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A. and England 1917 A STATEMENT In justice to those persons who have desired to purchase the principles found in the " Balliett Philosophy of Number Vibration," or to co-operate in building differ- ent kinds of books upon its structure, to those the founder states no right has been granted in any country to such persons. And if there are books built upon it they are an infringement of the copyright, and must be discontinued. Lecturers and teachers are heartily welcome to teach its principles, but the Balliett publications must be used as text books. FEB 12 1917 ©CI. A 4 57048 This book is heartily dedicated to the thinking mind, ?nu that goes deeply beneath the surface into the heart of everything, and through num- ber Vibration sets free their Voice that they may speak. THE AUTHOR CONTENTS PREFACE ix DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE DEVELOP- MENT OF OUTSIDE WORLD AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF ONE'S SELF n THE TRINITIES 17 SUCCESS THROUGH VIBRATION 20 NUMBERS AND NAMES 39 DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 42 BRIEFS . . 68 THE SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY 74 HOW TO FIND THE SPIRITUAL BIRTH- DAY OR DAY OF WISDOM 85 LIVING IN MATTER INSTEAD OF SPIRIT. 100 THE WILL 104 MASTERS no WRITERS 124 THE HEALER 132 REINCARNATION 138 HORSE RACING 142 STOCKS 143 MONEY 144 THINGS THAT SEEM LOST 146 THE EARTH 150 MAGNETIC OR ELECTRIC 152 THE WEIGHT 154 THE WEATHER 158 vii Vlll CONTENTS BALLIETT SYSTEM VIBRATING IN DIF- FERENT LANGUAGES 160 HELPS BY THE WAY -....' 162 MUSIC 166 PRAYER 171 LIFE STUDY OF JOHN TYSON MOORE .... 176 A CHARACTER STUDY 183 PREFACE. TO comprehend these lessons scientifically the author would advise the student to first study the principles of Number- Vi- bration found in the book "Success Through Strength of Vibration: A System of Num- bers as Taught by Pythagoras ;" also "Philoso- phy of Numbers; Their Tone and Color." Many systems of numbers have been de- veloped from different sources, the Kabbala usually being the basis. But every system is different from every other system. This, as you know, has caused confusion and unbelief in the Science of Number- Vibration. These lessons bring you a system of numbers that is as accurate and as scientific as the system of musical harmony in use, today. It is founded, as other systems are, upon the diget of num- bers from i to 9. This is the correct teaching of Pythagoras, but from this point and finding the name and birth digit this system diverges from all others. The Balliett System of Number- Vibration is founded upon the analy- ix x PREFACE sis of all words. Through this we find where they belong and by their keynote they speak their answer and tell their color notes and character. It is also founded upon the trinities making it musically scientific. If music has a scientific basis, then so has this system of Number- Vibration, as it is built upon exactly the same foundation. Pythagoras, in the Vlth Century before Christ, gave to the world his theory of the "Music of the Spheres" when he gave to the Greeks the fundamental principles of music now in use. If one part is true, this is true. You can prove to your satisfaction the basic principle of the One Source of all colors, sounds, and all things the eye sees, the ear hears, and the desire the heart longs for by the analysis of its mental structure. Each separate thing will speak to you and tell you its message if you will learn its universal language. Mrs* L. Dow Balliett. Atlantic City, New Jersey, U. S. A. 1917. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE DE- VELOPMENT OF THINGS OF THE OUTSIDE WORLD AND THE DE- VELOPMENT OF ONE'S SELF. DID you ever seriously think about how few things we are positively sure of in life? Even the identity of our parents rests upon the assurance of others. We do not of ourselves know the normal arrangement of the organs of our body, nor may they function as we think they do. We are not sure the Sun will rise tomorrow or that today's Sun will stay in its place in the Heavens. In everything we trust to the fidelity of Nature, the wonderful Revealer, who is man's friend or his enemy according to his attitude of mind. Nature is always ready to assist man to become a Master, but man sometimes spurns her exact mathematical methods, and we realize he has passed through the centuries, some- times a Master of Science but a weakling in Manhood. ii 12 THE DAY OF WISDOM The things he makes when not constructed according to Nature's Law of Harmony are useless; but sometimes his inventions have touched Nature and been made according to the Principle of Harmony, and when so adap- ted Nature gladly turns her forces into them and he has the Telephone, the Telegraph, Steam Power, Wireless Telegraphy. Man, the inventor of machinery made har- monious to Nature's Law, of ttimes stands out- side of the flowing stream of God's own strength, a cramped creature, with shattered nerves. and tired brain, while the force of Nature, never complaining, never tiring, turns the machinery which does the work for a mul- titude, asking merely for a body it can use to do its work. Will you with patience and trust try to fol- low me in a most difficult explanation — that of showing the difference between man's own de- velopment and his development of things? It sometimes takes hours for thoughtful men and women to grasp the difference between the work of man's brain and the work of his hands. Then the effect of Nature upon Man himself, as his work and himself is so closely united as to make us confuse the real with the unreal. A moment's thought will assure us that the DEVELOPMENT QF WORLD AND SELF 13 things we see with our eyes and hear with our ears belong to Nature's realm ; and that which had a beginning must also have an end, when its cycle of time is finished. It must then go back to its original condition, as no doubt this planet will also do. We have proof of this impermanence of matter in the stock dealer's experiments. He can take a pigeon, and by using harmonious strains and thereby touching the Principle of Harmony, he is able to borrow Nature's force. The pigeon reincarnates as a Dove of marvel- lous beauty; but if he ceases his effort in keeping the right strains together, the Dove again bcomes a pigeon; only the continuous effort of man in holding the things together which Nature demands can keep the Dove from losing its beauty and fineness of charac- ter. This plainly shows Nature's growth and development of things that fade and perish. Things which have a beginning must have an end. As Man is part of the Living God he has no beginning and no end. The only part which shows a beginning and end is his body, which is one part of his system. When he develops sufficiently he will no longer be in bondage to his body, but will be able to function where he i 4 THE DAY OF WISDOM wishes, and to take a body from the elements best suited to his use. The angels must weep over the scarred and seared bodies of humanity, when the cycle filled often with the mistakes of past lives, empties itself with the strength of the God-power sleep- ing in this polluted covering of flesh. If vibrating 8-9-22, or 11- the individual arises alone and mutely faces the result of his disgusting past and undertakes to fill a new cycle with actions belonging to a higher life. Men will say he has become regenerated, con- verted, -or use some other term to show the change which has come to him. If in his system lower numbers prevail such as 4-5-6-7 the Father, of theHelpless will send some one to hel|J|fiim m nisclimb, — some one who will hold, shelter and protect him. Xo person has ever anything to meet alone in life, unless he has already developed the in- nate strength to meet it. The sheltering arms always protect the weak, giving rise to the say- ing that there is a special Providence which guards children and imbeciles. No event ever presents itself in life which the individual has not stored up strength to meet. If it were not so, the event would have been postponed until some time in the future, DEVELOPMENT OF WORLD AND SELF 15 the test would not have been given at that particular time. Life never ceases to be a school, from the cradle to the grave, and Nature's God is the Master. To tell us what grade we are in, and to show us how to grow in our own special way, is the object for which this book is written. Were it to tell you what to say and what to do, and you trusted it and obeyed it blindly, you would be doing what the pigeon fancier did to change the pigeon into a dove; making, perhaps a faster growth, but not a growth of permanent value. This is the difference between working with things and working from the Ego or Self. Better to stumble, fall and rise with added knowledge than to advance mentally and spiritually and leave the material part of being still sleeping, because it does not know how to accompany its two companions, soul and spirit. In this case the body would stumble, shrink and grow old, not because the soul and spirit do not love it, but because it does not know. The centuries have lost the secret of Elijah who overcame fire and rode in a chariot of that element ; and of Moses and many other masters of the Old Testament. 16 THE DAY OF WISDOM It was in the Second and Third Centuries A. D. after the greatest of all the Masters had come that the supernormal was lost in the sub- normal, and now what is today called normal is really sub-normal. Super-normal qualities today are the result of an harmonious body — one that can give help to the soul; when soul and body meet and the Spirit blends them as one there flows out the essence of the experience and it is stored as soul growth. This means that all men should have the inner hearing as in telepathy. They should be able to see the auras of people and things — their own soul being their aid and teacher. The time is approaching when the world will not be satisfied with less than supernormal qualities. There is an elongated gamut of sight and hearing, and when we can function on these planes we shall be able to see and hear things which now seem marvelous and the masters will come again into evidence. In climbing a high ladder, we mount round by round, taking one step at a time with care not to disturb the balance. We have the trinities of 1-2-3 and of 8-9- 11 or 22, These cling together and work or should work in co-operation. These are num- DEVELOPMENT OF WORLD AND SELF 17 bers, but these numbers represent the indivi- duality of people — the numbers simply speak for them in the Universal World. The Trinities The First Trinity which we generally call the lower trinity, is expressed by the numbers 1-2-3. The 1 expresses Spirit and always gives the incentive to action, it gives the initia- tive. 2 makes the collection of material which Spirit needs to use in its operations. The 3 expresses the work of the entire trinity. The color of the 1 is Flame; of the 2, gold; of the 3 a Flame of Gold. This Trinity is at the base of all action. It is the creative power. Without a harmonious expression of this Trinity in any number, there is a lack. It is somewhat in the nature of elec- tricity, of whose workings we know little more than the results. People of limited development see the opera- tion of the Trinity, and without thinking about it, take it as a matter of course. Instead of using it consciously, they let it use them. When they have advanced to where they are expressed by one of the master numbers, 8-9- 22-1 1 they realize what this Trinity is, and con- 18 THE DAY OF WISDOM sciously work with it, and try to use its force in harmony with Nature. So when people have reached this stage of realization expressed by 8-9-22-1 1 we say they belong to the Higher Trinity. 1 is expressed in 8 and 11, 2 is ex- pressed in 22. 3 is expressed in 9. These high vibrating numbers no longer go through the world blindly, being buffeted on all sides, but they consciously work with Nature, and try to help out the Divine Plan. Reasoning from analogy, we know there must be a Third Trinity, higher than either of these, but we do not yet know what it is. Infant humanity was first given the Religion of the Law Giver, Jehovah, the Holy Spirit; in this religion they were told definitely what they should and should not do. If they did this, they would be punished; if they did that they would be rewarded. It was a religion suited to the needs of the Infant Class of humanity. Later, when humanity had attained to the stature of men, Christ came, and brought us a Religion of Love. He taught us that God, the Father, is Love, and taught us of the Brother- hood of Man, and gave as the highest ideal in our dealings with our fellow men, the feeling of Friendship. So to this time we have had the Religion of the Holy Spirit, and the Re- DEVELOPMENT OF WORLD AND SELF 19 ligion of the Son. There remains to be ex- pressed on Earth, the Religion of the Father. What that will be, no man at present living, can more than surmise. It is probable that the Third Trinity will not come into expression until mankind is ready for the Religion of the Father. So what concerns us of the present is these two Trinities which we have described, — the First Trinity of action, expressed by 1-2-3, an ^ the Higher Trinity, expressed in the numbers 8-9-22-1 1. TAKEN FROM BALLIETT'S "SUCCESS THROUGH VIBRATION." NO one is out of place. Our highest part chose the path in life by which we en- tered the world. The individualized spirit, called the Soul of Man, knew what ex- perience it needed when it took upon itself the mystical substance called the body, in order to perfect itself in the Christ life, and chose the vib'ration which would draw to itself the experiences needful for his highest spiritual growth. Thus he chose the rate of vibration best suited to his need and in order that the intellect might comprehend it, attached the in- tellectual form of numbers. It must now be plain that these numbers which we are going to find are not an acci- dental gift, but were decided upon by our high- est spiritual nature. To live our true life, the life our higher nature desires, we must keep our thoughts upon the keynote and follow the path our spirit has chosen. If we do this we will find that what seem like sorrows are friends designed to help 20 SUCCESS THROUGH VIBRATION 21 us overcome some weak point in our moral na- ture; and if we keep our eyes upon the great Trinity of Spirit with hearts in the silence and hands in the world, we will not fall into the vibration below our own where we will be torn with discords and disease, but will experience to the full the harmony and joy of living. Pythagoras says every letter of the alphabet has its own rate vibration and color. He di- vided numbers in this way: 11 1 22 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 into odd and even ; into limited and unlimited, and gave the preference to odd numbers. But we consider all of them necessary. This system of numbers is founded upon Pythagoras' Ten Fundamental Laws of Oppo- sites which should be carefully studied, as they are the key. Individual Lives, as we see them, move as do the pendulum of clocks. Some sway with broad, full sweeps from one extreme side to 22 THE DAY OF WISDOM the other, while others move in a more limited compass. All these clocks fulfill their mis- sions as time-tellers. Developed souls vibrate to strong numbers, and their deeds are marked by the world as good or bad. The smaller sweeps are less noticed, yet they may be mak- ing strong vibrations, which will be expressed by different names and numbers. There are as many periods in one's life as there are parts in the baptismal name, includ- ing the Mother's name before marriage. Read each part oi the name separately : find value according to the letters in the name. Then find the sum of the figures comprising each name and the digit. Read each period in regular order, according to the vibrations in each name. The digit of the whole name is the most important, as it shows the quality of vibration the person was born with, the name now used, as how the world regards him at the present time. The digit of birth path shows what part in the great chorus of life they come to take. It can not be changed. It must be met. It can be made harmonious or its opposite. Every life has its own song. That it should unconsciously sing all the way through life — it does this so long as there exists in the in- SUCCESS THROUGH VIBRATION 23 dividual a desire to reach its ideals. Obstacles may be placed in its pathway, but so long as the higher leads, the song goes on and mingles with the melody of all things that are vibrat- ing their higher nature. It is this that clears the atmosphere of inharmony and attracts spiritual and material gifts. These gifts can not be separated, as the individual's holiest vi- bration has called them. Life is then a song of joy and burdens disappear. To do this, find your birth vibration. This will show the part your higher nature wants developed. Accept its experiences as friends; when met and harmonized you free a glad note that is added to your infinite song of life. If Mother's maiden name added, weakens the vibration of baptismal name, its weakness must rather be met and overcome, than held in abeyance. To find your own numbers divide the alpha- bet into nine parts, thus: 123456789 ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ Take the name of John Ellicott, 24 THE DAY OF WISDOM J is found vibrating to i O " " 6 H "8 N " " 5 20 Add these vibrations again to find the digit of this name 2 o E vibrates to 5 L "3 L " 3 I "9 C " " 3 O " " 6 rry l( " 2 »T> (( " 2 33 Add to find digit 3 3 SUCCESS THROUGH VIBRATION 25 The digit of John is 2 " " " Ellicott 6 Add these to find his key- note, which is 8 This vibration of 8 shows the character or attainment of his soul when coming to earth. To find what he desired to overcome and the part in life he chose to fill, is found in the time of his birth. This shows his path in life — his active working vibration. In it are the experi- ences his higher self desired to meet. When met and overcome his character strengthens aqd finds expression in readjusted name that vibrates to higher, stronger numbers. The growth is not made until this desire is present. John Ellicott was born October 30, 1877. October is the 10th month of which the digit is 1. The 30th day gives the digit 3. The numbers of the year added give 23 of which the digit is 5. So we have the numbers 1 plus 3 plus 5 equals 9. To make it more plain : — Oct. is 10th month, add to find the digit 1 o Digit of Oct. is 1 26 THE DAY OF WISDOM Day is 30 3 o Digit of 30 is 3 Year is 1877 1 8 7 7 23 Add again to find the digit 2 3 The digit of 1877 is 5 Digit of Oct. 1 Digit of 30 3 Digit of 1877 5 So John Ellicott, born October 30, 1877, stands thus : Name number 2 plus 6 equals 8. Birth number 1 plus 3 plus 5 equals 9. We will now from these numbers read John Ellicott's character and capabilities. SUCCESS THROUGH VIBRATION 27 He should be an independent, cheerful worker in the so-called higher walks of life. John vibrates to 2 and this vibration is the dividing line between spirit and matter. It expresses the feminine or intuitive nature. The most highly developed persons with this number are those who listen and receive, and from the great mass of what seems good and evil, assort and place and bring both into har- mony. They are great factors in politics, be- ing moulders of the minds of others. In the name "J omi " we have the one vowel "o." This letter shows masculine quality and is an emblem of strength and self-centeredness. John, the disciple of Christ, leaned upon the Master's breast at supper, yet in this depend- ent attitude he occupied the place of honor. "O" is always a money-making letter. His last name, Ellicott, vibrates to 6, which is the highest number of the workers below the Trinity or strong numbers, which are 8, 9, 11 and 22. He is a busy worker from choice al- ways. When active he is very active and when he is resting thoroughly enjoys it as a luxury he has earned. If he once knows that one of his chief attrac- tions consists in being a cheerful worker, he will be much beloved. The first vowel of his 28 THE DAY OF WISDOM last name "e" shows him to be a man given to research with a tendency to delve into the so- called mysteries of life. He will be apt to in- herit money, as the digit of his whole name is 8 which shows that money will always come to supply his need. It also shows a man of reason and excellent judgment— a man to be relied upon in business. He is not an investi- gator by inheritance, but as the digit of his birth is 9, he has a capacity for understanding many things which seem hidden from weaker natures. He is a man who chooses to live at his highest, no matter how many mistakes he may make. He has chosen a hard path in life because his birth number is higher than his name number, which represents the material he has to work with. He is working in the 9 vibration while his number is the more material 8 ; so no matter what he expresses to the world, if he is living at his highest, he is endeavoring to gain a place in life higher than he now occu- pies. John Ellicott is capable of using all material substances not from knowledge gained from books or experience, but from the inspiration given from 9, and this combination also gives him the power to see the rights of men from the standpoint of humanity and yet realize the SUCCESS THROUGH VIBRATION 29 justice due to corporations. He is fitted to control large bodies of men, and will always be just in his dealings and deeply beloved by both his friends and subordinates. He would make a good judge in criminal cases and also a good business lawyer." You are as such a number as you are a name, but one speaks of what you have already made and now express, and the birth number is the vibration in which you are living and hoping to express. The name or consciousness is like a house you have bought, and the deed is registered in the Universe. Your life in this incarnation is like a house you are trying to buy, and not until your birth vibration is registered in your name is the mental part satisfied that you have done satisfactorily the work you came to the world to do. It is as easy to make high vibrations with a so-called low birth number as with a high one because true victories are fought out on the plane registering higher than the physical; they may be made on this plane, but as only motives are recognized in the plane above the physical, the vibration must meet the approval of the Higher Self before it will be registered in the Soul Plane which indicates the character. If your Birth Force is 5, you are as much a fire as you are an eig: our name is John Smith (8). Z - atom in your body, and e v er ythin g in the Universe vibrating 5 can be made to vibrate in harmony with von. Re- mrmhrr the thing yoa are studying is vibrat- ing upon one of Nature s planes and try to realize which plane it is, as a horse, a flower. ;-. ztr ir.i her. :::t :::ss:r^ \:rl< :: .'iv.ire :s grasped, this thing yoa have been studyin g may disclose a knowledge which will astonish Stiftiy everything indicated by your own 3irth Force as carefully as yoa study music or ij::::ry S::i y :. ::e".5 5: ref i?.-.".^ :.z- pare! which vibrate to the same number, not with a narrow view bat from a broad ou t look, an i try all the things related to yoa. Yoa will recognize tins force according to your grade of consciousness shown in yoor name. We see tilings diffe r entl y according to our grade of deidopmcn: 5 : it will be with stores, rooms and carseats. We can find in them just what their numbers say they are, and we are happy or un hap py in them accor di ng to oar comp- hrnsion of what they have to tell ■ 5 Z erything in this world is working under Law, and every act of yoor life is a fulfilled SUCCESS THROUGH VIBRATION 31 Law, but the working out of the Law is left to your own mentality, and its success lies in your ability to borrow Nature's force for your helper. You can ride in Olympian Chariots which are always running, if you will go their way, or if you persist in going in the contrary direction, you can walk. Nature never changes her course ; man must adjust his life to his Mother who feeds, clothes and gives him air to breathe. He must give up the ignorance of centuries filled with in- gratitude, and go to her as a child goes to his human parent and ask to be taught. Always remember that NATURE IS HI- PERSONAL AND TO BE ONE WITH HER THE SELF MUST SINK INTO THE UNIVERSAL. On this plane, the I is lost in the ONE. The individual Jesus gave His body for the sons of men, but after that was done, and the heavier particles of his earthly body dropped so he could be attuned to the higher planes in his Father's Kingdom, he said to this Earth Plane, "My Holy Spirit I give unto you." He gave the Christ Spirit to the World. No doubt a body as highly spiritualized as was that of the Messiah when released, would seek the centre of the Earth — he would seek 32 THE DAY OF WISDOM the centre as man does when he tries to shut out the world in the silence of communion with his own soul. This blessing as well as the spiritual atoms of every saint and righteous person leaving his body in the Earth, must surely bless the Earth with Christ's Holy Spirit. Number vibrations are the mental language of Nature; we find everything has its own vi- bration and expresses it in some language to man, only man can realize what plane the ob- ject is vibrating upon, — and knows that a name was given, no one knows how or when, only knows it is there and knows a horse as a horse, a rose as a rose, and they are just as clear to us as is a man or a woman. We take the vibration of horse and find it vibrates u, this shows us the character of a horse ; we also know his spiritual urge found in the vowels of the word "horse." The intention of the horse is to be a worthy messenger. He shows he is a psychic master, and yet but a horse. A lily vibrates 22, showing it is a master in the flower realm. Iron is a master in the mineral realm. We use these illustrations to show that it is not the number that is import- SUCCESS THROUGH VIBRATION 33 ant, but it is the thing which speaks through number. Your body is made from atoms vitalized from the force present the day you were born. On that day the dominating force was present as the ruling power in Nature for that day. There is always present in every life, at all times, "A King on the Throne," the force of a certain day. As the day on which you were born had its own ruling force, and this was the power that you first breathed in, this force claimed you as its child and you entered the family of this peculiar Ruling Force, tuning your body to its ruling breath. The first sound your ears heard was the song of the day, made by all the things which were vibrating in harmony with the day. All material things are to be found in the component parts of numbers, as July i, 191 7, the numbers are 7, 1,^9, 7, i,^= 8; they are the things which were vitalized on that par- ticular day. Church vibrates 7, so this is one of the things vibrating in unison, although every church has its own vibration according to the mind of its congregation. The Ruling Force makes a combination and finds it reaches a certain degree of perfection, 34 THE DAY OF WISDOM as a whole, and the Universal Ruler strikes Nature's note of the day. The digit of July i, 1917 is 8; the note of this day is the free note of C. Those things whose voice do not reach this note are mute upon this day. Men who naturally vibrate lower than 8 must go into the upper part of their nature on this day or they will vibrate out of harmony with all things known to the mental and physical world that are vibrating 8. So a person is composed of atoms collected from the force that is vibrating in harmony with his birth digit, — the digit of month, day and year. We bear the same relation to num- bers that we do to a name. We must use a name upon a check or bond or it is not a legal document, and the name must be known to the world as our name. The name speaks for itself in the mental world. We are also known by our presence, — there is a voice of comradeship which speaks to other souls before the eye sees us; we say "We felt your presence," this is higher than mere name, as it exists on all the planes of body, soul, and spirit; both name and birth vibration speak in this presence. Again we are known by our physical fea- SUCCESS THROUGH VIBRATION 35 tures, hair, eyes, complexion; this is the plane of our birth number. In working out the mathematical law of number vibration, you must have definite un- derstanding of the three planes of life and of all things found in Body, Soul and Spirit. When there is harmony, the three planes are always present. They manifest in the num- bers 1-2-3, m 8-9-1 1, or in 1 1-22-9. There is a lack of unity unless the 1, 2, 3 or its representatives are found in a name or birth number. In the body are found the constituents of Water, Earth, Air and Fire. This makes our body a planet of finer degree than the one on which our feet rest. While we are functioning on this plane, our body is of equal importance with our soul. When we pass on, the other home sphere will furnish the covering for the soul. Where we are to go, our future state, should interest us less than the progress we are making here in gaining materials to ex- press love and happiness. These can never be lost as they are real, and no reality can ever be obliterated as they belong to God's plane. When Soul and Spirit function in harmony with the body, a type of genius or inspiration flows into the brain, the body's finest instrtt- 36 THE DAY OF WISDOM ment; it then vitalizes the senses and then through the hands it passes into the world of usefulness, into the realm of sight, into the plane where the 1-2-3 work presides. The 1-2-3 people make a mighty trinity among the people who do things, and feel the great wheels of the machinery of life go round. A person vibrating 1 in name or birth vibra- tion is a different person when with a 2 or 3 person. He then sees through their vision and meets their needs, in creating for them new business or new trains of thought. He sees their views and needs and helps them work out their plans. He must be true and faithful or his word will be disregarded and his work vain. Every- body will unite in condemning a false or weak 1 person. The 2 person must be alert, as his vibration shows he is; he should be alert to gather the material he loves to collect, to materialize the creations of the 1 ; the 3 should express the creation and power of the 1 and 2 and not speak until these two numbers are ready, otherwise a 3 person will chatter. A band vibrates 3, and is made up of various instruments. 3 is the Spirit Force, — the unit of the whole. SUCCESS THROUGH VIBRATION 37 The high trinity of 8-9-22 or 11 stands for this first trinity in a stronger vibration; the 8 is four times 2 ; the 9 is three times 3 ; the 22 is eleven times 2; the 11 is eleven times 1. We know the owners of these vibrations to be masters. Altho we do not say so, the Law of Vibration calls the 8 a Mystic. M vibrates 4 Y t( 7 S (( 1 T a 2 I a 9 C k 3 26 2 6 8 The keynote of Mystic is 8. This is its Spirit Force. The color of 8 is Canary — found by anal- izing the word Canary: - - - : -.-= :• 7 I 1 : NAMES AND NUMBERS. DID you ever have the experience of trying to identify an acquaintance at a bank? At that time you probably realized how elusive seems a name. One sometimes leaves the window feeling a doubt as to his own iden- tity. Your name is the only mental assurance you have as to who you are and what you stand for in the community. The name stands for the man or woman. The whole system of being, called the person, is represented by the name. The name shows the physical man standing in conscious relation to other men. When out of Earth life the soul held its own conscious vibration undisturbed until it felt the vibration of the body and had to adjust it- self to new conditions. It undoubtedly knew before entrusting itself to the Earth's force, just where and when it would be born, and chose the day to get the dominant force de- sired. If we cannot believe that the everliving part of man knows what it wants and the ex- 39 4 o THE DAY OF WISDOM periences necessary to reach that ideal, then we cheapen the Real and Godgiven part of man. The soul knows exactly what it wants, and places itself in a body fashioned by parents of its own choosing. It is then born in the place it selects, at the time when the dominant force is active on the Earth which will bring it the events it needs to meet; thus placing itself in harmony with the force of Nature's domain. The dominant force of the day fills the body of its child with its appropriate force and at- tunes it to the Spirit of the Universe. This force is found by taking the combined digits of the Month, Day and Year. When added together these give the spirit force of the day, and that force is our key-note of birth, or our Spirit Force of Birth. We cannot change this force; it has gone from the individual into the universe. We are known to Nature by this tie and so long as She supplies our bodies with food, this tie cannot be broken. Nature governs everything with mathema- tical precision ; every event of our lives is held in a cycle and empties when its time expires. Everything in Nature can be read with mathe- matical precision, and our bodies belong to this spher,e. The way to stop unpleasant events is to NAMES AND NUMBERS 41 stop granting time's cycle anything but good to fill them with. "Nature abhors a vacuum/' so we must find intimately our own force and let it teach us what life on this planet means for us. We find this clearly by complying with Na- ture as she shows us in our Spiritual Birthday. If a person ceases filling the cycles with unhappy events, they will grow lighter and brighter, but debts of Nature must always be paid. She always exacts "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." THE DELINEATION OF NUMBERS. WHY SOME ARE STRONG AND SOME SHOW WEAKNESS. 4-5-6- and 7. THERE is a group of people lying between the two trinities of 1-2-3 anc * 8-9-1 1- or 22-, but never forget that in God's sight there is no high and no low. This" group represented by the numbers 4-5- 6-7- show out as the most independent and yet at the same time, as the most dependent of all the children of Earth. If the parts of the name show any of these numbers, you can find its weak point and after the growth has been made make a slight change in the name to show the change of vibration. Some people come into the world with a fixed kind of consciousness (which the birth name shows), and it will be impossible for the owner of such a consciousness to take a higher rate of vibration. We have found the person holding it will not live up to a higher standard of raised vibration. The name shows the soul 42 DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 43 status of the individual — it will not lie. The intellect may become ambitious and bend every- thing, including the name, in an effort to ad- vance — but the Soul will block progress and the man with changed name will go back from a dove to a pigeon. The world will not accept a* false rate of consciousness. The man may grow into a vibration of strength by work and fullness of purpose. He may become a medical doctor and thereby add 3-1 1- to his name; a clerk has a right to the 22 vibration; a bank president vibrates 1--11; the president of any society opens the door to the vibration of this high mastership. jr /iOw-vUm^ * • You can find the vibration of any business by spelling out the word from the table found on page 23. The angels must weep over the scarred and seared bodies of humanity, when the cycle, filled often, with the mistakes of past lives, empties itself with the strength of the God power sleeping in this polluted covering of flesh. If vibrating 8—9—22 or 11-, the individual rises alone and mutely faces the result of his disgusting past and undertakes to fill a new cycle with actions belonging to a Higher Self. Men will say he is regenerated, converted, or 44 THE DAY OF WISDOM use some other term to show the change in his character. If in his system lower numbers prevail such as 4-5-6-7- the Father of the Help- less will send some one to help him in his up- ward climb, some one who will hold, shelter and protect him. No person has ever anything to meet in life, alone, unless he has already developed the in- nate strength to meet it. The sheltering arms always protect the weak; giving rise to the saying which says there is a special Providence which protects children and imbeciles. No event ever presents itself in life which the indi- vidual has not stored up strength to meet. If he had it not, the event would have been post- poned to some time in the future, the test would not have been given at that time. If the trial is bravely met, the soul grows and goes on to a greater breadth of life. If when a test is given, it is shirked and passed on to another time, the soul is weakened. Con- sciously or unconsciously, we are being put through tests all the time. Life never ceases to be a school, from the cradle to the grave, and Nature's God is the school master. To show what grade we are in, and how to ad- vance in the best way, is the object for which this is written. Were it to tell you what to say DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 45 and what to do and you trusted it and obeyed, blindly, you would be doing what the pigeon fancier did to change the pigeon into a dove. Making a faster growth perhaps, but not a growth of permanent value. This is the differ- ence between working with things, and work- ing from the Ego or the Self. Better to fall and rise again with added knowledge than to advance mentally and spiritually and see the material part of our being still sleeping be- cuse it does not know how to accompany its two companions, soul and spirit. In this case it would stumble, shrink and grow old, not because it wants to, but because it does not know. The centuries have lost the secret of Elijah who overcame Fire and rode in a chariot of that element; and of Moses, and many other Masters. It was in the second or third century after the greatest of all Masters had come that the supernormal was lost in the subnormal, and what to-day is called normal is really sub- normal. Supernormal qualities today are the result of an harmonious body — one that can give help to the soul — soul and body meet, and the spirit blends them as one and gets out the essence of 46 THE DAY OF WISDOM the experience, which is stored as soul growth. This means that all men should have the inner hearing as in telepathy. They should be able to see the auras of people and things — their own soul being their only aid and teacher. The time is approaching when the world will not be satisfied with less than supernormal qualities. There is an elongated gamut of sight and hearing, and when we can function on the proper planes we shall be able to see and hear things which now seem to be marvelous, and the masters will again come into evidence. In climbing a high ladder, we mount round by round, taking one step at a time with care not to disturb the balance. We have the trinities of 1-2-3- an d oi 8-9- 11- or 22. These cling together and are work- ing, or should work, in co-operation. These show out as numbers, but these numbers repre- sent the individuality of people; the numbers simply speak for them in the Universal World. All this speaks not through the voice of the writer, or of any person's brain. It is as true and as scientific as the musical scale, and is founded with the same mathematical precision upon the self-same law. The group of people represented by the 4-5- 6-7- consciousness have always been protected DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 47 and aided and a 4 is like a Protestant becoming a Catholic or a Catholic becoming a Protes- tant, who in his zeal to shake off what seems like bondage, goes to the extreme, and not be- ing well grounded in the deep things of life, he seeks aid from books and study, and seeks out always the best known schools and col- leges. He is liable to shout about his freedom with a loud voice, something like a child off for a holiday. He is generally willing to try anything which will bring him money; and when he sees his mistakes, he is liable to grow angry and scold. He feels his own ignorance and abhors it. A 4 will protect any one he deems worthy as no other will — his vowels making 9 — show- ing a desire in his heart for full expression of law. When his voice speaks of his true self, one loves a 4 and then his voice is soft and mag- netic. When it is voicing his mistakes, his voice is harsh and physical. 4 is composed 2 times 2 which makes 4. It shows only the 2 plane of things gathered and the lack of the other planes causes the owner to feel a lack of balance. He naturally seeks an 8 or 9 vibrating per- son to help him in his business relations. He 48 THE DAY OF WISDOM forms a valuable assistant to this less active but higher vibrating person or group of 8-22- 11- or 22-9-1 1, which is a better balanced trin- ity than the first named. These high vibrating people need a 4 as much as a 4 needs them. The 4 has the push of youth throughout his life ; the other feels he has done with the active interests of the 4 person. The average 4 person views the world from a personal standpoint; he realizes the value of his belongings for as he is a doubled 2 his col- lection of things speaks to him as loved chil- dren ; he rejoices in not playing one instrument only in the orchestra of life, but as many as he can use with both hands and feet and the other parts of his body. But he likes to play alone, and rejoices in his knowledge. He talks learnedly and tells in a competent manner of news covering the world, but it is all collected from books and conversations; while the 8-9-1 1-22- people think things out for themselves and their knowledge comes from analysis in the silence of their own inner con- sciousness. DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 49 No. 5. The Sage vibrates 5 and is composed prin- cipally of one material, having only one plane of mind and of collection. But as far as he sees, he always strikes the balance. He will be a great helper in the seen world, receiving messages from the 8-9-1 1. A 5 vibrating in consciousness feels strongly its difference to a 4. As Fire vibrates 11, and Air 1, while Earth vibrates 7, all odd numbers, Water of all the elements vibrates an even number 22 — we see the odd numbers belong to Fire, Air and Earth, while the even numbers belong to Water. Therefore, 2-4-6-8-22- be- long to Water, and 3-5-7-9- belong to Fire, Air and Earth. So one can readily divine the effect a 5 person would have upon a 4 person whose value pertains to the Watery Kingdom. 5 vibrates wind, and it unpleasantly stirs the wares of the 4, and moves him to a restless activity. The 4 sees in the 5 person the same lack of balance he feels in himself, but 5 has one plane of both 2 and 3 which 4 has not. But as it lacks the quality of Unity, the 4 sees the weak- ness of the 5 and has little respect for 5 who is making every effort to balance himself upon SO THE DAY OF WISDOM the missing planes. 4 watches 5 use his mind to overcome matter, which 4 declares is good enough for him. 5 is devoting too much of his time to study- ing out his life problem, to allow the 4 person to annoy him, paying no attention except when he passes him in his busy fluctuating life, mak- ing his frequent changes in home and environ- ment. So anxious are the 5's for a larger view and more knowledge, so fascinating, and with a Christ-Jike face that one forgives them when outstanding bills for necessities remain unpaid. They have probably used the money to make gifts or to entertain their friends. We call 5 a Sage, which means a limited Master. This is particularly true when a part of the name vibrates 5 and the birth force is also 5. They cannot be made methodical and yet they always touch Nature's fountain which bubbles over as if with new wine. A 5 is more friendly with a 6 vibrating per- son than with a 4, as No. 6. The 6 person holds a balance of 3 times 2, and for this reason a 6 is usually a money DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 51 maker. We say a name beginning with the vowel o is a money maker, because o vibrates 6. The lack of balance is found on the side of expression as it has but two planes and is not as harmonious as a number with three planes. The co-mingling of 2-water substance, and 3- fire substance, make these two planes active, but lacking in harmony on account of the con- trary elements of fire and water. So in a name or birth force when numbers vibrating both water and fire mingle, you find energy and push but less harmony than when the name or num- ber has only one ruling element. A 6 has the full trinity of 2 and is always interested in seen things, and its relation to the invisible world makes it prophetic. A 6 person cannot deal with mind upon the 3 planes of expression, as a 6 deals with mind only upon 2 planes. A 6 person through its vowel rests in the heart of the n master; a bond of interest exists between these two classes, the 11 which vibrates the Jesus life, and the 6 who holds the balanced power of Nature's realm in his trinity of the 2 plane, but whose imperfect power of expression makes his spirit fight with vigor the systematic Water element. It is on 52 THE DAY OF WISDOM account of this action that we find those of 6 body or birth force mystically filled with a de- sire for a body fitted to live the kind of life Jesus lived. The cross and Gethsemane have little terror for them as their lives are filled with similar experiences. And yet these 6 children feel intensely in their bodies the rhythm of the Cosmos, so that they often feel as if they were being propelled through space, although they are often ham- pered by imperfect feet. When a 6 person does not fee] this inner harmony, he is living in the outer court of his being. To regain it quickly, walk and count while walking, 1-2-3- 4, and make your feet keep time to the count. Doing this you will soon catch again the joy of rhythm. A 6 seldom has to exert himself to make money, as his plane of material shows him the way. It may come in small amounts^ but it will be continuous. His effort is bent prin- cipally upon expression. He knows what he wants, and cannot express his wants, feeling like a bird with a broken wing. Their lan- guage is soft and poetic, but imperfectly ex- pressed. They dress in soft colors of silken clothing or other material of fine quality, and would rather go without food than wear rai- DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 53 ment of coarse quality. This is also true of the 7 person as they have the same balance of material as has the 6. A 6 person objects bitterly to working more than six hours a day. As they are swift in motion and work both with body and brain, to be obliged to plod a longer time than that, causes disaster to them and disturbs the har- mony of their households. 1 A 6 works in the way an artist paints a picture, giving heed to such parts as attract him, and finally the whole thing will be finished his own rather unusual way. The Water element of 2 being balanced in the character of the 6 and 7 they put their most active efforts upon their deficient plane of expression, trying as the juggler does to make two balls appear as three. The 6 needs a 3 to assist him in his work, and also find a 9 a help. The 9 person finds companionship and help in the 6 and 7 people on account of their quick- ness in understanding material things. A 6 birth does well with a 9 name or con- sciousness, because that helps to balance the lack of bodily expression. An unshakeable devotion exists between the 6 and the 1 1 . 54 THE DAY OF WISDOM No, 7. The Earth seems the only real thing to the average man and woman to whom seen things are more real than the unseen, which truly are more real and abiding than the seen things. World vibrates 9 and its vowel makes 6, showing the world to be a Cosmic Mother. The World speaks for 9 and is a creation of free expression. The Earth is lower in rate as it vibrates 7, but it holds within its system the same Cosmic Motherhood. The World is composed of three times 3 of the First Trinity, and is harmonious and law- ful. The Earth is less competent and harmo- nious as it holds within its system a broken plane of 3 and 1. The World like a 9 individual feels a suprem- acy over one vibrating only 7, yet the 7 indi- vidual holds a realizing sense of things mate- rial, as shown by his complete plane of 2. 7 shows a body attuned to the supernormal sense world, therefore it has the power of inter- nal sight, hearing, and what Dr. Myers terms "Telethusia," the knowledge of the Presence; but its drawback to completion is the broken law in the trinity of the 3's. DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 55 A 7, like a 6, works incessantly upon this faulty part of his being, ever pushing his 2 force from one plane to another in an endeavor to reach a harmonious inflowing and outflowing of what he knows to be true. This makes the 7's careful of their language, dress and deport- ment, so anxious are they to fill in this in- herent weakness of expression. The plane of the 7 individual makes him creative and rest- less as the power of expression he is seeking constantly urges him on. He feels the inher- ent power of the whole Earth within his be- ing. He should be associated with a 3 or a 9 person for he would supply the missing link; but it is only a very advanced 7 who will ask assistance of anybody. They feel their own inner strength and try to ignore their weak- ness by silence. Many books have been written by fs of birth vibration, although in name or consciousness they may vibrate a free number. Persons read- ing the books whose own vibration is less than 7 will not be conscious of any lack, but if the reader is a master number, the book will leave an unsatisfied feeling. If the 7 author has employed another mind to fill in the weak points, the weakness may not be in evidence. The 7 person is a mystery to himself. As THE DAY OF WISDOM he holds the Earth within his being, he is in- telligent and refined but not as self-reliant in mind action as he feels he should be. This causes a longing for comradeship, but except- ing in rare cases this will prove unsatisfactory. A 7 person is composed of harmonious cos- mic elements as the trinity of 3 times 2 is present in 7. The fullness of the Earth can be his without very much effort, but there re- mains the drawback of the broken law of ex- pression, the lack of the Air or Fire Elements. There is the perfect Water element of three times 2, but only two times 3. If he is functioning on the plane of Water, which is 2, the Fire starts the steam force, and great work may be done. Or he may work on his broken 3 plane, which denotes action on the Mental Plane. Then his mind will turn to bringing forth from the well organized plans of 2, the things his soul desires. This phase of the 7 force is a wonderful one — clear, in- tellectual and logical as far as it goes. But the third dimension is not there. No con- ception of what the other two planes mean can be expressed, so he must have somebody to help him see and express what lacks on that missing plane. Or a 7 may try to function on the Spiritual and Soul plane; then the whole DELINEATION Ol BERS plan of life will be vacant and distorted, espe- cially on the 6 side of life. In 7 there is present a I, a three times 2, a 1 times 3. This is the material of which a 7 person is composed. They contain some of the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Therefore in his system there is held latent the Law and the Prophets, with the lack of the balanced 3, which blocks the door-, for highest inspiration. A 7 is an Earth. It holds the elements of all of Nature's forces, but lacks because it is not big enough to express freely and be a great master. But it has an harmonious cosmic plane of 2 knowledge of wonderful power. The way out is to associate himself with a 3 or a 9. In this way he may evolve into a mighty force called 8. Xo. 8. An 8 is eight times 1 or four times 2. When he is vibrating in Air (1), he touches eve thing in the created world and vibrates with all bodies and souls from 1 to 8. The num- ber is a reservoir from which all can take the vitalizing breath. Like all of Nature's for it is simply there. 58 THE DAY OF WISDOM The Fourth Dimension is present in an 8 system in a broken law of two planes. It seems evident that no one will be able to fully understand the Fourth Dimension as when the three 4's are present they make 12, and the spirit of this complete number is 3. This lack of the power of expression which an 8 feels, makes him particular about his lan- guage, his dress, and the home he occupies. He intuitively feels he deserves recognition by the World for his attainment in character. He takes other men's work and remodels it, as far as his own growth will allow. Christians call the Divine Principle God. This name vibrates 8, and is shown to be a Cosmic conception by the vowel, which vi- brates 6. We naturally seek an 8 when in fiancial trouble, much in the same way that men turn to God for help. If they refuse to respond, the forces sometimes rend and destroy them. Often an individual or the work of an indi- vidual bearing the 8 vibration when found un- worthy of the vibration, will disintegrate and go back to the formless. This is as true today as when the walls of Jericho fell by the force of the vibratory law. Like the figure 8 an 8 person is composed of DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 59 four magnetic curves. As curved lines belong to the material plane and straight lines to spirit, therefore the 8 person builds a high structure of universal force. The aura of a good 8 extends twice as far around him as the aura of a 4. He holds within his system of body, soul, and spirit, twice the force of a 4 person. If the 8 is shown in the baptismal name, the growth was probably made centuries ago. If the name was acquired after birth, the har- monious 8 force latent, has shown out in an enlarged vision which will be able to see the Real in the sense world. An 8 person is like a great department store, containing a collection of works of art, instruments of music, scientific instruments, and fabrics of beauty and utility, with many people to direct the course of business. They express a collection, and people who want any- thing out of this collection, bring their less perfect work to have it made over into larger patterns of greater beauty and utility. Other people give the 8 expression, but not form. The 8 understands the physical con- struction of things, but the heart of other men must fill the forms the 8 makes. When an 8 60 THE DAY OF WISDOM fails to live to his highest, he stands amid his great possessions, lifeless. No. 9. This number while belonging to the 8-22- 11- group stands as distinctly different as do all strong characters ; he belongs to expression, while the 8 belongs to a collection. In other words, an 8 is a free expression of a collection to be used as he directs, while a 9 expresses everything. The 9 depends not upon collec- tions t>r material things of any kind ; he deals with the spirit of all things, and all kinds of spirits are liable to find expression through his human channel. As everything has its ruling spirit, so the spirit of the bubbling wine of Aces and Jacks find an entrance to the expressive 9. He func- tions with them on the lowest plane, but is generally able to see them in their proper place. He is liable to say, "Let people alone. When men use these spirits to reach their ideal, let them try them out in their fullness. When they have advanced far enough in conscious- ness, they will move to a higher ethical plane and then function there." But he sometimes DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 61 lingers so long with the spirit of wine and cards that his own spirit seems to sleep. When well awake, he sees the advance from the physical sub-normal to the plane above words, where action is so harmonious that there is silence, as in a fast revolving wheel. He sees the God strength as plainly as he sees the negation of good. As he passes on from height to height, he sees little difference. What seems to others good or bad, is of little importance to a 9. He is a number of free expression. As 9 contains the three planes of 3, they express the harmonious principle completely, and this makes a 9 inspirational. He seems able to order his wants from the storehouse of 8 and grasp the hand of an n by what we call inspiration. He draws down upon himself gifts. If he calls upon a 6 per- son he will get strong action. The 6 person could give harmonious physical things to a 9, which the 9 nature could not easily sense. The 9 nature is too loving and harmonious to question and doubt. Knowing he can call upon a 6 to aid him in material things, he simply assents. We seldom find a 9 dealing with the highest spiritual truths. He is made of life's material, woven from the Trin- 62 THE DAY OF WISDOM ity of 1-2-3. He deals rather with hearts and emotions and endeavors to bring the wishes and prayers of others into actual existence. He is often drawn into a marriage with a 4 because the vowels of 4 gives digit of 9 and the 4 longs for the full expression of the 9 nature. It is not a good combination for hap- piness as 4 has a broken material trinity of 2 and is striving to fill the gap with intellect and force. A 6 or 7 would make a better union. 7 has the material trinity of 2, and the 9 can sup- ply in. a manner the broken trinity of expres- sion found in 7. A 5 person finds a 9 satisfying for a short time, then they tire of each other, only to renew the tie and again separate. It must not be forgotten that the World loves her children who show weakness, and as the faults of the 9's are never hidden, the amount of love poured on them, without any seeking on their own part, makes an interest- ing study in this law. No. 10. With a 10 person, which is 1 in spirit, the character is entirely changed. The world condemns a weakness in a 1 per- DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 63 son and any faltering or infidelity is regarded by men as an unpardonable sin. Straight lines belong to Spirit; curved lines belong to natural or magnetic forces. A 10 lacks one point in making the complete round of life. Pythagoras says 1 is limited and unlimited — it is like the Universal Spirit, free to any who will receive it. No. 22. A 22 person should demonstrate as a mas- ter of material things as they have reached eleven times 2 making 22. They are very much like the 8 people — a collection — but not merely of mental and physical force as an 8 is, for a 22 has reached a spiritual material mastery. The 22 person holds the accumulated force of the 2 person, the 4 and the 8 ; he also holds some of the spiritual force of the 11. This gives him balance and expression on both the planes of matter and spirit; in him they meet to be an uplift to the race; or not reaching his heights, he is such as angels try to cover with their wings of charity, until sometime he awakes and finds the spirit waiting to help him arise. Then, so great is his innate strength 64 THE DAY OF WISDOM that he can gradually become a guide to those weaker than himself who must have a human arm to lean upon. An 8-9-22-1 1 should never be obliged to lean upon any one, but should be a support to others. When they are not strong enough to bear the strain, they should go to the fountain of all strength for aid. A 22 should marry an 11, or be associated with an 1 1 in business. They should also have somewhere a 4 and a 9. Thus we see the 8 person formed of a col- lection of things ; they are free from limitation or restraint as their material is attuned to both the limited and the unlimited. But you must express what you want, as they lack expres- sion. The 9 person is composed of atoms totally unlike the 8 person. He cares very little for collections, "baggage" he terms them. When he wants anything he always finds the supply near at hand. The 22 person has two masterships sleeping in his system, — a mastery of mental and physi- cal forms and also a great psychic. Either or both can be aroused to action or both may sleep and the owner of this vibration may ap- pear as a monster of villainy, as he possesses DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 65 strength for either extreme. Both 22 and 11 have passed the initiation into the Higher Court where spirit and matter meet. The power of 22 lies in the heart of 11 as the vowels show, and yet a 22 is often an- noyed by proximity to a 1 or 1 1 person. 1 vi- brates Air, 1 1 Fire and 22 Water. This com- bination seems to start a wind of 5 which stirs the elements into confusion. 22 is stronger and of more volume when it forms the digit of a name or birth number rather than when it is the separate vibration of a day, month or year. No. 11. We think of 1 as Air as Air vibrates 1 ; it finds its physical change when it reaches the 10, and passes on to 11 which vibrates Fire. Both 1 and 11 are spiritual numbers as their perpendicular lines show. When the 1 becomes 11 the atoms of the body are spiritualized into Fire. As God spoke to his prophets through fire, so God speaks through an 11 now, as in days of old. When any one reaches the vibration of n his life should be devoted to spiritual pursuits. His life should be a sermon. Sometimes when 66 THE DAY OF WISDOM he is functioning in the depths, he lays deep schemes to defraud his fellow men. Both the highest and the lowest are to be found in this concentrated vibration. As is plainly shown an n has passed through all vibrations, also marriage relations. The ii belongs to the world in the same manner as did the ancient priesthood. Every woman should be protected and guarded by an ii. Every child, of whatever nationality, is dear to the heart of an n through the bond of spirit. There* are so many things an n and a 22 should do as they can sway the masses for good in a way no other vibration can. Cases of revolting crime hold the public at- tention strongly when the principles of the crime are an 11, as were Nan (11) Patterson (11) and Stanford (4) White (n). The strength of their vibration made their crimes more noticeable. An 11 regards the marriage tie broadly, as he does everything else in life. The marriage relation seldom increases the strength of an 11 man or woman. If they throw their heart into it they lose in the pursuit of the things they have come to gain, as that would be DELINEATION OF NUMBERS 67 merely repeating what has been previously learned. Sex life and the marriage relation should be active from 1 to 7; diminish in 8 and 9, and should strengthen into guardians of the race in 22 and 1 1. BRIEFS. THE number i is limited until it goes into 8 when it becomes free, and is 8 times i. It finds limitation in the 4 as it has but 4 times 1. The reason it becomes free in 8 is because it has gone out of the Earth vibration of 7 and begun on a new gamut of sound on the plane above. 9 has a perfect trinity of 3, called expres- sion which it has gathered from the limited and the unlimited. It could not have made this perfect development except through the material as a basis of its development. The even numbers stand as a support or body to the mind. While 9 is self-reliant and apparently inde- pendent of assistance, the balance is found in the opposing elements. Both 11 and 22 lack expression unless they co-operate with other numbers. The 2 lies between the 1 and the 3, so 22 composed of 68 BRIEFS 69 11 times 2 lacks expression, unless with 1-9 or 3. The same is true of 11. All the free numbers are weakened unless their key-note of action is co-operation. 4-5-6-7 are called Limited Numbers, and people ask if there is any way to escape their limitations. There is not. It cannot be done. Those holding birth numbers of this kind have, for some unknown reason, chosen these imperfect numbers to work through — it may be to pay some debt of past lives — and they seem with avidity to have accepted the imper- fect tools supplied to them, and undertaken to complete their work by the help of those who have instruments suited to their need. It looks as if the 4-5-6-7 people some time in the past have rebelled against working with the 1-2-3 people and chose rather to take an independent path, even if they should have to work with inadequate machinery. They work with zeal, and succeed or fail, un- daunted, being willing to suffer if necessary in order to keep their independence. The uni- versal Mother Nature holds these people close to her heart and sends them helpers which strong numbers, often do not get. People holding these limited birjth vibra- tions, often make great progress as is shown 70 THE DAY OF WISDOM by their name vibrations, and thus they are fulfilling the object for which they came to Earth and are getting experience. By living in the flesh we are intended to become a friend to every thing God has made and thus to make soul growth. As food experts recommend food grown in the locality round about as the most vital so should we find food vibrating in harmony with the plan of our bodies most easy to as- similate. As we can absorb most easily the kind of force we are attuned to, it seems only wise to 'work with Nature and save our strength for other pursuits. Nature stands ever ready to help the chil- dren if they will only use her language and work in harmonv with her. When certain things are not adjusted to the system, she sometimes speaks through pain and distress, and yet well we know that if we lived right, nothing in all the world would be withheld from us; it needs only adjustment. What seems to be the "Lost Chord," is the tie uniting man to nature, — until this is found, we stand as weaklings upon the physical plane of existence. The idea seems prevalent that to work with our forces is to try to master the Universe BRIEFS 7* and everything about us. To do this is much like a man trying to drive an automobile who is ignorant of the machinery governing the car. Man must first master himself, before he can co-operate with Nature. Nature recog- nizes no master but acts as the whip to scourge such presumption. When one has gained mastership over his own self, he has become the master of every atom of his own body, and of the Earth, Stars, Moons and Suns. These are all represented in the system of man. To find the way to such a feat the path is so hidden the world mourns because it today has few worthy disciples of any of the great teachers, and yet to teach this was their mes- sage to man. For some reason the followers of the Prophets took the easier meaning of the teachings and made temples of stone and brick instead of making their bodies in which their souls dwelt into "fit temples. ,, To teach a system for attaining what are called "Supernormal powers," one could only reach the few most ardent students, those with sufficient fidelity and perseverance to hold. But if the time given to research of different things relating to the outside world could be 72 THE DAY OF WISDOM continued until each finds his own special mes- sage in regard to his life's work, progress would be made within a short time. No use wasting time. Do now the one thing neces- sary. To find the vibration of anything both the consonants and the vowels must be used. It is not wise to separate them. The vowels being spiritual can stand alone, the consonants being the body built around the spiritual structure of the vowels. The consonants alone tell very little unless one belfeves the body without the spirit has a truth to tell. So to get the key-note of anything add to- gether both the consonants and the vowels. In thinking over the imperfection often ex- pressed in the birth number from a lack of physical or spiritual balance, we know that the Higher Self chose your path in life when it could see with the all-seeing eye of Spirit and foresaw all the difficulties and trials you would have to meet in life. This choice of life's journey was made in a world where mistakes do not happen. All the events of your life are a part of the original plan. Every vibration has its strong as well as its weak points, and probably only by the BRIEFS 73 aid of our fellow travellers can the road be made less difficult to travel. The way in which we meet and conquer our difficulties shows how we are advancing in our life work. THE SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY THE question asked by every thinking mind is, "How can I use my force to the best advantage ?" By the power of will we project a thought where it takes shape as a thought form by drawing substance around itself. So the will is the Ruler of the material part which'makes the collection. It is not the province of will to put anything in motion — the will gathers and collects the materials for spirit to start the action. If the will is weak and faulty, the collection it gathers will be so small the individual choice of material will be limited. All the world is attached by spirit force to the First Trinity, composed of the numbers 1-2-3. Any one without much effort can reach these vibrations. The 4 meets it in 2 ; the 5 in 2-3; the 6 in three times 2; the 7 in 3-2-1 ; the 8 in 1 ; the 9 in 3; the 11 in 1 ; the 22 in 2 and 11. Numbers in themselves are of little value 74 THE SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY 75 and are only worth considering as we realize their relation to the whole. Man as part of the universe, should be friendly with everything — Earth, society, home, mankind through the individual unit of vibration which we call the key-note, and which is really the spirit part, the only part which is real and abiding. This part tells the quality of the thing, what might be called the tempermental quality, and in a person this is shown by the name he is using. Our comprehension of things depends upon the action of spirit force upon the vibration of our bodies, and the spirit force of our bodies depends upon the attachment which Nature made the day we were born. Our soul consciousness, shown by our name, tells us just how much we can comprehend. The vibrations 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 see with a more limited vision than 1-8-9-22-11. The first set of vibrations see more minutely and can de- scribe more in detail, but they are not liable to see the thing in its relation to the universal. The high vibrations see farther upon more extended planes, but are apt to overlook details unless their attention is called to them. 1 vibrates with all numbers; when with 76 THE DAY OF WISDOM limited numbers it vibrates with them; when with unlimited ones, it revels in its freedom. Music is the voice of the universal force, and as man touches this force by the digits found in his name and birth force, it is by this means that connection with the universal is maintained. We are attached to plants by the universal thread of the i and its expression of sound in 2 and 3. If a world should get out of harmony with the universe, both the world and the uni- verse would suffer. Thus it is with man ; if he is not in harmony with the world, he suffers, and he being the higher he suffers more keenly. Man must stand to the universe as the Maker of the Universe stands to man. The higher anything vibrates, the more power of both suffering and enjoyment is found in its system. Upon man's ideal of his Maker, is founded his life in the Universe. All things hold in their system an inherent desire to climb to greater heights, — to ad- vance. This is a Law of Nature, and exper- ience is sought in varied channels to make the advance possible. We judge people according to our ideals, often forgetting the quality of the plane they are functioning upon. THE SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY 77 As all things work with matchless precision, so our Earth vibrates as a unit to 7. The wonderful story of truths unknown at present will some day be revealed when man better understands Nature, through Nature's God. Now man and Nature speak to each other as though the seas divided them, and their voices are lost in the distance. Our music has a gamut of seven notes, a-b- c-d-e-f-g. One of these notes dominates and rules each day, on account of the motion of the Earth and its position in regard to the Sun. The day's note is struck in the silent place where the symbolism of force found in Universal Mind proclaims the note of the day. This note awakens everything which can find harmony with it through the key-note. As sound is connected with a certain color, so naturally the note collects atoms vibrating to its own tone and color. A child born on any day hears as its first sound, the note of the day, and brings with it its own color. This color or these colors fol- low the person all through life. Although at times they may vibrate on a low plane, they can never be lost. If the person leads a per- verted life, the colors darken and repel ma- terial things, which clear colors attract. The 78 THE DAY OF WISDOM force present at the time of your birth is the strongest and best earthly friend any one can have. The digit of your birth force shows the quality of the thread which attaches you to the Universal Life. It is the key to the collec- tion of Will which opens your doors. It is the Master of the Storehouse ; it is the force which can control the thoughts which so often beset us to annoy and trouble us. When their cycle is touched, we seem unable to control some thoughts. They repeat themselves so often we sometimes fear to drive them away, as they seem stronger than ourselves. But this is the force to use to clear our atmosphere. At a new birth the soul decides to enter the activities of a new life, which may be a Para- dise in comparison with the one he last lived, in order to gain the knowledge his system de- mands in order to become a balanced being on all planes. He takes up the atoms which will make him a body suited for the work in his coming life. Some time in his journey he will reach a stage in evolution when he will be capable of making a body he can take up or cast off at will. When this can be done his life journeys through the world are fast com- ing to a close. He will then understand the power of the Spirit, and the last enemy, Death, THE SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY 79 will have been overcome. Such souls climb the ladder until they reach the state where vi- brations cease to control them and they can thereafter control their own lives, often com- ing back voluntarily to help other souls climb to where they have reached. When a soul decides upon rebirth it sees with the eye of spirit and knows what path it will have to travel through the world to meet the events it needs for development. These events are controlled by the power of the will, which vibrates 2, and makes manifest the events you have earned in your past and put into your cycle perhaps ages ago. When the Clock of Life strikes it presents some ac- tion of the past, it may be a joy, or it may be something which you refused to meet, so it comes again and again until you meet it squarely and extract the lesson it has for you. When this is done we clear our colors ; we are freed; and what the Eastern Teachers call Karma is wiped out. When the master knows the Oneness of all things, and finds the Christ Spirit in every- thing, the new Karma he makes is quickly met, sometimes between the rising and the setting of the Sun. The cleaner the past, the more quickly the Law of Adjustment works. 80 THE DAY OF WISDOM The surest way to advance would seem to be to find out of what our collections of past events consist, which are already stored in our system; then to find use for the good and to clear out the worthless, j Some of our tenden- cies are inherited, some of our thoughts which have caused bad habits, may have been col- lected from other minds which we have care- lessly absorbed. The Spirit Force of one's birth is Nature's force and is a natural element, but it will re- main dormant unless the centre of the body at- tracts it by an illuminating radiance. It cannot gleam and glow when the body is filled with sorrow, anger, remorse or worry for they are not natural forces. The natural boy or girl drop tears over a broken toy, but when the condition is found to be inevitable, smiles quickly replace the tears, and this is perfectly natural. All the world loves a lover, and Nature pro- tects and guards the bodies of youth until false ideas have replaced love with fear. The night before your own day, drop all your worries and open your heart to every joy the world holds — they are all hidden in your own natural force and long to come to you bringing both love and material treasure THE SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY 81 upon which you can build both soul and spirit structures. Only a natural hearted body can bring your own force from hiding. You will know when it becomes active, for you will want to whistle, sing or laugh at what before perhaps seemed to be worries. Remember the force must be wooed and brought into action by the open expression of your heart. Then we ride in Olympian chariots. When we deny this force we are obliged to walk, see- ing the chariots go by in an opposite direction, and have sickness, poverty and unhappiness for our comrades. This is because we have not really entered the Golden Stream of Nature, but have only known about it mentally. God acts upon the physical plane through the motive power of those who are obedient to His will and they must be hands and feet for the ever living God. We often say he employs very indifferent messengers, and this appears to be true ; but within the system of everything there is a point of the Real which attaches it. Around the Real clusters the Unreal, which is not the true self but borrows its strength from the Real. As the untrue part belongs to the untrue of trie world, so the true spark belongs to the Divine. The untrue attracts the untrue g 2 THE DAY OF WISDOM — the true attracts the true. Sometimes a message is intended to go to one who vibrates very little reality and one of these people of lower vibration may be able to do what another of higher vibration could not do. God uses all kinds of messengers to do his service. When opium was admitted to China it opened the ports to those who carried the mes- sage of the Messiah. All kinds of messengers are used to carry the true message, but every messenger, no matter how he appears has his place in the great Cosmic Choir of Brother- hood. " His voice may not be heard, but as long as he has a body, soul and spirit and rings true, he is assisting in the adjustment of the Cosmic Law. When a life seems ,so burdened with cares and worries that a laugh seems impossible, note carefully the feelings which appear on the birth force day. If there is an indication of a laugh or the slightest lifting of the burden, search for the Real Thing your burden holds ; pick it out ; every day brush some of the Earth dust from it and after holding firmly to the centre reality it contains, look out through the maze of wor- riments composed of ignorance and mistakes, sometimes of other minds and wills, all col- lected around yourself, and realize the yoke THE SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY 83 these have laid upon you. When you thor- oughly realize this, slowly unwind the tangled threads, and laugh, sing and rejoice. When you see it going where it belongs, take the points of good from every trouble and burden with you and seek a higher plane than this wearisome mass can reach. When you find it has not strength to follow where you are, leave it in the hands of its own force. You may have been carrying the burden for years, and when you found you could not cure it and it got no lighter with age, why weaken yourself with the constant struggle? Search for the good points and take them with you, leaving the rest on their own plane. Then let your own force teach you and keep an open mind for every hint of changed condition. The business man should watch his sales on his Spiritual Birthday and notice if they point to a change of stock — notice the quality of his customers — the kind of goods wanted — and put forward goods of his own vibration, making a specialty of his own color on that day unless it too strongly conflicts with the Cosmic color of the day. As everything becomes more bril- liant when the color of the day meets its own color, it will make his goods look more har- monious. 84 THE DAY OF WISDOM Yoyr own color will help you to grow, if you will use it. An up-to-date store should keep one person to dress the windows daily and put forward goods vibrating the colors of the day, found by getting the digit of the day, month and year. Colors are vitalized which vibrate with the day. For other details note Balliett's Nature's Symphony. HOW TO FIND THE SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY, OR THE DAY OF WISDOM FIRST find your own birth force by adding together the day, month and year of your birth. Then take the digit of the whole which is your Spirit Force, and binds you to Nature, telling you how you are related to the Cosmos. Whenever your own force found as above by adding the day, month and year together and taking the digit as it appears in the calen- dar of the current year, then look ahead about nine days and you will probably find another day giving the same digit. They occur about three times in each month and with a little study you will easily discern them. The days and months will differ bring- ing you different events. Whenever your own Spirit Force arrives, watch it closely to see what message it brings you. It may be hidden by not self. Not your force, but if you watch it carefully you will 85 86 THE DAY OF WISDOM discover its true message, and it will show you it is ready to help you in every way. When either the month or day is n, do not add that, but find the digit of what remains out- side the ii. It is the same when a 22 appears, depriving the person of the force which should properly be his own. If the 11 or 22 belongs in your name, it may represent your higher self arising to give assistance to you. Let us take for example a person born March 1, 1883. March vibrates 3 The day is 1 Year digit is 2 15, digit of 6. This person's force is 6. In the year 191 7 you will find the Spiritual Birthdays for March thus : — March 3, 1917, March vibrates 3 The day vibrates 3 Year, 191 7, vibrates 9 15, digit 6. THE DAY OF WISDOM 87 Nine days later, March 12, gives the same digit of 6. So does March 21, and March 30. In April, the 2 and 20 give the 6 digit. In May there will be four; the i, 10, 19 and 28. In June, the 9, 18 and 27 are the days. In July, we find 8, 17, 26, the numbers. In August, the 7, 16 and 25 have the 6 digit. In September, the days with a digit of 6 are the 6, 15 and 24. In October, the 5, 14 and 23 with the year digit of 9 gives a digit of 6. In November, the desired days are the 6, 15 and 24. In December there are four days with a digit of 6 by adding month, day and year. They are the 3, 12, 21 and 30. In the first month of 191 7, January has three days with a 6 digit — 4, 13, 31. February has three, the 3, 12 and 21. It will probably take at least three months for an earnest student to read and understand his own Book of Life. All other aims should be put aside until this is understood and the be- hest, "Man, know thyself," is obeyed. Find your birth force, then see which days in the coming month will have the same digit as your own special force. About three usually 88 THE DAY OF WISDOM come in each month. As the combination form- ing the spirit digit will differ with the various days, months and years, so different events will come on different days, but the Spirit Unit is guardian of them all. Whenever your- own digit appears as a day's digit you will have to hold firmly to your centre, for it will make you so active as to dis- turb your balance unless you do so hold. Before you begin your study look into things and find in them through their digit the con- tact with their spirit, for if everything is not bound by the one universal cord of spirit, then the Oneness of the whole is a delusion. There must be the One in Many to hold together a universe of worlds. Every action, small or great, should be done according to our Law of Life, which must be in accord with Universal Law. To give an illustration of what is meant and to show how Nature conspires to help those who understand her laws and are willing to assist in the upbuilding of the whole, I record an event which taught a woman one of her les- sons on her spiritual birthday. She was in a store making her way to the R. R. Station to meet the only day train to her home, a long distance away. Just as she THE DlAY OF WISDOM 89 reached the door she saw a crowd of people gathered, blocking her way. Instantly she felt her body fill with vital energy. She was moved as though by a strong hand through the crowd to where a doctor stood beside an apparently dying woman. Without protest from any one, she took the ice cold hands of the woman into her own and allowed Nature's force to flow through her into the almost lifeless woman. The Doctor shook his head, but she stood on unmoved. After a few minutes warmth and life returned to the woman, and she said, "I'm better." . The woman we are studying, then hurriedly made her way to the R. R. Station and as she entered the baggage room to have her trunk checked, she saw by the clock that she had only three minutes to spare. As she took her eyes from the clock, a woman in the front of the waiting line beckoned to her and said, "Take my place." She accepted and at the close of the three minutes, boarded the train, with check and ticket in hand. Afterwards in think- ing over the incident she realized that she had touched her harmonious chord and all Nature responded to the call. At another time, a different set of happen- ings taught this woman another lesson upon go THE DAY OF WISDOM her spiritual birthday, showing her another view point of her Law of Life. For several years she had been annoyed by the erratic actions of a relative by law. She decided the woman should not have power to annoy her in the future. On the morning of her Spiritual Birthday she said to herself on rising, "I have determined not to be annoyed by the actions of my relative. I will be kind to her, but it must be at a dis- tance. She shall not come near me." The declaration was so earnestly made that it left hec silent and passed at once into the Univer- sal. She knew this had happened as no further thought of the matter troubled her. Having made Law a study, the cycle of events often revolved swiftly for her. On this special morning, immediately after break- fast, she went into a pavilion on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, to wait for the opening of the Boardwalk Church, as she had often done be- fore. On that morning she found a most un- friendly spirit prevailing among the crowd of pleasure seekers. She spoke to several and they answered her usually acceptible sociability, with arrogance. In the Church although seats were lacking, one on each side of her was left THE DAY OF WISDOM 91 vacant, people passing them by and seeking places elsewhere. Even the clergyman turned away from her. After the service she went back to the pavil- ion, not yet understanding what was happen- ing to her. She spoke to several persons, trying her best to find some point of contact, but all her efforts were vain. She finally asked the Father to show her what was the matter. In- stantly the form of her relative came before her. Then she at once knew she had been pay- ing the penalty for the law she had broken. The Intelligent Universe was thus teaching her child. Nature would not tolerate the laying of a false law upon another, and the one who tried to do so must suffer for her violation. She now plainly saw she had used her will vi- bration of 2 instead of trusting the 1. What she should have done was to take her grievance to God and there leave it, knowing that the Spirit which moved matter into a world would move events in such a manner that her grievance would have been arranged in a way acceptable to both parties. It was her duty to do the thing which pre- sented itself, even the meeting with her rela- tive, in the very highest way she knew and ■ 92 THE DAY OF WISDOM trust to the Highest for harmonious adjust- ment. As soon as she realized the mistake she had made, this woman tried hard to overcome the broken law she herself had set in motion, but it required both effort and prayer to make the adjustment, for the Universe, which in the plane on which she had been functioning, knows nothing about motives, but recognizes only action, was using against her the law of Repulsion, which she herself had set in motion. The Spiritual Birthday, which holds one's very -own force in its unit teaches you more quickly than other days do, which have some special lesson for other people who vibrate in accord with them. At the close of the cycle of 365 days, comes the recognized birthday when friends give pres- ents and compliments to the one whose yearly anniversary has again arrived. The Spiritual Birthday, which occurs about every ten days should be the happiest of days filled with joy and peace. Your desire should be to find out exactly what your force holds for you, and how you are to take events from your own storehouse, possibly placed there in former centuries. Until we have tried this plan, we do not know what they hold ; it may be THE DAY OF WISDOM 93 fame, wealth, or the result of good done when you were filled with zeal in working for the Master. From many lives, there must be stored in the soul's collection of victories and mem- ories of times when you were the person of ed- ucation, wealth, love, you now often long to be. As only a comparative few of the Western World can remember their past incarnations, we have no way of bringing back the knowl- edge of what we have been doing since the dawn of creation when all souls left the cre- ative hand of God. As the Bible tells us, at that time creation ceased, and we have cer- tainly been journeying somewhere — upon some plane of existence — ever since that time. Sometimes, memories like vague dreams pass through our minds, bringing a longing for a repetition of past triumphs. Nature never wastes her treasures and they cannot be called from the past, but by the use of our own force upon the Spiritual Birthday we can enter the storehouse of the same force that brought the things we wish to have again. These probably cannot be returned, but the same force will be present holding, perhaps, greater blessings for the future, according to how we have used our past blessings and are fitted to use more in our present work. 94 THE DAY OF WISDOM On your special day notice every glimpse of the unusual that presents itself. This may not appear until after perhaps months of watching, as we are so constantly beset with unimportant details. But continue to regard the day as your friend and teacher. Erase all evil thoughts of events which occur upon that day, and search for the good in what appears evil. Watch the people you meet and the thoughts they bring you, and you will find in them sometimes the benefit you are seeking. Only by watching the straws, can we be sure of tjie way the wind is blowing. Remember, whatever you put into the cycle is liable to return on succeeding birthdays; they appear like messengers, going we know not where, often returning to us with a mes- sage we cannot understand without undivided and concentrated attention. We understand that each individual contains within himself a universe of worlds, and each world is in vital relationship to the vital force or keynote of the whole. If one world is out of harmony with the general scheme, both' the world and the universe will suffer. So when a human being is out of harmony with his brother men, all creation suffers, but the in- dividual himself, is the greatest sufferer. THE DiAY OF WISDOM 95 Every one can at any time show his good will by a thought embodying an action and in this way put himself in harmony with Universal Law. An act like this will enter the Unseen and the return current is likely to bring you some blessing the Law holds in store for you. But the good action must be entirely free from selfishness or self-seeking. Simply a kind act will often bring you a blessing in its return, but if it is done with a thought of the return, the good will avoid you. Say the word, Opulence— let it sink down all through your body ; then hold still and push it out through every pore ; knowing that every body atom holds all the constituents of a world, pass the vibration of opulence through every atom of your body, out, out, you know not where, t nor must you care. The Universe deceives it and sends it where it wants to go. You are an instrument the Universe is using, just as an electrical instrument gives light to the world. After you have pushed the thought out of your body, let it go until the force becomes so fine and still you feel the return current enter your body. Do not name anybody or ^think especially of your- self. Remember you are one world in a Uni- 96 THE DAY OF WISDOM verse of Worlds, united by the unity of spirit to all other souls. The Universal Spirit guards and protects the Law of Unity, so when you do this kind- ness to all created things is it reasonable to think that a good instrument like yourself will be allowed to want? Then take another word, — Regeneration. It vibrates 5, which is the vibration of the Christ, — the vibration of that spirit left in the world when the Christ had ascended, so it holds a mystical meaning. Use this word as you did the word Opulence. One deals with the highest plane, the other with both mind and spirit. It will change condi- tions in the world. Do it without thought of self, letting God take care of you through the Universal Law. It is foolish to use your will on men and phy- sical conditions. Use your will to make your- self do these two exercises two or three times a day. Do them while engaged in other work ; they will make life different for you. But do not use the two words together, as they func- tion upon different planes. Take care not to miss any part of your body, in the outgoing and incoming current. When done for about a minute, the Universe will take care of your THE DiAY OF WISDOM 97 effort and create harmonious conditions for all mankind through the Earth currents. Now can you see the wisdom of giving to the Universe your aid in this strong human action on all the days which holds for others the especial Spirit Force which you are using? On your Birth Force Days and on other days you send out Opulence and Regeneration. Is it reasonable to think that the Force present in your own path of life will pass you by, un- heeded and not help you to lead a life suited to your own generous spirit? Do not doubt the working out of your plan, even though it may take months or years to adjust all the broken laws of previous lives as well as of this one. Your Spiritual Birthday should be a happy day, filled with gifts, pleasures and happy events. This will come when the law of your life is read through the teachings of these days governed by your special force. You are a member of a large household gov- erned by the same spirit force, which controls the material things surrounding you. Do not forget that if God governs all the great things, He also governs every act of your life ; the peo- ple you meet; the places you see. The people you meet could not come near you unless the 9 8 THE DAY OF WISDOM law governing their lives and yours coincided. Everything in both your life and mine is governed with mathematical precision and jus- tice. When anything which appears like evil touches you, don't try to avoid it, but realize that it could not be there unless it held an element of good in its system, for only the posi- tive element can move when the spirit acts — so hunt for this point of contact and know that this is your message. Take with you to a higher plane the good which is in the thing, and if its body will not go along, then leave that for the Universe to control. There is another point of contact for man- kind in the vibratory system found in the con- sciousness as expressed in the name. On days vibrating the same spirit force as our name, we will find the vital dominant force of the day to be especially in accord with us. Some natures are less flexible than others and show fewer open doors, they having con- centrated upon one path, as their name shows. Others with the versatile minds have eagerly desired to meet every event in life, in order to learn. They desire to know. These people make many vibrations to carry to other planes. Different worlds have their own key-note. Some are limited while others strike free notes. THE DAY OF WISDOM 99 The vowels show the quality of the inhabitants. World vibrates 9, which shows it to be a law of expression. Earth vibrates 7 and its vow T els equal 6, which shows it is attached to the Universe upon only two planes. It does not reach the highest, nor can it until the inhabitants have greatly raised their vibrations. The point of present interest is how to find our balance with the Earth as we must do in order to vibrate harmoniously with it. Our body is a physical expression, and the force abounding in the Earth belongs to us as truly as our bodies do. When we comingle with this force, we see the result in added vitality and power. LIVING IN MATTER INSTEAD OF SPIRIT. NATURE'S force of 7 is present in each month of the year because the word month vibrates 7. If you were born in the month of January, which vibrates 1, your tie to Nature is the 1 of the Earth force of 7. Your body regards the Earth as a unit, as one and not many. If the day vibrates 3 and holds the First Trinity in its system, the force by which all things were created is a more active force than the month force of 7. If you were born on the 4th day of any month, and you are using the physical and the mental force of the First Trinity in your body plane, look to the digit of your birth force. Year vibrates 22 and is a hidden master of a year's experience. If your year digit is 3, your Teacher is one of the First Trinity. Your month being 1, your day 4, and year 3, by adding these numbers you find their spirit 100 LIVING IN MATTER INSTEAD OF SPIRIT 101 quality reaches a digit of 8. This 8 is what you are, and on the silent side of life, its vibra- tion speaks to all men and they know spirit has proclaimed you a child of 8 vibration. Your body is formed of the atoms found in the 8 highway of life. Nature accepts you as a child of 8 character — you are attached to the Earth through Earth currents of the quality of your month; your activities are denoted by the quality of your day ; your Teacher is of the kind which your year proclaims. The Spirit which abides with you and shows what you can reach, is the digit of the whole. Now if for any reason the person who has a I month, 4 day, and 3 year making a birth force of 8, which is a free number and by which he is known to men, if he should fail to live in his high place, he will go into the material 4 of his day vibration and use its force instead of his true spirit force of 8. When people meet him, they instinctively recognize him for an 8 person and expect him to show out 8 qualities of Altruism. When he appears to be a 4, they consider him untrue and unreliable ; so they either let him alone or give him hard labor of the 4 vibration. Or take a case where the digit of month, day and year equal 4 and the day vibrates 8, 102 THE DAY OF WISDOM as a 2 month, 8 day, and 3 year giving a digit of 4. If this person tries to leave his birth- path of 4, which he chose for his path to work in all through life, and should try to function in the path of his 8 day, the world which recog- nizes him for a 4 will say he is not nearly as great a person as he thinks he is, and will turn from him to seek a 4 who is functioning in his own proper number. If a man is functioning in a 4 day and the digit of day, month and year also make 4, peo- ple will always find him loveable and true ; his day protects him. Or if an 11 birth force has a 6 day he also will be greatly loved, as 6 is expressed in the vowels of 11, and this is equally true of the other numbers when a per- son is living his true life. To find exactly where you are living, watch your Spiritual Birth Force Day. If you find it an empty day, then consider the force govern- ing the day of the month in which you were born, and find out if you have gone outside of your spiritual force into a material day. If so, close the door of your day, and move the contents which you consider valuable to your spirit force, which is the digit of your birth. If you leave your spirit force and go into the LIVING IN MATTER INSTEAD OF SPIRIT 103 Earth currents of the materials which form your physical being, you will lead a dreary, unblest kind of existence. THE WILL. TWO occupies the middle place in the first trinity, between i and 3, It represents will, which vibrates 2. If number vibration speaks for truth only in a limited way, it is worthless. To be of real value it must express the truth of the whole. This system recognizes a different action of the will to that generally considered by the worldly leaders and teachers. These giants of will go through varied experiences, living sometimes on the mountain tops and again in the valleys, trusting always in their own ef- fort which they consider a spark of Divine Mind and man's highest ruler. According to number vibration they are working on a proposition which has no outlet and no expression. Spirit vibrates 1 — mind 22, 1 creates and 3 expresses. Spirit's expression is through man's physical body, a thing he cannot yet control. When he succeeds in doing this, which is his true desire, Nature will recognize his master- 104 THE WILL 105 ship and open her doors to him. Now his will is faulty as it vibrates in the first trinity — a trinity which is dependent upon the 1 and 3 for harmonious action. The key-note of will is 2. Its vowel vi- brates 9, showing its desire is for law and full expression, which is yet unborn, and will be eventually gained by a reliance upon the higher 1, which stands for spirit and is the creator of the heaven and the earth. Will shows a broken trinity of the divine as it vibrates two planes of 1. So it is not a master — it is the custodian of its master, God's collection of his creation and can only yield its wares to those who apply to the door the key of 1. Those who enter in any other way, must pay back some time, in some way, for what they have pilfered from Nature's store. We can see around us many examples of people who have made mistakes in the use of their will. It is true, to assure success, the will must be active, but to assure an abiding success, it must take its proper place. This last kind of success will act in what the world calls a charmed life, which shows in both large and small events, that all Nature con- spires to help the individual for the good of the whole. 106 THE DAY OF WISDOM When the individual will rules, it acts like an insurgent taking what it wants, without heeding where the thing comes from or who else may have a claim upon it. These people say the Universe is intelligent and must adjust its own difficulties. The adjustment is usually made through courts of law, through floods, fires and wars. Through these and other heart- breaks, Nature will avenge any wrongs in- flicted upon her. Will is not mind as mind vibrates 22 and will only be one-eleventh of that force. Mind is master of will yet mind is not the highest; it is one of the Masters of that Maker whose name is not known in any language. Milton gives a comprehensive picture of the 1-2-3 trinity in his Paradise Lost. He shows that when the Living (1) God (8) -9, which is law upon the 1-2-3 plane of action, decided to create this world, the three planes must act in unison in the material. Some of the inhab- itants of Heaven said, "One, only one; not three." Hence there was a war in Heaven as they did not recognize the three manifesta- tion as the one. The Divine Thought went forth and moved the material substance to start a world into action ; the 2 gathered together what had been THE WILL 107 thus started and this condition represented the Divine Impression. The 1 represented Creation, the action of Spirit in substance, the 2 gathered it together, the 3 working with the 1 and 2 brought forth a world, each doing its part and yet working as 1. Had the 2 principle been unmindful of the work of the 1, the collection would have been faulty and the 3 could not have brought forth a world according to the laws of Nature. So a man governed by will as his highest weapon of use is relying upon a force that lacks active incentive until moved by the action of the spirit 1 upon it. For instance, suppose you have no piano and greatly want one. You have been told to vis- ualize it and it will come to you. So you do visualize it until you can see the grain of the wood of which it is made. If you continue to do this long enough, it may come to you, but it will be likely to bring with it many circum- stances of inharmony, and it will be likely to continually pass out of your possession. In all probability you have brought to yourself an instrument to which you are not attuned — you do not know it, nor does it know you. In time it may reach its true owner. In accordance with law the desire for a piano 108 THE DAY OF WISDOM may come to you in a way you cannot well shake off. The secret of success lies in find- ing the i. You have found the 2 and 3 in the vision. Go quietly and persistently into the inner recesses of your system, seeking the One and not the Many — holding the thought and vision of the piano until the silence of the Uni- verse is reached, and the thought of the instru- ment is lost in the greater world where you are functioning and you care no more for the piano nor anything else connected with your wish. Not until that point is reached has the piano entered the workroom of the spirit world, where the one intended for you is made. You will forget your wish, but the piano will come, perhaps in an unexpected way, and this one will not leave you, for it belongs to you. Alert vibrates 2 the same as will. Be alert that the law can show you where is held your wish. If the desire is weak, the vision will be weak, and a weak expression will follow. Tt collects and guards its possessions, to obey is the duty of the 2 which represents will to spirit 1, and to give the expressive 3 the full vision of what it contains. The same law acts in business relations as in subjective work. A firm or family should have a trinity of 1-2-3 or 1-8-9 or 1 1-22-9. THE WILL 109 When these numbers are found in the name, the judgment of such people will be good; if these numbers are found in the birth vibration, such people will work well but the judgment, is liable to be faulty. The last named people have come to learn through action. People whose birth vibrations show the four elements of Air, Fire, Earth and Water have more enthusiasm than those who have made these numbers and show them in their names. Those who bear the same spirit force in both birth and name, show they have come to repeat their experiences — we do not know, it may be an encore upon some plane — they give more force and virility to the character. If a person shows these combinations in name, he has a more balanced will than one whose numbers predominate in the numbers of expression — 3 and 9 — or who has an excess of the even numbers 2-4-8 22. MASTERS. THE world at this stage of race develop- ment associates the word "masters" with one who stands with a rod of authority, coercing all who are of his following to listen to his doctrinal teaching. But this represents the worldly master, the one who governs things according to known laws — such laws as can be'put into words — not realizing that any- thing which can be comprehensively told is of limited quality and goes only a limited part of the way. It may do good work, but the higher, the greater, cannot be told in words, although words show where the door is to be found which leads to the silent way. From the silence we can sometimes hear the words and realize the truth the words are support- ing. The masters are those who have overcome self, who have so attuned body, soul, and spirit to harmony that the planes mingle as one. The strength of the spirit governs the soul and body and the man feels the actual pres- IIO MASTERS in ence of God moving and speaking within him, but not as a guide from outside, which would be obsession. The natural plane of 3 advances to the full harmony of its own plane. The 4 soul opens its transom to the 1 spirit and the great spir- itual impulse flows through, not periodically, but constantly. The master is one who at all times governs the atoms in his own body. When this is done, he is master of all the elements — he can take on a body and lay it down at will — become vis- ible or invisible as he needs in order to do his work. We have among us those who are masters of certain sciences such as electricity and steam; but those who make harmonious instruments and tap Nature's forces are not masters in the truest sense. They are not masters of their own temple where the master dwells. The true master speaks the word and Nature obeys his will. Each of us should train his own body to mastership as the Messiah tried to teach his apostles to do; and they, misunderstanding him, built temples of wood and stone. There- fore we their descendants suffer as weaklings seeking ever the lost link between Nature and ii2 THE DAY OF WISDOM Man. Only in finding this sixth sense can our race do what Moses and the Prophets did. We believe the victories a person gains in any life are stored in his soul and the result- ing experience is likely to show out later as Charity. We do not believe the souls of Moses and the Prophets and all the martyrs and saints of the ages have lost their interest in the life of the world they helped to develop. Many of the Great Souls on Earth today are probably these same people in the flesh once more to secure further victories in their ad- vance towards Divinity. These men and women we are considering must have possessed the one quality without which no master was ever crowned as such, and that virtue was and is Fidelity. An un- wavering turning of the mind toward God, and a desire to help their fellow men. If this were properly realized by the many who today possess master vibrations as shown by their names, they would turn like a mighty avalanche to the Living God. Their turning would serve to teach the race the trend of God's will. We are told we have functioning on this Earth plane Great Masters whom the world MASTERS 113 never sees. From them the great ones take their orders and teachings and they in turn pass them on to those below. Sages, Seers and Adepts, each has its own particular work in the world of created things. There are those who go down into hades to try to help suffering souls win through more quickly. The Psychic (11), who is one of the highest messengers, goes there. If you are of this vi- bration and are sufficiently true and faithful for God to trust you to do His work, He may send you there. If you do not go consciously, you may do so in your sleep, and try to release souls who have sunk into helplessness and need a strong soul to help them. If you are true and worthy, you will feel no depletion either mentally or physically. If a silence envelops you and you have a tremen- dous sensation of awe, then thank God. If you feel a pulling or pressure upon your head, know that some outside force is trying to use your power. Go at once into your high- est system and there ask the Father to remove the force which it not His from your body and environment, and hold still until it goes, know- ing it cannot return. No one should take from you nor should you ii4 THE DAY OF WISDOM take from any one anything but what the Father allows. Never go to a master for help. Go to God and He will send you the master suited to your needs. The only arm to lean upon either in the seen or unseen side of life, is the arm of the Divine Trinity, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. The adept vibrates in heaven which is i ; also in hell which vibrates i. The difference is shown in the vowels or heart of the plane. The vowels of heaven make 1 1 ; the vowels of hell vibrate 5. The heart of heaven is a mes- senger — the centre of the other place is the sage of life. Jesus (11) went to both places. There are those in the world today so shut in by their dense material bodies that they cannot tolerate the name of God. Yet the point of contact can be found in the soul of some true person. They may yield to the Brotherhood of Man when they cannot yet reach the Fatherhood of God. The n's and all the other masters find their work with these people both in this world and on more remote planes. The masters are also deeply interested in all religious denominations, and often function MASTERS 115 among the people in unseen bodies, sending out waves of spiritual strength. People who are in harmony with this phase of the world's work find satisfaction in build- ing churches, where in the stillness can some- times be felt the loving care and faithful love of those who have guarded them through the ages. The religions of the world have many mas- ters. The mystics who vibrate 8 are con- nected with building the temples, and in hav- ing scholarly sermons preached in them. They like to have the altar filled with symbols to constantly remind the worshippers of all the ideals they represent. The 9 masters are those concerned with law. They are always present at national confer- ences and urge legislators to make humane laws to govern labor and penal institutions. They dwell in Houses of Parliament and in Senate Chambers. They encourage free dis- cussion and are clearly related to the Laws of Nature, holding the balance of the Sun and World. They are intended to dominate in things pertaining to law and expression, but for a 9 to assist Nature to hold her balance he needs a 6 person to assist him. 6 is balanced on the physical plane, being n6 THE DAY OF WISDOM three times 2. 9 is balanced on the plane of expression, being three times 3. When Nature is threatened by a convulsion or disaster of any kind, the Spirit of the Uni- verse speaks. The masters would not be mas- ters if they did not understand Nature's voice as well as they do the human voice. They con- gregate at the scene of disaster and the Nature forces act through them as man stands in the same relation to Nature as God does to man. 6 is a cosmic mother and holds the balanced power of material substance. 6 is not bal- anced upon the mind side, as it has not a per- fect trinity of 3. The 9 supplies this need and the 6 makes the 9 a perfect balance of mate- rial and mind force. Sometimes the combination of 6 in birth and 9 in name, makes a valuable cosmic helper. The 6 contributes towards the bal- ance of the matrial substance found in the cosmic world. An adept vibrates 1. This 1 mind of which the Adept is made shows he is composed of a creation of law with a heart or urge deal- ing with the cosmos. He assists all the other masters. A seer is a 2 with a desire for the creative power of 1. MASTERS 117 We see the seer is a collection of adepts and must have law 9 to get harmonious action with the higher masters. A sage vibrates 5 and is a master of limited quality as 5 has but the one plane of mind and one material. But he strikes a balance as far as he sees with his limited nature. He will be a helper in the seen world as are the adept and seer who receive messages from the 8, 9 and 1 1 . 22 is a master on the plane on which it is working. For instance if a person is 22 in name consciousness and a 5 in birth vibra- tion, he is striving to be a sage master. If 9 in name and 22 in birth number, he is striving to make himself a master of law and expres- sion. If a person is 5-22, in name he is a sage master. This sage will be active in all philosophical research and will be of valuable assistance to the masters who take from the silence what the sage carries to those who need their instruction. We find also that the adept who vibrates 1 may assist the dead in their efforts to climb to a new centre of consciousness. The question will be asked, "Are all the people who vibrate 1-2-5 adepts, seers and sages or limited masters; and are all those n8 THE DAY OF WISDOM who vibrate 8-9-22-1 1 masters of unlimited power ?" We fully believe they have within their system exactly what their soul, represented by their name, declares they have. But we realize, as you do, that the most pitiable cases of weakness are often found manifesting these mastership numbers. The cause is to be found in wrong ideals, com- mercialism selfishly followed, and desire for power. These have so dwarfed and cramped the bodies of these people that they have de- serted -their high vibration and are living out- side of their own heritage. Both adept 1 and seer 2 are contained in 3, so a 9 person contains in his system both adeptship and seership as he has a balanced plane of three times 3. The 9 person knows intuitively what a 3 person learns through action. By false, hard and perverted lives many of the great Soul Lights are today masquerad- ing on the earth as black motes. They have shut out and shut in the only light which could make their lives a success. In weakness they face their fellow men and serve those they know have less inherent power than themselves. MASTERS 119 They are great golden chalices filled with power, sealed and fastened in a fleshy cover- ing vitiated by infidelity and false action; but although the strength is dammed up, it is al- ways ready to come forth through the door of which Nature guards the key. As every sin committed against her must be met according to the Old Testament law of "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth," you will be obliged to pay your debts. The God of the Universe will employ only messengers who are pledged to truth and fi- delity and only the guardian of these qualities can open your door of flesh. When you are ready and show by action that you will pay, in Nature's own way for your past mistakes, then all Nature will conspire to help you. Many of the masters whom we see about us in our daily walks, probably feel that to pay ofY their debts and to stand free and un- tramelled, would require centuries of time. To make haste, we shall have to seek another plane — the soul plane — where motive is the law. So the masters about us must move their plane of action to this plane and take with them all the true and good which they love. 120 THE DAY OF WISDOM Everything not suitable to take there, must be left behind. Simply "go on." As the master is seeking to make a rebirth of his own Christ life, he must trust as his guide only the Great Ones who have conquered their own bodies and have proven the power of the Spirit over the flesh, remembering if he is too sorely tempted God will send him a visible master who will appear in human form to help him over the danger point, until he is strong enough to follow the guidance of the invisible Spirit. The glorious masters of God sometimes ap- pear in humble places and those who are in darkness cannot see their light until their own light comes forth, when they as a master are able to recognize a master. Until our own light does shine forth we search and grope for the great and true. Our blind eyes will not be fully opened until we are able to ascend from the moral plane to the spiritual. On this highest plane, the closed door to the master's real self is opened. He sees there the source of the turmoil and weak- ness of his own nature and how to correct it by the use of Heaven and Earth power. On this plane the dense body of past mistakes is MASTERS 121 baptized in living fire and he finds a radium glow of the union of Spirit ever lingering. When his lesson is learned, a psychic master leads him back to the moral plane and with en- hanced light he enters the physical plane, a stronger man with new points of contact on the old embarassing things of the past, as he now functions normally upon the plane of the Trinity of body, soul and spirit. He is now no longer deluged by falsehood and dishonesty ; he has left the plane where others use these methods, so he no longer feels their power for any length of time. He now goes back into the plane of his mastership and there finds in the voiceless silence of the spiritual plane new life and new strength. Soon after this, revelations in re- gard to physical things will come, disentang- ling life's snares. In meditation "the many" pass before him, but the silent voice of the "One in Many" is the one to seek. We understand everything comprehended by the brain through the spirit force present on our day of birth, its keynote is the keynote of our physical life. We can use music to make a passage way 122 THE DAY OF WISDOM to all our success in the physical world, sim- ply by finding our own note. The music of heaven is unheard by our physical ear, and so it is with all sounds not on the physical plane. No one should ever trust a voice which declares itself to be a master. The master's name is a soundless one and no voice of the intellect can spell or name a great master. The masters who are teachers often live among us, but always humble and relying only upon the Everliving God. Always go direct to God, then trust the master He sends to help you and never after- wards accept one unless he appears in some way to assure you positively that he comes from the Father. When looking for light do not close yourself against any means, as the message may be given by some one passing on the street; it may be found in a book or come during sleep. It matters not how it comes, if it is a truth. If a question accompanies it, you have not got all the truth. Wait for the illuminated mes- sage. In regaining a lost mastership, place com- plete reliance in the One who gave you the master's power. Realize that He will put you MASTERS 123 in exactly the right place; probably the path on which you first gained it, will be the road on which you will again find it. If it was gained in the busy, noisy places of the world, no doubt in such a place you will find it again. If gained in the overcoming of vice and deceit, no doubt these same conditions will again come to you. If you succeed in getting through stainless, the physical plane will soon recognize the presence of a master instead of a weak being buffeted by Nature's storms and ad- versities. Before you can recognize a master you must be one. WRITERS. MANY people today are writing stories, plays and scenarios which would seem worthy of publication but which are returned by the magazines with the comment, "Not adapted to our need." Sometimes a less interesting story than a rejected one is ac- cepted, but that one truthfully portrays life. Many people are writing stories of things outsiSe their own experience, and they never touch the keynote of Truth, even when the story is clothed in good language. To do good work one should keep to his own vibration, especially as found in the key- note of birth, and if necessary by this being a lower vibration than the name, the subject should raise the birth vibration to the rate of consciousness as shown by the name. Keep to this vibration, zealously. Use the force of your Spiritual Birthday as your teacher. Before your "Day of all Days" arrives, prepare your mind for its coming. Think of it the last thing before falling asleep the night before, remembering always that all true force is governed by God. 124 '.VPJT-.-.i Xoc" -5 wants to be surrocmcT vagabonds in an and as all of ns have let into our cycle of birth force sonic un- ble thoughts and actions, these most be ired as Christ drove the money chang :n the Temple, and be very careful no: g but good come into this d; Go to sleep the night be Spiritual Birthday ar : the teaching the i to welcome and profit by it. if yn have already begun to map out a plot in your mini ask Her expr 3U have fulfilled fail, then lay the matter before the rrcrse, and be content that wha: joc ill be : - :he be^ The day birth : :he time when you - oach Nature most intimately. Tl fa ; h brought you into the world. so it i i tell you what ro do with your wilin g her b When you h; done your utmost, trv. Father, your Mother 1 demand that her > gran n and su ; as Unless you have alrea body and fulfilled the outer lav cal oice will n 126 THE DAY OF WISDOM Nature's true channel. Until we are masters we must work through our Father in Heaven. When we have done our utmost He will call upon one of the Hierarchies of Nature's twelve divisions and they, through their masters, will bring you your desire in some way which will be in harmony with your own path in life. It may not be the way you had thought of, but it will be the best way, as with patience, work and trust no one can fail. When we do our best, all the powers of the Universe conspire to help us. But let no man feel crushed by one failure ; if he does Nature is liable to let the rung of the ladder on which he is standing when he gives up crumble, and he will have to begin his up- ward climb all over until he learns to build with the Universe and not on his own founda- tion. When he at last succeeds, he will know what it really means to live. Persons whose birth digits are any part of the 1-2-3 principle, should write stories of real life with plenty of action in them, of the swing of life's pendulum through all lives from 1 to 10. The 2 gathers and collects and joys in his collections. His possessions are as dear to him WRITERS 127 as children — dear because they were created by spirit and he possesses them. The 3 person expresses what the 1 has created and the 2 gathered — whether happi- ness or gloom, it efficiently expresses them. The 4 person sees the world with power and independence and tries to portray its joy in freedom. He describes war, and lands gained by conquest. His loves are always personal, "My wife/' "my husband," "my home," and he will defend all these with his life. He cannot realize that all these things he calls "my," be- long to the Universe, and must in time go back to the Universe. The 5 will write about mystical beings made human, as in Folk Lore and Fairy Stories, and Ghosts. This is because the 2 and 3 compos- ing 5 works upon created things, as does the 4. If the 4 depends upon the 1 present four times in his vibration for the moving of his collected store, he makes beautiful, strong, forceful stories. If the 5 depends upon his 2 and 3 planes, he will seek the beautiful things of creation and see them as a spirit and matter, not separated but existing together in a most fascinating whole and they are liable to carry bits of old philosophy to prove their verity. 128 THE DAY OF WISDOM The production will be fantastic but beautiful because they almost might be true. As every- thing contains within its form a foundation of truth, or it could not exist, so a 5 person hunts for his substance and brings it forth always elusive and bright. When descending to Black Magic it is the same, only on a lower plane. A 6 person should write of things pertain- ing more to the material world than the 5 as they hold a balanced plane of material things and a broken plane of mind. A broken plane jockies and juggles with the plane it does not possess. The 6, like all other broken planes will make guesses about the effect of things on the missing plane, as will the 4 and 7, with a constant desire to try to function on it, for there lies their weak- ness, and the perfect material plane of 2 found in 6 and 7 makes that plane less inter- esting to them. Both the 6 and 7 should associate them- selves with a person vibrating 3 and the 3 person as well as the 6 and 7 will mutually benefit by the association. The 6 person will write stories of Nature's children ; of the Undines, living in the water ; the Sylphs of the air; the Salamanders in WRITERS 129 fire, and of Fairy Stories, always touching the balanced earth plane. The 7 person should write stories much like those of the 5, but of a more intellectual cast. The 4 being a broken plane of 2 are the world's greatest students seeking ever the knowledge they know others possess. The 6 and 7 are most active upon the mind plane of expression, seeing ever their missing link. They both write stories in which can always be found a question mark on the side of mind, and a solid basis upon the material side; but they go out into the unknown realm of mind in the endeavor to get knowledge, and they go so far in that they often make prophesies in regard to the future which really come to pass. The 4/s and the 6's work their minds hard in the endeavor to find their missing note. Therefore the stories of 4, 6 and 7 are the most interesting to their readers, but they are not as restful as those of 1-2-3-5. The 7 person can finish somebody else's story as if it were his own. The 1 person delights in starting something and leaving it for somebody else to finish. An 8 person starts things in a large way 130 THE DAY OF WISDOM and weaves stories about what he has seen, never about what he has imagined. The 9 person writes of hearts and emotions, —of life as he knows it, from the dregs of hu- manity up to the highest. Their sins only make people more interesting to a 9, who sees the lowest in the highest. The 22 person writes like the 1-2-3 people, but in a larger way. They are fitted to write masterly articles on most subjects. As the vibrations advance there is felt to be less effort, less friction, more poise and native strength. The 11 writer, like the 22 speaks as one with authority, as one who has gone deeply into the lives and thoughts of the living and of the so-called dead. The magazine vibrating in the trinity of name or birth is the best one to select to which to offer your writing. Also consider the name of the editor or business manager and select an appropriate name for your production. Make your characters act according to their name vibration. An 11 should be a spiritual master; a 22 a master of anything, good or bad but always a strong character; a 9 is al- ways full of expression; an 8 should be a WRITERS 131 mystic; a 5 a sage; a 1 an adept; a 2 a seer, while a 3 is both of these. Make your characters act in accord with their names and they will be real creations. THE HEALER "1 THE question confronting the healer is how- to do in the quickest way the things his patients desire. They all desire strength to live and act out their highest ideals here on the physical plane. Then the question at once arises, "Is it right to commercialize the healing power ?" The an- swer is, "It cannot be either bought or sold, any more than a lasting, visible road can be built across the sea. The healing power is a gift of God." Anyone who can make an instrument in ac- cord with Nature's laws, can attract the force to which his instrument is attuned, according to the character and quality of the instrument. The Healer must make his body a fit instru- ment for Nature's law to work through. His body must be trained and his soul uplifted for until those two meet spirit, the instrument will not be acceptable. Some people are naturally harmonious and meet Nature's requirements within a short time, but they must train in concentration or 132 THE HEALER 133 their instrument will be fitful and unreliable. The Healer spends months and years in making himself a fit instrument for use. Nature has no favorites. All must conform to law. If you train your body to heal by mental vi- brations, you use words of denial and affirma- tion and the patient is keyed to that plane. If you work on the soul plane, the Divine Mind denies there is spirit or life in matter. The "collection" is obiliterated by the vision of its universality and the patient rises out of the body plane and functions in spirit as a soul which is freed from the body. The other class of healers declare the body is of equal importance in this life to the other two parts of soul and spirit. To develop the Christ Spirit until it perme- ates every atom of the body with spirit force, is the only way to make a normal being of body, soul and spirit. To make the body obedi- ent to the soul as the soul is to the spirit, is the work of this last class of Healers. Each kind cure by his own methods, as any one can de- velop healing power who fervently believes in the Oneness of all things in Nature and Spirit. Healers of the first trinity, 1-2-3, ^ no ^ action most satisfactory to their active creative spirit. They are strong vibratory forces. The 4*s use 134 THE DAY OF WISDOM strong affirmations and make many cures in their own way by denying and affirming. 6 and 7 having the three planes of body ma- terial, build and build into the Christ body, which overcomes matter. The 3 and 9 obliter- ate matter and see only mind in spirit. As 6 and 7 have an imperfect mind trinity, they more easily reach success through devel- oping the Christ body than in curing by oblit- erating the body plane. 9 has a strong human plane of mind in spirit and will find the spirit force without strenuous effort. The great healers of all vibrations reach a place where words and thoughts are lost in the Great Silence, where the body takes in the uni versal needs of all nations and those associated with the Healer receive the baptism of the Spirit. It is easier for an 8-9-22-1 1 to function in this way than for those of more limited vibra- tions. The name vibration shows the development and gives its strength to the birth force. In the Silence the body can reach the heighth of the soul's devepolment, but a person with a 7 name and 5 birth, can reach best the full earth current and cure through its vibrations. THE HEALER 135 An 1 1 name and 5 birth will cure not only by the earth plane currents, but will also be able to reach the Silence and will be careless of method. Simply to reach the highest he under- stands, is his aim. Now we come back to the question, "Shall I the healing power be paid for?" No one can buy this power — the healing power is as free as all the rest of Nature's gifts. But the man who made a medicine case for a doctor is paid according to the amount of work he puts upon it. No one can pay for God's gift to men. But man must pay for what he receives upon the physical plane where all is judged according to action. When he goes beyond his body into the higher plane of spirit he goes into the Uni- versal Domain where money and pay are lost sight of in the one whole of Universal Love. The Healer spends years in making his body a fit case to hold the medicine of the nations, as without that preparation he could not meet Nature's demand for a suitable instrument. '^Vith constant and persistent effort he has made the trinity of body, soul, and spirit. The law of the physical plane is "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." If we ignore 136 THE DAY OF WISDOM that plane and do not eat, we lose our instru- ment, made for service. This condition should be met as the law of that plane demands, and it knows nothing except the coin which bears the government imprint. When any one engages a Healer to do for him what he some day hopes to do for himself, he should pay the Healer according to the time he has spent in getting his patient's body so the spirit force can flow through. To give a gift instead of payment, makes it not a gift, nor does it subscribe to Nature's law of payment. All healers have many patients among those who need them but will not ask; or of other Healers who are suffering from broken physi- cal laws and need another Healer to turn through them the gift of God's force, until their body can once more use its own force, this is one way in which a Healer pays his own debt to Nature. Those Masters who vibrate either in or out of the body when healing, belong to the Uni- verse and rise to the place where neither money nor food is needed. They can continue their journey unhampered. Healers of lower grade are trying to overcome the weaknesses of the flesh and thus overtake them. THE HEALER 137 There are many Healers who are trying to heal while they are doing other labor to support themselves and their families, and this puts upon them a double burden. This should not be allowed to happen, as they should be fully recompensed for every adjustment they have made to Nature's law. But money should never be taken until the cure has been actually made. Otherwise the law of the physical plane will again be violated. Nobody can possibly receive something for nothing. Nature's law of compensation acting through the Law of Love makes every soul liable for the debts he has made upon any plane. In this life, or in some other, we must pay. Deeds, whether good or evil, will continue to confront us as the cycles empty until they are met and paid in full. This is the law of Physical Plane. REINCARNATION THINKING people desire to believe in the continuity of life, and with the eye of hope look out for it among the current thought of the day. That a soul comes back to earth over and over, that it repeats its work over and over with no definite idea of ending — this to many tired Tbodies and brains seems undesirable. They long for the pearly gates they were told about in childhood and the golden streets, for- getting that if at their present stage of devel- opment they should be transported to such a place, they would at once want to own both gates and streets, not for community use, as they have not yet reached that point of altru- ism, but as their very own. Some kind of body must evidently be used in Heaven, — a body suited to that plane. The body we are using today is probably a little more spiritualized than the ones we have previously used; this life may be a Paradise compared to other lives we have gone through ; 138 REINCARNATION 139 and the higher the vibration we make in this present life, the higher the place and form we shall take in the next life. If it should vibrate too high for this earth it would go to a place fitted to its needs. The thought of a soul at a new birth, taking a new body and then adjusting his spiritual self to it, is not a pleasant one. By a little think- ing, we see that natural law explains the prob- lem. The physical atoms are collected through the parents and when it comes to birth Nature unites it with the Universe by breathing into its body the force filled with the note of the birth- day together with its color. It is then a child of earth born of spirit. Its life plan has been laid out as a Moon is fitted to its orbit. So the new body is born to live just so many years, as the archetype tells. A man may de- stroy his body before his time expires, but Nature will not destroy a man before his time cycle ends. The man is kept alive by the combined force of body, soul and spirit. When the body fails, we call it death; when the soul's light is dim- med by the density of the flesh, we call it sin or degeneracy, and the spirit cannot fully act upon man without points of union between soul and body. i 4 o THE DAY OF WISDOM The Bible says at the end of six days, crea- tion ceased. If so, then at that time all souls had come out from God. We believe that while we were entirely ig- norant of material things a guardian angel stayed near every soul born in the flesh, and so continued until the soul was capable of choice. The life of a babe is a fit example of our early condition. One thing certain is that no one with Divine Faith developed will ever, in the ages to come, go contrary to his own divine desire where it calls him, he will go and live his life. The higher your ideals are today, the higher and finer will be your future body in order to actualize those ideals, until we get beyond de- sire, and know we are the pearly gates and streets of gold. The answer to the riddle of the Universe is Growth. The story of mankind is neither a tragedy nor a comedy. There is never a cli- max. The drama goes on forever. In the physical expression of nations, we see it as war ; as wedlock and divorce. Humanity is not the result of accident. It is a plan of God. With all its waverings, it generally ad- vances constantly a little higher. It seldom goes back much, for the same reason a chicken REINCARNATION 141 could not go back into the shell — it has become too big. So we will soon be too big for wars, although the journey of the nations has always been along that path, and we have still some dis- tance to go before equity is reached. One should not say, "All is well, ,, in defiance of truth and reason, but rather say and think, "Everything is growing better, and I am here to help it grow better. A part of life's burden rests on my shoulders and I will bear my share/' This is intelligent faith, without which man cannot advance, but with it he can control every event in his life HORSE RACING THE vibration of the day as well as of the driver is to be regarded in selecting a winning horse, together with the horse's name. It would be an indication of success of the name of the horse, the vibration of the day and the driver's name should form a trinity. Suppose, for instance, the horse is named Alice (3) ; let the day be a 1 or an 11; and the driver a 2 or 22. If the horse is named a master number give him a master driver, and select a day for run- ning which will complete the trinity of man and horse. Do not guide a master horse too closely. The name should have been given at birth or have been borne at least a year. These rules are not given by one versed in horse racing, but the Principle of Numbers is worthless if it cannot contact every business and speculation. 142 STOCKS THE same principle which applies to horse racing also applies to all transactions in stocks. Those who manipulate them successfully will tap the source of the nation's wealth. As everything in the Sun World is governed with mathematical precision, so do the rise and fall of stocks find their motive power in the mathematical government of the Universe. 143 MONEY MONEY vibrates 9 and holds within its heart the great spiritual message of the 11. The law of abundance shows out in the leaves of a tree, but the source is not in the leaves but in the root, which goes deeply into the earth and there gathers to itself the four elements of Air, Fire, Earth and Water. The leaves ex- press 'the work of the root. Thus it is with money. To get it we must go deeply into Nature's domain and see what elements are found in money, and follow this thought up to the Nation's recognition of the value of a coin. Money appears to be a great law of the Spiritual Master and to claim it for the self alone, is to break the law. When you have thought out this process and realize it clearly, then go to the Father of Nations and think about the many needs wait- ing to be supplied and know that your body can help equalize the vibrations necessary to have it go where the Father wills. Think not of 144 MONEY 145 yourself as separate, but as a part of the whole, and day and night send out this thought from the solar plexus centre. Say this in words, "We want to be one of the Nation's sources of money/' and let the thought pour out through every atom of your body. Let it cross the seas or tarry in your home country, just as your Father wills — you are no more than a har- monious law for it to use. In a short time you will feel a return current come into your body. When it fully comes to rest, go quickly and begin something you desire to do, or simply give thanks. The first thought may not fully exhaust it- self for three or six months. You will know when it is exhausted and will also know what further thought to hold. Do not go into the personal or it may take you a long time to get back into the right path. It is only the Imper- sonal which cures or gives gifts by Nature. When your body has really become one of the Nation's sources for money to flow through, you will receive other and higher training. But to win out, do not let the per- sonal enter. Help God to fill all deserving ones from this same source, and you will thereby help to bless the world as God has blessed you. THINGS THAT SEEM LOST WHEN anything you have wished for comes to you either by purchase or gift, believe it comes from the Father, and give thanks. If it is a thing you do not want, it has come from your own false desires, or from the power of other minds. Shatter it with -the thought that it is not your own, does not belong to you, and would make you seem false to yourself upon the physical plane, as the thing can recognize only what it sees, and does not deal with causes. Good things which are lasting and real come from the Father who created you and to whom you are attached by an invisible force which is your individual messenger. When anything is received which you like, hold it in your hand until your own force en- ters it and speaks to it. Let it feel you will protect and love it as it loves and serves you. If in any way you are separated from it, re- call it in this way. You have lost it upon the physical plane, upon that plane it must be 146 THINGS THAT SEEM LOST 147 sought, and yet to work only upon that plane is not a logical method unless you are a Master and can prove it by controlling your own body, in which case there will be no need of using any method as all Nature gladly obeys the voice of the Master. The winds, the waves, the fire, all turn at his command. If you can- not do this, as did the Great Master, who said, "Greater works shall ye do," know you have not yet attained. Let us say you have lost a bag, one you cherish, and have searched diligently for it and thus have fulfilled the Law of the Physical Plane, which knows only action, not forgetting to hold the picture of the bag in your mind's eye all the time, as that helps to recall it. After you have done all you can, and failed, then go to the Father, who knows all things, and ask him to have your beloved bag returned. Remember that the Personal can always go to the Father, but the Impersonal belongs on the Nature Plane. After you have petitioned Our Father, then go to the moral or soul plane and ask to have the bag returned, if it truly belongs to you, as you think it does; if it does not to let it go to the person to whom it really does belong and for whom it was made, as you want only what 148 THE DAY OF WISDOM is your own. And you know neither man nor nature can keep you from recovering what is your own. Now visualize the bag as you go into the Silence of the Higher Self which reaches into the Eternities, and all through Nature's realm which holds the lost bag. Hold this vision until it loses itself in the Spirit of the Universe which will move the elements of the physical plane until the bag is returned. Keep your eyes and ears open for its return, or until an- other still better suited to your needs comes to take its place. While you are waiting, do not talk about it, for words put it on the mental plane and the mental forces often retard the higher action. The mental giving up of the bag creates a link between man and the occult forces, as the Higher Self of man works with the occult laws for the impersonal rather than for the per- sonal. Use this same method when love seems to have flown, after you have tried to recall it upon the plane of sight, and failed. Go to the Father, who knows every need of the soul. There hold the loved image. No need of words — He knows. Then rise to the soul plane which stands as THINGS THAT SEEM LOST 149 an intermediate between spirit and body — go to this Higher Self with your love and wishes. But you must completely trust this ever loving self, and be able to say you want only what is yours and not anothers. If this being for whom you are longing is only an illusion, then you ask for a lasting love, one made for you. Hold in your imagination the image of the one you seem to love until it dissolves and only spirit as a white mist remains in the place it occupied. Until this occurs, you have not com- pletely fulfilled the Law. When it has been fulfilled, you will feel satisfied and your heart- ache and longing will be lost in something bet- ter than you had hoped for. You must trust the All Wise, who can move Nature and give you your heart's desire. It is not wise try to draw any one to you by the power of your own will, as it is likely to tangle them in forces they will want to escape from as one tries to flee from a hypnotist. Never talk about what you are doing, nor what you have done, unless to some one who needs your help. THE EARTH AS we have seen the lack of the power of expression in the 7 person so we know that our World called Earth, feels the same lack. The highest atom the Earth can claim vi- brates 7, and it can only furnish material to its children for building their bodies with atoms which vibrate between 1 and 7. Those ex- ceptional souls who refuse to be satisfied with onlv the material the Earth can offer, must call atoms from higher vibrating spheres. This is the case with people who have birth forces of 8-9-22-1 1 and this may be one of the causes why these people are not at present demon- strating their mastership upon this planet. When the time comes that they realize their divine strength a mighty cry will go upward for an unlimited world such as Jupiter which vibrates 9 and calls people by its vowels which give a digit of 8. It is the duty of awakened souls to so ether- ialize and refine the Earth that other notes will 150 THE EARTH 151 be added to its gamut of sounds, and bodies take on new strength and power of expression, so that the Law of Love will have freer ex- pression. MAGNETIC OR ELECTRIC? MAGNETISM vibrates 1 1 — its vowels are 6, and this means it is a Christ mes- senger of the Cosmos. Electricity vibrates 3 and its vowels equal i — showing it belongs to the First Trinity of Action. Magnetism occupies a higher spiritual plane than does electricity which is devoted to prac- tical use while magnetism is a spiritual mes- senger. So a magnetic person belongs naturally to the Higher Trinity as the word vibrates 9 and its source is- 11, and its vowels being of 6 value finds harmony at its centre, and this attracts to himself the things he wants without the ac- tive work of the First Trinity being necessary. An electric person belongs to the First Trinity and vibrates 3 with vowels of 1 value, making this one of the many expressions of created active things belonging to the 1-2-3 trinity. We find the electric 3 person less restful and less attractive than the magnetic 9, but the in- 152 MAGNETIC OR ELECTRIC? 153 fiuence thrown out by their active life is stimu- lating and valuable. When the name vibrates magnetism — 9 or 1 1 — and the electric force of the body vibrates one of the limited numbers, they are more con- vincing as writers than as speakers. If the birth force is 9 or 11, the personality will speak louder than written words. If one has a name mixed of both electric and magnetic vibrations, he may have power of at- traction through action. THE WEIGHT A have been trying to show, in all the troubles of life we have evidently failed to adjust ourselves to Nature's law : the result of our efforts in the wrong direction be- ing to wear out both body and mind. Possibly in our mistaken efforts we may have been rking directly against Nature. Tfce law of life demands experience, and the atoms may know the experiences they want to meet and will continue to function in their own way, until their own growth with the higher self changes their rate of conscience. Move your thoughts from the body plane, taking with you the part you love. If you should weigh more than you wish to, and are trying to rid yourself of the surplus flesh by diet, exercise and medicine, picture yourself exactly as you wish to be. with just the amount of fleshly raiment you wish to us This flesh is supplied by the earth atoms and each atom holds the inherent qualities of a world. Your soul selected them according 154 THE WEIGHT 155 to the keynote of your spirit force, and you are still taking these atoms from the earth and returning those not adapted to your use. When you meditate upon a subject many thoughts not wanted come before your mind and try to take possession and drive out the ones you desire to keep. These intruders may be the thought of others and are not yourself, but have been caught in the current of earth thoughts. Only by intense concentration upon your own thoughts can you drive from you these intruders. Ten years ago a certain man weighed one hundred and ninety-five pounds. He was short of stature and wanted to weigh only one hun- dred and fifty pounds. He pictured himself as weighing one hundred and fifty pounds. This represented his real self. The other forty- five pounds was a collection of not self which had gathered about him as fungus and moss gather on trees. He saw the philosophy of the thing he wanted and told the spirit ruling his body that his Real Self weighed exactly one hundred and fifty pounds, and the other part clinging to him must leave, as it did not belong to him but to the Universe, and he wanted it to take its own. 156 THE DAY OF WISDOM For a month or two he continued to picture himself and think of himself as weighing only one hundred and fifty pounds, when his weight began to go down until it reached one hundred and fifty pounds, and for years did not vary from this amount. At last he forgot the contract he had made with Nature and said, "I do not want to weigh one hundred and fifty pounds, I want to weigh only one hundred and forty." The law of balance he had made with Nature was disturbed and he very soon went back to one hundred and ninety-five pounds and still continues to hold forty- five pounds of not self for being untrue to his contract. There is no good reason why any one should weigh more than he wishes to weigh, but be- fore he begins to change his weight he should make up his mind as to the weight he wants to carry, and then never waver from this amount. He need not change his food, but always eat sparingly. One who vibrates through many paths should eat many kinds of food and let Na- ture care for it as she will, if the body is not clogged by fear and distrust. But one thing is necessary. Air vibrates i and if breathing is neglected a lack of THE WEIGHT 157 harmony manifests and the man loses con- nection with Nature and Nature's spirit upon the physical plane. This is the plane that prevents man from demonstrating mastership. Mastership must begin by his ruling his own body. After this power is gained, all else will obey him by the power of being. One should select a weight whose digit shows the same vibration as the birth force. THE WEATHER. MAXY students of Number Vibration be- come expert weather forecasters. Some use the days as if they were people and in bringing the month, day and year combination together, see what kind of a gathering they show. Should the month vibrate 8, the day 4, and the year 8, this combination added gives a digit of 2. They consider this as a gathering of both matter and mind and look for fog, rain, mist and sunshine. A bringing out of the storehouse of Nature by the 2, the Spirit of the Day. both kinds of conditions which often conflict. Earthquakes often occur upon a 2 day, whose color is gold. Others read the weather from trinities. Those who read by separate days, see only the effect of puting a lot of people together dressed in the colors belonging to the constit- uent parts, and consider how they would act. Those who read by trinities take for example a 7 month, day 3, year 9, which added give a digit of 1. 158 THE WEATHER 159 In this day we find a 7 which has a balance of 3 times 2, and it also holds a 1, giving this number a material balance. The day 3, is a plane of Nature's complete expression. The year digit being 9 holds 3 times 3 and is bal- anced in Natural Law. The combination of 7-3-9 gives a digit of 1, which is the Spirit Force of this day, what this day will bring forth is registered in the 1. Next day's digit will be 2. This day will be apt to reproduce in some way the previous day ; also the 3 day next following will reproduce a combination of the two previous days. The 4 digit will be inclined to follow the character of the 2. The 5 and 7 days will more or less express the 3 day. 8 will make its own laws and is more un- certain than the limited numbers. High vibrating numbers like 8-9-1 1-22 in- cline to a mystical atmosphere of many colors. Only those who love to meditate and ponder over Nature's secrets, can read her unrevealed book. THE BALLIETT SYSTEM VIBRAT- ING IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. THE question is often asked, "How does the Balliett System of the Philosophy of Number Vibration work when the thing is vibrating in some other language than English?" When one of the first editions of the little book, "Success Thru Vibration" was pur- chased by a college president in Cuba, he asked how the writer harmonized the following: In English the name of the Virgin Mary, vibrates 3, while in Spanish the name Maria vibrates 6. The answer given was that the Anglo-Saxon race regards the mother of the Saviour as "Blessed Mary, Mother of the Saviour of the World," and places a rose in loving token at the wayside shrine. The Latin race says, "Maria, blessed Mother, give us what we want, help us in our need." One race regards her as a 3, the expression of the first trinity. The Latin race regards 160 BALLIETT SYSTEM IN OTHER LANGUAGES 161 her as a Cosmic Mather, willing and competent to protect and care for her children. The in- terested college president wrote back that the solution was entirely correct. He had tried out words in various languages and found their vibrations were true to the way the races regarded the things in question. Since that time the Author knows travellers have found a source of help and enjoyment in vibrating everything to see how the inhabitants of the country regarded them; also in vibrating dif- ferent foods to find those in harmony with their own force. HELPS BY THE WAY. IF the day should come when household wor- ries overcome your balance and you cannot seem to shake off your worries, fill your mind with other thoughts. If you cannot go out in the air to walk, use your halls or rooms for the purpose. First try to feel at the Solar Plexus, back of the stomach, a point of contact between yourself and the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Let the force flow from this point to the right hip, and from there through the leg to the foot. As your foot touches the ground, say, "God." When the force moves the left leg and foot say, "is ;" when the right foot touches the ground again say, "with," and when the left foot comes down say, "us." Repeat this in perfect time. Do not lose a count. Any- thing which moves the feet should always be in 4-4 time. Keep your mind fixed upon the source at the Solar Plexus and be conscious of it in the hip movement, down through the leg to knees and ankles until it reaches the ball of the foot. 162 HELPS BY THE WAY 163 Go slowly at first always keeping the 4-4 time, — do not lose a count but make your feet obey your will. Never use a personal affirmation as harmony comes through the Universal which knows not the personal. God recognizes the personal, and most in- harmonies come from broken physical laws which are impersonal. The Earth feels blest as you touch it with your affirmation and those you meet may catch the message. Never go to sleep with a worrying thought as it will cause unpleasant dreams. Always let your last thought be a universal prayer. While the physical sleeps, your soul functions where you sent it with your last waking thought. When you awaken in the morning feeling "not all there," it has been the fault of your conscious self in breaking the unity of body, soul and spirit and of not allowing your soul to function in Universal Light. If you go to sleep with some problem of in- harmony and do not function higher than its broken law, the day of the morrow will find you still with the same problem unsolved. If, before going to sleep, you put it in the God- 164 THE DAY OF WISDOM light, the morning will usually bring with it the solution. If you are not easily obedient to God's way, it is better to ask where to find your desire than to ask for the gift itself. The law then works faster and surer. It will show you where it is and give you a chance to work for it in ways suited to your path in life. Train yourself to go to sleep with your last thought upon the Great Shepherd who cares for His children. A i person should be associated with a 2 or 3 for business; and for spiritual attainment with a 22 or a 9. A 2 person for business should be associated with a 1 or 3 ; for spiritual growth with an 1 1 or 9. A 3 person should be associated with a 1 or 2 for business; for spiritual growth with an 11 or 22, A 4 person needs an 11 or 9 to help him. A 5 person needs an 11; for spiritual growth also a 9. A 6 person needs a 3 or a 9 in business — for spiritual growth an 11 or 9. A 7 needs a 3 or 9 in business ; for spiritual help an 11 or 9. HELPS BY THE WAY 165 An 8 should have all the numbers from 1 to 11. A 9 should have them all from 1 to 11. An 1 1 should have all from 1 to 22, A name number of these various vibrations will help to fill the deficiency. MUSIC. THE unit or keynote of music is 2; the vowels contained in the word, u-i, 1 make a spirit force of 3. One has to dip deeply into Nature's stream to catch this col- lection and bring it into expression. By the power of the will which vibrates 2 an idea is projected from the one and collected by the two ; in music it takes shape as a thought form by drawing substance around itself in the shape of mind stuff of the Heaven World which is tone. The stage where a great symphony is to be played will be bare until the musicians enter, not carrying the music with them but the dif- ferent instruments made in accordance with Nature's Law, each fashioned and tuned in such a way as to interpret the sound drawn from the World of Tone. When they leave the platform and take with them their instru- ments, they leave nothing behind them except the memory of the music, showing that the tones were neither in the instruments nor in 166 MUSIC 167 the musicians but came from Nature's reservoir presided over by what the intellect calls the 2 force whose place is in the heart of the trinity, protected by the creative 1 and the expressive 3. We can now hear astral music and over- tones, and when we drop our physical bodies and ascend far enough we shall hear the Music of the Spheres, and when we ascend sufficiently, we shall be the music. We are told that, "Music is that which is NOT, in literature, art or architecture — only the latter approaches it the nearest." We sometimes hear people while looking at works of art, say, "It makes me want to sing and dance." The art that can draw out this remark must be a true expression of Nature. We have the same sensation from literature when the 1-2-3 parts are properly expressed, and feel it very strongly in Archi- tecture where melody, harmony and rhythm blend as one. This is only true of real archi- tecture and not of merely decorated build- ings — those buildings which could be strip- ped of their bay-windows and porches and the building remain intact. In the buildings where the three parts are as one, to destroy the decorative parts would be to destroy the building. In these the windows and porches 168 THE DAY OF WISDOM are built into the building, and if you take any- thing away, you destroy the creative I, the col- lection of 2 would be useless, and the expres- sion of 3 would be a broken harmony. It would remain a building unfit to express Nature's harmony, melody and rhythm, which make music. We find melody vibrates 1 1 ; harmony, 4 ; rhythm, 3. So we see that melody is the high- est part of music, it is the psychic master and teaches every heart in all the vibrations. Har- mony is not a perfect number, as it has but two planes of 2, which makes it difficult for the average mind to understand, but everybody loves melody and rhythm. WE find that har- mony is the body, rhythm the soul, and melody the spirit. Every musical composer should pay especial attention to his own keynote of birth, for this was the first sound his bodily ears heard. For instance if his birth force is 9 his keynote is D. D is always a free note. If the birth note is 1 (C), 2 (D), 3 (E), 4 (F), 5 (G), 6 (A), 7(B), his note belongs in the middle gamut of sound. If the name shows as its digit the keynote of a free number 8-9- 22-11 the air may be played with either sharps or flats or both. MUSIC 169 Every person can find his plane in the Coc- mos and will do better work if he composes in his own key. Some of our best musicians have discovered this law after years of wasted effort. An 8-9-1 1-22 should avoid any kind of un- dignified music, remembering always that they are teachers of the race and must not lower musical standard but rather exalt it to classic simplicity. They have reached the plane of development where they can take the great things and strip them of adornments and show them in the beauty of simplicity. We find Richard Wagner in name vibrates thus, — Richard, 7 ; Wagner, 5 ; giving a keynote of 3. He is a good example of the creative faculty in music without the simplicity of an 8-9-1 1-22. Any one with a 1-2-3 birth force should write descriptive music ; a 4 should write mar- tial music — with cries of attack and defiance; a 5 fascinating, melodious impersonations ; a 6 should write music belonging to the Cosmos, — the song of the wind, the rain, the playing of fairies, and all the musical sounds of nature ; a 7 will write an intellectual combination of the different forms of music. The 8-9-22-1 1 will use all these combinations; the 8 will use 170 THE DAY OF WISDOM what the 2 and 4 use with a larger vision and hear more overtones. The 9 wants to deal with rhythm as found in 3. 9-22-1 1 can write symphonies and great music with the aid of the lower numbers. The greatest symphonies, no doubt, are but an echo of the sublime har- monies of their home world. They are simply a fringe of coarser woof swayed by sounds adapted to our present hearing capacity. Thinking men and women today are fast ap- proaching an enlargement of the sense percep- tions. Soon, the now supernormal will be- come fhe normal and what today is the normal will appear to be sub-normal. The ear should be trained to catch overtones, for by such training the enjoyment of music will be greatly heightened. Dr. Meyers says, "Music is a lost art." When man succeeds in finding himself, he will become a conscious part of the Music of the Spheres. PRAYER IF the saying that "A king is always upon the throne/ ' is true, then there is no time in man's existence when he is not making obeisance to something ; if to nobody else, then it is to himself that he lifts his eyes in admira- tion and devotion. Deep within the heart of every created thing sounds the vibratory note — its keynote — as- sumed in obedience to the law of the Universe which sees that everything vibrates according to its own proper rate. If this Law were broken, chaos would result. Everything leans upon something higher. The mineral disintegrates that the vegetable may live ; the vegetable gives itself to the ani- mal ; and man reaches out and takes everything the world produces, for his own benefit. The Spirit attachment to the Spirit of the Whole sings in harmonious strains in Nature's Choir; his brain, ear and mind may not sense the contact, but the music which sounds in everything about him, may hold him to higher ideals. 171 172 THE DAY OF WISDOM The question sometime sure to be asked by every thoughtful person is, "If everything moves according to Law, what effect can prayer have upon the Maker of the Heavens and the Earth?" "If we are God's creatures, created according to his will, why should there be any need of prayer? Why not simply trust the All-Powerful God?" We need to remember that when we are trusting, the King God is on the throne and we are obedient to his government. This is one phase of man's development. But another may have no active faith. The First Trinity is represented by the num- bers 1-2-3, an d those numbers which have come out of the 1-2-3 cycle but have not yet attained the Higher Trinity, the numbers 4-5-6-7, have more doubts and uncertainties than those vi- brating the Master Numbers of the Higher Trinity, 8-9-22-1 1. The 4-5-6-7's are seeking the faith which abides and find it in active service and prayers of all kinds. Some people pray until their hearts bleed over the non-fulfillment of their petitions; others seem to touch the fount of fulfillment with little effort, having more natural faith. Men are apt to forget that they function on PRAYER 173 three planes — body, soul and spirit, and that while these three planes meet as one, each has a different Law active in its government. The material or body plane is the World and it is governed by Nature and her Rulers. Consider that they own that plane and in order to govern it, man must rise above it. Besides this Nature Plane he has two others, the planes of his Soul and his Spirit. Man may demand certain things from Nature, such as money ; power and worldly at- tainments ; but when he possesses them, he will find they desire to rule him, and will continue to do so until he in thought releases them to go back to their own plane. Nature submits only to the moving force from above. The voice of demand is of the world, and acts through a finely concentrated physical force, which gets what it demands, but Nature will not let go its hold, and when vigilance slumbers her treasures return to her. Anything we consider our own — that which is known as "My," will never hold on the physi- cal plane; it will dissolve for it is not abiding. Things such as, "My wife," "My child," "My house," "My clothes," are all borrowed from Nature and will return to her domain. You will have to give them up. 174 THE DAY OF WISDOM So we see it is a mistake to pray for "My" on any plane. We must pray for "Our," not "My." If the body says, "I have a headache," and you are not strong enough to destroy this ani- mal suggestion of the physical plane, try to realize that there are many other aching heads in the world who need help as much as you do. So say something like this, "Our Father, in thy own way, send healing force to all those who have headaches," and Our Father in Heaven will heed the prayer. After praying open your body and mind to receive the force you have scientifically set in motion. When you are perfect master of your own body, you will be the master from above who will control Nature when she has been taught to obey you. Until that time comes, your prayer must be scientific and the "My," must be eliminated. Cures made on the physical plane like all things else are not lasting; they change and fade. Prayer shows by its vibration that it is an ii, the same vibration as the Messiah. Jesus holds in his heart the vowels of 8 — a mystic. Prayer holds in its heart the vowels a-e of 6 value. PRAYER 175 Jesus held two masterships, the highest 11, and in his heart the free vibration of 8. Prayer is the messenger of the Cosmic Mother which vibrates 6 and it is the Great Messenger that calls the attention of the soul to the body. Thus prayers built upon "our" instead of "my," made by those who are big enough to place their own desires in the heart of the Uni- verse, not only have their prayers answered but they also bless others, and are thus ful- filling God's law in making their bodies a fit temple for the use of the nations. LIFE STUDY OF JOHN TYSON MOORE Born, June 4, 1902. J vibrates 1 Color, flame Musical Note, C O 6 " heliotrope, scarlet and orange " A H " 8 canary " " any C N " 5 pink " " G 20 The keynote of John is 2. It belongs to Nature's first trinity and for success and har- mony should be associated with a one and three persons. It's spiritual urge is o of 6 value. This assists all John's to see the way to possess money and favors — its note is D. Tyson T vibrates 2 Color, gold Musical Note, D Y " 7 " purple, steel and brick " " B S " 1 " flame " " C O " 6 " heliotrope, scarlet and orange " " A N " 5 pink " " G 21 176 STUDY OF JOHN TYSON MOORE 177 The keynote of Tyson is 3 and is the com- bined expression of the one and two mind. This name is a very competent one as the ma- terial composing it amounts to 21, whose digit is 3. All three's hold in their system the trinity of 1, 2, 3, but they often fritter or sleep its usefulness away. The color of the abiding hovering Spirit of 3 comes in the gold shades. 3 lacks the illuminating I of 9. The Spirit urge found in its vowel e is the cry of Crea- tion. Its note is E. Moore M vibrates 4 Color , blue and green Musical Note, F O 6 u scarlet-orange and heliotrope , tt A 6 «< scarlet-orange and heliotrope « A R 9 (i red and brown a " any D E 5 30 «< 3 pink u G 3 is Keynote of the whole * " E The keynote of Moore is 3 ; its color, a gold flame. In this name we have the repeated o. The name would be stronger if the repeat was three times instead of two as it is with all 178 THE DAY OF WISDOM names we find in this case. The two o's mak- ing 12 goes back to the three in Spirit force in this way. Find the repeated letters in other names, how they either strengthen or weaken the force of the whole. In Moore the trinity is confined within the 12 of these two sixes. It as a whole strikes the note of E — its Spirit urge is o, o, e—17 — 8. A free note is sound- ing in the heart of Moore. John vibrates 2 Color, gold Musical Note D Tyson 3 " " flame « « E Moore <« _ U it U u « E 8 " canary " " any C The keynote of John Tyson Moore is 8, which is you. A living, breathing being who is as much an 8 in thought as in name as mathe- matics rule the universe. You see, when you see, as you should see, with the eye and judg- ment of a Mystic Master that when false ideas rule you see with limited vision, and your mys- tic strength degenerates into schemes and plots to gain the material end, you belong to the be- ginning of events, rather than their close. You see the plan of the whole, as the idea is presented, before the details are worked out. This comes from the Spirit quality shown by the keynote of your whole name, and it mutely STUDY OP JOHN TYSON MOORE 179 speaks for your rate of consciousness. If you shirk your responsibility you will vibrate lower and your perceptions grow dim and faulty. The vowels of whole name are 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, added make 29, added again make 1 1 ; this shows your Spirit, urge. As you have four sixes and one five we must read its message as coming from the Cosmos in the Christ Spirit as the five and eleven show. Its strength and weakness lies in the repeating of the sixes so many times they strike the note A four times in succession, ending with the Christ Note of E. The great eleven Master dwelling in your heart strikes the whole gamut of C-C octave. That touches everything within the Planet. This fills you with Spiritual unrest — and yet Joy. Such as you sometimes feel when watch- ing a Sunset Sky; as its brilliant colors fade you wonder as its glories pass what it means to tell you. So it is when the Master calls to you from the high plane. You wonder what it means. No one can tell you all of your mes- sage. It must come to you through the Silence that words cannot reach; it registers in your heart and tells you what to do. The color of 8 is Canary. Many colors are found in the composition of this color, as also in the Opal, that vibrates 8 it represents the 180 THE DAY OF WISDOM blood of nations flowing through your con- sciousness. Its note is any C. Born Colors Life Song Month vibrates 6 Scarlet, heliotrope and orange A Day " 4 Blue and green F Digit of year " 3 Gold flame E 13 1 3 4 Color of whole, blue and green Note " " F The keynote of your birth is 4. When you came to earth the fourth vibration was the dominant one. When in the Spirit world you desired to be born that day, your soul held the wisdom your infant body could not express. The Spirit force of the Universe worked ac- cording to your plan of life mapped out in the world beyond sight. The Father let you come to earth in the vibration you desired, to aid you on to perfection of body, soul and Spirit. Your first breath was filled with your four forces, it tuned you as an instrument is tuned by a musician from center to circumference. The first note your ears heard was the note of F. It was carried in colors of Blue and Green and they claim you and you claim them. STUDY OF JOHN TYSON MOORE 181 At that time you were attached to nature by your body vibration and the fourth force be- came your Natural Mother, who sees that you are clothed and fed. Two thousand years be- fore Christ, Kama was the Hero, only because "he was the friend of every living thing.'' He fulfilled Nature's law. Your body plane being 4 and your conscious- ness 8, it's a difficult task to see why the per- sonal 4 must be as expansive as the conscious- ness of 8 expects you to be. Your desire to hold to the "My" and your consciousness says don't. "It's a dissolving quality, find the joy of the one." Your four force is so vital it has slight patience with the inner teachings so dear to the 8 Mystic. Your birth force loves the printed page, beautifully and expensively bound to have for your very own and for the use of your friends. When you go to a concert, where a program is played, your four force is restless until you are aware of the full program and the authors of the same. Your other part, the eight, says, give me the harmony, melody and rythm with its overtones that seem like a link in the chain leading to the universal sounds. Your four force makes you defend anything that is yours. You will fight for a friend until you grow 182 THE DAY OF WISDOM angry as well as everyone else, not excepting your friend. But your friends love, respect and forgive what in some others would be un- forgiveable. You have one easy point in your favor. The day digit of your birth is the same as your Spirit force. Ofttimes we wander into the material day force and function there, as yours is the same as your birth path digit, you will not wander. You will no doubt in some way make a 22 vibration through your four force and somehow register it in your name in busi- ness or marriage. J. T. Moore vibrates lower than full name. J. Moore vibrates 4, the value of your birth vibration. T. Moore opens the door of 5. No doubt you have many more names that you have used and that tell of opened doors. It is well to have all vibrations opened in your char- acter. Should you attract a wife with a master number you could not have done so until the vibration had been made by you, and you reg- ister it as a part of yourself. An 11, 22 or 9 are good friends for your growth. Your vowels urge the 11. You will make a good corporation lawyer, where material things must be adjusted, as you belong to water do- STUDY OF JOHN TYSON MOORE 183 main and to the seen side of life on Nature's plane. Buy all things wanted that vibrate the four force. Attract the things found in the eight when another vibration is approaching, they will appear with things and events bearing their numbers. You will work for things bearing the 4 vibration. The 8 may come as gifts or easily gained. You come to work and are happier when you are active, no matter how you complain and the world expects a great deal of you; and you have it to give. Find your jewels, trees, flowers, musicians, diseases, kind of fabrics vibrating with you. Also hotels, states, counties and all things by taking their numbers as you do your name. "The Balliett Books" go into this subject more exhaustively, but you can make your own book by using the scientific principle of analysis of words as found in this system. A Character Study. By the following method find out how many paths have been opened for you from your birth to the present time. Take all the names any one has ever called you and which you have accepted, or any name i84 THE DAY OF WISDOM you have been known by in business or friend- ship, find out what vibration is lacking, then build upon it until that one also opens. The following character study is used in order that you may see how many paths this woman has tried, and that you may also see that the weakness present is in her not having made the 6 vibration, which no doubt is with- held until the Government of the Universe registers her as the friend of every living crea- ture. Do not think of the person, but use this simply as a study of Scientific Number Vibra- tion. Sarah Joanna Dennis. Sarah vibrates 2 Vowels vibrate 2 Joanna " 1 " " 8 Dennis " 11 " * 5 This child brought into the world a con- sciousness of the First Trinitv and with it a Master Psychic of the World's activities. Her key-note was 3-1 1 and her Spiritual Urge was 6. As her name reads she is a collection, a A CHARACTER STUDY 185 unity of worldly creation, a Spiritual Messen- ger. She had not forgotten her Mastership of the past because she did not bring a master with her this time as her birth shows month 3, day 1, digit of year 2, making her birth path 6. She came related to the Cosmos as a 6 is a Cosmic Mother and may be either a man or a woman. Her birth path found by digit of month, day and year is 3-1-2=6, and plainly says, "Ex- press in Unity all things found in the Cosmos." As she had a Master Number in name and none in birth she must depend upon her own Higher Self, in this life, for help and instruc- tion, with the aid of the Cosmos. If she is untrue, the door closes and she stands alone to buffet with the forces of Nature. If she stands firmly as a friend of the Universe and of every living creature contained in the Uni- verse, she will help in the government of the Nation and the Universe will be her friend. This child was called by her family and friends- — Joey vibrating J. S. Dennis 1, 2-1 1, Joe Joe S. Dennis 3, 4-i 1, 186 THE DAY OF WISDOM Auntie Jo 5, {i Jo Balliett 7, Jo S. Balliett 8, Mrs. L. Dow Balliett 9. Josie D. Balliett 11-22, She married Lorenzo Dow Balliet vibrat- ing i. A part of the Balliett family spell their name with one "t," the others with two. Lorenzo Dow Balliett, Medical Doctor vi- brates 6-i i. After marriage, ignorant of the Law of Vi- brating Numbers, she called herself Joey D. Balliet, making her a 3 consciousness. The Government of the Universe knew she had not sinned away her 11, and moved her husband's people to dislike the childish name of "Joey" and change it to Josie. Josie vibrates 22 Tosie D. Balliet 22-11 Later on when she came to know about Number Vibration she thought this last name too high in vibration for health and activity, and used the Balliet with two t's instead of one, making her now Josie D. Balliett=22-4. The degree of our responsibility is always A CHARACTER STUDY 187 shown by our name and its vibration proclaims pur character as we are known in that place. Do not think of the individual of this study. It was placed here only for your help in the study of her books. Find your own "open doors" in this way. A man marrying a wife has earned the vi- bration of her name, or she could not be his wife nor he her husband. Business often opens doors by their names, if they embody a part of the self. All vibrations should be opened and kept open by the key of fidelity which is the only open path. We do not use the Mr. or Mrs. in getting the vibration as both vibrate 3; except when using the last name alone as Mr. Smith. Dr. Smith vibrates 9. In contrast to this study with its varied paths, note the wonderful concentrated work of John Wanamaker, whose keynote is 8, no doubt today he is the world's greatest mer- chant. By looking over these various vibrations it will be seen that although her birth vibration is 6, she has never been called by any name with that vibration. She must lower her ideals or ascend to greater heights. After we have once opened a door it is our 188 THE DAY OF WISDOM duty to find the path which leads to its height. Every door which is opened is a gift of the Spirit for fidelity gained in work for the race. Neither the Universe nor man has power to close these doors. God holds the keys. You may pass them by unnoticed, but if you live in the Spirit, when the time comes for your development by means of any of these paths, the inner voice will call from the heights and you enter to find what is your own. This all takes place according to Natural Law in the striking of the key-note of the path you have won. * D a«lf ■z? o wm : ^ _, v^~ \*"^. £ % > v V ,.'. <*-, * M 4g^>*- % ^o 1 <*v. -» • » - ,^ c v *7-_ A 4- ^ >>-^ ** % ,-•, V : SO > V ^ '+ v > ^ \ ' ^0 ^ *^ G O ^- Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Nov. 2004 PreservationTechnologies . A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township. PA 16066 (724) 77S-211 1 V- ± '-f- " i^4 v 5 ^Y ♦* - •? ' / % '£ o > "^„ c~> < <& v , i i a „ "V n V „ c