ensign ............. 1 Acting Master 8 Master . 1 Acting Volunteer Lieutenant 3 Lieutenant ............ 3 Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander 3 Lieutenant Commander - Commander 8 Captain ............ 3 Commodore ............ 2 Rear Admiral ........... 4 Rear Admiral's Secretary 1 Acting 2d Assistant Engineer ........ 3 2d Assistant Engineer .......... 1 Acting 1st Assistant Engineer 1 istant Engineer .......... 4 Chief Engineer ........... 8 Acting Assistant Paymaster . . . . . . . . .11 Assistant Paymaster .......... 1 Passed Assistant Paymaster 1 Paymaster 4 Paymaster General 1 Acting Assistant Surgeon 7 Assistant Surgeon . . . . - . . . . . . 7 Acting Passed Assistant Surgeon . 2 Passed Assistant Surgeon 2 Surgeon 3 Medical director 2 106 Can it 1 .......... . 926 (29' ) ad 1 ieuton.mt is! 1 iouU'll.mt Captain Majoi . nant Colonel \\\R1NE COKI'S. 7 Casualties. DECEASED. Second Lieutenant Charles P. Abbott, at North Andover, Mass., August 6, 1879. Commander Sullivan D. Ames, U.S.N., at Providence, R.I., November 22, 18S0. First Lieutenant Copley Amory, at Boston, December 19, 1879. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius G. Attwood, at Boston, January 19, 1888. Captain Richard Barrett, at Concord, Mass., February 11, 1887. Brevet Major General William F. Bartlett, at Pittsfield, Mass., December 17, 1876. Brevet Colonel GusTAVUS M. BASCOM, U.S.A., at Portsmouth, R.I., August 16, 1884. Colonel James L. Bates, at South Weymouth, Mass., November 11, 1875. James W. Bates, at Somerville, Mass., August 11, 1887. Major Joseph H. M. Bertram, at Salem, Mass., February 3, 1877. Lieutenant Henry J. Blake, at Paris, France, October n, 1880. First Lieutenant James H. Blake, at Boston, November 12, 1889. Captain Clifton A. Blancha.ro, at Chelsea, Mass., September 23, 1879. Brevet Brigadier General Asa P. Blunt, at Manchester, N.H., October 4, 1889. Lieutenant Colonel George Bowers, at Nashua, N.H., February 14, 1884. Brigadier General Henry S. Briggs, at Pittsfield, Mass., September 22, 1887. Major David T. Bunker, at Georgetown, Demerara, February 5, 1888. Brevet Major Arthur H. Burnham, U.S.A., at Lowell, Mass., September 12, 1877. Lieutenant Colonel John H. Burnham, at Middletown, Conn., April 10, 1883. Major General Ambrose E. Burnside, at Bristol, R.I., September 13, 1881. First Lieutenant Francis Bush, Jr., at Isles of Shoals, August 16, 1874. Surgeon Charles M. Carleton, at Norwich, Conn., December 30, 1886. First Lieutenant Samuel E. Chandler, at Cambridge, Mass., February 22, 1S81. Captain Joseph B. Clark, at Manchester, N.IL, October 22, 1886. First Lieutenant Randolph M. Clark, at Dedham, Mass., September n, 1873. Paymaster Frank Clarke, U.S.N., at Mare Island, Cal., April 2, 1879. Captain William S. Cobb, at New Bedford, Mass., December 7, 1878. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel CHARLES M. COIT, at New London, Conn., July 3, 1878. Captain Robert Crossman, 2d, at Taunton, Mass., July 25, 1876. Major Charles W. Dabney, Jr., at Malvern, England, December 22, 1870. ( 2 93 ) Brevet Colonel Phineas \. Davis, at New Canton, Ya., August 22, 1872. Surgeon Frederick M. Di irborne, U.S.N., at New York, April 24, 1SS7. Captain George P. Denny, al Bi ton, fanuary 23, 1885. Volunteei 1 ni Commander Edward F. Devens, al Long Island. Nil , October is, 1885. Acting Mastei [AMI i S. DILLINGHAM, JR., on hoard steamship "Finance," New York 1 [arbor, \ n ember [4, 1S83. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James G. C. I' e, lI i reston, Iowa, [anuarj 14, [877. Brevet Major General James L. DoNALl .it Baltimore, Ml., November 4, 1885. First Lieutenant Gamaliei 1. Dwight, at Nassau, W.I., January 19, 1 S75. Captain Elisha Dy) R, al Providence, R.I., May 17. 1890. Surgeon J. Franklin Dyer, al Vnnisquam, Ma -, Februarys 1879. Brevel Brigadier General J, I 1 ihing Ed'mands, al Boston, December 28, 1879. Brevet Brigadier General THEODORE G. Ellis, at Hartford, Conn., fanuarj 8, 1883. Captain Charles W. Elwell, at Brooklyn, N.Y., May 14, 1SS2. Surgeon JAMES A. EMMERTON, at Salem, Mass., December 31, 18S8. Major Edward A. Fiske, at Lawrence, Mass., December 28, [887. Brevet Brigadier General William 0. Fj ike, al Lowell, Mass., February 2, 1886. Brevet Brigadier General Henry W. Fuller, at Roxbury, Mass., April 7, 1885. Brevet Brigadier General HENRY S. GANSEVOORT, U.S.A., at Albany, N. Y., April 12, 1S71. Brevet Major General GEORGE II. GORDON, at Framingham, Mass., August 29, 1886. First Lieutenant FRANCIS Got LD, at Arlington, Mass., September 7, 1874. Brevet Brigadier General PATRICK K. Gl INKY, at Boston, March 21, 1S77. Surgeon CHARLES Hai CK, at Beverly, Mass., October 10, 1889, Brevet Brigadier General Thomas J. HAINES, U.S.A., at Hartford, Conn., August 14, 1883. Brevet Colonel THERON E. Hall, at San Diego, Cal., August 3, 1S80. Brevet Brigadier General EDWARD X. HALLOWELL, at West Medford, Mass., July 26, 1871. First Lieutenant CEPHAS L. HARTWELL, at Pasadena, Cal., April 19, 1890. Major Ossiw L. Hatch, at Meriden, Conn., February 9, 1S88. Captain John A. Hawes, at Fairhaven, Miss., March 10, 1SS3. Surgeon GEORGE II. YV. HERRICK, at London, England, July 21, 1877. First Lieutenant JOSEPH W. HOLMES, at Springfield, Mass., fanuary 24, 1881. Lieutenant Colon,! iLFRED 1. Ho] 1, .it Martin, Florida, December 2S, iSoo. Captain Georgi II Homans, at B kline, Mass., August 10,1890. Major Isaac Harris Hooper, at Boston, April 12, 1873. Acting Master FRANKLIN HOPKIN I, al Brooklyn, X.Y., October 13, 18S0. William W. Hoppin, at Providence, R.I., April 19, 1S90. First Lieutenant William L. Horton, al Boston, November 23, 1884. Captain SOLOMON Hovey, Jr., at Boston, October 21, 18S4. (294) Captain William G. Howe, at Denver, Col., March 19, 18S6. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel John W. Hudson, at Lexington, Mass., June 1, 1872. Brevet Major Charles H. Hurd, at Dorchester, Mass., April 25, 1877. Lieutenant Colonel William V. HUTCHINGS, at Auburndale, Mass., July 26, 1888. Second Lieutenant Joseph K. Jenness, at Haverhill, Mass., August 29, 1881. Acting Master Albert K. Jones, at Lima, Peru, June 21, 1890. Acting Second Assistant Engineer Edwin H. Keith, at Bridgewater, Mass., Janu- ary 27, 1885. Acting Passed Assistant Surgeon Theodore S. Keith, at Newton, Mass., Septem- ber 13, 18S8. Henry P. Kidder, at New York, January 28, 1886. Captain William A. Kimball, at Pasadena, Cal., December 27, 1887. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Kneeland, at Hamburg, Germany, September 27, 1888. Captain Charles DUNCAN Lamb, at Boston, September 2, 1871. Colonel Francis L. Lee, at Westport, N.Y., September 2, 1886. Brevet Brigadier General Horace C. Lee, at Springfield, Mass., June 22, 1S84. Brevet Colonel Samuel P. Lee, U.S.A., at Vineyard Haven, Mass., October 20, 1890. James L. Little, at Swampscott, Mass., June 19, 1889. Captain Jacob H. Lombard, at Boston, July 29, 1875. Brevet Colonel William H. Long, at Chelsea, Mass., April 7, 1890. Surgeon George Lotz, at Boston, July 20, 1879. Acting Assistant Paymaster Henry Lunt, at Quincy, Mass., April 7, 1887. Brevet Brigadier General Like Lyman, at Montreal, Canada, November 12, 1889. Brevet Major General Georgi: X. M ICY, at Boston, February 13, 1875. Brevet Major Herbert C. Mason, at Stockbridge, Mass., September 24, 1884. Edward C. MAURAN, at Providence, R.I., June 5, 1886. Major Matthew J. McCafferty, at Boston, May 5, 1885. Captain Michael S. McOjnville, at Worcester, Mass., December 25, 1872. First Assistant Engineer Horace McMurtrie, at Boston, December I, 1881. First Lieutenant Benjamin C. Mifflin, at Boston, June 16, 1880. Major John Morrissey, at Plymouth, Mass., December 27, 1885. Captain Joseph Murdoch, at Roxbury, Mass., April 27, 1884. Lieutenant Colonel Edward P. Nettleton, at Boston, April 17, 1889. First Lieutenant Andrew J. Nichols, at Natick, Mass., November 30, 1880. Lieutenant Nicholas N. Noyes, at Boston, March 22, 1888. Captain Daniel Oakey, at New York, February 23, 1888. Brevet Brigadier General Francis W. Palfrey, at Cannes, France, December 6, 1889. Brevet Colonel William L. Palmer, at New Brighton, N.Y., November 10, 1884. Commodore Foxhall A. Parker, U.S.N., at Annapolis, Md., June 10, 1879. Captain John D. Parker, Jr., at Mattapoisett, Mass., August 17, 1878. (295) tiant Colonel Charles H. Parkkurst, at Providence, R. I., March 25,1889. Captain William 1 . Peri ins, ai Boston, fanuary 18, 1S79. Brevel Majoi 1 harli i \ Phillips, at Virginia City, Nevada, March 20, 1 Colonel Georgi i i. P 1, al Salem, Mass., February 8, 1881. Brigadiei Get \ Porter, 1 .S.A., at Boston, April 21, 1880. admiral Georgi 11 Preble, U.S.N., at Brookline, Mass., March 1, 18S5. First 1 ieutenanl Calvin B. Pri icott, al Newton, Mass., May 28, 1S87. Putnam, al Santa Barbara, Cal., June 24, 1879. Brevet Brigadier General Samuei M Q ' ae, N.H., March 24, 1887. 1 iptain Benjamin F. 1 t, at Dover, N.H., April 26, 1890. 1 tin William F. Redding, at Spring Valley, N'.Y., March 7, 1S76. Edward B. W. Restii m x. al < hi Isi 1, Mass., March 19, 1878. Captain Wn 1 (am F. Rice, at Mexico, Mo., June 4. 1884. Lieutenant Colonel James M. Richardson, at Roxbury, Mass., Octobi 1 7, 1878. Captain Joseph P. Rockwell, at Boston, November 22, 1885. Brevel Lieutenant Colonel Ira Ri ell, al Winchendon, Mass.. Decembei 19, 1888. 1 Brigadier General 1 1 1 m;\ Rust, Jr., at Portland, Me., July 29, 1881. Acting Volunteei Lieutenant Commander William G. Saltonstall, at Uomo . Italy, July 21, 1SS9. Captain Edv\ ird II. Si IRS, .it Dorchester, M iss., August 22, 1886. Brevet Major Eugeni E. Shi i ton, at Boston, < »< tober 2, 1875. Brigadier < Seneral Georgi I . S EY.at Portland, Me., July 20, 1878, I 11-1 lieutenant JACOB Si] LOWAY, at Canton, Mass., April 9, 1890. Commodore William F. Spici r, U.S.N., .0 1 harlestown, Mass., Novembei 29, 1878. 1 aptain Run ; P. Si inii 1 s, at Concord, \.l I., January 4, 1S90. Brevet Major General G | 1, at Washington, D.C., June 1,1886. Second Lieutenant Asa P Stebbins, al tombstone, \ri ona, July 13, 1S89. Surgeon Horatio G. Stickney, at Springfield, Mass., December 15, 1S78. First Lieutenant William Brandi Storer, al Cambridge, Mass., October 14. 1884. First Lieutenant Henri H. Sturgis, il Boston, January 30, 1881. Captain Henry I >. St 1 1 t\ w, at Paris, France, August jo, 1889 Majoi \i !'■ rHOMPsoN, at Concord, N.H., September 10, 1890. Captain G I ["hompson, at Jamaica Plain , September 26, 1882 First I ieuti 11 inl fOHN DlXWELl rHOMPSON. First Lieutenant \i 1 1 1 ; , September 8, 1S85. Captain Lewis \ in 11. 1 Springfield/Mass., lugust 31, 1874. Brevet Brigadier General William S. Tilton, at Xewtonville, Mass., March 2^, Firsl Lieutenant John F. Tobey, at Providence, R.I., 1 Ictober ;. 1882 Captain Charles R. ["rain, at North Conway, N.H., July 29, 1885 1 I i ..oil, ides ' ' .April 29, 1886. 1 11 vri 1 Y 1 1 i;\m 11. at Boston, D I 2, 187 (.. Brevet Major General Adin B. Underwood, at Boston, January 14, iSSS. First Lieutenant Albert F. Upton, at Newtonville, Mass., June 8, 1888. Brevet Brigadier General Charles F. Wai.cott, at Salem, Mass., June II, 1S87. Commander Edward A. Walker. U.S.N., at Newton, Mass., March S, 1876. Captain Richard Waterman, at Providence, R.I., March 23, 1888. Captain William West, at Boston, August 26, 1889. Major Willard D. Wheeler, at Ouray, Colorado, January 21, 1885. Acting Passed Assistant Surgeon William L. Wheeler, at Newport, R.I., Octo- ber 16, 1S87. Surgeon Elisha M. White, at Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming, July 14, 1890. Surgeon Allston W. Whitney, at West Xewton, Mass., November 11, 1SS1. Assistant Surgeon Arthur H. Wilson, at South Boston, May 11, 1S90. Second Lieutenant George F. Woodman, at Boston, November 2, 1S84. Lieutenant Colonel David M. W ward, at Worcester, Mass., October 22, 1887. Captain John W. Wolcott, at Dedham, Mass., June 4, 1885. Mdical Director John H. Wright, U.S.N., at Boston, December 26, 1S79. TRANSFERRED. To the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Brevet Major John Bigelow, February 2, 1887. Major Ezra P. Gould, November 6, 1889. Major John R. McGlNNESS, U S.A., October 5, 1881. Lieutenant Colonel James C. McKee, U.S.A., November 6, 1889. Captain Edgar C. Mekriman, U.S.N., February 5, 1890. Major Charles W. Raymond, U.S.A., May 7, 1890. Chaplain Henry Clay Trumbull, March 14, 1878. To the Commandery of the State of New York. Acting Assistant Paymaster William A. Aiken, January 4, 188S. Lieutenant Colonel John [[. Ammon, November 4, 1885. itant Surgeon Herbert M. Bishop, February 5, 1890. Lieutenant Colonel John L. Broome, U.S.M.C., January 4, 188S. Lucien F. Burpee, December 1, 1886. ( 2 97) Si i i yr.N Cabot, October 20, 1868. First Lieutenant ROBERT G. CART1 i, I S. A., January 4, 1SS2. First Lieutenant DAVID S. Denison, Decembers, 1S8S. Brevet Major William !•'.. Donnell, November 6, 1889. Lieutenant Colonel Henry 11. Eli i"i r, Jr , April 4, 1881. Lieutenant Colonel Georgi 1,. Gilli pie, U.S.A., December 31, 1888. Captain Henry W. Hi BBl 1 1, Jr., U.S.A., December 2, 1878. Brevel Major Bki.a P. Ll (.rned, March 7. 1888. Chief Engineer Charles II. Loring, U.S.N., May 19, 1880. Major William II. Mallory, June 11, 1879. Brevel Major E. Porter Mason, January 7, 1880. Major Otho E. Michaelis, U.S.A., May 1, 1876. Captain Arthur MORRIS, U.S.A., November 7, iSSS. First Lieutenant Theodore C. Otis, Novembers, 1S84. Captain John N. Partridge, September 30, 1869. Brevet Major BENJAMIN I'. RlTTI (JHOUSE, U.S.A., November 5, 1879. Captain CHARLES SHALER, U.S.A., February I, 18S2. Master ROBERT M. THOMPSON, December 2, 1S85. Captain Edmund L. Zalinski, U.S.A.. March 1, 1882. To the Commandery of the State of Maine. Brevet Major General GEORGE L. Bi \i , April 5, 1SS2. Brevet Brigadier General John Marshall Brown, March 1, 1SS2. Brevet Major General JOSHUA L. 1 lHAMBERLAIN, April 30, 1882. Brevet Colonel A.UG1 STUS B. FARNHAM, April 5, 1882. Major General Frani is Fessi den, January 1, 1882. Brevet Major General Jamks'D. Fl 5S1 NDEN, February I, 1SS2. First Lieutenant EDWARD M. RAND, March I, 1882. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Robie, April 5, 1882. To the Commandery of the State of California. Captain F. EDWARD Gray, December 3, 1890. Bn vet Lieutenant Colonel Danibl R. Larned, U.S.A., December 7, 1887. Captain Josiah \. od, February 6, 1889. Major EDMI ND K. Rl ELL, 1 ,S. \., April 5, 1882, Captain William H, SEAMANS, February 13, 1878. (298) To the Commandery of the State of Wisconsin. First Lieutenant George W. Bacon, May 15, 1S74. Captain Irving Met'. Bean, May 15. 1S74. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Joseph McC. Bell, May 15, 1S74. Captain William A. Collins, May 15, 1874. Second Lieutenant Edward Ferguson, May 15, 1874. Major General Charles S. Hamilton, May 15, 1S74. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel John L. Hathaway, May 15, 1874. Colonel James H. Howe, May 15, 1874. Captain Garth W. James, May 15, 1S74. Assistant Surgeon Walter H. Leichton, April 3, 1SS9. Captain Darwin R. May, May 15, 1S74. Captain Joseph B. Oliver, May 15, 1874. Captain Charles D. Robinson, May 15, 1S74. Brevet Major James Sawyer, May 15, 1874. To the Commandery of the State of Illinois. Brevet Major George T. Burroughs, May 8, 1S79. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Henry W. Farrar, May 8, 1879. Captain Richard Robins, May S, 1S79. Lieutenant Colonel Thaddeus H. Stanton, U.S.A., December 31, 1888. Brevet Major Henry L. Swords, May 4, 1881. Captain James C. White, May 8, 1S79. To the Commandery of the District of Columbia. Brevet Major General Nicholas L. Anderson, April 5, 1882. Chief Engineer Charles H. Baker, U.S.N., February 6, 1884. Captain William W. Carruth, May 2, 1883. Brevet Colonel John G. Chandler, U.S.A., November 1, 1882. Paymaster General George F. Cutter, U.S.N., February 1, 1882. Chief Engineer Charles E. De Valin, U.S.N., December 31, 1886. Passed Assistant Surgeon Robert T. Edes, November 3, 1886. Commander Robley D. Evans, U.S.X., February 1, 1882. Rear Admiral Donald McN. Fairfax, U.S.N., December 3, 1S90. Captain William Fletcher, U.S.A., November 2, 1887. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Hezekiah Gardner, U.S.A., February 3, 1SS3. Captain Henry P. Goddard, April 30, 18S2. (299) Second Lieutenant Henry C. Haines, U.S.M.C, November 7, 1883. Brevel Majoi Eminei P. Halstead, February [, 1882. Brevet Major General [oseph R. Hawley, March 1, 1882. Captain John II. Higbi e, 1 S.M.C., ipril 30, 1883. Brevel < olonel Jesse E. Jacobs, December |, 1889. tain J"iin A. Judson, December 31, 1S86. Reai Admiral Edward r. Nichols, U.S.N., February 1, 1882 Brigadier General Albert Ordway, February 1, 1882. Brevel Brigadier General |oab x - Patterson, Dei ember 31, 1S89. Major Bl n Pi RLEi Pi iori , M in h 1, 1882. i olonel Redi ield Pri 11 n ir, November 6, 1889. Captain U.mynj II. c. Richardson, May 7, 1884. Captain Montgomery Sicard, U.S.N., Ma) 2, 1S83. Rear Admiral Charles Steedman, U.S.N., Vpril 30, 1882. lieutenant Commander Charles J. Train, U.S.N., December 2, 1885. Brevel Major John G. \< rnbi m. I .S.A., February 2, 1S87. Brevet Brigadier General Georgi W. West, Januarj J, 1883. Brevel Major General James a. Williamson, December 2, 1SS5. To the Commandery of the State of Ohio. Urcvi-t CiiIkih'1 Ciiaki.i ; MtClure, U.S.A., Decembei 1. 1886. Commander Charles McGregor, U.S.N., February 5, 1890. Lieutenant Colonel Henry C. Warmoth, November 6, 1889. I Lieutenant Colonel Andrew II. Young, U.S.A., February 5, 1890. To the Commandery of the State of Michigan. Brevel Major General Russeli \. \n.11;. February 4, 1885. First Lieutenant lli\i;\ M. Di iiiiih. February 4, 1885. Brigadiei General John ii. Parkhi rst, Februarj 1. 1885. -1 1] General Li mi 1; s. Trowbridge, February 4, 1885. To the Commandery of the State of Minnesota. 1 irsl I ieutenant I' >n\ s. \i 1 vnson, Novembei |. 1 v ^; on 1 11 vri es C. Hayi . 1 1 1 1 mbi 1 ;. 1890. Second Lieutenant Cla^ Mac* vuley, Vpril 30, 1885. I ieutenant 1 olonel I homas C. St lli\ in, I .S.A., De( ember 7. 1887. ( J°°) To the Commandery of the State of Oregon. Major General Nelson A. Miles, U.S.A., May 6, 1885. Brevet Major Franck E. Taylor, U.S.A., May 6, 1885. To the Commandery of the State of Missouri. Rear Admiral's Secretary HENRY Van Brunt, May 2, 1888. To the Commandery of the State of Kansas. Brevet Colonel ZEMRO A. Smith, November 2, 1SN7. To the Commandery of the State of Colorado. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel DANIEL K. CROSS, June 2, 1S87. Captain William B. Upton, June 2, 1887. To the Commandery of the State of Indiana. Major Sigourney Wales, October 17, 1888. RESIGNED. First Lieutenant Azei. Ames, Jr., March 5, 1884. Captain GEORGE W. Baldwin, October 5, 1881. Brevet Colonel George M. Barnard, Jr., June 3, 1885. First Lieutenant ALBERT 1 '•. BOWLES, May 7, 1884. Lieutenant Colonel Jul in II. Brownlow, May 6, 1874. Captain Robert F. Clark, April 5, 1882. Charles E. Cunningham, December 3, 1890. Acting Master Caleb A. Curtis, April 4, 1S83. Surgeon Hall Curtis, March 1, 1882. Brevet Major Edward P. Deacon, June f>, 1877. Brevet Brigadier General Arthur A. GOODELL, February 2, 1881. ( 3°' ) Bn vel i laptain B fMifts, J lei embi i ;. 1890. I SSI. Lieuten ml 1 C. J r 6, 188a 1 Colonel Alexander Montgomery, U.S.A., Vpril |0, 1881 < Jiaplain i'ii m;i es C. I'iu \\\. \: Captain \i vnson II. \\ ird, March 1, 1882 Dai Wai kr, May 1, 1878. 1 General Cm vri ks \ . \\ ier, fune ;. 1876. ELECTION HKCLAKKI) NULL AND VOIP. feet their membership for the period of six months. *, (»/. ; 7 . v Captain Gustavus D. Bat: . M 1 .. 1871. Brevet Captain John B, i - i- 1881, Brevel 1 lolonel Edv in R. ( I, Maj |. 18 II Hi iW ird, 1 .S.A., Ma) ;. 1871 \ S W i i R, l.mu.n y 6, l{ Brevel I olow I I li ori i i VVati rm w. Ma) J, l i ieutenanl Colo V\ W tin. April 5, 1871, DROPPED FROM THE ROLL. ll.mii: i. after due notice, to pay dues. \ • . Bri vel Mi )oi I li ori :E 1 Vldrn, U.S.A., Januai P, Edw vRn Vmi s, 1 >ctobei ;. 1 Brown, Maj (. 1 iret Brigadier General rHKODORi F. Brown, October 3, 1877 First I ieutenanl El ish \ B. Chii First Lieutenant Ciiari «t, Januar; First Lieutenant Wai 111; I Captain Gbok i 1 Goodrich, May 4. 1881. Lieutenant Colonel H Jarves, Januar] 2,1878 I Brigadiei General 11 nkins, Jr., Januar; . 1878 1 ieutenanl Colonel Danii S 1 imson, Januar) 2, 1878. Chaplain Joseph F. LOVERING, March 6, 1889. Brevel Majoi Benjamin K. R »ts, U.S.A., May 5, 1880. Second Lieutenant John II. Robinson, October 3, 1877. First Lieutenant RuFUS T. SPARKS, May 5, 1S80. First Lieutenant Bt muh . rnoMA i, February 4, 18S0. First Lieutenant Charles II. Walker, January 6, 1875. Second Lieutenant EDWARD W. WELLINGTON, May 5, 1880. First Lieutenant Fh\\\i;n I'. \V , ( lelnlier 3, 1877. Captain Henry Win ior, Jr., January 6, 1875. EXPELLED. Having been impeached and charges sustained. Constitution, Art. IX., Sect. 2. Brevet Major Jami \ B. Bell, May 7, 1879. SUMMARY OF MEMBERSHIP. First Class, original .... First Class, in succession First Class, by inheritance . Second Class ..... Third Class ..... Total membership, January 1, 1891 665 13 2 3 7'" 40 20 761 Deceased ...... [60 Transferred ...... "3 Resigned ...... [9 Dropped from the roll .... 20 Expelled ...... 1 — 313 Total membership since organization . 1,074 ( 303) i\o\\ of (Torn man clerics COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF. InstitutedOctol.tr 21, i^ x ;. Hi Iquarters, Philadelphia. MMAKDER— IN-CHIEF, BREVET MAJOR GENERAL RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. U.S.V. RECORDER-IN-CHIEF, . E r I III 1 lAAN I ( I ILONEL JOHN P. NI< HOLSi 'N, U.S.V. COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Instituted April 15. 1S65. Headquarters, Philadelphia. : MANDER, BREVET MAJOR GENERAL DAVID McM. GREGG, U.S.V. RECORDER, BREVET LIEUTENANT COLONEL fOHN P. NICHOLSON. CSV. COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Instituted January 17, 1S66. Headquarters, New York. MANDER, BREVE"!' MAJOR GENERAL WAGER SWAYNE, U.S.A. RECORDER, PAYMASTER GEORGE IV. FOREST BARTON, late U.S.N COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MAINE. Instituted April 25, 1S66. Headquarters. Portland. MANDER, BREVET BRIGADIER GENERAL THOMAS W. IIYD1 . RECORDER, BREVET MAJOR HENRY S. BURRAGE, U.S.V. (304) COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OP MASSACHUSETTS. Instituted March 4, 1S6S. Headquarters, Boston. 1 1 IMMANDER, BREVET BRIGADIER GENERAL JOHN L. OTIS, U.S.V. RECORDER, COLONEL ARNOLD A. RAND, U.S.V. COMMANDBRY OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Instituted April 12, 1S71. Headquarters, San Francisco. COMMANDER, MAJOR WILLIAM O. GOULD, U.S.V. RECORDER, BREVET LIEUTENANT COLONEL WILLIAM R. SMEDBERG, U.S.A. COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. Instituted May 15, 1S74. Headquarters, Milwaukee. COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT EDWARD FERGUSON, U.S.V. RECORDER, CAPTAIN A. ROSS HOUSTON, U.S.V. COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Instituted May S, 1S79. Fleadquarters, Chicago. COMMANDER, MAJOR GEORGE L. PADDOCK, U.S.V. RECORDER, LIEUTENANT COLONEL CHARLES W. DAVIS, U.S.V. COMMANDERY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Instituted February 1, 1882. Headquarters, Washington. COMMANDER, COLONEL REDFIELD PROCTOR, U.S.V. RECORDER, UKEVET MAJOR WILLIAM P: HUXFORD, U.S.A. ( 3°5 ) COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF OHIO. Instituted May 3, [882. Headquarters, Cincinnati. 1 OMMANDER, BREVET LIEUTENANT COLONEL EPHRAIM C DAWES, U.S.V. RE( ' IR1 'l R, CAPTAIN ROBERT HUNTER, U.S.V. COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. Instituted February 4, 1885. Headquarters, Detroit. 1 1 iMMANDl R, BREVET LIEUTENANT COLONEL SAMUEL E. HITMAN. 1 S.A 1:1 I ORDl 1 . BREVET MAJnR GEORGE W. CHANDLER, USA COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Instituted May 6, 1SS5. Headquarter.-, St. Paul. ( I i\IM Whii:. COLONEL JAMES GILFILLAN, U.S.V. RECORD] R, BREVET MAJOR GEORGE Q.WHITE, U.S.A. COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF OREGON. Instituted May 6, 18S5. Headquarters, Portland. I 1 IMMANDER, COLONEL THOMAS M. ANDERSON, U.S.A. ! I.Kk. CAPTAIN GAVIN E. CAUKIN, U.S.V. COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Instituted October J I, 1SS5. Headquarters, St. Louis. I 1 IMMANDER, MAJOR JAMES G. BUTLER, U.S.V. REI I IRD] K, ' APTAIN WILLIAM R. HODGES, U.S.V. (306) COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. Instituted October 21, 1885. Headquarters, Omaha. COMMANDER, MAJOR JOSEPH W. PADDOCK, U.S.V. RECORDER, MAJOR HORACE LUDINGTON, U.S.V. COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF KANSAS. Instituted April 22, 1886. Headquarters, Fort Leavenworth. COMMANDER, COLONEL EDWIN F. TOWNSEND, U.S.A. RECORDER, CAPTAIN FORREST H. HATHAWAY. U.S.A. COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. Instituted October 20, 1S86. Headquarters, Des Moines. COMMANDER, CAPTAIN WILLIAM DEAN, U.S.V. RECORDER, LIEUTENANT BYRON A. BEESON, U.S.V. COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF COLORADO. Instituted June 1, 1S87. Headquarters, Denver. I OMMANDER, LIEUTENANT WESTBROOK S. DECKER, U.S.V. RECORDER, BREVET CAPTAIN JAMES R. SAVILLE, V.S.\ . COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA. Instituted October 17, 188S. Headquarters, Indianapolis. 1 IMMANDER, MAJOR GENERAL LEWIS WALLACE, U.S.V. RECORDER, FIRST LIEUTENANT BENJAMIN B. PECK, U.S V (307) COMMANDERY OP THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. Instituted January 14, 1891. Headquarters, Tacoma. ■ IMMANDES, 1 VFTA1N JAMES R. HAYDEN, U.S.V. 1 1 1 ORDER, MAJOR FRANK CLENDENIN, U.S.V. 1 ABLE SHOWING MEMBERSHIP OF THE ORDER ( >CTOBER 31, 1S9O. COMMANDERY OF Pennsylvania . . . New Yoik. . . . Maine Massachusetts I alifornia .... Wisconsin .... Illinois 1 listricl "i I olumbia Ohio Michigan .... Minnesota .... Oregon Missouri .... Nebraska .... Kansas Iowa irado .... Indiana 1st C lass, SoS 834 97 698 534 195 384 492 7'-! 21 I 253 93 263 140 214 116 116 '63 ..1 I la 36 45 4 3S -7 8 2 5 18 39 S ■7 10 9 S 16 6 6 9 3d i lass. I Total. 6 5 20 16 3 6 850 884 102 756 577 206 415 5" 759 222 275 >°3 -77 152 «35 126 I 22 '73 Totals 329 93 6,745 (308) THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES INSTITUTED APRIL 15, 1865 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS PHILADELPHIA 1SS9 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year rSbs.for The Military Order of the Loyal Legion of tub United States, By Sam. B. Wylic Mitchell, M. D., Acting Recordcr-in-Chief of said Order, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, /or the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year /88j, by JOHN P. NICHOLSON, Acting Recorder in-Chief of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, it: the Office of the Librarian of Congress. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year iSSq, by 70HN P. NICHOLSON, Recordcr-in-Chicf of the Military 1 trder of the Loyal Legion of the United States, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, First Edition, iSbS- Second " l8bb. Third " lSb7. Fourth " rSbS. Fifth " 1S70. Sixth Edition, 1874. Seventh '* 1877. Eighth " 1S80. Ninth " i88r. Tenth " 1885. Eleventh Edition, iSSq. First Quadrennial Congress if the Order, Philadelphia , April q, l8t)Q. Second " " " " " 'S, 'S73- Second Adjourned " " New York, Dec. 10,1873. Third Quadrennial " " Boston, April 11, 1877 Fourth " " " Philadelphia, " 13, iSSr. Fifth " " " Chicago, " IS, l8SS- Sixth " " " Cincinnati, " 10, It Journal of the Sixth Quadrennial Congress, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 10-11, 1889. ICxtract. ******* Companion John Cochrane, New York: Resolved, That the Constitution and By-Laws which have heen adopted shall be promulgated and take effect July 4, 1889. Tin- resolution was unanimously adopted. *****•• [OHN I'. Nichoi Rutherford R. Haves, Recordcr-in-Chief. Commander-in- Chief. CONSTITUTION. PREAMBLE. We, Officers and honorably discharged Officers of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps of the United States, whose names are hereunto annexed, having aided in maintaining the honor, integrity and su- premacy of the National Government at a critical period of its history, and holding in remembrance the sacrifices in common made and the triumphs together shared in discharge of this sacred duty, unite to ordain and establish a permanent association for the purposes and objects hereinafter set forth, and to this end pledge our honor, as officers and gentlemen, to be governed by the following Constitution and By-Laws. ARTICLE I. TITLE. This association shall be known as The Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. ARTICLE II. PRINCIPLES. This Order acknowledges as its fundamental prin- ciples — First. A firm belief and trust in Almighty God, ex- tolling Him under whose beneficent guidance the sovereignty and integrity of the Union have been maintained, the honor of the Flag vindicated, and the blessings of civil liberty secured, established and en- larged. Second. True allegiance to the United States of Amer- ica, based upon paramount respect for and fidelity to the National Constitution and Laws, manifested by dis- countenancing whatever may tend to weaken loyalty, incite to insurrection, treason or rebellion, or impair in any manner the efficiency and permanency of our free institutions. ARTICLE III. OBJECTS. The objects of this Order shall be to cherish the memories and associations of the war waged in defence of the unity and indivisibility of the Republic; strength- en the ties of fraternal fellowship and sympathy formed by companionship-in-arms ; advance the best inter- ests of the soldiers and sailors of the United States, especially of those associated as Companions of this Order, and extend all possible relief to their widows and children; foster the cultivation of military and naval science ; enforce unqualified allegiance to the General Government ; protect the rights and liberties of American citizenship, and maintain National Honor, Union and Independence. ARTICLE IV. ORGANIZATION. Section i. — This Order shall be composed of State Commanderies and a National Commandery. Sec. 2. — There shall be but one Commandery in each State, which shall be designated as "The Commandery of the State of ," excepting the Commandery of the District of Columbia, which shall be designated as such. The relative seniority of the several State Com- manderies shall be determined by the respective dates of their institution. Sec. 3. — The National Commandery shall be desig- nated "The Commandery-in-Chief." Sec. 4. — Commanderies may become incorporated subject to the provisions of this Constitution. ARTICLE V. MEMBERS. Section i. — The Companions of this Order shall be elected, in the manner hereinafter provided, from the three classes below defined, and shall be entitled Com- panions of said classes respectively. Sec. 2. First Class: 1st. Commissioned officers md honorably discharged commissioned officers of the 8 United States Army, Navy and Marine Corps, Regular or Volunteer, including officers of assimilated or cor- responding rank by appointment of the Secretary of War or Navy, who were actually engaged in the suppression of the Rebellion prior to the fifteenth day of April, 1865, and whose names appear in the Offi- cial Registers of the United States Army and Navy and of the Volunteer Force of the United States Army, or who served under the President's call of the fif- teenth day of April, 1861 ; or who, having served as non-commissioned officers, warrant officers or enlisted men during the War of the Rebellion, have since been commissioned as officers in the United States Army, Navy or Marine Corps, or were commissioned as offi- cers in the Volunteer Force prior to the twentieth day of August, 1866; and persons who, having served as non-commissioned officers, warrant officers or enlisted men as aforesaid, shall have become eligible to mem- bership by inheritance from officers not members of the Order, but who were eligible as such, who shall have died prior to the thirty-first day of December, 1892. Those elected under the provisions of this clause shall be designated Original Companions of the First Class. 2d. The eldest direct male lineal descendants, accord- ing to the rules of primogeniture, of deceased Orig- inal Companions of the First Class, and of officers not members of the Order, but who were eligible as such, who shall have died prior to the thirty-first day of December, 1892 ; and if there are no such descend- ants, then the male heirs of such deceased Com- panions or officers in the collateral branches of their families in the order of genealogical succession ac- cording to the rules of primogeniture, disregarding intervening female lives. Provided, however, First. That the inheritance shall in every case of succession be traced anew from the original founder of the membership in the Order, or deceased officer as aforesaid, and not otherwise., and shall be limited in cases of collateral succession to the brothers, and descendants of brothers and sis- ters, of such Original Companion or deceased officer ; in cases of representation through females, the elder branches shall be preferred to the younger: Second. That any person eligible to membership by inheritance, or by renunciation of another, may, in writing, waive and renounce his right to such eligi- bility in favor of the person next entitled at the time of such renunciation, excepting that no person who is a direct lineal descendant of an Original Companion or deceased officer as aforesaid, shall be allowed to waive his right in favor of a collateral relative of such Original Companion or deceased officer : Third. That in case a Companion of the First Class or person already eligible to membership is next in the line of inheritance from a deceased Original Compan- ion or officer as aforesaid, the eligibility to membership derived from such deceased Companion or officer IO shall devolve upon the person next entitled other than such living Companion or person already eligible or the direct lineal descendants of either ; but any Original Companion having no direct lineal descend- ant may by writing filed with the Recorder of the Comraandery in which he may be enrolled, or by his last will and testament, or instrument in the nature thereof, nominate for life his successor from among his male heirs within the said limits in the collateral branches of his family : Fourth. That in cases of inheritance by persons under the age of twenty-one years the right of succession to eligibility to membership, or of renunciation thereof, shall remain in abeyance until they shall attain that age: Fifth. That the resignation, expulsion or forfeiture of membership of a Companion who has obtained such membership by inheritance shall only work as a waiver of his rights in favor of the next person in the line of inheritance from the Original Companion or deceased officer as aforesaid : Sixth. That no right of inheritance shall be derived from any Original Companion who has been expelled from the Order and not reinstated, but, in case an Original Companion shall have resigned or been dropped from the roll for non-payment of dues, his successor may be allowed by vote of a majority of the members of the Commandery present at any stated meeting to revive the said right : II Seventh. That such descendants or collateral heirs shall have first filed affidavits setting forth the facts upon which eligibility to membership is claimed. Sec. 3. — Second Class : The eldest sons of living Original Companions of the First Class who shall have attained the age of twenty-one years. Upon the death of his father, a Companion of the Second Class shall become a Companion of the First Class, and be so announced to the Order by circular. Companions of the Second Class shall have the right to vote in all cases except in elections for membership in the First Class. Sec. 4. — Third Class: Gentlemen who in civil life, during the Rebellion, were specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Gov- ernment, and were active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same ; but the number of Companions of the Third Class in any Commandery shall not exceed the ratio of one to thirty-three of those of the First Class. Provided, however: That no Companion of the Third Class shall be elected after the fifteenth day of April, 1890. ARTICLE VI. election of members. Section I. — Every application for membership shall be made to the Commandery of the State in which the applicant resides, if a Commandery exists therein, and if there be none, then to such Commandery as the ap- plicant may select. 12 Sec. 2. — Every application for membership of the First or Second Class shall be made in writing and signed by the applicant, who shall be recommended in writing by three Companions of the First Class of the Commandery to which he shall apply, at least one of whom shall further vouch by letter for the candidate's worthiness. The application shall be accompanied by an admission fee of not less than twenty-five dollars, which shall be refunded in case of non-election. Sec. 3. — The name, address and military record of every applicant for membership, together with the names of the Companions recommending him, shall be published in a circular and be referred to a com- mittee of investigation, consisting of three Companions of the First Class, other than the recommending Com- panions, which committee shall report in writing at the next stated meeting. Upon the reading of the report, the Commander shall formally request any Companion who has any objection thereto, or reasons against the election of the applicant, to state the same if he so desires. If the application be for membership as an Original Companion of the First Class, each Original Companion present, and no other, shall cast one ballot for or against the applicant; but if the application be for membership by inheritance, every Companion of the First Class present shall cast one ballot for or against the applicant; and if the application be for membership in the Second Class, every Companion of that Class 13 present shall also vote. If not more than four adverse ballots be cast against the applicant, he shall be de- clared elected. Sec. 4. — An application for membership may be withdrawn before report thereon, or after favorable report and before ballot ; but if the report be unfavor- able, the candidate must be balloted for. Sec. 5. — Nominations for membership in the Third Class shall be made in writing to the Board of Officers by five Original Companions of the First Class. The Board of Officers shall act as a committee of investi- gation, and if satisfied that the nominee is worthy and eligible, shall favorably report his name to the Com- mandery, and state in writing the acts of conspicuous and consistent loyalty for which he was specially dis- tinguished. The report shall be acted upon at the next stated meeting of the Commandery after its promulgation by circular. Upon the adoption of the report every Companion of the Commandery present shall cast one ballot for or against the candi- date, and if no adverse ballot is cast against him, he shall be declared elected. Sec. 6. — Companions shall subscribe to the Con- stitution, and shall be installed at a stated meeting, or by such written declaration as may be prescribed by the By-Laws. Sec. 7. — Each Companion shall be entitled to the insignia during membership. Original Companions of the First Class, and Companions elected thereto by right 14 of inheritance from deceased officers, and Companions of the Third Class, shall be entitled to the diploma. The right to hold the insignia and diploma of a Com- panion of the First Class shall, after his death, remain in the relative next entitled to the membership — in the family, if there be no such relative, and in the Com- mandery through which they were issued, if there be no such relative or family. A Companion of the Second Class, upon becoming a Companion of the First Class, shall return to the Commandery in which he was elected the insignia in his possession as such Companion of the Second Class. The right to hold the insignia and diploma of a Companion of the Third Class shall, after his death, remain in his family, and in the Commandery through which they were issued if there be no such family. Sec. 8. — If an applicant be rejected, such action shall be communicated to all Commanderies, and he shall be thereafter forever ineligible for election, except after one year in the Commandery by which he was rejected; and then only by unanimous ballot If a candidate for membership by inheritance shall be rejected, the person standing next in regular order of inheritance shall be eligible. Sec. 9. — Any Companion who shall disclose the name of another who has been instrumental in caus- ing the rejection of an applicant for membership, or who shall give information that may lead to such dis- closure, shall be liable to expulsion from the Order, IS and the Commander shall cause this section to be read immediately after such rejection. ARTICLE VII. COMPANIONS-AT-LARGE. Any gentleman who was engaged in the suppression of the Rebellion prior to the fifteenth day of April, 1865, serving upon staff duty without commission, may be elected a Companion-at-Large upon the nomination of a State Commandery, and election by the Com- mandery- in-Chief. Such nomination shall only be made upon due application and investigation, and by unanimous favorable ballot of the Companions present at the meeting when the report of the committee of investigation is submitted. Upon notification of the nomination the Commandery-in-Chief, after further in- vestigation, shall act upon the nomination. The vote shall be by ballot, and one adverse ballot shall reject. A Companion-at-Large shall become an Original Companion of the First Class, upon affiliation with the State Commandery by which he was nominated, and shall receive the diploma and insignia of the Order. ARTICLE VIII. RESIGNATIONS AND TRANSFERS. Section i . — Resignations shall be offered in writing at a stated meeting of the Commandery, accompanied by a certificate from the Recorder that all dues have been paid, and the insignia and diploma shall be returned, the registered number of which shall never be re-issued i6 except in case of his restoration to membership. Such resignation may be accepted by a two-thirds vote of the Companions present at any stated meeting, provided that it shall not be accepted pending charges. Sec. 2. — A Companion who shall have resigned may upon application to the Commandery of which he had been a member be restored to membership by vote of a majority of the members of the Commandery present at any stated meeting : Provided, That notice of such intended action shall have been published by Circular. In case of such restoration his former number on the roll and the original number of his insignia shall be assigned and his original diploma returned to him. Sec. 3. — A Companion changing his abode, or his station if in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps, may be transferred to the Commandery most accessible, upon written application to his Commandery, accompanied by a certificate that his dues have been paid. ARTICLE IX. FORFEITURE OF MEMBERSHIP. Section i. — Membership shall be forfeited only for violation of the obligations assumed on entering the Order, or for conduct unbecoming a gentleman. In such cases the diploma and insignia shall be returned to the Commandery. Sec. 2. — If the conduct or character of any Com- panion be impeached, the accusing Companion shall prefer charges in writing to the Board of Officers, who 17 shall notify the accused ; and if, after due investigation, the Board considers the charges to be sustained, it shall report its findings to the Commandery, notifying the ac- cused of the time when the report is to be made. The accused may be expelled, suspended or reprimanded at a stated meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the mem- bers of the Commandery present. Sec. 3. — The dismissal, cashiering or dishonorable discharge from the military or naval service of the United States, or the conviction in a court of justice of a criminal offence, of any Companion, shall con- stitute sufficient reason for his expulsion without further investigation. Sec. 4. — A Companion who has been expelled may be reinstated by unanimous vote of the members of the Commandery present at a stated meeting, after he shall have petitioned in writing for reinstatement. Notice of such petition shall be published in the circular calling the stated meeting. ARTICLE X. DIPLOMA OF MEMBERSHIP. Section i. — Every Diploma of Membership shall be signed by the Commander-in-Chief, have the seal of the Order affixed thereto, and be attested by the Recorder-in-Chief. Sec. 2. — The form of the Diploma for Original Com- panions of the First Class, other than those by right of inheritance from officers who shall have died prior to the thirty-first day of December, 1892, shall be as follows: 18 No.— In the name and by the Authority of [COAT OF ARMS] The Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. The Commandery-in-Chief To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Know ye, That . Having been specially distinguished for faithful services in maintaining the honor, integrity and supremacy of the Government of the United States of America, was received as a Companion of the First Class of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, on the — day of , Anno Domini thousand hundred and , through the Com- mandery of the State of . In testimony whereof the names of the proper Officers and the Seal of the Order are hereunto affixed. Given at Philadelphia, this day of , in the year of our Lord thousand — hundred and , and of the Independence of the United States of America the , and of the Order the Commander-in- Chief. Attest : — Recorder-in- Chief. Sec. 3. — The form of the Diploma for Companions of the Third Class shall be similar in form to that for Original Companions of the First Class. Sec. 4. — The form of the Diploma for Companions of the First Class by right of inheritance from officers who shall have died prior to the thirty-first day of De- cember, 1S92, shall be as follows; 19 No.—. In the name and by the Authority of [COAT OF ARMS.] This Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. The Commandery-in-Chief To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting : Whereas was distinguished for faithful services in maintaining the honor, integrity and supremacy of the Govern- ment of the United States of America during the War of the Rebellion, and Now know ye, That his was elected, by right of inheritance, a Companion of the First Class of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, on the day of , Anno Domini thousand hundred and , through the Commandery of the State of In testimony whereof the names of the proper Officers and the Seal of the Order are hereunto affixed. Given at Philadelphia, this — day of , in the year of our Lord thousand hundred and , and of the Independence of the United States of America the , and of the Order the Commander-in- C 'hie/. Attest :— Recorder-in- Chief. 20 ARTICLE XI. OFFICERS. Section i. — The Officers of the several State Com- manderies shall be a Commander, a Senior Vice-Com- mander, a Junior Vice-Commander, a Recorder, a Registrar, a Treasurer, a Chancellor, a Chaplain, and a Council consisting of five Companions, which officers shall constitute the Board of Officers of the Com- mandery. They shall be elected annually by ballot by a majority of the votes cast. Should no candidate receive a majority of the votes cast at the first ballot, then the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes shall be dropped, and so on at each successive ballot. The Companions so elected shall be invested personally or by written acceptance, and enter upon office at once, and hold the same until their suc- cessors shall have been elected and invested. Sec. 2. — The Officers of the Commandery-in-Chief shall be a Commander-in-Chief, a Senior Vice-Com- mander-in-Chief, a Junior Vice-Commander-in-Chief, a Recorder-in-Chief, a Registrar-in-Chief, a Treasurer- in-Chief, a Chancellor-in-Chief, a Chaplain-in-Chief, and a Council-in-Chief, consisting of five Companions, which officers shall constitute the Board of Officers of the Commandery-in-Chief. They shall be elected biennially in the manner prescribed for the election of officers of the State Commanderies, and shall be invested personally or by written acceptance and enter 21 upon their office at once, and hold the same until their successors shall have been elected and invested. ARTICLE XII. DUTIES AND POWERS OF OFFICERS. Section i. — It shall be the duty of the Commandef to preside at all meetings of the Commandery and of the Board of Officers, enforce a strict observance of the Constitution and By-Laws, and perform such other duties as custom and parliamentary usage may require. Sec. 2. — The Vice-Commanders shall, when called upon, assist the Commander, and in his absence per- form his duties, and shall succeed, in order, to his office in event of his death, resignation, or removal. Sec. 3. — It shall be the duty of the Recorder to record the proceedings of the Commandery and of the Board of Officers, and collect all moneys due the Commandery. Sec. 4. — It shall be the duty of the Registrar to keep a register of the Companions of the Command- ery, embracing the material facts relating to their mem- bership. In the absence or disability of the Recorder, he shall act in his stead. Sec. 5.— It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive from the Recorder all moneys belonging to the Commandery, and receipt therefor. He shall give such security as the Commandery may direct. Sec. 6. — The Chancellor shall have the care and custody of the Insignia, Ribbon and Rosettes, and 22 shall issue, on proper requisitions, the diploma and insignia. In the absence or disability of the Treas- urer, he shall act in his stead. Sec. 7. — It shall be the duty of the Chaplain to open the several meetings of the Commander)' with prayer, and perform such other duties as general cus- tom may require of him. Sec. 8. — The Council shall constitute a standing com- mittee on accounts, and shall audit and adjust the Commandery's books semi-annually, or oftener if re- quired to do so, rendering reports thereof to the Com- mandery. Sec. 9. — The Board of Officers shall have general supervision and control over all property belonging to the Commandery. It shall have power to fill va- cancies in any of the offices of the Commandery, until the time of the next election, except in that of Commander, which shall be filled as prescribed in Section 2 of this Article. Sec. 10. — Other duties may be prescribed for the officers by the By-Laws or by the Commandery upon recommendation of the Board of Officers. ARTICLE XIII. REMOVAL OF OFFICERS. Any officer who shall neglect or improperly perform the duties incumbent upon him, may be removed at any stated meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the mem- bers of the Commandery present. 23 ARTICLE XIV. MEETINGS. Section i. — The stated meetings of the several State Commanderies shall be held at such times as they shall determine by a two-thirds vote : Provided, however, That every Commandery shall hold an an- nual meeting in the month of May for the election of officers. Sec. 2. — Special meetings shall be convened at the pleasure of the Commander, or upon the written re- quest of twenty-five Companions of the Commandery upon seven days' notice. Sec. 3. — Fifteen Companions of the Commandery shall constitute a quorum at any meeting for the transaction of business. Sec. 4. — None but Companions of the Order shall be present at its business meetings. ARTICLE XV. ARREARS. Section i. — No Companion in arrears shall be enti- tled to vote at the annual election for officers, or be eligible to any office in the Order. Sec. 2. — Any Companion who, on the first day of April, may be in arrears for one year or more, shall be notified thereof; and if such arrears shall not be paid within three months after such notice, the Com- mandery may, by a majority vote of the members 24 present, suspend the Companion until such arrears shall be paid or remitted. Sec. 3. — Any Companion who shall neglect or re- fuse to pay such arrears may be dropped from the roll by vote of two-thirds of the Companions present at any stated meeting, unless it shall appear that the delinquency has occurred unavoidably, in which case the Commandery may remit the whole or any portion of such arrears by a two-thirds vote. A Companion so dropped may, upon payment of such arrears, be reinstated by vote of a majority of the members of the Commandery present at any stated meeting : Pro- vided, That notice of such intended action shall have been published by Circular. ARTICLE XVI. COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF. Section i. — The Commandery-in-Chief shall con- sist of the Commanders, ex-Commanders, Vice-Com- manders, ex-Vice-Commanders, Recorders, and ex- Recorders of the several Commanderies. Sec. 2. — The duties and powers of the officers of the Commandery-in-Chief shall correspond with those prescribed in this Constitution and By-Laws for offi- cers of State Commanderies. Sec. 3. — The chief executive and supreme judicial power shall be vested in the Commandery-in-Chief. Sec. 4. — The Commandery-in-Chief shall, in the 25 name and by the authority of the Order, issue all diplomas of membership. Sec. 5. — The Chancellor-in-Chief shall have the cus- tody of the diploma-plate, dies, insignia, ribbon and rosettes, and, upon requisition, shall deliver to the Chancellors of State Commanderies the diplomas, insignia and rosettes required for their respective Companions. Sec. 6. — Should any State Commandery cease to hold regular meetings for one year, its Charter may be revoked by the Commandery-in-Chief, and in the event of such revocation the Companions of such Commandery in good standing shall be transferred to such other Commanderies as they may elect. Sec. 7. — The head-quarters of the Commandery- in-Chief shall be in the City of Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania, and it shall there assemble at least once in every two years. Meetings shall be held in alternate years at such places as may be designated at pre- ceding stated meetings. The Council-in-Chief shall meet annually. Sec. 8. — Special meetings of the Commandery-in- Chief shall be convened at the pleasure of the Com- mander-in-Chief, or upon the written request of twenty members upon ten days' notice. Sec. 9. — The expenses of the Commandery-in- Chief shall be provided for by a pro rata assessment upon each State Commandery, according to its respect- ive number of Companions. 26 ARTICLE XVII. STATE COMMANDERIES. Section i. — Authority to organize a State Com- mandery may be granted by the Commandery-in- Chief, upon the vote of two-thirds of its members present at any meeting, on written application by at least twenty Original Companions of the First Class, whereupon a Charter shall be issued. Sec. 2. — The form of Charter shall be as follows : 27 In the Name and by the Authority of [COAT OF ARMS.] The Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. The Commandery-in-Chief To all and singular to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting : Know ye, that our worthy Companions, , are hereby authorized and empowered to institute, organize and establish a Commandery in , to be known as The Commandery of the State of , of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Witness the name of the Commander-in-Chief, and the Seal of the Order, attested by the Recorder-in- Chief, at Philadelphia, this day of . in the year of our Lord thousand hundred and , and of the Independence of the United States of America the , and of the Order the , Comtnander-in- Chief. Attest : — Recorder-in- Chief. 28 Sec. 3. — Upon issuing a Charter, the Commander- in-Chief shall designate the time and place for the or- ganization of the Commandery. The officers shall then be chosen, and shall enter on their duties at once and hold office until their successors, elected at the annual meeting next following, shall have been invested. Sec. 4. — Each Commandery shall have power to adopt rules and regulations for its own government, which shall not conflict with the Constitution and By- Laws of the Order. Sec. 5. — Each Commandery, on the first day of May in every year, shall make a full report of its condition, with a general history of its proceedings to the Commanderv-in-Chief. ARTICLE XVIII. CONGRESS OF THE ORDER. Section i. — A Congress of the Order, to be com posed of the Commander-in-Chief, Recorder-in-Chief, and three representatives from each Commandery, shall assemble at least once in every four years, on the Wed- nesday next following the ninth day of April, at such place as shall have been designated by the preceding Congress. Sec. 2. — Each State Commandery shall elect by ballot, at the stated meeting next preceding the month in which the Congress is to assemble, three represent- atives and three alternates, vacancies in the represent- 29 atives to be filled by the alternates in the order of their election. Vacancies in the representation of a Commandery may be filled by its representatives pres- ent selecting the requisite substitutes from Companions of the Order present at the Congress and not previous- ly delegated as representatives or selected as substitutes by other Commanderies. When a Commandery can- not be represented in the Congress, the Commander shall cause to be transmitted to the Recorder-in-Chief duly certified authorization to the Commander-in-Chief to select from Companions not representing other Com- manderies who may be present at the Congress three representatives for the Commandery, who shall have the full powers of other representatives. Sec. 3. — All legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of the Order. Sec. 4. — Votes in the Congress shall be by State Commanderies, each Commandery having one vote. ARTICLE XIX. COAT OF ARMS OF THE ORDER. The Coat of Arms of the Order shall be : Arms. — Gironne, (symbolical of unity,) of thirty-four, gules and argent, (representing the number of States forming the National Government at the commencement of the Rebellion;) a twisted pillar irradiated in pale, or, environed by an Ol'l of clouds, proper. (v. Exodus xiii, 21, 22.) Crest — Upon a wreath, argent and gules, a hemi- sphere, or, charged with the legend America, in letters 3° azure; thereon the National Eagle in defence, proper; all within thirteen £toiles of five points archwise, of the first, on a field of the fourth. Supporters. — Dexter : A soldier under arms, his dexter hand supporting a lance, therefrom flying the Standard of the United States; Sinister: A sailor equipped for general quarters, his sinister hand sup- porting a pike, thereon hoisted the National Flag : ali proper. The equipage of each as prescribed by the Regulations of 1S61-1S65 for the government of the Army and Navy. Motto. — lex regit arma tuentur, in letters argent, charged upon a scroll, purpure. (v. Frontispiece.) ARTICLE XX. SEAL OF THE ORDER. The Seal of the Order shall be one and three-tenths inches in diameter, and shall consist of the Crest, as hereinbefore blazoned, the letters mdccclxv in base : the whole encircled by a band one-eighth of an inch wide, thereon the legend, seal of the military order of the loyal legion of the united states. ARTICLE XXI. INSIGNIA OF THE ORDER. Section i. — The Insignia of the Order shall consist of the Badge pendent by a link and a ring of gold from the Ribbon. Sec. 2. — The Badge shall be as follows : 3i Obverse. — A cross of eight points, gold, cantoned with rays of gold, forming a star — its long diameter one and three-tenths inches, its short diameter eight- tenths of an inch. The cross enameled, azure, charged with a smaller cross of like proportions, enameled white and edged with gold. In the centre thereof, within a circle four-tenths o{ an inch in diam- eter, enameled gules, the National Eagle displayed gold. On the circle, gold, one-tenth of an inch wide, in relievo, the motto, lex regit arma tuentur. (v. page 34.) Reverse. — The star as above described. In the centre thereof, within a circle four-tenths of an inch in diameter, enameled gules, two sabres in saltire, their points in base ; surmounted by a fasces palewise, en- signed with the Phrygian Cap ; environed in chief with an arch of thirteen stars ; in base, a wreath of laurel : all of gold. On the circle, gold, one-tenth of an inch wide, in relievo, the legend — M. o., loyal LEGION, U. S. MDCCCLXV. (v. page 35.) Sec. 3. — The reverse of the link of each Badge shall bear an engraved number corresponding to that of the registered number of the Diploma of the Companion to whom issued, and, when such Badge shall have been worn by an Original Companion, the obverse of the link shall bear the number of the Companion last entitled to it in succession. Sec. 4. — The Ribbon shall be of watered silk, one and one-half inches wide. 32 For Original Companions of the First Class, the ribbon shall have a red centre eight-tenths of an inch wide, with a border of white and edging of blue, each three-and-one-half tenths of an inch wide. [v. page 34.) For Companions of the First Class, other than Original Companions, and Companions of the Second and Third Classes, the ribbon shall have a blue centre eight-tenths of an inch wide, with a border of white and edging of red, each three-and-one-half tenths of an inch wide. (v. page 35.) Sec. 5. — The Rosette of the Order shall be one-half of an inch in diameter, of watered silk, with six sector- shaped sections and a rim with six diagonal stripe« on its face and sides. For Original Companions of the First Class, the sector-shaped sections shall be of red, white and blue, the red sections being double the size of those of the other colors, with red loop in the centre. The rim shall be of the same colors, diagonal, the red stripes being double the width of those of the other colors. For Companions of the First Class, other than Original Companions, and Companions of the Second and Third Classes, the sector-shaped sections shall be of blue, with white loop in the centre, and the rim of the same colors and design as prescribed for the Rosette of Original Companions of the First Class. 33 ARTICLE XXII. UNIFORM OF THE ORDER. Section i. — On occasions of ceremony, Companions may wear the uniform of their respective arm and grade in the service. The Insignia shall be worn conspicuously on the left breast, except that Officers of the Order shall wear the Badge suspended by the Ribbon around the neck. Sec. 2. — Companions when not on duty may wear the Rosette of the prescribed colors in the upper button-hole of the left lapel of the coat. The Rosette shall not be worn at the same time as the Insignia, and the Insignia shall be worn at all meetings of the Order. ARTICLE XXIII. AMENDMENTS. No alteration, addition or amendment shall be made to this Constitution unless it shall have been proposed by a State Commandery, communicated to all other Commanderies, and ratified by the votes of three-fourths of the Commanderies at the next succeeding Congress. Obverse. Reverse. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The order of business at stated meetings shall be as follows : 1. The Commandery shall be called to order by the presiding officer. 2. The Chaplain shall pronounce the opening prayer. 3. The Recorder may call the roll of members. 4. The minutes of the last stated and all subsequent •neetings shall be read and acted upon. 5. Companions-elect shall be installed. 6. The stated business of the meeting, if any, shall be considered. 7. Unfinished business shall be taken up. 8. Reports of officers and committees shall be heard. 9. Candidates for membership shall be balloted for. 10. Applications for membership may be received. 11. Written communications shall be presented. 12. New business may be introduced. 13. Adjournment. 36 37 ARTICLE II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS. Section i. — The general parliamentary law shall govern the meetings of the Congress of the Order and the Commanderies. Sec. 2. — All official orders, communications, records and proceedings, of whatever character, shall conform as nearly as possible to the general regulations, usages and customs of the military service of the United States. ARTICLE III. INVESTITURE OF OFFICERS. A Companion elected to any office in the Order, before being invested with the authority of the same, shall make a formal declaration upon honor that he will well and faithfully perform the duties of the office upon which he is about to enter, and comply with all the established laws and usages of the Order. ARTICLE IV. ADDITIONAL DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Section I. — In addition to those prescribed by the Constitution, the following duties shall be performed by the several officers of the Commandery : — It shall be the duty of the Commander to appoint all officers and committees not otherwise provided for, and sign all orders drawn upon the Treasurer, by order of the Board of Officers or the Commandery, for sums 38 necessary to defray expenses, and for other appropria- tions. Sec. 2. — It shall be the duty of the Recorder to keep in books provided for the purpose, — 1st. The Constitution and By-Laws, rules and regulations of the Order. 2d. A letter-book of copies of all official letters. 3d. A ledger, to contain the accounts of the Com- mandery with its members. 4th. A receipt-book, in which to take the Treas- urer's receipts. 5th. A book in which shall be recorded the names and rank in the service of all persons who have been de- clared ineligible for membership in the Order, and also of those Companions who may have been expelled from any Commandery, together with the reasons therefor. It shall be his duty to keep these books in readi- ness for inspection by the Council, care for the archives of the Commandery, keep all accounts between the Commandery and its members, attest all orders drawn upon the Treasurer and give due notice of all meetings. On the first day of January in each year he shall for- ward to every Companion a statement of his account. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Com- mandery, and notify the Commandery-in-Chief and the State Commanderies, from time to time as they may occur, of applications, the withdrawals of applications, admissions, rejections, suspensions, expulsions, resig- nations, restorations and deaths. He shall notify the 39 families of deceased Companions of the First Class, of the provisions relating to succession to eligibility of membership. He shall have the care and custody of the Seal of the Order. He shall, at the last stated meeting in his term of office, make a full report of all moneys received during his term, and of all arrear- ages of Companions, and transfer to his successor in office, within two weeks after the expiration of his term, all books, papers, or other property in his pos- session belonging to his office. Sec. 3. — The Treasurer shall pay all orders signed by the Commander and attested by the Recorder, and none others, and retain these orders as his vouchers. He shall keep accounts of his receipts and expendi- tures, making quarterly statements thereof. He shall pay over and deliver to his successor in office all moneys, vouchers, books and papers belonging to the Commandery. Sec. 4. — The Chancellor shall keep in a book full and complete records of the issue of Diplomas, Insignia, Ribbon and Rosettes. In no case shall he issue a duplicate Diploma or Insignia except by a vote of the Commandery of which he is Chancellor, based upon the statement, upon honor, by the ap- plicant that the original has been either lost or destroyed : Provided, That a Companion obtaining iuch duplicate shall pay the actual cost thereof. Sec. 5. — It shall be the duty of the Board of Officers 40 to act as a court of honor for the just and amicable settlement of dissensions between Companions. ARTICLE V. INSTALLATION OF MEMBERS. A Companion-elect upon being installed shall, orally if present, and in writing if absent, make declaration upon honor that he will maintain the Constitution of the Order, conform to its By-Laws and rules, and use his best endeavors to promote its objects and advance its interests. ARTICLE VI. FUNDS. Section i. — The fiscal year of the Order shall begin on the first day of January. Sec. 2. — The funds for the expenses of the Order, and for purposes of relief, shall be raised by an annual assessment of at least five dollars upon each Compan- ion, which shall be paid in advance. Sec. 3. — Any Companion who shall pay, at one time, one hundred and fifty dollars in addition to his admission fee, shall be exempt from the payment of all further dues, and all sums so paid shall be transferred immediately to the Treasurer for investment in such securities as shall be approved by the Board of Officers. Sec. 4. — Should a Companion who has commuted by payment as hereinbefore provided be transferred to another Commandery, there shall be paid to such 4' Commandery an amount bearing the same propor- tion to the present value of a life annuity — Carlisle Table, six per cent. — at his present age that the com- mutation fee originally paid by him bore to that value at his age at that time. ARTICLE VII. FINES. Section I. — The fundamental principles of this Order being recognized as its only test of loyal cit- izenship, the discussion or introduction of sectarian or partisan topics at meetings is prohibited, under penalty of such fine, not exceeding fifty dollars, as may be imposed by order of the Board of Officers. Sec. 2. — All other violations of the principles and obligations of the Order or neglect of duty may be fined at the option of the Commandery. ACTICLE VIII. RELIEF. Relief may be afforded to needy Companions, or the widows and orphans of deceased Companions. The Board of Officers, at its first meeting after in- stallation, shall appoint nine Companions, to be ap- proved by the Commandery, as a Relief Committee, to serve for one year from such approval, to which committee all applications for relief shall be referred. The committee may afford assistance in cases which admit of no delay, which shall be reported to the 4* Board of Officers at its next meeting. The expenses for such assistance shall be paid by an order on the Treasurer, duly signed and attested, but the said com- mittee shall incur no other expenses, except by reso- lution of the Commandery. ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENTS. No alteration, addition or amendment shall be made to the By-Laws unless agreed to in the Congress of the Order by three-fourths of the Commanderies. Instituted April 15, 1865. INDEX. Accounts — p»ct to be kept by Recorder 3!? to be kept by Treasurer 39 shall be audited by Council 22 Admission Fee — shall be at least twenty-five dollars 12 must accompany application for membership 12 shall be refunded in case of non-election 12 Admissions, Commanderies shall be notified of 38 Amendments — to Constitution 33 to By-Laws 42 Applications for Membership — to whom to be made 11,15 how to be made 12 must be accompanied by admission fee 12 shall be published in a circular 12 shall be referred to a committee and reported on at next stated meeting 12 who entitled to vote on 12 number of adverse ballots required to reject 13, 15 withdrawal of 13 rejection of 14 renewal by rejected applicants of 14 Commanderies shall be notified of acceptance, rejection, or withdrawal of 38 Arrears of Dues — Companions cannot vote for officers or be eligible to office un- til paid 23 Companions shall be notified annually of 23 Companions may be suspended for 23 Companions may be dropped from rolls for 24 may be remitted 24 43 44 Badge — See also Insignia. PA gh description of 3°>3' number of diploma to be engraved on link of 31 Ballots — election of members by 12, 13, 14, 15 election of officers by 20 election of delegates to Congress by 28 Boards of Officers — how constituted and elected 20 Commander shall preside at meetings of 21 Recorder shall record proceedings of 21 duties and powers of 13,16,22,39,41 shall investigate nominations for Third Class membership . . 13 shall investigate charges against Companions 16 shall act as court of honor in dissensions between Com- panions 39, 40 shall approve investment of funds 40 may impose fines 41 shall appoint relief committee 41 Books of Commanderies — to be kept by Recorder 38 to be kept by Registrar 21 to be kept by Treasurer 39 to be kept by Chancellor 39 shall be audited by Council 22 Business, order of 36 By-Laws, amendments to 42 Chancellor-in-Chief — election of 20 duties of 24, 25 Chancellors — election of 20 duties of 21, 39 Chaplain-in-Chief — election of 2' duties of 24 Chaplain — election of 20 duties of 22 45 ffAGA Charges against Companions, how preferred and acted on 16, 17 Charity 6 - ** Charters — issue of 2t> form of 26 ' 2 7 shall be issued by Commandery-in-Chief 26, 28 revocation of 2 5 Circulars — Second Class Companions becoming First Class shall be pub- lished in ' ' applications for membership shall be published in 12 nominations for Third Class membership shall be published in 13 applications for restoration to membership shall be published in l6 notice of petition of expelled member for reinstatement shall be published in '7 notice for reinstatement of Companion dropped from the roll shall be published in 2 4 Coat of Arms 2 9 Collateral Descendants, eligibility to membership of . . 9, 10, 11 Commanderies — S?e also State Commanderies. organizations of the Order shall be designated as 7 form of titles for 7 may become incorporated 7 general parliamentary law shall govern meetings of ... . 37 Commander-in-Chief — election of 2 ° duties of 2 4 shall sign diplomas '7 may convene special meetings 25 shall designate time and place of organizing new com- manderies 2 * shall be a member of the Congress 28 Commanders — election of 2 ° duties of 2'. 37 shall call for objections to election of applicants 12 shall read provisions of Constitution in case of rejection of application '5 4 6 Commanders continued — pag« may convene special meetings 23 is member of Commandery-in-Chief 24 Commandery-in-Chief — National Commandery shall be designated as 7 may become incorporated 7 Companions-at-Large shall be elected by 15 designation and titles of officers of 20 election of officers of 20 investiture of officers of 20, 37 membership of 24 duties and powers of officers of 24 executive and judicial power vested in 24 diplomas shall be issued by 25 revocation of charters by 25 Philadelphia shall be headquarters of 25 times and places of stated meetings of 25 special meetings of 25 provisions for expenses of 25 charters for State Commanderies shall be issued by ... . 26 time and place of organizing new Commanderies shall be designated by 28 Committee of Investigation — applications for membership of First and Second Classes shall be referred to 12 shall report on application to next stated meeting 12 Board of Officers shall constitute, on nominations for Third Class membership 13 Committee of Relief, appointment and duties of 41 Commutation of Dues — may be made 40 investment of money received for 40 transfer of Companions who have paid 40 Companions — shall be divided into three classes 7 who eligible to become 7, 8, 9, 10, II, '15 applications to become, and election of . . . . 11,12,13,14,15 shall subscribe to Constitution 13 installation of 13, 40 entitled to insignia 13, 14 who entitled to diploma 13, 14 47 Companions continued — *agi resignation of IS restoration of 16 transfer of 16 forfeiture of membership by 16 expulsion of 17 reinstatement of 10, 17, 24 suspension of 17,23,24 dropping from rolls of 24 reprimand of 17 Original First Class: who to be designated as 8, 15 succession to membership of 8,9,10,11 right of succession lost in case of expulsion of 10 right of succession may be revived in case of resignation or dropping of 10 eldest sons of living, eligible to Second Class membership 1 1 none but Original Companions entitled to vote on admis- sion of 12 entitled to insignia and diploma 13 form of diploma for 17, 18 description of ribbon for 32 description of rosette for 32 First Class: who to be designated as Original 8, 15 who eligible by inheritance to become 8,9,10,11 upon death of father a Second Class Companion becomes . 1 1 Second Class Companions cannot vote on admission of . , 11 voting on admission of members by 12, 13 entitled to insignia 13 by inheritance from deceased officers, entitled to diploma 13, 14 forms of diplomas for 17, 18, 19 description of ribbon for 32 description of rosette for 32 Second Class: who eligible to become II when become First Class II cannot vote on admission of members of the First Class . 11,12 entitled to insignia 13 shall return Second Class insignia on becoming Compan- ion of First Class 14 4 8 Companions continued — , AG1 description of ribbon for 32 description of rosette for 32 Third Class: who eligible to become u limitation on number of n shall not be elected after April 15, 1S90 11 how nominated and elected 13 entitled to insignia and diploma 13, 14 description of ribbon for 32 description of rosette for 32 Companions-at-Large — who eligible to become 15 mode of electing 15 shall affiliate with a State Commandery 15 entitled to insignia and diploma 15 Congress of the Order — of whom composed 28 time and place of meeting of 28 election of delegates to 28 alternate delegates to 28 manner of filling vacancies in 29 legislative power vested in 29 manner of voting in 29 amending Constitution by 33 general parliamentary law to govern meetings of 37 Constitution — Companions shall subscribe to 13 mode of amending 33 Council-in-Chief — election of 20 duties of •• 24 shall meet annually 25 Council — election of ^20 duties of 22 Death of Members — Commanderies shall be notified of 38 families shall be notified relative to succession 39 Deceased Officers, eligibility of descendants of 8 49 Declaration of Companions — tkcb how made '3 form of 4° Declaration of Officers — " how made 20 form of 37 Delegates to the Congress — when and how elected 28 three from each State Commandery 28 manner of filling vacancies in 29 Descendants, eligibility to membership of 8,9,10,11 Diplomas — who entitled to 13, 14, 15 who to hold after death 14 how made and attested 17 form of 17, 18, 19 Chancellors shall have custody of 21, 22 shall be issued by Commandery-in-Chief 24, 25 shall be delivered by Chancellor-in-Chief 25 shall not be reissued IS shall be returned in case of resignation 15 shall be returned on forfeiture of membership 16 shall be numbered 3 1 record shall be kept of issue of 39 issue of duplicate 39 District of Columbia Commandery 7 Dropping from Roll — for non-payment of dues 24 reinstatement in cases of 24 of Companions by inheritance has effect of waiver .... 10 reviving right of succession in cases of 10 Dues — Companions cannot vote for officers or be eligible to office who are in arrears for 23 Companions shall be notified in April of arrears of ... . 23 Companions may be suspended or dropped from rolls for non- payment of 23, 24 may be remitted 24 Companions shall be notified in January of 38 amount and disposition of 40 4 So Dues continued — pacb may be commuted 40 Duties of Officers 21,24,25,37 Elections — of Delegates to the Congress: shall be by ballot 28 time of holding 28 of Members: who can vote in 12, 13, 15 formal request for objections required prior to 12 number of ballots required to reject 13, 15 Candidate must be balloted for if report unfavorable ... 13 ballot must be unanimous if candidate has been previously rejected 14 of Officers shall be by ballot 20 of State Commanderies shall he annual 20 of Commandery in-Chief shall be biennial 20 Companions in arrears for dues cannot vote in 23 Eligibility to Membership 7,8,9,10,11,15 Enlisted Men, eligibility to membership in certain cases of . . 8 Executive Power, vested in CommanderyinChief 24 Expulsion of Companions — causes for 14, 16, 17 two-thirds vote required for 17 reinstatement after 17 of Companion by inheritance, has effect of waiver 10 of Original Companion, cancels right of succession .... 10 record to be kept of 38 Commanderies shall be notified of 38 Fines 41 First Class Companions — ^ who to be designated as Original 8,15 who eligible by inheritance to become 8, 9, 10, 1 1 upon death of father a Second Class Companion becomes . . 11 Second Class Companions cannot vote on admission of . . . II voting on admission of members by ... . 12, 13 entitled to insignia 13 by inheritance from deceased officers, entitled to diploma . 13, 14 Si First Class Companions continued — ,, AGB forms of diplomas for 17, IS, 19 description of ribbon for 32 description of rosette for ■ • 32 Fiscal Year 4 o Forfeiture of Membership — of Companion by inheritance, has effect of waiver 10 limitations on IO diploma and insignia to be returned in case of 16 Funds 40 Impeachment of Members 16, 17 Incorporation of Commanderies 7 Inheritance of Membership 8,9,10,11 Insignia — all Companions entitled to 14 after death of Companion, who to hold 14 Second Class Companions on becoming First Class to return . 14 shall not be reissued 15 shall be returned on resignation 15 shall be returned on forfeiture of membership 16 Chancellors shall have custody and issue of 21, 22 shall be delivered by Chancellor-in-Chief 25 description of ., manner of wearing 33 shall be worn at all meetings 33 record to be kept of issue of 30 issue of duplicate 30 Installation of Companions — how made 13 form of 4