LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ^^^HMMSiS^SM WMSE3MM m HISTORICAL TABLES. A CONDEDSED py TO UN!VEI(S/Ib HISTOl^y- COMPILED FOR THE USE IN COMMON, GRAMMAR ANP HIGH SCHOOUS, BY ROBERT HAENTZE, rmxai'AL ok the g.-a. academy of CHiCAtio, author of '"tiie THEORY AND rUACTICE OF BOOK-KEEPING," AND "THE tOMlLETE KEY TO UNIVERSAL HISTORY."* -PUBLISHED BY- 623 W. ADAMS STREET, l^^mp^lSM ©©jDjtSns M0M&M<3M: I @ M W m m m m '0: i M M w, I? *■« CONTEND: Preface (Jhroiiology of ASIA Page 1-2 " " AFKICA " 2 " '• EUROPE " I. Greece " 4 " 1 r. Italy "■ 5 - 5 '' •• III. Turkey. Spain. Portugal " 7 •• IV. France " 8-0 •■ V, rjernijuiy. Austria. Hungary and Prussia '' 10 •• VI. Knssia. Sweden. Norway. Etc '' 11 •• •• VII. Great Britain " 12-1:! •' AMI]III<;A •• 14-17 '• OGEAXICA -. " IS PRESIDENTS OF THE INirEI) STATES '• 1!) GELEBIfATEI) (JIIA11A( ;TERS " 20-21 IiMPORTAXT DATES '• 21-27 I NIVERSITIES— WHEN FOl'NDED '• 28 IMPORTANT INVENTIONS " 2!)-;!0 -c--^ -^-^^Ji^ X Kntereil lice >rlii J t.) Vet of Con'^rcss, in tlip yoar 1S8S, liy tlu! WKSTKU'N S(;H.» )£, STI'PI.V t'OMI'ANV. In the olHco of tlic l^iDrariiUi of C j.i^TOsrf, at Wasliinjjloii. D. C. HISTORICAL TABLES, COMPLETE HAND-BOOK OF DATES, CHKONO- LOGICALLY ARRANGED. COMPILED BY >^ PROFESSOR ROBERT HAENTZE, DIRECTOR OF THE GERMAN-AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHICAGO SINCE 1876. ^Ifi^l^-- CHICAGO: WESTERN SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. 1888. PREFACE. To My Fellow - Teachers : — lu offering you this condensed " Key of Universal Histor}^ " or " Historical Tables " as an efficient Aid to the instruction in this study, I do not claim altogether Originality or Completeness in the meaning of the word, but simply as the definite result of the work done in my History class, and more especially as a need long and deeply felt by the teachei-s of our Common Schools who are aiming not only for temporary results, but also to incite a love for this one of the most interesting studies. It is very desirable that every person should, at an early period of life, have imprinted on his mind, in bright and imfading colors, a clear outline of the story of mankind, from its beginning to the present time. To claim that in the compass of such little volume a tolerable outline of Universal History could be embraced, or even that every date of minor events, together with all the names of such men could be contained, who, bj^ their special character or ambition have made themselves noteworthy, would undoubtedly and justly excite the ridicule of any teacher. This little volume is not intended to be a Hand-book for College Students or Professors, for such a work would necessarilv be too voluminous, and bring its object beyond the utmost stretch of the youthful intellect to compass it, but as a Hand-book for young students in the Grammar - and High - School Grade it has done excellent services and as such I hope it will be recognized. It will be of especial use in Schools where there are libraries accessable to students, and with the commendations of wise teachers it becomes a stimulus for further research, and it will make all subsequent reading and reflection on the subject of history both useful and interesting. THE COMPILER. Chicago, August, 1888. \ HE LIBRARY ;> JONORESS ^VASHTNGTOK ASIA. Chronology of Asia. Before Christ. 4004 Creation of the World. 2348 Deluge. 2247 Confusion of tongues. 2229 Ashur founds the Empire of Assyria. 2207 The Chinese monarchy found- ed, 2000 Ninias, king of Assyria, began to reign. 1996 Abraham born. 1921 Abraham sets out fi-om Chal- dea to go to Canaan. 1705 Jacob removes with his family to Egj'pt. 1689 Death of Jacob. 1635 Death of Joseph. 1570 Moses born. 1491 Departure of the Israelites from Egj'pt. 1447 Death of Moses. 1426 Death of Joshua. 1100 SaiU proclaimed king of Israel. 1085 King David born. 1015 Solomon began to reign. 1004 Temple of Solomon built. 1000 Chaus, emperor of China, be- gan to reign. 876 Death of Sardanapalus — First Assyrian emjiire overthi'own 806 Jonah, the prophet, sent to preach to the Ninevites. Before Christ. 797 Ardysus, first king of Lydia, in Asia Minor. 722 The Chinese empire divided into principalities. 721 Salmanaser conquered the kingdom of Israel, and car- ried the chief inhabitants into captivity. 630 Isdigertes made king of Persia. 606 Second Assyrian empire over- thrown. 548 Lydia conquered by Cyrus, king of Persia. 538 Babylon captured by Cyrus. 536 Jews return from Babylon. 536 Persian empire established by Cyrus the Great. 529 Death of Cyrus. — Cambyses succeeds his father, Cyrus. 522 Darius began to reign. 480 Xerxes defeats Leonidas at Thermopylae. 465 Death of Xerxes. 330 Alexandria invades Persia. 327 Invasion of India by Alexan- der. 312 Kingdom of Syria founded by Seleucus. 309 Pontus becomes independent under Mithridates II. 250 Empire of Parthia foiuided. HISTORICAL TABLES. B. C. 230 Artaxares made king of Persia 170 Paper invented in China — An- tiochus takes Jerusalem, and plunders the Temple. — An irruption of the Tartars in- to China. 166 Judas MaccabaBus drives the Syrians out of the Jewish kingdom. 150 Demetrius, king of Syria, killed by Balas. 67 Chang, Emperor of China. 64 Pontus, with other parts of Asia Minor, conquered by the Komau?. 61 Syria and Canaan conquered by the Romans. 37 Herod, king of the Jews. 33 Vati, emperor of China. A. D. A. D. Jesus Christ born. 33 Christ crucified. 61 Paul arrives at Rome. 70 Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus. 93 The empire of the Huns in Tartary destroyed by the Chinese. 130 Adrian rebuilds Jerusalem and erects a temple to Ju- piter. 373 The Bible translated into the Gothic tongue. 458 The Chinese said to have sailed to the north of California. 558 A terrible plague over Europe, Asia, and Africa, which continued nearly 50 years. 570 Birth of Mahomet. 617 Si-given, emperor of China, began to i-eign. A. D. 622 Mahomet obliged to flv fi'om his enemies. 632 Death of Mahomet. 636 The Clu'istian religion intro- duced into China. 638 Saracen empire established. 660. Chosroes the Great, king of Persia, began to reign. 672 Bagda d, the seat of the caliphs, founded. 1037 Chwang-tsong, emperor o^ China, began to reign. 1209 Genghis Khan invades Cliina. 1258 Saracen empire overturned by the Turks. 1400 Japan discovered by Europeans 1589 Shah Abbas ascended the throne of Persia. 1694 Shah Husseyn ascended the throne, of Persia. 1730 Kouli Khan made king of Persia. 1737 Yong-tching came to the throne of China. 1820 Taou-kwang ascended the throne of China. 1840 War between China and Great Britain. 1842 Peace between China and Great Britain. 1844 Treaty between China and the United States. 1852 Insurrection in China. 1853 Commodore Perry visits Ja- pan. 1858 War between China and Great Britain. 1860 A Japanese Embassy visits the United States. 1865 The province of "Turkestan," in Central Asia, created. HISTORICAL TABLE AFRICA. Cronology of Africa. Before Christ. 2188 Egypt settled by Misraim. 1678 JSTitocris queen of Egypt. 1491 Departure of the Israelites fi'oui Egj'pt. 525 Cambyses couquers Egypt. 520 " destroys Thebes. 332 Alexander conquers Egypt, takes Tyre, and builds Al- exandria. A- D. 30 Death of Cleopatra. 146 Carthage destroyed by T. Scipio. 237 Hamilcar leads a Carthaginian army into Spain, with his son Hannibal. 238 The Carthaginians finish the Lyberian war. 267 Ptolemy made a canal from the Nile to the Red Sea. 300 Euclid of Alexandria, the mathematician. 320 Ptolemy carried 100,000 Jews captives into Egypt. 341 The gospel propogated in Ethiopia by Frumentius. 670 Egypt conquered by the Sar- acens. 944 Algiers built. 1250 Mamelukes came into power. 1482 The Portuguese begin to traffic in slaves. 1517 Egypt conquered by the Turks. A. D. 1548 A government founded at Al- giers, called the regency of Algiers. 1563 The Enghsh begin to traffic in slaves. 1574 Tunis seized by the Turks. 1798 Napoleon invades Egypt. 1801 Sir Rdph Abercronibie drives the French out of Egypt. 1803 Tripoli attacked by Commo- dore Preble. 1806 The English take Cape Towu fi'om the Dutch. 1815 Commodore Decatur attacks Algiers. 1816 Lord Exmouth batters Algiers. 1821 Liberia founded. 1827 CaiUie, a Frenchman, goes to Timbuctoo. 1833 Algiers taken by Marshal Beau- mont. 1867 War between England and Abyssinia, which is ended next year. 1869 Suez canal opened. 1870 Diamonds discovered in Africa 1875 England purchases the Khe- dive's share in the Suez canal. 1878 Great financial crisis in Egypt, and complete revolution. 1879 Prince Louis Napoleon kiUed in the Zulu War in South Afi'ica. 1881 The Egyptian war ended. HISTORICAL TABLKS. EUROPE GREECE. Chronology of Greece. B.C. 1S5G 155G ]520 151G 1500 1493 1490 1485 1453 1263 1257 1193 900 884 643 617 580 490 446 429 403 371 363 338 Greece founded by Iiicachus. Athens founded bv Cecvops. Corinth founded. Sparta founded by Lelex. Thebes founded by Cadmus. Cadmus carried the Phcpni- cian letters into Greece, and built the citadel of Thebes. Sparta built by Lacedajmou. The first ship that appeared in Greece, brought fi'om Egypt by Dauaus, surnamed Xv- niais. The tirst Olympic games cele- brated at Elis. Argonautic expedition. Twelve states of Greece unite. Siege of Troy. Homer born. liVcurgus gives laws to Sparta. Solon lawgiver of Athens. Bias, the philosopher flour- ished. Pythagoras born. Battle of Marathon. Peloponnesian war begins. Death of Pericles. Former government restored in Athens. Battle of Leuctra. Death of Epamimondas. Battle of Cheronea. B. c. 336 Death of Philip, king of Mace- don. 325 Demosthenes the orator, ban- ished fi'om Athens. 323 Death of Alexander, at the age of 32. — Demosthenes recalled from exile, and dies the following year. 322 Greece subjected by Cassau- der. — Theophrastus, the per- ipatetic philosopher. — Aris- totle died. 315 Restoration of Thebes by Cas- sander. 312 Division of Alexander's king- dom. 278 Greece invaded by the Gauls. 244 Death of Agis, king of Sparta. 146 Greece becomes a Roman prov- ince. 146 Corinth destroyed by L. Mum- mius, who brought to Rome from thence the first fine paintings. A. D. 1453 The Turks conquer the East- ern empire. 1821 Greece rises against the Turks 1824 Death of Lord Byron at Mis- solonghi. 1827 Battle of Xavarino. 1829 Accession of Otho to the thi'one of Greece. HISTORICAL TABLES. X, ITALY. Cronology of Italy. A B. C. 1284 The Siculi pass out of Italy in- to Sicily, about three gener- ations before the Trojan war. 1243 A colony of Arcadians con- ducted by Evander into Italy. 1182 The Kingdom of the Latins be- gins, under ^-Eneas,who build Lavinium. 1152 The city of Alba-Longa built by Ascanius, second king of the Latins. 752 Building of Rome by Romulus 750 Sabine women dishonored by the Romans. 735 The first Grecian settlement in Sicily. 715 Numa Pompilius made king. 672 Tullus Hostilius made king. 667 The combat between the three Horatii and the thi-ee Cu- riatii. 618 Ancus Martins, fourth Roman king. 580 Money first coined in Rome. 584 Servius Tullius, sixth Roman king. 509 Death of Tarquin the Proud, and his family expelled. 506 Porseua, king of the Etrurians, made war against the Rom- ans. 490 Tribunes chosen. B. c. 488 Coriolanus,by the entreaty of his mother, withdraws the army of the Volsci from Rome. 485 Cassius punished for usurping the sovei-eignty. The Volsci and ^^qui subdued. 451 Decemviri chosen. 449 The decemvirs banished from Rome, 437 Censors established. 385 Rome taken by the Gauls. 361 Theatres established. 343 War with the Samnites. 312 Sun-dial introduced. 311 Aqueducts built. 270 All Italy submits to Rome. 264 First Punic war begins. 218 Second Punic war begins — with Hannibars passing the Alps, and continues 17 years. 196 Caius Laelius, the Roman ora- tor. 194 Sparta and Hither Spain sub- dued by the Romans. 192 The war of Antiochus, the Great, with the Romans be- gins. 190 Scipio defeats Autiochus in the battle of Magnesia. 146 Carthage destroyed. 137 Third Punic war begins. 134 Spain becomes a province ot Rome. HISTORICAL TABLKS. B. C. 187 Scipio Africanus banished from Rome. 91 Social war begins. 88 War between Marius and Sylla 65 Pompey defeats Mithridates. 59 Triumvirate formed. 55 Ca?sar invades Britian. 48 Battle of Pharsalia, and death of Pompey. 44 Death of Caesar. 25 Gaul conquered by the Romans A. D, 14 Death of Aiigustiis Cfesar. 37 Tiberius died. 41 Caligula died. 54 Claudius ascends the throne — Nero died. 69 Vitellius ascends the throne. 79 Titus ascends the throne. 154 Hygenus, first Bishop of Rome who toolc the title of pope. 30G Constantine began to reign. 311 Christianity adopted by the emperor ef Rome. 329 Constantine removes the seat of empire to Constantinople. 395 Rome divided into the Eastern and Western empires by Theodoslus. 410 Rome taken by Alaric. 445 Italy invaded by Attila. 476 Rome taken by Odoacer. 537 Gotlis driven from Rome by Belisarius. 607 The pope's supremacy over the Christian church estab- lished. 70S Custom of kissing the pope's toe introduced. A. D 731 Gregory III., founder of the pope's temporal power, be- came pope. 755 The pope's temporal power established. 809 Venice built. 1054 liCO IX., the firstpope that kept an army. 1077 Henry IV. obliged to stand three days at the pope's gate. 1079 Pope's authority introduced into England. 1191 The pope kick's off Henry IV.'s crown. 1307 Residence of the pope removed to Avignon in France, where it remained seventy years. 1516 Reformation commenced by Martin Luther. 1527 Rome sacked, and Pope Clem- ent imprisoned. 1531 Pope's residence removed a second time to Avignon. 1773 Kissing the pope's toe abolish- ed. 1787 Political influence of the pope ceased in Europe. 1798 Venice attached to Austria. 1805 Napoleon crowned king of Italy May 26. 1831 Mazzini forms the "Young Italy Party." Insurrection in -—Ceh^ral Italy. 1847 Pius IX. pope of Rome. 1849 He flees to Gaeta. 1860 Sicilian revolution, under Gar- ibaldi. 1870 Rome captured by the Italian army, annexed to Italy, and made the Capitol. HISTORICAL TABLES. TURKEY, SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. B. 0. 900 The Phoeuicians trade to Spain. 500 The Carthaginians make con- quests in Spain. 219 Hannibal attacks Saguntum in Spain. 206 Spain subjected to Roman power. A. D. 406 Spain invaded by northern bar- barians. 419 Kingdom of the Vlsigotiis founded in Spain. 712 Roderick, king of Spain, de- feated by the Moors. 713 The Moors defeated by Charles Martel, king of France— Por- tugal subjected by the Moors. 1139 Kingdom of Portugal founded. 125S The Tartars take Bagdad. 1268 Othman first emperor of Tur- key. 1299 Ottoman empire founded. 1389 Sultan Bajazet begins to reign. 1402 Bajazet taken by Tamerlane. 1453 The Turks take Constantino- ple. 1478 Inquisition established in Spain 1481 The Portuguese discover the Cape of Good Hoi^e. 1492 The Moors of Granada driven out of Spain. 1492 America discovered by Columbus. 1501 The Portuguese discover Brazil. 1513 Sultan Selim began to reign. 1580 Philip II. ascended the thi'one of Spain. 159G Mahomet III, ascends the Turkish throne. A. D. 1604 1620 1621 1755 1783 1808 1815 1820 1826 1833 1853 1855 1860 1866 1868 1870 1871 1873 IS74 Portugal becomes indepen- dent of Spain. The Moors finally expelled fi'om Spain. Amurath IV. emperor of Tur- key. Lisbon destr'oyed by an earth- quake. Peace between Spain and Eng- land. Napoleon removes Ferdinand from the throne of Spain. Inquisition abolished in Por- tugal. Revolution in Portugal — In- quisition abolished in Spain. Massacre of the janizaries in 'J'lU'key. Death of Ferdinand VII. Eastern war began. Capture of Sebastopol. Turkish massacre of Chris- tians in Syria. Insurrection iu Spain. Revolution in Spain successful, and the queen takes refuge in France. — Provincial gov- ernment organized. The duke of Aosta elected king of Spain. — Marshal Prim assassinated, Dec. 29. Amedeo I. , king of Spain. Abdication of king Amadeus of Spain. — Republican form of government adopted by the Cortes. Spain declared in a state of siege.-Prince Alphonso pro- claimed king of Spain. 10 HISTORICAL TABLE FRANCE. Chronology of France. B. C. 2000 The Giel, Gael, Gauls or Celts began to migrate into Europe from Asia. 397 General migration of the Gauls to different parts of Europe. 390 Italy ravaged by the Gauls, and Rome taken. 280 to 278 The Gauls make de- structive incursions into Macedon and Gi-eece. 200 A colony of Belgje settle in Gaul. 128 to 122 The southern part of Gaul along the Mediterra- nean conquered by the Romans. 58 France invaded by Julius Csesar. 25 All France finally conquered by the Romans. A. D. 400 France invaded by the Goths and other Germanic tribes. 418 Pharamond, a Frank, becomes first king of France. 428 Pharamond died. 448 Clodian died. 458 Merovius. head of the Merov- ingian race, died. 481 Childeric died. 486 Monarchy of France establish- ed. 496 Clovis baptised. 511 Clovis died. 751 Pepin the Short, first of the Oarlovingian race. A. D. 772 Charlemagne began to reign. 800 Charlemagne crowned at Rome. 814 Charlemagne died. 987 Hugh Capet, first of the Cai> etian race, began to reign. 1096 Peter the Hermit, heads the first crusade. 1099 Godfrey of Boulogne takes Jerusalem. 1200 Chivalry at its height. 1 248 Last crusade begun. 1285 Philip the Fair begins to reign. 1346 Battle of Cressy. 1350 John the Good ascends the tlirone, 1356 Battle of Poictiers. 1420 Battle of Agincourt. 1428 Joan of Arc raises the siege of Orleans. 1461 Louis XI. ascends the throne. 1515 Francis I. began to reign. 1 560 Charles IX. began to reign. 1572 Massacre of the Protestants. 1574 Death of Charles IX. 1589 Henry IV. ascends the throne. 1610 Henry IV. killed by Ravaillac, a Jesuit. 1628 Richelieu minister of Louis XIII. 1715 Louis XIV. died. 1774 Louis XV. died. 1777 Tne French acknowledge the independence of the United States, Dec. 16. HISTORICAJ. TABLES. 11 A. D. 1778 Fr!ceeded by Frederic, is followed, by William II. HISTORICAL TABLES. 13 RUSSIA, SWEDEN, LAPLAND, NORWAY, DENMARK. HOL- LAND, BELGIUM, ETC. Chronology of Russia, Laplatid^ Norway, Denmark, Hol- land, Belgium, Mtc, A. D. 481 Kingdom of Sweden begun. 714 The first king reigns in Den- mark. 860 Iceland discovered by the Nor- wegians. 955 Christianity introduced into Russia. 1016 Canute, king of Denmark, conquered England. 1030 Norway conquered by Canute. 1237 Russia conquered by the Criiii Tartars. 1387 Norway incorporated with Denmark. 1462 Russia independent of the Tartars. 1518 Massacre in Sweden. 1525 Gustavus Vasa expelled the Danes from Sweden. 1528 Gustavus Vasa ascended the thi'one of Sweden. 1553 The first czar reigned in Rus- sia. 1581 Republic of Holland founded. 1611 Gustavus Adolphus king of Sweden. 1696 Peter the Great begins to reign. 1697 Charles XII. begins to reign in Sweden. 1709 Peter the Great defeats Charles XII. at Pultowa. 1714 Charles XII. returns to Sweden. 1721 Russia becomes an empire. A. D. 1735 Peter the Great died. 1730 Peter II. died. 1740 Elizabeth ascends the throne of Russia. 1762 Peter III. ascends the thi'one. 1772 Partition of Poland. 1792 Gustavus III. died — Russia de- clai-ed war against Finance. 1796 Catherine II. died. 1801 Paul, emperor of Russia, died. 1 807 Copenhagen bombarded by the English. 1809 Gustavus IV. of Sweden de- throned. 1810 Netherlands united to France. 1812 The city of Moscow burned. 1814 Norway transferred to Swe- den. 1824 Commercial treaty between Denmark and England. 1825 Alexander I., emperor of Russia, dies. — Nicholas I. ascends the throne of Russia 1830 Revolution in the Netherlands; divided into Holland and Belgium. 1854 Russia malvcs war against Tm-ke}\ 1855 Death of Nicholas I. 1856 Sebastopol taken — Coronation of Alexander II. at Moscow 1881 Assassination of Alexander II., emperor of Russia. 1883 Alexander HI. crowned czar of all the Russians, May 27. 14 HLSTOIUCAl. TABLES. GREAT BRITAIN. Chronology of Great Britain. B. C. ;").■) Eiighuid invaded by CJa-sar. A. D. 44 England liuaHy subdued by Claudius. 60 Clu-istiaiiity introduced into England. 203 Scotland received the Clii-is- tian faith. 455 The Saxons conquer England. 550 Patrick visits Ireland. 690 Edwall first king of Wales. 827 Egbert I. king of England. 839 Kenneth II. first king of Scot- land. 872 Alfred ascends the English throne. 877 The Danes conquer England. 880 England recovered bj' Alfred. 900 Alfred the Great died. 1015 Canute hivaded England. 1041 Danes ch'iven out of England. 106G Harold becomes king of ]'>ng- land.AMlliam the conqueror ascends the throne. 1091 AVales conquered and divided by Williani the Con(iueror. 1100 Death of William Rufus, king of England. 1135 Death of Henry Beauclerk. king of England. 1137 Gritlith, last king of Wales, died. 1 1 54 Death of Stephen, king of Eng- land. 1189 Richard ascends the tlu-one. A. D. 1215 Magna Charta granted by king John. 1216 King John died. 1272 Edward I. ascended the English throne. 1285 Wales annexed to the crown of England. 1305 Sir AVilliam Wallace executed. 1307 Edward II. king of England. 1313 Battle of Bannockburn. 1327 Edward III. king of England. 1346 Battle of Cressy^ 1376 Black Rrince died. 1400 Henry IV. king of England. 1413 Henry V. king of England. 1422 Henry V. died. 1455 Wars of York and Lancaster begin. 1401 Edward IV. king of England. 1483 Edward IV. died. 1485 Richard Crookback died. 1509 Ileniy VII. died. 1513 James V. king of Scotland. 1547 Henry VIII. died. 1553 Bloodjr Mary, queen of Eng- land. — Execution of Lady Jane Gray. 1558 Elizabeth ascended the throne. 1587 3[aria Stuart, queen of Scots executed at Frothiugay castle, Feb. 8. 1588 Destruction of the Spanish Armada. 1601 Lord Chancellor Bacon. HISTORICAL, TABLE 15 A. D. 1603 James I. ascends the tliroiie. Crowus of Englanil aud Scotland united. 1G25 Charles I. ascends the throne. 1642 Civil war begun hi England between the cavaliers and I'ouudheads. 1645 Batcle of Naseby. 1649 Charles I. beheaded . 1654 Cromwell made Lord Pro- tector. 1655 The English, under Admiral Penu, take possession of Jamaica. 1658 Cromwell died. 1660 Charles II. king of England. 1665 Great plague in London. 1666 Great tire in Londou, which consumed 13,200 houses, etc. 1685 James 11. king of England. 1688 James 11. fled from England; landed in Ireland 1680. 1689 William III. and JMary crowned in England. 1094 Bank of England incorporated. — Queen Mary dies. 1697 The treatj' of Ryswick, Sept. 20, between Great Britain and France. 1702 Amie ascends the throne. — War declared in England, Germany, and Holland, against France. 1714 Anne died. — The accession of George to the kingdom of Great Britain. 1727 George I. died. 1755 War between France and England. 1760 George III. king of England. A. D. 1788 George III. became deranged 1820 George IV. made king. 1830 William IV. ascended the throne. 1837 Victoria ascended the thi'one. 1840 Victoria marries pi'ince Albert of Saxe Coburg. 1847 Plague in Ireland. 1852 Dispute with the U. S. about the fisheries. 1856 Sebastopol taken. 1860 The prince of Wales visits Canada aud the Tnited States. 1861 Death of Prince Albert, Dec. 1867 War between England and Abj'ssinia. — Feuiau rebel- lion in Ireland. 1868 War between England and Abyssinia ended. 1872 Passage of the Secret Ballot Act. 1873 Payment of ^Uabama indem- nity by England. 1874 Eesignation of Gladstone; Dis- raeli prime minister of England. 1875 Purchase bj^ England of Khe- dive's share in the Suez Canal. 1881 Laud trouble riots and out- rages in Ireland. — Death of the Earl of Beaconsfield, 1882 Queen Victoi-ia shot at by MacLean.— Assassination of Cavendish and Burke iu Phoenix Park, Dublin. 1883 Attempt to blow up the gov- ernment offices in West- minster. 16 HISTORICAL TABLES. AMERICA, Chronology of Ajnerica. A. D. A. D 860 Icelaud and Greenland settled. 1681 981 Chi-istianitjr introduced into 1683 Iceland. 1729 1378 Greenland discovered by a 1733 Venetian. 1744 1408 Severe winter in Greenland, which destroyed the colony. 1492 America discovered by Co- 1745 lumbus. 1755 1497 North America discovered bj^ 1758 Americus Vesputius. 1500 Florida discovered by John 1759 Cabot. 1765 1519 Cortez invaded Mexico. 1524 French settlements made in Canada. 1769 1531 Pizarro goes to Peru. 1770 1579 Sir Francis Drake discovered 1773 gold in California. 1585 Greenland discovered. 1607 First settlement in Virginia at 1774 Jamestown. — Hudson Bay discovered. 1608 Quebec founded. 1775 1613 First settlement in New York. 1614 A British colony established in Virginia. 1620 Settlement at Plymouth. 1634 Maryland settled. 1635 First settlement in Connec- ticut. 1776 1636 Providence settled. 1664 English got possession of New , York. 1675 King Philip's war begins. 1680 Carolina settled. Pennsylvania settled. Philadelphia founded. The Carolinas divided. Georgia founded. War began between the French and English, called "George's Wai ;" 4 years. Capture of Louisburg. Old French war begins. Capture of Louisburg by Wolfe. Quebec taken by the English. Stamp act passed. — The fii-st Colonial Congress meet in October. California settled. Boston massacre. "Boston Tea Party,'' Dec. 16. — The American colonies revolt. Continental or second Colo- nial Congi-ess held at Phi- ladelphia, Sept. 5, Commencement of the Revolutionary war. Battle of Lexington, April 18. — George Washington appointed Commander - in - chief, June 15. — Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17. British troops driven out of Boston. — Declaration of In- dependence adopted by the thirteen States, Julj' 4. — Battle of Long Island, Aug. 27. — Battle of Trenton, Dec. HISTORICAL TABLES. 17 A. U. 2G ; siu'i-euder of the Hessi- ans to Washington. 1777 The French acknowledge the independence of the U. S., Dec. 16. — Lafayette came to America. 1778 Massacre of Wyoming, July 3. 1780 Andree taken as a spy; his execution. — Gates beaten by Cornwallis. 1781 Surrender of Cornwallis to Washington. 1783 Peace between Great Britain and the United States. 1788 The states of Ohio and Iowa settled. 1789 Constitution of the United States went into operation. 1791 Vermont admitted as a state. — United States Bank estab- lished at Pliiladelphia. 1792 Kentuckj^ admitted to the Union. — First coin issued in the U. S. 1794 Whiskey EebeUion in Cali- fornia. 1796 Tennessee admitted to the Union. 1799 Death of Washington. 1800 The capital of the U. S. re- moved from Philadelphia to Washington. 1801 War between U. S. and Tripoli. 1802 Ohio admitted into the Union. 1 803 Louisiana purchased fi'om the French by the U. S. 1807 First steamboat in America. 1808 King of Poi'tugal goes to Brazil. A. D, 1810 Kevolution in Mexico. 1811 Oregon settled. 1812 Louisiana admitted as a state. — The U. S. declares war witli Great Britain, June 18. — General HuU invades Canada. 1813 Mexican provinces become free. 1814 Treaty of peace between Great Britain and the U. S. signed at Ghent, Dec. 24. 181.5 Battle of New Orleans.— War between U. S. and Barbarj- States. — Insurrection of Morelos in Mexico. 1810 Indiana admitted to the Union 1817 Mississippi admitted to the Union. 1818 Illinois admitted to the Union. 1819 Alabama admitted to the Union. — Arkansas made a seperate territory. 1820 Maine admitted to the Union. — Missouri Compromise Act 1821 Missouri accepts Compromise Act, and is admitted to the Union. — Mexico becomes independent. 1822 Independence of South Ameri^ can repubhcs declared. — Iturbide declared emperor of Mexico. 1829 Spaniards expelled from Mexico, and slavery abol- ished. 1831 Don Pedro gives up the crown of Portugal to his son. . 1832 Black Hawk War.— Commer- cial crisis in the LT. S. 18 HISTORICAL, TABLES. A. D. 1834 Slavery ceases in the English colonies. 1835 The Seminole war in Florida. 1836 Arkansas admitted to the Union. 1837 JMichigan admitted to the Union. 1838 War between France and Mexico. 1839 The U. S. Bank suspends payment. 1843 Door rebellion In Rhode Island 1845 Texas annexed by act of con- gress. — Florida admitted to the Union. — War between Mexico and U. S. declared. 184G Iowa admitted to the Union. — War with Mexico. 1847 Battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23. — Gen. Scott enters the city of Mexico. Sept. 15. 1848 Treaty between U. S. and Mexico. — Gold discovered in California. — Wisconsin admitted to the Union. 1850 California admitted to the Union. — The omnibus bill in the U. S. 1S52 Dis])ute between the U. S. and England about the fisheries — Expedition to Japan from the U. S. 1853 Treaty between Japan and tlte U. S. 1857 Settlement of the Central American question.-Trouble with the Mormons. — Great commercial crisis and panic. 1858 Minnesota admitted to the Union. — John Browne's insurrection, Oct. 16; he A. D. was executed Dec. 2. — Laying of the first trans- Atlantic cable. 1860 Visit of an Embassy from .Japan. — Visit of the prince of Wales. — South Carolina seceds from the Union. 1861 Mississippi secedes from the Union, Jan 9. — Florida secedes Jan. 10; Alabama, Jan. 11. — Georgia, Jan. 18; Louisiana, Jan. 27; Texas, Feb. 1. — ^War of Sece.s.sion begins. — Jefferson Davis president of the Confed- erate States. — Fort Sumter bombarded, April 12. — Ai'kansas secedes from the Union, May 6; North Car- olina, May 20; Tennes.see, June 8. — ^Virginia divided into two states. — Battle of Bull Eun, July 21.— Battle of Lexington, Sept. 20.-- Kentucky admitted into the the Confederate States, Dec. 9. 1862 Surrender of Fort Donelson, Feb. 16. — Engagement of the Monitor and JMerrimac, March 9.— Battle of Pitts- bm'gh Landing, April 6 and 7. — Capture of New Orleans, April 25. — Cap- ture of Memphis, June 6. Seven day.s' battle before Richmond, June 25 to July 1.— Second battle of Bull Eun, Aug. 30.— Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17. — Lin- coln issues preliminary HISTORICAL TABLES. 19 A. D. Pi'ocjamation of Emanci- pation, Sept. 22. — Cham- bersburg, Pa., burned- Battle of Fredericltsburg, Dec. 13. — West Virginia admitted as a State to tlie Union. 1863 Emancipation pi'oclamation of President Lincoln goes into effect, Jan. 1. — Jackson, Miss., captured by Grant, May 16. — Vicksburg be- sieged May 21.— Battle of Gettysburgh, July 1-3. — Surrender of Vicksburg, July 4. — Sm-render of Port Hudson, July 8. — Anti- draft riots in New York, July 13-15. — Battle of Cliickamauga, Sept. 19. — Opening of the Atlantic and Great Western Rail- road, Xov. 18. 1864 Gen. U. S. Grant appointed Commander-in-Chief of the army of the U. S., March 12. — Lincohi re - elected president of the U. S., Nov. 8. — Sherman com- mences his "March to the Sea," Nov. 16.— Battle of Nashville, Dec. 15, 16.— Savannah taken. — Nevada admitted to the Union. — Establishment of the Mex- ican empire, with Maxi- milian, of Austria, as em- l^eror. 1865 Battle of Five Forks, April 1. — Richmond taken, April A. D. 3. — Lee surrenders to Gen. Grant, April 9.— Assassi- nation of President Lin- coln, April 14.— Battle at Boco Chico, May 12, which was the last engagement of the War.— Purchase of Alaska by the U. S. from Russia. 1866 Winfield Scott died, May 29. 1867. Nebraska admitted to the Union. — Emperor INIaxi- milian of Mexico, shot June 19. 1868 Impeachment, trial, and ac- quital of President Johnson. 1869 Union Pacific railroad com- pleted.— Gen. U. S. Grant President of the U. S. 1872 Settlement of the Alabama claims. — U. S. Grant re- elected. 1873 Bank of Jay Cook & Co., suspended.— Financial crisis in the U. S.— Modoc war. — Telegraph between the U. S. and Europe completed. 1874 Charles Sumner, born 1811, died. 1875 Arctic expedition sails from Portsmouth. — First cardinal in the U. S. consecrated. 1876 Centennial Exposition of the U. S. at Philadelphia.— Telephone brought into public use in the U. S. — Colorado admitted to the Union. — Sioux war. — Gen. Custer and command mas- sacred by the Sioux. — 20 HISTORICAL TABLES. A. D. Secretary Belknap im - peached, but acquitted. — Burning of Brooklyn The- atre. 1877 Labor riots at Pittsburgh, Pa. — Federal troops re- called from the South. 1880 James A. Garfield, elected President of the U. S. A. D. 1881 President Garfield assassi- nated by Guiteau. 1882 Hanging of Guiteau. 1883 Opening of New York and Brooklyn Bridge, May 24; panic on the bridge, May 30. 1884 Grover Cleveland, president of the U. S. OCEANICA. Chronology of Oceanica. A. D. 1497 Vasquez di Gama's expedi- tion to East Indies. 1507 Madagascar discovered. 1510 Java discovered by the Por- tuguese. 1527 Bermuda Islands discovei-ed. 1610 New Holland discovered by the Dutch. 1619 Batavia, the capital of Java, built by the Dutch. 1770 Captain Cook took possession of New Holland. 1774 Australia and New Zealand explored by Capt. Cook. 1778 Botany Bay, in New South Wales settled. — Sandwich Islands discovered by Cap- tain Cook. 1779 Death of Captain Cook. 1788 ShipBounty arrives at Ofcaheite 1788 First landing of the English convicts at Port Jackson, Australia. A. D, 1805 Van Diemen's Land discov- ered, now called Tasmania. 1808 Gov. Bligh deposed for ty- ranny in Australia. 1811 The English take Java from the Dutch. 1813 Sir Thomas Staines reaches Pitcairu's Island. 1816 The Dutch take Java again from the English. 1820 Missionaries established at the Sandwich Islands. 1829 West Australia made a province. 1830 Exploration of Stuart in South Australia. 1837 Founding of Melbourne. 1838 Exploration of Grey in North-west Australia. 1850 Gold discovered in Australia. 1856 Pitcairn Islanders removed to Norfolk Island. HISTORICAL TABLES. 31 LIST OF THE PKESIDEN^TS OF THE UNITED STATES. 1. George Washingtoii, 2 terms 1789 to 1797 2. John Adams, 1 term 1797 " 1801 3. Thomas Jefferson, 2 terms 1801 " 1809 4. James Madison.... 2 " 1809 " 1817 5. James Monroe 2 " 1817 " 1825 6. John Qumcy Adams, 1 " 1825 " 1829 7. Andrew Jackson, 2 terms 1829 " 1837 8. Martin Van Bm-en 1 term 1837 " 1841 9. William Henry Harrison. .1 month 1841 10. John Tyler 3 years, 11 months. ..... .1841 " 1845 11. James K. Polk 1 term 1845 " 1849 12. Zachary Taylor 1 year, 4 montlis 1849 " 1850 13. Millard Filhiiore 2 years, 8 months 1850 " 1853 14. Franldin Pierce 1 term 1853 " 1857 15. James Buchanan 1 " 1857 " 1861 16. Abraham Lincoln 1 " 1 month 1861 " 1865 17. Andrew Johnson 3 years, 11 months 1865 " 18G9 18. Ulyssus S. Grant 2 terms 1869 " 1877 19. Putherford B. Hayes 1 term 1877 " 1881 20. James A. Garfield 6 months, 15 days 1881 " 21. Chester A.Arthur 3 year-s, 5 mos., 15 days. 1881 " 1885 22. Grover Cleveland 1885 " HISTORICAL TABLES. CELEBRATED CHARACTERS. Adam created six days after the Creation Noah died ..... Sesostris, king of Egypt, flourished Jacob died ..... Moses, the Hebrew lawgiver, died Joshua, leader of the Israelites, died Orpheus, a Greek poet and musician, flourislied David, king of Israel, died . Solomon died . . . . . Homer, a famous Greek poet, flourished Lycurgus, the Spartan lawgiver, flourished Isaiah, a Jewish ])rophet, flourished Jeremiah, a Ilebi-ew prophet, flourished ^sop, a Greecian fabulist, flourished Sappho, a celebrated Greek poetess, born Solon, lawgiver of Athens, died Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, born Thales, a famous Greek Astronomer, died Anacreon, Greek Poet, flourished . , ^^schylus, Greek tragedian, died Socrates, a celebrated Greek philosopher. Xenophon, a Grecian general and author, Plato, a Greek philosopher, Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, Demosthenes ..... Alexander, the Great, SyUa, a Rotnan General, died Virgil, a Roman poet, born Julius Cresar, a celebrated Roman general and Cicero, a Roman orator, died Horace, a famous Roman poet, died B. C. . 4004 , , 1998 , 1722 , , 1689 , 1447 , 1426 , 1284 , ^ 1015 . 975 , 900 . 834 , , 735 , 700 . 620 , 600 . 558 . 551 . 548 532 , . 456 born 468, died 399 447, u 356 " 429, u 347 " 384, u 322 381, 41 322 " 356, (( 323 78 70 writer, died 44 . 43 , , 8 HISTORICAL TABLES. 23 Livy, a famous Roman liistorian, died Stnibo, a geographer and historian, died . Joliu the Baptist, nourished Jesus Christ crucified .... Seneca, a Roman philosopher, died Pliny, the earliest writer on natural history, boru Plutarch, a celebrated Roman biographer, "■ Clovis, the lirst king of France, . . " Charles Ma rtell, founder of a race of French kings, " Charlemagne, emperor of Germany, . . " Egbert, first king of England, . . '• Alfred, king of England, . . . '• Hugh Capet, head of a race of French kings. Abelard, a poet. . . . . " Genghis Khan, a Tartar warrior. . . '■ William Wallace, the hero of Scotland, executed . Dante, a celebrated Italian poet, . " Petrarch, a celebrated poet, , . " Boccaccio, a learned Italian, . . " Chaucer, the father of English poetry, . " Joan of Arc. .... . " Columbus, the discoveror of America, . . " Raphael, celebrated painter, called the Divine, " Gustavus Vasa, king of Sweden . " Ariosto, a great Italian writer, . . ■' Erasmus, a man of great learning, . " Copernicus, a celebrated astronomer, . . " Martin Luther, the great reformer, . . '■ Tycho Brahe, a celebrated Danish astronomer, " Cervantes, a celebrated writer, . . " Calvin, a reformer, ..." Buchanan, a celebrated Scotch writer, . " Sir Philip Sidney . . . . " Tasso, an eminent Italian poet, . . " Spenser, one of the gi-eatest English poets, " Elizabeth, queen of England, . . . " Shakespeare, a celebrated English dramatist, " Sir Walter Raleigh, an English writer, Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, . " Lord Bacon, an eminent English philosopher, " A. D. 17 . 25 . . 26 . 33 , 65 23, died 110 50, u 140 481, (( 511 632, (( 741 782, i; 814 775, a 836 849. 901 996 1079, ii 1142 1162, a 1227 1305 1265, u 1321 1304, 1.1 1374 1313, a 1375 1340, a 1400 1411, a 1431 1436, (; 1506 1483, I i 1520 1523, a 1.560 1474, a 1533 1466, u 1536 1473, a 1543 1485, a 1546 1546, n 1601 1547, a 1616 1509, a 1564 1503, a 1582 15.54, a 1586 1552, ki 1595 1552, a 1596 1533, li 1603 1546, u 1616 beheaded 1618 1611, killed 1632 1561, died 1626 24 ' HISTORICPL TRBLES. Kepler, John, a celebrated astronomer, . born Galileo, a famous astronomer, . " . " Torricelli, Evangelista, physicist and mathematician " Des Cartes, a famous French astronomer, •' Cromwell, Protector of England, . . " Pascal, Blaise, .... •' Moliere, a French writer, ... " Milton, the greatest of English poets, . " Corneille, a celebrated French poet, . . " ^ladame de Sevigne, an elegant French writer, " Racine, a celebrated French writer, . . " Dryden, an admired English poet, . . " Locke, an English philosopher, . . '• Fenelon, an elegant French writer, . . " Addison, an elegant English essayist, . . "• Peter the Great, of Russia, . . . " Sir Isaac Newton, the great philosopher, . " Pope, a great English poet, . .• . " Swift, an English writer, ..." Thomson, a pleasing poet, . . . " Bach, John Sebastian, one of the greatest musicians," Montesquieu, a famous writer, . . " Handel, George Frederic, " " " " " Young, the great moralist and poet, . . " Sterne, an English essayist, ..." Gluck, Christopher, a celebrated musician, " Gray, a celebrated English poet, . . " Smollett, an English novelist, . . " Goldsmith, a celebrated English writer and poet, " Hume, a Scottish historian, . . . " Voltaire, a famous French writer, . " LinnfBUS, a great Swedish naturalist, . . " Rousseau, a celebrated French writer . " Garrick, the great English comedian, . . " Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, celebrated German poet, b. Metastasio, an eminent Italian poet, . " Johnson, essayist and lexicographer, . . '' Buffon, George Louis de, a French naturalist, " Franklin, eminent American philosopher, " Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, a great composer and musician, .... born 1756, died 1791 D. A. 1571, died 1630 1564, i; 1642 1608, ii 1647 1596, u 1650 1599, a 1653 1623, 11 1662 1622, a 1673 1607, u 1674 1606, li 1684 1626, " 1696 1639, •' 1699 1631, «' 1700 1632, u 1704 1651, a 1715 1672, (I 1719 1672, a 1725 1642, It 1727 1688, 11 1744 1667, u 1745 1700, ii, 1748 1685, <■' 1750 1689, (( 1755 1685, u 1759 1684, u 1765 1713, u 1768 1714. " 1787 1716, 1771 1721, '• 1771 1728, •' 1774 1711, 1776 1694, u 1778 1707, u 1778 1712, u 1778 1716, " 1779 1729, Li 1781 1698, u 1782 1709, u 1784 1707, u 1788 1706, u 1790 HISTORICAL TABLES. 25 Robertson, Scotch historian. Gibbon, an historian of eminence. Burns, the celebrated Scottish poet, Burke, a great English statesman, Washington, George, first president of U. S. Cowper, an English poet, Lavater, writer on physiognomj-, . Beattie, a Scottish poet of distinction, IQopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, a German poet, Schiller, an eminent German poet, Paley, an English divine, William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, . Haydn, Joseph, a great composer and musician, Sheridan, an elegant English writer and orator, Dr. Dwight, an American theologian, 3Iadame de Stael, a celebrated French winter, Bonaparte, Napoleon I. . . . Lord Byron, . , . . . Yfeber, Carl Maria von, a gi*eat composer and musician, .... La Place, a celebrated French astronomer, . Beethoven, lAidwig von, great composer and musician, . . . Schubert, Franz, a celebrated composer of songs, Madame de Geulis, a French writer, Sir Walter Scott, a celebrated writer, Cuvier, the great French naturalist, Goethe, a celebrated German poet, Lafay^^tte, Marquis de . . . . Talleyrand, French Minister, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, celebrated as poet Painter, Scholar and Musician, Poe, Edgar A., American poet, Hem-y Clay, an American statesman, Daniel Webster, an American statesman, Schuman, Robert, a great nmsician, and one of the most intellectual musical critics, Heine, Heinrich, distinguished German poet, Humboldt, eminent German philosopher, . Irving, Washington, eminent American wiitei-. A. I), born 1721, died 1793 " 1737, (; 1794 '• 1753, (( 1796 " 1736, i( 1797 " 1732, " 1799 " 1731, u 1800 " 1741, Cl 1801 " 1735, 11 1803 " 1724, 11 1803 " 1759, (I 1805 " 1743, C( 1805 " 1759, " 1806 " 1732, (. 1809 " 1751, (I 1816 " 1752, ii 1817 " 1766, (( 1817 " 1769, ;; 1821 " 1788, <.i 1824 " 1786, 11 1826 '' 1749, u 1827 " 1770, u 1827 " 1797, a 1828 " 1746, li 1830 " 1771, a 1832 " 1769, (( 1832 '^ 1749, u 1832 •' 1757, 1.1. 1834 " 1754, (( 1838 " 1809, u 1847 " 1811, (I 1849 " 1777, u 1852 " 1782, ti. 1852 " 1810, (( 1856 • " 1799, u, 1856 " 1769, li 1859 •• 1TS3, " 1859 26 HISTORICAL TABLES. Wieland, Ch. M., German poet, . ., born Koeruei-, Theodor, German poet, . . " Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, Swiss pedagogue, " AVilberforce, William, English philanthropist, " Rotteck, K. von, German historical writer, " Cooper, James Feniniore, one of the most popular American novelists, . . " Froebel, Friedrich, Gei-maa pedagogue, father of the Kindei-garten, . . . . " Macauley, Thomas Babington, Lord, historical writer and English statesman, . " Schlosser, Fr., Ch., German historical writer, " Uhland, Ludwig, German poet, . . " Thackeray, William Makepeace, English humorist and novelist, . . . " Hawthorne, Nathaniel, eminent American writer, " Meyerbeer, Jacob, a great composer . " Lasalle, Ferdinand, originator Social Deinocratic movements and agitator, . . " Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the U. S. " Rueokert, Friedrich, German poet, . . " Peabody, George, American philanthi-opist, . " Dickens, Charles, English writer of eminence, " Agassiz, Louis Jean Eudolphe, distinguished Swiss philosopher and naturalist, . . " 1807, " 1873 Liebig, Justus, Freiherr von, eminent German scientist and chemist, Greeley, Horace, famous American journalist, Raumer, L. G., von, German historical writer, Freiligrath, Ferdinand, German poet, Bryant, William Cullen, American poet, Stowe, Harriett Beecher, Mrs., world famous author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, . . " 1812, " 1878 Taylor, Baj^ard, famous as traveler and jour- nalist, ambassador of the U. S. to Berlin, Carlyle, Thomas, English historical writer Longfellow, Henry W., celebrated American poet, Darwin, Charles Robert, English natm*alist, Emerson, Ralph Waldo, American essayist, philosopher and poet, ..." 1803, " 1882 A. D. 1733. died 1813 1791, " 1813 1746, 11. 1827 1759, '• 1833 177.5, (i 184a 1789, 1851 1782, u 1852 1800, 'i 1859 1776, 1861 1787, 1862 1811, 1863 1804, 1864 1794, 1864 1825, 1864 1807, 1865 1789, 1866 1795, 1869 1812, 1870 1803, 1873 1811, 1873 1781, 1873 1810, 1876 1794, 1878 1825, u 1878 1795, u 1881 1807, it, 1882 1809, (.1, 1882 niSTORICAI. TABLES. 27 Wagner, Richard, celebrated German composer and musician, .... born 1813^ died 1883 Gambetta, Leon, French statesman, • . '' 1838, '• 1883 Cooper, Peter, American philanthropist, founder of "Cooper Institute,"" Liszt, Franz, great composer and virtuoso Scheffei, Joseph Victor, German poet, Montesliore, 3Ioses, Sir, English philanthropist, Ranke, Leopold von, German historical writer, Sheridan, Philip Henrj^ General of theU. S. army, Bankcroft, George, eminent historian and writer, Mommseu, Theodore, German Archaelogian and historical writer, .... Bret Harte, Francis, American poet and novelist, MacMahon, Marie Edme Patrice Maurice de, duke of ]\largerita, marshal, president of France, (1873-79) .... Tennyson, Alfred, eminent English poet, Bismark, Schoenhausen, Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince von, Chancellor of the German empire, . . ' . . . " 1815. Moltke, Helmuth, Count von, Prussian field marshal, . . . . . '' 1800. Lesseps, Ferdinand, viscomte de, French di- plomatist and engineer; builder of the Suez Canal; since 1880 working at the Panama Canal, . , . . '• 1805. 1791, ' •' 1883 1811, " 188(i 1820, ' •' 188G 1784, ' •' 1887 1795, ' ' 1888 1831, ' '■' 1888 1800, 1817. 1839. 1808. 1810. IMPORTANT DATES. VEKY USEFUL TO COMMIT TO 3IEMOKY. B. C. The Creation, . . . . . ' . . 4004 The Deluge, ........ 2348 Assyria founded by Ashur, ..... 2229 Egypt settled by Misraim, ...... 2188 Birth of Abraham, ...... 1996 Inachus makes the first settlement in Greece, . . . 1856 I HISTORICAL TABLES. Removal of Jacob to Egypt, ..... Athens founded by Cecrops, .... Departure of the Israelites out of Egypt, Death of Moses, King David born, ...... Solomon's Temple completed, .... Jonah the Prophet sent to preach to the Ninevites, Rome founded, ....... Persian empire established bj'' Cyrus the Great, The Jews permitted to return from their cajitivity in Babylon Alexander invades Persia, ..... Greece and Carthage conquered by the Romans, Julius Cassar invades Great Britain, The battle of Pharsalia, ...... The Battle of Actium, . . . . , Cleopatra, the beautiful queen of Egypt, dies, Jesus Christ was born, Augustus Caesar being emperor of Rome St. Paul sent as prisoner to Rome, . . , . Jerusalem destroyed by Titus, .... Hygenns, first bishop of Rome who was made pope, Christianity adopted at Rome by the Emperor Constantine, Pharamond, first king of France, .... FaU of the Roman empire, .... Mahomet's flight, called the Hegira, .... Saracen empire established, .... Charlemagne becomes emperor of Germany, The first crusade, ...... Chivalry at its height, ...... Ottoman empire founded, . . . . , Discovery of America, by Columbus, Reichstag of Worms (diet) ..... Elizabeth, queen of England, died, English settlement' in Virginia, .... Dutch Settlement in New York, .... The Pilgrims land at Plymouth, .... Oliver Cromwell died, ..... American Revolution begins, ..... Washington, fii-st president of the United States HISTORICAL TABLES. 3* A. D, French Revolution, . . . . . . 1793 Marie Antoinette, execution of, Oct. 16, . ' . . 1793 War between England and America, . . . 1812 Battle of Waterloo, tinal defeat of Napoleon I. by Wellington and Bluecher, June 18, . . . . . 1815 Bonaparte dies at St. Helena, .... 1821 Gold discovered in California. — Revolution in France. — Abdi- cation of Louis XVIII. — Republic proclaimed Feb. 26. — Napoleon proclaimed president-elect of the French Republic. — Revolution thi'oughout Germanj% . 1848 Electric telegi-aph completed, ..... 1849 Niagara Suspension Bridge fli-st crossed by a locomotive,— May 14, ...... . 1855 Liberation of Italy. — Victor Emanuel, king of Italy, Feb. 26, 1860 Surrender of Vicksburg to Gen. Grant, July 4, . . 186.1 Assassination of A. Lincoln, April 14, ... 1865 Purchase of Alaska by the U. S. for the sum of $7,200,000 in gold. — Railway over Mont Cenis, opened Nov. 28, — 1867 French Atlantic Cable laid, .... 1869 Mt. Cenis Tunnel opened. — War between Prussia and France, ends with the defeat of France, . . . 1870 Burning of the City of Chicago. — King William elected — Emperor of Germany as William I. . . . 1871 Telephone first brought into public use in the U. S. by Prof. A. G. Bell.— Centennial of the U. S. celebrated at Philadelphia. — Gen. Custer and command massacred by the Sioux, June, ..... 1876 General introduction of the Electric Light and Elevated Railroad, ....... 1878 James A. Garfield assassinatad by Guiteau, July 2. — Begin- ning of the work at the Panama Canal. — Assassination of Alexander I. of Russia. — First Electric Railroad at Berlin, Prussia, ...... 1881 St. Gotthard Tunnel opened, ..... 1882 Opening of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge, May 24, built by Roebling ...... 1883 Newhall House, Milwaukee, destroyed by fire, over 100 lives lost. ........ 1883 Death of Emperor William I. of Germany, born 1797.— Death of Emperor Frederic William, 100 days later, 1888 80 HISTORICAL TABLES. UNIVERSITIES.— WHEN FOUNDED. A. D. 886 University of Oxford, England. 1200 i; " Salamanca, . Spain. 1228 (I " Toulouse, France, 1230 u " Naples, Italy. 1290 u " Lisbon, . . Portugal. 1302 u " Avignon, France. 1312 u " Orleans, . a 1319 u " Dublin, Ireland. 1348 4't " Prague, . Germany. 1365 11 " Geneva, Switzerland, 1365 (.i " Vienne, . Austria. 1386 li " Heidelberg, , Germany. 1388 (.(. '* Cologne, . ;( 1392 u " Erfurt, n 1409 li. " Leipzig, a 1411 u " St. Andrews, Scotland. 1419 (I " Rostock, . Germany. 1477 (I " Tuebingen, ;( 1478 ^' " Mainz, . i( 1456 " '• Greifswalde (C 1479 (( " Upsal, . Holland. 1527 (1 " Marbiu-g, Germany. 1589 '• " Wuerzburg, a 1638 Harvard College, a 1694 University of Halle, • . Germany. 1700 Yale CoUe ge America. 1750 Academy of Science, Stockholm, Sweden. 1753 British Mu •^eum, . England. 1754 King's (now Columbia) College, 1757 Princeton College America. 1768 Royal Academj^ of Arts — etc, . England. 1810 University of Berlin, Germany. 1818 u " Bonn, . Germany. 1589 (( " Michigan, America. 1868 Cornell U diversity, . America, 1872 University of Strassburg, Germany. 1876 John Hopkins University, . America. HISTORICAL TABLES. 31 mVENTIOXS AND DISCOVERIES. Xetters, by Memnon, aa Egyptian Paper, iu China. . . B. C. Grist -Mills in Ireland ...... Hour -Glass at Alexandria. ..... BeUs, by Paulinus, bishop of Nola, in Campania Olass, invented and brought to England. . Water mills for grinding ..... Lanterns, by King Alfi-ed ..... Paper made of cotton ...... Compass, by Flavio Gioga, an Italian, about Magnifjing-glasses by Roger Bacon .... Si>ectacles " Salvino degli Arraati, Florence Looking-glasses made at Venice .... Gunpowder by Barthold Schwarz, in Freiburg, Germany Canons First used in England. .... Painting in oil by John Van Eyk, Netherlands . Air-gun by Johann Lobsiuger, Nueremberg, Porto Santo and Madeira Islands discovered by the Portuguese Canary Islands and the Azores " " " " Printing Johann Gutenberg, Mainz, Germany Steel -engraving Israel von Mecheln, in Bocholt . Coast of LTpper Guinea discovered First Bible printed in Latin. Cape of Good Hope discovered Watches invented by Peter Heele, Nueremberg . Pacific Ocean discovered by Balboa Magellan sailed round the southern Cape of America Spinning-wheels invented by Juergens iu Braunschweig Telescope " " Jansen, Holland. Hudson Bay discovered bj'^ Henr}'- Hudson . Logarithms invented by Baron Napier, of Scotland. Thermometer " " Cornelius Drebbel iu Alkm Pendulum Clock invented by Huygens, a Dutch philosopher 1629 Reflecting Telescope, invented by Gregory . . . 1633 Barometer invented by Toricelli in Florence, Italy Air-pump " " Otto von Guerike, Magdeburg Chain -shot " " Admiral de Witt . Fire-ensrines ...... 1822 170 A. D. 214 240 400 663 555 890 1100 1200 1260 1290 1300 1.330 1340 1352 1400 1419 14-20 1440 1445 1445 1462 1486 1509 1513 1520 1530 1590 1610 1614 1620 — 1(;9.5 1675 1643 1650 1660 1663 32 HISTORICAL TABLES. Magic -lantern by Kircher, Germany Speaking and Hearing tubes by Kircher, in Fiilda Repeating -watch invented by Barlow, in England., Porcelain invented by Boettcher, in Saxony, Piano -forte '* " Schroeter in Saxony. Stei-eotype printing at Edinburgh. Grafting of trees by Holt, gai-dener in Holland. Spinning-Jenny, by Eichard Arkwright, Lightning-rods by Benjaniin Franklin, America. Steam-engine by James Watt, England . Eaih-oad by Edgeworth, England. . Balloon by Moutgolfler, France. Telegraph, optic, by Chappe, France. , Cotton-gin, by Eli Whitney, America Lithographic engraving, by Sennefelder, Germany, Vaccinating. Dr. Jeuuer, England Gaslight by Lampadius, Germany . Percussion-gun bj^ Forsythe, England. Steamship by Robert Fulton, America, . Locomotive by Stephenson, England. . Rubber-shoes brought from Brazil to Boston . Matches by Kammerer, Germany Telegi-aph, electro-magnetic by Morse, in England Photography by Daguerre, Finance. Steam-forge-hammer, by Nasmj^th, Manchester, Vulcanizing India-Rubber invented by Charles Goodyear Needle -gun by Drej^sse, Germany. Sewing-machine by Elias Howe, America . Bessemer Steel, process of, made known. Trans-Atlantic Cable laid ..... Electric light, by Prof. Holmes, at Dover. Spectrum -analysis, by Bunsen & Kirchhofi . Suez-Canal first opened for commerce. Telephone, Morse, brought into use by A. G. Bell, America, 1732 THE END. 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