^o. ;* ^-^'^ - • • >* '' i:% %,^^ •* /\«i^'\ c,°*.^a^'>o J'.^;^^^ ^0^ 4 o Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2011 witii funding from Tine Library of Congress littp://www.arcliive.org/details/foundersmanualprOOpayn THE FOUNDER'S MANUAL A PRESENTATION OF MODERN FOUNDRY OPERATIONS FOR THE USE OF lOUNDRYMEN, FOREMEN, STUDENTS AND OTHERS BY DAVID W. PAYNE EDITOR OF "steam" 245 ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 25 Park Place 1917 t6 ■Tj 30 Copyright, 191 7, by D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY in- It b APR -5 1917 PRICE, $Jr^O-()....- ™l^ ©GI.A460168 PREFACE While there is Kttle a foundryman needs to know which has not been fully treated by competent authori- ties, there is not, so far as I am aware, any summary of this great mass of publications. In a foundry experience covering many years, I have frequently spent hours at a time in searching for special information. Believing, therefore, that a compilation of this matter, with authoritative instruction for the solu- tion of the many problems which are continually pre- sented in the foundry, all properly arranged for ready reference, would receive a favorable reception, an attempt has been made to meet this need by the production of this book. The material for the Manual has been drawn from every available source. The proceedings of the American Foundrymen's Association have furnished no end of information. The publications of Professors Turner, Porter, Reis, Dr. Moldenke, Messrs. Keep, Longmuir, Outerbridge, West and others have been most carefully searched. Much has been taken from '' The Foundry, '^ '' Castings " and '' Iron Age." A great many of the " Foundry " records are given in full. Possibly, in some cases, special credit for extracts has not been accorded; for such omissions indulgence is asked, as there has been no intentional neglect or lack of courtesy. iii iv Preface In the selection of the material for the book, proper consideration has been taken of beginners and others who may have not gotten very far in their acquisition of foundry information. For such men, it is also hoped the book will be of good service. As regards the price Ksts and discounts which are given in connection with many foundry supplies, it should be stated that these are not quoted as current prices. They are offered simply as furnishing a guide to close approximation of costs. The matter for the preHminary portion of the book relating to elementary Mathematics, Mechanics, etc., has been taken in large part from such authorities as Rankine, Bartlett, Wentworth, Trau twine, Kent, Jones and Laughlin, Carnegie Steel Co., and the Encyclopedia Britannica. D. W. P. New York, Jan., 1917. CONTENTS CHAPTER I Elementary Mathematics i Ratio and Proportion, i. Root of Numbers, 3. Percentage, 5. Algebra, 7. Equations, 11. Plane Geometry, 15. The Parabola, 22. The Hyperbola, 23. Properties of Plane Fig- ures, 24. Mensuration, Plane Surfaces, 26. Solids, 30. CHAPTER II Weights and Measures 35 Commercial Weights and Measures, 36. Metric Weights and Measures, 40. Measures of Work, Power and Duty, 45. Mathematical Tables, 46. CHAPTER III Natural Sines, Tangents, Etc 107 Solution of the Right-angled Triangle, 109. Solution of Ob- lique-angled Triangles, 109. Tables of Sines, Tangents and Secants, no. Approximate Measurement of Angles, 115. Tapers per foot and Corresponding Angles, 117. CHAPTER IV Materials Wire and Sheet Metal Gauges, 119. Weights of Iron and Steel, 122. Cold-rolled Steel Shafting, 140. Galvanized and Corrugated Sheet Iron, 141. Sheet Tin, 142. Copper and Brass, 143. Metal Fillets, 145. Iron Wire, 146. Nails and Tacks, 148. Threads, 149. Bolts, Nuts and Washers, 150. Set Screws, 160. Turnbuckles, 162. Cotters, 164. Thumb- screws, 165. Rivets, 166. Iron Pipe, 167. Tin and Zinc, 169. Lead Pipe, 171. Chains and Cables, 173. Sprocket- wheels, 176. Modulus of Elasticity, 181. Deflections, 184. Modulus of Rupture, 185. Moment of Inertia, 187. Strength of Beams, 188. V 119 vi Contents Page CHAPTER V Mechanics 191 Acceleration of Falling Bodies, I'gi. Center of Gravity, 194. Radius of Gyration, 197. Specific Gravities, 108. Physical Constants, 202. Expansion of Solids, 205. Measurement of Heat, 207. Radiation of Heat, 208. Equivalent Tem- peratures, 211. Strength of Materials, 213. Properties of Air, 215. Pressure of Water, 219. Electrical and Mechanical Units, 220. CHAPTER VI Alloys 222 Alloys of Copper, Tin and Zinc, 222. Aluminum bronze, 226. Bearing Metals, 226. Belting 227 Formulas for Width of Belts, 228. Speed of Belts, 229. Rules for Speeds and Diameters of Pulleys, 231. Formulas for Cast Iron Fittings, 232. CHAPTER VII Useful Information 234 Shrinkage of Castings, 234. Window Glass, 236. Fire Clays, 236. Weight of Metals, 239. Iron Ores, 240. CHAPTER VIII Iron 241 Physical Properties of Iron, 241. Grading Pig Iron, 242. Standard Specifications for Pig Iron, 246. Machine-cast Pig Iron, 248. Charcoal Iron, 250. Grading Scrap Iron, 250. CHAPTER IX Chemical Constituents of Cast Iron 252 Influence of Carbon, 252. Loss or Gain of Carbon in Re- melting, 254. Influence of Silicon^ 256. Influence of Sulphur, 260. Influence of Phosphorus, 263. Influence of Manganese, 265. Aluminum, 266. Nickel, 267. Titanium, 267. Vana- dium, 268. Thermit, 270. Oxygen, 270. Nitrogen, 271. CHAPTER X Mixing Iron 275 Mixing by Fracture, 273. Mixing Iron by Analysis, 274. Castings for Agricultural Machinery, Cylinders and Fly- wheels, 277. Castings for Chills, Motor Frames and Gas En- Contents vii Page gines, 278. Castings for Gears, Hydraulic Machinery and Locomotives, 280. Castings for Pulleys, Radiators and Heat- ers, 284. Castings for Weaving, Woodworking Machinery, etc., 287. CHAPTER XI Steel Scrap in Mixtures of Cast Iron 290 Recovering and Melting Shot Iron, 291. Burnt Iron, 293. Melting Borings and Turnings, 293. CHAPTER XII , Test Bars 294 Report of Committee on Test Bars of American Foundry- man's Association, 294. Proposed Specifications for Gray Iron, 296. Patterns for Test Bars of Cast Iron, 297. Erratic Results, 298. Table of Moduli of Rupture, 299. Comparison of Test Bars, 302. Casting Defects, 304. Circular Test Bars, 304. Effect of Structure of Cast Iron Upon its Physical Prop- erties, 306. Mechanical Tests, 307. Chemical Analysis, 308. Chilled and Unchilled Bars, 310. Forms of Combination of Iron and Carbon, 313. CHAPTER XIII Chemical Analyses 315 Strength, 315. Elastic Properties, 322. Hardness, 324. Grain Structure, 329. Shrinkage, 329. Fusibility, 332. Fluidity, 334. Resistance to Heat, 335. Electrical Proper- ties, 338. Resistance to Corrosion, 340. Resistance to Wear, •342. Coefficient of Friction, 342. Casting Properties, 343. Micro-structure of Cast Iron, 345. CHAPTER XIV Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Car Wheels 350 Chemical Properties, 350. Drop Tests, 350. Marking, 351. Measures, 351. Finish, 351. Material and Chili, 351. In- spection and Shipping, 352. Retaping, 353. Thermal Test, 353. Storing and Shipping, 354. Rejections, 354. Standard Specifications for Locomotive Cylinders 355 Process of Manufacture, 355. Chemical Properties, 355. Physical Properties, 355. Test Pieces, 355. Character of Castings, 355. Inspector, 355. vm Contents Page Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe 356 Allowable Variations, 356. Defective Spigots, 357. Special Castings, 357. Tables of General Dimensions, 358. Marking, 360. Quality of Iron, 360. Tests, 361. Cleaning and Coat- ing, 361. Contractor, Engineer, Inspector, 362. Tables of Weight of Pipe, 364. CHAPTER XV Mechanical Analysis 371 Shrinkage Chart, 372. Keep's Strength Table, 375. Stand- ard Methods for Determining the Constituents of Cast Iron, 377- CHAPTER XVI Malleable Cast Iron 382 Black Heart, 382. Ordinary or Reaumur Malleable Iron, 385. Temperature Curve for Annealing Oven, 386. Analysis Be- fore and After Annealing, 387. American Practice, 389. . Specifications, 392. Comparison of Tests, 392. CHAPTER XVII Steel Castings in the Foundry . 1 394 Normal Steels, 396. Bessemer Process, 396. The Baby Con- verter, 397. Annealing, 400. Tropenas Process, 401. Chem- istry in the Process, 403. Converter Linings, 404. Standard Specifications, 409. Open Hearth Methods, 411. Compara- tive Cost of Steel Castings, 417. Basic Open Hearth, 418. Acid Open Hearth, 419. Converter, 420. Converter with Large Waste, 421. Crucible Castings, 423. Electric Fur- nace, 424. CHAPTER XVIII Foundry Fuels 425 Anthracite Coal, 425. Coke, 425. By-product Coke, 426. Effect of Atmospheric Moisture Upon Coke, 427. Specifica- tions for Foundry Coke, 428. Fluxes, 429. Comparison of Slags, 432. Fire Brick and Fire Clay, 434. Fire Sand, 435. Magnesite, 436. Bauxite, 436. CHAPTER XIX The Cupola 437 The Lining, 437. Tuyeres, 439. The Breast, 440. Sand Bottom, 441. Zones of Cupola, 442. Chemical Reaction in Contents ix Page Cupola, 443. Wind box, 445. The Blast, 446. Sturtevant Blowers, 448. Buffalo Blowers, 449. Root Blowers, 449. Diameter of Blast Pipe, 450. Dimensions of Cupolas, 451. Charging and Melting, 452. The Charging Floor, 453. Melt- ing Losses, 454. Melting Ratio, 461. Appliances About Cupola, 462. Ladles, 462. Tapping Bar, 463. Bod Stick, 463. Capacities of Ladles, 464. Applying Metalloids in La- dles, 465. Cranes, 466. Spill Bed, 466. Gagger Moulds, 467. CHAPTER XX Moulding Sand 468 Bonding Power, 468. Permeability and Porosity, 468. Re- fractoriness, 469. Durability, 469. Texture, 469. Grades, 470. Sandfor Brass, 472. Testing Sand, 473. For Dry Sand Moulding, 477. Skin Drying, 469. Core Sand, 479. Core Mixtures, 480. Dry Binders, 481. Parting Sand, 486. Facings, 486. CHAPTER XXI The Core Room and Appurtenances 492 Core Oven Carriages, 496. Mixing Machines, 497. Sand Conveyors, 497. Rod Straighteners, 497. Wire Cutter, 497. Sand Driers, 498. Core Plates, 498. Core Machines, 499. Cranes and Hoists, 499. CHAPTER XXII The Moulding Room 501 Cranes, 502. Hooks, Slings and Chains, 502. Lifting Beams, 503. Safe Loads, 504. Binder Bars, 505. Clamps, 506. Flasks, 506. Iron Flasks, 510. Sterling Steel Flasks, 515. ^ Snap Flasks, 517. Slip Boxes, 519. Pins, Plates and Hinges, 519. Sweeps, 522. Anchors, Gaggers and Soldiers, 523. Sprues, Risers and Gates, 524. Top Pouring Gates, 526. Whirl Gates, 527. Skim Gates, 527. Horn Gates,' 527. Strainers and Spindles, 528. Weights, 528. Chaplets, 528. Liquid Pressure on Moulds, 529. Nails, 536. Sprue Cutters, 537- CHAPTER XXIII Moulding Machines 538 Jigs, 540. Flasks, 547. Moulding Operations, 549. X Contents Page CHAPTER XXIV Continuous Melting 551 Multiple Moulds, 555. Permanent Moulds, 558. Centrif- ugal Castings, 561. Castings Under Pressure, 562. Direct Casting, 562. Carpenter Shop and Tool Room, 562. The Cleaning Room, 563. Tumbling Mills, 563. Chipping, 566. Grinding, 566. Sand Blast, 566. Pickling, 567. CHAPTER XXV Determination of Weight of Castings ... , 569 By Weight of Patterns, 569. Weight of Pattern Lumber, 569. Formulas for Finding Weight of Castings, 570. Formulas for Weight on Cope, 575. CHAPTER XXVI Water, Lighting, Heating and Ventilation 577 Water Supply, 577. Lighting, 578. Heating and Ventila- tion, 579. CHAPTER XXVII Foundry Accounts 587 Foundry Requisition, 588. Pattern Card, 589. Pig Iron Card, 590. Core Card, 591. Heat Book, 592. Cleaning Room Report, 597. Weekly Foundry Report, 600. Monthly Expenditure of Supplies, 601. Comparison of Accounts, 605. Transmission of Orders, 611. American Foimdrymen's As- sociation Methods, 612. Cost of Metal, 617. Moulding, 619. Cleaning and Tumbling, 620. Pickling, 621. Sand Blast- ing, 622. Core Making, 623. A Successful Foundry Cost System, 625. Castings Returned, 629. CHAPTER XXVIII Pig Iron Directory 633 Classification and Grades of Foundry Iron, 633. Coke and Anthracite Irons, 635. Charcoal Irons, 655. Authorities 66c Index 663 Most readers of this book will, without doubt, be familiar with the ordinary mathematical processes; to them, such brief references as may- appear, will, perhaps, seem superfluous. There may be, however, those who, from disuse or otherwise, are not so circumstanced. For their convenience such information will be given as may facilitate the inter- pretation of the formulas and calculations herein. SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS A prime mark ' above a nimiber means minutes or linear feet; as lo' means ten minutes or ten linear feet. Two prime marks " likewise mean seconds; or linear inches; as lo" indicates lo seconds or lo linear inches. The sign D means square, as D' square foot, D " square inch. The sign O means round or cir- cular, as O" circvilar inch. The sign / means an angle. The sign L means a right angle. The sign -L means a perpendicular. The sign x, called Pi, means the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter, and is equal to 3. 141 59. The sign g means acceleration due to gravity and equals 32.16 foot pounds per second. The sign E indicates the coefl&cient of elasticity. The sign / indicates the coefl&cient of friction. The sign M indicates modulus of rupture. The sign log indicates the common logarithm. The sign log e ) hyperbolic or log hyp. \ logarithm. R.p.m. revolutions per minute. H.P. horse power. K.W. Hr. Kilowatt hours. A.W.G. American wire gauge. B.W.G. Birmingham wire gauge. A.S.M.E. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. A.F.A. American Foundrymen's Association. B.F. A. Birmingham Foundry- men's Association. I.S.I. Iron and Steel Institute. FOUNDERS MANUAL ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS CHAPTER I SECTION I ARITHMETIC It is deemed unnecessary to present anything under this branch of mathematics, except Ratio and Proportion, Square and Cube Roots, Alligation and Percentage. These operations are applied so frequently in the foundry that, it is believed, a simple explanation of them will not be out of place. Ratio and Proportion The ratio of two numbers is the relation which the first bears to the second and is equivalent to a fraction obtained by dividing the first number by the second. Thus: S : 7 = f or 7:5 = 1- When the first of four numbers is the same fraction of the second, as the third is of the fourth, the first has the same ratio to the second as the third has to the fourth, and the four numbers are in proportion. Pro- portion, therefore, is the equality of two ratios. Thus: t = T3 = I- The proportion is expressed, 4 : 6 :: lo : 15, and is read, 4 is to 6 as 10 • is to 15. The first and fourth terms are called the extremes; the second and third the means. The product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means; thus in the above proportion 4 X 15 = 6 X 10 = 60. Hence where three terms of the proportion are known the fourth can be found. 2 Arithmetic Thus: Find the number to which lo bears the same ratio as 4 does to 6. 4 : 6 :: 10 : required number. Required number equals -\°- =15. Where one extreme and both means are known, to find the other extreme, divide the product of the means by the known extreme. Where both extremes and one mean are known, to find the other mean, divide the product of the extremes by the known mean. For the purpose of illustrating these rules replace the figures in a proportion, by the letters A, B, C, D, and write A : B :: C : D; then, AD-BC,^--^,A-—,D--j-,B-—,C.-—. To state the terms ot a simple proportion where three are given; place that as the third term which is of the same kind as the required term; then consider whether the required term should be greater or less than the third term; if greater, make the greater of the two remaining terms the second and the other the first term. But if the required term should be less than the third term, place the smaller of the first two as the second term and the greater as the first. Thus: What is the price, per net ton, of pig iron sold at $17.50 gross ton? As the price is required, $17.50 becomes the third term. Since the net price is less than the gross, 2000 is the second term and 2240 the first. The proportion is then written: 2240 : 2000 :: $17.50 : answer. 2000 X $17.50 2240 $15.62 = required price. Therefore, the net price is equal to the gross multiplied by 0.892 +; or $17.50 X .892 = $15.62; or the net price being known the gross is equal to the net multi- Compound Proportion Where the ratio of two quantities depends upon a combination of other ratios, the proportion becomes a compound proportion. In this as in simple proportion, there is but one third term, and it is of the same kind as the required term; there may be two or more first and second terms. Set down the third term as in simple proportion; consider each pair of terms of the same kind separately and as terms of a simple pro- portion, and arrange them in the same manner, making the greater of Roots of Numbers 3 the pair the second term, if the answer considered with reference to this pair alone should be greater than the tishd term; or the reverse if it should be less. Set down the terms under each other in their order of first and second terms. Multiply the product of all the second terms by the third term and divide this product by that of all the first terms. Example. — If 36 men working 10 hours per day perform | of a piece of work in 17 days, how long must 25 men work daily to complete the work in 16 days? The length of the day will be greater the fewer the men, and the fewer the days are; and less, the less the work is; hence, the above problem is stated as follows: Men 25 : 36 :: 10 Days 16 : 17 :: Fifths of work 3 : 2 36 X 17 X 2 X 10 25 X 16 X 3 5J. = 10.2 hours per day. Roots of Numbers To Extract the Square Root of a Given Number Point off the nuniber into periods of two figures each, beginning with units; if there are decimals, begin at the decimal point, separating the whole number to the left and the decimal to the right into such periods, supplying as many ciphers in groups of two, as may be desired. Find the greatest number whose square is less than the first left hand period and place this to the right of the given nimiber as the first figure of the root. Subtract its square from the first left hand period and to the remainder annex the second period for a dividend. Place before this as a partial divisor, double the root figure just found. Find how many times the dividend, exclusive of its right hand figure, contains the divisor, and place the quotient as the second figure of the root, and also at the right of the partial divisor. Multiply the divisor thus completed, by the second root figure and subtract the product from the dividend. To this remainder annex the next period for a new dividend, and double the two root figures for a new partial divisor. Proceed as before until all the periods have been brought down. Arithmetic Example. — Extract the square root of 7840.2752 -f. 78'40.27'52/88.S453 64 168)1440 1344 1765)9627 8825 17704)80252 70816 77085)943600 885425 1770903)5817500 5312709 To Extract the Square Root of a Fraction Find the roots of the numerator and denominator separately; or reduce to a decimal and take its root. Example.— y ^ = — ^ = ^ ; or ^ = 0.5625, V0.5625 = 0.75. To Extract the Cube Root of a Number Beginning at the right, point off the number into periods of three figures each. If there are decimals, begin at the decimal point, separate the whole number to the left, and the decimal at the right into such periods; find the greatest cube contained in the left-hand period, and write its root as the first figure of the root required. Subtract the cube of the first root figure from the left-hand period, and to the remainder annex the next period for a dividend. Then multiply the square of the first figure of the root by 300 and use the prod- uct as a trial divisor; write the quotient as the second root figure. Complete the trial divisor by adding to it 30 times the product of the first root figure by the second, and the square of the second; multiply the completed divisor by the second root figure and subtract the product from the dividend. To the remainder annex the next period and proceed as before, to find the third figure of the root, i.e., square the first two figures of the root and multiply by 300 for a trial divisor. To this add 30 times the product of the first two root figures by the third, and the square of the third for the completed divisor, etc. The cube root will always contain as many figures as there are periods in the given number. Percentage Example. — Extract the cube root of 7^-402^ 752 78'402'752/428. 64 4^ X 300 = 4800 14402 4 X 2 X 30 = 240 4 5044 10088 422 X 300 = 529200 4314752 42 X 8 X 30 = 10080 82 = 64 539344 4314752 Alligation Alligation is the process of determining the value of a mixture of different substances, when the quantity and value of each substance is known. Rule. — Take the sum of all the products of the quantity of each substance by its respective price, and divide it by the total quantity; the result is the value of one unit of the mixture. Example. — What is the value per ton of a mixture containing 500 lbs. of pig iron at $18.00 per ton, 275 lbs. at $16.50 and 800 lbs. of scrap at $14.00? 500 X 18 = 9000 275 X 16.5 = 4537-50 800 X 14 = 11200.00 i57S 24737-50 — = $15,706 per ton. 1575 Percentage Per cent means so many parts of 100, and is expressed decimally as three per cent .03, meaning jf q; one-fourth of one per cent .0025 = ToVoo- Percentage covers the operations of finding the part of a given number at a given rate per cent; as 6 per cent of 2750, 2750 X .06 = 165.00; of finding what per cent one number is of another as:. What per cent of 780 is 39? 39 ^ 780 = .05 per cent; of ascertaining a number when an amount is given, which is a given per cent of that number; as 62.5 is .04 per cent of what nimiber? 62.5 -^ .04 = 1562.5. Arithmetic Decimal Equivalents of Parts of One Inch 1-64 .015625 17-64 .265625 33-64 .515625 49-64 .576625 1-32 .031250 9-32 .281250 17-32 .531250 25-32 .781250 3-64 .046875 19-64 .296875 35-64 .546875 51-64 .796875 I-I6 .062500 S-16 .312500 9-16 .562500 13-16 .812500 5-64 .078125 21-64 .328125 37-64 .578125 53-64 .828125 3-32 .093750 11-32 .343750 19-32 .593750 27-32 .843750 7-64 .109375 23-64 .359375 39-64 .609375 55-64 .859375 1-8 .125000 3-8 .375000 5-8 . 625000 7-8 .875000 ^ 9-64 .140625 25-64 .390625 41-^4 .640625 57-64 .890625 5-32 . 156250 13-32 .406250 21-32 .656250 29-32 .906250 11-64 .171875 27-64 .421875 43-64 .671875 59-64 .921875 3-16 . 187500 7-16 .437500 11-16 .687500 IS-16 .937500. 13-64 .203125 29-64 .453125 45-64 .703125 61-64 .953125 7-32 .218750 15-32 .468750 23-32 .718750 31-32 .968750 15-64 .234375 31-64 .484375 47-64 .734375 63-64 .984375 1-4 .250000 1-2 .500000 3-4 .750000 I I Inches to Decimals OF A Foot I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II .0833 .1667 .2500 .3333 .4167 .5000 •5833 .6667 • 7500 • 8333 .9167 3^1 .0026 .0859 .1693 .2526 .3359 .4193 .5026 •5859 • 6693 .7526 .8359 .9193 X^B .0052 .0885 .1719 .2552 .3385 .4219 • 5052 •5885 .6719 • 7552 .8385 .9219 3% .0078 .0911 • 1745 .2578 .3411 • 4245 .5078 .5911 • 6745 • 7578 .8411 • 924s i .0104 .0938 .1771 .2604 -3438 .4271 .5104 •5938 • 6771 .7604 .8438 .9271 3\ .0130 .0964 ■ 1797 ■ 2630 ■3464 .4297 • 5130 .5964 • 6797 .7630 .8464 .9297 t\ -0156 .0990 ■ 1823 .2656 ■3490 .4323 .5156 ■ 5990 .6823 • 7656 .8490 .9323 i^ .0182 .1016 .1849 .2682 .3516 •4349 .5182 .6016 .6849 .7682 .8516 .9349 i .0208 .1042 ■ 1875 .2708 ■3542 .4375 .5208 .6042 • 6875 • 7708 .8542 .9375 32 .0234 .1068 .1901 .2734 .3568 • 4401 • 5234 .6068 .6901 ■ 7734 .8568 .9401 t"b .0260 .1094 .1927 .2760 ■ 3594 .4427 .5260 .6094 .6927 .7760 • 8594 .9427 M .0286 .1120 • 1953 .2786 .3620 •4453 .5286 .6120 • 6953 • 7786 .8620 .9453 i .0313 .1146 .1979 .2813 .3646 •4479 • 5313 .6146 • 6979 .7813 .8646 • 9479 U .0339 .1172 .2005 • 2839 •3672 .4505 • 5339 .6172 ■ 7005 • 7839 .8672 • 9505 /e .0365 .1198 ■ 2031 .2865 .3698 •4531 • 5365 .6198 .7031 .7865 .8698 • 9531 \l .0391 .1224 •2057 .2891 ■3724 •4557 .5391 .6224 • 7057 .7891 .8724 • 9557 h .0417 .1253 .2083 ■2917 ■3750 .4583 .5417 .6250 • 7083 • 7917 • 8750 • 9583 H .0443 .1276 .2109 ■2943 •3776 • 4609 • 5443 .6276 .7109 • 7943 • 8776 .9609 T% .0469 .1302 ■ 2135 .2969 .3802 • 4635 .5469 •6302 .7135 • 7969 .8802 .9635 M .0495 .1328 .2161 • 2995 .3828 .4661 • 5495 .6328 .7161 •7995 .8828 .9661 1 .0521 .1354 .2188 .3021 • 3854 .4688 • 5521 -6354 .7188 .8021 • 8854 .9688 M .0547 .1380 .2214 .3047 .3880 •4714 .5547 .6380 .7214 .8047 .8880 .9714 \h .0573 .1406 .2240 • 3073 ■3906 .4740 • 5573 .6406 .7240 • 8073 .8906 • 9740 M .0599 ■ 1432 .2266 ■3099 ■3932 .4766 • 5599 • 6432 .7266 .8099 .8932 .9766 f .0625 .1458 .2292 • 3125 ■3958 .4792 .5625 • 6458 .7292 .8125 • 8958 • 9792 §f .0651 .1484 .2318 ■3151 •3984 .4818 • 5651 .6484 • 7318 .8151 .8984 .9818 \l .0677 .1510 ■ 2344 ■3177 .4010 .4844 • 5677 .6510 •7344 • 8177 .9010 • 9844 %l .0703 .1536 ■ 2370 ■3203 .4036 .4870 .5703 .6536 ■ 7370 .8203 .9036 .9870 i .0729 .1563 .2396 .3229 .4063 .4896 • 5729 • 6563 • 7396 .8229 • 9063 .9896 Si .0755 .1589 .2422 ■3255 .4089 .4922 • 5755 .6589 • 7422 • 8255 .9089 .9922 \l .0781 .1615 .2448 .3281 .4115 • 4948 • 5781 .6615 .7448 .8281 .9115 • 9948 11 .0807 .1641 .2474 .3307 .4141 .4974 .5807 .6641 .7474 .8307 .9141 .9974 Algebra Products of Fractions Expressed in Decimals I tV i 1% i z% 1 " h ^ .0625 .0039 k .1250 .0078 .0156 T% .1875 .0117 .0234 .0352 i .2500 .0156 . .0313 .0469 .0625 T-S .3125 .0195 .0391 .0586 .0781 .0977 i .3750 .0234 .0169 .0703 .0937 .1172 .1406 IV .4375 .0273 .0547 .0820 .1093 .1367 .1641 .1914 ^ .5000 .0313 .0625 .0938 .1250 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 I'fe .5625 .0352 .0703 .1055 .1406 .1758 .2109 .2461 .2813 1 .6250 .0391 .0781 .1172 .1562 .1953 .2344 .2734 .3125 i^ .6875 .0430 .0859 .1289 .1719 .2148 .2578 .3008 .3438 i .7500 .0469 .0938 .1406 .1875 .2344 .2813 .3281 .3750 H .8125 .0508 .1016 .1523 .2031 .2539 .3047 .3555 .4036 1 .8750 .0547 .1094 .1641 .2187 .2734 .3281 .3828 .4375 il .9375 .0586 .1172 .1758 .2344 .2930 .3516 .4102 .4688 I I. 0000 .0625 .1250 .1875 .2500 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 T% 1 H 1 it i it I T% .3164 ^ .3516 .3906 H .3867 .4297 .4727 1 .4219 .4688 .5156 .5625 it .4570 .5078 .5586 .6094 .6601 1 .4922 .5469 .6016 .6563 .7109 .7656 n .5273 .5859 •6445 .7031 .7617 .8203 .8789 I .5625 .6250 .6875 .7500 .8125 .8750 • 9375 I. 0000 SECTION II ALGEBRA In algebra quantities of every kind are denoted by letters of the alphabet. . The first letters of the alphabet are used to denote known quantities, and the last letters unknown quantities. The sign + (plus) denotes that the quantity before which it is placed is to be added to some other quantity. Thus: a + b denotes the sum of a and b. The sign — (minus) denotes that the quantity before which it is placed is to be subtracted from some other quantity. Thus: a — b denotes that b is to be subtracted from a. When no sign is prefixed to a quantity, + is always understood. Quantities are said to have like or unlike signs, according as their signs are like or unlike. 8 Algebra A quantity which consists of one term is said to be simple; but if it consists of several terms connected by the signs + or — , it is said to be compound. Thus: a or — b are simple quantities; but — a — & is a compound quantity. Addition of Like Quantities Add together the coefi&cients of the quantities having like signs, and subtract the negative sum from the positive. Thus: Add 7 a -\- 2 Oy 2, a — a, and 6 a — 4 a. y a — a 2 a — 4a 3^ 6 a 18 a — 5 a = 13 a. Addition of Unlike Quantities If some of the quantities are unlike, proceed as before with each like 'quantity, and write down the algebraic sum of all the quantities. Thus: Add 7a-\-2b, ^a — b,6b — 4a and 5^ — 46. y a — 4a 2b — b S a — 6b — 4b 5a 1$ a — 4a 86 — 56 — 4a — 5& II a 36 Answer = 11 a + 3 J. The process is the same with compound quantities. Thus: Add a^b + 2 cd^ to - 2 a?b + cJ^ = 3 c(P - a^b. Subtraction Change the sign of the subtrahend and proceed as in addition. Thus: Subtract ^ a^b — g c from 4 a^b + c; changing the signs of the subtra- hend and adding, the expressions may be written 4a^b — ^a^b -\- c-\- gc or a^b + 10 c. Multiplication If the quantities to be multiplied have like signs, the sign of the product is + ; if they have unlike signs, that of the product is — . Powers of Quantities g Of Simple Quantities Multiply the coefficients together and prefix the + or — sign, accord- ing as the signs of the quantities are like or unlike. Thus: Multiply -\- ahy -\- b. Product equals -f- ab. Multiply + 5 5 by — 4 c. Product equals — 20 be. Multiply — ^axhy -\- yab. Product equals — 21 a^x. Of Compound Quantities Multiply each term of the multiplicand by all the terms of the multi- plier, one after the other as by former rule; collect their products into one sum for the required product. Example. — Multiply a — b + c by a + b — c a^ — /lifS -\- flc + aif - 62 + he — a-c + be -c^ a^ -b^ + 2be- c^ Multiply 2X+ y by X — 2 y 2x^ -\- xy — 4 xy — 2 y^ 20^— TyXy— 2'f Powers of Quantities The products arising from the continued multiplication of the same quantity by itself are called powers of that quantity; and the quantity itself is called the root. The product of two or more powers of any quantity is the quantity with an exponent equal to the sum of the exponents of the powers. Thus: a2 X a^ = flS. fl2j X aJ = aW\ 4 a6 X — 3 ac = — i.2a^be. The square of the sum of two quantities equals the sum of their squares plus twice their product. {a + 6)2 = a2 + 62 + 2 ab. The square of the difference of two quantities is the sum of their squares minus twice their product. (a - 6)2 = a2 + 62 - 2 ab. 10 Algebra The product of the sum and difference of two quantities is equal to the difference of their squares. (a + b) (a-b) =0"- ¥. The squares of half the sum of two quantities is equal to their product plus the square of half their difference. Thus: ia + hY , , {a - h^ = ab -] 2 2 The square of a trinomial is equal to the sum of the squares of each term plus twice the product of each term by each of its following terms- Thus: {a + b + cy = a^ + b^ + c^ + 2ab-\-2ac-\-2bc. (a — b — cf = a^ -\- b^ -{- c^ — 2 ab — 2 ac -{- 2 be. Parenthesis ( ) When a parenthesis is preceded by a plus sign, it may be removed without changing the value of the expression. Thus: {a + b)-}-(a + b) = 2a+2b. But if preceded by a minus sign,' if removed, the signs of all the terms within the parenthesis must be changed. Thus: (a + b) — {a — b)=a + b — a + b = 2b. When a parenthesis is within a parenthesis, remove the inner one first. Thus: a-[b-[c-{d- e)]] = a - [b - [c - d + e]] = a — [b — c + d — e] = a — b + c — d -{- e. Where the sign of multiplication ( X ) appears, the operation indicated by it must be performed before that of addition or subtraction. Division If the sign of the divisor and dividend be like, the sign of the quotient is plus (+); but if they be unlike the sign of the quotient is minus (— ). To Divide a Monomial by a Monomial Write the dividend over the divisor with a line between them. If the expressions have common factors remove them. Thus: ,, , a^bx ax a^ 1 „ a^x -V- aby = —r— = — ;i = "i = ^~ aby y a^ a^ To Divide a Polynomial by a Monomial Divide each term of the polynomial by the monomial. Thus: (8 a6 — 12 ac) 4- 4 a = 2 6 — 3 c. Simple Equations ii To Divide a Polynomial by a Polynomial Arrange the terms of both dividend and divisor according to the as- cending or descending powers of some letter, and keep this arrangement throughout the operation. Divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor, and write the result as the first term of the quotient. Multiply all the terms of the divisor by the first term of the quotient and subtract the product from the dividend. If there is a remainder consider it as a new dividend and proceed as before. Thus: {a' - b') -^ia + b) a + b)a^ -b\a -b a^ + ab -ab- -62 -ab- -62 (i) The difference between two equal powers of the same quantities is divisible by their difference. (2) The difference between two equal even powers of the same quan- tities is divisible by their sum or difference. (3) The sum of two equal even powers of the same quantities is not divisible by their sum or difference. (4) The sum of two equal odd powers of the same quantities is divisible by their sum, (5) The sum of two equal even powers, whose exponents are composed of odd and even factors, is divisible by the sum of the powers of the quantities expressed by the even factor. Thus: {x^ + y) is divisible by (x^ + y^). Simple Equations An equation is a statement of equahty between two expressions; as a-\-b = c -{- d. A simple equation, or equation of the first degree, is one which contains only the first power of the unknown quantity. If both sides of the equation be changed equally, by addition, sub- traction, multiplication or division, the equality will not be disturbed. Any term of an equation may be changed from one side to the other provided its sign be changed. Thus: a-]-b = c-{-d, a = c + d — b. 1^ Algebra To Solve an Equation Having One Unknown Quantity Transpose all the terms containing the unknown quantity to one side of the equation, and aU the other terms to the other side. Combine like terms, and divide both sides by the coefi&cient of the unknown quantity. Thus: 8 .T — 29 = 26 — 3 X, 11 a; = 55, a; = 5. Simple algebraic problems containing one unknown quantity, are solved by making x equal the unknown quantity, and stating the con- ditions of the problem in the form of an algebraic equation, then solving the equation. Thus : What two nmnbers are those whose sum is 48 and difference 14? Let X = the smaller nmnber. Then a? -1- 14 = the greater number. ic + a; + 14 = 48, 2x = 2>A- Therefore x= IT, and a; + 14 = 31, 31 + 17 = 48. Find the number whose treble exceeds 50 by as much as its double falls short of 40. Let X = the number. Then 3 a; — 50 = 40 — 2 x, 5 a; = 90, X = 18. Equations Containing Two Unknown Quantities If one equation contains two unknown quantities, an indefinite number of pairs of values for them may be found, which will satisfy the equation; but if a second equation be given, only one pair of values can be found that will satisfy both equations. Simultaneous equations, or those which may be satisfied by the same values of the unknown quantity, are solved by combining the equations so as to obtain a single equation containing only one unknown quantity. This process is called elimination. Elimination by Addition or Subtraction Multiply the equations by such a number as will make the coefficients of one of the unknown quantities equal in both. Add or subtract according as they have like or unlike signs. Elimination by Comparison 13 Solve 2x-\- sy = 7 4X- 5y= 3 Multiply by 2 4^ + 6 y = 14 Subtract 4-^— 5 y = 3 II y = II y = ^^ Substituting the value of y in the first equation 2X -\- $ = 7, .'. X = 2. Elimination by Substitution From one of the equations obtain the value of one of the unknown quantities in terms of the other. Substitute this value of this imknown quantity for it, in the other equation, and reduce the resulting equations. Solve . 2 a: + 3 y = 8 (i) 3 X + 7 y = 7 (2) From (i) x = ^~^^ 2 Substituting this value in (2) (8 — ^ y) 3- — -^ 1-73' = 7, 24-93;+ i4y= 14, .••y=--2. Substituting this value in (i); 2 a; — 6 = 8, :. x = 7. Elimination by Comparison From each equation obtain the value of one of the unknown quantities, in terms of the other. Form an equation from these equal values of the same unknown quantity and reduce. Solve 2a; — gy = II (i) 3^-4^= 7 (2) From (i) x = =^^ 2 From (2) X = ^-^^l^ 3 Placing the values of i»; in a new equation ii + gy 7 + 4y — ^= ^ , 19^=- 19, .-. y=-i. Substituting this value of 3; in (i) 2« + 9 = II, .'. X = I. 14 Algebra If three simultaneous equations are given containing three unknown quantities, one of the unknown quantities must be eliminated between two pairs of the equations, then a- second between the two resulting equations. Quadratic Equations or Equations of the Second Degree A quadratic equation contains the square of the unknown quantity, but no higher power. A pure quadratic contains the square only; an adfected quadratic contains both the square and the first power. To Solve a Pure Quadratic * Collect the unknown quantities on one side, and the known quantities on the other; divide by the coefficient of the unknown quantity and extract the square root of each side of the resulting equation. Solve 3 ^c^ — 15 = o. _ Sx- = 15, .'. x^ = s, x = V5. A root which is indicated, but can only be found approximately is called a surd. Solve 3 a;2 + 15 = o. 3 a;2 = — 15, x^ = - 5, .'. X = V- 5. The square root of a negative quantity cannot be found even approxi- mately, for the square of any number is positive; therefore, a root which is indicated, but cannot be found approximately is called imaginary. To Solve an Adfected Quadratic First. — Carry all the terms involving the unknown quantities to one side of the equation and the known quantities to the other side. Arrange the unknown quantities in the order of their exponents, changing the signs of the equation if necessary, so that the sign of the term containing the square of the unknown quantity shall be positive. Second. — Divide both terms by the coefficient of the square of the unknown quantity. Third. — To complete the square. Add to both sides of the equation, the square of half the coefficient of the unknown quantity. The side containing the unknown quantity will now be a perfect square. Fourth. — Extract the square root of both sides of the equation and solve the resulting simple equation. Example. — a;^ + 2 a: = 35. Add the square of half the coefficient of x, which is i, to both sides; then x^ + 2 x -\- 1 = $s + ^ = 3^' Plane Geometry 15 Extracting the square root x + i = V^ = rb 6 X = 6 - 1 = s x=— 6 — i = — y. Example: 3 rc^ — 4^ = 32. Divide by the coefficient of x^ x^-^ = ^. 3 3 Add the square of half the coefficient of x, which equals {^Y = f ; then ^2_|^ + i=3_2_|.4, Extracting the square root, the equation becomes x-i = VI^ = V- ^ = ¥ + f = 4, or X = - -1/ + I = - f = - 2f. Since the square of a quantity has two roots =t, a quadratic equation has apparently two solutions. Both solutions may be correct; but in some cases one may be correct and the other inconsistent with the con- ditions of the problem. For the solution of quadratic equations containing two unknown quantities, or for that of equations of a higher order, a more extended treatment of the subject is required, than is permissible in a book of this character. SECTION III PLANE GEOMETRY Problem 1 To Bisect a Straight Line, or an Arc of a Circle With any radius greater than half AB and with A and B as centers, describe arcs cutting each other at C and D. Draw the hne CD, which will bisect the straight line at E and the arc at F. Problem 2 To Draw a Perpendicular to a Straight Line, or a Radial Line to the Arc of a Circle This is the same as Problem i, Fig. i. CD is perpendicular to AB, ox is radial to the arc. l6 Plane Geometry Problem 3 To Draw a Ferpendicular to a Straight Line, from a Given Point on that Line KXi Fig. 2. With any convenient radius and the given point C, as a center, cut the line AB, at A and B. Then with a radius longer than AC, describe arcs from A and B intersecting each other at D and E. Draw DC, perpendicular to AB. In laying out work on the ground or in places where the straight edge and dividers are inapplicable: Set off six feet from A to B. Then with ^, as a cen- S ter and AC = 2>' taken on a tape hne, describe an arc at / C; with B, as a center and a radius BC = lo', cut the / other arc at C. A line through CA, will be perpendicu- ^/- 'a. IsiT to AB. 3, 4 and 5 may be used instead of 6, 8 and ^ 10; or any multiples of 6, 8, 10 will serve. Problem 4 From a Point at the End of a Given Line to Draw a Perpendicular From any point C, above the line, with the radius AC, describe an arc, cutting the given line at B. Draw BC, and prolong until it intersects the arc at D. Then, DA will be perpendicular to AB,ait A. Fig. 4. Problem 5 From Any Point Without a Given Straight Line, to Draw a Perpendicular to the Line Let BC, be the given line; then from any point A, with any radius AB, describe arcs cutting the line at y B and C. From B and C as centers and any radius ^ greater than half of BC, describe arcs intersecting at :1:d D. Draw AD, perpendicular to BC. (Fig. 5.) Fjg. 5. Plane Geometry 17 Fig. 6. ProblemTB To Draw a Straight Line Parallel to a Given Line at a Given Distance from That Line D r> From any two points on the given line as - centers and the given distance as a radius, describe the arcs B and D. Draw BD parallel to AC. (Fig. 6.) Problem 7 To Divide a Given Straight Line into Any Nunber of Equal Parts Let AB he the given Hne. Draw any — c Hne AC, intersecting the given line and lay off on it, say, 5 equal parts. Join the last point 5 with B. Then through each of the other divisions on AC, draw lines parallel to Fig. 7. B 5, dividing AB into 5 equal parts. (Fig. 7.) 4^ Problem 8 To Draw an Angle of 60°, also One of 30° From A with any radius describe the arc CB, then with the same radius and B, as a center, cut the arc at C. Then the angle CAB = 60°. From C drop CD perpendicular to AB. The angle ACD = 30^ Problem 9 To Draw an Angle of 45° Draw BC, perpendicular to AB. Make BC = AB, and draw AC. The angle CAB = 45°. (Fig. 9.) Fig. 8. Fig. 9- Problem 10 To Bisect an Angle Let ABC be the given angle. With 5 as a center and any radius, draw the arc AC. Then with A and C as centers and a radius greater than one-half AC, describe arcs cutting each other at D. Draw BD, which will bisect the angle ABC. (Fig. 10.) ::D Fig. 10. l8 Plane Geometry Problem 11 Through Two Given Points and With a Given Radius Describe the Arc of a Circle Referring to Fig. lo. Let A and C be the given points and a distance AB the given radius. From A and C, with ^5 as a radius describe arcs cutting each other at B, then with 5 as a center strike AC. All Angles in a semicircle are Right Angles. Problem 12 An Angle at the Center of a Circle is Twice the Angle at the Circumference when Both Stand on the same Arc P Thus the angle BAC is equal to twice the angle BDC. (Fig. II.) Problem 13 All the Angles Between an Arc and its Chord, the Sides of the Angle Pass- ing Through the Extremities of the Chord, are Equal. (Fig, 12.) h F Thus, the angle EFG = EEC. Fig. 12. Problem 14 To Find the Center of a Circle or of an Arc. (Fig. 13.) Take any three convenient points on the circum- ference, and with any radius greater than half the distance between any two points, describe arcs cut- ting each other at d, e, f and g. Through d, f and e, g, draw the Hues df and eg; the center is at their Fig. 13. intersection H. Problem 15 To Pass a Circle Through Three Given Points Referring to Problem 14, let a, h and c be the three given points. Proceed in the same way as to find the center H. Plane Geometry 19 Problem 16 To Describe an Arc of a Circle Passing Through Three Given Points when the Center is not Accessible. (Fig. 14.) Let A , B and C be the three given points. From A and B as centers and with yl5 as a radius, describe the arcs AEdiudBD. Draw AD and BE through C Lay off on the arc AE, any number of equal parts above E and on BD, the same number be- low D, numbering the points i, 2, 3, etc., in the order in which they are taken. Draw from A, lines through i, 2, 3, etc., on the arc BD; and from B, lines through i, 2, 3, etc., on the arc AE. The intersections of lines having corresponding numbers will be points on the required arc between C and B. Proceed in the same manner to find points between C and A . Then draw the arc through the points. Fig. 14. Problem 17 From a Point on the Circumference of a Circle Draw a Tangent to the Circle. (Fig. 15.) Through the given point A draw the radial line AC. Then on ^C erect the perpendicular BE, as in Problem 3. Fig. 15. Problem 18 From a Point Without a Circle Draw a Tangent to the Circle. (Fig. 16.) Let A be the center of the circle, and B the given point. Join A and B, and on the hne AB describe a semicircle, with a radius equal to one- half oi AB. Through the intersection of the semicircle and the given circle draw the tangent BC. Fig. 16. Plane Geometry Problem 19 Through a Point on a Line, Bisecting the Angle Between Two Lines, Draw a Circle Which Shall he Tangent to the Given Lines. (Fig. 17.) Fig. 17. Let A be the point on a line bisect- ing the angle between BC and DE. Through A draw CE perpendicular to AF. Bisect the angles at C and E. The intersection G of the bisecting lines will be on ^F and at the center of the required circle. Problem 20 Describe an Arc, Tangent to Two Given Arcs and at a Given Point on one of the Arcs. (Fig. 18.) Let A and B be the centers of the given arcs and C the point of tangency on the arc, whose center is B. Join A and B and draw BC through the given point. Make CE equal to the radius AD. Bisect AE, draw a perpendicular at its middle point and prolong to intersection with BC at F, which is the center of the arc required. Fig. 18. Problem 21 To Construct a Pentagon having a Given Side AB. (Fig. 19.) At B erect a perpendicular BC, equal to one-half AB. Draw AC and make CD equal BC. Then BD is the radius of the circle circumscribing a pentagon having sides equal to AB. The radius of a given circle is the side of an in- scribed hexagon. The radius of a circle circumscribing a hexagon, is equal to the distance from the center of the hexa- gon to the extremity of one of its sides. Fig. 19. Plane Geometry 21 Problem 22 To Construct an Ellipse when the Transverse and Conjugate Axes are Given. (Fig. 20.) Draw the axes AB and CD intersecting at G. From C, with one- half ^5 as a radius, cut AB dit E and F. Divide GB into any number of parts as at i, 2, 3, 4, 5. With £ as a center and ^ i as a radius, and with i^ as a center and radius B i, strike arcs cutting each other at i, i, above and below the transverse axis. Again with E and F as centers and A 2 and B 2, respectively as radii, describe arcs cutting each other at 2, 2. Find as many points as desired in the same way in both halves of the ellipse, then trace the curve. This construction depends on the property of an ellipse; that the sum of the distances from the foci to any point on the ellipse is equal to the transverse axis. Problem 23 To Describe an Ellipse Mechanically when the Transverse and Con- jugate Axes are Known. (Fig. 21.) Draw the axes and determine the foci as in Problem 22. Drive two pins at the foci E and F. Fasten to each of the pins one end of a cord whose length is equal to that of the transverse axis. Then with a pencil, so placed within the loop of the cord as always to keep it taut and uniformly strained, trace one-half of the curve, from one extremity of the trans- verse axis to the other. The other half of the curve is traced by chang- ing the cord and pencil to the oppo- site side of the transverse axis. This method is seldom satisfactory on account of the unequal stretching of the cord. A better mechanical method of describing an ellipse is to place a straight edge along and above the transverse axis and another along and 1° 1 A B C Fig. 21. 22 Plane Geometry at one side of the conjugate axis, as at AB and CD (Fig. 21), leaving a slight opening between the end of the straight edge CD and the transverse axis. There must also be a thin strip of wood with a hole for pencil point at A and small pins at B and C; AB being equal to one-half of the conju- gate axis; and AC equal to one-half the transverse axis. By moving this strip so that the pin B is always in contact with AB and the pin C in like contact with CD the upper half of the ellipse may be de- scribed. The straight edges are placed in corresponding positions on the opposite side of the transverse axis to describe the other half of the ellipse. Except where extreme accuracy is required, it is more convenient to approximate the ellipse with circular arcs. Thus: Lay o& AB and CD (Fig. 22) equal to the transverse and conjugate axes respectively. Make Oa and Oc equal to the difference between the serai-transverse and semi-conjugate axes, and ad equal to one-half ac. Set off Oe equal to Od. Draw di parallel to ac; join e and i and draw. the parallel lines dm and em. From m, with a radius mC, strike an arc cutting md and me. From i, with iD as a radius, strike an arc cutting id and ie. Then from d and e, with radius Ad, strike arcs closing the figure. The Parabola A parabola is a curve every point of which is equidistant from a line called the directrix and from a point on its axis called the focus. The directrix is a line perpendicular to the axis and at the same distance as the focus from the apex of the curve. A line perpendicular to the axis, drawn through the focus to the curve, is called the parameter. If a line be drawn from any point of the curve, perpendicular to the axis, the distance from the apex to the intersection of the perpendicular with the axis is called the abscissa of that point and the distance from the intersection at the axis to the curve is called the ordinate of that point. Abscissae of a parabola are as the squares of corresponding ordl- nates. The HypeTholsL 23 Problem 24 To Construct a Parabola when the Focus and Directrix are Given. (Fig. 23.) Let AB he the directrix, and C the focus of a parabola. Bisect CD at E, which point is the apex of the curve. Then with C as a center and any radii, as C I, C 2, etc., strike arcs at i, 2 and 3, etc. From Z> as a center and with the radii equal to C i, C 2, C 3, etc., cut the axis at i', 2', 3', etc. Through these points draw lines parallel to AB. The intersection of corresponding parallels and arcs are points on the required curve. Problem 25 To Construct a Parabola when an Abscissa and Its Corre- sponding Ordinate are Given. (Fig. 24.) Fig. 23. A ^ A \\ / TA. /■ \ A / . \\ '^' F .^-^E Ad Fig. 24. Let BA be the given abscissa and AD the ordinate. Bisect AD at E. Draw EB, and EF perpendicular to EB. Set off BG and BK, each equal to AF. Then will G be the focus and LM (through K) perpendicular to AB, the directrix. Construct the curve as in Problem 24. The Hyperbola An hyperbola is a curve, such that the difference of the distances from any point of it to two fixed points is always equal to a given distance. The two fixed points are called the foci and the given distance is the transverse axis. The conjugate axis is a line perpendicular to the trans- verse axis at its middle point; and its length is equal to the side of a rectangle, of which the transverse axis is the other side and the distance between the foci, the diagonal. Problem 26 To Construct an Hyperbola when the Foci and Transverse Axis are Given Let A and B be the foci and EF the transverse axis. From A set off AG equal to EF. Then, from ^ as a center and with any distance greater than AF z.°, 3. radius, strike an arc CD, cutting the transverse 24 Plane Geometry axis (prolonged) at H. From 5 as a center and HG as a radius, describe arcs cutting the arc CD at C and D. C and D will be points on the curve; in like manner any number of points are determined, through which the curve may be traced. Proceeding in the- same way on the opposite side of the conjugate axis, the other branch of the curve is constructed. The diagonals of a rectangle constructed on the transverse and conjugate axes are called the asymptotes and are lines to which the curve is tangent at an infinite distance. When the asymp- totes are at right angles the curve is called an equi- ^'^- ^5- lateral hyperbola. It is a property of the equilateral hyperbola, that if the asymptotes be taken as the co-ordinate axes the product of the abscissa and ordinate of any point of the curve is equal to the corresponding product of the co-ordinates at any other point; or that the diagonal of a rectangle con- structed by the ordinate and abscissa of any point of the curve passes through the intersection of the axes. Problem 27 Given the Asymptotes and any Point on the Curve, to Construct the Curve. (Fig. 26.) Let AB and ^G be the asymptotes and D the given point. Multiply AB by AE and divide the product AB XAE by any other distance AF; then AG AF and the intersection at / of lines through F and G, parallel to the axes, is another point on the curve. / / I / \ \ n ^ \ \\ ^-^ ^ ^s ^ F Fig. 26. Properties of Plane Figures (i) In a right angle triangle, the square of the hypothenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. (2) In an equilateral triangle all the angles are equal. (3) In an isosceles triangle a line drawn from the vertex perpendicular to the base bisects the base and also the angle at the vertex. (4) An exterior angle of a triangle equals the sum of the two opposite angles. (5) Similar triangles have equal angles and the sides opposite to corresponding angles are proportional. Properties of Plane Figures 25 (6) In any polygon, the sum of all the interior angles is equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides, less four right angles. (7) In any polygon the sum of all the exterior angles is equal to four right angles, or 360°. (8) The diagonals of any regular polygon intersect at the center of the figure. (9) A circle may be passed through any three points, not on the same straight line. (10) In the same circle, arcs are proportional to the angles at the center. (11) Any two arcs having the same angle at the center are propor- tional to their radii. (12) Areas of circles are proportional to the squares of their diameters or the squares of the radii, (13) A radius perpendicular to the chord of an arc bisects the arc and its chord. (14) A straight line tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius at the point of tangency. (15) An angle at the center of the circle is equal to twice the angle afthe circumference subtended by the same arc. (16) Angles at the circumference of a circle, standing on the same arc, are equal. (17) Any triangle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angled tri- angle. (18) In any triangle inscribed in a segment of a circle, the angles at the circumference are equal. (19) Parallel chords or a chord and a parallel tangent intercept equal arcs. (20) If two chords of a circle intersect, the rectangles made by the segments of the respective chords are equal. (21) If one of the chords is a diameter of the circle and the other is perpendicular to it, then one-half of the chord is a mean proportional between the segments of the diameter. (22) In any circle, with the center as the origin of co-ordinates, the sum of the squares of the abscissa and ordinate of any point is equal to the square of the radius, or x^ -\- y^ =^ R^. (23) In any ellipse with same origin, the square of the abscissa of any point multiplied by the square of the semi-conjugate axis plus the square of the ordinate of same point multiplied by the square of the semi- transverse axis is equal to the square of the product of the semi-axes. Thus: -BV _j_ j^2y2 = ^2^2^ where A and B are the semi-transverse and semi-conjugate axes. 26 Mensuration (24) In an ellipse, lines drawn from any point to the foci make equal angles with a tangent at that point. (25) The sum of the distances from any point of an ellipse to the foci is equal to the transverse axis. (26) If from any point of a parabola a line be drawn to the focus, and one parallel to the axis, they will make equal angles with the tangent at that point. (27) The apex of a parabola bisects the distance on the axis from the focus to the directrix. (28) The angle between two tangents to a parabola is equal to half the angle at the focus, subtended by the chord joining the points of tangency. (29) The area included between any chord of a parabola and the curve is equal to two-thirds that of the triangle formed by the chord and tangents through its extremities. (30) The difference between the focal distances of any point of an hyperbola is equal to the transverse axis. (31) The product of the perpendiculars from the foci to any tangent of an hyperbola is constant. (32) A tangent at any point of an hyperbola makes equal angles with the focal distances of the point. SECTION IV MENSURATION PLANE SURFACES Triangles The area of any triangle is equal to half the base multiplied by the altitude. (Fig. 27.) AB Area = XCD. To solve a triangle, three sides, two angles and one side or two sides and one angle must be given. The area of a parallelogram is equal to the base multiplied by the perpendicular distance between the sides =- AB X CD. (Fig. 28.) Fio. 2$. Triangles The area of a trapezoid is equal to half the sum of the parallel sides multiplied by the per- pendicular distance between them. (Fig. 29.) 27 A \. Area AB + CD X CE. Fig. 29. Fig. 30. The area of a trapezium is equal to the diagonal multiplied by half the sum of the perpendiculars dropped to it from the vertices of the opposite angles. (Fig. 30.) The area of any quadrilateral is found by multiplying the diagonal by one-half the sum of the perpendiculars dropped from the vertices of the opposite angles. (Fig. 31.) DE + BF Area = AC X Fig. 31. F E Fig. 32. If the diagonal falls without the figure, the area is equal to the product of the diagonal by half the difference of the perpendiculars. (Fig. 32.) Area =ABCD = AC X ^^~^^ . A polygon is a plane figure bounded by three or more straight lines; it is regular or irregular according as the lines bounding it are equal or unequal. If straight lines be drawn from the center of a regular polygon to each of the vertices of the interior angles, the polygon will be divided into as many isosceles triangles as it has sides. Each triangle will have for its base one of the sides of the polygon and for its altitude the perpendicular distance from the center of the polygon to that side. The area of the polygon is equal to the sum of the areas of all the triangles, and is found by multiplying one-half the sum of all the sides of the polygon by the perpendicular distance from the center to one of its sides. To find the area of an irregular polygon, divide the polygon into triangles and take the sum of their areas. Fig. 33. To Find the Area of Any Irregular Plane Figure Let C D EF G he any irregular figure. Draw any straight line AB as a base; through the ^extremities of the figure drop perpendiculars £3^56789 10 28 Mensuration CA and FB to the base. Divide AB into any number of equal parts, say lo. Through the middle points of each of the equal divisions draw perpendiculars cutting the boundaries of the figure on opposite sides. Take the sum of the lengths of all these lines within the figure and divide such sum by the number of divisions; the' quotient is the mean width of the figure which multipHed by its length AB gives the area. TJ Thus: ab -{- cd + ef etc. = H; then — X AB equals the area of CDEFG. The Circle The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is equal to 3.14159. This is represented by the Greek letter x, pronounced Pi. Let C = the circumference of any circle. D = the diameter of any circle. r = the radius of any circle. A = area of any circle. The areas of circles are as the squares of their diameters, or as the squares of their radii. C = 7rZ> = 3-14159 X D. C = 2-n-r = 6.28318 X r. A = irr"^ = 3.14159 X r^. ^ = i,rZ>2 = 0.7854 X D\ A = — = 0.07958 X (?. 47r A = 0.7854 X 4 r^' 24' C D = - = 0.3183 X C. D = 2 Y - = 1.1284 Va. r = — = 0.5642 y/A, 2ir The Ellipse 59 The Ellipse The ellipse is a curve formed by the intersection of a plane inclined to the axis of a cone or cyHnder, where the plane does not cut the base. (^ G V ' ■■ V -> ^ Fig ■ 34. To Find the Length of any Ordinate, HK or LM, Knowing the Two Diameters AB and CD, and the Abscisses OK and OM HK LM AB^ : CD^ :: AK X KB : HK^, ./ CD^ X (AK X KB) V ' AB^ ./AB^ {CM X MD) _ CD^ = ^ AB AB CD VAKxKBy VCM X MD. The circumference of an ellipse is found from the formula below, wherein D = transverse diameter and d = conjugate diameter. C = circumference = $.1415 d + 2 {D — d) '^ V{D + d) X {D + 2d) ^ »/Z)2 + # (D - dY C = 3.i4i5V-- g;g— These formulas apply where large D is not more than five times as long as d. The area of an ellipse is equal to that of an annular ring of which the sum and difference of the radii of the limiting circles are respectively equal to the semi-axes of the ellipse. Thus TT (r2 - r'^) =Tr{r + r')X{r- r') ; then if {r + r') equals the semi- transverse axis equals A, and (r — r') equals the semi-conjugate axis equals B, the area of the ellipse equals tt {AB) or tt into the product of the semi-axes or into the product of the axes, divided by four. 30 Mensuration SOLIDS The Prism A prism is a solid whose bases or ends are similar, equal and parallel polygons and whose sides are parallelograms. The prism is right or oblique according as the sides are perpendicular to or inclined to the ends; regular or irregular, as the ends are regular or irregular polygons. The surface of any prism is the sum of the areas of the sides added to that of the ends. To find the surface of a right prism, multiply the perimeter of its base by its altitude; to this product add the areas of the ends. The volume of any prism is equal to the area of its base multiplied by its altitude, or perpendicular distance between the ends. The volume of any frustum of a prism is equal to the product of the sum of all the edges (divided by their number), and the area of the cross section perpendicular to those edges. The Pyramid A p5n'amid is a solid having any polygon for its base; and for its sides triangles, terminating at one point called the apex The axis of a pyramid is a straight line from the apex to the center of gravity of its base. A pyramid is right or oblique according as the axis is perpendicular or inclined to the base; regular or irregular, as the base is a regular or irregular figure. The slant height is the distance from the vertex of any of the tri- angular sides to the middle point of its base. The surface of any pyramid is equal to the sum of the areas of all the triangles of which it is composed plus the area of the base. The surface of a right regular pyramid is equal to the perimeter of its base multiplied by half the slant height plus the area of the base. The volimie of any pyramid is equal to the area of the base multiplied by one-third of the altitude; or the perpendicular distance from the apex to the base. It is also equal to one-third the volume of a cylinder having the same base and altitude; or to one-half the volume of a hemisphere having the same base and altitude. The volumes of a pyramid, hemisphere and cylinder, having the same base and altitude are to each other as i, 2 and 3. Frustrum of a Pyramid The frustrum of a pyramid is the section between two planes which may or may not be parallel. folyhedra 31 The slant height of any side of a frustrum of a p)nramid is measured from the middle points of the top and bottom sides of the trapezium • forming that side. To find the surface of any frustrum of apyramid, take the sum of the areas of all the trapeziums forming the sides, to which add the sum of the top and base. The surface of a frustrum of a right regular pyramid, where the top and base are parallel planes, is equal to one-half the sum of the perimeters of top and base multiphed by the slant height plus the sum of the areas of the top and base. The volume of any frustrvmi of any pyramid, with top and base parallel, is equal to one-third the perpendicular distance between top and base multiplied by the sums of the areas of top and base, and the square root of the product of those areas. Thus H, being the perpendicular and A and A' the areas of top and base, respectively, then the volume equals \ H X {A -{- A' -{- Va X A') or A" being equal to the area of a section midway between and parallel to base and top, the volume = V = I H {A +A' + 4A"). A prismoid is a solid having six sides, two of which are parallel but unequal quadrangles, and the other sides trapeziums. To find the Volume of a Prismoid Let A = area of one of the parallel sides. a = area of the other parallel side. M = area of cross section midway between and parallel to the parallel sides. L = perpendicular distance between the two parallel sides. Then . Volmne = LX (^A+^+AK"^ . The Wedge The wedge is a frustrum of a triangular prism. Its volimie is equal to the area of a right section multiplied by one-third the sum of the lengths of the three parallel edges. Let A equal area of section perpendicular to the axis of the prism and BC, DE and FG, the lengths of the parallel edges respectively. Then Volume of wedge = A (BC + DE+FG) ^ 3 Polyhedra A polyhedron is a solid bounded by plane surfaces. A regular polyhedron is one whose bounding faces are all equal and regular polygons. 32 Mensuration There are five regular polyhedra as follows: Name Bounded by Surface = sum of sur- faces of all the faces = square of the length of one edge by Volume = product of cube of length of one edge by 4 Equilateral triangles. . . 6 squares 8 Equilateral triangles.. . • 12 Equilateral pentagons. 20 Equilateral triangles. . I . 7320 6.000 3.4641 20.6458 8.6602 .1178 Cube or hexahedron 1. 000 7 6631 2.1817 The Cylinder A cylinder may be defined as a prism, of which a section perpendicular to its axis is a circle. It may be right or oblique. The base of a right cylinder is a circle, that of an oblique cylinder an ellipse. The surface of any cylinder is equal to the product of the circumference of a circle whose plane is perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder, by the length of the axis, plus the area of the ends. The volume of a cylinder is equal to the area of a circle perpendicular to the axis multiplied by its altitude. The Cone A cone is a pyramid having an infinite number of sides. Cones are right or oblique according as their axes are perpendicular or inchned to their bases. The surface of a right cone is equal to the product of the perimeter of the base by half the slant height, plus the area of the base. The surface of an oblique cone, cut from a right cone having a circular base, is equal to the area of the base, multiplied by the altitude and divided by the perpendicular distance from the axis at the point where it pierces the base, to the surface of the cone, plus the area of the base; AH or the curved surface of the cone equals -zz-- Wherein A is the area K of the base, H the altitude and R the perpendicular. The volume of any cone is equal to the area of the base multiplied by one-third of the altitude. The volume of a cone is equal to one-third that of a cylinder, or one- half that of an hemisphere having same base and altitude. The Sphere 33 The surface of a right circular frustrum of a cone with top and base parallel is found by adding together the circumferences of top and base, multiplying this sum by one-half the slant height; to this product add the area of top and base to get the total surface. The volume of a frustrum of any cone, with top and base parallel, is equal to one-third of the altitude multiplied by the sum of the areas of top and base plus the square root of the product of those areas, or equals i the altitude X (area of top + area of base + V^area of top X area of base). The Sphere A sphere is a solid generated by revolving a semicircle about its diameter. The intersection of a sphere with any plane is a circle. A circle cut by the intersection of the surface of a sphere and a plane passing through its center is a great circle. The volume of a sphere is greater than that of any other solid having an equal surface. The surface of a sphere equals that of four great circles. Surface = /^.Trr"^. = ttDK " = curved surface of a circumscribing cyhnder. " = area of a circle having twice the diameter of the sphere. The surface of a sphere is equal to that of a circumscribing cube multiplied by 0.5236. Surfaces of spheres are to each other as the squares of their diameters. Volume of a Sphere Volume = f7ry3 = 4.1888^3 " =i7r2)3 = 0.52362)3 " =1 volume of circumscribing cylinder. " = 0.5236 volume of circumscribing cube. Volumes of spheres are to each other as the cubes of their diameters. Radius of a sphere = 0.62035 "V^ volume. Circumference of sphere = v^59.2i76 volume. = V3.1416 X area of surface. _ Area of surface Diameter 34 Mensuration The area of the curved surface of a spherical segment is equal to the product of the circumference of a great circle by the height of the seg- ment = ttDH, where D is the diameter of the sphere and H the height of the spherical segment. The curved surface of a segment of a sphere is to the whole surface of the sphere as the height of the segment is to the diameter of the sphere. To Find the Volume of a Spherical Segment Let R = radius of base of segment. H = height. Then volume of segment = ^TrH{2,B? + H^). To find the curved surface of a spherical zone, multiply the circum- ference of the sphere by the height of the zone. To find the volume of a spherical zone, let A and^' be the radii of the ends of the zone and H be the height and V the volume. Then V -- Guldin's Theorems (i) If any plane curve be revolved about any external axis situated in its plane, the surface generated is equal to the product of the perimeter of the curve and the length of the path described by the center of gravity of that perimeter. (2) If any plane surface be revolved about any external axis situated in its plane, the volume generated is equal to the area of the revolving surface multiplied by the path described by its center of gravity. CHAPTER II WEIGHTS AND MEASURES In the United States and Great Britain measures of length and weight are, for the same denomination, essentially equal; but liquid and dry measures for same denomination differ widely. The standard measure of length for both countries is that of the simple seconds pendulum, at the sea level, in the latitude of Greenwich; in vacuum and at a tem- perature of 62° F. The length of such a pendulum is 39.1393 inches; 36 of these inches constitute the standard British Imperial yard. This is also the stand- ard in the United States. The Troy pound at the U, S, Mint of Philadelphia is the legal standard of weight in the United States. It contains 5760 grains and is exactly the same as the Imperial Troy pound of Great Britain. The avoirdupois pound (commercial) of the United States contains 7000 grains, and agrees with the British avoirdupois pound within o.ooi of a grain. The metric system was legalized by the United States in 1866 but its use is not obligatory. The metre is the unit of the metric system of lengths and was supposed to be one ten millionth, , of that portion of a meridian between 10,000,000 either pole and the equator. The metric measures of surface and volume are the squares and cubes of the metre, and of its decimal fractions and multiples. The metric unit of weight is the gramme or grain, which is the weight of a cubic centimeter of pure water at a temperature of 40° F. The legal equivalent of the metre as established by Act of Congress is 39-37 inches = 3.28083 ft. = 1.093611 yards. The legal equivalent of the gramme is 15.432 grains. The systems of weights used for commercial purposes in the United States are as follows: 35 36 Weights and Measures Troy Weight For Gold, Silver, Platinum and Jewels, except Diamonds and Pearls 24 grains = i pennyweight (dwt.).' 20 pennyweights = i ounce = 480 grains. 12 ounces = i pound = 5760 grains. Apothecaries Weight {For Prescriptions only.) 20 grains = i scruple O) 3 scruples = i drachm (3) = 60 grains. 8 drachms = i ounce (S) = 480 " 12 ounces. = i pound (lb) = 5760 " Avoirdupois Weight For all Materials except those above named 16 drachms or 437.5 grains = i ounce (oz.). 16 ounces = i pound (lb.) = 7000 grains. 28 pounds = I quarter (qr.). 4 quarters ' = i hundredweight (cwt.) = 112 lbs. 20 hundredweight = i long or gross ton = 2240 lb. 2000 pounds = I short or net ton. 2204.6 pounds = I metric ton. I stone =14 pounds. I quintal =100 pounds. The weight of the grain is the same for all systems of weights. A troy ounce = i .097 avoirdupois ounces. An avoirdupois ounce = .91146 troy or apoth. ounce. A troy pound = .82286 avoirdupois pound. An avoirdupois pound = i . 21528 troy or apoth. pounds. The standard avoirdupois pound is equal to the weight of 27.7015 cu. in. distilled water at 39.2° F., at sea level and at the latitude of Green- wich. Long Measure 12 inches = i foot = .3047973 metre. 3 feet = I yard = 36 in. = .9143919 metre. 5I yards = i rod, pole, perch = i6| feet = 198 in. 40 rods = I furlong = 220 yards = 660 ft. 8 furlongs = i statute mile = 320 rods = 1760yds. = 5280 ft. 3 miles = I league = 24 furlongs =960 rods = 5 280 yds. Square Measure 37 Land Measure 7.92 inches = i link; 100 links (66 ft.) = i chain = 4 rods. 10 chains = i furlong; 8 furlongs (80 chains) = i mile. 10 square chains = i acre. Measures occasionally used y^5 inch = I point; 6 points-y^a in. = i Hne. 1000 mils = I inch; 3 in. = i palm; 4 in. = i hand; 9 in. = i span. 2 yards = i fathom = 6 feet; 120 fathoms = i cable length. A geographical (nautical) mile or knot = 6087.15 ft. = 1855.345 metres = 1. 15287 statute miles. I knot = I minute of longitude or latitude at the equator. 1° latitude at the equator = 68 . 70 statute miles. 1° " " latitude 20° =68.78 1° " " " 40° =69.00 " '1° " " " 60° =69.23 " 1° " " " 90° =69.41 " Square Measure 144 square inches = i square foot. 9 " feet =1 " yard. 30^ " yards =1 " rod, perch or pole = 272J sq. ft. 40 " rods = I rood = 1210 sq. yds. = 108,908 sq. ft. 4 roods (10 sq. chains) = i acre = 160 sq. rods = 4840 sq. yds = 43,560 sq. ft. 640 acres = i sq. mile = i section. An acre = a square whose side is 208.71 ft. A half acre = a square whose side is 147.581 ft. A quarter acre = a square whose side is 104.355 ft. A circular inch is the area of a circle i inch in diameter and = .7854 sq. inches. I square inch = 1.2732 circular inches. A circular mil is the area of a circle i mil or .001 in. in diameter. looo^ mils or 1,000,000 circular mils = i circular inch. I square inch = 1,273,239 circular mils. A cylinder, i inch in diameter and i foot high, contains: 1 . 3056 U. S. gills. .2805 U. S. dry pints. .3246 U. S. liquid pints. A cylinder, one foot in diameter and i foot high, contains: 1357-1712 cubic inches. i'8S.oo64 U. S. liquid gills. .7854 " feet. ^ 47.0016 U.S. " pints. .02909 " yards. 23.5008 U.S. " quarts. 38 Weights and Measures 5.8752 U. S. liquid gallons. 40.3916 U. S. dry pints. 20.1958 U. S. " quarts. 2.5254 U. S. dry pecks. 0.63112U.S. " bushels. Liquid Measure {United States only) 4 gills = I pint = 28.875 cubic inches. 2 pints = I quart= 57.75 cu. ins. = 8 gills. 4 quarts = i gallon =231 cu. in. = 8 pts. = 32 gills. 31I gallons = I barrel = 126 quarts = 4.211 cu. ft. 63 gallons = I hogshead. - 2 hogsheads = i pipe or butt. 2 pipes = I tun. A puncheon contains 84 gallons. A tierce contains 42 gallons. A cube 1. 615 ft. on edge contains 3.384 U. S. struck bushels; or 31I gallons = I bbl.; or 4.21 1 cu. ft. Approximate measure Diameter Height Approximate measure Diameter Height I Gill i Pint I Pint I Quart Inches 1.7s 2.25 3-50 3.50 Inches 3 31 3 6 1 Gallon 2 Gallons 8 Gallons 10 Gallons Inches 7 7 14 14 Inches 6 12 12 15 The basis of this measure is the old British wine gallon of 231 cubic inches; or 8.3388 lbs. of distilled water at 39° F. and 30" barometer. A cubic foot contains 7.48 gallons. Apothecaries' or Wine Measure Measure Symbol Pints Fluid ounces Fluid drachms Minims Cubic inches Weight of water Ounces avoir. Grains ' I Minim I fluid drachm . I fluid ounce... I pint m % Cong. I 8 I 16 128 I 8 128 1024 I 60 480 7680 61440 0.0038 0.2256 1.8047 28.875 231 I 043 Pounds avoir. 1.043 8.345 0-95 57.05 456.4 7301.9 I gallon S8415 r British Imperial Liquid and Dry Measures Dry Measure {United States only) 39 2 pints = I quart = 67.2006 cubic inches = 1. 163 65 liquid quarts. 4 quarts = i gallon = 8 pints = 268.80 cubic inches = 1. 16365 liq. gal. 2 gallons = I peck = 16 pints = 8 qts. = 537.60 cu, inches. 4 pecks = I struck bu. = 64 pints = 32 qts. = 8 gallons = 2150.42 cu. in. The old Winchester struck bushel containing 2150.42 cubic inches or 77.627 pounds, avoirdupois, of distilled water at its maximum density- is the basis of this table. Its legal dimensions are those of a cylinder 18^ inches in diameter and 8 inches deep. When heaped, the cone must not be less than 6 inches high; (the bushel) containing 1.5555 cubic feet and equal to i| struck bushels. Miscellaneous Measures 12 pieces = i dozen. 20 pieces = i score. 12 dozen = i gross. 24 sheets = i quire. 12 gross = I great gross. 20 quires = i ream. 2 pieces = i pair. Weights of Given Volumes of Distilled Water at 70° F, United States Liquid Measure I gill = . 26005 lbs. I pint = 1 . 1402 " I quart = 2.0804 " I gallon = 8 lbs. 5 J oz. = 8.345 lbs. I barrel = 31I gals. = 262.1310 lbs. United States Dry Measure I pint I quart I gallon I peck I bushel (struck) = 1. 2 104 lbs. = 2.4208 " = 9.6834 " = 19.3668 " = 77-4670 " British Imperial Liquid and Dry Measures Liquid and Dry Measures .31214 lbs. avoir, of distilled water. 1.24858 I gill = I pint = I quart = I gallon = I peck = 19.977^ I bushel = 79.9088 2.49715 9.9886 40 Weights and Measures This system supersedes the old ones throughout Great Britain, and, is based on the Imperial gallon of 277.274 cubic inches, equal to 10 pounds avoirdupois of pure water at 62° F., 30 in. Bar. I Utre I centilitre I decilitre I decalitre I metre or stere =2198.0786 Metric Measures = 2. 1 98 1 lbs. avoir, of pure water. .02198 " " " " "= 153,866 gr. .2198 '* " " " " = 3.516902. i-».^ It tc IC t c = 21 .' Metric Measures of Length in U. S. Standard Inches Feet Yards Miles Millimetre* .039370 .393704 3-93704 39-3704 393-704 Road measiires .003281 .032809 .328087 3.28087 32.80869 328.0869 3280.869 32808.69 .1093623 1.093623 10.93623 109.3623 1093.623 10936.23 Decimetre MetreJ Decametre Hectometre Kilometre Myriametre i .062137s .6213750 About 5V of an inch. t About I of an inch. t About 3 feet 3§ inches. Metric Square Measure by U. S. Standard Measures Square millimetre Square centimetre — Square decimetre. . . . Square meter or cen- taf e Square decametre or • aire Square decare* Hectare Square kilometre Square myriametre . . Square inches Square feet Square yards Acres .001550 .155003 15.5003 1550.03 155003 Square miles .3861090 38.61090 .00001076 .00107641 . 10764101 10.764101 1076. 4101 10764. lOI 107641.01 10764101 .0000012 .0001196 .0119601 I . 19601 119.6011 1196.011 11960.11 1196011 .000247 .024711 .247110 2.47110 247.110 24711.0 Seldom used. Metric Weights, Reduced to Avoirdupois 41 Metric, Cubic or Solid Measure by U. S. Standard Millilitre or cubic cen- timetre Centilitre . Decilitre , Litre or cubic decimetre Decalitre or centistere . . Hectolitre or decistere . Kilolitre or cubic metre or stere Myrialitre or decastere. Cubic inches .0610254 .610254 6.10254 61.0254 610.254 Cubic feet .353156 3-53156 35.3156 353.156 Liquid Dry Liquid Dry Liquid Dry Liquid Dry Liquid Dry Liquid Dry Liquid Dry Liquid Dry .0084537 gill. .0018162 pint. .084537 gill. .018162 pint. .84537 gill. . 18162 pint. 1. 05671 quart = 2.1134 pints. ,11351 peck = .9031 qt. = 1.816 pts. 2.64179 gallons .283783 bu. = I.1351 pks. = 9.081 qts. 26.4179 gallons. 2.83783 bushel. 264.179 gallons 28.3783 bushels 2641.79 gallons 5.78 bushels = 1.3080 cu. yd. = 13.080 cu. yd. Metric Weights, Reduced to Avoirdupois Measure Avoirdupois Milligramme Centigramme Decigramme Gramme. . . .015432 grains .15432 1.5432 15.432 " Decagramme Hectogramme Kilogramme Myriagramme Quintal ' .. ... .022046 lbs. .22046 " 2.2046 " 22.046 220.46 " Tonneau, millier or tonne 2204.6 " The base of the French system of weights is the gramme; which is the weight of a cubic centimeter of distilled water at maximum density, at the sea level and at the latitude of Paris, Barometer 29.922 inches. 4^ Weights and Measures Metric Lineal Measure Metres Inches Feet Yards Miles Millimetre .001 .01 .1 I 10 lOO lOOO lOOOO .03937 -3937 3-937 39-3685 .00328 .0328 .3280 3.2807 32.807 328.07 3280.7 32807 Centimetre Decimetre Metre . 10936 1.0936 10.936 109.36 1093-6 10936 Metric Square Measure Measures V Square metres Square inches Square feet Square yards Acres Square centimetre.... decimetre " centare Are .01 .1 I 10 100 .155 15.5 1,549-88 154,988 . 10763 10.763 1,076.3 107,630 .01196 1.196 119. 6 11,959 .00025 .0247 Acres Square miles Square kilometre " myriametre. . 247 24,708 .3860' 38.607 I Metric, Cubic or Solid Measure Measures Cubic metres Cubic inches Cubic feet Cubic yards OiiHif rpntimp+rf .0001 .001 .01 I 10 100 .0610165 61.0165 610.165 6101.6s .353105 3.53105 35.3105 353. los 3531.05 Decimstere . 13078 Stere 1.3078 13.078 130.78 Circular Measure 43 Metric Weights Weight Grammes Troy grains Avoirdupois ounces Avoirdupois pounds .001 .01 .1 I 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 .01543 .1543 1.543 15.43316 .03528 .3528 3.52758 35.2758 Gramme Decagramme Hectogram.me .0022047 .022047 .2204737 Kilogramme Myriagramme Quintal 2 . 204737 22.04737 220.4737 2204.737 Metric Dry and Liquid Measures Measures Litres Cubic inches Cubic feet Millilitre Centilitre Decilitre .001 .01 .1 I 10 100 i,ooo- 10,000 .061 .61 6.1 61.02 610.16 Litre Hectolitre 3-531 Kilolitre 35.31 Myrialitre 353.1 Circular Measure 60 seconds (") i minute ('). 60 minutes (') i degree (°). 90 degrees (°) i quadrant. 360 degrees (°) circumference. Time 60 seconds i minute. 60 minutes i hour. 24 hours I day. 7 days I week. 365 days, s hours, 48 minutes, 48 seconds = i year. Every year whose number is divisible by 4 is a leap year and contains 366 days. The Centismal years are leap years only when the number of the year is divisible by 400. 44 Weights and Measures Board and Timber Measure The unit of measurement is a board 12 inches square by one inch thick. To ascertain the number of feet board measure in a plank or piece of square timber, multiply the length by the breadth in feet and by the thickness in inches. To find the cubic contents of a stick of timber (all the measurements being reduced to feet), take one-fourth the product of the mean girth by the diameter and the length. To find the cubic contents of square timber, reduce all measurements to feet, then the product of the length by the breadth and thickness will be the volume in cubic feet. Miscellaneous Measures and Weights I barrel of flour weighs 196 pounds. I barrel of salt weighs 280 " I barrel of beef or pork weighs 200 " I bushel of salt (Syracuse) weighs 56 " Anthracite coal (broken) averages 54 lbs. to the cubic foot. Bituminous coal (broken) averages 49 " " " " " Cement (Portland) Gypsum (ground) Lime (loose) Lime (well-shaken) Sand weighs 96 lbs. to the bushel, 70 " a a c< 70 " a t. a 80 " u i( a 98 " " " cubic : or 1, 181 tons to the cu. yd. Useful Factors Inches X " X " X Square inches X " X Cubic inches x " X " X Feet X " X Square feet X " X Cubic feet X " X " X 0.08333 = feet 0.02778 = yards 0.00001578 = miles 0.00695 0.0007716 0.00058 0.0000214 0.004329 o 3334 0.00019 144.0 0.II12 1728 o 03704 7.48 = square feet = square yards = cubic feet = cubic yards = U. S. gallons = yards = miles = square inches = square yards = cubic inches = cubic yards = U. S. gallons Measures of Work, Power and Duty 45 Useful Factors — {Continued) Yards X 36 = inches " ., X 3 =feet " X 0.0005681 = miles Square yards X i ,296 = square inches " " X 9 = square feet Cubic yards X 46,656 = cubic inches " X 27 = cubic feet Miles X 63,360 = inches " X 5,280 =feet " X 1 ,760 = yards Avoirdupois ounces X .0.0625 = pounds X 0.0000312s =tons " pounds X 16 = ounces " " X .001 = hundredweight " " X .oooS = tons *' " 27.681 = cubic inches of water at 39.2° F " tons X 32,000 = ounces " " X 2,000 = pounds Watts X 0.00134 = horse power Horse power X 746 = watts Weight of round iron per foot = square of diameter in quarter inches -f- 6. Weight of flat iron per foot = width X thickness X io-3- Weight of flat plates per square foot = 5 pounds for each 1-8 inch thickness. Measures of Work, Power and Duty Work is the result of expenditure of energy in overcoming resistance. The unit of work is the pressure of one pound exerted through a distance of one foot and is called one foot pound. Horse Power. — Term employed to measure the quantity of work. The unit is one horse power; or the quantity of work performed in raising 33,000 lbs., one foot in one minute = 33,000 foot pounds per minute = 550 foot pounds per second = 1,980,000 foot pounds per hour. A heat unit is the amount of heat required to raise one pound of water at maximum density 1° F., or i pound of water from 39"^ F. to 40** F. = 778 foot pounds. One horse power = 2545 heat units per hour 33,000 . , = z— = 42.146 heat units per mmute s= .7021 heat units per second. 46 Mathematical Tables Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots of Numbers from .i to io No. Square Cube Square root Cube root No. Square Cube Square root Cube root .1 .OI .001 .3162 .4642 4.1 16.81 68.921 2.025 1. 601 .15 .0225 .0034 .3873 .5313 4.2 17.64 74.088 2.049 1. 613 .2 .04 .008 .4472 .5848 4.3 18.49 79.507 2.074 1.626 .25 .0625 .0156 .500 .6300 4.4 19.36 85.184 2.098 1.639 .3 .09 .027 ■ 5477 .6694 4.5 20.25 91 . 125 2. 121 1. 651 .35 .1225 .0429 .5916 .7047 4.6 21.16 97.336 2.145 1.663 .4 .16 .064 .6525 .7368 4.7 22.09 103.823 2.168 1.675 ■ 45 .2025 .0911 .6708 .7663 4.8 23.04 110.592 2. 191 1.687 .5 .25 .125 .7071 .7937 4-9 24.01 117.649 2.214 1.698 • 55 .3025 .1664 .7416 .8193 5 25 125 2.2361 1. 710 .6 .36 .216 .7746 .8434 5.1 26.01 132.651 2.258 1. 721 .65 • 4225 .2746 .8062 .8662 5.2 27.04 140.608 2.280 1.732 .7 .49 .343 .8367 .8879 5.3 28.09 148.877 2.302 1.744 .75 .562s .4219 ■.8660 .9086 5.4 29.16 157.464 2.324 1. 754 .8 .64 .512 .8944 .9283 5.5 30.25 166.375 2.345 1.765 .85 .7225 .6141 .9219 .9473 5.6 31.36 175.616 2.366 1.776 •9 .81 .729 .9487 .9655 5-7 32.49 .185.193 2.387 1.786 .95 .9025 .8574 .9747 .9830 5.8 33.64 195. 112 2.408 1.797 I I I I I 5.9 34.81 205.379 2.429 1.807 I-05 I . 1025 1. 158 1.025 1. 016 6 36 216 2.4495 1.8171 I.I I. 21 I 331 1.049 1.032 6.1 37.21 226.981 2.470 1.827 1.15 1.3225 1. 521 1.072 1.048 6.2 38.44 238.328. 2.490 1.837 1.2 1.44 1.728 1.095 1.063 6.3 39.69 250.047 2.510 1.847 1.25 1.5625 1.953 1. 118 1.077 6.4 40.96 262.144 2.530 1.857 1.3 1.69 2.197 1. 140 1. 091 6.5 42.25 274.625 2.550 1.866 1.35 1.8225 2.460 1. 162 1. 105 6.6 43.56 287.496 2.569 1.876 1.4 1.96 2.744 1 . 183 1. 119 6.7 44.89 300.763 2.588 I -885 1-45 2.1025 3.049 1.204 1. 132 6.8 46.24 314.432 2.608 1.89s 1.5 2.25 3.375 1.2247 I. 1447 6.9 47.61 328.509 2.627 1.904 1.55 2.4025 3.724 1.245 1. 157 7 49 343 2.6458 I. 9129 1.6 2.56 4.096 1.265 1. 170 7.1 50.41 357.911 2.665 1.922 1.65 2.7225 4.492 1.285 1. 182 7.2 51.84 373.248 2.683 1. 931 1.7 2.98 4.913 1.304 1. 193 7.3 53.29 389.017 2.702 1.940 1.75 3 0625 5.359 1.323 1.205 7.4 54.76 405.224 2.720 1.949 1.8 3.24 5.832 1.342 1. 216 7.5 56.25 421.875 2.739 1.957 1.85 3 4225 6.332 1.360 1.228 7.6 57.76 438.976 2.757 1.966 1-9 3.61 6.859 1.378 1.239 7.7 59.29 456.533 2.775 1. 975 1.95 3.802s 7.415 1.396 1.249 7.8 60.84 474.552 2.793 1.983 2 4 8 I. 4142 1.2599 7.9 62.41 493.039 2. 811 1.992 2.1 4.41 9.26 1.449 1. 281 8 64 512 2.8284 2 2.2 4.84 10.648 1.483 1. 301 8.1 65.61 531.441 2.846 2.008 a. 3 5.29 12.167 1. 517 1.320 8.2 67.24 551.368 2.864 2.017 2-4 5. 76 13.824 1.549 1.339 8.3 68.89 571.787 2.881 2.025 2.5 6.25 15.625 1. 581 1.357 8.4 70.56 592.704 2.898 2.033 2.6 6.76 17.576 1. 612 1.375 8.5 72.25 614.125 2.915 2.041 2.7 7.29 19.683 1.643 1.392 8.6 73.96 636.056 2.933 2.049 2.8 7.84 21.952 1-673 1.409 8.7 75.69 658.503 2.950 2. 057 2.9 8.41 24.389 1.703 1.426 8.8 77.44 681.472 2.966 2.065 3 9 27 I. 7321 1.442 8.9 79.21 704.969 2.983 2.072 3.1 9.61 29.791 1. 761 1.458 9 81 729 3 •2.081 3.2 10.24 32.768 1.789 1.474 9.1 82.81 753.571 3.017 2.088 33 10.89 35.937 1. 817 1.489 9.2 84.64 778.688 3.033 2.095 3.4 11.56 39.304 1.844 1.504 9.3 86.49 804.357 3.050 2.103 35 12.25 42.875 1. 871 1. 518 9.4 88.36 830.584 3.066 2. no 3.6 12.96 46.656 1.897 1.533 9.5 90.25 857.375 3.082 2. 118 37 13.69 50.653 1.924 1.47 9.6 92.16 884.736 3.098 2.125 3.8 14.44 54.872 1.949 1.560 9.7 94.09 912.673 3. 114 2.133 3-9 15.21 59.319 1.975 1.574 9.8 96.04 941 . 192 3.130 2.140 4 16 64 2 1.5874 9.9 98.01 970.299 3.146 2.147 V Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots 47 Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots OF Numbers from i to idoo Remark on the Following Table. Wherever the effect of a fifth decimal in the roots would be to add i to the fourth and final decimal in the table, the addition has been made. No. Square Cube Square root Cube root No. 50 Square Cube Square root Cube root I I I' 2,500 125,000 7.0711 3.6840 2 4 8 I. 4142 1.2599 51 2,601 132,651 1414 3.7084 3 9 27 I. 7321 1.4422 52 2.704 140,608 2111 3.7325 4 16 64 2 1.5874 53 2,809 148,877 2801 3.7563 s 25 125 2.2361 I . 7100 ♦ 54 2.916 157.464 3485 3.7798 6 36 216 2.4495 1.8171 55 3.02s 166,375 4162 3.8030 7 49 343 2.6458 I. 9129 56 3.136 175,616 4833 3.8259 8 64 512 2.8284 2 57 3.249 185.193 5498 3.8485 9 81 729 3 2.0801 58 3.364 195,112 6158 3.8709 10 100 1,000 3.1623 2.1544 59 3,481 205.379 6811 3.8930 II 121 1,331 3.3166 2.2240 60 3.600 216,000 7460 3.9149 12 144 1,728 3.4641 2.2894 61 3.721 226,981 8102 3.9365 13 169 2,197 3.6056 2.3513 62 3.844 238,328 8740 3-9579 14 196 2,744 3.7417 2.4101 63 3,969 250,047 9373 3.9791 IS 225 3,375 3.8730 2.4662 64 4.096 262,144 8 4 16 256 4,096 4 2.5198 65 4.225 274,625 8 0623 4.0207 17 289 4,913 4.1231 2.5713 66 4,356 287,496 8 1240 4.0412 18 324 5.832 4.2426 2.6207 67 4,489 300,763 8 1854 4 -0615 19 361 6,859 4.3589 2.6684 68 4.624 314,432 8 2462 4.0817 20 400 8,000 4.4721 2.7144 69 4,761 328,509 8 3066 4.1016 21 441 9,261 4.5826 2.7589 70 4,900 343.000 8 3666 4.1213 22 484 10,648 4.6904 2.8020 71 5,041 357,911 8 4261 4-1408 23 529 12,167 4.7958 2.8439 72 5,184 373.248 8 4853 4.1602 24 576 13,824 4.8990 2.8845 73 5,329 389,017 8 5440 4.1793 25 625 15,625 5 2.9240 74 5,476 405,224 8 6023 4.1983 26 676 17.576 5.0990 2.9625 75 5,625 421,875 8 6603 4.2172 27 729 19,683 5.1962 3 76 5,776 438,976 8 7178 4.2358 28 784 21,952 5.2915 3-0366 77 5,929 456,533 8 7750 4.2543 29 841 24,389 5.3852 3.0723 78 6,084 474,552 8 8818 4.2727 30 900 27,000 5.4772 3.1072 79 6,241 493.039 8 8882 4.2908 31 961 29,791 5.5678 3.1414 80 6,400 512,000 8 9443 4.3089 32 1,024 32,768 5.6569 3.1748 81 6,561 531,441 9 4.3267 33 1,089 35.937 5.7446 3.2075 82 6,724 551,368 9 05S4 4.3445 34 1,156 39,304 5.8310 3.2396 83 6,889 571,787 9 1 104 4.3621 35 1.225 42.875 5.9161 3.2711 84 7,056 592,704 9 1652 4.3795 36 1,296 46.656 6 3.3019 85 7.225 614,125 9 2195 4.3968 37 1,369 50.653 6.0828 3.3322 86 7,396 636,056 9 2736 4.4140 38 1,444 54.872 6.1644 3.3620 87 7.S69 658,503 9 3274 4.4310 39 1. 521 59.319 6.2450 3.3912 88 7,744 681,472 9 3808 4.4480 40 1,600 64,000 6.3246 3.4200 89 7,921 704,969 9 4340 4.4647 41 1,681 68,921 6.4031 3.4482 90 8,100 729,000 9 4868 4.4814 42 1,764 74.088 6.4807 3.4760 91 8,281 753,571 9 5394 4.4979 43 1,849 79.507 6.5574 3 -5034 92 8,464 778,688 9 5917 4.S144 44 1,936 85.184 6.6332 3.5303 93 8,649 804,357 9 6437 4.5307 45 2,025 91.125 6.7082 3.5569 94 8,836 830,584 9 6954 4.5468 46 2,116 97.336 6.7823 3.5830 95 9,025 857,375 9 7468 4.5629 47 2,209 103,823 6.8557 3.6088 96 9>2i6 884,736 9 7980 4.5789 48 2,304 110,592 6. 9282 \ 3.6342 97 9,409 912,673 9 8489 4.5947 49 2,401 117,649 7 3-6593 98 9,604 941,192 9 8995 4.6104 48 Mathematical Tables Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots OF Numbers from i to iooo — (Continued) No. Square Cube Square root Cube root No. 152 Square Cube Square root Cube root 99 9.801 970,299 9-9499 4.6261 23,104 3.511.808 12.3288 5.3368 ICXD 10,000 1,000.000 10 4.6416 153 23.409 3,581.577 12.3693 5.3485 lOI 10,201 1.030,301 10.0499 4.6570 154 23,716 3,652,264 12.4097 5.3601 I02 10,404 1,061,208 10.0995 4.6723 155 24.025 3,723,875 12.4499 5.3717 103 10,609 1,092,727 10.1489 4-6875 156 24.336 3,796,416 12.4900 5.3832 104 10,816 1,124.864 10.1980 4.7027 157 24,649 3,869,893 12.5300 5.3947 105 11,025 1.157,625 10.2470 4-7177 158 24.964 3,944.312 12.5698 5.4061 106 11,236 1,191,016 10 . 2956 4.7326 159 25,281 4,019,679 12.6095 5.417s 107 11,449 1,225,043 10.3441 4-7475 160 25,600 4.096,000 12.6491 5.4288 108 11,664 1.259.712 10.3923 4 . 7622 161 25.921 4,173.281 12.6886 5.4401 109 11,881 1.295.029 10.4403 4.7769 162 26,244 4,251,528 12.7279 5.4514 no 12,100 1,331,000 10 . 4881 4.7914 163 26,569 4.330,747 12.7671 5.4626 III 12,321 1.367,631 10.5357 4.8059 164 26,896 4.410,944 12.8062 5.4737 112 12,544 1,404,928 10.5830 4-8203 165 27.225 4,492.125 12.8452 5.4848 113 12,769 1.442,897 10.6301 4-8346 166 27,556 4,574.296 12.8841 5.4959 114 12,996 1. 481. 544 10.6771 4.8488 167 27,889 4.657.463 12.9228 5.5069 115 13,225 1.520,875 10.7238 4.8629 168 28,224 4.741.632 12.9615 5.5178 116 13,456 1.560,896 10.7703 4.8770 169 28,561 4.826,809 13 5.5288 117 13,689 1,601,613 10.8167 4.8910 170 28,900 4,913,000 13.0384 5.5397 118 13,924 1.643.032 10.8628 4.9049 171 29.241 5.000,211 13.0767 5.5505 119 14,161 1.685,159 10.9087 4.9187 172 29,584 5.088,448 13.1149 5.5613 120 14.400 1,728,000 10.9545 4-9324 173 29,929 5,177.717 13.1529 5.5721 121 14,641 1,771,561 II 4-9461 174 30,276 5,268,024 13.1909 5.5828 122 14.884 1,815,848 11.0454 4-9597 175 30,625 5.359,375 13.2288 5.5934 123 15.129 1,860,867 11.0905 4-9732 176 30,976 5,451,776 13.2665 5.6041 124 15.376 1,906,624 II. 1355 4.9866 177 31,329 5,545,233 13.3041 5.6147 125 15,625 1,953,125 II. 1803 5 178 31.684 5,639,752 13.3417 5.6252 126 15.876 2,000,376 11.2250 5.0133 179 32,041 5.735.339 13.3791 5.6357 127 16,129 2,048,383 11.2694 5.0265 180 32,400 5.832,000 13.4164 5.6462 128 16.384 2,097,152 11-3137 5.0397 181 32,761 5.929,741 13.4536 5.6567 129 16,641 2,146,689 11.3578 5.0528 182 33.124 6,028,568 13.4907 5.6671 130 16,900 2,197,000 II. 4018 5.0658 183 33.489 6,128,487 13.5277 5.6774 131 17.161 2,248,091 11.4455 5.0788 184 33.856 6,229,504 13.5647 5.6877 132 17,424 2.299,968 I I. 4891 5-0916 I8S 34,225 6,331,625 13.6015 5.6980 133 17.689 2.352,637 11.5326 5.1045 186 34.596 6,434,856 13.6382 5.7083 134 17,956 2,406,104 11-5758 5.1172 187 34.969 6,539,203 13.6748 5.7185 135 18,225 2,460,375 II. 6190 5.1299 188 35.344 6,644,672 13.7113 5.7287 136 18,496 2,515,456 II. 6619 5. 1426 189 35.721 6,751,269 13-7477 5.7388 137 18,769 2.571,353 11.7047 5.1551 190 36.100 6,859,000 13.7840 5.7489 138 19.044 2,628,072 11.7473 5.1676 191 36,481 6,967,871 13.8203 5.7590 139 19.321 2,685,619 11.7898 5.1801 192 36,864 7,077,888 13.8564 5.7690 140 19.600 2.744,000 11.8322 5.1925 193 37.249 7,189,057 13.8924 5.7790 141 19.881 2,803,221 11.8743 5.2048 194 37.636 7,301,384 13.9284 5.7890 142 20,164 2,863,288 I I. 9164 5. 2171 195 38,025 7,414,875 13.9642 5.7989 143 20.449 2,924,207 11-9583 5. 2293 196 38,416 7,529,536 14 5.8088 144 20,736 2,985,984 12 5.2415 197 38,809 7,645,373 14.0357 5.8186 I4S 21.025 3,048,625 12.0416 5.2536 198 39.204 7,762,392 14.0712 5.8285 146 21.316 3,112,136 12.0830 5.2656 199 39.601 7,880,599 14.1067 5.8383 147 21,609 3.176,523 12.1244 5.2776 200 40.000 8,000,000 14.1421 5.8480 148 21,904 3,241.792 12.1655 5.2896 201 40,401 8,120,601 14.1774 5.8578 149 22,201 3.307.949 12 2066 5.3015 202 40,804 8,242,408 14.2127 5.8675 150 22,500 3,375,000 12.2474 5.3133 203 41,209 8,365.427 14.2478 5.8771 151 22,801 3,442,951 12 . 2882 5.3251 204 41,616 8,489.664 14.2829 5.8868 \ Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots 49 Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots OF Numbers from i to iooo — {Continued) Square Cube Square root Cube root No. Square 42,02s 8,615,12s 14.3178 5.8964 258 66,564 42,436 8,741,816 14.3527 5.9059 259 67,081 42,849 8,869,743 14.3875 5. 9155 260 67,600 43,264 8,998,912 14.4222 5.9250 261 68,121 43,681 9,129,329 14.4568 5.9345 262 68,644 44,icxD 9,261,000 14.4914 5.9439 263 69,169 44,521 9.393,931 14.5258 5.9533 264 69,696 44,944 9.528,128 14.5602 5.9627 265 70,225 45,369 9.663,597 14.5945 5. 9721 266 70,756 45,796 9,800,344 14.6287 5.9814 267 71,289 46,225 9.938,375 14.6629 5.9907 268 7^,824 46,656 10,077,696 14.6969 6 269 72,361 47,089 10,218,313 14.7309 6.0092 270 72,900 47,524 10,360,232 14.7648 6.018s 271 73,441 47,961 10,503,459 14.7986 6.0277 272 73,984 48.400 10,648,000 14.8324 6.0368 273 74,529 48,841 10,793,861 14.8661 6.0459 274 75,076 49,284 10,941,048 14.8997 6.0550 275 75,625 49,729 11,089,567 14.9332 6.0641 276 76,176 50,176 11,239,424 14.9666 6.0732 277 76,729 50,625 11,390,62s 15 6.0822 278 77.284 51,076 11,543,176 15.0333 6.0912 279 77,841 51,529 11,697,083 15.0665 6.1002 280 78,400 51,984 11,852,352 15.0997 6.1091 281 78,961 52,441 12,008,989 15.1327 6.1180 282 79,524 52,900 12,167,000 15.1658 6.1269 283 80,089 53,361 12,326,391 15.19S7 6.1368 284 80,656 53,824 12,487,168 15.2315 6.1446 285 81, 22s 54,289 12,649,337 15.2643 6.IS34 286 81,796 54,756 12,812,904 15.2971 6.1622 287 82,369 55.225 12,977,875 15.3297 6.1710 288 82,944 55,696 13,144,256 15.3623 6.1797 289 83,521 56,169 13,312,053 15.3948 6.188S 290 84,100 56,644 13,481,272 15.4272 6.1972 291 84,681 57,121 13,651,919 15.4596 6.2058 292 85,264 57,600 13,824,000 15.4919 6.2145 293 85,849 58,081 13,997.521 15.5242 6.2231 294 86,436 58,564 14,172,488 15.5563 6.2317 295 87,025 59,049 14,348,907 15.588s 6 . 2403 296 87,616 59,536 14,526,784 15.6205 6.2488 297 88,209 60,025 14,706,125 15.6525 6.2573 298 88,804 60,516 14,886,936 15.6844 6.2658 299 89,401 61,009 15,069,223 15.7162 6.2743 300 90,000 61,504 15,252.992 15.7480 6.2828 301 90,601 62,001 15,438,249 15.7797 6.2912 302 91,204 62,500 15,625,000 1S.8114 6.2936 303 91,809 63,001 15,813,251 15.8430 6.3080 304 92,416 63,504 16,003,008 15.8745 6.3164 305 93,025 64,009 16,194,277 15.9060 6.3247 306 93,636 64,516 16,387,064 15.9374 6.3330 307 94,249 65,025 16,581,375 15.9687 6.3413 308 94,864 65,536 16,777,216 16 V 6.3496 309 95,481 66,049 16,974,593 16.0312 6.3579 310 96,100 Cube 17,173,512 17,373,979 17,576,000 17,779,581 17,984,728 18,191,447 18,399,744 18,609,625 18,821,096 19,034,163 19,248,832 19.46s. 109 19.683,000 19,902,511 20,123,648 20,346,417 20,570,824 20,796,875 21,024,576 21,253,933 21,484,952 21,717,639 21,952,00c 22,188,041 22,425,768 22,665,187 22,906,304 23,149,125 23,393,656 23,639,903 23,887,872 24,137,569 24,389,000 24,642,171 24,897,088 25,153,757 25,412,184 25,672,375 25,934,336 26,198,073 26,463,592 26,730,899 27,000,000 27,270,901 27,543,608 27,818,127 28,094,464 28,372,625 28,652,616 28,934,443 29,218,112 29.503,629 29,791,000 Square root 16.0624 16.0935 16.1245 16.1555 16.1864 16.2173 16.2481 16.2788 16.3095 16.3401 16.3707 16.4012 16.4317 16.4621 16 . 4924 16.5227 16.5529 16.5831 .16.6132 16.6433 16.6733 16.7033 16.7332 16,7631 16.7929 16.8226 16.8523 16.8819 16.9115 16.9411 16.9706 I? 17.0294 17.0587 17.0880 17.1172 17.1464 17.1756 17.2047 17 . 2337 17.2627 17.2916 17. 320s 17.3494 17.3781 17.4069 17.4356 17 . 4642 17.4929 17.5214 17-5499 17.5784 17.6068 50 Mathematical Tables Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots OF Numbers from i to iooo — {Continued) No. Square Cube Square root Cube root No. 364 Square Cube Square root Cube root 311 96.721 30,080,231 17.6352 6.7752 132,496 48,228,544 19.0788 7.1400 312 97.344 30,371,328 17.663s 6.7824 365 133,225 48.627,125 19.1050 7.1466 313 97,969 30,664.297 17.6918 6.7897 366 133,956 49,027,896 19.1311 7.IS3I 314 98.596 30,959.144 17.7200 6.7969 367 134.689 49,4.30.863 19.1572 7.1596 31S 99,225 31,255.875 17.7482 6.8041 368 135.424 49.836,032 19.1833 7.1661 316 99.856 31,554.496 17.7764 6.8113 369 136,161 50,243,409 19.2094 7.1726 317 100,489 31. 85s .013 17.8045 6.8185 370 136,900 50,653,000 19.2354 7.1791 318 101,124 32,157,432 17.8326 6.8256 371 137,641 51,064,811 19.2614 7.1855 319 101,761 32,461,759 17.8606 6.8328 372 138,384 51,478,848 19.2873 7.1920 320 102,400 32,768,000 17.8885 6.8399 373 139,129 51 .895.117 19.3132 7.1984 321 103,041 33.076,161 - 17.9165 6.8470 374 139.876 52,313.624 19.3391 7.2048 322 103,684 33.386,248 17.9444 6.8541 375 140,625 52,734.375 19.3649 7.2112 323 104,329 33.698,267 17.9722 6.8612 376 141.376 53.157.376 19-3907 7.2177 324 104,976 34.012,224 18 6.8683 377 142,129 53.582,633 19.4165 7.2240 325 105,625 34,328,125 18.0278 6.8753 378 142,884 54.010,152 19.4422 7.2304 326 106.276 34.645.976 18.0555 6.8824 379 143.641 54.439.939 19.4679 7-2368 327 106,929 34.965.783 18.0831 6.8894 380 144.400 54.872,000 19.4936 7.2432 328 107,584 35,287.552 18. I 108 6.8964 381 145,161 55.306,341 19.5192 7.2495 329 108,241 35.611,289 18.1384 6.9034 382 145.924 55.742.968 19.5448 7.2558 330 108,900 35,937.000 18. 1659 6.9104 383 146,689 56.181,887 19.5704 7.2622 331 109,561 36,264,691 18.1934 6.9174 384 147,456 56,623,104 19-5959 7.2685 332 110,224 36,594.368 18.2209 6.9244 385 148,225 57,066,625 19-6214 7.2748 333 110,889 36,926,037 18.2483 6.9313 386 148,996 57.512.456 19.6469 7.2811 334 111,556 37.259.704 18.2757 6.9382 387 149.769 57.960,603 19-6723 7.2874 335 112,225 37.595.375 18.3030 6.9451 388 150,544 58,411,072 19.6977 7-2936 336 112,896 37.933,056 18.3303 6.9521 389 151. 321 58,863,869 19-7231 7.2999 337 113,569 38.272,753 18.3576 6.9589 390 152,100 59.319.000 19.7484 7.3061 338 114,244 38,614,472 18.3848 6.9658 391 152,881 59,776,471 19.7737 7.3124 339 114,921 38,958.219 18.4120 6.9727 392 153.664 60,236,288 19.7990 7.3186 340 115,600 39-304,000 18.4391 6.9795 393 154.449 60,698,457 19.8242 7.3248 341 116,281 39.651. 821 18.4662 6.9864 394 155.236 61,162,984 19.8494 7.3310 342 116,964 40,001,688 18.4932 6.9932 395 156,025 61,629,875 19.8746 7.3372 343 117,649 40,353.607 18.5203 7 396 156,816 62,099,136 19-8997 7.3434 344 118,336 40,707,584 18.5472 7.0068 397 157,609 62,570,773 19.9249 7.3496 345 119,025 41,063,625 18.5742 7.0136 398 158,404 63,044,792 19-9499 7-3558 346 119,716 41,421,736 18.6011 7.0203 399 159,201 63,521,199 19.9750 7-3619 347 120,409 41,781,923 18.6279 7.0271 400 160,000 64,000,000 20 7-3681 348 121,104 42,144,192 18.6548 7.0338 401 160,801 64,481,201 20.0250 7.3742 349 121,801 42,508,549 18.6815 7.0406 402 161,604 64,964,808 20.0499 7.3803 350 122,500 42,875.000 18.7083 7.0473 403 162,409 65,450,827 20.0749 7.3864 351 123,201 43.243.551 18.7350 7.0540 404 163,216 65,939,264 20.0998 7.3925 352 123,904 43.614,208 18.7617 7.0607 405 164,025 66,430,125 20.1246 7.3986 353 124,609 43,986,977 18.7883 7.0674 406 164,836 66,923,416 20.1494 7.4047 354 125,316 44,361,864 18.8149 7.0740 407 165,649 67,419,143 20.1742 7.4108 355 126,025 44,738,875 18.8414 7.0807 408 166,464 67,917,312 20.1990 7.4169 356 126,736 45.118,016 18.8680 7.0873 409 167,281 68,417,929 20.2237 7.4229 357 127,449 45,499,293 18.8944 7.0940 410 168,100 68,921,000 20.2485 7.4290 358 128,164 45,882,712 18.9209 7.1006 411 168,921 69,426,531 20.2731 7.4350 359 128,881 46,268,279 18.9473 7 . 1072 412 169,744 69,934,528 20.2978 7.4410 360 129.600 46,656,000 18.9737 7.1138 413 170,569 70,444,997 20.3224 7.4470 361 130,321 47,045,881 19 7 . 1204 414 171,396 70,957,944 20.3470 7.4530 362 131,044 47,437,928 19.0263 7.1269 415 172,225 71,473.375 20.3715 7.4590 363 131,769 47.832,147 19.0526 7.1335 416 173,056 71,991,296 20.3961 7.4650 Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots 51 Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots OF Numbers from i to iooo — {Continued) No. Square Cube Square root Cube root No. Square Cube Square root Cube root 417 173.889 72,511,713 20.4206 7.4710 470 220,900 103,823,000 21.6795 7.7750 418 174,724 73,034,632 20.4550 7.4770 471 221,841 104,487,111 21.702s 7.7805 419 175,561 73,560,059 20.469s 7.4829 472 222,784 105,154,048 21.7256 7.7860 420 176,400 74,088,000 20.4939 7.4889 473 223,729 105,823,817 21.7486 7.791S 421 177,241 74,618,461 20. s 183 7.4948 474 224,676 106,496,424. 21.7715 7.7970 422 178,084 75,151.448 20.5426 7.5007 475 225,625 107,171.875 21.7945 7 8025 423 178,929 75.686,967 20.S670 7.5067 476 226,576 107,850,176 21.8174 7.8079 424 179.776 76,225,024 20.5913 7.5126 477 227.529 108,531,333 21.8403 7.8134 42s 180,62s 76,765,625 20.6155 7.S185 478 228,484 109,215,352 21.8632 7.8188 426 181,476 77.308,776 20.6398 7.5244 479 229,441 109,902,239 21.8861 7.8243 427 182,329 77.854.483 20.6640 7.5302 480 230,400 110,592,000 21.9089 7.8297 428 183,184 78,402,752 20.6882 7.5361 481 231,361 111,284,641 21.9317 7.8362 429 184,041 78,953,589 20.7123 7.5420 482 232,324 111,980,168 21.9545 7.8406 430 184,900 79,507,000 20.7364 7.5478 483 233,289 112,678,587 21.9773 7.8460 431 185.761 80,062,991 20.760s 7.5537 484 234,256 113,379.904 22 7.8514 432 186,624 80,621,568 20.7846 7.5595 485 235.22s 114.084,12s 22.0227 7.8568 433 187,489 81,182,737 20.8087 7.5654 486 236,196 114.791,256 22.0454 7.8622 434 188,356 81,746,504 20.8327 7.5712 487 237.169 115,501,303 22.0681 7.8676 435 189,225 82,312,875 20.8567 7.5770 488 238,144 116,214,272 22.0907 7.8730 436 190,096 82,881,856 20.8806 7.5828 489 239.121 116,930,169 22.1133 7.8784 437 190,969 83,453.453 20.9045 7.5886 490 240,100 117,649,000 22.1359 7.8837 438 191,844 84,027,672 20.9284 7.5944 491 241 -,081 118,370,771 22.158s 7.8891 439 192,721 84,604,519 20.9523 7.6001 492 242,064 119,095,488 22.1811 7.8944 440 193,600 85,184,000 20.9762 7.6059 493 243,049 119,823,157 22.2036 7.8998 441 194,481 85,766,121 21 7.6117 494 244,036 120,553,784 22.2261 7.9051 442 195.364 86,350,888 21.0238 7.6174 495 245,025 121,287,37s 22.2486 7.9105 443 196,249 86,938,307 21.0476 7.6232 496 246,016 122,023,936 22.2711 7.9158 444 197.136 87,528,384 21.0713 7.6289 497 247,009 122,763,473 22.2935 7.9211 445 198,025 88,i2i,i2S 21.0950 7.6346 498 248,004 123,505,992 22.3159 7.9264 446 198,916 88,716,536 21.1187 7.6403 499 249,001 124,251,499 22.3383 7.9317 447 199.809 89,314,623 21 . 1424 7.6460 500 250,000 125,000,000 22.3607 7.9370 448 200,704 89,915,392 21.1660 7.6517 SOI 251,001 125,751,501 22.3830 7.9423 449 201,601 90,518,849 21 . 1896 7.6574 S02 252,004 126,506,008 22.4054 7.9476 450 202,500 91,125,000 21.2132 7.6631 503 253.009 127,263,527 22.4277 7.9528 451 203,401 91,733,851 21.2368 7.6688 S04 254,016 128,024,064 22.4499 7.9581 452 204,304 92,345,408 21.2603 7.6744 505 255,025 128,787,62s 22.4722 7.9634 453 205,209 92,959.677 21.2838 7.6801 506 256,036 129,554,216 22.4944- 7.9686 454 206,116 93.S76.664 21.3073 7.6857 507 257,049 130,323,843 22.S167 7.9739 455 207,02s 94.196.37S 21.3307 7.6914 S08 258,064 131,096,512 22.5389 7.9791 456 207,936 94,818,816 21.3542 7.6970 509 259,081 131,872,229 22.5610 7.9843 457 208,849 95,443,993 21.3776 7.7026 510 260,100 132,651,000 22.5832 7.9896 458 209,764 96,071,912 21.4009 7.7082 Sii 261,121 133,432,831 22.6053 7.9948 459 210,681 96,702,579 21.4243 7.7138 512 262,144 134,217,728 22 . 6274 8 460 211,600 97,336,000 21.4476 7.7194 513 263,169 135,005,697 22.6495 8.0052 461 212,521 97,972,181 21.4709 7.7250 514 264,196 135,796,744 22.6716 8.0104 462 213,444 98,611,128 21.4942 7.7306 51S 265,225 136,590,875 22.6936 8.0156 463 214,369 99,252.847 21.5174 7.7362 516 266,256 137,388,096 22.7156 8.0208 464 215,296 99,897,344 21 . 5407 7.7418 517 267,289 138,188,413 22.7376 8.0260 465 216,22s ioo,S44.62S 21.5639 7.7473 518 268,324 138,991,832 22.7596 8.0311 466 217,156 101,194,696 21 . 5870 7.7529 519 269,361 139,798,359 22.7816 8.0363 467 218,089 101,847,563 21 . 6102 7.7584 520 270,400 140,608,000 22.8035 8.041S 468 219,024 102,503,232 21.6333 7.7639 521 271,441 141,420,761 22.8254 8.0466 469 219,961 103,161,709 21.6564 7.7695 522 272,484 '142,236,648 22.8473 8.0517 52 Mathematical Tables Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots OF Numbers from i to iooo — {Continued) No. Square Cube Square root Cube root No. Square Cube Square root Cube root 523 273.529 143,055.667 22.8692 8.0569 576 331,776 191,102,976 24 8.3203 524 274,576 143,877,824 22 . 8910 8.0620 577 332,929 192,100,033 24.0208 8.3251 525 275,62s 144,703.125 22.9129 8.0671 578 334,084 193.100,552 24.0416 8.3300 526 276,676 145.531,576 22.9347 8.0723 579 335,241 194,104,539 24.0624 8.3348 527 277,729 146,363,183 22.9565 8.0774 580 336,400 195,112,000 24.0832 8.3396 528 278,784 147,197,952 22.9783 8.0S25 581 337,561 196,122,941 24.1039 8.3443 529 279,841 148,035,889 23 8.0876 582 338,724 197,137,368 24.1247 8.3491 530 280,900 148,877,000 23.0217 8.0927 583 339,889 198.155,287 24.1454 8.3539 531 281,961 149,721,291 23.0434 8.0978 584 341.056 199.176,704 24.1661 8.3587 532 283,024 150,568,768 23.0651 8.1028 585 342,225 200,201,625 24.1868 8.3634 533 284,089 151,419,437- 23.0868 8.1079 586 343.396 201,230,056 24.2074 8.3682 534 285,156 152.273,304 23.1084 8. I 130 587 344,569 202,262,003 24.2281 8.3730 535 286,225 153,130,375 23.1301 8.1180 588 345,744 203,297,472 24.2487 8.3777 536 287,296 153,990,656 23.1517 8.1231 589 346,921 204,336,469 24 . 2693 8.3825 537 288,369 154,854,153 23.1733 8.1281 590 348,100 205,379-000 24.2899 8.3872 538 289,444 155,720,872 23.1948 8.1332 591 349.281 206,425,071 24.3105 8.3919 539 290,521 156,590,819 23.2164 8.1382 592 350,464 207,474,688 24.3311 8.3967 S40 291,600 157,464,000 23.2379 8.1433 593 351,649 208,526,857 24.3516 8.4014 541 292,681 158,340,421 23.2594 8.1483 594 352,836 209,584,584 24.3721 8.4061 542 293,764 159,220,088 23.2809 8.1533 595 354,025 210,644,875 24.3926 8.4108 543 294,849 160,103,007 23.3024 8.1583 596 355,216 211,708,736 24.4131 8.4155 544 295,936 160,989,184 23.3238 8.1633 597 356,409 212,776,173 24.4336 8.4202 545 297,02s 161,878,625 23.3452 8.1683 598 357,604 213,847.192 24.4540 8.4249 546 298.116 162,771,336 23.3666 8.1733 599 358,801 214.921,799 24.4745 8.4296 547 299.209 163.667,323 23.3880 8.1783 600 360,000 216,000,000 24.4949 8.4343 548 300,304 164,566,592 23.4094 8.1833 601 361,201 217,081,801 24.5153 8.4390 549 301,401 165,469,149 23.4307 8.1882 602 362,404 218,167,208 24.5357 8.4437 550 302,500 166,375,000 23.4521 8.1932 603 363,609 219,256,227 24.5561 8.4484 551 303,601 167,284,151 23.4734 8.1982 604 364,816 220,348,864 24.5764 8.4530 552 304,704 168,196,608 23.4947 8 . 2031 605 366,025 221,445,125 24.5967 8.4577 553 305,809 169,112,377 23.5160 8 . 2081 606 367.236 222,545.016 24.6171 8.4623 554 306,916 170,031,464 23.5272 8.2130 607 368,449 223,648,543 24.6374 8.4670 555 308,025 170,953,875 23.5584 8 . 2180 608 369,664 224,755,712 24.6577 8.4716 556 309,136 171,879,616 23.5797 8 . 2229 609 370,881 225,866,529 24.6779 8.4763 557 310,249 172,808,693 23.6008 8.2278 610 372,100 226,981,000 24.6982 8.4809 558 311,364 173,741,112 23 . 6220 8.2327 611 373,321 228,099,131 24.7184 8.4856 559 312.481 174,676,879 23.6432 8.2377 612 374,544 229,220,928 24.7386 8.4902 56o 313,600 175.616,000 23.6643 8.2426 613 375,769 230,346,397 24.7588 8.4948 561 314.721 176.558,481 23.6854 8.2475 614 376,996 231,475,544 24.7790 8.4994 562 31S.844 177.504,328 23.7065 8.2524 61S 378,22s 232,608,375 24.7992 8.5040 563 316,969 178,453,547 23.7276 8.2573 616 379,456 233,744,896 24.8193 8.5086 564 318,096 179,406,144 23.7487 8.2621 617 380,689 234,885,113 24.8395 8.5132 565 319,225 180,362,125 23.7697 8.2670 618 381,924 236,029,032 24.8596 8.5178 566 320,356 181,321,496 23.7908 8.2719 619 383,161 237,176,659 24.8797 8.5224 567 321,489 182,284.263 23.8118 8.2768 620 384,400 238,328,000 24.8998 8.5270 568 322,624 183,250,432 23.8328 8.2816 621 385,641 239.483,061 24.9199 8.5316 569 323,761 184,220,009 23.8537 8.2865 622 386,884 240,641,848 24.9399 8.5362 S70 324.900 185,193,000 23.8747 8.2913 623 388,129 241,804,367 24.9600 8.5408 571 326,041 186,169,411 23.8956 8.2962 624 389,376 242,970,624 24.9800 8.5453 572 327,184 187,149,248 23.916s 8.3010 625 390,625 244,140,62s 25 8.5499 573 328,329 188,132,517 23.9374 8.3059 626 391,876 245,314.376 25.0200 8.5544 574 329.476 189,119,224 23.9583 8.3107 627 393,129 246,491.883 25.0400 8.5590 S75 330,625 190,109,375 23.9792 8.3155 628 394,384 247,673.152 25.0590 8.563s \ Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots 53 Table oe Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots or Numbers from i to iooo — (Continued) No. Square Cube Square root Cube root No. Square Cube Square root Cube root 629 395,641 248,858,189 25.0799 8.5681 682 465.124 317,214.568 26.1151 8.8023 630 396,900 250,047,000 25.0998 8.5726 683 466,489 318,611,987 26.1343 8 8066 631 398,161 251,239.591 25.1197 8.5772 684 467.856 320,013,504 26.1534 8 8109 632 399.424 252,435.968 25 . 1396 8.5817 685 469.225 321,419.125 26.1725 8 8152 633 400,689 253.636,137 25.1595 8.5862 686 470,596 322,828,856 26.1916 8 8194 634 401,956 254,840,104 25 . 1794 8.5907 687 471,969 324,242,703 26.2107 8 8237 63s 403,225 256,047.875 25.1992 8.5952 688 473,344 325,660,672 26 . 2298 8 8280 636 404,496 257,259.456 25.2190 8.5997 689 474.721 327,082,769 26.2488 8 8323 637 405,769 258,474,853 25 . 2389 8.6043 690 476,100 328,509,000 26.2679 8 8366 638 407,044 259,694,072 25 . 2587 8.6088 691 477,481 329,939.371 26.2869 8 8408 639 408,321 260,917,119 25.2784 8.6132 692 478,864 331,373.888 26.3059 8 8451 640 409,600 262,144,000 25.2982 8.6177 693 480,249 332,812,557 26.3249 8 8493 641 410.881 263,374,721 25.3180 8.6222 694 481,636 334.255.384 26.3439 8 8536 642 412,164 264,609,288 25.3377 8.6267 695 483,025 335,702,375 26.3629 8 8578 643 413,449 265,847,707 25.3574 8.6312 696 484.416 337,153.536 26.3818 8 8621 644 414,736 267,089,984 25.3772 8.6357 697 485,809 338,608,873 26.4008 8 8663 645 416.025 268,336,125 25.3969 8.6401 698 487,204 340,068,392 26.4197 8 8706 646 417,316 269,586,136 25.4165 8.6446 699 488,601 341.532,099 26.4386 8 8748 647 418,609 270,840,023 25.4362 8.6490 700 490,000 343.000,000 26.4575 8 8790 648 419.904 272,097,792 25.4558 8.6535 701 491.401 344,472,101 26.4764 8 8833 649 421,201 273.359.449 25.4755 8.6579 702 492,804 345.948,408 26.4953 8 8875 650 422,500 274,625,000 25.4951 8.6624 703 494,209 347.428,927 26.5141 8 8917 651 423,801 275.894,451 25.5147 8.6668 704 495,616 348,913,664 26.5330 8 8959 652 425,104 277,167,808 25.5343 8.6713 705 497,025 350,402,625 26.5518 8 9001 653 426,409 278,445.077 25.5539 8.6757 706 498,436 351,895,816 26.5707 8 9043 654 427,716 279.726,264 25.5734 8.6801 707 499-849 353,393,243 26.5895 8 9085 655 429,025 281,011,375 25.5930 8.6845 708 501,264 354,894,912 26.6083 8 9127 656 430,336 282,300,416 25.6125 8.6890 709 502,681 356,400,829 26.6271 8 9169 657 431.649 283,593,393 25.6320 8.6934 710 504,100 357.911.000 26.6458 8 9211 658 432,964 284,890,312 25.6515 8.6978 711 505,521 359.425.431 26.6646 8 9253 659 434,281 286,191,179 25.6710 8.7022 712 506,944 360,944,128 26.6833 8 9295 660 435,600 287,496,000 25.6905 8.7066 713 508,369 362,467.097 26 . 7021 8 9337 661 436,921 288,804,781 25.7099 8.7110 714 509,796 363.994.344 26.7208 8 9378 662 438,244 290,117,528 25.7294 8.7154 71S 511.225 365,525,875 26.7395 8 9420 663 439,569 291,434,247 25.7488 8.7198 716 512,656 367,061,696 26.7582 8 9462 664 440,896 292,754,944 25.7682 8.7241 717 514,089 368,601,813 26.7769 8 9503 665 442,225 294,079,625 25.7876 8.7285 718 515.524 370,146,232 26.7955 8 9545 666 443,556 295,408,296 25.8070 8.7329 719 516,961 371.694.959 26.8142 8 9587 667 444.889 296,740,963 25.8263 8.7373 720 518,400 373,248,000 26.8328 8 9628 668 446,224 298,077,632 25.8457 8.7416 721 519.841 374.805,361 26.8514 8 9670 669 447,561 299.418,309 25.8650 8.7460 722 521,284 375,367,048 26.8701 8 971 1 670 448,900 300,763,000 25.8844 8.7503 723 522,729 377,933,067 26.8887 8 9752 671 450,241 302,111,711 25.9037 8.7547 724 524,176 379.503.424 26.9072 8 9794 672 451,584 303,464.448 25.9230 8.7590 72s 525.625 381,078,125 26.9258 8 9835 673 452,929 304,821,217 25.9422 8.7634 726 527.076 382,657,176 26.9444 8 9876 674 454,276 306,182,024 25.9615 8.7677 727 528,529 384,240,583 26 . 9629 8 9918 675 455.625 307,546,875 25.9808 8.7721 728 529.984 385,828,352 26.9815 8 9959 676 456,976 308,915,776 26 8.7764 729 531.441 387,420,489 27 9 677 458,329 310,288,733 26.0192 8.7807 730 532,900 389,017,000 27.0185 9 0041 678 459,684 311,665,752 26.0384 8.7850 731 534,361 390,617,891 27.0370 9 0082 679 461,041 313,046,839 26.0576 8.7893I 732 535,824 392,223,168 27.0555 9 0123 680 462,400 314,432,000 26.0768 a. 7937: 733 537,289 393,832,837 27.0740 9 0164 681 463,761 315,821,241 26.0960 8.7980: ! 734 538,756 395,446,904 27.0924 9 0205 54 Mathematical Tables Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots OF Numbers from i to iooo — {Continued) No. Square Cube Square root Cube root No. Square Cube Square root Cube root 733 540,225 397.065.375 27.1109 9.0246 788 620,944 489.303.872 28.0713 9-2365 736 541.696 398.688,256 27.1293 9.0287 789 622,521 491.169,069 28.0891 9 2404 737 543,169 400,315.553 27.1477 9.0328 790 624,100 493,039.000 28.1069 9 2443 738 544.644 401,947.272 27.1662 9.0369 791 625,681 494,913,671 28.1247 9 2482 739 546.121 403.583.419 27.1846 9.0410 792 627,264 496,793,088 28.1425 9 2521 740 547.600 405,224.000 27 . 2029 9.0450 793 628,849 498,677,257 28.1603 9 2560 741 549.081 406,869,021 27.2213 9.0491 794 630,436 500,566,184 28.1780 9 2599 742 550,564 408,518,488 27.2397 9.0532 795 632,025 502,459,875 28.1957 9 2638 743 552,049 410,172,407 27.2580 9.0572 796 633,616 504,358,336 28.2135 9 2677 744 553,536 411,830,784 27.2764 9.0613 797 635,209 506,261,573 28.2312 9 2716 745 555.025 413,493,62s 27.2947 9.0654 798 636,804 508,169,592 28.2489 9 2754 746 556,516 415.160,936 27.3130 9.0694 799 638,401 510,082.399 28.2666 9 2793 747 558,009 416,832,723 27.3313 9.0735 800 640,000 512,000,000 28.2843 9 2832 748 559.504 418,508,992 27.3496 9.077s 801 641,601 513,922,401 28.3019 9 2870 749 561,001 420,189,749 27.3679 9.0816 802 643,204 515,849,608 28.3196 9 2909 7SO 562,500 421,875,000 27.3861 9.0856 803 644,809 517,781,627 28.3373 9 2948 751 564.001 423,564,751 27.4044 9.0896 804 646,416 519,718,464 28.3549 9 2986 752 565,504 425,259,008 27.4226 9.0937 805 648,025 521,660,125 28.3725 9 302s 753 567.009 426,957,777 27.4408 9.0977 806 649,636 523,606,616 28.3901 9 3063 754 568,516 428,661,064 27.4591 9.1017 807 651,249 525,557,943 28.4077 9 3102 755 570.025 430,368,875 27.4773 9.1057 808 652,864 527,514.112 28.4253 9 3140 756 571,536 432,081,216 27.4955 9.1098 809 654,481 529,475,129 28.4429 9 3179 757 573.049 433,798.093 27.5136 9.1138 810 656,100 531,441,000 28.4605 9 3217 758 574,564 435,519,512 27.5318 9.1178 811 657,721 533,411,731 28.4781 9 325s 759 576,081 437,245,479 27.5500 9.1218 812 659,344 535,387,328 28.4956 9 3294 760 577,600 438,976,000 27.5681 9.1258 813 660,969 537.367.797 28.5132 9 3332 761 579,121 440.71 1. 081 ■ 27.5862 9.1298 814 662,596 539,353.144 28.5307 9 3370 762 580,644 442.450,728 27.6043 9.1338 815 664.225 541,343.375 28.5482 9 3408 763 582,169 444,194,947 27.6225 9.1378 816 665,856 543,338,496 28.5657 9 3447 764 583,696 445,943,744 27.6405 9.1418 817 667,489 545,338,513 28.5832 9 3485 76s 585,225 447,697,125 27.6586 9.1458 818 669,124 547,343,432 28.6007 9 3523 766 586,756 449,455,096 27.6767 9.1498 819 670,761 549,353,259 28.6182 9 3561 767 588,289 451,217,663 27.6948 9.1537 820 672,400 551,368.000 28.6356 9 3599 768 589,824 452,984,832 27.7128 9-1577 821 674,041 553,387,661 28.6531 9 3637 769 591,361 454.756,609 27.7308 9.1617 822 675,684 555,412,248 28.6705 9 3675 770 592.900 456.533,000 27.74891 9.1657 823 677,329 557,441,767 28.6880 9 3713 771 594,441 458,314,011 27.7669 9.1696 824 678,976 559,476,224 28.7054 9 3751 772 595,984 460,099,648 27.7849 9-1736 825 680,625 561,515,62s 28.7228 9 3789 773 597,529 461,889,917 27 . 8029 9-1775 826 682,276 563,559,976 28.7402 9 3827 774 599.676 463,684,824 27.8209 9-I815 827 683,929 565,609.283 28.7576 9 3865 775 600,625 465,484,37s 27.8388 9-1855 828 685.584 567,663,552 28.7750 9 3902 776 602,176 467,288.576 27.8568 9-1894 829 687,241 569,722.789 28.7924 9 3940 777 603.729 469,097,433 27.8747 9-1933 830 688,900 571,787,000 28.8097 9 3978 778 605,284 470,910,952 27.8927 9-1973 831 690,561 573,856,191 28.8271 9 4016 779 606,841 472,729,139 27.9106 9.2012 832 692,224 575,930,368 28.8444 9 4053 780 608,400 474,552,000 27.9285 9-2052 833 693,889 578,009,537 28.8617 9 4091 781 609,961 476.379.541 27.9464 9.2091 834 695,556 580.093,704 28.8791 9 4129 782 611,524 478.211,768 27.9643 9.2130 835 697,22s 582,182,875 28.8964 9 4166 783 613,089 480,048,687 27.9821 9.2170 836 698,896 584,277,056 28.9137 9 4204 784 614,656 481,890,304 28 9.2209 837 700,569 586,376,253 28.9310 9 4241 785 616,225 483,736,625 28.0179 9.2248 838 702,244 588,480,472 28.9482 9 4279 786 617.796 485,587,656 28.0357 9.2287 839 703,921 590.589,719 28.9655 9 4316 787 619,369 487,443,403 28.0535 9.2326 840 705,600 592,704,000 28.9828 9 4354 Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots 55 Table or Squares, Cxjbes, Square Roots and Cube Roots OF Numbers from i to iooo — {Continued) No. Square Cube Square root Cube root No. Square , Cube Square root Cube root 841 707,281 594.823,321 29 3.4391 894 799,236 714,516,984 29.8998 9.6334 842 708,964 596,947,688 29.0172 3.4429 895 801,025 716,917,375 29.9166 9.6370 843 710,649 599,077,107 29-0345 3.4466 896 802,816 719,323,136 29.9333 9.6406 844 712,336 601,211,584 29.0517 ( 3.4503 897 804,609 721,734,273 29.9500 9.6442 84s 714,025 603,351,125 29.0689 ( ).454i 898 806,404 724,150,792 29.9666 9.6477 846 715,716 605,495,736 29.0861 ( )-4578 899 808,201 726,572,699 29.9833 9.6513 847 717.409 607,645.423 29.1033 c 3.4615 900 810,000 729,000,000 30 9.6549 848 719,104 609,800,192 29.1204 c ^.4652 901 811,801 731,432,701 30.0167 9.6585 849 720,801 611,960,049 29.1376 c ^.4690 902 813,604 733,870,808 30.0333 9.6620 850 722,500 614,125,000 29.1548 c ).4727 903 815,409 736,314,327 30.0500 9.6656 851 724,201 616,295,051 29.1719 c ).4764 904 817,216 738,763,264 30.0666 9.6692 852 725,904 618,470,208 29.1890 c ).48oi 905 819,025 741.217,625 30.0832 9.6727 853 727,609 620,650,477 29 . 2062 c ).4838 906 820,836 743,677,416 30.0998 9.6763 854 729,316 622,835.864 29.2233 c .4875 907 822,649 746,142,643 30.1164 9-6799 855 731,025 625,026,375 29.2404 c ).49I2 908 824,464 748,613,312 30.1330 9.6834 856 732,736 627,222,016 29.2575 c .4949 909 826,281 751,089,429 30.1496 9.6870 857 734.449 629,422,793 29.2746 c .4986 910 828,100 753,571,000 30.1662 9.6905 858 736,164 631,628,712 29.2916 c .5023 911 829,921 756,058,031 30.1828 9.6941 859 737.881 633,839,779 29.3087 c .5060 912 831,744 758,550,528 30.1993 9.6976 860 739.600 636,056,000 29:3258 c .5097 913 833,569 761,048,497 30.2159 9-7012 861 741.321 638,277,381 29.3428 c .5134 914 835,396 763,551,944 30.2324 9.7047 862 743.044 640,503,928 29.3598 c .5171 915 837,225 766,060,875 30.2490 9.7082 863 744.769 642,735,647 29.3769 c .5207 916 839.056 768,575,296 30.2655 9.7118 864 746,496 644,972,544 29.3939 c .5244 917 840,889 771.095.213 30.2820 9.7153 86s 748,225 647,214,625 29.4109 c .5281 918 842,724 773 620,632 30.2985 9.7188 866 749.956 649,461,896 29.4279 c .5317 919 844.561 776,151.559 30.3150 9.7224 867 751.689 651,714,363 29.4449 c .5354 920 846,400 778,688,000 30.3315 9.7259 868 753,424 653,972,032 29.4618 c .5391 921 848,241 781,229,961 30.3480 9.7294 869 755.161 656,234,909 29.4788 c • 5427 922 850,084 783,777,448 30.3645 9.7329 870 756,900 658,503,000 29.4958 c .5464 923 851.929 786,330,467 30.3809 9 7364 871 758,641 660,776,311 29.5127 c .5501 924 853.776 788,889,024 30.3974 9.7400 872 760,384 663,054,848 29.5296 c .5537 925 855,625 791,453,125 30.4138 9.7435 873 762,129 665,338,617 29.5466 c .5574 926 857,476 794,022,776 30.4302 9.7470 874 763.876 667,627,624 29.5635 c .5610 927 859,329 796,597,983 30.4467 9 -750s 87s 765.625 669,921,875 29.5804 c .5647 928 861,184 799.178,752 30.4631 9.7540 876 767,376 672,221,376 29.5973 c .5683 929 863,041 801,765,089 30.479s 9.7575 877 769,129 674,526,133 29.6142 c .5719 930 864,900 804,357.000 30.4959 9.7610 878 770,884 676,836,152 29.6311 c ■ 5756 931 866,761 806,954,491 30.5123 9.7645 879 772,641 679,151,439 29.6479 c .5792 932 868,624 809,557,568 30.5287 9.7680 880 774,400 681,472,000 29.664S c .5828 933 870,489 812,166,237 30.5450 9.7715 881 776,161 683,797,841 29.6816 c .5865 934 872,356 814,780,504 30.5614 9.7750 882 777.924 686,128,968 29.6985 c .5901 935 874,225 817,400,375 30.5778 9.778S 883 779.689 688,465,387 29.7153 c .5937 936 876,096 820,025,856 30.5941 9.7819 884 781,456 690,807,104 29.7321 c .5973 937 877,969 822,656,953 30.610S 9.7854 885 783,225 693,154,125 29.7489 c .6010 938 879,844 825,293,672 30.6268 9.7889 886 784.996 695,506,456 29.7658 c .6046 939 881,721 827,936,019 30.6431 9.7924 887 786,769 697,864,103 29.7825 c ).6o82 940 883,600 830,584,000 30.6594 9.7959 888 788,544 700,227,072 29.7993 c ).6ii8 941 885,481 833,237,621 30.6757 9.7993 889 790,321 702,595,369 29.8161 c ).6i54 942 887,364 835.896,^88 30 . 6920 9.8028 890 792,100 704,969,000 29.8329 c ).6i9o 943 889,249 838,561,807 30.7083 9.8063 891 793.881 707,347,971 29 . 8496 c ).6226 944 891,136 841,232,384 ^0 7246 9.8097 892 795,664 709,732,288 29.8664 < ).6262 945 893,025 843,908,625 30.7409 9.8132 893 797,449 712,121,957 29.8831 c ).6298 946 894,916 846,590,536 30.7571 9.8167 56 Mathematical Tables Table of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots OF Numbers from i to iooo — {Continued) No. Square Cube Square root Cube root No. 974 Square Cube Square root Cube root 947 896,809 849,278,123 30.7734 9 . 8201 948.676 924,010,424 31.2090 c ).9i26 948 898,704 851,971.392 30.7896 9 . 8236 975 950.625 926,859,375 31 . 2250 ( ).9i6o 949 900,601 854.670,349 30.8058 9.8270 976 952,576 929,714,176 31.2410 ( ).9i94 950 902,500 857,375,000 30.8221 9.8305 977 954,529 932,574.833 31.2570 J. 9227 951 904,401 860,085,351 30.8383 9 8339 978 956,484 935.441,352 31.2730 ?.926i 952 906,304 862,801,408 30.854s 9.8374 979 958,441 938,313,739 31.2890 3.9295 953 908,209 865,523,177 30.8707 9.8408 980 960,400 941,192,000 31.3050 9.9329 954 910,116 868,250,664 30.8869 9.8443 981 962,361 944,076,141 31.3209 3.9363 955 912,02s 870,983,875 30.9031 9.8477 982 964,324 946,966,168 31.3369 9.9396 9S6 913,936 873.722,816 30.9192 9.8511 983 966,289 949,862,087 31.3528 9.9430 957 915,849 876,467,493 30.9354 9.8546 984 968,256 952,763,904 31.3688 9.9464 958 917,764 879.217.912 30. 9516 j 9. 8580 985 970,225 955,671.625 31.3847 9.9497 959 919,681 881,974,079 30.9677 9.8614 986 972,196 958,585.256 31 . 4006 9.9531 960 921,600 884,736',ooo 30.9839 9.8648 987 974,169 961,504,803 31.4166 9.9565 961 923,521 887,503,681 31 9.8683 988 976,144 964,430,272 31.432s 9.9598 962 925,444 890,277,128 31.0161 9.8717 989 978,121 967,361,669 31.4484 9.9632 963 927.369 893,056,347 31-0322 9.8751 990 980,100 970,299,000 31.4643 9.9666 964 929,296 895,841,344 31.0483 9.8785 991 982,081 973,242,271 31.4802 9.9699 965 931,22s 898,632,125 31-0644 9.8819 992 984.064 976,191,488 31 . 4960 9.9733 966 933,156 901,428,696 31.0805 9.8854 993 986,049 979.146,657 31.5119 9.9766 967 935,089 904,231,063 31.0966 9.8888 994 988,036 982,107,784 31.5278 9.9800 968 937,024 907,039.232 31.1127 9.8922 995 990,025 985,074,875 31.5436 9.9833 969 938,961 909,853.209 31.1288l9.8956 996 992,016 988,047,936 31.5595 9.9866 970 940,900 912,673,000 31.1448 9.8990 997 994,009 991,026,973 31.5753 9.9900 971 942,841 915,498.611 31.1609 9.9024 998 996,004 994,011,992 31.5911 9.9933 972 944,784 918,330,048 31 . 1769 9.9058 999 998,001 997,002,999 31.6070 9.9967 973 946,729 921,167,317 31.19299.9092 IOOO 1,000,000 1,000,000,000 31,6228 10 To find the square or cube of any whole number ending with ciphers. First, omit all the final ciphers. Take from the table the square or cube (as the case may be) of the rest of the number. To this square add twice as many ciphers as there were final ciphers in the original number. To the cube add three times as many as in the original number. Thus, for 90,5002, 9052 = 819,025. Add twice 2 ciphers, obtaining 8,190,250,000. For 90,500^, 9053 = 741,217,625. Add 3 times 2 ci- phers, obtaining 741,217,625,000,000. I \ Table of Square Roots and Cube Roots of Numbers 57 Table of Square Roots and Cube Roots or Numbers FROM 1000 TO 10,000 No errors No. Sq. Cube No. Sq. Cube No. Sq. Cube No. Sq. Cube root root root root root root root root 1005 31.70 10.02 1270 35.64 10.83 1535 39.18 11.54 1800 42.43 12.16 lOIO 31 78 10.03 1275 35 71 10.84 1540 39-24 11.55 180S 42.49 12.18 IOI5 31 86 10.05 1280 35 78 10.86 1545 39.31 11.56 1810 42.54 12.19 1020 31 94 10.07 1285 35 85 10.87 1550 39.37 11.57 1815 42.60 12.20 1025 32 02 10.08 1290 35 92 10.89 1555 39.43 11.59 1820 42.66 12.21 1030 32 09 10.10 1295 35 99 10.90 1560 39 50 11.60 1825 42.72 12.22 1035 32 17 10.12 1300 36 06 10.91 1565 39.56 II. 61 1830 42.78 12.23 1040 32 25 10.13 1305' 36 12 10.93 1570 29.62 11.62 1835 42.84 12.24 1045 32 33 10.15 1310 36 19 10.94 1575 39.69 11.63 1840 42.90 12.25 1050 32 40 10.16 131S 36 26 10.96 1580 39.75 II. 6s 1845 42.95 12.26 1055 32 48 10.18 1320 36 33 10.97 1585 39.81 11.66 1850 43.01 12.28 1060 32 56 10.20 132s 36 40 10.98 1590 39-87 11.67 1855 43.07 12.29 106s 32 63 10.21 1330 36 47 II 1595 39.94 11.68 i860 43.13 12.30 1070 32 71 10.23 1335 36 54 II. 01 1600 40 11.70 1865 43.19 12.31 1075 32 79 10.24 1340 36 61 11.02 1605 40.06 11.71 1870 43.24 12.32 1080 32 86 10.26 1345 36 67 11.04 1610 40.12 11.72 187s 43.30 12.33 108s 32 94 10.28 1350 36 74 11.05 1615 40.19 11.73 1880 43.36 12.34 1090 33 02 10.29 1355 36 81 11.07 1620 40.25 11.74 188S 43.42 12.35 1095 33 09 10.31 1360 36 88 11.08 1625 40.31 11.76 1890 43.47 12.36 HOC 33 17 10.32 1365 36 95 11.09 1630 40.37 11.77 1895 43.53 12.37 1 105 33 24 10.34 1370 37 01 II. II 1635 40.44 11.78 1900 43.59 12.39 IIIO 33 32 10.3s 1375 37 08 II. 12 1640 •40.50 11.79 1905 43.65 12.40 HIS 33 39 10.37 1380 37 15 II. 13 1645 40.56 11.80 1910 43.70 12.41 1 120 33 47 10.38 1385 37 22 II. 15 1650 40.62 11.82 1915 43.76 12.42 II25 33 54 10.40 1390 37 28 II. 16 1655 40' 68 11.83 1920 43.82 12.43 1 130 33 62 10.42 1395 37 35 II. 17 1660 40.74 11.84 1925 43.87 12.44 1 135 33 69 10.43 1400 37 42 II. 19 1665 40.80 II. 85 1930 43.93 12. 45 1 140 33 76 10. 45 1405 37 48 11.20 1670 40.87 11^86 1935 43.99 12.46 1 145 33 84 10.46 1410 37 55 II. 21 1675 40.93 11.88 1940 44.05 12.47 1 150 33 91 10.48 1415 37 62 11.23 1680 40.99 11.89 1945 44.10 12.48 1155 33 99 10.49 1420 37 68 11.24 1685 41.05 II . 90 1950 44.16 12.49 1160 34 06 10.51 1425 37 75 11.25 1690 41. II II. 91 1955 44.22 12.50 1165 34 13 10.52 1430 37 82 11.27 1695 41.17 11.92 i960 44.27 12.51 1 170 34 21 10. 54 1435 37 88 11.28 1700 41.23 11.93 1965 44.33 12.53 1175 34 28 10.55 1440 37 95 11.29 1705 41.29 11.95 1970 44.38 12.54 1180 34 35 10.57 1445 38 01 II. 31 1710 41.35 11.96 1975 44.44 12.55 1 185 34 42 10.58 1450 38 08 11.32 1715 41.41 11.97 1980 44.50 12.56 1190 34 50 10.60 1455 38 14 11.33 1720 41.47 11.98 1985 44.55 12.57 1195 34 57 10.61 1460 38 21 11.34 172s 41.53 11.99 1990 44.61 12.58 1200 34 64 10.63 1465 38 28 11.36 1730 41.59 12 1995 44.67 12.59 1205 34 71 10.64 1470 38 34 11.37 1735 41-65 12.02 2000 44.72 12.60 1210 34 79 10.66 1475 38 41 11.38 1740 41.71 12.03 2005 44.78 12.61 1215 34 86 10.67 1480 38 47 11.40 1745 41.77 12.04 2010 44.83 12.62 1220 34 93 10.69 1485 38 54 II. 41 1750 41.83 12.05 2015 44.89 12.63 1225 35 10.70 1490 38 60 11.42 1755 41.89 12.06 2020 44.94 12.64 1230 35 07 10.71 1495 38 67 11.43 1760 41.95 12.07 2025 45 12.65 1235 35 14 10. "73 1500 38 73 11.45 1765 42.01 12.09 2030 45 06 12.66 1240 35 21 10.74 150s 38 79 11.46 1770 42.07 12.10 2035 45.11 12.67 1245 35 28 10.76 1510 38 86 11.47 1775 42.13 12. II 2040 45. 17 12.68 1250 35 36 10.77 1515 38 92 11.49 1780 42.19 12.12 2045 45.22 12.69 I2SS 35 43 10.79 1520 38 99 11.50 1785 42.25 12.13 2050 45.28 12.70 1260 35 50 10.80 152s 39 05 1I.5I 1790 42.31 12.14 2055 45.33 12.71 1265 35 57 10.82 1530 39 12 11.52 1795 42.37 12.15 2060 45.39 12.72 58 Mathematical Tables Table or Square Roots and Cube Roots of Numbers from looo to 10,000 — {Continued) No. Sq. root Cube root No. Sq. root Cube root No. Sq. root Cube root No. Sq. root Cube root 2065 45-44 12.73 2330 48.27 13.26 2740 52.35 13-99 3270 57.18 14.84 2070 45 50 12.74 2335 48 32 13 27 2750 52.44 14.01 3280 57.27 14.86 2075 45 55 12.75 2340 48 37 13 28 2760 52.54 14-03 3290 57.36 14.87 2080 45 61 12.77 2345 48 43 13 29 2770 52.63 14.04 3300 57.45 14.89 2085 45 66 12.78 2350 48 48 13 30 2780 52.73 14.06 3310 57.53 14.90 2090 45 72 12.79 2355 48 53 13 30 2790 52.82 14.08 3320 57.62 14.92 2095 45 77 12.80 2360 48 58 13 31 2800 52.92 14.09 3330 57.71 14.93 2100 45 83 12.81 2365 48 63 13 32 2810 53.01 14. II 3340 57.79 14.9s 210S 45 88 12.82 2370 48 68 13 33 2820 53. 10 14.13 3350 57.88 14.96 21 10 45 93 12.83 2375 48 73 13 34 2830 53^20 14.14 3360 57.97 14.98 2115 45 99 12.84 2380 48 79 13 35 2840 53^29 14.16 3370 58.05 14.99 2120 46 04 12.85 2385 48 84 13 36 2850 53^39 14.18 3380 58.14 15.01 2I2S 46 10 12.86 2390 48 89 13 37 2860 53^48 14.19 3390 58.22 15.02 2130 46 15 12.87 2395 48 94 13 38 2870 53^57 14.21 3400 58.31 15.04 2135 46 21 12.88 2400 48 99 13 39 2880 53^67 14.23 3410 58.40 15. OS 2140 46 26 12.89 240s 49 04 13 40 2890 53^76 14.24 3420 58.48 15.07 2145 46 31 12.90 2410 49 09 13 41 2900 53.85 14.26 3430 58.57 15 08 2150 46 37 12.91 2415 49 14 13 42 2910 53.94 14.28 3440 58.65 15.10 2155 46 42 12.92 2420 49 19 13 43 2920 54.04 14.29 3450 58.74 15. II 2160 46 48 12.93 242s 49 24 13 • 43 2930 54.13 14.31 3460 58.82 15.12 2165 46 53 12.94 2430 49 30 13 • 44 2940 54.22 14.33 3470 58.91 15.14 2170 46 58 12.95 2435 49 35 13 • 45 2950 54.31 14.34 3480 58.99 15. IS 2175 46 64 12.96 2440 49 40 13 .46 2960 54.41 14.36 3490 59.08 IS. 17 2180 46 69 12.97 2445 49 45 13 • 47 2970 54 -50 14-37 3500 59.16 IS. 18 2185 46 74 12.98 2450 49 50 13 • 48 2980 54.59 14-39 3510 59.25 15.20 2190 46 80 12.99 2460 49 60 13 • 50 2990 54.68 14.41 3520 59.33 15.21 219s 46 .85 13 2470 49 70 13 • 52 3000 54.77 14.42 3530 59.41 15.23 2200 46 .90 13.01 2480 49 80 13 • 54 3010 54.86 14.44 3540 59.50 15.24 2205 46 96 13 02 2490 49 90 13 • 55- 3020 54.95 14.45 3550 59 58 15.25 2210 47 .01 13.03 2500 50 13 57 3030 55.05 14.47 3560 59.67 15.27 2215 47 06 13.04 2510 50 10 13 •59 3040 55.14 14.49 3570 59-75 15.28 2220 47 .12 13-05 2520 50 20 13 61 3050 55.23 14.50 3580 59-83 IS. 30 2225 47 • 17 13.05 2530 50 30 13 63 3060 55.32 14.52 3590 59.92 15.31 2230 47 22 13.06 2540 50 40 13 64 3070 55.41 14.53 3600 60 15.33 2235 47 28 13.07 2550 50 50 13 66 3080 .55.50 14.55 3610 60.08 IS. 34 2240 47 .33 13.08 2560 50 60 13 68 3090 55.59 14.57 3620 60.17 IS. 35 2245 47 .38 13.09 2570 50 70 13 70 3100 55.68 14.58 3630 60.25 15.37 2250 47 43 13.10 2580 50 79 13 72 3110 55.77 14.60 3640 60.33 IS. 38 2255 47 •49 I3-II 2590 50 89 13 73 3120 55.86 14.61 3650 60.42 15.40 2260 47 54 13- 12 2600 50 99 13 75 3130 55.95 14.63 3660 60.50 IS. 41 2265 47 59 13.13 2610 51 09 13 77 3140 56.04 14.64 3670 60.58 15.42 2270 47 64 13.14 2620 51 19 13 79 3150 56.12 14.66 3680 60.66 15.44 2275 47 70 13.15 2630 51 28 13 80 3160 56.21 14.67 3690 60.75 15^45 2280 47 75 13.16 2640 51 38 13 82 3170 56.30 14.69 3700 60.83 15-47 228s 47 80 13.17 2650 51 48 13 84 3180 56.39 14.71 3710 60.91 15.48 2290 47 85 13.18 i 2660 51 58 13 86 3190 56.48 14.72 3720 60.99 IS. 49 2295 47 91 13.19 2670 51 67 13 87 3200 56.57 14.74 3730 61.07 IS. SI 2300 47 96 13 -20 2680 51 77 13 89 3210 56.66 14.75 3740 61.16 15.52 2305 48 or 13-21 2690 SI 87 13 91 3220 56.75 14.77 3750 61.24 IS. 54 2310 48 06 13.22 2700 51 96 13 92 3230 56.83 14.78 3760 61.32 IS.SS 2315 48 II 13.23 2710 52. 06 13 94 3240 56.92 14.80 3770 61.40 15.56 2320 48 17 13.24 2720 52. 15 13 9.6 3250 57- 01 14.81 3780 61.48 15. 58 2325 48 22 13.2s 2730 52. 25 13. 98 3260 57.10 14.83 3790 61.56 15.59 Table of Square Roots and Cube Roots 59 Table of Square Roots and Cube Roots of Numbers from looo to 10,000" — {Continued) No. Sq. root Cube root No. Sq. root Cube root No. Sq. root Cube root No. Sq. root Cube root 3800 61.64 15.60 4330 65.80 16.30 4860 69.71 16.94 S390 73.42 17.53 3810 61.73 15.62 4340 65.88 16.31 4870 69.79 16.95 5400 73.48 17.54 3820 61.81 15.63 4350 65.9s 16.32 4880 69.86 16.96 5410 73.55 17.55 3830 61.89 15-65 4360 66.03 16.34 4890 69.93 16.97 5420 73-62 17.57 3840 61.97 15.66 4370 66.11 16.35 4900 70 16.98 5430 73-69 17.58 3850 62.05 15.67 4380 66. IS 16.36 4910 70.07 17 5440 73-76 17.59 3860 62.13 15.69 4390 66.26 16.37 4920 70.14 17.01 5450 73-82 17.60 3870 62.21 15.70 4400 66.33 16.39 4930 70.21 17.02 5460 73-89 17.61 3880 62.29 15.71 4410 66.41 16.40 4940 70.29 17.03 5470 73-96 17.62 3890 62.37 15.73 4420 66.48 16.41 4950 70.36 17.04 5480 74-03 17-63 3900 62.45 15.74 4430 66.56 16.42 4960 70.43 17. OS 5490 74.09 17.64 3910 62.53 15.75 4440 66.63 16.44 4970 70.50 17.07 5500 74.16 17.65 3920 62.61 15.77 44SO 66.71 16.45 4980 70.57 17.08 5510 74.23 17.66 3930 62.69 IS. 78 4460 66.78 16.46 4990 70.64 17.09 5520 74.30 17.67 3940 62.77 15.79 4470 66.86 16.47 Sooo 70.71 17.10 5530 74.36 17.68 3950 62.85 15.81 4480 66.93 16.49 5010 70.78 17. II 5540 74.43 17.69 3960 62.93 15.82 4490 67.01 16.50 5020 70.85 17.12 S5SO 74.50 17.71 3970 63.01 15.83 4500 67.08 16.51 5030 70.92 17.13 5560 74.57 17.72 3980 63.09 15.85 4510 67.16 16.52 5040 70.99 17.15 5S70 74.63 17.73 3990 63. 17 15.86 4520 67.23 16.53 5050 71.06 17.16 5580 74.70 17.74 4000 63.25 15.87 4530 67.31 16.55 5060 71.13 17.17 5590 74.77 17.75 4010 63.32 IS. 89 4540 67.38 16.56 5070 71.20 17.18 5600 74.83 17.76 4020 63.40 15.90 4S50 67.4s 16.57 5080 71.27 17.19 5610 74.90 ■17.77 4030 63.48 15.91 4560 67.53 16.58 5090 71.34 17.20 5620 74.97 17.78 4040 63.56 15.93 4570 67.60 16.59 5100 71.41 17.21 5630 75.03 17.79 4050 63.64 15.94 4580 67.68 16.61 5110 71.48 17.22 5640 75.10 17.80 4060 63.72 IS. 95 4590 67.75 16.62 5120 71.55 17.24 5650 75.17 17.81 4070 63.80 15.97 4600 67.82 16.63 5130 71.62 17.25 5660 75.23 17.82 4080 63.87 IS. 98 4610 67.90 16.64 5140 71.69 17.26 5670 75.30 17.83 4090 63.95 15.99 4620 67.97 16.66 5150 71.76 17.27 5680 75.37 17.84 4100 64.03 16.01 4630 68.04 16.67 5160 71.83 17.28 5690 75.43 17.85 41T0 64.11 16.02 4640 68.12 16.68 5170 71.90 17.29 S700 75.50 17.86 4120 64.19 16.03 4650 68.19 16.69 5180 71.97 17.30 5710 75.56 17.87 4130 64.27' 16.04 4660 68.26 16.70 5190 72.04 17.31 S720 75.63 17.88 4140 64.34 16.06 4670 68.34 16.71 5200 72.11 17.32 5730 75.70 17.89 4150 64.42 16.07 4680 68.41 16.73 5210 72.18 17.34 S740 75.76 17.90 4160 64.50 16.08 4690 68.48 16.74 5220 72.25 17.35 S750 75.83 17.92 4170 64.58 16.10 4700 68.56 16.75 5230 72.32 17.36 5760 75.89 17.93 4180 64.65 16. II 4710 68.63 16.76 5240 72.39 17.37 S770 75.96 17.94 4190 64.73 16.12 4720 68.70 16.77 5250 72.46 17.38 5780 76.03 17.95 4200 64.81 16.13 4730 68.77 16.79 5260 72.53 17.39 S790 76.09 17.96 4210 64.88 16. IS 4740 68.85 16.80 5270 72.59 17.40 5800 76.16 17.97 4220 64.96 16.16 4750 68.92 16.81 5280 72.66 17.41 5810 76.22 17.98 4230 65.04 16.17 4760 68.99 16.82 5290 72.73 17.42 5820 76.29 17.99 4240 65.12 16.19 4770 69.07 16.83 5300 72.80 17-44 5830 76.35 18 4250 65.19 16.20 4780 69.14 16.8s 5310 72.87 17.4s 5840 76.42 18.01 4260 65.27 16.21 4790 69.21 16.86 S320 72.94 17.46 5850 76.49 18.02 4270 65.35 16.22 4800 69.28 16.87 S330 73.01 17.47 5860 76.55 18.03 4280 65.42 16.24 4810 69.35 16.88 S340 73.08 17.48 5870 76.62 18.04 4290 65.50 16.25 4820 69.43 16.89 5350 73.14 17.49 5880 76.68 18.05 4300 65.57 16.26 4830 69.50 16.90 5360" 73.21 17.50 5890 76.75 18.06 4310 65. 65 16.27 4840 69.57 16.92 5370 73.28 17.51 5900 76.81 18.07 4320 65.73 16.29 4850 69.64 "16.93 5380 73.35 17.52 5910 76.88 18.08 6o Mathematical Tables Table of Square Roots and Cube Roots of Numbers from looo to 10,000 — (Continued) No. Sq. Cube No. Sq. Cube No. Sq. Cube No. Sq. Cube root root root root root root root root 5920 76.94 18.09 6450 80.31 18.61 6980 83.55 19. II 7510 86.66 19 58 S930 77.01 18.10 6460 80.37 18.62 6990 83.61 19 .12 7520 86 .72 19.59 5940 77.07 18. II 6470 80.44 18.63 7000 83.67 19 .13 7530 86 78 19.60 5950 77.14 18.12 6480 80.50 18.64 7010 83.73 19 14 7540 86 -83 19.61 5960 77.20 18.13 6490 80.56 18.65 7020 83-79 19 IS 7550 86 -89 19.62 5970 77.27 18.14 6500 80.62 18.66 7030 83 -8s 19 .16 7560 86 95 19.63 5980 77.33 18.15 6510 80.68 18.67 7040 83-90 19 .17 7570 87 .01 19.64 5990 77.40 18.16 6520 80.75 18.68 7050 83-96 19 .17 7580 87 06 19.64 6000 77.46 18.17 6530 80.81 18.69 7060 84.02 19 .18 7590 87 12 19.65 6010 77.52 18.18 6540 80.87 18.70 7070 84.08 19 .19 7600 87 18 19.66 6020 77.59 18.19 6550 80.93 18.71 7080 84.14 19 20 7610 87 24 19.67 6030 77.65 18.20 6560 80.99 18.72 7090 84.20 19 .21 7620 87 29 19.68 6040 77.72 18.21 6570 81.06 18.73 7100 84.26 19 22 7630 87 35 19.69 6050 77.78 18.22 6580 81.12 18.74 7110 84.32 19 23 7640 87 41 19.70 6060 77.85 18.23 6590 81.18 18-75 7120 84.38 19 24 7650 87 46 19-70 6070 77.91 18.24 6600 81.24 18.76 7130 84.44 19 25 7660 87 52 19-71 6080 77.97 18.2s 6610 81.30 18.77 7140 84-50 19 26 7670 87 58 19-72 6090 78.04 18.26 6620 81.36 18.78 7150 84-56 19 26 7680 S7 .64 19-73 6100 78.10 18.27 6630 81.42 18.79 7160 84.62 19 27 7690 87 69 19-74 6110 78.17 18.28 6640 81.49 18.80 7170 84.68 19 28 7700 87 75 19-75 6120 78.23 18.29 6650 81.55 18.81 7180 84.73 19 29 7710 87 81 19-76 6130 78.29 18.30 6660 81.61 18.81 7190 84.79 19 30 7720 87 86 19.76 6140 78.36 18.31 6670 81.67 18.82 7200 84-85 19 31 7730 87 92 19.77 6150 78.42 18.32 6680 81.73 18.83 7210 84.91 19 32 7740 87 98 19 78 6160 78.49 18.33 6690 81.79 18.84 7220 84.97 19 33 7750 88 03 19.79 6170 78.55 18.34 6700 81.85 18.85 7230 85.03 19 34 7760 88 09 19.80 6180 78.61 18.35 6710 81.91 18.86 7240 85.09 19 35 7770 88 15 19.81 6190 78.68 18.36 6720 81.98 18.87 7250 85.15 19 35 7780 88 20 19.81 6200 78.74 18.37 6730 82.04 18.88 7260 85.21 19 36 7790 88 26 19.82 6210 78.80 18.38 6740 82.10 18.89 7270 85.26 19 37 7800 88 32 19.83 6220 78.87 18.39 6750 82.16 18.90 7280 85.32 19 38 7810 88 37 19.84 6230 78.93 18.40 6760 82.22 18.91 7290 85.38 19 39 7820 88 43 19-85 6240 78.99 18.41 6770 82.28 18.92 7300 85.44 19 40 7830 88 49 19.86 6250 79.06 18.42 6780 82.34 18.93 7310 85.50 19 41 7840 88 54 19.87 6260 79-12 18.43 6790 82.40 18.94 7320 85.56 19 42 7850 88 60 19-87 6270 79-18 18.44 6800 82.46 18.95 7330 85.62 19 43 7860 88 66 19.88 6280 79.25 18.45 6810 82.52 18.95 7340 85.67 19 43 7870 88 71 19.89 6290 79.31 18.46 6820 82.58 18.96 7350 85.73 19 44 7880 88 77 19.90 6300 79.37 18.47 6830 82.64 18.97 7360 85.79 19 45 7890 88 83 19.91 6310 79.44 18.48 6840 82.70 18.98 7370 85.85 19 46 7900 88 88 19.92 6320 79.50 18.49 6850 82.76 18.99 7380 85.91 19 47 7910 88 94 19.92 6330 79-56 18.50 6860 82.83 19 7390 85.97 19 48 7920 88 99 19.93 6340 79-62 18.51 6870 82.89 19.01 7400 86.02 19 49 7930 89 05 19.94 6350 79.69 18.52 6880 82.95 19.02 7410 86.08 19 50 7940 89 II 19.95 6360 79.75 18.53 6890 83-01 19-03 7420 86.14 19 50 7950 89 16 19.96 6370 79.81 18.54 6900 83-07 19-04 7430 86.20 19 51 7960 89 22 19.97 6380 79.87 18.55 6910 83-13 19 -05 7440 86.29 19 52 7970 89 27 19.97 6390 79.94 18.56 6920 83.19 19.06 7450 86.31 19 53 7980 89 33 19.98 6400 80 18.57 6930 83.25 19.07 7460 86.37 19 54 7990 89 39 19-99 6410 80.06 18.58 6940 83.31 19-07 7470 86.43 19 55 8000 89 44 20 6420 80.12 18.59 6950 83.37 19.08 7480 86.49 19 56 8010 89 50 20 01 6430 80.19 18.60 6960 83.43 19.09 7490 86.54 19. 57 8020 89 55 20.02 6440 80.25 18.60 6970 83.49 19.10 7500 86.60 19. 57 8030 89 61 20.02 Table of Square Roots and Cube Roots 6i Table of Square Roots and Cube Roots of Numbers from looo to 10,000 — {Contlmied) No. s,. Cube No. Sq. Cube No. Sq. Cube No. Sq. Cube root root root root root root root root 8040 89.67 20.03 8540 92.41 20.44 9040 95.08 20.83 9540 97.67 21.21 8050 89.72 20.04 8550 92 47 20.45 9050 95 14 20.84 9550 97 72 21.22 8060 89.78 20.05 8560 92 52 20.46 9060 95 18 20.85 9560 97 78 21.22 8070 89.83 20.06 8570 92 57 20.46 9070 95 24 20.85 9570 97 83 21.23 8080 89.89 20.07 8580 92 63 20.47 9080 95 29 20.86 9580 97 88 21.24 8090 89.94 20.07 8590 92 68 20.48 9090 95 34 20.87 9590 97 93 21.25 8100 90 20.08 8600 92 74 20.49 9100 95 39 20.88 9600 97 98 21.25 8110 90.06 20.09 8610 92 79 20.50 91 10 95 45 20.89 9610 98 03 21.26 8120 90.11 20.10 8620 92 84 20.50 9120 95 50 20.89 9620 98 08 21.27 8130 90.17 20.11 8630 92 90 20.51 9130 95 55 20.90 9630 98 13 21.28 8140 90.22 20.12 8640 92 95 20.52 9140 95 60 20.91 9640 98 18 21.28 8150 90.28 20.12 8650 93 01 20. S3 9150 95 66 20.92 9650 98 23 21.29 8160 90.33 20.13 8660 93 06 20.54 9160 95 71 20.92 9660 98 29 21.30 8170 90.39 20.14 8670 93 II 20.54 9170 95 76 20.93 9670 98 34 21.30 8180 90.44 20.15 8680 93 17 20.55 9180 95 81 20.94 9680 98 39 21.31 8190 90.50 20.16 8690 93 22 20.56 9190 95 86 20.95 9690 98 44 21.32 8200 90.55 20.17 8700 93 27 20.57 9200 95 92 20.9s 9700 98 49 21.33 8210 90.61 20.17 8710 93 33 20.57 9210 95 97 20.96 9710 98 54 21.33 8220 90.66 20.18 8720 93 38 20.58 9220 96 02 20.97 9720 98 59 21.34 8230 90.72 20.19 8730 93 43 20.59 9230 96 07 20.98 9730 98 64 21.35 8240 90.77 20.20 8740 93 49 20.60 9240 96 12 20.98 9740 98 69 21.36 8250 90.83 20.21 8750 93 54 20.61 9250 96 18 20.99 9750 98 74 21.36 8260 90.88 20.21 8760 93 59 20.61 9260 96 23 21 9760 98 79 21.37 8270 90.94 20.22 8770 93 65 20.62 9270 96 28 21.01 9770 98 84 21.38 8280 90.99 20.23 8780 93 70 20.63 9280 96 33 21.01 9780 98 89 21.39 8290 91.05 20.24 8790 93 75 20.64 9290 96 38 21.02 9790 98 94 21.39 8300 91.10 20.25 8800 93 81 20.65 9300 96 44 21.03 9800 98 99 21.40 8310 91.16 20.26 8810 93 86 20.65 9310 96 49 21.04 9810 99 05 21.41 8320 91.21 20.26 8S20 93 91 20.66 9320 96 54 21.04 9820 99 10 21.41 8330 91.27 20.27 8830 93 97 20.67 9330 96 59 21.05 9830 99 15 21.42 8340 91.32 20.28 8840 94 02 20.68 9340 96 64 21.06 9840 99 20 21.43 8350 91.38 20.29 8850 94 07 20.68 9350 96 70 21.07 9850 99 25 21.44 8360 91.43 20.30 8860 94 13 20.69 9360 96 75 21.07 9860 99 30 21.44 8370 91.49 20.30 8870 94 18 20.70 9370 96 80 21.08 9870 99 35 21.45 8380 91.54 20.31 8880 94 23 20.71 9380 96 85 21.09 9880 99 40 21.46 8390 91.60 20.32 8890 94 29 20.72 9390 96 90 21.10 9890 99 45 21.47 8400 91.65 20.33 8900 94 34 20.72 9400 96 95 21.10 9900 99 50 21.47 8410 91.71 20.34 8910 94 39 20.73 9410 97 01 21. II 9910 99 55 21.48 8420 91.76 20.34 8920 94 45 20.74 9420 97 06 21.12 9920 99 60 21.49 8430 91.82 20.35 8930 94 50 20.7s 9430 97 II 21.13 9930 99 65 21.49 8440 91.87 20.36 8940 94 55 20.75 9440 97 16 21.13 9940 99 70 21.50 8450 91.92 20.37 8950 94 60 20.76 9450 97 21 21.14 9950 99 75 21.51 8460 91.98 20.38 8960 94 66 20.77 9460 97 26 21.15 9960 99 80 21.52 8470 92.03 20.38 8970 94 71 20.78 9470 97 31 21.16 9970 99 85 21.52 8480 92.09 20.39 8980 94 76 20.79 9480 97 37 21.16 9980 99 90 21.53 8490 92.14 20.40 8990 94 82 20.79 9490 97 42 21.17 9990 99 95 21.54 85cx> 92.20 20.41 9000 94 87 20.80 9500 97 47 21.18 lOOOO 100 21.54 8510 92.25 20.42 9010 94 92 20.81 9510 97 .52 21.19 8520 92.30 20.42 9020 94 97 20.82 9520 97 .57 21.19 8530 92.36 20.43 9030 95 03 20.82 9S30 97 62 21.20 62 Mathematical Tables To find Square or Cube Roots of large numbers not con- tained in the column of numbers of the table Such roots may sometimes be taken at once from the table, by merely regarding the columns of powers as being columns of numbers; and those of numbers as being those of roots. Thus, if the square root of 25281 is required, first find that number in the column of squares; and opposite to it, in the column of numbers, is its square root 159. For the cube root of 857375, find that number in the column of cubes; and opposite to it, in the colimin of numbers, is its cube root 95. When the exact number is not contained in the column of squares, or cubes, as the case may be, we may use instead the number nearest to it, if no great accuracy is required. But when a considerable degree of accuracy is necessary, the following very correct methods may be used. For the square root This rule appHes both to whole numbers and to those which are partly (not wholly) decimal. First, in the foregoing manner, take out the tabular number, which is nearest to the given one; and also its tabular square root. Multiply this tabular number by 3; to the product add the given number. Call the sum A . Then multiply the given number by 3; to the product add the tabular number. Call the sum 5. Then A \ B :'. Tabular root : Required root. Example. — Let the given number be 946.53. Here we find the nearest tabular number to be 947; and its tabular square root 30.7734. Hence, 947 = tabular number 3 ■ and ■ 59 " 946.53 = given number 3 2841 946.53 = given number 2839-59 947 = tabular number 3787.53 - A. A B en 3787.53 : 3786 ,3786.59 = B. Tab. root Req'd root 30.7734 : 30.7657+. The root as found by actual mathematical process is also 30.7657+. For the cube root This rule applies both to whole mmabers and to those which are parity decimal. First take out the tabular number which is nearest to the given one; and also its tabular cube root. Multiply this tabular nimiber by 2; and to the product add the given number. Call the sum A. Then Cube Root 63 multiply the given number by 2; and to the product add the tabular number. Call the sum B. Then A : B :: Tabular root : Required root. Example. — Let the given number be 7368. Here we find the nearest tabular number (in the column of cubes) to be 6859; and its tabular cube root 19. Hence, 6859 = tabular number 13718 7368 = given number 21086 = A. and 7368 = given number 2 14736 6859 tabular number B. 2159s B Tab. root Req'd root Then 21086 : 21595 '■ ^9 * i9-4S85. The root as found by correct mathematical process is 19.4588 A 21086 64 Mathematical Tables Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters m Units and Eighths, etc., from Yg^ to ioo. Diatn- Circum- Area Diam- Circum- Area Diam- Circum- Area eter ference eter ference eter ference 1/64 .049087 .00019 21/ 7.06858 3.9761 5Me 17.4751 24.301 H2 .098175 .00077 ■Me 7.26493 4.2000 H 17.6715 24.850 3/64 .147262 .00173 % 7.46128 4.4301 IMe 17.8678 25.406 Me .196350 .00307 Me 7.65763 4.6664 M 18.0642 25.967 H2 .294524 .00690 1/2 7.85398 4.9087 IMe 18.2605 26.535 H .392699 .01227 Me 8.05033 5.1572 Ms 18.4569 27.109 %2 .490874 .01917 Ms 8.24668 5.4119 IMe 18.6532 27.688 3/6 .589049 .02761 ii/e 8.44303 5.6727 6 18.8496 28.274 1^2 .687223 .03758 M 8.63938 5.9396 \i 19.2423 29.465 H .785398 .04909 iMe 8.83573 6.2126 M 19.6350 30.680 %2 .883573 .06213 Ms 9.03208 6.4918 H 20.0277 31.919 Mo .981748 .07670 iMe 9.22843 6.7771 i/i 20.4204 33.183 IH2 1.07992 .09281 3 9.42478 7.0686 n 20.8131 34.472 % I . 17810 . II04S Me 9.62113 7.3662 M 21.2058 35.785 ^H2 1.27627 . 12962 i/i 9.81748 7.6699 % 21.5984 37.122 7/6 1.37445 . 15033 Me 10.0138 7.9798 7 21. 991 I 38.485 15^2 1.47262 .17257 1/ 10.2102 8.2958 i/i 22.3838 39.871 1/ 1.57080 .19635 Me 10.4065 8.6179 M 22.7765 41.282 lj^2 1.66897 .22166 % 10.6029 8.9462 % 23.1692 42.718 ri6 I . 76715 .24850 Me 10.7992 9.2806 M 23.5619 44.179 1%2 1.86532 .27688 1/2 10.9956 9.6211 H 23.9546 45.664 5/i 1.96350 .30680 Me 11.1919 9.9678 3/4 24.3473 47.173 2^2 2.06167 .33824 5.^ 11.3883 10.321 Ms 24.7400 48.707 11/6 2.15984 .37122 i/e 11.S846 10.680 8 25.1327 50.265 ^%2 2.25802 .40574 M I I. 7810 11.045 i/i 25.5254 51.849 % 2.35619 .44179 iMe 11.9773 II. 416 M 25.9181 53.456 2^2 2.45437 .47937 % 12.1737 11.793 H 26.3108 55.088 13/6 2.55254 .51849 IMe 12.3700 12.177 H 26.703s 56.745 27/^2 2 . 65072 ■55914 4 12.5664 12.566 H 27.0962 58.426 % 2.74889 .60132 He 12.7627 12.962 H 27.4889 60.132 2%2 2.84707 .64504 i/i 12.9591 13.364 % 27.8816 61.862 1-/6 2.94524 .69029 Me 13.1554 13.772 9 28.2743 63.617 3^2 3.04342 .73708 1/ 13.3518 14.186 i/i 28.6670 65.397 I 3.14159 .78540 Me 13.5481 14.607 M 29.0597 67.201 1/6 3.33794 .88664 H 13.7445 15.033 H 29.4524 69.029 'A 3.53429 .99402 Me 13.9408 15.466 H 29.8451 70.882 ?i6 3.73064 I . 1075 1/ 14.1372 15.904 H 30.2378 72.760 M 3.92699 I . 2272 Me 14.3335 16.349 % 30.6305 74.662 5/6 4.12334 1.3530 Ms 14.5299 16.800 % 31.0232 76.589 % 4.31969 1.4849 i/e 14.7262 17.257 IC 31.4159 78.540 Vi6 4.51604 1.6230 % 14.9226 17.721 H 31.8086 80.516 ¥i 4.71239 I. 7671 IMe 15.1189 18.190 M 32.2013 82.516 9/6 4.90874 I. 9175 % 15.3153 18.665 % 32.5940 84.541 H 5.10509 2.0739 IMe 15.5116. 19.147 1/ 32.9867 86.590 1/6 5.30144 2.2365 5 15.7080 19.635 5.^ 33-3794 88.664 3/ 5. 49779 2.4053 Me 15.9043 20.129 3/4 33.7721 90.763 13/6 5.69414 2.5802 % 16.1007 20.629 . i^i 34.1648 92.886 % 5.89049 2.7612 Me 16.2970 21.135 II 34.5575 95.033 15/6 6.08684 2.9483 M 16.4934 21.648 H 34.9502 97.205 2 6.28319 3.1416 Me 16.6897 22.166 H 35.3429 99.402 1/6 6.47953 3.3410 H 16.8861 22.691 % 35.7356 101.62 ^ 6.67588 3.5466 Me 17.0824 23.221 1/2 36.1283 103.87 Me 6.87223 3.7583 M2 17.2788 23.758 5/i 36.5210 106.14 Areas and Circumferences of Circles 65 Areas and Circumterences of Circles for Diameters in Units and Eighths, etc. — (Continued) Diam- Circum- Area Diam- Circum- Area Diam- Circum- Area eter ference eter ference eter ference im 36.9137 108.43 im 57-7268 265-18 25 78.5398 490.87 ■"yi 37.3064 110.75 Vi 58.1195 268.80 % 78.9325 495.79 12 37.6991 113. 10 % 58.5122 272.45 V 79-3252 500.74 H 38.0918 IIS. 47 % 58.9049 276.12 H 79-7179 505.71 Vi 38.4845 117.86 ^A 59.2976 279.81 V2 80.1106 S10.71 H 38.8772 120.28 19 59.6903 283.53 Vs 80.5033 515.72 H 39.2699 122.72 A 60.0830 287.27 ¥i 80.8960 520.77 % 39.6626 125.19 M 60.4757 291.04 Vs 81.2887 525.84 ¥i 40.0553 127.68 rs 60.8684 294.83 26 81.6814 530.93 % 40.4480 ,130.19 V2 61.2611 298.65 M 82.0741 536.0s 13 40.8407 132.73 Y?, 61.6538 302.49 Vi 82.4668 541 • 19 \i 41.2334 135.30 ¥i 62.0465 306.3s 3/8 82.8595 546.35 H 41.6261 137.89 'A 62.4392 310.24 V2 83.2522 551-55 3/8 42.0188 140.50 20 62.8319 314.16 5/8 83.6449 556.76 H 42.411S 143.14 A 63 . 2246 318.10 % 84.0376 562.00 % 42.8042 145-80 Vi 63-6173 322.06 % 84.4303 567.27 % 43.1969 148.49 H 64.0100 326.05 27 84.8230 572.56 % 43.S896 151.20 y2 64.4026 330.06 A 85-2157 577.87 14 43.9823 153-94 5/8 64.7953 334.10 Vi 85.6084 583-21 i/i 44.3750 156-70 % 65.1880 338.16 y& 86.0011 588.57 \i 44.7677 159-48 A 65.5807 342.25 V2 86.3938 593.96 % 45.1604 162.30 21 65.9734 346.36 n 86.786s 599.37 ¥2 45.5531 165.13 Vs' 66.3661 350.50 Vi 87.1792 604.81 5,i 45.9458 167.99 H 66.7588 354.66 A 87.5719 610.27 % 46.3385 170.87 % 67.1515 358.84 28 87.9646 615.7s % 46.7312 173.78 ¥2 67.5442 363.05 H 88.3573 621.26 IS 47-1239 176.71 5/g 67.9369 367-28 Vi 88.7500 626.80 H 47.5166 179.67 % 68.3296 371-54 % 89.1427 632.36 Vi 47.9093 182.65 Vs 68.7223 375-83 V2 89.5354 637 -94 % 48.3020 185.66 22 69.1150 380.13 ^A 89.9281 643-55 Vi 48.6947 188.69 Vs 69.5077 384.46 Vi 90.3208 649-18 H 49.0874 191-75 H 69.9004 388.82 % 90.7135 654.84 % 49-4801 194-83 % 70.2931 393-20 29 91 . 1062 660.52 'A 49.8728 197-93 V2 70.6858 397-61 A 91.4989 666.23 16 50.2655 201.06 % 71.0785 402.04 Vi 91.8916 671-96 H SO. 6582 204.22 % 71.4712 406.49 % 92.2843 677.71 Vi 51-0509 207.39 A 71.8639 410.97 V2 92.6770 683.49 % SI -4436 210.60 23 72.2566 415.48 % 93.0697 689.30 Vi SI -8363 213.82 M 72.6493 420.00 % 93.4624 695.13 % 52.2290 217.08 H 73.0420 424.56 li 93.8551 700.98 % 52.6217 220.35 y& 73.4347 429.13 30 94-2478 706.86 % 53.0144 223.65 V2 73-8274 433-74 A 94-6405 712.76 17 53.4071 226.98 ^ 74 -2201 438-36 Vi 95.0332 718.69 \i 53.7998 230.33 % 74-6128 443-01 H 95.4259 724.64 H 54.1925 233.71 li 75.0055 447-69 V2 95.8186 730.62 H 54.5852 237.10 24 75-3982 452-39 5/8 96.2113 736.62 Vi 54.9779 240.53 H 75-7909 457-11 ¥i 96.6040 742.64 % 55-3706 243.98 Vi 76.1836 461.86 li 96.9967 748.69 % 55.7633 247.45 n 76.5763 466.64 31 97.3894 754-77 % 56 . 1560 250.95 V2 76.9690 471.44 A 97.7821 760.87 18 56.5487 254-47 Vs 77.3617 476.26 Vi 98.1748 766.99 H 56.9414 258.02 % 77-7544 481. II % 98.5675 773-14 H 57.3341 261.59 % 78.1471 485.98 V2 98.9602 779-31 66 Mathematical Tables Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters in Units and Eighths, etc. — {Continued) Diam- Circum- Area Diam- Circum- Area Diam- Circum- Area eter ference eter ference eter ference 3l5^ 99-3529 785-51 H 120,166 1149.1 AA% 140.979 1581.6 % 99-7456 791.73 H 120.559 1156.6 45 141.372 1590.4 % 100.138 797.98 V2 120.951 1164.2 A 141 . 764 1599.3 32 100.531 804.25 H 121.344 1171.7 Vi 142.157 1608.2 H 100.924 810,54 ¥i 121.737 1179.3 % 142.550 1617.0 W • loi . 316 816.86 li 122.129 1186.9 \^ 142 . 942 1626.0 % loi . 709 823 . 21 39 122.522 1194.6 % 143.335 1634.9 y2 102.102 829.58 1/8 122.915 1202.3 % 143.728 1643.9 % 102.494 835.97 Vi 123.308 1210.0 A 144. 121 1652.9 % 102.887 842.39 % 123,700 1217.7 46 144.513 1661.9 % 103.280 848.83 . ¥2 124.093 1225.4 A 144.906 1670.9 33 103.673 855.30 % 124.486 1233.2 M 145.299 1680.0 % 104.065 861.79 % 124.878 1241.0 % 145.691 1689. I H 104.458 868.31 Vs 125.271 1248.8 A 146.084 1698.2 % 104.851 874.85 40 125.664 1256.6 A 146.477 1707.4 H 105.243 881.41 Vs 126.056 1264.5 % 146.869 1716.5 ^A 105.636 888.00 14 126.449 1272.4 A 147.262 1725.7 % 106.029 894.62 H 126,842 1280.3 47 147.655 1734.9 % 106.421 901.26 Vi 127.235 1288. 2 A 148.048 1744.2 34 106.814 907.92 % 127.627 1296.2 A 148 . 4JO 1753. 5 H 107.207 914.61 %. 128.020 1304.2 H 148.833 1762.7 H 107.600 921.32 % 128.413 1312.2 A 149.226 1772. I % 107.992 928.06 41 128.805 1320.3 A 149.618 1781.4 H 108.385 934.82 M 129.198 1328.3 % 150. 01 I 1790.8 % 108.778 941.61 H 129.591 1336.4 A 150.404 1800. I % 109.170 948.42 % 129.983 1344.5 48 150.796 1809.6 % 109.563 955.25 Vi 130.376 1352.7 Vs 151 . 189 1819.0 35 109.956 962.11 5/8 130.769 1360.8 A 151 582 1828.5 H 110.348 969.00 M 131. 161 1369 A 151.975 1837.9 H no. 741 975.91 ''A 131.554 1377-2 V2 152.367 1847.5 % III. 134 982.84 42 131.947 1385.4 A 152.760 1857.0 ^ III. 527 989.80 A 132.340 1393.7 % 153.153 1866.5 5i III. 919 996.78 H 132.732 1402.0 A 153.545 1876. I % 112. 312 1003.8 Vs 133.125 1410.3 49 153.938 1885.7 ^ 112.705 1010.8 H 133-518 1418.6 A 154.331 1895.4 36 113-097 1017.9 H 133-910 1427.0 Vi 154.723 1905.0 H 113.490 1025 . % 134-303 1435.4 A 155. 116 1914.7 M 113.883 1032 . I li 134.696 1443.8 A 155.509 1924.4 % 114.275 1039.2 43 135.088 1452.2 A 155.902 1934.2 J^ 114.668 1046.3 % 135.481 1460.7 % 156.294 1943.9 ^ I 15. 061 1053.5 Yi 135.874 1469. I A 156.687 1953.7 14 115-454 1060.7 % 136.267 1477.6 50 157.080 1963. 5 % 115.846 1068.0 V2 136.659 1486.2 A 157.472 1973.3 37 116.239 1075.2 Vs 137.052 1494.7 A 157.865 1983.2 ^ 116.632 1082.5 V 137.445 1503.3 A 158.258 1993. I M 117.024 1089,8 Vs 137.837 1511.9 I/, 158.650 2003.0 ^ II7-417 1097. I 44 138 . 230 1520.5 A 159.043 2012.9 J^ 117. 810 1104.5 i/i 138.623 1529.2 % 159.436 2022.8 ^ 118.202 nil. 8 H 139 015 1537.9 A 159.829 2032.8 % 118.596 1119.2 H 139.408 1546.6 51 160.221 2042.8 % 118.988 1126.7 H 139.801 1555.3 A 160.614 2052.8 38 119 -381 1134.1 ^A 140.194- 1564.0 H 161.007 2062.9 H 119.773 1141.6 % 140.586 1572.8 A 161.399 2073.0 Areas and Circumferences of Circles 67 Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters in Units and Eighths, etc. — {Continued) Diam- Circum- Area Diam- Circum- Area Diam- Circum- eter ference eter ference eter ference Area 51H 161.792 2083.1 5814 182.605 2653.5 64^/4 203 , 418 3292.8 % 162.185 2093.2 H 182.998 2664.9 l^ 203 811 3305-6 % 162.577 2103.3 % 183.390 2676.4 65 204.204 3318.3 % 162.970 2II3-5 H 183.783 2687.8 \^ 204-596 3331 -I 52 163.363 2123.7 H 184.176 2699.3 Yi 204.989 3343.9 % 163.756 2133-9 % 184.569 2710.9 % 205.382 3356.7 H 164.148 2144.2 % 184.961 2722.4 \^ 205.774 3369.6 % 164.541 2154.5 59 185-354 2734.0 % 206.167 3382.4 H 164.934 2164.8 i/i 185.747 2745.6 ¥i 206.560 3395.3 H 165.326 2175. I H 186.139 2757.2 % 206.952 3408.2 % 165-719 2185.4 % 186.532 2768.8 66 207.345 3421.2 li 166. 112 2195-8 Vi 186.925 2780.5 \i 207.738 3434.2 53 166.504 2206.2 % 187-317 2792.2 Yi 208.131 3447.2 H 166.897 2216.6 % 187-710 2803.9 % 208.523 3460.2 H 167.290 2227.0 % 188.103 2815.7 Yz 208.916 3473.2 % 167.683 2237.5 60 188.496 2827-4 % 209.309 3486.3 \^ 168.075 2248.0 H 188.888 . 2839.2 % 209.701 3499.4 % 168.468 2258.5 Yi 189.281 2851.0 'A 210.094 3512.5 % 168.861 2269.1 H 189.674 . 2862.9 67 210.487 3525.7 % 169.253 2279.6 1/2 190.066 2874. 8 H 210.879 3538.8 54 169.646 2290.2 5/8 190.459 2886.6 Yi 211.272 3552.0 li 170.039 2300.8 % ■ 190.852 2898.6 H 211.665 3565.2 3/4 170.431 2311.5 li 191.244 2910.5 1/2 212.058 3578.5 % 170.824 2322.1 61 191.637 2922.5 H 212.450 3591.7 H 171. 217 2332.8 Yi 192.030 2934.5 % 212.843 3605.0 n 171.609 2343-5 Yi 192.423 2946.5 'A 213.236 3618.3 % 172.002 2354-3 % 192.815 2958.5 68 213.628 3631.7 li 172.39s 2365.0 ' Y2 193-208 2970.6 % 214.021 3645.0 55 172.788 2375-8 H 193.601 2982.7 Yi 214.414 3658.4 H 173.180 2386.6 % 193.993 2994.8 % 214.806 3671.8 H 173.573 2397.5 % 194.386 3006.9 Y2 215.199 3685.3 % 173.966- 2408.3 62 194.779 3019. I % 215.592 3698.7 Vi 174.358 2419.2 M 195. 171 3031.3 Yi 215.984 3712.2 H 174.751 2430.1 Yi 195.564 3043.5 'A 216.377 3725.7 % 175.144 2441 . I Yb 195.957 3055.7 ■69 216.770 3739.3 % ■ 175.536 2452 Yi 196.350 3068.0 A 217.163 3752.8 56 175.929 2463.0 5/8 196.742 3080.3 Yi 217.555 3766.4 M 176.322 2474.0 /•4 197.135 3092.6 H 217.948 3780.0 H 176.715 2485.0 l^ 197.528 3104.9 A 218.341 3793.7 H 177.107 2496.1 63 197.920 3117.2 % 218.733 3807.3 H 177.500 2507.2 \i 198.313 3129.6 % 219.126 3821.0 % 177.893 2518.3 Yi 198.706 3142.0 A 219.519 3834.7 % 178.285 2529.4 % 199.098 3154.5 70 219. 911 3848.5 % 178.678 2540.6 Y. 199.491 3166.9 A 220.304 3862.2 57 179 071 2551.8 rs 199.884 3179.4 Yi 220.697 3876.0 H 179.463 2563.0 % 200.277 3191.9 A 221.090 3889.8 Yi 179.856 2574.2 % 200.669 3204.4 Y2 221.482 3903.6 H 180.249 2585.4 64 201.062 3217.0 5/8 221.875 3917. 5 H 180.642 2596.7 M 201.455 3229.6 Yi 222 . 268 3931.4 H 181.034 2608.0 Yi -201.847 3242.2 A 222.660 3945.3- H 181.427 2619.4 % 202.240 3254.8 71 223.053 3959-2 % 181.820 2630.7 H 202.633 3267.5 A 223.446 3973.1 58 182.212 2642.1 % 203.02s 3280.1 Yi 223.838 3987.1 68 Mathematical Tables Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters in Units and Eighths, etc. — (Continued) Diam- Circum- Diam- Circum- Diam- Circum- eter ference Area eter ference Area eter ference Area im 224.231 4001. I 78 245.044 4778.4 84H 265.857 5624.5 H 224.624 , 401S.2 H 245.437 4793.7 3/4 266.250 5641.2 H 225.017 4029.2 H 245 830 4809.0 li 266.643 5657.8 % 225.409 4043.3 3/8 246.222 4824.4 85 267.035 5674.5 ^ 225 . 802 4057.4 1/2 246.615 4839 .8 H 267.428 5691.2 72 226.195 4071.5 H 247.008 4855.2 /4 267.821 5707.9 H 226.587 4085.7 3/4 247.400 4870.7 % 268.213 5724.7 M 226.980 4099.8 li 247.793 4886.2 1/-2 268.606 5741 -5 H 227.373 41140 79 248.186 4901.7 ^A 268.999 5758-3 Vi 227.765 4128.2 H 248.579 4917-2 % 269.392 5775 -I ^A 228.158 4142.5 Vi 248.971 4932 .-7 % 269.784 5791-9 % 228.551 4156.8 ■ 3/8 249 364 4948.3 86 270.177 5808.8 % 228.944 4171.1 /2 249-757 4963.9 M 270.570 5825.7 73 229.336 4185.4 % 250.149 4979-5 H 270.962 5842.6 ^ 229.729 4199.7 3/4 250.542 4995-2 % 271.355 5859-6 H 230.122 4214. I li 250.935 5010.9 Vi 271 . 748 5876-5 % 230.514 4228.5 80 251.327 5026.5 rs 272.140 5893-5 Vz 230.907 4242.9 % 251.720 5042.3 3/4 272.533 5910 -6 % 231.300 4257.4 M 252.113 5058.0 Ji 272.926 5927-6 % 231.692 4271.8 % 252.506 5073.8 87 273.319 5944-7 % 232.085 4286.3 /2 252.898 5089.6 \^ 273.711 5961.8 74 232.478 4300.8 54 253.291 5105.4 Vi 274.104 5978.9 \^ 232.871 4315.4 % 253.684 5121.2 % 274.497 5996.0 % 233.263 4329.9 . H 254.076 5137.1 \^ 274.889 6013 . 2 % 233.656 4344.5 81 254.469 5153-0 H 275.282 6030.4 V2 234.049 4359.2 H 254.862 5168.9 % 275-675 6047.6 % 234.441 4373.8 H 255 . 254 5184.9 % 276.067 6064.9 % 234.834 4388.5 % 255.647 5200.8 88 276.460 6082.1 ■"A 235.227 4403.1 1/2 256.040 5216.8 A 276.853 6099.4 75 235.619 4417.9 % 256.433 5232.8 H 277.246 6116.7 H 236.012 4432.6 % 256.825 5248.9 % 277.638 6134- I H 236.405 4447.4 li 257.218 5264.9 H 278.031 6151.4 3/8 236.798 4462.2 82 257.611 5281.0 H 278.424 6168.8 1/2 237.190 4477.0 M 258.003 5297-1 34 278.816 6186.2 % 237.583 4491-8 M 258.396 5313-3 'A 279.209 6203.7 % 237.976 4506.7 3/8 258.789 5329-4 89 279 . 602 6221. I H 238.368 4521.5 Vz 259.181 5345-6 A 279.994 6238.6 76 238.761 4536.5 5/i 259.574 5361.8 H 280.387 6256.1 % 239-154 4551.4 M 259.967 5378.1 % 280.780 6273 .7 H 239.546 4566.4 % 260.359 5394.3 H 281.173 6291.2 3/^ 239.939 4581.3 83 260.752 5410.6 % 281.565 6308.8 H 240.332 4596.3 M 261 . 145 5426.9 3/4 281.958 6326.4 5/8 240.725 4611.4 Vi 261.538 5443.3 li 282.351 6344.1 M 241. 117 4626.4 % 261.930 5459-6 90 282.743 6361.7 % 241.510 4641.5 1/^ 262.323 5476.0 A 283.136 6379-4 77 241.903 4656.6 5/8 262.716 5492.4 M 283.529 6397.1 H 242.295 4671.8 3/4 263.108 5508.8 3/i 283.921 6414-9 H 242.688 4686.9 % 263 . 501 5525.3 A 284.314 6432.6 3^ 243.081 4702.1 84 263.894 5541.8 A 284.707 6450.4 1/^ 243-473 4717-3 \i 264.286 5558.3 3/4 285.100 6468.2 5^ 243.866 4732.5 Vi 264.679 5574.8 ''A 285.492 6486.0 % 244.259 4747.8 3,^ 265.072 5591-4 91 285.88s 6503.9 % 244.652 4763.1 /2 265.465 5607.9 A 286.278 6521.8 Areas and Circumferences of Circles 69 Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters in Units and Eighths, etc. — {Concluded) Diam Circum- Diam Circum- Area Diam- Circum- eter ference Area eter ference eter ference Area 91 H 286.670 6539.7 94H 296.095 6976.7 97K 305.520 7428.0 % 287.063 6557.6 H 296.488 6995.3 % 305.913 7447-1 Vi 287.456 6575.5 V2 296.881 7013.8 Vi 306.305 7466.2 % 287.848 6593.5 H 297.273 7032.4 A 306.698 748s. 3 H 288 . 241 6611.5 % 297.666 7051.0 % 307.091 7504.5 "A 288.634 6629.6 ""A 298.059 7069.6 li 307.483 7523.7 92 289 . 027 6647.6 95 298.451 7088.2 98 307.876 7543.0 H 289.419 6665.7 A 298.844 7106.9 A 308.269 7562.2 H 289.812 6683.8 H 299.237 7125.6 H 308.661 7581.5 H 290.205 6701.9 % .299.629 7144.3 % 309.054 7600.8 H 290.597 6720.1 V2 300.022 7163.0 1/2 309.447 7620.1 % 290.990 6738.2 % 300.415 7181.8 % 309.840 7639.5 H 291.383 6756.4 % 300.807 7200.6 % 310.232 7658.9 % 291 . 775 6774.7 A 301 . 200 7219.4 'A 310.625 7678.3 93 292.168 6792.9 96 301.593 7238.2 99 311. 018 7697.7 Vs 292.561 6811.2 A 301.986 7257.1 Vs 311. 410 7717. I Vi 292.954 6829. 5 H 302.378 7276.0 H 311.803 7736.6 % 293.346 6847.8 H 302.771 7294.9 H 312.196 7756.1 H 293.739 6866.1 V2 303.164 7313.8 1/2 312.588 7775.6 % 294.132 6884.5 5/8 303.556 7332.8 % 312.981 7795.2 % 294.524 6902.9 -H 303.949 7351.8 Vi 313.374 7814.8 % 294.917 6921.3 % 304.342 7370.8 A 313.767 7834.4 94 295.310 6939.8 97 304.734 7389.8 100 314.159 7854.0 ^ 295.702 6958.2 A 305.127 7408.9 70 Mathematical Tables Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters FROM Ho TO loo Advancing by Tenths Diameter Area Circumference Diair leter Area Circumference 0.6 s 3 4 22.0618 22.9022 16.6504 .1 .007854 .31416 16.9646 .2 .031416 .62832 5 23.7583 17.2788 • 3 .070686 .94248 6 24 - 6301 17.5929 .4 .12566 1.2566 7 25.5176 17.9071 .5 ■1963s 1.5708 8 26.4208 18.2212 .6 .28274 1.8850 9 27-3397 18-5354 • 7 .38485 2.1991 6 28.2743 18.8496 .8 .50266 2.S133 I 29.2247 19.1637 • 9 .63617 2.8274 2 30.1907 19-4779 I.O .7854 3.1416 3 31.1725 19.7920 .1 .9503 3-4558 4 32.1699 20.1062 .2 I . 1310 3-7699 5 33.1831 20.4204 .3 1-3273 4-0841 6 34.2119 20. 7345 .4 1.5394 4.3982 7 35.2565 21.0487 .5 I . 7671 4.7124 8 36.3168 21.3628 .6 2.0106 5.0265 9 37.3928 21.6770 • 7 2.2698 5.3407 7 38-4845 21.9911 .8 2.5447 5.6549 I 39-5919 22.3053 • 9 2.8353 5.9690 2 40.7150 22.6195 2.0 3.1416 6.3832 3 41-8539 22.9336 .1 3.4636 6.5973 4 43.0084 23.2478 .2 3.8013 6.911S 5 44.1786 23-5619 • 3 4.1548 7.2257 6 45.3646 23.8761 ■ 4 4.5239 7.5398 7 46.5663 24.1903 • 5 4.9087 7.8540 8 47.7836 24-5044 .6 5.3093 8.1681 9 49 -0167 24-8186 -7 5.7256 8.4823 8 50.2655 25.1327 .8 6.1575 8.7965 I 51.5300 25.4469 •9 6.6052 9.1106 2 52.8102 25.7611 3.0 7.0686 9-4248 3 54.1061 26.0752 .1 7.5477 9-7389 4 55.4177 26.3894 .2 8.0425 10.0531 5 56.7450 26.7035 .3 8.5530 10.3673 6 58.0880 27.0177 .4 9 0792 10.6814 7 59.4468 27.3319 .5 9.6211 10.9956 8 60.8212 27.6460 .6 10.1788 11.3097 9 62.2114 27.9602 .7 10.7521 11.6239 9 63.6173 28.2743 .8 II. 341 I I I. 9381 I 65.0388 28.588s •9 11.9459 12.2522 2 66.4761 28.9027 4.0 12.5664 12.5664 3 67.9291 29.2168 .1 13.202s 12.8805 4 69.3978 29.5310 .2 13.8544 13.1947 5 70.8822 29.8451 .3 14.5220 13.5088 6 72.3823 30.1593 • 4 15.2053 13.8230 7 73.8981 30.4734 .5 15.9043 14.1372 8 75.4296 30.7876 .6 16.6190 14.4513 9 76.9769 31 . 1018 • 7 17.3494 14.765s 10 78.5398 31.4159 .8 18.0956 15.0796 I 80.1185 31.7301 • 9 18.8574 15.3938 2 81.7128 32.0442 S.o 19-6350 IS. 7080 3 . 83.3229 32.3584 .1 20.4282 16.0221 4 84.9487 32.6726 .2 21.2372 16.3363 5 86.5901 32.9867 Areas and Circumferences of Circles 71 Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters FROM Mo to 100 Advancing by Tenths — {Continued) Diameter Area Circumference Diameter Area Circumference 10.6 88.2473 33.3009 15.9 198.5565 49.9513 .7 89.9202 33.6150 16.0 201.0619 50.2655 .8 91.6088 33.9292 .1 203.5831 50.5796 .9 93.3132 34.2434 .2 206.1199 so. 8938 «.o 95.0332 34.5575 .3 208.6724 SI. 2080 96.7689 34.8717 .4 211.2407 51.5221 .2 98.5203 35.1858 .5 213.8246 SI. 8363 .3 100.2875 35.5000 .6 216.4243 52.1504 • 4 102.0703 35.8142 .7 219.0397 52.4646 .5 103.8689 36.1283 .8 221.6708 52.7788 .6 105.6832 36.442s • 9 224.3176 53.0929 .7 107.5132 36.7566 17.0 226.9801 53.4071 .8 109.3588 37.0708 .1 229.6583 53.7212 • 9 III. 2202 37.3850 .2 232.3522 54.0354 12.0 113.0973 37.6991 .3 235.0618 54.3496 .1 114. 9901 38.0133 .4 237.7871 54.6637 .2 116.8987 38.3274 .5 240.5282 54.9779 .3 118.8229 38.6416 .6 243.2849 55.2920 .4 120.7628 38.9557 .7 246.0574 55.6062 .5 122.7185 39.2699 .8 248.8456 55.9203 .6 124.6898 39.5841 • 9 251.6494 56.2345 •7 126.6769 39.8982 18.0 254.4690 56.5486 .8 128.6796 40.2124 .1 257.3043 56.8628 • 9 130.6981 40.5265 .2 260.1553 57 . 1770 13.0 132.7323 40.8407 .3 263.0220 57.4911 .1 134.7822 41.1549 ■ 4 265.9044 57.8053 .2 136.8478 41.4690 ■ 5 268.8025 58.119s .3 138.9291 41.7832 .6 271.7164 58.4336 • 4 141. 0261 42.0973 .7 274.6459 58.7478 .5 143.1388 42.4115 .8 277.5911 59.0619 .6 145.2672 42.7257 ■9 280.5521 59.3761 .7 147.4114 43.0398 19.0 283.5287 59.6903 .8 149.5712 43.3540 .1 286.5211 60.0044 • 9 151.7468 43.6681 .2 289.5292 60.3186 14.0 153.9380 43.9823 .3 292.5530 60.6327 .1 156.1450 44.2965 .4 295.592s 60.9469 .2 158.3677 44.6106 .5 298.6477 61.2611 •3 160.6061 44.9248 .6 301.7186 61.5752 .4 162.8602 45.2389 .7 304.8052 61.8894 ■ 5 165 . 1300 45.5531 .8 307.907s 62.203s .6 167.4155 45.8673 • 9 311.0255 62.S177 .7 169.7167 46.1814 20.0 314.1593 62.8319 .8 172.0336 46.4956 .1 317.3087 63 . 1460 • 9 174.3662 46.8097 .2 320.4739 63.4602 iS.o 176.7146 47.1239 .3 323.6547 63.7743 .1 179.0786 47.4380 .4 326.8513 64.088s .2 181.4584 47.7522 .5 330.0636 64.4026 .3 183.8539 48.0664 .6 333.2916 64.7168 .4 186.2650 48.3805 .7 336.5353 65.03x0 .5 188.6919 48.6947 .8 339.7947 65.3451 .6 191 . 1345 49.0088 •9 343.0698 65.6593 .7 193.5928 49.3230 21.0 346.3606 65.9734 .8 196.0668 49.6372 .1 349.6671 66.2876 72 Mathematical Tables Aeeas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters FROM Mo TO loo Advancing by Tenths — (Continued) Diameter Area Circumference Diair leter Area Circumference 21.2 352.9894 66.6018 26 5 551.5459 83.2522 3 356.3273 66.9159 6 555.7163 83 S664 4 359 6809 67.2301 7 559.9025 83 8805 5 363.0503 67.5442 8 564.1044 84 1947 6 366 . 4354 67.8584 9. 568.3220 84 5088 7 369.8361 68.1726 27 572.5553 84 8230 8 373 • 2526 68.4867 I 576.8043 85 1372 9 376.6848 68.8009 2 581.0690 85 4513 22 o 380.1327 69.1150 3 585.3494 85 7655 I 383.5963 69.4292 .4 589.6455 86 0796 2 387.0756 ■ 69.7434 .5 593.9574 86 3938 3 390.5707 70.0575 .6 598.2849 86 7080 .4 394.0814 70.3717 .7 602.6282 87 0221 • 5 397.6078 70.6858 .8 606.9871 87 3363 .6 401 . 1500 71.0000 .9 61 I. 3618 87 6504 • 7 404.7078 71.3142 28 .0 615.7522 87 9646 .8 408 . 2814 71.6283 .1 620.1582 88 2788 ■ 9 411.8707 71.9425 .2 624.5800 88 5929 23 .o 415.4756 72.2566 .3 629.017s 88 9071 .1 419.0963 72.5708 .4 633.4707 89 .2212 .2 422.7327 72.8849 .5 637.9397 89 .5354 .3 426.3848 73.1991 .6 642.4243 89 .8495 • 4 430.0526 73.5133 .7 646 . 9246 90 .1637 .5 433.7361 73.8274 .8 651.4407 90 .4779 .6 437.4354 74.1416 •9 655.9724 90 .7920 ■ 7 441 . 1503 74.4557 29 .0 660.5199 91 .1062 .8 444.8809 74.7699 .1 665.0830 91 .4203 9 448.6273 75.0841 .2 669.6619 91 .7345 24 o 452.3893 75.3892 • 3 674.2565 92 .0487 I 456 . 1671 75.7124 .4 678.8668 92 .3628 2 459.9606 76.0265 •5 683 . 4928 92 6770 3 463.7698 76.3407 .6 688.1345 92 991 1 4 467.5947 76.6549 .7 692.7919 93 3053 5 471.4352 76.9690 .8 697.4650 93 6195 6 475 . 2916 77.2832 9 702 . 1538 93 9336 7 479.1636 77.5973 30 706.8583 94 2478 8 483.0513 77.9115 I 711.5786 94 5619 9 486.9547 78.2257 2 716.314s 94 8761 25 o 490.8739 78.5398 3 721.0662 95 1903 I 494.8087 78.8540 4 725.8336 95 5044 2 498.7592 79.1681 5 730.6167 95 8186 3 502 . 7255 79.4823 6 735.4154 96 1327 4 506.7075 79.796s 7 740.2299 96 4469 5 510.7052 80.1106 8 745.0601 96 761 1 6 514.7185 80.4248 9 749.9060 97 0752 7 S18.7476 80.7389 31 754.7676 97 3894 8 522.7924 81.0531 I 759.6450 97 7035 9 526.8529 81.3672 2 764.5380 98 0177 26. o 530.9292 81.6814 3 769.4467 98 3319 I S35.02II 81.9956 4 774.3712 98 6460 2 539.1287 82.3097 5 779.3113 98 9602 3 543.2521 82.6239 6 784.2672 99 2743 4 547. 391 I 82.9380 7 789.2388 99. 5885 Areas and Circumferences of Circles 73 Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters FROM Ho TO loo Advancing by Tenths — {Continued) Diameter Area Circumference Diarr eter Area Circumference 31.8 794-2260 99.9026 37. I 1081.0299 116. 5531 9 799 2290 100.2168 2 1086.8654 116.8672 32. o 804.2477 100.5310 3 1092. 7166 117.1814 I 809.2821 100.8451 4 1098.5835 117.4956 2 814.3322 101.1593 5 I 104. 4662 117.8097 3 819.3980 101.4734 6 mo. 3645 118. 1239 4 824.4796 101.7876 7 1116.2786 118.4380 5 829.5768 102 . 1018 8 I 122. 2083 118.7522 6 834.6898 102.4159 9 I 128. 1538 119.0664 7 839.8185 102 . 7301 38 1134.1149 119.3805 8 844.9628 103.0442 I 1140.0918 119.6947 9 850.1229 103.3584 2 I 146. 0844 120.0088 33 o 855.2986 103.6726 3 I 152. 0927 120.3230 I 860.4902 103.9867 4 1158.1167 120.6372 2 865.6973 104 . 3009 5 1164.1564 120.9513 3 870.9202 104.6150 6 1170.2118 121.2655 4 876.1588 104.9292 7 I 176. 2830 121.5796 S 881.4131 105 . 2434 8 I 182. 3698 121.8938 6 886.6831 105.5575 9 I 188. 4724 122 . 2080 7 891.9688 105.8717 39 I 194. 5906 122.5221 8 897.2703 106.1858 I 1200.7246 122.8363 9 902.5874 106 . 5000 2 1206.8742 123.1504 34 o 907.9203 106.8142 3 1213.0396 123.4646 I 913.2688 107.1283 4 1219.2207 123.7788 2 918.6331 107.4425 5 1225. 4175 124.0929 3 924.0131 107.7566 6 1231.6300 124.4071 4 929.4088 108.0708 7 1237.8582 124.7212 5 934.8202 108.3849 8 1244. 1021 125.0354 6 940.2473 108.6991 9 1250. 3617 125.3495 7 945.6901 109.0133 40 1256. 6371 125.6637 8 951.1486 109.3274 I 1262. 9281 125.9779 9 956.6228 109.6416 2 1269.2348 126.2920 35 o 962.1128 109.9557 3 1275.5573 126.6062 I 967.6184 110.2699 4 1281.8955 126.9203 2 973.1397 no. 5841 5 1288.2493 127.2345 3 978 . 6768 110.8982 .6 1294. 6189 127.5487 4 984.2296 III. 2124 7 1301.0042 127.8628 5 989.7980 III. 5265 8 1307 . 4052 128.1770 .6 995.3822 II I. 8407 9 1313.8219 128. 491 I .7 1000. 9821 112. 1549 41 .0 1320.2543 128.8053 .8 1006.5977 112.4690 .1 1326.7024 129. I 195 • 9 1012 . 2290 112.7832 .2 1333. 1663 129.4336 36 o 1017.8760 113.0973 .3 1339.6458 129.7478 .1 1023.5387 113.4115 4 1346 . 1410 130.0619 .2 1029. 2172 113.7257 5 1352 . 6520 130.3761 .3 1034. 91 13 114.0398 .6 1359. 1786 130.6903 • 4 1040. 6212 114.3540- .7 1365. 7210 131.0044 .5 1046.3467 114. 6681 .8 1372. 2791 131. 3186 .6 1052.0880 114.9823 ■ 9 1378.8529 131.6327 .7 1057.8449 115.2965 42 .0 1385.4424 131.9469 .8 1063. 6176 115. 6106 .1 1392.0476 132. 261 I •9 1069.4060 115.9248 .2 1398.6685 132.5752 37. o 1075. 2 lOI 116.2389 .3 140S.3051 132.8894 74 Mathematical Tables Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters FROM Mo TO loo Advancing by Tenths — {Continued) Diameter Area Circumference Diarr leter Area Circumference 42.4 141 I. 9574 133.2035 47 7 1787.0086 149-8540 5 1418.6254 133-5177 8 1794.5091 150.1681 6 1425.3092 133.8318 9 1802.0254 150.4823 7 1432.0086 134.1460 48 1809.5574 150.7964 8 1438.7238 134.4602 I 1817.1050 151.1106 9 1445.4546 134.7743 2 1824.6684 ISI.4248 43 1452 . 2012 135.0885 3 1832 . 2475 151.7389 I 1458.9635 135.4026 4 1839.8423 152.0531 2 1465. 741S . 135.7168 5- 1847.4528 152.3672 3 1472.5352 136.0310 6 1855 -0790 152.6814 4 1479-3446 136.3451 7 1862. 7210 152.9956 5 i486. 1697 136.6593 8 1870 . 3786 153-3097 6 1493 oios 136.9734 9 1878. 0519 153.6239 7 1499-8670 137.2876 49 1885.7409 153.9380 8 1506.7393 137.6018 I 1893.4457 154-2522 9 1513-6272 137-9159 2 1901 . 1662 154-5664 44 1520.5308 138.2301 3 1908.9024 154-8805 I 1527.4502 138.5442 4 1916.6543 155.1947 2 1534.3853 138.8584 5 1924. 4218 155-5088 3 154I-3360 139-1726 6 1932 . 2051 155-8230 4 1548.3025 139-4867 7 1940.0042 156.1372 5 1555-2847 139-8009 8 1947. 8189 156.4513 6 1562.2826 140.1153 9 1955.6493 156.7655 7 1569.2962 140.4292 So 1963-4954 157-0796 8 1576.3255 140.7434 I 1971.3572 157.3938 9 1583.3706 141.0575 2 1979.2348 157.7080 45 1590. 4313 141. 3717 3 1987 . 1280 158.0221 I 1597.5077 141.6858 4 1995-0370 158.3363 2 1604.5999 142.0000 5 2002.9617 158.6504 3 1611.7077 142.3142 6 2010 . 9020 158.9646 4 1618.8313 142.6283 7 2018. 8581 159-2787 5 1625.9705 142.9425 8 2026.8299 159-5929 6 1633. 1255 143.2566 9 2034-8174 159-9071 7 1640.2962 143.5708 51 2042.8206 160.2212 8 1647.4826 143.8849 I 2050.839s 160.5354 9 1654.6847 144.1991 2 2058.8742 160.849s 46 1661.9025 144.5133 3 2066.9245 161 . 1637 I 1669. 1360 144.8274 4 2074.990s 161.4779 2 1676.3853 145.1416 5 2083.0723 161.7920 3 1683.6502 145-4557 6 2091 . 1697 162.1062 4 1690.9308 145.7699 7 2099.2829 162.4203 5 1698.2272 146.0841 8 2107. 4118 162.734s 6 170S.5392 146.3982 9 21 15. 5563 163.0487 7- 1712.8670 146.7124 52 2123. 7166 163.3628 .8 1720. 2105 147.0265 I 2131.8926 163.6770 •9 1727.5697 147.3407 2 2140.0843 163.9911 47 1734.9445 147.6550 3 2148. 2917 164.3053 .1 1742. 3351 147.9690 4 2156.5149 164.6195 .2 1749. 7414 148.2832 5 2164.7537 164.9336 .3 1757. 1635 148.5973 6 2173.0082 165.2479 .4 1764. 6012 148.9115 7 2181.2785 165.5619 .5 1772.0546 149.2257 8 2189.5644 165.8761 .6 1779.5237 149.5398 9 2197. 8661 166.1903 Areas and Circiimferences of Circles 7^ Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters FROM Ho to ioo Advancing by Tenths — {Continued) Diameter Area Circumference Diameter Area Circumference 53. o 2206.1834 166.5044 58.3 2669.4820 183.5914 .1 2214. 5165 166.8186 .4 2678.6476 183.4690 .2 2222 . 8653 167.1327 .5 2687.8289 183.7832 .3 2231 . 2298 167.4469 6 2697.0259 184.0973 • 4 2239 . 6100 167.7610 .7 2706.2386 184.411S .5 2248.0059 168.0752 .8 2715.4670 184.7256 . .6 2256.4175 168.3894 • 9 2724. 7112 185.0398 .7 2264.8448 168.703s 59.0 2733.9710 185.3540 .8 2273.2879 169.0177 .1 2743.2466 185.6681 .9 2281.7466 169.3318 .2 2752.5378 185.9823 54. o 2290.2210 169 . 6460 .3 2761.8448 186.2964 .1 2298. 7112 169.9602 .4 2771. 1675 186.6106 .2 2307. 2171 170.2743 .5 2780.5058 186.9248 .3 231S.7386 170.5885 .6 2789.8599 187.2389 • 4 2324.2759 170.9026 .7 2799.2297 187.5531 .5 2332.8289 171. 2168 .8 2808.6152 187.8672 .6 2341.3976 171. 5310 • 9 2818. 0165 188.1814 • 7 2349.9820 171. 8451 60.0 2827.4334 188.4956 .8 2358.5821 172.1593 .1 2836.8660 188.8097 •9 2367 . 1979 172.4735 .2 2S46.3144 189.1239 55. o 2375.8294 172.7876 .3 2855.7784 189.4380 .1 2384.4767 173.1017 .4 286s . 2582 189.7522 .2 2393.1396 173.4159 .5 2874.7536 190.0664 .3 2401. 8183 173.7301 .6 2884.2648 190.3805 • 4 2410. 5126 174.0442 .7 2893.7917 190.6947 .5 2419.2227 174.3584 .8 2903.3343 191.0088 .6 2427.9485 174.6726 • 9 2912.8926 191.3230 .7 2436.6899 174.9867 61.0 2922.4666 191.6372 .8 2445.4471 175.3009 .1 2932.0563 191. 9513 •9 2454.2200 175.6150 .2 2941. 6617 192.2655 56.0 2463.0086 175.9292 3 2951 . 2828 192.5796 .1 2471. 8130 176.2433 4 2960.9197 192.8938 .2 2480.6330 176.5575 5 2970.5722 193.2079 .3 2489.4687 176.8717 6 2980.2405 193.5221 .4 2498.3201 177.1858 ■ 7 2989.9244 193.8363 .5 2507.1873 177.5000 .8 2999.6241 194.1504 .6 2516. 0701 177.8141 • 9 3009.3395 194.4646 .7 2524.9687 178.1283 62.0 3019.0705 194.7787 .8 2533.8830 178.4425 .1 3028.8173 195.0929 .9 2542.8129 178.7566 .2 3038.5798 195.4071 57. 2551.7586 179.0708 .3 3048.3580 195.7212 .1 2560.7200 179.3849 .4 3058.1520 196.0354 .2 2569.6971 179.6991 .5 3067.9616 196.349s .3 2578.6899 180.0133 .6 3077.7869 196.6637 .4 2587.6985 180.3274 .7 3087.6279 196.9779 .5 2596.7227 180.6416 - .8 3097.4847 197.2920 .6 2605.7626 180.9557 •9 3107. 3571 197.6062 .7 2614. 8183 181.2699 63.0 3117.2453 197.9203 .8 2623.8896 181. 5841 .1 3127. 1492 198.2345 •9 2632 . 9767 181 , 8982 .2 3137.0688 198.5487 S8.0 2642.0794 182.2124 .3 3147.0040 198.8628 .1 2651 . 1979 182.5265 .4 3156.9550 199.1770 .2 2660.3321 182.8407 .5 3166. 9217 199.4911 76 Mathematical Tables Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters FROM Ho TO loo Advancing by Tenths — (Continued) Diameter Area 1 Circumference Diam eter Area Circumference 63.6 3176.9043 199.8053 68 9 3728.4500 216.4556 7 3186.9023 200.1195 69 3739.2807 216.7699 8 3196 . 9161 200.4336 I 3750.1270 217.0841 9 3206.9456 200.7478 2 3760.9891 217.3982 64 3216.9909 201.0620 3 3771.8668 217.7124 I 3227.0518 201.3761 4 3782.7603 218.0265 2 3237 . 128s 201 . 6902 5 3793.669s 218.3407 3 3247 ■ 2222 202.0044 6 3804.5944 218.6548 4 3257.3289 . 202.3186 7 3815.5350 218.9690 5 3267.4527- 202.6327 8 3826.4913 219.2832 6 3277.5922 202.9469 9 3837 • 4633 219.5973 7 3287.7474 203.2610 70 3848.4510 219.9115 8 3297.9183 203.5752 I 3859.4544 220.2256 9 3308.1049 203.8894 2 3870.4736 220.5398 65 3318.3072 204.2035 3 3881. S084 220.8540 I 3328.5253 204.5176 4 3892.5590 221.1581 2 3338.7590 204.8318 5 3903.6252 221.4823 3 3349.008s 205.1460 6 3914.7072 221.7964 4 3359-2736 205.4602 7 3925.8049 222.1106 5 3369.5545 205.7743 8 3936.9182 222 . 4248 6 3379.8510 206.0885 9 3948.0473 222.7389 7 3390.1633 206.4026 71 3959.1921 223.0531 8 3400.4913 206.7168 I 3970.3526 223.3672 9 3410.8350 207.0310 2 3981.5289 223.6814 66 3421 . 1944 207.3451 3 3992.7208 223.9956 .1 3431.5695 207.6593 4 4003.9284 224.3097 .2 3441.9603 207.9734 5 4015. 1518 224.6239 .3 3452.3669 208.2876 6 4026.3908 224.9380 .4 3462.7891 208.6017 .7 4037 . 6456 225.2522 , .5 3473.2270 208.9159 .8 4048.9160 225.5664 .6 3483.6807 209 . 2301 9 4060.2022 225.8805 .7 3494. iSoo 209.5442 72 4071. 5041 226 . 1947 .8 3504.6351 209.8584 .1 4082.8217 226.5088 .9 3515. 1359 210.1725 .2 4094.1550 226.8230 ■ 67 .0 3525.6524 210.4867 .3 4105.5040 227.1371 .1 3536.1845 210.8009 ■4 41 16. 8687 227.4513 .2 3546.7324 211.1150 .5 4128. 2491 227.765s .3 3557 . 2960 211.4292 .6 4139.6452 228.0796 •4 3567.8754 211.7433 .7 4151.0571 228.3938 .5 3578.4704 212.0575 .8 4162 . 4846 228 . 7079 .6 3589. 0811 212.3717 • 9 4173.9279 229.0221 •7 3599.7075 212.6858 73 4185.3868 229.3363 .8 3610.3497 213.0000 .1 4196. 861S 229.6504 • 9 3621.0075 213.3141 .2 4208.3519 229.9646 68 .0 3631. 6811 213.6283 .3 4219.8579 230.2787 .1 3642.3704 213.9425 • 4 4231.3797 230.5929 .2 3653.0754 214.2566 .5 4242.9172 230.9071 .3 3663.7960 214.5708 .6 4254.4704 231.2212 •4 3674.5324 214.8849 .7 4266.0394 231.5354 .5 3685.2845 215.1991 .8 4277.6240 231.849s .6 3696.0523 215.5133 .9 4289.2243 232.1637 • 7 3706.8359 215.8274 74 4300.8403 232.4779 .8 3717. 6351 216.1416 .1 4312. 4721 232.7920 Areas and Circumferences of Circles 77 Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters FROM Mo TO loo Advancing by Tenths — {Continued) Diameter Area Circumference Dian aeter Area Circumference 74.2 4324. II95 233.1062 79 5 4963.9127 249.7566 3 4335.7827 233.4203 6 4976.4084 250.0708 4 4347.4616 233.7345 7 4988.9198 250.3850 5 4359.1562 234.0487 8 5001 . 4469 250.6991 6 4370.8664 234.3628 9 5013 . 9897 251.0133 7 4382.5924 234.6770 80 5026 . 5482 251.3274 8 4394-3341 234.9911 I 5039.1225 251.6416 9 4406.0916 235.3053 2 5051 . 7124 251.9557 75 o 4417.8647 235.6194 3 5064.3180 252.2699 I 4429.6535 235.9336 4 5076.9394 252.5840 2 4441 4580 236.2478 5 5089.5764 252.8982 3 4453.2783 236.5619 6 5102 . 2292 253.2124 4 4465. I 142 236.8761 7 5114.8977 253.5265 5 4476.9659 237.1902 8 5127. 5819 253.8407 6 4488.8332 237.5044 9 5140. 2818 254.1548 7 4500.7163 237.8186 81 5152.9973 254.4690 8 4512. 6151 238.1327 I 5165.7287 254 7832 9 4524.5296 238.4469 2 5178.4757 255.0973 76 o 4536.4598 238 . 7610 3 5191 . 2384 255. 41 IS I 4548.4057 239.0752 4 5204.0168 255.7256 2 4560.3673 239.3894 5 5216. 8110 256.0398 3 4572.3446 239.7035 6 5229 . 6208 256.3540 4 4584.3377 240.0177 7 5242 . 4463 256.6681 5 4596.3464 240.3318 8 5255 . 2876 256.9823 6 4608.3708 240.6460 9 5268.1446 257.2966 7 4620. 41 10 240.9602 82 5281. 0173 257.6106 8 4632 . 4669 241.2743 I . 5293.9056 257.9247 9 4644.5384 241.5885 2 5306.8097 258.2389 77 o 4656.6257 241 . 9026 3 5319.7295 258.5531 I 4668.7287 242.2168 4 5332.6650 258.8672 2 4680.8474 242.5310 5 5345.6162 259.1814 3 4692.9818 242.8451 6 5358.5832 259.4956 4 4705 . 1319 243.1592 7 5371.5658 259.8097 5 4717.2977 243.4734 8 5384.5641 260.1239 6 4729.4792 243.7876 9 5397.5782 260.4380 7 4741.6756 244.1017 83 5410.6079 260.7522 8 4753.8894 244.4159 I 5423.6534 261.0663 9 4766. 1181 244.7301 2 5436.7146 261. 380s 78 o 4778.3624 245.0442 3 5449.7915 261.6947 I 4790.6225 245.3584 4 5462.8840 262.0088 2 4802.8983 245.6725 5 5475.9923 262.3230 3 4815. 1897 245.9867 6 5489.1163 262.6371 4 4827.4969 246.3009 7 5502 . 2561 262.9513 5 4839.8198 246.6150 8 5515. 4115 263.265s 6 4852.1584 246.9292 9 5528.5826 263.5796 7 4864 . 5128 247.2433 84 5541.7694 263.8938 8 4876.8828 247.5575 I 5554.9720 264.2079 9 4889.2685 247.8717 2 5568.1902 264.5221 79 o 4901.6699 248.1858 3 5581.4242 264.8363 I 4914. 0871 248.5000 4 5594.6739 265 . 1414 2 4926.5199 248.8141 5 5607.9392 265 . 4646 3 4938.9685 249.1283 6 5621.2203 265.7787 4 4951.4328 249.4425 7 5634. 5171 266.0929 78 Mathematical Tables Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters FROM Ho TO loo Advancing by Tenths — {Continued) Diameter Area Circumference Diarr leter Area Circumference 84.8 5647.8296 266.4071 90 I 6375.8701 283.057s 9 5661 . 1578 266.7212 2 _ 6390.0309 283.3717 85 ; 5674-5017 267.0354 3 6404.2073 283.6858 I 5687.8614 267.349s 4 6418.3995 284.0000 2 5701 . 2367 267.6637 5 6432.6073 284.3141 3 5714.6277 267.9779 6 6446.8309 284.6283 4 5728.0345 268.2920 7 6461. 0701 284.942s S 5741.4569 268.6062 8 6475.3251 285.2566 6 5754.8951 268.9203 9 6489.5958 285.5708 7 5768.3490 269.2345 91 6503.8822 285.8849 8 5781. 8185 269.5486 I 6518. 1843 286.1991 9 5795.3038 269.8628 2 6532 . 5021 286.5133 86 5808.8048 270.1770 3 6546.8356 286.8274 I 5822.3215 270.4911 4 6561 . 1848 287 . 1416 2 5835.8539 270.8053 5 6575.5498 287.4557 3 5849.4020 271.1194 6 6589.9304 287.7699 4 5862.9659 271.4336 7 6604.3268 288.0840 5 5876.5454 271.7478 8 6618.7388 288.3982 6 5890.1407 272.0619 9 6633.1666 288.7124 7 5903.7516 272.3761 92 6647. 6101 289.0265 8 5917.3783 272 . 6902 I 6662.0692 289.3407 9 5931.0206 273.0044 2 6676.5441 289.6548 87 5944.6787 273.3186 3 6691.0347 289.9690 I 5958.3525 273.6327 4 6705.5410 290.2832 2 5972.0420 273.9469 5 6720.0630 290.5973 3 5985.7472 274.2610 6 6734.6008 290.9115 4 5999.4681 274.5752 7 6749.1542 291 . 2256 5 6013.2047 274.8894 8 6763.7233 291.5398 6 6026 . 9570 275.2035 9 6778.3082 291.8540 7 6040.7250 275.5177 93 6792.9087 292.1681 8 6054.5088 275.8318 I 6807.5250 292.4823 9 6068.3082 276.1460 2 6822 . 1569 292.7964 88 6082 . 1234 276.4602 3 6836.8046 293.1106 I 6095.9542 276.7743 4 6851.4680 293.4248 2 6109.8008 277.0885 5 6866. 1471 293.7389 3 6123. 6631 277.4026 6 6880.8419 294.0531 4 6137. 5411 277.7168 7 6895.5524 294.3672 5 6151.4348 278.0309 8 6910.2786 294.6814 6 6165.3442 278.3451 9 6925.0205 294.9956 7 6179.2693 278.6593 94 6939.7782 295.3097 8 6193. 2101 278.9740 I 6954.5515 295.6239 9 6207 . 1666 279.2876 2 6969.3106 295.9380 89 6221 . 1389 279.6017 3 6984.1453 296.2522 I 6235 . 1268 279.9159 4 6998.9658 296.5663 .2 6249.1304 280.2301 5 7013. 8019 296.8805 .3 6263 . 1498 280.5442 6 7028.6538 297.1947 .4 6277.1849 280.8584 7 7043.5214 297.5088 5 6291 . 2356 281 . 1725 .8 7058.4047 297.8230 .6 6305.3021 281.4867 •9 7073.3033 298.1371 •7 6319.3843 281.8009 95 7088 . 2184 298.4513 .8 6333.4822 282.1150 .1 7103. 1488 298.765s •9 6347.5958 282.4292 .2 71 18. 1950 299.0796 90 .0 6361 . 7251 282.7433 .3 7133.0568 299.3938 Areas and Circumferences of Circles 79 Areas and Circumferences of Circles for Diameters FROM Ho TO loo Advancing by Tenths — {Concluded) Diameter Area Circumference Dian leter Area Circumference 95.4 7148.0343 299.7079 97 8 7512.2078 397.2478 5 7163.0276 300.0221 9 7527.5780 307.5619 6 7178.0366 300.3363 98 7542.9640 307.8761 7 7193. 0612 300.6504 I 7558.3656 308 . 1902 8 7208 . 1016 300.9646 2 7573.7830 308.5044 9 7223.1577 301.2787 3 7589. 2161 308.8186 96 7238.2295 301.5929 4 7604.6648 309.1327 I 7253.3170 301.9071 5 7620.1293 309.4469 2 7268.4202 302 . 2212 6 7635.609s 309.7610 3 7283.5391 302.5354 7 7651 . 1054 310.0752 4 7298.6737 302.8405 8 7666.6170 310.3894 S 7313.8240 303.1637 9 7682.1444 310.7035 6 7328.9901 303.4779 99 7697.6893 31 I. 0177 1 7344. 1718 303.7920 I 7713. 2461 31 I. 3318 8 7359.3693 304.1062 2 7728.8206 ■ 311.6460 9 7374-5824 304.4203 3 7744.4107 311.9602 97 7389. 8113 304.7345 • 4 7760.0166 312.2743 I 7405.0559 305.0486 5 7775.6382 312. 588s 2 7420.3162 305.3628 6 7791-2764 312.9026 3 7435.5922 305.6770 7 7806.9284 313.2168 4 7450.8839 305.9911 8 7822.5971 313.5309 5 7466. 1913 306.3053 9 7838. 281S 313.8451 6 7481 . 5144 306.6194 100 7853.9816 314.1593 7 7496.8532 306.9336 To compute the area or circumference of a circle of a diameter greater than 100 and less than looi; Take out the area or circumference from table as though the number had one decimal, and move the decimal point two places to the right for the area, and one place for the circumference. Example. — Wanted the area and circumference of 567. The tabular area for 56.7 is 2524.9687, and circumference 178.1283. Therefore area for 567 = 252496.87 and circumference = 1781.283. To compute the area or circumference of a circle of a diameter greater than 1000, Divide by a factor, as 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., if practicable, that will leave a quotient to be found in table, then multiply the tabular area of the quotient by the square of the factor, or the tabular circumference by the factor. Example. — Wanted the area and circumference of 2109, Dividing by 3, the quotient is 703, for which the area is 388150.84 and the circum- ference 2208.54. Therefore area of 2109 = 388150.84 X 9 = 3493357-56 and circumference = 2208.54 X 3 = 6625.62. So Mathematical Tables Table of Circular Arcs Length of circular arcs when the chord and the height of the arc are given. Divide the height by the chord. Find in the column of Heights the number equal to this quotient. Take out the corresponding number from the column of lengths. Multiply this last number by the length of the given chord. Heights Lengths Heights Lengths Heights Lengths Heights Lengths .001 1.00002 .049 1.00638 .097 I. 02491 .145 I. 05516 .002 1.00002 .050 1.00665 .098 1.02542 .146 I -05591 .003 1.00003 .051 1.00692 •099 1.02593 • 147 1.05667 .004 1.00004 .052 1.00720 .100 1.02646 .148 1.05743 .005 1.00007 .CS3 1.00748 .101 1.02698 -149 I. 05819 .006 I.OOOIO •OS4 I .00776 .102 1.02752 .150 1.05896 .007 I. 00013 .055 1.00805 .103 1.02806 ■ 151 I OS973 .008 I. 00017 .056 1.00834 .104 1.02860 .152 I. 06051 .009 1.00022 .057 1.00864 .105 I. 02914 • 153 I. 06130 .010 1.00027 .058 1.00895 .106 1.02970 -154 1.06209 .011 1.00032 .059 1.00926 .107 1.03026 • 155 1.06288 .012 1.00038 .060 1.00957 .108 1.03082 .156 1.06368 .013 1.00045 .061 1.00989 .109 I 03139 • 157 1.06449 .014 1.00053 .062 1.01021 .110 I. 03196 .158 1.06530 •ois I. 00061 .063 I. 01054 .III 1.03254 ■159 1.06611 .016 1.00069 .064 I. 01088 .112 I. 03312 .160 1.06693 .017 1.00078 .065 1.01123 -113 I 03371 .161 1.0677s .018 1.00087 .066 I. 01 158 .114 I 03430 .162 1.06858 .019 1.00097 .067 I. 01 193 • 115 1.03490 .163 I. 06941 .020 I. 00107 .068 I. 01228 .116 I. 03551 .164 1.07025 .021 1.00117 .069 I. 01264 .117 I. 0361 I .16s I. 07109 .022 I. 00128 .070 I. 01302 .iiS 1.03672 .166 I. 07194 .023 I. 00140 .071 I. 01338 .119 1.03734 .167 1.07279 .024 I. 00153 .072 I. 01376 .120 1-03797 .168 1.07365 .025 I. 00167 .073 1.01414 .121 1.03860 .169 I. 07451 .026 I. 00182 .074 I -01453 .122 1.03923 .170 I.07S37 .027 I. 00196 .075 I. 01493 .123 1.03987 .171 1.07624 .028 I. 002 10 .076 I -01533 .124 I. 04051 .172 I.077H .029 1.00225 .077 I -01573 .125 I. 041 16 .173 1.07799 .030 I .00240 .078 1.01614 .126 1.04181 .174 1.07888 .031 1.00256 .079 I. 01656 .127 1.04247 .175 1.07977 .032 1.00272 .080 I. 01698 .128 1.04313 .176 1.08066 .033 1.00289 .081 1.01741 .129 1.04380 .177 I. 08156 -034 1.00307 .082 I. 01784 .130 1.04447 .178 1.08246 .035 1.00327 .083 I. 01828 .131 I. 04515 ■ .179 1.08337 .036 I.C034S .0S4 I. 01872 .132 1.04584 .180 1.08428 .037 1.00364 .085 1.01916 • 133 1.04652 .181 I. 08519 .038 1.00384 .086 1.01961 .134 I .04722 .182 1.08611 .039 1.00405 .087 I .02006 • 135 I .04792 .183 1.08704 .040 1.00426 .088 1.02052 .136 1.04862 .184 1.08797 .041 1.00447 .089 1.02098 • 137 1.04932 .185 1.08890 .042 I .00469 .090 I. 02146 .138 1.05003 .186 1.08984 •043 1.00492 .091 I .02192 .139 1.05075 .187 1.09079 .044 I. 00515 .092 1.02240 .140 I. 05147 .188 I. 09174 .045 I.C50539 .093 1.02CS9 .141 1.05220 .189 1.09269 .046 1.00563 .094 1.02339 .142 1.05293 .190 1.0936s .047 1.00587 .095 1.02389 .143 1.05367 .191 I. 09461 .048 I. 00612 .096 1.02440 .144 I. 05441 .192 I.09SS7 Table of Circular Arcs Table of Circular Arcs — (Contimied) 8i Heights Lengths Heights Lengths He ights Lengths He ights L engths .193 1.09654 .248 I. 15670 303 1.22920 358 I 31276 .194 1.09752 .249 1.15791 304 1.23063 359 I 31437 .195 1.09850 .250 1.15912 30s I . 23206 360 I 31599 .196 1.09949 .251 I. 16034 306 1.23349 361 I 31761 .197 I . 10048 .252 1.16156 307 1.23492 362 I 31923 .198 1 . 10147 .253 I. 16279 308 1.23636 363 I 32086 • 199 1. 10247 .254 I . 16402 309 I. 23781 364 I 32249 .200 I. 10347 .255 I . 16526 310 1.23926 365 I 32413 .201 I. 10447 .256 I . 16650 311 1.24070 366 I 32577 .202 I. 10548 .257 I . 16774 312 I. 24216 357 I 32741 .203 I. 10650 .258 I. 16899 313 I. 24361 368 I 3290s .204 I.I07S2 .259 I . 17024 314 1.24507 369 I 33069 .205 I. 10855 .260 I . 17150 315 1.24654 370 I 33234 .206 I . 10958 .261 I. 17276 316 I . 24801 371 I 33399 .207 I.11062 .262 1.17403 317 1.24948 372 I 33564 .208 1.1116s .263 I. 17530 318 1.25095 373 I 33730 .209 1.11269 .264 I . 17657 319 1.25243 374 I 33896 .210 I.11374 .265 I . 17784 320 I. 25391 375 I 34063 .211 I.I1479 .266 1.17912 321 1.25540 376 I 34229 .212 1.11S84 .267 I . 18040 322 1.25689 377 I 34396 .213 1.11690 .268 I . 18169 323 1.25838 378 I 34563 .214 1.I1796 .269 I . 18299 324 1.25988 379 I 34731 .215 I. I 1904 .270 I. 18429 325 I. 26138 380 I 34899 .216 1.12011 .271 I . 18559 326 1.26288 381 I 35068 .217 1.12118 .272 I. 18689 327 1.26437 382 I 35237 .218 I . 12225 .273 I . 18820 328 1.26588 383 I 35406 .219 I. 12334 .274 1.18951 329 I . 26740 384 I 35575 .220 I . 12444 .275 I. 19082 330 1.26892 385 I 35744 .221 I. 12554 .276 1.19214 331 1.27044 386 I 35914 .222 I. 12664 .277 I. 19346 332 1.27196 387 I 36084 .223 I. 12774 .278 I. 19479 333 1.27349 388 I 36254 .224 1.1288s .279 1.19612 334 1.^502 389 I 36425 .225 I. 12997 .280 I . 19746 335 1.27656 390 I 36596 .226 I . 13108 .281 I . 19880 336 I. 27810 391 I 36767 .227 I . 13219 .282 I. 20014 337 1.27964 392 I 36939 .228 I.13331 .283 I. 20149 338 1.28118 393 I 37111 .229 I. 13444 .284 1.20284 339 1.28273 394 I 37283 .230 I. 13557 .28s I . 20419 340 1.28428 395 I 37455 .231 1.13671 .286 I.20S5S 341 1.28583 396 I 37628 .232 I. 13785 .287 I. 20691 342 1.28739 397 I 37801 .233 I. 13900 .288 1.20827 343 1.28895 398 I 37974 .234 I-I4015 .279 1.20964 344 1.29052 399 I 38148 .235 I.14131 .290 I. 21 102 345 1.29209 400 I .38322 .236 I. 14247 .291 I. 21239 346 1.29366 401 I 38496 .237 I. 14363 .292 I. 21377 347 1.29523 402 I 38671 .238 I. 14480 .293 1.21515 348 I. 29681 403 I 38846 .239 I. 14597 .294 1.21654- 349 1.29839 404 I 39021 .240 I.14714 .295 I. 21794 350 1.29997 405 I 39196 .241 I. 14832 .296 I. 21933 351 1.30156 406 I 39372 .242 I . 14951 .297 1.22073 352 1.3031S 407 I .39548 .243 I . 15070 .298 I. 22213 .353 1.30474 408 I 39724 .244 1.IS189 .299 1.22354 .354 1.30634 409 I 39900 .245 I . 15308 .300 1.22495 .355 1.30794 410 I .40077 .246 I. 15428 .301 1.22636 .356 1.30954 411 I 40254 .247 I . 15549 .302 1.22778 .357 I.3111S .412 I .40432 82 Mathematical Tables Table of Circular Arcs — {Concluded) Heights Lengths Heights Lengths Heights Lengths He ights Lengths .413 1. 40610 .435 1.44589 .457 1.48699 479 1.52931 .414 40788 .436 44773 .458 1.48889 480 1. 53126 .415 40966 .437 44957 .459 1.49079 481 1.53322 .416 41145 .438 45142 .460 1.49269 482 I. 53518 .417 41324 .439 45327 .461 1.49460 483 I. 53714 .418 41503 .440 45512 .462 I. 49651 484 I. 53910 .419 41682 .441 45697 .463 1.49842 485 I . 54106 .420 41861 .442 45883 .464 1.50033 486 1.54302 .421 42041 .443 46069 .465 1.50224 487 1.54499 .422 42221 -.444 46255 .466 I. 50416 488 1.54696 .423 42402 .445 46441 .467 1.50608 489 1.54893 .424 42583 .446 46628 .468 1.50800 490 I. 55091 .42s 42764 .447 46815 .469 1.50992 491 1.55289 .426 42945 .448 •'• 47002 .470 1.51185 492 1.55487 .427 43127 .449 47189 .471 I. 51378 493 1.5568s .428 43309 .450 47377 .472 1.51571 494 1.55884 .429 43491 .451 4756s .473 I. 51764 495 1.56083 .430 43673 .452 47753 .474 I. 51958 496 1.56282 .431 43856 .453 47942 .475 I. 52152 497 1.56481 .432 44039 .454 48131 .476 1.52346 498 1.56681 .433 44222 .455 48320 .477 I. 52541 499 I. 56881 .434 44405 .456 48509 .478 1.52736 500 1.57080 Lengths of Circular Arcs to Radius 1 To find the length of a circular arc by the following table Knowing the radius of the circle and the measure of the arc in deg., min., etc. Rule. — Add together the lengths in the table found respectively opposite to the deg., min., etc., of the arc. Multiply the sum by the radius of the circle. Example. — In a circle of 12.43 f^et radius, is an arc of 13 deg., 27 min., 8 sec. How long is the arc? Here, opposite 13 deg. in the table, we find .2268928 " 27 min. " " " " .0078540 " • 8 sec. " " " " .0000388 Sum =.2347856 And .2347856 X 12.43, or radius = 2.918385 feet, the required length of arc. Lengths of Circular Arcs to Radius i 83 Lengths of Circular Arcs to Radius i Deg. Length Deg. Length Deg. Length Deg. 136 Length I .0174533 46 .8028515 91 1.5882496 2.3736478 2 .0349066 47 .8203047 92 1.6057029 137 2. 391 ion 3 .0523599 48 .8377580 93 I. 6231562 138 2.4085544 4 .0698132 49 .8552113 94 I . 6406095 139 2 . 4260077 5 087266s 50 .8726646 95 1.6580628 140 2.4434610 6 .1047198 SI .8901179 96 1.6755161 141 2 . 4609142 7 .1221730 52 .9075712 97 1.6929694 142 2.4783675 8 .1396263 53 .9250245 98 I. 7104227 143 2.4958208 9 .1570796 54 .9424778 99 I . 7278760 144 2.5132741 10 .1745329 55 .9593911 100 1.7453293 145 2.5307274 II . 1919862 56 .9773844 lOI 1.762782s 146 2.5481807 12 .2094395 57 .9948377 102 1.7802358 147 2.5656340 13 .2268928 58 1.0122910 103 I. 7976891 148 2.5830873 14 .2443461 59 1.0297443 104 1.8151424 149 2.6005406 IS .2617994 60 I. 047 1976 105 1.8325957 150 2.6179939 16 . 2792527 61 1.0646508 106 1.8500490 151 2.6354472 17 . 2967060 62 1.0821041 107 1.8675023 152 2.6529005 18 .3141593 63 1.0995574 108 1.8849556 153 2.6703538 19 .3316126 64 I . 1170107 109 1.9024089 154 2.6878070 20 .3490659 65 I. 1344640 no I. 9198622 I5S 2.7052603 21 .3665191 66 1.1519173 III I. 9373155 156 2.7227136 22 .3839724 67 I . 1693706 112 1.9547688 157 2 . 7401669 23 .4014257 68 I . X868239 113 1,9722221 158 2 . 7576202 24 .4188790 69 1.2042772 114 1.9896753 159 2.7750735 25 .4363323 70 I. 2217305 115 2.0071286 160 2.7925268 26 .4537856 71 I. 2391838 116 2.0245819 161 2 . 8099801 27 .4712389 72 I. 2566371 117 2.0420352 162 2.8274334 28 .4886922 73 1.2740904 118 2.0594885 163 2 . 8448867 29 .5061455 74 I. 2915436 119 2.0769418 164 2.8623400 30 .5235988 75 1.3089969 120 2.0943951 165 2.8797933 31 .5410521 76 1.3264502 121 2. I I 18484 166 2.8972466 32 .5585054 77 1.343903s 122 2.1293017 167 2.9146999 33 .5759587 78 I. 3613568 123 2 . 1467550 168 2.9321531 34 .5934119 79 1.3788101 124 2 . 1642083 169 2.9496064 35 .6108652 80 1.3962634 125 2.1816616 170 2.9670597 36 .6283185 81 1.4137167 126 2.1991149 171 2.9845130 37 .6457718 82 1.4311700 127 2.2165682 172 3.0019663 38 .6632251 83 1.4486233 128 2.2340214 173 3.0194x96 39 .6806784 84 1.4660766 129 2.2514747 174 3.0368729 40 .6981317 . 85 1.4835299 130 2.2689280 175 3.0543262 41 .7155850 86 1.5009832 131 2.2863813 176 3.0717795 42 .7330383 87 I. 5184364 132 2.3038346 177 3.0892328 43 .7504916 88 1.5358897 133 2.3212879 178 3.1066861 44 .7679449 89 I • 5533430 134 2.3387412 179 3.1241394 45 .7853982 90 1.5707963 135 2.3561945 180 3.1415927 Min. Length Min. Length Min. Length Min. Length I .0002909 6 .OOI74S3 II .0031998 16 .0046542 2 .0005818 7 .0020362 12 .0034907 17 .0049451 3 .0008727 8 .0023271 13 .0037815 18 .0052360 4 .0011636 9 .0026180 14 .0040724 19 .0055269 5 .0014544 10 .0029089 15 .0043633 20 .0058178 84 Mathematical Tables Lengths or Circular Aecs to Radius i — {Continued) Min. Length Min. Length Min. Length Min. Length 21 .0061087 31 .0090175 • 41 .0119264 SI 0148353 22 .0063995 32 .0093084 42 .0122173 52 .0151262 23 .0066904 33 .0095993 43 .0125082 53 .0154171 24 .0069813 34 .0098902 44 .0127991 54 0157080 25 .0072722 35 .0101811 45 .0130900 55 .0159989 26 .0075631 36 .0104720 46 .0133809 56 .0162897 27 .0078540 37 .0107629 47 .0136717 57 .0165806 28 .00S1449 38 .0110538 48 .0139626 58 .0168715 29 .0084358 39 .0113446 49 .0142535 59 .0171624 30 .oc^7266 40 .0116355 50 .0145444 1 60 .0174533 Sec. Length Sec. Length Sec. Length Sec. Length I .0000048 16 .0000776 31 .0001503 46 .0002230 2 0000097 17 .0000824 32 .0001551 47 .0002279 3 .0000145 18 .0000873 33 .0001600 48 .0002327 4 .0000194 19 .0000921 34 .0001648 49 .0002376 5 0000242 20 .0000970 35 .0001697 50 .0002424 6 0000291 21 .0001018 36 .0001745 51 .0002473 7 0000339 22 .0001067 37 .0001794 52 .0002521 8 0000388 23 .0001115 38 .0001842 53 .0002570 9 0000430 24 .0001164 39 .0001891 54 .0002618 10 0000485 25 .0001212 40 .0001939 55 .0002666 II 0000533 26 .0001261 41 .0001988 56 .0002715 12 0000582 27 .0001309 42 .0002036 . 57 .0002763 13 0000630 28 .0001357 43 .0002085 58 .0002812 14 0000679 29 .0001406 44 .0002133 59 .0002860 15 0000727 30 .0001454 45 .0002182 1 60 .0002909 Table of Areas of Circular Segments If the segment exceeds a semicircle, its area = area of circle — area of a segment whose rise = (diam. of circle — rise of given segment). Diam. of circle = (square of half chord -^ rise) + rise, whether the segment exceeds a semicircle or not. Rise divided by diam. Area = (square of diam.) multi- Rise divided by diam. Area = (square of diam.) multi- Rise divided by diam. Area = (square of diam.) multi- Rise divided by diam. Area = (square of diam.) of circle plied by of circle plied by of circle plied by of circle plied by .001 .000042 .010 .001329 .019 .003472 .028 .006194 .002 .000119 .011 .001533 .020 .003749 .029 .006527 .003 .000219 .012 .001746 .021 .004032 .030 .006866 .004 .000337 .013 .001969 .022 .004322 .031 .007209 .005 .000471 .014 .002199 .023 .004619 .032 .007559 .006 .000619 .015 .002438 .024 .004922 .033 .007913 .007 .000779 .016 .002685 .025 .005231 .034 .008273 .008 .000952 .017 .002940 .026 .005546 .035 .008638 .009 .001135 .018 .003202 .027 .005867 .036 .009008 Table of Areas of Circular Segments 8s Table of Areas of Circular Segments — {Continued) Rise divided by diam. Area = (square of diam.) Rise divided by diam. Area = (square of diam.) multi- _ . Area = ^^}f^ (square divided ^f^i^^_) by diam. ^^j^.. Rise divided by diam. Area= (square of diam.) multi- of circle plied by of circle plied by °f"^^^« plied by of circle plied by .037 .009383 .087 .033308 .137 .064761 .187 . IOISS3 .038 .009764 .088 .033873 .138 .065449 .188 ■ 102334 .039 .010148 .089 .034441 .139 .066140 .189 • 103116 .040 .010538 .090 .035012 .140 .066833 .190 .103900 .041 .010932 .091 .035586 .141 067528 .191 . 104686 .042 .011331 .092 .036162 ,142 068225 .192 . 105472 •043 .011734 .093 .036742 .143 068924 .193 . 106261 .044 .012142 .094 •037324 .144 069626 .194 . 107051 04s .012555 .095 .037909 .145 070329 • 195 .X07843 .046 .012971 .096 , .038497 .146 071034 .196 .108636 .047 .013393 .097 .039087 • 147 071741 .197 -109431 .048 .013818 .098 .039681 .148 072450 .198 . 110227 .049 .014248 .099 .040277 .149 073162 .199 . 111025 .oso .014681 .100 .040875 .ISO 073875 .200 . 111824 .051 .015119 .101 .041477 .151 074590 .201 .112625 .052 .015561 .102 .042081 .152 075307 .202 .113427 053 .016008 .103 .042687 .153 076026 .203 .114231 OS4 .016458 .104 .043296 .154 076747 .204 .115036 055 .016912 .105 .043908 .155 077470 .205 .115842 056 .017369 .106 •044523 .156 078194 .206 .116651 057 .017831 .107 .045140 .157 078921 .207 .117460 058 .018297 .108 •0457S9 .158 079650 .208 .118271 059 .018766 .109 .046381 .159 080380 .209 .119084 060 .019239 .110 .047006 .160 081 I 12 .210 .119898 061 .019716 .III •047633 .161 081847 .211 .120713 062 .020197 .112 .048262 .162 082582 .212 •121530 063 .020681 .113 .048894 .163 083320 .213 .122348 064 .021168 .114 .049529 .164 084060 .214 .r23i67 065 .021660 .115 .050165 .165 084801 .215 .123988 066 .022155 .116 .050805 .166 085545 .216 . 124811 067 .0236S3 .117 .051446 .167 086290 .217 •125634 068 .023155 .118 .052090 .168 087037 .218 . 126459 069 .023660 .119 .052737 .169 087785 .219 . 127286 070 .024168 .120 •053385 .170 088536 .220 .128114 071 .024680 .121 •054037 .171 089288 .221 .128943 072 .025196 .122 .054690 .172 090042 .222 .129773 073 .025714 .123 •055346 .173 090797 .223 .13060S 074 .026236 .124 .056004 .174 091555 .224 .131438 075 .026761 .125 .056664 .175 092314 .225 .132273 076 .027290 .126 .057327 .176 093074 .226 .133109 077 .027821 .127 •057991 .177 093837 .227 .133946 078 .028356 .128 .058658 .178 094601 .228 .134784 079 .028894 .129 .059328 .179 095367 .229 .135624 080 .029435 -.130 ■059999 .180 096135 .230 .13646S 081 .029979 .131 .060673 .181 096904 .231 .137307 082 .030526 .132 .061349 .182 097675 .232 .138151 083 .031077 .133 .062027 .183 098447 .233 .138996 084 .031630 .134 .062707 .184 099221 .234 .139842 085 .032186 .1.35 .063389 .185 099997 .235 .140689 !o86 .032746 .136 .064074 .186 100774 .236 .141538 S6 Mathematical Tables Table of Areas DF Circular Segments — (Continued) Rise divided by diam. Area = (square of diam.) multi- Rise divided by diam. Area = (square of diam.) multi- Rise divided by diam. Area = (square of diam.) multi- Rise divided by diam. Area = (square of diam.) multi- of circle plied by of circle plied by of circle plied by of circle pUed by .237 .142388 .287 . 186329 .337 .232634 .387 .280669 .238 .143239 .288 . 187235 .338 .233580 .388 .281643 .239 . 144091 .289 . 188141 .339 .234526 .389 .282618 ..240 .144945 .290 .189048 .340 .235473 .390 .283593 .241 .145800 .291 .189956 .341 .236421 .391 .284569 .242 .146656 .292 .190865 .342 .237369 .392 .285545 .243 .147513 .293 .191774 .343 .238319 .393 .286521 .244 .148371 .294 . 192685 .344 .239268 .394 .287499 .245 .149231 .295 .193597 .345 .240219 .395 .288476 .246 .150091 .296 .194509 .346 .241170 .396 .289454 .247 .150953 .297 .195423 .347 .242122 .397 .290432 .248 .151816 .298 .196337 .348 .243074 .398 .291411 .249 . 152681 .299 .197252 .349 .244027 -399 .292390 .250 .153546 .300 .198168 .350 .244980 .400 .293370 .251 .154413 .301 .199085 .351 .245935 .401 .294350 .252 .155281 .302 .200003 .352 .246890 .402 .295330 .253 .156149 .303 .200922 .353 .247845 .403 .296311 .254 .157019 .304 . 201841 .354 .248801 .404 .297292 .255 .157891 .305 .202762 .355 .249758 .40s .298274 .256 .158763 .306 .203683 .356 .250715 .406 .299256 .257 .159636 .307 . 204605 .357 .251673 .407 .300238 .258 .160511 .308 . 205528 .358 .252632 .408 .301221 .259 .161386 .309 .206452 .359 .253591 .409 .302204 .260 . 162263 .310 .207376 .360 .254551 .410 .303187 .261 . 163141 .311 .208302 .361 .255511 .411 .304171 .262 . 164026 .312 .209228 .362 .256472 .412 .305156 .263 .164900 .313 .2IOI5S .363 .257433 .413 .306140 .264 .165781 .314 .211083 .364 .258395 .414 .307125 .26s .166663 .315 .212011 .365 .259358 .415 .308110 .266 .167546 .316 .212941 .366 .260321 .416 .309096 .267 .168431 .317 .213871 .367 .261285 .417 .310082 .268 . 169316 .318 . 214802 .368 .262249 .418 .311068 .269 .170202 .319 .215734 .369 .263214 .419 .312055 .270 .171090 .320 .216666 .370 .264179 .420 .313042 .271 .171978 .321 .217600 .371 .265145 .421 .314029 .272 .172868 .322 .218534 .372 .266111 .422 .315017 .273 .173758 .323 .219469 .373 .267078 .423 .316005 .274 . 174650 .324 .220404 .374 .268046 .424 .316993 .275 .175542 .325 .221341 .375 .269014 .425 .317981 .276 . 176436 .326 . 222278 .376 .269982 .426 .318970 .277 .177330 .327 .223216 .377 .270951 .427 .319959 .278 .178226 .328 .224154 .378 .271921 .428 .320949 .279 .179122 .329 .225094 .379 .272891 .429 .321938 .280 .180020 .330 .226034 .380 .273861 .430 .322928 .281 . 180918 .331 .226974 .381 .274832 .431 .323919 .282 .181818 .332 .227916 .382 .275804 .432 .324909 .283 . 182718 .333 .228858 .383 .276776 .433 .325900 .284 . 183619 .334 .229801 .384 .277748 .434 .326891 .285 . 184522 .335 .230745 .385 .278721 .435 .327883 .286 .185425 .336 .231689 .386 .279695 .436 .328874 Table of Areas of Circular Segments 87 Table of' Areas of Circular Segments — {Continued) Rise divided Area = (square Rise divided Area= j (square ^^ lise ^ided Area = j (square ^j, Use /ided Area = (square by diam. of circle of diam.) multi- by diam. of circle of diam.) , multi- J diam. circle of diam.) , multi- q£ diam. circle of diam.) multi- plied by plied by plied by plied by .437 .329866 .453 .345768 .469 .361719 485 .377701 .438 .330858 .454 .346764 470 .362717 486 .378701 .439 .331851 .455 .347760 471 .363715 487 .379701 .440 .332843 .456 .348756 472 .364714 488 .380700 .441 .333836 .457 .349752 473 .365712 489 .381700 .442 .334829 .458 .350749 474 .366711 490 .382700 .443 .335823 .459 .351745 475 .367710 491 .383700 • .444 .336816 .460 .352742 476 .368708 492 .384699 -445 .337810 .461 .353739 477 .369707 493 .385699 .446 .338804 .462 .354736 478 .370706 494 .386699 .447 .339799 .463 .355733 479 .371705 495 .387699 .448 .340793 .464 .356730 480 .372704 496 .388699 .449 .341788 .465 .357728 481 .373704 497 .389699 .450 .342783 .466 .358725 482 .374703 498 .390699 .451 .343778 .467 .359723 483 .375702 499 .391699 .452 .344773 .468 .360721 484 .376702 500 .392699 88 Mathematical Tables Chords of Arcs from One to Ninety Degrees Dimensions given in inches. Ang. 18-inch 36-inch 72-inch Ang. Deg. 18-inch 36-inch 72-inch radius radius radius radius radius radius Deg. chord chord chord chftrd chord chord I Vi6 % iH 46 14 1/1 6 281/i 561/64 2 ^A iV^ 2/2 47 1423/64 2823/32 572/64 3 1^6 m 33/4 48 14^/64 29%2 583/64 4 iH 2V, 5 49 145 %4 2955/4 5923/2 5 l3%4 3%4 6?^2 50 I5%2 302 %4 6055/64 6 lli 34 %4 7I/32 51 15/2 31 62 7 21^64 42"5/64 851/^4 52 1525/32 319/6 63% 8 2H 5/64 IO%4 53 16/16 32% 641/4 9 253/^4 5^/64 Ill%4 54 16I/32 321/6 653/ lO 39/64 6^32 123 %4 55 l65/^ 33/ 66/2 II 32 9/64 62 9/32 135/64 56 162 9/32 33^/64 6739/4 12 34 %4 71/32 IS%4 57 I7IH4 3423/64 6823/2 13 4^/64 8/32 l61%4 58 172/64 3429/2 6913/6 14 42 %4 825/32 1735/64 59 1723/32 3529/4 7029/2 15 4^5/64 925/64 1851/64 60 18 36 72 i6 5 10^4 20H2 61 181/64 3635/4 735/64 17 521/64 104^4 21%2 62 1835/64 37/64 74II/64 i8 SH Ill%4 22l%2 63 181 /l 6 37% 7514 19 5^5/16 11% 234%4 64 19/64 385/2 765/6 20 6I/4 12/2 25 65 I9IH2 38II/16 7734 21 6^16 T-zY^ 2615/64 66 1939/64 39%2 782 %4 22 674 134 %4 273/64 67 19% 39^/64 7915/2 23 7"/64 142/64 28* %4 68 2ol,i 4oi%4 8oi%2 24 73/64 143/32 291 5/6 69 2o2 5/^4 4o2%2 8x9/6 25 7^/64 153/64 311/64 70 20*1/64 4ii%4 82l%2 26 83/^2 161^^4 3225/64 71 2o2%2 4I13/6 835/^ 27 813/^2 16I/16 33^^ 72 2iyz2 4221.^4 84*1/64 28 845/64 1713/32 3413/16 73 2ll%2 425 %4 8521/2 29 9/64 l81/^2 36/16 74 2l21y^2 432/64 8621/2 30 9^6 1841/64 371/64 75 2X5 %4 4353/4 8721/2 31 9% 191^^4 3831/64 76 225,^2 442/64 8821/32 32 95 %4 192^2 391/6 77 22I/32 4453/4 894/64 33 io7;^2 202%4 405/64 78 2221/^2 45/1 6 9054 34 I0l%2 2I%4 423/^2 79 2257/64 455/64 9ii%2 35 105^4 2l21/^2 43i%4 80 239/64 469/2 92?l6 36 JlM 22l.i 44/2 81 233/8 463/ 933^4 37 iimi 222 %2 451/6 82 2339/4 4715/64 94i%2 38 Il2 3/^2 23/6 465.^ 83 2355/64 4745/4 9513/^2 39 12^4 24H2 48/16 84 243/32 481/64 9623/4 40 I2M6 245/i 49H 85 2421/4 4841/4 97?^2 41 123 9/64 25%2 50^6 86 2435/4 493/32 9813/4 42 122 %2 255/64 513 9/64 87 2425/2 49?i6 99% . 43 133/6 2625/64 522 5/fe 88 25 50/64 IOO%2 44 1331/^4 2631/^2 531 /l 6 89 251 5/4 501/32 I0015/6 45 1325/^2 273^^4 55^/^4 90 2529/64 502 %2 1015^4 Chords 89 Fig. 35. To Find the Length of a Chord which will Divide the Circumference of a Circle into N Equal Parts Multiply S by the Diameter N 5 N 5 N 5 N 5 I 26 . 12054 51 .061560 76 041325 2 27 .11609 52 .060379 77 040788 3 '! 86603" 28 .11197 53 .059240 78 040267 4 .70711 29 . 10812 54 .058145 79 039757 5 .58779 30 .10453 55 .057090 80 039260 6 .50000 31 .10117 56 .056071 81 038775 7 .43388 32 .098018 57 .055089 82 038303 8 .38268 33 .095056 58 .054139 83 037841 9 .34202 34 .092269 59 .053222 84 037391 10 .30902 35 .089640 60 .052336 85 036953 II .28173 36 .087156 61 .051478 86 036522 12 .25882 37 .084804 62 .050649 87 036103 13 .23932 38 .082580 63 .049845 88 035692 14 .22252 39 .080466 64 .049068 89 035291 IS .20791 40 .078460 65 .048312 90 034899 16 .19509 41 .076549 66 .047582 91 034516 17 .18375 42 .074731 67 .046872 92 034141 18 .17365 . 43 .072995 68 .046184 93 033774 19 .16460 44 .071339 69 .045515 94 033415 20 .15643 45 .069756 70 .044865 95 033064 • 21 .14904 46 .06S243 71 .044232 96 032719 22 .14232 47 .066793 72 .043619 97 032381 23 .13617 48 .065401 73 .043022 98 032051 24 .13053 49 .064073 74 .042441 99 031728 25 .12533 50 .062791 75 .041875 100 031411 90 Mathematical Tables Lengths of Chords for Spacing Circle whose Diameter is i For circles of other diameters multiply length given in table by diameter of circle. No. of Length of No. of Length of No. of Length of No. of Length of spaces chord spaces chord spaces chord spaces chord 26 .1205 51 .0616 76 .0413 .0408 .0403 27 .1161 52 .0604 77 3 "'■.8660" 28 .1120 53 .0592 78 4 .7071 29 .1081 54 .0581 79 .0398 s .5878 30 .1045 55 .0571 80 .0393 6 .5000 31 .1012 56 .0561 81 .0388 7 .4339 32 .0980 57 .0551 82 .0383 8 .3827 33 .0951 58 .0541 83 .0378 9 .3420 34 .0923 59 .0532 84 .0374 lo .3090 35 .0896 60 .0523 85 .0370 II .2817 36 .0872 61 .0515 86 .0365 12 .2588 37 .0848 62 .0507 87 .0361 13 .2393 38 .0826 63 .0499 88 .0357 14 .2225 39 .0805 64 .0491 89 .0353 15 .2079 40 .0785 65 .0483 90 .0349 i6 .1951 41 .0765 66 .0476 91 .0345 17 .1838 42 .0747 67 .0469 92 .0341 I8 .1736 43 •0730 68 .0462 93 .0338 19 .1646 44 .0713 69 .0455 94 .0334 20 .1564 45 .0698 70 .0449 95 .0331 21 .1490 46 .0682 71 .0442 96 .0327 22 .1423 47 .0668 72 .0436 97 .0324 23 .1362 48 .0654 73 .0430 98 .0321 24 .1305 49 .0641 74 .0424 99 .0317 25 .1253 50 .0628 75 .0419 TOO .0314 Computed by W. I. Mann, Pittsburg, Pa. Supplement to Machinery, February, 1903. Board Measure 91 Board Measure Length in feet Size 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Square feet IX 8 8 9\i I02/^ 12 n\i 142/^ 16 17% IX 10 10 11% 132/^ 15 16% 18% 20 21% 1X12 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 1X14 14 16I/6 182/3 21 233'^ 252/^ 28 30% IX16 16 I82/^ 21H 24 262/^ 29/3 32 34% 2X 3 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 2X 4 8 m 1024 12 I3H 142% 16 17% 2X 6 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 2X 8 16 18% 21/3 24 262/^ 29% 32 34% 2X10 20 231/^ 26% 30 33H 3624 40 43% 2X12 24 28 32 36 40 44 -48 52 2X14 28 322/^ 37^ 42 4624 51% 56 60% 2X16 32 375^ 42% 48 53H 582% 64 69% 3X 4 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 3X 6 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 3X 8 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 3X10 30 35. 40 45 50 55 60 65 3X12 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 3X14 42 49 S6 63 70 77 84 91 3X16 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 4X 4 16 I82/^ 2m 24 26% 29% 32 34% 4X 6 24 28 32 2,^ 40 44 48 52 4X 8 32 37H 42% 48 53H 58% 64 69% 4X10 40 46% 53H 60 66% 73% 80 86% 4X12 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 4X14 56 65!/^ 742/3 84 93% I022/^ 112 121% 4X16 64 742/3 8sH 96 106% 117% 128 138% 6X 6 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 6X 8 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 6X10 60 70 80 90 100 no 120 130 6X12 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 6X14 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 6X16 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 8X 8 64 74% 851/3 96 10624 117% 128 138% 8X10 80 93H 106% 120 133% 1462% 160 173% 8X12 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 8X14 ■112 I302/^ 149^/^ 168 1862/3 205% 224 242% 8X16 128 I49V^ I702/^ 192 213% 234% 256 277% loXio 100 116% 133^/^ 150 1662/3 183% 200 216% 10X12 120 140 160 .180 200 220 240 260 10X14 140 163H 1862/^ 210 233% 256% 280 303% 10X16 160 1862/^ 213H 240 2662/3 293% 320 346% 12X12 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 12X14 168 196 224 252 280 308 336 364 12X16 192 224 256 288 320 352 384 416 14X14 196 22m 2(>m 294 326% 359% 392 424% 14X16 224 261H 2982/i 336 373/3 4io2/^ 448 485% 16x16 256 2982/3 341H 384 4262/^ 469% 512 554% 92 Mathematical Tables Board Measure — {Continued) Length in feet Size 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Square feet IX 8 i8H 20 21 1/^ 22% 24 2534 26% IXIO 23H 25 262/^ 28H 30 312/6 33H IXI2 28 30 ■ 32 34 36 38 40 1X14 322/^ 35 37H 39% 42 44I/6 46% 1X16 37H 40 42^^ 45H 48 502/6 53H 2X 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2X 4 I82/^ 20 2ll/i 222/^ 24 25H 26% 2X 6 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 2X 8 37^/^ 40 422/3 45H 48 502/6 53% 2X10 462/^ 50 53H 56% 60 63H 66% 2X12 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 2X14 65H 70 722/3 7954 84 882/6 93% 2X16 74^i 80 85H 90% 96 loii^ 106% 3X 4 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 3X 6 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 3X 8 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 3X10 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 3X12 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 3X14 98 los 112 119 126 133 140 3X16 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 4X 4 37H 40 42^ 45H 48 50% 53% 4X 6 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 4X 8 74^/3 80 85!/^ 9o2/i 96 loiH 106% 4X10 93H 100 I062/^ 113H 120 126% 133% 4X12 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 4X14 130^^ 140 ugH 1582/^ 168 177)4 186% 4X16 149H 160 \io% i8ii/^ 192 202% 213% 6X 6 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 6x 8 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 6x10 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 6X12 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 6x14 196 210 224 238 252 266 280 6X16 224 240 256 272 288 304 320 8X 8 U9H 160 170^^ i8ii.^ 192 202% 213% 8X10 1862/^ 200 213H 226% 240 253H 266% 8X12 224 240 256 272 288 304 320 8X14 261 1/^ 280 29824 317^/^ 336 354% 373% 8X16 298^^ 320 341I4 3622/ 384 405H 426% loXio 2335'^ 250 266^^ 283H 300 316% 333% 10X12 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 10X14 3262/i 350 373H 3962/6 410 443H 466% 10X16 373H 400 4262yi 453H 480 So6% 533% 12x12 336 360 384 408 432 456 480 12X14 392 420 448 476 504 532 560 12X16 448 480 512 544 576 608 640 14X14 457!/^ 490 5222/^ S55I/6 588 620% 6S3% 14X16 522^/^ 560 597H 634% 672 709H 746% 16X16 597I4 640 682H 725H 768 810% 853% Note. — By simply multiplying or dividing the above amounts, the number of feet contained in other dimensions can be obtained. Surface and Volumes of Spheres 93 Weight of Lumber per iooo Feet Board Measure Character of lumber Dry Partly seasoned Green • Pine and. hemlock Pounds 2500 3000 4000 3SOO Pounds 2750 4000 5000 4CXX) Pounds 3000 Norway and. yellow pine 5000 Oak and walnut ... Surface and Volumes of Spheres Spheres. (Original.) Trautwine. Some errors of i in the last figure only. Diam. Surface Solidity Diam. Surface Solidity Diam. Surface Solidity K4 .0C077 13/^2 3.7583 .68511 2%2 15.466 5.7190 H2 .00307 .00002 % 3.9761 .74551 M 15.904 5. 9641 %4 .00690 .00005 5/2 4.2000 .80939 %2 16.349 6.2161 Me .01227 .00013 Me 4.4301 .87681 Me 16.800 6. 4751 3.^2 .02761 .00043 %2 4.6664 .94786 1H2 17.258 6.7412 H .04909 .00102 M 4.9088 1.0227 % 17.721 7.0144 5i2 .07670 .00200 %2 5.1573 I . 1013 13/^2 18.190 7.2949 3/16 .11045 .00345 Me 5.4119 I. 1839 Me 18.666 7.5829 %2 . 1S033 .00548 1/32 5.6728 1.2704 15/32 19.147 7.8783 }i .19635 .00818 3/i 5. 9396 1.3611 1/^ 19.635 8.1813 %2 .24851 .01165 13/^2 6.2126 I. 4561 li^2 20.129 8.4919 Me .30680 .01598 Me 6.4919 1-5553 9/16 20 . 629 8.8103 1H2 .37123 .02127 15^2 6.7771 1.6590 19/^2 21.135 9.1366 H .44179 .02761 ¥2 7.0686 I. 7671 % 21.648 9.4708 m2 51848 .03511 1%2 7.3663 1.8799 2H2 22.166 9.8131 Ma .60132 .04385 9/6 7.6699 1.9974 iMe 22.691 10.164 15^2 .69028 .05393 19/32 7.9798 2.1196 23/2 23 . 222 10.522 Yi .78540 .06545 % 8.2957 2.2468 % 23.758 10.889 ^%2 88664 .07850 21/2 8.6180 2.3789 25/2 24.302 11.265 9/16 .99403 .09319 iMe 8.9461 2.5161 IMe 24.850 11.649 1%2 1 . 1075 . 10960 23^^2 9.2805 2.6586 2%2 25.405 12.041 ^A I . 2272 .12783 3/ 9.6211 2.8062 % 25.967 12.443 21/^2 1.3530 . 14798 2^2 9.9678 2.9592 2 9/2 26.535 12.853 iMe 1.4849 .17014 iMe 10.321 3.1177 IMe 27.109 13.272 2 3/^2 I . 6230 .19442 ^^2 10.680 3.2818 31/2 27.688 13.700 % I. 7671 . 22089 % 11.044 3.4514 3 28.274 14.137 25/^2 I. 9175 .24967 2 9/32 II. 416 3.6270 Me 29.465 15.039 13/16 2.0739 .28084 1M6 11.793 3.8083 H 30.680 15.979 ^%2 2.236s .31451 31/32 12.177 3.9956 Me 31.919 16.957 % 2.4053 .35077 2 12.566 4.1888 M 33.183 17.974 ^%2 2.5802 .38971 H2 12.962 4.3882 Me 34.472 19.031 15/6 2.7611 .43143 Me 13.364 4.5939 3/8 35.784 20.129 3^2 2.9483 .47603 3/^2 13.772 4.8060 Me 37.122 21.268 I 3.1416 .52360 H 14.186 5.0243 1/ 38.484 22.449 H2 3.3410 .57424 ^2 14.607 5.2493 9/6 39.872 23.674 He 3.5466 .62804 Me 15.033 5. 4809 5/ 41.283 24.942 94 Mathematical Tables Spheres — {Continued) Diam. Surface Solidity Diam. Surface Solidity ■268.08 Diam. Surface Solidity 31 He 42.719 26.254 8 201.06 14^/^ 671.9s 1637.9 % 44.179 27.611 H 207.39 280.85 3/ 683.49 1680.3 1^6 45.664 29.016 H 213.82 294.01 ^i 695.13 ■ 1723.3 ^i 47.173 30.466 % 220.36 307.58 15 706.85 1767.2 15/16 48.708 31.96s 1/2 226.98 321.56 i/i 718.69 1811.7 4 50.265 33.510 % 233.71 335.9s 1/4 730.63 1857.0 Me 51.848 35.106 3/4 240.53 350.77 3/i 742.65 1903.0 5^ 53.456 36.751 'A 247.45 366.02 H2 754.77 1949.8 3/16 55.089 38.448 9 254.47 381.70 5/i 767.00 1997.4 i/i 56.745 40.195 ^ 261.59 397.83 3/ 779-32 2045.7 Me 58.427 41.994- H 268.81 414.41 Ji 791.73 2094.8 ?i 60.133 43.847 % 276.12 431.44 16 804.25 2144.7 7/16 61.863 45 . 752 H 283.53 448.92 \i 816.85 2195. 3 1/^ 63.617 47.713 5/i 291.04 466.87 H 829.57 2246.8 9/16 65.397 49.729 3/ 298.65 485.31 % 842.40 2299.1 54 67.201 51.801 % 306.36 504.21 ^'i 855.29 2352.1 11/6 69.030 53.929 10 314.16 523.60 % 868.31 2406.0 M 70.883 56.116 % 322.06 543.48 % 881.42 2460.6 13/6 72.759 58.359 H 330.06 S63.86 'A 894.63 2516. I Ji 74.663 60.663 3/i 338.16 S84.74 17 907.93 2572.4 15/6 76.589 63.026 H 346.36 606.13 i/i 921.33 2629.6 5 78.540 65.450 5/i 354.66 628.04 H 934.83 2687.6 He 80.516 67.935 3/ 363.05 650.46 % 948.43 2746.5 H 82.516 70.482 % 371.54 673.42 Vi 962.12 2806.2 3/16 84.541 73.092 II 380.13 696.91 % 975-91 2866.8 H 86.591 75.767 % 388.83 720,95 % 989.80 2928.2 5/6 88.664 78.505 H 397.61 745.51 'A 1003.8 2990. 5 3.i 90.763 81.308 % 406.49 770.64 18 1017.9 3053.6 7l6 92.887 84.178 1/2 41S.48 796.33 i/i 1032. I 3117.7 H 95.033 87.113 % 424.56 822.58 H 1046.4 3182.6 «/6 97.205 90.118 3/ 433.73 849.40 % 1060.8 3248.5 5/i 99.401 93.189 li 443.01 876.79 H 1075.2 3315.3 iHe 101.62 96.331 12 452.39 904.78 5/i 1089.8 3382.9 % 103.87 99.541 M 461.87 933.34 % 1104.5 3451. 5 13/6 106.14 102.82 Vi 471.44 962.52 % 1119.3 3521.0 % 108.44 106.18 % 481. II 992.28 19 1134.1 3591.4 15/6 110.75 109.60 H2 490.87 1022.7 i/i I149.1 3662.8 6 113. 10 113. 10 fi S00.73 1053.6 H 1164.2 3735. M 117.87 120.31 % 510.71 1085.3 % 1179.3 3808.2 H 122.72 127.83 % 520.77 1117.S H2 1194.6 3882.5 3/i 127.68 135.66 13 530.93 1IS0.3 A 1210.0 3957.6 1/^ 132.73 143.79 H 541.19 1183.8 % 1225.4 4033. 5 5/^8 137.89 152.25 H 551.55 1218.0 A 1241.0 4110.8 3/4 143.14 161.03 % 562.00 1252.7 20 1256.7 4188.8 j^^ 148.49 170.14 1/2 572.55 1288.3 H 1272.4 4267.8 7 153.94 179.59 % 583.20 1324.4 H 1288.3 4347.8 H 159.49 189.39 % 593.95 1361.2 % 1304.2 4428.8 H 165.13 199.53 % 604 . 80 1398.6 V2 1320.3 4510.9 % 170.87 210.03 14 615.75 1436.8 % 1336.4 4593.9 H 176.71 220.89 % 626.80 1475.6 % 1352.7 4677.9 5/^ 182.66 232.13 H 637.95 1515.1 li 1369.0 4763.0 3/ 188.69 243.73 % 649.17 1555-3 21 1385. 5 4849.1 ^i 194.83 255.72 Vi 660.52 1596.3 \i 1402.0 4936.2 Spheres Spheres — (Continued) 95 Diam. Surface Solidity Diam. Surface Solidity Diam. Surface Solidity 2lH 1418.6 5,024.3 21A 2441. I 11,341 345^2 3739.3 21,501 n 1435.4 5.113.5 28 2463.0 11.494 A 3766.5 21,736 H 1452.2 5.203.7 A 2485.1 11,649 % 3793.7 21,972 ^A 1469.2 5,295.1 M 2507.2 11,805 A 3821 . I 22,210 % 1486.2 5,397.4 % 2529.5 11,962 35 3848.5 22,449 ^ 1S03.3 5.480.8 Vi 2551. 8 12,121 A 3876.1 22,691 22 1520.5 5,575.3 % 2574.3 12,281 H 3903.7 22,934 H 1537.9 5,670.8 % 2596.7 12,443 A 3931.5 23,179 H 1555.3 5,767.6 A 2619.4 12,606 A 3959.2 23,425 % 1572.8 5,865.2 29 2642 . I 12,770 A 3987.2 23,674 H 1590.4 5,964.1 A 2665.0 12,936 % 4015.2 23,924 % 1608.2 6,064.1 }i 2687.8 13,103 A 4043.3 24,176 % 1626.0 6,165.2 34 2710.9 13.272 36 4071.5 24,429 ^i 1643.9 6,267.3 A 2734.0 13.442 A 4099.9 24,685 23 1661.9 6,370.6 H 2757.3 13.614 34 4128.3 24,942 H 1680.0 6,475.0 M 2780.5 13.787 A 4156.9 25,201 M 1698.2 6,580.6 A 2804.0 13.961 A 4185.5 25,461 ?^ 1716.5 6,687.3 30 2827.4 14.137 A 4214. I 25,724 H 1735.0 6,795.2 A 2851 . I 14.315 % 4243.0 25,988 % 1753.5 6,904.2 A 2874.8 14.494 A 4271.8 26,254 % 1772. I 7,014 3 H 2898.7 14.674 37 4300.9 26,522 % 1790.8 7,125.6 A 2922.5 14.856 A 4330.0 26,792 24 1809.6 7,238.2 % 2946.6 15.039 1/4 4359.2 27,063 ?^ 1828.5 7,351.9 % 2970.6 15,224 % 4388.5 27,337 Vi 1847.5 7,466.7 A 2994.9 15,411 A 4417.9 27,612 % 1866.6 7,583.0 31 3019. I 15,599 A 4447.5 27,889 Vi 1885.8 7,700.1 A 3043.6 15,788 % 4477.1 28,168; H 1905. I 7,818.6 A 3068.0 15,979 A 4506.8 28.449 % 1924.4 7,938.3 y& 3092.7 16,172 38 4536.5 28,731 % 1943.9 8,059.2 Vi 3117.3 16,366 A 4566.5 29,016 25 1963.5 8,181.3 A 3142. I 16,561 H 4596.4 29,302 li 1983.2 8,304.7 % 3166.9 16,758 3/8 4626.5 29,590 H 2002.9 8,429.2 A 3192.0 16,957 A 4656.7 29,880 % 2022 . 9 8,554.9 32 3217.0 17.157 5/8 4686.9 30,173 ^ 2042.8 8,682.0 A 3242.2 17.359 3/4 4717.3 30,466 5,^ 2062 . 9 8.810.3 Vi 3267.4 17.563 A 4747.9 30,762 ^4 2083.0 8,939.9 % 3292.9 17.768 39 4778.4 31,059 ?^ 2103.4 9,070.6 Vi 3318.3 17.974 A 4809.0 31,359 26 2123.7 9,202.8 A 3343.9 18,182 H 4839.9 31,661 \i 2144.2 9,336.2 % 3369.6 18,392 A 4870.8 31,964 H 2164.7 9.470.8 A 3395.4 18,604 A 4901.7 32,270 ?i 2185.5 9,606.7 33 3421.2 18,817 A 4932.7 32,577 1/^ 2206.2 9,744.0 A 3447.3 19.032 % 4964.0 32,886 5/i 2227.1 9,882.5 A 3473.3 19,248 % 4995.3 33,197 % 2248.0 10,022 A 3499.5 19.466 40 5026.5 33,510 ''A 2269.1 10,164 A 3525.7 19,685 A 5058.1 33,826 27 2290.2 10,306 A 3552.1 19.907 Yi 5089.6 34.143 H 2311.5 10,450 % 3578.5 20,129 A 5121.3 34.462 H 2332.8 10,595 A 3605.1 20,354 A 5153. I 34.783 % 2354.3 10,741 34 3631.7 20,580 A 5184.9 35.106 H 2375.8 10,889 A 36S8.5 20,808 A 5216.9 35.431 5^ 2397.5 11,038 Vi 3685.3 21,037 A 5248.9 35,758 % 2419.2 11,189 A 3712.3 21,268 41 5281 . I 36.087 96 Mathematical Tables Spheres — {Continued) Diam. Surface Solidity Diam Surface Solidity. Diam. Surface Solidity 41^ S313.3 36.418 47% 7163. I 57,006 5A% 9,288.5 84.177 % 5345.6 36,751 % 7200.7 57,455 i/i 9,331.2 84,760 % 5378.1 37,086 48 7238.3 57,906 H 9,374.1 85,344 ^ 5410.7 37.423 H 7276.0 58,360 % 9,417.2 85.931 % 5443.3 37.763 Vi 7313.9 58.815 A 9,460.2 86,521 % 5476.0 38,104 % 7351.9 59,274 55 9.503.2 87.114 % 5508.9 38,448 V2 7389.9 59.734 H 9.546.5 87.709 42 5541.9 38,792 % 7428.0 60,197 H 9,590.0 88,307 % 5574.9 39.140 H 7466.3 60,663 H 9.633.3 88.908 H 5608.0 39,490 % 7504.5 61,131 Yi 9.676.8 89.511 H 5641.3 39.841 . 49 7543.1 61,601 n 9.720.6 90.117 Vi 5674.5 40,194 H 7581.6 62,074 % 9,764.4 90,726 % 5708.0 40.551 H 7620.1 62,549 A 9,808.1 91,338 % 5741.5 40,908 H 7658.9 63,026 56 9,852.0 91,953 'A 5775.2 41,268 H 7697.7 63,506 H ■9.896.0 92.570 43 5808.8 41,630 % 7736.7 63,989 M 9,940.2 93,190 i/i 5842.7 41,994 % 7775 • 7 64.474 % 9.984.4 93.812 H 5876. 5 42,360 li 7814.8 64,961 ¥2 10,029 94.438 % 5910.7 42,729 50 7854.0 65,450 % 10,073 95,066 Vi 5944.7 43,099 H 7893.3 65,941 % 10.118 95,697 H 5978.9 43,472 Vi 7932.8 66,436 ■A 10,163 96.330 H 6013.2 43,846 3/8 7972.2 66,934 SI 10,207 96,967 li 6047.7 44.224 V2 8011.8 67.433 H 10,252 97,606 44 6082.1 44,602 ^A 8051 . 6 67,935 H 10,297 98,248 H 6116.8 44,984 % 8091.4 68,439 % 10,342 98.893 'A 6151.5 45,367 A 8131.3 68,946 V2 10.387 99,541 H 6186.3 45.753 51 8171.2 69.456 % 10,432 100,191 H 6221 . 2 46.141 % 8211.4 69,967 % 10.478 100,84s % 6256.1 46,530 M 8251 . 6 70,482 7/8 10.523 101,501 % 6291 . 2 46,922 ^/i 8292.0 70,999 58 10,568 102,161 % 6326.5 47,317 Vi 8332.3 71,519 H 10,614 102,823 45 6361.7 47.713 5/8 8372.8 72,040 H 10,660 103,488 % 6397.2 48,112 % 8413.4 72,56s % 10,706 104,155 H 6432.7 48,513 % 8454.1 73,092 /2 10,751 104,826 % 6468.3 48,916 52 8494.8 73,622 % 10,798 105.499 H 6503.9 49.321 Vs 8535.8 74,154 % 10,844 106,17s 54 6539.7 49.729 H 8576.8 74.689 % 10,890 106.854 H 6575.5 50,139 y& 8617.8 75.226 59 10,936 107,536 % 6611.6 50,551 K2 8658.9 75,767 i/i 10,983 108,221 46 6647.6 50,965 5/8 8700.4 76,309 H 11,029 108,909 H 6683.7 51,382 % 8741.7 76.854 % 11,076 109,600 H 6720.0 51,801 % 8783.2 77,401 V2 11,122 110,294 % 6756.5 52,222 53 8824.8 77,952 54 11,169 110,990 Vi 6792.9 52,645 Ks 8866.4 78,505 % 11,216 111,690 H 6829.5 53,071 Vi 8908.2 79,060 A 11,263 112,392 % 6866.1 53,499 % 8950.1 79,617 60 11,310 113,098 % 6902.9 53,929 Vi 8992.0 80,178 /8 11.357 113.806 47 6939 -9 54.362 % 9034.1 80,741 /4 11,404 114,518 % 6976.8 54,797 % 9076.4 81,308 34 11.452 115,232 H 7013.9 55,234 % 9118.5 81,876 /2 11,499 115,949 H 7050.9 55,674 54 9160.8 82,448 % 11.547 116,669 H 7088.3 56,115 i/i 9203.3 83,021 M 11,595 117.392 ^ 7125.6 56.559 Yi 9246.0 83,598 ^i 11,642 118,118 Spheres Spheres — (Continued) 97 Diam. Surface Solidity Diam. Surface Solidity Diam. Surface Solidity 6i 11,690 118,847 67^^ 14,367 161,927 74H 17,320 214.333 H 11,738 "9,579 M 14.420 162,827 % 17,379 215,417 H 11,786 120,315 % 14,474 163.731 Vi 17,437 216,505 H 11,834 121,053 68 14,527 164.637 % 17,496 217,597 H 11,882 121,794 H 14,580 165,547 % 17,554 218,693 H 11,931 122,538 H 14,634 166,460 % 17,613 219,792 Yi 11,980 123,286 H . 14,688 167,376 75 17,672 220,894 % 12,028 124,036 H 14,741 168,295 \i 17.731 222,001 62 12,076 124,789 5/i 14,795 169,218 M 17,790 223.111 i/i 12,126 125,545 H 14,849 170,145 % 17,849 224,224 H 12,174 126,305 % 14,903 171,074 H 17.908 225,341 H 12,223 127,067 69 14,957 172,007 ^A 17,968 226,463 \i 12,272 127,832 H 15,012 172,944 % 18,027 227,588 % 12,322 128,601 H 15.066 173,883 'A 18,087 228,716 % 12,371 129,373 H 15,120 174,828 76 18,146 229,848 % 12,420 130,147 H 15,175 175,774 \^ 18,206 230,984 63 12,469 130,925 ■H 15,230 176,723 M 18,266 232,124 i/i 12,519 131,706 H 15,284 177,677 H 18,326 233.267 M 12,568 132,490 n 15,339 178,635 H 18,386 234,414 % 12,618 133,277 70 15,394 179.595 H 18,446 235.566 H 12,668 134,067 Vs 15,449 180,559 H 18,506 236,719 H 12,718 134,860 H 15,504 181,525 Vs 18,566 237,879 % 12,768 135,657 H 15,560 182,497 77 18,626 239,041 % 12,818 136,456 V2 15,615 183,471 Vs 18,687 240,206 . 64 12,868 137,250 5/8 15,670 184,449 \i 18,748 241.376 H 12,918 138,065 % 15,726 185,430 H 18,809 242.551 H 12,969 138,874 Vs 15,782 186,414 H 18,869 243,728 3/i 13,019 139,686 71 15,837 187,402 5/8 18,930 244,908 V^ 13,070 140,501 H 15,893 188,394 M 18,992 246,093 H 13,121 141,320 H 15,949 189,389 % 19.053 247,283 % 13,172 142,142 H 16,005 190,387 78 19,114 248,47s H 13,222 142,966 3/2 16,061 191,389 Vs 19-175 249.672 6s 13,273 143,794 ^yi 16,117 192,395 Vi 19,237 250,873 H 13,324 144,625 M 16,174 193,404 % 19,298 252,077 H 13,376 145,460 % 16,230 194,417 H 19.360 253.284 H 13,427 146,297 72 16,286 195,433 % 19,422 254.496 H 13,478 147,138 H 16,343 196,453 % 19,483 255.713 % 13,530 147,982 H 16,400 197,476 'A 19,545 256,932 % 13,582 148,828 % 16,456 198,502 79 19,607 258,15s % 13,633 149,680 1/2 16,513 199,532 \^ 19,669 259.383 66 13,685 150,533 5/i 16,570 200,566 M 19,732 260,613 H 13,737 151,390 % 16,628 201,604 % 19,794 261,848 M 13,789 152,251 78 16,685 202,645 Yi 19,856 263,088 % 13,841 153,114 73 16,742 203,689 H 19-919 264.330 H 13,893 153,980 H 16,799 204,737 H 19,981 265.577 5i 13,946 154,850 H 16,857 205,789 li 20,044 266,829 % 13,998 155,724 % 16,914 206,844 80 20,106 268,083 % 14,050 156,600 H 16,972 207,903 A 20,170 269.342 67 14,103 157,480 % 17,030 208,966 H 20,232 270,604 H 14,156 158,363 M 17,088 210,032 H 20,296 271,871 M 14,208 159,250 li 17,146 211,102 H 20,358 273,141 . % 14.261 160,139 74 17,204 212,175 H 20,422 274,416 H 14,314 161,032 H 17,262 213,252 % 20,485 275,694 98 Mathematical Tables Spheres — {Continued) Diam. Surface Solidity Diam. Surface Solidity Diam. Surface Solidity 8o7^ 2o,549 276,977 s^% 23,984 349,269 93^/^ 27,686 433.160 81 20,6l2 278,263 H 24,053 350,771 94 27.759 434.894 H 20,676 279-553 % 24,122 352,277 H 27.833 436,630 y. 20,740 280,847 % 24,191 353,785 H 27.907 438,373 % 20,804 282,14s 7/i 24,260 355.301 % 27,981 440,118 H 20,867 283.447 88 24,328 356,819 H 28,055 441,871 H 20,932 284,754 H 24,398 358,342 % 28,130 443,62s % 20,996 286,064 H 24,467 359,869 % 28,204 445,387 ^ 21,060 287,378 H 24.536 361,400 % 28,278 447,151 82 21,124 288,696 • H 24.606 362,935 95 28,353' 448,920 H 21,189 290,019- % 24,676 364,476 H 28,428 450,69s H 21,253 291.34s % 24,745 366,019 \i 28,503 452,475 H 21,318 292,674 A 24,815 367,568 % 28,577 454,259 H 21,382 294,010 89 24,885 369,122 Vi 28,652 456,047 % 21,448 295,347 }i ' 24,955 370,678 n 28,727 457,839 % 21,512 296,691 H 25,025 372,240 % 28,802 459,638 % 21,578 298,036 9i 25,095 373,806 % 28,878 461,439 83 21,642 299,388 i/i 25.165 375,378 96 28,953 463,248 H 21,708 300,743 H 25,236 376,954 % 29,028 465,059 H 21,773 302,100 % 25,306 378,531 H 29,104 466,87s . % 21,839 303.463 % 25,376 380,11s H 29,180 468,697 H 21,904 304,831 90 25,447 381,704 V2 29,25s 470,524 % 21,970 306,201 H 25,518 383.297 n 29,331 472,354 H 22,036 307,576 H 25,589 384,894 % 29.407 474,189 Vs 22,102 308,957 H 25,660 386,496 A 29,483 476,029 84 22,167 310,340 H 25,730 388,102 97 29,559 477,874 H 22,234 311,728 5/i 25,802 389,711 H 29,636 479.725 H 22,300 313.118 H 25,873 391,327 H 29,712 481,579 % 22,366 314.514 li 25,944 392,945 % 29,788 483,438 H 22,432 315.915 91 26,016 394,570 H 29,865 485,302 ^A 22,499 317.318 Vs 26,087 396,197 5/i 29,942 487,171 % 22,565 318,726 H 26,159 397,831 % 30,018 489,04s % 22,632 320,140 H 26,230 399.468 % 30.09s 490,924 8s 22,698 321,556 H 26,302 401,109 98 30,172 492,808 H 22,765 322,977 ^A 26,374 402,756 % 30.249 494,695 H 22,832 324.402 % 26,446 404,406 H 30.326 496,588 H 22,899 325,831 A 26,518 406,060 34 30,404 498,486 H 22,966 327.264 92 26,590 407,721 H 30,481 500,388 ^A 23.034 328,702 H 26,663 409,384 H 30,558 502,296 H 23,101 330,142 M 26,735 4II.OS4 % 30,636 S04.208 % 23,168 331.588 H 26,808 412,726 78 30.713 506,12s 86 23.23s 333.039 V2 26,880 414,405 99 30,791 508,047 H 23,303 334,492 H 26,953 416,086 A 30,869 S09.975 H 23.371 335,951 % 27,026 417,774 Vi 30,947 511,906 H 23,439 337,414 % 27.099 419,464 % 31,025 S13.843 H 23.506 338,882 93 27.172 421,161 H 31,103 SIS. 78s H 23,575 340,352 H 27.245 422,862 H 31,181 517,730 H 23,643 341.829 H 27,318 424,567 H 31.259 S19.682 % 23.711 343,307 H 27,391 426,277 % 31.338 521,638 87 23.779 344,792 H 27,464 427,991 100 31.416 523.598 H 23.847 346,281 % 27,538 429,710 H 23.916 347,772 H 27,612 431,433 Capacity of Rectangular Tanks 99 Capacity of Rectangular Tanks in U. S. Gallons for Each Foot in Depth Width of tank Ft. Ins. 2 2 6 3 3 6 4 4 6 5 5 6 6 Length of tank 2 feet 2 feet, 6 ins. 3 feet 3 feet, 6 ins. 52.36 65.45 78.54 91.64 4 feet 4 feet, 6 ins. 67.32 84.16 100.99 117.82 134.65 151.48 Sfeet 74.81 93.51 112. 21 130.91 149.61 168.31 187.01 5 feet, 6 ins. 82.29 102.86 123.43 144.00 164.57 185.14 205.71 226.28 6 feet 89.77 112. 21 134.65 157.09 179.53 201.97 224.41 246.86 269.30 Length of tank Width of tank 6 feet, 6 ins. 7 feet 7 feet, 6 ins. 8 feet 8 feet, 6 ins. 9 feet Ft. Ins. 2 97.2s 104.73 112. 21 119.69 127.17 134.6s 2 6 121.56 130.91 140.26 149.61 158.96 168.31 3 145.87 157.09 168.31 179-53 190.75 202.97 3 6 170.18 183.27 196.36 209.45 222.54 235.63 4 194.49 209.45 224.41 239-37 254.34 269.30 4 6 218.80 235.63 252.47 269.30 286.13 302.96 5 243.11 261.82 280.52 299-22 317.92 336.62 5 6 267.43 288.00 308.57 329-14 349.71 370.28 6 291.74 314.18 336.62 359 06 381.50 403.94 6 6 316.05 340.36 364.67 388.98 413.30 437.60 7 366.54 392 . 72 418 91 455.09 476 88 471.27 S04.93 538.59 572.25 605.92 7 6 420 . 78 448 83 8 478 75 508.67 540.46 8 6 9 lOO Mathematical Tables Capacity of Rectangular Tanks in U. S. Gallons for Each Foot in Depth — {Continued) Length of tank Width of tank 9 feet, 10 feet, II feet. 6 ins. 10 feet 6 ins. II feet 6 ins. 12 feet Ft. Ins. 2 142.13 149.61 157.09 164-57 172. OS 179. S3 2 6 177.66 187.01 196.36 205.71 215.06 224.41 3 213.19 224.41 235.68 246.86 258.07 269.03 3 6 248.73 261.82 274.90 288.00 301.09 314.18 4 284.26 299.22 314.18 329-14 344- 10 359 -06 4 6 319.79 336.62 353-45 370.28 385.10 403-94 5 355-32 374.03 392.72 411-43 430.13 448.83 5 6 390. 85 411.43 432.00 452.57 473-14 493-71 6 426.39 448.83 471-27 493-71 S16.15 538.59 6 6 461.92 486.23 510.54 534.85 559.16 ■583.47 7 497.45 523.64 549.81 575-99 602.18 628.36 7 6 523.98 561.04 589.08 617.14 645.19 673.24 8 568. SI 598.44 628.36 658.28 688.20 718.12 8 6 604.05 635.84 667.63 699-42 713-21 763.00 9 639.58 673.25 706.90 740.56 774-23 807.89 9 6 675.11 710.65 746.17 781.71 817.24 852.77 lO 748.05 785.45 822.86 860.26 897.66 lo 6 824.73 864.00 903-26 942.56 II 905.14 946 . 27 987 . 43 II 6 989.29 1032 3 12 1077 . 2 Number of Barrels (31.5 Gallons) in Cisterns and Tanks I Bbl. 31.S Gallons 4-2109 Cubic Feet. Diameter in feet Depth in feet 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 I 4.663 6.714 9.139 11.937 15.108 18.652 22.659 26.859 S 23.3 36.6 45. 7 59.7 75.5 93.3 112. 8 134.3 6 28.0 40.3 54.8 71.6 90.6 III. 9 135.4 161. 2 7 32.6 47.0 64.0 83.6 105.10 130.6 158.0 188.0 8 37.3 53.7 73.1 95.5 120.9 149.2 180.6 214.9 9 42.0 60.4 82.3 107.4 136.0 167.9 203.1 241.7 10 46.6 67.1 91.4 II9-4 151. 1 186.5 225.7 268.6 II 51.3 73.9 100.5 131. 3 166.3 205.2 248.3 295.4 12 56.0 80.6 109.7 143.2 181. 3 223.8 270.8 322.3 13 60.6 87.3 118. 8 152.2 196.4 242.5 293.4 349.2 14 65.3 94.0 127.9 167. 1 211. s 261. 1 316.0 376.0 15 69. Q 100.7 137. 1 179. 1 226.6 289.8 338.5 402.9 16 74.6 107.4 146.2 191. 241.7 298.4 361. 1 429.7 17 79.3 114. 1 155.4 202.9 256.8 317. 1 383.7 456.6 18 83.9 120.9 164. 5 214.9 271.9 335.7 406.2 483.5 19 88.6 127.6 173.6 226.8 287.1 354.4 428.8 510.3 20 93.3 134.3 182.8 238.7 302.2 373.0 451.4 537.2 Number of Barrels in Cisterns and Tanks lOI Number of Barrels (31.5 Gallons) in Cisterns and Tanks — {Continued) Diameter in feet Depth in feet 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I 31.522 36.557 41.9 47-7 53.9 60.4 67-3 74.6 82.2 5 157.6 182.8 209.8 238.7 269.5 203.2 336.7 373.0 441.3 6 199. 1 219.3 251.8 286.5 323.4 362.6 404.0 447.6 493.6 7 220.7 255.9 293.8 334.2 377.3 423.0 471.3 522.2 575.8 8 252 2 292. 5 335.7 382.0 431-2 483.4 538.7 590.8 658.0 9 283.7 329.0 377.7 429.7 485.1 543.9 606.0 671.5 740.3 10 315.2 365.6 419.7 477.5 539.0 604.3 673.3 746.1 822.5 II 346.7 402.1 461.6 525.2 592.9 664.7 740.7 820.7 904.8 12 378.3 438.7 503.6 573.0 646.8 725.2 808.0 895.3 987.0 . 13 409.8 475.2 545.6 620.7 700.7 785.6 875.3 969.9 1069.3 14 441.3 5II.8 587.5 668.5 754.6 846.0 942.6 1044.5 II5I.S IS 472.8 548.4 629. s 716.2 808.5 906.5 lOIO.O III9.I 1223.8 16 504.4 584.9 671.5 764.0 862.4 966.9 1077.3 II93.7 I3I6.0 17 535.9 621.5 713.4 811. 7 916.4 1027.4 II44.6 1268.3 1398.3 18 567.4 658.0 755.4 859.5 970.3 1087.8 I2I2.0 1342.9 1480.6 19 598.9 694.6 797.4 907.2 1024.2 1148.2 1279-3 I4I7.5 1562.8 20 630.4 731. 1 839-3 955.0 1078. I 1208.6 1346.6 1492. I 1645-1 Diameter nfeet Depth in feet 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I 90-3 98.6 107.4 116. 6 126. 1 136.0 148.2 157.9 167.9 5 451 -4 483.3 537-2 582.9 630.4 679.8 731. 1 784.3 839.3 6 541.6 592.0 644.6 699.4 756.5 815.8 877.4 941 -I 1007.2 7 631.9 690.7 752.0 816.0 882.6 951.8 1023.6 1098.0 1175.0 8 722.2 789.3 859.5 932.6 1008.7 1087.7 1169.8 1254.9 1342.9 9 812.5 888.0 966.9 1049. I 1134.7 1223.7 1316.0 1411.7 1510.8 10 902.7 986.7 1074.3 1165.7 1260.8 1359.7 1462.2 1568.6 1678.6 II 993.0 1085.3 1181.8 1282.3 1386.9 1495.6 1608.5 1725.4 1846.5 12 1083.3 1184.0 1289.2 1398.8 1513.0 1631.6 1764.7 1882.3 2014.0 13 1173.5 1282.7 1396.6 1515.4 '1639. 1 1767.6 1900.9 2039.2 2182.2 14 1263.8 1381.3 1504.0 1632.6 1765.2 1903.6 2047.2 2196.0 2350.1 15 1354. I 1480.0 1611.5 1748.6 1891.2 2039.5 2193-4 2352.9 2517.9 16 1444.4 1578.7 1718.9 1865. I 2017.3 2175.5 2339.6 2509.7 2685.8 17 1534.5 1677.3 1826.3 1981.7 2143.4 2311.5 2485.8 2666.6 2853-7 18 1624.9 1776.0 1933.8 2098.3 2269.5 2447.4 2632.0 2823.4 3021.5 19 1715.2 1874.7 2041 . 2 2214.8 2395.6 2583.4 2778.3 2980.3 3189-4 20 180S.5 1973.3 2148.6 2321.4 2521.7 2719.4 2924.5 3137.2 3357-3 I02 Mathematical Tables Contents of Cylinders, or Pipes Contents for one foot in length, in cubic feet, and in U. S. gallons of 231 cubic inches, or 7.4805 gallons to a cubic foot. A cubic foot of water weighs about 62H lbs.; and a gallon about 8H lbs. Diams. 2, 3, or 10 times as great give 4, 9, or 100 times the content. For I foot in For I foot in length length Diam- eter in decimals of a foot Diam- eter in inches Diam- eter in decimals of a foot Diam- eter in inches Cubic p feet. Also \ allons f 231 Cubic feet. Also Gallons of 231 area in square -^ feet ubic iches area in square feet cubic inches H .0208 .0003 .0025 ^ .6250 .3068 2.29s Me .0260 .0005 .0040 Vi .6458 .3276 2.450 % .0313 .0008 .0057 8 .6667 .3491 2.6X1 Me .0365 .0010 .0078 Vi .6875 .3712 2.777 \^ .0417 .0014 0102 H .7083 .3941 2.948 9i6 .0469 .0017 0129 Vi .7292 .4176 3.12s % .0521 .0021 0159 • 9 .7500 .4418 3.30s iMe .0573 .0026 0193 Vi .7708 .4667 3.491 % .0625 .0031 0230 H .7917 .4922 3.682 m^ .0677 .0036 0269 Vi .8125 .5185 3.879 li .0729 .0042 0312 10 .8333 .5454 4.080 1^6 .0781 .0048 0359 Vi .8542 .5730 4.286 I .0833 .0055 0408 1/2 .8750 .6013 4.498 M .1042 .0085 0638 % .8958 .6303 4.71S H .1250 .0123 0918 II .9167 .6600 4.937 % .1458 .0167 1249 Vi ■ 9375 .6903 5.164 2 .1667 .0218 1632 H .9583 .7213 S.396 Vi ■ .1875 .0276 2066 Vi .9792 .7530 5.633 H .2083 .0341 2550 12 I foot .7854 5.87s ¥i .2292 .0412 3085 Vi 1.042 .8522 6. 375 3 .2500 .0491 3672 13 1.083 .9218 6.89s Vi .2708 .0576 4309 \i 1. 125 .9940 7.436 H .2917 .0668 4998 14 1. 167 1.069 7.997 % .3125 .0767 5738 J-i 1.208 1. 147 8.578 4 .3333 .0873 6528 15 1.250 1.227 9.180 H .3542 .0985 7369 H 1.292 1. 310 9.801 Vi .3750 .1104 8263 16 1.333 1.396 10.44 H .3958 .1231 9206 1/2 1.375 1.485 II. II 5 .4167 . 1364 I 020 17 1. 417 1.576 11.79 »H .4375 .1503 I 125 1/^ 1-458 1.670 12.49 5^ .4583 . 1650 I 234 18 1.500 1.767 13.22 H .4792 .1803 I 349 \^ 1.542 1.867 13.96 6 .5000 .1963 I 469 19 1.583 1.969 14.73 Vi .5208 .2131 I 594 M 1.625 2.074 15.51 \i .5417 .2304 I 724 20 1.667 2.182 16.32 Vi .5625 .2485 I 859 H 1.708 2.292 17. IS 7 .5833 .2673 I 999 21 1.750 2.405 17.99 Vi .6042 .2867 2 145 M 1.792 2. 521 18.86 Contents of Cylinders, or Pipes 103 Contents of Cylinders^ or Pipes — {Continued) For I foot in For I foot in length length Diam- eter in Diam- eter in Diam- Diam- eter in inches decimals of a foot Cubic feet. Also Gallons of 231 eter in inches decimals of a foot Cubic feet. Also Gallons of 231 area m cubic area in cubic square feet inches square feet inches 22 1.833 2.640 19.75 35 2.917 6.681 49.98 M 1.87s 2.761 20.66 36 3.000 7-069 52.88 23 1. 917 2.88s 21.58 37 3.083 7.467 55.86 ^^ 1.958 3 012 22.53 38 3.167 7.876 58.92 24 2.000 3.142 23 -SO 39 3.250 8.296 62.06 25 2.083 3.409 25.50 40 3.333 8.727 65.28 26 2.1^7 3.687 27.58 41 3.417 9.168 68.58 27 2.250 3.976 29.74 42 3.500 9.621 71.97 28 2.333 4.276 31.99 43 3-583 10.085 75.44 29 2.417 4.587 34.31 44 3-667 10. 559 78.99 30 2.500 4.909 36.72 45 3.750 II. 04s 82.62 31 2.583 5.241 39-21 46 3.833 II. 541 86.33 32 2.667 5.585 41.78 47 3.917 12.048 90.13 33 2.750 5.940 44-43 48 4.000 12.566 94.00 34 2.833 6.305 47-16 Table Continued, but with THE DlATVTF.TERS IN FeET Diam., Cubic U.S. Diam., Cubic U.S. Diam., Cubic U.S. feet feet gallons feet feet gallons feet feet gallons 4 12.57 94.0 8 50.27 376.0 20 314-2 2350 H 14.19 106. 1 H 56.75 424.5 21 346.4 2591 H 15.90 119. 9 63 .'62 475-9 22 380.1 2844 % 17.72 132.5 ^A 70.88 S30-2 23 415-5 3108 5 19.64 146.9 10 78.54 587-5 24 452.4 3384 Vi 21.65 161. 9 1/2 86.59 647-7 25 490.9 3672 Vi 23.76 177.7 II 95.03 710.9 26 530.9 3971 H 25-97 194.3 H 103.90 777 -o 27 572.6 4283 6 28.27 211. 5 12 113. 1 846.1 28 615.8 4606 Vi 30.68 229.5 13 132.7 992.8 29 660.5 4941 H 33-18 248.2 14 153.9 1152 30 706.9 5288 H 35.79 267.7 15 176.7 1322 31 754.8 5646 7 38.49 287.9 16 201. 1 1S04 32 804. » 6017 H 41.28 308.8 17 227.0 1698 33 855.3 6398 H 44.18 330.5 18 254.5 1904 34 907.9 6792 H 47.17 352.9 19 283.5 2121 35 963.1 7197 I04 Mathematical Tables Contents of Linings of Wells For diameters twice as great as those in the table, for the cubic yards of digging, take out those opposite one half of the greater diameter; and multiply them by 4. Thus, for the cubic yards in each foot of depth of a well 31 feet in diameter, first take out from the table those opposite the diameter of 153'^ feet; namely, 6.989. Then 6.989 X 4 = 27.956 cubic yards required for the 31 feet diameter. But for the stone lining or walling, bricks or plastering, multiply the tabular quantity opposite half the greater diameter by 2. Thus, the perches of stone walling for each foot of depth of a well of 31 feet diameter will be 2.073 X 2 = 4.146. If the wall is more or less than one foot thick, within usual moderate limits, it will generally be near enough for practice to assume that the number of perches, or of bricks, will increase or decrease in the same proportion. The size of the bricks is taken at 8K X 4 X 2 inches; and to be laid dry, or without mortar. In practice an addition of about 5 per cent should be made for waste. The brick Hning is supposed to be i brick thick, or 8^ ins. Caution. — Be careful to observe that the diameters to be used for the digging are greater than those for the walling, bricks, or plastering. For each foot of depth For each foot of depth For this For these three col- For this For these three col- column umns use the diameter column ^ imns use the diameter use the in clear of the lining use the in clear of the lining Diam- diam- eter of Diam- eter diam- eter eter of in feet the digT Stone lining No. of in feet the dig- j^ Jtone ning No. of ging I foot bricks Square ging ^ foot bricks Square thick. - in a yards of plaster- lick. • yards of plaster- Perches lining ^ u- P^ rches lining Cubic of 25 I brick ing Cubic 3f2S I brick ing yards of cubic thick yards of ^ ubic thick digging feet digging feet 1 .0291 .2513 57 .3491 4 .4654 6283 227 1.396 H .0455 .2827 71 .4364 H .5254 6597 241 1.484 \i .0654 .3142 85 .5236 1/2 .5890 6912 255 1. 571 H .0891 .3456 99 .6109 H :6563 7226 269 1.658 2 .1164 .3770 114 .6982 5 .7272 7540 283 1-745 H .1473 .4084 128 .7855 u .8018 7854 297 1.833 H .1818 .4398 142 .8727 1/2 .8799 8168 311 1.920 H .2200 .4712 156 .9600 H ■9617 8482 326 2.007 3 .2618 .5027 170 1.047 6 1.047 8796 340 2.09s H • 3073 .5341 184 1. 135 H 1. 136 9111 354 2.182 H • 3563 5655 198 1.222 H 1.229 9425 368 2.269 H .4091 ■5969 212 1.309 % 1.325 9739 382 2.356 A cubic yard = 203 U. S. gallons. Contents of Linings of Wells Contents or Linings of Wells 105 For each foot of depth For each foot of depth For this For these three col- For this For these three col- column umns use the diameter column umns use the diameter use the in clear of the lining Diam- eter use the in clear of the lining Diam- diam- eter of diam- eter of eter in feet the dig- Stone lining No. of in feet the dig- Stone lining . No. of ging I foot bricks Square ging I foot bricks Square thick. in a yards of thick. in a yards of Perches lining plaster- Perches lining plaster- Cubic of 25 I brick ing Cubic of 25 I brick ing yards of cubic thick yards of cubic thick digging feet digging feet 7 1.42s 1.005 396 2.444 16H 7.681 2.168 919 5. 673 Vi 1.529 1.037 410 2.531 1/2 7.919 2.199 933 5.760 Vi 1.636 1.068 425 2.618 V^ 8. 161 2.231 948 5.847 % 1.747 1. 100 439 2.705 17 8.407 2.262 962 5.934 8 1.862 1. 131 453 2.793 H 8.656 2.293 976 6.022 K 1.980 1. 162 467 2.880 Vi 8.908 2.325 990 6.109 H 2.102 1. 194 481 2.967 % 9.165 2.356 1004 6.196 % 2.227 1.225 495 3.054 18 9.425 2.388 1018 6.283 9 2.356 1.257 509 3-142 M 9.688 2.419 1032 6.371 % 2.489 1.288 523 3.229 \^ 9.956 2.450 1046 6.458 H 2.625 1. 319 538 3.316 K 10.23 2.482 1061 6.545 % 2.76s 1. 351 552 3.404 19 10.50 2.513 I07S 6.633 10 2.909 1.382 566 3.491 Vi 10.78 2.545 1089 6.720 Yi 3.056 1. 414 580 3.578 ^2 11.06 2.576 1 103 6.807 "■A 3.207 1.445 594 3.665 % 11.35 2.608 1117 6.894 % 3 362 1.477 608 3.753 20 11.64 2.639 1131 6.982 II 3.520 1.508 622 3.840 H 11.93 2.670 1145 7.069 Vi ■ 3.682 1.539 637 3.927 H 12.22 2.702 1160 7.156 1/^ 3.847 1. 571 651 4.014 % 12.52 2.733 1174 -7.243 ¥i 4.016 1.602 665 4.102 21 12.83 2.765 1 188 7.331 12 4.189 1.634 ■679 4.189 M 13.14 2.796 1202 7.418 • M 4.36s 1.665 693 4.276 1/2 13.45 2.827 1216 7.505 Vi 4.545 1.696 707 4.364^ % 13.76 2.859 1230 7.593 % 4.729 1.728 721 4.451 22 14.08 2.890 1244 7.680 13 4.916 1.759 736 4.538 Yi 14.40 2.922 1259 7.767 H 5. 107 1. 791 750 4.625 Yi 14.73 2.953 1273 7.854 1/^ 5.301 1.822 764 4.713 % 15.06 2.985 1287 7.942 % S-Soo 1.854 778 4.800 23 15.39 3.016 1301 8.029 14 5.701 1.885 792 4.887 Yi 15.72 3.047 1315 8. 116 \i S.907 1. 916 806 4.974 Yi 16.06 3.079 1329 8.203 Y^ 6. 116 1.948 820 5.062 % 16.41 3. no 1343 8.291 % 6.329 1.979 834 5.149 24 16.76 3.142 1357 8.378 IS 6.545 2. on 849 5.236 H 17. II 3.173 1372 8.465 H 6.765 2.042 863 5.323 Y. 17.46 3.204 1386 8.552 1/^ 6.989 2.073 877 5. 411 % 17.82 3.236 1400 8.640 % 7.216 2.105 891 5.498 25 18.18 3.267 1414 8.727 16 7.447 2.136 90s 5.585 A cubic yard = 202 U. S. gallons. lo6 Mathematical Tables If perches are named in a contract, it is necessary, in order to prevent fraud, to specify the number of cubic feet contained in the perch; for stone-quarriers have one perch, stone-masons another, etc. Engineers, on this account, contract by the ctibic yard. The perch should be done away with entirely; perches of 25 cubic feet X 0.926 = cubic yards; and cubic yards -i- 0,926 = perches of 25 cubic feet. CHAPTER III NATURAL SINES, TANGENTS, ETC. Sine The sine of any angle acb or the sine of any circular arc ab is the perpendicular distance, as, from one end of the arc a to the radius passing through the other end b of the arc. It is equal to one-half the chord of the arc abn, which is twice the arc ab; or the chord of the arc abn is equal to twice the sine of half the arc, or twice the sine oi ab. The sine of the angle tcb, if tcb equals 90", is equal to the radius of the circle. t u/ w c / eV Vers.' c n s Fig. 36. Cosine The cosine of an arc ab is the distance cs from the center of the circle c to the intersection of the sine as with the radius cb, and is equal to ya or the sine of the arc ta. But the angle tea is equal to the difference between 90° and the angle acb; or the difference between the arcs tab and ab; and is the comple- ment of acb. Hence the cosine of an angle or arc is equal to the sine of its complement, and vice versa. Versed Sine The versed sine of an arc is the distance sb from the foot 5 of the sine to the arc at b, measured on the radius cb. Natural Sines, Tangents, etc. The versed sine of an arc ab is equal to the rise of twice the arc; or equal to the rise of abn. Tangent The tangent bw of an arc ab is the perpendicular .distance from the radius at one extremity of the arc b to the intersection w of the perpen- dicular bw with the prolongation of a radius drawn through the other extremity of the arc at a. 107 lo8 Mathematical Tables The Secant The secant of an arc is the distance cw from the center of the arc to the intersection of the tangent at w of the prolonged radius ca. If the angle tch equals 90 degrees and tea be the complement of achy the sine ya of this complement, its versed sine ty, tangent to and secant CO become respectively the cosine, coversed sine, cotangent and co- secant of the angle ach, and vice versa. When the radius ah is equal to unity the corresponding sines, cosines, tangents, etc., are called natural sines, cosines, etc.; and the table con- taining their lengths for different angles is the table of natural sines, etc. The lengths of the sines, etc., for the arcs of any other circle, whose radius may be greater or less than i, are found by multiplying the tabu- lar values by such radius. The following table contains only natural sines, tangents and secants; the other lengths may be found for any angle not exceeding 90 degrees as follows: Cosine = sine of the complement of the given angle. Versed sine = i — cosine. Coversed sine = i — sine. Cotangent = tangent of the complement. Cosecant = i divided by natural sine. Sine = = — 7 = V (i — cos^). cosec cot Tangent sm _ _i_ cos cot tan Secant = -^ = i?£ = Vb? + tangent^, cos sm Cosine = V(i — sin^) = — = sine X cotangent = tan sec Cotangent _ cos _ I sin tan Versed sine = radius — cosine. Coversed sine = radius — sine. Radius = tangent X cotangent = v sine^ + cosine^. The formulae for the solution of the right-angled and the oblique- angled triangle are given; for further information the reader is referred to works on Trigonometry, Solution of Oblique-angled Triangles 109 Solution of the Right-angled Triangle LetA,B and C be the angles of the triangle and a, h and c the sides opposite those angles respectively. Then (i) «, = sine^, a = c sine^. <^)! = cosine A, h = c cosine A. (3)^ = tangent A, a = b tangent A ^^^l = cot A, b = a cot A. , . Sin ^ ^^^ C^^ = tangents. ,,^ Cosyl (0). ^^ = cotangent A. (7) Sine A + cos^ A = i (8) Sine^ = Vi — cosM. (9) Cos A = Vi - sind^A. Solution of Oblique-angled Triangles h Fig. 38. Value of any side c is: a sin C b sin C sin^ sin 5 Value of any angle A : o sin C a sin B Sin^ Cos 4 c b b — a cos C c — a cos B Tan 4 C2 ■!■ ^,2 _ ^2 2 be asinC a sin 5 b — aco^C c — acosB' no Mathematical Tables Natural Sines, Tangents and Secants Advancing by lo min. Deg. Min. Sine Tan- gent Secant Deg. Min. Sine Tan- gent Secant oo .0000 .OCX)0 I.CX300 SO .IS36 .1554 I. 0120 lO .0029 .0029 I. 0000 9 00 .1564 .1584 I.OI2S 20 .0058 .0058 I. 0000 10 .1593 .1614 I. 0129 30 .0087 .0087 I. 0000 20 .1622 .1644 I. 0134 40 .0116 .0116 I. 0001 30 .1650 .1673 I. 0139 so .0145 .0145 I.OCXJI 40 .1679 .1703 I. 0144 I ■ 00 .0175 .0175 1.0002 SO .1708 .1733 I. 0149 10 .0204 ■ .0204 1.0002 10 00 .1736 .1763 I. 0154 20 .0233 . .0233 1.0003 10 .1765 .1793 I. 0160 30 .0262 .0262 1.0003 20 .1794 .1823 I. 0165 40 .0291 .0291 i.Sbo4 30 .1822 .1853 I. 0170 50 .0320 .0320 i.ooos 40 .1851 .1883 I. 0176 2 00 .0349 .0349 1.0006 SO .1880 .1914 1.0181 10 .0378 .0378 1.0007 II 00 .1908 .1944 I. 0187 20 .0407 .0407 1.0008 10 .1937 .1974 I. 0193 30 .0436 .0437 I. 00 10 20 . 1965 .2004 1. 0199 40 .0465 .0466 I.OOII 30 .1994 .2035 1.0205 50 .0494 .049s I. 0012 40 .2022 .2065 1.0211 3 00 .0523 .0524 I. 0014 SO .2051 .2095 I. 0217 10 .0552 .0553 I. 0015 12 00 .2079 .2126 1.0223 20 .0581 .0582 I. 0017 10 .2108 .2156 1.0230 30 .0610 .0612 I. 0019 20 .2136 .2186 1.0236 40 .0640 .0641 I. 0021 30 .2164 .2217 1.0243 50 .0669 .0670 1.0022 40 .2193 .2247 1.0249 4 00 .0698 .0699 1.0024 SO .2221 .2278 1.0256 10 .0727 .0729 1.0027 13 00 .2250 .2309 1.0263 20 .0756 .0758 1.0029 10 .2278 .2339 1.0270 30 .0785 .0787 I. 0031 20 .2306 .2370 1.0277 40 .0814 .0816 1.0033 30 .2334 .2401 1.0284 50 .0843 .0846 1.0036 40 .2363 .2432 I. 0291 5 00 .0872 .0875 1.0038 SO .2391 .2462 1.0299 10 .0901 .0904 I. 0041 14 00 .2419 .2493 1.0306 20 .0929 .0934 1.0043 10 .2447 .2524 I. 0314 30 .0958 .0963 1.0046 20 .2476 .2555 I. 0321 40 .0987 .0992 1.0049 30 .2504 .2586 1.0329 50 .1016 .1022 1.0052 40 .2532 .2617 1.0337 6 00 .1045 .1051 I. 005s 50 .2560 .2648 1.0345 10 .1074 .1080 1.0058 15 00 .2588 .2679 I.03S3 20 .1103 .1110 I. 0061 10 .2616 .2711 I. 0361 30 .1132 .1139 1.0065 20 .2644 .2742 1.0369 40 .1161 .1169 1.0068 30 .2672 .2773 1.0377 50 .1190 .1198 1.0072 40 .2700 .2805 1.0386 7 00 .1219 .1228 1.0075 SO .2728 .2836 1.0394 10 .1248 .1257 1.0079 16 00 .2756 .2867 1.0403 20 .1276 .1287 1.0082 10 .2784 .2899 I. 0412 30 .1305 .1317 1.0086 20 .2812 .2931 I. 0421 40 .1334 .1346 1.0090 30 .2840 .2962 1.0429 50 .1363 .1376 1.0094 40 .2868 .2994 1.0439 8 00 .1392 .I40S 1.0098 SO .2896 .3026 1.0448 10 .1421 .1435 I. 0102 17 00 .2924 .3057 I.04S7 20 .1449 .1465 I. 0107 10 .2952 .3089 1.0466 30 .1478 .1495 I.OIII 20 .2979 .3121 1.0476 40 .1507 .1524 I.0II6 30 .3007 .3153 1.0485 Natural Sines, Tangents and Secants iii Natural Sines, Tangents and Secants — {Continued) Deg. Min. Sine Tan- gent Secant Deg. Min. Sine Tan- gent Secant 40 .3035 .3185 1.0495 SO .4514 .5059 I . 1207 SO .3062 .3217 1.0505 27 00 .4540 .5095 I . 1223 i8 00 .3090 .3249 I. 0515 10 .4566 .5132 I . 1240 10 .3118 .3281 1.0525 20 .4592 .5169 I. 1257 20 .3145 .3314 1.0535 30 .4617 .5206 I. 1274 30 .3173 .3346 I. 054s 40 .4643 .5243 1.1291 40 .3201 .3378 1.0555 50 .4669 .5280 I . 1308 50 .3228 .3411 1.0566 28 00 .4695 .5317 I . 1326 19 00 .32S6 .3443 1.0576 10 .4720 .5354 I. 1343 10 .3283 .3476 1.0587 20 .4746 • 5392 1.1361 20 .3311 .3508 1.0598 30 .4772 .5430 I . 1379 30 .3338 .3541 1.0608 40 .4797 .5467 I . 1397 40 .336s .3574 I. 0619 SO .4823 .5505 1.1415 SO .3393 .3607 I. 0631 29 00 .4848 .5543 I. 1434 20 00 .3420 .3640 1.0642 10 .4874 .5581 I. 1452 10 .3448 .3673 1.0653 20 .4899 .5619 1.1471 20 .3475 .3706 1.0665 30 .4924 .5658 I. 1490 30 .3502 .3739 1.0676 40 .4950 .5696 I. 1509 40 .3529 .3772 1.0688 SO .4975 .5735 I . 1528 50 .3SS7 .3805 1.0700 30 00 .5000 .5774 I. 1547 21 00 .3584 .3839 1.0711 10 .5025 .5812 I . 1566 10 .3611 .3872 1.0723 20 .5050 .5851 I. 1586 20 .3638 .3906 1.0736 30 .5075 .5890 I . 1606 30 .3665 .3939 1.0748 40 .5100 .5930 I . 1626 40 .3692 .3973 1.0760 50 .5125 .5969 I . 1646 SO .3719 .4006 1.0773 31 00 .5150 .6009 I. 1666 22 00 .3746 .4040 1.0785 10 .5175 .6048 I. 1687 10 .3773 .4074 1.0798 20 .5200 .6088 I. 1707 20 .3800 .4108 1.0811 30 .5225 .6128 I. 1728 30 .3827 .4142 1.0824 40 .5250 .6168 I. 1749 40 .3854 .4176 1.0837 50 .5275 .6208 I . 1770 50 .3881 .4210 1.0850 32 00 .5299 .6249 I . 1792 23 00 .3907 .4245 1.0864 10 .5324 .6289 1.1813 10 .3934 .4279 1.0877 20 .5348 .6330 I. 1835 20 .3961 .4314 1.0891^ 30 .5373 .6371 I. 1857 30 .3987 .4348 1.0904 40 .5398 .6412 I. 1879 40 .4014 .4383 I. 0918 50 .5422 .6453 1.1901 50 .4041 .4417 1.0932 33 00 .5446 .6494 I. 1924 24 00 .4067 .4452 1.0946 10 .5471 .6536 I . 1946 10 .4094 .4487 I. 0961 20 .5495 .6577 I. 1969 20 .4120 .4522 1.0975 30 .5519 .6619 I. 1992 30 .4147 .4557 1.0989 40 .5544 .6661 1.201S 40 .4173 .4592 I. 1004 50 .5568 .6703 1.2039 SO .4200 .4628 1.1019 34 00 .5592 .6745 1.2062 25 00 .4226 .4663 I . 1034 10 .5616 .6787 1.2086 10 .4253 .4699 I. 1049 20 .5640 .6830 1.2110 20 .4279 .4734 I . 1064 30 .5664 .6873 I. 2134 30 .4305 .4770 I. 1079 40 .5688 .6916 I. 2158 40 .4331 .4806 I. 1095 SO .5712 .6959 I. 2183 50 .4358 .4841 I.IIIO 35 00 .5736 .7002 1.2208 26 00 .4384 .4877 1.1126 10 .5760 .7046 I . 2233 10 .4410 .4913 1.1142 20 .5783 .7089 1.2258 20 .4436 .4950 1.1158 30 .5807 .7133 1.2283 30 .4462 .4986 1.1174 40 .5831 .7177 1.2309 40 .4488 .5022 1.1190 SO .5854 .7221 1.233s 112 Mathematical Tables Natural Sines , Tangents AND Secants — {Continued) Deg. Min. Sine ^ ran- ;ent Secant Deg. Min. Sine Tan- gent Secant 36 00 .5878 7265 I. 2361 10 .7092 1.0058 I . 4183 10 .5901 7310 I . 2387 20 .7112 1.0117 1.422s 20 .5925 735S I. 2413 30 .7133 I. 0176 1.4267 30 .5948 7400 1.2440 40 .7153 1.0235 I. 4310 40 .5972 7445 1.2467 50 .7173 1.0295 1.4352 50 .5995 7490 I . 2494 46 00 .7193 I.03SS 1.4396 37 00 .6018 7536 I . 2521 10 .7214 I. 0416 1.4439 10 .6041 7581 I . 2549 20 .7234 1.0477 1.4483 20 .6065 7627 1-2577 30 .7254 1.0538 1.4527 30 .6088 7673 1.2605 40 .7274 1.0599 1.4572 40 .6111 7720 1.2633 50 .7294 I. 0661 I. 4617 50 .6134 7766 I. 2661 47 00 .7314 1.0724 1.4663 38 00 .6157 7813 I . 2690 10 .7333 1.0786 1.4709 10 .6180 7860 I. 2719 20 .7353 1.0850 1.4755 20 .6202 7907 1.2748 30 .7373 I. 0913 1.4802 30 .6225 7954 1.2778 40 .7392 1.0977 1.4849 40 .6248 8002 1.2808 so .7412 I . 1041 1.4987 50 .6271 8050 1.2837 48 00 . .7431 1.II06 1.4945 39 00 .6293 8098 1.2868 10 .7451 I.1171 1.4993 10 .6316 8146 I . 2898 20 .7470 I . 1237 1.S042 20 .6338 8195 1.2929 30 .7490 I. 1303 1.S092 30 .6361 8243 I . 2960 40 .7509 I. 1369 1.5141 40 .6383 8292 I. 2991 SO .7528 I. 1436 1.S192 50 .6406 8342 1.3022 49 00 .7547 I . 1504 1.5243 40 00 .6428 8391 I -3054 10 .7566 1.1571 1.5294 10 .6450 8441 1.3086 20 .7585 I . 1640 I . 5345 20 .6472 8491 1.3118 30 .7604 I . 1708 1.5398 30 .6494 8541 1.3151 40 .7623 I. 1778 I.S450 40 .6517 8591 I. 3184 SO .7642 I. 1847 1.SS04 SO .6539 8642 I. 3217 SO 00 .7660 I.1918 I. 5557 41 00 .6561 8693 1.3250 10 .7679 I. 1988 1.5611 10 .6583 8744 1.3284 20 .7698 1.2059 1.5666 20 .6604 8796 I. 3318 30 .7716 I.2131 I. 5721 30 .6626 8847 1.3352 40 .7735 1.2203 1.5777 40 .6648 8899 1.3386 50 .7753 1.2276 1.5833 SO .6670 8952 I. 3421 51 00 .7771 1.2349 1.5890 42 00 .6691 9004 1.3456 10 .7790 1.2423 1.5948 10 .6713 9057 1.3492 20 .7808 1.2497 1.6005 20 .6734 91 10 1.3527 30 .7826 I . 2572 1.6064 30 .6756 9163 1.3563 40 .7844 I . 2647 I. 6123 40 .6777 9217 1.3600 50 .7862 I . 2723 I. 6183 50 .6799 9271 1.3636 52 00 .7880 1.2799 1.6243 43 00 .6820 9325 1.3673 10 .7898 1.2876 1.6303 10 .6841 9380 I.3711 20 .7916 1.2954 1.636s 20 .6862 9435 1.3748 30 .7934 1.3032 1.6427 30 .6884 9490 1.3786 40 .7951 1.1311 1.6489 40 .6905 9545 1.3824 SO .7969 I. 3190 1.6553 SO .6926 9601 1.3863 S3 00 .7986 1.3270 I. 6616 44 00 .6947 9657 1.3902 10 .8004 I. 3351 I. 6681 10 .6967 9713 I. 3941 20 .8021 1.3432 1.6746 20 .6988 9770 1.3980 30 .8039 I. 3514 I. 6812 30 .7009 9827 I . 4020 40 .8056 1.3597 1.6878 40 .7030 9884 I . 4061 50 .8073 1.3680 1.6945 50 .70S0 9942 1.4101 54 00 .8090 1.3764 I. 7013 45 00 .7071 I CXXXJ I. 4142 10 .8107 1.3848 I. 7081 Natural Sines, Tangents and Secants "3 Natural Sines , Tangents AND Secants — {Co ntinued] Deg. Min. Sine ran- jent Secant Deg. Min. Sine Tan- gent Secant 20 .8124 I 3924 1.7151 30 .8949 2.0057 2.2412 30 .8141 I 4019 I . 7221 40 .8962 2.0204 2.2543 40 .8158 I 4106 I. 7291 SO .8975 2.0353 2.2677 SO .817s I 4193 1.7362 64 00 .8988 2.0503 2.2812 55 00 .8192 I 4281 1-7434 10 .9001 2.0655 2.2949 10 .8208 I 4370 1.7507 20 .9013 2.0809 2.3088 20 .8225 I 4460 1.7581 30 .9026 2.0965 2.3228 30 .8241 I 4550 1.7655 40 .9038 2.I123 2.3371 40 .8258 I 4641 I . 7730 50 .9051 2 . 1283 2.3515 50 .8274 I 4733 I . 7806 6s 00 .9063 2.1445 2.3662 S6 00 .8290 I 4826 1.7883 10 .9075 2.1609 2.3811 10 .8307 I 4919 1.7960 20 .9088 2.1775 2.3961 20 .8323 I S013 1.8039 30 .9100 2.1943 2.4114 30 .8339 I 5108 1.8118 40 .9112 2.2113 2.4269 40 .835s I 5204 I. 8198 SO .9124 2.2286 2.4426 50 .8371 I S30I 1.8279 66 00 .9135 2.2460 2.4586 57 00 .8387 I 5399 I. 8361 10 .9147 2.2637 2.4748 10 .8403 I 5497 1.8443 20 .9159 2.2817 2.4912 20 .8418 I 5597 1.8527 30 .9171 2.2998 2.5078 30 .8434 I 5697 I. 8612 40 .9182 2.3183 2.5247 40 .8450 I 5798 1.8699 SO .9194 2.3369 2.5419 50 .8465 I 5900 1.8783 67 00 .9205 2.3559 2.5593 58 00 .8480 I 6003 I. 8871 10 .9216 2.37SO 2.S570 10 .8496 I 6107 1.8959 20 .9228 2.3945 2.5949 20 .8511 I 6213 1.9048 30 .9239 2.4141 2.6131 30 .8S26 I 6319 I. 9139 40 .9250 2.4342 2.6316 40 .8542 I 6426 1.9230 50 .9261 2.4545 2.6504 50 .8557 I 6534 1.9323 68 00 .9272 2.4751 2.6695 59 00 .8572 I 6643 I. 9416 10 .9283 2.4960 2.6888 10 .8587 I 6753 1.9511 20 .9293 2.S172 2.708s 20 .8601 I 6864 1.9606 30 .9304 2.5386 2.7285 30 .8616 I 6977 1.9703 40 .931S 2.5605 2.7488 40 .8631 I 7090 I . 9801 SO .9325 2.5826 2.7695 50 .8646 I 7205 i.99 23 27 39 35 56 35 H 8 22 5 24 3 1/4 40 13 H 57 16 8 58 24 39 40 51 57 57 2 9 34 H 25 16 ¥2 41 29 H 58 38 10 10 25 53 42 7 59 19 H 10 46 H 26 30 % 42 46 12 60 00 II 22 27 7 43 24 60 41 H II 58 % 27 44 9 44 3 H 61 23 12 34 28 21 44 42 62 5 H 13 10 6 28 58 Vi 45 21 Y2 62 47 13 46 29 35 45 59 63 28 3 14 22 M 30 II V2 46 38 H 64 II 14 58 30 49 47 17 64 53 H 15 34 M 31 26 % 47 56 13 65 35 16 10 32 3 48 35 66 18 ii6 Mathematical Tables, Tables of Angles Corresponding to Openings of a 2-foot Rule — {Continued) Ins. Deg. Min. Ins. Deg. Min. Ins.. Deg. Min.- Ins. Deg. Min. 13M 67 I 16 83 37 1834 102 45 21H 127 14 67 44 84 26 103 43 128 35 H 68 28 H 85 14 19 104 41 H 129 59 69 12 86 3 los 40 131 25 % 69 55 K2 86 52 34 106 39 22 132 53 70 38 87 41 107 40 134 24 14 71 22 % 88 31 Vi 108 41 H 135 58 72 6 89 21 109 43 137 35 % 72 51 17 90 12 % no 46 ^A 139 16 73 36 91 3 III 49 141 I yi 74 21 H 91 54 20 112 53 H 142 51 75 6 92 46 113 58 144 46 % 75 51 i'^ 93 38 Vi 115 5 23 146 48 76 36 94 31 116 12 148 58 15 77 22 % 95 24 V2 117 20 H 151 17 78 8 96 17 118 30 153 48 H 78 54 18 97 II H 119 40 H 156 34 79 40 98 5 120 52 159 43 \^ 80 27 H 99 00 21 122 6 % 163 27 81 14 99 55 123 20 168 18 % 82 2 ^/^ 100 51 H 124 36 24 180 00 82 49 lOI 48 125 54 (3) With the same table, using feet instead of inches. — From any point measure 1 2 feet -toward* each object and place marks. Measure the distance in feet between these marks. Suppose the first column in the table to be feet instead of inches. Then opposite the distance in feet will be the angle. Vs foot =1.5 inches. 1 in. = .083 ft. 2 ins. = .167 ft. 3 ins. = .25 ft. 4 ins. = .333 ft. 5 ins. = .416 ft. 6 ins. = .5 ft. 7 ins. = .583 ft. 8 ins. = .667 ft. 9 ins. = .75 ft. 10 ins. = .833 ft. 11 ins. = .917 ft. 12 ins. = i.o ft. (4) Or, measure toward* each object 100 or any other number of feet and place marks. Measure the distance in f.eet between the marks. Then Sine of half _ • half the distance between the marks the angle the distance measured toward one of the objects * Find this sine in the table, etc.; take out the corresponding angle and multiply it by 2. If it is inconvenient to measure toward the objects, measure directly from them. Tapers per Foot and Corresponding Angles 117 Tapers per Foot and Corresponding Angles Computed by E. M. Willson Taper per foot Included Angle with Taper Included Angle with angle center line per foot angle center line Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sec. 1/64 4 28 2 14 23/^ II 18 10 5 39 5 H2 8 58 4 29 2/2 II 53 36 5 56 48 Me 17 54 8 57 2% 12 29 2 6 14 31 ?i2 26 52 13 26 2% 13 4 24 6 32 12 ^i 35 48 17 54 2A 13 39 42 6 49 51 ^A2 44 44 22 22 3 14 15 7 7 30 Me 53 44 26 52 3H 14 SO 14 7 25 7 %2 I 2 34 31 17 3H 15 25 24 7 42 42 M I II 36 35 48 33/i 16 34 8 17 %2 I 20 30 40 15 3I/2 16 35 40 8 17 50 5/16 I 29 30 44 45 3H 17 10 40 8 35 20 1^2 I 38 22 49 II 33/ 17 45 40 8 52 50 H I 47 24 53 42 3A 18 20 34 9 10 17 m2 I 56 24 58 12 4 18 55 28 9 27 44 Vie 2 5 18 I 2 39 4Vs 19 30 18 9 45 9 m2 2 14 16 I 7 8 4I/4 20 5 2 10 2 31 }i 2 23 10 I II 35 43/^ 20 39 44 10 19 52 m2 2 32 4 I 16 2 4I/2 21 14 2 10 37 I rie 2 41 4 I 20 32 4H 21 48 54 10 54 27 l?i2 2 50 2 I 25 I 43/ 22 23 22 II II 41 ^A 2 59 42 I 29 51 4/8 22 57 48 II 28 54 m2 3 7 56 I 33 58 5 23 32 12 II 46 6 ii/e 3 16 54 I 38 27 5% 24 6 28 12 3 14 m2 3 25 50 I 42 55 5I/4 24 40 42 12 20 21 H 3 34 44 I 47 22 5% 25 14 48 12 37 24 25/^2 3 43 44 I 51 52 5I/2 25 48 48 12 54 24 13/16 3 52 38 I 56 19 sH 26 22 52 13 II 26 2^32 4 I 36 2 48 53/ 26 56 46 13 28 23 li 4 10 32 2 5 16 5% 27 30 34 13 45 17 2%2 4 19 34 2 9 47 6 28 4 2 14 2 I 1^6 4 28 24 2 14 12 6/8 28 37 58 14 18 59 31/^2 4 37 20 2 18 40 61/ 29 II 34 14 35 47 I 4 46 18 2 23 9 63/^ 29 45 18 14 52 39 iHe 5 4 12 2 32 6 6/2 30 18 26 15 9 13 iH 5 21 44 2 40 52 6H 30 51 48 IS 25 54 iMe 5 39 54 2 49 57 63/ 31 25 2 15 42 31 iH 5 57 48 2 58 54 6% 31 58 10 IS 59 5 iMe 6 15 38 3 7 49 7 32 31 12 16 IS 36 l3/i 6 33 26 3 16 43 7% 33 4 8 16 32 4 1^6 6 51 20 3 25 40 7/4 33 36 40 16 48 20 iH 7 9 10 3 34 35 73/^ 34 9 50 17 4 55 I?'! 6 7 26 58 3 43 29 71/2 34 42 30 17 21 15 154 7 44 48 3 52 24 7% 35 15 2 17 37 31 iiMe 8 2 38 4 I 19 7% 35 47 32 17 53 46 iH 8 20 26 4 10 13 7A 36 19 54 18 9 57 113/6 8 38 16 4 19 8 8 36 52 12 18 26 6 1% 8 56 2 4 28 I 8/8 37 24 22 18 42 II I15/6 9 13 50 4 36 55 m 37 56 26 18 58 13 2 9 31 36 4 45 48 m 38 28 16 19 14 8 2H 10 7 io 5 3 35 81/^ 39 16 19 30 8 2H 10 42 42 5 21 21 85,^ 39 31 52 19 45 56 Ii8 Mathematical Tables, Tapers per Foot and Corresponding Angles — (Continued) Taper Included Angle with Taper Included Angle with per foot angle center line per foot angle center line Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sec. 83/4 4o 3 42 20 I SI I03/i 46 45 24 23 22 42 8Ji 4o 35 i6 20 17 38 10I/2 47 15 32 23 37 46 9 41 6 44 20 33 22 I05/i 47 45 30 23 52 45 9H 41 38 28 20 49 14 I03^ 48 15 24 24 7 42 9H 42 9 i8 21 4 39 loji 48 45 10 24 22 35 9H 42 40 26 21 20 13 II 49 14 48 24 37 24 9H 43 II 24 . 21 35 42 I1I4 49 44 20 24 52 10 9% 43 42 20 21 51 10 iiH 50 13 46 25 6 53 9% 44 13 6 22 6 33 ii^i 50 43 4 25 21 32 9^ 44 43 48 22 21 54 iiJ-^ 51 12 14 25 36 7 lo 45 14 22 22 37 II ii^i 51 41 18 25 SO 39 loi^ 45 44 52 22 52 26 iiH 52 10 16 26 5 8 loH 46 15 46 23 7 53 im 52 39 2 26 19 31 CHAPTER IV DIFFERENT STANDARDS FOR WIRE GAUGES Different Standards for Wire Gauges in Use in the United States Dimensions of sizes in decimal parts of an inch II ^ .tl H., S. & Co. "F.&G." steel music wire gauge 1 U.S. standard for plate American or Brown & Sharpe all t4 las 03 i 29.75 30.81 31.88 32.94 34.00 35.06 36.12 37.20 SI .00 I5/16 31.23 32.35 33.48 34-59 35.70 36.81 37.93 39 -05 53.55 l3/i 32.72 33.89 35.06 36.23" 37.40 38.57 39-74 40.91 56.10 I7/16 34.21 35.44 36.66 37.88 39- 10 40.32 41.54 42.77 58.6s IH 35.70 36.98 38.26 39.53 40.80 42.08 43-35 44.63 61.20 I?l6 37.19 38.51 39.84 41.17 42.50 43.83 45-16 46.49 63.7s i-H 38.67 40.05 41.44 42.82 44.20 45.58 46.96 48.34 66.30 iiMe 40.16 41.59 43.03 44.47 45.90 47.33 48.76 50.20 68.85 l3/4 41-65 43.14 44.63 46.12 47.60 49.09 50.58 52.07 71.40 113/6 43.14 44.68 46.22 47.76 49.30 SO. 84 52.38 53.92 73.95 1% 44.63 46.22 47.82 49.40 5100 52.60 54. 20 55.79 76.50 115/6 46.12 47.76 49.41 51 -OS 52.70 54.35 56.00 57.64 79.05 2 4760 49.30 51 00 52.70 54.40 56.10 57.80 59.50 81.60 134 Materials Weights or Flat Rolled Steel per Lineal Foot — (Continued) Thick- ness in inches 9 9M 9H 9% 10 loH loi/^ I03/4 12 inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches Me 5.74 5.90 6.06 6.22 6.38 6.54 6.70 6.86 7.6s H 7.65 7.86 8.08 8.29 8.50 8.71 8.92 9.14 10.20 Me 9.56 9.83 10.10 10.36 10.62 10.89 II. 16 11.42 12.75 % 11.48 11.80 12.12 12.44 12.75 13.07 13.39 13. 71 1S.30 Vl6 13.40 13.76 14.14 14.51 14.88 15.25 15.62 15.99 17.8S H 15.30 15.73 16.16 16.58 17.00 17.42 17.85 18.28 20.40 Me 17.22 17.69 18.18 18.65 19.14 19.61 20.08 20.56 22.95 % 19.13 19.65 20.19 20.72 21.25 21.78 22.32 22.85 25.50 iMe 21.04 21.62 22.21 22.79 23.38 23.96 24.54 25.13 28.0s H 22.96 23.59 24.23 24.86 ■ 25.50 26.14 26.78 27.42 30.60 iMe 24.86 25.55 26.24 26.94 27.62 28.32 29.00 29.69 33.15 Ti 26.78 27.52 28.26 29.01 29.75 30.50 31.24 31.98 35.70 15/16 28.69 29.49 30.28 31.08 31.88 32.67 33.48 34.28 38.2s I 30.60 31.4s 32.30 33.15 34.00 34.85 35.70 36.55 40.80 iMe 32.52 33.41 34.32 35.22 36.12 37.03 37.92 38.83 4335 iH 34.43 35.38 36.34 37.29 38.25 39.21 40.17 41.12 45.90 iMe 36.34 37.35 38.36 39.37 40.38 41.39 42.40 43.40 48.4s iH 38.26 39.31 40.37 41.44 42.50 43.56 44.63 45.69 SI. 00 iMe 40.16 41.28 42.40 43.52 44.64 45.75 46.86 47.97 53.55 iH 42.08 43.25 44.41 45.58 46.75 47.92 4908 50.25 56.10 iMe 44.00 45.22 46.44 47.66 48.88 50.10 51.32 52.54 S8.6S iH 45.90 47.18 48.45 49-73 51.00 52.28 53.55 54.83 61.20 iMe 47.82 49.14 50.48 51.80 53.14 54.46 55.78 57.11 63.7s iH 49.73 51.10 52.49 53.87 55.25 56.63 58.02 59.40 66.30 iiMe 51.64 53.07 54. SI SS. 94 57.38 58.81 60.24 61.68 68.85 IM 53.56 55.04 56.53 58.01 59.50 60.99 62.48 63.97 71.40 Il3/i6 55.46 57.00 58.54 60.09 61.62 63.17 64.70 66.24 73.9s I7/^ 57.38 58.97 60.56 62.16 63.75 65.35 66.94 68.53 76.50 liMe 59.29 60.94 62.58 64.23 65.88 67.52 69.18 70.83 79.0s 2 61.20 62.90 64.60 66.30 68.00 69.70 71.40 73.10 81.60 Weights of Flat Rolled Steel per Lineal Foot 135 Weights of Flat Rolled Steel pee Lineal Foot — (Continued) Thick- II iiH iii/^ II3/4 12 121/4 I2l/^ 12?^ ness in inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches Me 7.02 7.17 7.32 7.49 7.65 7-82 7.98 8.13 H 9-34 9. 57 9.78 10.00 10.20 10.42 10.63 10.84 V16 11.68 11.95 12.22 12.49 12.75 1301 13.28 13.5s % 14 03 14.35 14.68 14.99 15.30 15-62 15.94 16.26 Vl6 16.36 16.74 17.12 17.49 17.85 18.23 18.60 18.97 H 18.70 19.13 19.55 19.67 20.40 20.82 21.25 21.67 He 21.02 21.51 22.00 22.48 22.95 23.43 23.90 24.39 H 23.38 23.91 24.44 24-97 25.50 26.03 26.56 27.09 iHe 25.70 26.30 26.88 27.47 28.05 28.64 29.22 29.80 % 28.05 28,68 29.33 29.97 30.60 31-25 31.88 32.52 1^16 30.40 31.08 31.76 32.46 33.15 33-83 34.53 35.22 ^ 32.72 33.47 34.21 34.9s 35.70 36.44 37.19 37.93 15/16 35.06 35.86 36.66 37.46 38.25 39 05 39.84 40.64 I 37.40 38.25 39- 10 39.95 40.80 41.65 42.50 43.35 iMe • 39-74 40.64 41.54 42.45 43.35 44-25 45.16 46.06 ii/i 42.08 43.04 44.00 44.94 45.90 46.86 47.82 48.77 iMe 44.42 45.42 46.44 47.45 48.45 49-46 50.46 SI. 48 iH 46.76 47.82 48.88 49.94 51 00 52.06 ■ 53.12 54.19 iMe 49.08 50.20 51.32 52.44 53-55 54-67 55.78 56.90 iH 51.42 52.59 53.76 54.93 56.10 57-27 58.44 59.60 1^6 53.76 54.99 56.21 57.43 58.65 59.87 61.10 62.32 I1/2 56.10 57.37 58.65 59.93 61.20 62.48 63.75 65.03 i^ie 58.42 59.76 61.10 62.43 63-75 65.08 66.40 67.74 iH 60.78 62.16 63 -54 64.92 66.30 67.68 69.06 70.44 iiMe 63.10 64.55 65.98 67.42 68.85 70.29 71.72 73. IS l3/4 65.45 66.93 68.43 69.92 71.40 72.90 74.38 75.87 11^6 67.80 69.33 70.86 72.41 73-95 75.48 77.03 78.57 1% 70.12 71.72 73.31 74.90 76.50 78.09 79.69 81.28 11^6 72.46 74.11 75.76 77.41 79-05 80.70 82.34 83.99 2 74.80 76.50 78.20 79.90 81.60 83.30 85.00 86.70 The weights. for 12-inch width are repeated on each page to facilitate making the additions necessary to obtain the weights of plates wider than 12 inches. Thus to find the weight of 15H" X%", add the weights to be found in the same line for 3H X^i and 12x^^ = 10.41-1-35.70 = 46.11 pounds. 136 Materials Weights and Areas of Square and Round Bars of Wrought Iron and Circumference of Round Bars. One cubic foot weighing 480 lbs. Thickness Area of Area of Circum- or diam- Weight of n bar I foot long Weight of bar I foot long D bar bar ference of eter in inches in square inches in square inches bar in inches Me .013 .010 .0039 .0031 .1963 H .052 .041 .0156 .0123 .3927 3/i6 .117 .092 .0352 .0276 .5890 H .208 .164 .0625 .0491 .7854 Me .326 .256 .0977 .0767 .9817 % .469 .368 .1406 .1104 1.1781 Me .638 .501 .1914 .1503 •1.3744 H .833 .654 .2500 .1963 1.5708 %6 1. 055 .828 .3164 .2485 I. 7671 % 1.302 1.023 .3906 .3068 1.963s iHe 1.576 1.237 .4727 .3712 2.1598 % 1.875 1.473 .5625 .4418 • 2.3562 13/i6 2.201 1.728 .6602 .5185 2.SS2S ^ 2.552 2.004 .7656 .6013 2.7489 iMe 2.930 2.301 .8789 .6903 2.9452 I 3.333 2.618 I. 0000 .7854 3.1416 He 3.763 2.955 I. 1289 .8866 3.3379 M 4.219 3.313 I . 2656 .9940 3.5343 ?i6 4.701 3.692 I . 4102 I. 1075 3.7306 Vi 5.208 4.091 1-5625 I . 2272 3.9270 Me 5. 742 4-510 1.7227 1.3530 4.1233 % 6.302 4-950 1.8906 1.4849 4.3197 Me 6.888 5.410 2.0664 1.6230 4.5160 >i 7.500 5.890 2.2500 I. 7671 4.7124 Me 8.138 6.392 2.4414 I -9175 4.9087 S/^ 8.802 6.913 2.6406 2.0739 5.1051 iMe 9.492 7.455 2.8477 2.2365 5.3014 % 10.21 8.018 3.0625 2.4053 5. 4978 13/(6 10-95 8.601 3.2852 2.5802 5 -6941 H 11.72 9.204 3-5156 2.7612 5.890s iMe 12.51 9.828 3-7539 2.9483 6.0868 2 13.33 10.47 4.0000 3.1416 6.2832 He 14.18 II. 14 4-2539 3.3410 6. 4795 H 15 OS 11.82 4.5156 3.5466 6.6759 Me 15-95 12.53 4-7852 3.7583 6.8722 H 16.88 13.25 5-0625 3.9761 7.0686 Me 17.83 14.00 5.3477 4.2000 7.2649 ?^ 18.80 14-77 5.6406 4.4301 7.4613 Me 19.80 15-55 5.9414 4.6664 7.6576 H 20.83 16.36 6.2500 4.9087 7.8540 Me 21.89 17.19 6.5664 5.1572 8.0S03 5i 22.97 18.04 6.8906 S.4119 8.2467 iHe 24.08 18.91 7.2227 5.6727 8.4430 % 25.21 19.80 7.562s 5.9396 8.6394 iMe 26.37 20.71 7.9102 6.2126 8.8357 % 27.55 21.64 8.2656 6.4918 9-0321 iMe 28.76 22.59 8.6289 6.7771 9.2284 Weight of Square and Round Bars 137 Weight of Square and Round Bars — (Continued) Thickness or diam- . Weight of D bar I foot long Weight of bar I foot long Area of a bar Area of bar Circum- ference of eter in inches in square inches in square inches bar in inches 3 30.00 23.56 9.0000 7.0686 9.4248 Me 31 26 24.55 9.3789 7.3662 9.6211 H 32.55 25.57 9-7656 7.6699 9.8175 3/16 33.87 26.60 10.160 7.9798 10.014 H 35.21 27.65 10.563 8.2958 10.210 ^16 36.58 28.73 10.973 8.6179 10.407 H 37.97 29.82 II. 391 8.9462 10.603 Vxo 39-39 30.94 II. 816 9.2806 10.799 40.83 32.07 12.250 9.6211 10.996 42.30 33.23 12.691 9-9678 II. 192 % 43.80 34.40 13. 141 10.321 11.388 iMe 45. 33 35.60 13.598 X0.680 II. 58s % 46.88 36.82 14.063 II.04S II. 781 13/16 48.45 38.05 14-535 II. 416 11.977 ^^ 50.0s 39-31 IS.016 11-793 12.174 15/6 51.68 40.59 15.504 12.177 12.370 4 53.33 41.89 16.000 12.566 12.566 Me 55. 01 43-21 16.504 12.962 12.763 1/^ 56.72 44.55 17.016 13.364 12.959 3/6 58.45 45.91 17.535 13-772 13.ISS M 60.21 47.29 18.063 14.186 13 352 5/6 61.99 48.69 18.598 14.607 13.548 % 63.80 50.11 19. 141 15.033 13.744 VlQ 65.64 51.55^ 19.691 15.466 13.941 Vl 67.50 53.01 20.250 IS -904 14.137 %6 69.39 54.50 20.816 16.349 14.334 ^A 71-30 56.00 21.391 16.800 14.530 iMe 73.24 57.52 21.973 17-257 14.726 % 75.21 59.07 22.563 17.721 14.923 1^6 77.20 60.63 23.160 18.190 15. 119 ^ 79.22 62.22 23.766 18.665 15.31S IMe 81.26 63.82 24.379 19-147 15.512 5 83.33 65.45 25.000 19-635 15.708 Me 85.43 67.10 25.629 20.129 15.904 H 87.55 68.76 26.266 20.629 16.101 Me 89.70 70.45 26.910 21 . 135 16.297 M 91.88 72.16 27-563 21.648 16.493 Me 94.08 73.89 28.223 22.166 16.690 % 96.30 75.64 28.891 22.691 16.886 ^6 98.55 77.40 29.566 23.221 17.082 H 100.8 79.19 30.250 23.758 17.279 Me 103. 1 81.00 30.941 24-301 17-475 H 105.5 82.83 31.641 24.850 17.671 iMe 107.8 84.69 32.348 25.406 17.868 % no. 2 86.56 33.063 25.967 18.064 13/6 112. 6 88.45 33.785 26.535 18.261 ^ 115. 1 90.36 34.516 27.109 18.457 iMe 117. S 92.29 35.254 27.688 18.653 6 120.0 94.25 36.000 28.274 18.8S0 M« 122. 5 96.22 36.754 28.866 19.046 ^ 125. 1 98.22 37.516 29.465 19.242 Me 127.6 100.2 38.28s 30.069 19.439 138 Materials Weight of Square and Round Bars — {Continued) Thickness or diam- Weight of D bar I foot long Weight of bar I foot long Area of D bar Area of bar Circum- ference of eter in inches in square inches in square inches bar in inches m 130.2 102.3 39-063 30.680 19.635 Me 132.8 104.3 39.848 31.296 19.831 ?^ 135.5 106.4 40.641 31-919 20.028 Mo 138. 1 108.5 41.441 32.548 20.224 H 140.8 no. 6 42.250 33.183 20 . 420 %6 143.6 112. 7 43.066 33.824 20.617 % 146.3 114. 9 43.891 34.472 20.813 1H6 149. 1 117. 1 44-723 35-125 21.009 % 151. 9 II9-3 45.563 35-785 21.206 ^ 21.402 ^ 13/(6 154.7 121. 5 46.410 36.450 % 157.6 123.7 47.266 37-122 21.598 1^6 160.4 126.0 48.129 37-800 21.795 7 163.3 128.3 49000 38-485 21.991 Me 166.3 130.6 49.879 39-175 22.187 H 169.2 132.9 50.766 39-871 22.384 M« 172.2 135.2 51.660 40-574 22.580 M 175.2 137.6 52.563 41.282 22.777 Ma 178.2 140.0 53.473 41.997 22.973 H 181. 3 142.4 54-391 42.718 23.169 M« 184.4 144.8 55-316 43.445 23.366 H 187.5 147.3 56.250 44.179 23.562 9i6 190.6 149-7 57.191 44.918 23.758 5i 193.8 152.2 58.141 45 664 23.955 iMe 197.0 154.7 59 098 46.415 24.151 % 200.2 157.2 60.063 47.173 24.347 1^6 203.5 159-8 61.035 47.937 24.544 % 206.7 162.4 62.016 48.707 24.740 »M6 210.0 164.9 63.004 49-483 24.936 8 213.3 167.6 64.000 50.265 25.133 Mfl 216.7 170.2 65.004 51.054 25.329 H 220.1 172.8 66.016 51-849 25.52s Ms 223.5 175.5 67-035 52.649 25.722 M 226.9 178.2 68.063 53.456 25-918 Ms 230.3 180.9 69.098 54.269 26.114 ?i 233.8 183.6 70.141 55-088 26.311 Me 237.3 186.4 71. 191 55-914 26.507 H 240.8 189.2 72.250 56.745 26.704 Me 244.4 191-9 73.316 57.583 26.900 % 248.0 194-8 74.391 58.426 27.096 iHe 251.6 197-6 75.473 59.276 27.293 % 255.2 200.4 76.563 60.132 27-489 iMo 258.9 203.3 77-660 60.994 27.685 ^ 262.6 206.2 78.766 61.862 27.882 »M6 266.3 209.1 79.879 62.737 28.078 9 270.0 212. 1 81.000 63.617 28.274 Me 273.8 215.0 82.129 64.504 28.471 H 277.6 218.0 83.266 65.397 28.667 Me 281.4 221.0 84.410 66.296 28.863 M 285.2 224.0 85.563 67.201 29.060 Me 289 I 227.0 86.723 68.112 29.256 ?^ 293.0 230.1 87.891 69.029 29.452 Me 296.9 233.2 89.066 69.953 29.649 Weight of Square and Round Bars 130 Weight of Square and Round Bars — {Continued) Thickness or diam- Weight of D bar Weight of bar Area of D bar Area of bar Circum- ference of eter in inches I foot long I foot long in square inches in square inches bar in inches m 300.8 236.3 90.250 70.882 29.845 ri6 304.8 239.4 91.441 71.818 30.041 % 308.8 242.5 92.641 72.760 36.238 iMe 312.8 245.7 93.848 73.708 30.434 % 316.9 248.9 95.063 74.662 30.631 1^6 321.0 252.1 96.285 75.622 30.827 % 325.1 255.3 97.516 76.589 31.023 1^6 329.2 258.5 98.754 77.561 31.200 lO 333.3 261.8 100.00 78.540 31.416 H8 337.5 265.1 101.25 79.525 31.612 H 341.7 268.4 102 . 52 80.516 31.809 ^6 346.0 271.7 103.79 81.513 32.005 H 3S0.2 275.1 105.06 82.516 32.201 Me 354.5 278.4 106.35 83.525 32.398 % 358.8 281.8 107.64 84.541 32.594 ^8 363.1 285.2 108.94 85.562 32.790 H 367.5 288.6 110.25 86.590 32.987 916 371.9 292.1 III. 57 87.624 33.183 % 376.3 295.5 112.89 88.664 33.379 »M6 380.7 299.0 114.22 89.710 33.576 % 385.2 302.5 115.56 90.763 33.772 1^6 389.7 306.1 ^ 116. 91 91.821 33.968 % 394.2 309.6 118.27 92.886 34.165 1^6 398.8 313.2 119.63 93.956 34.361 II 403.3 316.8 121.00 95.033 34.558 He 407.9 320.4 122.38 96.116 34.754 H 412.6 324.0 123.77 97.205 34.950 5i6 417.2 327.7 125.16 98.301 ■ 35.147 H ^21.9 331.3 126.56 99.402 35.343 Me 426.6 335.0 127.97 100. .51 35.539 % 431.3 338.7 129.39 101.62 35.736 ^6 436.1 342.5 130.82 102.74 35.932 ^ 440.8 346.2 132.25 103.87 36.128 Ma 445.6 350.0 133.69 105.00 36.32s 5i 4S0.5 353.8 135.14 106.14 36.521 »Me 455.3 357.6 136.60 107.28 36.717 % 460.2 361.4 138.06 108.43 36.914 iMe 465.1 365.3 139.54 109.59 37.110 ?i 470.1 369.2 141.02 110.75 37.306 iMe 475.0 373.1 142. so III. 92 37.503 140 Materials Weights and Areas of Cold Rolled Steel Shafting Diam- • Area, Circum- Weight Diam- Area, Circum- Weight eter, square ference, per foot, eter, square ference, per foot. inches inches inches pounds inches inches inches pounds He .0276 .5890 .095 23/6 3.7583 6.8722 12.80 H . .0491 :7854 .167 2yi 3.9761 7.0686 13.52 Vie .0767 .9817 .260 25/6 4.2000 7.2749 14.35 H .1104 1.1781 .375 2H 4.4301 7.4613 15.07 ^6 .1503 1.3744 .511 2^6 4.6664 7.6576 IS. 89 H .1963 1.5708 .667 21/ 4.9087 7.8540 16.70 9i6 .2485 I. 7671 .845 2916 5.1572 8.0503 17.55 H .3068 1.9635 1.05 25i 5.4119 8.2467 18.41 ^Me .3712 2.1598 1.26 211/6 5.6727 8.4430 19.31 H .4418 2.3562 1.50 2% 5.9396 8.6394 20.21 1^6 .5185 2.5525 1.77 21 %6 6.2126 8.8357 21.15 % .6013 2.7489 2.05 2% 6.4918 9.0321 22.09 1^6 .6903 2.9452 2.35 215/6 6.7771 9.2284 23.06 I .7854 3.1416 2.68 3 7.0686 9.4248 24.05 iHe .8866 3.3379 3.02 31/ 7.6699 9.8175 26.09 iH .9940 3.5343 3.38 33/6 7.9798 10.014 27.16 I3/16 I . 1075 3.7306 3.77 3/4 8.2958 10.210 28.22 m 1.2272 3.9270 4.17 33/ 8.9462 10.603 30.43 iMe I.3S30 4.1233 4.61 3M6 9.2806 10.799 31.58 1% 1.4849 4.3197 5.05 31/ 9.6211 10.996 32.73 17/16 1.6230 4.5160 5.52 3% 10.321 11.388 35.20 iH I. 7671 4.7124 6.01 311/6 10.680 11.585 36.40 I9i6 I. 9175 4.9087 6.52 33/i II. 04s 11.781 37.57 I5i 2.0739 5.1051 7.06 3H 11.793 12.174 39.40 iiHe 2.2365 5.3014 7.61 315/6 12.177 12.370 41.04 134 2.4053 5.4978 8.18 4 12.566 12.566 42.75 113/16 2.5802 5.6941 8.78 4K 14.186 13.352 48.26 m 2.7612 5.8905 9.39 4^6 IS. 466 13.941 52.62 11^6 2.9483 6.0868 10.03 41/ 15.904 14.137 54.11 2 3.1416 6.2832 10.69 43/ 17.728 14.923 60.88 2H6 3.3410 6.479s 11.35 41 Me 19.147 15.512 65.50 2>i 3.5466 6.6759 12.07 5 19.635 15.708 67.4s Corrugated Iron Roofing 141 Sheet Iron Weight of a superficial foot. Number of Weight per Number of Weight per gauge foot gauge foot I 11.25 l6 = M6 2.5 2 10.625 17 2.1875 3=Vi 10.00 18 1.875 4 9-375 19 I. 7188 5 8.750 20 1.562s 6 8.125 21 1.4063 7 7.50 22=1.^2 I . 2500 8 6.875 23 1. 120 9 6.250 24 1. 000 10 5.625 25 .900 II =H 5000 26 .800 12 4.375 27 .720 13 3.750 28 .640 14 3.125 29 .560 15 2.8125 30 .500 Galvanized Sheet Iron Am. Galv. Iron Ass'n. B. W. G. No. Ounces avoir. per square foot Square feet per 2240 pounds No. Ounces avoir. per square foot Square feet per 2240 pounds No. Ounces avoir. per square foot Square feet per . 2240 pounds 29 28 27 26 25 12 13 14 IS 16 2987 2757 2560 2389 2240 24 23 22 21 . 20 17 19 21 24 28 2108 1886 1706 1493 1280 19 18 17 16 14 33 38 43 48 60 1084 943 833 746 597 Corrugated Iron Roofing B. W. gauge Weight per square (100 square feet). Plain Galvanized Number 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 Pounds 97 los 128 150 18S 270 340 Weighs from 5 to 15 per cent heavier than plain, accord- ing to the number B. W. G. Allow one-third the net width for lapping and for corrugations. 2}i to 3}^ pounds for rivets will be required per square. From 142 Materials Sizes and Weight of Sheet Tin Number of sheets in box Dimension Weight of Mark Length, inches Breadth, inches box, pounds iC 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 lob ICO ICO IOC lOO 200 20O 200 200 225 13H 13)4 12% 13% 13% 13% 13% i6% i6% i6% i6% l6% 15 15 15 15 13% lo 9% lO lO lO lO I2l/^ 12^ I2l^ I2l^ I2l^ II II II II lO 112 iiC loS iiiC 98 iX 140 iXX 161 iXXX 182 iXXXX 203 DC los DX 126 DXX 147 DXXX 168 DXXXX 189 SDC 168 5DX 189 SDXX 21Q SDXXX 231 iCW . 112 A box containing 225 sheets, 13% by 10, contains 214.84 square feet; but allowing for seams it will cover only 150 square feet of roof. A roof covered with metal should slope not less than i inch to the foot. Weights of Sheet Metals per Square Foot Thick- Wrought Cast Steel, Copper. Brass, Lead, Zinc, inches pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds Me 2.53 2.34 2.55 2.89 2.73 3.71 2.34 H 5.05 4.69 5.10 5.78 5.47 7.42 4.69 %6 7.58 7.03 7.66 8.67 . 8.20 II. 13 7.03 H 10.10 9.38 10.21 11.56 10.94 14.83 9.38 Me 12.63 11.72 12.76 14.45 13.67 18.54 11.72 H 15 16 14.06 15.31 17.34 16.41 22.25 14.06 Me 17.68 16.41 17.87 20.23 19.14 25.96 16.41 ^ 20.21 18.75 20.42 23.13 21.88 29.67 18.7s H 25.27 23.44 25.52 28.91 27.34 37.08 23-44 % 30.31 28.13 30.63 34.69 32.81 44.50 28.13 -"A 35-37 32.81 35.73 40.47 38.28 51.92 32.81 I 40.42 37.50 40.83 46.2s 43.75 59-33 37-50 Weight of Copper and Brass Wire and Plates 143 Weight or Copper and Brass Wire and Plates Brown and Sharpe Gauge. Weight of wire per Weight of plates per No. of Size of 1000 lineal feet square foot each no.. gauge inch Copper, Brass, Copper, Brass, pounds pounds pounds pounds 0000 .46000 640.5 605-28 20.84 19.69 000 .40964 508.0 479-91 18.55 17.53 00 .36480 402.0 380.77 16.52 15.61 .32476 319-5 301.82 14-72 13.90 I .28930 253-3 239-45 13.10 12.38 2 .25763 200.9 189.82 11.67 11.03 3 .22942 159-3 150.52 10.39 9.82 4 .20431 126.4 119.48 9.25 8.74 5 .18194 100.2 94-67 8.24 7.79 6 . 16202 79-46 75.08 7.34 6.93 7 .14428 63.01 59. 55 6.54 6.18 8 .12849 49.98 47.22 5.82 5.50 9 .11443 39-64 37.44 5.18 ^ 4-90 10 .10189 31-43 29-69 4-62 4-36 II .090742 24.92 23.55 4. II 3-88 12 .080808 19-77 18.68 3-66 3-46 13 .071961 15-65 14.81 3-26 3.08 14 .064084 12.44 11.75 2.90 2.74 15 .057068 9.86 9.32 2.59 2.44 16 .050820 7.82 7.59 2.30 2.18 17 .045257 6.20 5.86 2.05 1.94 18 .040303 4.92 4.65 1.83 1.72 19 .035890 390 3.68 1.63 1.54 20 .031961 3.09 2.92 1-45 1.37 21 .028462 2.45 2.317 1.29 1.22 22 .025347 1.94 1.838 1. 15 1.08 23 .022571 1.54 1.457 1.02 .966 24 .020100 1.22 1. 155 -911 .860 25 .017900 .699 .916 .811 .766 26 .01494 .769 .727 .722 .682 27 .014195 .610 .576 .643 .608 28 .012641 .484 .457 .573 .541 29 .011257 .383 .362 .510 .482 30 .010025 .304 .287 .454 .429 31 .008928 .241 .228 .404 .382 32 .007950 .191 .181 .360 .340 33 .007080 .152 .143 .321 .303 34 .006304 .120 .114 .286 .270 35 .005614 .096 .0915 .254 .240 36 .005000 .0757 .0715 .226 .214 37 .004453 .0600 .0567 .202 .191 38 .003965 .0467 .0450 .180 170 39 .003531 .0375 .0357 .160 iSi ' 40 .003144 .0299 .0283 .142 .135 Specific gravit y 8.880 8.386 8.698 8.218 Weight per cu oicfoot 555 524.16 543.6 513.6 144 Materials Weight of Sheet and Bar Brass Sheets Square Round Sheets Square Round Thick- per bars bars Thick- per bars bars ness, square I foot I foot ness, square I foot I foot inches foot, long, long, inches foot. long, long, pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds Me 2.7 .015 .011 iHe 45.95 4.08 3.20 H 5.41 .055 .045 iH 48.69 4.55 3 57 3/16 8.12 .125 .1 I^/ls 51.4 5.08 3 97 H 10.76 .225 .175 iM 54.18 5.65 4 41 Ms 13.48 .350 .275 1M6 65.85 6.22 4 86 H 16.25 .51 .395 1% 59.55 6.81 5 35 ViO 19 .69 .54 iMe 62.25 7.45 5 85 Vi 21.65 .90s .71 1K2 65 8.13 6 37 9i6 24.3 1. 15 ■ 9 l9/i6 67.75 8.83 6 92 5/i 27.13 1.4 I.I \% 70.35 9-55 7 48 ^He 29.77 1.72 1.35 iiMe 73 10.27 8 05 % 32.46 2.05 1.66 1% 75.86 II 8 65 iS/'ie 35.18 2.4 1.85 iiMe 78.55 11.82 9 29 ?i 37.85 2.75 2.15 -I'A 81.25 12.68 9 95 iMe 40.55 3.15 2.48 iiMe 84 13. 5 10 58 I 43.29 3.65 2.85 2 86.75 14.35 II 25 Weight of Round Bolt Copper per Foot Diameter, inches Pounds Diameter, inches Pounds Diameter, inches Pounds % .425 .756 1. 18 1.70 2.31 I 1% 3.02 3.83 4.72 5-72 6.81 m Hi 2 7.99 9.27 10.64 12.10 Areas and Weights of Fillets of Steel, Cast Iron and Brass 145 Areas and Weights of Fillets of Steel, Cast Iron AND Brass Calculations are based on the following weights: Steel 489 . 6 pounds per cubic foot. Cast iron 45° Cast brass S04 Fig. 39. Contributed by Ernest J. Lees. 146 Materials Gauges and Weights of Iron Wire The sizes and weights from No. 20 to No. 40 are those of the Trenton Iron Co. Trenton, N. J. No. Diameter, Lineal feet No. Diameter, Lineal feet inches to the pound inches to the pound 21 .031 392.772 31 .013 2232.653 22 .028 481.234 32 .012 2620.607 23 .025 603.863 33 .011 31 19 092 24 .0225 745.710 34 .010 3773.584 25 .020 943.396 35 .0095 4182.508 26 .018 1164.689 36 .009 4657.728 27 .017 1305.670 37 .0085 5222.035 28 .016 1476.869 38 .008 5896.147 29 •ois 1676.989 39 .0075 6724.291 30 .014 1925.321 40 .007 7698.253 American Steel & Wire Company Full sizes of plain wire Fig. 40. Gauge Diameter of Amer- ican Steel «&Wire Co. 's gauge .2830 .2625 .2437 .2253 .2070 .1920 .1770 .1620 .1483 .1350 .1205 .1055 .0915 .0800 .0720 .0625 .0540 .0475 .0410 .0348 Weight one mile, pounds 1128.0 970.4 836.4 714.8 603.4 519.2 441.2 369.6 309 -7 256.7 204.5 156.7 117. 9 90.13 73.01 55.01 41.07 31.77 23.67 17.05 Feet to pound 4.681 5.441 6.313 7.386 8.750 11.97 14.29 17.05 20.57 25.82 33.69 44.78 58.58 72.32 95.98 128.6 166.2 223.0 309.6 Iron Wire 147 Iron Wire Measured by Washburn & Moen gauge. List prices per pound. No. -Bright Galv^j market wire "'^f^ lized iet Annealed stone wire, bright or Tinned market Tinned stone black wire wire ooooto9 $0.10 $0 10 $o.is lo and II .11 II .16 12 • iii/i 11I/2 .17 13 and 14 .12}-^ 12H .17 15 .14 14 .I7i/i 16 .14 14 $0.14 .17}-^ 17 . IS 15 .15 .18 18 .16 16 .16 .18^ $o.i8H 19 • 19 19 • 19 .19 .19 .20 20 .20 .21 .22 .23 20 21 22 23 .20 .21 .22 / .23 21 22 .20 23 .21 24 ■ 24 24 .24 21 25 .25 25 .25 .22 26 .26 .28 26 28 .26 .28 .23 27 .24 28 .29 29 .29 .30 29 •30 30 .26 30 • 32 32 ,32 .27 31 .33 33 .33 .28 32 • 35 35 .35 .32 33 .37 37 .37 .33 ' 34 .40 40 .40 .34 35 • 45 45 .45 36 .55 55 .55 .48 • Coppered Market Wire and Coppered Bessemer Spring Wire take same list prices Bright Market Wire. 148 Materials Nails and Tacks Common Wire Nails Measured by Washburn & Moen Gauge Length and gauge Approx. Size no. to Inch No. pound ■ 2d I IS 876 3d iH 14 568 4d iH 12^ 316 5d l3/i I2l/^ 271 6d 2 Il^i 181 7d 2l/i II3/2 161 8d 2\0 5 1 •UT -bs jad '^t-MO wooorOOw0^i-iooa>MQMfOrO<0 (O lor-roiON M TfrO'*^*0 mO 0> OOOOi-0 HHHHNNfOfO-^ ^pa HWMNtNNfOro-^tO CTioO^OiO^i^O OOiorO OOioro OOtO >0 MHHMHMHIHt-lN VO lO lO (N10I> Olio lO lO >0 lO »0 lOwt^fJ lOtN10I> CS10t> tSlOt^ »0 lO M W C-i H H l-i H H N n' Cq «' Q p^ajq^ JO mo^^^og; 05oo^M^a>M^o^5^;ooog«,r<,rjc.N OO^oi^S lOO 0^ r5^rorO0< M (N OOOiO w !N ro^Ot^OiM'^r W H H M M M H W ei pi gls^Sa^sgl^HlstSSISi HHMHMMCsiNiNrorOrorO'*-*-* »o »0 MHMMHHoiiNiNiNoiroi^ro-^'i-'t OOlOfOOOlO lO lO lO lO lO HMMHiHN(Soot-t^o'*t^N a> M (N TT uo i> a> es 00 ooo c5>t^i--'^'^-*a>o^»'JO OMi-iQ'^r~"^>^'*oo q> "2 o ^1 oo ic "* n O 00* vo" ■* "* -^ "1 '^fO<^>OOlOt^(N •^r'jvo t--* Mwiopo-^a^oo 6 '■o m oo in P. "^^ "i. °°. ^. "^ 'I H! '^. "^ '^. "v f<5 N (N n" -^ O cS pT t^ pT 00 -^ lOO t^oo a>o M ro-^vo t^Oi 00MONl^l^iOlOQN'^ (£5 lO'^lOMOO'OO ■^woo uo^r •«tvO<0 H H (N i/^iot^oo rrt^oo iC m" T? oo~ tJ m" cfi t^ i> a> o" »o 00 ^ooo a>o N -^tot^cyvM ■<^»ooo t;-(N M cqcftMuiiDo^inoo Ot^ rfuiioo cfir<5t>pft-tioPrNO lOvD t^OO OiM (N 'tiot^Oiw t^ MMtHMMMPJN l>eiwNO>P«i/5i0O»V500 0t^ r^Oi'*J>ror~N t^iiioi o6 Cr»i-i IN Tt-ioi>-Cr>i-i ro OOO M t~Ti-ro<^ir)Oi^fON fO qoiCMrfOvO-^OiOt^OOt-'* ^OOICS '*oy3l> o t-.io'o t~o»(N i>oda>w N «^i/^t-lcrii-I rr> in 00 MMMMMWC^NOIN xf> in m m m m m N t^VOlON t^WPJ M oot~-»oio(r)0000000 MfOlO N IN ei(N rororOfCPO''*'*-'*--^ INlflt^ (NlOt^ NlOt^ rr>n^n'^-rf-rt-'rtinininin\o §8 §8 „ ^ ^ ^ H -s- ^ J:r f^ rn H, in 8 SI CO o ■^ » O^ •* N M ro fC r^ PO ■* "* '^ ^ • t^ J> 00 OO 0-. o^ o O M ^ w M s in N l_l 'Jl- m ^ ^ r^ O ro 2 Oi f: J^^'o 6^ s ?^ & ^ ^ ^ to io00 00 a> O^ O •"i-lOUlUHo'vOO t^t>OOodoo' GTi in in f^ I rO ro t>6 PO f<5 t^ "O lO »A) ro ro IN ei cq 3.80 4 80 5. 80 7.50 10.90 14.70 21.00 28.60 40.50 52.50 10 3 .06 ^04 5 12 6 20 8.02 11.66 15.70 22.40 30.40 42.90 55.50 II 3 .22 ^ t.28 5 44 6 60 8.54 12.42 16.70 23.80 32.20 45 30 58.50 12 3 .38 ^52 5 76 7. 00 9.06 13.18 17.70 25.20 34.00 47.70 61.50 13 6 08 7. 40 958 13.94 18.70 26.60 35.80 50.10 64.50 14 6 40 7- 80 10.10 14.70 19.70 28.00 37.60 52.50 67.50 IS 6 72 8. 20 10.62 15.46 20.70 29.40 39 40 54.90 70.50 16 7 04 8. 60 II. 14 16.22 21.70 30.80 41.20 57.30 73.50 17 7 2,(> 9- 00 11.66 16.98 22.70 32.20 43.00 59.70 76.50 18 7 68 9- 40 12.18 17.74 23.70 33.60 44.80 62.10 79.50 19 8 00 9. 80 12.70 18.50 24.70 3500 46.60 64.50 82.50 20 8 32 10. 20 13.22 19.26 25.70 36.40 48.40 66.90 85.50 21 13.74 20.02 26.70 37.80 50.20 69.30 88.50 22 14.26 20.78 27.70 39.20 52.00 71.70 91.50 23 14.78 21.54 28.70 40.60 53.80 74.10 94.50 24 15.30 22.30 29.70 42.00 55.60 76.50 97. SO 25 15.82 23.06 30.70 43.40 57.40 78.90 100.50 26 31.70 44.80 59.20 81.30 103.50 27 32.70 46.20 61.00 83.70 106.50 28 33.70 47.60 62.80 86.10 109.50 29 .... 34.70 49.00 64.60 88.50 112.50 30' 35.70 50.40 66.40 90.90 115.50 Bolts with hexagon heads or hexagon nuts, 10 per cent advance. If both hexagon heads and hexagon nuts, 20 per cent advance. Machine bolts with countersunk head, joint bolts with oblong nuts, bolts with tee heads, askew heads, and eccentric heads, 10 per cent advance. Bolts with cube heads, 20 per cent advance. Bolts requiring extra upsets to form the head, 20 per cent advance for each extra upset. Special bolts with irregular threads and unusual dimensions of heads or nuts will be charged extra at the discretion of the manufacturer. Bolts with cotter pin hole, prices upon application. In ordering bolts with cotter pin hole, state size of hole, and distance from end of bolt to center of hole. 158 Materials Bolt Ends and Lag Screws Bolt Ends Fitted with Square Nuts* Adopted Jan. 30, 1895, to take effect Feb. 14, 1895. List prices per pound. Fig. 44. Fig •45. Size of iron, inches Length, inches Length of thread, inches Price per pound Size of iron, inches Length, inches Length of thread, inches Price per pound Me 6 I $0.20 x\^ 13 4H $0.10 % 7 iH .18 xM 14 5 .11 Me 7 1K2 .16 x% 15 sV^ .11 ^ 8 2H .14 m 16 6 .11 H 9 3 .12 1% 17 6H .12 H 10 3H .10 1% 18 7 .12 n II ZV2 .10 m 19 7^ .12 I 12 4 .10 2 20 8 .12 * With hexagon nuts, 10 per cent advance. Prices of bolt ends shorter than above standard lengths will be quoted upon appli- cation. Weights of Nuts and Bolt Heads in Pounds 159 Coach Screws with * Square or Washer Heads; Gimlet Points List prices per 100, Diameter, inches Length, Yi Yis inches and Me % 7/6 1/^ and 5/8 % li I 1I/2 $2.25 $2.70 $3.15 $3.75 2 2.45 2.96 3-47 4. II $6.00 2K2 2.6s 3.22 3.79 4.47 6.50 $9.20 3 2.85 3.48 4. II 4.83 7.00 9.90 $15.00 sH 3.0s 3.74 4.43 5.19 7.50 10.60 16.00 $22.00 4 3.25 4.00 4.7s 5.55 8.00 11.30 17.00 23.30 4K2 3.45 4.26 5.07 5.91 8. SO 12.00 18.00 24.60 5 3.65 4.52 5.39 ,6.27 9.00 12.70 19.00 25.90 S'A 3.85 4.78 5.71 6.63 950 13.40 20.00 27.20 6 4.05 5. 04 6.03 6.99 10.00 14.10 21.00 28.50 61/2 6.35 7.35 10.50 14.80 22.00 29.80 7 6.67 7.71 11.00 15.50 23.00 31.10 7^ 6.99 8.07 11.50 16.20 24.00 32.40 8 7.31 8.43 12.00 16.90 25.00 33.70 9 7.95 9. IS 13.00 18.30 27.00 36.30 10 9.87 14.00 19.70 29.00 38.90 II 10.59 15.00 21.10 31.00 41.50 12 II. 31 16.00 22.50 33.00 44.10 * Coach screws with hexagon and tee heads, 10 per cent advance. Weights of Nuts and Bolt Heads in Pounds. Kent For calculating the weight of long bolts. Diameter of bolt, in inches Weight of hexagon nut and head Weight of square nut and head .017 .021 .057 .069 1/ .128 .164 .267 .320 .43 ■ 55 .73 .88 I 1. 10 1. 31 iH 2.14 2.56 3.78 4.42 1% 5.6 7.0 2 8.75 10.50 2H 17 21 3 Weight of hexagon nut and head Weight of square nut and head 28.8 36.4 i6o Materials to (N O %5 ;;5^ .gcg ^8 R^i2^^l?^^e=^K ^S-^JfJ^^^^f^JJ^S^^^^^ 2 2 8 2^a^^8^ i!?^ft8 i2g ??J^^^°2S"?5??^^^g't^?:^^ t2 ^ ^ 8 i2 S s^ fttg ^ o ^ ^ ^ 2 ^ H 00 o» o 2 M N M ^ i? l> ^ h" 8 - r^ i?^i;?&^^ 8 a^R^s ^R^S ovovoo t^r-oooo 0>0^0 M w cs rO'* ^^^a^^^i;?2^!$ir?^ag inioioio"Ovo<^t^oooo o^o o i-i N a J??>K 8 ^?^&Ji?^^^RJ^S ^"^•^loioioioovo t^oooo o>a> o oiooiomoioo>oo o o rofO"^'4-4'4iOiOl>od fO ro ro ro ro •^ ■* lo lo "O vd ro CO 00 fO N N pi fOrororO'0 10 N •* '■'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. -^ So i :::::::: :ftft : ; :' : : ! : ; :"^ ::::::::: 8 8 ::::::::: "^ ^ "r^ ::::::::: ftft n :::::: 8 8 8 88 : : : : : :j!?ft"^^^ i :::::: ^8ftft8 : : : : : :^^?55^ : : =2 8 8 ^^ 8 8 88 : : t^ l^-S^ f^"S J^i^'ft : :S8 ^2 a Sftftft : :2 J?If?^g^^S;t;^ IN ^8 2 8a.c8^ 8 8 8 8 ^ «= 2 2 J? Ji? ^ ?5 'S ;^ ^ ;^ i2{C^8i2ft8 8 ftfta ^^^-^^t^^i^f^a??^^ 2 8^8^8^8888 ^ *-«> 2 G Si?^ S 5r"S "S- ^i?i^8^a^ 8ftftft >rnO t^OiO w fOOoO rrjfO - eg ftR 8 ^.8 88888 rtiovoooa. cs ■sJ-VO oo» 1 ;^k^;s^i^#^|js:^;I Thumb Screws 165 Thumb Screws, Drop-Forged Steel, Threaded, U.S. Standard Fig. so. Can be furnished in styles A to F. List prices per loo. Diameter, inches 1/^ 3/1 6 H Me ,« 7/16 H ?i6 % % Threads per inch 40 24 20 18 16 14 13 12 II 10 r ^4 S3. 20 $3.6 3 $4-10 $4. 80 I5.90 ^! 3.40 3.8 D 4 30 5-00 6.10 $7.60 $9.50 $11.70 M 3.60 4.CX D 4 50 S.20 6.40 8.00 10.00 12.40 S I 3.80 4.2 3 4 70 5. 50 6.80 8. SO 10.60 13.10 $16.00 $23.10 -s iH 4.00 4-4 3 4 90 5.80 7.20 9.00 11.20 13.80 16.80 24.40 .s ii^ 4.20 4.6 3 5 10 6.20 7.6c 9.50 11.90 14.60 17.80 25.80 "S 13/4 4.8 3 5 40 6.60 8.10 10.10 12.60 15.50 18.80 27.20 1' 2 S.o 3 5 70 7.00 8.60 10.70 13.30 16.40 19.90 28.60 2H 6 10 7.40 9.20 11.40 14.10 17.30 21.00 30.10 2I/2 6 SO 7.90 9.80 12.10 14.90 18.30 22.10 31.60 § 2% 6 90 8.40 10.40 12.80 15.80 19.30 23.30 33.10 J3 3 7 40 8.90 11.00 13.50 16.70 20.30 24.50 34.70 ft 3H 10.00 12.30 15.10 18.50 22.50 27.00 38.10 J 4 11.20 13.80 16.90 20.50 24.80 29.70 41.50 4'A 15.40 18.70 22.70 27.40 32.70 45. 20 5 17.00 20.70 25.20 30.. 30 36.00 49.60 sVi 18.80 22.90 27.80 33.30 39.60 54.30 .6 30.40 36.60 43.60 60.00 i66 Materials Round Head Iron Rivets Approximate number in one pound. Diameter of wire Length, inches 3/i Me I 2 3 Yi 4 S 6 154 Me 188 7 221 8 256 9 % 334 H 32 42 SI 57 65" 75 80 89' 108 131 ■IS9 18S 215 278 . H 29 37 45 SO 57 67 70 78 94 114 138 158 185 238 % 26 33 41 45 51 59 63 70 84 lOI 122 139 163 208 ^ 24 30 37 41 46 54 57 63 75 91 109 123 145 185 I 22 28 34 39 42 49 52 57 68 82 98 III 131 166 iH 20 26 31 34 39 45 47 53 63 75 90 lOI 119 ISI iH 19 24 29 32 36 42 44 49 58 69 83 93 109 138 l3/i 18 22 27 29 33 39 41 45 54 64 76 86 lOI 127 IH 17 21 25 28 31 37 38 42 SI 59 71 80 94 119 13/4 IS 18 22 24 27 33 34 40 44 55 63 70 82 104 2 13 17 20 22 25 29 30 35 40 47 S6 62 73 92 2H 12 IS 18 19 22 27 28 32 36 42 50 56 66 83 2>^ II 14 17 18 20 24 25 29 33 39 46 50 60 75 23/i 10 13 IS 17 19 22 23 26 30 36 42 46 55 67 3 9 12 14 IS 17 21 22 24 28 33 39 43 51 64 3H 81^ II 13 14 16 19 20 23 26 31 36 40 47 59 3>^ 8 loi/^ 12 laVi IS 18 19 21 24 29 34 38 44 55 334 7Vi 93/4 II3/4 123/4 14 17 18 20 23 27 32 35 41 52 4 7H 9H II 12 13 16 17 18 21 25 30 33 38 49 4H 7 83/4 loi/^ iiH 123/4 15 16 17 20 24 4^ 6^^ 81/4 10 I03/4 12 14 15 16 19 23 4% 614 8 9H 10 IlH 133/4 143/4 IS3/4 18 22 5 6 7H 9 m II 13 14 15 17 21 •• SM 53/4 7I/4 81/^ 9M loi/^ 12^ 13H T-AVi 16^ 20 5H SH 7 8/4 9 10 12 13 14 16 19 5% 5H 63/4 73/4 m 9\^ IlH 12H I3i/i IS 18 .. 6 5 6H 7^ m 9% II 12 13 14 17 3}^ cents per pound, net. Dimensions of Standard Wrot Pipe 167 Dimensions of Standard Wrot Pipe 12 'it 3. II gT3 u 2 < Ins. Ins. H .269 H .364 H .493 H .622 H .824 I 1.047 iM 1.38 ii/i 1. 61 2 2.067 2l/4 2.467 3 3.066 3^^ 3.548 4 4.026 45'^ 4.508 5 5. 045 6 6.065 7 7.023 8 7.981 9 8.937 10 10.018 II II 12 12 13 13.2s 14 14.25 IS 15.25 16 16.25 17 17.25 18 18.25 19 19.2s 20 20.25 r .405 .54 .675 .84 I. OS 1. 315 1.66 1.90 2.375 2.875 3.50 4.00 4.50 S.oo 5.563 6.625 7.625 8.625 9.625 10. 75 11-75 12.75 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 Ins. H + H2 11/16 M6+H2 iMe iMe iii/ie iiMe 2% 2% 3I/2 4- 4V2 5 5^/1 6 m 10% 11% 12% 14 15 16 17 18 19 X. 'rt Q.'O ,., A B C D % 1^2 H .28 % iHe 2%2 1.15 2 2% 2M« 4.15 H lji2 11/^2 .43 I iMe I%2 I. so 2H 2yi 27l6 4. SO % 21.^2 ^%2 .58 iVI 154 IIH2 2.25 3 ?,\^ 3M6 8.00 Vi 1^6 % .80 11/2 l7/i Il%2 2.55 4 Wi 4H 12.24 TIN AND ZINC The pure metal is called block tin. — When perfectly pure (which it rarely is, being purposely adulterated, frequently to a large proportion, with the cheaper metals lead or zinc), its specific gravity is 7.29; and its weight per cubic foot is 455 pounds. It is sufi&ciently malleable to be beaten into tin foil, only Hooo of an inch thick. Its tensile strength is but about 4600 pounds per square inch; or about 7000 pounds when made into wire. It melts at the moderate temperature of 442° F. Pure block tin is not used for common building purposes; but thin plates of sheet iron covered with it on both sides constitute the tinned plates, or, as they are called, the tin, used for covering roofs, rain pipes and many domestic utensils. For roofs it is laid on boards. The sheets of tin, are united as shown in this Fig. First, several sheets are joined together in the shop, end for end, as at tt, by being first bent over, then hammered flat, and then soldered. These are then formed into a roll to be carried to the roof, a roll being long enough to reach from the peak to the eaves. Dif- FiG. SI. ferent rolls being spread up and down the roof are then united along their sides by simply being bent as at a and s, by a tool for that purpose. The roofers call the bending at 5 a double groove, or double lock; arid the more simple ones at t, a single groove, or lock. To hold the tin securely to the sheeting boards, pieces of the tin 3 or 4 inches long, by 2 inches wide, called cleats, are nailed to the boards at about every 18 inches along the joints of the rolls that are to be united, and are bent over with the double groove s. This will be understood from y, where the middle piece is the cleat, before being bent over. The nails should be 4-penny slating nails, which have broader heads than common ones. As they are not exposed to the weather, they may be of plain iron. 1 70 Materials Much use is made of what is called leaded tin, or ternes, for roofing. It is simply sheet iron coated with lead, instead of the more costly metal tin. It is not as durable as the tinned sheets, but is somewhat cheaper. The best plates, both for tinning and for ternes, are made of charcoal iron, which, being tough, bears bending better. Coke is used for cheaper plates, but inferior as regards bending. In giving orders, it is important to specify whether charcoal plates or coke ones are required; also whether tinned plates, or ternes. Tinned and leaded sheets of Bessemer and other cheap steel are now much used. They are sold at about the price of charcoal tin and terne plates. There are also in use for roofing, certain compound metals which resist tarnish better than either lead, tin, or zinc but which are so fusible as to be liable to be melted by large burning cinders falling on the roof from a neighboring conflagration. A roof covered with tin or other metal should, if possible. Slope not much less than five degrees, or about an inch to a foot; and at the eaves there should be a sudden fall into the rain-gutter, to prevent rain from backing up so as to overtop the double-groove joint s, and thus cause leaks. When coal is used for fuel, tin roofs should receive two coats of paint when first put up, and a coat at every 2 or 3 years after. Where wood only is used, this is not necessary; and a tin roof, with a good pitch, will last 20 or 30 years. Two good workmen can put on, and paint outside, from 250 to 300 square feet of tin roof, per day of 8 hours. Tinned iron plates are sold by the box. These boxes, unUke glass, have not equal areas of contents. They may be designated or ordered either by their names or sizes. Many makers, however, have their private brands in addition; and some of these have a much higher reputation than others. Sizes and Weights of Lead Pipes Sizes and Weights of Lead Pipes 171 Inner diameter, Thickness, Weight per Inner diameter. Thickness, Weight per inches inches foot, ounces inches inches foot, pounds % .08 .10 Pounds i3^ .14 3.5 % .12 1. 00 ii/^ .17 4.2s % .16 1. 25 lYi • 19 5.00 % ■ 19 1-5 11/2 .23 6.5 H .09 .75 iH .27 8.0 Yi .11 I.O m .13 4.0 Vi .13 1.25 - x% ■ 17 S.o Vi .16 1.75 m .21 6.5 Vi. • 19 2.0 m .27 8.5 H .25 3.0 2 .15 4.75 54 .09 1.0 2 .18 6.0 5i .13 1.5 2 .22 7.0 ^ .16 2.0 2 .27 9.0 % .20 2.5 2l/i 3/16 8.0 % .22 2.75 2H 1/4 II. H .25 3-5 2I/2 Me 14.0 H .10 1.25 2H 3/i 17.0 % .12 1.75 3 3/i6 9.0 % .16 2.25 3 H 12.0 % .20 3.0 3 Me 16.0 % .23 3-5 3 % 20.0 % .30 4.75 3\i 3/16 9.5 I .11 2.0 3H H iS.o I .14 2.5 35/2 Me 18.S I .17 3.25 3I/2 % 22.0 I .21 4.0 4 Me 12. 5 I .24 4-75 4 H 16.0 m .10 2.0 4 Me 21.0 iH .12 2.5 4 % 25.0 iH .14 3.0 4M Me 14.0 iH .16 3-75 4H H 18.0 iH .19 4.75 5 M 20.0 iH .25 6.00 5 % 31.0 172 Materials K--x^ k-A->| 1 1 -i^;. •>lN|<-o4---af> . 8 c ^, Vl- -^ -«^ -<«-#> X-* S*« ^ X-* Nf* ^x rex t-(X 1-.X rnx rex »-.x f-0^>0000>0 o o o nN. v^ sr- rex vpi Xj!< rt rex rt ^x ojx rt a>x c<0 Ntf5 N^ (D Ntf> v^ -^J* NO ,-,X KX ^X spO v-" OJ"X NX N^ vpO NflO vfO S(-i M •• m .-•X lox M £4 NX rex u5x ,-x tix v-.spO—XvflOvr-'sjJisSO vpOx-*^^vS" oix lox ^ tOv P.K r-fx icx reX reX r-ix .-^x tt> N^ NSC s(0 i nn ^x v-- »ox n^o v^ -IN -Tn lo „ NX ,(1 ^X ,-X to --fO to CO nW N^ . v-i ^N v-i vpq v-t NpO rex 05X lOX _i NX «X 0>X lOX M ^ H N ro "S- <0 O N VO O ::S^:5;; W ro t 10«0 00 O Chains and Cables 173 Chains and Cables (United States Navy Standard.) Load in pounds A B c D Pounds per foot Ultimate Working Inches Inches Inches Inches H ^/i iMe 25/32 .875 3,360 670 , 5/16 iHe 1I/2 2%2 1. 000 5,040 1,000 H iH l3/4 31/^2 1.70 7,280 1,460 ^6 l3/i 2M6 I%2 2.00 10,080 2,020 ^ iiHe 2?^ IIH2 2.50 13,440 2.690 9i6 l7/i 25/i- Il%2 3.20 16,800 3,360 H 2M6 3 l2 3/^2 4.125 20,720 4,140 iMe 2l/i 31/4 . I2%2 S.co 25,200 5,040 M 2^ 3}^ 13^2 5.875 30,240 6,050 1%6 2IH6 3% 23/^2 6.70 35,280 7.060 % 2ji 4 27/^2 8.00 40,880 8,180 1^6 3M6 4% 215/^2 9.00 47,040 9,410 I 3H 4% 2l%2 10.70 53,760 10,750 iMe 39i6 4% 22 %2 11.20 60,480 12,100 iH 3% 5H 22 %2 12.50 68,320 13,660 1^6 3li 5%^ 3542 13.70 76,160 15,230 iH 4H 5% 3%2 16.00 84,000 17,000 iHe 4% 6H 315/^2 16.50 91,840 18,400 iH 49i6 6% 35i 18.40 101,360 20,300 i^a 4% 61 He 325/^2 19.70 109,760 21,900 i^ 5 7 33^2 21.70 120,960 24,200 174 Materials Chain End Link and Narrow Shackle (U.S. Navy Standard) Standard Hexagonal Nut and Head. Fig. 54. A Ai B C D E F G H 7 K L M N Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. %6 ^ie 1% 3H 2^^ H 1 1/6 34 fi iH -lU 34 fi o3,^ o3^ H 2H6 M 3/ 1/6 3/6 ii/ 13/ 3/6 25/ 27/ % 11/16 21/ 4% 3 I 17/ 6 H 2 l7/ 3/6 3 33/ iMe 34 2V^ 454 31/ I 17/ 6 1/ 2 17/ 3/6 M 35/ ¥i 1^6 2IM6 5 3I/ IH i^ie H 21/ 2I/ 3/fp zH 4 1%6 % 2% 5I4 3% IH i^ie Me 21/ 21-^ 34 P 3% 4I/ % I 31/ 53/ 4H ll/ 1II/6 5/6 21/ 23/ 1/ 41/ 45/ 5/ 3^ 15/16 1M6 39/6 6 43/ ll/ iii/e 5/6 21/ 23/ 1/ 4H .■> 5/ 3H I iH 33/ 65,^ 45/i II/ 2/6 3/ 3 23/ 1/ 47/ .S3/ 5/ 37/ iMe l3/6 37/i 6% aU ll/ 21/ 6 3/ 3 23/ H 5 5H 5/i 4 iH ii/4 4H 7^ 51/ l3/ 25/16 7/6 31/ 31/ 5/6 51/ 6 3/ 4^ 13/16 l5/l6 43/ 73/ 53/ 13/ 25/6 Vie 31/ 31/ 5/6 53/ 61/ 3/ 4H T% 1% 49/6 81/ 53/ 1% 27/6 7/6 33/ 31/ 5/6 6 65/ 3/ 4^ iMe l7/l6 43/ 83/ 5% l7/ 27/6 1/ 33/ 31/ 5/6 61/ 63/ 3/ 47/ l3/i iH 5 83/ 6I4 2 211/6 1/ 4 31/ 5/6 61/ 7H 7/ 5H lM6 iri6 53/6 9 61/ 2 211/ 6 1/ 4 31/ 5/6 63/ 73/ 7/ 5^ I^ iH 5'A 95/ 67/ 2I4 3I/6 9/6 41/ 4 3/ 7 73/ 7/ sH 1^6 iiHe 5% 9% 71/ 21/ 3I/6 ri6 41/ 4 3/ 7H 8 7/ sH iH l3/i 5IM6 loi/ 73/ 21/ 37/6 5/ 5 41/ 3/ 71/ 81/ 6H iiHe 113/6 6 10% 73/ 21/ 37/6 5/ S 41/ 3/ 73/ 83/ 6H l3/4 174 61/ 11% 8 23/ 31 1/6 11/6 51/ 5 7/6 8 qi/ 6H 113/16 115/6 6^i6 Il5/ 81/ 23/ 311/ 6 11/6 5H 5 7/6 81/ 03/ 6H 1^4 2 61 He Il3/ 81/ 23/ 3IM6 11/6 51/ 5 7/6 8H 95/ ll/ 6H 115/16 2M6 61-^ 12 83/ 23/ 311/6 11/6 51/ 5 7/6 83/ 9% iH 6% No. 33. Supplement to Machinery, June, 1904. Table for Eye Bolts 175 Table for Eye Bolts (Contributed by H. A. H.) ^_„^^ r^ ^ TJ a ^ ^ '£ i c B ■a II w w rt ^ M n 1^ 3 hi -^•b •^^ Fig. 55- XI |co cl S ^ 2h 12; +J A B c D E F G M C/3 .375 2 .75 .625 .1875 • 375 .25 16 677 750 • 5 2.125 I .75 .25 .5 .3125 13 1,257 1,172 .625 2.25 1-25 I .3125 .625 .4375 II 2,018 2,296 .75 2.375 I • 4375 1. 125 .3125 .6875 .5 10 3,020 3.000 .875 2.5 1.6875 1-375 .375 .75 .625 9 4,194 4,687 I 2.75 1.87s 1. 5 .4875 .875 .75 8 5,509 6,750 1. 125 2.87s 2.125 1.62s .5 I .8125 7 6,931 7,921 1.25 3 2.375 1.75 .5 1. 125 .875 7 8.899 9.188 1.375 3.125 2.625 1.875 .5625 I. 1875 I 6 10,541 12,000 1.5 3.25 2.75 2 .625 1.25 1.0625 6 12,938 13,546 1.625 3.375 3 2.125 .6825 1.375 1. 125 5.5 15,149 15,187 1.75 3.5 3.2s 2.25 .75 i-S 1.25 5 17,441 i8,7So 1.875 3.62s 3.5 2.375 .8125 1.62s 1.312s 5 20,490 20,671 2 3.75 3.75 2.5 .875 1-75 1.375 4.5 23,001 22.686 176 Materials Sprocket Wheels for Ordinary Link Chains R=4- Section E-F. Pitch Chain Sheave. « "= ^ (Hutfe Pag. 502-1) B '^~\^ Section A-B. Fig. 56. Sprocket Wheels for Ordinary Link Chains 177 ?% Sfx^^;^^:;^.^^2 :::::: H |:;"iif^j|:g:s:s^.:s:s:s^:s:sifff «> 1 a .2 •a II ^^S"ft&^ S;S J^lCS ^<5?J?^^ : : 2 2 2 C'^'S^ ^ S'^J(??^^g'jqS5^ : : ^ 8 S^'RSa^^^-S'S^C^cS^^bf;; : : 2 2 S S ;:rt?J:8 ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^% : : 1/2 C^K-^-g-S ^?:?^S^SSf:?u t?>g^ . 0>0>OHrO'*tOO^Oi-(!Nroioy3>-ifOi/10 • i-iMHwiHMCNiM(N(N!NCSrOroi^^ • ^ ss^^^^^8>gj"€??JJ?^^^^s^s;^ ««>2S22>^&^a^?3S?^S'.f?,?5P5^ ro 5d g'S'f^^^^J^^^S Fl'Rcg^Si^ ^S"^ °=«'^2S2^'2J:'2S^RSS!^g'f^!i5<^ IN VD<0<0 VJOUO-^-^rOM 0) N M M c?ioo r^iO'l- t-^t^odoio'i-i roiovD i>-odod M 4H-lO^Ol-lOl-ll-liHI-il-lWMI-HM -*-^M 5 l>vO MOOVO '^TP) OOOIOOO '^O P^O '£>'£> t^oOOO C?iM p] rOTfio0 PI '*l>0^ o> ^0 °o -^■^^ s ?^=§ s:;^^ ^ ?i !5 J^^'^ 8 <^ s,.g iO>/1t~OOOMPlPIPOtiiDir>OOOMrfU3 00 M W j?n?{^^'§fis?Ts.^an?ti§!^^f: loioioo t^ooo M p^ P) roTfo j>a^iH po t^ M ae>^5'^'&se3%^fifT^^g^3>'s^ ■<*-rruoio t^ooo M w P) -*ioo a>o VO ^^^^f?)cg?^KJ??2^R2"S5^'^5!^ nooooo%cno m m ^0 00 ^ ^^f ^S S> ^ 3. ?:^ J2 ^ ^^% ^ ?3 ^^ fCrcro-^'^'^io^'O l^l>oooooo M PI roio II 1 6 e -a c ll to to to ^-^ HWMMMMPip^pqPtrOfOrorcifCTfioio II "o hHi-iMWP«P)cqNrOfOf<)';f-*-:f^iOO t^ 8 ?5 ^^a P>y:i^^ : : R a ;^e> ^s 2 ^]^g^ . M M M ?3 ^j? 9>^%%^- : -ft^SR {^^ ^j?a ^^^ : ■ •o ?i 5? 00 00 00 00 00 00 g'g' a s g S"^^^^^?? 10 J> Ol ^s 'S 9>P>Pi%% ^ 5SS j^s. fo w CM» <0 ^ ^ "* Tj-VD 00 as; ^^^P,^% ^ % ss f:J^ ST? ^^^)^9>^ <2"ft ■* Tl- M m" M C3 n'^^P>^Y^% ^ %% ^^ ^& ^J^^Sgi'^ fj 00 fO re \rno ^ a J^'S^ 9>^^ J^*^ 12 i2 ^% :?.^ PsftS^^-SSg ■^ ^ •c^ - ■ • • 2 2 Tj- ly^ t^ a\ ?J J?5T^ ^f^ ^ ^ ^ I ; : I M M ^'S ^"2 S^SP^f^S' eg fo •^ : : : : M M rO >rnO 00 ?5 ^^^T's a, fo p? ^ ; ; ; ; 'S- Tl- S.'^ ^S ? s^c^'a R S" r~ ??,^ - /oad on one nr/>ee/. L ' /engrf/7 of span. B - tynee/ l/ase. Rl'/effreacf/on, /fr'r/^nfreacf/on. ^' yerf/ca/ shear Teacf/'on nearest fo the point under considerafion. Of distance to front /yhee/ ) Or = distance to rear rvhee/ > ! coming on from the /eff, fff/ 'fnomenf under front tvheet, one ^hee/ on tfie spafi. fifs "moment under front tvhee/ nifh both ivtiee/s on fhe span. /^/-/ ~ /nomenf under rear trheel, one yyheel on the Span. Mrz - niomenf under rear fvheet, both tfhee/s on the span. CC" ya/ue of Or for ffrz a maximum. M- maximum moment. Z'-seciion modu/t>S. Si, 'Stress due fo bencf/ncf. Mrz- ^''(L-Dr -§) For yalues of 3 /ess than O.S8S8L, cC'i-^ and M' ^ (/-£ f. For t>oth yyhee/s on the span, f^'Z (^^'^r-f) Jyvo IVhee/ s Equalti / Loac/ec/, Ob//< ;/t/e ffeac//'o/7. ..^ Notation: Same asaboye m'th addition of ; a 'Oncf/e of the reaction "■^»s.^^^ mth beam. A" cross secfionat area of beam. T' thrust or -(^^-^^^^•^yg pull due to oblique reaction. S" direct s/ress cfue to T - -— • — - -- - — ^"^^ (tension or compression). ■ T^CDrfj), or r'f(Drf^)cota ^'i'mi(Ortih or S'^COrr§)cofa. Afe, /*2, JC, M end 4> - same aS abot^e. , . - _ W , (Drt-'/zB)cotcx . Dr(L-Dr~''^BK ot 51,' i_ ( 2 -t- — 2r ' ' S*St,'a maximum ivhen Df • ^ *^ k - i' in^ot a-f-^ -J. ~For light y/eifft?t I- beams f' about 3 depth of beany' Figs. 57, 58, 59. Modulus of Elasticity i8i Modulus of Elasticity The modulus of elasticity of any body is the ratio, within the elastic limit, of the stress per unit of area to the stretch per unit of length. Let S = stress per square inch, and L = elongation per unit of length. S' = total stress. L' = total elongation. O = original length. A — area of cross section in square inches. E = modulus of elasticity. Then E = j, which is found to be practically constant, and is a measure of the resistance which a body can oppose to change of shape. S' -J = S = stress per square inch, (i) A. u jr = L = elongation per unit of length Hence the modulus of elasticity is equal to the total stress, multiplied by the original length, divided by the area in square inches, multiplied by the total elongation. From equation (2), S' = EL'A : (3) and since !- and V = = L, then S = EL; (4) or the stress \ per unit of area is equal to the modulus multipUed by the elongation per unit of length. From (3), V S'O EA SO E (5) and L 5. (6) or the elongation per unit of length equals the stress per unit of area divided by the modulus. l82 Materials Table of Moduli of Elasticity and of Elastic Limits for Different Materials The values here given are approximate averages compiled from many sottrces. Authorities differ considerably in their data on this subject. Material Modulus or coefliciency of elasticity Stretch or compression in a length of lo feet, under a load of looo lbs. per sq. in. I ton per sq. in. Ash Beech Birch •Brass, cast . . Brass wire... Chestnut Copper, cast. Copper wire . Elm Glass Iron, cast Iron, cast, average Iron, wrought, in either bars, sheets or plates . Iron bars, sheets, average. Iron wire, hard Iron wire ropes Larch Lead, sheet Lead wire Mahogany Oak. Oak, average Pine, white or yellow. Slate Spruce Steel bars . Steel bars, average. Sycamore Teak Tin, cast Lbs. per sq. in. 1,600,000 1,300,000 1,400,000 9,200,0C0 14,200,000 1,000,000 18,000,000 18,000,000 1,000,000 8,000,000 12,000,000 to 23,000,000 17.500,000 18,000,000 to 40,000,000 29,000,000 26,000,000 15,000,000 1,100,000 720,000 1,000,000 1 ,400,000 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,600,000 14,500,000 1,600,000 29,000,000 to 42,000,000 35,500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 4,600,000 Ins. .075 .092 .086 • 013 .009 .120 .007 .007 .120 .015 .010 to .005 .007 .006 to .003 .004 .005 .008 .109 .167 .120 .086 .120 to .060 .080 •075 .008 .075 .004 to .003 .003 .120 .060 .026 Ins. .168 .207 .192 .029 .019 .269 .015 .015 .269 .034 .022 to .012 .015 .015 to .007 .009 .010 .018 .244 .192 .269 to .134 .179 .168 .018 .168 .009 to .006 .007 Table of Deflections 183 Table of Deflections The formulae are based on the assumption that the increase of deflec- tion is proportional to the increase of load. The values of the letters in the table are as follows: d = deflection of beam in inches. W — weight of extraneous load in pounds. w = weight of clear span of beam in pounds. / = clear span of beam in inches. E = modulus of elasticity in pounds per square inch. / = moment of inertia of cross section of beam in inches. . Moduli OF Elasticity OJ Various Materials Materials Moduli 9,170,000 14,230,000 Brass wire Copper 15,000,000 to 18 000 000 Lead 1,000 000 Tin cast 4,600 000 12,000,000 to 27,000,000 (?) 22,000,000 to 29,000,000 26,000,000 to 32 000 000 Steel Marble 25,000,000 Slate 14,500,000 Glass Ash Beech Oak 974,000 to 2,283,000 1,119,000 to 3,117,000, 1,926,000 306 000 Pine, longleaf Walnut i84 Materials S g -S .2 ^ g i^ pq -2 -Si ^ G S|=- 'i' + 1 ? "i" ►^ ^ ^ 5 + ^ ^ t ^ + rO H CO H ^ ^ % M M ^ H ■r! cS pq j3 1^ 11^ IIS lis lO 00 1/5 IS 113 IIS lia lla lla lis -Is -i« Modulus of Rupture i8S From the table, it is found that for beams of similar cross section and of same material, and within the elastic limit, the load and deflections (neglecting the weight of the beam itself) are as follows: Deflections Under Given Extraneous Loads With same span. With same span and breadth ... With same span and depth With same breadth and depth . . . Inversely as the breadths and as the cubes of the depths Inversely as the cubes of the depths Inversely as the breadths Directly as the cube of the span Extraneous Loads eor a Given Deflection With the same span Directly as the breadths and as the cubes of With the same span and breadth . With the same span and depth — With the same breadth and depth . the depths Directly as the cubes of the depths Directly as the breadth Inversely as the cubes of the spans Modulus of Rupture The modulus of rupture is the total resistance, in pounds per square inch, of the fibres of a beam farthest from the neutral axis; and is iS times the center breaking load in pounds, of a beam of the given material, I inch square by i foot span. The values of the modulus of rupture, which is usually denoted by "C," may be obtained from the following table of transverse strengths, by multiplying the values therein by i8. One-third part of any of these constants (except those for wrought iron and steel) may be taken in ordinary practice as about the average constant for the greatest center load within the elastic limit. The loads here given for wrought iron and steel are already the greatest within elastic limits. Transverse strengths, in pounds li II 11 WOODS Ash: English Amer. White (Traut.) Swamp Black Arbor VitcB, Amer Balsam, Canada Beech, Amer Birch: Amer. Black Amer. Yellow Cedar: Bermuda Guadaloupe Amer. White or Arbor Vitae Chestnut Elm: Amer. White Rock, Canada Hemlock 650 650 400 600 250 350 850 550 850 400 600 250 450 650 800 500 Hickory: Amer Amer. Bitter nut Iron Wood, Canada , Locust , Lignum Vitce Larch Mahogany Mangrove: White Black Maple: B"lack Soft Oak- English Amer. White (by Traut.). . . Amer. Red, Black, Basket. Live Pine: Amer. White (by Traut.). . . Amer. Yellow* (by Traut.). 800 800 600 700 650 400 750 650 SSO 750 750 SSO 600 850 600 450 500 i86 Materiak Transverse strengths, in pounds — (Continued) Pine: Amer. Pitch* (by Traut.) Georgia* Poplar Poon Spruce: (By Traut.).. Black Sycamore Tamarack Teak Walnut Willow Metals Brass Iron, cast: 1500 to 2700, average Common pig Castings from pig Employed in our tables For castings 2}^ or 3 ins. thick. . Iron, wrought, 1900 to 2600, average Wrought iron does not break; but at about the average of 2250 pounds its elastic limit is reached. Steel, hammered or rolled; elas- ticity destroyed by 3000 to 7000. Under heavy loads hard steel snaps like cast iron , and soft steel bends like wrought iron. Stones, etc. Blue stone flagging, Hudson River. Brick: Common, 10 to 30, average Good Amer. pressed, 30 to 50, average Caen Stone Cement, Hydraulic: English Portland, artificial, 7 days in water I year in water Portland, Kingston, N. Y., 7 days in water 550 700 450 550' 500 400 750 550 350 850 2100 2000 2300 2025 1800? 2250 30 days Cement Hydraulic: Saylor's Portland, 7 water Common U. S. cements, 7 days in water The following hydraulic ce- ments were made into prisms, in vertical moulds, under a pressure of 32 pounds per square inch, and were kept in sea water for i year. Portland Cement, English, pure, I year old Roman Cement, Scotch, pure American Cements, pure, average about Granite: 50 to 150, average Qtiincy Glass, Millville, New Jersey, thick flooring (by Traut.) Mortar: Of lime alone, 60 days old I measure of slacked lime in powder, i sand I measure of slacked lime in powder, 2 sand Marble: Italian, White. Manchester, Vt., White East Dorset, Vt., White Lee, Mass., White Montgomery Co., Pa., Gray. .. . Montgomery Co., Pa., Clouded. Rutland, Vt., Gray Glenn's Falls, N. Y., Black. . . . Baltimore, Md., White coarse. . . Oolites, 20 to 50 Sandstones: 20 to 70, average Red of Connecticut and New Jersey Slate, laid on its bed, 200 to 450, average 100 100 170 10 116 95 III 86 103 142 70 155 102 35 45 45 32s Trautwine. Moment of Inertia 187 Moment of Inertia The moment of inertia of the weight of a body, with respect to any axis, is the algebraic sum of the products obtained by multiplying the weight of each elementary particle by the square of its distance from the axis. If the moment of inertia with respect to any axis be denoted by /; the weight of any elementary particle by w; and its distance from the axis by r; the sum of all the particles by 2, then I = 'E(wr^). The moment of inertia of a rod or bar of uniform thickness, with respect to an axis perpendicular to the length of the rod, is =«'G+^ in which W equals the weight of rod, 2 I equals length and d equals the distance of the center of gravity of the section from the axis. For thin circular plates with the axis in its own plane, when r equals the radius of the plate. For circular plate, axis perpendicular to the plate. Circular ring, axis perpendicular to its own plane, r and / being the exterior and interior radii of the ring. Cylinder, axis perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder, r = radius of base and 2I — length of the cylinder. By making d equal to o in any of the above formulae, the moment of inertia for a parallel axis passing through the center of gravity is found. The term moment of inertia is also used in respect to areas, as the cross section of beams under strain. In this case, I = S(ar)2, in which a is the elementary area and r its distance from the center. 1 i88 Materials -5 I ^ 1 ] ~l tj >. >. 1 1 §153 £153 ^1 >~s tO| 00 ^153 =-15 1 1 w| ro M| 00 -l<§ -1^ + ftnl a ^\% =-1^ =^1^ Q as OhI^ fel^ c .2 -1^ 1 M 1 M 4^ ^1^ ^1^ Sl^ 51^ ^1^ ^1^ s O ^l^o ^|0 51^ u2 3 o s £ ■ 6 1 1 c3 ^ 6 i a ° •^ H^ "S^ 'ro s; Ml 00 Ml 00 + 0, 5^ M| 00 "1 1 1 ro > Ml 00 Ml Tt 1 roi 00 s % °^ ^ 1 go II s; 1 s;l 1^ Ml 00 s| 00 1 00 1 i rn[ N >* ^\p. + HI'S "1 f?, M i (U ttJ o a^ J3 Q-" l-i Ml Tf 3 1 1 60 .a 1- Ml O a, Mr fO II Oh II + ftn a. ^2 ^ Qi •-* 1- II pq ft. N 1 ^ : S '^ : a o • +3 ! M Ji rt . : t >. •a -d "a 1 a 3 a 1 M 13 1 1 o (0 ^ cj § c Is : a 1 i 1 1 ^ a 2 4- 1 •i I 1 o< : 1 1 1 •d c 1 i 2 J >. 1 0) C o —1 Id 0) 1 c I ^ 11 1 5 3 rt 1 "C ^ ^ Id a 5 § «'S OJ o aJ CJ 'd a > aJ "d S oJ OJ a § a a OJ £ : a 1 s 6 s eg eg c^ eg s C? c3 J CO 1 s eg 1 Formulae for Transverse Strength of Beams 189 Formulae for Transverse Strength of Beams P = load at middle. W = total load distributed uniformly. I = length, b = breadth, d = depth in inches. E = modulus of elasticity. R = stress per square inch of extreme fibre. / = moment of inertia. C = distance between neutral axis and extreme fibre. For breaking load of circular section replace bd"^ by 0.59 d^. For good wrought iron the value of R is about 80,000; for steel about 120,000. For cast iron the value of R varies greatly. Thurston found 45,740 for No. 2 and 67,980 for No. i. 190 Materials General Formulae for Transverse Strength, Etc. The following table gives the values of W, etc., without introducing the modulus of elasticity or the moment of inertia. Formula for Round and Rectangular Solid Beams III 5 so i ^1? a .HI Sts Icvj ^1 ^1 r 4!5 11^ •til IP ^N Jok lb 5: 5" r> >l< ^1 II •h On- f^ ■-^ ^ t^- ^ _<3-t CHAPTER V ACCELERATION OF FALLING BODIES The change in velocity of a falling body which occurs in a unit of time is its acceleration. That due to gravity is 32.16 feet per second, in one second and is denoted by g. Let t = number of seconds during which a body falls. V = velocity acquired in feet per second at the expiration of t seconds. u = space fallen through in each second. h = total space fallen through in t seconds. Then gt = 32.16, t S.oiVh = 2 2 2 g D4-32 t = '- 32.16 ▼ 8 V The table below gives the values of h, v and u, for values of t up to ten seconds. Space fallen Velocity Space fallen Time in . through in acquired in through in seconds. feet in feet per feet in t time t, second at end each second, h of time t, V M I 16 32 16 2 64 64 48 3 145 96 80 4 257 129 113 5 402 161 145 6 580 193 177 7 789 225 209 8 1030 257 241 9 1303 290 273 10 1609 322 306 191 192 Mechanics ISec 3" \\ The graphical method of ascertaining the values of t, v, u and h is easily remembered and is often of service. In the triangle, Fig. 6i, let the vertical divisions on the left of the perpendicular represent the number of seconds through which the body falls = t. Let the base of each small triangle equal the velocity at the end of the first second = 32.16. Then the number of bases on each of the horizontal lines at I, 2, 3, etc., multiplied by 32.16 will equal the ac- quired velocity for the corresponding time = v. Let the area of each small triangle = 16.08. Then the number of such areas between o and any hori- zontal line multiplied by 16.08 will equal the height in feet fallen through in the number of seconds corresponding to that line = h. And the number of small triangles between each pair of horizontal lines, multiplied by 16.08 will equal the number of feet fallen through in ^k Fig. 61. each second = u. Thus: / = I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. V = 32.16 X I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. h = 16.08 X I, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36. u = 16.08 X I, 3, 5, 7, 9, II. Fig. 62. Parallelogram of Forces If two forces are applied to the same point, their resultant will be represented in intensity and direction by the diagonal of a parallelo- gram of which the adjacent sides represent the intensities and directions of the given forces. Let AB and AC represent, in intensity and direction, any two forces applied to the point A; then AD will correspondingly represent their resultant. Conversely, ii ADhe the known force acting at ^, it may be resolved into two components, in any direction in the same plane; which com- ponents will be the adjacent sides of a parallelogram having AD for its diagonal. Parallelopipedon of Forces If three forces, not in the same plane, act on the same point, they may be represented by the edges of a parallelopipedon and the diagonal through the point of application is their resultant. Height Corresponding to a. Given Acquired Velocity 193 Height Corresponding to a Given Acquired Velocity Velocity. Height, Velocity, Height, Velocity, Height, V h V h V k Feet per second Feet Feet per secondr Feet Feet per second Feet .25 .0010 34 17.9 76 89.8 .50 .0039 35 19.0 77 92.2 .75 .0087 36 20.1 78 94.6 1. 00 .016 37 21.3 79 97.0 1. 25 .024 38 22.4 80 99. 5 1.50 •035 39 23.6 81 102.0 1.75 .048 40 24.9 82 104.5 2.0 .062 ■ 41 26.1 83 107. 1 2.5 .097 42 27.4 84 109.7 3.0 .140 43 28.7 85 112. 3 3.5 .190 44 30.1 86 iiS.o 4.0 .248 45 31.4 87 117. 7 4.5 .314 46 32.9 88 120.4 5.0 .388 47 34.3 89 123.2 6.0 .559 . 48 35.8 90 125.9 7.0 .761 49 37.3 91 128.7 8.0 .994 50 38.9 92 131. 6 9.0 1.26 51 40.4 93 134. 5 lO.O 1. 55 52 42.0 94 137.4 II. 1.88 53 43.7 95 140.3 12.0 2.24 54 45.3 96 143.3 13.0 2.62 55 47.0 97 146.0 14.0 3.04 56 48.8 98 149.0 15.0 3.49 57 50.5 99 152.0 16.0 3.98 58 52.3 100 15s 17.0 4.49 59 54.1 105 171. 18.0 5.03 60 56.0 no 188.0 19.0 5. 61 61 57.9 115 205.0 20.0 6.22 62 59.8 120 224.0 21.0 6.8s 63 61.7 130 263.0 • 22.0 7.52 64 63.7 140 304.0 23.0 8.21 65 65.7 150 3SO.O . 24.0 8.94 66 67.7 175 476.0 25.0 9.71 67 69.8 200 622.0 26.0 10. 5 68 71.9 300 1,399.0 27.0 11.3 69 74.0 400 2,488.0 28.0 12.2 70 76.2 500 3,887.0 29.0 13. 1 71 78.4 ■6a. 5,597.0 30.0 14.0 72 80,6 700 7,618.0 31.0 14.9 73 82.9 800 9,952. 32.0 15.9 74 85.1 900 12.593.0 33.0 16.9 75 87.5 1000 15.547.0 194 Mechanics The Lever The lever is a solid bar of any form, supported at a fixed point, about which it may turn freely. -^ -j The fixed point is the fulcrum. There are '^' "'pi three orders of levers. In those of the first order the points of application of the power ^" and resistance are on opposite sides of the fulcrum. In the second order the resistance is ap- pKed between the fulcrum and the power. In the third order the power is apphed between the fulcrum and the resistance. ± In any order ^^^- ^4- the weight W multiplied by the distance WF from the fulcrum must equal the power P multiplied by PF, to establish ^^' ^' equilibrium. Whatever may be the shape of the lever, the power or resistance acts at the end of a hne drawn through the fulcrum and perpendicular to the line of direction of the power or resistance. This perpendicular is called the lever arm of its corresponding force, and the product of the lever arm and its force is called the moment of that force. When the moments are equal the forces are in equilibrium. If one moment exceeds the other, rotation will occur about the ful- crum in the direction of the force having the greater moment. The Wheel and Axle This is simply such an appUcation of the lever of the first order, that the power and resistance may act through greater distances; the radius of the wheel is the lever arm of the power and that of the drum the lever arm of the resistance. When the resistance is a weight, it will be raised if the moment of the power is the greater and vice versa. The Inclined Plane If a force P acts in the direction of C AB, to overcome the resistance R, then p P:R::a:b. "*" b a Fig. o6. Center of Gravity 1 95 The Wedge The wedge is simply a double inclined plane, placed i- back to back. _t±iX^ If the force applied to "a wedge be represented by P t \ and the resistance to be overcome by R, the base of the wedge by a and its length by&;"then b P:R::a:b P = ^ and R = ^ a Fig. 67. Center of Gravity The center of gravity of a body is that point through which the effort of its weight always passes. If a body be suspended from any point, the direction of the hne of suspension will pass through its center of gravity. Therefore, the center of gravity of any body may be determined by finding the intersection of the hnes of suspension passing through points not on the same vertical hne. The center of gravity of two bodies is on a hne joining their respective centers of gravity and the distances from the center of gravity of either body to that of both of them (combined) are inversely proportional to the weights of the bodies respectively. To find the center of gravity of any irregular plane surface, divide it into triangles of any convenient areas. Find the center of gravity and the area of each triangle. Then assimiing any coordinate axes X and Y, multiply the area of each triangle by the abscissa of its center of gravity and divide the product by the sum of the areas of all the triangles. The quotient is the abscissa of the center of gravity of the entire figure. Find its ordinate in the same way; then the point determined by this abscissa and ordinate is the center of gravity of the figure. This method is precisely that shown by Fig. 61, Machinery Supplement No. 5. In addition to the formulae taken from Machinery Supplement No. 5, others are given as follows : Semiellipse The center of gravity of a semiellipse is on the semiaxis perpendiciilar to the base and at a distance from the base equal to the product of that semiaxis and the decimal 0.4244. 196 Mechanics The Center of Gravity of Solids of Uniform Density Throughout Sphere and spheroid at center of the body. Hemisphere on the radius perpendicular to the base and at H its length from the base. Spherical Sector. — On the radius passing through the center of the circle cut from the sphere by the sector and at a distance from the center of the sphere, equal to three-fourths of the difference between the radius, and one-half the rise of the sector. Or G, representing the distance from center of sphere to center of gravity, R = radius of sphere and H the rise of the sector; then G = hIr j • Spherical Segment {2R- Hy G=% 3R-H Spherical Zone Take the difference between the two segments whose difference is the zone. Find the center of gravity of each segment; then, by inverse proportion, find that of their difference. Frustrum of a Cone Let G = distance from base to center of gravity measured on the axis. A = area of large end. a = area of small end. H = height of frustrum measured on the axis. Then a = «fA+^^Aa + sa\ 4 V ^ + VAa -\-a J The center of gravity of a paraboloid is on the axis and at a distance from the vertex equal to two-thirds that from vertex to base. A body suspended from center of gravity has no tendency to rotate. Center of gravity of regular figures is at geometrical center; of a triangle two-thirds distance from any angle to middle of opposite side; of semicircle on middle radius, 4244 r from center; of sector — r- from center; oi seg- 3 ^ ment, from center (where c = chord and a = area); of cone or 12 a pyramid, \i distance from center of base to apex a,. 02, az = areas of respective triangles. Center of gravity of two bodies, x = — 7-^^ Radius of Gyration 197 General formulae x aixi + (12X2 + azXz Pt. 1994° F. 2ois° F. 22S° F. i9oo°-279o° F. 6i7°-588° F. 1139° F. 2240° F. 39° F. 2610° F. 115° F. 3150° F. I44.5°-I36° F. 2574° F. 1732° F. 207.7°-i9o° F. 226° F. 700° F. 4000° F. 442°-4i7* F. >Mn 4300° F. 773°-754° F. 28.5 40.0 43.0 16.0 88.69 II. o 5.09 68.0 9.06 24.00 16.0 128.0 23.0 32.0 16.86 19.0 25.65 48.36 * Cast iron specific heat at 212° F. is .109. 572° F. is .140. 2x50° F. is .190. Table of Physical Constants Table of Physical Constants 203 Air = I Specific heat at constant pressure Specific heat at constant volume Pounds per cubic foot Cubic Substances Specific gravity For equal weight, water = 1 For equal volumes feet per pound Air I I . 1056 .4713 .0692 .9670 1.5210 .5527 .9672 .6220 .5894 I. 5241 1.0384 I . 1746 2.2112 2.4502 5. 4772 2.6258 1.2596 .2377 .2175 .2438 3.4090 .2450 .2169 .5929 .4040 .4805 .5084 .2262 .2317 .2432 .1544 .1210 .0555 .1569 .1882 .335 .700 .450 .426 2:^77 ■ .1689 .1550 .1730 2.4060 .1730 .1710 .4670 .3320 .080728 .089210 .078420 .005610 .078100 . 123430 .044880 .079490 12.387 2405 2368 2359 2370 3307 3277 4106 2989 2996 0447 2406 2857 3414 2965 3040 4122 2333 11.209 12.752 Hydrogen Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide .... 178.230 12.804 8.102 Marsh gas defiant gas (ethylene) . . . Aqueous vapor Ammonia Nitrous monoxide Nitrous dioxide 22.301 12.580 Bromine vapor Carbon bisulphide vapor . Hydrochloric acid Sulphuric acid Alcohol 204 ^ Mechanics Weight of Air Required for Combustion of Coal Substances Pounds of air B.t.u. from combustion of one pound Carbon 12.30 35.00 18.00 15.60 14,500 61,524 24,021 21,524 18,260 Boiling Points at Sea Level Water 100 ° C. Alcohol 78.4 " Ether 34.9 " Carbon bisulphide 46. i " Nitric acid (strong) 120.0 " Sulphuric acid 326.6 " Oil turpentine 157 . o " Mercury : 35o.o " Aldehyde 20.8 " Combining Equivalents Oxygen Hydrogen i Nitrogen 14 Carbon 6 Sulphtir 8 Phosphorus 10 Chlorine 35 Iodine 25 Potassium 39 Iron 28 Copper 31 Lead 103 Silver 108 Bromine 80 Sodium 23 , Fluorine 19. Lithium 7 , Rubidium 85. 8.0 "C. Lineal Expansion for Solids 205 Lesteal Expansion for Solids at Ordinary Temperature FOR i°F. Solids Aluminum, cast Antimony, cryst Brass, cast Brass, plate Brick Bronze (copper, 17; tin, 2}^; zinc, i). . Bismuth Cement, Portland (mixed), pure Concrete: cement, mortar and pebbles Copper Ebonite Glass, English flint Glass, hard Glass, thermometer Granite (gray, dry) Granite (red, dry) Gold, pure Iron (wrought) Iron (cast) Lead Marbles, various j ^^ Masonry, brick w^ Merctiry (cubic expansion) Nickel Pewter Plaster, white Platinum Porcelain Silver, pure Slate Steel, cast Steel, tempered Stone, sand, dry Tin Wedgewood (ware) Wood, pine Zinc Zinc 8 ) Tin I From 1° F. Length 00001234 00000627 00000957 00001052 00000306 00000986 00000975 00000594 00000795 00000887 00004278 00000451 00000397 00000499 00000438 00000498 00000786 00000648 00000556 00001571 00000308 00000786 00000256 00000494 00009984 00000695 00001129 00000922 00000479 00000200 00001079 00000577 00000636 00000689 00000652 00001163 00000489 00000276 00001407 00001496 Coefficient of expansion from 32° to 212° F. .002221 .001129 .001722 .001894 .000550 .001774 •OOI75S .001070 .001430 .001596 . 007700 .000812 .000714 . 000897 .000789 . 000897 .00141S .001166 . OOIOOI .002828 .000554 .001415 .000460 .000890 .017971 .001251 .002033 .001660 .000863 .000360 .001943 .001038 .001144 .001240 .001174 .002094 .000881 .000496 .002532 . 002692 Cubical expansion or expansion of volume equals lineal expansion multiplied by 3. The coefficient of expansion from 32° to 212° F. divided by 100 gives the lineal expansion for corresponding solid for 1° C. The expansion of metals above 212° F. is irregular and more rapid. 2o6 Mechanics Furnace Temperatures M. Le Chatelier finds the melting heat of white cast iron 2075° F., and that of gray cast iron at 2228° F. Mild steel melts at 2687° F., semi- mild at 2651° F. and hard steel at 2570° F. The furnace for hard porcelain at the end of the baking has a heat of 2498° F. The heat of a normal incandescent lamp is 3272° F., but it may be pushed beyond 3812° F. The following are some of the temperatures determined by Professor Roberts-Austin. Ten-ton Open-hearth Furnace {Woolwich Arsenal) Temperature of steel, 0.3 per cent carbon, pouring into ladle . . . 2993° F. Temperature of steel, 0.3 per cent carbon, pouring into large mold 2876° F. Reheating furnace, Woolwich Arsenal, temperature of interior. . 1 706° F. Cupola furnace, temperature of No. 2 cast iron pouring into ladle 2912° F. Determinations by M. Le Chatelier. Bessemer Process. Six-ton Converter Bath of slag 2876° F. Metal in ladle 2984° F. Metal in ingot mold 2876° F. Ingot in reheating furnace . . 2192° F. Ingot imder the hammer 1976° F. Open-hearth Furnace {Siemans) Semi-mild Steel Fuel gas near gas generator 1328° F. Fuel gas entering into bottom of regenerator chamber . . . 752"° F. Fuel gas issuing from regenerator chamber 2192° F. Air issuing from regenerator chamber 1832° F. Chimney Gases Furnace in perfect condition 590° F. Open-hearth Furnace End of the melting of pig charge 2588° F. Completion of conversion 2732° F. Fownes Elementary Chemistry gives relative conductivity of metals asfoUows: silver 1000 Copper 736 Gold 532 Brass 236 Tin 14s Iron 119 Steel 116 Lead 85 Platinum 84 German silver 63 Bismuth 18 Measurement of Heat 207 MEASUREMENT OF HEAT Unit of Heat The British thermal unit (B.t.u.) is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of pure water one degree Fahrenheit at 39.1° F. The French thermal unit, or calorie, is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of pure water one degree Centi- grade at 4° C, which is equivalent to 39.1° F. The French calorie is equal to 3.968 British thermal units; one B.t.u, is equal to .252 calories. Mechanical Equivalent of Heat This is the number of foot pounds equivalent to one B.t.u. Joule's experiments gave the figure 772, which is known as Joule's equivalent. Recent experiments give higher figures and the average is now taken to be 778. Heat of Combustion in Oxygen oe Various Substances Substance Hydrogen to liquid water at 0° C Hydrogen to steam at 100° C Carbon (wood charcoal) to carbonic acid (CO2); ordinary temperatures Carbon graphite to CO2 •. Carbon to carbonic oxide, CO Carbonic oxide to CO2 per unit of CO ■ CO to CO2 per unit of C = 2H X 2403 Marsh gas, CH4 to water and CO2 defiant gas, C2H4 and water and CO2 Heat units Cent. Fahr. ( 34,462 62,032 S 33,808 60,854 ( 34,342 61.816 28,732 51,717 ( 8.080 14,544 < 7,900 14,220 ( 8,137 14,647 7,901 14,222 2,473 4,451 ( 2,403 4,325 < 2,431 4,376 ( 2.38s 4,293 5,607 10,093 ( 13,120 23,616 < 13,108 23,594 ( 13,063 23,513 ( 11,858 21,344 < 11,942 21,496 ( 11.957 21,523 If one pound of carbon is burned to CO2, generating 14,544 B.t.u., and the CO2 thus formed is immediately reduced to CO in the presence of glowing carbon, by the reaction CO2 + C = 2 CO. the result is the same as if the two pounds of C had been burned directly to 2 CO. generating 2 X 4451 = 8902 heat units; consequently 14,544 — 8902 = 5642 heat units have disappeared or become latent and the reduction of CO2 to CO is thus a cooling operation. Kent, 4S6. 208 Heat RADIATION OF HEAT Relative Radiating and Reflecting Power of Different Substances Substances Radiating or absorb- ing power Reflecting power Lampblack lOO loo 98 93 to 98 90 85 25 23 2^ 19 , 17 24 15 II 7 14 7 3 Water - Writing paper 7 to 2 Ice 15 75 77 77 81 Cast iron, bright polished Mercury, about Wrought iron, polished Zinc, polished Steel, polished 83 76 85 89 93 86 Platinum, polished Tin Brass, cast, dead polish Brass, bright polished Copper, varnished Copper, hammered 93 97 Silver, polished, bright Experiments of Dr. A. M. Mayer give the following: The relative radiations from a cube of cast iron, having faces rough, as from the foundry, planed, drawfiled and polished; and from the same surfaces oiled, are as below (Professor Thurston). Surface Oiled Dry Rough 100 60 49 45 Planed 32 20 Drawfiled Polished 18 Relative Nonconducting Power of Materials Relative Heat-Conducting Power of Metals 209 Metals Conduc- tivity Metals Conduc- tivity 1000 981 84s 811 677 66s 641 608 628 436 Gold Tin Steel 397 380 359 287 Mercury Cast iron Aluminum Lead Zinc. Antimony, cast, horizontal. . . Antimony, cast, vertical Bismuth 215 Zinc, cast, horizontal. 192 61 Zinc, cast, vertical Relative Nonconducting Power of Materials (Professor Ordway) Substance i inch thick. Heat applied 310° F. Pounds of water heated 10° F. per hour through I square foot Solid matter in I square foot I inch thick, parts in 1000 Air included, parts in 1000 8.1 9.6 10.4 10.3 9.8 10.6 13.9 35.7 12.4 42.6 13-7 15.4 14. 5 20.6 30.9 49 -o 48.0 62.1 13.0 14.0 21.0 21.7 18.0 18.7 16.7 22.0 21.0 27.0 56 SO 20 185 56 244 119 S06 23 285 60 150 60 253 368 81 527 944 950 980 8iS 944 7S6 2. Live geese feathers 3. Carded cotton wool 4. Hair felt S. Loose lampblack . . 881 494 977 715 940 850 940 747 632 10. Compressed calcined magnesia 12. Compressed carbonate of magnesia . . . 13. Loose fossil meal 14. Ground chalk 919 18. Sand 471 19. Best slag wool 20. Paper 24. Loose rice chaff 25. Paste of fossil meal with hair 26. Paste of fossil meal with asbestos 27. Loose bituminous coal ashes 2IO Heat Professor Ordway states that later experiments niade with still air gave results which differ Uttle from cotton wool, hair felt or compressed lampblack. Asbestos is one of the poorest conductors. Heat-Conducting Power of Covering Materials (J. J. Coleman) Mineral wool loo Charcoal 140 Hair felt 117 Sawdust 163 Cotton wool ■ . 122 Gas works breeze 230 Sheep's wool 136 Wood and air space 280 Infusorial earth 136 Boiling Points at Atmospheric Pressure Ether, sulphuric 100° F. Average sea water 213.2° F. Carbon bisulphide 118° F. Saturated brine 226° F. Ammonia 140° F. Nitric acid 248° F. Chloroform 140° F. Oil of turpentine 315° F. Bromine 145° F. Phosphorus 554° F. Wood-spirit 150° F. Sulphur 570° F. Alcohol 173° F. Sulphuric acid 590° F. Benzine 176° F. Linseed oil 597° F. Water 212° F. Mercury 676° F. The boiling points of liquids increase as the pressure increases. Table of Equivalent Temperatures 211 Table of Equivalent Temperatures, Centigrade to Fahrenheit Rule to change the values: Fahr. = " C. + 3.2° Cent. = (F. - 32°) 9' Degrees Degrees Degrees Degrees Degrees Cent. Fahr. Cent! Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. -10 +14.0 22 71.6 54 129.2 86 186.8 190 374 - 9 +15. 8 23 73.4 55 131. 87 188.6 195 383 - 8 +17.6 24 75.2 56 132.8 88 190.4 200 392 - 7 +19-4 25 77.0 57 134.6 89 192.2 20s 401 - 6 +21.2 26 78.8 58 136.4 90 194 210 410 - 5 +23 27 80.6 59 138.2 91 195.8 215 419 - 4 +24.8 28 82.4 60 140.0 92 197.6 220 428 - 3 +26.6 29 84.2 61 141. 8 53 199.4 225 437 — 2 +28.4 30 86.0 62 143.6 94 201.2 230 446 — I +30.2 31 87.8 63 145.4 95 203.0 235 455 +32.0 32 33 89.6 91.4 64 65 147.2 149.0 96 97 204.8 206.6 240 245 464 + 1 33.8 473 2 35.6 34 93.2 66 150.8 98 208.4 250 482 3 37.4 35 95. 67 152.6 99 210.2 255 491 4 39-2 41.0 36 37 96.8 98.6 68 69 154.4 156.2 100 212 260 265 500 5 105 221 509 6 42.8 38 100.4 70 158.0 no 230 270 518 7 44.6 39 102.2 71 159-8 115 239 275 527 8 46.4 40 104.0 72 161. 6 120 248 280 536 9 48.2 41 105.8 73 163.4 125 257 285 545 10 50.0 42 107.6 74 165.2 130 266 290 554 II 51.8 43 109.4 75 167.0 135 275 295 563 12 53.6 44 III. 2 76 168.8 140 284 300 572 13 55. 4 45 113. 77 170.6 145 293 305 581 14 57.2 46 114. 8 78 172.4 150 302 310 590 IS 59. 47 116. 6 79 174.2 155 311 315 599 16 60.8 48 118. 4 80 176.0 160 320 320 608 17 62.6 49 120.2 81 177.8 165 329 325 617 18 64.4 50 122.0 82 179.6 170 338 330 626 19 66.2 51 123.8 83 181. 4 175 347 335 635 20 68.0 52 125.6 84 183.2 180 356 340 644 21 69.8 53 127.4 85 185.0 185 365 345 653 Data Sheet No. 53, The Foundry, November, 1909. 212 Heat Table of Equivalent Temperatures, Centigrade to Fahrenheit — (Continued) Degrees Degrees Degrees Degrees Degrees Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. 3SO 662 510 9SO 670 1238 830 1526 990 1814 355 671 515 959 675 1247 835 I53S 995 1823 360 680 520 968 680 1256 840 1544 1000 1832 36s 689 525 977 68s 126s 845 1553 loos 1841 370 698 530 986 690 1274 850 1562 lOIO 1850 375 707 535 995 695 1283 855 1571 lois 1859 380 716 540 1004 700 1292 860 1580 1020 1868 38s 725 545 1013 705 1301 86s IS89 1025 1877 390 734 550 1022 710 1310 870 1598 1030 1886 395 743 555 1031 715 1319 875 1607 1035 189s 4CX) 752 560 1040 720 1328 880 1616 1040 1904 405 761 565 1049 725 1337 885 162s 104s 1913 410 770 570 1058 730 1346 890 1634 1050 1922 415 779 575 1067 735 1355 895 1643 loss 1931 420 788 580 1076 740 1364 900 1652 1060 1940 425 797 585 1085 745 1373 905 1661 1065 1949 430 806 590 1094 ' 750 1382 910 1670 1070 1958 435 815 595 1103 755 1391 915 1679 107s 1967 440 824 600 1112 760 1400 920 1688 1080 1976 445 833 60s 1121 765 1409 92s 1697 1085 1985 450 842 610 1130 770 1418 930 1706 1090 1994 455 851 615 1139 775 1427 935 1715 109s 2003 460 860 620 1 148 780 1436 940 1724 1 100 2012 46s 869 625 1157 785 1445 945 1733 iios 2021 470 878 630 1166 790 1454 9SO 1742 mo 2030 475 887 635 1175 795 1463 955 1751 1115 2039 480 896 640 1 184 800 1472 960 1760 1 120 2048 485 90s 64s 1193 80s 1481 96s 1769 1125 20S7 490 914 650 1202 810 1490 970 1778- 1130 2066 495 923 655 1211 815 1499 975 1787 1 135 207s 500 932 660 1220 820 1508 980 1796 1 140 2084 S05 941 665 1229 825 1517 985 1805 1 145 I150 2093 2102 Data Sheet No. 54. The Foundry, November, 1909. Strength of Materials Comparison of Thermometer Scales 213 Centi- grade Reaumur Fahren- heit Centi- grade Reaumur Fahren- heit Centi- grade Reaumur Fahren- heit -30 -24.0 —22.0 14 II. 2 57.2 58 46.4 136.4 -28 -22.4 — 18.4 16 12.8 60.8 60 48.0 140.0 -26 -20.8 -14.8 18 14.4 64.4 62 49-6 143-6 -24 -19.2 -II. 2 20 16.0 68.0 64 51.2 147-2 —22 -17.6 - 7.6 22 17.6 71.6 66 52.8 150.8 —20 -16.0 - 4-0 24 19.2 75-2 68 54-4 154-4 -18 -14.4 - 0.4 26 20.8 78.8 70 56.0 158.0 -16 -12.8 3.2 28 22.4 82.4 72 57.6 161. 6 -14 —II. 2 6.8 30 24.0 86.0 74 59-2 165.2 — 12 - 9.6 10.4 32 25.6 89.6 76 60.8 168.8 -10 - 8.0 14.0 34 27.2 93.2 78 62.4 172.4 - 8 - 6.4 17.6 36 28.8 96.8 80 64.0 176.0 - 6 - 4.8 21.2 38 30.4 100.4 82 65.6 179.6 - 4 - 3.2 24.8 40 32.0 104.0 84 67.2 183.2 — 2 - 1.6 28.4 42 33.6 107.6 86 68.8 186.8 0.0 32.0 44 35.2 III. 2 88 70.4 190.4 2 1.6 35.6 46 36.8 114. 8 90 72.0 194.0 4 3.2 39.2 48 38.4 118. 4 92 73.6 197.6 6 4.8 42.8 SO 40.0 122.0 94 75-2 201.2 8 6.4 46.4 52 41.6 125.6 96 76.8 204.8 10 8.0 50.0 54 43.2 129.2 98 78.4 208.4 12 9.6 53.6 56 44.8 132.8 100 80.0 212.0 No. 21, Supplement to Machinery, June, 1903. Strength of Materials (From notes on Machine Design, by permission of the author, Prof. Chas. H. Benjamin, Cleveland, O.) Ultimate strength Elastic limit, tension Modu- lus of rupture, trans- verse Modu- lus of Kind of metal Ten- sile Com- pression Shear- ing elastic- ity, tension Wrought iron, small bars Wrought iron, plates. .... 55 ,000 50,000 45,000 60,000 90,000 90,000 120,000 18,000 36,000 38,000 18,000 24,000 36,000 85,000 58,000 28,000 38,000 100,000 75.000 125,000 12,000 75,000 100,000 132,000 13.000 45,000 40,060 35,000 50,000 80,000 25,000 42,000 24,000 43,000 28,000 25,000 22,500 32,000 50,000 60,000 Un- certain 16,000 18,000 20,000 14,000 40,000 30,000 36,000 30,000 26,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 28,000,000 29,000,000 40,000,000 18,000,000 Wrought iron, large forgings. . Steel, 0. H. plate . . . Steel, Bessemer Cast iron Malleable castings Steel castings 30,000,000 9,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 Brass castings . . Copper castings Bronze, 10 Al, 90 Cu 14.000,000 11,000,000 214 Strength of Materials Material Tension per square inch Compres- sion per square inch Shear per square inch 103,272 318,823 59.246 97,908 37.607 46,494 81,114 98,578 78,049 81,735 92,224 11,000 17,207 ii,Soo 18,000 13,500 8,700 12,800 18,000 10,500 10,250 19.500 Iron wire Bronze wire Woods: Ash......; 6800 6280 Beech 7000 5223 Elm 7700 5300 8000 Hemlock Hickory 1 2750 604s Maple 6800 7000 7285 Oak (white) ! 4425 } Oak (live) 6850 5400 8500 5700 8000 Tons per square foot 40 300 300 1200 250 1000 8480 Pine (white) 11,000 15,900 14,500 12,500 2450 5735 5255 47SO Walnut (black) Brick (pressed) i ! 1 Granite Limestone Properties of Air 215 Strength of Lime and Cement Mortar Tensile Strength, Pounds per Square Inch Age 7 days. Lime mortar 8 20 per cent Rosendale 8.5 20 per cent Roseland 8.5 30 per cent Rosendale 11 30 per cent Portland 16 40 per cent Rosendale 12 40 per cent Portland 39 60 per cent Rosendale 13 60 per cent Portland 58 80 per cent Rosendale 18.5 80 per cent Portland 91 100 per cent Rosendale 23 100 per cent Portland 120 Coefficient of Friction If two bodies have plane surfaces in contact and the plane of contact be inclined so that one body just begins to slide upon the other, the angle made by this plane with a horizontal plane is called the angle of repose. The coefficient of friction is the ratio of the ultimate friction to the pressure perpendicular to the plane of contact, and is equal to the tangent of the angle of repose. Thus, if R denotes the friction between the surfaces, Q the perpendicu- lar pressure and F the coefficient of friction. Then F = ^ and R = FQ. Centrifugal Force In a revolving body the force expended to deflect it from a rectilinear to a curved path is called centrifugal force and is equal to the weight of the body multiplied by the square of its velocity in feet per second, divided by 32.6 times the radius; or, if F equals centrifugal force, W equals weight of body, V equals velocity in feet per second and R equals the radius, then F = ;r-^ . If N equals the number of revolutions 32.16 i? per minute, the formula is reduced to F = .000341 WN^R. Properties of Air Air is a mechanical mixture of the gases, oxygen and nitrogen; 21 parts oxygen and 79 parts nitrogen by volume, or 23 parts oxygen and 77 parts nittogen by weight. The weight of pure air at 32° F. and 29.9 barometer, or 14.6963 pounds per square inch; or 21 16.3 pounds per 2l6 Air square foot is .080728 pounds. The volume of one pound is 12.387 cubic feet. Air expands 1/491.2 of its volume for every increase of 1° F., and its volume varies inversely as the pressure. Volume, Density and Pressure of Air at Various Temperatures (D. K. Clark.) Volume at atmospheric Pressure at constant pressure Density, lbs. volume per cubic foot at atmospheric Fahr. Cubic feet Comparative pressure Pounds per Comparative in I pound volume square inch pressure 11.583 .881 .086331 12 . 96 .881 32 12.387 .943 .080728 13.86 .943 40 12.586 .958 .079439 14.08 • 958 SO 12.840 ■ 977 .077884 14.36 .977 62 13. 141 1. 000 .076097 14.70 1. 000 70 13.342 1. 015 .074950 14.92 1. 015 80 13.593 1.034 .073565 15.21 1.034 90 13.845 T.OS4 .072230 15.49 I OS4 100 14.096 1.073 .070942 15.77 1.073 no 14.344 1.092 .069721 16. OS 1.092 120 14.592 I. Ill .068500 16.33 I. Ill 130 14.846 1. 130 .067361 16.61 1. 130 140 15.100 1. 149 .066221 16.89 1. 149 150 15.351 1. 168 .065155 17.19 1. 168 160 15.603 1. 187 .064088 17.50 1. 187 170 15.854 1.266 .063089 17.76 1.206 180 16 . 106 1.226 .062090 18.02 1.226 200 16.606 1.264 .060210 18.58 1.264 210 16.860 1.283 .059313 18.86 1.283 212 16.910 1.287 .059135 18.92 1.287 Pressure of the Atmosphere per Square Inch and per Square Foot at Various Readings of the Barometer Rule. — Barometer in inches X .4908 = pressure per square inch; pressure per square inch X 144 = pressure per square foot. Barometer, inches Pressure per square inch, Pressure per square foot. Barometer, inches Presstire per square inch, Pressure per square foot, pounds pounds pounds pounds 28.00 13.74 .1978 29.75 14.60 2102 28.25 13.86 1995 30 00 14.72 2119 28.50 13.98 2013 30 25 14.84 2136 28.75 14. II 2031 30 50 14.96 2154 29.00 14.23 2049 30 75 15.09 2172 29.25 14.35 2066 31 00 15.21 2190 29.50 14.47 2083 Properties of Air 217 Barometric Readings Corresponding with Different Altitudes (Kent.) Altitude, Reading of Altitude, Reading of feet barometer, inches feet barometer, inches 30.00 3763.2 25.98 68.9 29.92 4163.3 25.59 416.7 29.52 4568.3 25.19 767.7 29.13 4983.1 24.80 1122.1 28.74 5403.2 24.41 1486.2 28.35 5830.2 24.01 ■ 1850.4 27.95 6243.0 23.62 2224.5 27.55 6702.9 23.22 2599.7 27.16 7152.4 22.83 2962.1 26.77 7605.1 22.44 3369. S 26.38 8071.0 22.04 Horse Power Required to Compress One Cubic Foot of Free Air per Minute to a Given Pressure (Richards.) Air not cooled during compression; also the horse power required, supposing the air to be maintained at constant temperature during the compression. Gauge pressure Air not cooled Air at constant temperature 100 .22183 .14578 90 .20896 .13954 80 .19521 .13251 70 .17989 .12606 • 60 .164 .11558 50 .14607 .10565 40 .12433 .093667 30 .10346 .079219 20 .076808 .061188 10 .044108 .036944 S .024007 .020848 2l8 Air Horse Power Required to Deliver One Cubic Foot of Air per Minute at a Given Pressure (Richards.) Air not cooled during compression; also the horse power required, supposing the air to be maintained at constant temperature during the compression. Gauge Air not Air at pressure cooled constant temperature lOO I. 7317 i . 13801 90 1.4883 .99387 80 1.25779 .8528 70 1.03683 .72651 60 .83344 .58729 SO .64291 .465 40 .46271 .34859 30 .31456 .24086 20 .181279 .14441 10 .074106 .06069 5 .032172 .027938 In computing the above tables an allowance of 10 per cent has been made for friction of the compressor. Pressure of Water 219 Pressure of Water Pressure in Pounds per Square Inch for Different Heads of Water (Kent.) At 62° F. I foot head 0.433 pound per square inch, 0.433 X 144 = 62.352 pounds per cubic foot. Head, feet I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.433 0.866 1.299 1.732 2.165 2.598 3.031 3.464 3.897 10 4 330 4.763 5.196 5.629 6.062 6.49s 6.928 7.361 7.794 8.227 20 8.660 9 093 9.526 9-959 10.392 10.825 11.258 II. 691 12 . 124 12.557 30 12.990 13.423 13.856 14.298 14.722 IS.I5S IS. 588 16.021 16.454 16.887 40 17.320 17.753 18.186 18.619 19.052 19.48s 19.918 20.351 20.784 21.217 SO 21.650 22.083 22.516 22.949 23.382 23.819 24 . 248 24.681 25.114 25.547 60 25.980 26.413 26.846 27.279 27.712 28.145 28.578 29.011 29.444 29.877 70 30.310 30.743 31.176 31.609 32.042 32.475 32.908 33.341 33.774 34.207 80 34.640 35.073 35 506 35.939 36.372 36.805 37.238 37.671 38.104 38.537 90 38.970 39.403 39.836 40.269 40.702 41.135 41.568 42.001 42.436 42.867 Head in Feet of Water, Corresponding to Pressures in Pounds per Square Inch (Kent.) I pound per square inch 2.30947 feet head, i atmosphere 14.71 pounds per square inch 33-94 foot head. Pres- sure I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2.309 4.619 6.928 9.238 11.547 13.857 16.166 18.476 20.78s 10 23.0947 25.404 27.714 30.023 32.333 34.642 36.952 39.261 41.570 43.880 20 46.1894 48.499 50.808 53.118 55.427 57.737 60.046 62.356 64.665 66.975 30 .69.2841 71.594 73.903 76.213 78.522 80.831 83.141 85.450 87.760 90.069 40 92.3788 94.688 96.998 99.307 101.62 103.93 106.24 108.5s 110.85 113. 16 SO 115.4735 117.78 120.09 122.40 124.71 126.02 129.33 131.64 133.95 136 . 26 60 138.5682 140.88 143.19 145.50 147.81 150.12 152.42 154.73 157.04 159. 35 70 161.6629 163.97 166.28 168.59 170.90 173.21 175.52 177.83 180.14 182.4s 80 184.7576 187.07 189.38 191.69 194.00 196.31 198.61 200.92 203.23 205.54 90 207.8523 210.16 212.47 214.78 217.09 219.40 221.71 224.02 226.33 228.64 Electrical and Mechanical Units Equivalent Values of Electrical and Mechanical Units Units Equivalent value in other units I kilowatt hour = 1,000 watt hours. 1.34 horse-power hours. 2,654,200 ft. lbs. 3,600,000 joules. 3,412 heat units. 367,000 kilogram metres. .23s lb. carbon, oxidized with perfect efficiency. 3.53 lbs. water evap. from and at 212° F. 22.75 lbs. of water raised from 62° F., to 212° F. I horse-power hour = .746 K.W. hours. 1,980,000 ft. lbs. 2,545 heat units. 273,000 kilogram metres. .175 lb. carbon oxidized with perfect efficiency. 2.64 lbs. water evap. from and at 212° F. 17 lbs. of water raised from 62° F. to 212° F. I kilowatt = 1,000 watts. 1.34 horse power. 2,654,200 ft. lbs. per hour. 44,240 ft. lbs. per minute. 737-3 ft. lbs. per second. 3,412 heat units per hour. 56.9 heat units per minute. .948 heat unit per second. .2275 lb. carbon oxidized per hour. 3.53 lbs. water evap. per hour from and at 212" F. I horse power = 746 watts. .746 K.W. 33.000 ft. lbs. per minute. 550 ft. lbs. per second. 2,545 heat units per hour, 42.4 heat units per minute. ,707 heat unit per second. .175 lb. carbon oxidized per hour. 2.64 lbs. water evap. per hour from and at 212° F. I joule = I watt second. .000000278 K.W. hour. .102 k.g.m. .0009477 heat units. J^g^Bj^^^^^^Hfl 1 foot pound = 1.356 joules. .1383 k.g.m. .000000377 K.W. hour. .001285 heat unit. .0000005 H.P. hour. Equivalent Values of Electrical and Mechanical Units 221 Equivalent Values of Electrical and Mechanical Units — {Continued) Units Equivalent Value in Other Units I watt = I joule per second. .00134 H.P. 3.412 heat units per hour. .7373 ft. lb. per second. .0035 lb. of water evap. per hour. 44.24 ft. lbs. per minute. I watt per square inch = 8.19 heat units per sq. ft. per minute. 6,371 ft. lbs. per sq. ft. per minute. .193 H.P. per sq. ft. I heat unit = 1,055 watt seconds. 778 ft. lbs. 107.6 kilogram metres. .000293 K.W. hour. .000393 H.P. hour. .00006S8 lb. of carbon oxidized. .001036 lb. water evap. from and at 212° F. I heat unit per square foot per minute = . 122 watts per square inch. .0176 K.W. per sq. ft. .0236 H.P. per sq. ft. I kilogram metre = 7.233 ft. lbs. .00000365 H.P. hour. .00000272 K.W. hour. .0093 heat unit. I pound carbon oxidized with perfect efficiency = 14,544 heat units. I . II lbs. of anthracite coal oxidized. 2.5 lbs. dry wood, oxidized. 21 cubic ft. illuminating gas. 4.26 K.W. hours. 5.71 H.P. hours. 11,315,000 ft. lbs. 15 lbs. water evap. from and at 212° F. I pound water evaporated from and at 212° F. = .283 K.W. hour. .379 H.P. hour. 965.7 heat units. 103,900 k.g.m. 1,019,000 joules. 751,300 ft. lbs. .0664 lb. of carbon oxidized. CHAPTER VI ALLOYS An alloy is a combination by fusion of two or more metals. The com- bination may be a chemical one; generally, however, there is an excess of one or more of the constituents. Metals do not unite indifferently, but have certain affinities; thus zinc and lead do not unite, but either will mix with silver in any pro- portion. Alloys are generally harder, less ductile and have greater tenacity than the mean of their components. The melting point of an alloy is as a rule below that of any of its components, and it is more easily oxidized. The specific gravity of an alloy may be greater, equal to, or less than the mean of its components. In alloys of copper and tin the maximum tensile and compressive strength is afforded by a mixture containing 82.7 per cent copper and 17.3 per cent tin. The minimum strength is shown by a composition of 62.5 per cent copper and 37.5 per cent tin. Alloys of Copper and Tin Mean composition by analysis Tensile strength in pounds per square inch Elastic limit in pounds per square inch Crushing strength in Copper Tin pounds per square inch 12,760 24,580 28,540 29.430 32,980 22,010 5.585 2,201 1.455 3,010 6.775 6,390 6,4So 4,780 3.505 11,000 10,000 19,000 20,000 97.89 92.11 87.15 80.95 76.63 69.84 65.34 I 7 12 18 23 29 34 43 55 76 88 91 96 100 90 80 75 84 24 88 47 17 28 29 47 39 31 00 34.000 42,000 53.000 22,010 5,585 2,201 1,455 3.010 6.775 3.500 3.SOO 2,750 144,000 147.000 84.700 44.52 23.3s 11.49 8.57 3.72 35.800 10,100 9,800 9,800 6,400 Composition of Alloys in Common Use in Brass Foundries 223 Alloys of Copper and Zinc Mean composition by analysis Tensile strength in pounds per square inch Elastic limit per cent of breaking load in pounds per square inch Crushing strength in pounds per squaye inch Copper Zinc Q7.83 1.88 16.98 23.08 28.54 33.50 38.65 44.44 50.14 52.28 56.22 66.23 77.63 86.67 94.59 100.00 27,240 32,600 30,520 30,510 37,800 41,065 44,280 30,990 24,150 , 9,170 1.774 9,000 12,413 18,065 5.400 82.93 26.1 84.6 29.S 25.1 40.1 44.00 54.5 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 75.0 76.6s 71.20 42,000 66.27 60.94 55.15 49.66 47.56 43.36 75.000 78,000 117,400 121,000 32.94 20.81 12.12 52.152 4-35 22,000 Composition of Alloys in Common Use in Brass Foundries (American Machinist.) Alloys Admiralty metal Bell metal Brass (yellow)... Bush metal Gun metal Steam metal. . . . Hard gun metal . Muntz metal. . . . Phosphor bronze T, . j metal... ^'■^^^"g I solder.. Copper, Zinc, Tin, Lead, lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 87 5 8 16 4 16 8 5 64 8 4 4 32 I 3 20 I 1.5 I 16 2.5 60 40 92 8.0 90 10. 16 3 50 50 For parts of engines on naval vessels. Bells for ships and factories. For plumbers, ship and house work. Bearing bushes for shafting. For pumps and hydraulic work. Casting subjected to steam pres- sure. For heavy bearings. For bolts and nuts, forged. Valve spindles, etc. Phos. tin for valves, pumps and general work. Phos. tin for cog and worm wheels, bushes and bearings. Flanges for copper pipe. Solder for above flanges. 224 x\lloys Alloys of Copper, Tin and Zinc Analysis original mixture Tensile strength per Cu Sn Zn square inch 90 5 5 23,660 85 5 10 28,840 85 10 5 3S,68o 80 5 15 37,560 80 10 10 32,830 75 5 20 34,960 75 7-5 17. 5 39.300 75 10. 15.0 34.000 75 15.0 10. 28,000 75 20.0 50 27,660 70 5.0 25.0 32,940 70 7.5 22.5 32,400 70 10. 20.0 26,300 70 15.0 15.0 27,800 70 20.0 lO.O 12,900 67.5 2.5 30.0 45,850 67.5 5.0 27.5 34,460 67.5 7.5 25.0 30,000 65.0 2.5 32.5 38,300 65.0 5.0 30.0 36,000 65.0 10. 25.0 22,500 65.0 15.0 20.0 7.231 65.0 20.0 15.0 2.665 60.0 2.5 37.5 57,400 60.0 5.0 35.0 41,160 60.0 10. 30.0 21,780 60.0 15.0 25.0 [ 18,020 58.22 2.3 39-48 66,500 55.0 0.5 44.5 68,500 55.0 5.0 40.0 27,000 55.0 lo.o 35.0 25.460 50.0 5.0 45.0 23,000 Above tables from report of U. S. Test Board, Vol. II, 1881. Copper-Nickel Alloys (German Silver.) Constituents Copper, lbs. Nickel, lbs. Tin, lbs. Zinc, lbs. German silver i 51.6 50.2 75.0 25.8 14.8 22.6 3.1 25.0 Nickel silver 31.9 Delta Metal Useful Alloys of Copper, Tin and Zinc 225 Alloys U. S. Navy Dept., journal boxes, and guide gibs Tobin bronze Naval brass Composition, U.S. Navy Gun metal I Tough brass for engines Bronze for rod boxes Bronze subject to shock Bronze for pump castings Red brass : . Bronze, steam whistles Bearing metal < Gold bronze Copper, Tin, Zinc, lbs. lbs. lbs. 6 I .25 82.8 13.8 3.4 58.22 2.3 29.48 62.0 I.O 37.0 88.0 10. 2.0 92.5 50 2.5 91.0 7.0 2.0 85.0 5.0 10. 83.0 2.0 15.0 76. 5 II. 8 II. 7 82.0 16.0 2.0 83.0 15.0 1.5 88.0 10. 2.0 87.0 4.4 4.3 81.0 17.0 89.0 8.0 3.0 86.0 14.0 74-0 9.5 9-5 98.5 2.1 5.6 Other Metals .5 lead. 4.3 lead. 2.0 antimony. 7.0 lead. 2.8 lead. Tobin Bronze Constituents Pig metal, per cent Copper Zinc 59.00 38.40 2.16 .11 .31 Tin Lead Tensile strength (cast) 66,000 pounds. Delta Metal Constituents Per cent Constituents Per cent . I to 5 50.0 to 65 49-9 to 30 .1 to 5 Tin Zinc Zinc 1.8 to 45 98.0 to 40 Copper . . . This metal is said to be very strong and tough. 226 Alloys Aluminum Bronze Aluminum, per cent Copper, per cent Tensile strength, pounds per square inch II lo 7.5 5.0 89 90 92.5 95-0 89,600 to 100,800 73,920 to 89.600 56,000 to 67,200 33,600 to 40,320 Analysis of Bearing-Metal Alloys Metal Camelia metal Anti-friction metal White metal Salgee anti-friction Graphite bearing metal Antimonial lead Cornish bronze Delta metal Magnolia metal American anti-friction metal Tobin bronze Graney bronze Damascus bronze Manganese bronze Ajax metal Anti-friction metal Harrington bronze Hard lead .' Phosphor bronze Extra box metal Copper 70.20 1.60 77.83 92.39 Trace 59.00 75.80 76.41 90.52 81.24 55-73 97.72 76.80 Tin 4 25 98 13 9 91 14 38 9 60 2 37 2 16 9 20 10 60 9 58 10 98 97 10 92 8 00 Lead 14-75 87.92 i-iS 67.73 80.69 12.40 5.10 83.55 78.44 .31 15.06 12.52 7.27 88.32 94.40 9.61 1500 Zinc 85.57 Tn-ce .98 38.44 42.67 Anti- mony 12.08 16.72 18.83 16.45 18.60 11.93 6.03 Iron .07 Trace .65 .II 68 Phos. • 94 .20 Results of Tests for Wear Metal Composition Rate of Wear Copper Tin Lead Phos. Arsenic Rtnnrlprrl 79.70 87.50 10.00 12.50 10.00 10.00 9.50 7.00 .80 .80 .80 100 148 Copper-tin, second experiment, tmmp mptal .... 153 Copper-tin, third experiment, camp mptal 147 89.20 79.20 142 IIS Belting 227 Concerning the preceding table Dr. Dudley remarks: "We began to find evidences that wear of bearing metal alloys varied in accordance with the following law. That alloy which has the greatest power of dis- tortion without rupture will best resist wear." Alloys Containing Antimony Various analyses of Babbitt metal. Metal Babbitt metal Babbitt metal for light duty Babbitt, hard -I Britannia < White metal Parson's metal Richard's metal Penton's metal French Navy German Navy Tin 88.9 45-5 85.7 81.0 22.0 85.0 86.0 70.0 16.0 7.5 85.0 Copper I 1.8 4.0 3.7 1-5 i.o 2.0 lO.O 5.0 2.0 4-5 S-o 7.0 7-5 Anti- mony 5 8.9 8.0 7-4 13.0 10. 1 16.0 62.0 lo.o 1.0 15.0 Zinc 2.9 1.0 6.0 27.0 79 o 87.5 Lead 2.0 10. s Belting * Trautwine gives the ultimate strength of good leather belting at 3000 pounds per square inch. Jones and Laughlin give the breaking strength per inch of width, Me thick, of good leather belting as follows: In the solid leather 675 pounds. At the rivet holes of splices 362 pounds. At the lacing holes 210 pounds. Safe working load 45 pounds per inch of width for single belts, equiva- lent to speed for each inch of width of 720 feet per minute per horse power. The efficiency of the double belt compared to that of a single belt is as 10 is to 7. Making D = diameter of pulley in inches. R = number of revolutions per minute. W = width of belt in inches. H = horse power that can be transmitted by the belt; th&n for single belts, „ DX RXW . j± = , 2750 228 and for double belts, H = Belting DXRXW 1925 For Width of Belt in Inches Single belt Double belt i?X275o ^~ DXR HX 1925 ^~ DXR Revolutions per minute HX 2750 DXW HX 1925 DXW Diameter of pulley H X 2750 ^= WXR ffXi925 WXR These formulae are for open belts and pulleys of same diameter. If the arc of contact on the smaller pulley is less than 90 degrees, use the following constants for those given in above formulae. Degrees contact Single belt Double belt 90 6080 4250 112]^^ 4730 3310 120 4400 3080 135 3850 2700 150 3410 2390 rsiH 3220 2250 Belt Velocity or Circumferential Speed of Pulleys 229 Belt Velocity or Circumferential Speed of Pulleys i Revolutions per minute II 50 60 70 80 90 100 no 120 130 140 150 160 170 Velocity in feet per minute 6 78. 5 94.2 no 126 141 157 173 188 204 220 235 251 267 7 91.7 no 128 146 165 183 201 220 238 256 275 293 312 8 105 126 146 167 188 210 230 251 272 293 314 335 356 9 118 141 165 188 212 236 259 282 306 330 353 377 400 10 131 157 183 209 235 262 288 314 340 366 392 419 445 12 157 188 220 252 282 314 346 377 408 440 471 502 534 14 183 220 256 293 330 366 4oi 440 476 513 550 586 623 16 209 251 293 335 377 419 460 502 544 586 628 670 713 18 230 282 330 377 424 471 518 565 612 659 707 754 801 20 262 314 366 419 471 524 576 628 681 733 785 838 890 22 288 345 403 460 518 576 634 691 749 806 864 921 979 24 314 377 440 502 565 628 691 754 817 880 942 1005 1068 26 340 408 476 545 622 681 749 817 885 953 1021 1089 1157 28 380 440 513 586 659 733 806 880 ^ 953 1026 1 100 1 173 1246 30 393 471 550 628 706 785 864 942 1022 1 100 1 178 1256 1335 32 419 502 586 670 754 838 921 1005 1089 1173 1257 1340 1424 34 445 534 623 712 801 890 979 1068 IIS7 1246 1335 1424 1513 36 471 565 659 754 848 942 1037 1131 1225 1319 1414 1508 1602 40 523 628 733 837 942 1047 1152 1256 1361 1466 1571 1675 1780 48 628 754 879 1005 1131 1257 1382 1508 1633 1759 188s 2010 2136 54 707 848 989 1 131 1272 1414 1555 1696 1838 1979 2120 2262 2403 60 785 942 1099 1256 1414 1571 1728 1885 2042 2199 2356 2513 2670 66 864 1036 1209 1382 1550 1728 1900 2073 2246 2419 2592 2764 2937 72 942 1131 1319 1508 1696 1885 2073 2262 2450 2639 2827 3016 3204 78 1021 1225 1429 1633 1838 2042 2245 2450 2655 2859 3063 3267 3472 84 1099 I3I9 1539 1754 1978 2199 2419 2639 2859 3079 3298 3518 3738 Contributed by W. J. Phillips, No. 117, extra data sheet, Machinery, October, 1909. 230 Belting Belt Velocity or Circumferentl\l Speed of Pulleys — (Continued) a s Revolutions per minute 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 PL. Velocity in feet per minute 6 282 298 311 330 346 361 377 392 408 424 440 455 471 7 330 348 367 385 403 421 440 458 477 495 513 531 5SO 8 377 398 419 440 461 481 503 523 545 565 586 607 628 9 424 447 471 495 518 542 565 588 613 630 660 683 707 lo 471 497 524 549 576 602 628 654 681 707 733 759 785 12 S6o 597 628 659 691 722 754 78s 817 848 880 911 942 14 6S9 696 733 769 806 843 880 916 953 989 1026 1063 1 100 i6 754 796 838 879 921 963 1005 1046 1089 1131 1173 1214 1257 i8 848 895 942 989 1037 1084 I131 1 178 1225 1272 1319 1366 1414 20 942 995 1047 1099 1152 1204 1256 1309 1361 1414 1466 1518 1571 22 1037 1094 1152 1209 1267 1325 1382 1440 1497 1555 1612 1670 1728 24 1 131 1194 1257 1319 1382 1445 1508 1671 1633 1696 1759 1822 188S 26 1225 1293 1361 1429 1497 1565 1633 1701 1770 1838 1906 1974 2042 28 1319 1393 1466 1539 1613 1686 1759 1832 1906 1979 2052 2126 2199 30 1413 1492 1571 1649 1728 1806 188s 1963 2042 2120 2199 2277 2356 32 IS08 1592 1675 1759 1843 1927 2010 2094 2178 2252 2345 2429 2513 34 1602 1691 1780 1869 1958 2047 2136 2225 2314 2403 2492 2581 2670 36 1696 1791 1885 1978 2073 2168 2262 2326 2450 2545 2639 2733 2827 40 1885 1989 2094 2199 2304 2513 2618 2723 2827 2932 3037 3141 3246 48 2262 2387 2513 2639 276s 2890 3016 3142 3267 3393 3518 3644 3769 54 2545 2686 2827 2969 31 10 3251 3393 3534 3676 3817 3959 4100 4240 60 2827 2984 3141 3298 3456 3613 3770 3927 4084 4251 4398 4555 4712 66 31 10 3283 3455 3628 3801 3974 4147 4319 4492 4665 4838 5010 5183 72 3392 3581 3770 3958 4147 4335 4524 4713 4900 5059 5278 5466 5654 78 3676 3880 4084 4288 4492 4696 4900 5059 5309 5513 5717 5921 6125 84 3958 4178 4398 4618 4838 5058 5277 5497 5717 5937 6157 6377 6597 Contributed by W. J. Phillips, No. 117, extra data sheet, Machinery, October, 1909. Rules for Calculating Speeds and Diameters of Pulleys 231 Rules for Calculating Speeds and Diameters of Pulleys Proposed speed of grinding spindle being given, to find proper speed of countershaft. Rule. — Multiply the number of revolutions per minute of the grinding spindle by the diameter of its pulley and divide the product by the diameter of the driving pulley on the countershaft. Speed of countershaft given, to find diameter of pulley to drive grind- ing spindle. Rule. — Multiply the number of revolutions per minute of the grinding spindle by the diameter of its pulley and divide the product by the number of revolutions per minute of the countershaft. Proposed speed of countershaft given, to find the diameter of pulley for the lineshaft. Rule. — Multiply the number of revolutions per minute of the counter- shaft by the diameter of the tight and loose pulleys and divide the product by the number of revolutions per minute of the lineshaft. Table of Grinding Wheel Speeds Revolutions Revolutions Revolutions Diameter pef minute per minute per minute of wheel. for surface for surface for surface inches speed of speed of speed of 4000 feet Sooo feet 6000 feet I IS>279 19,099 22,918 2 7,639 9,549 11,459 3 5,093 6,366 7,639 4 3,820 4,775 5,730 5 3,056 3,820 4,584 6 2,546 3,183 3,820 7 2,183 2,728 3,274 8 1,910 2,387 2,865 10 1,528 1,910 2,292 12 1,273 1,592 1,910 14 1,091 1,364 1,637 16 955 1,194 1,432 18 849 1,061 1,273 20 764 955 1,146 22 694 868 1,042 24 637 796 955 30 509 637 764 36 424 531 637 The revolutions per minute at which wheels are run is dependent on conditions and style of machine and the work to be ground. Data Sheet, No. 52, The Foundry, October, 1909, 232 Flanged Fittings Rules for Obtaining Surface Speeds, etc. To find surface speed in feet per minute, of a wheel. Rule. — Multiply the circumference in feet by its revolutions per minute. Surface speed and diameter of wheel being given, to find number of revolutions of wheel spindle. Rule. — Multiply surface speed in feet per minute by 12, and divide the product by 3.14 times the diameter of wheel in inches. Formulae for Dimensions of Cast Iron, Flanged Fittings To withstand Hydraulic Pressures of 30, 100 and 200 Pouitds per Square Inch |-i--Hii<--A-->; I t±.l.Alz H-E-4 Fig. 70. Diameter of opening A r^,, . , r ' ' 7, ^ (pressure in lbs. per sq. inch) , Thickness of pipe B= — ^^^ -^ -f 13.25 in. 3000 Thickness of flange C= - — Radius of fillet Z) = -approximately. Center to face of flange, tee and cross : .E= — |- 2 C, or next half-inch. 2 Center to face of flange; bends, up to 90° F and G = tang, f -^')[ - ) + 2 C, or next half inch. Center to face of flange, 45° Y H = tang. 67^/^° X (-] + 2 C, Face to face of flange, 45° Y 7 = tang. 22H° X ij) half inch. Diameter of flange /= standard. Number and size of bolts.. . K = standard. or next half -inch. -\- 2 C -\- H, or next Formulas for Dimensions of Cast Iron, Flanged Fittings 233 Diameter of bolt circle . . . Z, = standard. Radius on center line of bends, up to 90° M and N = ^ r-^* Use first quar- (tang.-2S-) ter inch below. Note. — / and L are alike for 50 and 100 lbs., as both are computed for 100 lbs. Con- tributed. No. 43, Data Sheet, Machinery, April, 1905. CHAPTER VII USEFUL INFORMATION Shrinkage or Castings per Foot (By F. G. Walker.) Metals Fractions of an inch Decimals of an inch Ptire aluminum , Nickel aluminum casting alloy " Special Casting Alloy," made by the Pittsburg Reduc- tion Co Iron, small cylinders Iron, pipes Iron, girders, beams, etc Iron, large cylinders, contraction of diameter at top Iron, large cylinders, contraction of diameter at bottom. Iron, large cylinders, contraction in length Cast iron Steel Malleable iron , Tin Britannia Thin brass castings Thick brass castings Zinc Lead Copper Bismuth ^6 H6 Hi M M H2 1^32 13/64 ^2 Me Me 3/16 5^2 .2031 .1875 .1718 .0625 .1250 .1000 .6250 .0830 .0940 .1250 .2500 .1250 .0833 .03125 .1670 .1500 .3125 .3125 .1875 .1563 Data Sheet, No. 34, The Foundry, January, 1909. 234 Rapid Conversion of Gross Tons 235 This Table Has Been Arranged for the Rapid Conversion OF Gross Tons and Fractions Thereof into Pounds Equivalent of gross tons (2240 pounds) in pounds. Tons Pounds Tons Pounds Tons Pounds Tons Pounds 15 33,600 24 53,760 33 73.920 42 94.080 15^ 34,160 24W 54,320 33^4 74.480 42H 94,640 isVii 34,720 24!/^ 54,880 33i/i 75.040 421/^2 95.200 15H 35,280 24% 55,440 333/4 75,600 42% 95.760 16 35,840 25 56,000 34 76,160 43 96.320 mi 36,400 25H 56,560 mH 76,720 431/4 96.880 i6i^ 36,960 25}^ 57,120 Zi>A 77,280 431/^ 97.440 l63/i 37,520 25% 57,680 343/4 77,840 433/4 98,000 17 38,080 26 58,240 35 78,400 44 98.560 171/4 38,640 261.4 58,800 3514 78,960 44I/4 99.120 17H 39,200 261/2 59.360 35/2 79,520 44 J'^ 99.680 17% 39,760 263/4 59.920 353/4 80,080 44% 100,240 18 40,320 27 60,480 36 80,640 45 100,800 18H 40,880 27)'i 61,040 361/4 81,200 45% 101,360 iSi/^ 41,440 27H 61,600 361/^ 81,760 451/^ 101,920 183/4 42,000 273/4 62,160 363/4 82,320 453/4 102,480 19 42,560 28 62,720 37 82,880 46 103,040 19H 43,120 281/4 63,280 371/4 83,440 46% 103,600 19H 43.680 28K2 63,840 37I/2 84,000 461-^ 104,160 19^4 44,240 28% 64,400 373/4 84.560 46% 104,720 20 44,800 29 64,960 38 85.120 47 105,280 20H 45,360 2914 65,520 381/4 85.680 47% 105,840 20l/i 45,920 29!/^ 66,080 38/2 86,240 47H 106,400 20% 46,480 29% 66,640 383/4 86,800 47% 106,960 21 47,040 30 67,200 39 87,360 48 107.520 21 1/^ 47,600 3oJ'4 67,760 391/4 87,920 481/4 108,080 21 1/2 48,160 30H 68,320 39I/2 88,480 481'^ 108,640 21% 48,720 30% 68,880 39% 89,040 48% 109,200 22 49,280 31 69,440 40 89.600 49 109,760 22I/4 49,840 31 H 70,000 4014 90,160 49i/i 110,320 22V^ 50,400 31V2 70,560 40!/^ 90,720 49!'^ 110,880 22% 1 50,960 313/4 71,120 403/4 91,280 49^4 111,440 23 51,520 32 71,680 41 91,840 50 112,000 231/4 52,080 321/4 72,240 41I/ 92,400 So% 112,560 23!/^ 52,640 32H 72,800 41/2 92,960 5oi/i 113.120 23% 53,200 323/4 73,360 41% 93,520 50% 113.680 Data Sheet No. 2, The Foundry, September, 1907. 236 Useful Information Window Glass Table of Number of Panes in a Box Size Panes Size Panes Size Panes Size Panes Size Panes in to a m to a m tea m tea m to a inches box inches box inches box inches box inches box 8x10 90 14X20 26 20X42 9 26X48 6 34X48 5 8X12 75 14X24 22 20X48 8 26X60 5 34x60 4 9X12 67 14X36 14 22x30 II 28X36 7 36X40 5 9X14 57 16X18 25 22X36 9 28X42 6 36X44 5 10X12 60 16x20 23 22X42 8 28X56 5 36x48 4 10X16 45 16X24 19 22X48 7 30X34 7 36X54 4 12X14 43 16X36 13 24X30 10 30X42 6 36X60 3 12X18 34 18X20 20 24X36 9 30X48 5 40X54 3 12X20 30 18X24 17 24X42 7 30X60 4 40X72 3 12X24 25 18x36 II 24X48 6 32X42 6 44X50 3 14X16 32 20X24 15 26X36 8 32X48 5 44X56 3 14X18 29 20X30 12 26X42 7 32X60 4 Box Strapping ~^ Fig. 71. Improved Trojan Box Strapping A soft steel continuous band, without rivets, which allows the nail to be driven anywhere. The surface is studded or embossed, as illustrated, which not only protects the head of the nail, but stiffens and strengthens the strap. Edges are perfectly smooth. Put up in reels of 300 feet. Width ■ Yi 5^i Yi I in. Per reel $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 Fire Brick and Fire Clay An ordinary fire brick measures 9 by 4H by 2}i inches, contains 101.25 cubic inches and weighs 7 pounds. Specific gravity, 1.93. From 650 to 700 pounds of fire clay are required to lay 1000 bricks. The clay should be used as a thin paste and the joints made as thin as possible. Fire Clays 237 Analysis of Fire Clays New Jersey Clays: Per cent Silica 56 . 80 Alumina 30 . 08 Peroxide of iron i . 12 Titanic acid i . 15 Potash o. 80 Water and organic matter 10.50 100.45 Pennsylvania Clays: Silica 44-395 Alumina 33-558 Lime trace Peroxide of iron i . 080 Magnesia o. 108 Alkalies o . 247 Titanic acid i . 530 Water and organic matter 14-575 95-493 Stourbridge Clays: Silica 40 . 00 Alumina 37 . 00 Magnesia 2 . 00 Potash 9 . 00 Water 12 . 00 100.00 Stourbridge Clays: Silica 70 . 00 Alumina 26 . 60 Oxide of iron 2 . 00 Lime i . 00 Magnesia trace 100.00 Fire brick should have a light buff color and when broken present an uniform shade throughout the fracture. Bricks weighing over 7 to 7.5 pounds each contain too large a percentage of iron. Useful Information Velocity of light is 185,844 miles per second. Velocity of soimd at 60° F. is 11 20 feet per second. The semiaxis of the earth at the poles is 3949.555 miles. The terrestrial radius at 45° latitude is equal to 3936.245 miles. Radius of a sphere equal to that of the earth is 3958.412 miles. Quadrant of the equator is equal to 6224.413 miles. 238 Useful Information Quadrant of the meridian 6214.413 miles. One degree of the terrestrial meridian is 69.049 miles. One degree of longitude on the equator equals 69.164 miles. A degree of longitude upon parallel 45 equals 48.988 miles. A nautical mile equals 1.153 statute miles and is equal to one minute of longitude upon the equator. Length of a pendulum beating seconds in vacuum at sea level at New York is 39.1012 inches. Length of a pendulum beating seconds in vacuum at the equator is 39.01817 inches. Mean distance of the earth from the sun is 95,364,768 miles. Time occupied in transmission of light from the sun to the earth is 8 minutes, 13.2 seconds. Force Required to Pull Nails from Various Woods Kind of wood White pine . Yellow pine. White oak. Chestnut . Laiirel. Size of nail 8d 9d 20 d 50 d 6od 8d 10 d 50 d 60 d 8d 20 d 60 d 50 d 6od 9d 20 d Holding-power per square inch of surface in wood, pounds Wire naU Cut nail 167 318 651 450 455 477 347 363 340 695 755 596 604 1340 1292 1018 664 702 1179 1221 Mean 405 662 1216 683 Trautwine gives the holding power of 6 d nail driven one inch into oak as 507 pounds; beech, 667 pounds; elm, 327 pounds; pine (white), 187 pounds; % inch square spike driven 4H inches into yellow pine, 2000 pounds; oak, 4000 pounds; locust, 6000 pounds; H inch square spike in yellow pine, 3000 pounds; Vie square spike six inches in yellow pine, 4873 pounds. In all cases the nails or spikes were driven across the grain. When driven with the grain the resistance is about one half. Weights per Cubic Inch of Metals 239 Weights per Cubic Inch of Metals Lbs. Cast iron o . 263 Wrought iron o . 281 Cast steel o . 283 Copper 0.3225 Brass o. 3037 Zinc 0.26 Lead 0.4103 Mercury o . 4908 Temperatures Corresponding to Various Colors (Taylor & White.) Color Dark blood red, black red Dark red, blood red, low red Dark cherry red Medium cherry red , Cherry, full red Light cherry red, bright cherry red, Scaling heat,* light red Salmon, orange, free scaling heat . . , Light salmon, Ught orange Yellow Light yellow. White Temperature, degrees F. 990 1050 1 17s 1250 I37S I5SO 1650 1725 182s 1975 2200 * Heat at which scale forms and adheres, i.e., does not fall away from the piece when allowed to cool in air. 240 Useful Information Iron Ores Iron is usually found as an ore in one of the following classifications, oxides, carbonates and sulphides. The following table gives the subdivisions of these classes and an idea of the general composition and character of the different varieties. . Oxides Carbonates Sulphides Component parts Anhy- drous: Red hematite Hy- drated: Brown hematite Magnetic Spathic 0-50 20-60 1-25 O-IO 0- 5 0-25 0- 5 35-40 Usually absent 0- 5 Clay iron stone Pyrites 50-90 Usually absent 0- 2 0- 2 I-IO 0- 5 1-30 0- 5 0- 3 0- I 5-20 Includes: bog iron ore, lake ore and limonite 30-70 15-55 0- I 0- 2 O-IO 0- 5 0-25 0-5 0- 2 0- 2 0- 5 Includes: frank- linite or spiegel- eisen and load stone. O-IO 30-45 0- 2 I-IO I-IO I-IO 2-25 20-3S 0- 3 0- 2 0- 4 Black-' band 44.28 Ferric oxide Ferrous oxides Manganese oxide . . . 60-95 0- 5 0- 2 0- I 0- 5 0- 3 1-25 0- 2 °- 3 0- I 0- 5 Lime 1. 18 Silica 2.34 Carbon dioxide Phosphoric anhy- dride. Sulphur 49.07 Water Copper 2.7s Arsenic .38 Zinc . .22 Lead . Includes: specular micace- ous and kidney ores. CHAPTER VIII IRON Physical Properties Atomic weight 55.9 Specific gravity 7 . 80 Specific heat , o.ii Melting point 2600° F. Coefiicient of linear expansion. 0.0000065 per o" F. Thermal conductivity 11. 9 Silver 100 Electric " 8 . 34 Mercury i Latent heat of fusion 88 B.t.u.. Pure iron is termed ferrite. In the presence of manganese, chromium, etc., hard carbides (double carbides) are formed, known as cementite. A mixture of ferrite and cementite is called pearlite. Pearhte often consists of alternate layers of ferrite and cementite and in this condition, from its pecuhar iridescence, is termed pearlite. As carbon increases, ferrite is replaced by pearlite. Pearhte is not found in hardened steels. In steels saturated with carbon, a point fixed by Professor Arnold as .89 per cent carbon, the whole structure is represented by pearlite. Steels containing less than .89 per cent carbon are known as unsatu- rated; those having over .89 per cent carbon as supersaturated. These degrees refer distinctly to iron-carbon steels; for the double carbides the point of satiuration is slightly lowered. Cementite is a hard and brittle compound, but when interspersed with ferrite in the form of pearlite, its brittleness is somewhat neutralized by the adjacent ferrite. A steel containing well laminated pearlite possesses high ductility but less tenacity than when found unsegregated. Pig Iron Pig iron contains from 92 to 96 per cent metallic iron; the remainder is mostly composed of sihcon, sulphur, phosphorus and manganese in greatly varying amounts. Cobalt, copper, chromium, aluminimi, nickel, sodium, titanium and tungsten appear in some brands in minute quan- tities. 241 242 Iron Specific gravity of cast iron is variously given at 7.08, 7.15 and 7.40. Atomic weight, 54.5. Specific heat from 32° to 212° F., 0.129 Bystrom. " " " " at .572° F., 0.1407 " " " at 2150° F., 0.190 Oberhoffer. Latent heat of fusion, 88 B.t.u.* Total heat in melted iron, 450 B.t.u. Critical temperature, 1382° F., Stupakoff. Coefi&cient of linear expansion for 32° F., 0.000006. " " " " at 1400° F., o.ooooioo. Weight per cubic foot, 450 pounds. Weight per cubic inch, 0.2604 pounds. 3.84 cubic inches, i pound. Grading Pig Iron The usual practice of furnaces has been to grade by fracture. The grades are designated, Nos. i, 2, 3, 4 or gray forge; mottled and white. No. I. — Soft; open grain; dark in color. Used for thin, light castings. Does not possess much strength; has great softening properties; is mixed advantageously with harder grades; carries large percentage of scrap. No. 2. — Harder, closer, stronger and color somewhat lighter than No. i. No. 3. — Harder, closer, stronger and lighter in color than No. 2; and incHnes to gray. No. 4 {Gray forge). — Hard, strong, fine grained and light gray color. Mottled. — Hard, very strong and close grained. Color presents mot- tled or imperfectly mingled gray and white colors. White. — Hard and brittle, breaks easily imder sledge but has high tensile strength; color white. No. I iron running in the spout of the cupola displays few sparks. In the ladle its smrface is lively and broken, sometimes flowery. Nos. 2 and 3 present similar appearances but less marked. Hard irons running from the cupola throw out innumerable sparks; in the ladle the surface is dull and unbroken; if disturbed the reaction is sluggish. One cannot safely be guided by the appearance of the fracture of the pig; as when melted it may produce a casting of an entirely different character than that indicated. * Marker and Oberhoffer have found that the specific heat of iron increases in about the same ratio up to within the region of the critical point (1382° P.). After this it remains practically constant. Grading Pig Iron 243 This method of grading is entirely unreliable as to chemical constit- uents (and physical characteristics) ; the degree of coarseness of fractiure, which affects the grade more than any other property, may be due entirely to the rate of cooling. Two pigs from the same cast may produce two grades; pigs from different beds of the same cast may vary as much as i per cent in silicon and .05 in sulphur. The character of pig iron is often greatly affected by the accidents of the furnace. Irons produced from the same furnace at different times, from identical mixtures, may differ greatly in their constituents, by reason of different thermal conditions existing in the furnace at the time the ores were melted. Grading by fracture is so unreliable that most foundrymen specify the characteristics required. The following specifications are from Mr. W. G. Scott of the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., Racine, Wis. No. Si, not less than s, not over P, not over Mn, not less Total carbon I 2.50 1.95 1. 35 .03 .04 •OS .60 .70 .80 .50 .70 90 3 Below these figures for silicon, or .005 above for sulphur means re- jection. Special pig irons Silver gray Ferro-silicon Manganese pig 3.00 to 5.50 .04 .00 .30 2. so 7.00 to 12.50 .04 Over 2 . so .70 In calling for charcoal irons, silicon is asked for from .30 to 2.75; sulphur not over .025; phosphorus not over .250; manganese not over .70; carbon with range of from 2.50 to 4,50. Phosphoric pig irons, for small thin castings, siHcon not under 1.50; phosphorus not under i.oo; sulphur not over .055; manganese from .30 to .90; carbon not under 3.00. 244 Iron Based on a sliding scale for silicon and sulphur and a minimum for carbon. (Mar- shall.) No. I Foundry Pig Iron Silicon with sulphur .1.70 .010 to to 3.00 .050 Carbon content Total carbon over 3 . 20 Graphitic carbon over 2 . 75 An increase of .10 silicon for every .003 sulphur. Silicon with sulphur 1.70 .010 1.80 .013 1.90 .016 2.00 .019 2.10 .022 2.20 .02s 2.30 .028 2.40 .031 2.50 .034 2.60 .037 2.70 .040 2.80 .043 2.90 .046 3.00 .050 No. 2 Foundry Pig Iron Silicon with sulphur 1.20 .cos to to 2.20 .055 Carbon content Total carbon over 3 00 Graphitic carbon over 2.50 < An increase of .10 silicon for every .005 sulphur. Silicon with sulphur 1.20 .COS 1.30 .010 1.40 .CIS 1.50 .020 1.60 .025 1.70 .030 1.80 .035 1.90 .040 2.00 .045 2.10 .050 2.20 .055 Foundry Pig Iron No. 3 FoxjNDRY Pig Iron 245 Silicon with sulphur .70 .COS to to 1.70 .055 Carbon content Silicon with sulphur Total carbon over 2.75 Graphitic carbon over 2 .00 ■ An increase of . 10 silicon for every .005 sulphur. .70 .80 .90 1. 00 1. 10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 .COS .010 .015 .020 .025 .030 .035 .040 .045 .050 .055 No. 4 Foundry Pig Iron — (Gray Forge) Silicon with sulphur .50 .025 to to 1.50 .075 Carbon content Total carbon over 2.00 Graphitic carbon over i . 25 < An increase of .10 silicon for every .005 sulphur. Silicon with sulphur .50 .025 .60 .030 .70 .035 .80 .040 .90 .04s 1. 00 .050 1. 10 •OSS 1.20 .060 1.30 .06s 1.40 .070 1.50 .075 246 Iron The wide variation in silicon and sulphur which may occur in irons graded by fracture is shown in the Transactions of the American Foundry- men's Association, Cleveland Convention; wherein appears a statement as to the range of those elements, in the same grades of iron, made by the same furnace. No. I X varies in siHcon from 1.13 to 3.40 per cent. " " " sulphur " 0.013 to 0.053 per cent. No. 2 X " " sihcon " 0.67 to 3.30 per cent. " " " sulphur " o.oi to 0.049 per cent. No. 3 Plain " " sihcon " 1.05 to 3.21 per cent. " " " sulphur " o.oi to 0.069 per cent After long consideration, a committee of the American Foundry men's Association, appointed to suggest a uniform system of grading, submitted the following report, which was adopted at the Cincinnati Convention, May, 1909. AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION Standard Specifications for Foundry Pig Iron Adopted by the American Fowndrymen's Association in Convention, Cincinnati, May 20, igog. It is recommended that foundry pig iron be bought by analysis, and that when so bought these standard specifications be used. Percentages and Variations In order that there may be uniformity in quotations, the following percentages and variations shall be used. (These specifications do not advise that all five elements be specified in all contracts for pig iron, but do recommend that when these elements are specified that the following percentages be used.) Silicon Sulphur Total carbon (.25 allowed either way) (maximum) (minimum) 1. 00 (La) Code. 0.04 (Sa) Code. 3.00 (Ca) Code. 1.50 (Le) . cos (Se) 3.20 (Ce) 2.00 (Li) 0.06 (Si) 3.40 (Ci) 2.50 (Lo) 0.07 (So) 3.60 (Co) 3.00 (Lu) 0.08 (Su) 0.09 (Sy) o.ioi (Sh) 3.80 (Cu) Standard Specifications for Foundry Pig Iron 247 Manganese Phosphorus (.20 either way) (.150 either way) .20 (Ma) Code. .20 (Pa) Code. .40 (Me) .40 (Pe) .60 (Mi) .60 (Pi) .80 (Mo) .80 (Po) 1.00 (Mu) 1. 00 (Pu) 1. 25 (My) 1.25 (Py) 1.50 (Mh) 1.50 (Ph) Percentages of any element specified half way between the above shall be designated by addition of letter "X" to next lower symbol. In case of phosphorus and manganese, the percentages may be used as maximum or minimum figures, but unless so specified they will be considered to include the variation above given. Sampling and Analysis Each car load, or its equivalent, shall be considered as a unit in sampling. One pig of machine-cast, or one-half pig of sand-cast iron shall be taken to every four tons in the car, and shall be so chosen from different parts of the car, as to represent as nearly as possible the average quality of the iron. An equal weight of the drilHngs from each pig shall be thoroughly mixed to make up the sample for analysis. In case of dispute, the sample and analysis shall be made by an inde- pendent chemist, mutually agreed upon, if practicable, at the time the contract is made. It is recomniended that the standard methods of the American Foundrymen's Association be used for analysis. Gravimetric methods shall be used for sulphur analysis, unless otherwise specified in the contract. The cost of the resampling and reanalysis shall be borne by the party Base or Quoting Price The accompanying table may be filled out and may become a part of the contract: "B," or base, represents the price agreed upon for a pig iron running 2.00 in silicon (with allowed variation 0.25 either way), and under 0.05 sulphur. "C" is a constant differential to be determined upon at the time the contract is made. 248 Iron Silicon percentages allow .25 variation either way. Sulphur percentages are maxi- mum. Silicon 3-25 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 Sulphtir — .04 B + 6C B + sC B + 4C B + 3C B+2C Sulphur — .05 B+sC B + 4C B+3C B + 2C B + C Sulphur — .06 B + 4C B + 3C B + 2C B + C B Sulphur — .07 B+3C B + 2C B + C B B-C Sulphur — .08 ■. . B + 2C B + C B B-C B-2C Sulphtu- — .09 B + C B B-C B-2C B-3C Sulphur — .10 B B-C B-2C B-3C B-4C Silicon 2.00 1-75 1.50 1.25 1. 00 Sulphur — .04 B + C B B-C B-2C B-3C Sulphur — .OS Base B-C B-2C B-3C B-4C Sulphur — .06 B-C B-2C B-3C B-4C B-sC Sulphur— .07 B-2C B-3C B-4C B-sC B-6C Sulphur - .08 B-3C B-4C B-sC B-6C B-7C Sulphur — .09 B-4C B-sC B-6C B-7C B-8C Sulphur— .10 B-sC B-6C • B-7C B-SC B-9C (This table is for settling any differences which may arise in filling a contract, as explained under Penalties and Allowances, and may be used to regulate the price of a grade of pig iron which the purchaser desires, and the seller agrees to substitute for the one originally specified.) Penalties In case the iron, when delivered, does not conform to the specifications, the buyer shall have the option of either refusing the iron, or accepting it on the basis as shown in the table, which must be filled out at the time the contract is made. Allowances In case the furnace cannot for any good reason deliver the iron as specified, the purchaser may at his option accept any other analysis which the furnace can deliver. The price to be determined by the Base Table herewith, which must be filled in at the time the contract is made. Machine- Cast Pig Iron Pig iron is usually cast in sand beds. The casting machine has of late years been adopted by some furnaces and the statement is made that machine-cast pig, aside from the freedom from sand, possesses other important advantages. That it is more uniform in character; affords Machine-Cast Pig Iron 249 greater certainty as to its chemical composition; is cleaner and melts more readily. Machine-cast pig presents a closer grain and is harder than iron cast in sand, by reason of the greater percentage of combined carbon. Upon remelting, this difference disappears and the castings show the same analysis. Mr. A. L. Colby, chemist of the Bethlehem Iron Co., gives the follow- ing statement regarding an experiment, made to determine the influence of the mould upon pig iron. "One half of a cast was poured into sand moulds and the other half into iron. Equal quantities of drillings from six pigs, selected from different parts of that portion of the cast which had been cast in sand were taken; and similar drillings were obtained from that portion of the cast which had been taken to the casting machine; and each was care- fully analyzed, with the following results: Cast No. 7602 Silicon Manganese Phosphorus Sulphur Total carbon ' Combined carbon Graphitic carbon Tensile strength per square inch "The high tensile strength of the machine-cast iron is due almost entirely to the higher percentage of its combined carbon. Some of the sand-cast portion of this cast, and some of the machine-cast portion were melted separately in the same cupola, keeping all smelting conditions as nearly uniform as possible; and castings from each melt were made, which were proved by analysis, tensile strength, ability to machine and appearance of fracture to be as nearly alike as different things, made from the same iron, ever are." Regarding this experiment, Mr. W. J. Keep in a communication to "The Foundry," remarks: "The experiment shows that a pig iron cast in iron moulds with a very close grain and high combined carbon and the same iron cast in a sand pig mould with open grain and low combined carbon, will each, when remelted in a cupola, make castings exactly alike." 2 so Iron The following report on the test ingots, cast with the experimental castings, supports this statement. Constituents Sand-cast pig iron ingot 3H inches square and iH feet long Machine-cast pig iron ingot 3]^ inches square and i},^ feet long Cast horizontally, per cent. Cast vertically, per cent Cast horizontally, per cent Cast vertically, per cent Silicon 2.93 .84 • .766 .071 3.40 .470 2.930 18,000 G2 Fi 2.91 .85 .769 .064 3.390 .368 3.022 16,300 G2 Ei 2.96 .84 .772 .077 3.364 .336 3.028 17,000 Gi Fi 2.9s .84 .764 Sulphur Total carbon Combined carbon Graphitic carbon. Tensile strength .071 3.357 .257 3.100 17,000 Mark on ingot Gi Fi The coarse open fracture presented by some pig irons, and which under the old system might cause them to be graded as No. i, may be due to an excessive amount of manganese and the iron will be hard upon re- melting. On the other hand, an iron may have a close grain, by reason of the graphitic carbon occurring in a finely divided condition and be graded low; when, since it is soft, it should have a much higher grading. Charcoal Iron Charcoal iron is graded according to fracture. The grades are desig- nated by numbers and also as soft foundry; low carbon, 2.5 per cent total carbon; medium carbon, 3.5 per cent total carbon; and high car- bon, 4.5 per cent carbon. Purchases are usually made on specifications. Comparatively little charcoal iron is now used, since its valuable properties as regards chill and strength may be imparted to coke irons by use of the ferrometalloids and scrap steel. Grading Scrap Iron Machinery scrap should be free from burnt iron, wrought iron, steel, plow points, brake shoes, sash weights, sleigh shoes, chilled iron, stove plate and fine scrap; should be broken into pieces weighing not over 400 pounds. Approximately, scrap iron varying in thickness from H inch to i inch, may be compared with pig iron carrying from 1.5 per cent to 2 per cent silicon and .08 per cent sulphur. Grading Scrap Iron 251 From I inch to 3 inches thick, as compared with pig iron carrying from I per cent to 1.75 per cent siHcon and .08 per cent sulphur. Above 3 inches thick, with an open gray fracture, as ranging in sihcon from .75 to 2 per cent. In white scrap, sihcon is usually very low and sulphur very high. Burnt iron is worthless except for sash weights and similar castings. The successful grading of scrap iron can only be accomplished by experience. CHAPTER IX INFLUENCE OF THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF CAST IRON Carbon Combined carbon increases strength, shrinkage, chill and hardness, and closes the gram. Graphitic carbon reduces strength, shrinkage, chill, hardness, and tends to produce an open grain. Silicon softens iron by promoting the formation of graphitic carbon. It decreases shrinkage and strength; increases fluidity and opens the grain. Sulphur hardens iron, increases shrinkage and chill; causes it to set quickly in the ladle ("lose its hfe"); produces blow holes, shrinkage cracks and dirty iron. Phosphorus weakens iron, imparts fluidity, decreases shrinkage and lowers the melting point. Manganese in large percentages hardens cast iron. It increases shrinkage and chill, reduces deflection and tends to convert graphitic into combined carbon. In small amoimts by reason of its power to remove sulphur and occluded gases, its tendency is to produce sound, dense castings, without increased hardness or shrinkage. To raise the strength of castings, increase manganese and reduce silicon ^nd phosphorus. To soften iron, increase silicon and phosphorus. To reduce shrinkage, increase sihcon and phosphorus and reduce sulphur. To prevent blow holes, reduce sulphur and increase manganese. To prevent kish (excessive amount of free carbon), increase scrap or increase manganese. [W. G. Scott.] Properties of the Usual Constituents of Cast Iron Carbon Specific gravity (diamond) 3 . 55 (graphite). 2.35 Atomic weight 12 . 252 Properties of the Usual Constituents of Cast Iron 253 Specific heat at 212° F 0.198 " " 1800° F 0.459 " " 3000° F 0.52s Carbon exists in cast iron as combined and graphitic. Professor Turner recognizes two different varieties under each of the general subdivisions, as follows: (Coarse-grained carbon or graphite. Fine-grained carbon, called amorphous carbon, or temper graphite. P , . /• Combined carbon. , J "Missing" carbon, which usually occurs in rela- [ tively small quantities in cast iron. The amount of carbon which may be absorbed by pure iron at high temperatiues is stated differently by different authorities. Turner places the limit of satiuation at 4.25 per cent, and cites Saniter's experiments as follows: "At cementation, heat about 1650° F., 2 per cent; by fusion, about 2550° F., 4.00 per cent." Field states that pure iron at maximum temperatures absorbs 6h per cent carbon. Keep gives the saturation of charcoal iron when cold as 4 per cent and that of anthracite or coke irons as 3.50 per cent to 3.75 per cent. The saturation point varies according to the temperature. As iron cools below the temperature of saturation, carbon separates out in the form of graphitic carbon. At just what temperature this separation ceases is not definitely known; it is variously stated at 1300° F., 1650° F., and as high as 1800° F. Since the specific heat of carbon is much greater than that of iron, it delays the rate of cooling as the temperature falls. In a mixture containing 96 per cent of iron and 4 per cent of carbon, the heat evolved by the carbon, during the process of cooling, retards the rate of cooling one-seventh. According to Field, an iron containing 6\i per cent carbon will dis- solve no silicon; and one containing 23 per cent of silicon dissolves no carbon. Iron having 3 per cent silicon contains approximately 0.3 per cent combined carbon. With 2 per cent silicon the combined carbon is 0.6 per cent and with I per cent silicon 0.9 per cent. As the carbon separates out in cooling, it changes from combined to graphitic, producing a softer, weaker iron and one having less shrinkage. 254 Influence of the Chemical Constituents of Cast Iron The total carbon in cast iron varies from 2 per cent to 4\i per cent, averaging about 3.4 per cent. With silicon as high as 8 to 10 per cent, the total carbon falls to 2 per cent. Under the same conditions, the higher the total carbon, the softer the iron. A very soft iron may contain as little as 1 per cent combined carbon with 3.4 to 3.5 per cent graphitic. An increase of .25 per cent total carbon produces a marked increase in the softness, and a corresponding decrease in strength and shrinkage. Combined carbon increases as the grades grow harder. Ordinary soft iron contains from .3 to .5 per cent combined carbon. Strong irons carry from .45 to .9 per cent. The harder grades run from .6 to i per cent. The proportion of combined to graphitic carbon is determined: First. — By the total carbon present, as the greater the total carbon, the greater will be the proportion of graphitic to combined carbon. Second. — By the rate of coohng. Rapid cooling increases the com- bined and slow cooling increases graphitic carbon. Third. — By the temperature of the iron when it begins to cool. The higher the temperature at which the iron is poured, the longer will be the time elapsed in cooling and the longer the period for conversion of combined to graphitic carbon. Fourth. — By the amoimt and kind of other elements present. Silicon decreases combined and increases graphitic carbon. With increased silicon all the combined carbon may be changed to graphitic. An increase of i per cent silicon in cast iron, other conditions remain- ing the same, will convert from .35 to .47 per cent of combined into graphitic carbon; and imder the same circumstances an increase of .47 per cent combined carbon will cause a corresponding decrease in silicon. Sulphur increases combined carbon as also does manganese. Phosphorus prolongs the cooling and thereby affords more time for the separation of graphitic carbon. Loss or Gain of Carbon in Remelting An iron may gain or lose carbon in passing through the cupola. There is a tendency to loss of carbon in remelting where the carbon and silicon are high, with heavy blast and low percentage of fuel. On the other hand, where the carbon and silicon are low, with low blast and high percentage of fuel, the tendency is to gain in carbon. Hard irons melt more readily than soft; the higher the combined carbon, the lower the melting point. Loss or Gain of Carbon in Remelting 255 Hard irons hold their shape in melting. The melted iron runs from bottom and sides of the pig freely, leaving smooth surfaces; while gray irons become soft and drop away in lumps presenting ragged surfaces. Hard irons must be melted hotter than gray for pouring as they set much more rapidly. In running from the spout of the cupola and in the ladle, hard irons throw off great quantities of sparks, and the surface of the iron in the ladle is dull and inactive when broken; on the other hand, the soft irons seldom emit sparks and present a lively surface in the ladle, breaking with innumerable checks, the soft Scotch irons showing peculiar flowery surfaces. The diagram given below taken from the report of Prof. J. J. Porter, "shows the range of combined carbon, which sliould result for each 1 — I — I — \ — \ — \ — I — I — r ^ Doited Lives are Percenfs expected on Basis — ' of Theory. Full Lrnes give Percenfs of Combmed Carbon obtained In Actual Castings of Thicknesses given (Approximated) Irons plotted are all under I Percent Pand Mn and 0.10 6. and are Cupola Melted. o = Total Carbon, x = Comb. Carbon. T/7, ?S^ Se-i §^^ 3 55:= ^/^ ,£2 '^c ':irj^ percentage of silicon (the cooling being normal, i.e., the castings being neither chilled nor annealed). " The calculations are made on the theory that I per cent of silicon precipitates from solution .45 per cent carbon as graphitic carbon. 256 Influence of the Chemical Constituents of Cast Iron For specified purposes Prof. Turner gives the following percentages of combined carbon. Character of iron Combined carbon Extra soft siliceous gray iron .08 Cast iron of maximum tensile strength • 47 Cast iron of maximum transverse strength -47 Cast iron of maximum crushing strength Over 1. 00 Silicon Full lines show approximately the relation existing between the thickness of section, per cent of silicon and per cent of combined carbon, and are plotted from the actual data there given. Atomic weight 28.4 Specific gravity 2 . 49 Specific heat .20 B.t.u. Pig iron takes up its silicon in the furnace, and the amount so absorbed depends largely upon the working temperatures. Pure iron dissolves about 23 per cent of silicon. By means of the electric furnace iron is made to absorb as much as 80 per cent. Those irons containing over 20 per cent are called ferrosilicons; where the silicon content runs from 5 to 10 per cent they are called high silicon irons. Iron always loses silicon in passing through the cupola-, and the amount lost depends upon three conditions. First. — The amount of oxygen coming in contact with the metal in melting; oxidation increases with the blast. Second. — Upon the composition of the iron as it is charged into the cupola, the loss being greater in irons having a high percentage of silicon than in those where the silicon content is low. An iron with 4 per cent silicon may lose as much as 2 per cent in melting, while with one very low in silicon, the loss may be inappreciable. The affinity of iron for sihcon decreases as the latter increases, hence the amoimt oxidized increases with increased silicon. Third. — The loss of silicon varies also with the percentage of carbon present, being greater in high than in low carbon irons. Silicon lowers the solvent power of cast iron for carbon, thereby reducing the amoimt of combined carbon and increasing the graphitic. This influence is the more powerful with the lower percentages of silicon; the decrease in combined carbon being particularly rapid as Silicon 257 the silicon rises from o to .75 per cent; then as the silicon continues to rise, the decrease in combined carbon grows less and less. Silicon and carbon each reduce the solubility of iron for the other. The influence of silicon is sometimes rendered less apparent by that of other variable elements. Silicon is not of itself a softener of cast iron, nor does it, per se, lessen shrinkage; but it produces a softening effect and reduces shrinkage by changing combined into graphitic carbon; the amount used should be just suflicient to force from solution the amount of carbon desired in the free state for any particular mixture and to furnish the requisite fluidity. For every rise of i per cent silicon in cast iron there will be a corre- sponding drop of .45 per cent in combined carbon and vice versa. Where iron is melted, very hot silicon unites to some extent with sulphur, forming a very volatile sub-sulphide of silicon, thereby re- ducing the amount of sulphur absorbed by the iron. By reason of its specific heat, silicon retards the cooling of iron to a certain extent. It can be made to overcome many difficulties in castings, and to control the quality and cost of mixtures, where scrap iron is largely used. An increase of .2 per cent in silicon decreases shrinkage about .01 inch per foot. Very high percentages of silicon decrease the fusibility of iron. When the percentage of silicon in the casting is above 2 per cent, it has a weakening influence. Ferrosilicon is mixed with iron in the ladle for softening and reducing shrinkage. Carbide of siHcon is sometimes charged with the iron in the cupola. Regarding the use of silicon. Prof. Turner says: "That at one time its presence in cast iron, in all proportions, was regarded as injurious; that there was no accurate knowledge of its influence prior to 1885, when my first paper on 'The Influence of SiHcon on the Properties of Cast Iron' was published in the 'Journal of the Chemical Society.'" Summary of Prof. Turner's experiments in the use of silicon. Characteristics Per cent silicon Cast iron yielding maximum hardness Cast iron yielding maximum crushing strength Cast iron yielding maximum density in mass Cast iron yielding maximum crushing tensile and transverse strength Cast iron yielding maximum tensile strength Cast iron yielding maximum softness and general working qualities .60 .80 1. 00 1.40 1.80 2.50 258 Influence of the Chemical Constituents of Cast Iron The subjoined chart and table giving the effect of silicon on the proper- ties of cast iron taken from Prof. Turner, show that the influence of silicon is of a uniform character as respects crushing, transverse and tensile strength. £ 3 4 5 b 7 Silicon, percent. Fig. 73. 60 60 40 20 \ \ J^ y \ ^^ °>^ ^ 2 . 4 ^ilicorij percent. Fig. 74. Chart No. II, showing the hardness of the same series of test bars, was determined by the "Sclerometer." The hardness decreased continuously with the additions of silicon until 2,5 per cent was reached, when further additions caused an increase of hardness. The addition of silicon to iron free from carbon increases the tensile strength and hardness. The influence resembles that of combined car- bon on iron or steel, but is less energetic. Silicon 259 Effects of Silicon on the Properties of Cast Iron n if Cylin- ders 1 1 If Modulus of elasticity 1 1 r 6 Chemical analysis go Is 1 4) 1 c a 1 1 i i-i 1 .5 I.O 1.4 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 S.o 7.5 10. 7.560 7.510 7.641 7-555 7.518 7.422 7-258 7.183 7.167 7.128 6.978 72 52 42 22 22 22 27 32 42 57 Lbs. 22,720 27,580 28,490 31,^40 35,180 32,760 27,390 25,280 22,750 11,950 10,630 25,790,000 28,670,000 31,180,000 23,500,00c 23,560,000 25,450,000 21,150,000 15,640,000 18,720,000 14,750,000 13,930,000 Lbs. 168,700 204,800 207,300 183,900 137,300 172,900 128,700 105,900 103,400 111,000 76,380 Lbs. 2702 3280 3370 3498 3446 3534 2850 2543 2342 150S 1252 1.98 2.00 2.09 2.21 2.18 1.87 2.23 2.01 2.03 1.86 1. 81 .38 .10 .24 .50 1.62 1. 19 1.43 I. 81 1.66 1.48 1. 12 1.60 1.90 1.85 1. 71 .56 .68 .80 .20 .37 .38 .69 .19 .45 .96 1.37 1.96 2.51 2.96 3.92 4.74 7.33 9.80 .32 .33 -33 .30 .28 .26 • 34 .33 .30 .29 .21 .14 .21 .26 !6o .75 .70 .84 .95 1.36 1.95 .05 .05 .04 .05 .03 .05 .04 .03 -05 .03 -04 Bars one foot long, one inch square, loaded in the center. Silicon added to hard iron affects the size of the graphite, since the freshly precipitated graphite resulting from such addition is smaller than that found in ordinary soft foundry irons. Consequently, the metal is closer and stronger. Prof. Turner favors increasing sihcon in a mixture of cast iron by the use of high silicon pig iron, rather than by that of ferrosilicon, as the latter differs both in fusibility and density from the iron, rendering the product of the mixture uncertain and irregular. "The ideal method is for the founder to have a fairly large stock, including several kinds of iron, each separate kind being a little too hard or a little too soft for the general run of work, but still not very different from what is required. By mixing these irons in suitable proportions, it is then easy to obtain any composition which may be desired, it being asstmied, of course, that the composition of each variety is already known." During the period from 1886 to 1888, Mr. Keep made an exhaustive study of the influence of silicon on cast iron. The results of his researches as summarized in "Cast Iron" are: SiUcon added to white iron changes it to gray; added to gray iron, low in sihcon, makes the mixture darker. It is the influence of silicon, not the percentage, which produces desir- able qualities; and that influence is indirect, acting through the carbon which the iron contains. '260 Influence of the Chemical Constituents of Cast Iron The saturation point of iron for carbon is lowered by the addition of silicon, as the carbon is expelled in the graphitic form and caught between the grains of the iron producing a grayer color. If the total carbon is high, or the combined carbon low, the amount of silicon required to produce a particular effect will be correspondingly low. Similar effects are produced by a small amount of sihcon acting through a prolonged period, by reason of slow cooHng of large castings, and by a large amount acting through a short period, as in the rapid cooling of small castings. By regulating the amount of silicon in the mixture the state of carbon as well as the depth of chill can be controlled. The diffusion of silicon is very irregular. Mr. Keep found in a number of experiments that the average variation in diffusion was from .09 to .24 per cent. This average increases and the diffusion is less and less complete as the silicon increases, so that any literal determinatives of silicon are rendered more or less approximative (as showing the per- centage of silicon in a car load of iron) by the unequal diffusion. As regards hardness, the addition of 2 to 3H per cent of silicon will convert all the combined into graphitic carbon, which it is possible to change by the use of that element. Silicon in itself hardens cast iron, but the softening effect caused by it in producing the change from combined to graphitic carbon, is such as to result in decreased hardness, until the amount of silicon added has reached from 2 to 3 per cent. Further additions are not advantageous. The beneficial influence resulting from the use of silicon in cast iron is not confined to decreased hardness. It imparts fluidity and also tends to produce clear, smooth surfaces on the castings, by reason of the liberated graphite, in part, interposing itself between the sand and the hot iron. Sulphur Atomic weight 32 . Specific gravity 2 . 03 Specific heat o. 2026 Melting point 226** F. Latent heat of fusion 16.86 B.t.u. Weight per cubic foot 125 pounds The sulphur in pig iron is taken up in the furnace, from the fuel and flux. Its presence is most injurious and causes the foundryman more difiSculty than any other element. It makes iron hard and brittle, increases shrinkage and chill, causes iron to congeal quickly and by preventing the ready escape of gases, makes blow holes and pin holes. It increases the combined carbon and reduces silicon. Sulphur 261 WTien pig iron is remelted, the percentage of sulphur is always in- creased, as it takes up from 20 to 40 per cent of the sulphur in the fuel. Mr. J. B. Neu found in some experiments that as much as 66 per cent of the sulphur in the fuel was absorbed by the iron in melting. The sulphur content of the iron at each of three remeltings is given by Mr. Percy Longmuir as follows: First melt Second melt Third melt Per cent sulphur .04 .10 .20 The proportion between the total amount of sulphur present in the fuel, to that absorbed by the iron, is dependent on three conditions. First. — The quality and quantity of flux used. Second. — The temperature of the melted iron. Third. — The composition of the fuel and iron. In a hot working cupola, the proper quantity of flux will remove much of the sulphur. That present in the fuel as a sulphuretted hydrocarbon has no appreciable effect upon the percentage retained in the melted iron. As sulphur combines with iron at low temperatures, a hot cupola tends to increase the amount carried away by the slag. Where the fuel contains I per cent or over of sulphur, it may add from .04 per cent to .06 per cent to the iron and a casting made from iron having only 2 per cent of sulphur may, when the iron is melted with high sulphur coke, show from .06 to .08 per cent. A slow melting cupola with low temperature favors the absorption of sulphur. An increase of sulphur, the other elements and the rate of cooling remaining constant, hardens iron by increasing the combined carbon and also causes greater shrinkage, contraction and chill. Less change in the percentage of sulphur present is required to harden or soften cast iron than in that of any other element. Sulphur shortens the time that iron will remain fluid in the ladle, "destroys the life of the iron," and if present to a large extent, makes the production of sound castings very difficult. The molten iron is sluggish and sets quickly, thereby enclosing escaping gases, dross, kish, etc., which cause blow holes and dirty castings. Where sulphur is present to any considerable extent, the iron must be poured very hot. Iron will absorb as much as .3 per cent sulphur with increasing fusi- bility and decreasing fluidity. 262 Influence of the Chemical Constituents of Cast Iron An increase of .01 per cent of sulphur can neutralize the effect of from .08 to .10 per cent silicon. In coke irons, usually, as the silicon decreases the sulphur increases. To maintain a uniform degree of hardness in castings the increase of silicon corresponding to successive increases of .01 per cent sulphur should be about as follows: Sulphur, per cent 01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 Silicon, per cent 2 . 00 2.10 2 . 20 2 . 30 2 . 40 2 . 50 Sulphur may be largely expelled from cast iron by the use of man- ganese, passing off in the slag as sulphide of manganese; the greater the amount of manganese present, the less sulphur will the iron absorb and, it is possible, where the manganese is very high, for the iron to lose sulphur in melting. From I to 2 per cent manganese, in addition to that carried by the pig iron, is sometimes used in the ladle, to effect the removal of sulphur; care must be exercised in this respect, however, as manganese in excess of that taken up by the sulphur tends to harden the iron. When the fuel does not contain more than .08 per cent sulphur and the iron has about .5 per cent manganese, the sulphur in ordinary gray irons will increase about .025 per cent in melting. The injurious effects of sulphur are largely counteracted by the use of phosphorus. Other elements remaining constant, an increase of .1 per cent phosphorus produces about the same results in counteracting the effects of sulphur as does an increase of .25 per cent silicon. By the use of phosphorus instead of silicon for this purpose, the fluidity of the iron is greatly increased; gases, dross, etc., can come to the surface and greater freedom from blow holes, shrink holes, etc., results. Irons with high combined carbon are usually high in sulphur. Long- muir gives the following as the result of examinations of the sulphur content for different amounts of combined carbon. Grade Combined carbon Sulphur Silicon I 2 3 4 5 Mottled .50 .60 .80 1. 10 1.30 1.80 .02 .02 .04 .08 .10 • IS 2. so 2.30 1.80 1.50 1.20 .70 White 3.00 .20 .30 The sulphur content of pig iron usually runs from .01 to .08 and some- times higher. Prof. J. J. Porter concludes his remarks on the effects of sulphur upon the physical properties of cast iron as follows: "Through the formation Phosphorus 263 in the iron sulphide of eutectic films, it causes brittleness and weak- ness, especially to shock. Through its action on the carbon it increases hardness and may either increase or decrease strength according as the combined carbon is already too low or too high. It has a great tendency to cause blow holes, especially near the upper surface of thick castings. So marked is this effect in pig iron that high sulphur pig may nearly always be spotted by the presence of blow holes in the top surfaces. "Sulphur probably has a more detrimental effect on low silicon, or chill iron, than on the ordinary foundry grades. All of these effects of sulphur are considerably lessened by the presence of sufficient manganese to insure its being in the form of MnS, but on the other hand, the segre- gation of MnS may cause bad places in the casting, apparently due to dirty iron." The statements given above are those generally entertained as regards the deleterious influence of sulphur. They are not, however, entirely confirmed by the investigations of Prof. Turner and Mr. Keep. The former remarks that: "We are still in need of exact information as to the influence of sulphur in cast iron." After a long series of experiments to determine the injurious effect of sulphur on cast iron, Mr. Keep con- cludes that the presence of .05 per cent of that element will not exert any appreciable deleterious influence, and that what little ill effect results is corrected by a slight increase of silicon. Such small percentage of sulphur does not seem to influence the depth of chill, nor does there appear to exist any relation between the sulphur content and the strength of an ordinary casting. "While there is no indication that sulphur is in any way beneficial, on the other hand, evidence is lacking to show that its influence is ever any- thing but injurious; and the suggestion arises from the records, that the prevaiUng opinions regarding the deleterious effects of sulphur are partly superstitious, due, largely, to laboratory experiments made under con- ditions never met with in the foundry." Phosphorus Atomic weight 31 • 00 Specific gravity i . 83 Specific heat o . 189 Melting point 112° F. Latent heat of fusion 9 . 06 B.t.u. Weight per cubic inch . 066 The phosphorus content in pig iron comes mostly from the ore, but also in part from the fuel and flux. 264 Influence of the Chemical Constituents of Cast Iron Phosphorus weakens cast iron, lowers its melting point, imparts fluidity, tends to soften and decreases shrinkage. It has no direct effect on carbon, but since it prolongs the cooling of melted iron it gives more time for graphitic carbon to separate out. Its influence in imparting fluidity is greater than that of any other element, hence its presence within moderate limits (i to 1.25 per cent) is especially desirable for light, thin castings. After it is once taken up by the iron very little of it escapes, but its percentage is frequently increased if it exists to any extent in the fuel or flux used in melting. Phosphorus largely counteracts the influence of sulphur to increase combined carbon, shrinkage, contraction and chill. An increase of .1 per cent phosphorus in the iron will produce about the same physical results in counteracting the effects of sulphur, as an increase of .25 per cent sihcon, all other elements remaining constant. Where over .7 per cent phosphorus is present in the iron it tends to make the latter cold short and unless there is necessity for extreme fluidity the phosphorus content should not exceed i per cent. By reason of its tendency to increase fusibiUty, it should be kept as low as possible in castings required to stand high temperatures. In machinery castings containing 1.5 per cent phosphorus, the tools are quickly heated and worn. Where great strength is required of castings, the phosphorus content should not exceed .02 per cent. Where blow-holes are formed in castings, by reason of occluded gases, phosphide of iron is frequently extruded into them in the shape of globular masses or shot. Ferrophosphorus may contain from 20 to 25 per cent phosphorus and is sometimes used in the ladle where prolonged fluidity is desired. Prof. Turner states that the presence of 0.5 phosphorus in cast iron produces excellent results and that where fluidity and soundness are more important than strength, from i to 1.5 per cent may be permitted; it should not be allowed in excess of the higher hmit. According to Prof. Porter, the addition of i per cent phosphorus to iron containing 3.5 per cent carbon and 2 per cent silicon approximately: Lowers the temperature at which freezing begins from 2200° to 2150° F., or 50° F. Lowers the temperature at which freezing ends from 2165° to 1740° F., or 425° F. Increases the temperature range of solidification from 50° to 375° F. Manganese 265 Manganese Atomic weight 55 • 00 Specific gravity 8.1 Specific heat .12 Melting point 2250° F. Latent heat of fusion Weight per cubic foot ,506. 25 pounds Manganese is a white metal, having a brilliant crystalline fracture. It has a strong affinity for oxygen and sulphur, but none for iron; alloys with iron in all proportions. The manganese in pig iron comes from the ores. Foundry irons contain from .2 to 2 per cent manganese. Manganese pig from 2 to 10 per cent; spiegeleisen from 15 to 40 per cent; ferromanganese from 50 to 90 per cent. There is always a loss of manganese in remelting. It escapes by volatilization; by oxidation, and if sulphur is present, by uniting with it to a greater or less extent. The amount of loss depends on the amount of blast and percentage of sulphur present in the fuel. With I per cent manganese present in the iron the loss of Mn in re- melting varies from .2 to .3 per cent. A peculiarity of manganese is that it may impart to pig iron, or castings, a very open grain, rendering them apparently soft, even though they are quite hard. It greatly affects the capacity of iron to retain carbon; where only .75 per cent Mn is present in the iron the carbon content may be as high as 4 per cent. It decreases the magnetism of cast iron and when present to the extent of 25 per cent the magnetism disappears. As the percentage of manganese in iron increases, that of sulphur decreases. On the other hand, the higher the manganese, the greater the combined carbon. Manganese hardens cast iron, promotes shrinkage, contraction and chill; but by reason of its affinity for sulphur and its removal of this element, it may produce effects precisely the opposite of those above stated. However, if the amount of manganese is greater than that required for the removal of the sulphur present, the excess causes the iron to take up more carbon in combination, and hardness results. Increasing manganese above .75 per cent, the other elements remaining constant, causes greater contraction and chill on accoimt of its hardening influence. These effects may be very pronounced in light castings. 266 Influence of the Chemical Constituents of Cast Iron On account of its strong affinity for oxygen it tends greatly to the removal of oxides and occluded gases, thereby preventing blow-holes. Manganese pig iron is an ordinary iron, carrying somewhat more manganese than the ordinary foimdry irons. It is used to raise the combined carbon, to add strength to the mixture, to prevent blow-holes, to give life to the iron and for the removal of kish. Ferromanganese comes to the fomidry in a fine powder. It is used in the ladle in the proportion of about i pound to 600 pounds of iron and acts as a purifier, driving out sulphur, softening the iron where hardness is due to sulphur and reducing the chance of blow-holes. When used in this way the iron must be very hot, as with dull iron it does little good. It should be thoroughly incorporated with the iron by stirring. It must be used with caution, as irons with low silicon and carbon and high manganese are hard and shrinky. The use of manganese pig iron in the cupola gives better results, and is less expensive than that of ferromanganese in the ladles. It is claimed for manganese that it makes hard iron soft and soft iron hard. With respect to the influence of Mn upon chill, Mr. Keep's views are at variance with those above given. He states that manganese does not increase chill, but under certain conditions may aid in removing it. Aluxmnum Atomic weight 27.1 Specific gravity 2 . 65 Specific heat o. 212 Melting point 1182*^ F. Latent heat of fusion: 28. 5 B.t.u, Weight per cubic foot 165 . 6 pounds Almninum is a white metal, resembling silver; very soft and malleable; has a great affinity for oxygen; alloys with iron to an unlimited extent. It does not occur in pig iron. When added to iron in the ladle it should be thoroughly mixed by stirring. Its influence on cast iron resembles that of sihcon, in producing a softening effect by the conversion of combined into graphitic carbon. A white iron to which from .5 to .75 per cent of aluminum has been added becomes gray. Aluminiun decreases shrinkage and chill, and increases fluidity. By reason of its ajffinity for oxygen it tends to prevent the formation of blow-holes. It closes the grain of irons high in graphitic carbon, but may render them sluggish and dirty. When used in amounts exceeding 1.5 to 2 Titanium 267 per cent it has a weakening influence. Hard irons containing from 1.25 to 1.4 per cent combined carbon are made stronger by the addition of aluminum. The amount of aluminum which may be used varies from .25 to 1.25 per cent; its action is somewhat uncertain and its alloys with iron are erratic at times, producing results the reverse of those anticipated. Nickel Atomic weight 58.7 Specific gravity 8.8 Specific heat .11 Melting point 2610° F. Latent heat of fusion Weight per cubic foot 550 pounds Nickel is a white metal having a silvery color; it is highly ductile and does not oxidize readily. Alloys with iron in all proportions. When used in quantities varying from .5 to 5 per cent, its tendency is to harden, render more dense and increase the tensile strength of cast iron. In large amounts it is said to have a softening influence. Mr. A. McWilliams found that an alloy of white Sweeds iron with 50 per cent nickel gave a soft fine gray metal, even when cast in sections from I to 3 inches thick, in chills. Cast iron containing from 25 to 30 per cent nickel resists corrosion. Nickel is little used in cast iron, except where great strength is re- quired. It imparts most valuable properties to steel. Titanium Atomic weight 48 . 00 Specific gravity 5.3 Specific heat Melting point 4000° F. Latent heat of fusion Weight per cubic foot 330 pounds Titanium is found in many brands of foundry and Bessemer irons, running in percentages from a trace to i per cent. It increases the strength of cast iron to a marked degree. An addition of from .01 to .06 per cent titanium has shown in test bars an increase of 40 per cent in transverse strength. It has a strong affinity for oxygen and nitrogen. Ferroalloys are made to contain from 10 to 30 per cent titanium. When ferrotitanium is added to iron in the ladle, it unites with the oxygen and nitrogen, the resulting oxides and nitrides passing off in the 268 Influence of the Chemical Constituents of Cast Iron slag; none of the titanium remains in the iron, except when used in large quantities; its effect then is to harden the iron. Formerly titanic irons were carefully avoided and it does not appear that ferrotitanium has as yet been used to any great extent by foundry- Investigations by Dr. Richard Moldenke and Mr. G. A. Rossi indicate, however, that the use of ferrotitanium promises a marked improvement as regards strength and the removal of nitrogen and oxygen from cast iron. Mr. Rossi found as the result of his experiments that the addition of 4 per cent of a lo per cent ferrotitanium to cast iron increased the transverse and tensile strength from 25 to 30 per cent. Dr. Moldenke gives the following summary of results obtained by him. Mixtures Gray White Original iron plus .05 T " .10 T " .05 T. and carb. " .10 " " " .IS " " Average Tests 9 4 3 6 6 4 Lbs. 2020 3100 3030 3070 2990 3190 Tests 8 II 9 10 10 3070 Lbs. 2030 2400 2420 2400 2520 2430 Increase of strength of treated iron over original 52 per cent — 18 per cent. From the above simimary it appears that the greatest increase in strength was found in gray iron. With vanadium and cast iron the Doctor found results directly con- trary to the above. He calls attention to the fact that the improve- ment in strength is almost as marked with .05 per cent to .1 per cent titanium as with ,15 per cent, showing that any excess of titanium over that required to produce oxidation is wasted; hence .05 per cent will be sufficient for foundry practice. He found that titanium reduces chill but the chill produced is very much harder than that made in the usual way. Titanium is of value as preventing blow-holes and producing sound castings. Vanadium Atomic weight 51.2 Specific gravity 5.5 Specific heat Melting point 4300° F. Latent heat of fusion Weight per cubic foot 344 pounds Vanadium 269 As a merchantable product this is obtained as ferrovanadium, con- taining from 10 to 15 per cent vanadium. The investigations of Dr. Richard Moldenke furnish about all that is so far known as to the action of this element on cast iron. The follow- ing table gives a summary of his experiments. c '3 Analyses of test bars a w §21 Burnt gray iron 5 3 .05 2.13 2.03 .094 .09s .638 .35 .370 .... 2 7 1310 2220 .090 .100 70 Burnt iron, white 3 12 •OS .50 .41 .146 .423 -43 .65 .... II 16 1440 1910 .050 .OS5 33 Machinery iron, gray. Melted pig iron. No scrap 06s 668 24 1980 2070 2200 2740 1970 1980 2130 2372 2530 2360 .105 .105 .115 .130 .100 .xoo .100 .090 .120 .100 Remelted car wheels, white. No pig iron .53 122 • 399 .38 . 82 5 .60 138 374 44 85 1470 050 s •OS 2190 050 50 7 .10 2050 050 40 8 .15 2264 060 54 4 .... 2790 070 90 6 •OS 00 45 096 423 40 36 113 3020 060 los 6 .05 •OS 50 66 no 591 I 150 25 117 2970 090 100 3 .10 45 119 414 500 31 123 2800 055 91 4 .10 05 53 084 431 74 27 128 3030 090 106 6 .IS . 42 112 417 40 45 133 2950 070 100 6 .15 SO SO 082 374 54 22 137 3920 095 166 270 Influence of the Chemical Constituents of Cast Iron The vanadium alloy used contained : Vanadium 14.67 per cent; carbon 4.36 per cent; silicon 0.18 per cent. The analyses of the test bars show much more vanadium than was used. This is attributed to errors arising from the dif&culties experienced in making the experiments on too small a scale. Dr. Moldenke concludes: "The results shown in the table speak for themselves, and the averages tallied off for each table show a remarkable progression of values. To increase the breaking strength of a test bar from 2000 up to 2500 for gray iron and 1500 up to 3900 for white iron, is sufficient to warrant further investigation on the part of every foundry- man, who has special problems in strength to master." Thermit Thermit is a mixture of oxide of iron and aluminum, which when ignited burns at an intense heat (resulting temperature is said to be 5400° F.) in consequence of the great affinity of aluminum for oxygen. This compound is made by the Goldschmidt Thermit Co. Its use in the foundry is to raise the temperature of dull iron; to keep the iron in risers fluid, and for the mending of broken castings. A titanium thermit is also made by same company. This is used for the introduction of titanium, to remove nitrogen and oxygen, as well as for its heating effect. The claim is made, that cast iron can be advantageously used in place of steel castings, if titanium thermit is employed in connection with it. Nickel thermit is used for the introduction of nickel. Oxygen Atomic weight ^5 • 9^ Specific gravity (compared to atmos- pheric air 32 °F. and one atmosphere) i . 1056 Weight per cubic foot 624 . 8 grains No element, perhaps, causes the foundryman more trouble than oxygen. Iron oxidizes very rapidly at high temperatures, in presence of air. The oxides are readily dissolved in molten iron and the gases liberated from them in the castings are the frequent cause of cavities and blow-holes. Ferrous oxides, produced in the process of smelting, are found to a greater or less extent in all pig irons. Those irons in which mill cinder has been largely used, often contain high percentages of dissolved oxides. Nitrogen 271 Frequently the ends of broken pigs present blow-holes in body of the pig, or worm-holes toward the upper surface. These are certain indi- cations of the presence of oxygen or sulphur and such iron should be used carefully. In remelting in the cupola, as the molten iron passes through the tuyere zone, more or less oxidation occurs, especially if the bed is high and the blast strong. Rusty scrap (fine scrap particularly) furnishes ferrous oxides in large amounts. The removal of ferrous oxides may.be largely effected in the cupola by an abundance of hot slag. Ferromanganese and aluminum are used in the ladle for same pur- pose. The most effective deoxidizers are the metals in the order named below : Titanium Aluminum Vanadium Sodium Magnesium Manganese Calcium Silicon Nitrogen Atomic weight 14.01 Specific gravity (air i) . 9713 Specific heat . 244 Weight per cubic foot 548 . 8 grains Nitrogen is absorbed from the blast as a nitride, by iron in melting; and as the metal cools, the gas is Hberated. Very little is known as to the influence of nitrogen upon cast iron; its effect upon steel is very injurious; as little as .03 per cent causing a great loss in tensile strength and nearly eliminating ductility. Gray pig irons show only a trace of nitrogen from .007 to .009 per cent; in white iron it sometimes runs as high as .035 per cent. So far as tests have been made it does not appear that, in gray iron, any relation exists between the quality of the iron and the nitrogen content. It has a remarkably strong affinity for titanium, combining with it to form a nitride, which is insoluble in molten iron and passes off in the slag. Ground ferrotitanium previously heated is used in the ladle for removal . of nitrogen. Arsenic and copper are sometimes found in pig iron, but in amounts so small that the effects produced by them are inappreciable. 272 Influence of the Chemical Constituents of Cast Iron In concluding the subject of metalloids, the statement made by Prof. Porter as to the approximate influence of the more important ones on combined carbon must not be omitted. I per cent silicon decreases combined carbon 45 per cent. I per cent sulphur increases " " 4. 50 per cent. I per cent manganese " " " 40 per cent. I per cent phosphorus " " " 17 per cent. CHAPTER X MIXING IRON The mixing of iron for the cupola is done either by fracture or by chemical analysis. Mixing by Fracture The fracture of the freshly broken pig is taken as the index of its com- position. A dark gray color, with coarse open crystalline grain indicates a soft iron, and, as a rule, one capable of carrying a large percentage of scrap. As the color becomes lighter and the grain closer, hardness increases and less scrap can be used. Very hard irons are mottled or white and are used for special work. A broken pig may present a dark fracture with open grain, but with a fine white streak showing at the outer edges of the fracture. Such an iron will make hard castings, owing to the presence of too much man- ganese. Blow holes and worm holes indicate sulphur or ferrous oxides. Iron showing these with frequency should be used carefully. Segregations, much lighter in appearance than the rest of the fracture, frequently appear. These indicate higher percentages of carbon, sulphur or manganese at those particular spots and the iron should be used with care. Mixing by fracture is uncertain and is liable to produce irregular and unsatisfactory results. The foundryman must always proceed cautiously and can only arrive at the results desired by careful trial. The following mixtures are taken from West's " Foundry Practice." Locomotive Cylinders 2600 pounds car wheel scrap. 600 pounds soft pig. Marine and Stationary Cylinders 50 per cent No. i charcoal. 50 per cent good machinery scrap. 33 per cent car wheel scrap. 33 per cent good machinery scrap. 33 per cent No. i soft pig. 273 274 Mixing Iron Rolling Mill Rolls 50 per cent car wheel scrap. 25 per cent No. i charcoal. 25 per cent No. 2 charcoal. Small Chilled Rolls 1300 pounds old car wheels. 100 pounds No. I charcoal. 300 pounds steel rail butts. Kettles to Stand Red Heat 1300 pounds No. I charcoal pig. 800 pounds car wheel scrap. 700 pounds good machinery scrap. Chilled Castings to Stand Friction {no strain) 200 pounds white iron. 200 pounds plow points. 100 pounds No. 2 charcoal. 100 pounds car wheel scrap. Ordinary Castings 33 per cent No. i soft pig. 67 per cent scrap. Thin Pulleys 66 per cent No. i soft pig. 34 per cent scrap. Sash Weight 67 per cent scrap tin. 33 per cent stove scrap. The advent of the chemist into the foundry offers means to avoid many of the uncertainties coming from the selection of irons by fracture, and the more advanced foundrymen are now -mixing their irons by analysis. Mixing Iron by Analysis This method of mixing iron is by no means entirely removed from uncertainties. The chemist is not yet able to insure the production, from irons of known chemical composition, of castings of definite physical characteristics. Analysis should be supplemented by physical tests. Again, while the foimdryman may have correct analysis of his pig iron, if scrap is used to any extent, especially foreign scrap, he must approxi- mate the elements contained therein. Mixing Iron by Analysis 275 The statements made on page 307 offer some little assistance, but, in general, reliance must be placed on experience in this respect. Where the scrap comes entirely from previous casts, one can readily arrive at its constituents and much uncertainty is removed. The quahties necessary for different grades of castings may be sum- marized as follows: 1. Hollow Ware, Stove Plate, Sanitary Ware. — Require fluidity, softness; must be high in silicon and phosphorus; low in combined carbon. 2. Light Machinery Castings. — Require fluidity, softness, strength and absence of shrinkage. Must be high in total carbon and manganese; low in sulphur and contain less silicon and phosphorus than grade No. i. 3. Heavy Machinery Castings. — Require softness, strength and low shrinkage. Should be lower in silicon, phosphorus and graphitic carbon than No. 2. Higher in combined carbon and manganese; low in sulphur. 4. Castings requiring great strength should be low in silicon, graphitic carbon, sulphur and phosphorus. Combined carbon should be about .50 per cent; manganese .8 per cent to i.o per cent. 5. Car Wheels and Chilled Castings. — Require low silicon, phosphorus, graphitic carbon and sulphur. High combined carbon and manganese. 6. Chilled Rolls. — Require low silicon, graphitic carbon and phos- phorus. High combined carbon. The following table is abstracted from "Proceedings of the American Foimdrymen's Association," Vol. X, Part II, which contains the results of a long series of tests made by their committee to standardize test bars. The mixtures are not given as being recommended by the committee for the several purposes, but simply to indicate the practice of some of the larger American foundries. Table II Character of work Silicon Sulph. Phos. Mang. Graph, carb. Total carb Remarks Ingot moulds Dynamo frames Light machinery Chilled rolls 1.67 1.95 2.04 .85 .72 .97 3.19 1.96 2.49 4.19 2.32 0.91 .032 .042 .044 .070 .070 .060 .084 .081 .084 .080 .044 .218 I I 4 095 405 578 482 454 301 160 522 839 236 676 441 ■ IS .17 .40 .38 .48 ,■2 .06 .00 3.43 3.08 2.99 2.99 .03 2.62 '2;36' 3.04 4.17 3. .41 3.32 3.39 2.88 3.12 Ton heat 60 60 40 30 Car wheel iron 15 20 Heavy machinery. . . Cylinder iron Novelty iron Gun iron . 30 10 5 10 Sash weights IS 276 Mixing Iron Table III Automobile cylinders Silicon Sulph. Phos. Mn. Graph, carb. Total carb. 25 per cent charcoal iron 2.46 .063 • 531 .063 Transverse strength, 2901. At a later period Prof. J. J. Porter, at the request of the American Foundrymen's Association, undertook the investigation of the composi- tions used for various classes of castings, with a view to formulating standard mixtures. His report embraces every variety of work and contains tabulated analyses of several hundreds of mixtures in use. The averages of the mixtures in each class of work, together with those suggested by Prof. Porter, are subjoined. Acid-resisting Castings Mixture Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Combined carbon Total carbon Average Per cent 2.03 1.00-2.00 Per cent .033 under .05 Per cent .425 under .40 Per cent 1. 13 I. 00-1.50 Per cent Per cent 3 33 Suggested 3. 00-3. SO Agricultural Machinery, Ordinary Average Suggested 2.33 2.00-2.50 .072 .06-. 08 .766 .60-. 80 .62 .60-. 80 .355 3.45 Agricultural Machinery, Very Thin Average Suggested 2.70 2.25-2.75 .065 .06-. 08 ■ 75 .70-. 90 .65 .SO-. 70 .20 3. SO Air Cylinders Average Suggested. . . . 1.28 I. 00-1.75 .084 under .09 .401 .30-.50 .69 .70-. 90 .633 3.45 3.00-3.30 Ammonia Cylinders Average Suggested 1. 55 I. 00-1.75 under .095 lindpr OQ under .70 .30-.50 .70 .70-.90 3.00-3.30 Mixing Iron by Analysis Annealing Boxes for Malleable Casting Work 277 Mkture Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Combined carbon Total carbon Suggested Per cent .650 Per cent • OS Per cent .10-. 20 Per cent .20 Per cent 2.75 Per cent 2.75 Annealing Boxes, Pots and Pans Average . . Suggested Average . . Suggested Average . . Suggested Average . . Suggested Average Suggeste Average.. Suggested Average . . Suggested 1.52 I . 40-1 . 60 .043 under .06 under .20 .69 .60-1.00 .58 3.29 low Automobile Castings 1.93 1.75-2.25 •059 under .08 ■ 52 .4o-.5<^ .60-. 80 .52 Automobile Cylinders 2.15 1.75-2.00 .091 under .08 .643 .40-. so .46 .60-. 8 .45 .55-. 65 3.14 3.00-3.25 Automobile Flywheels 2.73 2.25-2.50 under .07 .475 .4O-.50 .625 .50-. 70 .335 Balls for Ball Mills Average Suggested 1. 00 I. 00-1.25 .10 under .08 .30 under .20 .50 .60-1.0 low low Bed-plates 1. 815 I. 25-1. 75 .07 under .10 .535 .3<>--5o .60 .60-. 80 .53 Binders (see Agricultural Machinery) Boiler Castings 2.38 2.00-2 50 .065 under .06 ■ 41 under .20 .79 .60-1.00 278 Mixing Iron Car Castings, Gray Iron (see Brake Shoes and Car Wheels) Mixture Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Combined carbon Total carbon Average Suggested.... Per cent 2.03 1.50-2.25 Per cent .069 under .08 Per cent .65 .40-. 60 Per cent .62 .60-. 80 Per cent • 52 Per cent 3.50 Car Wheels, Chilled Average Suggested. ... .642 .60-. 70 .094 .08-. 10 .38 .30-. 40 .44 .50-. 60 .80 .60-. 80 3.6s 3.50-3.70 Car Wheels, Unchilled (see Wheels) Chemical Castings (see Acid-resisting Castings) Chilled Castings Average . . . Suggested . 1.04 .75-1.25 .105 .08-0.10 .40 .20-. 40 .76 .80-1.2 1.96 3.19 Chills Average . . . Suggested . 2.07 1.75-2.25 .073 under .07 .31 .20-. 4 .60-1.00 2.64 Collars and Couplings for Shafting Average.. . Suggested . 1.60 1.75-2.00 • 04 under .08 .55 .40-. so • 55 .60.-80 3.57 Cotton Machinery (see also Machinery Castings) Average . . . Suggested. 2.25 2.00-2.25 under .09 under .08 .70 .60-. 80 .60 .60-. 80 3.45 Crusher Jaws Average Suggested I. lb .80-1.00 .127 .45 .08-. 100 .20-. 40 .92 .80-1.20 3.00 3.125 Cutting Tools, Chilled Cast Iron Average. . . Suggested . 1.35 I. 00-1.25 .117 under .08 .60 .20-. 40 .54 .60-. 80 .65 3.00 Mixing Iron by Analysis 279 Cylinders See Air Cylinders Ammonia Cylinders Automobile " Gas Engine " Hydraulic " Locomotive " Steam Cylinders Cylinder Bushings, Locomotive (see Locomotive Castings) Dies for Drop Hammers Mixture Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Combined carbon Total carbon Average Suggested.... Per cent 1.40 I. 25-1. 50 Per cent .075 under .07 Per cent .25 under .20 Per cent .55 .60-. 80 Per cent 1. 00 Per cent 3.20 Diamond Polishing Wheels Average 2.70 .063 .30 .44 r.60 2.97 Dynamo and Motor Frames, Bases and Spiders, Large Average Suggested 2.025 2.00-2.50 .0655 under .08 .54 .50-. 80 .49 .30-.40 .56 .20-. 30 3.73 low Dynamo and Motor Frames, Bases and Spiders, Small Average Suggested 2.66 2.50-3.00 .073 under .08 .73 .50-. 80 .45 .30-. 40 .30 .20-. 30 3.4s low Electrical Castings Average Suggested 2.30 2.00-3.00 .068 under .08 .62 .48 .50-. 80 .30-. 40 .48 .20-. 30 3.61 low Eccentric Straps (see Locomotive Castings and Machinery Castings) Engine Castings See Bed Plates Engine Frames Flywheels Locomotive Castings Machinery Castings Steam Cylinders Engine Frames (see also Machinery Castings) Average.. . Suggested . 1 72 .09 .48 .60 1.25-2.00 under .09 .3c^.5o .60-1.00 28o Mixing Iron Fans and Blowers . (see Machinery Castings) Farm Implements Mixture Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Combined carbon Total carbon Average Suggested.... Per cent 2. OS 2.00-2.50 Per cent .078 .06-.08 Per cent .78 .50-. 80 Per cent .455 .60-.80 Per cent .48 Per cent 3.35 Fire Pots 2. so 2.00-2.50 under .07 under .06 under .20 under .20 .90 60-1.00 Suggested .... low Flywheels ( see also Automobile Flywheels and Machinery Castings) 1.85 i.so-2.25 .09 under .08 .525 .40-. 60 .55 .50-. 70 Suggested Friction Clutches Average 2.25 1.75-2.00 under .15 .08-. 10 under .70 under ..30 under .70 .50-. 70 low Furnace Castings - 2.125 2.00-2.50 under .06 .40 under .20 .51 .60-1.00 Suggested. . . . low Gas Engine Cylinders Average.. .... Suggested. . . . 1. 18 I. 00-1.75 .082 under .08 .46 .20-. 40 .63 .70-. 90 • 93 3.23 3 00-3 30 Gears, Medium Average Suggested 1.92 1.50-2.00 .075 under .09 • 47 .40-. 60 .576 .70-.90 .55 3.79 Gears, Small 2.72 2.00-2.5© .08 under .08 ■91 .50-. 70 .80 .60-. 80 Suggested Mixing Iron by Analysis Gears, Heavy 281 Mixture Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Combined carbon Total carbon Average Per cent 1.38 I. 00-1.50 Per cent .081 .08-. 10 Per cent • 39 .30-. 50 Per cent • 59 .80-1.0 Per cent .92 Per cent 3^33 low Grate Bars Average . . Suggested 2.38 2.00-2.50 .08 under 1.06 under .20 .60-1.0 under .30 low Chilled Castings for Grinding Machinery Average Suggested.... .50 •SO-. 75 .200 .15-. 20 .45 .20-. 40 1.50 1.5-2.0 300 3.00 Gun Carriages Average Suggested . . . .97 I. 00-1.25 • OS under .06 .37 .20-. 30 .46 .80-1.0 .865 2.73 low Gun Iron Average Suggested.... 1.09 I.OO-I.2S .053 under .06 • 32 .20-. 30 .62 .99 .80-1.0 306 low Hangers for Shafting Average Suggested 1.60 1.50-2.00 .04 under .08 • 55 .40-. 50 .55 .60-. 80 .30 3.57 Hardware, Light Average Suggested 2.30 2.25-2.75 .06 under .08 • 74 .5o-^8o .76 .SO-. 70 • 32 3.39 Heat-resisting Iron Average Suggested 1.95 1.25-2.50 .056 under .06 .52 under .20 .68 .60-1.00 .46 under .30 3.46 low 282 Mixing Iron Hollow Ware Mixture Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Combined carbon Total carbon Average Suggested Per cent 2. SI 2.25-2.75 Per cent 1. 10 under .08 Per cent .62 .50-. 70 Per cent .41 .50-. 70 Per cent .24 Per cent 3.18 Housings for Rolling Mills Average Suggested.... 1. 125 I. 00-1.25 .085 under .08 .65 .20-. 30 .75 .80-1.0 low low Hydraulic Cylinders, Heavy Average Suggested 1. 19 .80-1.20 .084 under .10 .39 .20-. 40 .82 .80-1.0 ■ 99 3.12 low Hydraulic Cylinders, Medium Average Suggested 1.67 ,1.20-1.60 .071 under .09 .375 .30-. 50 .55 .70-. 90 low Ingot Moulds and Stools Average Suggested 1.43 I. 25-1. 50 .046 .095 under .06 under .20 .345 .60-1.0 Locomotive Castings, Heavy Average Suggested .... 1.55 I. 25-1. 50 .081 under .08 .50 .30-. 50 .56 .70-. 90 .60 3.50 Locomotive Castings, Light Average Suggested.... 1.72s 1.50-2.00 .075 under .08 53 .40-. 60 .58 .60-. 80 .50 3.50 Locomotive Cylinders Average Suggested I.4S7 I. 00-1.50 .084 .08-. 10 .58 .30-. 50 .60 .80-1.0 .60 • 3. so Mixing Iron by Analysis 283 Locks and Hinges (see Hardware, Light) Machinery Castings, Heavy Mixture Silicon Average Suggested. . . , Per cent 1.335 I. 00-1.50 Sulphur Per cent .084 under .10 Phosphorus Per cent .43 .30-. 50 Manganese Per cent .58 .80-1.0 Combined carbon Per cent .33 Total carbon Per cent 3.21 low Machinery Castings, Medium Average Suggested 1.932 i.so-2.00 .078 • under .09 .61 .40-. 60 .53 .60-. 80 .47 3.33 Machinery Castings, Light Average Suggested 2.57 2.00-2.50 .069 under .08 .74 .50-. 70 .52 .50-. 70 .27 3.49 Machine Tool Castings (see Machinery Castings) Motor Frames, Bases and Spiders (see Dynamo) Molding Machines (see Machinery Castings) Mowers (see Agricultural Castings) Niter Pots (see Acid-resisting Castings and Heat-resisting Castings) Ornamental Work Average Suggested.... 2.95 2.25-2.75 .095 under .08 .84 .60-1.0 .54 .50-. 70 .135 3.03 Permanent Moulds Average Suggested.... 2.085 2.00-2.25 .078 under .07 1 .075 .20-. 40 .35 .60-1.0 .485 3.4s . Permanent Mould Castings Average Suggested 2.5 1.50-3.00 350 under .06 under .40 ^ Piano Plates Average Suggested 2.00 2.00-2.25 low- under .07 .40 .40-. 60 .60 .60-.80 284 Mixing Iron Pillow Blocks Mixture Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Combined carbon Total carbon Average Suggested Per cent 1.60 I. 50-1. 75 Per cent .04 under .08 Per cent .55 .40- .50 Per cent .55 .60-. 80 Per cent .30 Per cent 3.50 Pipe Average Suggested 2.00 1.50-2.00 .06 under .10 .60 .50-. 80 .60 .60-. 80 Pipe Fittings Average Suggested 2.36 I. 75-2. 50 .084 under .08 .51 .50-. 80 .74 .6c^.8o .70 3.68 Pipe Fittings for Superheated Steam Lines Average Suggested.... 1.57 I. 50-1. 75 .078 under .08 .49 .20-. 40 .56 .70-. 90 .17 2.90 Piston Rings Average Suggested 1. 61 i.So-2.00 .073 under .08 .72 .30-. 50 .45 .40-. 60 .53 Plow Points, Chilled Average Suggested.... 1. 15 ■75-1.25 .086 under .08 .30 .20-. 30 .68 .80-1.0 2.10 3.30 Printing Presses (see Machinery Casting) Propeller Wheels Average Suggested 1.28 I.OO-I.7S low under .10 .26 .20-. 40 • 455 .60-1.0 .60 Pulleys, Heavy Average Suggested 2.07 I. 75-2. 25 .05 under .09 .575 .5<^.7o .575 .60-. 80^ .30 3.66 Mixing Iron by Analysis Pulleys^ Light 285 Mixture Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Combined carbon Total carbon Average Suggested Per cent 2.55 2.25-2.75 Per cent .069 under .08 Per cent .695 .60-.80 Per cent .62 .50-.70 Per cent .35 Per cent 3.48 Pumps, Hand Average 2.52 2.00-2.25 under .08 under .08 .80 .60-.80 .40 .50.-70 Suggested Radiators Average Suggested.... 2.30 2.00-2.25 low under .08 .62 .60-. 80 .425 •so-. 70 .425 .50- .60 3.45 Railroad Castings Average Suggested 2.03 1.50-2.25 .065 under .08 .69 .40-. 60 .64 .60-. 80 .525 3.50 Retorts (see Heat-resisting Castings) Rolls, Chilled Average Suggested .73 .60-. 80 .055 .06-. 08 .534 .20-. 40 .74 1. 0-1.2 1.75 3.12 3.00-3.25 Rolls, Unchilled {Sand Cast) Average .75 .03 .25 .66 1.20 4.10 Scales Average Suggested.... 1.83 2.00-2.30 1.05 .60-1.0 1.43 .50-. 70 under .08 Slag Car Castings Average Suggested 1.88 1.75-2.0 .058 under .07 .67 under .30 .79 .70-.90 . .56 3.68 286 Mixing Iron Smoke Stacks, Locomotive (see Locomotive Castings) Soil Pipe and Fittings Mixture Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Combined carbon Total carbon Per cent 2.00 1.75-2.25 Per cent .060 under .09 Per cent 1. 00 •SO-. 80 . Per cent .60 .60-80 ■ Per cent Per cent Suggested Steam Cylinders, Heavy Average 1.20 I.OO-I.2S .091 under .10 .36 .20-. 40 .50 .80-1.0 .81 3.35 Steam Cylinders, Medium Average Suggested 1.658 I. 25-1. 75 .082 under .09 .55 .30-. 50 .61 .70-. 90 .62 3.43 Steam Chests (see Locomotive Castings and Machinery Castings) Stove Plate Average Suggested 2.77 2.25-2.75 .076 under .08 .82 .60-. 90 -59 .60-. 80 .28 3.33 Valves, Large 1.34 I. 25-1. 75 .095 under .09 .43 .20-. 40 .64 .80-1.0 Suggested Valves, Small Average Suggested 1.96 ' 1.1 5-2. 2S .067 under .08 .585 .30-. 50 .705 .6<^.8o 1. 16 4.18 low Valve Bushings (see Locomotive Castings and Machinery Castings) Water Heaters 2.15 2.00-2.25 .050 under .08 .40 .30-. so • SO .6<^.8o Suggested Mixing Iron by Analysis 287 Weaving Machinery (see Machinery Castings) Wheels, Large Mixttire Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Combined carbon Total carbon Average Per cent 2.10 1.50-2.00 Per cent .04 under .09 Per cent .40 .30-. 40 Per cent .70 .60-.80 Per cent Per cent Suggested Wheels, Small Average 1.8s I. 75-2. 00 .0665 under .08 .50 ■40-. 50 • 45 .50-. 70 Suggested Wheel Centers (see Locomotive Castings) White Iron Castings Average. .70 .33 2.90 Wood Working Machinery (see Machinery Castings) Brake Shoes Average.. . Suggested. 1-94 I. 40-1. 90 .125 .08-. 10 .675 .30 .556 .50-. 70 .53 3.16 low Knowing the desired analysis for any class of casting to be made, the simplest way to arrive at the amounts of the different irons to be used is by percentage. For example, let the requirements be for an iron to produce machinery castings of which the analysis shall be: Silicon Sulphur . Phosphorus Manganese 2.00 .084 .350 .62s As previously stated, the loss in silicon in remelting will be from 10 to 20 per cent, the same for manganese, and a gain of .03 in sulphur, phosphorus remainuig constant. The mixture then must contain: Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese 2.22 .054 .350 .687 288 Mixing Iron The irons then available are: Silicon Stilphur Phosphorus Manganese No. 2 Southern . 2.25 2.IO 4.20 I. go .04 .02 .02s .080 .280 .350 .820 .284 735 * No. 2 Northern . . . 940 Si] ver gray Scrap .820 .540 After two or three trials it is found that the desired mixture may be obtained from Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese 20 per cent No. 2 Southern, giving 20 per cent No. 2-Northern. giving 10 per cent silver gray, giving . . . 50 per cent scrap, giving .450 .420 .420 .950 2.240 .008 .004 .0025 .0400 .0545 .056 .070 .082 .142 .350 .147 .188 .082 270 .687 Example 2. — Required an iron for pulleys and light castings of following analysis: Silicon, 2.40; sulphur, .09; phosphorus, .700; manganese, .52, and to carry 50 per cent scrap. Available irons: No. 2 Southern No. 2 Northern Silver gray Scrap Silicon 2.72 2.40 5.00 2.20 Sulphur .070 .020 .024 Phosphorus .750 .600 .960 .660 Manganese .56 .53 .62 Correcting for losses of sihcon and manganese and gain of sulphiu: the mixture must contain silicon, 2.66, sulphur, .06, phosphorus, .70, man- ganese, .577. For reasons of economy no more than 10 per cent of the silver gray iron should be used. This with the 50 per cent scrap supplies: Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese • so 1. 10 1.60 1.066 .0024 .040 .0424 .0176 .096 .330 .426 .274 .053 .310 To be supplied by remaining pig iron . ... .363 .214 Mixing Iron by Analysis 289 By trial it is found that the remaining amounts of the different elements may be obtained by using: 25 per cent No. 2 Southern 15 per cent No. 2 Northern Giving Silicon Sulphur .0175 .0030 .0205 Phosphorus .1875 .0900 .2775 The sUght discrepancies of .02 silicon, .0029 sulphur, .0035 phosphorus and .01 manganese may be neglected. Where the scrap is very nearly of uniform quality, the analysis of the castings from any given heat furnishes data from which a very close approximation can be made of the scrap used in the previous heat. Assuming such character of scrap, and knowing the mixture used in any heat as well as the analysis of the castings, compute the analysis of scrap used in previous heat. Let the castings show the analysis of example 2, viz.: Si, 2.40, S, .09, P, .70, Mn, .52. Then the] mixture must have been as before, Si, 2.66, S, .06, P, .70, Mn, .577. The irons having the assumed analysis of example 2, then: 25 per cent No. 2 Southern gives. 15 per cent No. 2 Northern gives. 10 per cent silver gray gives . . Which subtracted from the mix- ture leaves Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese .68 .36 ■ 50 1. 54 1. 12 .0175 .0030 .0024 .0229 .0371 .1875 .0900 .0960 .3735 .3265 ■ 053 .257 .320 As 50 per cent scrap was used, the analysis of scrap from previous heat is Si, 2.24, S, .0742, P, .653, Mn, .64, giving a very close approxima- tion. CHAPTER XI USE OF STEEL SCRAP IN MIXTURES OF CAST IRON Steel scrap, when added to mixtures of cast iron in quantities varying from lo to 40 per cent, closes the grain, increases the toughness and adds greatly to the tensile strength of the castings made from such mixture. The steel should be low in carbon, such as boiler plate scrap, machine steel, rail ends, etc. Turnings from machine steel are frequently used in the ladle. In this case the steel should be heated quite hot, placed in the ladle and the iron tapped out on it. The mixture should be thoroughly stirred until the steel is melted. In all cases the iron must be very hot. Mixing steel in the ladle does not give as satisfactory results as mixing in the cupola. As the steel is low in carbon the iron used should be high in total carbon, otherwise the castings will be hard with over 10 per cent steel scrap. The following table by Mr. H. E. Diller presents the results of a series of tests, with mixtures made by varying in percentages of steel scrap from i2i/^ to 37!/^ per cent: No. Sili- con Sul- I phur 'hos- hor- '^ us ga lan- nese Comb, carbon Graph- itic carbon Total carbon Tensile strength Trans- verse strength Per cent steel I 1.43 .047 564 82 .670 3.14 3.81 23,060 2550 2 1.50 .065 532 33 .640 3-44 3 08 30,500 2840 25 3 1.76 .062 488 53 .510 3.12 3 63 22,180 2440 4 1.76 .139 51S 57 .430 2.94 3 37 37,090 2770 I2l/^ 5 1.77 .069 339 49 .560 2.87 3 43 32,500 3120 .121/^ 6 1.83 .100 610 55 .510 2.44 2 95 36.860 3280 25 7 1.75 .089 598 35 .740 2.12 2 86 30,160 3130 37^ 8 1.96 .104 446 44 .630 3.18 3 81 21,950 2230 9 2.12 .037 410 26 .380 3.26 3 64 21,890 3470 121.^ 10 2.16 .060 31S 20 1.060 2.30 3 36 26,310 2670 12H II 1.97 .093 470 48 .570 2.83 3 40 32,530 3050 2n\'i 12 2.35 .061 515 56 .540 340 3 94 21,990 2200 13 2.53 .104 490 54 .600 2.56 3 16 33,390 2850 25 14 2.36 .064 327 24 1.080 2.15 3 23 31,560 3200 25 These tests were made with pig iron, ferrosilicon and steel scrap. No cast iron scrap was used. Mr. Diller concludes: "The tests given seem 290 Recovering and Melting Shot Iron 291 to indicate that 25 per cent of steel will add 50 per cent to the strength of the iron, and 12K2 per cent of steel, approximately 25 per cent." The tests containing 371/^ per cent steel were hardly as much im- proved in strength as those with 25 per cent of steel; from which we may infer that the limit of the amount of steel it is beneficial to melt with iron in a cupola is between 25 and 371/i per cent. Results of experiments made by Mr. C. B. McGahey are embodied below. Mr. McGahey used test bars i in. by i in. by 24 in. (distance between supports not stated). No. Sili- con Sul- phur Phos- phor- us Man- ganese Per cent steel Depth of chill Trans- verse strength Remarks I 2 3 4 .82 .88 .58 ■ 79 .097 .081 .097 .081 .23 .24 .25 .239 .54 .67 • 44 .64 7 20 23 21.50 In. .38 .40 .48 1800 2200 2250 Entirely gray when cast in sand. Depth of chill % in. Steel scrap (struc- tural shapes). "I find that to get the strongest bars I have to keep pretty close to these analyses and have made my strongest bar at 2350 pounds with .55 inch deflection. The iron had a fine grain, was low in graphite, but machined nicely. When ferromanganese was used, about i per cent was found to be best. The above resulting compositions (the silicons of the mixtures being calculated to bring them about right) are intended for castings ranging from i inch to 2}^ inches in section. Should heavier work be required it is better to run the silicon in the pig up to 2.75 and manganese up to 2.00 and use 33!/^ per cent of steel scrap." An addition of 10 per cent steel scrap to mixtures for engine cylinders gives excellent results affording a close-grained tough iron. Steel scrap increases shrinkage and causes the iron to set quickly; hence the irons used, should be high in total carbon and must be melted and poured very hot. Steel scrap promotes chill and is largely used with coke irons in making car wheels, obviating the use of the expensive charcoal mixtures. The charges containing steel should be melted during the first part of the heat, and in each charge the steel should precede the iron. Recovering and Melting Shot Iron The shot from gangways and cupola bottom is usually recovered by riddling the gangway sand; picking over the dump and by grinding the 292 Use of Steel Scrap in Mixtures of Cast Iron bottom in the cinder mill. This is also done by magnetic or hydraulic separators. The amount recovered by machines is much greater than that obtained by hand. After charging of the cupola is completed, the shot should be thrown on top of the last charge, using with it some of the coke picked from the dump. Each heat should take care of the shot from the previous one. The melted iron coming from the shot can be poured into grate bars, sash weights, or other coarse castings; or it may be run into pigs and used as scrap. Mr. W. J. Keep describes his method of recovery as follows: ''After the blast has been shut off and all of the melted iron has been drained from the cupola, make a dam on the floor in front of the cupola spout about 4 inches high, enclosing a semicircular space, having a radius of about 4 feet. Let the melter lay a tapping bar across the spout and have three or four laborers with a piece of old iH inch shafting about 8 feet long ram in the breast. If the bottom and spout have been made right there will be no melted iron in the cupola, but ram back and forth to allow all to drain out. All the liquid slag in the cupola will run into the enclosed space underneath the spout and if there is any iron in this, it will run through the slag and lie on the floor in the form of a slab which can be picked up the next morning. When the cupola has been emptied of all slag and iron drop the bottom. I like to draw the refuse out from underneath the cupola, turning it- over and cooling it down with water. The pieces of the sand bottom are thrown to one side and all the iron that can be seen is picked up. All the iron taken from the cupola dump, the pig bed, or from the gangways, which is not bad casting, is weighed up and charged as remelt or home scrap. All remaining small pieces of coke, iron or slag are shoveled up from the bottom and from all parts of the foundry and placed in boxes on the cupola platform. This includes skulls from the ladles which contain more or less iron. When the last charge of iron has been placed in 'the cupola and the heat is near enough to the end to show that there will be no shortage of iron, throw into the cupola any shot iron that may be left over, and all the refuse previously mentioned. The iron and slag will be melted at once and the small bits of coke will hold the blast down and insure hot iron. All the finest shot iron is saved in this way, as well as all coke in the form of small pieces and nothing is lost." The disposition on the part of many foundrymen is to neglect the Melting Borings and Turnings 293 saving of shot iron, preferring to sell to junk dealers what can be readily recovered. Such will not be the case, however, in a well- managed foundry, as by close attention to its recovery the loss in melt can be reduced from I to 2 per cent. At one of the large western foundries, through mismanagement, shot had been allowed to accumulate until a portion of the yard was covered to a depth of from 12 inches to 20 inches. This was dug up, milled and melted; 1500 pounds, at each heat, were thrown on top of the last charge, without additional fuel; the melted iron was run into pigs. Over 84 tons of No. 4 pig were recovered; 25 per cent of the scrap used in charging was replaced by this iron and the usual mixture was in no other respect changed. Burnt Iron This class of iron is of no use except for making sash weights. When used for ordinary purposes, the loss caused is greater than the gain. It makes iron hard, causes a great amount of slag and chokes up the cupola. It should be carefully selected and thrown out of the scrap. Melting Borings and Turnings Cast iron borings and turnings which are usually disposed of to junk dealers at a low price may be advantageously melted by packing them in wood or iron boxes, about 100 pounds to the box. The boxes should be charged a few at a time, by throwing them into the center of the charge and covering them with scrap. These will descend to near the melting zone before they are burned or melted. Mr. W. F. Prince has patented a process for melting borings, etc., which consists of packing them in sheet iron pipes, with or without bottoms. The pipes are of any convenient length, from 30 to 48 inches; the first one is placed on the coke bed and the others on top of it, with the charges surrounding them. This differs little from the method of using boxes, where the latter are piled on each other. In either case the containers prevent the fine material from being blown out of the stack. Many attempts have been made to render borings, etc., suitable for melting, by briquetting. So far, these efforts seem to have been only partially successful. A process has recently been developed in Germany, by which the borings are made into briquettes under hydraulic pressure. It is claimed that the product successfully meets the purpose and preliminary tests made in America seem to warrant the statement. CHAPTER XII TEST BARS TfflS subject has been treated exhaustively by a Committee of the American Foundrymen's Association. Their report was adopted by the Association in June, 1901. Extensive extracts from the report are given below. The work covered the testing of 1229 bars by 160 1 tests; the following table shows the character of the heats from which the bars were taken. Series A* B C D E Ft G H I J K L Class of iron Ingot mould Dynamo frame. . . . Light machinery . . Chilled roll Sand roll Sash Weight Car wheel Stove plate Heavy machinery. Cylinder Novelty Gun metal Melted in Cupola Cupola Air furnace Air furnace Cupola Cupola Cupola Cupola Cupola Cupola Cupola O. H. furnace Pig iron used Coke Coke and charcoal Coke and charcoal Cold-blast charcoal Warm-blast char- coal Coke and charcoal Coke and charcoal Coke Coke Coke Coke Coke and charcoal Size of Si P heat tons 60 1.67 .095 60 1.95 ■ 40s 40 2.04 .578 30 .85 .482 30 .72 .454 15 • 91 • 441 10 • 97 .301 20 3.19 1. 160 30 1.96 .522 10 2.49 .839 5 4.19 1.236 10 2.32 .676 .032 .042 .044 .070 .070 .218 .060 .084 .081 .084 .080 .044 * All pig iron. t Nearly all burnt scrap, originally from charcoal and coke iron. "Throughout the whole line of operations only regularly constituted mixtures were used, the balance of the heats from which these test bars were cast going directly into commercial castings of the classes designated. The results are, therefore, entirely comparable with daily practice. For purposes of comparison green sand and dry sand bars were made side by side. It was felt that comparison records were wanted just as much as specifications for the separate lines of product. For this reason, we recommend one standard size of test bar for comparative purposes only, each class of iron being given its special treatment for the information wanted in daily practice in addition. 294 Test Bars 295 "Our studies on the shape of the test bar have resulted in the selection of the round form of cross section and this mainly on the score of great- est uniformity in physical structure. . . . There is still a further point of interest, in the preparation of test bars and that is, the making of coupons from which the quality of the castings to which they are attached is to be judged. This method is used extensively in govern- ment work and in the making of cyl- inder castings. The idea of obtaining material from the same pour in the same mould as part of the casting itself is good enough in theory. Unfortu- nately, however, this direct connec- tion introduces elements of segrega- tion and temperature changes in the cast iron which make this test less valuable than is generally supposed. At best the iron which has passed through the different parts of a mold before entering the space for the coupon will not be representa- tive of the whole body, but rather one portion of it only. We therefore recommend the method shown later on in Fig. 75. The metal can be poured from crane or hand ladle, clean and speedily, and possesses the temperature of the average iron in the casting more nearly than the coupon method now practiced. Your committee while giving spe- cifications for the tensile test of cast iron is of the opinion that the trans- verse test is the more desirable and certainly within reach of even the smallest foundry. In selecting the test bars for the purpose of specification, we have followed the cardinal principle of selecting the largest cross section for the iron consistent with a sound physical structure and within the range and structural limits of an ordinary testing machine. The following are the sizes of bars selected for tests as a result of our investigations. For all tensile tests, a bar turned to .8 inches in diameter, corre- FiG. 75. 296 Test Bars spending to a cross section of Yi square inch. Results, therefore, multi- phed by two, give the tensile strength per square inch. For transverse test, of all classes of iron for general comparison; a bar ii-i inches in diameter, on supports, 12 inches apart; pressure applied in the middle and deflection noted. Similarly for ingot mould, light machinery, stove plate and novelty iron, a ii.^-inch diameter bar; that is to say, for irons running from 2 per cent in silicon upward, or from 1.75 per cent silicon upward where but little scrap is in the mixture. For dynamo frames, sash weights, cylinders, heavy machinery and gun metal irons; similarly, a 2-inch diameter bar is recommended, that is, for irons running from 1.5 per cent to 2 per cent in silicon or where the silicon is lower and the proportion of scrap is rather large. For roll irons, whether chilled or sand, arid car wheel metals, a 214- inch diameter bar is recommended; that is, for all irons below i per cent silicon and which may, therefore, be classed as the chilling irons. The method of moulding the test bar we would recommend is given herewith. At least three bars of a kind should be made for a given test. The sand should not be any damper than to mould well and stand the wash of the iron without cutting, blowing or scabbing. It should be rammed evenly to avoid swells and poured by dropping the metal from the top through gates, or from ladle direct into the open mould. After the bars are cast they should remain in their moulds undis- turbed until cool." Proposed Standard Specifications for Gray Iron Castings 1. Unless furnace iron, dry sand, loam moulding, or subsequent annealing is specified, all gray iron castings are understood to be of cupola metal; mixtures, moulds and methods of preparation to be fixed l>y the founder to secure the results required by purchaser. 2. All castings shall be clean, free from flaws, cracks and excessive shrinkage. They shall conform in other respects to whatever points may be specially agreed upon. 3. When the castings themselves are to be tested to destruction, the number selected from a given lot and the tests they shall be subjected to are made a matter of special agreement between founder and purchaser. 4. Castings under these specifications, the iron in which is to be tested for its quality, shall be represented by at least three test bars cast from the same heat. 5. These test bars shall be subjected to a transverse breaking test, the load applied at the middle with supports 12 inches apart. The Patterns for Test Bars of Cast Iron 297 breaking load and deflection shall be agreed upon specially on placing the contract, and two of these bars shall meet the requirements. 6. A tensile strength that may be added, in which case at least three bars for this purpose shall be cast with the others, in the same moulds respectively. The ultimate strength shall also be agreed upon specially before placing the contract and two of the bars shall meet the require- ments. 7. The dimensions of the test bars shall be as given herewith. There is only one size for the tensile bar and three for the transverse. For the light and medium weight castings the i^i inch D bar is to be used; for heavy castings, the 2 inch D bar; and for chilling irons the 2H inch n test bar. 8. When the chemical composition of the castings is a matter of specification, in addition to the physical tests, borings shall be taken from all the test bars made; they shall be well mixed and any required determination (combined and graphitic carbon alone excepted), made therefrom. 9. Reasonable facilities shall be given the inspectors to satisfy them- selves that castings are being made in accordance with specifications, and if possible tests shall be made at the place of production prior to shipment." Patterns for Test Bars of Cast Iron PfC* For Transverse Test U-2-- W t- ■='^v /3' (MC^^ ^-2i"-y^ loi'- For "^y?* Tensile Test Fig. 76. h2|-"*l 1"^ ±:^i::i, Steel Socket for Tensile Test of Cast Iron. — Two required k- 1 13" >l Standard Test Bar for Cast-iron Tensile Test. — Cross section equals J^ sq. in.; test piece shovdd fit loosely in socket Fig. 77- 298 Test Bars Modulus of Rupture in Pounds Per Square Inch The report of the committee is accompanied by a table giving the moduli of rupture per square inch for bars under the various con- ditions of the tests and from H square inch to 16 square inches. It was found that, with few exceptions, the values decrease as the areas increase. In the table on pages 299 and 300, which is extracted from their report, the moduli are given for bars having areas of i square inch, 2.25, 4, and 9 square inches. "The results show that rough bars are stronger than machined and that there is practically no difference between bars made in green or dry sand. An examination of the table shows that the transverse strength is greater in the rough than machined bars, except in two instances, viz. : D bar, series /, in dry sand the rough bar broke with 178 pounds less load than the machined bar. O bar, series L, in dry sand, the rough bar broke with 115 pounds less load than did the machined bar. The average loss in transverse strength of the green sand bar by machining was 12 per cent; that of the dry sand bar 10 per cent. The following articles are introduced as showing how little reliance can be placed on the results from test bars. It is shown that bars identical in chemical composition, but made from different brands, differ widely in physical properties; indicating the importance of using in mixtures, irons from different localities, as well as from different furnaces. The micrographs show clearly the variation in structure corresponding to the widely varying results, but it remains for the metallurgist to point out the causes for these differences." Erratic Results — Test Bars Mr. F. A. Nagle submitted to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers the following report of his investigation of test bars for castings used in the Baltimore Sewage pumps. "In machinery castings as well as in cast pipes, separate bars are cast and subjected to tensile or transverse stress to the breaking point, these results being used as evidence of compliance with the contract speci- fications. The writer has examined a large number of such test bars for castings used in the Baltimore Sewage pumps and here reports the results of this examination and study. Perhaps the most important conclusion is that the test bar is not to be regarded with too much confidence as indicative of the exact strength of the casting. All transverse bars were nominally 2 inches by i inch by Modulus of Rupture in Pounds Per Square Inch 299 Rough Machined Area in square Square Round Square Round inches Green Dry sand sand Green sand Dry sand Green sand Dry sand Green sand Dry sand Ingot Mould Iron. Series A. Silicoti 1.67 1. 00 37.140 27,530 44.210 33.660 43.200 38,610 26,100 27,840 2.25 32,880 31.320 34.S70 33.870 29.340 30,790 39,810 38.120 4.00 29.540 25,550 34.900 31.610 31.150 26,500 34.320 32,290 9.00 26,200 21,180 27,280 26,540 26,980 21,690 26,030 28,660 Dynamo Frame Iron. Series B. Silicon 1.95 1. 00 39.220 38,380 44,300 49,160 37,440 30,240 40,020 39.150 2.25 39.540 34,900 41.270 44,840 36.670 36,180 44.790 37.800 4.00 33.960 34,460 41,680 39.230 34.750 33,250 38,750 37.270 9.00 29,680 30,050 35,600 35.620 32,740 30,880 35,400 32,810 Light Machinery Iron. Series C. Silicon 2. 04 37.000 32,880 36,170 30,980 39.190 38.780 34.550 29.230 48.050 38,890 42,560 38,080 50.380 43.950 40,150 37.780 40,230 36,990 33.290 38,880 35.420 32,710 55.680 47,340 42,920 36.520 1. 00 2.25 4.00 9.00 47,850 SI. 350 37,550 36,290 Chilled Roll (Furnace). Series D. Silicon 0.85 1. 00 2.25 4.00 9.00 44,120 47.760 46,710 52,700 44,010 67,680 43.260 54,910 49.440 69.130 65,940 65.850 49.850 59.010 75.000 51,660 1. 00 2.25 4.00 9.00 Sand Roll Iron (Furnace). Series E. Silicon 0.72 51,560 44,180 51.620 48,740 41.740 46,290 41.420 41,960 34,700 33,720 55.110 61,770 33,040 35.760 53.540 55,440 Sash Weight Iron. Series F. Silicon 0.91 1. 00 2.25 4.00 9.00 52,920 59.170 61,870 42,710 42,540 51,130 SI, 810 39,160 58,430 50,050 39,840 S3,oio 50,130 47.090 42,370 4S,73o 300 Test Bars Rough Machined Area in square Square Round Square Round inches Green sand Dry sand Green sand Dry sand Green sand Dry sand Green sand Dry sand Car Wheel Iron. Series G. Silicon 0.97 1. 00 47,110 44,810 52,600 61,720 43,200 46,080 64,380 52,200 2.25 32,120 28,200 45,880 39,740 44,640 40,680 43,200 46,170 4.00 35,460 32,190 45,970 39,330 27,520 32,760 41.590 37 .350 9.00 32,050 32,140 37,610 35,150 28,730 28,960 33,930 28.040 Stove Plate Iron. Series H. Silicon 3.19 1. 00 27,980 29,360 42,570 36,920 48,960 43,200 78,300 68,600 2.25 24,960 30,710 42,160 41,420 22,500 24,480 33.250 31,550 4.00 27,980 28,930 40,540 36,940 23,400 28,SlO 32,290 21,910 9.00 25,620 25,020 33,350 33,550 23,710 24,100 25,540 23,000 Heavy Machinery Iron . Series I. Silicon! 96 1. 00 36,000 44,060 53,210 54,180 43,200 46,080 52,200 55,680 2.25 35,290 35,040 43,860 47,100 33,120 39,060 44,900 43,200 4.00 36,120 33,580 42,290 41,330 30,400 32,970 41,670 42,420 9.00 23,850 20,880 33,040 34,970 37,040 30,410 36,030 38,02a Cylinder Iron. Series J. Silicon 2.49 1. 00 43,350 34,270 51,690 55,500 39,790 39,790 52,200 46,980 2.25 30,880 31,950 33,400 41,900 39,960 38,520 51,040 53.160 4.00 32,600 30,420 43,180 41,320 26,400 26,610 38,110 38,240 9.00 27,830 25,630 40,900 40,170 26,400 24,890 34.470 34.310 Gun Iron (¥vjnidi.c€). Series L. Silicon 2.^,2 Novelty Iron. Series K. Silicon 4.19 1. 00 25.430 36,490 39,040 42,530 2.25 25.640 26,290 37,760 37,670 4.00 27,120 26,860 33,550 34,560 9.00 22,220 24,130 30,890 32,520 1. 00 52,230 44,030 71,570 67,350 53,270 50,400 80,040 71.340 2.25 49,290 46,760 67,060 66,140 47,520 39.600 59.040 71,160 4.00 50,400 49,990 66,980 66,730 46,670 39,680 61,470 53.310 9.00 41,980 43,050 59,010 59,460 41,990 47.830 56,140 59.480 Erratic Results — Test Bars 301 24 inch centers. . They were cast from two patterns in one mould and made in the same kind of sand as the main casting. The flask was incUned about 30 degrees. There was but one gate for the two bars with suitable risers. The iron for the bars was poured from a small ladle of iron taken as nearly as possible from the middle of the pour of the m^in casting. The breaking loads were corrected for varying dimensions of the bars by the formula W = , where b and d are the actual dimensions, W the actual breaking load and W the corrected load of weight. These results are used throughout this paper. The deflections were not corrected. The tensile bars, 1% inches by 6 inches, were cast upright in the same mould as the main castings, within 3 or 4 inches thereof, and connected by an upper and lower gate. The tensile bars were turned to i i/i inches in diameter and threaded, and the middle portion reduced to 1.129 inches in diameter which is equal to i square inch area. Table I gives the results of the chemical analysis of the several bars tested. Table I s 1 i 1 3 •a is 1^ t CO u 1" 1 a . § ^ fin 03 S 0) Nov. 21, 1907.... 3.580 2.830 .75 • 79 .485 .081 1.59 24.900 2440 .49 Nov. 26, 1907.... 3.396 2.736 .66 .38 .459 .124 1. 91 22.000 2075 .40 From Aug. 5, 1907 to April 4, 1908 there were made 67 single tensile bars, and the same nurnber of pairs of transverse bars; and the average of the latter was used in this record. From April 4 to Dec. 19, 1908, there were made 91 pairs of tensile bars and an equal number of transverse bars and each piece of the pair is recorded instead of the average. Of these 249 tensile bars and their corresponding transverse bars, 32 sets — 26 flat and 6 round — were rejected for defects due to blow-holes and four tensile bars were too hard to bear threading, but the companion pieces were used in this record. Of the 217 specimens here recorded, 42 were designated as abnormal; that is, the ratio between the tensile and the transverse bars was either considerably greater or smaller than the average. 302 Test Bars By referring to Table II it will be seen that of the 175 specimens of cast iron running from 20,000 to 30,000 pounds tensile strength, the ratio of tensile to breaking loads is practically 10 to i and the deflection 0.45." Table II Number of specimens Transverse Tensile Deflection Ratio of tensile to transverse 29 36 SI 43 16 2065 2289 2523 2756 2894 21,630 22,940 24,880 26,500 28,460 23,732 Inch .43 .45 .47 • 49 .49 10.47 10.02 9.86 9.61 9-83 9- 96 175 Average 2383 45 Comparison of Test Bars Table III gives 25 abnormal cases where this average ratio is as high as 12.56 to I with a deflection of 0.43 inch, also 17 abnormal cases where this average ratio is as low as 7.91 to i, with a deflection of 0.44 inch; and yet the average of both normal and abnormal bars was again very nearly lo to i. Table III Ahove ratio 10 to i Number of Tensile Deflection Ratio of tensile to specimens transverse In. 10 2088 27,143 .41 12.95 10 2294 28,530 .43 12.44 4 2436 29,600 .49 12.15 I 2890 34,000 .45 11.76 25 Average 2258 28,36s .43 12.56 Below 10 / I I 2105 17,600 .50 8.36 4 2359 18,825 .41 7.98 7 2487 18,814 .43 7.57 3 2656 21,230 .45 8.00 2 2969 24,500 .47 8.2s 17 2521 19,954 .44 7.91 Breaking loads, presumably alike, varied in pairs of transverse bars and also in pairs of tensile bars as follows: Comparison of Test Bars 303 Out of 65 pairs of flat or transverse bars, 14 or 22 per cent, average variation 18 per cent; 17 or 26 per cent, average variation 5.4 per cent; 34 or 52 per cent, average variation less than 2 per cent. Out of 65 pairs of round or tensile bars 22 or 34 per cent, average variation 15 per cent; 20 or 31 per cent, average variation 5.5 per cent; 23 or 35 per cent, average variation less than 2 per cent. 61 other pairs of flat bars which had only one companion tensile bar varied in about the same ratios. Two special flat bars and two special roimd bars, cast in one mould, one gate and at one pour varied as follows: Two flat bars 12 per cent; two round bars 7 per cent. In order to get some more definite information on these variations, if possible, I had a pair of transverse and a pair of tensile bars made and cast in the same mould and while the average was again nearly 10 to i as shown in Table III, the same type of bars again varied 12 and 7 per cent respectively. Table IV Comparison of Cast-iron Test Bars. Special. Two Sets Cast in Same Mould at Same Time Number of specimens Transverse Tensile Deflection Ratio of tensile to transverse I I 2 217 2350 2100 Average 2225 All averages 2380 23,000 21,470 22,235 23,970 Inch .50 • 45 .47 .45 9-79 10.21 10.04 10.07 I I I I I have no satisfactory explanation for the great variation of these test bars and we can only accept the fact that mathematical uniformity in strength of cast-iron bars is not found in the present state of the art. To any one questioning the results, I can only say from my own knowledge of the circumstances, that the personal equation did not enter into them. Careful observation of broken bars did not show that the so-called "skin of the metal" was of any appreciable thickness and the metal was remarkably homogeneous throughout. The tensile bars being turned, the skin, if there was any, of course disappeared. It is my opinion that the skin adds practically nothing to the strength in either transverse or tensile bars; other causes, though obscure, produc- ing far greater deviations." 304 Test Bars Casting Defects Although many castings were condemned for physical defects not a single case of cold-shut was observed. In one instance of defect, he says: "To remove all doubt that the test bars were truly representative of the iron in the main casting, two tensile bars were cut out of a large flange which had been at the bottom of the mould. These, from the most favored part of the casting, as v/ill be seen, stood but about 17,350 pounds; 90 per cent of that revealed by the test bars. In this case there was a remarkable agreement between this pair of test bars. It may be interesting to apply these results to the formula for the strength of cast-iron beams subjected to similar stress. T, PI The formula commonly used isR= ^-^-7, , where R is called the modulus of rupture, or stress per square inch of extreme fibre, P = load at center, I = length between supports in inches, b and d = breadth and depth respectively in inches. Make the proper substitutions and we have R = 42,840 pounds. This is not the correct figure, however, for the extreme fibre stress. We know this cannot exceed the tensile strength which we have found to be 23,732 pounds. I think it is better to use D. K. Clarke's formula given on page 507 of WL his " Engine Tables." S = r^r , where 5= extreme fibre stress or I. 155 bd^ tensile strength. If we use the tensile strength found in these tests as 23,732 pounds, the breaking load W would become 2284 pounds; the actual breaking load being 2383 pounds. As this is within 4.3 per cent of the average found in these tests, this formula, using the tensile strength for the extreme fibre stress, seems to me to be more intelligible and dis- penses with the "coefficient of rupture." Circular Test Bars Since the foregoing was written I have had the opportunity to ob- serve two circular test bars, nominally iH inch diameter by 15 inches long, with 12-inch centers. These bars were cast from two separate patterns in one vertical dry sand mould, and poured from a small hand ladle, first one and then the other, with the result shown in Table V. Circular Test Bars 305 Table V. — Circular Test Bars in Vertical Dry Sand Moulds Bar mark Transverse Tensile Deflection Value W by formula Original diameter H 3344 3344 3026 2 23,070 23,754 24,670 3 .15 •IS .12 4 2948 3036 3153 5 1.305 H 1.305 X 1.300 / 6 The tensile bars were taken from the bottom ends of the broken test bars, but I do not know whether H ox X was poured first. The first tensile bar H had a small air-hole, which being allowed for, added 7 per cent to its tensile strength, and this is also given in the table. A second bar was then turned up from the immediate joining piece with the result recorded in the table first. The turned bars were 0.937 inch diameter. Column six gives the original diameter. Column two was found by reducing the actual breaking loads in the ratio of the cubes of the diam- eters, and column three was reduced to the square inch area. Why the transverse breaking loads should vary 10 per cent and the tensile bars 4 to 7 per cent the opposite way, a total variation of 14 to 17 per cent, I leave to the reflection of the reader. If we apply Clarke's formula for the breaking weight for circular bars, W = - — - — -, , we find the values given in column five. While the blow-holes seem to be more frequent in flat transverse bars than in round attached tensile bars, the latter seem liable to a greater abnormal hardness, for which I have no explanation. Some indication of the toughness of cast iron may be seen in its deflec- tion, which is not revealed in a direct pull. I would, therefore, be satisfied with two or three transverse test bars 2 in. by i in. by 24 in. centers, and a deflection record poured as near as may be from the middle of the pour of the main casting as giving a fair indication of the iron in the main casting, but mathematical exactness cannot be looked for as yet. If we wish to know approximately the corresponding tensile strength of the iron, we can multiply the breaking load of the 2 in. by i in. by 24 in. flat bar by 10. If the test bar is iM inch diameter by 12-inch centers its breaking load should be multiplied by 8 to obtain the approximate tensile strength. 3o6 Test Bars The general rule seems to be, that where both flat bars agree in break- ing loads, the tensile strength is lo to i of the breaking load, but where they differ the lo to i ratio does not hold. A better practice, therefore, might be to cast three round transverse bars and accept the two that agree, if each is round, as a fair sample of the iron, dispensing with the tensile bars. This concession to the manufacturer, I believe, v/ould entail not only no loss to the city's interests, but a positive gain. EFFECT OF STRUCTURE OF CAST IRON UPON ITS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Microscopic Evidence of the Reason why Irons of Similar Chemical Composition have Different Relative Strengths BY F. J. Cook and G. Hailstone " During daily foundry practice, with work made from mixtures of iron that have the same chemical composition and where tests are frequently taken, it is often found that widely different physical results are obtained. Instances of this have been brought to the notice of this association . . . but in neither case was an explanation of the phenomena given. Attempts have been made to give a satisfactory explanation of these differences, but on the whole the conclusions arrived at have not been generally accepted. In the past the instances cited have generally been isolated ones, but a remarkable series of tests over a lengthy period has recently been met with by one of the authors. 1 r~ ^ -?- v^ 'h 'A ^iLi^v^-5^/... J/k? J^'l^ ^ ;-° ' 3jtD A^""^^^ ^^L\- -^ \ Zt^ V ^L T^ GJ >. > V X-«- ^\-/ A f^ru::?:^ i5^/-,^ ^3lJ / ' ,' -»--^ t^'^l ^^^t 2^2^55 7 S-^ ' \ t^Zu 1 '-' 7 ' I Ac 'n '/nTf^ i oe ;7: ^'c< rf/ o V r.- jll pf — - Fig. 78. Fig. 78 is a diagram of tensile test results of two series of casts, each representing 60 consecutive days working with irons mixed to give the Effect of Structure of Cast Iron upon Its Physical Properties 307 same chemical composition, but each series made up with different brands of pig iron. That the chemical analysis was identical in each case was proved by analyses taken from time to time which, in each instance, for all practical purposes came out ahke. The diagram shows that the highest tensile result in the A series was lower than the lowest result in the B series. A summary of the whole of the tests is shown in Table I. Table I. - - Results of Mechanical Tests Tensile test, tons per square inch Trans- verse test, cwts. I in. sq. bar, 12 in. center Trans- verse test, lbs. on H in. sq. bar, 12 in. centers, Keep's test Shrinkage in inches y2 in. sq. bar. Keep's test Hardness Blast pressure in ounces Series A B A B A B A B A 68 48 575'^ 60 B 78 561/^ 64H 56 A 15 10 123/4 44 B Highest 12.9 8.7 10.7 60 18.3 13. 1 15.8 60 28.5 19.0 23.1 33 32.25 25.0 29.1 30 5SO 390 466 58 570 375 450 59 .182 .144 .140 58 .180 .140 .155 58 16 Average No test taken . . 13H 39 Each tensile test bar was i inch square and transverse and hardness bars were cast relatively of the same size, and on the casting they were to represent; while the H-inch transverse bars, which were also used for the shrinkage test, were cast separately by Keep's method. The transverse bars were cast iH inch square, machined down to I inch square and tested on 12-inch centers. Referring to Table I, it will be seen that the results of the transverse tests on the i inch square bars also show a marked difference, as do the tensile tests. It will be noted, however, that the average result of the transverse test on the 3'^-inch square bars is slightly in favor of the series which gave the weakest tensile, and with the i -inch square bar opposite results. This point will be referred to later. As the method of manipulation and the chemical composition of the two series were the same, it was thought that a microscopical analysis would reveal a cause for the vast difference. For the first investigation a low bar of the A series, and the highest bar of the B series were ex- amined. The chemical analysis of the two bars was first taken as shown in Table II. 3o8 Test Bars Table U. — Comparative Chemical Analysis of the Two Series Series .... A B Tensile test 9.1 tons per square inch, per cent 18.3 tons per square inch, per cent Total carbon 3.250 2.397 .853 1.328 .095 .923 .290 3.092 2.289 .903 - I. 314 .101 .909 .335 94.149 Chemical Analyses These analyses will be seen to be practically identical, even to the amount of the combined and graphitic carbon. To insure the results being absolutely comparative, a number of micrographs were each taken from the same position at the center of the bars. Fig. 79 shows the polished, but unetched section of the low bar from the A series, Fig. 80 the high bar from the B series. These show the size of the graphite in each case, the one having it in the form of long flakes, the other in very small flakes. Fig. 79. Figs, 81 and 82 show the same surfaces etched with iodine and magni- fied 120 diameters. In the one case the large flakes of graphite are plainly seen in a matrix of cementite, phosphorus eutectic, pearlite and ferrite; while in the other, the graphitic carbon is scarcely visible and a closer structure is observed. Otherwise, there is nothing very remarkable to account for such widely different physical results. Chemical Analyses 309 The same surfaces were then treated on the lines laid down by Mr. Stead at the 1909 convention, to bring into prominence the phosphorus eutectic. Fig, 83 shows the 9.1 ton bar, and Fig. 84 the 18.3 ton bar. In both cases not only is the phosphorus shown but the cementite as well. In Fig. 83 the phosphorus and cementite are evenly distributed, and have not taken up any definite form of structure, the graphite being also shown intermixed with them, but in Fig. 84 a very remarkable arrange- ment of a net-like formation of phosphorus and cementite is shown. As Fig. 81. — A Series; tensile strength 18,200 pounds per sq. inch; mag- . nifi cation 120 diameters. Fig. 83. — A Series; tensile strength 18,200 pounds per sq. inch; mag- nification 30 diameters. Fig. 82. — B Series; tensile strength 36,600 pounds per sq. inch; mag- nification 120 diameters. Fig. 84. — B Series; tensile strength 36,600 pounds per sq. inch; mag- nification 30 diameters. it had been noticed with bars previously examined that those giving high test had also been associated with this particular net-like structure, we were lead to the conclusion that probably strength was associated with this structure independently of what the chemical composition might be; we, therefore, examined a series of bars made by one of the authors a few years ago to show the effect on strength of different rates of cooling. For this experiment four bars had been made in one box, cast from the same ladle of metal, which was ordinary No. 3 foundry- pig iron. Taken from " castings," Aug. 1909. 310 Test Bars The rate of cooling was regulated by means of cast iron chills of different thicknesses placed in the moulds for three of the bars, the other having no iron chill. The bar without the chill gave a tensile test result of 8.1 tons per square inch, while the bar at the other end of the series broke at 15.2 tons per square inch. These two bars were selected, the chemical analyses of which are given in Table III. Table III. — Analysis of Medium Bar Tensile strength Total carbon Graphitic carbon . Combined carbon Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Iron by difference 13.9 per cent .272 .740 .532 .307 .III .948 .330 94.032 Chilled and Unchilled Bars These results are identical, and as there is practically no combined carbon present, there must be an absence of cementite. The bars are also totally different in chemical composition from those previously examined. Figs. 85 and 86 show unetched sections from the two bars, with the difference in the formation of the graphite as previously pointed out in Fig. 8s. Fig. 86. connection with the other bars; that is, elongated flakes of graphite in the unchilled bar, and finely divided graphite in that of the chilled Figs. 87 and 88 show the formation of the phosphorus eutectic in the case of the weak bar to be broken up and having no distinct pattern, while in the case of the strong bar there is clearly shown that net-like Chilled and Unchilled Bars 311 formation which was the distinguishing feature of the strong bar from the B series, but with this difference, that the structure was rather smaller. As there is no cementite present in this specimen, it is proof that the particular formation is not dependent upon cementite. Fig. 87. Fig. 88. There was next examined another bar from B series. This had a tensile strength about half way between the two bars previously selected, and had given a tensile test result of 13.9 tons per square inch. The analysis of this bar is shown in Table III. This showed that while the total carbon and other elements were practically the same as the two bars previously taken, the graphitic carbon was higher by 0.35 per cent, and the combined carbon lower by 0.35 per cent. This was probably due to the fact that this bar had been cast on a much larger casting than the previous two. The size of the graphite in this bar is illustrated by an unetched section in Fig. 89 which shows that although it is smaller than that shown in Fig. 79 of the 9.1 ton bar, it is larger and more elongated than that contained in the 18.3 bar, Fig. 80. Fig. 89. Fig. 90. The phosphorus eutectic which is shown in Fig. 90 is the same net-like formation as associated with the previous strong bars, though rather less clearly defined and appears to be getting into the transition stage between the two. 312 Test Bars The foregoing results, we think, have been sufl5cient to show that in each case, physical properties have been associated with this net-like formation of the phosphorus, also that the graphite, when in the elongated form, appears to split up phosphorus eutectic and prevent this formation, as clearly shown in Fig. 83. The question of the tendency of the graphite to take either an elongated or finely divided form, we think, is more a question of the way in which the pig iron has been made than of its subsequent treatment in the foundry. The statement of Mr. Pilkington in this respect is very interesting: "Furnace men have always been conversant with the fact that the temperature at which" pig iron leaves the tapping hole of the furnace has a powerful effect on its physical characteristics. The temperature of a large modern blast furnace is very much higher and the metal, therefore, takes very much longer to cool than that which leaves the tapping hole of the smaller furnaces. Pig iron from the extreme types could be made practically in a different manner altogether, and would show very different grades, grains and degrees of hardness. On referring again to the summary of tests taken with the A and B series it will be seen that the results of the J-^-inch transverse bars of the A series, which gave weak tensile results, are slightly higher than those of the B series, and from this, together with the evidence of the chilled and unchilled bars made from low grade iron, we are of the opinion that no matter what their chemical compositions ma,y be, there is a rate of cooUng which will give high physical properties; the structure of the iron then being associated with the net-like formation of the phosphorus eutectic and the cementite when present. Tests reported to the International Association for Testing Materials show: -Circular bars showed greater bending and tensile strength than those of rectangular section. Test pieces taken from castings showed lower strength figures than bars separately cast. Extracts from Prof. Porter's Report Prof. Porter's report contains so much information of value to the foundryman, that extensive extracts are made from those parts relating to the properties and mixtures offcast iron, notwithstanding they may comprise much which has already been considered. In treating of the different forms of iron as occurring at differ- ent temperatures, they are designated as the "alpha," "beta" and "gamma." The "alpha" form in the ordinary iron as known in unhardened steel Chilled and Unchilled Bars 313 at ordinary temperatures, is one of the constituents of slowly cooled gray pig iron, and is formed below 1140° F. The "beta" form is that between 1440° F. and 1680° F.; it is harder than the "gamma." Prof. Howe suggests its identity with martensite, the chief constituent of hardened tool steels. It is non-magnetic and differs from "alpha" iron in specific heat and density. The "gamma" form is the stable one above 1680° F., is very hard, non-magnetic, and differs in specific heat and density from both the "alpha" and "beta." It is held that the "gamma" and "beta" forms may be preserved at ordinary temperatures by very rapid coohng, especially in the presence of carbon which is supposed to retard the change from one form into another. Table I. — Forms of Combination or Iron and Carbon Name Synonyms Physical characteristics Graphite size. No strength. Kish Free carbon . . - Graphite in very large flakes. Temper carbon Free carbon Graphite in form of very fine powder. Ferrite Iron Soft, very ductile, low strength. Cementite Combined carbon. Iron car- Very hard and brittle, high static bide, FeC. strength, no ductility. Austenite Solution carbon in "gam»la" Slightly softer than martensite. iron. Also weaker and more brittle. Martensite Solution carbon in "beta" Hard, but less brittle than ce- iron. Transition product mentite. Chief constituent of austenite to pearlite. hardened tool steels. Troostite Transition product marten- Softer than martensite, less site to sorbite. brittle and more ductile. Sorbite Transition product. Troost- Softer than troostite and more ite to pearlite. ductile. Strongest form. Pearlite An intimate mechanical mix- Very strong. Harder than fer- ture of cementite and fer- rite. rite. Prof. Porter classifies the more important physical properties of cast iron as follows: Static strength, indnding: Tensile strength; compressive strength; transverse strength; torsional strength; shearing strength. Dynamic strength, embracing: Resistance to repeated stress; resist- ance to alternating stresses; resistance to shock. Elastic properties, embracing: Elastic limit; resilience or elasticity; rigidity; toughness; malleability. 314 Test Bars Hardness, embracing: Hardness of mass; ability to chill; hardness of chill. Grain structure, including: Fracture or grain size; porosity; specific gravity. Shrinkage, embracing: Shrinkage of the hquid mass; shrinkage of the sohd mass; stretch. Fluid properties, embracing: Fusibility; fluidity. Resistance to heat, embracing: Resistance to continued heat; resist- ance to alternate heating and cooling; resistance to very low temperatures. Electrical properties, including: Electrical conductivity; magnetic permeability; hysteresis. Miscellaneous properties, including: Resistance to various corrosive agencies; resistance to wear; coefficient of friction. Properties of the mass: Soundness, or freedom from blow-holes and shrinkage cavities; cleanness, or freedom from inclusions of dross, etc.; freedom from pin-holes and porous places; homogeneity, or lack of segregation; crystallization; freedom from shrinkage strains; tendency to peel off sand and scale. CHAPTER XIII CHEMICAL ANALYSES Strength As regards chemical composition there are nine factors which influence strength of cast iron: (i) Per cent graphite; (2) size of individual graphite flakes; (3) per cent combined carbon; (4) size of primary crystals of solid solution Fe-C-Si; (5) amount of dissolved oxide; (6) per cent phosphorus; (7) per cent sulphur; (8) per cent silicon; (9) per cent manganese. 1. "Per cent graphite. — The weakening effect of graphite is due to its own extreme softness and weakness, and to the fact that it occurs in small flakes or plates and hence affords a multitude of cleavage planes through the metal. The size of the graphite particles is evidently important as well as the amount but this factor will be discussed under another head. Theoretically^ the simplest method of decreasing graphite is to lower the silicon, each decrease on i per cent in silicon lessening the graphite by 0.4s per cent, provided the total carbon remains the same. Practi- cally, however, the fact that all the carbon not graphite becomes combined is an important objection, for when we lower the silicon too much the resulting increase in combined carbon increases the hardness and, beyond a certain point, decreases the strength. The minimum permissible silicon will depend chiefly on the hardness allowable, The same objection applies to decreasing the graphite by increas- ing the sulphur and manganese, and in the case of sulphur there is also the objection that its direct effects are injurious. The rate of cooling is, of course, beyond the control of the foundryman in the majority of cases, while even if it were not, the graphite could not be reduced by rapid cooHng without a corresponding increase in com- bined carbon. Coming finally to the total carbon, we find here a means of reducing graphite without in any way affecting carbon, and hence, hardness. The only hmitation to this is that as total carbon and graphite are reduced, shrinkage is increased and the metal becomes more liable to oxidation, blow-holes and other defects. 315 3i6 Chemical Analyses There are three ways of reducing total carbon in castings; first, by the use of low carbon pig iron; second, by melting in the air furnace; third, by the use of steel scrap in the cupola mixture. In air furnace melting it is easy to reduce total carbon to almost any figure within reason. 2.75 per cent is commonly obtained in melting for malleable castings. Of course the silicon is also burnt out during this process, but were it desired, this could be readily replaced by suitable additions of ferrosilicon. From the standpoint of quality the air furnace is certainly the ideal method of melting, and hence, we find that many lines of castings which must be of particularly high quality are invariably made from air furnace metal. The addition of steel scrap to the cupola has now become common practice, the product obtained being known as semi-steel and differing chemically from ordinary cast iron only in being somewhat lower in total carbon and graphite. Physically the metal so made is characterized by greater strength and total shrinkage, hardness remaining about the same. ..." The chief points to be watched in melting steel scrap in the cupola mixture are as follows: " Trouble with blow-holes. — This is due to the fact that semi-steel being lower in carbon oxidizes more readily than cast iron. The trouble may usually be overcome by correct cupola practice and the use of ferro- manganese or other deoxidizers in the ladle. Owing to the higher melting point of semi-steel mixtures, ferromanganese is much more efficient as a deoxidizer here than in the case of cast iron. . . . High shrinkage. — This is due to the decrease in graphite and is hence inevitable. On work where this is an important factor a proper balance must be struck between shrinkage and strength. . . . Imperfect mixture of steel and iron resulting in irregular quality of casting, hard spots, etc. — This results from the higher melting point of steel and consequent difficulty of getting perfect solution in the cast iron. It may be largely overcome by careful attention to the charging of the cupola, placing the steel scrap on the coke and the iron on top of the steel (so that the steel will reach the melting zone first and the molten pig will run down over the heated steel instead of away from it as would happen if the order were reversed). A large receiving ladle should, of course, be used also. Another point to be observed is in regard to the size of the steel scrap. Too large scrap is difficult to melt, but, on the other hand, very small scrap is also objectionable as being an abundant source of hard spots in the castings. Apparently very small pieces of steel are Uable to be washed down through the coke bed and out of the cupola spout without being completely melted. Strength 317 Regarding the amount of steel scrap to use, it has been found by trial that the best results are obtainable with about 25 per cent. Increase to S3H per cent caused a slight falling ofif in strength. Probably these figures would not hold for every condition of practice, but, in general, 20 to 30 per cent steel is a suflQcient amount to give the maximum results. 2. Size of graphite flakes. — The size of the graphite flakes is prob- ably the most important factor of all those which influence strength, and is the one which most frequently upsets our calculations as to the rela- tion between chemical composition and strength. . . . Recently, how- ever, Messrs. F. J. Cook and G. Hailstone have brought out in a striking manner the great difference in irons in this respect. They give data showing that of two mixtures practically identical in composition the one was invariably much lower in strength (usually about one-half) than the other, this being the case for a great many heats extending over a long period of time." Analyses and tests are given as typical of the series. "Messrs. Cook and Hailstone have investigated and compared the micro-structure of the strong and weak bars and record two interesting facts: First, that the graphite flakes are invariably much larger in the weak bars; second, that when the polished specimens are treated so as to bring out the phosphide eutectic this eutectic is seen to be arranged in the customary heterogeneous mamner in the weak bars but in a dis- tinct meshwork structure in the strong iron. These authors draw the conclusion that it is this meshwork structure which gives great strength to cast iron, but with this conclusion the writer cannot entirely agree. It seems more probable that the increase in strength is caused by the fine state of division of the graphite and that the same influences which have caused this have also caused the meshwork structure. We may get some idea of the quantitative relationship between strength and size of graphite by considering the relative strength of malleable cast iron and a very open gray cast iron representing the smallest and largest graphite respectively. Malleable cast iron has a tensile strength of 40,000 pounds and upwards per square inch; open gray iron about 20,000 pounds per square inch. Apparently, then, the increase in the size of the graphite has caused a loss of at least 20,000 pounds in tensile strength. It is one thing to find that to get strong iron we must have the graphite in finely divided state and another and much more difficult matter to formulate rules whereby we may secure this desired condition. . . .' 3i8 Chemical Analyses The factors which influence the size of the graphite flakes in cast iron are as follows : A. Factors which certainly exert an influence. a. Rate of cooling. b. Pouring temperature. B. Factors which may possibly exert an influence. c. Time which iron has remained in the molten state, d. Presence of dissolved oxide. ' - e. Presence of steel scrap in the mixture. /. Mixture of different brands. g. Nature of ore from which iron is made and treatment in the blast furnace. h. Per cent metalloids. a. The influence of rate of cooling is undoubted, and an example showing its effect on strength and fitructure is given by Cook and Hail- stone. We have to distinguish here, however, between the rates of cooHng through different ranges of temperature. Evidently the graphite which is separated within the semi-hquid iron will have a much better chance to grow large crystals owing to the greater mobihty of the medium in which it is formed, while that graphite formed within the soUd metal will necessarily be in small particles. Hence, we see that it is the rate of cooling through the soHdificatioti range 2200° to 2000° F., which is of prime importance, and if we can check the formation of graphite through this range and then allow it to form in the solid metal at lower temperatures we will have all the conditions for both the soft and strong iron. This is the principle of Custer's process of casting in permanent moulds and the making of malleable castings is based on the same theory." b. The pouring temperature also undoubtedly exerts an influence on the size of the graphite flakes, and hence, on the strength. ..." Longmuir finds that iron poured at a medium temperature is stronger than when poured either very hot or very cold. Longmuir' s experi- ments, by the way, are the only ones in which a pyrometer was used and the temperatures of pouring measured in degrees. . . . For this reason we may place the greatest faith in Longmuir's results. It is probable that the pouring temperature affects the size of the graphite flakes indirectly through changing the rate of cooling through the solidification range. On this assumption the best results should be obtained from metal poured at as low a temperature as will suffice to give sound castings. c. Time which iron has remained in the molten state. This might conceivably have an effect in the case of cast iron high in total carbon, Strength 319 since graphite separating in the hquid metal would remain in the metal if poured at once, and this graphite is in the form of large flakes known as kish. d. Presence of dissolved oxide. — There is no direct proof that this affects the size of the graphite flakes. However, it is well known that addition of deoxidizing agents almost invariably improves the strength and it is barely possible that a portion of this may be due to change in the size of the graphite. e. Presence of steel scrap in the mixture. — Although no exact data are at hand it is the common impression that the addition of steel scrap 'closes the grain,' which is equivalent to saying that it reduces the size of the graphite. . . . /. Mixture of irons. — It is firmly believed by many foundrymen of the old school that a mixture of brands gives better results than a single brand of the same chemical composition as the average of the mixture. ... g. Cook and Hailstone believe that the difference in strength of the two mixtures quoted by them is due to some inherent quality of the pig iron derived from the ores used or their nianner of treatment in the blast furnace. This inherent quahty may have some connection with the presence of oxygen or nitrogen in the metal. . . ." h. Per cent metalloids. — This, we know, has a certain effect. For example, high silicon is likely to cause larger graphite as well as more of it. Phosphorus should, theoretically, cause larger graphite since it prolongs the solidification period in which large flakes are free to separate. . . . Sulphur and manganese . . . close the grain, and probably diminish the size of the graphite, as well as its amount. 3. Per cent combined carbon. — According to Professor Howe the properties of cast iron are the properties of the metallic matrix modified by the presence of the graphite, but since this metallic matrix may be considered as a steel of carbon content equal to the combined carbon of the cast iron, we can predict accurately the effects of combined carbon by the use of the data on steel. In the case of steel it is found that the strength increases regularly with the carbon up to about 0.9 per cent, then remains nearly stationary up to about 1.2 per cent, above which it falls off slowly. In the case of cast iron the strength is dependent upon so many factors besides combined carbon that it is almost impossible to determine by direct experiment the percentage of combined carbon giving the maximum strength. All indications, however, are that the highest strength is obtained with somewhere between 0.7 per cent and i per cent combined carbon which is in sufficiently close accord with the corre- 320 Chemical Analyses spending value for steel. We may, therefore, state tentatively that the maximum strength is obtained with 0.9 per cent carbon, all other factors remaining constant. This appb'es only to tensile strength (and approximately to transverse). For compressive strength a somewhat higher value, probably about 1.5 per cent combined carbon, would be found to give better results. 4. Size of primary crystals of solid solution Fe-C-Si. — There is absolutely no data as to the effect of this factor on the strength of cast iron and it is only from analogy with steel that we give it a place in the list of actors influencing strength. ..." 5. Effect of dissolved oxide. — . . . It is probably a much more important factor than is generally supposed, but there is absolutely no data on which to base a quantitative estimate of its effect." To reduce oxide in cast iron to the minimum, the following points may be observed : First, get the best brands of pig iron. It is probable that pig made with charcoal fuel contains less oxygen than that made with coke fuel. Cold blast pig is better than hot blast. Pig iron made from easily reducible brown or carbonate ores is lower in oxygen than the pig made from red hematite or magnetic ores, while iron made from mill cinder should never he used in foundries where strength is a prime consideration. Moreover, a pig iron high in manganese is apt to be comparatively free from oxide because of the deoxidizing power of manganese at the high temperature of the blast furnace. It is noteworthy as confirming these observations that most brands of iron which have achieved a reputation for strength are high in manganese and many of them are charcoal irons. The Muirkirk and Salisbury brands which have been known for years as among the strongest irons made in this coimtry answer to every one of these conditions. They are made from readily reducible ores using cold blast and charcoal fuel and contain from i to 2 per cent manganese." Second, avoid oxidizing conditions in the cupola, particularly high- blast pressures and wrong methods of charging. Dr. Moldenke's system of using small charges is to be highly recommended in this connection." Third, deoxidizing agents may be used, added either to the cupola or to the metal in the ladle. Of the commercially available deoxidizers, ferrotitanium, ferrosihcon and ferromanganese are, perhaps, the most successful, all things considered. Titanium thermite is also extremely valuable in this connection. . . . " 6. Per cent phosphorus. — Phosphorus lessens both the dynamic and static strength, but the former more than the latter. It weakens be- ' Strength 321 cause it forms with iron a hard and brittle compound which has but little resistance to shock. The weakness produced is in nearly direct proportion to the amount of this compound present. The effects of phosphorus on strength do not become marked until upward of i per cent is present, but for great strength and particularly strength to shock it should be much lower. Ordinary strong irons may have up to 0.75 per cent, while iron which is to withstand shock should not exceed 0.50 per cent and is better even lower. . . ." 7. Per cent sulphur. — The action of sulphur in decreasing the strength of iron is explained in Chap. IX, page 261, and it is also explained there why it is so much less harmful in the presence of manganese. Many tests have been made showing that sulphur has no marked effect on strength and many foundrymen will use sulphur to harden iron and close the grain. It is true that an indirect strengthening effect can be obtained through the use of sulphur in some cases, i.e., if too soft an iron is being used the strength will be increased by the addition of any element which will lessen the graphite, but the hardening is usually better obtained through decrease in silicon than through increase in sulphur. While increased sulphur may not always show in decreased strength of test bars, yet it is a frequent source of blow-holes, dirty iron and various defects caused by high shrinkage, hence, it often causes an indirect weakness in the iron. 8-9. Per cent silicon and manganese. — These elements act chiefly in an indirect manner and because of their effects on the condition of the carbon; their direct influence in the strength of the metallic matrix is unimportant. From analogy with steel it is probable that sihcon in amounts of over i per cent causes weakness and brittleness in the metal. Similarly, manganese has probably a weakening effect due to its direct action when present in amounts of more than 1.5 per cent. The preceding discussion is summarized in the following practical rules for making strong castings: Use strong brands of iron. . . . Charcoal irons if cost wiU permit; irons made from easily reducible ores; irons high in manganese. Avoid oxidation in melting. Look carefully after the details of cupola practice; avoid oxidized scrap; use deoxidizing agents in ladle if practicable. . . . Keep the silicon down as low as possible and still have the necessary softness. About 1.50 per cent will be right for the ordinary run of medium castings; higher for small castings and lower for heavy ones. With low total carbon high sihcon has less effect. Keep the phosphorus low, especially when sulphur is high. 0.50 per cent or under is best. 322 Chemical Analyses Keep the sulphur low, especially if phosphorus is high. Under o.io per cent is all right for most castings." Keep manganese high, i per cent for large castings, 0.7 per cent for medium, 0.5 per cent for small castings. Use from 10 to 25 per cent steel scrap in the mixture. Me. Keep recommends using 10 per cent cast iron borings charged in wooden boxes. He states that this is very effective in closing the grain and strengthening the castings. For iron which is required to have the greatest possible resistance to shock, the points to be especially observed are as follows: Keep the phosphorus as low as practicable, still having the necessary fluidity. It should best be below 0.30 per cent. Keep the sulphur as low as possible. If practicable add vanadium or titanium to the ladle either in the form of ferroalloy or as thermite. ... Elastic Properties Of the elastic properties of metals, only toughness and its opposite, brittleness, and elasticity and its opposite, rigidity, are ordinarily con- sidered in cast iron. Toughness is defined as resistance to breaking after the elastic limit is passed. Elasticity is the amount of yield under any stress up to the elastic limit. It is unusual for these properties to be determined separately in cast iron, but their sum is given by the deflection which is determined in transverse testing. It is probably true that they nearly always vary- together, and, hence, that deflection is a fairly good measure of either one as well as both. Toughness is practically always a desirable quality in cast iron, but the same is not true of elasticity since in many machines great rigidity is a prime requisite. The factors influencing toughness and elasticity are about the same as those influencing strength, i.e., the chemical composition, presence of oxide and size of graphite. ... In general, to get a tough elastic iron we should keep sulphur, phosphorus and combined carbon low; manganese, no higher than is necessary to take care of the sulphur; graphite and silicon, the less the better, providing that the combined carbon is not increased; and finally, use metal of good quahty, melted carefully so as to be free from oxide. In ordinary gray iron castings it is not practicable to attempt to control the graphite, since the combined carbon needs first attention and Elastic Properties 323 the graphite will necessarily be the difference between total carbon and combined carbon. The silicon also must be adjusted with a view to regulating the combined carbon. Practical rules for getting the maxi- mum toughness and elasticity will then be about as follows: Sihcon, 1.5 to 2.0 per cent for castings of average thickness, more or less for very Hght and very heavy castings respectively. Sulphur as low as practicable, best under 0.08 per cent. Phosphorus as low as practicable considering the necessity for fluidity. Best under 0.50 per cent. Manganese from three to five times the sulphur. Use good irons and good cupola practice to insure freedom from dissolved oxide. . . . "In case steel scrap can be used, i.e., semi-steel made, the toughness may be considerably increased through decrease in the amount of graphite and in the size of the grain. The other elements may remain about as before except that it may be necessary to run the manganese a Uttle higher to counteract the greater tendency of the semi-steel to become oxidized. As previously noted, rigidity is desirable in some cases. This is the converse of elasticity and may be obtained by the direct opposite of the rules given for obtaining elasticity. However, to get rigidity with the least sacrifice of strength and toughness it is desirable to use manganese and combined carbon rather -than to increase phosphorus and sulphur. That is, we would lower silicon as much as necessity for softness will allow and raise manganese to about i per cent (or less in very light work). It should be noted that manganese is particularly efficient in increasing rigidity since it accomplishes this end with comparatively little sacrifice of strength and toughness. A few examples of very tough and elastic iron are as follows: No. Silicon Sulphur Phos- phorus Manga- nese Com- bined carbon Graphite carbon Total carbon I 2.5c^2.75 .80 2.45 1. 18 2.36 050 30 .43 .30 .24 .87 1,08 2.34 2.15 3.21 3 4 5 092 084 064 063 27 33 3.23 No. I represents iron which in thin sections can be punched and bent. No. 2 is an analysis of a gray cast iron which is exceedingly malleable. Nos. 3, 4 and 5 are gray irons sho^Adng deflections for the transverse test bars rather higher than usual. 324 Chemical Analyses Hardness ... It is generally stated that hardness in cast iron is due chiefly to the presence of combined carbon and is only indirectly or to a less extent caused by other elements. The writer believes that this is not altogether true and that there is another factor causing hardness which has not heretofore been generally considered in the case of cast iron." It is well known that when steel is hardened by quenching from a temperature above its critical point its carbon is not in the combined state but rather in a form known as hardening or solution carbon, while the iron is retained in the ' gamma ' allotropic form. It is the behef of the present writer that the same is true of cast iron and that many cases of hardness are to be explained in this way. For example, Keep de- scribes a sample of cast iron which was too hard to drill and yet contained only 0.60 per cent combined carbon, and many analyses are on record of irons which have been quenched from comparatively low temperatures and are almost glass hard in spite of the fact that the combined carbons are under i per cent. I think it probable that the hardness of high manganese irons is due chiefly to this same cause since manganese is known to favor the retention of ' gamma ' iron. Granting for the present the truth of this theory, the presence of the 'gamma' or hard form of iron is controlled by the rate of cooHng and the percentages of metalloids present; so that for aU practical purposes we can say that there are six factors which influence hardness, i.e., the rate and manner of cooling, the combined carbon, silicon, sulphur, man- ganese and phosphorus. The first two of these are of the greatest importance and we will then take up in reverse order, leaving the most important till the last. Phosphorus has a shght hardening effect in large quantities but in amoxmts less than i per cent its effects are nearly imperceptible, and it does not become important until the amount exceeds commercial Hmits, or, say, 1.5 per cent. We may, therefore, usually neglect the effects of phosphorus in considering hardness. Manganese, although usually regarded as a hardening agent may sometimes soften iron. This anomalous resiilt is explained by the action of manganese on sulphur. If the iron is high in sulphur and low in manganese the first additions of manganese will unite with the sulphur forming the comparatively inert manganese sulphide and thus softening the iron. If, however, the manganese be increased beyond the amount necessary to care for the sulphur, increased hardness will result. ... A pig iron containing 3 per cent manganese may have a beautiful open gray fracture and yet be so hard as to be drilled pnly Hardness 325 with great difficulty. In addition, the presence of manganese sometimes produces a peculiar kind of gritty hardness, the iron acting as if contain- ing small hard grains. With regard to the amount of manganese re- quired to produce hardness it will be evident that this depends largely on the per cent of sulphur present and also on the rate of cooHng. In general, heavy castings will stand up to i per cent of manganese without noticeable increase of hardness, medium castings about 0.75 per cent and Ught castings 0.50 per cent. Sulphur is an exceedingly energetic hardening agent acting, however, chiefly through the carbon. That is, sulphur has a strong tendency to keep the carbon in combined form and in that way to harden Each o.oi per cent sulphur will increase the combined carbon by about 0.045 PSJ" cent, other things being equal. It must be remembered, how- ever, that this applies only to sulphur in the form of iron sulphide, and that in the form of manganese sulphide, i.e., in the presence of about three times its weight of manganese, it acts much less energetically. Sulphur also has a direct action in hardening, iron sulphide and manganese sulphide being quite hard substances. Usually this action is imperceptible, but occasionally one meets with hard spots which are due to the segregation of these sulphides. SiHcon is generally known as a softening agent and, within reasonable limits, has this effect due to its action in decreasing the combined carbon. The direct effect of silicon, however, is to harden since it forms with iron a compound which is harder than the iron itself. When silicon is added to cast iron its first effect, as before stated, is to decrease the combined carbon. This, it does, at the rate of about 0.45 per cent for each per cent of silicon added. Actually the rate of decrease is more rapid than this, and, in consequence, by the time we have from 2 to 3 per cent silicon present (depending on the rate of cooHng) we have practically all the combined carbon precipitated out as graphite and, hence, there is no further possibihty of softening in this way. Now; any increase in silicon only increases the amount of the hard iron-silicon alloy, there is no more combined carbon to be decreased, and, hence, the hardness will now be increased again. In other words, it is possible to have too much of a good thing, the good thing in this case being silicon. The actual percentage of sihcon which is necessary to secure any given degree of softness will depend upon the size of the casting, the nature of the mold and the amount of sulphur and manganese present. It is, therefore, impossible to give definite silicon standards unless each of these factors is known. . . . Combined carbon (or solution carbon) is the chief hardening agent of cast iron, and, under ordinary conditions, the hardness of the metal 326 Chemical Analyses will be closely proportional to the percentage present. Of such relative unimportance are the effects of the other elements that it has been found practicable to use the amount of combined carbon as a measure of the hardness of castings and as a means of predicting their behavior in the machine shop. ... "To machine easily, cast iron should not contain over 0.75 per cent combined carbon, i.oo per cent combined carbon gives a pretty hard casting and 1.50 per cent is about the upper Hmit for iron to be machined. The rate and manner of cooling of the casting are usually supposed to influence its hardness only as it affects the percentage of combined carbon. That it does affect the amount of combined carbon is a well- estabHshed fact. . . . However, we sometimes get hardness in the absence of any considerable amount of combined carbon. Hence, there must be some other factor at work, which, in the writer's opinion, is a solution of carbon in 'gamma' iron, the hard constituent of tool steel. According to this theory, combined carbon disappears in the tem- perature range 2200° F. to 1500° F., while 'gamma' or hard iron is not transformed into the ' alpha ' or soft variety until the casting has cooled to about 1300° F. Evidently, then, ordinary rapid cooling of castings from the melted state results in both high combined carbon and high 'gamma' ;ron, and hence we have hardness due to both of these causes. The more rapid the cooling, the higher the combined carbon and the higher also the 'gamma' iron, therefore, since both vary together, the percentage of combined carbon is a satisfactory measure of the hardness produced by both factors. "If, now, the conditions of cooling are changed, this need no longer be the case. For example, suppose we cool the casting slowly from the molten state down to 1600° and then quench it in water. In this case we would get nearly all combined carbon changed to graphite diuring the slow cooling through the upper range, while the rapid cooling through 1300° preserves the ' gamma ' iron solution and hence gives hardness due to this cause. Some of the peculiar things noted in connection with Custer's process of casting in permanent moulds are to be explained on this basis. Also, the much greater softness of castings which have been allowed to cool in sand and thereby anneal themselves over those shaken out soon after being poured. " Chilled iron is simply white iron, that is, iron in which graphite is absent and the carbon all in the combined or solution state. The same iron may be both gray and white, depending on rate of coohng and hence the exterior of the casting, if rapidly cooled, may be white while the interior which cools more slowly remains gray. Usually there is an Hardness 327 intermediate zone having a mottled structure formed through the inter- lacing and the gradual merging of the gray and white. A chiUing iron, then, is one which when rapidly cooled contains all of its carbon in the combined state. The factors which influence the depth and quahty of chill are the temperature at which the iron is poured, and the amounts of silicon, sulphur and phosphorus, manganese and total carbon, besides some of the elements which are not normally present in cast iron, but which are occasionally added. The higher the temperature at which iron is poured the deeper the chill, other things being equal, and it is usually considered advisable to pour chilled castings from hot iron. The quantitative effects of pouring temperature have been studied by Adamson, and while there are some conflicting results, it is in general indicated that in the case of the strongly chilling irons an increase of 50° in the pouring temperature causes an increase of from H to J4 inch in the depth of the chiU. The most important element in its effects on chill is silicon, which has the strongest action in precipitating graphite. For chilling iron, silicon should be low, but how low depends on the thickness of the casting, the temperature of pouring and the depth of chill desired as well as on the percentage of other elements in the iron. Table I gives a very approx- imate relationship between the percentage of silicon and depth of chill, other elements bei^ about normal. Table I. Approximate Relation Between Per Cent Silicon and Depth of Chill Silicon, per cent Depth of chill, inch Silicon, per cent Depth of ^ chill, inch I. SO 1.25 1. 00 Me 3/16 .75 .50 .40 ■ H H I Sulphur ^tends to increase the combined carbon, and, hence, the chill. So marked is its influence in this respect that it is sometimes added to cast iron to increase the depth of the chill. This,' however, is not usually good practice since the chill imparted by sulphur is lacking in toughness and strength as well as in resistance to heat strains. Scott cites the case of stamp shoes for mining machinery where sulphur was used to increase the chill. The shoes were very hard at first, but soon went to pieces under the repeated blows. Johnson, also, has noted the great difference between high and low sulphur chilled iron as regards 328 Chemical Analyses ability to withstand the strains of sudden cooling without cracking. On the other hand, West states that the chill produced by sulphur is very persistent to frictional wear, and, hence, it may be inferred that sulphur adds to the life of castings which are subject to abrasion. It has been stated that the presence of a small amount of sulphur is essential in order to get the best results in chilled rolls. This, however, is doubtful and it is believed that it is only rarely that sulphur is desirable in chilled castings. The presence of a moderate amount of manganese in cast iron greatly lessens the bad effects of sulphur in chilled as well as in gray iron castings. "Phosphorus in the amounts ordinarily present in commercial cast iron has but slight influence on the depth of the chill but does have a more or less injurious effect on its strength. It is generally stated that high phosphorus has the effect of causing a sharp hne of demarkation between the gray and chilled portions of the casting. . . . It is believed that it is best to limit the phosphorus in chilled iron to about 0.4 per cent. Manganese, since it tends to increase the combined carbon, also tends to increase the chill; However, it must be remembered that the first effect of manganese is to neutralize sulphur, and, therefore, in small amounts it may indirectly decrease the chill. Manganese very greatly increases the hardness of the chill, and, to a less extent, its strength. It also increases the resistance of the chill to heat stjjain and whence di- minishes the danger of surface cracks in such castings as chilled rolls and car wheels. Still another effect is the promotion of a more gradual merging of the gray and chilled portions of the castings. Manganese is usually considered a desirable constituent of chilled iron and the amounts used vary all the way from 0.40 up to 3.0 per cent. . . . Of late years, semi-steel mixtures have been used to some extent for chilled castings, the total carbon being considerably lower than in the ordinary mixture. The effect of low total carbon is to give a deep and comparatively soft chill as compared with the shallow, hard chill obtained with high total carbon. "It has been proposed to use nickel as a means of controlling chill, this element having an effect somewhat similar to silicon. Hence, by starting with a strong chilhng iron and adding nickel, the depth of the chill would be lessened in some ratio to the amount of nickel added. Since the same results may be obtained by the use of less expensive sihcon it is difficult to see any advantage in adding nickel. The quality of chilled iron may be very greatly improved by the addition of small amounts of titanium or vanadium. The beneficial effects of these elements are probably due chiefly to their deoxidizing power. . . . Shrinkage 329 Grain Structure "The fracture or grain size and the porosity are closely related and are both dependent primarily on the size of the graphite particles, and, to a less extent, on the percentage of graphite. ... Silicon should be kept jvist as low as possible and still have the cast- ings soft enough to machine. The exact percentage will depend on the thickness of the casting, the character of the mould and whether the casting is allowed to anneal itself or is quickly shaken out after pouring. It may range from 0.75 per cent for very heavy work up to 2.0 per cent for small valves, etc. It is believed that the majority of founders use more sihcon than is best in work of this character." Combined carbon has a powerful action in closing the grain and giving a dense iron and should be just as high as possible and still have the iron machinable. . . . Manganese had best be kept moderately high since it appears to have some beneficial effect in closing the grain. Sulphur is a powerful agent in closing the grain and is frequently made purposely high for this end. It is, however, a dangerous agent since it may cause trouble in other directions, and as a general proposi- tion it is better to keep the sulphur low and get necessary density by a proper regulation of sihcon and manganese. Finally, one of the best, if not the best, means of closing the grain of cast iron and seciuring the maximum density is by means of steel scrap in the mixture. This is now common practice with makers of hydrauhc castings, and is very effective. ... Shrinkage In considering the shrinkage of cast iron it is necessary to distinguish between the contraction of the fluid mass previous to and during the act of sohdifying and the contraction of the solid mass. The first is that form of shrinkage which necessitates feeding in heavy castings, and which so often results in shrink holes or spongy places in heavy sections of castings which are not fed. West calls this contraction of the fluid mass * shrinkage. ' "The contraction of the solid mass represents more nearly what is generally called shrinkage, this term as ordinarily used meaning the difference in size between the casting and its pattern. This contraction of the solid mass West calls ' contraction. ' "... It seems necessary to make some distinction between the total amount of fluid contraction and the tendency to form shrink holes in the heavy sections of small castings. At least there seems to be no 33^ Chemical Analyses very definite relation between chemical composition and this latter property and it is often the case that an iron low in graphite and, there- fore, having a high fluid contraction, will give sounder castings than another iron high in graphite and which would, therefore, require less feeding in a large casting. . . . " "Cook has found that two irons of practically identical chemical composition may give very different results as regards soundness when poured into small castings of heavy section and the writer can confirm this fact from his own experience. A convenient test has been developed by Cook to show the tendency of any particular brand of iron to trouble of this sort. This test consists in making a casting in the shape of a K, the branches having a cross section of one inch square. On breaking off the oblique branches any tendency to sponginess or shrink holes will at once be evident in the fracture." "As before stated there has thus far been discovered no important relationship between this property and chemical composition. It rather appears to be something inherent in the brand of iron. . . . It is a curious fact that, in some instances at least, the addition of a small amoimt of steel scrap to the mixture will act as a partial corrective." "The contraction of the sohd mass does not take place uniformly as the casting cools but in stages which are separated by periods of less contraction or even of actual expansion. The total shrinkage which perhaps includes also a portion of the shrinkage in the fluid mass is conveniently obtained by Keep's test or by casting a test bar between iron yokes and determining the space between the end of the bar and the yoke after cooling." "This, however, tells nothing as to the manner of shrinkage or the temperatiu-e at which it takes place. To get this latter information we must determine the shrinkage curve, or in other words, the length of the test bar at each instant of time during cooling, starting from the instant when the bar has solidified just enough to have some slight strength. West, Keep and Turner have described forms of apparatus for making these curves. Fig. 91 shows some typical shrinkage curves and illus- trates the relationship between chemical composition and the form of these curves." "It will be noted that there are three periods of expansion separated by intervals during which the shrinkage takes place. The first of these periods of expansion is due to the separation of graphite and hence is greatest in the softest irons. Note that in the case A , which is a white iron and contains no graphite, this expansion is entirely lacking. This expansion takes place within the temperature range 2200° to 1800° F., or immediately after the iron has solidified." Shrinkage 331 "The second expansion is due to the solidification of the phosphide eutectic with a consequent secondary precipitation of graphite at that time. Evidently, this expansion is only to be expected in high phos- phorus irons and it will be noted that it is lacking in C, which is low in phosphorus, and is well marked in D, which is high in phosphorus. This expansion takes place within the temperature range 1800° to 1500° F." "The third expansion is. in the writer's opinion, due to the change of the iron from the 'alpha' to the 'gamma' form, since it takes place |20 |>P X iU ■-^--0 10 o I 40 -|o50 c "~ 60 v CD J 70 c \n xi. ^ ^M? Vp 2%^ ^ ^ ^ ' — . ■A r "\ N \ \ X X \ A^ X \ \ 2 3 4 Percent Combined Carbon. Fig. 92. As previously noted, phosphorus also has the effect of lowering the melting point of cast iron but it is not nearly as powerful in its action as combined carbon. Iron containing 6.7 per cent phosphorus would melt at only 1740° F., but with less phosphorus than this the melting point rises rapidly so that the i or 2 per cent present in commercial high phos- phorus irons makes very little difference in the melting point. Fig. 92 gives in graphic form the data of Dr. Moldenke from which is drawn a line representing the approximate melting point of cast iron of any per cent combined carbon. 334 Chemical Analyses "Table I gives the melting points with analyses of some typical irons and ferroalloys selected from the above data. It will be noted that the metalloids other than carbon and phosphorus, i.e., the silicon, sulphur and manganese, seem to have very little effect on the melting point." Table I. — Melting Points of Cast Irons Melting point, degrees F. Com- bined carbon, per cent Graphite, per cent vSilicon, per cent Man- ganese, per cent Phos- phorus, per cent Sulphur, per cent 2030 3.98 .14 .10 .22 .037 pig iron 2100 3.52 .54 • 47 .20 .20 .036 " ' 2140 2.27 1.80 • 45 1. 10 1.46 .032 " * 2170 1.93 1.69 •52 .16 • 76 .036 " ' 2200 1.69 2.40 1. 81 •49 • 1.60 .060 " • 2210 1.48 2.30 1. 41 1.39 • 17 .033 " ' 2230 1. 12 2.66 1. 13 .24 .089 .027 " * 2210 .84 3.07 2.58 .47 2.12 .051 " ' 2250 .80 3.16 1.29 .50 .22 .020 " ' 2280 .13 3.43 2.40 .90 .08 .032 " " 2350 1.32 .21 .49 (?) (?) steel 2210 6.48 (carbon) • 14 44.59 (?) (?) ferromang. 2255 5.02 (carbon) 1.65 81.40 (?) (?) ferromang. 2190 3.38 • 37 12.30 16.98 (?) (? ) silicospiegel. 2040 1.82 • 47 12.01 1.38 (?) (?) ferrosilicon 2400 6.80 (carbon) (chromium 62.70) (?) ferrochrome 2280 (tungsten 39-02) (?) ferrotungsten Fluidity "Fluidity may be defined as ease of flow. It is synonymous with mobihty and opposed to viscosity. It is a property of far-reaching importance to the foundryman and especially to the manufactiu^er of small and intricate castings. Unfortunately, our means of measuring fluidity are not very satisfactory, and this makes it difficult to determine quantitatively the effect of composition upon this property. About the most satisfactory method is to pour fluidity strips or long strips of perhaps one square inch section (at one end) and tapering to nothing at the other. The distance which the iron runs in a mold of this form is a rough measure of its fluidity." "The factors which govern fluidity are percentage of silicon, percent- age of phosphorus, freedom from dissolved oxide and temperature above the melting point." "Sihcon perhaps aids fluidity by causing a separation of graphite at the moment of sohdification, thus, according to Field, liberating latent Resistance to Heat 335 heat and prolonging the life of the metal. On this basis, high total carbon would also aid fluidity by increasing the amount of graphite separated," "Phosphorus is probably the most important element as regards fluidity, high phosphorus causing a marked increase in this property. The best results are obtained with about 1.5 per cent phosphorus, although for other reasons it is seldom desirable to use as much as that." "Freedom from oxide is a very important point as its presence makes the metal sluggish and causes it to set quickly. It is a frequent and often unsuspected source of trouble. Dissolved oxide may be eliminated by any of the methods described." "The temperature above the freezing point is probably the most important factor of all in connection with fluidity, and it should here be noted that a distinction is made between freezing point and melting point. The two may coincide in the case of white iron, but will not usually, especially with gray iron. This is because, as we have already seen, gray irons have a melting temperature corresponding to their per- centage of combined carbon rather than total carbon. After they are in the molten state, however, all the carbon is in solution (combined as far as melting points are concerned), hence, the freezing point will corre- spond more nearly to the melting point of a white iron having the per- centage of combined carbon equal to the total carbon of the original gray iron. This will be in general from 100° to 300° lower than its melting point. For this reason when gray irons are melted they are always considerably superheated above their solidifying points, and the greater this superheat, the more fluid the iron. Evidently, the superheat due to this cause will be the greater the lower the combined carbon in the iron going into the cupola." Practical rules for getting fluid iron are as follows: "Keep the phosphorus high, — up to i.oo to 1.25 if possible." "If the work will permit, use a soft iron of 2 per cent or over in silicon, and low in combined carbon." "Avoid oxidizing conditions in melting and, if necessary, use deoxidiz- ing agents." "Use plenty of coke and good cupola practice." Resistance to Heat "Ability to withstand high temperatures is of paramount importance in several classes of castings such as grate bars, ingot moulds, anneahng boxes, etc., and the factors which affect this ability are, the percentage of phosphorus, sulphur and combined carbon, and the density or close- ness of grain." 336 Chemical Analyses "Phosphorus forms with iron an alloy which melts at only 1740° F., or about 400° lower than cast iron free from phosphorus, and each per cent of phosphorus present gives rise to 15 per cent of this easily fusible con- stituent. Now, it will be evident that the presence of a molten con- stituent in a piece of iron must greatly weaken it, and hence it is that the presence of much phosphorus decreases the resistance of cast iron to heat." "Sulphur acts in a similar manner to phosphorus since it also forms with iron a constituent of low melting point (1780° F.). It is, therefore, detrimental to castings which have to stand high temperatures." "As previously. noted, combined carbon is the element which more than any other determines the melting point of cast iron, this melting point becoming lower with increase in this element. It would seem then, that combined carbon must be very detrimental in this class of castings. However, it should be remembered that the condition of the carbon in the solid iron changes readily at high temperatiures, and, hence, after the casting has been in use for a while its combined carbon content will not in general be the same as when cast. This fact makes the question of combined carb6n of much less practical importance than either phos- phorus or sulphur." "Density or close grain is commonly stated to render cast iron con- siderably more resistant to the effects of heat. . . . " "One feature of the effect of heat on cast iron which deserves especial mention is the permanent expansion which it imdergoes on repeated heatings. This peculiar behavior was first discovered by Outerbridge and has since been also investigated by Rugan and Carpenter." "The extent to which this growth may take place is certainly sur- prising, the increase being in some cases as high as 46 per cent by volume and 1% inches in the length of a 15-inch bar. The strength of the metal is decreased proportionately to the expansion or to about one-half of the original strength. Both the expansion and the decrease in strength are explained by microscopic examination, which shows minute cracks throughout the interior of the metal. . . ." "Two conditions are necessary for this growth. First, repeated heatings, and second, a proper composition of the metal." "With regard to the heating, a minimum temperature of 1200° F. is necessary. At 1400° to 1600° the rate of growth is more rapid and an increase in temperature beyond 1700° produces no additional effect. Both heating and cooHng are necessary to procure the growth, and the time of heating makes very little difference. No greater growth was produced by 17 hours continuous heating than by 4 hours. The num- ber of heatings required to produce the maximum amount of growth Resistance to Heat 337 varies with different irons, but usually lies somewhere between 50 and 100." "Regarding the effects of composition, it appears that the growth is favored by the presence of graphite and silicon, and also by a large grain or open structure. White iron containing no graphite expands slightly when subjected to this treatment but not sufi&ciently to overcome its original shrinkage. In this case the expansion is due to the conversion of the combined carbon into the temper form, or in other words, to the malleableizing of the casting. Soft irons low in combined carbon and high in silicon show the greatest increase in volume. The effects of sulphur, manganese and phosphorus have not been investigated. Steel and wrought iron are not subject to this growth, but on the contrary undergo a slight permanent contraction when repeatedly heated." "It is evident that this property of cast iron is of great importance in many of the applications of the metal and limits its use for many pur- poses. It is, no doubt, the reason why a close-grained iron gives better results when exposed to high temperatures and affords an explanation for the warping of grate bars, annealing boxes and similar castings. It also shows why chills and permanent molds must not be allowed to be heated to redness, such a degree of heat resulting in permanent expansion and the loss of their original dimensions." The following is a summary of some of the published statements regarding the proper composition for castings exposed to high tempera- tures: "Cast iron to withstand high temperatures should be low in phos- phorus and combined carbon." "In car wheels manganese increases the resistance to heat strain." "For refractory castings choose a fine grained cast iron, best contain- ing about 2 per cent manganese to retard the separation of amorphous carbon." "Castings to resist heat should contain about 1.80 per cent silicon, 0.03 per cent sulphur, 0.70 per cent phosphorus, 0.60 per cent%ianganese and 2.90 per cent total carbon. Low sulphur is of chief importance, low silicon, carbon and manganese are also advisable." "Close-grained cast iron having the greatest density will invariably be found best to withstand chemical influences and high temperatures," "A chill which had given excellent service had the following composi- tion: silicon, 2.07 per cent; sulphur, 0.073 per cent; phosphorus, 0.03 per cent; manganese, 0.48 per cent; combined carbon, 0.23 per cent; graphite carbon, 2.41 per cent; total carbon, 2.64 per cent. • " Two permanent moulds which had given excellent service analyzed as follows : 338 Chemical Analyses Silicon, per cent Sulphvir, per cent Phosphorus, per cent Manganese, per cent Combined carbon, per cent Graphite, per cent Total carbon, per cent 2. IS 2. 02 .086 .070 1.26 .89 -41 .29 .13 .84 3.17 2.76 3.30 3.60 "Ingot moulds and stools are best made from medium soft iron low in phosphorus, or what is termed a regular Bessemer iron. ... ." Electrical Properties "Of the three electrical properties, conductivity, permeability and hysteresis, the second only is of importance in connection with cast iron. B 12.000 10,000 ^^' ^ e;0oo ^. 1?..' ;;: ^. ^- :^ c ^'^ '6,000 9 ,y^ ^y / > 4,000 / / / i 7 . / / // // / 2,000 !/ ' V 20 40 60 Fig. 93. 80 Little is known regarding the relation between chemical composition and conductivity of cast iron. In the case of steel it has been found that manganese is the element most injurious to this property with carbon a close second. Hence, by analogy, we may infer that to make iron castings of high conductivity we should keep both the manganese and combined carbon as low as possible. Electrical Properties 339 Permeability may be defined as magnetic conductivity and is of importance in many castings used in the construction of electrical machinery. Permeability data are generally given in the form of a curve expressing the relation between the magnetizing force H and the resulting field strength or number of lines of magnetic force per unit area B. This is known as the permeabihty curve. The permeabihty is the ratio ^ and it will be noted that it is different for each value of the B magnetizing force, H, but approaches a constant or saturation value for high values of U. See Fig. 93. 160 .,S 924 n'2 1 fs T I^^ P" y 13, 140 H --^ f\ ^ ^J^' ^r / jT 10^ n^ 19 ►)7 ^ ^ rfcd 120 4 \ N 3. Sii. Pho5. Mang. 1.79 .75 .19 ^ ^ . i 1.76 .75 1.73 1- 1.81 .75 1.05 J 178 75 I 01 100 i.^^ a 1.76 .75 3.46 7 1.75 .75 .35 i 2.70 ■ .75 .-^fi \ 9 2.61 .75 .35 10 lis .75 ,36 11 3.67 .76 .36 80 \ 3 .46. 4 1.49 .16 .75 .49 \ 6 Z,09 .85.75 .4B 7 2.08 1.35.75 .43 8 2.14 3.18.75 .43 60 6^ ^ 9 ).6Z .91 .47 to 1.69 l.ll .49 21 1.63 I.7S .43 23 1.84 Z.SS .SZ 24 1.76 ?.6I • .54 1 1.0 2.0 3.0 Fig. 94. 4.0 6.0 The effects of the various elements on permeability are not yet entirely clear although there are some published data along this line. The writer has recentfy done considerable work on the relation between permeability and chemical composition of cast iron, and the resiilts, as yet unpubHshed, are summarized in Fig. 94. It will be noted that the effects of silicon, phosphorus and aluminum are not well marked and are probably not of 340 Chemical Analyses any very great importance. On the other hand, manganese has a very detrimental effect on this property. Silicon has the opposite effect from manganese in that it accelerates this change in the form of the iron, and we would, therefore, expect it to have a more or less beneficial influence. Silicon steel has achieved a wide reputation as a high permeability material for use in the construction of tran former cores, etc. According to the author's results high silicon is particularly effective in increasing B for low values oiH. An important element not considered in the diagram, Fig. 94, is carbon. For high permeability the lower the carbon the better, and excellent results are now being obtained through the use of semi-steel for electrical castings. In this connection, however, it must be remembered that manganese is undesirable and hence must be used cautiously as a deoxidizer in this class of work. Some practical rules for obtaining high permeability iron are given herewith. Keep the silicon high, best in the neighborhood of 3 per cent. Keep the manganese low, preferabl}^ below 0.5 per cent. If practicable keep the carbon low by the use of steel scrap or air fiirnace iron. Allow the castings to anneal themselves, i.e., cool completely in the sand before shaking out. Hysteresis, like conductivity, is seldom or never of importance in cast iron. The property may be defined as the loss of energy due to molecular friction when magnetic polarity is reversed. The effect of composition upon hysteresis is in general about the same as in the case of permeability. Resistance to Corrosion Although there are a great many corrosive agencies it is not practicable, because of lack of information, to treat of each separately, and so far as we know the effects of composition woiild be relatively the same for the various corroding agents. The following is a summary of most of the published information along this line: Pig iron which best resists acids contains silicon, i.o per cent; phos- phorus, 0.5 per cent; sulphur, 0.05 per cent; carbon, 3.0 per cent. Excellent results with respect to resistance to corrosion by acids were obtained through the use of a mixture of three brands of pig iron.^, B and C in the proportion, two parts of A, one part B and one part C The analysis of the pig irons is thus given: Resistance to Corrosion 341 Fracture Silicon, per cent Manganese, per cent Phosphorus, per cent Total carbon, per cent A Dark gray 3. SO I -SO .70 ■ 50 .40 •25 .20 .20 .20 3.80 3.50 3.50 B Light Gray . C Mottled. The composition of acid-resistant castings should be about as follows: Silicon, per cent Sulphur, per cent Phosphorus, per cent Manganese, per cent Total carbon, per cent .8 to 2.0 .02 to .03 .40 to .60 I to 2.0 3.0 to 3.5 and in addition, the metal should be as free as possible from oxide. Cast iron to withstand the corrosive action of molten chemicals should be close grained and dense. The iron having the greatest den- sity will invariably be found to best withstand chemical influences and high temperatures. The addition of deoxidizing agents is of great benefit. Gray iron is attacked by acids about three times as fast as white iron. In cases where it is not practicable to use white iron castings it is some- times possible to cast against chills in such a manner as to form a white iron surface to resist corrosion and still leave the body of the casting gray. In a series of tests on the acid-resisting properties of some well-known EngHsh brands of iron, the No. i iron, presumably high in silicon, and the "hematite," low in phosphorus and probably high in siUcon, gave the best results. Ferrosilicons with high percentages of silicon, 20 per cent and over, are remarkably resistant to the effects of acids and are being made into vessels for use in the chemical industries. Sulphur has been found to be a source of corrosion in steel in some instances, causing pitting at points where manganese sulphide has segregated. It has been shown that the presence of small amounts of copper in steel and puddled iron diminish their tendency to rust. Some practical rules for obtaining castings resistant to corrosion are as follows : Use white iron if practicable. 342 Chemical Analyses If not practicable to use white iron casting, chill those surfaces which are to be in contact with the corrosive substances. If gray iron must be used get dense, close-grained castings through the use of steel scrap or otherwise. Avoid oxidized metal, use good cupola practice and good pig irons. If possible use deoxidizing agents. Keep the sulphur just as low as possible. Resistance to Wear We must first make some distinction between two cases of wear typified by a grinding roll and a brake shoe. The first case may be dismissed by the simple statement that the greater the hardness the better the wear, providing at the same time that the iron is sufficiently strong. In the second case, however, it is necessary that the casting should not be so hard as to unduly wear the material with which it comes in contact. For example, the brake shoe must be softer than the tread of the car wheel. There is no theory to guide us in the matter and the rules given are the results of experiment chiefly with brake shoes. Too much silicon gives an open, soft iron which does not wear well. The best results are obtained with silicon about iH per cent in castings of medium thickness. Sulphur is claimed by many to be advantageous in castings for fric- tional wear because it closes the grain and hardens somewhat. Diller records a peculiar occurrence of a hard spot which could not be machined, a smooth surface being formed which wore the drill although it could be dented with a center punch. Analysis showed 0.20 per cent sulphur and 0.50 per cent combined carbon. Phosphorus is best kept moderately low. Most specifications call for 0.75 per cent or under. It is injurious probably because it weakens the iron at the high temperature sometimes produced by friction. Manganese is best kept moderately high to take care of the sulphur. Most brake shoe specifications call for under 0.70 per cent. The addition of steel scrap to the mixture has been found to give excellent results for this class of work, probably owing to the reduction in the total carbon and to its action in closing the grain. Coefficient of Friction There are no data as to the relation between the composition of cast iron and its coefficient of friction. Since graphite is an excellent lubri- cant it is probable that the percentage of graphite is the controlling factor here, the friction decreasing with increase in this element. From Casting Properties 343 theoretical considerations we should expect the best results to be obtained with a very soft iron low in sulphur, manganese and combined carbon and high in graphite. Casting Properties The properties which remain to be considered pertain more par- ticularly to the casting as a whole and are chiefly influenced by the design, moulding and pouring of the casting, and to a very much less extent, by the composition of the metal. Unsoundness due to the presence of blow-holes and shrinkage cavities, while usually resulting from bad practice in moulding may also be caused by poor quality of metal. Blowholes may be caused by oxidized metal or by excessive sulphur. . . . When caused by sulphur the remedy is to decrease this element. Raising the manganese is often effective in preventing blowholes since it acts both as a deoxidizer and desulphurizer. Scott states that manganese below 0.25 per cent often results in blow- holes. High phosphorus sometimes acts as a corrective of blowholes due to its prolonging the fluidity, thus giving the iron more chance to release the dissolved gases. Dirty castings are also caused chiefly by poor moulding, pouring or cupola practice. Occasionally, however, it may result from wrong composition of the metal, and the points chiefly to be watched are to keep the sulphur low; to avoid kish or segregated graphite and to avoid oxidized metal. Sulphur tends to cause dirty castings because it makes the iron congeal more quickly, and hence any dirt present has less chancy to separate. In addition, the sulphides of iron and manganese themselves form dirt spots when segregated. Kish is usually caused by too much silicon, or sometimes by too much total carbon. Oxidized metal is a prolific source of dirty castings, but the oxidization is usually due to bad cupola practice, or to the use of oxidized scrap. Moderately high manganese and phos- phorus are conducive to clean castings, the first because it takes care of sulphur and oxidation, and the second because it increases the fluidity of the metal and thus gives the dirt a better chance to float out. Porosity is usually caused by the presence of kish (see preceding paragraph). Pinholes, another form of porosity, are usually due to excessive sulphiir in the form of iron sulphide. This compound retains gases in solution until the metal is partially frozen and then releases them in the form of tiny bubbles which give rise to this defect. Decrease in sulphur or increase in manganese or both is the remedy. Segregation proper is caused by the difference in melting point and specific gravity of the several constituents of cast iron. The constit- 344 Chemical Analyses uents of lowest melting point are the phosphorus and sulphur compounds, and it is, therefore, in these cases that we find the greatest tendency towards segregation. It is not unusual to find hard spots in heavy castings high in phosphorus which are caused by the phosphide being squeezed out into blow-holes formed during solidification. Frequently the phosphide does not completely fill the cavity, or fills it as a loose globule. The sulphides, owing to their low specific gravity, usually segregate in the top of the casting and it is not infrequent to find sev- eral times the normal amount of sulphur in the upper part of heavy castings. Manganese sulphide segregates more readily than iron sul- phide. Besides segregation proper we sometimes find cases of non-homo- geneity due to other causes. Occasionally spots of white iron are found in the interior of castings. It has always been difficult to account for these but the clew is given by the fact that they are invariably found in castings poured from the first metal tapped. Undoiibtedly they are caused by the iron boiling on the sand bed and are connected in some way with the partial Bessemerizing of the metal. Again, hard spots in castings are sometimes due to small pieces of metal (for example, small steel scrap and shot iron) being incompletely melted in their passage through the cupola. Ferromanganese and other ferro- alloys may give rise to this same trouble through incomplete solution when stirred into the ladle. Shrinkage strains are caused primarily by wrongly designed castings, but the trouble may be aggravated by the composition of the metal. High sulphur is a particularly prolific source of internal stresses, and, in general, the greater the total shrinkage, the greater the strains due to this cause. As all foundrymen know, the fineness of finish and smoothness of skin of a casting depend chiefly on the sands and facings used and the skill of the moulder. High phosphorus in the iron, however, is a consider- able aid in getting the fine skin desired in ornamental work. Another element affecting the skin is manganese which has the rather peculiar action of causing the sand to peel from the castings with extreme readi- ness. With I per cent manganese this tendency is evident and with 2 per cent it is very marked. Bars, plates and hollow castings were treated, which were permitted to cool in the moulds. The plates cooled more slowly than the bar samples and the material proved somewhat softer, giving smaller values for the bending, tensile and compressive strength, but was better as regards flexure and strength to resist impact. Tests reported to the Iron and Steel Institute showed : Notes on the Micro-structure of Cast Iron 345 The best tensile and* transverse tests are obtained from bars which have been machined. Transverse test bars cast on edge and tested with the "fin" in com- pression give the best results. The transverse test is not so reliable or helpful as that of the moment of resistance. Cast iron gives the best results when poured as hot as possible. As in some measure explanatory of the conflicting results obtained in testing bars of precisely the same chemical combination, and as showing the importance of microscopical examinations of the structure of cast iron in pointing out the causes of difference in its physical properties, the paper of Mr. Percy Longmuir published in the Journal of the American Foundrjrmen's Association, June, 1903 is given in full. Notes on the Micro-structure of Cast Iron By Percy Longmuir, Sheffield, England Journal of the American Foundrymen's Association, Vol. XII, June, IQ03. Instances are occasionally found where metal of the right chemical composition goes wrong in practice. It is in cases of this kind that the real value of microscopical examination is most evident, for very often such an examination will locate the trouble and at the same time suggest a remedy. Naturally an examination of diseased samples can only be undertaken after a thorough study of healthy ones, hence a foundation for the study of abnormal samples must necessarily be based on the knowledge gained from a wide series of normal ones, that is, samples of known chemical composition and known physical conditions. The structoare of cast iron is very complex — far more so than that of steel — a fact readily shown by the high content of elements present other than iron. By polishing and etching a sample of cast iron, several of the compounds of the elements with iron are, under suitable magni- fication, rendered visible. The structural features, such as the arrange- ment and distribution of the various compounds and their relationship to each other, can then be readily noted and the effect of this combination on the mass then becomes an estimable quantity. If the metal under examination contain no impurities it is evident that its mass will be built up of pure crystals. A section cut from such a pure metal will, after polishing and etching, show only the crystal junctions. Crystal junctions of this type are shown in Fig. 95 , which represents the structure of almost pure iron. Even here, although the metal is so pure, the very minute trace of carbon present can be readily detected in the dark knots of which about a dozen are to be seen. As foreign elements 346 Chemical Analyses are added to pure iron the structure becomes more complex and a point is reached when all the pure crystals are replaced by more complex ones. It is to be remembered that all gray irons contain appreciable amounts of two varieties of carbon, silicon, manganese, sulphur and phosphorus. =13 — Magnified 360 diameters 0.03 0.02 0.07 Sulphur Phosphorus Iron 99 01 01 86 Fig. 95. Carbon Silicon Manganese Of these elements graphite is present in its elementary form, that is, as free carbon. The remaining constituents are present in compound form associated either with iron or with other elements. Thus sulphur may occur as sulphide of manganese or as iron sulphide. Carbon occurring Fig. 96. — Magnified 60 diameters. Combined Carbon o . 54 Manganese Graphite 3 . 1 1 Sulphur Silicon 1.77 Phosphorus 0.63 0.04 1-34 in the combined form is present as a definite carbide of iron; or under certain conditions as a double carbide of iron and manganese. Phos- phorus is associated with iron as a definite phosphide. These compounds are all distinguishable under suitable magnification, but the association of silicon and iron is, so far as present knowledge goes, unrecognizable. Notes on the Micro-structure of Cast Iron 347 Microscopically these constituents have received other names — for instance pare iron is known as "ferrite," hence a structure similar to that of Fig. 96 consists almost entirely of ferrite. Combined carbon receives the term "cementite" and a mixture of cementite and ferrite Fig. 97. — Magnified 460 diameters. Fig. 98. — Magnified 360 diameters. is known as "pearlite." Pearlite often consists of alternate striae of cementite and ferrite and in such a form gives a magnificent play of colors resembling those of mother-of-pearl, consequently this constituent was named by its discoverer, Dr. Sorby, the "pearly constituent," a term now contracted to "pearhte." ' Fig. 99. — Magnified 50 diameters. Combined Carbon 3 . 25 Sulphur 0.41 Silicon 0.78 Phosphorus 0.06 Manganese o . 09 The classical researches of Professor Arnold have conclusively shown that iron containing 0.89 per cent carbon consists entirely of pearlite. As the content of carbon increases above 0.89 per cent, structurally free cementite appears increasing in quantity with each increment of carbon. It therefore follows that a white cast iron will consist essentially of 34^ Chemical Analyses cementite and pearlite. In the majority of gray irons used in the found- ries the conibined carbon is well below 0.89 per cent — cementite is, therefore, only present as a constituent of pearlite. Sulphide globules when in the form of manganese sulphide show a light gray color, while iron sulphide shows a hght brown tint. In high sulphur irons the sulphide tends to envelop the crystals; a section cut from such an iron would show a network of sulphide following the crystal junctions and destroying their continuity. These siilphides have been thoroughly investigated by Professor Arnold whose researches have thrown much light on the behaviour of both iron and manganese sulphide. The relations of iron and phosphorus have been very thoroughly studied by Mr. J. E. Stead. In September, 1900, Mr. Stead presented Fig. 100. — Magnified 50 diameters. Combined Carbon 0.82 Manganese 0.09 Graphite 2.07 Sulphur 0.37 Sihcon 0.75 Phosphorus 0.07 before the Iron and Steel Institute a most exhaustive research on this subject. With ordinary pig irons the phosphide of iron appears to be rejected to a eutectic of uncertain composition. Eutectic may for our purpose be defined as that portion last to sohdify. This phosphide eutectic may be readily distinguished in all gray irons by an ordinary etching medium, but in white irons containing structurally free cementite, Mr. Stead's "heat tinting" process becomes necessary to distinguish the eutectic from the cementite. Fig. 96 reproduces a photo-microscope of an unetched section of gray iron at a magnification of 60 diameters. This magnification gives, as it were, a general view only — to get at the ultimate structure higher powers must be used. Fig. 97 represents the structure of an ordinary gray iron magnified 460 diameters. The larger Notes on the Micro-structure of Cast Iron 349 portion of this field consists of pearlite embedded in which are irregular areas of the phosphide eutectic and several notable black plates of graphite. The phosphide eutectic is recognizable by its irregular shape and broken up structure; an area in the center of the photograph enclos- ing an area of pearlite is worthy of notice. Fig. 98 reproduces an area of phosphide eutectic from the same section as Fig. 96. A typical white cast iron consisting essentially of pearlite and cementite is shown in Fig. 99. This is a type of iron used as a base for the production of malleable cast iron. The influences of annealing are shown in Fig. 100, which represents the same iron as Fig. 99, after going through the ordinary malleable iron Fig. ioi. — Magnified 60 diameters. annealing in ore. This section consists essentially of pearlite and graphite — the analyses appended to each figure showing the change in carbon condition. For the loan of the negatives illustrating Figs. 99 and 100, the writer is indebted to the courtesy of Mr. T. Baker, B. Sc. Quite apart from the clear light thrown on what has been aptly termed the internal architecture of a metal, microscopical examination reveals many other features of profitable interest, one notable feature being the examination of minute flaws. Space will not permit of many illustra- tions under this head, but Fig. loi, reproduced from a photo-nlicrograph of a pin-hole in the same section as Fig. 96, will show the range of possi- bility in this direction. Obviously, a study of flaws of this character offers much to the founder producing castings which have to meet a hydraulic or high steam pressure test. CHAPTER XIV Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Car Wheels Chemical Properties The wheels furnished under this specification must be made from the best materials and in accordance with the best foundry methods. The following pattern analysis is given for information, as representing the chemical properties of a good cast iron wheel. Successful wheels, varying in some of the constituents quite considerably from the figures given, may be made: Analysis Per cent Analysis Per cent Total carbon 3.50 2.90 .60 .70 Manganese Phosphorus Sulphur 40 Graphitic carbon .50 08 Silicon .... 1. Wheels will be inspected and tested at the place of manufacture. 2. All wheels must conform in general design and in measurements to drawings which will be furnished, and any departure from the stand- ard drawing must be by special permission in writing. Manufacturers wishing to deviate from the standard dimensions must submit duplicate drawings showing the proposed changes, which must be approved. Drop Tests 3. The following table gives data as to weight and tests of various kinds of wheels for different kinds of cars and service: Wheel 33-inch diameter freight and pas- senger cars 36-inch diameter Kind of service ...\ 60,000 lbs. capacity and less I 600 70,000 lbs. capacity 2 650 100,000 lbs. capacity 3 700 Passenger cars 4 700 lbs. Locomotive tenders 5 750 lbs. Desired . . . Weight \ Variation . Two per cent either way Height of drop, feet. Number of blows . . . 9 10 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 14 350 Material and Chill ^ 351 Marking 4. Each wheel must have plainly cast on the outside plate the name of the maker and place of manufacture. Each wheel must also have cast on the inside double plate the date of casting and a serial foundry number. The manufacturer must also provide for the guarantee mark, if so required by the contract. No wheel bearing a dupUcate number, or a number which has once been passed upon, will be considered. Num- bers of wheels once rejected will remain unfilled. No wheel bearing an indistinct number or date, or any evidence of an altered or defaced number will be considered. Measures 5. All wheels offered for inspection must have been measured with a standard tape measure and must have the shrinkage number stenciled in plain figures on the inside of the wheel. The standard tape measure must correspond in form and construction to the "Wheel Circumference Measure" established by the Master Car Builders' Association in 1900. The nomenclature of that measure need not, however, be followed, it being suflQcient if the graduating marks indicating tape sizes are one- eighth of an inch apart. Any convenient method of showing the shrink- age or stencil number may be employed. Experience shows that standard tape measures elongate a little with use, and it is essential to have them frequently compared and rectified. When ready for inspec- tion, the wheels must be arranged in rows according to shrinkage numbers, all wheels of the same date being grouped together. Wheels bearing dates more than thirty days prior to the date of inspection will not be accepted for test, except by permission. For any single inspection and test, only wheels having three consecutive shrinkage or stencil numbers will be considered. The manufacturer will, of course, decide what three shrinkage or stencil numbers he will submit in any given lot of 103 wheels offered, and the same three shrinkage or stencil numbers need not be offered each time. Finish 6. The body of the wheels must be smooth and free from slag and blowholes, and the hubs must be solid. Wheels will not be rejected because of drawing around the center core. The tread and throat of the wheels must be smooth, free from deep and irregular wrinkles, slag, sand wash, chill cracks or swollen rims, and be free from any evidence of hollow rims, and the throat and tread must be practically free from sweat. Material and Chill 7. Wheels tested must show soft, clean, gray iron, free from defects, such as holes containing slag or dirt more than one-quarter of an inch in 352 Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Car Wheels diameter, or clusters of such holes, honeycombing of iron in the hub, white iron in the plates or hub, or clear white iron around the anchors of chaplets at a greater distance than one-haK of an inch in any direction. The depth of the clear white iron must not exceed seven-eighths of an inch at the throat and one inch at the middle of the tread, nor must it be less than three-eighths of an inch at the throat or any part of the tread. The blending of the white hon with the gray iron behind must be without any distinct line of demarcation, and the iron must not have a mottled appearance in any part of the wheel at a greater distance than one and five-eighths inches from the tread or throat. The depth of chill will be determined by inspection of the three test wheels described below, all test wheels being broken for this purpose, if necessary. If one only of the three test wheels fails in limits of chill, all the lot under test of the same shrinkage or stencil number will be rejected and the test will be regarded as finished so far as this lot of 103 wheels is concerned. The manufacturer may, however, offer the wheels of the other two shrinkage or stencil numbers, provided they are acceptable in other respects as constituents of another 103 wheels for a subsequent test. If two of the three test wheels fail in limits of chill, the wheels in the lot of 103 of the same shrinkage or stencil number as these two wheels will be rejected, and, as before, the test will be regarded as finished as far as this lot of 103 wheels is concerned. The manufacturer may, however, offer the wheels of the third shrinkage or stencil number, provided they are acceptable in other respects, as constituents of another 103 wheels for a subsequent test. If all three test wheels fail in limits of chill, of course the whole hundred will be rejected. Inspection and Shipping 8. The manufacturer must notify when he is ready to ship not less than 100 wheels; must await the arrival of the inspector; must have a car, or cars, ready to be loaded with wheels, and must furnish facilities and labor to enable the Inspector to inspect, test, load and ship the wheels promptly. Wheels offered for inspection must not be covered with any substance which will hide defects. 9. One himdred or more wheels being ready for test, the inspector will make a list of the wheel numbers, at the same time examining each wheel for defects. Any wheels which fail to conform to specifications by reason of defects must be laid aside, and such wheels will not be accepted for shipment. As individual wheels are rejected, others of the proper shrinkage or stencil number may be offered to keep the number good. Thermal Test 353 Retaping 10. The inspector will retape not less than 10 per cent of the wheels offered for test, and if he finds any showing wrong tape-marking, he will tape the whole lot and require them to be restenciled, at the same time ha\dng the old stencil marks obliterated. He will weigh and make check measurements of at least 10 per cent of the wheels offered for test, and if any of these wheels fail to conform to the specification, he will weigh and measure the whole lot, refusing to accept for shipment any wheels which fail in these respects. Drop Tests 11. Experience indicates that wheels with higher shrinkage or lower stencil numbers are more apt to fail on thermal test; more apt to fail on drop test and more apt to exceed the maximum allowable chill than those with higher stencil or lower shrinkage numbers; while, on the other hand, wheels with higher stencil or lower shrinkage mmibers are more apt to be deficient in chill. For each 103 wheels apparently acceptable, the inspector will select three wheels for test — one from each of the three shrinkage or stencil numbers offered. One of these wheels chosen for this purpose by the inspector must be tested by drop test as follows: The wheel must be placed flange downward in an anvil block weighing not less than 1700 pounds, set on rubble masonry two feet deep and having three supports not more than five inches wide for the flange of the wheel to rest on. It must be struck centrally upon the hub by a weight of 200 pounds, falhng from a height as shown in the table on page 350. The end of the falling weight must be flat, so as to strike fairly on the hub, and when by wear the bottom of the weight assumes a roimd or conical form, it must be replaced. The machine for making this test is shown on drawings which will be furnished. Should the wheel stand, without breaking in two or more pieces, the niraiber of blows shown in the above table, the one hundred wheels represented by it wiU be considered satisfactory as to this test. . Should it fail, the whole hundred will be rejected. Thermal Test 12. The other two test wheels must be tested as follows: The wheels must be laid flange down in the sand, and a channel way one and one-half inches in width at the center of the tread and four inches deep must be molded with green sand around the wheel. The clean tread of the wheel must form one side of this channel way, and the clean flange must form as much of the bottom as its width will cover. The channel way must 354 Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Car Wheels then be filled to the top from one ladle with molten cast iron, which must be poured directly into the channel way without previous cooling or stirring, and this iron must be so hot, when poured, that the ring which is formed when the metal is cold shall be sohd or free from wrinkles or layers. Iron at this temperature will usually cut a hole at the point of impact with the flange. In order to avoid spitting during the pouring, the tread and inside of the flange during the thermal test should be covered with a coat of shellac; wheels which are wet or which have been exposed to snow or frost may be warmed sufficiently to dry them or remove the frost before testing, but under no circumstances must the thermal test be applied to a wheel that in any part feels warm to the hand. The time when pouring ceases must be noted, and two minutes later an examination of the wheel under test must be made. If the wheel is found broken in pieces, or if any crack in the plates extends through or into the tread, the test wheel will be regarded as having failed. If both wheels stand, the whole hundred will be accepted as to this test. If both fail, the whole hundred will be rejected. If one only of the ther- mal test wheels fails, all of the lot under test of the same shrinkage or stencil number will be rejected, and the test will be regarded as finished, so far as this lot of wheels is concerned. The manufacturer may, however, offer the wheels of the other two shrinkage or stencil numbers, provided they are acceptable in other respects, as constituents of another 103 wheels for a subsequent test. Storing and Shipping 13. All wheels which pass inspection and test will be regarded as accepted, and may be either shipped or stored for future shipment, as arranged. It is desired that shipments should be, as far as possible, in lots of 100 wheels. In all cases the inspector must witness the shipment, and he must give, in his report, the numbers of all wheels inspected and the disposition made of them. Rejections 14. Individual wheels will be considered to have failed and will not be accepted or further considered, which. First. Do not conform to standard design and measurement. Second. Are under or over weight. Third. Have the physical defects described in Section 6. 15. Each 103 wheels submitted for test will be considered to have failed and will not be accepted or considered further, if. First. The test wheels do not conform to Section 7, especially as to limits of white iron in the throat and tread and around chaplets. Standard Specifications for Locomotive Cylinders 355 Second. One of the test wheels does not stand the drop test as de- scribed in Section 11. Third. Both of the two test wheels do not stand the thermal test as described in Section 12. Standard Specifications for Locomotive Cylinders Process of Manufacture Locomotive cylinders shall be made from a good quality of close-grained gray iron cast in a dry sand mould. Chemical Properties Drillings taken from test pieces cast as hereafter mentioned shall conforrn to the following limits in chemical composition: Silicon from 1.25 to 1.75 per cent Phosphorus not over o . 90 per cent Sulphur not over o. 10 per cent Physical Properties The minimum physical qualities for cylinder iron shall be as follows: The "Arbitration Test Bar," iH inches in diameter, with supports 12 inches apart, shall have a transverse strength not less than 3000 pounds, centrally appUed, and a deflection not less than o.io of an inch. Test Pieces and Method of Testing The standard test-bar shall be iH inches in diameter, about 14 inches long, cast on end in dry sand. The drillings for analysis shall be taken from this test piece, but in case of rejection the manufacturer shall have the option of analyzing drilhngs from the bore of the cylinder, upon which analysis the acceptance or rejection of the cylinder shall be based. One test piece for each cylinder shall be required. Character of Castings Castings shall be smooth, well cleaned, free from blow-holes, shrinkage cracks or other defects, and must finish to blue-print size. Each cyhnder shall have cast on each side of saddle, the manufacturer's mark, serial number, date made and mark showing order number. Inspector The inspector representing the purchaser shall have all reasonable facihties afforded to him by the manufacturer to satisfy himself that the finished material is furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspections shall be made at the place of the manufacturer. 356 Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe Standard Specifications for Cast-Iron Pipe and Special Castings Description of Pipes The pipes shall be made with hub and spigot joints, and shall accurately conform to the dimensions given in tablss Nos. I and II. They shall be straight and shall be true circles in section, with their inner and outer surfaces concentric, and shall be of the specified dimensions in outside diameter. They shall be at least 12 feet in length, exclusive of socket. For pipes of each size from 4-inch to 24-inch, inclusive, there shall be two standards of outside diameter, and for pipes from 30-inch to 60-inch, inclusive, there shall be four standards of outside diameter, as shown by table No. II. All pipes having the same outside diameter shall have the same inside diameter at both ends. The inside diameter of the lighter pipes of each standard outside diameter shall be gradually increased for a distance of about 6 inches from each end of the pipe so as to obtain the required standard thickness and weight for each size and class of pipe. Pipes whose standard thickness and weight are intermediate between the classes in table No. II shall be made of the same outside diameter as the next heavier class. Pipes whose standard thickness and weight are less than shown by table No. II shall be made of the same outside diam- eter as the class A pipes, and pipes whose thickness and weight are more than shown by table No. II shall be made of the same outside diameter as the class D pipes. For 4-inch to 12-inch pipes, inclusive, one class of special castings shall be furnished, made from class D pattern. Those having spigot ends shall have outside diameters of spigot ends midway between the two standards of outside diameters as shown by table No. II, and shall be tapered back for a distance of 6 inches. For 14-inch to 24-inch pipes, inclusive, two classes of special castings shall be furnished, class B spe- cial castings with classes A and B pipes, and class D special castings with classes C and D pipes, the former to be stamped "AB" and the latter to be stamped "CD." For 30-inch to 60-inch pipes, inclusive, four classes of special castings shall be furnished, one for each class of pipe, and shall be stamped with the letter of the class to which they belong. Allowable Variation in Diameter of Pipes and Sockets Especial care shall be taken to have the sockets of the required size. The sockets and spigots will be tested by circular gauges, and no pipe will be received which is defective in joint room from any cause. The diam- eters of the sockets and the outside diameters of the bead ends of the Special Castings 357 pipes shall not vary from the standard dimensions by more than 0.06 of an inch for pipes 16 inches or less in diameter; 0.08 of an inch for 18-inch, 20-inch and 24-inch pipes; o.io of an inch for 30-inch, 36-inch and 42-inch pipes; 0.12 of an inch for 48-inch, and 0.15 of an inch for 54-inch and 60-inch pipes. Allowable Variation in Thickness For pipes whose standard thickness is less than i inch, the thickness of metal in the body of the pipe shall not be more than 0.08 of an inch less than the standard thickness, and for pipes whose standard thickness is I inch or more, the variation shall not exceed o.io of an inch, except that for spaces not exceeding 8 inches in length in any direction, variations from the standard thickness of 0.02 of an inch in excess of the allowance above given shall be permitted. For special castings of standard patterns a variation of 50 per cent greater than allowed for straight pipe shall be permitted. Defective Spigots may he Cut Defective spigot ends on pipes 12 inches or more in diameter may be cut off in a lathe and a half-round wrought-iron band shrunk into a groove cut in the end of the pipe. Not more than 1 2 per cent of the total number of accepted pipes of each size shall be cut and banded, and no pipe shall be banded which is less than 11 feet in length, exclusive of the socket. In case the length of a pipe differs from 12 feet, the standard weight of the pipe given in table No. II shall be modified in accordance therewith. Special Castings All special castings shall be made in accordance with the cuts and the dimensions given in the table forming a part of these specifications. The diameters of the sockets and the external diameters of the bead ends of the special castings shall not vary from the standard dimensions by more than 0.12 of an inch for castings 16 inches or less in diameter; 0.15 of an inch for 18-inch, 20-Inch and 24-inch castings; 0.20 of an inch for 30-inch, 36-inch and 42-inch castings; and 0.24 of an inch for 48- inch, 54-inch and 60-inch castings. These variations apply only to special castings made from standard patterns. The flanges on all manhole castings and manhole covers shall be faced true and smooth, and drilled to receive bolts of the sizes given in the tables. The manufacturer shall furnish and deUver all bolts for bolting on the manhole covers, the bolts to be of the sizes shown on plans and made of the best quality of mild steel, with hexagonal heads and nuts and sound, well-fitting threads. 3S8 Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe Table No. I. — General Dimensions or Pipes K PipelZ'-O" '>i Fig. I02. Nom- Actual Diameter of sockets Depth of sockets inal diam., Classes outside diam., A B Pipe, inches Special Pipe, inches Special C inches inches castings, inches castings, inches 4 A-B 4.80 5.60 5.70 3.50 4.00 1.5 1.30 .65 4 C-D 500 5.80 5.70 3.50 4.00 1.5 1.30 .65 6 A-B 6.90 7.70 7.80 3.50 4 00 1.5 1.40 .70 6 C-D 7.10 7.90 7.80 3.50 4.00 1.5 1.40 .70 8 9.05 9.85 10.00 4.00 4.00 1.5 1.50 75 8 'c-D 9.30 10.10 10.00 4.00 4.00 1.5 1.50 .75 lo A-B II. 10 11.90 12.10 4.00 4.00 1.5 1.50 .75 lO C-D 11.40 12.20 12.10 4. CO 4.00 1.5 1.60 .80 12 A-B 13.20 14.00 14.20 4.00 4.00 1.5 1.60 .80 12 C-D 13.50 14.30 14.20 4.00 4.00 1. 5 1.70 .85 14 A-B 15.30 16.10 16.10 4.00 4.00 1. 5 1.70 .85 14 C-D 15.6s 16.45 16.45 4.00 4.00 1.5 1.80 .90 i6 A-B 17.40 18.40 18.40 4.00 4.00 1. 75 1.80 .90 i6 C- 17.80 18.80 18.80 4.00 4.00 1.75 1.90 1. 00 i8 A-B 19.50 20.50 20.50 4.00 4.00 1.75 1.90 • 95 i8 C-D 19.92 20.92 20.92 4.00 4.00 1.75 2.10 1.05 20 A-B 21.60 22.60 22.60 4.00 4.00 1. 75 2.00 x.oo 20 C-D 22.06 23.06 23.06 4.00 4.00 1.75 2.30 1. 15 24 A-B 25.80 26.80 26.80 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.10 1.05 24 C-D 26.32 27.32 27.32 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.50 1. 25 30 A 31.74 32.74 32.74 4.50 4.50 2.00 2.50 LIS 30 B 32.00 33.00 33.00 4.50 4.50 2.00 2.30 I. IS 30 C 32.40 33.40 33.40 4.50 4.50 2.00 2.60 1.32 30 D 32.74 33.74 33.74 4.50 4.50 2.00 3.00 1.50 36 A 37.96 38.96 38.96 4.50 4.50 2.00 2.50 1. 25 36 B 38.30 39.30 39.30 4.50 4.50 2.00 2.80 1.40 36 C 38.70 39.70 39.70 4.50 4.50 2.00 3.10 1.60 36 D 39.16 40.16 40.16 4.50 4.50 2.00 3.40 1.80 42 A 44.20 45.20 45. 20 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.80 1.40 42 B 44.50 45.50 45.50 5.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 I. SO 42 C 45.10 46.10 46.10 5.00 5.00 2.00 3.40 1. 75 42 D 45.58 46.58 46.58 5.00 5.00 2.00 3.80 1.95 48 A 50.50 51.50 51.50 5.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 1.50 48 B 50.80 51.80 51.80 5.00 5.00 2.00 3.30 1. 6s 48 C 51.40 52.40 52.40 5.00 5.00 2.00 3.80 1.95 48 D 51.98 52.98 52.98 5.00 500 2.00 4.20 2.20 54 A 56.66 57.66 57.66 5.50 5.50 2.25 3.20 1.60 54 B 57.10 58.10 58.10 5.50 5.50 2.25 3.60 1.80 54 C 57.80 58.80 58.80 5.50 5.50 2.25 4.00 2.15 54 D 58.40 59.40 59.40 5.50 5.50 2.25 4.40 2.45 60 A 62.80 63.80 63.80 5.50 5.50 2.25 3.40 1.70 60 B 63.40 64.40 64.40 5.50 5.50 2.25 3.70 1.90 60 C 64.20 65.20 65.20 5.50 5.50 2.25 4.20 2.25 60 D 64.82 65.82 65.82 5.50 5.50 2.25 4.70 2.60 Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe 359 Table No. II. — Standard Thicknesses and Weights of Cast Iron Pipe Class A Class B Nominal ICO ft. head. 43 lbs. pressure 200 ft. head. 86 lbs. pressure inside diameter, inches Thickness, inches Weight per Thickness, inches Weight per Foot Length Foot Length 4 • 42 20.0 240 .45 21.7 260 6 .44 30.8 370 .48 33.3 400 8 -.46 42.9 515 .51 47-5 570 lO .50 57.1 685 .57 63.8 765 12 .54 72.5 870 .62 82.1 985 14 .57 89.6 1.075 .66 102.5 1,230 i6 .60 108.3 1,300 .70 125.0 1,500 i8 .64 129.2 1,550 .75 150.0 1,800 20 .67 150 1,800 .80 175.0 2,100 24 .76 204.2 2,450 89 233.3 2,800 30 .88 291.7 3,500 1.03 333.3 4,000 36 ■ 99 391.7 4,700 1. 15 454.2 5,450 42 I. ID 512. 5 6,150 1.28 591.7 7,100 48 1.26 666.7 8,000 1.42 750.0 9,000 54 1.35 800.0 9,600 1.55 933.3 11,200 6o 1.39 916.7 11,000 1.67 1,104.2 13,250 Class C Class D Nominal 300 ft. he£ id. 130 lbs. pressure 400 ft. he ad. 173 lbs . pressure inside diameter, inches Thickness, inches Weig ht per Thickness, inches Weig ht per Foot Length Foot Length 4 .48 23.3 280 .52 25.0 300 6 51 35.8 430 .55 38.3 460 8 56 52.1 625 .60 55.8 670 lO 62 70.8 850 .68 76.7 920 12 68 91.7 1,100 .75 100. 1,200 14 74 116. 7 1,400 .82 129.2 1,550 l6 80 143.8 1,725 .89 158.3 1,900 i8 87 175.0 2,100 .96 191. 7 2,300 20 92 208.3 2,500 1.03 229.2 2,750 24 04 279.2 3,350 1. 16 306.7 3,680 30 20 400.0 4,800 1.37 450.0 5.400 36 36 545.8 6,550 1.58 625.0 7.500 42 54 716.7 8,600 1.78 825.0 9.900 48 71 908.3 10,900 1.96 1050.0 12,600 54 90 1,141.7 13,700 2.23 1341.7 16,100 6o 2 00 1,341.7 16,100 2.38 1583.3 19,000 The above weights are for 12-feet laying lengths and standard sockets; propor- tionate allowance to be made for any variation therefrom. 360 Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe Marking Every pipe and special casting shall have distinctly cast upon it the initials of the maker's name. When cast especially to order, each pipe and special casting larger than 4-inch may also have cast upon it figures showing the year in which it was cast and a number signifying the order in point of time in which it was cast, the figures denoting the year being above and the number below, thus: 1901 1901 1901 I 2 3 etc., also any initials, not exceeding four, which may be required by the purchaser. The letters and figures shall be cast on the outside and shall be not less than 2 inches in length and % of an inch in relief for pipes 8 inches in diameter and larger. For smaller sizes of pipes the letters may be i inch in length. The weight and the class letter shall be con- spicuously painted in white on the inside of each pipe and special casting after the coating has become hard. Allowable Percentage of Variation in Weight No pipe shall be accepted the weight of which shall be less than the standard weight by more than 5 per cent for pipes 16 inches or less in diameter, and 4 per cent for pipes more than 16 inches in diameter, and no excess above the standard weight of more than the given percentages for the several sizes shall be paid for. The total weight to be paid for shall not exceed, for each size and class of pipe received, the sum of the standard weights of the same number of pieces of the given size and class by more than 2 per cent. No special casting shall be accepted the weight of which shall be less than the standard weight by more than 10 per cent for pipes 12 inches or less in diameter, and 8 per cent for larger sizes, except that curves, Y pieces and breeches pipe may be 12 per cent below the standard weight, and no excess above the standard weight of more than the above per- centages for the several sizes will be paid for. These variations apply only to castings made from the standard patterns. Quality of Iron All pipes and special castings shall be made of cast iron of good quality and of such character as shall make the metal of the castings strong, tough and of even grain, and soft enough to satisfactorily admit of drilling and cutting. The metal shall be made without any admixtiu"e of cinder iron or other inferior metal, and shall be remelted in a cupola or air furnace. Coating 361 Tests of Material Specimen bars of the metal used, each being 26 inches long by 2 inches wide and i inch thick, shall be made without charge as often as the engineer may direct, and, in default of definite instructions, the con- tractor shall make and test at least one bar from each heat or run of metal. The bars, when placed flatwise upon supports 24 inches apart and loaded in the center, shall for pipes 12 inches or less in diameter support a load of 1900 pounds and show a deflection of not less than 0.30 of an inch before breaking, and for pipes of sizes larger than 12 inches shall support a load of 2000 pounds and show a deflection of not less than 0.32 of an inch. The contractor shall have the right to make and break three bars from each heat or run of metal, and the test shall be based upon the average results of the three bars. Should the dimensions of the bars differ from those above given, a proper allowance therefor shall be made in the results of the tests. Casting of Pipes The straight pipes shall be cast in dry sand moulds in a vertical position. Pipes 16 inches or less in diameter shall be cast with the hub end up or down, as specified in the proposal. Pipes 18 inches or more in diameter shall be cast with the hub end down. The pipes shall not be stripped or taken from the pit while showing color of heat, but shall be left in the flasks for a sufficient length of time to prevent unequal contraction by subsequent exposure. Quality of Castings The pipes and special castings shall be smooth, free from scales, lumps, blisters, sand holes and defects of every nature which unfit them for the use for which they are intended. No plugging or filUng will be allowed. Cleaning and Inspection All pipes and special castings shall be thoroughly cleaned and sub- jected to a careful hammer inspection. No casting shall be coated unless entirely clean and free from rust, and approved in these respects by the engineer immediately before being dipped. Coating Every pipe and special casting shall be coated inside and out with coal- tar pitch varnish. The varnish shall be made from coal tar. To this material sufiicient oil may be added to make a smooth coating, tough and tenacious when cold, and not brittle nor with any tendency to scale off. Each casting shall be heated to a temperature of 300° F., immediately before it is dipped, and shall possess not less than this temperature at the 362 Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe time it is put in the vat. The ovens in which the pipes are heated shall be so arranged that all portions of the pipe shall be heated to an even temperature. Each casting shall remain in the bath at least five minutes. The varnish shall be heated to a temperature of 300° F. (or less if the engineer shall so order), and shall be maintained at this temperature during the time the casting is immersed. Fresh pitch and oil shall be added when necessary to keep the mixture at the proper consistency, and the vat shall be emptied of its contents and refilled with fresh pitch when deemed, necessary by the engineer. After being coated the pipes shall be carefully drained of the surplus varnish. Any pipe or special casting that is to be recoated shall first be thoroughly scraped and cleaned. Hydrostatic Test When the coating has become hard, the straight pipes shall be sub- jected to a proof by hydrostatic pressure, and, if required by the engineer, they shall also be subjected to a hammer test under this pressure. The pressures to which the different sizes and classes of pipes shall be subjected are as follows: Classes 20-inch diam- eter and larger, pounds per square inch Less than 20-inch diam- eter, pounds per square inch Class A pipe Class B pipe Class C pipe Class Dpipe ISO 200 250 300 300 300 300 300 Weighing The pipes and special castings shall be weighed for payment under the supervision of the engineer after the application of the coal-tar pitch varnish. If desired by the engineer, the pipes and special castings shall be weighed after their delivery and the weights so ascertained shall be used in the final settlement, provided such weighing is done by a legalized weighmaster. Bids shall be submitted and a final settlement made upon the basis of a ton of 2000 pounds. Contractor to Furnish Men and Materials The contractor shall provide all tools, testing machines, materials and men necessary for the required testing, inspection and weighing at the foundry, of the pipes and special castings; and, should the purchaser have Engineer or Inspector 363 no inspector at the works, the contractor shall, if required by the engineer, furnish a sworn statement that all of the tests have been made as specified, this statement to contain the results of the tests upon the test bars. Power of Engineer to Inspect The engineer shall be at Uberty at all times to inspect the material at the foundry, and the moulding, casting and coating of the pipes and special castings. The forms, sizes, uniformity and conditions of all pipes and other castings herein referred to shall be subject to his inspection and approval, and he may reject, without proving, any pipes or other casting which is not in conformity with the specifications or drawings. Inspector to Report The inspector at the foundry shall report daily to the foundry office all pipes and special castings rejected, with the causes for rejection. Castings to he Delivered Sound and Perfect All the pipes and other castings must be delivered in all respects sound and conformable to these specifications. The inspection shall not reheve the contractor of any of his obligations in this respect, and any defective pipe or other castings which may have passed the engineer at the works or elsewhere shall be at all times liable to rejection when discovered imtil the final completion and adjustment of the contract, provided, however, that the contractor shall not be held liable for pipes or special castings found to be cracked after they have been accepted at the agreed point of dehvery. Care shall be taken in handUng the pipes not to injure the coating, and no pipes or other material of any kind shall be placed in the pipes during transportation or at any time after they receive the coating. Definition of the Word ^^ Engineer" Wherever the word "engineer" is used herein it shall be understood to refer to the engineer or inspector acting for the purchaser and to his properly authorized agents, limited by the particular duties intrusted to them. 364 Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe Volume and Weight of Piled, Bell and Spigot Cast Iron Pipe Size of Head Thick- Weight No. of pipes in Cubic feet in No. of Pounds Cubic pipe, in ness of of one one ton one ton pipes in of pipe feet in inches feet metal, inches pipe in pounds of 2240 pounds of 2240 pounds 40 cubic feet in 40 cubic feet one pipe 3 100 -.38 167 I3^4l 21.414 24.935 4164. 121 1.604 3 200 .42 18S 12. II 19.796 24.46s 4523.320 1.63s 3 300 • 45 200 11.20 18.961 23.626 4724.224 1.693 3 400 • 45 200 11.20 18.961 23.626 4724.224 1.693 4 100 .40 230 9.74 23.646 16.479 3787.720 2.428 4 200 .42 243 9.26 22.953 16.135 3920.034 2.479 4 300 • 45 260 8.61 22.873 15.754 4004.480 2.539 4 400 • 47 265 8.45 21.823 15.491 4104.372 2.S82 5 100 _ • 42 29s 7.59 26.S37 11.433 3376.136 3.49s 5 200 • 45 31S 7. II 25.356 11.222 3534.332 3.565 5 300 .48 338 6.63 24.13s 10.983 3712.000 3.642 5 400 • 51 355 6.31 23.503 10.738 3811.172 3.725 6 100 • 43 364 6. IS 28.82s 8.359 3008.000 4.684 6 200 • 47 393 5.70 27.28s 8.356 3283.240 4.787 6 300 • 51 426 S.2S 25^764 8.177 3477.224 4.900 6 400 .54 445 5. 03 25.114 8.017 3567.092 4.990 8 100 • 47 513 4.36 33.425 5.224 2680.164 7.656 8 200 .51 567 3.95 30.833 5. 118 2906.196 7.804 8 300 • 56 624 3.59 28.666 5.009 3129.392 7.98s 8 400 .61 66s 3.37 27.456 4.906 3262.730 8.152 10 100 .50 685 3.27 37.400 3.454 2366.256 11.579 10 200 .56 765 2.93 34-676 3.388 2587.484 11.826 10 300 .62 852 2.63 31.800 3.317 2826.248 12.058 10 400 .68 920 2.43 30.266 3.216 2959.172 12.435 12 100 .53 870 2.57 41.230 2.497 2172.492 16.018 12 200 .60 985 2.27 37-218 2.444 2407.236 X6.367 12 300 .68 IIIO 2.02 33.858 2.384 2646.288 16.778 12 400 • 75 1210 1.98 34.839 2.159 2612.892 17.549 14 100 .56 1074 2.08 44-310 1.882 2021 . 388 21 . 252 14 200 .65 1229 1.82 39-798 1. 831 2250.592 21.843 14 300 • 73 1399 1.60 35.699 1.794 2509.568 22.298 14 400 .82 1540 1.45 33.242 1.757 2969.184 22.847 16 100 .60 1293 1.73 47.325 1.464 1893.864 27.308 16 200 •69 1496 1.50 41-829 1.434 2145.788 27.886 16 300 .79 1723 1.30 37.095 1. 401 2415.256 28.535 16 400 .89 1900 1. 18 36.020 1. 316 2490.308 30.578 18 100 • 63 1532 1.46 48.274 1. 211 1855.876 33019 18 200 74 I7b8 1.28 44.456 1. 157 2068.864 34.569 18 300 .85 2065 1.08 38.572 1. 124 2321 . 284 35.583 18 400 .96 2300 .974 35.441 T.IOO 2532.076 36.338 Volume and Weight of Piled, Bell and Spigot Cast Iron Pipe 365 Volume and Weight of Piled, Bell and Spigot Cast Iron Pipe {Continued) Size of Head Thick- Weight No. of pipes in Cubic feet in No. of Pounds Cubic pipe, inches in feet ness of metal, inches of one pipe in pounds one ton of 2240 pounds one ton of 2240 pounds pipes in 40 cubic feet of pipe in 40 cubic feet feet in one pipe 20 100 .66 1,788 1.28 53.874 .945 • 1778.040 41.893 20 200 .78 2,104 1.06 45.596 .938 1963.836 42.854 20 300 • 91 2,444 .916 39900 .918 2240.272 43.559 20 400 ■03 2,740 .814 36.508 .891 2443.188 44.850 24 100 .75 2,407 .931 55.122 .679 1626.132 59.207 24. 200 .87 2,803 .799 49.463 .646 1811.112 61.906 24 300 1.02 3,299 .679 43-122 .630 2080.876 63.41S 24 400 1. 16 3,680 .600 38.783 .619 2277.256 64.639 30 100 .87 3.482 .649 59.733 .434 1513.268 92.039 30 200 1. 01 4,027 .556 52.760 .421 1697.492 94.892 30 300 1. 19 4,783 .468 45.550 .411 1965.660 97.337 30 400 1.37 5,420 .413 41.047 .402 2181.364 99.387 36 100 .98 4,699 .476 63.567 .299 1407.388 133.544 36 200 1. 14 5,460 .410 55.586 .295 1610.884 135.577 36 300 1.36 6,543 .342 47.019 .291 1903.636 137.484 36 400 1.58 7,490 .300 42.566 .282 2111.516 141.888 40 100 1.09 5,807 .386 63.591 .242 1409.936 164.745 40 200 1.23 6,525 .343 56.997 .240 1570.636 166.174 40 300 1.48 7,858 .285 48.909 .233 1831.588 171. 610 40 400 1.72 9,050 .247 43.413 .227 2059.372 175.763 42 100 1. 10 6,147 .364 66.117 .225 1353.628 181.640 42 200 1.28 7,100 .315 58.179 .216 1537.664 184.695 42 300 1.54 8,563 .258 48.802 .211 1810.768 189.157 42 400 1.79 9,890 .248 48.002 .206 2043.812 193.559 48 100 1.25 7,982 .281 65.246 .171 1370.164 233.023 48 200 1. 41 8,946 .250 59.800 .167 1496.000 239.200 48 300 1. 71 10,857 .206 50.862 .166 1758.940 246.903 48 400 1.99 12,550 .179 44.767 .163 2007.856 250.097 60 100 1.40 11,000 .203 74.817 .108 1193.836 368.559 60 200 1.68 13,260 ■ .169 63.188 .107 1418.568 373.897 60 300 2.05 16,040 .139 52.903 .105 1685 . 760 380.599 60 400 2.41 18,970 .118 46.253 .102 1938.820 391.978 Fig. 103. — Pile of 100 Pipe. 366 Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe ^00 — \co vro V- v»-i sr" vjl' vS-r^Uj^t- MN(0 «N<0 cSsjO NpOlOv{0(OsflOl/)u§Sl/5 Tt cir-.^i>rTHr^or^MO rocs i/^^ r-vo O>oo m o ro in r- ■ - - - O lO t^^O 00 t~ O>e0 M O MM MM MM MM MM C00 N-i 151 N «N M vJ" ■* v* vD VJ< 00 CON t^ CCN CS r-KUriM rOM !N«XM«NOmNCJ»rtOO«00 0 po m sio CO to to (-^^lO^c-t^Nr-Oi^T-M ^ 00 io\ ro "O"^ lO c« t^ 1/) t~ir) " t^ vfjto \!;^ vo ) vo cm:^ m ( O. M M M IT) NpO M NpOO ^ CS M inN o^ inxto "3N 1^ ^00 X^' ^ M ,-1 0> M 00 f^O> (N M N M rt t^ eoN CT> _i ej «NvO c§^ O ;5l, N V- O N- t^ rO 0» lo Oi CNVO lON fj "ON o rJSOO —N O ■-iN O •-*o ^po O ^ < ^ ir^ cc\ "to O O^ rt O ^x ic O V- t^ N-- IN s:a Nfovo vmoo t~xio tis (N TT (M lo r<7 M V* lO vjvo t> rtX Tl- wN M ^ 00 lO CJi^O ;:§^5 I o t^ M a> ( N lo ro vo vr' "* sr< ro \- 0> c%N tT vo fC f^ •» 00 iQ CMC 6 ^ M M HlO M l> L-y- IN >oN 1 r-- M a> I spo Tf ^50 cri «N 0» «\ (M M ro ro IT) lOVO -^ ■<«■ SOOO nN (N cSnoo •^ M to CM NfC M spOO ^ lj> S50 fO CON lO -•N M rH\ 1> T->S -^ ro i?> lo I 0» M M M V- O N- l> U5N M iO\ r) M ro fO ■* s.'S is :S'S sS'i-^;5:S- rtiN lOiN'OrOt-rOoO'^aiiO 'oo Njl> t^ ro 00 ■* 0> ■* spO NpO M r-.\ 0> "N ro i> M a» o vfO SCO CSs t> «v O^ CI t^ « rO t^rOOO'T IN O IN M 1-0 M Tt IN lO N VO ro r~ ro 00 ION )2n 0> rt t- CO '^ ^ O Oi NfO SfO iriN t^ io\ M M "* IN a> ro M -^ M lox lo CON o^ CON ro co\ t~ iMrOrfr^---> V*' I> x* t^ to ■* 00 t^ m-^VO m^ 10 M'^ t S« ro ttf^ O - CTi- w - rO'-'^CTi-.tO CsrO'^t^tOO C^CTlOOCTl Mro N(*5 !Nt ro-* roio -N M r-x ro — ^ 10 10 (NM -^^tOt^CMVOOO-* CM fO N W IN ro (^ ■* ro >r> 00 '^ O r~ ■00 X— to N-. CM -^ <0 —xto s rO ctX CM cs~- >-< inx t^ ^ -^ 1/5 Tj-OO to M 00 ro - 0> x<>' C^ ^^ 0% ^tO "X T^ wx M 1^ ^ -Jx O O (M M spcto Npot^Njao^x-'M X— N s—rovf) cox -* rtx M «xoo t^xto t^ fO t-\ O '-'"~^ VOOOO^O OiO t~ 00 0% CJl I 10 X- 0» xoo 00 ^ >ox o n'x !>. CM O 10 C-) t~ CM CT) PJ i> r~ 00 00 :ss 00 x-tO X" N x-f t^ COX Q tOstO ^"x ^X M ^X I> ^X O) X— O X-IO--90CM S—IO lox .;j- uix cji P3X to t~x ro •^OvtOM CM CM IN ro ro ro ro -^ SS> SI S^:;xv C~ t~ 00 c ^2t.:i^s :s;^ Npooo ^pto ^x 10 lox o IN ro •^to O^ x^tO x-i" ■* XTf IN X— -^ Npo ro . -^ i-x cTi ^x ^ _x ov lox ro mxoo ro CM 10 Tf 00 to O CN 00 00 I/; CM iNiN CMiN (NrororOrOTT I iA> to t- 00 00 o>g> ^x M ^sx 10 IN 1^ Tt 10 to t^ 00 :sg:si X— 00 X— 00 X— CJ^ X'* J> sr-i h cox O cox Tt cox 00 i-X O lOX ( CMIO •>*r~tOOi CMt^OO- CM CM CM IN CM M ro (^ ro • to to r»oo S^tO 00 0\ O M M IN CM Tftot>ooa>OM CM - Ol -■X IN r-X to tJ5^! f3 IN ■* 10 in t-X |> nSO ov iM m t~\to to to t^ l> isx 10 uoxtj O^OM MM rO'^vOtooooo Om •^ lO to I> CM ■* CM CM CM CM r<^ ro rt ■* m \ri XCO X— inx M coxoo N CO -H fC to to r- t^ cox Tl- f~xto CftS 2 2 X— N— V 10 lox M lox t^ uix M to Tj- 0> X- I> „O^M- oi o CM ■^tooo o M Ti-ou" MMMWMCSCMCMCOC 368 Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe roao P0"O tf> tr~ SCO 00 N- P) sp^ 1 «N CTi t^\ t- -N lil lov o in\ &. n\ Ti- (~s CT> ic lO I>-00 COO 0> M ::t§,:5:^. -.\00 ^x rt -N O -X'O w ^ 0000 ir. -- ' " t^ IT) rovO o> r~ _ VP O -\ iJl --s O "^ M ro CN ro N ro ro vo rovo 00 Oi O ro P0oNio mx N ic-sio fi s (N MM (NrONrONr'5(N'rrroir) i J2 • ^ .• .^ - c jj M 4i M 4J bO .aT3 - a ,aT3 .S'a .sxi p. w P. in W ft - G to 0< dJ ;3 ix! .sts .a-o N§ §^s sg gg - c -c .2 o .E2 o P< w O. w p. i-S, (LI'S, Ph^ Ph^ Ph^ O,^ Ph^ Cl,^ (Ih^ Ph^ P.^ Ph^ P.^ Ph^ P.^ Ph^ Ah^ Ph^ Ph^ OQ.oS.uS-OQ.yp.^p.'Jp.yp.^o.^o.yp.^p.'Jp.^a.Up.WQ.'^Q. C.S' a-S* C.S* C-S C--^ G-s^ G-i- G-- G-- G-- G-- G-- C-" C-- G-" G-"- C-5« ••rp^ -tPh -vPh -vPh -rPn -rP^ -vPh -vct, -vp^ -vCu -tPh -tp^ -jPh "tPh -tPh -vi^ -vp^ Pattern Size and Weight of Cast Iron Pipe 369 Pattern Size and Weight of Cast Iron Pipe, % to ii%2 Inches Thick Thickness, inches % 2542 1^6 m2 5i 29^2 1M6 40-inch Pipe Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds 42 3910 42M6 407s 4240 4440 42?i6 4405 44?i6 4615 42H 4737 44H 4790 425/16 4903 44Ma 496s 42% 4903 42-inch Pipe 48-inch Pipe 60-inch Pipe Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds 5140 5o7ifl 5969 40-inch Pipe 42-inch Pipe 48-inch Pipe 60-inch Pipe Thickness, inches Pattern size, inches. Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches. Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches. Weight, pounds. ; . . . Pattern size, inches. Weight, pounds ^^i2 42JI6 5070 44^6 5316 50/2 6068 42'A 5237 44V^ 5492 6267. lj'^2 42?i6 5404 449/1 6 5668 6467 iHe 42H .5572 44% 5844 5011/6 6667 627/^ 8282 I%2 4211/6 5740 44IH6 6021 50M 6867 621^6 8532 Il/i 42M 5908 44% 6198 5oiM( 7067 63 8782 1^2 421^6 6077 44^ Me 637s 50^^ 7268 63I/6 9032 Thickness, inches 40-inch Pipe 42-inch Pipe 48-inch Pipe 60-inch Pipe Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds l3/6 Ili2 ■ xH 19^2 15/ 6 1IH2 A2-A 4215/6 43 43M6 43^/^ 433/6 6246 64IS 6585 6755 6925 7096 44^/B 4415/6 45 45/6 45H 45M6 6552 6730 6908 7086 7264 7443 5015/ 6 51 51 He 51^/^ 51^16 S1/4 7469 7670 7871 8073 827s 8477 63>/i 63^16 63I/4 635/6 63^/^ 637/6 9282 9532 9782 10,032 10,283 io,S34 43H 7267 45H 762 5IM6 8679 63!/^ 10,785 40-inch Pipe 42-inch . Pipe 48-inch Pipe 60-inch Pipe Thickness, inches Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight , pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds — . Il?^2 43M6 7438 45^16 7801 513/8 8882 639/6 11,086 I7l6 7610 453/i 7980 51M6 9083 635/i 11,337 115^2 43V16 7782 45^6 8160 51^/ 9288 6311/ 6 11,588 ll/ 43^/^ 7954 45/2 8340 5I?16 9491 63% 11,839 ^^^2 43?i6 8127 459/6 8520 5i5/i 9695 631^6 12,091 iHe 435/^ 8300 45H 8700 511/6 9899 63^/^ 12,343 119^2 43IH6 8473 4511/6 8881 513/ 10,103 6315/ 6 12,545 370 Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe Pattern Size and Weight of Cast Iron Pipe, i^i to 2^2 Inches Thick 40-inch Pipe 42-inch Pipe 48-inch Pipe 60-inch Pipe Thickness, inches Pattern Weight, Pattern Weight, Pattern Weight, Pattern Weight, size, inches pounds size, inches pounds size, inches pounds size, inches pounds 15.^ 121.^2 iiHe I2-H2 1% 43% 431^6 43H 43IM6 44 8647 8821 8995 9170 9345 45% 451% 6 4574 451^6 46 9062 9243 9424 9606 9788 5113/16 sm 51IM6 52 52H6 10,307 10,512 10,717 10,922 11,127 64 64H6 641/i 64% 6 64H 12.847 13.099 13,357 13,603 13,856 l25'^2 44H6 9520 46Ha 9970 52}^ 11.333 645/I9 14.109 40-inch Pipe 42-inch Pipe 48-inch Pipe 60-inch Pipe Thickness, inches Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches. Weight , pounds Pattern size, inches. Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches. Weight, pounds. . . . . ii^ie l2J^2 iH 129,62 iiMe 44H 44% 6 uVi 9688 9862 . 10,048 46K8 46% 6 46H 46M6 463,i 10,152 10,335 10,518 10,700 10,885 52M6 52^/4 52% 6 523/i 52^6 11,539 11,745 11,951 12,158 12,365 64% 64% 6 64M6 64?'i6 645/i 14,362 14,61s 14,868 15,121 15,374 13^2 52^ 12,572 64IH6 15,628 Thickness, inches 2 2}i2 2/16 23^2 2H 40-inch Pipe 42-inch Pipe 48-inch Pipe Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds 52% 6 " 12,779 64% 15,882 525/^'" 12,987 6413/16 16,136 521/16' 13,195 em 16,390 523/4'" 13,443 64IM6 16,644 521% 6 13,611 60-inch Pipe Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds. .... 65 16,898 Thickness, inches 25/^2 2H6 2^2 2Vi 2^62 40-inch Pipe 42-inch Pipe ^'-inch Pipe 60-inch Pipe Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds Pattern size, inches Weight, pounds . ' 651/6' 17,152 65^'" 17,407 653/6" 17,662 e'sii" 17,917 65M6'" 18,172 CHAPTER XV MECHANICAL ANALYSIS While chemical analysis is absolutely necessary for the determination of the constituents of iron and the fuels, and is of greatest importance to the foundryman as a guide in their purchase, chemists cannot, however, as yet predict with certainty the physical properties which will result from the mixture of irons possessing identical composition. Test bars have shown, that of two irons, precisely the same in their chemical constituents, one may exceed the other in tensile strength by as much as 50 per cent. No satisfactory explanation of the discrepancy has been made. Various suggestions, attributing the cause to the ores, changes of temperature in the furnace, to difference in cooling, etc., are offered, but the problem is still unsolved. Whatever may be the cause of these differences, the foundryman needs some means of quickly detecting and correcting them. He should have prompt information as to shrinkage, softness and strength of his castings. During 1885, Mr. Keep made the important discovery that the shrink- age of test bars varied inversely as the siUcon content, and that by measurement of shrinkage the silicon is practically determined. His investigations resulted in pointing out the intimate relations which exist between shrinkage and the other properties of cast iron, both chemical and physical. Mr. Keep's conclusions as to the importance of mechanical analysis are summarized as follows: The physical properties of the casting are not wholly dependent upon its chemical composition. Mechanical analysis measures the physical properties of the iron, which are, shrinkage, strength, deflection, set and depth of chill. The measure of these properties shows the combined influence of each element in the chemical composition, and in addition thereto, it shows the in- fluence of fuel and every varying condition attending melting. These influences, particularly that of sulphur, are counteracted by the use of silicon. The measurement of shrinkage tells whether more or less silicon is needed to bring the quality of the casting to an accepted standard of excellence. 371 372 Mechanical Analysis Instead of calculating the chemical composition and predicting the physical properties, mechanical analysis ascertains the physical proper- ties first, and determines from the shrinkage whether more or less silicon is required to produce castings of a given standard. Measurement of shrinkage is made quickly at a nominal cost and alone gives all necessary information. It teUs the founder exactly what physical properties his castings have and exactly what to do to bring each of those properties to standard. By this method a founder can determine whether a low-priced iron is suitable for his use. Having fixed upon a standard, he can ascertain during the heat whether the mixture is of the desired quality, and if necessary can increase or decrease the silicon, according as the shrinkage should be reduced or increased. Mechanical analysis answers all the requirements of the ordinary founder. Its simphcity renders the employment of an expert unneces- sary. Pig iron and coke, having been purchased upon guaranteed analysis, an occasional analysis of the castings is only required. In a report to The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mr. Keep presents a Shrinkage Chart and Strength Table, which are given below with his directions for using them. Shrinkage Chart W. J. Keep While the tensile tests show an increase of strength with an increase of phosphorus, yet the transverse tests seem to show that phosphorus reduces strength. This is also general shop experience. Sulphur. — There is not in these tests enough imiformity between the percentage of sulphur and the strength to show any decided influence, but the indication is that sulphur decreases strength. In some cases sulphur might add to strength by causing the grain to be closer. Manganese. — The percentage is too nearly the same in these series to show any influence on strength. By comparing strengths and chemical composition of the irons nearest ahke, with all chemical elements nearly alike, and no scrap, but with quite different strengths, it is very evident that strength is dependent upon something outside of the ordinary chemical composition. Slow cooHng decreases strength by making the grain of a casting coarse and more open. The larger the casting the weaker it become? per square inch of section. The weakness is not caused by a decrease in combined carbon because a complete analysis of each size of test bar Shrinkage Chart 373 (Transactions, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. XVI, p. hoc) shows the same combined carbon in all sizes of many series, but in all cases the strength per unit of section decreased as the size increased. Strength of any size of test bar cannot be calculated by any mathe- matical formula from the measured strength of another size, because the grain changes by slow cooling. 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 425 400 375 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 - ^ ^ ^ M y y" J / ^^ -^ ■^ 2x 1" 2000 - / ^^' • 1800 — ^ 2 1600 . 3 ~> — — ' 1400 -~^ ^S_ ■ -- . ~^ 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2,25 250 2.75 3,00 3.25 3.50, Percent Silicon. Fig. 104. Tensile Strength Chart. — Fig. 105 shows this chart. The dotted line estimated. " Table for Obtaining the Strength of any Size of Test Bar from the Measured Strength of the Standard Test Bar. — Table on p. 375 is cal- culated for a standard i-inch square test bar. Measure the shrinkage per foot of the standard test bar, then on the shrinkage chart. Fig. 105, find this shrinkage on the left-hand margin and follow horizontally until you intersect the line of the measured test bar. Follow the vertical line at the intersection to the top of the chart, and you find the percentage of silicon that is expected to produce the shrinkage. Find this same percentage at the top of Table i , and follow down to the size of test bar that you wish the strengths of. If you wish the actual 374 Mechanical Analysis strength use the lower figures as multiplier of the measured strength of the standard i-inch bar. If you wish the strength of a section i inch square by 12 inches long of the required test bar use the upper number to multiply by." "If you have the strength of any size of test bar other than a i-inch bar and know the silicon percentage, divide such strength by the lower 'I. I.Z5 1.50 ir75 2.00 2Z5 ?.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 350 Percent. Fig. 105. number for the bar, or if you have the strength of a section of the re- quired test bar i inch square by 12 inches long, divide by the upper number, and the result in either case is the strength of the standard I-inch bar." "To find the Strength of any Casting. — Divide the cubic contents of the casting by the square inches of cooling surface, and the quotient is the cooling ratio. If the casting has a large flat surface the edges may be neglected; for example, a casting i inch thick and 24 inches square. Keep's Strength Table 375 M I> t> 8 8 8 -2 8 ^8 lO O 00 t- lO w 00 t~ P> S 8 8 ft 8 §;§ ro O 00 CTi (^ (N 00 00 ;^^ ^^ eg ^ 00 00 J> CI <0 (O 00 00 l~- CO <0 Q fO O 1-- o o> o o o o c?> o to M O lO o i~0 o (M ro M l> ■'t t^ o to ^ CO lO J> ^ PO O to o 00 3> 00 •* 00 a> 00 to 8 §S 88 S R 13 ^ :s 376 Mechanical Analysis A strip one inch wide and 24 inches long would have 24 cubic inches contents and 48 square inches of cooling surface. 24 ^ 48 = 0.5 ratio. Find this ratio at the top of the chart, Fig. 105, and follow down to the Iron follow-board with yokes and brass pasterns for test bars Yi in. square X 12 in. long. Fig. 106. Iron Flask. diagonal and we find that a 2-inch square test bar represents the strength of the casting." "With the shrinkage of a standard i-inch test bar, cast at the same time as the casting, find on the shrinkage chart the percentage of silicon in the casting. Then in the Table Taper steel scale which measures shrinkage. Fig. 107. find the upper multiplier for a 2 -inch test bar. This multipHed by the measured strength of the standard test bar gives the strength of a sec- tion of the casting i inch square and 12 inches long." Mechanical analysis covers tests for shrinkage, strength and hard- Figs. 106 and 107 show a device designed by Mr. Keep for determin- ing shrinkage. Determinations for strength are generally made by taking the trans- verse strength and deflection. The Riehle Machine as shown in Fig. 108 is in common use for this purpose. This illustration represents faith- fully the general appearance of this machine. The specimen is shown in position. The weighing-beams and levers are all carefully sealed to the standard of the United States Government, and guaranteed to be accurate and reliable. Fig. 108. Constituents of Cast Iron 377 Operation The weighing-beam must be balanced before the specimen is arranged for testing. The wheel shown must be moved from left to right, and, as the beam rises, the poise must be moved out to restore the equipoise. If more strain is required to break the specimen than can be weighed by the poise, move the poise back to zero and place the loose weight on the weight dish shown at the extreme left (small end) of weighing-beam, and move the poise out as before, until the test is completed. The calcula- tions are made so that the beam registers the center load. Dimensions Extreme length 3 ft. 2 in. Extreme height . 3 ft. i in. Extreme width i ft. 4 in. Weight 200 lbs. Shipping weight . 230 lbs. Adaptation Transverse specimens 12 in. long Hardness This property may be measured by embedding steel balls in the casting to be tested, by Turner's Scleroscope (see cut, page 114, Turner's Lec- tures on " Founding "); or by Keep's Machine (see cut, page 187, " Cast Iron "). The latter method is the more simple and gives accurate results. A small high speed drill may be used for this piupose, but it must be so arranged that the load on the spindle will be constant. Standard Methods for Determining the Constituents of Cast Iron As reported by the Committee of the American Foundrymen's Association, Phila- delphia Convention, May 21-24, IQO?- Determination of Silicon Weigh one gram of sample, add 30 c.c. nitric acid (1.13 sp. gr.); then 5 c.c. sulphuric acid (cone). Evaporate on hot plate imtil all fumes are driven off. Take up in water and boil until all ferrous sul- phate is dissolved. Filter on an ashless filter, with or without suction pump, using a cone. Wash once with hot water, once with hydrochloric acid, and three or four times with hot water. Ignite, weigh and evapo- 378 Chemical Analysis rate with a few drops of sulphuric acid and 4 or 5 c.c. of hydrofluoric acid. Ignite slowly and weigh. Multiply the difference in weight by 0.4702, which equals the per cent of siHcon. Determination 0} Sulphur Dissolve slowly a three-gram sample of driUings in concentrated nitric acid in a platinum dish covered with an inverted watch glass. After the iron is completely dissolved, add two grams of potassium nitrate, evaporate to dryness and ignite over an alcohol lamp at red heat. Add 50 c.c. of a one per cent solution of sodium carbonate, boil for a few minutes, filter, using a little paper pulp in the filter if desired, and wash with a hot one per cent sodium carbonate solution. Acidify the filtrate with hydrochloric acid, evaporate to dryness, take up with 50 c.c. of water and 2 c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid, filter, wash and after diluting the filtrate to about 100 c.c. cool and precipitate with barium chloride. Filter, wash well with hot water, ignite and weigh as barium sulphate, which contains 13.733 per cent of sulphur. Determination of Phosphorus Dissolve 2 grams sample in 50 c.c. nitric acid (sp. gr., 1.13), add 10 c.c. hydrochloric acid and evaporate to dryness. In case the sample contains a fairly high percentage of phosphorus it is better to use half the above quantities. Bake imtil free from acid, redissolving in 25 to 30 c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid; dilute to about 60 c.c, filter and wash. Evaporate to about 25 c.c, add 20 c.c. concentrated nitric acid, evapo- rate imtil a film begins to form, add 30 c.c. of nitric acid (sp. gr., 1.20) and again evaporate until a film begins to form. Dilute to about i5(» c.c with hot water and allow it to cool. When the solution is between 70 degrees and 80 degrees C. add 50 c.c. of molybdate solution. Agitate the solution a few minutes, then filter on a tarred Gooch crucible having a paper disc at the bottom. Wash three times with a 3 per cent nitric acid solution and twice with alcohol. Dry at 100 degrees to 105 degrees C. to constant weight. The weight multiplied by 0.0163 equals the per cent of phosphorus in a i-gram sample. To make the molybdate solution add 100 grams molybdic acid to 250 c.c. water, and to this add 150 c.c. ammonia, then stir until all is dissolved and add 65 c.c. nitric acid (1.42 sp. gr.). Make another solu- tion by adding 400 c.c. concentrated nitric acid to iioo c.c water, and when the solutions are cool, pour the first slowly into the second with constant stirring and add a couple of drops of ammonium phosphate. Determination of Total Carbon 379 Determination of Manganese Dissolve one and one-tenth grams of drillings in 25 c.c. nitric acid (1.13 sp. gr.), filter into an Erlenmeyer flask and wash with 30 c.c, of the same acid. Then cool and add about one-half gram of bismuthate until a permanent pink color forms. Heat until the color has disappeared, with or without the precipitation of manganese dioxide, and then add either sulphurous acid or a solution of ferrous sulphate until the solution is clear. Heat until all nitrous oxide fumes have been driven off, cool to about fifteen degrees C; add an excess of sodium bismuthate — about one gram — and agitate for two or three minutes. Add 50 c.c. water containing 30 c.c. nitric acid to the litre, filter on an asbestos filter into an Erlenmeyer flask, and wash with fifty to one hundred c.c. of the nitric acid solution. Run in an excess of ferrous sulphate and titrate back with potassium permanganate solution of equal strength. Each c.c. of N-io ferrous sulphate used is equal to o.io per cent of manganese. Determination of Total Carbon This determination requires considerable apparatus; so in view of putting as many obstacles out of the way of its general adoption in cases of dispute, your committee has left optional several points which were felt to bring no chance of error into the method. The train shall consist of a pre-heating furnace, containing copper oxide (Option No. i) followed by caustic potash (1.20 sp. gr.), then calcium chloride, following which shall be the combustion furnace in which either a porcelain or platinum tube may be used (Option No. 2), The tube shall contain four or five inches of copper oxide between plugs of platinum gauze, the plug to the rear of the tube to be at about the point where the tube extends from the furnace. A roll of silver foil about two inches long shall be placed in the tube after the last plug of platinum gauze. The train after the combustion tube shaU be anhydrous cupric sulphate, anhydrous cuprous chloride, calcium chloride, and the absorp- tion bulb of potassium hydrate (sp. gr., 1.27) with prolong filled with calcium chloride. A calcium chloride tube attached to the aspirator bottle shall be connected to the prolong. In this method a single potash bulb shall be used. A second bulb is sometimes used for a coimterpoise being more liable to introduce error than correct error in weight of the bulb in use, due to change of tempera- ture or moisture in the atmosphere. The operation shall be as follows: To i gram of weU-mixed drilhngs add 100 c.c. of potassium copper chloride solution and 7.5 c.c. of hydro- chloric acid (cone). As soon as dissolved, as shown by the disappearance 380 Chemical Analysis of all copper, filter on previously washed and ignited asbestos. Wash thoroughly the beaker in which the solution was made with 20 ex. of dilute hydrochloric acid [i to i], pour this on the filter and wash the carbon out of the beaker by means of a wash bottle containing dilute hydro- chloric acid [i to i] and then wash with warm water out of the filter. Dry the carbon at a temperature between 95 and 100 de- grees C. Before using the apparatus a blank shall be run and if the bulb does not gain in weight more than 0.5 milligram, put the dried filter into the igm'tion tube and heat the pre-heating furnace and the part of the com- bustion furnace containing the copper oxide. After this is heated start the aspiration of oxygen or air at the rate of three bubbles per second, to show in the potash bulb. Continue slowly heating the combustion tube by turning on two burners at a time, and continue the combustion for 30 minutes if air is used; 20 minutes if oxygen is used. (The Shimer crucible is to be heated with a blast lamp for the same length of time.) When the ignition is finished turn o2 the gas supply gradually so as to allow the combustion tube to cool off slowly and then shut off the oxygen supply and aspirate with air for 10 minutes. Detach the potash bulb and prolong, close the ends with rubber caps and allow it to stand for 5 minutes, then weigh. The increase in weight multiplied by 0.27273 equals the percentage of carbon. The potassium copper chloride shall be made by dissolving one pound of the salt in one litre of water and filtering through an asbestos filter. Option No. I. — While a pre-heater is greatly to be desired, as only a small percentage of laboratories at present use them, it was decided not to make the use of one essential to this method; subtraction of the weight of the blank to a great extent eliminating any error which might arise from not using a pre-heater. Option No. 2. — The Shimer and similar crucibles are largely used as combustion furnaces and for this reason it was decided to make optional the use of either the tube furnace or one of the standard crucibles. In case the crucible is used it shall be followed by a copper tube He inch inside diameter and ten inches long, with its ends cooled by water jackets. In the center of the tube shall be placed a disk of platinum gauze, and for three or four inches in the side towards the crucible shall be silver foil and for the same distance on the other side shall be copper oxide. The ends shall be plugged with glass wool, and the tube heated with a fish tail burner before the aspiration of the air is started. Graphite 381 Graphite Dissolve one-gram sample in 35 c.c. nitric acid [1.13 sp. gr.], filter on asbestos, wash with hot water, then with potassium hydrate [i.i sp. gr.] and finally with hot water. The graphite is then ignited as specified in the determination of total carbon. CHAPTER XVI MALLEABLE CAST IRON The process of rendering iron castings malleable was discovered by- Reaumur in 1722 and is essentially the same as that pursued at the present day. McWilliams and Longmuir divide malleable castings into two classes. 1. Black Heart Black heart has a silvery outside and black inside, with a silky lustre. This is made of a hard white iron, containing from 3 to 4 per cent carbon, as hard carbide of iron. By the process of annealing, to be described later, the carbide of iron is decomposed into free carbon (annealing carbon) and iron; leaving a soft malleable iron, which contains nearly all of the initial carbon but in the free state finely divided and intermixed with the iron. Black heart is mostly made in America. The process is conducted much more rapidly than that of the ordinary (or Reaumur process), but requires more skill and scientific information. The iron used must be low in silicon and sulphur but need not necessarily be a white iron. The analysis should approximate to, silicon, i per cent to 0.5 per cent; sulphur, .05 per cent as a maximum; phosphorus, .1 per cent maximum; manganese, .5 per cent maximum and carbon 3 per cent. The principle involved is that of taking white iron castings of suitable composition, heating them to high temperature and converting them to the malleable condition by precipitating the carbon in a fine state of division, as annealing carbon. High temperature shortens the process, but it has been found more desirable to use a lower temperature and longer anneal, as the desired change is more readily secured. The method of molding is the same as for gray iron, with same allow- ance for shrinkage. The amount of feeder required varies from 12.5 to 25 per cent of the weight of casting. Skill is required to make solid castings with minimum amount of metal. After cleaning in the usual manner the castings are packed in cast iron boxes of varying sizes to suit their character, with iron scale or sand, bone dust or fire clay; the boxes are covered with lids and luted, then 382 Black Heart 383 stacked in the annealing oven (to be described later). The temperature of the oven is gradually raised to about 1 100° C, maintained at that point for two days and then allowed to drop slowly until sufficiently cool to permit removal of the boxes. The composition of the castings after annealing is only altered in the carbon, the total amount being somewhat less but practically all present in the free state. The composition of castings made by one of the largest English makers is as follows: Si 0.5; S 0.04; P. 0.07; Mn 0.4; graphitic carbon 2.5; combined carbon 0.05. A test piece i/^-inch square bent 180° — cold; tensile strength 40,000 pounds per square inch, elongation 6 per cent in 2 inches, reduction of area 9 per cent. Black heart is more reliable for light than for heavy work. To avoid the introduction of sulphur, the pig iron is usually melted in an air furnace. Messrs. Charpy & Grenet's experiments on irons of the following compositions are given herewith. No. Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Carbon I .70 .01 trace .03 3.60 2 .27 .02 .02 trace 3.40 3 •• .80 .02 .03 trace 3.2s 4 1.25 .01 .01 .12 3.20 ^ 2.10 .02 .01 .12 3.30 These irons were poured into cold water and contained no appreciable amount of graphite, excepting the last which had 20 per cent. Samples of these were subjected to various reheatings and to ascertain as nearly as practicable the condition at any one temperature, the samples were quenched at that temperature and then analyzed. 1. Heated at 1100° C. or any low temperature for long periods gave no graphitic carbon; but at 1150° C. the separation of graphitic carbon was produced. 2. Heated for four hours each at 700°, 800°, 900° and 1000° C. showed no free carbon; but it appeared in heating to 1100° C. 3. Showed traces at 800° C. 4. 5. Showed traces at 650° C. In the case of No, 5, after heating at 650° C. for 6 hours, the content of graphitic carbon had increased from o.io to 2.83 per cent. The separation of graphite, once commenced, continues at tempera- tures inferior to those at which the action begins. Thus: A sample of No. i, heated at 1170° C. and quenched, contained 384 Malleable Cast Iron only 0.50 graphitic carbon and 2.6 combined carbon, while another sample of the same cast iron, heated at the same time to 1170° C, cooled slowly to 700° C. and then quenched contained 1.87 graphitic carbon and 0.43 combined carbon. Again a fragment of No. 3, heated to 1170° C. and quenched, contained 1.42 graphitic carbon and 1.69 combined carbon, while another fragment heated to 1170° C. cooled slowly to 700° C. and then quenched contained 2.56 graphitic carbon and 0.38 combined carbon. At a constant temperature the separation of the graphite is effected progressively, at a rate that is the more gradual, the lower the tempera- ture or the less the silicon content. The authors show that these cast irons, with regard to the critical points, have the usual carbon change point, about 700° C, but that there is another well-marked arrest in heating at 1140°, 1165°, 1137° and 1165° C, for numbers i, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively; and similarly in cooling at 1120°, 1130°, 1137° and 1145° C. In an experiment made by W. H. Hatfield, with six bars, all containing: Si i.o; S 0.04; P 0.04; Mn 0.22; graphitic carbon 2.83; combined carbon 0.08, all white irons as cast; variously heat-treated so as to give the same composition to analysis, but to have the free carbon in all states of division from fine in No. i to coarse in No. 6. Bars I inch square by 18 inches long were tested transversely on knife edges 12 inches apart and gave No. Inches deflection No. Inches deflection I 5 6 2 3 before fracture; the gradually decreasing deflections given being due entirely to the increasing coarseness of the free carbon. Another set of four test bars, containing 0.45, 0.90, i.ia-i.88 per cent sihcon but otherwise similar in composition to the above; heat-treated so that all should have the same type of free or annealing carbon, gave 95°, 98°, 94° and 89°, respectively, when subjected to the ordinary bending test. The microstructure of these bars consisted of ferrite or silicon ferrite speckled with annealing carbon, which if kept of suitable structure affects the malleability little more than does the slag in the case of wrought Ordinary or Reaumur Malleable Cast Iron 385 Pearlite, when present, after heat-treating white irons, greatly in- creases the tenacity, one sample having a tenacity of 32,6 tons per square inch, with an elongation of 6 per cent on 2 inches, and a bending angle of 90°, when treated so as to leave 0.35 per cent of carbon in the com- bined form and present as pearlite in the structure. Another sample of the same general composition, but treated to leave only 0.06 per cent as combined carbon had a tenacity of 21.2 tons per square inch, elongation 11 per cent on two inches and a bending angle of 180° unbroken. 2. Ordinary or Reaumur Malleable Cast Iron In this class of castings the carbon is completely eliminated, leaving a soft material similar in analysis to wrought iron. It is stated that irons containing as much as 0.5 sulphur may be used in this class of castings. The irons employed are mottled or white, analyzing as follows: Si 0.5 to 0.9; S 0.25 to 0.35; P 0.05 to 0.08; Mn 0.1 to 0.2, total carbon 3^ per cent It may be melted in the crucible, in the cupola, or in the air fiu-nace. The cupola is more in general use in England than the air furnace. The table below shows approximately the influence of remelting by the several processes. Original pig iron Crucible Cupola Reverb. Siemens C 3.S Si 8s S 25 Mn 20 P 05 3.4 .82 .30 .10 • OS 3.4 .75 .31 .10 .054 3.2 .65 .27 .10 .052 3.2 .70 .26 .10 .05 Whichever furnace is used it is necessary to have the metal fluid enough to fill the most intricate parts of the molds to be poured in any one batch. Molding operations are the same as for green sand, except that provision must be made for the narrow range of fluidity and the high contraction of white iron. Allowance for shrinkage is }i inch to the foot. The castings after proper cleaning are packed in cast-iron boxes of suitable sizes, with red hematite ore broken up finely. New ore is not used alone but one part new is mixed thoroughly with four parts that have been used before; the castings are carefully packed in this mixture so that no two are in contact. The oxygen from the ore oxidizes the carbon in the castings, gradually 386 Malleable Cast Iron eliminating it. The ore, previous to use, is red oxide of iron (Fe203), but after the annealing process is found to be black oxide corresponding to the formula Fe304. After stacking the boxes in the anneaHng oven, the temperature is gradually raised during 48 to 72 hours; maintained at the annealing temperature from 12 to 24 hours, then allowed from 48 to 72 hours to cool. The length of time during which the high temperature is maintained varies with the thickness of the castings. For thick work the high temperature may have to be continued for a period increasing with the thickness of the, castings up to 96 hours. Typical Temperature Curve for Annealing Oven 1000 500 O'C 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fig. 109. Some makers anneal at as low a temperature as 850° C. (see P. Long, "Metallurgy, Iron and Steel," page 130). Within reasonable hmits, chemical composition of the castings in this process has little bearing on the result provided they are white iron as cast. The silicon may run from 0.3 to 0.9; sulphur 0.05 to 0.5; phosphorus should be under o.i; manganese causes trouble if over 0.5. Castings made by this process give a tensile strength of 18 to 22 tons; an elongation of 2V-i. to 6 per cent on 2 inches and a reduction of area of 5 to 8 per cent, with a cold bend on i^-inch square, of 45° to 90°. Mr. P. Longmuir obtained the following results from a commercial casting: Tensile strength, 27 tons; elongation, 5.7 per cent on 2 inches; reduction of area 10 per cent; it analyzed Si 0.65; S 0.3; P 0.04; Mn 0.15. In the process of annealing the carbon only is affected, being con- siderably reduced in amount; what remains is partly free and partly . combined. An annealed sample containing 0.6 per cent free carbon and 0.4 combined is considered good. Mr. Percy Longmuir places the average silicon for good malleable castings at 0.6, sulphur 0.3, phosphorus 0.05, and combined carbon 3 to 3.5 per cent. Ordinary or Reaamiir Malleable Cast Iron 387 Analyses Before and After A.nnealing Constituents Iron as cast After pro- longed an- nealing in iron ore Total carbon 3.43 .45 .06 .31 .53 10 Silicon 45 Sulphur 06 Phosphorus 32 Manganese 53 Interesting experiments were made by Mr. W. H. Hatfield of Sheffield, and results published in ''The Foundry," Oct., 1909, by Mr. G. B. Waterhouse. "Three converted bars of identical composition analyzing: Constituents Per cent Constituents Per cent Total carbon Combined carbon 1.64 1.64 .03 Manganese Sulphur Phosphorus trace 01 Silicon .01 One was packed in charcoal, another in pure quartz sand, the third in a red hematite ore mixture, consisting of two parts old and one part new. The pots were placed close together in the annealing oven and slowly raised to about 800° C. This required about three days. They were held at this temperature for 24 hoxirs, then raised to 900° C, held there for two days, then cooled slowly. Upon removal and breaking the following results appeared. No. I, from charcoal, broke short and gave a coarsely crystalline structure showing imder the microscope absolutely no free carbon. Its carbon was 1.63 per cent, the other elements remaining unchanged. No. 2, from sand, Was fairly tough but broke without bending. Fracture crystalline and steely. Its carbon was 0.74 per cent and again no free carbon was found. No. 3, from the ore mixture, bent considerably before breaking and was fairly ductile. Its carbon was 0.15 per cent and again no free carbon could be found, the structure being of ferrite crystals. The experiments appearing to prove conclusively the possibihty of carbon being removed without previous formation of free or temper carbon. 388 Malleable Cast Iron For the second series of experiments, an ordinary white iron was taken containing: Constituents Per cent Constituents Per cent 3.5 none .50 Manganese Sulphur Phosphorus Trace .35 The packing was the ore mixture previously referred to. Samples were heat-treated and sections were given a careful micro- scopical examination, with the following results: Decarburization began 54 hours after commencement of heating and at 770° C, showing a thin skin of ferrite; the remaining portion of the casting retained the typical structine of white iron. 40 hours later, during which time the temperature gradually raised to 980° C, the de- carburized skin increased in thickness to Yis inch. Fourteen hoiurs later, at a temperature of 970° C, the interior had broken down and free or temper carbon was apparent. During the next interval' of 60 hours, at 950° C. very little change occurred. The center showed pearlite, with a little cementite and containing temper carbon, merging gradually into the skin of ferrite. During the following 72 hours, the temperature was dropped to 140° C, resulting in the production of a really good sample of Enghsh malleable cast iron of the following analysis: Constituents Per cent Constituents Per cent Combined carbon .65 1. 10 Sulphur ■ 35 Temper carbon Phosphorus . ... ■ 05 1 The author's conclusion is, that carbon is eHminated while still in combination with the iron. It (the elimination) begins to take place at the comparatively low temperature of 750° C, and increases in activity with the temperature imtil such a temperature is reached that free or temper carbon is pre- cipitated. Previous to this change the interior consists of white iron, with the original quantity of combined carbon. As the operation proceeds the temper carbon is gradually taken back into combination to replace that removed by the oxidizing influences. American Practice 389 American Practice The mixtures of iron vary as the castings are thick or thin. The iron is melted either in the cupola, the air furnace or the open hearth furnace. The latter produces the best castings, but can only be used advanta- geously where the output is large enough to permit of running the fur- nace continuously. The air furnace is most frequently used. The castings may or may not be packed in an oxidizing material. Sand or fire clay are frequently used. Dr. Moldenke, who is recognized as an authority on malleable cast iron, states: "That it is absolutely necessary to have the hard castings free from graphite." He advises the following: Contents: Per Cent Carbon 3 -3.5 Silicon, heavy work, not over 0.45 Sihcon, ordinary work, not over o . 65 SiHcon, agricultural work, not over o. 80-1 . 25 Sulphur, not over o . 05 Phosphorus, not over o. 225 Manganese, not over o. 40 "In anneaKng, the temperature of the furnace should be run up to ' heat' in the shortest safe time possible; the limit is the danger of injury to furnace. Then the dampers should be closed and the temperature evenly maintained for 48 hoiurs. The fiu"nace should then be gradually cooled to a black heat before dumping. 36 hovirs are usually required to bring the oven up to heat. The entire process occupies about seven days. The annealing tem- perature is 1350° F. and this must obtain at the coldest part of the fur- nace, usually the lower part of the middle of the front row of pots. A difference of 200° F. in temperature is often found at different parts of the furnace. Cupola iron requires an annealing temperature 200" F. higher than that frorri an air furnace. The fuel ratio of an air furnace runs from i to 2 to i to 4. Loss in sihcon about 35 points. Temperatures should be carefuUy watched and measured with a Le Chateher pyrometer." The Doctor has much to say about the danger of injury to the melted iron in the bath, from oxidation. His practice was to have three tapping spouts at different levels, so that for an 18-ton furnace, three taps of 6 tons each may be made at intervals, tapping at the upper hole first and then in order from upper to bottom hole. 390 Malleable Cast Iron Mr. H. E. Diller, in the Journal of The American Foundrymen's Association, Vol. XI, Dec, 1902, says: The hard casting should have its carbon practically all in the com- bined state, while the annealing process should convert this to the so- called temper, or annealing carbon. In the manufacture of malleable castings the special make of iron called 'Malleable Bessemer' or 'Malleable Coke Iron' is the principal material used. The charcoal irons, while unequalled for value, are con- fined to the regions where they can compete with the cheaper coke irons. The composition required is as follows: Per cent Silicon o . 75 to 1 . 50 Sulphur, below 0.04, if possible Phosphorus, under ....0.20 With the pig iron, hard sprues (unannealed scrap), steel and also malle- able scrap are charged. The latter two materials are very good to add to the mixture, as they raise the strength of the casting very consider- ably. • Too much must not be added, as it would reduce the carbon to a point where fluidity and life in the melted metal is sacrificed. The most serious objection to cupola iron is its poor behavior under bending test, the deflection being very slight. Test bars from this class of iron seldom run above 40,000 pounds per square inch in tensile strength, while with furnace iron, there is no difficulty in getting a few thousand pounds more. The metal may be tapped from the furnaces into hand ladles; or it may be caught in crane ladles, carried to the distributing point and there emptied into the hand ladles. When tapped into hand ladles, time is a serious item, for the begin- ning and the end of the heat will be two different things. The latter iron will be inferior as it was subjected to the oxidizing effect of the flame much longer than the first part. This difficulty is some- what remedied by pouring the light work first, the heavier pieces coming later, when the silicon has been lowered too much for good light castings. The gating should be done to avoid the shrinkage effects as much as may be. The little tricks that can be applied make a surprising difference in the molding loss. Some malleable works seldom lose more than 10 per cent, while in others 20 per cent and over is the rule. 'After the castings have been tumbled they go to the annealing room, American Practice 391 where they are packed in mill cinder or iron ore, in cast-iron boxes. These are carefully luted up and heated in suitably constructed ovens, for five or six days. It usually takes from 36 hours to 48 hours to get the oven up to heat, the temperature ranging from 1600° to 1800° F. in the oven, the boxes having a somewhat lower temperature at the coldest point. When the fires are extinguished, the dampers are closed tight, all air excluded, and the oven allowed to cool very gradually; often only 400"^ F. the first day. After the castings come from the anneahng oven, they are again tumbled to remove the burnt scale; then chipped and ground for ship- ment. A well-annealed casting should not have much over 0.06 to 0.12 per cent combined carbon remaining in it. There is a material difference between the strength of an over-annealed casting and a normal one. Fig. 1 10. — Typical American Air Furnace. Two bars were taken from each of five heats. One from each set was given the usual anneal and the others reannealed. The average tensile strength of those annealed as usual, was 50,520 pounds per square inch, and the average elongation 6% per cent in six inches. The reannealed set had an average tensile strength of 43,510 pounds per square inch; the average elongation was 6h per cent in six inches. Over anneahng had therefore cost the metal some 7000 pounds of its strength. 'Malleable' can be made up to 60,000 pounds per square inch, though this is not advisable as the shock resisting qualities are sacrificed. Prof. Ledebur determined by experiment that the higher the silicon the lower the annealing temperature required, and the higher the tem- perature and silicon the quicker the change. He used five samples: 1 with 0.07 silicon. Could not be annealed. 2 with 0.27 silicon. Required temperature almost at melting point. 3 with 0.80 siHcon. Began to anneal at 1675° F. 4 with 1.25 sihcon. Began to anneal at 1200° F. 5 with 2.10 silicon. Began to anneal at 1200° F. 392 Malleable Cast Iron Specifications for Malleable Castings of J. I. Case Co. Tensile strength per sq. in., 35,000 to 50,000. Elongation, 1.5 in 4 in. Transverse test for O bar .8 inch diameter on supports 12 inches apart, must show 1750 pounds to 2,400 pounds breaking strength and deflection of not less than 0.31 inch. Drop Test. — A bar .8 inch diameter on supports 12 inches apart must not break under less than 1650 inch pounds, the drop being 22 poimds and the first drop through 3 inches, second 4 inches and so on imtil rupture occurs. Tortional test should closely approximate the tensile strength. Bending Test. — Pieces from Me to %& inch thick and from i to 3 inches wide, should bend over on themselves, around a circle equal Fig. III. — Annealing-Oven equipped for Gas. in diameter to twice the thickness of the piece and bend back again without break. The anneal is specified at not less than 72 hours for light and 120 hours for heavy work. Comparison of Tests made in 1885 ivith those made in igo8 1885 By Prof. Ricketts %-inch D bar, tensile strength, 30,970 to 44,290 per square inch. Elongation, 1.8 inches in 5 inches. Bars I by .2,2,, tensile strength, 32,750 to 36,990 per square inch. Round bars, i/i inch diameter, tensile strength, 36,200 to 44,680 per square inch. Round bars, % inch diameter, tensile strength, 26,430 to 34,600 per square inch. Compression, 108,900 to 160,950 pounds per square inch. American Practice 393 igo8 Bars H-inch D, tensile strength, 52,000 to 59,000 per square inch. Larger sections, tensile strength, 42,000 to 47,000 per square inch. Dr. Moldenke states that the tensile strength should run from 40,000 to 44,000. The Iron Trade Review gives the production of malleable castings in 1903 for the United States and Canada as 750,000 tons. Combined output of the rest of the world 50,000 tons. CHAPTER XVII STEEL CASTINGS IN THE FOUNDRY There is a great demand on the part of foundrymen for an appliance to successfully melt steel in smaU quantities; permitting small steel castings, or castings for which the demand is immediate, to be made in the gray iron foundry. Many efforts have been made to realize this desire, but so far have met with indifferent success. There are several appHances offered to manufactiirers, some employing the Bessemer converter, others the electric furnace in connection with the cupola. Men especially skilled are required to manipulate steel furnaces. The processes of mixing and melting the metal and annealing castings differ' so radically from those of the gray iron foimdry, that in the present undeveloped state of steel founding on a small scale, steps on the part of the foundryman in that direction should be taken with extreme caution. Mr. Percy Longmuir defines ordinary steel "as iron containing from O.I to 2 per cent of carbon in the combined form, which has been sub- mitted to complete fusion and poured into an ingot, or mould, for the production of a malleable or forgeable metal." "Mild steel contains about 0.2 per cent carbon; the element increasing as the harder varieties are approached, being highest of all in the tool steels." "The mechanical effect of this carbon is shown in the following table." Material Carbon Silicon Sulphur Phos- phorus Tenacity in tons per square inch Extension per cent on two inches Contrac- tion per cent of area Mild steel.... Tool steel .10 1. 00 .03 .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 20.00 60.00 50.0 5.0 70.0 10. "Within limits, an increase of carbon is accompanied by an increase in tenacity and a decrease in ductility, each increment of carbon showing distinctly these increases." "The following classification embraces the most famiUar tempers of Bessemer, Siemens and crucible steel." 394 Steel Castings in the Foundry 395 Class of steel Content of carbon .20 Purpose Ship and boiler plates, sheets, etc. .25 Axle steel. Bessemer steel ■•i .03 Tire steel. .03 Rail steel. ..1 .50 Spring steel. .20 Boiler plate. Siemens or open hearth . . .65 Spring steel. I 1.30 Tool steel. r .90 Chisel steel. ! 1. 10 Large files, drills and similar tool steels. Crucible steel .J 1.20 1.40 Turning tool steels. Saw file steels. 1.50 Razor steels. A steel containing o.io per cent carbon is unaffected in hardness by quenching, while one containing i per cent carbon becomes so hard under same conditions that it will scratch glass. Manganese is present in all commercial steels, varying from traces up to I per cent. It promotes soundness and neutralizes the effect of sulphur. Sihcon tends to the production of sound metal; while it is present in insignificant quantity in forging steel, in casting steels it may exist to the extent of 0.3 per cent. Phosphorus produces an exceedingly brittle, cold short metal. Pure steels contain 0.02 to 0.03 per cent. Usual specifications limit the phosphorus content to 0.06; at o.i the danger limit is reached. Steels containing appreciable amounts of sulphur are red short. In high quahty of steels the sulphur content runs about o.oi per cent. Ordinary specifications place the limit at 0.04 per cent. The variations in the carbon content to suit various requirements are shown in the following table : Content of carbon in steel Purpose for which the steel, in the form of a hardened or tempered tool, is suitable .50 Springs. .60 Stamping dies. .65 Clock springs. • .75 Hammers, shear blades, axes, mint dies. .80 Boiler punches, screw dies, cold sets. .90 Edge tools, slate saws. .95 Circular saws, pins. I. CO Cold chisels, cross-cut saws. 1. 10 Drills, large files, hand saws, mill picks. 1.20 Granite and marble saws, mill chisels. 1.30 Harder files, cutters, spindles, turning tools. 1.40 Saw files. 1.50 Turning tools for chilled rolls, razors and surgical instruments. 396 Steel Castings in the Foundry The following table is taken from Prof. J. O. Arnold's "Influence of Carbon on Iron." Mechanical Properties "Normal Steels" Carbon Elastic limit, tons per square inch Maximum stress, tons per square inch Elongation Reduction of area .08 .21 .38 .59 ■89 1.20 1-47 12.19 17.08 17.95 19.82 24.80 35.72 32.27 21.39 25.39 29.94 42.82 52.40 61.64 55.71 46.6 42.1 34.5 19.9 I3-0 8.0 2.8 74 67 56 22 15 7 3 8 8 3 7 4 8 3 "Normal steels" represent the rolled bars heated to 1000° C. and cooled in air. " Comparing this table with the foregoing statements, it appears that as pearlite replaces ferrite, the maximum stress increases, continmng to do so until a structure consisting of pearlite and very thin meshes of cementite is reached. Further increase in carbon resulting in greater dispersal of free cementite is associated with a decrease in maximum stress"." Bessemer Process The Bessemer process consists in blowing a large volume of compressed air through a bath of molten pig iron; the oxygen of the air combining with carbon, sihcon and manganese to form oxides. That combined with carbon passes off as gas while with sihcon and manganese slags are formed. On removal of carbon, silicon and manganese, assmning that sulphur and phosphorus are low, a product resembling wrought iron is obtained. Meantime during the process of oxidation, there is a rise in temperature sufficient to maintain mild steel in a fluid condition. The oxidation of silicon has the greatest effect in producing the rise in temperature. The irons must be low in sulphur and phosphorus, as these elements are not removed. An average content of 2.5 per cent silicon in the pig iron gives the best results. Higher than this, the heats are Hable to require scrap- ping; while with a lower content of sihcon there is danger of "cold blows." The melted metal is taken directly from the cupola, led by runners to the converter. The Baby Converter 397 The Baby Converter (Robert) This consists of a steel shell mounted on trunnions, so that it may be properly rotated. It is flattened on the back and lined with silica brick or ganister. On the flattened side the tuyeres are introduced horizontally. The surface of the metal lies approximately at the bottom of the tuyeres so that the blast may impinge upon it. The blast is from 3 to 4 pounds per square inch and means are provided for regulating it. The tuyeres being inclined radially, a rotary motion is imparted to the molten metal by the blast. In some cases the surface of the metal may be above the tuyere level, but seldom exceeds that by more than three or four inches. The high tuyere level permits some of the air to escape and burn on the surface of the bath; carbon monoxide is formed in the bath by the oxidation of the carbon. The combustion of carbon monoxide gives rise to considerable heat, which is absorbed by the bath. To this reaction is due the higher tem- perature of the side blow converter. The Tropenas converter has a double row of tuyeres which are hori- zontal when the converter is vertical. They are not radially inclined as in the Robert. The surface of the metal is at the bottom edge of the lower row of tuyeres; the blast is always on the surface of the metal. When blowing the converter is slightly inchned, causing the direction of the tuyeres to slope towards the surface of the metal. During the early stage of the blow the lower tuyeres only are used; but on the appearance of the carbon flame the upper row is opened. The carbon monoxide, partly consumed by air from the lower tuyeres, is supplied with sufi&cient oxygen for complete combustion by that from the upper row, generating additional heat. Recarbonization is effected in the converter or in the ladles according to the character of the composition required. The chemical changes taking place in a two ton Tropenas converter are given as follows : Constituents Cupola metal After 5 minutes blowing After 12 minutes blowing After 14 minutes blowing After 18 minutes blowing End of blow Fin- ished metal Graphite Combined car- bon Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese 3.180 .350 2.310 .037 .054 .610 2.920 .340 1.620 .037 .053 .600 2.900 .466 .035 .054 .101 2.300 .382 .036 .054 .040 .860 .084 .038 .051 .040 .100 .074 .038 .050 .042 .240 .326 .037 .0S8 1.080 398 Steel Castings in the Foundry Theoretically the feeder on a steel casting should sink due to shrinkage. If, however, instead of sinking, a rise is shown, this is clear evidence of internal unsoundness or sponginess. To prevent this result one of the first essentials lies in having the steel thoroughly dead melted or "killed" before casting. A properly "killed" steel pours quietly and settles down gently in the mould. "Wild metal " acts in the opposite way and in some cases is represented by an over-oxidized metal. A distinction must be drawn between a "pipe" and a blow hole. The former is due entirely to contraction or shrinkage in passing from the Hqmd to the solid state and must be obviated by feeding. "Blow-holes" are entirely different from "pipes" and are formed by the hberation of gases absorbed during the melting process. In considering the character of these gases, oxygen naturally arises first, owing to the strong affinity between iron and oxygen. There is every reason to suppose, however, that the oxygen absorbed when the iron is molten, remains stable at low temperatures -as an oxide, and in the absence of a deoxidizing agent this ferrous oxide is intermingled with the iron. Oxygenated steel is "dry" under the hammer and this con- dition is not necessarily due to blow-holes, but to "red-short" metal. Further, if free oxygen were present in quantity in the gas contained in a blow-hole, its skin would show an oxide film. The majority of blow^-holes have bright surfaces; comparatively few show colored tints, ranging from a straw to a blue, due to oxidation. These colored blow-holes owe their oxidized film, not to free oxygen hberated by the iron, but to air mechanically trapped during casting. Analyses of the gases seldom show more than traces of oxygen. Mr. E. Munker reports sixty-seven analyses of gases evolved by molten pig iron; the highest content of oxygen in the series is found at 0.8 per cent. Average analyses of gases in blow-holes give results of the following order: Per cent Hydrogen 75 Nitrogen . 23 Carbon monoxide . 2 The actual amount of these gases absorbed depends to some extoit on the temperature and composition of .the bath. While fluid the gases are retained; but with a fall in temperature after casting they are evolved. Those set free by a fall in temperature bubble through the pasty mass, the trapped bubbles representing blow-holes in the casting. As the tem- perature continues to fall less movement is offered and the gases cannot force passages through the stiffening metal. Hence more bubbles are trapped. Finally a stage is reached at which the mass becomes rigid and the further formation of blow-holes becomes impossible. The Baby Converter 399 The author's conclusions from the investigations of Wahlberg are: "i. If no internal movement is possible in the solidifying steel, the gas cannot disengage itself and so leads to the formation of blow-holes." "2. The presence of sihcon and manganese lead to the retention of the gases until sohdification is complete, hence preventing the formation of blow-holes." Methods of prevention include: "i. Liquid compression. "2. Additions to the steel of sihcon, manganese or aluminum. Each of these elements acts powerfully on the oxygen or the oxides of iron, combining with the oxygen to form slag." " Aluminum will remove carbonic oxide. There is, however, no reason to suppose that it will remove either hydrogen or nitrogen." "There are grounds for the belief that silicon, manganese and alum- inum increase the solvent power of the steel for hydrogen and nitrogen and that these gases remain dissolved." BrineU found that to produce an ingot of perfect density in the absence of sihcon, 1.66 per cent of manganese is necessary. In the absence of manganese 0.32 per cent sihcon is required; and with no manganese or sihcon 0.0184 per cent of aluminum is sufficient to produce a perfectly sound ingot. Or expressed in another way he states that aluminum is 90 times as effective as manganese and 17.3 times as much so as sihcon, in removal of gases. Metalhc borides are suggested by Weber for removal of oxygen; these in conjunction with ferrotitanium tend to removal of nitrogen. The casting temperature exercises a great influence upon the properties of the metal. These are found to rise and fall with the temperature above and below the casting heat, as shown by the following table: Analyses Maximum stress, tons per square inch Elonga- tion, per cent in 2 inches Reduc- tion of No. Carbon Si Mn s P per cent 80 A.... 81 A.... 82 A.... 83 A.... .29 .29 .29 .29 .07 .07 .07 .07 .16 .16 .16 .16 .07 .07 .07 .07 .c6 .06 .06 .06 24.2 27.2 27.0 25.5 95 24.0 12.5 8.0 18.0 32.3 17-5 12.0 These steels were poured from one large ladle at intervals of a few minutes. They are exactly of the same analysis; the bars were annealed together, each bar receiving exactly the same treatment, and apart from variation of casting temperatures, the conditions were the same for all. These results have been repeated many times. When the steel is poured at an excessive temperature, similar ones are always obtained. 400 Steel Castings in the Foundry Annealing The following is extracted from McWiUiams and Longmuir's " Gen- eral Foundry Practice." Steel castings are usually annealed in the reverberatory gas furnace. The anneaKng recommended by Prof. Arnold for general work is to heat the castings up to about 950° C. keeping them at that temperature for about 70 hours, then luting the furnace and allowing them to cool slowly for 100 hours. The Clinch- Jones annealing furnace is highly spoken of, the controlling idea being that while the castings are heated in a muffle, by keen flames outside the walls of the muffle, virgin gas from the producer is allowed to come into the muffle and combine with all the oxygen that may enter, thus preventing it from getting to the castings to scale them by oxidizing at their surfaces. A cut of this oven is shown on page 266 (McW. &L.). The micrographs (McW. & L.) show the structural changes produced by annealing. It should be remarked that the unannealed bar, Fig. 112, (McW. & L.) %-inch diameter when bent over a ^^-inch radius broke at 43°. After annealing, same bar bent double without fracture. after annealing Fig. 112. f ^H EKIF^^''' ^ r ^^^V *■P^-~--<^.j^ ^^^ i^^S^ ^^B^^p^R ^^. ^^m faS^Kj pj^Mff^X nH^IHBl ^^^Sbt^^^W '^s^ ^r^BBl ^BKrS^^Sir^^ m v^OB BSOf^^^ 3ii^— 4^ Fig. 113. Fig. 113 (McW. & L.) shows the structure of a portion of a large open hearth casting, having originally the same structure as the unan- nealed part of Fig. 112 after insufficient annealing. When thoroughly annealed the structure was as shown in Fig. 114. A test bar i inch square as shown in Fig. 113 broke at 40°; while one Tropenas Process 401 as per Fig. 114 bent at 101° without fracture, showing tensile strength of 33 tons per square inch; elongation 30 per cent; reduction of area 41 per cent. The composition of the casting was C.C. 0.24, Si 0.15, Mn 0.8, P 0.04, S 0.05. Fig. 114. Other micrographs of most interesting character are shown on pages 293 to 297 and 338 to 354 (McW. & L.). The process of annealing must be varied to suit different compositions and purposes for which the steel is provided. Tropenas Process This process was patented by Alex. Tropenas of Paris in 1891; the first converter, 800 pounds capacity, was erected at the works of Edgar Allen & Co., Ltd., ShefiQeld, Eng., and introduced into the United States in 1898. It produces hotter steel than any other process. The steel may be carried for considerable distances in hand ladles or shanks and poured into small castings. The Tropenas process consists in melting a calculated mixture in the cupola, transferring the metal to a special type of converter and its conversion to steel therein. The reactions are identical with those of the Bessemer and open hearth furnaces; the difference lies in the manner of producing these reactions. The converter is designed to conserve and increase the heat as much as possible and by preventing evolution in the bath, to keep out any gases not necessary for or caused by the 402 Steel Castings in the Foundry decarburization, mechanical disturbance, gyration or ebullition of the bath is reduced to a minimum. The converter is in general similar to the Bessemer converter, the particular difference being in the location and construction of the tuyeres. Figs. 215 and 216, pages 307 and 308 McW. & L. give fair illustra- tions of the device. The operation consists in melting the iron in the cupola precisely as for gray iron castings, except that enough for the charge must be gathered at the first tapping. The melted iron is then transferred to the converter and skimmed clear of slag. The converter is so adjusted that the level of the metal reaches exactly to the lower edge Fig. 115. Fig. 116. of the bottom tuyeres, so that the blast will strike exactly upon the surface of the metal. The longitudinal axis of the converter should make an angle of from 5° to 8° with the vertical. This is a matter of importance and extreme care must be taken to obtain the correct position before applying the blast. The upper tuyeres are closed and the blast turned on with about 3 pounds pressure. If the composition of the iron is correct and it has been melted hot, sparks and smoke will be emitted from the converter for about four minutes, then flame appears which gradually increases in volume and brilliancy. After about ten minutes, what is known as "the boil" appears. In a few minutes this dies down considerably, and the blow remains quiescent for a time. Then the flame increases again, attains the maximum brilliancy and finally dies down for the last time. • Chemistry of the Process 403 This is the end of the blow, the carbon, silicon and manganese having been reduced to the lowest limits. The converter is now turned down, the blast shut off and a weighed amount of ferrosilicon, ferromanganese or silicon speigel added to recarbonize the steel to the desired point. The steel is now ready for casting. On account of its great fluidity and thin slag it may be poured over the hp of an ordinary ladle, instead of from one with a bottom pour. Claims made for this process. 1. The form of the bottom of the converter gives a greater depth in proportion to the surface area and cubic contents than any other pneu- matic process, preventing the disturbance of the bath when blowing. 2. The symmetrical position of the tuyeres with respect to the center tuyere prevents any gyrating or churning of the bath. This is directly opposed to all other processes. 3. The special position of the bottom tuyeres during blowing, so that they are never below the surface of the bath, reduces the power necessary for blowing; as only enough air Is introduced to make the combustion and not to support or agitate the bath. 4. The oxidation of the metalloids takes place at the surface only, the reaction being transmitted from molecule to molecule without any mechanical disturbance. 5. The addition of a second row of tuyeres completely burns the CO and H produced by the partial combustion of carbon and the decomposi- tion of moisture introduced with the blast and this increases the tem- perature of the bath by radiation. 6. Very pure steel is obtained, as the slag and the iron are not mixed together. 7. There is a minimum of waste on account of the bath being kept comparatively quiet. 8. Less final addition is required on account of the purity of the steel and its freedom from oxides. Chemistry of the Process No fuel is needed in the converter. The increase in temperature after the melted metal is introduced is occasioned by the combustion of the metalloids during their removal. These elements are carbon, siUcon and manganese. The oxidation of the siUcon furnishes by far the greatest part of the useful heat. Prof. Ledebur has calculated that the rise in temperature of the bath due to the combustion of i per cent of each of the constituents is as follows: SiHcon 300° C; phosphorus 183° C; manganese 69° C; iron 44° C; carbon 6° C. 404 Steel Castings in the Foundry * It is necessary that the composition of the bath before blowing should be that which has been found to give the best results. Sulphur and phosphorus are as unaffected here as in any other acid- hned f lurnace and the content of those elements in the finished steel will depend on how much the stock melted contained. The cupola mixture generally consists of low phosphorus pig iron and steel scrap, composed of runners, risers and waste from previous heats. As much as 50 per cent scrap may be carried successfully. The mixture must be made in such proportions that the analysis after melting will be: Per cent Silicon 1 . 90-2 . 25 Manganese o. 60-1 . 00 Carbon, about 3 • 00 The result of low silicon is to make the blows colder; that of high silicon to make the blows unduly long and to increase the wear on the lining. Manganese should be kept w^ithin the limits specified. Low man- ganese tends to make the slag thick. High manganese makes the blow sloppy and corrodes the lining. During the first period of the blow, the silicon chiefly is oxidized and the carbon changed from graphitic to combined. The manganese is the most active element in the middle of the blow, being most rapidly eliminated at the boil. The last period brings the carbon flame, and the indications are so plain that it is feasible to stop the blow before all the carbon is burned out, thereby reducing the amount of carburiser needed. In addition to these elements a certain amount of iron is unavoidably oxidized and the total loss of all elements included is about 12 per cent. Converter Linings The converter is generally lined with an acid or silica lining. Success- ful experiments have been made with a basic lining (dolomite), but it has not been developed commercially. Special shaped blocks to fit the converter or the regular standard shapes may be used. The material must be of the highest grade sihca stock, burnt at the highest possible kiln temperature. It usually contains from 95 to 97 per cent Si02, and is practically free from lime and magnesia. Another method in frequent use is to run ground ganister around a collapsible form. This probably is the cheapest method. Before making the first blow, the converter is made white hot by a coke or oil fire. Mr. J. S. Whitehouse of Columbus, Ohio, in a paper read before the American Foundrymen's Association, states that the claims which were Converter Linings 405 made for the side blow converter, when first introduced into America were, to say the least, absurd. Many failures were made by employ- ing inexperienced workmen, who had only limited instructions from experts sent out with the apparatus and the results were frequently disastrous. A year's experience, at least, under proper instruction is required before a man can become a competent blower. He must be able to tell the temperature of the metal soon after the flame starts and to judge the siUcon by the first period. He must tell when the blow is finished from the slag as well as by the flame. He must know how to keep the lining in the best shape to get all the heat possible from the process, and the hundred little kinks of the trade, which, as a rule, the expert will never impart, but are obtained only from experience. A man with the above qualifications will blow with a loss of less than 17 per cent — about 15 per cent. With proper blowing the main loss comes from the silicon in the charge, usually 2 per cent, which is oxidized together with iron and manganese to form the slag. Mr. Whitehouse learned to blow with 2 per cent silicon, but for the past few years has been blowing iron, analyzing from 0.90 to 1.25 per cent silicon from the cupola, and often has been obliged to use scrap while blowing. There is an advantage in the increased amount of scrap which can be carried, as it cuts down the cupola loss by increasing the amount of carbon in the charge. For example: He charges 50 per cent pig carrying about 3.75 per cent carbon and 50 per cent scrap having 0.25 per cent carbon. Tests from such iron from the cupola give 3.25 to 3.50 per cent carbon, showing a gain of 1.25 to 1.50 per cent carbon, taken from the coke, instead of purchased in the pig iron. 50 per cent scrap can be melted in the cupola, using only i2i/i per cent coke, but the blower must have a complete knowledge of cupola practice. Most blowers use too much volume and too high pressure of blast to get the best results. With low silicon the volume and pressure of blast must be low. No two blows will act alike and require different treatment, which can be determined by the flame, but which he is unable to describe. It is as necessar}^ for the blower to regulate the air valve to get proper combustion as it is for the melter to adjust air and gas valves. With ordinary care the steel produced in a converter is very uniform in carbon and silicon; more so, he thinks, than in the open hearth. The greatest variation seems to be in manganese. The temperature of the metal and the condition of the slag cause more variation in the converter than in the acid open hearth. It is possible to run several weeks without 4o6 Steel Castings in the Foundry taking an analysis and find at the end of the run very little variation in the elements. While this is possible with the open hearth, it is not practiced on account of the risk. It is, however, frequently done in converter practice. The method of making the molds is identical with that followed in the open-hearth practice. Fig. 117. — Arrangement of the Cupola and Converter. The Metal is Handled by a Fovir-ton Pneumatic Jib Crane. An ordinary converter shop, with one two-ton converter is capable of producing between 100 and 150 tons of good castings per month, blowing three times a week. He concludes with saying that the management must be good and the salaries paid the officers as reasonable as possible, otherwise the shop is fore-doomed to failure, regardless of the quaUty of the product. At the Cincinnati Meeting of the American Foundrymen's Associa- tion, Mr. Whitehouse, in reply to various inquiries, made the following statements : Converter Linings 407 When the flames show that the blow is getting very hot, scrap is thrown in at the top of the converter until it cools down. The scrap is as small as can be conveniently handled and is not preheated. The blast pressure averages from 2.25 to 2.50 pounds. Fig. 118. — Pouring the Iron into the Converter before the Blow. Sometimes, after the sihcon is reduced and during the blow, steel scrap is thrown into the converter. The carbon can be varied by the final additions. It is usual and customary to blow the heat down till the flame drops; the carbon is then about o.io per cent. The carbon is then raised by the addition of melted pig iron or pulverized coke. The carbon can be raised as much as desired. If more than 0.40 or 0.50 per cent carbon is 4o8 Steel Castings in the Foundry required, the blow is stopped before completion. It is customary to blow down to .09 or o.io per cent carbon, then to recarbonize with ferro- manganese, melted pig iron and spiegeleisen. I usually use coke. If ferromanganese is melted in a small cupola, as has been done in the East, the loss is very heavy. The most economical practice is to throw the ferromanganese into the converter at the end of the blow. The usual custom is to add ferromanganese and then pig iron. "My practice is never to reline entirely. At the end of the heat day, the converter is cooled off, patched up, dried out and is then ready for _ the next day. Where the converter is used until it is cut out, the Uning re- moved and then renewed, there is a great loss of iron." The practice is to blow just at the sur- face, with the blast impinging slightly on the metal. During the blow the tuyeres are submerged, and if the pressure is sud- denly stopped for any cause the iron. wiU run into the wind box. The converter is so placed that the blast will strike the surface of the metal at an angle of 175** to 171°. He does not use a second row of tuyeres. Upon starting to use the converter, there was an upper row of tuyeres, but they were subsequently dis- carded. The lower tuyeres furnish all the blast required. Formerly he used bull ladles in pour- ing small castings and experienced no trouble. At the present time, the entire heat, sometimes consisting of castings weighing less than thirty pounds, is poured with a thousand-pound ladle. The following extract is from the Foundry, Jan., 19 10, describing the equipment of the recently erected steel foundry of the Vancouver En- gineering Works, Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. The cupola is the Standard Whiting type, having a rated capacity of six to seven tons per hour. Iron is tapped from the cupola into a six-thousand-pound ladle, carried by a pneumatic crane. Two taps are made to obtain a full charge for the converter. The composition of the iron is as follows: Si. 1.80 to 2.00; S. 0.04; Fig. 119. — View of One End of the Foundry, Showing the Con- verter Discharging Steel into a Ladle. Standard Specifications for Steel Castings 409 Phos. 0.04; Mn. 0.60 to 1.50. The cupola charge is so proportioned as to give about one per cent manganese. Steel scrap is available as desired. The converter, of two-tons capacity, is of the standard Whiting type (Tro- penas) and is lined with ganister, sand and fireclay. This lining, if cared for, will give from 180 to 200 blows. The air pressure of blast to converter ranges from three to five pounds per square inch, regulated by valve on operator's platform. The blowing operation requires from 15 'to 20 minutes, varying with the percentage of metalloids in the iron. The temperatiure of the bath depends upon the rapidity of the blow. Fig. 120. — The Converter in Operation. Reduction in the weight of metal is about 18 per cent. The steel comes from the converter at 1700° C, insuring sufficient fluidity to give sharp, sound castings of light section. Standard Specifications for Steel Castings Adopted BY American Association for Testing Materials Process of Manufacture 1. Steel for castings may be made by the open hearth, crucible or Bessemer process. Castings to be annealed or unannealed a& specified. Chemical Properties 2. Ordinary castings, those in which no physical requirements are specified, shall contain not over 0.40 per cent carbon, nor over 0.08 per cent of phosphorus. 3. Castings which are subject to physical test shall contain not over 0.05 per cent of phosphorus, nor over 0.05 per cent of sulphur. Physical Properties 4. Tested castings shall be of three classes, hard, medium and soft. The minimum physical qualities required in each class shall be as foUows: Properties Hard castings Medium castings Soft castings Tensile strength, pounds per inch Yield point, pounds per inch Elongation per cent in 2 inches 85,000 38,250 15 20 70,000 31.500 18 25 60,000 27,000 22 4IO Steel Castings in the Foundry 5. A test to destruction may be substituted for tensile test in the case of small or unimportant castings, by selecting three castings from a lot. This test shall show the material to be ductile, free from injurious defects, and suitable for the purposes intended. A lot shall consist of all castings from the same melt, or blow annealed in the same furnace charge, 6. Large castings are to be suspended and hammered all over. No cracks, flaws, defects, nor weakness shall appear after such treatment. 7. A specimen one inch by one-half inch (i " X v/') shall bend cold around a diameter of one inch (i") without fracture on outside of bent portion, through an angle of 120° for the "soft," and 90° for "medium" castings. Test Pieces and Methods of Testing 8. The standard turned test specimen, one-half inch {W) diameter and two inch (2") gauged length, shall be used to determine the physical properties specified in paragraph No. 4. It is shown in the following sketch. 9. The number of standard test specimens shall depend upon the character and im- ' portance of the castings. A test piece shall be cut cold from a coupon to be molded and cast on some portion of one or more castings from each blow or melt, or from the sink heads (in case heads of sufl&cient size are used). The coupon, or sink head, must receive the same treatment as the casting, or castings, before the specimen is cut out and before the coupon, or sink head, is removed from the casting. 10. One specimen for bending test, one inch by one-half inch (i" X W) shall be cut cold from the coupon, or sink head, of the casting, or castings, as specified in paragraph No. 9. The bending test may be made by pressure or by blows. 11. The yield point specified in paragraph No. 4 shall be determined by careful observation of the drop of the beam, or halt in the gauge of the testing machine. 12. Tiu-nings from the tensile specimen, drillings from the bending specimen or drillings from the small test ingot, if preferred by the in- spector, shall be used to determine whether or not the steel is within the limits, in phosphorus and sulphur, specified in paragraphs Nos. 2 and 3. 41 ■11 2i"- -Mi"k- Fig. Open-Hearth Methods for Steel Castings 411 Finish 13. Castings shall be true to pattern, free from blemishes, flaws or • shrinkage cracks. Bearing surfaces shall be solid, and no porosity shall be allowed in positions where the resistance and value of the casting for the purpose intended will be seriously affected thereby. Inspection 14. The inspector, representing the purchaser, shall have all reasonable facilities afforded him by the manufacturer to satisfy himself that the finished material is furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture, prior to shipment. The following paper, by Mr. W. M. Carr, on the manufacture of steel castings in small quantities by the open-hearth process is given herewith in full. Open-Hearth Methods for Steel Castings With Remarks on the Small Open-Hearth Furnace By W. M. Caer, New York City It is a fact that the open-hearth process for the manufacture of steel is gradually gaining ground, as can be proved by statistics. The reason for its supplanting other methods is mainly one of quality. Further, the basic open-hearth process permits a mixture of pig iron and miscellaneous steel scrap of a lower grade and cheaper price than raw material necessary to other processes. With the foregoing facts in mind the author presents this article for the consideration of prospective investors in the manufacture of steel castings in small, moderate and large tonnages; to be more explicit, small tonnages are capacities of melting units in one-half, one and two tons per heat. Moderate tonnages are capacities of furnaces of two to five tons per heat, and large tonnages are capacities from ten to twenty- five tons per heat. There are thus offered possible outputs to meet almost any requirements. In presenting the claims, it is with the recognition of the following advantages : 1. The small capacity furnaces cost less to install than any other steel making devices excepting only crucible melting furnaces. 2. The economy in operation of open-hearth furnaces in any capacity over that of any other steel-making process. 3. The certainty of results, the greater degree of control in operation and the reduction of the personal equation to the lowest possible expres- sion. 412 Steel Castings in the Foundry It is generally known to the foundrymen that the largest production of steel castings comes through open-hearth furnaces of capacities of j&ve to twenty-five tons per heat. Such practice is established and requires constant demand to be profitable, and investment of consider- able capital varying with the size of the plant. It has been thought that capacities of less than five tons per heat are not possible by open-hearth methods, and engineers generally have dissuaded those who wish to Fig. 122. engage in the manufacture of steel castings either for their own con- sumption or the trade from using open-hearth methods, since up till quite recently the tendency has been rather to increase the capacity of the open hearth, supposedly for economical reasons rather than to build small units with less capacities. The author, however, has had the opportunity to demonstrate the possibilities of the miniature open hearth and has found from actual practice that it is economical, and comparing operation costs with stand- Open-Hearth Methods for Steel Castings 413 ard capacity furnaces, bears equally well in economy. This fact is somewhat of an innovation, but nevertheless true, and it can be said that the operating cost of the miniature open hearth is less than that of any type of steel-producing unit or process, making steel in equal quantity. To assist those who may not be famihar with an open-hearth furnace and its operation, a study of the diagram herewith, (Fig. 122) given may be instructive. The upper part of the furnace is represented in sectional elevation. The structure is built of refractory bricks and boiuid se- curely with structural steel beams and plates at certain points not shown in the diagram. The lower part of the furnace, usually below the charging floor level or carried below the shop level, consists of the chambers, connecting flues leading to a reversing valve and thence to a regenerator stack. Referring again to the main body of the furnace it will be noticed that the hearth, which is practically a shallow dish lined with "siKca" sand is fused into one sohd mass at a high temperature at the time of what is known as "making bottom." This is the laboratory where the raw material is melted and refined to steel of any desired composition. In outhne the practice is as follows and refers to the opera- tion of a miniature open hearth fired with fuel-oil being recommended in preference to producer gas in capacities of less than five tons per heat. After the furnace has been brought up to a working temperature — white heat — a mixture of acid pig iron and low phosphorus steel scrap usually in the proportions, one-third pig and two-thirds scrap, is charged into the furnace, adding the pig iron first, and when that becomes molten, following with the scrap. The whole mass subsequently becomes liquid by means of the oil flame passing above it. At this stage the temperature of the furnace has been lessened through the addition of the cold stock, but it will still be at a temperature above that required to melt pig-iron. But in order to elevate the temperature above that required to melt steel and have it in condition to pour, the advantage of the principle of regeneration is available. This consists in returning to the furnace waste heat which in other types of furnaces escapes to the stack. Without a system of regeneration it is not possible to reach a proper steel casting temperature ; that is to say, a reverberatory furnace without regeneration gives a temperature, (where the combustion of the fuel is supported by cold air) , less than that required to properly liquefjj steel, but with the principle of regeneration applied to such a furnace, high temperatures are readily reached. To imderstand this principle we will foUow the course of the flame of the burning oil as indicated by the arrows in the diagram. Begirming 414 Steel Castings in the Foundry at the right hand end oil is deHvered to the burner which is shown surrounded with a water cooled casing to protect the burner fittings. The oil is deHvered either by gravity or pump pressure, but before reaching the end of the burner it is atomized or vaporized by air under pressure. This air is designated as primary air and performs httle or no part in supporting combustion of the oil vapor, and the quantity of air delivered in excess above the amount necessary to promote combus- tion of the oil is known as secondary air. The secondary air enters the reversing valve shown at the stack connection, passes through the right hand regenerator, enters the uptakes below the water cooled burner casing, performs its function and passes along the roof of the furnace, in part, and the remainder, mixed with the products of combustion with the strata of flame plajang above the bath, enters the downtake at the left hand end of the furnace and in its passage to the stack gives up the major portion of its heat to a large quantity of brick work piled within the chamber. When the waste gases have passed through the reversing valve and entered the stack they have just about enough heat to induce the necessary draft. Now, after an interval of twenty to thirty minutes the right hand burner may be shut ofl", but not withdrawn from the furnace; the reversing valve is thrown and the oil and primary air turned on at the left hand end of the furnace. The secondary air will then be diverted by the reversing valve to flow through the left hand regenerator or checker chamber, and passing through innumerable pas- sages in that set of checkers absorbs a large quantity of heat radiating from the glowing bricks which became heated in the first instance by the outgoing gases during a previous cycle of operation. This radiated heat regenerating the secondary air will be added to the temperatiure gener- ated by the burning fuel and the products of combustion will accordingly have an increased quantity of heat to impart to the checker work at the outgoing or right hand end. In other words, whatever temperature may be carried in by the secondary air will be equivalent to an increase in efficiency of the burning fuel. Successive reversals of the fuel, pri- mary and secondary air produce constantly increasing increments in flame temperatures below the melting points of the refractory brick works. We have seen what can be accomplished by storing up and restoring to the furnace waste heat from the products of combustion, producing 4he effect of a higher possible temperature than in any type of melting furnace. In addition to this effect another one is quite active and that is reflection of heat from the walls and roof of the furnace upon the surface of the bath of metal. This latter effect, known as radio-activity, is more pronounced in a narrow melting chamber than in a wider one and conse- Open-Hearth Methods for Steel Castings 415 quently the result will be two factors, one a decreasing fuel consumption and the other the possibihty of superheating steel in a miniature open- hearth. This fact has not been recognized heretofore because most open- hearth furnaces are fired with producer gas, and since that fuel requires pecuKar furnace construction to get the best results in burning it, it has not been found possible to make use of such fuel in a comparatively short furnace hearth and therefore all furnaces designed to use that fuel must have a comparatively long hearth tending mainly in the direction of increased capacities rather than decreased. On the other hand, the length of the hearth is not restricted where oil can be substituted for producer gas and therefore it has been found possible to operate an open-hearth furnace as small as 350 pounds capacity per -heat. Thus a new field is opened to make steel by the open-hearth process. Referring again to the operating method, we saw where the bath of metal was molten and at a moderate temperature. This temperature was due to the fact that the metal was highly carburized, since the presence of carbon lowers the melting point of iron. We saw how it was possible to gradually increase the temperature of the fiu-nace by the regeneration of the secondary air, and with that constant elevation of temperature, dormant chemical actions will be set up. The first effect will be an oxidization of the siHcon occurring mostly on the surface of the metal by the oxidizing action of the flame. The product would be sihca, which combines with whatever oxide of iron might be present in the bath of metal. The combination would form a slag of comparatively Ught weight that would rise to the surface and cover the bath. The slag is shown in the diagram by the heavy black Hne. This layer of slag prevents the metal below from direct contact with the flame. After the removal of the silicon the next action will be the removal of the carbon. This action is a gas-forming one and wiU cause a bubbling or boil through- out the bath. The action can be augmented from time to time by the addition of iron oxide in the form of iron ore. As the decarburization progresses test plugs are taken from time to time, the operator judging the amount of carbon in the bath by their fracture and malleability. When the carbon has decreased to a predetermined point, the boil may be stopped or killed by deoxidizing agents such as ferrosilicon and ferro- manganese in properly weighed amounts. The metal can then be trans- ferred to molds. This method as outhned refers to the acid process. In it the elements sulphur and phosphorus are not removed. The basic process consists of a hearth hning made of magnesite. Such a hning permits an addition of hmestone to form a slag which will absorb the two elements and make a purer steel, chemically speaking, than the acid process, and at the same time allow the use of cheaper and irregular 4i6 Steel Castings in the Foundry raw materials against the acid process with strictly limited chemical composition concerning the two elements mentioned. With open-hearth furnaces designed to use producer gas and which rarely go below five tons capacity it is not possible to adapt them to intermittent operation. Even in the smaller producer-gas fired furnaces the roof span is considerable, resulting in heavy stresses on the side walls. These stresses will vary as the furnace is heated and cooled, and if such alternations are frequent there is danger of collapse of the furnace. It becomes necessary then to maintain them continuously at a steady tem- perature. Unless there should be demand for regular tonnage the fuel consumption during idle periods would be a constant expense. In miniature open-hearth furnaces, owing to the comparatively narrow hearth chamber, the roof span is of course lessened and therefore v/hat- ever expansion or contraction therein following heatings and coolings, wiU result in comparatively slight stresses, and these results decrease in effect with the lessened capacity furnaces, and they therefore lend themselves to intermittent operation with greater ease and lessened liabihty of repairs. The miniature open hearth is most satisfactory in the roUing type with the body cylindrical, so that the stresses even though slight will be evenly distributed, whereas in a rectangular -form the roof will always rest and thrust upon the inside walls. In fact the miniature open hearth is not recommended to be built in the stationary type. In conclusion the miniature open hearth is not costly to install, is comparatively simple to operate, gives results equal to standard open- hearth practice, makes hotter steel than the regular open hearth and . can show costs equally as low per poimd of molten metal in the ladle. Comparative Cost of Steel made by Different Processes 417 Comparative Cost of Steel made by DiSerent Processes From paper presented to the American Foundrymen's Association by Mr. Bradley Stoughton. Table I. — Acid Open Hearth Raw materials Pig iron Heads, gates, etc Foreign scrap Defective castings* (account bad metal) Ferro-alloys Total metal Operating costs Cost of steel in ladle Per 2000 pounds of steel in ladle Price of raw materials per 2000 pounds $14.00 14.00 14.50 50.00 40.60 Weight used, pounds 300 660 1080 20 29 2089 Per cent used Cost $2. 10 4.62 7.83 .50 ^ $15.64 5.5ot $21.14 Cost $15.64 8.85 t $24.49 Cost of Steel in Castings Cost of steel in ladle -^ 65 per cent J = Less credit for heads, etc., as_scrap = . $32.52 4.62 $27.90 $37.68 4.62 $33.06 * The price given for defective castings is over and above their value as scrap See the text following for further discussion of this charge. t The charge of S5.50 for operating costs is the figure for a 2S-ton furnace and large tonnage; that of $8.85 is for a small furnace and small production. t Of the steel in the ladle, 65 per cent goes into castings, 33 per cent goes into heads, gates, etc. and 2 per cent is lost in spattering, etc. 4i8 Steel Castings in the Foundry Table II. — Basic Open Hearth Raw materials Pig iron Heads, gates, etc. . . . Foreign scrap Defective castings*. . Ferro-alloys Total metal Operating costs . . Cost of steel in ladle. Per 2000 pounds of steel in ladle Price of raw- materials per 2000 pounds $12.75 14.00 II. 15 SO. 00 40.60 Weight used, pounds Per cent used Cost 1040 52 $6.63 660 33 4.62 350 17 ^i 1.9s 40 2 1. 00 33 1I/2 .67 2123 106 $14.87 6. lot $20.97 Cost $14.87 9 -55 ! $24.42 Cost of Steel in Castings Cost of steel in laddie H- 65 per cent J — $32.26 4.62 $27.64 $37.57 4 62 Less credit for heads, etc. as scrap = . Net cost of steel in castings . ... $32.95 * See footnote under Hearth, Table I. t See footnote under Table I. t Of the steel in the ladle, 65 per cent goes into castings, 33 per cent goes into heads, gates, etc., 2 per cent is lost in spattering in pouring. Acid Open Hearth and Basic Open Hearth 419 Acm Open Hearth and Basic Open Hearth [When Together in One Plant] Raw materials Acid open hearth per 2000 pounds of steel in ladle Basic open hearth per 2000 pounds of steel in ladle Price of raw materials per 2000 pounds M 8 h 1 $14.00 14.00 14.50 50.00 40.60 300 1320 420 20 29 15 66 21 I I 104 $2.10 9.24 3.05 .50 ■ 59 $12.75 II. 15 so. 00 40.60 1040 lOIO 40 33 2123 52 '151/2 2 11/2 $6.63 Heads, gates, etc., from 5.63 Ferroalloys .67 Total metal 2089 $15.48 5.50 $20.98 71 $13.93 6.10 $20.03 Operating costs Cost of steel in ladle Cost of Steel in Castings Cost of Steel in Castings Cost of steel in ladle -h 65 pe $32.28 4.62 $27.66 $30.81 4.62 $26 . 19 420 Steel Castings in the Foundry Table IV. — Converter Per 2000 pounds of steel in ladle Raw materials Price of raw materials per 2000 pounds Weight used, pounds Percent used Cost Cost Pig iron $14.00 17.40 14.00 80.00* 40.60 300 1280 660 20 35 229s 15 64 33 It 2 115 $2.10 II. 14 4.62 .8ot .71 $19.37 3. sot $22.87 Pig iron Heads, gates, etc. Defective castings (account bad metal) Ferroalloys . . Total metal $19-37 Cost of steel in ladle $24.87 Cost of Steel in Castings $35.18 4.62 $30.56 $38.26 4.62 Net cost of steel in castings . . . . $33.64 • See footnote under Table I. t The percentage of defective castings in converter practice will actually be less than this, so that the cost is a little higher than justice to average converter practice demands. In the absence of average figiures, we have charged it the same as acid open hearth, with this correction. t Operating cost, $3-5o, is for one 2-ton converter making 150 tons per week. The $5-50 per ton is a 2-ton converter with small production. Converter, with Large Waste 421 Table V. — Converter, with Large Waste Per 2000 pounds of steel in ladle Raw materials Price of raw- materials per 2000 pounds Weight used, pounds Per cent used Cost Cost Pig iron .... $14.00 17.40 14.00 80.00 40.60 300 1360 660 20 _^ 2378 IS 68 33 I 2 119 $2.10 11.83 4.62 .80 .77 $20.12 3.50 $23.62 Pig iron Heads, gates, etc. Defective castings account bad metal. Total metal $20.12 5.50 Cost of steel in ladle $25.62 Cost of Steel in Castings Cost of steel in ladle -^ 65 per cent . Less credit for heads, etc., as scrap. Net cost of steel in castings $36.34 4.62 $31.72 $39-42 4.62 $34.80 422 Steel Castings in the Foundry Table VI. — Acm Open Hearth [Making Small Castings] Raw materials Pig iron Heads, gates, etc Foreign scrap Defective castings account bad metal, Ferroalloys Total metal Operating costs Cost of steel in ladle Per 2000 pounds of steel in ladle Price of raw- materials per 20CX) pounds S14.00 14.00 14.50 50.00 40.60 Weight used, pounds 300 660 120 29 Per cent used Cost $2.10 4.62 7. II 300 ^ $17-42 5.50 $22.92 Cost $17-42 8.85 $26.27 Cost of steel in castings Cost of steel in ladle -f- 65 per cent*. Less credit for heads, etc., as scrap. . Net cost of steel in castings $35.26 4.62 $30.64 S40.41 4.62 $35.79 * Of the steel in the ladle, 65 per cent goes into castings, 33 per cent goes into heads, gates, etc., 2 per cent is lost in spattering during pouring. In making small castings, the loss in pouring from a bottom-poured ladle would be much larger than this, and the cost of steel in castings would be increased $1 to $3 per ton, but data is lacking for exact estimates. Crucible Castings 423 Table VIL — Basic Open Hearth [Making Small Castings] Per 2000 pounds of steel in ladle Per 2000 pounds of steel in ladle Raw materials Price of raw materials per 2000 pounds 13 li S 1 5 $12.75 14.00 II. IS 50.00 40.60 1040 660 190 200 33 52 33 10 1I/2 $6.63 4.62 1.06 5.00 .67 $17.98 9-55 1040 660 350 300 33 52 33 17I/2 15 1 1/2 $6.63 4.62 1.95 7.50 .67 Heads, gates, etc. . . . Foreign scrap Defective castings . . . Total metal Operating costs . . 2123 106 $17.98 6.10 2124 106 $19.93 6.10 $19.93 9.55 Cost of steel in ladle.. $24.08 $27.53 $26.03 $29.48 Cost of Steel in Castings Cost of steel in ladle -j- 65 per cent . Less credit for heads, etc., as scrap Net cost of steel in castings $37.05 4.62 $32.43 $42.35 4.62 $37.73 $40.05 4.62 $35.43 $45.85 4.62 $40.73 Table VIII. — Crucible Castings Per 2000 pounds steel in ladle Raw materials Price of raw materials per 2000 pounds to OQ It 1 1. ^ p. 1 1 $25.50 14.50 14.00 125.00 40.60 1360 "660' 10 12 68 33 V2 102 $17.34 ■■4;62 .63 .24 $22.83 35.00 $57.83 1330 660 10 12 33 lOOl/i Foreign steel scrap — Heads, gates, etc '. Defective castings Ferroalloys $9.64 4.62 .63 .24 Total metal Operating costs . . . Cost of steel in ladle.. 2042 2012 $15.13 35.00 $50.13 Cost of Steel in Castings Cost of steel in ladle -f- 66 per cent* $87.62 Less credit for heads, etc. , as scrap 4 . 62 Net cost of steel in castings $83 .00 $75.95 4.62 $71-33 * Of the steel in the ladle, 66 per cent goes into castings, 33 per cent goes into heads, gates, etc. and i per cent is lost in poiiring. 424 Steel Castings in the Foundry Table IX. — Electric Furnace Raw materials Steel scrap Heads, gates, etc.. Defective castings. Ferroalloys Total metal... Per 2O0O pounds of steel in ladle Price of raw materials per 2000 poimds $9.50 14.00 125.00 40.60 Weight used, pounds 1330 660 10 12 2012 Per cent used 661/i 33 looH Cost Cost of netting steel In ladle Electric power at i cent per kilowatt hour " " " 2 cents '* " " " " 3 " *' " • 4 " " " • 5 ' $39.03 52.89 66.76 80.62 94.49 CHAPTER XVIII FOUNDRY FUELS (Cupola) The fuels available for melting iron in the cupola are anthracite coal and coke. Anthracite Coal Lehigh lump is the best coal for the purpose. It produces a hot iron and melts it rapidly. On account of the cost as compared with coke, it is now Uttle used in districts removed from the anthracite region. A mixture of anthracite and coke, particularly for the bed, gives most excellent results, especially for prolonged heats. Coke When bituminous coal is exposed to a red heat for a prolonged period with total or partial exclusion of air, the volatile matter is driven off and the residuum is coke, containing more or less impurities. The coal used is of the coking variety and to produce good foundry coke should be low in sulphur and ash. Seventy-two hour Bee Hive Coke is most generally used by foundrymen. This has a hard, cellular, columnar structure, with a gray, silvery surface. The smooth, glistening appearance iound in much of it is due to quenching in the furnace. (Weight about 25 pounds to cubic foot.) There will be found in each carload of coke "black-tops" and "black-butts"; the appearance of the former is due to deposits of carbon from the imperfect combustion of the gases at the top of the furnace. They in no way affect the value of the fuel. Black butts, however, come from incomplete burning and contain unconverted coal. These should be accepted only in limited quantities. The following are analyses from different sections: Localities Fixed carbon Volatile matter Moisture Ash Sulphur 89. 58 92.58 80. SI 92.38 87.29 .46 .49 1. 10 .03 .20 .45 9. II 6.05 16.34 7.21 10.54 .81 .68 Chattanooga. ". New River. 1.59 .56 Birmingham 1. 19 425 426 Foundry Fuels Specific gravity averages 1.272. Coke will absorb from 10 to 30 per cent of its weight in moisture, depending on exposiu-e. After exposure to a hard storm the increase in weight may easily be 15 per cent. Less pressure of air, more volume and larger tuyere area are required when melting with coke than with anthracite coal. The following specifications for coke from the J. I. Case Co. are given by Mr. Scott. Gk)od clean 72-hour coke, massive and free from granulation, dust and cinder. Per cent Moisture not over i . 50 Volatile matter not over 3 . 50 Fixed carbon not under 86 . 00 Sulphur not over 0.75 Ash not over 11 . 50 Coke which has over 0.85 sulphur, 0.05 phosphorus, less than 85 fixed carbon or less than 5.00 ash will be rejected. I Good foundry coke should be high in carbon, low in sulphur, have good columnar structure, and there should not be a large percentage of small pieces in a carload. The product should be uniform. By-Product Coke Certain chemical works, in the distillation of bituminous coal for ammonia, manufacture coke as a by-product. This, when especially prepared for foundry purposes, gives excellent results. It is darker, harder and more irregular in form than beehive coke. It is high in carbon and low in sulphur, makes a very hot fire and will melt more iron than an equal weight of beehive. The short description of the process of making this coke by Mr. W. J. Keep is given herewith. "The retort oven is a closed chamber from 15 to 24 inches in width, 5 to 8 feet in height and from 25 to 45 feet long. From 25 to 50 of these ovens are placed in a battery. "The coal is charged through three or more openings in the top and levelled off to within a foot of the roof, after which the oven is carefully closed and sealed, in order to exclude the air. The oven is heated by a portion of the gas driven off in the process of coking. This is not burned in the oven itself, but in flues constructed in their walls. The heat is conducted through the walls of these combustion flues to the charges of coal and distillation thereof is started immediately. "The gas which is driven off is conducted through an apparatus in which the tar and ammonia are recovered; after which a portion of the gas is returned to be burned in the oven flues, and the balance disposed of as local conditions determine. Effect of Atmospheric Moisture upon Coke 427 "Distillation proceeds from the side walls toward the middle of the oven and the gas is probably driven toward the center of the oven, where it rises, forming a cleavage plane the whole length of the oven. When the process is completed, which takes place in from 20 to 36 hours, depending upon the width of the oven and the temperature maintained, the whole charge is pushed out by a steam or electric ram and is immedi- ately quenched. The oven is at once closed and, without any loss of heat from the oven itself, is again charged with coal. "On account of the cleavage plane through the center of the charge, no piece of coke can be longer than half the width of the oven." "Owing to the complete exclusion of air, there is no combustion in the oven; and as the temperature of the oven, when the coal is charged, is very high, there is a considerable decomposition of volatile matter with consequent deposition of carbon upon the coking charge. As a result the yield of coke is a little higher than the theoretical yield, as cal- culated from the analysis of the coal. Quenching the coke outside the ovens mars its appearance somewhat, destroying its bright, silvery lustre, but probably results in carrying off an appreciable quantity of sulphur." " Coke made from the same coal will have a slightly higher percentage of fixed carbon and a slightly lower percentage of ash than if made in a retort oven." " The quality of retort oven coke depends upon the skill of the operator, upon the method of preparing the coal and more than all, upon the quality of the coal used. He further says that after having satisfied himself that it was good coke, "in spite of its very bad appearance," by the use of several car- loads, "from that time to this we have never had a pound of other coke. All through 1902 the coke was so uniform and satisfactory that we melted 9 pounds of iron with i pound of coke." EfEect of Atmospheric Moisture upon Coke Under normal conditions, at a temperature of 70° F., 1000 cubic feet of air, equal in weight to about 75 pounds, contains i pound of moisture. Each pound of moisture requires the use of o.io additional pounds of coke. Therefore, every additional i.o per cent to the moisture of the atmosphere requires 0.03 additional pounds of coke to melt one ton of iron. From 20 to 40 per cent of the sulphur in the coke is taken up by the iron in melting. This may be largely reduced by the liberal use of limestone. 428 Foundry Fuels Specifications for Foundry Coke Suggested by Dr. Richard Moldenke Coke bought under these specifications should be massive, in large pieces and as free as possible from black ends and cinders. Sampling Each carload or its equivalent shall be considered as a unit, and sampled by taking from the exposed surface at least one piece for each ton, so as to fairly represent the shipment. These samples, properly broken down and ground to the fineness of coarse sawdust, well mixed and dried before analysis, shall be used as a basis for the payment of the shipment. In case of disagreement between buyer and seller an indepen- dent chemist, mutually agreed upon, shall be employed to sample and analyze the coke, the cost to be botne by the party at fault. Base Analysis The following analysis, representing an average grade of foundry coke capable of being made in any of the districts supplying foundries, shall be considered the base, premiums and penalties to be calculated thereon as determined by the analysis on an agreed base price: Volatile matter i . 00 Ash 12 . 00 Fixed carbon 85 . 50 Sulphur i . 10 Penalties and Bonuses Moisture. — Payment shall be made on shipments on the basis of "dry coke." The weight received shall, therefore, be corrected by deducting the water contained. (Note. — Coke producers should add sufficient coke to their tonnage shipments to make up for the water included, as shown by their own determinations.) Volatile Matter. — For every 0.50 or fraction thereof, above the i.oo allowed, deduct . . cents from the price. Over 2.50 rejects the shipment at the option of the purchaser. Fixed Carbon. — For every i.oo or fraction thereof, above 85.50 add, and for every i.oo or fraction thereof below 85.50, deduct . . cents. Below 78.50 rejects the shipment at the option of the purchaser. Ash. — For every 0.50 or fraction thereof below 12.00, add, and for every 0.50 or fraction thereof above 12.00 deduct . . cents from the price. Above 15.00 rejects the shipment at the option of the purchaser. Sidphur. — For every o.io or fraction thereof below i.io add, and for every o.io or fraction thereof above, deduct . . cents from the price. Above 1.30 rejects the shipment at the option of the purchaser. Fluxes 429 Shatter Test On arrival of the shipment the coke shall be subjected to a shatter test, as described below. The percentage of fine coke thus determined, above 5 per cent of the coke, shall be deducted from the amount of coke to be paid for (after allowing for the water) , and paid at fine coke prices previously agreed upon. Above 25 per cent fine coke rejects the ship- ment at the option of the purchaser. Fine coke shall be coke that passes through a wire screen with square holes 2 inches in the clear. The apparatus for making the shatter test should be a box capable of holding at least 100 pounds coke, supported with the bottom 6 feet above a cast-iron plate. The doors on the bottom of the box shall be so hinged and latched that they will swing freely away when opened and win not impede the fall of the coke. Boards shall be put around the cast iron plate so that no coke may be lost. A sample of approximately 50 pounds is taken at random from the car, using a iH inch tine fork, and placed in the box without attempt to arrange it therein. The entire material shall be dropped four times upon the cast iron plate, the small material and the dust being returned with the large coke each time. After the fourth drop the material is screened as above given, the screen to be in horizontal position, shaken once only, and no attempt made to put the small pieces through specially. The coke remaining shall be weighed and the percentage of the fine coke determined. If the sum of the weights indicates a loss of over i per cent the test shall be rejected and a new one made. Rejection by reason of failure to pass the shatter test shall not take place until at least two check tests have been made. Fluxes The object of a flux is to render fusible the ash from the fuel, sand and rust from the iron, and dirt of any sort, found in the cupola, into slag and to put it in condition for easy removal. Slag always forms to a greater or less extent where iron is melted, but unless a flux is present, it will not be sufficient in volume to give clean iron. Limestone and fluor spar are the most corrimon fluxes in use. There are many compounds furnished for the purpose, but a limestone containing 90 per cent or more carbonate of lime, or oyster shells, furnish as good fluxing material as can be procured. The following is copied from a paper by Mr. N. W. Shed, presented to the Cleveland meeting of the American Foundrymen's Association at June, 1906. 430 Foundry Fuels "The value of fluxes in the cupola is not generally appreciated by foundrymen. Hundreds of cupolas are not slagged at all and the cinder dumps show an immense amount of iron actually wasted. Not only is iron lost by the large amount combined with the cinders, but the more or less variable cinder encloses small masses and shots of iron which cannot be separated. It is a fact that the cinder dumps of many foundries contain more iron than many workable deposits of iron ore, and if these accumulations could be obtained by the Geiman blast fur- naces they would be quickly utilized. Another value of fluxes is their cleansing action on the cupola. A weU slagged cupola has no hanging masses of iron and cinder which require laborious chipping out. The time and labor saved in conse- quence is an item that is well worth considering. In the running of heavy tonnage from a single cupola, fluxes are indispensable. It would be well nigh impossible to run large heats in the same cupolas without using a good flux. The value of fluxes being generally admitted, the question arises, what flux is best to use and how much? There are two available fluxes for the cupola. These are limestone and fluor spar. Fluor spar is much advertised as a flux and the promoters claim that it gives marvellous properties to the iron. The glowing advertisements have evidently deceived the U. S. Geological Survey, for the reports of the Survey speak of its great use and value in foundry practice. " The practical test of fluor spar, made by the writer showed it to be an inferior flux. It did not remove sulphur and the properties of the iron were not improved in the least by its use. There is no doubt of the value of fluor spar in certain branches of metallurgy, but the writer has failed to find a single supporter of its value in the foundry. Limestone is far cheaper than fluor spar and far better as a flux. It makes little difference what form the limestone has so long as it is pure. It may be marble, soft limestone, hard limestone, oyster shells, or mussel shells, but it must be good. A limestone containing over 3 per cent sihca is poor stuff, and one containing any considerable amount of clay should be rejected. There should be at least 51 per cieht of lime present. The sulphur should be below i to 2 per cent. The phosphorus is unimportant. A magnesian limestone would do as well as an ordinary limestone for the cupola. The amount of limestone to be used is variable, depending: First: on the amount of silica in the coke ash. Second: on the amount of siUca or sand adhering to the pig or scrap. Third: on the amount of silica to be carried by the slag. Fluxes 431 The amount of limestone required to flux the coke ash can be figured according to the ordinary method of calculating blast furnace charges. The amount of sand on the pig and scrap is so variable that it is difficult to know just the additional amount of limestone to add. The most practical and easily fusible slag has been found to be a monosilicate, which means having equal amoimts of silica and alkaline bases. Having these variables in mind, we find it a good rule to figure the hmestone on the weight of the coke, using 25 per cent hmestone. For example, if the charge of coke on the bed is 4000 pounds, we use 1000 pounds of limestone. If the next charge of coke is 1000 pounds, we would use 250 pounds of limestone. This amount of limestone will flux any ordinary coke ash with the average amount of sand on pig and scrap. If we know the amount of sand on the pig to be excessive we figure 30 per cent limestone on the weight of the coke. With a low coke ash, machine pig and clean scrap, the limestone may be reduced to 20 per cent and make a good cinder. Many foundry- men are afraid to use limestone, fearing some injury to the iron. This is a superstition for lime has no effect on the iron. There is usually a slight reduction in the amount of sulphur, but owing to the great amount of iron present, the iron absorbs a large amount of sulphur from the coke. If more than 30 per cent is required to make a good cinder and clear the cupola it is evident that either the coke is very high in ash, or else the limestone is high in silica. In the latter case a large amount of lime is used in fluxing its own silica. On account of the frequent variations in the stock, it is a good plan to have coke, limestone and cinder analyzed occasionally. The cinder usually tells about the condition of the furnace. A light brown indicates a small amount of iron and the iron unoxidized. A black cinder indicates a large amount of iron and some oxidation. A shiny metallic lustre shows an excess of oxide of iron due to over-blow- ing or lack of coke. Practically all the lime cinders from a cupola are glossy in appearance, while the cinders with no lime are usually dull and earthy. Occasionally a cinder is found full of bubbles, the color is usually black and shots of iron are found through the frothy slag. This is called foaming cinder, and is made when the last few charges are at the bottom of the cupola. This cinder often rises to the charging door and flows out over the floor. The iron cast at this time is hard and is low in manganese, silica and carbon. With foaming slag a dense smoke of reddish brown color pours out of the stack. 432 Foundry Fuels Analysis of the foaming slag shows the iron to be in an oxidized condition and in large amount. Sometimes the iron will run 30 per cent in frothy cinder, sometimes only 12 per cent. The oxidized cinder and the red smoke show that iron is being rapidly burned in the cupola, and the action going on is very much like the action in a Bessemer con- verter when it is tilted back a little and blown to gain heat by burning the iron. The cinder is oxidized and the red smoke is produced in the same way. In both cases the iron is burnt to oxide, which is quickly taken up by the slag. The oxide in the slag acts upon the carbon in the iron forming a large amount of carbonic oxide, which rises through the cinder blowing it to a frothy condition. There are two ways of avoiding this troublesome condition. If possible, reduce the blast. If the blast cannot be reduced, add more coke. The presence of a good body of coke will stop the burning of the iron, and frothing does not take place. In some cases the loss of sili- con is very serious, and to insure good castings it is necessary to add crushed silicon metal and ferro-manganese to the stream of iron as it runs from the spout. Analysis of cupola slags where no flux is used show from 14 to 28 per cent ferrous oxide. These slags contain 2 to 4 per cent of shot iron mingled with the cinder. This proves that some of the iron must be lost in order to flux the coke ash and sand. If we use limestone as a flux the amount of iron in the cinder is rarely over 3 per cent, showing that the lime fluxes the ash and sand leaving the iron for the ladle. And the question is simply whether we will use iron as a flux at ^18.00 per ton or limestone at ^1.50 per ton. Another point in favor of the limestone is the clean cupola men- tioned in the first part of this paper. Following will be found an analysis of cupola cinder using lime." Comparison of Analyses of Slags, Made With and Without Lime Constituents Using lime Without lime CaO 34.60 4.10 11.02 48.20 1.40 .20 99-52 6.60 21.76 11.80 58.44 1.30 .10 FeO AI2O0 .. SiOs MnO S Total 100.00 Slags 433 The following analyses are extracted from " The Foundry," Dec, 1909- Analysis of Slag from a Cupola Melting Car Wheel Iron, in the South Per cent Per cent Silica 48 . 77 Oxide of iron 13.18 Aluminum 10 . 90 Metallic iron 9 . 23 Lime 13 • 79 Manganese . 4 . 84 Magnesia 6.05 Sulphur 0.81 Analysis of Slag from a Cupola Melting Gray Iron, No Fluor spar Being Used Per cent Per cent Silica 42 . 84 Magnesia 13 • 28 Alumina Manganese 2 . 34 Oxide of iron 21.32 Manganese oxide 3 . 01 Lime 21.16 Analysis of Slag from a Cupola Melting Gray Iron, Fluor spar Being Used Per cent Per cent Silica 39 • 50 Magnesia n . 05 Alumina Manganese 2 . 24 Oxide of iron 22.82 Manganese oxide 2.89 Lime 24.50 Analysis of Slag from a Cupola Melting Malleable Iron Per cent Per cent Silica. . . . : 41 • 72 Magnesia 15 .06 Oxide of iron Manganese 3 . 20 Alumina 22 . 24 Metallic iron S . 82 Lime 17-84 Manganese oxide 4.12 Analysis of Slag from a Cupola Melting Car Wheel Iron, in the North Per cent Per cent Silica 44.00 Magnesia 7.27 Oxide of iron 13 • 16 Metallic iron 9.21 Alumina 9.76 Manganese 5 . 70 Lime iS-99 Sulphur 0.78 Cupola Slag from a Western Foundry Per cent Per cent Silica 37 -16 Oxide of iron 13-73 Alumina 9 . 16 Metallic iron 9 . 61 Lime 8-98 Manganese oxide. ... 2 . 77 Magnesia 8.44 Sulphur 0.36 434 Foundry Fuels Sufi&cient flux must be used to obtain a fluid slag to carry off the silica from the iron and ashes and to reduce the oxidation as much as possible. With low blast pressure the slag must be thin, to run off readily. When slag wool is freely produced, the indication is that the slagging is satisfactory. A good slag contains approximately 40 per cent of silica and from 28 to 30 per cent lime. If the slag is thin, the metaUic iron will fall through it readily and an increase of lime tends to decrease the oxide of iron. Rusty scrap produces a dark-colored slag caused by the oxide of iron. A large body of slag is favorable to desulphurization, as the amount of sulphur which can be taken up by the slag is limited. At high temper- atures sulphur tends to combine with the slag and under these conditions it has not its greatest afi&nity for iron. Fire Brick and Fire Clay A good brick has a light yellow color, a coarse and open structure, uniform throughout. It should be burned to the limit of contractility. The clay from which it is made should contain as little iron, lime, potash and soda as possible. Analyses op Fire Clays Used por Making Fire Brick Clay loses its plasticity at a temperature above 100° C, and it cannot again be restored. Localities J CO C3 g < "o 4) C 0" s 1 1 Stourbridge, Eng. 17.34 12.74 11.70 5. 34 5.4s 45.25 50.45 49 -20 59-95 70.70 55.62 56.12 28.77 35.90 27.80 33.85 21.70 38.55 37.48 7.72 1.50 4.17 4.43 .47 . .13 .40 2.05 .40 .24 .36 20 10 55 37 24 29 • 95 .99 Mt. Savage, Md. Mineral Point, Ohio Port Washington, Ohio Springfield, Pa. 24 Springfield, Pa. .23 Pure silicate of alumina melts at 1830° C. Fire bricks should stand continuous exposure to high temperatures of the furnace without decomposition or softening; should stand up under considerable pressure without distortion or fracture; should be unaffected by sudden and considerable variations of temperature; should not be affected by contact with heated fuel. Fire Sand 435 Fire brick should be regular in shape and uniform in character. The size of the ordinary straight fire brick is 9 by 4y2 by 2y2 inches, and the weight is 7 pounds. Cupola brick are usually 4 inches thick and 6 inches wide radially. Slabs and blocks are made in sizes up to 12 by 48 by 6 inches. Silica Brick Silica brick are used for resisting very high temperatures. They are composed mostly of silica in combination with alkaline matter. They are somewhat fragile and need careful handling. Analysis of Silica Brick Silica Alumina Ferric oxide Lime Magnesia Potash 97.5 90.0 1-4 3.0 .55 .80 .15 .20 .10 .10 .6 Canister Canister is made from an argillaceous sandstone, is a close-grained dark-colored rock containing no mica. There is present sufiicient clay to cause the particles to become adherent under ramming, after the rock has been ground. The rock is ground to a coarse powder and some- times if the binding properties are insufficient a little milk of lime is added during the grinding process. The composition of ganister will fall in the limits as given below. Constituents Per cent From To Silica 87.00 4.00 95.00 5.00 1.50 .75 1. 00 Alumina Ferric oxide Lime and Magnesia .25 Alkalies Fire Sand An exceedingly refractory sand containing sometimes as much as 97 per cent silica. It is used in the setting of silica brick and in making the hearths of furnaces. Pure silica melts at 1830° C. 436 Foundry Fuels Magnesite Magnesite contains a small percentage of lime and ferrous silicates with serpentine. The ferrous silicates are separated out; thereupon calcining, magnesia is obtained. The calcined material is then mixed with from 15 to 30 per cent of the raw material, and from 10 to 15 per cent water, then moulded into briclis, dried and burned in the ordinary manner. Bauxite This is a hydrated aluminous ferric oxide, containing usually about 60 per cent of alumina, i to 3 per cent of silica, 20 per cent ferrous oxide and from 15 to 20 per cent water. It is very refractory and, notwith- standing the large amount of ferrous oxide contained, is practically infusible. Calcined bauxite is mixed with from 6 to 8 per cent of clay, or other binding material and plumbago, then molded into bricks. When heated the plumbago reduces the iron of the bauxite, producing a most refractory substance. Such bricks are far more durable than the best fire bricks. They resist the action of the basic slags, as well as that of intense heat. They become extremely hard after exposure to continued heat. CHAPTER XIX THE CUPOLA The cupola is used in ordinary foundry practice in preference to the air furnace, not only on account of its simplicity, but because it melts more rapidly and economically. There are many forms manufactured. All of them are good, but it is doubtful if any furnishes better results than have been obtained from the ordinary old-fashioned cupola so commonly in use, such as is shown in the sketch below. For the advantages of the various styles offered for sale, the reader is referred to the manufacturers' catalogues. The cupola is essentially a vertical hollow cylinder, lined with refrac- tory material, having the top open and the bottom closed, with pro- vision for admission of the charges of fuel and iron part way up on the side, also for admission of air below the charges and for drawing off the melted metal at the bottom. The cupola is divided into five zoiies. First: The Crucible, extending from sand bottom to the tuyeres. Second: The Tuyere Zone, extending kom the crucible to melting zone. Third: The Melting Zone, reaching from the tuyere zone to a point about 20 inches above the tuyeres. Fourth: The Charging Zone, extending from melting zone to charging door. Fifth: Stack, from charging door to top of furnace. The Lining The lining is usually made of two thicknesses of arch brick placed on end with the flat sides in radial planes. Several standard rectangular brick are placed in each ring or course to facihtate the removal of the rings when necessary. Angle iron rings are riveted to the shell at intervals of about six feet, to support the upper sections, when a lower one is removed for repairs. The outer lining is kept about Yi inch away from the shell to pro- vide for expansion, and the interval is filled in loosely with sand and broken brick. 437 438 The Cupola The distance from the sand bottom to the charging door should be about 31/i to 4 times the inside diameter of the lining. For cupolas Fig. 123. under 48 inches, one door is, sufficient; for larger sizes two are more convenient. The doors may be hung on hinges or slide on a circular track above the openings. It is not necessary that they should be lined. Tuyeres 439 At the level of the charging door the lining should be covered with a cast-iron ring to protect it during the charging. The bricks are laid with very close joints in mortar composed of fire clay and sand. The interior lining is daubed with a mixture of one- half fire clay and three-fourths sharp sand for a thickness of three- fourths inch. Any joints are well filled. A handful of salt to a pail of daubing will cause the interior of the shell to be glazed over and will reduce the amount of chipping required. Washing the daubing with strong brine and fire clay serves the same purpose. Tuyeres The tuyeres may be circular or rectangular in section with the bottoms inclining slightly toward the interior of the shell so that the drippings may not run into the wind box. Castings for tuyeres should not be over ^i inch thick. The area of the tuyeres is made from lo to 25 per cent that of the inside fining at the tuyeres; 20 per cent gives good results. As a matter of fact the tuyeres cannot be made too large. A continuous tuyere having an opening about 2 inches in height and extending all around the lining is frequently used. An excellent plan is to have an air chamber all around the outer lining and inside of the shell in the vicinity of the tuyeres; at the level of the bottom of the tuyeres place a cast-iron ring, in sections, on top of the double lining. On this, at intervals of from 7 to 10 inches, so as to divide the circum- ference of the interior of the lining into equal parts, place hollow iron blocks 2 inches wide, 3 inches high and 7 inches long. On top of the blocks place another segmental ring, which ^^' ^^^" shoiild be kept 3 or more inches away from the interior of the shell. Upon this ring the upper courses of the lining are built. This forms a nearly continuous tuyere, broken only by the iron blocks. This construction involves a contraction of the fining at the tuyeres of about 8 inches. The bottom of the tuyeres should be from 10 to 20 inches above the sand bottom, depending upon the quantity of melted iron to be collected before tapping. Where the iron is allowed to run continuously from the spout, as in stove and other foundries doing fight work, the tuyeres may be even lower than 10 inches. Frequently an additional row of tuyeres, having about one-eighth of the main row in area, is placed just below the melting zone. These upper 440 The Cupola tuyeres should be arranged so that the admission of air through them may be regulated. The object is to supply the necessary air to convert whatever carbonic oxide is formed in. the tuyere zone into carbonic acid at the melting zone. The heat developed at these upper tuyeres is such that the Uning near them is often badly cut, therefore, care must be exercised as to the admission of air at this point. A row of adjustable tuyeres about lo inches above the melting zone is most effective in producing the combustion vvithin the charges of carbonic oxide, forced above that zone, effecting thereby not only a saving of fuel, but the suppression of flame at the charging doors. The admission of air above the melting zone must be carefully regulated so that only enough will enter to burn the carbonic oxide. The "Castings" for September, 1908, illustrates a cupola designed by Mr. J. C. Knoeppel, which presents an admirable arrangement of tuyeres and provides for the object above outlined. Two or more of the lower tuyeres, should have slight depressions in the bottoms, to permit the slag or iron, should either reach that level, to run out upon sheet lead plates placed in the wind box in the line of these depressions. By the melting of these plates, and the discharge through the resulting holes, warning is given to the cupola tender, and the accumulation of slag or iron in the wind box avoided. Unless the blast is much higher than good management permits, it will not penetrate the fuel in the cupola for more than 30 inches radially, Therefore, where the inside diameter of the cupola is over 6c inches, it should be contracted at the tuyeres to 60 inches or less diameter; or in place of this a center blast may be used. Large cupolas are fre- quently made oval in section with the same object in view. In the wind box directly opposite each tuyere there should be a small door 5 inches in diameter, fastened with a thumb screw, for access to the tuyeres, to remove any stoppages in front of them; each door should be provided with a peek hole i>i inches in diameter covered with mica. The Breast The breast is made by taking a mixture of one-half fire clay and one- half molding sand, thoroughly mixed and just moist enough to be kneaded. A quantity of this is placed around a bar 13.4 inches in diam- eter and made into cylindrical shape, 4 or 5 inches in diameter and about 6 inches long. This is placed in the opening for the breast, and the bar, while held in a nearly horizontal position, forced down until its bottom is on a line with the sand bottom, and % inch above the upper side of Sand Bottom 441 lining to trough. The inner end of the clay cylinder should be flush with the inside of the cupola hning. Ram hard around this cylinder with molding sand and fill opening for breast completely. Care must be taken that this clay cyhnder is well secured in place. Remove the forming bar and enlarge the hole toward inside of cupola, leaving only about 3 inches in length of the original diameter from the front. The slag hole is made up in same way, but should be only one and a half inches long. A core about 2H inches in diameter may be inserted for the slag hole, and this dug out, when tapping for slag, until opening is sufficiently large, say about i inch diameter. It sometimes happens that the breast gives way during the heat. In such an event, the blast is shut off and the cupola drained of iron and slag. The defective part of the breast is removed, and replaced with stopping clay, which is hammered with the side of a bar, well against the surrounding portion of the breast. The remaining hole is then filled with clay, carefully packed so as not to be driven to the interior of the cupola. Through this clay a tap hole is made by gently inserting the tapping bar and enlarging the hole after the ball of clay has been pene- trated. In from fifteen to twenty minutes the clay will have been baked hard. The blast can then be turned on and melting resumed. This operation must be conducted with great care, as the operator is in danger of being severely burned. Swab the lining from the bottom to 2 feet above the tuyeres with clay wash and salt, and black wash the tapping hole formed as above described. Sand Bottom The sand bottom is made from gangway sand passed through a No. 4 riddle. This bottom should be about 8 inches thick. It must be well rammed, especially next to the lining, where it should join with a liberal fillet. It must not be too wet. Care must be taken not to ram the bottom so hard that the iron will not lie on it quietly. The bottom should slope in all directions towards the tapping hole, the slope being one inch in four feet, and it should reach the tapping hole exactly on a level with its lower surface. Black wash the bottom, build a light wood fire and dry out the lining thoroughly. The bottom doors should have a dozen or more %-inch holes drilled through them to allow any moisture in the bottom to escape. The doors are held in place by an iron post under the center, which can readily be knocked out to drop the bottom. The breast should be made up before the bottom. 442 The Cupola Zones of Cupola The crucible zone extends from the sand bottom to the tuyeres. The object of this zone is to hold the melted iron and slag. If the tap hole is kept open continuously, this zone may not be over 4 to 6 inches in depth from sand bottom to bottom of tuyeres. If it is to hold a large quantity of melted iron, the tuyeres must be correspondingly high. Metal can be melted at a higher temperature with low tuyeres, (collecting it in a ladle), than by holding it in 'the cupola. Tuyere Zone This is where the blast enters in contact with the fuel. Here com- bustion begins. This zone is confined to the area of the tuyeres. The combined area of the tuyeres should be about one-fifth that of a section of the cupola at this point, and should also largely exceed that of the outlet of the blower. It is important to keep the tuyeres as low as the condi- tions of the foundry, as to amount of melted iron to be collected at one tap, will permit. With low tuyeres the iron is hotter, there is less oxida- tion and the fuel required on the bed is less. Melting Zone The melting zone is the space immediately above the tuyeres. It extends upward from 20 to 30 inches, depending upon the pressure and volume of the blast, increasing in height with increased pressure. No iron is melted above or below it. The melting occurs through the upper 4 to 6 inches of that zone. Charging Zone This zone is that part containing the charges of iron and coke, and extends from the melting zone to charging door. The stack is the continuation of the cupola from charging door through the roof. Contracting the stack above the charging door has no influ- ence upon the efficiency of the cupola. The spouts should be lined with fire brick. Above the fire brick bottom at center of trough, there should be iVi inches of moulding sand. From the center the sand should slope rapidly each way to sides. The sand lining of trough at' center should be % inch below the tap hole. After lining, trough should be black washed and dried. Stopping material is made of one-half fire clay and one-half moulding sand. It is the common practice to leave the top hole open until iron begins Chemical Reactions in Cup)ola 443 to run freely, in order to prevent freezing at the hole. This causes the oxidizing of considerable metal, and is unnecessary. The following method may be pursued. Just before the blast goes on, close up the inner end of the tap hole with a ball of greasy waste, then ram the remainder of the hole full of moulding sand. This is easily removed with the tapping bar, and does away with all the annoyance of escaping blast and sparks. Chemical Reactions in the Ordinary Cupola with Single Row of Tuyeres When the air blast comes in contact with the burning coke, its oxygen unites with the carbon of the coke to form carbonic acid (CO2), as the result of complete combustion. As the temperature above the tuyeres increases to that necessary for melting iron, part of the CO2 seizes upon the incandescent coke, takes up another equivalent of carbon and is converted into carbonic oxide (CO). If the supply of air is in excess of that required, the CO, being combustible gas, takes up another equivalent of oxygen and is burned to CO2. Again some of the CO2, parting with an equivalent of oxygen to the iron for such oxidation as occurs, or by the acquisition of another equiva- lent of carbon from the coke; or by both, is reconverted into CO. These reactions take place at or near the melting zone. After passing that zone, no more air is supplied, and the products of combustion, consisting of CO and CO2 pass up the stack without further change until reaching the charging door. Here air is admitted, the CO is supplied with oxygen and is burned to CO2. If the air supplied at the tuyeres is insufi&cient for complete combus- tion, the evolution of CO is increased and the efficiency of the furnace reduced. On the other hand, an excessive supply of air is objectionable, as a reducing flame (that from CO) is desirable to prevent oxidation of the metal. For the complete combustion of one pound of carbon, there is required 12 pounds, or about 150 cubic feet of air, developing 14,500 B.t.u.; but the combustion of one pound of carbon to CO requires only one-half the air, and the resulting heat is 4500 B.t.u.; hence for whatever portion of the fuel is burned to CO, there is a loss of over two-thirds its heat- producing value. For the purpose of saving this waste heat, an upper row of tuyeres, just below the melting zone, is employed; and to utilize the heat which escapes above the melting zone, tuyeres have been introduced with good results, at from 5 to 10 inches above that zone. By the use of 444 The Cupola the latter tuyeres the heat developed is absorbed by the charges in the stack, and the flames at charging door are suppressed. Where such tuyeres are used, they must be provided with means for easily regulating the admission of air. The following table taken from West's Moulders' Text Book gives the quantity of air required for the combustion of one pound each of coke and coal. Combustibles, I pound weight Weight of oxy- gen consumed per pound of combustible, pounds Quantity of air con- sumed per pound of combustible Total heat of ' combustion of I pound of Pounds Cubic feet at 62° F. combustible, units of heat Coke, desiccated Coal, average 2.51 2.46 10.9 10.7 143 141 13,550 14,133 By reason of the contact of the molten iron with the fuel, changes in- atmospheric conditions, the amount of air used, and other conditions, the same mixtiu-e may produce different kinds of castings at different times; and there may also be variations in the same heat. Chemical Reactions in the Cupola The complete combustion of one pound of carbon to CO2 requires: 2.66 pounds of oxygen or 12.05 pounds of air and develops 14,500 B.t.u. The burning of one pound of carbon to CO requires: 1.33 pounds of oxygen or 6.00 pounds of air and develops 4500 B.t.u, Therefore one pound of coke, having 86 per cent fixed carbon requires for complete combustion 2.66 X 0.86 = 2.29 pounds oxygen or 12.00 X 0.86 = 10.32 pounds air and develops 14,500 X 0.86 = 12,470 B.t.u. The 10.32 pounds of air less 2.29 pounds oxygen leave 8.03 nitro- gen. Wind Box 445 Taking the specific heat of oxygen at 0.218, carbon at 0.217, nitrogen at 0.244. The temperature resulting from the complete combustion of one pound of coke to CO2 is 12,470 ^ o p 0.217 X 0.86 + 0.218 X 2.28 + 0.244 X 8.03 ^' That resulting from the combustion of one pound of coke to CO is 3870 . ^ O p 0.217 X 0.86 + 0.218 X 1.15 + 0.244 X 4.015 Hence for every pound of coke burned to CO, instead of CO2, there is a loss of 8600 B.t.u., and a reduction of the resulting temperature of 1983° F. Taking the specific heat of cast iron at the average of temper- atures between 2120° and 2650° F. as 0.169, and the latent heat of fusion as 88 B.t.u., and assuming the temperature of the escaping gases at 1330°, then the heat wasted is (i330°-7o°) X (0.217 X o-86 + 0.218 X 2.28 + 0.244 X 8.03) equals 3330 B.t.u.; . and the heat available for melting iron is 12,470 — 3330 = 9140 B.t.u. for each pound of coke having 86 per cent fixed carbon. For I pound of iron melted at 2650° F. (or 2580° F. above atmosphere) the number of heat units required is 2580 X 0.17 = 439 to which must be added the latent heat of fusion giving 439 + 88 = 527 B.t.u. Therefore, - — = 17.^4 pounds of iron, which should be melted by ' 527 ' ""^ ^ • one pound of coke, if all the carbon was converted into CO2 and the gases escaped at 1330° F.; also neglecting the heat lost in the slag and by radiation. Wind Box The area of cross section of the wind box should be three or four times that of the combined area of the tuyeres, in order that there may be sufficient air reservoir to permit a steady pressiu"e. There should be two or more doors in the box for ready access in cleaning out when necessary; and also for admission of air when the wood fire is started. As before stated, there should be small doors opposite each tuyere. The blast pipe ought, if the situation will permit, to enter the box on a tangent, and box should be continuous. If it is necessary to divide it into two boxes, on account of the tapping or slag holes, there must, then, of course, be a blast pipe for each box and they should enter the boxes vertically. The bottom of the box should be provided with at least two small openings opposite the alarm tuyeres, which are covered with sheet lead. These should be so placed that slag or iron running through them will be at once seen by the tapper. 446 The Cupola The manufacturing of cupolas for the trade has become an important industry, and although the designs of the various makers differ largely in details, the essential features in all are the same. Perhaps the names best known to the foundry industry are: CoUiau, Calumet, Newten, Whiting. All of these give good results. For special information reference should be made to the manufacturers' catalogues. The melting capacities based on 30,000 cubic feet of air per ton of iron are given in the following table. Builders' Rating Diameter inside of lining, inches Colliau Calumet Newten 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 Melting capacity, ^ tons per hour I- 1K2 3- 4 4-6 6- 8 8-10 lO-II 12-14 15-16 17-20 . 25-27 1- 2 2- 3 4- 5 6-7 8-9 lo-ii 12-14 . 15-17 18-20 21-24 24-27 IH- 2l/^ 3-5 4.-6 8 -9 9 -II 11 -12 12 -14 14 -18 18 -20 20 -24 A wind gauge should be attached to the wind box at a convenient place. The charging platform should not be more than 24 inches below the bottom of charging door for sizes up to the 48 inch; for the larger sizes not over 6 to 8 inches. The Blast The air for the blast is supplied by centrifugal blowers of the Sturte- vant tj^e, or by Positive Pressure Blowers of the Root type. Both are efficient, and it does not appear that either has any special advantage not possessed by the other. For successful melting a large volume of air at low pressure is required. From 8 to 10 ounces pressure will usually be found sufficient; in no case should it be allowed to exceed 14 ounces. As a rule 30,000 cubic feet of air per ton of iron are allowed. This is somewhat too small, especially if the air contains much moisture; 35,000 cubic feet per ton is better practice. With blast at low pressure and with high temperature in the furnace, iron may gain in carbon during the process of melting. The reverse may occur, however, under contrary conditions. Oxidation increases with the intensity of the blast. The Blast 447 The castings produced by low blast pressure are softer and stronger, the loss by oxidation is less, there is less slag, less expenditure of power and less injury to the lining of the cupola. Coke requires less pressure and more volume of air, as well as greater tuyere area than coal. Low pressure, large volume, large tuyere area and good fluxing tend to prevent choking at the tuyeres. However, too much air must be avoided as it reduces the temperature of the furnace and may produce dull iron. The main blast pipe should be as short, and the tuyeres as few as possible. Its diameter should be greater than the outlet of the blower. For each turn allow three feet in length of pipe. The minimum radius of the turn should not be less than the diameter of the pipe. It should be provided with a wind gate, and, where a pressure blower is used, an escape valve, both under control of the melter. The wind gate should be kept closed until after the blower is started to prevent gas from collecting in the blast pipe. For the same reason, the blower should, if possible, be located lower than the wind box. At the commencement, the blast should be low, and gradually in- creased to the maximum as the heat progresses, then dropped toward its close. The friction of air in pipes varies inversely as their diameters, directly as the squares of the velocities, and as the lengths. The table below shows the loss in pressure and the loss in horse power by friction of air in pipes loo feet long; corresponding losses for other lengths can readily be calculated therefrom. Loss IN Pressure in Ounces and Horse Power in Friction OF Air in Pipes ioo Feet Long Diam- eter of Tons of Cubic Velocity Diam- Diam- T,o,ss of Horse cupola iron feet of of air in feet eter of blast eter of pressure power inside of melted air per outlet of in ounces lost in lining, inches per hour minute per minute pipe, inches blower per square inch friction 24 1.5 875 1600 10 8 .313 .099 30 3.0 i,7So 2200 12 9 .448 211 36 4.5 2,600 2400 14 II .457 320 42 6.0 3.500 2500 16 12 .434 40s 48 8.0 4,700 2600 18 14 .417 523 54 10. 5,800 2700 20 15 .406 653 60 12.5 7,300 2300 22 18 .246 485 66 15.0 8,750 2400 24 20 .246 594 72 18.0 10,500 2500 26 22 .231 582 78 22.0 12,800 2500 28 23 .202 507 84 25.0 14,560 2600 30 24 .190 498 Computed from catalogue of B. P. Sturtevant & Co., and from Foundry Data Sheet No. 5. 448 The Cupola The following tables give the capacities of centrifugal and pressure blowers. As these are based on 36,000 cubic feet of air per ton of iron, the selection of sizes somewhat larger than those given in the tables is desirable, as the allowance of air is too small. The Sturtevant Steel Pressure Blower Applied to Cupolas No. of blower Diam- eter of inside of cupola lining Melting capacity per hour in pounds No. of square inches of blast Cubic feet of air per minute Speed Pressure in ounces of blast Horse power required I 22 1,200 4.0 324 413s 5 0.5 2 26 1,900 5.7 507 3756 6 i.o 3 30 2,880 8.0 768 3250 7 1.8 4 35 4,130 10.7 1 102 3100 8 3.0 5 40 6,178 14.2 1646 2900 19 5.5 6 46 8,900 18.7 2375 2820 12 9-7 7 S3 12,500 24.3 3353 2600 14 16.0 8 60 16,560 32 4416 2270 14 22.0 9 72 23,800 43.0 6364 2100 16 35. 10 84 33,300 60.0 8880 1815 16 48.0 The Sturtevant Steel Pressure Blower Applied To Cupolas (Power saved by reducing the speed and pressure of blast.) Speed Pressure, Horse Speed Pressure, Horse ounces power ounces power 3445 5 .8 3100 4 .6 3000 6 1.5 2750 5 I.I 2900 7 2.5 2700 6 2.0 2560 8 4.0 2390 7 3.3 2550 10 7-4 2260 8 5.3 2380 12 12.7 2150 10 9.4 2100 12 16.7 1900 10 12.7 i960 14 28.4 1800 12 22.5 1700 14 39-6 1566 12 31.7 Kent, page S19. Pressure and Rotary Blowers 449 Buffalo Steel Pressure Blowers Speeds and Capacities as Applied to Cupolas Square inches in blast Diam- eter Speed, Melting Cubic feet of No. of blower inside of cupola, inches in ounces No. of revs. per min. capacity, pounds per hour air reqmred per min. 4 20 8 4793 1,545 412 5 25 8 391 1 2,321 619 6 3o 8 3456 3,093 825 7 35 8 3092 4,218 1 125 8 40 8 2702 5.425 1444 9 45 10 2617 7,818 2085 ID 55 10 2139 11,29s 3012 II 73 12 1639 21,978 5861 12 88 12 1639 32,395 8626 Horse power required i.o 1.2 2.0s 3-1 3.9 7.1 10.2 23.9 36.2 Speed, Melting Cubic feet Pressure in no. of revs. capacity in of air re- Horse power ounces per mm. pounds per hour quired per minute required 9 5095 1,647 438 1.3 10 4509 2,600 694 2.2 10 3974 3,671 926 3.1 10 3476 4,777 1274 4.2s 10 3034 6,082 1622 5.52 12 2916 8,598 2293 936 12 2353 12,378 3301 12.0 14 1777 23,838 6357 30.3 14 1777 35,190 6384 43.7 Kent, page 950. The Root Positive Rotary Blowers Size number Cubic feet per revo- lution Revolutions per minute for cupola melting iron Size of cupola, inches inside lining Will melt iron per hour, tons Horse power required 2 3 4 S 6 7 5 8 13 23 42 65 275-325 200-300 185-275 170-250 150-200 137-175 24-30 30-36 36-42 42-50 50-60 72 or %5 2l/^-3 3-4^^ 42/^-7 8-12 I2l/i-l6% 17^-22% 8 17% 27 40 Kent, page 526 450 The Cupola Diameter of Blast Pipes for Pressure Blowers for Cupolas B. F. Sturtevant ^ Co. The following table has been constructed on this basis, namely, allow- ing a loss of pressure of one-half ounce in the process of transmission through any length of pipe of any size as a standard; the increased fric- tion due to lengthening the pipe has been compensated for by an enlargement of the pipe, sufi&cient to keep the ioss still at y? ounce. The Blast Blower No. i Blower No. 6 Cubic feet of Lengths of blast pipe in feet Cubic feet of air Lengths of blast pipe in feet air trans- 50 100 ISO 200 300 trans- 50 100 150 200 300 initted mitted per minute per minute Diameter in inches Diameter in inches 360 5% 6H 6% 71/4 7% 1,872 10^^ I2H I31/4 13% IS 515 63^ 7\i 7% -8H 8/8 2.679 12H 14 15% 16 I7H 635 63/4 7% m 9 9% 3,302 131/4 15/8 16/2 iiYi 18% 740 7H m 9 91/2 loH 3.848 14!/^ 16H I71/2 18}.^ 20% Blower No. 2 Blower No. 7 504 614 1% 1% 8I/4 8/8 2.592 12 133/4 IS 15% 17% 721 714 Wi 9 9K2 iQi/i 3,708 13% 15% 17H I8H I9H 889 7% 9 934 10^^ II 4,572 15H n% 18% 19% 2I5% 1036 8^8 9>i io% II II3/4 5,238 16 18 H 20 211/4 23 Blower No. 3 Blower No. 8 720 7^- m 9 m loM 3,312 13H 15% 16/2 17!/^ 18% 1030 %% q\i I03/8 II Il2/ 4,738 15H 17% I9i'i 20% 21% 1270 Q^ 1034 iiH 11% 123/4 5,842 16^^ 19^/^ 203/4 22 23% 1480 9% II 12 125,^ I3H 6.808 17^/^ 20/4 22% 2m 2S% Blower No. 4 Blower No. 9 1008 m m loH I07/^ XT% 4,320 uH 17 18% 19% 21% 1442 9H loH 11% 12/2 13% 6.180 17 19}^ 21/4 22l/i 2A% 1778 I034 iiVs 12% 13^/^ uH 7.620 l83/i 21% 23% 24% 26% 2072 II 125/8 133/4 14!/^ 151/2 8,880 19^/2 22/2 24i^ 26 28% Blower No. 5 Blower No. 10 1440 qH 10% iili 12H I33/i 5,760 im 19 20% 21% 23% 2060 II 125^ 1334 I4i/i iSi/i 8,240 1^% 21% 233/4 25% 27H 2540 11% iM 14% 155/^ 16% 10.160 205/i 233/4 25% 21% 29H 2960 12% I4H 15% l65/^ 18 11,840 22H 2554 27^ 29% 31H Kent, page 520. Dimensions, Etc., of Cupolas 451 The quantities of air in the left-hand column of each division indicate the capacity of the given blower when working under pressures of 4, 8, 12 and 16 ounces. Thus a No, 6 blower will force 2678 cubic feet of air at 8 ounces pressure through 50 feet of 121-4-inch pipe with a loss of \i ounce pressure. If it is desired to force the air 300 feet without an increased loss by friction, the pipe must be enlarged to 17H inches diameter. The table below gives the important dimensions, distribution of charges and melting capacities of cupolas from 24 inches to 84 inches diameter inside of lining. The table is based upon the consumption of 3 5, 000 cubic feet of air per ton of iron and represents the best aver- age practice. Higher fuel ratios are frequently realized and the foundrymen must vary the fuel and air supply as the conditions indicate. It is imwise, however, to strive for high fuel ratio at the risk of a dull heat. The loss on castings from one melt may far outweigh the saving on coke, as between the ratios of 10 to^i and 9 to i, for many heats. Coke is one of the cheapest articles about the foundry; while hot, clean iron is an item of the highest importance. In general the cupola should furnish 20 pounds of melted iron per minute per square foot of area of the melting zone. Dimensions, Etc., of Cupolas Height Diameter of cupola inside of lining, inches Height from bot- tom-plate to charg- ing door, feet from sand bot- tom to underside of tu- yeres, inches Area of tuyeres, sq. in. Pounds of coke on bed, Jpounds First charge of iron, pounds Suc- ceeding charges of coke, pounds Suc- ceeding charges of iron, pounds Pres- sure of blast, ounces 24 9.0 8-10 90 225 320 40 320 5- 7 30 10. 8-10 142 370 560 62 560 6-8 36 10.6 8-12 204 460 850 85 850 6- 8 42 10.6 10-12 277 530 1200 no 1200 6- 8 48 12.0 10-12 362 820 , 1500 140 1500 8-10 54 13.0 10-15 458 1 100 1900 180 1900 8-10 60 15.0 10-18 S65 1400 2500 225 2500 10-12 66 16.0 10-18 684 1900 3000 275 3000 10-12 72 18.0 IQ-20 814 2400 4000 320 4000 12-14 78 19.0 10-20 955 3000 5000 400 5000 12-14 84 19.0 ic-22 1 108 3600 6000 500 6000 14-16 452 The Cupola Dimensions, Etc., oe Cupolas. — (Continued) Volume Diameter of blast Size of Root Num- ber of Horse Size of Sturte- vant Num- ber of revolu- Horse power Melting capac- of air per pipe not blower revolu- power blower tions re- ity per minute, cu. ft. over 100 feet long, inches required, no. tions per minute, revs. required H.P. re- quired, no. per minute, revs. quired, H.P. hour, pounds 875 10 I 300 2 3 3500 2 3,000 1. 750 12 2 300 5 5 2900 5-5 6,000 2,600 14 4 175 8 6 2800 10 9,000 3.500 16 4 230 12 7 2600 15 12,000 4.700 18 5 200 20 8 2300 22 16,000 5.800 20 5i/i 190 25 8 2500 25 20,000 7,300 22 6 180 33 9 2200 35 25,000 8,700 24 6H 170 45 10 1800 45 30,000 10,500 26 7 150 55 10 2000 55 36,000 12,800 28 7'A 150 70 2-8 2500 60 44,000 14,500 30 7H 170 80 2-9 2200 70 50,000 Charging and Melting In preparing the cupola for melting, a bed of shavings is spread evenly- over the bottom; on this a layer of kindling wood; then enough cord wood cut in short lengths to come well above the tuyeres. The doors in the wind box or, two or more of those covering the tuyeres, should be left open to admit air to the fire. The wood should be covered with coke for a depth of from 12 to 15 inches. Where wood is scarce or expensive, the coke may be lighted directly with a kerosene oil blow torch. To use the torch place two strips of boards 3" X i" on edge from the tap hole to center of cupola. Then place other strips of same size crosswise of the bottom forming a shallow trough about 6 inches wide in the shape of a T. Large pieces of coke are placed over the trough to form a cover, and on top of this coke is spread uniformly for a depth of about 15 inches. The torch is then applied at the tap hole. After the fire is lighted and the top of the coke bed becomes red, enough coke is added to bring the top of the bed 20 inches above the tuyeres when the wood has burned out. The necessary amount of coke for bottom is determined by gauging from the charging door. The proper depth of bed is a matter of great importance. Too much is as bad as too little. With too much coke, the melting will be slow and dull; with too little the iron after commence- ment of heat becomes dull, the cupola is bunged up and the bottom may have to be dropped. The Charging Floor 453 There should be sufficient coke to locate the top of the melting zone about 20 inches above the tuyeres, and the subsequent charges of coke should be just enough to maintain this position. With proper depth of bed, the molten iron will appear at the spout in from 8 to 10 minutes after the commencement of the blast. The first and subsequent charges of iron should be of the same weight, and these should be small. The amount of coke between each charge of the iron and the preceding one should be 10 per cent of the iron. In many foundries the coke between the charges is made less than this, but 10 per cent is good practice. It is not the best policy to run the risk of making a poor heat by cutting down the coke. The charges should be continued as indi- cated until the cupola is filled to the charging door. In charging care must be taken to distribute both iron and coke uni- formly. The pig iron (broken) should be charged first, beginning at the lining and proceeding toward the center, pigs should be placed sidewise to the lining. Next comes the scrap; if there are large pieces, they should be placed in the center of the cupola with the pig surrounding them. The iron must be kept well around the lining and care exercised to avoid cavities. If the scrap is fine, it must not be charged so closely as to impede the blast. After the iron comes the coke, which must be evenly distributed throughout. After the second or third charge, lime- stone, broken into pieces about i}^ cube, is added. From 25 to 40 pounds of limestone per ton of iron is used according to the character of pig and scrap as to sand and rust, and to that of coke as to ash. The top of the bed should not be permitted to drop more than 6 or 8 inches during the heat. This determines the weight of iron for each charge as well as that of the coke, the latter having a depth of 6 or 8 inches. The weights of all the materials going into the cupola should be kept separately. The melter should be furnished each day with a charging schedule giving the composition and the weight of each charge. The fire should be started about two hours before the blast is put on, to allow the charges in the stack to become well heated. The openings in the wind box are closed immediately after starting the blast. The egg-shaped section at the melting zone, which the cupola gradually assumes by use, should be maintained. The Charging Floor The charging floor should be large enough, if circumstances permit, to accommodate all the materials for the heat. Each charge of pig iron and scrap, after weighing, should be piled by itself and in the order in 454 The Cupola which it is to be used. The proper amount of coke for each charge is placed in cans or baskets. In larger works where the material is brought to the platform on charging cars, the cars are arranged so as to reach the cupola in proper order. The cuts show two different meth- ods of charging at large foundries. At one the charging is done by hand and at the other by machine. While the material is handled more rapidly and at less expense by the latter method, it is doubtful if the saving effected compensates for irregular melting and lack of uniformity in product, which is likely to result from unequal distribution of the charges. 125 Charging Floor. Fig. 126. — Cupola Charging Machine in Normal Position. Fig. 127. — Cupola Charging Machine in Charging Position. Melting Losses Melting losses in a well-managed cupola should not exceed 4 per cent for the annual average. Instances are known where the losses for long periods were not over 2 per cent. The following records are taken from the report of the secretary of the American Foundrymen's Association, and cover the results from 41 cupolas. The percentage of castings made and the returns are calculated from the quantities given and added to each table. Light Jobbing Table I. — General Jobbing 455- Numbers Usual tonnage Time melting Blast pressure Fan or blower Pig iron Per cent southern Fuel used , lbs Scrap bought Pig iron used Scrap used Castings made Scrap made Per cent melting lost Per cent melt in returns . . . . Per cent in good castings . . . I hr. 15 m, 8 oz. Fan Coke None Coke Mach. 10,400 9,600 i6,49S 1,352 10.7 66 82.4 3 hr. Fan Coke Coke Med. mach 3200 3200 5504 620 4-3 97 86 3 4 3 3 ihr. 15 m. 2hrs. 80Z. Fan Blower Coke Coke None None Coke Coke Mach. Stove 2657 268s 2886 3885 3916 4057 872 1873 13.6 9-7 IS. 7 28. 5 70.6 61.7 80Z. Fan Mach. 20,000 20,000 3S.200 2,200 6.5 6.5 Average melting loss 7-6 per cent Average of melt in returns 8.8 per cent Average of melt in good castings 83.0 per cent Table II. — Light Jobbing Numbers Usual tonnage Time of melting Blast pressure, oz Fan or blower Pig iron Per cent southern Fuel used Scrap bought Pig iron used, lbs Scrap used, lbs Castings made Scrap made Per cent melting loss Per cent melt in returns. . Per cent in good castings . 72 3 hrs. 30 m, 13 Blower Coke None Coke 102,000 42,000 108,300 27,500 5.7 19. 1 75-2 I hr. 30 m. 6.5 Fan Coke None Coke & coal Stove 4.500 7,500 10,300 1,200 4.2 10 85.8 16 2 hrs. 30 m. Fan Coke None Coke Lt. mach. 19,200 12,800 21,000 9,100 6 28.4 65.6 2.5 Ihr. Fan Coke None Coke Med. mach. 3200 1800 4000 800 4 16 80 Average melting loss 25.5 per cent Average of melt in returns 20.8 per cent Average of melt in good' castings 73-6 per cent 456 The Cupola Table III. — Light Machineey Numbers . Usual tonnage Time of melting Blast presstire, oz Fan or blower Pig iron Per cent southern Fuel used Scrap bought Pig iron used, lbs Scrap iron used, lbs. Castings made Scrap made Per cent melting loss Per cent melt in returns Per cent melt in good castings . lo I hr. lo m. 6 2 hrs. Fan Coke Coke & coal None i6,ooo 4,ooo 13.220 4,500 6.5? 22.6 66.1 Fan Coke & ch. coal Coke Med. mach. 6,000 6,000 10,000 900 9.2 7.5 83.3 35 I hr. 30 m. 7 Blower Coke None Coke Lt. mach. 3900 2750 3738 2762 2.3 41-5 56.20 13 14 IS 5 I hr. 30 m. 5 Fan Coke 50 Coke & coal Med. mach. 4500 4280 7640 800 3.9 9-1 87 15 2hr. 7 Blower Coke 35 Coke Lt. mach. 14,000 16,000 20,500 6,000 II. 6 20 68.3 6 hrs. 40 m. Fan or blower . Fan Coke Fuel used Coke Pig iron used, lbs. 56,000 24,000 Scrap iron used, lbs. Scrap made 16,000 Per cent melting loss 5 Per cent melt in returns 2,000 Per cent melt in good castings 75 There is an error in this record. The loss should be 11.3 if the statement as to castings and scrap are correct. Average melting loss 7.33 per cent Average of melt in returns 19. 55 per cent Average of melt in good castings 73.0 per cent Stove Plate Table IV. — Heavy Machinery 457 Numbers ... ... i6 17 18 19 Usual tonnage 13 2 hrs. 6 Blower Coke 5o Coke Mach. 14,720 11,130 18,845 4,870 8.4 18.8 72.9 15 2 hrs. 10 Blower Coke 70 Coke H'vy mach. 20,000 10,000 21,300 7,200 5 24 71 21 4 hrs. 9 Blower Coke & coal 17 Coke Mach. 25,740 16,270 37,760 7,560 4 18 78 15 Time of melt 2 hrs. Blast pressure, oz. 14 Fan or blower Blower Pig iron Per cent southern Coke 20 Fuel used Coke Scrap bought Pig iron used, lbs. 15,500 Scrap used lbs. 11,500 7-4 Per cent melt in returns Per cent melt in good castings . 22.2 70.4 Average melting loss 5-8 per cent Average of melt in returns 20 . 6 per cent Average of melt in good castings 73 . 6 per cent Table V. — Stove Plate Numbers . Usual tonnage Time of melt Blast pressure, oz Fan or blower Pig iron Per cent southern Fuel used Scrap bought Pig iron used, lbs Scrap used, lbs Castings made Scrap made Per cent melting loss Per cent melt in returns Per cent melt in» good castings . 2 hrs. 15 min. 14 Blower Coke 100 Coke and coal Stove 20,000 20,000 24,000 14,200 4-5 35.5 60 15 I hr. 30 min. II Coke 50 Coke Stove 18,000 12,000 20,192 9,000 2.7 30 67.3 13 Blower Coke 25 Coke and coal 11,863 7,906 11.750 7,624 38.5 59-4 Average melting loss 3.3 per cent Average of melt in returns 34- 3 per cent Average of melt in good castings 62 . 3 per cent 45^ The Cupola Table VI. — Sanitary Ware 23 24- 25 26 12 2 hrs. 5 Fan Coke None Coal and coke Medium ii,8oo I2,200 17,228 6,048 3 25.4 71.7 32 3 hr. IS m. 14 Blower Coke 38 3 h. IS m. 14 Blower Coke 60 Coke None 56,000 20,000 51,614 18,386 7.9 24.1 67.9 16 Time of heat Blast pressure, oz. 2 h. 30 m. SO Fan Coke Coke 51,000 12,000 46,660 12,234 6.5 19.4 74 9.875 22,625 Scrap used, lbs Castings made 23,276 Scrap made 8,055 Per cent melting loss Per cent melt in retioms Per cent in melt good castings 3.6 24.7 71.6 Numbers 27 28 29 30 Usual tonnage . 25 3 h. 45 m. 14 Blower Coke 26 3 h. 45 m. 40 3 h. 45 m. 5 Fan Coke None Coal and coke Medium 35,560 47.210 S9.400 21,960 1.7 26.5 71.7 23 Time of heat 3I1. Fan or blower , Pig iron Blower Coke Blower Coke Per cent southern Coke None 31,470 17.960 35.956 11,270 4.1 22.9 73 Coke Coke Scrap bought None 33,000 19.850 37,250 11,300 8.1 21.3 70 29,000 17.500 33.385 11,500 Per cent melting loss Per cent melt in returns Per cent melt in good castings 3.5 24.7 71.8 Average melting loss . Average of melt in returns Average of melt in good castings. 4 . 84 per cent 23.60 per cent 71.50 per cent Railroad Castings Table VII. — Agricultural 459 Numbers 31 32 33 34 35 Usual tonnage .... 80 4 h. 20 m. 15 Blower Coke 50 Coke Ag. No. I 80,000 80,000 108,800 42,700 5.3 26.7 67.5 45 3 h. 15 m. 12 Blower Coke ' Coke ' Ag. No. I 45,000 45, 000 61,200 24,300 5.2 27 67.7 41 3 h. 30 m. 13 Blower Coke 50 Coke Med. Mach. 45,700 35,800. 62,960 15,600 3.6 19.2 77.2 9 2 hrs. 12 Blower Coke 50 Coke & coal Stove 7,071 10,674 11.845 5,200 4 29.3 67 9-5 I h. 20 m Time of heat Blast pressure, oz Fan or blower . 9 Blower Pig iron Coke Per cent southern Fuel used None Coke & coal Scrap bought Pig iron used, lbs Scrap used, lbs. . Stove 7,500 11,600 Per cent melting loss . . . Per cent melt in returns Per cent melt in good castings 5.3 55.7 39 Average loss in melt 4. 77 per cent Average of melt in returns •. 26. 73 per cent Average of melt in good castings 68 . 4 per cent Table VIIL — Railroad Castings Numbers . 38 Usual tonnage Time of heat Blast pressure, oz Fan or blower Pig iron Per cent southern Fuel used • Scrap bought Pig iron used Scrap used Castings made Scrap made Per cent melting loss Per cent of melt in returns . . . . Per cent melt in good castings . 47 5 hrs. 20 m. 16 Blower Coke None Coke None 66,500 28,500 60,400 28,900 6.1 30.3 63.5 32 6.5 3 hrs. 45 m. 2 hrs. 4 9 Fan Ch., coal and coke Coke 60 None Coke and coal Coke None 25,000 6,76s 39.000 6,235 54,000 10,000 7,500 2,38s 3.9 4-7 II. 7 18.3 84.3 76.9 Note. — No. 37 is an average of 27 heats. No. 38 is an average of 25 heats. Average melting loss 5 . 64 per cent Average of melt in returns 22 . 43 per cent Average of melt in good castings 72.22 per cent 460 The Cupola Table IX. — Floor Plates, Grate Bars, etc. 39 40 Usual tonnage 30 3 hrs. 40 m. 16 Blower Coke None Coke Med. mach. 20,000 40,000 47,400 8,200 7.3 13-7 79 3 Time of heat I hr. Blast pressure, oz Fan or blower Fan Pig iron Coke Per cent southern Fuel used Coke and coal Scrap bought Light mach. Pig iron used, lbs None Scrap used, lbs 6,000 Castings made ... . 5,100 525 6.2 8.8 85 Average melting loss Average of melt in returns Average of melt in good castings . 7 . 23 per cent 8 . 88 per cent 85 per cent Table X. — Car Wheels Number 41 Number 41 Usual tonnage 200 7 hrs. 10 Blower Scrap bought Wheel Time of heat Per cent melting loss 2.1 Per cent melt in returns Per cent melt in good castings. Fan or blower From the above tables, the following table showing the average results for each class of work is compiled. Table XI Percentage 1^ St 3't 0. I o5 si CO < 13 It Number of records. Per cent melt in 4 83.9 8.2 7-7 4 73.6 20.8 55 6 73.01 19 SS 7.33 4 73.6 20.6 5.8 3 62.3 34.3 3.3 8 71. 5 23.6 4.84 5 68.5 26.7 4.77 3 72.3 22.43 5.24 2 79-5 13.2 7.2 rt !§ Per cent melt in Per cent melt lost . Note. No. 12 was omitted in obtaining these averages. Evidently there was something wrong about this heat as shown by the excessive returns. Melting Ratio 461 The figures in the preceding table are to be taken as approximations. The loss may be reduced in practice by careful management. When the weight of the coke on the bed, and the weights of the iron and coke in each charge are known, to determine the necessary amount of iron which must be melted to produce a desired melting ratio: Let X = the total iron; Y = the total coke; A = weight of coke on bed; B = weight of coke in each charge; C = weight of iron in each charge; D = the desired melting ratio. (i) Then f = D, F = ^ total coke (2) (3) and -f; = the number of charges. The total coke is found in equation (4) (4) Y = {.^-i^B+A. From equations (2) and (4) X = -~ — =-ir-^ C — DB (5) Having found the total amount of iron, the total coke and number of charges are found from (2) and (3). By applying these formulas to a 54-inch cupola as given in table on pp. 451-2 the required weight of iron to be melted to produce a melting ratio of 9 to I may be found. Melting Ratio Weight of coke on bed ^ = 1100 pounds Weight of coke to each charge B = 180 pounds Weight of iron to each charge C = 1900 pounds Required melting ratio Z) = 9 to i pounds From equation (5) 1900 X 9 (iioo — 180) . ^ ^ ^ 1900 - 9 X 180 = 56,185, Y = — = 6243 pounds. And the nimiber of charges 56,185 ^-^-^ = 29.57. 1900 ^^' Coke may be charged from dumps, as it can be uniformly spread. 462 The Cupola The cupola should be kept full to the charging door until all the iron is in. Later the sweepings from the charging platform may be thrown on. The platform should, if possible, be large enough to accommodate the materials for the entire melt. Each charge of pig and scrap should be weighed and piled by itself; the coke kept in convenient charging buckets, and the broken limestone in a bin from which it may be charged by measure, above the coke. Appliances about Cupola The conditions will indicate the necessity for elevator and charging cars. In every foundry yard there should be a cinder mill and scrap breaker. In many foundries the cinders are frequently ground in the tumbling barrel. It is purely a matter of convenience; but locating the cinder mill in the yard promotes cleanliness, especially when broken fire brick are ground. The cinder mill is made up of cast-iron staves from 8 to 10 inches wide and of convenient length, placed about polygonal heads; the latter mounted on trunnions, and the whole rotated slowly by any suitable means. The staves are so placed that there is not over an eighth of an inch opening at the joints, in order that the shot iron may not escape. Magnetic and hydraulic separators are frequently used to recover the shot, and they effect large savings. The scrap breaker is located conveniently to the cars, or placed where heavy scrap is received. It consists of a derrick and ball with hoisting apparatus. The height of the derrick should be from 30 to 40 feet and the ball should weigh 2500 to 3000 pounds, both depending on the probable dimensions of the largest scrap. The sketch below shows a simple and effective device for tripping the ball. Ladles Hand ladles, and shank ladles holding 200 pounds or less, are best ' y-v % made of sheet steel, as they are f \ \ much lighter and are easily repaired. A // These, as well as larger sizes, to be handled by cranes, are furnished by Fig. 128. , . / , ■, the foundry supply nouses. It is usually best to tap into a fore ladle. This is kept under the spout, and has sufficient capacity to hold one entire charge. From it © The Bod Stick 463 the smaller ladles are filled. By making large tappings, the various grades of iron in the cupola become thoroughly mixed in the fore ladle. The iron in the ladle is kept hot by covering the surface with charcoal or slacked lime. In English practice the Fore Hearth is largely used instead of the fore ladle, but its use has not met with favor in the United States. An illus- tration of this arrangement is shown on page 248 of McWilliams and Longmuir's General Foundry Practice. Lining of Ladles The ladles are lined with a mixture of one-half fire clay and one-half sharp sand. With small ladles the lining is from % inch to iH inches thick on the bottom and gradually tapers to 14 to % inch thick at the top. Large ladles have first a lining of fire brick, then the clay daubing. After the linings are completed they must be thoroughly baked either by placing the ladles in an oven or by building wood fires in them. It is customary to reline the small ladles after each heat. The larger ones, if completely drained of iron, may, by chipping out and patching, be made to last over many heats. The skulls from ladles are rattled with the cinders. Shanks for ladles holding 100 pounds and upwards are commonly made with single and double ends. The better practice is to make both ends double, the helper's end having a swivel joint. With this type of shank the helper can use both hands in carrying and two men can handle a 200-pound ladle easily. The iron bottoms of the larger ladles should have 10 or 12-%-inch holes through them to permit the escape of moisture. Tapping Bar The tapping bar is usually made of i-inch gas pipe, having a long tapered point (24 inches in length) welded to it at one end. Frequently the tapper stands along one side of the spout, and opens the tap hole with a single-handed bar. He carefully picks away the center of the bod, until a hole is made through it, then enlarges the hole to ¥s inch, or an inch, according to the stream desired. The Bod Stick The bod stick is an iron bar about i inch in diameter, having at one end a flat disc 2H inches in diameter. To this disc is attached the clay bod, used in stopping up the tap hole. In stopping the stream of iron, the bod, placed above the stream at the tap hole, is forced down- 464 The Cupola Table Showing Capacities of Ladles with Bottom Diameters Depth Diameter of ladle at bottom, inches 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Ins. 2 4 ■ 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 32 34 36 38 - 40 42 44 46 157 318 483 652 825 1002 1 183 1368 1557 1749 1946 2149 191 334 585 788 997 1210 1427 1648 1873 2102 2337 2576 2821 227 459 696 938 1 185 1436 1693 1954 2221 2492 2769 3050 3337 3630 267 538 815 1096 1383 1676 1973 2276 2585 2900 3221 3548 3880 4218 4560 309 624 945 1272 1604 1942 2286 2606 2992 3353 3720 4093 4472 4807 5248 5645 356 717 1084 1457 1836 2221 2612 3009 3412 3821 4237 4660 5089 5525 5968 6417 6871 7329 403 812 1228 1651 2080 2516 3142 3408 3863 4325 4793 5268 5750 6238 6734 7237 7747 8261 8781 455 917 1,385 1,860 2,342 2,830 3,326 3,829 4,339 4,855 5.378 5,911 6,451 6.998 7.552 8,114 9,682 9,258 9,840 10.42S 510 1,026 1,550 2,08s 2,62s 3.172 3.726 4,288 4.856 5.432 6,016 6,608 7.208 7.816 8,432 9,054 9,694 10,332 10,978 11,630 12,288 48 For steel add 5% 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 wards into the hole squeezing off the stream. Many severe burns have been caused by stopping directly against the stream. The spout is sometimes made with a side opening to carry off slag running on the stream of iron. This opening is made about the middle of the spout, and the trough in that vicinity is somewhat increased in width. About 2 inches below the side opening a fire brick is placed across the trough, leaving room below it for the iron to pass, but being low enough to skim off the slag, which runs out of the side at the opening. A swinging spout is occasionally used. This is hung on a pivot below the spout proper, and in a transverse direction. Capacities of Ladles 465 Varying from 20 to 54 Inches, Slope of Sides iVz to i Foot Diameter of ladle at bottom, inches Depth 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 Ins. 2 568 630 694 762 832 906 984 1,064 1,146 4 1,144 1,268 1,396 1,600 1,672 1,820 1,978 2,138 2,302 6 1,728 1,914 2,106 2,310 2,522 2,774 2,982 3,222 3,469 8 2,330 2,568 2,824 3,096 3,380 3.678 3,996 4,316 4,829 10 2,930 3,330 3,552 3,892 4,248 4,622 5.019 5,420 6,063 12 3,538 3,900 4,288 4,696 5,124 5,576 6,052 6,334 7,308 14 4,154 - 4,578 5,032 5,510 6,012 6,540 7.095 7,659 8,564 16 4,776 5,264 5,784 6,332 6,910 7,514 8,149 8,784 9,831 18 5,406 5,958 6,546 7,154 7,816 8,498 9.213 9.930 10,711 20 6,044 6.660 7,316 7,994 8,730 9.492 10,287 11,086 11,936 22 6,690 7,370 8,094 8,844 9,6S4 10,496 11,371 12,253 13,212 24 7,344 8,088 8,880 9,702 10,588 11,510 12,465 13.422 14,479 26 8,C5o6 8,816 9,676 10,570 11,532 12,533 13.569 14.623 15,757 28 8,676 9,552 10,480 11,446 12,486 13.566 14,683 15,826 17,046 30 9.354 10,296 11,294 12,334 13.450 I4,6c9 15,808 17,038 18,346 32 10,040 11,048 12,116 13,232 14,424 15,663 16,943 18,261 19.657 34 10,734 11,810 13,943 14,140 15,408 16,727 18,089 19.495 20,979 36 11.436 13,580 .13,788 15,059 16,402 17,801 19,249 20,740 22,312 38 12,146 13,358 14,618 15,988 17,406 18,885 20,412 21,996 23,657 40 12,864 14,144 15.496 16,927 18,420 19.998 21,591 ' 23,263 25,014 42 13,590 14,940 16,364 17,876 19,443 21,083 22,782 24,541 27,070 44 14,322 15,712 17,240 18,83s 20,476 22,197 23,98s 25,830 27,761 45 16,550 18,122 19,014 19,802 20,776 22,198 21,519 22,573 23,637 23,322 24,557 25,703 25,197 26,420 27,654 27.130 28,441 29,763 29,152 48 For steel add 5% 30,55s 50 31,920 52 24,711 26,859 28,899 31,096 33,397 54 28,032 30,155 32,441 34,336 56 29,223 31,422 33,798 36,287 58 30,256 32,690 35,166 37,750 60 33,979 36,545 39.225 62 35,279 37,941 39,343 42,312 40.712 64 66 The foundry 42,211 43.729 68 46,011 While the stream is running it can be tipped so as to let the iron run into a ladle at either side. In rapid melting this obviates stop- ping up when ladles are changed. Applying Metalloids in Ladle Where metalloids are added to the iron, if the amount to be used is sprinkled into the stream as it flows through the spout, a more intimate mixture is obtained than results from placing the material in the ladle and drawing the iron on to it. 466 The Cupola Cranes The equipment of cranes as to size, style and motive power is indi- cated entirely by the character and volume of production. Ample and convenient hoisting facilities are absolutely essential. A mistake is seldom made in providing cranes of too great capacity. Most of the modem foundries are fitted with electric traveling cranes, which not only have access to the cupola, but sweep over the moulding floors. In addition to the electric crane, post and wall cranes are supplied for special requirements. There should be a small jib crane attached to the cupola for handling the fore ladle. The manufacture of cranes has become a specialty, and the reader is referred to manufacturers' catalogues for special information. Spill Bed In many foundries the excess iron, and iron on the bench floor, is frequently dumped into holes in the sand heaps or floors. This is a slovenly practice and greatly injures the sand. A very convenient and simple spill bed is shown in Fig. 129. This is so made that the iron is collected in pieces weighing from 60 pounds to 80 pounds, of convenient size to be handled in charging. A small bed of same character serves an excellent purpose when placed near the snap floors. Dumping Spill Bed Fig. 129. Gagger Mould Gagger Mould 467 Fig. 130. By a little care all the excess iron may be put through beds as above and sent to the cupola in good shape for melting. The usual practice is to allow the bottom to remain where it drops until the next morning, simply wetting it thoroughly. Below is shown a sketch of a large rake. If the bottom is dropped on this and the mass pulled out from under the cupola (by means of a Fig. 131. chain passing through a snatch block to the crane) and then wetted down, it will be found in much better shape for picking over in the morning. The pieces of unconsumed coke should be picked out and used in core ovens, or as part of the last charge of coke, in the cupola. Little savings of this kind, although small of themselves, amount to an impor- tant item in the course of the year, particularly if the operations are extensive. CHAPTER XX MOULDING SAND Moulding sand contains from 75 to 85 per cent silica, with varying proportions of alumina, magnesia, lime and iron. The essential properties are: Cohesion, Refractoriness, Permeability, Durability, Porosity, Texture. Cohesion or Bonding Power Moulding sand must possess sufficient cohesion, not only to remain in position after ramming, but to resist the pressure of the molten metal, and its abraiding action while being poured. Pure sand has no cohesive strength, but clay (double silicate of almnina) has, and as moist sands cohere more strongly than dry, the bonding power must depend on the amount of clayey matter and water contained. The moisture must not be in excess, otherwise the sand will pack too densely. Permeability and Porosity Permeability is the property which sand possesses of allowing liquids or gases to filter through it, and depends on the size of the pores. By porosity is meant the volume of pore space. These properties are not the same. A sand may contain a few large openings through which the liquids or gases may readily escape and yet have a small pore space. On the other hand, the total pore space may be large, but by reason of the small size of the pores, permeability by either liquids or gases might be difficult. The permeability of sand may be influenced: By the tightness of packing; By the size of the grains; By the fluxing elements in the sand. By tamping or packing, the space occupied by a given weight of sand may be reduced, as the grains are forced into their closest arrange- ment producing the minimum pore space. Fine-grained sands have larger pore space than coarse-grained. 468 Texture 469 If silt or clay are present, and segregated, the sand will pack more closely than if the grains are cemented together in the form of com- poimd grains. In the latter case the permeability and porosity would be larger than if the grains were separate. The decreased permeability under increased tamping explains why some good sands behave badly. Permeability of sand is also influenced by the amount of water present. The relation between permeability and fluxing impurities is shown in the process of casting. If the clayey particles filling the interstices of the sand fuse when heated by the metal, their coalescence in melting will close up the pores to some extent. For this reason, in part, a high percentage of fluxing impurities is undesirable. The proper permeability of a moulding sand is a matter of vital importance. A pathway must be opened for the escape of the gases to avoid blowing. The finer the sand the lower its permeability. Refractoriness A moulding sand must be sufficiently refractory to prevent complete fusion in contact with molten metal. Highly siliceous sands are, there- fore, the more desirable. At the same time a high percentage of silica is gained at the expense of alumina and a consequent loss of bonding power. Generally silica should not exceed 85 per cent. Silica is refractory, does not shrink when heated, but has no cohesive nor bonding power. Alumina, a most important component, is present in moulding sands in amounts varying from 4 to 12 per cent. It is refractory, has great bonding power, but shrinks greatly when heated. Too high a percentage of alumina makes the sand impermeable. Durability Sands begin to lose some of their desirable qualities after one or more heats and become dead or rotten. The injury to the sand arises from its dehydration, or loss of combined water by the heat of the molten metal, whereby its bonding power is destroyed. The water of com- bination cannot be restored. The amount of sand burned is a layer of varying thickness next to the casting. Texture By texture is meant the percentage of grains of different sizes. This is determined by passing the sand through a series of sieves of decreas- ing mesh and noting the percentage remaining on each sieve. Mr. W. G. Scott pursues the following method: "Ten grams of sand are placed on the loo-mesh sieve, together with ten jie steel balls, and shaken with a circular motion for one minute. 470 Moulding Sand o c H cs fl ajT) O W 0) III fi d ca a-2 S 05 .' d c3 (h K 3 Ills WW fe« 00(000 000<0<£>(MP«0'+OtM'NVOON0 OOWiNOClOOlOl-l rl-VO in Ol fO -^VO . 1/1 1/1 rc ro 001000>M':l-Tf(NrOOO-l' rOO 00 ■*N<0 ^0"00 l-l VO ■* Jxnoo lO t^XXO l> M rovo ■* •^ lO t^ lO »00 t^H TrM(5j>-^-*i-iN oio M o ooot^CTiO oo>t^t~i/oa«rooovo t~in t~0 t^ CTi lo t- ■^ t^ 10>0 N CPi(Miii^rod HroiNMN r<;M ts m ■■^•*mcsm mcscs Nio >* •<*00 '*0 0'OlO000VO^O0«5VOM0 "*0 N •* lO l-l ' ' m' h' ' ' ro ■ M ■ ' ' ' 6^ ' w oo' ' w lo h ' ' k6 NMMOirOw •* MM S ID a^" g o "cu o ■^, 6-2 S ^- r d ^' D oj Orri ■e ^- Is.^^. ^ i 03 >.^ Pi ^ ^ OwwOM oi S ^!^^ o lu 'I Texture 471 The sand passing through is weighed and credited to the 100- mesh sieve. That which remains, together with the balls, is emptied on the 80-mesh sieve and the operation repeated. In like manner sieves of varying size up to 20 mesh are used. The preceding table shows the texture or sand from different localities. " Lime is a fluxing element. If present as a carbonate, it loses its carbonic acid under heat, and in excessive amount the gas causes the mould to flake or crumble. Caustic lime fluxes and forms slag on sur- face of castings. Magnesia is also a flux, and to a modified extent has the effect of hme. Iron, as a carbonate or an oxide, if present in the mould near the casting, is converted into ferrous oxide, which is a flux. Combined water is present in all sands containing clay, carbonate of lime or gypsum. It is driven off at a low red heat and increases the porosity of the sand. Moulding sands are not always used alone. One or more grades are frequently mixed together. Blending is extensively practiced at the pit as well as at the foundry. In addition to blending to increase cer- tain physical properties, foreign substances, such as ground coal, graph- ite, molasses, flour, beer, linseed oil or cinders are used, either to increase the bonding power or permeability of the material. A sand deficient in its natural condition" may be greatly improved by "doctoring." The sand from any one deposit does not always run uniformly, and with- out previous careful examination of the shipments, unfavorable results may appear in the foundry. The following table, taken from "The Iron Age," gives the analysis of eight different samples. Constituents Silica Alumina Ferric oxide . . . . Lime Magnesia Potash Soda Water Organic matter. 92.08 5. 41 2.49 91.90 5.68 2.17 .41 92.91 5.85 1.24 90.62 6.66 2.70 81.50 9.88 3.14 1.04 .65 84 82.90 21 90 62 85 79.81 10.00 4.44 .70 2.89 Sands which contain the largest percentage of silica, sufficient alimiina to impart cohesiveness and plasticity, with from i to 3 per cent of magnesia are the best for facing. Such sand should be entirely free from lime. 472 Moulding Sand Specifications of W: G. Scott, Racine, Wis. "Moulding sand for iron work generally contains from 75 to 85 per cent of silica; 5 to 13 per cent of alumina; less than 2.5 per cent lime and magnesia; not over 0,75 per cent soda and potash and generally less than 5 per cent oxide of iron; not more than 4 per cent of water. " Sand for Brass Sand for brass may contain a much higher percentage of iron and lime without detriment. All moulding sands contain more or less organic matter. Carbonate of lime must not exceed 1.5 per cent for iron sands, nor 234 per cent for brass. Iron oxide must not exceed 5.5 per cent for iron nor 7 per cent for brass sand; organic matter not to exceed i per cent. Any sand showing an excess of 13 per cent alumina will be rejected. Analysis Constituents SUica... Alumina Iron oxide Lime... Lime carbonate . Soda Potash; Manganese Combined water. Organic matter . . . Specific gravity . . Fineness For light iron work 82.21 948 4.2s 2.64 .28 2.652 85.18 For medium iron work 85.85 8.27 2.32 .50 .29 .81 .10 .03 Trace 1.68 .15 2.654 66.01 For heavy iron work 6.30 2.00 .78 .50 .25 1.73 .04 2.63 46.86 For light brass 78.86 7.89 S.45 • SO 1.46 1. 18 .13 .09 Trace 3.80 .64 2.64 94.88 Any of these sands would answer very well so far as their chemical composition is concerned, for any class of work; but it is absolutely necessary that they should possess the proper degree of fineness. The finer sands are less siliceous and as a rule carrj' higher percentages of almnina and fluxes than coarser grades, as shown by the following table. Size 60 80 TOO 100 Silica 95.92 1.29 .56 .10 2.13 97.87 94.35 1.47 .56 .04 3.58 96.42 94.66 1.47 .40 .34 3.13 96.87 91.06 4.57 Ferric oxide .80 Lime 72 Alkalies 2 8s Total 97.15 Testing Moulding Sand 473 The greater the average fineness, the lower the permeability. Prof. Ries, from whose paper the above notes are extracted, concludes that the chemical analysis of moulding sands are not of as much impor- tance as their physical properties. To test the "temper" and strength of sand, the moulder squeezes a handful into a ball. If it takes the impression of his hand readily and leaves the hand clean, it is considered sufficiently damp. Its strength or binding power is tested by lifting the lump from one end, or by carefully breaking it apart; or he may squeeze a ball of sand about a little stick or nail and see if it can be lifted by the stick. He then blows through it to test its porosity. Such crude tests are in constant use and, conducted by experienced moulders, serve the purpose. A. E. Outerbridge instituted a series of experiments to determine these characteristics more definitely. The following is extracted from a paper read before A.S.M.E., at their New York meeting in 1907. "A number of test bars of green sand 6" X i" X 1" were made imder uniform conditions of pressure, dampness and quality of material used in forming the ordinary mould. These little test bars were placed upon a smooth metal plate with sharp square edges. The bars were then pushed over the edge of the plate until they broke, when the amount of the overhang was measured. It was soon found that there was a great difference in the length of the overhang, which was regarded as a quantitative measure of the toughness of the sand. These differences were not even noticeable in the crude ball test. Samples taken from different parts of a small sand heap that had been uniformly dampened, or tempered, varied greatly in this respect, owing no doubt to the irregular distribution of the alumina or clay binder; and the correctness of this inference was subsequently confirmed by simple analytical tests. After a sufficient number of these test bars had been made and broken to prove the reliability of the method, further tests were devised to ascertain whether the usual methods of riddling and mixing the sand for the moulder's use affected its quality either by increasing or decreasing its toughness, as shown by the amount of over- hang of similar test bars of green sand. It was proved that the more thoroughly the sand was worked, the greater the overhang, due, as al- ready stated to the more uniform distribution of the binder. "The ideal moulding sand is a material in which the individual grains of silex, constituting approximately 90 per cent of the mass, are com- pletely covered with an overcoat of alumina or clay and the more uniform the grains are in size and shape, the better is the sand with respect to porosity in relation to the average size of the grain. "It was found on passing a sample of sand a number of times through 474 Moulding Sand a handriddle, and making test bars from the sample after each riddling, that the overhang was increased measurably. Thus, a sample of sand, which, after tempering and mixing by hand with a shovel, showed an overhang of less than two inches of the test bar, increased to nearly three inches after a dozen riddlings. It would not be practicable to treat large masses of sand in this manner, nevertheless, the informa- tion thus obtained was quite valuable and led to important practical results. "Another novel observation was concurrently made, viz., that the increased toughness and porosity noticed in these tests might be partly due to "aeration" or to the separation of the grains of sand when falling from the sieve to the floor. In order to discover the truth or falsity of this view, a quantity of sand was shaken in a box with a closed lid for several minutes and test bars were made before and after shaking. The correctness of the theory was quickly shown, for the shaking with- out sieving proved to be more effective than the sieving without shaking. Tests for porosity were also made, but these were not very satisfactory owing possibly to lack of suitable means of controlling and measuring the compressed air." Using one of Wm. Seller's & Co. 's centrifugal sand mixers, the develop- ment of which was largely due to Mr. Outerbridge's experiments, a series of tests were made with facing sand prepared as follows: Strong Sand Parts Strong Lumberton sand (new) 14 Gravel (new) 7 Flour sand (old) . 6 Coal dust 2 Fig. 132. — Green Sand Test Bars made from One Sample of Sand. "Fig. 132 is from a photograph showing eleven bars 6" X 1" X i", made from strong sand under uniform conditions of quantity, temper (dampness) and pressure. Testing Moulding Sand 475 "The bar labeled o was pressed from a sample of the sand after having been dampened and turned over several times, with a shovel, and only partly mixed. The object of such preliminary mixing is simply to prevent the coal dust from flying out of the centrifugal ma- chine on subsequent treatment. "The other bars were made from the same pile of strong sand, after passing through the centrifugal machine from one to ten times. These bars were laid side by side upon the smooth metal plate, resting upon a table, and were slowly pushed over the edge of the plate until they broke." The following table gives the measurements of the overhang of each bar as nearly as the somewhat irregular shape of the break permitted. Inches 214 • ■■■ 3 •• 3H 3^ 3H ■ ■••• 3^ 3H 3% 3^ 3% • 3% No. length of overhang No. I No. 2 No. 3 " No. 4 " No. 5 " No. 6 " No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 " No. 10 " "It will be observed that the first treatment increased the overhang % inch, the subsequent treatments increased the overhang in some cases H inch, and in some cases not measurably. The first treatment was, therefore, the most effective, and for practicable purposes one treatment is often sufficient to insure good mixing of the materials and thorough disintegration of any lumps. "The strain tending to break the sand beam is increased by the additional weight of the increasing length of the overhanging portion, and also by the increased moment of its center gravity. It is readily seen, therefore, that an increase in length of the overhang of % inch on the first treatment in the centrifugal machine means an increased tenacity of 75 per cent. In like manner an increase in overhang of 50 per cent means an increase in strength of sand of 225 per cent. The illustration. Fig. 133, shows the fractured surfaces of the same bars. "Bar No. o shows the heterogeneous components of the partly mixed sand, while the other fractures show increasing uniformity due to more thorough mixing, and disintegration of lumps up to No. 3, after which no further increase in uniformity is observable to the eye. 476 Moulding Sand Fig. 133. — End View of the Test Bars in Fig. 132. The illustrations convey a very fair impression of the actual appearance of the bars. The appearance of the fractured surfaces coincides with the tests for overhang, and shows that a single treatment in this machine is in many cases sufficient, and two treatments are all that are usually needed with any sand mixtures. In mixing core sand containing flour, the effectiveness of this method is still more strikingly evident, owing to the almost total disappearance of the white flour, due to its thorough commingUng with the sand and coal in one treat- ment. The centrifugal machine is especially efficient in mixing sharp sand with lin- seed oil for cores. When so used it is run at a lower speed than when used for tempering and mixing moulding sand. Two treatments are sufficient to insure thorough mixing of sharp sand and oil for cores. There are many other devices for tempering and mixing sand mechan- ically, such as, shakers, revolving reels, etc., which are effective. The amoimt of cohesive matter, or binder, in moulding sand should be limited to that which will permit good ramming, without destroying its porosity, so that the gases will escape readily, without allowing the iron to penetrate. The sand in a mould next to the casting is burned and loses much or all of its cohesion. This is due to driving off the water of combination in the alumina which cannot be restored. The thickness of the layer of burned sand depends upon the size of the casting and temperature of same. It is impossible to separate all of this burned sand after the removal of the castings. Much of it gets mixed in the sand heaps, which must be strengthened from time to time with new sand . Aside from the loss of combined water and increase in iron content, chemical analysis shows little difference in the composition of new and burned sand. This is shown in the table on page 437, made by analyz- ing the same sand before and after using. In general, moulding sand must possess the following requirements. It must be sufficiently porous to allow the free passage of air and the gases generated in casting. It must resist high temperature without fusing. Moulding Sand Requirements 477 It must permit of easy removal from the cold castings. When rammed into shape it must, be firm and sufi&ciently compact to resist the pressure of the liquid metal. It must be strong enough to resist the abraiding action of the stream of metal entering the mould. Constituents New Burned Silica 83.49 7-25 4.71 .36 .35 1.30 .41 .30 1.66 82.32 7.80 3.98 .54 .41 1.64 .81 .22 .19 2.38 100.28 60.80 Potash Soda Titanic oxide Water Ferrous oxide Total 99.86 64.50 For Dry Sand Moulding Any sand which, when rammed, will permit of drying into a compact, coherent but porous mass, will answer the purpose of a dry sand mix- ture. Many green sands dry into friable masses. Such sands must be mixed with some substance to give them strength. For such purpose, flour, stale beer, molasses-water, or clay-wash may be used. When flour is used, it is mixed in the proportion of one to twenty or thirty, depending upon the character' of the sand. With some sands the flour may be dispensed with and the sand strengthened sufficiently with molasses- water or clay wash. In dry sand moulds, only one or two inches of the sand next the pattern are of the prepared mixture. The remainder of the flask is filled with ordinary heap sand. This should be as open as possible to permit the ready escape of the gases. The facing should likewise be as open as can be safely worked. The amount of moisture should be about the same as is used in green sand. Dry sand facings must be thoroughly well mixed. Mr. West gives the following mixtures for dry sand facings. For Large Spur Gears p^j.^g Lake sand 12 Strong loam sand 12 Moulding sand 4 Coke, amount i-io Flour iH Wet with water. 47^ Moulding Sand Or Part Moulding sand i Jersey sand i Fire sand i Sea coal i-io Wet with thin clay wash. For Close Facing Moulding sand 6 Lake or bank sand iJ^ Flour i-so Wet with clay wash. This mixture may be used for blacking, using flour 1-40. For Cylinders - Fair loam 4 Lake sand i Sea coal or coal dust 1-14 Wet with clay wash. General Work _ ^ Part Moulding sand i Bank sand i Flour 1-30 Sea coal 1-20 Wet with clay wash. Parts Strong loam sand 6 Lake sand 6 Old dry sand 2 Flour 1-40 Sea coal 1-14 Wet with water. For Rolls Parts Dry sand 2 Lake sand i Sea coal 1-12 Flour 1-18 Wet with clay wash. For Renewing Old Dry Sand for Body of Moulds p Old sand 16 Lake sand 8 New loam 4 Wet with water. Or Core Sand 479 Dry Sand Moulds Old dry sand becomes very close. It should be passed through a No. 8 riddle to remove the dust and very fine particles. The coarse material mixed with new sand works well. Skin Drying Instead of making dry sand moulds which are baked in the oven, moulds are more frequently "skin dried." Skin dried moulds are essentially the same as "dry sand" except that the drying does not extend to as great depths and the facing is not as strong. For skin dried moulds mix with ordinary heap sand about i to 30 flour. After the mould is finished sprinkle with molasses water. The mould is dried either with the kerosene blow torch, or fire of wood, coke or char- coal, built in iron baskets which are placed in the mould. Often the mould is covered with sheet iron and fires are built on top of the iron. In drying copes, they are suspended and fires built under them." Before drying, the moulds are brushed with black wash, made of plum- bago and water, to which a little molasses water or clay wash is added. Sometimes moulds are black washed after drying. Core Sand Core sand should be high in silica and low in alumina. A sand con- taining much alumina does not permit the ready escape of gases after baking. Analyses of Core Sands (W. G. Scott) Constituents Good quality core sand Fair quality- core sand Silica 94.30 1.95 .33 1.63 69.31 4.76 1.58 3.50 8.19 7.77 .12 2.95 1.82 Alumina Iron oxide . . ... Lime carbonate Lime sulphate. Magnesia Alkalies .54 .05 1.05 .15 Combined water Organic matter "Since the greater portion of a core is to be entirely surrounded by metal, the sand of which it is composed encounters conditions much 480 Moulding Sand more severe than those met with by facing sands. Three conditions must be noted. First. — The core is subjected to much handling. Second. — The gases generated in casting must find egress through the core and not through the metal. Third. — The core has finally to be removed from the casting. "All cores, before entering the mould, are dried, and in this condition must be hard enough to permit handling, and porous enough to admit the free escape of gases. Yet the sand must not be burned or converted into a compact mass by the heat; if so, it will be extremely difficult to remove from the casting. "A sand high in siUca should yield the best results. To such a sand the necessary bond must be added. An ideal core sand is one in which the silica is given bond by the addition of an organic substance, which produces a firm core, capable of withstanding high temperatures and resisting the penetrating action of fluid metal. Such a core is friable in the cold casting, and is, therefore, easily removed. "If bond is given to silica by clayey matter alone, then the metal bakes the cores hard, and renders their removal difficult. "A hard surface imparted to the sand by ramming is fatal, as fluid metal will not lie on it, but a hard surface resulting from the binder does not necessarily represent an impervious one, and fluid metal will usually lie quietly on it. Heat tends to loosen a sand made hard in this way, instead of fusing it. Core Mixtures "There should be just enough bonding material in a core mixture to coat each individual grain of sand, without filling the interstices between the grains, and the value of the core depends greatly upon the thorough- ness with which the mixture is incorporated. Too much attention cannot be given to this feature. As a rule mechanical mixers give the best results. The binders in common use are Flour, Linseed oil, Glue, Rosin, Molasses, Rosin oil. In addition to these there are many commercial binders of more or less value, all of them designed to offer a binder cheaper than those above mentioned. Cores made with flour, glue or molasses soften quickly when exposed to dampness. Therefore they must be kept in a dry place, or used soon after they are made. The moulds in which they are placed should be Dry Binders 481 poured shortly after the cores are set. If allowed to stand for a period of 24 hours, the cores should be taken out and dried. Cores made with glue are very friable when hot and must be handled with great care. Less gas is given off by them than by those made with any other binder. Glue cores leave a smoother hole and do not require to be blackened as do flour cores. Flour is mixed with sand in proportions varying from i to 18, to i to 30, depending upon the strain which the core is to resist. The weaker the mixture, the more readily the gas escapes. Glue is first soaked in warm water and then boiled untU entirely dis- solved. Glue water should consist of 2 pounds of glue to 3 gallons of water. This mixture is sufficient to treat 100 pounds sand. Rosin must be first pulverized; it is then mixed with sand in propor- tions of I to 20, or I- to 30, as required. Rosin oil is used i to 18, or i to 24 as the requirements of the case indicate. Molasses, mixed i to 20 water is used more for spraying cores to give a hard surface, than for entire mixtures. Linseed oil with sharp sand, mixed about i to 30 furnishes the best core of all binders. It is strong, porous and is easily removed from the casting. For light, delicate cores, such as gas engine and automobile work it is unequaled. Large percentages of old cores, gangway sand and moulding sand may be used in the core mixtures. Core sand should be quite damp for use, but not so wet as to adhere to the core box. Wet sands require much less binder than dry. A saving may be made in the use of flour by boiling it thoroughly and then using the paste (very thin) to wet the sand. As already mentioned, the more thoroughly the binder is incorporated with the sand, the better will be the cores. Mr. A. M. Loudon made an extensive series of experiments to deter- mine the comparative values of various core binders, and published the results in a most interesting paper presented to the American Foundry- men's Association at the Cleveland meeting 1906. From it the follow- ing extensive extracts are made. Dry Binders Test No. I. — Flour sand core mixture. _ Parts New moulding sand 2 New fire sand i Flour I to 12 and i to 18 Wet down with thick clay wash. 482 Moulding Sand Cores from this mixture are usually very strong. If not thoroughly dried or if slightly burned or scorched, cause great trouble by blowing or scabbing. Cores were removed from castings with difficulty. Be- came damp in mould quickly, especially small cores. Test No. 2. — Syracuse dry core compound mixture. Old flour sand H New moulding H Sharp or beach H One part binder to 35 parts sand thoroughly tempered with water. Cores made from this mixture dried quickly, were clean and sharp and left good surface on castings. Resisted dampness well. Mr. Loudon states that the dampness test for each mixture was to dip a core partly in water, allowing it to stand after removal from the water for two or three days to air dry only. Iron was then cast in an open mould around the end which had been immersed. Test No. 2. — Included the water test as did all the other tests for dry and oil binders, the conditions being the same for all. The binder used in Test No. 2 stood the water test in a manner en- tirely satisfactory. The hot iron came in contact with the core without any distiubance. This binder in Mr. Loudon's judgment is best suited to large plain work, or small round and square cores. Test No. 3. — Dextrin or British gum mixture. Per cent Old flour sand 50 New moulding sand - . . 25 Beach or sharp sand 25 I part binder to 150 parts sand, tempered with water. This mixture was valuable for large cores, strong, with sharp edges and easily dried. If the cores are burned in the oven, wash with some of the binder dissolved in water, and dry in oven for ten minutes. They are thus completely restored. For small intricate cores the following mixture was used. Per cent Old sand 33 New moulding sand , 33 Sharp sand 33 I part dextrin to 100 parts sand. A core from this mixture was treated by the water test, and allowed to stand for two days. It resisted the action of melted iron better than cores from many mixtures, when fresh from the oven. Dry Binders 483 Test No. 4. — Wago core-compound mixture. Per cent Old sand 33 New moulding sand 33 Sharp sand 33 I part Wago to 30 parts sand. Made a good core; did not gum the box, and gave off very little smoke. A second mixture made from Wago: Per cent New moulding sand 50 Sharp sand 50 I part Wago to 35 parts sand. Unusually strong, true and sharp, but not as easily removed from casting as the first mixture with Wago. One of these cores was dipped in water and left for two days to air dry. The melted iron was perfectly quiet when poured around it. Test No. 5. — Cleveland core-compound mixture. Per cent Old sand ^^ Sharp sand 33 New moulding sand 33 I part binder to 30 parts sand tempered with warer. Strong core, easily removed from casting, very satisfactory for general use. A mixture i part binder to 40 sand was tried, but cores were too soft. Cores from the i to 30 mixture when submitted to the water test gave excellent results. Test No. 6. — Peerless core-compound mixture. Per cent Old sand 33 Sharp sand S3 New moulding 33 I part binder to 30 parts sand. The mixture as above given was unsatisfactory, therefore, the follow- ing mixture was tried. I part binder to 20 parts sand. This was satisfactory, being strong and true to box, but harder to remove from castings than most of those previously tested. It gave good results when submitted to the water test. The iron showed no signs of blowing. 484 Moulding Sand Tests Nos. 7, 8, 9 were made from samples of flour submitted. Sand mixed in same proportions as before. Thus, the first sample of flour was mixed with 15 sand, the second sample of flour was mixed with 18 sand, the third sample of flour was mixed with 20 sand. These were made as comparative tests of the different samples of flour. 1. Made the strongest core, but was the most difi&cult to remove from the casting. 2. Good for general work. 3. Was too soft. A mixture of i to 18 from 3 to 9 was good, better than Nos. 2 to 8 in same proportion. Each of the above mixtures was subjected to water test and failed. When withdrawn from the water and held in hori- zontal position, they broke at the line of submersion. Nos. 2 and 3 were not as good in this respect as No, i. The cores from the peerless compound and most of the others resisted the water so that it could be wiped off with a rag without injuring the cores. Test No. 10. — Paxton dry compound mixture. Per cent Sharp sand ^^ New moulding sand 33 Old sand 33 I part compound to 30 parts sand, made a very soft core. When mixed i to 20 it made a very strong core. One of these when subjected to the water test went to pieces, while the last mixture made a strong open core. It is readily affected by moisture. Liquid Core Binders Test No. II. — Holland linseed mixture. Parts Sharp sand 30 Oil I Made a strong core for small and medium shapes, but required vent- ing. A core from this mixture immersed in water for half an hour was returned to the oven and dried. It was then as good as any which had not been immersed. Test No. 12. — Syracuse core oil mixture. Parts Sharp sand 35 Oil I Moulding Sand Mixtures 485 Tempered with water and well mixed. These cores were excellent; without vents were not satisfactory. A core from this mixture was immersed for 15 hours, taken out and dried in the oven for 15 minutes. Molten iron when cast about it showed no disturbance. Tests Nos. 13, 14, 15. — Sterling oil samples from each of above were mixed at same time. Mixture p^^^ Sand ic Oil ;:.:::; i Nos. I and 2 of these samples showed too much oil. No. 3 was about right. Another mixture was then made. Parts Sand 4^ Oil :::::::; i Nos. I and 2 dried out quickly and made good strong cores, but when subjected to the water test the moisture acted quickly upon them, more so than on the other sand and oil mixtures. The cores were strong and were easily cleaned from the castings, but moulds which were left over night, and poured the next day blew very badly. Test No. 16. — Gluten or Esso mixture. p^^. ^^^^ New sand 33 Sharp sand 33 Old sand ^^^ Gluten I part to 30 parts sand Cores were so hard that the iron would not lay to them. One part gluten to 50 parts sand, — cores were good, sharp and strong. Iron somewhat disturbed. The gluten was mixed with water and the sand tempered with water. One part gluten to 70 parts sand. These cores were soft and did not stand the fire as well as the others. When subjected to water as before I to 30 stood very well, I to 50 became soft, I to 70 melted like sugar, showing that for a free core, one not inclined to blow, i to 70 took moisture very quickly. Test No. 17. — Glue melted in hot water mixture. p^^. ^^^^ New moulding sand 25 Sharp sand 25 Old sand 50 I pound of glue to 100 pounds of sand for small cores. I pound of glue to 150 pounds of sand for large cores. 486 Moulding Sand Lump or granulated glue, the cheaper the better. The glue water was made by dissolving two pounds of glue in three gallons of water. Cores from the first of the glue mixture when submitted to the water test absorbed water but held their shape. After redrying were as good as when first made. Should such cores be burned in the oven, washing them with a mixture of plumbago and glue water restores them. Mr. Loudon highly recommends the first of the above glue mixtures, using it for cores without vents for small port cores. Cores made from it can safely be used for all purposes, taking care to have them thoroughly dried. Cores for large beds have remained in the mould three and four days without causing trouble. Test No. i8. — Glucose melted with hot water mixture. „ Per cent Sharp sand 33 New moulding sand 33 Old sand 33 I pound of glucose to 100 pounds of sand. Cores of every description were first class, easily dried, easily cleaned from casting, emitting no smoke. They acted like green sand cores, dried and gave good results in every respect. Parting Sand The particles of burned sand, having been deprived of combined mois- ture will not cohere. Such sand, taken from the cleaning room, is used to separate the parts of the moulds and is also dusted on patterns to prevent the moulding sand from adhering to them. A most excellent parting sand for intricate work is made by saturat- ing very fine burned sand with kerosene or crude oil, and setting fire to the mixture. Lycopodium is also used for parting in particular work, but the high price subjects it to adulteration. Facings When molten iron comes in contact with a sand mould it tends to penetrate the pores of the sand and to fuse the particles in immediate contact, leaving a rough surface or scale, varying in thickness from Mi to H of an inch, depending on the weight of the casting. Facing sands containing large percentages of carbonaceous material are used to prevent this difficulty and to leave smooth surfaces on the castings. The carbon of the facing is decomposed by the heat, and the Facings 487 gases generated prevent the hot iron from attacking the sand. Facing sand which is composed of ground coal (sea coal), and sand in the pro- portions of from I coal to 8 sand, and i coal to 20 sand, depending upon the character of the work, is placed next to the pattern in a layer from y2 to i>2 inches in thickness. Back of this and completely filling the flask is the heap, or floor sand. By the continued use of facing the floor sand becomes black with it. The term facing includes Sea coal, Coal dust, Plumbago, Charcoal. Talc (or soapstone). It must adhere to the surface of the mould and cause the casting to peel when shaken out. Sea coal is a ground bituminous gas coal, free from sulphur and slate. It is mixed mechanically with new moulding sand in the proportion of I to 10, usually, and used generally on all work. For the purpose of obtaining smoother and brighter surfaces than result from the use of sea coal alone as a facing, the moulds are finished with plumbago or some mixture of which plumbago is the base. Plumbago is the best of all materials for this purpose. Soapstone is used largely in connection with plumbago as an adulter- ant, as also are coke dust and the dust of anthracite coal. The facing is applied to the mould either by hand, with a camel's hair brush, or it is mixed with molasses water and applied by a spray or with a brush. The latter method is usually used on dry sand moulds. Mr. W. G. Scott gives the analysis of Yougheogheny gas coal, from which the best "sea coal" facing is made as follows: Per cent Moisture i .00 Sulphur o. 33 Volatile matter 35 • 00 Ash 5 . 60 Fixed carbon 58.07 Specific gravity i . 28 Cannel coal is also used as facing and analyzes as follows: Moisture 3 . 30 Sulphur o. 20 Volatile matter 48 . 50 Ash 6 . 00 Fixed carbon 42 .00 Specific gravity i . 229 "Sulphur and ash are the two constituents of sea coal to be guarded against. If sulphur exceeds 0.75 the coal is inferior, and if sulphur is in excess of 1.5, the coal is unsuitable for facing. "Facing containing over 11 per cent ash ought not to be used. "Slack and culm are often ground and used as adulterants, but are readily detected by the amount of ash present. 488 Moulding Stand Graphite Facing "Pure graphite contains about 99 per cent carbon, but this degree of purity is not found in the natural product. A high grade natural graphite contains 75 per cent carbon; inferior grades contain from 15 to 65 per cent. "As the regulation method of determining carbon in facings is to burn off a weighed amount of sample and call the loss carbon, an un- scrupulous dealer may add coke or anthracite dust sufficient to raise the carbon content to any desired point. "Adulterations of this sort may be determined in several v/ays. "If several small beakers are filled with water and pure graphite, coke dust, anthracite dust, soft coal dust or charcoal are carefully sprinkled on the surface of the water, each in a separate glass, none of the powder will settle except the coke dust and some charcoals. This test eliminates coke dust and non-greasy charcoals. By shaking in a test tube H gram of the sample with 15 c.c. of acetone and allowing the mixture to stand 10 or 15 minutes, it will be seen that the pure graphite settles clear, leaving the liquid colorless. Coke imparts a gray to the solution and remains in suspension a long time; anthracite coal imparts a faint brown color and settles more rapidly; soft coal dust imparts a deep brown color. "The above tests are qualitative only. Equal parts of glacial acetic acid and sulphuric ether answer as well as acetone for this test." The following analyses from Scott of graphite, coke dust, coal and charcoal give a general idea as to the character of the diflFerent forms of carbon. Chemically Pure Graphite Per cent Per cent Moisture 0.02 Sulphur o . 00 Volatile matter 0.09 Ash o. 10 Fixed carbon 99-79 Commercially Pure Graphite Per cent Per cent Moisture o. 15 Sulphur trace Volatile matter o. 79 Ash 4 . 46 Fixed carbon 94 . 60 Specific gravity 2 . 293 Stove-plate Graphite Facing Per cent Per cent Moisture o. 75 Sulphur. o. 20 Volatile matter 5 . 29 Ash 37-66 Fixed carbon 56 . 10 Specific gravity 2 .363 Facings 4S9 The Composition of Ash in Above Sample Per cent .Silica 25.60 Alumina 5.25 Iron oxide 4 . 94 Lime Magnesia o . 80 Per cent 1.07 Cheap "Green Sand'^ Facing Moisture o. 45 Volatile matter 5 . 75 Fixed carbon 41 -49 Sulphur 0.62 Ash 51-69 Specific gravity 2 .489 Per cent Of which the ash analyzed. Silica 32.13 Alumina 2.77 Iron oxide 6 . 78 Lime i . 64 Magnesia 8.32 This sample was said to contain 25 per cent soapstone. The following analyses are given for comparison. Coke Dust Per cent Moisture 0.19 Volatile matter ...... i . 40 Fixed carbon 86 . 8q Per cent Sulphur o . 98 Ash. 10.54 Specific gravity i .886 Anthracite Coal Dust Constituents Selected lump, per cent Screenings, per cent Moisture .05 4.40 92.00 .57 2.98 1.565 3. SO 8.99 68.70 .86 17.95 1.590 Volatile matter Fixed carbon Sulphur Ash . Specific gravity ... Analysis of Soft Coal Constituents Selected lump, per cent Screenings, per cent Moisture 1.39 33.82 58.68 .96 5.15 1. 321 4.44 32.79 37.61 3.10 22.06 1.486 Volatile matter Ash 490 Moulding Sand Analysis of Wood Charcoal Constituents Common variety, per cent Medicinal, per cent Moisture 3.83 26.57 66.63 None 2.97 1.362 3.66 33.15 58.52 None 4.67 1. 412 Volatile matter Sulphur Ash Specific gravity Analysis of Soapstone and Talc Constituents Vermont soapstone, per cent French talc, per cent Silica 51.20 8.45 5.22 1. 17 26.79 7.17 61.8s • 25 2.61 Trace 34.52 .77 Water Mr. Scott gives the following as a test for the presence of anthracite coal in graphite. "Treat 0.5 gram of sample with 50 c.c. of strong nitric acid, boiling about 10 minutes. Then add 0.5 grams of pulverized potassium chlo- rate and boil until most of the chlorine is off. Dilute with 30 c.c. of cold water and filter, reserving the filtrate for examination. The filtrate from pure graphite treated in this manner should be clear and colorless unless iron is present, in which case it may be some- what yellow in color. The filtrate from any kind of coal and charcoal will have a distinct amber brown color, the soft coals giving a deeper color than the hard coals or charcoal. To confirm the test add 30 c.c. of stannous chloride solution and note the change in color. The graphite filtrate will be reduced to a colorless liquid if iron is present, or remain unchanged if free from iron; whereas the filtrate from the coal having an amber color will be much deeper in color and in some cases nearly black. The only caution to be observed in this test is sufi5cient boiling to remove all of the hydro- carbon coloring matter in the coal. The determination of magnesia is the only method to be rehed upon for detecting the addition of soapstone to graphite. Mixed with graph- Facings 401 ite or anthracite dust, it answers very well for certain classes of work. Facing made entirely of anthracite or mixed with a low grade of natural graphite is termed Mineral Facing and is represented by one or more letters X to designate the fineness. Such facings may be added to wet blacking; or mixed with graphite, may be used on heavy work. All facings should be kept in a dry place as they readily absorb mois- ture. A high grade of plumbago makes the most suitable facing for producing bright clean castings. A good plumbago must not only have the proper chemical analysis, be of such refractory nature as to withstand the hot iron from cutting into the mould, but must also be of such a nature as will not retard the flow of the molten metal." CHAPTER XXI THE CORE ROOM AND APPURTENANCES The important relation which the core room bears to the foundry- product demands the most careful consideration as to location, con- struction and equipment. Unfortunately for the core maker, such con- siderations have been neglected in many foundries. Whatever could, has been made to serve so long as the imperative demands were satisfied. Good castings cannot be made without good cores. Their production requires the same attention and forethought as the making of good moulds. Constant intercornmunication between the moulding floors and core room, the handling of sand, fuel and ashes, etc., point to a location affording the greatest accessibility to the moulding floors and to the storage for sand and fuel. The core room should be well lighted and ventilated. The space allotted should be ample, not only for the convenience of the workmen but for storage of supplies, movable equipment, core plates, etc., so that the place may be kept neat and orderly. The arrangement of the work benches, machinery, cranes, racks, etc., must be governed by circumstances. The oven is the important feature in the core room. Where the cores are not very large and the demand for them not very great, some form of portable oven may answer the purpose. Many varieties are made, adapted to small and medium work. The convenience offered by them in placing and removing cores before and after baking, the small floor space occupied and the small fuel consumption commend them for light work. Most large foundries have one or more of these ovens. Where great quantities of small cores are required, some form of con- tinuous oven is frequently used. An oven with a revolving reel is very desirable for medium-sized work. The sketch below is taken from West's "American Foundry Practice," page 133. "The oven is round, with an upright cast-iron shaft, having five flanges on which to bolt plates or arms XX, the shape of which is shown at B. This oven is built with an 8-inch brick wall to form the outside and a cast-iron plate for the top, on which plate is a box D, to 492 The Core Room and Appurtenances 493 which a cap can be bolted to hold the top of the shaft, the bottom of which rests in a cast iron seat. "The fireplace should be outside of the circle, as shown, so that the cores will not get the direct heat from the fire. In building the walls, hinges HH, should be built in for hanging the oven door. Fig. 134. "This door should be made in two pieces, so as to open to the right and left, and should be the full height of oven, to provide for putting cores on the top shelves. "The chimney should have a top flue, as well as a bottom one, as shown at PP and dampers in both, so as to throw the heat down or up, as required. "When starting a fire, both dampers should be open, and when the cores to be dried are on the top shelf, the bottom damper may be closed, and vice versa. "This style of oven is very handy for drying cores that can be lifted by hand, and will hold and dry more cores with less fuel than any oven I know of. Should you want to dry a single core quick, put jt on the top shelf and turn it round to the fire. "This oven can be filled with cores and they can be taken out again without going farther than the door, which alone is of great value to the core maker. "The size of this oven was about 8 feet in diameter and 7 feet high." The oven was heated with a cast-iron fire basket. On page 135 of same book is shown a sketch for a small oven of which Mr. West speaks very highly. The advisability of building such an oven is somewhat doubtful, however, in view of the great variety of portable ovens on the market which can be purchased at a reasonable price. 494 The Core Room and Appurtenances For large cores the dimensions of the oven are governed entirely by the requirements of the foundry. Unless the drying of large moulds is comtemplated, it is not advisable to make an oven more than 12 feet wide by 20 feet long. Where greater capacity is required, it is better to duplicate it, on account of the greater loss of fuel in large ovens, which are not stored to their full limits. Fig. 135. — Core Oven. Among the sketches of large ovens shown by Mr. West, that on page 227, "Moulders' Text Book," presents a most excellent design. An en- larged sketch is given above. The dimensions may of course be varied to suit the requirements. Mr. West in describing ovens of this design says: "They surpass any I know of for properly drying moulds or cores. Although we use The Core Room and Appurtenances 495 slack or soft coal for the fires, a mould or core will when dry, be almost as clean as when first put into the oven. Another important feature is that the ovens will dry rapidly and still not burn a mould or core. " Three ovens are fired from one pit, the draft flues being at the extreme ends of the oven and the channel for heat to travel being di- verted from side to side. There is but a small chance for heat to escape entering through the joints and thickness of the boiler plate up into the oven, before it can enter the flue at F, H and K. The arrow-like lines represent the heat passing from the fires to the flue. The partitions X divert the direction of the heat and also support the covering plates and carriage tracks. The covering plates, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are boiler iron M inch thick, cut into sections the width of the flue partitions. The plates on the outside of the track are free at any time to be lifted in order to clean out the soot. Where the fire enters the first flue or partition,'' the boiler plates are left out, and in their place a cast- iron plate ¥2 inch thick, having prickers 2 inches long (on underside) and daubed up with fire clay is used. This is to prevent the direct flame from buckling and burning out the plates. There are no holes whatever in any of the plates, the heat passing through them and their joints, which of course are not air tight, heat up the oven. Were there holes in the plates, they would seriously injure the draught of the under flues, and also let much of the smoke into the ovens, thereby destroying essential points to be overcome in using slack for firing. To be able to fire with slack or soft coal, and stiH keep moulds and cores free from soot is something that wifl be appreciated by all moulders and core makers that work around ovens. Not only does soot make everything look dirty, but it is more or less productive of rough castings. "Another arrangement which I doubt being found in any other foundry oven is that for preventing smoke. Upon each side of the fire- places, about on a level with the fire, are %-\nch. openings, seen at E in elevation. In. the rear of these openings the brick is left open about 4" X 6", running the entire length of the fireplace. This opening gives a reservoir in which the air becomes heated before being drawn into the fireplace. This is, I believe, claimed to be beneficial in assisting 'smoke burning' or combustion." The grate surface for the fire contains an area equal to about 32''X 38". "The fireplaces are all faced with one thickness of fire bricks, and the tops of fireplaces are arched over with fire bricks. Under the large oven are two fireplaces. The one nearest core oven is used for heating 496 The Core Room and Appurtenances the same, and is so constructed with damper arrangement, that should an extra heat be required in the large oven, both of the fires can be turned on to it. "As shown at D in elevation of oven, each one has a small manhole door, whereby the flue leading to the chimney K can be readily cleaned. "The tops of the ovens are covered with a series of arches. "Upon the tops of these ovens we store and keep shop tools, etc. The way the tops are formed, tons of weight can be laid upon them and do no harm; and the combined area of the tops makes a splendid store- room for systematically keeping foundry tools. " "Altogether the ovens are a success, and a credit to their designer, the late Mr. Hallo way. " Note. — Only one ol the ovens is shown in the sketch. The other two are in all respects the same as the one shown. Another excellent design for a large oven is shown on page 129, West's "American Foundry Practice." A description of one good oven is all that can be permitted here. The essential requirements for an oven are good draught and means for regulating it. Where the fire is made directly in the oven, as is frequently the case, there should be openings into the chimney at the top and bottom, with dampers for changing the direction and regulating the draught. There should also be a damper on top of the chimney so as to retain the heat when the fire is not urged. Aside from coal and coke, crude oil and natural gas are used for heating. The temperature of the ovens should range from 450° to 900° F. and must be varied somewhat according to the core sand mixtures. Flour sand requires a higher temperature than rosin or oil. The workmen soon learn the part of the oven in which the drying is most rapid and place the cores where they will dry quickly or slowly as re- quired. A pyrometer is a most valuable attachment and will often prevent the destruction of cores by overheating. The doors to these ovens are usually made in one piece of sheet iron and are provided with counter weights, so as to permit of being raised or lowered easily. In some cases they are made of overlapping, plain or corrugated strips, which are wound upon rollers. Core Oven Carriages These are mounted on wheels having anti-friction bearings. The top of the carriage extends over on each side as far as convenient. The carriages have usually three or more decks as required. The whole Wire Cutter 497 is made up of bars and angles properly trussed, and left as open as possible, for the passage of hot air to the cores. The track should be evenly laid, so that there may be no jarring as the car passes over it. Mixing Machines Machines for this purpose are of greatest value to the core room. The worth of a binder and that of a core depends largely upon the thorough incorporation of the components of the core. Each individual grain of sand should receive a coating of the binding material, but the latter should not be present in such quantity as to fill up the pores of the sand. To accomplish this result requires long-continued manipu- lation. The best results are obtained by a mechanical mixer, driven by power or by hand, as the conditions permit. A machine of this sort is indispensable in a well-appointed core room. There are many different kinds on the market. The centrifugal machine is, perhaps, the most desirable. Sand Conveyors Many of the large foundries are provided with sand elevators and conveyors, whereby the sand after mixing is carried to the bench of each core maker and delivered through spouts. The necessity for appliances of this sort will be indicated by the extent and character of the work, simply bearing in mind that the core maker should have the sand delivered to him. Rod Straighteners Core wires and rods by use become crystallized, and bent in all manner of shapes; so that it is not unusual to find about core rooms, large heaps of material of this kind, which are picked over by the core maker in search of what he requires. In this condition it is practically worth- less; therefore the expense for wire and rods is not inconsiderable. By annealing they may be softened, and if then passed through a straight- ener are rendered serviceable. Both hand and power machines for this purpose are made. Wire Cutter A machine' for this purpose is very useful where there are many small cores of a kind to be made. Otherwise the common hand cutter serves the purpose. 498 The Core Room and Appurtenances Sand Driers A sand drier is frequently very desirable. A simple one can be made by taking a sheet-iron cylinder from, 15 to 20 inches in diameter, and say 5 feet long. Surround this by an inverted sheet-iron frustum of a cone, having a diameter at the base such that the space between it and the cylinder may contain any desired amount of sand. Near the intersection of the cone and cylinder there should be two or more small shding doors. Mount the cylinder on a grate for coke; provide a cover for the top for checking the fire. This costs little and will dry sand very rapidly. The cut below shows a drier in frequent use. The Champion Sand Dryer Capacity, 20 tons daily. Requires less fuel and has greater capacity than any of the dryers now in use, and being made of cast iron throughout, will outlast any made partially of sheet iron. The parts, being made interchangeable, can be replaced at any time. Set the dryer upon a solid foundation, and first placing casting No. i. in position, follow up with the other casting as numbered. No. I, Ash pan and base. " 2. Flat rings, with slides. " 3. Wide ring of outside casing. " 4. Fire box. " 5. Rings with which to form casing. " 6. Center pipe. " 7. Outside pipes. " 8. Plates to secure top of pipes. No. 9. Cover for pipes and seat for stove pipe. " 10. Flaring ring. " II. Slide, " 12. Door. Nos. 13 and 14. Grates. Fire lightly, being careful not to get the dryer too hot. Never leave the dryer full of sand with a fire in it; and do not attempt to use it for heating purposes, as it radiates no heat outside the casing. Fig. 136. Core Plates and Driers A great variety of core plates, varying in sizes, is required. These plates are usually rectangular and for sizes less than 12 X 20 are li inch Cranes and Hoists 499 thick. Larger plates are thicker. Each must be smooth and true on one side; on the opposite side are cast stiffening strips. Larger plates are of sizes and shapes required. For work of extreme accuracy, the plates should be planed on one side. The exposure of these plates to frequent heating and cooling finally warps them to such an extent that they become unserviceable. There should- be racks for the storage of these plates so that any size desired may be quickly found. Irregular shaped cores which cannot be turned out on fiat plates, or which must be supported in drying, require iron shapes made to conform to one of the surfaces of the core. The shapes are in reality portions of the core boxes. The cores are baked on them, thereby retaining the original form when dried. The expense for driers is often great, therefore they should be handled carefully, and put away with the core boxes to which they belong. Core Machines Where great numbers of small cores of uniform cross section, round, square, oval, polygonal or rectangular are used, a core machine is of the greatest value. One of these machines will make 200 or 300 linear feet of small core in an hour. The cores are pushed out of a former as sausage from a sausage machine, on to metal drying trays. The cores are cut up into lengths as required and pointed to fit the prints. There are several different machines of this kind made, but the differences are not important. Machines Moulding machines are used in making cores for plain work, where the demand for the product warrants. Machmes for making straw rope. These are little used except in pipe foundries. It occasionally happens in a jobbing foundry that a rope body for a core is required. In such a case the rope is made by hand. Straw rope is furnished by supply houses at low cost. Cranes and Hoists The requirements and location of these implements are regulated by the character of, and demand for, the work. Where the work is large there should be a traveling crane covering the track and the "big floor. " Circumstances will dictate in such cases. 500 The Core Room and Appurtenances Other appliances are screw clamps, spike claws, glue heaters, clay tubs, horses, etc. In view of the great number of implements needed about a core room, the necessity for adequate room, that the place may be kept neatly, orderly, and as cleanly as possible, wiU be apparent; and as the production of good castings depends upon the character of the cores, as well as upon that of the moulds, the neglect to provide proper facilities for the core maker is inexcusable. CHAPTER XXII THE MOULDING ROOM Too much attention cannot be given, in selecting a location for a foundry, to the character of the ground; good drainage is a primary requisite. Gravelly subsoil is altogether desirable. If the natural features of the situation do not permit proper drainage, the surface should be raised by proper filling so that the floor may be at least one foot above the ground exterior to the foundry. Much damage often results from the flooding of the floor during severe storms. Pits of greater or less depth have frequently 'to be made in the floor for heavy castings, and if the ground is not well drained great expense may be involved in keeping the pits dry. In preparing the moulding floor the surface soil should be removed and replaced with coarse sandy loam. After this is leveled it should be covered with from 2 to 3 inches of moulding sand, rammed and leveled. Provide gangways of liberal width, one leading from the cupola and others perpendicular to it. The number and location of the gangways and the subdivisions of the floor are dependent on the character of the business. The main gangways, particularly the one leading out of the foundry, should be supplied with railroad tracks of standard gauge, connected to the switching; system. Where it will best serve the purpose, ample space should be set aside for the Foundry Office and Pattern Loft. In the selection of this space regard should be had for access to the pattern storage. If at one end of the shop, it may be overhead. The proper fighting of a foundry is a matter of the greatest impor- tance. The windows should be large and close together, and all light possible admitted through the roof. The monitor roof is generally adopted, but the saw tooth or weaving shed roof serves well. What- ever style is adopted, it should carry provisior for good ventilation. No investment can make larger returns than that expended in procuring a well lighted foundry floor. Lavatories and closets are located where most convenient. 501 S02 The Moulding Room Cranes Unless the shop is small, or all the work light, a traveling crane is indispensable. The capacity and span of the ciane is governed by the conditions. Electric cranes are most commonly used and are probably the best for the purpose. The necessity for wall and post cranes will be indicated by the requirements of the business. Liberality in supply- ing cranes of lifting power in excess of the probable needs is never mis- placed. Occasions arise in every foundry which tax the cranes to their utmost capacity. Wire cables, instead of chains, for cranes are alto- gether preferable. Warning is always given of weakness in a cable, whereas a link in a chain may break at any moment. Abundant head room is a matter of great importance. Too fre- quently the inability to raise a heavy weight a few inches higher than the head room permits, occasions the greatest annoyance. . Hooks and Slings For the strength and dimensions of hooks, see Table, page 172. For chains, see Table, page 173- Chains and hooks should be frequently annealed. They are liable to give way at any time and seldom give warning of weakness. There is an endless variety of chains and hooks devised by the ingen- uity of the moulder to meet exigencies which continually arise. Fig. 137 furnishes ex- amples of those in ordinary use. Hooks and Chains Figs. I, 2, 3, 4 and 5 show JI.S heavy hooks for the crane. No. I is the type of heavy hook for crane block. No. 2 is an imattached hook which is often found very convenient. Nos. 3, 3, 3 show different forms of change hooks. They are used in shifting a load from one crane to another. Lifting Beams 503 Nos. 4 and 5 "S. & C." hooks, made very heavy, are in frequent demand in connection with heavy lifting. No. 6 is the form of hook usually attached to slings for lifting iron They are made with flat or chisel points from iH to 3 inches flasks wide. No, No, 7 is the ordinary chain hook. 8 is a claw hook for shortening hitches and adjusting chain lengths. No. 9 represents beam slings for hoisting copes, rolling flasks, etc. The hooks should be flat and thin, so as to engage easily in the long Hnks A, A. There should be two or more of these long links in each chain, spaced at equal distances. Several pairs of these slings about every foundry where the lifting is by cranes are most convenient. No. 10 shows a most serviceable sling. It is usually fitted with grab hooks like No. 6. No. II is a rigid beam sling used on flasks with trunnions. There should be two or more pairs of this type of sling. Another form of trunnion sling is made of a large strap ring to which is attached a short chain with hook or ring for engaging the crane chains. No. 12 is the ordinary turn- buckle, an invaluable implement; of which there should be several pairs of varying strength. Fig. 138. Lifting Beams No. 13 shows a light forged beam, or spreader. This is most con- venient especially for light work. The usual lifting beam is made of cast iron with notches for slings. While such a beam is very serviceable, it is too heavy to handle for moderate weights and unsafe for heavy loads. No. 14 shows a beam made of oak reinforced with iron straps. Such a beam is light and may be used for moderately heavy loads. 504 The Moulding. Room Fig. 139 No. 15 for heavy loads. The beam should be made of steel I beams, or chan- nels, and to carry any load to the full capacity of the crane. Where very large and heavy copes are to be lifted, the beam is frequently made in the form of a cross, so that attachment can be made in four or more places, dis- tributing the strain on the cope as desired. The following table gives the dimensions of I beams and loads they may safely carry. The table is calcu- lated for an extreme fibre stress of 12,000 pounds per square inch. Safe Loads for Lifting Beams Safe load for Depth of Weight Area of Width of extreme fibre between slings I beam. per foot, section, square Thickness of web flange, inches stress of 12,000 poimds inches pounds inches per square inch, pounds 8 6 16 4-7 .26 3.63 4,772 10 6 16 4.7 .26 3.63 3.818 8 8 22 6.5 .27 4.5 8,982 10 8 22 6.5 .27 4.5 7,185 10 10 33 9.7 .37 5.0 12,900 12 10 33 9.7 .37 5.0 10,750 10 12 40 II. 7 .39 5. 50 18,753 12 12 40 II. 7 .39 5. SO 15,627 14 IS 80 23. 5 .77 6.41 29,937 16 15 80 23. 5 .77 6.41 26,200 16 20 80 23.5 .60 7.00 36.225 18 20 80 23.5 .60 7.00 32,200 18 24 80 23. 5 .SO 6.95 38,136 20 24 80 23.5 .50 6.95 34,323 Binder Bars 505 No. 16 shows a cross with detachable arms. This is frequently used for large copes or rings, where the points of attachment must be dis- tributed equally. It does not answer for very great weights. Crosses with shorter arms cast in one piece are often of great service. The foundry supplies itself with such appliances as occasion requires. a a a a a a J 'vnaai Fig. 140. Binder Bars Binder bars are usually made of cast iron, except for very heavy work, when steel beams are used. The binders are ordinarily made in open sand with the ends slotted for bolts. For heavy work holes are made in the ends instead of slots. - Upper Rib for Heavy Bars _-— — — —- . V 1 1 ' — r- 1 ^ <^ Fig. 141. The binders are held by bolts to similar bars under the bottom board of flask, or are fastened to anchors in the floor. For safe loads on steel I beams employed as binders, multiply the loads given in the table on page 504. Binder bars for supporting sides of flasks are of same character as those for holding down copes, except that they are shorter and not as heavy. 5o6 The Moulding Room Clamps There are many types of clamps on the market. Adjustable, steel and malleable iron, but it is extremely doubtful if anything has been found to take the place of the common, old fashioned, cast-iron clamp and wooden wedge. A large assortment of the sizes in ordinary use should be kept on hand. Where very long ones are required D wrought iron bars are bent to shape. It is the better practice, however, to use binders in place of exceedingly long clamps. ^ 1^ CFD Fig. 142. Fig. 143. Iron flasks are frequently held together by short clamps on the flanges. Flasks The wood flask has been used for ages and has served its purpose most admirably. Wood, however, is becoming so expensive that the iron or steel flask is rapidly superseding it. Cast-iron flasks are so durable and so easily made, that an assortment covering the ordinary range of work is almost indispensable. The ordinary wooden flask is nothing more than a plain box. For light work it is made of 2-inch plank, of width and other dimensions to suit the requirements. Fig. 144 shows the ordinary wood flask for light work; the ends are gained into the sides y2 inch and spiked. The upper part is called the cope and the bottom the nowel or drag. The depth of these parts depends entirely on the pattern. It is essential that the joint at "A" should be a plane surface, or as the workmen say, "out of wmd." ^^^•^44. Each flask is provided with a bottom board B. This is made of boards one inch thick, nailed to battens. The limit for copes made with no support for the sand except that of Co^^. - Nowe/ drT>m0=:~ } \ r77///;/^/WJ}////////////W/ zm7m Flasks 507 the wood sides is about 20 X 20 depending largely upon the character of the moulding sand. For larger flask-bars, boards iH inch thick are placed crosswise of the cope and about 6 or 8 inches apart. The cope is also strengthened by rods at the end ^ running from side to side. The rods should have large washers under the nuts. There should be one or more rods at each end depending upon the depth of the cope. The lower edges of the bars are chamfered to sharp edges, and the edges are kept from ¥i to I inch away from the pattern, the bars having been cut to con- form to the general shape of the pattern. Where the distance between the edges of the bars and the surface of the pattern is more than U inch, nails are driven slantwise into the bars so that their heads may come within three-quarters inch of pattern. The cope is coated with thick clay wash before placing it in position to receive the sand. The ordinary mediimi-sized wood cope is gener- ally made as shown in sketch below. M^ x^ < ^W 1 : — ,. -^r-3-^ > -^- Fig. 145. The short bars A, A are used where the copes are over 24 inches wide. The following table showing the thickness of plank desirable for flasks of different dimensions is copied from the Transactions of the American Foundrymen's Association. The table is based on a depth of 6 inches for copes and drags. For each additional depth of 6 inches, the thickness should be increased 25 per cent. 5o8 The Moulding Room Square flasks, Sides. Bars, inches inches inches 24 and under ii/^ I 24-36 2 1 1/4 36-48 2l/i 1 1/2 48-60 3 i^^ Rectangular flasks 18x48 2 I 18x60 2 I 18X72 2V^ I 18x84 2M I 24X48 2 iH 24X60 2 iH 24X72 2\(l iH 24X84 2V2 iH 36X48 2I/2 114 36X60 2V% i}^ . 36X72 2V1 iV^ 36X84 2^/1 iH 48X48 3 ii/i 48X60 3 ii/^ 48X72 3 ii-i 48X84 3 ii/i Bars should not be over 8 inches apart, center to center. Square flasks, from 24 to 36 inches square should have one row of short cross bars running through center of flask, connecting the long bars that extend from side to side. Sizes from 36 to 48 inches square should have at least one cast-iron bar, preferably two, and should also have one row of short cross bars. Sizes from 48 to 60 inches square should have two iron bars and two rows of short cross bars. With rectangular flasks, the statement that connecting bars are not needed until the flasks are 36 inches wide does not accord with the usual practice. Ordinarily connecting bars are used in flasks over 18 inches wide. Rectangular flasks over 60 inches wide should have one cast bar crosswise in the center. Flasks over 48 inches wide should have two rows of cross bars and two cast bars at equal distances from the end of the flask. AU copes should have a H-inch bolt running from side to side at each end, and where the cope is longer than three feet it should have a bolt in the center. Where copes are over 6 feet long, the bolts should be Flasks 509 spaced every two feet apart. All bolts should have large washers at each end. Drags should also have bolts at each end, but as conditions often. prevent their use in the center, long-nosed clamps placed cross- wise every 18 to 24 inches and se- curely wedged are recommended. The form of flask shown above is that most commonly used when they are made of wood. It is a short-lived affair, being quickly knocked and racked out of shape, and soon goes to the cupola for kindling wood. Such flasks may be greatly strength- ened and their durability in- creased by bolting cast-iron angles in the corners or even reinforcing (CJ the corners with blocks of wood, well spiked to sides and ends. Without greatly increasing the cost a far better flask is made by making the ends of cast iron. Such flasks are in common use for making cylinders or other castings, requiring large circular cores as per following sketch. Flasks of similar construction are often used for cylinders as large as 20 inches diameter of bore. The sides of the flask must be made of plank from 3 to 4 inches thick depending on the size. For rectangular flasks made of wood and iron, the con- struction shown below, offered by Mr. P. R. Ramp, is excellent. __ The suggestion to core the •^J-* trunnion, as at yl, is also valu- FiG. 147. able, as it greatly reduces the chance of unsoundness at that point. Flasks that are heavy enough to require trunnions should have iron ends. The trunnions may be cast on the ends or on trunnion plates, which are bolted to the ends. Fig. 146. Sio The Moulding Room Iron Flasks Although the first cost is somewhat greater, iron flasks soon pay for themselves by durability. They are stronger, more rigid and reduce the liabihty to swells and rim-outs. The copes and drags of small iron flasks are usually made each in one piece. At the joints for flasks with straight sides, flanges extend all the way around the inside. The handles may be of wrought iron cast in place, or, of cast iron, for sizes requiring two men to lift the cope. Some are made with sides turned up edgewise like troughs, so that the greatest length and breadth will be at the middle of the section. These are more expensive to mould and present no advantages over the flask with flat sides as shown in fig. 148. Fig. 148. Fig. 149. An assortment of small flasks of this description, ranging from 12 X 14 to 16 X 18 is of great value to any foundry. Iron flasks of medium and large sizes are best made in sections and bolted together. Flasks of this style are made and fitted up very quickly. A few patterns answer for a large assortment. With proper stop-offs, the ends and sides can be lengthened or shortened as desired. Where the copes are too large to be lifted off by hand, bosses are cast on the end. These are drilled to receive a yoke and the cope may then be lifted by crane and turned. If the flask is heavier than can be safely lifted with such a yoke, trunnions may be made on the ends and heavier lifting gear employed. The requirements for heavy flasks are so varied that it is impossible to specify any general type. By making them in standard sections as much as possible, having Iron Flasks 511 the parts interchangeable, a rectangular flask of almost any required dimensions may be constructed. By so doing the number of flasks is greatly reduced. O QO 0|P 0|5| O O I O O o,ix, p o o| o o 13 ,jif> )'xr'o o o ) o o Section A-B ^ V 2 y^ )~ 1™ ^ — ' a, 1 l<^ ^ 6 M Fig. 150. Care must be taken to number and store the parts systematically so that they may be readily accessible. It is seldom that a large flask will need to be less than 6 feet by 8 feet, and 12 inches deep. Starting with the end pieces 6 feet X i foot, and having four distance pieces, each i, 2, 3 and 4 feet long, ends can be assembled 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 feet long; by duplicating the parts, the depth of cope or drag can be made any number of even feet. Where the depth of cope or drag is over one foot, it is desirable to break joints in lapping the sections. It is better to have the trunnion plates loose, so that they may be bolted to any of the 4 or 6 feet lengths. ^ ^ \m.t Jo o C 3 O C Fig. 151. The top and bottom edges must be planed and the holes in ends and sides drilled to templets. Flanges top and bottom must be from 3^^ to 4 inches wide, and the 4 and 6 feet sections drilled at the center of flanges for pins. The 512 The Moulding Room planed surface need only be H inch wide; the flanges should drop away from edges from H to Vie inch. The web of sections should be ^/i inch thick and the flanges iH inches. The Hfting is in most cases done by attaching to the flanges, but where the weight is too great to be safely borne by these flanges, heavy wrought-iron loops are bolted to the sections, for points of attach- ment. On page 98, "American Foundry Practice," Mr. West shows an admirable form of extension flask for moderate sizes. "The handles W, W, are of wrought iron cast into the flask. They are placed on a slant so as to be in line with the chains when lifting. Guides X, X should be cast on for driving stakes along the side. The plate Y forms the end of flask. Should it be desired to make the flask longer, distance pieces may be bolted in between the flask proper and the plate Y. Fig. 152. ^ 1 i i \\\ .^-^^ S-^ vf-^ri) r 1 i. 1 1 1 I i y 1 € 1 1 1 1 Q I im D ol loM 1 j il Y 1 'OU |o Fig. 153. "To accomplish the same purpose, the whole flask may be c^st in one piece, and the bottom edge of Y cut out H of an inch so there may be no bearing on the joints. When a longer flask is wanted a section may be bolted to it. This is not as desirable as the form shown in sketch." Flasks of this style are commonly used as copes to cover bedded work. Iron Flasks 513 Where the conditions do not warrant the extension flask as above described special flasks are more or less in demand. 30 :; Jo 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 or oL Jo -.00 -!o 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 oC p ol- Jo T Jo 1 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 io or 00^ j oL Fig. 154. The above sketch represents an ordinary heavy flask (cope) say 6' X 12' X 3'. In making large door frames, where the interior of the flask is not used, or for similar work, it is customary to have the flask follow the outline of the pattern and leave the interior vacant as shown in sketch below. ; ] 1 -^1 - rJ ~^i !> i 1 ( 1 i' ^ I r 1 ! ^ ll r 1 iU 1 — r I J r-l Fig. 155. Flasks are made in all sorts of irregular shapes both in plan and eleva- tion, as necessitated by the patterns. The bottom plates of heavy flasks are made of cast iron. These are fastened to the bottom flange of the drag by short heavy clamps. Thus. Circular flasks are in common use. They serve as copes to wheels cast in the floor and for other purposes. For large wheels which are swept up, instead of sweeping out the face in a pit, large rings are used for the cheek. The arms and hub are made with ^^^' ^5^" cores and interior of wheel swept up and not disturbed subsequently. 514 The Moulding Room The cheek is rammed up against segments, and when lifted gives free access to all parts for finishing. Fig. 157, For wheels 16 to 18 feet in diameter the cheeks are cormnonly made in six segments, which are bolted together. Fig. 158, Flasks made of sheet steel pressed to shape are light and convenient. They are, however, much more expensive. They are not as durable as cast-iron flasks, and when worn out are of no value; whereas with the cast flasks, noth- ing is lost but the labor. The cuts following from a manufacturer's catalogue show standard types of Ught and heavy flasks. I • » Fig. 159. Sterling Steel Flasks 515 Sterling Steel Flasks The scarcity and increased cost of good flask lumber is making it necessary for foundrymen to consider other flasks than wooden ones. The line of steel flasks shown herewith combine strength, durability, lightness and efficiency. They will give splendid service. They have in many instances entirely supplanted wooden flasks, to the advantage of the user in every instance. Style "A" Square Ribbed Tight Flask Sheet Steel with Malleable Trimmings Stock Sizes Height cope and drag, 23-^2, 3, 3H, 4, 4H and 5 inches. Length cope and drag, 12, 14, 16 and 18 inches. Width cope and drag, 12, 14 and 16 inches. Weight less than one-half as much as cast flasks and practically indestructible. A complete small square-ribbed steel flask for general work in all foundries, made in above standard sizes, from which innumerable combinations can be made. Can be made in special sizes when it is required and a sufficient num- ber ordered to warrant the extra work in manufacturing. Fig. 160. Style "B" Round Ribbed Tight Flask Sheet Steel with Malleable Trimmings Stock Sizes Height cope or drag, 2)'^, 3, 3H, 4, 4^, and 5 inches. Diameter, 12, 14, 16, and 18 inches. From the above dimensions many com- binations can be made. The illustration gives a clear idea of round-ribbed steel flask for general cir- cular work, when the snap flask is not desirable. Weighs less than half as much as a cast flask, and is unbreakable. Fig. 161. 5i6 The Moulding Room Style "C" Square Con\'ex Tight Flask Sheet Steel with Malleable Trimmings Stock Sizes Height cope or drag, 2^^, 3, 3^, 4, 4^ and 5 inches. Length cope or drag, 12, 14, 16 and 18 inches. Width cope or drag, 12, 14 and 16 inches. Fig. 162. Made in the above stock sizes, which admit of comitless combinations of sizes. This flask is particularly adapted to brass, bronze, or any special metal foundry work. It is a new departure, having convex sides and ends for holding the sand. It does nice work, and while not half as heavy as the cast flask, is much more durable. Style "F" Channel Iron Floor Flask Fig. 163.. Stock Sizes Size, inches Depth, inches Cope, inches Drag, inches Price 20x24 20x28 24x30 24x36 30X36 30X42 10 10 12 12 14 .4 5 I 6 7 7 S S 6 6 7 7 Snap Flasks S17 This is a decided departure in flask manufacture. It is constructed of structural channel steel with flanges to the outside, having a smooth wall on the inside. The interior is provided with staples arranged at intervals to permit of inserting corrugated swivel gaggers for sand supports. This type of flask does away with the flask maker entirely, as each moulder arranges his gaggers or sand supports to suit the necessity. An equipment of these flasks is an excellent investment, 1. They cut out the use of expensive material (lumber). 2. They practically do away with the flask maker. 3. They eliminate expense of handling flasks. 4. They will remain in foundry and save storage. 5. And the most important feature to be considered is the increased output, better castings', less scrap, all of which will appeal directly to the proprietor. These floor flasks are furnished with a complete equipment of corru- gated swivel gaggers for sand supports which the moulder arranges easily to suit requirements. Snap Flasks Snap flasks are used by bench molders for light work. They must be easily and quickly handled, although snaps are sometimes made so large as to require two men. The flask is removed from the mould, hence one flask serves for an entire floor. They are usually made of cherry or mahogany; the hinges should lock and unlock quickly and be rigid when locked. The corners are Strengthened with iron corner bands, and the cope is faced on top with 5i8 The Moulding Room iron. For special work the joint may be made to conform with the parting. Rectangular snap flasks 3 feet long by 14 to 16 inches wide are not uncommon. For some classes of work round snaps are required. In the hands of a rapid, skillful moulder the snap flask is an indispen- sable implement for a foundry having large quantities of small work. Pieces weighing as much as 100 pounds may be made in the snap flask. The cuts herewith illustrate the construction of the different kinds of snaps referred to. Snap flasks of standard dimensions from i2Xi2toi2X2o can be purchased of most of the foundry supply houses. Where many moulds are to be made from one pattern, a match board, on which the patterns are placed, and upon which the parting is made, is practically a necessity. If these matches are not to be preserved, and are only to be used for a moderate number of moulds, they are made of moulding sand and fine sharp sand, half and half, stiffened with molasses water, or linseed oil, and dried; but if a permanent match board is desired, a mixture composed of one-half new moulding sand, one-half parting sand, >4o litharge, mixed with linseed oil and tKoroughly dried will serve admirably. The match should be varnished with shellac and kept with the pattern. Such a match board is shown in Fig. 165.. Fig. 165. Fig. 166. The moulds made in snap flasks must be covered with weights before they are poured. The weight should be about iH inches thick and should cover the cope entirely. Where the contents of the flask are quite heavy, or where the patterns approach the sides of the flask closely, the moulds require to be sup- ported by boxes, as well as to be weighted. For this purpose wood boxes of i-inch lumber are made so that the interior shaU have the same dimensions as the interior of the whole flask (cope and drag); this is shoved down over the mould and supports it against lateral pressure. Care must be taken that the boxes are not so small as to shave the mould nor so large as not to support it; they should just fit all around. These boxes are sometimes made of cast iron. Very serviceable ones made of sheet iron can be purchased at moderate prices. Pins, Plates and Hinges 519 Galvanized Iron Slip Boxes Straight Taper Fig. 167. The above are undoubtedly the best slip boxes on the market. They are more durable than wood or cast-iron boxes, are lighter and will not break by falling. They are made either straight or tapered, of No, 23 iron with a No. 9 wire in top and bottom and creased. In ordering, state whether straight or tapered and give the exact size of inside of flasks. These boxes are for light handling and will not stand careless run-outs, as the hot iron will warp them. They are very rigid, however, and with the ordinary one-inch margin outside of pattern there will be no run- outs. When ordering taper jackets, give taper or degree per foot on side, or make sketch giving size of top and bottom, also depth of drag. Pins, Plates and Hinges In order that the cope of a flask, when lifted from the drag after ramming, may be returned exactly to its original position, so that the two parts of the mould may match perfectly, guides must be provided which will insure correct closing. These are frequently made of wood, and if kept in good shape, serve the purpose admirably. Wooden guides are especially advantageous for long lifts. Fig. 168 shows a wood guide, of which there should be at least three on the flask. The moulder must exercise care when preparing to ram up a flask, to see that the guides and pins are securely nailed, that there is no lateral play and that the cope may be lifted and returned to its place with- out sticking at the pins. Guides of this kind, while chiefly in use on wood, are sometimes employed on large iron flasks. In the latter case wooden blocks are Fig. 168. 520 The Moulding Room securely fastened in the pockets between flanges, and the guides nailed to the blocks. The usual guide for the ordinary wood flask is a common cast-iron plate and pin. These are continually getting loose and furnish no end of trouble to the moulder Fig. 170. as well as causing many castings to be scrapped. It is the most worth- less appliance of its kind. A very good iron guide may be made as per sketch. (Fig. 170.) m (S);^, ^ HEAVY HIMOE Fig. 171. Such a guide may be fastened rri to the flask with very little more work, and the flanges give good support. An excellent pin and guide is made tri- angular in shape. Cast-iron flasks either have lugs to receive the pins and holes, or where the flanges are wide, pin holes are put in - — * them. Fig. 172. -Light Hinges. pj^^ ^^^ .^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ be accurately turned, the sizes should be standard, and those of each -^ m Pins, Plates and Hinges 521 size interchangeable. An assortment of such pins should always be kept on hand. Fig. 173. — Ball and Socket Hinge. E i2!h Fig. 174. — Heavy Hinge. Standard Iron Flask Pin No. 2 For Iron Flasks Fig. 175. This is a nicely turned pin, with thread chased and hexagon nut, designed especially for cast-iron flasks. 522 The Moulding Room Sweeps Fig. 176. The above sketch shows the ordinary sweep used for making large pulleys, fly wheels, etc. A large class of work, circular in horizontal section, can be made with the sweep, thereby saving largely in the expense for patterns. To obtain accurate work by the use of the sweep, the stepping A must be firmly placed, so that the axis of the spindle B shall be vertical. The upper support D must be held rigidly, either by braces to wall of foundry or otherwise as most convenient. The box D may be made with a flange surrounding it from which three or four rods lead away to any suitable anchorages. These rods are provided with tumbuckles so that the spindle may be held rigidly in a vertical position. E is an adjustable collar fastened in position by a set screw. C is an iron arm carrying the wood strikes. The bearings by which this arm is supported should be farther apart than the width of the arm, so as to avoid any sagging of the latter. If these bearings are split in a direction parallel to the spindle and drawn up with clamp screws, lost motion can be taken up at any time. Any play in the supports for the arm, or neglect to maintain the spindle in a vertical position, will result in a distorted casting. Sweeps are Anchors, Gaggers and Soldiers 523 often constructed with elaborate mechanical attachments for making gears, spiral wheels, spiral cones, etc. Sometimes the steppings are placed permanently on concrete piers, where there are many wheels, etc., to be made. The strikes are cut in any desired shape and are used for inside or outside sweeping. Swept moulds are usually skin dried. Anchors » Gaggers and Soldiers These devices are used for sup- porting the sand where the ordinary bars are insufficient or inapplicable. Fig. 177 shows an anchor used for making pulleys. It consists of six cast-iron segmental plates about Vi inch thick, which are so placed between the arms of the puUey as to leave a space for sand, % inch wide, all around them. The upper sides of the plates are on the parting line of the arms. The plates are held together by wrought iron loops, passing over the arms, and cast in place. All the plates are poured at once,' and in open sand. Instead of wrought-iron loops, WFf] Fig. 177. these connections may be made by cast-iron loops, furnishing a much stiffer anchor. On the under side of each plate are cast one or. more long conical projections, which serve as guides by which to replace the anchor. Each plate is provided with an eye bolt long enough to reach to the joint of flask. The interior parting is made on center line of arms, sand is rammed on top of the anchor and another parting made flush with the rim upon which the cope is rammed. After the cope is removed, the sand covering the arms is lifted out by hooking to the eye bolts in anchor. Fig. 178 shows an anchor for lifting out a 524 The Moulding Room Where the anchor cannot rest on the bottom, but must permit iron to nm under it, it is bolted to the cope and Hfted out with it. The necessities of the situation indicate the size and shape of anchors. Frequently, the pocket is such that the anchor must be broken to remove it from the casting. It is well to keep down the weight of the anchors as much as possible, relieving the cope to that extent. Very many cores, as well as moulds, require to be supported in this manner. * Gaggers In the use of gaggers it should be borne in mind, that they are heavier than the sand; it is simply due to the cohesion of the sand, holding them up to the sides of the flask or bars, that they are of assistance in supporting the cope. The gagger is of use just in proportion to the length that is surroimded with packed sand. All that part which pro- jects above the cope is a detriment. They are first immersed in thick clay wash, and placed flat up against the bars or sides of flask, having about % inch sand under them. They are made in the gagger mould, already described, which is kept near the cupola. Costing practically nothing, they may be used freely. A good supply should always be kept on hand. Many shops use gaggers made of Vi inch square bar iron bent to shape. They are not as serviceable, however, as they do not offer as good a surface to which the sand can adhere, and are more expensive. Soldiers Soldiers are simply pieces of wood about one inch square, cut from boards, with clay washed and placed around the mould instead of gag- gers, where the latter cannot be used; or to assist the gaggers in deep lifts. The sand adheres to soldiers better than to gaggers. The free use of either gaggers or soldiers is to be encouraged, as it is better to place too many of them in a mould than to have a drop. At the same time care must be exercised to have the ends well protected by sand, so that the hot iron will not come in contact with them, as there will surely be a "blow" in that event. Sprues, Risers ajid Gates The following tables, giving the equivalent areas of round gates, also of square and rectangular gates as compared with round ones, are taken from West's "Moulder's Text Book," pp. 245 and 246. Table of Equivalent Areas of Gates 525 Table or Equivalent Areas of Round Gates One iH inch is equal in area to two I He, three ^, or four %-inch gate " 13/4 " iH I * J^ " 2 <( l7l6 I Me I " 2H a iH iMe iH " 2H 11 iM iMe iH " 2% (I I^Me iH 1% " 3 u 2^^ 1% iH " 3H u 2M6 I^i i5i " 3H (I 2^^ 2 ' iH " 3^'^ " 2IH6 2?^6 ' i^/i " 4 (i 2IM6 2M6 2 « 4H a 3 2V16 2H " 4H a 3M« 2H 2M " 4H a 3?^ 2% 23/i " 5 " 3?i6 2% 2^ Note. " The fractional parts of an inch as seen by the table are not carried out any further than Me, for the reason that the subject does not call for any closer figures. Therefore, the figures given will be understood as being ' nearly ' equal in area. As given, the sizes can be readily discerned, and are also applicable to measurements by the shop pocket rules commonly used." Table of Eqltvalent Areas in Square and Rectangular Gates to That of Round Gates (See note above) Round Square gates Rectangtilar Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular gates. gates gates gates gates inches I inch thick iH inch thick 2 inches thick 21-^ ins. thick I -'A t^ iMe m l9/i6 IX 23/^ 2 m IX 3% ii^X 2H6 2H 2 23/6 2M6 IX 4 IX 5 IX 6 ii/iX 2IM6 iHX 3^6 l}iX 4 2H 2% 2X3 3 211/16 IX 7M6 li/X 4% 2X39i6 3Vi 2jt IX SMe li^X S/2 2X4^6 2^X3M6 3H 3H IX 9H li/iX 6^6 2X4^i 2^X3% 3% 35/6 iXiiHe li/^X 7% 2XS^/i 2HX4H6 4 391 6 IXI2?16 iHX &% 2X61/ 2HX5 m 33/4 1X14^6 iHX 9H 2X7^/^ 2HXSH AVi 4 1X151^6 iI^XiqS^ 2X8 2HX6% m 4^6 1X17% ii/^Xili^e 2X87/i 2HX7% 5 4^6 1X19H 1HX13H6 2x913/6 2Vixm "The term 'equivalent' used does not imply that two or more small gates having a combined area equal to one large gate, all having like 'head pressure,' will deliver the same amount of metal per second." 526 The Moulding Room "The flow of metal is retarded by friction in proportion to the surface area with which it comes in contact. Now although four 2V^-inch round gates are of equal area to one 5 -inch roimd gate, we find the frictional resistance to the flow of a like 'head pressure' through four aJ^-inch round gates to be double that generated in one 5-inch round gate, simply because the combined circumferences of four 2H-inch round gates are 31.416 inches, whereas the circumference of one 5-inch round gate is 15.708 inches. As gates are generally combined under varying compli- cated conditions, the tables as given can be better practically used than where they are lumbered with the question of frictional resistance. " Risers are generally double the diameter of the pouring sprue. The function of the' riser is twofold. It serves to catch and carry away any dirt entering the mould from the pour- ing sprue and also to furnish a supply of Uquid metal to provide for shrink- age. Risers are placed either in con- nection with the gate, or on some part of the mould whence the deficiency from shrinkage can be most readily supplied. When located on the gate the latter is usually so cut as to impart a whirling motion to the metal ascend- ing the riser. The metal enters the riser near the bottom and flows to the mould through a channel opened above the entrance. In the sketch A represents the pouring sprue, B is the riser, C the gate from sprue to riser which is cut tangential to B. D is the gate from riser to casting. The gates should be somewhat smaller in area than the pouring sprue so that the pouring basin E may always be kept full. Top Pouring Gates The advantage of this form of gate for large castings is that the dirt is kept at the top of the poUring basin, allowing the clean iron to flow into the mould from beneath. The first dash of iron may carry some dirt, but the greater portion of it will flow with the stream over the gates; the runner being quickly filled, no dirt can enter subsequently if kept full. See West's "Moulder's Text Books," page 129. Fig. 179. Fig. 180. Horn Gates 527 Whirl Gates The object of the whirl gate is to impart a rotary motion to the iron in the basin and riser B, B. By centrifugal force the metal is kept in contact with the exterior of the riser, and the dirt is carried up in the middle of it. Fig. 181. The riser B should be larger than the pouring sprue A , and A should be larger than C, in order that the pouring basin may be kept full. It is best to have patterns made for whirl gates; they can be used in either cope or drag. The "Cross" Skim Gate This as shown in Fig. 182 is an excellent device and is largely used. A is the gate leading from pouring sprue to basin B, C is a, core in which is the gate D, leading to casting. The iron enters B, tangen- tially, a whirhng motion is imparted to it carry- ing the dirt to the riser, while the clean iron flows out through D. Another form of same gate is made as shown in fig. 183. It diflfers from the first form simply in having a flat core E placed acrpss the gate D, instead CPi to iH inch with plates any size. . . 5 .00 Stems made from M-inch round iron from H to 2H inches long. Price per hundred, H to i inch with plate any size $6.00 Price per hundred, i to iH inches with plate any size. . , " Price per hundred, i^^ to 2 inches with plate any size.. . . " Price per hundred, 2 to 2H inches with plate any size "' 532 The Moulding Room Price List of Double Head Chaplet Stems (Plain or tinned with square plates fitted, heavy stem and plate.) Diameter of stem Length I m 2 214 3K2 3% 4 4K 4K2 I m 2 2H 2l/^ 2% 3 3H 3!/^ 3% 4 4}4 4^/4 5 Per 100 $8.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 1300 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 1300 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 Diameter of stem Length Per 100 ^ $10.00 I 10.00 iVi 11.00 1]^ 12.00 m 1300 2 14.00 2K 15.00 2H 16.00 2% 17.00 3 18.00 M 19.00 3H 20.00 3% 21.00 4 22.00 4H 23.00 4H 24.00 4% 25.00 5 26.00 li 11.00 I 11.00 iH 12.00 i>i 1300 1% 14.00 2 1500 2M 16.00 2\i 17.00 2% 18.00 3 19.00 3M 20.00 3>^ 21.00 3% 22.00 4 23.00 AM 24.00 AM 25.00 A% 26.00 5 27.00 Wrought-Iron Chaplet Stems 533 Wrought-Iron Chaplet Stems with Square or Round Plates Fitted Plain or Tinned Fig. 191. Square plates always furnished unless otherwise specified. Price per Hundred Diameter of plates . . Thickness of plates . Diameter of stem. . . iVi ins. ij^ ins. 1% ins. 2 ins. 21-^ ins. He in. %4 in. \i ins. 1 Mi in. Me in. Hin.- Me in. % in. H2 in. 5/8 in. $3.10 $5.10 • $6.70 $11.30 $20.00 3. IS 5. IS 6.80 II. 4S 20.2s 3.20 S.20 6.90 11.60 20.50 3.25 5.25 7.00 II. 7S 20.7s 3.30 5.30 7.10 11.90 21.00 3.35 S.3S 7.20 12. OS 21.25 3.40 5.40 7.30 12.20 21.50 3.45 S.4S 7.40 12. 3S 21.75 3.50 5. SO 7. SO 12.50 22.00 3.55 S.55 7.60 12.65 22.25 3.60 5. 60 7.70 12.80 22.50 3.70 S.70 7.90 13.10 23.00 3.80 5.80 8.10 13.40 23.50 3.90 S.90 8.30 13.70 24.00 4.00 \ 6.00 8. so 14.00 24.50 1 - • SO .60 .75 .90 3 ins. Yi in. Vi in. Length, inches 3 zY^ 4 aM 5 SH 6 m 7 7^ 8 9 10 11 12 Net prices for curv- ing plates to suit diameter of core $31.25 31.62 32.00 32.37 32.75 33.12 33.50 33.87 34-25 34.62 35. 00 35.75 36.50 37.25 38.00 1. 25 534 The Moulding Room Wrought-Iron Chaplet Stems Plain or Tinned \sfYmv Fig. 192. Price per Hundred Length, measuring from Diameter face to stem, inches H 5/16 % 1/^ % % 3 $2.40 2.45 2. so 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.7s 2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95 300 3 OS 3.10 $3 fi=: S4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.50 5.70 5. 90 6.10 6.30 % 8.2=; $13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 1500 15.25 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 $19.20 31^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10 20 25 30 35 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 40 55 70 85 00 15 30 45 60 85 20 55 90 2=; 19.60 4 • • 20.00 aH . 20.35 5 20.85 S^i 21.20 6 21.60 6H 21.95 7 22.30 71^ 22.65 8 23.00 9 23.75 10 24.50 II 25.25 12 Gray Iron Chaplets Fig. 193. Length, inches. . . H % Vi % H % i Per hundred ... . $0.72 $0.78 $0.84 $0.90 $1.00 $1.10 $1.20 Length, inches. . . xM iH iH i^^ iH 2 Per hundred $1.40 $1.60 $1.70 $1.80 $2.20 $3.00 Double Head Water Back Chaplets Made of ^ie-inch round iron, from H to 2H inches long, with heads about % inch in diameter. Price per hundred, from H to iH inches. ... $5.00 Price per hundred, from iVz to 2>^ inches. . . 6.00 Fig. 194. Radiator Chaplets 535 Wrought-Iron Chaplets with Forged Heads Plain or Tinned Fig. 195. , Price per Hundred Diameter of head. . . 1/^,1 He and 1^6 i}i iH m iH 2 Diameter of stem. . . and Vi Vie H V2 H H Length, inches 3 ?2.40 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.6s 2.70 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95 3.00 3.0s 3.10 .40 $3.6^ $4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 5-00 5.10 5.20 5.30 S.40 5.50 5.70 5.90 6.X0 6.30 .75 $ 8.25 8.40 8.55 8.70 8.8s 9.00 915 930 9-45 9.60 9.85 10.20 10.55 10.90 11.25 1. 00 $13.00 13.2s 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.2s 14.50 14.75 IS. 00 15.25 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 1.25 $19.20 19.60 3H 3 3 3 3 3 3 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10 20 25 30 35 40 60 4^ ••• 20.35 20.85 21 20 SH 6 6}^.. 21.95 22.30 22.65 23.00 23.75 24.50 25.25 26 00 7 7H 8 9 II 12 Net price for point- ing 1.50 Single Head Water Back Chaplets Head H inch, stem Vis inch, length to order. For price /%__» list see Wrought-iron Chaplets with Forged Heads. x^T™'^ Fig. 196. Radiator Chaplets I "^ Head % X %, stem and length to order. LIT' Special chaplets and plates made to order. Fig. 197. 536 The Moulding Room Round and Square Head Chaplets Stems made of Me-inch round iron, from 5^ to iH inches long. Plates Vi inch round and % inch square, Me, %, H, %, H, H Fig. 198. ^^^ ^ '^^^^ ^ong. Price per hundred, all sizes $3 .00 Tinned Clout Nails ^■. Fig. 199. An indispensable article in the foundry. Do not rust like the ordinary black cut nail. Shipped in 100-pound kegs. All lengths from Vs inch to 2 inches, inclusive. List Prices Inches 1 Per pound 3-8 $0.70 31/^-8 .60 1-2 .50 4^/^-8 .45 5-8 .43 5H-8 .41 3-4 .40 6H-8 ■ 39 7-8 .38 I and longer .36 Pressed Tin Shell Chaplets For certain classes of work these chaplets are inval- uable. They form perfect union with the cast metal. Sizes H inch to H inch inclusive are made in both two and three prongs, ^He inch to i inch inclusive are three prong only. Fig. 200- Sprue Cutters Price List 537 Size, Two prong, Three prong, Inches per thousand per thousand M $300 $3.50 M 300 3. so Me 3.20 3.70 % 3.50 4.00 Me 3.50 4.00 1/^ . 4.00 4.50 9i6 4.00 4- SO % 4. SO S.oo iHe S.oo % S-Oo 1^6 S-oo % S.25 5.25 1^6 I S.2S Steel Sprue Cutters % u u Fig. 201. These sprue cutters are all 6 inches in length. They are made of steel and in four sizes, viz. : No. I. — H inch at bottom, % inch at top. No. 2. — % inch at bottom, i inch at top. No. 3. — Vi inch at bottom, iM inches at top. No. 4. — % inch at bottom, iH inches at top. Price 50 cents each Brass Sprue Cutter Fig. 202. 54-inch diameter, 10 inches long. . .$4.80 per dozen CHAPTER XXIII MOULDING MACHINES The moulding machine has become of such importance that no f oimdry can afford to be without it. The reduction of cost in the production of the classes of work for which it is adapted and the superiority of the product as compared with hand work render the machine absolutely- indispensable to the successful conduct of a foundry engaged in com- petitive work. While the moulding machine is in some respects invaluable, it must not be supposed that its value can be realized without the exercise of a high order of intelligence. To produce accurate work by machine requires the utmost care and accuracy in fitting up patterns and flasks. Apphances which may be used successfully in hand moulding would entail disastrous results in machine moulding. Again, no particular machine is adapted to all kinds of work. It has a certain range for a certain character of pro- duction. Without those limits its use is not warranted. There are many kinds of machines, operated in various ways; by compressed air, hydraulic pressure, mechanical pressure, gravity and impact. It is not the purpose of this book to discuss the merits of the different machines. The various types have been in service long enough to indicate the particular class of work to which each is best adapted. One type of machine is best suited for light, small work; another to stove-plate; another to car castings, etc. In choice of machines the foundryman should profit by the experi- ence of those who have preceded him in this field, and must be especially cautious in not attempting to extend the range of any one type beyond that for which it is particularly fitted. There are machines which simply perform the operation of ramming; others which only draw the pattern, the ramming having been done by hand; while others perform both operations. In many instances the character of the work determines the function of the machine. It is doubtful, however, if hand ramming for deep pockets, etc., can be dispensed with by use of the machine. In fact, except in cases where the plainest character of work is produced, it is a mistake to believe 538 Moulding Machines 539 that the moulding machine does not reqmre the services of an experienced moulder. Mr. S. H. Stupakoff, in his comprehensive paper on the moulding machine, referring to the object of the machine as one to save labor, to increase the output, to decrease cost of production, to produce uniform and better castings, etc., says: "It is obvious that it would require a complicated mechanism to per- form successively and successfully all the necessary operations to make a complete mould, even if it were only the mould of a simple pattern. In consequence the general equipment of a foundry which accom- plishes this object must be necessarily quite an elaborate and expensive matter. The majority of designs of moulding machines run in this direction, whereas in most cases it would have been better if the energy expended had been directed to their simplification. "Such tendencies lead to complications which are altogether unsuited for foundry practice; they meet with little favor and machines built upon these principles are of short Hfe." "Only the simpler moulding machines have a chance of meeting with more or less success, even if they perform but a few operations, provid- ing they perform these well." "The first step in the evolution of the moulding machine was a device for withdrawing patterns from the sand. The next was to employ stripping plates, then an attempt to ram the mould by machinery." In these three operations He the basic principles of all moulding ma- chines: all subsequent improvements and additions have been matters of detail; but to these improvements and to superior workmanship is due the real success of the modern moulding machine. In the chart (p. 549), given by Mr. Stupakoff, moulding machines are divided into two classes — hand and power machines. The chart gives the variations of each class. The selection and arrangement of machines, etc., is a matter governed entirely by the specific circumstances. Only hand machines are portable. They effect a great saving in the cost of carrying sand, but their use is Hmited by their size and weight. Mr. Stupakoff discusses the advan- tages and use of pattern plates as follows: "At first sight it may appear that the construction and manipulation of pattern plates has but little connection with moulding machines, but I hope that I will succeed in showing in the course of this work, that they are not only intimately connected with each other, but that they are in fact the principal parts of all moulding machines. The lack of intimate knowledge of how to make use of them to the best advantage, the want of proper means to effect this purpose and the wretchedly 540 Moulding Machines little effort which is made to catch the right spirit of their nature, is generally the reason why a moulding machine becomes an elephant on the hands of the moulder and an eyesore to its owner." The recommendations given by Mr. Stupakoff for the adoption of plate moulding by hand apply equally well to machine moulding. 1. Plated patterns give the best service when used continuously. 2. Castings which are to be produced in quantities are perferably moulded with plated patterns. 3. Standard patterns are preferably plated for economic production in the foundry. 4. Plated patterns should be made .of metal to give good service." 5. When plated patterns are used good flasks only will insure good castings. 6. Accurate workmanship is one of the main requisites in plated patterns. 7. The use of wood patterns on plates is not excluded. 8. All patterns when placed on plates should be provided with plenty of draft. 9. Plated metal patterns are preferably made hollow. 10. Rapping is destructive of plates and patterns." The chapter on jigs is regarded of such importance that it is given here in full. The Moulding Machine By S. H. Stupakoff, Pittsburgh, Pa. Journal of the American Foundrymen's Association, Vol. XI, June, 1902, Part i. Jigs The deduction arrived at in the foregoing chapter might make it appear that plated patterns are not Ukely to find extensive use in jobbing foundries, whereas this is really not altogether the case. There is no doubt that plate moulding as now practiced, or rather as ordi- narily applied, is practically excluded from jobbing shops. But, if a plate is used in connection with a suitable jig, specially prepared for the purpose, objections are not only overcome, but the application and use of plates offer excellent advantages, even in such cases where only a small number of castings of the same pattern are required at one time. At best, the economic use of plated patterns is limited by the shape and size of the castings. The fundamental principle involved in their construction and application must be fully understood by the user, if satisfactory results are expected. Jigs 541 Irrespective of its relation to the moulding machine, it would seem that this subject — on its own merits — is of such importance, that it should be investigated by all foundrymen. It should specially interest the ma- jority of our members. I have therefore somewhat enlarged the scope of this treatise on the moulding machine by including a detailed study of the construction and modus operandi of this particular contrivance. To begin with, it should be understood that all plates are provided with guide-pin holes, which are accurately fitted to corresponding guide pins forming part of the flasks. Unless special flasks are used in con- nection with such plates the customary flask pins should not be con- foimded with these guide pins, as they will never answer the purpose. In order that misconceptions in this respect may be avoided, this term will be adhered to in what follows, and strict distinction will be made between flask pins and guide pins wher- ever they may be mentioned in the course of this work. The guide-pin holes, G and G', Fig. 205, are preferably arranged on opposite ends of the plate, in even multiples of an inch, and equidistant from its center and on a line dividing the plate into two equal rectangles. There are exceptional cases, in which three or four guide pins must be used. The most serious objec- ^°^- tion against this arrangement is the greater difficulty experienced in locating the patterns correctly. Accuracy in preparing the plates becomes of the utmost importance, as the magnitude of all errors occurring in the original laying out is doubled by each subsequent operation. The guide-pin holes should be drilled and reamed out at right angles to the surface of the plate, and it is advisable to provide them with hardened and ground steel bushings. All guide pins should be of uniform diameter irrespective of the size of the plate. A pair of test pins should be kept on hand, which snugly fit the guide-pin holes; one-half of one of their ends should have been cut down to about H inch in length, leaving as remainder exactly one-half of the cylindrical portion (Fig. 204). If these test pins are inserted into their respective holes and a straight edge is placed against their P flattened faces, it will serve for locating the base or the cen- ter line of the plate, for marking off and laying out the dowel pin holes, arranging the patterns and checking off all work relating to it. 542 Moulding Machines The exact location of the center of the plate, and likewise the center of the flask, is found by dividing the base line from center to center gnjde- pin hole into two equal parts. Let us drill a hole C in this place (Fig. 205), and let this hole serve as the starting point for future operations. Now we will assume that we have procured a tri-square with a row of holes drilled in each of its legs; these holes are spaced equally — say Fig. 205. I inch apart — care being taken that each row stands exactly in a straight line, and that both rows include an exact angle of 90 degrees. We place this square in such a manner on our plate that the hole in its apex corresponds with the center hole C of our plate, and insert a good fitting dowel pin through both. Thus we are able to shift the square over the whole surface of the plate by turning it around the center pin. Next we bring one leg of the square over the base line of the plate and insert a second dowel pin (which may be shouldered if necessary) through G into the corresponding hole of our square. Secured in this manner the square should be absolutely rigid and should not shake to right or left on the surface of the plate. We now drill one hole each into the plate through the guides H and 7 of the square, then we remove the pin from G, turn the square around the center pin over 90 degrees, so that one of its legs points upward and the other one to the left, insert a dowel through the hole in the leg pointing upward into the top hole I' of the plate, and drill the hole H^; finally we turn it again over 90 degrees, secure it in the same manner as before, and drill the hole P. Fig. 205 Jigs 543 Illustrates the square in the first position as located on the plate; the holes H^ and P, which are drilled subsequently, are shown in faint lines. In the future, we shall, call these holes "pilot holes," in order to dis- tmguish them from others in the same plate. These four pilot holes include an exact rectangle or square, and each opposite pair is located at uniform distances from the center of plate and flask. It will be under- stood that it is not absolutely necessary to employ the square for drilUng the pilot holes. For instance, after one plate has been prepared in this manner, this plate can serve as a jig for drilling any number of additional plates in the same manner by a single setting. Such an original or master plate is especially serviceable, if all holes are provided with good steel bushings. The pilot holes in connection with the center hole will serve us hereafter as guides for locating pattern dowels. Our object in view is to use this plate as a base for any and all suit- able patterns, and as an illustration we will arrange it for the reception of patterns of a globe valve and a bib cock. We wiU assume that the patterns are aU in good shape and properly parted. However, they shall originally not have been intended for use with either moulding ma- chine or drawplate. Our plate and flasks are of a suitable size, but the job is in a hurry — as all jobs are — and we must get out quite a num- ber of these castings to-day. What are we going to do about it? Take my advice and make it in the old fashioned way, unless you are pro- vided with a suitable jig plate and an inexpensive, but a good small driU press, which was never used by your blacksmiths or yard laborers, but was expressly reserved for this purpose only, was always under the care of a mechanic who understood how to handle it, and who took pride in keeping it in good shape. This jig plate (Fig. 205) should be provided with a number of holes, two rows of which, at least, are drilled exactly in the same manner as those in the above-mentioned square; the balance is laid out prefer- ably, but not necessarily so, in straight and paraUel hues, all equidistant from each other. Its dimensions should be sufficient to cover one corner, or one-fourth of your pattern plate. If these things are part of your equipment you will have easy sailing, and you wiU be better fitted to tackle the job than your competitor. Place this jig in such a manner in one corner of your draw plate that the hole (Fig. 205) corresponds with the hole C in its center; hold both together with dowel pins inserted into the pilot holes, and drill the holes through the jig into your plate, which are required for securing the patterns in the predetermined places. To avoid mistakes be sure that the hole in that particular corner of the jig, which corresponds to the one described as located in the apex of the square is distinctly marked 544 Moulding Machines on both sides of the jig plate — in our figure marked — and note carefully which holes in the jig were used for drilling the dowel holes into the pattern plate. Thereafter turn the jig upside down on the pattern plate, insert the dowel pins again through the same holes and 01 into C and /', and the third one through OH into H^, and then, as before, drill through the same guide holes of the jig the corresponding dowel holes into the second quarter of the pattern plate. Repeat the same process at the lower half of the plate, being always careful that C and remain together and your plate is ready to receive the patterns. That there may be no doubt as to the method of operation, I suggest that you will refer to the two plates which are attached hereto, one of which (Fig. 206) is made on transpar- ent — so-called "onion skin" paper. The cut on the latter represents the jig. In faint lines thereon is shown the outline of the position of patterns, which corresponds to the arrange- ment of the same on the pattern plate (Fig. 207). Horizontal and vertical Fig. 206. Fig. 207, lines, which are provided with identification marks, cross all the holes in the jig plate. The holes which are to be used in this special case as guides for drilling the necessary dowel pin or screw holes in the pattern plate are indicated by circles drawn in heavy. Thus, the holes // X and 8* are used for securing the globe valve body pattern, II + and Jigs 545 /// 1 1 for the body of the bib cock, and so forth. By placing the onion skin in such a manner over the drawing of the pattern plate, that its hole corresponds with the center hole C of the latter, and 01 and OH respectively with /' and H', it will be noticed that the outlines repre- senting the patterns cover each other in both cuts. The jig placed in this position over the pattern plate, and secured to it by the pilot pins at 0, 01 and OH is used in this manner for drilling all dark lined holes in the right-hand upper corner of the draw plate. This being done, the pilot pins are withdrawn and the jig plate is reversed and turned into the upper left-hand corner of the pattern plate, just as if it were hinged at the line 01; the pilot pins are replaced into the same holes of the jig as before and in this position they will secure it to the pattern plate by entering its pilot holes C, I' and H"^. It will be observed that in this position also, and equally well, the outlines of the patterns in both cuts fall exactly together. The jig is used in this position as before, the same guide holes which were used in the first position in the upper right hand corner serve again as guides for drilling the second quarter of the pattern plate. Identically the same process is then repeated at the lower left hand and lower right-hand corners of the plate, by first turning the jig plate around the imaginary hinge center OH, and then around 01. In order to prepare the patterns to suit the above conditions, we pro- ceed exactly in the same manner, by securing one-half of each separately, and always the one which has the dowel holes, at the previously deter- mined place on the jig plate and drilling clear through them the holes which coincide with those drilled previously into the pattern plate. The second halves of these patterns are then placed in position against the first (drilled) halves; they are prevented from moving sideways by their original dowel pins, and they may be held together by suitable clamps. These clamps are preferably made of a universal type which adapts them for use with all kinds of patterns, their lower portion being constructed in the shape of a frame which rests on the table of the drill press without rocking and which is adapted for fastening the patterns in such a manner that their parting faces stand parallel to the drill table. The half of the pattern which has been drilled first with the aid of the. jig occupies the upper position in this clamp or drill frame, and the holes in this one will now serve as guides for the drill to drill the holes in the second half which stands directly underneath. Finally, have the original dowel pins of the patterns removed and fasten all parts separately in place on the pattern plate by either dowels or screws, or both, whichever may be preferable and most convenient in your particular case. If I may call your attention again to the drawings, you will observe 546 Moulding Machines that we have prepared the pattern plate in this manner with four com- plete sets of patterns; yet we have used only two. The castings result- ing from the use of these plates should be perfect as to match. The amount of labor required to withdraw the patterns from the sand is reduced to a minimum; additional time is saved by the use of a station- ary gate or runner on the plate, and double the quantity of castings can be produced in this manner with the same number of patterns and in the same number of flasks. All this can be accomplished by making an effort of no longer duration than it took to describe. If you have followed the above description carefully, you may have noticed that it is not necessary to have an individual plate prepared for each set of patterns. Yet I thought it better to describe this method of preparing pattern plates, and patterns for plate moulding in detail, than to leave room for any doubt or error. You can easily see that much of the time which it apparently took to get the plate and patterns ready for the moulder, can be saved by providing the entire surface of the plate with dowel holes before putting it into use. This should be done with the aid of the jig and in identically the same manner as has been suffi- ciently explained in the foregoing. Thus, only new patterns have to be prepared for the purpose, and all others, which once have been fitted, are easily replaced and secured to their correct positions on the plate, providing their dowel holes were promptly provided with specific nimi- bers, letters or identification marks. The additional holes, in the plate will not impair its working qualities, but they could be easily closed up with bees- wax if objectionable. Finally, it is well to note that each plate can be used in connection with all patterns within its range, and that it can be kept in continuous service, while the patterns may be changed at will, and as often as desirable. While the above description may appear somewhat too extended, I assure you that a serious mistake would have been made had the sub- ject been slighted merely for the sake of brevity. At the same time I will say in justification of my apparent digression, that my original subject has not been sidetracked. At first sight, it may appear, that the con- struction and the manipulation of pattern plates has but little connection with moulding machines, but I hope that I will succeed in showing in the course of this work, that they are not only intimately connected with each other, but that they are in fact the principal parts of all moulding machines. The lack of intimate knowledge of how to make use of them to the best advantage, the want of proper means to effect this purpose and the wretchedly little effort which is made to catch the right spirit of their nature is generally the reason why a moulding machine becomes an elephant on the hands of a moulder and an eyesore to its owner. Flasks 547 Flasks Good flasks are especially important in machine or plate moulding. To insure good results from moulding machines the flasks must be prac- tically perfect. They must be constructed to insure firm holding of the moulding sand; must be stiff, light and durable. "The pins must be accurately fitted. The flasks, if made in sets, must be absolutely interchangeable. The pins should be square with the flask surface, must not bind and still must not fit too loosely. Copes and drags when assembled, must not rock or shake sideways. Wooden flasks, such as are used in most foundries, are not likely to give good results in moulding machine practice. However, if carefully and substantially made, there is no reason why their application in machine moulding shoiild be absolutely condemned. ' Iron flasks are always preferable, especially since they do not shrink, warp or get out of joint. " Pressed steel flasks are still more desirable. If wooden flasks are used the}^ should be faced with an iron ring, this ring serving not only to maintain alignment, but also as a base for securing flask pins. Taper steel pins secured to lugs by nuts give best satisfaction. The holes in lugs on drags may be reamed tapering and the lower ends of pins turned to fit, and tapped lightly into place. After the flask is closed and clamped these pms may be removed, thus making a few pins serve for any number of flasks. When not in use they should be removed from the flasks and properly taken care of. The pins are sometimes cut away so as to give them a triangular cross section, so that sand adhering to them may not interfere with readily inserting them in the holes. By continued use the pins and sockets are so worn as to be unservice- able. The pins, of course, are replaced by new ones, but the sockets must be bushed by sleel thimbles. The old holes are drilled out to standard size, so that the thimbles may be interchangeable. It is advisable to have the pin holes bushed when the flasks are made, so as to avoid subsequent annoyance. "The makers of moulding machines are undoubtedly very well aware of all the requirements which are covered by the observance of these little details. They wiU appreciate their importance and must admit that they are essential to make their machines a success. Yet to my knowledge these facts have never been mentioned. Is this information kept from the foundry man purposely, that he may not be scared from the purchase of machines? If he should be told all this he might in the first place think of the expense, and next that bis moulders cannot get 548 Moulding Machines used to refinement of this kind, which by the way is not a very creditable opinion. But if he buys one or more of the machines oSered, he cannot help finding all this out before long, to his own chagrin. He may tjirow the machines away, or persist in the use of them and pay dearly for his experience. All this vexation could have been prevented in the first place and at a reasonable cost, had he been furnished in connection with the machine, with jigs, sample flasks, pins, etc., and above all. with the necessary information to which he was entitled." Many failures to introduce and maintain labor-saving devices can be traced to the lack of intelligent instructions sent with them. Mr. Stupakoff further discusses in detail the different kinds of ma- chines remarking: "It is a grievous mistake to think that a moulding machine of any description will replace a skilled moulder. There is no less ingenuity required to produce good castings on a machine than to make them by hand. "A moulder is aided by his experience and by his good judgment, A machine hand (customarily selected from unskilled labor) has nothing to offer but his muscle and good will. These qualities . . . are but poor substitutes for the dexterity of an expert. Therefore, imder ordinary circumstances the chances are but slight to obtain good cast- ings and good results by mechanical means which are imperfectly under- stood and subject to reckless abuse by hands which are unquestionably green in the business. Owners of moulding machines should not expect marvels from an inert piece of mechanism, but it is safe to say they will seldom fail in their calculations if they are satisfied with a reasonable increased pro- duction, provided they are willing to pay the best possible attention to their manipulation." Messrs. McWilliams and Longmuir in discussing the advantages of moulding machines conclude their remarks as follows: "With ordinary small work, such as is usually included in boxes up to 14 inches by 16 inches, the greatest time consumers are (i) ramming, (2) jointing , and (3) setting cores. Jointing is largely obviated with a good odd-side, and altogether so with a plate. Ramming by the aid of a press reduces the time occupied to that required for the pulling forward of a lever. Obviously, then, the greatest time consumers, with one exception, may be very considerably reduced by the simple and inexpensive aid offered by plate moulding and the hand press. " The exception referred to is that of setting cores, which holds good with all forms of mechanical moulding. Pattern drawing does not take up so much time as is usually supposed. With machines, jointing and a < — .9 0) cfi "ft •^ Xli ^i oJ s ^ — o Oh >. Si T^ -M a o D Ck o <: w | [<_ L Fig. 222. D.204. - -H Determination of Weight of Castings 571 W = weight of casting in pounds; L = length of casting in inches; T = thickness of casting in inches; B = breadth of casting in inches; D = outside or large diameter in inches. To find the weight of hol- low cylinders, multiply the small or inside" diameter plus the thickness, by the length, by the thickness, by 0.817: W={d + T)TLXo.Si7. Fig. 223. DdL X 0.204. W = weight of casting in pounds; L = length of casting in inches; T = thickness of casting in inches; D = large diameter in inches; d = small diameter in inches. To find the weight of a hollow hemisphere, multiply the thickness by the small radius plus the thickness divided by 2, squared, by 1.652: / T\2 T X 1.652. To find the weight of a sohd ellipse, mul- tiply the large diam- eter by the small di- ameter, by the length, by 0.204: To find tl^e weight of a solid sphere, mul- tiply the diameter cubed by 0.1365: W = D^X 0.1365. Fig. 226. W = weight of casting in pounds; R = outside or large radius in inches;" r =■ inside or small radius in inches; T = thickness in inches; P — outside or large diameter in inches. 572 Determination of Weight of Castings Formulas for Finding the Weight of a Hollow Iron Sphere and a Body of Rammed Sand To find the weight of a hollow sphere mul- tiply the outside diameter cubed, minus the inside diameter cubed, by 10.365: W = {D^ Fig. 227. W = weight of casting in pounds; D = outside or large diameter in inches; d = inside or small diameter in inches. 0.1365. To find the weight of a body of rammed sand, multiply the length by the breadth, by the height in feet, by 87: W = LBHX2>T. W = weight of body of sand in poimds; L = length of body of sand in feet; B = breadth of body of sand in feet; H = height of body of sand in feet. jMniiii Q!sil!!iMii.LLiLiLlICu3 Fig. 228. Formulas for Finding the Weight of Iron Castings l<-s--H" P L— -.— — Fig. 229. To find the weight of a flywheel, 11 feet in diameter, having elliptical arms. The first operation is to find the weight of the hub; second, the rim; and third, the arms. The sum of these gives the weight of the wheel. To find the weight of the hub: W= (d+T)TLXo.Si7. To find the weight of the rim, the same formula as above is used. To find the weight of one arm : W = DdL X 0.24. To find the weight of a triangular casting, multiply the length by the breadth, by the thickness, by 0.13: W = LBT X 0.13. Determination of Weight of Castings 573 Multiply by six to find the weight of the six arms. W = weight of casting in pounds; D = outside or large diameter in inches; d = inside or small diameter in inches; L = length in inches; T = thickness in inches; B = breadth in inches. To find the weight of a spherical segment of one base, multiply the square of the height by the difference between the radius of the sphere and one-third of the height, by 0.818; or, to the radius of the base squared, multiplied by the height by 0.409, add the height cubed multiplied by 0.136: W -(-!) X 0.81^ or W = r^H X 0.409 -\-H^X 0.136. W = weight of casting in pounds; R = radius of sphere in inches; H = height of segment in inches; r = radius of base in inches. Fig. 231. To radius find the weight of a spherical segment of two bases, from the of the sphere multiplied by the difference between the squares of the distances from the bases to the poles by 0.818, subtract the difference between the cubes of the distances from the bases to the pole, multiplied by 0.273, or: To the sum of the squares of the radii of the bases, multiplied by the height by 0.409, add the height cubed, multiplied by 0.136: W = R{A^- B^) X 0.818 - (43 _ 53) X 0.273, ^ Z7^ Fig. 232. TF = H (r2 + ^2) X 0.409 + i73 X 0.136. W = weight of casting in pounds; R = radius of sphere in inches; r = radius of large base of segment in inches ; 5 = radius of small base of segment in inches; A = distance from large base to pole in inches; B = distance from small base to polo in inches; H = height of segment in inches. 574 Determination of Weight of Castings . To find the weight of a ring made by cutting a cylindrical hole through the center of a sphere, multiply the chord cubed by 0.136: W = ax 0.136. The chord is equal to the square root of the result obtained by subtracting the square of the diameter of the hole from the square of the diameter of the sphere: 233- C = VZ)2 _ dK W = weight of casting in pounds; D = diameter of sphere in inches; d = diameter of hole in inches. To find the weight of a ring of circular cross section, multiply the radius of the cross section squared by the radius of the circle passing through the center of the cross section, by 5.140: W = rmx 5.140. W = weight of casting in pounds; r = radius of cross section in inches; R = radius of circle passing through cen- ter of cross section in inches. ^^^- 234. To find the. weight of a frustrum of a hexagonal pyramid, multiply the sum of the side of the large base squared, the side of the small base squared and the product of the two sides, by the length, by 0.226, or mul- tiply the sum of the dis- tance across the flats of the large base squared, the distance across the k"- Fig. 235. flats of the small base squared and the product of these two distances, by the length, by 0.075. W = {S^ + s'' -{- Ss) L X 0.226, or W = (F^ +P + Ff) L X 0.075- To find the weight of a straight fillet, multiply the radius squared by the length, by 0.0559. W = R^LX 0.0559. Fig. 236. Weight Required on Copes 575 W = weight of casting in pounds; L = length of casting in inches; S = side of large base in inches; 5 = side of small base in inches; F = distance across the flats of large base in inches; / = distance across the flats of small base in inches; R = radius of fillet in inches. 1 1 1 Ci_^ " u ,.^ Formulas for Finding the Weight Required on a Cope to Resist the Pressure of Molten Metal; and the Pres- sure Exerted on the Mould To find the weight required on a cope to resist the pressure of molten iron, multiply the cope area of the casting in square inches by the height of the riser top above the casting in inches, by 0.21: W = AH X 0.21. "'' ' ''"'"" " Fig. 237. W = weight to be placed on a flask in pounds; A = cope area of casting in square inches; H = height of riser top above casting in inches. To find the pressure exerted on a mold by molten iron multiply the height in inches from the point of pressure to the top of the riser by 0.26: P = HX 0.26. .•..;.•;:••. :■^•:y.•:■.•^•v^.•L^^v.:•; P = pressure in poimds per square Fig. 238. inch; H = height from point of pressure to the top of the riser in inches. To find the weight of an inside circular fillet, multiply the difference between the diameter of the cyhnder made by the side of the fillet and the product of the radius and 0.446, by the radius squared, by 0.176, or, from the diameter of the cyhnder made by the side of the fillet, multipUed by the radius squared, by 0.176, sub- tract the radius cubed multiplied by 0.0784. W = (D - 0.446 R) R' X 0.176, or W = DR^ X 0.176 - R^ X 0.0784. Fig. 239. 576 Determination of Weight of Castings To find the weight of an outside circular fillet, multiply the sum of the diameter of the cylinder made by the side of the fillet and the product of the radius and 0.446, by the radius squared, by 0.176, or to the diameter of the cylinder made by the side of the fillet multiplied by the radius squared, by 0.176, add the radius cubed multipHed by 0.0784: TF = (D + 0.446 R) R" X 0.176, or W = DJR? X 0.176 + i?3 X 0.0784. W = weight of casting in pounds; R = radius of fillet in inches; D == diameter of cylinder made or generated by the side of fillet in inches. CHAPTER XXVI WATER SUPPLY, LIGHTING, HEATING AND VENTILATION Water Supply Provision for water supply to the foundry is a matter of the first importance. If water cannot be obtained from the pubUc mains, facil- ities for pimiping and distributing must be provided. The system must be so arranged, either by elevated tanks or otherwise, as to furnish water under a pressure of from 25 to 30 pounds. While the supply must be abundant, the natural tendency to its wasteful use must be suppressed. Fig. 241. — Water Box and Hose Connection. Conveniently located near the cupola for quenching the dump, should be a hydrant with hose attached, ready for immediate use. Pipes should be so run about the foundry that taps may be conveniently distributed for wetting down the floors and sprinkling the sand heaps; each floor must have easy access to the sprinkling hose. Ample provision should be made for drinking; basins near the drinking fountains, in which to bathe their arms and faces, add greatly to the comfort of the workmen. The illustrations herewith, taken from the Iron Age, show provisions 577 578 Watey: Supply, Lighting, Heating and Ventilation made for this purpose and for lavatories, etc., in a large Cleveland foundry Running water should be suppHed at the closets. In many foundries of recent construction, wash basins, shower baths and lockers are pro- vided, enabling the men to wash and change their clothes before leaving the works. The free use of water implies, of course, a system of sewer- age. Care must be taken to avoid puddles or wet spots about the floors. The matter of water supply for fire protection is entirely independent of that for foundry purposes, and should be provided for separately. Fig. 242. — Porcelain Washbowls and Steel Lockers in Lavatory. Lighting Next to water supply in importance is the matter of lighting. Many foundries are deficient in this respect and suffer either in the character or quantity of product from improper lighting. Daylight is invaluable, and should be utilized to the fullest extent. In the construction of foundry buildings, the windows should be tall and as close together as the character of the structure will permit; they should not extend lower than four feet from the floor. A modem construction showing the sides of the building made almost entirely of glass is shown in the engraving below. Windows in the moniter should be swiveled and arranged to open easily for ventilation. Skylights are to be avoided if possible, as they cause no end of annoyance. The weaving-shed roof gives excellent results, and is frequently used in foundry construction. The glazing should be of a character to prevent the direct admission of sunlight. Ground glass, wire glass or glass with horizontal ribs afford a mellow light, relieving the eyes from the glare of direct sunlight. Heating and Ventilating 579 Artificial light for the early morning and late evening hours, during the season of short days, is best aflforded by some adaptation of the electric lamp. Tungsten lamps in groups of four, distributed at inter- vals of about 40 feet are largely used. Such lamps are provided with reflectors to direct the rays downwards and diffuse them. The lamps must be placed so as to clear the crane ways, and should be elevated about 20 feet from the floor. The Cooper-He we tt mercury lamps, placed about 50 feet apart and covered with reflectors, are very satis- factory. The flaming arc lamps, similarly placed, furnish the greatest illumination for a given expenditure of current. , Fig. 243- A recent type of kerosene burner, the Kauffman, having a mantel somewhat similar to the Wellsbach, is said to furnish a given candle power at less cost than any tamp known. With any system of lighting, care must be taken to keep the lamps clean and in good order, otherwise their efficiency is soon greatly im- paired. Where electric hghts are used, the generators should be inde- pendent of those which furnish current to the motors. Power for fans, elevators, cranes, sand mixers, etc., is most conveniently supplied by electricity. Each machine should have an independent motor. Elec- tric trucks, operated by storage batteries, and magnetic hoists, for service in the foundry and yard are almost indispensable. In fact the introduction of electricity has so simplified foundry operations that its use is imperative. Heating and Ventilating Heating and ventilating the foundry are subjects which formerly received little attention. A few stoves or open fires in iron rings, placed where they would be least in the way, constituted the usual equipment; foundries fitted with steam heating or hot-air systems were exceptional, 580 Water Supply, Lighting, Heating and Ventilation Gradually foundrymen have learned to appreciate the advantages of a comfortable •working temperature and good ventilation, as shown by increased output. A cold shop and chiUed or partly frozen sand heaps may easily reduce the value of a morning's work from 20 to 25 per cent. As foundry operations require active physical exertion, the temperature of the shop should not exceed 50° to 55° F. At 7 o'clock in the morning the building should be warm throughout. "For this purpose direct and vacuum steam heating systems are used with good results. Both are open to objections. The warm air is not evenly distributed; much of it is sent to the upper part of the building, where it does no good. With either system several hours are required in extremely cold weather to produce a comfortable temperature in the morning. Cold air enters through the windows and doors, causing drafts and an uneven distribu- tion of heat. More satisfactory results are furnished by the fan and hot-blast system. This consists of a sheet-iron chamber, in which are placed the requisite number of coils heated either by direct or exhaust steam, if the latter is available, an exhaust fan and the distributing pipes. The fan draws the air over the coils and from the chamber and forces it about the build- ing through large ducts, from which branch pipes are taken at proper intervals; through these branches the warm air is discharged at the desired spots within the shop. This system is largely used and possesses advantages over those having direct radiation. The amount of heat absorbed by air flowing over pipes increases rapidly with the velocity of the air. When the velocity of the air current flo\ving over the pipes in the heating chamber is about 1500 feet per minute (the usual velocity) the area of the heating surface required to accomplish a given heating effect is only about one-fifth that for direct radiation. With the fan and hot-blast system the building is filled with air under slight pressure, termed a plenum, which prevents cold air from entering; warm air flows out through all leaks. The warm air is discharged from the pipes near the floor, and uniformly distributed through the lower part of the building. By reason of such distribution and the great volume of air discharged, the shop may be quickly warmed in the morning. If the fan is driven by an independent engine, the exhaust steam is sent directly to the coils, thereby making the expendi- ture for power nominal. Where live steam is not available for an engine the fan may be driven by a motor. With the motor-driven fan, the watchman can start the apparatus during exceedingly cold nights, and thereby prevent the sand heaps from freezing. The ducts are usually circular in section, made of galvanized iron and supported by the chords of the building so as to clear the crane'way. Heating and Ventilating 581 The sketch below shows the usual arrangement for fans and ducts. In shops of moderate size, where but one fan is required, the ducts, ©f course, must nm all around the building. Fig. 244.— Typical Arrangement of Heating and Ventilating System for Foundry with Unobstructed Craneway. From the ducts, discharge pipes are dropped at intervals of from 30 to 40 feet. These usually terminate about 8 feet above the floor hne, and leave the ducts at an angle of about 45°, inclined in the direction of the 582 Water Supply, Lighting, Heating and Ventilation air currents. Where the discharges are dropped as above stated, the open ends should incline about 20° from the vertical; they should alternately face the walls and the center bay. Six square inches of dis- charge opening are ordinarily allowed for every 1000 cubic feet of space, and the aggregate area of the openings should be 25 per cent greater than the area of the ducts. From these data the size of the ducts may be calculated for any building of known dimensions. Underground ducts with vertical discharge pipes are desirable, as they offer no obstruction to foundry operations, but they are quite expensive; the overhead ducts seem best to meet all requirements. Where steam or hot air is used for heating, the matter of ventilation requires no provision, except for that period of the day occupied in melting, as the leakages are sufficient to supply an abundance of fresh air. During the heat, vapor and gases rise in great volumes; to permit them to escape or to permit fresh air to enter, the swiveled windows in the monitor are opened. Where steam heat is employed, discomfort is occasionally experienced during cold or stormy weather, as the gases fall as soon as they begin to cool, and the vapor is condensed by the incoming air. With the hot- blast system this difficulty does not occur, since the plenum is sufficient to drive out the gases and vapor through the open windows. Mr. W. H. Carrier of the Buffalo Forge Company, Buffalo, N. Y., has discussed the subject of Foundry Heating and Ventilating so fully in a paper pre- sented at a meeting of the American Foundrymen's Association, that advantage is taken of the opportimity presented through the courtesy of the Buffalo Forge Company to make extensive extracts therefrom: "The proper distribution of heat in the foundry is comparatively difficult. In general the problem is that of a large open space, affording little opportunity for efficient placing of direct radiation. On account of the monitor type of building usually employed, there is relatively a great height. The hot air rises up into the lantern and passes out through the ventilators, if fans are not provided to deliver it near the floor. The heated column of air in the building serves to draw cold air from with- out at every opening. This inward leakage of cold air, not only de- mands a great amount of heat, but makes a thorough distribution of heat at the floor line most essential for comfort and economy of opera- tion. A slight plenum, or outward leakage, of air at the doors and openings, caused by the delivery and proper distribution of sufficient heated air into the building is the only solution of the difficulty. Ample ventilation is at times most necessary. The lantern t3^e of build- ing is best adapted to quickly ventilate, since the ventilators simply have to be opened to permit the hotter and lighter gases and vapors Heating and Ventilating 583 to pass out. External air must enter the building to replace that escaping through the ventilators. Cold air entering the doors and openings tends to cool and condense the rising vapors. It is there- fore essential that a system be installed which will deliver warmed fresh air during the pouring periods, when ventilation is of first im- portance. Rapid heating of the building in the morning means that the best efficiency from the men will be obtained over the entire working period. A system which is elastic, and which may be rapidly varied to suit the requirements is to be favored. Coke or gas fired salamanders are appar- ently the most economical means of heating, as all the heat goes directly into the building. The atmosphere in a tightly closed building heated by this method becomes intolerable, and if sufficient ventilation is provided to make conditions healthful, the amount of heat required is greater than with other systems. The grade of fuel used is also con- siderably more expensive than that used in other systems of heating, to say nothing of the care of a large number of separate fires scattered about the building. In heating with direct radiation, steam is usually employed, although hot-water systems with forced circulation have been successfully oper- ated. Unless there is a large amount of hot water available, it is not an economical system to employ, on" account of the greatly increased amount of radiating surface required at the lower temperature. In steam heating, the high pressure, the low pressure or the vacuum system of distribution may be used; the selection of the particular system depends on load conditions. Where high-pressure steam is available, and there is no exhaust steam, it should of course, be used. If, however, there is no high pressure or exhaust steam available from the power plant, then an independent low-pressure boiler should be installed, fur- nishing steam at from 5 pounds to 10 pounds pressure. For low-pressure work cast-iron boilers may be used; no boiler feed pumps are required. The boiler should be placed at a level low enough for the condensation to drain back by gravity. If this is impracticable, then a centrifugal pump may be employed to return the condensed water to the boiler. A vacuum system should always be used when exhaust steam from the power plant is available. In a vacuum system of distribution, the back pressure should not exceed i pound, as otherwise the losses will outweigh the gain. The fan system is undoubtedly the best for foundry heating and ventilating, and it is particularly adapted to the severe requirements of foundries, and other buildings of this construction, where there are large open spaces to be heated. The principal advantages of the fan system over direct radiation are: 584 Water Supply, Lighting, Heating and Ventilation 1. The thorough distribution of heat secured by discharging the air under pressure through suitable outlets, with sufl&cient velocity to carry the heat to the points where it is most needed without causing perceptible draughts. 2. No heat is wasted as in direct radiation, where a large part is sent directly through the walls, with slight effect upon the temperature of the building. The fan system affords means of supplying heat directly to the interior of the building. 3. No heat is wasted by heating unoccupied spaces, as along the roof and in the monitor. Tests of the fan system installed in foundries have, in certain instances, shown lower temperatures in the monitors than at 5 feet above the floor hne. 4. Fan systems heat up very much more rapidly in the morning, when it is desirable to bring up the temperature in as short time as possible. 5. It gives a rapid warm air change, which effectually removes smoke, steam and dust during pouring time; an effect possible only with a fan system. During such periods, when ventilation is required, the fresh and return air dampers should be adjusted to take all the air from out of doors. During the remainder of the day, however, the greater part of the air should be returned from the building to the apparatus, so that the heat required for ventilation may be the least possible. Precaution should always be taken to see that this feature is provided for. 6. Fan systems cost less to install properly, since the apparatus is centrally located, and it is not necessary to pipe the steam to all parts of the building as in direct radiation. 7. The cost of maintenance is less, since the radiating surface of a direct system along the walls is frequently damaged, while in the cen- trally-located fan apparatus, it is thoroughly protected. As in direct radiation, steam or hot water can be used in the fan system heater coils; but as the cool air is drawn over these coils by the fan, a great deal more heat is obtained from the same amount of heating surface. This permits the square feet of radiation to be re- duced about two-thirds. The fan is often driven by a direct-connected steam engine, the exhaust from which is used in the heater coils. This is an exceedingly economical method, as practically all of the heat of the steam is utilized. A new type of fan heating system, which is giving the highest degree of satisfaction, has been developed by the Buffalo Forge Company; this is the direct air furnace system. Instead of burning 'fuel under boilers , generating steam, transferring steam from boilers to heater coils through Heating and Ventilating 585 a long run of pipe, and finally giving up heat to air from the heater coils, this system transfers the heat of the burning fuel directly to the air for distribution. An efficiency of 85 to 90 per cent has actually been attained, as against the usual efficiency of 50 to 60 per cent derived from steam service. The Buffalo Forge Company has made many installations using gas for fuel, and recently erected one in which pow- dered coal was used. Fuel oil can also be employed. The construc- tion of the furnace is similar to that for a water tube boiler. The hot gasses pass through the tubes, a fan draws the circulating air around the tubes, by which it is heated, and then distributes it through the building. Fig. 244 shows one of these furnaces recently installed in an important factory in the West. The main hot air ducts from the fan are usually made of galvanized iron, and are carried in the roof trusses. When these ducts are placed at a height not exceeding 20 feet, the air may be delivered directly into the building through short outlets. The design of these outlets is of particular importance to the success of the system. The velocity must be properly proportioned to the height, to the size of the outlet and to the horizontal distance which the air is to be blown. The greater the distance and height above the floor, and the smaller the outlets, the higher the velocity must be to obtain the proper distribution. On the other hand, if the velocity is exces- sive for these conditions, objectionable draughts will be produced. In some cases the main pipe has to be placed too far above the floor to permit good distribution of heat at the floor line with short outlets. In such cases it is usual to provide drop pipes from the main at the columns or along the side walls. Where the drop pipes are placed at the colunms, each pipe is usually provided with two branches; one blowing toward the base of the windows at the side walls, the other blowing toward the center of the building. Where the drop pipes are extended downward at the side walls, it is usual to provide three outlets to each pipe, two blowing sidewise along the walls, and the third out- ward toward the center of the building. In wide buildings it is customary to run two lines of pipes along the columns on each side; while in narrower buildings it is possible to obtain an entirely satisfactory distribution of heat with one line of main pipe, having outlets so proportioned as to blow across the building to the further side. A very neat, though more expensive system of distribution is with underground main ducts, with galvanized iron vertical risers, arranged along the columns or side walls; or in some instances, as in particularly wide buildings, at both places. The system of outlets in this case will be practically the same as where drop pipes are used. Fans may be either motor or engine driven. When an 5S6 Water Supply, Lighting, Heating and Ventilation abundance of exhaust steam is available for use in the heater coils, the motor-driven fan will be found the more economical and satisfactory. It is preferred by many on account of the simplicity of operation and the shght care and attention required. With small fans it is good practice to direct-connect the motor to the fan; but with the larger apparatus the speed of operation is so low as to make it advisable to belt-drive the fan, by reason of the high cost of slow speed motors. Engine -driven fans are advisable when moderately high pressure steam is available. The steam can be used to drive the fan and the exhaust is available for the heater coils. This method is exceedingly economical, since prac- tically all of the heat is utihzed. The power used to drive the fan is almost negligible, as the engine is really little more than a pressure reducing valve. The speed of operation with engine drive is also much more flexible, allowing a wider range of speed, as may be necessitated by varying weather conditions. Direct radiation and the fan system of heating cost practically the same to install, the fan system as a rule being somewhat cheaper. Of course, with the fan system, the power necessary to drive the fan is additional, and it might seem that the operating expense would be somewhat more than with direct radiation ; but the more equable distribution of heat by the fan system cuts down the losses and reduces the radiating surface materially. The operating expenses of the two systems, however, vary little in the long run. " CHAPTER XXVII FOUNDRY ACCOUNTS Any system of foundry accounting must be subject to variation in details to meet the requirements of different classes of work. A system suitable for a foundry producing pipe, car wheels or other standard work must be modified in some of its details to adapt it to the requirements of a jobbing foundry. The value of an accounting system, aside from determining the cost of production, Ues in r-educing the expenses and in pointing out by comparative analysis the direction in which reductions can be made. Cost keeping is too often neglected. Many foundrymen establishing prices, etc., by those of competitors, have absolutely no knowledge of actual costs. There are few branches of business in which the indirect expenses, those apart from the cost of material and labor, exceed those of the foundry. Only by constant comparison, by tracing increase or decrease from one period to another, and continually following lines indicating improved results, can the expenses be made to approach the minimum. An effective cost system must not only furnish accurate results, but must furnish them promptly, so as to permit ready and periodical com- parison. Prompt information as to any means of increasing production or of decreasing losses or costs greatly enhances its value. The system must not be so elaborate as to render it impractical, but simplicity must not be accompanied with neglect. One that is not accurately or system- atically followed is worse than useless. Any effective system requires a large amount of clerical work, but the results are profitable in the high- est degree. The one given below has been in satisfactory use by a large manu- facturing establishment, making castings for its own consimaption. An order emanates from the management, going to the drawing room. There it is given a shop order number. A form bearing this number is filled out, showing the patterns required, the drawing number, pattern number and number of castings wanted from each pattern, date of delivery from the foundry and any changes to be made. This form, No. I, passes to the Requisition Clerk, who makes a requisition in quad- 587 588 Foundry Accounts ruple, form No. 2, on the foundry. This form is about six by nine inches; and as many sets of blanks, all bearing the same shop order number, are used as are required. These forms are in shape for indexing with guide cards. Three of each set of these forms after completion are sent to the foundry, and the fourth is filed in the office. Of the three sets sent to the foundry, one is marked "Foundry Requisi- tion," one "Pattern Shop" and the third "Core Room." The foundry clerk fills in date of receipt, date for delivery of patterns and cores and the casting date; then, having marked on them the deUveries required, he transmits to the Pattern Shop and Core Room their respective requisitions. The Pattern Shop and Core Room fore- men each stamp them with date of receipt. Form 2. FOUNDRY REQUISITION Williams & Jones Shop Order, 5486. Date, 3/9/10. Castings wanted, 4/4/10. For 25 9x12 C. Crank, S. Valve Throttling Engines. Name of part Drawing number Pattern number No. of pieces wanted Alterations Cylinder 7984 8092 8093 8140 8098 8099 7642 7990 7991 46,854 46,855 46,856 46,857 46,859 46,860 46,861 46,862 46,863 25 25 25 25 25 25 100 25 8 Increase thickness of Front head flange at exhaust out- let Vs inch. Back head St'f'ng box gland Steam chest cover Steam chest glands Cylinder lagging Piston Add He inch to each end of cover. Requisition received in foundry, 3/ 10/10. Requisition received in pattern shop. Requisition received in core room. Order to be completed, 3/31/10.* Floor date, 3/22/10. Patterns wanted, 3/21/10. Cores wanted, four sets, 3/22/10. Four sets each day thereafter. Record of Castings Made Date Good Bad Date Good Bad Date Good Bad Date Good Bad 3/22 3 I 3/29 2 3/23 4 3/24 4 3/25 4 3/26 4 3/28 4 Pattern Card 589 In filling out the floor or casting date, the date of delivery, etc., the foundry clerk knows that only four cyUnders can be made at each heat. He therefore fixes the date for completion at 3/31/ 10; this allows four days to provide for any contingencies. The Foundry Requisition is then filed under its floor date." At the end of each week the index cards up to that date are with- drawn from the front and passed to rear of card box. There are enough cards in the box to cover six months or a year as desired. Any unfilled orders at the end of the week are advanced to the first date of the coming week, so that the current orders are aU at the front of the box. Each day the foreman and clerk spend time to select orders and make out a program for the next heat. As the orders are completed, each requisition with its supplementary orders is filed away for reference. The Foundry Pattern Loft is divided into two parts, one for uncom- pleted orders (Live End), and the other for completed orders (Dead End). The patterns are delivered by Pattern shop at the Live End. A man from Pattern Storage has a book in which he takes receipts for patterns delivered. He also receipts for patterns which he removes from Dead End. Precisely the same system is pursued with core boxes. The Pattern Shop delivers and removes the boxes, taking and giving receipts. Attached to each pattern is a tag, on which all the data above the heavy line is made out in Pattern Shop : all below is filled out in Foundry. PATTERN CARD o Moulder's Tag. Foundry Tag. F Date issued, 3/21/10. : Date issued, 3/21/10 ' Shop order, 5486. Shop order, 5486. r Name of piece, 9X12 cylinder. Name of piece, 9x12 cyUnder. m Pattern No. 46,854- Pattern No. 46,854. 3 No. wanted 25. Date 3/31. No. wanted 25, date, 3/31. Name of moulder, John Hayes. Name of moulder, John Hayes. Date in sand, 3/22/10. Date in sand, 3/22/10. Tally //// //// //// //// //// Moulder's time. Moulder must return this tag John Hayes - ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ with pattern. John Hayes - V- ¥ ¥ Wm. Moran - ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Wm. Moran — %' ¥ ¥ The tag is perforated across the middle. When the pattern is issued to the moulder, the clerk tears off and retains the foundry tag on which 590 Foundry Accounts the time is entered and then filed away. The moulder's tag is de- stroyed when pattern is removed to storage. The foreman of core room enters time of core makers on core room requisition. It will be noticed that the clerk has not only entered on the Foundry tag the time of John Hayes, but also that of Wm. Moran, helper. There must be a case in which are kept cards showing records of pig iron, scrap, coke, sand, sea coal, fire clay and any other material re- ceived in car lots. PIG IRON CARD Car, N. P. R.R., 438,827 Wt., G. T., 24.23. Pig Iron From Jones, Smith & Company Brand No. 2, S. A nalysis Received, 2/10/10. Price. $16.50 Did. Silicon 2.38 Sulphur .032 Phosphorus .43 Manganese • 54 Net weight, 54,282. Expended, 54,660. Overrun, 378. o I 00 o 6 o o lo o Q ! o, q o_ o^ 00.0 : IN 00" o" o" PJ rO ai 00 00 M 1-1 1-1 •^ :;;;:;; ' \r, -T) ^ s ■ g) a ::::::: § JS » ^ . . ^-- "-- ~\ ~\ ^-- ^^ ^-^ X +j-(_>(NC»lNCqM(NN O On back of this card the withdrawals and corresponding dates are entered and balance cast up on face. The cards for sand, fire clay, etc., are the same as for coke, without the analysis. It is advisable, however, to have these supplies analyzed occasionally. Pig Iron COKE CARD 591 COICE Form 5. Car No. 7482, N. Y. C. Received, 2/7/10. Ovens, Hamilton by-product. Weight, 32,600. $4.85 Deld. Analysis Per cent Fixed carbon 8s Sulphur 8 Ash : II Moisture T 1 As a matter of convenience to the foreman in making up the mixture, it is desirable to enter the pig iron in a special book, as per diagram below as well as to keep the cards. PIG IRON Form 6. Sample Page of Pig Iron Book. Date re- ceived Car No. Brand Net weight Ex- pended 12/9/09 132,568 No. 2S 78,594 12/20 12/9/09 35.689 No. 2S 76,432 12/27 12/1S/09 46,351 No. 2 N 69,496 1/14/10 1/7/10 25,135 No. 3N 58,439 2/8/10 2/10/10 439.827 N0-2S 54,282 3/2/10 Analysis I* Si 3.2s S .03 P .89 Mn .82 2* Si 3.09 S .032 P .85 Mn .76 1 Si 2.84 S .038 P .76 Mn .68 2 Si 2.80 S .040 P .74 Mn .66 1 Si 2.19 S .027 P .29 Mn .75 2 Si 2.10 S .026 P .27 Mn .74 1 Si 1.67 S .024 P .26 Mn .69 2 Si 1.65 S .023 P .24 Mn .67 .52 1 Si 2.38 S .032 P .43 Mn .54 2 Si 2.2s S .036 P .48 Mn * No. I is the furnace analysis; No. 2, that of the foundry chemist. The Heat Book is given on page 592. In this book the foreman enters for the coming heat the irons which are to be used and the mixture. The remainder of the account may be filled out later by the clerk after returns are made. This book is of the greatest importance as it enables 592 Foundry Accounts the foreman to repeat at once any mixture used at any time, or for any particular purpose. The sheet shown is for the heat of 2/22/ from which 4 cyUnders are to be poured and a special charge (the first) containing 10 per cent steel scrap is made. The cylinders weigh about 500 pounds each, and as there are crank disc and other castings requiring strong iron, the entire first charge will contain steel. The charges are 4000 pounds each, and the mixture is uniform through- out the heat, except for first and last charges. Turning to the Pig Iron Book, the foreman selects such iron as will furnish the desired mixture for cylinders, also those for the remaining charges and enters them on the heat book. A memorandum is given the boss of the yard gang, showing the car numbers and the amount of iron from each car for each charge. The number of charges for the ordinary mixture is left blank until later in the day, when the total amount to be melted is ascertained. The weighman has a pad of forms upon which he prepares a slip for each charge giving the car number, weight of iron from each car, weight of coke and lime. Each charge of iron is piled by itself on cupola platform in regular order. The coke with limestone is sent up in cars as the charging of cupola proceeds. SAMPLE SHEET FROM HEAT BOOK Williams & Jones Foundry Form 7. Heat of 3/22/10. Weight Pig iron Car No. per charge. No. of charges Analysis Remarks pounds Silvery 8.296 200' Si 4.20 S .03 P .72 Mn .68 No. 2 Sou . 439,827 400 Si 2.25 S .036 P .48 Mn • 52 No. 2 Sou. . 46,351 400 Si 2.10 S .026 P .27 Mn .74 First No. 2 Nor.. 328,503 800 • I Si 2.29 S .023 P .24 Mn .67 charge No. 2 Nor.. Scrap 1800 Si 2.10 S .084 P .63 Mn .63 Steel scrap . 400. No. 2 Sou. . 27,935 800^ Si 3.75 S .017 P .86 Mn .36 No. 2 Nor.. 328,503 600 Si 2.29 S .023 P .24 Mn .67 20 No. 2 Nor.. 45,541 200 20 Si 1.92 S .024 P .28 Mn .63 charges Scrap 2400 Si 2.10 S .084 P .68 Mn .63 Last Clean-up . . . 1050 I charge Sample Sheet From Heat Book 593 Amount Charged Pig iron. 33.800 Scrap. 49,800 Steel scrap. 400 Clean-up. 1,050 Total. 85,050 Coke. 10,950. Returned 320. 10,630 Fhix. 1,600 Production Good castings. 66,466 Bad castings. 2,708 Gates and sprues. 6,106 Over iron. 5. 143 Shot. 650 Clean-up. 1,670 Total accounted for. 82,743 Lost in melt. 2,307 Per cent melt in good castings. 78.2 Per cent castings good. 96.1 Per cent castings bad. 3.9 Per cent melt in returns. 19.0 Per cent loss in melt. 2.7 Iron melted per pound coke. 8 lbs. to I Mixtures 1st charge special. Regular charges. 5% car 8296. 20% car 328,503. 20% car 27,935. 60% scrap. 10% car 439,827. 10% steel. 15% car 328,503. 10% car 46,351. 45% scrap. 5% car 45,541. Analysis Computed. 1st charge. Si 1.66 S .075 p .42 Mn .46 Have analyses Computed. Regular. Si 2.21 S .088 p .63 Mn .47 made as re- Actual. 1st charge. Si 1.64 s .080 p .43 Mn .45 quired Actual. Regular. Si 2.23 s .092 p .65 Mn • 44 594 Foundry Accounts Cost of Labor Productive Non- productive Totals Gen. Av. Hours Cost Hours Cost Hours Cost Cost per hour Foundry Core room Cleaning room I 133- 6 II3-6 $274.90 34.08 180 36 234 S28.80 5.76 39-84 1697.2 $383.38 22.60 Total 1247.2 $308.98 450 $74.20 Helpers are included in foundry as productive. Blast on, i :5o p.m. First tap, 2:15 p.m. Test bar special. Test bar regular. Pressure, 9 ounces. Bottom dropped, 4:45 p.m. Transverse, 2800. Transverse, 2200. First iron, 2 p. The melter and boss of the yard gang are each furnished with a copy of charging schedule. After the charges are all up, the weighman turns in to foundry office, slips for the bottom coke, and one for each charge giving complete weights of everything entering the cupola. Form 9. Charging Schedule Date, 3/22/10. Charges 1st charge . 20 charges . Last charge . Materials Bottom coke Steel scrap Car 8296 Car 439.827 Car 46,351 Car 328,503 Scrap (selected) Coke Car 27,935 Car 328,503 Car 45.541 Scrap .' . . . Returned coke Clean-up Use 80 pounds limestone from third to nineteenth charge inclusive. Weights 2850 400 200 400 400 800 1800 400 800 600 200 2400 100 1050 Weigh Slips 595 Form lo. Charge No. i. Weigh Ticket Date 3/22/10. Coke bottom 2850 400 200 400 400 . 800 1800 Steel scrap , Car 8296 Car 439,827 Car 328,503 Scrap Limestone. Form 10. Charge No. 2. Weigh Ticket Date, 3/23/10. Coke. . . 400 Car 27 935 800 Car 328,503 600 Car 45,541 . . ' 200 Scrap 2400 1 Limestone. On the day following the heat, after recovering the iron from the gangways, cinders, etc., the yard foreman turns the weight into the office. Form II. 3/23/10. Returns FROM Foundry Heat of 3/22/10. 650 Shot 650 Clean-up 1670 Returned coke ^20 " The bad castings on above slip are those thrown out in the foundry, to which are subsequently added those rejected in the cleaning room. 596 Foundry Accounts From the moulder's tags, turned in on the 22nd, and from information obtained from the floor concerning work on tags which have not been turned in, the clerk prepares in part, duphcate cleaning room reports. He enters the shop order numbers, pattern numbers, names of parts and nmnber of parts made. This report then goes to foreman of clean- ing room, who completes it, sending one copy to the foundry ofl&ce and the other to the work's office. The form is given on page 597. As many sheets as are necessary are used for each heat. The Time Book, Weigh Tickets, Foundry Returns and Cleaning Room Report furnish all the data, except analysis and test, for completion of entry in heat book for 3 22 10. Information as to the last two items is obtained from time to time as required. The heat report is made out in duplicate; original sent to Works Office and duplicate filed in Foundry. This is followed by a weekly summary. At the end of each month an inventory is taken of all supplies; and their cost, per himdred poimds good castings, is determined for the month passed. This cost is used in making out foundry reports for the succeeding month. All supplies except the btilky materials, such as sand, fire clay, etc. are kept in store room and are issued upon requisition from foremen or clerk, upon blanks as per sketch. Requisition on Dale, 3/21/10. Store Keeper, Issue to Jno. Sullivan, 5 Pounds Silver Lead. Wm. Wilson, Foreman. These requisitions, together with tallies of sand, fire clay, etc., are turned into office by store keeper at end of month. Careful scrutiny and comparison of these monthly statements and expenditures result in marked savings. They promote among the departments a strife for the lowest record. The reduction in the amount of core supplies, nails, rods and sand is especially noticeable. As regards iron flasks and other castings made for the foundry, if they are for permanent equipment, they are so charged. If on the other hand they are for temporary ser\dce, they are charged to foundry at cost of labor, plus the difference between the cost of good castings and scrap. Monthly comparisons, or more frequent if desired, are made with statements from the works office. Comparisons are likewise made at the end of the fiscal year. Cleaning Room Report 597 TO T) rONTfON'^NO 00 O^ O* ro M ro 00 ^ S.6 rOM-*fON-*CN|VOH fJN-^fVjeqrtCStOW o aj w ij w ^ :=; ,<^ &; &h" o 0^ ►^ p^ M i-i w O O O M (M . to w M h OT M W M H m M c 1 > ^1 3 e2 ill III '-'00 otal found cost per 100 pound ood castin M '^'' M M H M Hours 1133-6 113. 6 450 1697.2 2.55 Cost $274.98 $34.08 $74.40 $383.38 $0.5765 $0,0396 $0,783 $1,399 Foundry Reports 599 REPORTS Jones Co. 3/22/10. CO a to ^.13 iH-o — 0. 11 ^1= p. 1 .2" IP ^§1 400 49,800 loso 85,050 10,630 1600 8-1 $3.00 $348.60 $4.20 S608.53 $25.53 So. 60 $0,746 3.9 ga Total cost of melt . . Cr. Returns 16,275 pounds .70 Cost of iron in good casting $634.66 113.93 III 520.73 $0,783 6oo Foundry Accounts WEEKLY FOUNDRY REPORT Williams & Jones Foundry Form IS • Heats of 3/23-2S and 28/10. Date of Consumption Product heat u "a "2 6-- 0. 2 t. 1 3 -si 1^1 || 1 1 ^•S ^•S c^ !/3 H fe 0^ M| -^^ (4-^^ h 23 36,500 5,800 32,980 5.000 80,360 11,250 1250 57,859 2703 16,172 3626 80,360 25 27,720 3.600 23,880 5.000 60,200 9.540 900 43,344 1340 13,244 2272 60,200 28 27,520 7,800 26,800 62,200 9.930 950 45.406 1900 12,406 2488 62,200 Totals.. 91.740 17,280 83.740 10,000 202,760 30,720 3100 146,609 5943 41,822 8386 202,760 Summary Total iron melted Total coke used Total flux used Total cost melt Credit Returns (including bad castings) 7oj^ per 100 pounds Total loss Total good castings Total bad castings Total productive labor Total non-productive labor Total labor Total cost of supplies Total foundry cost of good castings . Per cent of melt in good castings Per cent of melt in bad castings Per cent of melt in bad return (including bad cast- ings) Per cent of melt in loss Per cent of castings good Per cent of castings bad Average cost of labor per hour Cost of iron per 100 pounds Cost of iron melted per 100 pounds Cost of iron in good castings oer 100 pounds Cost of labor, good castings per 100 pounds Cost of supplies, good castings per 100 pounds Total foundry cost, good castings per 100 pounds . Iron melted per pound of coke Pounds 20,7260 30,720 3,100 47,765 8,386 146,609 5.943 Hours 2,482 1,490 3.972 6.6 lbs. $1476.09 74.50 1. 17 1551.76 33460 615.72 246.29 Per cent 72.3 2.93 23.5 4-1 96.1 3.9 Cents 21.7 0.728 0.76s 1217.16 826.01 58.05 2137.22 0.830 0.588 0.0396 1.4576 Monthly Expenditure of Supplies 6oi Form i6. MONTHLY EXPENDITURE OF SUPPLIES Williams & Jones Foundry February, 1910. Materials Quantity OS o ^ Anchors Belting Belt lacing Bellows Beeswax Bolts Brick, red Brick, fire Brick, block Brooms Barrows, wheel Barrows, pig iron Brushes, soft Brushes, hard Brushes, core Brushes, casting Brushes, camel's hair. . . Brushes, paint . '. Brushes, white wash. . . Brushes, wheel Blocks, chain Candles Cable wire Carbons , Castings Cans, blow Chisels, cold Chaplets Charcoal Chain Chain links Chalk Chalk, line Clay Clay, fire Clamps Clamps, spike Clamps, screw Core, compound dry. . . Core, compound liquid Core vent, metallic Coke forks Coke baskets 6o2 Foundry Accounts Monthly Expenditure of Supplies (Continued) Materials Quantity 3s 3 O Coke scoops Crow bars Crucibles Cloth wire ...;... Cups, tin Cutter's emery. . . Facing mineral... Flour Fuel Gauges, wind Gauges, air Globes, electric . . . Globes, lantern. . . Glue Glutrin Grease Hammers Handles, hammer Handles, sledge... Hose, air Hose, water Hose, couplings . . Hose, nozzles Iron bar Iron, sheet Irons, draw Irons, flasks Jackscrew Jack-bolts Levels, spirit Lead, bar Lead, sheet Lead, pipe Lead, red Lead, white Lead, silver Lime Lumber Litharge Lycopodium Mallets Mauls Monthly Expenditure of Supplies Monthly Expenditure of Supplies (Continued) 603 Materials Manganese, ferro Mercury Molasses Nails Nuts Oil, core Oil, coal Oil, belt Oil, lard...." Oil, linseed Oil, hard Oil, black Oil, machine .... Oil, rosin Oil, cans Pails, iron Pails, wood Pencils, lead. . . . Pipe, iron Pipe, fittings Picks, cupola Pliers Pliers, cutting... Pots, sprinkling. Paper, sand Paper, toilet Paper, emery Paper, wrapping. Rammers Rammers, bench Riddles Riddles, brass Rivets, copper... Rivets, iron Rosin Rope Saws, hand Saws, hack Screws xScrews, drivers . . . Stationary Scrapers - Silicon, ferro Straps, lifting. . . , Stars, tumbler. . . Sand, moulding , Quantity OS ■-BB 6o4 Foundry Accounts Monthly Expenditure of Supplies (Continued) Materials Quantity 2S o o ^2 •S6 a o o ^ H Sand, lake Sand, bank Sand, fire Shovels, moulders' Shovels, laborers' . , Sprayers, blacking. Sponges Smooth-on Swabs , Sledges Stone, emery Salt Sulphur Sea coal Talc Tacks Torches, blow Twine Straw Vitriol Wire, iron Wire, copper Wire, wax vent Wire, cable Washers Wheels, emery Wheels, sheave Wheels, barrow Wrenches, open Wrenches, monkey. Wrenches, pipe Total $284.56 Good castings for month 7X8.57- Cost of supplies for 100 good castings for February, 1910 $0.0396 Use this price for the month of March, 1910. Monthly Comparisons of Foundry Accounts 605 O ^ SI g g o g S § 0 >/5 s ^ S ^^ 8 ^ t~ 1/5 rfoo '^ ro " O cd O 2 S^ 6 COCO a g -^ SI'S § ■S -g ^* 2 S' PQ CC f' C3 C bo O C! o c a a-Sl o G e! y +, 1 it 8 rt (U (U o PQ0:!P^ H 6o6 Foundry Accounts g O . >< O ^ 2 i 8 I H s ^ l^aox ro VO !-<' I> O t^ IT) (£) VO 1/2 ut sscrj t^co ino rCOoO O t~' N M(0 CON lOOOOO t~<0 N 00 : IN r- 00 ci m" in r<5 ci ci cT r<5 N ci sSupsBO p-eq Suipnpui OH"^t^cyiM(NTr s3uiq.ffeD pBg pobo xtiM 95100 \e%oj^ ^o^s dBJog iiojx 3ijj uoji Sid AjBniqa^ M „ IN m o Q M ^ W) 00 t> in o> l~ M M M !N " IN '^ N IN M M S O^OlHOOooallNO)■*^0 lO00wt-iTtI>OiO-*0 OOOOOOOO M -^rOM ir> ir, in pTi I. l-IOOO>Ot^(NI>0^ m" m" ai o" oo" o" i> oi cri H IN <0 VO VO lO lO R-g 8 <0 r^ Tf * 00 00 t^ O^ 00 00 _ °. '^ °°. "^ °° °0 °0 X) di'^ o" M (M oo" 1/5 l-^ (nT ro to" -1^0^0000 OCSINt>OlNIN " r<5 oo" oo" ro o" lO di VO vo" l> »> "*■'""■-" M IN W m Ol tM ro IN 000 iS MHMMIHWNIN 5 H Monthly Comparison of Foundry Accounts 607 w 00 f- 00 ITi O tS lO •^ 00 01 lO li? 6o8 Foundry Accounts oo € ^ cs O O <0 00 PO Hf 8 '"§8 M fO 0> lO ro PO rO l~- i£> O 00 O O 03 to |8 C C S G C fl r ^ 2 82 § o o fe^ .S .H ^, -*-■ -(J p< IN 'q- u. _^ V ^ Cu H H^l ^ g.a-" S^-o W O v^ M CQ CO Jft ••^ s ^•1^^^' " c bor, B bor, P itchin rdlab rtage. jected aries i SS^>^C fSc^ :2:28 ?^S ^^„^ > o OH o o o c^ ir> PO 00 O 1/5 C to o 2 ■*^ bO CO S fi o ii|g| I 111 § d V Oi > p ° S ., O Vi; «8 8 +j p. ^ C« ,n C 2 "S * 00 N IH 0-. U^ Oi N (M W W N PO ^ ^ M lO OO • 00VO ro ro O •* l> W ^oqs d-BJOg uoit Sid o 00 lO O CS "£ H ro M H M t~ to lo a> 5 r<5 00 O r^ ^^S R'gi^S'S'^ S ^Bl-. r<5<£> (N lO t- 0> '^ M (N 00 M Tt u, M M M M N 1 _^ M W Ol ro PO ro ro uojx Sxd t- i/:i CT» (N vo iri \r> liO N O O^ O C> 00 ^ 609 6io Foundry Accounts 1 8 O CO fa I % r*5 M M 1/5 loo ro hH o" ■* ''f pq o> lo Tf w M "3- o »0 ^ . cs i> t- 09 vr> o o o o o o oj ; :: X (1.^ to D Si u —J M to "* rr-l cfi w w o " g g M O ^ T^ "J '-' i^ O M^ S ^ . . -►^ C C C d M M dJ ►>, 0) (D (D C ci}(uaj?>000>>>p 10^ fiH CLh << U O O >< < < A Transmission of Orders 6ii Chart Showing Direction or Transmission of Shop and Foundry Orders, Together With That of Return Reports 1 j Superintendent Drawing Room Works Office Cleanincj Yard Room Cupola Moulding Floor Core Room Fig. 245. The chart above shows the direction of transmission of orders from the superintendent to the foundry office, and thence, with supplementary orders, to the dehvery of the completed product at the cleaning room; as also that of return reports to foundry office, works office, and superin- tendent. Full lines indicate the course of orders outward; dotted lines that of the return reports. From Superintendent . From Drawing Room . From Foundry. From Foundry Office. (i) to (2) to (4) to (4) to Works Office . . . Drawing Room. Foundry Works Office . . . Pattern Shop . . Pattern Shop . . Core Room. . . . Floor Cupola Yard Cleaning Room . (3) (2) (4) (3) (5) (5) (6) (7) ■ (8) . (9) (10) 6 12 Foundry Accounts From Pattern Shop (5) to | IZtL^''/. ! i : ! '(^ From Core Room (6) to Moulding Floor (7) From Cupola (8) to Moulding Floor .... (7) From Moulding Floor (7) to Cleaning Room. ... (10) Return Reports From Moulding Floor. ... (y)^ From Core Room (6) > r:, •, ^^c / x FromCupola ..: (8) ^^ Foundry Office (4) From Cleaning Room. . . .(io)J From Foundry Office (4) to {'^^S"^^^':.::: S From Works Office (3) to Superintendent (i) The system of accounting as above described has been followed for some years by one of the western foundries, with excellent results. It involves considerable clerical work, but one clerk can handle it. Some modifications are required to adapt it to a jobbing foundry. These are indicated at once and are readily made. As showing different methods of foundry accounting, each having its advantages and disadvantages, papers presented on the subject to the American Foundrymen's Association by Mr. B. A. FrankHn and Mr. J. P. Golden are given. . . One can be developed from the lot which will meet any requirement. AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION Foundry Costs By B. a. Franklin, Boston, Mass. "... Form I illustrates the first method of foundry cost showing: The operations are divided into the elements of^ Section A Melting, Moulding Metal. 2. Fuel. 3. Melting Expense. Section B 4. Moulding Labor. 5. Moulding Expense — Floor and Bench separately Section C 6. Cleaning Labor. 10. Pickling. 7. Cleaning Expense. 11. Pickling Expense. 8. Tumbling Labor. 12. Sand Blasting Labor. 9. TumbUng Expense. 13. Sand Blasting Expense. Foundry Costs 613 Section D 14. Core Labor. 15. Core Expense. Section E 16. General Expense. "In discussing this system no attempt is made to discuss the method of getting the information because such methods are simple and easily worked out." "The Basic Costs are illustrated in Form i, which shows the weekly operation of the foundry as a whole, and Form 2 represents the cost of an actual casting. Form 3 represents the monthly foundry showing of profit and loss, ofifering means of proof of the foundry cost and show- ing the net result. " ". . . As nearly as possible foundry shop economy demands, and foundry work permits a daily clean-up, though, of course, some oper- ations happen one day after the beginning." "A foundry cost might then be a daily record sheet. ' Weekly records, however, are sufi&cient generally, and the one presented is on this basis. " Form i ^'Section A. Deals with metal." "Here is shown, separately for each different mixture, of which one foundry might generally employ two or three, the weights and value of iron charged. These weights may readily be proved by checking as each car or lot of scrap is used up. In the case of scrap made in the foundry or 'own scrap' no value is put on -this since it' is put into the heat in an iron foundry, on the basis that scrap made on each heat will be approximately the same per cent, and what is made one day is gathered up and used the next day. The exception to this is in the case of 'bad castings,' charged at scrap value, and, as seen later, accounted for in casting cost." "In a Steel Foundry it would be necessary to change all scrap at scrap value and credit same to particular castings. " "The 'metal-used' value is shown and the pounds melted, 'but the 'metal cost' is obtained by dividing, not by pounds melted, but by poimds of 'castings made' — i.e., good and bad castings. The bad castings are to be charged to the particular order as will be seen later. We thus arrive at a weekly metal cost for each mixture. " "Likewise for purposes 'of general guidance, there is shown weekly the 'per cent, of good castings to melt,' the 'per cent of bad castings 6i4 Foundry Accounts to castings made,' and the per cent of metal disappearance or 'per cent of loss.' " "Now for management guidance toward general shop economy, these figures present standards and bases for striving for lower costs — viz., to make the percentage of good castings to the melt as high as possible, to make the percentage of bad castings to castings made as low as possible, and the record will quickly show that the cost fluctuates with these conditions." "And it will be found that melting and handling of metal and fuel can be done on piece work to bring best economy in metal-cost." "A definite and valuable point to note is that in addition to the weekly figure of cost per pound, there is carried along the average or 'period cost per pound.' This is the figure to be used in cost work. J) "... The weekly figures are constantly compared with the period figures showing whether the weekly result is better or worse than the average, and an observation of the detail shows why. ..." " In each section it will be noted that the costs are brought down to a few vital units or percentages, and when these vary, they are significant of a gain or loss in economy of production, the reason for which can be readily observed by casting the eye up the details and observing the comparison of them." "... Section B. Moulding. — Here are two elements to be con- sidered — productive labor and expense. The expense is shown in relation to productive labor. It may be shown in relation to hours if desired, but in each class of moulding labor there is generally no great fluctuation of rate per hour. ..." "The productive labor and expense should be kept separately as to class of moulding, as floor, bench, machine, etc., since the expense varies considerably with the class." "... A little thought and experiment would seem to show that on the whole the expenses approximately vary according to time spent in productive labor rather than by the pound. " "In the matter of productive labor it is to be understood that money paid for moulding each job, whether day work or piece work, is to be known and used in figuring definite casting, as shown in Form 2." "It is in this productive labor cost that the first element of variation in casting costs is to be found, the expense percentage being the same or taken as the same, except in the matter of certain direct charges or expenses to be discussed later. " Foundry Costs 615 "Section C. Cleaning Castings. — In the matter of cleaning castings there must be some division. Tiunbling, pickling, and sand blasting are taken separately as shown below. This leaves for consideration here the cleaning of castings by other than these three methods and applies mainly to large castings. ..." " . . . In Tumbling the labor can best be put on piece work and will generally be done by the pound, and expenses will be shown by the pound. ..." ''In Sand Blasting and Pickling the expenses are shown in relation to productive labor, and the work can be put on piece work. ..." "Section D. Core Room. — Here the labor can in the main be put on f>iece work and the expenses shown in detail. ..." "Section E. . . . General Expenses. — This is shown in relation to productive labor, the items of productive labor being those of Moulding, Core Making and Cleaning operations. "... Thus we arrive at certain weekly and period basic figures of cost in the main elements in the foundry of Metal. Core Making. Moulding. General Expenses. Cleaning. "The items of metal and expense are easily provable with the books monthly, .and the labor with the pay roll weekly, so that we get a proved weekly picture of the foundry situation as compared with average or period, and we get it in such detail as will show the reasons of all varia- tions of operation. ..." "Consideration of Casting Cost. The first element to consider is that of direct charges. In many jobs, but by no means all of them, are certain charges which it seems desirable should be charged directly to the particular order. They need in most foundry work be very small in number. These charges must essentially be gathered and held until the job is shipped and cost ready to work out. " Form 2 "Form 2 illustrates this final casting cost." "In all castings finished in a given period, the varying elements of unit cost would be purely the productive labor items of moulding and cleaning and direct charges, the metal, fuel, melting, moulding, cleaning and general expense charges being taken from the period figures on the weekly cost sheet." "Therefore, in working out the cost of a finished casting, it is essential to know of it as a particular job; the weight — and the shipping slip 6i6 Foundry Accounts gives that; the moulding and core making labor and the cleaning labor, whefe average rates per pound are not used. " "... Direct charges are added and also loss on bad castings. A record of bad castings is necessary and simple." "On bad castings the loss would depend on how far the work had progressed when discovered as bad, and what work on them had been paid for. The metal, of course, would be credited at scrap value." "By this method then it will be observed that with very small clerical labor, the practical foundryman or manager gets a weekly, or daily, if he so designs, view of his foundry costs and their fluctuations which form a definite and correct basis for accurate estimate, and he can very quickly get a particular job or casting cost by having the money spent on moulding and cleaning, etc., gathered." "The Cost System settled, the bookkeeping should be made to parallel the cost system, in which case the monthly showing would be made to show as per Form 3." "Thus is obtained a complete monthly analysis. In most foundries one clerk and almost invariably two, can operate the system as far as costs are concerned." Cost of Metal 617 Metal — Section A. No. i. Form i Mixture No. i Pig Grade i Pig Grade 2 Pig Grade 3 Pig Grade 4 Pig Grade 5 Bought scrap "Own scrap chillers Own scrap floor scrap Own scrap bad castings Own scrap gates Weekly totals metal used Period totals metal used Weekly total pounds castings made Period total pounds castings made Good castings made Period castings made Per cent good castings to melt Period per cent castings made Bad castings Per cent bad castings to castings made Shop scrap Per cent shop scrap . Total pounds (weekly) Total pounds (period) . Pounds lost Period pounds lost Per cent lost Period per cent lost Weekly metal cost per 100 pounds Period metal cost per 100 pounds Oct. 9 Pounds 34,240 32,270 5,680 36,310 31,500 15.900 1,275 7,300 10,000 36,100 210,575 149,280 140,125 66.5 9,155 6.1 51,8c 210,08 9,495' 4.5 Amount 252 . 22 234-10 38.67 259.35 249 . 61 106.47 o Oct. 16 Pounds 33,950 33,290 14,270 32,070 32,720 17,000 1,420 9,000 9,000 34,800 217,520 428,095 150,441 299,721 139.867 279,992 64 .3 10,574 7 54,400 204,841 12,679 22,174 5.8 .84 Amount 253.87 249.68 97. IS 232.65 259.28 113.84 63.00 o 1269.47 2479.89 Oct. 23 Pounds 25,620 25,440 6,010 30,150 25,' 11,900 1,135 7,700 10,000 26,500 169,535 597,630 116,^ 416,172 109,069 389,061 64.3 65.1 7,382 6.3 43,700 160,151 9,384 31.558 5.5 5.3 .85 .83 Amount 191.58 187.39 40.92 218,72 198.74 79.68 o o 70.00 o 987.03 3466.92 6i8 Foundry Accounts Metal — Section A — No. 2. Form i Fuel and melting expense Labor (cupola men) Labor (handling coke and coal) Labor (miscellaneous) Labor (handling iron) Coke Coal Wood. Fire brick. Fire clay Oyster shells Mica sand Chg. from other depts. Analysis of iron Relining cupola and repairs. . Tumbling cupola bottom Crane labor Elevator labor Blower labor Handling oyster shells. Bituminous facing. Interest on investment Heat, light and power Taxes, insurance and depre- ciation Weekly expense Period expense Weekly pounds castings made Period pounds castings made. Weekly cost per loo pounds . . Period cost per loo pounds. . . Weekly pounds melted to pounds fuel Period pounds melted to pounds fuel Oct. 9 Pounds 149,280 Amount 45-65 1.80 5.73 53.50 1.82 3.20 1.64 2.63 30.00 2.00 2.90 10-95 8.66 .53 10.20 6.15 12.42 199.78 8.7 Oct. 16 Pounds 150,441 299,721 Amount 18.51 55.97 .90 2.00 2.63 30.00 10.75 8.52 .80 10.20 6.15 12.42 203.55 403.33 • 135 .135 8.4 8.5 Oct. 23 Pounds 116,451 416,172 Amount 9 .22 44 08 8 25 I 53 2 63 9.30 6.93 .44 10.20 6.15 12.42 174.85 578.18 • IS .139 8.3 8.5 Moulding Expense 619 Moulding — Section B. Form i Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Pounds Amount Pounds Amount Pounds Amount Bench Moulding 884.80 10.00 6.58 2.42 7.50 2.60 23.16 46.37 6.30 .47 2.30 30.58 41.94 192.22 21.8 858.80 1743.60 10.00 6.88 2.80 10.48 23.54 50.83 6.88 .40 1.65 30.58 41.94 185.98 387.20 21.7 21. 1 715.40 2459.00 5.00 1. 15 1.09 1.60 8.19 37-77 6 10 Period productive labor Moulding Expense on Productive Labor Non-pruductive labor Flasks, snap boards and matches Miscellaneous supplies Ladles Shovels and screens Rammers. Charges from other depts — Making bottom boards for . moulding machines Sand Handling sand Handling weights and bands. Reclaiming sand Parting sand. Interest on investment Heat, light and power. Taxes, insurance and depre- ciation .62 30.58 41.94 134 04 Weekly expense Per cent moulding expense to 18.7 Period per cent moulding expense to prod, labor 20.8 620 Foundry Accounts Cleaning and Tumbling — Section C. Form i Productive labor Number of pounds cleaned and tumbled Period pounds cleaned and tumbled Cost per 100 pounds (if day- work) Period cost per lOO pounds (if day work) Cleaning and Tumbling Expense Supplies. Overseeing Non-productive labor Charges from other depts. . . Tumblers Stars for tumbling Interest on investment Heat, light and power Taxes, insurance and depre- ciation Weekly gross expense Stars used in No. 3. Weekly expense Period expense Weekly expense cost per loc lbs Period expense cost per 100 pounds Weekly total cleaning and tumbling cost Period total cleaning and tumbling cost Oct. 9 Pounds 134,462 Amount 74.62 .056 S.44 55.44 8.40 71.73 71.73 .053 .109 Oct. 16 Pounds 139,089 273,551 Amount 70.92 .053 .054 .40 .40 .65 4.00 S.44 55.44 8.40 74.73 74.73 146.46 .053 .053 .106 .107 Oct. 23 Pounds 105,203 378,754 Amount .054 • 053 1.93 .75 2.02 10.00 S.44 55.44 8.40 73.98 73.98 220.44 .07 .058 .124 III Pickling Expense 621 Pickling — Section C — No. 2. Form i Weekly prod, labor Period prod, labor Weekly pounds pickled Period pounds pickled Weekly cost per loo. pounds (if day work) Period cost per loo pounds (if day work) Pickling Expense Non-productive labor Oil of vitriol Hydrofluoric acid. Acid spigots. Charges from other depts. . . , Interest on investment Heat, light and power Taxes, insurance and depre- ciation Total weekly expense Total period expense Per cent dept. expense to prod, labor Period per cent dept. expense to prod, labor Oct. 9 Pounds 62,818 Amount 20.70 1-75 2.06 23.92 3.40 3.08 2.53 36.74 177. 5 Oct. 16 Pounds 65,600 128,418 Amount 19.82 40.52 .030 .032 15.28 1.88 3.40 3.08 2.53 26.92 63.66 I3S.8 . ISS.8 Oct. 23 Pounds 36,220 164,638 Amount 13.10 53.62 .036 .034 1. 10 lo.si 1.48 3.40 3.08 2.53 22.10 85.76 168.7 160 622 Foundry Accounts Sand Blasting — Section C — No. 3. Form i Weekly prod, labor Period prod, labor Weekly pounds sand blasted Period pounds sand blasted . Weekly cost per loo pounds (if day work) Period cost per loo pounds (if day work) Sand Blasting Expense Non-productive labor Supplies Sand Charges from other depts . . . Interest on investment Heat, light and power Taxes, insurance and depre- ciation Total weekly expense Total period expense Per cent dept. expense to prod, labor Period per cent dept. expense to prod, labor Prod. labor Oct. 9 Pounds Amount .043 • 75 1. 10 6.80 IS. 40 1.38 25.43 581.9 Oct. 16 Pounds Amount 11,800 22,000 6.06 10.43 .051 .048 .61 6.80 15.40 1.38 25.29 SO. 72 417.4 486.3 486.3 Oct, 23 Pounds Amount 8,100 30,100 4.61 15.04 .057 .05 .41 1. 10 6.80 15.40 1.38 25.09 75.81 544.2 S04.2 504.2 Core-Making Expense Core Department — Section D. Form i 623 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Pounds Amount Pounds Amount Pounds Amount Productive labor 233.55 24.00 12.65 19.14 12.10 17. II 21.80 2.92 6.44 5.54 13.67 1.43 21.61 158.41 67.8 220.65 454.20 24.00 12.63 18.08 11.78 15.16 18.32 2.45 5.58 3.00 13.67 1.43 21.61 147.71 306.12 66.9 67.4 67.4 16S.6S 619.85 24.00 7.87 13.89 9.62 13.37 25.89 1.56 1.73 1. 55 13.67 1.43 Period productive labor Core Making Expense Tending ovens Inspecting cores Storing cores General labor Sand Coke ... . Coal Rosin. Miscellaneous supplies Flour. Interest on investment Heat, light and power Taxes, insurance and depre- Weekly core making expense. Period core making expense. . Weekly per cent expense to prod, labor 136.19 442.31 82 '' Period per cent expense to prod. labor .... 71.3 71.3 624 Foundry Accounts General Expense — Section E. Form i Executive Foreman 9396— 2— B. Non-productive labor Clerical Supplies Charged from other Depts. Scrap Gas Inspecting Injured employee Tending pattern safe Brooms Interest on investment Heat, light and power Taxes, insurance and depre- ciation Weekly general expense Period general expense Weekly prod, labor Period prod, labor. Per cent expense to prod, labor Period per cent expense to prod, labor Oct. 9 Pounds Amount 27.00 48.00 12.74 49.00 .87 IS. 55 45.38 1. 00 63.20 11.47 11.56 22.59 310.45 618.81 984.49 62.9 Oct. 16 Pounds Amount 27.00 48.00 25.08 49- 00 1.43 26.00 3.57 1. 00 64.59 9.60 11.56 22.59 310.45 599.87 1218.68 955.60 1940.09 62.8 Oct. 23 Pounds Amount 27.00 48.00 16.67 49.00 1. 8s 27.75 13.98 1. 00 42.6s 5. 00 7.20 • 75 11.56 22.59 310.45 585.45 1804.13 790.25 2730.34 73.9 65.8 Individual Job of Casting Cost. Form 2 Date, Oct. 12 150 Blocks — J. & 8. Co. — 850 pounds Amount Unit cost Value Metal Melting expense Moulding Motilding expense Cores Cores, expense Cleaning and tumbling. 850 Cleaning and tumbling expense. Sand blasting. Sand blasting expense. Pickling Pickling expense General expense Spoiled work Total Cost per pound .83 per 100 . 139 per 100 20.8% 71.3% .053 per 100 pounds . 058 per 100 pounds .034 160% 65.8% 7-05 1. 18 3.00 .62 • SO .36 • 45 .49 .29 2.13 .42 3 spoiled 16.95 • 0199 Note. — In this case no selling expense is added, as it might be in many cases. A Successful Foundry Cost System 625 Monthly Showing. Form 3 Quick Assets. Cash. Accounts Receivable. Permanent Assets. Real Estate. Building. Machinery. Raw Material on Hand. Pig Iron, (Credit amount used each week as per costs and charge to Mfg. Acct.) Scrap. Manufacturing Acct. (See analysis below.) Expenses undivided (meaning expense supplies not used). Quick Liabilities. Accoimts Payable. Permanent Liabilities. Capital. Depreciation. Surplus. Details of Mfg. Acct. Dr. Inventory at start of castings in process. Metal 1 Labor ? each month. Expense ) Cr. Sales. Inventory of castings in process ist of each month. Balance Profit or Loss monthly. A SUCCESSFUL FOUNDRY COST SYSTEM By J. P. Golden, Columbus, Ga. "... The system consists of, first: a Daily Cupola Report, the printed form having column for charge, number of poimds coke and brand, pounds pig iron and brand, and per cent silicon and sulphur, scrap, foreign and returns, and total charge also hues for weekly totals for use in weekly report. Ratio of coke to iron. Time blast started. Time bottom dropped. Average blast pressure. Per cent sulphur in heat. Per cent silicon in heat. Remarks. With each sheet signed by foreman. 626 Foundry Accounts "Second: The Daily Foundry Report, which is made up by the Riunbhng Room foreman. This report consists of a sheet, with columns for name of moulder, hoiur or piece rate, niunber of moulds, number of castings, time of helper, pattern description with columns for weights of the various classes of work, as pulleys, sheaves, hangers, hanger boxes, pillow blocks, couplings, cane mills, factories, miscellaneous, etc. Also colmnn for number of pieces lost, total weight of each kind of piece lost, and a cause column for same, showing if it did not run, if it was crushed, blowed, or whatever cause of defect. There is a line at bottom of sheet for weekly totals to be used in weekly report. The daily foundry report furnishes a ready means of comparison of each moulder's record, with his own, or with other moulders as to quantity of good castings, castings lost, weight and cost of same. This report also shows the amount of good and bad castings for each day, in each class, with the weekly total for each. '^ Third: There is a book for defective and other castings returned from shop and customers, in which is the following rule: 'AH castings returned by machine shop and customers, before being made over, must be entered in this book, giving cause for making over. Castings returned to foundry from shop or cus- tomers, through no fault of foundry, must not be deducted from net foundry castings, and should be considered as foreign scrap. If fault of foundry, they are charged back to foundry and are con- sidered as foundry return scrap.' This book has columns for showing date returned, by whom, descrip- tion, cause and weight. Without this book, there could be returned defective castings, which were the foundry's fault and made over with- out the superintendent's knowledge. With the "to be made over" casting book, all castings returned are specified therein. If the fault of the machine shop, it is so stated. If returned from customers, this is noted with date, description, cause and weight. No casting is made over without being recorded in this book. This book, being always open to superintendent and foreman, saves inquiries and explanations. . . . ^^ Fourth: The Weekly Foundry Report Sheet. This sheet is made up from the daily foundry report, and cupola sheets and the book (to be made over castings). On this sheet, provision is made for record of bad castings returned from foundry, shop or customer, by classes, as well as the good castings made. The total of good castings minus defective castings gives net good castings for week. The average per cent of all castings lost is given, with the per cent loss in each class, with the total pounds pig and foreign scrap charged in cupola, and the net A Successful Foundry Cost System 627 good castings deducted therefrom, we find the per cent lost in remelt, cupola droppings, gangways, etc. The weekly foundry report also has a record of total melt taken from daily cupola sheet, which with net good castings deducted gives per cent, bad castings, gates, etc., of total melt, including foreign scrap, returns and pig. In a division headed cupola charge is given the number of pounds pig iron, foreign scrap and coke, with current price of each and total cost per week. To these amounts are added the total wages, giving a total of material and wages for week, which divided by the net good castings gives the cost per 100 pounds, net castings, including pig iron, scrap, coke, wages. "The weekly report also has separate divisions for non-producers, rumbling department, moulding department, core shop, day and night cleaning gangs, in which the wages of each class of men in each division are given separately, by total, and the wage cost per hundred pounds. . . . The weekly report also embodies the grand total wages cost per 100 pounds, and this is the most important item, for both foreman and superintendent, for this item is one which the foreman can control to the greatest extent, and which speaks the loudest in favor of the system. " "... In connection with the weekly report is a detailed report of the pounds of good castings, to whom sold or charged, and price for each lot, and from this sheet is prepared, on the back of the weekly report, a statement giving the estimated profit or loss for week." "And lastly, there is a ready reference sheet (headed Comparison of Per cents, Wages Cost per 100 Pounds in Different Departments of Foundry from Weekly Foundry Report) giving the comparison by weeks and the average comparison at the end of each year of the fol- lowing items after date. Net good castings for week, castings killed, in machine shop with columns for the per cent loss of each of the several classes of castings, each class in a separate column, gives a ready means of comparison in that class for all of its weeks. "There are also columns for the cost per week per 100 pounds, net castings including pig iron, scrap, coke and wages, the wage cost per 100 pounds, in the non-producers, rumbling and moulding departments, also the core shop, day and night cleaning gangs with a column for grand total wage cost per 100 pounds. "Both the superintendent and foreman have access to the several reports giving each the means of knowing the actual conditions in all departments of the foundry at all times. ' "This system gives the foreman the means of remedying a small or defective output by the knowledge of the cause producing it, and to place each moulder upon the class of work to which he is best fitted to increase the general output." 628 Foundry Accounts £3 i o a S i J ^q3pA\ ^SOX S903ld jaquin^ snoauBi Ajo^objI snuiuini sjiTm au-B3 s3uTt $ net castings. ) No. Rumbling Departmeni Wages Foreman. Assistant. Men. 1 ] J Total $ Wages cost per hundred pounds net castings, chipped, cleaned, and ready to ship. Grand Total Wo ge Cost Note. — Castings returned to foundry from our shop and customers, through no fault of foundry, must not be deducted from net foundry castings, and should be Weekly Foundry Report 631 REPORT 1 & 1 1- SI ii 3 a a Ph '31 ■g,S Cupola Charge Pounds pig iron @ per hundred $ -j Cost per hundred ■ Pounds foreign scrap @ per hundred 1 pounds net castings Pounds coke @ per hundred j including pig iron, j Total wages $ J scrap, coke, wages. J Total $ Material cost per hundred pounds net castings made as per sheet. $ Total cost per hundred pounds net castings made as per sheet. $ $ Pounds in Different Departments No. Moulding Department Wages Moulders (white). Helpers (white). Helpers (black). Total $ Wages cost per ] hundred pounds | $ net castings. No. Core Shop Wages Foreman. Core makers. Help. Total $ Wages cost per ^ hundred pounds > $ net castings. ) No. Night Cleaning Gang Wages Headman. Men. Total $ ^ Wages cost per l > hundred pounds [ $ ) net castings. ) No. Day Cleaning Gang Wages Headman. Men. per Hundred Pounds $ $ Total $ Wages cost per ' hundred pounds [ S net castings. put in foreign scrap pile. Weekly foundry report, made up from daily foundry re- port and cupola sheet. Pounds castings " killed " in machine shop. Ik H en H r rt o o H PM § I t3 w f4 o !^ £ spunod 001 J9d q.soo saSBAV XB^oq. pu'BJQ spunod 001 J3d ;sod saSBM 'SubS SUTU-BSp A-BQ SSUI5.S-B0 :(.3U spunod ooi aad q^soo saS^AV sSui:^se3 :;3u spunod' 001 J3d q,soD S9SBM. doqs aao'j spunod ooi' J3d qsoo ssSbm ■;u3ui:tJBd9p Suippop\[ diqs oq. ApB3j: pUB p9UB9p 'p9ddXT^0 'sguTq,SBO q9u spunod ooi J9d :;soD 93BAV ^u9ui^Bd9p Syttquin-jj sSut:^sbd q9u spunod' 001 -i9d qsoo s93BAi sj9onpojd-uo^ SSSbM pUB 9J109 'dBJOS 'UOJI Sid Suipnpui 'Sut;sbo 1.9'u spunod OOI J9d :;so3 •0:^9 'ujnq,9j -g "vil Suipnpui 'q.pm \e%oi JO '•oq.9 ''s9q.B3 ' 'sSm:;sBD pBq :tu9D J9(j •o%s 'sAbai. -Sub3 'sSuiddojp spdno ;pUI3J UX "^.SOI ^U9D j.a^ :^so^ sSux:^SBD Sn09UBn93STui q.U90 J9tJ qSOX SSUT^SBD |Bj;nq^-[nou3B '^U9D j9(J ^SO^ SSUXq.SBO AJ05.0BJ ^u'90 J9(J ^so^ s3ui:^SB0 snuimnq %U30 J9 j ::tsox S3UT5.SBO ■[ITUI 9UB0 :iU9D J9(J (^SO^ SSUI^^SBD 3UT|dn03 5.U99 J9(J q.sox s3uT:tsB0 ^SOX S3uiq.SB3 xoq a93uBq :;u90 23^ iqso^ s3ut:;sbd j9SuBq :iu"90 J9(j qso^ S3uiq.SB0 9AB9qS l.u'99 J9(J qSO^ S3UTq.SB0 A9nnd Q.U9D J9(J ^SO^ S3UX^SB0 qU9D J9d 9SBJ9AB -[BaOJ^ doqs 9uxi[0Bui UX p9nX5[ S3uiqSB3 Jl99m JOJ s^ux:^SB^ poo3 ^9^ 19 . Goldens' Foundry & Machine Co. Week ending CHAPTER XXVIII PIG IRON DIRECTORY The Classification and Directory of Pig Iron Brands given herewith are taken from Professor Porter's Report. "Pig Iron is classified as: First. — Cold, Warm or Hot Blast. Second. — Coke, Anthracite or Charcoal. Third. — Sand or Machine. Fourth. — Basic, Bessemer, Malleable, Foundry or Forge. "It is only necessary to define the fourth classification as the others are self-explanatory. " "Basic iron means primarily one with low silicon. The standard for this grade having silicon under i per cent and sulphur under 0.05 per cent." " Bessemer iron means primarily phosphorus under i per cent. Stand- ard Bessemer contains from i to 1.25 per cent silicon with sulphur under 0.05, but the grade is essentially based on low phosphorus. Irons with extra low phosphorus and variable siHcon are sometimes designated as low phosphorus irons." "Foundry and Forge Irons embrace practically everything in the way of ordinary iron, these grades being subdivided on the basis of siHcon and sulphur content." "The following subclassification of Foundry and Forge iron has been agreed upon by the blast furnace interests of the districts indicated: Classification and Grades of Foundry Iron Southern Points No. I foundry No. 2 foundry No. 3 foundry No. 4 foundry Gray forge No. I soft No. 2 soft Silicon, per cent Sulphur, per cent 2.75-3.25 .05 and under 2.25-2.75 .05 " 1.75-2.25 .06 " 1.25-2.00 .07 " I. 25-1. 75 .08 " 3 . 00 and over .05 " 2.5(^3.25 .05 " 633 634 Pig Iron Directory Classification and Grades of Foundry Iron (Continued) Eastern Points No.iX No. 2X No. 2 plain No. 3 foundry No. 2 mill Gray forge Mottled and White by Fracture, Cen- tral West and Lake Points No. I foundry No. 2 foundry No. 3 foundry Gray forge Buffalo Grading Scotch No. I foundry No. 2 foundry No. 2 plain No. 3 foundry Gray forge Silicon, per cent 2.75 and up 2.25-2.75 1.75-2.25 I .25-1. 75 1 . 25 and under 1.50 " 2.25-2.75 1.75-2.25 1 . 75 and under 3 . GO and over 2.50-3.00 2.00-2.50 1.50-2.00 1.50 (under) Sulphur, per cent 030 and under 045 " 050 " 065 " 065 " 065 and up . 05 and under .05 " .05 " . 05 and over . 05 and under .05 " .05 " .05 " .05 " . 05 and (over) Note. — If sulphur is in excess of maximum, it is graded as lower grade, regardless of silicon. "Charcoal is not as a rule graded according to the above table but is sold by fracture, by analysis, by chill tests, or by some special system of grading according to the custom of the maker and demand of the purchaser. " " It will be noted that so far as Foundry iron is concerned the grading system is based exclusively on silicon and sulphur. One reason for this is that the phosphorus and manganese are fixed by the composition of the ores used, whereas the silicon and sulphur can be varied at will by shght changes in the method of operating the furnace. Since in many, perhaps, the majority of, cases a blast furnace will be limited to a very few ores as a source of supply, it follows that it will be limited also in the range of phosphorus and manganese in the iron it produces. For this reason, a given brand of iron will usually run fairly constant as regards phosphorus and manganese, although its silicon and sulphur can be varied at the wish of the management. However, this condition, while common, is not imiversal, for some concerns possess a variety of ores and can by mixing them produce iron of any composition desired. Coke and Anthracite Irons 635 "In using this directory please bear in mind that it is not infallible. Much of the data has been difficult to get, a few concerns refusing abso- lutely to furnish information. Again, in some cases time brings changes in ownership and character of ore supply, etc., and of course, these things will affect the character of the product. In spite of these defic- iencies, however, it is believed that the following tables represent the most accurate information along these lines available at the present time and that they will be found of considerable value." "Finally, it must be emphasized that the use of the data is not to tell the foundryman the exact analysis of any carload of any brand, but rather to help him locate those brands which have, or can be made to have a composition suitable for his work." "In these tables the percentage of sulphur is not usually given. It should be understood that all furnaces strive for, and usually obtain, low sulphur in their iron. Practically all foundry grades are sold on the understanding that the sulphur is under 0.05 per cent and hence no useful purpose is served in giving the sulphur range except in a very few cases where it normally runs unusually low." Coke and Anthracite Irons Adrian. — Adrian fee., D.uBois, Pa. (A-drian fee. Co.) Hot blast coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. 1.0-4.0% Mang. 0.4-1.2% Phos. 0.4-0.9% Alice. — Alice fee., Birmingham, Ala. (Tenn. Coal, Iron & Ry. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand or chill cast iron, from Ala. red and brown ores. Fdry. Sil. 1.0-4.0% Mang. 0.1-0.4% * Phos. 0.71-0% Basic Under 1% 0.1-0.4 Under 1% Alice. — AHce fee., Sharpsville, Pa. (The Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co.) Hot blast, coke iron, from Lake Superior ores. Usually make Bessemer only for use in their own steel works. Alleghany. — Alleghany fee., Iron Gate, Va. (Oriskany Ore & Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from local brown ores. Sil. 1.0-4.0% Mang. 0.7-1.5% Phos. 0.2-0.6% Allegheny. — McKeefrey fee., Leetonia, O. (McKeefrey & Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. 0.7-2.0% Mang. 0.4-0.8% Phos. 0.4-0.7% * Sometimes higher. 636 Pig Iron Directory Andover. — Andover fee., Phillipsburg, N. J. (Andover Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from local magnetic ore, Lake Superior ore, iron nodules and roll scale. Sil. 1.5-4.0% Mang. 0.6-1.5% Phos. 0.6-0.9% A. R. Mills. — (2 stacks), Allentown, Pa. (Allentown Rolling Mills Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke iron, from local hematites and N. J. and N. Y. magnetites. Ashland. — Ashland fees. (2 stacks), Ashland, Ky. (,Ashland Iron & Min. Co.) Hot blast, raw coal and coke, sand cast iron, from local brown and Lake Superior ores. High Sil. Fdry. Sil. 5.0-12.0% Mang. 0.5-0.8% Phos. 0.5-0.9% Bess. Ferro Sil. 9.0-14.0% 0.5-0.8% under 1.0% Aurora. — Aurora fee., Columbia, Pa. (Susquehanna Iron Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, forge and foundry iron, from native and Lake Superior ores. Not in operation, March, 1910. Battelle. — Battelle fee., Battelle, Ala. (Lookout Mt. Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from local red hematite. Not in operation March, 1910. Bay View. — Bay view fees. (2 stacks), Milwaukee, Wise. (lUinois Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from Lake Superior ores. Mall. Bes. Sil. 1.0-3.0% Phos. under 0.20% Mang. 0.50-1.0% Fdry. 1.0-3.0% over 0.50% 0.50-1.0 Belfont. — Belfont fee., Ironton, O. (Belfont Iron Works Co.) Hot blast, coke, fdry iron, sand cast, from Lake Superior and native ores. Sil. 1.50-2.50% Phos. 0.40-0.70% Mang. 0.50-0.90% Bellefonte. — Bellefonte fee., Bellefonte, Pa. (Bellefonte Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from native and Lake Superior ores. Sil. 1.75-4-0% Phos. 0.5-0.7% Mang. 0.5-0.7% Belmont. — Belmont fee., Wheeling, W. Va. (Wheeling Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, from Lake Superior ores. Make only iron for their own steel plant. Bessemer.— Bessemer fees. (5 stacks), Bessemer, Ala. (Term. C. I. & Ry. Co.) Same as De Bardeleben, which see. Coke and Anthracite Irons 637 Bessie. — Bessie fee., New Straitsville, O. (Bessie Ferro Silicon Co.) Hot blast, coke and raw coal, sand cast, ferro silicon, from Lake Superior low phos. ore. Sil. 8.0-14.0% Phos. under 0.10% Mang. under 1.0% Big Stone Gap. — Union fee. No. i, Big Stone Gap, Va. (Union Iron and Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, fdry iron, from local fossil brown ores. Sil. usually high Phos. 0.40-0.80% Mang. 0.40-1.0% Bird. — Bird fee., Culbertson, O. (The Bird Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, fdry iron, from Lake Superior and native ores. Not in operation March, 19 10. Boyd. — Ashland fees. (2 stacks), Ashland, Ky. (Ashland I. & Miu. Co., Inc.) Hot blast, raw coal and coke, sand cast, fdry iron, from Bath Co. I & Lake Superior ores. Sil. 1.50-3.0% Phos. 0.40-0.90% Mang. 0.50-0.80% Brier Hill. — Grace fee., No. 2, Youngstown, O. (The Brier Hill I. & C. Co.) Hot blast, coke basic and Bessemer iron, from Lake Superior ores. Bristol. — Bristol fee., Bristol, Tenn. (Va. Iron, Coal & Coke Co.) • Hot blast, coke, from local brown ores. Fdry. Sil. 2.0-2.75% Phos. abt. 0.50% Basic (chill cast) low abt. 0.60% • Mang. abt. 0.75% 1.0-1.50% Brooke. — Brooke fees. (2 stacks), Birdsboro, Pa. (E. & G. Brooke Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, from Lake Superior, Newfoundland and magnetic ores. Buckeye. — Columbus fees. (2 stacks), Columbus, G. (The Columbus L&S. Co.). Hot blast, coke, chill mold iron, from Lake Superior ores. Fdry Sil. 1.0-3.0% Phos. 0.40-0.60% Mang. 0.60-0.80%* Mai. Bes. 0.50-2.50 under 0.20 0.60-1.0. f Basic under i.o under 0.20 0.80-1.0 Stand. Bes. 1.0-2.0 under o.io * Sometimes iigher. t Higher or lower if desired. 6sS Pig Iron Directory Buena Vista. — Buena Vista fee., Buena Vista, Va. (Oriskany Ore & Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, chill, and sand cast iron, from Oriskany brown hematite. Fdry. Sil. 1.0-4.0% Phos. 0.2-1.0% Mang. 0.6-1.5% Basic under i.o 0.2-0.5 0.6-1.5% Spec, car wheel i. 0-1.50 0.2-0.5 0.6-1.5 Buffalo. — BuQalo Union fee. (3 stacks), Buffalo, N. Y. (The Buffalo U. F. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand east iron, from Lake Superior ores. Fdry. Sil. 1.50-3-25% Phos. 0.40-0.70% Mang. 0.50-1.0% Mai. 0.75-2.0 0.10-0.20 0.40—1.0 Burden. — Burden fee., Troy, N. Y. (The Burden Iron Co.) Hot blast, mixed anthracite coal and coke, occasionally coke alone. Magnetic concentrates from northern New York. Out of operation March, 19 10. Carbon. — Carbon fee., Perry ville, Pa. (Carbon Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, anthracite coal and coke foundry iron, magnetic from N. J. & Lake Champlain, Lake Superior, and foreign ores. Sil. 1.50-3.00% Phos. 0.40-0.90% Mang. 0.40-0.90% Carondelet. — Missouri fee., So. St. Louis, Mo. (St. Louis Blast Fee. Co.) Hot blast, coke, Missouri red and brown hematite. Analysis refused. Chateaugay. — Standish fee., Standish, N. Y. (Northern Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand east, foundry iron, from local magnetic ores. Sil. 1.0-3.0% Phos. 0.02-0.035% Mang. 0.15-0.50% Chattanooga. — Chattanooga fee., Chattanooga, Tenn. (The Southern I. & S. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from Alabama red and Georgia brown hematite. Sil. 1.50-3.50% Phos. 1.0-1.5% Mang. 0.6-1.0%* Cherry Valley. — Cherry Valley fee., Leetonia, O. (United I. & S. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand east, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. as desired Phos. 0.20-0.60% Mang. 0.60-0.80% Chickies. — Chickies fees. (2 stacks), Chickies, Pa. (Standard Iron Min. & Furnace Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, sand east, foimdry iron, from mag- netites. * Sometimes higher. Coke and Anthracite Irons 639 Citico. — Citico fee., Chattanooga, Tenn. (Citico Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, soft foundry, from red and brown hema- tites from Tennessee and Georgia. Sil. 2.0-3.0% Phos. abt. 1.25% Mang. abt. 0.60% Claire. — Claire fee., Sharpsville, Pa. (Claire Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, Bessemer iron only, from Lake Superior ores. Cleveland. — Cleveland fees. (2 stacks), Cleveland, O. (Cleveland Fur- nace Co.) Hot blast, coke, from Lake Superior ores. Analysis refused. Clifton. — Clifton fees. (2 stacks). Iron ton, Alabama. (Alabama Con- sol. C. & I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand east, foundry iron, from local brown hematite. Sil. 1.0-6.0% Phos. 0.35-0.70% Mang. 1.0-2.0% Climax. — Hubbard fees. (2 stacks), Hubbard, O. (The Andrews & Hitchcock I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, strong foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. 1.35-1-75% Phos. 0.30-0.40% Mang. 0.50-0.80% Clinton. — Clinton fees., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Clinton I. & S. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand east, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 3.0% Phos. 0.20-0.75% Mang. 0.50-1.0% Colonial. — Colonial fees. (2 alt. stacks), Riddlesburg, Fa. (Colonial Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from Lake Superior and native ores. Sil. up to 4.0% Phos. 0.40-0.60% Mang. 0.50-0.80% Covington. — Covington fee., Covington, Va. (Low Moor Iron Co. of Va.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from native brown hematite. Fdry. Sil. 1.5-3.0% Phos. 0.90-1.2% Mang. 0.70-1.0% High Sil. silvery 4.0-8.0 0.90-1.2 0.70-1.0 Cranberry. — Cranberry fee., Johnson City, Tenn. (The Cranberry Fee. Co ) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, low phos. iron, from local magnetic ore. Sil. 1.0-3.5% Phos. under 0.035% Mang. 0.4-0.6% 640 Pig Iron Directory 'Crane. — Crane fees. (3 stacks), Catasauqua, Pa. (Empire S. & I. Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, sand cast iron, from N. J. magnetic, Pa. hematite, Lake Superior and foreign ores. Fdry. Sil. 0.75-3.50% Phos. 0.60-0.90% Mang. 0,50-2.0% Basic mider i.o under i.o 0.50-0.80 Low phos. 1.0-3.0 under 0.03 0.50-3.0 Crozer. — Crozer fees. (2 stacks), Roanoke, Va. (Va. Iron, Coal & Coke Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from Va. limonite, moimtain and specular ores. Fdry. Sil. 2.10-2.75% Phos. 0.60-0.80% Mang. 0.60-0.90% Basic abt 0.70 abt. 0.70 abt. 1.25 Cumberland. — Cumberland fee., Cumberland Fee. P. O., Tenn. (War- ner Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand east foundry, from local brown and red hema- tites. Sil. 2.0-4.5% Phos. abt. 2.0% Mang. abt. 0.30% Dayton. — Dayton fees. (2 stacks), Dayton, Tenn. (The Dayton C. & I. Co. Ltd.) Hot blast, coke, sand east, foundry iron, from Tenn. fossil and Georgia hematite. De Bardeleben. — Bessemer fees. (5 stacks), Bessemer, Tenn. (Tenn. C. I. & Ry. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand and chill east iron, from local red and brown hem. Fdry. & Mill Sil. up to 3.25% Phos. 0.70-1.0% Mang. 0.10-0.40 Basic up to 1.0 up to 1.0 0.10-0.40 Detroit. — Detroit fee., Detroit, Mich. (Detroit Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Dora. — Dora fee., Pulaski City, Va. (Va. Iron, Coal & Coke Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand east foundry iron, from native limonite and mountain ores. Sil. 1.50-3.00% Phos. 0.40-0.80% Mang. 0.50-0.90% Dover. — Dover fee., Canal Dover, O. (The Pa. Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Dunbar. — Dunbar fees. (2 stacks), Dunbar, Pa. (Dunbar Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand or machine cast iron, from Lake Superior specular and soft ores. Fdry. Sil. 1.5-3.0% Phos. 0.30-0.60% Mang. 0.30-0.60% Malleable 1.0-2.0 under 0.20 0.30-0.80 Coke and Anthracite Irons 641 Durham. — Durham fee., Riegelsville, Pa. (Durham Iron Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, sand cast iron, from Lake Superior, local hematite and New Jersey magnetite. Eliza. — Pittsburgh fees. (5 stacks), Pittsburgh, Pa. (Jones & Laughlin St. Co.) Hot blast, coke, Bessemer and basic, machine east iroij, from Lake Superior ores. Ella. — Ella fee., West Middlesex, Pa. (Piekands, Mather & Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry and malleable iron, from Lake Superior ores. On account of the large assortment of ores available, this furnace can make practically any desired composition. Embreeville. — Embreeville fee., Embreeville, Tenn. (Embree Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local brown hematite. Empire. — Reading, Pa. (Empire Steel & Iron Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior, Porman and magnetic ores. Sil. 2.0-3.0% Phos. 1,25-2.50% Mang. 0.50-1.0% Emporium. — Emporium fee.. Emporium, Pa. (Emporium Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from brown hematite. Sil. as desired Phos. abt. 0.80% Mang. abt. 0.60% Ensley. — ^Ensley fees. (6 stacks), Ensley, Alabama. (Tenn. C. I. & Ry. Co.) Hofblast, coke, machine cast iron, from red and brown hematite. Basic Sil. up to 1.0% Phos. 0.70-1.0% Mang. 0.10-0.40%* Fdry. & Mill up to 2.50 0.70-1,0 0.10-0.40* Essex. — Northern fee.. Port Henry, N. Y. (Northern Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local magnetic ores. Sil. 1.0-2.50% Phos. 0.40-0.90% Mang. 0.10-0.40% Etowah. — Etowah fees. (2 stacks), Gadsden, Ala. (Ala. Consol.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local red and brown hematite. Sil. 1.0-06% Phos. 0.70-1,20% Mang. 0.40-0.80% Eureka. — Same as Oxmoor, which see. Everett. — Earlston fee., Earleston, Pa. (Jos. E. Thropp.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior and local brown ores. Sil. 1.50-3-50% Phos. 0.40-0.70% Mang. 0,50-0,90% * Sometimes higher. 642 Pig Iron Directory Fannie. — Fannie fee., West Middlesex, Pa. (.United Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. as desired Phos. 0.20-0.60% Mang. 0.60-0.80% Federal. — Federal fees. (2 stacks), S. Chicago, 111. (Federal Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, mal. and foundry iron, from Lake Superior ore. Sil. as desired. Phos. as desired. Mang. as desired. Florence. — Philadelphia fee., Florence, Ala. (Sloss-Sheffield S. & I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from Ala. brown hematite. Sil. as desired.. Phos. 0.80-1.25% Mang. 0.40-0.80% Fort Pitt. — Cherry Valley fee., Leetonia, O. (United I. & S. Co.) Hot blast, coke, spec, car wheel iron, from Lake Superior ore. Sil. as desired. Phos. 0.20-0.80% Mang. 0.60-0.80% Franklin. — Franklin fee., Franklin Springs, N. Y. (Franklin Iron Mfg. Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from fossil, red hematite from CHn- ton, N. Y. Not in operation March, 1910. Sil. 2.25-3.0% Phos. 1.25-1.50% Mang. 0.25-0.40% Gem. — Same as Shenandoah, which see. Genesee. — Genesee fee., Charlotte, N. Y. (Genesee Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, from Lake Superior ore. Not in operation March, 1910. Girard. — Mattie fee., Girard, O. (Girard Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ore. Sil. 1.50-3.0% Phos. 0.40-0.70% Mang. 0.50-0.80% Globe. — Globe fee., Jackson, O. (Globe Iron Co.) Hot blast, raw coal and coke, sand cast, high silicon silvery iron, from native ores. Sil. 4.0%-! 2.0% Phos. 0.40-0.80% Mang. 0.40-0.80% Grafton. — McKeefrey fee., Leetonia, O. (McKeefrey & Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. 2.0-2.50% Phos. 0.40-0.70% Mang. 0.40-0.80% Graham. — Graham fee., Graham, Va. (Va. Iron, Coal & Coke Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry and basic iron, from Lake Superior and native brown hematite. Coke and Anthracite Irons 643 Hamilton. — Hamilton fee., Hanging Rock, O. (The Hanging Rock Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from native block and limestone and Lake Superior ores. Fdry. Sil. as desired. Phos. 0.3-0.4% Mang. 0.5-0.7% Mall. as desired. under 0.20 Hector. — Chnton fee., Pittsburgh, Pa. (CKnton Iron & St. Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 3.50% Phos. 0.50-0.75% Mang. up to 1.0% Helen. — Helen fee., Clarksville, Tenn. (Red River Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast soft, fluid foundry iron, from local brown hematite. Sil. 2.0-3.0% Phos. abt. 1.25% Mang. 0.40-0.60% Henry Clay. — Henry Clay fees. (2 stacks), Reading, Pa. (Empire Steel & Iron Co.) Hot blast, anthracite coal and coke, foundry and forge iron, from local hematite and magnetite. Fdry. Sil. 1.50-4.50% Phos. 2.50-3.50% Hillman. — Grand River fees. (2 stacks). Grand Rivers, Ky. (Hillman Land & Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry and forge sand east iron, from local brown hematite. Not in operation March, 19 10. Hubbard. — Hubbard fees. (2 stacks), Hubbard, O. (The Andrews & Hitchcock Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, malleable iron, from Lake Superior ore. Sil. 1.0-2.0% Phos. under 0.20% Mang. under 0.80% Hubbard Scotch. — Hubbard fees. (2 stacks), Hubbard, O. (The Andrews & Hitchcock Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, soft foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 3.00% Phos. 0.50-0.65% Mang. about 0.60% Hudson. — Secausus fee., Secausus, N. J. (Hudson Iron Co.) Hot blast, anthracite coal and coke, foundry iron, from N. Y. mag- netite, N. J. limonite and Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 3-4% Phos. 0.60-0.95% Mang. up to 0.50% Imperial. — Shelby fee.. No. i, Shelby, Ala. (Shelby Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, iron from local brown hematite. Not in operation March, 1910. Inland. — Inland fee., Indiana Harbor, Ind. (^Inland Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, basic iron, from Lake Superior ores. 644 Pig Iron Directory Ironaton. — Clifton fees. (2 stacks), Ironaton, Ala. (Alabama Consol. C. &. I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, sand cast, from local brown ore. Sil. 1.0-6.0% Phos. 0.70-0.90% Mang. 0.70-1.0% Iroquois. — Iroquois fees. (2 stacks), S. Chicago, 111. (Iroquois Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. 1.35-2-50% Phos. 0.3-0.4%* Mang. 0.40.-0.70% Ivanhoe. — Ivanhoe fee., Ivanhoe, Va. (Carter Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from local and Lake Superior ores. Sil. % as desired. Phos. abt. 0.40% Mang. abt. 0.70% Jenifer. — Jenifer fee., Jenifer, Ala. (Jenifer Iron & Coal Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron from local brown hematite. Not in operation March, 1910. Jisco. — Jisco fee., Jackson, O. (Jackson Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke and raw coal, high siHcon iron, from native and Lake Superior ores. Sil. 4.0-14.0% Phos. up to 0.9% Mang. up to 0.9% Josephine. — Josephine fee., Josephine, Pa. (Josephine Furnace & Coke Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from Lake Superior ores. Fdry. Sil. up to 4.0% Phos. 0.50-0.80% Mang. under 0.90% Bessemer 1.25-2.0 0.085-0.10 under 0.90 Juniata. — Marshall fee., Newport, Pa. (Juniata Fee. & Fdry, Co.) Hot blast, anthracite coal and coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from local hematite and Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 2.0% Phos. under 1.0% Mang. under 1.0% Lackawanna. — (12 stacks). (Lackawanna Steel Co.) Lackawanna fees. (7 stacks), Lackawanna, N. Y. Bird Coleman fees. (2 stacks), Cornwall, Pa. Colebrook fees. (2 stacks), Lebanon, Pa. N. Cornwall fee., Cornwall, Pa. Hot blast, coke, Bes. and basic iron, from Lake Superior and Corn- wall ores. Lady Ensley. — Lady Ensley fee., Sheffield, Ala. (Sloss-Sheffield S. & I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from local brown hematite. Sil. as desired. Phos. 1.0-1.50% Mang. 0.50-0.80% * Sometimes higher. Coke axid Anthracite Irons 645 La Follette. — Lsi Follette fee., La Follette, Tenn. (La FoUette C, I. & Ry. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from local fossil, red and brown hematite. Sil. up to 4.0% Phos. 1.0-1.25% Mang. 0.50-0.75% L. C. R. — Lebanon, O. (Lebanon Reduction Co.) Coke and charcoal, low phos. pig. Operated for experimental purposes only. Lebanon Valley. — Lebanon fee., Lebanon, Pa. (Lebanon Valley Fee. Co.) Hot blast, anthracite coal and coke, sand cast, foundry iron, prin- cipally Cornwall ore. Sil. as desired. Phos. 0.3-0.4% Mang. p.3-0.4% Lees port. — Leesport fee., Leesport, Pa. (Leesport Furnace Co.) Hot blast, anthracite coal and coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from local hematite and magnetite. Sil. as desired. Phos. 0.2-0,3% Mang. abt. 1.00% Lehigh. — Lehigh fee., Allentown, Pa. (Lehigh Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, siand cast, foundry and mill iron, from Lake Superior, local hematite and New Jersey magnetite. Not in operation March, 1910. Lone Star. — Sam Lanham fee.. Rusk, Texas. (State of Texas.) Hot blast, coke, from local brown hematite. Not in operation March, 1910. Longdale. — Longdale fee., Longdale, Va. (The Longdale Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, chill cast iron, from local brown hematite. "Basic" Sil. under 1.0% Phos. [0.90-1.0% Mang. 1.0-1.5% "Off Basic Sil." 1.0-1.75 0.90-1.0 1.0-1.50 "Off Basic Sul." * 0.25-0.75 0.90-1.0 1.0-1.50 Lowmoor. — Lowmoor fees. (2 alt. stacks), Lowmoor, Va. (Lowmoor I. Co. of Va.) Hot blast, coke, sand east iron, from local brown hematite. Fdry. Sil. 1.50-3.0% Phos. 0.80-1.0% Mang. 0.90-1.2% High Sil. silvery 4.0-8.0 0.80-1.0 0.90-1.2 Macungie. — Macungie fee., Macungie, Pa. (Empire Steel & Iron Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from local hematites, Lake Superior and foreign ores. Sil. 0.75-3.50% Phos. 0.60-0.90% Mang. 0.50-2.0% * Sulphur over .05 per cent. 646 Pig Iron Directory Malleable. — Iroquois fees. (2 stacks), S. Chicago, III. (Iroquois Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. 1.25-2.50% Phos. under 0.2% Mang. 0.40-0.70% Mannie. — Aliens Creek fees. (2 stacks), Mannie, Tenn. (Bon Air C. & I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from local brown hematite. Sil. up to 8.0% Phos. abt. 2.0% Mang. 0.40-0.65% Marshall. — Marshall fee., Newport, Pa. (Juniata Fee. & Fdry Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, sand east, foundry iron, from local hematite and Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 3.0% Phos. under 1.0% Mang. under 1.0% Martin's Ferry. — Martin's Ferry fee., Martin's Ferry, W. Va. « (Wheel- ing Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, Bessemer only, from Lake Superior ores. Ma,x Meadows. — Max Meadows fee.. Max Meadow^s, Va. (Va. Iron, Coal & Coke Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from Va. limonite and mountain ores. Fdry. Sil. 1.75-2.75% Phos. 0.40-0.70% Mang. 1.0-2.0% Basic under i.o under i.o Mang. abt. 1.50 Miami. — Hamilton, O. (Hamilton Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, iron, from Lake Superior ores. Fdry. Sil. 1.0-3.50% Phos. 0.40-0.70% Mang. 0.50-0.80% Mall. 0.75-2.0 imdero.2o 0.60-1.0 Basic imder 1.0 under 0.20 as desired Missouri. — Missouri fee., S. St. Louis, Mo. (St. Louis Blast Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, basic iron, from Mo. red and brown hematites. Analysis refused. Musconetcong. — Musconetcong fee.. Stanhope, N. J. (Musconetcong Iron Works.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, foundry iron, from New Jersey magnetic. Lake Superior, Cuban and other foreign ores. Sil. 2.50-3.50% Phos. 0.60-0.70% Mang. 0.60-0.70% Napier. — Napier fee., Napier, Tenn. (Napier Iron Works.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local brown hematite. Sil. 2.0-2.75% Phos. 0.75-1.50% Mang. 0.40-0.80% Nellie. — Ironton, O. (The Ironton Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, from Lake Superior ores. Fdry. Sil. 1.25-3.0% Phos. 0.40-0.60% Mang. 0.50-0.80% Mall. Bes. 1.0-2.0 under 0.20 0.50-0.90 Coke and Anthracite Irons 647 Nellie. — Alice & Blanche fees. (alt. stacks), Ironton, O. (The Mar- ting I. & S. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from Lake Superior and Kentucky ores. Fdry. Sil. 1.0-3.0% Phos. 0.40-0.60% Mang. 0.50-1.0% Mall. 0.50-3.0 under 0.20 0.50-1.0 Niagara. — Niagara fee., N. Tonawanda, N. Y. (Tonawanda Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior hematite. Analysis refused. Nittany. — Same as Bellefonte, which see. Norton. — Ashland, Ky. (Norton Iron Works.) Hot blast, coke, mall, and Bess, iron, from Lake Superior ores. Norway. — Colonial fees. (2 alt. stacks), Riddlesburg, Pa. (Colonial Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior and native ores. Sil. up to 4.0% Phos. 0.60-0.90% Mang. 0.70-1.0% Oxford. — Oxford fee., Oxford, N. J. (Empire Steel & Iron Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, basic iron, from local magnetic and special ores. Sil. under 1.0% Phos. under 1.0% Mang. 0.75-1.25% Oxmoor. — Oxmoor fees. (2 stacks), Oxmoor, Ala. (Tenn. Coal, I. & Ry. Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry and forge, sand cast, from red and brown hematite. Sil. up to 3.50% Phos. 0.70-1.0% Mang. 0.10-0.40%* Perry. — Carbon fee., Perryville, Pa. (Carbon Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, Bess, iron, from Lake Superior, foreign, Lake Champlain and New Jersey ores. Paxton. — Paxton fees. (2 stacks), Harrisburg, Pa. (Central I. & S. Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, various ores. Peerless. — Iroquois fees. (2 stacks), S. Chicago, 111. (Iroquois Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. 3.0-3.5% Phos. 0.30-0.40% Mang. 0.40-0.70% Pencost. — Bessie fee., New Straitsville, O. (Bessie Ferro-Silicon Co.) Hot blast, coke, ferro-sihcon, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. 5.0-12.0% Phos. 0.30-0.70% Mang. under 1.0% * Sometimes higher. 648 Pig Iron Directory Pequest. — Pequest fee., Buttzville, N. J. (Pequest Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, foundry iron, from N. J. magnetic and manganiferous ores. Out of blast March, 1910. Perry. — Perry fee., Erie, Pa. (Perry Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from Lake Superior ores. Fdry. Sil. 1.75-3.0% Phos. 0.40-0.70% Mang. 0.40-0.80% Fdry. 1.00-2.00 1. 15-0.30 0.40-0.80 Special '2.00-3.50 1.00-1.50 0.40-0.80 Pioneer. — Pioneer fees. (3 stacks) , Thomas, Ala. (Republic Iron &S t. Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from red and brown hematite. Sil. up to 3.5o%o* Phos. 0.75-0.95% Mang. 0.40-0.80% Poughkeepsie. — Poughkeepsie fees. (2 stacks), Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (Poughkeepsie Iron Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, from Lake Superior, local brown hematite and Port Henry magnetite ores. Not in operation March, 19 10. Poughkeepsie. — Poughkeepsie fees. (2 stacks), Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (Poughkeepsie Iron Co.) Not in operation March, 1910. (See Poughkeepsie.) Princess. — Princess fee.. Glen Wilton, Va. (Princess Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local limonite. Sil. up to 3.0 or 4.0% Phos. 0.60-0.80% Mang. up to 1.0% Pulaski. — Pulaski fee., Pulaski, City, Va. (Pulaski Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foxmdry iron, from local brown ores. Sil. 2.0-3.50% Phos. 0.50-0.80% Mang. 0.40-0.70% Punxy. — Punxy fee., Punxsutawney, Pa. (Punxsutawney Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior hematite. Sil. 1.0-4.0% Phos. 0.40-0.60% Mang. 0.45-1.60% Radford. — Radford Crane fee., Radford, Va. (Va. Iron, Coal & Coke Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Va. limonite and mountain ores. Sil. 1.5-2.75% Phos. abt. 1.00% Mang. abt. 1.25% Rebecca. — Rebecca fees. (2 stacks), Kittanning, Pa. (Kittanning I. & S. Mfg. Co.) Hot blast, coke, chill east iron, from Lake Superior ores. Fdry. Sil. up to 3.0% Phos. 0.40-0.80% Mang. imder 1.0% Basic under i.o under 0.50 under i.o Mall. 1. 0-1.50 under 0.20 under 1.0 * Sometimes up to 8.00 per cent. Coke and Athracite Irons 649 Red River. — Helen fee., Clarksville, Tenn. (Red River Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, from local brown hematite. Fdry. Sil. 2.0- 3.0% Phos. abt. 0.80% Mang. abt. 0.65% Scotch 3.5- 5.5 abt. 0.80 abt. 0.60 High Silicon 8.0-12.0 abt. 0.80 abt. 0.40 Rising Fawn. — Rising Fawn fee., Rising Fawn, Ga. (Southern I. & S. Co.) Hot blast, coke, iron from red and brown hematites. Not in operation March, 1910. Roanoke. — West End fee., Roanoke, Va. (West End Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Va. brown hematite. Sil. as desired. Phos. 0.75-1.0% Mang. 0.50-1.0% Robesonia. — Robesonia fee., Robesonia, Pa. (Robesonia Iron Co. Ltd.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, foundry iron, from Cornwall ore. Sil. 2.0-3.50% Phos. under 0.04% Mang. abt. 0.10% Rockdale. — Rockdale fee., Rockdale, Tenn. (Rockdale Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, iron from Tenn. brown hematite. Fdry. Sil. 2.0 -2.75% Phos. abt. 1.40% Mang. abt. 0.25% Ferro Phos. 0.07-0.75 17.0-22.0 0.15-0.25 Rockhill. — Rockhill fees., (2 alt. stacks), Rockhill P. O., Pa. (Rockhill Fee. Co.) Hot blast, coke, iron from fossil and Lake Superior ores. Not in operation March, 19 10. Rockwood. — Rockwood fees. (2 stacks), Rockwood, Tenn. (Roane Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from red fossil ore. Sil. 1.75-2.75% Phos. abt. 1.40% Mang. abt. 0.50% Sampson Strong. — Upson fee., Cleveland, O. (Upson Net Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ore. Sil. 1.5-1.8% Phos. 0.40-0.60% Mang. 0.60-1.0% Sarah. — Sarah fee., Ironton, O. (The Kelley Nail & Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, Bessemer iron, from Lake Superior ore. Saxton. — Saxton fees. (2 stacks), Saxton, Pa. (Jos. E. Thropp.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior and local brown ores. Sil. 1.5-3-5% Plios- 0.40-0.90% Mang. 0.50-0.90% Scottdale. — Seottdale fee., Scottdale, Pa. (.Scottdale Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ore. 650 Pig Iron Directory Senega. — McKeefrey fee., Leetonia, O. (McKeefrey & Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores . Sil. 1.0-2.0% Phos. under 0.20% Mang. 0.40-0.80% Sharpsville. — Sharpsville fee., Sharps ville, Pa. (Sharpsville, Fee. Co.) Hot blast, coke, mostly Bess, iron, from Lake Superior and New York magn. ores. Sheffield. — Shemeld f-ces. (3 stacks), Sheffield, Ala. (Sheffield C. & I. Co.) Hot blast coke, foundry iron, from Alabama and Tennessee brown hematites. Sil. as desired. Phos. abt. i.o;% Mang. abt. 0.50% Sheffield. —B.a,ttie Ensley fee., Sheffield, Ala. (Sloss-Sheffield S. & I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local brown hematite. Sil. as desired. Phos. abt. 1.20% Mang. abt. 0.50% Shenandoah. — Gem fee., Shenandoah, Va. (Oriskany Ore & Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local brown hem. and Lake Superior ores. Sil. as desired. Phos. 0.40-0.80% Mang. 0.60-1.0% Shenango. — Shenango fees. (5 stacks), Sharpsville, Pa. (Shenango Fee. Co.) Hot blast, coke, basic, chill east iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. under 1.0% Phos. under 0.05% Mang. 0.70-1.30% Sheridan. — Sheridan fee., Sheridan, Pa. (Berkshire Iron Works.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, foundry iron, sand cast, from Corn- wall local hematite. Sil. 1.0-4.0% Phos. 0.40-0.90% Mang. up to 0.75% Silver Creek. — Rome fee., Rome, Ga. (Silver Creek Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast, foundry iron, from red and browm hema- tite, local. Sil. up to 5.0% Phos. under 1.0% Mang. up to 2.0% Silver Spring. — Paxton fees. (2 stacks), Harrisburg, Pa. (Central I. & S. Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, foundry iron, from various ores. Sloss. — Sloss fees. (4 stacks), Birmingham, Ala. (Sloss-Sheffield S. & I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from red fossil, hard and soft and brown hematites. Sil. as desired. Phos. abt. 0.75% Ma^ng. abt. 0.40% Coke and Anthracite Irons 651 Soho. — Soho fee., Pittsburg, Pa. (Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, basic and Bes. iron, from Lake Superior ores. South Pittsburgh. — So. Pittsburgh fees. (3 stacks). So. Pittsburgh, Tenn. (Tenn. Coal, Iron & R.R. Co.) Hot blast, coke, mill and foundry, sand east iron, from local hard red hematite, and brown hematite from Georgia. Sil. up to 3.50%* . Phos. 1.00-1.50% Mang. 0.50-1.50% Spritig Valley. — Spring Valley fee.. Spring Valley, Wise. (Spring Valley Iron & Ore Co.) Hot blast, coke or sometimes charcoal, sand cast iron, from brown hematite ore. Mall. Sil. 0.80-1.50% Phos. under 0.20% Mang. 1.0-1.5% Fdry. 1.5-3.00 under 0.20 1.0-1.50 Standard. — Standard fee., Goodrich, Tenn. (Standard Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local brown hematite. Sil. 1.75-4.50% Phos. abt. 0.95% Mang. abt. 0.40% Star. — Star fee., Jackson, O. (Star Furnace Co.) Hot blast, raw coal and coke, sand cast, Jackson Co. softener, from native limonite and block ores. Sil. 5.00-12,00% Phos. 0.43-0.80% Mang. abt. 0.70% Star &" Crescent. — Rusk fee., Cherokee Co., Pa. (Frank A. Daniels.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local brown hematite and black ores. Not in operation March, 1910. Sterling Scotch. — Iroquois fees. (2 stacks). So. Chicago, 111. (Iroquois I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. 2.50-3.0% Phos. 0.30-0.40% Mang. 0.40-0.70% • Stewart. — Stewart fee., Sharon, Pa. (Stewart Iron Co., Ltd.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from Lake Superior ores. Bess. Sil. 1.0-2.50% Phos. 0.09-0.10% Mang. 0.60-0.80% Low Phos. 1.0-2.50 under 0.04 0.20-0.40 Struthers. — Aurora fee., Struthers, O. (The Struthers Fee. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand east iron, from Lake Superior ores. Basic Sil. under 1.00% Phos. under 0.25% Mang. 0.60-1.2% Mall. 1. 00-1.50 imdero.2o abt. i.o Susquehanna. — (2 stacks) , Buffalo, N.Y. (Buffalo & Susquehanna I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, from Lake Superior ores. Analysis refused. * Sometimes higher. Basic up to i.oo up to I.O Bess. I.O-2.0 up to O.IO Low Phos. 1.0-2.50 up to 0.035 Spec. High Mang. i. 0-1.50 up to 0.80 652 Pig Iron Directory Swede. — Swede fees. (2 stacks), Swedeland, Pa. (Richard Heckscher & Sons Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from Lake Superior and high grade foreign ores. Fdry. Sil. up to 3.25% Phos. up to 0.80% Mang. up to 0.80% up to 1.25 up to 2.0 up to 4.50 over 1.50 Sydney. — Mayville fees. (2 stacks), Mayville, Wise. (Northwestern Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior and local ores. Sil. 1.40-2.50% Phos. 0.60-0.80% Mang. 0.50-1.0% Talladega. — Talladega fee., Talladega, Ala. (Northern Ala. C, I., & R.R. Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from native brown ore. Not in operation March, 1910. Temple. — Temple fee., Reading, Pa. (Temple Iron Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior, local hematite, N. J. magnetic and foreign ores. Sil. 1.75-3.50% . Phos. 0.60-0.80% Mang. 0.40-0.80% The Mary. — Mary fee., Lowellville, O. (The Ohio Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, Bessemer only, from Lake Superior ores. Thomas. — Thomas fee., Milwaukee, Wise. (Thomas Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from Lake Superior ores. Mai. Bess. Sil. 1.00-2.00% Phos. 0.10-0.20% Mang. 0.40-1.25% Fdry. as desired. 0.15-0.60 0.50-1.25 Thomas. — (9 stacks.) (The Thomas Iron Co.) Hokendauqua fees. (4 stacks), Hokendauqua, Pa. Keystone fee. (i stack). Island Park, Pa. Lock Ridge fees. (2 stacks), Alburtis, Pa. Saucon fees. (2 stacks), Hellertown, Pa. Hot blast, anthracite and coke, sand and chill cast iron, from local brown hematite, N. J. magnetic and foreign ores. Fdry. Sil. as desired. Phos. 0.60-0.90% Mang. abt. 0.50% Basic under 1.0% under i.o variable Coke and Anthracite Irons 653 Toledo. — Toledo fees. (2 stacks), Toledo, O. (Toledo Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from Lake Superior ores. Mai. Sil. 1.00-2.00% Phos. under 0.20% Mang. 0.60-1.25% Basic under I. o under 0.20 0.60-1.25 Fdry. 1.25-2.25 0.50-0.60 0.60-1.25 Scotch 2.25-3.00 0.50-0.60 0.60-1.25 Tonawanda Scotch. — Niagara fees. (2 stacks), N. Tonawanda, N. Y. (Tonawanda Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blastj coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior hematite. Analysis refused. Top Mill. — Top fee., Wheeling, W. Va. (WheeHng Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, Bess, iron, from Lake Superior ores. Topton. — Topton fee., Topton, Pa. (Empire Steel & Iron Co.) ^ Hot blast, anthracite and coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior, native hematite and magnetite ores. Sil. 0.75-3.50% Phos. 0.60-0.90% Mang. 0.50-2.00% Trussville. — Trussville fee., Trussville, Ala. (Southern I. & S. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand east, foundry iron from Alabama red and Georgia brown hematites. Sil. up to 3.50% Phos. 0.90-1.20% Mang. 0.50-1.50% Tuscaloosa. — Central fee., Holt, Ala. (Central Iron & Coal Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand east, foundry iron from red and brown hema- tites. Sil. 1.25-2.75% Phos. 0.80-1.0% Mang. .0.50-0.90% Tuscarawas. — Dover fee.. Canal Dover, O. (The Penn. I & C. Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Union. — Buffalo Union fees. (3 stacks), Buffalo, N. Y. (Buffalo Union Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry scotch iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. 1.75-2.50% Phos. 1.20-1.50% Mang. 0.50-1.0% Upson Scotch. — Upson fee., Cleveland, O. (Upson Nut Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. 2.0-3.0% Phos. 0.40-0.60% Mang. 0.60-0.90% Vatiderhilt. — Vanderbilt fees. (2 stacks), Birmingham, Ala. (Birm- ingham C. & I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local hematites. Sil. up to 4.00% Phos. under 1.00% Mang. 0.40-1.00% 654 Pig Iron Directory Vesta. — Vesta fee., Watts, Pa. (Susquehanna Iron Co.) Hot blast, anthracite and coke, foundry iron, from local hematites and magnetites. Not in operation March, 19 lo. Victoria. — Victoria fee., Goshen, Va. (The Goshen Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry and forge iron, from brown hematite from Rich Patch mines. Sil. as desired. Phos. 0.40-0.80% Mang. 1.0-1.50% Viking. — Same as Carbon, which see. Warner. — Cumberland fee., Dickson Co., Tenn. (Warner Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local red and brown hematite. Sil. 2.0-2.75% Phos. abt. 1.60% Mang. abt. 0.40% Warwick. — Warwick fees. (3 stacks), Pottstown, Pa. (Warwick I. & S. Co.) Hot blast, coke, machine cast foundry iron, from Lake Superior, N. Y., New Jersey, and foreign ores. Sil. 1.0-3.0% Phos. 0.40-0.80% Mang. 0.40-0.80% Watts. — Watts fees. (2 stacks), Middlesborough, Ky. (Va. Coal & Coke Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from native ores. Sil. 1.50-2.75% Phos. abt. 0.45% Mang. abt. 0.20% Wellston. — Wtnston fees. (2 stacks), Wellston, O. (Wellston S. & I. Co.) Hot blast, coke, sand cast iron, from Lake Superior ores. Str. fdry. Sil.- 1.50-1.75% Phos. 0.18-0.20% Mang. 0.60-0.90% Mall. 0.60-2.00 under 0.20 0.40-1.00 Wharton. — Wharton fees. (3 stacks), Wharton, N. J. (Joseph Whar- ton.) Hot blast, coke, occasionally some anthracite, from N. J. mag., N. Y. and Lake Superior hematites. Wickwire. — Wickwire fee., Buffalo, N. Y. (Wickwire Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, basic iron, from Lake Superior ores. Williamson. — Williamson fee., Birmingham, Ala. (Williamson Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, iron from red fossil, and brown hematite. Woodstock. — Woodstock fees. (2 stacks), Anniston, Ala. (Woodstock I. Wks., Inc.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local brown hematite. Sil. 1.50-5.00% Phos. abt. 1.15% Mang. 0.80-1.25% Charcoal Irons 655 Woodward. — Woodward fee., Woodward, Ala. (Woodward Iron Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from local red fossil ores. Sil. 1.0-3.0% Phos. abt. 0.80% Mang. abt. 0.30% Zenith. — Zenith fee., W. Duluth, Minn. (Zenith Furnace Co.) Hot blast, coke, iron, from Lake Superior ores. Bess. Sil. 1.00-2.00% Phos. 0.08-0.10% Mang. under 1.0% Mall. 1.00-2.00 under 0.2 0.80-1.20 Fdry. 1.50-5.00 under 0.20 over 0.60 Zug. — Detroit, Mich. (Detroit Iron & Steel Co.) Hot blast, coke, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Charcoal Irons Aetna. — Aetna, Ala. (J. J. Gray.) Hot or cold blast, charcoal, car wheel iron, from local brown hema- tite. Not in operation March, 19 10. Alamo. — Quinn fee., Gadsden, Ala. (Quinn Furnace Co.) Hot blast, charcoal, foundry iron, from local red and brown hema- tite. Not in operation March, 19 10. Anchor. — Oak Hill, O. (Jefferson Iron Co.) Warm blast, ehafcoal, strong foundry iron, from native limestone and block ores. Sil. abt. 2.26% Phos. abt. 0.87% . Mang. abt. 0.51% Antrim. — Antrim fee., Mancelona, Mich. (Superior Charcoal Iron Co.) Hot blast, charcoal, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 2.62% Phos. 0.15-0.22% Mang. 0.30-0.70% Berkshire. — Cheshire fee., Cheshire, Mass. (Berkshire Iron Works.) Warm blast, charcoal, foundry iron, from local red and brown hema- tite. Berlin. — Glen Iron fee.. Glen Iron, Pa. (John T. Church.) Cold blast, charcoal, iron from local fossil, and hematite. • Sil. 1.0-1.5% Phos. 0.50-0.65% Mang. 0.40-0.60% Bloom. — Bloom Switch, O. (The Clare Iron Co.) Hot blast, charcoal, foundry iron, from local hematite. Not in operation March, 1910. 656 Pig Iron Directory Blue Ridge. — Tallapoosa fee., Tallapoosa, Tenn. (Southern Car Wheel Iron Co.) Cold and warm blast, charcoal, iron from brown hematite. Phos. 0.18-1.50% Mang. up to 2.0% Buckhorn. — Olive fee., Lawrence Co., 0. (McGugin Iron & Coal Co.) Hot or cold blast, charcoal iron, from native limestone ore. Not in operation March, 19 10. Cadillac. — Cadillac fee., Cadillac, Mich. (Mitehell-Diggins Iron Co.) Hot blast, charcoal iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 2.50% Phos. 0.16-0.20% Mang. up to 1.0% Center. — Superior P. O., O. (The Superior Portland Cement Co.) Charcoal iron, from native limestone. Not in operation March, 1910. Champion. — Manistique, Mich. (Superior Charcoal Iron Co.) Warm blast, charcoal, foundry iron from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 2.62% Phos. 0.15-0.22% Mang. 0.30-0.70% Cherokee. — Cherokee fee., Cedartown, Ga. (Alabama & Georgia Iron Co.) Hot blast, charcoal, sand cast, strong foundry iron, from brown hematite. Sil. up to 2.50% Phos. 0.35-0.70% Mang. 0.30-1.60% Chocolay. — Chocolay fee., Chocolay, Mich. (Lake Superior Iron & Chemical Co.) Warm blast, charcoal iron, from Lake Superior ores. Fdry. Sil. up to 2.0% and over Phos. 0.17-0.22% .Car Wheel 0.05-2.0 and over 0.17-0.22 Mall. 0.17-0.22 Mang. up to 0.65% and over 0.30-0.65 and over 0.30-0.65 and over Copacke. — Copacke Iron Works, N. Y, (Copaeke Iron Works.) Cold and warm blast, charcoal iron, from N. Y, ores. Not in operation March, 19 10. Dover. — Bear Spring fee., Stewart Co., Tenn. (Dover Iron Co.) Cold blast, charcoal, foundry iron, from local brown hematite. Sil. 0.40-2.0% Phos. abt. 0.40% Mang. abt. 0.25% Charcoal Irons 657 Elk Rapids. — Elk Rapids, Mich. (Superior Charcoal Iron Co.) Hot blast, charcoal, pig for car wheels and mall., from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 2.62% Phos. 0.15-0.22% Mang. 0.36-0.70% Excelsior. — Carp fee., Marquette, Mich. (Superior Charcoal Iron Co.) Warm blast, charcoal iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 2.62% Phos. 0.15-0.22% Mang. 0.20-0.70% Gertrude. — Maysville fees. (2 stacks), Maysville, Wise. (Northwest Iron Co.) Hot blast, charcoal, foimdry iron, from Lake Superior and local ores. Sil. 2.50% and over Phos. 0.60-0.80% Mang. 0.50-1.00% Glen Iron. — Glen Iron fee.. Glen Iron, Pa. (John T. Chmrch.) Cold blast, charcoal iron, from local fossil and hematite. Sil. up to 1.00% Phos. 0.70-1.25% Mang. 0.60-1.50% Hecla. — Hecla fee., Milesburg, Pa. (The McCoy-Linn Iron Co.) Cold blast, charcoal, foundry iron, from Nittany Valley hematite. Sil. 0.65-1.25% Phos. abt. 0.30% Mang. 0.15-0.25% Hecla. — Hecla fee., Ironton, O. (Hecla Iron & Mining Co.) Cold or warm blast, charcoal, foundry iron, from local ore. Hematite. — Center fee.. Center, Ky. (White, Dixon & Co.) Cold blast, charcpal, foundry iron, from local hematite. Sil. 0.50-1.40% Phos. 0.25-0.39% Mang. 0.20-0.25% Hinkle. — Ashland fee., Ashland, Wise. (Lake Superior Iron & Chem- ical Co.) Warm blast, charcoal iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 3.00% Phos. 0.10-0.18% Mang. to 0.70% and over Jefferson. — Jefferson fee., Jefferson, Tex. (Jefferson Iron Co.) Hot blast, charcoal iron, from local brown hematite. Not in operation March, 1910. Liberty 1^12. — Liberty fee., Shenandoah Va. (Shenandoah I. & C. Co., Va.) Warm blast, charcoal iron, from brown hematite. Marquette. — Pioneer fee., Marquette, Mich. (Superior Charcoal Iron Co.) Hot blast, charcoal, foundry iron, from Lake Superior ore. Sil. up to 2.62% Phos. 0.15-0.22% Mang. 0.30-0.70% 658 Pig Iron Directory Michigan. — Newberry fee., Newberry, Mich. (Superior Charcoal Iron Co.) Warm blast, charcoal iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 2.62% Phos. 0.15-0.22% Mang. 0.30-0.70 Muirkirk. — Muirkirk fee., Muirkirk, Md. (Charles E. Coffin.) Warm blast, charcoal iron, from local carbonate ores. Sil. 0.70-2.50% Phos. 0.25-0.30% Mang. 0.80-2.50% Olive. — Olive fee., Lawrence Co., O. (The McGugin I. & C. Co.) Hot or cold blast, charcoal iron from native limestone ores. Pine Lake. — Boyne City fee., Boyne City, Mich. (Superior Charcoal Iron Co.) Hot blast, charcoal iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 2.62% Phos. 0.15-0.22% Mang. 0.30-0.70% Pioneer. — Pioneer fee., Gladstone, Mich. (Superior Charcoal Iron Co.) Warm blast, charcoal iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 2.62% Phos. 0.15-0.22% Mang. 0.30-0.70% Reed Island. — Reed Island fee.. Reed Island, Va. (Va. Iron, C. & C. Co.) Cold blast, charcoal iron, from local limonite. Richmond. — Richmond fee., Berkshire Co., Mass. (Richmond Iron Works.) Warm blast, charcoal iron, from local brown hematite. Sil. up to 2.00% Phos. 0.28-0.35% Mang. up to 0.44% Rock Run. — Rock Run fee., Rock Run, Ala. (The Bass Foundry & Machine Co.) Warm blast, charcoal iron for chill rolls, ear wheels, strong eastings, from local brown hematite. Sil. 0.30-2.25% Phos. 0.30-0.50% Mang. 0.40-1.00% Rome. — Rome fee., Rome, Ga. (Silver Creek Furnace Co.) Warm blast, charcoal iron, from local red and brown hematites. Sil. 1.75-2.25% Phos. 0.35-0.60% Mang. 0.50-0.80% Round Mountain. — Round Mt. fee,. Round Mt., Ala. (Round Moun- tain Iron & Wood Ale. Co.) Cold blast, charcoal iron, from local red hematite. Not in operation March, 1910. Salisbury. — Canaan fees.. East Canaan, Conn. (2 stacks). (Bamum Richardson Co.) Warm blast, charcoal iron, from Salisbury brown hematite, sand cast. Sil. 1.32-1.92% Phos. abt. 0.30% Mang. 0.50-1.0% Charcoal Irons 659 Salisbury Chatham. — Chatham fee., Chatham, N. Y. (Union Iron & St. Co.) Charcoal iron. Shelby. — Shelby fee., Shelby, Ala. (Shelby Iron Co.) Warm blast, charcoal iron, from local brown hematite. Sil. 0.15-2.25% Phos. 0.30-0.50% Mang. 0.50-0.80% Sligo. — Sligo fee., Sligo, Mo. (Sligo Furnace Co.) Hot blast, charcoal iron, from local blue specular and red ore. Spring Lake. — Fruitport fee., Fruitport, Mich. (Spring Lake Iron Co.) Hot blast, sand cast, charcoal iron, from Lake Superior ores. Sil. up to 2.50% Phos. 0.16-0.20% Mang. up to 1.0% Spring Valley. — See under Coke Irons. Tassie Bell. — Tassie Bell fee.. Rusk, Tex. (New Birm. Devel. Co.) Hot blast, charcoal iron, from local brown hematites. Not in operation March, 1910. White Rock. — Smyth Co., Va. (Lobdell Car Wheel Co.) Warm and cold blast, charcoal iron, from local brown hematite. All used by the Company. Wyebrooke. — Isabella fee., Wyebrooke, Pa. (W. M. Potts.) Cold blast, charcoal iron, from local magnetic and hematites and foreign and Lake Superior ores. Not in operation March, 1910. AUTHORITIES BOLAND, S. Buchanan, J. S. Buchanan, Robert. Byron, T. H. " Castings. " Carpenter, H. A. Carr, W. N. Christopher, J. E. Chrystie, J. Cheney, F. R. Colby, A. L. Cook & Hailstone. Cook, E. S. Crobaugh, F. L. Custer, E. A. Cunningham, R. P. De Clercy, Jules. Dickinson, W. E. DiLLER, H. E. Fay, a. E. Field, H. E. Firmstone, F. Franklin, B. A. "The Foundry." Gilmore, E. B. Golden, E. B. Hall, J. L. Hatfield, W. Hawkins, D. S. Hiones, a. H. Holmes, J. A. Hooper, G. K. Howe, Prof. H. M. Hyndman, N. p. "Iron Age." "Iron Trade Review." Jewett, L. C. Johnson, F. Johnson, J. E., Jr. Kane, W. H, Keep, W. J. Kent, Wm. Kirk, E. Knoppell, C. E. Lane, H. M. Ledebur, Prof. A. Long, A. T. LONGMUIR, P. Loudon, A. M. Marshall, S. P. May, W. J. McWilliams & Longmuir. McGahey, C. R. "Mechanics." Moldenke, Dr. R. mumford, e. h. Murphy, Jos. A. Nagle, a. F. Outerbridge, a. E. 660 Authorities 66i Palmer, R. H. Pierce, E. H. Porter, Prof. J. J. Probert, R. H. Putnam, E. H. Rankine, Prof. W. J. M. RiES, Prof-. H. Raup, p. R. Recketts, Prof. P. C. Robertson, J. S. Rogers, S. M. RoTT, Prof. Carl Rossi, A. G. Sadlier, J. G. Saunders, W. M. Sameur, Prof. A. Scott, W. G. Shed, N. W. SiSSONS, C. W. Stahlund, Eissen. Stickle, F. W. Stupakoff, S. H. Stead, J. E. Sleeth, S. D. Stoughton, Prof. B. Trautwine, J. C. Turner, Prof. T. Taylor, E. M. West, Thos. D. Whitehouse, J. S. Whitney, A. W. Williams, A. D. W ANGLER, J. WuEST, Prof. F. Wylie, C. INDEX Abbreviations and signs, v. Acceleration of falling bodies, 191-93. Accounts, See Foundry accounts. Acid open hearth, 417, 419, 422. Acid-resisting-castings, mixture for, 276. Addition in algebra, 8. Agricultural castings, average of five meltings, 459. Agricultural machinery, mixtures for, 276. Air, weight of, for combustion, 204; properties of , 215-18; required for combustion of one pound each of coke and coal, 444; loss in pressure and horse power from friction in pipes, 447. Air, compressed, horse power required for, 217-18. Air cylinders, mixture for, 276 Air furnace, American, 391. Algebra, 7-15. Alligation, 5. Alloys, 222-27. Alviminvun, properties of, 266; in- fluence of, in cast iron, 266-67. Aluminum bronze, 226. American Foundrymen's Association, See Foundrymen's Association. American Steel & Wire Co., gauge of sizes, 146. Ammonia cyUnders, mixture for, 276. Analysis, mixing iron by, 274-89. Anchors, gaggers and soldiers, 523-24. Angle, problems of the, 17-18. Angles, approximate measurement of, 115-16. Annealing boxes, mixtures for, 277. Anneahng-oven equipped for gas. 392. Annealing steel castings with micro- graphs, 400-1. Anthracite coal, 425. Antimony, alloys containing, 227. Apothecaries' or wine measure, 38. Apothecaries' weight, table of, 36. Appliances about cupola, 462-67. Arithmetic, 1-7. Arnold, Prof. J. O., on carbon in steels, 241, 347; mechanical properties of normal steels, 396. Atmosphere, pressure of, at various readings of barometer, 216. Authorities, 660-61. Automobile castings, mixtures for, 277. Avoirdupois weight, table of, 36. B.t.u. = British thermal unit, 207. Babbitt metal, 227. Baby (Robert) converter, the, 397. Balls for ball mills, mixture for, 277. Band and hoop iron weights, 121- 22. Barometric readings, pressure of at- mosphere at various, 216; corre- sponding with different altitudes, 217. Bars of wrought iron, weight and areas of square and round, 136- 39- Basic open hearth, 418, 419, 423. Bauxite, fire bricks of, 436. Beams, transverse strength of, for- mulas for, 188-90. Bearing-metal alloys, 226. Bed-plates, mixture for, 277. Belt velocity, tables oi, 229-30. Belting, formulas for, 227-28. Benjamin, Charles H., strength of materials, 213-14. Bessemer process, the, 396. Binder bars, 505. Binders, See Agricultural machinery. Birmingham gauge for sheet metals except steel and iron, 120. Black heart malleable cast iron, 382- 85. 663 664 Index Blast, the, in the cupola, 446-47 ; loss of air pressure from friction in pipes, 447. Blast pipes for pressure blowers, tables of, 450. Blow-holes, trouble with, 316; in steel, 398. Blowers, pressure, for cupolas, tables of, 448-49. Board and timber measure, 44. Board measure, table of, 91-92. Bod stick, the, 463-64. Boiler castings, mixture for, 277. Boiling points at gea level, 204; at at- mospheric pressure, 210. Bolt end's and lag screws, 158. Bolt heads and nuts, weights of, 159. Bolts and nuts, U. S. standard, 150-51. Bolts, machine, weight of, per 100, 155-56; list prices, 157. Borings and turnings, melting, 293; per cent of, 322. Box strapping, 236. Brake shoes, mixture for, 287. Brass, fillets of, areas and weights of, 145- Brass foundries, alloys in use in, 223. Brass, moulding sand for, 472. Brass, sheet and bar, weight of, 144. Brass tubes, seamless drawn, 167-69. Brass wire and plates, weight of, 143. Breaking loads, formula for, 301; ratio of tensile strength to, 10 to i, 302. Breast of cupola, 440-41. Buffalo steel pressure Blowers, 449. Cables, See Chains and cables. - Cables, transmission or standing, 179- Calorie, French thermal unit, 207. Cap screws, 161. Car castings, mixtures for, 278. Car wheel iron test bars, moduli of rupture of, 300. Car wheels, qualities of iron for, 275; mixtures for, 278; specifications for, 3SO-5S- Carbon and iron, forms of combi- nation of, 313. Carbon, combined, See Cementite. Carbon content in steel, 395. Carbon, properties of, 252-53; in- fluence of, as constituent of cast iron, 253-54; loss or gain of, in remelting, 254-56. Carbon, total, per cent, 308, 310; in micrographs, 311; ways of re- ducing, 315—16; for elasticity, 323; reduced for hardness, 328; high to decrease shrinkage, 332; high aids fluidity, 335; for re- sistance to heat, 337-38; for high permeability, 340; for re- sistance to corrosion, 341; de- termination of, 379-80. Carpenter shop and tool room, 562. Carr, W. M., open-hearth methods for steel castings, 411-16. Carrier, W. H., on foundry heating and ventilating, 582-86. Cast iron, constituents of, standard methods for determining, 377-80: Silicon, 377-78; sulphur, 378; phosphorus, 378; manganese, 379; total carbon, 379-80; graph- ite, 381. Cast iron, effect of structure of, upon its physical properties, 306-14; microscopic evidence, 308-12; Prof. Porter on, 312-14. Cast iron, fillets of, areas and weights of, 145. Cast iron, influence of chemical con- stituents of, 252-72: Carbon, 252- 56; silicon, 256-60; sulphur, 260-63; phosphorus, 263-64; manganese, 265-66; aluminum, 266-67, nickel, 267; titanium, 267-68; vanadium, 268-70; ther- mit, 270; oxygen, 270-71; ni- trogen, 271—72. Cast iron, mechanical analysis of, see Mechanical analysis. Cast iron, weight of a superficial foot of, 570. Casting, direct, 562. Casting properties of iron, 343-45- Castings,, mixtures for various classes of, 273-74; (alphabetical) 276-87; amounts of different irons to be used found by percentage, 287-89. Castings, qualities of iron necessary for different grades of, 275. Index 665 Castings, shrinkage of, per foot, 234. Castings under pressure, 562. Castings, weight of, determined from weight of patterns, 569-70; for- mulas for finding, 570-76. Cement mortar, tensile strength of, 215. Cementite (combined carbon), 241; in micrographs, 308-1 1 ; physical characteristics of, 313; per cent combined carbon, 315, 319-20, 323; causes hardness, 324-29; for fusibility, 332-34; low for fluidity, 335; for resistance to heat low, 337-38; low for per- meability, 340; in micrographs, 346-49- Center of gravity, 195-97. Centigrade to Fahrenheit, equiva- lent temperatures, 211-12. Centismal years, 43. Centrifugal castings, 561-62. Centrifugal force, 215. Chain end link and narrow shackle, 174. Chain hooks, proportions for, 172. Chains and cables, U. S..Navy stand- ard, 173. Chaplets, 528-36; peerless perforated, 530; double head, 531-32; wrought-iron, 533-35- Charcoal iron, 250. Charcoal pig irons, directory of, 655-59. Charging cupolas, 452-54. Charging floor, the, 453-54- Charpy & Grenet's experiments on irons, 383. Chemical analyses of cast iron, 315-49 : Strength, 315-22; elastic prop- erties, 322-29; shrinkage, 329- 32; fusibility, 332-34; fluidity, 334-35; resistance to heat, 335- 38; electrical properties, 338-40; resistance to corrosion, 340-42; resistance to wear, 342; coeffi- cient of friction, 342-43; casting properties, 343-45; micro-struc- ture, 345-49- Chemical analyses of test bars, 308- 12; micrographs, 308-11; forms of combination of iron and car- bon, 313. Chemical constituents of cast iron, influence of the (W.- G. Scott), 252. Chemical reactions in the cupola, 443- Chilled castings, mixtures for, 274, 275, 278. Chilled iron defined, 326-28. Chilled roll (furnace) iron test bars, moduli of rupture of, 299. Chills, mixture for, 278. Chipping and grinding, 566. Chords for spacing circle, 89-90. Chords of arcs from one to ninety de- grees, 88. Circle, length of chord for spacing, 89-90. Circle, problems of the, 15, 18-20; ratio of circumference to di- ameter, 28; area of, 28. Circles, areas and circumferences of, for diameters from -^q to 100, by tenths, 70-79; rules to compute larger, 79. Circles, areas and circumferences of, for diameters in units and eighths, 64-69. Circular arcs, table of, 80-82. Circular arcs, table of lengths of, to radius i, 82-84. Circular measure, 43. Circular segments, table of areas of, 84-87. Cisterns and tanks, number of bar- rels in, loo-i. Clamps, 506. Clarke, D. K., formula for extreme fibre stress, 304; volume, den- sity and pressure of air at vari- ous temperatures, 216. Cleaning room, the, 563-68; tumblers, 563-66; chipping, grinding, the sand blast, 566; pickHng, 567; hydrofluoric acid, 568. Clout nails, tinned, 536. Coach screws, gimlet points, 159. Coke and anthracite pig irons, direc- tory of, 635-55. Coke, 425-29: Analyses of various kinds of, 425-26; by-product coke, 426-27; effect of atmos- pheric moisture upon, 427; 666 Index specifications for, by R. Mol- denke, 428-29 ; number of pounds of iron melted by one pound of, 444-45- Colby, A. L., influence of the mould upon pig iron, 249. Coleman, J. J., heat-conducting power of covering materials, 210. Collars and couplings, mixture for, 278. Combining equivalents, 204. Conductivity of metals, 206, 209. Cone, the, 32-33- Contraction or shrinkage, 329-32. Converter linings, 404-5; practice, 405-9- Converter steel, cost of, 420, 421. Converters, the Baby (Robert) and Tropenas, 397. Cook, E. S , on different results from two irons of same chemical com- position, 330-32. Cook, F. J., and G. Hailstone, micro- scopic evidence why similar irons have different relative strengths, 306-12, 317-19- Cooling, influence of rate of, 318. . Cope, formula to find weight re- quired on a, to resist pressure of molten metal, 575. Copper and tin, alloys of, 222. Copper and zinc, alloys of, 223. Copper-nickel alloys, 224. Copper, round bolt, weight of, per foot, 144. Copper, tin and zinc, useful alloys of, 225. Copper tubes, seamless drawn, 167-69. Copper wire and plates, weight of, 143. Core machines, 499. Core mixtures, 480-86. Core ovens, 492-95. Core plates and driers, 498-99. Core room and appurtenances, 492- 500: The oven, 492-96; core oven carriages, 496; mixing ma- chines, sand conveyors, rod straighteners, wire cutter, 497; sand driers, 498; core plates and driers, 498-99; core machines, mould-machines, cranes and hoists, 499-500. Core sand with analysis, 479-80. Corrosion, resistance to, 340-42. Corrugated iron roofing, weight of, 141. Cosine, 107. Cotters, steel spring, 164. Cotton machinery, mixture for, 278. Covering materials, heat-conducting power of, 210. Cranes and hoists for core room, 499- 500. Cranes for cupola service, 466. Cranes for moulding room, 502. Crucible castings, 423. Crusher jaws, mixture for, 278. Cube of a whole number ending with ciphers, to find, 56. Cube root, 4-5. Cube root of large number not in table, to find, 62-63. Cube roots of numbers from 1000 to 10,000, 57-61. Cubes and cube roots of numbers from .01 to 1000, tables of, 46-56. Cupola, construction of the, 437-52: Five zones, 437, 442-43; the lining, 437-39; tuyeres, 439-40; the breast, 440-41; sand bottom, 441; chemical reactions in ordi- nary, 443-45; wind box, 445; builders' rating, 446; blowers for the blast, 446-49; diameter of blast pipes, 450-51; dimensions, etc., of, 451-52. Cupola appliances, 462-67: Ladles, 462-65; tapping bar, 463; bod stick, 464-65-; cranes, 466; spill bed, 466; gagger mould, 467; rake, 467. Cupola charging and melting, 452-61: The charging floor, 453-54; tables of meltings and losses, 455- 61; melting ratio, 461. Cupola makers, best known, 446. Custer, Edgar A., on permanent moulds, 559-61. Cutting tools, mixture for, 278. Cylinder, the, 32. Cylinder iron test bars, moduli of rupture of, 300. Cylinders or pipes, contents of, 102-3. Cylinders, locomotive, mixtures for, 273, 282; specifications for, 355. Index 667 Cylinders, marine and stationary, mixtures for, 273; see also Cylin- ders, 279. Cylinders, solid and hollow iron, for- mulas for finding weigiit of, 570- 71. Decimal equivalents of parts of one inch, 6. Deflections, table of, 183-85. Delta metal, 225. Diamond polishing wheels, mixture for, 279. Dies for drop hammers, mixture for, 279- Diller, H. E., tests of use of steel scrap in mixtures of cast iron, 290-91; on malleable cast iron, 390-91. Division in algebra, 10. Dry measure, British Imperial, see Liquid and dry measures, British Imperial, 39-40. Dry measure, table of U. S., 39; weights of, 39. Dynamo and motor frames, mixtures for, 279. Dynamo frame iron test bars, moduli of rupture of, 299. Earth, measurements of, and on the, 238-39- Eccentric straps, 279. Elastic properties, 322-23. Elasticity, modulus of, 181; table of moduli, 182-83. Electric furnace steel, cost of, 424. Electrical and mechanical units, equiv- alent values of, 220-21. Electrical castings, mixture for, 279. Electrical properties, 338-40. Elimination, 12-13. Ellipse, construction of an, 21-22; circumference and area of an, _ 29. Ellipse, solid iron, formula to find weight of a, 571. Engine castings, mixtures for, 279. Equations, quadratic, 14-15. Equations, simple, 11-14; solution of, 12. Expansion, lineal, for solids, 205. Eye bolts, table for, 175. Facings, 486-87 ; graphite facing and analyses, 488-91. Factors, useful, 44-45. Fahrenheit to Centigrade, equivalent temperatures, 211— 12. Falling bodies, acceleration of, for- mulas and table, 191-92. Fans and blowers, 280. Farm implements, mixture for, 280. Fe-C-Si, influence of, on cast iron, 315, 320.^ Ferrite, pure iron, 241, 347. Field, H. E., on carbon and silicon in pig iron, 253. Fillet, cast iron straight, formula to find weight of a, 574; of a cir- cular, 575-76. Fillets of steel, cast iron and brass, areas and weights of, by E. J. Lees, 145. Fire brick, 236. Fire brick and fire clay, 434-36; analyses, 434-35; ganister, 435; fine sand, 435; magnesite, 436; bauxite, 436. Fire clays, analysis of, 237. Fire pots, mixture for, 280. Flanged fittings, cast iron, 232. Flasks, 506-18: Wooden cope and drag, 506-9; iron, 510-14; ster- ling steel, 515-17; snap, 517-18; slip boxes, 519; in machine moulding, 547-50- Flat rolled iron, see Iron, flat rolled. Flat rolled steel, see Steel, flat rolled. Floor plates, grate bars, etc., average of two meltings, 460. Fluidity, factors governing, 334-35- Fluxes, 429-34: Limestone and fluor spar, 430-31; analyses of slags, 432-33. Flywheel, cast iron, formulas to find weight of a, 572-73. Foot, inches to decimals of a, 6. Foot pound, the unit of work, 45. Forces, parallelogram and parallelopi- pedon of, 192. Foundry accounts, 587-632: Foundry requisition, 588-89; pattern card, 589-90; pig iron card, and book, 59o> 591; coke card, 591; heat book, 592-96; cleaning room re- 668 Index port, 597; foundry reports, 598- 600; monthly expenditure of supplies, 601-4; monthly com- parison of accounts, 605-7; ^.n- nual comparison, 608-10; chart of transmission of orders, 611-12; foundry costs (B. A. FrankHn), 612-25; successful foundry cost system (J. P. Golden), 625-32. Foundry cost system, a successful (J. P. Golden), 625-32. Foundry costs (B. A. Franklin), 612- 25; outline of scheme, 612-13. Foundry pig iron, see Pig iron. Foundrymen's Association, American, standard specifications for found- ry pig iron, 246-48; table of mixtures for various castings, 275-76; report of committee on test bars, 294-306. Fractions, products of, expressed in decimals, 7. Fracture, of pig iron, index of com- position, 273. Franklin, B. A., foundry costs, 612- 25; outline of scheme, 612-13. Frick, Louis H., dimensions of stand- ard wrot pipe, 167. Friction clutches, mixture for, 280. Friction, coefficient of, 215, 342-43. Frustrum of a cone, 33; center of gravity of a, 196. Frustrum of a hexagonal pyramid of cast iron, formula to find weight of, 574- Frustrum of a pyramid, 30-31. Fuels, foundry, 425-29: Anthracite coal, 425; coke, 425-29. Furnace castings, mixture for, 280. Furnace temperatures, 206. Fusibility, or melting point, 332-34. Gagger mould, 467. Gaggers, 524. Galvanized sheet iron, weight of, 141. Ganister, composition of, 435. Gas engine cylinders, mixture for,. 280. Gases, specific gravity of, 197. Gates, tables of areas of, 524-25; top pouring, 526; whirl, 527; "cross" skim, 527; horn, 527. Gears, mixtures for, 280-81. Geometry, plane, problems in, 15-24. German silver, 224. Golden, J. P., a successful foundry cost system, 625-32. Grain structure of cast iron, 329. Graphite, shown in micrographs, 308- II, 346-48; physical character- istics of, 313; per cent of, 315-17, 330-31; size of flakes in relation to strength, 317-19; per cent of, for fusibility, 333-34; for resist- ance to heat, 337-38; low, for friction, 342. Graphite facing, with analyses, 488-91. Grate bars, mixture for, 281. Gray iron castings, specifications for, 296-97. Grinding machinery, mixture for, 281. Grinding wheel speeds, table of, 231. Guldin's theorems, 34. Gun carriages, mixture for, 281. Gun iron, mixture for, 281. Gun iron test bars, moduli of rupture of, 300. Gyration, radius of, 197. Hailstone, G., see Cook, F. J. Hangers for shafting, mixture for, 281. Hardness, control of, 324-28. Hardware, light, mixture for, 281. Hatfield, W. H., experiment on de- flection with six bars, 384; in breaking bars, 387-88. Heat, measurement of, 206-10; radi- ation of, 208; resistance to, 335- 38. _ Heat unit defined, 45. Heat-resisting iron, mixture for, 281. Heating and ventilating, 579-86. Height corresponding to acquired velocity, 193. Hemisphere, hollow iron, formula for finding weight of a, 571. Hexagon, relations of inscribed, to circle, 20. Hoisting rope, pliable wire, 179. Hollow ware, qualities of iron for, 275; mixture for, 282. Hooks, slings and chains, 502-3. Hooper, G. K., on continuous melt- ing, 554-55- Index 669 Horse power defined, 45; required to compress air, 217—18. Housings for rolling' mills, mixture for, 282. Hydraulic cylinders, mixtures for, 282. Hydraulic pressures, formulas for dimensions of cast iron pipe to withstand, 232-33. Hydrofluoric acid used for pickling, 568. Hyperbola, the, 23-24. Inch, -one, decimal equivalents of parts of, 6. Inches to decimals of a foot, 6. Inclined plane, 194. Information, useful, 234-39. Ingot mould iron test bars, moduli of rupture of, 299. Ingot moulds and stools, mixture for, 282. Iron and carbon, forms of combi- nation of, 313. Iron, band and hoop, weights per lineal foot, 121-22. Iron, burnt, of no use except for sash weights, 293. Iron castings, formulas for finding weight of, 570^75- Iron, flat, weight of, per foot, 45. Iron, flat plates, weight of, per square foot, 45. Iron, flat rolled, weights of, per lineal foot, 123-28; a:reas of, 129. Iron, mixing, by fracture, 273-74; by analysis, 274-89; mixtures for various classes of castings (al- phabetical), 276-87. Iron ores, varieties of, 240. Iron, physical properties of, 241. Iron, pig, see, Pig iron. Iron roofing, corrugated, weight of, 141. Iron, round, weight of, per foot, 45. Iron, sheet, gauges used by U. S. mills in rolling, 120; weight per foot, 141. Iron, temperatures of, corresponding to various colors, 239. Iron wire, gauges and weights of, 146; list prices of, 147. Iron, wrought, weight and areas of square and round bars, 136-39. Jigs, by S. H. Stupakoff, 540-46. Jobbing castings, general, average of five meltings, 455. Jobbing castings, light, average of four meltings, 455. Joule's equivalent, 207. Keep, W. J., on pig iron cast in iron moulds and in sand, 249-50; in- fluence of silicon on cast iron, 259-60; injurious influence of sulphur, 263; effect of manga- nese, 266; on recovery of shot iron, 292; shrinkage of test bars, 371-72; shrinkage chart, 372-74; strength table, 375; process of making coke, 426. Kent, William, altitudes correspond- ing to barometric readings, 217; head in feet of water corre- sponding to pressure, 219; pres- sure for different heads, 219. Kettles to stand red heat, mixture for, 274. Ladles and table of capacities, 462-65. Lag screws, 158. Land measure, table of, 37. Le Chatelier, M., on furnace tem- peratures, 206. Lead pipes, sizes and weights of, 171. Ledebur, Prof. A., influence of silicon on annealing temperature, 391. Lees, Ernest J., areas and weights of fillets of steel, cast iron and brass, 145- Lever, the, 194. Lifting beams, 503-5; table of safe loads for, 504. Lighting, importance, 578-79. Lime mortar, tensile strength of, 215. Liquid and dry measures, British Im- perial, weights of, 39-40. Liquid measure, table of U. S., 38; weights of volumes of distilled water, 39-40. Liquid pressure on moulds, 529-30. Locks and hinges, see Hardware, light. Locomotive castings, mixtures for, 282, 670 Index Locomotive cylinders, mixtures for, 273, 282; specifications for, 355. Long measure, table of, 36; miscel- laneous, 37. Longmuir, Percy, on the sulphur con- tent of cast iron, 261-62; micro- structure of cast iron, 345-49; on sihcon in malleable castings, 386; on steels, 394. Loudon, A. M., comparative values of core binders, 481-86. Lumber, weight of, per 1000 feet board measure, 93. McGahey, C. B., tests of use of steel scrap in mixtures of cast iron, 291. Machine-cast pig iron, see Pig iron, 248-50. Machinery castings, heavy, average of four meltings, 457. Machinery castings, light, average of six meltings, 456. Machinery castings, qualities of iron for, 275; mixtures for, 283. Machinery iron test bars, moduli of rupture of, 299, 300. McWilliams & Longmuir on malleable castings, 382; on annealing, 400- i; on moulding machines, 548. Magnesite, bricks of, 436. Malleable cast iron, 382-93: Black heart, 382-85; experiments on varying compositions of, 383-84; ordinary or Reaumur, 385-88; mixtures in American practice, 389-91; specifications and tests, 391-93- Manganese, per cent, 308, 310, 315; high, 322; for elasticity, 323; as hardening agent, 324-25; in chilled iron, 328, 337; effect on grain structure, 329; increases shrinkage, 332; little effect on melting point, 334; for heat re- sistance, 337; low for permeabil- ity, 340; for acid resistance, 341; for resistance to wear, 342; skin effects, 344; in micrographs, 346- 48; determination of, 379. Manganese, properties of, 265; in- fluence of, as constituent of cast iron, 265-66, 272. Mann, W. I., lengths of chords for spacing circle whose diameter is i» 90- Martensite "beta" form of iron, 313. Mayer, Dr. A. M., on radiation of heat, 208. Measures, miscellaneous, 39; and weights, 44. Measures of work, power and duty, 45- Measures, see Weights and measures; also name of measure, as Dry measure. Liquid measure, etc. Mechanical analysis of cast iron, 371- 77; Keep's shrinkage chart, 372- 74; strength table, 375. Mechanical equivalent of heat, 207. Melting, continuous, 551-55. Melting losses in cupolas, tables of, 454-61. Melting ratio, 461. Mensuration, 26-34. Metalloids, influence of the more im- portant, on combined carbon, 272; method of adding, to the iron, 465. Metals, conductivity of, 206, 209; weights per cubic inch of, 239. Metals, sheet, Birmingham gauge for, except steel and iron, 120; weights of, per square foot, 142. Metric measures and weights in U. S. standard, 40-43. Micrographs of graphite, 308-11. Micro-structure of cast iron by P. Longmuir, 345-49- Mixing machines in core room, 497. Modulus of elasticity, 181-83. Modulus of rupture, 185-86; for- mula for, 304; in pounds per square inch, 298-303. Moldenke, Dr. R., effects of titanium and vanadium in cast iron, 2 68-70; on fusibility of cast iron, 332-33.; contents of malleable cast iron, 389; specifications for foundry coke, 428-29. Molten iron, formulas to find pres- sure of, 575. Moment of inertia, 187; of rotating body, 197. Moments, location of, 180. Index 671 Monomial, 10. Mortar, lime and cement, tensile strength of, 215. Motor frames, see Dynamo. Mould, pressure on, by molten metal, formula to find, 575. Moulding, dry sand, mixtures for (West), 477-78. Moulding machines, 538-50: Jigs by S. H. Stupakoff, 540-46; flasks, 547-50; diagram of moulding operations, 549. Moulding operations, diagram of (Stupakoff), 549. Moulding room and fixtures, 501-37: Cranes, 502; hooks, slings and chains, 502-3; lifting beams, 503-5; binder bars, 505; clamps, 506; flasks, 506-19; pins, plates and hinges, 519-21; sweeps, 522- 23; anchors, gaggers, and sol- diers, 523—24; sprues, risers and gates, 524-27; tables of areas of gates, 525; strainers and spindles, 528; weights, 528; chaplets, 528- 37; liquid pressure on moulds, 529-30; sprue cutters, 537. Moulding sand, 468-91: Cohesion, 468; permeability and porosity, 468-69; refractoriness, 469; du- rability, 469; texture, 469, 471; grades of various, 470; analysis, 471 ; sand for brass, with analysis, 472; test bars of green sand, 473-76; for dry sand moulding, 477-79; skin drying, 479; core sand, and analyses, 479-80; core mixtures, 480-86; parting sand, 486; facings, 486-87; graphite facing, 488; analyses, 488-91. Moulds, multiple, 555-58; perma- nent, 558-61; mixtures for per- manent, 283. Multiphcation in algebra, 8-10. Nagle, F. A., on erratic results of in- vestigation of test bars, 298, 301- _ 3- Nails, common wire, 148. Nails, force required to pull, from various woods, 238. Nickel, properties of, 267; effect of, in cast iron, 267; imparts most valuable properties to steel, 267. Niter pots, see Acid-resisting. Nitrogen, properties of, 271; effect of, on cast iron and steel, 271. Nonconductivity of materials, 209-10. Novelty iron test bars, moduli of rup- ture of, 300. Nuts and bolt heads, weights of, 159. Nuts and washers, number of, to the pound, 152. Open-hearth methods for steel castings by W. M. Carr, 411-16. Ordway, Prof., on non-conductivity, 209. Ornamental work, mixture for, 283. Outerbridge, A. E., tests of moulding sands, 473-75- Oxygen, effect of dissolved oxide on cast iron, 315, 318, 319, 320. Oxygen, properties of, 270; causes foundryman much trouble, 270- 71; effective deoxidizers, 271. Parabola, the, 22-23. Parallelogram, area of, 26. Parenthesis, in algebra, 10, Parting sand, 486. Pattern lumber, specific gravity and weight per cubic foot of, 569. Pattern plates, preparation of, 540-46. Patterns for test bars of cast iron, 297. Pearlite, a mixture of fernite and cementite, 241, 347. Pentagon, to construct a, 20. Percentage, 5-7. Permeability and porosity of moulding sand, 468-69. Permeabihty, importance of, 339-40. Phosphorus, properties of, 263; in- fluence of, as constituent of cast iron, 264, 272; per cent, 308, 320- 21; in micrographs, 309-11; low, for strong castings, 321; and for elasticity, 323; slight hardenmg effect, 324; slight influence on chill, 328; decreases shrinkage, 332; increases fusibihty, 332-33, 336; keep high for fluidity, 334- 35; low for wear resistance, 342; 672 Index presence in micrographs, 346-49; determination of, 378. Physical constants, tables of, 202-3. Piano plates, mixture for, 283. PickUng, 567-68. Pig iron, physical properties of, 241- 42; grading, 242-43; foundry, 244-48; machine-cast, 248-50; charcoal iron, 250; grading scrap iron, 250-51; fracture of, index of composition, 273. Pig iron directory, 633-59: Coke and anthracite irons, 635-55; char- coal irons, 655-59- Pillow blocks, mixture for, 284. Pins, plates and hinges, 519-21. Pipe and pipe fittings, mixtures for, 284. Pipe, cast-iron, specifications for, 356- 63; tables of dimensions, 358 of thicknesses and weights, 359 volume and weight, 364-65 pattern, size and weight, 366-70. Pipes, contents of, 102-3. Piston rings, mixture for, 284. Plane figure, irregular, area of any, 27- 28. Plane figures, properties of, 24-26. Plane surfaces, mensuration of, 26-29. Plow points, chilled, mixture for, 284. Polygon, area of a, 27. Polyhedra, 31-32. Polynomials, lo-ii. Porter, Prof. J. J., effects of sulphur on cast iron, 262-63; of phos- phorus, 264; influence of the metalloids on combined carbon, 272; report on mixtures for various classes of castings (al- phabetical), 276-87; on proper- ties and mixtures of cast iron, 312-14; pig iron classification and directory, 633-59. Pouring temperature, influence of, 318. Powers of quantities, 9-10. Prince, W. F., process for melting borings, 293. Printing presses, see Machinery cast- ing. Prism, the, 30. Prismoid, the, 31. Probert, Richard H., analysis of iron for permanent moulds, 558-59. Propeller wheels, mixture for, 284. Proportion, 1-2. Pulleys, circumferential speed of, 229- 30; rules for speeds and diameters of, 231; mixtures for, 274, 284- 85. Pumps, hand, mixture for, 285. Pyramid, the, 30-31. Quadratic equations, solution of, 14- 15- Quadrilateral, area of any, 27. Quantities, in algebra, 7-10: addition of like and unlike, 8; multi- phcation of simple and com- pound, 9. Radiation of heat, 208. Radiators, mixture for, 285. Railroad castings, mixture for, 285; average of three meltings, 459. Rake, cupola, 467. Ratio, 1-2. Reaumur malleable cast iron, 385-88: Remelting, 385-86; annealing, 386; analyses, 387-88. Retorts, See Heat resisting castings. Richards, horsepower required for air compression and delivery, 217-18. Ries, Prof. H., analyses of moulding sands, 472-73. Rings, cast iron, formulas to find weight of, 574. Rivets, iron, round head, 166. Rolling mill rolls, mixture for, 274. Rolls, chilled, mixtures for, 274, 275, 285. Roofing, corrugated iron, weight of, 141. Roofing, tin and other, 169-70. Root Positive Rotary Blowers, 449. Roots of numbers, 3-5. Rossi, G. A., on effect of titanium in cast iron, 268. Rupture, modulus of, 185-86; for- mula for, 304. Sand blast, the, 566. Sand bottom of cupola, 441. Sand conveyors and driers, 497, 498. Index 673 Sand, rammed, to find weight of, 572. Sand roll iron test bars, moduli of rupture of, 299. Sanitary ware, qualities of iron for, 27s; average of eight meltings, ■4S8. Sash weight, mixture for, 274, 275. Sash weight iron test bars, moduli of rupture of, 299. Scales, mixture for, 2S5. Scott, W. G., influence of the chemi- cal constituents of cast iron, 252. Scott, W. G., specifications for coke, 426; for moulding sand, 472; analyses of core sands, 479-89; an- alysis of Yougheogheney gas coal, 487; analyses of graphite, coke dust, coal and charcoal, 488-91. Scott, W. G., specifications for graded pig irons, 243. Scrap iron, grading, 250-51. Secant, the, 108. Set screws, steel, list price per 100, 169. Shafting, See Steel shafting. Sheath, Mr., on continuous melting, 55 1-54- Sheet brass and all metals except steel and iron, Birmingham gauge for, 120. Sheet iron. See Iron, sheet. Sheet metals, weights of, per square foot, 142. Shot iron, recovering and melting, 291-93. Shrinkage chart, by W. J. Keep, 372- 374- • Shrinkage of castings per foot, 234. Shrinkage or contraction, 329-32. Signs and abbreviations, v. Silica brick, analysis of, 435. Silicon, per cent, 308, 310; should be low, 315, 321; for elasticity, 323; for hardness, 325; for chill, 327; decreases shrinkage, 332; little effect on fusibility, 334; aids fl.uidity, 334; favors growth by repeated heating, 337; increases permeability, 340; increases acid resistance, 341; decreases resist- ance to wear, 342; unrecognizable in micrographs, 346; determina- tion of, 377-78. Silicon, properties of, 256; influence of as a constituent of cast iron, 256- 60, 272. Sines, natural, tangents and secants, 107-8; tables of, 1 10-14. Skin drying moulds, 479. Slag car castings, mixture for, 285. Slags, comparison of analyses of, 432- 33- Smoke stacks, locomotive. See Loco- motive castings. Soil pipe and fittings, mixture for, 286. Soldiers, 524. Solids, and their mensuration, 30-34. Solids, center of gravity of, 196-97; lineal expansion for, 205. Specific gravity of various substances, 197-201. Specifications for steel castings, stand- ard, 409-11. Speeds, grinding wheel, 231. Speeds, surface, rules for obtaining, 232. Sphere, the, 33-34- Sphere, hollow iron, formula forjfind- ing weight of a, 572; of a solid iron, 571. Spheres, table of surface and volumes of, 93-98. Spherical segments, cast iron, for- mulas to find weight of, 573. Spill bed, 466. Sprocket wheels for ordinary link chains, 176-78. Sprue cutters, steel, 537. Square measure, tables of, 37-38. Square of a whole number ending with ciphers, to find, 56. Square root, 3-4. Square root of large number not in table, to find, 62. Square roots of numbers from 1000 to 10,000, 57-61. Squares and square roots of numbers, of from .01 to 1000, tables of, 46-56. Stead, J. E., on relations of iron and phosphorus, 348. Steam chests. See Locomotive and Machinery castings. Steam cylinders, mixtures for, 286. 674 Index Steel castings in the foundry, 394-416: Content of carbon in varieties, 394~95J mechanical properties "Normal steels," 396; Bessemer process, 396; Baby converter (Robert), 397; gases in, 398; chemical changes in Tropenas converter, 397-99; annealing, with micrographs, 400-1 ; Trope- nas process, 401-3; chemistry of the process, 403-4; converter linings, 404-5 ; converter practice, 406-9; standard specifications, 409-11; open-hearth methods by W. M. Carr, 411-16. Steel, comparative cost of, made by different processes (B.Stoughton), 417-24: Acid open hearth, 417, 419, 422; basic open hearth, 418, 419, 423; converter, 420, 421; crucible castings, 423; electric furnace, 424. Steel, fillets of, areas and weights of, I4S- Steel, flat rolled, weights of, per lineal foot, 130-35- Steel scrap, use of, in mixtures of cast iron, 290-91; points to be watched in melting, 316-17; closes the grain, 319; per cent of, 322. Steel shafting, cold rolled, weights and areas of, 140. Steels, mechanical properties of "nor- mal, " 396. Steels, unsaturated and supersatu- rated, 241. Stoughton, Bradley, tables of com- parative cost of steel made by different processes, 417-21. Stove plate, qualities of iron for, 275; mixture for, 286; average of three meltings, 457. Stove-plate iron test bars, moduli of rupture of, 300. Straight line, problems of the, 15-17. Strainers and spindles, 528. Straw rope for core bodies, 499. Strength of beams, transverse, for- mulas for, 188-90. Strength of cast iron, nine factors which influence, 315-22. Strength of materials, 185-86, 213-14. Strength table by W. J. Keep, 375. Strengths, transverse, table of, 1S5-86. Stupakoff, S. H. Chapter on jigs, 540-46. Sturtevant Steel Pressure Blower, 448. Subtraction in algebra, 8. Sulphur, properties of, 260; deleteri- ous influence of, in cast iron, 261- 63, 272; per cent, 308, 315, 321; low for elasticity, 323; harden- ing effect of, 325; increases com- bined carbon, 327-28; effect on shrinkage, 332; on melting point, 334. 336; low for heat resistance, 337; and for corrosion resistance, 339-42; increases resistance to wear, 342; causes dirty castings, 343; in micro-structure, 346-48; determination of, 378. Sulphuric acid, use of, in pickling, 567-68. Sweeps, 522-23. Tacks, length and number of, to pound, 148. Tangent, 107. Tanks, rectangular, capacity of, in U. S. gallons, 99-100; number of barrels in, loo-i. Tapers per foot and corresponding angles, table of, 1 17-18. Tapping bar,. 463. Taylor and White, temperatures cor- responding to various colors of heated iron, 239. Temperatures, equivalent. Centigrade to Fahrenheit, 211-12. Temperatures, furnace, 206. Tensile Strength, ratio of, to breaking loads, 10 to I, 302; D. K. Clarke's formula for, 304. Tensile test, size of bar for, 295-97. Test bars, report on by committee of American Foundrymen's Asso- ciation, 294-306: Character of the heats, 294; making of cou- pons, 295; specifications for gray iron castings, i296-97; patterns for, 297; moduli of rupture, 298- 300; erratic results, 298, 301-2; comparison of, 302-3; casting Index 67s defects, 304; circular, 304-6; microscopical evidence why simi- lar irons have different relative strengths, 306-12; Prof. Porter on the physical properties of cast iron, 312-14. Thermit, use of, in the foundry, 270. Thermometer scales, comparison of, 213. Threads, U. S. standard, 149. Thumb screws, 165. Tin and copper, alloys of, 222. Tin, copper and zinc, alloys of, 224-25. Tin, roofing, 169-70. Tin, sheet, sizes and weight of, 142. Titanium, properties of, 267; effect of, in cast iron, 267-68. Tobin bronze, 225. Tons, gross, in pounds, 235. Transverse strength, See Strength. Transverse test, size of bar for, 295- 98; See Test bars. Trapezium, area of a, 27. Trapezoid, area of a, 27. Triangle, area of a, 26. Triangle, right-angled, solution of, 109. Triangles, obUque-angled, solution of, 109. Tropenas converter, chemical changes in a, 397. Tropenas process of steel making, 401-3; chemistry of the process, 405-4- Troy weight, table of, 36. Tubes, brass and copper, seamless, 167-69. Tumblers and tumbUng mills, 563-66. Turn-buckles, drop-forged, 162-63. Turner, Prof.- T., on varieties of pig iron, 253; percentages of com- bined carbon, 256; on the use of silicon, 257-59; phosphorus in cast iron, 264. Tuyeres, construction of, in cupola, 439-40. Two-foot rule, measurement of angles with, 1 1 5-1 6. Unit of heat, 207. Units, electrical and mechanical, equivalent values of, 220-21. Valves, mixtures for, 286. Vanadium, properties of, 268; Mol- denke's experiments on action of, on cast iron, 269-70. Ventilating, See Heating and venti- lating. Walker, F. G., shrinkage of castings per foot, 234; weight of castings determined from weight of pat- terns, table, 570. Washer, lock, 153; positive lock, 154- Washers, wrought steel plate, 153. Water, distilled, weights of volumes of, 39-40. Water heaters, mixtures for, 286. Water, pressure of, 219. Water supply, 577-78. Watts in terms of horse power, 45, Wear, resistance to, 342. Weaving machinery, See Machinery castings. Wedge, the, 31, 195. Weight of castings determined from weight of patterns, 569-70; for- mulas for finding, 570-76. Weights, 528. Weights and measures, 35-^45; tables of various, 46—106. Wells, contents of linings of, 104-6. West, Thomas D., on power of cast iron to stretch, 332. Wheel and axle, 194. Wheels, mixtures for, 287. Whitehouse, J. S., on side blow con- verters, 404-8. Willson, E. M., table of tapers per foot and corresponding angles, 1 1 7-1 8. Wind box of the cupola, 445-46. Window glass, panes of, in a box, 236. Wine measure, table of, 38. Wire, brass. See Brass. Wire, copper. See Copper. Wire, coppered Bessemer spring, 147. Wire, coppered market, 147. Wire gauges, different standards for, 119-20. 676 Index Wire, iron, gauges and weights of, 146; Wrought Iron, See Iron, wrought. list prices of, 147. Wood working machinery. See Ma- Zinc and copper, alloys of, 223. chinery castings. Zinc, copper and tin, alloys of, 224-25. Wrot pipe, dimensions of standard, Zones in cupola, 437, 442—43. 167-69. D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY are prepared to supply, either from their complete stock or at short notice, TECHNICAL BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION In addition to publishing a very large and varied number of Scientific and Engineering Books. D. Van Nostrand Company have on hand the largest assortment in the United States of such books issued by American and foreign publishers. 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