Mahnn lUfcmptiit? n^m ^m & BY DAVID A. EBERLY j* j* j* With a Foreword and Explanatory Foot Notes by the Author Interpreting the Thought and Ideas Which He Has Sought to Express •Prrflrntrb ?BtF Herara on Mahnn %?n?ttt;pttti? BY DAVID A. EBERLY With a Foreword and Explanatory Foot Notes by the Author Interpreting the Thought and Ideas Which He Has Sought to Express PUBLISHED BY WEST COAST PRINTING COMPANY OAKLAND. CAL. TO THOSE DUAL FATHERS AND DUAL MOTHERS THE IMMEDIATE, To Whom I am Indebted for an Unabridged Inheritance and an Increased Endowment of Christian Moral Character and True Intelligence Through the Devoted Love, Sacrifice and Abnegation of Their Consecrated Lives, and THE ULTIMATE That Ideal Father of Spiritual and Universal Love and Wisdom, And that Good, True and Patient Mother, the Earth, In Whom, by Whom and Through Whom I Have Lived and Had My Being In Every Real Sense These Verses are Reverently and Affectionately Dedicated o,>