202 73 01 py 1 Connecticut Society Sons of the American Revolution MANUAL 1 \NDAK Connecticut Society Sons of the American Revolution MANUAL Oovi tri "hi )u- UwS^ Y^ae,r>-^ l^jey-S-lii p ^'^ JANUARY, J90J / « j .5 Board of Managers. *- {Elected May JO, 1900.) PRESIDENT Jonathan Trumbull, Norwich VICE-PRESIDENT Edwin S. Greeley, - - - New Haven SECRETARY Charles G. Stone, - - Hartford TREASURER il John C. HoUister, New Haven ^ REGISTRAR Hobart L. Hotchkiss, -------- New Haven HISTORIAN Joseph G. "Woodward, ----.._- Hartford CHAPLAIN Rev. Edwin S. Lines, -------- New Haven NECROLOGIST Henry R. Jones, --..--_. New Hartford Zalcnon Goodsell, Bridgeport H. Wales Lines, Meriden Henry B. Simonds, " Eli C. Birdsey, " Henry C. Sherwood, " Henry "Woodward, Middletown Louis R. Cheney, Hartford John "W. Brooks, Torrington Sylvester C. Dunham, " F. St. John Lockwood, Norwalk Frank B. Gay, ** Bela P. Learned, Norwich John Spencer Camp, " George E. Judd, Waterbury Nathan Easterbrook, Jr., New Haven DELEGATES TO THE NATIONAL CONGRESS Morris B. Beardsley, Bridgeport Charles F. Brooker, Ansonia Delegate at Large Rufus E, Holmes, "Winsted Thomas P. Taylor, Bridgeport Samuel Daskam, Norwalk Rev. Frank Russell, '* L. "Wheeler Beecher, "Westville Charles Hopkins Qark, Hartford Merritt Heminway, "Watertown Geo. C. F. Williams, ** Frederick A. Spencer, Waterbury Leverett Belknap, ** Robert W. Hill, " Edgar J. Doolittle, Meriden "Wm. E. Chandler, New Haven Levi E. Coe, '* Everett E. Lord, Walter Hubbard, *' Franklin H. Hart, ** Ernest E. Rogers, New London George H. Ford, ** SECRETARIES OF LOCAL BRANCHES (Ex-officio), Isaac "W. Birdseye, Bridgeport Carl J. "Viets, New London John M. Harmon, Meriden - Charles A. Quintard, Norwalk Wm. E. Chandler, New Haven William M. Olcott, Norwich CONSTITUTION t^* f^r* ^^ ARTICLE L NAME. The name of this society shall be the Connecticwt Society of the Sons of the American Revolution ARTICLE IL NATIONAL SOCIETY. This Society is a part of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. It recognizes all State Societies of Sons of the American Revolution as co-equal and entitled to receive from this Society such assistance and information as may best promote the objects for which these societies have been organized. ARTICLE in. OBJECTS. The objects of this Society are to perpetuate the memory and the spirit of the men who achieved American Independ- ence; to encourage historical research in relation to the American Revolution; to preserve documents, relics, and records of the individual services of revolutionary soldiers and patriots ; to mark, by appropriate monuments, historic places within this State; to promote the celebration of patriotic anniversaries, and by these and similar means to impress upon the present and future generations the patriotic spirit which actuated our ancestors and established the Republic of the United States of America. ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP. a«'who I: ^^^Tr ""' ''" **" twenty^ne years of age, who B descended from an ancestor who with unfailing loyalty rendered material aid to the cause of American Inde pe^ ence m the War of the American Revolution, either as a m