D 525 .C592 Copy 1 1 he European War AND Its Crowning Result By REV. R. S. CLARK OF THE MONTANA CONFERENCE Return to Dlv. of Blblloirrapby Lib, ofCOnyrew (Not yet 0*t»ld|ruca) THE EUROPEAN WAR AND ITS CROWNING RESULT By rev. R. S. CLARK OF THE MONTANA CONFERENCE Pkinted fok Tut Author Publishing House M. E, Church, South Nashville, Tens. 1915 c ^51 &<^^ By transfer The White House PREFACE. When I was a barefooted boy walking alone through an almost unbroken forest, a problem came suddenly into my mind and has remained to the pres- ent time and has become the nucleus about which my theology has clustered, and which is this: Why are you in conflict with yourself, your spirit and your flesh at war with each other? To begin with, I was fully conscious that I was not a moral unit, and I was equally certain that it was not the result of my crea- tion by a God that was not in conflict with himself. These assurances were followed as an inevitable with the impression that the conflict in me was the result of Adam's fall. Then I concluded that if I could find what Adam was on trial for I would also find what effect his failure had on his moral economy. Reach- ing this point, my next chance to find the truth that I was seeking was in analyzing the garden or test law by the use of the sentence that God passed upon Adam in its vindication, knowing that it was the true con- struction of that law, and which I found to be physical death as the direct effect and the moral imprisonment of the intellect and spirit, or "inward man," which is Isaiah's "lawful captives" — captives in the disabled physical or "outward man" of the devil — ^but not oth- erwise disabled, having a "will to do" and a faculty to believe, which left man savable. This made man as an inevitable dual, morally, having an "outward man" 4 The European War and Its Crowning Result. that was totally disabled and an "inward man" morally imprisoned therein. I now saw the source of my moral conflict with my- self. This discovery revealed the truth that Adam was on trial in the physical or "outward man" faculty of his moral being, and after search disclosed the all-important truth that he was on trial as the king of the world in its sense and social life in conjunc- tion with God the Holy Trinity's sovereign reign in its spiritual life. Here I saw that Adam's dethrone- ment at the devil's instance could but have disestab- lished God's government on earth by separating its human and divine departments and enthroning the devil-god over Adam and his world. Having obeyed him instead of God, he became his servant, of course. Now I saw the philosophy of Christ's birth from the virgin womb of dethroned humanity — that is, that Christ thereby became the Birthright Prince and, therefore, the Redemptive Heir of Adam's throne of the world. This revealed the great truth that Christ's mission to the world was that of delivering man from under the garden law and the recovery of his throne and thereby to establish God's government on earth be- yond Adam's grave of his dethronement in his world thereby redeemed "for an everlasting possession." Now we may see why Christ is coming back to the world — that is, to establish his Adamic kingdom and thereby reestablish God's government on earth in its original order. And we can also see that the govern- ments of the world, which are but Adam's government The Europemi War and Its Crowning Result. 5 continued under the delusion of *'the mystery of in- iquity," must be removed. The author has written this preface not only to strengthen his position but also that he may be better understood. THE EUROPEAN WAR AND ITS CROWNING RESULT. The object of this pamphlet is to call the attention of the world to the great redemptive truth that Christ is to come back to establish his kingdom of it, and something of the nature of his coming, and of the nature of his personal kingdom, and the nature of God's original kingdom on earth thereby recovered and reestablished as a redemptive fact in Christ's millennial reign, and for which atonement provision was made before his ascension, and which was left under the personal reign of God, the Holy Ghost, the Divine Executor, to complete its work by man's co- operation upon the practical arena of the world's life, where all are saved in recovered citizenship that are finally saved, and where all are lost in forfeited citi- zenship that are finally lost; none being either saved finally in the cradle or lost finally in the grave, except, however, that those that die in the cradle are finally saved, of course. And we should observe that the end of the atonement's work of final salvation is not determined by the number saved or lost, but instead it is determined by the character of man's cooperation with it. Man may in his cooperation with it be "beau- tiful for men to behold," when he is as a "whited sep- ulcher, full of corruption," and therefore ready for eternal exile, as were the Jews for their time exile. Viewing the war in Christianized Europe as dispas- 8 The European War and Its Crowning Result. sionately and as optimistically as intelligent conserva- tism will permit, the conclusion asserts itself that "the Gentiles" are fast reaching- their ''fullness" in for- mality under the new covenant gospel dispensation, as did the Jews under the old gospel dispensation. For there is no place on earth that discloses the need of atonement salvation more than does this war dis- close it in Europe; for they are making it their busi- ness night and day, Sunday and Monday, to kill one another, while the nations engaged in this wholesale murder are praying to God for success, when the war is the direct result of "the mystery of iniquity," taking Christ out of his atonement plan of preventing it. How deceived ! "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee." (Hos. iv. 6.) From this viewpoint it is but reasonable to conclude that this European war, which is the greatest war with which "this present evil world" has ever been cursed, and which is being waged upon the field where the last universal government was conquested by de- throned man through hundreds of years, which was a gigantic effort — though it may not have been so de- signed, for this is "the mystery of iniquity" — to re- cover Adam's throne of the world in its sense and social life, where he was dethroned in conjunct^'on with God's sovereign reign in its spiritual life, has not escaped prophetic vision, especially so when the ori- gin and nature and the time of the reign of this gov- ernment were prophesied, and also when it had been prophesied that it would be disorganized under its "seventh head" or form of government, and after a The European War and Its Crowning Result. g time not specified it would be reorganized under its "eighth head" by a mighty conqueror, and that it would be of its seventh head or would partake of its nature; and after a brief and very disastrous reign it would "go into perdition" — or, in other words, and what to the world is of great moment, that it would be destroyed by a fifth government that "shall fill the world and never shall be destroyed." For this, of course, is Adam's throne of the world recovered under God's government on earth in its original or- der by Christ, its Birthright Prince, and therefore it is his right, both by birth and by atonement provision to reign in its sense and social department in Adam's stead in conjunction with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost — it being now under the personal reign of the latter — in its spiritual department, Christ there- by becoming the "second Adam" or Redeemer King of Adam's world, thus redeemed finally beyond the grave of his dethronement, it requiring Christ's res- urrection thereout to accomplish it. "But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him [death being Christ's last enemy to his occupancy of Adam's throne of the world as a redemptive fact, as this event, of necessity, can occur only beyond the grave of Adam's dethronement in his world thereby re- deemed], then shall the Son also himself be subject [just as Adam was, whose throne Christ has thereby recovered under the original order of God's govern- ment on earth] unto him that did put all things under him, that God may be all in all." (i Cor. xv. 27, 28.) 10 The European War and Its Crowning Result. That is, that God may be the reigning spiritual Sover- eign of the world, thus recovered under his original provincial government of it, Christ having become its "One Lord" in its human department in Adam's stead. And where is the mystery about this literal and complete redemption of Adam's dethroned house ac- complished in this businesslike manner by Christ, its Birthright Prince? With this relation to it, could it have been otherwise accomplished? Reason's answer to this question is that under the all-pervading law of relation in kind it was utterly impossible; that all, of necessity, that was lost under its inexorable reign by Adam's dethronement must have been redeemed by Christ's enthronement. Here we may unmistakably see that God's original kingdom of the world was dual, having a human and a divine department, man reign- ing king in one and God, the Holy Trinity, reigning supreme in the other. We may see with equal cer- tainty that Christ has made atonement provision to recover and reestablish this kingdom on earth in its original order by his enthronement in its human or social department, which reunites it with the divine or spiritual department and which was separated by Adam's dethronement. When Pilate said to Christ, when he was under the shadow of the cross, "Art thou a king, then?" his reply was: "Thou sayest that ^ am a king. To this end was I born [in Adam's dethroned house, of course], and for this cause came I into the world to bear witness to the [this] truth" — that is, that Pilate had declared and for which Christ said that he was born — Christ here taught clearly, if he taught anything, that his birth mission to this world was The European War and Its Crowning Result. 1 1 that of recovering Adam's throne of the world under God's government on earth, itself thereby recovered in its original order. And could God, the Father, have given Christ, his Son, to save the world in any other way? If so, I have utterly failed to discover it. And I can no more conceive of two plans of saving dethroned humanity than I can conceive of a plurality of plans for its creation. So much at present for Christ's Church or Adam's kingdom and God's reestablished reign in its spiritual life. Now let us consult Daniel's prophecy in his disclo- sure and interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream and see what he teaches of Christ's coming and of the social conditions of the world, especially of Europe, and what will become of the world's governments at that time : "Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was ex- cellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, ... his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands [was not in hands], which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors ; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them : and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king. Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of 12 The European War and Its Crowning Result. heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory [that is, as the result of his con- quest, just as he will give to the wicked the labor of their hands in the final judgment]. . . . Thou art this head of gold [Babylonian government]. And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee [Medo-Persian], and another third kingdom of brass [Grecian], which shall bear rule over all the earth. And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron [Im- perial Rome] : forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things : and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise [in its con- quests]. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron [no clay, we should observe, in organized Imperial Rome, as it rep- resents the diplomatic alliances and also the blood ties between the royal houses of the European powers in Imperial Rome's disorganization therein, which are devices to keep the iron, or the Roman conquesting instincts, from coming into violent contact with each other], the kingdom [Imperial Rome] shall be divid- ed; but there shall be in it the strength of iron [con- questing prowess], forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken [or brittle]. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men [that is, the royal houses of the European powers would intermarry to establish blood ties between them, together with diplomatic alliances to prevent them from invading each other's boundaries] : but they shall The European IV or and Its Crowning Result. 13 not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." (Dan. ii. 31-43.) The diplomatic alliances between the European powers and the blood ties that unite their royal houses have not proved, as Daniel foresaw, equal to the con- questing proclivity that they have inherited from Im- perial Rome, like begetting like. We should observe that Imperial Rome inherited this proclivity from King Adam, who, under the deception of the serpent, went out of his created relation to his world-domain by the transgression of the law in which it was con- served in an effort to conquest the wisdom of the gods, that he might thereby be the monarch of the world instead of its vassal king ; and therefore he never did acknowledge his dethronement, nor did he cease his search for the wisdom of the gods, nor have his children ceased their search for it until now, and they never were more completely the subjects of this de- lusion than they are to-day. Here we have not only the inexhaustible source of conquesting Imperialism; but we also have associated with it in its origin and in vital and persistent action that most subtle of all delusions — that is, "the mystery of iniquity" that is deluging Europe in blood to-day, in the nineteenth century of Christ's reign in his gospel provision to prevent it by his enthronement in Adam's stead and in his created relation to his world-domain, out of which we went in quest of the wisdom of the gods, and which was the origin of all of the depraved pro- clivities and evils to which his family is heir. Here we have the origin of sin in Adam's moral economy and not in his environments, to which it was T4 The European War and Its Crozvning Result. transmitted as an inevitable by the great law of adap- tation. Here, therefore, we must begin our search for man's redemptive needs and the nature of the atone- ment provision for them. Beginning here, we find by God's Word in logical research that Adam's de- thronement was effected by the devil through and in the physical or king faculty of his moral being, it hav- ing been ''formed of the dust of the ground" to relate him in kind to the world for his domain, as otherwise he could not have been its king-inheritor. And as he was thereby disabled in this faculty as an inevitable, and so held under the garden law in the sentence of physical death that arrested his citizenship in his (so- cial) department of God's government on earth to secure his execution, as a citizen cannot be executed by law; and as Adam did not die under this sentence in twenty-four days, which was doubtless the impres- sion that the serpent, or rather, that the devil in his serpent disguise, had, to make his deception effectual, made upon his mind, therefore he embraced as true what the devil had told Eve would be the direct result of the transgression of the garden or test law — that is, that it would make them as wise as the gods — the first Higher Critic of God's Word — hence Adam's con- clusion that he could, being as wise as the gods, oc- cupy the throne of the world as its monarch, while Eve, his queen, could reign in its home life, independ- ent of the gods ; and, transmitting this conviction and its purpose in a dethroned proclivity to their children, they have through the ages of dethroned humanity been seeking Adam's throne of the world under the devil's abnormal reign as its god, whose enthrone- The Europecm War and Its Crowning Result. 15 ment was the inevitable result of Adam's dethrone- ment, at his instance, in the sense and social life of the world in conjunction with God's sovereign reign in its spiritual life, and which, of course, disestablished God's government on earth in the separation of its human and divine departments. This great war in Europe to-day is but this pro- clivity struggling in blood and carnage for supremacy in Europe, if not in the world, under the devil, of course; for Christ, the Birthright Prince of Adam's dethroned house, whose right is to reign "Lord of lords and King of kings" under the supreme reign of God in its spiritual life, has been taken "out of the way," or ostracized, by this "work of the mystery of iniquity." "And why should not the world fondly in- dulge the hope that Christ will return and put an end to its devastating work by removing the kingdoms of the world that are established under its reign in his own enthronement under God's original government thereby recovered from under the devil's abnormal reign and reestablish it in the reunion of its human and divine departments, when God's will "will be done on earth as it is done in heaven" ? And especially so when salvation from these dethroned, abnormal conditions of its life can come to it finally in no other way, so de- clared in God's Word, and which is fully established in the philosophy of the atonement, and which reason clearly discovers. Is it not seen that the scientific and literary attainments of Europe and their moral refor- mation or religious attainments, instead of preventing this great war that is drenching its soil with human gore, have contributed to its intensity and to its dev- i6 The European War and Its Crowning Result. astation and unprecedented ruin? When was it ever known that cause, small or great, removed its effects or changed their legitimate nature in improved repe- tition? Yet this is what "the mystery of iniquity" has undertaken to accomplish in our world that it suc- ceeded in dethroning, or rather what it has promised man, its dethroned subject, that it will accomplish for him at some time and place, wholly unknown, of course. Does the world see Christ in this European war, or does it see him taken out of his atonement plan by "the mystery of iniquity" to prevent it ? There is one thing certain, and that is that the world cannot, in the light of God's Word and reason, see Christ in the former relation to the European war. Then it follows as an inevitable that it must see him, if it sees him at all, in the latter relation to this war ; and, seeing him in this attitude to it and to the world as its Saviour, why not expect him to come and remove its iniquitous govern- ments and establish his kingdom that will fill the whole world under his munificent reign, when "right- eousness will dwell in the earth"? It was because of this dethroned delusion of Adam that it became necessary for God, in order to recover his government on earth, forcefully to eject Adam from his garden home capital of the world and send "him out to till the soil." And it also became neces- sary to put an angel there "with a flaming sword that turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life" to prevent him from returning and eating of its fruit and thereby becoming confirmed on his throne in his dethroned state under the devil's abnormal reign for- The European War and Its Crowning Result. 17 ever. With this divine disclosure of the origin and nature of this delusion in dethroned man, should the world be astonished that his children, with a procliv- ity born of this delusion, should persist in conquesting his throne by even taking Christ, the Birthright Prince, out of its way? Nor should there be astonishment that Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, should have taught that "the [this] mystery of iniquity" was at ''work" in his day, and that Christ also was at work in his atonement plan to prevent its success — that is, by recovering citizens out of Adam's dethroned world into his Adamic kingdom, thereby recovering Adam's throne under God's government finally on earth be- yond the grave of Adam's dethronement in his world thus redeemed. Neither should the world be at all astonished that Paul should have taught that "the [this] mystery of iniquity" would finally take Christ out of his new covenant or gospel probation to recover Adam's throne, since all depends upon man's coop- eration — who is the subject of this "mystery of iniquity" — with Christ in this atonement provision for its ac- complishment; for it must, of necessity, be effected upon the practical arena of man's dethroned life, where he makes his character or fixes his destiny under Christ's reign in his atonement provision to save him in redeemed character. All men will not be finally saved (though they are unconditionally redeemed in the Cra- dle), not, however, because Christ's atonement plan therefor is inefficient, but instead because they will not cooperate with him in this plan in going from the cradle to the grave of Adam's dethronement, where character for weal or woe must be made by dethroned 2 i8 The European War and Its Crowning Result. man, and who is held, as we have seen, under redemp- tive necessity, totally disabled in arrested citizenship, in the physical or practical faculty of his moral being, under the sentence of physical death, to secure his execution as a citizen cannot be executed by law, therefore his only chance for recovered citizenship in the social or physical department of God's recovered government on earth is in his resurrection and justifi- cation from under this executed penalty of the garden law and which depends upon his character. And then add to all of this the great revolting fact that "the [this] mystery of iniquity" had so taken Christ out of the promise, "The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head," by counteracting in his own enthronement in Adam's stead, his head device by which he dethroned Adam and thereby disestab- lished God's government on earth, and thus reestab- lished it in man's recovery therein, that it became a re- demptive necessity that God should bring a flood of water upon the earth to remove all of Adam's family, except one of eight members ("left us a seed") with whom to perpetuate this covenant, as there were no others that were capable of cooperating with him in effecting this great redemptive result. (When will de- throned man understand that God's power to save him from his personal sins is determined by his own faith in Christ, together with his own will in cooperating with God in Christ's atonement provision for its accom- plishment?) And has not Christ called the attention of the world to this great event in its life, and also to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, to disclose to it the awful truth that when he comes he will have been The European War and Its Crowning Result. 19 taken out of the atonement means under the gospel to save it from its sins, thereby making it necessary, in order to establish his Adamic kingdom on earth, to remove all of its governments that have been estab- lished under ''the mystery of iniquity" despite his effort to prevent it ? Nothing but the working of "the mystery of iniquity" keeps the world from seeing this its end under the atonement to save it from its sins, with its faith and will cooperation with Christ to effect it. And it will be readily seen that when Christ is taken out of the gospel way of recovering Adam's throne of the world, and which he will be — that is, by the enthronement of ''the man of sin, the son of perdi- tion, that Wicked" — upon the throne of reorganized Imperial Rome, he will quickly "set up" God's king- dom, or original government, on earth in his millen- nial reign, which necessitates the speedy removal of all of earth's governments to prepare for its occupancy of "the whole world," just as it was necessary to re- move the antediluvian world to prepare the postdilu- vian world for Christ's potential Adamic kingdom in the promise, "The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head," until it was established in atonement provision, and until Christ was taken out of its pro- visions to enthrone himself in Adam's stead, and which will be done when Imperial Rome is reorgan- ized by conquest under the reign of a universal mon- arch. It was "the mystery of iniquity" that crucified Christ — that is, because he would not raise up David's throne and sit thereon this side of his grave of de- thronement. And this is what the great peace move- ment of to-day is seeking in effect to accomplish, al- 20 The European War a/tid Its Crozvning Result. though its design is quite otherwise. Any effort to enthrone Christ in the social life of the world, except through God's sovereign reign in its spiritual life, is the work of "the mystery of iniquity." And it is not difficult to see that very much is being done to-day along this line of Christian endeavor. It was this effort, with much success, that sent Abraham's cove- nant house into exile from Palestine their redemptive earnest of Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of his dethronement. And that also took away from it Christ's Adamic kingdom, which he gave to the Gentiles to bring forth its spiritual fruit in its season, or while they cooperated with Christ in their practical lives under the sovereign reign of God in their spirit- ual lives, thus making Christ the Saviour of the world, and not by enthroning Christ in its social life without the sovereign reign of God in its spiritual life, which dethroned man is prone to do. On the other hand, it is curious to observe that when Christ's enemies think they have taken him out of the way, they have simply put him in relation where he could alone have accomplished his atonement mission. Under this character of "the mystery of in- iquity," the Jews little thought when they put Christ on the cross that they were thereby putting him in rela- tion where he could alone "raise up David's throne and sit thereon forever." And Pilate wrote wiser than he knew when he wrote above Christ on the cross, "This Is Christ, the King of the Jews"; for he evidently believed, and so did the Jews, that they were taking Christ out of the way of being the King of Abraham's covenant house, when they were put- The European War and Its Crowning Result 21 ting him in atonement relation to provide for his be- coming their King beyond the grave of Adam's de- thronement, and not this side of it, as they persistently contended, even Peter, until after Christ's resurrection out of Adam's grave of dethronement, when he saw *'a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness," or the pristine fitness of the world's life as the result of the final establishment of Christ's Adamic kingdom. And when "the mystery of iniquity" finally succeeds — which it will do — in taking Christ out of the gospel way or method of recovering Adam's throne of the world under God's original government of it, it will place him in atonement relations to as- cend at once Adam's throne in his millennial reign of the world, where the devil, the author of "the mys- tery of iniquity," will be "chained and shut up in the bottomless pit," that he go not out to deceive the na- tions, by its use, "till the thousand years be fulfilled." No wonder, then, that the prophetic ken of Daniel should have discovered down through the coming ages that the clay policy would not prevent the European powers fromi unwittingly resolving themselves in an effort of conquest into Imperial Rome under its "eighth head" or politico-ecclesiastical form of gov- ernment; for this proclivity that has controlled these powers also contends for Adam's religious throne, or rather, relation to the world's government, and of which Cain is the notorious representative, and who has been presented to the world to save it from this dethroned contention for these interests. While ec- clesiastical Rome is a very significant and monstrous expression of this dethroned delusion. It is this con- 22 Tlie European War and Its Crozvning Result. tention that makes ''the mystery of iniquity" the reli- gious antasronist of Christ, for it is Christ's enthrone- ment in these interests in Adam's stead in their nor- mal state that "the mystery of iniquity" is working to prevent. Cain in slaying his brother Abel, that rep- resented the religious interest in its redeemed relation to the State, sought thereby to unite these departments of earth's government in his birthright to Adam's throne by thus taking Abel out of the way. "And Abel, though dead, yet he speaketh" not only to the world that Christ has provided to unite these interests in their normal relation to each other, but speaks to it also of the unscrupulous and persistent effort of this "mystery of iniquity" to prevent it by uniting these interests in man's enthronement under the devil's abnormal reign in the sense and social life of the world. Under God's original government the State and religion were in- separably connected, Adam reigning king in the social life of the world, while God, the Holy Trinity, reigned supreme in its spiritual life. It may be readily seen that for man to unite these departments of earth's gov- ernment in his dethroned state will effectually prevent their recovery to their normal relation to each other. Man must accept his dethronement in its awful ef- fects and accept by faith Christ's enthronement in his stead, no\y in atonement provision, and finally as a redemptive fact, before God's supreme reign in the spiritual department of the world's government is possible. Man has not, nor did he ever have, any right to reign in the spiritual department of the world's government, nor has he any right to reign in its polit- ical department in his dethroned state. Therefore The European War and Its Crowning Result. 23 when he enters these departments with authority he thereby seeks to dethrone God in the one and Christ in the other. Even formahty in its highest attain- ments is an effort of ''the mystery of iniquity" to ac- compHsh these sacrilegious results, and it was never more prevalent and plausible than it is to-day. The truth is that it has well-nigh taken God out of the spiritual life of Christ's Church, or Adamic kingdom, and therefore Christ's reign in the social department of the world's life is very ineffectual in restraining it from crime and saving it from individual sins. Refor- mation effected by moral suasion is largely the reli- g'ion of to-day, which simply, or rather mysteriously, takes Christ out of his atonement provision to restrain and save the world from sin in his atonement reign in its social life in conjunction with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost's sovereign reign in its spiritual life. All of this is indeed a heart-sickening mystery ; but its truth is clearly established in the philosophy of Adam's dethronement, and is forcefully corroborated in the bloody history of his thereby deluded family, and is most pleasingly corroborated by Christ's atonement enthronement in Adam's stead and in God's thereby re- covered spiritual reign, and is also corroborated by the formal and spiritual life that has characterized Christ's Church or Adamic kingdom. We should observe that the ''eighth head, or form, of government of reorganized Imperial Rome" is of the seventh, in that its. seventh form of government was imperial, with an intrusive ecclesiasticism after Cain's type and bloody contention which differentiates them. And it 24 The European War and Its Crowning Result. is not difficult to discern the European power which can alone furnish Imperial Rome, when it "comes up out of the bottomless pit" or out of its headless, dis- organized state in the European powers, with its po- litico-ecclesiastical government. It is rather a signifi- cant fact that this power represents the Slavs as against the Teutons. And it is also significant that this people have been and are now restless and in- triguing under the dominant power of Europe. It is contended that this manifest rivalry is the true cause of the European war, as has been the case in other European wars. One thing is evident, however, and that is that there is a pronounced effort by the Euro- pean power that represents the Slavs to unite them under one flag and under its scepter, which, it is safe to say, will be one of the final results of this European war. "In the days of these kings [European king- doms that are now convulsing Europe with a great and very destructive war, such as we should have expected and that prophecy teaches, which will bring Imperial Rome up out of its disorganized state in the European powers, for they shall be merged into Impe- rial Rome under its politico-ecclesiastical government, as the ten toes of its image indicate, and which is clear- ly taught elsewhere] shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom [not found or organize a kingdom, but set up or establish a kingdom that began to be organ- ized in Abraham, a covenant house, by putting the law in its social life under the old covenant of work, which, as an inevitable, formally enthroned Christ king in atonement provision in Abraham's covenant house, which was, therefore, "the Church," or Adamic king- The European War and Its Crowning Result. 25 dom, that "Christ was in" in Abraham's covenant house "in the wilderness," Abraham being its first formally recovered citizen as the result of his justi- fying faith, which made him "the" redemptive "heir of the world," or Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of his dethronement ; while its organization was completed in making the new covenant by John the Baptist, who represented its human part, and by Christ, who represented its divine part, which put the law in the heart of Abraham's covenant house, which took away the disabling sin of the world, and which, as an inevitable, enthroned God in its spiritual life in conjunction with Christ in its sense and social life, thereby recovering God's government on earth in atonement provision in the Cradle in its original order, having an innumerable host of ingathered citizens out of Adam's dethroned world, and having Christ its King in its sense and social department and its Divine Sovereign in its spiritual department] which shall never be destroyed, and the kingdom shall not be left to other people [as was the case with the former uni- versal governments; for its redeemed citizens shall alone possess it in their recovered world "for an ever- lasting possession"], but it shall break in pieces and consume all of these kingdoms, and it shall stand for- ever [for Abraham and his Christ seed after him "for an everlasting possession" and the promise of which he died without receiving; but he holds God responsible for it, in his grave in the cave of Mach- pelah, in Palestine, its redemptive earnest, which he bought with his own money]." "God give him none inheritance therein, no, not so much as to set his foot 26 The European War and Its Croivning Result. on/' said Stephen in his defense, not even giving him a place in it to be buried, although he met his part of the contract to the letter, which his grave attests, for he reached it by faith in God's promise at the sacrifice of his ''country and his father's house and his kin," thus losing his life in Adam's dethroned world that he might save it in Christ's Adamic "world to come." Therefore God has provided by the resurrection of Christ out of the grave of Adam's dethronement to fulfill his part of this wonderful covenant by bringing Abraham, the covenant man, "up out of" his "grave into the land of Israel," or into Abraham's promised land, where God "will make of him a great nation" out of his redeemed, or Christ's, seed, with Christ, its "second Adam" or Redeemer King, on Adam's there- by recovered throne. Paul therefore says, "They all died without receiving the promise [the land and great nation promised to Abraham, of course] that they without us should not be perfected" or enter into its possessions before "us," as it requires the resur- rection to accomplish it. For this reason God is hold- ing open his part of this far-reaching redemptive cov- enant that all who will may become Abraham's seed and heirs with him of this promise by losing this world as he did in securing it for them in Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of his dethrone- ment. It was to this atonement provision that Peter alluded when he said, "God is not slack concerning his promise [to Abraham of a land and a great na- tion] as some men count slackness; but is long-suf- fering to usward, not willing that any should per- ish [by not securing a lot in Abraham's world], but The European War and Its Crozvning Result. 27 that all should come to repentance" and thereby en- ter into covenant relation with God to sacrifice their lives in this dethroned world to save them in Christ's Adamic "world to come," as did Abraham, the cov- enant man, thus becoming Abraham's seed after him and heirs with him of the promise of this coming world. "He that loses his life [in this world] will save it [in the redeemed] world to come, and he that saves his Hfe [in this world] will lose it [in that world]." But let us hear Daniel's conclusion: "For- asmuch as thou sawest a stone [God's atonement re- organized government of the world] was cut out of the mountain [God's provincial government by Christ's loyalty, under his baptismal vow of obedience, thereto in its disestablished state as the result of Adam's dethronement by his disloyalty under it] without hands [the marginal reading is, "was not in hands" — that is, the stone, which is correct ; for God's government of the world as a province was not estab- lished because of Adam's disloyal dethronement, and therefore the world remained in God's provincial gov- ernment until Christ, the Birthright Prince of Adam's dethroned house, recovered, by his tested loyalty under the devil's tempting power, Adam's throne under God's provincial government, and therefore God gives the world to his Son as a reward for his loyalty], and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold." (Dan. ii. 45.) This Christ-recovered kingdom of the world as its "second Adam" or Redeemer King, we should ob- serve, destroys by violence all of the governments of the world in its setting up or millennial establish- 28 The European War and Its Crowning Result. ment, as it will "fill the whole world and shall not be left to other people" — that is, the governments of the world, however much they have been improved by their contact with God's atonement kingdom in its Church mission, will not pass into it in its millennial establishment, but instead will thereby be destroyed; nor will their citizens, though their lives be "beautiful for men to behold," be permitted to enter it as its re- deemed citizens. Then the beliefs that are very prev- alent, because they are desirable — at least I can see no other reason for their existence — that is, that peo- ple can and will be saved out of the Church by refor- mation in the use of truth wherever found, and that Christ's Church or organized kingdom in its mission of redemption will destroy the governments of the world by pervading them with its truth as a means of its final establishment, when the works of the devil are thereby destroyed by Christ, have no support either in God's Word or by reason and are therefore fraught with much harm, as they are active sources of skepti- cism. For if this is the mission of Christ's Church- kingdom in the world, it is quite evident that it has failed up to the present time and must prove a final failure. "But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion [that is, take away the world- domain from its politico-ecclesiastical sovereign, ''the man of sin, that Wicked"], to consume and destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion [God's reestablished kingdom of the world] , and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose The European War and Its Crowning Result. 29 kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. Hitherto is the end of the matter." (Dan. vii. 26-28.) This millennium *'set-up kingdom of the God of heaven in the days of these" European "kingdoms," that "shall fill the whole world and never will be destroyed," is the "kingdom" that Christ has instructed his people to "pray to the Father to let it come" — that is, as a redemptive fact in Christ's enthronement in Adam's stead as the reward of his tested loyalty by the devil under his baptismal vow of obedience, when "his will" will be "done on earth, as it is in heaven," of course, and which it is quite evident cannot be otherwise accomplished. Even if every one were in the Church, it would be impossible for God's will to be "done on earth, as it is done in heaven"; for in that event, if all were spiritual, they would "be in the flesh" or physical man of dethroned humanity, through which the devil effects the delusion of "the mystery of iniquity," man being held in this faculty of his moral being in total disability under the sentence of physical death, to secure his execution as a citizen cannot be executed by law. Therefore man in this faculty, although the undisabled inward man. with his "will to do" and his faculty to believe, is en- throned in Christ over it to offer it "a living sacrifice" in meeting the conditions of this temptation-redeemed life, it is, nevertheless, related in character, in kind, with the devil, and through which he deceives and tempts even the regenerate man. This is why "the flesh [dethroned outward man] wars against the spirit [Christ's temptation-enthroned inward man over the outward man], and the spirit wars against the flesh" 30 Tlic European War and Its Crozvnijig Result. [dethroned outward man] in effecting dominion over him in his disability in meeting the practical conditions of redeemed life through him; while the dethroned outward man resists this inward man that sacrifices him, and hence he wars against the inward man to recover his lost throne, and which is the source of "the mystery of iniquity" — that is, its practical and ever- present source — and which nothing but resurrection justification from under the executed penalty of phys- ical death or the millennial change of the outward man can remove. We should observe here that Christ is to "raise up David's throne and sit thereon forever," because David was the king in Abraham's covenant house to recover and reign over all of the land that God gave to Abraham as the redemptive earnest of Adam's world redeemed, and which was Adam's Judicial District thereof. Da- vid thereby became the king earnest of Adam's throne. And therefore when Christ, the Birthright Prince of David's royal house, raises up David's throne, that fell down in the sense and social life of his house on Mount Zion, he will raise up Adam's throne, that fell down in his house on Mount Zion, and "sit thereon forever," its "second Adam," or Redeemer King, "the King of Glory" (martial glory), thereby distinguish- ing him as the Recoverer of the world under God's provincial government by wresting it from under the devil's reign of ruin in death. The belief, then, that Christ will reign this side of Adam's grave of dethronement and correct the evils of the sense and social life of the world, and the be- lief that his kingdom is spiritual, are of "the mystery The European War and Its Crowning Result. 31 of iniquity" and are working to "take Christ out of" his atonement way to recover Adam's throne in his world thereby redeemed beyond the grave of his de- thronement, and not by any means this side of it, except, however, in atonement provision, which is, of necessity, probationary. Neither Adam nor David had a spiritual throne for Christ to ''raise up and sit thereon forever," nor has any man ever had a spiritual throne. The Head of Ecclesiastical Rome, however, claims the right to occupy both the social and the spir- itual thrones of Adam's dethroned world, which is ''the mystery of iniquity" gone to seed. God's atonement reorganized kingdom on earth is called "Zion" because the Adamic Garden Home Capital was on "Mount Zion" ; and therefore "Mount Zion" is also "the city of our God, the joy of the whole earth," because it was God's capital also, where he reigned in the spiritual department of his government on earth conjointly with Adam in its sense and social department and with Eve in its Home department, thereby making a perfect or triune government, with two human and one supreme divine departments. And as God provided the garden home capital of the world, and as it lost its paradisiacal state in Adam's dethronement, that disestablished God's original gov- ernment of the world. And as Christ, the Birthright Prince of Adam's dethroned house, has wrested Adam's throne from the devil that became its god in Adam's dethronement, and thereby recovered the world in its pristine state, it was meet and right that God should provide for it a capital. And hence "the new Jerusalem" that "will come down from God out of 32 The European War and Its Crowning Result, heaven, as a bride adorned for her husband," and thus "Mount Zion" (Jerusalem) becomes "the [redeemed] city of our God, the joy of the whole earth" ; for God will reign here with Christ as he did with Adam, Christ having reestablished his government on earth in his own enthronement in Adam's stead, thereby bruising "the serpent's head" by thus counteracting his head de- vice by which he dethroned Adam, which made Christ "God with us" in the function of our "second Adam," or Redeemer King. This is the city that Abraham looked for, "whose builder and founder is God," as it was the capital of Adam's world and of which Abra- ham was the redemptive heir. This is literal and com- plete redemption for Adam's dethroned house and about which there is no mystery. But if we make Christ and his final kingdom spiritual, the redemption of Adam's dethroned house is immured in inexplicable myster}^ Who has ever understood this spiritual kingdom of Christ with his Birthright Prince relation to Adam's dethroned house? Or who can have an intelligent comprehension of a kingdom that is spiritual in which Adam's dethroned house and world-domain are re- covered under God's original government of the world that had a human department with a king and a queen and that had a garden home capital on "Mount Zion, the city of God, the joy of the whole earth"? With such a conception of Christ's kingdom it is impossible to understand the nature of the four universal gov- ernments of the world, and the prophecies relative to them, and their destruction in the millennial establish- ment of his kingdom ; nor is it possible to understand The European War and Its Crowning Result. 33 its final establishment beyond the grave of Adam's de- thronement in his world thereby redeemed, the "new heavens and the new earth," that Peter, after his mind had been disabused, "by the resurrection of Christ from the dead," of the impression that it was to be set up this side of the grave of Adam's dethronement, said, "We look for . . . wherein dwelleth righteousness," or in which the pristine fitness of the world's life has been recovered and dwells in redemptive durability. This is "the rest [physical man rest in reunion with the in- ward man that has entered into justification rest by faith] that remains for the people of God," while the unredeemed will "go away into a place prepared for the devil and his angels," or citizens of his kingdom, never to return, of course. It may be contended, however, that Christ's millen- nial reign on Adam's recovered throne of the world will be this side of the grave of Adam's dethronement; but this is not only an inexcusable but is a grave error. In the thirty-seventh chapter of Ezekiel God gives to him a detailed account of the resurrection of his peo- ple, and also in his stick symbols gave to him a de- tailed account of the reunion of the social and the spiritual departments of his government under Christ's millennial reign. And Paul says: "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trump of God : and the dead in Christ shall rise first : then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air [to escort him to the earth] : and so shall we ever be with the Lord [on earth, of course, he being "God with us" 3 34 The European War and Its Crowning Result. and not us with him somewhere else]. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." ( i Thess. iv. 16-18.) "Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised in- corruptible, and we shall be changed." (i Cor. xv. 51, 52.) No wicked in these resurrections, which are one, any more than there are wicked among them that are caught up with the resurrected, or among them that are changed ; for those that are resurrected are incor- ruptible, while the change in the living removes the dis- ability of the dethroned outward man, thereby recover- ing his citizenship in the social department of God's government, that was arrested to secure his execution as a citizen cannot be executed by law, and which is effected in the resurrection of God's people, but not in the resurrection of the unredeemed, their disability and its forfeited citizenship remaining, and, therefore, the reunion of the inward man with the outward man will be in total disability in forfeited citizenship for- ever, which is "the second" or soul death in disability, the first being that of the body or outward man. Man's "redemption" here "ceaseth forever," of course, as there is no faculty through which to institute a plan for his recovery, as was the case in the bodily disability as the result of Adam's dethronement in this faculty, the soul of man being morally incarcerated therein but not otherwise disabled, having "a will to do" and a faculty to believe, and which was delivered and enthroned over the disabled outward or practical man as an inevitable result of Christ's inward man The European War and Its Crowning Result. 35 temptation victory over the devil through the outward man, which could but have put the law in the heart of dethroned humanity, thereby established its going in good works from the Cradle to the grave of Adam's dethronement by the inward man offering the outward man "a living sacrifice," wholly acceptable unto God, which is his reasonable service," having been delivered from his moral imprisonment therein and enthroned thereover for this purpose. Now, it is quite clear that Adam's dethronement placed him in the above state, and it is equally clear that Christ's inward man temptation victory over the devil through the disabled outward man made atone- ment provision for this state of dethroned man. It is just as clear that this atonement provision left the outward man in his total disability ; and it is also clear that man could not have been finally saved from un- der the garden law in any other way. There is no difficulty in seeing that this atonement plan does save man from under the garden law in Adam's world thereby recovered under God's original government beyond the grave of man's dethronement, which is the final test of the efficiency of all systems of operation — that is, in the result thereby obtained. And then the Psalmist says: ''Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. He shall call to the heavens from above [for the spirits of his people], and to the earth [for their bodies to reunite them in recovered citizenship in the kingdom of heaven now to be established in Christ's millennial reign; and calls also to the earth for his 36 The European War and Its Crowning Result. living people to change them by removing the disa- bility of their bodies, or physical men, and thereby re- cover their citizenship in the kingdom of heaven that is arrested to secure their execution, as citizens can- not be executed by law], that he may judge his people. Gather my people together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice [by losing their lives in this present evil world, as did Abraham, to save them in Adam's world beyond the grave of his de- thronement that Abraham thereby became the re- demptive heir of]." (Ps. 1. 3-5.) The wicked are not in this resurrection. This is the resurrection of those that have made a covenant with Christ, as did Abraham, and thereby became heirs with him of the promise of Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of his dethronement "for an everlasting possession," where every man shall sit "under his own vine and fig tree, and none shall make him afraid" of ejectment, for might does not prevail as right here, for the "swords are here beaten into plowshares, and the spears into pruninghooks, when men shall learn war no more," and not this side of Adam's grave of dethrone- ment, as man will persist in contending for. O "mys- tery of iniquity," what hast thou not done to destroy Adam's dethroned house by taking Christ out of its faith and life in his atonement plan to save it in Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of his de- thronement under Christ's reign in Adam's stead, thereby reestablishing God's kingdom on earth in its original order ! And then John, the Revelator, has made the millen- nium resurrection so plain that "the wayfaring men The European War and Its Crozvning Result. 2>7 [to Abraham's world, as above] may not err therein," especially so when they have had "here a little and there a little" of its disclosure. He says: "I saw thrones, and they that sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them : and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast [the sovereign of Imperial Rome], neither his image [maybe the pic- ture of this sovereign that he will put in the temple, for Paul says, *'He will set himself up in the temple, showing that he is God"], neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands ; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resur- rection: on such the second death [soul death in dis- ability, together with the body, the first death in dis- ability] hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thou- sand years." (Rev. xx. 4-6.) We should observe that John begins his account of the millennium resur- rection by mentioning the martyrs, as a great many have been slain and will be put to death in the end under the authority of Imperial Rome. But in con- cluding his account of this resurrection he includes all of God's people in that they of this resurrection not only reign with Christ a thousand years, but upon them the second death will have no power. This is the resurrection that Paul wanted "by all means to attain unto," it being the resurrection out from among the wicked dead. After this resurrection 38 The European War and Its Crowning Result. John says: "I saw a great white throne [God's sov- ereign throne of the world in its millennial estabhsh- ment], and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them [that is, the dethroned earth and the heaven fled away from the presence of God on his reestablished throne of it, just as its governments will be driven from the millennium earth and heaven 'Svhen no place is found for them"]. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life [or register of the redeemed] : and the dead [the wicked dead in total disability, the "second death"] were judged . . . according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death [body and soul totally disabled under God's reestab- lished government on earth]. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life [''the Lamb's book of life"] was cast into the lake of fire [abnormal conditions of moral existence, the absence of all good and the presence of all evil]." (Rev. xx. 11-15.) We should observe that it was those whose names were not recorded in "the book of life" that were in this judgment — the dead in disability and not the living in recovered citizenship in God's millennial estab- lished government on earth. We should remember in this connection that, when Christ sent his disciples out in Israel to proclaim that The European War and Its Crowning Result. 39 the kingdom of heaven was at hand and to heal the sick and cast out devils, and when they had returned particularly impressed with the subjection of the dev- ils, he said to them: "Rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven." If Christ's redemption of Adam's dethroned house is literal and complete, which is clearly taught and which reason, with Christ's relation to it as its Birthright Prince, by the use of atonement provision under reigning laws, clearly sustains ; and if every redeemed man will have a home in Abraham's world, which is also clearly taught in this provision in Palestine, its redemptive earnest, and also taught elsewhere ; and if a covenant of sacrifice is required to effect salvation through practical life, and which is taught by Christ and established in the philosophy of his literal redemption, then it follows in redemptive fitness that a literal book of registration must be kept not only to record the names of them that have entered practical or personal salvation, but also to record their voluntary covenant by sacrifice, which is their part (the party of the second part) of the new covenant and which, upon the condition of their repentance is, or ought to be, formally made in their baptismal vow of obedience to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, while God's part (the party of the first part) of this covenant is regenera- tion, which "creates them in Christ Jesus unto good works that God hath before [their regeneration] or- dained" — that is, in their baptismal vow or covenant of obedience, that they should walk into the grave of Adam's dethronement and thereby perfect their title to a home in Adam's world redeemed beyond his 40 The European War and Its Crowning Result. grave of dethronement, and which was also formally made m their part of the new covenant. This being true, it may be very readily seen that for man to have his name written in this ''Lamb's book of life" is of chief importance to him and is therefore an indis- pensable atonement provision. After this resurrection of the wicked dead in total disability and their judgment, John says: "I saw a new heaven and a new earth [Peter's "new heaven and new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness," or wherein the pristine conditions of the world's life have been re- covered and will remain forever] : for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away [that is, in their dethroned state the devil's works that he foisted upon them are now destroyed, and they appear in their pristine state]." These are the "things" that were "shaken" by God's "voice" when he spoke from "heav- en" in giving his law at Mount Sinai that presaged the coming establishment of his kingdom of the world ; and, speaking "once more" from its throne, they are removed "that those which cannot be shaken may re- main" — that is, the pristine conditions of the heavens and the earth remain, being redeemed. Therefore the "kingdom" we now receive "cannot be moved/' being recovered and established in its original order in these created conditions of the heavens and the earth, which are thus redeemed for Adam's dethroned house literal and complete. Where is the mystery about it that there should be skepticism with regard to its truth? This removal of the dethroned heaven and earth is force- fully illustrated in the removal of the dethroned man's sin by his enthronement in righteousness by regen- The European War and Its Crowning Result. 41 eration — or, in other words, enthroned in the pristine or normal conditions of his moral existence, which make "the new man," the old ''dethroned man" having "passed away." This change of the heavens and the earth could not have been effected with the wicked dead in their graves ; for the grave itself must be de- stroyed by a complete resurrection of Adam's de- throned house, it being the chief or direct work of the devil — that is, in the disorganization of the functional faculty and thereby dismemberment of dethroned hu- manity. Thus John has disclosed to the world that the new heaven and the new earth will not appear im- mediately after the resurrection of God's people to en- ter the millennial rest under Christ's reign in its social life in conjunction with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost in its spiritual life, but instead that this final redemptive work will be done immediately after the resurrection of the wicked at the end of the mil- lennium. "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, com- ing down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." (Rev. xxi. 2.) This is the Capital that God hath prepared for his sovereign reign in the spiritual department of his reestablished govern- ment in Adam's world redeemed beyond his grave of dethronement in conjunction with Christ in its sense and social life, just as he provided Adam's Garden Home Capital on Mount Zion for his conjoint reign with Adam in the original government of the created world. "And I heard a great voice out of heaven say- ing. Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with themi, and they shall be his people, 42 The European War and Its CroK'uing Result. and God himself shall be with them, and be their God [now, Jerusalem or Zion is the "redeemed'' city of our God, the joy of the whole earth]. . . . And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new [recover them to their pristine state]. And he said unto me. Write : for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done [that is, the great work of redeeming the world under God's original government is completed]. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end [that is, of. the work of redemption]." (Rev. xxi. 3-6.) Now let us consult St. John about Imperial Rome, especially about its ''eighth head," or form, of govern- ment. "And the angel said unto me. Wherefore didst thou marv^el [that is, about the relation of ecclesias- tical to Imperial Rome and their respective natures and of their coming destruction, the former by the latter and the latter by Christ in the establishment of his Adamic kingdom in his millennial reign on earth] ? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman [Ecclesiastical Rome], and of the beast that carried her [Imperial Rome, in which the former had its ex- istence in the dual type of "the mystery of iniquity," in that it assumed supremacy in the social and spirit- ual life of Adam's dethroned world, while the latter assumed supremacy in the social life thereof, and therefore the intrigues of the former and also of their perpetual conflict with each other] .which hath the sev- en heads [forms of governments] and ten horns [or kings]. The beast that thou sawest was [that is, was an organized government when it "carried the wom- an"], and is not [not an organized but a disorgan- The European War and Its Crozvning Result. 43 ized government] ; and shall descend out of the bot- tomless pit [or out of its headless or disorganized state within the European powers], and go into perdi- tion [or be destroyed by Christ's kingdom in the be- ginning of his millennial reign] : and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world [or from the organic foundation in Abraham's covenant house of the promise, "The seed of the wom- an shall bruise the serpent's head," by counteracting his head device by which he dethroned Adam in his own enthronement in Adam's stead in his world there- by redeemed, and is therefore "the world to come" and before which Christ "stood as a lamb slain" for its accomplishment], when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is [exists in its disorganized state in Europe]." (Rev. xvii. 7, 8.) We should observe that the inference here is that those whose names were not written in the book of life, that had its existence in the promise of the seed of the woman, before it went into its organic conditions in Abraham's cove- nant house for practical operation in recovering Adam's world, or Christ's "world to come" therein organized, and not before the creation of Adam's de- throned world, which is fatalism, would be astonished when they behold the beast, or Imperial Rome, in its "eighth head," or form, of government. But of course those whose names are written therein will not be astonished, having been advised by prophecy of its disorganization in the European powers and of its re- organization as the result of a great military upheaval. Paul also teaches this : "But if we believe that Jesus 44 The European War and Its Crowning Result. died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him [that is, their spirits when he comes]. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archan- gel, and with the trump of God : and the dead in Christ shall rise first [or before the wicked dead] : then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air [and escort him to the earth] : and so shall we ever be with the Lord [on earth, of course] .... But of the times and the seasons, brethren [prophecies and signs], ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night [to the wicked]. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape [the direct results of that redemptive event]. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief, j Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the ] day : we are not of the night, nor of darkness. There- fore let us not sleep, as do others [that is, with regard \ to the coming of Christ] ; but let us watch and be so- | ber." (i Thess. iv. 4-18-v. 1-6.) And the ?ngel told Daniel that ''none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand." Paul here wrote for God's people of all time: ''And here is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains [on which the citv of Rome is built and which was the The European War and Its Crowning Result. 45 capital of Imperial Rome, and also the seat of Ecclesi- astical Rome, and are therefore the representatives of Imperial Rome's seven forms of government] .... And there are seven kings [or rulers in her respective forms of government] : five are fallen, and one is [emperor at the time John saw this government], and the other is not yet come [its king] ; and when he Cometh, he must continue a short space [this is be- lieved to have been Napoleon's son by Louise, who was crowned king of Italy and who lived only a short time]. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdi- tion. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings, one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast [Imperial Rome under its politico-ecclesiastical head, or form, of government]. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings [seeking his millennial enthronement in the social life of the world] : and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful [the redeemed hosts ; we are here taught that the destruction of Impe- rial Rome under the reign of "the son of man, the son of perdition, that Wicked," will be by direct conflict by Christ and his redeemed hosts]. And he saith unto me. The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth [ecclesiastical Rome], are peoples, and multi- tudes, and nations, and tongues [its entire member- ship]. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her 46 The European War and Its Crowning Result. desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh [devour her completely], and burn her with fire [this may be the city of Rome that will be burned with fire]. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God [prophecies] shall be fulfilled." (Rev. xvii. 9-17.) If the Czar of Russia becomes the reigning head of Imperial Rome, the destruction of ecclesiastical Rome will be but what should be expected. Imperial Rome and ecclesiastical Rome cannot exist together; for Imperial Rome has now succeeded in enthroning its sovereign in the social and ecclesiastical life of Adam's dethroned world, which is "the mystery of iniquity" crystallized in Cain's murderous contention, having taken Christ out of its way and hence out of his atone- ment way to recover Adam's throne of the world un- der God's supreme reign in its spiritual department, thereby recovering and reestablishing God's govern-] ment on earth in its original order when "righteous- ness shall dwell in the heavens and earth" thereby made "new." We should not fail to observe that Christ is taken out by "the mystery of iniquity" of the atonement provision to enthrone himself in Adam's stead in the sense and social life of the world by ef- fecting its regeneration and thereby enthroning God in its spiritual life, which his Church is expecting and praying him to do. This is the kingdom that it i^ praying to the Father to let come when his will "will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." How can this kingdom of God come for its final establishment when Christ is taken out of the atonement provision to wrest The European War and Its Crowning Result. 47 Adam's throne from under the devil's reign by his own enthronement in Adam's stead under God's sovereign reign in its spiritual department? Now let us consult Daniel with regard to the time and other circumstances that will characterize Impe- rial Rome in finishing his work of destruction in Adam's dethroned world and ''go into perdition," or be destroyed by Christ, to make way for the reestab- lishment of God's kingdom of the world by Christ's enthronement in Adam's stead in its social depart- ment in conjunction with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost's sovereign reign in its spiritual de- partment, thereby recovering it in its original order. After Daniel's prolonged confession and prayer for his people, an angel appeared to him and said : "Sev- enty weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression [Adam's de- throned transgression], and to make an end of sins [personal sins by regeneration, and finally by remov- ing the effects of sin from the regenerate and from the world], and to make reconciliation for iniquity [that is, by so providing for its deluded subjects that God would be "just when he justifies" them from this audacious sin that assumes the prerogative of God himself in that it seeks to enthrone man under the dev- il's abnormal reign of ruin in death; by preventing Christ, the Birthright Prince of Adam's dethroned house, from recovering its throne under God's su- preme reign in everlasting life], and to bring in [into the world redeemed beyond the grave of Adam's de- thronement] everlasting righteousness [or the pristine conditions of its existence with man's adaptation there- 48 The European War and Its Crozvning Result. to, together with his going in the normal conditions of his moral being] , and to seal up the vision and proph- ecy [fulfill], and to anoint the most Holy [formal in- augural of Christ into Jerusalem — "Mount Zion, the city of our God, the joy of the whole earth" — ^his re- covered capital of the whole world, being therein *'God with us"]. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah, the Prince [Christ the Birthright Prince of Adam's dethroned house] shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the streets shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself : and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary [the Romans are the people that did this; then the prince that is to come will be a Roman prince, "the man of sin, the son of perdition, that Wicked"] ; and the end thereof shall be with a flood [great destruction of life], and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he [this Roman prince that is to come] shall confirm [complete the sev- enty weeks' covenant] the covenant with many [with the Jews that are in Palestine] for one week [which completes the seventy weeks in which the work of re- demption was to be completed and Christ enthroned in Jerusalem in Adam's stead] : and in the midst of the week [three years and a half] he shall cause the sacri- fice and the oblation to cease ["setting himself up in the temple, showing that he is God"], and for the over- spreading of abominations [imperialistic disregard for law] he shall make it [Palestine] desolate, even until The European War and Its Crozvning Result. 49 the consummation [of the work that was determined within the seventy weeks], and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate [desolator]." (Dan. ix. 24-27.) We should observe that one week of the seventy weeks was left unfulfilled at the crucifixion of Christ, which deprived Daniel's people of Christ's Adamic kingdom and sent them into exile again from Palestine (Eden), their redemptive earnest of Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of his dethronement, which estopped the fulfillment of the seventy weeks that was determined upon them and the Holy City when they were in it ; and hence their return and recognition as God's peculiar people by this triumphant Roman prince inaugurates this week, by virtue of which the Jews will offer their accustomed sacrifices in the temple. "And he shall plant the tabernacle of his palace be- tween the seas [the Mediterranean Sea on the west and the Dead Sea and Sea of Galilee on the east] in the glorious holy mountain [''Mount Zion," Adam's Gar- den Home Capital of the world in Eden, his Judicial District of the world]." (Dan. xi. 45.) How curious and yet how befitting it is that "the man of sin, the son of perdition, that Wicked," the sovereign of reorganized Imperial Rome, who has assumed the prerogative of God in his reign in the social and spiritual departments of the world's govern- ment, should have removed the capital of Imperial Rome from the city of Rome to Jerusalem and "plant it" on "Mount Zion," where God reigned supreme in the spiritual department of his government of the world in conjunction with King Adam in its sense and social departments and with Queen Eve in its home 4 50 The European War and Its Crowning Result. department, and where Christ will raise up David's (Adam's) throne, that fell down in his house on ''Mount Zion," and sit thereon forever in Adam's stead under God's government thereby recovered on earth in its original order ! Now, has not "the mystery of iniquity" in the en- thronement of the son of perdition effectually taken Christ out of its way of accomplishing its audacious work of enthroning dethroned man upon Adam's throne under the abnormal reign of the devil as god in the sense and social departments of God's govern- ment on earth, and at the same time taken Christ out of his atonement way of recovering Adam's throne by keeping the children in his Church, or Adamic king- dom, that the Father has given to him in atonement re- covered citizenship in its spiritual department, and in recovering those by regeneration that have been al- lowed to go out of it into Adam's dethroned world? Therefore the only redemptive alternative for Christ to recover Adam's throne of the world under God's government, thereby itself also recorded, is to come and destroy this reorganized government of Imperial Rome by thus taking Christ out of the way, and with it all of earth's governments, they having been estab- lished in this Cain contention in that they did not en- throne God in their spiritual life. It is quite evident that God could only have estab- lished a government in the world in the normal condi- tions of its human citizenship ; and it is equally evident that the transgression of these conditions, as did Adam under the deception of the devil when he was on trial to test his loyalty as king in its social department, The European War and Its Crowning Result. 51 would, as an inevitable, disestablish this government by dethroning Adam in the forfeited conditions of his citizenship therein and which, of course, could but have enthroned the devil god over him in these abnormal conditions of his moral being. Now, to reorganize this government on earth man's throne must be recovered by his cooperation with God in wresting it from the devil. This Adam could not do, as he was held under the garden or test law in the lost conditions of his citizenship to secure his execution, as a citizen cannot be executed by law, and therefore he had no reserve of power with which to cooperate with God in wresting his throne from the devil. It became, therefore, a redemptive necessity to provide a prince in Adam's dethroned house with superior power to that of the devil by which to wrest Adam's throne of the world from him. This prince God has provided in Christ, the promised seed of the woman; and, although he is made under the garden law, being born of a woman, he being the Son of God by direct creation in the vir- gin womb of dethroned humanity, had a superior pow- er to that of the devil, and being in this relation in kind with dethroned humanity, he could and has ex- erted it in atonement provision to recover humanity from under the garden law in its forfeited citizenship to its pristine citizenship under God's government, thereby wresting it from the devil by Christ's enthrone- ment in Adam's stead. And I want to go on record in the affirmation that, if I know anything certainly, I know that Christ has made these atonement provisions to enthrone himself in Adam's stead and has thereby reestablished in atonement provision God's govern- 52 The European War and Its Crowning Result. ment on earth in its original order. And now what I wish to further impress the reader with is this : If Christ cooperated with God the Father in recovering the citizenship of Adam's dethroned house in its Cradle, unconditionally, of course, then they must cooperate with God in meeting the conditions of this citizenship in going from the cradle to the grave of Adam's de- thronement, as otherwise it will be forfeited and they will be left in this relation to God's reestablished gov- ernment on earth forever, God having done all that was possible to have been done to prevent it, and there- fore man alone is to blame — as he is for this European war. It is man's war under ''the mystery of iniquity" that has taken Christ out of the way of preventing it, thereby making it possible. God governs man by his cooperation, and in no other way, by directing his steps in the normal conditions of his existence; and therefore when man rebels against God's authority he is at once involved in its abnormal results and in which God does not control him, but instead, he having thereby become the child of the ''devil his lusts, he will do." God is therefore governing the world to-day only through his Church kingdom, Christ having built to- gether its social and spiritual departments for God's habitation through the spirit — or, in other words, for his reign in its spiritual department — and therefore it "is the light of the world, the salt of the earth," and through its communion and cooperation with God can the world alone be restrained from the commission of crime and saved from its sins. God is in no way chargeable with the sins of the world, nor is it because The European War and Its Crowning Result, 53 of the inefficiency of his atonement kingdom that the world is not restrained from the commission of crime and saved from its sins, but instead because the citi- zens of his kingdom do not keep themselves in spirit- ual communion with him and because the world will not cooperate with him through their agency. When will the world learn that the atonement, of necessity, has a conditional or human department and that all that are finally lost are lost in this department, and are lost largely where the Church is because it is not in spiritual communion with God in the administration of its atonement provisions? And when will the Church come to fully realize that the form of godli- ness, however complete, cannot save its subjects from their sins ? Neither can God employ them to save oth- ers from their sins. That God has a superintending province over the world that he has unconditionally redeemed in the Cradle, and that he has provided to save it by its co- operation through its practical life, there can be no doubt. But in its exercise we are assured that he neither conflicts with himself, nor with the moral free agency of man, nor with his laws, nor is he tempted or biased by the evil of the world, nor does he tempt any man with it, he being ''above evil," and therefore his superintending providence "is good and perfect" and unchangeable. There is no excuse for getting God mixed up with what the devil is doing in his abnormal reign in ''this present evil world" — that is, of his own making. There is no difficulty in ascer- taining who it is that has instituted and is engaged in carrying on this great European war. Nor is there 54 The European War and Its Crouming Result. any difficulty in seeing that he (the devil) is wise and subtle and of great power. There is serious difficulty, however, if an evil principle is substituted for the devil, which he very much desires and which man persists in doing, although it has no support in God's Word or in reason or in nature. We should remem- ber that the devil exhausted his skill in trying to as- sociate God with him in his effort to break Job's in- tegrity. There is nothing that pleases the devil so well as that of man's belief that God is involved in evil that he is the author of. Although this European war may be the subject of prophecy, and which I think it is; and, although God may have to dispose of its crowning result in the final establishment of his Adamic kingdom in the world, he is neither responsible for its existence nor for its legitimate results. He has nothing to do with them whatever, no more than a farmer has to do with the blowing down of a tree on his farm by a windstorm; but it is his province, however, not only to remove the tree, but also to use it in the accomplishment of such plans as he can utilize it in perfecting. Why is it that the world will not know that there is a devil in its dethroned state that is the author of all of its evils and that God is doing all that can be done, with dethroned man's cooperation, to prevent its ravages and finally to remove it by man's redemption from its presence and power — or, in other words, by the banish- ment of the devil, its author, "to a place prepared for him and his angels" ? This, I believe, will be done in the near future, much sooner than the world is ex- pecting this closing event of its dethroned life. And The European War and Its Crowning Result. 55 should not the Church, or Adam's kingdom recovered in atonement provision, pray to the Father to let it come by Christ's enthronement in its millennial es- tablishment? Not, however, by repeating the Lord's Prayer formally in public, but instead in the closet after the door is shut, as the Lord has advised it to do ; and there, shut in with God, plead with him to let his kingdom come and put an end to the devil's reign of crime and suffering and death. I feel that I ought to say in this connection that I have often wondered why the Lord's Prayer was ever made a public prayer and repeated in the formal man- ner in which it is done. If ever Christ gave to his disciples a strictly confidential thing, it was this prayer that he gave to them as the result of their asking him to teach them how to pray. The Lord's Prayer, to me, is the most difficult of all prayers to pray in spirit and in truth. I need to be alone with God, with no eye to see nor ear to hear but his, when I pray this prayer that Christ taught his people to pray. To make the Lord's Prayer public seems to me to be using it as did the Pharisees their prayers and which the Lord cau- tioned his disciples not to do, telling them to enter the closet and shut the door and then pray. Now let us hear what Paul, the aged apostle to the Gentiles by special commission, to whom Christ had given his kingdom when "the mystery of iniquity" in its formal or Pharisaical type had taken him out of its atonement provisions to recover Adam's throne in Abraham's house, said of the enthroned appearance of the sovereign of reorganized Imperial Rome under its ^'eighth head/' or form, of government as the final 56 The European War and Its Croimting Result. work of ''the mystery of iniquity" and what he says about the world's religious life when this prophetic event occurs : "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand [this was about eighteen hundred and seventy years ago] . Let no man deceive you by any means : for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first [that is, a falling away from spiritual life by Christ's Gentile Church into formality, as did his Jewish Church or kingdom, and which made it ineffec- tual in enthroning him in Adam's stead in the sense and social life of Abraham's covenant house in con- junction with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost's sovereign reign in its spiritual life and which is God's kingdom recovered on earth in atonement provision for its reestablishment in Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of dethronement; and therefore Christ took this kingdom from them as a redemptive necessity to secure God's reign in its spir- itual department to make it effectual in restricting the world from crime and saving it from its sins, thereby gathering citizens out of Adam's dethroned world for its final establishment, and for this specific purpose Christ gave it to the Gentiles — that is, to secure his reign in its social department in conjunction with God in its spiritual department — this "falling away" of the Gentiles is gradual and conclusive, as with Abra- ham's covenant house which sent them into exile from Palestine (Eden), their redemptive earnest of Adam's The European War and Its Crozvning Result. 57 world redeemed beyond the grave of his dethrone- ment, and therefore Paul calls this "falling away" of the Gentiles **the dullness of the Gentiles come in" and connects it with the end of the Jewish time of exile from Palestine, when Christ took his kingdom from them and gave it to the Gentiles; so that when the Gentiles go into eternal exile from Abraham's world in its millennium redemption a remnant of Daniel's people will have returned from their present exile, which has been gradual and which inaugurates the unfilled week of the seventy weeks determined upon them when they returned from their Babylonian exile from Palestine; this is a curious but a befitting re- demptive event about which we shall say more here- after], and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition [that is, the sovereign of reorganized Im- perial Rome out of the powers of Europe, where it was disorganized, is now enthroned thereover in its politico-ecclesiastical form of government as the result of the falling away of Christ's kingdom from its spir- itual life into formality, where he alone could have pre- vented this event; for formality in Christ's Church — kingdom is the result of ''the mystery of iniquity" and therefore takes Christ out of it finally as the Saviour of the world by his enthronement in Adam's stead iu its sense and social life, with God's sovereign reign in its spiritual life]." And is not this great war in Europe an indubitable evidence of the falling away of Christ's Church king- dom from its spiritual life or of its divorcement from its spiritual department where God reigns, and whose reign alone can make the Church a restraining and 58 The European War and Its Crozvning Result. saving institution in the world's dethroned life? It may be contended, however, that the Church has made a great effort to prevent such an occurrence, which is true. But what has been the nature of her effort, as all depends upon that ? An effort to succeed must em- body the legitimate conditions or means of success, or failure is inevitable. And there is no one that will seriously investigate, in the light of God's Word and of reason, this great problem in the social life of "this present evil world" that will not see that nothing but God's spiritual reign in the life of the world as the result of saving it from sin by preserving its citizen- ship in his atonement-recovered kingdom in good works, or by regeneration where this has not been done, and thereby bringing it into conscious communion with him under the munificent reign of Christ in its sense and social life, can effectually solve this problem. And none, I suppose, will contend that the nature of this otherwise laudable effort to prevent war was that of enthroning God in the spiritual life of the world as the result of enthroning Christ in its sense and social life; for it is manifest that the nature of this effort was to enthrone Christ in the social life of the world by the use of social means and therefore without God in its spiritual life. The truth is that an effort to enthrone Christ in the social life of the world by a peace confer- ence and a court of arbitration is, in effect, an effort to enthrone Christ this side of the grave of Adam's dethronement in the abnormal conditions of the world's life as the result of the devil's usurped reign therein as its god; whereas Christ has only provided to reign in the social life of the world by saving it The European War and Its Crowning Result. 59 from its sins, thereby putting the law in its heart and writing it in its mind, which would be effected in his Church if it was spiritual, and hence it is the light to the world and the salt of the earth. This is but Elijah's Mount Carmel error in an effort to destroy idolatry in Israel repeated, although it proved a signal failure and was designed to save the world from the use of physical or social means of any sort to save the world from its social evils, or was rather designed to teach the Church that it could not save the world by such means. No wonder that Elijah prayed to God to kill him, for he had reached the conclusion from what he thought was an indubitable test that God's plan was a signal failure to save Israel from idolatry. But God neither killed him nor chided him, but instead fed him and then took him to Mount Sinai, where he had given to Moses his law, that Eli- jah thought had proved a failure; and, after physical displays of his power and in which Elijah did not see God, to remind Elijah of his Mount Carmel experience, he taught Elijah the efficiency of his plan to destroy idolatry in Israel in ''the still small voice" that speaks sins forgiven. No wonder that Elijah drew his mantle over his head at this divine disclosure of his ignorance of God's plan to destroy idolatry in Israel. And yet Christ's Church-kingdom, under its Gentile adminis- tration of the atonement provisions to save the world, has not discovered that its ''still small voice" that speaks personal sins forgiven is its only effectual means of accomplishing this redemptive result. Abra- ham's covenant house failed to discover this atone- ment provision of raising up David's throne by Christ 6o The European War and Its Crowning Result. to sit thereon forever, even after God had disclosed it to Elijah in such a signal manner, and therefore cru- cified Christ because he would not raise if up in the sin-deranged or abnormal conditions of the world's social life. And the devil exhausted his deceptive genius and his tempting power to accomplish this — that is, to get Christ to raise up Adam's throne in the sense and social life of the world under his abnormal throne this side of his grave of dethronement, and hence his scathing rebuke of Peter, saying: "Get thee behind me, Satan [where Christ has put Satan as his worshiper, by his inward man-temptation victory over him through the disabled outward or social man of dethroned humanity, in rejecting Satan's audacious proposition to accept Adam's throne under his usurped reign and for which Peter contended in his rebuke of Christ for teaching that he would be killed and after three days rise again — that is, as an atonement means of raising up David's (Adam's) throne beyond the grave of his dethronement in his world thereby re- deemed under God's government itself thereby rees- tablished *'and sit thereon forever"] : for thou savorest not the things that be of God, but of men." Men think to-day that Christ can raise up Adam's throne this side of the grave of his dethronement and restore his sin-deranged world to its pristine order by his power and authority in conjunction with man's formal cooperation through the outward or practical man, w^hose citizenship in the social department of God's government on earth is arrested under the sen- tence of physical death to secure his execution, as a citizen cannot be executed by law. This is what Cain The European War and Its Cromning Result. 6i attempted to do when he offered his sacrifice through the disabled outward man independent of the justi- fied faith dominance of the atonement-enthroned in- ward man thereover and through which God alone reigns in the spiritual department of his atonement- recovered kingdom on earth, it being "built together" by Christ's enthronement in its social department ''for God's habitation" or reign "through the spirit or un- disabled inward man with his "will to do" and his faculty to believe. This is "the mystery of iniquity" that will "reveal" or enthrone "the man of sin, the son of perdition," on Adam's throne this side of the grave of his dethronement, "who opposeth and ex- alteth himself above all that is called God [when he ascends his politico-ecclesiastical throne, as above], . . . sitteth in the temple as God, showing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was with you, I told you these things ? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time [or enthroned when "the mystery of iniquity" has taken Christ out of his way of enthronement]. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he [Christ in the gospel] who letteth [hindereth] will let [hinder], until he be taken out of the way [that is, until Christ is taken out of his gospel plan of recover- ing Adam's throne of the world in his own Birthright of it in Adam's world thereby redeemed beyond the grave of his dethronement under God's government, also recovered and established on earth in its original order]. And then shall that Wicked be revealed [en- throned on Adam's throne in his politico-ecclesiastical government of Imperial Rome], whom the Lord will 62 The European War and Its Crozmiing Result. consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming [having been taken out of his gospel way of recovering Adam's throne, has now returned to recover it under his millennial reign by destroying the world's governments that *'the mys- ter}^ of iniquity" have established and by removing them from the earth to give place for his kingdom, that ''shall fill the whole world, and never shall be de- stroyed," Abraham's promised land and great nation that he and all that looked for it died "without receiv- ing," of course, as it requires the resurrection to put them in possession of it] : even him, whose coming [to his throne] is after the working of Satan with all power [abnormal] and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness [What is so deceivable in unrighteousness as is "the mystery of iniquity," "deceiving the very elect if possible," as said the Saviour?] in them that perish; because they re- ceived not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." (2 Thess. ii. 4-10.) The Saviour anchored the truth of his coming to establish his kingdom in his millennial reign to two Biblical events, which are these: "They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in mar- riage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot ; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded ; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed [that is, in his coming and in his formal The European War and Its Crowning Result. 63 enthronement in the sense and social departments of God's government thereby recovered on earth in con- junction with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost's sovereign reign in its spiritual department, thus recovering and reestablishing it in its original order]." (Luke xvii. 27-29.) And the angel said: "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." (Dan. xii. 4.) Was there ever a time when men and women were going to and fro throughout the civilized world, meeting in conference and making speeches and read- ing papers upon the social and religious problems of the world, as they are now and have been for several years ? And was there ever such a thorough knowledge of the social and religious conditions of the world, es- pecially of the former, as the result of this going to and fro of men and women, as there is to-day? And this is a sign that the angel gave to Daniel of the end after telling him to seal the book of his prophecy — that is, not to rely upon his ability to understand it, but to depend chiefly upon the signs for knowledge of the near approach of the end. Therefore he said again: "Go thy way, Daniel : for the words [of the prophecy] are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried [by their knowledge of the near approach of Christ's com- ing and the result of the trimming of their lamps, which have gone out while they have slept over this great coming redemptive event] ; but the wicked shall do wickedly [just as they did in Noah's and Lot's day] : and none of the wicked shall understand; but the 64 The European War and Its Crozvning Result. wise [God's people] shall understand." (Dan. xii. 9, 10.) Now let us hear Peter in the correction of his "mys- tery of iniquity" error, that required of Christ the raising up of David's throne this side of his grave and ''sit thereon forever," which represented Adam's throne in that David was the king in Abraham's covenant house that recovered and reigned over all of the land that God promised to Abraham as the redemptive earnest of Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of his dethronement, and which was Eden, Adam's judicial district of the world ; and therefore David was the king earnest of Adam's recovered throne. And when Christ, David's Son, who is also the Birthright Prince of Adam's house, raises up David's throne, he raises up Adam's throne, that fell down in his house on "Mount Zion" in his Garden Home Capital of the world, and will there "sit thereon forever," its "second Adam, or Redeemer King. God, in giving to Abraham Adam's Judicial District of the world, made him the redemptive heir of the world ; and David, being the king that recovered and reigned over all of this x\dam- ic Judicial District of the world, became the redemptive king earnest of Adam's throne. It was this relation of David to Adam's dethroned house and his coopera- tion with God in effecting Christ's enthronement in Adam's stead in his world, thereby redeemed beyond the grave of his dethronement, that made David "a man after God's own heart," and not because of Da- vid's personal character ; and it was Abraham's cooper- ation with God in his effort to recover x\dam's throne by Christ's enthronement in Adam's stead, thereby The European War and Its Crowning Result. 65 recovering his government on earth in its original order, that made Abraham "the friend of God," and not because of his personal character otherwise. We should observe that Peter corrected his great error, and also that of his people, with regard to the place where Christ would recover Adam's throne in the final estab- lishment of Adam's kingdom, in the grandest acclaim that was ever uttered by man, and which is this: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again [lost their first hope of David's raised-up throne in Christ's crucifixion, for they ex- pected he would raise it up this side of the grave] unto a lively hope [exhilarating, enthusiastic, a living hope] by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead [Peter now saw where Christ would raise up David's throne and sit thereon forever], to an inherit- ance [Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of his dethronement, Abraham's promised land, where God has promised to "make of him a great nation" out of his seed after him or out of the redeemed, with Christ, the heir in his house of Adam's throne, its "second Adam" or redeemed King] incorruptible [ab- normal conditions of life will never be foisted upon it again as the result of the dethronement of its king], and undefiled [redeemed from all of the effects of Adam's dethronement], and that fadeth not away [is "an everlasting possession" for Abraham and his Christ seed after him], reserved in heaven [in atone- ment provision, this being the "life hid with Christ in God," the "rest that remains for the people of God"] for you [us], who are kept [in holiness or good works 5 66 The European War and Its Crowning Result. to the end] by the power of God through faith unto salvation [this saints' rest salvation, or salvation com- plete] ready [in atonement provision] to be revealed [or possessed in the last time], ... or when Christ, who is our life [or this Adamic world redeemed life beyond the grave of his dethronement], shall ap- pear [that is, to establish his Adamic kingdom], then shall ye also appear with him in glory [this glory of literal redemption and which Christ prayed to the Fa- ther that his people ''may be where he is to behold"]. (I Pet. i. 3-5; Col. iii. 3, 4.) Now, the wonder is, to whatever it may be attrib- uted — that is, that after Christ's scathing rebuke of Peter for contending that he should raise up David's throne this side of his grave and sit thereon forever, and although Peter had so lucidly and forcefully cor- rected his error as to the place of Christ raising up David's throne, the Church of Christ, even, has nei- ther discovered the place where Christ will finally establish his kingdom, nor the nature of his kingdom ; for she believes that Christ will establish his kingdom in heaven and that it is a spiritual kingdom. While Peter, after his mind was disabused by the resurrec- tion of Christ out of Adam's grave of dethronement of the impression that his kingdom should be estab- lished this side of the grave of Adam's dethronement in his dethroned world, of course, said : 'Tor we look for a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." Or wherein the pristine fitness of man and his world inheritance are recovered and dwell in redemptive durability — that is, as the result of Christ's resurrection as the final atonement provision of bruis- The European War and Its Crowning Result 67 ing the serpent's head or of counteracting his head device by which he dethroned Adam in physical death, thus teaching that Christ's kingdom will be finally established beyond the grave of Adam's dethronement in his world thereby redeemed and that it is David's (Adam's) throne raised up in the sense and social department of God's government in conjunction with his sovereign reign in its spiritual department, thereby reuniting these departments that were separated by Adam's dethronement, which reestablishes God's king- dom on earth in its original order. This is the king- dom that will fill the whole world when it has de- stroyed earth's governments and, of course, is the king- dom Christ has instructed his people to pray to the Father to let come — that is, in Christ's enthronement as a redemptive fact, first, in his millennial reign, when the devil will be chained (not banished), as will be the case in the end of the millennium, when it will be established in Adam's world restored to its Edenic conditions of existence ; for the grave will then have been destroyed that had cast its revolting, devas- tating blight upon it. And now, since Christ has been taken, by the wondrous strategic working of ''the mystery of in- iquity," out of the way in the gospel in preventing this great European war, that has shocked the reli' gious world and that has marshaled its millions of combatants, with the most improved implements of war, in a most terrific and destructive strife upon the field where, under the workings of "the mystery of iniquity," dethroned man established his last univer- sal government by conquest extending through hun- 68 The European War and Its Crowning Result dreds of years, in a gigantic effort to recover Adam's throne of the world under the devil's usurped and hence abnormal reign as its god instead of under God's recovered sovereign reign in the enthronement of Christ, whose right it is to reign both by birth and by atonement provision in Adam's stead; and since it is clearly prophesied that this universal government of man's establishing, and that has been "wounded with the sword" and that lies headless within the European powers, shall be recognized under its "eighth head," or form, of government as the result of a great military upheaval within these powers for supremacy, it seems to me, at least, that it were altogether reasonable that Christ's Church, or Adamic kingdom, instead of pray- ing to God to bring about peace by negotiations be- tween these contending powers that will adjust their differences, which they themselves do not understand (for two of these contending powers have decided that militarism must be destroyed in one of the contending powers as the only possible condition of peace, while the other contends that the map of Europe must be changed as the result of peace, which, I think, is not only significant but correct, and also the map of the world as well, being blessed with the millennial reign of the Son of God, our Elder Brother), should be praying night and day to God the Father to let his kingdom come — not, however, in the universal prev- alence of its truth, as is thought, but instead in the enthronement of Christ as a redemptive fact in Adam's stead in its sense and social departments, in conjunc- tion with his sovereign reign in its spiritual department — for which Christ has made atonement provisions-— The European War and Its Crowning Result. 69 when God's will will be done on earth as it is done in heaven and when "the swords will be beaten into plow- shares, and the spears into pruninghooks ; when men shall learn war no more; and when every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree, and none shall make him afraid" — that is, of ejectment, for his title is everlasting; and might will not be right, for con- questing imperialism, enthroned lawlessness, or the "abomination that maketh desolate, that now stands where it ought not," will be removed from the earth, and "righteousness will dwell in it." And especially should Christ's Church, or Adamic kingdom, do this, as none of these blessings are possi- ble until Christ is enthroned on Adam's recovered throne that Christ has wrested in atonement provision from under the devil's abnormal reign as the god of Adam's dethroned world, as their opposites are the result of Adam's dethronement, which as an inevitable disestablished God's kingdom on earth and, of course, Christ's enthronement in Adam's stead through atone- ment provision that satisfied the garden law and there- by "reconciled God to the world," reestablishes it final- ly in its original order. And it seems to me at least, after looking for this great conquesting upheaval (for that is what it is) in Europe for nearly a half century, that the wise of Christ's Church, or Adamic kingdom — God's original kingdom on earth reestablished in atonement provision in Christ's enthronement therein in Adam's stead — should be very earnestly engaged in trimming "their lamps," for they have certainly "gone out while they have slept" on the coming of Christ ; for their knowl- 70 The European War and Its Crowning Result. edge of the nature of this great redemptive event that will end the gospel dispensation, together with earth's governments, and open up the millennium epoch of human redemption, is very indefinite, to say the least of it, when it should be well defined. For these will be times that will try the faith of men that dwell on earth, such as never have been — "No, nor never shall be," says the Saviour — at least I so interpret. It is certainly no time for the Church, or Christ's Adam- ic kingdom, to persist in the belief that God's kingdom will come into the life of the dethroned world and cor- rect its disorder through the agency of an international court of arbitration and peace conferences or any other social agencies, however well devised and laudable they may be. And there is nothing more manifest than is the fact that Christ's Church, or Adamic king- dom of to-day, is relying for the correction of the evils of the world or its salvation from sin largely upon human agencies employed in the social department of its life instead of relying upon spiritual agencies em- ployed in the spiritual department of its life, where the world is alone redeemed by human agency. Out of its spiritual life it has not, nor can it have, any human agency in saving the world from its sins. When will the Church and the world fully under- stand the great fundamental truth that God's atone- ment has provided to save man from sin within as the only means of saving him from it in his social or prac- tical life, and therefore it has no provision for saving man from sin in his social and practical life as a means of bringing the soul, or inward man, with his "will to do" and his faculty to believe, into saved re- The European War and Its Crowning Result, yt lations with God? And it is evident that man can alone please God by the citizen exercise of these fac- ulties. And there is only one way by which a sinner can recover his Cradle citizenship, and that is by spirit- ual birth into the kingdom of heaven. The child itself recovered its citizenship, thereby bringing it to Christ, by the unconditional atonement birth of the spirit or undisabled inward man out of his moral incarcera- tion in the dethroned and thereby totally disabled out- ward man and at the same time enthroned him there- over in recovered citizenship to take him to the grave of his dethronement in coerced innocence by offering him "a living sacrifice" in meeting the practical condi- tions of this Cradle-redeemed life. Therefore when man goes out of this way of redeemed life, which rein- carcerates the inward man in the disabled outward man, a rebirth of the inward man thereout is required to recover his citizenship in the Cradle kingdom of heaven. This is the source of spiritual life (this birth of the spirit) in human redemption, as Christ taught Nicodemus when he said unto him : "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man [not a child, for he quali- fies the term man by an article and therefore does not include the child, as it is not employed in its generic sense] be born again [a second birth of the spirit out of the disabled outward man to that of his uncondi- tional atonement birth thereout], he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John iii. 3.) This spiritual birth, or birth of the spirit out of the disabled outward man, does not only recover the citizenship, but also recovers the childship of God, thereby becoming his recovered children. ''My people [Cradle-redeemed people] are ^2 The European War and Its Crowning Result. destroyed for lack of knowledge; because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will reject thee." (Hos. iv. 6.) ''Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be very desolate, saith the Lord. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters [Cradle redemption] and hewn them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water." (Jer. ii. 12, 13.) God reigns from the center, even in a drop of water, to the circumfer- ence, and never from the circumference to the center ; from within without, and never from without within; and life is within and never without; and, although growth in life is by accretion, it is never effected from without, but always from within. While dethroned man, under the delusion of "the mystery of iniquity," persists in reversing this divine order of government and of life, especially so in the use of God's atone- ment plan to save him from his personal sins and then to direct him in holiness through practical life. There- fore he "rejects" the "knowledge" of conviction for sin by the personal agency of the Holy Ghost in the use of God's word faithfully preached and which is the realized [life asserting itself within] earnest of "the wrath to come" and then of repentance that breaks the heart loose from its sins and starts the sinner in the fear of God fleeing the wrath to come by laying hold upon the hope set before him in the gospel, of regeneration by faith acceptance of "the free gift" of absolution for his sins, which "creates him in Christ Jesus unto good works that God hath before ordained [in his baptismal vow of obedience], that he should walk in to the end," and has substituted for this The European War and Its Crowning Result, 73 knowledge of salvation from sin within and without that of moral suasion, followed by reformation as a means of saving his soul from sin and as a means of correcting the fearful disorder that prevails in the social or political life of the world. God can but re- ject these improvised means and those that employ them; for they are utterly futile, being the work of "the mystery of iniquity" to take Christ out of his atonement plan to save man from under the garden law in the sentence of physical death in total disability in the social faculty of his moral being to secure his execution, as a citizen cannot be executed by law, and therefore through this moral relation in kind with the devil "he leads man captive at his will" ; and hence the crime, the ruin, the death that prevail in "this present evil world" under his abnormal reign as its God and this moral relation of man to the devil, and the legitimate result thereof will continue until this disa- bility of man is removed and which can and only will be done in the millennium resurrection of God's peo- ple and by the change that will then take place in those of them that are alive at that time, which will wrest the government of the world from the devil and en- throne Christ as a redemptive fact in his millennial reign, during which the devil will be chained, so that he deceives "the nations no more until the thousand years are fulfilled." When this period of rest from his intrigues ends, he will be banished, with all of his angels or citizens of his abnormal kingdom, "to a place prepared for them" when the world will be restored to its pristine state and Christ enthroned thereover under God's thereby reestablished kingdom on earth 74 ^^^ European War and Its Crozvning Result. in its original order. If this is not redemption, literal and complete, for Adam's dethroned house, what is it ? "For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be [on earth] : yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be [found on earth]. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight them- selves with the abundance of peace [this is the peace that God's people should now be praying for] .... The righteous [Abraham's seed after him] shall in- herit the land [Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of his dethronement, that God promised to Ab- raham and that he died without receiving], and dwell therein forever [their everlasting possession]." (Ps. xxxvii. lo, II, 29.) If the wise of Christ's Church, who are supposed to know of his near coming, should be engaged in trimming their lamps that have gone out while they have slept (which Paul has exhorted them not to do) on their watch for the coming of Christ, should not the unwise in the Church be dili- gently employed in getting oil for their lamps of pro- fession that have also gone out while they have slept on their watch for the coming of Christ, since they took no oil with them when they set out in the Chris- tian life to meet the Bridegroom? Now let us hear what Christ says on the physical and social conditions of the world at his coming, and also hear him on a specific sign of his near approach : ''And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all of these things must come to pass [as an inevitable result of man's de- thronement under the delusion of "the mystery of iniquity" that promised him the wisdom of the gods The European War and Its Crowning Result. 75 as the reward for his transgression of the garden law and thereby dethroned him and enthroned the devil god over him in "the mystery of this iniquity" ; and man, under his abnormal reign, is still seeking the wis- dom of the gods at the expense of law, which was supposed to secure him against dethronement, and therefore his contention for his throne of the world at the destruction of those that oppose it], but the end is not yet [of this delusion and of its contending governments for supremacy]. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earth- quakes, in divers places. [The Saviour here puts these physical disturbances as abnormal, which are certainly true, they being the result of the devil's ab- normal reign in the sense and social world.] i\ll of these are the beginning of sorrows [not the end of sorrows, not the beating of the "swords into plow- shares, and the spears into pruninghooks, when men shall learn war no more," but instead these wars and rumors of wars are but vedette skirmishes marshaling earth's millions upon her extended plain with the most improved instruments of destruction for the great de- cisive battle for world supremacy in the dethroned conditions of its life, "the mystery of iniquity" having finally taken Christ out of his gospel method of pre- venting it by his enthronement in Adam's stead under God's sovereign reign in the spiritual department of his government thereby recovered on earth and which as an inevitable reveals "the man of sin, the son of perdition, that Wicked" in his ascent upon the throne of reorganized Imperial Rome]." 76 The European War and Its Crowning Result. This will be the condition of the social life of the world when Christ comes to establish his Adamic kingdom in the millennial rest, which is God's crea- tion rest to be enjoyed by the redeemed during the devil's chained and bottomless pit banishment, as his reign extends through it as it did through the six work periods of the creation, and into which Adam would have entered as the result of his tested loyalty as the king of the world in the human department of God's government of it, in conjunction with him in its spiritual or divine department; but, failing, the atonement was at once instituted in the promise that ''the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head" or counteract his head device by which he de- throned Adam in his own enthronement in Adam's stead and which was completed in atonement provi- sion in Christ's resurrection out of Adam's grave of dethronement. This atonement provision, with its gospel, extends from the giving of this promise to Adam through the six working periods of the cre- ation and ends with the work of ''the mystery of iniquity" in taking Christ out of this way of recover- ing, as a redemptive fact, Adam's throne of the world under God's sovereign reign in its spiritual life, and which as a redemptive necessity inaugurates the cre- ation rest period under Christ's personal reign in Adam's stead, thereby recovering it as a redemptive fact under God's government on earth in its original order, and which necessitates the destruction and re- moval of the government of the earth, as it "will fill the whole world," and also necessitates the resurrec- tion of God's people out of the grave of Adam's de- The European War and Its Crowning Result, yy thronement, that its "gates prevail not against" Christ's "Church" in its millennium estabHshment ; and God's people that are alive must be changed by removing their outward man disability, thereby recovering their citizenship in the social department of God's govern- ment on earth, itself also restored to its original order, and which was arrested to secure man's execution in this faculty of his moral being, as a citizen cannot be executed by law. Thus all of God's people will enter into the creation rest with Christ as he did by his resurrection enter into his rest from the work of re- demption, and which recovers the creation rest that Adam forfeited to his dethroned house and which is a rest from the presence and intrigues of the devil and consequent evils. Let us observe here that, if the chronology of the Bible creation is not confounded with that of the rock record creations that were employed by the Creator in building up the earth with their respective vegetable and animal deposits for the Bible creation, which was that of providing it with vegetables and animals for the use of man, its prospective king, six thousand years was ample time for its accomplishment and which was largely required to reproduce vegetables and animals to replenish the earth from their respec- tive reproductive agents of direct creation, and which could not under the inexorable reign of the great law of individuality — that is, an emanation from the Un- originated Divine Existence — have exceeded a male that carried the existence of his species and a female made out of him, and thereby brought conjointly with him into that existence for its reproduction in their off- yS The European War and Its Crowning Result. spring, and which brought two individuals into that existence by direct creation, with two distinct spheres of operation, and that without infringing the great law of individuality ; and their offspring, which is a repro- duction of the existence that they conjointly carry, brings a third individual into it with a distinct sphere of operation, which is a creation fact expression of the Holy Trinity or of the three persons conjointly in the Unoriginated Divine Existence as its Creator pro- totype. And if there is any other creation prototype in the vegetable and animal kingdoms than that of the Holy Trinity, I have been unable to find it, which assures me that this Creator did not employ interme- diate agency of any kind whatever in effecting their creation; for, if otherwise, that agency would have been expressed in fact in the creation, like begetting like. Paul disclosed this philosophy of the creation when he said: "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being under- stood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead ; so that they [heathen world] are without excuse [that is, for their ignorance of a Tri- une Creator of nature in which nothing lives that has not three elements or functions of existence]." (Rom. i. 20.) With these statements, the truth of which is read- ily seen to be established in the philosophy of the cre- ation, we are prepared to see the correctness of the account that Moses has given to the world of the cre- ation of man in the image of God, the Holy Trinity, having three coordinate moral faculties, the fact ex- The European War and Its Crowning Result. 79 pression of the three persons in the divine existence, like begetting like, and then breathing into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul. And we can also understand that the truth of the account that Moses has given to the world of the creation of woman from a rib that the Lord God had taken from the side of man, who carried all of the human exist- ence in his own person, is established in the profound- est philosophy, and which made procreative nature pos- sible. And we may also understand Moses when he said: "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth [Bible heavens and earth] when they were created, in the day [it may be that a thousand years were employed in making the vegetable and animal kingdoms] that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew [just as he made Adam of the dust of the ground before he lived, though he had all of life's organized functions] : for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth [it was a dusty earth, with mate- rial to create, but without moisture to grow anything: and then growth requires functions, and function re- quires organization, so that the Lord God did not commission the earth to grow the vegetable kingdom into existence, much less to grow the animal kingdom into existence]." (Gen. ii. 4, 5.) And when the earth was peopled with vegetables and animals and the mineral kingdom was complete, ''the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground," to establish relation in kind between him and the world for his kingly domain, and made woman from his side 8o The European War and Its Crowning Result. to establish relation in kind with him through which she could be his helpmeet and also to bring her con- jointly with him into the human existence, that she might be "the mother of all living" or of the human family, and which precludes the possibility of created pre-Adamites or of pro-Adamites, as for that matter. The making of the female out of the male — that, of necessity, carried all of the conditions of the existence that he represented, as did Adam all of the human existence, for instance — is mentioned only in the mak- ing of Eve out of Adam, because they were the king and queen of creation. It would have been unfit to have thus distinguished the monkey existence even ; but reason is very clear in its decision that all, both in the vegetable and in the animal kingdoms, from the smallest to the largest species, were made in the same way and that life was breathed into them after their functional organisms were complete, as all alike die when it is breathed out. This evident philosophy of the creation of vegetable and animal life in nature will neither admit of essential change in species nor of a possible duplicate. Adam understood this and there- fore called woman, that was made out of him. Eve, she being the potential "mother of all" of the human family. Adam being the embodiment of the human existence, how was it possible to create another human existence? And Eve being made out of him to bring her conjointly with him in that existence to perpetuate it in their offspring, how could there be another father and mother of the human family, either in part or in whole? Adam knew this and proclaimed it to his children, or rather for them, before Eve was blessed The European War and Its Crozmting Result. 8i with a child; but his children, who feel that they are an improvement of the humanity that he and Eve embodied conjointly, fail to see its profound philos- ophy. Now let us hear Christ in giving, immediately after his disclosure of the above social condition of the world life at his appearing, the most specific and well-defined sign of his coming to establish his millennial reign that has been given by any one and which is this: ''And this gospel of the kingdom [of God's kingdom recovered on earth in atonement provision from its disestablishment by Adam's dethronement] shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all na- tions [that is, for a witness that it is Christ's right by birth, he being the Birthright Prince of Adam's de- throned house, and also that it is his right by atone- ment provision to reign in the sense and social life of the world in Adam's stead in conjunction with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost's sovereign reign in its spiritual life], then the end shall come [that is, of the gospel dispensation and also of the govern- ments of the world that have been established by "the mystery of iniquity" in taking Christ out of the way of recovering Adam's throne through its provisions, by recovering their citizens therein that had gone out of it by leaving the Cradle in wicked instead of good works, for the Cradle is this kingdom in its universal- ity this side of the grave of Adam's dethronement]." We should observe that when Pilate asked Christ, "Art thou a king, then?" Christ replied by saying: "Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born [in Adam's dethroned house, of course, thereby 6 82 The European War and Its Crozvning Result. being its Birthright Prince], and for this cause came I into the world, to bear witness to the truth [that is, to the truth that Pilate had declared]." Then Christ's mission to Adam's dethroned w^orld as he understood it was that of becoming, when he had wrested Adam's throne from the devil, its "second Adam," or Redeem- er King. In what else could Christ's mission to Adam's dethroned world as its Birthright Prince Heir have been accomplished except in that of enthroning himself in Adam's stead by saving his house from under the garden law, thereby wresting Adam's throne from under the devil's abnormal reign, thus reestab- lishing God's government on earth in its original or- der? And then is not this redemption for Adam's dethroned house established in its philosophy, where all truth is established? Now the all-important question is. Has "the gospel of this kingdom" of God that is to be established after destroying earth's governments been "preached to all of the world for a witness to every nation," that it is Christ's right to reign "Lord of lords and King of kings" in Adam's world, whose throne as its Birth- right Prince he has recovered in atonement provision ? To answer this question it will be necessary to ascer- tain what is required to preach the gospel for a witness to every nation of the world. It is certainly not re- quired that it should be preached to every citizen of every nation. Then what is required is that it be preached in the capital of all the nations of the world. And this has been done except to that of Tibet, and it may be that it has been preached there also. Persist- ent efforts, both by women and men, were made The European War and Its Crowning Result. 83 many years ago to preach the gospel at the capital of Tibet, but they were brought out of the nation without accomplishing it. But during the Russo-Japanese War England sent an armed expedition into the capital of Tibet; and the lama, the chief ecclesiastic, left the temple, believing it had thereby been desecrated; and China after this exercised some authority over the public schools of Tibet. But whether or not this opened the capital of Tibet for the preaching of the gospel, I have not been informed; but it is highly probable that it did, and, if so, then the gospel may have been preached to Tibet as a nation. But whether or not we are capable of correctly in- terpreting this or any other sign of Christ's near com- ing, of one thing we are assured, and that is that Im- perial Rome will be reorganized under its "eighth head," or form, of government and that it will be the result of a devastating war in Europe and that its sovereign will be "the man of sin, the son of perdi- tion, that Wicked, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth, and destroy with the bright- ness of his coming," and that at this time "the God of heaven" — not "the God of this present evil world" — will set up a kingdom or reestablish his kingdom of the world that Adam's dethronement disestablished at the instance of the devil, which as an inevitable enthroned him God in Adam's department of it, and that this "kingdom shall break in pieces" and remove all of earth's governments and then "fill the whole world, and shall never be destroyed." And certainly the wise, or God's people, when these prophetic things, these tremendous things, are transpiring, such as the mighty 84 The European War and Its Crowning Result. upheaval in Europe is becoming, that has put a whole nation on the charity list, and the very nation that one of the contending powers declares it has entered the war to protect, and yet it has become necessary for neutral nations to care for its homeless and starving ones, will see in them the fulfillment of prophecy and begin to "trim their lamps that have gone out while they have slept" on this great truth of the coming of their Lord to establish his kingdom on earth and be "God with us" instead of watching, as he has cautioned them to do. And that the Church of to-day is asleep or unaccountably indiflferent with regard to Christ's coming and with no well-defined understanding of the condition of the social life of the world that makes it necessary for him to come to establish his kingdom in his millennial reign in Adam's stead, and of the na- ture of his kingdom and where he will establish it and of the nature of its establishment, is unquestionable. And how can it be ready for Christ's coming with his kingdom for its millennium establishment is by no means clear, to say the least of it. And is not this the nature of the watching for the coming of Christ that he has advised, yea, has cautioned his Church to do and thereby keep the world fully advised of the cer- tainty and also of the character of this great redemp- tive event that will efifect such radical and monstrous changes in the world's life ? And none will doubt that this coming event in the world's redemption would exert a tremendous influence upon the life of the Church and also upon the life of the world if it were proclaimed as it is taught in the Bible and established in the philosophy of the atonement redemption of The European War and Its Crowning Result, 85 Adam's dethroned house. But with the vague impres- sions of the Church with regard to the character of Christ's coming and its unaccountable indifference about it, to say nothing about its unreasonable views of it, it can exert no saving influence either upon the life of the Church or upon the life of the world, and which is therefore a very unwise thing for the children of light to do. "But when they [the unwise] shall say. Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail cometh upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in dark- ness, that that day [coming of Christ] should come upon you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day : we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep [over Christ's coming], as do others; but let us watch and be sober." (i Thess. v. 3-6.) Now, in concluding let us observe that, when "the prince of the covenant" becomes the sovereign of re- organized Rome and makes "a covenant for one week with" the Jews that are in Palestine, which fulfills, or rather reinstates for fulfillment, the "seventy weeks determined upon" Daniel's "people, and upon the holy city," and in which the work of the gospel redemp- tion was to be finished, the new covenant gospel exile of Abraham's covenant house from Palestine, their redemptive earnest of Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of his dethronement, will end ; for "the full- ness of the Gentiles has" now "come in," their "sea- son" of fruitfulness has closed, and therefore they will go into eternal exile from Adam's world redeemed, 86 The European War and Its Crozuning Result. and the Jews will now offer sacrifices in Jerusalem, as was their custom before they went into exile, because Christ took his kingdom from them and gave it to the Gentiles to secure its spiritual fruitage, and "in the midst of the week that Wicked shall cause the sacrifices and oblations to cease" and ''will set himself up in the temple, showing that he is God." Then commences his persecution of God's people, in which the Jews will share, and during this per- secution the remnant of adult Israel will be saved under the new covenant gospel, and which is "one hundred and forty-four thousand." They will at once enter with Christ into his millennial rest of a thou- sand years, and Palestine will be their "everlasting possession," and its deserts south and east of the Euphrates "will blossom as the rose," and its seas on the east and on the west will become plains for agri- cultural purposes, and the three rivers, maybe two, that headed on the west in the Lebanon mountains will ap- pear and drain the vast plain that is now occupied by the Mediterranean Sea, thereby recovering the land of Eden, Adam's judicial district of the world, and which God gave to Abraham as the redemptive earnest of Adam's world redeemed beyond the grave of his dethronement. This will, therefore, be the land that Abraham's natural seed will possess and which will be divided into twelve tribal districts or nations and over which the twelve apostles will be enthroned, re- spectively, as kings, "judging the twelve tribes of Is- rael." Here the apostle "shall sit at" Christ's royal "table and eat and drink in" Christ's Adamic "king- dom" in his palace on "'Mount Zion," where Adam The European War and Its Crowning Result. 87 was dethroned in his Garden Home Capital of the world in conjunction with God in his sovereign reign in its spiritual life. And, therefore, it is now the redeemed "city of God, the joy of the whole earth," the Capital of God's reestablished kingdom on earth by Christ's enthronement therein in Ad- am's stead in conjunction with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost in its spiritual department. This is Adam's throne recovered and his house redeemed under God's original kingdom on earth, thereby itself recovered and reestablished in the pristine conditions of the world's life, a literal and com.plete redemption, with its truth established in its philosophy or in its fitness where the truth is alone discovered and estab- lished ; for it is, abstractly speaking, the eternal fitness of things. This is the kingdom of heaven which Paul said "flesh and blood shall not inherit." This is true be- cause the blood and its life of the physical or king man was forfeited to the Garden law by Adam's dethrone- ment in this faculty of his moral being, and which Christ gave to it on the cross, which satisfied it and, of course, "reconciled God to the world." This as an inevitable put Christ in Adam's grave of dethronement with "flesh and bones," less the blood and its physical life. And he therefore "quickened" this body or phys- ical man of "flesh and bones" by the "spirit" or un- disabled inward man that brought the disabled outward or physical man to the cross in coerced innocence by oflFering him "a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God," and thereby raised it (him) a "spiritual body," or with a body that is supplied with life by the 88 The European War and Its Crowning Result. spirit of undisabled inward man, and which "saved" man ''from under" the executed penalty of "the law," and for which Christ "was made under the law," being born of a woman." This resurrection body or phys- ical man of Christ is the only fact expression of the truth that Christ did bruise the serpent's head by giv- ing to the Garden law the life of the physical man of dethroned humanity that Adam forfeited to it by the head device of the serpent, thereby counteracting it. But for the disclosure of this fact by Christ to his disciples after his resurrection and by Paul in the above verse, there would have been no means this side of the grave of Adam's dethronement by the forfeit- ure of this life by which we could have known that Christ did satisfy the garden law on the cross by giving to it this life and then raised up the physical man by substituting for it the life of the undisabled inward man of dethroned humanity, thus disclosing also the philosophy of the resurrection, which secures to us the literal resurrection of the physical man less his blood and its life, and which in turn discloses in a very delicate and striking manner the awful truth that that which is forfeited to law can never be recovered to its normal conditions or relations of its existence. Therefore, if Adam's body or physical faculty of his moral being had been forfeited under the garden law in his dethronement in this faculty, it could never have been resurrected, and he would have been lost forever in a dismembered moral being, and all of his family that fail under the atonement or soul probation to reach Adam's grave in the coerced innocence of the outward or physical man by the undisabled inward The European War and Its Croivning Result. 89 man with his "will to do" and his faculty to believe, offering him "a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable unto God," and which is that "holiness without which no man shall see the Lord" in the redeemed state, will be held under the law in total disability or in the abnor- mal conditions of their moral existence forever, and which will be literal and complete, with nothing nor- mal whatever. This state and its environments Christ compared to "a lake of fire and brimstone" ; and it is from this state and place that Christ saves them finally that cooperate with him in his atonement plan for its accomplishment, and it is a "great salvation" because it saves man from a commensurately great ruin and completes its work at the grave, of course. The sin- ner's chief and constant concern should be his salva- tion from his personal sins, which secures his uncon- ditional atonement provision from its Adamic effects and therefore determines the character of his salvation both in quality and in quantity, it being impossible for a saved state to rise above the normal conditions of its lost state. Adam's dethronement, for instance, by his transgression of the normal conditions of his moral existence lost him inevitably in its abnormal condi- tions and lost him also in an abnormal relation to his kingly inheritance or environments, and his salvation by Christ, the Birthright Prince of his dethroned house, recovered him and it to their normal state and relation to each other, one being the prevision and the other the provision, and which is salvation for Adam and his dethroned house, nothing more and nothing less, the one being the measure of the other. This salvation must be followed by good works or right- 90 The European War and Its Crowning Result. eousness to the grave of Adam's dethronement to make it a final success beyond it in Adam's world there redeemed. The belief, therefore, that seems to be quite preva- lent — that is, that the sinner when he is saved from his personal sins is saved to a higher state than that to which he was lost in his sins, and hence that his chief concern in seeking salvation from his personal sins should be about the state in which he is thereby recov- ered and not about his escape from his state of ruin in his sins under the new covenant probation to secure his final salvation in the rest that remains for these faith- justified people of God by his working it ''out in fear and trembling" while "God works in" him "both to will and to do of his good pleasure" in its accom- plishment — is seen to be without Biblical or logical support. If this theory of salvation from personal sins is trCie, then the atonement plan to efifect it by alarming the sinner's "fear of God" in "the wrath to come," and which the Word of God declares to be "the beginning of wisdom" or where the sinner begins the right use of the atonement provision to save him from the wrath to come in laying "hold of the hope set before" him "in the gospel" — in a special message — of regener- ation as the only means of his escaping the wrath to come, and which should by all means be disclosed in that message, is seen to be nonsense at a tremendous cost instead of the profound philosophy of salvation from sin that it is and that it has proved itself to be in every case when its provisions therefor have been faithfully complied with. The European War and Its Crowning Result. 91 "The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord. Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord." That is, as fire is employed to separate the dross from metal and thereby refine it, and which must be intensely hot, so God's Word, when focalized with intent, brings the sinner, under the enlightenment of the Holy Ghost, to a realization of the wrath to come in his conviction for his personal sins, which makes him cry out for salvation from them, as did the Psalm- ist when he said: 'The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell got hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. "Then called I tipon the Lord; O Lord, I beseech thee to deliver my soul." And again when he said : 'T waited patiently for the Lord ; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up out of an horrible pit [inward man birth out of his moral imprisonment in the totally disabled outward man], out of the miry clay [transgressed relations], and set my feet upon a rock [in right relations], and [thereby] established my goings [made it possible for him to go in good works by the delivered inward man offering the disabled outward or practical man "a liv- ing sacrifice wholly acceptable unto God" in meeting the practical conditions of probationary redeemed life] . And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God [for his deliverance from the horrible pit of miry clay, where every effort he made sank him lower, as it could only advance him in wrong rela- tions] : many shall see it [his deliverance made evident by his song of praise to God, which, of course, is new], 92 The European War and Its Crowning Result. and fear [this horrible pit thus made manifest], and shall trust in the Lord [ for their deliverance also from the horrible pit of disabiHty in the flesh or outward man and to which their inward men are sowing and reaping]." And as did Paul also when he said: "O wretched man that I am [imprisoned inward man in the body of disability] ! who shall deliver me [inward man] from the body of this death [disability death, being under the sentence of physical death to secure man's execution, as a citizen cannot be executed by law] ? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord [that is, for the birth of his awakened and convicted inward rnan out of this reincarceration in the disabled outward man by sowing to or obeying his lusts]. So then with the mind [delivered inward man with his "will to do" and his faculty to believe] I myself [entire man] serve the law of God [by the inward man offering the disabled outward or practical man "a. living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto the Lord, which is his reasonable service," having been delivered thereout and enthroned thereover for this purpose] ; but with the flesh [or "body of this death"] the law of sin [disability]." "But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay [that is, in the relations that he was thereby informed that he was in danger]." (Jer. xx. 9.) "Is not my \vord like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" (Jer. xxiii. 29.) The rock mason to break the rock must strike with his hammer in the same place with the purpose of breaking it, otherwise he would not accomplish it; and if the preacher succeeds in break- The European War and Its Crowning Result. 93 ing the sinner's heart in contrition for his sins, there- by detaching it from its sinful alHances by the use of of God's Word, he must strike in the same place with the specific design of effecting it by disclosing to him his imminent danger is sin, that the Holy Ghost may employ it as his sword with which to pierce the incrustation that sin has formed around the heart and let this faithful message in, that it may give him light, that he may "behold wondrous things out of God's law." This was Peter's method on the day of Pentecost of securing the conviction of his vast audience; and Paul, who was specially commissioned by his Saviour ''to open the eyes of the Gentiles, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive for- giveness of sins, and inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith that is in Christ," taught that this was his method of accomplishing this result when in his defense before Agrippa he said: "Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision : but shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance." (Acts xxvi. 18-20.) But, alas ! this gospel is not preached to-day. Moral suasion has been substituted for conviction and re- pentance, and the reformation thereby effected has been substituted for regeneration by faith acceptance of the free gift of absolution for sin. "The mystery of in- iquity" has taken Christ "out of" this atonement "way" or method of saving the sinner from his per- 94 The European War and Its Crowning Result. sonal sins. I have not heard in twenty years a ser- mon on repentance as the first and indispensable con- dition on the part of the sinner to secure his regener- ation finally by his faith acceptance of the free gift of the forgiveness of his sins. And I feel safe in saying that I have not heard repentance mentioned in a ser- mon in ten years. How strange this seems when we remember that Paul, among other things, said to the elders of Ephesus, where he had preached for three years and a half, "How I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have showed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house, testify- ing both to the Jews, and to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ" ! (Acts XX. 20, 21.) And stranger still, if possible, that repentance should be left out of the gospel mes- sage to the sinner in an effort to save him from his personal sins, when we consider what the college of apostles said when they had heard Peter tell of the regeneration of the Gentiles: "Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life." And when John the Baptist entered upon his mission of making man's part of the new covenant conjointly with Christ, who made God's part of it, with the proc- lamation: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." And when Christ by his inward man tempta- tion victory over the devil through the disabled out- ward man delivered the inward man of dethroned humanity from his moral imprisonment in the outward man thereof and enthroned him thereover in recovered citizenship in the spiritual department of God's king- dom thereby recovered on earth in atonement provi- The European War and Its Croivning Result. 95 sion, which took away the inward man imprisoned sin of disabiHty and which put the law in the heart of dethroned humanity and thereby established its goings in good works from the Cradle to the grave of Adam's dethronement preached from that time. "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," Matthew says. Then the new Covenant and its Gospel were born in repentance, or, in other words, were made possible by "granting repentance" to the sinner. And yet, by the authority of "the mystery of iniquity," this vital atone- ment provision to save man from his personal sins has been substituted by moral suasion, and regenera- tion, made possible by repentance, is substituted by reformation ; and no wonder that "the fullness of the Gentiles" is fast coming in, having ceased to adminis- ter the atonement provisions by which it is alone pos- sible for them to "bring forth" the spiritual "fruit" of Christ's kingdom, that he took away from Abraham's covenant house and gave it to them to secure. And then there is no truth more clearly defined and better sustained than is the truth that moral beings, when once estranged, can be reconciled only by re- pentance on the part of the offender, as otherwise the offended would have to indorse the offender in his sin of offense and thereby become his accomplice and at the same time confirm him in his crime instead of sav- ing him from it in effecting by his repentance his for- giveness. When Adam transgressed the garden law in his dethronement he offended God the lawgiver, and that offense was expressed in Adam's disability under it, not subject to it; neither could be until this disabil- ity was provided for by God, of course, nor could God 96 The European War and Its Crozvnmg Result. become otherwise reconciled to him. Therefore Christ, the first-born of Adam's dethroned house, and that by conception and birth from the virgin, though dethroned, womb of humanity, which was effected by special creation, thereby making Christ "the only- begotten Son of God" and also making him the Birth- right Prince of Adam's dethroned house, in his inward man temptation victory over the devil through the dis- abled outward man delivered as an inevitable the un- disabled inward man of dethroned humanity, with his "will to do" and his faculty to believe, from his moral imprisonment in the disabled outward man and en- throned him thereover, took away this disabling sin of the world and thereby established the law, which again as an inevitable "reconciled God to the world," not, however, by indorsing Adam's offense, but instead by granting to him repentance as the only means of effecting at-one-ment with him again. And hence the special mission of God's ministers is to get the sinner reconciled to God by repenting of his sins; for God has become reconciled to him in the establishment of his law, which granted to him repentance and by no means in the abolition of his law, for it is thereby in force again, man's disability being provided for. And therefore "God now commands all men everywhere to repent." And yet his ministers are not praying the sinner to be reconciled to God by repenting of his sins, although Paul says : "We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us : we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God." And how can the sinner be reconciled to God except by obeying his command to repent? And it is just as The European War and Its Crowning Result. 97 indispensable in our forgiving those who wrong us that they should repent of the wrong that they have done to have our hearts beat in unison with each other again as it is for the sinner to repent of his sins to become reconciled to God, as otherwise we would confound virtue and vice, and therefore Christian character could not be developed for the simple reason that the Christian would in that event indorse his offender. To prevent this, Christ said to his disciples: "Take heed to yourselves [that is, be careful in forgiving their offender, lest they in- dorse him in his sin of offense] : If any brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him." (Luke xvii. 3, 4.) God's people, not observing this rule strictly and having become possessed of the impression that they can and therefore must forgive those that have trespassed against them without their repentance, the line of demarcation between vice and virtue is not as clear cut as it should be in order to the development of strong character, to say nothing about its protection against the inroads of vice. To withhold forgiveness for wrongs done and to entertain feeling of revenge therefor are two things widely different; for revenge does not belong to man, but instead it ''belongeth unto God, and he will repay." But it is man's province, yea, his duty, to forgive as God forgives and in no other way — that is, when the offender repents, as otherwise he would confirm the offender in his of- fense or sin and thereby become his accomplice, though 7 98 Tlie European War aitd Its Croivning Result. it be his own child. And does not reason unequivocal- ly decide that this is equally true of God? It is for this reason that God chastises his children, to bring them to repentance for their wrongdoing and thereby save them from their sin and maintain his authority instead of overlooking it and thus becoming an ac- complice with them and thereby confirming them in their sin. With this decision of reason indorsed by the philosophy of the atonement for the forgive- ness of personal sins, it may be very readily seen that the belief that has substituted moral suasion for repentance as a means of securing a justified rela- tion with God can but prove a signal, yea, a fatal failure. And another belief that is close kin to this fatal error, and which is quite prevalent to-day, is that all men are the children of God, and which is capable of such tremendous results in the destruction of men in sin that I feel called upon to disclose its error and bring the world to see it if possible. That childship inheres in relation in kind, there can be no reasonable doubt, for otherwise like would not beget like. Then it follows as an inevitable that the sinner, though the creature of God, is not his child, for the simple reason that the moral, or character, relation in kind with God has been commuted in a sin or re- bellious character relation with the devil, the author of this character, and has thereby become the child of the devil. Therefore Christ said to the Pharisees who said that they were the children of Abraham : "Ye are of your father, the devil, and his lusts ye will do." The Saviour ''came unto his own" according to the flesh, or blood, relation in kind, "and his own received The European War and Its Crowning Result, 99 him not. But to as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that beHeve on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God," and are therefore his atonement- recovered children from the devil, and which was ef- fected by the birth of the undisabled inward man with his "will to do" and his faculty to believe, out of his reincarceration in the totally disabled outward man by gratifying his lusts, and in which he was, of course, in character in kind with the devil, and therefore his child. And where is the mystery about it? Does not the action of a moral being reverse his relations, making the positive both negative and positive? And how could it be otherwise? The transgression of every law by a moral being has this dual effect upon him. Indeed, nothing can move or be moved without these dual results. Relation in kind makes the exer- cise of force of every character and the reign of law of every kind possible and determines the nature and gives direction and application to all results, both in the physical and spiritual world, and is therefore the law of laws, the all-pervading law of continuity that scientists have come to believe exists ; and, being this, it can but be responsible for the eternal fitness of things, the realm in which God the Holy Trinity dwells and carries on all of his operations and in which he is immutable. And hence truth is alone found in fitness or in its philosophy and never in unfitness or in conflict with itself, any more than God is found in conflict with himself in the exercise of any of his attributes. Therefore neither the truth nor fit- loo The European War and Its Crowning Result. ness of things nor God is in this great European war ; but instead falsehood, with its unfitness of things, and the devil, its "father" or author, inaugurated this mighty upheaval and is directing its possibilities as far as he is capable of doing it, having taken Christ out of his way of accomplishing his purpose or recov- ering Adam's throne under his satanic reign as God in the sense and social life of the world. This being true, what else can Christ do other than return in per- son and, in the exercise of his omnipotent power, destroy the abnormal governments of earth and ban- ish the devil in his chained imprisonment in the bot- tomless pit, and then establish his Adamic kingdom, that "shall fill the whole world, and shall never be destroyed" ? And now, lest we should undervalue eating and drinking by the redeemed beyond the grave of Adam's dethronement and thereby fail to see in this vital re- demptive truth the literal and thereby completeness of human redemption, let us consider the signifi- cance of the truth that God, in giving to Adam the world for his kingly domain and physical inherit- ance and to which he had adapted his functions and faculties, stressed what he had provided therein for Adam to eat and did not even mention its wealth and the power that it would enable him to employ in de- veloping its possibilities and in carrying on his enter- prises and the pleasure that it would afford him, and to which his dethroned family attach chief importance. And let us remember the truth of greater significance — that is, that when the Father formally transferred this Adam- dethroned inheritance to Christ, its Birth- The European War and Its Cromning Result. loi right Prince-Heir, he stressed what he gave him to eat and said not a word about its great stores of weahh, but simply conferred it upon him in a general way, as he did upon Adam. (See Psalm viii. ; Heb. i. 6-IO.) And then we should remember that Adam was dethroned by unlawful eating in the test of his loyalty as the king of the world in its sense and social life in conjunction with God the Holy Trinity's sovereign reign in its spiritual life, and that Christ has recovered Adam's throne and his world inheritance from the per- nicious results of Adam's unlawful eating in his de- thronement and thereby recovered them to their nor- mal conditions of existence wherein God attached prime importance to eating. And has not God in man's dethroned state put the satisfying of his ''mouth with good things," thereby ''renewing his youth as the eagles" and the healing of all his "diseases" in connec- tion with the forgiving of his "iniquities"? And did not Christ put the eating and drinking of his disciples at his "table in his kingdom" in connection with their sitting "upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel"? And did not Christ eat before his "terri- fied" disciples because of his presence in their midst, "the doors being shut," as the crowning evidence that he was identical with Christ crucified, thereby teaching them that he needed food as he did before his crucifix- ion? And then, if Christ rose out of Adam's grave of dethronement, that was the direct result of his unlaw- ful eating, and which counteracted its pernicious re- sults, bringing Christ into the pristine conditions of humanity, its Ideal Man, its "Second Adam" or Re- deemer King, should he not eat and drink as did the I02 The European War and Its Crowning Result. first Adam, and which he did do forty days and nights with his disciples before he ascended ? Yet with all of this man cannot realize that the redeemed will eat and drink, and that too when other- wise their redemption would be incomplete. And no wonder, after all, that he does not entertain this in- dubitable evidence of the literalness of man's redemp- tion, when we consider that he is committed to the belief that Christ risen is spiritual and that his king- dom is also spiritual. Believing this, how is it possi- ble for man to understand the prophecies relative to Christ's coming to establish his kingdom by destroying all of the governments of earth to make room for it, which "shall fill the whole world, and never be de- stroyed" ? How could Christ under the all-pervading law of relation in kind, he being the Birthright Prince-Heir of Adam's dethroned house, bruise the serpent's head by counteracting his head device by which he deceived Adam into dethronement without enthroning himself in Adam's stead beyond the grave of his dethrone- ment in his world redeemed under God's government thereby recovered and reestablished on earth in its original order and Adam's house be "joint heirs with" him in its redeemed possession, he being their Elder Brother? Can reason divine any other result estab- lished in the philosophy of Christ's atonement provi- sion for man's redemption that was completed by Christ's resurrection out of the grave of Adam's de- thronement, which as an inevitable brought him into the pristine conditions of the world's Hfe where Adam's throne fell down in his house on "Mount Zion" in his The European War and Its Crowning Result 103 Garden Home Capital of the world and where God the Holy Trinity reigned sovereign in the spiritual de- partment of his kingdom on earth? This is why "Mount Zion is the city of our God, the joy of the whole earth." That is because it was his capital, where he reigned sovereign in the spiritual depart- ment of his government on earth conjointly with Adam in its sense and social departments and with Eve, Adam's queen, in its home department. And God the Father and God the Holy Ghost, the Divine Executor, and who has been reigning in person in the atonement-recovered kingdom of God since the day of Pentecost, will in like manner reign with Christ on "Mount Zion in the New Jerusalem" — Jeru- shalem, "the foundation of peace" — that God will pre- pare as he did Adam's Garden Home Capital of the world. And in this "new heaven and new earth [that "we look for" and which we must look for, according to the atonement philosophy of human redemption], wherein dwelleth righteousness," God will make of Abraham, the covenant man, "a great nation" out of the redeemed with Christ, the "Second Adam" or Re- deemer King, on its throne. "Therefore prophesy and say unto them. Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, O my people [Abraham and his Christ seed after him], I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. . . . And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land [Adam's world redeemed be- yond the grave of his dethronement and that God promised to Abraham] : then shall ye know that I the 104 ^^^ European War and Its Crowning Result. Lord have spoken it, and performed it, saith the Lord." (Ezek. xxxvii. 12-14.) Now Abraham gets his prom- ised land that he died without receiving and which he holds in covenant security in his grave in the cave of Machpelah, and here the "swords" of earth will ''be beaten into plowshares, and the spears into pruning- hooks, and men shall learn war no more, and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree, and none shall make him afraid" — of ejectment, for his title is everlasting — and not before or elsewhere. Here "the knowledge of God will cover the earth, as waters cover the great deep," and peace will reign undisturbed. "Even so, come. Lord Jesus. Amen." LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 547 757 OD'S original government on earth had three departments, two human and one divine, Adam reigning king in the sense and social life of the world and Eve reigning queen in its home life, while the Holy Trinity reigned Sovereign in its spiritual life. If Adam had main- tained his integrity forty days and nights, he would have been king of the world and Eve would have been queen in its home life forever. Failing, they can never recover this relation to God's government again, as that which is forfeited under law test can never be redeemed. But Christ, the Birth- right Prince of their house, maintaining his integrity under the tempter's power forty days and nights, recovered their thrones be- yond the grave of their dethronement in their world redeemed, thereby becoming the **Second Adam" or Redeemer King of dethroned humanity, which reestablished God's government on earth in its original order in atonement provision, however, and therefore it awaits its final establishment when Christ comes again. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 547 757 5